=== dygerati [n=dygerati@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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TOXIC_ | Och4, wait, are yU using beryl ? | 12:01 |
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=== deCon [n=naoise@c-67-182-233-160.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Guitrokr: once that's done, you need to fix grub on the internal disk so it doesn't rely on the external one any more. Or replace it with another bootloader. | 12:01 |
BobSoft | velko, Okay. I checked it out. This is the command I've already run: sudo gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 437D05B5. This relates to the Ubuntu Repositories. The response from bash is: gpg: Total number processed: 1; gpg: unchanged: 1. So this part has be fulfilled previously. | 12:01 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, ATI cards works on fawxn ? realy ? what card do you have ? | 12:01 |
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Och4 | TOXIC_, yes. just beryl, nothing else | 12:01 |
deCon | ummm, i'm having some issues with firefox media ....for some reason, no videos will play, and I'm on feisty | 12:02 |
Guitrokr | it can't just be deleted? | 12:02 |
=== sen3 [n=sen@171.139-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Salsa911 | I thought 7.04 was supposed to have better wireless support...has anyone else found it to be better? | 12:02 |
Wokm4n | what videos? | 12:02 |
sigg | Is there a way to see what processes are going on like a task manager in windows? | 12:02 |
=== bbrock [n=bradley@c-68-62-127-66.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Salsa911 | A friend of mine still can't connect wirelessly. | 12:02 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, to have beryl work, you must have AIGLX, I guess your on edgy ? | 12:02 |
deCon | any plugin type videos | 12:02 |
soundray | Guitrokr: of course it can. But then you won't have a bootloader. And a system that won't boot. Hint: that's not what you want ;) | 12:02 |
omarion | TOXIC_: 9250 | 12:02 |
Salsa911 | I haven't had trouble, but I didn't have any issues before I upgraded either. | 12:02 |
velko | BobSoft, did you have gpg installed? it's in the gnupg package | 12:02 |
=== Monie [n=Monie@adsl-074-170-003-003.sip.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MidNightSunRay | can anyone tell me where to download gcompizthemer? it isn't included in the official repos... | 12:03 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, perhaps you know if ATI X700 works on fawn.... I'd test it right now ! | 12:03 |
BobSoft | velko, So this key is in my keyring. So far, so good. I also use this (dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null > Packages && gzip Packages) to create the Packages.gz file. | 12:03 |
linkster | sean http://strayduck.wordpress.com/2007/04/09/mapping-the-custom-keys-in-ubuntu-610/ | 12:03 |
dygerati | Recently installed Feisty on my laptop - wireless WORKS, but Network manager doesn't seem to treat it as a wireless card. (Icon in try is the standard wired lan one, and no option to switch networks)..any tho'ts? | 12:03 |
n00buntu | speaking of wireless anyone have a minute to answer a noob questions for a total noob? | 12:03 |
Guitrokr | i mean grub | 12:03 |
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BobSoft | velko, GPG's installed. | 12:03 |
Guitrokr | not the bootloader | 12:03 |
deCon | dygerati, network manager sucks | 12:03 |
soundray | Guitrokr: grub is the bootloader | 12:03 |
deCon | ask away n00buntu! | 12:03 |
Guitrokr | but before i had grub my computer booted windows | 12:03 |
magnetron | sigg: System > administration > "system manager" ( i use swedish ubuntu) | 12:03 |
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omarion | TOXIC_: sorry, but i've read that ubuntu still have troubles with ati cards | 12:03 |
bbrock | does anyone know how to install limewire on ubuntu, its really the only reason i installed it | 12:03 |
Guitrokr | i still have windows | 12:03 |
velko | BobSoft, i use reprepo to create the repositories | 12:03 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, nope, im on feisty or whatever it's called | 12:03 |
=== MaGL [n=CyPHeR@242.pool85-53-171.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BobSoft | velko, bash says: "gnupg is already the newest version." | 12:04 |
dygerati | deCon, really...hadn't heard. Alternative? | 12:04 |
Guitrokr | ubuntu is just on the external | 12:04 |
MenZa | How do I change the mountpoint for a device? | 12:04 |
soundray | Guitrokr: yes. It was using the Windows bootloader, which is now overwritten by grub. | 12:04 |
=== sean [n=sean@pool-71-119-77-212.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linkster | projector + ATI + fglrx anyone? | 12:04 |
velko | BobSoft, reprepro* | 12:04 |
deCon | bbrock, try something better. Frostwire is on the Gnutella network and works very similarly, but better | 12:04 |
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TOXIC_ | omarion, thx, i'm sorry to hear that... damn, I was so hoping ! | 12:04 |
=== pibarnas [n=pibarnas@201008142037.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Guitrokr | it didn't even ask me in installation though | 12:04 |
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deCon | bbrock, sudo aptitude install frostwire | 12:04 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, why do i need aiglx? | 12:04 |
Guitrokr | i didn't want it there | 12:04 |
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scorcher8 | Has anyone else who is affected by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/66254 found any kind of work around? No one seems to have a solution. | 12:04 |
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n00buntu | decon thanks.. before i upgraded to 7.04 my wireless pcmcia existed and worked. after i upgrade the device doesn't exist. does this mean the driver is nolonger on my system? | 12:04 |
Guitrokr | had it asked i would have known right where i wanted it | 12:04 |
omarion | TOXIC_: maybe in the future, i hope that | 12:04 |
Pelo | bbrok I suggest you try frostwire instead, very similar but without the spy stuff, you need to install sun-java-6.jre first , same woudl apply to limewire if you insist | 12:04 |
deCon | dygerati, not that i know of, i'm wired so i haven't worried about it, however, what are you trying to accomplish? | 12:04 |
soundray | Guitrokr: about 99.8% of people want to boot with grub, that's why it doesn't ask. | 12:05 |
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TOXIC_ | Och4, aiglx make beryl works, beryl needs more than just gnome to work... | 12:05 |
alek | hi | 12:05 |
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TOXIC_ | omarion, so do I | 12:05 |
Guitrokr | so then is there any way to just make it so it automatically loads windows if it can't find the external that grub is referring to for ubuntu? | 12:05 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, you got nvidia card ? | 12:05 |
=== shawnr34 [n=shawn@c-68-36-36-22.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrock | deCon, how do i install frostwire? do i download it or do i type that into terminal? | 12:05 |
deCon | n00buntu, go to system-->admin-->network and tell me what you see | 12:05 |
alek | i have a problem, i cant use the grpahic interface since i connected my printer, any idea? | 12:05 |
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linkster | if you can't get AIGLX (if you need fglrx drivers) you can use beryl with XGL instead | 12:05 |
shawnr34 | help! | 12:05 |
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Guitrokr | because at this time i get an error if i try to boot my machine alone without the external, and its a laptop! so thats bad | 12:05 |
Pelo | Guitrokr, edit /boot/grub/menu.list and put the windows stuff first in the list | 12:05 |
shawnr34 | forgot my keyring password. what can i do? | 12:05 |
soundray | Guitrokr: not really | 12:05 |
dygerati | deCon: just trying to get the wireless functionality (right-click, select network). Not urgent, just tho't it might be a quick fix. Thanks anyhow | 12:06 |
Guitrokr | ok i'll try | 12:06 |
=== MaGL [n=CyPHeR@242.pool85-53-171.dynamic.orange.es] has left #ubuntu ["Saliendo"] | ||
deCon | bbrock, most things you can install from the repositories using aptitude or apt-get (apt-get and aptitude are essentially the same, but aptitude installs all dependencies on its own) | 12:06 |
omarion | TOXIC_: the golden advice, use nvidia, it works well on linux, that's what im going to do soon | 12:06 |
Och4 | toxic, yea. I got nvidia, but no aiglx, is there a good tutorial to help me? | 12:06 |
soundray | Pelo: Guitrokr has ubuntu on an external disk, so that approach won't work | 12:06 |
n00buntu | decon, lasttime i was there just had eth0 and lo 1 sec i'll check | 12:06 |
BobSoft | velko, Oh. Cool. Okay. I'll give it a shot. It's just that it's a small issue. One can download the repositories, add the pgp keys... and ensure they're entirely trustworthy with this command: (gpg --edit-key 437D05B5 (to which I key in 'trust' and a setting of 5 for ultimate)). Then when I install an application it complains saying the source is untrustworthy. Weird. | 12:06 |
Pelo | Guitrokr, if that doesn'T work try asking in #grub | 12:06 |
Guitrokr | ok i won't try it | 12:06 |
Guitrokr | haha | 12:06 |
bbrock | deCon, im sorry i just started using linux last night. is aptitude a program? | 12:06 |
soundray | Pelo: not once Guitrokr has disconnected the disk at least. | 12:06 |
magnetron | shawner34, you can delete it and make a new one. you have to retype your old passwords though | 12:06 |
Pelo | soundray, I see, you are right that won't work | 12:06 |
=== Deto_ [n=deto@201-25-21-70.paemt704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
n00buntu | decon, i see wired connection and modem connection. | 12:06 |
deCon | bbrock, try "sudo aptitude install frostwire", and if your not ready for the command line interface "CLI", use synaptic package manager in system-->administration | 12:06 |
TOXIC_ | yes, now, I knbow, but I'm not giving up the $1000$ of my leptop just because an ATI card ! | 12:06 |
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soundray | Pelo: why are you sending him away before I've given up? ;) | 12:06 |
Pelo | soundray, that wasn'T my plan | 12:07 |
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bbrock | deCon, i will try that, thanks so much! | 12:07 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, yea. I got nvidia, but no aiglx, is there a good tutorial to help me? | 12:07 |
kleftisx | hello i have install DebootstrapChroot on an amd64 how can i run 32bit applications now? | 12:07 |
=== dw [n=david@80-218-10-134.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BobSoft | velko, Is 'reprepro' in the repositories? Or should I build it from source... | 12:07 |
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sn0 | evening all, having trouble with my cs46xx hercules III 7.1 card and getting any surround sound to work, i have created .asoundrc as per http://alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Hercules&card=Game+Fortissimo+II&chip=CS4624&module=cs46xx which makes 0 difference to the default 2 speakers i hear in ubuntu feisty, not sure where to go next | 12:07 |
Pelo | I,m just trying to clean the channel | 12:07 |
axl000 | how can i connect to a network with dhcp with command line? sorry for my bad english | 12:07 |
velko | BobSoft, it's in the repos | 12:07 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, yes, now, I knbow, but I'm not giving up the $1800 (1600) of my leptop just because an ATI card ! | 12:07 |
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Salsa911 | How can you show all available wireless networks in the area? | 12:07 |
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linkster | projector + ATI + fglrx anyone? | 12:07 |
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Guitrokr | so i get why it errors but i wish if it could find both operating systems it would just load the windows | 12:07 |
deCon | dygerati, go to system-->admin-->network and let me know what you see..you should see a wireless in there | 12:07 |
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soundray | Guitrokr: I suggest you find a way to add a boot option for Linux in NTLDR (the Windows bootloader). There are howtos for that on the net. | 12:07 |
magnetron | Pelo, this channel is the support channel. don't "clean" it from people | 12:07 |
omarion | TOXIC_: you're right :D | 12:07 |
velko | BobSoft, if you need help i can pastebin or pm you the config files and the commands to populate the repos | 12:08 |
Pelo | sn0, there iis a seciton on sound surround in http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty | 12:08 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, sorry, I have ati, so I cant help you with that, but I think you sould try it without beryl ! | 12:08 |
Guitrokr | hmm | 12:08 |
sn0 | running "speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -l1 -twav | 12:08 |
sn0 | " makes sound come from al but the centre speaker, but running "speaker-test -c 6 -D surround51 | 12:08 |
sn0 | " i get static in all speakers | 12:08 |
deCon | bbrock, aptitude is a "package manager" (no worries mate, this is my first month and the learning curve is amazing0 | 12:08 |
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Guitrokr | will that let me get rid of grub? | 12:08 |
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Guitrokr | cuz i like grub i just wish it wouldn't error and do nothing when it can't find ubuntu | 12:08 |
Pelo | magnetron, there is nothing wrong with dirrecting ppl to specialised channel when they have pointed problems | 12:08 |
BobSoft | velko, Ooo. That would be cool. I'd appreciate help to improve this tutorial. | 12:08 |
MenZa | How do I change the mountpoint for harddrive? | 12:08 |
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soundray | Guitrokr: you will have to use a Windows install CD to "repair" NTLDR | 12:08 |
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omarion | TOXIC_: so graphics card is your only problem in ubuntu? which version do u use? | 12:09 |
knoppix_ | hi | 12:09 |
Slart | MenZa: check the file /mnt/fstab | 12:09 |
BobSoft | I'm going to install 'reprepro' and give you the output errors apt gives when I install from local files. | 12:09 |
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linkster | menza: edit /etc/fstab | 12:09 |
Pelo | Guitrokr, I think you can restore your MBR using the windows cd but I donT' know how | 12:09 |
knoppix_ | wow | 12:09 |
MenZa | Slart: :D | 12:09 |
Guitrokr | lol i don't even think i have windows install cd | 12:09 |
BobSoft | velko, I'm going to install 'reprepro' and give you the output errors apt gives when I install from local files. | 12:09 |
bbrock | deCon, gotcha, i typed that into terminal but it said it was "unable to unlock administration directory"\ | 12:09 |
deCon | bbrock, aptitude, apt-get, and synaptic aka synaptic package manager are the main ways to install, you wont have to worry about compiling from source or installing from downloads for a while, though if you find a .tar or .gz file that you want to install, you simply locate it by terminal and use the command install | 12:09 |
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Slart | MenZa: you have to be root to edit it.. oops.. /etc/fstab | 12:09 |
soundray | Guitrokr: if that's what you prefer, you can install grub for NT. | 12:09 |
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Guitrokr | whats NT? | 12:09 |
magnetron | Pelo, just be careful. | 12:09 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, oh kay. ill give it a tryed, but if i want it with beryl, should i try installing aiglx | 12:09 |
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deCon | bbrock, so to do an installation from command line (terminal) you would type sudo aptitude install filename/program | 12:09 |
BFTD | Hi, how do i get ubuntu to see all the downloaded packages that are in /var/cache/apt/archives/ and add them to the package list? | 12:09 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, I realy think it mioght be impossible to do it with beryl and aiglx on, you should try without, to be sure thats the problem... | 12:09 |
sn0 | Pelo i have followed the ubuntuguide method and comments on ubuntuforums, haven't been able to get any output on more than 2 speakers | 12:09 |
trumpeter2003 | Guitrokr: To fix a broken Windows MBR, use fixmbr | 12:09 |
soundray | Guitrokr: I don't know much about it, I think it's slightly experimental. Again, search the web if that is the way you want to go | 12:09 |
=== _Er1K_ [i=Agent69@wash-dc.fbi.chatmonitor.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Smilez | Hello everyone. I have narrowed down my screen resolution problem, to be an issue with the monitor. I plugged in my CRT and rebooted, and it loaded at 1024x768 as the default. Then I can plug in my LCD instead and it works fine. How can i get the settings to stay? | 12:10 |
deCon | bbrock, you typed sudo aptitude install frostwire? | 12:10 |
trumpeter2003 | Guitrokr: That is, when you go through the windows cd and select recovery console | 12:10 |
sn0 | either no sound or sound on 2 speakers, i have checked volume isn't muted | 12:10 |
soundray | Guitrokr: NT is the technology base for the current Windows products | 12:10 |
deCon | bbrock, have you enabled all universe and multiverse repositories | 12:10 |
davisc | BFTD: You could sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb | 12:10 |
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deCon | !repositories > bbrock | 12:10 |
Pelo | sn0, try consulting the forum, you might find a solution there, I have nothing to contribute | 12:10 |
MenZa | It's not listed in /etc/fstab | 12:10 |
Slart | MenZa: I think you can get some more info from "man fstab"... this is not ubuntu specific so there are lots of info on the net about fstab | 12:10 |
MenZa | strangely | 12:10 |
Guitrokr | *sigh* the horrors of knowing nothing about linux and encountering a problem | 12:10 |
Smilez | Is there a way I can choose my monitor in a GUI?? | 12:10 |
BFTD | davisc: thanks | 12:10 |
sn0 | Pelo will do thanks | 12:10 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, I use windows for graphical application (Games, 3D Creation for work :SolidEdge...) and ubuntu Dapper with xorg-driver-fglrx the rest of the time... | 12:10 |
Guitrokr | well i thank you for your help soundray | 12:10 |
deCon | Guitrokr, whats wrong, ill try to help? | 12:10 |
bbrock | deCon, i'm honestly not sure if i've enabled all repositories | 12:10 |
soundray | Guitrokr: what horrors? You're being helped by friendly guys ;) | 12:10 |
BobSoft | velko, "sudo aptitude install reprepro" WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed! Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security. You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that this is what you want to do. | 12:11 |
linkster | MenZa: create an fstab entry for it | 12:11 |
Slart | Smilez: if you're using ubuntu they include a nice little utility for changing things | 12:11 |
Guitrokr | grub will just error when i don't have my external plugged in which contains linux deCon | 12:11 |
MenZa | linkster: I don't know where it is in /dev/ | 12:11 |
MenZa | ugh | 12:11 |
deCon | bbrock, go through the steps to do that first, its a big deal | 12:11 |
=== MenZa must find out | ||
Smilez | Slart, can you point me in the right direction? | 12:11 |
=== czer323 [n=czer323@cpe-71-66-230-94.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | Smilez: ngh.. sorry.. if you're using nvidia | 12:11 |
omarion | TOXIC_: dont you use cedega? or it doesn't work well | 12:11 |
bbrock | deCon, ok i will do that right now | 12:11 |
BobSoft | velko, But the packages are a mirror of the Ubuntu repos and all GPG keys are in the ring. Gah! ;-) | 12:11 |
Smilez | pardon? | 12:11 |
BFTD | davisc: I get an error "aurgument list too long" | 12:11 |
=== axisys [n=axisys@c-69-143-190-152.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Guitrokr: the other thing you can do is create a micro boot partition on the internal disk just for the stuff that grub needs | 12:11 |
deCon | bbrock, go to ubuntuguide.org and start trying the things it says, and youll start learning fast...though you will still not understand why they do it for a while....thats the fun of troubleshooting! | 12:11 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, I guess you already have aiglx... it was part of edgy, si it must be with fawn too... just try that command :"cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep composite" | 12:11 |
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Slart | Smilez: what kind of graphics card are you using? | 12:12 |
Smilez | i just want to know where i can tell Gnome that my monitor can support 1024x768 | 12:12 |
=== Salsa911 [n=drew@c-68-61-121-254.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
velko | BobSoft, reprepro is in universe | 12:12 |
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TOXIC_ | omarion, don't work well... | 12:12 |
davisc | BFTD: Weird.... | 12:12 |
MenZa | Smilez: in xorg.conf | 12:12 |
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Guitrokr | i have a laptop and so if it goes to standby or i reboot while using windows i can't boot it up | 12:12 |
linkster | MenZa where is it mounting now? | 12:12 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, tooooooooo slow ! | 12:12 |
n00buntu | decon, if wireless connection isn't network settings does this mean i need to add the driver for my wireless card? | 12:12 |
Smilez | Slart, its an Nvidia, but i think the problem is in the detection of my monitor | 12:12 |
MenZa | Smilez: Have you modified your xorg.conf file manually? | 12:12 |
MenZa | linkster: /media/disk | 12:12 |
Smilez | yeah, and its fine. | 12:12 |
Smilez | it has 1024x768 in it | 12:12 |
shawnr34 | can i user gnome-rdp to remote into other linux boxes? | 12:12 |
Guitrokr | i don't want to partition my internal, thats why i went with an install on an external, i don't want to lose my stuff | 12:12 |
MenZa | Smilez: With the resolutions added, too? | 12:12 |
Smilez | yep | 12:12 |
davisc | BFTD: Are you sure there are files in that directory? | 12:12 |
MenZa | hmm | 12:12 |
MenZa | Pass :/ | 12:12 |
deCon | Guitrokr, you probably need what the other guy said, but i know nothing of externals... try google | 12:12 |
Slart | Smilez: in the system tools menu I have a "Nvidia X server settings" application | 12:12 |
Smilez | heres what i find weird | 12:12 |
BobSoft | velko, Thing is: if I create DVDs using the same files and then use 'apt-cdrom' to include these DVDs in apt's arsenal of sources: it doesn't complain when these discs are used. | 12:12 |
linkster | MenZa: can you see it in Places > Computer? | 12:12 |
soundray | Guitrokr: it doesn't mean you would lose anything | 12:13 |
deCon | n00buntu, probably, what kind of card? | 12:13 |
BobSoft | velko, Only from the hard disk. | 12:13 |
BFTD | davisc: yes | 12:13 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, it works well for U ? can you play games without any problems ? even recent ones ? Half-Life 2 ? Doom3 ? | 12:13 |
Guitrokr | i know but i can't risk it | 12:13 |
omarion | TOXIC_: it was the same for me, i tried to play BF2 but you know ... i get killed before even seeing the enemy | 12:13 |
soundray | Guitrokr: and what do you have a backup for, anyway | 12:13 |
MenZa | I can, linkster | 12:13 |
velko | BobSoft, :-) | 12:13 |
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BFTD | davisc: I havea backup of them on my other partition | 12:13 |
Smilez | I rebooted the system, with my CRT plugged in, and it loads up 1024x768 as the default. At which point i can plug in my LCD and continue to use the system at 1024x768. If i reboot with the LCD plugged in, it wont go above 800x600 | 12:13 |
trumpeter2003 | Guitrokr: You can't boot linux unless you have grub or lilo, the NTLDR does not currently support, nor will it support, any non-Windows OS installation startups due to the bootloarder not allowing for that code. | 12:13 |
=== fusspils_ [n=fusspils@194-144-36-99.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Guitrokr | i have a 250gb external, but then i installed linux on a seperate 8gb mini hard drive | 12:13 |
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n00buntu | decon, it is an old linksys wireless B pcmcia card. | 12:13 |
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Och4 | TOXIC_, .....ummmm, nothing happen. | 12:13 |
linkster | MenZA:right-click and choose properties? | 12:13 |
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shawnr34 | Can i user gnome-rdp to remote into other linux boxes? | 12:13 |
kane77 | how can i find whats using my usb drive? | 12:13 |
BobSoft | velko, BTW my HDD has: Main, Universe, Multiverse and Updates. | 12:13 |
MenZa | linkster: location? | 12:13 |
deCon | Smilez, you need to point your xorg.conf file to the settings of screen resolution and refresh rates specific for your monitor | 12:13 |
MenZa | Location: computer:/// | 12:14 |
MenZa | :/ | 12:14 |
Smilez | Slart, The only thing I see is "Restricted drivers manager" | 12:14 |
BobSoft | velko, The whole shebang. | 12:14 |
deCon | !resolution > Smilez | 12:14 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: I have information that contradicts that. Do you have a source? | 12:14 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, then composite is not disabled... good... it makes you have beryl work ! | 12:14 |
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Smilez | deCon: but the resolutions in xorg are correct, as well as the depth | 12:14 |
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trumpeter2003 | Guitrokr: Your best bet would be to use grub for windows and allow it to rewrite the grub boot params to point to your windows installation as the root drive for grub to be found instead of the external | 12:14 |
Slart | Smilez: mm.. that little utility must have come from the nvidia drivers I installed then.. to bad they didn't include it in the ubuntu default version | 12:14 |
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Smilez | yet in gnome, i can only choose 800x600 | 12:14 |
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BobSoft | velko, Does 'reprepro' do essentially what 'debmirror' does? | 12:14 |
trumpeter2003 | oh well, guess he doesn't want the solution to his problem ... | 12:14 |
deCon | Smilez, and how about your refresh rates? what does the section on monitor say about those two horizontal sync and vertical refresh i believe is what they are | 12:15 |
Smilez | I don't think its a driver issue | 12:15 |
=== creadorcreativo [n=paranoia@as5300-s07-146.cnt.entelchile.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
alekz- | hi i have a problem, since y pluged my printer my system crashed, so i rebooted and i just can't join by graphical mode because it just get freeze, anyone can help? | 12:15 |
Smilez | it only lets me choose 50Hz | 12:15 |
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kane77 | how can i find whats using my usb drive, I cannot unmount it (because it's busy)? | 12:15 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, should i restart and then try warcraft 3, or just close beryl right now and try warcraft 3? | 12:15 |
BobSoft | velko, If you wish to PM me at UbuntuForums my nick there is BobSongs | 12:15 |
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Smilez | deCon: sorry, the refresh rates are low, and are not what my monitor is capable of | 12:15 |
Slart | Smilez: the refresh frequencies are wrong.. it | 12:15 |
Wokm4n | Hey how can I join the rizon.org server? I don't see it in the list | 12:15 |
deCon | Smilez, right...you need to fix that so that it knows your monitors capabilities, then the other resolutions you have inserted should work fine | 12:15 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, I don't know how to fix the problem with beryl working, because I never used it (not working with my ati card), but, realy, try tu put "" composite "disabeled" "" in your xorg.conf so you can test if beryl is the problem... | 12:15 |
Smilez | if the ref rates are wrong, it wont let me change my resolution? | 12:15 |
=== rankin_ [n=rankin@54-199.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
omarion | TOXIC_: too many people have tried wine and cedega and they could play games without problems, that's what i always read on digg :D but it seems that luck doesn't know me | 12:15 |
Slart | Smilez: the refresh frequencies are wrong.. it's been that way since edgy... I kind of remember a fix for it.. can't remember exactly what though.. =/ | 12:15 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: Microsoft only supports non-Windows OSes on Vista due to the nature of how Vista is started in a Unix like mannor. Anytthing prior to Vista will not allow you to boot into a non-Windows executable environment | 12:15 |
MenZa | linkster: Any clue? | 12:15 |
Smilez | alright, gimme a second to edit this | 12:15 |
DarknessSpace | hey i lost my other xchat server window..im still connected but the window is hidden.. | 12:16 |
deCon | Smilez, have you visited the Ubuntu screen resolutions help page? | 12:16 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, wait... first, get aiglx disabled.. | 12:16 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: hmm, that was rude of him | 12:16 |
deCon | !resolution | 12:16 |
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DarknessSpace | how do i get it back | 12:16 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:16 |
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hashr | i am looking for some help compiliing a kernel module for ubuntu. its for a promise raid card. i have the source. i was looking for some direction on what to do to compile it and add it to the system properly | 12:16 |
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Smilez | deCon: no sir, and at 800x600 the text in here scrolls by rather quickly | 12:16 |
DarknessSpace | hey i lost my other xchat server window..im still connected but the window is hidden.. | 12:16 |
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TOXIC_ | omarion, I know that ! its never working with me ! | 12:16 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: guitrokr didn't mention Vista, I think he said XP | 12:16 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, how do i disable aigxl and then do the composite disable? | 12:16 |
MenZa | Smilez: strangely, it does so on 1600x1200 aswell ;p | 12:16 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: I know, because grub for windows works nicely | 12:16 |
bluesign | anyone familiar with 10.20.15.xx network range? | 12:16 |
deCon | Smilez, let me find it for you..it should fix the problem from what i know | 12:16 |
Smilez | ahh | 12:16 |
Smilez | deCon: I think i have a link in a message from the bot | 12:16 |
DarknessSpace | hey i lost my other xchat server window..im still connected but the window is hidden.. | 12:16 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, I just give it up with games and all the stuff... its not really needed... | 12:17 |
Slart | hashr: the usual way is to do ./configure first.. then "make" and last "sudo make install".. but not all installs do it this way | 12:17 |
velko | BobSoft, where to find the forums? are they interactive like irc? | 12:17 |
deCon | Smilez, exactly | 12:17 |
velko | BobSoft, or just normal forums? | 12:17 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: http://jaeger.morpheus.net/linux/ntldr.php says something different about loading Linux with NTLDR | 12:17 |
Smilez | alright, ill be back | 12:17 |
Smilez | thanks for the help | 12:17 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, wait, we will talk in private | 12:17 |
hashr | Slart: ok i was just wondering if i had to do the module assist and stuff tlike that | 12:17 |
rankin_ | Hi I work for Ubuntu artwork department. im looking for there IRC channel | 12:17 |
SpaceBassLaptop | anyone done software raid under feisty? | 12:17 |
rankin_ | help | 12:17 |
SpaceBassLaptop | I'm having a bit of a raid emergency | 12:17 |
=== MenZa licks linkster | ||
hashr | i am a long itme slakcware user | 12:17 |
deCon | Smilez, let me know how it goes...it should only take a couple minutes...you only have to do one step | 12:17 |
=== Quark [n=trevor@adsl-68-79-82-214.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BobSoft | velko, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ | 12:17 |
linkster | projector + ATI + fglrx anyone? | 12:17 |
hashr | i dont know the internals on the ubuntu | 12:17 |
BobSoft | velko, Regular forums. | 12:17 |
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Och4 | TOXIC_, message me in private please | 12:17 |
Slart | hashr: it's different from case to case... some stuff do that for you in the "sudo make install" phase | 12:17 |
deCon | Smilez, two steps....run that autoconfig that will tell you your rates in terminal, and then insert their values in xorg.conf | 12:17 |
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BobSoft | velko, Fairly basic. I've put in a few tutorials so far. | 12:17 |
omarion | TOXIC_: yeah me too, but im still reporting bugs and complaining in the forums, hope that's going to be fixed soon | 12:18 |
=== czer323 [n=czer323@cpe-71-66-230-94.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
velko | BobSoft, yeah. if you are not registered you can meet me in #velko :-) | 12:18 |
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deCon | !resolutions > deCon | 12:18 |
kane77 | how can i find whats using my usb drive? I cannot unmount it (because it's busy) and I realy want to go to sleep :) | 12:18 |
deCon | !resolution > deCon | 12:18 |
hashr | wow how does a server install of ubuntu not have make installed by default | 12:18 |
MenZa | kane77: umount -f | 12:18 |
haru | is there a way to enable voice chat and file rtansfer for gtalk in linux? | 12:18 |
MenZa | kane77: it forces it to unmount | 12:18 |
Slart | kane77: lsof might be helpful.. lsof | grep -i /media/usb or something like that | 12:18 |
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BobSoft | velko, I'm fairly new to IRC. But I believe I'm registered and we can chat outside this channel. | 12:18 |
ffm | HOW I should go about connecting to a XDMCP enabled computer from a M$ Windows Box? | 12:18 |
ffm | HOW I should go about connecting to a XDMCP enabled computer from a M$ Windows Box? | 12:18 |
DarknessSpace | hey i lost my other xchat server window..im still connected but the window is hidden.. this happend quite a few times | 12:18 |
Slart | !patience | ffm | 12:18 |
ubotu | ffm: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 12:18 |
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TOXIC_ | omarion, dont stop hoping... but... the chance is realy small they get it to work ! | 12:18 |
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deCon | Smilez, to quicken it, try typing this in console.... | 12:19 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: you just need to put a Linux-loading bootsector into a file and reference that file from boot.ini | 12:19 |
kane77 | Slart, MenZa thx | 12:19 |
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sigg | haru: I know gaim supports file transfer for gtalk | 12:19 |
kane77 | MenZa, is -f safe to do? | 12:19 |
MenZa | kane77: :) | 12:19 |
omarion | TOXIC_: nothing is impossible :P | 12:19 |
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TOXIC_ | omarion, even if you manage it, in 2-3 month, a new game will show up, and they'll need another 3 years to get it working... | 12:19 |
danohuiginn | TOXIC_: just installed the old edgy php4, and it seems to be working fine :) Thanks for your help | 12:19 |
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soundray | trumpeter2003: having said that, I only tried that once a long time ago | 12:19 |
deCon | ffm, have you tried the boot splash screen and clicking on the "options" in the bottom left corner to connect via XMDCP | 12:19 |
MenZa | kane77: umm, I wouldn't do it if you don't have backup of the most important stuff on your drive | 12:19 |
MenZa | but I would assume so | 12:19 |
malverian | Are there any webcams that work particularly well w/ Ubuntu feisty? | 12:19 |
sigg | haru: but Im not sure about voice talking on gaim | 12:19 |
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haru | sigg, any plugins? | 12:19 |
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haru | sigg, and ermm version? | 12:20 |
kane77 | Slart, the damn beagle started indexing my files :) | 12:20 |
malverian | I'm looking to purchase one, but I'm not sure which works best out of the box. | 12:20 |
=== MaSCaRaDe [n=LiNuXUSe@201009249080.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
omarion | TOXIC_: true, true | 12:20 |
IdleOne | !webcam | malverian | 12:20 |
hashr | damn this is way to hard in ubuntu | 12:20 |
Slart | malverian: there are lots of webcams that don't work.. =) | 12:20 |
TOXIC_ | danohuiginn, realy ? was I helping you ? | 12:20 |
ubotu | malverian: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 12:20 |
ffm | deCon: WinXP box. | 12:20 |
DarknessSpace | can any1 read this? | 12:20 |
hashr | i am missing everything | 12:20 |
deCon | for games, WINE does a pretty good job now....but not all games, thats why they have that company that specializes in the emulation | 12:20 |
Slart | kane77: ahh.. common problem =) | 12:20 |
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hashr | slackware comes with everything | 12:20 |
MenZa | malverian: I had no problems with my Logitech QuickCam Messenger on Edgy, out of the box | 12:20 |
malverian | IdleOne, Thanks | 12:20 |
ffm | hashr: Yes, we can here you. | 12:20 |
deCon | ffm, FROM or TO your xp box/ | 12:20 |
IdleOne | DarknessSpace, yes | 12:20 |
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DarknessSpace | ok | 12:20 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, why dont you answer in private ? | 12:20 |
soundray | malverian: the best choice is an IP camera, if you can spare the cash | 12:20 |
BrokenSegue | my computer windows lists my windows partition twice (but one of them fails to work at all), where do i go to remove one? | 12:20 |
Slart | malverian: I've been looking at some lists.. I'll see if I find the urls again.. hang on | 12:20 |
ffm | deCon: FROM XP, to ubuntu | 12:20 |
deCon | hashr, you'll figure it out | 12:20 |
Shure | */quit | 12:20 |
MenZa | So, can anyone tell me how I change the mount point of a drive, when I know the current one? There is nothing in /etc/fstab I can use | 12:20 |
soundray | malverian: Axis makes some good ones, and they run Linux internally | 12:20 |
deCon | ffm, no idea...thats an XP question. You may want to try google | 12:20 |
IdleOne | DarknessSpace, try asking in #xchat they should be able to help | 12:20 |
danohuiginn | TOXIC_: well, mainly grumbling about feisty;) but thanks for paying attention, anyway | 12:20 |
malverian | soundray, Hmm.. neat. | 12:21 |
ffm | kk | 12:21 |
DarknessSpace | thanks | 12:21 |
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Slart | MenZa: can you paste your fstab so we can take a look? it's got to be there =) | 12:21 |
MenZa | Slart: sure | 12:21 |
MenZa | Give me a second | 12:21 |
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deCon | !pastebin > MenZa | 12:21 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, in a few years, the games will need a special graphic card, and a new card for each game, so i guess it will never be developped for linux... | 12:21 |
MenZa | Yeah, I have my pastebin of choice | 12:21 |
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sigg | is there a way to see processes in ubuntu like you can with task manager in XP | 12:21 |
deCon | k, just making sure :D | 12:21 |
soundray | malverian: something else that works better than any cheap webcam is an old camcorder attached via a TV card with a bt878 or similar chipset | 12:21 |
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deCon | sigg, try htop | 12:22 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, i don't see a private message from you. i sent you a private message. | 12:22 |
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alekz- | hi i have a problem, since y pluged my printer my system crashed, so i rebooted and i just can't join by graphical mode because it just get freeze, anyone can help?? | 12:22 |
malverian | soundray, Yeah.. this is for my girlfriend's laptop. | 12:22 |
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omarion | TOXIC_: really? where were u read that? | 12:22 |
sigg | thanks decon | 12:22 |
kahrytan | im back. Router got unplugged | 12:22 |
TOXIC_ | danohuiginn, sorry, but its true that the "stable" version of ubuntu isn't realy stable...so I keep it on TLS till all the problems are solved... ;) | 12:22 |
deCon | sigg, sudo aptitude install htop ...its kind of graphical and customizable, but it doesn't tell you the keyboard shortcuts, so try googling them...i'm currently figuring it out myself | 12:22 |
=== treak007 [n=kukunaj@aldenv102.allegheny.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
malverian | I just moved out to CA and she wants us to be able to see each other until she moves out. I won't be there to set it up for her which is why I say "out of the box" | 12:22 |
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deCon | sigg, there is also other commands to check different things such as memory and individual runnings | 12:23 |
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malverian | This supported hardware list looks like a good start though. | 12:23 |
razzorz | who has a spare moment... | 12:23 |
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MenZa | Slart: http://pastebin.ca/458485 | 12:23 |
hashr | where are the linux headers in ubuntu? | 12:23 |
hashr | do you have to install them | 12:23 |
hashr | make cant find em and either can i | 12:23 |
MenZa | hashr: they are in the repositories | 12:23 |
deCon | sigg, furthermore, you can add a gadget thing to your panel on top called "system monitor", if your afraid of the CLI version | 12:23 |
soundray | malverian: one way is to take the laptop to a shop that will let you test their cameras there and then | 12:23 |
Och4 | TOXIC_, i private message you but no reply. did you get it? | 12:23 |
Slart | malverian: didn't find those webpages.. but I bought a Logitech Ultra Vision webcam.. and it barely works.. I'd not recommend it | 12:23 |
MenZa | apt-cache search | 12:23 |
=== Shure [n=tobbe@c-e9d9e253.09-353-73746f2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hashr | MenZa: where are the repos? | 12:23 |
hashr | apt-cache serach? | 12:23 |
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MenZa | hashr: err, repositories, in apt-get | 12:23 |
Slart | MenZa: what drive do you want to change? | 12:23 |
hashr | what command shows me all the stuff avail to apt-get | 12:24 |
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malverian | soundray, Hmm.. maybe Fry's would allow that. | 12:24 |
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hashr | i am not used to this package thing | 12:24 |
soundray | malverian: another is to order a few from a vendor with a friendly return policy and try them all out | 12:24 |
MenZa | hashr: I think it's linux-`uname -r`-headers | 12:24 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: Like I said, NTLDR does not support loading of anothing non-Windows executable. | 12:24 |
deCon | hashr, there isn't really such a thing | 12:24 |
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hashr | slackware i just compile and g | 12:24 |
MenZa | Slart: it's /media/disk now | 12:24 |
Slart | hashr: apt-cache search thepackagenameyouwanttolookfor .. or use synaptic | 12:24 |
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dooglus | hashr: apt-cache search will search them for a keyword | 12:24 |
deCon | hashr, synaptic is the closest and you have to navigate that | 12:24 |
TOXIC_ | omarion, I didn't read it, i just know that germany have manage to do real-pictures in real-time (they simulate every photon...) so it'll be soon used in the games, and each game companyt will develop its own code, and no standard exists, so they will work with ati or nvidia, and you'll need an ati card for game A B and C, and a nvidia for game D E and F ... so it will be... | 12:24 |
MenZa | Slart: See anything useful in there? | 12:24 |
dooglus | hashr: run "apt-cache search ." to list them all | 12:24 |
MenZa | It's a 150gb NTFS drive | 12:25 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, i dont see anything from you.... | 12:25 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: that's not accurate, though. If you can chainload a different mbr as an image, that image is strictly "non-Windows executable". | 12:25 |
Slart | MenZa: well. what do you know.. it wasn't there =).... is it some kind of usb drive? | 12:25 |
N3rg4r | how do i undo a modprobe ndiswrapper? | 12:25 |
deCon | hashr, try Ubuntuguide.org for a pretty good idea of whats out there...also, lifehacker.com has some ubuntu apps and tweak recommends | 12:25 |
=== sylpheedClaws [n=djwings@pool-129-44-235-227.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MenZa | Slart: It is a USB-disk | 12:25 |
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MenZa | Slart: well, 3.5" HDD in a USB enclosure | 12:25 |
TOXIC_ | lets join #OchTOXIC, we'll be alone ! | 12:25 |
hashr | i want the linux headers in the include dir so i can compile this damn module | 12:25 |
hashr | LOL | 12:25 |
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hashr | damn ubuntu comes so bare when installed | 12:25 |
Slart | MenZa: hmm.. there are rules for where those get mounted.. hang on.. got to check where those files are | 12:25 |
MenZa | thanks Slart | 12:25 |
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Och4 | TOXIC_, try messaging me in private please | 12:25 |
LjL | hashr: eh?! it contains a full office suite, and it's in excess of 2gig of installed stuff | 12:26 |
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N3rg4r | how do i undo a modprobe ndiswrapper? | 12:26 |
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=== redt0nia [n=eeeee@adsl-70-142-33-18.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | trying to install my ati drivers and on the Read me its saying i need XFree86-Mesa-libGL,libstdc++,libgcc,XFree86-libs,fontconfig,expat,freetype,zlib,gcc....i don't see them in my pakages | 12:26 |
harry_ | is there some sort of list of hardware that works well/does not work well with ubuntu? | 12:26 |
=== The_PHP_Jedi [n=thephpje@66-50-193-62.prtc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deCon | can anyone help me resolve some firefox video plugin issues? | 12:26 |
hashr | server install? | 12:26 |
sylpheedClaws | modprobe -r ndiswrapper | 12:26 |
N3rg4r | thanx | 12:26 |
hashr | mine only has 600 MB of stuff installed | 12:26 |
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trumpeter2003 | soundray: When you use a Linux-loading bootsector, you are using a linux bootloader, which in turn is loading linux, not NTLDR directly, which is what grub does, but does it silently. Meaning it will bypass the NTLDR boot.ini configuration if it sees a 0 timeout, or 1 image to boot from, in which case it fires the command NTLDR does back to that 1 line from boot.ini which starts Windows. | 12:26 |
hashr | says on df -Th | 12:26 |
sylpheedClaws | yw | 12:26 |
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The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? | 12:26 |
harry_ | or database or something? | 12:26 |
=== furni [n=artur@nat-pom-194-61.globalconnect.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrock | deCon, what is a root password? | 12:26 |
deCon | harry_, linux has tons of open-source software taht works, generally for windows applications, some work, some do not...but only under the linux software WINE. | 12:26 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: If you have more than 0 seconds of timeout, or have more than one line in the boot.ini file, it hands off the control to NTLDR. | 12:26 |
MenZa | !root | bbrock | 12:26 |
ubotu | bbrock: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 12:27 |
razzorz | can some one throw me a bone here | 12:27 |
deCon | bbrock, it is your login password | 12:27 |
sylpheedClaws | The_PHP_Jedi: is it any good? and I mean REALLY good | 12:27 |
bbrock | deCon, i'm trying to install SunJava, and it won't work | 12:27 |
TOXIC_ | Och4, let us join #ochtoxic it'll be fine ! | 12:27 |
sylpheedClaws | I mean better than Audacity | 12:27 |
TOXIC_ | just type /join #othtoxic in IRC | 12:27 |
The_PHP_Jedi | sylpheedClaws, I haven't been able to run it. | 12:27 |
Slart | MenZa: check in /etc/udev/rules.d there are rules for lots of stuff...see if anything interesting is there | 12:27 |
sylpheedClaws | ah | 12:27 |
deCon | bbrock, there are two users in ubuntu to protect you, one that is your "user" account for running regular things, and a "superuser" or administrative account to edit configurations and main components | 12:27 |
The_PHP_Jedi | says JACK server in use | 12:27 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: Hence the reason that grub is better than lilo when it comes to dual booting a box with Windows and anything else. | 12:27 |
MenZa | Slart: sure, fanks :) | 12:27 |
harry_ | deCon: I mean the actual hardeware, i.e. if I buy component X, will it have problems | 12:27 |
razzorz | anyone? | 12:27 |
sylpheedClaws | then you're running something that's using jackd | 12:27 |
MenZa | oh my, Slart | 12:28 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: Lilo just hands all the decision making off to the NTLDR boot-loader to let it have at it | 12:28 |
deCon | bbrock, linux terminal is very case sensitive, make sure the package is named what it is, and all the letters are in proper case | 12:28 |
rankin_ | is this the ubuntu-art channel | 12:28 |
Slart | MenZa: there are lots of stuff there.. I'm looking through it too | 12:28 |
=== slvmchn [n=adsf@c-66-31-244-224.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MenZa | Slart: cheers | 12:28 |
=== drbashir_ [n=drbashir@e166064.upc-e.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? says JACK server in use | 12:28 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: I'm talking about a different situation, though, where neither grub nor lilo nor any other Linux loader ever goes into action, unless the user actively chooses it from the NTLDR menu. But I guess we're boring the other 1238 users, so let's just agree to disagree and leave it there. | 12:29 |
mwe | deCon: that would be lower case for packages ;) | 12:29 |
=== asd [n=asd@athedsl-120896.home.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deCon | harry_, sometimes, but its fairly rare...depending on which company makes it, some of them make it difficult to use. In general, peripherals are the only issue, and i would google compatibility before buying it, or return it if it doesn't work | 12:29 |
redt0nia | i try to upgrade to to 704 and i get a 404 error for beryl | 12:29 |
=== elementz [n=elementz@ip193.11.1411M-CUD12K-03.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deCon | harry_, anything specific? | 12:29 |
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rankin_ | is this the ubuntu-art channel | 12:29 |
rankin_ | is this the ubuntu-art channel | 12:29 |
rankin_ | is this the ubuntu-art channel | 12:29 |
rankin_ | is this the ubuntu-art channel | 12:29 |
rankin_ | is this the ubuntu-art channel | 12:29 |
rankin_ | is this the ubuntu-art channel | 12:29 |
The_PHP_Jedi | .. | 12:29 |
=== Jaymac [n=Jaymac@82-46-66-41.cable.ubr11.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The_PHP_Jedi | no. | 12:29 |
deCon | mwe, :D thanks...i'm teaching what i can | 12:29 |
=== xyz-abc [n=Admin@c-24-16-204-47.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rankin_ | god dam finally an answer | 12:29 |
xyz-abc | What are the differences between smbfs and smbclient? | 12:29 |
Slart | MenZa: I think 60-symlinks.rules has some stuff | 12:29 |
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deCon | mwe, generally only have capitals for specific document names? | 12:29 |
deCon | rankin_, no | 12:29 |
Jaymac | freeza, if you're there... reinstalling nvidia-glx worked a treat | 12:29 |
MenZa | hmm | 12:29 |
=== yoghi [n=yoghi@e177232174.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
asd | hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 12:30 |
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MenZa | Slart: 64-persistent-storage.rules too | 12:30 |
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=== rondaben [n=rondaben@pool-71-252-129-56.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | trying to install my ati drivers and on the Read me its saying i need XFree86-Mesa-libGL,libstdc++,libgcc,XFree86-libs,fontconfig,expat,freetype,zlib,gcc....i don't see them in my pakages | 12:30 |
MenZa | my bad | 12:30 |
MenZa | 65 | 12:30 |
mwe | deCon: well a few binaries have caps as well. but not the package names | 12:30 |
MenZa | razzorz: sudo apt-get update ? | 12:30 |
Slart | MenZa: I don't even have a 64-persistent-storage.rules.. I guess this stuff is created as needed or something | 12:30 |
=== yoghi [n=yoghi@e177232174.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Cat"] | ||
redt0nia | will they fix the error or is there a workaround? | 12:30 |
soundray | xyz-abc: smbfs is a filesystem module. smbclient is a client for interrogating smb/cifs servers | 12:30 |
MenZa | Slart: 65-persistent-storage.rules | 12:30 |
MenZa | Typo | 12:31 |
The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? says JACK server in use | 12:31 |
Slart | MenZa: ah.. sorry.. didn't see it at first.. yea.. that's a loooong file | 12:31 |
=== sebusssss [n=bironcik@088156018197.ols.vectranet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MenZa | Insanely long | 12:31 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Are you trying to install fglrx or the open source drivers? | 12:31 |
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=== clotarn_ [n=clotarn@AToulouse-256-1-3-104.w90-38.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xyz-abc | soundray: I've used Samba on many occasion, but I've always been confused as to which one I really need... | 12:31 |
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harry_ | deCon: no, not really. btw, is there some utility that will encrypt my filesystem ( but not a Windoze partition ) | 12:31 |
xyz-abc | soundray: when do I need smbfs, smbclient, or a "samba server"..? | 12:31 |
redt0nia | i dont really want beryl anyway | 12:31 |
=== __bernie [n=bernie@pool-72-72-48-148.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | xyz-abc: you need samba on a server, smbfs (and possibly smbclient) on a client. | 12:31 |
whtet | how can i write a bash loop script from grep output (list) | 12:32 |
whtet | for variables in "...|grep ... | 12:32 |
whtet | do | 12:32 |
whtet | excute variables | 12:32 |
whtet | done | 12:32 |
razzorz | Trumperter: ya the driver i have here that is not loading like last time | 12:32 |
MenZa | Slart: hmm | 12:32 |
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MenZa | Slart: this is some complicated stuff | 12:32 |
whtet | that one is not correct | 12:32 |
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=== Mayjestic_12 [n=roli@pD9E7ABDA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Slart | MenZa: I never said it was easy )= | 12:32 |
soundray | xyz-abc: the server is (in this case) where the files are. The client is the machine where you want to use those files. | 12:32 |
MenZa | Slart: heh | 12:32 |
trumpeter2003 | whtet: Ask in #bash | 12:32 |
MenZa | I'll just ignore it | 12:32 |
=== sarastro_w_m [n=sarastro@233-78.3-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MenZa | It's not that much of an issue. | 12:32 |
mwe | whtet: generally make a list first | 12:32 |
hashr | where are the modversions.h asm/io.h ... where are these files? | 12:32 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I want to share files on a Lan between an Ubuntu and an XP pc | 12:32 |
hashr | so lost | 12:32 |
razzorz | Trumper: it just hangs.. then i seen that telling me i need all that b4 the driver will load | 12:32 |
soundray | xyz-abc: both ways? | 12:33 |
xyz-abc | yes | 12:33 |
Slart | MenZa: you could try adding it to fstab.. perhaps it will bypass those general rules | 12:33 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Are you trying to install fglrx or the open source drivers? | 12:33 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I've been able to have that working | 12:33 |
razzorz | yes | 12:33 |
deCon | harry_, try Ubuntuguide.org for that. I'm not sure, though I know linux is capable of incredible security | 12:33 |
compilerwriter | What is with the display monitor module? | 12:33 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Which one? | 12:33 |
whtet | mwe: ....yeah..so i need to create a list file first then... thx!!! | 12:33 |
soundray | xyz-abc: you need ton install both samba and smbfs on Ubuntu then. | 12:33 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I want to have them both on the same workgroup | 12:33 |
The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? says JACK server in use.... I've disabled other sound software | 12:33 |
razzorz | when you mean witch one what? | 12:33 |
=== asd [n=asd@athedsl-120896.home.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
xyz-abc | soundray: smbfs + smbclient, is that what you mean? | 12:33 |
redt0nia | i try to upgrade to to 704 and i get a 404 error for beryl | 12:33 |
razzorz | i have a ati all in wonder 9800 hdtv | 12:33 |
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mwe | whtet: you can do without but that's the general approach I think | 12:33 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Which of these two are you trying to install, fglrx (ATi's Closed Source driver) or the open source ATi drivers? | 12:34 |
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emet | hey I would like to fix bug #1 in ubuntu how do I do it? | 12:34 |
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soundray | xyz-abc: no, I meant what I said. 'sudo apt-get install smbfs samba' | 12:34 |
whtet | mwe: ok, thx. i just start writing code so i still need to research what you just advice, anyway thx | 12:34 |
The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? says JACK server in use.... I've disabled other sound software. Any ideas why? | 12:34 |
razzorz | Trumperter: forgive me here.. how about you tell me what is the easiest and the best way to do it | 12:34 |
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=== LaszloKv [n=dave@pool-151-197-219-9.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | i trying to get my beryl running again | 12:35 |
soundray | !samba > xyz-abc, please read the links in the private message that ubotu has sent. | 12:35 |
razzorz | after the distro upgrade | 12:35 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I just want to for once understand it all ;) | 12:35 |
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redt0nia | the beryl servers 404 | 12:35 |
mwe | whtet: for i in $(ls |grep mp3); do ...; done. but it gets ugly | 12:35 |
_Neil | hmmm | 12:35 |
=== AJ_Z0 [n=nnAJZ0@ip70-174-169-115.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Rynoo [n=ryan@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Neil | sometimes, rhythmbox just disappears. Anyone know why this could be, or how to diagnose the problem? | 12:35 |
The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? says JACK server in use.... I've disabled other sound software. Any ideas why? | 12:35 |
soundray | xyz-abc: use those links as a starting point please. Come back when you have specific questions. | 12:35 |
Rynoo | is there a Thunderbird 2 ubuntu package? | 12:36 |
Jump86 | is it a bad idea to leave the beryl snow plugin running 24/7? | 12:36 |
xyz-abc | soundray: ok, thanks | 12:36 |
compilerwriter | Has anyone got a clue how to fix the monitor and display module? | 12:36 |
razzorz | trumperter: sorry for the NEWBI issue here... | 12:36 |
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The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? says JACK server in use.... I've disabled other sound software. Any ideas why? | 12:36 |
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redt0nia | im a noob too | 12:36 |
razzorz | Ya well i did this once allready | 12:36 |
emet | bug #1 | 12:36 |
=== vadvad [n=dudu@bzq-84-108-80-171.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | no issues | 12:36 |
razzorz | now i get this | 12:36 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: You can try this method, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 12:37 |
jrib | Jump86: the penguins might get cold (I can't think of any *real* reason) | 12:37 |
LaszloKv | Would someone be able to help me with setting up a shared folder with samba? I think I almost have it, but I keep getting this one error message. | 12:37 |
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whtet | mwe: ok, i will give that a try as well | 12:37 |
The_PHP_Jedi | anyone used Internet DJ Console? says JACK server in use.... I've disabled other sound software. Any ideas why? *please some help* | 12:37 |
=== xander [n=janne@a91-154-9-34.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | ty | 12:37 |
=== dellolinux1 [n=mau@host55-22-dynamic.4-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redt0nia | will an install from an ISO wipe everything? | 12:37 |
LaszloKv | I think it might have to do with the permissions given the drive it's on. | 12:37 |
=== IloWolf [n=kvirc@dyn-22-209.dynadsl.kis.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | trumperter | 12:37 |
compilerwriter | !attitude | the_php_jedi | 12:37 |
vadvad | hello, i have a problem with amule. can't see search results or servers..everything is blank...idea someone? | 12:37 |
magnetron | LaszloKv: WHAT error message | 12:37 |
soundray | redt0nia: not unless you tell it to | 12:38 |
ubotu | the_php_jedi: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 12:38 |
=== DaveG| [n=asdf@82-47-197-238.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | will that work with the new 7.4? | 12:38 |
redt0nia | a 704 iso? | 12:38 |
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alekz | hi when ubuntu is loaded my gdm just get freeze any idea? | 12:38 |
=== Siph0n [i=Siph0n@c-68-45-54-91.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LaszloKv | magnetron: "smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(920) | 12:38 |
LaszloKv | '/media/BUSLINK_/music' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [music] Error was Permission denied" | 12:38 |
redt0nia | i just want to upgrade not re-install | 12:38 |
=== knix [n=knix@c-24-127-136-96.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | redt0nia: my answer applies to all ubuntu versions | 12:38 |
vadvad | hello, i have a problem with amule. can't see search results or servers..everything is blank...idea someone? | 12:38 |
velko | The_PHP_Jedi, you may try to find out what keeps your card busy with "sudo lsof | grep snd" | 12:38 |
The_PHP_Jedi | thx velko | 12:39 |
=== shawnr34 [n=shawn@c-68-36-36-22.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Yes, that is how I installed my fglrx drivers for my ATi X1950XTX and it works just fine. | 12:39 |
_Neil | sometimes, rhythmbox just disappears. Anyone know why this could be, or how to diagnose the problem? | 12:39 |
redt0nia | ok cool soundray thankyou :) | 12:39 |
razzorz | Ok thank you | 12:39 |
razzorz | are you running beryl? | 12:39 |
soundray | redt0nia: why do you want an iso when all you want to do is upgrade? | 12:39 |
tonyyarusso | Rynoo: Not yet. It should be in gutsy. | 12:39 |
jrib | _Neil: try running it from a terminal and look for output when it closes | 12:39 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Yes, with XGL | 12:39 |
LaszloKv | magnetron: That's from the samba log. | 12:39 |
=== knix [n=knix@c-24-127-136-96.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
redt0nia | the upgrade fails | 12:39 |
razzorz | Great thats what i am looking for | 12:39 |
vadvad | hello, i have a problem with amule. can't see search results or servers..everything is blank...idea someone? | 12:39 |
_Neil | jrib ty | 12:39 |
=== WaxyFresh [n=r00t@199-2-58-25.oxfordnetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
razzorz | xgl | 12:39 |
Rynoo | tonyyarusso: thats 6 months away. | 12:39 |
redt0nia | when i use the update mgr | 12:39 |
razzorz | worked great for me | 12:39 |
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=== Galuin74 [n=Birnarem@cm30098.red83-165.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redt0nia | i have the latest too | 12:40 |
soundray | redt0nia: have you installed the ubuntu-desktop package? | 12:40 |
tonyyarusso | Rynoo: Yep. You can install from the tb site for now; the basic process is outlined (for a different version though) at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThunderbirdNewVersion | 12:40 |
redt0nia | not sure wat that is | 12:40 |
=== Dan_ [n=dan@khagen.dsl.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: I used this guys installation method to get XGL + Beryl working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=399913 | 12:40 |
=== Kirovski [n=davidlit@c-24-9-230-252.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
WaxyFresh | anyone here know if its possible to set up FVWM-crystal on fiesty without compiling it? | 12:40 |
=== Majic [n=pants@adsl-69-225-11-254.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vadvad | hello, i have a problem with amule. can't see search results or servers..everything is blank...idea someone? | 12:40 |
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Dan_ | Hey. | 12:41 |
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magnetron | LaszloKv: hmm hmm can't help you there. make sure though that you did a smb-add-user | 12:41 |
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Dan_ | Can I say something? | 12:41 |
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soundray | redt0nia: run 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop', then try upgrading with the update-manager again | 12:41 |
Grape_Juice | Wouldn't be able to hear it on IRC... | 12:41 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: If your card supports Dual-Link DVI, the install method I gave you for fglrx, will work on any monitor up to a resolution size of 2560x1600 | 12:41 |
LaszloKv | magnetron: I have it set up to allow guests. | 12:41 |
Dan_ | Hahah. | 12:41 |
vadvad | hello, i have a problem with amule. can't see search results or servers..everything is blank...idea someone? | 12:41 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: With no problems at all. | 12:41 |
Dan_ | Actually just a quick question | 12:41 |
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razzorz | ok i will do that now thank you | 12:42 |
soundray | !upgrade > redt0nia, also read ubotu's private message please | 12:42 |
velko | vadvad, are you connected to a server? | 12:42 |
Grape_Juice | Questions are good for learning. :) | 12:42 |
magnetron | LaszloKv, ask the channel. i'm going to bed now | 12:42 |
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alekz | hi when ubuntu is loaded my gdm just get freeze any idea?? | 12:42 |
LaszloKv | magnetron: Kay, thanks for trying. | 12:42 |
vadvad | velko: yep it's some kind of a graphic problem... | 12:42 |
Dan_ | Does the Linksys wireless 4.1 card work with the new version of Linux? | 12:42 |
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redt0nia | ive been there i think | 12:43 |
Dan_ | A lot of people used to complain about that one | 12:43 |
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soundray | alekz: do you get a system freeze when you boot in recovery mode? | 12:43 |
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velko | vadvad, ok. sorry i don't know the answer. it was just a shot in the dark | 12:43 |
LaszloKv | Would someone be able to help me with setting up fstab? I think it's what preventing my samba share from working. | 12:43 |
vadvad | velko: ty anyway :) | 12:43 |
slvmchn | can someone recommend a file recovery tool? i accidently erased some files i need | 12:43 |
alekz | soundray no, im in recovery mode now, i just get freeze on normal boot | 12:43 |
tonyyarusso | _Neil: I'd suggest running rhythmbox from the terminal, and inspecting the terminal output when it closes. If it makes no sense to you, include that output in a bug report on Launchpad.net. | 12:43 |
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LaszloKv | My drive is supposed to mount with full permissions, but in mtab the umask is 077. | 12:43 |
soundray | redt0nia: if you want to do a fresh install, you should back up all valuable data and your package selections | 12:44 |
Dan_ | a | 12:44 |
_Neil | tonyyarusso: just did it.. Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 12:44 |
trumpeter2003 | Dan_: What is the exact card model? | 12:44 |
vadvad | hello, i have a problem with amule. can't see search results or servers..everything is blank...idea someone? | 12:44 |
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WaxyFresh | anyone use fvwm? | 12:44 |
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tonyyarusso | _Neil: anything more than that? | 12:44 |
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Dan_ | linksys wrt54g 4.1 | 12:44 |
_Neil | tonyyarusso: nope, thats it | 12:44 |
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tarzeau | WaxyFresh: yeah, at work | 12:44 |
comodo | can someone tell me a program for ubuntu that will extract the files out of an iso | 12:44 |
The_PHP_Jedi | w00t ubuntu on PS3! | 12:44 |
Svish | !linuxmce | 12:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about linuxmce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:44 |
slvmchn | can someone recommend a file recovery tool? i accidently erased some files i need... i found a couple of progams but couldn't compile them properly, and then i couldn't find any in synaptic | 12:44 |
tarzeau | comodo: loop back mount it? | 12:44 |
Svish | !mythtv | 12:44 |
ubotu | MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV | 12:44 |
soundray | alekz: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log (the end of the file). There may be an error message if the problem was graphics related. | 12:44 |
comodo | how do you do that | 12:45 |
soundray | alekz: also look at /var/log/syslog | 12:45 |
slvmchn | comodo: you can mount it | 12:45 |
redt0nia | i just want to upgrade | 12:45 |
tarzeau | slvmchn: foremost? | 12:45 |
Svish | does anyone here have any experience with LinuxMCE? | 12:45 |
slvmchn | tarzeau, is that in synaptic? | 12:45 |
Svish | does it work with ubuntu feisty? | 12:45 |
_Neil | tonyyarusso: Where will I find the core dump, assuming I should include it with a bug report? | 12:45 |
alekz | ok soundray let me check the logs =) | 12:45 |
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tarzeau | comodo: mount -o loop the.iso /mntpoint | 12:45 |
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tarzeau | slvmchn: no idea, it's in debian apt-get | 12:45 |
matgeek | Hi HTere! | 12:45 |
tonyyarusso | _Neil: I'm told the apport-retrace tool should help | 12:45 |
matgeek | How do you install realplayer instead of helixplayer? | 12:45 |
slvmchn | ah, show's up in apt-get tarzeau... i'll give it a try, thanks | 12:45 |
WaxyFresh | tarzeau, do you know if theres a way to install it withoiut haveing to compile? | 12:45 |
trumpeter2003 | Dan_: If you are asking about if the router will support a Linux system over the Linksys system, then you need to look at other projects than Ubuntu. Stuff like DD-WRT or OpenWrt will guide you in the right direction. | 12:45 |
Dan_ | Alright, thanks. | 12:46 |
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tarzeau | WaxyFresh: a deb package? | 12:46 |
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_Neil | tonyyarusso: Any idea how I will use that? | 12:46 |
WaxyFresh | tarzeau, ops i meant fvwm-crystall the wiki says it has to be compiled and that scares me | 12:47 |
redt0nia | i get this error ---> Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/dists/edgy/main-edgy/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 12:47 |
Ademan | hey, i've got a fiesty box without internet, and i need to get the network-manager applet onto it, i tried going to packages.ubuntu.com (on this computer) but none of the mirrors seem to work, also, which package is appropriate/will work with xfce? would network-manager-gnome work? | 12:47 |
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slvmchn | tarzeau, what do i do with foremost? i run it but don't get what it's supposed to do | 12:47 |
redt0nia | then the upgrade fails | 12:47 |
tonyyarusso | _Neil: check /var/crash | 12:47 |
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trumpeter2003 | redt0nia: Because that deb source does not currently support edgy anymore | 12:47 |
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soundray | redt0nia: edit the line that contains this url in /etc/apt/sources.list -- put a # at the beginning, save and retry | 12:47 |
tonyyarusso | _Neil: more info on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace | 12:48 |
_Neil | thanks | 12:48 |
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tex__ | hi I'd like to test Ubuntu 7.04 Live CD without installing Ubuntu on my disk. Is it possible to connect to the internet with Ubuntu only with the LiveCD (no install)? | 12:48 |
tarzeau | tex__: yes | 12:48 |
Ademan | of course | 12:48 |
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soundray | tex__: yes, it'll work out of the box with wired Ethernet and a DHCP server on the LAN | 12:48 |
Ademan | i used to bring my liveCD with me to school so i could have a sane environment to work with :-) | 12:48 |
tex__ | and wireless (wi-fi) | 12:49 |
tex__ | ? | 12:49 |
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Ademan | tex__: depends on hardware, but it should | 12:49 |
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trumpeter2003 | tex__: If you do not have an ATi graphics card, it should work out-of-the-box. | 12:49 |
jordo23_ | How do you change ownership of a mounted drive in Ubuntu? | 12:49 |
soundray | tex__: depends on the chipset. Some, but not nearly all, work out of the box | 12:49 |
Moosejaw | anyone else have any wireless nic/router range issues since installing feisty??? | 12:49 |
jordo23_ | chown /media/sdb1 says operation not permitted... | 12:49 |
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tex__ | i have an ati graphic card. Is it related to nework connections?!? | 12:50 |
soundray | tex__: no | 12:50 |
bruenig | jordo23_, what is the filesystem of sdb1 | 12:50 |
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n00buntu | moosejaw, i had that issue after going 6.10, after going to fiesty i apparently nolonger have a wireless adapter | 12:50 |
trumpeter2003 | jordo23_: Remount it with options user | 12:51 |
redphoenix1 | hello i am currently on a debian system but i want to install ubuntu feisty on a usb thumb drive...i followed this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent but i get boot error when i try to boot from it | 12:51 |
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Malfist | Would anyone know why my FAT32 drive isn't working the way it should in Xubuntu 6.10? It's a 1GB flash but one folder (that I can't delete) has 460GB in it. | 12:51 |
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bruenig | wow 460 GB flash drive | 12:51 |
jordo23_ | bruenig: fat32.... | 12:51 |
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Moosejaw | n00buntu what wireless nic u using? | 12:51 |
jordo23_ | trumpeter2003: in fstab? | 12:51 |
MatBoy | Hi Guys ! I'm planning to switch from Debian Etch to (X)(K)Ubuntu and was wondering what the best version is for perfomance. I use XFCE on Etch because KDE was giving me so much CPU usage. I doubt if this will be the same on Kubuntu. Can someone give me some experience ? | 12:51 |
Malfist | all the other folders is fine | 12:52 |
tex__ | as a wireless card I have an Intel Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset | 12:52 |
bruenig | jordo23_, you need to mount it with the permissions you want, else everytime you reboot or unmount it, it will lose the permissions you give it | 12:52 |
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jordo23_ | bruenig: in fstab though? | 12:52 |
n00buntu | moosejaw, specifically the WPC11, its a old linksys wireless b pcmcia card | 12:52 |
soundray | Malfist: that's a faulty file allocation table. Try running dosfsck on the device (after unmounting) | 12:52 |
trumpeter2003 | jordo23_: If you wish, you should see an option called defaults, just put a ,user after it, and if it has another option after that, just put another , after user | 12:52 |
Moosejaw | get a new card | 12:52 |
Moosejaw | hehe | 12:52 |
bruenig | jordo23_, yeah | 12:52 |
n00buntu | moosejaw, i'm currently bumbleing around ndiswrapper | 12:52 |
LaszloKv | Does anyone know why one of my drives is being mounted with a umask of 077 when I set the umask to 000 in fstab?? | 12:52 |
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emet | MatBoy: kubuntu take more resources then xfce/xubuntu | 12:52 |
tex__ | I had to set $ sudo modprobe -r orinoco_pci | 12:52 |
redphoenix1 | or should i just run the ubuntu install cd and install to the usb thumb drive? | 12:52 |
jordo23_ | bruenig: I have fstab open.....what should the entry go as? | 12:52 |
Malfist | soundray: Would samba fix it? | 12:52 |
tex__ | $ sudo modprobe -r hostap_pci | 12:52 |
tex__ | $ sudo modprobe -r prism2_pci | 12:52 |
velko | MatBoy, i don't see performace differences between etch and ubuntu (gnome) | 12:52 |
tex__ | $ sudo modprobe orinoco_pci | 12:52 |
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trumpeter2003 | LaszloKv: Because umask isn't a valid mount option | 12:53 |
emet | MatBoy: but if you have at least 512 MB RAM you should be smooth | 12:53 |
soundray | Malfist: no, samba is something entirely different | 12:53 |
Malfist | soundray: what would the device name be? | 12:53 |
bruenig | jordo23_, make sure it has these options fmask=0111,dmask=000 | 12:53 |
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MatBoy | OK, thanks, so I should be stcuk with XFCE | 12:53 |
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bruenig | jordo23_, make sure it has these options fmask=0111,dmask=0000 | 12:53 |
n00buntu | moosejaw, that takes money and isn't nearly as much fun. i'm so new to linux i'm like a blind person stubleing around and breaking stuff | 12:53 |
tex__ | ubuntu can see the wireless interface but connection doesn't work (Live CD no install yet | 12:53 |
MatBoy | emet, I use 2GB and XP in vmware | 12:53 |
tex__ | ) | 12:53 |
LaszloKv | trumpeter2003: Why is that? | 12:53 |
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emet | MatBoy: I would recommend 512 MB or more for K/Ubuntu although the sys requirements is only 192 MB | 12:53 |
ahaller | MatBoy: gnome/ubuntu runs quite fast here, too. | 12:53 |
Malfist | soundray: how could I find out? It wouldn't be in the fstab | 12:53 |
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MatBoy | But I have the idea that Xubuntu is more up-to-date than Debian is | 12:54 |
jordo23_ | bruenig: /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 auto nouser,atime,auto,rw,nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 what it says now.... | 12:54 |
redt0nia | i dont see that url there | 12:54 |
eternaljoy | bruenig: hello :) u must be here 60+hours every week. You sure have lots of free time | 12:54 |
soundray | Malfist: when it's mounted, you can find out with the command 'mount' (on a line by itself). It'll be the last line (if you just plugged the device in), and it's the bit that starts with /dev | 12:54 |
trumpeter2003 | jordo23_: Change nouser to be user | 12:54 |
MatBoy | ahaller, let me try to get a liveCD if there is one | 12:54 |
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emet | yah xubuntu uses the same base (kernels/services) as Ubuntu does | 12:54 |
n00buntu | moosejaw, i just don't understand why it worked fine in 6.06 and got progessively more screwed after upgrading 1st to 6.10 and now to fiesty | 12:54 |
emet | as well are repos | 12:54 |
emet | just the DE, is different (XFCE) | 12:54 |
trumpeter2003 | LaszloKv: Not my department, I just know it isn't a valid option | 12:54 |
Malfist | soundray: It's U3 so it has two partitions | 12:54 |
bruenig | except that xubuntu is garbage | 12:54 |
jordo23_ | trumpeter2003: just that? | 12:54 |
emet | I like xubuntu | 12:54 |
soundray | Malfist: what's U3? | 12:54 |
LaszloKv | trumpeter2003: Kay, thanks. | 12:54 |
Malfist | soundray: Do I only to it to the one? | 12:54 |
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emet | my friend has it on 2 GB RAM , 512 MB VRAM system with dual core processor | 12:55 |
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slvmchn | i liked some bits about xubuntu... having a terminal bar in the panel was amazing | 12:55 |
emet | he like xfce | 12:55 |
slvmchn | can't figure that out in gnome | 12:55 |
=== Crescendo_ [n=GWing@cpe-024-211-180-098.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | I love xubuntu dapper and xubuntu edgy | 12:55 |
Malfist | soundray: A horrible non-free, non-removable portable apps | 12:55 |
slvmchn | lol i boot into blackbox sometimes | 12:55 |
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mrhanky89 | Does anyone here have a membership on demonoid.com? | 12:55 |
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Malfist | soundray: It makes a storage partition and a CD-ROM partition that has the programs | 12:55 |
redt0nia | its just a compaq 933mhz p3 | 12:55 |
jordo23_ | bruenig: I changed it to user....what do I restart to the system to put this through? | 12:55 |
trumpeter2003 | jordo23_: You might want to unmount the drive first, change nouser to user, and then remount with mount /dev/sdb1 | 12:55 |
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soundray | Malfist: U3 formatted the USB disk for you? | 12:56 |
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trumpeter2003 | jordo23_: Not like it matters to unmount first, just type sudo umount /dev/sdb1 && mount /dev/sdb1 | 12:56 |
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Malfist | soundray: Factory settings, and if I change it no warrenty | 12:56 |
bruenig | jordo23_, yeah that entry looks foreign to me, they must be using some other default entry for fat32 fstab in feisty | 12:56 |
MatBoy | emet, I can not see also why Xubuntu should be garbage | 12:56 |
bruenig | I would listen to trumpeter2003 | 12:56 |
MatBoy | I need performance :) | 12:56 |
ahaller | MatBoy: anther option could be to use gnome, but use thunar/xfce4-terminal/mousepad instead of nautilus/gnome-terminal/gedit | 12:56 |
emet | it's not | 12:56 |
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emet | xubuntu is good | 12:56 |
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soundray | Malfist: that's ridiculous. I'd send it back and ask for a sane, standards-compliant device | 12:57 |
Tony_ | anyone know if you can purchase ubuntu stock? | 12:57 |
emet | I use ubuntu personally | 12:57 |
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mc44 | Tony_: no | 12:57 |
bruenig | emet, have you used xubuntu feisty? | 12:57 |
MatBoy | ahaller, yeap, tested that with Etch also, gnome is slow by default | 12:57 |
emet | but I've used xubuntu and it's quite fast and agile | 12:57 |
emet | bruenig: not very long | 12:57 |
soundray | Tony_: you can't. Canonical is privately owned. | 12:57 |
Tony_ | oh, ok, thanks | 12:57 |
bruenig | emet, total disaster | 12:57 |
emet | why | 12:57 |
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Malfist | soundray: Too late, the sell it to you and make you think it's good but once the new wears off and you realize it's crap, too late to return. But it is a fast drive, nothing like the FireFly | 12:57 |
jordo23_ | bruenig trumpeter2003 Thanks....that seemed to have worked.....nice job both of you.. | 12:57 |
mc44 | Tony_: and is incredibly unlikely to ever go public | 12:57 |
emet | xubuntu doesn't get enough attention I think | 12:57 |
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MatBoy | is it strange when I say that I don;t like the up-to-date version of Debian anymore ? | 12:58 |
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MatBoy | I'm always on testing, but still than | 12:58 |
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chocobanana | Hi there everybody! | 12:58 |
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tonyyarusso | Tony_: You could go speculate in #ubuntu-offtopic though if you wish. | 12:58 |
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Tony_ | i want to support to linux and thought stock would be a great way | 12:58 |
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Smilez | deCon: I'm back... after reinstalling Feisty :D | 12:58 |
bruenig | emet, stuff crashing all over the place, even the basic xfce stuff crashing like the keyboard preferences dialog, artifacts, just couldn't use anything | 12:58 |
Malfist | soundray: it causes the computer to lock up if I try to unmount the storage partition before the CD partition | 12:58 |
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chocobanana | can somebody tell me if there's any available kernel optimized for a Pentium-M? | 12:58 |
soundray | Malfist: I'd declare my warranty rights in that case. As far as I am concerned, that device is faulty. | 12:58 |
deCon | Smilez, why'd you do taht? | 12:58 |
redt0nia | i put corel linux on my dads old 450hz box | 12:58 |
trumpeter2003 | Tony_: Donations are the way of support in the Open Source environment | 12:58 |
whileimhere | How do I upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 | 12:58 |
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bruenig | emet, I fresh installed and this is what I got the whole time: http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m290/bruenig/artifacts.png | 12:59 |
jrib | !upgrade > whileimhere (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:59 |
Malfist | soundray: Because of the U3? | 12:59 |
Smilez | deCon: For some reason, I lost my title bars, and I couldn't open terminal to run any commands... it would be a white box, and i could type, but i see no text | 12:59 |
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whileimhere | TY | 12:59 |
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deCon | Smilez, you dont use beryl do you? | 12:59 |
emet | bruenig: LOL trippy | 12:59 |
Smilez | deCon: anyway, im back... and its definitely a refresh rates issue... but how can i permanently change it? | 12:59 |
Smilez | deCon: not yet sir | 12:59 |
soundray | Malfist: because of the whole problem you're describing. | 12:59 |
DVS01 | im having trouble deciding whether i should use gnumeric or openoffice's spreadsheet app | 12:59 |
emet | I think it's cause Xubuntu doesn't get enough testing compared to Ubuntu | 12:59 |
ahaller | whileimhere: type "update-manager -c" | 12:59 |
Frem | Is there a way to extract a list of all the packages installed on an existing Ubuntu system by using the livecd? | 12:59 |
bruenig | emet, likely | 12:59 |
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trumpeter2003 | haha, I remember breaking beryl to no window decorations :P | 01:00 |
Malfist | soundray: It's Memorex they just exist to screw people over. | 01:00 |
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sn0 | Frem you can browse http://packages.ubuntu.com , choose your version then search for the package ubuntu-desktop | 01:00 |
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Smilez | deCon: I would like to enter my custom refresh rates in a GUI if possible. I feel as if something is probing the monitor and forcing it to use some lame refresh rates | 01:00 |
chocobanana | can somebody tell me if there's any available kernel optimized for a Pentium-M? | 01:00 |
Malfist | soundray: because it sure as hell isn't real | 01:00 |
sn0 | it will show you a list of everything installed with the livecd | 01:00 |
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jrib | Frem: mount the partition and do 'aptitude search ~i' | 01:00 |
Smilez | right now, nvidia driver is not loaded | 01:00 |
sn0 | or replace ubuntu-desktop for kubuntu-desktop for eg | 01:00 |
mc44 | chocobanana: the generic kernel should be optimised fine for you | 01:00 |
locolbd | hello, is there anyway i can restore ubuntu to its default settings | 01:00 |
Agrajag | Frem: you'd have to chroot into the existing system and run dpkg --get-selections | 01:00 |
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Ademan | sn0: any idea if there are any working mirrors? | 01:00 |
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soundray | Frem: yes. You have to chroot to the installed system and run dpkg --get-selections | 01:00 |
jrib | Frem: oops, I skipped a step. chroot in the middle there :) | 01:00 |
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chocobanana | mc44: ok, thanks | 01:00 |
Frem | sn0: Um, no. I mean, an existing Ubuntu system that's been used for a while an has a lot of non-default packages installed. | 01:01 |
emet | chocobanana: you can compile your own kernel if you want to change stuff in it | 01:01 |
velko | Frem, listen to jrib. he knows better | 01:01 |
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chocobanana | emet: nah, that would be too much trouble | 01:01 |
deCon | Smilez, try sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange, but first sudo aptitude install xresprobe | 01:01 |
Frem | thanks guys | 01:01 |
locolbd | !restore | 01:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about restore - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:01 |
redt0nia | i use ubuntu more than OSX | 01:01 |
Malfist | soundray: Thanks for the help, as soon as the terminal finishes updating perl I'll do it | 01:01 |
emet | it's not so hard even, but I recommend you use ubuntu for like a few months and learn some console and linux admin b4 you compile kernels | 01:01 |
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locolbd | hello, is there anyway i can restore ubuntu to its default settings | 01:01 |
sn0 | well as soundray says Frem you could use dpkg then compare to dpkg output from running off the livecd | 01:01 |
sn0 | :) | 01:01 |
Malfist | soundray: dosfsck? | 01:02 |
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Agrajag | Frem: you can use dpkg --get-selections > selections.txt to save a text file of the selected packages, then use --set-selections on another system to set the packages you want to install | 01:02 |
deCon | Smilez, or if you know your rates from your monitor company... gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:02 |
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emet | ubuntu's kernel is quite optimized and well tested tho by default | 01:02 |
Agrajag | Frem: then you can use aptitude to install the selected packages | 01:02 |
soundray | Malfist: yes, it's part of the dosfstools package | 01:02 |
bruenig | or apt-get to install them | 01:02 |
Malfist | soundray: Is that default or do I need to install it? | 01:02 |
Smilez | deCon: I just manually entered the refresh rates | 01:02 |
Frem | Agrajag: sweet, thanks | 01:03 |
Agrajag | bruenig: whichever | 01:03 |
emet | if you want to run ubuntu on a mainframe or on a cell phone or something then it's worth compiling your own kernel :P | 01:03 |
soundray | !info dosfstools | 01:03 |
ubotu | dosfstools: Utilities to create and check MS-DOS FAT filesystems. In component main, is standard. Version 2.11-2.1ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 52 kB, installed size 144 kB | 01:03 |
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soundray | Malfist: standard apparently ^^ | 01:03 |
deCon | Smilez, should work fine from now on...let me knwo | 01:03 |
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Siph0n | hey, if i have windows xp and ubuntu dapper installed on my desktop, but want to delete the ubuntu partition(s), can i do so without messing up my windows partition? i have the grub bootloader installed if that makes a difference | 01:03 |
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Smilez | deCon: i have a suspicion however that something is probing the monitor while loading X and thus lowering the rates due to the probe returning bad information | 01:03 |
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deCon | Smilez, i dont know why that would happen..it probes xorg.conf ..so if you do that properly, it should be fine | 01:04 |
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Malfist | soundray: what's the command to unmount? | 01:04 |
trumpeter2003 | Siph0n: You could, but you wouldn't be able to boot into windows without changing the MBR back to NTLDR or use grub for windows and resetup the mbr for it to point to grub on windows instead of linux. | 01:05 |
soundray | Siph0n: you can boot the Desktop CD, run gparted, delete the Ubuntu partitions and resize the Windows partition. You will need to recreate the Windows MBR | 01:05 |
redt0nia | umount | 01:05 |
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soundray | Malfist: umount | 01:05 |
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trumpeter2003 | soundray: I win :P | 01:05 |
Smilez | deCon: OK. I just installed xresprobe, but ddcprobe returned nothing about my range. Prior to that I added my rates to Xorg.conf. I'm now going to attempt to utilize the Nvidia driver, and restart | 01:05 |
ikonia | trumpeter2003: ntldr does not go on the boot sector | 01:05 |
velko | Siph0n, yes. but don't forget to run "fdisk /mbr" from a windows livecd in order to restore the mbr. if you don't do this you won't be able to boot windows after deleting linux | 01:05 |
Smilez | Are there any newer nvidia drivers before enabling the default? | 01:05 |
Siph0n | ouch.... seems tricky lol | 01:05 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: so do I, we complement each other ;) | 01:05 |
ikonia | Smilez: why do you want newer | 01:05 |
deCon | Smilez, but you did find the proper rates and enter them, correct? | 01:05 |
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Smilez | ikonia: to save me from having to "update" later | 01:06 |
Smilez | just in case | 01:06 |
ikonia | Smilez: thats silly | 01:06 |
trumpeter2003 | ikonia: I'm not speaking of NTLDR going back onto the MBR, just switching back to it from grub | 01:06 |
Smilez | deCon: yes. I looked up the monitor and foudn the proper rates | 01:06 |
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The_Belgain | hi there i'm having trouble with an upgrade from Edgy --> Feisty | 01:06 |
The_Belgain | the problem is that Feisty isn't booting now - it starts booting fine and at a decent speed, but once it gets to starting gnome it just crawls almost to a standstill (i.e. 5 mins to show login screen, another minute to display keyboard input for username, over 10 minutes after that just to show the gnome splashscreen...) | 01:06 |
dooglus | deCon: I just tried using the feisty live CD on a different PC | 01:06 |
deCon | Smilez, there are only beta drivers and regular...the regular should be as up to date as possible | 01:06 |
The_Belgain | any ideas on how to debug this? | 01:06 |
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Smilez | ok here we go, im going to enable the nvidia driver | 01:06 |
deCon | dooglus, to do what again? | 01:06 |
deCon | Smilez, good luck! | 01:06 |
Smilez | thank you, I'll need it :D | 01:06 |
dooglus | it booted OK, but when I tried to enable the desktop effects, it installed the nvidea driver then told me to reboot. when I rebooted, it told me to do the sdame again. and again. why doesn't it remember? | 01:06 |
The_Belgain | it's booting with the latest feisty kernel (2.6.20-15) | 01:07 |
soundray | The_Belgain: boot in recovery mode and investigate /var/log/syslog and other log files | 01:07 |
ikonia | you don't need look | 01:07 |
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ikonia | just the ability to read the docs | 01:07 |
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dooglus | deCon: I'm trying to use a live CD, but it just won't keep anything I do. | 01:07 |
The_Belgain | recovery mode has the same problem though if i try to go into gnome | 01:07 |
zero | help | 01:07 |
ikonia | define keep | 01:07 |
Smilez | deCon: Booting with my CRT plugged in and then swapping the CRT for my LCD in order to use 1024x768 is not an option | 01:07 |
soundray | The_Belgain: don't go into gnome then. | 01:07 |
Smilez | brb rebooting | 01:07 |
ikonia | zero: whats the problem | 01:07 |
The_Belgain | should i try just booting as far as the commandline and look for anything suspicious? | 01:07 |
zero | i have a ipw 2200 bg network card | 01:07 |
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soundray | The_Belgain: that's what I would suggest | 01:08 |
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deCon | Smilez, why are you switching back and forth again? | 01:08 |
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deCon | Smilez, you should allow it to load on the LCD | 01:08 |
zero | i cant get ip via dhcp server!, don't know why | 01:08 |
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deCon | dooglus, keep? as in save??? ...settings and config? | 01:08 |
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red22 | my internet connection dies a couple times per hour and comes back in about 5 mins.. then everything is fine. under windows (dual boot) that never happens.. any clues? | 01:08 |
ikonia | zero: 1.) does your network card come up 2.) does the log show it requesting an address 3.) does the server log geting the requiest | 01:08 |
ikonia | request | 01:08 |
zero | ikonia: i cant get ip via dhcp server!, don't know why? | 01:08 |
zero | ikonia: my card network come up | 01:09 |
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zero | ikonia: dunno about the second thing | 01:09 |
ikonia | check | 01:10 |
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adamowitz | how do i add new codecs in ubuntu for playing things like this: http://www.elephantsdream.org/ ? | 01:10 |
adamowitz | both vlc and totem from apt-get fail to play it. | 01:10 |
adamowitz | presumably due to codec issues. | 01:11 |
ikonia | install the codecs | 01:11 |
ikonia | not the players | 01:11 |
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ikonia | the wiki has a how to | 01:11 |
adamowitz | totem reports that it needs ac-3 (atsc a/52) decoder (microsoft mpeg-4 4.2 decoder) | 01:11 |
Malfist | soundray: I get this error: *** glibc detected *** dosfsck: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x080ca390 *** and it aborts | 01:11 |
deCon | aren't all codecs installed by default in feisty? | 01:11 |
dooglus | deCon: as in anything, yes. like the graphic card drivers, for example. | 01:11 |
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ikonia | deCon: no | 01:11 |
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rellik | ever since I upgraded my sound hasn't worked.. it worked fine before the upgrade | 01:11 |
Pelo | deCon, no , they get installed as needed and you get ask for permission first | 01:11 |
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ikonia | rellik: is it an intel card | 01:12 |
zero | help, i cant retrieve a ip via dchp | 01:12 |
Smilez | deCon: 800x600 the second Gnome came up | 01:12 |
adamowitz | Is this the one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyCodecInstallation ? | 01:12 |
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dooglus | deCon: the dapper liveCD would read and write settings to my memory stick | 01:12 |
ikonia | zero: I've told you what to do | 01:12 |
Siph0n | ok i dont have a windows live cd, or a floppy drive in my computer..... is there anyway to fix the windows mbr without the windows cd or a floppy drive? :) | 01:12 |
deCon | dooglus, it is because it is a trial, you have not set up a drive to actually save these things. The live cd will run it, but until you point the OS to a place to save things (this doesn't count in the live cd)...it needs a ext2 or ext3 filesystem to save to, which you haven't set up | 01:12 |
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zero | ikonia: i dont know about the second thing ... | 01:12 |
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rellik | ikonia, no cmedia | 01:12 |
ikonia | check the syslog | 01:12 |
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deCon | Smilez, try the nvidia application for changing it, and if that doesn't work, make sure your xorg has ALL of our compatible resolutions | 01:12 |
zero | ikonia: im newbie on ubuntu sorry... | 01:13 |
ikonia | rellik: ok | 01:13 |
dooglus | deCon: is some extra set up needed? I set it up for dapper already. | 01:13 |
Smilez | deCon: I just checked xorg and both the refresh rates and resolutions are in there fine | 01:13 |
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deCon | dooglus, but your running the live cd, right? if its on your memory stick..hmm...it isn't saving things to it now? | 01:13 |
soundray | Malfist: sorry, I have to give that a pass. It's what I would describe as a mixed weirdness. | 01:13 |
ikonia | Smilez: are you trying to do dual head? | 01:13 |
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ikonia | Malfist: what are you trying to do ? | 01:13 |
rellik | ikonia, I have two sound cards though.. could that be causing the problem? I remember having to go into some program and tell ubuntu which to use as the default card.. but I don't remember what that program was | 01:13 |
Malfist | soundray: okay, thanks I looked at the options and am having it run automaticly | 01:13 |
deCon | Smilez, and there are no options listed in any of the resolution setting locations including under system? | 01:13 |
dooglus | deCon: dapper saves everything you do to the 'casper-rw' partition of the memory stick, if one exists. I can't get feisty to do the same. I'm talking about the live CD, yes. | 01:14 |
Pelo | Smilez, when I first install ubuntu I have to edit my xorg.conf file where I had extra resolutions and also I need to asjust the h-rez and v-sync values, if I only add the rez my screan gets weird, just thought it might help you out ot now this | 01:14 |
Malfist | ikonia: fix a bad FAT32 partition it seems | 01:14 |
zero | ikonia: what you mean with the log requesting an address? | 01:14 |
Smilez | ikonia: I have a single LCD monitor, and it wont let me change my resolution from 800x600 | 01:14 |
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ikonia | zero: read the syslog | 01:14 |
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ikonia | Malfist: what are you doing to fix it | 01:14 |
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deCon | dooglus, interesting, i have no idea. give a shout and see if someone else would know why | 01:14 |
Malfist | ikonia: dosfsck | 01:14 |
Smilez | Pelo: I just added the proper rates to xorg.conf ,but im still screwed | 01:14 |
zero | ikonia: how can i do that? | 01:14 |
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ikonia | Malfist: where did you get dosfsck from | 01:14 |
N3rg4r | what is this: | 01:15 |
ikonia | zero: open the syslog in a text editor | 01:15 |
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Pelo | Smilez, pastebin your xorg.conf please , I would like to have a look | 01:15 |
N3rg4r | Message from syslogd@ubuntu-lap at Wed Apr 25 18:11:59 2007 ... | 01:15 |
N3rg4r | ubuntu-lap kernel: [ 3321.552000] journal commit I/O error | 01:15 |
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Malfist | ikonia: must be default, it was already on the computer | 01:15 |
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deCon | Smilez, ask cables ...he may be able to help as well | 01:15 |
dooglus | deCon: it's a useful thing to have - it means I can take my ubuntu install from pc to pc - I use quite a lot of different (windows) machines, you see | 01:15 |
ikonia | Malfist: and what happens when you run it | 01:15 |
incorperated | hello | 01:15 |
Smilez | !pastebin | 01:15 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:15 |
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Malfist | ikonia: When running it with me selection options it give: *** glibc detected *** dosfsck: free(): invalid next size (fast): 0x080ca390 *** error, which is I suppose something to do with memory | 01:15 |
incorperated | can sumone help me set a fluxbox theme | 01:15 |
deCon | dooglus, i dont know how pen drives operate with the live cd, it isn't something i've had to learn yet...good luck. | 01:16 |
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Malfist | ikonia: I'm running it with it choosing options now | 01:16 |
N3rg4r | ---> Message from syslogd@ubuntu-lap at Wed Apr 25 18:11:59 2007 ... | 01:16 |
N3rg4r | ubuntu-lap kernel: [ 3321.552000] journal commit I/O error | 01:16 |
ikonia | Malfist: that suggests the glibc version is incompatible | 01:16 |
ikonia | N3rg4r: you've said that 2 times now | 01:16 |
N3rg4r | what is that?? | 01:16 |
n00buntu | anyone have a min to answer a question about ndiswrapper? | 01:16 |
Malfist | ikonia: glibc should be uptodate | 01:16 |
razzorz | Can someone Help me with this issue.. if they have come across it yet!!.....trying to install beryl and i get this ( The following packages have unmet dependencies: beryl: Depends: beryl-settings but it is not going to be installedE: Broken packages | 01:16 |
ikonia | Malfist: agreed | 01:16 |
zero | ikonia: you want me to put the syslog on pastebin? | 01:16 |
Malfist | ikonia: unless me updating perl caused something | 01:16 |
ikonia | zero: no, I want you to read it | 01:17 |
Malfist | ikonia: I haven't rebooted yet, this is a slow computer | 01:17 |
N3rg4r | razzorz, sudo aptitude install beryl beryl-manager emerald | 01:17 |
ikonia | N3rg4r: it means an ext3 journal commit didn't happen | 01:17 |
incorperated | can sumone help me set a fluxbox theme | 01:17 |
incorperated | please | 01:17 |
velko | incorperated, just select the theme from the menu. if it's not in the menu you have to put it in ~/.themes (iirc). a while since i don't use fluxbox | 01:17 |
N3rg4r | ikonia, is it bad? | 01:17 |
Smilez | Pelo: | 01:17 |
zero | ikonia: i did, it doesn't show up anything about retrieving an ip address | 01:17 |
ikonia | N3rg4r: means a commits not happened on the file system, has the potential to be bad | 01:17 |
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razzorz | Ty | 01:17 |
incorperated | how youd u do that? | 01:17 |
Pelo | Smilez, ? | 01:17 |
razzorz | what was the matter? if i may ask | 01:17 |
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ikonia | zero: then there is the problem, your desktop is not requesting an ip | 01:17 |
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N3rg4r | ikonia, hard drive failure? | 01:18 |
Smilez | sorry, i closed firefox before pasting and lost my clipboard link | 01:18 |
Smilez | hold up | 01:18 |
ikonia | N3rg4r: no | 01:18 |
Malfist | ikonia: It's a flashdrive | 01:18 |
Pelo | Smilez, no hurry | 01:18 |
Smilez | Pelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17702/ | 01:18 |
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zero | ikonia: so, what can i do? | 01:18 |
ikonia | zero: install dhcp client and configure it | 01:18 |
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Malfist | ikonia: now telling me "Segmentation fault" | 01:18 |
ikonia | Malfist: yeah, glibc's not compatible | 01:18 |
ikonia | Malfist: have you installed anything OUTSIDE the ubuntu repo's | 01:19 |
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Malfist | ikonia: the codecs, wine, and flash | 01:19 |
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Malfist | ikonia: and checkgmail | 01:19 |
ikonia | that shouldn't cause it | 01:19 |
zero | ikonia: apt-get install dhcp client ? something like that? | 01:19 |
Smilez | Pelo: Do you think its because i have an adapter on the DVi connection on the nvidia card to allow my VGA cable to connect? | 01:19 |
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Pelo | Smilez, the line horizsync 31.5-60 make it 32-60 I donT' think xorg can actualy handle decimals, as I recall I tried it and it effed me up badly | 01:19 |
ikonia | zero: wrong package name, but the right ide | 01:19 |
ikonia | idea | 01:19 |
Smilez | Pelo: k | 01:20 |
Pelo | Smilez, I wouldnT' know abut the dvi connection, sorry | 01:20 |
zero | ikonia: you know the packages name? | 01:20 |
transparent | whats the diff between reg deasktop install cd and one rccomended for desktop with less than 256mb ram? | 01:20 |
ikonia | zero: seach for it | 01:20 |
mindframe_ | Pelo, ive had no problems with decimals in the xorg before | 01:20 |
zero | ikonia: hehe... where? | 01:20 |
ikonia | in the ubuntu repo's | 01:20 |
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Pelo | mindframe_, I'm just looking for stuff that might cause problems | 01:21 |
Smilez | Pelo: I just noticed something. I ran sudo nvidia-settings, and "Resolution" is set to Auto, and it wont let me change it | 01:21 |
Smilez | Pelo: and the model is listed as @@@ | 01:21 |
Smilez | maybe there is a seperate Nvidia config being loaded? | 01:21 |
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Pelo | Smilez, wow | 01:21 |
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trumpeter2003 | transparent: The regular install disc comes with all the GUI stuff, like Xorg and Gnome, the other, or called the Alternate CD is a text based version, with no GUI stuff prebuilt. | 01:21 |
Pelo | Smilez, what does nvidia-settings --help have to say ? | 01:22 |
Smilez | not sure, lets see | 01:22 |
Agrajag | trumpeter2003: not true, the altenrate CD will install gnome | 01:22 |
Smilez | Pelo: Which part "wow"'d you? | 01:22 |
Agrajag | trumpeter2003: it just lacks the GUI installer | 01:22 |
Pelo | Smilez, the @@@ | 01:22 |
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Pelo | Smilez, I found your problem you nvidia driver is infested with snails | 01:23 |
Smilez | Pelo: oh yeah... not sure why it does that.... also, it wont grab the edid... any way we can disable checking edid? | 01:23 |
Smilez | hahahah | 01:23 |
Pelo | Smilez, man nvidia | 01:23 |
trumpeter2003 | Agrajag: Hence the words prebuilt at the end of that line explaining the alternate cd. | 01:23 |
transparent | so the main dif would be a non GUI installer? all i saw on site is it says reccomended for system with less than 256 mb ram. other than that no diff? | 01:23 |
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The_Belgain | soundray: I can't see anything suspicous in /var/log/syslog (though I don't really know what I'm looking for) - i think the problem is that nothing actually goes wrong until later in the boot process | 01:23 |
Pelo | look for optons or instructions on setting rez or disabling auto | 01:23 |
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dooglus | tritonx: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/84591 tells us that persistent (casper-rw) mode is broken in feisty :( | 01:23 |
Smilez | Pelo: .nvidia-settings-rc or something like that... lemme find it | 01:23 |
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Agrajag | trumpeter2003: what do you even mean by "prebuilt"? | 01:24 |
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soundray | The_Belgain: you need to look back in /var/log/syslog to get to the messages that were logged when the problem actually happened. | 01:24 |
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Agrajag | trumpeter2003: the packages on the alternate CD are prebuilt, this isn't gentoo | 01:24 |
trumpeter2003 | transparent: It is different due to the GUI system not being built into the Live CD so it saves on installation time. | 01:24 |
The_Belgain | I did notive that things may have started going slowly around the point where CUPS got started (and when I shutdown from the gnome boot menu, it drops to the console which seems to still be trying to start CUPS | 01:24 |
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Smilez | Pelo: nope that file just handles the settings for the nvidia-settings application itself | 01:24 |
Agrajag | well ok, you have a different definition in mind, is all | 01:24 |
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trumpeter2003 | Agrajag: Prebuilt = Built into the Live CD for Startup installation or running. | 01:24 |
Pelo | Smilez, man nvidia | 01:24 |
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Smilez | no man entry foudn | 01:25 |
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N3rg4r | why is dvd::rip missing??? | 01:25 |
N3rg4r | and avidemux? | 01:25 |
adamowitz | ok, i installed all those gstreamer-* packages that were suggested here: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html (as well as a bunch of others). problems still, tho... | 01:25 |
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soundray | The_Belgain: in that case, it may be worth trying to 'sudo killall gnome-cups-icon'. I've had that one going crazy on me on a few different machines. Don't know what it is, though. | 01:25 |
transparent | well i have a pII laptop with 256 ram should i just use reg desktop cd or the one rccomended for system with less than 256ram? | 01:25 |
adamowitz | Totem will play it now (whereas it didn't before), but the video is hugely distorted, and there is no sounds. | 01:25 |
adamowitz | any suggestions? | 01:25 |
soundray | The_Belgain: I mean, run that command when the problem occurs | 01:26 |
velko | N3rg4r, because you have not enabled the multiverse repository | 01:26 |
Agrajag | transparent: I would install with the alternate CD. And you might want to consider using xubuntu rather than ubuntu | 01:26 |
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adamowitz | I'm using feisty, but the help.ubuntu.com page above seemed most fitting to my needs. | 01:26 |
transparent | whats the x for? | 01:26 |
Agrajag | transparent: xubuntu uses XFCE instead of Gnome, which requires fewer resources | 01:26 |
The_Belgain | the last thing i see happening in syslog before a gap of 13s is "pcc_acpi: loading..." | 01:26 |
transparent | nice i wanted to use xfce4 anyways | 01:26 |
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Agrajag | transparent: well there you are, then. xubuntu has an alternate install CD as well, so use that one | 01:27 |
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Smilez | Pelo: How the hell can i find out what or where the nvidia driver is reading in order to force it to use Xorg? | 01:27 |
soundray | The_Belgain: reboot normally and see if killing gnome-cups-icon helps. You could also switch to a text console with Ctrl-Alt-F2 when the system is slow, and run top | 01:27 |
transparent | hum kindof odd unbuntu just dosent incluse all WM and let u pick during install... you really need to use a doff dick to instaleld with xfce instead of gnome? | 01:28 |
Pelo | Smilez, read the nvidia manpage if there is one terminal man nvidia | 01:28 |
transparent | disk i mean lol | 01:28 |
The_Belgain | thanks soundray - i'll try that | 01:28 |
Smilez | there isn't one :( | 01:28 |
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transparent | i already downloaded the iso | 01:28 |
Pelo | Smilez, I am reading up on your problem in the forum, you are not the only one | 01:28 |
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Smilez | thanks pelo, i found that thread but lost the url during reinstall | 01:29 |
Smilez | Pelo: and I appreciate the help | 01:29 |
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Pelo | Smilez, no prlb, ther are actualy several threads on the subject, I just need to find one with a solution | 01:29 |
Malfist | soundray: It seems to have fixed it. It says there is only 138MB on the drive but still, there is 0 bytes free | 01:29 |
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jeffwheeler | Every time X11 starts (or gdm, or something beginning with the visual graphics), I have to move my monitor's horizontal position settings, the amount which changes depending on the graphics drivers (and therefore the live cd is moved differently than my install, which uses the nvidia drivers). I have a Dell flatpanel monitor, that is a couple of years old. | 01:30 |
Smilez | Pelo: Awesome. I love this community already | 01:30 |
jeffwheeler | Any ideas? | 01:30 |
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The_Belgain | one thing which didn't upgrade correctly when doing Edgy --> Feisty is the hotkeys package - i wouldn't imagine that would matter too much though.. | 01:30 |
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Agrajag | transparent: Well, you can install xfce after the fact if you want | 01:30 |
redt0nia | i have a 21" CRT | 01:30 |
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transparent | hum i dont see the xubuntu is the download section on site? where can i get it from? | 01:31 |
Agrajag | transparent: but yes, in order to keep these all down to a single disk they're separate WMs | 01:31 |
hsbalbaid | hey all . i need some help plz . i cant move/copy files from my desktop to other drives, "paste" option doesnt appear . i tried to change the permissions options but i couldnt cuz it gives me "read only" message. any ideas? | 01:31 |
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Agrajag | transparent: http://www.xubuntu.org/get | 01:31 |
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Malfist | I have a 1GB flash drive and Thunar is reporting that it has 1*8MB of data on it with 0 bytes free | 01:31 |
Malfist | anyone know how to fix that, it's in a FAT32 partition | 01:31 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I'm reading the Samba documentation and I don't get what they mean by "computer accounts" and network user, can you explain? | 01:31 |
Pelo | Smilez, I just read that nvidia settings saves its changes to xorg.conf , so it doesn't look like you need to search for another file | 01:32 |
Agrajag | transparent: according to that you should be able to use the desktop CD for xubuntu instead of the alternate install CD | 01:32 |
BobSoft | velko, Still here? | 01:32 |
Agrajag | transparent: but either one will do the same job | 01:32 |
velko | BobSoft, yep. but not for much longer | 01:32 |
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BobSoft | Okie dokie. | 01:32 |
velko | BobSoft, go ahead | 01:32 |
transparent | cool thanks guys ill go with xubunto | 01:32 |
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Smilez | Pelo: well then what in the heck is going on... if we can't find it in xorg? | 01:32 |
BobSoft | velko, I did what you suggested. | 01:32 |
fulvioo | Anyone managed to 'softmod' a Radeon 9500 to 9700 under Ubuntu? | 01:33 |
BobSoft | velko, Now I remember the error it throws. | 01:33 |
Smilez | Pelo: something is probing the monitor and coming back empty handed | 01:33 |
soundray | xyz-abc: a unix account is the combination of a login name, a home directory and an entry in /etc/passwd | 01:33 |
Pelo | Smilez, patience grasshopper | 01:33 |
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velko | BobSoft, not generating Packages.gz or using reprepro? | 01:33 |
Smilez | Pelo: I'm reading the man pages right now on nvidia-settings | 01:33 |
Pelo | Smilez, probably because your monitor is not recognized | 01:33 |
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xyz-abc | soundray: how about an example? | 01:33 |
incorperated | yo | 01:33 |
hsbalbaid | hey all . i need some help plz . i cant move/copy files from my desktop to other drives, "paste" option doesnt appear . i tried to change the permissions options but i couldnt cuz it gives me "read only" message. any ideas? | 01:33 |
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soundray | xyz-abc: you need one on the server to be able to mount a share that the server exports on a client. | 01:34 |
BobSoft | velko, Well, I'm using the Packges.gz files (all 16 in various places) in /etc/apt/sources.list. | 01:34 |
incorperated | can someone help me add a fluxbox theme real quick | 01:34 |
Smilez | Pelo: In opensuse, i had the option of telling X my monitor name, type, etc... can i do that anywhere besides xorg.conf? | 01:34 |
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BobSoft | velko, And all seems to go well when I 'apt-get update'. | 01:34 |
Pelo | Smilez, there is a place for it, where it says generic monitor, but I'm thinking you would need the proper monitor name ( from a list it can recognise) | 01:35 |
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velko | BobSoft, you don't use Packages.gz in sources.list. or am i terribly mistaken? | 01:35 |
BobSoft | velko, However, it cannot find any of the deb files due to how the original Packages.gz files are created. They point to a certain place in the repositories that isn't correctly reflected on the hard drive. | 01:35 |
Smilez | Pelo: damnit... this crap is complicated... these little bumps in the road really hold Linux back from competing against Vista | 01:35 |
Smilez | and boy do i hate vista | 01:35 |
soundray | xyz-abc: run 'grep 1000 /etc/passwd' to see the account data created for the first user on your system. | 01:35 |
velko | BobSoft, this is your splitting program which should have take care about | 01:35 |
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BobSoft | velko, No. You're correct. The line reads this way: (deb file:/home/shared/UbuntuRepos/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/ ./) | 01:35 |
xyz-abc | soundray: ok | 01:35 |
Pelo | Smilez, I don'T have an nvidia card and I donT have a problem | 01:35 |
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Pelo | I'm just sayihng | 01:36 |
transparent | will xubuntu come with openoffice? or wil li need to add that on my own? | 01:36 |
erisco | how do I get window's video codecs, for mpegs and whatnot, for feisty? | 01:36 |
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xyz-abc | soundray: so what I got is my Ubuntu user account.. name? | 01:36 |
velko | BobSoft, so the splitting program does not update Packages and Packages.gz like it should? | 01:36 |
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Smilez | Pelo: yeah but you are one person without an nvidia... ppl expect operating systems to know all and do all and do it all well :D | 01:36 |
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BobSoft | velko, That line is read correctly by apt when I do a 'sudo apt-get update'. That's okay. But any attempt to install a file fails because the folder structure it looks through is all messed up. | 01:36 |
soundray | xyz-abc: the username is that which appears before the first : | 01:37 |
Pelo | Smilez, this tread is very helpfull, I am learning a lot, don'T dispair | 01:37 |
BobSoft | velko, I haven't tried using the splitting program yet. It's installed. But I'll have to do some research on how to get it working with the load of files I have. | 01:37 |
Smilez | Pelo: thanks buddy, you mind pasting a link for me so i can follow along? | 01:37 |
BobSoft | velko, So, I think I'll stick with the lesser of two wrong ways of doing things. | 01:37 |
BobSoft | velko, ;-) | 01:37 |
creadorcreativo | erisco: check this, http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/index.php | 01:37 |
Pelo | Smilez, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=417716&page=2&highlight=nvidia+resolution | 01:38 |
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creadorcreativo | erisco: you need add a extra repository, and then install the package "w32codecs" | 01:38 |
Smilez | gracias | 01:38 |
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hsbalbaid | i cant move/copy files from my desktop to other drives, "paste" option doesnt appear . i tried to change the permissions options but i couldnt cuz it gives me "read only" message. any ideas? | 01:38 |
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xyz-abc | soundray: before the first : ? then my username would be only "x"... wtf? | 01:38 |
erisco | creadorcreativo, thanks, I was looking for the package name :) should have said that heh | 01:38 |
velko | BobSoft, if you use reprepro it will generate all this stuff for you very easily. the problem is how to decide which packages to go to each dvd depending on their size? this is the tricky one | 01:38 |
mark__ | i hit themes in beryl and nothing changes....any ideas....???.... | 01:38 |
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Pelo | Smilez, do you nvidia-settings or sudo nvidia-settings ? | 01:39 |
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velko | BobSoft, you have a solution in your howto currently but you'll have to modify it heavily if you want to use reprepro | 01:39 |
BobSoft | velko, Take care. I won't bother you any further. The way I've got listed on UbuntuForums "works" albeit in a bit of a broken way. Better than nothing. You see: I *could* make DVDs but my intention is to access the files directly on HDD. So I think I'll stick what what sort of works. | 01:39 |
soundray | xyz-abc: first of all, don't ever wtf me, or in fact anyone here, unless you are certain that they don't mind. | 01:39 |
xyz-abc | soundray: sorry for my language | 01:40 |
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Smilez | sorry pelo had a phone call | 01:40 |
velko | BobSoft, i whish you all the best | 01:40 |
soundray | xyz-abc: the username is that which appears BEFORE the ':', ie. to the left of it. | 01:40 |
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Smilez | Pelo: I do sudo nvidia-settings | 01:40 |
Pelo | k | 01:40 |
BobSoft | velko, Many thanks. | 01:40 |
BobSoft | velko, :-D | 01:40 |
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xyz-abc | soundray: this is what I got: "x:1000:1000:Downstairs,,,:/home/downstairs:/bin/bash" | 01:41 |
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hsbalbaid | mr velko i think i need ur help | 01:41 |
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daftman | hi i need help using apt-get | 01:41 |
velko | mr hsbalbaid if i can help you i surely will | 01:41 |
razzorz | Trumperter: got a sec? | 01:41 |
bokey | daftman, what you need to do ? | 01:41 |
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zachwlewis | How do I edit my xorg.conf file? | 01:42 |
daftman | everytime i use apt-get I get this error: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exit unexpetedly | 01:42 |
hsbalbaid | ok . i cant move/copy files from my desktop to other drives, "paste" option doesnt appear . i tried to change the permissions options but i couldnt cuz it gives me "read only" message. any ideas? | 01:42 |
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mcmillen | does anyone know how to make KDE apps quit "blinking" in the GNOME window list? | 01:42 |
BobSoft | daftman, Anything in particular concerning apt-get? | 01:42 |
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Pelo | Smilez, check you pm windows I pasted something worth trying | 01:42 |
soundray | xyz-abc: okay, that's unusual. I would expect it to be 'downstairs:x:1000:1000:Downstairs,,,:/home/downstairs:/bin/bash' | 01:42 |
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trumpeter2003 | hsbalbaid: You have to remount the destination drive as rw instead of ro | 01:42 |
daftman | when i tried running sudo dpkg -l: i get "Bus error" | 01:42 |
zachwlewis | My xorg.conf is read-only. How do I set it so I can edit it? | 01:42 |
soundray | xyz-abc: since judging by the name of the home directory, the username (or login name) is "downstairs" | 01:43 |
velko | hsbalbaid, your file system is mounted read only or by a user different than yours (and you don't have write permissions) | 01:43 |
bokey | daftman, can you paste your output ? | 01:43 |
bokey | !pastebin | daftman | 01:43 |
ubotu | daftman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:43 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: I would have not seen your message as it didn't highlight your name, next time to grab my attention type trumpeter2003 (tru<tab>) | 01:43 |
razzorz | Trumperter: all went well with the install for Beryl... but for some reason when i turn the Beryl manager i get the cube but thats it.. all i see is a white cube that spins like normal and the dimond on the ends... Nothing eles!!! | 01:43 |
xyz-abc | soundray: ok.. so that simple, just like my login name? that's my "computer account" name? | 01:43 |
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soundray | xyz-abc: yes | 01:43 |
hsbalbaid | i'm totally new to the system so i dont exactly understand wot these r | 01:43 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Are you starting Gnome with XGL from your login manager? | 01:43 |
zachwlewis | My xorg.conf is read-only. How do I set it so I can edit it? | 01:43 |
razzorz | i have to end the session and turn off XLG | 01:43 |
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daftman | Bobsoft: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg exited unexpectedly | 01:44 |
velko | hsbalbaid, trumpeter2003 seems to be able to help you. i'm going to sleep. best | 01:44 |
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xyz-abc | soundray: but you said "a unix account is the combination of a login name, a home directory and an entry in /etc/passwd", downstairs is just a login name | 01:44 |
BobSoft | daftman, What flavour of Ubuntu are you using? | 01:44 |
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daftman | that happens everytime I tried running apt-get | 01:44 |
daftman | Dapper | 01:44 |
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PapoAnaya | Good Evening | 01:44 |
daftman | running server | 01:44 |
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razzorz | Str8 Gnome is fine but dont work with beryl... when i turn on xlg all is ok... but as soon as i load the manager i get the white cube .... | 01:44 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: As such, did you create all the scripts that were requested? And even more so, did you chmod a+x them? | 01:44 |
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razzorz | Yes | 01:44 |
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roelof_ | sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in terminal | 01:44 |
hsbalbaid | thx anyway | 01:45 |
daftman | i think there is something wrong with my dpkg | 01:45 |
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soundray | xyz-abc: yes, that's correct. Where is the "but"? | 01:45 |
razzorz | step by step | 01:45 |
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daftman | when I run dpkg it says "Bus error" | 01:45 |
razzorz | like i say its there but white and not useable with the mouse except spinning it | 01:45 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: That means that the Window Manager isn't loading | 01:45 |
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razzorz | ok.. ist there a step to correct it? | 01:45 |
xyz-abc | soundray: if "downstairs" is "it", then where is the "combination of a login name, a home directory and an entry in /etc/passwd"? | 01:45 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Which resorts to the scripts not being created correctly or without the correct permissions | 01:46 |
trumpeter2003 | brb, drink | 01:46 |
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roelof_ | zachmewis: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in terminal | 01:46 |
razzorz | hb | 01:46 |
zachwlewis | Is there any way to change my login name? | 01:46 |
soundray | xyz-abc: oh, I see the source of the communication problem we have. It's a missing comma. | 01:46 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Go back through and check that you did all the steps in the guide and didn't skip over any of them | 01:46 |
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daftman | anyone with any ideas? | 01:46 |
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roelof_ | zawhlewis i mean : sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf in terminal | 01:46 |
roachk71 | Hmm... Usually a bus error happens when a buggy app tries to use memory that doesn't exist, or is owned by another process. | 01:46 |
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trumpeter2003 | zachwlewis: Changing your username = changing your login name | 01:46 |
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razzorz | ok | 01:46 |
razzorz | now haveing siad that | 01:47 |
razzorz | will it hurt if do it all again? | 01:47 |
BobSoft | daftman, Well. I just tried running it and everything works. (sudo dpkg -l). | 01:47 |
daftman | roachk71: but this is dpkg | 01:47 |
^^malajenho^^ | hi | 01:47 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: Shouldn't | 01:47 |
soundray | xyz-abc: a unix account is the combination of login name, a home directory, and an entry in /etc/passwd (Thanks to my parents, Mother Teresa and God :) | 01:47 |
razzorz | Ok.. then i will be back | 01:47 |
daftman | BobSoft I know it works for you . But is doesn't work for me | 01:47 |
roelof_ | if you want to stay in terminal until ending terminal as root type sudo -s -H | 01:47 |
trumpeter2003 | Just make sure all the coded lines aren't all jumbled and that everything that is requested to be installed is installed. | 01:47 |
BobSoft | daftman, But I'm using Dapper Drake 6.06.1. | 01:47 |
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^^malajenho^^ | i'm trying to compile a program, and this is the out of the console: cc1: warning: command line option "-Woverloaded-virtual" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C | 01:47 |
BobSoft | daftman, Have you installed Fiesty? | 01:47 |
trumpeter2003 | razzorz: And all the permissions on the scripts are a+x | 01:47 |
xyz-abc | soundray: ok :D | 01:47 |
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daftman | yep I don't think it is a distribution problem | 01:47 |
The_Belgain | how can i find out my root password if i'm already logged in as root (at a command prompt)? | 01:48 |
roachk71 | Nevertheless, this is an unusual problem for dpkg... | 01:48 |
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daftman | i think it is a problem with only my machine | 01:48 |
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roachk71 | Daftman, is yours a PowerPC machine? | 01:48 |
daftman | Nope its a p4 | 01:48 |
soundray | The_Belgain: you don't. There is no root password in ubuntu. | 01:48 |
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trumpeter2003 | The_Belgain: Have you set the root password yet for the installation? | 01:48 |
daftman | it only occurs recently | 01:48 |
daftman | so is it a ram problem? a hd? problem? etc | 01:48 |
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roachk71 | How much RAM does it have? | 01:48 |
soundray | The_Belgain: in recovery mode, it logs you in without a password because it's recovery mode. | 01:49 |
The_Belgain | don't think so (can't remember tbh - this is an upgrade and i normally used sudo before) | 01:49 |
daftman | 256 MB | 01:49 |
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daftman | a light webserver | 01:49 |
xyz-abc | soundray: you were right, the /etc/passwd shows the account name correctly | 01:49 |
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^^malajenho^^ | hi, I'm trying to compile a source, and when I do "make", this is the message that I see: "cc1: warning: command line option "-Woverloaded-virtual" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C" | 01:49 |
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soundray | trumpeter2003: what do you mean "yet"? You don't set a root password in ubuntu. (The_Belgain) | 01:49 |
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The_Belgain | when I Ctrl+Alt+F2 from gnome login screen it asks me for my username password | 01:49 |
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roachk71 | That probably explains the problem... I used to have probs with segfaults and bus errors until I upgraded the computer's memory. | 01:49 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: You can, just sudo su - && passwd :) | 01:49 |
The_Belgain | it doesn't seem to accept my username password | 01:49 |
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stellaras | can anyone explain how can i add languages in ubuntu(i add greece in keyboard layout but i'm not sure if this is the way) and how to change between them(i mean for writing greek fro example) | 01:49 |
soundray | The_Belgain: use your regular username and password | 01:49 |
bianconeri | Hello how does one configure evolution to get gmail? I tried to find where I could change the default ports in evolution, but failed? Thanks | 01:50 |
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BHSPitMonkey | Anyone know how to deal with an incomplete edgy->feisty upgrade? :S Battery died. | 01:50 |
daftman | roachk71 but it only occurs recently | 01:50 |
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BHSPitMonkey | Now it's being weird. | 01:50 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: just because you can doesn't mean you should. It's actively discouraged in ubuntu. | 01:50 |
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Pelo | bianconeri, you need to do some config in www.gmail.com to allow it and in evolution you will be using ssl security | 01:50 |
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ubuntuEdgy | hey PovAddict remember me ? | 01:50 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: Only if you don't know how to administrate your linux machine successfully. | 01:50 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: 'sudo su' and friends are also deprecated. Use sudo -i to get a shell | 01:50 |
roachk71 | daftman: what version are you running? | 01:50 |
BHSPitMonkey | stellaras, isn't there a Panel applet for switching input locales? | 01:51 |
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soundray | trumpeter2003: this has nothing to do with knowledge. | 01:51 |
smallfoot- | dont type /names | 01:51 |
GaiaX11 | How do I know my motherboard state battery? Is there a program for that? Or a command line? | 01:51 |
mEck0 | is Quake 4 a nice game? It was some time ago I played it, and now it's very cheap in a shop | 01:51 |
Pelo | bianconeri, in gmail you also have a load of instructinos for different clents use the one for generic or other | 01:51 |
bianconeri | Pelo: I did that, but the guide asks for changing default port numbers...which isn't available in evolution | 01:51 |
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stellaras | BHSPitMonkey: i can't realy find it, where it should be ? | 01:51 |
daftman | roachk71 dapper server | 01:51 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: setting a root password exposes your machine unnecessarily. | 01:51 |
Pelo | bianconeri, yes it is hold on I will tell you how, open up your properties, I've done it | 01:51 |
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^^malajenho^^ | somebody could help me with this problem? "cc1: warning: command line option "-Woverloaded-virtual" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C" | 01:52 |
bianconeri | ok? | 01:52 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: Again, only if you don't know how to administrate the machine | 01:52 |
chocobanana | is there anyone here using the slab menu in feisty? | 01:52 |
smallfoot- | what happen if you type /names ? | 01:52 |
BHSPitMonkey | stellaras, right-click on your Panel, choose "Add to Panel...", and look for "Character Palette" near the bottom. | 01:52 |
soundray | trumpeter2003: that's just nonsense. | 01:52 |
chocobanana | is there a binary for it? | 01:52 |
jrib | ^^malajenho^^: the error seems to be pretty straightforward no? | 01:52 |
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Pelo | bianconeri, are you there ? | 01:52 |
The_Belgain | yay - finally, it turns out that it's network manager that's eating 100% CPU! | 01:52 |
roachk71 | After a reboot, daftman? | 01:52 |
bianconeri | Pelo: ya I opened properties | 01:53 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: Every application that would have the ability to support root user login or other means of the root user being allowed access to the machine has a method of blocking it | 01:53 |
jrib | malikeye: erm sorry, it's not even an error, just a warning | 01:53 |
BHSPitMonkey | stellaras, that may not be what you're needing, though. | 01:53 |
jrib | ^^malajenho^^: erm sorry, it's not even an error, just a warning | 01:53 |
Pelo | bianconeri, ok for you gmail account, second tab , receiving or what ever, server > pop.gmail.com:995 | 01:53 |
The_Belgain | thanks soundray | 01:53 |
chocobanana | is there any slab menu binary package for feisty? | 01:53 |
stellaras | BHSPitMonkey: it's not this :) i need something like language bar in windows | 01:53 |
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trumpeter2003 | soundray: So it takes a few seconds to change a few config files to disallow root users from remote access to everything, it isn't insecure, it's just more work in keeping the knowledge or of the programs that allow remote root access and which don't to change the configuration files and what those flags are to the config file. | 01:54 |
BHSPitMonkey | stellaras, ah, I think "Keyboard Indicator might be what you're looking for. It's also in that list. | 01:54 |
=== spiderfire [n=B@bas10-toronto12-1096755330.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spiderfire | hello | 01:54 |
bianconeri | same for smtp? I tried using the the colons by the way, guess ill try again | 01:54 |
chocobanana | hi | 01:54 |
Pelo | bianconeri, yes | 01:54 |
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spiderfire | why does the update-manager not have a -c | 01:54 |
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Pelo | bianconeri, very imporatnt you need to set security to SSL encription for both servers | 01:54 |
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soundray | trumpeter2003: look, I'm not going to discuss every half-truth that you spout here till the end. I will ignore you now. Do me a favour and do the same for me. | 01:55 |
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Smilez | Pelo: To no avail :( | 01:55 |
trumpeter2003 | soundray: And to expand on your assigning a password to the root user, what is the difference between that and giving full sudo access to users? That is just like running root with the added bonus of typing your password over again for each new terminal session | 01:55 |
Pelo | Smilez, the auto thing should be the next step, disable that | 01:55 |
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Smilez | auto thing? | 01:56 |
bianconeri | Unable to connect to POP server pop.gmail.com. | 01:56 |
bianconeri | Error sending password: Resource temporarily unavailable ....SSL is enabled | 01:56 |
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stellaras | BHSPitMonkey: thank you this is what i was looking for, now i have to find a the keyboard shortcut for this :) | 01:56 |
Pelo | Smilez, in nvidia settings | 01:56 |
py_geek | ALL:: I'm trying to copy about 17 gigs of data to my ipod, but suddenly the copying thingy stops... any ideas? | 01:56 |
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jrib | bianconeri: you enabled pop in your gmail account? | 01:56 |
bianconeri | ya | 01:56 |
Pelo | bianconeri, it works for me so there is no reason it shouldn't work for you | 01:56 |
bianconeri | Yes POP is enabled | 01:56 |
CombatWombat | Hi, anyone have experience with (secondary) IDE drives not being recognised by Ubuntu on startup? I have various linux distro's (suse, red hat, backtrack) which all recognise it, but Ubuntu FF won't :( | 01:56 |
Agrajag | !worksforme | 01:57 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 01:57 |
soundray | py_geek: my guess is that unstable USB hardware is to blame. Use rsync for copying to avoid having to start over. | 01:57 |
bianconeri | is it working now? Maybe something wrong with the server | 01:57 |
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rottenapl | i tried the 7.04 live cd on my toshiba laptop, which has a geforce 460 go. when i click 'enable' for the nvidia restricted driver, it installs fine. when i drop back to the login screen and restart X, i am greeted with a white/gray display which makes it look like my LCD is melting. i experienced the same thing in beta. any ideas what the heck is happening? | 01:57 |
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py_geek | soundray: how do i do that? | 01:57 |
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roachk71 | Agrajag: Sound advice any time. | 01:57 |
stellaras | ok i found in thanks | 01:57 |
soundray | !info rsync | py_geek | 01:57 |
ubotu | py_geek: rsync: fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 2.6.9-3ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 254 kB, installed size 504 kB | 01:58 |
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DarknezzSpace | whats the best irc client for gnome? | 01:58 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I'm trying to use this command "smbclient //someXPuser/somefolder -U <username>" command, but which user goes for "username", the Ubuntu username? | 01:58 |
jrib | DarknezzSpace: xchat in my opinion | 01:58 |
soundray | py_geek: it has a good manpage, and there are quite a few howtos around | 01:58 |
bruenig | !info mencoder | 01:58 |
ubotu | mencoder: MPlayer's Movie Encoder. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu9 (feisty), package size 3473 kB, installed size 8732 kB | 01:58 |
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DarknezzSpace | ok thanks | 01:58 |
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phobiac | If you want to install a package that is on the DVD, what do you do? Is it as simple as popping the DVD in and trying to install it? | 01:59 |
BHSPitMonkey | rottenapl, in case your question doesn't get addressed in here, I'd try asking again in #ubuntu-effects ; there's a lot of video-knowledgeable people in there. | 01:59 |
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rottenapl | BHSPitMonkey, thanks for the tip | 02:00 |
soundray | xyz-abc: try with the ubuntu username. If it doesn't work, you may have to use smbpasswd, but I'm not sure. | 02:00 |
xyz-abc | ok | 02:00 |
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BHSPitMonkey | phobiac, when you insert the DVD, does it not pop up saying it found packages? | 02:00 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I'm still not clear as to which PC is the server and which is the client, can you explain? | 02:00 |
dsnyders | Hi all, Has anyone gotten palm/visor synching working with fiesty? | 02:00 |
phobiac | I hadn't tried, I'm trying to figure it out for a friend. It's as simple as popping in the CD? | 02:00 |
R_6 | Hello | 02:00 |
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R_6 | i have a slight problem booting from a live CD | 02:01 |
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py_geek | all: how d i use rsync? | 02:01 |
soundray | xyz-abc: the server is where the files are. The client is where you want to work with the files. | 02:01 |
jrib | bianconeri: yes, it is working for me | 02:01 |
MidNightSunRay | phobiac, yes. | 02:01 |
ep2011 | what programs do you recommend for media playback for viewing on firefox, viewing files, and dvds? | 02:01 |
py_geek | all:open, anyway | 02:01 |
phobiac | Thank you for your help. | 02:01 |
ep2011 | What are all of your preferences? | 02:01 |
MidNightSunRay | ep2011, on firefox i think mozilla-vlc plugin is ok | 02:01 |
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bruenig | ep2011, mozilla-mplayer | 02:01 |
MidNightSunRay | for all the rest, vlc, or kaffeine, or totem.. | 02:01 |
bianconeri | jrib: weird, it says that the password is wrong over here, however from the browser it logs in...i tried multiple times, I even copied and pasted fromt he browser | 02:02 |
BHSPitMonkey | dsnyders, no, but I miss my old Visor... | 02:02 |
jrib | ep2011: I agree with bruenig's choice | 02:02 |
squee_ | Are their any data recovery tools for linux? (not file checking like fsck) | 02:02 |
ep2011 | bruenig and jrib: over totem? | 02:02 |
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bruenig | ep2011, yes | 02:02 |
bianconeri | R_6: shoot whats ur problem? | 02:02 |
xyz-abc | soundray: what if I want to just share files between an XP and an Ubuntu PC? | 02:02 |
jrib | bianconeri: hmm, you entered your login name correctly? google requires the dots in the right spot if you used them originally | 02:02 |
xyz-abc | soundray: I mean, both ways | 02:02 |
dsnyders | BHSPitMonkey, Mine's still ticking. A few scratches on the screen, but it works just fine. | 02:02 |
ep2011 | bruenig, which codecs would I install for mplayer, it uses xine if im not mistaken, so not the gstreamer codecs? | 02:03 |
MidNightSunRay | xyz-abc, use samba. | 02:03 |
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BHSPitMonkey | !info testdisk > squee_ | 02:03 |
jrib | ep2011: yes, but it's just preference. Try both and use what works best for you | 02:03 |
bianconeri | jrib: what dots? | 02:03 |
BHSPitMonkey | hope I used that command right. | 02:03 |
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xyz-abc | midnightsunray: i know, I'm trying to understand the terminology and applicature of "server" and "client" for my needs | 02:03 |
soundray | xyz-abc: then you will have to set ubuntu up both as a client and as a server. | 02:03 |
Siph0n | i saw on the ubuntu forums a link to a site that had lots of VMWare images,..... anyone know that site? :) | 02:03 |
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BHSPitMonkey | dsnyders, my Visor Deluxe was so awesome looking... but, I digress. | 02:03 |
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jrib | bianconeri: for example my username could be j.rib but people can send mail to jrib or j.r.i.b etc... I still need to login with j.rib though. If you didn't use dots, then never mind | 02:03 |
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ep2011 | jrib, which codecs would I install for mplayer, it uses xine if im not mistaken, so not the gstreamer codecs? | 02:04 |
xyz-abc | soundray: so then the Ubuntu PC will be officially both a Samba client and a server while the XP pc will be... both as well? | 02:04 |
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bianconeri | jrib: no dots here | 02:04 |
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dsnyders | BHSPitMonkey, It'd be nice if I didn't have to jump through a different set of configuration hoops with each OS upgrade | 02:04 |
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soundray | xyz-abc: functionally, yes. Although Windows doesn't run samba, but Microsoft's implementation of smb/cifs (the network protocol) | 02:04 |
jrib | ep2011: you shouldn't need to install anything afaik. w32codecs if you want, but I haven't needed them | 02:04 |
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jrib | ep2011: mplayer doesn't use xine btw | 02:04 |
bianconeri | btw how does one highlight who he is talking to over here on irc? | 02:04 |
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jrib | bianconeri: address the person you are speaking to (prefix your message with the person's nick) | 02:05 |
BHSPitMonkey | dsnyders, I haven't had to do much with palm support in linux to date. My mom just boots XP to use hotsync manager I'm afraid. | 02:05 |
RemboSachs | bianconeri, just type their name and it highlights | 02:05 |
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bianconeri | bianconeri like this? | 02:05 |
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RemboSachs | Could someone help me? i'm trying to boot to ubuntu from a Live CD but i get an X server error | 02:05 |
dsnyders | BHSPitMonkey, Booting to XP just to hotsync? I'd be afraid too. | 02:05 |
ep2011 | jrib, what does it use? and for codecs like avi which arent installed? Or does mplayer install them | 02:05 |
bianconeri | jrib like this? | 02:05 |
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RemboSachs | bianconeri yes | 02:06 |
bianconeri | jrib ok thanks | 02:06 |
zouzou85 | hi | 02:06 |
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BHSPitMonkey | bianconeri, you can use the Tab key to finish typing the person's nick, as well. | 02:06 |
jrib | ep2011: you should be ready to go by just installing "mplayer" from the repos | 02:06 |
LaszloKv | Could someone help me with a fstab setup so that the drive is mounted with read permissions for other? | 02:06 |
bianconeri | rembosachs is it case sensetive? | 02:06 |
zouzou85 | anybody had a problem with beryl and the window borders? | 02:06 |
BHSPitMonkey | (It makes you faster and more accurate.) | 02:06 |
ep2011 | jrib, okay, thanks ill try that | 02:06 |
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RemboSachs | bianconeri i think so | 02:06 |
jrib | LaszloKv: what file system? | 02:06 |
BHSPitMonkey | bianconeri, usually not, but if you use Tab-completion then it isn't an issue. | 02:07 |
bianconeri | BHSPitMonkey, thanks :D | 02:07 |
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BHSPitMonkey | welcome. | 02:07 |
LaszloKv | jrib: It's mounted as vfat | 02:07 |
RemboSachs | Could someone help me with booting to linux via Live CD | 02:07 |
MjV | Hey very very general question here | 02:07 |
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ep2011 | jrib, yep, thank you, it installs all the codecs when you install mplayer | 02:07 |
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ep2011 | jrib, one last thing, do you know the package name for mplayer firefox plugin? | 02:07 |
bianconeri | RemboSachs, whats wrong? | 02:07 |
jrib | !vfat > LaszloKv (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:07 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, old computer/cd drive? | 02:07 |
jrib | ep2011: mozilla-mplayer | 02:07 |
Nunzio | Is there a way to set VLC as the default media playing in firefox, it seems like after watching about 5 - 7 videos i have to restart firefox for anymore to work with mplayer | 02:08 |
RemboSachs | my computer is almost brand new, BHSPitMonkey | 02:08 |
ep2011 | jrib, thanks | 02:08 |
jrib | Nunzio: uninstall the mplayer plugin and install the vlc one | 02:08 |
MjV | Is there any real reason to get Feisty??? Im pretty happy with Edgy, but don't want to miss out lol | 02:08 |
Nunzio | How do i uninstall the mplayer plugin? | 02:08 |
RemboSachs | the error says "failed to start the X server. It is likely it is not set up properly." when i try to boot it via live CD | 02:08 |
jrib | Nunzio: how did you install it? | 02:08 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, well, it might be your boot order. When the computer is starting, is there any text that says something like, "Press [something] for Boot Menu"? | 02:08 |
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Nunzio | It was already installed with firefox i suppose | 02:08 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, ohh. | 02:09 |
dhamma | could someone help me troubleshoot my headset issue? i used alsamixer to turn on the mic and can hear myself on mic thru the headset, but i can't be heard on skype or if i record on audacity...what am i overlooking? | 02:09 |
RemboSachs | yeah... :/ | 02:09 |
jrib | Nunzio: are you sure that is mplayer? That isn't default | 02:09 |
soundray | MjV: never change a running system. Check out the live CD or do a parallel install of feisty if you want to see what you're missing. | 02:09 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, I didn't realize you had already gotten it "booting". | 02:09 |
bianconeri | MjV, if you like eyecandy i.e compiz, then ya...Fiesty also improved the wireless network menu | 02:09 |
RemboSachs | is it my graphics card, BHSPitMonkey | 02:09 |
igorsobreira | hey guys...i've just installed Ubuntu 7.04...and i have problems with wireless...it finds network..ok...i've installed wifi-radar...i guess it's any configuration...because it's looks like it's connect but i can't go to any webpage...anybody could help me? | 02:09 |
RemboSachs | sorry i wasnt more specific, BHSPitMonkey | 02:09 |
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MjV | I have beryl running very very nicely on this machine, and no wireless here | 02:09 |
Nunzio | Ah i right clicked and did about, and it says Totem Browser Plugin | 02:09 |
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matthew__ | dhamma: ok, double click the sound settings on the top right | 02:10 |
RemboSachs | anyways, the issue is that i can't get ubuntu to continue booting after i get the x server error, BHSPitMonkey | 02:10 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, know what kind of card it is? And, do you happen to have two cards? | 02:10 |
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matthew__ | dhamma: make sure the mic is all way up, and then go to the switches tab | 02:10 |
MjV | Totem was a pain for me to get going, I eventually just went to VLC | 02:10 |
jrib | Nunzio: ok, then install the vlc plugin package (don't know the name offhand) and remove the "totem-mozilla" package | 02:10 |
dhamma | matthew__, the sound settings where? | 02:10 |
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igorsobreira | hey guys...i've just installed Ubuntu 7.04...and i have problems with wireless...it finds network..ok...i've installed wifi-radar...i guess it's any configuration...because it's looks like it's connect but i can't go to any webpage...anybody could help me? | 02:10 |
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matthew__ | dhamma: top right on by the date, time, etc. | 02:10 |
RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, here's my specs: Intel Core Duo T2500 2.0GHz / 802.11a/b/g Wireless / Bluetooth / 15.4-Inch WSXGA+ / 1GB DDR2 / 80GB HDD | 02:11 |
matthew__ | dhamma: the little speaker icon | 02:11 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, "continue booting"? Once you're starting X, you've pretty much booted as much as possible. | 02:11 |
soundray | MjV: sounds like you have plenty of reasons not to upgrade. Edgy will be supported well into 2008, so stick with it for now. | 02:11 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, you told me everything but what we need to know :) | 02:11 |
dhamma | matthew__, ok...mic is alll the way up | 02:11 |
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RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, it asks me if i want to diagnose the problem... so i'd say no, right? | 02:11 |
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Nunzio | RemboSachs: When installing 7.04 i had an intergrated card and an NVidia card i put in, i started up in safe graphics mode and it seemed to come right on | 02:11 |
bianconeri | igorsobreira, did you try pinging your router? | 02:11 |
matthew__ | dhamma: ok, go to the switches tab, edit preferences, and add microphone capture, and mic boost 20db | 02:11 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, it would tell some useful information if you hit Yes. | 02:11 |
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RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, ok, lemme check here | 02:12 |
linxeh | I'm using KDE, with KnetworkManagaer for wireless - for some reason it is in "manual configuration" mode - is there any way to get it back as it was so I can use WPA ? | 02:12 |
MjV | yeah I really didn't want to upgrade, and I've done the reading, but I figured I would ask around here and see if anyone had an arguments for the upgrade. | 02:12 |
matthew__ | dhamma: then you could test it out with me on skype, add me at gogogo11111 | 02:12 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, you should also be able to Alt+F1 your way into a console shell. | 02:12 |
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RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, it says here... Caught signal 11, server aborting | 02:12 |
xyz-abc | when you use the "man" command in terminal, how do you make the 'documentation' go away and return to normal terminal usage? | 02:12 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, the useful lines will start with (EE) | 02:12 |
soundray | xyz-abc: 'q' | 02:12 |
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igorsobreira | bianconeri: no..i dunno how to do that...sorry...i guess it's a simple thing...but i dont anderstand nothing about wifi | 02:13 |
xyz-abc | thanks | 02:13 |
bryan | hey whats up everybody | 02:13 |
damageDOn1 | Can someone tell me in ubuntu how to make bin files work? | 02:13 |
erm13 | ./filename | 02:13 |
bianconeri | igorsobreira, whats ur router brand? | 02:13 |
Nunzio | chmod +x | 02:13 |
RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, i don't see any (EE) tags | 02:13 |
dsnyders | Hi all! Does Feisty still use udev to manage USB hot swapping? | 02:13 |
MidNightSunRay | damageDOn1, guess you just have to run 'em.. | 02:13 |
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igorsobreira | bianconeri: i have a access point here...linksys... | 02:13 |
_Neil | by the way, tonyyarusso, if you are still around: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17705/ | 02:13 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, any errors or warnings before the signal 11? | 02:13 |
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_Neil | this is the error from backtrace | 02:13 |
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Nunzio | Ok i installed the VLC mozilla plugins and removed the totem-mozilla plugin and now on videos i have no controls and the video is like 2x | 02:13 |
mystread | Hey, anyone know of a good Evolution alternative that can still connect to MS Exchange? | 02:13 |
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jexd | what are alternate music players for xfce other than exaile? something without gnome/kde libs | 02:14 |
dhamma | matthew__, great...i did everything...will try calling you momentarily | 02:14 |
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bianconeri | igorsobreira, try in the terminal "ping" | 02:14 |
damageDOn1 | I got it from a torrent and I don't know how to make the movie play | 02:14 |
Nunzio | jexd: i use Audacious | 02:14 |
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matthew__ | dhamma: ok | 02:14 |
RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, i only have 2 of the (==) lines before the error.. as well as some backtrace thing | 02:14 |
Nunzio | oh | 02:14 |
Smilez | Anyone got an NVidia card who can help me with my screen res | 02:14 |
Smilez | ? | 02:14 |
Nunzio | nevermind | 02:14 |
erider | how do you completely remove a package with apt? | 02:14 |
jpsamara | Nunzio: install mplayer and mozilla-mplayer plugin. much better | 02:14 |
soundray | damageDOn1: sounds like it's a disk image. Try converting it to an iso with... erm... | 02:14 |
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MjV | Smilez: What do you mean screen rez? | 02:14 |
Nunzio | jpsamara: ok one second | 02:14 |
SeveredCross | soundray: bchunk? | 02:14 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, when you start the livecd, go to the integrity test. You might have a bad download, or a bad burn. | 02:14 |
MidNightSunRay | erider, apt-get remove --purge | 02:14 |
bianconeri | erider, sudo apt-get remove | 02:14 |
damageDOn1 | I think it is a movie disk image | 02:15 |
mystread | What's a good mail program besides Evolution and Thunderbird? | 02:15 |
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BHSPitMonkey | mystread, GMail :D | 02:15 |
MjV | and has anyone successfully used steam on either edgy or feisty?? | 02:15 |
bianconeri | erider, sudo apt-get remove package name | 02:15 |
soundray | damageDOn1: YES, thanks SeveredCross, bchunk is the name of the package | 02:15 |
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Smilez | Mjv: my screen resolution without the Accelerated driver enabled, is 1024x768, when i enable the accelerated version, i get a whopping 800x600 max resolution | 02:15 |
mcmillen | mystread: mutt :D | 02:15 |
RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, i'll check, but i had it running fine on another pc | 02:15 |
mcmillen | does anyone know how to make KDE apps quit "blinking" in the GNOME window list? | 02:15 |
_Neil | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17706/ | 02:15 |
andreillin | ooo | 02:15 |
damageDOn1 | I know iso files you can right click and say burn to disk but not bin files right? | 02:15 |
matthew__ | Smilez: you try editing xorg.conf/ | 02:15 |
andreillin | andre | 02:15 |
soundray | mystread: I concur with mcmillen | 02:15 |
RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, i found more logs, lemme see | 02:15 |
_Neil | heres a backtrace from a rhythmbox crash, any ideas guys ^^? | 02:15 |
erider | MidNightSunRay: thanks and bianconeri that does not remove it completely | 02:15 |
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MjV | Smilez: Did you get the latest drivers off NVidia's site? And what video card do you have | 02:16 |
mystread | mcmillen: can that connect to MS Exchange? | 02:16 |
BHSPitMonkey | RemboSachs, if a corrupted part only affects your intel drivers, that could do it. | 02:16 |
Smilez | matthew__: yep... I put in my custom refresh rates, and all, but it wont give me any options besides 800x600 | 02:16 |
parithon | Has anybody successfully install Ubuntu 6.06 or 7.04 on an Apple G4 XServe? | 02:16 |
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Smilez | MjV: I got the latest drivers from the ubuntu repositories | 02:16 |
damageDOn1 | did you say bchunk is what I should use | 02:16 |
damageDOn1 | ? | 02:16 |
bianconeri | erider, try using purge | 02:16 |
soundray | damageDOn1: yes | 02:16 |
matthew__ | Smilez: hmm, it might be a driver issue then | 02:16 |
MidNightSunRay | erider, to be completely sure, you should also remove the hidden directory in your home associated to the program, if there's one.. | 02:16 |
damageDOn1 | is that in the repositories? | 02:16 |
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cybermatt | Question I installed Ubuntu on my external hd worked fine although the mbr seems courpt is there any way to redo the mbr form my Ubuntu box | 02:16 |
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soundray | !info bchunk | damageDOn1 | 02:16 |
ubotu | damagedon1: bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-4 (feisty), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB | 02:16 |
MjV | Smilez: I had a similar problem on my 6800gt's I had to get the drivers off Nvidias site | 02:16 |
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jpsamara | Do you guys still think automatix a bad idea? I installed it in a vmachine and it almost only did apt-get on ubuntu's repos | 02:17 |
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Smilez | matthew__: Its a problem with nvidia trying to detect my monitor. it simply can't, so it puts it on some crapy resolution | 02:17 |
damageDOn1 | Thanks soundray | 02:17 |
gursikh | Hey guys, I just updated to feisty. I was playing around in beryl in edgy, but here I have the "desktop effects" thing. This new thing is cool and fancy, has the cube and everything. The only thing that I miss is the thing where I moved the mouse to the top-right and all the open apps would tile/show and I could select/view them from there. Is there anyway (short of putting beryl back) I can get that? | 02:17 |
Smilez | MjV: how difficult was it to correct? | 02:17 |
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tbuss | How can I find information on a installed app in the terminal; for example, what version | 02:17 |
MidNightSunRay | gursikh, install beryl, or compiz | 02:17 |
goldy | \join tex | 02:17 |
MjV | Smilez: Not at all, I got the latest drivers, which I believe was a .deb package, and installed it | 02:17 |
soundray | jpsamara: many of the long timers are still deaf from the squeals of pain of old automatix victims. | 02:17 |
matthew__ | Smilez: yeah it did that to me to, my native res is 1440x900, so i had to edit xorg.conf and put it in there. but im assuming you tried restarting your comp or X? | 02:17 |
Smilez | MjV: Is there a possible repository i can use? | 02:18 |
soundray | tbuss: apt-cache policy packagename | 02:18 |
Smilez | matthew__: Ive rebooted like 12 times already, trying everything | 02:18 |
Nunzio | jpsamara: Thank you, the Mplayer plugin works really good and is alot better | 02:18 |
tbuss | soundray: thank you | 02:18 |
MjV | Smiles: let me check mine, hang on | 02:18 |
Smilez | thanks | 02:18 |
jpsamara | Nunzio: glad to be of help | 02:18 |
dhamma | matthew__, i'm calling you, but nothing is happening | 02:18 |
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RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, so far i only found one (WW) tag. no errors yet.. | 02:18 |
matthew__ | dhamma: it said i picked up? | 02:18 |
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matthew__ | dhamma: it shows you in the conference, try calling the skype test call | 02:19 |
gursikh | MidNightSunRay thanks! | 02:19 |
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dhamma | matthew__, the call duration is ticking away...how do i know? | 02:19 |
bryan | hey i need help with an ipod on feisty...i got one of my programs to recognize my buddies ipod shuffle...but the program doesnt seev the ipos nano.... | 02:19 |
MidNightSunRay | tbuss, try command --version | 02:19 |
DarknezzSpace | waht do i type to search in middle of a man page? | 02:19 |
mystread | soundray: can mutt connect to MS Exchange? | 02:19 |
linxeh | is there a way to reset the networkmanager configuration ? | 02:19 |
jrib | DarknezzSpace: / | 02:19 |
eck | DarknezzSpace: / | 02:19 |
soundray | DarknezzSpace: / (slash) | 02:19 |
matthew__ | dhamma, hold on, i think something is happening to my skype, its going really slow, let me restart skype | 02:19 |
MidNightSunRay | DarknezzSpace, / | 02:19 |
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linxeh | mystread: if you enable imap on exchange it should be able to | 02:19 |
DarknezzSpace | thanks | 02:19 |
MjV | Smilez: http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu | 02:19 |
dhamma | matthew__, i've tried that....i do the recording, but it never plays back | 02:19 |
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soundray | mystread: no, it's for reading and replying, not for fetching. | 02:19 |
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Nunzio | How do i stop SSH brute force attacks, its weird i just installed ubuntu like a few days ago and i've had like at least 12 different connections flooding auth.log with invalid users | 02:20 |
MjV | Anyone get Steam working on Edgy, or know how?? | 02:20 |
jrib | !ipod > bryan (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:20 |
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jrib | bryan: not sure if that will help or not | 02:20 |
mystread | thanks soundray and linxeh | 02:20 |
tbuss | MidNightSunRay: I don;t know something is not right. I know I have mysql installed but when I issue command for package info, it says its not installed | 02:20 |
Smilez | MjV: If i add that repository, and "check for updates" will it grab them? | 02:20 |
eck | Nunzio: generally it is not something you should worry about... if you are turn off password auth | 02:20 |
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MjV | it should | 02:20 |
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MjV | Smilez: It should | 02:20 |
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matthew__ | dhamma: i guess its not working | 02:20 |
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tbuss | I'm editing a db right now | 02:20 |
dhamma | matthew__, i failed the test call | 02:20 |
bryan | jrib i do not know still what !ipod means...is that a channel, can i go there with the join command? | 02:20 |
Nunzio | eck: I have DenyHosts installed and running now, should i still be worried about anything? | 02:20 |
eck | Nunzio: although realistically it is just a part of having ssh running | 02:20 |
Smilez | thanks MjV i'll give it a go right now | 02:20 |
MidNightSunRay | tbuss, search for mysql-client-common or mysql-server-common | 02:20 |
TOXIC_ | just a neeb question what is the command line for adding a text line at the end of a text file ? | 02:20 |
matthew__ | dhamma: wait, did you edit the sound things while skype was running | 02:20 |
jrib | bryan: what client are you using to speak with us on irc? | 02:20 |
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xamox | if I want to clear my apt-cache, what's the best way to do it? | 02:20 |
MjV | Smilez: No problem | 02:20 |
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eck | Nunzio: i wouldn't bother with it, i don't think it will really improve security much | 02:21 |
dhamma | matthew__, and still can't record in audacity...not sure what's wrong...i can hear myself on the headset | 02:21 |
MidNightSunRay | TOXIC_, cat "text" >> filename | 02:21 |
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dhamma | matthew__, yes i did | 02:21 |
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eck | Nunzio: i don't think the threat is very big in the first place though | 02:21 |
dhamma | matthew__, should i reboot my system? | 02:21 |
bryan | thanks jrib i got that link | 02:21 |
matthew__ | dhamma: try restarting skype then, or restart your comp | 02:21 |
cybermatt | Question I installed Ubuntu on my external hd worked fine although the mbr seems courpt is there any way to redo the mbr form my Ubuntu box | 02:21 |
soundray | TOXIC_: hey you neeb ;) 'echo "Some Text" >>filename | 02:21 |
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dhamma | matthew__, ok | 02:21 |
Nunzio | eck: What about those with insecure passwords, it might be to them? | 02:21 |
jrib | xamox: you mean like 'apt-get clean'? | 02:21 |
soundray | MidNightSunRay: no (TOXIC_) | 02:21 |
Nunzio | Doubtful there are those few | 02:21 |
soundray | MidNightSunRay: that'll append a file named text to filename | 02:22 |
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eck | Nunzio: passwd should stop you from choosing a bad password... ifyou look at the logs you will most likely see that only one or two passwords are tried for each user anyway | 02:22 |
ScrAm | I'm having a problem with my digital camera. Whenever I plug it into any of my USB ports, nothing is in /dev/bus/usb or /proc/bus/usb | 02:22 |
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xamox | jrib, perfect, thx | 02:22 |
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eck | Nunzio: i would be more worred about someone who gets a password through some other method, not brute force | 02:22 |
bryan | whern people refer to booting their "box" doe sthat mean their computer, or OS, ... | 02:22 |
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MidNightSunRay | soundray, lapsus.. | 02:22 |
linxeh | ScrAm: what problem, and what camera ? | 02:22 |
soundray | ScrAm: is it turned on? | 02:22 |
spankbot | Can anyone recommend a good pocast client / downloader | 02:22 |
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spankbot | for ubuntu | 02:22 |
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Nunzio | eck: Do i need to worry about a firewall such as firestarter? Or will my router be enough | 02:22 |
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eck | Nunzio: your router is fine | 02:23 |
soundray | ScrAm: some cameras want to be set to USB mass storage mode with a switch or something | 02:23 |
linxeh | ScrAm: does anything come up with lsusb -v ? | 02:23 |
hector | after I install the nvidia drivers the display works fine but I get choppy video, what can I do? | 02:23 |
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ScrAm | linxeh: Yes, quite a lot of stuff. Want me to pastebin? | 02:23 |
tbuss | MidNightSunRay: I guess it's not installed? thanks for your help | 02:23 |
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vcef | hi | 02:23 |
linxeh | ScrAm: yeah - run it with sudo though. what camera is it ? | 02:23 |
ejupin | Hi all, I need to log in as root so I can install a file for my broadcom wireless into /lib/firmware - I cant seem to log in as root, only user | 02:23 |
Smilez | MjV: http://nvidia.limitless.lupine.me.uk/ubuntu/ <-- is for edgy... will it work for feisty? | 02:23 |
haru | anyone know how to make linpopup play a music whenevr i recieve a net send | 02:24 |
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jrib | !root > ejupin (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:24 |
vcef | I use nvidia binary driver. Will hibernate work for me? (I am running feisty) | 02:24 |
jrib | !wireless > ejupin (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:24 |
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soundray | linxeh: lsusb doesn't normally need sudo | 02:24 |
MjV | Smilez: I'm not 100% sure | 02:24 |
MjV | what kind of monitor do you have? | 02:24 |
Smilez | some POS LCD from Dell | 02:24 |
ejupin | thanks, but that didnt answer my question | 02:24 |
linxeh | soundray: its the only way to remove the "operation not permitted" errors | 02:24 |
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Smilez | Pv755A (made by panosonic i think) | 02:24 |
soundray | vcef: it works here | 02:24 |
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SlickMcRunfast | Anyone have their wine diablo2 install freeze? right after the cd key is inputted. | 02:24 |
jrib | ejupin: why not? | 02:24 |
linxeh | can't get hub descriptor: Operation not permitted | 02:24 |
linxeh | cannot read device status, Operation not permitted (1) | 02:24 |
linxeh | etc | 02:24 |
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soundray | linxeh: ah okay | 02:25 |
ejupin | how do I log in as root instead of user from splash log in screen. doesnt allow it, keeps saying root not authorized to log in from this screen | 02:25 |
vcef | soundray: That's great. So I guess this page is no longer valid - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaLaptopBinaryDriverSuspend | 02:25 |
jrib | ejupin: why would you want to do that? That's silly | 02:25 |
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eck | ejupin: you can't do it unless you have a root password set (and shouldn't do it anyway) | 02:25 |
hector | if I use the binary to install nvidia will I get better results than with the Ubuntu package? | 02:26 |
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haru | anyone know how to make linpopup play a music whenevr i recieve a net send | 02:26 |
eck | ejupin: i think it might also be disabled int he default gdm settings | 02:26 |
ejupin | then how do i get into the /lib/firmware folder which is a root owned folder? | 02:26 |
ScrAm | linxeh: http://pastebin.ca/458674 | 02:26 |
jrib | ejupin: read the link ubotu gave you please | 02:26 |
eck | ejupin: open up a terminal and run your commands with sudo | 02:26 |
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ejupin | eck:i dont know commands to change the permissions that way | 02:26 |
parithon | Has anybody successfully install Ubuntu 6.06 or 7.04 on an Apple G4 XServe? I keep getting drive access errors | 02:26 |
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RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, the disk is 100% error free, just checked it | 02:26 |
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SlickMcRunfast | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_set.2Fchange.2Fenable_root_user_password | 02:27 |
Drk_Guy | Hy | 02:27 |
soundray | vcef: it mentions something about things being fixed in 96XX, and that's certainly true here. | 02:27 |
SlickMcRunfast | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_allow_root_user_to_login_into_GNOME | 02:27 |
ejupin | jrib:been reading and trying everything for 2 days already, sorry nothing works | 02:27 |
RemboSachs | BHSPitMonkey, should i boot to safe graphics mode | 02:27 |
Drk_Guy | How i can change the owner of a folder????? | 02:27 |
vcef | ok. so I don't have to tinker with anything. I just hit hibernate and everything will work? | 02:27 |
MidNightSunRay | Drk_Guy, chown | 02:27 |
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jrib | Drk_Guy: chown don't use this on system folders | 02:27 |
SlickMcRunfast | sudo chown USERNAME FOLDERNAME | 02:27 |
DarknezzSpace | how do i get ps into some sort of readable or skimmable order? | 02:28 |
Drk_Guy | It says it is from the root user | 02:28 |
MidNightSunRay | SlickMcRunfast, sudo isn't always necessary.. | 02:28 |
Drk_Guy | I'll try it | 02:28 |
vcef | for example - I don't have that NvAgp line in my xorg.conf | 02:28 |
jrib | DarknezzSpace: use grep to grep for what you want. Depending on what you are doing you may prefer 'top' | 02:28 |
tbuss | MidNightSunRay: dont know if you care but I found it with mysql-server | 02:28 |
Inacio_Gorayeb | I have a ATI graphic card and i'm are using beryl, but te decoration of the windows go off anybody know what is this? | 02:28 |
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eck | DarknezzSpace: use ps -o and sort, although i would just use something like top | 02:28 |
DarknezzSpace | ok thanks | 02:28 |
soundray | vcef: the only way to find out is to try. Even if it fails and you have to cold boot, you aren't risking anything major. | 02:29 |
MidNightSunRay | tbuss, ;) | 02:29 |
SlickMcRunfast | oh DRK_Guy, try this too if there are other things in the folder | 02:29 |
vcef | ok | 02:29 |
vcef | thanks | 02:29 |
SlickMcRunfast | chown -R USERNAME FOLERNAME | 02:29 |
SlickMcRunfast | i think | 02:29 |
_Neil | Hey all.. how can I remove the 2 old (post feisty) kernels from my grub/system? | 02:29 |
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jrib | Drk_Guy: what folder is this? | 02:29 |
MidNightSunRay | _Neil, remove the linux-kernel-* packages related to it | 02:29 |
bryan | how do i know if i am root? | 02:29 |
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MidNightSunRay | bryan, whoami | 02:30 |
bryan | and what is root exactly? | 02:30 |
RemboSachs | Can someone help me, i am trying to boot from Live-CD and i get a server X error. | 02:30 |
Drk_Guy | The Desktop | 02:30 |
Inacio_Gorayeb | I have a ATI graphic card and i'm are using beryl, but te decoration of the windows go off anybody know what is this? | 02:30 |
bryan | midnightsunray | 02:30 |
Drk_Guy | It says it is from the "Root" user | 02:30 |
bruenig | bryan, root is the super user, he can do anything. | 02:30 |
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bryan | am i the super user? | 02:30 |
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Pelo | RemboSachs, do you have either a nvidia or ati video card ? | 02:30 |
Drk_Guy | so i cannot delete it/change it properties | 02:30 |
_Neil | MidNightSunRay: thanks | 02:30 |
eck | bryan: not by default | 02:30 |
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RemboSachs | Pelo, i have an ATI mobility radeon x1600 | 02:31 |
linxeh | ScrAm`: what camera is it ? | 02:31 |
bryan | this is my 4th day using linux ever, but it is the onlu OS i have at the moment | 02:31 |
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bryan | how do i become root | 02:31 |
bruenig | bryan, you are not the super user, by default the super user does not exist. You can become the super user in order to run a root command by prefixing the command with sudo | 02:31 |
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jrib | Drk_Guy: sudo chown -R $USER: ~/Desktop as someone said ebfore | 02:31 |
bryan | im on fiesty | 02:31 |
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jrib | !root > bryan (see the private message from ubotu) | 02:31 |
arrow_ | When I hook a dvd player into my computer bios doesn't recognize it | 02:31 |
ScrAm` | Microtek Take-it MV320 | 02:31 |
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Pelo | RemboSachs, I think you will have to use the alternate install cd which is text based, and install the restricted driver for ati card afterward | 02:31 |
_Neil | MidNightSunRay: I dont have any linux-kernel images... | 02:31 |
DarkrhaveN | hi | 02:32 |
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_Neil | packages*** | 02:32 |
DarkrhaveN | anyone know how to install windows xp over unbuntu ? | 02:32 |
linxeh | ScrAm`: ugh :) and it is a digital camera, not a webcam ? | 02:32 |
RemboSachs | Pelo, does that mean i can't use my current CD? :( | 02:32 |
Pelo | RemboSachs, donT' hold me to that, there might be another way but I don't know it | 02:32 |
ScrAm` | linxeh: I think it can be used as a webcam. I don't know. | 02:32 |
Wicks | When my lappy switches to battery power, both the cores on the core2duo drop to 1ghz... (great!) but all of a sudden it's doing it when the laptop is plugged in as well. Any ideas? | 02:32 |
_Neil | MidNightSunRay: You mean linux-image packages?? | 02:32 |
RemboSachs | oh | 02:32 |
linxeh | DarkrhaveN: I hear it needs intervention by the devil | 02:32 |
MidNightSunRay | DarknezzSpace, just install it in anpother partition and then adjust grub.. | 02:32 |
ScrAm` | It's a digitcal camera. Used for videos, pictures, audio. | 02:32 |
Pelo | RemboSachs, that would be the case, you would have to dl another cd | 02:32 |
MidNightSunRay | _Neil, i think so | 02:32 |
DarkrhaveN | linxeh: good to know. | 02:32 |
ScrAm` | digital* | 02:32 |
RemboSachs | dang | 02:32 |
linxeh | ScrAm`: ok, did you turn it on? | 02:32 |
cmatheson | i'm getting this weird error on one of my boxes (it's still running edgy). i try to start x, but i get this error when running startx: Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console | 02:32 |
soundray | ScrAm`: does it have a memory card? | 02:33 |
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ScrAm` | linxeh: If I try to turn it on while it's connected to the computer, it shuts right back off. | 02:33 |
ScrAm` | soundray: Yeah. | 02:33 |
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Drk_Guy | Hey, it doesn't return results | 02:33 |
Drk_Guy | But it has worked | 02:33 |
Drk_Guy | Thanks Guys!!!!! | 02:33 |
jterrero | Does anyone know of a program which can natively burn .mdf image files to DVD without having to use a 3rd party program to convert it from mdf to iso first | 02:33 |
Drk_Guy | ;) | 02:33 |
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bruenig | jterrero, no | 02:33 |
linxeh | ScrAm`: hmm - have you used it on windows ? | 02:33 |
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bruenig | jterrero, just convert it | 02:33 |
ScrAm` | linxeh: Yep. | 02:34 |
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linxeh | ScrAm`: did you have to turn it on with windows ? | 02:34 |
stiv2k | Anyone here run a SRCDS??????? | 02:34 |
soundray | ScrAm`: save yourself some pain and get a USB 2.0 card reader. Most cameras work at reduced speed (so called full speed) on the USB. | 02:34 |
DarkrhaveN | so | 02:34 |
jterrero | well, when i try to convert it it tells me that it is already an iso file | 02:34 |
ScrAm` | linxeh: nope. | 02:34 |
Pelo | jterrero, doesnT gnomebaker do it ? | 02:34 |
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DarkrhaveN | linxeh: how can I make it happen ? | 02:34 |
jterrero | Pelo: will gnomebaker work with kde | 02:34 |
linxeh | DarkrhaveN: I dont know, I've never done it, nor do I intend to | 02:34 |
bruenig | jterrero, rename it .iso and see if you can burn it | 02:34 |
tripppy | would there be a good reason why my PCI DVB card is not working in 7.10 when it worked fine in 6.10? | 02:34 |
soundray | ScrAm`: even my luxury Leica | 02:34 |
linxeh | DarkrhaveN: at a rough guess you just boot from the Windows XP cd... | 02:34 |
jterrero | bruenig: tried that as well, nero wont recognize it | 02:34 |
ScrAm` | soundray: About how much are those? And does it go into the computer or is it external? | 02:34 |
Pelo | jterrero, kb3 in kde , very similar, should to it as well | 02:35 |
bruenig | nero? | 02:35 |
cybermatt | hello i don't mean to annoy anybody here but | 02:35 |
DarkrhaveN | i tried that. it won't boot. | 02:35 |
linxeh | soundray: ooh you have an M8 ? | 02:35 |
cybermatt | Question I installed Ubuntu on my external hd worked fine although the mbr seems courpt is there any way to redo the mbr form my Ubuntu box | 02:35 |
soundray | ScrAm`: about 10 EUR (12$), there are both varieties | 02:35 |
arrow_ | When I hook a dvd drive into my computer bios doesn't recognize it | 02:35 |
Pelo | jterrero, if kb3 doesn'T do it I doubt gnomebaker can | 02:35 |
stiv2k | Anyone here run a SRCDS??????? | 02:35 |
soundray | linxeh: no, not quite that luxurious ;) | 02:35 |
bruenig | arrow, ubuntu does not make bioses | 02:35 |
jterrero | going to try both of them | 02:35 |
soundray | linxeh: it's a D-Lux 3 | 02:35 |
linxeh | soundray: ah :) I use a Canon 1V and 20D | 02:35 |
cybermatt | can anybody help me | 02:36 |
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linxeh | ScrAm`: did you have to install windows drivers for your camera ? | 02:36 |
soundray | linxeh: how speedy are those on the USB? Or are they analog? (Pardon my ignorance...) | 02:36 |
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ScrAm` | linxeh: Nope. | 02:36 |
ScrAm` | Just plugged it into USB and it popped up in Windows. | 02:36 |
jterrero | gnomebaker wont burn it either | 02:36 |
Pelo | cybermatt, just state your problem if someone can help they will try | 02:36 |
Tony_ | cybermatt, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=296619&highlight=grub | 02:36 |
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cybermatt | thanks | 02:37 |
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linxeh | soundray: the 1V is film, the 20D is digital, and I think its usb2 - nowhere near as fast as the card reader though | 02:37 |
Tony_ | np | 02:37 |
linxeh | soundray: only plugged it in twice to use it in "tethered" mode - ie the PC controls the camera. | 02:37 |
GionnyBoss | DarkrhaveN: it must boot. If it doesn't boot, then it's a cd problem. Well... are you sure you changed your BIOS settings to boot from CD? | 02:37 |
arrow_ | bruenig, it worked fine, then I tried to reinstall ubuntu and it didn't work, and now I'm trying to install it on a diff. hard drive and bioses doesn't recognize the dvd drive, even though it used to | 02:37 |
Pelo | jterrero, search for the extension in google, to know the native application and search synaptic for an alternative | 02:37 |
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linxeh | ScrAm`: very odd, because your computer doesnt even know about the device atm, let alone linux trying to load a driver for it. have you tried a different USB port? | 02:38 |
soundray | linxeh: yeah, they connect at USB 2.0 "full speed" rather than "high speed", like the card reader. | 02:38 |
DarkrhaveN | GionnyBoss: changed the boot sequence, i put the cd first in the sequence. | 02:38 |
jterrero | all google gives me is to convert the shit to iso | 02:38 |
jterrero | which i tried | 02:38 |
TOXIC_ | soundray, sorry, my question was wrong, i wanted to DELETE the last line of a file... i asked the wrong question... | 02:38 |
ScrAm` | linxeh: I'll try that. | 02:38 |
jterrero | but when i try, mdf2iso tells me that my file already is an iso | 02:38 |
DarkrhaveN | it still didn't boot, is there a way I can run that cd from unbuntu ? with wine possible ? | 02:38 |
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ScrAm` | I have like 8. :P | 02:38 |
linxeh | ScrAm`: try not to use the USB hub if possible | 02:38 |
linxeh | maybe the hub is onboard heh | 02:38 |
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Tony_ | jterrero, have you tried just renaming it to *.iso? | 02:39 |
ScrAm` | Nope, not plugging it into the hub. | 02:39 |
DarkrhaveN | I wanna keep unbuntu but I can't figure out how to configure my wireless network card. | 02:39 |
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ScrAm` | Still not working though. :/ | 02:39 |
GionnyBoss | DarkrhaveN: so it must boot. What you have installed on your hard disk has got nothing to do with it. You can't install an operative system from another one... you should just boot from the cd. | 02:39 |
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DarkrhaveN | GionnyBoss: even when I set it first. it skips the cd and starts unbuntu | 02:39 |
GionnyBoss | DarkrhaveN: tryed to search on google? | 02:39 |
Tony_ | jterrero, not sure it will work but a .bin file i've renamed .iso and hase worked on burning | 02:39 |
linxeh | ScrAm`: might be worth doing a power off / on cycle (keep the power off for 20 seconds or so). if that doesnt work, try a different usb cable, otherwise I don't know :o | 02:39 |
Pelo | jterrero, did you try just changing the extension to .iso and try buring it ? | 02:39 |
soundray | TOXIC_: that's a little more complicated | 02:39 |
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DarkrhaveN | GionnyBoss: yeah, I was thinking maybe installing wine and running the cd in wine might work. | 02:40 |
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Nunzio | Does anyone know of an oddcast/icecast plugin for audacious | 02:40 |
TOXIC_ | soundray, exactly, because I know how to add a line | 02:40 |
GionnyBoss | DarkrhaveN: I mean tryed to search on google for your wireless card | 02:40 |
ScrAm` | Well this USB cable works, because I was just messing with my MP3 player from it. | 02:40 |
TOXIC_ | just, remove it... don't know... | 02:40 |
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DarkrhaveN | no, that I havn't thought of it. | 02:40 |
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soundray | TOXIC_: cat filename | head -n $[$(cat filename | wc -l)-1] | 02:41 |
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TOXIC_ | had the idea of a loop reading line by line the first file, writing to another file, and then, replace the first file... but is there an easyer way ? | 02:41 |
GionnyBoss | DarkrhaveN: nah, it would not work. You can't "run" it... you have to boot it. If it doesn't boot, you have problems with your Windows CD, and, by the way, it's not a #ubuntu problem | 02:41 |
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SpaceBassLaptop | when apt-get tells me it it cannot resolve a host, but I can ping that host...what does that mean? | 02:41 |
linxeh | ScrAm`: maybe change the batteries in the camera if they are low? | 02:41 |
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jterrero | Pelo: tomaw_ : yes | 02:41 |
jterrero | i tried | 02:41 |
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jterrero | changing it to iso.. nero will not recognize it | 02:41 |
ScrAm` | linxeh: Tried that. | 02:41 |
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linxeh | SpaceBassLaptop: maybe your resolv.conf is screwed | 02:42 |
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jterrero | also, i know its not the image, ive burned the same exact image from windows box with no problems | 02:42 |
stiv2k | Anyone here run a SRCDS??????? | 02:42 |
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TOXIC_ | soundray, is it that simple ? | 02:42 |
luisbg | anybody running ubuntu in a powerbook? | 02:42 |
Pelo | jterrero, and does kb3 recognise it when it is changed to .iso ? | 02:42 |
soleblaze | Anyone here setup suspend/hibernate with an nvidia card? I get the error that says it can't unload the nvidia driver.. I put "NvAGP" "1" in my config file, but nvidia still uses agpgart (my guess as to what's wrong) | 02:42 |
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TOXIC_ | soundray, thanks a lot ! | 02:42 |
LjL | SpaceBassLaptop: it often means that your router has a little bug, which makes it go crazy when there's too many DNS (i.e. hostname resolution) requests all at once. try pointing your /etc/resolv.conf file to some other DNS server than your own home router (for example, is a valid server) | 02:42 |
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tbuss | When asked for a Database Server Hostname / DSN, I used cat /etc/resolv.conf, Should I use oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net or | 02:42 |
soundray | TOXIC_: well, it writes it to stdout, so to be complete: | 02:42 |
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SpaceBassLaptop | I use opendns already | 02:42 |
SpaceBassLaptop | hummm | 02:43 |
jterrero | Pelo: standby, will check now | 02:43 |
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DarknezzSpace | i got to top then i pressed F then X then im stuck how to get all the pages in alphabetical order | 02:43 |
SpaceBassLaptop | the thing is, I can ping them by name...its just apt-get that fails | 02:43 |
craigbass1976 | I have a blind friend who pays through the nose for text to speech software on his windows box. Is there an opensource equivilent for Ubuntu? | 02:44 |
adamowitz | When playing blender's ED/1920HD (http://orange.blender.org/download) on the primary screen in feisty, I get bizarre distortion in all window sizes (screen res 1680x1050). When playing on secondary screen (1920x1080) no distortion. any idea why? It's not a codec problem. | 02:44 |
SpaceBassLaptop | craigbass1976, cepistral | 02:44 |
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Pelo | adamowitz, I beleive there is | 02:44 |
stiv2k | Anyone here run a SRCDS??????? | 02:45 |
SpaceBassLaptop | craigbass1976, http://www.cepstral.com/ | 02:45 |
sanityx | What is the natively compiled Azureus exactley? Does it not run in the JVM or something | 02:45 |
SpaceBassLaptop | craigbass1976, Cepstral has some voices that are down right freaky...that good | 02:45 |
craigbass1976 | SpaceBassLaptop, is the bass in your name related to fish, or music? | 02:45 |
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SpaceBassLaptop | craigbass1976, in 15 years no one has asked and EVERY has assumed it was the fish... THANK YOU... its music | 02:45 |
soundray | SpaceBassLaptop: but cepstral isn't open source -- is it? | 02:45 |
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SpaceBassLaptop | soundray, no, true... but its pretty darned cheap | 02:46 |
Pelo | adamowitz, someting called britty handles brail displays and I'm looking for the voice thing right now | 02:46 |
frandavid100 | hello! | 02:46 |
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nosrednaeki1 | anybody else having trouble with the ati driver in fiesty? | 02:46 |
frandavid100 | can someone tell me how I can completely reset my menu settings? | 02:46 |
nosrednaeki1 | its not letting me log back in after loggin out | 02:46 |
adamowitz | thanks Pelo | 02:46 |
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soundray | !info screader | craigbass1976, maybe this is useful | 02:47 |
ubotu | craigbass1976, maybe this is useful: screader: Screen reader using software or hardware speech synthesizer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.8-5 (feisty), package size 143 kB, installed size 372 kB | 02:47 |
DarknezzSpace | how do i get top to alphabetize every process? | 02:47 |
luisbg | no feisty for ppc? | 02:47 |
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malverian | | webcam | 02:47 |
soundray | luisbg: there is a community-supported port | 02:47 |
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malverian | !webcam | 02:47 |
ubotu | Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 02:47 |
DarknezzSpace | !top | 02:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about top - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:47 |
soundray | !info gnopernicus | craigbass1976, perhaps even better | 02:47 |
ubotu | craigbass1976, perhaps even better: gnopernicus: Screen reader for GNOME 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 599 kB, installed size 8488 kB | 02:47 |
adamowitz | try man top | 02:47 |
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Pelo | adamowitz, sorry I wasn'T talking to you, I wanted craigbass1976 , I made a mistake | 02:48 |
luisbg | soundray, but it is more recommended to install edgy then? | 02:48 |
DarknezzSpace | trying to get an alphabet listing of running processes... | 02:48 |
adamowitz | oh... that's why your reply didn't make any sense to me... thanks for explaining :) | 02:48 |
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cybermatt | !help | 02:49 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 02:49 |
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soundray | luisbg: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/ | 02:49 |
kbrooks | bye all going to bed | 02:49 |
MidNightSunRay | DarknezzSpace, i think the only way is a mix of ps, awk and sort.. :p | 02:50 |
Pelo | craigbass1976, there is a general multi-lingual speech synthesis system called festival | 02:50 |
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_`XeOn_ | hello | 02:50 |
soundray | luisbg: only if you can't live without professional support. Ubuntu community support is very good. | 02:50 |
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linxeh | I'm about to buy a new workstation with probably two or three 24" or 30" panels - what would be the best graphics card to go for to ensure that multiple desktops / large desktop tiling works properly? | 02:50 |
DarknezzSpace | heh | 02:50 |
DarknezzSpace | thanks | 02:50 |
MidNightSunRay | hi _`XeOn_ | 02:50 |
_`XeOn_ | i need support for feisty plz | 02:50 |
palmerthegeek | hey all | 02:50 |
AMAG | linxeh I just bought one 30" panel and a 7600GT to go with it. That graphics card will drive only one 30" display, though | 02:50 |
luisbg | soundray, I will give it a try then... do you know if the wifi in the powerbook is supported= | 02:50 |
luisbg | ? | 02:51 |
MidNightSunRay | _`XeOn_, simply ask.. | 02:51 |
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linxeh | AMAG: yeah, I can stick multiple cards in the machine, it just depends on whether the drivers will let that happen | 02:51 |
AMAG | linxeh:If you need two or more, consider an nvidia 8800GTX which supports two dual-link, 2560x1600 displays per card | 02:51 |
linxeh | I don't want to spend all that money and end up with two 30" doorstops | 02:51 |
LjL | DarknezzSpace, MidNightSunRay: "ps aux --sort cmd" | 02:51 |
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linxeh | AMAG: ok, cool - or I could look to the Quadros ? | 02:51 |
bryan | se me midnightsunray | 02:51 |
AMAG | Keep in mind you need two dual-link DVI connectors (and the card willing to drive them) so it's not purely a driver issue | 02:51 |
soundray | luisbg: no, I don't know, but you can look up installation reports on the web or on tuxmobil.com | 02:51 |
bryan | excuse* | 02:52 |
_`XeOn_ | i upgraded my system from edgy to feisty and when i did restart my ubuntu died says something like x.server error | 02:52 |
AMAG | The 8800GTX is superior to all the current Quadro cards | 02:52 |
luisbg | soundray, thanks | 02:52 |
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_`XeOn_ | how to fix this? | 02:52 |
DarknezzSpace | ah neat thanks | 02:52 |
linxeh | AMAG: ok - and I guess that the consumer cards get more up to date linux drivers | 02:52 |
AMAG | Quadros have good professional support, but they are not necessarily the best cards available. You will notice that nvidia is no longer publishing tech specs on the Quadro cards online -- this is because consumer cards are actually "faster" | 02:52 |
linxeh | AMAG: ok, cool :) | 02:52 |
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_`XeOn_ | any1? | 02:53 |
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AMAG | Maybe you could answer a question for me, and help me understand how to use xauth so I can run X11 clients on my workstation display when the apps are running on other machines on my network. :-) | 02:53 |
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bryan | i am using wine to try and run a recovery disk that is only opened with an exe file, it says it installs it, but then i do not know how to run the program in wine | 02:53 |
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Robbie | If I have an agp graphics card, but my Xorg.conf says Busid"PCI:1:0:0" how much trouble am I in? | 02:54 |
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soundray | AMAG: make it easy for yourself, use ssh X forwarding | 02:54 |
bryan | is there anyway to change the exe file into one i can boot to from a disk?? | 02:54 |
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Pelo | I've seen several laptop ppl asking this and I started to wonder if it could hellp me, Ihave an older CRT monitor, is ther a way to adjust brightness and contrast from ubuntu ? | 02:54 |
AMAG | soundray I know how to use that, and I also know how to say "xhost +hostname/ip" but I have wondered for _years_ how to get what I want from xauth | 02:54 |
sanityx | I'm having trouble with the new network manager. My WiFi works great in roaming mode, but in manual configuration I can only use WEP, and my network is WPA. | 02:54 |
_`XeOn_ | Robbie thats nothing my xserver wont start im using command line to get some help :( | 02:54 |
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enix | is anyone else having trouble upgrading to feisty fawn? i keep getting an error that says "failed to fetch cdrom" and refrences dapper drake. It aslo says that it may be a network problem, but my internet is fine, no firewall or anything like that. | 02:55 |
linxeh | sanityx: I've got the same problem, but I can't seem to get it back into roaming mode | 02:55 |
Robbie | _`XeOn_: I've been there for the last three days, I finally gave up and reinstalled | 02:55 |
sanityx | linxeh, You just check the box. Might need to reboot. | 02:55 |
parithon | Has anybody successfully install Ubuntu 6.06 or 7.04 on an Apple G4 XServe? I keep getting drive access errors | 02:55 |
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jrib | enix: what version are you using now? | 02:55 |
linxeh | sanityx: which box ? :o | 02:55 |
craigbass1976 | THanks for the speech links guys. I have them all in browsers now. | 02:55 |
py_geek | how can i get rid of the kde files in ubuntu? | 02:55 |
_`XeOn_ | Help me | 02:55 |
sanityx | linxeh, Click on the network manager in the tray, then click manual config | 02:55 |
tripppy | would there be a good reason why my PCI DVB card is not working in 7.10 when it worked fine in 6.10? | 02:56 |
soundray | AMAG: sounds like you need a *real* expert, then ;) | 02:56 |
jrib | !helpme _`XeOn_ | 02:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about helpme _`xeon_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:56 |
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py_geek | kde programs* | 02:56 |
jrib | !helpme | _`XeOn_ | 02:56 |
sanityx | linxeh, then click your wifi and click properties | 02:56 |
ubotu | _`XeOn_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:56 |
_`XeOn_ | very funny | 02:56 |
sanityx | and then check the roaming mode box | 02:56 |
enix | jrib: 'uname -a: 2.6.17-11-386 | 02:56 |
AMAG | soundray I think xauth might be a lost art outside of university computing labs! | 02:56 |
linxeh | sanityx: I'm using KDE here, so I dont see the same options :o | 02:56 |
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Pelo | enix, are you upgrading frmo cd ? you need the alternate install cd not the the live cd | 02:56 |
jrib | enix: I mean, what version of ubuntu? dapper or edgy? | 02:56 |
sanityx | linxeh, oooooh, cant help ya there. | 02:56 |
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Kubuntu_noob | anyone know of an isa-pnp module for ubuntu? | 02:56 |
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SpaceBassLaptop | anyone else got suggestions for why ping resolves hosts but apt-get doesnt ? | 02:56 |
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enix | Pelo: no im doing in via update manager | 02:56 |
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soundray | AMAG: even inside you might be lost... I'm not sure who I'd ask in ours | 02:57 |
enix | edgy | 02:57 |
AMAG | linxeh:If you don't mind my asking, which 30" display do you like best? I bought the Dell model but only because the Apple and HP displays are a tiny bit larger, and they will not fit underneath the hutch on my desk :) | 02:57 |
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jrib | enix: pastebin your sources.list | 02:57 |
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linxeh | sanityx: ok I found it by running the gnome one - many thanks :) | 02:57 |
sanityx | linxeh, heh | 02:57 |
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sanityx | linxeh, thats a lame solution though | 02:57 |
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py_geek | how can i remove files from the ubuntu menu on the top? | 02:57 |
Pelo | enix, the servers are a bit overloaded because of the high volume of ppl upgrading, this might account for the problem if you can you might want to upgrade from cd and download it using torrents | 02:57 |
_`XeOn_ | i have serious problems with ma xorg.conf i cant boot in graphics mode only command line | 02:57 |
rottenap2 | misfit_toy: can you paste that link one more time? | 02:57 |
sanityx | linxeh, I'm pretty sure you can use kwifi or something for that | 02:57 |
linxeh | sanityx: yeah, maybe I'm tired though and missed the option :) | 02:57 |
rottenap2 | i'm on the desktop | 02:57 |
jrib | py_geek: right click on the ubuntu icon > edit menus | 02:57 |
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AMAG | XeOn maybe you can be specific about the error message displayed | 02:58 |
linxeh | AMAG: not sure - I need to get 2 new workstations for some heavy visualisation research we are about to start, and have a fairly large budget for each | 02:58 |
fsckr | evening guys waht does this cmd do? cat /dev/urandom > /dev/null? | 02:58 |
AMAG | I just struggled with the 7.04 gdm for a while before I got it working. I believe the gdmsetup X11 app is a bit buggy. | 02:58 |
linxeh | AMAG: I liked the apple ones when I saw them last time I was in the USA, and we just got a Dell one for something else - its nice, but doesnt look quite as sexy as the apples | 02:58 |
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soundray | fsckr: it sends random numbers to oblivion | 02:58 |
_`XeOn_ | AMAG how i can see the error again if i can only see when i boot up | 02:59 |
computo2 | hi | 02:59 |
fsckr | I was told to use that cmd as a cpu overload is that correct? | 02:59 |
stiv2k | Anyone here run a Source Dedicated Server ????? | 02:59 |
fsckr | for testing cpu | 02:59 |
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linxeh | fsckr: it will use part of the cpu but not necessarily all of it | 02:59 |
AMAG | XeOn `sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart` should cause it to try to start gdm (and X11) again and re-produce the error. You know how to switch between VTs right? | 02:59 |
Tarkus | hey, is there a way to make it so i have root access while working in the GUI (window manager). instead of having to sudo in a terminal? | 02:59 |
soundray | fsckr: better to use cpuburn | 02:59 |
fsckr | ok then its not feasible | 03:00 |
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fsckr | yea soundray but thats in winders :P | 03:00 |
HaSH | fsckr, its uses /dev/urandom to generate randmon stuff and it puts it to /dev/null which is nothing its somthing to throw data at to make it go away | 03:00 |
soundray | no, fsckr | 03:00 |
soundray | !info cpuburn | fsckr | 03:00 |
linxeh | AMAG: I'm tempted to buy apple hardware too :o | 03:00 |
ubotu | fsckr: cpuburn: a collection of programs to put heavy load on CPU. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-23 (feisty), package size 13 kB, installed size 116 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 hurd-i386 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64) | 03:00 |
fsckr | :O | 03:00 |
fsckr | awesome | 03:00 |
fsckr | ty much soundray | 03:00 |
enix | jrib: patebin not working 4 me | 03:01 |
Pelo | jterrero, did the burn work ? | 03:01 |
atselby | Where can I go to talk to anyone who works on Screenlets? | 03:01 |
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digin4 | how can i send something via bluetooth on 7.04? | 03:01 |
soundray | fsckr: run 'dpkg -L cpuburn | grep bin' to list the binaries and pick the one you need for your CPU | 03:01 |
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jrib | enix: use any other pastebin you want | 03:01 |
enix | jrib: *pastebin | 03:01 |
fsckr | k thx | 03:01 |
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AMAG | linxeh:I considered doing that but, to my surprise, the best video card Apple offers is the ATI 1900XTX(?), which is substantially inferior to the nvidia products. I -think- it can do two 30" displays though | 03:01 |
Pelo | atselby, what engine are you using ? | 03:01 |
fsckr | again | 03:01 |
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atselby | pelo: ..Screenlets, I think it's Compiz? | 03:01 |
HaSH | fsckr, also take a look at unixbench if you are looking to bnechmark or w/e | 03:01 |
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Pelo | atselby, doesn'T realy matter check the site of the ppl who make that screelets thing and see if the y have achannel or a forum | 03:02 |
enix | jrib: http://rafb.net/p/Ssf7E944.html | 03:02 |
AMAG | Rumor has it that even the upcoming ATI 2900-series card is only about half-way between the 7950GX2 and 8800GTX in 3DMark score. | 03:02 |
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fsckr | ty HaSH | 03:02 |
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atselby | pelo: okay, I just wanted to see if anyone here knew of one offhand. | 03:02 |
linxeh | AMAG: hmm :o it's hard to decide what to do, because so much of academia is using Apple now, and there are loads of visualisation tools for OSX. I don't want to spend that much money and then be locked out of a bunch of stuff | 03:02 |
HaSH | np | 03:02 |
atselby | thanks | 03:02 |
AMAG | The Apple OS is certainly easy to use, too; especially for graphics people | 03:02 |
slave4women | hello | 03:02 |
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Tarkus | anyone know if there is a way to have root access while working in the GUI (window manager). instead of having to 'sudo su' in a terminal? | 03:02 |
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AMAG | Maybe you should ask an nvidia vendor if OSX supports the 8800GTX | 03:03 |
Robbie | On startup I was greeted with the following: Nautilus can't be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when attempting to locate the factory. Killing bonobo-activation-server and restarting Nautilus may help fix the problem | 03:03 |
Pelo | atselby, I know gdesklets as a channel on another network but it is almost always empty | 03:03 |
slave4women | hello, acn someone private message me | 03:03 |
jrib | enix: get rid of the cdrom repo (delete the first line) and 'sudo apt-get update'. Also, I'd recommend removing automatix | 03:03 |
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AMAG | I would imagine the newer PowerMac mainboards have two PCI-e x16 slots. One would hope so. | 03:03 |
linxeh | AMAG: I'm not *too* bothered about bleeding edge 3D performance - I'm mainly dealing in 2D graph visualisation etc, but again I don't want to lock myself out of things | 03:03 |
computo2 | i cant install ubuntu, the cd starts but it stops with the message "cant acces tty: job control turned off" | 03:03 |
atselby | pelo: Yes, I used to use gDesklets and had been there. Thanks though. | 03:03 |
computo2 | what can i do? | 03:03 |
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soundray | Tarkus: can you rephrase that please -- what are you trying to do? | 03:03 |
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enix | jrib: automatix altogether, or just the entry | 03:03 |
xburnxinxhell | Hello | 03:04 |
AMAG | Well, the 8800GTX is around $600, and draws a lot of power; though it's reputed that the ATI 2900 is less performance/watt than the NV GPU too | 03:04 |
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jrib | enix: automatix altogether (only the one line in your sources.list though) | 03:04 |
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Crazytom | sanityx, google for wpa supplicant | 03:05 |
xburnxinxhell | I'm trying to install the new ubuntu version on my pc and it will not install or when it tries ittle get to a boot screen and ask for a user/pass and wont let me go on from there right now i'm downloading the 64 bit edition even tho i have a intel with 2 processors | 03:05 |
rbrtoclto | is there a way to disable the notification area balloons without removing the notification area entirely? | 03:05 |
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AMAG | I think a new nvidia "enthusiast" (SP?) card will come out in Q3 to replace the 8800GTX now that they have more experience with the NV70-series GPUs. | 03:05 |
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AMAG | The 8500/8600 silicon differs quite a bit from the 8800 | 03:05 |
sanityx | Crazytom, I know all about wpa supplicant. I was hoping not to have to do that manually anymore. | 03:05 |
Crazytom | oh | 03:05 |
enix | jrib: do u recomend easyubuntu then | 03:05 |
xburnxinxhell | I'm trying to install the new ubuntu version on my pc and it will not install or when it tries ittle get to a boot screen and ask for a user/pass and wont let me go on from there right now i'm downloading the 64 bit edition even tho i have a intel with 2 processors | 03:05 |
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Pelo | atselby, I believe there is a #compiz on this network, I might be wrong | 03:05 |
Tarkus | soundray: when go to Places>Computer, and then clikc on Filesystem (root), then i am viewing / in a window browser but i dont have root rights so im unable to remove folders or edit xorg.conf. or anything without going into a terminal, typing 'sudo su', and then only able to operate with terminal commands, is there a way to get root acces without having to use terminal? and just be able to visually right click remove? with root | 03:06 |
Tarkus | rights? | 03:06 |
soundray | !repeat | xburnxinxhell | 03:06 |
walkintome | hi all. im trying to install my wireless n usb adapter (wusb300n) and after 2 days i am still not up and running. i have not been able to install ndiswrapper | 03:06 |
ubotu | xburnxinxhell: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 03:06 |
errorlevel | I'm having a problem updating from Edgy to Feisty. :-/ Can someone help? When I click the Upgrade button in Update Manager, it says it can't download the release notes. | 03:06 |
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linxeh | AMAG: ok, many thanks for your advice - I'll have a good look into it tomorrow | 03:06 |
walkintome | i was hoping someone could help me get my system connected ot the internet . im running feisty 32-bit | 03:06 |
soundray | Tarkus: okay, understand. In the terminal, run gksu nautilus | 03:06 |
linxeh | AMAG: I fear that RAM is going to eat most of my budget though | 03:06 |
AMAG | RAM is cheap. :-) | 03:06 |
linxeh | AMAG: 64GB in 16x4GB dimms isnt :) | 03:06 |
soundray | Tarkus: and please use 'sudo -i' for a root shell. 'sudo su', 'sudo bash' etc. give you mixed environments. | 03:06 |
AMAG | indeed! | 03:06 |
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linxeh | I just ordered 256GB of that for some servers - around 48K :o | 03:07 |
Tarkus | soundray: alright, thanks. | 03:07 |
jrib | enix: there's really no need for either in feisty. libdvdcss is the only thing that would require some extra work and you could get that very easily by just using the medibuntu repos | 03:07 |
linxeh | right, offtopic enough :) | 03:07 |
gonnaeatthat | hey anyone know the sites off hand to search for linux programs? | 03:07 |
Tarkus | soundray: so i should use sudo su? i should do sudo -i? | 03:07 |
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linxeh | thanks again everyone - see you later | 03:07 |
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gonnaeatthat | im searching for an alternative to a windows program and have had 0 luck | 03:07 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: freshmeat.net, sourceforge.net | 03:07 |
soundray | Tarkus: use 'sudo -i'. Avoid the other varieties. | 03:07 |
enix | jrib: http://rafb.net/p/UiqiS988.html | 03:07 |
AMAG | gonnaeat:apt-cache search :) | 03:08 |
MidNightSunRay | gonnaeatthat, which windows program? | 03:08 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: what program ? | 03:08 |
Pelo | gonnaeatthat, http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html | 03:08 |
linxeh | heh | 03:08 |
gonnaeatthat | fraps | 03:08 |
soundray | Tarkus: 'sudo -i' gives you a clean environment, where, for example, $HOME points to /root/ | 03:08 |
jrib | enix: did you delete the getautomatix line? | 03:08 |
gonnaeatthat | it captures video on your screen | 03:08 |
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gonnaeatthat | i am doing linux instructional videos for my blog | 03:08 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: hmm, we just bought hardware boxes to do that | 03:08 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: a little thing you give a HD15 VGA connector to, and it has a USB port on it | 03:08 |
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enix | jrib: no, but i will | 03:08 |
ryan | howdy all | 03:09 |
gonnaeatthat | oh linx not hardware based | 03:09 |
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gonnaeatthat | but record computer screen as you work | 03:09 |
weswh- | does anyone know much about SSHFS? I am wondering if the connection to the server is persistent - or if it "idles" after a period of inactivity and reopens the connection or something? | 03:09 |
ryan | I had a question for someone more experienced than me | 03:09 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: this does to - its a different solution to the same problem | 03:09 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: have a look at vnc2swf though | 03:09 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: and vncrec | 03:09 |
gonnaeatthat | is that the popular one? | 03:09 |
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Tarkus | soundray: im not sure i understand. (im very new to linux so i still dont know alot of things) | 03:09 |
weswh- | in other words, if the connection is broken for some reason - does the mount just unmount? | 03:09 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: its one that I know of :) | 03:09 |
CrocoJet | someone knows one good site to setup freenx ? | 03:10 |
gonnaeatthat | lol | 03:10 |
linxeh | gonnaeatthat: also demorecorder or someting ? | 03:10 |
MidNightSunRay | ryan, don't ask to ask. just ask. | 03:10 |
gonnaeatthat | i know thats a not so typical question | 03:10 |
AMAG | x11rec perhaps? | 03:10 |
ryan | anyone installed an ATI Mobility 7500 Radeon on a laptop? | 03:10 |
gonnaeatthat | they downloaded through synaptic? | 03:10 |
Pelo | gonnaeatthat, check out recordmydesktop | 03:10 |
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soundray | Tarkus: okay, I suggest you take it on trust then that 'sudo -i' is the sound way to get a shell with root rights. Once you know a bit more about Linux/Ubuntu, you will understand why. | 03:11 |
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gonnaeatthat | thats what i need pelo i think | 03:11 |
enix | jrib: i forget the command to see if i have an app installed, i know i have automatix, but cant remember if easyubuntu is | 03:11 |
gonnaeatthat | im trying to convert people to ubuntu | 03:11 |
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gonnaeatthat | and want to put instructional videos as most people have a hard time looking at the guide | 03:11 |
Pelo | gonnaeatthat, it's in synaptic | 03:11 |
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CrocoJet | someone here use freenx ? | 03:11 |
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wgw | good evening | 03:11 |
Tarkus | soundray: alright, so i wont use 'sudo su' anymore, only 'sudo -i' right? | 03:11 |
wgw | is there a way to get the installer to overwrite an NTFS partition with a complete set of partitions? | 03:12 |
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wgw | and also does KVM work with JFS? | 03:12 |
Pelo | gonnaeatthat, man page make me cry | 03:12 |
soundray | Tarkus: that's what I said about four times now. | 03:12 |
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wgw | I'd prefer to use JFS, as I'm an IBM fanboy, if it won't cause me any problems with KVM or other abnormalities | 03:12 |
gonnaeatthat | lol pelo google is my manual | 03:12 |
Galga | the update manager failed after several attempts in order to update the distro. what should i do now, in order to complete | 03:12 |
gonnaeatthat | im new to linux and depend on it | 03:12 |
gonnaeatthat | rather than bother people :) although ubuntu people are nice | 03:12 |
Pelo | wgw, gparted will let you manipulate any partition anyway you want | 03:13 |
dj-fu | Hi, I'm using nss-updatedb to store a local cache of my ldap authentication server, ('db' in nsswitch.conf) but it doesn't seem to work with it. if I set it to to 'db files', it will not auth anything from the ldap server (when it should, because it's cached). Any ideas? | 03:13 |
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wastrel | hi dudes | 03:13 |
jrib | enix: I don't know the name, but it won't do any harm if you leave them there without running them | 03:13 |
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kingcobra | does anybody know is libfltk1.1c102 in build essential or similar | 03:14 |
enix | jrib: i will just do a apt-remove on both, if nothing is there no harm | 03:14 |
jrib | enix: k | 03:14 |
xburnxinxhell | I'm trying to install the new ubuntu version on my pc and it will not install or when it tries ittle get to a boot screen and ask for a user/pass and wont let me go on from there right now i'm downloading the 64 bit edition even tho i have a intel with 2 processors | 03:14 |
gonnaeatthat | lol okay pelo one more question | 03:14 |
jrib | enix: apt-cache policy PACKAGE tells you if a package is installed | 03:14 |
gonnaeatthat | do synaptic packages normally provide a shortcut | 03:14 |
Pelo | kingcobra, just look up build-essential in synaptic and right click to properties and look at the dependecies tab | 03:14 |
enix | jrib: also i am not a big fan of having apps i dnt use | 03:14 |
wgw | I don't suppose any of gparted is included on the default CD?? | 03:14 |
gonnaeatthat | lol cause i have no idea where to search for it | 03:14 |
soundray | wgw: it is | 03:15 |
Pelo | gonnaeatthat, search feature in the toolbar | 03:15 |
wgw | if nott, fortunately I have GParted on a DVD | 03:15 |
wgw | ah it is? | 03:15 |
wgw | good to know | 03:15 |
=== damageDOne [n=dave@prakiti-37.cablenet.com.ni] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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wgw | accessible from bash by typing "gparted"?? | 03:15 |
cgood | I click Places->Connect to server, and setup an SMB share, I get an icon folder on my desktop, I can copy/delete files to/from this folder, but in firefox I go to save a download and I cannot find the location of this folder where is it?? | 03:15 |
soundray | wgw: sudo gparted | 03:15 |
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
kingcobra | Pelo, i want to know how to get libfltk1.1c102 i mean | 03:15 |
wgw | perfect | 03:15 |
damageDOne | how do erase a CDRW disk in ubuntu? | 03:15 |
soundray | wgw: sorry 'gksudo gparted' | 03:15 |
stiv2k | Anyone here run a Source Dedicated Server ????? | 03:15 |
ryan | I have an ATI Mobility Radeon 7000 in my laptop. I need to get drivers installed for it and don't know where to start. Ubuntu 6.06 | 03:15 |
gonnaeatthat | nevermind i forgot to install the gui | 03:15 |
wgw | ok | 03:15 |
gonnaeatthat | like a moron | 03:15 |
kingcobra | Pelo, there are a few ones like it that i need | 03:15 |
enix | jrib: thanks for all the help | 03:15 |
Pelo | kingcobra, sudo apt-get install packagename | 03:15 |
wastrel | damageDOne: it will automatically erase if you try to write to it again i think | 03:15 |
wgw | also do you know if JFS is a bad idea? | 03:16 |
gonnaeatthat | one thingi need to get used to with linux is the supplemental installs | 03:16 |
wgw | if I can use it, I'd like to | 03:16 |
Pelo | kingcobra, or you can look up the packages you need in synatpic | 03:16 |
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wgw | but I need KVM and I'd prefer not to have any bizarre glitches | 03:16 |
damageDOne | I I keep getting errors every time I use a CDRW disk | 03:16 |
soundray | damageDOne: just write to it using nautilus. It will offer to blank it then. | 03:16 |
wgw | I'm installing on a Mactel Mac Mini | 03:16 |
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kingcobra | Pelo, im wondering would build essential or similar get them all for me | 03:16 |
wgw | I'm running off the LiveCD now | 03:16 |
walkintome | im having a porblem with ubuntu 7.04 trying to install ndiswrapper. i have yet to complete and installation of ndiswrapper...i keep having to install package after package and each time i need to install another..that or it says the package im trying to install is already available, yet another package will say i still need it. what gives? | 03:16 |
redt0nia | i have a G4 Mac mini | 03:16 |
kingcobra | what is the build essential command | 03:16 |
redt0nia | its the best machine i ever had | 03:17 |
soundray | !b-e | 03:17 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 03:17 |
damageDOne | I tried to do that but I get an eror message telling me to insert a disk of one of the types listed but the CDRW disk is one of them | 03:17 |
gonnaeatthat | pelo that program is great | 03:17 |
gonnaeatthat | thank you do much | 03:17 |
Pelo | kingcobra, build=essentials is just the stuff you need to compile a source, it doesn'T grab dependencies for you, you need to install those by hand if you are compiling from source | 03:17 |
wgw | this Intel Mac Mini is awesome but IMO OS X is pathetic | 03:17 |
=== Zero [n=ubuntu@r201-217-142-79.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wgw | and I want to tap the Intel VT that the CoreDuo chip features | 03:17 |
Pelo | gonnaeatthat, synaptic is the new linux user's best friend | 03:17 |
wgw | and I've confirmed that it is working, I ran a command which tested that | 03:17 |
gonnaeatthat | wgw unless you do graphic design mac = useless | 03:17 |
wgw | well I do graphic design | 03:17 |
gonnaeatthat | lol synaptic sure is a life saver :) | 03:17 |
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wgw | but I use Windows for it :-P | 03:17 |
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CharlieSu | wgw: aww.. i love OSX... | 03:17 |
damageDOne | This is the message I get: "Please put a disc, with at least 298.3 MiB free, into the drive. The following disc types are supported: | 03:17 |
damageDOne | DVD+R DL, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW" | 03:17 |
gonnaeatthat | lol wgw same here | 03:17 |
wgw | OS X is slow and bloated IMO | 03:17 |
gonnaeatthat | you get adobe cs3 yet? | 03:18 |
=== Zero [n=ubuntu@r201-217-142-79.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | !enter > wgw | 03:18 |
redt0nia | i llov OSX too | 03:18 |
wgw | I prefer WinXP, which at least runs faster | 03:18 |
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Pelo | gonnaeatthat, but learn to use apt-get it does save time if you know the package name | 03:18 |
CharlieSu | wgw: really?? not w/ me | 03:18 |
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gonnaeatthat | lol pelo i did for nvidia drivers | 03:18 |
redt0nia | i have osx on a blue 233 imac | 03:18 |
jose | can i use wine for install a diver? | 03:18 |
=== Zero is now known as ZeroZiat | ||
jemmille | anyone up for a graphics/xorg question? | 03:18 |
errorlevel | Would anybody happen to know why I can't download the release notes (that's the error message I get) when I try to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty? I can use synaptic package manager just fine.... | 03:18 |
gonnaeatthat | me and apt-get were best friends when installing my wireless card in dapper | 03:18 |
soundray | jose: no | 03:18 |
tripppy | why doesnt nvtvout work? | 03:18 |
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ZeroZiat | Hello #ubuntu. | 03:18 |
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ejupin | Thanks everyone that helped me get my wireless card configured. Finally working fine! | 03:18 |
ZeroZiat | QUestion here | 03:18 |
ZeroZiat | I want to install Ubuntu | 03:19 |
jose | ok | 03:19 |
wgw | anyway I take it absolutely no one knows anything about the use of JFS? If not, alas | 03:19 |
|thunder | Hey all, anyone got that new nvidia driver installed on feisty? It installes just fine, but when I restart I get an error saying that my kernel driver and x driver have a version mismatch. The kernel module is the old legacy driver that ships with feisty, the 7184 version. But the X driver version remains the new one, 100.14.103 | 03:19 |
=== sc0tch [n=sc0tch@12-227-172-64.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gonnaeatthat | okay zero whats the question? | 03:19 |
damageDOne | Every CDRW disk I have gives me the same error | 03:19 |
walkintome | ejupin: i need ot get where you are! | 03:19 |
rbrtoclto | surely I'm not the only one that hates those ugly Windows XP balloons that pop up every time I log in :P | 03:19 |
ZeroZiat | But I want it on a separate partition, with Windows | 03:19 |
kingcobra | Pelo, ok thanks | 03:19 |
ZeroZiat | How do I manage to do that? | 03:19 |
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enix | this is off topic so feel free to flame me but, do any of you get picmail on ur cell phone thta is a small looping video? How is this done? I have some in mind but cant find out how to make them so i can send to my phone and share w/ friends | 03:19 |
Pelo | kingcobra, you might benefit from this http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ | 03:19 |
jemmille | to get my nvidia drivers to work i had to execute nvidia-configure AFTER the drivers were installed, not when the installer asks | 03:19 |
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gonnaeatthat | zero you click install on the live cd | 03:20 |
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xyz-abc | how can I download packages from the synaptic manager and put them somewhere else (so I wouldn't keep using up bandwidth when I install and reinstall packages)? | 03:20 |
gonnaeatthat | and you can set up partitions | 03:20 |
ryan | I have a laptop with an ATI Mobility Radeon 7500. I'm runnin Ubuntu 6.06 and have no clue where to start for installing drivers | 03:20 |
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|thunder | jemmille; dosnt that just config xorg.conf ? does that mess with the kernel module setups? | 03:20 |
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gonnaeatthat | you will need a roughly 4 gig \ partition 1 gb swap and whatever you got left for your ext3 | 03:20 |
cgood | the folder location says to be smb://host/share/ but firefox cannot seem save to this location, what should I do? | 03:20 |
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damageDOne | soundray: I tried using k3B too but it gives me errors and I can't get out of the loop of it asking to erase and telling me it can't eject and telling me to erase | 03:20 |
ZeroZiat | But I want it on a separate partition, with Windows | 03:20 |
Aurora_Bor3alis | jemmille, all nvidia-config does is adjust the xorg.conf file to use the nvidia driver | 03:20 |
ZeroZiat | How do I manage to do that? | 03:20 |
kha | 03:20 | |
kha | hi | 03:20 |
gonnaeatthat | with windows? | 03:20 |
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ZeroZiat | Ya. | 03:20 |
gonnaeatthat | or separate partitions from windows? | 03:20 |
ZeroZiat | Uhh | 03:21 |
ZeroZiat | I have Windows XP installed | 03:21 |
|thunder | ryan, look in /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 03:21 |
ZeroZiat | I want to install Ubuntu in the same hard drive | 03:21 |
jemmille | anyone willing to chat one-on-one, too busy here, i have my graphics drivers installed but my taskbar is smack in the middle of my screen | 03:21 |
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gonnaeatthat | ZeroZiat thats no problem | 03:21 |
=== RobbieCrash [n=fashufio@c-69-255-122-186.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xyz-abc | how can I download packages from the synaptic manager and put them somewhere else (so I wouldn't keep using up bandwidth when I install and reinstall packages)? | 03:21 |
RobbieCrash | !blacklist | 03:21 |
ubotu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 03:21 |
wgw | oh btw, how much space do the different partitions need? Is there a MAN page or guide for that? | 03:21 |
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ryan | thunder: what am I looking for? | 03:21 |
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gonnaeatthat | ZeroZiat, thats not hard | 03:21 |
wgw | oh and btw sorry about the overuse of "enter" - old, bad, habit | 03:21 |
ZeroZiat | gonnaeatthat: Cool, what do I do? | 03:22 |
|thunder | ryan; in there somewhere should be the .deb packages you wanted | 03:22 |
rbrtoclto | zero: the installer lets you resize your Windows partition, I think it's advised you run defrag under Windows first though | 03:22 |
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gonnaeatthat | ZeroZiat: you need to setup a new partition for ubuntu | 03:22 |
cyberfr0g | Hello | 03:22 |
kingcobra | Pelo, thanks i think ill have to install the dependencies myself tho | 03:22 |
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ZeroZiat | gonnaeatthat: How? | 03:22 |
Frogzoo | ZeroZiat: you'll need a spare partition to install ubuntu - that can mean resizing your ntfs partition, which despite what people might say, is not straightforward | 03:22 |
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=== errorlevel cries. | ||
HYPOCRISY | hello | 03:22 |
gonnaeatthat | zero i will pm you okay? | 03:22 |
damageDOne | wastrel: can you help? | 03:22 |
gonnaeatthat | so we dont bog this chat down | 03:22 |
=== Pelo beats errorlevel while he's down | ||
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Frogzoo | gonnaeatthat: qparted has a bug that can trash ntfs partitions, just so's you know | 03:23 |
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wastrel | damageDOne: i don't know | 03:23 |
Pelo | errorlevel, what iproblem makes you cry ? | 03:23 |
errorlevel | Pelo: I didn't know your name is Update Manager. | 03:23 |
gonnaeatthat | frog did this happen to you? | 03:23 |
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cyberfr0g | confidential | 03:23 |
HYPOCRISY | I'll think about it | 03:23 |
gonnaeatthat | what do your recommend then | 03:23 |
Doffo | Hello. :) | 03:23 |
gonnaeatthat | gparted worked for me well | 03:23 |
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Doffo | I was wondering how Ubuntu works as far as antivirus goes? | 03:23 |
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damageDOne | wastrel: k3B and natualis give me errors when I try to use my CDRWs | 03:24 |
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EdgEy | doffo there is no real need for antivirus | 03:24 |
Pelo | errorlevel, the servers are a bit overwhelmed atm with the high number or ppl upgrading, be patient | 03:24 |
ryan | thunder: I'm sorry, but I'm really not sure exactly what I'm looking for | 03:24 |
gonnaeatthat | ZeroZiat: you ready to install? | 03:24 |
Frogzoo | gonnaeatthat: I recommend: download a binary for the latest qparted & save to usb - then boot a livecd, and run qparted off the usb | 03:24 |
|thunder | damageDOne; then you dont have permission to use them, maybe a fudged fstab entry | 03:24 |
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errorlevel | Pelo: Update Manager can't get the release notes for Feisty, it says to check my internet connection (although, I speak to you right now using it) and so I can't upgrade from Edgy to Feisty. Searching the community docs yields nothing. The Google yields nothing but the translation strings from the update manager package containing that error. | 03:24 |
ZeroZiat | gonnaeatthat: Uhh, never did this. | 03:24 |
Pelo | errorlevel, oh that | 03:24 |
cohete | Is anyone else here having trouble with ekiga? I get a "security check failed" with 500@ekiga.net, but other echo servers work fine... | 03:24 |
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gonnaeatthat | okay :) | 03:25 |
damageDOne | thunder: Oh how would I fix that? | 03:25 |
linuxor | Hi, when I use gaim, it starts and after a moment it closes, why ? | 03:25 |
cohete | (Everything worked fine before I upgraded to feisty) | 03:25 |
|thunder | ryan; sry, you said you didnt want to have to redownload packages again and again, when they are downloaded, thats where they go | 03:25 |
gonnaeatthat | you using the livecd i take it? | 03:25 |
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Pelo | errorlevel, I don'T know how else you could get them, have you searched the site itself ? | 03:25 |
damageDOne | thunder: it doesn't say anything about not havign permissions | 03:25 |
ZeroZiat | gonnaeatthat:Yes I am. | 03:25 |
|thunder | damageDOne; dont know. track down a proper fstab | 03:25 |
Doffo | k, thanks. I was thinking that one to myself as far as antivirus, is it because to even write to a file you would need to type in the password n such? | 03:25 |
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ryan | thunder: oh! no, I have it saved on the desktop. I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do to install xorg 6.8 | 03:25 |
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damageDOne | what's an fstab? | 03:25 |
xyz-abc | how can I download packages from the synaptic manager and put them somewhere else (so I wouldn't keep using up bandwidth when I install and reinstall packages)? | 03:25 |
errorlevel | Pelo: Yep. It would be nice if Update Manager could be a little bit more verbose in its error reporting... | 03:25 |
walkintome | anyone willing to do some in-dept work with a linux noob wiht no internet connection trying to get his wireless up and running? | 03:26 |
|thunder | damageDOne; /etc/fstab is where the system keeps info about what partitions to mount on startup | 03:26 |
walkintome | in depth* | 03:26 |
Frogzoo | !fstab | 03:26 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 03:26 |
|thunder | walkintome; is it reccognizing your wireless ? | 03:26 |
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walkintome | its not..it lists only wiered and modem | 03:27 |
sebas_ | do you think that the more people use Ubuntu (Linux in general), the more security risks there will be? | 03:27 |
walkintome | but under devices it shows the linksys adapter | 03:27 |
damageDOne | Anyone know how I would find a proper fstab? | 03:27 |
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cohete | walkintome: do you know the model of the wireless card? | 03:27 |
cgood | does anyone know how to save a firefox download to a network samba share in ubuntu? | 03:27 |
bruenig | damageDOne, write one | 03:27 |
fsckr | damageDOne, you already have one | 03:27 |
arejay | http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/3812/ssontvdr3.png | 03:27 |
Doffo | sebas_: i was wondering the same for myself, thats why I was asknig about antivirus | 03:27 |
walkintome | cohete: its actualyl a usb adapter and its model is wusb300n | 03:27 |
arejay | I <heart> ubuntu | 03:27 |
arejay | :) | 03:27 |
fsckr | ;) | 03:27 |
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dariens | Hey guys... I'm trying to install 7.0.4 on a new PC and i'm getting xorg errors... I've got a evga GeForce 7600 PCIe, any ideas? | 03:27 |
damageDOne | but apparently it's not letting me erase CDRWs | 03:28 |
damageDOne | Is there a way to do it as root | 03:28 |
walkintome | cohete: the few people ive spoen to have told me my problem is particularly challenging | 03:28 |
fsckr | dariens, paste your xorg.log | 03:28 |
ryan | dariens: isn't xorg an ati thing? | 03:28 |
dariens | fsckr: I'll boot again, but I'll have to type it out... :) | 03:28 |
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fsckr | no no | 03:28 |
fsckr | dariens, go to /var/log | 03:28 |
ryan | thunder: I'm not sure how to install the xorg 6.8 | 03:28 |
=== idefixx [n=idefixx@p508acc2e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tony_ | sebas_, yes, there will be more security risks but a lot less than windows, since ubuntu is initially more secure just in the way it's engineered | 03:28 |
fsckr | in there you will see xorg.log | 03:28 |
cohete | walkintome: yeah, it's a new card without native linux drivers | 03:29 |
fsckr | are you trying to install drivers? dariens | 03:29 |
dariens | fsckr: but how do I paste with a PC /w no OS installed? | 03:29 |
sebas_ | Doffo, I think that while Ubuntu developers don't try to make things simpler for the windows users, we'll be fine | 03:29 |
dariens | fsckr: no, OS | 03:29 |
damageDOne | I actually don't have /etc/fstab | 03:29 |
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fsckr | O | 03:29 |
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fsckr | :_ | 03:29 |
|thunder | arejay; what is that app ? the tv one from your panel ? | 03:29 |
cohete | walkintome: you're going to have to use ndiswrapper, i'm sure others have already told you this | 03:29 |
DarknezzSpace | how do u kill and restart a process from terminal? | 03:29 |
damageDOne | Where else could it be | 03:29 |
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Pelo | errorlevel, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/704 | 03:30 |
arejay | |thunder, ontv -- it uses xmltv data | 03:30 |
dariens | fsckr: its not booting iunto normal "start or install" or "start in graphics safe mode" | 03:30 |
cohete | unfortunately i've never used it myself so i won't be able to provide much help | 03:30 |
Doffo | sebas_ : Yea. Just for the most part it works well now. I just dont want to boot up one day and get owned by a prompt :) :) | 03:30 |
kingcobra | after you install using deb file how do you open the app | 03:30 |
cohete | all of my wireless cards have had native drivers :) | 03:30 |
fsckr | how are you doing about installing drivers? | 03:30 |
walkintome | cohete: i dont know if u saw my previous entries, but i have bene trying to get ndiswrapper installed becasue i have the drivers sitting on my desktop, however i keep having to install package after package. what eneds up happening is i need to get packages for dependancies, but they end up already being installed (i have no idea why this happens) | 03:30 |
fsckr | what have you done as far as that? | 03:30 |
|thunder | cohete; mine too, lucky i guess. pci makes it better | 03:30 |
Xenguy | kingcobra: dpkg -L packagename |grep bin | 03:30 |
Doffo | sebas_ : If it was an Amiga, where only Startup-sequence mattered, then that isnt a problem to me lol. | 03:30 |
ryan | anyone know how to install xorg 6.8 on ubuntu 6.06? I have an ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 | 03:30 |
Xenguy | kingcobra: will zero in on the bin file to run | 03:30 |
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dariens | fsckr: I haven't done anything... yet. do I choose the "install with drivers update cd"? | 03:31 |
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=== judgej [n=judgej@weepinbell-80.dynamic.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jemmille | can anyone pm me that has experience with xorg.conf | 03:31 |
Pelo | jemmille, what is your issue ? | 03:31 |
errorlevel | Pelo: Well... I've seen those, but what I'm saying is, Update Manager can't. When I click the Upgrade button to upgrade to Feisty, I get an error message saying that Update Manager can't download the release notes. | 03:31 |
jemmille | my taskbar is "stuck" in the middle of my desktop | 03:31 |
fsckr | so dariens you are trying to boot from cd? | 03:31 |
Pelo | errorlevel, ah sorry I missunerstoold | 03:31 |
=== neumann [n=BNeumann@cpe-066-026-060-110.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dariens | fsckr: yes, so I can install 7.0.4 | 03:31 |
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Pelo | jemmille, and what makes you think this has anything to do with xorg.conf ? | 03:32 |
fsckr | and when you boot into cd are you in console or do you have a desktop? | 03:32 |
errorlevel | Pelo: Yeah... Nobody seems to know about the problem though. I might just install to a new partition and say screw upgrading. | 03:32 |
kingcobra | Xenguy, /usr/bin | 03:32 |
kingcobra | /usr/bin/prozgui | 03:32 |
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Pelo | errorlevel, you'll have an easier tiime | 03:32 |
Xenguy | kingcobra: so you can run it from the command-line to test, and then if it works create a desktop launcher | 03:32 |
jemmille | it might not | 03:33 |
dariens | fsckr: I have the first menu, it's in a higher res (vesa?) and I'm given my typical boot cd options... but after choosing any one,then it craps out with errors | 03:33 |
cohete | walkintome: what packages specifically are already installed? | 03:33 |
errorlevel | Pelo: I just don't want to exert all the effort tracking down the files I need for the msttcorefarts and the multi-media stuff that Ubuntu can't package. | 03:33 |
cgood | how do I get firefox to save a download to a desktop folder which is a smb://host/share URL? | 03:33 |
walkintome | cohete: well apparently everyhting except build-essentials | 03:33 |
kingcobra | Xenguy, ok thanks | 03:33 |
Pelo | jemmille, try this, right click the taskbar and add new , move it to the top of your screeen , does that work ? | 03:33 |
jemmille | my res is 1280x1020 but the taskbar seems to be stuck in a 800x600 box | 03:33 |
fsckr | oh so you are crapping out before you even get into a desktop | 03:33 |
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dariens | fsckr: yes | 03:33 |
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cgood | I created the folder with Places->Connect to Server, I can create/delete files from the folder, but firefox us unable to locate the path to save here | 03:34 |
cohete | walkintome: and when you try to install build-essentials it fails? | 03:34 |
fsckr | what makes you think it's xorg errors? having an nvidia you should have np ;) | 03:34 |
Xenguy | kingcobra: have fun | 03:34 |
walkintome | cohete: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17628/ | 03:34 |
_`XeOn_ | i got this output from xorg.conf FATAL: error running install command for nvidia | 03:34 |
cgood | does anyone here have a network? | 03:34 |
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jemmille | i can move it to the top, but it is still "shrunk" | 03:34 |
walkintome | cohete: this is what happens when i try to install ndiswrapper | 03:34 |
Pelo | errorlevel, the multimedia codecs not get installed as needed semi automaticaly, and you can make a scritp with aptget and all the apps you need to install in one go | 03:34 |
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dariens | fsckr:... one sec, I've give more info.. | 03:34 |
walkintome | cohete: and when io try to install buildessentials i get stuck in a maze of packages that i need to install | 03:34 |
sebas_ | something cool I heard a couple of days ago: instead of doing "mkdir /home/ab; mkdir /home/ab/cd; mkdir /home/ab/cd/ef", you can do "mkdir -p /home/ab/cd/ef" | 03:34 |
Pelo | jemmille, can you put up a screenshot so I knwo what you are taking about ? | 03:35 |
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jemmille | yeah, hold on a sec | 03:35 |
_`XeOn_ | (EE) nvidia(0): failed to load the nvidia kernel module | 03:35 |
_`XeOn_ | how to fix | 03:35 |
_`XeOn_ | ? | 03:35 |
Pelo | jemmille, if you are registerd on this network you can dcc it to me | 03:35 |
cohete | walkintome: it looks like you didn't run ./configure? | 03:35 |
cgood | I can do this with Mandriva, but I have been using ubuntu and prefer it, but if it is not possible to save to network share, it will be most unuseful to me | 03:35 |
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walkintome | cohete: ./configure hasnt dont anything. i get an error | 03:36 |
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kingcobra | Xenguy, ive got in menu now but it doesnt have icon | 03:36 |
jemmille | i'm new to irc, i'll give you a web address if that's ok | 03:36 |
walkintome | cohete: ive also clean installed feisty twice already with the same result | 03:36 |
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Pelo | walkintome, that is normal read the error and instal the package you need then run ./configure again | 03:36 |
cohete | walkintome: you probably won't be able to "make" until you "./configure" | 03:36 |
Pelo | jemmille, that 's ok | 03:36 |
ZeroZiat | gonnaeatthat: You there? | 03:36 |
Doffo | Thanks for all the Ubuntu community does. You all make a hell of a difference and keep up the good work. So far everyone I have shown Ubuntu to are impressed. | 03:37 |
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_`XeOn_ | cmon help plz | 03:37 |
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Pelo | Doffo, we're jsut helpers here we can't take anycredit | 03:37 |
walkintome | cohete:how do i install a apackage that cannot be installed wihtout the dependies...but i apparently already have the dependancies? | 03:37 |
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crimsun | walkintome: use gdebi to install the package (deb) | 03:37 |
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_`XeOn_ | (EE) nvidia(0): failed to load the nvidia kernel module [how do i fix this??] | 03:38 |
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walkintome | crimsun: is that antoher package? | 03:38 |
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jemmille | www.jemmille.com/images/taskbar.png | 03:38 |
cohete | walkintome: if you show us the output of ./configure we might be able to help you better | 03:38 |
ballmenace | Q: If I get into the "classic" terminal from gnome with ctrl+alt+F1-F5. How do I get back into gnome ? | 03:38 |
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gonnaeatthat | zer | 03:38 |
crimsun | ballmenace: alt+F7 | 03:38 |
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ballmenace | Thanks :D | 03:38 |
gonnaeatthat | ZeroZiat: im here | 03:38 |
Pelo | jemmille, checking , ps please type my nick when you talk to me , it higligth the line for me | 03:38 |
cohete | _`XeOn_: is the nvidia-glx package installed? | 03:38 |
walkintome | cohete: i badly want to get linux up and running but im almost in tears becasue of my frustration...its getting the better of me | 03:38 |
gonnaeatthat | sorry had to put away dishes real fast | 03:38 |
ZeroZiat | No worries. | 03:38 |
jemmille | ok Pelo | 03:38 |
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dariens | fsckr: k... so it doesn't boot into desktop, it comes up with "Failed to start the X server. It is likely that it is not set up correctly. WOuld you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?" | 03:39 |
efleming969 | join #crux | 03:39 |
_`XeOn_ | cohete is nvidia-glx-new | 03:39 |
walkintome | cohete: ive been trying to get internet (havent been able to do anythign else) for two days already | 03:39 |
Pelo | jemmille, damn that,s a busy desktop | 03:39 |
inigknot | list | 03:39 |
cohete | walkintome: i hear you. that's a nasty situation | 03:39 |
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jemmille | Pelo, i like busy | 03:39 |
soleblaze | does anyone know of a way to setup an encrypted /tmp partition using crypttab? (having it pull a key from /dev/urandom at boot, and then formating it in ext3) | 03:39 |
redt0nia | bbl ty :) | 03:39 |
cohete | walkintome: but i can't help you unless i have all the information | 03:39 |
fsckr | dariens, and when you press yes to see output? | 03:39 |
cgood | would it be considered flooding for each of you just to politely answer that you do not know how ? | 03:39 |
parithon | Why do I get the following error when I try to boot off the install cd? Can't open device <pci@f2000000/@d/mac-io@7/ata-4@1f000/disk@0:0> | 03:39 |
walkintome | cohete: i will go follow the installation steps and write down the ./configure error | 03:39 |
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walkintome | cohete: be back soon | 03:40 |
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redt0nia | i have the 704 cd in my hot lil hands :) | 03:40 |
_`XeOn_ | cohete but it seems to be the configuration of xorg.conf | 03:40 |
Pelo | jemmille, ok I think I've seen sometinga bout this in the forum do you have an nvidia video card by anychance ? | 03:40 |
jemmille | Pelo, but of course! | 03:40 |
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inigknot | there anyone that can help someone completely noob ta linux that can help me? | 03:40 |
gonnaeatthat | ZeroZiat: you in pm? | 03:40 |
cohete | _`XeOn_: have you posted your xorg.conf on a pastbin site? | 03:40 |
_`XeOn_ | i cant | 03:40 |
jemmille | Pelo, i was pretty sure that was the issue | 03:40 |
_`XeOn_ | im in command ine | 03:40 |
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Pelo | jemmille, thought so unfortunately I didn't read the solution because that wasnT, what I was looking for | 03:40 |
aMMgYrP | Hello all, I've got an issue with Fiesty Server 64 detecting my hardware SATA RAID5 (2x80gb+1x160gb). During install it still treats the drives as individual drives any ideas? | 03:40 |
ZeroZiat | gonnaeatthat: Yeah. | 03:40 |
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dariens | fsckr: it contians basic log info... but it gets upset about (WW) VESA: no matching device section for instance (BUS ID PCI:2:0:0:0) found (EE) VESA(0): cannot read v_bios (EE) screens found, but none have a usable configuration. | 03:41 |
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cohete | _`XeOn_: save your current xorg.conf, replace it with the backup, and then restart | 03:41 |
jemmille | Pelo, this card is giving me all kinds of trouble, GeForce FX 5700 Ultra if that helps | 03:41 |
cohete | _`XeOn_: i.e. return to the previous configuration so we can find out what your current configuration is | 03:41 |
cohete | _`XeOn_: let me know if you need specific command help | 03:42 |
_`XeOn_ | cohete how do i backup? | 03:42 |
jemmille | Pelo, the newest NVIDIA drivers "work" but you see the result | 03:42 |
Pelo | jemmille, in gnome the taskbars are called gnome-panel, I'm searching the forum for a thread, I sugeest you do the same | 03:42 |
jeff2 | how can I disable the screensaver completely? it activates when I close my laptop lid, even though I have "Activate screensaver when computer is idle" unchecked in System -> Preferences -> Screensaver | 03:42 |
jemmille | Pelo if I use 800x600 everything looks fine, just HUGE | 03:42 |
fsckr | it seems to me that its not finding your vid card | 03:42 |
cohete | _`XeOn_: hold on a sec | 03:42 |
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|thunder | Who was it that told me about ontv ? | 03:42 |
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dariens | hm.... (it's a brand new PC... MSI board) | 03:43 |
fsckr | have you installed anything else on it? | 03:43 |
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fsckr | do you have another vid card by any chance? to rule out bad card | 03:43 |
aMMgYrP | ... it also detects them as SCSI drives... | 03:44 |
Pelo | jemmille, there was someting about disabling twinview that might help but I can'T find it atm , it was a line to add in xorg.conf | 03:44 |
morphius_ | I followed this tutorial to set up vnc with resumable sessions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448. Now I get the following error in my syslog when I try to connect: | 03:44 |
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cohete | _`XeOn_: at the command line, enter "ls /etc/X11/" | 03:44 |
morphius_ | warning: can't get client address: Transport endpoint is not connected | 03:44 |
cohete | _`XeOn_: there should be a file like xorg.conf_backup | 03:44 |
morphius_ | Internal error: memory corruption detected | 03:44 |
_`XeOn_ | ok | 03:44 |
morphius_ | Abnormal termination of greeter for display don.local:1, code 1, signal 0 | 03:44 |
cgood | surely someone here has used ubuntu and firefox to save a download to a network smb share? I'm not finding any menu selections that assist in configuring this, should I abandone gnome and use KDE? smb4k works fine | 03:44 |
cohete | _`XeOn_: let me know what that file is and i can walk you through from there if you need it | 03:44 |
_`XeOn_ | ok | 03:45 |
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_`XeOn_ | brb | 03:45 |
jemmille | Pelo, i think i might be able to fix it, my main display is listed but then there is another CRT1 at 800x600 | 03:45 |
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d_ariens | fsckr: (sorry, got booted) so, what do you recommend? | 03:45 |
Thuggernaut | yo ubuntu peeps | 03:45 |
Thuggernaut | are the feisty repositories down for you all? | 03:46 |
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cgood | possibly no one here uses gnome, this explains why I cannot seem to explain my issue in a manner that is understood | 03:46 |
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jemmille | Pelo but shit, now i'm using the nv driver 'cause of all the problems with the NVIDIA | 03:46 |
fsckr | d_ariens, do you by any chance have another vid card to rule out a bad card? | 03:46 |
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fsckr | have you installed anything else on there using that same card? | 03:46 |
d_ariens | I have an onboard card | 03:46 |
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d_ariens | just windows XP /w drivers that came with the card | 03:46 |
Pelo | jemmille, see the solution on this thread it might apply to yourproblem as well https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/108775 | 03:47 |
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fsckr | ugh night guys i have a 2 years old needing my attention | 03:48 |
fsckr | < dad duties | 03:48 |
jemmille | Pelo, get back with you, I'm reading it | 03:48 |
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d_ariens | fsckr: thanks | 03:49 |
cgood | jemmille: upgrade to 7.04 and use the System-> Administration-> Restricted Drivers | 03:49 |
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walkintome | cohete: when i try to run ./configure i get 'no such file ro directory' | 03:49 |
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cgood | hey I found this cool (apparently new) thing called samba, anyone know of it? | 03:49 |
cohete | walkintome: hold on i will take a look | 03:49 |
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SurfnKid | does anyone have an sx270? | 03:50 |
cohete | walkintome: where did you get the source? | 03:50 |
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SurfnKid | its a Dell OptiPlex | 03:50 |
walkintome | sourceforge | 03:50 |
walkintome | cohete: sourceforge | 03:50 |
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cohete | walkintome: i only see ndiswrapper-1.42.... | 03:51 |
Vulcan40 | Hello | 03:51 |
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Frogzoo | cgood: samba is so well established in the foss world, you probly haven't heard of foss either | 03:51 |
usser | weee | 03:51 |
walkintome | cohete: i tried this using 1.8 and 1.42 | 03:51 |
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SurfnKid | oops | 03:51 |
walkintome | cohete: someone told me 1.8 was a better release, but i used 1.42 becasue ti was newer | 03:51 |
jemmille | Pelo, adding the "TwinView" option fixed it | 03:52 |
jemmille | Pelo, thanks | 03:52 |
Pelo | jemmille, great , | 03:52 |
jemmille | Pelo, now i can work on cleaning up the desktop :-) | 03:52 |
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Vulcan40 | Has anyone in here ever lost there desktop | 03:52 |
jemmille | Pelo thank you | 03:52 |
cgood | Frogzoo: thanks.. I just needed to know if my typing was leaving my network you are the 1st response to about 30 questions, killermach would never ignore someone for so long, maybe he'll show up and help soon | 03:52 |
Pelo | jemmille, throw out the monitor and get a new one , it's easier | 03:53 |
usser | bah lost a desktop hows that? | 03:53 |
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cohete | walkintome: i dunno about that, it's two years old | 03:53 |
keenen | hey | 03:53 |
jemmille | Pelo I'm broke! | 03:53 |
cohete | walkintome: of course i'm no expert on ndiswrapper | 03:53 |
GMWeezel | I can play MPEG1 video files but for some reason, a thumbnail is not generated for them. | 03:53 |
Pelo | Vulcan40, it happens often, what were you doing before you lost it ? | 03:53 |
jemmille | Pelo and it's a nice monitor, just small | 03:53 |
walkintome | cohete: does that means theres a newer version of ndiswrapper that may wokr? | 03:53 |
usser | damn it it seems all problems are solving like "hey your hardware sucks buy new card/monitor/etc" | 03:53 |
Vulcan40 | I don't know but it has happend twice once with 6.10 and now with 7.4 | 03:53 |
bruenig | s/\.4/\.04/ | 03:54 |
Pelo | Vulcan40, so you are in terminal mode right now ? | 03:54 |
Frogzoo | cgood: oh noes, I've been trolled :) | 03:54 |
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cohete | walkintome: apparently 1.42 is the newer version | 03:54 |
Vulcan40 | no not now | 03:54 |
cohete | walkintome: but let's try to fix this config error | 03:54 |
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walkintome | cohete: i hate to give up, but linux might not be for me just yet | 03:54 |
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Vulcan40 | I just booted up | 03:54 |
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Pelo | Vulcan40, you have your desktop working ? try looking in the forum for a solution then | 03:54 |
hurt | whats linux? | 03:54 |
hurt | !linux | 03:54 |
ubotu | Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux | 03:54 |
cohete | walkintome: :-( | 03:55 |
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llol | this Ubuntu release sure is creeping up on windows | 03:55 |
llol | :0) | 03:55 |
cohete | walkintome: i'm happy to help you try to get this to work if you want to stick with it, but its up to you | 03:55 |
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Doffo | walkintome : I just kept linux on a lan card until its easier on wireless :) | 03:55 |
Pelo | hurt, linux is heaven and windows is purgatory | 03:55 |
Vulcan40 | I got it back when I went into windows and then back to Ubuntu | 03:55 |
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Doffo | loll: agreed ;) | 03:55 |
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aMMgYrP | any help here would be greatly appreciated... | 03:55 |
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walkintome | cohete: i have no way of using anyhting but wireless for my internet | 03:55 |
bruenig | ubuntu is getting a bit bloated | 03:55 |
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walkintome | cohete: and i know once my internet is setup it will be a lot easier | 03:55 |
theturtlemoves | 4-18, 4-19 | 03:55 |
usser | bruenig: u said it | 03:55 |
cohete | walkintome: thats for sure | 03:55 |
Pelo | bruenig, tinyos | 03:55 |
walkintome | cohete: if you wouldnt mind helping me, i have a few hours | 03:55 |
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theturtlemoves | oops, sorry, wrong window | 03:56 |
cgood | Frogzoo: no. I meant no harm :) just cannot seem to figure out or google up an answer to something that seems that more than 1/2 the people here would already be doing | 03:56 |
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cohete | walkintome: okay do you currently have 1.42 on that machine or only 1.8? | 03:56 |
adamowitz | This is not a codec issue, but it affects every single movie file I play with vlc, totem, mplayer (all I've tried thus far) on my MBP running feisty. We're talking large and small movies, .mov, .qt, .mpg, .avi, you name it... everything. Everything at http://www.blender.org/features-gallery/movies/ | 03:56 |
meatwad_ | can some one help someone who's completely noob with linux please? | 03:56 |
adamowitz | What's going on here? | 03:56 |
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walkintome | cohete: i just need some food before we were to start...i would realyl apprecaite the help | 03:56 |
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kdkd | kjlj | 03:56 |
cohete | walkintome: alright i need to get some dinner too | 03:56 |
walkintome | cohete: i have both 1.8 and 1.42 packages on my desktop | 03:56 |
cohete | walkintome: good | 03:56 |
llol | hi meatwad | 03:56 |
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llol | sup | 03:56 |
Doffo | meatwad: im not good, but I just curious to your question. | 03:56 |
llol | :0) | 03:56 |
meatwad_ | hello | 03:56 |
walkintome | cohete: would you mind doing this in a provate convo on aim? | 03:56 |
=== xray15 [n=xray15@adsl-75-6-5-17.dsl.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | Pelo, funny | 03:56 |
meatwad_ | well i have ALOT of questions lol | 03:56 |
adamowitz | The problem: distortion. | 03:57 |
Doffo | :) | 03:57 |
adamowitz | video distortion. | 03:57 |
cohete | walkintome: that would be great | 03:57 |
GMWeezel | I have the codecs to play MPEG1 video and it plays fine however, no thumbnail is generated for my MPEG1 videos. How can I fix this? | 03:57 |
cgood | I can install kubuntu and use smb4k it's just odd that there would be no way in gnome to save to a smb share from firefox | 03:57 |
xray15 | Who uses Xchat? | 03:57 |
walkintome | cohete: my sn is the same as on here except the o in into is a zero | 03:57 |
Vulcan40 | So where should I look for info on Wine I would like to run some win apps | 03:57 |
Pelo | bruenig, we tried to get ludde to code a OS but he wasn'T interested | 03:57 |
usser | Vulcan40: winehq.com =) | 03:57 |
Vulcan40 | tnks | 03:57 |
walkintome | cohete: you'll know its me becasue my away is 'linux is trying to kill me' lol | 03:57 |
llol | so whats up meatwad | 03:58 |
llol | lol | 03:58 |
Doffo | l( | 03:58 |
Doffo | lol | 03:58 |
=== inacio [n=inacio@201009168174.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theturtlemoves | meatwad, start at the beginning, and move by the way of the middle towards the end of your list of questions | 03:58 |
Vulcan40 | I hope it caters to the very beginner | 03:58 |
kdkd | somebody speaks spanish | 03:58 |
xray15 | I am using Xchat and the userlist is missing | 03:58 |
=== Doffo still waiting for meatwad_ to answer | ||
bruenig | !es | kdkd | 03:58 |
ubotu | kdkd: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:58 |
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xray15 | nvm lol | 03:58 |
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llol | LMAO | 03:58 |
Xucrute | please... what is the channel for portuguese speakers? | 03:59 |
=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | xray15, yeah, they really should do something about that | 03:59 |
bruenig | !br | 03:59 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 03:59 |
kdkd | ok for the help | 03:59 |
xray15 | Took me while to find the userlist lol | 03:59 |
Xucrute | thanks | 03:59 |
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xray15 | ubuntu linux is fun ^_^ | 03:59 |
Vulcan40 | I have to say that after fighting with Ubuntu for a couple of weeks now that I love it and am starting to hate windows | 04:00 |
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walkintome | cohete: time for eats. hope to talk to you soon | 04:00 |
SDFH | wow is all i got to say about the latest ubuntu | 04:00 |
llol | yup | 04:00 |
rainwalker | Vulcan40: all the cool people use it :P | 04:00 |
usser | Vulcan40: it rocks man =) | 04:00 |
llol | same here | 04:00 |
chump | Vulcan40: LOL | 04:00 |
SDFH | i have not used ubuntu for a bit | 04:00 |
walkintome | I WANT LINUX TO WORK TOO | 04:00 |
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SDFH | and i amazed how far it has come | 04:00 |
=== xray15 Spins the 3d cube around like crazy | ||
bruenig | SDFH, yeah me too, wow, why would they go backwards | 04:00 |
meatwad_ | well my main question is,, how the ta install stuff? (gpu drivers, java, flash etc, necessary programs) im new to the whole terminal thing,, used to DOS :-\ | 04:00 |
llol | Ubuntu is beginning to have a better grip on Microsofts NECK | 04:00 |
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SDFH | so proud to be part of the linux | 04:00 |
SDFH | crowd since 96 | 04:00 |
=== Majic [n=pants@adsl-69-225-11-254.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vulcan40 | I wish I could spin the cube but as of yet have not got it working | 04:01 |
xray15 | Me like 3d cube thingy ^_^ | 04:01 |
=== xray15 Spins the 3d cube around like crazy | ||
SDFH | amazing the progress with ubuntu | 04:01 |
llol | pretty easy setup folks | 04:01 |
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usser | meatwad_: sudo apt-get install whatever =) | 04:01 |
meatwad_ | lol i do know how to spin my cube desktop thing tho :-P | 04:01 |
llol | just depends on ur video card being install | 04:01 |
rainwalker | meatwad_: Most stuff will either be in Synaptic (the package manager), a .deb file, or a .tar/tar.gz archive | 04:01 |
llol | im on BERYl | 04:01 |
usser | meatwad_: but u can use synaptic or adept manager | 04:02 |
xray15 | what happins if i type in "sudo apt-get install virus" | 04:02 |
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bruenig | rainwalker, seeing as debs are built from the tar.gz, I would say everything can be found in them | 04:02 |
Vulcan40 | why does it depend on the video card if you are not using those drivers | 04:02 |
xray15 | what happins if i type in "sudo apt-get install virus" | 04:02 |
joe7d6 | hi all. i have searched everywhere but couldn't find anything so i ask here. I rarely used firefox but the 'keyboard cant type' issue with flash is really annoying. I have to off/on focus with mouse clicks in order for firefox to accept inputs from keyboard. so what's the problem? :-| | 04:02 |
meatwad_ | kk, so dl the "program to be installed" and go into tha terminal and type "sudo apt-get" "name of dl'd file"?? | 04:02 |
bruenig | !info virus | 04:02 |
ubotu | Package virus does not exist in feisty | 04:02 |
usser | Couldn't find package virus | 04:02 |
xray15 | lol | 04:02 |
bruenig | xray15, you get, package does not exist | 04:02 |
usser | damn it | 04:02 |
rainwalker | brueing: true, I hadn't thought of that | 04:02 |
hurt | init 1 | 04:03 |
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llol | the proper drivers work better | 04:03 |
cgood | Frogzoo: do you have any smb mounts? do you have to do it in the fstab or with a script? is there a gnome GUI? | 04:03 |
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llol | compared the system ones | 04:03 |
bruenig | unless of course the sites go down, like vcdimager | 04:03 |
xray15 | Ubuntu looks like mac if you set it up right | 04:03 |
Frogzoo | cgood: smb4k works for me.. | 04:03 |
llol | ehh | 04:03 |
bruenig | anyone know where I can get vcdimager source | 04:03 |
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llol | MAcs are like the metrosexuals tool of preference | 04:03 |
llol | :-D | 04:03 |
llol | lol | 04:03 |
chump | meatwad_: synaptic pakage manager can install package for u | 04:04 |
meatwad_ | sooo,, how would i got about installing gpu drivers for an nvidia 6800gs? | 04:04 |
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llol | simple | 04:04 |
llol | what ubuntu u have | 04:04 |
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llol | ? | 04:04 |
meatwad_ | 7.04 | 04:04 |
llol | iight | 04:04 |
llol | processor? | 04:04 |
llol | 64bit? | 04:04 |
llol | or 32 | 04:04 |
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meatwad_ | 64bit version installed,, amd 3700+ | 04:04 |
bruenig | !enter | 04:04 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:04 |
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parithon | Why do I get the following error when I try to boot off the install cd? Can't open device <pci@f2000000/@d/mac-io@7/ata-4@1f000/disk@0:0> | 04:04 |
bruenig | 64 bit, never fun | 04:04 |
=== tristil [n=method@c-71-60-19-65.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
newGuy | How do I install wine on ubuntu? I can't seem to find the right package with adept manager. | 04:05 |
hd420 | feisty fawn is br0ken at present | 04:05 |
eck | newGuy: i believe the package name is just wine | 04:05 |
Vulcan40 | I read on a page somewhere that my ATI 1300 was not compatible with Beryl is there any truth to that? | 04:05 |
newGuy | (all I find is libwine which is some sort of dummy package) | 04:05 |
newGuy | It isn't showing up in the list. | 04:05 |
llol | k cool u know how how have administrative capabities to move files around? | 04:05 |
meatwad_ | lol,, well should i install tha 32 bit version? | 04:05 |
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llol | no | 04:05 |
usser | newGuy: do u have amd64 cpu? | 04:05 |
newGuy | yes | 04:05 |
rainwalker | newGuy: http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb | 04:05 |
=== Mercury [i=warp@c-71-56-76-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | MetaBot, you should | 04:05 |
bruenig | meatwad_, ^ | 04:05 |
llol | meat wad | 04:05 |
usser | newGuy: then u have to install linux32 package and download 32 bit version of wine | 04:06 |
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llol | no diff if its amd 64 bit | 04:06 |
llol | or p4 | 04:06 |
llol | same thing | 04:06 |
Mercury | Grrr, how lovely. GnomeBaker fails hard on filenames/directory names with = in the filename/directory name. | 04:06 |
Vulcan40 | 64 is not ready for primetime | 04:06 |
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d_ariens | hey guys... I was trying to run feisty fawn's install on an AMD Athlon 64 using the x86 architecture ISO... i was getting xorg errors complaining that it couldnt find my PCI express nvidia GeForce 7600.... would that be why? <blushes> | 04:06 |
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xray15 | I wish windows vista goes dead :P | 04:07 |
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Vulcan40 | tried it but a lot of apps are not 64 | 04:07 |
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usser | newGuy: get wine from here | 04:07 |
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Vulcan40 | went back to 32 | 04:07 |
usser | newGuy: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.35~winehq0~ubuntu~7.04-1_i386.deb | 04:07 |
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llol | you there meatwad_? | 04:07 |
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=== ejupin [n=ejupin@c-24-61-16-90.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xray15 | If vista dies then unbuntu can get to the top ^_^ | 04:07 |
=== sanityx [n=sanityx@pool-68-160-199-176.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
llol | ur right about that | 04:07 |
hurt | vista wont die | 04:07 |
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usser | newGuy: then after u installed linux32 packages navigate to where u downloaded wine | 04:07 |
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xray15 | My school admin hates vista :P | 04:07 |
m1r_ | my lampp install got broken | 04:07 |
llol | Vista ended up being like the little perk that was Me | 04:07 |
xray15 | and sosme teachers | 04:07 |
=== J^son [n=jason@bas15-montrealak-1242475151.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vulcan40 | If enough people get fed up with gates then Ubuntu will rule | 04:07 |
llol | over win98 | 04:08 |
chump | xray15: i hope that vista will stay alive .. i'm studiing in network management and i need job for later lol | 04:08 |
hurt | thing is | 04:08 |
=== jrsims [n=jrsims@c-24-7-153-83.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meatwad_ | yeah im here llol,, havent used irc in years,, there like a wisper cmd/option? | 04:08 |
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hurt | microsft makes people upgrade | 04:08 |
hurt | so vista will be around | 04:08 |
Fylk | Hey guys, any reason VLC should crash when I using compiz? | 04:08 |
=== qmario__ [n=QMario@cpe-24-27-104-162.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
llol | ME got helped by Windows 2000 were as the vista is a perk up on winxp | 04:08 |
=== tiger [n=tiger@CPE00122590c597-CM0012256eb838.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | hurt, obviously not, dell went back to providing XP | 04:08 |
usser | newGuy: open up the console and do sudo dpkg --force all -i name of wine package | 04:08 |
tiger | Hey | 04:08 |
litage | hi guys. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD says that the live CD is available for v6.06 (Dapper). is it also available for Feisty? | 04:08 |
tiger | Anyone here?? | 04:08 |
llol | vienna is coming 2 years i guess its buying time | 04:08 |
rainwalker | Fylk: How did you install Compiz? I'm having a lot of trouble | 04:08 |
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hurt | whats better compiz or beryl? | 04:09 |
tiger | I have just installed Ubuntu.. | 04:09 |
llol | meatwad i sent ya a PM | 04:09 |
chump | tiger: yeah we are a lot | 04:09 |
Fylk | Do you have the GL desktop manger? | 04:09 |
SDFH | i have no need for windows | 04:09 |
tiger | Anyone know how to get on MSN with Ubuntu? | 04:09 |
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rainwalker | litage: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download | 04:09 |
llol | its AMSN for it | 04:09 |
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litage | tiger: use kopete | 04:09 |
SDFH | tiger use gaim | 04:09 |
bruenig | tiger, gaim | 04:09 |
llol | its in ur add/remove options | 04:09 |
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=== Khaaaan [n=nicholas@68-168-84-86.kntnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usser | definetely gaim | 04:09 |
Khaaaan | sup d00ds | 04:09 |
bruenig | kopete? | 04:09 |
SDFH | gaim works good for me | 04:09 |
usser | GAIM | 04:09 |
chump | tiger: sudo apt-get install amsn | 04:09 |
bruenig | what a bizarre suggestion | 04:10 |
litage | rainwalker: Ubuntu install CDs are also live CDs? | 04:10 |
GionnyBoss | tiger: gaim is good, but if you want good webcam support, use amsn | 04:10 |
tiger | Gaim just turns off as soon as it loads. | 04:10 |
chump | yeah or GAIM | 04:10 |
llol | yo meatwad!! | 04:10 |
tiger | Link to Amsn please | 04:10 |
rainwalker | Fylk: Yeah, but when I start the GL desktop, I either have no window borders, occasionally I do, but the windows are always unresponsive | 04:10 |
llol | u want help? | 04:10 |
tiger | Need link for Amsn please. | 04:10 |
rainwalker | Gaim works for me | 04:10 |
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chump | menu application : add/remove | 04:10 |
Fylk | .....Odd. I have that issue when using Beryl. | 04:10 |
Khaaaan | dammit... I never know how many a's I used last time I connected :-/ | 04:10 |
usser | rainwalker: that means your window manager isnt running/broken | 04:10 |
GionnyBoss | tiger: http://www.justfuckinggoogleit.com/?q=amsn | 04:10 |
litage | are the Ubuntu install CDs are also live CDs? | 04:10 |
rainwalker | Fylk: funny, Beryl works perfectly for me haha | 04:10 |
Vulcan40 | is there an apt that mimicks media player because a lot of video sites use Mediaplayer | 04:11 |
Fylk | Fun. | 04:11 |
rainwalker | usser, what should I do? I'm talking on the forums about it right now too | 04:11 |
usser | Vulcan40: mplayer-plugin | 04:11 |
=== kymc1985 [n=kyle@stjhnf0121w-142163160048.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
llol | i got ubuntu 7.04 running on RAiD0 | 04:11 |
craigbass1976 | Is it possible to set up sendmail or postfix without setting up dns? Can people still check it with email clients (thunderbird and such) using ip addresses in the server settings rather than hostnames ( rather than pop.mailtest.com) | 04:11 |
Vulcan40 | that will work eh | 04:11 |
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chump | tiger: got it ? | 04:11 |
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usser | Vulcan40: just search for mplayer there supposed to be mozilla-mplayer-plugin something | 04:11 |
imbecile | what program changes shutdown screens? | 04:11 |
usser | Vulcan40: dont remember the nam,e | 04:11 |
bruenig | usser, it is mozilla-mplayer | 04:12 |
usser | bruenig: yea =) | 04:12 |
GionnyBoss | tiger: or you can install amsn directly from the repositories | 04:12 |
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usser | there we go | 04:12 |
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usser | rainwalker: i have no idea, i've never used all that fancies | 04:12 |
tiger | I have Ubuntu 5.10 | 04:12 |
gat0rvean | what is a good IRC chat client that allows multiple server connections for Ubuntu? I'm using irssi right now... | 04:12 |
usser | =) | 04:12 |
GionnyBoss | tiger: try opening a terminal and write "sudo apt-get install amsn" | 04:12 |
tiger | I had the old cd.. | 04:12 |
tiger | The new one won't work for me. | 04:12 |
tiger | So I installed 5.10 | 04:12 |
tiger | -.- | 04:12 |
kymc1985 | Hey all. Just wondering something about the Ubuntu I got. Version 7.04 just downlaoded. Installed on my Inspiron 1501 laptop (Dell). Can't get wireless. The WiFi light will not come on. Tried the FN+F2 to enable, and nothing. Any ideas? | 04:13 |
tiger | Hey guys | 04:13 |
GionnyBoss | tiger: I don't know if 5.10 is supported yet... I guess that there will not be more updates for it. You should install a new version | 04:13 |
tiger | I downloaded the Amsn | 04:13 |
eck | gat0rvean: irssi allows multiple server connections... | 04:13 |
bruenig | tiger, 5.10 is no longer supported | 04:13 |
tiger | I need help installing the new version | 04:13 |
llol | KYMC1985 make sure the wireless card is supported properly | 04:13 |
llol | if not ull need NDswrapper | 04:13 |
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usser | \me | 04:14 |
usser | dang | 04:14 |
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gat0rvean | eck, I know, but I'm not a big fan of the command line and all, I just came over from Windows and I'm looking for something on par (noob style) with mIRC | 04:14 |
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eck | gat0rvean: try xchat or xchat-gnome | 04:14 |
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usser | gat0rvean: did u try konversation? | 04:14 |
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rainwalker | usser, you used the wrong slash, it's supposed to be a forward one | 04:15 |
gat0rvean | usser, I have not, can you use konversation on a gde desktop? | 04:15 |
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=== usser doesnt work | ||
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usser | awww there we go | 04:15 |
usser | gat0rvean: sure | 04:15 |
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J^son | I need some help. I have 2 computers networked through a router; one with ubuntu and the other windows XP... My printer is connected to the ubuntu box and I have not been able to make it possible for the windows computer to print to that printer... I followed the instructions in the Ubuntu documentation... and Windows does "see" the printer but can,t access it... any ideas? | 04:15 |
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gat0rvean | usser, ok, I'll check it out | 04:16 |
=== PhilKC [i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
gat0rvean | eck, I'll try xchat as well | 04:16 |
gat0rvean | ty both | 04:16 |
usser | gat0rvean: when u install it its gonna pull some packages along with it, 50-100 megs of kde libs i think | 04:16 |
newGuy | J^son: install ubuntu on the windows box. | 04:16 |
newGuy | J^son: sorry, couldn't resist. | 04:16 |
J^son | lol | 04:16 |
craigbass1976 | newGuy, I needed that... Long day | 04:16 |
gat0rvean | usser, will they be pulled by default through synaptic, or do I need to specify? | 04:16 |
parithon | thanks for no help... bye | 04:17 |
=== ShortWave [n=ShortWav@ip68-100-108-201.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
newGuy | J^son: Hey, he said any ideas, he didn't say useful ones. | 04:17 |
ShortWave | yo | 04:17 |
usser | gat0rvean: yep default synaptic will do all the dirty work | 04:17 |
ShortWave | is there a liveCD available for ubuntu? | 04:17 |
newGuy | ShortWave: Yes | 04:17 |
gat0rvean | usser, gotcha, thanks | 04:17 |
usser | ShortWave: liveDVD | 04:17 |
imbecile | what program changes shutdown screens? | 04:17 |
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J^son | newGuy: you do have a point | 04:17 |
craigbass1976 | J^son, are there any other samba shares that you CAN access from windows? | 04:17 |
ShortWave | Ah | 04:17 |
usser | ShortWave: oh and liveCD to | 04:17 |
ShortWave | I have no DVD recorder | 04:17 |
ubuntu | Sticky wicket alert: I have multiple drives with multiple volumes on this computer. When I install Ubuntu, it fails to recognize the existence of my BeOS volumes and zaps their boot manager. If I install BeOS back in, it recognizes that there's a Linux volume and adds it to its boot menu, but there is no boot signature left for me to boot into Linux with. I managed to still boot to... | 04:17 |
ubuntu | ...Ubuntu using the CD, and can see the Linux drive volume...is there a way to restore Linux volume's boot signature? | 04:17 |
newGuy | ShortWave: LiveCD too | 04:17 |
usser | ShortWave: the regular cd is the live cd | 04:17 |
ShortWave | usser: Where that be? | 04:17 |
J^son | craigbass1976: I set up samba to enable file sharing | 04:18 |
walkintome | cohete: im ready when you are | 04:18 |
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cohete | walkintome: walkint0me? | 04:18 |
walkintome | yup | 04:18 |
usser | ShortWave: well i386 is here | 04:18 |
usser | http://ubuntu.csie.nctu.edu.tw/ubuntu-releases/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso | 04:18 |
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craigbass1976 | J^son, and you can access some files on Ubuntu box from windows? | 04:18 |
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SDFH | i remember using beos | 04:18 |
cohete | walkintome: you aren't logged in? | 04:18 |
craigbass1976 | J^son, read and write? | 04:18 |
usser | ShortWave: its the install cd too | 04:18 |
walkintome | cohete: i am logged in | 04:19 |
J^son | craigbass1976: let me try | 04:19 |
=== wiseelben [n=shira@ppp-70-247-115-163.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ShortWave surfs that dir. | ||
newGuy | J^son: In my C++ class the professor last week asked what software integration is, and I said it's the art of getting one program to give another program useful information on what to do, and getting the second program to ignore the information and produce an error message. Right now you're discovering why I'm right and my professor is wrong. | 04:19 |
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tiger | Guys | 04:19 |
ubuntu | Shorthand version of my question above... How can I restore the boot signature of a drive, now that I've booted into Linux using the LiveCD? | 04:20 |
tiger | I downloaded the new version | 04:20 |
tiger | and burned it on CD | 04:20 |
tatters | I got 1GB of ram and currently using 980MB is this normal s linux caching ram? | 04:20 |
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tiger | Now it doesn't work though.. | 04:20 |
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J^son | newGuy: thanks | 04:20 |
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ShortWave | usser: So the install CD is a liveCD as well? | 04:20 |
newGuy | ShortWave: Yes. | 04:20 |
hidan | eh, i deleted my corrupted user profile folder: Lucifiel from "/home/user". However I can't find the deleted folder in "Trash". Any idea where it went to? | 04:20 |
usser | ShortWave: yep | 04:20 |
walkintome | cohete: can you find me...i am logged in under gaim on my aol screen name | 04:20 |
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J^son | craigbass1976: no.. I can't access files on the Ubuntu box... | 04:20 |
ShortWave | usser: nifty | 04:20 |
usser | ShortWave: indeed =) | 04:21 |
ShortWave | newGuy: thanks | 04:21 |
anonymeeee | i have a db9 connector hooked up to com1 and I'm trying to access my cisco router.... | 04:21 |
J^son | craigbass1976: the ubuntu box can access windows, though | 04:21 |
newGuy | ShortWave: NP | 04:21 |
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craigbass1976 | J^son, cool, so it's probably a general samba issue rather than the printer | 04:21 |
ShortWave | Since I burned a CD, I hate wasting media | 04:21 |
anonymeeee | anyone know how to make terminal talk to the com port? | 04:21 |
meatwad_ | so how would one go about installing nvidia drivers? | 04:21 |
ShortWave | heh | 04:21 |
calvin | I love u guys | 04:21 |
ShortWave | back in a bit | 04:21 |
usser | calvin: we love u too | 04:21 |
tatters | Does linux try to keep physical Ram full for caching purpose or does it try to emty physical Ram? | 04:21 |
cohete | meatwad_: using feisty? | 04:21 |
craigbass1976 | J^son, doesn't matter if ubuntu can see windows; in that sitation windows is the server and you need ubuntu to be the server. | 04:22 |
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eck | tatters: keeps it full | 04:22 |
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newGuy | anonymeeee: I suggest explaining to it that the com port didn't mean to hurt it's feelings and to give it a second chance because it still loves the terminal very much. Then maybe they'll start talking again. | 04:22 |
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chump | anonymeeee: i think they use hyper-terminal on windows .. | 04:22 |
deliverance | Hey need some help... | 04:22 |
cohete | meatwad_: system->administration->restricted drivers under feisty | 04:22 |
boni | exit | 04:22 |
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deliverance | I have a travelmate. | 04:22 |
anonymeeee | chump: is there some equivalent program on ubuntu? | 04:22 |
eck | tatters: if you look at the output of free -m you will see that there is almost no "free" ram and lots of cache | 04:23 |
deliverance | No sound since I got feisty? | 04:23 |
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chump | anonymeeee: i have no idea | 04:23 |
=== elerath [n=elerath@bas4-montreal02-1096723067.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
anonymeeee | very funny newguy8-) | 04:23 |
chump | anonymeeee: but i'll try to google it ;P | 04:23 |
J^son | craigbass1976: what do I do with samba now? | 04:23 |
ruckerz | udev hook script can't generate initramfs when upgrading to fiesty, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17717/ , is it safe to reboot? | 04:23 |
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cohete | walkintome: what's going on? | 04:23 |
walkintome | i dont know | 04:23 |
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Pelo | anonymeeee, what prog do you need an linux version of ? | 04:23 |
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craigbass1976 | J^son, post your /etc/samba/smb.conf somewhere so I can see it | 04:24 |
DVS01 | is there a net install option for ubuntu? | 04:24 |
walkintome | cohete: want to give me your name and see if i can message you | 04:24 |
chump | anonymeeee: minicom | 04:24 |
cohete | walkintome: i did | 04:24 |
cohete | walkintome: johnswilmes | 04:24 |
bruenig | !installing | DVS01 there is, mini.iso | 04:24 |
ubotu | DVS01 there is, mini.iso: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 04:24 |
jlulian38 | Mac: "Think Different" M$: "Think Expensive" Linux: "Think...Hard" | 04:24 |
J^son | craigbass1976: where can I post it for you? | 04:24 |
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dane_ | Is there a way to "fix" a bad boot signature on a Linux volume? I can see it when I boot from the LiveCD, but don't know how to fix the boot sig. | 04:25 |
bruenig | Xubuntu: Artifacts are cool, it is like dynamic wallpaper with lines that shoot everywhere | 04:25 |
craigbass1976 | J^son, rafb.net? There's an ubuntu pastebin somwhere too | 04:25 |
imbecile | what program changes shutdown screens? | 04:25 |
J^son | craigbass1976: ok | 04:25 |
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vecina | I just installed feisty! How do i make it automount stuff? My external HD and jumpdrives arent popping up | 04:26 |
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newGuy | Okay I "think" I set up wine now.... now what? | 04:26 |
usser | newGuy: try it | 04:26 |
usser | newGuy: run wine --version | 04:26 |
newGuy | try what? | 04:26 |
=== jsubl2 [n=jsubl2@adsl-75-53-37-157.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usser | newGuy: if it shows you output | 04:26 |
=== Cain [n=Cain@S0106000ae61f1cab.rd.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usser | newGuy: run winecfg | 04:27 |
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tatters | -/+ buffers/cache: used: 241 Free 768 <--- so that ooutput means I am using 241 mb of physical memory? | 04:27 |
eck | tatters: yes | 04:27 |
newGuy | It says /usr/bin/wine: not found | 04:27 |
admin__ | How do I get Java (JRE) installed on my computer so that Firefox2 can see the plugin? | 04:27 |
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tatters | kthnx | 04:27 |
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usser | newGuy: ok | 04:27 |
Episcopus | i have my power management settings set to never put my computer to sleep, but it shuts off anyway when i leave it for around a half hour or 40 minutes. What else do i have to change so that i don't have to restart my computer everytime i come back to it? | 04:27 |
admin__ | How do I get Java (JRE) installed on my computer so that Firefox2 can see the plugin? | 04:27 |
usser | newGuy: hm what did dpkg --force all -i wine.deb told u??? | 04:28 |
=== aMMgYrP [n=rashaadj@ip70-186-178-103.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
J^son | craigbass1976: posted on rafb.net | 04:28 |
newGuy | got a pastebin? | 04:28 |
ScreaminIke | when i turn on beryl, it somehow reads my "super" (windows?) key as depressed. which messes up, basically, my whole interaction with the interface. now... this might be a problem with something else... it est... it might be locked in using gdm, i just don't notice it because it's functionally impotent in GDM. regardless... i need some help troubleshooting. | 04:28 |
admin__ | How do I get Java (JRE) installed on my computer so that Firefox2 can see the plugin? | 04:28 |
imbecile | what program changes shutdown screens? HELP!!!!! please I have asked a bunch of times | 04:28 |
craigbass1976 | J^son, I need the link | 04:28 |
anonymeeee | chump, does that come with ubutu? | 04:28 |
eck | imbecile: which shutdown screen? the usplash one? | 04:28 |
admin__ | How do I get Java (JRE) installed on my computer so that Firefox2 can see the plugin? | 04:28 |
usser | heh depressed key? | 04:28 |
Pelo | admin__, synaptic instsll sun-java-6 pluggin or something | 04:28 |
usser | bahaha | 04:28 |
craigbass1976 | anonymeeee, no, I think chump is a windows app :) | 04:28 |
J^son | craigbass1976: http://rafb.net/p/inNJfP60.html | 04:28 |
aMMgYrP | Hello, can anyone help me with an installation problem? | 04:28 |
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chump | anonymeeee: you can install it with :: sudo apt-get install minicom | 04:29 |
tatters | I think Vista also takes this approach now whereas xp and previous tried to free the memory rather than cache | 04:29 |
admin__ | the synatpic doesn't work with Firefox2 | 04:29 |
ScreaminIke | what is minicom? | 04:29 |
GaiaX11 | !java | admin__ | 04:29 |
newGuy | usser: This is what it gave me: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17719/ | 04:29 |
ubotu | admin__: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 04:29 |
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eck | tatters: no, windows xp caches it too, it just isnt' apparent from the system monitor or whatever windows uses | 04:29 |
chump | Hyper-terminal for linux | 04:29 |
ScreaminIke | gotcha. | 04:29 |
eck | tatters: a lot of applications would be totally killed performance wise if there was no caching of files by the kernel | 04:29 |
jordo23 | Does anyone know any howto or links to setting up wordpress on Ubuntu? | 04:29 |
chump | to connect trough ttys port to a cisco router | 04:30 |
imbecile | eck, no the one with the bar | 04:30 |
eck | imbecile: the one when you boot up also, right? | 04:30 |
=== gpm [n=gpm@adsl-71-146-177-117.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usser | newGuy: hm what version of ubuntu u have, looks like 6.10?? | 04:30 |
anonymeeee | chump: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 04:30 |
imbecile | eck, yep | 04:30 |
newGuy | Edgy | 04:30 |
eck | imbecile: that is usplash | 04:30 |
usser | newGuy: oh im sorry | 04:30 |
=== razor__ [n=raz@dhcp140n114.fau.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
admin__ | any other advice that didn't seem to work | 04:30 |
usser | newGuy: dang it | 04:30 |
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=== stellaras [n=steliodj@adslon-151-44.logos.cy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chump | anonymeeee: http://useopensource.blogspot.com/2007/01/using-cisco-console-in-linux.html | 04:30 |
usser | newGuy: the link i gave u was for feisty | 04:31 |
stellaras | hi there | 04:31 |
usser | newGuy: sorry again | 04:31 |
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usser | newGuy: deinstall it | 04:31 |
razor__ | I love you all, ubuntu developers o_o | 04:31 |
newGuy | Okay so how do I do that? | 04:31 |
stellaras | anyone tried CrossOver Linux Professional,is it worth ? | 04:31 |
=== xray15_ [n=xray15@adsl-75-6-5-17.dsl.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tatters | eck: Vissta builds a pprofile of habits and caches accordingly unlike previous,,does linux also cache smart? | 04:31 |
razor__ | Linux has made my computer happy :D | 04:31 |
=== subzero2000 [n=subzero2@rrcs-24-172-83-130.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usser | newGuy: sudo dpkg -r wine | 04:31 |
=== Jrabbit [n=jack@64-151-3-10.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
admin__ | I still have the problem | 04:31 |
newGuy | done | 04:31 |
chump | linux make my computer stressless ! | 04:31 |
newGuy | now what? | 04:32 |
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=== megafauna [n=megafaun@c-68-43-253-197.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | tatters: no, the linux cache is a simple file cache. linux can also do prefetching (which is similar) but i'm not totally sure how that works, and it requires a user-space component | 04:32 |
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imbecile | eck, not those screens.. I have uspalsh already.. the other one with the progress bar | 04:32 |
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usser | newGuy: good download this version of wine | 04:32 |
=== ZaZ213 [n=zaz@cpe-67-10-74-53.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
craigbass1976 | J^son, I'm curious what would happen if you changed line 94. See what happens when you change it to security = share | 04:32 |
usser | newGuy: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/wine_0.9.35~winehq0~ubuntu~6.10-3_i386.deb | 04:32 |
ScreaminIke | :) ich liebe razor__ | 04:32 |
megafauna | Hi, can someone recommend a solid podcast catcher? Amarok, amazinging just doesn't quite cut it | 04:32 |
eck | imbecile: usplash does have a progress bar | 04:32 |
anonymeeee | chump: I had my updater going on...now it's installing | 04:32 |
razor__ | hehe | 04:32 |
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admin__ | I still have the problem | 04:32 |
=== krazycure [n=krazycur@cpe-76-184-54-236.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiger | Guys | 04:32 |
eck | imbecile: usplash is what you see between when grub loads and you get to the gdm/kdm login screen | 04:32 |
tiger | I downloaded Ubunutu the latest one | 04:33 |
tiger | Now how do I burn it properly? | 04:33 |
ScreaminIke | usser, i got excited reading that URL. then i realized... it was not about tasty beverage, but, rather, an API implementation | 04:33 |
megafauna | tiger: r u in ubuntu now? | 04:33 |
Tony_ | tiger, got nero? | 04:33 |
admin__ | can you either help me or tell me where else to go? | 04:33 |
craigbass1976 | J^son, then you'd have to restart samba (maybe /etc/init.d/samba restart?) | 04:33 |
tiger | I am in Ubunu | 04:33 |
ScreaminIke | tiger, what os are you in? | 04:33 |
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usser | ScreaminIke: hehe =) | 04:33 |
wastrel | !burn | tiger | 04:33 |
ubotu | tiger: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 04:33 |
ScreaminIke | right-cilck. burn to disc | 04:33 |
rainwalker | I have such ignorant friends: "did u buy the opreating system and if u did what is it called" | 04:33 |
GaiaX11 | tiger: feisty? | 04:33 |
tatters | double click iso with k3b and burn baby burn :) | 04:33 |
J^son | craigbass1976: I'll give it a try | 04:33 |
Tony_ | tiger, k3b, burn image | 04:33 |
ZaZ213 | i get the error Failed to fetch file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/./Packages.gz File not found when upgrading to 7.04 how can i fix this? | 04:34 |
tiger | Do I just put all the files into the CD? | 04:34 |
megafauna | if the file is on your desktop (or whatever directory it is in), navigate to it and right-click on it. Select make cd or something like that | 04:34 |
Tony_ | tiger, or gnomebaker | 04:34 |
krazycure | Hey hey who wants to help a newb get vmware player working after screwing it up wayyy too many times | 04:34 |
ScreaminIke | ... that's pretty random, rainwalker. i have no idea what your talking about. | 04:34 |
=== vecina [n=vecina@c-68-52-139-174.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tiger | Do I just put all the files into the cd? | 04:34 |
megafauna | tiger: if the file is on your desktop (or whatever directory it is in), navigate to it and right-click on it. Select make cd or something like that | 04:34 |
ScreaminIke | tiger. when you right click it, there is an option to burn it. | 04:34 |
vecina | Why isnt feisty mounting anything but my cd? | 04:34 |
GaiaX11 | tiger: do you have the .iso there? | 04:34 |
usser | ahhh vmware | 04:34 |
newGuy | usser: Why do you help people so much? Is it your job or just for fun? | 04:34 |
megafauna | tiger: it is an iso, i asume | 04:34 |
eck | tatters: if you are interested the linux prefetch mechanism is called readahead | 04:34 |
ScreaminIke | when i turn on beryl, it somehow reads my "super" (windows?) key as depressed. which messes up, basically, my whole interaction with the interface. now... this might be a problem with something else... it est... it might be locked in using gdm, i just don't notice it because it's functionally impotent in GDM. regardless... i need some help troubleshooting. | 04:34 |
tiger | Wait I have the file on my windows | 04:35 |
megafauna | newGuy: I HAVE NO LIFE! I AM EVEN UNEMPLOYED! | 04:35 |
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tiger | Let me re download it here. | 04:35 |
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ZaZ213 | i get the error Failed to fetch file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/./Packages.gz File not found when upgrading to 7.04 how can i fix this? | 04:35 |
Tony_ | does anyone here run xp in a vm in k/ubuntu and is it fast enough? | 04:35 |
CharlieSu | megafauna: me too!!!! yay | 04:35 |
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eck | tatters: it is also possible to preload libraries, but that is different than a cache | 04:35 |
usser | newGuy: hehe nah no job, i just have nothing better to do | 04:35 |
craigbass1976 | J^son, the other thing I'd do is cp smb.conf smb.conf.bak (from the /etc/samba directory) and start over with a simpler samba file. | 04:35 |
=== Steven__ [n=chatzill@24-148-44-91.lem-bsr1.chi-lem.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
biggrospif-anime | does someone know wich arguments a file is transfered to a shell script if i call it << using gnome >>($1,$2 ??) | 04:35 |
ShortWave | Aight, so | 04:35 |
imbecile | eck, I have usplash.. I dont want to change the splash screen.. I want the other one with the progress bar | 04:35 |
ShortWave | I've got it up and running on a liveCD | 04:35 |
CharlieSu | no job is the way to go!!! | 04:35 |
GaiaX11 | tiger: follow ScreaminIke hint. It is the easiest way :-) | 04:35 |
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newGuy | usser: Well, it's great for me. Kinda sucks for you, but still, great for me. | 04:35 |
megafauna | CharlieSu: Good Times ARE coming! (They've gotta come sometime!) | 04:35 |
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ShortWave | I suppose I need to configure X for this resolution tho | 04:35 |
ShortWave | dammit | 04:36 |
ZaZ213 | i get the error Failed to fetch file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/./Packages.gz File not found when upgrading to 7.04 how can i fix this? | 04:36 |
rainwalker | "is it better than windows?" - w00t, I get to convert another windows user :D | 04:36 |
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jordo23 | I am trying to install Wordpress for Ubuntu, and have installed the package. Does anyone know of a link or site of what to do next to link it to my LAMP components? | 04:36 |
usser | newGuy: im not complaining, i was just like u once, u will become like me soon dont worry =) | 04:36 |
megafauna | Hi, can someone recommend a solid podcast catcher? Amarok, amazinging just doesn't quite cut it | 04:36 |
danlock2 | haha, i'm STRONGLY considering using Ubuntu for college. | 04:36 |
eck | imbecile: before or after you log in? | 04:36 |
usser | newGuy: once u go linux theres no coming back | 04:36 |
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ScreaminIke | i hate that question, rainwalker. because, usually... i play it as a lateral shif | 04:36 |
newGuy | usser: No, I have a girlfriend. | 04:36 |
=== newGuy ducks. | ||
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cables | Sometimes one or more of my panels will refuse to open on login, and I have to do a killall gnome-panel to fix it. Is this a known bug, and if so, is there a fix? | 04:36 |
ScreaminIke | licensing improvements, functionality improvements, but you have to learn a new set of apps alltogether. | 04:37 |
biggrospif-anime | does someone know wich arguments a file is transfered to a shell script if i call it << using gnome >>($1,$2 ??) | 04:37 |
imbecile | eck, right after I believe | 04:37 |
J^son | craigbass1976: I got an error message | 04:37 |
tatters | eklig: thnx I will read up on it , I just come from windows and was surprised to see my physical memory being eaten up like tthat but your explanation has helped to understand , | 04:37 |
newGuy | usser: I am excluded from being a true uber linux master because I have a GF | 04:37 |
eck | imbecile: the one after you log in is the gnome splash screen, you can toggle it (or change the theme) via gconf | 04:37 |
=== Jump86 [n=ben@c75-111-15-206.amrlcmta01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
danlock2 | what do you all think about using Ubuntu for college? | 04:37 |
vecina | :( | 04:37 |
krazycure | Any takers on vmware tutor for weirdness? | 04:37 |
imbecile | eck, I can see usplash and thats not what I wanna change | 04:37 |
usser | newGuy: haha i had one too =))) | 04:37 |
SurfnKid | anyone have an SX270 Dell? | 04:37 |
eck | danlock2: i'm in college, and i'm using it :-) | 04:37 |
Tony_ | usser, i'm physically back on XP but my heart is still with linux. i'm such a slut | 04:37 |
ScreaminIke | danlock, it's my only os. i'm a senior philosophy major. | 04:37 |
SurfnKid | or know how to fix an i82965 video resolution probelm? | 04:37 |
Cain | danlock2, you can always dual-boot | 04:37 |
Jump86 | I have slightly reduce quality watching movies using beryl.. is this normal? if i switch to metacity it has no tearing at all.... | 04:38 |
danlock2 | hmmm, i'm going to be majoring in computer science, good idea, yes no? | 04:38 |
megafauna | Tony_ why r u back on xp? | 04:38 |
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Cain | yes | 04:38 |
jsubl2 | krazycure, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=vmware&titlesearch=Titles | 04:38 |
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megafauna | Tony_ I used crossover office to escape my final xp chains | 04:38 |
imbecile | eck, cool thanks | 04:38 |
ant- | imbecile : do you want to change the login screen? | 04:38 |
=== inacio [n=inacio@201009168174.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zedfloyd | can somone answer some questions i have about partitioning for a dual boot... yes im a newbie | 04:38 |
Tony_ | megafauna, my games mainly | 04:38 |
admin__ | you please are hopeless | 04:38 |
vecina | shouldnt ubuntu automatically detect new devices? | 04:38 |
ScreaminIke | hrm. ok. so, clearly, i'm not going to be getting any help here, directly, with my super key. can someone reference me somewhere that might be able to help? | 04:38 |
inacio | anybody now how to install the camera ofthe acer computing? | 04:38 |
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J^son | craigbass1976: are you suggesting re-installing samba? | 04:38 |
megafauna | Tony_ If I get into games I'll get a PS3 (if it doesn't fail) | 04:38 |
usser | ok i got lost here, cant read that fast | 04:38 |
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imbecile | ant-, I know how to change that already | 04:39 |
danlock2 | I think I might dual boot Vista / Ubuntu | 04:39 |
usser | newGuy: did wine download finist? | 04:39 |
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ShortWave | WTF | 04:39 |
ShortWave | vi is like damned slow to start up | 04:39 |
usser | ShortWave: yuck vi | 04:39 |
m1r_ | ubuntu lampp - apache problem | 04:39 |
zedfloyd | i would like to dualboot win xp and Ubuntu... please help with partition | 04:39 |
eck | ShortWave: strace it, it is probably trying to read something that doesn't exist | 04:39 |
ShortWave | oh look, my wacom tablet works | 04:39 |
Tony_ | megafauna, i bought it, might as well use it, but it's the last dime i plan on giving MS. i'm more a pc gamer FPS gamer though, controller just doesn't cut it | 04:39 |
zedfloyd | anyone? | 04:39 |
ant- | !partition | zedfloyd | 04:40 |
ubotu | zedfloyd: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 04:40 |
GaiaX11 | danlock2: do not think that :-) Think only ubuntu without dual boot win | 04:40 |
Vulcan40 | Wow well I got the mplayer plugin now all I have to is spend about a week figuring out how to install it | 04:40 |
ant- | !dualboot | zedfloyd | 04:40 |
ubotu | zedfloyd: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 04:40 |
aMMgYrP | Do I still have to patch my kernal to have the install recognise my RAID5? | 04:40 |
imbecile | here u guys im gonna reboot and take a picture of the screen I want to change | 04:40 |
usser | Vulcan40: no why? | 04:40 |
danlock2 | GaiaX11 yeah, I just want to have XP or Vista in case theres something I can't do, lol | 04:40 |
usser | Vulcan40: if u installed it its gotta work | 04:40 |
Vulcan40 | cause I am completely new | 04:40 |
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zedfloyd | THANKS!!!! | 04:41 |
usser | Vulcan40: hm just try watching some streaming video | 04:41 |
m1r_ | lampp cant detect mysql and php , any tips ? | 04:41 |
vecina | so... how do you make ubuntu mount something you plug in, say, a jump drive...? | 04:41 |
vecina | hlo? | 04:41 |
Vulcan40 | k | 04:41 |
usser | Vulcan40: if firefox says need to install pluging u did something wrong | 04:41 |
Episcopus | !powersettings | 04:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about powersettings - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:41 |
krazycure | Yea the whole sending me a link to other links thing to help me with getting vmware working is kind of a cop out | 04:41 |
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chump | vecina : you plug it in ? | 04:41 |
ant- | !acpi | 04:41 |
danlock2 | Vecian, i think it should just boot by default. | 04:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:41 |
krazycure | the only reason I'm here is because i'm been googling and trying for hours | 04:41 |
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vecina | chump: Yeah. thats what i thought too | 04:41 |
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GaiaX11 | danlock2: You can everything in ubuntu. Much better than in win. Except for games. But, Linux will catch win and overtake it in a while :-) | 04:41 |
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zedfloyd | i have a 64 bit amd processer and am running win xp 32bit... do i want to dual boot with ubuntu 64bit version if there is such a thing?? | 04:42 |
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zedfloyd | and is there such a thing? | 04:42 |
usser | GaiaX11: games are great too, Enemy Territory | 04:42 |
usser | ET rocks | 04:42 |
danlock2 | GaiaX11: yeah, I play WoW some, but that can run in Wine, right? so i should be fine. | 04:42 |
chump | vecina : when i plug my usb hd or usb key , mp3player they work just fine | 04:42 |
ant- | !64bit | 04:42 |
ubotu | AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information. | 04:42 |
vecina | chump: They did for me too on my other system. new install | 04:42 |
usser | danlock2: yep WOW runs in wine | 04:42 |
eck | usser: you must have really drunk the kool-aid if you think games are "great" on linux ;-) | 04:42 |
vecina | chump: And it just sort of ignores everything | 04:42 |
Kubuntu_noob | anyone know where to get an isa-pnp module | 04:42 |
ShortWave | I'm really kind of irritated about this | 04:43 |
Kubuntu_noob | I am trying ot get sound to work on TP600E | 04:43 |
biggrospif-anime | does someone know wich arguments a file is transfered to a shell script if i call it << using gnome >>($1,$2 ??) | 04:43 |
danlock2 | usser: yeah, I just am nervous about making the switch, lol | 04:43 |
Cain | The only thing I use Windows for anymore is to play games and keep it patched | 04:43 |
ShortWave | I use windows for far too much to give it up | 04:43 |
usser | eck: well they are ok, theres Enemy territory, Cube, | 04:43 |
GaiaX11 | usser: danlock2 Well I am not into games. So I left win a long ago :-) | 04:43 |
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ShortWave | And not games | 04:43 |
vecina | Battle for wesnoth... | 04:43 |
danlock2 | GaiaX11: I am, I'm a programmer / nerd, lol. | 04:43 |
Kubuntu_noob | My goal is to go 100% microsoft free | 04:43 |
usser | GaiaX11: same here i play warcraft occasionaly | 04:43 |
zedfloyd | if i already have winxp what are the advantages to Umbuntu?? | 04:43 |
Cain | Kubuntu_noob, I think it is quite possible to do | 04:44 |
Tony_ | eck, enemy territory is just about all i need, an awesome game. unfortunately, BF2 and CS bring me back to windows | 04:44 |
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SurfnKid | zedfloyd, its free | 04:44 |
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hurt | CS is old | 04:44 |
hurt | and dieing | 04:44 |
Toma- | What ports does Ekiga need to work? | 04:44 |
usser | Tony_: cs works with wine | 04:44 |
vecina | zedfloyd: It works more efficiently,. Less viruses | 04:44 |
sgtmattbaker | I am trying to make a script run on bootup and have asked in the ubuntuforums but I have gotten 3 different responses saying I should edit a different init.d or rc.local files.. please help | 04:44 |
zedfloyd | but i already have winxp | 04:44 |
zedfloyd | vecina.. good point! | 04:44 |
vecina | zedfloyd: All the apps are free too and quick to DL | 04:44 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: what run level are you targetting? | 04:44 |
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SurfnKid | zedfloyd, good :) | 04:44 |
Tony_ | usser, yeah, but i've heard it can be quite daunting to set up and sometimes unsuccessfully | 04:45 |
chump | zedfloyd: hmm virus less ? | 04:45 |
vecina | zedfloyd: And if your a programmer you have access to lots of information and good tools | 04:45 |
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samk | how do I mount an sd card | 04:45 |
zedfloyd | im not a programmer... unfortunatly | 04:45 |
usser | Tony_: nooo i got cs:s hl2 running at 50-60 fps | 04:45 |
zedfloyd | i think im a nerd wannabe | 04:45 |
Cain | haha | 04:45 |
usser | Tony_: there are some issues | 04:45 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: In linux, in general, you want to identify what run level you want your script to run at. | 04:45 |
Pelo | samk, it should auto mount ? doesn't it ? | 04:45 |
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usser | Tony_: and its harder to setup than in windows but nothing that cant be fixed | 04:46 |
Tony_ | usser, what's your specs? my pc is athlon xp 2800, 1 gig standard mem, 6800GT | 04:46 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: So if, for instance, you wanted runlevel 3, you'd put your script (tho probably a LINK to the script) in /etc/rc3.d | 04:46 |
chump | vecina: i really have no idea why your usb devices won't work | 04:46 |
wastrel | sgtmattbaker: look at /etc/rc.local the comments are v. informative | 04:46 |
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samk | I put it into the drive and nothing happens not even the drive on my computrer blinks | 04:46 |
Vulcan40 | nope no video | 04:46 |
Pelo | usser, you just cost us a sale , that 0$ will come out of your next paycheck | 04:46 |
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sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: I have a script that mounts my xp partition, copies all my savegames (don't really user Windows for anything else these days) and then umounts it. I have somew scripts for restoring and backing up my Windows partition w/ dd and ntfsclone and cannot have Windows mounted when I do those things, so that is why the script unmounts it after it is done | 04:46 |
usser | Tony_: athlon 64 3200+, 1Gb, ati 9800Xt | 04:46 |
vecina | *sad* | 04:46 |
anonymeeee | Chump: thank you! That worked | 04:46 |
=== xsystemx [n=xsystemx@mctnnbsa24w-142166094306.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zedfloyd | do they make nvidia drivers for Linux? | 04:47 |
Cain | yes | 04:47 |
hurt | zedfloyd yes | 04:47 |
Pelo | samk let me see if I can find a howto | 04:47 |
eck | zedfloyd: nvidida _tries_ to ;-) | 04:47 |
Tony_ | zedfloyd, yes, great ones | 04:47 |
usser | Pelo: oh come on i dont make enough as is | 04:47 |
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chump | anonymeeee: no problem ;) | 04:47 |
vecina | I dunno if it knows to automatically mount them. i had to do a text based install | 04:47 |
hurt | ati is crap... | 04:47 |
zedfloyd | awsome | 04:47 |
samk | thanks | 04:47 |
torshido | hi all, I need to execute this modprobe everytime Ubuntu restarts: sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0xc88 product=0x17da | 04:47 |
zedfloyd | i have a 7900gs | 04:47 |
Tony_ | zedfloyd, comparatively great | 04:47 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: aight, well you can put a command in /etc/rc.local for that problem, but it'll run at the invocation of every "multiuser" runlevel | 04:47 |
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torshido | where is the right place to add this kind of modules_ | 04:47 |
Metal03 | Hell everyone, I'm trying to configure my webcam in Linux... it'S a very old cam... anyone can help? | 04:47 |
Episcopus | i am trying to stop my computer from shutting down automatically after being idle for 40 minutes. i already have the power management settings set to never sleep. what else can i do | 04:47 |
imbecile | eck, I was wrong its the screen before you login | 04:47 |
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usser | hurt: tell me about it | 04:47 |
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sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: haha did not understand what you just said | 04:47 |
usser | hurt: i spent 500 bucks on this card | 04:48 |
Metal03 | Hello* | 04:48 |
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usser | like 4 years ago | 04:48 |
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eck | imbecile: do you have a screenshot? | 04:48 |
torshido | /etc/modules ??? but how do I pass the parameters, I am not sure how to add the line | 04:48 |
imbecile | ant-, I was wrong its the screen before you login | 04:48 |
m1r_ | lampp and apache conflict, how to remove all from system ? | 04:48 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: which part did you get lost on? | 04:48 |
imbecile | eck, i had my sd card removed :/ | 04:48 |
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Tony_ | anyone know a simple way to get 1680x1050 res on ubuntu? i keep putting it in my xorg but it won't show up when i use the config utilty | 04:49 |
zedfloyd | i read a little that there is a multimedia version of Ubuntu... is it hard to config and will it DVR? anyone done this? | 04:49 |
imbecile | eck, I can redo it though | 04:49 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: someone told me to put the script in init.d and create a symbolic link in rc#.d; the multiuser runlevel | 04:49 |
eck | imbecile: the order that you see things is: grub > usplash > gdm/kdm/xdm > you DE | 04:49 |
xsystemx | Once beryl is installed, how do I use it? No Beryl option when i try to select different session? | 04:49 |
eXile187 | hello, I have an installation question regarding 7.04 server ed. | 04:49 |
shawn34 | looking for a good gui torrent client like azures & ktorrent that run well on gnome, anyone know of a good one? | 04:49 |
tripppy | does anyone have a PS3 running ubuntu? | 04:49 |
Vulcan40 | I downloaded the file and extracted it and this is what i have /home/thomas/Download/mplayerplug-in-3.40.tar.gz | 04:49 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: yes, that's correct | 04:49 |
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zedfloyd | >i read a little that there is a multimedia version of Ubuntu... is it hard to config and will it DVR? anyone done this? | 04:49 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: At least, that's one way of doing it. | 04:49 |
ahead | join #ubuntu-cn | 04:49 |
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usser | Vulcan40: nooo | 04:49 |
Metal03 | Hi, where should I go to configure a webcam? | 04:49 |
Vulcan40 | no | 04:49 |
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usser | Vulcan40: open up adept manager and look there | 04:49 |
imbecile | eck, Ill reboot again 1 sec | 04:49 |
Vulcan40 | k | 04:50 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: why are there so many ways.. I am getting confused.. I thought I could just put it in my /bin and go to sessions and have it as a startup program | 04:50 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: Some linux distros provide a "local" facility (i.e. /etc/rc.local) that you can configure custom scripts with. | 04:50 |
Tony_ | shawn34, i use utorrent in wine, works great | 04:50 |
zedfloyd | >i read a little that there is a multimedia version of Ubuntu... is it hard to config and will it DVR? anyone done this? | 04:50 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: /etc/rcX.d are *system level*. When the system enters a certain running state, that's when the script is run. | 04:50 |
Pelo | samk, sorry I can'T find anyting , I guess you'll have to google for it | 04:50 |
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shawn34 | Tony_, would rather not install wine if i can avoid it | 04:50 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: "sessions" are user-level startup scripts | 04:50 |
chump | shawn34: ktorrent run well on gnome | 04:50 |
=== runtime [n=xruntime@pool-72-76-182-225.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
runtime | hello | 04:51 |
ShortWave | WTF am I doing | 04:51 |
ShortWave | I am not an Ubuntu support person | 04:51 |
ShortWave | heh | 04:51 |
Vulcan40 | I looked there for mplayer and it shows nothing | 04:51 |
Tony_ | zedfloyd, yes, it's ubuntu studio | 04:51 |
torshido | or should I add a file into /etc/modprobe.d ?? what is the format? | 04:51 |
orbin | shawn34: try deluge | 04:51 |
zedfloyd | Tony, have you used it? | 04:51 |
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shawn34 | chump, would also like to avoid installing the kde libs... | 04:51 |
eck | all: try rtorrent | 04:51 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: I do not know if my script is written correctly.. I was told that if it was run early in the runlevel I would have to do this to do spaces "Program\040Files" or "Program\040 Files" I didn't really understand.. | 04:51 |
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ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: errr | 04:52 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: that would depend upon the shell that you used | 04:52 |
Kubuntu_noob | what is the purpose of multiple levels - guess: to enforce execution sequence? | 04:52 |
usser | Vulcan40: hm | 04:52 |
Metal03 | Anyone kind enough to point me where I should check to try and configure my webcam? | 04:52 |
sgtmattbaker | BASH in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn | 04:52 |
chump | shawn34: qBittorrent then | 04:52 |
=== bryan [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vulcan40 | yup that s what I say lol | 04:52 |
eck | Kubuntu_noob: they are supposed to correspond roughly to different executing environments | 04:52 |
torshido | anybody? | 04:52 |
eXile187 | are there any known issues with SATA RAID 5 and ubuntu server? | 04:52 |
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noiesmo | RobbieCrash: hey did you sort your nvidia i think you need nvidia-glx-new not nvidia-glx | 04:52 |
eck | Kubuntu_noob: e.g. runlevel 1 is single user, 3 is multiuser, 5 is graphical | 04:52 |
=== pibarnas [n=pibarnas@201008142037.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
usser | Vulcan40: do u have all the repositories enabled, go to adept->manage repositories | 04:53 |
eck | Kubuntu_noob: they are totally nonstandard though and in practice used to enforce boot sequence | 04:53 |
Vulcan40 | yuppers | 04:53 |
bryan | does anyone know a good software program for the recovery of a lost partition, or an erased/formatted hdd? | 04:53 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: yes, but is it launched restricted or not? depending upon how it's configured, if it's not launched as an INTERACTIVE SHELL, that will affect the environment of the shell, which can affect how it handles escapes | 04:53 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: BASH in Ubuntu Feisty Fawn | 04:53 |
Tony_ | zedfloyd, no, as far as i know, it's not out yet but once it is, i'll try it | 04:53 |
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ShortWave | I have no idea how it's configured in Ubuntu | 04:53 |
Tony_ | zedfloyd, http://ubuntustudio.org/ | 04:53 |
Kubuntu_noob | Eck: Thanks | 04:53 |
zedfloyd | thanks tony | 04:53 |
Tony_ | yw | 04:53 |
usser | Vulcan40: well i dunno | 04:53 |
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aMMgYrP | anyone, anyone at all...? | 04:54 |
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ShortWave | man | 04:54 |
Vulcan40 | so i should thank you all for your help but I'll tackle this tommorow | 04:54 |
ShortWave | this is irritating | 04:54 |
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ShortWave | to get this where I want it, I actually have to fucking install it. | 04:54 |
ShortWave | Arrrrghhhhh | 04:54 |
ShortWave | or | 04:54 |
usser | Vulcan40: no pblem | 04:54 |
ShortWave | I could make my own liveCD | 04:54 |
ShortWave | hrm | 04:54 |
Vulcan40 | tnks | 04:54 |
ShortWave | what to do, what to do | 04:55 |
aMMgYrP | usser: can you help me maybe? | 04:55 |
lomez | hey, do i want to go with XGL or AIGLX if i have an ATI card? | 04:55 |
usser | aMMgYrP: whats the problem? | 04:55 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: I do not know.. the owner:group of the script is rott:root and this is what my script looks like : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17722/ | 04:55 |
wastrel | lomez: xgl | 04:55 |
torshido | hi all, I need to execute this modprobe everytime Ubuntu restarts: sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0xc88 product=0x17da how can I do it automatically? | 04:55 |
hurt | how umake ur own live cd? | 04:55 |
bryan | does anyone know a good software program for the recovery of a lost partition, or an erased/formatted hdd? | 04:55 |
lomez | ok, and compiz or beryl? | 04:55 |
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ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: That has nothing to do with how bash is being launched. most likely it's non-interactive | 04:56 |
sgtmattbaker | lomex: I haven't tried compiz but I hear beryl is better | 04:56 |
aMMgYrP | I'm trying to do an install of server 7.04 on a Dual Core opteron box with 2 gb of ram and a sata raid 5, but the installation program does nto recognise my raid. | 04:56 |
lomez | ok | 04:56 |
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lomez | so ATI does not work with AIGLX? | 04:56 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: how would you know that | 04:56 |
eck | bryan: it would be parted | 04:56 |
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eck | err gpart | 04:56 |
eck | something like that | 04:56 |
ScreaminIke | i am genuinely lost. | 04:56 |
usser | aMMgYrP: wouldnt know anything about RAID never did that sorry | 04:56 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: How would *I* know that or how would you find out? | 04:56 |
m1r_ | how can i remove Apache/2.2.3 (Unix) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d PHP/5.2.0 mod_apreq2-20051231/2.5.7 mod_perl/2.0.2 Perl/v5.8.7 Server at localhost ? | 04:56 |
lomez | and second of all, does anyone know a good site for XGL/Compiz? | 04:56 |
eck | yeah, it is gpart | 04:56 |
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aMMgYrP | usser: know anyone on channel who might | 04:56 |
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bryan | i can only boot to ubuntu fiesty now, i thought i was doing a dual-boot setup, but it turned out to be killing off windows and 120GB of my life and installing fiesty right over the top of it, i backed nothing up at all? | 04:57 |
usser | aMMgYrP: no sorry | 04:57 |
ShortWave | RAID? | 04:57 |
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aMMgYrP | yes. | 04:57 |
bryan | eck ? parted? | 04:57 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: how would one know that | 04:57 |
ShortWave | whatch00 wanna know 'bout raid? | 04:57 |
eck | bryan: gpart = guess partitions | 04:57 |
bryan | like QTParted eck ? | 04:57 |
zz | is there anyway for me to disable certain kernel modules on bootup in the live cd? | 04:57 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: You'd have look at how init calls the run levels via inittab | 04:57 |
ShortWave | in /etc/inittab that is | 04:57 |
eck | bryan: no, that uses parted (which is totally different from gpart) | 04:57 |
bryan | i do not understand what you mean eck sorry.. | 04:57 |
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ShortWave | that would be your starting point, that being the thing that cranks the system up | 04:57 |
eck | the names are confusing | 04:57 |
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jlilly | my sound isn't working. its onboard sound for an ASUS M2N-MX mobo. How do I check if drivers are loaded for it? | 04:58 |
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eck | !info gpart | 04:58 |
bryan | i am a tottal nOOb | 04:58 |
ubotu | gpart: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4.1 (feisty), package size 35 kB, installed size 112 kB | 04:58 |
aMMgYrP | ShortWave: I have a hardware RAID 5 set up, but when i try to install server 7.04 64bit, it does not recognise the raid, it attempts to partition the drives as though there were no raid. | 04:58 |
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ShortWave | is it me, or are the GAIM default options totally braindead? | 04:58 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: you are talking way out of my realm of comprehension.. I am pretty new to Linux (~2 months) | 04:58 |
bryan | i should get that, and it will help me find my way back to my old data | 04:58 |
bryan | ? | 04:58 |
ShortWave | aMMgYrP: what kind of RAID controller? | 04:58 |
aMMgYrP | Pidgin | 04:58 |
eck | ShortWave: not just you ;-) | 04:58 |
mark__ | Does anyone know how to use the renderer in AC3d? | 04:58 |
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ejupin | Hey all, I finally got my wireless card configured properly.. thanks to all who helped with suggestions! | 04:58 |
aMMgYrP | SiS | 04:58 |
mark__ | I have PovRay but it does not seem to work. | 04:58 |
ShortWave | mark_: What's it not doing? | 04:59 |
nomasteryoda|w | zz, yo | 04:59 |
cmatheson | exit | 04:59 |
=== eoX [n=fokuslee@adsl-75-47-159-59.dsl.lsan03.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShortWave | mark__: Did you configure a light? | 04:59 |
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imbecile | eck, http://img257.imageshack.us/my.php?image=im000950hv6.jpg that is not the default ubuntu one but that is what i'm talking about | 04:59 |
Metal03 | Anyone know how to configure a webcam? | 04:59 |
nomasteryoda|w | zz, so no luck? | 04:59 |
mark__ | It just does not show up. | 04:59 |
variant | mark__: try asking in #blender, they are quite helpfull and thats a bit of a specialist question for in here | 04:59 |
ShortWave | aMMgYrP: SOME hardware RAID controllers don't need to be recognized (like say on a Dell 2850 server) | 04:59 |
eck | ShortWave: actually inittab is deprecated since edgy (i think if you have one it will still be sort of used by upstart though) | 04:59 |
mark__ | Ok. | 04:59 |
mark__ | Thank you. | 04:59 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: I don't even know how to get it to run at bootup as of now | 04:59 |
bryan | eck are you talking about the Gnome partiton editor? | 05:00 |
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kitsuneofdoom | I'm trying to get a Matrox G200 to do direct rendering. Apparently, there is an accelerated driver (mga) and I am (according to xorg.conf) using it, but it's not working. Feisty Fawn. | 05:00 |
eck | bryan: no, there is a separate program called gpart. the gnome partition editor is gparted | 05:00 |
ShortWave | mmark__: have you attempted to export a .pov file and render it by hand? | 05:00 |
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bryan | eck should i find it in synaptic? | 05:00 |
aMMgYrP | ShortWave: It is a custom built box, with a PCI Silicon Integrated Systems, Sata CArd/Raid controller. | 05:00 |
eck | imbecile: what DE are you using? | 05:00 |
eck | bryan: yes | 05:00 |
ShortWave | but it's a *hardware* RAID controller, yes? | 05:00 |
bryan | thanks eck !!! | 05:01 |
imbecile | eck, gnome | 05:01 |
aMMgYrP | ShortWave: Yes. | 05:01 |
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eck | imbecile: i think that is a picture of gdm | 05:01 |
ShortWave | is the controller capable of providing a logical drive? | 05:01 |
bryan | installing right now | 05:01 |
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imbecile | eck, is there a way to change it? | 05:01 |
zz | nomasteryoda|w: is it possible for me to disable kernel modules that load on the live cd or no, at boot up | 05:01 |
biggrospif-anime | does someone know where the argument is place in a shell script($1...) when i call it using nautilus ?< | 05:01 |
ShortWave | On my dell 2850s, the hardware RAID shows up as a normal drive | 05:01 |
eck | imbecile: or upstart? is that the login screen or the progress bar | 05:02 |
mark__ | I cannot connect to it? | 05:02 |
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mark__ | For some reason. | 05:02 |
eck | imbecile: if it is the progress bar thing i assure you it is upstart | 05:02 |
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eck | err usplash | 05:02 |
bob777 | Hello, I have a weird problem configuring Samba, I created a share as a path /bob and it works perfectly, when I change the path from /bob to /home/bob, it doesn't work anymore even if /home has a 755 access, what could I do please? | 05:02 |
mark__ | #blender :Cannot send to channel | 05:02 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: are you there | 05:02 |
nomasteryoda|w | not sue | 05:02 |
aMMgYrP | Shortwave: During the initial set up with Suse 10.2, it recognizes it as a single logical volume. So I would say yes. | 05:02 |
nomasteryoda|w | sure | 05:02 |
mark__ | That is what it says? | 05:02 |
eck | imbecile: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto | 05:02 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: I think what you want to do is not use an init script. | 05:02 |
imbecile | eck, its the progress bar | 05:02 |
biggrospif-anime | does someone know where the argument is place in a shell script($1...) when i call it using nautilus ?< | 05:02 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: Might make more sense if you use the session thing. | 05:02 |
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sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: ok, the session thing didn't work though | 05:03 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: Tho you might want to make sure that you do some date/time checking. | 05:03 |
bruenig | biggrospif-anime, are you talking about a nautilus script | 05:03 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: you wouldn't want to startup the machine twice and have a savegame overwritten by an older one from windows. | 05:03 |
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ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: You thought of that right? | 05:03 |
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ScreaminIke | ok. i actually need some help rather desperately. | 05:04 |
eck | imbecile: that page will instruct you how to make your own, but it is a bit complicated due to the limitations of usplash | 05:04 |
eox1 | !voip | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about voip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
biggrospif-anime | bruenig, no, i only want to run a shell script using nautilus and make a directory with the name of the file in the /tmp but i cant find the name of th e file using $1 | 05:04 |
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darksoule | I want to apologize for my behavior last time I was here. I got upset and said things that were uncalled for. | 05:04 |
eox1 | !freepbx | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about freepbx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:04 |
Metal03 | Hello, I have a video capture card that my webcam is connected into, can anyone help make it work? | 05:04 |
bryan | eck i cannot find gpart after install? | 05:04 |
ScreaminIke | the issue is with BERYL. for sure. it reads my windows key as perpetually pressed.... | 05:04 |
Pelo | darksoule, you are forgiven | 05:04 |
aMMgYrP | ShortWave: I wiped the Suse install because it was having issues with the onboard ethernet card. | 05:04 |
eox1 | darksoule u are forever blacklisted | 05:04 |
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bruenig | biggrospif-anime, you mean you want to double click on a shell script? using the file manager | 05:04 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: you mean like if I were to restore the Windows partition and then boot into Ubuntu? | 05:04 |
Ademan | !libdvdcss2 > jamarco88 | 05:04 |
ShortWave | aMMgYrP: I run Fedora Core on my servers. | 05:04 |
zz | is can i disable a kernel module from loading at boot up on the live cd? | 05:05 |
aMMgYrP | I'll give that one a go. Thanks. | 05:05 |
eck | bryan: i think it is a command line sort of thing (I've never used it myself though) | 05:05 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: naw. say you copied over your savegames | 05:05 |
ScreaminIke | so i'm required to use my ctrl key to employ my mouse in any effective manner | 05:05 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: Then you play some, and save the game again. | 05:05 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: then you reboot. | 05:05 |
bryan | damn i will google it eck thanks buddy! | 05:05 |
Pelo | eox1, no , we are nice here , we forgive, we donT' have a choice to much traffic , we can't keep track | 05:05 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: savegame, overwritten with older version from windows. | 05:05 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: hold on | 05:05 |
biggrospif-anime | bruenig, not exactly, its more like open a file(html...zip) and make action with a shell script but i cant find the name of the file calling it | 05:05 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: Your script probably needs to do a bit mroe intelligent checking | 05:06 |
bruenig | !english | biggrospif-anime | 05:06 |
eox1 | pelo that was just a bad joke | 05:06 |
ubotu | biggrospif-anime: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 05:06 |
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kneeki | Hmm, anyone know why 'sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator' worked on my other PC, but not this one? =( 'Error: Couldn't find package avant-window-navigator' | 05:06 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: hmm, but isn't that what the -u option in cp is | 05:06 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: I'll look up the documentation | 05:06 |
Tony_ | does anyone know if all XP games work with ubuntu in a virtual machine? | 05:06 |
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: you can also use tar | 05:06 |
bruenig | biggrospif-anime, put the script in pastebin or something because you seriously are doing a terrible job of explaining what exactly you are talking about | 05:06 |
sgtmattbaker | use tar? | 05:06 |
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craigbass1976 | Hey, why won't sudo echo " " > /etc/file wipe the contents of file? I'm getting a permission denied error, and so is another guy. | 05:06 |
eck | Tony_: they would work, but they would use ubuntu for all hardware things including graphics | 05:06 |
Pelo | Tony_, you can try them under wine | 05:06 |
biggrospif-anime | bruenig, ok | 05:07 |
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ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: I didn't look at your script, I'm just making sure you thought of that :) | 05:07 |
bruenig | craigbass1976, echo " " | sudo tee /etc/file | 05:07 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: but what you can do is open up a terminal, by going into applications, then accesories (I think), then Terminal | 05:07 |
Metal03 | Tony_: most of them... www.winehq.com | 05:07 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: it will open up a text window. | 05:07 |
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sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: oh.. yeah.. well I don't know if it is written correctly | 05:07 |
Tony_ | cool, good to hear. i got plenty of games to try | 05:07 |
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mark__ | How do I register my Nickname? | 05:08 |
bimberi | !register | mark__ | 05:08 |
ubotu | mark__: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:08 |
ShortWave | aMMgYrP: so like, does it do logical drives? if the RAId controller is showing up as one drive, then you're fine. It doesn't need a /dev/mdX device or anything, since it's hardware | 05:08 |
Metal03 | ok, can anyone read what I'm writting? | 05:08 |
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bruenig | !opsnack | MetaBot | 05:08 |
ubotu | MetaBot: Chocolate! And Peanuts! | 05:08 |
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mark__ | What is that? | 05:08 |
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kitsuneofdoom | bryan: you still around? | 05:08 |
Fylk | I can Metal | 05:08 |
bimberi | Metal03: no :) | 05:08 |
bryan | yeah | 05:08 |
mark__ | I have no idea what it is talking about. | 05:08 |
zz | i need some help on the live cd | 05:08 |
ShortWave | aMMgYrP: /dev/mdX is for linux-controlled RAID. hardware RAID == different beast. | 05:08 |
bryan | just got back trying to catch up here...ok | 05:08 |
Tony_ | !register | Tony_ | 05:08 |
ubuntulivecd | I seem to be having a problem booting my computer after upgrading to feisty | 05:08 |
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ShortWave | mark__: So like, what have you tried, exactly? | 05:09 |
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Metal03 | ok, I wasn't sure since no one was answering my call for help... hehe! | 05:09 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: if you type my name, or (the way I have it set up) just kitsune, it will highlight it for me and make it stand out | 05:09 |
bryan | i searched but it only comes up with gpart-ed info not gpart....damn google | 05:09 |
mark__ | I just looked at the instructions and I did not really understand them. | 05:09 |
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Metal03 | Anyone know how to configure a webcam? | 05:09 |
bryan | i know kitsuneofdoom i just forget sometimes sorry | 05:09 |
biggrospif-anime | bruenig, here :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17723/ | 05:09 |
ShortWave | mark__: well then you need to read them until you DO understand them | 05:09 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: can you open a terminal? | 05:09 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: it's ok. | 05:09 |
ShortWave | mark__: Ac3d is not for the faint of heart. | 05:09 |
=== weltschmerz [n=weltschm@adsl-69-109-229-61.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU | ||
=== zz is now known as rrmm | ||
rrmm | is can i disable a kernel module from loading at boot up on the live cd? | 05:10 |
ShortWave | blast | 05:10 |
ShortWave | he left | 05:10 |
=== sigmamu188 [n=jwheeler@cpe-70-116-80-78.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | !webcam | Metal03 | 05:10 |
ubotu | Metal03: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 05:10 |
bryan | yes kitsuneofdoom | 05:10 |
Tati | holaaaa | 05:10 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: so what do I need to do | 05:10 |
=== degreseven [n=bryan@c-71-227-220-4.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tony_ | anyone here use a tvtuner with ubuntu? | 05:10 |
Pelo | Metal03, try the forum for instructions, but I have had no luck and many ppl have failed , it is not easy | 05:10 |
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bryan | opened terminal kitsuneofdoom | 05:10 |
acehigh | sup everyone | 05:10 |
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tati | hellooo | 05:10 |
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-92-9.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShortWave | sgtmattbaker: have you tested your script with junk files to test that it works the way you want? | 05:10 |
bruenig | biggrospif-anime, yeah you would be better off writing a nautilus script | 05:10 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: do you know if you have a scsi or an ide drive? | 05:10 |
=== Jump86 [n=ben@c75-111-15-206.amrlcmta01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bryan | no i do not | 05:10 |
frog29 | My internet in ubuntu only is really slow, how would i fix it? (i know this wireless cad and router can go faster) | 05:10 |
acehigh | anyone know how to join a ssid with wireless running wep? | 05:11 |
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bryan | kitsuneofdoom no | 05:11 |
bimberi | !ipv6 | frog29 | 05:11 |
ubotu | frog29: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 | 05:11 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: type df | 05:11 |
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kitsuneofdoom | bryan: then enter | 05:11 |
mark__ | Hey I was talking about registering my name. | 05:11 |
frog29 | Bimeri - ok i'll check it out | 05:11 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: and tell me the first entry | 05:11 |
ubuntulivecd | it tells me "[17179570.112000] Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)" when I try to boot. | 05:11 |
ShortWave | mark__: you return | 05:11 |
mark__ | I was not talking about the AC3D. | 05:11 |
bryan | go tit kitsuneofdoom | 05:11 |
ShortWave | mark__: Ah, for #blender? | 05:11 |
degreseven | i have the ubuntu 7.04 beta installed, can i just update with synaptic, or do i need to reinstall the final release? is there a difference? | 05:11 |
ShortWave | mark__: Don't waste your time. | 05:11 |
mark__ | Yeah. | 05:11 |
sgtmattbaker | ShortWave: yes it works, but I do not know id I need to change it to /040 Files or /040Files or just leave it / Files (using Program Files as an example) I just don't know how to run it at bootup.. | 05:11 |
mark__ | What do you mean? | 05:11 |
biggrospif-anime | bruenig, oh, ok a nautilus...hum(i am a noob) ok i will search the web and try that, thanks, i didn't know it existed | 05:11 |
rrmm | can i disable a kernel module from loading at boot up on the live cd? | 05:11 |
=== vecina [n=vecina@c-68-52-139-174.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Metal03 | I've had some progress with my webcam... but all I get is a distorted image... but I can see it's from the webcam cause it changes when I move in front of it | 05:12 |
Klowner | ubuntulivecd: that means the kernel can't find your root partition | 05:12 |
zedfloyd | i have a d: drive unformated with 18mb open its a logical drive.. can i use this to install ubuntu?? | 05:12 |
Jordan_U | degreseven, You can just upgrade | 05:12 |
vecina | Why do i have to put in the feisty cd to apitiude install stuff ? i didnt have to do that with edgy | 05:12 |
bryan | kitsuneofdoom now what | 05:12 |
=== john [n=john@c-71-205-57-4.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
degreseven | Jordan_U, thanks | 05:12 |
eck | rrmm: i think if you hit the f* keys at the boot screen you will get instructions on how to disable modules | 05:12 |
ubuntulivecd | Klowner: So what do I do? | 05:12 |
kitsuneofdoom | vecina: go to synaptic and find the CD. Uncheck it. | 05:12 |
acehigh | I have a wireless network i need to connect to but dont know about using wep in the ifconig ommand | 05:12 |
Pelo | Metal03, the forum is all the help I can give you | 05:12 |
mark__ | What did you mean about Blender chat? | 05:12 |
acehigh | command | 05:12 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: tell me the first line of output from that | 05:12 |
vecina | kitsuneofdoom: Oh okay | 05:12 |
mark__ | Just asking. | 05:12 |
kitsuneofdoom | + | 05:12 |
Metal03 | Pelo : kk, thanks | 05:12 |
ShortWave | mark__: I mean, don't waste your time. The users in #blender are largely clueless about anything that's *not* blender. | 05:12 |
rrmm | eck i cant find how to turn off wifi cards | 05:12 |
zedfloyd | i have a d: drive unformated with 18mb open its a logical drive.. can i use this to install ubuntu?? | 05:12 |
bryan | Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on | 05:12 |
bryan | /dev/sda1 192292124 3368264 179155940 2% / | 05:12 |
rrmm | #blender3d | 05:12 |
mark__ | Oh I see. | 05:13 |
rrmm | not #blender | 05:13 |
bryan | kitsuneofdoom | 05:13 |
bryan | look up | 05:13 |
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ShortWave | any blender channel, for that matter. | 05:13 |
=== sivel27 [n=sivel27@74-134-137-116.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eox1 | is there a voip section for ubuntu? | 05:13 |
acehigh | rrmm ifconfig card down doesn't work? | 05:13 |
zcat[1] | eox1: section? | 05:13 |
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ShortWave | mark__: So I ask you again. Have you attempted A. exporting your ac3d file to a .pov file and B. rendering it with POVRay manually? | 05:13 |
Jordan_U | zedfloyd, You can use that to hold the bare bones Ubuntu installer, but you won't get much out of it if you are trying to install Ubunut into 18 meg | 05:13 |
Klowner | ubuntulivecd: is this a fresh install or have you not yet installed? | 05:13 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: type "gpart /dev/sda" and put the output on pastebin | 05:13 |
ubuntulivecd | no, it was an upgrade | 05:13 |
vecina | next question: why does it reset my graphics driver to VESA when i boot up in normal mode (im using recovery mode) | 05:13 |
acehigh | replace card with the name of the card like ath0 | 05:13 |
rrmm | acehigh: it says its not configured but when i rmmod it says its busy | 05:14 |
mark__ | I try to start up Povray but it does not seem to start up. | 05:14 |
=== jman_ [n=justin@c-71-60-68-165.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zedfloyd | i have 214mb for my main partition c:\ | 05:14 |
sivel27 | hello everyone | 05:14 |
bryan | *** Fatal error: open(/dev/sda): Permission denied. | 05:14 |
bryan | bryan@bryan-desktop:~$ | 05:14 |
bryan | kitsuneofdoom | 05:14 |
acehigh | rrmm, ell ya know it works hhe | 05:14 |
ubuntulivecd | Klowner: I was installing from packages on the alternate cd | 05:14 |
rrmm | acehigh: what works? | 05:14 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: use sudo | 05:14 |
ShortWave | mark__: When you say "startup" how are you going about it? | 05:14 |
rrmm | my card doesnt work | 05:14 |
zedfloyd | im sorry 18GB | 05:14 |
=== pyCube [n=jmayfiel@ip70-162-99-124.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: sudo gpart /dev/sda | 05:14 |
Jordan_U | zedfloyd, Are you sure you mean Mega Bytes and not Giga Bytes? | 05:14 |
mark__ | Clicking on the application. | 05:14 |
Jordan_U | zedfloyd, :) | 05:14 |
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ShortWave | mark__: and what happens when you do that? | 05:15 |
mark__ | Nothing. | 05:15 |
=== Metal03 [n=metal03@modemcable060.195-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Klowner | ubuntulivecd: do you know what your root partition device is ? /dev/hda1 or something? | 05:15 |
zedfloyd | sorry jordan... is that plenty then? | 05:15 |
=== kewang [n=kewang@cc8.niu.edu.tw] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ShortWave | mark__: you're sure it's installed? | 05:15 |
zcat[1] | Seveas: you awake? | 05:15 |
darksoule | I was wondering if there was a way to 'reset' synaptic? | 05:15 |
eox1 | zcat[1] : like ubuntu-offtopic | 05:15 |
bryan | what is pastebin URL kitsuneofdoom ? | 05:15 |
ubuntulivecd | Klowner: I only have one drive | 05:15 |
mark__ | Yeah I did a ./install test and it worked. | 05:15 |
acehigh | rrmm your wireless | 05:15 |
zcat[1] | eox1: not as far as I know... | 05:15 |
rrmm | !paste | bytee | 05:15 |
ubotu | bytee: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:15 |
HYPOCRISY | sup | 05:15 |
cyberfr0g | Hi | 05:15 |
Pelo | darksoule, what do you mean by reset ? | 05:15 |
Jordan_U | zedfloyd, 18 GB is more than enough, the default install is < 5 I believe | 05:15 |
HYPOCRISY | I'll think about it | 05:15 |
cyberfr0g | secret | 05:15 |
rrmm | !paste | bryan | 05:15 |
ShortWave | mark__: hrm, ok....so...open a terminal and run "povray" | 05:15 |
ubotu | bryan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:15 |
kitsuneofdoom | !paste | bryan | 05:15 |
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Klowner | ubuntulivecd: with only a single partition? | 05:15 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: eep | 05:15 |
mark__ | Ok. | 05:16 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: well, ubotu is intelligent | 05:16 |
bryan | i dont get how to use the whole exclamation thing | 05:16 |
ShortWave | mark__: Better yet | 05:16 |
ShortWave | mark__: Export some random ac3d file to a .pov file | 05:16 |
=== zcat[1] wants packages for google earth and second life. anybody want to take this on? seveas perhaps? | ||
ShortWave | mark__: and run povray on that. | 05:16 |
zcat[1] | or tell me how to do them.. | 05:16 |
ubuntulivecd | Klowner: I used the "wipe entire disk" option when I installed, so presumably it would be the default value. | 05:16 |
eck | zcat[1] : the license makes that illegal | 05:16 |
rrmm | acehigh: my wireless doesnt work | 05:16 |
darksoule | Well, it keeps telling me it can't find partial files that I felt were no longer needed when I downloaded the whole files elsewhere... and won't do anything without the partials there | 05:16 |
mark__ | How exactly do I do that? | 05:16 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: oh, that's a bot, so that people helping don't need to keep giving simple things | 05:16 |
acehigh | rrmm oh | 05:16 |
=== kkathman [n=kkathman@pool-68-238-147-210.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vecina | Does being in recovery mode explain why my drives arent automounting? | 05:17 |
mark__ | I can save as .pov. | 05:17 |
zedfloyd | jordan_U: Great... can i also store just working files on c: windows partition in Ubuntu?? | 05:17 |
Pelo | zcat[1] , googleeart you dl from their site , second life I think you'll have to run on wine | 05:17 |
=== bribri124 [n=bribri12@ip68-231-131-152.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mark__ | After that I do not know what to do. | 05:17 |
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zcat[1] | eck: to redistribute, probably. To wrap a script that downloads it like flash9, etc.. I wouldn't think so | 05:17 |
Jordan_U | !google earth | zcat[1] | 05:17 |
ubotu | zcat[1] : Google Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository | 05:17 |
ShortWave | mark__: Applications -> accesories -> terminal | 05:17 |
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-67-158-169-223.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
allan__ | is anyone here familiar with raki? | 05:17 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: have you gotten it to pastebin yet? | 05:17 |
eox1 | I nuked my wgt624 netgear wireless router is there away to reload the firmware via tftp? or soemthing like that? | 05:17 |
Klowner | ubuntulivecd: that doesn't really help, possibly boot the ubuntu cd in recovery mode? | 05:17 |
ShortWave | mark__: then type: povray <whateverfile.pov> | 05:17 |
rrmm | acehigh: thats why im in a live cd, trying to troubleshoot in a clean environment, xubuntu live cd works fine | 05:17 |
=== bobstro [n=nbob@68-116-165-70.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bryan | this looks bad if i think im seeing what i am seeing kitsuneofdoom http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17725/plain/ | 05:17 |
=== gregorovius [n=diego@178-171-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eox1 | i tried but failed misserably | 05:17 |
ShortWave | I'm about to boot out of this annoying shit | 05:17 |
acehigh | im just trying to connet to a wireless wep connection | 05:17 |
ShortWave | I shall return | 05:18 |
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zcat[1] | I have native linux binaries for both, installed already. I want a package like the flash9 installer so they're easier to update when new versions come out.. | 05:18 |
ubuntulivecd | ok, i'll try that. bye. | 05:18 |
n3t0 | how i can set packages priority on ubuntu apt-get? | 05:18 |
Jordan_U | zedfloyd, Yes, for writing to NTFS partitions see the ubotu msg I am about to send you... | 05:18 |
acehigh | rrmm any ideas about ifconfig and wep? | 05:18 |
bryan | looks like i have nothing left, but i have heard you can still recover stuff even when its not there kitsuneofdoom | 05:18 |
mark__ | Does not do anything. | 05:18 |
Jordan_U | !ntfs-3g > zedfloyd | 05:18 |
rrmm | acehigh: iwconfig | 05:18 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: sometimes. It's above me...sorry | 05:18 |
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john | anyone here ever get freevo to work on fiesty fawn? | 05:19 |
Pelo | darksoule, I had this problem to, I noted the files and uninstalled them, then I was able to reinstall them | 05:19 |
mark__ | Possible Scene File Parser Initialization Error: Could not find file 'new.pov' | 05:19 |
mark__ | Scene File Parser Initialization Error: Cannot open input file. | 05:19 |
mark__ | Total Scene Processing Times | 05:19 |
mark__ | Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds) | 05:19 |
mark__ | Photon Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds) | 05:19 |
mark__ | Render Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds) | 05:19 |
mark__ | Total Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0 seconds) | 05:19 |
eck | zcat[1] : i'm sure there is a mailing list like debian-legal for ubuntu that you could bring it up... my understanding is that the policy for multiverse at least is that the package does not need to comply with the dfsg but there cannot be distribution issues | 05:19 |
zcat[1] | s/easier/automaticallywithouthavingtodoanything/ | 05:19 |
mark__ | That is what I get. | 05:19 |
bryan | what do you think...looks bad huh? kitsuneofdoom | 05:19 |
allan__ | does anyone know why raki cannot start dccm? | 05:19 |
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kitsuneofdoom | bryan: I really hate how the Ubuntu install disk has its default as "wipe entire disk" | 05:19 |
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kitsuneofdoom | bryan: yeah | 05:19 |
Pelo | !pastebin > mark__ check pm | 05:19 |
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z33 | Can anyone help me get installation files for ubuntu on an external HD? | 05:19 |
bryan | it told me that it was going to use just the unused available space....kitsuneofdoom | 05:19 |
bimberi | zcat[1] : roll your own using checkinstall ? | 05:20 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: what did you have previously? | 05:20 |
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Jordan_U | z33, What do you mean by "installation files" ? | 05:20 |
zcat[1] | eck: afaik you're not allowed to redistribute flash9, but the package just downloads directly from adobe, checksums the archive, then installs it... that's what I'm after. I might end up doing it myself :( | 05:20 |
zedfloyd | THANKS JORDAN!!!! | 05:20 |
nn-latop | do you think filebin.info is a good host name for a file bin and mirror | 05:20 |
=== ScottLij [n=ScottLij@66-227-218-192.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: WinXP on NTFS? | 05:20 |
gregorovius | Hi, does anyone know why running uTorrent with Firestarter enabled makes me get a lot of hits on random ports, even if I have the uTorrent port set as allowed? | 05:20 |
=== bobstro [n=nnbob@68-116-165-70.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mark__ | I was trying to show someone a message that I was getting hoping that would help them help me understand. | 05:21 |
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Pelo | gregorovius, because the port in ut is the listening port , not the transfer port | 05:21 |
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=== Fieldy [i=FJbAxkSi@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Drk_Guy | Hy guys | 05:21 |
zcat[1] | same thing for other nonfree software. I think skype does the same thing.. | 05:21 |
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z33 | Jordan_U, Here is the scenario: I have a laptop that has no floppy or cd rom, i can pull out the harddrive so i want to put all necessary files to install ubuntu on that harddrive so that when i plug it back into the laptop it starts the ubuntu installation. | 05:21 |
=== BaudThief [n=baudthie@c58-107-141-106.rivrw8.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Drk_Guy | how i can change the permissions of a folder | 05:21 |
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Fieldy | Drk_Guy: with chmod (man chmod) | 05:21 |
eck | zcat[1] : i've actually wondered myself why that is permissible but some other software is not included in multiverse | 05:22 |
z33 | Drk_Guy, read about chmod | 05:22 |
wheels3572 | Does anyone here Know anyone by the name of JoZef? | 05:22 |
=== MichaelJE2 [n=MichaelJ@] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Drk_Guy | Thanks, i'll try that | 05:22 |
gregorovius | Pelo, do you know how can I fix that? uTorrent only lets me set the listening port? (should be other clients connecting to my listening port?) | 05:22 |
kitsuneofdoom | I'm trying to get a Matrox G200 to do direct rendering. Apparently, there is an accelerated driver (mga) and I am (according to xorg.conf) using it, but it's not working. Feisty Fawn. | 05:22 |
Drk_Guy | but i remember something like "chow" | 05:22 |
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chowmeined | Drk_Guy: yes? | 05:22 |
BaudThief | when i'm playing a game such as FreeSpace, if I hold a key on the keyboard down for more than a few seconds, it jumps out of fullscreen and the whole machine crashes - any ideas what would cause this? | 05:22 |
eox1 | chown? | 05:22 |
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insigne | oi | 05:23 |
chowmeined | Drk_Guy: chown | 05:23 |
Drk_Guy | I don't remember that well | 05:23 |
Pelo | gregorovius, I gave up on firestarter, it's only a frontend anyway it's not the actual firewall | 05:23 |
chowmeined | Drk_Guy: chgrp | 05:23 |
chowmeined | Drk_Guy: getfacl setfacl chmod chown chgrp | 05:23 |
Drk_Guy | But bash didn't recognize the kernel | 05:23 |
Jordan_U | z33, I would suggest A: install from usb pen drive B: Just install onto the HD from another machine and then fix hardware configuration ( not much needs to be changed as hardware is mostly detected at runtime ) | 05:23 |
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Drk_Guy | Thank you | 05:23 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: what did you have previously on the system? | 05:23 |
zcat[1] | eck: If your 'package' doesn't actually contain any of the non-free software, but just instructs the machine how to download and install it from the original site, I can't see how that could possibly violate anyone's copyright or whatever.. | 05:23 |
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bimberi | zcat[1] : http://au.ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/feisty-cafuego/ | 05:23 |
bryan | kitsuneofdoom i had xp pro on NTFS filesystem | 05:23 |
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=== glick [i=dbunch@cpe-76-174-5-173.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chowmeined | Drk_Guy: or you could run: apropos chow | 05:24 |
glick | hi | 05:24 |
chowmeined | Drk_Guy: and see what comes up | 05:24 |
eox1 | pelo firestarter a front end to iptables? | 05:24 |
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gregorovius | Pelo, I know, but this computer acts as a router for my network, and I need a firewall (and manually setting IPtables is out of my league) | 05:24 |
glick | i got a new dell machine with vista preinstalled | 05:24 |
chowmeined | glick: I am sorry | 05:24 |
aMMgYrP | alright kimosabes, I'mma bounce outta this peice, you folkies have a good night! | 05:24 |
gregorovius | Pelo, I tried guard/guidedog, but I couldn't get NAT working | 05:24 |
Drk_Guy | thank you all, i will try | 05:24 |
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glick | will it be hard to dual boot it with ubuntu? | 05:24 |
Pelo | eox1, someone told me iptables was a cli frontend for netfilter or someting | 05:24 |
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z33 | Jordan_U ok well i might have to do that, i was hoping there would be a way to just put the installation files on the hd and setup grub to just boot form there | 05:24 |
chowmeined | Pelo: it is | 05:24 |
BioDeath | kitsuneofdoom did you get the last message | 05:25 |
chowmeined | Pelo: iptables is the userland tool for managing netfilter | 05:25 |
mark__ | Hey Shortwave, it says that it could not render or something. | 05:25 |
kitsuneofdoom | bryan: that's odd. I normally manually partition. I honestly suggest that for next time, if there is one. Ubuntu needs 2+G for system, and 1-2x the ram in swap space. That's the general guideline | 05:25 |
z33 | Jordan_U thanks again for the help | 05:25 |
chowmeined | Pelo: netfilter is the part in the kernel | 05:25 |
r2d4 | Hi! I am trying to resize my NTFS partition to dual boot linux. GParted can't because, I seem to have problems with my filesystem. I ran chkdsk /f multiple times, rebooted TWICE as it says. But nothing seems to work. | 05:25 |
eox1 | Pelo ooh getting complicated and pelo just take my joke plzzzzz | 05:25 |
zcat[1] | awesome thanks bimberi. Exactly what I was after... | 05:25 |
idefixx | gregorovius: as long as your listening port is 'allowed' in firestarter that should be fine. are there any outgoing connections blocked or just incoming ones? | 05:25 |
mark__ | It is installed I just really do not know how to use it. | 05:25 |
Jordan_U | z33, There is, but I believe option B would be easier | 05:25 |
r2d4 | Are there any other chkdsk alternatives I can use? | 05:25 |
kitsuneofdoom | BioDeath: about xp? | 05:25 |
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bimberi | zcat[1] : i know ;) | 05:25 |
Pelo | gregorovius, there is already a firewall running, all those apps you mentionned are just frontend to setup rules yourself, security in linux is not like in windows, you are already pretty well covered you don'T need to mess with it | 05:26 |
BioDeath | kitsuneofdoom i do not understand partitoning that well obviously, but i do not know what the swap space means | 05:26 |
kitsuneofdoom | BioDeath: it's like virtual memory | 05:26 |
gregorovius | idefixx, just incoming ones, but a LOT of them, it floods my syslog, and it really shouldn't be happening | 05:26 |
nn-latop | how do i mirror ubuntu | 05:26 |
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Jordan_U | r2d4, Can you give the exact error from gparted? | 05:26 |
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eox1 | pelo ok you just made me cry | 05:26 |
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eox1 | but i don't know how to do a motion on irc so T.T there | 05:27 |
=== Pelo is trying to watch lost here | ||
kitsuneofdoom | BioDeath: unfortunatly, getting back your data may be rather hairy | 05:27 |
rrmm | is it possible to blacklist kernel modules on the live cd? | 05:27 |
BioDeath | i tried using partitoon magic, but i think i needed something called bootmagic on top of that to make it work, but then feisty had its own partion software when installing, so i went with that even after i used partition magic first kitsuneofdoom | 05:27 |
gregorovius | Pelo, I got Samba configured without auth, so without a firewall anyone'd be able to get into my network | 05:27 |
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eox1 | pelo ok ok i leave u along | 05:27 |
nibsa1242b | How do I make a windows app install with wine? Double clicking doesn't work. | 05:27 |
idefixx | gregorovius: and the machine running uT is also used as nat router? | 05:27 |
morphius_ | I followed this tutorial to set up vnc with resumable sessions: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259448. Now I get the following error in my syslog when I try to connect: | 05:27 |
morphius_ | warning: can't get client address: Transport endpoint is not connected | 05:27 |
morphius_ | Internal error: memory corruption detected | 05:27 |
morphius_ | Abnormal termination of greeter for display don.local:1, code 1, signal 0 | 05:27 |
morphius_ | When I connect, I can enter my pwd and then it does not log me in. | 05:27 |
gregorovius | idefixx, yes | 05:27 |
glick | my dell also has this 10gig recovery partition D | 05:27 |
glick | do i need that? | 05:27 |
r2d4 | Jordan_U: Hi! Right now, I am directly running ntfsresize. I will paste exerpts of the the error messages. | 05:27 |
r2d4 | Error reading $Mft record(s) : Input/output error | 05:27 |
nn-latop | how do i mirror ubuntu | 05:27 |
mark__ | How do I uninstall povray? | 05:27 |
vecina | How come when i reload the computer it automatically sets my xserver back to VESA? i have to go to recoverty mode and change it to fglrx each time or the monitor will cut signal! | 05:28 |
eox1 | glick nope | 05:28 |
Pelo | gregorovius, I'm not the best person to help you wtih networks stuff, I answer because I use to help out in #utorrent and I knew the answer | 05:28 |
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r2d4 | Cluster accounting failed at 403695 (0x628ef): extra cluster in $Bitmap | 05:28 |
glick | eox1, whats that for? | 05:28 |
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morphius_ | r2d4: checkout ntfs-3g.org | 05:28 |
eox1 | glick it only recover your windows | 05:28 |
BioDeath | kitsuneofdoom i am glad i have m,y IT buddy and a few others from work that are going to help me out with this situation | 05:28 |
morphius_ | They have a note about this in their FAQ | 05:28 |
eox1 | and all the dell software | 05:28 |
Jordan_U | nibsa1242b, wine <path to exe> ( but if double clicking didn't work it is probably because the exe won't work with wine without some hacks ) | 05:28 |
glick | eox1, do i need that to reinstall windows? | 05:28 |
gregorovius | Pelo, okay, thanks anyways :) gonna try asking in that channel too | 05:28 |
r2d4 | Filesystem check failed! Totally 86 cluster accounting mismatches. | 05:28 |
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eox1 | norton ghost is better at backin up anyways | 05:28 |
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nibsa1242b | Jordan_U: thanks | 05:28 |
eox1 | glick absolutely note | 05:28 |
alinmn | ubuntu-cn | 05:28 |
kitsuneofdoom | BioDeath: well, er, please keep backups. | 05:28 |
eox1 | yi mean not | 05:28 |
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Pelo | gregorovius, they won'T be able t help you, that's a linux issue , not a utorrent one | 05:29 |
glick | eox1, how can i delete it then | 05:29 |
r2d4 | Jordan_U: You mean chkdsk with ntfs-3g? | 05:29 |
kitsuneofdoom | BioDeath: They're important. My laptop hard drive bricked twice so far. | 05:29 |
kitsuneofdoom | 05:29 | |
eox1 | glick: but without it you have to reinstall hardware driver manually | 05:29 |
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eox1 | glick: its just a partition delete it using gparted live | 05:29 |
nn-latop | how do i mirror ubuntu??????????????????????????????????????????????????/ | 05:29 |
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gregorovius | Pelo, heh, there's no one there anyways | 05:29 |
rrmm | how do i rescue my system with a live ubuntu cd if i cant disable modules? | 05:29 |
glick | eox1, ahh so i should prolly keep it eh? | 05:29 |
zerokill88 | how do you force quit a program? | 05:29 |
idefixx | gregorovius: could you paste the output of 'iptables -L -n' in a pastebin i dont use firestarter and maybe i can see something there. | 05:29 |
kitsuneofdoom | BioDeath: I know it's too late now, but it's for the future. | 05:29 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: what module do you need to disable | 05:29 |
Pelo | gregorovius, #utorrent is on p2p-irc ,not on freenode | 05:30 |
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Jordan_U | r2d4, I wouldn't trust Linux with an fsck of an NTFS file system yet, it just recently got full stable write support | 05:30 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: also, I think an alternative install disk (text disk) will work | 05:30 |
BioDeath | kitsuneofdoom i know i was goign to but didnt like an idiot because partition magic said to reboot and install the new OS and then I shopuld back everything up after that... | 05:30 |
nibsa1242b | Jordan_U: actually what you said worked... maybe my wine isn't configured correctly I haven't used it since I installed it | 05:30 |
eox1 | glick i only had one dell comp and i didn't keep it when i installed linux window dual boot | 05:30 |
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orbin | nn-latop: as in set up your own mirror or use a mirror? | 05:30 |
Milage | Hey guys | 05:30 |
r2d4 | Jordan_U: I know. I have been using ntfs-3g on another machine. | 05:30 |
gregorovius | idefixx, sure, one sec | 05:30 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: rt2500 | 05:30 |
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eox1 | glick but if you want i really don't see harm in keeping it | 05:30 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: rmmod cant remove it | 05:30 |
Milage | I've got a bit of trouble with my lcd monitor, I can't make it run at my desired refresh rate | 05:30 |
BioDeath | ok kitsuneofdoom thanks alot for all the help | 05:30 |
eox1 | glick you're just short of 10 gig | 05:30 |
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r2d4 | Jordan_U: I didn't know that you could chkdsk with that. | 05:31 |
glick | ah ok i have a drivers cd | 05:31 |
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nibsa1242b | glick I'd keep it in case you might sell the computer in the future to put windows back on it if the potential buyer would want windows | 05:31 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: an alternative install disk might work. What do you need to recover? | 05:31 |
glick | eox1, do you have any idea how much porn 10 gigs is? | 05:31 |
glick | thats alot of space! | 05:31 |
Milage | It's supposed to be able to do 75Hz, but Feisty only let's me select 50 Hz | 05:31 |
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eox1 | glick hahaha | 05:31 |
Jordan_U | nibsa1242b, Wine should open exe's when you double click them, if it doesn't just right click on an exe and go to properties and set the default application to wine, it will change the preference for all .exe files | 05:31 |
Milage | Though even when it's set to 50, the monitor itself reports 60 | 05:31 |
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kitsuneofdoom | BioDeath: sorry I couldn't help you that much. | 05:31 |
eox1 | nibsa1242b: if he want to put windows back why not just reinstall with an oem cd? | 05:32 |
gregorovius | idefixx, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17727/ | 05:32 |
glick | gparted live does that come with vista? | 05:32 |
glick | or is that a third party app? | 05:32 |
idefixx | gregorovius: let me take a look | 05:32 |
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eox1 | glick no i don't no vista its linux based partition too | 05:32 |
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eox1 | tool | 05:32 |
Jordan_U | r2d4, I don't know if you can, it seemed like you were asking if you should, maybe I misunderstood | 05:32 |
gregorovius | idefixx, thanks a lot | 05:32 |
nibsa1242b | Jordan_U: wine doesn't show up in properties | 05:32 |
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glick | god im so retarted about windos | 05:32 |
nn-latop | orbin, seting up a public mirror | 05:32 |
zerokill88 | wow no one knows how to force quit a program?? | 05:32 |
glick | i dont know anything about windows | 05:32 |
eox1 | glick its graphical so very easy to use you can resize move partition really easily | 05:32 |
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nibsa1242b | eoxl because most computers don't come w/ oem cds anymore | 05:32 |
dxdemetriou | I have 2 problems with feisty. the one is when I try to eject an external disk it don't, and the other is with mounted internal disks can't see the permission of excecute | 05:32 |
Jordan_U | nibsa1242b, Just enter in "wine" for the command | 05:32 |
eox1 | glick think of it as partition magic but more powerful | 05:32 |
nibsa1242b | Jordan_U: thanks | 05:33 |
ant- | zerokill88 : kill -9 pid# | 05:33 |
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glick | i should defrag vista first eh? | 05:33 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: im using the disk as a troubleshotting clean environment. i got my wlan card to work in xubuntu live cd, doesnt work on my kubuntu installed on my hardrive, it did work in edgy-stopped when i upgraded to feisty, crashes the kubuntu live cd when i run the same commands as i do to get it to towork in xubuntu | 05:33 |
nn-latop | see my current debian mirror at http://srv256.homelinux.net/mirror/ | 05:33 |
eox1 | glick what are you trying to do exactly? | 05:33 |
r2d4 | Jordan_U: I am looking to resize my ntfs partition to make create a partition for Ubuntu. chkdsk that comes with XP does not seem to fix enough to make ntfsresize happy. | 05:33 |
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glick | eox1, dual boot shista and ubuntu | 05:33 |
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zerokill88 | ant- not sure what you mean.i have a mplay box open and ususally when i click on it constantly it asks me if i want to force quit.but in this case nothing.and i cant find it under processes either | 05:34 |
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zerokill88 | mplayer* | 05:34 |
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ant- | zerokill88 : use ps -e | 05:34 |
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r2d4 | Jordan_U: So I am looking for an alternative tool. I looked up the forums. I don't seem to see any resolution yet. I wondered if people here know better. | 05:34 |
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netwareboss | could i use 32 bit version run on 64 bit arch?????? | 05:34 |
YangYin | hey guys why isnt my sound working... it looks like it should but no sound comes outta the speakers, alsamixer is all unmuted... im confused | 05:34 |
T0uCH | we can open .exe files with wine?? | 05:34 |
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eox1 | glick hahaha shista i like that is it really that bad? i don't have vista but for dual boot xp and ubuntu you don't need to defrag win partition i won't even touch it | 05:34 |
nn-latop | to get an idea of what im trying to do for ubuntu | 05:34 |
ant- | zerokill88 : get the pid then use kill -9 pid | 05:34 |
Milage | I've got a problem with my LCD monitor. I't supposed to be able to to 75Hz, but Feisty only lets me select 50Hz in the screen resolution options. And when 50 is selected, the monitor actually reports 60Hz. Anyone got an idea how to fix it? | 05:34 |
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Milage | I've got proper nVidia drivers installed | 05:35 |
zcat[1] | some hints for installing dualboot on top of an existing windows install; 1) turn off the windows swapfile before you start, turn it back on after ubuntu is installed. 2) shut down windows cleanly. If for any reason windows eve starts to boot again, let it boot, then shut it down cleanly again. The ubuntu installer cannot and will NOT try to resize a dirty NTFS filesystem. Other than that, it should be very straightforward. My 10yo has managed to do it, it | 05:35 |
zcat[1] | really isn't hard... | 05:35 |
glick | eox1, its slow and aeroglass is a joke | 05:35 |
Pelo | netwareboss, yes, in fact it is recommended unless you have ery good reason t use 64bit | 05:35 |
eox1 | glick: but grub will overwrite the windows MBR so you will have grub to chainload your windows ntldr | 05:35 |
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glick | it keeps bugging me everytime i want to run something | 05:35 |
zerokill88 | anyt- ok thanks,will mplayer be gmplayer? | 05:35 |
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eox1 | glick check out beryl | 05:35 |
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netwareboss | Pelo:thanks | 05:35 |
who8877 | hi | 05:35 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: that's...odd | 05:35 |
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zerokill88 | ant- kool thanks.that wokred :) | 05:36 |
Tony_ | anyone who's used both care to tell me if ubuntu seemed more stable than kubuntu? kubuntu for me has given me some xorg problems with my display | 05:36 |
glick | eox1, yeha i cant wait to run beryl | 05:36 |
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alien8ed | can anybody spare a few minutes to help me? | 05:36 |
ant- | zerokill88 : i dunno try it, if you want to try a cleaner kill use kill -15 | 05:36 |
glick | i finally have a decent machine | 05:36 |
YangYin | is Fiesty using the proprietary ATI driver anyone know? | 05:36 |
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who8877 | does anyone know how I can disable write caching on removable media, like USB drives? | 05:36 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: what are the errors in your disk install? | 05:36 |
eyec0n | beryl is sweet | 05:36 |
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rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: could be because the kernels are different on the cds then on installs | 05:36 |
eox1 | glick in short just go ahead and install from ubuntu cd just make sure you don't accidentally del with windows partition | 05:36 |
nibsa1242b | can anyone point me to a good website development tool? | 05:36 |
idefixx | gregorovius: well everything allright with the forward chain and established handling is ok as well. there no reason why connections should be droped | 05:36 |
YangYin | nibsa1242b: Aptana | 05:36 |
nibsa1242b | YangYin one can make it use that driver | 05:36 |
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eox1 | glick and if you happen to want to uninstall ubuntu later you have to boot with windows cd and do fix /mbr | 05:37 |
glick | eox1, so i just have to edit grub boot loader when im done installing? | 05:37 |
Jordan_U_ | glick, I think there are instructions specific to vista...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot | 05:37 |
YangYin | nibsa1242b: ... so its not using it | 05:37 |
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alien8ed | is it possible to play aac's in ubuntu | 05:37 |
eox1 | glick: it will probably be ok and autoconfiged | 05:37 |
YangYin | i suppose i could check myself | 05:37 |
YangYin | but i figured someone would know this | 05:37 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: no errors, just doesnt doesnt connect to wifi | 05:37 |
eox1 | windows and ubutnu will be on one drive rite? | 05:37 |
Jordan_U_ | glick, I don't think that gparted can resize Vista partitions | 05:37 |
eox1 | i mean one phiscal harddrive rite? | 05:37 |
fixed | anyone can help me loading a .pcf font on gnome-font-proprs? | 05:37 |
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idefixx | gregorovius: i would however change the uT port the default ones are no good 6881:6889. | 05:37 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: the lights dont even come on on the card | 05:37 |
Jordan_U_ | eox1, Yes | 05:37 |
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zcat[1] | Jordan_U: isn't vista just NTFS still? | 05:37 |
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eyec0n | its the version of ntfs you gotta look at | 05:38 |
gregorovius | idefixx, i'm not using the defaults ones, that's an old rule I forgot to remove :) | 05:38 |
eox1 | jordan your right unless his using fat for windows | 05:38 |
eox1 | but i dount it | 05:38 |
zcat[1] | I haven't tried doing a vista dualboot but from what I've heard it goes exactly like a winXP dualboot install... | 05:38 |
Jordan_U_ | zcat[1] , Microsoft hasn't said anything about changes AFIK, but it is different from XP's "NTFS" | 05:38 |
gregorovius | idefixx, it happens only with uTorrent open (not with Deluge or Ktorrent), and it usually follows a pattern (for example, right now I'm getting a lot of hits to port 1024 UDP) | 05:38 |
nibsa1242b | YangYin: it doesn't default to using anything propriety | 05:38 |
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xfaith | Excuse me. Has anyone else experienced troubles with the Upgrade from Breezy to Feisty Fawn??? Gnome sessions troubles is what I am wrestling with. Can anyone help? | 05:38 |
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eox1 | Jordan_U: so ntfs-3g will not even work? | 05:39 |
alien8ed | can someone help me? i know it is busy in here but i would gladly appreciate it. | 05:39 |
Pelo | g'night folks | 05:39 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: that's odd. It's a fiesty disk and a fiesty install, right? | 05:39 |
idefixx | gregorovius: i dont know what else it could be... its got nothing to do with firestarter afaics. sry. | 05:39 |
fixed | anyone can help me with the font on gnome? | 05:39 |
YangYin | nibsa1242b: so ive noticed... but i feel that the proprietary drivers work better is there a reason why people dont like them? | 05:39 |
eox1 | Jordan_U: but u can still read it rite? | 05:39 |
TECH_1 | !vista | 05:39 |
ubotu | vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org | 05:39 |
xfaith | upgrade online not cd | 05:39 |
gregorovius | idefixx, okay, thanks for taking a look | 05:39 |
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Jordan_U_ | zcat[1] , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot says to use third party software | 05:39 |
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allan__ | is there anyone here who managed to sync a pocket pc with ubuntu? | 05:39 |
Jordan_U_ | eox1, Yes | 05:39 |
xfaith | Grub is not getting updated | 05:39 |
idefixx | gregorovius: np and good luck ;) | 05:39 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: i upgraded it from edgy, it fine in edgy | 05:39 |
kitsuneofdoom | what's the disk from? | 05:40 |
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glick | ok here goes nothing!~ | 05:40 |
glick | wish me luck! | 05:40 |
nibsa1242b | YangYin its a philosophy thing... I use them and it works fine for me. System--->Administration--->Restricted Drivers Manager | 05:40 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: the xubuntu disk where you got it working, that is | 05:40 |
glick | god have mercy on me! | 05:40 |
zcat[1] | Typical MSFT. There was probably no legitimate reason to change the filesystem either, other than to break any compatability with other OS's... | 05:40 |
xfaith | no disk... I do upgrade virtually | 05:40 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: next to me | 05:40 |
nibsa1242b | YangYin: on feisty anyway... (its a new feisty feature) | 05:40 |
alien8ed | is there aac support for ubuntu | 05:41 |
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YangYin | nibsa1242b: thats convenient | 05:41 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: what version | 05:41 |
rrmm | 704 | 05:41 |
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nibsa1242b | YangYin: yes, very | 05:41 |
xfaith | yup 704 | 05:41 |
firstboot | Milage: I can't even accomplish first boot. Are you able to switch rez when you press ctrl, alt and the + key on the numeric pad? | 05:41 |
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voraistos | Hi. I have something very strange going on with my wifi card. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt... a reboot solves the problem :O | 05:42 |
xfaith | tough to pin down specific problem. it seems to be permissions based issues | 05:42 |
Bicchi | Kernel 2.6.21 is out http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux%2Fkernel%2Fgit%2Ftorvalds%2Flinux-2.6.git;a=summary | 05:42 |
nibsa1242b | YangYin: some people have said it didn't work and they got stuck at the command line... but it worked like a charm for me | 05:42 |
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eox1 | TECH_1: the link is a very good read | 05:42 |
idefixx | gregorovius: still there? you have got all incoming port open and u still get inc. connections droped? didnt see that fthe first time? | 05:42 |
YangYin | lol well imma see... dont know why i gotta restart | 05:42 |
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xfaith | like sometimes I will log in and it will be reverted back to an older file structure (ie. old folder names for a week ago_) | 05:42 |
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orbin | voraistos: what card? | 05:43 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: 7.04 | 05:43 |
allan__ | is there anyone here who is familiar with syncing pocket pcs with ubuntu? | 05:43 |
voraistos | how come linux kernels get released so fast? i used to take more time than that ! | 05:43 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: that is really odd | 05:43 |
voraistos | orbin: dell wireless 1390, broadcom branded, using their driver | 05:43 |
voraistos | orbin: no ndiswrapper | 05:44 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: i cant test ubuntu because i cant rmmod my wifi card | 05:44 |
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gregorovius | idefixx, I've got all incoming ports open only for | 05:44 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: do you have wireless access? | 05:44 |
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rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: it works under xubuntu :P so yes | 05:44 |
xfaith | does everyone use bash for their shell? | 05:45 |
alien8ed | does ubuntu usually have issues with the wireless cards or the router itself? | 05:45 |
rrmm | xfaith: i do | 05:45 |
voraistos | yep. bash rocks | 05:45 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: I meant wired access, sorry, bit busy at the moment | 05:45 |
SurfnKid | does anyone know of a high bandwidth download website I can do a test with and dowlnoad a file to test the speed? | 05:45 |
xfaith | okay so thats not my problem | 05:45 |
idefixx | gregorovius: gmpf damn getting to tiered - 5:45 here. | 05:45 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: im chatting right now from a ubuntu live cd :P | 05:45 |
gregorovius | idefixx, it's understandable :) | 05:45 |
_Codeman_ | ok, I can't mount hda2 (a logical partition of hda) and currently I can't even see since I upgraded to 7.0.4 | 05:45 |
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xfaith | Where can I find instructions to rollback an upgrade to previous version? | 05:46 |
voraistos | i presume there is a general problem with wifi cards, AND, in my case rebooting CAN solve the problem: we can curse network-manager, i bet its the one screwing up. | 05:46 |
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walkintome | so, i just installed ndiswrapper and a driver for my wireless n usb network adapter but i got 'invalid driver when running 'ndiswrapper -l' | 05:46 |
kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: ok, on the hard disk install, try and completely uninstall and reinstall the wireless driver | 05:46 |
nibsa1242b | _Codeman_: is is possible it changed to sda... so you'd be mounting sda2? | 05:46 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: the wireless driver is built into ubuntu | 05:46 |
BioDeath | what are some good games for feisty? | 05:46 |
RobbieCrash | I was having an issue and someone told me to go to console and type cd / then sudo rm -rf now I can't start any programs, what | 05:47 |
RobbieCrash | 's wrong? | 05:47 |
rrmm | BioDeath: suduko | 05:47 |
_Codeman_ | hmmm :p | 05:47 |
BioDeath | no | 05:47 |
walkintome | how do i know whcih .sys file is the corerect driver? | 05:47 |
walkintome | for a wireless usb adapter | 05:47 |
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voraistos | ? isnt it .so !!! | 05:47 |
BioDeath | lik rpg games or oblivion? | 05:47 |
alien8ed | ok cool..my broadband isn't getting installed until this weekend so ive been "borrowing" the neighbors and wasnt sure if the type of router used made a difference | 05:47 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: oh | 05:48 |
rrmm | thats part of the problem i think | 05:48 |
BioDeath | muahahhaaaa | 05:48 |
voraistos | alien8ed: shouldnt make any difference. as long as the wifi technologies used by the router are compatible with your card, there is no problem. and they usually all are b or g or both. | 05:49 |
alien8ed | awesome. man i'm so happy ubuntu worked out for me. | 05:49 |
orbin | walkintome: try and look for your card on the list on the ndiswrapper site. | 05:49 |
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alien8ed | it is so much better than windows in my eyes | 05:49 |
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walkintome | its not there | 05:50 |
walkintome | only the pci | 05:50 |
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rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: sorry but i must go to bed now | 05:50 |
walkintome | orbin: the pci adapters are there (wireless n) but not the usb | 05:50 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: maybe roll your own kernel? | 05:50 |
RobbieCrash | I was having an issue and someone told me to go to console and type cd / then sudo rm -rf now I can't start any programs, what's wrong | 05:51 |
RobbieCrash | ? | 05:51 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: sorry I couldn't help much. Night. | 05:51 |
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rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: was thinking that, done it before but xubuntu worked, and it worked before feisty. thats what pissing me off | 05:51 |
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glick | hey whts with this 49 meg partition that see from ubuntu but not from windows | 05:51 |
glick | its a fat16 | 05:51 |
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kitsuneofdoom | rrmm: maybe find an old kernel .deb and use it? | 05:52 |
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alien8ed | is there any way to play aac's in ubuntu. i am trying to get my ipod to play on the computer | 05:52 |
glick | ah looks like a dell utility cd | 05:52 |
shawn34 | i installed totem xine and the restricted codec package on feisty, but i still can't play mpg's in totem or mplayer | 05:52 |
rrmm | kitsuneofdoom: maybe ill ask in #xubuntu , #kubuntu hates me for some reason, night and thx for trying | 05:53 |
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orbin | walkintome: did you try the pci driver? | 05:53 |
shawn34 | !multimedia | 05:53 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 05:53 |
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_Codeman_ | ok, now it wont let me mount it... it either says I need to supply a fs or if I say -t vfat it says its wrong | 05:53 |
walkintome | orbin: would the pci driver work for the usb adpater | 05:53 |
bullgard4 | Left-click on NetworkManager_Applet 0.6.4 shows 'Manual configuration...' entry. Some days ago it listed 4 WLANs next to me. How to restore the old setting? | 05:54 |
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milage | Hi | 05:55 |
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milage | I asked about monitors about 10 minutes ago, but that's not important anymore | 05:55 |
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SuperQ | milage: oh yea? | 05:55 |
milage | Now I just want to know how I stop ubuntu 7.04 from freezing | 05:55 |
SuperQ | milage: what's important now? | 05:55 |
orbin | walkintome: my guess is yes. | 05:55 |
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SuperQ | milage: "freezing" how? | 05:55 |
milage | No error messages, just frozen | 05:56 |
glick | so to resize a partition i just click the windows partition, click edit, and enter in a new size in megabytes? | 05:56 |
milage | I could move the mouse pointer | 05:56 |
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milage | but the keyboard and rest of the screen was completely frozen | 05:56 |
milage | That's all I know | 05:56 |
SuperQ | milage: see.. that's something not frozen | 05:56 |
SuperQ | milage: can you click on anything? | 05:56 |
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milage | I can now, i restarted | 05:56 |
walkintome | orbin: i hope your right! lol | 05:56 |
glick | so is that right? | 05:56 |
shawn34 | i installed totem xine and the restricted codec package on feisty, but i still can't play mpg's in totem or mplayer... any ideas? | 05:56 |
SuperQ | milage: how many times has it "frozen" in that way? | 05:56 |
milage | when it was frozen, i couldn't do anything but move the cursor | 05:56 |
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milage | about 3 since I installed it two days ago | 05:57 |
SuperQ | milage: ouch | 05:57 |
SuperQ | milage: so the number 1 cause of that kind of problem: hardware | 05:57 |
milage | Worth noting is that the music in Amarok kept playing | 05:57 |
SuperQ | milage: either incompatible, or flakey | 05:57 |
milage | until it needed to load a new song | 05:57 |
_Codeman_ | ok, now it wont let me mount it... it either says I need to supply a fs or if I say -t vfat it says its wrong | 05:57 |
voraistos | alien8ed: yeah and you didnt tweak the look yet. install some murrine/murrina gtk themes, and youll understand :) | 05:57 |
voraistos | RobbieCrash: do you rmember who is this someone ? | 05:57 |
voraistos | RobbieCrash this dude made you do th evil command called rm -rf / which means remove everything from the filesystem .... | 05:57 |
milage | Are there any log files i could check? | 05:57 |
weltschmerz | i'm having a problem that when i log in, not under stafe mode, my window manager doesn't start. | 05:57 |
SuperQ | milage: have you run other versions of Ubuntu on it? | 05:57 |
voraistos | RobbieCrash, if you give me his nick and he is registered on freenode, i can catch him up | 05:57 |
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milage | I ran 6.10 64bit | 05:58 |
voraistos | heil | 05:58 |
milage | didn't have that problem then | 05:58 |
jtt | milage, did you have firefox running when it froze? | 05:58 |
weltschmerz | and democracy player starts, even though i don't see any script that could be starting it. | 05:58 |
voraistos | milage: did you notice any overheating? | 05:58 |
SuperQ | milage: what are you running now? | 05:58 |
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SuperQ | 32 or 64 | 05:58 |
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voraistos | SuperQ: it might be proper freezing, mouse cursor is hardware. | 05:58 |
milage | 32 | 05:58 |
voraistos | milage: what graphics card are u using ? | 05:58 |
glick | anyone :( | 05:58 |
SuperQ | voraistos: but audio keeps working | 05:58 |
milage | nVidia 6600 | 05:58 |
SuperQ | voraistos: I'm also guessing video card | 05:58 |
orbin | walkintome: well if it uses the same chip etc. why not. and there's no harm in trying. | 05:58 |
glick | am i doing this right? | 05:58 |
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milage | Audio kept playing until I needed a new song | 05:58 |
milage | that is, until it needed to open a new file | 05:58 |
KillerDemon | i have a ubuntu 7 64 bit firefox bug on www.alternate.nl , anyone else? | 05:58 |
SuperQ | hrm | 05:59 |
inklein | does anyone know of a media player for linux that's like apple's front row? | 05:59 |
SuperQ | milage: what CPU type, and motherboard? | 05:59 |
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SuperQ | I wonder if it's SATA related | 05:59 |
yharrow | someone just accessed my computer. I need help. | 05:59 |
glick | can someone help me with the partitioner tool? | 05:59 |
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compsman | vlc | 05:59 |
yharrow | I got hacked | 05:59 |
SuperQ | yharrow: ouch | 05:59 |
glick | yharrow: i doubt it | 05:59 |
compsman | vlc mediaplayer | 05:59 |
yharrow | by vnc | 05:59 |
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milage | Abit motherboard, not sure what model, and a 3000+ AMD64 | 05:59 |
KillerDemon | yharrow that sucks man ;P | 05:59 |
inklein | http://www.winsupersite.com/images/reviews/front_row_01.jpg | 05:59 |
inklein | something that can do that.... | 05:59 |
voraistos | milage: a good friend had troubles with an nividia overheating and causing this kind of troruble. you could check the graphics card temperature when idle, if it seems too high, get a refund or replaced. | 05:59 |
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milage | A bit too late for a refund I think :p | 06:00 |
slacker | yharrow:is VNC even turned on on your box | 06:00 |
milage | How can I check the GPU temperature? | 06:00 |
KillerDemon | i have a ubuntu 7 64 bit firefox bug on www.alternate.nl , anyone else? (so i know it is not my settings) | 06:00 |
ant- | milage : acpi -tf | 06:00 |
yharrow | KillerDemon: I had a firewall running which logged as the intruder. I did a tracert of and it lead here brown.freenode.net | 06:00 |
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ant- | milage : or acpi -V | 06:00 |
milage | Thermal 1: ok, 111.2 degrees F | 06:01 |
KillerDemon | yharrow firewalls nag a lot | 06:01 |
milage | that was -tf | 06:01 |
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SuperQ | milage: milage that's not too bad | 06:01 |
milage | acpi -V | 06:01 |
milage | Thermal 1: ok, 44.0 degrees C | 06:01 |
weltschmerz | what are some possible files that could be causing a program to load that i don't want to load on login? | 06:01 |
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SuperQ | milage: are you running nvidia or nv video driver? | 06:02 |
glick | so if i resize the partition that vista is on it wont mess up vista? | 06:02 |
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milage | nvidia | 06:02 |
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bradd | HEllo? | 06:02 |
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yharrow | is it possible that an irc server is hacking my computer? | 06:02 |
compsman | milage: in terminal type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:02 |
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SuperQ | yharrow: anything is possible, but that is unlikely | 06:03 |
atrus | any way to mount an iso image without root? seems it would be theoretically possible with fuse, if not some easier way. | 06:03 |
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milage | Okay, done | 06:03 |
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esac | i have 4 virtual desktops , everytime i logout and log back in, it resets to only 1 desktop, any ideas ? | 06:03 |
chiarato | I had dual boot xp and ubuntu two separate hard drives now I updated windows xp for vista and I can't boot ubuntu??? | 06:03 |
compsman | milage: you seeany text? | 06:03 |
bradd | Can someone help me w/ this? Supposedly there's an update application running somewhere that stops me from opening an update manager | 06:03 |
cyberfr0g | sup? | 06:03 |
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milage | I can see the file, yes | 06:03 |
SuperQ | atrus: not exactly mount, but gnome has a file browser that can read ISOs | 06:03 |
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Jordan_U_ | !grub | chiarato | 06:04 |
ubotu | chiarato: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 06:04 |
=== mabreaux [n=kvirc@adsl-75-11-190-39.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperQ | atrus: mounting of any kind requires root or something like fuse | 06:04 |
chiarato | !grub | 06:04 |
atrus | SuperQ: hmmmm | 06:04 |
wayl | espaol alguien | 06:04 |
compsman | milage: scroll down til asection that haves nv or nvidia | 06:04 |
SuperQ | yes, I have an ISO open using gnome archive manager | 06:04 |
mabreaux | hello all | 06:04 |
yharrow | SuperQ: why then if I do a traceroute of the ip address that hacked me do I get brown.freenode.net? | 06:04 |
cyberfr0g | tell me | 06:04 |
glick | hey can someone help me with the installer? | 06:04 |
leninz | can someone help me install wxJavaScript on ubuntu 6.06? | 06:04 |
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SuperQ | yharrow: how do you exactly know you've been hacked? | 06:05 |
=== MindOfChaos [n=moc@125-238-186-156.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mirage | Hello | 06:05 |
mabreaux | does anyone know how to id the port on pilot is on so to tell jpilot | 06:05 |
glick | im trying to dual boot fiesty and vista | 06:05 |
Mirage | milage just froze again | 06:05 |
esac | I manually set gnome to have 4 virtual desktops, and they work. However if i logout, and then log back in, it leaves me with only 1 desktop. Any ideas? | 06:05 |
SuperQ | Mirage: doh | 06:05 |
bradd | Can someone tell me how I can log in as root, so I can see all processes ran by root? | 06:05 |
DShepherd | leninz, have u been here.. http://www.wxjavascript.net/ ? | 06:05 |
Jordan_U_ | !dualboot | glick | 06:05 |
ubotu | glick: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 06:05 |
Mirage | This time, the mouse pointer isn't even visible | 06:05 |
Mirage | so yeah | 06:05 |
Mirage | *restart* | 06:05 |
tonyyarusso | bradd: no need - ps aux will show root's processes to anyone. | 06:05 |
SuperQ | ouch | 06:05 |
Mirage | on my latop now | 06:06 |
SuperQ | Mirage: are you in the same room as milage? | 06:06 |
leninz | Jordan_U_: yes a lot | 06:06 |
esac | Why do the icons in the system tray always get moved around everytime i logout or reboot? | 06:06 |
compsman | kk | 06:06 |
Mirage | Yes, this is my laptop | 06:06 |
weltschmerz | someone help. my window manager won't start. :( | 06:06 |
SuperQ | oh.. you are the same person | 06:06 |
Tarkus | anyone know how to set defaults for programs? like to set azureus as my default bittrrent client? so when i open a torrent in firefox it says open with "Azureus" instead of "BitTorrent (Default)". any ideas? | 06:06 |
bradd | ps aux? s0rry, I'm a noob | 06:06 |
leninz | Jordan_U_: I got pretty far, but still having problems | 06:06 |
atrus | SuperQ: you mean file-roller? | 06:06 |
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weltschmerz | i can't even switch windows. | 06:06 |
SuperQ | atrus: oh yea.. it is file roller | 06:06 |
Mirage | Are there any log files I can check to see what happened? | 06:06 |
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SuperQ | Mirage: /var/log/syslog | 06:06 |
atrus | SuperQ: see, in theory something like pmount or gnome-mount could do it, as they're a pretty clean suid app. | 06:07 |
SuperQ | Mirage: /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old | 06:07 |
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SuperQ | atrus: yea | 06:07 |
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SuperQ | atrus: what are you trying to do that you need to mount an ISO? | 06:07 |
Jordan_U_ | weltschmerz, Do you have Desktop Effects enabled? | 06:07 |
yharrow | SuperQ: umm. well 6 times someone started typing commands into my computer while I wasnt touching the keyboard. Some of the commands were supposed to open up IE in windows and navigate to certain sites. Finally I got scared an put up a firewall. Then I got an alert that I was beig connected to in Vnc, and my firewall showed an intrusion from a certain IP. | 06:07 |
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bradd | What's ps aux? | 06:07 |
atrus | SuperQ: it's a friend's query, but it would be kind of handy the more i think about it. | 06:08 |
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U | ||
yharrow | SuperQ: immediately after that the typing started again, so I disconnected VNC | 06:08 |
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chiarato | Jordan_U_: hey man I don't have a flopy drive on my pc how can I fix the grub just as it was??? tks | 06:08 |
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HYPOCRISY | Hello | 06:08 |
DShepherd | leninz, how far did you get? | 06:08 |
SuperQ | yharrow: if you click on System: Preferneces: Remote Desktop | 06:08 |
HYPOCRISY | private | 06:08 |
SuperQ | yharrow: you can turn off VNC | 06:08 |
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leninz | Jordan_U_: It's like a conspiracy, I get one thing installed then the other, all those dependencies drive me nuts, AND I gotta build them from source, apache2 is installed weird too | 06:08 |
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mabreaux | how do you id the port that a pilot is coming in on? Please | 06:08 |
Jordan_U | chiarato, Do you have a CDROM drive or USB thumb drive? | 06:09 |
alien8ed | voraistos: ive already been messing with beryl so i know what you mean. sorry about the reply, gettin this ipod situated | 06:09 |
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=== sanityx [i=sanityx@pool-68-160-199-176.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | damn its taking a long time to resize the partition | 06:09 |
leninz | Right now I'm trying to get GTK+2 installed so I can get cairo, pango glib | 06:09 |
=== driz [n=driz@cpe-66-27-199-73.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yharrow | SuperQ: I have now password protected VNC. The issue now is finding out who tried to hack me and why the ip address of that person leads to brown.freenode.net | 06:09 |
Mirage | would syslog.0 be the syslog from before I restarted? | 06:09 |
sanityx | I hear lots of people saying disable pango for speed. But why would you want uglier text? | 06:09 |
SuperQ | yharrow: contact freenode administration | 06:10 |
Jordan_U | leninz, Did I help you before? ( sorry, too many conversations I forget ) | 06:10 |
=== esac [n=esac@pool-71-112-108-29.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
driz | Any news on the sound issues with feisty? (see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/88570) | 06:10 |
glick | shouldnt it only take a few seconds at best? | 06:10 |
SuperQ | yharrow: that's all I could say | 06:10 |
morphius_ | How can I get rid of this error: FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing. | 06:10 |
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SuperQ | knowing freenode, they've probably been owned too | 06:10 |
leninz | Jordan_U_: so that I can compile wxGTK, I don't think so, this is he second time I'm looking for help on IRC | 06:10 |
yharrow | SuperQ: do you have any idea what log, tools i could look at to get more info | 06:10 |
=== Falstius [n=jeff@c-71-227-120-16.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SuperQ | yharrow: hrm.. | 06:10 |
chiarato | Jordan_U_: yes I got a usb drive but will the computer boot from the usb drive? how would do that? sorry to bug you! | 06:10 |
SuperQ | yharrow: I don't know if the gnome vnc has much for logging | 06:10 |
esac | whenever i am moving my mouse around the screen using the touchpad on my laptop it accidentally picks up clicks that i didnt intend to be clicks .. ive tried changing some mouse options in xorg.conf as suggested online but no luck | 06:10 |
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voraistos | milage: my friend has 3 years warranty on it :D | 06:11 |
voraistos | milage: i have no idea how to get the temp at all | 06:11 |
voraistos | milage: hey why do u have in C and me in F ? me curses the damn machine | 06:11 |
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voraistos | yharrow: it is possible someone using the irc server is hacking your computer | 06:11 |
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zeeeeee | hi all, i'd like to be able to use (e.g.) meta-return in console app (emacs), but gnome-terminal is absorbing that for some reason. how do i prevent this from happening? | 06:11 |
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voraistos | ubotu: try to hack me :P | 06:11 |
SurfnKid | anyone know how to get information about Dell Systems? and Ubuntu? | 06:11 |
voraistos | yharrow: how can you say they hacked you ? | 06:11 |
zeeeeee | i tried disabling all the menu shortcut keys, to no avail | 06:11 |
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voraistos | lol | 06:11 |
voraistos | damn | 06:11 |
milage | I'm not really sure what I'm looking for in the log file | 06:11 |
voraistos | Mirage: you could try to kick the machine. sometiimes it works. fear is another form of input for a computer | 06:11 |
Tarkus | anyone know how to set defaults for programs? like to set azureus as my default bittrrent client? so when i open a torrent in firefox it says open with "Azureus" instead of "BitTorrent (Default)". any ideas? | 06:11 |
voraistos | Mirage, you could try the xorg logs | 06:11 |
jodas | Hello. | 06:11 |
voraistos | loool | 06:11 |
glick | hmm it still says 0% | 06:11 |
jodas | Can anyone help me out here? | 06:11 |
glick | is it stuck or something? | 06:11 |
voraistos | yharrow. vnc got hacked | 06:12 |
Jordan_U | chiarato, No problem, easiest way would be to set up a drive like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 06:12 |
milage | these are the two last lines in the log.old | 06:12 |
voraistos | yharrow. what is that machine your running? is that a big important server or what ? | 06:12 |
milage | (WW) NVIDIA(0): WAIT (2, 6, 0x8000, 0x00001200, 0x00000b54) | 06:12 |
milage | (WW) NVIDIA(0): WAIT (1, 6, 0x8000, 0x00001200, 0x00000b54) | 06:12 |
voraistos | Mirage: should be a .old | 06:12 |
voraistos | yharrow: there could be a reverse domain thingy going on, thats why you would think its freenode | 06:12 |
=== Polygon89 [n=mark@c-71-226-63-76.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
morphius_ | Tarkus: right click a torrent and then go to properties. Select the last tab to set program defaults. | 06:12 |
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milage | this would be the xorg log | 06:12 |
bradd | there is a process that wont let me run th update manager | 06:12 |
Tarkus | morphius_: alright, and then it should open with that in firefox also? | 06:12 |
bradd | how the hell do i find the processs or get it to run the manager | 06:12 |
bradd | ? | 06:13 |
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voraistos | on another hand, brown could have been hacked, irc servers are very much often hacked | 06:13 |
voraistos | milage: try to run X with a standard driver such as vesa or whatever, and wait for it to crash | 06:13 |
voraistos | milage: if it does not, then you get a hint already | 06:13 |
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jodas | Has anyone in here ever tried to render with POVRay? | 06:13 |
voraistos | bradd what is the output when u run update-manager ? | 06:13 |
milage | well, it can go for an entire day without crashing too | 06:13 |
voraistos | are you running apt on another port ? | 06:13 |
voraistos | milage: uh yesh | 06:13 |
bradd | what the error says? | 06:14 |
milage | but I'll try <.< | 06:14 |
chiarato | Jordan_U_: I can't boot ubuntu the computer goes staight to vista?? | 06:14 |
Jordan_U | yharrow, Also consider that it may have been a friend who knows your password, I know there are some dumb script kitties out there but hacking VNC then trying to open IE not realising it was Linux? Sounds a bit off | 06:14 |
voraistos | milage: dont bother | 06:14 |
=== dac [n=dac@tx-76-6-82-120.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bradd | are ou l337 h4x0r? | 06:14 |
voraistos | milage if you say it can go a day without crashing.... | 06:14 |
chiarato | Jordan_U_: so I can't use those commands to make that pen drive | 06:14 |
voraistos | bradd: we are not. little jerks are not welcome | 06:14 |
SurfnKid | help help help, video problem with a Dell SX270 | 06:14 |
milage | well, it went 15 hours or so before it crashed now | 06:14 |
SurfnKid | stupid intel chip stupid intel chip :( | 06:15 |
milage | but it seems really random | 06:15 |
Jordan_U | chiarato, there are instructions for windows there too | 06:15 |
bradd | im no jerk i just need help | 06:15 |
glick | wtf it still says 0% | 06:15 |
milage | because it got two in just an hour now | 06:15 |
glick | did it screw up? | 06:15 |
=== voraistos thinks intel rocks !!! | ||
SurfnKid | sure it does im sure | 06:15 |
yharrow | Jordan_U: all Iknow is that it typed %system32% and it didnt seem to realize when it was in the terminal or text editor or anything else | 06:15 |
SuperQ | milage: yea.. i would try nv or vesa, just to be safe | 06:15 |
SuperQ | milage: one change at a time | 06:15 |
SurfnKid | but i need to get my sh** working and coded properly for the video to recognize this monitor | 06:15 |
alien8ed | all of my ipod files loaded into gtkpod , but when i try to play it says "could not find command 'xmms' specified for 'Play Now'" | 06:15 |
milage | back to nv first then, i suppose | 06:15 |
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DVS01 | i have no sound in vlc. upon reviewing some verbose output, i found out that vlc is unable to open /dev/dsp. the resource is busy. i cannot write to it from the console, either. is there a way to prevent this problem? | 06:15 |
voraistos | alien8ed: change xmms for another player, or install xmms | 06:16 |
Jordan_U | yharrow, May have been an automated script I guess | 06:16 |
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SurfnKid | !dell | 06:16 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:16 |
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bradd | I need updates but I get this messege when I go to open the update-manager: "Unable to get exclusive lock | 06:16 |
alien8ed | !aac | 06:16 |
bradd | This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) already running. Please close that application first" | 06:16 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:16 |
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SurfnKid | !video | 06:17 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 06:17 |
Jordan_U | DVS01, VNC should not be trying to access /dev/dsp directly, it should be using ALSA | 06:17 |
=== milage [n=mirage@225.80-203-245.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SurfnKid | whats the help link to get video drivers for video cards? | 06:17 |
tunganet | My computer seems to have no problem browsing on the internet, but i cannot connect to messengers like kopete, cannot do speedtest. can anyone help? | 06:17 |
milage | well | 06:17 |
milage | back on nv drivers now | 06:17 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Close any other apt / install programs ( synaptic maybe? ) | 06:17 |
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voraistos | bradd... this message seems quite clear. you are running synaptic at same time or something | 06:17 |
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SurfnKid | tunganet, welcome to my world | 06:18 |
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tunganet | SurfnKid: when did you have this problem? | 06:18 |
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milage | irregular errors are the most annoying ones :p | 06:18 |
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Alvaro | Does anyone know how can I configure my wifi on Feisty 7.04?, I had no problem with Edty 6.10, but ndiswrapper seems not to work on Feisty. | 06:18 |
DVS01 | Jordan_U: yes, it seems to be using oss. i specified alsa under the audio settings, but its still trying to use oss | 06:18 |
Jordan_U | SurfnKid, Are you using Feisty ( if so the link is not needed as you can just use restricted driver manager ) | 06:19 |
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SurfnKid | tunganet, hey man, well i havent had any video problems on a regular 4:3 monitor. I bought a new Dell 20" Wide Screen, and need to get the wide aspect resolution | 06:19 |
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milage | I don't remember this ever happening on 6.10 though | 06:19 |
leninz | why does ATK tell me that Glib is not installed, when I compiled in successfully? | 06:19 |
brl4n | installed fiesty, is there some reason that I cannot run downloaded files from the command prompt? | 06:19 |
_Codeman_ | ok, now it wont let me mount it... it either says I need to supply a fs or if I say -t vfat it says its wrong | 06:19 |
SurfnKid | Jordan_U, Dapper and I cant upgrade because I need to back up 40gb of data of which i have no hard drive to back it up with | 06:19 |
Jordan_U | !sound > DVS01 | 06:19 |
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DVS01 | thanks Jordan_U | 06:19 |
bradd | I'm not, or I didn't choose to open any other app, but I'll check for a process... what would the process be called? | 06:19 |
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yharrow | Jordan_U: thats what it seems like | 06:20 |
ANON12345 | hello. where can i find a free driver for my modem? i will be connecting to the internet via dial-up in the future. i found a driver, but a payment is required to enable 56K and fax. The modem is a Conexant HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem | 06:20 |
brl4n | keep getting no such file or directory when trying to stress test my new box using prime95 | 06:20 |
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milage | hope i'll be able to fix it, because I've just started getting used to this OS | 06:20 |
yharrow | Jordan_U: I was just concerned taht it came from Freenode server | 06:20 |
glick | i think it screwed up | 06:20 |
Jordan_U | DVS01, If it really is a problem with VNC you could use aoss, but that would just be avoiding the real problem ( it would work though ) | 06:20 |
glick | its still at 0 percent | 06:20 |
milage | and the alternative would be going back to xp | 06:20 |
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glick | hmm can anyone give me a hand | 06:20 |
brl4n | hmm what a mess | 06:21 |
=== SurfnKid gives glick a hand, hope this helps | ||
=== ghostkernel [n=ghostker@adsl-69-151-171-43.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | what should i do its still at 0% | 06:21 |
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philwhln | hi, what's the best option for copying my ubuntu install to another partition? cp -a and then modifying grub conf? | 06:21 |
DVS01 | Jordan_U: i have that installed. thats the only reason oss owrks | 06:21 |
DVS01 | works | 06:21 |
Jordan_U | glick, | 06:22 |
bradd | I can't find anything familiar enough in the process list, unless it's ran by root and System Monitor only shows processes ran by the user | 06:22 |
glick | yeah Jordan_U | 06:22 |
SurfnKid | Jordan_U, do you have a dell pc or just the intel card | 06:22 |
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BioDeath | i found an emulator for snes and nes and everything, it does everything except work... | 06:22 |
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BioDeath | GFCE Ultra works good for NES tho | 06:22 |
glick | ok it worked now | 06:22 |
orbin | brl4n: if you're running a file, you need to use either the absolute path: /path/to/program or cd into the dir where the file is then run ./<program> | 06:23 |
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glick | with 2 gigs of ram, how much swap space do i need? | 06:23 |
Jordan_U | SurfnKid, I have a mac with an Atheros card :) | 06:23 |
bradd | I need updates.... | 06:23 |
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bradd | Hello? | 06:23 |
SurfnKid | Jordan_U, crap!% | 06:23 |
SurfnKid | :P | 06:23 |
brl4n | glick: 2 or 4 | 06:23 |
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ANON12345 | where can i find a driver for my Conexant HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem? | 06:23 |
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Jordan_U | bradd, Did you close synaptic? | 06:23 |
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bradd | It's not open | 06:23 |
crabgrass | partitioning question: i have a drive, and i need a reiser partition for my os (/ as the mount point, i assume) an ext3 partition for my stuff (/home as mount point, i think) and a swap partition, but... i don't know how to set this up in 7.04's guided partitioner. can anyone help? | 06:23 |
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glick | brl4n: 2 gigs of swap space? | 06:23 |
bradd | what's the process ID? | 06:23 |
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brl4n | glick:sure | 06:24 |
milage | Oh, i got an idea | 06:24 |
milage | I could try pinging this PC the next time it freezes | 06:24 |
milage | to see if responds | 06:24 |
Jordan_U | bradd, pgrep synaptic | 06:24 |
orbin | glick: depends on what you do. most systems are fine with 512 | 06:24 |
brl4n | seriously, why won't ubuntu run programs from the command line? Saying no such file or directory yet i chmod 777 and it still says the same | 06:24 |
brl4n | what gives | 06:24 |
glick | orbin: just desktop stuff mostly | 06:24 |
glick | compilin some stuff | 06:24 |
glick | etc | 06:25 |
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brl4n | did something change? I've never had a problem in the past | 06:25 |
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bradd | Jordan_U, there's nothing in the process list by that name | 06:25 |
orbin | glick: the 2 gigs is most likely a waste. i'd say 512 or 1GB. | 06:25 |
orbin | s/the/then | 06:25 |
Jordan_U | brl4n, Are you sure you have the path correct? | 06:25 |
driz | Soo....who wants to help me with my alsa? :) | 06:25 |
glick | 1 gig? | 06:25 |
esac | whenever i am moving my mouse around the screen using the touchpad on my laptop it accidentally picks up clicks that i didnt intend to be clicks .. ive tried changing some mouse options in xorg.conf as suggested online but no luck | 06:25 |
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Jordan_U | bradd, What about apt-get or dpkg? | 06:25 |
brl4n | Jordan_U:yeah I mean i'm running from local dir. just doing a ./prime95 | 06:25 |
crabgrass | partitioning? anyone know? | 06:25 |
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brl4n | Jordan_U:even using autocomplete | 06:26 |
bradd | Jordan_U, nither of those | 06:26 |
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brl4n | so the same is right | 06:26 |
brl4n | very very weird | 06:26 |
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Jordan_U | brl4n, What happens when you do: Bash ./prime95 ? | 06:26 |
bradd | Jordan_U, I opened NOTHING before trying the update-manager | 06:26 |
orbin | glick: i hardly even touch my 512. | 06:26 |
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downstairs | How do I specify a Workgroup name in Feisty Fawn? | 06:26 |
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glick | damn i made my swap partition | 06:27 |
glick | and it says the rest is unusable | 06:27 |
brl4n | Jordan_U:lower or upper case Bash? | 06:27 |
Grape_Juice | 0.o | 06:27 |
brl4n | bash | 06:27 |
Jordan_U | bradd, sudo killall dpkg | 06:27 |
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Lukian | every time i boot I get this message http://pastebin.ca/433843 | 06:27 |
Jordan_U | brl4n, Lowercase, typo | 06:27 |
glick | damn | 06:27 |
glick | i think there are already too many partitions on this disk | 06:28 |
brl4n | Jordan_U:cannot execute binary file | 06:28 |
brl4n | ahh | 06:28 |
bradd | Jordan_U, "No process killed" | 06:28 |
khermans | how can i view WMV files embedded in Firefox? | 06:28 |
IntangibleLiquid | hi, can an ATI Radeon 9550 do Beryl? | 06:28 |
bradd | Jordan_U, can I not see root processes? | 06:28 |
khermans | i used to use mplayer-plugi | 06:28 |
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Lukian | khermans, you could try the vlc-plugin | 06:28 |
Jordan_U | bradd, If you are *absolutely* sure nothing else apt related is running you can delete the lock file | 06:29 |
bradd | in System Monitor | 06:29 |
downstairs | How do I specify a Workgroup name in Feisty Fawn? | 06:29 |
=== LordLimecat [n=john@ip24-255-112-71.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Lukian, i have it! | 06:29 |
emun | Hi, can upgrade ubuntu version 6 to the new version 7 ,do i have to format and do a clean install | 06:29 |
brl4n | possibly a 32 v 64 bit problem? | 06:29 |
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bradd | Jordan_U, Where's the lock file? | 06:29 |
crabgrass | emun: you can upgrade without resinstalling | 06:29 |
ANON12345 | glick: how will you be using your computer? Basic stuff, such as documents, a few low-end games, email, net browsing, chat.........ect or hard core stuff, such as high-end games, servers, number crunching, software developing.........ect? | 06:29 |
LordLimecat | !upgrade | 06:29 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 06:29 |
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LordLimecat | !upgrade | emun | 06:29 |
ubotu | emun: please see above | 06:29 |
brl4n | shitballs | 06:29 |
esac | does anybody have issues with gaim hanging for a long time ? | 06:29 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | brl4n | 06:30 |
ubotu | brl4n: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:30 |
Jordan_U | bradd, | 06:30 |
Lukian | esac, use kopete :D | 06:30 |
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brl4n | ;) | 06:30 |
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Jordan_U | bradd, sorry, /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 06:30 |
LordLimecat | Lukian: kopete seems to be slow with irc | 06:30 |
LordLimecat | mebbe its just me | 06:30 |
Lukian | i use xchat or irssi for irc :) | 06:30 |
esac | Lukian, actually i want to use adium but it doesnt seem to work on ubuntu :( | 06:30 |
LordLimecat | but gaim seems a LOT better performing | 06:30 |
IntangibleLiquid | use xchat | 06:30 |
LordLimecat | irssi FTW in console mode, no doubt | 06:30 |
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esac | xchat | 06:31 |
jlulian38 | ahh gawd | 06:31 |
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jlulian38 | Gaim is like | 06:31 |
jlulian38 | bad as an IRC Client | 06:31 |
jlulian38 | just apt-get install xchat-common | 06:31 |
MindOfChaos | yea | 06:31 |
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MindOfChaos | Gaim sucks | 06:31 |
MindOfChaos | Oh | 06:31 |
LordLimecat | jlulian38: it works, and really, its not that bad even compared to xchat o.0 | 06:31 |
MindOfChaos | xchat-common | 06:32 |
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MindOfChaos | Is how you get the standard one | 06:32 |
glick | i dont like xchat-gnome | 06:32 |
glick | i like the regular xchat | 06:32 |
ANON12345 | where can i find the drivers for my Conexant HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem? | 06:32 |
jlulian38 | I don't mind it | 06:32 |
crabgrass | anyone here good with partitioning? | 06:32 |
MindOfChaos | I had some issues trying to get that rather than gnome | 06:32 |
emun | ubotu, do use the command : ! upgrade | 06:32 |
LordLimecat | crabgrass: define "good" | 06:32 |
esac | god i love adonis_mod emerald theme | 06:32 |
jlulian38 | what do you need help with crabgrass? | 06:32 |
cafuego | ANON12345: They're proprietary drivers. | 06:32 |
LordLimecat | esac: round the borders, thicken windows=love | 06:32 |
getoo | . | 06:32 |
crabgrass | partitioning question: i have a drive, and i need a reiser partition for my os (/ as the mount point, i assume) an ext3 partition for my stuff (/home as mount point, i think) and a swap partition | 06:32 |
ANON12345 | cafuego: what do you mean? | 06:32 |
MindOfChaos | ANONl2345 I hate to break it to you. But WINmodems are a mission to get working | 06:32 |
esac | rounded borders, eww | 06:33 |
cafuego | ANON12345: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/ | 06:33 |
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MindOfChaos | if its possible | 06:33 |
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jlulian38 | you can just make one bit resier partition for / | 06:33 |
getoo | how do i upgrade or reintall firefox | 06:33 |
crabgrass | i'm pretty sure i know what i need to do, but i don't know how to use 7.04's partitioner, really. | 06:33 |
LordLimecat | esac: corners hurt :( | 06:33 |
jlulian38 | you don't need a seperate /home partition | 06:33 |
cafuego | ANON12345: They cost US$19.95 | 06:33 |
LordLimecat | crabgrass: install gparted? | 06:33 |
glick | crabgrass: heh i was in that same position 1 minute ago | 06:33 |
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jlulian38 | xD | 06:33 |
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jlulian38 | I used qtparted earlier today to partition my thumbdrive | 06:33 |
crabgrass | LordLimecat: im on a livecd, so yeah | 06:33 |
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LordLimecat | crabgrass: you ARE aware...you can install on live cd | 06:34 |
bradd | Jordan_U, there is no file in /var/lib/dpkg named "lock" | 06:34 |
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LordLimecat | i installs into ramdisk | 06:34 |
ANON12345 | cafuego: i see that, are there any free, full version drivers? | 06:34 |
ANON12345 | MindOfChaos: what do you mean? | 06:34 |
crabgrass | LordLimecat: yes, and i'm on the manual partitioning screen right now | 06:34 |
jlulian38 | ok | 06:34 |
crabgrass | LordLimecat: i'm just not sure how to use it | 06:34 |
_Codeman_ | can someone please help me? | 06:34 |
jlulian38 | do you have any windows partitions crabgrass? | 06:34 |
crabgrass | it's different from the last one | 06:34 |
glick | damn, i wasnt aware of that | 06:34 |
glick | i amusing the install partitioner | 06:34 |
crabgrass | jlulian38: no, 300gigs free | 06:34 |
cafuego | ANON12345: nope, the free ones are limited to 14.4Kb. (The problem is, there are no specs for the hardware that the kerneld evs can use) | 06:34 |
glick | i hope i didnt screw myself | 06:34 |
jlulian38 | ok | 06:34 |
jlulian38 | right click on the empty space | 06:35 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Strange... what happens when you try to upgrade with: sudo apt-get upgrade | 06:35 |
jlulian38 | and new parttion | 06:35 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-218-155.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
milage | I thought the partition manager in 7.04 was rather easy to use | 06:35 |
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corevette | milage: whats hard about it? | 06:35 |
jlulian38 | you should try partition with fdisk... | 06:35 |
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smoofra | hi | 06:35 |
smoofra | i need to remove a package | 06:35 |
crabgrass | 10001mb = ~10gigs, yes? | 06:35 |
smoofra | but it's broken | 06:35 |
jlulian38 | about | 06:35 |
thebillywayne | crabgrass, llittle less | 06:35 |
glick | 1024*10 | 06:35 |
Jordan_U | smoofra, vmware-player? | 06:35 |
jlulian38 | 1024*10 = 10 gigsa | 06:35 |
corevette | smoofra: sudo apt-get remove (package) | 06:35 |
smoofra | the post-install script has an error | 06:35 |
glick | is 10 gigs | 06:35 |
kercyr | What user is hald suppose to run under? | 06:35 |
bradd | do I run that in terminal? "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 06:35 |
esac | is there a macosx emulator sort of like wine ? | 06:35 |
ANON12345 | cafuego: that is too bad, i hate having to pay for a driver, drivers should be free. | 06:35 |
ANON12345 | cafuego: thanks anyway | 06:35 |
smoofra | anyone know how to force it?? | 06:35 |
Jordan_U | esac, No | 06:36 |
milage | corevette, dunno, i got the impression that crabgrass was having trouble with it | 06:36 |
Jordan_U | smoofra, Is it vmware-player? | 06:36 |
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jlulian38 | esac you can usually compile mac C for linux...usually | 06:36 |
jlulian38 | atleast | 06:36 |
smoofra | Jordan_U, nope | 06:36 |
glick | man if this works it'll be sweeeeet | 06:36 |
gregorovius | anyone knows how to fix drag-and-drop with file-roller, or an alternative archive manager that supports drag-and-drop with nautilus? | 06:36 |
thebillywayne | how do I set a new user's password. `adduser bob ???` | 06:36 |
jlulian38 | you can compile linux C for Mac :/ | 06:36 |
bradd | Jordan_U, do I run that in terminal? "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 06:36 |
smoofra | it's gnome-panel-data\ | 06:36 |
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Jordan_U | bradd, Yes | 06:36 |
crabgrass | thebillywayne, jliuian38: 1024, 1000, yeah... i'm a little off, but that's more than enough for ubuntu to run on, yes? | 06:36 |
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khermans | jlulian38, ?? | 06:36 |
jlulian38 | I think | 06:36 |
jlulian38 | I'm not sure | 06:36 |
thebillywayne | crabgrass, on / yes. may want more if not having a separate /home. | 06:37 |
jlulian38 | but I've never do it | 06:37 |
jessid | !wireless | 06:37 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 06:37 |
khermans | Lukian, its a crappy ActiveX embedded WMV file | 06:37 |
glick | i cant wait to try beryl on a good system | 06:37 |
Jordan_U | smoofra, You will have to edit / remove the failing script | 06:37 |
glick | with a nice display and grafix card | 06:37 |
crabgrass | thebillywayne: you got it, that's what im going for | 06:37 |
Lukian | khermans, email the webmaster ^^ | 06:37 |
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smoofra | Jordan_U, how can i find out where it is? | 06:37 |
IntangibleLiquid | mplayer-plugin in firefox works well ^ ^ | 06:37 |
crabgrass | thebillywayne: but that's also where i'm stuck | 06:37 |
thebillywayne | crabgrass, 6 GB really is quite sufficient. | 06:37 |
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khermans | Lukian, well its a product | 06:37 |
Lukian | khermans, perhaps you could try ies4linux | 06:37 |
glick | 22 inches of visual lovin | 06:37 |
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Jordan_U | khermans, WTF? ActivX is embedded in WMV now? That's just evil | 06:38 |
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LordLimecat | can anyone attest to the non-suckyness of any "tweaks" on this page (excluding disabling IPv6): http://xlntsolution.blogspot.com/2007/03/feisty-performance-fly-like-butterfly.html | 06:38 |
=== jsr [n=jsr@CPE-65-27-5-98.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jlulian38 | OMG | 06:38 |
Fylk | Hey guys, heads up, newbie coming in with lots of questions soon. | 06:38 |
jlulian38 | I <3 WOBBLY WINDOWS | 06:38 |
thebillywayne | crabgrass, mount the small partition on /. create another partiition and have it mount to /home. | 06:38 |
corevette | smoofra: sudo dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq package_name.deb | 06:38 |
LordLimecat | in particular, im looking at #2.... | 06:38 |
smoofra | corevette, tried that | 06:38 |
smoofra | ah woo | 06:38 |
thebillywayne | how do I create a new user? | 06:38 |
smoofra | removeing the script worked | 06:38 |
smoofra | thanks | 06:38 |
cafuego | System > Administration > Users | 06:38 |
Jordan_U | LordLimecat, I am betting any tweak is going to have more of a placebo effect than anything else... | 06:38 |
crabgrass | thebillywayne: i keep getting "error: can't have the end before the start" | 06:38 |
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khermans | Lukian, but will ies4linux spawn windows media player?? | 06:39 |
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ANON12345 | Fylk: Welcome to the Ubuntu Community! Feel free to ask as many questions as you wish. | 06:39 |
glick | damn its taking a long time | 06:39 |
thebillywayne | crabgrass, what? that's one screwy eror. | 06:39 |
bradd | Jordan_U, I just got this: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 06:39 |
bradd | " | 06:39 |
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alien8ed | because beryl is still in alpha will it mess up for no reason or woulkd you have to change code to mess it up? | 06:39 |
glick | how many cpus do i need to get a fast system? | 06:39 |
Lukian | khermans, hmm good point | 06:39 |
crabgrass | thebillywayne: yeah, it is, and it has me stumped | 06:39 |
glick | jees | 06:39 |
LordLimecat | Jordan_U: i just came from windows, so yea, im skeptical too (seen way too many bogus tweaks)....but that "run boot processes in parallel" sounds promising, so i thought id ask | 06:39 |
jsr | hi guys! | 06:39 |
thebillywayne | cafuego, from CLI? | 06:39 |
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Gat0rvean | Is it ever necessary to defragment an Ubuntu installation? | 06:39 |
jessid | hello. how can i know what wireless card this pc has? thanks | 06:39 |
Fylk | Anon, I'm not the newbie. Some one I know is. | 06:39 |
LordLimecat | !defrag | Gat0rvean | 06:39 |
glick | Gat0rvean: nope | 06:39 |
cafuego | thebillywayne: No, that's in Gnome. From the commandline, run 'sudo adduser <username>' | 06:39 |
ubotu | Gat0rvean: defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units. | 06:39 |
kercyr | Any taker on what user is hald suppose to run under? | 06:40 |
thebillywayne | cafuego, cool. how do I set their password? | 06:40 |
Jordan_U | bradd, run: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:40 |
glick | kercyr: i think its system | 06:40 |
cafuego | kercyr: haldaemon (107) | 06:40 |
glick | system user | 06:40 |
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glick | or root | 06:40 |
cafuego | thebillywayne: The adduser script will ask for one. | 06:40 |
ANON12345 | fylk: sorry, i misunderstood. My message will go to the newbie you know. | 06:40 |
AJ-- | can i ask something | 06:40 |
cafuego | !ask | 06:41 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:41 |
kercyr | so... if I don't have this haldaemon user... what went wrong? the UID is 114. | 06:41 |
smoofra | is there any way to remvove a package | 06:41 |
Jordan_U | LordLimecat, Starting processes in parrallel is valid, and shouldn't break anything, but I don't know how effective it is with upstart | 06:41 |
smoofra | and anything that depends on it | 06:41 |
cafuego | kercyr: 'getent passwd 114' | 06:41 |
=== DeMo_BR [n=daniel@201-93-242-145.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crabgrass | AJ--: you just did | 06:41 |
cafuego | smoofra: 'sudo apt-get remove <package>' | 06:41 |
AJ-- | can i run an online games on my ubuntu desktop | 06:41 |
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_Codeman_ | What is a superblock? | 06:41 |
cafuego | smoofra: All that depends on it will be autromatically removed. | 06:41 |
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crabgrass | AJ--: what games? | 06:41 |
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crabgrass | !superblock | 06:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about superblock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:42 |
AJ-- | online games | 06:42 |
crabgrass | AJ--: name one, please | 06:42 |
smoofra | cafuego, it just gives me an error, saying that something depends on it | 06:42 |
bradd | Jordan_U, I ran it, then sudo apt-get uprade... : "Reading package lists... Done | 06:42 |
bradd | Building dependency tree... Done | 06:42 |
bradd | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 06:42 |
bradd | " | 06:42 |
cafuego | _Codeman_: A superblock stores meta information about the filesystem | 06:42 |
AJ-- | like eudemons final fantasy MU online | 06:42 |
crabgrass | AJ--: as in, mmo or a flash-based game? | 06:42 |
morphius_ | How can I get rid of this error: FreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing. | 06:42 |
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AJ-- | yup | 06:42 |
kercyr | cafuego, I see. ps is being very helpful by not showing usernames that has more than 8 characters. | 06:42 |
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=== bryan [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
plex0rr | im having troube... | 06:42 |
AJ-- | MMORPG games | 06:42 |
=== bryan is now known as BioDeath | ||
glick | man linux has come a long way since the days of caldera | 06:43 |
cafuego | smoofra: It should say stuff deponds , then ask if you want to continue. If it errors, you're probably trying to remove a vital component. | 06:43 |
glick | caldera linux | 06:43 |
glick | lol | 06:43 |
BioDeath | AJ-- | 06:43 |
crabgrass | AJ--: okay, wine might be able to do it | 06:43 |
morphius_ | Arent we all plex0rr, aren't we all | 06:43 |
=== |Death| [n=Nope@c-24-11-149-196.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Codeman_ | cafuego: and what if mount cant read it? | 06:43 |
kercyr | cafuego, thanks. | 06:43 |
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BioDeath | which games do you have? | 06:43 |
cafuego | AJ--: Stuff like WoW can run under Linux in wine, I think. | 06:43 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Then you have no new updates, you can check again with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" or just use update-manager as it should now work | 06:43 |
plex0rr | i try to install ubuntu different versions of it and it freezes every time when its partitioning and sometimes it will get to the install but then it freezes | 06:43 |
crabgrass | AJ--: head over to winehq.orb/appdb and see if your game is listed | 06:43 |
smoofra | cafuego, im just removing gnome crap | 06:43 |
crabgrass | AJ--: i play WoW on wine | 06:43 |
=== bef [n=bef@203-59-84-67.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AJ-- | ty crabgrass | 06:44 |
glick | mostly thanks to ubuntu | 06:44 |
plex0rr | have any of you come across this proble before? | 06:44 |
crabgrass | AJ--: np | 06:44 |
smoofra | i should have never tried to upgrade from dapper to feisty directly | 06:44 |
glick | yay 94% complete | 06:44 |
bef | yebbenuntu is my distruninbununtion | 06:44 |
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nomasteryoda | man, my dad hated crabgrass .... =D | 06:45 |
Jordan_U | smoofra, I may be able to help find the script if you pastebin the error | 06:45 |
nomasteryoda | me, its a ground cover... hehe | 06:45 |
bradd | Jordan_U, "Failed to run /usr/bin/update-manager as user root: | 06:45 |
bradd | Wrong password." | 06:45 |
crabgrass | lol | 06:45 |
smoofra | Jordan_U, oh i found it thanks though | 06:45 |
BioDeath | does anyone know a good SNES emulator | 06:45 |
=== bnlo87 [n=bnlo87@hc6524b81.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jordan_U | bradd, Enter the correct password? | 06:45 |
bradd | the root password should be the same as the user right? | 06:45 |
crabgrass | okay all who helped last time, i have a new question: how can i install ubuntu to a reiser partition i've already made? | 06:45 |
bef | BioDeath: Download PoxySimForPriestsAndLinuxUsers | 06:45 |
Jordan_U | bradd, yes | 06:45 |
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bradd | Jordan_U, then yes, 4 times | 06:46 |
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bradd | Jordan_U, checked caps too | 06:46 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Though it's not the root password per se | 06:46 |
bef | bradd: get a new root password with "sudo passwd" :p | 06:46 |
ahubl | !wine | 06:46 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 06:46 |
|Death| | whats the command to configure the gui?? | 06:46 |
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|Death| | I installed a new video card and xwin wont come up | 06:46 |
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cafuego | !xcfg | 06:46 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:46 |
Jordan_U | |Death|, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 06:46 |
bef | !pron | 06:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pron - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:47 |
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|Death| | thanks a ton | 06:47 |
bef | wget pr0n | 06:47 |
=== megafauna [n=megafaun@c-68-43-253-197.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_Codeman_ | cafuego: and what if mount cant read it? | 06:47 |
cafuego | That wiki uri is not very handy if X is down eh | 06:47 |
bnlo87 | hey can anyone recommend any advice for reducing rhythmbox's cpu usage? | 06:47 |
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bef | !windows | 06:47 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 06:47 |
cafuego | _Codeman_: Usually means you are specifying the wrong partition or wrong partition type. | 06:47 |
BioDeath | ty bef | 06:47 |
ANON12345 | where can i find a list of 56K/Fax modems that are compatible with ubuntu and does not require a payment for the full version of the drivers? | 06:47 |
megafauna | bnlo87: switch to Amarok | 06:47 |
zachwlewis | How can I get Beryl to load on startup? | 06:47 |
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crabgrass | how can i install ubuntu to a reiser partition i've already made? | 06:47 |
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cafuego | ANON12345: Any _hardware_ modem. | 06:48 |
bnlo87 | amarok is even worse...it stalls out and stuff | 06:48 |
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|Death| | does ubuntu not work with a nvidia riva tnt?? | 06:48 |
ANON12345 | cafuego: thanks | 06:48 |
bradd | Jordan_U, thx so much! Now I need to find drivers :-[ | 06:48 |
megafauna | bnlo87: It's got a proper database backend and a low cpu stamp., something slightly above winamp's | 06:48 |
BioDeath | bef that did nothing | 06:48 |
Jordan_U | bradd, For what? | 06:48 |
_Codeman_ | but I'm not... | 06:49 |
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bradd | Graphics seem SLOW | 06:49 |
Jordan_U | bradd, System -> Administration -> Restricted driver manager | 06:49 |
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BioDeath | i have a good question | 06:49 |
megafauna | bnlo87: wow. that doesn't sound good to a newb / Amarok lover like me! Umm. Why not play the files w/ xmms - it's a winamp clone | 06:49 |
BioDeath | i installed the KDE, i have feisty now the GDE | 06:49 |
megafauna | BioDeath: is it "To be or not to be?" cuz thats a good question | 06:49 |
bnlo87 | is it normal for the gnome-system-monitor to be using up so much cpu? | 06:50 |
BioDeath | i t is to be | 06:50 |
crabgrass | how can i install ubuntu to a reiser partition i've already made? | 06:50 |
bradd | Jordan_U, No "Restricted driver manager" | 06:50 |
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bnlo87 | i got it fluctuating from 30 to 70% | 06:50 |
Jordan_U | megafauna, /bb|[^b] {2}/ ? | 06:50 |
BioDeath | now after installing the KDE it asked which enviroment do i want to run by default | 06:50 |
_Codeman_ | cafuego: I can't get auto to work either... and I know it's sda2 | 06:50 |
megafauna | bnlo87: my gnome-system-monitor is currently using 13%. | 06:50 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Are you running Feisty? | 06:50 |
BioDeath | and I chose gnome | 06:51 |
zachwlewis | How can I get Beryl to load on startup? | 06:51 |
BioDeath | because i use it | 06:51 |
BioDeath | i know it | 06:51 |
megafauna | Jordan:U ROTFLOL! | 06:51 |
|Death| | how do I get the xwin back with a riva tnt 2?? | 06:51 |
bnlo87 | anything i can do to reduce gnome-system monitor's cpu usage? | 06:51 |
bradd | Jordan_U, Not sure actually... I think NOT... how do I find it | 06:51 |
BioDeath | now can i "log onto" KDE anytime and all the same files and folders will be there form my gnome setup? | 06:51 |
MidNightSunRay | zachwlewis, add beryl-manager to the "startup programs" in the "session" item of the menu.. | 06:51 |
ANON12345 | crabgrass: i believe that you have to set that partition for use as "/" to install ubuntu. you will also need a swap partition | 06:51 |
bradd | Jordan_U, I'm using a CD that I've had for... a month maybe | 06:51 |
BioDeath | megafauna do you know | 06:52 |
Jordan_U | bradd, lsb_release -a | 06:52 |
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megafauna | Zachwlewis: System --> Administration --> Sessions --> |TAB| Startup Programs. Not sure which Beryl file to select but that is 1/2 your answer | 06:52 |
crabgrass | ANON12345: okay, and if ive done that, how do i ensure that it won't override my partitions? do choose the "use largest contiguous space" option? | 06:52 |
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BioDeath | i think midnightsunray answered this before but i donot remember what he said exactly | 06:52 |
Jordan_U | bradd, I recommend upgrading, Feisty is awesome :) | 06:53 |
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ANON12345 | crabgrass: no, choose the "manual" option | 06:53 |
bradd | Jordan_U, Breezy 5.10 | 06:53 |
walkintome | i just got my wireless working on fiesty and i have not been more excited ever!!! | 06:53 |
BioDeath | yay!! | 06:53 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Thats oooooold :) | 06:53 |
walkintome | now im trying to get gnome to look like osx | 06:53 |
megafauna | BioDeath: No, I have no idea, sorry. That looks like a proper question as opposed to quick tech help. Post it in the forum and you'll have better luck. | 06:53 |
ANON12345 | crabgrass: if you choose any other option, you will lose all of your partitions and data stored in them. | 06:53 |
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walkintome | does anyone know what this means? You need to install the gnome-common module and make | 06:53 |
walkintome | sure the gnome-autogen.sh script is in your $PATH. | 06:53 |
walkintome | michael@mciarlo:~/Desktop/avant-window-navigator-0.1.1$ | 06:53 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Almost two years old in fact :) | 06:54 |
bradd | Jordan_U, oh SNAPS.... ok, well... I guess I'll see you around... is there a way to upgrade w/out a new CD? | 06:54 |
megafauna | BioDeath: I'm just hanging out here | 06:54 |
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crabgrass | ANON12345: okay... and then what? do i have to select the drive, or just make sure it's mount point is / ? | 06:54 |
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alien8ed | Zachwlewis: System-Preferences-Sessions-make a new one called beryl and direct it to beryl-manager | 06:55 |
BioDeath | ok | 06:55 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Yes, but considering that you are going to have to upgrade one release at a time ie breezy -> Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty it will take less time an less to download to just install Feisty fresh | 06:55 |
walkintome | how do i install the gnome common module for ubuntu 7.04? | 06:55 |
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UNO|BOT | hello | 06:55 |
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bombice | hello | 06:55 |
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crabgrass | bombice: hi | 06:55 |
HYPOCRISY | sup | 06:55 |
cyberfr0g | Hi | 06:55 |
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bombice | i am in need of assistance | 06:56 |
nautivus1 | hi | 06:56 |
shidan | Hi, under 7.04 my fonts look slightly doubled (the doubles are very faint) in gnome, what are the common problems for this | 06:56 |
Jordan_U | walkintome, Do you mean gnome-control-center ? | 06:56 |
bombice | thanks for the warm welcome | 06:56 |
ANON12345 | crabgrass: choose "Manual", reformat the partition you wish to use as "ext3", create a swap partition, then set your chosen partition's mount point (the ext3 one) as "/" | 06:56 |
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nautivus1 | how ya doin | 06:56 |
HYPOCRISY | private | 06:56 |
cyberfr0g | ? | 06:56 |
mikere | bombice: just ask the question - if we know the answer we'll answer =) | 06:56 |
fog_proxy | Hi all. How to remove the module nsc_ircc from ubuntun start? I have tried to add 'blacklist nsc_ircc' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, but not work | 06:56 |
crabgrass | ANON12345: why reformat? and i'm going to be using resier for os, ext3 for all else | 06:56 |
bradd | Jordan_U, yeah... ic, ok, well I've got work to do. Thanks for your help, I really appriciate your patience with me. I'm fairly new with this. | 06:56 |
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ANON12345 | crabgrass: oh, i thought you were going to install ubuntu, can you give me more info on what your really wanting to do? | 06:57 |
=== RD58 [n=saul@20150214063.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | without alsamixer how can i adjust sound from the cli ? | 06:57 |
Jordan_U | bradd, No problem :) just so you know though, breezy is no longer supported with security updates and bug fixes. | 06:57 |
MasseR | intelikey: amixer | 06:57 |
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intelikey | MasseR not found | 06:57 |
=== kski [n=kski@adsl-76-208-21-162.dsl.sbndin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RD58 | i need to know if there are any program like fake web cam 4linux? | 06:58 |
walkintom1 | im trying to install the avant-window application from this guide: http://www.taimila.com/osx-guide-2.php | 06:58 |
MasseR | !amixer | 06:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about amixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:58 |
bombice | im trying to install 7.04 on an amd 64 bit 5200+ with an 8800GTS from evga...the cd boots and no matter if i select install or install in safe graphics mode nothing will happen....i looks like its loading and then the screen goes blank but the computer continues to read the CD...still a blank screen. HOWEVER everything works fine when i use vmware | 06:58 |
crabgrass | ANON12345: i do want to install, but i want to have a / partition and /home as its own partition, and the installer isnt doing it for me | 06:58 |
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glick | hey the generic kernel | 06:58 |
Jordan_U | RD58, What does fake web cam do ? | 06:58 |
glick | is that the best one for my core-duo? | 06:58 |
kalecon | evolution doesn't scroll message window bug, anyone have this bug too, I couldn't find it online? | 06:58 |
shidan | anyone have any ideas why my fonts would look slightly doubled? | 06:58 |
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Jordan_U | bombice, Try the alternate CD | 06:59 |
ANON12345 | crabgrass: i believe "/home" is part of "/" | 06:59 |
RD58 | Jordan_U:do you speak portuguese?i dont speak english very well | 06:59 |
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bombice | ok...any reason? | 06:59 |
brian|lfs | Anyone listen to the Linux link? | 06:59 |
glick | whats the best kernel i should install? | 06:59 |
Jordan_U | shidan, Could be that font anti-ailiasing isn't set up correctly for your monitor | 06:59 |
brian|lfs | so guy was crying because his mouse won't paste in feisty | 06:59 |
crabgrass | ANON12345: yeah, i think so... but then how do i have my home folder on a seperate partition from ubuntu itself? | 06:59 |
brian|lfs | talk about complaining about stupid shit lol | 06:59 |
RD58 | Jordan_U:it direction the video to web cam you understand me? | 07:00 |
mikere | bombice: usually when I have something like that I have to specify some options at the boot: prompt - things like acpi=off or noapic or nolapic or something for vga mode. That suggestion about the alternate cd might be good too | 07:00 |
ANON12345 | crabgrass: i don't think this is possible | 07:00 |
MasseR | crabgrass: Manually assigning it after the install? | 07:00 |
glick | brian|lfs, seems important to me | 07:00 |
MasseR | ANON12345: Sure it is | 07:00 |
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Jordan_U | !portuguese | RD58 | 07:00 |
ubotu | RD58: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 07:00 |
MasseR | ANON12345: Why wouldn't it? | 07:00 |
walkintome | You need to install the gnome-common module and make | 07:00 |
walkintome | sure the gnome-autogen.sh script is in your $PATH. | 07:00 |
walkintome | does anyone know how to make sure i have done this? | 07:00 |
crabgrass | MasseR: whoa... how do i do that? | 07:00 |
bombice | once installed will it work normally with my 880gts? | 07:00 |
bradd | Jordan_U, I'm dling 7.04 right now... DO you think it works well on a system with only 128Mb SRAM? I have another 256 in another machine, but it's not w/ me. | 07:00 |
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bombice | 8800gts* | 07:00 |
mikere | bombice: some times the default kernel options and/or modules won't work with your hardware, thus the alternate cd as an option | 07:00 |
crabgrass | ANON12345: i've heard of it being done | 07:00 |
brian|lfs | ya but he made it sound like fesity isn't as good jsut becuase his mosue don't paste | 07:00 |
dani | i used the kclean application to wipe out junk files, but now kubuntu won't boot | 07:00 |
|Death| | how do I get the xwin back with a riva tnt 2?? | 07:00 |
RD58 | Jordan_U:fake web cam is for win | 07:00 |
dani | how can i repair it | 07:00 |
brian|lfs | really how many people have 6 button mice? | 07:00 |
MasseR | crabgrass: after installation make a backup of your /home and format the other partition and mount it in /home/ | 07:01 |
bombice | mikere: thanks ill give it a shot | 07:01 |
dani | brian i do | 07:01 |
MasseR | */home | 07:01 |
Falstius | bradd: in console mode it will be great! | 07:01 |
ANON12345 | crabgrass: i never heard of it, | 07:01 |
MasseR | Ask for someone else about details (fstab etc) | 07:01 |
bradd | Jordan_U, ...(dot dot dot) | 07:01 |
kski | anyone know why the fans in my laptop don't even start when linux boots but run just fine in xp? | 07:01 |
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crabgrass | MasseR: wait, what other partition? | 07:01 |
bombice | mikere: are there any specail setup instructions i should follow | 07:01 |
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MasseR | kski: Bug in kernel | 07:01 |
mikere | bombice: I'd try booting with noapic nolapic acpi=off first (and mebbe the vga mode thing but I don't recall how to invoke it off hand) and only download another cd if you have to | 07:01 |
MasseR | kski: Install later kernel | 07:01 |
alien8ed | hey...i have an 8-button mice on my desktop :p | 07:01 |
Jordan_U | bradd, It may be a little slow, if it is go with xubuntu ( it is just another set of packages, you can convert from ubuntu to xubuntu easily after install ) | 07:01 |
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kski | which kernel? | 07:01 |
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MasseR | kski: Or 2.6.17 IIRC | 07:02 |
kalecon | shidan: choose a different Font Rendering setting under (System-Preferences-Fonts section) | 07:02 |
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glick | how do i know if the default kernel is the best for my systm? | 07:02 |
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mikere | bombice: I'm just a regular guy - no serious expertise - just things I've had work in similar situations when installing some linux distros | 07:02 |
MasseR | kski: I have 2.6.20.something.. 5 I think. Well 2 but with patches from 5 | 07:02 |
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ANON12345 | crabgrass: you may have to create another partition for /home | 07:02 |
bef | lOLLLLLL | 07:02 |
eNons3nse | hey. what program can i use to put video on an ipod? | 07:02 |
brian|lfs | does your mouse paste dani? | 07:02 |
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eNons3nse | gtkpod isn't letting me do it | 07:02 |
bob777 | Hello, I have a weird problem configuring Samba, I created a share as a path /bob and it works perfectly, when I change the path from /bob to /home/bob, it doesn't work anymore even if /home has a 755 access, what could I do please? | 07:02 |
kski | MasseR: the kernel in 7.04 isn't new enough? | 07:02 |
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Jordan_U | RD58, It is almost definately possible, but I don't know how :( | 07:02 |
berent | can anyone suggest me a good firewall for my edgy | 07:03 |
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mikere | bombice: the only things I can suggest are to read any instructions on ubuntu web site/wiki, search forums, google and then ask questions here if you can't find answer | 07:03 |
MasseR | kski: Well these are my experiences with gentoo (my laptop has gentoo) | 07:03 |
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alien8ed | enonsense: have you been able to play aac's off your ipod in gtkpod? | 07:03 |
berent | !firewall | 07:03 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 07:03 |
bombice | mikere: thanks im there now | 07:03 |
eNons3nse | Can Amerok Put Video On An Ipod? | 07:03 |
Jordan_U | !firewall | berent | 07:03 |
ubotu | berent: please see above | 07:03 |
MasseR | kski: I had the same trouble with edgy. I fixed it by installing 6.04:s kernel | 07:03 |
bombice | ill let you know how it goes | 07:03 |
MasseR | Or whatever it was | 07:03 |
philwhln | exit | 07:03 |
RD58 | Jordan_U: ok thank you | 07:03 |
kalecon | berent: try Firestarter | 07:03 |
philwhln | :D whoops | 07:03 |
kski | really? the older version worked fine? | 07:03 |
mikere | bombice: cool - best of luck and we're here if you get any more info to post on the situation | 07:04 |
eNons3nse | alien8ed, i don't know. i'm trying with a friends ipod. i use an archos player and it works fine. | 07:04 |
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bradd | Jordan_U, Under the "start download" button, there's a check box that reads "Check here if you need the alternate desktop cd suited for computers with less than 256Mb of RAM" | 07:04 |
MasseR | kski: SOmething along the line of 2.6.17 or 15 | 07:04 |
bradd | Jordan_U, so, would I want that? | 07:04 |
glick | us the ubuntu generic kernel the best for my core-duo? | 07:04 |
eNons3nse | anyone? | 07:04 |
berent | kalecon : I want a robust firewall which never gives out my ip even by commands like dig | 07:04 |
alien8ed | yea...damn, im trying to get my aac files to play | 07:04 |
eNons3nse | Can Anyone Help Me Get Video On An Ipod? | 07:05 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Yes, it just has a text based installer ( identical to Breesie's ) instead of a full LiveCD | 07:05 |
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Jordan_U | glick, Yes | 07:05 |
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kski | ok thanks, i'll check it out. i have to have this thing running on top of a window fan to keep from overheating and locking up. i was about ready to throw it out the window | 07:05 |
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berent | I want a robust firewall which never gives out my ip even by commands like dig | 07:05 |
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kalecon | berent: does dig reveal with IP Masquerading also? | 07:05 |
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mikere | glick: if I want the *best* kernel for my system I usually compile a kernel myself from source - that way I can specify the exact cpu and options I want. | 07:05 |
bradd | Jordan_U, OH NOS! I just realized.... I'm running on 64Mb SRAM! (I found this computer) | 07:05 |
glick | coooo | 07:06 |
Grape_Juice | 0.o | 07:06 |
Jordan_U | bradd, Definately want Xubuntu then, and even that... maybe DSL :) | 07:06 |
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bombice | Feisty is not compatible to GeForce 8800 GTS / GTX | 07:06 |
bombice | :( | 07:06 |
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mikere | bombice: where'd you find that info? | 07:06 |
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glick | sweet the automatic nvidia install is hella sweet! | 07:06 |
bombice | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=413961&highlight=8800gts | 07:07 |
jemmille | can you reinstall ubuntu 7.04 without losing data? | 07:07 |
KL2CR | Anybody here got a Intel wireless system working on their laptop with Ubuntu? | 07:07 |
ceeg | anyone know how good performance wise photoshop is under virtualbox on a mid-range comp? | 07:07 |
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ceeg | jemmille, create a backup partition, maybe | 07:07 |
cafuego | ceeg: Nowhere near as good as Gimp running natively. | 07:07 |
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jemmille | ceeg, that's what i figured | 07:07 |
jemmille | thanks | 07:07 |
berent | kalecon : No but I don't dig to reveal my server also | 07:07 |
bradd | Jordan_U, ok, where would I find that? | 07:07 |
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kalecon | ceeg: i use Photoshop 7 with crossover office, runs really well . | 07:07 |
berent | kalecon : No but I don't want dig to reveal my server also | 07:08 |
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Jordan_U | bradd, xubuntu.com/get | 07:08 |
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ceeg | cafuego, i really tried to use gimp, really. if it had all the shortcuts and such that i'm used to i'd be more willing :[ i'm just not productive with it. | 07:08 |
bradd | Jordan_U, sweet, thx. bbl | 07:08 |
kalecon | berent: ugh! ok.. that's over my head... sorry | 07:08 |
cafuego | ceeg: Yeah, you need to use it for a week or two, to get into it. | 07:08 |
ceeg | kelvie, is it any different than 7 under wine? like are the resizing pallette bugs gone, etc. | 07:08 |
=== walkintome [n=michael@c-71-234-191-149.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Geoffrey2 | sigh....yet one more kernel build bombs on me....I can't believe the code would be that buggy, so I'm left wondering what on earth I'm missing here.... | 07:09 |
walkintome | hi all | 07:09 |
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=== cafuego has now unlearned photoshop and finds gimp way easier and photoshop annoying :-) | ||
walkintome | i am a linux noob and i was hoping to get some help customizing gnome | 07:09 |
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ceeg | cafuego, i used it for 2 or 3 weeks. don't know man, just can't be as productive as i am with photoshop. web designer/graphics artist by trade. a lot of the brush options i'm used to are too different or simply not there | 07:09 |
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khermans | cafuego, gimp cannot replace photoshop for real graphic designers | 07:09 |
berent | kalecon : just kidding | 07:09 |
walkintome | im not familiar with how to resolve errors when installing certain packages so if anyone could offer their help, it would greatly be appreciated | 07:09 |
mikere | bombice: I just read that thread - appears that not everyone agrees with the original poster | 07:09 |
jl | hi everyone, i don't know if you have a problem with an error message "kio_file" when launch a kde app | 07:09 |
=== truscotty [n=mediabox@c-24-7-162-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bombice | mikere: im finding that too | 07:10 |
bombice | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-nvidia-acceleration-in-feisty-nvidia-8800-and-legacy-users.html | 07:10 |
khermans | cafuego, i had a gf once that i couldnt convert, and been with many graphic design chix since then too...heh | 07:10 |
ceeg | khermans, , is it any different than 7 under wine? like are the resizing pallette bugs gone, etc. | 07:10 |
cafuego | khermans: Real graphic designers have no business running photoshop anyway, they should be using illustrator -- um, inkscape :-) | 07:10 |
ceeg | or kalecon rather | 07:10 |
Grape_Juice | lol | 07:10 |
bombice | it looks like im in for quite the night | 07:10 |
jl | i guess it is a feisty bug | 07:10 |
alien8ed | anybody get their free ubuntu stickers: http://www.system76.com/index.php/cPath/53_64 | 07:10 |
khermans | cafuego, in truth they use all adobe products | 07:10 |
bombice | i think ill but out the laptop so i can stay connected while i get my desktop on ubuntu | 07:10 |
khermans | ceeg, dunno, i use gimp :-) | 07:11 |
bullgard4 | What DEB program package contains the program 'iwlist'? | 07:11 |
Jordan_U | cafuego, xara :) | 07:11 |
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bombice | ive got ubuntu on the lappy ;) | 07:11 |
khermans | bullgard4, packages.ubuntu.com | 07:11 |
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ceeg | kalecon, is it any different than 7 under wine? like are the resizing pallette bugs gone, etc. | 07:11 |
cafuego | khermans: Some do, I know a fair few who don't, but use floss tools intead. Gimp, inkscape, Scribus. | 07:11 |
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berent | bombice : lappy ? | 07:12 |
Jordan_U | bullgard4, Should be installed by default | 07:12 |
bombice | laptop | 07:12 |
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|Death| | how do I run the xwindows configuration again?? I installed a riva tnt 2 and now it doesnt boot to xwindows | 07:12 |
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variant | |Death|: X -configure | 07:12 |
variant | |Death|: or dpkg-reconfigure xorg | 07:12 |
variant | i think thats the ubuntu way | 07:12 |
variant | |Death|: or dpkg-reconfigure xorg-x11 | 07:13 |
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bullgard4 | Jordan_U: Even so, what you wrote does not answer my question. | 07:13 |
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intelikey | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:13 |
alien8ed | i installed feisty on my week old laptop because i couldnt stand vista, went to xp and my wireless wouldnt work | 07:13 |
mweichert | hey guys, I'm trying to decide what virtualization method to use when deploying my servers... but there's so many to choose from - Xen, KVM, VmWare, and I don't know how many others. Can anyone offer me some advise? | 07:13 |
variant | bullgard4: what he is trying to say is, go look on packages.ubuntu.com because he doesn't know | 07:13 |
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alien8ed | try running the restore cd's and it said they were corrupt | 07:13 |
rimtech | how can I connect to a socket with vncviewer??? | 07:13 |
variant | mweichert: what do you want to do with your virtual servers? | 07:13 |
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bullgard4 | variant: I will do what you said. | 07:13 |
alien8ed | call sony tech support and they say they dont support os downgrades | 07:14 |
khermans | bullgard4, im teaching you how to answer all your future question like that | 07:14 |
RD58 | hao to install a wmv plug in in ubuntu feiyst? | 07:14 |
alien8ed | so im gonna have to buy a new copy of vista :p | 07:14 |
khermans | go to packages.ubuntu.com | 07:14 |
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Jordan_U | alien8ed, So this is a problem with windows? | 07:14 |
mweichert | variant: 1) database server, 2) web and ftp server, 3) mail server | 07:14 |
walkintome | anyone willing ot help a linux noob customize his gnome? | 07:14 |
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khermans | bullgard4, then in the second search field, find all packages who contain a file like you want 'iwlist' | 07:14 |
glick | hmm | 07:14 |
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glick | i just enabled the nvidia drivers | 07:14 |
glick | but things still look kina crappy | 07:14 |
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mikere | rimtech: I haven't used that program before but with many vnc type viewers you can specify xx.xx.xx.xx:yy where yy is the port number | 07:15 |
variant | mweichert: personally i would go with the free software options | 07:15 |
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alien8ed | well its not a problem anymore but yes, it was windows fault | 07:15 |
variant | mweichert: depends what os you want to virtualise also | 07:15 |
RD58 | wmv in ubuntu feysti how to? | 07:15 |
rimtech | mikere: do you know what a socket is? | 07:15 |
rimtech | mikere: as in a file used for transport instead of ip address and port? | 07:15 |
mweichert | variant: KVM seems to be supported the best in Ubuntu, eh? | 07:15 |
Jordan_U | !wmv | RD58 | 07:16 |
ubotu | RD58: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:16 |
glick | the resolutioni looks crappy | 07:16 |
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glick | the max | 07:16 |
mikere | rimtech: ah - sorry nope - was thinking port =) | 07:16 |
variant | mweichert: might be easyest to get going.. | 07:16 |
rimtech | mikere: yeah it's really silly... the vnc documentation goes on and on about how to listen on a socket... but it doesn't say anything about connecting to said socket | 07:16 |
kalecon | ceeg: mine runs the same as winxp ...I haven't noticed this problem | 07:16 |
ben__ | I have a modprobe instance which seems to have got stuck in a loop. It's been running for over 6 hours, keeping the CPU at 100% utilisation pretty much constantly. It looks to be probing a USB device; presumably my printer. I can't kill it, though. `kill`, `kill -9`, `killall`, sending it a SIGHUP... I've managed to renice it, but is there anyway to stop it, short of rebooting? :-) | 07:16 |
mweichert | I've used Xen in SLES, and had many problems with it... but I'm willing to get it a second chance on Ubuntu. And VmWare, well it's had a good name for itself for a while now | 07:16 |
khermans | RD58, sudo aptitude install mozilla-mplayer | 07:16 |
Geoffrey2 | I'm trying to build the 2.4 linux kernel, I'm getting a number of undefined references to __stack_chk_fail in, I believe, vmlinux...can anyone help me figure out what's wrong/what I'm doing wrong? | 07:17 |
kalecon | My crossover 6.01 | 07:17 |
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ceeg | kalecon, i tried running ps7 with wine, and if i had an image loaded, i couldnt resize the palletes without it crashing. also the colors were off. and simple things like right click -> crop did not work. can't right click layers either | 07:17 |
glick | ok thats beter | 07:18 |
glick | better | 07:18 |
khermans | ceeg, did you try wine 0.3.5 ? | 07:18 |
rimtech | how can I connect to a socket with vncviewer??? | 07:18 |
khermans | rimtech, vncviewer | 07:18 |
=== boubbin [n=boubbin@a91-152-87-243.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
variant | rimtech: i think you mean port.. | 07:18 |
=== bombice|laptop [n=adam@CPE-75-87-124-240.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ceeg | khermans, i'm not sure which wine i was using. i'll give it a shot though. | 07:18 |
bombice|laptop | ok laptop up and running | 07:18 |
khermans | rimtech, vncviewer ? | 07:18 |
bombice|laptop | time to burn the alt. cd | 07:19 |
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kalecon | ceeg: mine's flawless on Feisty, everything works. I have all my features, but I set up color management settings on startup | 07:19 |
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getoo | I'm using ERC Version 5.1.4 with GNU Emacs 21.4.1 (i486-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars) of 2007-01-16. | 07:19 |
jemmille | RD58, need help with wmv in linux? | 07:19 |
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ceeg | kalecon, must be a newer version of wine than what was provided in the repos with edgy. i'll try it out, thanks :) | 07:20 |
rimtech | khermans, variant: i am actually using QEMU/KVM and I am trying to set up the vnc server to act locally, to prevent the mouse jitter issue i'm having with an xp install in KVM.... | 07:20 |
kalecon | ceeg: I use the 'web developer' colour defaults. | 07:20 |
alien8ed | !ogg | 07:20 |
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ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:20 |
bombice|laptop | !uno | 07:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about uno - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:20 |
bombice | bombice|laptop wants to play Uno! Type join in the channel to join the game. Game will start in 30 seconds. | 07:20 |
bombice|laptop | !unoend | 07:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about unoend - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:20 |
bombice|laptop | lol | 07:20 |
bombice | The current game has been ENDED by bombice|laptop | 07:20 |
alien8ed | !rockbox | 07:20 |
ubotu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for MP3 players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started! | 07:20 |
mweichert | variant: do you know if the free vmware server can be used for commercial use? | 07:20 |
variant | bombice: keep your bot scripts out of this channel please | 07:20 |
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variant | mweichert: no idea, probably not | 07:21 |
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bombice|laptop | sorry i didnt think it still worked | 07:21 |
alekz | hi, i've installed xubuntu but have no menus, how can i enable them ? | 07:21 |
alien8ed | does rockbox run on the ipod? is it a firmware update? | 07:21 |
kalecon | ceeg: BTW, I still prefer Gimp, but a friend needs both CMYK & RGB output . he has an RBG printer. | 07:21 |
variant | alien8ed: yes it is.. not 2nd gen nano though | 07:21 |
Flannel | alien8ed: the factoid seems to indicate yes, and yes it's firmware | 07:21 |
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glick | is there any way i can make it so it does not automatically mount the other partitions on the harddrive? | 07:21 |
variant | alien8ed: try #ubuntu-offtopic there.. or #ipodlinux or smoething | 07:21 |
Jordan_U | glick, Comment out the entries in your fstab | 07:22 |
kalecon | ceeg: RGB commercial printer that is. | 07:22 |
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alien8ed | variant: okay, sorry about that | 07:22 |
variant | alien8ed: no need to apologise to me | 07:22 |
ceeg | kalecon, if there was a photoshop->gimp transition document or screencast or something i'd be much more willing to convert, haha. i've given it more than a shot and i, for some reason, just cannot be as productive in it. | 07:22 |
glick | thanks Jordan_U | 07:23 |
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Jordan_U | ceeg, You can try Gimpshop but it's probably just the worst of both worlds :) | 07:23 |
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thebillywayne | the best thing about ubuntu is you guys. :) | 07:24 |
ghostkernel | Beryl kicks butt | 07:24 |
FunnyLookinHat | Lol | 07:24 |
kalecon | ceeg: I had installed it under XP & Ubuntu when I dual booted..and I just got really used to its stylling. | 07:24 |
FunnyLookinHat | yes, beryl does kick butt | 07:24 |
ghostkernel | totally | 07:25 |
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Grape_Juice | hehehe, I did something bad.... :p | 07:25 |
kski | why does ubuntu show my wireless card as a wired connection? | 07:25 |
stryph | I just got beryl working all nicely... and i was wondering where the settings are for the options when rightclicking the title bar... i used to use that all the time to move my windows to other desktops... any help would be appreciated | 07:25 |
Geoffrey2 | anything I need to add to be able to the menus on DVDs? | 07:25 |
nextstate | I updated to 7.04 and now my sound does not work. Is this common? Where do I start to fix it? | 07:25 |
FunnyLookinHat | kski, sometimes the chipsets just get mistaken for being wired even though they are wireless, especially intel wireless | 07:25 |
Grape_Juice | I renamed /usr/bin/nautilus to /usr/bin/open :) I can't quite see how this would be bad, but it has to be in some way. I'm thinking.....possibly nautilus updates? | 07:25 |
FunnyLookinHat | nextstate, try searching for your sound card in ubuntuforums.org and see if someone has posted a fix | 07:25 |
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nextstate | ok, thanks | 07:26 |
variant | Grape_Juice: why whould you do such a thing | 07:26 |
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variant | ? | 07:26 |
Grape_Juice | Because I'm used to open'ing something on the Mac terminal. :p | 07:26 |
Jordan_U | stryph, Not the same but you can always ctrl+alt+shift+arrow key (easier done than said :) | 07:26 |
walkintome | anyone want to help a linux noob customize gnome? | 07:26 |
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variant | Grape_Juice: it means that any program that calls /usr/bin/nautilus will fail | 07:26 |
Flannel | Grape_Juice: If you want "open" to work, in addition to nautilus, make a symlink, don't rename. | 07:26 |
Grape_Juice | Plus, nautilus is a sucky nam. :p | 07:26 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, you could make a sim link | 07:26 |
kalecon | There is of course /GimpShop/ ..I think its called..and it has menu styles like Photoshop. it's freeware. google it. | 07:26 |
walkintome | im pretty helpless right now | 07:26 |
Grape_Juice | Thank you. :) I'll try simlinks. :) | 07:26 |
grayman_ | *symlink | 07:26 |
Flannel | Grape_Juice: however, "open" does already exist. twice, actually. | 07:26 |
Grape_Juice | symlinks. :p* | 07:26 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, i t will be easier for people to help you if you ask specific questions : ) | 07:26 |
variant | Grape_Juice: rename it back to nautilus and run this: sudo ln /usr/bin/open /usr/bin/nautilus | 07:27 |
Grape_Juice | It doesn't work inmine... | 07:27 |
Grape_Juice | Okay. :) | 07:27 |
dondon | anyone else running into problems recompling gpodder w/ feisty? | 07:27 |
variant | Grape_Juice: yeah actually, that won;t work :P | 07:27 |
variant | seeings as it exists | 07:27 |
Jordan_U | kalecon, It's just a pet peeve of mine, sorry... but Free software != freeware | 07:27 |
bef | Where do I get aac codec for Banshee | 07:27 |
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variant | and i missed the "-s" | 07:27 |
grayman_ | well | 07:27 |
Flannel | variant: doesn't exist by default, but there are packages that provide it | 07:27 |
grayman_ | you could make an alias | 07:27 |
variant | Flannel: i see | 07:27 |
FunnyLookinHat | bef, install the restricted codecs package in the Add/Remove package manager, should take care of it | 07:28 |
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grayman_ | Grape_Juice, you can make an alias for it | 07:28 |
bef | FunnyLookinHat: Didn't, only mp3 etc. | 07:28 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, then apps won't conflict with it | 07:28 |
variant | that was my next suggestion | 07:28 |
variant | :) | 07:28 |
kski | FunnyLookinHat: so how do i get wireless extensions on my wireless card then? | 07:28 |
Grape_Juice | Just alias nautilus and rename the alias to "open"? | 07:28 |
variant | Grape_Juice: man alias | 07:28 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: well, im basicalyl trying to follow a guide on making gnome look like osx, but i have no idea how to install anything it talks about | 07:28 |
Grape_Juice | Thank you. :) | 07:28 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: as im a linux noob | 07:29 |
FunnyLookinHat | kski, I wouldn't bother messing with it as long as it's working... my wireless is called eth1 but works fine, no point in trying to rename or mess with what already works | 07:29 |
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Grape_Juice | No man entry for alias... 0.o | 07:29 |
kalecon | Jordan_U: Hey..I'm french man... my brain thinks funny with english..lol | 07:29 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, no. make an alias named open for nautilus | 07:29 |
variant | Grape_Juice: type alias on it's own then.. or with --help | 07:29 |
ben__ | Sorry to re-post, but I'm out of ideas on this. :-( " I have a modprobe instance which seems to have got stuck in a loop. It's been running for over 6 hours, keeping the CPU at 100% utilisation pretty much constantly. It looks to be probing a USB device; presumably my printer. I can't kill it, though. `kill`, `kill -9`, `killall`, sending it a SIGHUP... I've managed to renice it, but is there anyway to stop it, short of rebooting? :-)" | 07:29 |
variant | Grape_Juice: type man woman too | 07:29 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, sounds like all you really want/need is avant-window-navigator | 07:29 |
stryph | Jordan_U, thats cool and all but meh i was hoping there would be a guesture or something where i wouldent take my hands off the mouse call me lazy lol | 07:29 |
Grape_Juice | lol | 07:29 |
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kski | FunnyLookinHat: but i can't set anything up with iwconfig | 07:29 |
FunnyLookinHat | kski, you shouldn't have to use iwconfig... try using the network manager in your system tray? | 07:30 |
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walkintome | http://www.taimila.com/ubuntuosx.php I'm trying to follow this guide, but i need help badly =) | 07:30 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, you can add an alias to .bash_profile | 07:30 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, Follow this tutorial for AWN (Avant Window Navigator) --- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=385981&highlight=avant+window | 07:30 |
amicrawler | how do i enable auto paste for the middle botton of the mouse? | 07:30 |
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kski | FunnyLookinHat: that takes all the fun out of using the command line | 07:30 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: thank you! | 07:30 |
Geoffrey2 | if I want to play DVD movies, would I be better with gstreamer or xine? | 07:30 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, then you can just remove your bottom panel and run that program on your startup instead : ) | 07:31 |
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FunnyLookinHat | kski, uhhh... ubuntu = you shouldn't have to use the command line | 07:31 |
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foo | Hm, how do I tell aptitude what source to use? apt-cache show package shows me Package: php5 Version: 5.2.1-0.dotdeb.2... aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5 php5=5.2.1-0.dotdeb.2 = no go. Any ideas? | 07:31 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: how do i install compiz? | 07:31 |
Grape_Juice | [22:30:29] <grayman_> Grape_Juice, you can add an alias to .bash_profile <---how would I do that? | 07:31 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, that will save you from doing it every time | 07:31 |
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walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: and get my nvidia card working | 07:31 |
Grape_Juice | :) | 07:31 |
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glick | damn i have to configure this again now | 07:31 |
glick | man | 07:31 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, I would install beryl instead of compiz if I were you... but if you would like to use compiz it's as easy as going to System - Preferences - Desktop Effects and checking hte boxes | 07:32 |
alka_trash | oh boy!, I'm downloading "World of Padman" | 07:32 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, you open /home/yourname/.bash_profile in your favorite text editor and add it after everything else | 07:32 |
grayman_ | don't forget the dot | 07:32 |
walkintome | oh, does anyone know how to add a wireless usb adapter to the list of stuff that works for ndiswrapper? | 07:32 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, nvidia card --- System - Admininstration - Restricted Drivers Manager --- Check the box to enable the proprietary driver | 07:32 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: desktop effects doesnt work | 07:32 |
kski | is there anyway to see a verbose mode when ubuntu is loading? | 07:32 |
Grape_Juice | Thanks grayman_. :) | 07:32 |
Jordan_U | walkintome, My advice, look at the orange look by the same guy, it's not just an Apple knock off and it looks sweet ( and has an automatic install script :) | 07:32 |
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variant | kski: press alt f2 | 07:32 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, makes sense since you havne't installed the correct nvidia driver yet... I would just use beryl anyways if I were you | 07:32 |
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glick | is there a reason why i cant go to a higher resolution then 1200x 1100? | 07:32 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, will take effect only after you reload it | 07:33 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: how do i install the nvidia drivers? | 07:33 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, to install beryl follow this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BerylOnFeisty | 07:33 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: and use beryl? | 07:33 |
grayman_ | Grape_Juice, so easiest way is to close and open terminal again | 07:33 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: wow your way ahead of me lol | 07:33 |
glick | 1280x1024 | 07:33 |
Jordan_U | glick, What gfx card do you have? | 07:33 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, : ) That page should help with both beryl and the driver to get it working correctly | 07:33 |
bullgard4 | khermans: I have found it. Thank you. | 07:33 |
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glick | Jordan_U, nvidia 7300 LE | 07:33 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: thanks man! | 07:33 |
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Jordan_U | glick, Are you using the restricted drivers and is 1280x1024 listed in your xorg.conf ? | 07:34 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, no worries... I might be going to bed soon so if you have any questions just ask the channel and see if someone responds : ) | 07:34 |
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crackintosh | if i make /var/www writeable by a user other than root, could that pose as a problem? | 07:34 |
glick | Jordan_U, i enabled it using the restricted drivers menu | 07:34 |
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glick | Jordan_U, i havent checked my xorg.conf | 07:34 |
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bef | JESUS LOVES ME | 07:35 |
Jordan_U | glick, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:35 |
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FunnyLookinHat | crackintosh, it's technically not a safe thing to do in terms of system security... but it probably wouldn't be all that awful | 07:35 |
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walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: i dont know how to install the nvidia driver | 07:35 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: it tells me to use the driver manager but i cant enable it | 07:36 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, you are on Feisty right? | 07:36 |
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bef | walkintome: use automatix then hehe | 07:36 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: yes | 07:36 |
glick | Jordan_U, not installed | 07:36 |
glick | that command | 07:36 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, Go to System - Admininstration - Restricted Drivers Manager | 07:36 |
Jordan_U | !automatix | bef walkintome | 07:36 |
ubotu | bef walkintome: Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:36 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: whats the deal with automatrix /automatrix2...people tell me not to install it ...others say its almost necessary | 07:36 |
|Death| | what the name of the ubuntu gui?? | 07:36 |
|Death| | and how do i reconfigure it? | 07:37 |
Grape_Juice | !WorksForMe | 07:37 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 07:37 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, it's a bad program, don't use it. People are just too lazy to look up the correct way to do things. | 07:37 |
bef | Jordan_U: its perfectly fine for the Nvidia | 07:37 |
Grape_Juice | ahaha | 07:37 |
Madpilot | walkintome, people who say it's necessary do not, in fact, know what they're talking about. | 07:37 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: ok im in the restricted drivers manager | 07:37 |
kalecon | !WorksForMe | 07:37 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 07:37 |
Jordan_U | bef, But it is obsoleted by the restricted driver manager | 07:37 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, ok, just check the box that says "Enabled" next to the Nvidia accelerated graphics driver and click close | 07:37 |
bef | walkintome: its definately not neccesary, it's just easy for new users who dont understand how to do things themselves :P | 07:37 |
bullgard4 | Left-click on NetworkManager_Applet 0.6.4 shows only 2 entries: 'Wired Network' and 'Manual configuration...'. Some days ago it also listed 4 WLANs next to me. How to restore the old setting? | 07:38 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: it doesnt stay checked | 07:38 |
Grape_Juice | It makes you give the program too much power... 0.o | 07:38 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, does it give an error message? | 07:38 |
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|Death| | how can I enable restricted drivers in the console?? | 07:38 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: no it just doesnt do anything | 07:38 |
stryph | i've never been able to get into the restricted drivers manager... could that be a problem | 07:38 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, wahhhh... hmm weird. | 07:38 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: im running a geforce 7800 gtx 256 mb | 07:38 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, yea it works great with my GeForce 7900 GT | 07:38 |
pressureman | hey, is it just me, or does ubuntu server amd64 install linux-image-generic by default, whereas i386 installs linux-image-server by default? | 07:38 |
stryph | i logged into root and ran all the commands that were sudjested on the nvidia website..... | 07:38 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: shoudl i try to reboot? | 07:39 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, it probably won't help but it couldn't hurt... | 07:39 |
anasha | can any one help me to setup my macbook isight in ubuntu | 07:39 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: ok, brb | 07:39 |
FunnyLookinHat | anasha, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225621&highlight=macbook+isight | 07:39 |
anasha | FunnyLookinHat, thanks | 07:40 |
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justnulling2 | how to i tell ubuntu that i have wide screen? | 07:40 |
bombice|laptop | yell | 07:41 |
bombice|laptop | ;p | 07:41 |
glick | the 7300 LE nvidia uses some shared system ram | 07:41 |
glick | so when X reconfigure asks me how much memory will be used by the card should i leave it blank? | 07:41 |
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mikere | justnulling2: if you have gnome up and running, click System-->Preferences-->Screen Resolution and select it there. If it's not there it gets a bit more complicated | 07:42 |
FunnyLookinHat | glick, yea, leave it blank... but to be honest you shouldn't have to bother with that if you are on feisty and you the restricted drivers manager | 07:42 |
tjb13 | hey guys what is the best newsgroup reader/downloader for gnome | 07:42 |
tjb13 | for usenet | 07:42 |
mikere | tjb13: pan is good | 07:42 |
eNons3nse | tjb13, I really like Pan a lot. | 07:43 |
FunnyLookinHat | tjb13, a lot of people use thunderbird, but it's really a preference issue... Try searching newsgroup in the Add/Remove applications tool to see what programs support it | 07:43 |
eNons3nse | tjb13, haven't found one that i like better | 07:43 |
tjb13 | nice ok | 07:43 |
FunnyLookinHat | yea Pan is cool | 07:43 |
glick | use kernel framebuffer? | 07:43 |
glick | no right | 07:43 |
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Grape_Juice | If 3 out of 4 people vote Pan.....what would you go with? | 07:43 |
Grape_Juice | Okay, make that 3 out of 3. :p | 07:44 |
bombice|laptop | 3 out of 4 dentists use pan | 07:44 |
FunnyLookinHat | I'm the fourth dentist, and I hate your teeth. | 07:44 |
Grape_Juice | 0.o | 07:44 |
bombice|laptop | lol | 07:44 |
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Grape_Juice | "Where have your teeth been?" | 07:44 |
bombice|laptop | bagina | 07:45 |
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Grape_Juice | ahahahah | 07:45 |
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mikere | bombice|laptop: how'd things work out so far? | 07:45 |
Grape_Juice | Anyways, I got the alias tow ork. :) | 07:45 |
bombice|laptop | mikere: the alt cd is installing as we speak | 07:45 |
mikere | bombice|laptop: sweet | 07:45 |
arooni | hey everyone........... feisty doesnt allow me to resume or suspend my sony laptop........ any ideas? | 07:45 |
Grape_Juice | grayman_: I had to put the alias in .bashrc. It wouldn't work in .bash_profile. :) | 07:46 |
Grape_Juice | I haven't the clue why... | 07:46 |
Grape_Juice | But thanks for the help. :) | 07:46 |
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bombice|laptop | i herd rumors that they are trying to port DX10 to linux and mac...any thoughts? | 07:46 |
mwe | linux kernel 2.6.21 is out. nice ... | 07:46 |
FunnyLookinHat | arooni, your best bet is to search for your laptop model and the word suspend in ubuntuforums.org | 07:46 |
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FunnyLookinHat | bombice|laptop, it's probably not going to work out too well : ) | 07:46 |
arooni | FunnyLookinHat: look by exact model nmae? or sony in general | 07:47 |
bombice|laptop | i would assume so | 07:47 |
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FunnyLookinHat | arooni, exact model name | 07:47 |
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walkintom1 | FunnyLookinHat: when trying to check the nvidia driver it asks me to enable driver, i click the button to do so, and then nothing happens | 07:47 |
bombice|laptop | thats the only thing vista has going for it...are the badass dx10 games...ie www.alanwake.com | 07:47 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintom1, does the box at least stay checked? If so you're going to have to close that window and restart your X window manager | 07:48 |
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walkintom1 | FunnyLookinHat: it doesnt stay checked | 07:48 |
mwe | bombice|laptop: who would port DX10? Certainly not the OSS community. | 07:48 |
glick | i dont want to enable framebuffer do it? | 07:48 |
walkintom1 | FunnyLookinHat: how do i restart it | 07:48 |
bombice|laptop | its just a rumor i herd | 07:48 |
sgtmattbaker | helo I put the path to one of my scripts in rc.local and it didn't run on boot | 07:48 |
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glick | use kernel framebuffer device interfacE? | 07:48 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintom1, go to the shutdown button in the top right and choose logout, then when at the login screen hit Control+Alt+Backspace | 07:48 |
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tjb13 | how come pan only supports a max of 4 connections | 07:49 |
anasha | FunnyLookinHat, it is asking for linux-headers-2.6.20-13-386 and it is not available | 07:49 |
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chris345 | Just moved a dual drive raid 0 array to this box and it's not showing up in /dev/mdstat, /dev/md0 exists but "mdadm: cannot get array into for /dev/md0" any ideas? | 07:50 |
mwe | bombice|laptop: MS propriatry stuff is not very popular in the OSS community | 07:50 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: still wont stay checked | 07:50 |
Lathiat | chris345: try "mdadm --assemble --scan" | 07:50 |
glick | do i want to enable the kernel framebuffer? | 07:50 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: i also cannot connect to my aim account on gaim saying my password is incorrect (but i know it is correct) | 07:50 |
ben__ | sgtmattbaker, is your script executable? | 07:50 |
justnulling2 | mkiere: only not wide screen resolution are there | 07:50 |
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FunnyLookinHat | anasha, I forget exactly what you're trying to do.... but you're going to want linux-headers-2.6.20-15-386 best to just search for it in synaptic by "linux-headers" and install that way | 07:51 |
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sgtmattbaker | ben_: yes | 07:51 |
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Lathiat | glick: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" | 07:51 |
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Lathiat | glick: should stop it asking most of those questions | 07:51 |
sgtmattbaker | ben_: it works if I run it normally, but not if it is in rc.local (the path to it) | 07:51 |
Lathiat | glick: (what are you trying to change?) | 07:51 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, that's weird crud. very weird. um... for the graphics card, try searching ubuntuforums.org with your exact model graphics card and words like "feisty driver" or something.... | 07:51 |
glick | Lathiat, resolution | 07:51 |
chris345 | Lathiat, mdadm: no devices found for /dev/.static/dev/md0 mdadm: no devices found for /dev/.static/dev/md1 .. crap.. any more ideas? | 07:51 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, for the GAIM stuff, I have no idea... never seen that problem before | 07:51 |
braniff | is there something like "iTunes" for linux ???? | 07:51 |
anasha | FunnyLookinHat, I want to install macbook isight camera in ubuntu and it requires linux-headers-2.6.20-13-386 which is not avaialble | 07:51 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: haha i actualyl had my own password wrong | 07:52 |
Lathiat | glick: ah ok, ignore what is aid then | 07:52 |
FunnyLookinHat | anasha, but you're most likely on the 20-15 kernel, not 20-13... so just install 20-15 instead. it will work. | 07:52 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, : ) | 07:52 |
Lathiat | anasha: what is the output of 'uname -a' | 07:52 |
Lathiat | anasha: if it is something-generic then install linux-headers-generic | 07:52 |
FunnyLookinHat | you mean uname -r? : ) | 07:52 |
anasha | FunnyLookinHat, ok | 07:52 |
Lathiat | FunnyLookinHat: well, yeh, | 07:52 |
FunnyLookinHat | :-D | 07:53 |
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Lathiat | FunnyLookinHat: uname -a works as well -r is just more optimized ;p | 07:53 |
FunnyLookinHat | yea, less output | 07:53 |
Lathiat | anasha: do you have -generic in 'uname -r' ? | 07:53 |
justnulling2 | mikere: only not wide screen resolution are there | 07:53 |
FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, I've gotta get to sleep... but I would try searching ubuntuforums.org or asking in #ubuntu-effects for help with your graphics card issue | 07:53 |
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FunnyLookinHat | walkintome, Sorry I couldn't help you longer | 07:53 |
walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: no problem--i appreciater you help | 07:54 |
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walkintome | FunnyLookinHat: take care! | 07:54 |
ben__ | sgtmattbaker, obvious things to check are whether your script depends on your environment; it will be different if executed from rc.local. For a simple test case, try getting rc.local to invoke a script that simply touches a specific file. If that works, you're problem stems from the environment, most likely. | 07:54 |
KL2CR | Can someone help me get my Intel 2915 working (wireless)? | 07:54 |
chris345 | how do I get /dev/mdX to actually know I have drives.. the kernel just isnt reading the superblocks or something? | 07:54 |
glick | hmm my monitor characteristics | 07:54 |
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Lathiat | chris345: if it cant autodetect it with --scan i can only recommend attempting to assemble it manually | 07:55 |
belfegor | does anyone know a program for building sites on ubuntu ? | 07:55 |
glick | damn how can i find out what the hsync and vsync frequencies of my monitor are? | 07:55 |
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Madpilot | belfegor, websites? Screem or Bluefish | 07:55 |
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chris345 | Lathiat, i'm up for that, any hints I can try | 07:55 |
zerokill88 | how can you view everything in the sudo apt-cache search? | 07:55 |
belfegor | Madpilot thanks | 07:55 |
bombice|laptop | mikere: i need help the installation finished and i need to get to a command line | 07:55 |
chris345 | Lathiat, I'm more used to the old raid tools that got deprecated | 07:55 |
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Lathiat | chris345: so.. i think it goes: mdadm --assemble -a md /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 | 07:55 |
Lathiat | chris345: oh... perhaps you need to upgrade them or somethign :/ | 07:56 |
Lathiat | chris345: i never used those | 07:56 |
Lathiat | chris345: where sda1 and sdb1 are your raid drive/partitions | 07:56 |
chris345 | Lathiat, no these are new, upgrade to feisty messed them up somehow | 07:56 |
anasha | FunnyLookinHat, it is saying /lib/modules/2.6.20-13-386/build | 07:56 |
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Diana__ | When I click on the networkmanager icon in the gnome-panel, it just says "manual configuration". I'm running Feisty. It used to say "Wired Network" and list all ssids I can see. How can I reset this back to the way it was when I first put Feisty on my laptop? | 07:56 |
OmnipotentEntity | Hello everyone, I'm attempting to install VMWare on my box. I'm running a 64-bit system, with kernel version 2.6.18, attempting to installed VMWare 1.0.3. I seem to be running into a brick wall, when I start up vmplayer with no arguments I just get this line repeated about a hundred times. | 07:56 |
OmnipotentEntity | Unable to load image-loading module: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 | 07:56 |
Lathiat | Diana__: you probably put entries in /etc/network/interfaces | 07:57 |
glick | which method for selecting monitor characteristics should i use simple medium or advanced? | 07:57 |
anasha | FunnyLookinHat, it is saying can't cd to /lib/modules/2.6.20-13-386/build | 07:57 |
Diana__ | Lathiat: How do I fix it? delete that file? | 07:57 |
Lathiat | Diana__: hehe no do not delete that file | 07:57 |
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ben__ | zerokill88, to view the full record for a package use `apt-cache show <package-name>`. Is that what you're looking for? | 07:57 |
Lathiat | Diana__: pastebin the file and i'll tell you want to change | 07:57 |
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Diana__ | Lathiat: I just changed it. | 07:58 |
Diana__ | heh | 07:58 |
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Lathiat | Diana__: basically you probably only want the lo lines | 07:58 |
crackintosh | what php.ini file does apache use in ubuntu? I edited /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and I saw no effect. | 07:58 |
zerokill88 | ben_ i wanted to see everything in the cache , not just one specific package | 07:58 |
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Diana__ | Lathiat: http://rafb.net/p/daIEFk18.html | 07:58 |
sn0n | uhmmm.. i the only one having problems installing now ? something about update-notifier messing up.. | 07:58 |
Lathiat | Diana__: take out the 4 lines with eth1 and wlan0 ... im not sure but that might help | 07:59 |
Diana__ | Lathiat: I'm going to reboot. brb | 07:59 |
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sn0n | used the CD 3 times so far,.. same system.. now im getting this error about update-notified | 07:59 |
sn0n | notifier* | 07:59 |
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gregorovius | anyone experienced with the new CIFS samba module? I'm getting a "mount error: could not find target server", but it works with smbfs | 07:59 |
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ben__ | zerokill88, grep through `apt-cache dump` then? It depends on what you're looking for. :-) | 08:00 |
sacater | sorry | 08:00 |
tjb13 | hey how stable is the hfsplus driver for file systems | 08:00 |
tjb13 | is itsafe to use | 08:00 |
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bombice|laptop | damn it im still having problems with my 8800GTS ive installed nvidia-glx and enabled it...i think | 08:02 |
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Diana__ | Lathiat: thanks a lot. worked like a charm | 08:02 |
Diana__ | I appreciate the help. | 08:02 |
bombice|laptop | anyone care to help | 08:02 |
thebillywayne | Is there a way to change themes without using Theme Manager? | 08:02 |
sn0n | bombice|laptop: bwats the problem? | 08:02 |
Lathiat | Diana__: NPs | 08:02 |
noiesmo | bombice|laptop: are you on feisty the nvidia-glx-new might be what you want are you getting an api mismatch error | 08:02 |
bombice|laptop | when i boot ubuntu im getting a blank screen | 08:03 |
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zerokill88 | ben_ thats the thing,i wana see everything there is | 08:03 |
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noiesmo | bombice|laptop: maybe boot in to recovery mode and then check /var/log/Xorg.0.log see if its the mismatched api then install nvidia-glx-new also check dmesg and messages for errors | 08:04 |
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bombice|laptop | kk | 08:05 |
sn0n | i think there is a ghost in the machine..... | 08:05 |
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KL2CR | There might be... | 08:06 |
ben__ | zerokill88, I'm not aware of a more comprehensive view that what `apt-cache dump` gives you, I'm afraid. | 08:06 |
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mikere | bombice|laptop: sorry man - I was just finishing up a couple things before bed time - I'm gonna have to call it a night for now | 08:07 |
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jessid | hello i was trying to install a driver with ndisgtk and now it does not even open...it seems i used the wrong driver....is it possible to "reinitialize" what evever it modifies????thanks a lot | 08:08 |
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glick | finally! | 08:08 |
nir_ai | how do I set environment variables from the terminal? | 08:08 |
glick | descent resolution | 08:08 |
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stylus | is openssh-server the sshd that Ubuntu runs? | 08:09 |
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noiesmo | !sshd | 08:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sshd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:09 |
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noiesmo | !ssh | 08:09 |
ubotu | SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 08:09 |
jessid | !ndiswrapper | 08:10 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 08:10 |
nir_ai | how do I set environment variables from the terminal? | 08:10 |
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thebillywayne | Could I edit a .conf file to change my metacity theme? | 08:10 |
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j3g | is there a easy way to update ubuntu feisty kernel to newer kernels (2.6.21) other than compiling from source? | 08:11 |
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yigal | j3g: why do you want a newer kernel? | 08:11 |
nir_ai | how do I set environment variables from the terminal? | 08:11 |
bluefox83 | j3g, yes, download them with synaptic/aptitude/apt | 08:12 |
ben__ | nir_ai: `VAR=value` . To let other programs see the value, too, `export VAR`. | 08:12 |
j3g | yigal: just as a curiosity.. i'm still satisfied with 2.6.20 | 08:12 |
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yigal | j3g: the answer is yes, and it is a lot of work to do it right | 08:12 |
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j3g | bluefox83: but i did apt-cache search 2.6.21 and found nothing... are you sure there will be packages for the newer kernels | 08:12 |
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yigal | j3g: a lot of work | 08:12 |
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bluefox83 | j3g, when a newer one becomes available your update manager will tell you and suggest you download it | 08:13 |
mwe | j3g: the kernel version will not be updated in feisty | 08:13 |
j3g | yigal: manually compiling the kernel is not too complicated for me... i'm used to this... (i also use gentoo) | 08:13 |
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j3g | I want to know if there was an easier way | 08:13 |
mwe | j3g: programs and kernel stay in the released versions | 08:13 |
bluefox83 | j3g, they just haven't added newer ones to the repositories | 08:13 |
yigal | j3g: oh, yes sorry its the beer | 08:13 |
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mwe | bluefox83: the kernel will not upgraded in the repos | 08:14 |
bluefox83 | mwe, why the furk not? | 08:14 |
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mwe | bluefox83: because programs and kernel stay in the released versions | 08:14 |
ben___ | hello | 08:14 |
bluefox83 | mwe, what the heck does that mean? | 08:14 |
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ben___ | where am i ? | 08:14 |
Ian-C | Howdy all. I've got a problem with a fresh install of Feisty that wasn't there in Edgy. It's a missing device simlink (ie radio to radio0). How do I create one? | 08:15 |
bluefox83 | mwe, the current released versions of the software in the repos are the only versions that will ever be put in them? | 08:15 |
supergimp | ban: welcom | 08:15 |
j3g | bluefox83: what he means is that there will be updates to the kernel... but only patches.. it will stay at the same version forever for that release | 08:15 |
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mwe | bluefox83: it means they extensively test versions of things before a release and that stability is more important than newest versions | 08:15 |
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supergimp | ben: welcom | 08:15 |
mwe | bluefox83: yes | 08:15 |
mwe | bluefox83: for a good reason | 08:15 |
ben___ | hi supergimp | 08:15 |
Spoon98 | hello | 08:15 |
ben___ | i m first time irc | 08:15 |
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yigal | ben___: how does it feel | 08:16 |
=== j3g thinks there could be optional updates ... "use at your own risk" stile | ||
j3g | style | 08:16 |
ben___ | now so sure how i did a click and come here | 08:16 |
mwe | j3g: everyone would just use that crap | 08:16 |
ben___ | not | 08:16 |
bluefox83 | mwe, does that also mean that we wont be getting the newest gaim? they changed names for 2.0.0 it's now pidgin | 08:16 |
yigal | j3g: 2.6.20 is not old, if you want bleeding edge why not Fedora ? | 08:16 |
mwe | bluefox83: yes | 08:16 |
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j3g | mwe: if they want it... i don't see a problem with that... freedom for the people :) | 08:16 |
mwe | bluefox83: some things are back-ported | 08:16 |
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mwe | bluefox83: gaim is probably a good candidate | 08:17 |
j3g | yigal: i don't want bleeding edge... it's just that in 6 months (next ubuntu) | 08:17 |
bluefox83 | mwe, yes i am correct, or yes we will be getting the new pidgin? | 08:17 |
ben___ | it looks like yahoo chat room | 08:17 |
j3g | 2.6.20 will be looking a bit old | 08:17 |
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mwe | bluefox83: yes, you are correct | 08:17 |
bluefox83 | D: | 08:17 |
yigal | j3g: yes its like edgy looks now a bit old | 08:18 |
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Spoon98 | do any of you have experience setting up wlan connections with ubuntu? | 08:18 |
yigal | Spoon98:what do you want to do? | 08:18 |
mwe | j3g: well that's how it works. if you don't like don't use ubuntu | 08:18 |
j3g | mwe: no problem... i was just asking... | 08:18 |
yigal | j3g: you want the cake and you want to eat it, this is reasonable | 08:19 |
bluefox83 | so now they're pulling a debian and not adding new software? | 08:19 |
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yigal | bluefox83: its a freeze that is what is expected of them, :) | 08:19 |
mwe | j3g: if there are important security features in a newer kernel, for example, work will be done to get it into the ubuntu kernel | 08:19 |
Spoon98 | I have a wlan card 2200bg, in windows it needs to be turned on before it can be used, in ubuntu I don't know how to do this... the driver is installed, but the button that would activate the card does not activate it... | 08:19 |
nir_ai | ben__, how do I make the new variable visible to new instances of gnome-terminal? | 08:20 |
yigal | Spoon98: what do you mean the driver is installed? | 08:20 |
bluefox83 | so what version of ubuntu do i need to run in order to get regularly updated software? | 08:20 |
mwe | bluefox83: You will almost certainly be able to get the latest gaim either in backports or 3rd party repos | 08:21 |
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yigal | bluefox83: feisty mostly and the others will have backports | 08:21 |
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bluefox83 | i thought backports were older releases of software... | 08:21 |
yigal | bluefox83: new releases for older versions | 08:21 |
foo | Hm, I can't get apt-get to ignore deps, can I? I can't seem to find anything in the man page | 08:21 |
yigal | bluefox83: older versions of ubuntu | 08:22 |
ben__ | nir_ai, if you want it set permanently, add it to your `.bashrc` file, then `source .bashrc`. So, at the end of that file add `MYVAR=myval`, then `export MYVAR`. | 08:22 |
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bluefox83 | 2.0.0 isn't an old version, it's not even called gaim anymore, it's called pidgin... | 08:22 |
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yigal | foo: you need to make a preference file I believe | 08:22 |
mwe | well I'm gonna reboot into the 2.6.21 kernel. brb | 08:22 |
yigal | foo: in /etc/apt | 08:22 |
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Spoon98 | yigal:ubuntu recognizes the wlan-card, it is in the list of installed hardware, and the drivername ipw2200BG is displayed, which to my knowledge is the correct one for my card seeing as it is an "intel pro wireless 2200BG"-card. | 08:22 |
yigal | Spoon98: do you have a terminal open? | 08:23 |
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yigal | Spoon98: please open one if you don't and type "ifconfig -a" | 08:23 |
jshadias | bluefox83: 2.0.0 doesn't exist yet. feisty has the latest beta and i think yigal is saying that pidgin 2.0.0 will be available through backports | 08:23 |
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glick | hey i tried to install beryl | 08:23 |
Spoon98 | yigal: not currently, unfortunately, I only have wlan, so in order to be on the internet I have to boot up in windows... :( | 08:23 |
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glick | and it works sort of but now i cant move or resise windows? | 08:24 |
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pradeep | Is a linux port available for iMate Jamin? | 08:24 |
foo | http://x01.ath.cx/temp/deps.txt - any ideas on this dep issue? I don't get it. I have a system working fine... and it doesn't meet deps, but on this one... it doesn't meet deps, and I can't get it to work (like the other). | 08:24 |
yigal | Spoon98: ok, then have you read some of the wifi docs in the ubuntu wiki? | 08:24 |
=== carlesoriol [n=carlesor@252.Red-80-37-184.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | Spoon98: they are usually quite good for getting wireless working | 08:24 |
bluefox83 | jshadias, i knew it didn't exist yet, it's not released. that's why i wanted to be able to get it when it is finally released, it's good to know i will still be able to get it :D | 08:24 |
=== Ruse [n=Ruse@c-68-54-237-43.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
m82 | Hey what day was Feisty released? I know the month ofcourse but for some reason couldn't find info on the exact day. | 08:25 |
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=== Cassandra [n=ginger@d207-6-246-158.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | foo: you've got that because... you're using 3rd party repositories. | 08:25 |
magnetron | m82: the 19th | 08:25 |
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Spoon98 | I haven't read in them recently, last time they didn't have anything, but maybe now :) I'll have a look | 08:25 |
Ruse | is there support for the ICH8R southbridge chipset running in AHCI in the nightly build? | 08:25 |
glick | do i need to install beryl manager? | 08:25 |
m82 | magnetron: ok thanks | 08:25 |
glick | is that different from beryl settings manager? | 08:25 |
foo | Flannel: ah, hmm. I'm trying to get php 5.2.1 on dapper... what's the best way to do this? I've done this in the past, and I got it to work.. but apparently I'm doing something wrong because I can't seem to get it this time | 08:25 |
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yigal | glick: did you follow Beryl's wiki for ubuntu? it is quite good | 08:26 |
glick | yigal, whats the website for that | 08:26 |
Cassandra | I have a question about connecting a camera to my computer. | 08:26 |
magnetron | m82: the cdrom image will be dated the 15th though | 08:26 |
Flannel | foo: what reasons do you want 5.2.1? | 08:26 |
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magnetron | Hi Cassandra. What is your question? | 08:27 |
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m82 | magnetron: ok np, I just wanted to know so I know when the 3rd party pkgs will be ready. For instance Mplayer pkg. | 08:27 |
Cassandra | Thanks magnetron When I try plug my camera into my computer I get the message: An error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not permitted). Make sure no other program or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device." | 08:28 |
=== NoNagsToday [n=tom@dslb-084-062-000-239.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | glick: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu | 08:28 |
yigal | glick: I am tired, sorry | 08:28 |
foo | Flannel: I need it because of the progressbar extension in pecl. | 08:29 |
Cassandra | I'm not sure how to fix this. It has been working until recently. The little I've been able to look up points to a bug and that I could change the code if I knew how. Do you know if there is an easier way magnetron? | 08:29 |
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=== Zues_62 [n=kristoph@125-238-50-125.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | foo: well, you'll either have to wade through 3rd party stuff, upgrade to feisty, or backport it yourself (with something like prevu) | 08:29 |
magnetron | Cassandra, that is a webcam, right? it seems it can't find the driver for it | 08:29 |
OmnipotentEntity | Hello everyone, I'm attempting to install VMWare on my box. I'm running a 64-bit system, with kernel version 2.6.18, attempting to installed VMWare 1.0.3. I seem to be running into a brick wall, when I start up vmplayer with no arguments I just get this line repeated about a hundred times. | 08:30 |
Cassandra | It's for a Canon Rebel XT | 08:30 |
OmnipotentEntity | Unable to load image-loading module: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/loaders/libpixbufloader-png.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 | 08:30 |
belfegor | wich linux use scary penguins? | 08:30 |
Zues_62 | i am having a problem i am trying to unmount a drive and it says its not mounted | 08:30 |
Zues_62 | what can i do | 08:30 |
=== AmirB [n=amirblum@bzq-219-167-205.static.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foo | Flannel: See how I pasted a successful install from another ubuntu system? I don't get how it worked on that one but not this one. | 08:30 |
=== clanee [n=sporkey@user-387ofi1.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
clanee | so any good ways to get VMware working with feisty | 08:30 |
Flannel | foo: eh? You didn't paste a successful install? | 08:30 |
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OmnipotentEntity | clanee, I'm having trouble with that too. | 08:31 |
clanee | Found a good blog post, but it seems hackish: http://icanthack.com/?p=53 | 08:31 |
yigal | clanee: try VirtualBox instead | 08:31 |
Zues_62 | does anyone know what could be my problem with my drive | 08:31 |
magnetron | ubotu, webcam | Cassandra | 08:31 |
ubotu | Cassandra: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 08:31 |
clanee | yiga1, virtualbox you say ? | 08:31 |
clanee | i have ssh access only | 08:31 |
yigal | clanee: yes indeed | 08:31 |
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magnetron | Cassandra: I don't know alot about the specifics. Have you read those two links? | 08:31 |
clanee | Cool, looking int oit | 08:31 |
seraph | hi all, I asked about this in #kubuntu, but no one there seems to know of this: I can't use my external USB hard drives without manually mounting them. I get an error from HAL which is described in this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/98751 | 08:31 |
Flannel | foo: your "successful" ones, aren't the same versions as your failed ones. | 08:31 |
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clanee | i looked into Qemu but that seems to be geared towards windows | 08:32 |
Cassandra | Thank you magnetron. Was that an automated something you made the computer tell me? | 08:32 |
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foo | Flannel: http://x01.ath.cx/temp/deps.txt - look at the top part... that's on a working system. The bottom part is on this system, exact (I'm pretty sure) same stuff / setup... yet it fails on this one. | 08:32 |
Zues_62 | i have an issue i am tyring to unmount a drive but it says it is not mounted this does not make sence to me | 08:32 |
magnetron | Yes, Cassandra. | 08:32 |
yigal | clanee: vb gives best bang for buck | 08:32 |
clanee | Zues_62: might want to pastebin that error | 08:32 |
Spoon98 | yigal: Thanks! I'll try booting it up in linux and try some of this ;) | 08:32 |
yigal | clanee: for linux | 08:32 |
ben__ | Cassandra: Sorry for interrupting, but are you saying that this webcam used to work with Ubuntu and then it stopped, or that it's never worked? | 08:32 |
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Zues_62 | it has none clanee | 08:32 |
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Zues_62 | clanne i tryed reformating it but it still goes all weird | 08:33 |
yigal | Spoon98: awesome wireless can be tricky but it (almost) always works | 08:33 |
Cassandra | It's stopped working ben__ | 08:33 |
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clanee | yigal: i see a bunch of gui screenshots for VB | 08:33 |
foo | Flannel: I have 2 other systems that are ubuntu 6.06 as well... work fine. I am beginning to think dotdeb changed something on their end. | 08:33 |
clanee | can I use it through ssh only | 08:33 |
Zues_62 | clanne what should i do? | 08:33 |
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yigal | Cassandra: the errors you have are read/write permission errors not driver issues if the error you posted is the only error you have | 08:34 |
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ben__ | Cassandra: What have you done since it stopped working? Installed any new hardware? Added a new user? | 08:34 |
yigal | Cassandra: did you try with sudo to mount the camera, do you know what /dev the camera is | 08:34 |
=== ElCid [n=xx@host176-234-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ben__ | yigal: I was thinking the same thing. | 08:34 |
Flannel | foo: Like I said, you have different version numbers for that libapache2 module. | 08:34 |
yigal | clanee: do you want to have a gui or just termina? | 08:34 |
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Cassandra | I don't yigal | 08:34 |
pr0t0type | hi ! is there a way to hide the drive on my desktop ? | 08:34 |
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clanee | w00t, i got a hold of a dual 3GHz 1U server today | 08:35 |
yigal | Cassandra: you could log in as root from GDM, but it is a security risk, may be do it when you are not connected to the internet | 08:35 |
foo | Flannel: hm, what do you mean? On the working: 5.2.1-0.dotdeb.1 ... nonworking: libapache2-mod-php5=5.2.1-0.dotdeb.2 ... hm, .2 is different. | 08:35 |
Cassandra | ben__ I haven't done anything, I'm not very knowledgeable about this stuff | 08:35 |
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magnetron | pr0t0type: yes it is. you need to make the setting thru "gconf-editor". (alt+f2 to run it) | 08:35 |
Cassandra | Oh could I? Thanks yigal | 08:36 |
pr0t0type | t thx magnetron i check that :) | 08:36 |
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Cassandra | ben__ I've read in a couple places that there is an error in the code, but I don't know how I would change it. | 08:36 |
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Cassandra | yigal how do I tell what /dev it is? | 08:36 |
yigal | Cassandra: yes, you have to change GDM a bit to allow yourself to do this, then see with root priveleges if you have the same error, if I wasn't so drunk I would have a better way | 08:36 |
ElCid | ...'morning at all...newbie here, and having some problems with driver installation of adsl modem...anyone willing to help? | 08:37 |
clanee | yigal: is VB in the repos ? | 08:37 |
magnetron | pr0t0type: you need to change the setting called /apps/nautilus/desktop | 08:37 |
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belfegor | can anyone give me keyword from penguins channel? | 08:37 |
pr0t0type | thx thats what i want to ask right now lol | 08:37 |
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yigal | clanee: no check there website out they have a deb you download it says edgy but it works perfectly in Feisty | 08:37 |
foo | Flannel: And I don't think forcing no-deps is an option | 08:37 |
clanee | Excellent | 08:37 |
Cassandra | Thanks yigal, that's hilarious. | 08:37 |
Zues_62 | what is the comand to set all user rites for a drive | 08:37 |
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bombice|laptop | im at the command line and i have the drivers on a cd what command can i use to get to the CD rom drive | 08:38 |
clanee | yigal: a feisty deb now: http://www.virtualbox.org/download/1.3.8/VirtualBox_1.3.8_Ubuntu_feisty_i386.deb | 08:38 |
pr0t0type | found it many many thx | 08:38 |
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belfegor | thabks clanee | 08:38 |
Flannel | foo: I imagine the .2 has different deps than .1. Either way, it's a dotdeb issue | 08:38 |
weblordpepe | oh man boy did i mess something up :( im glad to see people alive in this channel | 08:38 |
yigal | clanee: awesome, its a great program | 08:38 |
foo | Flannel: ok, gotcha. Hm, what would you recommend be the next best way for me to get 5.2.1 on here? | 08:38 |
Flannel | foo: install the .1? | 08:39 |
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foo | hmm, can I do that? /me tries | 08:39 |
=== weblordpepe rips off his shirt, showing 'UBUNTU RULES' written in cetchup on his shirt & runs around the place | ||
weblordpepe | i have a problem, though | 08:39 |
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foo | Flannel: E: Version '5.2.1-0.dotdeb.1' for 'php5' was not found - yeah, tried this. I guess they removed it or something? hmph | 08:39 |
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Flannel | foo: I have no idea. You should ask them. | 08:40 |
weblordpepe | Can anybody tell me how to reset GDM to defaults? I have ticked a box somewhere, and now I don't have the normal login screen. I can only log in via XDMCP to another machine. I cant get in locally. | 08:40 |
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bombice|laptop | anyone? shell command to get to the cdrom? | 08:40 |
weblordpepe | bombice|laptop: : something like cd /media/cdrom | 08:40 |
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bombice|laptop | thanks | 08:41 |
weblordpepe | if its mounted. if its not mounted, then going mount /dev/cdrom might help i think. | 08:41 |
foo | Flannel: hm, what's the next best way to do this? Backport from fiesty, maybe? | 08:41 |
Xif | OK, I upgraded Edgy to Feisty, and now I have problems. | 08:41 |
Flannel | !prevu | foo | 08:41 |
ubotu | foo: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details | 08:41 |
Xif | first of all, I can't disable the session. | 08:41 |
foo | Flannel: actually, /var/cache/apt/archives/ ... I see all of the .1's in here | 08:41 |
Cassandra | I think I'll wait until I can speak with a guy I know about it. Thanks for the help magnetron, ben__ and yigal | 08:41 |
foo | Flannel: hehe. On the working server... I think I can use that. | 08:41 |
weblordpepe | heelp!! :( | 08:42 |
Flannel | foo: you can | 08:42 |
Xif | it keeps loading the same session on startup though I tried to disable it. | 08:42 |
=== weblordpepe stands on top of a table yelling louder than everyone else | ||
weblordpepe | me! me! me! help me! me! | 08:42 |
ben__ | Cassandra, does this sound like the same problem: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4169 ? | 08:42 |
tjb13 | do the uprades ever work? | 08:42 |
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ben__ | (A couple of people have claimed that that fix works for them). | 08:42 |
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magnetron | ubotu, helpme | weblordpepe | 08:42 |
ubotu | weblordpepe: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:42 |
weblordpepe | i did obotu :( | 08:43 |
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ElCid | I'm trying to install eciadsl drivers, but when giving the ./configure, I get this: Checking for a BSD compatible install... usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for gawk...no checking for mawk...mawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)...yes checking for gcc... gcc ckhecking for C compiler default output file name...configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 08:43 |
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magnetron | ubotu, patience | weblordpepe | 08:43 |
ubotu | weblordpepe: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:43 |
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weblordpepe | :/ | 08:43 |
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weblordpepe | ...more fireworks then? :P | 08:43 |
ElCid | ...I think it should be a compiler thing, maybe :P as said, I'm newbie, so don't know it exactly... | 08:44 |
weblordpepe | i just need to know how to reset GDM to its default self. | 08:44 |
weblordpepe | ive messed it up somehow and it is only letting me log in with xdmcp, not actually locally. | 08:44 |
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marx2k | samba issue... | 08:45 |
marx2k | create mask = 0700 | 08:45 |
marx2k | directory mask = 0700 | 08:45 |
marx2k | force user = nobody | 08:45 |
marx2k | force group = nogroup | 08:45 |
marx2k | oops | 08:45 |
marx2k | sorry about the flood | 08:45 |
=== weblordpepe forgives marx2k | ||
magnetron | weblordpepe: what did you DO to your poor computer? did you delete the .session files? | 08:45 |
Cassandra | ben__ Yes it's exactly the same problem. | 08:45 |
marx2k | :) | 08:45 |
marx2k | samba issue is actually... | 08:45 |
marx2k | "smb://livin...%20Out.zip" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify its parent folder. | 08:45 |
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weblordpepe | magnetron: :/ well... i ticked a box before i logged out of gnome. | 08:45 |
marx2k | what in the smb.conf file fixes that? | 08:45 |
weblordpepe | and now theres no way to log back into gnome with GDM to untick whatever i ticked. | 08:46 |
ben__ | Cassandra, in that case can you try the fix in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgphoto2/+bug/91250 ? (I'll walk you through it if you want). | 08:46 |
=== NoNagsToday [n=tom@dslb-084-062-000-239.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weblordpepe | my only solution is to either find whats wrong in gdm.conf (way over my head) or reset gdm to defaults. | 08:46 |
Flannel | weblordpepe: why can't you login? What happens | 08:46 |
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AmirB | 3D games don't go fullscreen for me, when I hit fullscreen they are displayed small and centered. I used to work before but now it doesn't. What do I do to fix this? It happens in Frets on Fire, Mupen64 etc. | 08:46 |
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AmirB | *It | 08:46 |
kraut | moin | 08:46 |
magnetron | weblordpepe: what did you do that caused this? | 08:46 |
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weblordpepe | Flannel: you know when you click 'find a XDMCP host' or whatever it is - and you get that box which scans for other hosts on the network with XDMCP? | 08:46 |
weblordpepe | thats what i get when i first boot up. | 08:47 |
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weblordpepe | i dont actually have a normal login box. | 08:47 |
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Cassandra | Thanks for the offer ben__ I have a friend online trying to help me at the moment. I'm going to see if he can help me out. | 08:47 |
=== ben___ [n=chatzill@203-206-207-72.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
clanee | yigal: can VirtualBox be run from commandline, the docs im reading all go through the gui | 08:47 |
ben___ | hi | 08:47 |
=== walkintome [n=michael@c-71-234-191-149.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joko | vaya puta mierda es el ubuntu | 08:47 |
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ben___ | colorzilla and htmlvalidator not working | 08:47 |
walkintome | hi all. im a linux noob hoping to find someone to help me customize gnome | 08:47 |
ben__ | Cassandra, point him to that second bug report then. It looks like simply editing the udev rules file will fix it. | 08:47 |
weblordpepe | joko: is that a type of car? | 08:47 |
ben___ | for ff ubuntu | 08:47 |
AmirB | anyone know why I can't get 3D games to stretch and fill the screen when I play them? | 08:47 |
Madpilot | walkintome, have you see the !themes URLs? | 08:48 |
walkintome | im trying to follow this guide http://www.taimila.com/osx-guide-2.php but do not know how to install anything listed | 08:48 |
Flannel | !es | joko | 08:48 |
=== weblordpepe bursts out crying | ||
ubotu | joko: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:48 |
weblordpepe | life is so hard! | 08:48 |
Cassandra | ben__ I sent him the link, we're looking at my 'editor' (isn't this geeky?!?) | 08:48 |
ben___ | hi cassandra | 08:48 |
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magnetron | ubotu, patience | weblordpepe | 08:48 |
ubotu | weblordpepe: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 08:48 |
AmirB | 3D games display in whatever resolution they're set in, just not stretched like they should be? What can I do to fix this? | 08:48 |
=== VirhYl3 [n=rhy@ip68-111-203-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ben___ | what link ? cassandra | 08:49 |
weblordpepe | :( | 08:49 |
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VirhYl3 | Rhythmbox keeps hanging at the beginning of a song, so I have to scroll forward a couple seconds to make it play. Any ideas? | 08:49 |
=== weblordpepe scratches his head | ||
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=== supergimp [n=chatzill@d207-216-248-75.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ben___ | any guys knows how to make Firefox "colozilla" working in ubuntu firefox ? | 08:49 |
walkintome | Madpilot: i dont know if you saw my previous post...but im trying to follow an osx tranformation guide, but i dont know how to install the packages | 08:49 |
Cassandra | ben__ the one to the bug report | 08:49 |
ben__ | Cassandra: :-) It sure is. LMK if he can't fix it. (I should really pick a more original nick; the ben_*'s in this chan are getting confusing. ;-)) | 08:49 |
yigal | Cassandra: I had this problem a while back and I found a solution I believe | 08:50 |
Madpilot | walkintome, no, missed that - post the URL again? | 08:50 |
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=== skoenman [n=skoenman@dsl-240-124-12.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | Cassandra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=346840&highlight=kodak try this | 08:50 |
AmirB | anyone know why I can't get 3D games to stretch and fill the screen when I play them? | 08:50 |
=== nizo [n=n_abuait@a99-5.adsl.paltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | Cassandra: you have a different Camera but it is the same udev problem | 08:51 |
nizo | his all | 08:51 |
nizo | i have a question for u all | 08:51 |
=== ben___ is now known as ben5 | ||
Cassandra | yigal Slow down hun, I may have it fixed :) | 08:51 |
skoenman | i need a sollution please | 08:51 |
=== Azaithe [n=ben@dsl093-155-005.phx1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nizo | i recently add a new ethernet card to my pc, i want to know how to make it work ? | 08:51 |
skoenman | when i finished installing ubuntu 7.04 i could not get 1024 resolution ....any ideas??? | 08:51 |
yigal | Cassandra: it is 45-libgphoto2.rules udev | 08:52 |
=== Baktaah [n=baktaah@c-564071d5.1510-2-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walkintome | Madpilot: http://www.taimila.com/osx-guide-2.php | 08:52 |
ben5 | hi | 08:52 |
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Tr0gd0r | how do you check the size of a folder from ssh? | 08:52 |
Skiguy | nizo: it should work automatically. have you tried connecting your 'net cable and seing if it connects? | 08:52 |
nizo | yes | 08:53 |
skoenman | anybody??? | 08:53 |
nizo | but it seems that linux does not see the card | 08:53 |
ben__ | Tr0gd0r: `du -h <directory>`. | 08:53 |
cellojoe | Tr0gd0r: ls -l filename? | 08:53 |
cellojoe | try that | 08:53 |
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yigal | Cassandra: is it working? | 08:53 |
weblordpepe | i smell something off | 08:53 |
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cellojoe | Tr0gd0r: yeah, that works. | 08:53 |
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nizo | cause when i go to check the inerfaces confi file i cant see the new one | 08:53 |
=== weblordpepe goes and tries the forums | ||
cellojoe | Tr0gd0r: even w/o the filename | 08:53 |
weblordpepe | i guess its pretty busy in here. thanks anyway guys | 08:53 |
Skiguy | does it recognize the card? | 08:53 |
=== RamiKassab [n=RamiKass@71-220-208-223.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nizo | no no | 08:54 |
skoenman | anybody have any idea??? | 08:54 |
=== VirhYl3 considers that too.... anybody had rhythmbox randomly hang at the beginning of a song for no reason? | ||
=== Assimilator [n=burp@d220-238-63-150.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== weblordpepe shaves 'UBUNTU RUELZ' into the back of his head, realising his typo | ||
hw__ | Is there a gnome interface for svn/subversion? | 08:54 |
Tarkus | anyone know of a good video editing program for linux? something that can replace 'final cut' or 'premiere'? | 08:54 |
yigal | VirhYl3: you have to stop using the buggy Rhythmbox it is no good for you | 08:54 |
idefixx | hw__: use the one in eclipse? | 08:55 |
VirhYl3 | Ok, what program do you recommend? | 08:55 |
marx2k | ahhhhh | 08:55 |
VirhYl3 | Amarok seems resource intensive. | 08:55 |
marx2k | "smb://livin...%20Out.zip" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify its parent folder. | 08:55 |
Skiguy | nizo: what kind of card is it? | 08:55 |
marx2k | driving me nuts | 08:55 |
arooni | help! my sony laptop (VGN-C260E) can't resume or hibernate with feisty (although it could with edgy) :( | 08:55 |
yigal | VirYl3: do you use the command line? | 08:55 |
nizo | ethernet card | 08:55 |
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nizo | netwrok card | 08:55 |
VirhYl3 | no. | 08:55 |
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hw__ | idefixx: If possible a standalone app | 08:55 |
VirhYl3 | only if I hate myself. | 08:55 |
Skiguy | right. what brand & model? | 08:55 |
nizo | imm | 08:55 |
NoNagsToday | hi out there: A V M B 1 I S A <- should I try to make it run under edgy eft? Any suggestions? | 08:55 |
hw__ | like esvn for kde | 08:55 |
nizo | let me check | 08:55 |
yigal | VirYl3: well then you have "exhale", "listen" and a few others | 08:56 |
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Cassandra | yigal not sure yet, just trying | 08:56 |
nizo | dynamode | 08:56 |
nizo | its dynamode | 08:56 |
=== Zues_62 [n=kristoph@125-238-50-125.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefixx | hw__: something like tortoise i guess... sry dont know anything - even tough i guess there should be one ;) | 08:56 |
magnetron | Tarkus: kino is good. there are some others, see the sound & video category in "add/remove programs" | 08:56 |
VirhYl3 | Hmm... Any recommendation? | 08:56 |
walkintome | anyone willing to help me customize my gnome to look like osx--i know it might not be a popular depending on who you are, but im trying to follow a guide and im having a hard time | 08:56 |
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VirhYl3 | I read about exhale, looks promising. | 08:56 |
walkintome | this is the guide http://www.taimila.com/osx-guide-2.php | 08:56 |
=== Tomtenizze [n=opera@90-224-34-150-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Zues_62 | how do i set rights on my harddisk so i can copy and paste files | 08:56 |
hw__ | idefixx: ok, thx | 08:56 |
skoenman | HELP !!!!!when i finished installing ubuntu 7.04 i could not get 1024 resolution ....any ideas??? | 08:56 |
Skiguy | anyone: what's the list hardware command again? i forget . . . | 08:56 |
=== mad_goldfish [n=can@cpc1-broo1-0-0-cust856.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | VirhYl3: even Banshee? just them all and see which one you like | 08:56 |
=== Heretic [n=chris@c-68-50-58-235.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ElCid | ...anyone for the eciadsl driver help? | 08:57 |
ben__ | weblordpepe: can you access /etc/gdm/gdm.conf ? | 08:57 |
Heretic | Hey all | 08:57 |
yigal | VirhYl3: excuse me s/just/just\ try | 08:57 |
yigal | Heretic: hey | 08:57 |
VirhYl3 | ok. | 08:57 |
yigal | VirhYl3: you won't be let down | 08:57 |
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ben__ | skoenman, are you thinking of `lspci`? | 08:58 |
Heretic | i was wondering if anybody could give me some help getting 3d acceleration for my radeon igp 345m...i've tried installing the ati driver, the fglrx driver, the radeon driver, etc, and none of them seem to give me any 3d capabilities | 08:58 |
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VirhYl3 | damn. I was just getting comfortable with rhythmbox... lol | 08:58 |
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yigal | Cassandra: if you haven't got it to work please try, "lsusb" for me | 08:58 |
arooni | help! my sony laptop (VGN-C260E) can't resume or hibernate with feisty (although it could with edgy) :( | 08:58 |
=== eleftheros [n=binary@hi-tech-etsi.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mad_goldfish | Anyone got any idea why my usb devices don't work under the 2.6.20-15-386 kernel but do under the 2.6.17-11-386 kernel? | 08:58 |
skoenman | hmm no whats that ??? | 08:58 |
yigal | VirhYl3: Rhythmbox is fine but it crashes on the least provocation for me, which is really sad | 08:59 |
Cassandra | Hey, that's what he just told me. You guys are smart as a group eh? yigal | 08:59 |
skoenman | ben_ ??? | 08:59 |
ben5 | join | 08:59 |
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magnetron | Tarkus: there is also the Pitivi video editing software | 08:59 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VirhYl3 | huh, doesn't crash on me, but randomly stops playing music, which is just as bad I suppose. | 08:59 |
yigal | Cassandra: no we are smart as humanity, all of us combined | 08:59 |
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eleftheros | good morning from greece athens :) | 08:59 |
LOTUS | 111 | 08:59 |
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LOTUS | HI | 08:59 |
Cassandra | :) | 08:59 |
LOTUS | HI | 08:59 |
LOTUS | HOW ARE YOU? | 08:59 |
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magnetron | !caps | LOTUS | 09:00 |
ubotu | LOTUS: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 09:00 |
=== bigjb_ [n=bigjb@82-46-211-176.cable.ubr02.perr.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walkintome | anyone want to help me customize gnome? | 09:00 |
Zues_62 | how can i give myself rights so i can copy and paste files to my harddrive | 09:00 |
yigal | mad_goldfish: does your computer see it with "lsusb" ? | 09:00 |
Zues_62 | ???????????? | 09:00 |
walkintome | i just nee dhelp installing packages | 09:00 |
=== roscoe [n=roscoe@ip68-4-203-30.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LOTUS | I AM HXL! | 09:00 |
Skiguy | nizo: check pm | 09:00 |
yigal | Zues_62: what kind of copying do you want to do? | 09:00 |
ben__ | skoenman, that's a terminal command for listing this PCI devices connected to your machine. Are you looking for a GUI? System -> Preferences -> Hardware Information gives that. | 09:00 |
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Tarkus | magnetron: thanks, ill check those out. | 09:00 |
=== Prognatus [n=bjorn@2.80-203-143.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zues_62 | yigal all | 09:00 |
=== Toolskyn [n=toolskyn@adsl-dc-266ef.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefixx | hw__: found this one... seems to be under heavy development - http://naughtysvn.tigris.org/ | 09:01 |
yigal | Zues_62: then you need "sudo cp "files"" | 09:01 |
yigal | Zues_62:sudo cp -r files | 09:01 |
=== jomino [n=jomi@p54A3C42B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zues_62 | no no yigal i wan2 set it up so i can copy delete and do anything on the drive its chown something? | 09:01 |
Heretic | zues: chmod | 09:01 |
ben__ | hw_: or rapidsvn. | 09:01 |
mad_goldfish | yigal: Problem is, I've got a usb keyboard and mouse, so can't diagnose unless I boot in to 2.6.17-11-386, which finds everything. It WAS working under 2.6.20-15-386 but I have a feeling I broke something trying to get my usb stick working, but no idea where to start diagnosing the problem. | 09:01 |
magnetron | walkintome: welcome, just say your question so that someone can try to figure out an answer | 09:01 |
walkintome | i dont know how to install a apcage file and was wondering if someone wouldnt mind giving me a hand | 09:02 |
yigal | Zues_62: chow -R "user_name" / | 09:02 |
yigal | Zues: s/chow/chown | 09:02 |
yigal | Zues | 09:02 |
Zues_62 | then what yigal | 09:02 |
yigal | Zues: thats it that will give you permissions to all of your files | 09:02 |
yigal | Zues: except you will need to use sudo | 09:02 |
walkintome | i dont know how to install this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17738/ | 09:02 |
Flannel | Zues_62: you don't want to do that. | 09:03 |
yigal | Flanel: I agree completely | 09:03 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-102-241.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zues_62 | it cant find the mount point yigal | 09:03 |
yigal | Flannel: but that is how it is done | 09:03 |
arooni | hey folks; how can i expand my swap partiiton? | 09:03 |
magnetron | walkintome: some packages can be installed with "add/remove programs" in the program menu, but all the packages in the repositories is installable with the Synaptic package manager | 09:03 |
Zues_62 | hwo do i make it find it yigal | 09:03 |
arooni | i have edgy | 09:03 |
arooni | i mean...i have feisty | 09:03 |
Flannel | yigal: please don't give people the rope to hang themselves ;) | 09:03 |
=== Xif [n=Xif@unaffiliated/xif] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | Zues_62: what exactly do you want to do? | 09:03 |
Flannel | yigal: or at least, not when it's already in noose form, and tied to a piece of wood. | 09:03 |
yigal | Flannel: ok I will try to resist | 09:04 |
hw__ | idefixx: Uiihh, "NEWS: Alpha to be released soon ..." =) Maybe on next Ubuntu... | 09:04 |
=== m82 [n=m82@c-68-53-56-224.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | Flannel: :) | 09:04 |
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Xif | Gnome Session won't freaking stop loading on startup!!! | 09:04 |
yigal | Zues_62: maybe there is a better way | 09:04 |
m82 | Wow! Beryl is nice! | 09:04 |
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=== twisties [n=twisties@203-214-124-178.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
idefixx | hw__: look at what ben__ wrote http://rapidsvn.tigris.org/. | 09:04 |
yigal | Zues_62: what you are asking is very very very risky | 09:04 |
Zues_62 | ok im trying to unmount a drive and i get error UsbDisk is not in fstab | 09:04 |
Heretic | if anyones not too busy...could i maybe get some help with my graphics chip please? | 09:04 |
yigal | m82: yes it is :) | 09:05 |
=== DigitalNinja [n=dhull@134-7-178-69.static.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twisties | whats your problem Heretic | 09:05 |
=== sputnik` [n=sputnik@c-24-12-114-66.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | Zues_62: pumount device | 09:05 |
skoenman | Ben_ That sees the card but im rebooting quick to have a look | 09:05 |
yigal | Zues_62: try that | 09:05 |
hw__ | ben__: I've used rapidsvn some time ago. Didn't support svn+ssh:// But lets see | 09:05 |
Zues_62 | then what | 09:05 |
=== BeepAU [n=chatzill@CPE-58-166-252-196.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== RypPn` [n=TuMbL@adsl-83-100-173-132.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu | ||
skoenman | i reconfigured the xorg | 09:05 |
walkintome | how do i add a package to synaptics? | 09:05 |
DigitalNinja | I'm looking for a gam like command and concur for Linux. Any one know where I can find one? | 09:05 |
yigal | Zues_62: if it gives no errors then you have unmounted your device | 09:05 |
Heretic | i've got a radeon igp 345m in my laptop, and i cant seem to get 3d acceleration no matter which driver i use (ati, radeon, fglrx, etc) and i cant seem to find any how-to's or anything that help | 09:05 |
DigitalNinja | game | 09:06 |
Zues_62 | no kiddin | 09:06 |
BeepAU | i can't connect to my wireless network. when i try it says waiting for network key, then times out. any help? | 09:06 |
yigal | Zues_62: :) | 09:06 |
walkintome | actualyl, how to i compile a .tar.gz into a package | 09:06 |
Zues_62 | i can unmount it in the storage manager but not in gnome yigal | 09:06 |
=== Bantroth [n=Bantroth@60-242-118-218.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
twisties | Heretic: Sorry bud, Nvidia boy myself, i've got very little clue what your problem is :( | 09:06 |
yigal | Zues_62: ok do you know the device? | 09:06 |
=== Carnage\ [n=carnage@dslb-084-056-227-053.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zues_62 | what do u mean | 09:06 |
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yigal | Zues_62: is it a usb flash or external hd? | 09:07 |
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Heretic | twisties: thanks anyway, i'm an nvidia fan myself...i have an 8800 in my desktop...but its nigh impossible to crack open a laptop and upgrade the graphics chip :P | 09:07 |
yigal | Zues_62: is it storage? | 09:07 |
ElCid | what if the C compiler cannot create executables? | 09:07 |
=== desti [n=desti@p5B01BC3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | ElCid: then you don't have C compiler | 09:07 |
Zues_62 | its sda3 | 09:07 |
twisties | lol heretic. 7900GS 512 here | 09:07 |
yigal | ElCid: if it can't that is | 09:07 |
Zues_62 | sda2 yigal i mean | 09:07 |
Flannel | ElCid: you need the 'build-essential' package | 09:07 |
ElCid | ok, I imagined that, yigal... | 09:08 |
yigal | Zues_62: what error are you getting when you try to unmount it in gnome? | 09:08 |
Zues_62 | just that im not in root | 09:08 |
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walkintome | im trying to install avant-window-navigator and i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17739/ | 09:08 |
Heretic | nice card twisties...i figured i would get the 8800 so i could use dx10...i plan on tribooting vista, xp, and ubuntu :P | 09:08 |
ElCid | ...Flannel, they gave me the sudo-apt command about the build-essential package, but if I can't connect to internet, I can't get it directly... | 09:08 |
yigal | Zues_62: Zues_62: what is on that partition - do you know? | 09:08 |
=== Trixsey [n=trixsey@c-2e9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElCid | ...so I'll have to take it from this one and then transfer to the linux one... | 09:08 |
Zues_62 | nothing yigal i have reformated it but its still being sily | 09:09 |
=== jmachacek [n=jmachace@c66-235-35-89.sea2.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | ElCid: you have a CD, correct? | 09:09 |
ElCid | ...yup | 09:09 |
Flannel | ElCid: an ubuntu CD, that is. DEsktop or alternate? | 09:09 |
ElCid | last ubuntu | 09:09 |
twisties | rofl. Im not even gonna bother touching Vista untill it can run without taking 40% of your ram | 09:09 |
ElCid | desktop | 09:09 |
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Flannel | ElCid: Last? or the one you currently have installed? | 09:09 |
yigal | Zues_62: ok then, "sudo chown -R "user_name" /dev/sda2" is fine | 09:09 |
yigal | Zues_62: really, try it | 09:09 |
Heretic | lol twisties, i'm only going to use it for dx10 games, and xp for dx9 games, and then ubuntu for everything else | 09:09 |
ElCid | the one installed is the last one, downloaded last sunday...I'm quite a total newbie...:) | 09:10 |
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Flannel | ElCid: alright. We're going to add the CD to your sources, and then install build-essential from there. | 09:10 |
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yigal | ElCid: what are you to build? | 09:10 |
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ElCid | the modem drivers | 09:10 |
ElCid | ok, Flannel, thanks... | 09:10 |
Flannel | ElCid: `sudo apt-cdrom add` should add the CD (well, first put the CD in your drive), then `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential` | 09:11 |
yigal | ElCid: sorry man, thats a bummer | 09:11 |
walkintome | hmm, i cant seem to put one fo my panels on the bottom. when i select bottom is goes back to top | 09:11 |
=== VirhYl3 [n=rhy@ip68-111-203-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Zues_62 | yigal im still getin the same error usbdisk is not in fstab | 09:11 |
yigal | Zues_62: how are you doing? | 09:11 |
Heretic | i'm wondering if i can just revert my xserver-xorg back to the original off the feisty cd...i seemed to have 3d accel then and everything, and then like the idiot i am i messed with it, and its broken now...i tried sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg but that didnt do anything | 09:11 |
twisties | Heretic: I'm looking for a second pc for use as a linux desktop and have this XP one on the side for games | 09:11 |
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Zues_62 | bad yigal | 09:11 |
=== glick [n=dbunch@cpe-76-174-5-88.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ElCid | I know it, yigal...:) | 09:12 |
glick | omg beryl is something insane | 09:12 |
glick | its an orgasm for my eyes! | 09:12 |
twisties | yeah | 09:12 |
twisties | tis | 09:12 |
ElCid | Flannel, done the first command and now it asks if start the package manager | 09:12 |
twisties | but its not working with my two x-screens | 09:12 |
yigal | Zues_62: ok, sudo mount /dev/sda2, you unmounted it remember :) | 09:12 |
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Heretic | hehe, tmi glick :P | 09:12 |
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pd9e3a6e7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yigal | Zues_62: then issue the previous command | 09:12 |
BeepAU_ | i can't connect to my wireless network. when i try it says waiting for network key, then times out. any help? | 09:13 |
Flannel | ElCid: uh, go ahead and say yes | 09:13 |
glick | i almost cant take it | 09:13 |
Heretic | what kind of card beep? | 09:13 |
glick | its too much! | 09:13 |
Zues_62 | no i remounted it | 09:13 |
yigal | BeepAu_: its all about what type of wireless chip you have | 09:13 |
Zues_62 | it still cant unmount normaly | 09:13 |
glick | but it doesnt beat aeroglass | 09:13 |
BeepAU_ | it's an inbuilt winbond | 09:13 |
yigal | Zues_62: so when you type "df" you see it? | 09:13 |
ElCid | ...yup, done it, but it says E:Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc | 09:13 |
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BeepAU_ | i got the driver off a cd that came with the laptop | 09:14 |
Zues_62 | df what do u mean yigal | 09:14 |
Heretic | and installed it with ndiswrapper? | 09:14 |
yigal | Zues_62: in a terminal type "df" | 09:14 |
Zues_62 | how can i jsut make the UsbDisk fstab | 09:14 |
BeepAU_ | Heretic - yes | 09:14 |
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yigal | Zues_62: df - report file system disk space usage | 09:14 |
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yigal | Zues_62: you probably don't want to do that | 09:14 |
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Heretic | ok beep, did you run the command modprobe ndiswrapper? | 09:15 |
GuHHH | hello | 09:15 |
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Zues_62 | ya i do coz it cant find it in fstab yigal | 09:15 |
ElCid | ...ok, solved it... | 09:15 |
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ElCid | now it's installing them, thanks Flannel... | 09:15 |
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yigal | Zues_62: when you type df, do you see /dev/sda2 ? | 09:15 |
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ElCid | ...ok, let me try now to install the drivers and see... | 09:15 |
BeepAU_ | Heretic - i have previously. it's set to load at startup. everything seems to work fine, it detects the network etc. just won't connect | 09:16 |
Zues_62 | ya | 09:16 |
GuHHH | need some help, i can load my xserver but i cant run the ubuntu but only on recovery mode, because the screen goes black when ubuntu logo must appears, how do i edit the options to donot load the graphical interface on loading or how i edit the graphic options? | 09:16 |
=== fiction is now known as nu- | ||
mad_goldfish | OK, I've checked the dmesg from the last boot, and the kernel found the right usb drivers and loaded them, but then I see a list of USB disconnect lines, and PCI errors with uhci_hcd, so I guess the usb drivers aren't active when I get to the login screen. | 09:16 |
ElCid | ...it has compiled them...thanks a lot, Flannel, really you saved my day...:) | 09:16 |
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Heretic | oh ok beep, are you using networkmanager? | 09:16 |
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yigal | Zues_62: what is /dev/sda2 mounted as, that is what you want to use for chown | 09:17 |
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Zues_62 | usb disk | 09:17 |
Zues_62 | UsbDisk | 09:17 |
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arooni | i mean...i have feisty | 09:17 |
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arooni | help! my sony laptop (VGN-C260E) can't resume or hibernate with feisty (although it could with edgy) :( | 09:17 |
yigal | Zues_62: again the booze has made my mind a bit problematic, so "sudo chown -R "user" /media/UsbDisk" | 09:18 |
florian | Hello! | 09:18 |
Zues_62 | yigal no such file or dirc | 09:18 |
ElCid | just one last thing, if not disturbing...what's the best way to act as root? read in the guide about a script to be created...is that correct or what? | 09:18 |
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sulle_ | hello. i have setup proftpd. but when i try to log in i get "530 login failed". what to do ?. | 09:18 |
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eck | GuHHH: you should switch to a console (ctrl-alt-f1 if it doesn't do so after loading X fails) and then troubleshoot from there | 09:18 |
Cosmo_ | is there a channel for K3b support? | 09:18 |
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Madpilot | ElCid, use sudo | 09:18 |
eck | sulle_: check the logs | 09:18 |
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sulle_ | eck: like how ? | 09:18 |
BeepAU__ | Heretic - I'm using network manager | 09:18 |
sulle_ | i am kinda new to nix so.... | 09:18 |
eck | sulle_: /var/log/proftpd ? i'm not sure which file exactly | 09:19 |
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yigal | Zues_62: go into your /media folder | 09:19 |
Zues_62 | so do you actualy know how to fix this yigal? | 09:19 |
eck | sulle_: it will be somewhere in /var/log | 09:19 |
Zues_62 | ok | 09:19 |
Heretic | ok beep, in a console try the command sudo dhclient eth1 (or wlan0 or whatever the name for your wireless card is) | 09:19 |
Zues_62 | there now yigal | 09:19 |
yigal | Zues_62: what is in there | 09:19 |
ElCid | thanks a lot Madpilot...:) | 09:19 |
yigal | Zues_62: is there "sda2" ? | 09:19 |
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twisties | Ok, seeing #beryl is kinda dead at the mo, can anyone help setup dual x-screens with beryl running? | 09:19 |
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odb|fidel_ | ahoi | 09:19 |
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florian | I there a development ubuntu kernel 2.6.21 ? The 2.6.20 has Problems with acpi .... | 09:19 |
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Zues_62 | no | 09:19 |
sulle_ | Apr 26 08:52:28 Server proftpd[4819] Server: error setting IPV6_V6ONLY: Protocol not available | 09:19 |
odb|fidel_ | just trying to DL a 7.04 ppc release from the links / mirrors mentioned on ubuntu.com | 09:20 |
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JohnRobert | that's odd... I've started up my laptop today (feisty final), and sound isn't working | 09:20 |
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florian | I tried building the original kernel but without success, | 09:20 |
eck | florian: you can grab the one from upstream | 09:20 |
Zues_62 | it was originaly UsbDisk yigal | 09:20 |
odb|fidel_ | could it be that all links to ppc isons are dead ? | 09:20 |
GuHHH | eck: i cant, the keyboard doesnt function, it starts to blink | 09:20 |
odb|fidel_ | tried more then 10 now | 09:20 |
yigal | Zues_62: is UsbDisk in there? | 09:20 |
JohnRobert | nothing on the system suggests it isn't....but I can't hear anything | 09:20 |
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JohnRobert | (and it has been working) | 09:20 |
Zues_62 | yes yigal | 09:20 |
sulle_ | eck: Apr 26 08:52:28 Server proftpd[4819] Server: error setting IPV6_V6ONLY: Protocol not available | 09:20 |
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eck | odb|fidel_: ppc is not officially supported starting with feisty, so it seems possible | 09:20 |
disinterested | is there any way to get kubuntu desktop off this hard drive completely unfortunatly i used apt-get? | 09:20 |
sulle_ | and somee more errors. | 09:20 |
JohnRobert | anyone know why this would have happened? it's like my speakers are broken or something | 09:20 |
Apmyp | home page not opens at all on hotkeys! | 09:20 |
eck | sulle_: it is more likely to be one of the other errors | 09:20 |
odb|fidel_ | hrhr well why they create the option to select it then ? | 09:21 |
odb|fidel_ | strange | 09:21 |
Zues_62 | yigal the comand u gave me only givs me read nothing else | 09:21 |
yigal | Zues_62: so when you type "sudo chown -R "user" /media/UsbDisk" what do you get? | 09:21 |
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sulle_ | eck: Apr 26 08:52:28 Server proftpd[4819] Server: ProFTPD 1.3.0 (stable) (built Wed Nov 29 02:01:20 UTC 200$ | 09:21 |
Zues_62 | no such file or dir yigal | 09:21 |
ssam | odb|fidel_, they are in the ports section | 09:21 |
sulle_ | Apr 26 09:14:04 Server proftpd[4819] Server: ProFTPD killed (signal 15) | 09:21 |
sulle_ | Apr 26 09:14:04 Server proftpd[4819] Server: ProFTPD 1.3.0 standalone mode SHUTDOWN | 09:21 |
ssam | !powerpc | 09:21 |
ubotu | PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ | 09:21 |
yigal | Zues_62: You told me there is a /media/UsbDisk . So either you are lying or not telling the truth | 09:21 |
Apmyp | !hotkeys | 09:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hotkeys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:21 |
BeepAU__ | Heretic - ok, do you want the pastebin? | 09:21 |
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odb|fidel_ | thx | 09:22 |
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Heretic | sure beep | 09:22 |
ssam | odb|fidel_, there is a link on the powerpc faq | 09:22 |
sulle_ | !pastebin | 09:22 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:22 |
eck | GuHHH: you can create an inittab file and set the runlevel to < 5 there | 09:22 |
Zues_62 | yigal im gona get anoyed ina second there is one but it wont fin mount ok | 09:22 |
ingo__ | #macbook | 09:22 |
eck | GuHHH: e.g. set it to 3 | 09:22 |
yigal | Zues_62: if there is /media/UsbDisk then you can apply chown on it | 09:22 |
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eck | sulle_: you should have it logging auth attempts | 09:22 |
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Zues_62 | yigal if i cld i would but it wont ok | 09:23 |
sulle_ | eck what do u mean?; what should i do?. remember i am new to this.. | 09:23 |
GuHHH | eck: dont u know anyway to make the boot without gui? | 09:23 |
eck | GuHHH: yes, you need to change inittab so X doesn't start | 09:23 |
Zues_62 | yigal this is the error black and white ok root@kristoph-62-laptop:/home/kristoph-62# chown -R kristoph-62 /dev/UsbDisk | 09:23 |
Zues_62 | chown: cannot access `/dev/UsbDisk': No such file or directory | 09:23 |
Zues_62 | root@kristoph-62-laptop:/home/kristoph-62# | 09:23 |
yigal | Zues_62: if you type df and as output you have /dev/sda2 and the folder it is attached to | 09:23 |
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yigal | ZeusL_62: no /media/UsbDisk | 09:24 |
GuHHH | eck: okay, i will see that, thanks | 09:24 |
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eck | sulle_: there should be an option in proftpd to log login attempts so you can see what is going wrong (i don't use proftpd so i'm not sure exactly what the option would be) | 09:24 |
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someothernick | Zues_62, try df -k | 09:24 |
cloudchen | quit | 09:24 |
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cloudchen | exit | 09:24 |
someothernick | / | 09:24 |
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BeepAU__ | Heretic - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17740/ | 09:24 |
yigal | Zeus_62: no /media/UsbDisk | 09:24 |
sulle_ | eck: i am setting it up through a remote pc "ssh". so i dont use gui... | 09:24 |
Zues_62 | same yigal | 09:24 |
eck | sulle_: that's fine | 09:24 |
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Zues_62 | how can i start this whole device form a frest yigal | 09:24 |
eck | sulle_: when you configured it you just edited a text file right? | 09:25 |
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yigal | Zues_62: use gparted on it | 09:25 |
sulle_ | yes | 09:25 |
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sulle_ | i followed a guid, but that did not work so well it seems. | 09:25 |
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yigal | Zues_62: reformat it? | 09:25 |
Heretic | ok beep, go to system>administration>network | 09:25 |
Zues_62 | i have yigal | 09:25 |
yigal | Zues_62: is it mounted? | 09:25 |
what_if | does anyone have inetutils-ftpd working on ubuntu, I can't seem to get it to work | 09:25 |
eck | sulle_: you should look at the documentation, although frankly i am somewhat surprised that it is not in the logs already, which seems like it ought to be the standard behavior for an ftp daemon | 09:25 |
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BeepAU__ | Heretic - there | 09:26 |
Zues_62 | YES I CANT UNMOUNT YIGAL | 09:26 |
eck | sulle_: are you doing anonymous logins? | 09:26 |
yigal | Zues_62: what folder is it mounted to? | 09:26 |
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sulle_ | eck: nope, i dont think so. i have created a user to login with. but i cant login with it. | 09:26 |
Zues_62 | media/UsbDisk yigal | 09:26 |
Heretic | ok beep, when it lists the wireless card, does it have it in roaming mode? | 09:26 |
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magnetron | ubotu, doesn't work | what_if | 09:27 |
ubotu | what_if: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 09:27 |
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eck | sulle_: try running 'tail -f /path/to/the/log' and then logging in, and see what is printed in the tail command | 09:27 |
yigal | then "sudo chown -R "user" media/UsbDisk" must work | 09:27 |
BeepAU__ | Heretic - yep | 09:27 |
Zues_62 | it doesnt so what can i do yigal | 09:27 |
mad_goldfish | How can I set the default kernel loaded on boot to the previous one? | 09:27 |
Heretic | ok, i think someone had too much time on their hands when they programmed ubotu hehe | 09:27 |
what_if | magnetron: lol, moce specific... I can login, can "cd" and "pwd", but ls does not work ... | 09:27 |
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yigal | "user"=kristoph-62 | 09:28 |
GuHHH | eck: where is inittab located? couldnt find it. | 09:28 |
Zues_62 | ah | 09:28 |
eck | GuHHH: you need to create it, it should be /etc/inittab | 09:28 |
Zues_62 | yigal it isnt ok so where gona hav to figure out something that will | 09:28 |
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yigal | Zues_62: sudo umount /media/UsbDisk unmounts the disk? | 09:28 |
Zues_62 | ok but how can i fix this whole problem | 09:28 |
Heretic | alrighty beep, select the wireless card and hit properties and uncheck roaming mode, then put in your network name, whatever encryption key you might be using (leave blank if you're not using one), and then for configuration choose DHCP and hit ok | 09:28 |
=== tex__ [n=chatzill@host141-157-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | GuHHH: just put in a line like id:3:initdefault: | 09:29 |
yigal | Zues_62: unplug the drive | 09:29 |
GuHHH | eck: hehe, i noticed, i could find it on my debian partition but not on ubuntu :P | 09:29 |
Zues_62 | ok then what yigal | 09:29 |
yigal | Zues_62: after you unmount it | 09:29 |
yigal | Zues_62: plug it in | 09:29 |
sulle_ | eck so i should write tail -f /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log username password ? | 09:29 |
eck | GuHHH: yeah, it is deprecated starting with upstart, but upstart will still check if it exists and if it does use it to set the default run level | 09:29 |
Zues_62 | yigal then | 09:29 |
yigal | Zues_62: did it mount | 09:29 |
eck | sulle_: you, you would tail -f the file and then on your local computer try FTP'ing in | 09:29 |
Zues_62 | no | 09:30 |
BeepAU__ | Heretic - it seems to only allow me a certain amount of characters in the network password, less than my wep key | 09:30 |
eck | sulle_: then you can see what is printed out to the log file during the login | 09:30 |
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yigal | Zues_62: what if you "pmount /dev/sda2" | 09:30 |
sulle_ | i am not near the server at all | 09:30 |
GuHHH | eck: what if i copy it from debian? any problem? | 09:30 |
eck | sulle_: that is fine, ftp is a network protocol ;-) | 09:30 |
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eck | GuHHH: i think it will be fine, but you just need the initdefault line | 09:30 |
GuHHH | # The default runlevel. | 09:30 |
GuHHH | id:2:initdefault: | 09:30 |
sulle_ | eck: i dont fully understand what to do. sorry my stupidty | 09:31 |
yigal | Zues_62: are you using Edgy? | 09:31 |
GuHHH | it has | 09:31 |
eck | sulle_: how are you testing logins right now? | 09:31 |
Tyazhely666 | hello | 09:31 |
Tyazhely666 | why i must install ubunto but not debian? :-) | 09:31 |
GuHHH | eck: thanks :) | 09:31 |
Zues_62 | ya but it wont pick up the fucken thing yigal | 09:31 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | Zues_62 | 09:31 |
ubotu | Zues_62: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:31 |
yigal | Zues_62: reformat it again | 09:31 |
someothernick | :/ | 09:31 |
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eck | Tyazhely666: because you like it more :-) | 09:31 |
GuHHH | Tyazhely666: debian repositories are a way better | 09:31 |
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sulle_ | eck: i webrowse ip:port then it comes a login. write username and password and get the error | 09:31 |
Zues_62 | and then what | 09:31 |
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Spoon98 | yigal: Hi again, couldn't get it to work from the wikipages... found a small cable though, so I am writing from linux now :) the iwconfig tool says that the radio is off, I think this could be the problem, but I can't find anywhere in the wiki that describes turning the radio on... | 09:32 |
Tyazhely666 | eck: i hear that ubuntu has many bugs? | 09:32 |
eck | sulle_: then just do that to log in (or you can use the ftp command built in to your system) | 09:32 |
GuHHH | Tyazhely666: and they update it much quicker than ubuntu | 09:32 |
sulle_ | ftp://ip:port then a login window pops up. writes username and password and hit enter. | 09:32 |
tex__ | Hi I'm a Windows user and I'd like to install Ubuntu 7.04 on my ThinkPad T30 in dual-boot. I've just tried the Live CD: it works but when loading I see the following message: "intel_nrg FWH not detected". Can I safely install Ubuntu or will I have problems during the install process? | 09:32 |
=== leagris [n=leagris_@lns-bzn-45-82-65-150-63.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eck | Tyazhely666: _all_ nontrivial software has many bugs | 09:32 |
Zues_62 | yigal after? | 09:32 |
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yigal | Zues_62: if you use su to mount can you put packages into the usb drive? | 09:32 |
Tyazhely666 | GuHHH: but why are you use ubuntu? | 09:32 |
fyodor | hi | 09:32 |
=== BeepAU___ [n=chatzill@CPE-58-166-252-196.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyodor | hi | 09:32 |
magnetron | Tyazhely666: for the majority, Ubuntu "just work's" | 09:32 |
Heretic | wb beep | 09:32 |
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GuHHH | Tyazhely666: i have ubuntu and debian installed. i like ubuntu, anyway, its debian based. | 09:33 |
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Zues_62 | just reformating | 09:33 |
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yigal | Spoon98: did you find a wiki page for the chip? | 09:33 |
BeepAU | Heretic - thanks | 09:33 |
eck | sulle_: what you are doing is logging in, and as you log in the ftp server should write some log text to the log file | 09:33 |
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andy__ | hello there, does anyone know a good screencast software for linux? | 09:33 |
eck | sulle_: so you want to see what is added to the log file as you log in to try to isolate the problem | 09:33 |
gregorovius | my computer won't standby or hibernate, could anyone help me debug this? | 09:33 |
kahrytan | screencast? | 09:33 |
yigal | Zues_62: either way, but your usb device is acting very very strangely | 09:33 |
sulle_ | eck: "530 login failer" when i tryed to login. | 09:33 |
Zues_62 | yigal i realise | 09:34 |
Heretic | Beep: i'm honestly not sure about the hex key being too small, i've never used encryption myself, i use mac adress filtering | 09:34 |
eck | sulle_: the tail -f command will show new additions to the log file | 09:34 |
belfegor | what should i do to install windows on my machine without afecting ubuntu? | 09:34 |
fyodor | I have a question related to ubuntu,I have ubuntu 7.04 and If I try to put some modules in the blacklist some modules wont load after restart but for some ones the blacklist have no effect | 09:34 |
Spoon98 | yes :D | 09:34 |
fyodor | what is wrong ? | 09:34 |
eck | sulle_: but you need to have it running before you log in | 09:34 |
tex__ | intel_nrg FWH not detected | 09:34 |
kahrytan | Heretic: MAC addresses can be spoofed. | 09:34 |
BeepAU | Heretic - well, even when i turn it off, i can't get a connection | 09:34 |
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GuHHH | kahrytan: nice thing to do with cable modem connections, lol | 09:34 |
yigal | Spoon98: "yes :D" you get it? | 09:34 |
Heretic | kahrytan: i know, but i trust my neighbors pretty well | 09:34 |
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Thunderguy | I had a question, could the Ubuntu minimal install cd ( 10 mb's ) be used to custom build an ubuntu setup using apt-get to get what I want? | 09:35 |
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magnetron | Heretic: ... and anyone that happens to pass by | 09:35 |
fyodor | I have ubuntu 7.04 and If I try to put some modules in the blacklist some modules wont load after restart but for some ones the blacklist have no effect | 09:35 |
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GuHHH | Thunderguy: if it has aptitude, sure. | 09:35 |
Spoon98 | yigal: yes I found it: | 09:35 |
Spoon98 | " If you have a Centrino based laptop, it likely has an Intel ipw2200 based card. It works out of the box but uses an ancient driver. See Luca_Linux's post for a really good guide on getting the ipw2200 card setup (you may want to stop before he takes you into the WPA portion of the setup). Some users have experienced problems with their wireless connections after upgrading to Hoary from Warty with the Intel ipw2200 (prior to | 09:35 |
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yigal | Thunderguy: yes, but it would be very dangerous, tricky | 09:35 |
GuHHH | Thunderguy: thats why minimal install :P | 09:35 |
Heretic | magnetron: if somebody really wants to get in, they're going to get in no matter what | 09:35 |
Spoon98 | yigal: oops, sorry that was a bit long | 09:36 |
yigal | Spoon98: great, almost all wireless works in linux | 09:36 |
Zues_62 | yigal its still not unmounting in gnome | 09:36 |
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Thunderguy | Well I've done a custom build of Debian Testing from a network cd... would a custom build of ubuntu be just as simple as debian testing on ubuntu's minimal? | 09:36 |
magnetron | Heretic: yes, so you better not lock the door either. | 09:36 |
eck | Thunderguy: i think you can't just cold start from apt, you would need to debootstrap or something a minimal environment and apt up from there | 09:36 |
yigal | Zues_62: you reformatted it? | 09:36 |
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yigal | Zues_62: are you using Edgy? | 09:36 |
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Zues_62 | no feisty | 09:37 |
GuHHH | Thunderguy: this installer is the network cd? | 09:37 |
yigal | Zues_62: that is odd, because /dev/sda should be your primary disk? | 09:37 |
GuHHH | i dont know any installer with 10mb :( | 09:37 |
Spoon98 | yigal: the only problem is that the guide doesn't activate the card :( the radio is still off | 09:38 |
eck | GuHHH: there is a boot.iso for network install that is ~8MB | 09:38 |
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yigal | Zues_62: do you have Ubuntu on /dev/sda1? | 09:38 |
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Thunderguy | GuHHH: Well what I have is... ' Debian Testing Network Install release - 6/19/06 ' | 09:38 |
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yigal | Spoon98: if you know the chipset search ubuntuforums.org | 09:38 |
gregorovius | my computer won't standby or hibernate, could anyone help me debug this? I can't find anything on google or launchpad | 09:38 |
eck | Thunderguy: if you want to do an ubuntu install grab the ubuntu network boot iso | 09:38 |
GuHHH | eck: if its for network install does it means lan install? or fully installed by apt? | 09:38 |
eck | Thunderguy: it is on the mirrors, but you have to dig around for it | 09:38 |
Zues_62 | no yigal it has nothing on it its the windows drive | 09:38 |
Thunderguy | GuHHH: What I don't like is that Debian Testing is constant moving, while Debian's stable version lags behind, so I'm considering Ubuntu but want it set up exactly like my debian testing is now | 09:38 |
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eck | GuHHH: it is the same as the debian network install, which uses apt | 09:39 |
yigal | Zues_62: so /dev/sda1 is your windows drive? | 09:39 |
cyphase | Anyone know why my Realtek 8180 worked in Edgy but isn't working in Feisty? | 09:39 |
Zues_62 | how can i recreate the mount point then yigal | 09:39 |
sulle_ | eck: did u get the query ? | 09:39 |
Thunderguy | ah | 09:39 |
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yigal | Zues_62: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 "where ever you want to mount the device" | 09:40 |
GuHHH | eck: so he must not have any problem installing from apt :P | 09:40 |
eck | sulle_: i don't think so | 09:40 |
sulle_ | hmm | 09:40 |
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eck | GuHHH: yeah, but if you look at how it is done, it is done in a bunch of stages, so you'd have to do it like that, i don't think it is as simple as just issuing a single apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 09:40 |
yigal | Zues_62: excuse me is the flashdrive ext3 or another type of format? | 09:40 |
yigal | Zues_62: -t "format of drive" | 09:41 |
Zues_62 | yigal ext3 | 09:41 |
Igorek | hi to all! | 09:41 |
bullgard4 | Left-klick on my NetworkManager Applet 0.6.4 no longer lists any WLANs in my vicinity any more, but a menu item 'Manual configuration...'. Most likely I misadjusted a NetworkManager setting. How to obtain a Netzwerk-Manager-Applet configuration as shown in http://lwn.net/Articles/169130/? | 09:41 |
Zues_62 | what do i type after mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2/u | 09:41 |
Zues_62 | do i do usb disk? | 09:41 |
sulle_ | eck: can u write something to me so i can paste you the lines ? | 09:41 |
violator_ | what's ext2 used for? | 09:41 |
yigal | Zues_62: make a directory to mount the flashdrive on | 09:41 |
Thunderguy | eck: Well I didn't have it that easy with debian-testing what my plan is, is to pull a dpkg list of packages from debian testing, and 'manually' read that into the apt-get for ubuntu, so I'll have roughly the same packages as I did when I was on debian ( only the Ubuntu equivelants ) | 09:42 |
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Zues_62 | ok i typed mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2/media/UsbDisk is that right yigal? | 09:42 |
Spoon98 | does anyone know how to turn the radio on/off on a wlan card? | 09:42 |
Thunderguy | eck: In theory I would be on an Ubuntu Equivelant of the Debian that I'm on now | 09:42 |
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yigal | Zues_62: no you need a space, /dev/sda2 /media/UsbDisk | 09:42 |
Zues_62 | ok | 09:42 |
eck | Thunderguy: it is easy to do a minimal install and then just copy the package list, is there a reason you are not doing that? | 09:43 |
GuHHH | Thunderguy: i was about to tell you the same, hehe | 09:43 |
yigal | Zues_62: /media/UsbDisk has to exist already | 09:43 |
Zues_62 | sill that error yigal | 09:43 |
yigal | Zues_62: and nothing can be in it | 09:43 |
eck | !cloning > Thunderguy | 09:43 |
Thunderguy | eck: So I could do a minimal install from the desktop cd? | 09:43 |
bjc | violator_, it's a filesystem. Kinda' like ext3, but without journaling. | 09:43 |
sulle_ | eck: did u get the message ? | 09:43 |
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eck | Thunderguy: you can do it from debootstrap | 09:43 |
yigal | Zues_62: is there anything in /media/UsbDisk ? | 09:43 |
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eck | sulle_: no, i think you need to be registered | 09:43 |
bef | How do I burn a .avi to a DVD so it can be played in a DVD player with an application (Linux) | 09:43 |
violator_ | i see | 09:43 |
GuHHH | whats !cloning? :P | 09:43 |
Zues_62 | no yigal | 09:44 |
eck | !cloning > GuHHH | 09:44 |
Thunderguy | ah | 09:44 |
Thunderguy | Thanks | 09:44 |
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gregorovius | bef, do you need to play it on a standalone dvd player, or on a computer? | 09:44 |
yigal | Zues_62: what error does it give? | 09:44 |
sulle_ | eck: can u give me a link to a pastebin?, so i can paste you the config file? and maybe see what is wrong there? | 09:44 |
violator_ | can I transform ubuntu to kubuntu? | 09:44 |
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yigal | violator_: anything is possible, but it is not easy | 09:45 |
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violator_ | is there a guide out there? | 09:45 |
Zues_62 | how can i copy paste it in ehre yigal it wont let me | 09:45 |
leviathan | hi!! somebody can help me & me NVIDIA FX5200 on Festy Fawn, I want Install Beryl... | 09:45 |
eck | sulle_: i don't use proftpd (i use vsftpd), i'm not sure that that would help | 09:45 |
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eck | sulle_: fwiw vsftpd will log all the auth stuff to the logs in the default configuration | 09:46 |
yigal | Zues_62: highlight an area and click the middle button when over the terminal | 09:46 |
sulle_ | eck: hmmmm. | 09:46 |
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Zues_62 | yigal it wont let me | 09:46 |
Parmenion | hey guys | 09:46 |
yigal | Zues_62: get some sleep | 09:47 |
Parmenion | ouch ... 20s lag | 09:47 |
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Zues_62 | yigal thanks thanks for nothing | 09:47 |
yigal | Zues_62: don't worry about it, restart the computer if you want | 09:47 |
yigal | Zues_62: good luck | 09:47 |
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sanityx | Before I go ahead and install Windows Vista, does Feisty have any trouble dual booting with Vista? | 09:47 |
Parmenion | err, its normally a better idea to install windows before anythign else | 09:48 |
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curiozo | hello ppl, just an ms windows kinda guy trying this OS for the first time. What, other than a more stable system, can i gain by switching to ubuntu? | 09:48 |
sanityx | Parmenion, I know that. | 09:48 |
sanityx | Parmenion, But I meant besides that. | 09:48 |
Parmenion | otherwise, nothing much i believe | 09:48 |
sulle_ | eck: root@Server:~# /etc/init.d/proftpd restart * Stopping ftp server proftpd [ ok ] * Starting ftp server proftpd - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'Server' error: Name or service not known | 09:48 |
Parmenion | curiozo: freedom | 09:48 |
curiozo | how much tho? | 09:49 |
Parmenion | as in libre and to a certain extent gratis | 09:49 |
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curiozo | true... | 09:49 |
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Parmenion | you have tonnes of free software | 09:49 |
GuHHH | !cloning > GuHHH | 09:49 |
GuHHH | ? lol | 09:49 |
curiozo | osuch as...? | 09:49 |
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Parmenion | which work far more admirably compared to commercial alternatives | 09:49 |
GuHHH | so what? | 09:49 |
Parmenion | quark | 09:50 |
Parmenion | beryl | 09:50 |
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | nothing much in terms of games though, but i get peace of mind using Ubuntu | 09:50 |
Parmenion | security is another important aspect | 09:50 |
eck | sulle_: i don't think that will be a problem -- if it was you wouldn't be able to connect to the server at all, and obviously you can't | 09:50 |
curiozo | any recommended links? | 09:50 |
eck | sulle_: in any event it is decoupled from the login process | 09:50 |
bef | <gregorovius> bef, do you need to play it on a standalone dvd player, or on a computer? | 09:51 |
bef | sTANDALONE | 09:51 |
Parmenion | curiozo: google is your friend :P what kind of links are you looking for? | 09:51 |
bef | How do I burn a .avi to a DVD so it can be played in a DVD player with an application (Linux) | 09:51 |
CheshireViking | curiozo, links for what? | 09:51 |
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zouzou85 | hello | 09:51 |
zouzou85 | anyone here? | 09:52 |
curiozo | links to some cool SW for ubuntu | 09:52 |
zouzou85 | anybody here is a gaim user? | 09:52 |
sanityx | zouzou85, I am. | 09:52 |
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curiozo | and yes, i know google is always an option...just thought i'd ask the pros first.... | 09:52 |
eck | curiozo: no links, just hit the repositories | 09:52 |
sanityx | zouzou85, And possibly 95% of all *nix users are. | 09:52 |
eck | !repositories > curiozo | 09:52 |
magnetron | curiozo: use the add/remove programs thingy | 09:52 |
zouzou85 | is there any plugin to get other people's emoticons? | 09:52 |
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nu- | does ubuntu have a mail server? | 09:53 |
CheshireViking | curiozo, pretty much most things you need will be installable through Synaptic (equivalent of MS add/remove programmes, except that the software downloads automatically | 09:53 |
lynucs | ping | 09:53 |
sanityx | zouzou85, you mean to see the custom emoticons other people are using? | 09:53 |
sanityx | zouzou85, not that I knw of. | 09:53 |
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eck | nu-: lots | 09:53 |
nu- | how do i start it | 09:53 |
zouzou85 | and copy them for your own use sanityx | 09:54 |
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eck | nu-: i think only the sendmail command is installed, if you want a full mta you need to install exim/postfix/sendmail/qmail | 09:54 |
curiozo | yes, i've run it a couple of times already...it's a beauty...smooth installs.... | 09:54 |
sanityx | zouzou85, Yeah not that I know of, but you can download custom emoticons for gaim somewhere. | 09:54 |
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nu- | eck: im making a program in python that will need to send mail at one point. but it can only do if theres a mail server running | 09:54 |
sanityx | zouzou85, btw its now Pidgin, not gaim. | 09:54 |
eck | nu-: you can just use the sendmail command, it is installed by default | 09:55 |
CheshireViking | curiozo, if you've downloaded the ubuntu live cd, just open up synaptic from System Administration, Administration and have a look at the packages it gives you the option to install | 09:55 |
Igorek | hi to all | 09:55 |
Igorek | i have a problem with internet connection | 09:55 |
curiozo | ok, will do. thanks for the feedback guys, bye for now | 09:55 |
nu- | eck: if i type 'sendmail' says its not found | 09:55 |
zouzou85 | i know about that, but i know that both kopete and amsn have some plugins to handle that, i thought pidgin (i like gaim better) would have it sanityx | 09:55 |
forbeg | Forb: | 09:55 |
Igorek | in a matter of fact now i cant browse there but as u see i can chat in irc and icq as well | 09:56 |
sanityx | zouzou85, I'm not saying it doesn't. I'm just saying I don't know of any. | 09:56 |
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eck | nu-: maybe it is not installed by default anymore... install the postfix package | 09:56 |
nu- | alright | 09:56 |
CheshireViking | curiozo, i see you've installed previously, just have a look at synaptic, always impresses me how much is available - what type of software are you looking for? games, office applications, mp3/video players etc? | 09:56 |
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sulle_ | eck: i made it :D it was the cfg that was wrong :D | 09:56 |
sulle_ | eck: thnx alot for the help | 09:56 |
eck | sulle_: thought as much. no problem | 09:56 |
zouzou85 | my bad, just noticed , lol sanityx | 09:56 |
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belfegor | please help i can boot the windows cd without erase my ubuntu? | 09:57 |
zouzou85 | you want to install windows? | 09:57 |
eck | nu-: have you ever sent mail directly with smtp (e.g. using telnet) before? | 09:57 |
Zues_62 | yigal is got the error cant find /media/UsbDisk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 09:57 |
sanityx | belfegor, Yes you can, but you'll have to reinstall grub to boot ubuntu after. | 09:57 |
belfegor | like a second os | 09:57 |
nu- | eck: no not yet but i have postfix installed | 09:57 |
sanityx | belfegor, I reccomend first installing windows, then ubuntu. | 09:57 |
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belfegor | yes i understand | 09:58 |
belfegor | thanks | 09:58 |
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Zues_62 | guys i got this error when im trying to mount a disk got the error cant find /media/UsbDisk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 09:58 |
Igorek | in the begining only after sevewral attempts i can to connect and after some time the connection lost | 09:58 |
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eck | nu-: do a google search for how to use the sendmail command, email has a really simple protocol so it should be trivial to write a python function to invoke it with os.popen() or what have you | 09:59 |
Zues_62 | how do i fix this error i got this error when im trying to mount a disk got the error cant find /media/UsbDisk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 09:59 |
nu- | eck: am doing so now. thanks | 09:59 |
belfegor | is recomanded to have windows and ubuntu on amd 1400,256 ddr,hdd 20 gb? | 09:59 |
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curiozo | yes, media players, some games would be nice...stuff like that | 10:00 |
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elkbuntu | belfegor, you'd need more ram at least | 10:01 |
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Parmenion | sorry curiozo, my teacher just called me and my attention was diverted | 10:01 |
bef | How do I burn a .avi to a DVD so it can be played in a standalone DVD player? Looking for a ubuntu package or so | 10:01 |
curiozo | wanna do as much test driving as possible before deciding on ubuntu as my main OS...i'm running it via vmware for now | 10:01 |
nu- | Anyone here use nano? | 10:01 |
Parmenion | curiozo: you can get almost anything you want from the standard ubuntu reps | 10:01 |
nu- | i can't get syntax hiliting to work | 10:01 |
Parmenion | reps = repositories/repos | 10:01 |
belfegor | elkbuntu ok thanks | 10:01 |
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Parmenion | curiozo: if you needed anything more than that... you could always do the odd compile | 10:02 |
GuHHH | how do i see the effects on beryl? | 10:02 |
curiozo | yes, read a little about it | 10:03 |
nu- | guh | 10:03 |
nu- | when you move a window, does it wobble? | 10:03 |
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curiozo | Thanks for the help parmenion | 10:03 |
Parmenion | np, sorry if the help is a little sparse | 10:04 |
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bjc | nu-: What have you tried? http://wiki.linuxhelp.net/index.php/Nano_Syntax_Highlighting suggests you simply copy the default config file over, and uncomment some directives. | 10:04 |
curiozo | it's all good. Bye for now | 10:04 |
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CheshireViking | curiozo, one thing that is useful setting up media packages is to use seveas's metapackages, that makes it easier getting different media installed | 10:05 |
capiira | hi all anyone know if there exist a gnome app frontend for cryptsetup ? | 10:05 |
dobblego | trying to get dual monitors with Feisty/nvidia, but my primary monitor won't turn on even though it is there (I can move my mouse into it); here is xorg.conf (this exact same file worked fine with Edgy) http://rafb.net/p/9eSw7c73.html any hints? | 10:05 |
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Doctor_Nick | does anyone know how to fix the vertical retrace problem with the ati drivers? | 10:05 |
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HorizonXP | hey, does someone have the Feisty DVD torrent? | 10:06 |
nu- | bjc: i've tried everything... source=python... -Y | 10:06 |
nu- | couldnt do it | 10:06 |
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HorizonXP | !dvd | 10:07 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 10:07 |
HorizonXP | !torrent | 10:07 |
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ubotu | Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 10:07 |
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HorizonXP | !feistytorrent | 10:08 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about feistytorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:08 |
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=== _marx needs uri for wget of fiesty | ||
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_marx | i've made 3 drink coasters | 10:11 |
=== Igorek [n=root@bzq-88-154-93-123.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Heretic | anybody know anything about ATI mobility chips on ubuntu? | 10:11 |
Zues_62 | how can i giv privlages so i can unmount a drive | 10:11 |
Zues_62 | ???????????????? | 10:11 |
bjc | nu: I've just got it working. I simply copied the Python section from that wiki page into ~/.nanorc, then started up nano on a Python file (must end with '.py'). | 10:11 |
nu- | Zues_62: check ntfs-3g | 10:12 |
Igorek | hi can anyone help me with internet connection problem? | 10:12 |
Zues_62 | aye nu? | 10:12 |
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Zues_62 | what u mean | 10:12 |
Baktaah | Zues_62 for christ sake! | 10:12 |
Baktaah | just ask the damned question | 10:12 |
xq | lol | 10:12 |
Zues_62 | i want to set my drive up so i can unmount it copy and paste and edit files | 10:12 |
Baktaah | I mean Igorek | 10:12 |
Parmenion | Igorek: what is the exact nature of your problem? | 10:12 |
_marx | heh | 10:12 |
Baktaah | Igorek | 10:12 |
nu- | bjc: yes, /.nanorc already has those..but it doesn't work for me | 10:12 |
Igorek | heh | 10:12 |
Baktaah | Zues_62 sorryu I meant Igorek | 10:12 |
skoenman | HELP !!!!!when i finished installing ubuntu 7.04 i could not get 1024 resolution ....any ideas??? | 10:12 |
nu- | bjc: you didnt pass any paremeters? | 10:12 |
Igorek | sorry i just typet all the quastions but noone answered | 10:12 |
nu- | skoenman: install video driver | 10:12 |
Zues_62 | ok so how do i give it privlages? | 10:12 |
CheshireViking | skoenman, what video card do you have? | 10:13 |
nu- | Zues_62: download ntfs-3g | 10:13 |
skoenman | it picks up the vga card in hardware information but doesnt say anything else | 10:13 |
xq | ^^^^ | 10:13 |
tonyyarusso | !fixres | skoenman | 10:13 |
ubotu | skoenman: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:13 |
Parmenion | so what exactly is the problem? | 10:13 |
soundray | !fixres > skoenman, please read ubotu's private message | 10:13 |
Igorek | well. first problem that i can connect to internet through my adsl modem only after several attempts | 10:13 |
skoenman | its a laptop and it has a unichrome | 10:13 |
Parmenion | ok, | 10:13 |
skoenman | its a laptop and it has a unichrome pro igp | 10:13 |
Igorek | and after somtiem it disconnects | 10:13 |
skoenman | k ill try that | 10:13 |
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Parmenion | ive never had to use adsl =( Sorry i cant help you with this issue. But i do believe ive seen this error somewhere in the official forums | 10:14 |
Igorek | i am just losing my connection every 15 minutes | 10:14 |
bjc | nu: Nope. My ~/.nanorc file contains exactly 6 lines. I then typed `nano /tmp/foo.py`, and started typing Python code. The highlighting is very, very basic, but it works. You are using gnome-terminal, right? | 10:14 |
Parmenion | O.o ... search in the official forums | 10:14 |
Igorek | ok tnx ill try | 10:14 |
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Zues_62 | ok guys im geting the weridest error i am trying to unmount a drive but it says its mounted | 10:15 |
Zues_62 | not mounted sorri | 10:15 |
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nu- | bjc: xfce4-terminal..but i am on gnome | 10:15 |
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Heretic | alright, i'll throw this out and see if anyone knows anything...i've got a radeon igp345m in my laptop, and i cant seem to find a driver that will give me 3d acceleration. i've tried radeon, ati, fglrx, etc, but nothing seems to work. | 10:15 |
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bjc | nu-: Do you get colour on any terminal commands? IOW,does `ls --color` do syntax highlighting for you? | 10:16 |
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vorsakend | sweet... | 10:17 |
nu- | bjc: yes. when i type 'ls' dirs are listed in blue | 10:17 |
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nu- | bjc: i think i found the problem | 10:17 |
arooni | how do i install readline for ubuntu? | 10:17 |
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dreamcastjack | hello | 10:18 |
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zeroday | hi | 10:18 |
vorsakend | it's the first time i use ubuntu..i love it | 10:18 |
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vorsakend | :) | 10:18 |
dreamcastjack | everytime I use a media application it freezes and when there is java on a website the browser freezes..any help? | 10:18 |
SimonKitch | My laptop pcmcia netgear ma401 card is not being detected, do i need to install a driver or something? | 10:18 |
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soundray | !info libreadline5 | arooni, do you mean this package: | 10:18 |
ubotu | arooni, do you mean this package:: libreadline5: GNU readline and history libraries, run-time libraries. In component main, is important. Version 5.2-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 126 kB, installed size 316 kB | 10:18 |
zeroday | !madwifi | 10:19 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:19 |
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zeroday | SimonKitch: !madwifi > SimonKitch (see the pm from ubotu) | 10:19 |
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soundray | !info libreadline5-dev | arooni, for compiling software with readline support, you need this | 10:19 |
ubotu | arooni, for compiling software with readline support, you need this: libreadline5-dev: GNU readline and history libraries, development files. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 215 kB, installed size 588 kB | 10:20 |
SimonKitch | ubotu, thanks I'll check it out now! | 10:20 |
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bef | anyone know a program which will convert .avi to .wmv for Ubuntu | 10:21 |
Steil | when i have desktop effects enabled....my computer hard locks quite a bit (mainly when screensaver comes on, even if its only blank screen) | 10:21 |
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Steil | any ideas? | 10:21 |
nu- | bjc: i lied. i didnt. i have a folder in /etc/share named 'nano', inside is python.nanosrc, sh.nanosrc, etc | 10:21 |
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nu- | bjc: so i made a .nano folder in my ~ and copied those files there, but didnt work | 10:21 |
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skoenman | k restarted but it didnt do nothing after it got to starting local scripts | 10:22 |
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jessid | !lookingglass | 10:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lookingglass - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:22 |
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skoenman | the xorg config looks right | 10:22 |
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jessid | !glass | 10:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about glass - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:22 |
jessid | !java3d | 10:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about java3d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:22 |
zeroday | Steil: I think thats because Desktop Effects may not be able to run on your comp :how much ram and what gfx card do you have? | 10:22 |
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Zues_62 | how can i recreate a mount point? | 10:22 |
skoenman | it has all the resolutions in it and everything says generic screeen and adapter??? | 10:22 |
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dinochopins | hi everyone... | 10:23 |
soundray | nu-: nano will only read ~/.nanorc -- your ~/.nano directory will be ignored | 10:23 |
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dinochopins | in procmail, how can I map my 'to, cc, bcc' s email users to related linux's users ? | 10:23 |
dinochopins | eg : andy@example.com => to andy's account mailbox in linux | 10:23 |
Steil | zeroday: 758mb ram and a geforce go 440 | 10:23 |
Steil | er 768mb | 10:23 |
nu- | soundray: oh. let me try | 10:23 |
GuHHH | does anyone knows if is it possible to run beryl with fglrx driver? | 10:23 |
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zeroday | Steil: Should be fine how did you install your nvidia drivers? | 10:24 |
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Steil | when desktop effects are enabled, everything is fast and smooth, it only locks when the screensaver comes on for an extended period of time | 10:24 |
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Steil | zeroday: the nvidia-glx package | 10:24 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: It is for more info you can go to #beryl or #ubuntu-effects also on freenode | 10:24 |
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soundray | dinochopins: are you using procmail to process mail system-wide? It's normally only invoked once mail has already arrived in the user account. | 10:25 |
GuHHH | zeroday: thanks | 10:25 |
Madpilot | GuHHH, I don't think so - I've got a 9600XT w/ fglrx, just tried the 'Desktop Effects' menu item, and got "Composite not available' as the error message... | 10:25 |
zeroday | Steil: got to go i think your card may be legacy or your xorg isnt correctly configured | 10:25 |
lionfish | Hmm, was it me or did gnome x chat just connect me to #ubuntu automatically :-. | 10:25 |
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GuHHH | Mad: its because u didnt enabled it | 10:25 |
GuHHH | Madpilot: : its because u didnt enabled it | 10:26 |
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zeroday | Madpilot: install beryl and properly configure ur xorg | 10:26 |
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lionfish | lol. cyall. | 10:26 |
dinochopins | soundray : | 10:26 |
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Madpilot | zeroday, I was under the impression that Feisty had all that cruft pre-installed? | 10:26 |
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GuHHH | Madpilot: on Extension "composite" it must be "enabled" | 10:26 |
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andy__ | how are the screencasts on http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/ made? | 10:27 |
soundray | Madpilot: feisty comes with compiz, not beryl | 10:27 |
dinochopins | soundray: I'm using a global-mail (catch-all)'s account at my ISP. Then I'm using fetchmail to get the emails.... | 10:27 |
what_if | have an ipv6 question, is it ok to assign the IP fe80::1 to a server ? | 10:27 |
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nu- | guys im having weird problems here. im trying to make a folder named .nanorc in my home dir, but it says its already in use. and its not | 10:28 |
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Madpilot | soundray, I haven't bothered to follow the whole compiz/beryl/what's in Feisty debate - what is the System->Prefs->Desktop Effects thing? | 10:28 |
dinochopins | soundray: and now I want to use procmail to intercept with fetchmail and then delivered it into corresponding linux's account | 10:28 |
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Baktaah | Is there a way to run windows media player in Ubuntu (please don't ask why)? | 10:28 |
bjc | nu: I've just installed xfce4-terminal, and it works there, too. :/ That's `nano /tmp/python.py` with some basic Python inside... | 10:28 |
dinochopins | soundray: and i'm running fetchmail's script in crontab as root :) | 10:28 |
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bjc | nu: You can't have a file and directory with the same name. | 10:29 |
lionfish | Baktaah: The only way I can think is with wine. | 10:29 |
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dinochopins | soundray: please advice as I'm not too good at procmail... | 10:29 |
lionfish | But windows media files are supported (to an extent) by Real Player... | 10:29 |
soundray | Madpilot: it swaps metacity for compiz, afaik. Never worked for me | 10:29 |
lionfish | ...which you can get for linux now. | 10:29 |
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Niceee | my laptop bios doesn't have advanced settings. its a phoenix bios on a hp dv2000. i need to set the shared memory for the graphics. how can get to the advanced settings? | 10:29 |
andy__ | is compiz in general more stable than beryl? | 10:29 |
Baktaah | andy__ it sucks | 10:29 |
Madpilot | soundray, ah, ok. not actually that interested - I can live without wobbly windows and such - but I was curious what the menu option did. Nothing much, evidently. | 10:30 |
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nu- | beryl crashes alot though | 10:30 |
bef | I am seeking a program which converts video files. I would like to convert a .avi to a .wmv -- any help | 10:30 |
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soundray | dinochopins: okay, understand. I suggest that you set up an extra mail-receiving user. | 10:30 |
Niceee | andy__: more supported grahics cards i guess. | 10:30 |
starter | hello friends, is anyone using Netvibes (www.netvibes.com) with Firefox on Ubuntu? | 10:30 |
bgrupe | bef: use mencoder (with a suitable frontend for you) | 10:30 |
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soundray | dinochopins: for that new user, you can then write a $HOME/.procmailrc that does that. | 10:30 |
andy__ | Niceee, ok, because with beryl, some flash movies are quite laggy | 10:31 |
dinochopins | soundray: for every user ? | 10:31 |
Niceee | andy__: whats your card? | 10:31 |
andy__ | Niceee, ATI FireGL T2 | 10:31 |
starter | I am having problems with the webnotes on Netvibes, they blink/dropdown while editing | 10:31 |
soundray | dinochopins: no, just a single central one | 10:31 |
CheshireViking | Steil, you said geforce go 440 as your graphics card, is that the "GeForce4 440 Go", if so, thats supposed to be supported by the nvidia 9755 driver | 10:31 |
andy__ | and I'm using the radeon driver | 10:31 |
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soundray | dinochopins: because it's better not to do the mail sorting as root | 10:31 |
Niceee | andy__: follow the official beryl wiki. might help | 10:31 |
starter | anyone has the same problem? | 10:32 |
dinochopins | soundray: oh.. .I see, any user will do ? But only user is enough, right ? | 10:32 |
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soundray | dinochopins: should be, yes | 10:32 |
dinochopins | soundray: I mean... only 1 user will do ? | 10:32 |
soundray | dinochopins: yes | 10:32 |
andy__ | http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_ATI that's awesome :D | 10:33 |
dinochopins | soundray: hm... I see, will try to do that... thank you very much soundray | 10:33 |
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dinochopins | soundray: really appreciate it | 10:33 |
SloggerKhan | There was a website someone posted on forums a while back that had info about linux, kinda arranged like icons on a panel? anyone remember what it is? It was for noobs about getting linux and why it was great? | 10:33 |
soundray | dinochopins: how you write a procmailrc is described in 'man procmailrc'. There are also examples under /usr/share/doc/procmail/ | 10:33 |
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bjc | SloggerKhan: http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/ | 10:33 |
SloggerKhan | thanks!! | 10:34 |
nu- | doesnt work | 10:34 |
dinochopins | soundray: oh... great, you really a greatful help to me.. It's there :) | 10:34 |
soundray | dinochopins: check out 'man procmailex', too. It doesn't take long to become a procmail expert | 10:34 |
Niceee | andy__: best of luck. its a bit cryptic. but if you read everything once and be careful, youll be just fine | 10:35 |
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soundray | dinochopins: just writing the matching rules is tricky, once you need more complex regular expressions | 10:35 |
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dinochopins | soundray: I see... I'm quite familiar with regular expression actually | 10:35 |
andy__ | Niceee, have you checked the link? :D | 10:36 |
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dreamcastjack | everytime I use a media application it freezes and when there is java on a website the browser freezes..any help? | 10:36 |
philipsmith | I'm running Dapper and want to upgrade to Edgy and then to Feisty. I followed instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades to do the first upgrade. It says to use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades . It doesn't work! What should I do? | 10:36 |
dinochopins | soundray: will check the man and documentation first.... Thanks soundray ;) | 10:36 |
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bjc | nc-: I'm not sure, then. :/ Are you set on nano? It's rather basic for developing in. Could be worth trying another editor. I use vim for Perl, Python, C, and Ruby, and the syntax highlighting is superb. | 10:37 |
philipsmith | Sorry: The instructions to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy is gksu "update-manager -c" It doesn't work. What should I do? | 10:37 |
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kabero | t | 10:37 |
soundray | dreamcastjack: could be conflicting plugins. Enter 'about:plugins' in the URL field and consider disabling some. | 10:37 |
soundray | philipsmith: elaborate on "doesn't work" please | 10:38 |
wasz | hi, I was in edgy befor my dist-upgrade to feisty win php working on apache2. Now It's not working anymore abd I have no clue on what to do to make it works again. help | 10:38 |
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philipsmith | soundray: I get a message "warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)" and nothing else happens. | 10:38 |
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nu- | howcome "sudo cp nano ~" isn't working | 10:39 |
dreamcastjack | i did and it took me to about.com | 10:39 |
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estigma | #kubuntu-es | 10:39 |
assasukasse | is there someone that has a panasonic laptop with touchscreen and was able to make it work? | 10:39 |
nu- | it says "cp: omitting directory 'nano' | 10:39 |
soundray | philipsmith: is your ubuntu-desktop package up to date, with all dependencies? | 10:39 |
menkio | what's going on, i was thinking of trying ubuntu.. someone told me they have some video editing software ? | 10:39 |
noiesmo | wasz, have you tried to reinstall sudo install --reinstall apache2 | 10:39 |
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menkio | i need something with timeline eidting of video files, plus dual screen support | 10:40 |
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noiesmo | wasz, you may also need to reinstall php packages | 10:40 |
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soundray | menkio: check out cinelerra. The authors run a repository with ubuntu packages. | 10:40 |
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philipsmith | soundray: I believe it is up-to-date. I did an sudo apt-get update | 10:40 |
ivx | hey when i connect to an ftp server going places? connect to server things take a really long time and sometimes stops responding, anyone know whats up with that | 10:40 |
gsharma | hello | 10:40 |
EmxBA | philipsmith: sudo apt-get upgrade too? | 10:41 |
menkio | sounds good soundray | 10:41 |
soundray | philipsmith: do a 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' after that | 10:41 |
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dreamcastjack | here is what happen I installed Croosover so I could play HL2, and after that freezes and crashing when media is played anywhere | 10:41 |
wasz | noiesmo : install: unrecognized option `--reinstall' | 10:41 |
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bjc | nu: `sudo cp -r nano ~` | 10:41 |
wasz | noiesmo : I tried reinstalling all the php package yes | 10:41 |
dreamcastjack | i unistalled it..doesntseem to help | 10:41 |
DONDON | ivx: try typing in the IP address over the server | 10:41 |
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DONDON | ivx: could be your DNS server is slow | 10:42 |
noiesmo | wasz, sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename should work | 10:42 |
ivx | dondon i'll give that a shot | 10:42 |
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gsharma | i m not able to connect my internet | 10:42 |
philipsmith | soundray and EmxBA: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades says that the apt-get approach is not recommended. R U sure? | 10:42 |
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pluma | Is there a way to list all machines on the LAN? I'm trying to find the IP of the local network printer. | 10:42 |
noiesmo | wasz, yes also reinstall php | 10:42 |
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Carsten__ | Hello. I can have Sound (e.g. /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp) when I do following things: | 10:42 |
Carsten__ | - modprobe sb io=... ... | 10:42 |
Carsten__ | - modprobe opl3 ... | 10:42 |
Carsten__ | - modprobe snd-mixer-oss | 10:42 |
Carsten__ | - modprobe snd-pcm-oss | 10:42 |
Carsten__ | right now I try to automate it for reboots like I added those lines w/o "modprobe" into /etc/modules.conf | 10:42 |
Carsten__ | but if I reboot all specific "mods" are no longer listed in lsmod... | 10:42 |
Carsten__ | how can I include them at boottime in order to have instant sound? | 10:42 |
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soundray | dreamcastjack: 'about:plugins' -- don't enter any spaces | 10:43 |
tex__ | Hi I have a ThinkPad T30 with a Prism 2 wireless card (Intel OEM) | 10:43 |
tex__ | Can I connect to the internet just loading the Live CD? | 10:43 |
tex__ | I have Windows currently installed and I'm trying ubuntu 7.04 | 10:43 |
philipsmith | soundray: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades says that the apt-get approach is not recommended. R U sure? | 10:43 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: you want them in /etc/modules not /etc/modules.conf | 10:43 |
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Carsten__ | Lathiat... what would be the most sensful? | 10:43 |
ivx | dondon but my icons on my desktop seem to cut in and out also when i am ftping, what do you think about that? | 10:43 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: as i said, you want them in /etc/modules | 10:43 |
noiesmo | wasz, you can use "dpkg-query -l |grep apache" to find apache packages that are or were installed & "dpkg-query -l |grep php" for php | 10:43 |
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Lathiat | Carsten__: the lines as you described (without modprobe) | 10:43 |
soundray | philipsmith: you are only bringing your dapper up to date, so you can then use update-manager. | 10:43 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: then reboot and then you should be good | 10:43 |
Carsten__ | Lathiat... thx ill try that | 10:43 |
dreamcastjack | i did and nothing | 10:44 |
dreamcastjack | sends me to about.com | 10:44 |
DONDON | ivx: are you using gftp or ftp in terminal? | 10:44 |
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soundray | dreamcastjack: leave out the quotes | 10:44 |
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ivx | dondon i am just going to places>connect to server up top, and dragging and dropping | 10:44 |
wasz | ok | 10:44 |
noiesmo | dreamcastjack, about:config | 10:45 |
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tex__ | Hi I have a ThinkPad T30 with a Prism 2 wireless card (Intel OEM) | 10:45 |
tex__ | Can I connect to the internet just loading the Live CD (without installing anything)? | 10:45 |
tex__ | I have Windows currently installed and I'm trying ubuntu 7.04 | 10:45 |
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philipsmith | soundray: Ok. I did a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... and I get the message "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." | 10:45 |
jhaig | tex__: Yes | 10:45 |
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wasz | noiesmo : I see that apache abd apache2 are in the list ... | 10:45 |
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jhaig | tex__: Well, in principal yes, but I don't know for certain with a wireless card. | 10:46 |
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Carsten__ | Lathiat: Just done (rebooting)... just for confirmation: /etc/modules includes my "mod-lines" INCLUDING options /etc/modules.conf is deleted? | 10:46 |
DONDON | ivx: i have no idea why it would be doing that. apt-get install gftp though. it's better for you in the long run anyway | 10:46 |
soundray | philipsmith: okay. Are you still getting the error from update-manager now? | 10:46 |
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Carsten__ | (hm , just sounds fine, my boxes just gave a noise ^^) | 10:46 |
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nu- | soundray: didn't work | 10:46 |
ivx | dondon, is that a gui? | 10:46 |
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DONDON | yea | 10:46 |
nu- | nano hiliting doenst work here ='( | 10:47 |
DONDON | ivx: yea | 10:47 |
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philipsmith | soundray: when I do the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade I get the message "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." | 10:47 |
soundray | nu-: have you read 'man nanorc'? | 10:47 |
dreamcastjack | okay worked. but now what? | 10:47 |
ivx | dondon i'll give i t a shot | 10:47 |
ivx | thanks | 10:47 |
soundray | philipsmith: okay. Are you still getting the error from update-manager now? | 10:47 |
philipsmith | soundray: no | 10:47 |
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soundray | philipsmith: okay, so you can upgrade without the error now? | 10:48 |
DONDON | ivx: np, i prefer ftpcube, but i don't know of any ubuntu packages for it. gftp should be fine | 10:48 |
cathy | hi ppl...am trying to install lirc on feisty for my pvr-150 card, but the i2c module definitely isnt loading, even with a reboot...how do i force this module to load? | 10:48 |
Carsten__ | Lathiat? | 10:48 |
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soundray | cathy: 'sudo modprobe i2c'. If that works, 'echo i2c | sudo tee -a /etc/modules' | 10:49 |
nu- | soundray: yes. says here it should hilite automatically | 10:49 |
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ivx | dondon, yeah gftp is flying, i guess it is a bug in that app or something, | 10:49 |
soundray | nu-: I don't know then, sorry | 10:49 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: yeh | 10:49 |
philipsmith | soundray: when I issue the command "gksu "update-manager -c" it says "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:17: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet ... warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)" | 10:50 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: i think so anyway if you want to pastebin your /etc/modules file now i can check | 10:50 |
nu- | soundray: alrighty. thanks anyways | 10:50 |
albert | hi, are there commands for "establish network connection" "disconnect network connection" (need them to use in gkrellm) | 10:50 |
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Carsten__ | Lathiat... it's working fine | 10:50 |
soundray | philipsmith: this is just a warning, though. Does update-manager run anyway? | 10:50 |
cathy | soundray: ok...didn get built for some reason: Fatal: module i2c not found | 10:50 |
cathy | let do this again... | 10:50 |
philipsmith | soundray: update-manager runs and says everything is up-to-date. | 10:50 |
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jhaig | albert: Possibly something else, but "sudo /etc/init.d/network start" and "sudo /etc/init.d/network stop" show work. | 10:51 |
soundray | philipsmith: then you haven't really got a problem. Move on with the upgrade instructions. | 10:51 |
albert | jhaig, i 'll try them ;) | 10:51 |
DONDON | ivx: glad i could help :) | 10:51 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: cool | 10:51 |
Carsten__ | Lathiat: Hm, now I tried so many things (Compaq armada 1750) ...for practice purposes I like to REDO the complete installation and rules of thumb how I can figure out what drivers/configs are _really_ and _only_ necessary in order to redo it? My modules now are: sb, opl3, snd-mixer-oss, snd-pcm-oss | 10:51 |
nu- | bjc: you there? | 10:52 |
soundray | cathy: oh, it's just not called i2c | 10:52 |
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Lathiat | Carsten__: probably just need the opl3 one .. | 10:52 |
cathy | no? what then? | 10:52 |
soundray | cathy: check 'lsmod | grep i2c' to see if you have a module with a similar name. | 10:52 |
rwnz | I'm 'experiencing' Linux and have installed Ubuntu 7.04. I'd like to try Kubuntu 7.04 too. I read somewhere I can install the KDE desktop onto Ubuntu which would give me the choice of Kubuntu or Ubuntu. Is this correct? What do I download and from where? Can I switch between the two and access the same files? | 10:52 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: i think, worth a test just comment out the lines till thigns stop working etc :) | 10:52 |
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Carsten__ | lathiat sb is preinstalled? I used to install alsaconf also ... will I need it again? | 10:52 |
philipsmith | soundray: At the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades it says that the only command required for upgrading is gksu "update-manager -c" | 10:52 |
bjc | nu: yep. Did the cp work? I'm really out of ideas for nano. :/ | 10:52 |
soundray | cathy: 'locate i2c | grep ko | grep $(uname -r)' to see what i2c-related modules are available for the running kernel | 10:53 |
zanpakuto | is there a way to set default python to 2.4 ? | 10:53 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: shouldnt need alsaconf and im pretty sure opl3 autoloads sb | 10:53 |
nu- | rwnz: its easy. | 10:53 |
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violator_ | is there any desktop effects other than beryl manager?? | 10:53 |
zanpakuto | or I just have to use symbolic link? | 10:53 |
jhaig | albert: Are you planning to use them in a script? You will need to enter a password to run them. | 10:53 |
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albert | jhaig, gksudo will do | 10:54 |
Carsten__ | Lathiat: great. so opl3 try: "rm sb" first then "modprobe opl3" try again? | 10:54 |
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nu- | bjc: no. i just want to clarify things :) in your home folder, you have .nanorc and inside, theres this: http://paste2.org/p/2779 right? | 10:54 |
albert | jhaig, it's sudo /etc/init.d/networking | 10:54 |
wasz | i'm still unable to make php works again | 10:54 |
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nu- | rwnz: did you find out how? don't install kde using synaptic or apt-get | 10:54 |
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violator_ | is there any desktop effects other than beryl manager?? | 10:55 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: jsut comment out the lines you added in /etc/modules other than opl3 and reboot | 10:55 |
albert | jhaig, thx for advice, no longer i will fear the detaching network-cable :D | 10:55 |
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soundray | philipsmith: there should be something in the dialog that allows you to upgrade to 6.10 | 10:56 |
rwnz | nu: No - I spent a while looking at a forum but did not come across a straightforward answer so thought I'd try this | 10:56 |
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soundray | philipsmith: if there isn't, you will have to use the "not recommended" procedure. | 10:56 |
Carsten__ | Lathiat: hm.. it looks like he need the sb options at least "io" "irq" and "dma" can I use them simply for opl3 now? | 10:56 |
cathy | soundray: i did both your commands and got soooo many results each time :( | 10:56 |
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SimonKitch | Hi I've done some research and there is a driver for the MA401 wirelless card, I've downloaded it but i'm not sure what to do next? | 10:56 |
soundray | philipsmith: my personal preference would be to do a fresh feisty install | 10:56 |
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rwnz | nu: I've looked at synaptic but didn't see anything that stood out as being the correct method | 10:57 |
BlackDesign | Can you change colors of text in GAIM (from the person who is typing against you) | 10:57 |
bjc | nu-: "icolor" at the start of line 4 should be "color", but apart from that, yes. | 10:57 |
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cathy | how in the heck can i find which one is appropriate here? | 10:57 |
ketarax | hullo. after edgy -> feisty upgrade gnome-settings-daemon is having issues with keycodes; essentially, it hogs up a lot of cpu (in chorus with xkbcomp) and prints a lot of errors. am i the first? :) | 10:57 |
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soundray | cathy: first, stop swearing. | 10:57 |
cathy | lol | 10:58 |
philipsmith | soundray: the only boxes I can check in the upgrade dialog box are "check" and "close". I checked "check". nothing happened. | 10:58 |
soundray | cathy: then look at the lsmod | grep i2c output again | 10:58 |
ketarax | killing gnome-settings-daemon gives me normal responsiveness, but ugly desktop fonts | 10:58 |
nu- | bjc: and you just start a file like "nano whatever.py" ? | 10:58 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: ahh right | 10:58 |
soundray | cathy: do you have the i2c_core module loaded? | 10:58 |
amorphous_ | Ive done a stupid thing.... does anyone in here have a copy of their sources.list (preferably uk) I could hijack to replace my old (and lost) one?? | 10:58 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: mayeb need them then | 10:58 |
Lathiat | Carsten__: not really sure sorry | 10:58 |
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amorphous_ | googlemail | 10:59 |
soundray | !easysource > amorphous_, please read ubotu's private message | 10:59 |
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violator_ | is there any desktop effects other than beryl manager?? | 10:59 |
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KalleDK | I got a feisty server where i would like to convret DVD->DivX so i can play it on my Zen Vision | 10:59 |
cathy | k...?i2c_ec, i2c_algo...that for ivtv...skip one, i2c_core has perhaps 10... | 10:59 |
Frankblah | where can I find advice to make boot partitition. Had grub error 18? | 10:59 |
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amorphous_ | thanks soundray... | 11:00 |
amorphous_ | <-- nis a little embarrassed.. | 11:00 |
philipsmith | soundray: Thanks. | 11:00 |
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ketarax | frankblah, check fdisk documentation and especially the bootable flag | 11:00 |
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ketarax | frankblah, is your machine very old? | 11:00 |
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bjc | nuL Exactly. You should be able to "print foo" in that file and see 'print' in blue. | 11:00 |
soundray | ketarax: he's using grub. Grub ignores the bootable flag | 11:01 |
Frankblah | no but harddisk is big | 11:01 |
nu- | bjc: i give up. just doesn't work | 11:01 |
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ketarax | but grub 18 is about the boot block being in a too 'high' a cylinder ... | 11:01 |
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Frankblah | bios could not adress linux partitition | 11:02 |
bjc | nu-: I'm sorry about that. :-( Why not try another editor? | 11:02 |
soundray | ketarax: that still doesn't have anything to do with the bootable flag | 11:02 |
ketarax | unless frank wants to reorganize his partitions, as the first question implies ;-) | 11:02 |
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ketarax | to move the boot partition a bit lower | 11:02 |
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nu- | bjc: im already acustumed to nano's shortcuts. its ok though. i can deal with all white text. thanks for the help =] | 11:02 |
soundray | Frankblah: first thing to check is whether your board manager has a BIOS flash update | 11:02 |
Carsten__ | Lathiat: Ill try... thx as far. | 11:02 |
soundray | ketarax: that STILL doesn't have anything to do with the bootable flag | 11:02 |
Frankblah | no update available | 11:03 |
cathy | soundray...so it is loading...? | 11:03 |
kobalt | Hi guys, I think my wifi card has died... | 11:03 |
ketarax | soundray: okay, wrt grub it doesn't. i stand corrected *there* :) | 11:03 |
kobalt | would you know a way to check that for sure ? | 11:03 |
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bjc | nu-: If you type some garbage in the last line of ~/.nanorc do you get an error message when you start up nano? | 11:03 |
soundray | cathy: your problem isn't i2c | 11:03 |
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Lathiat | Carsten__: im off now so can't help any further, bye. | 11:03 |
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bobbyz | quick question: which kernel is a better fit for a plain pentium 4 system, linux-386 or linux-generic? | 11:04 |
Carsten__ | THX | 11:04 |
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cathy | k...well we wliminated that then...what caused me to think it was i2c was that irw was returning with a command prompt, and not seeming to hang like it should | 11:04 |
Niceee | bobbyz: generic is your best bet | 11:04 |
soundray | Frankblah: essentially the procedure is: make room at the beginning of the hard disk space, create a partition there, format it with ext3, copy the contents of /boot to it, and modify /etc/fstab to mount the new partition on the mountpoint /boo | 11:04 |
soundray | */boot rather | 11:05 |
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v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
DONDON | Niceee: why is that? | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
soundray | Frankblah: I'd guide you through it, but I have to go -- perhaps this is already a bit of help | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
gordonjcp | !ops | 11:05 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal or mneptok | 11:05 |
v3568 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:05 |
g8425 | NOOBS | 11:06 |
gordonjcp | haha | 11:06 |
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someothernick | :/ | 11:06 |
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gordonjcp | they are made of fail | 11:06 |
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mjr | well, that took care of itself... | 11:06 |
gordonjcp | who's the n00b now? | 11:06 |
PriceChild | bah slow... | 11:06 |
bobbyz | Niceee: thank you | 11:06 |
Seveas | PriceChild, NOOB :p | 11:06 |
PriceChild | :) | 11:06 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by PriceChild | ||
soundray | Frankblah: I forgot two steps at the end: modify /boot/grub/menu.lst and reinstall grub | 11:07 |
CheshireViking | n00b or b00b? | 11:07 |
albert | what a waste of time | 11:08 |
bobbyz | wow...a two clone flood....that's mighty scary :) | 11:08 |
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Tyazhely666 | http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=7927.0 | 11:08 |
Frankblah | soundray: i was thinking about that | 11:08 |
PriceChild | bobbyz, I didn't realise quite how small it was until I set the +rR.... anyway lets get back on topic please :) | 11:08 |
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bobbyz | sure | 11:08 |
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Geoffrey2 | a 350mA case fan, would that be the same as .35A? | 11:09 |
krinns | hi all | 11:09 |
Frankblah | How big boot partitition should be? | 11:09 |
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krinns | i cant login to gdm | 11:09 |
bobbyz | Geoffrey2: yes | 11:09 |
krinns | it says autntication failure | 11:09 |
krinns | any idea | 11:09 |
DONDON | GenNMX: if they follow any of the rules of science | 11:09 |
DONDON | er Geoffrey2 rather | 11:10 |
DONDON | sorry | 11:10 |
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cathy | is anyone able to take over from soundray for me? | 11:10 |
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kabturek | howdy | 11:12 |
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kabturek | compiz@feisty question - i have multiple viewports but i dont have the possibility to move windows between them ( i mean in a fast way - like with normal vdekstops - right click and move to workspace ) how this can be resolved ? | 11:13 |
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Geoffrey2 | so comes the challenge, find a case fan of at least .35A..... | 11:14 |
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feuerteufel112 | hi | 11:15 |
=== Blacker [n=opera@p5b17663e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blacker | hallo? | 11:16 |
feuerteufel112 | jemand da | 11:16 |
mojojojo_ | hi, how can I make an application to use ALSA instead of a direct access to the sound device (/dev/dsp) | 11:16 |
mojojojo_ | ? | 11:16 |
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Blacker | servus | 11:16 |
andy__ | is it somehow possible to arrange the windows in the tasklist, so that if I have 5 firefox windows open, they are also next to each other in the tasklist? | 11:16 |
Blacker | wos god? | 11:16 |
andy__ | (in gnome that is) | 11:16 |
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feuerteufel112 | i love uu | 11:16 |
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mjr | mojojojo_, if the app itself can't use alsa, you can try the alsa-oss wrapper which tries to fool OSS (/dev/dsp)-using apps to use ALSA nevertheless | 11:17 |
ademan | can anyone tell me what sort of success/failure rate they've had resizing ext3 partitions? | 11:17 |
ademan | with gparted that is | 11:17 |
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ademan | i mean i've heard "oh you shouldn't resize ntfs because it's risky" yet i've done it 4 or 5 times without incident (backed up important data of course though) | 11:18 |
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mojojojo_ | mjr: Maybe I should start with the problem I have.. The VMPlayer uses /dev/dsp to control sound and it throws and exception that the sound device is busy.. Do you think the the wrapper should help? | 11:19 |
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mojojojo_ | and=an* | 11:19 |
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fiction | ok guys.im uninstalling a program through synpatic, and it says it ill also have to remove ubuntu-standard. is that bad? should i not proceed? | 11:20 |
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mojojojo_ | fiction: problaby the program is part of the base diststro | 11:20 |
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fiction | mojojojo_: so should i not uninstall it? will it mess ubunt up? | 11:21 |
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ademan | fiction: ubuntu-standard is a meta package if i remember right, removing it shouldn' | 11:21 |
ademan | t be a problem | 11:21 |
menkio | whats a good list of software for a gamer/ubber nerd lol | 11:21 |
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menkio | like software i would want to check out | 11:21 |
fiction | ademan: alrighty. thanks | 11:21 |
ademan | menkio: pygtk :-) go write some GUI applications | 11:21 |
menkio | python ? | 11:22 |
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ademan | fiction: to double check though, why not read the description of the ubuntu-standard package? | 11:22 |
ademan | menkio: yep, i <3 pygtk | 11:22 |
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menkio | i did a little c++ | 11:22 |
menkio | thats about it | 11:22 |
fiction | ademan: 5:30am man. reading hurts | 11:22 |
ademan | i've yet to be more impressed by a language and GUI binding | 11:22 |
=== thefish [n=thefish@dsl-fixed-62-69-44-72.surfdsl.murphx.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ademan | fiction: ouch | 11:23 |
ademan | it's 2 am here | 11:23 |
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menkio | gui's hard to make ? | 11:23 |
ademan | not particularly, but pygtk makes them easy | 11:23 |
fiction | ademan: yea man, sorry. ill leave it to tomororw. thanks for the tip though | 11:23 |
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fiction | ademan: where are you? | 11:24 |
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ademan | fiction: yeah no problem, eh, california | 11:24 |
fiction | ah. maryland | 11:24 |
menkio | boston ftw | 11:24 |
menkio | =\ | 11:24 |
ademan | haha, other side of the country | 11:24 |
ademan | anywho, i think i'm gonna install fiesty | 11:24 |
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ademan | i'm already sick of xubuntu fiesty... | 11:24 |
ademan | lol | 11:24 |
=== inklein [n=inklein@adsl-69-107-124-232.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Geoffrey2 | um, do they even make case fans that require .35A? I can | 11:24 |
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inklein | hello | 11:25 |
menkio | i gotta setup a new hd as a media server to my lcd tv screen | 11:25 |
ademan | nice | 11:25 |
menkio | duron 1.5, 160gig, should be more than plenty | 11:25 |
Geoffrey2 | I can't find any that require over .18A | 11:25 |
menkio | samba or something | 11:25 |
ademan | hehe, i scored a 450gb hard drive for $100 | 11:25 |
=== ludo__ [n=ludo@abo-99-255-68.guy.modulonet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
menkio | nice | 11:25 |
ademan | brand new | 11:25 |
inklein | I have a problem: when I plug my headphones into my laptop, both my laptop speakers and headphones work, but when the headphones are unplugged, the laptop speakers mute. | 11:25 |
=== danilos [n=danilo@adsl-236-193.eunet.yu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fiction | ademan: why not have both? | 11:26 |
ademan | eh, i don't trust samba at all, it ate like 50% of my last transfer | 11:26 |
menkio | i just got a athlon 3000+, mobo, 1gig of ram, 6800gt oc, and 2 160gig hd's for 100$ last week | 11:26 |
ademan | fiction: eh i dunno, i sorta have a small hard drive | 11:26 |
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fiction | i just bought a ferrarri for $2k | 11:26 |
fiction | ademan: ah okay | 11:26 |
ademan | hahahah what? | 11:26 |
menkio | lol.. | 11:26 |
ludo__ | Hum, where is the user list.... | 11:26 |
fiction | hah im kidding. i just wanted to fit in | 11:26 |
fiction | XD | 11:26 |
ademan | lol | 11:26 |
inklein | anybody? | 11:26 |
menkio | i did ! | 11:26 |
fiction | how? | 11:27 |
ademan | my friend just bought a 7 series bmw for $1 | 11:27 |
menkio | how did i get it for 100? | 11:27 |
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fiction | yea | 11:27 |
menkio | my friend jay said i have a mobo and cpu if you want it.. | 11:27 |
menkio | i said, sure | 11:27 |
menkio | hi then said, what else you got | 11:27 |
fiction | oh so your friend sold | 11:27 |
fiction | cool | 11:27 |
ademan | it was on digg, they occasionally have links for super deals on newegg and like overstock.com and stuff | 11:27 |
menkio | then he listed such items, and i handed him a crispy set of 20's | 11:27 |
xt{c} | I just bought Japan for 25 cents | 11:27 |
fiction | i like buy.com | 11:28 |
menkio | i bought japan years ago | 11:28 |
cathy | k...gonna reboot to see if this works | 11:28 |
fiction | i bough a star in the constellation of cygnus. the only thing is no one will ever get there | 11:28 |
ademan | i bought russia, but once i got there russia bought me | 11:28 |
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menkio | i wanna buy a black hole | 11:28 |
menkio | and just go suck shit up | 11:28 |
fiction | XD | 11:28 |
menkio | like a massive vacum | 11:28 |
ExpositionOfEvil | anyone know a good proxy? | 11:28 |
fiction | well, thats what it is | 11:29 |
Parmenion | lol | 11:29 |
ademan | well we've got "the black hole" here in california | 11:29 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | menkio | 11:29 |
ubotu | menkio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:29 |
ademan | yeah ok he's right | 11:29 |
menkio | lol | 11:29 |
menkio | sry | 11:29 |
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moonwatcher | hello | 11:29 |
fiction | gee | 11:29 |
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=== pluma [n=pluma@p5B0064FB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fiction | not like anyone is really helping others now though | 11:29 |
fiction | we're just keeping the channel rolling | 11:29 |
inklein | can anyone help me with my sound card? | 11:29 |
moonwatcher | can i use an rsa key generated with putty to login with openssh on linux? | 11:29 |
inklein | please? | 11:29 |
menkio | lol | 11:29 |
=== Xuff [n=xuff@pppoe-c152.bs.spnet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ademan | you know, i think i'm gonna install now | 11:29 |
ademan | night everyone | 11:29 |
fiction | inklein: check the website to see if they have a driver | 11:29 |
moonwatcher | does it need some kind of translations? | 11:29 |
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ExpositionOfEvil | anyone know a good proxy? | 11:30 |
inklein | @fiction which website? | 11:30 |
menkio | i'm almost done downloading 7.04 | 11:30 |
menkio | expo, naa | 11:30 |
menkio | google.com maybe ? | 11:30 |
fiction | inklein: yoursound card's website | 11:30 |
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ExpositionOfEvil | tried | 11:30 |
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inklein | when I plug my headphones into my laptop, both my laptop speakers and headphones work, but when the headphones are unplugged, the laptop speakers mute. | 11:30 |
fiction | like, nvidia's website have linux video drivers | 11:30 |
ExpositionOfEvil | cant make them work with xchat | 11:30 |
menkio | can you make your own proxy ? | 11:30 |
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=== Pensa`MIA [n=pensacol@dyn37-n.nbw.tue.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cactii | can somebody tell me what file my network interfaces look at for the WEP key and that stuff... | 11:30 |
ExpositionOfEvil | lol that will be same ip | 11:30 |
menkio | naa, get a shell | 11:30 |
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menkio | there like 2$ | 11:31 |
ExpositionOfEvil | !! | 11:31 |
menkio | and setup your own custom proxy | 11:31 |
PriceChild | !tor > ExpositionOfEvil (see the pm from ubotu) | 11:31 |
ExpositionOfEvil | where?! | 11:31 |
ExpositionOfEvil | oh | 11:31 |
=== sittisal_ [n=sittisal@host208-99-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
menkio | i dunno, shop around there's like 5 million shell companys | 11:31 |
ExpositionOfEvil | he doesnt know anything about tor | 11:31 |
menkio | tor ? | 11:31 |
ExpositionOfEvil | ubotu | 11:32 |
=== TOXIC0 [n=toxic@acces0183.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fiction | finaaally i got it | 11:32 |
fiction | nano hiliting | 11:32 |
menkio | i gotta setup a ubber desktop | 11:32 |
Ambience | Okay, I have an Atheros card. 7.04 detects it and I'm able to configure it, but no matter what settings I put in - even when the key and password, excryption type, etc are all correct - it fails to connect. I'm wondering if my router is the issue...are there any known issues with the DGL-4300 GamerLounge routers? | 11:32 |
menkio | where can i find some examples of peoples desktops/software ? | 11:32 |
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ExpositionOfEvil | ambience you know about port forwarding? | 11:33 |
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kabturek | but hes connecting - there is nothing about port forawrding there imo | 11:33 |
Ambience | I have static IPs set and DHCP already turned off, plus ports forwarded to set IPs for every PC in the house, so yes. | 11:33 |
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kabturek | Ambience: using network-manager ? | 11:33 |
ExpositionOfEvil | hmm | 11:33 |
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Ambience | kabturek: Yes. | 11:34 |
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bcochofel | How can I run GUI unison on ubuntu | 11:34 |
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xukun | !vmware | 11:34 |
ubotu | VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 11:34 |
moonwatcher | so, how do i use a putty rsa private key with openssh on ubuntu | 11:34 |
Mr_Burmie | hello, folks, I have a question here regarding Blender and Feisty. In Edgy Blender worked fine, but since upgrading the user interface is very ugly and blurry. I have found some information saying that I should turn off hardware anti aliasing, but I have no idea how to. Anyone who can help? | 11:34 |
kabturek | Ambience: when it fails ? | 11:34 |
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kabturek | Ambience: and where you put the settings ? | 11:35 |
bcochofel | !unison | 11:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about unison - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:35 |
kabturek | !tor | 11:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:35 |
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ExpositionOfEvil | nobody has a proxy? | 11:36 |
ludo__ | :) | 11:36 |
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ExpositionOfEvil | :( | 11:36 |
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menkio | anyone know a good way to sort media | 11:36 |
Ambience | I choose manual configuration, I set the IP address, gateway, sub, then select the the network ID, put in the password and type, then right click on the icon in the corner, click on the network, and it asks me for the password again. When I put it in and click ok, it waits a few moments and then the same screen pops up again. like the router is refusing the data. I've tried both hexidecimal and acsii. Neither works. It just lo | 11:36 |
kabturek | ExpositionOfEvil: what up with the proxy ? | 11:36 |
Ambience | ops and nothing on the web loads. | 11:36 |
menkio | like i'm using a box going to my 37" widescreen tv | 11:37 |
ExpositionOfEvil | Im very worry | 11:37 |
ExpositionOfEvil | =( | 11:37 |
menkio | to play movies, media, | 11:37 |
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ExpositionOfEvil | just for irc | 11:37 |
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menkio | what can i use as an interface | 11:37 |
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noiesmo | unison-gtk - A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows - GTK interfac | 11:37 |
kabturek | Ambience: you using wep or wpa ? | 11:37 |
Ambience | WPA-Personal | 11:37 |
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kabturek | Ambience: does it work with encryprions disabled ? | 11:38 |
Ambience | No. | 11:38 |
ExpositionOfEvil | isnt wpa slower? | 11:38 |
bcochofel | noiesmo: thanks | 11:38 |
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Ambience | I set the wireless network to open with no encryption and it still fails. | 11:38 |
denbeiren | hello everyone | 11:38 |
ExpositionOfEvil | fails? | 11:38 |
Ambience | refuses to connect to the network, I mean. | 11:38 |
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kabturek | ExpositionOfEvil: depends what is slower - using wpa or using your wifi with 3 other wep hackers ;) | 11:39 |
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denbeiren | i am looking for some help on software raid,.. is there anyone here that could help out? | 11:39 |
ExpositionOfEvil | lol | 11:39 |
nullcore | quick nautilus question: in the "Places" side pane of the file browser, how do i edit the contents above the horizontal separator? somehow i got a folder in my music collection stuck up there, and it won't come out. | 11:39 |
ExpositionOfEvil | see thats why im asking for a proxy =( | 11:39 |
noiesmo | bcochofel, np | 11:39 |
kabturek | Ambience: hmm i had a propblem like this with some ap - but it was temporary | 11:39 |
kabturek | Ambience: look at 'dmesg' | 11:40 |
xukun | Vmware 5.5 will not start after the upgrade to Feisty. it says "Unable to build the vmmon module." | 11:40 |
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Ambience | dmesg? | 11:40 |
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kabturek | ExpositionOfEvil: my advice is simple - dont fool yourself that wep works .. with whatever encyptions etc - use wpa... | 11:41 |
kabturek | Ambience: open terminal and write "dmesg" | 11:41 |
ExpositionOfEvil | wpa2? | 11:42 |
Ambience | Er, I'm on another OS. I'll have to get on another PC right quick. | 11:42 |
luddite | quick question: i have a hoontech C-Port and cant get channels 1 and 2 working in ardour (ubuntu 7.04). chans 3 -8 work though: its weird, any ideas why chan 1/2 wont work? it works under windoze? | 11:42 |
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kabturek | ExpositionOfEvil: wpa2 if you can (ie all your devices support wpa2) but usually wpa with a 32 char random key is enough | 11:43 |
ExpositionOfEvil | yeah heard wpa2 was too much | 11:43 |
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zeroday | !resolution | 11:44 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:44 |
nullcore | anybody with any ideas about getting an item out of the Places pane in nautilus, above the horizontal separator? | 11:44 |
kabturek | btw using a proxy is not enugh - it can be sniffed with little effort ;) | 11:44 |
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mossaab | salut | 11:45 |
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zeroday | hi | 11:46 |
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mossaab | from? | 11:46 |
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xukun | any body? | 11:47 |
mossaab | yes | 11:47 |
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zeroday | xukun: whats wrong | 11:47 |
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stormrider_ub | help me with | 11:47 |
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stormrider_ub | my cd rom plz | 11:47 |
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zeroday | !enter | stormrider_ub | 11:48 |
ubotu | stormrider_ub: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 11:48 |
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CheshireViking | !ask | stormrider_ub | 11:48 |
ubotu | stormrider_ub: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:48 |
stormrider_ub | sry | 11:48 |
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stormrider_ub | i cant mount my cd rom when i try to mount a cd it says to me mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist what can i do?? | 11:50 |
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xukun | zeroday, Vmware 5.5 will not start after the upgrade to Feisty. it says "Unable to build the vmmon module." | 11:50 |
Ambience | kabturek, Iran dmesg. What exactly am I looking for now? | 11:50 |
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kabturek | last lines amthing about ath0 | 11:50 |
linux__alien | could some one tell me a good mp3 player in Gnome ? | 11:50 |
zeroday | xukun: No idea | 11:51 |
jatt | linux__alien: amarok | 11:51 |
zeroday | xukun: try reinstalling | 11:51 |
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linux__alien | when i right click on xmms i dont get any text on the menu that appears | 11:51 |
Ambience | ath0: no IPv6 routers available | 11:51 |
moonwatcher | is there a way to convert putty format private keys to openssh format? | 11:51 |
linux__alien | jatt, When i right click on xmms i dont get any text on the menu that appears | 11:51 |
linux__alien | jatt, and amarok is for KDE right? | 11:51 |
stormrider_ub | i cant mount my cd rom when i try to mount a cd it says to me mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist what can i do?? | 11:52 |
kabturek | linux__alien: exaile | 11:52 |
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nullcore | nautilus question: in the "Places" side pane of the file browser, how do i edit the contents above the horizontal separator? somehow i got a folder in my music collection stuck up there, and it won't come out. | 11:52 |
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kabturek | Ambience: this doesn't matter, are you sure the keys are correct ? it's wierd that it doesnt connect | 11:52 |
ExpositionOfEvil | Proxy! | 11:52 |
ExpositionOfEvil | =( | 11:52 |
zeroday | linux_alien: You can still run amarok in gnome and it is by far the best music player | 11:53 |
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jatt | linux__alien: no, it runs with gnome too. And there is no gtk-based player as good as amarok. It simply doesn't exist. That's why I am telling you amarok | 11:53 |
Ambience | kabturek, the router is currently setup for open connections - there is no key at the moment. | 11:53 |
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ExpositionOfEvil | ambience or u need a new router | 11:53 |
denbeiren | anyone have experience in software raidconfig? | 11:53 |
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Ambience | It works with my other two OSes just fine =/ | 11:54 |
ExpositionOfEvil | ah | 11:54 |
ExpositionOfEvil | is it just the wireless? | 11:54 |
stormrider_ub | i cant mount my cd rom when i try to mount a cd it says to me mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist what can i do?? | 11:54 |
kabturek | Ambience: did it work before in ubuntu ? | 11:54 |
Ambience | Yes, just the wireless. The onboard nVidia net works but it's a pain in the ass to drag a cable between the Pc and the router. :P | 11:55 |
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Ambience | kabturek, 7.04 is the first build I've tried since buying this wrieless router | 11:55 |
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kabturek | Ambience: ah, you can look in the routers admin panel and search for some logs | 11:56 |
Ambience | sure | 11:56 |
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eNons3nse | can someone tell me where i can find the executable for LAME? i need to tell Grip so it can encode my rips. | 11:56 |
Ambience | what do you need? | 11:56 |
eNons3nse | I already checked in /usr/bin | 11:56 |
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kabturek | eNons3nse: 'locate lame' | 11:57 |
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eNons3nse | kabturek, i think it actually wasn't installed, so nevermind. | 11:58 |
kabturek | Ambience: you can paste the last couple of lines maybe they will give a hint whats going on | 11:58 |
kabturek | !bin | 11:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:58 |
kabturek | erm use some bin ;) | 11:59 |
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eNons3nse | i did my upgrade to feisty from a pretty recent install of ubuntu ultimate edition which i hadn't used before. i guess i'm assuming it had more things automatically installed than it really did. | 11:59 |
Ambience | kabturek, [INFO] Thu Apr 12 15:34:06 2007 Wireless system with MAC address 0015E92C4654 disconnected for reason: Received Deauthentication. | 12:00 |
Ambience | [INFO] Thu Apr 12 15:34:06 2007 Previous message repeated 1 time | 12:00 |
Ambience | [INFO] Thu Apr 12 15:34:05 2007 Dropped packet from to that was received from the wrong network interface (IP address spoofing) | 12:00 |
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Ambience | I don't know what's up with the dates, but it changes when I refresh so it's current | 12:00 |
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eNons3nse | yeah. nevermind. it was in /usr/bin/ but i just didn't have it installed. *slaps forehead* | 12:01 |
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kabturek | Ambience: turn on dhcp on the router | 12:02 |
kabturek | Ambience: do you have mac filtering or any other thing on ? | 12:02 |
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cdc | Hi | 12:02 |
Ambience | Not that I know of. I could turn on DHCP, but it's gonna kick everyone in my house off the network. | 12:03 |
cdc | jatt, In etc/fstab if i make the last digit for the windows partitions as 1 what will be the outcome | 12:03 |
mc44 | Ambience: my MAC address got messed with in feisty, it may be your problem | 12:03 |
dinochopins | soundray: got it !! | 12:03 |
dinochopins | soundray: quite understand procmail now | 12:03 |
dinochopins | and now.. I have another problem | 12:04 |
cdc | can someone here tell me the significance of making the last digit in fstab as 1 for windows partitions? | 12:04 |
dinochopins | anyone using fetchmail before ? | 12:04 |
dinochopins | I fetching mail automatically using crontab | 12:04 |
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Ambience | mc44: Is there any way that I can find out for sure if that's the issue? | 12:04 |
vadvad | hi, does ubuntu has a buildin firewall? | 12:04 |
dinochopins | now.. I've got all my email | 12:04 |
kabturek | Ambience: it looks like your using an ip that is not valid for the wifi | 12:05 |
mc44 | Ambience: you can run ifconfig and see if it matches your old MAC address? :) | 12:05 |
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dinochopins | with header "delivered to: " local mailbox | 12:05 |
vadvad | hi, does ubuntu has a buildin firewall? | 12:05 |
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dinochopins | how can I maintain the email's original "delivered to:" ? | 12:05 |
Fri13 | vadvad: yes, iptables is in kernel as on every linux distro. | 12:05 |
Ambience | kabturek, I have the same static IP address set in the Ubuntu network manager as I have set in Windows. Windows connects fine. | 12:05 |
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vadvad | Fri13: how do i open ports? | 12:06 |
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noiesmo | !firestarter | vadvad | 12:06 |
kabturek | vadvad: try firestarter | 12:06 |
ubotu | vadvad: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 12:06 |
Fri13 | vadvad: if you like to configurate it, use somekind frontend if you dont like scripts. Use guarddog if you use KDE or firewall if GNome. | 12:06 |
luddite | i have a hoontech C-Port and cant get channels 1 and 2 working in ardour (ubuntu 7.04). chans 3 -8 work though: its weird, any ideas why chan 1/2 wont work? it works under windoze? | 12:06 |
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spheard | hey guys, feisty is niiiiiiiice | 12:07 |
vadvad | thank u all. | 12:07 |
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Benno | Anyone had any problems with Azureus in feisty? | 12:07 |
kabturek | Ambience: its the ip ? and the netmask etc is correctly configured ? | 12:07 |
luddite | Benno: nope | 12:07 |
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Benno | Specifically that it trys to run, stalls, and then takes up a bunch of resources so I can't fork any new processes? | 12:07 |
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SimonKitch | i'm trying to get wireless working, I have two connections in network manager 'wifi1' and 'etho' I've typed iwconfig and both can see the router, but i'm getting no internet? | 12:08 |
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kabturek | SimonKitch: do you connect to them ? | 12:08 |
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spheard | one problem with the wireless, it doesnt get past 28%, "configuring device" | 12:09 |
void^ | Benno: ubuntu's azureus package is foobar. | 12:09 |
_rev159_ | i have installed feisty fawn and i'm logged in, but when i try to enter any sudo xxx command (like sudo ls), my password is never accepted | 12:09 |
Benno | void^, Seems to happen even with the one I downloaded. But give me a second to confirm. | 12:09 |
SimonKitch | kabturek the router can see the laptop, not sure what you mean connect to them, sorry. | 12:09 |
spheard | SimonKitch: Im having a similar problem | 12:09 |
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foxiness | on firefox what is the addon that can change the tab order ,to open the link on currnet tab next to it not on the end of the list? | 12:10 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: left click on the network manager applet and select your network | 12:10 |
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SimonKitch | my wired network works out the box so to speak. | 12:11 |
Furious_Joe | Is there a package that includes all the documentation for C libraries and functions? | 12:11 |
juanjo | hello | 12:11 |
SimonKitch | kabturek do you mean the network settings applet? | 12:11 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: yeah cause with the cable you cant select a diffrent network and with wifi you have many in the air ;) | 12:11 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: no - the applet that is on the iconlist | 12:12 |
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kabturek | tray | 12:12 |
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elementz | guys how would i list all my audiodevices again? | 12:12 |
GuHHH | does anyone knows if is it possible to get beryl working with fglrx driver (ati proprietary driver)? | 12:12 |
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SimonKitch | kabturek I don't seem to have a network manager listed? | 12:13 |
kabturek | GuHHH: you would probably use xgl | 12:13 |
anticlockwise | GuHHH: yes, it's possible by installing XGL | 12:13 |
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anticlockwise | GuHHH: but it would be quite slow and memory consuming | 12:14 |
GuHHH | and with mesa drivers? | 12:14 |
_rev159_ | i have installed feisty fawn and i'm logged in, but when i try to enter any sudo xxx command (like sudo ls), my password is never accepted. Should i just try to reinstall? | 12:14 |
GuHHH | does it run smooth? | 12:14 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: hmm its on default 7.04 install as far as i remember | 12:14 |
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SimonKitch | spheard do you have a network manager? | 12:15 |
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multik | guys. I've installed Ubuntu 7.04. I'm trying to play one wma file. Totem reports that file is encrypted and fails to play it. It's music file. | 12:15 |
multik | How can I fix this? | 12:15 |
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spheard | SimonKitch:yeah, its working fine for wired, but only gets to 28% with wireless | 12:15 |
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multik | Media player was playing it just fine ;) | 12:15 |
spheard | Im going to try upgrading to the latest ndiswrapper | 12:15 |
anticlockwise | GuHHH: yes, with mesa driver, it runs smooth | 12:15 |
SimonKitch | Kabturek under which heading is it ie System etc | 12:15 |
kabturek | spheard: 28% - isnt that the signal streanght ? | 12:15 |
elementz | guys- just a quick question - how can i find my onboard soundcards id so i can blacklist it? and where would i need to blacklist it again? | 12:16 |
elementz | quick reply will be enough ;-) | 12:16 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: its in the taskbar with other icons to the right | 12:16 |
spheard | kabturek:sorry no, startup "configuring device" | 12:16 |
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spheard | kabturek:wont connect at all | 12:17 |
sam_kaay | Can someone please recommend a good text editor editor to use on Ubuntu? | 12:17 |
GuHHH | anticlockwise: okay, thanks, i will try then (just hope i can start xserver) :) | 12:17 |
noiesmo | elementz, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist & lsmod shows loaded modules | 12:17 |
Crazytom | sam_kaay, nano | 12:17 |
kabturek | sam_kaay: gedit , jedit/bluefish/vim , depends on your needs | 12:18 |
elementz | noiesmo, thx man | 12:18 |
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GuHHH | sam_kaay: vim, nano, kedit, kate... | 12:18 |
noiesmo | elementz, np | 12:18 |
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kabturek | spheard: hmm you use dhcp ? | 12:18 |
sam_kaay | kabturek: It's for php web development, I just need the HTML and php tags to be easily differentiated | 12:18 |
foxiness | hi,i want to open new link next to current tab,How? | 12:18 |
SimonKitch | Kabturek i don't want to sound thick but do you mean the task bar at the top of the screen with Applications, Places, System, etc? | 12:19 |
spheard | kabturek: of course! | 12:19 |
kabturek | sam_kaay: im using jedit with some plugins but gedit is the way to go imo its a nice editor with nice code highliting | 12:19 |
spheard | kabturek: and Im on kubuntu | 12:19 |
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spheard | it works fine on windows and 6.06, 6.10, debian, etc etc | 12:20 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: yes and on the left on the taskbar there is an iconlist - wnd there should be an icon of the netork-manager | 12:20 |
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ketarax | is *anybody* using a keyboard layout other than the english-us default with Feisty? | 12:20 |
SimonKitch | kabturek i'm not on kabuntu is that the problem I'm using ubuntu | 12:21 |
kabturek | spheard: hmm havent used knetorkmanager myslf ( when i seen it it didnt support wpa keys) | 12:21 |
foxiness | sam_kaay: scribes+template,vim+conf | 12:21 |
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kabturek | SimonKitch: no im taling about ubuntu :) | 12:21 |
foxiness | ketarax: yes | 12:21 |
kabturek | ketarax: yes | 12:21 |
spheard | kabturek:there is no network security | 12:21 |
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ketarax | i can load my keys fine and all but if i do it with gnome-settings-daemon, i get 100% cpu usage and errors saying that the mappings for my layout (finnish) cannot be found | 12:22 |
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ketarax | i mean, i can load them with xmodmap/xkbcomp | 12:22 |
_rev159_ | i have installed feisty fawn and i'm logged in, but when i try to enter any sudo xxx command (like sudo ls), my password is never accepted. Isn't this strange, because i was able to login with the exact same password? | 12:22 |
nizo | need help | 12:22 |
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kabturek | spheard: its hard to tell but you should look at the logs - your / your router | 12:22 |
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ketarax | the layouts are there, but there's an issue with gnome-settings-daemon/xkbcomp interplay. | 12:22 |
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spheard | kabturek: not sure if my router keeps logs of that | 12:22 |
nizo | how to add a another netwrok card in ubuntu server ? | 12:22 |
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foxiness | ketarax: i can not figure why its that complex, you can send a bug report about it ,if there no way around it | 12:24 |
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violator_ | how to set permissions in ubuntu? | 12:24 |
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ketarax | there's way around for now, if i load the maps by hand (xmodmap)... thgough something is still a miss, i can't raise some windows (gnome-terminal) by clicking on the window area | 12:24 |
ketarax | only from the titlebar | 12:24 |
foxiness | violator_: chmod or right click | 12:24 |
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SimonKitch | kabturek i've looked under Preferences and System, nothing called a Network Manager anywhere, can i install it? | 12:25 |
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Kemurii | hi, anyone word of ubuntu-xen-server for amd64? it's currently not in Feisty | 12:25 |
Ricky | how do i shutdown x? | 12:25 |
kabturek | Annoucement - Linksys WRT54GL + Tomato firmware is a great router and runs linux and... its great ;) it has all the functions needed for a home lan | 12:25 |
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kabturek | SimonKitch: a sec ill find a screen | 12:25 |
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SimonKitch | Kabturek thanks | 12:25 |
spheard | kabturek:no errors in messages | 12:26 |
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palmerthegeek | ricky: shutting down x via Left CTL, Left ALT and the backspace keys | 12:26 |
pitbull_ | oin #mp3 | 12:26 |
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Ricky | k | 12:26 |
Slart | Ricky: or ctrl+alt+f1 then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop ctrl+alt+f7 to get back | 12:26 |
foxiness | ketarax: its recommand u send a bug or ask on lanunchpad | 12:26 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=790&slide=4 look at the top right corner the icon with two PCs | 12:27 |
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ketarax | i'll do that, especially if i get it fixed | 12:27 |
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ketarax | alt-tab switching isn't working now either ... i'll reboot and see what happens. | 12:27 |
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foxiness | ketarax: good luck | 12:28 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=790&slide=4 here is the applet right clicked | 12:28 |
Kemurii | kk, nvm, I'll simulate ubuntu-xen-server-amd64 | 12:28 |
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dps | Hello, guys, 1 problem. When i try to connect to my Wireless network, networkmanager doesnt give me IP address, BUT if i do DHCLIENT ETH1 it gives me IP right away | 12:29 |
Ricky | right i refuse to let linux win, did that key combo it just started up again, trying to install a new set of drivers | 12:29 |
dps | Dmesg says no IPv6 routers present | 12:29 |
Ricky | i think ive managed to change the runlevel | 12:29 |
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Ricky | it now moans that x is running | 12:29 |
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ketarax | now it gets interesting: alt-tab switching and click-to-focus works UNTIL i do xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmaps/xmodmap.fi :O | 12:31 |
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foxiness | Display new tab next to current in ff ,how? | 12:32 |
ketarax | setup now is: english layout (resetted to defaults) in gnome-keyboard-properties, gnome-settings-daemon running fine, key-layout from xmodmap | 12:32 |
zeroday | foxiness: ctrl+t | 12:32 |
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foxiness | ketarax: good :) | 12:33 |
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brutopia | ketarax: pist xorg.conf jonnekin | 12:33 |
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zeroday | brutopia: What language are you speaking? | 12:34 |
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brutopia | finnish | 12:34 |
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foxiness | zeroday: if i have 1 2 3 4,if you on 1 and click on new link the link will open next to 4, i want it to be next to 1 | 12:35 |
SimonKitch | Kabturek Ok I have the app open its the Network Settings showing the two wireless connections eth0 and wifi1, when I try to select Location there is nothing there? | 12:35 |
Mallik | Everybody! Hi There | 12:35 |
oga | is it possible to make an install CD from my current installation of feisty? The last install CD I have is dapper and I don't want to re-download it or have to upgrade with 1G of data | 12:35 |
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zeroday | foxiness: dunno | 12:35 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: no your looking ant the netowork config - netowrk manager is an applet - open applications->terminal and write | 12:36 |
kabturek | "nm-applet" | 12:36 |
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kabturek | and it should start - dont close the terminal just now | 12:36 |
haru | how do i find .. which application is using a particular device | 12:36 |
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darthbator | hello | 12:37 |
haru | it keeps saying my sound device is busy.. how do i find whats using it | 12:37 |
leagris | haru, fuser -v /dev/device | 12:37 |
darthbator | for some reason under Xgl I can't seem to use gnomes themse | 12:37 |
Mallik | nay one help me with intel 965 drivers | 12:37 |
darthbator | anytime I select a theme it just uses the default gnome theme | 12:37 |
haru | leagris, also how do i find whats the device name | 12:37 |
zeroday | how do you setup up a pinyin engine to write characters (preferably simplified) | 12:37 |
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oga | is it possible to make an install CD from my current installation of feisty? The last install CD I have is dapper and I don't want to re-download it or have to upgrade with 1G of data | 12:37 |
haru | leagris, sound devices that is | 12:38 |
leagris | haru, for sound device: fuser -v /dev/dsp* (oss) or fuser -v /dev/snd/* (alsa) | 12:38 |
Mallik | nay one help me with intel 965 graphics drivers | 12:38 |
zeroday | !enter | darthbator | 12:38 |
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ubotu | darthbator: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:38 |
zeroday | Mallik: sure ill try whats wrong? | 12:38 |
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haru | leagris, thanks a lot | 12:39 |
Mallik | zeoday: please tell me | 12:39 |
leagris | haru, pay attention to dsp or pcm devices because these are the ones blocking exclusive access. Mixer has no impact | 12:39 |
haru | if i kill those processes will my device be free? | 12:39 |
zeroday | Mallik: whats wrong? | 12:39 |
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haru | leagris, /dev/snd/pcmC1D0p: haru 13149 F.... sh | 12:39 |
haru | haru 13150 F.... firefox-bin | 12:39 |
nizo | how to add a new neteork card | 12:39 |
nizo | any body know | 12:39 |
haru | i think its one of those | 12:39 |
nizo | ? | 12:39 |
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zeroday | nizo: it should be autodetected what network card are you using | 12:40 |
Mallik | zeroday: i have feisty installed on intel 965 machine | 12:40 |
nizo | i ask this question manny times with no answerts | 12:40 |
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nizo | dynamode | 12:40 |
compilerwriter | nizo shut down the computer: install the card. Odds are it will be detected. | 12:40 |
zeroday | Mallik: okay and what does not work | 12:40 |
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haru | leagris, worked.. apparantly youtube flashplayer was using it :@ | 12:40 |
leagris | haru, firefox plugins espetially the non free flash player or mplayerplugin tend to not release the audio device even when tab closed. You have to quit completely firefox sometimes | 12:40 |
haru | yeah | 12:40 |
Mallik | zeroday: the problem my widescreen monitor is not able to dispaly to its full resolution | 12:41 |
haru | this sux tho.. not being able to run 2 apps using sound at the same tim | 12:41 |
nizo | when i run lspci it gave me uknown device | 12:41 |
nizo | thernet | 12:41 |
zeroday | Mallik: gimme a min | 12:41 |
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nizo | ethernet | 12:41 |
Mallik | zeroday: ok! | 12:41 |
nizo | how to define it | 12:41 |
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nizo | may be it needs a driver or something | 12:41 |
nizo | but how to do that .. any boday knows ? | 12:42 |
compilerwriter | I guess you aren't one of the lucky ones nizo. Give me a second to look stuff up. What version are you in? | 12:42 |
haru | nizo, which ether card u have? | 12:42 |
leagris | haru, now a days, sound devices are cheap enough to not provice hardware mixing for several channels. So you rely on seftware mixing with Esound or ARts or any other but there are so many different inefficient and incompatible software mixers that's a mess | 12:42 |
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SimonKitch | Kabturek Ok I hover my mouse over the two computers and I get only manual configuration which takes me to the network settings app? | 12:43 |
nizo | dy6namode haru | 12:43 |
haru | leagris, aye :'( | 12:43 |
dome1 | hi friend..can i ask an help??? my ubuntu says this problemE: La linea 2 in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse) non corretta | 12:43 |
dome1 | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 12:43 |
dome1 | Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem. | 12:43 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: did you try to run the command ive told you ? | 12:43 |
recon | I just installed ubuntu on my secondary hard drive, expecting it to automatically set up a dual boot with vista. Long story short, it either didn't or the windows bootloader is taking precedence. | 12:43 |
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haru | dome1, paste ur repo at paste.ln | 12:43 |
leagris | haru, have to fight with this to be able to play World Of Warcraft while using Teamspeak at the same time | 12:43 |
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SimonKitch | yes I got two little icons on the top right | 12:44 |
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haru | leagris, lol.. | 12:44 |
OEM99TW00184 | hello | 12:44 |
zeroday | Mallik: i think you need to download the 915resolution package | 12:44 |
haru | leagris, i have to fight to play anything on amarok :) | 12:44 |
zeroday | Mallik: search it synaptic | 12:44 |
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haru | i used to reboot mostly | 12:44 |
Mallik | zeroday: does it work with 965? | 12:44 |
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leagris | haru, teamspeak insist on using outdated OSS DSP directly and WoW Wine or Cedega embeded cant use the alsa PCM or oss DSP at the same time | 12:44 |
andy__ | #typo3 | 12:44 |
sokrates | morning | 12:44 |
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nizo | what version compilerwriter | 12:44 |
nizo | ? | 12:44 |
SimonKitch | kabturek it was already there its just not listing anything apart from manual configuration | 12:45 |
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haru | heh | 12:45 |
zeroday | Mallik: pretty sure it will | 12:45 |
Mallik | zeroday: i don't have internet connected to my home PC | 12:45 |
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Parmenion | hey guys | 12:45 |
Mallik | oh | 12:45 |
haru | leagris, btw u wudnt know anything about watcraft tft or dota would you? | 12:45 |
zeroday | Mallik: okay then you can try this | 12:45 |
Mallik | zeroday: sorry, ok | 12:45 |
sokrates | I got some strange problem with the installers for 7.04: they do not detect my cdrom | 12:45 |
leagris | haru, forcing use of software mixer introduce lag and sound problems | 12:45 |
compilerwriter | nizo which nic card and what version of the OS? | 12:45 |
Mallik | zeroday: how about the 3D acceleration? | 12:45 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: ok so in the network config - disable all interfaces , when you do that - netowk manger should set them up automaticly | 12:45 |
sokrates | 6.06 works | 12:45 |
zeroday | Mallik: should be enabled by defualt | 12:45 |
nizo | wait | 12:46 |
nizo | i have to check | 12:46 |
haru | leagris, how come it work better on win systems? | 12:46 |
dome1 | Paste.in ??? | 12:46 |
haru | dome1, pastebin | 12:46 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 12:46 |
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haru | !pastebin | 12:46 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:46 |
Mallik | zeroday: Thank you, zeroday! | 12:46 |
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zeroday | Mallik: you can try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to pick resolution and enable 3d acceleration | 12:46 |
haru | dome1, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 12:46 |
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leagris | haru, on win system there is only one software mixer interface, so evey software written for Windows know how to share it | 12:47 |
Mallik | zeroday: ok | 12:47 |
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zeroday | Where are the current icon files being used kept | 12:47 |
haru | leagris, so cant we like force all mixers to run through alsa or something? | 12:47 |
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eltese | Hi! When I put in my live CD the installation screen goes to my tv through my TV-out. And then I cant see what Im doing (My computer is far away from the tele) so I wonder how to change this? | 12:47 |
kbrooks | ping | 12:47 |
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Mallik | zeroday: Thank You! very much | 12:47 |
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leagris | haru, there are wrapper like esdsp for Esound or artsdsp for Arts (KDE) but these tend tu sucks on CPU usage/lattency so tend to be hard to fiddle with for games. | 12:48 |
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haru | zeroday, if u just wanna use custom icons.. use gnome themer in system preferences.. | 12:48 |
haru | leagris, artsd ;2 | 12:49 |
haru | :@ | 12:49 |
leagris | Programs able to inteface directly with Esound or Arts don't suck though | 12:49 |
eltese | Hi! When I put in my live CD the installation screen goes to my tv through my TV-out. And then I cant see what Im doing (My computer is far away from the tele) so I wonder how to change this? | 12:49 |
dome1 | i think this is the url : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17773/ | 12:49 |
nizo | hey compilewriter, its RTL8139D and os version it 6.10 | 12:49 |
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haru | dome1, which line the error show up on? | 12:49 |
leagris | haru, that's outdated OSS use or exclusive opening of direct Alsa by programs that is boring | 12:50 |
dome1 | line 2 | 12:50 |
haru | dome1, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list there .. not the error :) | 12:50 |
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dome1 | ok | 12:50 |
leagris | haru, Alsa support opening a PCM device for shared acess, bot very few app actually are nice enough tu use the feature | 12:50 |
haru | leagris, hmm | 12:50 |
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compilerwriter | nizo you are using gnome desktop or kde? | 12:51 |
leagris | That's how I heavyly learned how to fuser -v or fuser -k to kill offending processes ;D | 12:51 |
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haru | lol | 12:51 |
dusty-work | Hey guys I am installing kubuntu on my laptop (dual booting with windows) I have 50gb of unpartitioned space left on the drive.. i want to use 2gb for swap and the rest for / then install linux onto it. THe issue i have is, when i get to the partition bit of the kubuntu install the options I get are: guided resize, guided use entire disk or guided use the largest continuous free space or manual.. (i tried before and it kept ma | 12:51 |
dusty-work | king the partition 2gb which is not enough) what should i do to get what i want? | 12:51 |
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haru | i am on the way too :) | 12:51 |
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nizo | no compliewriter | 12:51 |
vadvad | hi, how do i open ports for amule with firestarter? | 12:52 |
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haru | dusty-work, use manual ? | 12:52 |
eltese | dusty-work: go with the manual one ;] | 12:52 |
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dome1 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17774 this is the url :) | 12:52 |
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compilerwriter | nizo you are in console mode? | 12:52 |
haru | dusty-work, use manual and set a /boot to 100 M a /swap to 2G and a / to rest of the space u wanna allocate [10 G or more] | 12:52 |
nizo | yes | 12:53 |
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eltese | Hi! When I put in my live CD the installation screen goes to my tv through my TV-out. And then I cant see what Im doing (My computer is far away from the tele) so I wonder how to change this? | 12:53 |
dusty-work | haru, shall i do that using the qtparted program on the kubuntu live cd, then start the installation again? | 12:53 |
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compilerwriter | paste your ifconfig | 12:53 |
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haru | dusty-work, just select manual partition and specify | 12:53 |
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nizo | eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:30:F1:43:CA:9A | 12:53 |
nizo | inet addr: Bcast: Mask: | 12:53 |
nizo | inet6 addr: fe80::230:f1ff:fe43:ca9a/64 Scope:Link | 12:53 |
nizo | UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 | 12:53 |
nizo | RX packets:56 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 12:53 |
nizo | TX packets:109 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 12:53 |
nizo | collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 | 12:53 |
nizo | RX bytes:6170 (6.0 KiB) TX bytes:13960 (13.6 KiB) | 12:54 |
dusty-work | haru, ok selecting... | 12:54 |
nizo | Interrupt:5 Base address:0x2000 | 12:54 |
nizo | lo Link encap:Local Loopback | 12:54 |
nizo | inet addr: Mask: | 12:54 |
nizo | inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host | 12:54 |
nizo | UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 | 12:54 |
nizo | RX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 12:54 |
nizo | TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 12:54 |
FirstStrike | Oh god | 12:54 |
CheshireViking | !paste | 12:54 |
nizo | collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 | 12:54 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:54 |
nizo | RX bytes:672 (672.0 b) TX bytes:672 (672.0 b) | 12:54 |
FirstStrike | !paste | nizo | 12:54 |
compilerwriter | !pastebin | nizo | 12:54 |
ubotu | nizo: please see above | 12:54 |
leagris | nizo, no pas on the channel. Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org please | 12:54 |
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nizo | !paste | 12:55 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:55 |
haru | dome1, first make a backup of ur /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:55 |
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dome1 | ok wait a sec | 12:55 |
dusty-work | wtf, haru ok i clicked on the free space made boot, then made swap now the free space has turned into "unusable" ?? | 12:55 |
haru | dome1, then modify it to look like this | 12:55 |
vadvad | hi, how do i open ports for amule with firestarter? | 12:56 |
nizo | hey compilewriter http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17775/ | 12:56 |
haru | dusty-work, did u specify the filesystem? | 12:56 |
dusty-work | yes | 12:56 |
haru | dome1, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17776/ .. put this in ur sources.list and try | 12:57 |
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untitled | hi, where should i put the command to run it before a user logs in? | 12:57 |
haru | dusty-work, erm mm nothings lost now.. if u go back the settings will be restored.. | 12:57 |
untitled | rc.local doesn't work | 12:57 |
haru | dusty-work, lemme check for a sec | 12:57 |
dusty-work | ok | 12:57 |
untitled | and have no init script for vncserver | 12:58 |
dome1 | haru , is this the line to make backup??? cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/source.list_backup | 12:58 |
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nizo | u there compilewriter ? | 12:59 |
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untitled | anyone? | 12:59 |
compilerwriter | I am here nizo. | 12:59 |
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compilerwriter | I had to look at things for a second nizo | 12:59 |
nizo | okday, what know ? | 12:59 |
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nizo | okay. compilewriter | 12:59 |
aric | is there a room for edubuntu ? | 12:59 |
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compilerwriter | nizo it appears that your ethernet card is discovered. It is eth0 | 01:00 |
nizo | when u finish tell me | 01:00 |
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nizo | no, i have another netwrok card and it is eth0 | 01:00 |
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nizo | i added a new one | 01:00 |
dome1 | haru, i pasted that | 01:00 |
nizo | the eth0 is work fine | 01:01 |
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nizo | u understand ? | 01:01 |
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compilerwriter | nizo I understand and now totally out of my depth. Perhaps someone else can help. | 01:01 |
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nizo | okay... thanks any way | 01:02 |
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Pyrogenesis | I'm having trouble getting Evolution 2.10.1 to access a public calendar on an Exchange server. Does anyone know how to do this? | 01:02 |
SimonKitch | kabutrek on the network settings for the wireless card do i enter the full wep key or just the passphrase? | 01:02 |
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dome1 | now?? | 01:02 |
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SimonKitch | Kabturek on the network settings for the wireless card do i enter the full wep key or just the passphrase? | 01:04 |
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master17r | does anyone has any ideas of how to install ATI Drivers (for 3D accel) on a 9250 Radeon, because I've tried every Howto and still nothing, error "Cannot open display 1:0:1" keeps popping up | 01:05 |
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MenZa | Now, if anyone here uses LaTeX in Ubuntu, could they be so kind as to tell me where I'd stick new .cls class files? | 01:07 |
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SimonKitch | Kabturek thanks for your help, giving up for today, sure i'll get it working in the end, might need to try the host AP driver for the MA401 to work! | 01:07 |
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kabturek | SimonKitch: didnt see your q - enter the passphrase as far as i remember | 01:08 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: np, good luck | 01:08 |
zeroday | Where is the current icon file (like you wanted to change all the evolution icons to something else) | 01:08 |
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MenZa | zeroday: /usr/pixmaps I think | 01:09 |
SimonKitch | Kabturek one last Q, as asci or hex? | 01:09 |
zeroday | MenZa: thanks | 01:09 |
zeroday | !icons | 01:09 |
kabturek | SimonKitch: ascii | 01:09 |
ubotu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE) | 01:09 |
dusty-work | haru? | 01:09 |
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SimonKitch | Kabturek thanks again. | 01:10 |
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master17r | does anyone has any ideas of how to install ATI Drivers (for 3D accel) on a 9250 Radeon, because I've tried every Howto and still nothing, error "Cannot open display 1:0:1" keeps popping up | 01:11 |
recon | master17r: try http://www.clipmarks.com/clipmark/28280FB2-D4CE-4204-8F7D-45D3988622CD/ | 01:11 |
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icedwater | hi! | 01:12 |
icedwater | anyone available to help? :P | 01:13 |
master17r | thx recon, i'll try that though i doubt it will work | 01:13 |
icedwater | i need a bit of help upgrading to ubuntu feisty... | 01:13 |
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icedwater | or rolling back to ubuntu edgy | 01:13 |
Frankblah | how I can start ubuntu: grub error 18, no bios update available, first partitition is 50 GB ntfs partitition ? | 01:13 |
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recon | icedwater: clear out hard drive. burn feisty CD. insert. reboot. follow instructions. rinse. repeat as necessary. | 01:14 |
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lnxnubie | feisty good. i love feisty | 01:16 |
ExpositionOfEvil | who lives in Australia? | 01:16 |
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master17r | australians | 01:16 |
kabturek | lol | 01:16 |
icedwater | recon - i think rinsing is going to give me a cleanly unusable hard drive :/ | 01:16 |
domee | haru, the problem is unsolved :( | 01:16 |
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recon | icedwater: please don't take it literally. just... what problem are you having, if any? feisty is easy enough to install | 01:17 |
icedwater | well, what i did off edgy was to edit the sources.list | 01:17 |
icedwater | i changed all the edgy to feisty, then did a sudo apt-get update | 01:18 |
icedwater | twice, to be sure. :P | 01:18 |
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recon | icedwater: did you reboot? | 01:18 |
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icedwater | then i went ahead to install feisty using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 01:18 |
icedwater | yep, rebooted :( | 01:18 |
abdullah_ | can somebody help me with wine? | 01:19 |
recon | icedwater: (personally, i'd just backup what you need and reinstall the OS. that's what I always do.) | 01:19 |
kabturek | icedwater: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading ? | 01:19 |
icedwater | OK... | 01:19 |
abdullah_ | have following problem http://rafb.net/p/gj1Vps61.html | 01:19 |
master17r | what about wine ? | 01:19 |
recon | abdullah_: you might want to try #wine | 01:19 |
Frankblah | Please help: Unable to boot. grub error 18, no bios update available, first partitition is 50 GB ntfs partitition ? | 01:19 |
recon | #winehq | 01:19 |
master17r | you don't have a valid video driver | 01:19 |
abdullah_ | i have installed wine. but he can't use direct 3d | 01:20 |
master17r | what card do you have ? | 01:20 |
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abdullah_ | use faisty. have a 7900gt | 01:20 |
icedwater | ahh... | 01:20 |
master17r | the driver's not good | 01:20 |
abdullah_ | and installed driver. have i to change something in da xorg.conf? | 01:20 |
master17r | i reckon | 01:20 |
soundray | Frankblah: did you get my pointers earlier? | 01:20 |
lnxnubie | icedwater: what happend ? | 01:20 |
icedwater | i think my problem might have been upgrading without making sure all my programs were up-to-date.. | 01:20 |
skar | hi, in gnome-terminal, if i'm working in "/test" which could be a link to say "/opt/work/current/test" a new tab shows the exact absolute path instead of the link, is there a way to turn it off? | 01:21 |
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GuHHH | someone wants to help me running Beryl with fglrx? (asking for too much!) :P | 01:21 |
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icedwater | well ... i upgraded from edgy | 01:21 |
icedwater | and metacity didn't run.. | 01:21 |
icedwater | so i thought rebooting might help | 01:21 |
icedwater | and now it doesn't go past fsck-1.40 WIP | 01:22 |
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icedwater | the new filesystem checker.. | 01:22 |
icedwater | so I'm stuck on a Knoppix Live DVD. :( | 01:22 |
lnxnubie | icedwater: do you have any linux CD. might try to reinstall grub ? | 01:22 |
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Frankblah | soundray: yes, but I think its not possible in gparted to shrink ntfs and put boot partition in start of drive. | 01:22 |
deefzi | any idea why ifconfig doesn't show eth0:1 after boot-up although it has been configured to /etc/network/interfaces? | 01:22 |
soundray | icedwater: run e2fsck from the Knoppix CD then | 01:23 |
zeroday | !enter | icedwater | 01:23 |
ubotu | icedwater: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 01:23 |
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soundray | Frankblah: you can shrink it and then move it. | 01:23 |
zeroday | GuHHH: did you go to #beryl | 01:23 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: yeap :( | 01:23 |
icedwater | ubotu - Thanks for the reminder, I was hoping that would make it more readable for the average user, but I forgot the people who still stick to IRC don't fit the MSN freak profile :P | 01:23 |
soundray | icedwater: you know what I mean? | 01:24 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: well what did they say | 01:24 |
zilliot | I like ubuntu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 01:24 |
soundray | !botsnack | 01:24 |
ubotu | Yum! | 01:24 |
GuHHH | zeroday: that its hard to run beryl with fglrx :( | 01:24 |
icedwater | soundray: no, I missed it while trying to respond to a bot :( | 01:24 |
brutopia | isn't there open-source driver for newer ati cards | 01:24 |
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | GuHHH: okay here's an idea and its risky but you could use the unstable ver of envy and see if it installs the drivers nicely | 01:25 |
soundray | icedwater: you can run e2fsck on your ubuntu partitions from Knoppix | 01:25 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: then try beryl | 01:25 |
icedwater | Ah, let me try to do that. | 01:25 |
soundray | icedwater: do you know how? | 01:25 |
icedwater | What path should I use, though? Will just e2fsck work? | 01:25 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: whats the error you get | 01:26 |
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icedwater | I've mounted my hard disk as /media/sda1 ... | 01:26 |
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Frankblah | soundray: gparted-features says it could not move ntfs partititions. | 01:26 |
soundray | icedwater: unmount it, then run 'sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda1 ' | 01:26 |
icedwater | Ah, OK... let me try that. | 01:26 |
icedwater | What's the -y for? | 01:26 |
GuHHH | zeroday: monitor shuts down and my keyboard stops responding, i just can press reset button :) | 01:26 |
soundray | icedwater: tells it to fix the errors that it finds | 01:27 |
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icedwater | *nods | 01:27 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: okay are your tunning fiesty? | 01:27 |
zeroday | *running | 01:27 |
soundray | Frankblah: you can copy them, though, and delete the original afterwards | 01:27 |
icedwater | OK.. that was fast. | 01:27 |
icedwater | It just said clean, blah no. of files, check in 3 mounts. :P | 01:28 |
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soundray | icedwater: do you have any other partitions? | 01:28 |
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icedwater | Err, just one other swap partition. | 01:28 |
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teh_pox | Hmmm | 01:28 |
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teh_pox | anyone else got pango problems after the feisty upgrade? | 01:28 |
deefzi | any idea why ifconfig doesn't show eth0:1 after boot-up although it has been configured to /etc/network/interfaces? | 01:28 |
soundray | icedwater: okay, I guess ubuntu wasn't really hanging at the fsck then, but at whatever it does afterwards. | 01:29 |
GuHHH | zeroday: yes... | 01:29 |
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soundray | deefzi: do you have a line 'auto eth0:1' in there as well? | 01:29 |
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zeroday | okay go to http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html and download the unstable ver. (WARNING IS uNSTABLE AND MAY BREAK YOUR SYSTEM). Pick the ati option then install beryl | 01:30 |
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FuzZy | hei | 01:30 |
zeroday | GuHHH: okay? | 01:30 |
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FuzZy | i remember that during feisty fey development | 01:30 |
icedwater | Yup... I think so too. :P | 01:30 |
itguru | I want to create an "installation server" which I can use to install ubuntu, windows XP, etc on any system I choose via a network, has anyone created any similar projects before? | 01:30 |
GuHHH | zerotoday okay, i will try... thanks | 01:30 |
FuzZy | there was something like a gl login screen | 01:30 |
Agni | hello all | 01:30 |
FuzZy | is this one available? | 01:30 |
zeroday | GuHHH: good luck | 01:30 |
deefzi | soundray, yep. | 01:31 |
Agni | i am looking to understand why ubuntu (7.04) is running slower than windows xp on the same machine | 01:31 |
icedwater | Hmm... | 01:31 |
soundray | icedwater: did it switch to text mode before it froze? | 01:31 |
aramide | I need to install ubuntu on a laptop which only has a usb port, no cdrom? how can i do this pls? | 01:31 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: thanks :) | 01:31 |
soundray | !install > aramide, please read ubotu's private message | 01:31 |
CrakeHunter | hello, im on the new ubuntu (7.04) i activated desktop effects incl. the cube. it worked at first but now i cannot use this 3d desktop anymore. i did nothing special... does anyone know what the problem could be? | 01:31 |
FuzZy | is gl login still abailable in feisty? | 01:31 |
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=== abdullah [n=abdullah@p57b5e622.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deefzi | aramide, you have usb-stick? | 01:32 |
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deefzi | aramide, and does the laptop support booting from it | 01:32 |
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zeroday | Agni: it shouldnt be what are you running under ubuntu and what are your comp specs | 01:32 |
soundray | deefzi: have you looked through the logs? | 01:32 |
icedwater | soundray: It was only in text mode.. | 01:32 |
zeroday | FuzZy: whats the gl login screen? | 01:32 |
Frankblah | soundray: ok. | 01:32 |
ebbs | hi, Im a network administrator of a school, we've got a linux Internet(Squid)/Fileserver(nfs). We just upgraded half of the clients to ubuntu feisty and now if a few feisty clients are running, they become very, very slow. Things like opening the gnome-terminal last half a minute... Why that? (We work with LDAP Auth.) | 01:32 |
abdullah | have this problems starting a wine application http://rafb.net/p/gj1Vps61.html | 01:32 |
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itguru | ebbs: What was the situation before? | 01:33 |
CheshireViking | aramide, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick | 01:33 |
disilva | test | 01:33 |
zeroday | ebbs: are you using and samba or smb servers? | 01:33 |
aramide | thanks | 01:33 |
Agni | zeroday: i am running intel p4 3.06 ghz/ 512 mb ram | 01:33 |
zeroday | *any | 01:33 |
icedwater | soundray: The GUI interface didn't freeze, but my panels were gone and tried Ctrl-Alt-Backspace several times to restart the X server.. | 01:33 |
deefzi | soundray, which log? | 01:33 |
ebbs | itguru, we used ubuntu edgy | 01:33 |
zeroday | Agni: gfx card? | 01:33 |
FuzZy | zeroday | 01:33 |
soundray | deefzi: /var/log/syslog | 01:33 |
FuzZy | there was something like a animated login screen | 01:33 |
FuzZy | that used opengl | 01:33 |
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ebbs | zeroday, yes, our server also is a samba server | 01:33 |
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Agni | zeroday: ati radeon 9200 | 01:33 |
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AaronMT | sudo aticonfig --resolution=0,1280x800 [error at set screen resolution : screen0 does not exist] how can I fix this? | 01:34 |
ebbs | zeroday, but even if no samba connection is established, all becomes slow | 01:34 |
NBrepresent_ | hey, what's the best way to convert wavs to mp3s in ubuntu? | 01:34 |
soundray | !lame | NBrepresent_ | 01:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lame - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:34 |
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NBrepresent_ | i don't think rhythmbox can do it, unless i just can't find it | 01:34 |
zeroday | ebbs: our school has the same problem and there was someone else complaining of this a couple of days ago no fix has been found yet | 01:34 |
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soundray | NBrepresent_: oops, there used to be a "lame" factoid | 01:34 |
zeroday | NBrepresent_: sound Konverter for a gui | 01:34 |
deefzi | soundray, pretty much nothing there after filtering eth0:1 | 01:34 |
soundray | !info lame | 01:35 |
ubotu | lame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB | 01:35 |
ebbs | zeroday, nice :-) :-) | 01:35 |
CrakeHunter | the cube-desktop effect suddenly doesnt work anymore. what can i do? | 01:35 |
ebbs | :-( | 01:35 |
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zeroday | ebbs: not sure im a student and im not allowed to play around with the inner workings :( but i honestly have no idea | 01:35 |
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zeroday | Agni: it may be your gfx card how did you install the drivers | 01:36 |
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ebbs | somebody else of the 1222 peoples here? | 01:36 |
Agni | zeroday: i didnt | 01:36 |
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Agni | zeroday: the installer did it .. on its own | 01:36 |
soundray | deefzi: have you got a eth0:0 as well, and does that work? | 01:36 |
=== burwaco [n=burwaco@240.79-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burwaco | hello everyone | 01:37 |
zeroday | Agni: then your gfx card prob isnt configured properly and thats whats slowing you down | 01:37 |
deefzi | soundray, actually i have only eth0, and then eth0:1. must i change it so that eth0 => eth0:0 | 01:37 |
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zeroday | Agni: did you see any restricted driver manager pop up | 01:37 |
Agni | well, yes. | 01:37 |
Agni | but that was for my wifi adapter | 01:37 |
sc0tch | is there a quick way to determine the version of a package available after running apt-get update... apt-cache search only returns an available packages name. | 01:37 |
soundray | deefzi: I think so | 01:37 |
foka | can someone help me to config my ati on feisty please? i get an error after i start installing | 01:38 |
zeroday | Agni: im not an expert on ati but can you paste your xorg on pastebin | 01:38 |
jrib | sc0tch: apt-cache policy | 01:38 |
soundray | sc0tch: apt-cache policy packagename | 01:38 |
zeroday | foka: ill try whats the error? | 01:38 |
Agni | zeroday: pastebin? | 01:38 |
vecina | I need some help... VESA makes my monitor lose connection because of my graphics card, a Radeon x700 (I looked it up - everyone i found with my problem has that card. Drat). Well, fglrx or whatever makes it work if i set it up in xserver-xorg with recovery mode before loading up kdm/gdm/whatever. That works. But when i reboot, if i log in using normal mode (non-recovery), it's switched back automatically to VESA and i cant get in, so i | 01:38 |
vecina | have to go through xserver-xorg EVERY TIME i log in! Any ideas? | 01:38 |
deefzi | soundray, ok. let's give it a shot | 01:38 |
zeroday | !pastebin | Agni | 01:38 |
ubotu | Agni: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 01:38 |
vecina | have to use recovery mode ewvery time! Any ideas? | 01:38 |
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Agni | zeroday: ok, hold on | 01:39 |
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zeroday | Agni: np | 01:39 |
foka | ./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution | 01:39 |
foka | Removing temporary directory: fglrx-install | 01:39 |
foka | that s the error | 01:39 |
vecina | Lol everyone's having ATI problems with feisty | 01:39 |
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zeroday | foka: how are you installing the driver? | 01:39 |
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shad_yh | hi | 01:39 |
burwaco | I have a problem too, I'm running 6.10 with ati drivers (8.33.6), and after playing enemy territory for about half an hour my fps go don to allmost 0, when I then quit ET, the system stays clogged, logging in to a console and viewing top doesn't show any activity... | 01:40 |
shad_yh | i need some help here | 01:40 |
foka | i got it from the ati site | 01:40 |
zeroday | vecina: yeah i cant wait till alberto releases a stable envy script | 01:40 |
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shad_yh | i hav just installed the ubuntu linux | 01:40 |
vecina | see? | 01:40 |
shad_yh | but i cannot login | 01:40 |
foka | so it s like this | 01:40 |
foka | sh ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run | 01:40 |
shad_yh | it doesnt allow me to login GNOME as root | 01:40 |
shad_yh | i dont hav any other logins | 01:40 |
burwaco | shad_yh, that's normal | 01:40 |
shad_yh | i tried to create one. but it doesnt work. | 01:40 |
zeroday | foka: you should try the flgrlx driver first the ati site drivers are a serious pain to install | 01:40 |
Agni | zeroday: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17780/ | 01:40 |
vecina | zeroday: envy made my card work, its just that it reverts back to VESA unless i use xserver-xorg through recovey mode every time | 01:40 |
burwaco | use gksu in gnome to run any app as root | 01:40 |
shad_yh | wat can i do? | 01:40 |
foka | where do i get it my friend? | 01:41 |
zeroday | foka: 3 ways a) use restricted driver manager | 01:41 |
burwaco | shad_yh, in gnome type ALT+F2 then gksu appyouwant | 01:41 |
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zeroday | b) download flrglx.deb drivers | 01:41 |
zeroday | c) use unstable envy script | 01:41 |
vecina | even in #Kubuntu there's people talking about ATI problems | 01:41 |
Kim^J | Yo, what do I need to install to have icons in OOO and clipart in OOO? | 01:41 |
foka | where do i get the deb zeroday? | 01:42 |
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vecina | lol | 01:42 |
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zeroday | foka: it should be synaptic search ati it will pop up | 01:42 |
shad_yh | ok burwaco | 01:42 |
zeroday | foka: good luck | 01:42 |
burwaco | anyone seen my problem? | 01:42 |
shad_yh | thnx let me try | 01:42 |
foka | thank u for ur help=) | 01:42 |
zeroday | vecina: you could try the unstable envy script | 01:42 |
zeroday | foka: np | 01:42 |
burwaco | good luck shad_yh | 01:42 |
TritonX_ | Did anyone got to install Nvidia drivers on a 420Go, Toshiba TE2100 ? | 01:42 |
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FuzZy | is this available in ubuntu? | 01:43 |
FuzZy | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FaceBrowserLogin | 01:43 |
zeroday | Agni: your x.org looks fine whats so slow about your comp and are you running beryl? | 01:43 |
vecina | zeroday: I did. If i set graphics mode to ati that doesnt work, and neither does VESA. I just lose signal | 01:43 |
bianconeri | hello is anyone experiencing this problem on Feisty? All applications just freeze randomly for anything between 10-30 seconds and then comes back to life. And when running beryl all applications grey out. The system doesn't seem to be totally unresponsive cuz if i am typing and freezes, what i type doesn't show, but when it comes back to life its there. | 01:43 |
burwaco | shad_yh, for example the command for a root filemanager is gksu nautilus | 01:43 |
CrakeHunter | just for the info: i googled a bit and found that its a ommon problem that the cube desktop effect doesnt work anymore after a short while | 01:43 |
Agni | zeroday: i dont remember doing that | 01:43 |
Agni | how do i check? | 01:43 |
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cherva | hi before the login screen appears my PC speaker beeps two times can someone tell me where i can find a log to see what's wrong with my ubuntu ? I've looked trough some logs in /var/log but I didn't find anything wrong | 01:43 |
CrakeHunter | (if anyone wants to look further into it) | 01:43 |
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zeroday | TritonX_ try the envy script http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 01:44 |
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TritonX_ | zeroday: thanks Ill check that | 01:44 |
ebbs | again, hi, Im a network administrator of a school, we've got a linux Internet(Squid)/Fileserver(nfs). We just upgraded half of the clients to ubuntu feisty and now if a few feisty clients are running, they become very, very slow. Things like opening the gnome-terminal last half a minute... Why that? (We work with LDAP Auth.) | 01:44 |
shad_yh | by the way, i hav to do it in recovery mode? | 01:44 |
burwaco | I have a problem too, I'm running 6.10 with ati drivers (8.33.6), and after playing enemy territory for about half an hour my fps go don to allmost 0, when I then quit ET, the system stays clogged, logging in to a console and viewing top doesn't show any activity... | 01:44 |
zeroday | Agni: it set up your gfx drivers automatically are you running beryl? | 01:44 |
Agni | Agni: i am not sure, how do i check? | 01:45 |
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shad_yh | burwaco dude. do i hav to do it in recovery console? | 01:45 |
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shad_yh | recovery mode? | 01:45 |
O2_ | hello | 01:45 |
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O2_ | does 7.04 ubuntu has 3d desktop?? | 01:45 |
vecina | How do i make xserver use the fglrx (sp) drivers by default instead of vesa? it reverts back. | 01:45 |
burwaco | ebbs, do the system fans kick in after a while ? like the system is doing a huge compile job and runs out of memory and resources ? | 01:45 |
zeroday | cherva: thats to tell you that ubuntu is loaded and ready i think if it works fine dun worry | 01:45 |
Kim^J | Yo, what do I need to install to have icons in OOO and clipart in OOO? | 01:45 |
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Agni | Kim^J: OOO ? | 01:46 |
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mojojojo_ | when I installed VMPlayer I get the error that /dev/dsp device is busy.... It looks for me that the player is trygin to use sound device directly (OSS?) and the Ubuntu is using it.. Can I somehow fix it? I heard I could install some kind of wrapper... | 01:46 |
TritonX_ | it is a very touchy install to do, I've tried many things already, hope it can set the LCD screen | 01:46 |
zeroday | Agni: can you do cool desktop effects like a cube and rain and stuff | 01:46 |
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O2_ | does 7.04 ubuntu has 3d desktop?? | 01:46 |
burwaco | shad_yh, no, at any time just press ALT+F2 | 01:46 |
burwaco | then type it in | 01:46 |
ebbs | burwaco, it doesnt run out of memory, and the processor isnt used too much, so no... | 01:46 |
cherva | zeroday: this never happened before I upgrade to feisty | 01:46 |
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O2_ | anyone can answer me? | 01:46 |
O2_ | does 7.04 ubuntu has 3d desktop?? | 01:46 |
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Kim^J | Agni: OpenOffice.Org | 01:47 |
vecina | O2_: I think you have to use beryl or compiz | 01:47 |
zeroday | cherva: could be a new feature im not sure | 01:47 |
Agni | Kim^J: oh | 01:47 |
Kim^J | O2_: Not by default no. | 01:47 |
O2_ | oh... | 01:47 |
cherva | O2_: system -> preferences -> desktop efects | 01:47 |
Kim^J | There's no icons in the toolbar in my OOO. | 01:47 |
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Agni | zeroday: anything? | 01:47 |
zeroday | O2_: System > Preferences > desktop effects | 01:47 |
Kim^J | Only text. | 01:47 |
cherva | zeroday: ok | 01:47 |
burwaco | ebbs, looks like I have a similar problem... top doesn't show any active tasks, enough memory, no cpu activity, yet the system acts like it's about to explode... | 01:47 |
O2_ | cherva: really? | 01:47 |
Kim^J | burwaco: It's called Ubuntu. | 01:47 |
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ebbs | burwaco, yes, exactly | 01:48 |
zeroday | Agni: nope not that i can see | 01:48 |
burwaco | Kim^J, ??? | 01:48 |
cherva | O2_: yeah install drivers for your GFX and try them | 01:48 |
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zeroday | Agni: is your processer 64bit? | 01:48 |
burwaco | ebbs, what graphical cards are you using ? | 01:48 |
GuHHH | zeroday: now what? | 01:48 |
O2_ | zeroday: was it enough if i only download the 7.04 iso, and then I could have 3d desktop? | 01:48 |
Agni | zero: no | 01:48 |
shad_yh | burwaco dude. alt+f2 dont work in gnome display login window | 01:48 |
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Agni | zeroday: no | 01:48 |
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cherva | zeroday: should i remove the old kernels (i have 3 or 4) in some way or just remove them from grub? | 01:49 |
GuHHH | zeroday: envy -g? | 01:49 |
zeroday | O2_: yes system > preferences > 3d desktop | 01:49 |
burwaco | shad_yh, no, login as normal user, then use it... | 01:49 |
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O2_ | cherva: my video card is gma900 | 01:49 |
Kim^J | cherva: They take no space at all. | 01:49 |
zeroday | GuHHH: envy is in Applications > System tools > envy | 01:49 |
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Kim^J | 02_ You should have no trouble at all with drivers. | 01:49 |
Agni | zeroday: i tried 'ps -e | grep -i beryl' and it came up empty | 01:49 |
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Agni | zeroday: so i guess i am not | 01:49 |
cherva | Kim^J: so i can just remove them from grub's startup list ? | 01:49 |
zeroday | cherva: leave them unless your short of space | 01:49 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: well, im installing the ati drivers already... thats all? | 01:50 |
Kim^J | cherva: Yep | 01:50 |
cherva | O2_: intel ? | 01:50 |
ebbs | burwaco, xorg says sis driver | 01:50 |
cherva | Kim^J: k thanks | 01:50 |
IdleOne | cherva, always keep a working kernel as a spare just in case of a upgrade that goes bad | 01:50 |
anticlockwise | just tried something very stupid by inputing ":() { :|:& }; :" into the shell and press enter | 01:50 |
Kim^J | zeroday: Short of space? They take like... 4MB each? | 01:50 |
O2_ | Kim^J: there's driver for intel gma900 video card to run linux's 3d desktop?? | 01:50 |
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ebbs | burwaco, SIS 65x/M650/740, one of them | 01:50 |
zeroday | Agni: your not im not sure your whats wrong but your comp seems setup correctly try googling your model to see if it has issues | 01:50 |
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cherva | IdleOne: i have 3 or 4 kernels | 01:50 |
O2_ | cherva: yes, intel gma900 video card, 128m shared memory | 01:51 |
Agni | zeroday: hmm. one thing. it doesnt _always_ run slow | 01:51 |
sam_kaay | Is there such an application available which helps users to generate a suitable hex color? | 01:51 |
burwaco | ebbs, systems started to act that way after an upgrade ? | 01:51 |
IdleOne | cherva, they bothering you? leave them I have 6 or 7 | 01:51 |
Agni | zeroday: it slows down after a while | 01:51 |
Kim^J | 02_: sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald emerald-themes | 01:51 |
magnetron | sam_kaay: yes | 01:51 |
Kim^J | 02_: Then run beryl-manager | 01:51 |
shad_yh | oh no, burwaco. u dont understand. i cannot login AT ALL. i hav no userid or passwd. the only one i hav is root. by which i can only login recovery console. i cannot use it in gnome display console. so i cannot even login as a normal user in gnome display mode. and the alt+f2 key doesnt work in the login window of gnome | 01:51 |
sam_kaay | magnetron: What is it called? | 01:51 |
Kim^J | And then you have 3d-desktop. :) | 01:51 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: one fini installing tell me | 01:51 |
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master17r | it's just sad that Ubuntu has a lot of problems with video drivers, yet opensuse works like magic | 01:51 |
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funalien | hi all | 01:52 |
Agni | O2_: or you may want to do: Application > Add/Remove | 01:52 |
cherva | O2_ : well i'm not shure they have drivers for linux but i don't know | 01:52 |
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cherva | IdleOne: ok | 01:52 |
burwaco | shad_yh, how commes you don't have a normal user account ? | 01:52 |
O2_ | Kim^J: is there any link for this?? | 01:52 |
Agni | O2_: and install beryl from there | 01:52 |
zeroday | master17r: go to offtopic instead of trying to pick a fight | 01:52 |
master17r | no fight | 01:52 |
Agni | O2_: thats the easiest way to do it | 01:52 |
master17r | i just love ubuntu | 01:52 |
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O2_ | Agni: thanks! but do you know if GMA900 video card could run 3d desktop? | 01:52 |
master17r | just this little crap bugs me | 01:52 |
shad_yh | i just installed the ubuntu | 01:52 |
ebbs | burwaco, dont know, we made one client with all upgrades, and copied this on all the clients | 01:53 |
shad_yh | it didnt ask me for any id or password | 01:53 |
Agni | O2_: give it a shot | 01:53 |
=== Lbawinowns [n=chatzill@c-3e1672d5.08-80-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shad_yh | it just auto installed | 01:53 |
ebbs | burwaco, a week ago... | 01:53 |
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funalien | I installed linux 7.04 yesterday and i cant update my Nvidia driver now. "No precompiled kernel found". What should i do? | 01:53 |
Agni | O2_: it will tell u if it cant. in that case, u use the same route to remove it | 01:53 |
GuHHH | master17r: not only ubuntu :D | 01:53 |
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shad_yh | the installer didnt ask anything from me except the resolution of the window | 01:53 |
Agni | O2_: thats exactly what i did :) | 01:53 |
zeroday | master17r: its a pain but opensuse cant run my gfx card cause i have a internel gfx card from *intel* | 01:53 |
master17r | not only ubuintu what? | 01:53 |
O2_ | Agni: :) | 01:53 |
zeroday | master17r: ubuntu only system i got it working on | 01:54 |
GuHHH | shad_yh: sudo passwd root | 01:54 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: did you install ati drivers? | 01:54 |
shad_yh | i used the sudo passwd root guhhh | 01:54 |
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shad_yh | i hav the root and the password 0 | 01:54 |
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Lbawinowns | Where lies multimedia-settings? | 01:54 |
burwaco | shad_yh, yes it does, it asks you a name for your normal account then a root password... without a normal user account you can't do anything, you'll need to boot from livecd and then create a new user for you system | 01:54 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: yes! | 01:54 |
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GuHHH | burwaco: no. it doesnt asks for root password | 01:55 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: then install beryl | 01:55 |
GuHHH | only user password | 01:55 |
krinns | hi all | 01:55 |
shad_yh | ok | 01:55 |
burwaco | ebbs, and that first system was running fine ? are all systems same hardware ? | 01:55 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: an you should be good to go | 01:55 |
krinns | i cant login to my ldap user on gdm | 01:55 |
vecina | where is xorg.conf | 01:55 |
GuHHH | zeroday: its installed... so what now? | 01:55 |
krinns | its says invaid user | 01:55 |
GuHHH | vecina: /etc/X11/ | 01:55 |
krinns | though i can do ssh on local system with same user | 01:55 |
=== AdministratorX [n=adminx@66-23-192-162.clients.speedfactory.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burwaco | GuHHH, livecd doesn't ask for root password ? | 01:55 |
shad_yh | no | 01:55 |
zeroday | GuHHH: add this to your repos (/etc/apt/sources.list) | 01:56 |
GuHHH | burwaco: no. not even the install cd | 01:56 |
burwaco | ??? | 01:56 |
vecina | WOAH, i have a whole bunch of xorgs! | 01:56 |
burwaco | GuHHH, since when ? | 01:56 |
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GuHHH | burwaco: since... always? | 01:56 |
zeroday | vecina: most of those are prob backups | 01:56 |
shad_yh | hey guhhhh | 01:56 |
vecina | zeroday: Hmm | 01:56 |
AdministratorX | Anyone know of a howto for Zimbra install on Ubuntu? | 01:56 |
GuHHH | if u need to set a root password, do that: sudo passwd root | 01:56 |
shad_yh | do u know how i can login display mode? | 01:56 |
ebbs | burwaco, I didnt make the first image ... dont know... | 01:56 |
TritonX_ | envy didn't got it for my Toshiba TE2100 with a nvidia g0420, same arror as usual, no usable screen found | 01:56 |
shad_yh | i hav set a root password | 01:57 |
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shad_yh | i already hav a root and password | 01:57 |
shad_yh | but it doesnt allow me to login GNOME display mode | 01:57 |
AdministratorX | !zimbra | 01:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about zimbra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:57 |
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ebbs | burwaco, but I found a /etc/hosts misconfiguration... Ill fix it first, thy for your help | 01:57 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: in terminal - echo "deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org feisty main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:57 |
burwaco | ebbs, good luck | 01:57 |
ebbs | burwaco, thx | 01:58 |
shad_yh | it says "u r not allowed to login as root in display mode" | 01:58 |
vecina | My xorg.conf lists fglrx as the graphics driver... why does it go back to VESA when i reboot? | 01:58 |
burwaco | GuHHH, does the alternate cd ask for root passw ? | 01:58 |
magnetron | sam_kaay: agave | 01:58 |
GuHHH | burwaco: no... | 01:58 |
zeroday | GuHHH: okay? | 01:58 |
burwaco | GuHHH, sorry, must be me going bananas then... | 01:58 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: have you run the command? | 01:59 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: i already have this on sources.list | 01:59 |
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shad_yh | guhhh. do u know how to enable 'allow root login in display mode i.e. X console' from recovery mode? | 01:59 |
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burwaco | I have a problem too, I'm running 6.10 with ati drivers (8.33.6), and after playing enemy territory for about half an hour my fps go don to allmost 0, when I then quit ET, the system stays clogged, logging in to a console and viewing top doesn't show any activity... | 02:00 |
zeroday | GuHHH: then do this then - sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y beryl emerald-themes | 02:00 |
shad_yh | i hav searched the net and everywhere it says how to do it 'AFTER GETTING INSIDE THE X MODE' | 02:00 |
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gholm | hows this? The 32 bit Edgy sees my SATAII drive but the 64 bit doesn't. Neither Feistys even load. What gives? I have an ATI 690G chipset | 02:00 |
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TritonX_ | burwaco: you could always start ET in failsafe terminal | 02:00 |
GuHHH | shad_yh: ctrl-alt-backspace, /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 02:00 |
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zeroday | burwaco: how did you install the drivers? | 02:01 |
GuHHH | shad_yh: it must be a problem with gdm loading :) | 02:01 |
burwaco | zeroday, don't remember, folowed some tutorial on the internets... | 02:01 |
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burwaco | TritonX_, i'm starting et from GDM... | 02:01 |
zeroday | GuHHH: hows it going? did you install beryl? | 02:02 |
shad_yh | ok. i'm trying it | 02:02 |
zeroday | burwaco: not sure | 02:02 |
TritonX_ | burwaco: what I thought, but you could choose failsafe terminal in session before starting GDM and type ET in terminal | 02:02 |
GuHHH | zeroday: it was installed already, want me to remove and reinstall? | 02:02 |
zeroday | GuHHH: no it should be fine run beryl and does it work? | 02:02 |
TritonX_ | burwaco: maybe it's gonna be stable longer, | 02:02 |
TritonX_ | and faster | 02:03 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: dont need to update xorg.conf with new driver? | 02:03 |
zeroday | GuHHH: no envy script did that 4 you | 02:03 |
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bianconeri_ | hello is anyone experiencing this problem on Feisty? All applications just freeze randomly for anything between 10-30 seconds and then comes back to life. And when running beryl all applications grey out. The system doesn't seem to be totally unresponsive cuz if i am typing and freezes, what i type doesn't show, but when it comes back to life its there. | 02:03 |
burwaco | TritonX_, what I do is allmost the same, in desktop manager, instead of gnome, I choose ET and log in, so only et runs not gnome... | 02:03 |
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TritonX_ | burwaco: yeah same thing I guess | 02:04 |
GuHHH | zeroday: i will try reload X | 02:04 |
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TritonX_ | burwaco: maybe you could blame it on poor ATI drivers, I heard they are bad, never tried | 02:04 |
burwaco | zeroday, I got the binary drivers, then kernel modules and created .DEB files and installed and blacklisted something, but that's months ago... | 02:04 |
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TritonX_ | Does anyone have a Toshiba TE2100 ? | 02:05 |
zeroday | burwaco: yeah you could blame it on ati driver, you can try http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html | 02:05 |
=== regius [n=regius@ua-85-227-50-134.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agni | does anyone know if its good idea to change "CONCURRENCY=none" to "CONCURRENCY=shell" in /etc/init.d/rc ? | 02:05 |
zeroday | TritonX_: did envy work for yoy? | 02:06 |
TritonX_ | nope | 02:06 |
GuHHH | zeroday: its the free driver? "radeon"? | 02:06 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: guess my xorg.conf stills the same :P | 02:06 |
burwaco | I don't want to blame anything... I want it to work propperly... :) | 02:06 |
Agni | it seems to parallelize the bootup process and hence speeds it up. any thoughts? | 02:06 |
zeroday | Agni: only if you have dual core or if ur processer supports hyperthreading/multithreading | 02:06 |
TritonX_ | zeroday: did the same error as all the other method of install, problem seems to be not in the drivers, but in the monitor | 02:06 |
ROnewbi2 | my wireless network connection functions erratically; network manager installed; most other wi-fi networks are seen and connected to without a problem, mine either needs close to a minute , or it won't connect | 02:06 |
Agni | zeroday: i dont | 02:06 |
ROnewbi2 | any ideas ? | 02:07 |
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ROnewbi2 | PS. MIne is encrypted, most aren't | 02:07 |
zeroday | TritonX_: post your xorg to pastebin pls i think i know whats wrong | 02:07 |
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zeroday | Agni: then dont bother | 02:07 |
TritonX_ | zeroday: ok , I"ll try that thing called pastebin | 02:07 |
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Agni | zeroday: oh, i assumed it would spawn async shells for each service being loaded | 02:07 |
zeroday | GuHHH: so can you load into linux now happily. is everything working? | 02:08 |
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Agni | zeroday: do u see any negative effects? | 02:08 |
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zeroday | Agni: yeah but it isnt brilliant unless you have dual core | 02:08 |
Agni | zeroday: i see | 02:08 |
zeroday | Agni: no im using it now and not really no | 02:08 |
GuHHH | zeroday: i need to know if this driver is name "radeon" or what, my xorg.conf stills the same and beryl doesnt work | 02:08 |
zeroday | Agni: i dont have dual core either | 02:08 |
Agni | zeroday: i see | 02:08 |
master17r | zeroday: any idea of when they are going to include a set of drivers for ATI in Ubuntu ? | 02:09 |
Agni | zeroday: i have another machine that does | 02:09 |
zeroday | GuHHH: i think it is envy's good at that | 02:09 |
=== Agni makes a note | ||
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zeroday | master17r: they have but thier shit cause ati realeased shit drivers | 02:09 |
burwaco | zeroday, I'm running 8.33.6 and ati released 8.36.5 a few days ago, I'm going to upgrade and see what happens... thx see you later... | 02:09 |
master17r | yup... | 02:09 |
zeroday | burwaco: cya good luck | 02:09 |
GuHHH | zeroday: guess i need a reboot... so it can load the modules, right? | 02:09 |
master17r | that's why i'm selling this PC | 02:09 |
Agni | whats pango? | 02:09 |
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zeroday | Agni: then try it on that it will speed it up and i doubt its gonna break your system | 02:10 |
zeroday | GuHHH: yeah you should really | 02:10 |
Agni | zeroday: sure | 02:10 |
GuHHH | new xorg + ati = sh** | 02:10 |
master17r | from now on, just Nvidia | 02:10 |
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regius | any good guide how to get supend to disk to work in ubuntu? | 02:10 |
zeroday | master17r: go ati i can help you better then lol | 02:10 |
zeroday | *i mean nvidia | 02:10 |
master17r | zeroday: I AM ATI | 02:10 |
zeroday | nvidia my bad | 02:11 |
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master17r | i\ll try later that solution you gave me | 02:11 |
zeroday | sure | 02:11 |
zeroday | what was the solution again? | 02:11 |
master17r | http://www.clipmarks.com/clipmark/28280FB2-D4CE-4204-8F7D-45D3988622CD/ | 02:11 |
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shad_yh | ohhhh | 02:11 |
master17r | I HOPE | 02:11 |
Agni | zeroday: one more Q. U have seen my xorg. I dont have a Wacom tablet, which part do i change to remove it from loading | 02:11 |
shad_yh | y did u hav to goooooooooooooooooo | 02:11 |
TritonX_ | zeroday: here is the pastebin for my xorg.conf on a Toshiba TE2100 | 02:11 |
burwaco | another question, I want to play a game, but meanwhile I'd like to log my systems activities, like cpu usage, ram usage, open files swap activity, how can I do that ? | 02:11 |
shad_yh | now who's gonna help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 02:11 |
TritonX_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17784/ | 02:11 |
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zeroday | Agni: DONT just leave it alone | 02:12 |
Agni | zeroday: ok | 02:12 |
zeroday | TritonX_: sorry whats wrong again | 02:12 |
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master17r | does anyone has windows games that run well on ubuntu ? | 02:13 |
TritonX_ | cant run the nvidia drivers | 02:13 |
TritonX_ | it says can't find usable screen | 02:13 |
master17r | does anyone play windows games that run well on ubuntu ? | 02:14 |
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TritonX_ | zeroday: drivers seems to install fine except it doesn't find a screen | 02:14 |
zeroday | TritonX_: did you upgrade from edgy? | 02:14 |
TritonX_ | hmmm, yes | 02:14 |
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subir | which file is responsible for System translation on the main menu? | 02:14 |
icedwater | Hello! | 02:14 |
zeroday | TritonX_: you lost your drivers try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:14 |
aldin | whats the difference between vmware server and vmware workstation? | 02:14 |
TritonX_ | zeroday: been there done that | 02:15 |
berezka | Hello! icedwater | 02:15 |
dusty-work | Hey guys, does anyone run kubuntu on the HP NX6325 laptop (I have a couple of issues with it) for example... when booting into linux, just BEFORE the kubuntu login screen after the system has booted up, it makes the screen go all fuzzy and funny then shows the login prompt, just wondering if there is a way to get rid of this? | 02:15 |
MenZa | !hi | icedwater | 02:15 |
ubotu | icedwater: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:15 |
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stellaras | hi there i use to get black screen instead of video, now i installed totem and i see the video files(only in totem, in vlc for example i still get a black screen) , but in totem where now plays the video i see it dotted(pure quality) | 02:15 |
icedwater | Can anyone help me with some critical problem? :( | 02:15 |
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zeroday | TritonX_: can you sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx | 02:15 |
MenZa | !anyone | 02:15 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:15 |
TritonX_ | zeroday: don't waste any more time, I'm just playing around with that laptop at the job | 02:16 |
icedwater | Hi MenZa, stop hiding behind the bot :P Ok... I'll ask :) | 02:16 |
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TritonX_ | zeroday: I tried everything I could, nvidia-glx-legacy, 9631 from Nvidia, always the same error | 02:16 |
maz | ubotu... huh? | 02:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about huh? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:16 |
zeroday | TritonX_: its alrite try it i wanna fix it | 02:16 |
zeroday | maz: ubotu is a BOT | 02:17 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: the same... a nice black screen, keyboard doesnt respond at all! | 02:17 |
GuHHH | ;D | 02:17 |
TritonX_ | zeroday: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx or glx-legacy won't work, tried that first | 02:17 |
icedwater | The thing is, I need to get Ubuntu to boot, but it keeps getting stuck at the Setting up console fonts and keymaps stage.. | 02:17 |
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maz | right. I went to a shockwave web page and somehow my speakers won't work now. what's that command I do to see the startup messages? ie about what might have gone wrong | 02:17 |
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GuHHH | lol, i was prized with a very nice problem. | 02:17 |
AngryElf_ | what do I have to do to make the GTK 2.x themes work from gnome-look.org? | 02:17 |
TritonX_ | zero: restricted drivers too | 02:17 |
burwaco | zeroday, envy isn't using the latest driver... | 02:17 |
maz | thanks zeroday, but that was a weird message of his | 02:17 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: how do i roll back the changes? | 02:17 |
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zeroday | TritonX_: last thing than try envy | 02:18 |
zeroday | AHHHH | 02:18 |
bianconeri_ | Any one got a solution to my problem? | 02:18 |
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TritonX_ | zero: I'll test by pluging an external monitor see if it want to connect on it | 02:18 |
GiabboO | hi all | 02:18 |
zeroday | burwaco: no its the most stable | 02:18 |
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zeroday | TritonX_: sure | 02:18 |
TritonX_ | zero: install nvidia-glx-legacy ? | 02:18 |
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GiabboO | I am havin issue installing debian on Intel HostRaid, using dm-raid I get an error... | 02:18 |
GiabboO | anybody is skilled ? | 02:19 |
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jk- | hey folks | 02:19 |
master17r | oh, one more thing, how in hell do i managed to get yahoo messenger working on ubuntu but now it won't start anymore ? | 02:19 |
shad_yh | does anybody know how to enable "root login in Gnome Display Mode" from recovery mode? | 02:19 |
icedwater | do you know where to find the fonts ubuntu looks for at startup? :P | 02:19 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: what do you mean no response just black screen | 02:19 |
burwaco | zeroday, how does envy know my root password ? | 02:19 |
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Rubialoca | the best Spanish vidente visits his blog are very interesting rituals of love and many things but visitalo http://eltarotdesalem.blogspot.com/ | 02:19 |
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CrakeHunter | hello again, does anyone know of a program in linux for writing a (offline) diary? | 02:19 |
GuHHH | zeroday: my monitor shuts down and my keyboard does not responde... cant do any thing | 02:19 |
zeroday | burwaco: not sure | 02:20 |
burwaco | brb, got to reboot (sounds like window$...) | 02:20 |
=== _aussieman [n=bobo@37.Red-88-11-215.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jk- | i'm having problems 'apt-get update'-ing | 02:20 |
jk- | it stalls on the translation files | 02:20 |
=== scrimple [n=robertla@cppp-p-144-139-57-123.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | GuHHH: it could be that the monitor is out of range does it have an auto-adjust? | 02:20 |
jk- | the files can be downloaded, but they're zero bytes, and the bzip and/or gpg processes just hang | 02:20 |
master17r | jk- : it might be the server you;re connecting to | 02:20 |
master17r | oh | 02:21 |
jk- | master17r: i can wget the files just fine | 02:21 |
GuHHH | zeroday: but i set the refresh rates correctly... it works with fglrx driver, not with the other ones | 02:21 |
jk- | (but it's probably something to do with the mirror, as the files are zero bytes) | 02:21 |
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jk- | but it shouldn't jsut hang, right? :) | 02:21 |
=== VirhYl3 [n=rhy@ip68-111-203-36.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
master17r | nope | 02:21 |
TritonX_ | sudo reboot | 02:21 |
zeroday | GuHHH: does your monitor turn off or just go black? | 02:22 |
VirhYl3 | What's the best torrent program for Ubuntu? | 02:22 |
GuHHH | zeroday: turn off | 02:22 |
master17r | jk-: format c: | 02:22 |
master17r | :)))))))))0 | 02:22 |
jk- | :P | 02:22 |
scrimple | is it possible to listen to Streamtuner using a dialup connection? I get some of the music but it keeps cutting out through buffering. | 02:22 |
hawk | VirhYl3: rtorrent is good, if it's something curses-based you're after | 02:22 |
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zeroday | GuHHH: do you have any other monitor inputs on your comp? | 02:22 |
VirhYl3 | hawk: curses-based?!? | 02:22 |
Oetzi | hi | 02:22 |
GuHHH | jk-: throw ur hd away just use live-cd, lol | 02:22 |
hawk | VirhYl3: yes | 02:23 |
GuHHH | zeroday: no, only one | 02:23 |
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VirhYl3 | I'm looking for a non-spam non-corporate non-spied on utorrent. | 02:23 |
VirhYl3 | :) | 02:23 |
Oetzi | i have problems with my synaptics-touchpad | 02:23 |
GuHHH | zeroday: i will try something, just one second | 02:23 |
zeroday | GuHHH: sure | 02:23 |
master17r | 10: goto microsoft: | 02:23 |
Belutz | where can i find "report a problem" menu? | 02:23 |
Oetzi | the scrollarea isn't working | 02:23 |
=== jk- searches launchpad | ||
VirhYl3 | Shareaza is not very stable in Wine. | 02:23 |
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scrimple | is it possible to listen to Streamtuner using a dialup connection? I get some of the music but it keeps cutting out through buffering. | 02:24 |
VirhYl3 | Though it WAS working for a while. | 02:24 |
master17r | scrimple: it's the internet connection, get a bigger one | 02:24 |
Oetzi | but when i restart my x it suddenly works | 02:24 |
master17r | scrimple: non-dial-up | 02:24 |
Oetzi | someone an idea? | 02:24 |
scrimple | ok thanks | 02:24 |
=== crdlb [n=crdlb@pool-151-199-148-7.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== VirhYl3 groks rtorrent. | ||
zeroday | master17r: did envy work for you? | 02:25 |
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master17r | envy ? | 02:25 |
=== burwaco [n=burwaco@240.79-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | VirhYl3: you should get an anonymous VPN connection out of your office, if you don't people to spy on you | 02:25 |
burwaco | zeroday, upgrade succes | 02:25 |
zeroday | burwaco: brilliant using envy or by debs? | 02:25 |
burwaco | envy | 02:25 |
master17r | envy being ? | 02:25 |
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master17r | oh | 02:25 |
magnetron | VirhYl3: you could maybe set it up to connect thru your home broadband? | 02:25 |
burwaco | automated python installer | 02:25 |
master17r | zeroday: haven't tried it yet | 02:26 |
zeroday | burwaco: can i know your sys specs so i can report them to alberto he needs beta testers for his ati and yours worked which is great | 02:26 |
burwaco | tell me what you want... | 02:26 |
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master17r | zeroday: but if the link you gave me isn't lying, it should work | 02:26 |
VirhYl3 | magnetron: Very possibly. Lead me to a faq or something. | 02:26 |
VirhYl3 | :) | 02:26 |
zeroday | burwaco: ati card and comp model | 02:26 |
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Cin | why does an update appear in the update manager that I can't check to be installed? | 02:26 |
Parmenion | hey guys | 02:26 |
burwaco | hold on... | 02:26 |
Parmenion | im still kicking around here | 02:27 |
zeroday | burwaco: thanks | 02:27 |
zeroday | master17r: ya envy is brilliant thanks alberto | 02:27 |
Parmenion | btw, one question, why isnt the ruby version in the repos updated? | 02:27 |
icedwater | Anyone know what to do if my system stops booting after it reaches the "Setting up console fonts and keymaps" stage? | 02:27 |
master17r | burwaco: what model of videocard do u have ? | 02:27 |
zeroday | icedwater: resintall | 02:27 |
zeroday | *reinstall | 02:27 |
icedwater | You mean using a CD? | 02:27 |
zeroday | ya | 02:27 |
Cin | xserver-xorg-video-intel is in my update list, but I can't select it to install it | 02:28 |
icedwater | That would mean having to wipe my hard drive, right? :( | 02:28 |
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magnetron | VirhYl3: don't have one. either you pay and buy a VPN connection from some company or you use some of the many VPN solutions availiable | 02:28 |
icedwater | Can I copy stuff to the swap partition, since it is hardly used? | 02:28 |
burwaco | master17r, ATI Radeon mobility 9600 | 02:28 |
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VirhYl3 | magnetron: OK, but this is like the first I've ever heard of this. | 02:28 |
zeroday | icedwater: you can try save files with knoppix if thats what you want | 02:28 |
burwaco | brb, making specs sheet | 02:28 |
VirhYl3 | But I really want to learn more. | 02:28 |
VirhYl3 | :D | 02:28 |
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Cin | why does an update appear in the update manager that I can't check to be installed? | 02:29 |
Parmenion | guys, where can i get updated repos? | 02:29 |
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master17r | burwaco: the real problems occur with ATI's little older cards like mine, 9250, which have an older driver (8.28.8) that can't support newer kernels | 02:29 |
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Parmenion | the main server packages for ruby are stuck at 1.85 while the stable is 1.86 | 02:29 |
icedwater | zeroday: Thanks loads, I'll see if Knoppix can write to swap... and if it stays there :( | 02:30 |
=== TritonX_ [n=psav@bas2-quebec09-1242405614.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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zeroday | master17r: envy i think tries to sort that out | 02:30 |
ericrost | hey all, I'm getting ready to build a server for a small political group (volunteer/learning project) and I'm considering what apps to use to provide some mail and calendaring services. I was looking at egroupware, any other suggestions? | 02:30 |
magnetron | VirhYl3: it works like this: you <--encrypted connection ---> VPN server <-normal traffic-> Interwebs | 02:30 |
master17r | zeroday: 10x for the link & envy, are u some kind of support crew ? :) | 02:30 |
TritonX_ | zeroday: same errors,I noted it, Failed to Load Nvidia Kernel Module, Screens Found, but none have a usable configuration. Fatal Server Error, no screens found. | 02:31 |
=== mandinfo [n=mandinfo@192.Red-88-7-203.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ebbs | burwaco zeroday , that was the problem, it was a miscofigured /etc/hosts, edgy accepted this misconfiguration and that had no influence on the system | 02:31 |
zeroday | master17r: no i just have no life | 02:31 |
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master17r | hahahhaa | 02:31 |
master17r | joke, right ? | 02:31 |
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subir | which file is responsible for System translation on the main menu? | 02:31 |
zeroday | ebbs: brilliant thanks | 02:31 |
zeroday | master17r: lol yeah | 02:31 |
ebbs | on | 02:31 |
burwaco | ebbs, nice one | 02:31 |
burwaco | zeroday, where do you want specs ? | 02:31 |
=== factorx [n=asdf@dslb-084-061-046-116.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | burwaco: wherever suits you pastebin? | 02:32 |
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burwaco | hold on | 02:32 |
master17r | zeroday: what do you do for a living ? | 02:32 |
zeroday | burwaco: thanks | 02:32 |
ericrost | anybody? just wondering if I'm missing a direction to look, or if egroupware is a solid server app? | 02:32 |
zeroday | master17r: im 13 im a student | 02:32 |
=== bcbroilo [n=bcb@cm-net-fln-C8B088AD.dynamic.brdterra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
master17r | zeroday: OMG | 02:33 |
zeroday | master17r: knew that was the answer | 02:33 |
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VirhYl3 | magnetron: Got it. Hell if I could get fast torrents off of there, I'd even pay for that. | 02:33 |
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master17r | zeroday: US ? | 02:33 |
zeroday | master17r: asia | 02:33 |
VirhYl3 | Is there a company that I can hire for like $20 a month or something to be my VPN? | 02:33 |
master17r | zeroday: asia where ? | 02:33 |
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=== jovans [n=jovan@p54B057CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | zeroday: where are you from? | 02:34 |
lfs__ | i have a problem with ubuntu installation.. first it stucked on 15% .. then it doest even start the install just stucked and .. thas was ubuntu 7.4 disc installation | 02:34 |
magnetron | !ohmy > VirhYl3 :) | 02:34 |
master17r | zeroday: romania | 02:34 |
zeroday | master17r: singapore | 02:34 |
ericrost | lfs__: did you verify the burn? | 02:34 |
master17r | zeroday: just a stone-throw away | 02:34 |
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-110-62-16.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | lol | 02:34 |
Parmenion | zeroday: kudos, what secondary school? | 02:34 |
ericrost | lfs__: there's a menu to do that, or is it sticking after it boots into the desktop? | 02:34 |
VirhYl3 | No seriously. I'm actively opposed to any censorship at all for any reason. That includes anything I want to download/upload, whatever. Can I get a VPN in sealand? | 02:34 |
Parmenion | im in the west | 02:34 |
zeroday | Parmenion: why? | 02:35 |
master17r | sealand ??? | 02:35 |
Parmenion | lol ... im from singapore as well zeroday | 02:35 |
=== Quetsch [n=flo@p54a6f103.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | taking my "O"s this year | 02:35 |
burwaco | zeroday, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17788/ | 02:35 |
VirhYl3 | Wait did I say a bad word? ubotu just warned me. | 02:35 |
=== mister_roboto [n=jrk@24-136-22-252.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
icedwater | Ah, Singapore? Nice place :P | 02:35 |
shad_yh | what is the command to create a directory in recovery mode? | 02:35 |
Parmenion | lol icedwater, in what sense? | 02:36 |
icedwater | Cos that's where I am now too :) | 02:36 |
=== whaley [n=whaley@CompKenn-dyn-11-pc.uncc.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | whee XD | 02:36 |
Parmenion | place ? icedwater | 02:36 |
shad_yh | what is the command to create a directory in recovery mode? | 02:36 |
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bobstro-away | VirhYl3: you want to use this from work? | 02:36 |
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icedwater | !hi | Parmenion | 02:36 |
ubotu | Parmenion: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:36 |
TritonX_ | Anyone tried to run Feisty on a USB stick with persistency? I tried without success, It was booting and running fine, but no persistency :( | 02:36 |
burwaco | zeroday, got it ? | 02:36 |
jandro | hello, i've just installed beryl on my recent feisty fawn with nvida card (geforce 6400 go), but when i run "beryl-manager" my firefox windows especially and also others become black, also de wallpaper at the most of the times. I haver researched through google, and the error is well reported, but i didn't found any useful info about how to fix it. Does anyone have any idea of this? Thanks | 02:36 |
Belutz | where can i find "report a problem" menu? | 02:36 |
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=== GuHHH [n=no@145231.fln.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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VirhYl3 | No. From home. My ISP wants to boot me for downloading movies. So I want to pay them JUST for VPN connect to a server that doesn't care whether I download movies. | 02:37 |
GuHHH | Zeroday: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". | 02:37 |
GuHHH | zeroday: knows how to solve that? | 02:37 |
icedwater | Parmenion: You taking your Os this year? | 02:37 |
VirhYl3 | In Ubuntu. :D | 02:37 |
burwaco | VirhYl3, lol | 02:37 |
bobstro-away | VirhYl3: vote with your feet and find another ISP! | 02:37 |
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VirhYl3 | They are the only one here. | 02:37 |
TritonX_ | VirhYl3: use an encrypted torrent client, they will have to work a little harder to see what's going on | 02:37 |
VirhYl3 | other than dial up. | 02:37 |
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Parmenion | yep icedwater :P | 02:38 |
KalleDK | !hi | 02:38 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 02:38 |
VirhYl3 | TritonX_: Tried that. They are still torrent shaping. | 02:38 |
master17r | !eatmyshorts | 02:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about eatmyshorts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:38 |
burwaco | VirhYl3, you pay your ISP for bandwidth, not for parenting you what to do with it, get rid of tham and get another one. | 02:38 |
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KalleDK | !love | master17r | 02:38 |
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ubotu | master17r: Love is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come. | 02:38 |
bobstro-away | VirhYl3: you can stealth with the various clients, but they'll still see the volume of traffic, which is probably their objection. | 02:38 |
=== bob777 [n=kyo@mic92-13-88-165-229-16.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VirhYl3 | There is no other one here. | 02:38 |
master17r | !nothing | 02:38 |
ubotu | Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail. | 02:38 |
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TritonX_ | Virhyl3, other Port ? | 02:38 |
burwaco | zeroday, did you get the specs ? | 02:38 |
master17r | KalleDK: hope you're a girl | 02:39 |
VirhYl3 | bobstro: Right, but if they can't see what I'm doing, I just want VPN connect of certain bandwidth..... They have to shut up or I can sue, right? | 02:39 |
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KalleDK | HAHA master17r dreamon :P | 02:39 |
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VirhYl3 | TritonX_: tried that too. | 02:39 |
bobstro-away | VirhYl3: probably not. if you read the fine print in their terms of service, i'm sure they've got that covered. :) | 02:39 |
TritonX_ | VirhyL3 : then they can only complain about your bandwith usage | 02:39 |
VirhYl3 | Even tried TOR through a different machine, but it was way too slow. | 02:39 |
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VirhYl3 | exactly. | 02:39 |
zeroday | burwaco: sorry been away whats the url | 02:39 |
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bobstro-away | VirhYl3: when you sign up, there's usually a "termination without cause" bit that you agreed to. | 02:39 |
master17r | KalleDK: actually i have 2 girlfriends and a hot ex, so...i'm kinda filled | 02:39 |
TritonX_ | Vir: must be somewhere in the Contract what you can use... but it's their problem not yours | 02:40 |
VirhYl3 | They can complain about my bandwidth all they want. | 02:40 |
burwaco | zeroday, my system specs... | 02:40 |
burwaco | pastebin | 02:40 |
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VirhYl3 | They offer "unlimited bandwidth" for a certain $ per month. | 02:40 |
bobstro-away | VirhYl3: they can also disconnect you, and if they're truly the ONLY ISP around... hmm. | 02:40 |
jandro | ubotu: are you talking to me? | 02:40 |
master17r | burwaco: singapore's net connection has failed to respond | 02:40 |
VirhYl3 | if they disconnect me for VPN. I can sue. | 02:40 |
=== imon9 [n=chatzill@ppp85-140-183-56.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
burwaco | VirhYl3, read the fineprint, unlimited is never unlimited... :) | 02:40 |
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bobstro-away | VirhYl3: i sympathize. but they don't care. again, the fine print covers that i suspect. | 02:40 |
bobstro-away | VirhYl3: are you sure? | 02:40 |
zeroday | Parmenion: icedwater: you both on the singapore loco team? | 02:40 |
Parmenion | VirhYl3: lol ... leech wireless :P | 02:40 |
=== aldin [n=aldin@cm-5385.europronet.ba] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobstro-away | VirhYl3: you can HOPE to sue, sure. | 02:40 |
jrib | VirhYl3: read your TOS closely, that isn't the case for me | 02:41 |
VirhYl3 | No, I'm sure. | 02:41 |
burwaco | master17r, say what ? | 02:41 |
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Parmenion | loco team? | 02:41 |
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bobstro-away | VirhYl3: then hit them with that. but good luck! | 02:41 |
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master17r | burwaco: just kiddin man | 02:41 |
VirhYl3 | My friend who is uber leet uber me has already fought them on this. | 02:41 |
zeroday | burwaco: thanks so much | 02:41 |
TritonX_ | Virhy : At least I hope encryption is not illegal in your country | 02:41 |
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=== vecina [n=vecina@c-68-52-139-174.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
imon9 | hi there, just want to know: does the kernel affect the hardware in my dualboot XP too? | 02:41 |
Parmenion | no | 02:41 |
Parmenion | imon9: no | 02:41 |
vecina | Why wont my computer automatically mount external HDs and jump drives? | 02:41 |
burwaco | master17r, got me there :) | 02:41 |
VirhYl3 | bobstro-away: Will do! But I need to find a good VPN server. I can pay somebody, is there a service like that? | 02:42 |
vecina | I have to manually make a directory and mount to it | 02:42 |
zeroday | Parmenion: icedwater: my email is al1b1.watch.it@gmail.com mail me | 02:42 |
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GuHHH | zeroday: i got that problem hecking for XComposite extension : failed | 02:42 |
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imon9 | then how come my touchpad stop working after the kernel update to feitsy ones? both in xubuntu and XP | 02:42 |
bobstro-away | VirhYl3: well, you could get a VPS server or similar and do whatever you want, but they also charge for bandwidth usage. | 02:42 |
VirhYl3 | hmmm... where do I start shopping? | 02:43 |
=== snap_ [n=snap@adsl-152-218-86.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
master17r | whois burwaco | 02:43 |
zeroday | GuHHH: ouch open xorg and change the driver to vesa | 02:43 |
imon9 | anyway, there is a new kernel 2.6.32 out...how soon will we be able to use it? coz the current one has problem with scanner and mouse-lockup | 02:43 |
burwaco | I'm going to try my new driver, bbiab, thx for all help, see you later | 02:43 |
zeroday | envy failed | 02:43 |
TritonX_ | Anyone tried to run Feisty on a USB stick with persistency? I tried without success, It was booting and running fine, but no persistency :( | 02:43 |
zeroday | bi burwaco | 02:43 |
burwaco | no, I ain't bi... | 02:43 |
VirhYl3 | It's unfortunate that every part of Southern California is beholden to a monopoly of one of 3 corporate ISPs: | 02:43 |
master17r | hahahahhahaa | 02:43 |
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VirhYl3 | Cox, Charter, or Adelphia, but never overlapping. | 02:43 |
burwaco | lol, bye | 02:43 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: just google around. i'm paying about $20US/mo. but it's limited to 5GB/mo. or it costs more. | 02:44 |
master17r | burwaco from ? | 02:44 |
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VirhYl3 | heh, that's more expensive than I was figuring on. | 02:44 |
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bobstro | VirhYl3: well, you're after a lot of features. may be hard to find much cheaper. | 02:44 |
vecina | Why wont my external drive automount? | 02:45 |
=== VirhYl3 sighs. | ||
jonah_ | hi guys gdesklets just wont work on amd64 feisty | 02:45 |
VirhYl3 | When will this corporate slavery end? | 02:45 |
jonah_ | i've tried submitting bugs without reply | 02:45 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: heh. no time soon, my friend. | 02:45 |
jonah_ | does anyone know what's going on with gdesklets? | 02:45 |
=== fervidfrogger_ [n=fervidfr@20-81.netblk-69-41-81.coolaccess.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | jonah_: whats wrong with em? | 02:45 |
dyrne | probably when cali stops regulating the @$@# out of everything | 02:45 |
jonah_ | Parmenion, the app wont even start up | 02:46 |
zeroday | icedwater: Parmenion: join the loco team https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingaporeTeam | 02:46 |
HaCKeT|FiZZ | heya, question about the gnome network manager... I am not getting the symbol to choose my netwoks so I always have to manually connect to the wireless networks.. is there any known bug? running ubuntu 7.04 | 02:46 |
VirhYl3 | regulating isn't the problem... DEregulating is the problem. | 02:46 |
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bobstro | VirhYl3: hey, you got a free OS and apps out of the deal at least! | 02:46 |
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Parmenion | jonah_: hmmm... how did you install the package? | 02:46 |
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VirhYl3 | Power used to be super cheap, owned by the city, now "SDGnE" charges you an arm and a leg for less service. | 02:46 |
Parmenion | how are you calling it up? | 02:46 |
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VirhYl3 | True, Ubuntu is the bomb. | 02:47 |
zeroday | gtg bi everyone have fun | 02:47 |
Agni | hi | 02:47 |
VirhYl3 | Eventually we'll have p2p wimax connections. | 02:47 |
TritonX_ | cya zero | 02:47 |
vecina | Should my hard drive be read as SDA since its SATA? | 02:47 |
jonah_ | Parmenion, just through repository as normal. i then removed it when wouldnt work and also tried automatix but that didnt work either so got rid of that too: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdesklets/+bug/110103 | 02:47 |
=== foxhound [n=chatzill@ip-83-212-216-254.adsl.aueb.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VirhYl3 | Then the corporations can't touch us if we have solar panels. :D | 02:47 |
Cin | why does an update appear in the update manager that I can't check to be installed? | 02:47 |
Agni | zeroday: thanks for your help earlier | 02:47 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: i suspect those will still have caps, unless you're talking about building your own wimax? | 02:47 |
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TritonX_ | vecina: it depends on your mobo | 02:47 |
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Agni | does anyone know if its ok to remove mdadm? | 02:48 |
enlightenedpsych | hi, I just bought a Creative Zen V Plus and I was wondering how to make it work with libmtp (Im on edgy). Just tried a tutorial I've found on a website but probably something lacks cause gnomad don't seem to detect the mp3 player | 02:48 |
VirhYl3 | I'm talking p2p wimax. | 02:48 |
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Agni | or atleast disable the service? | 02:48 |
TritonX_ | vecina: can be sda, hda , be careful | 02:48 |
KalleDK | Does any know why grub fails installing in feisty on VMWare Workstation | 02:48 |
enlightenedpsych | so if anyone know what to do it would be very useful | 02:48 |
Parmenion | jonah_: your on fiesty or edgy ? your calling it up from terminal or GUI ? | 02:48 |
VirhYl3 | IE. my wimax talks to the neighbor, his wimax talks to his neighbor. | 02:48 |
VirhYl3 | nobody can regulate THAT! | 02:48 |
vecina | Its SDA according to 'mount', and i want to know if thats why its not automounting usb devices | 02:48 |
VirhYl3 | (or stop me from d/l movies). | 02:48 |
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bobstro | VirhYl3: in which case you'll be pissing off people that know where you live. bandwidth isn't unlimited on wimax. | 02:48 |
TritonX_ | Vir: don't underestimated them | 02:48 |
VirhYl3 | lol | 02:48 |
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jonah_ | Parmenion, on feisty, tried both gui and terminal, submitted output in this bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdesklets/+bug/110103 | 02:48 |
VirhYl3 | no, I'll be sharing directly with them. | 02:49 |
VirhYl3 | they'll be using mine, too. :D | 02:49 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: the cooperatives work when people COOPERATE. :) | 02:49 |
Parmenion | jonah_: i would recommend a complete removal afterwhich followed by a update of the repos and then upgrae | 02:49 |
ffm | Any way to XDMCP over SSH? | 02:49 |
VirhYl3 | If I'm uploading bandwidth from the neighbor on the other side... it'll work. | 02:49 |
jonah_ | Parmenion, is it working for others on amd64? | 02:49 |
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bobstro | VirhYl3: keep in mind that bandwidth is still shared. | 02:49 |
VirhYl3 | We'll bypass the whole Internet1. But that's down the road... *sigh* | 02:49 |
TritonX_ | vecina: good question, never had any problem with automount of usb drive.... hmmm I guess you don't want to do it manually | 02:49 |
Parmenion | amd64 .... :P | 02:49 |
foxhound | hi,when I try to play rmvb files in realplayer10 i get choppy video.I have ubuntu 7.04 amd64.what could I do? | 02:50 |
ffm | Is theis Tapthru? | 02:50 |
vecina | TritonX_: preferably not every single time :( | 02:50 |
Parmenion | your running 32 or 64 bit programs? | 02:50 |
VirhYl3 | bobstro: Yeah, but if everybody has a 100mbit connection to everyone else? | 02:50 |
ffm | !test | 02:50 |
ffm | !ping | 02:50 |
ubotu | Failed | 02:50 |
ubotu | pong | 02:50 |
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jonah_ | Parmenion, i'm on 64 running 64 apps | 02:50 |
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Dell-Net | !ubotu | 02:50 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: everybody SHARES that bandwidth, unless you're doing dedicated links to each. | 02:50 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 02:50 |
ffm | !where am i | 02:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about where am i - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:50 |
TritonX_ | vecina: have you checked in system-pref-removcable drives ? | 02:50 |
ffm | !whoami | 02:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about whoami - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:50 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: don't trust the "unlimited bandwidth" from the wimax mfr. any more than from your isp. | 02:51 |
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VirhYl3 | I'm not sure you get what I'm saying. | 02:51 |
IdleOne | !botabuse | ffm | 02:51 |
ubotu | ffm: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 02:51 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: we've done wimax deployments. i have a good idea. | 02:51 |
Parmenion | cant really help you with 64 bit =( Im running 32bit | 02:51 |
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VirhYl3 | yeah, but that was wimax to wimax to OLD INTERNET. | 02:51 |
GuHHH | zeroday if i do that i cant load xserver | 02:51 |
Parmenion | are you sure your repos are updated though jonah_? | 02:51 |
foxhound | when I try to play rmvb files in realplayer10 i get choppy video.I have ubuntu 7.04 amd64.what could I do? | 02:51 |
VirhYl3 | in the future it will be wimax > 1,000 near people with wimax. | 02:51 |
vecina | TritonX_: no, where can i access that? | 02:51 |
TritonX_ | Vir: its like the old ethernet with coax, very easy to make it choke | 02:51 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: the internet has never been the issue, it's the shared bandwidth of wimax itself. | 02:52 |
VirhYl3 | There will be no OLD INTERNET. | 02:52 |
Parmenion | it seems its calling up a deprecated function in the bug report, so are your packages recent? | 02:52 |
ubuntu | hi! im on the livecd right now trying to install kubuntu... But the picture keeps getting over to my tv out. Is there any software I can use to make it go to my original screen or at least get it to dual view_ | 02:52 |
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bobstro | VirhYl3: doing it with a FRACTION of what you're describing will choke it. | 02:52 |
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TritonX_ | vecina : as I told you , System-->Preferences-->Removable drives | 02:52 |
VirhYl3 | Well then current wimax is crippled. | 02:52 |
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vecina | oh... | 02:52 |
Oetzi | where can i find information about updating my edge to feisty | 02:52 |
vecina | actually im in kde | 02:52 |
VirhYl3 | We'll call it wimax 4.0. :D | 02:52 |
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VirhYl3 | Eventually though, bandwidth will be free. | 02:52 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: what we need is good infrastructure like most other countries have. 100Mbps to the house isn't at all uncommon elsewhere. | 02:53 |
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bobstro | VirhYl3: it largely is many places in the world. | 02:53 |
VirhYl3 | I agree with that. | 02:53 |
bobstro | VirhYl3: wimax is great for rurals and such, not so good for speed freaks downloading movies! | 02:53 |
ubuntu | hi! im on the livecd right now trying to install kubuntu... But the picture keeps getting over to my tv out. Is there any software I can use to make it go to my original screen or at least get it to dual view_ | 02:53 |
dyrne | !update > Oetzi | 02:53 |
VirhYl3 | Well, wimax 4.0.... :D | 02:53 |
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abuyazan | hi | 02:53 |
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bobstro | VirhYl3: just give me FIOS for now and i'll be happy. | 02:54 |
Oetzi | dyrne: thx | 02:54 |
abuyazan | how can i change my menu bar as MAC style | 02:54 |
VirhYl3 | yeah, me too, and an ISP that doesn't care what I'm doing on my FIOS. | 02:54 |
foxhound | when I try to play rmvb files in realplayer10 i get choppy video.I have ubuntu 7.04 amd64.help someone? | 02:54 |
kraut | hi, i have a corrupt module in /etc/modules. how do i forbid loading the module via grub or ignore /etc/modules? | 02:54 |
VirhYl3 | and a government that doesn't do whatever the corporations that run those ISPs want. | 02:54 |
=== VirhYl3 sighs again. | ||
=== lkas [n=bcb@cm-net-fln-C8B088AD.dynamic.brdterra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dyrne | !blacklist > kraut | 02:54 |
Pici | !blacklist | kraut | 02:54 |
ubotu | kraut: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 02:54 |
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kraut | i can'T boot! | 02:55 |
=== AngryElf_ [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
predaeus | ubuntu, if you run an nvidia card and install the restricted drivers you can select dual view options etc with nvidia-settings | 02:55 |
Tyazhely666 | http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=7930.msg59965#new | 02:55 |
kraut | dyrne: i know the blacklist file, but i can't boot the system :/ | 02:55 |
AngryElf_ | How do I make GTK2 themes work? they're saying "invalid file format" | 02:55 |
dyrne | kraut: you have desktop cd? boot from it and do sudo fdisk -l whatever partition your ubuntu shows up as them mount it and edit the file | 02:55 |
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predaeus | AngryElf_, did you drag-n-drop the theme.tar.gz onto the theme manager to install it? | 02:55 |
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predaeus | without unpacking it first | 02:56 |
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kraut | dyrne: isn't there a method via grub? | 02:56 |
AngryElf_ | predaeus: yes | 02:56 |
kraut | dyrne: haven't anything here in the data center | 02:56 |
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jonah_ | Parmenion, yeah everything is up to date, there's just a bug with feisty for this i think - is it easy to install from the tar? | 02:56 |
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VirhYl3 | kraut: Shame on you! You should always have several Ubuntu disks on your person. | 02:56 |
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AngryElf_ | icon themes work fine, but gtk2 themes(maybe others) dont | 02:56 |
VirhYl3 | :) | 02:56 |
kraut | VirhYl3: ... | 02:57 |
predaeus | but it still says invalid filre format? weird. probably a mistake by the theme's creator. try adding it by hand to the correct directory, sry I do not know where gtk2 themes go by default. | 02:57 |
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ffm | When I SSH using PUTTY, why is it that ' appears as a a with a - over it (at a slant) | 02:57 |
Parmenion | jonah_: hmm ... maybe compiling from source would be the best option | 02:57 |
dyrne | kraut: honestly dont know. if there is post it here when you find id be interested | 02:57 |
ffm | I can never see 's in man and in manual text | 02:57 |
Parmenion | jonah_: its not that hard. just make sure you install build-essential and checkinstall | 02:57 |
=== tristil [n=method@c-71-60-19-65.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ffm | HELP!!! I cannot see '''''s. | 02:58 |
dusty-work | Does anyone here run linux on the laptop: HP Compaq NX6325 ? | 02:58 |
TritonX_ | what is the best virtual machine to run Feisty ? | 02:58 |
ffm | TritonX_: What OS? | 02:58 |
TritonX_ | osx | 02:58 |
=== soulburner [n=soulburn@df01t2-212-194-108-60.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TritonX_ | and linux | 02:58 |
TritonX_ | but mostly osx | 02:58 |
ffm | TritonX_: What HOST OS | 02:58 |
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TritonX_ | using Q, but I', not impressed | 02:59 |
a|K|a | anyone know a tool you can run and it gives you an idea of where all your hardrive usage is coming from? | 02:59 |
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bezibaerch3n | a|K|a: baobab | 03:00 |
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a|K|a | thanks | 03:00 |
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kraut | dyrne: i try it with init=/bin/bash and perhaps i am lucky | 03:01 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@153.201-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vega- | a|K|a: sudo du -sh /* | 03:01 |
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oxygen | hello | 03:01 |
oxygen | i installed ubuntu 7 | 03:01 |
oxygen | but cdrom problems | 03:01 |
VirhYl3 | good! | 03:01 |
oxygen | i neeed fix patch | 03:01 |
=== sphorbis [n=sphorbis@cpe-70-95-178-72.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | is there a way in 7.04 server to tell if my gigabit controller is actually running at gbit? | 03:01 |
CheshireViking | a|K|a, Is this what you're after Applications, Accessories, Disk Usage Analyzer? | 03:01 |
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l_r | hello people. | 03:02 |
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oxygen | hellooo | 03:02 |
oxygen | ubuntu dion alimio dion | 03:02 |
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VirhYl3 | oxygen. what is wrong. | 03:02 |
l_r | i just installed kubuntu. the question is: why does not it support wpa by default by knetworkmanager? | 03:02 |
VirhYl3 | in english. | 03:02 |
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oxygen | VirhYl3, : ubuntu 7 with my cdrom does not work | 03:03 |
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jhaig | SpaceBass: Network connection? Try "mii-tool" | 03:03 |
VirhYl3 | doesn't burn cds? | 03:03 |
VirhYl3 | or doesn't read them? | 03:03 |
HymnToLife | l_r, why should it ? | 03:03 |
oxygen | yeah | 03:03 |
foxhound | when I try to play rmvb files in realplayer10 i get choppy video.I have ubuntu 7.04 amd64.what could I do? | 03:03 |
VirhYl3 | neither? | 03:03 |
oxygen | doesn't read them | 03:03 |
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l_r | isn't the time to let the user setup the wireless card with a mouse click instead of having to read the doc, manually change the config, test..etc? | 03:03 |
SpaceBass | jhaig, great, thanks! | 03:03 |
oxygen | system is problem | 03:03 |
cire | i'm trying to get a wusb54gc to work on feisty. it worked on edgy with Albrecht Gebhardt's solution but compiling the driver on feisty errors out. any thoughts? | 03:03 |
VirhYl3 | hmmm... weird... haven't heard of that one. | 03:03 |
kraut | dyrne: i am lucky ;) | 03:03 |
zeroday | oxygen: whats your native language? | 03:03 |
HymnToLife | as if it didn't install enough useless crap as is.... | 03:03 |
VirhYl3 | is it a weird drive? | 03:03 |
sylvie_ | Exotic85@hotmail.fr | 03:03 |
dynoweb | does anyone know how to get the desktop effects to work? | 03:03 |
=== tex__ [n=chatzill@host73-115-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | jhaig, ok, its showing 100T...how can I tell it to use gigabit? | 03:04 |
oxygen | zeroday, : native ya, i mean my cdrom does not work with ubuntu 7 | 03:04 |
=== Tyazhely666 Sorry, can i help me? I want configure scanner BenQ 500U under UBUNTU | ||
tex__ | Loading 7.04 Live CD - intel_nrg FWH not detected ?? | 03:04 |
oxygen | but ubuntu 6 with work | 03:04 |
zeroday | dynoweb: just use beryl (beryl-project.org) | 03:04 |
VirhYl3 | dynoweb: go #ubuntu-effects or #beryl | 03:04 |
oxygen | tes | 03:04 |
oxygen | yes | 03:04 |
HOT | spacebass: 100 is 100T ie 100Mb | 03:04 |
Riley | can anyone help me get quake 3 arena and install for ubuntu | 03:04 |
HOT | not a gig | 03:04 |
=== eltese [i=eltese@90-230-73-166-no134.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EdgEy | Riley, use your q3 cd | 03:04 |
eltese | hi. Anyone good with livecds and changing monitor? | 03:04 |
Riley | lol | 03:04 |
EdgEy | there is an installer on ftp.idsoftware.com somewhere | 03:04 |
SpaceBass | Hot I understand...but its a gigabit controller | 03:04 |
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Riley | when i say get | 03:04 |
Riley | // | 03:04 |
=== Ozeuss [n=orenz@bzq-84-109-59-175.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TritonX_ | but to run at gigabit, you need the switch or at least another computer at that speed | 03:05 |
HOT | spacebass, yup, you asked how to tell what its running | 03:05 |
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VirhYl3 | Riley: Is it just quake 3 you wanna play? | 03:05 |
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VirhYl3 | or a mod? | 03:05 |
SpaceBass | hot, then asked how to change it | 03:05 |
TritonX_ | internet wont be faster... | 03:05 |
jhaig | SpaceBass: I'm not really sure how to fiddle around with that, but mii-tool allows you to change things. See the man page. | 03:05 |
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EdgEy | !piracy | 03:05 |
Riley | yeah | 03:05 |
ubotu | piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 03:05 |
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SpaceBass | jhaig, thanks, looking now | 03:05 |
EdgEy | if you have the official cd, go ftp.idsoftware.com, there's a quake3 folder somewhere with a linux installer | 03:05 |
=== TuTuFF [n=kryptik@abyss.demon.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
HOT | on a typical 100/1000 switch, orange is 100T and green is 1000T , what colour is the led on the switch (ie the port you are plugged into) | 03:05 |
EdgEy | if i'm not mistaken newer q3 cds have a linux installer already on them | 03:05 |
VirhYl3 | I'm not encouraging standard q3. | 03:06 |
VirhYl3 | ioq3 is much better now. | 03:06 |
SpaceBass | Hot, the switch is showing that its a 100T link | 03:06 |
CheshireViking | oxygen, is the Ubuntu 7.04 cd faulty, have you tried re-downloading or burning a fresh copy and using that | 03:06 |
tex__ | Hi I'm loading the 7.04 Live CD and I get: intel_nrg FWH not detected ???? | 03:06 |
cire | anybody know how to get a linksys wusb54gc wifi adpater to work on feisty? | 03:06 |
Riley | Virhyl3: email me at riley(dot)mccartney(at)gmail(dot)com | 03:06 |
=== m3lon [n=m3lon@a80-100-115-58.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lkas | /whois $me | 03:06 |
foxhound | need some help with real player configuration | 03:06 |
eltese | hi. Anyone good with livecds and changing monitor? | 03:06 |
VirhYl3 | and if you want to play "Urban Terror" which is imho the best q3 mod out right now, you can download everything for free, and it's not piracy. | 03:06 |
zeroday | cire: have you tried ndiwwrapper | 03:06 |
oxygen | CheshireViking | 03:07 |
VirhYl3 | Riley: Just google Urban Terror | 03:07 |
cire | i installed ndiswrapper from automatix2 but not completely sure how to use it | 03:07 |
oxygen | you dont understand me | 03:07 |
zeroday | eltese: ill try whats wrong | 03:07 |
predaeus | Tremulous is a nice Q3 mod in the Ubuntu repositories | 03:07 |
Riley | okay, thank you | 03:07 |
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VirhYl3 | Urban Terror BIG TIME> Tremulous. | 03:07 |
TritonX_ | tremulous is also stand alone | 03:07 |
VirhYl3 | sorry. :D | 03:07 |
VirhYl3 | so is Urban Terror. | 03:07 |
oxygen | i mean i have a ubuntu 7 cd so i intalled ubuntu this cd .. oke .. so np.. | 03:07 |
VirhYl3 | But it's not FOSS. :( | 03:07 |
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zeroday | cire: go to #ndiswrapper or google ndiwswraper it is very easy to use | 03:07 |
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oxygen | and my ubuntu starting .... | 03:07 |
TritonX_ | my favorite though True Combat: a mod for Ennemy territory | 03:07 |
SpaceBass | jhaig, fyi...doing some research that I wouldnt have found with out you pointing me in the right direction.... turns out mii-tool is only for 10/100 hardware | 03:07 |
=== Asterix_ [n=jacob@p5b09fc68.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheshireViking | oxygen, ok, sorry, my mistake, I thought you meant the cd wouldn't run | 03:08 |
oxygen | but now ubuntu with cdrom does not work | 03:08 |
=== TheInfinity [n=80b0bc64@lvps87-230-7-248.dedicated.hosteurope.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jonah_ | hi guys having trouble install gdesklets from source, here's my error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17792/ can anyone please help me out? thanks | 03:08 |
cire | i tried it but not luck, i think i'm using it wrong...i used ubuntuguide.org's instructions | 03:08 |
oxygen | Cheetah, : can you understand me ? | 03:08 |
VirhYl3 | the new urban terror (4.0) is really rad, have you tried it Triton? | 03:08 |
eltese | zeroday: The livecd boots nicely on my monitor but when the OS itself starts the picture goes straight to my tv and I cant change it. So I cant see what I do when im gonna install etc | 03:08 |
TritonX_ | nope | 03:08 |
VirhYl3 | give it a shot. | 03:08 |
trumpeter2003 | YAY! A lots mount! | 03:08 |
HOT | anyone else finding google earth is locking up on launch? | 03:08 |
TritonX_ | Vir: you can play it without having Q3 ? | 03:08 |
trumpeter2003 | err, lost | 03:08 |
TheInfinity | wie knan es sein, dass ich wenn ich ein ldap server habe und eintrage hinzufge der server behauoptet die eintrge wrden schon existieren, bei einer suche aber nichts ausgibt? | 03:08 |
VirhYl3 | it's free, stand alone, the only downside is you have to turn off beryl. | 03:08 |
TheInfinity | args sorry | 03:09 |
MTecknology | When I start up the avahi daemon fails to load. When I start up I can connect to a wireless network just fine, but if I walk from my dorm to class I lose Internet. I can walk from one AP to another within a building and maintain Internet. My IP shouldn't be getting changed by the AP's, it's a University network and the ESSID's and WEP's I'm trying to use are the same. I tried doing /etc/init.d/networking restart and I still didn' | 03:09 |
MTecknology | t regain the Internet... Any ideas to why this happens? It happened in 6.10 also | 03:09 |
VirhYl3 | yeah, you can play it with the ioquake3 they modified just for the game. | 03:09 |
VirhYl3 | It's totally free. | 03:09 |
Riley | Virhyl3: my cpu isn't exactly amazing, im not sure if i could run something awesome | 03:09 |
=== tuna-fish [n=tuna@tunamasiina.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TritonX_ | Vir: really ? I mean its always a good idea to turn it off to play 3D games but didnt had any problem with ET | 03:09 |
zeroday | eltese: tv out is at best terrible can you unplug your tv and try agaiiiiiiiiiin | 03:09 |
cire | thanks zeroday | 03:09 |
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=== Tyazhely666 listening Cold Play - Dont Panic... see - how perfect world orund you... stop flooding... hear birds... please... | ||
=== Cryoniq [n=chatzill@me-54-110-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VirhYl3 | Riley: Urban Terror is based on quake 3. It's old tech. What are your specs? I just meant the game is awesome to play. | 03:09 |
=== Puffball [i=Puffball@ppp-70-129-191-200.dsl.spfdmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VirhYl3 | The graphics are a little dated already. | 03:09 |
eltese | zeroday: Thought about that ;p But then its just goes to a tv that doesnt exist. | 03:10 |
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Tyazhely666 | :'( | 03:10 |
Riley | Virhyl3: lol, my ram is a joke, (256) small hard drive, etc.... | 03:10 |
EdgEy | 500mhz cpu with a geforce2 or better will run quake3 | 03:10 |
foxhound | I try to run /path/here/aoss realplay for realplayer 10 and i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17793/.need some help::) | 03:10 |
=== Tyazhely666 is now known as IwantLOVE | ||
zeroday | eltese: ahh no idea then tv outs arnt my specialty i imagine you have to edit the xorg under monitor | 03:10 |
EdgEy | i mean, decently | 03:10 |
VirhYl3 | Riley: Give it a shot. Will still probably play. Gotta turn off beryl though... :( | 03:11 |
jonah_ | Parmenion, can you help me out, got this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17792/ | 03:11 |
Cryoniq | Question: When I set up apache2 server in Feisty and want php5 working, what package should I choose for common usage? I selected one package and it said it would remove something with MPM in it, so I halted the installation to make sure what I am doing :) | 03:11 |
=== insmod [n=insmod@d141-13-36.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eltese | zeroday: Yeah thought so to and I really suck at monitor editing. Thanks for helping though | 03:11 |
Riley | Virhyl3: beryl? | 03:11 |
VirhYl3 | http://www.urbanterror.net/news.php | 03:11 |
zeroday | eltese: lemme have a look gimme a min | 03:11 |
eltese | yesh (= | 03:11 |
=== NiTro[0] [i=Nitrolin@ti541110a080-7665.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
EdgEy | Riley, a 3d window manager. kinda like Vista's aero | 03:11 |
Cryoniq | I am used since before to compile it all and make changes in the config files and enable/add the libs to apaches config as modules so this feels like a shortcut.. :) | 03:12 |
EdgEy | if you don't know you're probably not running it | 03:12 |
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=== Marchange [n=marchang@gra86-1-82-239-89-165.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== fusheh [n=noodle@c-66-176-153-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | eltese: can you post your xorg to pastebin | 03:12 |
foxhound | I try to run /path/here/aoss realplay for realplayer 10 and i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17793/ .need some help::) | 03:12 |
VirhYl3 | Riley: beryl is what makes Ubuntu so bad ass: Here's pix: http://blog.myspace.com/khanz | 03:12 |
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Parmenion | No package 'pygtk-2.0' found | 03:12 |
Parmenion | No package 'pyorbit-2' found | 03:12 |
Parmenion | No package 'gnome-python-2.0' found | 03:12 |
EdgEy | lol | 03:12 |
=== askar [n=askar@c-461ee755.010-88-6b697210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | having fun Parmenion | 03:13 |
EdgEy | beryl isnt ubuntu exclusive | 03:13 |
Parmenion | jonah_: you need to look for those packages in synaptic and download them | 03:13 |
askar | How do I change splashscreen? | 03:13 |
eltese | zeroday: Nah, im not on the livecd atm, as I cant see the picture then =s | 03:13 |
Riley | Virhyl3: i dont think i have it, should i get it? | 03:13 |
VirhYl3 | no, but it's easiest in Feisty over any other distro. | 03:13 |
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jonah_ | Parmenion, but i've got them installed - it's saying something about versions being too high i think at bottom of my pastebin | 03:13 |
VirhYl3 | depends on your specs. | 03:13 |
EdgEy | Riley, not if your pc is as bad as you say imo | 03:13 |
Riley | lol | 03:13 |
Trae | anyone know how to use tar well? I have an archive, and trying to extract a directory from it (Remotely, otherwise, I'd use the gui) | 03:13 |
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VirhYl3 | what gfx card? | 03:14 |
zeroday | okay eltese what does it say under monitor then? | 03:14 |
VirhYl3 | what proc? | 03:14 |
Puffball | hello, I tried installing Feisty Fawn twice, and both times the video would die during the initial boot, does anyone know how to change video drivers during the setup? | 03:14 |
Riley | alright ill stick with what i got | 03:14 |
foxhound | help anyone? | 03:14 |
=== Shinoda [n=Tachikom@pa-217-129-50-81.netvisao.pt] has left #ubuntu ["http://ciberbazofias.blogspot.com/"] | ||
zeroday | Puffball: what gfx card? | 03:14 |
VirhYl3 | Riley: what are your specs? | 03:14 |
Parmenion | this is weird jonah_ :\ | 03:14 |
Puffball | zeroday, its a Radeon 9250 | 03:14 |
VirhYl3 | I've set up beryl running well in 256 mb on an athlon XP and geforce 4. | 03:14 |
=== magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | Puffball: those are a pain to install | 03:14 |
Parmenion | honestly, ive got into the same type of trouble before ... but i gave up on it :\ | 03:14 |
VirhYl3 | it was fast, easy, and ran great. | 03:15 |
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Puffball | yeah, but i can't get the open source drivers to work | 03:15 |
Parmenion | now, it comes back. we need to vanquish it ! | 03:15 |
Puffball | let alone ati's fglrx crap | 03:15 |
=== nutterpc [n=nutterpc@203-206-253-201.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VirhYl3 | though honestly 512 mb of ram would've made it perfect. | 03:15 |
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Riley | Virhyl3: i have know idea on graphics card... its just my mobo | 03:15 |
zeroday | Puffball: you can try the vesa drivers | 03:15 |
eltese | zeroday: Customize1. Ive tried to make it recognize my monitor but when I try that everything just goes grey and I need to restart X | 03:15 |
EdgEy | Riley if its old.. quake 3 wont run too well :/ | 03:15 |
VirhYl3 | Riley: Ah... well then probably skip it till you find an old geforce to throw in there. | 03:15 |
Puffball | yes, i can, but how? | 03:15 |
VirhYl3 | beryl... | 03:15 |
Parmenion | zeroday: take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17792/ | 03:15 |
jonah_ | can anyone at all help with this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17792/ | 03:15 |
VirhYl3 | you can still try urban terror. ;d | 03:15 |
=== GustavoImago [n=gustavo@p4087-ipbf11souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Lhademmor [n=joh04y18@x1-6-00-0d-88-28-1d-2c.k691.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
VirhYl3 | Maybe just turn down the res and effects. | 03:16 |
=== Banujah [n=linux@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== EdgEy is downloading urban terror now heh | ||
zeroday | eltese: try add this option Option "DPMS" | 03:16 |
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VirhYl3 | Urban terror runs on some really ancient stuff, if you don't mind pixels... LOL | 03:16 |
Riley | EdgEy: i have run quake on this computer before... i think when it was windows | 03:16 |
=== adnans [n=adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lhademmor | Hello word | 03:16 |
Lhademmor | *world | 03:16 |
zeroday | Parmenion: is this you? | 03:16 |
Parmenion | need a little help with the last bit, seems the package numbering is too high :\ but it should run on more advanced stuff right? | 03:16 |
VirhYl3 | Riley: Then UrT should be fine. But turn the gfx down in the menu. | 03:16 |
=== Kenzumi [n=kenzumi@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
foxhound | I try to run /path/here/aoss realplay for realplayer 10 and i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17793/ .need some help::) | 03:16 |
eltese | zeroday: Ok, will try that. Just what should I be looking for when I add it? | 03:16 |
Riley | Virhyl3: okay, thank you | 03:17 |
=== alterlaszlo [n=eolo999_@217-133-1-186.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | its for jonah_. Cant seem to figure out out how to fix his problem | 03:17 |
zeroday | Parmenion: i hate compiling its PKG_CONFIG_PATH can neva get past that | 03:17 |
shad_yh | I DID ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 03:17 |
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zeroday | eltese: got to go nite | 03:17 |
Parmenion | zeroday: that makes another one of us :P | 03:17 |
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | i cant get past that as well | 03:17 |
eltese | yeah =) Thanks for helping. | 03:17 |
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zeroday | Parmenion: lol cya nite | 03:18 |
Parmenion | lol alright zeroday night | 03:18 |
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Parmenion | jonah_: i cant get past that either :\ its wierd . I think it would be easier if you posted on the boards | 03:18 |
Lhademmor | Hmm... It seems my ThinkPad R51 crashes when I close the lit and it should fall asleep? | 03:18 |
=== dimitar [n=chatzill@catv-5062e2ce.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | people could dissect it easier | 03:18 |
=== Zapadlowsky [n=horus@pptp-81-30-215-115.ufanet.ru] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== JONES3700 [n=jones@addr-212-50-157-190.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MTecknology | When I start up the avahi daemon fails to load. When I start up I can connect to a wireless network just fine, but if I walk from my dorm to class I lose Internet. I can walk from one AP to another within a building and maintain Internet. My IP shouldn't be getting changed by the AP's, it's a University network and the ESSID's and WEP's I'm trying to use are the same. I tried doing /etc/init.d/networking restart and I still didn' | 03:19 |
MTecknology | t regain the Internet... Any ideas to why this happens? It happened in 6.10 also | 03:19 |
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HumpBack | Hello | 03:19 |
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foxhound | I try to run /path/here/aoss realplay for realplayer 10 and i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17793/ .need some help::) | 03:20 |
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HumpBack | How do I temporarily disable the auto-mount feature? I want to plug in a USB drive and i do not want it to be mounted. | 03:20 |
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Lhademmor | Hmm... Testing my capability to send. Can anyone read this? | 03:20 |
Riley | Virhyl3: okay, i have dl-d and extracted but i dont know which file to run | 03:20 |
CheshireViking | Lhademmor, nope :) | 03:20 |
VirhYl3 | Lhademmor: Other people have had the problem you are having. | 03:21 |
VirhYl3 | It is in fact a bug. | 03:21 |
VirhYl3 | read the readme on the main site. | 03:21 |
VirhYl3 | :) | 03:21 |
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VirhYl3 | install it as per those instructions. | 03:21 |
=== AaronMT [n=aaron@CPE00400549143c-CM0011aec89138.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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shad_yh | thnks ya'll | 03:22 |
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shad_yh | b'bye for now | 03:22 |
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jonah_ | Parmenion, ok thanks | 03:22 |
Lhademmor | VirhYl3 > Sry, on a crappy connection atm. Anyway, what were you saying? | 03:22 |
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Parmenion | sorry i could not have been of more assistance jonah_ | 03:23 |
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Riley | Virhyl3: there's no .exe file, only .svg, .i386, and an image | 03:23 |
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VirhYl3 | .i386 runs in linux. | 03:24 |
tsikis | hi there guys | 03:24 |
VirhYl3 | but you have to right click it and sit it to be executable. | 03:24 |
VirhYl3 | maybe... | 03:24 |
VirhYl3 | :) | 03:24 |
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tsikis | i am searching some time now on a way to get rid of some packages not needed for me like evolution and totem but the only thing i find is that i will end up with broken packages any ideas or howtos? | 03:25 |
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ejupin | I can only connect at 11mbs with my wireless card, on other distros I connect much faster...settings for this anywhere? | 03:26 |
foxhound | can someone please help me? | 03:26 |
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VirhYl3 | foxhound: what is your question? | 03:27 |
TritonX_ | Anyone tried to run Feisty on a USB stick with persistency? I tried without success, It was booting and running fine, but no persistency :( | 03:27 |
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kenthomson | Namaste!, I am in deep trouble-Here is my question. I had u.6.10 (fully updated) and through update manager two days ago i selected "Upgrade to 7.04", it went on and downloaded all the packages, than maybe in-between all this the system shut-down. I restarted it, and update manager downloading the remaining packages to complete the dist.upgrade, as soon as that was done i started getting debconf popups about setting up new software for feisty, | 03:27 |
kenthomson | after i setup up some then the terminal in update manager read setting up s/w (unpacking...setting up replacement), so i went out. When i returned i found the computer off, i restarted it and found that ubuntu wouldn't boot, the grub entry still has the 17-11 kernel and when i try to run it, the loading-bar (the one that fills up as ubuntu loads itself) is 1/8 full, and below it reads "mounting root file system" than nothing, a black screen comes | 03:27 |
kenthomson | and a prompt with "infiarams> " (or somethinhg like that) and a blinking cursor. I can't startx or anything ubuntu hasn't even loaded 1/8 when this strange cursor comes up. Now my system is unbootable for 3 days. Please help!!! | 03:27 |
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magicmactel | ejupin: what wireless card do you have? | 03:27 |
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dyrne | kenthomson: good lord | 03:27 |
Riley | Virhyl3: lol, i tried to run it through command prompt and i got "permission denied"... its my computer! | 03:27 |
ejupin | buffalo., a broadcom chip | 03:27 |
magicmactel | ejupin: using bcm43xx? | 03:27 |
ejupin | yep | 03:28 |
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BadaR | Anyone can suggest a good desklets program?p.s im have gnome (gDesklets lag with Beryl) | 03:28 |
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magicmactel | i had the same problem, switched to ndiswrapper and now i get 54mbps | 03:28 |
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kenthomson | dyrne: i need help | 03:28 |
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magicmactel | BadaR: check out screenlets | 03:28 |
ejupin | quick way I would do that? | 03:28 |
ejupin | not familiar with it | 03:28 |
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kenthomson | Anyone interested in helping me? | 03:28 |
foxhound | VirhYl3:I have ubuntu 7.04 amd64 and I have installed real player 10,but when I try to play an rmvb video i get choppy video | 03:28 |
BrokenLinux | !screenlets | 03:28 |
BadaR | magicmactel, i checked,there arent so many there only 10 of them,but yes,they are nice | 03:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about screenlets - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:28 |
jandro | Just the simple "Experience ubuntu.ogg" that comes on the home folder increases my procesor activity to 50% and almos 100% in fullscreenmode, is this normal? | 03:28 |
Parmenion | kenthomson: the best way would be to download fiesty desktop cd and reinstall | 03:28 |
=== Secutor [n=mark@c-67-169-16-102.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magicmactel | !ndiswrapper | 03:29 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:29 |
kenthomson | Parmenion: thats the last thing on my mind, can't i get back my edgy? | 03:29 |
dyrne | kenthomson: ill read it thats like the tom clancy novel of questions though :) | 03:29 |
enlightenedpsych | I just bought a Creative Zen V Plus mp3 player and Im trying to make it work with libmtp but it don't seem to work with gnomad so does anyone know how to use an mtp player without problem with ubuntu (Im on edgy) | 03:29 |
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Parmenion | kenthomson: it seems its stuck permanently between edgy and fiesty. | 03:29 |
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kenthomson | dyrne: but this time it's not only a novel but a diary entry from my side | 03:29 |
xukun | is there someone with a working vmware 5.5 and Feisty? | 03:29 |
ceil420 | !paste | Taerom | 03:30 |
ubotu | Taerom: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:30 |
AaronMT | Hi I was wondering if anybody has this problem. A resume from standby will prohibit any attempt to reconnect to a wireless network, not sure why. | 03:30 |
magicmactel | ejupin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%29 | 03:30 |
kenthomson | Parmenion: so couldn't i edit some text files from a live-cd or something to get t back to edgy or something | 03:30 |
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ejupin | magicmactel:ty, i will look into it | 03:30 |
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Parmenion | kenthomson: the best way would honestly to wipe everything and then install fiesty ... It would be alot of work and I cant walk you through it(lack of experience) | 03:30 |
ik1 | hello, does anyone know how to play acc/aac media files? i converted my audio using the windows version of itunes which defaults to aac/acc files. now i cant play my ipod's audio files under linux | 03:30 |
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jandro | Just the simple "Experience ubuntu.ogg" that comes on the home folder increases my procesor activity to 50% and almos 100% in fullscreenmode, is this normal? | 03:31 |
kenthomson | Parmenion: your advice doesn't help | 03:31 |
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foxhound | VirhYl3:This is what I get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17797/ | 03:31 |
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ashton | help! I just draged about 4gb of files from a folder into nautilus cd burner, and the files disappeared... anyone know where they might have gone? | 03:31 |
Parmenion | kenthomson: :P Im trying | 03:31 |
magicmactel | AaronMT: i had that problem and did something to make network manager stop and restart when suspending and now it works perfectly | 03:31 |
magicmactel | let me see if i can find it | 03:31 |
kenthomson | Parmenion: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing esp. to the reciever than the bearer | 03:31 |
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PleegWat | How do I connect to multiple networks on xchat? | 03:32 |
osotogari | hey all, im trying to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 using the Update Manager, however I get the following error Failed to fetch http://theli.free.fr/packages/dists/edgy/listen/binary-i386/Packages.gz 301 Moved Permanently. Anyone got any ideas on this? | 03:32 |
AaronMT | Ctrl-T | 03:32 |
ik1 | hello, does anyone know how to play acc/aac media files? i converted my audio using the windows version of itunes which defaults to aac/acc files. now i cant play my ipod's audio files under linux | 03:32 |
Parmenion | kenthomson: do you have a livecd ? try booting to it and looking through the drive | 03:32 |
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jonah | hi i've got a second hardrive i fitted but you have to click on it's icon to mount it and then it wants admin pass etc. how do i set it to belong to home user account and automount? | 03:32 |
kenthomson | Parmenion: looking thru it to find what? | 03:32 |
ceil420 | PleegWat, ctrl+t to open a new tab | 03:32 |
Parmenion | if you have a usb thumbdrive, backup your data via that method | 03:32 |
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smoenux | !dvd | 03:32 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 03:32 |
PleegWat | thanks | 03:32 |
Parmenion | data and back it up | 03:32 |
Parmenion | before doing anything else to your system | 03:32 |
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AaronMT | Now how do you open a second server in XChat-GNOME 0.16 | 03:33 |
ashton | more info: just inserted a blank dvd... dragged files into the burn dvd window that appeared. files didn't appear in the burn window, and disappeared from the original folder | 03:33 |
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osotogari | hey all, im trying to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 using the Update Manager, however I get the following error Failed to fetch http://theli.free.fr/packages/dists/edgy/listen/binary-i386/Packages.gz 301 Moved Permanently. Anyone got any ideas on this? | 03:33 |
kenthomson | Parmenion: USB is 128mb and i have data of 60gb | 03:33 |
kamal | I want to configure wifi on my laptop with wpasupplicant? | 03:34 |
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Parmenion | kenthomson: honestly 60GB of pure mission critical data? | 03:34 |
kamal | but it not working | 03:34 |
kamal | :S | 03:34 |
Parmenion | but thats besides the point, never mind the previous if you want to. | 03:34 |
jonah | Parmenion, hi again, how do i set my second hd to belong to my standard user account and also have it auto mount etc? | 03:34 |
ashton | more more info... both windows were in list mode | 03:35 |
jefem24 | can anyonr tell my why one of my ubuntu machins keeps loosing the sound??? | 03:35 |
kenthomson | Parmenion: lets leave our talk, its going nowhere | 03:35 |
=== JJNova [n=F-U-Soth@adsl-70-136-103-72.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kenthomson | HELP SOMEONE | 03:35 |
JJNova | Ok | 03:35 |
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orbin | osotogari: try removing the listen repository from your sources. | 03:35 |
mc44 | osotogari: remove listen before upgrading? | 03:35 |
Parmenion | sorry kenthomson | 03:35 |
Parmenion | give me a moment jonah | 03:35 |
osotogari | ok will try. | 03:35 |
HumpBack | kenthomson: what is your problem? | 03:35 |
=== Malabar [n=frederic@AMontpellier-156-1-165-192.w90-15.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jonah | Parmenion, ok thanks | 03:35 |
orbin | AaronMT: most people prefer plain xchat. | 03:35 |
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kenthomson | HumpBack: Namaste!, I am in deep trouble-Here is my question. I had u.6.10 (fully updated) and through update manager two days ago i selected "Upgrade to 7.04", it went on and downloaded all the packages, than maybe in-between all this the system shut-down. I restarted it, and update manager downloading the remaining packages to complete the dist.upgrade, as soon as that was done i started getting debconf popups about setting up new software for | 03:36 |
kenthomson | feisty, | 03:36 |
kenthomson | kenthomsonafter i setup up some then the terminal in update manager read setting up s/w (unpacking...setting up replacement), so i went out. When i returned i found the computer off, i restarted it and found that ubuntu wouldn't boot, the grub entry still has the 17-11 kernel and when i try to run it, the loading-bar (the one that fills up as ubuntu loads itself) is 1/8 full, and below it reads "mounting root file system" than nothing, a black | 03:36 |
kenthomson | screen comes | 03:36 |
kamal | who has configured wifi connection before? | 03:36 |
kenthomson | kenthomsonand a prompt with "infiarams> " (or somethinhg like that) and a blinking cursor. I can't startx or anything ubuntu hasn't even loaded 1/8 when this strange cursor comes up. Now my system is unbootable for 3 days. Please help!!! | 03:36 |
Parmenion | you need it to auto mount jonah? you have to edit your /etc/fstab | 03:36 |
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cy_` | hello | 03:36 |
JJNova | I haven't been able to send email through both of my SMTP connections since upgrading to Feisty :'( | 03:36 |
mc44 | !paste | kenthomson | 03:36 |
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kenthomson | mc44: this is self-typed stuff my dear | 03:36 |
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jonah | Parmenion, also i want it to belong to my user account | 03:36 |
foxhound | VirhYl3:got any ideas what the problem might be? | 03:36 |
osotogari | @orbin: commenting them out should suffice yes? | 03:36 |
jonah | Parmenion, not admin only sorta thing | 03:36 |
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kenthomson | JJNova: can you report of any good things happening to anyone after upgrading? | 03:36 |
Parmenion | a moment more then jonah :P | 03:36 |
HOT | kenthomson: have you tried running the live cd and doing a recovery? | 03:36 |
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mc44 | kenthomson: you pasted more than 6 lines | 03:37 |
Parmenion | ill go poke in my fstab | 03:37 |
cy_` | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17799/ .. i get that error when using the "vesa" driver on the feisty release.. but it gives me that error.. what might be wrong ? | 03:37 |
jonah | Parmenion, ok thanks | 03:37 |
ubotu | kenthomson: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:37 |
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orbin | osotogari: yes. | 03:37 |
dyrne | kenthomson: my only suggestion would be a livecd and backing up configs and movies and such to another hd or maybe gparted to create a sep parition for em. you can pipe it to gz or something if space is an issue | 03:37 |
orbin | osotogari: listen is awesome btw. :) | 03:37 |
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HumpBack | kenthomson: best bet is for you to download the install cd and boot from it. After that backup the home and any other folder where you have user data. Re-install and then re-store the user data | 03:37 |
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kenthomson | HOT: recovery ain't pssible | 03:37 |
JJNova | kenthomson: Umm.... well. I'm sure there's someone that had improvements | 03:38 |
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Parmenion | jonah: you would have to add it under options "users" | 03:38 |
knix_ | anyone know how to get your mouse back in virtualbox? | 03:38 |
HOT | kenthomson: you have tried already? | 03:38 |
Parmenion | what do you want your second hd to mount as? | 03:38 |
MTecknology | When I start up the avahi daemon fails to load. When I start up I can connect to a wireless network just fine, but if I walk from my dorm to class I lose Internet. I can walk from one AP to another within a building and maintain Internet. My IP shouldn't be getting changed by the AP's, it's a University network and the ESSID's and WEP's I'm trying to use are the same. I tried doing /etc/init.d/networking restart and I still didn' | 03:38 |
MTecknology | t regain the Internet... Any ideas to why this happens? It happened in 6.10 also | 03:38 |
HumpBack | knix_: control - alt ? | 03:38 |
kenthomson | HOT: what sort of recovery | 03:38 |
ashton | does nautilus cd/dvd burner often make files disappear? | 03:38 |
AdministratorX | Is anyone here running Zimbra? | 03:38 |
knix_ | HumpBack, nope | 03:38 |
=== Otrayo [n=kinus@wllkyl004-3.stu.uct.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kamal | who has configured wifi connection before? | 03:38 |
HOT | kenthomson: when you boot from the live cd you will notice an option to perform a recovery | 03:38 |
jefem24 | downloaded a 7.04 ubuntu kernel but where should it go??? | 03:39 |
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Otrayo | me | 03:39 |
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osotogari | @ orbin: great now update manager is telling me my system is up to date and not showing the upgrade to 7.04 butto | 03:39 |
jefem24 | can anyonr tell my why one of my ubuntu machines keeps loosing the sound??? | 03:39 |
kenthomson | HOT: i don't have a feisty live-cd and no cd-writer, will it be possible to do a edgy recovery? | 03:39 |
kenthomson | HOT: a recovery from a edgy cd | 03:39 |
unimatrix9 | does any one have troubles with feisty and shutdown ? | 03:39 |
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HOT | kenthomson: i wouldnt recommend that if you have upgraded to feisty | 03:39 |
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jonah | Parmenion, here's my fstab, it doesnt seem to be in there | 03:40 |
Parmenion | jonah: just poke in your /etc/fstab and follow the precedents | 03:40 |
JJNova | unimatrix9: When using WINE I do ;) | 03:40 |
kenthomson | HOT: is a recovery from a edgy eft cd possible or is that a newly included option in a fesity cd ONLY | 03:40 |
Parmenion | jonah: what do you want to mount it as? | 03:40 |
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kenthomson | JJNova: shutting down thry wine? | 03:40 |
jonah | Parmenion, /dev/hdd is what i want to add | 03:40 |
foxhound | I have a problem with real player 10.could someone help me? | 03:40 |
unimatrix9 | strange errors with hal...and network manager | 03:40 |
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CyberWorld | I'm on Kubuntu 7.04 anyone have any ideas on how to get my promise ide raid controller to work it's on the motherboard? I've tried google... | 03:40 |
Parmenion | jonah: can you see it from your current install? | 03:40 |
laurenw | hi there everybody | 03:40 |
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mc44 | kenthomson: do you only have the old 17 kernel or do you have a 20 kernel as well? | 03:40 |
kenthomson | HOT: are you there? | 03:40 |
CyberWorld | it's worked in past on SUSE | 03:41 |
CheshireViking | kenthomson, i thought the recovery option was only available on the alternate cd - i could be wrong though | 03:41 |
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Tyazhely | CyberWorld: i too ;) | 03:41 |
osotogari | can you update 6.10 from Feisty ISO? | 03:41 |
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foxhound | someone please help?? | 03:41 |
jonah | Parmenion, yeah it's there in "my computer" but when you double click it to go in it asks for admin password, so it must belong to root only | 03:41 |
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mc44 | osotogari: only the alternate CD | 03:41 |
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kenthomson | mv44 i don't know what kernel i have, all i know is that all the 1300+ packages were succesfully downloaded and were being setup (upgrade to fesity), but the gruyb entry shows 17 kernel | 03:41 |
AaronMT | Hi I was wondering if anybody has this problem. A resume from standby will prohibit any attempt to reconnect to a wireless network, not sure why. | 03:41 |
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osotogari | @ mc44: dang | 03:42 |
CyberWorld | Tyazhely, you find any fix? | 03:42 |
HYPOCRISY | Hello | 03:42 |
isofunk | hello | 03:42 |
kenthomson | mc44: is there an option in u6.10 Desktop (live) cd to recover a system? | 03:42 |
jonah | Parmenion, that ok i can mount it and use it for session, but it would be nice to not have to put pass in to use disk | 03:42 |
laurenw | I got a question, I got Ubuntu installed but want to install XP from an OEM cd on another partition. | 03:42 |
laurenw | The problem is that it wont boot from the OEM XP cd but it continues to the grub menu after loading the cd as first boot device | 03:42 |
MTecknology | When I start up the avahi daemon fails to load. When I start up I can connect to a wireless network just fine, but if I walk from my dorm to class I lose Internet. I can walk from one AP to another within a building and maintain Internet. My IP shouldn't be getting changed by the AP's, it's a University network and the ESSID's and WEP's I'm trying to use are the same. I tried doing /etc/init.d/networking restart and I still didn' | 03:42 |
MTecknology | t regain the Internet... Any ideas to why this happens? It happened in 6.10 also | 03:42 |
Tyazhely | CyberWorld: no)) | 03:42 |
Parmenion | jonah: hmm well you would have to modify the permissions on the drive | 03:42 |
isofunk | tell me | 03:42 |
Parmenion | as root, you would have to do it | 03:42 |
jonah | Parmenion, ok how do i got about that? | 03:42 |
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CyberWorld | I'm thinking I need to load some non free kernel module | 03:43 |
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kenthomson | mc44: > | 03:43 |
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Parmenion | :P jonah rightclick on it and click the permissions tab | 03:43 |
HOT | kenthomson: http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15/re_grub_1.png | 03:43 |
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Trubadurix | hi i have installed 7.04 and i want to get my wireless work so i put in firmware-files and reboot and the its fucked up i cant configure the network in 6.10 it was no problem ? | 03:43 |
HOT | select the recovery option onboot | 03:43 |
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mc44 | !ohmy | Trubadurix | 03:43 |
ubotu | Trubadurix: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:43 |
foxhound | Help Please? | 03:43 |
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ashton | help? | 03:44 |
Trubadurix | what? | 03:44 |
tuskernini | what is the best bluetooth software for ubuntu? kde? | 03:44 |
mc44 | foxhound: what problem? | 03:44 |
HYPOCRISY | fun | 03:44 |
laurenw | I got a question, I got Ubuntu installed but want to install XP from an OEM cd on another partition. | 03:44 |
laurenw | The problem is that it wont boot from the OEM XP cd but it continues to the grub menu after loading the cd as first boot device | 03:44 |
Trubadurix | isnt it english? | 03:44 |
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lilleman | Someone know where the php binary is? pear gives: "exec: 28: /usr/bin/php: not found" | 03:44 |
qwehnce | is their anyway to stop sound-juicer from starting after a cd is loaded? | 03:44 |
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tuskernini | laurenw: windows does not like it to be installed second... | 03:44 |
foxhound | mc44:I try to play an rmvb video in real player 10,but I get choppy video | 03:44 |
Otrayo | is there such a thing as a php binary? | 03:44 |
Trubadurix | do i need linux-restricted-modules-generic to get wireless working? | 03:44 |
kenthomson | HOT: great research but is this thing available in a normal desktop cd or only on alternate cds and can i have it on a u6.10 desktop cd? | 03:44 |
lilleman | yes it is | 03:44 |
CheshireViking | kenthomson, your problem sounds similar to an issue I had, the fiesty upgrade downloaded, but failed during installation, it seemed to roll part way back, but had old & new kernels & constantly wanted to reboot - I ended up copying my /home directory to a network drive & doing a clean install of fiesty from cd & this time I made sure i set up a separate partition for /home before I copied thing back | 03:45 |
laurenw | tuskernini: isnt there a way too make windows like this? | 03:45 |
lilleman | normally it is in /usr/bin/php... on most systems | 03:45 |
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kenthomson | HOT: that looks like a alternate cd | 03:45 |
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Trubadurix | FUCK YOU ALL NOOBS MAN GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!! | 03:45 |
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Parmenion | Trubadurix: relax ... | 03:45 |
kenthomson | CheshireViking: thats inspiring ;( | 03:45 |
Trubadurix | ? | 03:45 |
Parmenion | what wireless card are you having? | 03:45 |
kenthomson | !ops | Trubadurix | 03:45 |
ubotu | Trubadurix: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal or mneptok | 03:45 |
Trubadurix | ZyDAS zd1201 | 03:45 |
tuskernini | laurenw: i dont know.. there might be a way to save ubntu afterwards by reinstalling grub or rewriting the mbr... but i have never done it... i just use ubuntu | 03:45 |
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kenthomson | Parmenion: we don't feed the troll | 03:45 |
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elkbuntu | i win! | 03:46 |
mc44 | tonyyarusso: too slow! | 03:46 |
jonah | Parmenion, i can right click on it but cant change anything cos not mine, but if i sudo into nautilus i cant right click on it cos there's no my computer, it's just filesystem and then dev etc | 03:46 |
tonyyarusso | dang | 03:46 |
Parmenion | is it supported under ndiswrapper? | 03:46 |
kenthomson | ;) | 03:46 |
kuma | hi, sometimes i know what package i want to install but i don't know its name, where can i find a list of avaiable packages for aprtitude? | 03:46 |
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CheshireViking | kenthomson, sorry i can't be more supportive | 03:46 |
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tuskernini | !kick | 03:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:46 |
foxhound | mc44 :do you know what I should do? | 03:46 |
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Otrayo | laurenw: the best thing to do is install windows first and then install ubuntu, otherwise windows is gonna mess up your mbr and cause all sorts of trouble | 03:46 |
HOT | kenthomson: http://arcanecode.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/windowslivewriterinstallingub.10onvirtualpc2007stepbystep-14593ubuntu610-033.jpg that is the 6.10 cd, the recovery options is invoked by selecting "other options" | 03:46 |
kenthomson | elkbuntu: are you people waiting to pounce on unsuspecting trolls? thats cruel, atleast be visible | 03:46 |
laurenw | ok | 03:46 |
Otrayo | kuma, install synaptic | 03:46 |
tonyyarusso | kuma: apt (command line) and synaptic both have search functions, as does http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 03:46 |
mc44 | foxhound: well, you could try playing it in xine or something other than realplayer, but other than that there isnt a lot you can do | 03:47 |
laurenw | well I guess I will have to format then | 03:47 |
Parmenion | you would have to ask the gurus on the exact chmod operators jonah. Im not too certain of the exact chmod operators required | 03:47 |
kuma | Otrayo: already have it, but i want to learn how to use aptitude | 03:47 |
tuskernini | what is the easiest way to use bluetooth.. software?? | 03:47 |
rohan | tuskernini: gnome-bluetooth | 03:47 |
elkbuntu | kenthomson, what do you mean waiting? if we op in a channel of this size, every newbie asks us first | 03:47 |
kenthomson | HOT: but still i feel that this is the ALTERNATE 6.10 cd, can i get a recovey from a DESKTOP LIVE 6.10 CD? | 03:47 |
kuma | tonyyarusso: thanks | 03:47 |
bianconeri | hello I just installed feisty on my desktop, however it detects my wireless connection but the strength bar beside it is empty....could any body help me figure out whats wrong? Thanks | 03:47 |
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foxhound | mc44 : i tried playing it in mplayer but I hear only sound and I get an error message | 03:47 |
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laurenw | is there some way to backup my ubuntu and put it back afterwards | 03:47 |
laurenw | like a restore-cd | 03:47 |
cy_` | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17799/ .. i get that error when using the "vesa" driver on the feisty release.. but it gives me that error.. what might be wrong ? | 03:47 |
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kenthomson | elkbuntu: and you could pipe the query here | 03:47 |
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HOT | kenthomson: i dont know, i have no disks to hand, i only know its possible off a 6.10 cd | 03:48 |
Otrayo | kuma, try the search parameter then and you can search by keyword | 03:48 |
elkbuntu | kenthomson, huh? | 03:48 |
mc44 | foxhound: realplayer streams are not that well supported, If realplayer doesnt work well, then all I can suggest is xine or vlc or helix-player | 03:48 |
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kenthomson | elkbuntu: no worries, cool off, just venting my frustration to you, keep up the good work! | 03:48 |
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the_ringmaster | ubuntuforums.org is not loading | 03:48 |
mc44 | elkbuntu: he doesnt like you hiding under the bridge ;) | 03:48 |
vecina | never in my life have i been this frustrated with linux | 03:48 |
dyrne | laurenw: id suggest dd but im not sure that is the friendliest solution. | 03:48 |
tuskernini | laurenw: yes... but just your important data... copy the whole /home/yourname/ directory on a safe place.. or burn to cd.... and just copy back once installed | 03:48 |
kuma | Otrayo: already searching in website, thanks | 03:48 |
Otrayo | vecina, whats the problem? | 03:48 |
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elkbuntu | mc44, i dont like standing in the middle of the highway that's on top of the bridge ;) | 03:49 |
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mc44 | elkbuntu: roadkill elk! | 03:49 |
r0ute | anyone know what package the kernel developers man pages are in ? | 03:49 |
kenthomson | HOT: just dropped to say thanks, it really helped me, bye! | 03:49 |
foxhound | mc44: non of this works.I found a solution using the command /my/path/aoss realplay but when I enter it I get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17797/ | 03:49 |
HOT | np | 03:49 |
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tuskernini | what software do i use to use BLUETOOTH? | 03:49 |
laurenw | ok | 03:49 |
vecina | GTK-Gnutella is retrieving a fraction of the usual responses, i have to boot in recovery mode because the loading screen uses VESA, which shuts my monitor off for some stupid reason, kaffeine isn't able to view any sort of media, VLC can, but not rm files - cant see those at all. It doesnt automount anything and im gettingr eally angry :( | 03:49 |
laurenw | I will do that, thnx everybody | 03:49 |
mjr | tuskernini, for what? | 03:49 |
jefem24 | can anyonr tell my why one of my ubuntu machines keeps loosing the sound??? | 03:50 |
acidfunk | so.. archive.ubuntu.com is down right now? | 03:50 |
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Parmenion | HOT: at least you managed to help that chap :P I only managed to make him pissed off he didnt backup his data | 03:50 |
vecina | Is it because im on a Sata? Is it because im using 64 bit architecture? | 03:50 |
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mlane | i'm having an issue getting the networkManager applet working with my ndiswrapper wifi connection. netManager can see APs but cant connect; but if i ifdown wlan0 and ifup wlan0 it connects. if anyone can help i'd really appreciate it! | 03:50 |
ashton | how do you recover files that nautilus has somehow magicked away? | 03:50 |
lnxnubie | is archive.ubuntu.com down ? | 03:50 |
tuskernini | mjr, to copy stuff via bluetooth from and to a telephone | 03:50 |
HOT | Parmenion: you idea was much better, but some people cant be helped | 03:50 |
dyrne | laurenw: dd if=/dev/hda1 | gzip -9 > /mnt/backup.gz for example then gunzip /mnt/backup.gz - | dd of=/dev/hda1 to restore | 03:50 |
AaronMT | forums are down | 03:50 |
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Otrayo | vecina, did you download the 64bit iso? | 03:50 |
Parmenion | :P | 03:50 |
boy | hy | 03:50 |
lnxnubie | what happened ? | 03:50 |
vecina | Otrayo: Yes, i did | 03:50 |
foxhound | mc44 : I am in an amd64 so I think it has something to do with my lib | 03:50 |
the_ringmaster | why are they down | 03:51 |
acidfunk | lnxnubie: fo rme it is | 03:51 |
Otrayo | you running feisty? | 03:51 |
tuskernini | AaronMT: i just saw the forums are down... that is why i am here trying to find out about bluetooth.. | 03:51 |
vecina | Otrayo: Yep, feisty fawn | 03:51 |
AaronMT | archive.ubuntu.com down too | 03:51 |
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lnxnubie | acidfunk: any idea | 03:51 |
boy | hy amalya | 03:51 |
Otrayo | vecina, i dont trust feisty completely yet. from what i've heard people are having several issues with it | 03:51 |
mc44 | foxhound: well 64bit codecs are not always available | 03:51 |
mjr | tuskernini, you should be able to send to a phone from Nautilus's context menu ("Send..." and choose your phone), and for reception, there should be Applications/Accessories/Bluetooth file sharing (or something) | 03:51 |
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Riley | my audio isn't working... anyone wanna help me? | 03:51 |
acidfunk | lnxnubie: no, i just joined a few seconds earlier and asked the same | 03:51 |
Otrayo | vecina, though if i were you id tackle the problems one at a time | 03:51 |
magnetron | ashton, use your magick to get them back... seriously, how did the files disappear? | 03:51 |
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foxhound | mc44 :is there anything I could do? | 03:52 |
vecina | Otrayo: Id like to know why its not automounting my external drives. i had to get 'usbmount' which permenantly lists 7 usb directories i browse through when i stick something in | 03:52 |
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mc44 | foxhound: as I said, try with the other programs I mentioned, otherwise I cant think of anything | 03:52 |
tsikis | i am searching some time now on a way to get rid of some packages not needed for me like evolution and totem but the only thing i find is that i will end up with broken packages any ideas or howtos? | 03:52 |
Otrayo | vecina, from what I understand large drives aren't automounted | 03:52 |
tuskernini | mjr, i first have to install bluezz or gnome-bluetooth.. and that is what i want to find out... which works te best | 03:52 |
Otrayo | why not just pop it in fstab? | 03:52 |
mc44 | tsikis: why would you end up with broken packages? | 03:52 |
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rajk | vecina: does an icon for it come up that when u click on wont show you whats inside? | 03:53 |
vecina | Otrayo: Not so, it did on my last setup | 03:53 |
Parmenion | vecina: it would be easier if you posted all your problems with the approprate log files on the official forums so that everyone can help dissect | 03:53 |
Riley | my audio isn't working... anyone wanna help me? | 03:53 |
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Otrayo | tuskernini, you need both. bluez is the stack gnome-bluetooth is the frontend | 03:53 |
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kingcobra | why is gparted command not found | 03:53 |
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Parmenion | Riley: a moment please | 03:53 |
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Parmenion | i have a link which might help | 03:53 |
Otrayo | is it install kingcobra? | 03:53 |
tsikis | cause when i try to remove totem or/and evolution it also removes ubuntu-desktop | 03:53 |
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mjr | tuskernini, apparently I have gnome-bluetooth | 03:53 |
kingcobra | how do i install it | 03:53 |
vecina | Yeah... maybe so. i just really wish things would work my way. Its been a nightmare | 03:53 |
ashton | magnetron: I inserted a dvd, when nautilus asked me if I wanted to make a new dvd, did so. When the make dvd nautilus window popped up, I dragged about 4gb of files into it. They disappeared from the source folder, and didn't show up in the burn window | 03:53 |
kingcobra | Otrayo, | 03:53 |
Parmenion | Riley: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 | 03:53 |
jonah | hi is there anyone that can tell me how to change the permissions of a second hardrive to my user account instead of admin | 03:53 |
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tuskernini | Otrayo: is it better (gnome) than the kde bluetooth? | 03:53 |
Otrayo | kingcobra: sudo apt-get install gparted | 03:53 |
Riley | thank you | 03:53 |
Parmenion | np | 03:54 |
vecina | Okay, how about the major problem. I have to log in using recovery mode and start up x there. Why is that? When it tries the loading screen i get disconnected at the monitor | 03:54 |
Otrayo | jonah: chown -R user:group /media/hdlocation | 03:54 |
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mjr | tuskernini, bluez-gnome doesn't seem to conflict with it though... and then if they're not installed by default, nautilus-sendto and bluez-passkey-gnome might be also good to have | 03:54 |
Otrayo | vecina, it might be a driver issue | 03:54 |
magnetron | ashton, hmmm, don't know | 03:54 |
Linken[P] | is xchat-gnome better than konversation ? | 03:54 |
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vecina | Otrayo: It is. The same thing happens if i start x in anything other than fglrx | 03:54 |
magnetron | !best | Linken[P] | 03:54 |
ubotu | Linken[P] : Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 03:54 |
tuskernini | mjr.. thanks for the passkey... that will be needed | 03:54 |
Parmenion | Linken[P] : perceptions,perceptions,perceptions | 03:55 |
mc44 | tsikis: so? ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage | 03:55 |
cy_` | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17799/ .. i get that error when using the "vesa" driver on the feisty release.. but it gives me that error.. what might be wrong ? | 03:55 |
vecina | VESA drops out my monitor because the Radeon x700 has crappy support in feisty | 03:55 |
jonah | Otrayo, jonah@jonah-desktop:~$ chown -R user:group /dev/hdd | 03:55 |
jonah | chown: `user:group': invalid user | 03:55 |
jonah | jonah@jonah-desktop:~$ | 03:55 |
ashton | anyone else then? | 03:55 |
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tsikis | which means? | 03:55 |
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PleegWat | is there a sound mixer included? | 03:55 |
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mc44 | tsikis: it wont matter if you remove it | 03:55 |
PleegWat | I'm getting some noise, think the microphone port is playing to my boxes | 03:55 |
Otrayo | jonah: user = your username, group = your group name (probably the same as your user name) | 03:55 |
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OuZo | is there a problem with 64bit festy & ATI Radeon X700 ? thanks | 03:55 |
tsikis | well l'll try it and hope all goes ok | 03:55 |
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Linken[P] | rofl i guess now than i'm not the first who answered this ^^ | 03:55 |
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vecina | OuZo: YES | 03:55 |
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Otrayo | jonah: /dev/hdd is wrong, thats a device, you want the location of where the device is mounted | 03:56 |
ashton | anyone with much knowledge of ext3 fs, nautilus and nautilus-cd-burner? | 03:56 |
vecina | OuZo: Ive been throwing a fit over the issue all week. they dont like each other | 03:56 |
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magnetron | OuZo: http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/04/installing-ubuntu-704-ati-x-cards/ | 03:56 |
aart | how do I log on root? ^^ | 03:56 |
Parmenion | aart: use sudo | 03:56 |
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Parmenion | or to be exact, su- to temp change | 03:56 |
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Parmenion | sudo is per command | 03:56 |
Otrayo | vecina, moral of the story here is dont upgrade to the latest version of a distro immediately. i usually give it a few weeks to iron out the bugs | 03:56 |
=== qwehnce [n=pdeco@pool-71-120-98-86.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | sudo is preferred aart | 03:57 |
aart | hmm okay dont understand much but I will try :p | 03:57 |
vecina | :( | 03:57 |
OuZo | magnetron: thanks | 03:57 |
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HOT | on the otherhand fiesty has been very good to me | 03:57 |
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Parmenion | aart: you want to change to root, type su- into the terminal | 03:57 |
houman123 | is anyone aware of an ipod issue with feisty? i have a fresh install of feisty but ipod doesnt automount | 03:57 |
qwehnce | ok seriously is there anyway to stop sound-juicer from popping up after a cd is inserted? | 03:57 |
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Parmenion | for a single command which needs root access, use sudo yourcommand | 03:57 |
vecina | magnetron: where were you and this link 3 dasys ago lol ;D | 03:57 |
HOT | houman123: you can use amarok to connect to an ipod , i do | 03:57 |
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Parmenion | hey guys, anyone out here got their Creative Zen V Plus to work with ubuntu ? | 03:58 |
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menkio | my ubuntu install is hanging | 03:58 |
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valehru | so when will the new kernel be availble in the repos? | 03:59 |
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kuma | menkio: ditto | 03:59 |
houman123 | HOT: but ipod hasnt even been mounted anywhere | 03:59 |
magnetron | vecina: i got this link from the Planet Ubuntu RSS feed... can recommend it | 03:59 |
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OuZo | magnetron: i am in festy now, but i had to use the fail safe - can i use that fix while i am in 64bit festy fail safe? thanks | 03:59 |
menkio | i tried live noapic nolapic | 03:59 |
menkio | bolth no good | 03:59 |
HOT | houman123: i cant tell you how it works, i dont know, all i DO know is it works, you just select "devices" | 03:59 |
ashton | anyone with much knowledge of ext3 fs, nautilus and nautilus-cd-burner? (and the latter disappearing file in a stressful way :() | 03:59 |
menkio | it loads the two boot image files | 03:59 |
kamal | who has configured wifi connection on ubuntu before? | 03:59 |
menkio | then ................ | 03:59 |
menkio | nothing | 03:59 |
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HOT | i thought it would be in /media/disk but it wasnt, so i couldnt work it out | 03:59 |
LasseP | Hello I have one question, almost none updates since feisty final is this correct or is something broken here? | 03:59 |
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vecina | Well i hope they fix up the bugs. It so happens that the Radeon x700 is a common card. Most commonly purchased off of TigerDirect when i got it. Youd think there would be support | 04:00 |
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magnetron | OuZo, well I don't know. I did not use it myself | 04:00 |
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bianconeri | hello I just installed feisty on my desktop, however it detects my wireless connection but the strength bar beside it is empty....could any body help me figure out whats wrong? Thanks | 04:00 |
menkio | kuma, where does yours hang ? | 04:00 |
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houman123 | HOT: yea, i had it working under the previous versions and i use gtkpod, and ive never had any problems, as soon as i insert my ipod an ipod icon appears on my desktop, but not since i got feisty | 04:00 |
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aart | okay i typed sudo that I got sudo -K | -L | -V | -h | -k | -l | -v | 04:00 |
aart | usage: sudo [-HPSb] [-p prompt] [-u username|#uid] | 04:00 |
aart | { -e file [...] | -i | -s | <command> } | 04:00 |
aart | What shall I do next? | 04:00 |
PleegWat | Is there a mixer included in ubutu feisty, and how do I start it? | 04:00 |
rausb0 | just installed xubuntu feisty in qemu. everything runs fine except for one thing: if i open xfce's own terminal (not xterm) the X server crashes and i am back at the login screen (gdm). is this a known bug? | 04:00 |
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
seisen | alsamixer | 04:00 |
vecina | I got a pm but i cant respond it seems :P | 04:00 |
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menkio | =/ | 04:01 |
kuma | menkio: no, i got confussed, i'm hangged installing some packages, apparently the rpositories are down | 04:01 |
menkio | ohh rock | 04:01 |
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kuma | menkio: sorry ^^u | 04:01 |
seisen | is anybody else having problems accessing the ubuntuforums.org site | 04:01 |
vecina | Well im going to try to reboot | 04:01 |
vecina | see you soon | 04:01 |
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drK_avNgr | seisen: Yes | 04:01 |
drK_avNgr | Very much so. | 04:01 |
seisen | I thought maybe it was just me | 04:01 |
houman123 | HOT: oh well, the forums are down, ill go search more, thank you for your help | 04:01 |
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HOT | houman123: sorry i cant be more use, you did try amorak right?> | 04:01 |
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Parmenion | guys, metasploit isnt in the ubuntu repos ?!!? | 04:02 |
magnetron | vecina, they DO support it, but you did not voulunteer as a tester, so the bug got not reported before the release. =) Seriously anyone that want perfect support for their hardware in Ubuntu should join in the beta tests and report all bugs,so the developers can fix them | 04:02 |
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mlane | My networkManager applet will not connect to any wireless networks though it can see them (SSIDs listed in menu). I installed 7.04 a few days ago and manually setup my wifi card using ndiswrapper. sudo ifdown wlan0 && ifup wlan0 will connect to the selected network. any ideas?? | 04:02 |
drK_avNgr | k I need a little help here, I'm doing a minimal install of feisty with fluxbox, does anyone know how to install a battery meter in the slit? | 04:02 |
seisen | they can fix the bugs if they don't know about them | 04:02 |
junmin | the server of ubuntu is down now??! | 04:02 |
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mc44 | yes | 04:02 |
menkio | anyone know why my ubuntu install hangs | 04:02 |
seisen | hangs where | 04:02 |
Pelo | I'm using cpufreq on a desktop to reduce power consumption and heat from the cpu, does anyone know how I an set a minumum freq so it doesn't go too low ? | 04:03 |
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menkio | i get the ubuntu iso screen for setup etc | 04:03 |
menkio | then i select boot / install ubuntu | 04:03 |
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menkio | and it unpacks 2 files | 04:03 |
mon^rch | what's a good program to generate thumbs for building web galleries? | 04:03 |
menkio | then nothing | 04:03 |
AaronMT | !kernel | 04:03 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 04:03 |
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menkio | just bzimage.................. screen goes black | 04:03 |
mattva01 | quick question, is the Ubuntu website down? | 04:03 |
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mc44 | mattva01: yes | 04:04 |
seisen | could be problem with the ISO you burned | 04:04 |
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seisen | yes | 04:04 |
mlane | !networkmanager | 04:04 |
ubotu | networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 04:04 |
lnxnubie | aliens have invaded. www.ubuntuforums.com, ubuntulinux.org down | 04:04 |
menkio | i tried boot options live and nolapic | 04:04 |
seisen | wiki is down too. | 04:04 |
menkio | it's the stable of 7.01 | 04:04 |
HOT | they should try running IIS instead of apache | 04:04 |
mattva01 | anyone know why? | 04:04 |
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AaronMT | kernel 2.6.21 | 04:04 |
mc44 | mattva01: the datacentre is down | 04:04 |
jsgotangco | mattva01: the data centre went down | 04:04 |
visualdeception | they are all down admins are working on it is what i have heard | 04:04 |
mc44 | HOT: dont troll :p | 04:04 |
soundray | mon^rch: do you want a web gallery generator or an imaging program for resizing? | 04:04 |
HOT | :) | 04:04 |
ashton | anyone with much knowledge of ext3 fs, nautilus and nautilus-cd-burner? | 04:05 |
qwehnce | is there a roadmap for gibson? | 04:05 |
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menkio | anyone ? | 04:05 |
mon^rch | soundray: a web gallery generator | 04:05 |
HymnToLife | !anyone | 04:05 |
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yLothar | is there anyone with problems with nm-applet and wired connections? | 04:05 |
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Pelo | ashton, just ask your quesiton, we all have some knownledge of these subject | 04:05 |
mattva01 | Well then does anyone have a copy of the Ubuntu Packaging guide (or has a mirror of it) | 04:05 |
Parmenion | qwehnce: yeah | 04:05 |
seisen | what speed did you burn it at | 04:05 |
aart | does anyone else have problems connecting to ubuntu forums? | 04:05 |
Parmenion | aart: yep | 04:05 |
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ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 04:06 |
ashton | Pelo: have asked a few times, but will try again :) | 04:06 |
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Pelo | menkio, run the cd check feature from the cd boot menu, to make sure the cd is ok | 04:06 |
menkio | it won't run that | 04:06 |
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ashton | Pelo et al: I inserted a dvd, when nautilus asked me if I wanted to make a new dvd, did so. When the make dvd nautilus window popped up, I dragged about 4gb of files into it. They disappeared from the source folder, and didn't show up in the burn window | 04:06 |
menkio | it does to thoose 2 files, loads, then nothing | 04:06 |
Pelo | ashton, this is a busy channel sometime ppl get misseed | 04:06 |
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osotogari | are the ubuntu servers down? | 04:07 |
menkio | C:\Downloads\ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso | 04:07 |
menkio | thats the cd i downloaded | 04:07 |
Pelo | menkio, try the cd in another comp, I'm guessing it is borked and you'll have to make a new one | 04:07 |
lnxnubie | osotogari: yep | 04:07 |
seisen | what speed did you burn it at? | 04:07 |
bcochofel | How can I change the default system wide lang? | 04:07 |
menkio | 4x dvd | 04:07 |
BoeB | hi people, when i rightklick on a file and go to the "properties" under the tab "open with" i can't set the black point for other porgrams to define another standard program for opening for example mp3 files. | 04:07 |
yLothar | sorry, this is my problem: if i don't plug my cable when i boot up my pc then nm-applet shows me wired connection as disabled (grey out) | 04:07 |
soundray | mon^rch: I've used one a while ago, let me check | 04:07 |
magnetron | menkio: it's a cd | 04:07 |
=== vecina [n=vecina@c-68-52-139-174.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seisen | sounds like it got corrupted when you downloaded it. | 04:07 |
Pelo | ashton, very odd, consider using gnomebaker instead | 04:07 |
osotogari | Damn there goes my study avoidance plans | 04:07 |
menkio | kk | 04:08 |
mon^rch | soundray: please... | 04:08 |
mc44 | osotogari: go do some jitsu instead :p | 04:08 |
bezibaerch3n | wo konfiguriert man bei gnome, welche farbe text unter den desktopsymbolen hat? | 04:08 |
menkio | ug, ubuntu website down =\ | 04:08 |
vecina | It didnt work. I still cant load up feisty outside of recovery mode. the loading screen shuts my monitor off | 04:08 |
bezibaerch3n | whoops, e_chan, sry | 04:08 |
=== spheard [n=andrew@81-178-227-14.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ashton | Pelo: a bit late now... I can't locate the files. find .|grep filename ain't finding anything | 04:08 |
vecina | Any way around the load screen? | 04:08 |
osotogari | @ mc44: some one always says that ;) | 04:08 |
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Pelo | ashton, oops | 04:08 |
seisen | what problems are you having vecina | 04:08 |
spheard | okay, I think it has to be said, wireless networking is cack in feisty | 04:08 |
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vecina | seisen: Whenever i try to run kdm/gdm with VESA set, my monitor drops out connection.... needs fglrx | 04:09 |
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Pelo | ashton, did you try to burn the unseen files anyway ? or try ctrl H , I'm thinking the cd/dvd nautilus folder may be hidden | 04:09 |
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menkio | does ubuntu have a no graphical install mode | 04:09 |
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junmin | hi, the version of netbeans if i do apt-get install netbeans5.5 comes out with a blank window????? i cant apt-get now because the server is down... | 04:09 |
weblordpepe | i cannot get over how insanely cool it is being able to use the desktop (3d wobbly windows etc included) after just booting off the CD and while installing it. | 04:09 |
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vecina | seisen: The problem is, the loading screen apparantly uses vesa no matter what i have xorg set to | 04:10 |
seisen | on the alternative cd it does | 04:10 |
junmin | menkio, yes ..from the live cd | 04:10 |
KalleDK | others having probling with apt-get update... security.ubuntu.com doesnt respond | 04:10 |
Pelo | menkio, you want the alternate install cd , it is txt based | 04:10 |
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qwehnce | Parmenion, where can i find it | 04:10 |
cliz | junmin: are you using beryl or compiz ? | 04:10 |
matt__ | weblordpepe: Yeah it is nuts eh? | 04:10 |
mlane | My networkManager applet will not connect to any wireless networks though it can see them (SSIDs listed in menu). I installed 7.04 a few days ago and manually setup my wifi card using ndiswrapper. sudo ifdown wlan0 && ifup wlan0 will connect to the selected network. please help | 04:10 |
=== TOXIC0 [n=toxic@acces0183.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
menkio | ohh awesome | 04:10 |
=== FP [n=federico@62-101-126-216.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | someone here a week ago wanted to have music preview of MP3 while hovering the mouse cursor over the file in nautilus. this is how to do it: install the package mpg123 . Voici! | 04:10 |
menkio | thanks pelo | 04:10 |
weblordpepe | ohhh | 04:10 |
Pelo | junmin, he say "non-graphical" | 04:10 |
menkio | you wouldn't have a source for it would you ? | 04:10 |
junmin | cliz, compiz .. the default of feisty | 04:10 |
weblordpepe | theres problems with apt-get ? | 04:10 |
menkio | unbuntus site is reallllly slow | 04:10 |
FP | Hi all | 04:10 |
osotogari | one question, i rebooted my computer there and my external hard drive was assigned /dev/sdb1 where as I always had it as /dev/sda1 in my fstab. How can i force it to mount to /dev/sda1 to save me from editing my fstab whenever this happens? | 04:10 |
menkio | actualy, i think the website is down | 04:10 |
weblordpepe | cos im installing ubuntu right now | 04:10 |
ashton | Pelo: the Write to Disc button is grayed out | 04:10 |
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KalleDK | weblordpepe I cant update when i hit security it stops | 04:10 |
cliz | junmin: try to go back to normal metacity wm then reload netbeans | 04:11 |
junmin | Pelo, i see .. hehe. sorry | 04:11 |
=== Pici [n=pcmacman@ool-4355be00.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weblordpepe | oh hmm | 04:11 |
matt__ | weblordpepe: apt-get isn't down. | 04:11 |
vecina | hmm is there any way to bypass the splash screen that loads before kdm? | 04:11 |
soundray | mon^rch: I tried albumshaper, then got stuck with igal | 04:11 |
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matt__ | I was just using it | 04:11 |
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vecina | the loading one | 04:11 |
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=== antidrugue [n=mastah@bas9-montrealak-1167904461.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weblordpepe | cos i just had to abort an installation of ubuntu right when it came to the apt-get bit | 04:11 |
bcochofel | Where can I find info about changing the language on ubuntu? | 04:11 |
soundray | !info albumshaper > mon^rch | 04:11 |
garyman | hello world of ubuntu! who can help me? | 04:11 |
Pelo | ashton, i honestly don'T knwo what to tell you, check the forum | 04:11 |
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soundray | !info igal > mon^rch | 04:11 |
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weblordpepe | hello garyman | 04:11 |
vecina | I think being in recovery mode is a liability | 04:11 |
weblordpepe | we are all ubuntu monsters | 04:11 |
ashton | Pelo: forums down ;) | 04:11 |
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ironfroggy | has anyone used a tablet input device? | 04:11 |
KalleDK | matt__ can you apt-get update (security.ubuntu.com is the problem at my placE) | 04:11 |
ashton | Pelo: thanks anyway | 04:12 |
soundray | mon^rch: check out http://www.soundray.org/bilder/ | 04:12 |
Parmenion | qwehnce: http://www.google.com/search?q=gutsy+gibbon%2Brelease+schedule&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a | 04:12 |
Pelo | ashton, oh yeah, right , you're screwed then | 04:12 |
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menkio | anyone know anther place to download ubuntu ? | 04:12 |
qwehnce | Parmenion, the wiki is down anyway. | 04:12 |
mon^rch | soundray: thank you so much, I appreciate it... | 04:12 |
ironfroggy | im trying to configure mine, and i got it working off the bat without pressure sensitivity, so i tried to add some lines to the xorg.conf, and it stopped working entirely. so i commented out the lines, and it still doesnt work at all! | 04:12 |
matt__ | KalleDK: Wow, same here. It does that on and off though. | 04:12 |
Pelo | menkio, torrents | 04:12 |
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junmin | cliz, well just want to know if the version in feisty repository has the same problem with compiz/beryl??? | 04:12 |
Pelo | !torrents > menkio check pm | 04:12 |
ashton | Pelo: I figured. If it were simply the files moving somewhere weird, or taking on strange names, I'd be more than capable of finding them | 04:12 |
Parmenion | sorry then qwehnce, dont know another place | 04:12 |
KalleDK | matt__ ok :) | 04:12 |
antidrugue | seems everything ubuntu is down: ubuntu.com, ubuntuforums.org, archive.ubuntu.com, cdimage.ubuntu.com, releases.ubuntu.com | 04:12 |
matt__ | Does anyone know the package that's in ubuntu that handles .deb packages? | 04:12 |
weblordpepe | i think ubuntu is quite a clever OS. the linux file archetecture + packages thing is still kinda awkward but its clear ubuntu is thinking outside the box | 04:12 |
the_ringmaster | hi everyone! | 04:12 |
=== gils [n=gilshale@CPE000fb087f909-CM0012253eb560.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ashton | Pelo: Oh well. Will cross my fingers and hope they end up in Lost+Found | 04:13 |
matt__ | hey | 04:13 |
gils | y | 04:13 |
jsgotangco | antidrugue: the data centre went down and being fixed | 04:13 |
menkio | trying to find one not on ubuntu.com | 04:13 |
Pelo | ashton, that's my guess butwithout the forum I woudln'T know where to look | 04:13 |
weblordpepe | wow | 04:13 |
cliz | junmin: unsure about that sorry. I just moved to feisty myself and yet to install netbeans | 04:13 |
lnxnubie | matt__: dpkg | 04:13 |
antidrugue | jsgotangco: oh, ok | 04:13 |
gils | i have a basic question about icon allignment..... | 04:13 |
menkio | none of thoose links work, anbd the mirror list is on the website =\ | 04:13 |
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bcochofel | !lang | 04:13 |
menkio | which is down | 04:13 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lang - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:13 |
=== chef [n=chef@p3EE06B98.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osotogari | does anyone have ubuntu on a mac mini here? | 04:13 |
weblordpepe | thats gotta be an embarassment for a prodominant linux OS raving about security etc | 04:13 |
mc44 | menkio: oh the irony :) | 04:13 |
matt__ | lnxnubie: When I try to open .deb files with that, nothing happens. | 04:13 |
gils | i want desktop icons to be alligned on the right side and not left how do i do that? | 04:13 |
menkio | lol indeed | 04:13 |
=== teckfatt [n=teckfatt@60-241-201-96.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chef | hallo | 04:13 |
CheshireViking | are there any app's that can open MS Publisher files for Linux, last time I went looking, there wasn't one, but 6 months later & new version of ubuntu, thought maybe there might be something | 04:13 |
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the_ringmaster | scribus maybe | 04:13 |
antidrugue | menkio: my local mirror is ftp://gulus.usherbrooke.ca/ubuntu you can try it works | 04:14 |
bezibaerch3n | how to chance textcolor of icons on desktop in gnome? | 04:14 |
soundray | weblordpepe: that'll only impress laypeople. Professionals know that there is only so much you can do to prevent a DDOS attack. | 04:14 |
egoleo | help on feisty and acer aspire 5570 bluetooth | 04:14 |
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CheshireViking | the_ringmaster, not as far as i know, that was the original app I tried | 04:14 |
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ashton | anyone remember how to force a fsck on next boot? | 04:14 |
the_ringmaster | oh | 04:14 |
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egoleo | how to enable bluetooth | 04:14 |
soundray | ashton: sudo touch /forcefsck | 04:14 |
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junmin | cliz, that's ok. thx | 04:14 |
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ashton | soundray: ta | 04:14 |
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Pelo | gils, you might be able to specify that in gconf-edtior , but you could also place them manualy and uncheck the sorting option in the dekstop rightclick menu | 04:14 |
lnxnubie | matt__: try dpkg -x filename.deb | 04:14 |
weblordpepe | just to be safe im going to go offline while installing | 04:15 |
weblordpepe | bye everyone | 04:15 |
weblordpepe | watch me time-out | 04:15 |
weblordpepe | *gone* | 04:15 |
garyman | what packages do I need to install to obtain a LAMP server on ubuntu 7.04? | 04:15 |
soundray | ashton: dyou wan' a flike with tha' luv? | 04:15 |
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gils | Pelo: right well i want be able to to keep them properly alligned but when i do that it automatically put icons to left allignment | 04:15 |
matt__ | lnxnubie: Nothing. | 04:15 |
matt__ | How irritating. | 04:15 |
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gils | Pelo: ideally i want the icons horizzontally and not vertically | 04:16 |
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garyman | what packages do I need to install to obtain a LAMP server on ubuntu 7.04? | 04:16 |
mattva01 | oh launchpad is down as well :) | 04:16 |
Pelo | gils if you can do it from somewhere ti would be in gconf-editor | 04:16 |
gils | ok will try | 04:16 |
=== tex__ [n=chatzill@host73-115-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mon^rch | sob... repos are down too :( | 04:16 |
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Pelo | garyman, a lamp server is Linus, Apache, Mysql and PHP , so those | 04:16 |
tex__ | hi is the ubuntu site down, again? | 04:16 |
lnxnubie | matt__: try dpkg -X filename.deb . | 04:17 |
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lnxnubie | matt_ that dot at the last is important | 04:17 |
antidrugue | tex_: yep, it's all down | 04:17 |
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soundray | tex__: it doesn't work here, either, if that's what you're asking | 04:17 |
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garyman | pelo so apt-get install apache php mysql should work? | 04:17 |
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tex__ | :( | 04:18 |
=== aar1 [n=sturla@c6BE35AC1.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
matt__ | lnxnubie: Alright that worked, it extracted, does that mean it's installed? | 04:18 |
lnxnubie | matt: nope | 04:18 |
matt__ | lol | 04:18 |
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Pelo | garyman, the servers are down you might not be able to right now, but i think the line is correct, if not check in synaptic for the right package names | 04:18 |
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lnxnubie | its only extracted in current directory | 04:18 |
garyman | thanks pelo.. cee ya | 04:19 |
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Oetzi | is archive.ubuntu.com down? | 04:19 |
matt__ | So where should I put it? | 04:19 |
=== Enverex [i=Ragnarok@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | Oetzi: yes | 04:19 |
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CheshireViking | Oetzi, yes | 04:19 |
the_ringmaster | I hope this problem gets fixed soon | 04:19 |
=== georges [n=georges@84-73-2-98.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lnxnubie | matt__: if you need to install do dpkg -i filename.deb | 04:19 |
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matt__ | Oh I see. | 04:19 |
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Oetzi | i was right at the feisty update | 04:19 |
deadbaba | hi, are servers down ? | 04:20 |
Oetzi | can i recover it | 04:20 |
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georges | juste question http://archive.ubuntu.com is down ? | 04:20 |
Oetzi | deadbaba: yes | 04:20 |
Banujah | hy | 04:20 |
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deadbaba | ok, ty | 04:20 |
matt__ | Wow this is brutal. | 04:20 |
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BrokenLinux | Can anyone reccomend a program to record monitor output? Like what you'd find on ubuntuvideo.org | 04:20 |
Enverex | Someone should put that in the channel topic | 04:20 |
=== MrCr4cK [n=Kira@host97-21-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
job | on feisty, vmware-player (winxp guest) cannot see (browse) samba server on the host. | 04:20 |
Banujah | please give me the command for found one chat room | 04:20 |
soundray | ubotu, downtime is Yes, Ubuntu servers are experiencing downtime at the moment. Please be patient and refrain from discussing the subject in this particular channel. | 04:20 |
mwe | georges: security.ubuntu.com seems to be down at least | 04:20 |
matt__ | How do I install it so it automatically resolves dependencies? | 04:20 |
lnxnubie | matt__: what happened ? | 04:20 |
job | help --> on feisty, vmware-player (winxp guest) cannot see (browse) samba server on the host. | 04:20 |
darkhack | greeting all | 04:20 |
=== tek__ [n=tek@S0106001839cfa6a9.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lnxnubie | matt__: which deb r u trying ? | 04:21 |
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=== Pelo figured the solution to his own problem , again | ||
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matt__ | The new audacious | 04:21 |
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ironfroggy | Does anyone know what package adds tablet configuration to xorg.conf? | 04:21 |
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mlane | My networkManager applet will not connect to any wireless networks though it can see them (SSIDs listed in menu). I installed 7.04 a few days ago and manually setup my wifi card using ndiswrapper. sudo ifdown wlan0 && ifup wlan0 will connect to the selected network. please help | 04:21 |
Banujah | hello from palermo italia | 04:21 |
sipior | job: have you configured bridged networking for the guest? | 04:21 |
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darkhack | Anyone know a good dvd encoder for ubuntu? | 04:22 |
lnxnubie | matt__: u will have to download all the dependencies OR find a repo which has all of it. | 04:22 |
job | sipior: I used the ubuntu deb -> apt-get install vmware-player | 04:22 |
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Pelo | darkhack, devede | 04:22 |
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matt__ | But I don't understand, in standard ubuntu I could double click that and it would just install it. | 04:22 |
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job | sipior: there's a vmnet1 and a vmnet8 | 04:23 |
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lnxnubie | matt__: right now ubuntu servers r having some problem | 04:23 |
Pelo | matt__, you need a .deb file to do that and right now the servers are down do gedebi can't fetch the dependencies | 04:23 |
sipior | job: yeah, you'll probably need to configure the network of the guest, consult your documentation at the vmware website (or maybe /usr/share/doc/vmware) | 04:23 |
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matt__ | Ohhh I see. | 04:23 |
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AliceD | Hi i have a intel pro wireless 2200bg will this work with ubuntu out of the box | 04:23 |
sipior | job: you're probably looking for "bridged networking" in this context | 04:23 |
Pelo | his eyes open at last | 04:23 |
matt__ | Okay I didn't know the servers were down. | 04:23 |
matt__ | Wow that's a rarity. | 04:24 |
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PriceChild | The servers seem to be back online... continue with your lives :) | 04:24 |
matt__ | I've been using ubuntu for almost 2 years now, I don't remember that. | 04:24 |
matt__ | ever happening* | 04:24 |
mooky | PriceChild pm ? | 04:24 |
Pelo | AliceD, you'd have to check in the forum to see what ppl are saying about the model, but they are down rigth not | 04:24 |
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Pelo | rigth now | 04:24 |
mlane | !networkmanager | 04:24 |
ubotu | networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 04:24 |
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lnxnubie | matt__: me neither | 04:24 |
Pelo | matt__, the upgrades have put great pressures on the servers | 04:24 |
Pelo | the price of popularity | 04:25 |
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PriceChild | ikonia_, what's up? | 04:25 |
matt__ | Yeah it's understandable. | 04:25 |
darkhack | <Pelo> ty | 04:25 |
PriceChild | Lets get back to the topic of support please :) | 04:25 |
Pelo | darkhack, np | 04:25 |
=== googleguy [n=googlegu@dsl-242-195-232.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lnxnubie | matt_: they seem to be up now | 04:25 |
matt__ | So I should just do that same thing? | 04:25 |
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Pelo | PriceChild, it is on topic, ppl can'T fetch packages | 04:26 |
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PriceChild | Pelo, afaik things are now fixed... | 04:26 |
BrokenLinux | Can anyone reccomend a program to record monitor output? Like what you'd find on ubuntuvideo.com? | 04:26 |
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Pelo | BrokenLinux, recordmydesktop | 04:26 |
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soundray | !istanbul > BrokenLinux, read ubotu's private message please | 04:26 |
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tuskernini | forums are back up | 04:26 |
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lnxnubie | matt_: i think the double click should work now | 04:27 |
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mc44 | soundray: you know package names dont work anymore :) | 04:27 |
AaronMT | severs back up | 04:27 |
BrokenLinux | !recordmydesktop > BrokenLinux | 04:27 |
soundray | !info istanbul > BrokenLinux, read ubotu's private message please | 04:27 |
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soundray | mc44: no I didn't. Thank you | 04:27 |
BrokenLinux | thanks | 04:27 |
Oetzi | AaronMT: security-server too? | 04:28 |
Enverex | Oetzi, Security is still down | 04:28 |
matt__ | lnxnubie: I don't think i have the program that automatically runs .deb files like that. | 04:28 |
matt__ | I don't know what it's called either, I'd love to just install that. | 04:28 |
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Oetzi | so i think i wait a few hours to finish the feisty upgrade | 04:29 |
r0ute | anyone know what package the kernel development man pages are in ? | 04:29 |
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soundray | r0ute: not sure, is manpages-dev what you're looking for? | 04:29 |
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lnxnubie | matt_: was it right click and install ? i'm a CLI man only command prompt for me, so no double click and stuff | 04:30 |
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r0ute | soundray: i'll check | 04:30 |
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matt__ | Yeah I'd like to head into that direction too, but the commands seem so non-intuitive. | 04:30 |
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braian | hola | 04:30 |
matt__ | I use CLI alot, but only if I have to. | 04:30 |
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lnxnubie | i do 'apt-get upgrade' then 'apt-get install <pkgname>' | 04:30 |
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iratik | Alright so I am wanting to install ubuntu on my main development machine ... Without interfering with the xp setup (not that i like xp, its just that I don't want to loose any of that data / license files) I'm on the live cd and am on the "Prepare disk space" screen of the installer. Accept "Guided - use entire disk" or how do i get it to use grub whenever its installed etc... ? | 04:31 |
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grem | hi | 04:31 |
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braian | alguno habla castellano? | 04:31 |
r0ute | soundray: doesn't look like it, basically i'm looking for all of 'man 9' | 04:31 |
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iratik | braian: hablan catellano en #ubuntu-es | 04:31 |
tomee | hello | 04:31 |
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msa | Hi, I want to give other users access to my external hard drive. Using chown to change ownership of /media/My\ Book seems to silenly fail (doesn't change owner or group). What's up with that? | 04:31 |
soundray | iratik: "use entire disk" will kill Windows. Use the manual option and resize the Windows partition. | 04:32 |
braian | iratik gracias!! ;) | 04:32 |
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iratik | soundray: what about grub etc..? | 04:32 |
soundray | r0ute: like for example? | 04:32 |
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braian | thanks | 04:32 |
r0ute | soundray: man 9 dev_get_by_index | 04:32 |
AaronMT | !kernel | 04:32 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 04:32 |
braian | iratik y como me meto?? | 04:32 |
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soundray | iratik: grub gets installed by default | 04:32 |
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iratik | okay.. | 04:32 |
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ssinghi | while i trying to upgrade to feisty from a cdrom i get the error: | 04:32 |
ssinghi | Sub-process gpgv returned an error code (2), W:Signature verification failed for: /cdrom/dists/feisty/Release.gpg | 04:33 |
job | sipior: okay, just found out that by right-clicking on the "ethernet' tab in player, could switch from 'bridged' to 'NAT' and can now see the samba server on the host | 04:33 |
job | sipior: so, prob solved | 04:33 |
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sipior | job: good, glad it's working | 04:33 |
ssinghi | how do I fix it? its a install cd for feisty | 04:33 |
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rogue780|laptop | !libdvdcss | 04:34 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 04:34 |
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soundray | iratik: just a sec, firing up my feisty machine... | 04:34 |
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iratik | braian: no se que dices .... no hablo castellano -- posso supicire o ... puedo conjeturar | 04:34 |
Tom47 | ssinghi did you check the cd for errors | 04:34 |
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Shiner_Man | What can I use to edit the runlevels in ubuntu from the command line? | 04:35 |
oxygen | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libapache2-mod-python/+bug/107149 | 04:35 |
oxygen | help me pls | 04:35 |
soundray | iratik: it's fscking. It always does that when you want it to boot quickly ;-( | 04:35 |
iratik | eh?? | 04:35 |
ssinghi | Tom47: nope | 04:35 |
Shiner_Man | I used to use chkconfig in redhat way back when. | 04:35 |
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ssinghi | Tom47: how do I do that? | 04:35 |
iratik | i'm on prepare partitions ... i know what i'm doing to an extent ... but i don't want to mess this up | 04:35 |
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bianconeri_ | how does one know the model of the internal wireless adaptor? lspci? | 04:36 |
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gils | Pelo: i see no option in gconf for icon allignment.... | 04:36 |
iratik | bianconeri_: you can try dmesg | 04:36 |
Tom47 | ssinghi it may be then that there is an error on the cd .... when you boot up from t initially use the menu option to validate the cd | 04:36 |
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Pelo | bianconeri_, manual ? bios ? | 04:36 |
soundray | iratik: I didn't mean to address you, sorry | 04:36 |
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ssinghi | Ok | 04:36 |
iratik | soundray: its fine .. the ambiguity was clear | 04:36 |
oxygen | a.q mun coderleri adam akilli yazsanza u sistemi | 04:36 |
Shiner_Man | bianconeri_: lspci | more | 04:36 |
Toma- | Shiner_Man: 'update-rc.d' | 04:36 |
bianconeri_ | Pelo what do you mean by manual or bios? | 04:36 |
regius_ | If i have a script i want to run everytime i resume.d, can i just put it there? | 04:36 |
soundray | r0ute: I can see such a manpage in xen-doc-2.6.16 | 04:36 |
Pelo | gils, I would assme it might be under */nautilus/desktop | 04:36 |
Shiner_Man | Toma-: thanks | 04:36 |
iratik | wow... what language is oxygen speaking | 04:36 |
ssinghi | i'll try that, but still can i use the CD partially to update some of the packages | 04:36 |
Toma- | np | 04:36 |
oxygen | iratik, : fesity problem | 04:37 |
oxygen | python 2.5.1c1 version mismatch with libapache2-mod-python on feisty | 04:37 |
ssinghi | my Internet connection is slow, | 04:37 |
lynxus | yo peoples | 04:37 |
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oxygen | i need patch ? | 04:37 |
Toma- | iratik: rot24? | 04:37 |
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oxygen | what can i do ? | 04:37 |
iratik | rot24 sounds like an encryption algorithm | 04:37 |
r0ute | soundray: k, i'll try that then :) ta | 04:37 |
Pelo | bianconeri_, the computer's manual /documentation , bill of sales specs on the makers website, or from the BIOS at boot time | 04:37 |
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Toma- | iratik: it is :> | 04:37 |
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iratik | a variation on rot13 | 04:37 |
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Toma- | i mean, rot47 | 04:38 |
Toma- | sry | 04:38 |
bianconeri_ | Pelo, it's an adapter I installed after buying the desktop, and I can't remember what it is. | 04:38 |
msa | I'm trying to give other users access to my external hard drive. Using chown to change ownership of /media/My\ Book seems to silenly fail (doesn't change owner or group and gives no error message). What's up with that? | 04:38 |
Pelo | bianconeri_, can you check on the adaptor ? | 04:39 |
=== soundray thinks that rot?? algorithms are cloaking, not encryption | ||
gils | Pelo: yes, i see these features. no such thing as icon allignment. do you know how one would configure that manually | 04:39 |
CodeImp | using ubuntu feisty beta, wanted to update to latest (more than 100 downloads) but my machine locked up during download, now that i restarted it, some programs wont start (services, package manager, updates), what can i do? | 04:39 |
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Pelo | gils, no I don'T you could try looking it up in the forum | 04:39 |
s1 | can I install a nvidia-driver built for the 2.6.17-11 kernel in feisty? | 04:39 |
soundray | CodeImp: 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 04:39 |
ssinghi | Tom47: i'll try that, but still can i use the CD partially to update some of the packages, my Internet connection is slow, and can't afford to download the iso image once again | 04:39 |
s1 | the 2.6.20 kernel won't boot here | 04:39 |
CodeImp | soundray: what does that do? | 04:39 |
Pelo | gils, or even the gnome forums might be usefull | 04:39 |
iratik | i once made an algorthim to shift bits of ascii along an irregular pattern generated from the hour rounded down to unixtimestamp when the string was encrypted ... but why are we talking about crypt here? | 04:39 |
soundray | CodeImp: finish configuring half-configured packages | 04:40 |
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CodeImp | but it was only still downloading when my machine locked up | 04:40 |
Tom47 | ssinghi did you download and burn the cd originally? | 04:40 |
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bianconeri_ | Pelo I could, but i would have to open up the PC...I was thinking from terminal...my problem is that on feisty it doesn't seem to be working...the wireless bar is 75% full but its not connecting even to the router | 04:40 |
ssinghi | Tom47: yes, i did that | 04:40 |
Tom47 | did you use a torrent? | 04:40 |
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soundray | CodeImp: the fact that some things don't work right now contradicts that. Try that command anyway, it won't do any harm. | 04:40 |
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ssinghi | Tom47: yes | 04:40 |
CodeImp | ok | 04:41 |
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CodeImp | thanks | 04:41 |
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Toma- | CodeImp: run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" twice, then "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" then "sudo apt-get -f install" and finish it off with a "sudo dpkg-configure -a" | 04:41 |
Pelo | bianconeri_, I don'T know how, like I mentionned before you could try digging up the bill of sales or the warranty card | 04:41 |
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dinochopins | hi everyone | 04:41 |
bianconeri_ | ok thanks ill see what i can do | 04:41 |
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dinochopins | can BIND used to map netbios name | 04:41 |
dinochopins | ? | 04:41 |
Toma- | iratik: cause its fun :> | 04:41 |
malverian | Toma-, Use aptitude | 04:41 |
dinochopins | can BIND used to map netbios name ? | 04:41 |
Toma- | <3 apt | 04:42 |
fiXXXerMet | How can I tell the speed at which my network card/cable is connected? I trying to make sure it's at gigabit | 04:42 |
malverian | aptitude keeps track of automatically vs. manually installed programs. | 04:42 |
Tom47 | ok then the iso will more than likely be fine. check the cd for errors and if it contains errors burn at a slower speed under 20x ... this usually improves the burn quality and make sure the computer is doing nothing else but the burn esp things like gaim / msn etc | 04:42 |
iratik | Toma-: its not the place .. this place is a battleground of confused people trying to get world of warcraft to work with teamspeak on IBM PS/2's | 04:42 |
malverian | Assists with cleaning up deps when you uninstall something. | 04:42 |
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dinochopins | can BIND used to map netbios name ? | 04:42 |
Toma- | :P | 04:42 |
iratik | isn't bind a dns server ? | 04:42 |
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SpaceBass | yes | 04:43 |
dinochopins | I mean.... map not fully qualified domain name to something like "PC-01" etc | 04:43 |
Tom47 | ssinghi did you see that? | 04:43 |
CodeImp | heh thanks soundray, that fixed it :) | 04:43 |
soundray | fiXXXerMet: sudo ethtool eth0 | 04:43 |
ssinghi | Tom47: thanks a lot, will try that | 04:43 |
Toma- | malverian: when it comes to updating a system, i find apt-get more solid to rely on | 04:43 |
dinochopins | iratik: yupe... can it mapped netbios name also ? | 04:43 |
Toma- | just mho anyway | 04:43 |
ssinghi | Tom47: your reply, yes i did | 04:43 |
Tom47 | ssinghi always check urnt cds before trying to install or upgrade from them | 04:43 |
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ssinghi | k | 04:43 |
CodeImp | now my services list is empty, wtf?! | 04:43 |
leagris | fiXXXerMet, ethtool will | 04:44 |
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iratik | dinochopins: oh no .... no... nope | 04:44 |
Toma- | CodeImp: get a new one from source-o-matic | 04:44 |
fiXXXerMet | soundray: speed: 1000MB/s. Duple: Full.. Port: Twisted Pair. Sweet :) Thanks. | 04:44 |
Toma- | !source-o-matic | 04:44 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 04:44 |
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dinochopins | iratik: i see... ok, can it lookup into hosts file ? | 04:44 |
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iratik | Alright ... I don't want to screw my windows installation ... alot of stuff on there that I can tolerate. Here is where I am at ... I'm not sure what not to do ... http://www.ctatechs.com/ul/shot.png | 04:45 |
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iratik | I know... not to check the box that says Format? on /dev/sda1 | 04:46 |
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nalioth | msa: what file system is on your external drive? | 04:46 |
shoot^ | guys, for some reason my ubuntu install has stopped mounting two of my NTFS drives... it was working perfectly using ntfs-3g, but now, suddenly (and for no apparent reason), they no longer appear in places or in computer:///, and cannot be accessed at /media/Stuff and /media/Docs respectively | 04:47 |
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grem | I downloaded a game, Warsow, that comes in .tar.gz. I just extract it and play it. But where should I place those files? Is there a 'correct' place? It's kinda confusing for me to extract the game in my ~ dir | 04:47 |
Enverex | I wonder if Morgoth would make amd64 packages if I sent him an amd64 processor... | 04:47 |
Toma- | iratik: youll need to resize your ntfs drive from windows and make some space i do believe | 04:47 |
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Enverex | grem, That's a source package most likely, you need to compile it them install it | 04:48 |
HeyGabe | Hi. I am wondering if there is a difference between vim in Feisty and in previous versions. I have noticed that it seems to treat windows arrow keys differently than it used to. | 04:48 |
freezey | what tool can i use to convert .zip to .deb? | 04:48 |
dyrne | grem: i usually make a local directory in home for stuff like that and add a bin/ dir under it then add that to my path. but you dont need to do any of that | 04:48 |
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grem | Enverex, ah no. As I said, I extracted and play it regularly | 04:48 |
grem | it comes in binary | 04:48 |
grem | ah | 04:49 |
Toma- | grem: I have a ~/Games dir | 04:49 |
ashton | found files... and I suspect it wasn't a nautilus bug, but rather a ashton bug or maybe a wireless-mouse-dropping-out-while-doing-a-drag-and-drop bug | 04:49 |
oxygen | how can i install libapache-mod-python_2.7.11-2.diff.gz | 04:49 |
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grem | Toma-, k, thanks :) | 04:49 |
freezey | dpkg | 04:49 |
Toma- | grem: you can however, copy the warsow directory to /usr/games and it'll run | 04:49 |
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Toma- | i think | 04:49 |
freezey | oxygen: dpkg | 04:49 |
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freezey | oxygen: but you should get it from apt-get | 04:50 |
freezey | oxygen: apt-get does have that module | 04:50 |
nalioth | grem: use /usr/local/ for your own personally placed programs | 04:50 |
Toma- | ahh yes | 04:50 |
Enverex | grem, Ah right | 04:50 |
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oxygen | freezey, : it s not work | 04:50 |
freezey | oxygen: what? | 04:51 |
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iratik | So i need to repartition the drive from windows | 04:51 |
oxygen | [Thu Apr 26 17:43:46 2007] [notice] Apache/2.2.3 (Ubuntu) mod_python/3.2.10 Python/2.5.1c1 configured -- resuming normal operations | 04:51 |
oxygen | [Thu Apr 26 17:43:49 2007] [notice] mod_python: (Re)importing module 'mod_python.publisher' | 04:51 |
oxygen | [Thu Apr 26 17:43:49 2007] [notice] mod_python: (Re)importing module 'mod_python.publisher' | 04:51 |
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freezey | oxygen: ok | 04:52 |
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freezey | oxygen: like i said you should use apt-get | 04:52 |
freezey | oxygen: i think the module is libapache2_modpython | 04:52 |
oxygen | ok i use it but | 04:52 |
freezey | something or toehr | 04:52 |
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WaxyFresh | none of my drives are mounting,i uninstalled i bunch of stuff i thouhgt was uneeded is there a package that automounts stuff,like my cdrom/usb? | 04:52 |
soundray | nalioth: what do you recommend as mountpoint for e.g. network shares? I used to make directories under /mnt for them, but apparently that's deprecated... | 04:53 |
iratik | Should I just copy my ntfs FS onto a backup drive and then resize the system ... err... how am i going to keep xp on this http://www.ctatechs.com/ul/shot.png ? | 04:53 |
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nalioth | iratik: you can use an Ubuntu LiveCD and do it w/o losing any info | 04:53 |
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iratik | I'm on an ubuntu livecd | 04:53 |
nalioth | soundray: /mnt will work (deprecated != dysfunctional) | 04:53 |
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iratik | nalioth: Did you see the screenshot ? | 04:53 |
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nalioth | iratik: no, i missed it. | 04:54 |
iratik | http://www.ctatechs.com/ul/shot.png | 04:54 |
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freezey | oxygen: but? | 04:54 |
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soundray | nalioth: but I want to use /mnt for temporary mounts | 04:54 |
oxygen | freezey, : but it s problem .. | 04:54 |
bilboid | oh y'a du monde | 04:54 |
oxygen | mod-python does not work with ubuntu feisty | 04:54 |
nalioth | soundray: so do it :) | 04:54 |
r00t_ | none of my drives are mounting,i uninstalled i bunch of stuff i thouhgt was uneeded is there a package that automounts stuff,like my cdrom/usb? | 04:54 |
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Enverex | r00t_, gnome-volume-manager afaik | 04:55 |
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soundray | nalioth: okay, so you don't see the problem. Maybe there is none. | 04:55 |
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Riley | i need help help installing urban terror, anyone have time? | 04:55 |
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diub | how do i install a printing server that generates pdf instead of printing? | 04:55 |
nalioth | soundray: i use loads of 'deprecated' techniques. deprecated doesn't mean unusable | 04:55 |
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cornelinux | Hello, what about encrypted root partition under ubuntu? Will it be in the installer one day out of the box? | 04:56 |
r00t_ | Enverex, thanks it was uninstalled | 04:56 |
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ikonia_ | cornelinux thats a big ask | 04:56 |
haru | test | 04:56 |
zaggynl | How do I know what program is making my hdd grind? | 04:56 |
Enverex | zaggynl, Check "top" | 04:56 |
cornelinux | ikonia_ big? I heard debian 4.0 would do this | 04:56 |
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r00t_ | zaggynl, difne "grind" | 04:56 |
r00t_ | define^^ | 04:57 |
Bluedeep | Hi :) | 04:57 |
soundray | nalioth: so do I, but when I learn about things being deprecated, I try to adapt and switch, to avoid future problems. UUIDs for example. | 04:57 |
zaggynl | r00t_, well, churning, kinda busy with something | 04:57 |
zaggynl | Enverex, how does that show what program is using my hdd? | 04:57 |
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haru | zaggynl, check system monitor | 04:57 |
r00t_ | zaggynl, just normal HD noises?or a bad grinding noise? | 04:57 |
zaggynl | r00t_, normal | 04:57 |
Enverex | zaggynl, If something is using your HD enough to make it "grind" then chances are it's using a chunk of CPU time | 04:57 |
Bluedeep | KNetworkManager in static mode doesn't display wireless information | 04:57 |
zaggynl | Enverex, it's not the extremely busy sound, but just busy with something | 04:58 |
Bluedeep | is it a bug? | 04:58 |
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zaggynl | In win32 I would use Filemon to see what files are being accessed, but I don't have a clue what to use in ubuntu | 04:58 |
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cornelinux | Bluedeep: knetworkmanager even does not save my seetings for wpa enterprise | 04:58 |
r00t_ | zaggynl, oh ok yeah just use top or system monitor like they said,in a termanal type top and you should see the processes that take up the most resources | 04:58 |
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diub | how do i install a printing server that generates pdf instead of printing? | 04:58 |
zaggynl | r00t_, that only shows RAM/CPU usage for me | 04:59 |
Enverex | diub, Install the PDF driver for CUPS | 04:59 |
Bluedeep | cornelinux, uhm... maybe most bugged :) | 04:59 |
cornelinux | bluedeep: seems so | 04:59 |
Enverex | zaggynl, Yes, and nothing should be using any CPU time other than the app that is messing with your HD | 04:59 |
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diub | Enverex how? what's the pckg? | 04:59 |
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zaggynl | hmm | 04:59 |
=== Ziemas [n=Ziemas@90-227-219-111-no62.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
r00t_ | zaggynl, i think cpu/ram should be linked to how much your harddisk is being used | 04:59 |
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Enverex | diub, No idea, search for cups and or PDF | 05:00 |
zaggynl | okay | 05:00 |
Bluedeep | cornelinux, do you know if there is an whislist ? | 05:00 |
jandro | hello, playing video increases my processor activity until almos 100% in fullscreen mode, is it normal? I have already installed de nvidia driver | 05:00 |
diub | Enverex then what? i create a new printer? | 05:00 |
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Enverex | jandro, Pastebin your glxinfo | 05:00 |
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r00t_ | zaggynl, what are the stats on your computer?like hd size ram cpu? | 05:00 |
Enverex | diub, It should do that for you, a PDF dummy printer | 05:00 |
soundray | !info cups-pdf > diub, please read the private message from ubotu | 05:00 |
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=== ochosi [n=chatzill@chello084114031037.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
regius_ | how do you autostart a script if its in t.ex. init.d or resume.d | 05:00 |
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zaggynl | r00t_, ~500+ GB, 1GB RAM, 2ghz | 05:00 |
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zaggynl | It's not being slow, I'm just wondering if there is a GUI tool to watch what files are being accessed by what program | 05:01 |
iratik | I really wish I could install this distro on this machine ... but it seems the only way to do it is to wipe it out ... which I'd be obliged to do -- but i need too many things off the xp partition ... I'll come back in 2-3 months when there are more people here to support installing ubuntu over windows without interfering with it | 05:01 |
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jandro | Enverex: do you mean to paste the output of glxinfo here? | 05:01 |
osotogari | let the upgrading begin | 05:01 |
r00t_ | zaggynl, how often is it grinding it shouldent be doing it that often | 05:01 |
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DobosCake | Hi | 05:01 |
mwe | regius_: what's t.ex? init.d and resume.d are nor related | 05:01 |
r00t_ | zaggynl, what apps are you useing? | 05:01 |
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TritonX_ | iratik: if you want to be safe, get another HD | 05:01 |
Seiphas | can anyone help set up a LAMP / other server? | 05:02 |
Enverex | jandro, No, use a pastebin | 05:02 |
r00t_ | zaggynl, im on 333mhz 256 ram and 4 gig hd and mine barely does it | 05:02 |
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zaggynl | r00t_, well I found out which app did made my hdd grind, but I was wondering if there is an app that shows which files are opened/used by which app | 05:02 |
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r00t_ | zaggynl, i dont know sorry | 05:02 |
zaggynl | In win32 I use this: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/Utilities/Filemon.mspx | 05:02 |
Enverex | zaggynl, lsof | 05:02 |
regius_ | mwe: wops som swedish :-S for example in resume.d or init.d | 05:02 |
ochosi | i have an internal ricoh card reader (sd,mmc etc) but it doesn't show up in lspci (i can remember it did in dapper, but not in feisty, which i have now), any idea why that could be? | 05:02 |
r00t_ | im having problems mounting my cdrom/usb hard drive any help? | 05:02 |
Enverex | ochosi, Check lsusb | 05:03 |
Pici | zaggynl: lsof will list what open files are open by what app | 05:03 |
mwe | regius_: resume.d and init.d are not related | 05:03 |
zaggynl | okay, thanks | 05:03 |
iratik | hmmm... will do | 05:03 |
Enverex | r00t_, Define "problems" | 05:03 |
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mwe | regius_: init.d is for scripts that run at system boot or shutdown | 05:03 |
ochosi | Enverex: tried that too, doesn't show up at all | 05:03 |
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Enverex | ochosi, Pastebin your lspci output | 05:03 |
r00t_ | Enverex, my cdrom is working and my usb drive isnt showing up anywhere | 05:03 |
diub | ok after installing cups pdf CUPS aske me for a driver for the printer and gives me a series of option like brands and models, why does it do that? I already told CUPS to use pdf printer | 05:03 |
Enverex | r00t_, Is it mounted? | 05:03 |
regius_ | mwe: sure but i have one script that i want to run at startup and one scrip that i want to run when i resume | 05:03 |
Seiphas | is anyone here good with gproftpd? | 05:04 |
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Enverex | diub, No, it's added by default, you don't have to make one yourself | 05:04 |
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leagris | diub, it is stupid but you should select postscript or colorpostscript | 05:04 |
cornelinux | Bluedeep: No. There is only this opensuse integrated webpage. too bad | 05:04 |
r00t_ | Enverex, procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) thats form mount is that my usb? | 05:04 |
diub | Enverex it's not added by default | 05:04 |
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regius_ | so i have put the scripts in init.d and resume.d but the don't start | 05:04 |
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aa^way | does linux support IE? | 05:04 |
diub | leagris from where? | 05:05 |
mwe | regius_: ok. the script you want to run, put it in /etc/init.d and make sure it's executable (chmod +x). then use update-rc.d to decide what runlevels to start it in (you want 2) | 05:05 |
TritonX_ | aa lol | 05:05 |
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Enverex | diub, Yes it is, try and print and it'll show up in the available printers list | 05:05 |
leagris | diub, when it asks for the driver | 05:05 |
aa^way | this firefox shit is pretty bad, always having miljon problems with it | 05:05 |
mwe | regius_: that's one you want to run at boot time | 05:05 |
TritonX_ | support IE, ishhh, some brave souls got it to works... but it's not supported | 05:05 |
aa^way | k | 05:05 |
Enverex | r00t_, No | 05:05 |
diub | leagris it doesn't give any PS option | 05:05 |
Enverex | aa^way, No | 05:05 |
Enverex | aa^way, Why do you want it? | 05:05 |
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mwe | regius_: for resume.d just put your script in /etc/acpi/resume.d/ and make it executable | 05:06 |
HUPBAHA | hi, can somebody help me with vpn conf in ubntu ? ( have some problems with route ) \\ pm me plz )) | 05:06 |
jandro | Enverex: when i put my output on http://pastebin.com i got a query failure, i this way what you meant before? | 05:06 |
ochosi | Enverex: pastebin.com gives me a query failure... | 05:06 |
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fiXXXerMet | I'm not getting any sound with 7.04 on my laptop. Speakers are internal, volume is up and not muted. | 05:06 |
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r00t_ | fiXXXerMet, try turning on the external amplifyer option | 05:07 |
mwe | regius_: and make sure the scripts are owned by root:root | 05:07 |
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Durnik | Help - I've been silly - I've deleted the "visible files" out of my maildir... all the "dot subdirectories" are there, but my (Windows) mail client can no longer see them :-o | 05:07 |
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fiXXXerMet | r00t_ Where is that? | 05:07 |
Enverex | jandro, ochosi So use a different pastebin, there are several thousand to choose from | 05:07 |
ochosi | Enverex: ok, my pastebin is here: http://phpfi.com/229976 | 05:07 |
r00t_ | fiXXXerMet, you on ubuntu? | 05:07 |
Seiphas | So I'm trying to run an FTP server, which can be accessed just fine from, but my domain/outerIP still can't access it | 05:07 |
fiXXXerMet | yes | 05:07 |
r00t_ | Enverex, any ideas? | 05:07 |
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mon^rch | soundray: tried igal... great stuff: http://gardenofeden.dyndns.org/galleries/wallpaper/index.html | 05:07 |
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TritonX_ | Seiphas: check with Firestarter | 05:08 |
mon^rch | soundray: tell me what you think | 05:08 |
mwe | Seiphas: router issue? or firewall maybe | 05:08 |
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Seiphas | shouldn't be either | 05:08 |
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jandro | Enverex: here's mine | 05:08 |
regius_ | mwe: tnx! | 05:08 |
Seiphas | ports are forwarded and everything | 05:08 |
r00t_ | fiXXXerMet, try looking for an options thing on your voulume control thingy | 05:08 |
Gasten | Hey. Is there any wysiwyg html-editor, webpage-creator or anything similar to linux? | 05:08 |
Seiphas | and what is Firestarter | 05:08 |
mwe | Seiphas: are you sure? if so check the config of your ftp server, that it allows public access | 05:08 |
JonNC | Do you have any IP Tables stuff Seiphas? | 05:08 |
Enverex | r00t_, Look for it in dmesg, it should have an sdx assignment | 05:09 |
runa_ | hey :) I'm using xorg 7.1.1 (ubuntu 6.10) in my parent's computer. suddenly, it started crashing on start, with signal 4 and some backtrace (maybe related to the keyboard driver?) see http://p.caboo.se/56742 | 05:09 |
jandro | Enverex: here's mine http://paste.uni.cc/14849 | 05:09 |
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HUPBAHA | hi, can somebody help me with vpn conf in ubntu ? ( have some problems with route ) plzzzz.... | 05:09 |
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vadvad | how do i create a build directory? | 05:09 |
Bluedeep | cornelinux, I understand, we only can wait fixes | 05:09 |
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r00t_ | Enverex, did you help me with this yesterday?i was WaxyFresh on irc | 05:09 |
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Enverex | r00t_, No | 05:09 |
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Enverex | jandro, What are you using to play it with? | 05:10 |
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vadvad | how do i create a build directory? | 05:10 |
alxb | hi | 05:10 |
alxb | is ubuntu debian etch based? | 05:10 |
leen_ | how do i install the new ubuntu on my hardrive? (dual boot with windows, i already have windows installed) | 05:10 |
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jandro | Enverex: just totem, playing the sample video "experiencing ubuntu.ogg" that comes with ubuntu | 05:10 |
HUPBAHA | alxb | 05:10 |
Seiphas | it isn't just the FTP client that doesn't work, Apache also only is local | 05:10 |
HUPBAHA | yyes | 05:10 |
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Gasten | alxb: ubuntu is debian based, yes. | 05:10 |
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r00t_ | Enverex, 631.307701] SCSI device sda: 156301488 512-byte hdwr sectors (80026 MB) | 05:11 |
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alxb | great, latest debian? | 05:11 |
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cornelinux | when will ubuntu got partman-crypto | 05:11 |
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adamowitz | I've confirmed that it's not a codec issue, but every single movie file (all of those at http://www.blender.org/features-gallery/movies/) that I've attempted to play (using vlc, totem, and mplayer) on the primary screen of my MBP (1680x1050) using the ATI proprietary driver are hugely distorted. | 05:11 |
adamowitz | They play fine on a secondary screen (1920x1080) through the DVI port. | 05:11 |
adamowitz | Ideas? | 05:11 |
Gasten | vadvad: what is a "build directory" | 05:11 |
Gasten | ? | 05:11 |
techjim | anyone in here free to work out a simple xorg.conf issue I've came upon when updating from eft to fawn. | 05:11 |
leen_ | someone please answer or give me a link? | 05:11 |
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Enverex | r00t_, There you go then, mount that and you'll have access to it. That's kinda basic Linux "skillz" | 05:11 |
Pici | !dualboot | leen_ | 05:11 |
ubotu | leen_: Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 05:11 |
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vadvad | Gasten: i don't know - i try to configure glibc and that's what it asks. | 05:12 |
r00t_ | Enverex, sudo mount sda /media/usbdrive/ ? | 05:12 |
Gasten | alxb: Dunno. | 05:12 |
HUPBAHA | hey gays )) plz help ))) 5 min. | 05:12 |
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techjim | anyone in here free to work out a simple xorg.conf issue I've came upon when updating from eft to fawn? | 05:12 |
r00t_ | HUPBAHA, what do you need | 05:12 |
Enverex | r00t_, No... | 05:13 |
joeljkp | ok, i've installed the debug versions of libgtk, etc., what do i need to do to enable them? | 05:13 |
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Gasten | alxb: But it is good anyway. ubuntu and debian are working closely. (it seems to me) | 05:13 |
vadvad | Gasten: it asks to configure it in the build dir. | 05:13 |
Enverex | Did anyone else notice he said "hi GAYS"? | 05:13 |
r00t_ | yup^^ | 05:13 |
fiXXXerMet | r00t_: I still can't find it. | 05:13 |
ripps | Hello, I wanted to know if someone can help get this LiveCD working | 05:13 |
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Enverex | r00t_, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /where/ever" you need the partition number if it has one | 05:13 |
Gasten | vadvad: your build directory is the directory with the source code. why do you need glibc? have you tried "sudo aptitude install glibc"? | 05:13 |
vadvad | ripps: what the problem? | 05:13 |
Gasten | Enverex: No, some of us got things to do ;) | 05:14 |
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ripps | It doesn't seem to recognize my graphics and monitor, I'm using a Gateway M285-E with ati graphics card | 05:14 |
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riley | i am trying to run urban terror and am having some troubles. can anyone help me? | 05:14 |
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Gasten | Hey. Is there any wysiwyg html-editor, webpage-creator or anything similar to linux? | 05:14 |
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r00t_ | Enverex, got it | 05:14 |
vadvad | Gasten: didn't try it... i need glibc cause flash plugin asks for it. | 05:14 |
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techjim | gasten: quanta plus | 05:14 |
ripps | I get a Xorg error everytime I try booting, even in safe graphics node | 05:14 |
Enverex | Gasten, NVU | 05:14 |
JonNC | Gasten: notepad++ may work | 05:15 |
=== DeeJayTwo [n=deejay2@148-253.sh.cgocable.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kanfoosh | ripps: desktop? | 05:15 |
|Death| | when you share a drive in ubuntu whats the login format to get in from windows?? | 05:15 |
Enverex | JonNC, Pretty sure that's not WYSIWYG :P | 05:15 |
ripps | Gnome I guess | 05:15 |
Gasten | JonNC: isnt np++ windows only and nonfree and not wysiwyg? | 05:15 |
JonNC | ops, sorry. | 05:15 |
r00t_ | thanks^^ | 05:15 |
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JonNC | my bad. | 05:15 |
ripps | GDM won't startup, so it sends me to the console | 05:15 |
Gasten | techjim, Enverex THanks. | 05:15 |
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Kanfoosh | ripps: Are you getting xorg error messages? | 05:16 |
Gasten | vadvad: aha... | 05:16 |
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DeeJayTwo | I just installed the network pptp stuff and I get a segfault while trying to connect: Apr 26 11:15:55 smart-z kernel: [ 2647.768991] nm-ppp-auth-dia[9389] : segfault at 0000000000000088 rip 00002b77e226021b rsp 00007fffce3ddc70 error 4 | 05:16 |
ripps | yes | 05:16 |
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Gasten | vadvad: try glibc, then! | 05:16 |
jandro | ripps: which ones? | 05:16 |
Gasten | vadvad: try aptitude, then! | 05:16 |
DeeJayTwo | I'm running feisty on the amd64 distro | 05:16 |
Gasten | vadvad: sry | 05:16 |
ripps | it says theres some kind of error with screen0, that it doesn't exist | 05:16 |
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ripps | I'm in windows right now | 05:17 |
vadvad | Gasten: i just tryed it. doesn't work aswell... | 05:17 |
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dyrne | vadvad: from the build dir do ../whatever/configure for example | 05:17 |
Gasten | vadvad: what does it say? | 05:17 |
|Death| | when you share a drive in ubuntu (feisty) whats the login format to get in from windows?? it is shared as SMB and I can see the computer fine I just have to login.. | 05:17 |
vadvad | Gasten: NM thanks anyway :) | 05:17 |
JonNC | Has anyone here had much success with writing to NTFS volumes? | 05:17 |
Kanfoosh | ripps: Were you just editing your xorg.conf? | 05:17 |
vadvad | Gasten: wait ... | 05:17 |
Gasten | vadvad: it's good that you fight for what you want :) | 05:17 |
ripps | It told me to edit it, but I wasn't sure what to do, so I reboot back into winXP | 05:18 |
Lynxus | ripps : have you tried copying a backup of your xorg.conf file back ? ie: sudo cp -p /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak xorg.conf ? | 05:18 |
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vadvad | Gasten: that's all the fun :) | 05:18 |
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zaggynl | Is there a frontend/GUI version lsof? I tried glsof but it doesn't compile | 05:18 |
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ripps | how will that help | 05:18 |
OuZo | this did not fix my festy64bit ATI X700 problem http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/04/installing-ubuntu-704-ati-x-cards/ what else can i try? thanks | 05:18 |
=== Strayker [n=ed@202-65-70-14-wireless.bbnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | how do I control the colour levels in the fglrx driver? | 05:18 |
jandro | ripps: you could try to put "vesa" on the driver section, it almost always works | 05:19 |
dooglus | I installed fglrx-control, but what now? | 05:19 |
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ripps | it's is | 05:19 |
vadvad | Gasten: it says :" you most configure in a spearate build dir" | 05:19 |
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jandro | Enverex: did you get any idea about my issue? | 05:19 |
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Enverex | jandro, I asked what you're using to try and play the files... | 05:19 |
ripps | this is an unaltered ubuntu 7.04 desktop disk | 05:19 |
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jandro | Enverex: just totem, playing the sample video "experiencing ubuntu.ogg" that comes with ubuntu | 05:19 |
Gasten | vadvad: what says that? | 05:19 |
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ripps | my computer is a convertable notebook, maybe it's having issues with that | 05:20 |
jandro | Enverex: in feisty fawn | 05:20 |
Enverex | jandro, No idea then, that's a bit odd with the video drivers installed :/ | 05:20 |
Pici | |Death|: you need to create a samba user first by doing `sudo smbpasswd -a someuser` then you should be able to login. | 05:20 |
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zaggynl | nvm, got it | 05:20 |
zaggynl | 'show open files' in system monitor <3 | 05:20 |
vadvad | Gasten: after i try "./configure" in the source dir | 05:20 |
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Gasten | vadvad: ok... | 05:20 |
jandro | Enverex: so...it is a problem of the nvidia drivers, or it's a problem of codecs? | 05:20 |
Hotkey | Help with new installed 7.04 but now have wireless network dropping several times before getting solid connection? | 05:20 |
Gasten | vadvad: I have no idea. | 05:21 |
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Enverex | jandro, You could try updating to the 100.xx.xx nVidia drivers and see if that helps | 05:21 |
Gasten | ytry asking at the glibc mailinglist or something. | 05:21 |
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Kanfoosh | ripps: Were you ever able to get gnome working? | 05:21 |
vadvad | hehe :) i'm pushing ppl to the edge here :) | 05:21 |
ripps | nope | 05:21 |
jandro | Enverex: ok, thanks, i'll try | 05:21 |
Gasten | vadvad: I can't help you. | 05:21 |
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vadvad | Gasten: 10x anyway :) i'll keep trying.. | 05:21 |
ripps | i've used gentoo on a desktop in the past, I had to install fglrx in order to get it working | 05:21 |
ripps | does the disk use that? | 05:22 |
Kanfoosh | ripps: so this is first install .. ummm .. do you have the ati drivers installed, there is a really handy program aticonfig that woks wonders .. | 05:22 |
Gasten | vadvad: great :) | 05:22 |
Enverex | You'd think I want my system to break wouldn't you. I'm using GIT Wine, Gutsy as the distro version and the 100.xxxx beta nVidia drivers | 05:22 |
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Kanfoosh | ripps: haha, im installing gentoo right now, on my computer (on fiance's computer) | 05:22 |
ripps | when I look at dmesg, it looks like fglrx isn't loaded | 05:23 |
vadvad | how do u register to this server? | 05:23 |
Pici | !register > vadvad | 05:23 |
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Toma- | !register | 05:23 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:23 |
haru | vadvad, use /nickserver register id | 05:23 |
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Toma- | too slow :( | 05:23 |
OuZo | where do the packages from apt-get get downloaded to? i want to back them up | 05:23 |
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Toma- | OuZo: /var/cache/apt | 05:24 |
haru | OuZo, they are backed up in /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 05:24 |
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mjr | /var/cache/apt/packages I think | 05:24 |
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mjr | oh yeah, archives | 05:24 |
ripps | how do I get the livecd to load fglrx | 05:24 |
ochosi | Enverex: so i assume you have no idea what i can do, right? | 05:24 |
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ripps | it's been a while since I used linux | 05:24 |
ikonia_ | uit | 05:24 |
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ikonia_ | exit | 05:24 |
Enverex | ochosi, Erm, sorry, what was the problem again? | 05:24 |
OuZo | haru: thanks, is there a limit to how long they stay on the system? | 05:24 |
Toma- | OuZo: they get cleaned out whenever you run apt-get clean tho | 05:24 |
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haru | OuZo, not unless u choose to.. check aptitude settings | 05:24 |
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Kanfoosh | ripps: I dunno hwo to get the live cd to load fglrx .. I would hope that the normal drivers worked .. umm ill have to pass it on to someone else :S | 05:24 |
OuZo | Toma-: thanks | 05:25 |
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Toma- | can someone please paste /boot/config-2.6.20-15-generic on pastebin for me? | 05:25 |
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Toma- | nm! | 05:25 |
maitscha | hoi! trying to get compiz with nvidia working, but always get black window contents... | 05:26 |
ripps | i can't connect to internet in ubuntu right now, I'm at school and there's this weird wifi login page, which I can't use unless I'm able to get into a browser | 05:26 |
osfameron | how have you all found the Feisty upgrade? | 05:26 |
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dyrne | ripps: cli only? | 05:26 |
osfameron | I'm thinking of doing tomorrow (apparently it took my colleague quite a long time, too late to start now before leaving work) | 05:26 |
ripps | yep | 05:26 |
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DeeJayTwo | ripps : use lynx | 05:27 |
exs | does anyone know how to use open office spreadsheet? | 05:27 |
maan84 | Hey, i have really slow transfers with gaim/msn, though on irc it tops at 1.3mbit which is standard, but gaim is slow, guessing I need to open some ports in the router for gaim, anyone know whihc it uses? | 05:27 |
ripps | then could I apt-get fglrx? | 05:27 |
RoundyT1 | Feisty Pwns! | 05:27 |
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itguru | I need to copy a wedding dvd that is giving errors, can I force the ISO to be created? | 05:28 |
dyrne | ripps: bad thing is i dont think lynx or links2 supports java out of the box | 05:28 |
Keneo | lol | 05:28 |
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Keneo | xchat just got me in here | 05:28 |
Keneo | ts | 05:28 |
ripps | not sure if it uses java, guess i'll have to see | 05:28 |
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sn0 | afternoon all | 05:29 |
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DaRk | is there any way to activate my PS2 Keyboard? | 05:29 |
maan84 | Anyone know which ports gaim/msn use? Or how to find out? thanks :) | 05:29 |
Keneo | is this how you get folks into your chan? set #ubuntu to be opened on default when installing xchat? :p | 05:29 |
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dyrne | maan84: netstat should tell you | 05:29 |
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sn0 | maan84 port 1863 by default for msn in gaim | 05:29 |
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Lynxus | maan84: try doing a $sudo netstat -tuna | 05:29 |
ripps | how do I reboot the livecd without actually rebooting so that it can use the fglrx drivers and config while inside of the livecd environment | 05:30 |
sn0 | you can check / modify in the modify account section > advanced | 05:30 |
Lynxus | to see what ports its litening to | 05:30 |
maan84 | thanks all, will try it =) | 05:30 |
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aart | I just installed bittorrent, but how do i open it? :-S | 05:30 |
Lunar_Lamp | <ripps> how do I reboot the livecd without actually rebooting so that it can use the fglrx drivers and config while inside of the livecd environment <== I think "depmod -a" followed by restarting X (ctrl+alt+del) should be enough. | 05:30 |
Lynxus | menu -> internet -> bittorent ? | 05:30 |
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aart | it isnt there | 05:31 |
ripps | that'll force me to reboot, then the installation i made will be lost | 05:31 |
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Lynxus | open a terminal and type in the program name. | 05:31 |
blubloblu | ripps: try restarting just X? sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 05:31 |
aart | "command not found" | 05:31 |
Lynxus | try with sudo ? | 05:32 |
ripps | okay, that sounds good. I'll try it | 05:32 |
vadvad | how can i make sure i'm registered? | 05:32 |
ochosi | Enverex: ok, my prob was that my internal ricoh sd-card reader doesn't show up in neither lspci nor lsusb | 05:32 |
dcell | I am trying to upgrade edgy to feisty using only my feisty cdrom. I did apt-cdrom add and the commented out all lines besides the one created by apt-cdrom. Then I apitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade and no pkgs are upgraded. What am I missing? | 05:32 |
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aart | Still dont work | 05:32 |
Enverex | ochosi, Sure you haven't disabled it in the BIOS or something by accident? Pastebin lsusb too | 05:32 |
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blubloblu | aart: try going into System>Preferences>Menu layout and adding the Debian menu | 05:33 |
vadvad | blubloblu: are u registered? | 05:33 |
blubloblu | vadvad: registered where? | 05:33 |
Lynxus | aart: doesnt look like its installed.. Try typing $ sudo updatedb once its finished type $ locate program_name | 05:33 |
vadvad | blubloblu: here :) | 05:33 |
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blubloblu | vadvad: umm, don't think so | 05:33 |
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dmhouse | Hey there. I'm having trouble with my WLAN connection: my laptop seems to be sending packets to the network, but not recieving anything back. I know I have the network configuration correct, however, because my laptop's MAC address appears in the Wireless Clients section of my router configuration. | 05:34 |
ochosi | Enverex: quite sure, but i can have a look, lspci: http://phpfi.com/229976 lsusb: http://phpfi.com/229986 | 05:34 |
dmhouse | ARP doesn't work because the laptop doesn't recieve responses to the arp who-has packets. I can manually add the MAC address of my router to the ARP table, and try to ping the router, and even watch the packets leave using tcpdump, but the 'Trafic Stats' section of my router's config doesn't increment. | 05:34 |
vadvad | blubloblu: i'm try to find someone i can talk in private.. | 05:34 |
dmhouse | http://paste.lisp.org/display/40288 contains output from ifconfig, iwconfig, route and arp. | 05:34 |
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ryanh | How can I change the default video player in Feisty 7.04 (x86) from Totem to VLC? | 05:34 |
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vadvad | who is registered to this server? | 05:34 |
Pici | vadvad: I am, whats up? | 05:35 |
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blubloblu | vadvad: why, what secrets do you have to hide? this is a support channel ;) | 05:35 |
Enverex | ochosi, There's no reason lspci shouldn't see it :/ | 05:35 |
walkintome | hi all! | 05:35 |
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dooglus | dmhouse: excellently asked question. doubt anyone will help you though. | 05:35 |
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ochosi | Enverex: ok, i'll have a look at my bios and be back in a few... thanks for now | 05:35 |
vadvad | Pici: can i send u a private msg. see if i reg curructly? | 05:35 |
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Pici | vadvad: sure. | 05:35 |
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dmhouse | dooglus, hehe, thanks, I've been ploughing through this for a few days now. | 05:36 |
Enverex | vadvad, Why don't you just ask here? | 05:36 |
TECH_1 | What program can I get for measuring cpu speed and temp? | 05:36 |
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walkintome | im a linux noob just trying to get myself up and running. Does anyone know how to fix this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17739/ | 05:36 |
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Pici | Enverex: Hes trying to see if he registered his freenode nick properly. | 05:36 |
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blubloblu | TECH_1: I think conky does that | 05:36 |
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ryanh | TECH_1: try wmsensors | 05:37 |
TECH_1 | ok thanks blublu | 05:37 |
Enverex | * [vadvad] is identified to services | 05:37 |
Enverex | Pici, Easy | 05:37 |
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TECH_1 | thanks again | 05:37 |
Pici | Enverex: I know ;) | 05:37 |
dooglus | walkintome: 1st off, are you sure you want to be compiling it, rather than installing a binary? | 05:37 |
Wicks | Connected a Bluetooth mouse - worked fine, then all of a sudden whenever I use it now - Numlock gets stuck on my lappy keyboard | 05:37 |
Wicks | any ideas? :s | 05:37 |
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ryanh | So, any help changing the default video player from Totem to VLC? | 05:38 |
walkintome | dooglus: well, im trying to install the avant-window-navigator | 05:38 |
vadvad | Enverex: didn't now there is another way. | 05:38 |
dcell | How do I upgrade my Ubuntu system using only cdrom? | 05:38 |
vadvad | Enverex: 10x. | 05:38 |
walkintome | dooglus: but so far im doing a -not so good-job lol | 05:38 |
P3L|C4N0 | greetings | 05:38 |
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vadvad | now i will answer qu aswell..... | 05:39 |
vadvad | hehehe.. | 05:39 |
dooglus | walkintome: I'll compile it here and tell you what I had to do. you using feisty? | 05:39 |
walkintome | dooglus: yes i am | 05:39 |
gregolyo | I've installed ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386 one very old desktop already ... but on a (slightly less old) Dell OptiPlex GX50 get dropped into the busybox after selecting "Start or install Ubuntu" or the "Start Ubuntu on safe graphics mode" option. Suggestions? | 05:39 |
walkintome | dooglus: thank you for your help--ive bene trying to install this for a while unsuccessfully | 05:40 |
archangelpetro | when upgrading ubuntu from edgy to feisty, using synaptic... will it resume if it's cut off? by a power failure for instance? | 05:40 |
eggstain | ryanh, I dont have the answer for you but I would love to see someone come up with that answer | 05:40 |
dooglus | walkintome: give me a few minutes and I'll paste a log | 05:40 |
PhilK | gregolyo: what's the motherboard on that dell? | 05:40 |
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nite613 | !ati | 05:40 |
TECH_1 | conky was the one..thanks | 05:40 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:40 |
Tom47 | ryanh in firefox i happen to use the MediaPlayerConnectivity extension ...dont know if this is what you are seeking | 05:40 |
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walkintome | dooglus: sweet | 05:40 |
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roadfish | what package will make/restore a disc image | 05:40 |
ryanh | Tom47: No, I mean when I open a file from Nautilus | 05:40 |
gregolyo | Don't know who Dell got it from. | 05:40 |
Tom47 | ah ok .... | 05:40 |
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megafauna | Hi my HP printer's driver is not in the list of included drivers. Am I sol? | 05:41 |
ryanh | Totem is the default for video files, and can't handle _anything_ | 05:41 |
ssinghi | Tom47: the cd has no errors, i verified the integrity of it, | 05:41 |
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Pici | archangelpetro: It depends what part of the upgrade it was in. | 05:41 |
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jpotex | How the hell do I get my monitor to run with 1680x1050? | 05:41 |
roadfish | I mean, what package will make/restore an image of a harddrive? | 05:41 |
dyrne | archangelpetro: you should be able to just sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:41 |
ssinghi | Tom47: this is the error which I get: Sub-process gpgv returned an error code (2), W:Signature verification failed for: /cdrom/dists/feisty/Release.gpg | 05:41 |
ryanh | jpotex: You'll probably have to modify your xorg.conf file | 05:41 |
sidny4 | is there a way to set default programs? like have gxine open videos instead of totem, or thunderbird open instead of evolution | 05:41 |
archangelpetro | i see. | 05:41 |
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PhilK | ryanh: I'm going to reboot one of my machines and poke around a bit, I'll see what I can come up with | 05:41 |
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dyrne | archangelpetro: it caches the packages already downloaded so wont have to redownload | 05:42 |
jpotex | ryanh: I've changed both Hor and Ver | 05:42 |
ryanh | PhilK: Thanks | 05:42 |
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archangelpetro | k dyrne thanks :) | 05:42 |
ryanh | jpotex: Did you modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf to contain the resolution you want? | 05:42 |
Bill | I need to know how to get my sound working....:'( | 05:42 |
jrib | !upgrade > dcell (see the private message from ubotu) | 05:42 |
nikitis | Question. How do you stop and start services on ubuntu | 05:42 |
nikitis | commandline | 05:42 |
megafauna | Hi my HP printer's driver is not in the list of included drivers. Am I sol? | 05:42 |
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Tom47 | ryanh what you do is bring up the properties on the file and then vary the Open With tab | 05:43 |
PhilK | nikitis: /etc/init.d/servicename start|stop|restart|etc | 05:43 |
jpotex | ryanh: dunno. I have changed two lines for vsync and hsync. And the modeline is 24 depth and only 1680x1050 in it | 05:43 |
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Enverex | megafauna, What printer? | 05:43 |
gregolyo | PhilK: Is there a place to find (or report) MB's that fail a 7.04 desk top install? | 05:43 |
OuZo | I am trying to setup ddclient for dynDNS, what do i type here? Interface used for dynamic DNS service... thanks | 05:43 |
ryanh | Tom47: Thanks a ton! | 05:43 |
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megafauna | Enverex: hp officejet 7130xi | 05:43 |
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cuco | i am running the livecd of 7.04, i assume that by running it intel wide screen should be supported out of the box. correct? | 05:44 |
PhilK | gregolyo: not sure, I just know I remember hearing about some models of Dell having trouble with certain SATA controllers onboard | 05:44 |
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Enverex | megafauna, Is there an Officejet 7100 driver? | 05:44 |
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cuco | ... it's not really working, got something wrong? | 05:44 |
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necr0mancer | Can somebody help me with my sound? | 05:44 |
megafauna | Enverex: there is a 7130 driver but it doesn't work | 05:44 |
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bipolar | Does anyone know where I can find a Thunderbird 2.0 deb for Feisty? | 05:44 |
megafauna | Enverex: am checking for a 7100 | 05:44 |
magnetron | !ask | necr0mancer | 05:44 |
ubotu | necr0mancer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:44 |
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haru | necr0mancer, : tried setting it in preferences->sound | 05:44 |
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dooglus | walkintome: http://dooglus.rincevent.net/random/awn.txt shows how I got further than you... | 05:45 |
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gregolyo | PhillK: thanks. This Dell is way too old to have SATA :-) | 05:45 |
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walkintome | dooglus: will it install with this? | 05:45 |
LjL | !default > sidny4 (sidny4, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:45 |
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theilliniguy_ | Totem video player plays SOME avi's but not all - what am I missing | 05:45 |
dooglus | walkintome: I came up against a different problem - maybe you won't - or if you do, maybe I'll have found a fix by the time you do | 05:46 |
Tom47 | ssinghi .... sorry i cannot help with that issue ... | 05:46 |
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walkintome | dooglus: okay ill give this a try | 05:46 |
ryanh | theilliniguy_: Totem doesn't handle h264 | 05:46 |
ryanh | And a lot of other stuff | 05:46 |
theilliniguy_ | ryanh what can i use and how do i make it the default player for all video? | 05:46 |
dv_ | ryanh, install plugins | 05:46 |
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dv_ | gstreamer plugins | 05:46 |
dv_ | also, install pitfdll | 05:47 |
ochosi | Enverex: ok, just wanted to let you know that for some reason the reader was deactivated in my bios and now works out of the box... so thanks anyway | 05:47 |
ghostkernel | ditch totem and use VLC Player | 05:47 |
ryanh | Okay, thanks | 05:47 |
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megafauna | Enverex: there is a 7100 | 05:47 |
Enverex | ochosi, heh | 05:47 |
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Enverex | megafauna, Try that one | 05:47 |
dv_ | fire up synaptic, and install gstreamer-plugins, bad & ugly, also the multiverse variants | 05:47 |
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megafauna | Enverex: can do! | 05:47 |
ryanh | All of them? | 05:47 |
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dv_ | hm, I installed all | 05:47 |
JosefK | kind of unrelated, but does anyone know if the voltage on GPU fans is standard? | 05:47 |
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dv_ | pitfdll is not a codec per se, but it is an interface between gstreamer and win32codecs | 05:47 |
blubloblu | my usb network adapter appears in lsusb but not iwconfig, i've installed the driver with ndiswrapper | 05:47 |
Pici | JosefK: Try ##hardware | 05:48 |
theilliniguy_ | ghostkernel i have it too - how do i make it default player | 05:48 |
JosefK | Pici, thanks | 05:48 |
dv_ | (which arent in the repository, they are a bunch of codec DLLs) | 05:48 |
nexous | Hi, I booted my laptop up and I get.. http://pastebin.ca/459577 and it won't load ubuntu, i will have to restart. | 05:48 |
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dv_ | stuff like realvideo and windows media video 9 is in the win32codecs package | 05:48 |
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dv_ | which are widely used, unfortunately. if you want to play them, you need this package. look for it in google. | 05:49 |
ryanh | Luckily, realvideo is losing popularity | 05:49 |
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Pi4uks | !help | 05:49 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 05:49 |
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roadfish | ok, I have the answer to my own question. partimage will make images of harddrives. | 05:49 |
Pi4uks | !desktop | 05:49 |
ubotu | A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others. | 05:49 |
Enverex | ryanh, The bigger mystery is why it was ever even remotely popular in the first place... | 05:49 |
dv_ | there is no free and opensource alternative though | 05:50 |
Pi4uks | !gnome | 05:50 |
ubotu | gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop. | 05:50 |
AaronMT | !gnome > Pi4uks | 05:50 |
megafauna | ryanh: it is loosing to MS though.... | 05:50 |
walkintome | dooglus: it doesnt look like i got that error, but im not sure if it worked | 05:50 |
JP__ | lo guys i am having problems with my ati x700 card. can't get the resolution to 1280 *800. have tried xgl and aiglx and frlgx and stuff and beryl etc. but can't get it to work | 05:50 |
dv_ | theora is not on-par with wmv9 and the rest, there are next to zero theora tools also | 05:50 |
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dooglus | walkintome: I fixed the error by installing 'gettext' then running ./configure again | 05:50 |
Pi4uks | Help plz, how to make screen rotate on ubuntu? | 05:50 |
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dv_ | as for video streaming, the realvideo server is quite good, thats why its widely used for streaming video | 05:50 |
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AaronMT | !xorg > Pi4uks | 05:51 |
walkintome | dooglus: how do i see it its installed? | 05:51 |
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vecna_ubuntu | heu comment je monte le lvm de mon nouveau disque? | 05:51 |
cocoyriv | hey guys. does anyone here have an ubuntu setup with two network cards? | 05:51 |
nexous | I booted my laptop up just now and I got.. http://pastebin.ca/459577 and it won't load ubuntu, i will have to restart. I've gotten it a few times before, but have ignored and rebooted, now it's just annoying. | 05:51 |
dooglus | walkintome: it isn't, not until you 'sudo make install' (or better, install 'checkinstall' then 'sudo checkinstall') | 05:51 |
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sipior | cocoyriv: sure | 05:51 |
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vecna_ubuntu | sorry wrong channel | 05:51 |
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JP__ | Pi4uks: enable desktop effects | 05:52 |
walkintome | dooglus: well, i just did make | 05:52 |
cocoyriv | hi sipior. do you play warcraft on wine? | 05:52 |
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walkintome | dooglus: do i need to do what ujust described now? | 05:52 |
dooglus | walkintome: that compiles it, but doesn't install it. | 05:52 |
JP__ | system -> preferences -> desktop effects | 05:52 |
megafauna | Pi4uks: install the latest drivers with Envy (google Ubuntu and evny). Then use SYnaptic package manager to install 3D Desktop or Beryl or Compiz | 05:52 |
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sipior | cocoyriv: you mean WoW? | 05:52 |
cocoyriv | no, frozen throne | 05:52 |
Khaaaan | Hey guys, what plugin do I need to minimize X chat to the sys tray? | 05:52 |
dooglus | walkintome: I would do this: sudo apt-get install checkinstall; sudo checkinstall | 05:52 |
JP__ | envy? | 05:52 |
sipior | cocoyriv: sorry, i don't | 05:52 |
megafauna | Enverex: It didin't work | 05:52 |
JP__ | is that for ati drivers too? | 05:52 |
pdlnhrd | does anyone know the deal with the distrubution upgrade? it keeps timing out around package 54 of 59 for the installer. is there an alternate mirror i can point to ? | 05:52 |
dooglus | walkintome: that will install it as a package, so you can easily uninstall it. | 05:53 |
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JP__ | what do i need for an ati mobile x700 card? i've tried a lot of different things but can't get 1280 * 800 | 05:53 |
cocoyriv | sipior, i have problems when both cards are enabled. my game locksup sometime during a network game. do you have any ideas how to go aroudn this> | 05:53 |
fulld | is it possibly to have my hard drives spin down and my fan get quieter when my computer is idle? | 05:53 |
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walkintome | dooglus: i entered 'sudo apt-get install' i didnt add the check install | 05:53 |
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walkintome | dooglus: is that okay? | 05:54 |
antidrugue | JP_ : did you install the ATI proprietary drivers ? | 05:54 |
walkintome | dooglus: i ddint know they were connected | 05:54 |
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antidrugue | JP_: System->Administration->Restricted drivers | 05:54 |
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dooglus | walkintome: not ok. try again, with the full thing | 05:54 |
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walkintome | dooglus: you mean back from the beginning? | 05:54 |
sipior | cocoyriv: your computer acts as a gateway between the modem and your home network? | 05:54 |
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ffm | Hello. | 05:54 |
walkintome | dooglus: when i try what you gave me i get everyhitng correct except E: couldnt find package install | 05:55 |
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ffm | What is the best text based webbrowser? | 05:55 |
stylesen | Hi how to get the ./configure options for firefox which comes along with ubuntu? | 05:55 |
Trist_an | I have a question regarding bash scripting. When I make a loop on a variable i and i ask bash to print it it says 1 then 2 and so on. BUt I want to save file called $i?.jpg Since I want to save 100 files, I'd like the first file to be called 001.jpg so that it will be before the 010.jpg for example | 05:55 |
AaronMT | !lynx > ffm | 05:55 |
PhilK | closest I can find on the default media player options is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/control-center/+bug/55964 | 05:55 |
alrex021 | How do I close my X desktop and switch shell/console mode? Is there a command or process I need to kill? I need to install some display driver with no X DE running. | 05:55 |
megafauna | Hi my HP printer's driver is not in the list of included drivers. Am I sol? hp officejet 7130xi | 05:55 |
JP__ | anti i tried | 05:55 |
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dooglus | walkintome: "sudo apt-get install checkinstall" | 05:55 |
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pdlnhrd | anyone else having trouble with the dist upgrade program timing out while fetching files? | 05:56 |
JP__ | antidrugue: i tried but got only 800*600 resolution | 05:56 |
antidrugue | JP_: and ? | 05:56 |
walkintome | dooglus: that worked..my apologies lol | 05:56 |
JP__ | as maximum | 05:56 |
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JP__ | i got berly to work once | 05:56 |
PhilK | whoops, I meant to link this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/control-center/+bug/4265 | 05:56 |
walkintome | dooglus: does that mean its installed? | 05:56 |
antidrugue | JP_: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the desired resolution | 05:56 |
JP__ | but not on the good resolution | 05:56 |
dooglus | walkintome: I can't get checkinstall to work for me - I expect the ubuntu developers have broken it again | 05:56 |
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dooglus | walkintome: try a "sudo checkinstall" to see if it works for you | 05:56 |
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Wicks | anyone have any ideas why when I now connect my bluetooth mouse - my numlock stays on and wont turn off!? | 05:56 |
sipior | Trist_an: i think there's a printf analogue for bash that you could use. google for the advanced bash shell scripting guide; all the shell-scripting fun you could possibly want | 05:56 |
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MTecknology | When I start up the avahi daemon fails to load. When I start up I can connect to a wireless network just fine, but if I walk from my dorm to class I lose Internet. I can walk from one AP to another within a building and maintain Internet. My IP shouldn't be getting changed by the AP's, it's a University network and the ESSID's and WEP's I'm trying to use are the same. I tried doing /etc/init.d/networking restart and I still didn' | 05:57 |
MTecknology | t regain the Internet... Any ideas to why this happens? It happened in 6.10 also | 05:57 |
walkintome | dooglus: The package documentation directory ./doc-pak does not exist. Should I create a default set of package docs? [y] : | 05:57 |
dooglus | walkintome: hit return | 05:57 |
btocher | nickserv | 05:57 |
JP__ | antidrugue: what driver should i choose? for x700 ati? vesa? | 05:57 |
swampmallard | I installed the Feisty Fawn beta on my laptop several weeks ago. If I've installed all the automatic updates, is there any reason to reinstall with the official Feisty Fawn release? | 05:57 |
walkintome | dooglus: its asking me for a description of the package | 05:57 |
dooglus | walkintome: then type the name of the program and hit return twice | 05:57 |
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antidrugue | JP_ : "fglrx" is the ATI proprietary driver | 05:58 |
dooglus | walkintome: it's not important | 05:58 |
JP__ | i also have ati in the list | 05:58 |
EvaLuaTe | hello | 05:58 |
AaronMT | !fglrx > JP__ | 05:58 |
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antidrugue | JP_: yes, and radeaon, but fglrx is the right one | 05:58 |
walkintome | dooglus: its asking me to enter a number ot change any of them or press enter | 05:58 |
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dooglus | walkintome: return again then | 05:58 |
SlimeyPete | oops, sorry | 05:58 |
oldude67 | can anyone tell me what beryl is? | 05:58 |
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EvaLuaTe | does the alternate cd have somethind like a "Boot from CD" option ? | 05:58 |
dyrne | !beryl | 05:58 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:58 |
AaronMT | !beryl > oldude67 | 05:58 |
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spheard | http://rafb.net/p/6D5ddC96.html - can anyone help me out with this compile error??? Im trying to get ndiswrapper working | 05:59 |
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walkintome | dooglus: it says "installing debain package..FAILED! | 05:59 |
ermo | !compiz | 05:59 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 05:59 |
dooglus | walkintome: yes, here too... | 05:59 |
JP__ | ok antidrugue gonne try it one moment | 05:59 |
oldude67 | thanks... | 05:59 |
walkintome | dooglus: its asking me to see log file? | 05:59 |
antidrugue | JP_: ok | 05:59 |
dooglus | walkintome: I'd suggest giving up on checkinstal land doing a 'sudo make install' instead | 05:59 |
dyrne | EvaLuaTe: no livecd there is a very limited shell and the isntaller thats it | 05:59 |
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sipior | Trist_an: better yet, install the athena-jot package. jot is a very handy command in scripts, and could be made to do just what you want, i think | 05:59 |
dooglus | walkintome: you can look at the log if you like. it didn't help me much though | 05:59 |
Auxin | may you help me? got the following problem... | 05:59 |
Auxin | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom, | 05:59 |
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Auxin | missing codepage or other error | 05:59 |
dave132 | which java files do i need on my ubuntu...web start.runtime. or plugin??? | 06:00 |
clouder`grr | checkinstall didn't work for me either when I used it | 06:00 |
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LjL | swampmallard: no | 06:00 |
JP__ | antidrugue: framebuffer? | 06:00 |
walkintome | dooglus: so i need ot get the program directory and run sudo make install | 06:00 |
AaronMT | !java > dave132 | 06:00 |
spheard | http://rafb.net/p/6D5ddC96.html - can anyone help me out with this compile error??? | 06:00 |
walkintome | n | 06:00 |
Trist_an | thanks sipior I think I found a trick to do this ;) | 06:00 |
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EvaLuaTe | dyrne: the desktop version has a boot from cd option, right ? | 06:00 |
stefg | Auxin: what exactly are you trying to do? | 06:00 |
dooglus | walkintome: no need to get anything. just run 'sudo make install' in the same place you ran 'make' | 06:00 |
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Auxin | mounting a cdrom ;) | 06:00 |
antidrugue | JP_: the default is no? keep default for most values | 06:00 |
Auxin | stefg | 06:00 |
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antidrugue | JP_: exept driver and resolution | 06:00 |
tatters | Got a USB2 hard drive formatted NTFS been tring to access after mounting and get -->Unable to enter file:///media/usb2. You do not have access rights to this location. I tried chown the drive and installed NTFS-3g but still error......... | 06:00 |
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dave132 | aronmt, yeah but which ones | 06:00 |
walkintome | dooglus: done | 06:00 |
stefg | Auxin: normally this is automounted, so no need to do it manually. Are you sure the CD medium is fine? | 06:01 |
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walkintome | dooglus: im excited to get this working | 06:01 |
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Auxin | thats the fakt, i dont know if its "fine" | 06:01 |
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dooglus | walkintome: type 'avant-window-navigator' to run it | 06:01 |
alrex021 | Ok, let me try this question differently. How do I shutdown X environment in Ubuntu? | 06:01 |
oldude67 | tried doing a manual update for fiesty...and it says something about a file being locked is it just me or has anyone else had that problem? | 06:02 |
stefg | Auxin: so obviusly it's not :-\ | 06:02 |
dices | Anyone has an Ati Radeon 9000 laptop and has it connected to a monitor ? | 06:02 |
sipior | spheard: is the ndiswrapper executable show up in the source directory at least? | 06:02 |
walkintome | dooglus: it doesnt look like anyhting happened..i just got Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 06:02 |
crdlb | alrex021: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:02 |
dooglus | oldude67: that happens if you try running 2 update programs at the same time. running synaptic by any chance? | 06:02 |
dyrne | oldude67: you prob have synaptic open or another apt-get going | 06:02 |
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dooglus | walkintome: me too :( | 06:02 |
JP__ | antidrugue: ok i have finshed the xserver config thing and now? logout and login? | 06:02 |
itguru | what is the correct usage of dd_rescue? | 06:02 |
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alrex021 | crflb: thx | 06:02 |
JP__ | or restart xserver from commandline? | 06:02 |
walkintome | dooglus: this appears to be a bit tricky | 06:02 |
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jpotex | doesnt ATI have drivers for the new Xorg 7.2? | 06:02 |
dooglus | walkintome: does your X server have the composite extension enabled? | 06:03 |
spheard | sipior: I just svn'ed it | 06:03 |
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oldude67 | dooglus: no just running frostwire and gaim | 06:03 |
EvaLuaTe | So, has the desktop version of ubuntu have a LiveCD (boot from cd) option ? | 06:03 |
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walkintome | dooglus: i have no idea how to check that let alone what that means | 06:03 |
dooglus | walkintome: mine doesn't, and I think it's needed. I'll try with composite... | 06:03 |
Sigma | Umm, excuse me. One question. I spend a lot of time on web forums, and the system keeps underlining words that it perceives as misspelled. This distracts and annoys me a great deal. How do I make it stop doing this? | 06:03 |
stefg | Auxin: what happens if you put a CD in the drive of which you know that it's good? | 06:03 |
Pici | EvaLuaTe: Yes, the desktop cd is a live C | 06:03 |
Pici | EvaLuaTe: D | 06:03 |
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AaronMT | !liveCD > EvaLuaTe | 06:03 |
sipior | spheard: yeah, but after the build, was teh executable there? | 06:03 |
walkintome | dooglus: =( im sorry...im learning | 06:03 |
raphael__ | why has my update manager stopped telling me that Feisty is out? | 06:03 |
Auxin | that mounts automaticly | 06:03 |
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sam_kaay | Is there a ubuntu command which displays the system specs, like RAM and processor power? | 06:03 |
knp | hi fellas i got liitle problem with azureus | 06:03 |
spheard | oh, I see | 06:03 |
EvaLuaTe | ok | 06:03 |
EvaLuaTe | 10x alot | 06:03 |
victory747 | Hi. I'm having a problem with changing mount options for usb drives in ubuntu/gnome. Does anyone have any idea about this? | 06:04 |
EvaLuaTe | you guys are cool =) | 06:04 |
crdlb | sam_kaay: cat /proc/cpuinfo does part of that | 06:04 |
oldude67 | how do i check to see if i have something going in apt-get??? cause i know synaptic isnt. | 06:04 |
spheard | sipior:erm no, I dont think so | 06:04 |
jpotex | you got so many answers here BAH | 06:04 |
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dooglus | walkintome: I just enabled composite and it still crashes | 06:04 |
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Wicks | anyone have any ideas why when I now connect my bluetooth mouse - my numlock stays on and wont turn off!? | 06:04 |
knp | anyone can help a bit with azureus ? | 06:04 |
pdlnhrd | MTecknology: did you get your answer about avahi-daemon? did you check /etc/defaults/avahi-dameon on every upgrade it resets itself to turn off.... hella annoying | 06:04 |
cocoyriv | sipior: | 06:04 |
rfdparker2002 | i've installed ubuntu fiesty (when it was beta, but has updates installed) on my mate's macbook; anyway, basically it seems to get his wireless working each time he boots and logs in, he has to run 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper', how can I set this command to run during bootup? | 06:04 |
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crdlb | sam_kaay: free gives your ram | 06:04 |
stefg | sam_kaay: there's different commands for different purposes. If you look for a good system monitor consider conky | 06:04 |
JP__ | antidrugue: i don't have anything on the screen now | 06:04 |
dyrne | Sigma: try going to about:config in browser and type spell in the filter there might be a option you can change to 0 from 1 or something | 06:05 |
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walkintome | dooglus: does looking at the install documentation help? | 06:05 |
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Sigma | Thanks | 06:05 |
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knp | hm anyone here got some experience with azureus ? | 06:05 |
MTecknology | pdlnhrd: ya, it was set to 1 | 06:05 |
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Auxin | knp: "some" | 06:05 |
crdlb | knp: try deluge, it's much better :) | 06:06 |
ironfroggy | anyone know how to make X see a graphic tablet as a tablet and not as a mouse? | 06:06 |
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ironfroggy | the pen events are being sent as mouse button presses | 06:06 |
Acidd_UK | I have a quick question, I have a video file in wmv format, but I cant view it. I downloaded and installed the w32 codecs via mediabuntu as the faqs suggested, and regilar avis (xvid/divx) work, but not wmv. Any ideas? | 06:06 |
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sipior | rfdparker2002: add the module name to /etc/modules | 06:06 |
JP__ | antidrugue: it does work but not with the good resolution. the right resolution does show up in the list. how do i know that it uses the good drivers? | 06:06 |
knp | well it was workin ok for me , but when i tryed to turn it on today it loaded and just closed itself | 06:06 |
AaronMT | !gstreamer > Acidd_UK | 06:06 |
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knp | cant do anything | 06:06 |
stefg | knp: azureus usage help is better asked in #azureus, if you need to get it to work in ubuntu ask here | 06:06 |
Tom47 | !tablet | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tablet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:06 |
cocoyriv | has any of you guys had any luck running frozen throne on wine on ubuntu on a pc with two network cards? | 06:06 |
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rfdparker2002 | sipior: thanks | 06:06 |
Tom47 | !wacom | 06:06 |
knp | uninstalled then re but was same again | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:06 |
=== arpegius [i=eric@c-24-218-223-58.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pdlnhrd | MTecknology: sorry that has always worked for me after an upgrade | 06:07 |
Auxin | stefg: he tell's me following | 06:07 |
Acidd_UK | !wmv | 06:07 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:07 |
Auxin | Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'. | 06:07 |
knp | ty | 06:07 |
dooglus | walkintome: not a lot, no. | 06:07 |
dooglus | walkintome: I'll see if I can work out what's wrong though | 06:07 |
the_ringmaster | Nautilus wont preview music files when I hover over them! | 06:07 |
MTecknology | pdlnhrd: it not starting up isn't my problem, the problem is losing internet | 06:07 |
Auxin | stefg: you know what that menas? | 06:07 |
sipior | spheard: the build claims to have installed the device driver in /lib/modules. is it there? | 06:07 |
walkintome | dooglus: okay | 06:07 |
car_watt | My superior panel deleted how to add the default superior panel (gnome))panel | 06:07 |
JP__ | antidrugue: i had to restart the xserver a few times with ctrl alt backspace in order to see my mouse pointer again... | 06:07 |
car_watt | My superior panel deleted how to add the default superior panel (gnome))panel | 06:07 |
walkintome | dooglus: thanks again for your help | 06:07 |
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stefg | Auxin: UDF is a special format for rewritable media ... never used it, so i'm no expert at that | 06:08 |
pdlnhrd | MTechnology: sorry i misread. | 06:08 |
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Sigma | Alright, dyrne, it's got a list here. extensions.spellcheck.inline.max-misspellings, layout.spellcheckDefault, spellchecker.dictionary | 06:08 |
Auxin | k | 06:08 |
cocoyriv | my network games lockup if both cards are enabled | 06:08 |
knp | hm #azureus is a bit dead story ^.^ | 06:08 |
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car_watt | I opened with "F1" | 06:08 |
Scunizi | ironfroggy: Check out the link for lots of wacom info on ubuntu. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 | 06:08 |
car_watt | My superior panel deleted how to add the default superior panel (gnome))panel | 06:08 |
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spheard | sipior:no its not | 06:09 |
sipior | car_watt: you could just rebuild it | 06:09 |
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car_watt | sipior | 06:09 |
dyrne | Sigma: its layoutspellcheckdefault doubleclick on it and make 0 then refresh your other page | 06:09 |
car_watt | ubuntu no has a command to do that | 06:09 |
car_watt | ? | 06:09 |
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ejupin | I was connecting at a slow speed with my Broadcom card, someone suggested I use ndiswrapper instead, now I have no connection at all, how do I go back to the other setting I was using? | 06:10 |
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sipior | spheard: hmm...bit strange. you did the usual ./configure, make, make install? | 06:10 |
Pici | oldude67: do a `ps ax | grep apt` if you get anything back besides your 'grep apt' command, then that process is using apt-get | 06:10 |
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Tom47 | ironfroggy you could try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom | 06:10 |
sipior | car_watt: well, you could blow away .gconfd, but that's a little extreme. just make a new panel and adjust its preferences until it looks like what you want | 06:10 |
nexous | Is there anyway I can have nano stop checking .nanorc and printing errors before starting nano? | 06:10 |
cocoyriv | any luck with two network cards? | 06:10 |
cocoyriv | anybody: any luck with two network cards? | 06:11 |
Sigma | I really detest these live spellcheckers. Thanks, dyrne | 06:11 |
LjL | nexous: correct the errors ;) | 06:11 |
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spheard | sipior:there ist a ./configure script, I did make; make install as per the instructions | 06:11 |
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JP__ | AaronMT: there is no walkthrough for 7.04 | 06:11 |
nexous | LjL: well it's just my syntax for my php highlighting, and I don't feel like correcting, it displays fine, but the app doesn't agree with my color names. | 06:11 |
JP__ | and i don't have wifi enabled | 06:11 |
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JP__ | lame acer laptop... | 06:12 |
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elvirolo | hi | 06:12 |
crdlb | nexous: nano -I :D | 06:12 |
warriorforgod | Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide to isntalling the smp kernel for feisty? | 06:12 |
oldude67 | pici: i got a list of things.....and dont know where they came from | 06:12 |
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sipior | spheard: i'd try a make clean, and then repeat the configure-make procedure. did you need to set any variables in ./configure? | 06:12 |
elvirolo | enemy territory freezes after a few minutes, why is that ? | 06:12 |
ejupin | I need to reconfigure wireless card, with Feisty, how do I do the bcm43xx thing.. I tried to use ndiswrapper now have no connection at all. | 06:12 |
crdlb | nexous: that completely ignores .nanorc | 06:12 |
Pici | oldude67: Can you pastebin them? | 06:12 |
stefg | car_watt: what happens if you press alt-F2 and enter 'gnome-panel' in the dialog? | 06:12 |
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nexous | crdlb: I'm lazy.. hint hint :D | 06:13 |
car_watt | alt+f1 | 06:13 |
LjL | nexous: don't think it can be turned off | 06:13 |
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nexous | LjL: darn. | 06:13 |
cocoyriv | has any of you guys had any luck running frozen throne on wine on ubuntu on a pc with two network cards? | 06:13 |
cocoyriv | my network games lockup if both cards are enabled | 06:13 |
oldude67 | Pici: and that is what...im a newbi , do you mean copy and paste? | 06:13 |
Pici | !paste | oldude67 | 06:13 |
ubotu | oldude67: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:13 |
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the_ringmaster | Is there a reason why nautilus doesn't preview sound files on my computer? | 06:13 |
dooglus | walkintome: I found out why it's crashing, but didn't find a good fix yet. | 06:13 |
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zero | hello guys | 06:13 |
crdlb | nexous: you want nano to ignore its nanorc right? | 06:13 |
zero | im new at ubutu | 06:13 |
walkintome | dooglus: okay. is there anyhtign i can do to help, or should i just wait for you? | 06:13 |
zero | just wanna say hi | 06:13 |
Sigma | Definitely going to write a complaint about that live spellchecker thing. Highly annoying | 06:13 |
sipior | cocoyriv: how are your cards setup? is this a gateway for a home network? | 06:13 |
kneeki | If I run a command via terminal, and close that terminal window, the application will stop, how can I close the terminal w/o stopping the app? | 06:13 |
victory747 | When I right click on the icon for a mounted USB drive, and change the volume mount options, if I make a mistake, then the volume won't mount again. If I edit or remove ".gconf/system/storage/volumes/_org_freedesktop_Hal_devices_volume_uuid_902A_4EEE/%gconf.xml" the changes made are not reflected if I plug in the device again. I assume the data is cached but there seems to be no way of resetting that without rebooting. Furthermore, changing those options | 06:13 |
nexous | crdlb: I don't want it to check for errors. | 06:13 |
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warriorforgod | Can anyone point me in the direction of a guide to isntalling the smp kernel for feisty? | 06:14 |
nexous | crdlb: but I still want it to run it's contents. | 06:14 |
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tbuss | is there a way to recover username and password for phpMyAdmin: username: root password"false" does not work | 06:14 |
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stefg | warriorforgod: the kernel is already smp-aware | 06:14 |
AaronMT | !smp warriorforgod | 06:14 |
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dooglus | walkintome: I see on the forums, this: "You will need to be running either XGL or AIGLX along with a composite window manager (usually beryl or compiz)." | 06:14 |
AaronMT | !smp > warriorforgod | 06:14 |
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estigma | #ubuntu-es | 06:14 |
oldude67 | pici: where do i paste them in here? | 06:15 |
cocoyriv | sipior: before, it was. but since i discovered two network cards werent good for frozen throne i used my router instead | 06:15 |
dooglus | walkintome: are you running beryl or compiz? ("window effects" in dumbed-down speak) | 06:15 |
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ejupin | help please.. dropped wireless card | 06:15 |
LjL | !generic > warriorforgod (warriorforgod, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:15 |
walkintome | dooglus: well im running compiz, i dont know about those others | 06:15 |
rankin | anyone know where the Ubuntu Art IRC channel is | 06:15 |
cocoyriv | sipior: but now, with hamachi, its the same problem all over again | 06:15 |
warriorforgod | stefg apparently mine is not. When I use cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^processor' | wc -l | 06:15 |
LjL | AaronMT: there is no "smp" factoid | 06:15 |
sipior | cocoyriv: hamachi? | 06:15 |
stefg | !irc | 06:15 |
ubotu | irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines | 06:15 |
warriorforgod | I get 1 core returned | 06:15 |
warriorforgod | !smp | 06:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:15 |
Pici | oldude67: Use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and then put the url that it gives you in here. | 06:15 |
dabaR | Hi. It seems a file has gone corrupt. Take a look: ?rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3.9G 2006-07-31 22:58 /usr/lib/libgnomeui-2.so.0.1401.0 . What can you tell me about that? This is dapper. | 06:15 |
cocoyriv | sipior: "lan over internet" http://www.hamachi.cc | 06:15 |
rankin | k | 06:15 |
dooglus | walkintome: ok, so now: cd data && gconftool-2 --install-schema-file=avant-window-navigator.schemas | 06:16 |
ironfroggy | Tom47: any other suggestions? I already have done the things listed at that page, but the pressure features still are inoperable. | 06:16 |
HeyGabe | I like Feisty. | 06:16 |
LjL | dabaR: 3.9 gigs? yes, it doesn't sound sane :)( | 06:16 |
cocoyriv | sipior: i use it to play lan games over the internet | 06:16 |
dabaR | LjL: And do you think a reinstall of its package will do it? | 06:16 |
walkintome | type cd data and then what you put after the && | 06:16 |
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sipior | cocoyriv: i see. but if it works fine with only one card, and you don't need the second card anymore, what's the problem? | 06:16 |
walkintome | dooglus: so type cd data and then the toher stuff? | 06:16 |
pdlnhrd | anyone have any ideas why upgrade manager does not work? is there an alternative method to upgrade? | 06:16 |
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Tom47 | ironfroggy: sorry i dont know anything about them personally | 06:16 |
warriorforgod | stefg apparently mine is not. When I use cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep '^processor' | wc -l I get 1 core found | 06:16 |
dabaR | LjL: I guess I have to try. | 06:16 |
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LjL | dabaR: yes, but i'd also wonder why it got corrupted in the first place, and therefore run 1) a "debsums" of the entire system, 2) smartctl to check my HD, 3) a memtest | 06:17 |
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dooglus | walkintome: you can type it as 2 commands if you miss out the &&, or you can copy-paste the whole thing as one command, including the && | 06:17 |
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ejupin | Could someone help me with a wireless card prob? | 06:17 |
dooglus | walkintome: "&&" means "run the 1st command, and if it worked, run the 2nd one too" | 06:17 |
dabaR | LjL: OK. I will do those, and come for more help afterwards. | 06:17 |
walkintome | dooglus: its finished | 06:17 |
dave132 | can i put java 6 on feisty?? | 06:17 |
crdlb | !doesnt work | pdlnhrd | 06:17 |
cocoyriv | sipior: im not sure but hamachi creates a virtual network card with its own ip coming from servers somewhere. so eventhough there's only one physical card, i have two network cards when i type ifconfig | 06:17 |
ubotu | pdlnhrd: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 06:17 |
dooglus | walkintome: so does it work now? | 06:17 |
dyrne | pdlnhrd: sudo sed -i 's/edgy/feisty/g' /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <-- for instance | 06:17 |
stefg | warriorforgod: i got that... but as a matter of fact all *-smp kernels are obsoleted by the *-generic ones.... no dedicated smp-kernels any more. So must be a misconfiguration somewhere | 06:18 |
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pdlnhrd | dyrne: it is strongly suggested NOT to do that | 06:18 |
stefg | !generic | warriorforgod | 06:18 |
ubotu | warriorforgod: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed) | 06:18 |
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warriorforgod | Ok. Maybe I will try and configure it manually. thx. | 06:18 |
tbuss | Im trying to connect to phpMyAdmin I've tried root as username with no password, still can't connect | 06:18 |
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dyrne | pdlnhrd: well.. ive been using ubuntu since warty doing that either with sed or a text editor | 06:18 |
OuZo | is there any good place to learn subversion? thanks | 06:18 |
dooglus | OuZo: the subversion book is free | 06:19 |
walkintome | dooglus: i got some pretty heafty fails....gdk-critical gdk_ | 06:19 |
walkintome | cairo_create: assertion GDK is drawable failed | 06:19 |
dyrne | pdlnhrd: doesnt mean its sage though i guess | 06:19 |
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Tom47 | OuZo: pakistan? | 06:19 |
dabaR | OuZo: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ | 06:19 |
dyrne | safe | 06:19 |
sam_kaay | How can I find out information about my graphics card? | 06:19 |
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cocoyriv | sipior: so that's why i think its the same problem over again | 06:19 |
OuZo | dabaR: thanks | 06:19 |
igorsobreira | my Ubuntu 7.04 cant play any sounds | 06:19 |
=== sin2gen2 [n=sin2gen2@c-67-160-144-3.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oldude67 | pici: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17842/ | 06:19 |
pdlnhrd | ubotu: i have given't the specifics but nobody repsoneded.... so i thought i would try a different route. the problem is that it times out when trying to download the upgrade manager. it just hangs while fetching files. | 06:19 |
dooglus | walkintome: it works for me now, although it's ugly 'cos I'm not running compiz. it messed up the screen a bit | 06:19 |
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crdlb | sam_kaay: lspci|grep VGA | 06:19 |
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oldude67 | pici: i think thats what ya wanted me to do... | 06:19 |
sipior | cocoyriv: i'm afraid i can't be of more help as i am not entirely clear on what hamachi is doing. i suggest bugging them about it and see if maybe your problem is common. also, do these games fail immediately, or just occasionally? | 06:19 |
walkintome | dooglus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17843/ | 06:20 |
dooglus | walkintome: I see those 'critical' messages too, but they don't seem to stop it working | 06:20 |
pdlnhrd | dyrne: yeah i know i can manually change the /etc/apt/sources.list. but isn't the whole point of ubuntu is that you don't need to do that | 06:20 |
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walkintome | dooglus: i dont think its running on my system though | 06:20 |
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Cryoniq | Anyone know of some good admin GUI for apache 2 server in Feisty Fawn? | 06:20 |
LjL | pdlnhrd: err, i wouldn't say it's the "entire point" but... you can do the same thing from a GUI. | 06:20 |
dooglus | walkintome: move the mouse to the bottom of the screen - don't you see anything? | 06:20 |
walkintome | dooglus: no | 06:20 |
dyrne | pdlnhrd: what country are you in? maybe if you remove the us. prefix in sources.list for example. there might be an issue with repos | 06:20 |
ubuntuEdgy | hi when i start beryl i get this one of many errors "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0" | 06:21 |
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victory747 | Got it. If I use gconf-editor to change the options, it takes those changes, rather than changing the file. | 06:21 |
stefg | !beryl | ubuntuEdgy | 06:21 |
ubotu | ubuntuEdgy: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:21 |
cocoyriv | sipior: it fails everytime. i cant tell when but its during the network games only. its not hamachi that's causing this i think. i didn;t use hamachi before with the tow network cards but i had the problem | 06:21 |
spheard | ndiswrapper -v | 06:21 |
spheard | The program 'ndiswrapper' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: | 06:21 |
spheard | apt-get install ndiswrapper-common | 06:21 |
spheard | -bash: ndiswrapper: command not found | 06:21 |
pdlnhrd | LjL: i think mark shuttleworth would disagree about editing the sources.list file for an upgrade. just because i can do it doesn't mean that the rest of the world is. | 06:21 |
robert__ | hello how can I access irc.freenode.net it asks if i have mispelled it but this is the address it gives on the ubuntu-studio website | 06:21 |
pdlnhrd | dyrne: i am in the us | 06:21 |
Pici | oldude67: Yep, that is. It looks like its trying to do an update in the background. You could kill the update by typing `sudo kill 5931` then you should be able to get into synaptic. | 06:21 |
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igorsobreira | my Ubuntu 7.04 cant play any sounds..anybody can help me? | 06:21 |
walkintome | dooglus: its there i see it | 06:21 |
dooglus | walkintome: I don't think I can help any further - it's compiled installed and running, but I don't have compiz... | 06:21 |
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ubuntuEdgy | sorry am i in the wrong place ? | 06:21 |
walkintome | dooglus: it just showed up | 06:22 |
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stefg | !sound | igorsobreira | 06:22 |
ubotu | igorsobreira: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 06:22 |
Cryoniq | There is a channel for Beryl that might be better to ask Beryl specifik questions in :) | 06:22 |
spheard | ndiswrapper -v - The program 'ndiswrapper' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install ndiswrapper-common-bash: ndiswrapper: command not found - I just compiled it!!!!!! whats goin on? | 06:22 |
walkintome | dooglus: now i need to configure this thing | 06:22 |
oldude67 | pici: ok....if its trying to do an auto update...ill just wait...just was curious as why i couldnt do a manual one | 06:22 |
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zero | got a question. Is it possible to get the resolution higher than 1024? | 06:22 |
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zero | like 1200 | 06:22 |
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oldude67 | pici: thanks | 06:22 |
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dabaR | !fixres |zero | 06:22 |
ubotu | zero: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 06:22 |
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stefg | !fixres | zero | 06:22 |
dabaR | heh | 06:22 |
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Cryoniq | !webadmin | 06:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about webadmin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:23 |
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Cryoniq | !webmin | 06:23 |
ubotu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it. | 06:23 |
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wburge_ | what is the minimum memory recomended for ubuntu? | 06:23 |
Cryoniq | hmm | 06:23 |
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Cryoniq | !apache | 06:23 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 06:23 |
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walkintome | dooglus: this looks tricky to configure | 06:23 |
wburge_ | i have a 64 mb laptop that i want to run it on... will it run well? | 06:23 |
stefg | wburge_: ubuntu runs in 256, xubuntu can take less | 06:23 |
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cocoyriv | hey guys, does anybody had any luck with frozen throne with hamachi? | 06:23 |
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stefg | wburge_: forget that, it | 06:23 |
wburge_ | stefg> wburge_: ubuntu runs in 256, xubuntu can take less | 06:23 |
wburge_ | -:- igorsobreira [n=igor@] has left #ubuntu [] | 06:23 |
wburge_ | <cocoyriv> hey guys, does anybody had any luck with frozen throne with | 06:23 |
wburge_ | hamachi? | 06:23 |
wburge_ | -:- `danny [i=danny@89-172-169-187.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | 06:23 |
wburge_ | -:- shwag [n=suran@sccc-66-78-236-255.smartcity.com] has joined #ubuntu | 06:23 |
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wburge_ | [10:23] [wburge_(+iw)] [Mail: 3] [#ubuntu(+cnt)] | 06:23 |
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wburge_ | [Lag 0] [O/0 N/1297 I/0 V/0 F/0] [U:a:S:b:h] | 06:23 |
wburge_ | [#ubuntu] | 06:23 |
wburge_ | sorry | 06:24 |
wburge_ | mouse got away from me | 06:24 |
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wburge_ | sorry for the spam | 06:24 |
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stefg | wburge_: take fluxbuntu | 06:24 |
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kneeki | If I run a command via terminal, and close that terminal window, the application will stop, how can I close the terminal w/o stopping the app? | 06:24 |
wburge_ | stefg: thanks, how much can it run on? | 06:24 |
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gas | some guide on p2p ? | 06:24 |
Lynxus | kneeki: $ nohup program_name & | 06:24 |
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kneeki | Lynxus, Thanks! | 06:25 |
walkintome | dooglus: the readme says it should be in the accessories menu and in the system>rpreferences but its not | 06:25 |
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dyrne | kneeki: sometimes just the & will work but use nohup | 06:25 |
Scunizi | robert_: you are currently on irc.freenode.net. To join another channel on this network type /join #"channelname" | 06:25 |
hume_ | hi...i just upgraded to feisty and now cannot log into mysql - it seems it was upgraded to version 5 - how do I log into it first time? | 06:25 |
houmal | anyone familiar with "quadkonsole" ? | 06:25 |
stefg | wburge_: 64 MB might be the minimum... it's not only a question of the window-manager... kernels get big today and a lot of services get started. Rather look for some distro specifically tailored for low-mem systems | 06:25 |
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dooglus | walkintome: how about just running avant-preferences ? | 06:25 |
kneeki | Yay, it worked =) | 06:25 |
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Raiden | Hi, how to do a quick screen capture (not video or gif), 1 image every 0.1 second, it is possible? | 06:25 |
Lynxus | :) | 06:25 |
robert_ | Scunizi: I think I've been on IRC long enough to know that. | 06:25 |
cocoyriv | hey guys, does anybody here had any experience with hamachi? http://www.hamachi.cc | 06:26 |
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pdlnhrd | dyrne: i changed to the main servers instead of the us servers in software sources and get the same problem.. i guess it is just broke | 06:26 |
Scunizi | robert_: then I missunderstood your question. | 06:26 |
walkintome | dooglus: haha that worked | 06:26 |
dooglus | walkintome: incidentally, I see it in the places it should be in the menus | 06:26 |
wburge_ | stefg: k will do, ive experimented with damn smal in the past but wanted more features, they disable alot of stuff and also remove almost all aps to make it so small | 06:26 |
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dyrne | pdlnhrd: well i mean other than recreating the sources.list.. is it timing out? i wonder if you can adjust timeout for apt-get | 06:26 |
robert_ | Scunizi: I never asked a question. Now quit tripping my irc highlight. It's annoying me. | 06:26 |
wburge_ | stefg: was hoping for something slightly more powerful and more ubuntu like | 06:26 |
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stefg | wburge_: try fluxbuntu | 06:27 |
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dooglus | walkintome: how did you enable compiz? | 06:27 |
agentnewb | cocoyriv: I heard someone whining about hamachi in another linux channel, what does it do? I still don't know what it is for... | 06:27 |
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wburge_ | stefg: im dling it now thanks for the suggestion | 06:27 |
kittyhawk | hello | 06:27 |
Ayabara | I have mounted an iso of a dvd. Which file do I open with mplayer to play the dvd? | 06:27 |
agentnewb | robert_: I wuv u robert... | 06:27 |
cocoyriv | agentnewb: which channel? hamachi is "lan over internet". | 06:27 |
walkintome | dooglus: do you have your video card drivers installed correctly? | 06:27 |
robert_ | eww- n00bjuice... | 06:28 |
kittyhawk | I used the upgrade tool and now X won't start | 06:28 |
agentnewb | cocoyriv: umm linux one on efnet I think | 06:28 |
dyrne | agentnewb: basically an easy to setup secure wan i guess | 06:28 |
kittyhawk | do I need to do something to get the nvidia drivers installed? | 06:28 |
Pici | Scunizi: the person's name who asked the question was robert__ (note the two underscores) | 06:28 |
Lynxus | yes install them | 06:28 |
pdlnhrd | dyrne: i am assuming it is timing out somehow. the app hangs and uses no resources and just sits there.... i will just edit the sources list. but if i were following the documentation it says that it is not recommended method | 06:28 |
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agentnewb | cocoyriv: you mean a vpn right? | 06:28 |
stefg | wburge_: I'd use slckware and a 2.4 kernel on a machine like that :-) | 06:28 |
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kittyhawk | should I do that through apt or just download and run the nv package? | 06:28 |
dooglus | walkintome: I do. it's an ati mobility radeon x1600 | 06:28 |
cocoyriv | agentnewb: yup | 06:28 |
Jed | Hey, how do i get my pre beta version of feisty to upgrade to the current release or will it do it its self? | 06:28 |
Scunizi | Pici: Thanks.. I looked at that but didn't realize there were two underscores.. | 06:28 |
Lynxus | kittyhawk : you may need to enable them in the restricted drivers app, menu -> system -> pref ? somewhere round there | 06:29 |
agentnewb | cocoyriv: you could tunnel through ssh or use openvpn as well | 06:29 |
ubuntuEdgy | i already have this on my xorg Load "dri" | 06:29 |
tbuss | I have forgotten the phpMyAdmin username and password: I thought it was root:/"false" I have looked in htpasswd.setup and /var/www/phpmyadmin/.htacees. I trying to create a new db for phpBB | 06:29 |
Pici | Jed: It will do it by itself if you just do a regular update. | 06:29 |
dyrne | wburge_: vector linux if it is still active was very good a few years ago for such systems | 06:29 |
dooglus | walkintome: apparently the open source drivers don't support my card, and the proprietary drivers don't work with ubuntu's "window effects" | 06:29 |
walkintome | dooglus: how i was told to do it was to go to system>prefernces>desktop effects | 06:29 |
Jed | thanks | 06:29 |
kittyhawk | LYnxus: is there a non-gui way to do that (since X doens't work :)) | 06:29 |
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dooglus | walkintome: I tried that, but it doesn't work | 06:29 |
Raiden | Hi, how to do a quick screen capture (not video or gif), 1 image every 0.1 second, it is possible? | 06:29 |
walkintome | dooglus: go to admin>restircted drivers manager | 06:29 |
Scunizi | robert__: You are on irc.freenode.net. To join another channel type /join #"channel name" | 06:29 |
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kski | is there a setting to always see all the start up process instead of having to hit alt f2 everytime? | 06:29 |
stefg | !final | jed | 06:29 |
ubotu | jed: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version. | 06:29 |
rankin | how do i sign in on here | 06:29 |
dyrne | Raiden: yeah. like a screencast? | 06:29 |
Lynxus | oh erm. i dunno :( im assuming change the driver bit in your xorg.conf file to alsa and then do it graphically ? | 06:30 |
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Jed | ok, thanks | 06:30 |
knp | Hey i got some problem with installing deluge-0.5.0.tar.gz | 06:30 |
knp | someone coud probably help ? | 06:30 |
cocoyriv | agentnewb: yeah, but i need it for games. hamachi is much easier. im having trouble with two network cards. i was just wondering how people got hamachi to work for them. | 06:30 |
=== DarthCopy [n=copy@dslb-084-058-115-107.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lynxus | untar it first | 06:30 |
edgard | i installed newly ubuntu 7.04 and firefox is nt working properly can anyone helps? | 06:30 |
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dooglus | walkintome: I see 2 drivers: ATI accelerated graphics, and Intel PRO/Wireless 3945 | 06:30 |
knp | i did | 06:30 |
Cryoniq | Anyone can assist with Apache 2 specific install questions regarding php module install? | 06:30 |
dooglus | walkintome: both enabled and in use | 06:30 |
dyrne | Raiden: ive used this method http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/03/09/2013236 | 06:30 |
rankin | knp - did you install in the termanal | 06:30 |
Cryoniq | On Feisty fawn that is... | 06:31 |
knp | rankin tryin to install from terminal but cant ... | 06:31 |
dooglus | edgard: you need the linux version, not the nt one | 06:31 |
rankin | you cant open it, or you dont know how | 06:31 |
edgard | croniq : what do u want | 06:31 |
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walkintome | dooglus: As much as i wouold love to be able to help you, im very new to linux and do not know all the particulars to be able to help you. i just know that i went into that driver manager was told to use terminal to download some stuff for my card and it worked. im just not experienced enough and i would be wasting your time when there are probaly 1000 other people here who could help you better. im sure you will find some help | 06:31 |
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edgard | dooglas : what? | 06:31 |
knp | tar -xzvf deluge-0.5.0.tar.gz | 06:31 |
Raiden | thx dyrne | 06:32 |
knp | right ? | 06:32 |
tbuss | anyone avail for phpMyAdmin help | 06:32 |
Lynxus | knp : yup | 06:32 |
rankin | exract the.gz file to the desktop | 06:32 |
dooglus | edgard: you said nt firefox was working? | 06:32 |
=== Janne_Doe [n=John@lns-bzn-23-82-248-125-170.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walkintome | dooglus: that being said, i wish you well, and thakn for for your help. i wouldnt have been able to use the window navigator without you | 06:32 |
Janne_Doe | Hi | 06:32 |
dooglus | edgard: it's better to run a native version | 06:32 |
knp | extracted it in athor directory | 06:32 |
dooglus | walkintome: you're welcome. enjoy :) | 06:32 |
EnthY_ | a dummy question : what is the root password for the first start | 06:32 |
knp | is that the problem :? | 06:32 |
dooglus | EnthY_: dummy answer: there isn't one. | 06:32 |
Lynxus | try $ sudo ./make ? | 06:32 |
Cryoniq | edgard, I have installed Apache2, and about to install the php module. But I am confused about the install messages when I select php5 package in repository. What confuse me is that it tells me that it will remove apache-mpm-worker package. What does that package do and is php support already included in that package for apache2? | 06:32 |
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Lynxus | or ./install | 06:33 |
Janne_Doe | Err, I need some help: My /etc/inittab is missing, how can I restore it? | 06:33 |
dyrne | !root > EnthY_ | 06:33 |
dooglus | Janne_Doe: do you know what you want to put in it? | 06:33 |
Raiden | Is there any alternative to animget (win program)? | 06:33 |
knp | doesnt work | 06:33 |
Janne_Doe | Err no | 06:33 |
bgrupe | Cryoniq: php uses the prefork-module instead of mpm-worker | 06:33 |
Janne_Doe | dooglus | 06:33 |
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Lynxus | i would suggest reading the readme file if there is one. | 06:33 |
knp | tar -xzvf /home/sadistic/deluge-0.5.0.tar.gz | 06:33 |
knp | ups | 06:33 |
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Lynxus | cat readme ? | 06:33 |
tbuss | Cryonig: I installed php4 instead of php5, I found less errors that way, that was just for me though | 06:33 |
stefg | !upsatrt | Janne_Doe | 06:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about upsatrt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:33 |
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stefg | !upstart | Janne_Doe | 06:33 |
knp | sadistic@GGLand:~/deluge-0.5.0$ sudo ./install | 06:33 |
knp | sudo: ./install: command not found | 06:33 |
knp | sadistic@GGLand:~/deluge-0.5.0$ | 06:33 |
ubotu | Janne_Doe: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 06:33 |
edgard | cryonic : how did u installed apache2? | 06:33 |
Khaaaaaan | How do I register my nickname?? | 06:33 |
dyrne | EnthY_: root is disabled. most of us rely on sudo | 06:33 |
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dooglus | Janne_Doe: I just went to 'show you mine' and it turns out mine is 'missing' too :) | 06:34 |
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dooglus | Khaaaaaan: /msg nickserv register pa$$word | 06:34 |
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stefg | upstart has no inittab, folks | 06:34 |
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dooglus | !upstart | 06:34 |
ubotu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | 06:34 |
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Cryoniq | ubotu, I was thinking have both support for php4 and php5. It seems possible. But you are right.. php4 should be prio and enough at the moment. | 06:34 |
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stefg | !ubotu | Cryoniq | 06:35 |
Cryoniq | oops.. :) | 06:35 |
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knp | lynxus any ideas ? | 06:35 |
ericu | is there any way to reset update manager | 06:35 |
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ubotu | Cryoniq: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:35 |
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bgrupe | Cryoniq: you mean php5 should be prio :) | 06:35 |
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ericu | I'm not able to download updates | 06:35 |
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edgard | I am not able to open pages like yahoo can anyone helps | 06:36 |
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agentnewb | edgard: what browser are you using? | 06:36 |
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Cryoniq | edgard, I selected the Apache2 package in Feisty fawn repository and it threw in what was linked to it I assume. I am more used to install apache via source and compile it and then add the modules and edit the needed things into config files :) | 06:36 |
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Khaaaaaan | dag | 06:36 |
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Khaaaaaan | I think it worked... | 06:36 |
Khaaaaaan | thanks duder | 06:36 |
agentnewb | edgard: most likely you need java and flash. which OS you using? | 06:37 |
shockent | I'm having difficulty playing DVDs in Feisty -- can anyone offer a bit of help? | 06:37 |
edgard | agentnewb : firefox that came with ubuntu | 06:37 |
dabaR | What does this mean: "ldconfig: Cannot mmap file /usr/lib/libgnomeui-2.so.0.1401.0." ? | 06:37 |
equinox_2001 | hi, need some help. Want to do a fresh install of feisty the upgrade go wrong... How can I tell which partition feisty is in on my sata hard drive, I also have suse linux installed too.... | 06:37 |
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stefg | !dvd | shockent | 06:37 |
ubotu | shockent: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 06:37 |
Cryoniq | But then again.. if it isn't working I can always remove package and try something else ^^ | 06:37 |
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Cryoniq | Trial and error ftw :) | 06:37 |
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osotogari | when upgrading should i replace the cusomtised config files or not? | 06:37 |
tbuss | looking for help with phpMyAdmin. Is there a way I can recover my username and password? I have looked in /var/www/phpmyadmin/.htaccess and /etc/phpmyadmin/htpasswd.setup. Is there somewhere else I should look | 06:38 |
Parmenion | equinox_2001: boot suse linux and look for ubuntu | 06:38 |
shockent | stefg: thank you | 06:38 |
edgard | cryonic : unistall the repositry and use sudo apt-get install apache2 | 06:38 |
equinox_2001 | thanks.... parmenion | 06:38 |
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edgard | cryonic : then sudo apt-get install php5 | 06:38 |
dyrne | equinox_2001: i guess you could mount both and cat /media/hda2/etc/*release or whatever. id just hit e at grub menu maybe | 06:38 |
CPrgmSwR2 | is ubuntu 7.04 a lot better than ubuntu 6.03 | 06:39 |
Parmenion | identify the location of the feisty partition and then note it down. after that, your install should be trivial ... right ? | 06:39 |
rankin | what is the help room in xchat | 06:39 |
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dooglus | when did ubuntu switch to upstart? | 06:39 |
Parmenion | yes CPrgmSwR2 | 06:39 |
Cryoniq | That sounds like an option yes :) | 06:39 |
matthewburke | Anyone know of an app I can use to adjust my screen. I'm on a KVM and whenever I switch between my windows machine and this machine I have to adjust my screen about 10 pixels to the left or right. | 06:39 |
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edgard | agentnewb : how i install flash and java | 06:39 |
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magnetron | dooglus: 6.10 | 06:39 |
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dooglus | magnetron: so that's not what broke live-cd persistence then - 'cos that was working in 6.10 I think | 06:39 |
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Cryoniq | edgard, btw.. is there a admin gui or web admin interface around for Apache2 like.. hmm wasn't there something called Webmin or likely some years ago? | 06:40 |
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magnetron | edgard: install package ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:40 |
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tbuss | anyone use myPhpAdmin? | 06:40 |
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dooglus | magnetron: I'd like to be able to save configuration between reboots of a live cd using a memory stick, but for some reason I can't in feisty | 06:40 |
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oldude67 | ok why is it when i try to open beryl it pops everything i have on the task bar at me all at once? | 06:40 |
dyrne | Cryoniq: unforn webmin is dead.. | 06:40 |
cipa | waiting | 06:40 |
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Xteven | hello people, I'm wondering if I can change the maximum number of workspaces to something higher than 36 ? | 06:40 |
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Cryoniq | ah.. | 06:40 |
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edgard | cryonic : don t know | 06:40 |
magnetron | dooglus, what "configuration"? | 06:40 |
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dyrne | Xteven: i have to know.. why do you need more than 36? | 06:41 |
cipa | hello | 06:41 |
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edgard | cryonic : if u want a working server u have to do this | 06:41 |
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cipa | chi sei | 06:41 |
dooglus | magnetron: all of it. anything I change, like xorg.conf, or even just documents I'm working on. my .bashrc too. | 06:41 |
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RoyK | hi. does ubuntu use cups for printing? | 06:41 |
oldude67 | can someone please give me the url for beryl for fiesty? | 06:41 |
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ejupin | Could someone tell me how to get my Broadcom card working again? Tried ndiswrapper and lost connection, need to go back to bcm43xx.. | 06:41 |
dooglus | dyrne: webmin is alive and well: http://www.webmin.com/ | 06:42 |
magnetron | dooglus. oh. then you have install ubuntu to the USB disk. | 06:42 |
ZMR | hi all, /var/cache/apt/archives, can be deleted? or should I keept it? | 06:42 |
Cryoniq | edgard, aye, that sounds a lot more like I am used to do it. Only used synaptic because I was trying to take a sleazy shortcut :P | 06:42 |
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dyrne | RoyK: yeah, though to access localhost:631 i belive you need to set some things up with groups | 06:42 |
Xteven | dyrne: I want to use karm to track how much time I spend on each workspace, and each workspace will represent a project I work on. I want to know how much projects I can work on simultaneously | 06:42 |
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RoyK | dyrne: how do you add a printer? a friend of mine wants to add a lexmark T420 | 06:42 |
shockent | stefg: I've tried many of what those documents explain, but for some reason DVDs still won't play | 06:42 |
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LjL | !beryl > oldude67 (oldude67, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:43 |
dyrne | !cups | RoyK explains it better than i can | 06:43 |
dooglus | magnetron: in previous versions of ubuntu that wasn't the case. I could boot from CD and use the stick just for changes to the filesystem | 06:43 |
ubotu | RoyK explains it better than i can: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 06:43 |
oldude67 | thanks: Ljl | 06:43 |
dooglus | magnetron: it seems silly to waste space on the stick with static files I already have on CD | 06:43 |
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Leandra | hi all! anyone know what i should do if i'm getting a flickering screen before i get to the ubuntu installer? | 06:43 |
CPrgmSwR2 | Hi, is there a way to download kubuntu because www.kubuntu.org is down | 06:43 |
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IntangibleLiquid | <CPrgmSwR2> torrent | 06:44 |
stefg | shockent: you need to be a lil' more specific. What have you tried, what appears not to work? | 06:44 |
Leandra | (it's almost like x11 can't configure itself) | 06:44 |
ericu | hello all, anyone know if their is a way to reinstall the update manager? | 06:44 |
ejupin | magnetron: you helped me get my wifi card configured yesterday., I tried to use ndiswrapper on someones suggestion to get a faster conn speed, now its gone totally. | 06:44 |
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dooglus | ericu: "sudo apt-get install update-manager" doesn't work? | 06:44 |
beni | How to setup mysql and php5 on my ubuntu desktop box? | 06:44 |
shockent | stefg: Totem says that a plugin is not supported, VLC just doesn't do a thing, I'm not sure what specifics I can pull | 06:44 |
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cipa | hi | 06:45 |
Parmenion | ejupin: modprobe ndiswrapper | 06:45 |
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stefg | shockent: so you put an industry-produced movie on DVD in the driver, but no player seems able to play it, although you have lbdvdcss2 installed? | 06:45 |
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Parmenion | if you configured ndiswapper properly, it should work | 06:46 |
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ejupin | parmenion: that would be to use ndiswrapper? i was using something else before ? confused now.. | 06:46 |
Parmenion | err yeah | 06:46 |
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magnetron | ejupin, using ndiswrapper instead of native drivers us usually not good | 06:46 |
ericu | dooglus: thanks that worked | 06:46 |
hylje | feisty stopped resuming from standby just recently | 06:46 |
beni | How to setup mysql and php5 on my ubuntu desktop box? | 06:46 |
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guicogui | Hello, good afternoon | 06:46 |
shockent | stefg: yes that is correct | 06:46 |
hylje | beta worked 100% | 06:46 |
SpaceBass | any netatalk users? | 06:46 |
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Parmenion | magnetron: only in certain situations | 06:46 |
oldude67 | sorry i guess i should of said im like real new to linux and all...but what is beryl and why is it on my computer...and why does it pop everything onto my desk top? | 06:46 |
ejupin | magnetron: so i see, how do i go back to what i had originally which was working? | 06:47 |
magnetron | !lamp beni | 06:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lamp beni - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:47 |
Parmenion | ejupin: it wasnt a good idea to install ndiswrapper then | 06:47 |
Parmenion | rmmod ndiswrapper | 06:47 |
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magnetron | !lamp | beni | 06:47 |
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ubotu | beni: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 06:47 |
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Parmenion | apt-get remove ndiswrapper | 06:47 |
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ejupin | parmenion: that will restore me? | 06:47 |
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stefg | shockent: read the output of 'dmesg' in the terminal first and see if there's something realted to your DVD-Drive | 06:47 |
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Parmenion | not per se | 06:47 |
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amrlima | anyone besides me is having trouble with launchpad? | 06:47 |
beni | magnetron: thank you! | 06:47 |
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amrlima | is the server down?? | 06:47 |
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oldude67 | guess ill just have to mess with it till it makes me reinstall ubuntu.....:( | 06:48 |
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Parmenion | did you mess with what magnetron asked you to do? | 06:48 |
guicogui | how launch gnome aplication in fullscreen without shortcut key | 06:48 |
oldude67 | laters | 06:48 |
ericu | Anyone know why I get failed to fetch error when trying to update to fiesty? | 06:48 |
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Parmenion | if you need to remove ndiswrapper ejupin, sudo rmmod ndiswrapper | 06:48 |
Parmenion | sudo apt-get remove ndiswrapper-utils | 06:48 |
josh_ | hi | 06:48 |
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stefg | ericu: wrong repos in sources.list ? | 06:48 |
josh_ | ho can i make amule to work | 06:48 |
CheshireViking | anybody know what this error means "there was an error starting the gnome setting daemon", i'm trying a fiesty livecd on a toshiba equium L20 & that comes up during boot & then the machine seems to hang | 06:48 |
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josh_ | i just download it ut it doesnt work | 06:49 |
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ericu | how do I change the repos to the correct ones? | 06:49 |
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shockent | stefg: I'm not really sure what I should be looking for | 06:49 |
stefg | !easysource | 06:49 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 06:49 |
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ejupin | parmenion: then it should see my card again? | 06:49 |
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guicogui | how launch gnome aplication in fullscreen without shortcut key? | 06:49 |
itguru | If a DVD plays on a DVD player, and in a PC with DVD player software - does it not stand to reason that the DVD should be ripable? It has no protection on it. After about 50 megs, i get read errors, but i don't get errors when playing the damn thing | 06:49 |
Parmenion | anyhow ejupin, the ndiswrapper from synaptic isnt the newest stable version | 06:49 |
tincan | My prism gt card worked right-off with 6.04 and now doesn't with 7.04. It's detected but no longer listed with iwconfig. | 06:49 |
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stefg | shockent: anyt message like 'I/O error on /dev/hdd' | 06:50 |
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Parmenion | ejupin: if you only played with ndiswrapper and did not mess with what magnetron said, yeah technically it should | 06:50 |
patrick_ | itguru, what are you using to rip with | 06:50 |
ejupin | thanks guys, i will try it | 06:50 |
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ericu | stefg: is their a website that I can find the correct repos? | 06:50 |
shockent | stefg, Yes, '[104880.856000] Buffer I/O error on device hda, logical block 629' appears multiple times | 06:50 |
^yunita^ | irc.irc-hispano.com | 06:50 |
Parmenion | shit. | 06:50 |
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Parmenion | sorry | 06:50 |
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Parmenion | bb | 06:50 |
Parmenion | oh wait | 06:50 |
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Parmenion | heck | 06:50 |
magnetron | !ohmy > Parmenion | 06:51 |
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itguru | patrick_: k3B, PowerISO, DD, Alchol120, DeepBurner, Nero - All fail at the same point, just after 50megs | 06:51 |
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Parmenion | understood | 06:51 |
salah | is there any linux driver for Atheros AR5005G card? | 06:51 |
stefg | shockent: that's a different problem, which needs fixing | 06:51 |
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Parmenion | i did say sorry :P | 06:51 |
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magnetron | :D | 06:51 |
shockent | stefg: oh boy -- do you have any advice | 06:51 |
patrick_ | itguru, PowerISO??? is that not a windows only app that rips to .daa | 06:52 |
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atrus | if i want something to be run on resuming from standby, where would i put it? | 06:52 |
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patrick_ | salah, yes | 06:52 |
itguru | patrick_: No, it also rips to ISO aswell | 06:52 |
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ironfroggy | i got a tablet and have it running with the regular wacom drivers, but i found out i probably really want the aiptek driver. how do i change that? | 06:53 |
salah | patrick_, where to get? | 06:53 |
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patrick_ | salah, Its installed under restricted drivers in your system admin menu | 06:53 |
stefg | shockent: something is wrong with your partititon/disk ... maybe the DVD-problem is just a symptom of a deeper problem. But i can't help too much, 'cos i don't know how you installed your system, and what might have gone wrong | 06:53 |
bitter | crazy question | 06:53 |
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bitter | i want a pretty minimal install, will ubuntu allow me to choose that kinda thing? | 06:54 |
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shockent | stefg: okay, that's very strange because everything worked OK in Dapper -- I'll have to try and see what's going on I suppose | 06:54 |
stefg | !install | bitter: | 06:54 |
ubotu | bitter:: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 06:54 |
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gpm | ironfroggy: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, look for the stuff that says wacom and change it to aiptek....but i'm just guessing...you could make a backup and try that though...assuming you have the aiptek installed and ready to go that is... | 06:54 |
bitter | also, will it run nicely on my p3 1ghz 640mb lappy | 06:54 |
shockent | stefg: thanks for your help | 06:54 |
bitter | thank you | 06:54 |
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LjL | !minimal > bitter (bitter, see the private message from Ubotu) | using this cd, you can download *and* install a very small selection of packages, if you want | 06:54 |
xthor | Can someone tell me what channel for beginers to use? | 06:54 |
bitter | thanks LjL | 06:54 |
guicogui | how launch gnome aplication in fullscreen without shortcut key? it' s possible ? | 06:54 |
gpm | xthor: i think all are welcome here | 06:54 |
itguru | k3B, PowerISO, DD, Alchol120, DeepBurner, Nero - All fail at the same point, just after 50megs | 06:55 |
bitter | i didn't know that existed | 06:55 |
bitter | i'm used to gentoo :) | 06:55 |
Tom47 | ironfroggy this may be of some use .... its 12 months old ... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-122735.html | 06:55 |
Stormx2 | guicogui: which app? | 06:55 |
patrick_ | salah, you found it?? | 06:55 |
gpm | guicogui: depends on the program...you'd have to pass an argument to the program... | 06:55 |
ironfroggy | Tom47: thanks | 06:55 |
bitter | but i need something that works now and not 10 hours from now | 06:55 |
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Stormx2 | itguru: What is the problem? burning not working? | 06:55 |
LjL | bitter, the minimal CD is 8Mb in size. | 06:55 |
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itguru | Stormx2: ripping the image to burn | 06:56 |
bitter | wow | 06:56 |
bitter | that's hella small | 06:56 |
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matthewburke | Anyone know of an app I can use to adjust my screen. I'm on a KVM, and whenever I switch between my windows machine and this machine I have to adjust my screen about 10 pixels to the left or right. | 06:56 |
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Tom47 | ironfroggy actually it does look like its been updated apr 24 2007 | 06:56 |
guicogui | perfect, but exists similar kstart lauch in gnome ? | 06:56 |
xthor | how to I upgrade from breezy to feisty | 06:56 |
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patrick_ | matthewburke, yeah that is annoying | 06:56 |
LjL | bitter: of course, it'll then download the packages you want from the 'net, which will take time (even though it might be relatively few packages). however, doing that from the Desktop CD is simply not possible: you'd have to install the whole thing, and then remove the unneeded stuff. | 06:56 |
salah | patrick_, nope :/ | 06:56 |
bitter | that's fine, i have a fast pipe | 06:56 |
gpm | guicogui: i'm not sure...don't really know what kstart is since i've never seriously used kde...sorry :( | 06:56 |
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sumigamer | hey can anybody tell me how XGL on Ubuntu would perform on an Intel 915G graphics chipset, with 1Gb RAM. Or is AIGLX better??? | 06:57 |
stefg | matthewburke: xvidtune | 06:57 |
Tom47 | xthor there is no direct way to do that ... upgrade to feisty only works from edgy | 06:57 |
bitter | will this one find my wireless card? | 06:57 |
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patrick_ | salah, one moment, what exactly is the card | 06:57 |
gpm | sumigamer: i heard aiglx is better... | 06:57 |
matthewburke | stefg: Thanks I'll check that out. | 06:57 |
sumigamer | gpm, what do you use?? | 06:57 |
xthor | can I start from scratch? | 06:57 |
thx4help | if I have a file called abc.cpio.gz, how do I view what's in there without gunziping it? | 06:57 |
Taus | hi guys! :) i just installed ubuntu on my new puter - when it starts up all i get is a black screen - what can i do? | 06:57 |
LjL | bitter: that depends on whether your card is supported by native drivers or not. if it works straight off the Live CD, it should be detected by Minimal as well. | 06:57 |
gpm | sumigamer: xgl, but card's pretty old | 06:57 |
Tom47 | xthor ... you may find it more convenient to do a new install rather than progressive/successive upgrades from one release to another | 06:57 |
salah | patrick_, AR5005G | 06:57 |
bitter | there's a list, i assume LjL | 06:57 |
sumigamer | gpm, are AIGLX and XGL effects the same?? | 06:58 |
LjL | !hardware > bitter (bitter, see the private message from Ubotu) | try here, but i doubt it's very complete | 06:58 |
xthor | tom47 do you know the file I need to do that? | 06:58 |
gpm | sumigamer: i think so, but i'm not an expert | 06:58 |
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mjr | sumigamer, use aiglx, xgl disables direct rendering for clients | 06:59 |
Tom47 | xthor a new install of feisty??? | 06:59 |
bitter | very good, intel 2200 appears in the list | 06:59 |
eternalswd | I'm having a strange problem with the terminal I use called tilda. On Edgy it was working fine with zsh as the default shell, but now with Feisty it exits as soon as it opens. I can work around that by setting tilda to run using zsh as a custom command, but there are some issues with text disappearing when I reshow tilda. I build both zsh and tilda from source. Any ideas why there would be such a difference between edgy and feisty? | 06:59 |
Tom47 | !install | 06:59 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate | 06:59 |
xthor | tom47 yes | 06:59 |
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crestongirl61388 | hello | 06:59 |
sumigamer | gpm, do you know the approximate total size of the files that are to be downloaded for enabling XGL or AIGLX in Edgy??? | 06:59 |
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crestongirl61388 | is anyone there | 06:59 |
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Tom47 | !install > xthor | 06:59 |
guicogui | pressing the keyboard shortcuts , I can put in fullscreen mode, How Could I put some program in fullscreen mode, using some shell script ou tcltk script command ? | 07:00 |
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bitter | thanks, LjL, i'll be back i'm sure | 07:00 |
gpm | sumigamer: well i think aiglx is already with the xorg server, and xgl...well...i'm not sure | 07:01 |
gpm | it's pretty small though | 07:01 |
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gpm | why, short on space? | 07:01 |
sumigamer | no , short on bandwidth | 07:01 |
gpm | oh | 07:01 |
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gpm | well, if you apt-get install xserver-xgl...it will say how much it has to download before it starts | 07:01 |
gpm | and you don't have to commit | 07:01 |
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matthewburke | stefg: When I try to adjust the properties in xvid tune I get: Sorry: You have requested a mode-line That is not possible, or not supported by your hardware configuration. Do you know of any other methods? | 07:02 |
Taus | if i choose recovery boot i can get to the console - but i'm not sure what to do from there... any clues? any help would be very much appreciated - thx guys :) | 07:02 |
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Leandra | hey, anyone know why i might get a flickering screen while trying to install ubuntu? (it's amlost like xorg can't cope) | 07:02 |
tincan | My card uses hostap and hasn't functioned since upgrading to 7.04... | 07:02 |
stefg | matthewburke: sorry, no. | 07:02 |
charlie_ | here is a strange deal. I just installed kubuntu on my compaq v2000 and konqueror will not connect to internet when using pcmcia wireless but firefox will. konqueror will work however when connected by dsl (ethernet). also, dhcp won't grab the default gateway or ip addy when on wireless. | 07:02 |
sumigamer | gpm, do you know the difference between the two?? | 07:02 |
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ericu | does anyone know what these errors are? Failed to fetch http://givre.cabspace.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 07:02 |
ericu | Failed to fetch http://givre.cabspace.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main-all/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 07:02 |
eternalswd | guicogui, the only way I can think of (if the program doesn't have a cli fullscreen call) would be to somehow send the necessary keycommand to the program | 07:02 |
gpm | sumigamer: no...but you should follow the wiki or whatever to enable compiz...if that's what you're trying to do | 07:03 |
meeyoww | ok, i understand that the IDE and SCSI drivers were merged in some way, but I cannot seem to find an answer in the forums that works for me to be able to configure the drive modes like with hdparm. How do I fix this? my HDD is very slow.... | 07:03 |
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meeyoww | brb under another user name | 07:03 |
meeyoww | sry | 07:03 |
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Tom47 | ericu they indicate that you are not reaching the named repositories | 07:04 |
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dooglus | !beryl | 07:04 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:04 |
Taus | anyone else experienced the black screen on boot? | 07:04 |
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ericu | Tom47: is there a fix to this, I'm confused about the whole repositories thing? | 07:05 |
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Tom47 | ericu what are you doing that shows these messages? | 07:05 |
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ericu | trying to update to feisty | 07:05 |
Agony | Does anyone else know anything about sound no longer working after upgrading to Fiesty? | 07:05 |
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ndee | how are the http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/ recorded? | 07:06 |
tincan | lspci lists the prism card but it doesn't show up on the list of adaptors | 07:06 |
crimsun | Agony: sure, what codec do you have? | 07:06 |
ericu | Tom47 when I try to update it always gives me these errors | 07:06 |
sumigamer | gpm, thanks for the help, i will be looking in #ubuntu-effects for my queries... | 07:06 |
gpm | sumigamer: good luck | 07:06 |
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Taus | i had the same problem when i booted from the live cd - but if i choosed VGA 1280x1024 it booted perfectly. can i somehow tell it to use vga so i can get to the console? | 07:06 |
Agony | Codec? | 07:06 |
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Tom47 | !repository | 07:07 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 07:07 |
Agony | It's just sound in general that doesn't work, not a specific filetype. | 07:07 |
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crimsun | Agony: your sound chipset has a dsp and a codec. Tell me the codec. | 07:07 |
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Agony | And how do I find that out. | 07:07 |
lovloss | DOes automount not work in recovery mode? | 07:07 |
crimsun | Agony: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat if you're not sure. | 07:07 |
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Agony | OK, hang on a second. | 07:07 |
walkintome | hi all, im trying to install the gnome macmenu applet but i keep getting an error wqhen i try to install 'no such file or directory' | 07:07 |
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Tom47 | ericu i am a tad uncertain why you would be getting messages regarding edgy repos when upgrading perhaps someone else can help | 07:08 |
guicogui | this program can not do that, I want to do like a kiok program , like a firefox (F11) does, in this program in tcltk, does not has this function, and i want to put in fullscreen, like a kiosk. | 07:08 |
guicogui | in gnome keyboard shortcuts i can put any program in fullscreen mode, but i need to press this key, I want to emulate this key or do some function in shell script, do you something like that ? | 07:08 |
tincan | what does "cannot read eeprom!" mean? | 07:08 |
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Agony | crimsun: The output of that is: | 07:09 |
jo_ | hello community | 07:09 |
Agony | Mixers: | 07:09 |
Agony | 0: Conexant ID 2bfa | 07:09 |
domenic | i have gcc installed | 07:09 |
domenic | but i dont have stdio.h | 07:09 |
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crimsun | Agony: pastebin ``amixer'', then tell me the url | 07:09 |
Tarkus | what are things that linux is good for if someone was to work with computers using the Linux OS? (OSX is good for GFX/Media, Windows for Games/Buisiness)? | 07:09 |
crimsun | domenic: install build-essential | 07:09 |
slawek_ | hi guys, where can i find some good irc's channels | 07:09 |
slawek_ | ? | 07:09 |
jo_ | greetings from the bridges | 07:09 |
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lovloss | Okay lets try this one: does the login splash for ubuntu use VESA only? Because VESA shuts my monitor off and i have to go through recovery mode and manually boot up x from there | 07:09 |
walkintome | hmm, i guess i messed somethign up becasue i cant get any menus to load in my top panel =( | 07:09 |
Captai1 | i'm not sure if i'm in the right channe but i'll try anyway. i've just upgraded to feisty, i have a broadcom 4310 wireless card, and the wireless assistant looks like it's recognized the driver but i can't connect to my network at home. any help appreciated. | 07:09 |
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jo_ | slawek_: are u using xchat? | 07:10 |
xthor | tom47 What does it mean when I click on your name and your name gets listed in the left colum | 07:10 |
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LjL | !offtopic > slawek_ (slawek_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 07:10 |
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Agony | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17852/ | 07:10 |
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ripps | is it possible to install the ati-driver over apt-get? | 07:10 |
walkintome | i was trying ot install gnome macmenu applet and i can no longer access the yop panel. anyone willing to help me fix this/install the applet? | 07:10 |
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dabaR | LjL: this is the output I get from debsums: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17853/ | 07:11 |
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neo2dot0 | how to restart cups in feisty? | 07:11 |
lovloss | Nobody knows ;_; | 07:11 |
crimsun | Agony: and in edgy? | 07:11 |
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sharperguy | I am an (mildly) experienced user who has always used manual partitioning to install ubuntu, can anyone link me to somthing to show me how the auto partitioner works (feisty)? | 07:11 |
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bobbyz | domenic: stdio.h i part of libc6-dev | 07:12 |
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Agony | I don't know, I can't boot Edgy works any more after installing Fiesty | 07:12 |
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intrepidsilence | back now - was meeyoww before | 07:12 |
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jo_ | i running on ubuntu feisty and have problems with external usb HDD, eject does not work. to do so i using terminal. anybody has the solution? or knows the culprit of this? | 07:12 |
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dabaR | LjL: how do I get the checksums? man debsums says the flag is -g, but I do not know whether that is proper. | 07:12 |
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intrepidsilence | anyone have any ideas on the hdparm prob with feisty? | 07:12 |
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LjL | dabaR: it looks good for what i can tell. i get FAILED on dictionaries, too, and the locales shouldn't be a problem either. there seem to be no "random" files with incorrect checksum, so i'd say the damage was limited to that one file | 07:12 |
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ripps | is it possible to install ati-drivers with apt-get? | 07:12 |
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Tom47 | xthor i am uncertain .... | 07:13 |
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jo_ | ripps: yes, | 07:13 |
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walkintome | hi all--im new ot linux and was trying to install a macmenu applet and now i can no longer access my top panel menus. | 07:13 |
ripps | jo: how? | 07:13 |
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lovloss | Why is my computer not automounting usb drives or external hds? | 07:13 |
LjL | dabaR: for the packages that have them missing you mean? i think "sudo debsums -g missing" | 07:14 |
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sharperguy | !ati | ripps | 07:14 |
ubotu | ripps: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 07:14 |
eternalswd | guicogui, you might want to ask in ##gnome as they would likely know more about metacity | 07:14 |
Enselic_ | How come I can't start firefox as a different user even though I use the - swtich (su - test)? | 07:14 |
acuster | Hey all, is feisty not getting any updates for now, or do I need to change my repositories because of the release? (I have been on feisty for a while) | 07:14 |
walkintome | menus* | 07:14 |
ripps | sharperguy: I tried that in the livecd "sudo apt-get install ati" and it said it doesn't exist | 07:14 |
Enselic_ | acuster: the last update I got was the update-manager | 07:15 |
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jo_ | ripps: and check this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver | 07:15 |
Agony | crimsun: Any ideas? All the forums could come up with was to completely reinstall Fiesty from a LiveCD, but I don't really want to have to do that, for obvious reasons. | 07:15 |
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acuster | Enselic_, thanks | 07:15 |
PriceChild | acuster, feisty is frozen and stable. it will receive critical bug fixes and security updates, stick with it. | 07:15 |
dabaR | LjL: cause a lot ogf packages are missing. | 07:15 |
sharperguy | ripps, which version of ubuntu are you running? | 07:15 |
leroi | anyone have any thoughts about the HP w2207? | 07:15 |
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crimsun | Agony: you could rm /var/lib/alsa/asound.state, but I really need your amixer output from a working edgy install or whatever to continue debugging. | 07:16 |
dabaR | LjL: Dunno whether to pursue checking the system, it is not a critical system, as long as the things work on it that I need... | 07:16 |
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lovloss | -/- | 07:16 |
ericu | Hi All, when I try to check for updates using update-manager, i get the "Could not download all repository indexes" with the following link http://givre.cabspace.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 07:16 |
walkintome | okay, so im a linux noob trying to install a gnome macmenu applet and i have tried a couple times wiht no success. anyone have any idea how to install this? | 07:16 |
dabaR | LjL: but on the other hand, I do not want a zombie PC either | 07:16 |
Captai1 | is that a no from everyone? does anyone know a channel where someone could give me some advice about my broadcom wireless card? | 07:16 |
PriceChild | walkintome, what is macmenu? | 07:16 |
leroi | walkintome, try kiba-dock | 07:16 |
lovloss | ;_; | 07:16 |
walkintome | it turns the top panel into a finder-type thing so that menus are places on the top | 07:17 |
walkintome | im trying to customize gnome into osx lol | 07:17 |
sharperguy | I am an (mildly) experienced user who has always used manual partitioning to install ubuntu, can anyone link me to something to show me how the auto partitioner works (feisty)? | 07:17 |
Taus | if i install the nvidia drivers from the recovery console - will it work when i boot normally also? | 07:17 |
LjL | dabaR: for a non-critical system, honestly i'd stop there. wait - if you're worried about an *attack* (i didn't consider that), then debsums isn't very useful, especially when not run from a live cd. instead, you'd run chkrootkit and/or rkhunter from a live cd (and perhaps debsums too from a live cd, if you get around the syntax) | 07:17 |
Agony | crimsun: How do I go about booting into an earlier system then? Sorry, I'm fairly new to this. Attempting to boot with an earlier kernel just doesn't work. | 07:17 |
PriceChild | walkintome, is that a mac application? or is it for linux? | 07:17 |
walkintome | leroi: is kiba dock lik ethe osx-dock? | 07:17 |
jo_ | Captai1: u could try the #wireless channel | 07:17 |
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walkintome | PriceChild: its for linux..i grabbed it here:http://www.taimila.com/osx-guide-2.php | 07:18 |
crimsun | Agony: tried booting from an Edgy desktop cd? | 07:18 |
=== deviate_this [n=scottb@aut75-7-88-161-149-183.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
leroi | walkintome, it is like the thing at the bottom of the screen on a mac | 07:18 |
|chiz| | Taus: why are you going to do that? | 07:18 |
Captai1 | thanks jo. rock on everyone you legends. | 07:18 |
Nergar | can anyone help me please!!! i'm conected to IRC but HTTP doesn't work!! | 07:18 |
leroi | anyone have any thoughts about the HP w2207? | 07:18 |
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patrick_ | salah, you still there I have something | 07:18 |
elementz | guys: just plugged in my external usb drive on feisty as always -> now i get this: 'you don't have enough permissions to mount this volume' ???? | 07:18 |
walkintome | leroi: cool--of course i have no idea how to install any tar.gz files | 07:18 |
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dabaR | LjL: I am not worried about an attack, I just take it into account. What else could be the cause of the corruption? | 07:18 |
Taus | |chiz|: because when i boot normally all i get is a black screen... I don't know what else to do... | 07:18 |
walkintome | leroi: would you be willing to give me a hand? | 07:18 |
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PriceChild | walkintome, you're following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241868?# | 07:19 |
leroi | walkintome, yeh give me a minute i will link you to a tutorial | 07:19 |
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Agony | crimsun: I don't have one, or any blank CDs just now. If it's absolutely necessary I can go out and get some, but then this would have to wait until tomorrow. | 07:19 |
Tom47 | !dns | 07:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:19 |
|chiz| | Taus: have you tried running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:19 |
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PriceChild | walkintome, i don't recommend you using software outside the ubuntu repositories. | 07:19 |
sharperguy | elementz, check you have permission in system>administration>users and groups | 07:19 |
guicogui | thanks :D | 07:19 |
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walkintome | PriceChild: is the link you gave me okay? | 07:19 |
Nergar | please? | 07:20 |
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PriceChild | walkintome, i don't recommend you using software outside the ubuntu repositories. | 07:20 |
walkintome | PriceChild: how come? | 07:20 |
Taus | |chiz|: can i run that from the recovery console? or how do i get somewhere where i can see something on the screen? | 07:20 |
xthor | !mp3 | 07:20 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:20 |
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LjL | dabaR: no idea. filesystem uncleanly unmounted - though ext3 should be immune. the things i can think of are 1) broken HD 2) broken RAM 3) attack 4) kernel mess-up. the last is quite difficult to diagnose (and unlikely, anyway) | 07:20 |
=== Zdra_ [n=zdra@120.216-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PriceChild | walkintome, because we don't support it in this channel. It can break your system. And its not safe :) | 07:20 |
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intrepidsilence | anyone know anything about how to improve HDD performance with Feisty Fawn since hdparm doesnt seem to work anymore with the IDE/SCSI tree merge? | 07:20 |
deviate_this | Can anyone tell me how I can add a file to an ubuntu intall disk without it screwing up the image? | 07:20 |
pollyo | Hello | 07:20 |
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-95-254-106.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walkintome | PriceChild: well, is there a way to get an osc look wihtout potentially breaking stuff =) | 07:20 |
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myo | hi all, anyone have any experience with fawn and wpa? | 07:21 |
walkintome | *osx | 07:21 |
PriceChild | walkintome, use osx | 07:21 |
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edgard | I am not able to open pages like yahoo can anyone helps | 07:21 |
jo_ | intrepidsilence: is your disk sda or hda? | 07:21 |
SpaceBass | any netatalk users? | 07:21 |
walkintome | PriceChild: haha, knew that was coming | 07:21 |
Tom47 | nergar i am just leaving but it sounds like you could have a DNS problem | 07:21 |
ZeZu | how lame | 07:21 |
alindeman | Is it possible to have a flash file be used as my screensaver? | 07:21 |
GionnyBoss | edgard: you can just open some web pages and others not? | 07:21 |
ZeZu | walkintome, there certainly is, just that half of these people like their sandbox | 07:21 |
intrepidsilence | jo_: the disk is IDE but shows up as /dev/sda now with feisty fawn | 07:21 |
Pici | ericu: As far as I know, that repository is not an official one. Their site explains that it is down, you might want to remove it from your sources list. | 07:21 |
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simon123 | Hey | 07:22 |
edgard | gionnyboss : ya | 07:22 |
ZeZu | there may even be something in an unofficial repos. | 07:22 |
leroi | walkintome, there is a .deb here on the second post that worked fine for me http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=165 | 07:22 |
ZeZu | i'd look around na bit | 07:22 |
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walkintome | ZeZu: its just that i enjoy ubuntu thus far, but enjoy the layout of osx and would like ot mimic it | 07:22 |
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ericu | Pici, thanks | 07:22 |
ZeZu | try beryl ;) | 07:22 |
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edgard | gionnyboss : they does nt load the full page | 07:22 |
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GionnyBoss | edgard: this should have got nothing to do with Ubuntu. It happened to me too... I guess that's a problem with DNS servers from your provider | 07:22 |
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GionnyBoss | edgard: oh so that's another thing | 07:22 |
jo_ | intrepidsilence: i got some similiar situation, but aslong its recogn as sda means that dma and all other features are enabled by default | 07:22 |
ZeZu | ubuntu is highly sandbox'd which is very usefull for first time linux users, a few people around here are just anal about it | 07:22 |
leroi | walkintome, you have to have beryl installed for this to work though | 07:22 |
GionnyBoss | edgard: if it says "page not found" only in some web pages, it's a provider DNS issue | 07:22 |
walkintome | leroi: oh i only have compiz...i was told beryl wasnt necessary and was less stable | 07:23 |
myo | Looking for help with WPA and feisty fawn, I am able to connect to non-wpa networks. When trying to connect to my wpa network, I am prompted by a gui window to enter the password but it never connects. I have wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui installed | 07:23 |
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intrepidsilence | jo_: ok, but then why is my disk performance in the can? it is half as fast as normal, which tells me dma is off | 07:23 |
GionnyBoss | edgard: are you sure you have flash plugin installed? not sure that yahoo uses flash, but you should install flash if you don't have it | 07:23 |
leroi | walkintome, it will work with compiz as well | 07:23 |
walkintome | leroi: ah cool | 07:23 |
leroi | walkintome, i just said beryl bc that is what most use | 07:23 |
edgard | gionnyboss : i have | 07:23 |
z0man | I have my correct refresh rate but it doesn't show it correct on the logon screen | 07:23 |
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walkintome | leroi: is there a way to mimic the finderbar? | 07:23 |
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jo_ | intrepidsilence: what pc do u run? | 07:23 |
edgard | gionnyboss : only the header appear | 07:23 |
ectogon | Anybody in here install via PXE? | 07:23 |
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unimatrix9 | hello there | 07:23 |
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eravin | I'm having problems trying to install Ubunut on an ASUS CUBX-L motherboard box. On the first try, I booted off the 7.04 CD and got 25% of the install done, but then it hung - now it hangs before it finishes the first boot step after the first menu choice (the indicator that wiggles left and right during boot just stops). Any ideas what to troubleshoot? | 07:24 |
intrepidsilence | the system in question is an HP Compaq NC6230 laptop | 07:24 |
edgard | gionnyboss : this problem appear only on ubuntu | 07:24 |
leroi | walkintome, i have no idea i have never used a mac but i have seen the menu at the bottom and liked it thats why i got kibadock | 07:24 |
haru | how do i enable file sharing in Gaim | 07:24 |
z0man | My screen refresh rate is correct when i login but flickers at logon screen | 07:24 |
intrepidsilence | it is actually my wifes system | 07:24 |
haru | how do i enable file sharing in Gaim for gtalk | 07:24 |
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myo | eravin: I had that problem and had to download the alternate install which worked fine | 07:24 |
leroi | walkintome, i would just search the ubuntu forums and you are bound to find something though | 07:24 |
walkintome | leroi: how do i customize kiba | 07:24 |
jo_ | intrepidsilence: is it alaptop? or desktop | 07:24 |
sharperguy | I am an (mildly) experienced user who has always used manual partitioning to install ubuntu, can anyone link me to something to show me how the auto partitioner works (feisty)? | 07:24 |
unimatrix9 | is there an tool to let users play with ubuntu , but cant change anything, on next boot all back to first state ( clean ) a locked down version so to speak, for public acces | 07:25 |
intrepidsilence | jo_: laptop | 07:25 |
leroi | walkintome, there is a menu once you have it installed | 07:25 |
intrepidsilence | jo_: HP Compaq NC 6230 | 07:25 |
morodock | Anyone have a link or know where to find information on Verizon data card and Ubuntu Feisty? | 07:25 |
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intrepidsilence | jo_: its actually my wifes system, | 07:25 |
xthor | !upgrade to Feisty | 07:25 |
leroi | anyone have any thoughts about the HP w2207? | 07:25 |
walkintome | leroi: ah i see it | 07:25 |
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walkintome | leroi: how do i uninstall a program | 07:25 |
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bobbyz | eravin: I'd say double-check that the CD you're using is valid (checksum it or re-burn and enable the validation part, if you didn't do this to begin with) | 07:26 |
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leroi | walkintome, under synaptic package manager search the program name and mark for removal then apply | 07:26 |
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bobbyz | eravin: also, if you're a guru, you can get your box booting the installer over the network and eliminate the need for a CD | 07:26 |
|chiz| | Taus: try hitting alt ctrl F1 | 07:26 |
|chiz| | Taus: that should give you a console | 07:26 |
unimatrix9 | can i lock down gnome , is there an tool? | 07:26 |
gpm | hey, does synaptic try to uninstall dependencies when you uninstall a program...like aptitude does? | 07:26 |
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xthor | !something | 07:27 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about something - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:27 |
Pici | !upgrade > xthor | 07:27 |
haru | how do i enable file sharing in Gaim for gtalk | 07:27 |
morodock | !evdo | 07:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about evdo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:27 |
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gharz | guys, i've upgraded my 6.10 to 7.04 and the only problem i encounter is with the network-manager... it doesn't detect other wifi... can anyone help... please? | 07:27 |
Taus | |chiz|: yah i found that trick on a forum too - but nothing happens... i still have a black screen when i do that | 07:27 |
morodock | !verizon | 07:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about verizon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:27 |
estigma | #ubuntu-es | 07:27 |
walkintome | leroi: thank you! one more question--is there a way to get the corners on kiba to be squared instead of rounded? | 07:28 |
morodock | !express | 07:28 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about express - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:28 |
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gpm | morodock: having fun? | 07:28 |
ericu | Pici, I updated my source list but now I get cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025)] /dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs, any ideas? | 07:28 |
recon | Is there an equivlent of daemon tools for...wait, never mind. i forgot you could just mount the iso's. | 07:28 |
gharz | guys, my nm-applet is not showing other essid... | 07:28 |
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ironfroggy | has anyone here used to aiptek drivers for tablet devices? | 07:28 |
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morodock | gpm... not as much as I'd like to be :) | 07:28 |
Parmenion | hey guys | 07:28 |
morodock | more like desperate | 07:28 |
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elementz | shaperguy, permissions seem to be set correctly | 07:28 |
leroi | walkintome, yeh there is an option in there somewhere but alot of the options you select just go back to the way they were before | 07:28 |
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ejupin | Still cant get Broadcom card to work again... if anyone can help | 07:28 |
jo_ | intrepidsilence: sorry i'm afraid i cannot help u there, but i found some links with linux and your wifes computer model: http://pdis.rnw.nl/~hansl/linux/nc6230/index_nc6230.html | 07:28 |
leroi | walkintome, hopefully the next release will be better though | 07:29 |
gpm | !beer me | 07:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beer me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:29 |
|chiz| | Taus: ok do it from the recovery console then | 07:29 |
gpm | damn | 07:29 |
Parmenion | has anyone successfully set up their logitech usb wireless mouse and keyboard? | 07:29 |
gpm | dpkg in #debian can do it | 07:29 |
mark3mk | # Run bootlogd at startup ? BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=No | 07:29 |
mark3mk | found that on the forums and changed to yes/Yes was expecting /var/log/boot files | 07:29 |
mark3mk | but no... Does anyone know how to enable the boot log? | 07:29 |
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Taus | |chiz|: okay i will try... thanks a lot for your help and time bro! it's very much appreciated! :) | 07:29 |
=== ScottLij [n=ScottLij@66-227-218-192.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walkintome | leroi: yeah i see the dock shape but its got everyhitng but rectangular lol | 07:29 |
|chiz| | Taus: no problem, I'll be around later on if you have some more questions | 07:30 |
leroi | walkintome, have u dragged and dropped icons in there? | 07:30 |
=== Quetsch [n=flo@p54A6FC8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walkintome | no not yet | 07:30 |
walkintome | leroi: not yet | 07:30 |
Parmenion | has anyone successfully set up their logitech usb wireless mouse and keyboard? | 07:30 |
Taus | |chiz|: Thanks a lot bro :) | 07:30 |
Parmenion | ejupin: broadcom ? what model? | 07:31 |
intrepidsilence | jo_: thx anyway. this is not a prob that is specific to her model of computer. this is a fundamental change in the kernel and the way it handles hard drives. if you search the net you will find many people with different hardware are experiencing the same issue. hopefully someone will have an answer soon... | 07:31 |
leroi | walkintome, try that and see how it works, any more questions search kiba-dock on the ubuntu forums | 07:31 |
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leroi | walkintome, im out of here though hope everything works out | 07:31 |
Pici | ericu: Either comment out the cd listing from your sources.list or remove it using synaptic's options. Your choice. | 07:31 |
eravin | TNX all for the suggestions. downloading the alternate CD now. I burned the original CD on a Mac that did a verify pass, so I kind of doubt it's a CD failure, especially since I would see I/O errors on the text console, and this is a hard hang, can't even use ALT-F1 to switch consoles. Hmm, come to think of it, that's how I got the install going the first time, I had switched out of graphics mode right away. I can do the net install if I have | 07:31 |
walkintome | leroi: ok thanks--take care | 07:31 |
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jpwhiting | hi all, is there a way to undo a dist-upgrade? | 07:32 |
Parmenion | ejupin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 | 07:32 |
jo_ | intrepidsilence: wats strange is that i had the same issue under edgy and its gone with feisty... it was a lot of searching and configurating.. wish u good luck! | 07:32 |
Parmenion | just swap the drivers there with your own | 07:32 |
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jpwhiting | I upgraded a server from dapper to edgy last night and now postfix is somewhat broken | 07:32 |
LjL | !downgrade > jpwhiting (jpwhiting, see the private message from Ubotu) | 07:32 |
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dinochopins | I'm quite confuse to DNS and BIND | 07:33 |
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ejupin | parmenion: Buffalo a few of you guys helped me get it working yesterday, but connected at slow speed. Someone suggested I try ndiswrapper which didnt work at all, now I dont have the original working setup | 07:33 |
Cyrus25801 | hey guys | 07:33 |
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dinochopins | hm... actually I'm quite new to DNS things | 07:33 |
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sogen | :) | 07:33 |
Parmenion | its alright, check out the link i posted earlier | 07:33 |
dinochopins | if in named.conf of BIND | 07:33 |
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|Death| | what is the best way to resize a linux partition?? if i use acronis diskdirector it says I have to boot from my boot disk and reinstall the loader ubuntu uses grub right?? and how hard is that?? | 07:33 |
ericu | Pici, thanks I no longer get the error | 07:33 |
=== Wanderer_ [n=art@dsl-66-243-209-8.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Parmenion | just swap your own card model's windows driver instead, the rest of the steps are the same ejupin | 07:33 |
dinochopins | I have zone "example.com" in { type master; file "somefile.txt"; } | 07:33 |
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ironfroggy | i dont get this. the wacom drivers seemed to work but not with pressure features for my aiptek tablet, then i found there are aiptek specific drivers, and now it doesnt work at all. | 07:34 |
Parmenion | ejupin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 | 07:34 |
dinochopins | is my domain has to define in => zone "example.com" ? | 07:34 |
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ejupin | i cant use apt-get however, no conection | 07:34 |
dinochopins | can I have => zone "dino" ... | 07:34 |
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dinochopins | but in somefile.txt I have zone declaration for example.com ? | 07:34 |
dinochopins | thanks in advance for any answer | 07:35 |
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Parmenion | ejupin: just borrow a ethernet wire and plug it in | 07:35 |
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ny00123 | hi | 07:35 |
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ejupin | lol, wish I could.. totally wireless | 07:35 |
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Parmenion | ejupin: then your in for a rough ride | 07:35 |
ejupin | i had configured it yesterday.. just didnt right it down.. | 07:35 |
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Cyrus25801 | I need a program that converts a dvd to avi. one that actually works | 07:35 |
ejupin | it went really easy | 07:35 |
ny00123 | Have you gotten a system (X) crash right after quitting an SDL app, while running Compiz or Beryl? | 07:35 |
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GE | I'm trying to make LIRC work with my Audigy 2 ZS remote, I am able to cat the /dev address, but whenever I try to run "irw" (after starting lircd) irw just causes lircd to stop running, any ideas? | 07:36 |
Parmenion | ejupin: follow the howto i linked to | 07:36 |
ny00123 | Well, I've got it ~66% of the times with my app; but I remember a few occurances with different apps as well. | 07:36 |
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Parmenion | its the one i followed to get my broadcom card to work | 07:36 |
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Nergar | help my dns crashed! | 07:36 |
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|chiz| | wow I just had to dpkg-reconfigure my live-cd :( | 07:36 |
Nergar | don't know how to fix it | 07:37 |
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|chiz| | for xserver-xorg | 07:37 |
isomalt | h ? | 07:37 |
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Ademan | Nergar: do you have earthink? | 07:37 |
sexcopter8000m | sorry, i know this isn't specifically ubuntu related, but i have some spare laptop ram which is ddr2 533 and a laptop which apparently takes ddr 333. can i put the ram in or will it go "pop"? | 07:37 |
Ademan | cause it's always goin on on me | 07:37 |
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isomalt | was iss ? | 07:37 |
Nergar | Ademan, no, i'm mexican | 07:37 |
ejupin | parmenion: thanks but i cant get online with that box., I need to find the way I did it yesteday with bcm43xx.. | 07:37 |
|chiz| | sexcopter8000m: that won't work | 07:38 |
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Parmenion | ejupin: sorry mate, its 0137 hrs now and Ive got school tommorrow .... night. sorry i couldnt be of any help then =( | 07:38 |
Cyrus25801 | I need a program that converts a dvd to avi. one that actually works | 07:38 |
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Parmenion | you managed to get those native drivers to work? | 07:38 |
|Death| | whats the best way to resize a linux partition?? and is there some way to avoid having to reinstall the loader?? | 07:38 |
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Tarkus | what is linux good for if someone was to work with computers using the Linux OS? (OSX is good for GFX/Media, Windows for Games/Buisiness)? | 07:38 |
osotogari | coming at you from a newly upgraded Feisty, but one problem, my external hard drive is now appearing twice on my Desktop | 07:38 |
maurikie | ola | 07:38 |
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Jack31 | whats the link for NTFS 3g read write? | 07:38 |
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Cyrus25801 | ? | 07:39 |
Jack31 | !NTFS | 07:39 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:39 |
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maurikie | ay alguien que hable espaol?? | 07:39 |
Jack31 | !ntfs-3g | 07:39 |
Parmenion | windows is not good for business contrary to expectations | 07:39 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 07:39 |
Pici | |Death|: The easiest way would be to use gparted. Its on the liveCD. | 07:39 |
haru | Jack31, aptitude install ntfs-3g | 07:39 |
Parmenion | now, i really need to sleep! | 07:39 |
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Pici | !es | maurikie | 07:39 |
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ubotu | maurikie: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:39 |
Parmenion | night guys ! | 07:39 |
sgtmattbaker | would 40 KB/s upload w/ bit torrent be slowing my internet speeds down drastically? (I have max 512 KB/s upload) | 07:39 |
Ranpha1 | tarkus linux is good for everthing | 07:39 |
|chiz| | Tarkus: I like it for programming and every day stuff, but not for games | 07:39 |
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Parmenion | heck :P | 07:39 |
bobbyz | |Death|: look at the gparted website. They have a live cd tailored specifically for partition editing/resizing...though as always backup your data first | 07:39 |
Parmenion | ill leave this baby on | 07:39 |
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maurikie | ay alguien que hable espaish?? | 07:39 |
maurikie | spanish | 07:39 |
Parmenion | im away alright peeps | 07:39 |
Parmenion | sorry ejupin | 07:39 |
Esteth | hello all. i tried ubuntu back in the 6.06 days, and it failed to work with my wireless card. now that 7.07 is here, i'm having another go. from the liveCD, i click the network button at the top right, and the SSID of the network appears with a blank bar. i click the network SSID, and enter my 64 bit wep hex code and click ok. when i mouseover the network icon (which is now a swirly whooshy... | 07:39 |
Esteth | ...thingy :P), it says "waiting for network key for the wireless LINKSYS_blah" then it fails to connect after about a minuite and the icon returns to the default network icon. any help? | 07:39 |
sgtmattbaker | although I haven't until now capped the amount of users.. although I had the upload capped | 07:39 |
Esteth | ps: sorry for the wall of text | 07:39 |
Pici | maurikie: /j #ubuntu-es | 07:39 |
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Nergar | so anyone can help me with this? | 07:40 |
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sexcopter8000m | |chiz|, ok thanks for the answer... i was just being optimistic :p | 07:40 |
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Ranpha1 | Esteth try ndiswrapper...you have a boradcomm chipset i think | 07:40 |
|Death| | Pici so I cant just put in the boot cd and run that?? it will automatically put the loader back? | 07:40 |
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ubuntu_ | hi ppl | 07:41 |
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GE | sexcopter800m: in my experience w/ your ram question, as long as the sockets are the same, it should just run at the lower mhz rating | 07:41 |
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dabaR | LjL: Thank you very much. | 07:41 |
scrocco | hi, how do I tell grub he must use the menu.lst on hda2 instead of the one on hda3 ? | 07:41 |
Esteth | Ranpha: ok, ill look into that. should i attempt to rip the driver files straight out of windows, or should i use the ones on the CD i got with the RALink card i have installed? | 07:41 |
Pici | |Death|: Are you just trying to get grub back? | 07:41 |
osotogari | coming at you from a newly upgraded Feisty, but one problem, my external hard drive is now appearing twice on my Desktop | 07:42 |
=== iratik [n=itariki@adsl-75-44-237-46.dsl.spfdmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pici | !grub | |Death| | 07:42 |
ubotu | |Death|: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:42 |
Ranpha1 | Esteth: Download or copy form a cd the normal windows drivers *.inf file etc. Then use ndiswrapper and install the windows driver. google ndiswrapper for more detials | 07:42 |
|Death| | pici I havent done it yet.. I just want to resize the partition linux is on | 07:42 |
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Nergar | my DNS crashed! please help my | 07:43 |
Nergar | me* | 07:43 |
iratik | oh god | 07:43 |
Esteth | Ranpha1: okey, i'll try that then :) thanks a bunch | 07:43 |
iratik | Nergar: whats a matter ? | 07:43 |
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Captai1 | is anyone running feisty with a broadcom wireless card? | 07:43 |
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bobbyz | Nergar: you gotta learn to be specific with your questions. "Something's wrong, help!" doesn't work | 07:43 |
Nergar | iratik, i can't connect to anything, the only thing that woks is IRC | 07:43 |
Esteth | Captai1: i'm attempting to now, with not-so-good results so far | 07:43 |
Pici | |Death|: The LiveCD contains a program called GParted which can easily (graphically) resize your partitions | 07:43 |
iratik | reitterate "anything" ? | 07:44 |
ejupin | captail: i was until this morning :( | 07:44 |
|Death| | great gonna try it now | 07:44 |
Parmenion_Sleep | ok, good night guys | 07:44 |
Parmenion_Sleep | sorry again ejupin | 07:44 |
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ejupin | no problem.. | 07:44 |
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ejupin | i should have written it down, my fault | 07:44 |
Pici | !away > Parmenion_Sleep | 07:44 |
hellhound | hi | 07:44 |
Fylk | Hey guys, I'm having an issue with video overlay and beryl. | 07:44 |
edisch | i have problems at first boot on ubuntu 7.04 | 07:44 |
iratik | Pici: Is there any risk of losing data when resizing windows partitions with GPartEd | 07:45 |
iratik | ? | 07:45 |
edisch | here are a screen | 07:45 |
deviate_this | Does anyone know how I can add a file to the ubuntu install disk without causing it to fail? | 07:45 |
iratik | Fylk: #beryl | 07:45 |
hellhound | Could someone help me please? | 07:45 |
edisch | http://www.blackrose-servers.de/screen.jpg <-- the sec. fsck | 07:45 |
iratik | !ask | 07:45 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:45 |
bobbyz | iratik: there is *always* risk of losing data when resizing partitions...you should always backup data first | 07:45 |
hellhound | ok | 07:45 |
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Parmenion_Sleep | oh dear, sorry Pici ... i just was playing with the away thingy | 07:45 |
Fylk | Iratik: I'm there already. Its an issue likely specific to ubuntu. The video overlay is crashing on load. | 07:45 |
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Parmenion_Sleep | and im not just running on freenode | 07:45 |
Parmenion_Sleep | sorry again, night | 07:46 |
GE | I'm trying to make LIRC work with my Audigy 2 ZS remote, I am able to cat the /dev address, but whenever I try to run "irw" (after starting lircd) irw just causes lircd to stop running, any ideas? | 07:46 |
hellhound | what package I need to install to see the info files for the libc API reference | 07:46 |
hellhound | ?? | 07:46 |
iratik | Can someone provide me a link for a page describe wine , vmware etc... different windows emulation /vm options ? | 07:46 |
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Nergar | iratik, if i ping google.com it times out, but if i ping google's ip i have a response, Irc is working and also utorrent, but can't connect to any webpage or another irc network | 07:46 |
Pici | iratik: I've never had an issue resizing a windows parition | 07:46 |
walkintome | hi--does anyone know how to install and change the default font in feisty? | 07:46 |
hellhound | I did installed the manpage-dev package | 07:46 |
Captai1 | ejupin, why this morning? | 07:46 |
iratik | Nergar: can't browse the web ? | 07:46 |
Captai1 | im confused, it says theres a bcm43XX module loaded and the wireless assistant seems to recognise the driver but it won't connect to my home network | 07:46 |
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Nergar | iratik, no | 07:47 |
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hellhound | what package I need to install to see the info files for the libc API reference? | 07:47 |
Shadow_X | where does X keep its log files? | 07:47 |
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CZyBPh0 | hi | 07:47 |
izmeizbry | hi | 07:47 |
yellow_sharpie | hello | 07:47 |
izmeizbry | hello | 07:47 |
CZyBPh0 | je tu nejaky Cech ? | 07:47 |
izmeizbry | idk | 07:47 |
etienne_ | hi | 07:47 |
CZyBPh0 | :) | 07:47 |
izmeizbry | hi | 07:47 |
yellow_sharpie | no sorry | 07:47 |
CZyBPh0 | bo slovak ? | 07:47 |
izmeizbry | ummmmmm no | 07:48 |
hellhound | what package do I need to install to see the info files for the libc API reference? | 07:48 |
punsub | #ubuntu-in | 07:48 |
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Captai1 | so nobody has had success with feisty/broadcom wireless setup? | 07:48 |
Alam_Ubuntu | hellhound, manpages-dev? | 07:48 |
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izmeizbry | surely somebody has | 07:48 |
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sgtmattbaker | hey.. why is linuxtracker.org showing my IP address in my profile?! | 07:48 |
hellhound | uhu | 07:48 |
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hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: I had already installed that one | 07:49 |
Alam_Ubuntu | manpages-dev? | 07:49 |
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Captai1 | does anyone mind if i just cry in the corner? | 07:49 |
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izmeizbry | it's your party cry if you want to | 07:49 |
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Alam_Ubuntu | hellhound, manpages-dev? glibc-doc? | 07:50 |
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hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: uhu, manpages-dev | 07:50 |
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luis_ | hola | 07:50 |
hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: but I cannot invoke the reference with this command: | 07:51 |
hellhound | info libc | 07:51 |
izmeizbry | hola chicas | 07:51 |
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intrepidsilence | finally founf an answer about IDE/SCSI merge in 2.6.19 + with poor performance on IDE drives | 07:51 |
intrepidsilence | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/94981 | 07:51 |
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Alam_Ubuntu | hellhound, manpages-dev have files like this "/usr/share/man/man3/fscanf.3.gz" all the c functions | 07:51 |
intrepidsilence | looks like you need to disable using the new pata ata_piix driver if you system is using it and not setting the DMA level to the proper level | 07:51 |
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hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: theres no index? | 07:52 |
Alam_Ubuntu | no | 07:52 |
Nergar | so can anybody help me? | 07:52 |
Tarkus | Ranpha1: you said linux is good for everything? even multimedia? i cant seem to find a decent Non-linear Video Editing OSS for linux atm. looking for an easy to use, fairly complex system to edit audio/video. | 07:52 |
hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: hmmm | 07:52 |
Alam_Ubuntu | just "man function" | 07:52 |
hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: ok | 07:52 |
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appopson | There is a way to modified / partition without loosing data? | 07:53 |
hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: g++ has an index | 07:53 |
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appopson | Thanks for help | 07:53 |
intrepidsilence | l8r all | 07:53 |
hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: info lib | 07:53 |
Combatjuan | Hello everyone. Question: Is it possible to re-parent a process? How? | 07:53 |
hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: info libg | 07:53 |
|Death| | pici I started the gparted and it stops resizing the partition when I click on apply... it should be unmounted right?? cause I think something keeps automounting everything | 07:53 |
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mjr | Combatjuan, no, only reparenting is done to init if original parent dies | 07:53 |
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Ranpha1 | Tarkus : i would says try google for it. otherwise packages.debian.org (these packages are also in ubuntu) But mulitmeida works fine. I got mplayer and it plays 99% and mp3 i got xmms. Leave totem for what it is and don't touch it | 07:53 |
Alam_Ubuntu | hellhound, cool, never known that | 07:54 |
Pici | |Death|: Yes, you may need to manually unmount it first. `sudo umount /mnt/mountpoint` | 07:54 |
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Combatjuan | mjr: Bummer. I started mysqld from my ssh bash session (long story). Is there any way I can keep that process running when I log out? | 07:54 |
haru | is there an IM that supports sending files to gtalk ?? | 07:54 |
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agentnewb | haru: what is gtalk? | 07:55 |
haru | agentnewb, google talk | 07:55 |
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slestak | is there a way i can lock my install to edgy, so adept will stop alerting me to feisty's arrival? i do not want to dist-upgrade this machine for a while. | 07:55 |
Combatjuan | haru: Gaim and kopete can't? | 07:55 |
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|Death| | Pici I get command not found | 07:55 |
haru | Combatjuan, sadly no :'( | 07:55 |
haru | Combatjuan, libjingle isnt implemented yet | 07:55 |
Combatjuan | haru: I guess I did read that. | 07:56 |
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hellhound | Alam_Ubuntu: yeah, but that doesn't help me much :P | 07:56 |
Pici | |Death|: Are you sure you are spelling it correctly? Its umount not unmount | 07:56 |
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kyle__ | hey all, wondering if there are any WYSIWYG HTML editors for Ubuntu 7.4 | 07:56 |
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|Death| | Pici yeah I spelled it wrong | 07:56 |
|Death| | trying it now | 07:56 |
lomez | hey, my friend wants to install ubuntu but he doesnt have a cdburner. any free cd-burning programs on WinXP anyone can think of? | 07:56 |
haru | is there an IM that supports sending files to google talk ?? | 07:56 |
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Combatjuan | haru: http://www.google.com/talk/otherclients.html | 07:57 |
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Combatjuan | haru: But apparently it is lying. I've never heard of psi but it's worth a shot. | 07:57 |
haru | Combatjuan, i am looking for beta builds | 07:57 |
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haru | Combatjuan, psi ahs implemented voice.. not files | 07:57 |
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haru | Combatjuan, it supports libjingle in 11 beta | 07:58 |
kyle__ | lomez: if they dont physically have a cdburner then it wont burn. | 07:58 |
fritz | hi | 07:58 |
lomez | no i know :) they have a cdburner just no program | 07:58 |
haru | Combatjuan, moreover u cannot winex/wine gtalk.. so thats not an option either | 07:58 |
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lomez | and i am unfamiliar now with Windows burning programs | 07:58 |
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kyle__ | lomez: you can get burners nowaday at any computer stores | 07:59 |
lomez | and kyle_, i think NVU works for 7.4, thats WYSIWYG | 07:59 |
Jipson23 | hello, im new to ubuntu, can i install my windows kernel in ubuntu? | 07:59 |
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Combatjuan | lomez: There are a few free ones but I've always had trouble with them. they best bet for a one-off like that is a trial version of Nero. | 07:59 |
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kyle__ | oh lomez, you can get a trial of Alcohol 120% for Windows at www.alcohol-soft.com | 07:59 |
Combatjuan | lomez: Also, there are cygwin builds of cdrecord and the like, but I've never used them. | 07:59 |
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gharz | guys... my graphic card is intel 85XX and i'm using driver i810...how do i upgrade my glx to 1.3? my current version is only 1.2... please help | 07:59 |
haru | is there an IM that supports sending files to google talk ?? | 07:59 |
|Death| | Pici am I doing something wrong?? i unmounted the partitions sudo umount /dev/sda1 but when I start up gparted it mounts it agian | 07:59 |
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lomez | hmm, thank you | 07:59 |
Jaymac | thunderbird 2 keeps freezing on me | 08:00 |
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Hausberg | it seems that the version 2.6.20 kernel has problems with joysticks having more than 16 buttons? | 08:00 |
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leroi | how do i play .mkv files in ubuntu? | 08:00 |
Hausberg | is there a solution? | 08:00 |
kyle__ | lomez- i used the alcohol 120 for my distro (7.4) and it works fine. very save and easy to use. | 08:00 |
haru | leroi, try mplayer | 08:00 |
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haru | leroi, just get the gstreamer-plugins-bad and ugly | 08:00 |
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leroi | haru, do the codecs for mkv come standard | 08:00 |
walkintome | hey al--anyone know a good os x theme for feisty? | 08:01 |
haru | leroi, afaik they do | 08:01 |
CZyBPh0 | porad zadny CZech ? 8) | 08:01 |
gpm | ah mplayer, solution to everything | 08:01 |
Jipson23 | if i dont get an answer to my question i will DELETE ubuntu from my drive and curse it everywhere | 08:01 |
walkintome | i have a them now, but for some reason it wont skin the top bar | 08:01 |
Combatjuan | Jipson23 | 08:01 |
ompaul | !cz | 08:01 |
ubotu | esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme. | 08:01 |
kyle__ | Where can I locate NVU in the Add/Remove Applications, or is it even in there? | 08:01 |
Jaymac | Jipson23, you want to install a WINDOWS kernel? | 08:01 |
leroi | haru, afaik what does that mean? | 08:01 |
haru | leroi, as far as i know | 08:01 |
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gpm | oh no, jipson's going to curse us!!! | 08:02 |
haru | lol | 08:02 |
Jipson23 | yes, will a windows kernel make my ubuntu more like windows? | 08:02 |
Hausberg | I have old kernel from edgy - I tried to boot feisty on it but it complained from wrong nvidia drivers - is there a way to update those and boot feisty to 2.6.17-10 kernel | 08:02 |
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gpm | Jipson23: no, it won't work | 08:02 |
brainiac_ghost | is there a torrent for feisty? | 08:02 |
hagabaka | why does aptitude use ~ in its search syntax? it's the same kind of bad choice as Windows using \ as path delimiter | 08:02 |
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gpm | all the programs in ubuntu make use of the linux kernel | 08:02 |
haru | Jipson23, why would you make ubuntu look like windows | 08:02 |
|Death| | Pici am I doing something wrong?? i unmounted the partitions sudo umount /dev/sda1 but when I start up gparted it mounts it agian | 08:02 |
leroi | haru, thanks ill let you know if it works here in a minute | 08:02 |
gpm | you can't use a non-linux kernel | 08:02 |
yellow_sharpie | why go back to Windoze?!?! | 08:02 |
lomez | yes there is a torrent for feisty brainiac_ghost, it should be on the ubuntu site | 08:02 |
haru | leroi, :) | 08:02 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 08:02 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:02 |
Combatjuan | Jipson23: You can't install a Windows kernel on linux, but you could probably virtualize Windows. You probably don't want to do either. What is your goal? | 08:02 |
walkintome | anyone know a good window border os x theme? | 08:02 |
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brainiac_ghost | lomez: i can't find it :( | 08:02 |
Pici | |Death|: I'm not sure whats happening then, try asking the channel. Sorry. | 08:03 |
kyle__ | In a world without walls, who needs Windows? | 08:03 |
Jipson23 | because i love windows and want my linux to act like windows | 08:03 |
gpm | walkintome: glossyp on art.gnome.org or gnome-look.org i think | 08:03 |
lomez | uhm let me find one one sec | 08:03 |
walkintome | gpm: coool..ill check it out | 08:03 |
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haru | Jipson23, install windows | 08:03 |
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Jipson23 | windows rules | 08:03 |
ompaul | Jipson23, may I strongly suggest you stop trolling the channel now thanks :) | 08:03 |
preaction | Jipson23: if you love windows, why aren't you using windows? ubuntu is ubuntu, ubuntu is not windows | 08:03 |
lomez | Jipson23, you probably shouldnt switch to Ubuntu | 08:03 |
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brainiac_ghost | aha | 08:04 |
gharz | guyz, does any know how to make my ubuntu desktop same with mac/apple? | 08:04 |
lomez | Linux is not Windows, you may be interested in ReactOS which is an open source collaboration to basically remake Windows | 08:04 |
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Jipson23 | why dont you like windows? | 08:04 |
yellow_sharpie | Jipson23: Why make Gates more money by promoting Windows? | 08:04 |
Jaymac | Jipson23, we like Linux. | 08:04 |
haru | gharz, try ubuntuguide | 08:04 |
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Hausberg | is there a way to get feisty run on 2.6.17-10 kernel? | 08:04 |
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gharz | HaroonK-LON, | 08:04 |
haru | gharz, theres a section to make buntu look like mac | 08:04 |
gpm | walkintome: sorry, i meant metativo: http://art.gnome.org/search.php?search_type=all&search_text=metativo&sort_by=name&limit=12&order=DESC | 08:04 |
gharz | haru, thanks | 08:04 |
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gpm | walkintome: i like the older one | 08:04 |
yellow_sharpie | As an OS it is fine, but the cost, hardware requirements, registration etc we can do without | 08:05 |
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lomez | Jipson23, there's a lot of reasons I don't like Windows. It's insecure, less powerful, and has a lot of security flaws. Plus, it's closed source so we can't play with it. | 08:05 |
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tonyr1988 | I'm having problems with Java programming in Eclipse with Feisty. Particularly, it won't let me "import java.util.Scanner" Anyone else having this problem? | 08:05 |
preaction | he was banned / kicked, guys | 08:05 |
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Agrajag | don't feed the trolls, guys | 08:05 |
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walkintome | gpm: how od i install this? | 08:05 |
lomez | brainiac_ghost, i found a download mirror, would that work instead of a torrent? | 08:05 |
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brainiac_ghost | lomez it's just my PC is buggy | 08:05 |
gpm | walkintome: extract the tarball into ~/.themes, irrc | 08:05 |
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haru | walkintome, if its a theme.. goto preferences .. themes and install theme | 08:06 |
brainiac_ghost | lomez: i'll just use wget and wget -c | 08:06 |
gpm | walkintome: yeah, haru's method is easier | 08:06 |
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leroi | haru, well it didnt work in mplayer but worked like a charm in VLC, which i like better anyways | 08:06 |
haru | :) | 08:06 |
Midazolam | hello, i need your help. i deselected the restricted nvidia drivers tab (cause i wanted to install newer ones manually). now it boots and the screen is white | 08:06 |
lomez | that works | 08:06 |
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gpm | it didn't always work though | 08:06 |
haru | leroi, good for u :) | 08:06 |
lomez | brainiac_ghost, here's a torrent for the DVD http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/1141286/Ubuntu_Feisty_Fawn_7_04_DVD | 08:06 |
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b_9 | my sound doesn't wake up with the rest of my m1710 laptop in edgy? | 08:06 |
Midazolam | what should i do? i dont have any graphical surface. | 08:06 |
z0man | Is it ok to install nvidia's linux drivers on Ubuntu 7.04? | 08:06 |
brainiac_ghost | lomez: I like the CD :) | 08:06 |
b_9 | any to restart it without restarting the computer? | 08:06 |
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gpm | z0man: it's ok | 08:06 |
lomez | ok | 08:06 |
Combatjuan | I'm using fglrx with my Radeon XPRESS 200M. I get ~700fps on glxgears. This seems quite low to me so I'm wondering if it is working correctly (perhaps dri isn't working?). Can anyone confirm numbers in that order of magnitude? | 08:06 |
agentnewb | z0man: that is what I did | 08:06 |
gpm | z0man: use the restricted manager thingy though...system->administration | 08:06 |
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haru | b_9, using alsa? | 08:06 |
walkintome | gpm: its not changing the theme even though its installed | 08:07 |
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gpm | walkintome: did you select the theme? | 08:07 |
sean | can someone help a new, its probably a quick answer from you guys | 08:07 |
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ndee | does anyone use "wink"? Somehow, it doesn't record when I press the buttons? | 08:07 |
tonyr1988 | sean: what's your question? | 08:07 |
sean | im trying to remap my apple(command) key on a apple ibook to work like a ctrl key | 08:07 |
Combatjuan | sean: What's your question? | 08:07 |
walkintome | gpm: yes i did | 08:07 |
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agentnewb | z0man: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential gcc gcc-3.4 xserver-xorg-dev sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common sudo rm /etc/init.d/nvidia-* sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9629-pkg1.run | 08:07 |
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z0man | resticted manger causes wierd refresh rates and I tried to fix it with "reconfigure xserver-xorg" and i am still not saisfied :( | 08:07 |
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sean | im trying to follow these instructions : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13640 | 08:07 |
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sean | i was wondering if someone could help explain it | 08:07 |
z0man | I want to use Nvidia's like have on SUSE before | 08:07 |
gpm | walkintome: weird...that shouldn't happen. is there a metativo folder in ~/.themes? (ls ~/.themes in the terminal) | 08:07 |
sean | xmodmap, etc... | 08:07 |
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z0man | thx for verifiying its ok | 08:08 |
haru | sean, what are you trying t do? | 08:08 |
Midazolam | whats the command for installing nvidia drivers via console? | 08:08 |
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lomez | brainiac_ghost, i think i found it. http://www.btmon.com/Applications/Unsorted/Ubuntu_7.04_Feisty_Fawn_PC_Intel_x86_Desktop_CD_Final_Release.torrent.html | 08:08 |
haru | sean, just find out what ur apple key maps to using xmod | 08:08 |
sean | make my apple key work like a ctrl key | 08:08 |
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wasabi_ | I have somehow managed to mount a CIFS filesystem, which I cannot umount. | 08:08 |
lomez | thats the final CD | 08:08 |
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sean | i dont know what xmod is | 08:08 |
sean | can i open the console | 08:09 |
wasabi_ | admin@pony:~$ sudo umount /mnt | 08:09 |
wasabi_ | This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems. | 08:09 |
sean | and type a command? | 08:09 |
agentnewb | apple key? lol | 08:09 |
walkintome | gpm: i enters that and it just told me that was a directory..i dont know how to open it | 08:09 |
haru | sean, run xmod in console | 08:09 |
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walkintome | gmp yes it shows up | 08:09 |
sean | it says command not found | 08:09 |
herbaliser | can anybody tell me how to create a mount point that i can access using normal user? newbie | 08:09 |
brainiac_ghost | lomez: thanks | 08:09 |
gpm | walkintome: try this in the terminal: find ~/.themes|grep -i metativo | 08:09 |
walkintome | gpm: yes is shows up | 08:09 |
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sean | haru... how do I open xmod in the console? | 08:10 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: run xev and press the Apple key. You should see a keycode show up in the Terminal. | 08:10 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: If it can't find xev, then run "sudo apt-get install xev" | 08:10 |
haru | sean, just type xmodmap | 08:10 |
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haru | sean, alternately try tonyr1988 method :) | 08:10 |
walkintome | gpm: it wont skin the window borders | 08:10 |
gpm | walkintome: well, the theme might be broken then....don't know what to tell you. sorry. you could try installing another...poke around art.gnome.org or gnome-look.org...lots of good themes there | 08:10 |
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Combatjuan | herbaliser: What file system are you mounting? If I recall correctly, you can edit /etc/fstab. In the options column, add "user". | 08:10 |
sean | im installing xev... | 08:10 |
sean | its already newest version | 08:11 |
=== Seiphas [n=omghax@bas5-toronto01-1178064929.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
walkintome | gpm: no theme i choose skins the window border | 08:11 |
tonyr1988 | haru: I didn't know if all Apple keys were the same code....if so, then my steps are worthless :D | 08:11 |
haru | tonyr1988, much too console output using xev for the first time | 08:11 |
herbaliser | ext3 | 08:11 |
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Seiphas | OK. I just installed 7zip, yet for the life of me, can't figure out how to run in | 08:11 |
tonyr1988 | sean: can you run xev in the Terminal? | 08:11 |
herbaliser | i created a directory but i think i have to change the permissions on that directory for the user | 08:11 |
Seiphas | *it | 08:11 |
kyle__ | Anyone able to tell me where I can locate the installer for NVU | 08:11 |
haru | tonyr1988, well windows ones are.. so expect em with apple too :) | 08:11 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: A little black box should pop up and things should be printed in the Terminal. | 08:11 |
sean | tony | 08:11 |
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sean | yea | 08:11 |
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@203-217-12-139.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sean | exzacty as you described | 08:11 |
sean | what am I looking for on that? | 08:12 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Press your Apple key. It should print some more stuff. | 08:12 |
bgrupe | Seiphas: it is integrated in file-roller, konqueror, krusader and other apps of that kind | 08:12 |
dyrne | herbaliser: sudo chown user:group dir/ the group is usually the username as well | 08:12 |
gpm | walkintome: that's weird...you might want to try logging out and then back in...maybe your window manager is freaking out. | 08:12 |
Seiphas | I see | 08:12 |
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walkintome | well, ive noticed it neevr applies them | 08:12 |
sean | ok | 08:12 |
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sean | ill paste what it says | 08:12 |
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walkintome | gpm: ive noticed i tneevr applies them--im wondering if i applied a setting to disable window skinning? | 08:12 |
gpm | walkintome: like, ever since you installed ubuntu? | 08:12 |
haru | sean, use pastebin | 08:12 |
sean | what is that/ | 08:12 |
walkintome | gpm: it used ot but it stopped | 08:12 |
haru | !pastebin sean | 08:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebin sean - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:13 |
haru | !pastebin | 08:13 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:13 |
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gpm | walkintome: by skin, you mean themes, right? | 08:13 |
Seiphas | archive manager still can't open it | 08:13 |
sean | !pastebin | 08:13 |
walkintome | yeah | 08:13 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Does it say "(keysym 0xffe3, Control_L)" anywhere when you press your Apple key? | 08:13 |
walkintome | gpm: yes | 08:13 |
=== Esteth [n=chatzill@82-41-126-112.cable.ubr01.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agentnewb | !haru | 08:13 |
bobbyz | herbaliser: are you talking about mounting a unix partition (linux or other) and having user access to the mount point, or a windows partition? If it is a windows partition, you'll want to add uid/gid/umask etc. entries to your /etc/fstab | 08:13 |
Dylan_THC | @@ | 08:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about haru - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:13 |
haru | agentnewb, :S | 08:13 |
sean | haru | 08:13 |
sean | what do i type exzactly?? | 08:13 |
walkintome | gpm: the preview window for my theme shows everyhting perfect, but the top border stays the same | 08:13 |
haru | sean, pastebin is a site where u can paste large segments of output w/o dirtying the irc channel | 08:14 |
=== DaveG| [n=dgoodson@82-47-197-238.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Fracture | Hi. I am intalling feisty on a system with LVM2 partitions. When I choose 'manual' partioning, then choose activate existing partitions, the installer just hangs | 08:14 |
Ultima | Hey, im just about to download ubuntu for the first time, just wondering what one i should get for my desk top pc "E6600, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD" i would like it to host "basic" html sites etc also can desktop version do that or do i need to get the server one ? | 08:14 |
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gpm | walkintome: i'm not sure we're talking about the same thing...how exactly are you changing themes? | 08:14 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Does it say Control_L anywhere in the Terminal output when you press the Apple key? | 08:14 |
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walkintome | gpm: im going to systerm>preferences>theme | 08:14 |
agentnewb | fracture: does grub work on that sort of partition? | 08:14 |
DaveG| | hey can anyone give me a link to the nvidia driver install for ubuntu? i need to reinstall it and i can't get into the x server | 08:14 |
agentnewb | fracture: how come you don't prefer ext2 or ext3? | 08:14 |
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Seiphas | archive manager still can't open rar files | 08:14 |
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sean | mabey this can helkp | 08:15 |
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Esteth | hmm, im trying to setup ndisrwrapper for an RT2500 wireless card, but the wikidocs page for ndiswrapper doesn't list package downloads for fiesty. what should i download? | 08:15 |
agentnewb | DaveG| google linux nvidia its first one | 08:15 |
sean | Apple Key --> keycode 115 | 08:15 |
sean | Ctrl Key --> keycode 37 | 08:15 |
walkintome | gpm: i fixed it | 08:15 |
DaveG| | agentnewb i cant. | 08:15 |
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DaveG| | i'm in console | 08:15 |
gpm | walkintome: what was the problem? | 08:15 |
agentnewb | ohh ok | 08:15 |
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walkintome | under gl desktop, metasticy theme of somethign similar wasnt checked | 08:15 |
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Seiphas | I think feisty can run an rt2500 natively | 08:15 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Close your Terminal. Open Text Editor. | 08:15 |
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jean_ | Hi | 08:15 |
Seiphas | I used to do it with mine LO | 08:15 |
walkintome | gpm: under gl desktop, metasticy theme of somethign similar wasnt checked | 08:15 |
Seiphas | *:P | 08:15 |
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sean | tony, done | 08:15 |
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agentnewb | daveG| for what architecture? seriously should get a text browser | 08:15 |
herbaliser | bobbyz talking about mounting a linux parition and have user access to the mount point | 08:15 |
tonyr1988 | sean: One second | 08:16 |
gpm | cool | 08:16 |
herbaliser | vfstab is for mounting at boot? | 08:16 |
Alam_Ubuntu | ok, metacity did not load up... why would this happend? I have no title bars or any control of my windows... | 08:16 |
jean_ | I have a problem | 08:16 |
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gpm | what's gl desktop? | 08:16 |
DaveG| | agentnewb x86 | 08:16 |
Seiphas | how do I run 7zip? | 08:16 |
OuZo | what do i need to install to get rid of this error: checking for GTK - version >= 1.2.0... no : configure: error: Test for GTK failed. | 08:16 |
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bobbyz | herbaliser: okay, then yes, chmod/chown will work fine | 08:16 |
thorty | hexy guys I m so flasht from the new ubuntu 7.04 | 08:16 |
thorty | very cool | 08:16 |
thorty | :D | 08:16 |
barteks | maybe you know why here isn't LuisRuaMorte by long time? | 08:16 |
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agentnewb | http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run | 08:16 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Go here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=63485&postcount=15 | 08:17 |
DaveG| | thank you | 08:17 |
crdlb | gpm: he's running compiz | 08:17 |
Esteth | Seiphas: i'm having trouble. my syslog reports: "WEXT: Driver did not support SIOCSIWAUTH for AUTH_ALG, trying SIOCSIWENCODE" then "Association request to the driver failed" | 08:17 |
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Ultima | Hey, im just about to download ubuntu for the first time, just wondering what one i should get for my desk top pc "E6600, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD" i would like it to host "basic" html sites etc also can desktop version do that or do i need to get the server one ? | 08:17 |
tonyr1988 | sean: You see those three lines? Copy / paste those into your Text Editor | 08:17 |
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Fracture | anyone seen my LVM issue ? | 08:17 |
ferronica | everytime when i start my computer i got this error after adding a new onboard LAN Motherboard ---> http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 08:17 |
haru | crdlb, wb | 08:17 |
gpm | crdlb: oh...a notable detail | 08:17 |
sean | ok | 08:17 |
Esteth | Ultima: the desktop one can do that, server is for dedicated servers | 08:17 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Make sure you have ONLY those three lines in there. | 08:17 |
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gpm | my help would've been much more efficient if he'd mentioned that | 08:17 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Save the file under your Home directory as .xmodmap (yes, type the period) | 08:17 |
herbaliser | ok bobbyz | 08:18 |
herbaliser | tnx | 08:18 |
haru | crdlb, any IM that would support sending files over gtalk.. even in beta? | 08:18 |
agentnewb | Ultima: preferably server one, and the ram to HD ratio depends on your traffic | 08:18 |
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sean | tony | 08:18 |
crdlb | haru: sorry, not a clue | 08:18 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Did it save alright? | 08:18 |
sean | the one that starts with "remove control"? | 08:18 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Yes | 08:18 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Three three ending in Control_L | 08:18 |
haru | :( | 08:19 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: *The three* | 08:19 |
sean | do i need to be on root? | 08:19 |
tonyr1988 | sean: No | 08:19 |
sean | yeah i got the three | 08:19 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Since it's your home directory, you control it. No need for sudo / root / etc | 08:19 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Save it as .xmodmap (period is important) under your Home directory and close Text Editor | 08:19 |
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sean | my home folder is where the desktop and and example folders are correct? | 08:19 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Yes | 08:19 |
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sean | ok | 08:19 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Open a Terminal and type "cd ~" | 08:20 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Then, in the Terminal, do "xmodmap .xmodmap" Does it say anything? | 08:20 |
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ferronica | everytime when i start my computer i got this error after adding a new onboard LAN Motherboard ---> http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 08:20 |
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sean | tony | 08:20 |
haru | is there an IM that supports sending files to google talk ?? | 08:20 |
sean | no it didnt | 08:20 |
sean | but it works :P | 08:20 |
tonyr1988 | sean: If it doesn't give you any errors, try to use your Apple key as your Control key | 08:20 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Not quite done yet | 08:20 |
sean | thank you, im sorry for being such a newb | 08:21 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Right now, you'd have to type that in every time you booted your computer. | 08:21 |
sean | oh | 08:21 |
tonyr1988 | sean: So......System >> Preferences >> Sessions | 08:21 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: You have Feisty or Edgy? | 08:21 |
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sean | feisty | 08:21 |
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Shadow_X | how the heck can an hp technician be so stupid!? | 08:21 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Under Sessions, you should be in the Startup Programs tab. | 08:21 |
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Shadow_X | Im sitting here asking him the Hsync and Vsync of my hp monitor | 08:21 |
Shadow_X | he's sitting here interrogating me on my computer | 08:22 |
sean | yes... it is | 08:22 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Click the New button. Type something for Name (like "Apple Key = Control Key") | 08:22 |
Shadow_X | "Am I to understand you have an externally instered nvidia card?" NO DUH SHERLOCK | 08:22 |
hume_ | hi....i have just installed mysql and phpmyadmin, and when I try to log in as root in phpmyadmin, i get the message that "www-data"@"localhost is denied access - anyone knows of this? | 08:22 |
tonyr1988 | sean: For command, type "xmodmap ~/.xmodmap" (no quotes) | 08:22 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Hit OK and Close. | 08:22 |
tonyr1988 | sean: You should be good to go after that. | 08:22 |
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sean | done | 08:22 |
sean | thanks | 08:22 |
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tonyr1988 | sean: Good luck! :D | 08:23 |
Shadow_X | anyone here got an hp vs15 lcd monitor? | 08:23 |
tonyr1988 | sean: Was there anything else? | 08:23 |
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|chiz| | Configuring Network interfaces hangs for a long time when I boot, anyone know how to fix it, I'm assuming it has something to do with the Network Manager | 08:23 |
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sean | um.. well i wanted to make ctrl-click be the right click, since i only got one mouse button on this laptop | 08:23 |
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sean | it was in a masume file or something... | 08:23 |
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sean | i put in two lines | 08:23 |
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ejupin | Need help with Buffalo Broadcom card please | 08:24 |
|Death| | what do I put in for start and end in gpart the command line version?? | 08:24 |
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HorizonXP | hey | 08:24 |
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sean | from: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-9189.html | 08:24 |
HorizonXP | any idea why the Feisty DVD torrent is so slow? | 08:24 |
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cylix | Does anyone know how to get the src-deps for the base stuff on the cdrom? | 08:25 |
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herbaliser | and if i want to mount an ntfs partition read-only ? mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/disk2 i get access denied | 08:25 |
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kazuka | hey | 08:25 |
sean | would it conflict with how i just set up the apple key? | 08:25 |
kazuka | how do i mount something with read and write? | 08:25 |
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Pici | herbaliser: You need to mount it using sudo. | 08:25 |
cylix | herbaliser, are you root or using sudo? | 08:25 |
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herbaliser | sudo | 08:25 |
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cylix | herbaliser, can you use sudo for normal admin things as well. Just making sure that is not the problem. | 08:26 |
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|Death| | does anyone know what I put in for start and end in gpart the command line version?? Im trying to shring the partition from 55.88GB to 25.04GB | 08:27 |
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herbaliser | it's perm problem on mount point sorry didn't see | 08:27 |
HorizonXP | !dual-boot | 08:27 |
ubotu | Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 08:27 |
Bill | I have a question. When I start up under Xgl, it either freezes or doesn't start up the animations. This problem started when I started trying to install my sound drivers. Can anyone help me? | 08:27 |
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py_ | hello | 08:28 |
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kazuka | how do i mount something so that users have read and write access? | 08:28 |
Laibsch | Where is the mysql password for debian-sys-maint stored? I needed to nuke my mysql user and privs file and now need to restore access permission for debian-sys-maint. | 08:28 |
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ciberskull | hi, witch widget engine do you recomend? | 08:29 |
cylix | Kazol, mount it read write and change the perms on the dir after to the perms you need. | 08:29 |
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Zamber | does ubuntu 7.04 livecd has the ntfsresize prog with a nice gui? | 08:29 |
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HorizonXP | if i wanna set up my PC to dual-boot with fresh install, what should I install first, Ubuntu, or WinXP? | 08:29 |
Andria | Hi all ... I try to modify gstreamer-properties, to run a 5.1kit. But, when i try to modify an element, and i close the windows, modification is not success, back default. Anyone can help me ? | 08:29 |
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luisgmarine | Hello, I've been trying to change my root password using the tutorial from ubunutu guide, but for some reason the password change doesn't go all the way through. It states I have a new password but the old one still remains the same. Is this a bug? I haven't been able to dig anything up about it on Ubuntu Forums | 08:29 |
cylix | kazuka, mount it read write and change the perms on the dir after to the perms you need. | 08:29 |
Lilacor | hi everyone | 08:29 |
kazuka | cylix, i need to mount a partition | 08:29 |
luisgmarine | HorizonXP, I would recommend win XP first | 08:29 |
Laibsch | Bill: This may or may not have anything to do with your problem. But whenever I hear freeze on ubuntu I'd make sure that "bin/sh does not point to dash. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash" | 08:29 |
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jagomez | hello, somebody use a Realtek High Definition Audio sound card? | 08:29 |
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Lilacor | kazuka: what sort of partition? | 08:30 |
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kazuka | ntfs | 08:30 |
PleegWat | I've installed some nautilus scripts for using SVN using the package manager, but they're not showing up | 08:30 |
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cylix | kazuka, an already mounted partion? | 08:30 |
GrEgMaYo | hi everybody, how do I know wich grafic engine do I use? | 08:30 |
HorizonXP | luisgmarine: install WinXP, leave space for Ubuntu, then use the Feisty DVD to install and go? | 08:30 |
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py_ | I just installed xubuntu feisty fawn on my T60p, but I can't get fglrx to work. X log ends with "fglrx(0): PreInitDAL failed". It used to work without a glitch with edgy. How can I fix it? | 08:30 |
kazuka | I need read access for user not just root for my NTFS partition | 08:30 |
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linuske | plop! | 08:30 |
jrib | !ntfs > kazuka (see the private message from ubotu) | 08:31 |
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Lilacor | kazuka: I think you might have to specify extra options when mounting the drive | 08:31 |
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luisgmarine | HorizonXP, if you can do that yes. Personally I had Win XP running and when I went to resize the partition to make space for Ubunut it took hours on end, and I just gave up and did a fresh install of Ubuntu on all my hdd. If you can install WinXP and still leave a good amoutn of space for Ubuntu then do that, it would make things a lot more easier :) | 08:31 |
Lilacor | !ntfs > lilacor | 08:31 |
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kazuka | Lilacor, what options? | 08:31 |
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leroi | haru, im in class right now so i didnt try the audio earlier but i realised that it is really soft even at 100% | 08:31 |
rohan | tsmithe: ping :) | 08:31 |
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kazuka | oops sorry i dont need ntfs writing i just need reading for my | 08:31 |
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Lilacor | kazuka: look at the man pages for ntfs-3g | 08:31 |
kazuka | partition | 08:31 |
kazuka | no no ntfs writing | 08:32 |
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kazuka | i just want reading | 08:32 |
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HorizonXP | luisgmarine: ok, will do. I want Ubuntu to be my primary OS, WinXP is only for some hardware development stuff; thanks | 08:32 |
leroi | haru, i saw some stuff about ac3 doing that in ubuntu but didnt see any quick fixes on my search of the web | 08:32 |
Horscht | !shourtcuts | 08:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about shourtcuts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:32 |
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Lilacor | kazuka: in that case you don't need ntfs-3g | 08:32 |
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jrib | kazuka: yes, see the link ubotu gave you. The extra options are listed there | 08:32 |
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haru | leroi, i really have no idea how to fix that tho :) | 08:32 |
Andria | kazuka, you can read hardrive all the time ... not ? | 08:32 |
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kazuka | !mount > kazuka | 08:32 |
luisgmarine | HorizonXP, yes you can set all that up once you install Ubuntu. Grub allows you to set up your default OS and all that sort of good things | 08:32 |
Lilacor | kazuka: just use linux's default ntfs mounting | 08:32 |
HUNRusty | hi all! | 08:32 |
herbaliser | if i mount the ntfs parition with sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /mnt/disk2 it changes the permissions on the /Mnt/disk2 | 08:32 |
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Lilacor | kazuka: then change the permissions on the mountpoint | 08:32 |
rohan | crimsun: thank you for your comment on my bug .. i've updated it with the info you require :) please look when possible - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/109882 | 08:32 |
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kazuka | thanks | 08:33 |
Andria | how can i modify gstreamer-properties ? | 08:33 |
adict | Hi everybody...I have a problem with Gaim or Pidgin now... is there someone willing to help? | 08:33 |
leroi | haru, damn but thanks for all the other help the hd really looks great i cant wait to get my new monitor next week and see how ti looks on that | 08:33 |
|chiz| | fixed the hanging, anyone wants to know how let me know | 08:33 |
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kazuka | i guess it is different for ubuntu and suse | 08:33 |
rohan | adict: gaim is still gaim in ubuntu feisty, not pidgin yet | 08:33 |
herbaliser | dr-x------ 1 root root 16384 2006-06-16 01:37 disk2 | 08:33 |
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jrib | herbaliser: what do you want to do? | 08:33 |
adict | could you help me? | 08:33 |
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haru | leroi, :) | 08:34 |
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herbaliser | read the ntfs partition under normal user | 08:34 |
jrib | !ntfs > herbaliser (see the private message from ubotu) | 08:34 |
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Andria | nobody know how i can modify gstreamer-properties ? | 08:34 |
herbaliser | ok didn't see sorry | 08:34 |
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jrib | herbaliser, kazuka: pay attention to the table in the "Editing Ubuntu's filesystem table" section | 08:35 |
HUNRusty | i've problem with sound! my laptop is a compaq presario v3000 my volume control is ok but there is no sound | 08:35 |
py_ | How can I install the version of fglrx used by edgy under feisty? | 08:35 |
HUNRusty | do you have any idea? | 08:35 |
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py_ | "Force version" in synaptic is greyed out and can't be cliqued | 08:36 |
agentnewb | py_: did you ever get 3d rendering going for that driver? oh and are you getting blank screen on start up? | 08:36 |
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klausos | does anyone know if a lifetech wireless keyboard + mouse PS2 works with ubuntu 7.04 ?? | 08:36 |
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agentnewb | klausos: try live cd with them? | 08:37 |
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py_ | agentnewb: yes, under edgy it works very well, under feisty it doesn't even start ((EE) fglrx(0): PreInitDAL failed). I'm typing using vesa driver at low resolution right now | 08:37 |
gils | i need some help with keyboard layout.....using a toshiba sattelite laptop the layout installed by default is allwrong | 08:37 |
herbaliser | will do jrib tnx for help | 08:37 |
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jrib | herbaliser: np, feel free to ask if something isn't clear | 08:37 |
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herbaliser | cu around going out for drink will read it later, weather to fine need duvel :) | 08:37 |
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agentnewb | py_: what model is your card? I tried getting it going on another comp and it never worked for 3d apps | 08:37 |
HorizonXP | !grub | 08:38 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:38 |
gharz | guys, what is the path of the wallpapers? | 08:38 |
gharz | i can't find it. | 08:38 |
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ferronica | everytime when i start my computer i got this error after adding a new onboard LAN Motherboard ---> http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 08:38 |
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herbaliser | find / -name filename -print | 08:38 |
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agentnewb | gharz: /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/ | 08:38 |
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klausos | agentnewb: i already have the ubuntu installed for a long a time, just want to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse, but i have no idea if that kind of things works fine | 08:38 |
py_ | agentnewb: lspci gives 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M56GL [Mobility FireGL V5250] , laptop is a Thinkpad T60p | 08:38 |
gharz | agentnewb, i'm using gnome. | 08:39 |
luisgmarine | klausos, have you tried a google search to see if anything has come up? | 08:39 |
zxguitar | hello | 08:39 |
fsancho | hi all | 08:39 |
Gecko | Hey there. I have some trouble with my nvidia based graphics in Feisty. When I launch a random game, X locks up everything but the mouse cursor when I exit the game. Is this a known bug? | 08:39 |
agentnewb | gharz: lol sorry | 08:39 |
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c0nf | o.o | 08:39 |
gharz | guys, what is the path for the gnome desktop wallpapers? | 08:39 |
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agentnewb | py_: oooh that's one of the new ones, perhaps they don't suck so bad as the older ATI cards. I'm still sticking to nvidia though | 08:39 |
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klausos | agentnewb: yes i did, u know, u write wireless on google, just cards, no keyboards, | 08:40 |
luisgmarine | gharz, I don't know the exact path, but I knwo you can find the options for it under System > Preferences > Desktop Background | 08:40 |
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agentnewb | py_: there is ati linux driver on their site however it doesn't configure xorg right you have to edit it some | 08:40 |
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gharz | thanks guys | 08:40 |
klausos | agentnewb: no problem, i hope to find someone using a wireless keyboard | 08:40 |
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py_ | agentnewb: well thats not a problem as long as it supports my card, as the older one did... I'll have a look | 08:41 |
luisgmarine | Gecko, do you have the the nvidia drivers properly installed? If so what game is that are you trying to run? | 08:41 |
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agentnewb | klausos: wireless keyboards take batteries and signal can be intercepted or manipulated. not to mention more airwave polution stopping wireless internet. So I never even bother with those | 08:41 |
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Bill | Okay, my graphics and beryl have been acting weird on me lately. This all seemed to start happenning when I tried to get my sound working. When I open firefox or terminal, the screen seems to glitch and just make a mess of everything. Seems my video card is offended by something I did. | 08:42 |
gils | i need some help. Running a Toshiba sattelite latptop, after feisty install the keyboard layout is not correct....any help | 08:42 |
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GrEgMaYo | guys how do I change my window manager? | 08:42 |
zxguitar | well people, this is my case, i have a Toshiba Satelite A135-S4427; i had ubuntu 6.10 and everything was great, my sound worked fine, but i upgraded to 7.04, the final release and my sound doesn't work | 08:42 |
idefixx | hi im thinking about migrating my tv computer to ubuntu. there is an old geforce4 mx in it. does the tv out work properly on that one? | 08:42 |
Gecko | luisgmarine: yes, they are properly installed. It doesn't matter what game I run - I've tried native games as well as emulated through Cedega. While they run fine, X locks up when I exit | 08:42 |
linxeh | is there a financial accounting app that can handle data my bank exports in MS money / Quicken format? | 08:42 |
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Dane_ | Can someone please suggest a well-designed, easy-to-use, GUI-based interface for setting up keyboard shortcuts? | 08:42 |
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ferronica | everytime when i start my computer i got this error after adding a new onboard LAN Motherboard ---> http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 08:43 |
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zxguitar | i have made many proves but i can't fix it | 08:43 |
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agentnewb | zxguitar: same thing happened to be except I failed the upgrade it still lists it as an option on the update manager. I'd recommend doing a fresh install to 7.04. That's what I'm doing | 08:43 |
Pelo | gils, open up a gedit windows and the keyboard layout applets is under menu > system > prefs | 08:43 |
luisgmarine | Dane_, System > Preferences > Kayboard Shorcuts | 08:43 |
zxguitar | i also did it | 08:43 |
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Dane_ | luisgmarine thanks | 08:43 |
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zxguitar | <agentnewb> i also did it | 08:43 |
locolbd | hello i have beryl install on my linux pc, wen i am workin in the terminal and i enter a command the window pops up in the background, i want it to pop up ontop the terminal....?can someone help? | 08:43 |
agentnewb | zxguitar: sure its not a headphones vs speaker muting issue? | 08:43 |
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Hoxx | i bought a new/bigger monitor, but i cant get the resolution any higher, how do i do it? | 08:44 |
omgthisis | I have a old Compaq pc i decided to have as a server so i installed it with the server edition. But after installation it just goes to GRUB and then back to flashy compaq logo then to GRUB then back to compaq logo and so on. So it doesnt start. Any idea on what i can do? | 08:44 |
=== SpaceBass [n=SP@static-71-251-230-6.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpaceBass | hey folks | 08:44 |
theilliniguy | I'm looking for a "hotkey" macro to script frequently used commands to alt or ctrl key combinations | 08:44 |
gils | pelo: done | 08:44 |
zxguitar | <agentnewb> lol, no me | 08:44 |
Bill | Okay, my graphics and beryl have been acting weird on me lately. This all seemed to start happenning when I tried to get my sound working. When I open firefox or terminal, the screen seems to glitch and just make a mess of everything. Seems my video card is offended by something I did. | 08:44 |
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SpaceBass | anyone got a reccomendation for a commandline ripping tool? | 08:44 |
zxguitar | <agentnewb> lol, no men, of course not | 08:44 |
hume_ | anyone got help? i try to log into mysql as root with phpmyadmin on feisty, but get the error "www-data denied access" | 08:44 |
SpaceBass | dvd ripping tool | 08:44 |
luisgmarine | locolbd, ask in #ubuntu-effects | 08:44 |
locolbd | ok | 08:44 |
Pelo | gils, second tab in the keyboard applets | 08:44 |
gils | yes yes | 08:44 |
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agentnewb | zxguitar: all those sound channels confuse the heck out of me usually | 08:44 |
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gils | which should i use for this laptop | 08:44 |
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luisgmarine | Bill, ask in #ubuntu-effects | 08:44 |
Pelo | gils, this will be trial and error, pick the right keybaord from the top and play around with the various languages in the bottom part | 08:45 |
rmz | hello | 08:45 |
zxguitar | <agentnewb> i am sure there is a bug with the satelites, many people is having the same, exactly the same problem | 08:45 |
idefixx | hume_: www_data usually is the user the webserver runs with. so im guessing you are not root | 08:45 |
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hume_ | idefixx, yes, well, i type "root" as the user to log in.... | 08:45 |
Pelo | gils, if you are lucky you have two keybaord languages listed in the big white field , try changing for the otherone | 08:45 |
theilliniguy | how do i set file associations in VLC so that dbl clik on file opens media files | 08:46 |
zxguitar | <agentnewb> the last i did was to boot with 6.10 and copy the settings | 08:46 |
rmz | Im newbie, where can I find gimp directories? I want copy some brush to it? | 08:46 |
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agentnewb | zxguitar: well mine is a dv9000t hp laptop but I didn't have headphone support so I manually installed alsa driver | 08:46 |
Hoxx | i bought a new/bigger monitor, but i cant get the resolution any higher, how do i do it? | 08:46 |
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luisgmarine | rmz, I don't know the answer but someone in #gimp might :0 | 08:46 |
Pelo | theilliniguy, pick a media file , rightclick properties open with | 08:46 |
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zxguitar | <agentnewb> i copied the config but nothing happens | 08:46 |
fsancho | my swap partition is mounted twice | 08:46 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, what resolution are you trying to get? | 08:46 |
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variant | fsancho: swap partitions are not mounted | 08:46 |
fsancho | first time by checkroot.sh and second time by mountall.sh | 08:46 |
Pelo | rmz, /home/user/.gimp , hit crtl h to view hiden files and folders | 08:47 |
agentnewb | zxguitar: does the 7.04 live cd sound work? | 08:47 |
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fsancho | variant: ok, my swap partition is activated twice | 08:47 |
hume_ | idefixx, seems the browser and phpmyadmin tries to access mysql as www-data..... should it? or should i change a setting somewhere? | 08:47 |
rmz | Pelo: thank you. | 08:47 |
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theilliniguy | Pelo VLC does not show up there?? | 08:47 |
zxguitar | <agentnewb> the most i have done is to make that the first sound work, you know, the tambors | 08:47 |
variant | fsancho: big deal.. doesn't affect anything adversly | 08:47 |
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zxguitar | <agentnewb> no, it didn't | 08:47 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: i have a wide screen so themonitor tried to put 1440x990 but in my ubuntu it goes only to 1024x768 | 08:47 |
idefixx | hume_: check the phpmyadmin.conf or howerver it was called | 08:47 |
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Pelo | theilliniguy, if vlc is instaled you can accesse it from that "other program" button | 08:47 |
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agentnewb | how come the self extracting java file doesn't work on ubuntu? | 08:48 |
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fsancho | variant: free says that I have double size of swap, that doesn't seem too sane | 08:48 |
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theilliniguy | Pelo yep its there thx | 08:48 |
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variant | fsancho: hmm. please pastebin the output of fdisk -l and /etc/fstab and free -m | 08:48 |
theilliniguy | Pelo will that set it permanently? | 08:48 |
idefixx | hume_: or for fun just try this 'mysql -u root -p' enter the root pw when asked and see if you get access | 08:48 |
zxguitar | <agentnewb> the most i have done is to make that the first sound work, you know, the tambors | 08:48 |
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Kasio | hello | 08:49 |
hume_ | idefixx, it's just an apache.conf, configuring access rules, but no user names | 08:49 |
Niklas_E | is there any way to update hotkey-setup_0.1-17ubuntu9_i386.deb cause update-,manager fails on that one all the time :( | 08:49 |
agentnewb | fsancho: probably an old setting left over from the server trend of linux distros | 08:49 |
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Kasio | can any1 help me? | 08:49 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, I had a similar problem when I first used linux a year ago, and I had to go into the Xorg config and add the resolution in manually | 08:49 |
iratik | !ask | 08:49 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:49 |
Pelo | theilliniguy, yes but only for that file type, you'll have to do it for each file type you want to open with vlc | 08:49 |
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ferronica | Pelo: everytime when i start my computer i got this error after adding a new onboard LAN Motherboard ---> http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 08:49 |
variant | fsancho: you can run swapon as many times as you like on the same partition.. it wont make it appear more than once | 08:49 |
theilliniguy | Pelo OK ill work on that | 08:49 |
hume_ | idefixx, yes, i can access mysql over command line | 08:49 |
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zxguitar | <agentnewb> but the others sounds, my mp3s (yes i have codecs installed) and everything doesn't | 08:49 |
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zxguitar | <agentnewb> but the others sounds, my mp3s (yes i have codecs installed) and everything doesn't work | 08:50 |
Kasio | I have just managed to set up my GLX with Ubuntu 7.04 using nvidia drivers, but google earth doesn't work. It shows the splash screen and then the X server restarts. | 08:50 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: ok is that a hard thing to do? im not so good at linux :D | 08:50 |
hume_ | idefixx, it's just phpmyadmin that seems to be a problem | 08:50 |
agentnewb | zxguitar: so your hearing system beeps yet not real sound? | 08:50 |
fsancho | variant: that's what it should be,but i have to make "swapoff -a; swapon -a" to get things ok | 08:50 |
CharlieSu | When i try and mount my ntfs partitions my regular users don't have access to them.. only root.. any ideas? | 08:50 |
ikog | I can't eject a Western Digital "My Book", it worked fine under kde on edgy, but now it says it failed to eject, then remounts. A bubble sometimes pops up saying there is data waiting to be written, but AFAIK there isn't really. Actually, if there is I'm worried. | 08:50 |
c0nf | anyone got creative x-fi card working? 8) | 08:50 |
idefixx | hume_: phpmyadmin has a directory o its own on your webserver somewhere. in that dir there is a file 'config.inc.php' edit that file to fit your needs. | 08:50 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, not really I'm kind of getting back into Linux ans I don't want to give you the wrong advice :\ | 08:50 |
variant | fsancho: please just pastebin those files | 08:50 |
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variant | fsancho: or cmomandsa | 08:50 |
Pelo | ferronica, I don't know what that means, do a forum search for the msg | 08:50 |
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hume_ | idefixx, is there a better channel to ask in? in #mysql noone seems to know about phpmyadmin | 08:50 |
zxguitar | <agentnewb> no, i can't hear system beeps | 08:50 |
variant | commands* | 08:50 |
theilliniguy | Pelo - hate to bother b ut files are not on local machine and VLC cana't open....? | 08:50 |
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puff | hume_: #php maybe? | 08:50 |
ferronica | Pelo: thats a screen shot | 08:50 |
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ejupin | Could anyone help with Broadcom wireless card? | 08:50 |
iratik | Why is it that it seems some people can install ubuntu on an xp machine easily .. whereas I have determined that I will need to defrag my drive and use gparted to resize the partions manually. ... Why don't I have the option to resize and use free space for install ? | 08:51 |
DarkAudit | Still no linux drivers for X-fi cards? | 08:51 |
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ferronica | Pelo: see the error | 08:51 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, all I know its as easy as editing the xorg config, adding in the resolutions, restarting xorg and choosing the new resolution. At least that is how it was for me | 08:51 |
puff | Damn, this channel is as spammy as ever :-). | 08:51 |
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zxguitar | <agentnewb> what i can ear is only the first tambors, just that | 08:51 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: ok, so how do i get into xorg? :D | 08:51 |
omgthisis | I have a old Compaq pc i decided to have as a server so i installed it with the server edition. But after installation it just goes to GRUB and then back to flashy compaq logo then to GRUB then back to compaq logo and so on. So it doesnt start. Any idea on what i can do? | 08:51 |
agentnewb | ejupin: I'm working on my broadcom as well. having trouble picking up a copy of ndiswrapper for fiesty | 08:51 |
Pelo | ferronica, you have an error msg windows in the botom right corner of the screenshot, search for the msg in the forum | 08:51 |
ferronica | Pelo: i have changed my motherboard with onboard LAN | 08:51 |
JD1 | theilliniguy: load smb4k and then have it mount a remote share. then you won't have problems with vlc | 08:51 |
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chris__ | nick jackf | 08:51 |
variant | DarkAudit: yes, there are | 08:51 |
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puff | I know a bit about mysql, php is not my thing tho, most of my work has been with java (and before that, back in the dawn of the web, perl). | 08:51 |
agentnewb | ejupin: I got a copy of the .sys and .inf if you need | 08:51 |
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idefixx | hume_: that as a phpmyadmin issue a pretty common one.. edit the file i told you and read throug the manuals. its just a matter of setting up the tool. you'll have to get used to doing this anyway if you want anything working on your server ;) | 08:52 |
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SpaceBass | anyone got a reccomendation for a commandline dvd ripping tool? | 08:52 |
theilliniguy | smb4k in vlc options? | 08:52 |
ejupin | agentnewb:I had it working yesterday without ndiswrapper, but made a change and it stopped, now cant get it working again | 08:52 |
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kazuka | how do i disable alt drag in gnome? | 08:52 |
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fsancho | variant: sorry, pastebin.com doesn't work | 08:52 |
Pelo | theilliniguy, I'm guessing you don'T have writte access to those files on another machine, you can do it to the same file type localy | 08:52 |
DarkAudit | variant, cool. That changes things a bit. :) | 08:52 |
chazco | hi... i recently did a dist upgrade to Feisty. Everything seems fine except that after resuming from hibernation Ubuntu will ocassioanlly fail to connect to the LAN... this didnt happen on Edgy... any ideas? | 08:52 |
iratik | fsancho: pastie.caboo.se | 08:52 |
hume_ | idefixx, i was used to phpmyadmin working right off installation... | 08:52 |
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ejupin | agentnewb:there is a way with bcm43xx-fwcutter, but cant get it to work again | 08:52 |
py_ | How can I get fglrx 8.28.8 to run on feisty? That version of the driver supports my Mobility FireGL V5250 while Feisty's 8.34.8 doesn't anymore! | 08:52 |
variant | DarkAudit: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/template.php?company=Creative+Labs&card=Sound+Blaster+X-Fi.&chip=UNKNOWN&module=emu10k1 | 08:53 |
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luisgmarine | Hoxx, give me a sec let me find stuff out | 08:53 |
ferronica | http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 08:53 |
variant | fsancho: rafb.net/paste | 08:53 |
theilliniguy | Pelo I do - in windows environment, and in linux properties I have it se to read/write | 08:53 |
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JD1 | theilliniguy: no, use synaptic to download and install smb4k | 08:53 |
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Hoxx | luisgmarine: ok tnx | 08:53 |
fsancho | variant: my fstab file http://pastie.caboo.se/56829 | 08:53 |
theilliniguy | Pelo smb4k? | 08:53 |
Agrajag | ejupin: I had that working for a short time, but eventually I gave up and used an old cisco aironet card. I'm not happy with broadcom >:( | 08:53 |
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idefixx | hume_: that depends on how you configure authentication.. there are a few ways that can be done - in any case that is a pure phpmyadmin issue. | 08:53 |
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walkintome | hi all..im trying to get window list to use icons only...does anyone know how this could be done? | 08:54 |
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Caplain | how do i masquerade in ubuntu using wlan0 as my internet adapter and eth0 as my interral adapter? | 08:54 |
ejupin | agrajag:works good for me on xp and I had it working here yesteday.. started playing with ndiswrapper for a faster connection, and it screwed everything up | 08:54 |
agentnewb | spacebass: dvdbackup is a nice ripping tool | 08:54 |
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SpaceBass | agentnewb, thanks! | 08:54 |
Pelo | theilliniguy, i'm realy not that good with network things, if you have access to open those files from one machine on the other I don'T see any reason why VLC can't do it | 08:54 |
variant | fsancho: that looks ok | 08:54 |
fsancho | variant: fdisk -l http://pastie.caboo.se/56831 | 08:54 |
Agrajag | ejupin: I never got ndiswrapper to work with it at all. | 08:54 |
Woody_ | Hi people, please I want a MAC spoofer software please / or how can i change the MAC address in Ubuntu? | 08:54 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, ok one more second | 08:54 |
iratik | that is more of a forum question isn't it | 08:54 |
JD1 | theilliniguy: i understand it that you are trying to play back a file on a remote share and vlc is giving you trouble. the way nautilus and gnome does remote mounting of shares is sort of fake. using smb4k will allow you to create and mount a remote share and access the files as if they were on your local machine. | 08:55 |
iratik | thanks anyway | 08:55 |
fsancho | variant: swap partition is only listed one time in fstab | 08:55 |
hume_ | idefixx, isn't it an ubuntu-issue, when the ubuntu package does not do it, run the configuration? | 08:55 |
stoft | I have an external usb drive that doesn't mount (probably because I detached it during boot). Where should I start looking for error messages/which daemon is most likely to be responsible? | 08:55 |
variant | fsancho: exactly, as it shouldbe | 08:55 |
Pelo | theilliniguy, if I get your last question yeah it could be a samba issue but I don'T know | 08:55 |
fsancho | and i only have one swap partition in my disk | 08:55 |
theilliniguy | Pelo ya me wither - if I try with an other media player they seem to try to mplay b ut the codec issues exist | 08:55 |
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ejupin | agrajag:any ideas how i get it going again.. makes no sense cause it was working this morning | 08:55 |
Kasio | I have just managed to set up my GLX with Ubuntu 7.04 using nvidia drivers, but google earth doesn't work. It shows the splash screen and then the X server restarts. | 08:55 |
JD1 | theilliniguy: lol, take my advice | 08:55 |
walkintome | does anyone know how to enable icons only with window list in a panel? | 08:55 |
magnetron | Caplain: i heard you can do this with the "firestarter" firewall package. install it with Synaptic. | 08:55 |
fsancho | but, first checkroot.sh and then mountall.sh activates my swap partition | 08:55 |
agentnewb | spacebass: can even encode it to mpg3 with mencoder | 08:55 |
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theilliniguy | JD1 LOL ok | 08:55 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, first thing is open up terminal , and type in , sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 08:55 |
variant | Kasio: your trying to get proprietry software working with proprietry drivers.. not so likely that people in here will be able to support that | 08:56 |
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Kasio | thanks variant | 08:56 |
theilliniguy | JD1 seemsz like this worked b4 on prior install of linux without installing smb4k but I coulda and dont remember! | 08:56 |
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Skelsgard | sorry to intrude, been googling my ass off about this to no avail: how to take screenshots from 3ddesktop when in "switching" mode? | 08:56 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, tell me when you have successfully completed that | 08:56 |
Pelo | walkintome, I think gconf-editor /apps/gnome-pannel | 08:56 |
SpaceBass | agentnewb, looks perfect | 08:56 |
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SpaceBass | now...anyone know how I could trigger a script or app when a disk is inserted? | 08:56 |
SpaceBass | i guess I can run a cron to poll dmesg every few mins | 08:57 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: done | 08:57 |
variant | SpaceBass: no, thats a fairly obsolete wayt o do it nowadays | 08:57 |
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Pelo | Skelsgard, doesn't the prnscrn key work ? | 08:57 |
agentnewb | spacebass: hmm try playing with udev | 08:57 |
SpaceBass | variant, whats the prefered way | 08:57 |
SpaceBass | ahh udev | 08:57 |
SpaceBass | thanks | 08:57 |
variant | SpaceBass: thats what hal and udev are for | 08:57 |
Skelsgard | Pelo: not when in "switch" mode | 08:57 |
idefixx | hume_: well if you look at it like this you might be right. i usually dont install phpmyadmin from packages but if you used and ubuntu package it should work out of the box i guess. | 08:57 |
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magnetron | SpaceBass: you can do that in System >Preferences > Removable media | 08:57 |
Pelo | Skelsgard, try asking in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects | 08:57 |
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Skelsgard | no commands get acknowledge in that mode | 08:58 |
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variant | SpaceBass: you can either write a couple of udev rules, which are amazingly powerfull but not straight forward or you can set default actions in media support settings | 08:58 |
Skelsgard | ok, thanks | 08:58 |
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SpaceBass | magnetron, useing server edition | 08:58 |
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luisgmarine | Hoxx, now scan around and look for a section that starts of with Section " Screen" | 08:58 |
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SpaceBass | variant, sounds like I'm going to have to set udev since I'm on server edition | 08:58 |
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variant | SpaceBass: if you do it with udev you can have an action performed when a specific usb key is inserted for example.. instead of just any old one | 08:58 |
walkintome | Pelo: im in the configuartion, but i dont know where i would change this setting | 08:58 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, underneath that you will see a bunch of text and little sections that say Mode and in paranthesis it has resolutions | 08:58 |
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variant | SpaceBass: yeah | 08:58 |
SpaceBass | variant, trying to automate some dvd and CD ripping | 08:59 |
variant | SpaceBass: ah, easy enough | 08:59 |
SpaceBass | drop the disk in, call a script to rip them, email me when its done | 08:59 |
Pelo | walkintome, look at the levels under /application/gnome-panel/ , I think I saw it there | 08:59 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: ye i found that :) nice | 08:59 |
SpaceBass | im gonna research udev | 08:59 |
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variant | SpaceBass: there is a very nice howto on the gentoo wiki for writing udev rulse. it's straightforward | 08:59 |
Pelo | walkintome, how come the icons aren'T enabled anyway ? that's the default install | 08:59 |
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SpaceBass | thanks! | 09:00 |
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steharg79_ | is there a way to enable wired and wireless networking at the same time? | 09:00 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, add in paranthesis the resolution you want, just add an extra "resolution you want here" in every place that has those resolutions placed | 09:00 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: so if i add my new resolution and save the text it will automatically show up in the resolution prefs? | 09:00 |
ferronica | http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 09:00 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, with a restart I don't see why not | 09:00 |
variant | SpaceBass: this is what you need: http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html | 09:00 |
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variant | SpaceBass: a great doc | 09:00 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, hold on, let me see something | 09:00 |
theilliniguy | JD1 1 more question - if I can acess the files now thru another player - shouldnt I be good to go? | 09:00 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: ok | 09:00 |
SpaceBass | variant, wow, thanks for digging that up! | 09:00 |
iratik | Why is it that it seems some people can install ubuntu on an xp machine easily .. whereas I have determined that I will need to defrag my drive and use gparted to resize the partions manually. ... Why don't I have the option to resize and use free space for install ? | 09:00 |
luisgmarine | anyone here know the code pastbin for ubuntu? | 09:00 |
walkintome | Pelo: i want to mimic an osx dock using a panel, but in order for me to show open programs in my 'dock' i need it to show icons only wihtout the text...i dont see anywhere to change that | 09:00 |
=== bigmichi [n=bigmichi@p54a63a1f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iratik | luisgmarine: you can use rafb.net/paste or pastie.caboo.se | 09:01 |
bruenig | !pastebin | luisgmarine | 09:01 |
ubotu | luisgmarine: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:01 |
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luisgmarine | Hoxx, copy and paste your xorg.config in there and send me the link, so I can see | 09:01 |
Pelo | walkintome, that's not a pannel option, there is an app you can use I think it is called avanti | 09:01 |
variant | SpaceBass: np, i used it a while ago to do some emailing every time an internet connection was found on my laptop (wired or wifi). send as much details about the connection/location :) | 09:01 |
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bigmichi | i have a problem with feisty... i like play a movie on terminal but it say it cant open /dev/fb0... i have not a device /dev/fb0 | 09:02 |
variant | SpaceBass: incase it got nicked.. would have put ina few grabs from a webcam too if it had one | 09:02 |
Erealz | hello everyone I need some help with a 64bit amd desktop running faisty fawn. basicly I need to know how to install FLASH iv gotten flash to install on this amd 64bit desktop on ubuntu 6.10 via add/remove applications | 09:02 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, that is past it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, then when it generates the link past it here | 09:02 |
fsancho | variant: i might have find why my swap partition is activated twice, first time /dev/mapper/hda1 is activated, second time /dev/hda1 is activated | 09:02 |
ffm | HOW do I make a command be executed automaticly when I start xterm over SSH? | 09:02 |
SpaceBass | variant, wow...good thihnking! | 09:02 |
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Hoxx | luisgmarine: ok sec | 09:02 |
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walkintome | Pelo: hmm, a quick google search doesnt birng much up----i tried using avant-window-navigator, but i found it a lot harder to use than simply editing a panel | 09:02 |
=== Erealz hello everyone I need some help with a 64bit amd desktop running faisty fawn. basicly I need to know how to install FLASH iv gotten flash to install on this amd 64bit desktop on ubuntu 6.10 via add/remove applications | ||
crackintosh | what user owns /var/www on ubuntu? is it www? | 09:02 |
variant | fsancho: you still didn't paste free -m | 09:03 |
Pelo | walkintome, yeah avant was what I was thinking of | 09:03 |
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=== AlexFicelle [n=alexandr@97.44-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ffm | !flash | Erealz | 09:03 |
ubotu | Erealz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 09:03 |
bruenig | crackintosh, rot probably | 09:03 |
bruenig | root | 09:03 |
crackintosh | root eh? | 09:03 |
=== Zorlin [n=Zorlin@60-240-173-88.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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ffm | HOW do I make a command be executed automaticly when I start xterm over SSH? | 09:03 |
crackintosh | what about group? | 09:03 |
Zorlin | Hey guys, I need help with a very trivial issue... | 09:03 |
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bruenig | crackintosh, same | 09:03 |
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ffm | !ask | Zorlin | 09:03 |
walkintome | the way i have my panel setup now is that i have all the icons showing, but they are very small and dont fit the rerst of the panel. i was hoping that by renoving the text, i twould help make this easier to do | 09:03 |
ubotu | Zorlin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:03 |
fsancho | variant: because i have manually fixed the problem and free only shows one swap | 09:03 |
variant | SpaceBass: I have been trying to find a gps that i can embed in a laptop case and wire up internally with usb but have never found a suitable device | 09:03 |
iratik | !ask | Zorlin | 09:03 |
zaphands | Hello, how do I change the default editor? | 09:03 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17869/ | 09:03 |
walkintome | Pelo: the way i have my panel setup now is that i have all the icons showing, but they are very small and dont fit the rerst of the panel. i was hoping that by renoving the text, i twould help make this easier to do | 09:03 |
bruenig | zaphands, update-alternatives | 09:04 |
variant | fsancho: ok, can't really help then.. does it always happen or just sometimes?/thistime | 09:04 |
Zorlin | yes fine. How do I make XP always be at the top of the grub menu. Even after kernel updates? | 09:04 |
Erealz | hello everyone I need some help with a 64bit amd desktop running faisty fawn. basicly I need to know how to install FLASH iv gotten flash to install on this amd 64bit desktop on ubuntu 6.10 via add/remove applications | 09:04 |
Pelo | walkintome, I'm looking | 09:04 |
SpaceBass | variant, you'd almost hope it got stolen then...just to use all the work involved :) | 09:04 |
fsancho | variant: always | 09:04 |
=== stoft solved his problem, in case someone is still thinking on it. | ||
variant | SpaceBass: i know :) | 09:04 |
zaphands | bruenig: Thanks, how do I change it manually? | 09:04 |
fsancho | variant: sice i have updgraded to feisty | 09:04 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, what is the resolution you want to run? | 09:04 |
fsancho | *sine | 09:04 |
fsancho | *since | 09:04 |
variant | fsancho: sorry mate, don't really know | 09:04 |
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fsancho | variant: thanks anyway | 09:04 |
variant | np | 09:04 |
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=== ecker [n=ecker@c-68-34-116-25.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxx | luisgmarine: well when i first started with my new monitor it said 1440x990 | 09:05 |
crackintosh | is there any way i can view which group owns a file? | 09:05 |
ecker | just curious, when i mount my ntfs drive as /media/windows why does its label stay as " New Volume" also is there a way to mount it with out an icon being shown on the desktop | 09:05 |
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bruenig | zaphands, I forget exactly what it is, since I am not on ubuntu now, sudo update-alternatives --set <name of thing> /path/to/application | 09:05 |
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iratik | Help: Can I just resize my ntfs partition with gparted and start the installer and tell it to use the (now) unused space - and expect grub to work ? | 09:05 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, you sure the screen supports that resolution? | 09:05 |
steharg79_ | is there a way to run wired and wireless networking at the same time | 09:05 |
bruenig | zaphands, <name of thign> here would be editor or something like that | 09:05 |
Zorlin | Is it possible to make sure Windows XP always stays at the top of the GRUB boot menu, even after kernel auto-updating? | 09:05 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: well i got to check :P | 09:06 |
weswh- | could anyone recommend a good dual display card? My preference would be nvidia. I am looking at getting a 22" DVI LCD (1650x1080), and also using my existing 17" (1280x1024). So a DVI and a VGA out would be needed. Power requirement/low heat are going to be more important to me than top notch performance...I don't do any 3d really. But whatever I can get in the "sweet spot" would be nice. I assume the nvidia drivers handle dual displays | 09:06 |
zaphands | bruenig: Thanks. | 09:06 |
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=== Banujah [n=linux@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Strzalek [n=strzalek@dmk249.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luisgmarine | Hoxx, System > Preferences > Screen Resolution | 09:06 |
Banujah | sera a tutti | 09:06 |
iratik | !offtopic | weswh | 09:06 |
Strzalek | hi | 09:06 |
ubotu | weswh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:06 |
=== aliasrush [n=aliasrus@cpe-024-211-104-040.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_Priest | Hello everybody! I have a problem ;) I have a Laptop on with Ubuntu 7.04 and nvidia go 7400 graphicscard, Installed the nvidia drive which ubuntu asks me tu do all works fine. But if i plug a external Monitor to my Laptop before i boot, both screens gets black when the x-server starts. So i have do boot unplugged then connect the monitor to the laptop and with the nvidia-programm i can select twin-view and the screen is on b | 09:06 |
Dark_Priest | oth monitors, Also strange is that the nvidia programm tells me i Have 2 Monitors Connected (2 Times the same but 1 is CRT the other DFP (i connect the monitor with an DVI Cable) (Please excuse me bad englisch and think about that i'm not very familiar with linux) | 09:06 |
=== Yukio [n=silvia@lib59-1-82-229-138-141.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Erealz | yo but here it say that 64bit flash support isn't supported but I got it to install on ubuntu 6.10 that's bullshit!? | 09:06 |
=== MrCr4cK [n=Kira@host73-114-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hoxx | luisgmarine: due to the manual its 1440x900 | 09:07 |
Strzalek | I installed nvidia drivers but still can't set a resolution of 1280x1024 | 09:07 |
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=== Wazzaaabid_ [n=florent@83.110.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
iratik | !language | Erealz | 09:07 |
ubotu | Erealz: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:07 |
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Banujah | please | 09:07 |
AlexFicelle | Zorlin: you can edit /boot/grub/menu.llist and move the entry for Windows XP before the "magic" definitions. | 09:07 |
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Banujah | 4 all of you | 09:07 |
Erealz | why can't some one help me one on one | 09:07 |
ny00123 | Strzalek, assuming that you're using Ubuntu or at least GNOME | 09:07 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, sorry i don't understand what you are trying to tell me. Is that the max resolution your screen says it can run? | 09:07 |
Banujah | visit #palug | 09:07 |
Agrajag | Erealz: you can make it work on a 64-bit system, but that doesn't mean it's supported. | 09:07 |
=== Prestidigita [n=somethin@158.84-48-74.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Banujah | #palug | 09:07 |
ny00123 | go to System --> Preferences --> Screen resolution | 09:07 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: yes | 09:07 |
ny00123 | oh, but if you can't set res from there | 09:07 |
Banujah | the best chat side 4 ubuntu and linux | 09:08 |
Erealz | yes but how in the first place can I get flash to install | 09:08 |
=== [alterego] [n=] egoalte@pc-11-131.skjoldhoej.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Banujah | #palug | 09:08 |
ny00123 | then you might have to edit the following file (as sudo/root): /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:08 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, and what is the resoltuion you are running at right now, this very momment? | 09:08 |
Strzalek | ny00123, yes, but there's no 1280x1024 | 09:08 |
Erealz | cous now in faisty it won't install via add and remove programs | 09:08 |
Strzalek | that's my problem | 09:08 |
Strzalek | ;] | 09:08 |
Banujah | ubuntu is respect .........not other | 09:08 |
Zorlin | AlexFicelle: Great. Didn't know there were magic ones too. Will give it a try, thanks. Need family approval kept :P | 09:08 |
Banujah | only respect | 09:08 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: 1024x768 | 09:08 |
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AlexFicelle | Zorlin: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:08 |
RAW-mEAT | hello, iam new to ubuntu and got a problem, always wehen i plug a Wireless USB Stick into my Laptop ( Toshiba Satellite SA40-121) the whole system slows down and even then it cant find my usb stick, when i unplug linux crashes and i have to make an hard reset. | 09:08 |
walkintome | Pelo: any luck? | 09:08 |
ny00123 | Strzalak, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:08 |
Erealz | what the hell can I get it to isntall | 09:08 |
ny00123 | there should be lines with resolutions like "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" | 09:08 |
Zorlin | Yeah, I know. I've dealt with it before. I just didn't realise there was 'magic' parts. | 09:09 |
ecker | Is there a way to not show a mounted ntfs drive from showing an icon on desktop? | 09:09 |
ny00123 | add "1280x1024" to the beginning of each line. | 09:09 |
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Pelo | walkintome, pm | 09:09 |
AlexFicelle | Zorlin: you'll notice them, they are commented with several ### (and it says something about magic stanzas). | 09:09 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, ok, so you are currently running at 1024x768, but you want to run at a 1440x900? | 09:09 |
Zorlin | as in, auto-editing. I'll take a closer part. | 09:09 |
Zorlin | look* | 09:09 |
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largefont | uhm, can anybody help me? is there any good screen magnification program for ubuntu that I can use? | 09:09 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, is that correct? | 09:09 |
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HUNRusty | hi! anybody with compaq presario v3000 & feisty? i've sound problems! | 09:09 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: yes i want it higher cause it looks like crap with 1024 :P | 09:09 |
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AlexFicelle | Zorlin: Just before them, you'll see a commented example. Just move the one you want at the top between the commented example and the magic stuff. | 09:09 |
Erealz | 1024x768 resolution the high ubuntu can go? | 09:09 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, ok, give me a second | 09:09 |
Zorlin | AlexFicelle: I tend to ignore things with #, //, ##, etc at the front of them. I'm a programmer. So thats why I didn't see them. | 09:09 |
=== Goliath23 [n=david@dslb-084-058-006-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Goliath23 | hi | 09:10 |
Banujah | visit #palug | 09:10 |
Zorlin | Thanks for your help | 09:10 |
magnetron | largefont: there is one built in, did you find it? | 09:10 |
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CharlieSu | When i try and mount my ntfs partitions my regular users don't have access to them.. only root.. any ideas? | 09:10 |
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largefont | @magnetron: no, I didn't | 09:10 |
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largefont | where could i find it? | 09:10 |
Erealz | fuck | 09:10 |
CharlieSu | Also, before Ubuntu automatically mounted my ntfs partitions and now it doesn't | 09:10 |
largefont | :-) | 09:10 |
AlexFicelle | Zorlin: They're actually comments (not used by grub), but they are used when the kernel gets updated (it tells about how many different versions need to stay in the file, whether you want to see the memtest, etc.). | 09:10 |
Goliath23 | my ubuntu seems to have a problem with LD_PRELOAD the libaoss library whenever I try to use aoss. I use the x64 version. | 09:10 |
Goliath23 | any ideas on that one? | 09:10 |
ajoergen | quit | 09:10 |
DX00 | CharlieSu mount with mask 777 | 09:10 |
PriceChild | !ohmy > Erealz | 09:10 |
Goliath23 | Seems I have the same problem as this guy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=337955 | 09:11 |
CharlieSu | DX00: how? sorry for my stupidity | 09:11 |
knp | Hey someone know how to set my clock time ? | 09:11 |
Banujah | sorry for spam | 09:11 |
=== creadorcreativo [n=paranoia@201-220-126-57.bk10-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Erealz | how do you guys find help here whne the screen scroll every sec | 09:11 |
=== traubisoda [n=traubiso@dsl54013EC3.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Banujah | from palug | 09:11 |
Erealz | I can't keep up | 09:11 |
magnetron | largefont: System > Preferences > Accessibility > Accessibility Preferences | 09:11 |
variant | knp: click the clock | 09:11 |
DX00 | how are you mounting? | 09:11 |
variant | knp: right click * | 09:11 |
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexFicelle | Zorlin: You need to edit the file with super user rights. Just in case you don't know how, hit Alt-F2 and type: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:11 |
=== ChiLL0uT [n=chill@p5487E780.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
py_ | How to get a version of fglrx which supports a Mobility FireGL V5250 running on feisty? | 09:11 |
Erealz | this is amazeing how can anyone keep up with the screen scrolling so fast | 09:11 |
ChiLL0uT | .quakenet.org | 09:11 |
variant | Goliath23: do you really need aoss? | 09:11 |
knp | variant yes but doesnt work | 09:12 |
Erealz | I can't see people talking to me | 09:12 |
largefont | @magnetron: found | 09:12 |
=== traubisoda [n=traubiso@dsl54013EC3.pool.t-online.hu] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
ecker | would anyone know why ubuntu feisty is showing my hdds as sda when their suppose to be hda? | 09:12 |
knp | variant i mean theres no option for set the time or something like that | 09:12 |
Goliath23 | variant: teamspeak is oss-only, and I want to use that program along with others (wine) .. so .. yes | 09:12 |
PriceChild | Erealz, people talking to you should put your name ni their sentence and hilight it for you | 09:12 |
zaphands | bruenig: it didn't help. | 09:12 |
magnetron | ecker, they are SATA? | 09:12 |
variant | Goliath23: ah, afaik wine is 32bit only | 09:12 |
Erealz | guys for the love of god | 09:12 |
Goliath23 | variant: yes | 09:12 |
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Erealz | pleasehow | 09:12 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, copy and paste this text here , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17870/ , replacing the one in your xorg.conf. Save the file with the changes. Tell me when you have done that | 09:13 |
kane77 | Erealz, patience | 09:13 |
zaphands | bruenig: I want to open gvim instead of vim with LinCVS. I don't know why LinCVS choose to launch vim. | 09:13 |
ecker | magnetron nope | 09:13 |
c0nf | anyone got creative x-fi card working? 8) | 09:13 |
Goliath23 | variant: but that doesnt seem to be the problem since teamspeak also won' | 09:13 |
Erealz | do I install flash on faisty amd 64bit box | 09:13 |
Goliath23 | t work with other problems | 09:13 |
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PriceChild | Erealz, You can't. | 09:13 |
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=== Fri13 [n=Fri13@86-60-137-67-dyn-dsl.ssp.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Erealz | that can't be | 09:13 |
=== bibi [n=phen@AMontpellier-157-1-62-37.w86-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
Hoxx | luisgmarine: so i take the whole of your paste and save it in my xorg? | 09:13 |
Erealz | you know why pricechild | 09:13 |
PerToft | Need help with a wireless card | 09:13 |
PriceChild | Erealz, they do not make 64bit flash | 09:13 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, in other words replace the text in your xorg.conf, with the text that is in that text. That text just has the resolution you want added to it | 09:13 |
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kane77 | Erealz, it is possible to either: a) use 32-bit firefox + flash b) use gnash | 09:14 |
magnetron | !flash64 | Erealz | 09:14 |
ubotu | Erealz: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 09:14 |
largefont | @magnetron: i turned it on and now my computer speaks to mee | 09:14 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, lol darn I'm confusing you | 09:14 |
Erealz | becouse on ubuntu 6.10 it installed fine via add programs | 09:14 |
knp | Someone know how to set my clock time ? Like wich region or something like that ? | 09:14 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, did you open up the link I just sent you? | 09:14 |
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PerToft | Anyone have a BCM4310 card on the 64 bit ubuntu? | 09:14 |
omgthisis | Erealz, i installed 32-bit firefox with flash on my 64-bit system. it was alot of work but it worked. found a how to guide on the ubuntu forum somewhere. | 09:14 |
knp | Becaus there is no option to set the right time. | 09:14 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: i am atm :D | 09:14 |
PriceChild | Erealz, not on 64bit... I suppose the ways those two people suggested will work... but first is nasty and second isn't the best implementation | 09:14 |
=== traubisoda [n=traubiso@dsl54013EC3.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AlexFicelle | knp: Right click on the time in the panel. | 09:14 |
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=== traubisoda [n=traubiso@dsl54013EC3.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | largefont, what a nice computer =) sorry, don't know how to disable that | 09:15 |
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knp | AlexFicelle there is no option to set the time | 09:15 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, ok, copy all that text, now go in to your window that has YOUR xorg.conf and replace it with the one I sent you. ok? or is it still confusing? | 09:15 |
traubisoda | hi | 09:15 |
CharlieSu | DX00: mount -t auto /dev/hda1 hda1/ -o umask=777 Doesn't work | 09:15 |
ecker | magnetron all my drives are ide and their being labeled as SATA for some reason | 09:15 |
zaphands | Does anyone know where can I set the default editor? | 09:15 |
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Combatjuan | traubisoda: Hi | 09:15 |
kane77 | PriceChild, it's getting better (gnash) ;) hopefuly we will have free player for proprietary mess | 09:15 |
AlexFicelle | knp: Right click on the time, then "Set date and time", you're asked for your password and a window opens where you can set it. | 09:15 |
Erealz | can some one for the love of god please link me on the how to to install flash on amd 64bit boxes | 09:15 |
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largefont | @magnetron: never mind that, I think I already have | 09:15 |
AlexFicelle | knp: Do you have "admin" rights? | 09:15 |
knp | AlexFicelle i dont have such a option | 09:15 |
largefont | thanks a lot :-) | 09:15 |
PriceChild | kane77, we can but hope :) Right now I think its best we stick to 32bit :P | 09:15 |
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knp | AlexFicelle yes i do | 09:16 |
Combatjuan | Erealz: I don't think it's possible. | 09:16 |
kane77 | Erealz, somebody did already (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava) | 09:16 |
knp | AlexFicelle im using Xubuntu btw | 09:16 |
AlexFicelle | knp: Aah. OK. | 09:16 |
Combatjuan | kane77: It's possible? Huh. | 09:16 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: its under control, i pasted it :D | 09:16 |
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Erealz | Combatjuan it gota .... | 09:16 |
AlexFicelle | knp: I was telling you about Ubuntu (Gnome) | 09:16 |
kane77 | Combatjuan, what? | 09:16 |
traubisoda | can somebody help me to install beryl to 7.04? | 09:16 |
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AlexFicelle | knp: Sorry, I don't know Xubuntu well enough. | 09:16 |
knp | AlexFicelle im also using Beryl .. | 09:16 |
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knp | AlexFicelle np mate | 09:16 |
Erealz | couse iv install flash and got it to work on 64bit amd box when I had ubuntu 6.10 | 09:16 |
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Combatjuan | My understanding was that there was 64bit build and that flash wasn't open-sourced so it simply couldn't be done. I'm sorry. I'll keep quiet unless I know what I'm talking about. | 09:16 |
traubisoda | sudo cp ~/Desktop/beryl-xgl /usr/bin/beryl-xgl - it's not working :S | 09:17 |
Erealz | so that can't be the case | 09:17 |
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magnetron | largefont: wait, now i know. disable the first thing you did. then right click program meny and enable "orca" in accessibility group. now you can start it | 09:17 |
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Combatjuan | Erealz: I was never able to get it working on my AMD64 box. | 09:17 |
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kane77 | Combatjuan, yes but you can run 32-bit firefox and install plugin for it... | 09:17 |
Smurphy[ACS] | Anyone knos a nice programm to draw Network-draft ? Plans etc. ? | 09:17 |
largefont | @magnetron.. lets see that | 09:17 |
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Combatjuan | kane77: Ah. | 09:17 |
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PerToft | Smurphy> dia | 09:17 |
kane77 | Smurphy[ACS] , dia :) | 09:17 |
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luisgmarine | Hoxx, ok, save your xorg.config, log out, and when you are at the login screen hit ctrl + alt + backspace to restart your xorg config. Log back in and hopefully you now have the option to select the 1440x900 resolution from System > Prefs > Screen Resolution | 09:18 |
=== darknessspace [n=zxzx@c-76-23-115-179.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Smurphy[ACS] | Hmmm. Right ... let's check I got it installed :) | 09:18 |
Hoxx | luisgmarine: so i try to reboot now and see if it works | 09:18 |
Erealz | you know what can some one link to the ubuntu 6.10 iso file | 09:18 |
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darknessspace | best way to convert flac to mp3? | 09:18 |
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Erealz | I can't seem to find it on the ubuntu.com | 09:18 |
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Teardrop | Hi ppl, i wanna have "ubuntu + windows" on my laptop, which will i need to install first and what size etc (90gb hd) ofc more for windows if possible | 09:18 |
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Hoxx | luisgmarine: ok i will try that | 09:18 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, keep in mind its not going to work when you first log in, what I wanted to see was if it now gives you the option to go to that resolution | 09:18 |
PerToft | Anyone know where i can get a 64 bit version of broadcom drivers? | 09:19 |
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mambro | hi, fast question.. someone use gnumeric on ubuntu ppc? have you ever experienced this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnumeric/+bug/109204 | 09:19 |
PriceChild | Teardrop, easiest to install windows first... ubuntu will then take care of dualbooting. | 09:19 |
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deafboy | does anyone know where i can get help with the app DeVeDe? | 09:19 |
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hume_ | idefixx, solved it now, it was a bug, 98817 | 09:19 |
PriceChild | !download > Erealz | 09:19 |
luisgmarine | Hoxx, so just log out, hit ctrl + alt + backspace , log back in, and check under System > Prefs > Screen Resolution to see if 1440x900 has been added | 09:19 |
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traubisoda | pls somebody help :D why is "sudo cp ~/Desktop/beryl-xgl /usr/bin/beryl-xgl" not working? | 09:20 |
=== flppr [n=dfgf@adsl-074-236-090-082.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | Erealz: Adobe wan't to make the flash player by themself so they don't tell how it works. then it's hard for the Open Source community to make a replacement. That way we are stuck with the halfworking 32bit-only proprietary player, which we aren't allowed to repair. | 09:20 |
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flppr | hello | 09:20 |
PriceChild | Teardrop, please keep suport in channel | 09:20 |
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niekie | traubisoda: what is not working about it? | 09:20 |
tomypunk | t.org | 09:20 |
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traubisoda | it isn't copy the file t | 09:20 |
traubisoda | :S | 09:20 |
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Teardrop | np PriceChild :) didnt know | 09:20 |
idefixx | hume_: gratz ;) | 09:20 |
PerToft | \quit | 09:21 |
Hug2 | Hi I have found a bug/missing feature in the installation of mythtv on ubuntu feisty. It doesnt say anything in the guide neither. Who should I report? | 09:21 |
niekie | Firstly, I'd recommend putting it in /usr/local/bin/ instead of /usr/bin :) | 09:21 |
hume_ | thx | 09:21 |
=== francois [n=francois@fctnnbsc15w-156034080164.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Teardrop | When i install windows shall i partition all hdd? or leave some for unbuntu or does it do it for you | 09:21 |
jose__ | hola ...es 1 primera experiencia en liniux....como escrivo la arroba....xd | 09:21 |
francois | my dvd burner is a 16x writer, but it only burns at 4x, any ideas why / | 09:21 |
flppr | Anyone willing to help me with mp3 issues? | 09:21 |
PriceChild | Teardrop, you can install windows on the whole harddrive and get ubuntu to resize it... but IMO its best to just get windows to make a smaller partition. | 09:21 |
Hug2 | jose esto es un chat en ingls prueba #ubuntu-es | 09:21 |
flppr | :) | 09:21 |
niekie | traubisoda: also, I'd recommend reopening the shell once you've copied that. | 09:21 |
deafboy | does anyone konw where i can get help with the DeVeDe app? | 09:21 |
magnetron | Hug2, add it to the wiki i think? | 09:21 |
psusi | francois: because you only have 4x media? | 09:21 |
niekie | Maybe it needs to update the environment for some reason :) | 09:21 |
Hug2 | magnetron wich wiki? | 09:22 |
francois | psusi: no, i thought about that and got new ones | 09:22 |
niekie | I've had stuff like that happen. | 09:22 |
psusi | francois: new ones rated for what speed? | 09:22 |
Hug2 | I have been using linux for only 4 months and I dont really know how this works. | 09:22 |
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francois | psusi: 16x, | 09:22 |
jose__ | gracias hug2,,,,donde lo escrivo???...jajajajajaa ke torpe toi | 09:22 |
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revenant_ | Andria | 09:22 |
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Hug2 | I just want to point to some faulty in the mythtv installation so other users dont find it | 09:22 |
PriceChild | !es | jose__ | 09:22 |
ubotu | jose__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:22 |
Hug2 | jose escribe /join #ubuntu-es | 09:23 |
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Teardrop | When i install windows shall i partition all hdd? or leave some for unbuntu or does it do it for you after you installed windows on one partition | 09:23 |
=== Slick [n=Slick@77-99-105-148.cable.ubr15.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kinga | Hi guys, I know this sounds a little bizzarre but is there anybody here listening that lives in holland' (the netherlans) :P | 09:23 |
francois | Teardrop: he answered your question already, | 09:23 |
francois | Teardrop: don't spam | 09:23 |
Teardrop | o didnt see | 09:23 |
zach382 | hello, im having a problem with beryl. When i activate it it starts up and i get wobbly windows and stuff, but i cant see my desktop or icons, and i cant see my skydome. | 09:23 |
deafboy | when i play something with totem the movie appears blue, would anyone konw why this is? | 09:23 |
darknessspace | best way to convert flac to mp3? soundconverter? | 09:23 |
traubisoda | i tried to reopen the shell but still nothing | 09:23 |
magnetron | Hug2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ | 09:24 |
Slick | argh help guys, upgrading to feisty might have killed my computer | 09:24 |
deafboy | zach382: go to #beryl | 09:24 |
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flppr | Anyone willing to help me with MP3 playback issues? :) | 09:24 |
zach382 | okay thanks | 09:24 |
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plex0r_ | hi ! | 09:24 |
kinga | I am looking for assistance but nobody on the Dutch channel leaves in the area | 09:24 |
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bruenig | !codecs | flppr | 09:24 |
francois | flppr: do they play at all ? lol | 09:24 |
kinga | lives that is | 09:24 |
ubotu | flppr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:24 |
flppr | i just got the CD | 09:24 |
largefont | @magnetron this screen magnifier works really very well :-) thanks | 09:24 |
PriceChild | !nl | kinga | 09:24 |
ubotu | kinga: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 09:24 |
vecna_ubuntu | hi , what is the proper way to enable nvidia driver on feisty with twinview? | 09:24 |
flppr | live CD from the site | 09:24 |
darknessspace | !flac | 09:24 |
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plex0r_ | so i tried the alternate cd because the install kept freezing and it installed fine, but now when im dowbnloading things with apt- and sometimes when im on websites the system will freeze? | 09:24 |
magnetron | largefont: glad to be able to help! | 09:24 |
=== niekie laughs. | ||
flppr | Totem and rythmbox dont play mp3...i know i need to set them to manually | 09:25 |
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kinga | ubotu: I have been hanging there till know but without any luck | 09:25 |
flppr | but do i need and internet connection? | 09:25 |
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niekie | PriceChild: he has already been in the Dutch Ubuntu channel. | 09:25 |
Slick | I went to software update and clicked on upgrade to feisty, I left it running for a while, suddenly my computer was off, but power was going to the motherboard and the buzzer on my motherboard was making absolutely crazy noises, now I've restart and can't get into ubuntu :( | 09:25 |
largefont | thanks a lot, bye now | 09:25 |
PriceChild | kinga, ubotu is a bot ;) | 09:25 |
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niekie | kinga: ubotu is a bot :) | 09:25 |
kinga | :D | 09:25 |
niekie | PriceChild: bah, you type faster :( | 09:25 |
PriceChild | kinga, well that's where all the nl people live :) | 09:25 |
PriceChild | niekie, I am l33t | 09:25 |
kinga | thanks niekie | 09:25 |
niekie | PriceChild: lies :) | 09:25 |
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plex0r_ | skeet | 09:25 |
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plex0r_ | so can anyone help me | 09:25 |
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Dane_ | Is Kubuntu *in* Ubuntu? Is it just a matter of switching modes or something? | 09:26 |
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greggles | i have a bit of a problem with my install | 09:26 |
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darknessspace | kubuntu is kde ubuntu is gnome difference desktop | 09:26 |
flppr | Do I need an internet connection to get MP3 support for totem and rhytm? | 09:26 |
PriceChild | Dane_, ubuntu and kubuntu are the same base system, just with different packages on top. "sudo apt-get install kubuntu" to install kubuntu | 09:26 |
luisgmarine | Dane_, you can download the Kubuntu-desktop | 09:26 |
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PriceChild | Dane_, you can then choose it from the login screen at sessions | 09:26 |
greggles | I select the "start or install" - lots of stuff flies by - it fails to configure X on my machine (which I expect) but then I get a prompt and not the text mode installer | 09:26 |
greggles | I'm speaking of feisty, naturally | 09:27 |
niekie | PriceChild: wasn't it kubuntu-desktop? | 09:27 |
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flppr | I tried a bunch of methods...but all try to access a server online | 09:27 |
greggles | any ideas how I can invoke the text mode installer? | 09:27 |
Dane_ | luisgmarine PriceChild darknessspace Thanks | 09:27 |
PriceChild | niekie, whoops | 09:27 |
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PriceChild | Dane_, sorry that's kubuntu-desktop | 09:27 |
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magnetron | greggles: you need the "alternate" cd | 09:27 |
PriceChild | luisgmarine, watch out for the case... its "kubuntu-desktop", not "Kubuntu-desktop" | 09:27 |
darknessspace | x..video card issues? | 09:27 |
greggles | magnetron: ok, I'm downloading that now | 09:27 |
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Dane_ | PriceChild To do the download, do you go to a web site or use the updater in Ubuntu? | 09:27 |
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amarillion | I'm looking for an app that does something... I want to resize an avi video to make it smaller. Is there a linux app that can do that? A google search didn't turn up much... | 09:28 |
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greggles | magnetron: I see that there's a text mode installer on the normal cd, right? | 09:28 |
PriceChild | Dane_, you type that in a terminal. | 09:28 |
Slick | does anyone have any suggestions?? is there a way to restore ubuntu? | 09:28 |
niekie | Dane_: there are several ways to get it. | 09:28 |
theilliniguy | Laptop has onboard 802.11B, plus 802.11G PCMCIA card - how do I know which is being used? | 09:28 |
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greggles | magnetron: is there just no way to invoke it unless X works? | 09:28 |
magnetron | greggles, i don't think so. do you have an ATI card? | 09:28 |
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PriceChild | Slick, no, but there's normally a way to fix it | 09:28 |
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luisgmarine | Dane_, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_KDE | 09:28 |
greggles | magnetron: yes | 09:28 |
=== swampmallard [n=dave@74-134-239-179.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
niekie | Dane_: you could download the kubuntu-desktop package with Synaptic, or type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" in a terminal. | 09:28 |
greggles | magnetron: radeon x1400 or something | 09:28 |
Dane_ | ok thanks | 09:28 |
warriorforgod | What would cause the boot partition to be busy after the system is laoded? | 09:28 |
=== khalid [n=chavez@85-218-28-194.dclient.lsne.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
magnetron | greggles: http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/04/installing-ubuntu-704-ati-x-cards/ | 09:28 |
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Slick | PriceChild: do you have any suggestions? | 09:29 |
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niekie | The fastest way would probably be the terminal, though Synaptic is also handy :) | 09:29 |
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flppr | How can I get ubuntu to play MP3s?? | 09:29 |
gat0rvean | I just installed Beryl,and now I can only boot into command line...little help? | 09:29 |
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magnetron | !mp3 flppr | 09:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mp3 flppr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:29 |
bruenig | !codecs | flppr | 09:29 |
ubotu | flppr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:29 |
luisgmarine | hoxx are you here yet? | 09:29 |
magnetron | !mp3 | flppr | 09:29 |
PriceChild | Slick, why can't you start ubuntu, where does it fail? | 09:29 |
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luisgmarine | damn I tried to help hoxx out but I think I might of hurt his system | 09:29 |
blubloblu | gat0rvean: well, what video card so you have? | 09:29 |
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gat0rvean | nvidia 7800GT | 09:30 |
warriorforgod | What would cause the boot partition to be busy after the system is loaded? | 09:30 |
zero_ | sup guys | 09:30 |
Slick | PriceChild: 2 secs, the PC is in the other room | 09:30 |
=== canas [n=canas@host35-205-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | warriorforgod, busy simply means mounted right? | 09:30 |
traubisoda | "ommiting directory" - what does it mean? | 09:30 |
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canas | hi does anybody install thunderbird 2.0?? | 09:30 |
warriorforgod | bruenig: I am trying to use umount /boot and I get "device is busy" | 09:30 |
blubloblu | gat0rvean, do you get a X server error message? | 09:31 |
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greggles | magnetron: thanks kindly! | 09:31 |
PriceChild | canas, thunderbird is not released on any ubuntu distribution. | 09:31 |
gat0rvean | blubloblu, yes | 09:31 |
variant | Goliath23: you still stuck? | 09:31 |
magnetron | greggles: glad to help | 09:31 |
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linux1 | hiya ppl which file does gconf-editor use to hold all the information as if sudo it by mistake and it read only now :( | 09:31 |
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variant | Goliath23: found some documents for propperly building 32bit wine on 64bit os.. with required libs to make it work etc | 09:31 |
zero_ | is it possible to get a higher solution than 1024?? | 09:31 |
bruenig | !english | linux1 | 09:31 |
ubotu | linux1: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 09:31 |
=== Frost_ [n=Frost_@90-227-197-108-no77.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
canas | PriceChild, in synaptic there is thundebird 1.5 | 09:31 |
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traubisoda | /home/traubisoda/Desktop | 09:32 |
bruenig | !chroot | variant | 09:32 |
ubotu | variant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box | 09:32 |
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blubloblu | gat0rvean: pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file | 09:32 |
flppr | can someone help me download and install NVU? | 09:32 |
warriorforgod | bruenig: I am trying to use umount /boot and I get "device is busy" | 09:32 |
PriceChild | canas, there is indeed. 1.5 is stable and perfectly good to use | 09:32 |
luisgmarine | hoxx if you are in here dude let me know how it went | 09:32 |
francois | my dvd burner is a 16x writer, but it only burns at 4x, any ideas why / | 09:32 |
traubisoda | /home/traubisoda/Desktop | 09:32 |
francois | zero_: what do mean ? | 09:32 |
traubisoda | fuck | 09:32 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | traubisoda | 09:32 |
traubisoda | "ommiting directory" - what does it mean? | 09:32 |
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ubotu | traubisoda: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:32 |
francois | zero_: you can just add them to your xorg | 09:32 |
KalleDK | Does anybody know why the installprogram fail to install grub when I use ubuntu-desktop, but succeded when I use ubuntu-server (VMware Workstation) | 09:32 |
variant | bruenig: there is a better way to install wine on 64bit | 09:32 |
bruenig | warriorforgod, don't know, nice nick by the way | 09:32 |
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gat0rvean | blubloblu, not sure how i can do that, I'm sitting here in recovery console via irssi | 09:32 |
jonah | hi can help me out, i need to get a second hardrive i installed to mount and belong to my user and not admin, but struggling.... | 09:32 |
bruenig | variant, no | 09:32 |
zero_ | is it possible to get a higher solution for ya desktiop like 1200 to 1024 | 09:32 |
warriorforgod | bruenig: thx. | 09:32 |
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=== bruenig chuckles | ||
variant | bruenig: how not? | 09:32 |
canas | PriceChild, yes but 2.0 have some nice features | 09:32 |
AaronMT | !xorg > zero_ | 09:33 |
francois | zero_: YES | 09:33 |
linux1 | brenig wtf thats was english | 09:33 |
zero_ | how? | 09:33 |
luisgmarine | Zer0_, I just helped someone do that, but they haven't com eback, so I'm scared I f'ed up their system :\ | 09:33 |
PriceChild | canas, However it is not in Ubuntu. Maybe in Gutsy in 6 months. | 09:33 |
PriceChild | !wtf > linux1 | 09:33 |
blubloblu | gat0rvean: well, what driver does it say you're using? | 09:33 |
francois | zero_: write it in your xorg file, which is found in /ect/X11/xorg.conf | 09:33 |
canas | gusty only 6 monts^ 7.10? | 09:33 |
gat0rvean | blubloblu, nvidia | 09:33 |
AaronMT | !gutsy > canas | 09:33 |
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zero_ | huh | 09:33 |
canas | !gusty | 09:33 |
darknessspace | doesn't ctrl-alt + + or ctrl-alt - - does the resolutions? | 09:33 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gusty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:33 |
blubloblu | gat0rvean: if you want to return to non-3d graphics change it to nv | 09:33 |
=== Nap [n=francois@mar92-12-88-162-231-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
francois | zero_: go under the monitor section i beleive, whichever is the section with resolutions, and add resolutions that you want | 09:33 |
DX00 | flppr, in a command line type /say apttitude install nvu | 09:34 |
variant | bruenig: cm'on, do you actually know that a chroot is the only way to do it or are you just guessing? | 09:34 |
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luisgmarine | Zer0_, System > Preferences> Screen Resolution | 09:34 |
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xeros_ | server irc.terra.es | 09:34 |
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gat0rvean | blubloblu, If i do that, it locks at the login screen | 09:34 |
jonah | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17876/ it's this last drive in pastebin i want to add to fstab | 09:34 |
zero_ | yaeh but maximal for me is 1024 to 768, but i want higher just like 1200 to 1024 like i got at windows. | 09:34 |
YoRcH | Hello | 09:34 |
francois | zero_: EDIT YOU XORG FILE | 09:34 |
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blubloblu | gat0rvean: are you able to connect to the internet? | 09:35 |
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zero_ | imma newb. sry | 09:35 |
canas | tnx | 09:35 |
PriceChild | !caps > francois | 09:35 |
bruenig | variant, you said best way, chroot is the best way to do it. I am almost certain it is the only way. There are some applications that you can kind of hack by putting up 32 libs where they look for them, but wine would probably be very difficult in that regard | 09:35 |
darknessspace | then u prob don't want touch xorg | 09:35 |
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gat0rvean | blubloblu, as in..like now? | 09:35 |
AaronMT | !xorg > zero_ | 09:35 |
francois | zero_: ok, so let us know that your a newb, jeesh, now let me guide you through this | 09:35 |
PriceChild | !xconfig > zero_ (please see the pm from ubotu) | 09:35 |
variant | Goliath23: see this howto on how to compile wine from scrach. you will be compiling it so will nee dbuild-essential and some other deps | 09:35 |
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PriceChild | francois, Please calm down and change your attitude. | 09:35 |
variant | bruenig: see what i just pasted there | 09:35 |
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variant | bruenig: http://wiki.winehq.org/WineOn64bit#head-7a277214ee284c1915cd6c431f6369cfcde97e3c | 09:35 |
jonah | hello anyone? | 09:35 |
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zero_ | ok, gonna read that. thank u | 09:35 |
Combatjuan | jonah: Howdy. | 09:36 |
newbieguy | I was wondering where I could get info on the menu options when you first start Feisty Fawn up. I want to know what the differences are. | 09:36 |
jonah | Combatjuan, hey | 09:36 |
PriceChild | zero_, don't change anything you don't understand. | 09:36 |
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jonah | Combatjuan, i've just put a second drive in my feisty box | 09:36 |
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PriceChild | zero_, just keep going through it until you reach the point where you get to choose resolutions. | 09:36 |
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Pelo | newbieguy, you mean the grub menu ? | 09:36 |
variant | bruenig: oops, i pasted the debian method.. there is an ubuntu specific section | 09:36 |
jonah | Combatjuan, it pops up on desktop on boot up but when i double click it it asks for admin pass | 09:36 |
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bruenig | variant, yeah getting the 32 libs in that, there is nearly as much steps for that as there is for the chroot | 09:36 |
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Blackthorn | Hello, I'm new to ubuntu. I have installed the server version and then followed the instructions to install the kde. Installed ubuntu-desktop and x-windows. But when i run xstart all i get is a terminal screen. Suggestions? | 09:36 |
jonah | Combatjuan, i want it to automount and be part of my user account | 09:37 |
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PriceChild | Blackthorn, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 09:37 |
jonah | Combatjuan, the drive i've added is the last entry in this pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17876/ | 09:37 |
AaronMT | I've got a tough question for ya. I'm trying to access a windows workgroup which Ubuntu recognizes. I open a shared folder and get "Nautilus can not display smb://downstairs/backup" please select anotehr view and try again | 09:37 |
Combatjuan | jonah: Well I'm not really the expert around here, but I'll see what I can do. How is the drive formatted? | 09:37 |
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variant | bruenig: :) still, at least you now know that a chroot is not the only way :) | 09:37 |
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newbieguy | I don't know for sure -- I am a newbie... but it says "Start or install ubuntu, etc. I come from a Windows world. | 09:38 |
Frost_ | ive just installed ubuntu (i really liked it more fun than windows) and i want to ask if there is a way to tranfer the files mp3s movies ect ect from the windows disk to ubuntu?? | 09:38 |
bruenig | variant, well you said best, I know there is a way to do it, you can install any 32 bit app without a chroot if you hunt down all the libs and replace them, it is just cleaner and easier | 09:38 |
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jonah | Combatjuan, thanks i appreciate your help, drive is formatted ext3 | 09:38 |
Combatjuan | newbieguy: Looks like it's formatted for ext3 | 09:38 |
kane77 | Frost_, won't plain copy do that? | 09:38 |
linux1 | hiya ppl which file does gconf-editor hold all it information in, as i sudo it by mistake and it read only now :( | 09:38 |
traubisoda | is there any stuff instead of cp to copy files? | 09:38 |
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bruenig | traubisoda, what is wrong with cp | 09:39 |
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Rprp | ChanServ DJ[Sensation] Duiv`gone GameServ Global MemoServ NickServ OperServ Roconda Rprp` Scusio`afk Wesleysld ZiraX | 09:39 |
predaeus | Frost_, sure, if the disk is in the same computer than it should already be mounted now and you can jsut copy them over | 09:39 |
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traubisoda | isn't working | 09:39 |
Gandalf_THE_BlaC | df | 09:39 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: Ok, the thing to do is to edit your fstab (/etc/fstab). That's the file that ubuntu reads when it loads to mount filesystems. | 09:39 |
bruenig | !doesn'twork | 09:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about doesn'twork - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:39 |
Si|ent | hello | 09:39 |
bruenig | !doesn't work | 09:39 |
ubotu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 09:39 |
Si|ent | im wondering wht the best MSN messenger on ubuntu edgy eft | 09:39 |
=== debianmigrant [n=chris@client-82-25-163-146.brnt.adsl.ntlworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
newbieguy | I am actually just about ready to install Ubuntu. | 09:39 |
kane77 | traubisoda, what makes you think so? | 09:39 |
Si|ent | im having trouble with GAIM it keeps crashing by itself | 09:39 |
askar | Latest firefox is Why doesnt upgrademanager upgrade to that version? Im running feisty | 09:40 |
Combatjuan | jonah: So use whatever editor you like, these ubuntu folks seem to use gedit, but I'm a vim man myself. You'll need root privileges. | 09:40 |
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jonah | Combatjuan, ok but i tried and it didnt work for me, must have done it wrong - also do i need to set a mount point, didnt seem to work for me either | 09:40 |
Pelo | newbieguy, oh, you mean on the install cd ? well basicaly , the bottem line is various options for language keyboard, screenrez, the other menu are the live cd which you can use to try out and installf rom, then ther is the oem install wich basicaly lets you install without setting a password so computer stores can do it and let the user then setup is own and there is the cd integrity check which verifies that the cd isn't damanged | 09:40 |
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linux1 | pricechild ok sorry bad day | 09:40 |
askar | Si|ent I think amsn is nice | 09:40 |
bruenig | askar, feisty ships with doesn't it | 09:40 |
swampmallard | linux1: The gconf registry should be stored in a hidden directory under your home directory, like ~/.gconf/. Do a "sudo chown" on that directory to get it back. | 09:40 |
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Si|ent | hmm | 09:40 |
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traubisoda | cuz i want to copy a file into /bin/ but if i do it in shell and i check /bin i can't find the file what i want to copy | 09:40 |
Si|ent | ok thank you | 09:40 |
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Si|ent | how about kopete ? | 09:40 |
Combatjuan | jonah: Ok, get yourself a console. Type "sudo mkdir /media/hdd" or whatever mountpoint you like. | 09:40 |
bruenig | traubisoda, what command are you issuing | 09:40 |
zero_ | how to open to console? | 09:40 |
Si|ent | i tried it though it keeps giving me tht my pass is wrong | 09:40 |
askar | bruenig: hrm..maybe.. I did a distupgrade from edgy can that be the reason? | 09:40 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: s/hdd/hdd1 | 09:41 |
Slick | Pricechild: it gets to the start of the bar on starting ubuntu up then hangs, finally an error message comes up, which is "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" | 09:41 |
bruenig | askar, even in edgy, it was updated to | 09:41 |
traubisoda | sudo cp ~/Desktop/beryl-xgl /usr/bin/beryl-xgl | 09:41 |
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francois | zero_: its in the menu, called terminal or konsole or console | 09:41 |
PriceChild | Slick, this is a known error... hmm 2 minutes | 09:41 |
zero_ | thank u | 09:41 |
linux1 | thanks :) swampmallard | 09:41 |
Pelo | newbieguy, if you're an english american user with a standard english american keyboard, just use the start /install button, it will give you hte live cd desktop that you can play with until you are ready to install using the install icon on the desktop | 09:41 |
francois | zero_: you use it to issue system commands, you can use it to edit files and browse directories :) | 09:41 |
bruenig | traubisoda, why are you putting that in /bin | 09:41 |
Frost_ | yes it is mounted and on the same computer (one and only) i just copy/paste it then? | 09:41 |
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zero_ | ok | 09:42 |
jonah | Combatjuan, ok done my mount point | 09:42 |
Slick | PriceChild: there's a known error which makes your computer go crazy and the internal buzzer make weird noises?!? | 09:42 |
traubisoda | cuz a tutorial said that if i do that beryl will b work w/ ATI vga | 09:42 |
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PriceChild | Slick, yeah sorry | 09:42 |
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Harnak | Someone here accidently installed the ubuntu desktop when we want ubuntu-server is there a way to use apt to convert the machine? | 09:42 |
canas | does anybody tell me best web desing apps?? | 09:42 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: Ok, good. Now type "sudo gedit /etc/fstab" | 09:42 |
askar | bruenig: hrm strange.. | 09:42 |
bruenig | !bluefish | canas | 09:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bluefish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:42 |
bruenig | !info bluefish | 09:42 |
ubotu | bluefish: advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-1 (feisty), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6724 kB | 09:42 |
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jonah | Combatjuan, ok | 09:42 |
For_Gods_Sake | Hello | 09:42 |
francois | canas: i use eclipse :) but its a heavy program | 09:42 |
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bruenig | traubisoda, really? /bin? | 09:43 |
SpaceBass | hey variant still around? | 09:43 |
traubisoda | yep | 09:43 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: The line you want will be much like the line that is already there. It should be something like: | 09:43 |
predaeus | Frost_, either that or just play them from where they are at now. | 09:43 |
bruenig | traubisoda, are there any errors when you run that command? | 09:43 |
traubisoda | nope | 09:43 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: <contd> "/dev/hdd1 /media/hdd1 ext3 defaults,user 0 0" | 09:43 |
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Logikos | where can i find the minimum system requirments for ubuntu | 09:43 |
Frost_ | ok thanks | 09:43 |
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For_Gods_Sake | I have a problem with installation of ubuntu 7.4. It goes to 15% and stucked.. I tryed with other CD but i have the same problem. Im with 256 RAM .. | 09:44 |
bruenig | traubisoda, ok and "ls /bin | grep beryl" returns what | 09:44 |
Logikos | cant seem to find it on the site.. | 09:44 |
predaeus | no problem | 09:44 |
pista | hello. how can i please terminate a print task?...i tried atrm cancel -a, it shows me no jobs left but still want's to print that shitty document | 09:44 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: Oh, also add in ",auto" after "user" that should tell it to automatically mount when you start. | 09:44 |
jonah | Combatjuan, # /dev/sda1 | 09:44 |
jonah | UUID=c126d95e-344f-4616-a3fe-53725d681524 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 is what was there | 09:44 |
traubisoda | nothin | 09:44 |
traubisoda | ^^ | 09:44 |
francois | pista: did you try just turning off the printer ? | 09:44 |
pista | yup | 09:44 |
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francois | pista: lol thats all i had :( | 09:44 |
bruenig | traubisoda, oh /usr/bin, not /bin, those are different, do ls /usr/bin | grep beryl | 09:45 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: Ok. Try the line "/dev/hdd1 /media/hdd1 ext3 defaults,user,auto 0 1" | 09:45 |
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traubisoda | 1 min i check it | 09:45 |
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pista | francois, never mind, i will probably reboot... | 09:45 |
PriceChild | Slick, im' still here, bear with me | 09:45 |
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Slick | PriceChild: ok | 09:45 |
Combatjuan | jonah: After you add that. You should be able to open another terminal and type simply "mount /dev/hdd1" and it should do it for you, on subsequent restarts, it should be automatic. | 09:46 |
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magnetron | aah! Rhytmbox is playing all my music at HALF the speed! | 09:46 |
jonah | Combatjuan, ok i'll add that in, how do i know if it works? | 09:46 |
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zach382 | hello. Where is the xorg.config file located? | 09:46 |
traubisoda | omg you're right i was in a wrong dir :D | 09:46 |
bruenig | zach382, /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:46 |
traubisoda | i'm a nobb:D | 09:46 |
luisgmarine | zach382, /ect/X11/xorg.conf | 09:46 |
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Combatjuan | zach382: /etc/X11/xorg.conf (save a backup before making changes) | 09:46 |
zach382 | thank you | 09:46 |
PriceChild | Slick, there's a solution here half way down the page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=415009&page=8&highlight=can%27t+access+job+control | 09:46 |
Si|ent | i just have one question still, i have a partition NTFS on my hdd thts used as backup from my xp Os cani access through ubuntu ? | 09:47 |
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jonah | Combatjuan, onah@jonah-desktop:~$ mount /dev/hdd1 | 09:47 |
jonah | [mntent] : line 10 in /etc/fstab is bad | 09:47 |
jonah | mount: can't find /dev/hdd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 09:47 |
jonah | jonah@jonah-desktop:~$ | 09:47 |
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variant | Si|ent: yes | 09:47 |
Si|ent | variant how can i do so plz | 09:47 |
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ardin_ | ciao | 09:47 |
Si|ent | as u noticed im a newbie this is my 6th day using ubuntu | 09:47 |
hectots | hello | 09:47 |
Si|ent | or linux in general | 09:47 |
traubisoda | thanks for sour help | 09:47 |
SpaceBass | Si|ent, well, welcome | 09:47 |
jonah | Combatjuan, here's my fstab, not sure what's wrong with it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17879/ | 09:47 |
traubisoda | for* | 09:47 |
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Blackthorn | pricechild: Thank you for the information. I had done that already but I am now running it again after i installed the xwindows part. | 09:48 |
traubisoda | byez | 09:48 |
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variant | !ntfs | Si|ent | 09:48 |
ubotu | Si|ent: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 09:48 |
Si|ent | spacebass thank you, everythings pretty much perfect.. i cant believe it took me this long to switch | 09:48 |
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Si|ent | ok thanks you variant | 09:48 |
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SpaceBass | Si|ent, there can be some growing pains and fustrations, but its really worth it | 09:48 |
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hectots | I want to know if nvidia drivers work better if I use the binary file instead of the Ubuntu package | 09:48 |
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|Death| | whats a good disk checker for ubuntu??? and also whats a good defragmenter? | 09:48 |
SpaceBass | variant, got a sec for another udev question? | 09:48 |
Combatjuan | jonah: Whitespace is not allowed between the options. You want "defaults,user,auto" not "defaults, user, auto". In addition, add "0 1" to that line. | 09:48 |
Si|ent | spacebass well so far so good.. though i admit i had a lil prob with ICS | 09:49 |
Blackthorn | while that is installing, i have another question. An app that I want to run needs a couple modules? to run. one of them is ncurses, opensl, zlib, and bison. How do I pull and install these? or can i do this in kde easier? | 09:49 |
Si|ent | and now facing a HUGE problem with GAIM | 09:49 |
variant | Si|ent: shoot | 09:49 |
CharlieSu | |Death|: no defrag for most filesystems in linux | 09:49 |
variant | SpaceBass: shoot | 09:49 |
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bruenig | not sure a problem with GAIM can be classified as HUGE | 09:49 |
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Si|ent | variant, well gaim keeps crashing by itself | 09:49 |
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Si|ent | with no apparent reason | 09:49 |
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SpaceBass | variant, so in /etc/rules.d/ the only thing that I see pertaining to cds or dvds is the 30-cdrom_id.rules | 09:49 |
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variant | |Death|: non microsoft filesystems generaly don't require defragmenting. use fsck to check the filesystems for errors though | 09:50 |
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liquiddoom | Si|ent: I had that happen too before I went to feisty... mainly when using MSN | 09:50 |
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Slick | PriceChild: but how do I get into ubuntu to type those commands?! | 09:50 |
Si|ent | liquiddoom and it got resolved? | 09:50 |
SpaceBass | variant, and there was already a line there that identified the CD (in this case DVD_ via wildcard...so I copied it and then added my run command... but its not working | 09:50 |
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PriceChild | Slick, use the live cd. | 09:50 |
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liquiddoom | Si|ent: It seems like it. | 09:50 |
mag_ | Good evening (or morning, depending on your timezone) | 09:50 |
SpaceBass | variant, when I run udevmonitor and insert I disk, I dont see anything happening | 09:50 |
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variant | SpaceBass: did you follow the isntructiosn i showed you? | 09:51 |
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jonah | Combatjuan, where do i add the 0 1? | 09:51 |
SpaceBass | variant, yeah, thats where I got the syntax | 09:51 |
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variant | SpaceBass: http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html#external-run | 09:51 |
PriceChild | Slick, when the live cd is loaded, do "sudo chroot /dev/sda1" (where sda1 is the partition you need to fix) | 09:51 |
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Si|ent | liquiddoom seems i might go for an upgrade then | 09:51 |
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Slick | PriceChild: thanks, I'll try that | 09:51 |
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SpaceBass | variant, thats quite litterally where i copied the syntax | 09:51 |
variant | SpaceBass: hmm | 09:51 |
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variant | SpaceBass: sorry, star gate is on :E | 09:51 |
timposey | Hello all | 09:51 |
liquiddoom | Si|ent: Don't let that be the only reason to go to feisty though... you might want to try compiling the newest source or finding a newer .deb | 09:51 |
mag_ | I need help with a feisty install (as a newbie). Anyone can help ? | 09:52 |
Slick | PriceChild: do you think that feisty installed ok and this error came at the end? | 09:52 |
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SpaceBass | hummm | 09:52 |
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Combatjuan | jonah: I misread your current setup. What you want is "0 2" And it is at the end of the line. Basically the line has 6 parts seperated by whitespace. The device, the mount point, the type, the options, the dump#, and the pass #. The last two are the "0 2" | 09:52 |
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Si|ent | liquiddoom thts wht im gonna try.. ill b trying AMSN for a few days if it works ill stick to where i am | 09:52 |
SpaceBass | variant, like I said, udevmonitor doesnt do a thing when I put a disk in... shouldnt I see somethig there? | 09:52 |
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liquiddoom | Si|ent: Okay. I'll try to find a link now | 09:52 |
Si|ent | liquiddoom :) | 09:53 |
quad3dAtWork | no pr0n talk please | 09:53 |
francois | my dvd burner is a 16x writer, but it only burns at 4x, any ideas why ? | 09:53 |
PriceChild | Slick, you might want to do an apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade after doing the fix mentioned to ensure the system is updated fully | 09:53 |
Blackthorn | An app that I want to run needs a couple modules? to run. one of them is ncurses, opensl, zlib, and bison. How do I pull and install these? or can i do this in kde easier? | 09:53 |
Combatjuan | jonah: So "/dev/hdd1 /media/vmware_drive ext3 defaults,usr,auto 0 2" | 09:53 |
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PriceChild | quad3dAtWork, who was? | 09:53 |
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jonah | Combatjuan, ok thanks awesome, thanks for your help | 09:53 |
quad3dAtWork | oops, wrong window | 09:53 |
Combatjuan | jonah: It worked? | 09:53 |
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mag_ | Hi, I need help with a feisty install (newbie). Anyone can help ? | 09:53 |
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darknessspace | apt-get pr0n | 09:54 |
timposey | can anyone tell me how to disable ubuntu from changing programs and browser windows when the mouse moves from one window to another? | 09:54 |
variant | SpaceBass: did you restart udev? | 09:54 |
For_Gods_Sake | I have a problem with installation of ubuntu 7.4. It goes to 15% and stucked.. I tryed with other CD but i have the same problem. Im with 256 RAM .. | 09:54 |
Pelo | Blackthorn, sudo apt-get install packagenameone packagenametwo etc | 09:54 |
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PriceChild | !ohmy | darknessspace | 09:54 |
ubotu | darknessspace: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:54 |
SpaceBass | variant, hummm lets say, for the sake of argument...no | 09:54 |
darknessspace | lol | 09:54 |
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variant | SpaceBass: /etc/init.d/udevd restart | 09:54 |
root___ | Hello, I installed beryl, and when I restarted my system, I can no longer load Xserver, the error tells me that I have an Nvidia kernel / Xserver kernel mismatch. I"ve tried reconfiguring xorg.conf and nothing works | 09:54 |
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liquiddoom | deb-src http://repository.debuntu.org/ edgy multiverse | 09:54 |
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Pelo | timposey, menu > system > prefs > mouse someting | 09:55 |
SpaceBass | variant, thanks again for the help, if that doesnt work I'll keep reading | 09:55 |
variant | SpaceBass: np | 09:55 |
Wanderer | kubuntu.org still offline? | 09:55 |
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timposey | pelo; Thanks, I'll try that | 09:55 |
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gat0rvean | I installed beryl, and when I restarted my system, I can no longer load Xserver, the error tells me that I have an Nvidia kernel / Xserver kernel mismatch. I"ve tried reconfiguring xorg.conf and nothing works | 09:56 |
liquiddoom | Si|ent: That repo has the newest version of GAIM, beta6 (the one I use) | 09:56 |
Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: did you verify the CD? | 09:56 |
Blackthorn | pelo: thank you, I guess better question is how do you find out the package names that you can pull, is there a list someplace? i think i tried the packagname as ncurses and it didn't find anything. | 09:56 |
deafboy | does anyone know where i can get help for the DeVeDe app? | 09:56 |
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Flannel | Wanderer: appears so | 09:56 |
Si|ent | hmmm liquiddoom thank u | 09:56 |
nexous | Can nano's nanorc checker at run time be taken off? | 09:56 |
For_Gods_Sake | Flannel | 09:56 |
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For_Gods_Sake | how to verify the cD? | 09:56 |
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nexous | For_Gods_Sake: md5? | 09:57 |
Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: when you boot it up, there's a "check CD for defects" or, something along those lines, at the initial boot prompt ting | 09:57 |
For_Gods_Sake | i`ve never heart of verifying cd | 09:57 |
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For_Gods_Sake | Flannel | 09:57 |
mag_ | After the feisty install, GRUB did not launch : I had to choose first hard drive boot from the CD menu in order for Ubuntu to boot properly for the first time. Is this normal, or is it that GRUB could not load itself to the mbr ? | 09:57 |
For_Gods_Sake | aaa | 09:57 |
For_Gods_Sake | yes | 09:57 |
For_Gods_Sake | i did | 09:57 |
Pelo | Blackthorn, the hard way apt-cache search keyword, the easy way the search feature in synatpic or adept depending if you use gnome or kde | 09:57 |
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variant | SpaceBass: udevcontrol reload_rules | 09:57 |
For_Gods_Sake | nexous md5? | 09:57 |
predaeus | gat0rvean, did you install from a 3rd party repository or the ubuntu repositories? btw, don't run xchat or whatever as root. | 09:57 |
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SpaceBass | variant, still nothing :( | 09:57 |
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nexous | For_Gods_Sake: another way, I forgot the cd's have that cd verification tool though. | 09:57 |
frankyd | hello | 09:57 |
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Flannel | mag_: You need to take the CD out, in order to get it. But, since after you chose "boot from the HD" it booted grub, sounds like grub is installed | 09:58 |
frankyd | good evening everyone | 09:58 |
variant | SpaceBass: see the section about running udevtest | 09:58 |
Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: And the verification came back good? | 09:58 |
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nexous | Anyone successfully run a wpc54g on Feisty? | 09:58 |
For_Gods_Sake | yep there are no problems. | 09:58 |
Blackthorn | pelo: thanks :) | 09:58 |
variant | SpaceBass: did you add the rule in the right file? | 09:58 |
Si|ent | liquiddoom found it thank you :) | 09:58 |
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SpaceBass | variant, well, not sure I did | 09:58 |
Si|ent | variant, i went to the mounting link u gave me where i downloaded the script | 09:58 |
JC_Denton_ | anyone able to assist with wpa_supplicant? | 09:58 |
Si|ent | and wrote the mentioned command though nothing happened | 09:58 |
SpaceBass | I added it to 30-cdrom_id.rules ...the only thing I saw that looked close | 09:58 |
For_Gods_Sake | is it possible tha my RAM is a little ? or my processor goes to "hot" | 09:58 |
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gat0rvean | predaeus, i'm in irssi, I can't even load my desktop, as far as repositories, I just followed the installation instrucctions on the wiki | 09:59 |
variant | SpaceBass: sorry, i was talking to SpaceBass | 09:59 |
=== Khaaaaaan [n=nicholas@68-168-84-86.kntnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Khaaaaaan | hey guys... | 09:59 |
Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: I suppose it could. Have you tried the alternate CD? instead of the desktop | 09:59 |
variant | SpaceBass: oh, nevermind | 09:59 |
liquiddoom | Si|ent: Awesome. If you get authentication errors, wget http://repository.debuntu.org/GPG-Key-chantra.txt && sudo apt-key add GPG-Key-chantra.txt | 09:59 |
Pelo | timposey, I found the optioon you need, menu > system > prefs >windows | 09:59 |
iratik | What is the equivalent utility for scandisk in ubuntu ? | 09:59 |
crackintosh | apache is driving me insane. I keep getting "cannot write" errors for everything in my /var/www directory when I try to run php scripts. I could just do 777 permissions but thats not secure. what user do I give permissions to so that this doesnt happen? | 09:59 |
nexous | Can I upgrade from edgy to Feisty via distro upgrade panel? | 09:59 |
liquiddoom | iratik: fsck | 09:59 |
SpaceBass | variant, when I run udevtest /dev/sr0 is says it cannot open the device | 09:59 |
iratik | fsck thanks | 09:59 |
Khaaaaaan | I have a laptop, and when I shut it down it doesn't turn off... | 09:59 |
Si|ent | liquiddoom once again thanks for helping out :) | 09:59 |
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Khaaaaaan | What could be wrong? | 10:00 |
For_Gods_Sake | Flannel alternate? | 10:00 |
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PriceChild | !upgrade > nexous | 10:00 |
liquiddoom | iratik: Although ext3 partitions do NOT need defragmentation | 10:00 |
Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: yeah, instead of a liveCD, it's just an installer | 10:00 |
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Pelo | nexous, yes but the servers are overwhelmed, it would be easier to do it using the alternate install cd downloaded from torrents | 10:00 |
predaeus | gat0rvean, weird, beryl should not change your drivers at all. try uninstalling and reinstalling linux-restricted drivers and nvidia-glx if you are running an nvidia card. | 10:00 |
=== amki [n=amki@p508341AE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
For_Gods_Sake | Flannel m... | 10:00 |
Combatjuan | PriceChild: Where do I learn how to do all the nifty ubotu tricks you know? | 10:00 |
Pelo | !alternate > nexous | 10:00 |
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For_Gods_Sake | can i join private? | 10:00 |
Pelo | !upgrade > nexous check pm | 10:00 |
liquiddoom | Combatjuan: There's an ubuntu wiki article on it. I'll get the link | 10:00 |
PriceChild | !bot > Combatjuan | 10:00 |
iratik | liquiddoom: It can't find an ext2 partition .. its an ntfs partition i'm needing to check/correct for errors ? | 10:00 |
nexous | PriceChild: Thanks | 10:00 |
Dynalon | hi all, i just read feisty comes with XRandR 1.2 exentsion, but my (dapper->feisty updated system) gives version 1.1 on xrandr --version | 10:00 |
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predaeus | gat0rvean, search with "apt-cache search packagename" for the exact package names | 10:01 |
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liquiddoom | Combatjuan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat | 10:01 |
iratik | !bot | iratik | 10:01 |
Combatjuan | liquiddoom, PriceChild: Thanks | 10:01 |
spawn | anyone know why aMSN is so laggy? | 10:01 |
Khaaaaaan | Is there a way to know why my computer won't turn off during shut down? | 10:01 |
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liquiddoom | iratik: I'm not sure | 10:01 |
spawn | used to work fine | 10:01 |
For_Gods_Sake | Flannel i dl the .iso file from ubuntus site.. i burn it out on a CS . isnt that alternate? | 10:01 |
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Pelo | spawn, assume it's temporary and ask again in a couple of days | 10:01 |
iratik | anyone know how to check an ntfs partition for errors so it can be operated on by ntfsresize ? | 10:01 |
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For_Gods_Sake | CD not CS | 10:02 |
spawn | yeh | 10:02 |
spawn | hopefully | 10:02 |
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Pelo | iratik, boot up xp and do a diskcheck | 10:02 |
gat0rvean | pradeus, can you tell me "how" to do that? | 10:02 |
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predaeus | gat0rvean, are you runnning an nvidia card? | 10:02 |
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gat0rvean | predaeus, yes | 10:02 |
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Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: eh? Did you download the "Desktop" or the "Alternate" CD? | 10:02 |
iratik | thanks | 10:02 |
predaeus | gat0rvean, a new one or a very old one? because there's different drivers for like geforce3 and so on. | 10:03 |
For_Gods_Sake | Desktop | 10:03 |
Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: whats the filename of the iso you downloaded? It'll say "alternate" or "desktop" | 10:03 |
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For_Gods_Sake | but. on the site was | 10:03 |
nibsa1242b_ | most of the time when I try to hibernate I get an error that flashes something about not enough memory how do I fix? | 10:03 |
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For_Gods_Sake | Desktop Server | 10:03 |
gat0rvean | predaeus, about a year old, eVGA 7800 GT | 10:03 |
For_Gods_Sake | no alternate | 10:03 |
timposey | Pelo: This is strange but when I click on menu>system>Preferences>windows or mouse or anything a window comes up in the bar at the bottom of the page that says it is starting windows or mouse etc. but after that nothing ever opens like it should and the button on the bar just disappears... any ideas | 10:03 |
doomster | Is there a half-automated way to serve a Subversion repository? I have only found the wiki, where it describes a manual setup. | 10:04 |
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Hoxx | i edited the xorg with the new monitor resolution that i want but it wont show up in screen resolution preferences, what shall i do? | 10:04 |
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nightwatch | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY 101010 | 10:04 |
Flannel | doomster: automated way to serve it? | 10:04 |
Pelo | timposey, someting is wong, reboot and try again | 10:04 |
Flannel | nightwatch: you'll want to change that password. | 10:04 |
timposey | pelo: ok | 10:04 |
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Flannel | For_Gods_Sake: releases.ubuntu.com, there's alternate there | 10:04 |
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nexous | How do I copy a dir from 1 location and copy it to another? | 10:04 |
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predaeus | gat0rvean, try running sudo apt-get remove linux-restricted-modules-generic nvidia-glx & sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic nvidia-glx or something like that | 10:05 |
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minaz | question about brother laser printers...? when i print pdfs that have more than 2 pages, only the first two pages print | 10:05 |
nightwatch | Flannel: dont worry about... I will change, thanks | 10:05 |
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For_Gods_Sake | tnx | 10:05 |
mag_ | Flannel: The thing is : When I booted WITHOUT the CD, Ubuntu did not boot up | 10:05 |
doomster | Flannel: like the other services where you only need to check a box to activate them. | 10:05 |
Pelo | brb | 10:05 |
AaronMT | Samba in windows XP I get (trying to access my laptop with ubuntu) \\LAPTOP\\MyFiles is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource | 10:05 |
Richard | I have a serious Feisty issue and have to boot in Windows because of it. It's a simple issue I'm sure, but it is crippling. | 10:05 |
AaronMT | what should I do? | 10:05 |
predaeus | gat0rvean, probably you can bring up the xserver with the nv drivers for the time being if you need it now | 10:05 |
joseph_ | whenever I try to print, it always prints in A4, so my printer asks me to put A4 paper in the tray. It does this even though I select 8.5x11 (letter) | 10:05 |
joseph_ | any ideas? | 10:05 |
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Flannel | doomster: well, the thing with svn, is there's a few ways of serving. Which protocol do you want to use? Do you want to just run a svn server? Or do you want to serve through apache? or what? | 10:06 |
joseph_ | i'm running ubuntu 7.04 | 10:06 |
nibsa1242b_ | I need help troubleshooting a hibernation problem, something about not enough memory. | 10:06 |
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Flannel | !grub | mag_ | 10:06 |
ubotu | mag_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:06 |
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Flannel | mag_: follow instructions there (first link) to reinstall grub | 10:06 |
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gat0rvean | predaus, nope, it freezes at the login screen if I use the nv drivers | 10:06 |
Richard | In Feisty, my USB Keyboard and Mouse freeze at random and the only solution to the problem is manually turning off my computer and then booting back up. Unplugging and re-plugging does not solve the problem. | 10:06 |
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Keyseir | ubotu, please tell richard about ask | 10:06 |
doomster | Flannel: I'm aware of all this and I installed SVN before, but I was wondering whether Ubuntu offered a different way. | 10:06 |
Dynalon | might sb please run xrandr --version on his feisty and tell me the version? | 10:07 |
For_Gods_Sake | Flannel can i install this alternate cd from usb? | 10:07 |
predaeus | gat0rvean, oh, ok. | 10:07 |
LiENUS | how do i setup ntp on ubuntu-server? | 10:07 |
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For_Gods_Sake | this alternate .iso from usb | 10:07 |
Flannel | LiENUS: help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html | 10:07 |
yxairyggen | When I type "ftp://myftp.com" I've got "Nautilus cannot display "ftp://myftp.com". Please select another viewer and try again." | 10:07 |
mag_ | Flannel: I just killed windows. Installed Feisty directly over WinXP | 10:07 |
LiENUS | Flannel, i have 6.06 | 10:07 |
yxairyggen | I have been using nautilus for ftp before, and it worked | 10:07 |
Flannel | mag_: right. But if you think grub didn't install, you'll need to reinstall grub. | 10:07 |
mag_ | ubotu: Thx. I'm checking the second link | 10:07 |
Flannel | LiENUS: same instructions. | 10:07 |
Richard | How do I stop my USB keyboard and mouse from freezing? | 10:07 |
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ompaul | LiENUS, and versions do not differ http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html | 10:08 |
shrimants | hello, i wanted to switch back to windows. i have an exact copy of my HD on an external hard drive. how do i put taht copy back onto my laptop hd? | 10:08 |
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itch_ | Hello guys. I`ve run into a bit of troubel. I`m trying to broadcast my webcam via webcam_server. I`ve configure it, but when I try to run it, I get "bind: Address already in use | 10:08 |
mag_ | Flannel: How exactlay can I check if GRUB installed properly ? apt-cache search GRUB ? | 10:08 |
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Flannel | mag_: Uh... boot up, and see if grub boots | 10:08 |
indrani | hi all! | 10:09 |
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Dynalon | mag_: try to run update-grub as root | 10:09 |
predaeus | itch_, did you try running it with sudo? | 10:09 |
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ompaul | shrimants, that would be a question for ##windows methinks | 10:09 |
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mag_ | Flannel: LOL ! If I do that, it'll sever my IRC link (I'm such a dork!) | 10:09 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants are you trying to get rid of your ubuntu install in the process? and what method did you use to make the 'exact' copy? | 10:09 |
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mag_ | Dynalon: OK | 10:09 |
nightwatch | now its ok | 10:09 |
itch_ | predaeus : Yes, I did. Same result. | 10:09 |
padee | hi all... i checked many forums to get some advice with matrox dual cards... any hints anyone? | 10:09 |
Hoxx | i edited the xorg with the new monitor resolution that i want but it wont show up in screen resolution preferences, what shall i do? | 10:09 |
shrimants | ompaul: i was thinking to use the ubuntu liveCD for it, | 10:10 |
indrani | installed 7.04 and the machine has come to a crawl | 10:10 |
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salvador | nn | 10:10 |
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shrimants | nibsa124b_: yes, i am trying to get rid of the ubuntu install. i used a windows program called HD Copy | 10:10 |
mojojojo_ | I have the following problem/error... Buttons in for increasing adn decreasing volume doesn't work at all.. Muting the sound does work but just for a minute or so (afterwards it is reenabled automatically). What has happened... Just after I installed Ubuntu this worked fine :( | 10:10 |
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indrani | disk reads are dog slow... | 10:10 |
shrimants | mojojojo i have that same problem, its rather annoying | 10:10 |
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nightwatch | how can I get java plugin for firefox working on feisty??? | 10:11 |
predaeus | itch_, hm probably some config error, look for a config file probably man webcam_server shows an info page and where the config file is at the end. else look at the folder where you installed/run the server or else if you installed system wide than probably somewhere in /etc/webcam_server or something | 10:11 |
nightwatch | there's no packet anymore | 10:11 |
t | hello. I can't uprgrade to 7.04. Anyone willing to help? | 10:11 |
ompaul | shrimants, well you got to do a windows install to get that ntfs thing on there so I guess at that stage you need to work with windows | 10:11 |
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indrani | it takes 12 mins to get the desktop running!!! | 10:11 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants let me look up HD Copy... the linuxy way would be with dd but if HD Copy doesn't run under windows you might need to do something like a BartPE (kinda like a windows Live CD) | 10:11 |
Pelo | t install from scratch | 10:11 |
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predaeus | itch_, then change the port or address it is using in the config file. or search google or the ubuntu forums for info about configuration. | 10:11 |
Pelo | and get a longer nick | 10:11 |
mojojojo_ | shrimants: I think it occurred after I started messing with the gnome volume | 10:11 |
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SexyBoBo | if you have a p4 processor with a broken pin can it hurt your mobo if you put it in to see if it will work? | 10:11 |
mikesown | I'm trying to install ubuntu on my mbp, but I can't get a network connection in the chroot terminal | 10:11 |
kamaswami | i've got a question about network manager. is there a way to run a command (like a bash script) after connecting to a network? | 10:12 |
SpaceBass | variant, think I'm going to have to give up for the day... not making much progress ... udevtest shows my rule, but its not being executed | 10:12 |
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mikesown | I tried ifup eth0, but it says "ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: No such file or directory" | 10:12 |
mag_ | Dynalon: Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub | 10:12 |
mag_ | Testing for an existing GRUB menu.lst file ... found: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:12 |
mag_ | Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ... | 10:12 |
mag_ | Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic | 10:12 |
mag_ | Found kernel: /boot/memtest86+.bin | 10:12 |
mag_ | Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done | 10:12 |
shrimants | mojojojo_ my problem is basically that the volume buttons show up as working but i cannot control it with my media keys or with the keyboard | 10:12 |
mikesown | any ideas? | 10:12 |
t | it took me so long to configure 6.10 for WiFi, modem, and everything..I'd prefere to upgrade...I thought I was easy | 10:12 |
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Pelo | SexyBoBo, probably | 10:12 |
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itch_ | predaeus, ok. I`ll do that. Thanks | 10:12 |
Combatjuan | indrani: Is DMA on for you hard drive? | 10:12 |
ompaul | !paste | mag_ | 10:12 |
ubotu | mag_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:12 |
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gat0rvean | predaeus, that didn't work, still getting Error:API mismatch Nvidia module is XXXXXX and Xserver Module is XXXXXX | 10:12 |
bobbyz | mikesown: make sure that /var/run/network/ exists | 10:12 |
indrani | Combatjuan, there is a problem there.. | 10:12 |
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mag_ | ok ompaul | 10:13 |
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mikesown | bobbyz: this is in a chroot | 10:13 |
Dynalon | mag_: dont paste that much, but it seems grub reinstalled fine. now go and reboot | 10:13 |
indrani | Combatjuan, I have an IDE drive but it is listed under /dev/sda<N> | 10:13 |
mikesown | it doesn't exist though | 10:13 |
predaeus | itch_, if webcam_server is the binary then also try if webcam_server -h or --help brings up a list of commandline arguments you can pass to it, maybe you can pass port or address it should use | 10:13 |
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bobbyz | mikesown: then create it :) | 10:13 |
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mikesown | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=198453 is the guide I am following | 10:13 |
indrani | Combatjuan, so hdparm et al don't seem to work | 10:13 |
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mikesown | just touch /var/run/network ? | 10:13 |
Combatjuan | indrani: Huh. You got me there. | 10:13 |
bobbyz | no, that's a directory | 10:13 |
mikesown | oh ok | 10:13 |
bobbyz | mkdir -p /var/run/network/ | 10:13 |
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mikesown | ok | 10:13 |
mag_ | Dynalon: Going down for reboot. See you ! | 10:13 |
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indrani | Combatjuan, so, is there anything I should try? | 10:14 |
mikesown | yay :D | 10:14 |
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mojojojo_ | shrimants: check this out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-lib/+bug/105633 | 10:14 |
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mikesown | can't get /etc/resolv.conf but that shouldn't be a problem right? | 10:14 |
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Combatjuan | indrani: When you run the Live CD does it recognize your device as being at /hda1 or whatever IDE place it really is? | 10:14 |
AaronMT | Samba in windows XP I get (trying to access my laptop with ubuntu) \\LAPTOP\\MyFiles is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource | 10:14 |
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bobbyz | mikesown: any time you get some sort of error about a file not existing from within a script, make sure the parent directory exists because oftentime scripts/programs forget to make an error-check that a dir exists before trying to create a read a file from it | 10:14 |
Dynalon | a strange behaviour i noticed after upgrading to feisty is, that my (ide) laptop hdd now is accessed via /dev/sda though its not scsi, but feisty xen kernel (2.6.19) sees it as /dev/hda | 10:14 |
indrani | Combatjuan, no. it says /dev/sda instead | 10:14 |
predaeus | gat0rvean, hm, not sure what to do there, had that too very often. I don't know what it responsible for what driver combination X loads first. I had it once that X would not run but with a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart it would. You could also try installing the nvidia drivers with their installer but that could mess up things even more. | 10:15 |
shrimants | http://home.tiscali.de/zdata/hdcopy_e.htm | 10:15 |
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bobbyz | mikesown: and you can create your own /etc/resolv.conf by hand | 10:15 |
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Combatjuan | indrani: I don't suppose it's one of the new samsung hybrid drives? | 10:15 |
timur | is there someone who knows how much space is needed for upgrade to 7.04 | 10:15 |
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Combatjuan | indrani: Nevermind. Dumb question. It's IDE. | 10:15 |
indrani | Combatjuan, it's a seagate | 10:15 |
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shrimants | nibsa1242b_: http://home.tiscali.de/zdata/hdcopy_e.htm | 10:15 |
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Combatjuan | indrani: I don't know what to suggest. Sorry. | 10:15 |
indrani | Combatjuan, thanks for your time :) | 10:15 |
gat0rvean | predaeus, ok, thanks anyway | 10:16 |
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doomster | AaronMT: I guess it might be related to you simply not having the permissions or not having authenticated as somebody having them? | 10:16 |
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mojojojo_ | shrimants: this solution worked for me :), just had to look in google a bit (lazy me) | 10:16 |
gat0rvean | exit | 10:16 |
Dynalon | indrani: im having exact the same problem | 10:16 |
kkotrofos | is anyone available to discuss tv out problem | 10:16 |
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shrimants | mojojojo, im just switching back to windows since im going to college later anyways | 10:16 |
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predaeus | timur, you could change your repositories to feisty's (make backup first) and then do a sudo apt-get update (to update repo database) and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade it will first show how much it needs to download and how much additional space it will require, you can then cancel the command with n and ENTER. | 10:16 |
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Dynalon | indrani: even worse, after upgrade to feisty the swap partition was still listest under hdaX in fstab and swapon failed. i needed some time to find out why my system is so laggy | 10:17 |
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mojojojo_ | shrimants: erm... ok | 10:17 |
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mikesown | when I do sudo parted on my macbook pro c2d I get Error: Unable to open /dev/hda - unrecognized disk label. Any ideas? I'm trying to set a boot flag. | 10:17 |
shrimants | mojojojo_: i mean that my sound works perfectly in that, and i dont have time to tinker with linux anymore | 10:17 |
neildarlow | has the cause for microphone not working in feisty been found? i've seen a few vague posts in the forums but they're all workarounds not fixes | 10:17 |
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mag_ | Dynalon: Invalid sector . HD boot failed | 10:17 |
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Si|ent | hey i mounted successfuly, thank you variant, though now im having trouble opening my music | 10:18 |
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predaeus | timur, you should cancel that command then because it is recommended to upgrade with the update manager and not with apt-get | 10:18 |
shrimants | mojojojo_: i will,, however, acknowledge taht linux trounces windows in my opinion | 10:18 |
Dynalon | mag_: sound more like an error from bios, did the grub menu/splash/etc appear? | 10:18 |
Keyseir | Does anyone here know about all the Feisty input device problems going around? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2492797 | 10:18 |
indrani | Dynalon, are things fine now? | 10:18 |
Woody_ | How can I change the MAC address of my ubuntu? | 10:18 |
Combatjuan | predaeus: What's this? Ubuntu recommends not using apt-get? | 10:18 |
itch_ | predaeus , the program it`s system wide install (make, make install). There is no configuration in /etc. The thing it`s like this. When I run it with argumesc (e.g. webcam_server -d /dev/video0 -s -p 8080) it works fine. But there`s also a webcam.html with some setings in there (e.g. <param name=URL value="">) that I can`t figure it out. | 10:18 |
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nibsa1242b_ | shrimants: ok... I'm not too familiar with what HD copy does, but if it made a true exact copy (bit for bit) then you could use the dd command. However, I can't seem to find anything that says that it is what it does. My suggestion to you would be to either make a DOS boot disk (if it'll run from that) or try to run it from a BartPE environment. You could take your chances and try dd since it won't change any of the data on the external | 10:19 |
nibsa1242b_ | HD if used properly, and if that doesn't work try BartPE or a bootdisk. Good luck to you. The Moral of the story is that if you want to use Linux to do something you should do it with native linux tools the first time around. | 10:19 |
=== vamoer [n=vamoer@d54C1A65A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bobbyz | mikesown: if you're still chrooted, make sure /dev/hda exists. However, if your system has os X installed previously, then it will probably be using an apple partitioning scheme, which is similar to BSDs in that it uses /dev/diskBLAH labels | 10:19 |
seisen | They don't recommend bu that is how I have done it | 10:19 |
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neildarlow | Woody_: man ifconfig - hint hw | 10:19 |
J_P | hi all | 10:19 |
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mikesown | bobbyz: I used the graphical manager | 10:19 |
Dynalon | indrani: no, i still have my ide hdd as /dev/sda but since i fixed the swap part there is no problem with that - its just _strange_ | 10:19 |
Combatjuan | J_P: Hey there. | 10:19 |
mikesown | it worked fine | 10:19 |
bobbyz | k | 10:19 |
Woody_ | neildarlow: please explain | 10:19 |
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radmen | Hi ;-] | 10:19 |
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mag_ | Dynalon: It did not, until I launched grub from the CD. The bios (phoenix, if i read correctly) spash did appear | 10:19 |
dmeshr | hia | 10:19 |
h4writer | hi, got a question. Just installed a new graphical card, but my ubuntu (gdm) doesn't want to start anymore... | 10:19 |
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mikesown | now I'm getting an error when runnign lilo - b /dev/sda Unrecognized token "intrid" at or above line 5 in the file '/etc/lilo.conf' | 10:19 |
indrani | Dynalon, what did you do to fix the swap partition? | 10:19 |
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neildarlow | Woody_: the MAC address is the hardware address specified in ifconfig with hw | 10:19 |
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mikesown | ah wait, didn't spell it right | 10:20 |
seisen | you need to the driver in xorg.conf to the write driver | 10:20 |
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Dynalon | indrani: edited /etc/fstab and change hda2 to sda2 for swap :D | 10:20 |
indrani | Dynalon, when it boots, it says "Activating swap ..............[OK] | 10:20 |
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indrani | oh ok | 10:20 |
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Woody_ | neildarlow: is there one command i can type and following it with the MAC address i want to change it to? | 10:20 |
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timur | predaeus, the problem is when I use Adept, I have a message that I need 600Mb more, I have 5 Gb partition with 1 Gb free now | 10:20 |
indrani | Dynalon, will try it out... | 10:20 |
Jump86 | im trying to get my monitor to use 60hz but in system > pref > screen res it shows 50hz... is that accurate or does my NVIDIA driver override that somehow? in nvidia settings i can set the refresh to 60hz.. but in screen reso it always shows 50hz.. which one is right? | 10:20 |
predaeus | itch_, I 8080 is the port that others can connect to your server and the value before is the ip of the server i guess, probably insert your own ip there, the ip your computer has in the network or on the internet. | 10:20 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: i am pretty sure taht it only copies whatever windows files are there on the partition i need coppied, so there will be no boot sector etc | 10:20 |
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predaeus | itch_, I guess, not sure though. | 10:20 |
neildarlow | Woody_: ifconfig eth0 hw xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx | 10:20 |
Dynalon | mag_: do you have some kind of bootsector protection enabled in the bios? | 10:21 |
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h4writer | How can I let feisty set the information of the X server automatical again, after putting a new graphical card into my system? | 10:21 |
Woody_ | thanks a lot neildarlow | 10:21 |
indrani | Dynalon, are there any bios settings that need to be set? | 10:21 |
neildarlow | Woody_: adjust eth0 and xx:...xx as appropriate | 10:21 |
Jump86 | is there a command to check monitor refresh rate being used? | 10:21 |
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predaeus | timur, hm not sure if it will work then. keep asking around here and maybe on the forums too. | 10:21 |
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mag_ | I don't know. I just replaced WinXP with Ubuntu.Would "tatooing" have such an effect ? | 10:21 |
Dynalon | indrani: no, there is an option usaly to protect the mbr from beeing written, but since update-grub worked it should be fine set. just possible you got an exotic bios | 10:21 |
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J_P | people, I install 7.04, but after somes time smachine running (I/O on disc), web http process (apache), mysql etc machine congeals and in tty0 in video show this : http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/4530 | 10:22 |
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timur | I tried also with Alternate CD upgrade, but it shows an error | 10:22 |
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bobbyz | Jump86: you can check that from /var/log/Xorg.<displaynum>.log | 10:22 |
fbarcenas | what is recommended to defrag an ubuntu system? | 10:22 |
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liquiddoom | fbarcenas: Defrag is not needed with ext3 | 10:22 |
neildarlow | fbarcenas: we have real filesystems. you don't need to | 10:22 |
Jump86 | bobbyz, im looking in this log but i cant see the refresh being loaded | 10:22 |
liquiddoom | fbarcenas: You CAN defrag, but you have to convert to ext2 | 10:22 |
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Scapy | !xen | 10:23 |
ubotu | XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy | 10:23 |
cables | Has anyone experienced bug 109637 in Feisty? | 10:23 |
Pelo | fbarcenas, welcome to notwindows | 10:23 |
predaeus | Combatjuan, I've heard here that it is recommended to do distribution upgrades with the update manager and not with apt-get dist-upgrade as this might lead to complications. I've upgraded with apt-get in the past, so you might take the risk. But it is not recommended for people who don't know what they are doing. | 10:23 |
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Jump86 | bobbyz, see if you can find it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17880 | 10:23 |
fbarcenas | liquiddoom, neildarlow , ahh.. | 10:23 |
Scapy | thanks | 10:23 |
fbarcenas | Pelo, thanx | 10:23 |
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timposey | I am trying to type the n with the ~ over the top of it which is common in the spanish language. In windows I would hit alt 164 but that doesn't work in ubuntu... any suggestions. | 10:23 |
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nibsa1242b | shrimants oh ok... if it works like that I'd think that what you'd want to do is a clean install of windows, and then copy everything back over from the external hd... but from the limited info I have on the program (since I can't read the docs) it looks like its saying it copies everything so I thought that would mean the boot sector, probably what it does is not copy free space or empty space (which dd would) | 10:23 |
neildarlow | !#109637 | 10:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 109637 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:23 |
Combatjuan | predaeus: Interesting. I never use package managers. They scare me. Very little gives me more job than type "apt-get install <packagename>" and then using that package 30 seconds later. | 10:23 |
ubuntu | shqipe | 10:23 |
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Pelo | timposey, me and a few others have triedd but we were not able to get ascii codes working in ubuntu , we never figured out why | 10:24 |
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cables | neildarlow, I guess it's not working... it's working in #ubuntu-offtopic though. | 10:24 |
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walkintome | hi all. when i minimize windows they keep disapearing and i have no way of getting them back without relaunching them. then the window appears again | 10:24 |
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predaeus | fbarcenas, you should try to keep enough free space on your partitions so that the filesystem can prevent fragmentation as much as possible. | 10:24 |
itch_ | predaeus , You guessed right. That it`s my ip adress and 8080 is the port it should run. One thing I don`t get. On projets`s home page. there`s somethig like this "You'll find a file called 'webcam.html' in the 'src/client' folder. Copy this to a directory under your web site. NOTE: Please edit this file. You have to change 'localhost' to the network name of your computer, otherwise you will be the only one who can see yourself on the camera using the applet." | 10:24 |
TheSilentW | hello everyone, i wanted to use VNC on my ubuntu feisty machine, so i could control it from school, school has windows, and i cant install anything so, i needed a client that can be run from a pen drive and that can pass proxy and firewalled connections (i have user and pass for proxy), also, if possible the server program be multi-platform would be nice, thx in advance for a reply | 10:24 |
Shafto | walkintome, You sure you have the window list applet on your panel? | 10:24 |
cables | has anyone experienced one or more panels not loading when you log in? | 10:25 |
itch_ | predaeus , Why do I have to set another port since I allready have apache runing on port 80 ? | 10:25 |
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Pelo | walkintome, you need to reinstall the window_list in the bottom panel, righ click the pannel add t pannel | 10:25 |
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fbarcenas | liquiddoom, neildarlow , Pelo , that's awesome!!! i NEVER HAVE TO DEFRAG AGAIN IN MY LIFE! I just figured since I've been using this laptop with ubuntu for over a year now, I can't recall having done any maintenance to it. So I figured I would run some maint. Is there any other maintenance that needs to be done? | 10:25 |
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walkintome | Pelo: haha that fixed it | 10:25 |
timposey | pelo is there any keyboard combinations to change the default keyboard from english to spanish when I am typing a spanish document? | 10:25 |
predaeus | Combatjuan, sure, the recommendation was just for distribution updates e.g. edgy to feisty. they found some problems there is seems. there was also a note in the forums or on the webpage not sure. | 10:25 |
bobbyz | TheSilentW: some of the vnc servers can serve a java applet that you can use from a web browser | 10:25 |
walkintome | but when i minimize them, how come when i use my hot corner to show all open windows, it doesnt work | 10:25 |
bobbyz | TheSilentW: that would be easiest | 10:25 |
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liquiddoom | fbarcenas: Not that I can think of | 10:25 |
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liquiddoom | fbarcenas: Most, if not all of it is done automatically | 10:25 |
mag_ | Dynalon : is the MBR corrupted ? Do I need to reinstall after a complete wipe? Do I need (horror) to flash the BIOS ? | 10:25 |
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fbarcenas | liquiddoom, cool... | 10:26 |
neildarlow | fbarcenas: just keep using it :) | 10:26 |
nibsa1242b | shrimants: or perhaps all you need is to copy all the files back over the ubuntu install, use a win bootdisk and do a fdisk /mbr (I think that is the right command) | 10:26 |
pxc | hellou | 10:26 |
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Jump86 | can someone check my xorg.0.log and see what my monitor refresh rate is set to? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17880 | 10:26 |
pxc | se me fastidio el ubuntu! hice un upgrade y ahora veo en vez de letras (en toooodas partes) cuadrados | 10:26 |
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shrimants | yes the command is fixmbr | 10:26 |
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shrimants | and then chkdsk to check for errors | 10:26 |
mikesown | is it normal to 'freeze' at the linux penguin after updating the MBR in reeFIT? | 10:26 |
pxc | sabeis que puede ser eso?? sera la escusa para pasar al feisty | 10:26 |
Pelo | timposey, I donT' know , but knowing the linux comunity there probably is, let me have a quick look | 10:26 |
mikesown | my macbook's fans are cranking up, so it's doing _SOMETHING_ | 10:26 |
HUNRusty | have anybody libflashplayer.so working on x64? (my nspluginwrapper doesnt work) | 10:26 |
nibsa1242b | shrimants: what you don't be able to do of course is boot from the external drive (at least WIN XP won't... it protests and refuses to do so) | 10:27 |
TheSilentW | bobbyz, hmm, thx for the sujection, know any? | 10:27 |
fbarcenas | neildarlow, Yes, I'm a religious ubuntu follower.. It's installed on my laptop and powermac g4. I've almost got all of my municipal government using it. I've given them an incentive by providing free support. | 10:27 |
magnetron | pxc, what language are you speaking | 10:27 |
nibsa1242b | HUNRusty: I had it working with nspluginwrapper in edgy, but I switched to 32bit when I installed Feisty | 10:27 |
ubuntuEdgy | can any one help me with my screen resolution i just cant get it to 12801024 the option is not on the list , im using fiesty with ati drivers | 10:27 |
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predaeus | itch_, well localhost is an alias for that is a loop back to your local operating system/computer. others on the network call themselves also localhost so they won't find you, that's why you need to give the ip that your comp has on the net. about the port, not sure. I do not know if that is run by apache or if it needs it's own port. Never did something like that, don't even have a webcam. | 10:27 |
=== joevandyk [n=joevandy@65-121-177-98.dia.static.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
neildarlow | Jump86: System|Preferences|Screen Resolution will tell you | 10:27 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: yes, i know, i tried that once | 10:28 |
Jump86 | neildarlow, but it doesnt appear to be right | 10:28 |
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bobbyz | TheSilentW: can't remember off the top of my head...I've used tightvnc in the past, but I can't remember if that one serves the java applet | 10:28 |
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Pelo | timposey, try adding a second keyboard layout in menu > system > prefs > keyboard, and see if an icon pops up on in the pannel somewhere | 10:28 |
pianoboy3333 | What kind of scanner programs are there for ubuntu? | 10:28 |
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TLE | Hello I've got a user i anoither channel with and NVIDIA 8800GTX card. When he installed with the restricted drivers manager he system couldn't start. Which instruction should he follow to fix it ? | 10:28 |
HUNRusty | nibsa1242b: but sth wrong with my nspluginwrapper, it doesnt find viewer, but it is installed, i dont know where is the problem | 10:28 |
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bobbyz | TheSilentW: just check the documentation/homepages for tightvnc, realvnc, and ultravnc. One of those will do it for you | 10:28 |
TheSilentW | bobbyz, on linux? | 10:29 |
Combatjuan | ubuntuEdgy: Can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? | 10:29 |
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TreMobyl | so, any hope for tickless kernel in feisty? | 10:29 |
neildarlow | ubuntuEdgy: your Xorg logfile will indicate why that mode can't be set | 10:29 |
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predaeus | !scan > pianoboy3333 | 10:29 |
ubuntuEdgy | Combatjuan:sure | 10:29 |
magnetron | !se | burkmat | 10:29 |
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burkmat | Was in here awhile ago having trouble compiling stuff, someone told me to get the basic dev-libs or something... Can anyone tell me the wget thing again, cause I fucked things up. | 10:29 |
ubotu | burkmat: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 10:29 |
=== TomB_ [n=tomb@host81-153-34-30.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Combatjuan | ubuntuEdgy: And your /var/log/Xorg.0.log file as someone else said in case there are errors. | 10:29 |
Shafto | TLE, Is it an X error? | 10:29 |
ubuntuEdgy | neildarlow:i have chnaged it about 100 times | 10:29 |
itch_ | predaeus . I see. OK. Thank dude | 10:29 |
mag_ | Dynalon : is the MBR corrupted ? Do I need to reinstall after a complete wipe? Do I need (horror) to flash the BIOS ? | 10:30 |
megafauna | is there a specific channel for upgrae help still? | 10:30 |
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predaeus | itch_, no problem. just share what you know when you can :-) | 10:30 |
nibsa1242b | shrimants I wish I could be of more assistance, but I've not used any Windows myself for a while now and I'm so used to doing things the linux way such as with dd; does the documentation (if any) that comes with HDCopy tell you what it does? | 10:30 |
TLE | Shafto: yeah when re rebooted after installing the drivers with the RestrDrivMan he couldn't get X started | 10:30 |
J_P | anyone can see this error on my ubuntu ? http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/4530 Machine congeals and show that content in default output | 10:30 |
TLE | Shafto: re=he | 10:30 |
Flannel | doomster: No, it looks like the only script they have (I was checking -tools and stuff for an init script) is in the apache module, and that's well... everything you need, by default | 10:30 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_ i think i have to first format the partition in ntfs using the live CD and then use DD to copy the files over | 10:31 |
burkmat | Was in here awhile ago having trouble compiling stuff, someone told me to get the basic dev-libs or something... Can anyone tell me the wget thing again, cause I fucked things up. | 10:31 |
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shrimants | what im not sure of is how to use DD, because i would like to see some sort of progress bar | 10:31 |
Gasparz | hi can anyone help me understand the messagens in /var/log/syslog ? | 10:31 |
Shafto | TLE, Why not just change the driver back to the open source one inside his xorg.conf so hell be able to start then he cant work from there | 10:31 |
mikesown | is it normal to 'freeze' at the linux penguin after updating the MBR in reeFIT? | 10:31 |
neildarlow | ubuntuEdgy: does "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" allow you to select 1280x1024? | 10:31 |
ubuntuEdgy | neildarlow: yes | 10:32 |
burkmat | !dev-libs | 10:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dev-libs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:32 |
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neildarlow | ubuntuEdgy: assuming you enter the correct values for video card and monitor (which is 17inch or larger?) | 10:32 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: how do i use DD to copy the files back over? | 10:32 |
jrib | burkmat: please watch your language in here, thanks. The package I think you want is build-essential, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:32 |
Gat0rvean | ok, I finally got X back up in recovery, with restricted Nvidia drivers and beryl running, but I cannot see the bars on the top of my windows and an error saying "HAL" failed to load came up, any ideas? | 10:32 |
workhorsy | Does anyone know if you can use the Creative Commons licensed Tango icons in proprietary software? I tried asking at the tango and cc channels, but no one is doing a public chat. | 10:32 |
jrib | burkmat: what are you compiling? | 10:32 |
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mag_ | Ever had a BIOS bootsector protection truble when installing Ubuntu ? | 10:33 |
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ubuntuEdgy | 19" | 10:33 |
Pelo | timposey, are you still there ? | 10:33 |
ubuntuEdgy | here is my xorg http://pastebin.ca/460049 | 10:33 |
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timposey | Pelo I have a second keyboard entered but no button comes up and no option seems to be there that would require a setting in keyboards or keyboard shortcuts. | 10:33 |
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tony_ | can somebody give Userchrome.css for Firefox with normal fonts? | 10:33 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants I wouldn't use dd for coping the individual files ... if you were going to use dd it'd be something like dd if=/dev/externalhd of=/dev/internalhd where externalhd and internalhd are something like hda or sda (no partition number) | 10:33 |
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Pelo | timposey, righclick the taskbar add to pannel, toward the bottom of the list Keyboard layout switche | 10:33 |
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cyber_cop | hi channel. My ubuntu Turkish user. My system "konsole" search search?????? | 10:34 |
cyber_cop | konsole please? | 10:34 |
ubuntuEdgy | and my other log http://pastebin.ca/460051 | 10:34 |
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Flannel | cyber_cop: Are you on ubuntu or kubuntu? | 10:34 |
jrib | cyber_cop: I don't understand your question. There is a turkish room I believe, if you want | 10:34 |
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Pelo | !tr | 10:34 |
ubotu | Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 10:34 |
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megafauna | Hi I CAN'T UPGRADE: I get the following error: what do I do?"???Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-145/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable | 10:34 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: yes, i have an almost mirror image of my HD with windows including hidden files and whatnot. it is the exact size as the laptop HD too | 10:34 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants dd isn't really used for copying individual files; that is what cp is for | 10:34 |
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cyber_cop | jrib: turkish room dont help | 10:35 |
Flannel | megafauna: Kubuntu's website is down for the moment. Just wait for it to go back up (it's not anything wrong with your system) | 10:35 |
Combatjuan | The turkish room is empty. | 10:35 |
ubuntuEdgy | Combatjuan:http://pastebin.ca/460049 my other http://pastebin.ca/460051 | 10:35 |
jrib | cyber_cop: ok, then please rephrase your question | 10:35 |
cyber_cop | konsole search? | 10:35 |
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Pelo | megafauna, the servers are overwhelmed with ppl upgrading, try again in a few days or a few weeks | 10:35 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: i basically want to take that entire HD partition and shove it onto this one on the laptop, not copy individual files | 10:35 |
timposey | pelo you are a genius - thanks for the help it works! | 10:35 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants, if it is the exact size as the laptop HD then it probably has the freespace and all of the mbr info on it... so dd is the man for the job | 10:35 |
Scapy | !fpipe | 10:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fpipe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:35 |
megafauna | Flannel: Thanks, it's driving me nuts. I'll wait. I already have forced the 1.4.5 version so idk why it continues to call home | 10:35 |
Pelo | megafauna, or try upgrading from the alternate install cd , you can get a torrent for it | 10:35 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_ right then, what is the command i use? | 10:35 |
jrib | cyber_cop: you want to search for files using konsole? you want a command? | 10:36 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_ actually, let me boot using the live CD and i will come back | 10:36 |
mag_ | Tattooed MBR : How can i solve the pbm and directly boot Ubuntu from the hard drive ? ? | 10:36 |
Combatjuan | cyber_cop: Do you want to search FOR konsole, or search IN a konsole? Sorry, I'm having trouble understanding. | 10:36 |
cyber_cop | no no | 10:36 |
Pelo | timposey, not a genius, just a diilgent helper | 10:36 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants ok I'll be here | 10:36 |
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cyber_cop | konsole ? | 10:36 |
megafauna | Pelo: I did that, it didn't work. maybe I'll try again tongiht....... | 10:36 |
cyber_cop | console | 10:36 |
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Scapy | nibsa1242b_, what are you trying to do | 10:36 |
cyber_cop | start menu konsole | 10:36 |
Combatjuan | cyber_cop: In gnome, I believe it is called "terminal" | 10:36 |
cyber_cop | search | 10:36 |
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cyber_cop | yes | 10:36 |
cyber_cop | terminal | 10:36 |
Flannel | cyber_cop: what are you searching for? | 10:36 |
cyber_cop | terminal start menu ? | 10:36 |
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Pelo | megafauna, personnaly I think the upgrade process is still a bit overrated and needs work, you'd be better of idoing a clean install | 10:36 |
Flannel | cyber_cop: Programs > Accessories > Terminal, in gnome/ubuntu | 10:37 |
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doomster | Flannel: thank you. | 10:37 |
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zouzou85 | hi guys | 10:37 |
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Combatjuan | zouzou85: Hello. | 10:37 |
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michael | Is anyone in here good with networking? | 10:37 |
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BlackAnthrax | what is the easiest way to install gimpshop in feisty? | 10:37 |
jrib | !anyone | michael | 10:37 |
ubotu | michael: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 10:37 |
=== x-plode [n=x-plode@89-180-100-8.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyber_cop | Flannel: very very thanks | 10:37 |
michael | ah | 10:37 |
x-plode | hi there | 10:38 |
cyber_cop | thankyou very much | 10:38 |
liquiddoom | BlackAnthrax: I think you have to compile it | 10:38 |
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zouzou85 | how do you stop some apps from autostarting when you boot up you box? | 10:38 |
Flannel | zouzou85: Which apps? | 10:38 |
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sonium | How can I change the gnome splash screen? | 10:38 |
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ubuntuEdgy | Combatjuan i feel abandoned | 10:38 |
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x-plode | how can we unhide a dir in console? | 10:38 |
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jrib | !splash > sonium (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:38 |
BlackAnthrax | liquiddoom: um, ok, don't i have to install some sort of "compiler" | 10:38 |
zouzou85 | the font selector, and terminal | 10:38 |
Combatjuan | ubuntuEdgy: Sorry, I'm at work. I got distracted. (-8 | 10:38 |
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michael | I have a wireless USB network adapter that I use to connect to the internet, I want to access files on a Windows machine via an ethernet connection, whenever I attempt to set it up, I get disconnected from the internet | 10:38 |
liquiddoom | BlackAnthrax: yeah, build-essential. It's annoying | 10:38 |
ubuntuEdgy | mylog http://pastebin.ca/460051 | 10:38 |
slackern | x-plode, rename the file so it doesn't have a . in front of it. | 10:38 |
Pelo | x-plode, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php | 10:38 |
neildarlow | ubuntuEdgy: i left the screen for a while. where is your Xorg.0.log pasted? | 10:38 |
ompaul | zouzou85, install a package called "bum" or "rcconf" the former for gui the latter for terminal | 10:38 |
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BlackAnthrax | liquiddoom: so what do i install? build-essential? | 10:39 |
liquiddoom | !build | BlackAnthrax | 10:39 |
ubotu | BlackAnthrax: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 10:39 |
jrib | zouzou85: those only start after you login right? | 10:39 |
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kbrooks | ping | 10:39 |
Flannel | !startup | zouzou85 | 10:39 |
ubotu | zouzou85: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup | 10:39 |
kbrooks | okease talk | 10:39 |
mag_ | My laptop is WinXP-tattooed What can I do ? | 10:39 |
Flannel | jrib: yeah, those are gnome things. | 10:39 |
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zouzou85 | right jrib | 10:39 |
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kbrooks | please talk | 10:39 |
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zero_ | does any1 know if phase5 the html editor work with linux?? | 10:39 |
jrib | zouzou85: k, was just going to do what flannel just did then :) | 10:39 |
Pelo | mag_, sand paper | 10:39 |
nibsa1242b_ | Scapy he has an external drive with what he believes is a byte for byte copy of his Win Install before he wiped and installed Ubuntu; he wants to go back to having Windows on his laptop and use the Ubuntu Live cd to help him mirror the external drive over to his internal drive. He originally used a freeware Windows program (HD Copy) to make the believed image. I recommended that he use the same program from a BartPE (windows live cd) env | 10:40 |
nibsa1242b_ | ironment, but he really wants to try using the Ubuntu Live CD first, so we are going to try to dd it over unless you have any other ideas. | 10:40 |
Doctor_Nick | has anyone having problems with sdlmame? | 10:40 |
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ompaul | kbrooks ? | 10:40 |
ubuntuEdgy | neildarlow: its at the top i will get it for you | 10:40 |
slackern | x-plode, for example the hidden directory .myhiddendir to make it unhidden 'mv .myhiddendir myhiddendir' | 10:40 |
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zouzou85 | i did go there but couldn't find these apps, jrib | 10:40 |
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timposey | Is there any good program that works well with ubuntu to make Macromedia Flash for websites? | 10:40 |
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Flannel | slackern, x-plode, no... don't do that. ".directory" and "directory" are different direcotries. | 10:40 |
Scapy | bartpe aye | 10:40 |
mag_ | Pelo: LOL. No, the BIOS (or something) protects the boot sequence, so that GRUB cannot launch | 10:40 |
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ubuntuEdgy | neildarlow: xorg http://pastebin.ca/460049 and my other log http://pastebin.ca/460051 | 10:41 |
Pelo | timposey, http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html | 10:41 |
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jrib | zouzou85: hmm you checked both your session and the startup commands? | 10:41 |
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Flannel | slackern, x-plode, you can't just copy from one to the other (the dot isn't a flag), they're completely different. x-plode, what are you trying to do? | 10:41 |
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Pelo | mag_, check in the bios for security, there might be something in ther for mbr protection or some such | 10:41 |
zouzou85 | yes jrib | 10:41 |
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mag_ | Pelo: Damn ! I should disconnect, then ? | 10:41 |
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Pelo | mag you son't havwe a choice | 10:42 |
=== Pelo 's typing is getting worser and worser | ||
slackern | Flannel, no idea what you mean but thats what i have done the last couple of years to hide/unhide folders/files | 10:42 |
jrib | zouzou85: try deleting ~/.gnome2/session | 10:42 |
nibsa1242b_ | Scapy I don't believe he has access to a BartPE disk, so he'd have to create one which would probably be a hassle so hopefully dd will work, because I don't think using the HDCopy program under WINE would be a good idea. | 10:42 |
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zouzou85 | i added bery and avant window manager, i restart x and there they are | 10:42 |
mag_ | Pelo: OK. I'll check . My BIOS is Phoenix, on a Packard Bell Easynote laptop BTW | 10:42 |
pianoboy3333 | My xsane scan is very blurry, pixle-like, and it looks very blown up, what can I do about this? | 10:42 |
slackern | Flannel, maybe i've done it wrong :) | 10:42 |
zouzou85 | and then build a new session jrib? | 10:43 |
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Flannel | slackern: And you've broken things ;) | 10:43 |
=== ubuntuEdgy . | ||
Pelo | mag_, that means nothing to me , sorry, I can'T walk you trhough it , check your manual if you ahve one | 10:43 |
sonium | !gnome-splashscreen-manager | 10:43 |
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jrib | zouzou85: it will recreate itself, to be on the safe side you can rename instead of delete | 10:43 |
keegangrayson | can anyone help with networking? | 10:43 |
slackern | Flannel, not so far though, please enlighten me what the proper way is | 10:43 |
patrick_ | can anyone tell me why my wifi signal is worse in ubuntu than in windows | 10:43 |
Pelo | sonium, look in the forum | 10:43 |
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zouzou85 | i'll try that jrib | 10:43 |
fluid | no current libwnck-dev package in feisty? | 10:43 |
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mag_ | Pelo : OK. I'll try. Thanks !!! | 10:43 |
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shrimants | allright, im back | 10:44 |
Flannel | slackern: "~/.somefolder/stuff" is not the same as "~/somefolder/stuff", the application will be looking in the former, and if you've renamed to the latter, it'll break. | 10:44 |
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nibsa1242b_ | anyone want to help me sort out something about a no (or not enough) memory error when hibernating in Feisty that didn't occur in Edgy? | 10:44 |
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Combatjuan | ubuntuEdgy: ATI cards are tricky. A few things to try. Comment out the HorizSync and VertRefresh lines from your monitor (DPMS) should get these automatically. | 10:44 |
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kevinh90 | is gusty available for install yet? | 10:44 |
slackern | Flannel, uhm yes, did i say anything else? | 10:44 |
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colbert | How do I completely remove Opera and reinstall it? It is so slow | 10:44 |
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Pelo | colbert, how did ou install it ? | 10:44 |
kevinh90 | sudo apt-get remove opera | 10:44 |
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colbert | Pelo: .deb | 10:45 |
Inviz2205 | hello guys, just about to install unbuntu, showing what type do i need to stick it as (ext3, ext2, etc) | 10:45 |
shrimants | nb: are you here? | 10:45 |
zouzou85 | jrib, there is no such file | 10:45 |
=== chairman [n=chairman@host-81-191-129-68.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackAnthrax | is there a program that will allow we to watch tv over the internet? | 10:45 |
timur | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:45 |
timur | openoffice.org-l10n-bs: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.5) but 2.2.0-1ubuntu3 is to be installed | 10:45 |
timur | E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. | 10:45 |
Pelo | colbert, follow kevinh90 's advice | 10:45 |
Flannel | slackern: You said "to make it unhidden, move it" which won't work. Yes, it'll unhide it, but it'll break everything else. | 10:45 |
timur | any ide? | 10:45 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants I'm here | 10:45 |
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colbert | ok | 10:45 |
Combatjuan | ubuntuEdgy: If that doesn't work, try adding a section Section "ServerFlags" (NEWLINE) Option "Composite" "Off" (NEWLINE) EndSection | 10:45 |
Doctor_Nick | ubuntuEdgy: what problem are you having? | 10:45 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_ | 10:45 |
jrib | zouzou85: strange, what version of ubuntu? | 10:45 |
=== MoLux [n=molux@cev75-2-82-66-206-17.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slackern | Flannel, the question was how to make a folder/file not being hidden, maybe i missed something of the conversation that was going on before i came in | 10:45 |
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=== kevinh90 is a wise man | ||
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: im having an error | 10:45 |
zouzou85 | feisty | 10:45 |
ubuntuEdgy | Combatjuan: thanks for getting back to me , i feel you might have cracked it !1 | 10:45 |
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nibsa1242b_ | shrimants: with what? the live cd? | 10:45 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_ the live cd wont mount my partition | 10:45 |
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shrimants | the one that has my windows files on it | 10:46 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants: the internal hd or the external hd? | 10:46 |
Pelo | slackern, he wants to view hidden folder when browsing with the terminal | 10:46 |
Flannel | slackern: The point is there's no way to make it unhidden without breaking things. Just indicate to nautilus that you want to see hidden stuff by default | 10:46 |
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jrib | zouzou85: how did you check? ls ~/.gnome2/session returns an error? | 10:46 |
slackern | Pelo, ahh | 10:46 |
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pianoboy3333 | My xsane scan is very blurry, pixle-like, and it looks very blown up, how can I make a clearer better resolution scan? | 10:46 |
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Woody_ | I was trying this command to change my MAC address, "ifconfig eth0 hw xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" it didnt work. is there any other way? please help | 10:46 |
Pelo | slackern, that,s how I read it anyway | 10:46 |
fluid | trying to compile compiz from source. it requires libwnck-dev. when i try and install libwnck-dev, it is the wrong version for the libwnck that installs with feisty. | 10:46 |
slackern | Pelo & Flannel now i know what he wanted :) | 10:46 |
zouzou85 | i used a nautulius , and yes, i showed hidden files jrib | 10:46 |
ubuntuEdgy | Doctor_Nick: i have Combatjuan helpping me thanks thou | 10:46 |
jrib | zouzou85: how about the command? | 10:47 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_ the external. Mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb2, missing godepage or other error, in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so | 10:47 |
ffm | How do I unhide /etc/.java (directory) /dev/.static (directory) /dev/.udev (directory) /dev/.initramfs (directory) | 10:47 |
neildarlow | ubuntuEdgy: did you make a typo in xorg.conf? that Xorg.0.log says you have an invalid mode 1024x1280. you can't do 1280x1024 above 60Hz by the look of it | 10:47 |
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jrib | ffm: in nautilus? | 10:47 |
Inviz2205 | hello guys, just about to install unbuntu, showing what type (prepare partition) do i need to stick it as (ext3, ext2, etc) | 10:47 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants: that doesn't matter... that is probably because your external hd is in the ntfs filesystem or something... I don't think dd will care if you can't mount it | 10:47 |
patrick_ | can anyone tell me why my wifi signal is worse in ubuntu than in windows??? | 10:47 |
=== therealnanotube [n=nanotube@c-69-249-132-1.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | Inviz2205, ext3 is the default in ubuntu | 10:47 |
ffm | jrib: I got a message that /etc/.java (directory) /dev/.static (directory) /dev/.udev (directory) /dev/.initramfs (directory) were hidden from my rootkit detector. I need to clear this error. | 10:47 |
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jmhodges | hey, i'm trying to debug a segfault when truetype fonts are called but gnome-control-center-dbgsym is asking for gnome-control-center with "ubuntu2.1" not "ubuntu2" at the end.. but the ubuntu2.1 gnome-control-center doesn't seem to exist in the repos | 10:47 |
zouzou85 | got it jrib, | 10:47 |
Inviz2205 | Pelo: Thanks, do i need to do swap ? or not? | 10:48 |
zouzou85 | going to restart x, see in a few jrib | 10:48 |
=== MrCr4cK [n=Kira@host30-41-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | ffm: you need to find out what your rootkit detector means by "hidden" | 10:48 |
kbrooks | !info python dapper | 10:48 |
Pelo | Inviz2205, swap make an extended partition and make the linux swap partiton embeded inside it | 10:48 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: also, my partition is locked on the internal HD so i cant edit them with GParted editor | 10:48 |
ubotu | python: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.2-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 532 kB | 10:48 |
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dcsmith_ | where are the openweek rooms? | 10:48 |
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ffm | jrib: It is Rootkit Hunter. I am checking its docs. | 10:49 |
kbrooks | !info python edgy | 10:49 |
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Inviz2205 | Pelo: Thanks | 10:49 |
jrib | dcsmith_: #ubuntu-classroom | 10:49 |
ubotu | python: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.4.3-11ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 37 kB, installed size 208 kB | 10:49 |
kbrooks | !info python feisty | 10:49 |
ubotu | python: An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.5.1~rc1-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 137 kB, installed size 600 kB | 10:49 |
jrib | kbrooks: /msg the bot please | 10:49 |
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackAnthrax | someway i can watch tv over internet in linux? | 10:49 |
kbrooks | jrib, ok | 10:49 |
neildarlow | patrick_: i would imagine your access point outputs the same power for both so something is reporting it differently/wrongly. i'd suggest windows :) | 10:49 |
Pelo | BlackAnthrax, mythtv | 10:49 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants you don't need to edit them | 10:49 |
ubuntuEdgy | neildarlow: in that case how can i do 75 Hz i want a rasolution of 1280x1024 | 10:49 |
ubuntuEdgy | brb | 10:50 |
=== zancik [n=zancik@p57A82F30.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Inviz2205 | Pelo: what will the mount point be (downloaded cd of site) | 10:50 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants hold on one min | 10:50 |
BlackAnthrax | Pelo: is that over the internet? i thought it was if you have a cable card | 10:50 |
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dcsmith_ | has anyone gotten an isight working? | 10:50 |
dcsmith_ | on feisty? | 10:50 |
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zancik | Hey people how I can open RAR files ? | 10:50 |
zancik | 3 | 10:50 |
Pelo | Inviz2205, I think it is listed in the options , /swap or something | 10:50 |
jrib | !rar > zancik (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:50 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: never mind, i unlocked it. i had to unmount it in order to make changes. | 10:50 |
dcsmith_ | zancik: xarchiver? | 10:51 |
Pelo | BlackAnthrax, oh, | 10:51 |
therealnanotube | !rar | 10:51 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 10:51 |
BlackAnthrax | Pelo: so you don't know | 10:51 |
neildarlow | ubuntuEdgy: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again and use the medium monitor configuration choice to specify a 1280x1024@75 capable monitor | 10:51 |
Pelo | BlackAnthrax, research democracy player | 10:51 |
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BlackAnthrax | Pelo: i tried that, but i didn't like it | 10:51 |
=== Pelo knows a lot, he just needs the right question | ||
BlackAnthrax | Pelo: it was a good idea, but it could use more | 10:51 |
Pelo | BlackAnthrax, that's all I have, you can google for more if you realy want to | 10:52 |
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ferronica | http://img443.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotih1.png | 10:52 |
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zancik | dcsmith ths! | 10:52 |
ferronica | can any one check this error please | 10:52 |
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disinterestedgre | how would i install mplayer? | 10:52 |
Inviz2205 | Pelo: i have this "edit partition" > use as "ext3" mount point "(which i have to choice) / /boot /home /tmp /usr /var /srv /opt /usr/local) | 10:52 |
Slic2 | how do you mount a drive from the ubuntu live cd? | 10:52 |
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pianoboy3333 | My xsane scan is very blurry, pixle-like, and it looks very blown up, how can I make a clearer better resolution scan? | 10:52 |
delire | bo!ng | 10:53 |
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Pelo | Slick, mount /dev/whatever /mountpoihnt | 10:53 |
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Slic2 | thanks Pelo | 10:53 |
orangefly | anyone know why i am only getting an 11mb/s connection with feisty....???.... | 10:53 |
zouzou85 | thanx jrib, seems to be working | 10:53 |
disinterestedgre | how would i install mplayer? | 10:53 |
gpled | can someone help me trouble shoot, why files that i drop in /etc/cron.hourly don't run? | 10:53 |
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orangefly | wreless.... | 10:53 |
gpled | using 6.06 | 10:53 |
jrib | disinterestedgre: enable the multiverse repository and install the "mplayer" package | 10:53 |
Pelo | Inviz2205, what do you want this partition to be ? | 10:53 |
shrimants | disinterestedgre: i just used automatix in order to get all my mplayer/firefox stuff working | 10:53 |
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jrib | !multiverse > disinterestedgre (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:54 |
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neildarlow | ferronica: that's just saying you haven't explicitly configured avahi/mDNS. | 10:54 |
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disinterestedgre | ty | 10:54 |
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mikesown | does experimental madwifi(supporting the AR5008) work well with ubuntu? | 10:54 |
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ferronica | neildarlow: what is that for | 10:54 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: i have now deleted the ext3 and swap partition and have an NTFS partition in its place | 10:54 |
Pelo | Inviz2205, pm ? | 10:54 |
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Inviz2205 | Pelo: well 1 partion is windows (/dev/hda1) second partition is for unbuntu which i need to set up | 10:55 |
ferronica | neildarlow: i got this error when i installled a new motherboard with inbuilt LAN | 10:55 |
Pelo | Inviz2205, pm | 10:55 |
freshblueO2 | Hello. I'm wondering where I could go to directly help the people who write the documention for 7.04 ubuntu Server | 10:55 |
ferronica | neildarlow: do i need to remove previous motherboard LAN card settings??? | 10:55 |
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jrib | freshblueO2: #ubuntu-doc | 10:55 |
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nibsa1242b_ | shrimants it doesn't matter, but its good it got formatted anyway... I was trying to create a channel to discuss this but I can't seem to do so. Can you? | 10:55 |
neildarlow | ferronica: it's a discovery protocol to automatically determine what services connected machines provide. you can disable it in System|Administration|Services. it's the mDNS one. | 10:55 |
zancik | Peope wo knows the best strategy game on LINUX? | 10:55 |
freshblueO2 | jrib: thanks (^_^) | 10:55 |
kaje | what init script launches the X server? I want to change it to launch only a single application and not X | 10:56 |
orangefly | anyone else get a slow wireless connection with feisty....???.... | 10:56 |
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shrimants | nibsa1242b_ sure, i will try | 10:56 |
zancik | Peope who knows the best strategy game on LINUX? | 10:56 |
nibsa1242b_ | shrimants thanks, it'll be easier then trying to block out all the other stuff in this busy room | 10:56 |
shrimants | nibsa1242b_: #ubuntutowindows | 10:56 |
=== arpegius_ [i=eric@c-24-218-223-58.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zancik | Peope who knows the best strategy game on LINUX? | 10:56 |
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jrib | !repeat | zancik | 10:57 |
ubotu | zancik: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 10:57 |
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ffm | HOW do i change what my mailer daemon HELOs as ? | 10:57 |
petros | hi | 10:57 |
petros | is there a way to define some keyboard shortcuts for some applications in gnome? | 10:57 |
blue-frog | kaje: gdm, kdm | 10:57 |
neildarlow | jrib: you certainly know the bot :) | 10:57 |
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cafuego | ffm: telnet localhost 25 | 10:57 |
Dehaene | Does anyone know if there's a solution to the problem with JMicron controller cards, where upgrades and "clean" installs of Feisty freeze with the message | 10:57 |
jrib | petros: does system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts not list them? | 10:57 |
Dehaene | BusyBox v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash) | 10:57 |
Dehaene | Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands. | 10:57 |
Dehaene | /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off | 10:57 |
kaje | blue-frog: where is gdm launched from? | 10:57 |
Dehaene | (initramfs) | 10:57 |
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Dehaene | [Bug #96084, Bug #84964] ? Someone suggested booting the LiveCD and entering "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" at the command line, though I can only see that working on an upgrade from Edgy rather than a clean install. | 10:58 |
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blue-frog | kaje: /etc/init.d | 10:58 |
jrib | !pastebin > Dehaene (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:58 |
neildarlow | kaje: it's a service. use update-rc.d to disable it | 10:58 |
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ffm | cafuego: And do what? | 10:58 |
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kaje | thanks guys | 10:58 |
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tony_ | how i can tune Philips 7130(tv-tuner) in Feisty? | 10:58 |
t_ | I tried to use Apt-get to upgrade to 7.04 but I got a messge "Broken packages" How can I solve this | 10:58 |
user-land | Hello, how can i configure the dialup number for PPPoE ? | 10:59 |
petros | jrib: this is only a limited list of functions | 10:59 |
petros | but i found a solution | 10:59 |
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petros | http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=556077 | 10:59 |
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jrib | petros: yep | 10:59 |
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Slic2 | how do I find out the name of the partition to mount, /dev/sda1....and so on | 10:59 |
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juan | hola tios | 11:00 |
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void^ | Slic2: sudo fdisk -l | 11:00 |
cables | How do I redirect STDOUT to one file and STDERR to another? | 11:00 |
juan | hay alguien ? | 11:00 |
diabolix | anyone ever have gaim not able to connect to aol? but the aol website can do it fine? | 11:00 |
thnee | how can i use my tv that i have connected from dvi to hdmi? | 11:00 |
ffm | cafuego: Hello? How do I change what it HELOs as? It currently does so as Merlin, my computer's hostname. How can I change it? | 11:00 |
Slic2 | void^ what does that do? | 11:00 |
jrib | cables: command > onefile 2> anotherfile | 11:00 |
darkhack | Has anyone here encode dvd lately on ubuntu? | 11:00 |
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cables | jrib, thanks | 11:00 |
jrib | !es | juan | 11:00 |
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ubotu | juan: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:00 |
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cafuego | ffm: Depends on the mta you run. | 11:00 |
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ffm | cafuego: Dovecote. | 11:01 |
void^ | Slic2: show all partitions. | 11:01 |
cafuego | ffm: With postfix, you can set $myname to something else in /etc/postfix/main.cf. | 11:01 |
tomtig | which is the channel for Ubuntu Open Week? | 11:01 |
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cafuego | ffm: dovecot it not a mta as far as i know | 11:01 |
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ffm | cafuego: Hmm... | 11:02 |
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darkhack | also has anyone use devede? | 11:02 |
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t_ | I tried to use Apt-get to upgrade to 7.04 but I got a messge "Broken packages" for OPenOffice. How can I solve this? How can I remove it? | 11:02 |
jrib | tomtig: #ubuntu-classroom | 11:02 |
Combatjuan | Does anyone know of a command line utility that outputs image information (for .jpg specifically)? | 11:03 |
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ffm | cafuego: Ohh.. yes, it is postfix... | 11:03 |
Doctor_Nick | why do ati drivers suck so much? :( | 11:03 |
mag_ | Pelo: You were Right. There was a MBR protection in the BIOS. However, I still can't boot. Would sudo update-grub solve the problem and rebuild a correct bootstrap ? | 11:03 |
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pierce | Combatjuan: "file" should tell you some basic stuff | 11:03 |
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eNons3nse | does anyone know the fix for the video problem when you have 3d desktop enabled? | 11:03 |
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Pelo | mag_, possibly, I realy donT' knwo I've never had that problem | 11:04 |
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darkhack | no idea docter and no wonder why they are loosing so much money right now | 11:04 |
Pelo | !grub | mag_ | 11:04 |
ubotu | mag_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:04 |
ubuntuEdgy | i still cant get my resolution to shuwup :( | 11:04 |
thingy | Combatjuan, apt-get install jpeginfo | 11:04 |
ubuntuEdgy | showup* | 11:04 |
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Wicks | anyone have any idea why when i connect my bluetooth mouse, the numlock comes on and stays on? :s pain because on a laptop that's a crippler! | 11:04 |
Pelo | ubunkoo, you'll need to edit the xorg.conf file and add the resolutions you want manualy | 11:04 |
zero_ | Does any1 know a GOOD and EASY html-editor for Linux??? | 11:04 |
junmin | eNons3nse, dont understand what problem do you have | 11:04 |
Pelo | zero_, gedit or nvu | 11:05 |
zero_ | thank u | 11:05 |
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therealnanotube | zero_: bluefish, nvu, quanta, pick any one :) | 11:05 |
junmin | zero_, well, maybe bluefish | 11:05 |
zero_ | aight ^^ | 11:05 |
emet | how do I set up file assosiations in ubuntu | 11:05 |
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SlimeyPete | zero_: Quanta Plus if you mean you want to edit HTML code | 11:05 |
Pelo | emet, pick a file you want to associate, right click properties, open with | 11:05 |
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junmin | emet, right click on the file, then properties .. ->open with ... | 11:05 |
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zero_ | i just wanna write some pages so.. just a easy one, u kno | 11:05 |
junmin | emet, just like in windows | 11:05 |
kerik | hey guys | 11:05 |
therealnanotube | emet: right click on a file, choose the "open with" tab. | 11:06 |
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kerik | anybody here know about .xsession-errors? | 11:06 |
therealnanotube | emet: right click on a file, select properties, then choose the "open with" tab. | 11:06 |
liquiddoom | zero_: sounds like nvu or quanta would be best | 11:06 |
emet | junmin: how do I manage them though | 11:06 |
emet | ok | 11:06 |
zero_ | ok, gonna get nvu. thank u all. | 11:06 |
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kerik | I have problems with evolution mail client | 11:06 |
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eNons3nse | junmin, when you're running compiz/beryl there is a bug in video playback that makes your video blank except when you're moving the video window or resizing it. i found the fix on my laptop a while back and now i just got my desktop running and i can't find the fix again. | 11:06 |
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SlimeyPete | zero_: well if you know HTML then Quanta or Bluefish are nice, but last time I checked there weren't any decent WYSIWYG editors for Linux | 11:06 |
emet | therealnanotube: that worked | 11:06 |
therealnanotube | emet: excellent. :) | 11:06 |
t_ | please, I am really stucked, how to solve a message "Broken packages" for OPenOffice. How can I remove it? | 11:06 |
junmin | Zer0_, btw my experience... it's bad for php | 11:06 |
emet | thanks junmin and therealnanotube | 11:07 |
darkhack | Has anyone install vmware workstation? | 11:07 |
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pierce | im looking for libxml/HTMLparser.h I've installed all the libxml related -dev packages I could think of. Is there a way to figure out what package contains a certain file? | 11:07 |
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magicfab | darkhack, it' s broken in Feisty I' ve heard | 11:07 |
liquiddoom | pierce: apt-file | 11:07 |
dyrne | darkhack: several people here im sure. whats up? | 11:07 |
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linxeh | is there a KDE equivalent of GNUCash ? | 11:07 |
Pelo | t_, go into synatpic, in the bottom left corner hit the filter buton, there is a broken package category, select them for reinstallation or removeal and install them again | 11:07 |
Pelo | linux1, kmymoney | 11:08 |
junmin | eNons3nse, mmm.. i dont have this problem... maybe you can ask in #ubuntu-effects | 11:08 |
Combatjuan | pierce, thingy: Thanks. | 11:08 |
Pelo | linxeh, kmymoney | 11:08 |
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linxeh | Pelo: many thanks | 11:08 |
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=== _LH_ [n=pelleplu@h-85-24-253-223.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
darkhack | <dyrne>Well, I'm trying to install vmware work station instead of vmware player | 11:08 |
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liquiddoom | pierce: It's not installed by default though. Once you get it, run apt-file update and go take a fairly long break. To search, sudo apt-file search file | 11:08 |
linxeh | Pelo: is there a package for that ? | 11:08 |
deafboy | trying to run wow with wine in feisty been to winehq but they dont know why it wont work, it freezes on boot, anyone else have this issue? | 11:08 |
zouzou85 | how do i make the beryl icon dock in the panel? | 11:08 |
kerik | hey guys....anybody who can help me with an .xsession-error from evolution mail client? | 11:08 |
pierce | liquiddoom: thanks :-) | 11:09 |
linxeh | Pelo: doh found it :) | 11:09 |
Pelo | linxeh, sudo apt-get install kmymoney | 11:09 |
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linxeh | Pelo: its kmymoney2 | 11:09 |
Pelo | linxeh, I'm in gnome I use grisbi | 11:09 |
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linxeh | ok will take a look at that too :) | 11:09 |
deafboy | trying to run wow with wine in feisty been to winehq but they dont know why it wont work, it freezes on boot, anyone else have this issue? | 11:09 |
Combatjuan | thingy: Actually, I'm working on a FedoraCore 5 box. jpeginfo is not a package provided by "yum", nor is that string found when I search package information. Any idea what else that package might be called? | 11:09 |
thingy | kerik, pastebin the specific part from .xsession-errors and paste the url, as well as a description of what it is you are doing in evolution and what happens | 11:09 |
dyrne | darkhack: workstation costs money still right? you can download vmware-server for free also. ive installed workstation and server withouth problems. i cant stand player really | 11:09 |
killermach_ | is there a package for cinelerra? what repository do I need? | 11:10 |
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kerik | thingy, will do.. | 11:10 |
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thingy | Combatjuan, jpeg-progs? hang on ill go search fed pkgs | 11:10 |
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Pelo | deafboy, did yuou install the wine from the repos ? or from the winehq site ? | 11:10 |
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ubuntuEdgy | doctor , | 11:10 |
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deafboy | Pelo: from the repos | 11:10 |
walkintome | hi all--does anyone know of any programs for ubuntu feisty that will run dashboard/windows/konfabulator gadgets? | 11:10 |
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mad_goldfish | Is there an ubuntu troubleshooting guide online anywhere? | 11:10 |
Pelo | deafboy, remove completely and resintall again | 11:11 |
livesN[box] | hey guys -- I have a script that I want to run (that launches VLC player) when the user logs into my machine... how do I do that ? | 11:11 |
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deafboy | Pelo: it used to work under edgy with 0.9.33 , i've trie botth 0.9.33 and 0.9.35 in feisty | 11:11 |
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timur | Pelo, when I go to Synaptic, there is nothing on Broken list. I am suing Kubuntu. wHEN I try with Complete removal, I get a lot of upgrades because I put Feisty insted of Edge in repositories | 11:11 |
Pelo | deafboy, the repo one works well for me | 11:11 |
darkhack | <dyrne>i see and the problem I have sometime is getting windows xp pro image or creating one. | 11:11 |
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kerik | thingy, http://pastebin.ca/460106 | 11:11 |
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_LH_ | hey all, im in desperate need of some raid5/mdadm assistance.. im tring to create a raid5 array but whatever i try i get UUU_ instead of UUUU, output from mdadm -D /dev/md0 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17883/ | 11:12 |
thingy | Combatjuan, go here, enter jpeginfo in the search field and choose what rpm repo you wanna use http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3 | 11:12 |
mad_goldfish | walkintome: gdesklets has gadgets, but I don't think it runs gadgets written for the others | 11:12 |
Pelo | timur, that maybe why your packages are broken becaue you donT' have the matching repos | 11:12 |
walkintome | anyone know of a realatively stable program for fesity to run widgets/gadgets | 11:12 |
ubuntuEdgy | Doctor_Nick , im still having resolution problems | 11:12 |
Tatster | Hi. I have an entry in my fstab that should mount a Samba share at bootup - however it doesn't mount it - but if I do a mount -a it works. What have I missed ? | 11:12 |
deafboy | Pelo: 0.9.35 or 0.9.33? | 11:12 |
junmin | livesN[box] , maybe you can configure /etc/init.d/rc.local file .. not sure | 11:12 |
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_LH_ | the cmd i used to create the array is mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde1 /dev/sdf1 /dev/sdg1 --auto=md | 11:12 |
walkintome | mad_goldfish: how are the gadgets for this? | 11:12 |
Pelo | timur, in the same filter menu there is a queued list see in there | 11:12 |
Pelo | deafboy, 0.9.33 I beleive | 11:12 |
deafboy | Pelo: can i ask what your grphics card is? | 11:12 |
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deafboy | Pelo: are you running feisty? | 11:12 |
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kerik | walkintome, I think I know one called Geisty if I'm not all wrong... | 11:13 |
Combatjuan | thingy: Yeah, I can't find any of those in the repository. I'll just grab one of those RPMs. Thank you. | 11:13 |
Pelo | deafboy, Im on fiesty and my vid card is an onboard intell 856g someting | 11:13 |
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walkintome | kerik: google doesnt show anyhting wiht that name | 11:13 |
livesN[box] | junmin, I thought about that -- for runlevel 2 maybe | 11:13 |
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pierce | liquiddoom: when I apt-file update , is it supposed to download something? It just seems to wait for a couple seconds, and then stop | 11:14 |
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Enverex | Has anyone here installed nspluginwrapper on AMD64? I'm getting an error about libdl.so.1 not being found when I try and tell nspluginwrapper to install the flash.so | 11:14 |
mad_goldfish | walkintome: http://www.gdesklets.de/?q=desklet/browse | 11:14 |
kerik | walkintome, let me just think....cause I think it has got a different name while installing.. | 11:14 |
liquiddoom | pierce: Does it exit? apt-file just sits there blank for a few minutes when it updates, don't worry | 11:14 |
kerik | walkintome, or maybe I just don't remember it right ;) | 11:14 |
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thingy | kerik, is the pastebin output a word for word copy of what is in the .xsession-errors file or did you manually type it into pastebin? | 11:14 |
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pierce | liquiddoom: it does exit, gives me back the command prompt | 11:15 |
kerik | thingy, the last line I have written myself...but the other is copy/pasted | 11:15 |
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junmin | livesN[box] , i had not done any these kind of configuration, but it should be these.. | 11:15 |
Slart | is there a way to amplify the audio coming from my microphone in realtime... something with dmix perhaps? some alsa setting? (yes, I have enabled the 20db amplification and I have the recording volume thing at max) | 11:15 |
timur | Pelo, there is Upgreadable section. A lot of packages there. Here is a message for apt-get update: | 11:15 |
thingy | kerik, hmm | 11:15 |
liquiddoom | pierce: I'm not sure, then | 11:15 |
timur | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 11:15 |
timur | openoffice.org-l10n-bs: Conflicts: openoffice.org-core (>= 2.0.5) but 2.2.0-1ubuntu3 is to be installed | 11:15 |
timur | E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. | 11:15 |
bret_ | hello everyone.. anyone know why a floppy drive (3.5inch) wont mount? I get /dev/fd0 not a valid block device.... | 11:15 |
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walkintome | mad_goldfish: im not seeing any way to install it | 11:15 |
livesN[box] | junmin, these ? | 11:15 |
ffm | If I get the current LTS, can I upgrade to the next LTS releaced? | 11:15 |
pierce | liquiddoom: do you know if I need any special lines in my sources.list or something? | 11:15 |
liquiddoom | pierce: No, I don't think so | 11:15 |
kerik | walkintome, gee sorry mate....it's the one that goldfish is talking about I was gonna recommend... | 11:16 |
Pelo | timur, sorry I don'T know | 11:16 |
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pierce | liquiddoom: oke dokey, thanks | 11:16 |
walkintome | kerik: no problem lol | 11:16 |
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markelhas | i'm having some problems with my samba, cause i've very slow transfere speed when getting files from ubuntu with windows machine | 11:16 |
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canas | which app to check temperature I can use??? | 11:16 |
igorsobreira | i've just installed ubuntu 7.04...but i cant play any sounds...anybody could help me???? | 11:16 |
void^ | Enverex: /lib32/libdl.so.1 is in libc6-i386 | 11:16 |
mad_goldfish | walkintome: I got it via synaptic, it's in the universe repository | 11:17 |
kerik | igorsobreira, have you checked your soundcard driver? | 11:17 |
pianoboy3333 | My scan of a piece of 8 1/2 x 11 paper is very blurry, pixle-like, and it looks very blown up, how can I make a clearer better resolution scan? | 11:17 |
Enverex | void^, I have that package installed :/ | 11:17 |
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walkintome | mad_goldfish: thanks man! | 11:17 |
canas | which app to check temperature I can use??? | 11:17 |
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kerik | thingy, why did you find my pastebin weird? | 11:17 |
deafboy | when i play something in totem the movie is BLUE, can anyone help me with this? | 11:17 |
igorsobreira | kerik: nops...:X...how can i do that? | 11:17 |
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Pelo | canas, there is a section on that in here http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty | 11:18 |
kerik | igorsobreira, you're in Gnome right? | 11:18 |
markelhas | i'm having some problems with my samba, cause i've very slow transfere speed when getting files from ubuntu with windows machine | 11:18 |
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markelhas | any tips? | 11:18 |
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igorsobreira | kerik: yeah | 11:18 |
mikesown | why do I get an error "stdio.h: no such file or directory" | 11:18 |
thingy | kerik, its the "Plugin 'Spamassassin-udvidelsesmodul til spam' failed to load hook 'org.gnome.evolution.mail.junk:1.0'" line which is weird...that spamassassin-udvidelesmodul til spam bit looked like a typo | 11:18 |
mad_goldfish | walkintome: nae probs. Be sure to install gdesklets-data too, so you've got lots of stuff to play with | 11:18 |
=== gravesg [n=grave2s@ip70-160-39-152.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | canas, once the sensors are setup you can use pannel applets, desklets or xsensors | 11:18 |
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thnee | i find it dicsouraging that programs crash randomly, including xorg and gaim and stuff that is supposed to be stable.. where can i find a error log for xorg anyways? /var/log/Xorg.0.log just contains the startup output | 11:19 |
=== eXistenz [n=pectic@bzq-88-153-175-21.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tier1972 | hello | 11:19 |
canas | lm-sensors | 11:19 |
canas | tnx | 11:19 |
gravesg | i have a sorta newb question :) | 11:19 |
idefixx | where can i see which nv crads need the legacy module? | 11:19 |
kerik | thingy, hehe....sorry about that...the "typo" is danish for expansion module :) | 11:19 |
ffm | How do I get IPV6? | 11:19 |
=== AmirB [n=amirblum@CBL217-132-239-84.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gravesg | does anyone know if ubuntu has wireless for the ps3? | 11:19 |
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kerik | igorsobreira, go to system > options > hardware... | 11:19 |
Tatster | Hi. I have an entry in my fstab that should mount a Samba share at bootup - however it doesn't mount it - but if I do a mount -a it works. What have I missed ? | 11:19 |
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rimtech | How can I launch an application from the command line without it being required to exit before i can type the next command??? | 11:20 |
tier1972 | anyone a s1xp? | 11:20 |
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Enverex | void^, I have libdl.so.2 but not .1 :/ | 11:20 |
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bjc | rimtech: `<command>&` | 11:20 |
kerik | tier1972, out of curiosity...what is slxp? | 11:20 |
gravesg | ... no ps3 wireless support ? | 11:20 |
igorsobreira | kerik: yeah..hardware information | 11:20 |
rimtech | bjc: thanks!!! | 11:20 |
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kerik | igorsobreira, right you are :) | 11:20 |
Enverex | gravesg, Ubuntu doesn't run on PPC at all, so that's kinda moot | 11:20 |
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markelhas | i'm having some problems with my samba, cause i've very slow transfere speed when getting files from ubuntu with windows machine, any tips? | 11:20 |
gravesg | :( now i feel like a real ass hat lol | 11:21 |
tier1972 | anyone a sony vaio with radeon a mobillity 9600/9700? | 11:21 |
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kerik | igorsobreira, there you should be able to see if the card has been found as a hardware...gotta start somewhere... | 11:21 |
thingy | kerik, ah ok...also are you sure this is the only stuff being output in the file when you launch evolution? can you do this...tail -f ~/.xsession-errors in a term...make note of the last line... in another term, start evolution from the commandline and pastebin the output from the evolution command and the output from the tail -f comman | 11:21 |
AmirB | I have a problem with flash video players online with ubuntu. they play fine but every half a minute (exactly), it stutters for about 1 second and really disrupts the experience! This happens on Youtube, Google video, gamevideos, etc. what can I do to fix it? | 11:21 |
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rimtech | how can I make the "dot" go away with vncviewer??? | 11:21 |
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igorsobreira | kerik: i have hereSB450 HDA Audio | 11:21 |
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zack1 | hello, everybody. how can i find the openssl library? | 11:22 |
igorsobreira | it ATI... | 11:22 |
tier1972 | anyone a radeon a mobillity 9600/9700? | 11:22 |
sdfasdfawef | how do i get a trash can icon on my desktop? | 11:22 |
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markelhas | any samba expert!? | 11:22 |
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deafboy | when i play something in totem the movie is BLUE, can anyone help me with this? | 11:22 |
bret_ | hello everyone.. anyone know why a floppy drive (3.5inch) wont mount? I get /dev/fd0 not a valid block device.... I'm not sure what that means. | 11:22 |
void^ | Enverex: eh.. try a symlink :] | 11:22 |
=== Pooky [n=pk@VDSL-130-13-149-38.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enverex | void^, Change in .x normally indicates an ABI change doesn't it? | 11:23 |
void^ | Enverex: ah, i just realized i have libdl.so.2. i seem to remember i had the same problem originally and created the symlink. | 11:23 |
zack1 | i can't find it in /usr/local/openssl, or other place. but when i do sudo apt-get install openssl, it says i already have the newest version | 11:23 |
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thingy | rimtech, umm try this...run "vncviewer -UseLocalCursor myotherpc" and tell me if it shows the mouse cursor as a dot or as the local mouse cursor | 11:23 |
tier1972 | is there a notebook channel? | 11:23 |
void^ | Enverex: i doubt there are significant abi breaking changes in libdl. dlopen, dlclose, not much to break ;) | 11:23 |
kerik | thingy, http://pastebin.ca/460122 | 11:23 |
markelhas | any samba expert!? | 11:23 |
ceeg | can anyone tell me how to remove the ".c" from $GEDIT_CURRENT_DOCUMENT_NAME in gedits external tools manager? | 11:23 |
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tier1972 | !bot | 11:24 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 11:24 |
kerik | igorsobreira, hmm...so it found the card...does it say "unknown in the right side of the screen?" | 11:24 |
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AmirB | I have a problem with flash video players online with ubuntu. they play fine but every half a minute (exactly), it stutters for about 1 second and really disrupts the experience! This happens on Youtube, Google video, gamevideos, etc. what can I do to fix it? | 11:24 |
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tier1972 | !notebook | 11:24 |
ubotu | Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org | 11:24 |
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igorsobreira | kerik: Device Type:unknown and Capatibilities: unknown too | 11:25 |
thingy | kerik, and launching evo from a cmd line did not show any output after typing in the evo command? did it say anything like segfault? | 11:25 |
mikesown | why do I get an error "stdio.h: no such file or directory" when compiling madwifi on ubuntu? | 11:25 |
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mikesown | need I install linux-kernel-devel? | 11:25 |
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Enverex | void^, This just goes on and on, I'm on like the third one now :/ | 11:26 |
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bjc | deafboy: What type of file is it? Have you installed codecs? (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats). | 11:26 |
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Pinturicchio | hello I have a problem | 11:26 |
sdfasdfawef | how do i put a trash can icon on the desktop? | 11:26 |
Pinturicchio | My X freezes very often since I use Feisty ! | 11:27 |
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kerik | thingy, well...I get what I sent you... | 11:27 |
deafboy | bjc: avi yes i have installed codecs, it DOES play the movie is just BLUE in color | 11:27 |
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deafboy | bjc: where is this new codec manager feisty is supposed to contain? | 11:27 |
bjc | deafboy: does it play OK in other players? VLC, for example? | 11:28 |
eck | mikesown: do you have libc6-dev? | 11:28 |
kerik | thingy, though must admit I am not too sure on how to start up the app from terminal...shouldn't it just be typing in evolution? | 11:28 |
fannagoganna | hi, wondering if anyone has gotten postfix + SASL to work under Ubuntu 6.10? | 11:28 |
deafboy | bjc: yep plays in vlc / mplayer , was just wondering why it plays like shit in totem | 11:28 |
thingy | kerik, yes...type in evolution into a terminal window and tell me what it does after you type it in | 11:28 |
fannagoganna | I am using the SASL and Postfix packages that come with this version | 11:28 |
mluser | Are there any other easy to use image maniplutation programs besides krita and gimp in ubuntu? | 11:28 |
thingy | fannagoganna, cyrus SASL? | 11:28 |
kerik | then it starts up the guide to setup mail account... | 11:29 |
eck | fannagoganna: there is more than one sasl implementation that you can get from the repositories... | 11:29 |
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fannagoganna | no, i am using sasl2-bin | 11:29 |
fannagoganna | NOT cyrus sasl | 11:29 |
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bjc | deafboy: I'm not sure, then. If you're deadset on using totem, maybe experiment with installing gstreamer-* packages? | 11:29 |
fannagoganna | when i test saslauthd with testsaslauthd, it works | 11:29 |
void^ | Enverex: nspluginwrapper is a mess really, but there's no alternative if you need flash :/ | 11:29 |
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Escobar | Hello la RooM | 11:30 |
eck | fannagoganna: i think saslauthd is cyrussasl | 11:30 |
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thingy | fannagoganna, That is Cyrus sasl implementation http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/utils/sasl2-bin | 11:30 |
Enverex | void^, What ****es me off is how there are a few zealots on the amd64 Ubuntu forum that harp on about how it's so easy and Flash isn't a problem on AMD64 >.< | 11:30 |
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kerik | thingy, of course you were right... | 11:30 |
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kerik | here's the output in 2 sec | 11:30 |
AmirB | I have a problem with flash video players online with ubuntu. they play fine but every half a minute (exactly), it stutters for about 1 second and really disrupts the experience! This happens on Youtube, Google video, gamevideos, etc. what can I do to fix it? | 11:30 |
fannagoganna | ok then, has anyone gotten it to work? | 11:30 |
LaserLine | how do I mount a SMB folder as a local directory? | 11:31 |
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kerik | http://pastebin.ca/460131 | 11:31 |
bjc | deafboy: Does xine --video-driver xshm help? There are a couple of reports of totem acting like that. | 11:31 |
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BryanJK | AmirB, i had the problem once... I just reinstalled the flash player and it worked fine after that | 11:31 |
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kerik | thingy, http://pastebin.ca/460131 | 11:31 |
tehbrandon | I just installed feisty and used the restricted-drivers manager to install nvidia drivers. I rebooted, and now I get to the splash screen (loading bar), and it gets a few bars in, then freezes, no ctrl-alt-del, nothing. | 11:31 |
eck | fannagoganna: check that postfix can find the sasl socket and that the socket has the correct permissions | 11:31 |
thingy | fannagoganna, http://www.urbanpuddle.com/articles/2006/12/20/setup-a-postfix-mail-server-on-ubuntu-edgy-eft | 11:31 |
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void^ | Enverex: well, once it's setup it just works. didn't experience any crashes or other quirks, so i'm quite happy with it. adobe should just compile a real 64bit flash, of course. | 11:31 |
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deadeyes | hi all, how can I determine which version I have installed of ubuntu? | 11:31 |
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deafboy | bjc: i had gstreamer installed before, im trying totem-xine now | 11:32 |
eck | deadeyes: lsb_release -a | 11:32 |
AmirB | BryanJK: do I reinstall the flashplayer in synaptic? | 11:32 |
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kerik | thingy, great....solution near and I'm out of battery | 11:32 |
deadeyes | eck: thank you | 11:32 |
JJNova | Alright, I can't seem to find an answer to this at all. After updating to Feisty, I haven't been able to send emails through SMTP. Either using Evolution or Thunderbird | 11:32 |
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BryanJK | AmirB, what browser are you using? | 11:32 |
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deafboy | bjc: where is this new codec manager? | 11:32 |
bjc | deafboy: Are you running Beryl? | 11:32 |
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deafboy | bjc: nope | 11:32 |
AmirB | BryanJK: Firefox | 11:32 |
linxeh | JJNova: using what as your smtp server ? | 11:33 |
BryanJK | no, just uninstall it from addons, then reinstall it... thats all I did | 11:33 |
DrNick1 | hi. does anyone know why video's, dvd's and 3d applications perform slower and use much more cpu with beryl enabled? is it because Xorg simple isn't optimised for it yet? | 11:33 |
canas | how i can check if jre is installed correctly?? | 11:33 |
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JJNova | The same mailservers I have been using since before. | 11:33 |
eck | JJNova: have you tried with telnet? | 11:33 |
JJNova | smtp.gamebox.net and mail.gamecootie.com | 11:33 |
linxeh | JJNova: you didn't answer my question - exim locally? your isp's smarthost, or what ? | 11:33 |
publico | hi | 11:33 |
publico | i have a problem with my modem ppp | 11:34 |
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canas | how i can check if jre is installed correctly?? | 11:34 |
AmirB | BryanJK: ok, thanks | 11:34 |
linxeh | JJNova: ok; upgrading to feisty shouldnt break that unless you configured some kind of firewall. Try ecks solution | 11:34 |
JJNova | linxeh: My websites and a free POP | 11:34 |
bjc | deafboy: it should pop up when you try to open a file it knows about codecs for. I haven't used it myself because I upgraded, but I've seen it work on other systems. | 11:34 |
BryanJK | did it work? | 11:34 |
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linxeh | canas: its in /usr/lib/jvm iirc | 11:34 |
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fannagoganna | ok, now when i run it with the instructions given in http://www.urbanpuddle.com/articles/2006/12/20/setup-a-postfix-mail-server-on-ubuntu-edgy-eft, I get the error Starting SASL Authentication Daemon: (failed). | 11:34 |
thingy | canas, test the jre or the java plugin ? | 11:34 |
BryanJK | AmirbB,* did it work? | 11:34 |
linxeh | canas: try typing "java" | 11:34 |
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bjc | deafboy: So running totem with a different video output mode didn't help? | 11:34 |
AmirB | BrianJK: not yet, I'mm still working on it | 11:35 |
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publico | someone know how to install a modem ppp | 11:35 |
deafboy | bjc: i just installed totem-xine instead of totem-gstreamer and now totem complains about xvid not handled | 11:35 |
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BryanJK | okay | 11:35 |
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ChristianR | Hello all. After upgrading to Feisty, I am unable to run lilo. I get "Fatal: is_primary: Not a valid device 0xEE02". Any clues? | 11:35 |
JJNova | How do I use telnet to test it ? | 11:35 |
deafboy | bjc: hold up | 11:35 |
linxeh | JJNova: what have websites got to do with SMTP ? | 11:35 |
fannagoganna | never mind | 11:35 |
fannagoganna | am going through it | 11:35 |
AmirB | BryanJKL where do I go to uninstall it? | 11:35 |
Bishy | hi anyone up to helping me install ubuntu? i'm fairly new to all this | 11:35 |
DanaG | What would make a router refuse to give me an IP address whenever I'm in Linux? | 11:35 |
linxeh | JJNova: telnet SMTPHOST 25 | 11:35 |
publico | someone know how to install a modem ppp | 11:35 |
thingy | fannagoganna, that message is just the rc script message..look in /var/logs and find what really went wrong | 11:35 |
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publico | someone know how to install a modem ppp | 11:35 |
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mikesown | how come ubuntu doesn't find kismet as a package? | 11:35 |
AmirB | BryanJK: where do I go to uninstall it? | 11:35 |
linxeh | JJNova: and then type in: EHLO foo.bar | 11:35 |
mikesown | yet it's listed on the website | 11:35 |
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BryanJK | In firefox, go to Tools -> Addons | 11:35 |
deafboy | bjc: is there a way to get to the codec manager without not having the codec installed? | 11:35 |
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void^ | DrNick1: simple. on a 3d desktop, videos need to be rendered to a texture. normally, a video is directly rendered to the framebuffer using some acceleration framework. if you have a good graphics card you don't lose much performance, but a card with low memory throughput (like a geforce fx5200 for example) and/or bad drivers (like ati) hurts a lot. | 11:36 |
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publico | olasssssssssss | 11:36 |
AmirB | BryanJK: yes, but flash isn't there | 11:36 |
publico | someone know how to install a modem ppp | 11:36 |
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Intangir | im ubuntu 6.10, and i cant install k3b, says that it requires a version of a package that isnt in the repositories apparnetly | 11:36 |
linxeh | publico: stop repeating | 11:36 |
therealnanotube | Bishy: are you installing as a single boot, or you planning to do a multiboot? | 11:36 |
tehbrandon | !repeat | publico | 11:36 |
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ubotu | publico: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 11:36 |
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Slart | !alsa | 11:36 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:36 |
BryanJK | AmirB, Try installing it... | 11:36 |
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JJNova | Could not resolve SMTPhost25 | 11:36 |
publico | excuse | 11:36 |
linxeh | JJNova: oh come on, think .. ? | 11:36 |
Bishy | therealnanotube multiboot with vista x64 already on | 11:36 |
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linxeh | JJNova: telnet smtp.myisp.com 25 | 11:36 |
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dattas | how can i find my system specs? i just got a laptop from an auction and i want to know the true specs | 11:36 |
junmin | i run the command top, why it says i have 5 users logined???? as me it should be 2 o 1, root and a normal user.... hours ago, it was 10 users!!! | 11:36 |
tehbrandon | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/setting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html | 11:36 |
deafboy | bjc: i dodnt see how to change the output in totem | 11:36 |
tehbrandon | Try that publico | 11:36 |
BryanJK | AmirB, http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/ | 11:36 |
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linxeh | JJNova: note the space between the hostname and 25 | 11:37 |
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mrigns | !kernel | 11:37 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 11:37 |
JJNova | It's trying | 11:37 |
intelikey | anyone know anything about debial/ubuntu's "run-parts" command ? i'm pretty sure mine is bork'd tty1 [root@~] run-parts -v /etc/cron.every-minute just returns to the bash prompt. and yes there is an executable script in there... ;/ ? | 11:37 |
thingy | junmin, type in w in the command line and see the output of that | 11:37 |
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therealnanotube | Bishy: ah heh, that's a more complicated case. have you searched the google for ubuntu dual boot install howtos? | 11:37 |
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hyper_ch | !checksum | 11:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about checksum - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:37 |
tehbrandon | Mk, ubuntu is freezing on boot, any ideas? Specifically, it freezes at loading hardware drivers.... | 11:37 |
Bishy | therealnanotube pm | 11:38 |
hyper_ch | anyone can tell me where I can find the Feisty Desktop checksum? | 11:38 |
thingy | craps! the channel is getting hard to track or me is getting old and slow (and senile) | 11:38 |
linxeh | JJNova: if it connects you should get a line back from the server which starts with 220 - eg I get "220 asmtp-out1.blueyonder.co.uk ESMTP Thu, 26 Apr 2007 22:37:34 +0100" | 11:38 |
JJNova | linxeh: I'm not getting anything. It's still trying... | 11:38 |
linxeh | hyper_ch: if you use bittorrent it checksums automatically. failing that they should be on releases.ubuntu.com ? | 11:38 |
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DBFT | what is a good, graphical mysql client for linux? | 11:38 |
AmirB | BryanJK: ok, I need to restart the browser to install it | 11:38 |
AmirB | cya | 11:38 |
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BryanJK | okay | 11:38 |
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BryanJK | hope it works | 11:38 |
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intelikey | run-parts ? | 11:39 |
Enverex | void^, Hit a wall, it's asking for a lib I don't have now (libmlib) | 11:39 |
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linxeh | hyper_ch: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS | 11:39 |
Bishy | therealnanotube sorry, yes i've checked google n stuff - i'm getting an error when i try and start - kernel panic | 11:39 |
linxeh | DBFT: phpmyadmin in a browser ? | 11:39 |
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therealnanotube | Bishy: didn't get any pms from you... | 11:39 |
JJNova | I'm going to assume it's not supposed to take this long to respond. | 11:39 |
tehbrandon | Silence | 11:39 |
Limecat | hello? | 11:39 |
xSUSHix | intelikey : that directory doesnt exist on my ubutnu box - Edgy | 11:39 |
thingy | !md5sum | hyper_ch | 11:39 |
junmin | thingy, what's w? write configuration file??? nothing... well, i dont know what would you expert to see.. | 11:39 |
hyper_ch | linxeh: I got from the ubuntu.com download pages there: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM but it doesn't have the feisty checksum yet | 11:39 |
ubotu | hyper_ch: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more | 11:39 |
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DBFT | linxeh, except that then :) | 11:39 |
DBFT | non-browser based | 11:39 |
Bishy | therealnanotube im not registered yet | 11:39 |
intelikey | xSUSHix didn't here until i made it. | 11:39 |
thingy | junmin, its a command which shows you whos logged on | 11:39 |
hyper_ch | thingy: that page has no FEISTY checksum | 11:40 |
bjc | deafboy: xine --video-driver xshm . But if you're saying that you get a message about XVID, that's a codec issue. Can you show me the message text? | 11:40 |
intelikey | xSUSHix that's hardly relevent. | 11:40 |
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JJNova | linxeh: Telnet isn't getting a response | 11:40 |
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thingy | junmin, just type it into a terminal and press enter | 11:40 |
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linxeh | DBFT: Oracle's "Raptor" (or whatever it is called now it has been released) will connect to MySQL and is a very nice program | 11:40 |
JJNova | Unable to Connect | 11:40 |
tehbrandon | well, i'll bbl | 11:40 |
wehttamb__ | what is the AUX button used for? | 11:40 |
=== DBFT looks | ||
tehbrandon | wait | 11:40 |
linxeh | JJNova: and you put the " 25" on the end ? | 11:40 |
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JJNova | Yes | 11:40 |
albert_ | hi, i have problems syncing my palm. i heard there is an workaround available. can anybody supply my with an url? ;) | 11:40 |
publico | alguien sabe espaol | 11:40 |
linxeh | JJNova: what do you get with iptables -L ? | 11:40 |
deafboy | bjc: xine isn't installed im using gstreamer atm thats why im getting blue colors | 11:41 |
JJNova | linxeh: telnet mail.gamecootie.com 25 | 11:41 |
Pici | !es | publico | 11:41 |
ubotu | publico: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 11:41 |
crackintosh | what user/group does apache run as? | 11:41 |
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deadeyes | can someone tell me how I can get vpnc-0.4.0? in the repos there is only 0.3.3 | 11:41 |
Limecat | o.O where is everyone? | 11:41 |
void^ | Enverex: strange, the only remotely similar thing my flashplayer.so uses is libm.so.6 | 11:41 |
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xSUSHix | intellikey : if the command is successfully ran, usually it will just return you to the bash prompt | 11:41 |
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junmin | junmin :0 - 14:13 ?xdm? 10:57m 0.39s x-session-manager | 11:41 |
junmin | junmin pts/0 :0.0 14:31 12:42m 1.29s 1.00s java -cp .:mysql.jar Server | 11:41 |
junmin | junmin pts/1 :0.0 14:32 12:39m 0.21s 0.21s bash | 11:41 |
junmin | junmin pts/2 :0.0 14:32 5:45m 1.08s 1.08s bash | 11:41 |
junmin | junmin pts/3 | 11:41 |
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hyper_ch | thx linxeh | 11:41 |
junmin | thingy, is it normal?? | 11:41 |
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Pelo | deadeyes, go to the site for the app and get a .deb package or the source | 11:41 |
linxeh | junmin: use a pasteboard | 11:41 |
therealnanotube | Bishy: try running in safe mode? | 11:41 |
Pici | !paste | junmin | 11:41 |
ubotu | junmin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 11:41 |
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tehbrandon | Ok, anyone know how to disable nvidia drivers/kernel module in recovery mode? | 11:42 |
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Bishy | therealnanotube tried that - same thing | 11:42 |
JJNova | linxeh: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) | 11:42 |
JJNova | target prot opt source destination | 11:42 |
JJNova | Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) | 11:42 |
JJNova | target prot opt source destination | 11:42 |
JJNova | Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) | 11:42 |
JJNova | target prot opt source destination | 11:42 |
therealnanotube | deadeyes: well, you gotta get it outside the repos, then. :) | 11:42 |
DBFT | http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/sql/index.html - that one? :) | 11:42 |
JJNova | whoops. sorry about that | 11:42 |
junmin | linux1, Pici .yes ..hehe | 11:42 |
deadeyes | therealnanotube: ok:) thank you for the help | 11:42 |
=== max_harmony [n=chatzill@33-pool1.ras10.nynyc-t.alerondial.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thingy | hyper_ch, http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS | 11:42 |
therealnanotube | Bishy: verify the iso checksum ? verify the cd burn (there's an option for that) ? | 11:42 |
intelikey | xSUSHix but the command is a script sith and echo " testing blah" in it. and if that ran it would say "testing blah" also the -v is verbose and should tell what it's running so no output means what >? | 11:42 |
therealnanotube | deadeyes: hehe | 11:42 |
publico | thanks but this people is very fool | 11:42 |
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linxeh | JJNova: ok, so nothing wrong there then. I can connect to that server on port 25 from here, so I'm at a loss as to why you cannot connect | 11:42 |
jeld | Hi all, I suppose this question was asked before many times, but I get a GPG warning when I am trying to aptitude upgrade a fresh install of Feisty, where do I import the keys from? | 11:43 |
bjc | deafboy: Run `totem <file>` and show me the output. | 11:43 |
linxeh | jeld: for which repository ? | 11:43 |
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junmin | thingy, oh ... every console window is a login ..... | 11:43 |
Bishy | therealnanotube: its an official cd, just opened, never used | 11:43 |
linxeh | jeld: you probably have some third party repo in your sources.list | 11:43 |
therealnanotube | deadeyes: here's there homepage http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/vpnc/ | 11:43 |
junmin | thingy, didnt know that .. | 11:43 |
junmin | thingy, thx | 11:43 |
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thingy | junmin, np | 11:43 |
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JJNova | I thought it was Evolutions lack of updates, but then transferring everything to Thunderbird and still couldn't connect. Maybe I'll clean install back to Edgy | 11:43 |
Pelo | !upgrade > jeld check pm | 11:43 |
jeld | linxeh: no, I didn't change anything in source.list | 11:43 |
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therealnanotube | Bishy: ah. hmm... is it a feisty or a dapper? | 11:43 |
linxeh | DBFT: yeah thats the one | 11:43 |
jeld | Pelo: pm? | 11:44 |
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Pelo | jeld, private message window, | 11:44 |
=== Louey [n=biteme@d38-156-221.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bishy | therealnanotube: version 6.06 | 11:44 |
intelikey | xSUSHix http://pastebin.ca/460150 | 11:44 |
deafboy | bjc: No accelerated IMDCT transform found | 11:44 |
DBFT | argh, no easier way to install? :p | 11:44 |
DBFT | I've got to sign up and such :( | 11:44 |
Ca1 | HELP! I have 7.04 and I'm using fluxbox for windows manager. I need to remove gnome SAFELY so that I wont loose any other programs. | 11:44 |
linxeh | DBFT: we use it at work with Oracle, but I noticed it has a MySQL option if you add the MySQL jars to it. it isn't "free" though of course. I'm sure there is an equivalent of pgadmin3 for mysql though | 11:44 |
therealnanotube | Bishy: ah, well, you could try getting v7.04, and see if that meets with more success? | 11:44 |
idefixx | i just installed feisty on my tv box... any and the fonts look really crappy, i mean i know it usually doesnt look good on a tv but this is so bad that i cant change the font size cauz i cant see a thing | 11:44 |
publico | someone have a win32codecs for play mp3 | 11:44 |
=== Saran [n=Saran@CPE000ea6645421-CM0012c9214080.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jeld | Pelo: I am not upgrading | 11:45 |
intelikey | can anyone shed some light on "run-parts" http://pastebin.ca/460150 ??? | 11:45 |
bjc | deafboy: I'm confused. :-) What was giving you the xvid error, then? | 11:45 |
kski | has anyone gotten a prism2 working in 7.04? | 11:45 |
linxeh | DBFT: have you tried "MySQL administrator" > | 11:45 |
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therealnanotube | !codecs | publico | 11:45 |
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Bishy | therealnanotube: kk, i'll dl and try later | 11:45 |
Pelo | jeld, your original msg was a bit confusing | 11:45 |
ubotu | publico: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:45 |
Bishy | therealnanotube: cheers dude | 11:45 |
therealnanotube | Bishy: good luck :) | 11:45 |
gav616 | i need help! | 11:45 |
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DBFT | wait what? lol | 11:45 |
linxeh | DBFT: http://www.mysql.com/products/tools/administrator/ | 11:45 |
=== DBFT looks | ||
Saran | Hi, I installed the Ubuntu ISO file and burned the image on to a DVD. Alas when I restart it goes only to Windows XP and not Ubuntu. | 11:45 |
Pinturicchio | hello I have a problem | 11:45 |
Pinturicchio | My X freezes very often since I use Feisty ! | 11:45 |
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publico | thankss | 11:45 |
deafboy | bjc: when i had totem-xine installed, atm its totem-gstreamer, and the screen is blue but the movie plays | 11:46 |
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DBFT | I think that is just user management etc. rather than table's? | 11:46 |
deafboy | bjc: totem-xine gave the the xvid error | 11:46 |
Pelo | jeld, I don'T have an answer for you, maybe someone else knows | 11:46 |
Pinturicchio | Saran: did you check your Bios ? | 11:46 |
Ca1 | :( HELP! I have 7.04 and I'm using fluxbox for windows manager. I need to remove gnome SAFELY so that I wont loose any other programs. | 11:46 |
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Saran | i dont know how to do that | 11:46 |
linxeh | DBFT: its full db optimisation too - you can browse the catalogue and tune it etc | 11:46 |
Saran | Im new at this | 11:46 |
thingy | Pinturicchio, Checked memory? Is your hardware overclocked in anyway? Any pattern to the freezing i.e. only happens when you play a sound or movie or game? | 11:46 |
DBFT | ok i'll take a look | 11:46 |
gav616 | Cal, install ubuntu server edition.. then install fluxbox.. | 11:46 |
Pelo | Ca1, check the forum for removing gnome but I don'T think you want to do that, some packages are dependent on some gnome bits to work | 11:46 |
DBFT | looks the best bet so far | 11:46 |
linxeh | DBFT: but yeah, maybe it doesnt do table data etc | 11:47 |
Pinturicchio | thingy: memory okay, not overcloking | 11:47 |
Saran | how to I edit the BIOS? | 11:47 |
linxeh | DBFT: SQLDeveloper is the most advanced tool of that type ive seen, but its a pain to download it etc | 11:47 |
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Ca1 | gav616 I don't want to have to reinstall. wouldnt I loose everything? | 11:47 |
therealnanotube | Saran: when the computer is just booting, there is a black screen, and it should say something like "press f2 for setup". press f2. you will be in a menu with a bunch of config. one of the screens is for boot order, and there you want to make sure that your cd drive is ahead of your hard drive in the list. then the comp will boot from your dvd | 11:47 |
DBFT | linux is missing a good mySQL tool :( | 11:47 |
Pinturicchio | thingy: the problem is new. | 11:47 |
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gav616 | Cal, backup? | 11:47 |
Pinturicchio | thingy: it was not like this using dapper drake | 11:47 |
Ca1 | thanks Pelo | 11:47 |
thingy | Pinturicchio, ok what graphics card have you got? | 11:47 |
publico | someone knows what's the ubuntu christian edition | 11:47 |
linxeh | DBFT: what about MySQL Query Browser, and MySQL Workbench ? :) | 11:47 |
Pelo | Saran, you can also try with the del key | 11:47 |
Pinturicchio | Nvidia Ge Force 7600 Go | 11:47 |
Saran | Ok thanks. Ill try that :) | 11:48 |
=== disinterested [n=green@207-225-93-11.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DBFT | all this just to see if Ruby on Rails is any good :p | 11:48 |
Pinturicchio | I'v tried all drivers : | 11:48 |
bjc | deafboy: So you're trying to play a .avi file? Let's confirm what codecs you have installed. If you're not sure, show me ` dpkg -l | grep gstreamer` | 11:48 |
intelikey | Ca1 "sudo aptitude remove libgnome* " and reinstall anything you lose that you didn't want to lose. | 11:48 |
thingy | Pinturicchio, laptop? | 11:48 |
linxeh | DBFT: cant you use RoR with postgres ? | 11:48 |
Pinturicchio | nv (free), nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new | 11:48 |
Pinturicchio | yes | 11:48 |
mrigns | publico: it's ubuntu with with some parental control apps and bible software preinstalled | 11:48 |
thingy | Pinturicchio, ok what laptop? | 11:48 |
Pinturicchio | asus | 11:48 |
DBFT | mysql query browser for the win | 11:48 |
Pici | linxeh: Its an unofficial 'distro' that just has some premade themes. | 11:48 |
mrigns | and other artwork | 11:48 |
Pinturicchio | A8J | 11:48 |
therealnanotube | publico: it's just regular ubuntu, with a bunch of bibles and religious software tacked on. | 11:48 |
thingy | Pinturicchio, full model is a8j? | 11:48 |
therealnanotube | publico: afaik | 11:48 |
Ca1 | intelikey: Thanks! Do you know if I will loose a lot though? | 11:48 |
linxeh | Pici: eh | 11:48 |
Alonea | Ok, I have an mp4 file with some x264 encoding. It takes a bit of work to get it to play in Mplayer, and that is the only player so far that will play it, but it isn't reading the file correctly. For the last 15 minutes the sound is completely off track and if I try to fast forward during that portion it just skips back to the beginning of the video. The people on windows can play the file... | 11:48 |
deafboy | bjc: pastebin? | 11:48 |
Alonea | ...perfectly. How do I play it perfectly? | 11:48 |
DBFT | possibly linxeh, but i'm more used to mysql anyway - i've just never used it under linux | 11:48 |
Pinturicchio | i'm checking the full name | 11:48 |
gav616 | can a pro pm me to fix my sound after using sysv-rc-conf.. | 11:48 |
linxeh | DBFT: what do you use on windows ? | 11:49 |
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bjc | deafboy: If you want, or PM me. | 11:49 |
thingy | Pinturicchio, please type ing thingy: msg otherwise its even harder for me to track anything you say | 11:49 |
intelikey | Ca1 no but it will list and ask for confirmation. you can copy the list. | 11:49 |
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thingy | Pinturicchio, or priv msg me instead | 11:49 |
Pici | linxeh: Whoops, wrong person completly. | 11:49 |
publico | but this sofware i cant download | 11:49 |
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mrigns | publico: yes you can | 11:49 |
therealnanotube | Alonea: have you tried vlc? | 11:49 |
Ca1 | intelikey. Thanks. I'll back up my files to make sure | 11:49 |
Pelo | Alonea, which distro are you using ? on fiesty I can play mp4 files in totem with the gstreamer codecs | 11:49 |
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mrigns | publico: you dont need the christian edittion to run it | 11:49 |
Pinturicchio | okay | 11:50 |
malik_ | #therecroom | 11:50 |
eck | Alonea: probably the file is malformed and you are out of luck unless you can find a player that can figure out what to do with the corrupted parts of the file | 11:50 |
iratik | i've just booted after install from the cd, it can't start the x server | 11:50 |
jeld | Ah, got it the update only partially succeeded | 11:50 |
Alonea | Pelo: I have the gstreamer codecs. I am on Fiesty Kubuntu. | 11:50 |
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iratik | using nvidia as video card | 11:50 |
DBFT | navicat | 11:50 |
gav616 | can someone pm me for a one2one to get this silly issue i have fixed... | 11:50 |
Pelo | Alonea, try opening the file in totem | 11:50 |
Alonea | eck: its not corrupted though. other people have had absolutely no problems with it at all. its this odd encoding. | 11:50 |
eck | Pelo: totem also uses gstreamer | 11:50 |
kski | how do i blacklist a driver? | 11:50 |
Pelo | gav616, how about you tell us the issue first | 11:50 |
publico | where???????? | 11:50 |
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linxeh | DBFT: does it run under wine ? | 11:51 |
Alonea | Pelo: totem doesnt play it at all, neither does xine, kaffiene, or xmms | 11:51 |
therealnanotube | Alonea: try installing the vlc package. that player can play almost anything. :) | 11:51 |
Pelo | eck, and in fiesty when totem needs a codecs it launches an app to install the right one | 11:51 |
idefixx | i just installed feisty on my tv box... any and the fonts look really crappy, i mean i know it usually doesnt look good on a tv but this is so bad that i cant change the font size cauz i cant see a thing. how do i fix this? | 11:51 |
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DBFT | i've never tried, if this mysql-guitools is no good then i will :) | 11:51 |
Alonea | therealnanotube: ok, will try VLC. | 11:51 |
eck | Alonea: different players have different quirks, it's most likely the case that their player can handle the quirks in the file and mplayer cannot | 11:51 |
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linxeh | DBFT: oh navicat runs under linux too | 11:51 |
Pelo | Alonea, make sure you are running totem-gstreamer and not totem-xine | 11:51 |
JJNova | Hey guys, is there a firewall default for Feisty ? | 11:51 |
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mrigns | publico: just download them... search the forums, there are many threads with that topic. and don't spam questionmarks! | 11:52 |
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linxeh | DBFT: why not just downlaod the linux version of navicat ? :) | 11:52 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: yea, firewall default that is "allow everything". :) | 11:52 |
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gav616 | ok, i used this guide on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491&highlight=howto+upstart, about using 'sysv-rc-conf' but now my sound is completly gone, i can't bump the forum coz its disabled my account | 11:52 |
DBFT | wait, what? | 11:52 |
DBFT | lol | 11:52 |
mrigns | JJNova: of course. iptables | 11:52 |
mastercactapus | can someone explain the difference between the text installer and the text installer for manufacturers | 11:52 |
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publico | ok excuse me | 11:52 |
mrigns | JJNova: firestarter is a gnome gui to configure the iptables | 11:52 |
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publico | :) | 11:52 |
idefixx | JJNova: use firstarter it is ok for beginners | 11:52 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: if you want the firewall to actually block stuff, edit the iptables config. (there are tutorials and stuff all over) | 11:52 |
intelikey | JJNova you iptables is built into the kernel. firestarter is a configuration tool that you can use to setup/enable iptables. | 11:52 |
Pelo | master_of_master, the oem isntaller will not set a username/password so the end user can set it himself | 11:52 |
LaserLine | How do I mount a SMB Shared Folder Locally from on ubuntu machine to another? | 11:53 |
GAMETIGER | is anyone familiar with knoppix? i need some help with a boot command | 11:53 |
JJNova | I don't want a firewall, I want my emails. lol | 11:53 |
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JJNova | I'm trying to find out why I had no problems with my client until after updating | 11:53 |
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Pelo | mastercactapus, , the oem isntaller will not set a username/password so the end user can set it himself | 11:53 |
gav616 | am on Ubuntu server, with generic kernel on fluxbox | 11:53 |
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JJNova | Thought maybe there was a default activated with Feisty | 11:53 |
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thingy | idefixx, Try this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_enable_smooth_fonts | 11:53 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: ah, well, you could run "sudo iptables --list" to list all your rules, to make sure that nothing is being blocked. | 11:53 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: but that's unlikely, if you didn't enable it yourself. | 11:53 |
idefixx | thingy: thx will try it | 11:54 |
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linxeh | therealnanotube: I got him to do that earlier | 11:54 |
gav616 | its just i need a pm..coz i h8 trying to find ppl replys | 11:54 |
intelikey | JJNova like i said. the stuff is built into the kernel. but unless they changed something it's not setup/enabled by default. | 11:54 |
therealnanotube | linxeh: and, nothing, i assume? :) | 11:54 |
publico | i have a problem wint my kernel | 11:54 |
linxeh | aye, clean | 11:54 |
=== freaknfarker is away: has backed away from computer | ||
mrigns | JJNova: all ports are blocked in feisty by default. 25 = smtp port and 110 = pop port | 11:54 |
JJNova | No, my iptables are set to accept everything | 11:54 |
Pelo | gav616, we sstill don'T know what you problem is and no one is gonna pm you unless they know if they can help you | 11:54 |
linxeh | I guess it might be a problem with MTU or something | 11:54 |
JJNova | mrigns: How do I change that ? | 11:54 |
eck | mrigns: no ports are blocked, there just aren't any open ports by default | 11:55 |
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JJNova | How do I open port 25 then. I have no problem receiving mail, just sneding it | 11:55 |
JJNova | sending | 11:55 |
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mrigns | JJNova: try firestarter | 11:55 |
DBFT | thanks for the help linxeh | 11:55 |
eck | JJNova: stop iptables, if that doesn't fix it your ISP did something | 11:55 |
publico | when i like to install a program this tell me "only for kernel 2.4" and i have kernel 2.6??????? | 11:55 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: what happens if you run "telnet smtp.yourisp.com 25" ? | 11:55 |
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JJNova | thefirstdude: no connection | 11:55 |
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eck | JJNova: i had to contact my ISP to be able to use smtp | 11:56 |
intelikey | JJNova sounds more like a mail app configuration issue. check the settings. | 11:56 |
dcsmith_ | has anyone gotten a uvc macbook isight working on feisty? | 11:56 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: you don't need to open port 25. when sending email, you are connecting to another server's port 25. | 11:56 |
foxiness | publico: ? | 11:56 |
=== CyberBob [n=CyberBob@cpe-65-27-169-46.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JJNova | Well, apparently I can't make that connection. | 11:56 |
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therealnanotube | publico: what program? look for it in the repositories with synaptic first. | 11:56 |
=== feba [n=feba@c-69-247-164-232.hsd1.ks.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
therealnanotube | JJNova: so, then, your smtp mailserver is down | 11:56 |
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BryanJK | im installing ubuntu 7.04, and I have an NTFS partition that I don't want touched, and a 50gb of freespace... any reccomendations for partitioning the free space? | 11:56 |
therealnanotube | what's your mail server, i can try telnetting to it | 11:56 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: what's your mail server, i can try telnetting to it | 11:57 |
=== andy__ [n=andy@p54A32584.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JJNova | therealnanotube: both of them? Immediately after updating? Perhaps. Just seems unlikely | 11:57 |
publico | yes this program is only for kernel 2.4 and i have kernel 2.6, how to install this program | 11:57 |
eck | JJNova: your ISP might have blocked outbound (!) SMTP traffic because they think you are a spammer | 11:57 |
JJNova | thefirstdude: mail.gamecootie.com | 11:57 |
=== bret_ [n=bret@75-162-124-104.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lieter | BryanJK, 18GB /, 1,5GB swap, rest /home | 11:57 |
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BryanJK | lieter, thanks | 11:57 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: gamecootie doesn't allow connect on port 25 | 11:57 |
intelikey | i had to setup a mail client for a service that uses the same dns name sending and recieving the other day. talk about a pain. | 11:57 |
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therealnanotube | JJNova: maybe they are running TLS, and do smtp on port 587 instead? | 11:58 |
JJNova | therealnanotube: linxeh connected to it with no problem | 11:58 |
=== JulioB [n=juliob@c-24-7-18-198.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alonea | therealnanotube: well, damn. thanks for commending VLC. plays file perfectly. | 11:58 |
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eck | JJNova: i can connect to it as well | 11:58 |
=== faerhan [n=faerhan@85-124-80-100.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
therealnanotube | Alonea: cool! :) | 11:58 |
=== Ca1 [n=user@c-71-236-144-71.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
mrigns | i can connect by using port 25 | 11:58 |
publico | the program is a driver | 11:58 |
JJNova | therealnanotube: So I guess you and I can't do it. | 11:58 |
eck | JJNova: are you using sbc global? | 11:58 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: hehe. what's your ISP? | 11:58 |
JJNova | therealnanotube: Everyone else seems to | 11:58 |
therealnanotube | JJNova: i'm on comcast. maybe it's comcast's fault? :) | 11:59 |
Alonea | therealnanotube: have no idea why the others are having so much trouble with it. | 11:59 |
intelikey | Alonea i second the VLC praise | 11:59 |
foxiness | publico: modem? | 11:59 |
JJNova | SBC Global, yes | 11:59 |
publico | the program is a driver but no run???????? for my kernel | 11:59 |
publico | yes | 11:59 |
sdfasdfawef | how can i replace the ubuntu logo next to applications with the gnome foot | 11:59 |
sdfasdfawef | ? | 11:59 |
publico | is a modem ppp | 11:59 |
=== kumar [n=kumar@c-71-59-10-13.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JJNova | ecgw: Yahoo SBC Global | 11:59 |
therealnanotube | Alonea: they all use somewhat different codec implementations... VLC's seem pretty robust | 11:59 |
Enverex | Odd, Feisty didn't boot after install on my laptop, X said it couldn't load and that the X config file is missing a device section :/ | 11:59 |
eck | JJNova: you need to contact them, they have a policy of blocking outbound smpt traffic (i had to do this as well) | 11:59 |
=== kumar is now known as Music_Shuffle | ||
therealnanotube | JJNova: what's your other smtp server? | 11:59 |
foxiness | publico: can you send me info about it? | 11:59 |
JJNova | What a bunch of douchebags. lol. Thanks eck. Hope that clears it up. | 12:00 |
linxeh | JJNova: can you connect to smtp.blueyonder.co.uk ? | 12:00 |
=== Amallya [n=Adyna@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gav616 | well ive just said my sound is complety gone after tweaking 'sysv-rc-conf', on the forums it said to post ur output of 'lsmod | grep snd' to see what modules ur sound card is using then u place them in modules.conf.. but ive bben disabled from the forums soo i dont knwo what to put in. | 12:00 |
=== Nap [n=francois@mar92-12-88-162-231-60.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sdfasdfawef | how can i replace the ubuntu logo next to applications with the gnome foot? | 12:00 |
iratik | Alright I can't start X server .. just installed feisty ... first boot after cd ejected. Using nvidia , I don't know exactly what to do .... i did apt-cache search nvidia | grep glx ... nvidia-glx, -new, -legacy or am I off track ? | 12:00 |
eck | JJNova: there should be an option on your accounts page, you justhave to submit a request to get it unblocked and it will be cleared up in ~48 hours | 12:00 |
=== doc| [n=~@min31-2-89-80-61-213.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
feba | Enverex: By didn't boot, do you mean the PC won't turn on and load the BIOS, it loads and then stops, or you get to Feisty and it shuts down? What exactly? | 12:00 |
Alonea | therealnanotube: hmm. actually I remember using it at one point on windows to convert files, but had to switch to a different program due to conversion problems. thats nice that it works well on linux though | 12:00 |
linxeh | JJNova: ah I see | 12:00 |
JJNova | linxeh: No | 12:01 |
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