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maccam94um, www.edubuntu.org is down for me >_<02:32
=== maccam94 wants to grab the x86 7.04 torrents
maccam94can anyone else confirm that the site is down?02:33
Burgworkyep, down02:36
Burgworkup again02:42
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bhaskari have install edubuntu 7.04 festy , LTSP 5 is built in , very nice, i want to know how to setup printer?? on client and server06:56
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achandrahey there!08:59
achandrawireless issues!08:59
achandraIntel Pro/Wireless 2200 BG08:59
achandrahas anyone experienced similar issues?08:59
achandracan anyone help me to get this wireless up and running.. I am using a Intel Pro/Wireless 2200BG connection..09:24
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ukubuntuYou guys may wish to help redress the balance  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/910 pass it on all day ;)11:27
ukubuntu1% (2 votes)11:28
ukubuntu49% (167 votes)11:28
ukubuntu48% (161 votes)11:28
ukubuntu2% (8 votes)11:28
ukubuntuNone of the above11:28
ukubuntu0% (0 votes)11:28
ukubuntuTotal votes: 33811:28
=== pipedream votes
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cliebowukubuntu, done01:17
cliebownow i vote for the other schools01:17
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bhaskarhello, can u give me the links of Edubuntu server add-on CD01:49
bhaskari have Server 7.04 Feisty01:49
bhaskarso i need 7.04 server add-on CD link01:49
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bddebianErr Heya03:43
ogratsk ...03:43
ograbreaking traditions ...03:43
bddebianYeah :'-(03:45
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bettspogra: ping05:11
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knix_Is it possible to authenticate students with edubuntu in active directory?05:50
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ograbettsp, pong06:47
cbx333ogra, we just got two little rexs06:50
cbx333Asuka and Tifa06:50
cbx333about 9 weeks old ;)06:50
ogratwo girls  ?06:51
cbx333you knew the names?06:51
ograsusie also considers  new one ...06:51
cbx333Asuka is a character name from Neon Genesis Evangelion06:52
ograsomehow the old one we had left slightly suffers from the agile young one06:52
cbx333and Tifa is from Final Fantasy 706:52
=== LaserJock thinks cbx333 need to get a life ;-)
=== LaserJock then runs out of the room
=== cbx333 kicks LaserJock
cbx333damn he was too fast06:52
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cbx333they had to have japanese names ;)06:53
cbx333at least from japanese created series06:53
LaserJockcbx333: I'm fast as a laser06:53
ograafter seville i'm planning a 10-20 sqm outdoor cage for mine06:53
LaserJockso 3x10^8 m/s06:53
cbx333we're hoping to breed a few06:53
ograah, nice ...06:54
cbx333we had babies before06:54
cbx333they are very cute06:54
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool249.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu
ograwe're still unsure we want that trouble .... but thinking about it since quite ome time06:54
cbx333maximum you can get is 4 ;)06:54
cbx333or 506:54
LaserJockogra: did I already ask you if you were going to Sevilla via Madrid?06:55
ogravia palma de mallorca06:55
LaserJockI'd really like to catch a taxi with somebody06:55
ogra1h break between the flights06:55
ograi was planning via malaga ... but somehow the plane was overbooked when i looked...06:56
ograseems i was to late ... so now i fly through palma06:56
ograLaserJock, but you dont want to go from madrid to sevilla by taxi06:57
ogrado you ?06:57
LaserJockI was just wondering if people were going to take the same flight06:59
LaserJockso it'd be easy06:59
cbx333ogra, what breed are your pigs?07:00
LaserJockogra: what time to you arrive at sevilla?07:00
LaserJockI arrive 15:00 on the 2nd07:01
LaserJockgotta run for meetings, bbl07:01
LaserJockif anybody is reaching sevilla at ^^ let me know07:01
=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
ogracbx33, one US or CH Teddy and i dont know the english name for the other race, but a pretty common one07:05
ograLaser_away, i think i arrive around 16:3007:06
ograah, apprently they are aclled abyssinian07:07
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bettspDamn it, I got distracted by schoolin'07:20
bettspogra: I got a LTSP Fat Client up and running per the spec07:21
bettspThere's a few problems though; I tried to add it as notes to the LTSPFatClient page but it's locked cause it's a spec07:21
ograhmm, you should be able to edit the wikipage ...07:22
bettspWell anyways I'll just tell you07:22
bettspThere's a few problems with D-Bus getting loaded, mainly because some paths in var it tries to write to are read-only07:23
bettspAs a result hald doesn't get loaded either; not a big deal but it's something to fix to make the spec work seamlessly07:23
bettspIt seems to be really slow to boot too, even though the server isn't working that hard07:25
bettspI've been tweaking NFS settings but I haven't got anything worth anything07:25
ograjust add these paths to /etc/default/ltsp-client-setup :)07:26
ograin the client chroot07:26
ograso they get RW07:26
bettspogra: Yeah, that's what I did (after picking out how ltsp works)07:27
ograyeah we need ore developer docs ...07:27
ograthe opensuse people just start implementing our ltsp ... i'm trying to take notes abut their questions ...07:28
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cbx333ogra, our third is a boy shelty ;)07:29
bettspThe other thing you might think about adding to Edubuntu in general is a GUI way to tweak what packages are installed on the client image07:30
cbx333ogra, nice idea07:31
bettsp(Maybe it already exists, I'm new to Edubuntu)07:31
ograno, it doesnt yet, but we're working on a spec for gutsy for full update-manager integration07:33
cbx333that's gonna be cool07:34
ograso you will automatically get popups for security updates and will be able to upgrade the chroot via the dist-upgrade tool07:34
cbx333two icons?07:34
highvoltagehello cbx333 and ogra07:34
ograintegrated in u-m07:34
cbx333hey highvoltage07:34
=== cbx333 is working on a new project ;)
ografunnily that requires synaptic in the chroot07:34
ograso theoretically you *can* manage your packages in the chroot via that :)07:35
cbx333that's cool07:35
highvoltagecbx333: weren't you going to announce them real soon? (you  said breviously you have a few real cool projects)07:35
cbx333this ia a new one07:35
cbx333I started it last night07:35
cbx333almost v1 already07:35
highvoltageanother one!07:35
highvoltageecho "cbx33 rulzzz!!!!1cos(0)!!"07:36
cbx333ok I'll let you in ;)07:36
cbx333it's called vcsfrenzy07:36
cbx333a libnotify bind for bzr and svn07:36
cbx333so that you get informed of updates to repos that are important to you07:36
bettspcbx333: That's cool07:36
=== ogra has split out the ltsp-build-client gui part from ltsp manager the last days
highvoltagelibnotify, that's the gnome-bubble thing right?07:36
cbx333like update manager07:37
cbx333very cool ;)07:37
cbx333i needed it for work07:37
cbx333svn is ready and done07:37
ogracbx33, does it integrate with LP ?07:37
cbx333just need to do bzr07:37
ograso i can monitor the lp branches ....07:37
cbx333it will do07:37
cbx333just copy the address into the config file07:37
cbx333v2 will have an applet icon07:37
cbx333so you can add the measily07:37
cbx333and assign custom icons07:38
ograLP has an api for that  ... with rss ...07:38
cbx333ahhh cool07:38
cbx333i could make a distinction between LPbzr and bzr07:38
cbx333will make LPbzr faster07:38
ograyu could show the short from of the recent revisions in a tooltip ...07:38
cbx333that's what it does07:38
cbx333it already has a button in the tooltip to open up the full log message07:38
cbx333"View Log"07:39
ogranow just integrate with bzr-gtk and launch nautilus with the right branch  :)07:39
cbx333give me a chance ;)07:39
cbx333i on;y started it yesterday07:39
ograver.2.x  :)07:39
ograor 5.x :)07:39
cbx333it's my next week project07:39
cbx333which means it should be fairly complete by next week07:40
cbx333v1 at least ;)07:40
cbx333bzr will be able to do LP branchs07:40
cbx333but the bzrLP (thanks to you ogra) will be faster;)07:41
cbx333you can set poll time for each repo07:41
cbx333and give each repo a custom name for the bubbles07:41
cbx333was gonna add a view diff too07:41
ograyou should be able to pull that in from bzr-gtk it has such functions07:42
cbx333so does bzr in general07:42
ograno i mean bzr-gtk has a complete view diff function including syntax highlighting and gtk window :)07:43
cbx333maybe I'll look at that for v207:43
ograyou just need to call it, no need t code it :)07:43
cbx333does bzr-gtk come with libs then?07:43
ograno idea i have only tested it once ...07:44
ograsomehow i find using bzr in a gui strange ...07:44
ogranotifications would be cool though07:44
=== cbx333 often finds using a gui strange
cbx333well keep it under ya haet ;)07:44
cbx333will be blogging soon07:45
cbx333I have the bzr code almost read07:45
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cbx333thanks for the encouragement guys07:50
cbx333I'll be looking for beta testers ;)07:51
cbx333funnily enough ogra is already down on the list.....HAHAH07:52
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highvoltage1/win 1110:14
ogra2/loose 22 ?10:14
highvoltageogra: heh :)10:16
highvoltageogra: are you still envolved with debian in any way?10:17
ograstill ?10:17
ograi never was10:17
ograi was using it excessive over years, but never developed any debian stuff10:17
highvoltageah ok. somehoe I got the idea that you were involved with debian just before joining ubuntu. probably because you were a debian user :)10:17
ograi earned my bread with it :)10:18
ograbut actually the conference in mataro was my second OSS conference ever ...10:18
ograwithout going to conferences you dont get your key signed ...10:19
ograwithout key you are rather non existent in the debian world if it comes to developemnt10:19
ogra(indeed you can send patches or so)10:19
ograbut i'm considering becoming DD10:19
highvoltageah yes, that reminds me, I'll have to print some ID copies with gpg fingerprints10:20
ograwe have so much ltp stuff that i'd like to get my hands n in debian as well10:20
highvoltagelong-term, I'd like to become a DD. even if it means I'll only become one when I'm 50.10:20
highvoltagecool :)10:20
highvoltageI see debian's LTSP uses quite a bit less ram than in Ubuntu. how is that so? I thought they were pretty much the same?10:21
ogravagrant cascadian (the guy who maintains the debian ltsp branch, you will meet him in spain) maintains ltsp and all its friends, but is no DD10:21
ogradebian uses a debian kernel, we use an ubuntu kernel10:21
highvoltageah ok :)10:21
ograX is pretty much the same ...10:21
ograldm as well10:21
highvoltageubuntu kernels are quite big.10:22
ograoh, and indeed you can only compare debian with a pre edgy version of ubuntus ltsp10:22
highvoltageI think my K&R C book has arrived. went to the post office today but it was closed because of the public holiday today.10:22
ogradebian was frozen for nearly 6 months10:22
highvoltageheh, that's an entire release cycle on the ubuntu side :)10:23
ograit had package version 0.99 ... edgy already had 0.12710:23
ograindeed there was some stuff backported ...10:23
ograbut debian has no localdev suport out of the box ... still uses esd etc10:23
ograoh, and comes with no printing support at all10:24
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Laser_awayogra: hmm, so if I wait 1.5 hrs I can meet you at the Sevilla airport10:24
highvoltageah now that I see bluekuja I remember I had a question10:24
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Cnl_Deltahmm big room, hi there10:24
highvoltageogra: bluekuja is accepted in edubuntu-members because he's already an ubuntu-membet, right?10:25
bluekujahighvoltage: yes10:25
highvoltagebluekuja: how have you been?10:25
ograLaser_away, yep10:25
bluekujawe talked about it in the previsious meeting10:25
ograhi Cnl_Delta10:25
ograhighvoltage, yep10:25
bluekujaon 25 of april10:25
bluekujawith RichEd10:25
bluekujaand oliver10:26
highvoltageaah, I just realised I missed a meeting :(10:26
Laser_awaytsk tsk10:26
ograhighvoltage, we agreed (EC) in the meeting that it needs approval from one EC member to become edubuntu-member if youre already ubuntu member10:26
Cnl_Deltahey there ogra, was curious to know if edubuntu can run on  a P@ with 128 MB of RAM (8 GB HDD)10:26
highvoltagewe've had lots of public holidays this month, it messes with my weeks. I don't know when Wednesdays are anymore :/10:26
highvoltageogra: that sounds good10:27
ograwell, it could probably *run* but it will be far from usable10:27
ograCnl_Delta, get 128M more :)10:27
Cnl_Deltai got old folk and really young kids using a pc like that10:27
highvoltageCnl_Delta: you could try Xubuntu and install the educational applications on top of that.10:27
ogramemory is essential in linux ... CPU speed is less important10:28
Cnl_Deltathought edubuntu would be more useful than win 98 (its not used right now)10:28
highvoltageCnl_Delta: 128MB is also a bit little for Xubuntu, but it will certainly run better than a full gnome desktop10:28
bluekujahighvoltage: everything ok now?10:28
ograyeah, what highvoltage says ... xubuntu is probably the better choice for that HW10:28
highvoltagebluekuja: more or less :)10:28
Cnl_Deltai got the alternate installer of Xubuntu and have done a test install on my system (1 GB RAM)10:28
ograor run it as thin client :)10:28
bluekujahighvoltage: i forgot you lost that meeting10:28
bluekujahighvoltage: anyway you can check logs to check the new "policy"10:29
Cnl_Deltai just thought of Xubuntu and haven't read about thin client stuff10:29
Cnl_Delta*thought of Edubuntu i mean10:29
Cnl_DeltaI was looking for an OS that just to run a web browser and E-Mail that was easy enough for a 60 year old to learn how to use10:30
highvoltageCnl_Delta: is the P2 on the same network as your 1GB RAM system?10:33
highvoltageCnl_Delta: the Xubuntu CD gives you an LTSP install option too, if you install from the alternate cd10:33
=== ogra wonders if anyone tested that before release on xubuntu
Cnl_Deltaonce i get my BIOS fixed10:34
Cnl_Deltai have 3.0 AMD64 with 1 GB of RAM to spare10:34
Cnl_Deltaang 80 GB HDD10:35
ograthat would make a perfect edubuntu ltsp server10:35
Cnl_Deltaso yes it I could have it on the same network10:35
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mariocbx33, :)11:48
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