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lontrai heard news that kickoff might be the default menu in gutsy ... is that true?12:29
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nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/pkg  = you want kdocs-edgy and kdocs-feisty for updated packages (they both contain a debdiff)02:35
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manchicken_Time to upgrade my chroot to the latest feisty...05:13
Hobbseemanchicken_: not gutsy?05:18
manchicken_Wasn't aware repos were available for that yet.05:21
Hobbseethey are05:21
manchicken_Is it actually gutsy GNU?05:30
nixternalheh, you wish05:33
manchicken_nixternal: It would be nice.05:34
nixternalKubuntu is GNU as you are going to get around here05:35
nixternalthat is supposed to change though according to sabdfl and gutsy05:35
manchicken_I'm not sure I understand what you just said.05:35
nixternalit was kind of a play on words, instead of GNU you could substitute it with good05:36
manchicken_Ah.  Gotcha.05:36
manchicken_So what are these repos?05:43
Hobbseethe gutsy ones?05:45
Hobbseesame place as the edgy/feisty ones05:45
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greeneggsnospamits not me!09:12
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Jucatoheh :)09:13
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larsiviwhy isn't the theme manager part of system settings, but only in kcontrol ?01:19
Hobbseelarsivi: a bug, i'd say.01:24
Hobbseelarsivi: but not everything is in system settings01:24
Hobbseeor is it in the advanced mode?01:24
larsivididn't find it at least - I did a search and it seems like others have noted it too01:25
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Hobbseethere's a bug for it?01:29
larsivino idea, I was able to start kcontrol :P01:30
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mhbwell, it's a semi-bug, I'd say01:38
mhbI believe people like to download whole themes and then tweak it, which we can't provide yet01:41
mhbhowever, the "theme manager" in feisty seems to lack stuff like "splash screen"01:42
mhband with one "theme manager" in place, we would have to rethink the whole "Look &Feel" cathegory01:42
mhbmy 2 cents, of course :o)01:43
mhbHobbsee: I remember you talking about a devel meeting before UDS, will that happen,01:44
larsiviI agree with you two, and the theme manager and/or themes themselves look a bit fragile01:44
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Hobbseemhb: do you have anything that you want to say at the meeting?01:46
mhbHobbsee: well, this topic is a thing that could be discussed01:47
Hobbseeit depends if a) people have things they want to discuss and b) if we can find a time to suit people01:48
mhbHobbsee: even Ubuntu considered having a "wide theme switcher" before (not sure why or how it ended)01:48
mhbhttps://blueprints.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/wide-theme-switcher <-- that was it01:49
Hobbseemhb: interesting01:52
Hobbseemhb: course, it's giong to be interesting to see what gets proritized, with kde4 and all01:53
=== mhb wonders if a spec should be filled about it
larsivithe biggest problem with the themes, are generally that not all programs seems to follow them, or that they are too incomplete for a typical setup02:02
mhblarsivi: hmm, can you describe that a bit more?02:03
mhblarsivi: an example perhaps02:03
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=== Tm_T has never seen complete theme downloadable somewhere
Tm_Twell, that depends what "theme" means02:04
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larsivimhb: actually, they may be followed, but possibly the theme hadn't been tested with the program or similar02:04
larsivimhb: I want a dark theme, lot's of black background, lighter text02:04
Tm_Tlarsivi: and matching icons etc02:05
larsivimhb: but in knode, read topics get black text, meaning I don't see them02:05
larsiviTm_T: that too, of course, although the simplistic b&w icon set works for quite a lot02:05
Tm_Tlarsivi: true02:05
larsiviprogram icons don't fit that well always though02:05
Hobbseemhb: email to kubuntu-devel on what you/whoever intends to do, for a start02:05
Tm_Tand that's acceptable02:05
Tm_Tbah, I promised I don't do any Ubuntu stuff today...02:06
Tm_Tsee you guys tomorrow o/ ->02:06
HobbseeTm_T: heh02:08
larsivimhb: knode seems to have some particular definitions for colors, which are not taken from the theme - to customize those, I have to redefine the stuff that _is_ taken from the theme too02:12
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mhblarsivi: bad knode ! :o) Well, it's in "universe" repository, so it's better to complain in upstream (bugs.kde.org)02:26
larsivimhb: I'm not complaining ;) and afaik, knode will be removed for some other solution with kde4 (?)02:27
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larsivimhb: hmm, a more prevalent example seems to be the address bar content in konqueror - it's black on black02:38
mhblarsivi: thanks02:38
mhblarsivi: feel free to post those errors on bugs.kde.org, as it's not something we (the Kubuntu folks) are responsible for02:38
larsiviyah, I know02:39
Hobbseewhy oh why am i sponsoring uploads, when i should be doing assignments?02:41
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ryanakcaRiddell: for the documentation volunteer hours... send them to you or nixternal/mdke/other doc guru?06:02
nixternalryanakca: I would probably send them to Riddell and I can verify if needed06:06
nixternalmdke is quite busy right now, especially with the CC nominations06:06
ryanakcaah, k06:06
nixternalI can confirm you haven't done anything ;p06:07
ryanakcaI can confirm that as well06:07
nixternalhaha, you are working on the server guide right?06:07
nixternalrock on with your bad self06:08
ryanakcanixternal: oooh, I can finally switch to irssi :) http://anti.teamidiot.de/static/nei/*/Code/Irssi/adv_windowlist.pl ... http://f0rked.com/articles/irssi/irssi-numbered.png06:09
ryanakcano more autowho with Konversation/KVIrc06:09
nixternalryanakca: do you have a screenshot with the adv_windowlist?06:10
nixternalI would like to see it in action06:10
ryanakcathe .png is one... look towards the bottom06:10
ryanakcaI can get you another one too, just a sec06:10
nixternalahh, OK. Ya, I used something similar at first, but being in around 50 channels at a time, that fills up quickly06:11
nixternalso now I know my channels by numbers06:11
=== ryanakca can't seem to join more than 23 in irssi...
ryanakcaeven though I have +u06:11
nixternalonce you have irssi configured the way you want, and you save your layout so it is the same every time, it will only take you a day or 2 to remember which channel corresponds to which number06:12
nixternalwhatever the heck all that means06:12
nixternalryanakca: konversation hasn't setup a SendQ yet? I thought the patch I sent in like 6 months ago fixed that06:13
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ryanakcaguess not06:17
ryanakcaIt was happening a month and a half ago, every other day. After getting banned from half my channels for the 3rd time in a week and a half, I switched to KVIrc06:18
ryanakcanixternal: now KVIrc is acting up06:18
nixternalhrmm, KVIrc I wouldn't expect it from06:18
ryanakcaone client, I can understand, but 2 is kindof odd06:18
nixternalI think freenode has their settings cranked up or something, they say they don't, but it is hard for me to believe that KVIrc is doing it as well06:18
ryanakcaand it's the first time it's happened in a month and a bit06:19
nixternalKVIrc is a graphical irssi pretty much06:19
ryanakcatwice in a day06:19
nixternalya, it all of a sudden starts happening06:19
nixternalit was the same thing with konversation06:19
ryanakcahappened at 3 yesterday, and then at about 1106:19
nixternalone day out of the blue it just starting choking06:19
=== ryanakca nods
nixternalI spoke to nalioth about it and he said it was Konversation06:20
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcahmm... before you know it, irssi will be choking and everybody will switch to telnet or nc06:20
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nixternalI would like to be able to use the ssl connection here, but that is a definite no, OFTCs ssl connection works somewhat, but it tends to dc all the time06:21
nixternalalrighty, work time06:22
nixternalback in a bit06:22
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ryanakcanixternal: did it again06:49
nixternalgood job06:50
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nixternalhiya RockMan07:53
RockMani was searching for the kdebluetooth maintainer.. he was tonio_, right?07:55
nixternalOriginal-Maintainer: Simone Gotti <simone.gotti@email.it>07:57
nixternalthat is what I get from the package itself, that is not to say that tonio has been doing it recently though07:57
nixternalI am not 100% on it, so don't trust it ;)07:57
RockManno i mean the kubuntu maintainer07:58
nixternalyes, it looks like tonio has done a lot of the packaging for it08:00
nixternalthe last package was doing by M. Vogt08:00
RockManok, thanks08:00
nixternalno problemo08:00
giangynixternal: you should learn italian! =)08:01
nixternalI should probably learn English properly first08:02
nixternalI can understand Spanish and cuss at you in Spanish :)08:02
nixternalI know "Mambo Italiano"08:02
giangybueno :-)08:02
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nixternalhow possible is it to add a "Fix/Reinstall Grub" option with the install CDs? I have seen people messing up their grub setups lately by installing Windows of all things08:47
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ErunnoHi, I've submitted a bug report (Bug #110566) but nobody seems to have noticed it so far.08:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110566 in Ubuntu "kio_videodvd does not work" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11056608:52
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ryanakcanixternal: you wanted a screenshot: http://blog.ryanak.ca/irssi.png09:00
nixternallooks good09:00
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcaif conly I could get that libnotify to work09:03
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RiddellRockMan: we don't have specific maintainers, but tonio has indeed been doing bluetooth stuff for kubuntu09:42
RiddellRockMan: what's wrong?09:42
RockManRiddell: it's missing devel headers09:42
RockManso kmobiletools can't compile with bluetooth support09:42
RiddellRockMan: what is?  kdebluetooth?09:44
RockManRiddell: yep09:44
RockManRiddell: kdebluetooth/*.h includes09:44
RiddellRockMan: there's qobex-dev09:45
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Riddellthat's just /usr/include/kde/qobex/*09:46
RockManRiddell: no, it doesn't provide the same includes09:47
RockMankmobiletools needs what's in libkbluetooth, i.e. rfcommsocketdevice.h and related includes09:47
RockManplus inquiry.h for devices discovery, and so on09:47
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RiddellRockMan: so kmobiletools needs libkbluetooth and for compiling it's headers?09:50
RockManRiddell: yep09:51
RockManit's an optional dependency actually, but very useful imho09:51
RiddellRockMan: is it new?09:52
Riddellneeding it09:52
RockManyes, for 0.5 (beta2)09:52
RockManbeta1 didn't have this dependency09:53
RiddellRockMan: ok, so we need to separate libkbluetooth into a new package and make a libkbluetooth-dev for the headers09:53
RockManRiddell: if it's easier for you to not split it, i don't care, since it can be considered a transitional package09:54
RockManwith kde4 things will change09:54
Riddellgutsy won't be kde 4 though, splitting isn't hard09:54
Riddellalthough it needs to be approved by archive admins which can take some time if we're unlucky09:54
RockManwell since kmobiletools it's not yet officially out, ok10:02
RiddellRockMan: what are the plans for bluetooth and mobiletools?10:03
RockManwell for kde 3.x, just release kmobiletools 0.5 with a basic gammu engine (which is going to be implemented right now), for bluetooth dgollub is working on the dbus branch, but i'm not sure if he's going to release soon a kde 3.x version10:04
RockManfor kde4, kmobiletools is being ported (currently it even works with at engine), and there's already a bluetooth interface on solid... more working on kdebluetooth will come with summer of code, there's a project for that10:05
RockManprobably we'll move the rfcomm socket class from kdebluetooth to kmobiletools, but this isn't for sure yet10:06
Riddellwhat's a gammu engine?10:07
RockManan engine for kmobiletools using gammu as backend :)10:08
Riddellok, but what's gammu smarty?10:08
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RockMana fork of gnokii10:08
RockMan(and what's gnokii? :P)10:08
RockManthey're tools for nokia phones, above all10:09
Riddellmm, we don't have gnokii in main10:09
Riddellcan't remember exactly why but it failed review for some reason10:10
Riddellso we may not be able to support gammu10:10
RockMangnokii is not actively maintained, and even gammu had some problems (now it's a bit better, luckly)10:10
Riddellwill it be an optional dependency?10:11
RockManin the 3.x branch, yes, but with some problems (hardcoded engine detection yet)10:12
RockManin kde4 it will be just a runtime plugin that can be loaded, so it will not be a dependency at all10:12
RockManyou can just have kmobiletools without engines, and add dependencies not to kmobiletools, but to each engines (so gammu-engine will depend on gammu)10:13
RiddellI can try and get it into main but can't guarantee it10:13
RockManok, thanks :)10:13
RockManwe should also work on another engine based on opensync, for syncml phones, but we've no developers, so we still should start even planning it10:14
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Riddellwhat are you if not developers? :)10:18
RockManwell, good news is that engines are not high-priorities, we could even release them later, since they're runtime modules only10:20
Riddellthanks, that's all helpful10:22
mhbhow's the sync framework in kubuntu going?10:23
mhbsome people have asked me whether there is a out-of-the-box sync framework for Kontact10:24
Riddellstevek was working on a spec to get it all working on gutsy10:29
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=== tmske [n=thomas@dD577C7D2.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbRiddell: that would be great11:17
mhbRiddell: is it to be discussed on UDS?11:17
Riddellit's not scheduled11:19
Riddellit just needs making sure there's a version of opensync that works with all the apps that use it and kdepim has the opensync stuff included11:19
mhbRiddell: by the way, who is stevek ?11:20
marseillai_making a package is allready something wich is not simple! but using gpg, revu, is really doing everything for not being a pleasure to contribute11:27
Riddellmhb: hmm, can't find it now11:27
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180065083.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbryanakca: how's the kolab server doing?11:53
ryanakcamhb: umm... haven't worked on it since a couple of weeks ago11:54
ryanakcamhb: I'm waiting for a response from canonical as to wether or not I can use groupware.kubuntu.org11:55
mhbryanakca: hmm, too bad11:55
=== ryanakca nods
ryanakcamhb: you can use the ip address if you want11:56
mhbryanakca: how do you connect to that?11:58
mhbwith the kolabwizard?11:58
=== ryanakca points to privmsg, username and pass
=== apacheLAGger [n=me@N771P021.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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