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ubotu | New bug: #110108 in launchpad "Team admin should be able cancel the team membership in another team" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110108 | 12:40 |
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mpt | Gooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 01:00 |
pochu | hiya mpt! | 01:00 |
ajmitch | hello mpt | 01:02 |
mpt | hello hello | 01:03 |
pochu | Goooooooooooooooooood night mpt! :) | 01:03 |
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mpt | "Launchpad Bugs, the bug contact for Launchpad Bugs, will be notified about this bug." | 01:29 |
mpt | Pure poetry | 01:29 |
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lifeless | now if only it said | 01:38 |
lifeless | "Launchpad Bugs, the bug contact for Launchpad Bugs, will be notified about this bug in Launchpad Bugs." | 01:38 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110115 in malone "Detect and discard quoted versions of entire previous e-mail messages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110115 | 01:40 |
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jml_ | Good morning | 01:41 |
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lifeless | jml: prove it! | 01:43 |
jml | lifeless: it's an instruction, not a description | 01:43 |
jml | a benediction, if you will | 01:44 |
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jdong | how does distro registering work on LP? who is allowed to start a distro, what services do you get, etc? | 01:49 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110121 in rosetta "+languages search should get +languages, not post to +languages/+index" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110121 | 02:01 |
mpt | jdong, kiko is the person who knows most about that afaik | 02:02 |
jdong | I was thinking of a radical extension to Backports that would be awesome if implemented as a separate testing distro..... but of course I doubt distro registering is as willy-nilly as product! | 02:03 |
lifeless | jml: I can't hear it to tell if the diction is bene. | 02:05 |
jml | heh | 02:05 |
lifeless | a little latin is a dangerous thing. | 02:05 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110123 in launchpad "Portlets do not refresh in Opera 9.2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110123 | 02:10 |
lifeless | mpt: is there any progress on hiding comments in bugs? | 02:12 |
lifeless | bug 109730 has a beautiful comment that is totally irrelevant | 02:12 |
ubotu | Malone bug 109730 in bzr "Bazaar has no lock command" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109730 | 02:12 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110129 in malone "status command should accept displayed status forms" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110129 | 02:35 |
ubotu | New bug: #110131 in malone "Cannot link bug to branch via email?" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110131 | 02:45 |
mpt | lifeless, not that I know of, ask BjornT | 02:52 |
lifeless | mpt: ok. | 02:57 |
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bialix | hi, have a question | 08:41 |
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bialix | at the page https://translations.launchpad.net/+faq there is topic "How do I start using Launchpad for my project?" that mention guide Translating your software using Launchpad. But link go to the same page. Where this guide is? | 08:42 |
jamesh | that sounds broken | 08:48 |
jamesh | could you file a bug report? | 08:49 |
bialix | probably, if you point me to suitable bug tracker | 08:50 |
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jamesh | bialix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+filebug should do | 08:50 |
bialix | thanks | 08:51 |
jamesh | bialix: https://help.launchpad.net/RosettaFAQ <- this might answer some of your questions. If you have others, please ask them :) | 08:55 |
bialix | well, I try to understand how Rosetta works and how the best use it for translation Bazaar project | 08:56 |
jamesh | bialix: you'll want to start by marking the translatable strings with the gettext module | 08:57 |
bialix | it's the EASIEST part | 08:58 |
jamesh | there is an xgettext.py utility distributed with Python, or you can use the standard GNU xgettext these days, iirc | 08:59 |
jamesh | to generate a PO template | 08:59 |
bialix | I'm not completely understand how to peek all languages translations back to project from Rosetta to create release? | 08:59 |
jamesh | upload the PO template to rosetta, then export the translations from Rosetta as PO files | 09:00 |
bialix | actually this utility named pygettext.py | 09:00 |
jamesh | bialix: you'd also need to include some initialisation calls to tell gettext where to find the translations | 09:00 |
bialix | why import po file to Rosetta get so long time? | 09:01 |
bialix | https://launchpad.net/translations/imports?target=products&status=NEEDS_REVIEW&type=po | 09:01 |
bialix | usually translations (as mo files) will be in some directory/locale/XX/LC_MESSAGES/.. | 09:02 |
bialix | Probably I'm not very clear ask my question | 09:02 |
jamesh | bialix: some extra checking is done on initial imports by the Rosetta admins | 09:03 |
bialix | I want to understand how this supposed to work from organization point of view, not from coder point of view | 09:03 |
bialix | no, I'm not about translation template (pot), I'm about ready-to-use translation for some language aka po-file | 09:04 |
bialix | is not it should simply merge with existing translation base and do automatically? | 09:05 |
jamesh | When you are about to make a release, you can request an export of the translations for your project | 09:05 |
ubotu | New bug: #110181 in launchpad "search box in help.launchpad.net wiki template is broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110181 | 09:05 |
ubotu | New bug: #110185 in rosetta "link to guide "Translating your software using Launchpad" is broken" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110185 | 09:05 |
bialix | Do I can request for all existing translations at once? | 09:06 |
jamesh | ah. Rosetta also lets you upload PO files, as a way of doing offline translation. That's what those queue entries are from | 09:06 |
jamesh | bialix: you can request a tarball of all the translations for your project | 09:06 |
jamesh | which is what you'd do before a release | 09:06 |
bialix | yes, this is what I'm asking for | 09:07 |
mdke | you can only request a tarball for all translations in each template, afaik, not all translations in all templates in a project | 09:09 |
jamesh | bialix: okay. Lets look at Jokosher, which is using Rosetta for translations | 09:09 |
jamesh | bialix: https://translations.beta.launchpad.net/jokosher | 09:09 |
jamesh | in the main content area, there is a "View Template & All Languages..." link | 09:10 |
jamesh | click on that link to get details of the PO template and its associated translations | 09:10 |
jamesh | on this page, there is an "Download translations" link | 09:10 |
jamesh | this is the form you'd use to request an export of the translations | 09:11 |
jamesh | you can select which translations you want, and if you want them in PO or MO format | 09:11 |
jamesh | the request gets processed and an email sent to you with a link to the tarball | 09:11 |
mdke | i think that it's intended to add the feature of downloading all templates for a particular project/package, so hopefully that will be possible in the future | 09:11 |
jamesh | mdke: well, there is generally a single template for most projects | 09:12 |
mdke | really? | 09:12 |
jamesh | I'd expect only a single one for bzr | 09:12 |
jamesh | yep | 09:12 |
jamesh | multiple templates is the exception rather than the rule | 09:12 |
mdke | most projects I'd expect to have at least two, one for the program (if it were a simple one), and another for the documentation | 09:13 |
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bialix_ | jamesh: what green means? Legend says that "Translation unchanged since last synchronized". What it means? Who and when synchronized what? | 09:19 |
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jamesh | bialix_: these would be translations uploaded to Rosetta as PO files | 09:27 |
bialix_ | aha, thatks | 09:28 |
bialix_ | thanks | 09:28 |
jamesh | bialix_: it isn't as important when considering an app that does all translation through Rosetta | 09:28 |
jamesh | bialix_: but for Ubuntu, both the PO template and all PO files are imported with new package uploads | 09:28 |
bialix_ | as I see there is some problems to mix both approach | 09:28 |
jamesh | so the green indicates the translations coming from upstream | 09:28 |
jamesh | rather than having been translated in Rosetta | 09:29 |
bialix_ | I understand | 09:29 |
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carlos | morning | 09:30 |
ubotu | New bug: #110195 in malone "Nomination for a release on one source package shouldn't affect any others" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110195 | 09:35 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110198 in malone "date & month appear on developer-meets" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110198 | 09:50 |
ubotu | New bug: #110201 in malone "Visual indicators that a sprint/meet is over" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110201 | 09:55 |
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wulfepup | Hello, hello. Anyone here that help with launchpad accounts? I can't remember which email I used. | 10:28 |
popey | erk, internal server error on http://people.launchpad.net | 10:29 |
popey | make that https | 10:29 |
popey | as I am on the beta team it looks like its https://people.beta.launchpad.net/ that actually is giving the 500 server error | 10:30 |
popey | http://launchpad.net/people works though | 10:31 |
popey | wulfepup: beowulfe@wulfeweb.com | 10:32 |
popey | https://launchpad.net/~beowulfe assuming that is you, I can't imagine there are many Beowulfe Odhinnssons on the planet? :) | 10:32 |
wulfepup | I just added that one.. I think.... | 10:33 |
wulfepup | unless that's my old one and teh new didn't actually go through | 10:33 |
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popey | well thats the only person with Odhinnsson in the name | 10:35 |
wulfepup | and since I haven't yet set up the new one.. only used that email to register.. since it has my name... it must be the old one.. | 10:36 |
wulfepup | Thank you! | 10:36 |
carlos | popey: people.launchpad.net doesn't exist | 10:44 |
popey | haha | 10:45 |
popey | that might explain it | 10:45 |
carlos | popey: but we use *.launchpad.net for DNS so for non existing domains, we give that error (which is indeed a bug and we have it pending to be fixed) | 10:45 |
popey | wonder why I have it in my recently accessed sites then | 10:45 |
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pochu | it would be interesting to move it to people.lp.net, imho :) | 10:47 |
popey | is there a channel where the web-heads for ubuntu.com hang out? | 10:47 |
popey | (i guess it's some of the same people that are here, but my next question isn't lp specific enough to raise here) | 10:48 |
mpt | bug 46982 | 10:48 |
ubotu | Malone bug 46982 in rosetta "Need to support KDE like plural forms" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/46982 - Assigned to (danilo) | 10:48 |
mpt | Who runs ubotu? | 10:49 |
carlos | mpt: I think Seveas | 10:50 |
carlos | or at least he used to | 10:50 |
Seveas | I still do :) | 10:50 |
mpt | Seveas, where do we report bugs? :-) | 10:50 |
Seveas | lp.net/ubuntu-bots | 10:50 |
mpt | cool | 10:50 |
mpt | ta | 10:51 |
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mpt | fqwhgads.launchpad.net | 10:56 |
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Seveas | mpt, are you going to file a bug or was it general cutiosity? :) | 11:08 |
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mpt | Seveas, just reported the bug | 11:18 |
_john | Hey guys, i have a small question. Why is it that when i try to search for the package zapping, i don't get any results? I already know that its in there, i can access it from some google results. | 11:19 |
mpt | _john, show us where you're searching | 11:24 |
mpt | What URL do you start from? | 11:24 |
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_john | from the main launchpad page | 11:25 |
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_john | this is the generated URL | 11:26 |
_john | https://launchpad.net/projects/?text=zapping | 11:26 |
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Seveas | _john, that searchs for projects/products, not packages within a distro | 11:26 |
_john | adn this is the actual url of the source package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zapping | 11:26 |
Seveas | _john, use the search box on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu | 11:27 |
popey | hmm, does the fact that launchpad is an https site affect its pagerank? | 11:27 |
popey | I note https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu has no pagerank according to my browser google plugin | 11:27 |
mpt | _john, Launchpad doesn't have a global search function yet | 11:27 |
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mpt | so to find a package, you need to search from the distribution page | 11:27 |
mpt | in this case, launchpad.net/ubuntu | 11:27 |
popey | which means when people google for answers to problems they get 3 pages of links to stuff, none of which is the answers system | 11:27 |
mpt | popey, is that also true for individual question pages? | 11:28 |
popey | well the individual question pages are https too | 11:29 |
popey | and have no pagerank | 11:29 |
_john | Ok, now i understand. I just think that search is search....so i wouldn't know if the package is only associated with ubuntu and doesn't have a project page. But thanks anyway. | 11:29 |
popey | didn't know if https was the reason or whether there is some other way to explain a duff pagerank on such a popular site | 11:29 |
mpt | _john, eventually it will be, but not yet, sorry | 11:29 |
mpt | popey, most of Launchpad has almost ridiculously good pagerank | 11:30 |
mpt | and very nearly all of Launchpad is served over HTTPS, so I don't think that's the issue | 11:30 |
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mpt | e.g. on <http://www.google.com/search?q=alan+pope> your Launchpad page is result #6 | 11:31 |
popey | hmmm | 11:32 |
mpt | One possibility is that there are very few links to answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu yet | 11:32 |
popey | well, indeed | 11:33 |
popey | the forums are insanely popular | 11:33 |
popey | :( | 11:33 |
_john | mpt: Ok. thanks | 11:35 |
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Seveas | mpt, fixed :) | 11:46 |
popey | mpt: i reported bug 64149 because i think we should improve the visibility of answers | 11:48 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 64149 in ubuntu-website "Tech support is too hard to find" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64149 | 11:48 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110030 in rosetta "epiphany extensions textdomain is wrong" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110030 | 12:00 |
mpt | Seveas, cool, thanks | 12:01 |
mpt | popey, I agree, but then, I think we should improve the visibility of almost everything | 12:02 |
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ubotu | New bug: #97467 in launchpad "Quick way of enabling a maintenance page on Launchpad when experiencing service interruption" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97467 | 12:16 |
ubotu | New bug: #83304 in rosetta "Structural object heading for translation page should be the product/package" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83304 | 12:21 |
Seveas | que? | 12:22 |
Seveas | Old bugs reappearing again?! | 12:22 |
carlos | Seveas: I guess is because the status change | 12:24 |
Seveas | carlos, they still shouldn't reappear... | 12:24 |
carlos | ok, then ubotu has a bug ;-) | 12:25 |
Seveas | indeed :) | 12:25 |
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mpt | carlos, you'll be at the meeting? | 12:37 |
carlos | mpt: yes | 12:37 |
mpt | carlos, ok, may I send you my 3 sentences to paste? I won't be there | 12:37 |
carlos | sure | 12:38 |
mpt | thanks | 12:38 |
bluekuja | carlos: edubuntu mails are automatically configured after joining the team in lp? | 12:38 |
carlos | bluekuja: no idea | 12:39 |
carlos | bluekuja: you will need to ask on #canonical-sysadmin | 12:39 |
bluekuja | do you someone that can give me an answer? | 12:39 |
bluekuja | ok great | 12:39 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110235 in launchpad "New project duplicates checking form" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110235 | 12:50 |
ubotu | New bug: #110237 in launchpad "Add project merging functionality" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110237 | 12:50 |
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ubotu | New bug: #1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1 | 12:55 |
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=== jamesh wonders why ubotu thinks that bug is new | ||
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vprints | Hello ! | 01:15 |
vprints | Any launcpad admins ? | 01:15 |
vprints | 'h | 01:15 |
ubotu | New bug: #78780 in launchpad "Code that handles pillar names redirection shouldn't crash when the URL contains non-ascii characters" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78780 | 01:15 |
kiko | yes vprints | 01:20 |
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vprints | The problem that i brought up few weeks ago, that the estonian translation team leader isn't active at all | 01:23 |
vprints | he hasn't replied to my mail for weeks | 01:24 |
vprints | so i again apply for the post of the estonian translation team leader | 01:25 |
vprints | as i am the most active translator for that language | 01:25 |
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ubotu | New bug: #86597 in launchpad-bazaar ""Import your project" link broken on beta" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86597 | 01:36 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110250 in launchpad-bazaar "display mirror branch freshness" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110250 | 01:45 |
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=== ..[topic/#launchpad:mrevell] : Launchpad 1.0 public beta, https://launchpad.net/ | Next user meeting: Wed 02 May, 1600UTC | Next developer meeting: Thu 26 Apr 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
=== cprov-out is now known as cprov | ||
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=== carlos -> lunch | ||
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ubotu | New bug: #83616 in soyuz "IHasBuildRecords should support advanced browsing" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83616 | 03:06 |
ubotu | New bug: #107973 in launchpad-bazaar "Unable to switch off the display of email address in branch revision history" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107973 | 03:06 |
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=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #launchpad | ||
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BenC | hey launchpaders | 03:12 |
BenC | I have a small issue | 03:12 |
ddaa | we fix issues | 03:13 |
ddaa | eventually | 03:13 |
BenC | every upload we do for the kernel team as "Ubuntu Kernel Team <kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com>" as the maintainer, but the uploads get assigned to a non-existent (until lp creates it) team instead of ubuntu-kernel-team, which has the email address | 03:13 |
BenC | it creates kernel-team, and assigns it there | 03:14 |
BenC | I'm wondering what we can do, outside of creating a bogus ubuntu-kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com alias | 03:15 |
ddaa | I have no idea... and I can't find a soyuz guy online to help... | 03:17 |
ddaa | I'm not even sure who's doing soyuz with celso nowadays | 03:18 |
statik | I think it might be bigjools | 03:19 |
matsubara | cprov: ^ | 03:20 |
ubotu | New bug: #110275 in launchpad "Email addresses in signatures should be obfuscated" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110275 | 03:20 |
cprov | BenC: have you done an upload today or yesterday ? | 03:26 |
BenC | cprov: no...awhile back I had someone here clean out kernel-team and move all the assigned packages to ubuntu-kernel-team | 03:27 |
BenC | and now kernel-team is back after some uploads | 03:27 |
BenC | cprov: I plan an upload today for a new source package, if that will help :) | 03:27 |
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cprov | BenC: salgado added the 'person/team creation rationale' some time ago, this information would help to track where is the problem. | 03:28 |
BenC | cprov: I assume it is using the "kernel-team" portion to map from kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com | 03:29 |
BenC | but I would guess it would need to check existing teams/persons to see if that address is confirmed for someone already | 03:29 |
cprov | BenC: sure it would, how is the procedure to cleanup the previous mess ? | 03:29 |
BenC | I forgot who did it, but I'm sure it took some db voodoo | 03:30 |
statik | as a launchpad user, where can I find a list of the different values used in X-Launchpad-Message-Rationale: so that I can sort bug mail sanely? | 03:31 |
salgado | BenC, I bet that when we first saw un upload with that email we created a new person (kernel-team) with that email address | 03:32 |
salgado | BenC, now when we look up a person by that email address we get the kernel-team | 03:32 |
cprov | BenC: what I can say is that changesfile.{changed-by, maintainer} and dsc.{maintainer} could generate new Person creation | 03:32 |
BenC | salgado: but that team was destroyed...and it came back even though ubuntu-kernel-team has existed since lp first opened | 03:33 |
salgado | BenC, IIRC, the code will always create new person entries if the email address used to look up the person is not registered | 03:34 |
statik | the kernel team is indestructible! like a sphinx it will not die... | 03:34 |
salgado | BenC, cprov should be able to confirm that | 03:34 |
BenC | salgado: but it does exist and is registered to the ubuntu-kernel-team :) | 03:35 |
cprov | salgado: right, I wonder if 'safe_fix_maintainer' is doing something wrong with: 'Ubuntu Kernel Team <kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com>' | 03:35 |
salgado | wow, that's weird. let me check what email is associated with kernel-team | 03:36 |
salgado | BenC, would it be possible that kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com was not in the database for some time? maybe the time in between removing the kernel-team person and associating the email with ubuntu-kernel-team/ | 03:38 |
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BenC | salgado: no way possible | 03:38 |
BenC | as I said, ubuntu-kernel-team and it's registered email have been in lp since it opened | 03:39 |
BenC | since before we even did the bugzilla->malone conversion | 03:39 |
cprov | something wrong with LP or is it my side ? | 03:42 |
jml | it's wrong w/ LP | 03:43 |
salgado | maybe the whole DC? I can't connect to devpad | 03:43 |
=== Nafallo tries archive | ||
jsgotangco | not even archive | 03:44 |
cprov | jez ... end-of-the-world | 03:45 |
carlos | cprov: :-P | 03:46 |
jsgotangco | gahhh | 03:48 |
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SteveA | mrevell: ping | 03:51 |
mrevell | SteveA: pong | 03:51 |
barry | cprov: ouch, i can't get to lp.c.c either | 03:52 |
SteveA | hep | 03:52 |
SteveA | yep | 03:52 |
SteveA | looks like some kind of connection problem | 03:52 |
Seveas | <Mithrandir> 15:42 < Ng> there is a general issue at the moment with the data centre. sysadmin strike ninjas are en route | 03:53 |
SteveA | thanks | 03:53 |
flacoste | whats the update frequency of edge? | 03:54 |
flacoste | mthaddon: ^^^ | 03:54 |
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matsubara | flacoste: looking at the logs, it seems to be daily at 400UTC | 03:56 |
flacoste | matsubara: thx! | 03:57 |
kiko | hey there | 03:58 |
SteveA | hey | 03:58 |
kiko | what's going on? | 03:58 |
SteveA | someone stole the DC | 03:58 |
SteveA | or something | 03:58 |
SteveA | well maybe not | 03:58 |
kiko | well I want it back | 03:58 |
SteveA | some DC problem | 03:58 |
schwuk | That's why I prefered Marvel | 03:59 |
kiko | schwuk, yeah, marvel kicked DC's ass | 03:59 |
kiko | except for the dark night | 03:59 |
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jsgotangco | hahaha | 03:59 |
SteveA | Welcome to today's Launchpad Development meeting | 04:00 |
SteveA | who's here? | 04:00 |
ddaa | here | 04:00 |
salgado | me | 04:00 |
mrevell | me | 04:00 |
schwuk | me | 04:00 |
kiko | I AM CANADA | 04:00 |
ddaa | jml not here, gave me sentences | 04:00 |
allenap | me | 04:00 |
ddaa | thumper on leave | 04:00 |
jamesh | me | 04:00 |
matsubara | me | 04:00 |
sinzui | me | 04:00 |
barry | me | 04:00 |
BjornT | me | 04:01 |
flacoste | me | 04:01 |
=== bigjools [n=ed@canonical/launchpad/bigjools] has joined #launchpad | ||
stu1 | me | 04:01 |
ddaa | spiv: you here? | 04:01 |
=== stu1 is now known as stub | ||
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stub | me | 04:01 |
kiko | man this DC disaster is a disaster | 04:01 |
cprov | me | 04:01 |
barry | kiko: hey man, don't diss DC... right sinzui?! :) | 04:02 |
SteveA | = Agenda = | 04:02 |
SteveA | * whatever | 04:02 |
SteveA | I don't have the agenda, as it's in the DC | 04:02 |
SteveA | so I'll make this up as I go | 04:02 |
Nafallo | hehe | 04:02 |
mrevell | Stevea: I've got a copy on my screen | 04:02 |
SteveA | mrevell: wow | 04:02 |
jamesh | mrevell: paste away | 04:02 |
schwuk | SteveA: I've got it as well | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Roll call | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Agenda | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
danilos | me | 04:03 |
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@canonical/launchpad/BjornT] has joined #launchpad | ||
mrevell | Next meeting | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Activity reports | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Actions from last meeting | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Oops report (Matsubara) | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Bug report (Joey - Current Top Items) | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Bug tags | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Production and staging (Stuart) | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Sysadmin requests (Current Queue) | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | A top user-affecting issue (mrevell) | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Launchpad buzz report (mrevell) | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | (other items) | 04:03 |
mrevell | * | 04:03 |
mrevell | Three sentences | 04:03 |
mrevell | ooh, sorry, that was messy | 04:03 |
SteveA | no worries | 04:04 |
danilos | you should not paste directly from wiki :) | 04:04 |
SteveA | Next meeting: same time, same day, same place | 04:04 |
jamesh | danilos: not much choice right now | 04:04 |
SteveA | Activity reports: let's skip this | 04:04 |
kiko | SteveA, cprov and I will be in london but will make it. | 04:04 |
SteveA | (for reasons that will become apparent once the email lists reappear) | 04:04 |
danilos | I am on vacation next week | 04:04 |
jamesh | kiko: can you fix the DC while you're there? | 04:04 |
danilos | so missing the meeting as well | 04:04 |
SteveA | thanks | 04:05 |
kiko | jamesh, if the DC isn't fixed by then I will probably not catch the plane | 04:05 |
SteveA | * Oops report: matsubara | 04:05 |
carlos | me | 04:05 |
matsubara | Today's oops report is about bugs 105303, 92164, 107575, 57474 | 04:05 |
SteveA | carlos: you? | 04:05 |
kiko | matsubara, do you have summaries handy? | 04:05 |
=== bac_afk_ [n=bac@cpe-065-190-191-245.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
carlos | SteveA: I was distracted :-P | 04:05 |
carlos | so I was late for the meeting | 04:05 |
kiko | given we don't have ubugtu the elder | 04:05 |
matsubara | I thought ubotu would help | 04:05 |
=== bac_afk_ is now known as bac | ||
kiko | I can produce summaries hang on | 04:05 |
kiko | [Bug 105303] Re: Visiting 'Change translator' form fails with | 04:06 |
kiko | NoCanonicalUrl | 04:06 |
kiko | carlos, how is that one going? we need a fix by tomorrow. | 04:06 |
bac | i am here but having trouble with IRC | 04:06 |
matsubara | that's assigned to carlos | 04:06 |
bac_afk | me | 04:06 |
carlos | kiko: it's part of the patch I asked you to review yesterday, BjornT is doing that review right now | 04:06 |
kiko | carlos, thanks! | 04:07 |
kiko | good jobaroo | 04:07 |
kiko | [Bug 92164] Re: setInWSGIEnvironment fails sometimes trying to insert | 04:07 |
kiko | 'launchpad.userid' | 04:07 |
matsubara | that's assigend to SteveA | 04:07 |
kiko | and it should be assigned to somebody else | 04:07 |
kiko | jamesh perhaps? | 04:07 |
kiko | can you get a fix in for us by tomorrow? | 04:07 |
kiko | is it complicated, SteveA? | 04:07 |
matsubara | it's tricky to reproduce though an seem to happen in different places of LP | 04:07 |
SteveA | no, but it needs doing right | 04:07 |
jamesh | I think 92164 is related to Retrys | 04:07 |
SteveA | it is | 04:08 |
SteveA | it is related to retries | 04:08 |
=== jtv [n=jtv@125-24-216-234.adsl.totbb.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | SteveA, can jamesh tackle it as a one-off by tomorrow? | 04:08 |
SteveA | I can describe the fix exactly | 04:08 |
kiko | say yes please | 04:08 |
SteveA | if he has time | 04:08 |
SteveA | I can describe how to fix it | 04:08 |
flacoste | if he hasn't time, i can give a shot at it | 04:08 |
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kiko | [Bug 107575] Launchpad should handle invalid blob encoding better | 04:09 |
jamesh | if it is a simple fix, I could look at it for tomorrow | 04:09 |
kiko | jamesh, okay, consider it assigned and I will be looking for that fix tomorrow. | 04:09 |
kiko | thanks | 04:09 |
SteveA | jamesh: it's simple. I'll describe the fix after the meeting | 04:09 |
kiko | matsubara, is that bug BjornT's or stub's? | 04:09 |
matsubara | that one I asked BjornT to take a look. | 04:09 |
BjornT | i haven't looked at it yet, sorry. | 04:10 |
kiko | so.. which is it? | 04:10 |
statik | wow lag! | 04:10 |
statik | me | 04:10 |
kiko | BjornT, if it's an infrastructure thing can you still handle it or will you need help? | 04:10 |
jamesh | SteveA: okay | 04:10 |
kiko | [Bug 57474] Re: Passing a list as the query string in the project | 04:10 |
kiko | search field crashes ftq | 04:10 |
=== kiko kicks ubotu | ||
matsubara | we have an increase in oops regadring bug 57474. someone is spamming the global search form and triggering that bug. I don't know if that should be a priority as it's not affecting real users | 04:11 |
kiko | flacoste, I'm going to give that one to you | 04:11 |
flacoste | ok | 04:11 |
Nafallo | Seveas: you should kick kiko for abusive behaviour ;-) | 04:11 |
BjornT | kiko: it's not an infrastructure thing, it's malone specific. | 04:11 |
kiko | flacoste, ideally we'd have an infrastructure hitch that avoided this happening everywhere.. | 04:11 |
=== xplode_me [n=linux@89-180-74-18.net.novis.pt] has joined #launchpad | ||
flacoste | kiko: no problem | 04:12 |
xplode_me | is launchpad working ok? I cant access it :( | 04:12 |
kiko | flacoste, but if we don't then we don't | 04:12 |
Nafallo | xplode_me: no. datacentre offline. ninjas are on it. | 04:12 |
kiko | xplode_me, the hosting center was hit by an atomic bomb | 04:12 |
xplode_me | oh, I see | 04:12 |
xplode_me | hope the servers resist the radiation ^^ | 04:12 |
BjornT | flacoste, kiko: it was discussed how we could deal with these kind of errors. i can send flacoste an mail, explaining what should be done. | 04:12 |
kiko | thanks BjornT | 04:13 |
kiko | you rock -- perfect | 04:13 |
kiko | matsubara, are there any other OOPSes that we'd like to see fixed by monday? | 04:13 |
flacoste | BjornT: please do, I'll be delighted to hear you thoughts on that one | 04:13 |
ddaa | branch-scanner email oopses | 04:13 |
ddaa | see any branch scanner oops summary | 04:13 |
ddaa | I'm on it. | 04:13 |
ddaa | There was one bug filed, but it fixed itself. | 04:13 |
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ddaa | The other problem has no bug filed, and I'm debugged it. | 04:14 |
ddaa | (as well as a secondary bug that's currently obscured by the current problem) | 04:14 |
kiko | ddaa, you will have fixes in place for these by monday? | 04:14 |
matsubara | ddaa: which issue doesn't have a bug filed? | 04:14 |
kiko | meaning in production | 04:15 |
ddaa | kiko: unlikely. I hope to have the branches in review before the the week-end though. | 04:15 |
ddaa | matsubara: oops in getDiff | 04:15 |
kiko | hokay | 04:15 |
kiko | any other oopses? | 04:15 |
matsubara | ddaa: is that the email enconding one? | 04:15 |
jamesh | matsubara: yes | 04:15 |
ddaa | matsubara: the bug that was filed was about the oops in getRevisionMessage | 04:15 |
ddaa | which fixed itself | 04:16 |
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jamesh | ddaa: how did it fix itself? | 04:16 |
ddaa | jamesh: ask the faeries | 04:16 |
sinzui | hammers and nails | 04:16 |
=== jam-laptop [n=jameinel@adsl-75-51-62-134.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
ddaa | spent two hours yesterday failing to reproduce it. | 04:16 |
jam-laptop | ddaa: just a quick question, is anyone else having problems routing to canonical.com? | 04:17 |
jam-laptop | It seems to be completely dead for me | 04:17 |
ddaa | jam-laptop: DC is down | 04:17 |
jamesh | jam-laptop: data centre is offline | 04:17 |
jam-laptop | launchpad, irc.canonical, bazar-vcs | 04:17 |
jam-laptop | ah, ok | 04:17 |
jam-laptop | thanks | 04:17 |
ddaa | let's move on | 04:18 |
=== jam-laptop wanders off | ||
=== jam-laptop [n=jameinel@adsl-75-51-62-134.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has left #launchpad [] | ||
matsubara | I'm done here SteveA, kiko. | 04:18 |
SteveA | thanks matsubara | 04:18 |
SteveA | bug report | 04:18 |
SteveA | unless someone's prepared one, we'll skip this | 04:19 |
jamesh | ddaa: maybe the bug occurs with bzr-0.11 (what is in production), but not bzr-0.15? | 04:19 |
SteveA | bug tags | 04:19 |
SteveA | -- any new ones proposed? | 04:19 |
ddaa | jamesh: I tried that, too | 04:19 |
SteveA | ok | 04:19 |
SteveA | production and staging | 04:19 |
SteveA | stub: | 04:19 |
stub | beta is still running the onramp branch. Automatic redirection has been put in place for the beta testers group. | 04:19 |
stub | all other systems running as expected, although people might not be able to tell given that the data centre has dropped off the 'Net. | 04:19 |
stub | I'm on leave next week. | 04:19 |
kiko | stub, is tom able to handle a rollout next week? | 04:20 |
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:matsubara] : Launchpad 1.0 public beta, https://launchpad.net/ | Next user meeting: Wed 02 May, 1600UTC | Next developer meeting: Thu 03 May 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | Launchpad datacentre is offline. Sysadmin team working on it. | ||
stub | I think so - up to Tom really | 04:20 |
kiko | I mean, has he done one before? | 04:21 |
kiko | assisted or otherwise? | 04:21 |
salgado | he did some cherry picks at least | 04:21 |
stub | kiko: He has done cherry picks. I don't think he has updated he librarian, authserver etc. yet | 04:21 |
kiko | is the process documented well enough, stub? | 04:21 |
stub | tom is documentng the existing pocedurers. | 04:22 |
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kiko | I don't know if that answers my question though | 04:22 |
salgado | yay, we're back? | 04:22 |
kiko | apparently | 04:22 |
=== jkakar [n=jkakar@yttrium.canonical.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
kiko | mthaddon, are you happy and able to do a rollout next week? | 04:22 |
pochu | DC is up, but LP is still down | 04:23 |
pochu | for maintenance :) | 04:23 |
jamesh | not all services are up | 04:24 |
cprov | bye bye 'screens', machines were restarted :( | 04:25 |
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=== jtv digs around for one of those helpful emails for "if you can't keep it up" | ||
mthaddon | kiko: I'll confirm with stub before then, but my feeling is I'm not ready for a full rollout but can do cherry picks | 04:25 |
kiko | mthaddon, I need a full rollout done.. | 04:25 |
kiko | stub, will you be afk the whole week? | 04:25 |
kiko | want to swap a day? | 04:25 |
stub | kiko: no. I'll be afk for a few days, but will have phone | 04:26 |
mthaddon | kiko: I'd leave it to stub's discretion as to whether he thinks I could be up to speed to do a full rollout | 04:26 |
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=== static_ is now known as statik_ | ||
Theuni | hmm. btw: the offline method for launchpad still says (C) 2004-2005 | 04:27 |
Theuni | s/method/message/ | 04:27 |
mthaddon | stub: what do you think - I feel comfortable enough about the main LP stuff, but it's all the other pieces I'm concerned about | 04:27 |
mrevell | thanks Theuni | 04:27 |
kiko | stub, mthaddon: can you two do a test rollout together to ensure that tom knows what to do? | 04:27 |
kiko | stub, alternative, can you be around for a rev either mon or tue? | 04:27 |
kiko | alternatively | 04:27 |
stub | What is urgent that needs to land? | 04:28 |
cprov | mthaddon: I can deal with soyuz part myself, if it helps. | 04:28 |
stub | I'll be afk on Monday for sure | 04:28 |
kiko | stub, tue? | 04:29 |
mthaddon | will be away for a few mins - bring LP back online with elmo | 04:29 |
kiko | tell you what | 04:29 |
kiko | YOU SORT IT OUT | 04:29 |
stub | we can probably just roll out the app servers like last time | 04:29 |
kiko | :) | 04:29 |
kiko | cool | 04:29 |
kiko | indeed nothing else will need to be updated I don't think | 04:30 |
kiko | SteveA, shrug | 04:30 |
jamesh | stub: we'll want to roll out the Bazaar stuff, since the 0.15 upgrade | 04:30 |
jamesh | branch mirror and scanner | 04:30 |
ddaa | and the authserver, which has a r=SteveA patch on the way | 04:30 |
ddaa | anyway, nothing we cannot sort out | 04:31 |
stub | tuesday I'll be around at some point | 04:31 |
ddaa | stub: I'm sure mthaddon will do just fine with the help of the folks here. | 04:31 |
SteveA | stub, mthaddon: maybe you both can do a rollout tomorrow as a test run? | 04:32 |
Spads | Launchpad is back in operation. | 04:32 |
jamesh | Spads: thanks | 04:32 |
stub | Not much point me doing a rollout... | 04:32 |
SteveA | thanks Spads | 04:32 |
statik_ | Spads: thank you! | 04:32 |
stub | I think you just mean mthaddon | 04:32 |
salgado | I'm still getting 503s here | 04:32 |
Spads | thank mthaddon, elmo, and znarl! | 04:32 |
salgado | oh, it was beta | 04:33 |
=== _keturn [n=acapnoti@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn] has joined #launchpad | ||
danilos | salgado: beta is still off | 04:33 |
mthaddon | salgado: I'll bring beta up in a sec | 04:33 |
danilos | ok, too slow :) | 04:33 |
SteveA | stub: I think I mean you and mthaddon, like mthaddon rolls out the authserver + librarian with you supervising | 04:33 |
=== stub shrugs | ||
stub | It really is pretty trivial, but ok | 04:34 |
SteveA | awsomer | 04:34 |
mthaddon | stub: not sure how to bring beta back up as there aren't initscripts - how do you do that typically? | 04:34 |
stub | mthaddon: make start | 04:35 |
SteveA | sysadmin requests... | 04:35 |
stub | mthaddon: check the Makefile in /srv/beta.launchpad.net/launchpad | 04:35 |
kiko | no RTs from me | 04:36 |
mthaddon | stub: cool, thx | 04:36 |
kiko | no relevant RTs I've seen mentioned on-list | 04:36 |
SteveA | https://launchpad.canonical.com/JoeyStanford/toprtrequests | 04:36 |
salgado | mthaddon, can you bring staging back as well? (no hurry, of course) | 04:37 |
SteveA | ok | 04:37 |
mthaddon | salgado: sure | 04:37 |
mthaddon | beta is back | 04:37 |
SteveA | mrevell: top issue for this week from you? | 04:37 |
mrevell | We've had a couple of interesting issues lately. Someone has raised the issue of administering teams when potential/current members have hidden their email address. It becomes difficult to interact with these members. Bug 66105 covers this. | 04:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 66105 in launchpad "Team admin can't contact prospective member who hides e-mail addresses" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66105 | 04:38 |
jamesh | mthaddon: and the authserver? | 04:38 |
mrevell | We've also had a request for Launchpad to automatically crop or scale hackergotchis and other images, to the correct size. Would this take too much processing power to make it woth our while? | 04:38 |
mrevell | The next user meeting is on Wednesday 2 May at 16.00 UTC. | 04:38 |
mrevell | Thanks to everyone who has taken a session in Ubuntu Open Week. We've had some good feedback so far and I look forward to seeing the remaining sessions. | 04:38 |
jamesh | mthaddon: probably worth keeping track of what isn't coming up automatically too. | 04:38 |
mrevell | That's all from me. | 04:38 |
mthaddon | jamesh: definitely | 04:38 |
kiko | mrevell, no, and in fact, we used to do this | 04:38 |
kiko | right salgado? | 04:38 |
stub | mrevell: not if we keep a cache | 04:38 |
SteveA | mrevell: we're not automatically cropping and scaling mugshot kinda images | 04:38 |
salgado | not cropping | 04:38 |
salgado | we did scaling | 04:38 |
mrevell | right | 04:39 |
SteveA | mrevell: because the results are often not as sharp and aesthetic as ones done by a real person who cares about the result | 04:39 |
mrevell | SteveA: Right, I see. | 04:39 |
jamesh | cropping/scaling images on input shouldn't be a problem | 04:39 |
=== harrisony [n=Harrison@r220-101-77-68.cpe.unwired.net.au] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | we all know it's not a huge technical issue | 04:39 |
mrevell | Is it worth offering it as an option? | 04:39 |
jamesh | (CPU wise) | 04:39 |
sinzui | I think we should only scale a certain percent | 04:40 |
SteveA | we're not doing it. we can re-evaluate this in 3 months. | 04:40 |
jtv | May be a net save, if people upload large images | 04:40 |
statik | we could point people to something like snipshot.com in the help | 04:40 |
mrevell | ok, thanks for the input. I'll mention that we'll look at it again in three months. | 04:41 |
mrevell | statik: Thanks for that. | 04:41 |
SteveA | mrevell: would you summarize the open-week feedback in your weekly report? | 04:41 |
jamesh | mrevell: maybe try to find out if the people complaining are those who are uploading new images, or those who had uploaded images before the size restrictions? | 04:41 |
jamesh | (the latter would see weirdly scaled versions on their user/project pages) | 04:41 |
mrevell | SteveA: Yep, I'll put it in next week, as we still have some LP sessions in open week. | 04:41 |
mrevell | jamesh: will do | 04:42 |
SteveA | ok thanks | 04:42 |
SteveA | we're running out of time, so... | 04:42 |
SteveA | * three sentences | 04:42 |
carlos | DONE: Firefox imports, gutsy tasks planning, bug #83304 review, cleanup Translation groups pages to fit 1.0 UI | 04:42 |
carlos | TODO: Request a review for Firefox imports, write draft for translations imports, some trivial 1.0 cleanups | 04:42 |
carlos | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 83304 in rosetta "Structural object heading for translation page should be the product/package" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83304 - Assigned to Carlos Perell Marn (carlos) | 04:42 |
flacoste | DONE: Completed AnswerSpec, bug fixes for 1.0 release | 04:42 |
flacoste | TODO: more 1.0 bug fixes, write spec | 04:42 |
flacoste | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
jtv | DONE: Landings for Monday, getting up to speed on Firefox XPI support | 04:42 |
jtv | TODO: Copying translation strings for Gutsy, Firefox export | 04:42 |
jtv | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
matsubara | DONE: triage, checked oops since beta release, meetings with kiko | 04:42 |
matsubara | TODO: more triage | 04:42 |
matsubara | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
allenap | DONE: bug-81014 (not complete), bug-103364 (reviewed okay by flacoste, but merge rf now conflicts + introduced new bugs) | 04:42 |
bac | DONE: reviewer training, file mgmt code, lp-comm monitoring spec, lp-comm/salesforce integration | 04:42 |
bac | TODO: Finish file mgmt, reviewer training, lp-comm month-one goals | 04:42 |
allenap | TODO: resolve test errors from new sample data in bug-81014, land bug-103364 (today hopefully). more bugs already assigned. | 04:42 |
allenap | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
bac | BLOCKED: No | 04:42 |
jamesh | DONE: code review, LP security stuff, database reconnection for the app servers | 04:42 |
jamesh | TODO: code review, bug 92164, storm stuff, other tasks | 04:42 |
jamesh | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
barry | DONE: testsuiterepair branch submitted, reviewed, replied; phase two spec completed, reviewed by steve & joey, updated, awaiting review from kiko; projects & teams email; phase one spec completed, reviewed by kiko and elmo, mmbuild branch submitted | 04:42 |
barry | TODO: spec up projects & teams; complete phase three spec | 04:42 |
barry | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
ubotu | Bug 92164 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/92164 is private | 04:42 |
cprov | DONE: open gutsy, rolling soyuz code (NSS stage-one and nu-cataclysm) | 04:42 |
cprov | TODO: archive removals, PPA (here we go again) and general fixing. | 04:42 |
cprov | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
BjornT | DONE: code reviews. fix up and land a bunch of old branches. ubuntu | 04:42 |
BjornT | open week. | 04:42 |
BjornT | TODO: code reviews. bug fixes. closing bugs via changelogs. | 04:42 |
BjornT | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
danilos | DONE: landed bug-91089, bug-2718, prepared openweek session, merge 'translated' and 'reviewed' labels | 04:42 |
danilos | TODO: have openweek session, vacation | 04:42 |
danilos | BLOCKED: no | 04:42 |
salgado | DONE: Shipit, some mirror prober fixes, more code review and started working on bug 1135. | 04:42 |
salgado | TODO: Finish with bug 1135, more shipit, code review and random fixes | 04:42 |
salgado | BLOCKED: No | 04:42 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 1135 in launchpad "No obvious way to get from a person/team to what projects/products they're involved in" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1135 - Assigned to Guilherme Salgado (salgado) | 04:42 |
sinzui | DONE: Completed 'Add unsupported requests' (75487), 'All languages should be a radio button' (90767), 'Cannot see support requesters name' (89100), 'Extraneous doublequote' (109318), 'Question retargeting' to (34050). Worked on 'I Solved my Problem' button is ambiguous, (107810). | 04:42 |
sinzui | TODO: 'Display an asterisk next to the supported languages' (75485), 'Notification for questing in preferred languages only' (81369) | 04:42 |
sinzui | BLOCKED: No. | 04:42 |
mrevell | DONE: Ubuntu Open Week, changes to LP tour | 04:42 |
mrevell | TO DO: More Ubuntu Open Week, blogging and press coverage for Launchpad, finalise changes to tour. | 04:42 |
mrevell | BLOCKED: No | 04:42 |
schwuk | DONE: systems access, local code setup, reading policies and procedures, finding my way around the code | 04:42 |
schwuk | TODO: reading policies and procedures, finding my way around the code | 04:42 |
schwuk | BLOCKE: no | 04:42 |
stub | TODO: Leave, then Statement timeouts | 04:43 |
statik | DONE: customer interactions, landed support patch, infrastructure, code review. saw a real live web page that said "strategical" in a customer testimonial. | 04:43 |
statik | TODO: spec writing, more customer interactions, dig into team design | 04:43 |
statik | BLOCKED: no | 04:43 |
stub | DONE: OpenID | 04:43 |
stub | BLOCKED: No | 04:43 |
ddaa | <jml> DONE: Open week presentation, SFTP renaming bug, some work on | 04:43 |
ddaa | SFTP permissions bug | 04:43 |
ddaa | <jml> TODO: finish SFTP permissions bug, work on hosting smart server | 04:43 |
ddaa | on supermirror | 04:43 |
ddaa | <jml> BLOCKED: no | 04:43 |
ddaa | DONE: sprint with thumper, helped jml on openweek, refactored branch-email tests, debugged branch-email oopses | 04:43 |
ddaa | TODO: finalize branch-email oopses fixes, fix imports for distro folks | 04:43 |
ddaa | BLOCKED: no | 04:43 |
kiko | DONE: coordination, catch up on admin tasks, lots of high-level planning and discussion, management | 04:43 |
SteveA | DONE: planning with joey, vacation days | 04:43 |
SteveA | TODO: management | 04:43 |
SteveA | BLOCKED: no | 04:43 |
kiko | TODO: travel to london, help next release, try and get branch set up | 04:43 |
kiko | BLOCKED: noooo | 04:43 |
=== carlos waits for his fucked mail client to show mpt's sentences... | ||
jamesh | strategical? | 04:44 |
carlos | <mpt> DONE: bug fixing, Brilliant fixes | 04:44 |
carlos | <mpt> TODO: land 1.0 bug page, browser compatibility fixes | 04:44 |
carlos | <mpt> BLOCKED: no | 04:44 |
SteveA | jamesh: ? | 04:45 |
kiko | oink | 04:45 |
jamesh | SteveA: looking at statik's sentences | 04:45 |
SteveA | yay | 04:45 |
SteveA | more strategical please | 04:45 |
SteveA | thanks everyone | 04:46 |
SteveA | particularly the sysadmin ninjas | 04:46 |
SteveA | MEETING ENDS | 04:46 |
salgado | BenC, ping | 04:46 |
SteveA | jamesh, stub, mthaddon... call in 15 mins | 04:46 |
statik | jamesh: I was just too amazed not to share that | 04:46 |
mthaddon | SteveA: sounds good | 04:46 |
sinzui | jamesh: I think we could do a better job on the mug shots bu scaling up no more than 25%, then expand the canvas the remaining size. | 04:46 |
stub | SteveA: not now? | 04:47 |
jamesh | statik: of course, with Google you can probably find 1000 other occurrences in seconds | 04:47 |
=== stub is crashing | ||
jtv | sinzui: why scale them up, ever? Let the browser do that... | 04:47 |
jamesh | jtv: browsers do a crap job at scaling | 04:47 |
=== jtv tries to reboot stub | ||
sinzui | jtv: The browser scales like a chair. | 04:47 |
BenC | salgado: ? | 04:47 |
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:matsubara] : Launchpad 1.0 public beta, https://launchpad.net/ | Next user meeting: Wed 02 May, 1600UTC | Next developer meeting: Thu 03 May 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
salgado | we were only scaling them down --never scaling them up | 04:48 |
jamesh | jtv: browsers don't generally do interpolation | 04:48 |
jtv | sinzui: I just upscaled my chair and I'm quite happy about it | 04:48 |
kiko | thanks matsubara, good job | 04:48 |
jamesh | at least the common ones don't | 04:48 |
salgado | BenC, so, apparently somebody removed kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com from ubuntu-kernel-team. that email is now associated with kernel-team | 04:48 |
sinzui | jtv: now that you mention it, my chair also scales. I decided to lower my desk instead. | 04:48 |
BenC | salgado: I'm admin, and I know I didn't do it :) | 04:48 |
jtv | sinzui: well then, there you go. Browser scaling is fine. Not good enough? Upload a better picture. | 04:49 |
sinzui | jtv: So much for letting my fingers type obtuse examples. | 04:49 |
jtv | sinzui: You only have yourself to blame. | 04:49 |
jtv | Entertaining, though. | 04:50 |
salgado | BenC, heh. that email seems to have been created on 2007-03-19, so it looks like ubuntu-kernel-team's contact address was changed recently | 04:50 |
sinzui | jtv: Self is a complex entity, and I suspect it was my right-brained side that insisted I type chair. | 04:50 |
jamesh | jtv: iirc, the constraints on new uploads require that the size matches exactly | 04:50 |
jtv | jamesh: that sucks! | 04:51 |
jamesh | jtv: if you see scaled images anywhere, they were either uploaded before the new UI or were scaled by the user beforehand | 04:51 |
jtv | jamesh: it's only one command line with imagemagick IIRC | 04:51 |
jamesh | sure | 04:51 |
jamesh | jtv: it was a conscious decision | 04:51 |
jtv | jamesh: I get pretty ugly scaling, and I uploaded a month ago or less | 04:51 |
salgado | we used to do the scaling but it was reverted | 04:51 |
jtv | Shame. You never get a universally good result, but it can help. File formats, too. | 04:52 |
kiko | salgado, we know. :-/ | 04:52 |
jtv | Then there's attacks on vulnerabilities in browsers' rendering code... If you run conversions in unprivileged processes on the server, you stop those. Don't know if they ever happen though. | 04:53 |
sinzui | We can use PIL | 04:54 |
jtv | PIL Preferred Items List | 04:54 |
jtv | PIL Python Imaging Library | 04:54 |
barry | PIL +1 | 04:54 |
sinzui | Python Image Library (not Public Image Limited) | 04:54 |
barry | should be very easy to do w/PIL | 04:54 |
Nafallo | Pain In Leg :-) | 04:54 |
jtv | sinzui: thanks, I didn't have that one yet. You are entitled to carry the GCP logo on your homepage or website. | 04:54 |
jtv | http://xs4all.nl/~jtv/gtf/ | 04:55 |
jtv | Nafallo: you too. | 04:55 |
jtv | We now have 22315 TLAs (9482 different letter combinations). | 04:55 |
Nafallo | hehe, kewl :-) | 04:56 |
sinzui | ha | 04:56 |
kiko | carlos, vprints is having a problem with an inactive translation team lead. | 04:56 |
kiko | what should we do about it? | 04:56 |
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carlos | vprints: please mail current maintainer with CC to rosetta@launchpad.net asking for response and if he doesn't answer in a week | 04:57 |
carlos | we can give extra permissions to another member | 04:58 |
=== carlos adds a big URGENT mark to his TODO entry about Ubuntu Translation Coordinator election | ||
carlos | so he handles this kind of problems | 04:58 |
carlos | vprints: which team is it? | 04:59 |
vprints | estonian | 04:59 |
vprints | we talked with you about it about a month ago | 05:00 |
carlos | hmm | 05:01 |
carlos | sorry, my memory is quite bad | 05:01 |
carlos | did you send that email at that point? | 05:01 |
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vprints | yes | 05:02 |
jtv | BjornT: hi | 05:03 |
vprints | you can see that he's been inactive for months | 05:03 |
carlos | vprints: ok, let me take a look to my logs | 05:03 |
vprints | k | 05:04 |
BjornT | hi jtv | 05:04 |
carlos | vprints: ok, no karma since 2006-06-01 | 05:05 |
vprints | :) | 05:05 |
carlos | that's a good sign of not being working at all.. | 05:05 |
carlos | vprints: is there any thread in your localisation mailing list about this issue? | 05:06 |
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carlos | vprints: any volunteer to take care of that role? | 05:06 |
vprints | Yes, me | 05:07 |
vprints | we don't have an active localisation mailing list | 05:08 |
vprints | we have a general localisation channel on freenode | 05:08 |
kiko | vprints, estonia eh? | 05:08 |
vprints | yes | 05:09 |
carlos | vprints: I just checked all members of your team | 05:09 |
carlos | and you are the most active one | 05:09 |
vprints | good | 05:09 |
vprints | :) | 05:09 |
vprints | kiko, did you mean the channel ? | 05:09 |
kiko | the country. | 05:10 |
carlos | kiko: could you give him the ownership of the team https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-et ? | 05:10 |
kiko | sure. | 05:10 |
carlos | kiko: thanks | 05:10 |
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ubotu | New bug: #57871 in bzr "Strange break-lock output (dup-of: 87934)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57871 | 05:15 |
carlos | jtv: hi, you pinged me before the meeting | 05:17 |
carlos | jtv: what could I do for you? | 05:17 |
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jtv | carlos: oh, just questions about the code, never mind. | 05:21 |
carlos | ok | 05:22 |
jtv | carlos: for example, a parameter called "language" that isn't used anywhere. But once you get done on your side, I'll do some refactoring. | 05:22 |
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch | ||
LarstiQ | navond | 05:23 |
jtv | carlos: I also talked to stub about the database, so I understand a bit better what the problem is and what I should watch out for. | 05:23 |
carlos | jtv: cool | 05:23 |
carlos | jtv: I'm using again 'make lint' so most of those should be detected once I'm done with that branch | 05:23 |
jtv | carlos: nice! | 05:24 |
jtv | carlos: and actually the "dict including a list of dicts" approach is quite nice for fast prototyping. | 05:25 |
jtv | carlos: see what stucture emerges first, then fix it in a class hierarchy. | 05:25 |
=== habeeb [n=habeeb@athedsl-86954.home.otenet.gr] has joined #launchpad | ||
habeeb | how are you doing gentlemen? | 05:25 |
jtv | how kind of you to ask! | 05:26 |
carlos | jtv: anyway, as agreed before, I'm not changing it with this version | 05:26 |
habeeb | I tried to apply my PGP key today in launchpad. I received a mail , with some "instructions", instead of the instructions I got an encrypted (?) text, tho. I tried decrypting it with FirePGP tho, and it says that it isn't PGP data.. | 05:27 |
habeeb | What's happening in my COMPUTER? | 05:27 |
habeeb | The internets are broken? Am I retarded? What's the problem? | 05:27 |
jtv | carlos: no, that's fine, as agreed. | 05:27 |
jtv | habeeb: there was a data centre outage today | 05:27 |
jtv | habeeb: though I don't know whether that has anything to do with the problem. | 05:28 |
habeeb | I don't think so... | 05:28 |
habeeb | I mean, I can't read the instructions.. | 05:28 |
jtv | Why? | 05:28 |
jtv | Oh, the email, right | 05:28 |
habeeb | moment. | 05:28 |
Spads | I have just brought the gpg keyserver back into operation about 20 minutes ago | 05:29 |
kiko | thanks Spads | 05:29 |
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habeeb | Spads: that's the email I got http://rafb.net/p/qoftHq76.html | 05:30 |
habeeb | kinda... I edited some lines of the PGP code | 05:31 |
jtv | carlos: I'll also add a lot of comments to the code... :-) | 05:31 |
habeeb | So, what am I supposed to do with FirePGP? Right click the code, and click Decrypt, right? | 05:31 |
Spads | habeeb: well that looks like a valid ascii PGP block, so you may want to try working with your tools a while. | 05:31 |
habeeb | "Sorry, but your selection doesn't contain any GPG valid data (for this operation) | 05:32 |
jtv | habeeb: what did you select? | 05:32 |
habeeb | The stuff under Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux) till the -----END PGP MESSAGE----- | 05:33 |
BenC | salgado: I think I may know why the email address isn't assigned to ubuntu-kernel-team...if I give it an email, will bugs sub'd to it send the email to that address? | 05:33 |
jtv | habeeb: Try starting one line earlier | 05:33 |
BenC | we don't want the bugs going there | 05:33 |
jtv | habeeb: so *include* the -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- line! | 05:34 |
habeeb | i see | 05:34 |
salgado | BenC, yes, bugmail will go to that address | 05:34 |
habeeb | Woah! MAGIC! | 05:34 |
BenC | salgado: any way to configure it not to? | 05:34 |
jtv | habeeb: :-) | 05:34 |
habeeb | Thank you, jtv | 05:34 |
jtv | habeeb: all in a day's work | 05:34 |
habeeb | Aw man I'm so cool now. I have an OpenPGP key! | 05:35 |
jtv | habeeb: today you are One of Us. :-) | 05:35 |
habeeb | And 1054 karma ... | 05:35 |
kiko | vprints, what's your launchpad id? | 05:36 |
habeeb | Seriously, in a month when I finish school... I'll really concentrate on contributing.. | 05:36 |
habeeb | and well... going out. | 05:36 |
vprints | vprints | 05:36 |
vprints | =) | 05:36 |
salgado | BenC, unfortunately, no | 05:37 |
jtv | habeeb: don't forget though, dating and partying don't raise your karma score. :) | 05:37 |
Nafallo | jtv: will need to implement that :-) | 05:38 |
habeeb | :P | 05:38 |
salgado | cprov-lunch, what do you think of maintaining a manual mapping of email-addresses-used-in-the-uploader-field to teams/people in launchpad? that way we could link packages to the appropriate teams without requiring them to register a contact address and getting unwanted bugmail | 05:38 |
jtv | Nafallo: no way. Think what it'll do to our productivity... | 05:39 |
Nafallo | :-) | 05:39 |
salgado | BenC, I think this will be possible in a few months, but if this is a real problem now we can try to do the workaround I suggested to cprov-lunch (^) | 05:41 |
habeeb | You get karma by asking questions? ~_~ | 05:41 |
kiko | vprints, done. | 05:42 |
vprints | Thankyou! | 05:42 |
vprints | I'll do my very best :) | 05:42 |
BenC | salgado: It's mainly a matter of consistency...we want packages on the right team...but I'd also like to have a real contact email for a team without it being used as a bug list | 05:42 |
kiko | I know you will | 05:42 |
BenC | salgado: it's not hurting anything at the moment | 05:43 |
salgado | BenC, this is being planned and the implementation is going to start soon, so I guess we don't need to worry about it now? | 05:43 |
habeeb | Ehm, ubuntuforums is a Canonical "product"? | 05:43 |
bdmurray | is librarian.launchpad.net down? | 05:45 |
carlos | bdmurray: it works here | 05:45 |
elmo | it's back up | 05:46 |
bdmurray | magic, thanks. ;) | 05:46 |
=== dneary [n=dneary@mne69-9-88-163-116-163.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #launchpad | ||
dneary | Hi | 05:49 |
dneary | Isn't there anyone advertising the Ubuntu Open Week sessio for Launchpad/Rosetta? | 05:50 |
dneary | I thought I might find out what the IRC channel was here | 05:50 |
kiko | it's #ubuntu-classroom | 05:50 |
habeeb | and ubuntu-classroom-chat | 05:50 |
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dneary | kiko: Danke | 05:50 |
dneary | kiko: Might be an idea to /topic the time & place here | 05:51 |
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=== AlinuxOS [n=vsichi@host47-174-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #launchpad | ||
SteveA | mthaddon: ping | 07:10 |
SteveA | mthaddon: where's my CSS files? :-/ | 07:10 |
mthaddon | SteveA: pong | 07:11 |
mthaddon | SteveA: which ones? | 07:11 |
SteveA | https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/subversion/+bug/91848 | 07:11 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 91848 in subversion "segfault when importing libsvn.wc in python 2.4 on feisty/amd64" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Matthias Klose (doko) | 07:11 |
SteveA | when I go there, I get no CSS | 07:11 |
mthaddon | seems to be working for me... | 07:12 |
mthaddon | try seeing if you can get to https://beta.launchpad.net/+icing/rev5/+style-slimmer.css | 07:12 |
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SteveA | mthaddon: it's back now | 07:13 |
mthaddon | weird... | 07:14 |
SteveA | mthaddon: yep, works now | 07:14 |
mthaddon | ok, cool | 07:14 |
mthaddon | I'm tailing the logs and can see css stuff being served - must've been the gremlins again... | 07:16 |
ubotu | New bug: #110313 in soyuz "Poppy lockfile should be created with g+w" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110313 | 07:25 |
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ubotu | New bug: #110351 in soyuz "temporary files should not be in the archive tree" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110351 | 09:40 |
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habeeb | Ehm, we can't edit bug comments? :/ | 09:59 |
kiko | as in practically every bug tracker. | 10:03 |
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harrisony | habeeb: its a known bug | 10:36 |
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pochu | harrisony: I wouldn't say it's a bug | 10:47 |
harrisony | well its in malone under launchpad, there is also a spec. iirc which wants 5 min to edit comments | 10:48 |
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pochu | oh, that's ok, then | 10:57 |
pochu | harrisony: I thought even 1 year later ;) | 10:57 |
pochu | that shouldn't be implemented ^ | 10:57 |
pochu | but the other sounds good | 10:57 |
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schnuffiline | wie kann man in launchpad seine registrierung lschen? | 11:36 |
siretart | schnuffiline: die meisten entwickler sprechen englisch, - most developers are talking english | 11:37 |
siretart | she's asking how to delete her account in launchpad | 11:37 |
schnuffiline | how can one delete into launchpad its registration? | 11:37 |
schnuffiline | siretart, dank dir ich werde es versuchen | 11:38 |
siretart | schnuffiline: afaik, you cannot get your account removed completely, however, there was some kind of 'vacation' mode planed so you aren't spammed any longer | 11:39 |
schnuffiline | siretart, like friendly - apology which I times one ask placed - idiot | 11:41 |
siretart | ? | 11:42 |
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