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adamant1988Hello all01:35
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Burgworkhey adamant198801:55
adamant1988Hello Burgwork01:56
adamant1988Burgwork: I'm sitting on a proposal for a  community wide mentoring program, uhm, how do I go about getting that in place? 01:57
Burgworktalk to jono01:58
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adamant1988Great, I'll do that01:58
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juliuxjenda, i lost my sticky at ubuntuforums:(09:17
=== jenda checks
jendajuliux: re-stuck?09:27
jendaerm, s/?/./09:27
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juliuxjenda, thxs09:28
=== jenda investigates furthr
jendawhatever :)09:29
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juliuxhi jono 10:29
MenZahey juliux10:30
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jendahola, jono 10:37
juliuxhi MenZa 10:38
jonohey jenda10:38
jendahey juliux10:38
juliuxMenZa, did you get it yesterday? dk will lose the shirt race against finland;)10:38
jendaand hey MenZa :)10:38
jendajuliux: whoa!10:39
jendajuliux: how many do they have?10:39
juliuxjenda, finland wants to take 2010:39
jendaI'll buy 15 for myself, then.10:39
=== jenda runs
MenZajuliux: heh, I saw10:44
MenZajuliux: How many are accounted for now, then?10:45
juliuxMenZa, you mean from dk ?10:45
MenZaNo, generally10:45
juliuxi have 20 orders here10:46
juliuxbut i haven't get the orders from the finland loco, cz loco and not from the nl loco10:46
juliuxbut we will make 100 poloshirts and 50 t-shirts for the expos in  germany10:47
jendajuliux: massive ;)10:48
juliuxjenda, last time we hade also 100 poloshirts and 50 t-shirts;910:49
jendajuliux: I ordered some 8 more books yesterday. Once they all come, I'll head out ;)10:49
jendaneat ):10:49
juliuxjenda, cool10:49
=== juliux will have enough paper to make some fire in the winter;)
MenZawait, that reminds me, didn't I win a book at one point in -trivia?10:53
MenZajenda: I think you had that one?10:54
jendaMenZa: really?10:57
MenZaI'm pretty sure10:57
jendaMenZa: the sponsor was rob... I suppose he didn't send it.10:57
MenZaPoke him for me, willya ;P?10:57
jendaMenZa: he is also MIA, so good luck finding him ;)10:57
juliuxMIA =10:57
MenZaMissing in Action10:57
MenZaAway, juliux10:57
MenZaIf you do see him, poke him for me, jenda10:58
jenda9 shirt orders here :)10:58
jendaMenZa: will do.10:58
jendaMenZa: he seems to be gone, though :/10:58
jendajuliux: you'll have mayhem with all the shirt variants you offer :-D10:59
jendaI think it's about 8 types... and 5-7 sizes of each... sheesh :)10:59
MenZajenda: :(11:00
juliuxjenda, no problem11:00
MenZajuliux: You started doing them late May, right?11:00
jendaMenZa: I can give you his email, if you want.11:00
MenZajenda: Nah, I'll wait until he comes back11:00
jendaI gotta run now.11:00
MenZaalright, cya :)11:00
juliuxMenZa, no i will send the order to the company at the second may, but they need 3 weeks to make them11:00
MenZaah alright11:00
juliuxMenZa, and then i am one week off for linuxtag in berlin so can start sending them out at the beginig of june11:01
juliuxMenZa, but we will only send them out if i have the money;)11:01
MenZayes of course :)11:01
juliuxjenda, i have no problems with that i heard logistics last turn at university;)11:01
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jendajuliux: hehe, nice11:11
jendajono: a little unstable today, are we? :)11:11
jonojenda: setting up a new machine :)11:14
MenZaI can't believe how much LaTeX rocks.11:27
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adamant1988jono: ping11:44
jonoadamant1988: pong11:44
adamant1988That was fast, haha11:44
adamant1988jono: , I have a written out proposal for a mentoring program to make it easier for anyone to get involved in a group of their choice (as long ad the group supports it) I was told I should take that to you11:45
adamant1988let me get you the link at the USDF11:46
jonocould you mail me it adamant1988?11:46
adamant1988absolutely, the basic idea is that every channel would have #x-x-class or something open that was a dedicated learning environment. 11:47
adamant1988People from the project who didn't mind to help go just be available in the class to help out, etc.11:47
adamant1988jono: jono   at      ubuntu   dot   com right?11:50
jonoadamant1988: yep :)11:51
jonosounds cool :)11:51
adamant1988jono: Yeah, I thought it may help in getting more people to get involved11:51
adamant1988the common complaint is, "I would love to help, but I don't know how"11:51
adamant1988So, make it easy for them to learn how if they care to.11:52
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adamant1988jono: you have mail :) 11:53
jonothanks :)11:54
adamant1988It's not a long proposal but I tried to cover everything, I edited it slightly after being involved in open week.11:55
jonocool, will check into when I get a mo :)11:55
adamant1988Great, I'd really be pleased to see this done to an extent.  I'd be willing to babysit it myself and do most of the leg work, even. 11:56
jonoright, I best run, back soon11:56
jonothanks adamant1988 :)11:57
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jendaelkbuntu: ping03:15
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jendajuliux: ping :)03:57
jendajuliux: lart my memory - did you say you wanted me to bring some more stickers to Dresden, or not?03:57
jendaI'd count with them in the order I'll be putting down this week.03:57
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juliuxhi jenda 04:06
jendaI'm semi-here :)04:21
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adamant1988jono: hello :)04:31
adamant1988jono: any chance to read that email I sent you earlier in the day?04:33
jonoadamant1988: sorry, I am really busy, you will need to wait until I get to it04:35
adamant1988jono: It's fine, just curious is all.04:36
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beunojenda: ping07:16
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jendasemi pong, I guess08:25
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jendabeuno_: pong09:19
jendaT-40 minutes09:19
beuno_jenda: so how is this going to work?  :D09:27
jendabeuno: it's going to work ;)09:33
jendabeuno: I'll start it off, saying what I have to say. When I get to individual projects, I'll hope you folks pipe up that you'd like to say something, and I'll voice you.09:34
beunojenda: should I write up a quick text to copy and paste?09:35
jendadon't stress it, though.09:36
jendaIt shouldn't look like canned speech09:36
jendaActually, it'd be better if it was written on the spot, typos and all ;)09:36
beunothen I won't09:36
jendaIf we were to give them canned speech, we could have just put it on the wiki ;)09:36
beunoI'll jump in when I can then09:37
jendacool ;)09:37
=== jenda looks over the writeup he did
=== MenZa pokes jenda
MenZaYou need LaTeX.09:41
jendaNo thanks, I prefer pills09:44
=== jenda runs
tsmithejenda, how's it going?09:52
jendatsmithe: getting ready, getting nervous ;)09:52
jendaa bit09:52
tsmitheready for?09:52
=== tsmithe is out of it
jendawell, not really - I just saved my dad's data from being lost (through my fault, too), so i know I'm nowhere near nervous :)09:53
jendatsmithe: Ubuntu Open Week, check the schedule :)09:53
tsmitheoh of course09:53
tsmithei can't memorise a whole schedule, tho :P09:53
tsmitheand, why nervous?09:53
jendatsmithe: I wouldn't expect you to ;)09:53
jendaI'd just expect you to memorize the most important parts ;)09:54
=== jenda hides
tsmithethere's only, what, 214 people in there :P09:54
tsmithejenda, can't even remember those09:54
jenda214? My test on Wed was in room #214 ;)09:54
tsmithecoincidence. maybe not09:54
tsmithehow was the test?09:55
jendadunno yet09:55
jendafelt good, I think.09:55
tsmithelast time i felt good in a test i did badly :'(09:56
jendaIt was one of those writing tests where you have no clue how you did till you get it back... unless you're really good, I guess.09:56
jendaI'll get back to getting ready for the session09:56
=== jenda turns off music.
tsmitheand of course you're not really good09:56
tsmitheand why no smooth jazz?!09:56
=== jenda would turn off music if amarok hadn't frozen
jendatsmithe: I turn music off when I really have to concentrate.09:57
jendaI'm not really good, no.09:57
tsmithenor is any real person09:57
tsmithethe ones that are are just instigated by government to put you off09:57
jendaI gotta get ready for my session.09:58
tsmitheisn't it a copy/paste jobbie?09:58
jendano :-D09:58
tsmitheoh why not?09:58
jendaI'll be making it up on the spot along a prepared schedule.09:58
jendaread above09:58
jenda(my convo with beuno)09:59
tsmitheand btw, weechat is way nicer than irssi09:59
jendaI need the powah of irssi ;)10:00
jendaback to preparing (DnD)10:00
tsmithewhy need teh powah?10:01
tsmitheweechat has teh powah!10:01
tsmitheDnD == ?10:01
beunotsmithe: it started10:02
beunothe session in #ubuntu-classroom10:03
beunoI'm not going to win, am I?10:04
=== beuno hides
=== Tm_T does his best to distract jenda
jendaTm_T: failure.10:32
Tm_Tas usual10:33
Tm_TI'm too small and shy :(10:33
Tm_Tbut aren't we all without pants?10:33
jendabeuno: would you be ready to say a bit about the UWN?10:36
beunojenda: yeap, pinged you in -chat10:37
jendagot it10:37
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beunojenda: tell me when to stop  :D10:47
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jendabeuno: as long as you like ;)10:47
jendabeuno: I'll start about DIY as soon as you finish, you can join in on that.10:48
beunojenda: sorry that came out a bit messy, I didn't have time to "organize" what I wanted to say before hand  :(10:54
jendano problem at all :)10:58
jendait was fine10:58
BHSPitMonkeyjenda, so what about your DIY project ^^11:06
jendawhat about it? :)11:06
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=== beuno hides
BHSPitMonkeyyou planned to talk about it -.-11:08
jendaIt's the remnant of Spreadubuntu11:09
jendaSpreadubuntu was an ambitious project - and way too much to succeed, IMO, so I cut it down to the DIY site.11:10
BHSPitMonkeylike spreadfirefox?11:10
jendaa little bit11:10
jendait was the inspiration11:10
jendaalthough it has moved to a totally different sphere.11:10
beunojenda: did I tell you I got my "Ubuntu Stats" project going again?11:10
jendaWell, a picture will say a lot more than a thousand words, BHSPitMonkey :)11:11
beunoI found someone in my LoCo willing to help me out and it's really taking off11:11
jendaBHSPitMonkey: we have an unfinished working copy at diy.devubuntu.com11:11
RobsterUKHi guys11:11
jendaHello RobsterUK :)11:11
jendaRobsterUK, meet beuno11:11
jendabeuno, meet RobsterUK 11:11
jendabeuno's been helping on DIY11:11
RobsterUKhey beuno what up11:11
jendaRobsterUK thought DIY's dead, so started a spreadubuntu of its own11:11
jendabeuno: no, you didn't tell me ;)11:12
beunohey RobsterUK, I'm BeunoAr  :p11:12
beunoooooh, that's interesting11:12
jendaBHSPitMonkey: you might also want to look at the wiki, which explains what the project is for11:12
RobsterUKis Dan around tonight?11:12
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beunoRobsterUK: what have you got up to now?11:12
jendaBHSPitMonkey: the idea is summed up in "supply marketing resources to LoCos and individuals"11:12
BHSPitMonkeyjenda, the site itself needs some technical work ^^11:12
jendaRobsterUK: apparently not11:12
jendaBHSPitMonkey: it's unfinished.11:13
jendaIn the works.11:13
BHSPitMonkeyjenda, that's an awesome project.11:13
BHSPitMonkeyI'd been wondering if there was some offical outlet for that kind of stuff.11:13
BHSPitMonkeyofficial, even11:13
RobsterUKbeuno: have a look, spreadubuntu.co.uk11:13
jendaOnce it's done, it will be.11:13
RobsterUKJenda found my site and contacted me about working with the marketing team on the existing project11:13
beunojenda: do you mind if I sum up what you've said in the meeting in a blog post to the planet?  I want to make a "help with UWN in 3 easy steps" type of post too11:14
jendawell, actually, tsmithe led me to it ;)11:14
BHSPitMonkeyRobsterUK, lmao at the ubuntu v. boobs post11:14
jendabeuno: not at all :)11:14
jendabeuno: if you don't humiliate me publically :)11:14
jendabeuno: even more than I did myself, that is.11:14
RobsterUKBHSPitMonkey: yeah i found that on a blog, thought it was funny11:14
beunojenda: I'll try, but you know me...11:14
jendabeuno: hehehe11:15
jendaBHSPitMonkey: I'm sorry, but I'm totally exhausted11:16
beunojenda: great job by the way11:17
BHSPitMonkeyjenda, sorry for what11:17
jendabeuno: thanks ;)11:17
beunoit was very clear and understandable, which is hard to accomplish11:17
jendaBHSPitMonkey: for giving you a link instead of saying stuffs :)11:17
BHSPitMonkeynp, I get it.11:18
BHSPitMonkeyI already had something like this envisioned11:18
BHSPitMonkeyso I get it :P11:18
beunojenda: maybe we should get RobsterUK to help us get close to spreadubuntu.com  :D11:19
jendabeuno: that's what I'm intending :)11:20
jendaI'm rather exhausted to figure out how we could combine efforts right now.11:20
tsmitheRobsterUK, excellent to see you here :)11:20
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beunojenda: don't worry, I'll make sure I keep in touch with RobsterUK11:21
beunoRobsterUK: can you send me a quick email to: beuno@ubuntu.com so I have your address?11:21
RobsterUKbeuno: thats what i was hoping for in setting up my site...in the long term11:22
beunoRobsterUK: great, we could use some help, it's just been Dan and me (on the tecnical side), and we've both been busy lately11:23
beunoif you can drop me a line and maybe hang around here, I'll make sure we have a small meeting to get things organised11:24
RobsterUKsorry bueno i have to go right now, please email me rob@sharpsites.co.uk11:25
beunoRobsterUK: doing it now11:25
RobsterUKi am in work right now and i have to leave to catch the last bus (its 10:30 here)11:25
beunonice to meet you11:25
RobsterUKyou to, talk soon11:25
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meatballhat:)   in and out .... sorry   11:47
beunomeatballhat: it seems we might have a new volunteer for DIY11:48
jendabeuno: or so we hope ;)11:49
beunowell, he's got the drive for it...11:49
jendaHe seemed not to insist on keeping his project up, though.11:49
jendaoh, I'm not afraid of that - I'm more afraid of splitter-ism11:49
beunojenda: I'll make sure I try and find some solution we are all happy with11:50
beunook, I'm out11:52
beunohave to prepare for a date11:52
beunoI'm cooking tonight!  weeee11:52
jendagood luck ;)11:52
beunoI don't need luck, I have a backup frozen pizza  :D11:52
beunoagain, great job on the presentation today jenda11:53
beunoba byes!11:53
jendathankee :)11:54
jendameatballhat: there wasn't even time to talk about DIY11:54
BHSPitMonkeyjenda, FYI, I'm always willing to help in areas where I could be of assistance11:55
BHSPitMonkeythat said, AP exams are a week away, and you shouldn't dare distract me until they've passed :P11:55
jendaBHSPitMonkey: Well, I'm totally dead today11:55
jendaah, good11:55
jendaI'm exam-ridden for the next month ;)11:55
jendaor two, actually.11:55
BHSPitMonkeyjenda, we can push a "back-to-school computing" campaign in the summer :P11:56
jendaBut BHSPitMonkey, if you look through the wiki and discuss with meatballhat (or me, if I'm available) - there's plenty to do :)11:56
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