
CIA-16ubiquity: cjwatson * r2065 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs): remove more complex cruft from the old advanced partitioner12:25
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BleupommeHi, I have a problem with the debian installer. Could you help me, or is the ubuntu installer too different?10:39
cjwatson_#debian-boot on irc.oftc.net would be more appropriate10:40
Bleupommecjwatson: ok thx10:41
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kefahHello. I'm not sure if I am in the right place for my quest :11:03
kefahWhere can I find how to remaster (create a new build of ubuntu or kubuntu)?11:04
cjwatsonkefah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization/6%2e0611:08
kefahcjwatson: a million thanks. :-)11:09
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phratmancjwatson: Did you ever figure out what was going on with regard to the installer syslog?05:11
phratmancjwatson: I have /dev/sda on my system05:11
cjwatsonI haven't had time to look at it since, I'm afraid05:12
cjwatsonattaching the full syslog rather than a snippet of it would probably help, since then I'd have kernel messages too05:12
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phoenix_wrathHello . Can I ask a newbee question about installation problems ?07:21
phoenix_wrathGuess not.07:23
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alextjI am not sure if im in the right channel to ask, but is there a way to skip migration assistant in Feisty installation, because it hangs and I cannot continue installation08:00
alextjCan I just edit some config and disable the whole thing?08:03
alextjI don't need it and it prevents me from installing Ubuntu08:04
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evandArr, I wish I caught that one.08:30
phratmancjwatson: Okay, I'll go ahead and do that. Do you want me to continue posting them on Launchpad or should I upload them to a pastebin or something similar?08:53
phratmancjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/109475/comments/411:04

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