=== johanbr [n=j@blk-224-156-151.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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mdke | Nafallo: no, but it's expensive | 12:59 |
Nafallo | yea. I guess a move from Sweden would be quite expensive to start with :-P. | 01:02 |
Nafallo | anyway. will translate my CV :-) | 01:03 |
mdke | Nafallo: it's ok if you are being paid well, or sharing accomodation | 01:03 |
Nafallo | ah. nice. that would probably be quite fun :-) | 01:04 |
ajmitch | morning | 01:08 |
Nafallo | morning ajmitch :-) | 01:08 |
mc44 | Nafallo: also, our alcohol is cheaper than in Sweden :) | 01:09 |
Nafallo | mc44: hehe. I don't care much about alcohol though :-) | 01:09 |
Nafallo | rather spend my money on computerparts ;-) | 01:09 |
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siti | Can a developer look at this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gksu/+bug/66518 I have some bug fixes for gksu. It fixes most startup notification problems and would be nice to be merged. | 01:37 |
ubotu | Malone bug 66518 in gksu "[Edgy + Feisty] Startup Notification broken" [Medium,Confirmed] | 01:37 |
=== jml_ [n=jml@220-253-103-224.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pygi | siti, I can look, I'm not a dev tho | 01:41 |
pygi | I can review the patch ^_^ | 01:41 |
pygi | siti, simple patch ^_^ | 01:43 |
siti | yeah it's very simple but fixes the most annoying bugs I have with ubuntu | 01:44 |
=== pygi could perhaps roll new package today or day after | ||
pygi | if you want me to ofcourse ^_^ | 01:44 |
siti | roll a new package? | 01:44 |
pygi | well, apply patches to existing one, and upload it to archives =) | 01:45 |
siti | yeah that would be cool, how does it get merged from there, sorry I am quite new ... | 01:45 |
pygi | well, if it gets into archives, then you can get it :P | 01:46 |
=== jmg [n=cartel@shinobi.thoughtcrime.org.nz] has left #ubuntu-devel [] | ||
pygi | you could call that merged-in :) | 01:46 |
siti | ok | 01:46 |
pygi | ok, assigned to me | 01:46 |
pygi | will take care of it in near future I hope =) | 01:46 |
siti | thanks | 01:46 |
pygi | yw, thank you | 01:47 |
siti | I'll nag you if you don't ;) | 01:47 |
pygi | siti, sure, you're most welcome to :) | 01:47 |
Nafallo | pygi: kewl. didn't know you where a core-dev :-) | 01:48 |
pygi | Nafallo, I'm not :P | 01:48 |
pygi | Nafallo, I'm not even a MOTU =) | 01:48 |
Nafallo | pygi: ah. sponsoring... | 01:49 |
jdong | how does distro registering work on LP? who is allowed to start a distro, what services do you get, etc? | 01:49 |
=== koke [n=koke@sccc-66-78-236-255.smartcity.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pygi | jdong, I guess #launchpad may be better answer to that? | 01:49 |
pygi | Nafallo, nod ^_^ | 01:49 |
pygi | Nafallo, nobody would grant core dev access to a person like me :P | 01:49 |
siti | hehe | 01:49 |
Nafallo | :-P | 01:50 |
=== pygi however hopes to get a few packages up to main in this cycle^_^ | ||
Nafallo | why am I NOT in bed? | 01:50 |
pygi | because it's only 1:50? | 01:51 |
Nafallo | which is in the middle of the night... I should sleep :-) | 01:51 |
pygi | hm, sleep is overrated :P | 01:52 |
Nafallo | depends... | 01:52 |
pygi | on the position of the moon? | 01:53 |
pygi | siti, hopefully that can go in edgy-updates, and feisty-updates | 01:54 |
pygi | I'd say the later one is more probably :) | 01:54 |
siti | yeah that would be nice | 01:55 |
=== pygi needs to build fresh chroots on server | ||
siti | have you noticed how screwed up the startup notification is when using gksu too? | 01:55 |
pygi | ^_^ | 01:56 |
pygi | whatever you need, just feel free to poke :) | 01:56 |
siti | ok | 01:56 |
siti | thanks | 01:56 |
pygi | If you need help in writing patches, just say ^_^ | 01:56 |
=== pygi also need those, especially bringing evil GB up-to-shape finally :P | ||
siti | I am fine with patches, it's more learning how ubuntu/debian works and how to make packages | 01:57 |
=== micahcowan [n=micahcow@ubuntu/member/micahcowan] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
pygi | oki, #ubuntu-motu is always there to help, and ofcourse you're always welcome to mail me if you need something ^_^ | 01:57 |
pygi | it's not hard as it seems, trust me =) | 01:57 |
siti | :) | 01:58 |
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superm1 | hey guys some time ago I poked around in here to try to setup a mailing list and got two answers: email to rt@a.c.c and mailman@l.u.c. I've sent email to both this last month, but haven't heard back from either. What is the correct way to setup a mailing list? | 03:04 |
=== gouki__ [n=gouki@bl4-197-58.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
lifeless | superm1: did you get a confirmation from rt ? | 03:05 |
superm1 | I got a # back from them, but it was automated | 03:05 |
superm1 | no people have responded | 03:05 |
superm1 | it just said to include it in the subject of all future communications | 03:06 |
superm1 | lifeless, it has been almost a month (march 30th) since i sent. Is there somewhere else i should poke? | 03:08 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
lifeless | superm1: you can ask about progress in #canonical-sysadmin, or follow up to the mail. | 03:09 |
superm1 | lifeless, already followed up to the mail (twice now) with no response. i'll poke in that channel. thanks | 03:09 |
=== stdin [n=tez@82-37-240-159.cable.ubr07.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | morning all | 03:10 |
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fabbione | morning guys | 04:58 |
Hobbsee | hey fabbione! | 04:58 |
fabbione | hey hey | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | :) | 04:59 |
desrt | sup d00ds? | 05:12 |
fabbione | desrt: i will tell you once i am alive | 05:13 |
desrt | you are not yet born? | 05:13 |
=== Hobbsee applies the cattle prod. | ||
desrt | hey. back off. i like this guy. | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | only gently! | 05:13 |
=== desrt is tired tonight | ||
=== Hobbsee could use the cattle prod to wake you up too? | ||
desrt | please no. | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | heh | 05:14 |
=== desrt is more or less ready to go to bed but is waiting for someone to come online first | ||
=== n3t0 [n=n3t0@201-13-56-208.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
n3t0 | how i can set packages priority on ubuntu apt-get? | 05:17 |
desrt | n3t0; you have come to the wrong place, i'm afraid | 05:17 |
n3t0 | ups. its devel | 05:17 |
n3t0 | sorry | 05:17 |
desrt | it's cool | 05:17 |
desrt | have a nice night | 05:18 |
fabbione | desrt: i have been reborn many times.. today i just need to poweron the brain | 05:18 |
n3t0 | thanls | 05:18 |
n3t0 | thanks | 05:18 |
desrt | ah | 05:18 |
desrt | coffee works better for that than cattle prods. | 05:18 |
desrt | Hobbsee ought to have known better | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | desrt: but far less fun... | 05:18 |
Hobbsee | desrt: i keep saying that i want a lassoo and a cattle prod at work, but they keep saying no... | 05:18 |
desrt | Hobbsee; some things are best done on personal time | 05:19 |
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Hobbsee | desrt: heh. just to use on pesky customers, nothing else... | 05:19 |
=== ScottLij [n=ScottLij@66-227-218-192.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
desrt | if you have access to their home address information then you could easily turn it into a personal-time hobby | 05:20 |
Hobbsee | hrm, i'll be right | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | besides - once i leave work, it's notmy problem anymore | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | so if foolish customers leave all their shopping behind, i dont care. go talk to the people on the desk :P | 05:21 |
desrt | true... but you have to take out your agression somewhere | 05:21 |
Hobbsee | heh | 05:22 |
=== desrt always hated being the sorry sap | ||
=== Hobbsee looks around placcidly | ||
Hobbsee | me? agressive? | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | heh | 05:22 |
Hobbsee | "the amount of shopping you leave behind is directly proportional to your amount of embarrassment, when you come back, asking us for it" | 05:23 |
desrt | it's odd that you have "shopping" as a noun to refer to the items | 05:23 |
Hobbsee | desrt: i take my agression from that out, on the relatively few people, who do that, and come and say "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MY MILK/MEAT/OTHER COLD STUFF ISNT IN HERE?!?!?!?!" | 05:23 |
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
jdong | I wish I had that's what she said in here.... | 05:24 |
=== mat [n=mat@igoan/mat] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | haha | 05:24 |
jdong | Hobbsee: but lol I've forgotten stuff once or twice too | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | desrt: i believe it's a noun? | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | jdong: yeah, but there's no reason to be an absolute fool, or bitchy about it :P | 05:24 |
jdong | Hobbsee: in my experience the staffers were generally very lenient about it | 05:24 |
=== Hobbsee has some of the greatest phone conversatoins with people who've forgotten stuff | ||
jdong | and it was an overwhelmingly positive experience | 05:24 |
Hobbsee | jdong: same here. on the other end. however, there are a small group of people who just blow your mind | 05:25 |
desrt | we always kept a book | 05:25 |
jdong | mostly because, contrary to what everyone here believes, I don't bitch out or act aggressive when I'm seeking help :) | 05:25 |
Hobbsee | desrt: so do we. it's the only way to do it | 05:25 |
jdong | oh, those people will always exist | 05:25 |
jdong | just a second ago there was one in #ubuntuforums.... | 05:25 |
desrt | erm | 05:25 |
jdong | OUTRAGED that he can't use "all 64 bits" of his processor | 05:25 |
desrt | is there an "ubuntu irc" forum? | 05:25 |
jdong | and have win32codecs at the same time | 05:25 |
desrt | jdong; dude. that was me. | 05:25 |
jdong | desrt: don't even get me started on the name of that channel | 05:25 |
desrt | jdong; ease up. | 05:25 |
=== Hobbsee likes the people who come in and say "hi, my mother left a couple of bags here this morning. do you have them?" "quite possibly, what's in them?" "oh, i'm not sure....cant you check?".... | ||
jdong | desrt: lol | 05:26 |
jdong | I really wanted to shove my double long pointer up his circular buffer. | 05:26 |
=== desrt is somewhat annoyed at the 32/64 issue | ||
jdong | ha! I'm using my CS lingo! | 05:27 |
desrt | dude... | 05:27 |
Hobbsee | </ work rant> | 05:27 |
jdong | Hobbsee: I guess you have answered first hand a question I've pondered several years | 05:28 |
Hobbsee | jdong: oh? | 05:29 |
jdong | Hobbsee: "I wonder what this guy is like in person...." | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | jdong: oh? how so? | 05:29 |
jdong | Hobbsee: you actually get to meet your interesting-folk in person | 05:29 |
Hobbsee | jdong: true | 05:29 |
desrt | ...internet grocers... | 05:30 |
Hobbsee | heh | 05:30 |
desrt | /join #food | 05:30 |
desrt | <n00b> d00ds.. i forg0t muh shoppin' | 05:30 |
desrt | <n00b> it was... in a bag! | 05:31 |
desrt | ** Hobbsee sets mode [+b n00b!*@*] | 05:31 |
desrt | ** Hobbsee kicks n00b | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | haha | 05:31 |
ajmitch | I'm sure Hobbsee would never do that, and that she'll be all shy & quiet at UDS ;) | 05:31 |
Hobbsee | quite sure. just like elky | 05:32 |
jdong | whee! I'm "ms daisy" now | 05:32 |
=== jdong also searches up 'petarded' | ||
desrt | are you being driven? | 05:32 |
jdong | that's what.... must resist... | 05:33 |
=== desrt is being confused and disoriented by jdong | ||
desrt | Hobbsee, ajmitch; pls help. | 05:33 |
jdong | !twss-#ubuntuforums | 05:33 |
ubotu | That's what she said! | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | desrt: not sure i can... | 05:34 |
ajmitch | desrt: only sedatives can help him now | 05:34 |
jdong | I'm convinced that if one thinks pervertedly enough, that response works for any statement. | 05:34 |
jdong | ajmitch: those didn't work either :) | 05:34 |
desrt | /join #ubuntu-sober | 05:35 |
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leninz | can someone help me install wxJavaScript on ubuntu 6.06? | 05:59 |
leninz | please | 05:59 |
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ion_ | :h | 07:19 |
ion_ | Whoops. | 07:19 |
=== dholbach [n=daniel@chello080109078174.4.15.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
dholbach | good morning | 07:21 |
=== torshido [i=torshido@gateway/tor/x-87423e84c6898be7] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ion_ | Hi dholbach | 07:34 |
dholbach | hey ion_ | 07:35 |
=== Grape_Juice [n=pants@adsl-69-225-11-254.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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fabbione | Mithrandir: are the gates to gutsy open in full? | 08:18 |
=== fabbione can't see in LP if it's still frozen or not | ||
Mithrandir | fabbione: no, still closed. | 08:19 |
Mithrandir | it's nowhere near noon yet | 08:20 |
fabbione | ok | 08:20 |
fabbione | noon? | 08:20 |
fabbione | i must have missed an email or two | 08:20 |
Mithrandir | u-d-a? | 08:21 |
fabbione | hmmm gcj is borked... | 08:21 |
fabbione | oh very last line | 08:21 |
fabbione | i did stop half way being all about gcj :P | 08:21 |
=== pradeep [n=pradeep@unaffiliated/pradeep] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: catch up! it's 4pm! :P | 08:24 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: does that mean I can go home for today? | 08:24 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: you mean you get to stop work at all? | 08:25 |
Hobbsee | if you like :P | 08:25 |
pitti | Good morning | 08:27 |
Hobbsee | heya pitti! | 08:27 |
=== Hobbsee hugs pitti | ||
Mithrandir | hiya Martin | 08:27 |
=== pitti waves to Australia and Norway | ||
=== willverine [n=willem@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ajmitch | pitti: what about NZ? :) | 08:31 |
=== pitti hugs ajmitch, too :) | ||
Mithrandir | ajmitch: hard to see you over the edge of the sea. | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | ajmitch: isnt that part of australia anyway? | 08:31 |
ajmitch | Hobbsee: we had more sense than that | 08:31 |
Hobbsee | oh wait, that's where we send our criminals. deportation mark 2 | 08:31 |
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=== mvo [n=egon@p54a67a05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== bimberi deports Hobbsee for that remark | ||
bimberi | :) | 08:44 |
=== Hobbsee beats bimberi with a big stick | ||
mdke | deport her to England | 08:45 |
bimberi | ah, the famous... | 08:45 |
mdke | Nafallo: are you involved with ubuntu sweden? If not, can you tell me who is? | 08:45 |
=== mdke can't find a launchpad group | ||
=== tsmithe [n=toby@ubuntu/member/tsmithe] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
bimberi | mdke: England! Gosh it wasn't that bad :P | 08:47 |
=== mdke grabs Hobbsee's stick | ||
Hobbsee | mdke: you cant. that's mine | 08:48 |
=== Hobbsee spears mdke with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and roasts him over the fire. | ||
Mithrandir | poor mdke | 08:48 |
=== mdke hugs Mithrandir | ||
=== bimberi grins again at the > I can't see how it's at fault. Your most likely issue is a sad | ||
bimberi | > battery, followed by an issue on the laptop's motherboard. | 08:52 |
bimberi | argn, that failed miserably | 08:52 |
=== Monk-e [n=guido-fe@c529dd229.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== bimberi grins again at the | ||
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-64-131.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== Fujitsu pleads for somebody almighty to let two instances of k3d into {feisty,edgy}-proposed. | ||
Hobbsee | haha | 08:55 |
Mithrandir | Fujitsu: looking at it | 08:57 |
Fujitsu | Thanks Mithrandir. | 08:57 |
Mithrandir | Fujitsu: I see it's not on MOTU/SRU yet, but we now have the ability to copy binaries between pockets, so if you could reupload with the version number you want in -updates, that'd be good. | 08:58 |
Fujitsu | Mithrandir: I saw somebody say yesterday that it wasn't actually able to be used in the moment. | 08:58 |
Fujitsu | But I'll adjust and reupload. | 08:58 |
Mithrandir | hm, I'll see if I find that discussion | 08:59 |
=== allee [n=ach@lapex-mcallee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Mithrandir | Fujitsu: I can't see anything in the discussion about it not working yet. | 09:00 |
Fujitsu | I remember something over the past couple of days, but I can't see it either. | 09:01 |
Mithrandir | hm, sorry, I missed Martin's "this was just a temporary test" | 09:02 |
Fujitsu | That's the one. | 09:02 |
Mithrandir | mea culpa; I'll go poke it through then | 09:02 |
Fujitsu | OK, so we can't actually do it yet? | 09:03 |
=== viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Mithrandir | I'm not sure, and it's no harm doing it the old way. | 09:04 |
Fujitsu | Good, I don't really want to manually minimise debdiffs again tonight. | 09:05 |
Fujitsu | I love build systems that generate huge diffs due to autoconf changes :) | 09:06 |
Mithrandir | both accepted now | 09:08 |
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Fujitsu | Thanks. | 09:08 |
pitti | Mithrandir: cprov removed the tool again, mentioning some bug that needed to be fixed before; its description was totally uncomprehensible to me, though (speaking in terms of internal LP concepts and classes) | 09:08 |
saispo | hi | 09:08 |
Mithrandir | pitti: oh, the one about it copying random hppa binaries about? | 09:09 |
pitti | Mithrandir: no, that wasn't an issue | 09:09 |
Mithrandir | ok | 09:09 |
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popey | morning all. I have a question about a package that isn't in the repo, but I (and the author) would like it to be. Problem is that the package in question (xvidcap) is currently compiled statically against fmpeg-svn8195 rather than the version in the repo.. | 09:18 |
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popey | ..the author cites "extra testing" "more thorough testing required" and "extra external dependancy " as reasons for statically linking, but I am not convinced these are show-stoppers | 09:18 |
Mithrandir | popey: you can cite "more pain for security updates" as a reason not to statically link | 09:19 |
popey | I would like to help him where I can to get it into the universe repo, but if we are going to be successfull does it make sense for me to push for not static linking? | 09:19 |
popey | true | 09:19 |
popey | I suspect that as a by-product of having it in the repo it will get quite a bit more testing, as it is I think people dont use xvidcap for screencasting (but use something like istanbul) simply because it's got a barrier to use - it's not in the repo | 09:21 |
Hobbsee | sabdfl: about your answer on the commercial repos yesterday - my question was more "how often does canonical plan to update these repositories, and for how many releases will they do it? ie, just LTS ones?" | 09:21 |
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popey | should I grab a mentor from the MOTU wiki pages and get some guidance directly? | 09:22 |
florian | Hello! | 09:22 |
Hobbsee | popey: or ask in #ubuntu-motu with anything you need help with | 09:22 |
Hobbsee | hi florian | 09:22 |
popey | ah, of course, thanks Hobbsee | 09:22 |
florian | Is there a development kernel 2.6.21 for ubuntu? | 09:22 |
florian | I tried to build one myselve, but it seems there are a lot of patches for the ubuntu kernel. | 09:23 |
Hobbsee | florian: not yet | 09:23 |
florian | The 2.6.20 doesn't work with my acpi | 09:23 |
Hobbsee | presumably we'll move straight to .22? or .23? | 09:23 |
fabbione | florian: it's on kernel.org... there is a development tree but it's not for general use | 09:23 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: AIUI, the plan is .22 | 09:24 |
fabbione | florian: it's lacking all the ubuntu stuff.. basically it's .21 vanilla in .deb package | 09:24 |
florian | fabbione: also a ubuntu version? I couldn't get it to work on feisty ... | 09:24 |
fabbione | florian: well then you will have to wait... | 09:24 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: great, okay | 09:24 |
fabbione | florian: it's brand new merge | 09:24 |
florian | fabbione: OK, I was looking for a ubuntu package ... | 09:24 |
Hobbsee | florian: and it'll go on gutsy, nto feisty | 09:24 |
fabbione | florian: no, there is no such thing yet | 09:25 |
florian | Where ist the right place to get a development kernel for ubuntu? | 09:25 |
Hobbsee | florian: in the gutsy repos. | 09:26 |
Hobbsee | when it exists | 09:26 |
florian | Hobbsee: OK, thanks ... | 09:26 |
hunger | Hobbsee: gutsy repos exist. | 09:26 |
Hobbsee | hunger: yes, but the new kernel doesnt | 09:26 |
Hobbsee | which was what i was referring to :P | 09:26 |
hunger | Hobbsee: They seem to contain (parts of) the toolchain only so far though. | 09:26 |
Hobbsee | i know | 09:26 |
hunger | Hobbsee: Sorry to bother you then! | 09:27 |
Hobbsee | hunger: no problem :) | 09:27 |
florian | Yes that is allright. I just wanted to know where if available I could look for devolopment stuff. | 09:27 |
florian | So I will watch the gusy development ... | 09:28 |
saispo | where NetworkManager configuration file is stored ? | 09:29 |
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Fujitsu | saispo: It doesn't have a config file, AFAIK. All configuration is stored per-user in gconf. | 09:30 |
doko | cjwatson: could you merge debhelper before the archive generally opens? | 09:30 |
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saispo | Fujitsu: ok, the speed rate for wireless config is in gconf too ? | 09:31 |
Mithrandir | saispo: NM doesn't force the speed rate, iirc. | 09:32 |
Fujitsu | I doubt NetworkManager does that sort of stuff. | 09:32 |
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saispo | :/ | 09:32 |
saispo | i have a 54mbits card and my french isp have a 54mbits router | 09:33 |
saispo | but ubuntu speed is 11 mbits :/ | 09:33 |
saispo | and i read in /etc/network/if* a variable with the speed rate | 09:33 |
tarzeau | i'm looking for the di i386 etch 2.6 netinstaller kernel config file... | 09:35 |
Fujitsu | tarzeau: You're not going to find much/anything about Etch in here... | 09:36 |
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saispo | Fujitsu: i search where this variable $IF_WIRELESS_RATE is set | 09:37 |
tarzeau | Fujitsu: sorry wrong chan | 09:38 |
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doko | pitti: please promote axis, wsdl4j, libcommons-discovery-java to main (already approved during the feisty cycle, now needed by java-gcj-compat) | 09:49 |
doko | Mithrandir: please accept python2.5 | 09:51 |
Mithrandir | doko: accepted. | 09:52 |
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dholbach | cjwatson: do you if libatk1.0-udeb is used somewhere? (debian dropped it and I'm not sure if I can merge it like that) | 10:02 |
dholbach | cjwatson: forget what I just said, they just create it differently | 10:03 |
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siretart | Mithrandir: why is bug #106352 not applicable for gutsy? | 10:09 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106352 in lcd4linux "please sync lcd4linux_0.10.1~rc1-1 from debian/unstable" [Undecided,Rejected] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106352 | 10:09 |
Mithrandir | siretart: because it'll be done by the "auto"-sync. | 10:10 |
thom | bhale: dude! | 10:10 |
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willverine | cjwatson: hi :) | 10:17 |
pitti | doko: at it | 10:17 |
pygi | siretart, around? | 10:17 |
siretart | pygi: . | 10:18 |
pitti | doko: erledigt | 10:18 |
pygi | siretart, I've talked build system to produce .4 libs ^_^ | 10:18 |
pygi | which would mean .... guess what :) | 10:19 |
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siretart | pygi: you finally release the next version? | 10:20 |
pygi | siretart, sure, very soon :) | 10:20 |
cjwatson | doko: yeah, ok | 10:20 |
pygi | siretart, with ABI not broken even | 10:21 |
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cjwatson | pitti: actually, what happened was that a newer rollout supported copy-package, but that rollout also broke the publisher so cprov flipped the /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current symlink back | 10:21 |
pygi | biggest thing to note in new version will be - we stopped using /dev/sg, on advisal of kernel people | 10:21 |
cjwatson | pitti: however, that shouldn't stop you being able to run copy-package.py from the newer codeline even though it's not .../current | 10:21 |
pitti | cjwatson: ah, so that was unrelated actually, I wasn't 100% sure about it | 10:21 |
cjwatson | certainly people doing -proposed uploads now should use the version number they want in -updates | 10:22 |
cjwatson | willverine: hi | 10:22 |
pitti | right, I already had editmoin open when cprov called me back :) | 10:22 |
willverine | cjwatson: here is where i am at the moment, i can do it from the terminal (ie load the template i want) and i can do it from perl | 10:23 |
cjwatson | willverine: so what's the perl incantation you're using? | 10:23 |
willverine | cjwatson: cause the perl bindings exist, but i have no idea whether python bindings exist or where i could find them | 10:23 |
cjwatson | 'import debconf' | 10:23 |
willverine | cjwatson: yup, but how do you load a template? | 10:24 |
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cjwatson | willverine: that question doesn't really make sense to me; could you back up a bit and explain what you're trying to do? | 10:24 |
willverine | cjwatson: the only command that looks right is register | 10:24 |
willverine | cjwatson: from the command line ill type in debconf-loadtemplate [PACKAGENAME] [TEMPLATEFILE] | 10:25 |
cjwatson | no, what are you trying to achieve? | 10:25 |
willverine | cjwatson: debconf-loadtemplate is a perl script | 10:25 |
willverine | cjwatson: im trying to load a template | 10:25 |
cjwatson | I'm familiar with debconf | 10:25 |
cjwatson | willverine: that's a means to an end. What's the end? | 10:25 |
cjwatson | it should be pretty rare to need to use debconf-loadtemplate manually | 10:26 |
willverine | cjwatson: to be able to have debconf 'variables' available to set before the appropriate packages are installed | 10:26 |
cjwatson | willverine: is this some kind of installation preseeding thing? | 10:26 |
willverine | cjwatson: yes | 10:26 |
cjwatson | willverine: why not use debconf-set-selections? | 10:27 |
=== willverine looks | ||
cjwatson | you *can* use the register command to do this (and debconf-set-selections does something a bit like that internally; the cdebconf implementation of debconf-set-selections actually does do exactly that) but I'd recommend using debconf-set-selections rather than doing it by steam | 10:28 |
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willverine | cjwatson: yes thats exactly what i want to do (the template route is a roundabout way to accomplish the same) | 10:30 |
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willverine | cjwatson: do you know what the python for debconf would look like to accomplish the same (ie which command to use) | 10:31 |
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cjwatson | something like: | 10:33 |
cjwatson | db = debconf.Debconf() | 10:33 |
cjwatson | try: | 10:33 |
cjwatson | db.set(template, value) | 10:33 |
cjwatson | except debconf.DebconfError: | 10:33 |
cjwatson | db.register(template, template) | 10:33 |
cjwatson | db.set(template, value) | 10:33 |
cjwatson | db.fset(template, 'seen', 'true') | 10:33 |
cjwatson | can't remember if the 'REGISTER template template' trick works in debconf - I think it does | 10:33 |
cjwatson | better to have a real dummy template to register it against of course | 10:34 |
cjwatson | then it would be db.register('name/of/dummy/template', new_question_name) | 10:34 |
willverine | cjwatson: tx! :) will give it a try | 10:34 |
cjwatson | the perl implementation of debconf-set-selections does it differently because it's using debconf internals to get the job done | 10:34 |
cjwatson | the same functions aren't accessible to python bindings - they're client-only | 10:35 |
cjwatson | hence my strong recommendation to use the external program | 10:35 |
cjwatson | + * dh_installudev: Install udev rules directly into /etc/udev/rules.d/, not | 10:36 |
cjwatson | + using the symlinks. MD has agreed that this is more appropriate for most | 10:36 |
cjwatson | + packages. | 10:36 |
cjwatson | wow, is the universe ending? | 10:36 |
StevenK | Dear God, Macro d'Itri is changing his opinion?! | 10:37 |
StevenK | Er, Marco | 10:37 |
StevenK | cjwatson: Say it ain't so! | 10:39 |
fabbione | StevenK: MD is not totally unreasonable.. | 10:39 |
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StevenK | fabbione: To be completly honest, I've found him unreasonable enough to avoid using anything he maintains. | 10:40 |
fabbione | StevenK: i guess it's a matter of personal experience.. | 10:40 |
StevenK | I guess so. | 10:41 |
cjwatson | FWIW I'm not making a comment on him personally, rather that I thought this was a particular issue he felt very strongly about (and I happened to disagree) | 10:44 |
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Mithrandir | it'll also help reduce the delta we have to Debian, which is good. | 10:46 |
cjwatson | yeah, most of the dh_installudev diff (though not all - different default priority and separator character) goes away | 10:49 |
Mithrandir | we have a fair number of packages which moves the file, too. | 10:49 |
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jono | does feisty use compiz or beryl? | 10:57 |
StevenK | The former. | 10:57 |
Mithrandir | compiz is in main, beryl in universe | 10:57 |
jono | thanks | 10:58 |
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Nafallo | mdke: pong. I am :-). | 11:20 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir,doko: just testing debhelper now - will upload it when I'm satisfied | 11:29 |
doko | cjwatson: thanks | 11:30 |
doko | Mithrandir: once pitti's package promotions are in the archive, we could open gutsy from my point of view; pitti is preparing texlive to be synced/merged, and I'm not aware of any other major breakage | 11:32 |
pitti | right, but texlive-bin will keep my busy for a while still; the poppler patch needs some updating | 11:32 |
pitti | working on it ATM | 11:32 |
pitti | doko: well, I can also temporarily drop it completely, thus building against xpdf, and fix it up afterwards | 11:33 |
doko | pitti: sounds like an option | 11:33 |
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pitti | but I would really like to have this in the archive before we open the floodgates, since it affects build-deps of many packages | 11:33 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir: who's in charge of semi-auto sync-source runs this cycle? you? | 11:34 |
doko | Mithrandir: ^^^ | 11:34 |
=== pitti currently builds a version with an updated patch, let's see how that goes | ||
dholbach | doko: you introduced python-orca-brlapi - do you know how I can import it and try if it works? | 11:38 |
doko | dholbach: just splitted out to a new binary package | 11:39 |
doko | import orca.brl | 11:39 |
Mithrandir | cjwatson: I'll be happy to do them. | 11:39 |
Mithrandir | pitti: any idea about an ETA for it? | 11:40 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: oh, I think I did it; it's at the debhelper stage | 11:40 |
pitti | yay, it built | 11:41 |
dholbach | doko: thanks a lot - works nicely (i tried orca.brlapi and orca.brlmodule which didn't work) | 11:41 |
pitti | Mithrandir: so, let me give this at least a short local test before I sync and upload everything | 11:41 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: max one hour, I'd say until I have everything tested, uploaded and synced | 11:42 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir: debhelper uploaded, will be in unapproved in a coupule of minutes | 11:42 |
Mithrandir | pitti: sure, take your time. | 11:43 |
doko | Mithrandir: please accept python-profiler, python-stdlib-extensions, python-defaults | 11:43 |
Mithrandir | doko: accepted. | 11:44 |
doko | pitti: hrm, forgot about to ask for the promotion of libmx4j-java | 11:46 |
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pitti | doko: done | 11:46 |
cjwatson | Mithrandir: debhelper in unapproved, please accept | 11:50 |
Mithrandir | cjwatson: accepted. | 11:51 |
Mithrandir | cjwatson: I'm happy with people accepting their own toolchain-y packages until we just open fully. | 11:51 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: alright, basic test works well | 11:53 |
Mithrandir | pitti: feel free to upload, then. | 11:54 |
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cjwatson | Mithrandir: nod | 11:55 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: right, I'll do the uploads and syncs now and will care for the binary NEW stuff | 11:55 |
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Mithrandir | pitti: just remember that syncs don't go to unapproved, so don't sync anything which needs the new bits. | 11:56 |
pitti | Mithrandir: I need to sync tex-common and texlive-{base,doc,extra,lang}, and upload texlive-bin | 11:56 |
pitti | Mithrandir: and promote all those to main | 11:56 |
Mithrandir | pitti: sure. | 11:56 |
pitti | I'll remove tetex later | 11:56 |
seb128 | carlos: around? | 11:57 |
pitti | they do have some mutual build deps, but they should resolve themselves, I think | 11:57 |
carlos | seb128: yes | 11:57 |
seb128 | carlos: https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/epiphany-extensions/+pots/epiphany-extensions-2.17 has an incorrect translations domain, do you know why? | 11:57 |
seb128 | carlos: the package template is correctly named -2.18 | 11:57 |
Mithrandir | hm, beta should really redirect people who don't have beta membership to the regular one. | 11:58 |
seb128 | carlos: https://beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+sources/epiphany-extensions/+translate rather | 11:58 |
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seb128 | Mithrandir: yes, there is a bug open about that | 11:58 |
carlos | seb128: I guess I forget to fix that once the translation domain changed | 11:58 |
carlos | I will fix it now | 11:58 |
pitti | elmo: tetex-bin is in main but its source (texlive-base) is not. | 11:58 |
pitti | erk | 11:58 |
pitti | Mithrandir: ^ maybe I need a publisher run before the syncs to have my change-override things become active | 11:59 |
seb128 | carlos: thank you | 11:59 |
carlos | seb128: done | 11:59 |
Mithrandir | pitti: you do. | 11:59 |
seb128 | carlos: https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/110030 | 11:59 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 110030 in rosetta "epiphany extensions textdomain is wrong" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 11:59 |
seb128 | carlos: you can close it ;) | 12:00 |
=== pitti hits it over the head with -f -F | ||
pitti | Mithrandir: ^ that did the trick | 12:00 |
Mithrandir | oh, that too | 12:00 |
carlos | seb128: it will require a language pack update to get it deployed | 12:01 |
seb128 | carlos: right | 12:01 |
pitti | Mithrandir: texlive-bin should be in unapproved; it needs the new tex-common as a build-dep, so it will just go into dep-wait; the other packages that I sync have harmless build-deps (just debhelper and quilt) | 12:07 |
Mithrandir | pitti: feel free to accept them, then. | 12:08 |
pitti | will do | 12:08 |
=== pitti wants sync-source go faster | ||
pitti | accepted | 12:09 |
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pitti | Mithrandir, doko: texlive-bin uploaded, the other texlive stuff synced, all in accepted now; after the next publisher run in 45 minutes the buildds can have fun | 12:18 |
Mithrandir | coolie. | 12:18 |
Mithrandir | pitti: once it's built, you're happy with opening for general development? | 12:19 |
pitti | Mithrandir: I am, yay :) | 12:19 |
Mithrandir | coolie | 12:19 |
pitti | Mithrandir, doko: do we need to urgently care for gcc-4.2 in NEW? | 12:22 |
doko | pitti: hmm, isn't that already in the archive? | 12:23 |
pitti | doko: source apparently is, but there is lots of binary NEW | 12:23 |
doko | pitti: well, get it in now, doesn't hurt | 12:24 |
Mithrandir | pitti: well, since you're volunteering.. :-) | 12:24 |
pitti | alrighty | 12:24 |
pitti | gcc-4.2 accepted | 12:37 |
ogra | is there a way to make debootstrap run localized ? | 12:43 |
ogra | somehow i always get non german output with it ... | 12:44 |
ogra | or does it do that only in debian-installer mode ? | 12:44 |
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cjwatson | ogra: the localisation's handled by base-installer | 12:58 |
fabbione | Keybuk: ping? | 12:58 |
cjwatson | ogra: debootstrap has no other i18n itself | 12:59 |
ogra | cjwatson, ah, what i suspected ... | 12:59 |
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Keybuk | fabbione: was in a conf call, what's up? | 01:08 |
fabbione | Keybuk: i mailed distro-team.. nothing urgent.. there is a clash in the meeting schedule | 01:08 |
fabbione | Keybuk: since you usually arrange that, i thought you might want to know :) | 01:08 |
fabbione | Keybuk: fridge calendar has not been updated with our new meeting time and MOTU booked #u-meeting at the same time as us | 01:09 |
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Keybuk | yeah, we can either claim eminent domain and kick them out to another channel | 01:12 |
Keybuk | or move it to another channel ourselves | 01:12 |
Keybuk | that's no problem | 01:12 |
ajmitch | what time is distro team meeting? 2000 UTC? | 01:12 |
fabbione | Keybuk: yeah i suggest the latter and get the fridge fixed | 01:13 |
Keybuk | our meeting times have been a standard schedule, it's the fridge fault for not having them | 01:13 |
Mithrandir | the fridge has been broken like that since DST hit, though. | 01:13 |
Keybuk | ajmitch: alternates between 1500UTC and 2000UTC during "northern" summer, 1600UTC and 2100UTC winter | 01:13 |
=== n3t0 [n=n3t0@200-207-143-185.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Keybuk | yes, and people have been asked to tell them repeatedly | 01:14 |
=== fabbione takes off for the afternoon. | ||
fabbione | cya later for the meeting | 01:15 |
=== hjmf [n=hjmf@6.Red-88-25-28.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
ion_ | An Ubuntu pun at ELER. | 01:29 |
cjwatson | Keybuk: in fact I'm sure we told one of the fridge editors directly at one point and he said he would fix it | 01:30 |
cjwatson | since DST hit | 01:30 |
Keybuk | I've told them myself, I think henrik has too | 01:31 |
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pygi | siretart, released, will package everything in the coming days | 02:00 |
siretart | pygi: the packaging is already done, AFAIK. it just needs updating to your latest release, and uploading to gutsy. I'll handle that | 02:01 |
pygi | siretart, ah, ok, if you say so | 02:01 |
=== pygi thinks siretart is taking his SoC tasks :P | ||
siretart | pygi: no. just normal ubuntu maintainer's tasks. | 02:02 |
siretart | pygi: but say, do you intend to stay with soname 3 or 4? | 02:02 |
pygi | siretart, 4 | 02:02 |
siretart | k | 02:02 |
pygi | 0.3.4 was soname 2, 0.3.0 soname 3, and 0.3.4 was 4 | 02:02 |
pygi | 0.3.6 now is also 4 | 02:02 |
pygi | siretart, did we also put that cdrskin when installed, is used instead of cdrecord/wodim? | 02:06 |
pygi | (when the packages were done) | 02:06 |
pygi | or shall I do it? (I don't mind, it's my task anyway :P) | 02:07 |
seb128 | pygi: hi | 02:09 |
pygi | hi seb128 :) How is it going? | 02:09 |
seb128 | good, thank you | 02:09 |
pygi | glad to hear :) | 02:09 |
seb128 | do you know what unit storage.cdrom.write_speeds uses? | 02:09 |
pygi | where did you found that? | 02:10 |
seb128 | hal | 02:10 |
pygi | well, it should use the first found AFAIK | 02:10 |
seb128 | nautilus-cd-burner uses that list / 150 to list writing speeds | 02:11 |
pygi | plus hal is currently broken in the respect of detecting possible write_speeds | 02:11 |
seb128 | which gives weird speeds | 02:11 |
pygi | there's a patch at bugzilla that was worked on by brasero team | 02:11 |
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seb128 | pygi: do you have a bug number? | 02:11 |
pygi | we introduced small scsi library in brasero to get-around hal and n-c-b (which will probably get dropped at due time) | 02:11 |
pygi | seb128, not really, but lemme see if Luis is here | 02:12 |
seb128 | why don't you want to use it? | 02:12 |
seb128 | or you speak about the lib? | 02:12 |
pygi | what's the point of using n-c-b? All it was used so far were some tiny things which we can drop | 02:12 |
pygi | plus it's all hacky :-/ | 02:12 |
seb128 | bug #67034 | 02:13 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 67034 in hal "available speeds are wrong" [Low,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67034 | 02:13 |
seb128 | that's the bug, looks like hal has weird values | 02:13 |
seb128 | storage.cdrom.write_speeds = {'8467', '7056', '5645', '4234', '2822', '2117'} (string list) | 02:13 |
pygi | I'm going to package brasero n the coming days, so you'll see how it works | 02:13 |
pygi | yea, I know | 02:14 |
seb128 | it that an hal bug? or due to linux? or correct values? | 02:14 |
pygi | seb128, hal bug | 02:14 |
pygi | it can be fixed | 02:15 |
seb128 | cool | 02:15 |
pygi | seb128, see this for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/brasero/+bug/80460 | 02:15 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 80460 in brasero "Brasero speed burning doesn't work" [Undecided,Needs info] | 02:15 |
pygi | also cause by hal | 02:15 |
seb128 | I reassigned to nautilus-cd-burner to hal, was not sure if that was the right component though | 02:15 |
pygi | it is | 02:15 |
seb128 | cool, thank you | 02:15 |
pygi | as I said, there's a patch, I hope they'll apply it soon | 02:15 |
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pygi | now, why won't we use n-c-b in there ... | 02:16 |
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pygi | since brasero supports both cdrecord and libburn, and n-c-b is only cdrecord (+ is hacky + has a lot of problems) the new little scsi lib to handle the speed detection and some other things was introduced | 02:16 |
pygi | when packaging however, I'll need to pull additional patch from svn for that lib since the released was a bit unstable :-/ | 02:17 |
siretart | pygi: sorry, I was out of my room. I didn't get your last question regarding cdrskin | 02:17 |
pygi | siretart, well, have we already done the trick in the package which makes cdrecord and wodim just symlinks to cdrskin? | 02:18 |
siretart | pygi: I'd rather not touch the cdrecord yet at this point | 02:19 |
pygi | siretart, oh? | 02:19 |
siretart | pygi: is there an urgent need to do so? | 02:19 |
siretart | I'd rather fix applications to use 'cdrskin' instead of 'cdrecord' | 02:20 |
pygi | siretart, no urgent need. So you'd patch all applications? | 02:20 |
pygi | if so, then sure, no problem | 02:20 |
pygi | I can do so without any problem | 02:20 |
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siretart | pygi: I don't want to rush decisions | 02:21 |
pygi | siretart, ah, ok, so we'll need to talk more about that | 02:21 |
ion_ | How about /etc/alternatives? | 02:22 |
pygi | I think we discussed that once, and dismissed it | 02:22 |
pygi | (me doesn't remember why tho) | 02:22 |
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pygi | seb128, question. How often do you communicate with n-c-b upstream? | 02:22 |
seb128 | I send a distro bug on bugzilla every now and then and that's about it | 02:23 |
_blondy_ | the best Spanish vidente visits his blog are very interesting rituals of love and many things but visitalo http://eltarotdesalem.blogspot.com/ | 02:24 |
siretart | debian alternatives sounds like a good options, I'd like to hear opinions from that from the debian cdrkit maintainers | 02:24 |
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pygi | seb128, ah, ok. They do not respond to my bug report, neither I got a response through mail on the questions sent :-/ | 02:25 |
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pygi | siretart, ah, ok. If you ever come to conclusion, please do inform me as I have to do something :) | 02:25 |
siretart | sure | 02:26 |
pygi | like updating packagin, testing, calling for testing, patching stuff, and things like that :) | 02:26 |
pygi | seb128, are you willing to do a little test with n-c-b for me? | 02:27 |
seb128 | pygi: which one? | 02:27 |
pygi | seb128, to try to install newest libburn/cdrskin, and make wodim/cdrecord (whatever you use) link to it | 02:28 |
pygi | then n-c-b should use cdrskin, and if things are good, it should probably show correct speeds | 02:28 |
seb128 | where is the new cdrskin? | 02:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [+o cjwatson] by ChanServ | ||
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pygi | seb128, sec | 02:29 |
=== mode/#ubuntu-devel [-o cjwatson] by cjwatson | ||
pygi | seb128, http://libburnia-download.pykix.org/releases/libburn-0.3.6.tar.gz | 02:29 |
seb128 | pygi: k, I'll give it a try later | 02:32 |
pygi | seb128, sure, thank you | 02:32 |
doko | pitti: texlive-base needs tex-common (>= 1.7) | 02:36 |
Mithrandir | tex-common | 1.7 | gutsy | source, all | 02:37 |
Mithrandir | yes? | 02:37 |
pitti | doko: ah, it just built | 02:38 |
doko | Mithrandir: MANUALDEPWAIT needs a retry, correct? | 02:38 |
doko | texlive-base | 02:38 |
Mithrandir | texlive-base is BUILDING | 02:39 |
pitti | most of the stuff shuold build really quickly, just -bin needs some 15 minutes or so | 02:40 |
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doko | hmm, wasn't two minutes ago | 02:40 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee! | 02:40 |
pygi | hi Hobbsee :) | 02:40 |
pitti | doko: let's crank together to make it faster :) | 02:40 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir! | 02:42 |
Hobbsee | heya pygi | 02:42 |
=== Hobbsee steps on Mithrandir's feet in greeting, in an attempt to warm up | ||
doko | Mithrandir: please accept python2.5, fixing the b-d on sparc and powerpc | 02:43 |
Hobbsee | oh no, not more of that ubuntu metadistribution crack | 02:43 |
pitti | great, -extra, -doc, -base, and -lang have built | 02:48 |
thom | Hobbsee: what, it's only 30C now? | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | thom: here? no. | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | it was about 20C here today | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | is colder now, iirc | 02:49 |
StevenK | It's 15C now | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | ah, there you go | 02:50 |
Nafallo | 25.6C | 02:50 |
StevenK | And I'm cold too, for the record. | 02:50 |
Nafallo | 26.1C inside | 02:50 |
StevenK | Nafallo: Swap you, please? :-) | 02:50 |
Nafallo | StevenK: baah. come visit me instead. I have a comfortable couch :-) | 02:51 |
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StevenK | Seems a little short notice. :-) | 02:51 |
Nafallo | ;-) | 02:51 |
Nafallo | well. I don't think the weather will be bad in the coming week or so ;-) | 02:52 |
Nafallo | should be enough time ;-) | 02:52 |
StevenK | .au -> .se is quite far, too | 02:52 |
Nafallo | yea. like 24h flight or something :-P | 02:52 |
Nafallo | might be more. | 02:53 |
ion_ | C (coulomb) = A s, btw. ;-) | 02:53 |
StevenK | It was 25h or so when I went to .fi | 02:53 |
Nafallo | I wonder what route they would take... probably via Heathrow :-) | 02:54 |
StevenK | .fi I went Singapore, Bangkok, and then Helsinki | 02:54 |
Nafallo | they peer with Arlanda. and then ~1h train from Arlanda. | 02:54 |
Mithrandir | or just sydney, malaysia, amsterdam, stockholm | 02:56 |
Nafallo | that almost sounds like my IPv6 routes to .id ;-) | 02:56 |
StevenK | This is all academic anyway. I'm not flying to .se, even due to Nafallo's offer. :-) | 02:56 |
ion_ | nafallo: ~1h train? Quite a bit of latency. :-) | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | StevenK: fly to seville instead. | 02:57 |
Nafallo | StevenK: :-) | 02:57 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: put him in your luggage | 02:57 |
StevenK | If I could afford it, I would. | 02:57 |
Nafallo | ion_: yea. but I have no place for a DC10 on my roof ;-) | 02:57 |
StevenK | Mithrandir: A little cramped... | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir: if he'd fit... | 02:57 |
StevenK | Besides, you only get 20kg allowance, and I'm a little more than that. | 02:57 |
Mithrandir | Hobbsee: he's tall, but not that heavy. | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | hrm... | 02:58 |
Nafallo | oh. my routing to .id was a bit different btw :-) | 02:58 |
Mithrandir | StevenK: she'll just cut off unimportant bits. | 02:58 |
StevenK | Mithrandir: OUCH! | 02:58 |
=== Hobbsee ponders which bits are marked as unimportant... | ||
StevenK | Hobbsee: Think very carefully. :-P | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | hrm... | 02:58 |
Nafallo | http://home.nafallo.info/tracepath/2007-04-26.txt | 02:59 |
Nafallo | :-) | 02:59 |
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StevenK | Mithrandir: I'm sure Canonical could organise a crate for me to fly in at least. :-P | 03:01 |
=== Hobbsee ponders upgrading to gutsy... | ||
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StevenK | Hobbsee: Give it a change to actually have some changes besides the toolchain? :-) | 03:06 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: hmm, texlive-bin FTBFSed on ia64 (only) with cannot find the library `/usr/lib/libcairo.la' | 03:07 |
pitti | Mithrandir: how much do we care about ia64 being in sync at that time? | 03:08 |
infinity | Are we on an eliminate .la files warpath? | 03:08 |
infinity | If so, it's really hard to go back and fix one arch if the chain gets too deep. | 03:09 |
pitti | I'm not sure, it built fine on the other arches | 03:09 |
ogra | wow, where does that xorgconf.py in restricted-manager come from ? thats cool | 03:10 |
infinity | (The official answer, though, is "we don't care about ia64 unless the fix is obvious and doesn't eat too much of your time") | 03:10 |
pitti | ogra: from kdeguidance | 03:10 |
ogra | ah | 03:10 |
pitti | ogra: I should have mentioned it in copyright | 03:10 |
ogra | i wonder if i could speed up ltsp with it ... | 03:11 |
pitti | ogra: slightly adapted to match our Xorg.conf spacing style | 03:11 |
ogra | instead of presseding half the word just modifying the default generated file ... | 03:11 |
pitti | ogra: perhaps; I gave up on relying on xserver-xorg debconf, it broke too much stuff | 03:11 |
ogra | *world | 03:11 |
Riddell | pitti: interesting, didn't know that. presumably separate from mvo, and glatzor's use of it? | 03:11 |
seb128 | infinity: GNOME packages are in good way to kick them | 03:12 |
ogra | generating xorg.conf is one of the biggest slowdown factors i have aside from udev/kernel module loading in ltsp | 03:12 |
pitti | Riddell: oh, I might have mixed that up with displayconfig-gtk, which in turn stole it from kdeguidance | 03:12 |
ogra | heh | 03:12 |
ogra | yay opensource | 03:12 |
=== pitti wants python-xorg-config :) | ||
seb128 | infinity: they use /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/clean-la.mk which empty the dependency_libs, next round is to stop distributing them ;) | 03:12 |
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
jsgotangco | hey rodarvus | 03:18 |
rodarvus | hey jsgotangco :) | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | hi rodarvus | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | hi spam | 03:18 |
pitti | rodarvus! long time no see | 03:18 |
rodarvus | hi Hobbsee, pitti! | 03:18 |
rodarvus | pitti, indeed :) | 03:18 |
jsgotangco | Hobbsee: nospam! | 03:18 |
rodarvus | been a while since I've been able to join #ubuntu-devel | 03:18 |
Hobbsee | jsgotangco: no spam? but spam is fun! | 03:19 |
mvo_ | ogra, pitti: please do not copy it (again), for gusty we get a package something from kdeguidance (at least that is planed) | 03:19 |
mvo_ | hey rodarvus! | 03:19 |
rodarvus | (and somehow contribute something to ubuntu) | 03:19 |
rodarvus | mvo_! | 03:19 |
pitti | mvo_: that would be cool; I'll move my spacing fixes there | 03:19 |
ogra | mvo_, i just discovered it, i'm not sure yet it helps me in ltsp ... since dpkg-reconfigure has to run in any case ... | 03:20 |
ogra | i'd just get rid of one debconf-communicate call ... | 03:20 |
mvo_ | Riddell: we use the code from kdeguidance in displayconfig-gtk, but we talked with upstream aobut it and there is a plan to unify it all again and move back into a common binary-package | 03:20 |
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Riddell | mvo_: yes, saw the e-mails | 03:24 |
Mithrandir | infinity: we hate .la files, yes. | 03:25 |
Mithrandir | pitti: does texlive-bin generate any libraries? | 03:25 |
pitti | Mithrandir: no, it doesn't | 03:26 |
Mithrandir | then we don't care. | 03:26 |
pitti | hm, I wonder why it doesn't build libkpathsea | 03:26 |
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pitti | Mithrandir: I made a note about this; eventually libkpathsea should be built from texlive-bin, so that we can remove tetex-bin, but right now it doesn't | 03:29 |
Mithrandir | ok | 03:29 |
pitti | Mithrandir: hm, it might mean that a lot of packages will FTBFS on ia64 due to missing tex build deps | 03:30 |
pitti | I'll look into that right after finishing this php USN stuff | 03:31 |
=== xxxxx1 [n=will@44125.static.fln.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
xxxxx1 | hi all. | 03:32 |
xxxxx1 | someone here have hardware with tpm support? | 03:32 |
Seveas | yeah | 03:32 |
Mithrandir | pitti: cheers. | 03:33 |
Seveas | it's switched off though :) | 03:33 |
xxxxx1 | i'm working on tpm packages for gutsy | 03:33 |
Mithrandir | seb128: why does libcairo include .la files? | 03:33 |
xxxxx1 | if someone have suggestions i'll appreciate | 03:33 |
xxxxx1 | for now i'm working on opencryptoki to enable tpm support on firefox | 03:33 |
seb128 | Mithrandir: because of libtool ship them if you don't tell it to not? | 03:34 |
seb128 | Mithrandir: I can make libcairo use clean-la.mk if you want ;) | 03:35 |
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Mithrandir | seb128: we'd want to clean them out in the right order, but yes, I think we'd want that. | 03:42 |
seb128 | Mithrandir: clean-la.mk empty the dependency_libs so when other packages are rebuild they drop the depends on it and later we can stop shipping it | 03:44 |
pitti | oh, since when the scroll wheel works in terminal apps, such as vim? | 03:44 |
seb128 | so there is no "right order" | 03:44 |
Mithrandir | seb128: go for it, then. | 03:44 |
seb128 | pitti: I think that's a vte change done just before feisty | 03:44 |
pitti | cool | 03:44 |
pitti | meh, I removed the cairo .la file locally, and texlive-bin builds fine | 03:45 |
seb128 | pitti: grep libcairo.la /usr/lib/*.la on the box getting the bug | 03:45 |
pitti | seb128: the box -> buildd | 03:45 |
Mithrandir | seb128: iz ia64 box. Somehow I doubt pitti has it at home. | 03:45 |
seb128 | pitti: ssh to an ia64 chroot then if there is one | 03:46 |
seb128 | that's likely not specific to the buildd but to the arch | 03:46 |
Mithrandir | or just download the .deb from the archive and extract it. :-P | 03:46 |
seb128 | what deb? | 03:46 |
seb128 | every depends shipping a .la? ;) | 03:46 |
Mithrandir | the libcairoN_ia64.deb ? | 03:46 |
pitti | it must be an rdepends of libcairo, not libcairo itself, right? | 03:47 |
seb128 | ah, right | 03:47 |
Mithrandir | ah, point. | 03:47 |
Mithrandir | so a rdepends of libcairo-dev shipping .la files. | 03:47 |
Mithrandir | can't be that many | 03:47 |
Mithrandir | could be indirect though | 03:47 |
seb128 | no | 03:47 |
seb128 | a Build-Depends of texlive-bin | 03:48 |
seb128 | or anything installed while building it | 03:48 |
seb128 | that's not only the libcairo-dev rdepends | 03:48 |
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Mithrandir | point. | 03:48 |
infinity | Not really much of a point. | 03:49 |
seb128 | that's likely something with a .la mentionning libcairo.la and no Depends on libcairo-dev | 03:49 |
infinity | Anything that isn't a libcairo rdep but mentione cairo's .la is VERY broken. | 03:49 |
seb128 | the easier is really to grep libcairo.la /usr/lib/*.la | 03:49 |
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seb128 | infinity: well, we are trying to figure what is broken | 03:49 |
infinity | (But yes, grepping the chroot is the winner here.. Too bad all the ia64 boxes I have access to just fell off the planet) | 03:49 |
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pitti | seb128: no DC ATM, so no porter's box :/ | 03:50 |
seb128 | pitti: that doesn't make the job easy :/ | 03:50 |
=== pitti looks towards London and sings Pink Floyd's "Is anybody out there?" | ||
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Treenaks | pitti: Didn't anyone tell you? | 03:52 |
pitti | Treenaks: Klingons? Vogons? a bypass? | 03:52 |
Treenaks | pitti: The Russians? | 03:53 |
Keybuk | err, where did the DC go? | 03:53 |
pitti | someone stepped on the wire? the charlaidy pulling out the server chord while vacuuming? | 03:54 |
jsgotangco | ah well | 03:54 |
Mithrandir | 15:42 < Ng> there is a general issue at the moment with the data centre. sysadmin strike ninjas are en route | 03:54 |
=== jsgotangco sits in a corner | ||
Mithrandir | Keybuk: ^^ | 03:54 |
Keybuk | "general issue"? :) | 03:54 |
=== Keybuk looks it up in his sysadmin excuses book | ||
Keybuk | ah yes | 03:54 |
Keybuk | "oops" | 03:54 |
jsgotangco | lol | 03:54 |
thom | "someone broke the fibre" | 03:55 |
infinity | Backhoe incident? | 03:55 |
infinity | Nuclear strike? Does anyone in London feel warm? Have you lost any hair in the last 20 minutes? | 03:55 |
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
thom | infinity: if someone managed to backhoe L3 they're using a large nuclear weapon | 03:56 |
thom | huh, jinx :-) | 03:56 |
=== Keybuk looks for mushroom clouds in the south | ||
ogra | heh | 03:57 |
Keybuk | I remember that "routeing failure" translated to "Engineer rebooted the wrong router" | 03:58 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:00 |
jussi01 | Hello!! | 04:01 |
Keybuk | hello | 04:02 |
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bddebian | Heya jussi01, Keybuk | 04:03 |
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jussi01 | the Motu's directed me this way, so Ill pop up my question and hope someone answers. So, I have a program Im packaging, and it has 2 parts. 1. the front end, gui part, and 2. the binary backend (1 file) can I include this binary file in the source code for multiverse? | 04:03 |
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Keybuk | jussi01: unable to provide an answer. What is the licence for that binary part, and what is the licence for the source code? | 04:04 |
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jussi01 | the licence for the source part is the gpl, binary is freeware | 04:04 |
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
infinity | Does the GPL source bit include an exception for linking against the nonfree bit? | 04:05 |
infinity | (Or do they not link?) | 04:05 |
Keybuk | "freeware" ? | 04:05 |
jussi01 | Hmmm, Im not exactly sure | 04:06 |
jono | Keybuk: has London gone down do you know? | 04:06 |
infinity | jono: ninjas en route. | 04:06 |
cjwatson | jono: yes, Cambridge is now the capital of England | 04:06 |
Robot101 | bwahahaha | 04:06 |
Nafallo | lol | 04:06 |
jono | hehe | 04:06 |
jsgotangco | haha | 04:06 |
mc44 | quick, lets build a tube system in Cambridge :) | 04:06 |
Keybuk | jono: yes, see BBC News; terrorist attack | 04:06 |
Keybuk | (note: joke) | 04:07 |
jussi01 | http://lianwei3.googlepages.com/home2 is the program | 04:07 |
=== Robot101 has been arguing with Nokia to not schedule a week long code-camp directly overlapping the Camridge real ale festival | ||
jono | Keybuk: haha, rough | 04:07 |
Robot101 | s/mr/mbr/ | 04:07 |
jono | jees, everything seems to be gone | 04:07 |
jsgotangco | yes | 04:07 |
jono | looks like Ng tripped over a cable and pulled a plug out | 04:07 |
Keybuk | "when in doubt, blame Ng" | 04:08 |
cjwatson | snares# ifdown eth0 # oh bugger | 04:08 |
Nafallo | I think they just wanted to know the reaction :-) | 04:09 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: at least Ng is in London when he does that | 04:09 |
Keybuk | "...Mark, can I borrow your yet?" | 04:09 |
mc44 | Keybuk: who was on lug radio talking about how these why things dont happen :) | 04:09 |
Nafallo | hehe | 04:09 |
=== tkamppeter [n=till@bl7-126-42.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Keybuk] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | ||
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== johan [n=jdahlin@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Keybuk | mc44: must listen to Lug Radio sometime | 04:14 |
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cjwatson | Keybuk: the archive's still frozen | 04:15 |
cjwatson | unless somebody unfroze it while the DC was down :P | 04:15 |
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Keybuk | err, I didn't actually mean to remove that | 04:16 |
Keybuk | oops :) | 04:16 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Keybuk] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Entire archive frozen for gutsy opening | ||
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Keybuk | mc44: any particularly good episodes to listen to? there seems to be a lot <g> | 04:16 |
mc44 | Keybuk: well the latest one has some expert advice from a sysadmin :) | 04:17 |
Nafallo | Keybuk: start with s1e1 and continue listening until jono dies a terrible death :-) | 04:17 |
Keybuk | Nafallo: I tried that last time, and got to something called the "Marketing Special" | 04:18 |
jsgotangco | like not trip on fibre? | 04:18 |
Keybuk | which nobody warned me about | 04:18 |
Keybuk | seriously, that thing is a health risk! | 04:18 |
Keybuk | and I've been too scared to listen to any more | 04:18 |
Nafallo | Keybuk: :-) | 04:18 |
mc44 | Keybuk: not even the one with you on? :p | 04:18 |
Keybuk | mc44: listening to that would be just strange | 04:19 |
Keybuk | plus I'll always know that the first version of one of the segments was so much better than the version that got to the recording | 04:21 |
Keybuk | (which was after jono learned how to switch microphones on) | 04:21 |
jono | Keybuk: oi :P | 04:21 |
Nafallo | ROTFL! | 04:22 |
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Keybuk | jono: you know that Pia made me sing the song when she picked us up from Sydney airport? :p | 04:22 |
Keybuk | ooh, yttrium is back online | 04:22 |
jono | Keybuk: haha | 04:22 |
jono | brb | 04:23 |
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Keybuk | mc44: I came to the conclusion that LugRadio is better to participate in than listen to :p | 04:23 |
=== Nafallo can hear the servers say "We're BACK!" in real LR-style :-) | ||
Nafallo | jono: wb :-) | 04:23 |
Keybuk | Nafallo: yttrium is the office | 04:23 |
mc44 | Keybuk: if you can survive jono's house, presumably | 04:24 |
Nafallo | Keybuk: archive isn't? :-) | 04:24 |
jono | Keybuk: still seems down here | 04:24 |
seb128 | Nafallo: works here | 04:24 |
thom | but the office is point-to-pointed to l3, dunnit? | 04:24 |
pitti | The authenticity of host 'chinstrap.ubuntu.com (' can't be established. | 04:24 |
pitti | wtf? | 04:24 |
Nafallo | seb128: same here :-) | 04:24 |
Keybuk | heh, that reminds me of something that never reached the Quotes page | 04:24 |
Keybuk | "fuck that's fast, do you have a direct link to the data centre or something?" ... "yes" | 04:25 |
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pitti | ah, back now | 04:25 |
thom | heh | 04:25 |
Spads | We are still working to bring things back on-line | 04:25 |
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Mithrandir | Keybuk: "direct link? No, it goes through an FC switch." | 04:26 |
Mithrandir | :-P | 04:26 |
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jono | Spads: its the irc server up yet? | 04:27 |
Keybuk | Mithrandir: it actually goes over the BT cloud | 04:27 |
jono | Spads: seems down | 04:27 |
Spads | jono: still down. | 04:27 |
jono | Spads: right | 04:27 |
cjwatson | Keybuk: heh, was that me? | 04:27 |
Hobbsee | jono: killed it. bad jono. | 04:28 |
jono | Hobbsee: heh | 04:28 |
=== Mithrandir decides it's afternoon and takes off for dinner. | ||
Keybuk | cjwatson: might have been, I forget who it actually was | 04:29 |
Keybuk | Spads: power failure? | 04:29 |
Spads | Keybuk: Yes. | 04:29 |
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Keybuk | isn't that supposed to be infinitely improbable of happening? :p | 04:29 |
mc44 | Keybuk: thats "tripped over plug" right? | 04:29 |
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ogra | intrestingly the mailservers seem to deliver stuff | 04:31 |
ogra | i got ML mails all the time | 04:32 |
infinity | ogra: It's all coming back slowly. | 04:32 |
pitti | yay IRC! | 04:33 |
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ScottK | pitti: I got a large pile of binary reject notifications for the security uploads for Bug #107628. Is there anything I need to do to get that fixed? | 04:40 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 107628 in lighttpd "DoS-vulnerability in lighttpd" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107628 | 04:40 |
pitti | ScottK: hm, weird; I just checked the source pacakges, are the binaries in the archive? | 04:40 |
ScottK | pitti: All but AMD64 say need building. | 04:41 |
ScottK | AMD64 I got an accept for. | 04:41 |
pitti | indeed i only see amd64 binaries | 04:42 |
pitti | ScottK: hm, that's weird, I had changes files for all architectures | 04:42 |
ScottK | pitti: And I know it builds on at least i386 because that's what I did my test builds on in pbuilder.... | 04:43 |
pitti | ScottK: right, jackass also has all the .debs in the archive | 04:44 |
pitti | they just failed on the way to launchpad and thus archive.u.c. | 04:44 |
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pitti | ScottK: crap, this also affected the rdesktop USN | 04:47 |
ScottK | pitti: Sounds like you have your hands full for a bit. Good luck. | 04:48 |
pitti | ScottK: thanks for pointing out, investigating | 04:48 |
pitti | ScottK: can you please put that mail online? | 04:48 |
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pitti | ScottK: or forward it to martin.pitt@ubuntu.com? | 04:49 |
ScottK | pitti: The rejection messages I got? | 04:50 |
pitti | yes, please | 04:50 |
ScottK | I'll forward them to you. | 04:50 |
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pitti | ScottK: got it, thanks | 04:52 |
ScottK | pitti: I've sent them all now in two e-mails. | 04:53 |
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pitti | ScottK: they all seem to be similar | 04:53 |
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ScottK | Yes. Identical except for which arch or version (Dapper/Edgy) to which they refer. | 04:54 |
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ScottK | pitti: One other thing that may or may not be relevant. There was also an upload to dapper-proposed to make sure that the version there had the security fix too. Fujitsu did the upload and it seems to have vanished entirely. | 05:00 |
pitti | lighttpd | 1.4.11-3ubuntu3.0.1 | dapper-security/universe | source, amd64 | 05:01 |
pitti | lighttpd | 1.4.11-3ubuntu3.1 | dapper-proposed/universe | source, amd64, hppa, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc | 05:01 |
pitti | ScottK: it's still there | 05:01 |
ScottK | OK. | 05:01 |
ScottK | Odd as it was listed yesterday on my LP package maintenance report and it's not there now: https://launchpad.net/~kitterman/+packages - strange. | 05:03 |
ScottK | I guess that's an artifact of having another Dapper upload to security that came after. | 05:04 |
pitti | likely | 05:04 |
ScottK | pitti: Thanks, just wanted to make sure you had any relevant facts. Going back to lurking now... | 05:05 |
pitti | ScottK: thanks for your help! | 05:05 |
ScottK | pitti: Just noticed - The version that was uploaded yesterday was 3ubuntu3.2. 3.1 has been there since November. So it is in fact missing. | 05:06 |
ScottK | Still on my first cup of coffee... | 05:06 |
pitti | ScottK: right, that one is still in unapproved | 05:06 |
pitti | 192538 | S- | lighttpd | 1.4.11-3ubuntu3.2 | 36 hours | 05:07 |
ScottK | OK. Who 'approves'? Is the a MOTU SRU function? | 05:07 |
pitti | I do usually | 05:07 |
ScottK | OK. | 05:07 |
pitti | every few days | 05:08 |
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pitti | I am on regular archive admin shift on Fridays, plus when someone pokes me about something urgent | 05:08 |
ScottK | Sounds good then. I don't think that's urgent as it's not just about to get out of proposed. Thanks again. | 05:08 |
el_ericho | Hi everybody, i'm trying to fix a bug, but i need some python orientation. | 05:11 |
el_ericho | This is the bug #109799 | 05:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 109799 in bittornado "Bittornado preferences diaog doesn't save the new preferences" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109799 | 05:12 |
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el_ericho | i'm analyzing the code and i found that in the function saveConfigs on ConfigReader.py, the new values of self.config aren't updated | 05:17 |
el_ericho | i'm not a python programmer, actually i'm a not a programmer, but i think that this could be a python problem. | 05:17 |
el_ericho | I don't find differences between the edgy package and the feisty package and the original version. | 05:18 |
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bluefoxicy | mmn. Feisty+1 will run off 2.6.21 or better ... and 2.6.21 has dynticks, which allows for greater power savings. | 06:09 |
bluefoxicy | Someone remind me to do some battery life tests on my laptop when that kernel goes into the dev branch. | 06:10 |
Nafallo | bluefoxicy: i.e. later today hopefully. you might remember that yourself then ;-) | 06:11 |
bluefoxicy | nafallo: Gutsy is open already? | 06:11 |
Nafallo | bluefoxicy: I run it :-) | 06:11 |
cjwatson | it's still frozen for sorting out the toolchain, but nearly open | 06:12 |
Nafallo | but no. freezed for the toolchain :-) | 06:12 |
Nafallo | frozen. thanks :-9 | 06:12 |
Nafallo | :-9 | 06:12 |
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Nafallo | GAAH | 06:12 |
Nafallo | :-) | 06:12 |
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pochu | bluefoxicy: it will run 2.6.22, 99.99% (BenC words) :) | 06:13 |
Nafallo | pochu: 2.6.21-1 seems to be todays upload though ;-) | 06:14 |
pochu | cool :) | 06:14 |
pochu | Nafallo: of course I mean for final, there's no 2.6.22 yet in kernel.org ;) | 06:14 |
BenC | No, today's upload with be 2.6.22-1 (2.6.21 with SUBLEVEL override to save me some work later on) | 06:14 |
Nafallo | :-) | 06:15 |
cjwatson | that'll be confusing | 06:15 |
=== pochu is already confused :) | ||
BenC | cjwatson: I did the 2.6.19/2.6.20 thing for feisty, and it was even more confusing | 06:15 |
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BenC | basically, it's based on linux-2.6.git which is the 2.6.22 devel tree right now :) | 06:16 |
Nafallo | so 21 will be 22. that should be easy to remember :-P | 06:16 |
Nafallo | BenC: 23 will not be for feisty then? :-) | 06:16 |
BenC | "We're so bleeding edgy, we release new kernels even before Linus!" | 06:17 |
Nafallo | haha | 06:17 |
BenC | err, edge | 06:17 |
=== cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
bluefoxicy | BenC: are you enabling dynticks, or is that totally new infrastructure that can't be disabled :) | 06:19 |
saispo | BenC: have you heard some problem with bcm43xx and bitrate under feisty ? | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | saispo: bcm43xx needs FIRMWARE ;( | 06:19 |
saispo | yes :/ | 06:19 |
BenC | bluefoxicy: NO_HZ is enabled for generic kernels | 06:19 |
bluefoxicy | BenC: lovely. | 06:20 |
BenC | saispo: hell, I've experienced it :) | 06:20 |
saispo | :) | 06:20 |
BenC | saispo: the open source driver, due to being a reverse engineering project still in its infancy, has issues still | 06:20 |
saispo | BenC: i have a 11 mbit/s bitrate on my desktop and on my laptop i have 54 mbit/s | 06:21 |
BenC | one of them being trouble with distance to the AP (I couldn't move more than 20 feet from my AP) | 06:21 |
BenC | saispo: connection quality may affect that | 06:21 |
saispo | BenC: yep, but want to try, i remember under edgy, no problem... | 06:21 |
saispo | and under Mandriva, no problem | 06:21 |
BenC | saispo: Ah, we forced it to 11Mbit by default because I don't think 54 works at all | 06:21 |
saispo | BenC: ok | 06:22 |
saispo | how can i bypass this ? | 06:22 |
BenC | in fact, on my ppc, it wouldn't do over 2mbit :/ | 06:22 |
saispo | :/ | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | some open source firmware for that thing would get me hot | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | Firmware is an amazing thing. | 06:22 |
BenC | saispo: iwconfig eth1 rate 54M | 06:22 |
Nafallo | saispo: easy! plug a wire in :-) | 06:22 |
Nafallo | better security aswell ;-) | 06:22 |
saispo | Nafallo: yes, i really think about it :) | 06:22 |
bluefoxicy | You can fine-tune the performance of the hardware itself, possibly even take a shitty device and make it a top-performing device. | 06:23 |
bluefoxicy | Nintendo 64 | 06:23 |
saispo | BenC: i will try some test at 54 mbits, i will tell you if it's stable or not :) | 06:23 |
bluefoxicy | One company rewrote the CPU microcode for the graphics controller, got it to output 3 times the polygons per second and everything looked infinitely better (nintendo banned them from using the modification), the original code was horribly profiled :) | 06:23 |
saispo | BenC: it's possible to fix it permanently N | 06:25 |
saispo | ? | 06:25 |
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yondie | hello guys just wondering is this there something wrong with my tee usage in this if...then...fi scripts? | 07:19 |
yondie | http://rafb.net/p/v7lNKp52.html | 07:19 |
=== Zdra_ [n=zdra@120.216-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Treenaks | tee writes to stdout.. and to a file you give it | 07:22 |
Treenaks | redirecting like that twice won't work | 07:22 |
Treenaks | afaik | 07:22 |
yondie | Treenaks: if i type the command at line 5 in the terminal just like dat,, it works !! | 07:23 |
yondie | Treenaks: it didn`t work when i use in if.then.fi | 07:23 |
Treenaks | ah | 07:23 |
Treenaks | /bin/sh vs /bin/bash | 07:23 |
Treenaks | you must be using a bash extension | 07:23 |
Treenaks | also, please read the topic: this channel isn't about application development | 07:23 |
yondie | i`m sorry | 07:23 |
Treenaks | np, just pointing out ;) | 07:24 |
ScottK | pitti: Looks like the lighttpd security updates made it out. Thanks. | 07:27 |
cjwatson | indeed, >(...) is a bash extension | 07:28 |
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yondie | cjwatson: any idea how to fixed it? i know it's offtopic | 07:30 |
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cjwatson | there should be channels around more appropriate for shell scripting questions | 07:32 |
yondie | wokey | 07:32 |
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pochu | heno: https://beta.launchpad.net/~isotesting :) | 07:51 |
heno | pochu: lovely :) | 07:52 |
pochu | cool :) | 07:52 |
pochu | the small one still needs some work, but I think they're pretty good | 07:52 |
sn0 | looks nice :) /me joins | 07:58 |
pochu | sn0: :) | 07:59 |
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jcole | hey dudes | 08:04 |
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jcole | what's the best way to integrate a system configure shell script into the boot process (/etc/init.d) that starts before gdm and the other services with upstart? | 08:05 |
Keybuk | same as with sysvinit | 08:09 |
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:Mithrandir] : Development of Ubuntu (not support, even with gutsy; not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper/edgy/feisty | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Gutsy open, go wild! | ||
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soothsay | Anybody know how to set up debarchiver on Ubuntu? | 08:45 |
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=== Mithrandir ponders running the first "auto" sync run for this cycle. | ||
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tepsipakki | Mithrandir: why wait :) | 09:08 |
Nafallo | Mithrandir: bring it on! :-D | 09:08 |
Nafallo | Mithrandir: or wait until the first kernel has started building maybe? :-) | 09:08 |
=== \sh starts on a gui for bughelper | ||
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=== Goliath23 [n=david@dslb-084-058-006-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Goliath23 | hi. it seems that 64bit ubuntu has a problem with LD_PRELOADing libaoss. is that a known bug? (if it' | 09:16 |
Goliath23 | s a bug) | 09:16 |
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Goliath23 | no matter what program I try to run with oass I get: ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/libaoss.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. | 09:17 |
=== GmanaFK is now known as Gman | ||
=== Adri2000 wonders why we don't have git-buildpackage - has been in debian since sept 2006, and I don't see it in sync-blacklist.txt | ||
pochu | do NEW packages get synced automatically? | 09:24 |
Adri2000 | yes | 09:24 |
pochu | ok :) | 09:24 |
sladen | vvvvvvcccccccccccccccccccccccCccccccccccnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | 09:26 |
kylem | very nice. | 09:26 |
thom | uh, sladen | 09:26 |
Treenaks | I think we'll have to kill his cat | 09:27 |
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sladen | oops, that was an Debian KDE ex-Maintainer's cat | 09:27 |
sladen | maybe it'll be an ex-cat soon, though nchip might be disappointed | 09:28 |
ogra | sladen, so he moved to be a debian gnome maintainer now ? | 09:30 |
Keybuk | pochu: no | 09:33 |
pochu | Adri2000: ^ | 09:33 |
=== \sh heard rumours that ogra will switch to be a kedubuntu developer ,-) | ||
ogra | lol | 09:33 |
Keybuk | pochu: nothing is synced automatically | 09:33 |
ogra | who is spreading that ? :) | 09:33 |
pochu | Keybuk: don't we automatically sync from debian at the beggining of the cycle? | 09:34 |
Adri2000 | pochu: eh, Keybuk syncs the NEW packages I believe :) | 09:34 |
\sh | ogra, hehe...how's live, man :) btw..you are invited to karlsruhe, when I moved places with my GF in may :) | 09:34 |
Adri2000 | but I guess he syncs them all | 09:34 |
=== vciaglia [n=vciaglia@host73-195-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Keybuk | nope | 09:35 |
Keybuk | new in Debian are done individually | 09:35 |
Keybuk | not en-masse | 09:35 |
Treenaks | Keybuk: and 'the rest' of Debian? | 09:35 |
ogra | \sh, busy as hell, if i dont sint on the lappie i'm renovating this huge house or care for the garden ... | 09:35 |
Keybuk | Treenaks: they're done mostly automatically by hand | 09:35 |
ogra | \sh, i'll happily drop by if i'm in karlsruhe any time soon ... feel free to ping if you are in kassel :) | 09:36 |
\sh | ogra, oh I think I'll have a trip to kassel after linuxtag then :) | 09:36 |
Keybuk | ie. the automatic sync everything newer in Debian and unmodified in Ubuntu is run by hand every day by some poor sod | 09:36 |
Keybuk | (previously me :p) | 09:36 |
elmo | Keybuk: what kind of vetting do you do on NEW? | 09:37 |
Keybuk | elmo: much | 09:37 |
elmo | Keybuk: I use to pull it all in blind \o/ | 09:37 |
ogra | \sh, this year is documenta year ... lots of arts stuff going on here :) | 09:37 |
ogra | http://documenta.de/ | 09:37 |
Keybuk | I pretty much treat new-from Debian as I would stuff in NEW, and looked at them individually | 09:37 |
pochu | Mithrandir: there's no PPC port for xubuntu feisty final, though you did one for the beta. Could you please make it? | 09:37 |
Keybuk | pochu: feisty has been released already | 09:38 |
elmo | Keybuk: why bother? | 09:38 |
\sh | ogra, I sponsor the beer :) greetings to Suse btw... | 09:38 |
pochu | Keybuk: I know, but you still can run the publisher, or whatever you do, right? :) | 09:38 |
Keybuk | elmo: because motu uploaded stuff by themselves under different names, or they broke our patches, or they were part of transitions that needed care, etc. | 09:39 |
Keybuk | pochu: then it wouldn't be necessarily the same as the candidate at the time | 09:39 |
elmo | Keybuk: *shrug* k (it's your time) | 09:39 |
Keybuk | elmo: actually, I'm not doing it this time round ;) | 09:39 |
Keybuk | (yay, having staff :p) | 09:39 |
ogra | \sh, she sends greetings back to you :) | 09:40 |
\sh | ogra, thx :) | 09:40 |
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pochu | Keybuk: I haven't said it would be ;) just that there's a precedent ;) | 09:40 |
Mithrandir | pochu: has anybody actually tested the images? | 09:41 |
pochu | the beta images? | 09:41 |
Mithrandir | no | 09:41 |
Mithrandir | the daily ones | 09:41 |
pochu | let me see | 09:42 |
ogra | Mithrandir, you havent yet ? man how are we ever supposed to get gutsy stable :P | 09:42 |
ogra | oh, you are discussing xubuntu feisty, sorry i thought that was a gutsy question :) | 09:42 |
pochu | ogra: anyway, feel free to test them :p | 09:43 |
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ogra | pochu, could do that on the weekend | 09:45 |
ogra | but no promises, i'm not sure about my spare time ... | 09:45 |
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pochu | ogra: no worries, I'm looking whether it has already been tested or not | 09:47 |
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pochu | maybe you can just install the final release then ;) | 09:47 |
ogra | i think ppc did generally not get as much testing this time | 09:47 |
pochu | maybe it has already been done :) | 09:49 |
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cjwatson | Keybuk: anything I saw in NEW with a Debian-style version number during the semiautosync period, I just shoved straight in | 09:50 |
cjwatson | Keybuk: if I was feeling particularly diligent I might have checked that it actually came from Debian | 09:50 |
ogra | oh, we have hal-info as separate package now ... | 09:51 |
=== ogra hugs pitti | ||
pitti | ogra: yes, it was split upstream for easier maintenance and faster releasing | 09:52 |
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ogra | yeah, they were always moaning that we dot ship it when i asked for help in #hal :) | 09:52 |
ogra | *dont | 09:52 |
pitti | just because still hadn't split it | 09:52 |
ogra | yeah | 09:53 |
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seb128 | dist-upgrade to gutsy, utch | 09:54 |
seb128 | After unpacking 481MB of additional disk space will be used. | 09:54 |
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pitti | seb128: wtf?? | 09:55 |
seb128 | pitti: I blame all the tex* | 09:55 |
seb128 | 55 upgraded, 40 newly installed, 1 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 09:55 |
seb128 | Need to get 345MB of archives. | 09:55 |
pitti | ah, right, my fault even :/ | 09:55 |
seb128 | I can't do the update :( | 09:55 |
Mithrandir | "auto"-sync is up to c now. | 09:55 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: yeah, if they reached our NEW, I'd already checked them -- I did it before sync'ing | 09:55 |
seb128 | my /usr has not enough space | 09:56 |
seb128 | grrr | 09:56 |
pitti | seb128: it might help to uninstall tetex-extra | 09:56 |
seb128 | pitti: trying | 09:56 |
pitti | seb128: then it doesn't pull in all that additional stuff you probably won't | 09:56 |
pitti | need | 09:56 |
LaserJock | pitti: have you merged texlive yet? or is gutsy even ready for that? | 09:56 |
pitti | LaserJock: everything is in gutsy :) | 09:56 |
seb128 | pitti: After unpacking 93.2MB of additional disk space will be used. | 09:57 |
seb128 | much better ;) | 09:57 |
pitti | better | 09:57 |
cjwatson | Keybuk: from the point of view of somebody processing NEW, it wasn't certain whether they came from the sync process or were random uploads | 09:57 |
seb128 | pitti: how come than text require an extra 350M now? | 09:57 |
seb128 | s/text/tex | 09:57 |
pitti | seb128: texlive is vastly bigger than tetex, and the transitional dependencies were designed to err on the safe side | 09:57 |
pitti | seb128: i. e. not break people's TeX systems when they had tetex-{base,extra} before | 09:58 |
seb128 | hum, k | 09:58 |
pitti | you can probably strip it down heavily | 09:58 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: yes, I did try and do them at the same time, but sometimes forgot :) | 09:58 |
LaserJock | pitti: is that going to cause .iso size issues? | 09:59 |
pitti | LaserJock: I doubt it, TeX isn't on the CDs | 09:59 |
pitti | at most libkpathsea | 09:59 |
pitti | well, so I would think anyway | 09:59 |
LaserJock | hmm, I thought -bin or -base was | 09:59 |
pitti | LaserJock: no, just checked; only libkpathsea | 10:00 |
LaserJock | ok, cool | 10:00 |
LaserJock | TeX is an absolute beast when it comes to disk space | 10:00 |
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LaserJock | I did a svn checkout of the debian-tex-maint repo the other day | 10:01 |
LaserJock | 22GB | 10:01 |
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geser | is texlive that big? | 10:02 |
LaserJock | mdz: ping regarding ubuntu-tex mailing list | 10:02 |
pitti | LaserJock: do you really think that this will be necessary? | 10:03 |
LaserJock | geser: not exactly, they have copies of upstream releases for tetex and texlive | 10:03 |
LaserJock | pitti: what? the ML? | 10:03 |
pitti | yes | 10:03 |
geser | LaserJock: have we already have a package list for which ubuntu-tex should be a bug contact? | 10:03 |
mdz | LaserJock: dev team meeting in progress | 10:04 |
ajmitch | morning | 10:04 |
LaserJock | well, I've got 12 members in ~ubuntu-tex | 10:04 |
LaserJock | and I wanted to set up a ML for bug contacts | 10:04 |
LaserJock | mdz: sorry | 10:04 |
LaserJock | I could be just me, but I find it difficult to coordinate anything without a mailing list | 10:05 |
mdz | LaserJock: you are quite welcome to use ubuntu-devel to coordinate, your participation will be welcome! | 10:06 |
geser | LaserJock: wasn't it suggested to use the ubuntu-devel ml for coordination? until we generate to much traffic | 10:06 |
LaserJock | alright then | 10:07 |
popey | bug 110361 :( :( :( | 10:10 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 110361 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20 "New feisty 64bit install causes nvidia card failure" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110361 | 10:10 |
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=== ogra glares at siretart's first gutsy upload ... | ||
seb128 | ogra: gnome-screensaver 2.19.1 is available | 10:11 |
seb128 | rather | 10:11 |
ogra | seb128, do we ship it through -updates ? | 10:12 |
siretart | ogra: err, huh? | 10:12 |
seb128 | no, it's 2.19 | 10:12 |
seb128 | even number is unstable cycle | 10:12 |
siretart | ogra: you mean 'sauerbraten'? | 10:12 |
ogra | oh, indeed .. heh sorry, had a long day | 10:12 |
seb128 | ogra: that's new cycle starting, to upload to gutsy ;) | 10:12 |
ogra | siretart, yeah | 10:12 |
pitti | ogra: oh, that was from a sync request in feisty times | 10:13 |
siretart | ogra: that was no upload, but a sync request, which was actually requested for feisty | 10:13 |
ogra | heh | 10:13 |
ajmitch | ogra: does that mean you won't get any work done for a few days? :)P | 10:14 |
fabbione | <Keybuk> me also, I have mvo, fabbione and tfheen yet to go | 10:15 |
fabbione | Keybuk: ^^^ phone call tomorrow? | 10:15 |
ogra | ajmitch, i didnt plan to play it ... the name is just weird :) | 10:15 |
Keybuk | fabbione: I'm doing it by e-mail, since I'm running up oxford street with work right now | 10:15 |
fabbione | Keybuk: ok | 10:16 |
Keybuk | and I'm away all next week :-/ | 10:16 |
fabbione | fun | 10:16 |
Keybuk | aye | 10:18 |
Keybuk | yay tech tour | 10:18 |
fabbione | yeah i know | 10:18 |
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jcole | Keybuk: thanks | 10:25 |
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Keybuk | jcole: for? | 10:26 |
jcole | Goliath23: try to rebuild it | 10:26 |
Goliath23 | jcole: what? | 10:26 |
Goliath23 | teamspeak? aoss? wine? | 10:26 |
psusi | if I'm fixing a bug in a package and there is a newer version availible from the upstream source, but not debian, should I update to the upstream version? | 10:26 |
jcole | (11:05:26 AM) jcole: what's the best way to integrate a system configure shell script into the boot process (/etc/init.d) that starts before gdm and the other services with upstart? | 10:27 |
jcole | (11:09:05 AM) Keybuk: same as with sysvinit | 10:27 |
jcole | Goliath23: aoss | 10:27 |
Nafallo | Keybuk: are you going to convert the world to upstart this cycle? :-) | 10:27 |
Goliath23 | jcole: reinstall or rebuild? | 10:27 |
pitti | psusi: please first merge with Debian, then update to new upstream | 10:27 |
pitti | psusi: avoids lots of mess in the next merge step | 10:27 |
Keybuk | Nafallo: :-) | 10:27 |
ogra | Nafallo, ++ | 10:28 |
jcole | Goliath23: i don't know why, but sometimes when i rebuild a package natively on amd64 it works "better" | 10:28 |
Nafallo | Keybuk: in that case, gimme a handson with one script so I can help you with the rest of them :-) | 10:28 |
Goliath23 | jcole: I think its just that the installed 64 bit ld.so can not preload 32 bit libraries. | 10:28 |
Goliath23 | I probably wait for teamspeak3 using alsa, then I don't have to fiddle around with aoss | 10:29 |
Keybuk | Nafallo: see latest mail from me on upstart-devel ;) | 10:29 |
Goliath23 | and preload "hacks" :) | 10:29 |
Keybuk | help solve that problem and it's easy | 10:29 |
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host81-153-34-30.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Nafallo | Keybuk: so I should sign up then? :-) | 10:29 |
psusi | pitti: getting the changes into debian can take months or never though ;( | 10:29 |
psusi | pitti: and our package already has deviated from the debian version | 10:29 |
tarzeau | anyone wants to try a new game? | 10:29 |
pitti | psusi: right, but from the merging POV it's still better to merge first and then upgrade | 10:30 |
tarzeau | http://gnu.ethz.ch/debian/yap/yetanotherpacman_1.11-1_i386.deb | 10:30 |
Keybuk | Nafallo: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/upstart-devel/2007-April/000363.html | 10:30 |
pitti | tarzeau: 'pacman' ... 'new' | 10:30 |
tarzeau | pitti: yep, pretty nice | 10:30 |
=== _TomB [n=tomb@host81-153-34-30.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Nafallo | Keybuk: I'll grab the whole archive and convert it to maildir instead :-) | 10:32 |
Goliath23 | jcole: If I wanted to recompile the package that contains aoss, where could I read how to do that? | 10:33 |
fabbione | tarzeau: best flight simulator EVAR http://www.ioccc.org/1998/banks.c | 10:33 |
Goliath23 | I guess I'd have to install the source package and run some dpkg commands? | 10:33 |
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tarzeau | fabbione: haha | 10:34 |
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tarzeau | pitti: new is new, and modern is different | 10:35 |
pitti | tarzeau: just joking :) | 10:36 |
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Goliath23 | fabbione: doesn't compile! :) | 10:36 |
Keybuk | Nafallo: so, any ideas? :p | 10:36 |
tarzeau | Goliath23: same here | 10:37 |
fabbione | Goliath23: file a bug | 10:37 |
Goliath23 | m.c:6: Fehler: dt ist hier nicht deklariert (nicht in einer Funktion) | 10:37 |
Goliath23 | hehe | 10:37 |
fabbione | Goliath23: that's locales fault.. | 10:37 |
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jcole | Goliath23: apt-get source alsa-oss | 10:42 |
ogra | bryce, apt-cache rdepends xresprobe ... | 10:42 |
ogra | its a binary dep of xserver-xorg | 10:42 |
jcole | Goliath23: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/20 | 10:42 |
Nafallo | Keybuk: that needs a good nights dreaming to find an answer to ;-) | 10:42 |
cjwatson | ogra: can I answer please? | 10:42 |
ogra | cjwatson, indeed | 10:43 |
seb128 | ogra: no it's not | 10:43 |
Nafallo | s/to/too/ | 10:43 |
cjwatson | bryce: ogra is mistaken here, it's only a Recommends | 10:43 |
ogra | oh, sorry | 10:43 |
=== ogra really needs to stop using rdepends ... :/ | ||
cjwatson | bryce: so, the background is that we put it in the 'ship' seed (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement) so that it was possible to remove it after installation to avoid cruft | 10:44 |
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bryce | ahh | 10:44 |
cjwatson | bryce: (at the time we didn't have any other mechanism to have stuff installed by default but removable; Recommends in ubuntu-desktop is a recent innovation) | 10:44 |
cjwatson | bryce: an installer component explicitly arranged for it to be installed if you were installing the desktop | 10:44 |
bryce | cool, ok I was just concerned if there was an incompatibility or some such | 10:45 |
cjwatson | at the time, it had to be unpacked *and configured* (which is unusual) before X was even installed, so this wasn't an extra hardship | 10:45 |
doko | pitti, Mithrandir: is texlive ready? | 10:45 |
pitti | doko: yes, it is | 10:45 |
cjwatson | bryce: but that was all in the alternate installer, and this was back before the desktop installer was implemented | 10:45 |
fabbione | doko: upgrading now | 10:45 |
Goliath23 | jcole: thanks | 10:45 |
pitti | doko: we stalled the opening of gutsy until it was | 10:45 |
doko | ok, because python2.5 did fail to build, looking at it now | 10:45 |
fabbione | sparc exploded... | 10:46 |
cjwatson | bryce: I have a suspicion, though haven't verified, that the desktop installer never installed xresprobe on the target system | 10:46 |
bryce | ok, I have a feeling (but no evidence) that some of the reported bugs with monitor mis-detection in feisty might be caused by a missing xresprobe | 10:46 |
cjwatson | bryce: we put it in the live seed, which means that it's installed in the live session but removed on copy to the target system | 10:46 |
cjwatson | bryce: however, we wouldn't have noticed this because xorg.conf is copied over from the live session | 10:46 |
fabbione | doko: what did you do to sparc? | 10:47 |
bryce | there's at least one case of someone changing video cards after a feisty install and things started majorly misworking | 10:47 |
tepsipakki | bryce: that's true, there are reports where the same image works sometimes | 10:47 |
fabbione | doko: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/gutsy_probs.html | 10:47 |
cjwatson | bryce: so the only way this could matter is if something is re-running xresprobe after initial installation | 10:47 |
mdz | bryce: we don't even try to make that work at present | 10:47 |
tepsipakki | bryce: actually, not missing xresprobe but dmidecode not working | 10:47 |
mdz | bryce: there's no mechanism to re-detect if the hardware is changed | 10:47 |
cjwatson | right, if they had to reconfigure X and xresprobe wasn't installed, this would be problematic | 10:47 |
mdz | bryce: I'm hoping this will become less of an issue with display hotplug | 10:47 |
cjwatson | but as mdz says, this will only be done if you explicitly dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, AFAIK | 10:47 |
bryce | right, iirc they reconfigured X but of course it didn't detect things correctly | 10:48 |
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bryce | mdz, agreed | 10:48 |
Keybuk | doesn't this stuff vaguely go away with Xorg 1.3? | 10:48 |
cjwatson | as I said by mail, I moved xresprobe to be a recommends of desktop, which should clear that up | 10:48 |
cjwatson | Keybuk: only once the configuration stuff is also adapted | 10:48 |
cjwatson | and assuming that xserver 1.3 does everything we want | 10:48 |
=== Keybuk has seen "I removed my xorg.conf and X still works" blog posts | ||
Mithrandir | fabbione: python2.5 blew up | 10:49 |
ogra | Keybuk, i suspect they cpoied it to ~ :P | 10:49 |
fabbione | doko: ^^ please fix. kthxbye | 10:49 |
tepsipakki | display-hotplug affectes the output-devices.. the server can detect correct driver already | 10:49 |
ogra | *copied | 10:49 |
fabbione | Mithrandir: thanks | 10:49 |
mdz | Keybuk: we know there are cases where that's true, but what we need to know is when it doesn't :-) | 10:49 |
bryce | Keybuk: yup, the plan though is to still support the xresprobe approach as a fallback | 10:49 |
cjwatson | I have a suspicion that somebody (*cough* hi bryce) is going to have to spend a few weeks going through all the workarounds we have built up over time and ensuring that they are all included in the serverr | 10:49 |
cjwatson | server | 10:49 |
bryce | :-) | 10:49 |
Mithrandir | fabbione: I'll give it back and it'll hopefully explode less. | 10:49 |
fabbione | Mithrandir: thanks... | 10:50 |
cjwatson | X hackers tend to have well-supported graphics cards on the machines where they hack on this sort of thing ... | 10:50 |
pitti | Keybuk: "I removed my xorg.conf and X still works" -> me too, I got that in r-m bug reports | 10:50 |
mdz | the panel detection stuff can most likely go away entirely, since that was a twisted loop querying the X server to get information to write xorg.conf | 10:50 |
doko | fabbione, Mithrandir: looking at it now. the archive is open now? | 10:50 |
mdz | but the cases where both DDC and the driver fail to detect the display, those we still need to handle somehow | 10:50 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: pushing new recruits into the deep end is one thing, put pushing them into the shark-with-frickin-laser-beams-on-their-foreheads and piranha infested waters is another entirely! | 10:50 |
cjwatson | doko: yes | 10:50 |
fabbione | mdz: hey.. that was a real piece of working art 2 years ago | 10:50 |
pitti | doko: yes, you can upload wildly | 10:50 |
Mithrandir | doko: yes, the archive is open; I just gave back python2.5 which should hopefully fix this. | 10:50 |
tepsipakki | currently the server only works either without a config or a valid config | 10:51 |
cjwatson | Keybuk: I was planning to give him some kind of forcefield shield. Does that make it morally OK? | 10:51 |
tepsipakki | er, "with a valid config" | 10:51 |
cjwatson | "the X server works if and only if your configuration is broken" | 10:51 |
bryce | hehe | 10:51 |
tepsipakki | but gravity is working on that | 10:51 |
fabbione | X server works because Chuck Norris wrote it | 10:52 |
tepsipakki | :) | 10:52 |
ogra | he did ? | 10:52 |
tepsipakki | with just one hand.. behind the back | 10:52 |
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mdz | bryce: everyone whose brain we need to pick about this will be at UDS. bring a list of questions! | 10:53 |
doko | Mithrandir: no, have to upload a python-defaults with loosened dependencies first | 10:53 |
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bryce | cool, will doo | 10:53 |
bryce | er, -o | 10:53 |
Mithrandir | doko: ok, have fun. | 10:53 |
fabbione | brainsik: and beer please :) | 10:53 |
fabbione | ops | 10:53 |
tepsipakki | please pick the debian brains as well | 10:53 |
fabbione | bryce: ^^ | 10:53 |
Mithrandir | fabbione: beer isn't really enough. Might well need tequila or stronger too. | 10:53 |
fabbione | bryce: the more beer.. the more i will answer ;) | 10:53 |
brainsik | fabbione: huh? | 10:54 |
fabbione | Mithrandir: beer to start... i need to warm up again | 10:54 |
fabbione | brainsik: sorry.. wrong tab | 10:54 |
brainsik | fabbione: :) | 10:54 |
bryce | fabbione: :-) | 10:54 |
ogra | bryce, you have nfs4 experience ? | 10:54 |
fabbione | X over nfs4 ? | 10:55 |
ogra | :P | 10:55 |
fabbione | i actually configured decnet here at home | 10:55 |
mdz | on that note, good night. I am almost out of battery | 10:55 |
bryce | ogra: yup | 10:55 |
ogra | fabbione, nope, i'm trying to get ltsp with nfs4 nfsroot going ... :) | 10:55 |
fabbione | i need to see if xtrans extensions are working | 10:55 |
bryce | mdz, night! thanks | 10:55 |
fabbione | mdke: night dude | 10:55 |
ogra | bryce, i'll pay some of fabbiones beers for you then :) | 10:55 |
ogra | and pick your brain a bit if you dont mind :) | 10:56 |
Nafallo | oh. Keybuk left :-P | 10:56 |
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bryce | ogra, sure :-) | 10:57 |
ogra | ;) | 10:57 |
\sh | ogra, nfs4 is a charme...less trouble with network admins and their broken firewall appliances ;) | 10:58 |
ogra | \sh, its a pain in initramfs :) | 10:58 |
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ogra | but i got it roughly working now ... | 10:58 |
fabbione | ogra: nothing is pain... | 10:58 |
\sh | ogra, I migrated our old nfs3 auto home fs to nfs4..now I'm stucked with the sles9 integration of nfs4..:( | 10:58 |
fabbione | pain is pleasure and fun | 10:59 |
ajmitch | fabbione: masochist | 10:59 |
\sh | SM! | 10:59 |
ogra | fabbione, indeed, i picked that pain :) | 10:59 |
fabbione | ajmitch: i didn't say inflicting the pain on who :) | 10:59 |
Nafallo | oh. what a twist to the discussion ;-) | 10:59 |
fabbione | Nafallo: never seen Hell Raiser (the movies)? | 11:00 |
Nafallo | fabbione: I think I have one of them somewhere, but not really, no :-) | 11:00 |
\sh | oh guys, I do have a good working openldap config for user auth, and sudo-ldap integration...I think tomorrow I'm starting to migrate the ldap-master server from sles to ubuntu | 11:00 |
fabbione | Nafallo: ehhh | 11:00 |
ajmitch | I can't say much, I'm just installing longhorn server in vmware to test out samba & AD | 11:01 |
ajmitch | \sh: good | 11:01 |
ogra | ajmitch, shudder | 11:01 |
ajmitch | ogra: I know | 11:01 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: nice. did you pay for it? ;-) | 11:01 |
ajmitch | Nafallo: no, open beta | 11:01 |
Nafallo | :-) | 11:01 |
\sh | ajmitch, need to change the acl from old file style to new bdb backend style | 11:01 |
Nafallo | would rock if we integrate with it when it's released :-) | 11:02 |
ajmitch | Nafallo: that's mostly up to the samba team | 11:02 |
Nafallo | ajmitch: they have the goal though? | 11:02 |
ajmitch | of course, it'll be a requirement | 11:03 |
Nafallo | nice. can we get back to SM now. that's not half as painful as Windows ;-) | 11:03 |
ajmitch | hehe | 11:04 |
ogra | lol | 11:04 |
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\sh | good night folks...time to get a life... | 11:06 |
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welshbyte | i've just seen someone say on a list that the server and desktop versions of ubuntu use the same kernel, is that true? | 11:29 |
Nafallo | no | 11:30 |
welshbyte | didn't think so | 11:30 |
Nafallo | -server vs -generic | 11:30 |
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ivoks | did anyone tried oem before release? :) | 11:44 |
Mithrandir | libe* and counting.. | 11:51 |
ajmitch | so we'll just have to wait for buildds to catch up then | 11:52 |
Nafallo | Mithrandir: autosyncing? :-) | 11:52 |
Mithrandir | Nafallo: "auto", yes. | 11:52 |
Nafallo | nice :-) | 11:52 |
Mithrandir | this is just the "download into the ~/syncs bit. Then it'll have to be processed. | 11:52 |
ajmitch | ah | 11:53 |
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cjwatson | grr @ ivoks | 12:06 |
cjwatson | "doesn't work for me" != "nobody tried it" | 12:06 |
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