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Daisuke_Idojust checking why he doesn't have write access to the drive.12:14
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Daisuke_Idoyou alright there, levi_?12:19
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=== levi_ 's connection disconnects him all the time
levi_and to reconnect i have to reboot12:20
Daisuke_Idoah ha12:20
Filthpigyou're a fast rebooter, then12:20
levi_along with the fact that I can no longer play videos12:20
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levi_and something just failed miserably with wireless assistants Dcops12:20
levi_Im sort of lost as to why12:21
levi_its not like I go touching anything12:21
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levi_but anyway lets tackle one problem at a  timr12:21
levi_Whatd you say I should do to write to my Disk?12:22
Arwenw00t for /exec :-)12:23
Alarmwhy sometimes when i go on a window and press on administration mode, or open the adept manager , the application never asks me for the sudo password (which has as an effect not allowing me to go on)12:23
Daisuke_Idoalrighty then12:23
Daisuke_Idolevi_: hit alt+f2 and enter kate /etc/fstab12:23
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Daisuke_Idocopy the contents of that file to pastebin and submit, then give us the URL :)12:24
Daisuke_Idoand in case you missed it12:24
Daisuke_Ido!pastebin | levi_12:24
ubotulevi_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:24
levi_should I run it with Sudo?12:24
levi_and thx12:24
Daisuke_Idoyou're welcome12:24
levi_Wish me luck on loading this page!12:25
levi_Okay.. is this what youd need? --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18034/12:26
Daisuke_Idoyou should be okay12:26
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jewMe needs help w/ mpeg4 support in mplayer12:27
levi_same here in kaffiene12:27
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Daisuke_Idowhich drive is it that you're having issues with, hdb1 or hdd1?12:27
adaptryouse need xivd plugins12:27
levi_or as for anywhere else for that matter mp4s wont play on any program12:27
jewskiwhere do i need to place the codecs directory12:27
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Daisuke_Idowell...  you have auto and noauto set, which is odd12:28
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jewskiI have the essential codecs pack from mplayer site. could someone please tell me where it should be placed.12:29
acemoanyone knows how i check the current length of an array in bash scripts?12:29
adaptrnowhere... get it from the repos12:29
Daisuke_Idojewski: why didn't you just install them from the repos?12:29
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jewskiwhat is it named12:29
levi_mplay.hu gives you repos12:30
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Daisuke_Idono, install from the OFFICIAL repos12:30
levi_that IS the official site12:30
jewskiI dont see the codecs from any repository i see the mplayer package though12:30
levi_arent they official repos then?12:30
Daisuke_Idoubuntu repos12:31
Daisuke_Idothose are the official ones :)12:31
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Daisuke_Idomedibuntu's good12:31
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Daisuke_Idolevi_: open your fstab with kdesu kate /etc/fstab12:32
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Daisuke_Idoyou should be fine with defaults on hdd112:33
levi_its identical12:34
levi_what was the point of that12:34
levi_Edit it12:34
Daisuke_Idotry /dev/hdd1 /media/hdd1 ext3 defaults 0 012:34
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levi_that exact line insert over the old one?12:35
levi_just making sure =)12:35
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Daisuke_Idosave it and go to a terminal12:35
Daisuke_Idokonsole or whatever your terminal of choice is12:36
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Arwenis nvraid fakeraid?12:36
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Daisuke_Idolevi_: sudo mount -a12:37
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:37
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levi_tried to munt the wrong device12:37
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levi_cant I just go to it through konqurer and mount it there?12:38
sdf_what is the difference between gcc base and gcc ????12:38
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Daisuke_Idomount -a tries to mount all devices in fstab12:38
levi_I see.12:38
Daisuke_Idocd /media/hdd1 && touch newfile12:39
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Arwensdf_, gcc-base is gcc without the gcc part12:40
Arwensdf_, install the real gcc12:40
Daisuke_Idolevi_: then just ls to see if newfile exists.  if it does, it probably worked12:41
Daisuke_Idoi'm sure there's a more elegant way, i just don't know what it is12:41
sdf_arwen:g++ like gcc and what is the differenece between them??12:41
Arweng++ is gcc for C++12:41
Arwenjust install 'build-essential' - it'll take care of all this for you12:41
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weswh-hmm, I just got an error during the Fesity upgrade, that it couldn't upgrade something related to samba (i don't even use samba). It said something like "the upgrade will abort..." I thought it meant just that package. but now there is nothing happening in the terminal view, and things have paused at 57% - what am I supposed to do?12:43
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weswh-this is crazy. when I try to close the upgrade (with the thought of restarting it) it says the system may be in an unusable state, it is advised to resume the upgrade. great, resume then. heh12:45
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jbasilioweswh-: drop to command line if you know how and do apt-get dist-upgrade12:45
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jbasiliocntrl-alt-f1 .. or cycle through f1, f2, etc until you find a command line12:46
levi_IO cant touch the newfile12:46
levi_I need to mount my drive12:46
pete__hia, any idea how i can change resoluton in kubuntu 7.04 with PS3... it defaults something VERY low and cant see half the options :/12:47
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weswh-jbasilio: don't know "how" to do it...if i just run that, is it pretty explanatory?12:47
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SkyblastWhy doesn't a right click menu on rar files allow them to be extracted in Feisty? I have to open then up in Ark and extract there12:48
MaxdamantusAw. Flash 8 won't install. :(12:49
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ArwenMaxdamantus, haha12:49
weswh-it has my administration directory locked. /var/lib/dpkg. any idea how to kill whatever the upgrader was doing?12:49
dopeis there a website I can go to to see what cable company is available in my area for internet?12:49
jbasilioweswh-: it's pretty self-explanatory ... you'll get a list of all packages that will be updated and then it'll just go12:49
MaxdamantusI'll install it using the Gentoo LiveCD and copy the Windows registry over, and see if that works.12:49
Daisuke_Idosudo mount /dev/hdd1 /media/hdd112:49
jbasilioweswh-: ps -ef | grep dpkg probably12:50
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MaxdamantusOn ubuntu, they're all called sd*12:50
Daisuke_IdoMaxdamantus: not for you12:50
Daisuke_Idoand only since feisty12:50
Daisuke_Idoedgy still uses the hd*12:50
MaxdamantusWhy did they do that then?12:50
MaxdamantusI like hd*12:51
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, wait, even ATA hard drives are sd* in Feisty?12:51
Daisuke_Idoit was a change in the kernel12:51
MaxdamantusAnd sd* for USB, etc.12:51
levi_uirgh... forget it ill do it through system setting applet12:51
Daisuke_IdoArwen: yep12:51
weswh-jbasilio: wow, that returned a mountain of information12:51
Daisuke_Idosd for everything12:51
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, yay?12:51
Daisuke_Idoi like it12:51
Daisuke_Idosimplifies things :D12:51
jbasilioweswh-: ps did you mean?12:51
Daisuke_Idobut i also liked having hd and sd12:51
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, hmm, dist-upgrade failed to update my fstab so that was annoying :-\12:52
weswh-jbasilio: yes12:52
Arwenof course, my ATA devices were CD-ROMs so it wasn't a big deal12:52
jbasilioweswh-: can you quit out of the installer w/o quitting off the boot cd?  that way it'll exit out of dpkg processes?12:52
Daisuke_Idoprobably still /dev/cdrom12:52
levi_wait it IS alerady mounted!12:52
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jbasilioweswh-: otherwise do kill <number> on each process ...12:52
Daisuke_Idolevi_: is that good?12:52
weswh-jbasilio: i am on an installed system12:52
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, ye... but fstab had hd* entries for my CD-ROMs12:53
levi_well iunno lesse12:53
jbasilioweswh-: oh, ok.  then what's running dpkg?  are you still in the graphical upgrader?12:53
bradley1970how do i run wine on ubuntu12:53
levi_x.x brb12:53
weswh-i dropped out to term, no - i exited the graphical installer12:53
weswh-well, when I did that ps command in the pure term, i couldn't even make sense of it. going to try it in a GUI term12:54
jbasilioweswh-: dpkg shouldn't be running if you have exited any apps that were helping you with your upgrade.  not synaptic or adept or anything, right?12:54
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weswh-it's all exited. when the upgrader had the error, it must have hung it up12:55
weswh-ok, when I do the ps, I see two things, one by root, one by my user12:55
weswh-after root it lists literally a few hundred .deb paths12:55
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weswh-root 16871 5914 1, user 19619 19602 012:57
weswh-those are the "numbers" it reports - are all of those processes I need to kill?12:57
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jbasilioweswh-: the first number is the process number .. so kill <number>12:58
jbasilioweswh-: see if it dies.  if it doesn't, kill -9 <number>12:58
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Arwenand if kill -9 doesn't work, reboot12:58
jbasilioweswh-: only for the processes with dpkg in them tho!12:58
jbasilioArwen: he's trying to avoid reboot since he's in a weird upgrade state12:59
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jbasilioweswh-: you might need to sudo kill too .. see what you can do as normal user first though12:59
=== BluesKaj wonders if a different driver/mixer (other than alsa) will provide digital audio output , since configuring alsa doesn't seem to work for my setup
pafnutiyhi all! sorry, im new in ubuntu, but i my media players dont play videos from LAN. can anyone help me?12:59
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jbasilioBluesKaj: i had digital working with mythtv before with turtle beach riviera.  had to go into alsamixer and enable it though .. was a pain to figure that out01:00
Arwenpafnutiy, define "from LAN"01:00
jbasiliopafnutiy: they play locally though?  lan shouldn't matter01:00
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pafnutiyyes, they play local files normally01:01
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jbasiliopafnutiy: shouldn't matter, especially in kde ... what app?  have you tried any other apps?  (i.e. kmplayer, kaffeine)01:01
BluesKajjbasilio: I had it working in feisty beta , but it stopped once i upgraded to the final release :(... Ididn't change anything in alsa , that what's so frustrating01:02
pafnutiyi used totem, aviplayer and MPlayer01:02
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jbasilioBluesKaj: and you looked at alsamixer again?01:02
jbasiliopafnutiy: try kaffeine .. those players you mentioned aren't kde apps (i would have still expected they work though)01:02
the_hammeranyone know why with the beta version i get the nvidia splash screen but in the finnal i dont get that?01:02
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pafnutiythanks all01:03
jbasiliopafnutiy: how are you accessing the network?  smb:// or /network/share ?01:03
BluesKajjbasilio: i've ben trying to get the IEC958 settings to work, but no luck01:03
Arwenthe_hammer, do you really want an annoying splash screen?01:03
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the_hammerjust so i know that its working and install correctly yeah01:03
jbasilioBluesKaj: that sucks ... if you are using alsamixer that's what i used as well01:03
BluesKajBTW the hardware conn is fine , i just checked in windows01:03
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noiesmothe_hammer, open terminal type cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep nvidia should return nvidia also lsmod | grep nvidia should return a couple results then you should be running nvidia driver01:04
BluesKajyup alsa 'was working" ...emphasis on "was"01:05
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the_hammerroot@duocore2:/# /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep nvidia01:05
the_hammerbash: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Permission denied01:05
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noiesmothe_hammer, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep nvidia01:05
weswh-jbasilio: I am running a dpkg --configure -a now, so hopefully that will let me get back into the upgrade process...earlier like I said it errored on Samba. how can I check my system for all running processes, and kill anything that is going on that I don't need before I start over?01:06
Daisuke_Idowelcome back, levi_01:07
jbasilioweswh-: shouldn't have to kill anything .. just dpkg stuff.  all other things will be handled just fine.  had the upgrade completed and that's why you are configuring?  b/c i would recommend apt-get dist-upgrade01:07
levi_but my drive still wont be writeable01:07
BluesKajjbasilio: I have fine sound on my pc sound system, but I want to pipe the PCM audio to my HT Receiver in the TV room.01:08
weswh-no, I was at 57% of the configuration point (still stage 3 of the upgrade overall), and it popped up an error and this one failed, upgrade aborted. and then it just sat there, when i tried to exit it said exiting before this is done is not recommended, but there was no terminal readout, so I was just dead in the water01:08
weswh-after I killed those processes, ran apt-get dist-upgrade, and it said dpkg was canceled incorrectly or something. run the configure01:09
weswh-so I am trying to get back to the point where I can run the dist-upgrade again01:09
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jbasilioBluesKaj: gotcha.  i had myth piped into my receiver in my living room as well.  i run windows media center now though due to xbox integration.  i suck  :)01:09
jbasilioweswh-: ahh.  ok.  good.  you are on the right track01:09
weswh-somehow I feel like I'll be starting from scratch a little later. heh01:10
jbasilioweswh-: you'll be ok.  dpkg is pretty damn solid.01:10
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weswh-which is ok...the only reason i waited until now to upgrade was backing up data. cool.01:10
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lucagood day everyone01:10
jbasilioweswh-: i tihnk the only way you can really mess things up bad is by --forceing things01:10
weswh-this configure takes a while...any idea how long? as in, should I go eat some dinner. hehe01:10
jbasilioluca: 'allo01:10
jbasilioweswh-: yeah, the whole upgrade is kind of slow01:10
lucacan someone help me in configuring standby for a Dell Inspiron 6400 with KDE?01:11
BluesKajnothing wrong with using what works jbasilio... I'm not a windows hater as much as i feel more secure on linux :)01:11
lucahi jbasilio01:11
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lucabtw, standby works flawlessly with gnome!01:11
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jbasilioBluesKaj: yeah.  mythtv rules in terms of features and openness .. you can do anything, play anything.  but it's not QUITE as polished01:12
Daisuke_Idoanyone better with diagnosing fstab problems than me?01:12
jbasilioBluesKaj: windows vista MCE is pretty great for the easy stuff ... but it's not nearly as open, restricive in codecs ... but it hits my 95% case and my wife is happy01:12
jbasilioDaisuke_Ido: maybe .. what's up?01:13
Arwenlol @ wife.... keep lying to yourself :-)01:15
BluesKajgotta keep wifey happy ...she loves the fact i can do more tovid then nero when it comes to movies01:15
Daisuke_Idojbasilio: trying to get one of levi_'s drives to be writable01:15
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froggie/.local/share/Trash/files$ sudo rm -d Blue01:15
froggierm: cannot remove `Blue': Is a directory01:15
BluesKajwith tovid than nero01:15
froggieany idea why this actually isnt working?01:16
Arwenfroggie, rm -rf01:16
Arwenrm -d rarely ever works01:16
froggieohh :) thanx01:16
BluesKajhey froggie , careful there :)01:16
jbasilioArwen: ??  used to have tivo .. MCE is much closer to tivo.  she uses linux as desktop b/c that's all i have.  :)01:16
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pete__Can anyone help me get this thing run higher than 720x468 resolution @ PS3. Cant see half the config windows :/ any file i could mod to default to higher resolution ?01:16
Arwenjbasilio, again... "wife".... keep lying to yourself there :-)01:16
SkyblastArwen's been throwing witless comments at people all day long. Don't mind him.01:16
Arwenpete__, /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:17
jbasilioArwen: ?? don't understand what you mean.  but if it makes you smile .. ok.  :)01:17
pete__ah, so its the same file as in YDL01:17
jbasiliolevi_: what's the drive issue?01:17
Arwenjbasilio, ..01:17
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jbasilioBluesKaj: not sure if you got that in the other channel .. registering01:19
BluesKaji'm registerd01:19
jbasilioBluesKaj: so am i .. but i forget my password.  :) trying to figure it out01:20
BluesKajNM , someone already made the comment iwas going to01:20
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MaxdamantusHow can I use the sound system for multiple things at the same time?01:28
ArwenMaxdamantus, have a sound mixer01:29
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MaxdamantusI've selected to use ALSA, but it still does it.01:29
Arwentry arts or esd01:30
Kr4t05I just reinstalled Feisty, and my scrollwheel stopped working. What would I need to do with my xorg.conf to get it back?01:30
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Maxdamantusesd seems to work.01:31
jbasilioMaxdamantus: what are you trying to do at the same time?01:31
weswh-jbasilio: still around? I ran the dist-upgrade again, seemed to go ok that time. ran it again to check, and it says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded...guess that means it's all in?01:32
weswh-now i should reboot to boot up with the new kernel, etc?01:32
jbasilioweswh-: you're all in!01:32
MaxdamantusWasn't playing multiple sounds at the same time.01:32
jbasilioweswh-: it's the moment of truth .. if we don't see you back in 5 minutes .. well .. good luck.  :)01:32
weswh-is there some place i can do a "show version" kind of thing where it will say "Fesity Fawn 7.04"? hehe01:33
ArwenMaxdamantus, that means your sound card doesn't have a hardware mixer and you need a software one like esd :-)01:33
TheDebuggerlsb_release -a  (iirc)01:33
MaxdamantusYea, it works with esd, thanks.01:33
jbasilioweswh-: or lsb_release -d01:33
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acemoin wich folder does konqueror searches for plugins?01:34
weswh-awesome, all looks good01:34
hsystem-xweswh click in the k menu and click in help01:34
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hsystem-xthere you can see the version.01:34
sdf_what are the  codecs program for sounds and videos???01:35
weswh-jbasilio: come on, you don't think I'm smart enough to have a backup IRC lifeline during this reboot? ;)01:35
jbasilioweswh-: hehe.  smart man!01:35
=== eduardo [n=eduardo@65.Red-83-58-197.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
weswh-2.6.20-15...is that different from the edgey kernel?01:36
hsystem-xwhy dont you restart ?01:36
jbasilioweswh-: don't know.  probably though.01:37
Daisuke_Idothat's the feisty kernel01:38
Daisuke_Idoedgy is 2.6.1701:38
hsystem-xthat's true.01:38
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weswh-well it's back up and running. definitely new and shiny. music plays...internet works. what more can you ask for01:39
Daisuke_Idoi don't use edgy now, so i don't know what revision01:39
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weswh-one weird thing when I booted though, it said dist-upgrade (or possibly dist-intall).py, and asked for my kdesu password, but then it said file could not be found...any ideas?01:39
weswh-maybe that was a holdover from when I tried the GUI upgrade tool01:40
jbasilioweswh-: when i did an upgrade to the beta, i have RAIDed hard drives .. including boot/root .. it was a disaster01:40
hsystem-xdid you reboot your system wewh already?01:40
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weswh-for some "completed!" box that never got finished01:40
jbasilioweswh-: had to manually install the RAID packages, chroot .. edit files ... it was horrible.  and this was like 3 weeks before release01:40
hsystem-xis better to install from 0, upgrades cause problems XD01:40
weswh-hsystem: yes, i seem to be fine01:40
jbasilioweswh-: so be happy it booted ... :)  that was the worst feeling.  "uhh .. honey ... remember how you wanted to use the computer?  it's dead"01:40
jarn_After upgrading to Feisty, I have two problems. First, X seems to be ignoring my config file and won't let me raise my refresh rate past 54, even though I can set it higher. Second, anything download through kget gets REALLY slow rates.01:40
weswh-so far ;)01:40
weswh-haha...right on.01:41
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weswh-jbasilio: ouch. yeah this went pretty well...i actually just installed a RAID mirror today - but not as the system drive.01:41
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jbasilioweswh-: RAID is awesome .. with feisty i think they finally support it well.  i've had this setup for years now but i had kind of hacked it in to boot (weren't supposed to be able to have root on RAID)01:41
luca__anyone who could helkp me with my dell inspiron?01:42
jbasilioluca__: what's up?01:42
pete__Any idea why i cant login as root with the same pass as i did my first user with kubuntu + PS3 ? .. seems i cant modify the resolution screen file with this "user" account i can login.01:42
hsystem-xgnome or kde? which you people think is better?01:42
Daisuke_Idoyou're running kubuntu on a ps3?01:42
hsystem-xwhich one*01:42
luca__jbasilio: standby works flawlessly in gnome, but does not resume properly with kde01:42
luca__I did a standard ubuntu-kubuntu installation01:43
Daisuke_Idohsystem-x: since this is #kubuntu, you're going to get an overwhelming kde majority :d01:43
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pete__im running kubuntu @ PS3.. or hoping to get it working :)01:43
jbasilioluca__: ahh .. sorry.  can't help you there.  never did standby stuff.  didn't even know that was desktop specific .. that stinks01:43
luca__jbasilio: should not be desktop specific :( that's why I am puzzled01:43
jbasiliohsystem-x: different strokes for different folks.  which is better .. chocolate or vanilla?01:43
weswh-jbasilio: do you have a 3ware card?01:43
jbasilioluca__: maybe look at power management settings in kcontrol .. perhaps something is interfering01:44
pete__Any PS3 user that could get root login someway ?01:44
jbasilioweswh-: no .. software RAID if that's what you mean01:44
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hsystem-xis the same to say which is better white people or black people, is the same ?01:44
weswh-jbasilio: yeah that's what I meant01:44
luca__jbasilio: ok thanks01:44
acemoin wich folder does konqueror searches for plugins? for example: flash player plugin01:44
weswh-I was wondering if you had a 3ware card specifically, I know there is an open source management app for it. gotta find that01:44
jbasiliohsystem-x: uhh .. yeah i suppose it is the same.  or yellow .. or red.01:44
hsystem-xXD ... right.01:45
hsystem-xbut if you compare this channel have 376 nicks ... right...01:45
BluesKajacemo , in the adressbar type 'about:plugins'01:45
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levi_any idea anyone where I would get some magical way of getting my linksys wireless USB adapter working?01:45
sdf_i have theme with tar.gz extension how can i install it???01:45
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hsystem-xubuntu have 1158 XD. i believe that should answer my question XD.01:45
acemoBluesKaj: thanks for making me feel stupid again :P01:45
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pete__Anyone know how i can login to root in kubuntu @ PS3 "alternate" cd... seems to work nicely but as i cant login as root i cant change the resolution and i cant see half the config windows :/01:46
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BluesKajdon't feel stupid ...no one is stupid ,,,we all need help sooner or later01:46
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acemoBluesKaj: but i have used about:plugins like million times in opera, so i should have knewn it01:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:47
acemoBluesKaj: konqueror only shows the plugin name tho.. ill have to locate the folders myself then ^_^01:47
BluesKajwe forget some things01:47
hsystem-xwell i hear about fedora core running on ps3, but dont know kubuntu lol.01:47
LettuceJoansI need to reformat a partition to ect3 what program should I use?01:47
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BluesKajacemo:  search for it in the konq searchbar01:48
levi_Any way of getting ANY video to play under Kubuntu 6.0601:48
hsystem-xdont know, try control + alt + f4, and login .01:48
acemoBluesKaj: locate -pluginname- ^^01:48
pete__PLS, any idea ... i can mod the files with my current "user" but if i hit "admin button" it just goes blank. :/01:48
pete__and i cant save the needed files on this user account :/01:49
levi_Why not?01:49
BluesKajyup acemo, that prolly works01:49
levi_Save them then cp them :/ *shrug*01:49
xtavaresxlevi_ vlc01:49
jbasiliosigning off.  'night everyone01:49
hsystem-xpete, control + alt + f4, try to do login in shell.01:49
levi_Figureing he'she is somewhere not at home.01:49
acemoBluesKaj: great.. 2 folders with the file :S ohh well.. ill just re-install my moms comp tmr -evil grin-01:50
pete__levi_: .. well normal user dont have proper write+read in those directories.. thats the problem01:50
levi_Sure you do01:50
levi_Sudo cp01:50
hsystem-xtry with sudo commands01:50
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levi_wow I bloody knew something01:50
pete__well i could change those with other linux distros np.. ok ill try that01:51
levi_though I forget what order the syntax is cp desired-directory from-directory01:51
levi_or frm-directory to desired-directory01:51
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hsystem-xcp from to01:53
levi_it slipped my mind01:53
levi_whats a bit annoying is that theres no confirmation that the operation was successful01:54
hsystem-xwell if there's no message, = succesful01:54
levi_I thought that for some reason that nothing registered the first tme I had to use it01:54
hsystem-xif there was a message = not succesfull lol01:54
levi_I know that now01:54
levi_but at first i re-copied the file about ten times before noticing that it was already there01:55
hsystem-xyeah that's maybe bad programming, dependes on which side you look at.01:55
levi_at least it overwrites the old one01:56
=== Kapricorn [n=ksp23@adsl-69-106-236-194.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
pete__crap. seems i cant do anything with this "user" account.. but i never got to setup a ROOT account either so who the fuck knows the password01:56
Kapricornhi all01:56
hsystem-xit is supposed to be the same pass, that you put in the setup.01:57
Arwenpete__, don't troll.... your first user is a "sudoer" which means it can run things as root01:57
KapricornI just installed Kunbunto...it detected my USB wireless adapter fine BUT01:57
hsystem-xyou have to do things with sudo command01:57
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hsystem-xbut you can log in as root by doing01:57
hsystem-xsudo passwd01:57
levi_minus caps01:57
hsystem-xit will ask you for a new password for unix system.01:57
levi_how was your wireless USB detected?01:58
levi_thats been bugging me all day xD01:58
KapricornThe network Im trying to connect to is in 64bit and knetworkmanager doesn't let me enter the passcode..01:58
hsystem-xsudo passwd  <- will ask you for your password, then for the password you want to assing to root.01:58
pete__Arwen, sorry.. i installed this thing on PS3 and first it asked was a user account and now it says i dont have the rights :/01:58
KapricornI plugged t in an it detected it...01:58
levi_what is it?01:58
Kapricornhad the driver already installed too!01:58
levi_What brand?01:58
KapricornI was impressed01:58
Kapricornlinksys usb54gc01:59
levi_I speedbooster?01:59
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levi_thats the exact one I have01:59
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levi_and nothing happens.01:59
Arwenpete__, for any command that requires root, just type "sudo" before it and enter your user password01:59
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levi_when I insert it01:59
levi_Worked fine in windows at school01:59
hsystem-xor if he just wants to login as root, sudo passwd , enter the password for the unix system.02:00
Kapricornwhich version of Kub you using?02:00
hsystem-xthen do su, and put the new password.02:00
hsystem-xthat's the reason02:00
hsystem-xtry edgy or feisty02:00
pete__hmm.. okie, that might help ... any idea what that normal editor command is in kubuntu ? :)02:00
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hsystem-xuse vi02:01
levi_I cant until my CD comes02:01
Arwenpete__, "kate"02:01
hsystem-xpete : use vi02:01
Kapricorntry 7.0402:01
Arwenor "vim" or "nano"02:01
hsystem-xvi is better :)02:01
levi_I cant until my CD comes02:01
levi_I ordered it02:01
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hsystem-xbut you need to know the commands :)02:01
pete__so "sudo vi thefileiwannaedit"02:01
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Kapricornmy question:  is ther a diff networkmanager I can use?02:01
xtavaresxi just installed feisty but my sound is really quiet, any ideas?02:01
levi_thats what help center is for02:02
levi_go to Kmix02:02
levi_and turn up PCM02:02
solemnwarningWhy is the normal *buntu cd the livecd+gui one?02:02
solemnwarningIt's too unreliable and slow IMO02:02
hsystem-xyeah, but becarefull. look at this pete: http://www.cs.colostate.edu/helpdocs/vi.html02:02
levi_wait so 6 doesnt suport Wifi USB?02:03
pete__hmm.. just need to know whats delete in that infernal text editor..  :)02:03
solemnwarningI tried out the livecd for 7.04 on my laptop, partitioning failed because the kernel was already using the disk so /dev didn't get updated02:03
Kapricornmight...but you'll have to use ndiswrapper and the windows driver02:03
levi_*checks his order02:03
solemnwarningThe alternate disk is better02:03
levi_I have the windows driver02:03
LettuceJoans I need to reformat a partition to ect3 what program should I use?02:03
levi_but ndiswrapper02:03
levi_sudo apt-get ndiswrapper?02:04
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hsystem-xinstall ndiswrapper from it source...02:04
levi_I guessed02:04
hsystem-xbinaries are old...02:04
levi_which is where?02:04
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levi_by the way that didnt work anyway02:05
levi_will do02:05
hsystem-xneed to compile :).02:05
hsystem-xread the installation instructions.02:05
Kapricornanyone know of a better network manager than knetworkmanager..or and alternate?02:05
levi_Oh boy im basically clueless as to what im doing now xD02:05
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hsystem-xwell just read the instructions... they are easy.02:06
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hsystem-xwhy kubuntu does not come with g++ already installed? it is essential..02:08
pete__whats that delete in that normal console editor.. and quit&save.. cant remember02:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:08
solemnwarninghsystem-x: It's aimed at users, how many users know what a C++ compiler is?02:08
solemnwarningAnd the base system has to fit on a cd, g++ and the stdc++ headers take space02:09
hsystem-xwell, how many users know how to use linux? is the same... probably an 90% of linux users , use compilers. And what about thoose tar,gz package?02:09
hsystem-xthey need to be compiled...02:09
solemnwarninghsystem-x: Most programs are C anyway02:10
hsystem-xwell linux is c/c++ and perl02:10
solemnwarningThe cd is ~700MB, isn't it?02:10
levi_right off the bat a problem  --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18043/02:10
solemnwarningg++ and the stdc++ headers wouldan't even fit on it02:10
hsystem-xwell, you can eliminate some unnecessary packages...02:11
solemnwarningC++ == horribly bloated language02:11
hsystem-xc++ is the best language, is the most powerfull language...02:11
MaxdamantusIt is.02:11
solemnwarninghsystem-x: How?02:11
Sannehsystem-x: no use to argue, it's a design decision of the makers of the distro. It's not aimed at developers per se, although if you want to compile something, you can easily install build-essential to get most of what you need.02:11
MaxdamantusC++ is widely used.02:11
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hsystem-xgood for teaching and for estructural programming.02:11
pete__levii, help a bit.. that editor .. its been like 10 years since i had to use one like that in unix. :/ so how to delete next char & quit & save ? :)02:11
solemnwarningIt's a programming language, it does whatever you code it to do02:11
MaxdamantusI was amazed when I found out that it didn't have the compiler by default.02:11
solemnwarningNo it isn't02:11
solemnwarningC++ is a horrible language, full of crap02:11
hsystem-xwell, it seems you're not a programmer :S.02:12
=== solemnwarning whacks hsystem-x with "The C programming language, second edition"
hsystem-xc++ can do anything.02:12
levi_thats better -->02:12
solemnwarningC can do anything02:12
hsystem-xc++ use objects :)02:12
solemnwarningBut it's not a bloated language02:12
hsystem-xit is better02:12
solemnwarningObjects, whoop-de-fucking do02:12
TheDebuggerC++ is not bloated at all02:12
hsystem-xcand do object oriented programming :)02:12
xosscan make coffee too?02:12
solemnwarningAny language can do objects really, C++ makes it easier02:12
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hsystem-xc++ is better. :), well everybody that is a programmer, know how to program in c++.02:13
hsystem-xc is old :)02:13
hsystem-xmore old.02:13
hsystem-xcobol is better lol.02:14
=== solemnwarning wonders if hsystem-x has heard of C99
pete__hsystem, can i trouble you with 2 simple questions as i cant get help in the help files :/02:14
solemnwarningAnd what is everyones fixation of using the newest thing created?02:14
hsystem-xwell, they have more capacity to do things, at least from c to c++02:15
levi_Take Vista for example as my head gets chewed off02:15
solemnwarningC++ has too many safties for stupid people that just get in the way02:15
levi_it sucks02:15
levi_but people  like it allot02:15
Sanneplease people...02:15
ArwenWindows bashing only makes the F/OSS community look like mindless zealots...02:15
Arwenso please stfu02:15
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:15
solemnwarningYou can do anything in any language (almost)02:15
hsystem-xwell, you can do the same with kubuntu.02:15
sdf_can i install gnome and kde desktop in the same time??02:16
hsystem-xpeople like it, the it sucks?02:16
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levi_*sigh its an example.02:16
TheDebuggerArwen: You are right02:16
pete__hsystem, just need to know this odd text editor.. what does delete next char.. and quit&save.. i cant get any help pages to show due to my low rez :/02:16
levi_not always using the newest thing is a good thing02:16
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solemnwarningC++ is just annoying02:16
solemnwarningFor example, making it impossible to mix pointers02:17
pete__i have in my /etc/X11 config file the proper resolutions but the system boots to the worst possible :/02:17
TheDebuggerNot at all, you can do anything is c++ that c can do02:17
solemnwarningIt's a memory address, they are all the same thing!02:17
hsystem-xare you a registered user petE?02:17
solemnwarningchar* is the same as int* is the same as void*02:17
hsystem-xpointers are essential :)02:17
solemnwarninghsystem-x: yeah02:17
sdf_can i install gnome and kde desktop in the same time??02:17
hsystem-xyeah sdf02:18
solemnwarningSo why does C++ prevent pointers from being mixed?02:18
hsystem-xsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:18
hsystem-xsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:18
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hsystem-xsudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop02:18
hsystem-xwhat do you mean with mixed?02:18
solemnwarningsudo aptitude install yetanotherbloodybuntu-desktop02:19
solemnwarninghsystem-x: C++ won't let you mix any type of pointer02:19
Sannesolemnwarning, hsystem-x, could you please move your discussion to #kubuntu-offtopic?02:19
pete__hsystem, nope havent registered yet, just today tried to install this to my PS3.. and it seems to work very well, but... need to up the resolution .. cant see the config windows etc so its kinda hard :/02:19
solemnwarningE.g, you can't pass char* to a function that expects void*02:19
solemnwarningOr vice-versa02:19
hsystem-xwell that obvious, that's an error02:19
Sannesdf_: yes you can, and choose whoch one you want to use at login.02:19
solemnwarningNot always02:19
hsystem-xbad logic.02:20
=== bobesponja [n=bobespon@bas75-1-82-235-231-205.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
TheDebuggerYeah, bad logic02:20
solemnwarningmalloc() and free() for example02:20
solemnwarningOr any kind of wrapper function around the memory manager02:20
TheDebuggerJuste cast if you want to do something stupid02:20
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TheDebuggerAnyway, you should use new in c++02:20
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solemnwarningTheDebugger: And put a catch block around every single new/free02:21
TheDebuggersolemnwarning: You don't need02:21
TheDebuggerYou can do it that way, or use the nothrow new if you like to check if your pointer is NULL after02:22
BluesKajpete__:  this is stating the obvious but have you tried system settings/monitor & display/admin mode/hardware/config graphics/ config monitor/ apply/ set resolution /apply02:22
pete__xhsystem.. i know what you ment with that /etc/X11/...config change, i checked and it had the proper resolutions... but i cant even do the freaking run to edit the files so i dont have to write that "verylongiwannagetthisthingstarted"..02:22
solemnwarningTheDebugger: You still need to handle error checking for every single new02:22
pete__blues, yeah... when i go there..02:22
solemnwarningIt's quicker and cleaner to have an error-checking malloc() wrapper02:22
hsystem-xnew(nothrow)  <- NULL if fail.02:22
TheDebuggersolemnwarning: You must check for errors for every malloc too02:22
pete__and press that admin whatever.. the whoe window goes blank.02:22
sdf_xine don tplay any mp3 file why?02:23
sdf_also kmplayer don t play it02:23
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TheDebuggersolemnwarning: It's cleaner to wrap the memory management in a class using RAII02:23
solemnwarningvoid* allocate(size_t size) { void* ptr = malloc(size); if(ptr == NULL) { /* Handle the error */ } return(ptr); }02:23
Daisuke_Idosdf_: have you installed the codec for handling mp3s?02:23
chemicalvampsdf_ open it with amarok and it will ask to install the codec automaticly02:23
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sdf_how can i install the codec?02:24
BluesKajpete__:  sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg :)02:24
Sanne!mp3 | sdf_02:24
ubotusdf_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:24
pete__i would have a idea to change some config files but with this install i NEVER was asked for root pass and now i cant login as root :/ and my main login says "not enough access"02:24
Daisuke_Idowell yeah, that's how ubuntu works02:24
Daisuke_Ido!sudo | pete__02:24
ubotupete__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:24
ArwenFreeFormats work... in theory...02:24
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hsystem-xpete if you are running with interface then, try kwrite o kate (as someone told you), it will be easier. If you are in console and cant see the interface or GUI, use VI is better,but it is maybe complicated02:24
chemicalvamppete__ run "sudo passwd"02:25
hsystem-xthat's what i told him.02:25
hsystem-xto assing a unix system password.02:25
Arwenanyone - is Theora anywhere near usable for Video?02:25
Daisuke_IdoArwen: sure, as long as you don't want to actually do anything useful with commercial equipment (without voiding your warranty)02:25
Daisuke_Idothat was about free formats in general, not theora02:25
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, usage as in not looking like MPEG-1....02:26
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Arwenbecause last I tried Theora....02:26
Daisuke_Idoi have no clue, i've never used theora02:26
hsystem-xsudo kwrite /etc/example.txt  sudo kate /etc/example.txt sudo vi /etc/example.txt02:26
chemicalvampdoes linux have an avi player?02:26
Daisuke_IdoBAD hsystem-x02:26
hsystem-xjust need the codecs lol02:26
Arwenchemicalvamp, an AVI player? AVI is a container, any media player can demux AVI02:26
=== lettuce_ is now known as LettuceJoans
LettuceJoans I need to reformat a partition to ect3 what program should I use?02:26
=== Daisuke_Ido gets out the newspaper and baps hsystem-x on the nose
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Daisuke_Idonever use sudo with a gui app02:27
Jucato!kdesu | hsystem-x02:27
ubotuhsystem-x: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo02:27
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, why? sudo xguiapp works most of the time02:27
chemicalvamp!works for me02:27
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:27
hsystem-xwell you cand do sudo is the same, or you can use gksudo (already installed in kubuntu)02:27
JucatoArwen: read above ^^^^02:27
Jucatohsystem-x: gksudo is not installed on Kubuntu. kdesu is02:27
hsystem-xgksudo is installed.02:27
hsystem-xon feisty.02:27
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Jucatono it isn't02:28
ArwenJucato, yes yes... but I want to know why it isn't a good idea?02:28
hsystem-xyeah it is02:28
hsystem-xi have it.02:28
chemicalvampgksudo is ubuntu02:28
Arwenhsystem-x, on GNOME maybe..02:28
hsystem-xwell, i know that02:28
Jucatohsystem-x: did you install Kubuntu over Ubuntu?02:28
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Daisuke_Idohsystem-x: did you install ubuntu then kubuntu-desktop?02:28
hsystem-xkubuntu feisty fresh install02:28
hsystem-xit have it.02:28
Daisuke_Idono, it doesn't02:28
chemicalvampthen youre weird02:28
=== Daisuke_Ido just checked
hsystem-xyes it have02:28
hsystem-xwell i can do gksudo.02:28
Arwenchemicalvamp, by DivX, I assume you mean MPEG-4 ASP... in which case you just need the appropriate ffmpeg codec02:28
Jucato!sudo | Arwen02:28
ubotuArwen: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:28
compilerwriterjucato maybe you can solve this resolution thing for me.02:29
Daisuke_Idofresh install of feisty, kdesu only02:29
JucatoArwen: that page explains your question02:29
Jucatocompilerwriter: hm?02:29
compilerwriterIs there a way in one of the x-org files to set up the resolution you want to serve?02:29
hsystem-xwell fresh install (with updates)02:29
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chemicalvampcompilerwriter i know if you reconfigure xorg you can select them02:29
ArwenJucato, I don't see where it mentions gksu/kdesu vs sudo02:29
Jucatocompilerwriter: you mean like /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?02:30
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compilerwriterThat was the general idea Jucato yes.02:30
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JucatoArwen: "NEVER use sudo to start graphical programs. You should always use gksudo or kdesu to run such programs, otherwise new login attempts may fail. If this happens and at login an error message reports: "Unable to read ICE authority file", log in using the failsafe terminal and execute the command below substituting your username for user.02:30
compilerwriterjucato chemicalvamp how would one go about doing such a thing.02:30
ArwenJucato, exactly where does it say that?02:30
hsystem-xsudo sometimes work. depends on the app.02:31
JucatoArwen: uner Notes02:31
compilerwriterArwen I can02:31
ArwenJucato, ok02:31
ArwenJucato, it still doesn't explain how that happens...02:31
Jucatohsystem-x: GUI apps, you use kdesu. for CLI, you use sudo02:31
compilerwriter't tell you chapter and verse, but I have read that somewhere before.02:31
chemicalvamp sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:31
hsystem-xi already know tha...02:31
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hsystem-xand what about thoose bad device errors that kubuntu have.02:32
Arwenharmless... I think...02:32
JucatoArwen: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo02:33
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Jucatohsystem-x: they have nothing to do with kdesu or sudo02:33
Jucatoit's with xorg.conf02:33
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Jucatothe BadDevice errors are a result of wacom entries in xorg.conf02:33
hsystem-xwhat are you talking about, lol im talking about another thing.02:33
Jucato<hsystem-x> and what about thoose bad device errors that kubuntu have.02:34
hsystem-xxactly , and you come with hsystem-x: they have nothing to do with kdesu or sudo02:34
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hsystem-xim not asking about that...02:34
Jucatook sorry. thought it was related to the ongoing discussion02:34
Jucato(sudden change in topic?)02:35
TheDebuggerLittle question, what does a "c" mean when you do an aptitude search?02:35
hsystem-xwell, is there a way to work that? thoose bad device errors...02:35
TheDebuggeri == installed, p == package i guess but "c"?02:35
ArwenJucato, thank you02:35
hsystem-xxorg-reconfigure does not work.02:35
hsystem-xdoes not resolve that errors.02:35
ArwenJucato, say, that page mentions using gksu/kdesu as a hotkey - any details on that?02:35
chemicalvamp"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" doesnt work?02:36
JucatoTheDebugger: c means uninstalled but with config files still lying around02:36
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hsystem-xto resolve that errors... no02:36
Jucatohsystem-x: you can remove the wacom entries in xorg.conf02:36
ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors02:36
hsystem-xyup, thoose.02:36
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Jucatobtw, those errors are harmless (although a bit annoying).02:37
hsystem-xexatly - anoying.02:38
ArwenJucato, so to fix it, you disable tablet input?02:38
JucatoArwen: yep02:38
Jucatounless you're on a Tablet PC of course02:38
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ArwenJucato, time to restart X :-)02:39
Arwensee if that worked02:39
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compilerwriterchemicalvamp now that I have done all that I need to restart x don't I.02:40
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snapasholes are still assd holes despite you fuggers  I MADE IT,,,,,,02:41
compilerwriterchemicalvamp would you be so kind as to refresh my memory on that particular command?02:41
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Jucato!language | snap02:41
ubotusnap: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:41
Jucatosnap: stop that02:41
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LettuceJoans I need to reformat a partition to ect3 what program should I use?02:43
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Arwenlol, I forget 3 lines and broke my xorg.conf :-(02:43
Arwenbut then I fixed it :-)02:43
JucatoLettuceJoans: QtParted or GParted?02:43
Jucato(or fdisk if you're a command line buff)02:44
LettuceJoanswhat does that mean?02:44
JucatoLettuceJoans: the programs you were asking about02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
compilerwriterhow do I restart x?02:44
Jucato!info qtparted02:44
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu12 (feisty), package size 206 kB, installed size 720 kB02:44
LettuceJoansI want to know what program to use02:44
TheDebugger!info mkfs02:44
ubotuPackage mkfs does not exist in feisty02:44
LeeJunFananyone know of a good nagios config tool that actually works? I've got a bunch of hosts to setup and it's going to be very tedious to do with vi.02:44
Jucatocompilerwriter: Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (after closing whatever you need to close)02:44
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compilerwriterJucato good grief I thought that just killed the current session.  I didn't know it restarted the whole mess.02:45
Jucatocompilerwriter: hm?02:45
LettuceJoanswhat's QtParted and GParted?02:45
compilerwriterI didn't realize it also restarted the server.02:46
JucatoLettuceJoans: programs for partitioning and formating02:46
Jucatocompilerwriter: er... it restarts X02:46
LettuceJoansok, which one can format a partion as ect3?02:46
Jucatoboth can02:46
LettuceJoanssweet, thanks02:46
SkyblastAnyone know a way to make any of the Linux par2 tools to join ,001, .002, etc. file into the original file similar to how Quickpar for Windows does?02:47
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LettuceJoansis one better than the other or does it matter02:47
ArwenSkyblast, are they compressed? or just split?02:47
Arwenbecause if they're just split, you could probably glue em back together02:48
SkyblastJust split02:48
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jhutchinsSkyblast: Unrar will handle those fine.02:48
ArwenSkyblast, the hard way would be to dd them together... the easy way is to install p7zip-full and run "7z x <splitfilefirstpartname>"02:48
Arwenjhutchins, cmon, we can deal with this without proprietary software02:49
jhutchinsunrar is free.02:49
Arwenbut proprietary all the same02:49
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jhutchinsunrar e <first file name>02:49
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jhutchinsArwen: unrar is open source, just not GNU.02:50
JucatoArwen: unfortunately, unrar-free doesn't handle as much formats or versions of RAR as the unrar (nonfree) version02:51
ArwenJucato, jhutchins, none of us said anything about RAR...02:51
Arwenthat's why I recommended 7-zipo02:51
chemicalvampcompilerwriter        ? i was afk02:51
jhutchinsArwen: .par files are often split rar archives.02:52
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jhutchinsArwen: Especially those downloaded from usenet.02:52
compilerwriterchemicalvamp no worries Jucato stepped in for you.02:52
Arwenjhutchins, hmm02:52
jhutchinsArwen: They sometimes use a mixed naming scheme as well.02:52
SkyblastCool, the 7zip handles things nicely. Thanks!02:53
jhutchinsOr they could be 7zip things...02:53
Jucato!caps | snap02:53
ubotusnap: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:53
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Arwenjhutchins, :-)02:54
chemicalvampsnap same02:54
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Arwenbut yeah, 7-zip should be able to decode rar, it's linked to unrar02:54
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sayershttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia how does this apply to kubuntu's 7.04?02:54
=== jhutchins hurries off to install p7zip.
Jucatosayers: still applies. unless you have a very new card, then you can use nvidia-glx-new instead of nvidia-glx (depends on your card, better check first)02:55
jhutchinssayers: Pretty much the same, just bump version numbers where appropriate.02:55
snapGRRRRRRRR LINUX so frusATING I THINK SUSE will do the trick02:55
snapunbuntu does not have a helpful userbase02:55
bobstrosnap: what's not working?02:55
Jucatosnap: if you won't ask a question no one will help you. whining and shouting will not get you any help02:56
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snapjucato been asking questiond for the past 6 weeks02:57
snaphad manny learning experiences02:57
Jucatosnap: 1) not everyone here might have been there the past 6 weeks. 2) not everyone here might actually know the answer to your problem.02:58
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:58
snapmost from assholes that have the same hardware working02:58
snapbut wont tell the rest of us how it works02:59
Tm_T!ohmy | snap02:59
ubotusnap: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:59
bobstrosnap: you may be better off with suse. good luck.02:59
sepeckI like that patience saying.  we have a similar one in drupal land02:59
SkyblastTry Slackware. I heard that's pretty easy. :)02:59
bobstrospeaker_: you're a drupal guy?02:59
bobstroheh sorry02:59
sepeckand yes03:00
bobstrosepeck: you're a drupal *individual*?03:00
sepeckthat too03:00
snapwell no body in this place ver helpful03:00
bobstrosepeck: good, i'll be lurking on #drupal soon enough. some silly stuff has me stumped.03:00
=== sepeck 's spider sense is suspecting a Drupal query
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Skyblastsnap: Just did a search on your name in my logs for here. All I see you doing is yelling in caps and calling people names.03:00
snapeither inept or an asshole like you03:00
bobstrosnap: yes, you're absolutely right. you needen't beg. just go.03:00
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BluesKajask yer question snap..or stop complaining03:00
bobstrosnap: absolutely. goodbye.03:01
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bobstrosepeck: well, not here. :)03:01
chemicalvampsnap you need to ask questions to be helped.. not sit there and whin, and if you do odds are nobody is going to want to help somebody acting like a 12 year old03:01
SkyblastSeriously, several instances of him just whining and yelling about. Looks like we got a troll.03:01
sepeckbobstro, audit #drupal ask in #drupal-support or #drupal-dojo03:01
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ
snap nice03:01
Tm_Tsnap: you really should behave03:01
bobstrosepeck: will do. i'm very pleased with drupal.03:01
sepeckI am the doc team lead03:02
sepeckjust trying my hand at kununtu this week03:02
Tm_Tsnap: take a walk in fresh air, read CoC and then come back :)03:02
Tm_Tsnap: IF you don't get any answers here, try forums03:02
chemicalvampchain of command?03:02
snaplol ive behaved im going nuts with my damm presario help me get it working or go to hell03:03
bobstrosepeck: ahah! well, i'm doing something silly with the category setup. i'm going through the docs this week. i just want a hierarchical site with articles with teasers, and (ideally) the book module, but i think i over-complicated it.03:03
Jucatochemicalvamp: Code of Conduct03:03
bobstrosnap: what is that, the conan crom speech?03:03
Skyblastsnap: Ask something specific!!!!03:03
=== snap was kicked off #kubuntu by Tm_T (cool down bro)
SkyblastWah wah wah my crap isn't working you holes is not a question03:03
chemicalvampahh in marines, its chan of command03:03
dwidmannsnap: I kind of like the go to  hell option03:03
sepeckbobstro, well stop by #drupal-support and we cna chat.  should be straight forward03:03
chemicalvampsame here03:03
BluesKajor chain of custody03:04
SkyblastIt's so warm here lately it feels like I'm in hell ;)03:04
bobstrosepeck: ok, probably next week though. thanks.03:04
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:04
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bobstrohell isn't on topic?03:04
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Jucatoneither is heaven :)03:04
Tm_Tmy kicking boot is always on topic ] ;=03:05
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bobstroi'm installing ubuntu on an external usb drive. what are the odds it'll boot well on a variety of hardware  (with the likely exception of the x drivers)?03:06
sepeckheh....  so can someone link me to an article on getting Apache on my kubuntu box?03:06
sepeckthen I can go read and learn03:06
Tm_T!apache | sepeck03:06
ubotusepeck: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:06
=== sepeck goes and reads
Skyblastsepeck: Might also go check out the Linux Reality podcast. Chess just did some episodes on Apache and the like. http://www.linuxreality.com03:07
bobstrosepeck: there's also a package for drupal 5.1 if that's what you're working up to. not sure how reliable it is.03:07
sepeckhmmmm..... was using the 7 series.  don't remember server option...03:07
sepeckbobstro, I am against packaes for Drupal, so manual install :D03:07
=== Jucato misses being "involved" with Linux Reality [/offtopic]
bobstrosepeck: i figured as much, but thought i'd mention it.03:08
bobstrosepeck: i suspect you've got some experience with that.03:08
sepeckthe objective is to re-acquaint myself with Linux and such03:09
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GuHHHenvy is only for ubuntu?03:09
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sonoftheclayrGuHHH: envy works in kubuntu but from my experience i could only get it working at command line03:10
GuHHHi mean, does it work with other distros?03:11
sonoftheclayrnot as far as i know, i would think it doesn't03:11
bobstrosepeck: how long have you been away?03:11
sepeck4 years... /me joins #kubuntu-offtopic03:14
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=== sepeck doesn't want to be smacked down :D
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chemicalvamphow do you do the * sepeck doesn't want03:16
sepeck> /me03:17
chemicalvampive done that on gaim, but i dint know it worked here03:17
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Maxdamantuschemicalvamp, it's not a server side thing.03:18
MaxdamantusIt's the client.03:19
MaxdamantusWhen you do it, you're actually sending something like "PRIVMSG #kubuntu [] ACTION does something[] "03:19
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MaxdamantusWhere []  is ASCII0103:19
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MaxdamantusDon't worry.03:21
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MaxdamantusJust think of it as /me for now.03:21
MaxdamantusBut if you were listening to it through a raw socket, you'd see what I just said.03:21
MaxdamantusAnd the client displays it as an action. :P03:21
chemicalvampman im sick of being asked "a new update is available, would you like to upgrade to feisty?"03:22
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imagineaha say yes :)03:24
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jarn_I think there's something wrong with my machine. Games don't run well, even Linux games. I have an AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB of ram and an nVidia Geforce 6800.03:27
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chemicalvampimagine i dont want feisty, it doesnt support my wireless card03:27
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chemicalvampjarn_ did you install your video card?03:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:27
jarn_chemicalvamp: I did that, yes.03:27
jarn_chemicalvamp: I have the newest version of drivers.03:28
TheDebuggerIs direct rendering on?03:28
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jarn_TheDebugger: How do I tell?03:29
levonhello im back for another day at the ball park with no questions lol03:29
jarn_TheDebugger: Wait, yes it is.03:29
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chemicalvampwtf.. BREAK (upgradable03:32
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Jucatolevon: that's good to hear :)03:34
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levonjucato actually i stumble apon one just now03:35
levonchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables03:35
levonis this a restriction for the os?03:36
Jucatolevon: do you have "build-essential" installed?03:36
levonill check apt-get install build-essential right?03:36
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levondidnt have it03:38
crackhead_25question: anyone know why/how to get a microphone to work, which i just plugged into the mic slot of the audio card??03:38
levonman need the restroom brb03:38
lettuce_How do I mount a hard dick volume?03:38
lettuce_lol funny typo03:38
sonoftheclayrcrackhead_25: fire up kmix and enable it there03:39
Jucatolettuce_: try System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Disks & Filesystem03:39
crackhead_25how do i enable it in kmix??03:40
lettuce_...it says that module disk and filesystems could not be loaded03:41
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Jucatoguess you'll probably have to do it manually03:41
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter03:41
sonoftheclayrcrackhead_25: input tab and make sure the red light under it is on03:42
Jucatooh not very helpful :)03:42
levonworks now thank you03:42
crackhead_25my input has four options.. line in, mic, phone, and aux.. i have three ports in the audio card.. the red one, blue, and green.. mic goes in red, usually, and that's where i put it..03:42
crackhead_25which should have red light under it?03:42
levonwow what a name lol03:42
Jucato!fstab | lettuce_03:42
ubotulettuce_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions03:42
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jarn_I think there's something wrong with my machine. Games don't run well, even Linux games. I have an AMD Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB of ram and an nVidia Geforce 6800. I have installed the drivers and direct rendering is enabled.03:42
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sonoftheclayrcrackhead_25: mic03:43
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crackhead_25still doesn't work... ??03:44
crackhead_25how can i test it?03:44
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crackhead_25sonoftheclayr: how do i test it??03:47
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draikIs anyone here from Texas, USA? Preferably San Antonio area.03:47
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borgistaAnyone know why Amarok is buggy as hell in Feisty?03:48
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sonoftheclayrcrackhead_25: no idea, sorry03:48
crackhead_25anyone know how to test if a microphone is properly working?? or how to get one to properly work if it's not working??03:49
crimsunborgista: it's incredibly difficult to assist in debugging when you provide absolutely no details.03:49
levonwoot my program is compiled with no errors time to see if how many bugs i have to fix lol03:49
crackhead_25crimsun: how do you get a microphone to work? i plugged it in, but it appears not to be recording anything. i enabled the mic setting in kmix, as suggested. the light is on. still, doesnt seem to record.03:49
icecruncheranybody know a good offline flash app player?03:49
crimsuncrackhead_25: see arecord(1)03:50
draikcrackhead_25: I had that issue. I kept on testing the various sound levels and restarted X after each change. Have you tried that?03:50
crackhead_25draik: you have to restart x entirely afterwards? did that end up making the mic work?03:50
sonoftheclayryou shouldn't have to restart x03:50
draikcrackhead_25: It did the last time.03:50
draikI do it just to be sure it goes through.03:51
draikRestarting X has fixed other issues, so it doesn't bother. Besides, how hard is it to hit CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE?03:51
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sonoftheclayrand how long does it take to log back in again?03:52
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moomanyou should try alsamixer instead of kmix.. kmix is somewhat "broken"03:52
crackhead_25crimsun: what do you think of draik's recommendation? also, what is the command i would wish to call for arecord to test very simply the mic working or not??03:53
draiksonoftheclayr: How long does it take you to enter your password?03:53
ncallerhello, I just successfully dist-upgrade'd from dapper to edgy, however I notice that adept is no longer installed.  Is there a newer preferred package manager for kubuntu?03:53
crackhead_25mooman: if i adjusted the mic setting in kmix, should i un-adjust it before using alsamixer, or does it not matter (if it's broken)??03:53
sonoftheclayrdraik: about a second but then you have to wait for KDE to start and that takes awhile03:54
moomancrackhead_25: it does not really matter.. kmix might ignore some settings ..03:54
draiksonoftheclayr: Not really. Then again, what do I know.03:54
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crackhead_25mooman: im in alsamixer. i dont really understand how it works. why is there a lock/unlock symbol below everything?03:55
crimsuncrackhead_25: I'm not tracking backscroll, and it's not present when I reattached03:55
crimsuncrackhead_25: what was suggested?03:55
moomancrackhead_25: press up/down to adjust volume, m to mute/unmute, tab to switch input/output and space to select the input03:55
crackhead_25crimsun: restarting X03:56
crimsuncrackhead_25: to test mic changes? that's not at all necessary.03:56
crackhead_25what's the difference between phone, mic, and line in? is phone strictly for headphones, not microphone?03:57
moomancrackhead_25: check if mic has this red CAPTUR and is at a correct volume level and unmuted..03:57
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crackhead_25mooman: i see nothing in red. red was in kmix. alsamixer (gui) has no red. how do i know if something is muted/unmuted in alsamixer? m doesn't seem to do it..03:58
moomancrackhead_25: phone afaik is for real phones connected to the soundcard (kind of anachronistic)03:58
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ncalleris adept still the default package manager front end for edgy-kubuntu?03:58
moomancrackhead_25: you should be able to select a capture channel via space in the "Caputre" view (cycle tab)03:58
jackcan anyone tell me how to use a canon i560 on kubuntu 7.04 ????03:58
crackhead_25mooman: still no success with recording after adjusting in alsamixer..03:59
crackhead_25what's the "capture" view, and in what program are you talking?03:59
bobstrojack: look at it through the viewfinder and push the little button?03:59
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moomancrackhead_25: still alsamixer .. on top there is a "View: Playback Capture All" with the current selected view hilighted and you can cycle the views with the tab key04:00
jackbobstro: the i560 is connected to a windows xp pc via usb...... cant establish connection04:00
sonoftheclayrncaller: yes04:00
bobstrojack: in winxp or kubuntu?04:01
jackim running kubuntu but the printer is connected to xp04:01
crackhead_25mooman: i dont think im looking at the right alsamixer. how do you run "alsamixer"? i went to adept, dl'd and installed an alsamixer gui, and it was an X window with grey and some controls, but not this capture window you're mentioning..04:01
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moomancrackhead_25: aah i see its a console app i am talking about.. ;-)04:01
sonoftheclayrcrackhead_25: in konsole type in alsamixer04:02
crackhead_25ah ok.. now what?04:02
moomannow read the backscroll an try again what i told you ;-)04:02
jackbobstro: and i cant find the i560 in the drivers list04:03
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crackhead_25mooman: i see shared line in can be either line or mic. i selected it and made it mic, i believe, but i can't elevate the levels at all with up and down arrows.. am i doing something wrong?04:03
bobstrojack: i don't know that camera. it doesnt show as a flash drive?04:03
jackbobstro: its a printer!04:04
moomancrackhead_25: thats fine some channels do not support volume settings04:04
bobstrojack: wups, wrong model!04:04
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levondoes kubuntu have a firewall and where would it be located04:04
moomancrackhead_25: just make sure the correct channel is selected .. plus the "Capture" channel is selected and volume is up04:04
bobstrojack: my joke made no sense at all then. was thinking of the cameras. sorry, no help on the printer from me.04:04
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hitmanWilly!firewall | levon04:04
ubotulevon: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:04
agentnewbcrackhead_25 another person complaining about sound *sighs* go to alsa site and install them yourself. everything will work04:04
jackbobstro: k np thx04:05
moomancrackhead_25:  (Selected as in pressing space to toggle)04:05
crackhead_25agentnewb: install what myself?04:05
agentnewbmooman: *stabs you until you shut up about mixer*04:05
agentnewbcrackhead_25: sound drivers04:05
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agentnewbcrackhead_25: is it the mic?04:05
crackhead_25agentnewb: are you sure its sound drivesr i need? it's the mic. i can playback all fine with speakers and what not.04:05
agentnewbyes sound driver04:05
jackcan anyone tell me how to use the canon i560 printer with kubuntu????04:06
b0nnhi all, I am trying to install googleearth onto my Kubuntu(edgy) system.  When I run it, all I get is google earth initialising, no error messages.  And thats it, any ideas?04:06
crackhead_25which driver?04:06
crackhead_25mooman: what do you think of agentnewb's recommendation?04:06
crimsunagentnewb: that should only be suggested as a last resort04:06
agentnewbcrackhead_25: http://www.alsa-project.org/ grab the stable driver and try if doesn't work try the beta04:06
slestakwhat determines the drive assignments when initrd is made? I move a drive from hdc to hdd, and on every boot, it pauses to check for hdc, and when intird is created for new kernels, it always puts root=/dev/hdc1 in grub.  I have changed fstab, must be somewhere ales04:06
agentnewbcrimsun: bite me04:06
crimsunI strongly recommend not doing so unless I say it's necessary, because often people randomly install alsa-driver from upstream, thereby clobbering Kubuntu's alsa internals, and /I/ have to deal with the bug reports as the alsa maintainer.04:07
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moomancrackhead_25: well if the driver is broken it MIGHT help but as crimsun states it should only be the last resort.. if fixing your mixer settings and/or cable connection etc. all fails :)04:07
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moomancrackhead_25: or if its really a known bug for some particular sound card.. (there should be an launchpad bug then)04:07
agentnewbcrackhead_25: fine do a backup then try my method04:08
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agentnewbbe less time then waiting for their legislative hoo ha04:08
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ncallerIs it useful for me to be running acpid on a Desktop?04:08
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moomanagentnewb: is this a known issue? with bug number?04:08
crimsuncrackhead_25: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.04:09
juifsournoisshould i worry about this in syslog and/or how do i stop it: Apr 27 22:48:26 grossebitch dhclient: DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 1304:09
jackcan anyone tell me how to use the canon i560 printer with kubuntu????04:09
crimsuncrackhead_25: you'll need to download and execute that script with ``bash alsa-info.sh''04:09
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ncallerjack: step 1 search the web, find out if it is supported under linux04:09
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jackncaller:  there are serveral ways but the wont work04:10
hitmanWillyjack: a good link for that is www.linuxprinting.org04:10
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moomanjack: canon printer have bad support in linux .. turboprint is an reliable but commercial and expensive driver that supports canon printers...04:11
jackhitmanWilly: ncaller: the problem is: the printer is connected to a windows pc and i wont to connect to it04:11
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jackmooman: i know turboprint, tried it but the result was bad04:11
moomanjack: afair there are also binary driver from canon for some models04:12
draikjack: I used to network Kubuntu with WinXP for printer access04:12
draikWorks just fine04:12
moomanjack: maybe search the ubuntu forums..04:12
draikOf cource, I am using an HP printer with supported drivers04:12
jacki heard that the bjc 7000 driber would do AND that there is a driver in feisty for the 560, but cant find a way to get him running04:12
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ncallerjack this doesn't help you but the nice thing about HP's is many of them are supported via an official HP opensource driver (HPLIP.sourceforge.net) my all in one, is04:13
ncallerstarting the feisty upgrade now04:14
ncallerthe automatic upgrade notification and process is very impressive in adept04:14
ncallerI was suprised04:14
jackncaller: i know that! but when i bought the printer i was running windows ;) i switched 3 months ago04:14
DarkEDhi, i am having a problem getting my external hard drive to mount?04:15
ncalleryeah what can you do, does the printer have an IPP interface or anything?04:15
ncallerDarkED what kind of drive?04:15
DarkEDncaller: it's a USB2.0 2.5" IBM travelstar 60GB04:15
DarkEDncaller: it mounted fine before i upgraded to feisty (from edgy)04:15
ncallerbasically USB04:15
dennisterdoes anyone know how to check for all the reserved ports?04:16
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jackncaller: dont think so! had it running under 6.10 with turboprint! no problem to connect to the windows pc and use the printer... but the result was SO bad....04:16
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DarkEDncaller: i try to mount /dev/sda1 manually but it says no entry in fstab/mtab, but it's a USB device so it shouldnt technically need one04:16
ncallerits not automatically been mounted somewhere you don't know about has it?04:17
DarkEDncaller: like a different machine?04:17
hitmanWillyDarkED: did you check in /media ?04:17
DarkEDhitmanWilly: yes04:17
ncallerlike a different mount point04:17
ncallerjust run 'mount' to check, you probably already did though04:17
DarkEDhitmanWilly: in edgy i would have a folder called 'External HDD' because that's the name of the drive (it's NTFS3.1)04:17
dennisteri'm trying to find an incoming tcp listen port for azureus, and no matter what i try, i get the NAT error04:17
DarkEDncaller: one sec04:17
ncallerdennister netstat -l; man netstat04:18
ncallerdennister also install lsof04:18
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DarkEDncaller: mount says it's not mounted04:18
hitmanWillyDarkED: if you need to mount it manually, you still can without an fstab entry, you just have to specify filetype, mountpoint, etc04:18
dennisterthx...something in the crowded filing cabinet of my memory said something about netstat04:18
DarkEDhitmanWilly: yes I understand, but I'd like to possibly get it hot-pluggable again04:18
DarkEDhitmanWilly: that way it appears on desktop like it should04:19
ncallerright like mkdir ~/usbdrive; sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda ~/usbdrive04:19
DarkEDncaller: lemme try that and see if it'll even mount04:19
hitmanWillyDarkED: try sudo fdisk -l to see if the machine's even seeing it04:20
jackncaller: when i connect the printer DIRECLTY to the linux pc... it prints ! but how can i connect to a printer wich is connected to a windows pc????04:20
DarkEDncaller: it mounted but it says i do not have permissions to view it04:20
ncallerjack: okay then connect it to linux, install samba, share it out via samba, and connect to linux from windows04:20
DarkEDhitmanWilly: dmesg confirms that the machine sees it04:21
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ncallerDarkED try running 'groups' this is my output for a regular user04:21
ncallermatt adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin04:21
hitmanWillyDarkED: ok, it actually might work for hotplug if you were to put in an fstab entry04:21
ncallerthat is in edgy04:21
jackncaller: wouldnt be a solution for me! the windows pc is the server in the office of my father!04:22
ncallerwell edgy/feisty mid upgrade hybrid OS monster04:22
DarkEDncaller: I get 'darked adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin fuse' which looks normal04:22
ncallerjack don't know what to tell ya then, no experience with that hardware04:22
DarkEDhitmanWilly: i can try if you think it'll work :)04:23
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DarkEDhitmanWilly: i'm willing to try anything04:23
jackk thx04:23
hitmanWillyDarkED: give it a shot, at worst it'll make manually mounting it easier :)04:23
DarkEDhitmanWilly: :)04:23
DarkEDhitmanWilly: okay, do you know a good writeup for fstab entries? I'm not too familiar with the mount options04:24
ncallerman fstab04:24
ncallerits in there04:24
ncalleractually never mind04:24
hitmanWillyDarkED: for something like that id say do user,noauto04:24
ncallerI just looked at that man page it kind of sucks04:24
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ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:25
hitmanWillyDarkED: see above link ^^04:25
DarkEDhitmanWilly: ok, will try it, one sec04:25
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DarkEDstill nothing04:28
DarkED"you do not have access rights to this location"04:28
DarkEDthats mounting it through fstab04:28
DarkEDooh, maybe i need to chmod it04:29
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ncallerDarkED where is it mounting it?04:29
DarkEDncaller: /dev/sda1 to /media/external04:29
DarkEDncaller: i sudo mkdir'd the /external and also chmodded it to 77704:29
ncallerls -l /media | grep external04:30
DarkEDncaller: root - root is owner04:30
DarkEDroot can view the files04:30
hitmanWillyDarkED: try chowning it04:30
DarkEDi ran sudo konqueror and it's working04:31
DarkEDhitmanWilly: how do i do a chown?04:31
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo04:31
hitmanWillyDarkED: sudo chown <username> <path>04:31
DarkEDhitmanWilly: cant do - read only filesystem04:32
DarkEDooh maybe if i umount it THEN chown04:32
DarkEDstill insufficient permissions =/04:33
hitmanWillyDarkED: did you chown the mountpoint or the device?04:33
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DarkEDhitmanWilly: the mountpoint04:33
DarkEDhitmanWilly: do i need to chown the /dev?04:33
hitmanWillyok, just checking :)04:33
DarkEDokay, i know what COULD have done it04:33
hitmanWillyDarkED: try adding rw to the fstab options04:34
DarkEDhitmanWilly: ok04:34
hitmanWillyDarkED: iirc that should be the right option for read/write04:34
ferret_0567Can somebody please tell me why pages are cut in half when I print them in KPDF on Feisty? I am trying to print a PDF here, and it works...not so good04:34
DarkEDhitmanWilly: it still gives me 'read-only filesystem'04:35
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hitmanWillyhow is the drive formatted ie ntfs, ext3?04:36
DarkEDGOT IT!04:36
DarkEDhitmanWilly: it was ntfs04:37
DarkEDi finally got it!04:37
hitmanWillythat's what i figured :)04:37
DarkEDi copied the options from my /dev/hda1 (windows ntfs drive)04:37
DarkEDand now it works :)04:37
hitmanWillycool :)04:37
ncallergood deal04:37
DarkEDnow, to get it to hotplug04:37
DarkEDhmm, this is a little weird04:38
hitmanWillythat's a little above my support level...hotplug is kinda new for me :)04:38
DarkEDif i go to the mountpoint in /media/external, no files appear04:38
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DarkEDbut if i use the icon that popped on the desktop (and which never goes away) it works04:39
ncalleranyone here care to speak about the stability of the latest kdevelop/qtdesigner on feisty? It's one of the reasons I'm upgrading because it kept crashing on dapper for me and I figured I was way out of date04:39
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DarkEDhitmanWilly: do you know how i add spaces to mountpoints in fstab?04:40
SuperSubalexicon: Are you online?04:40
DarkEDhitmanWilly: say /media/External HDD for instance04:40
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hitmanWillyDarkED: put the path that has spaces in quotes04:40
DarkEDhitmanWilly: doesn't work04:41
ncallerDarkED hard to say, try "/media/External HDD"04:41
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SuperSubdoes anyone know how to re-install HP scanner Driver?04:41
ncalleror try /media/External\ HDD/04:41
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=== hitmanWilly uses _ rather than spaces for just this reason :)
DarkEDncaller: will do :)04:42
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scorp007how do I search for packages using the command line?04:43
DarkEDncaller: nope04:43
hitmanWillyscorp007: apt-cache search <package name>04:43
DarkEDncaller: i do know there's a way, i did it once before... lemme search google04:43
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scorp007hitmanWilly: thanks04:43
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LettuceJoansok, I just formatted a partition as ect3 using qtparted, But  when I right click it ans say "mount" it gives me an error :(04:45
hitmanWillySuperSub: dpkg --reconfigure hplip?04:45
SuperSubvia terinal window?04:46
hitmanWillySuperSub: yup04:46
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EndlerWill there be a Thunderbird 2.0 backport available soon?04:47
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SuperSubhitmanwilly:  do understand how to do this04:48
SuperSubhitmanwilly:  command only gives me some options04:48
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hitmanWillySuperSub: ok, sudo dpkg --purge hplip, then apt-get autoremove, then apt-get install hplip04:49
LettuceJoansok, I just formatted a partition as ect3 using qtparted, But  when I right click it ans say "mount" it gives me an error :( what should I do?04:49
hitmanWillySuperSub: that wipes out hplip, cleans up after it, then re-downloads it04:50
DarkEDaha, figured it out! the symbol for spaces is \04004:50
=== hitmanWilly makes a note of that
=== holycow [n=buzz@S01060016b6b53675.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
holycowhey guys04:51
holycowlovin kde once again04:51
SuperSub# apt-get autoremove04:51
SuperSubE: Invalid operation autoremove04:51
holycowglad to see this project around04:51
DarkEDhitmanWilly: yeah, it works04:51
shawkinsas am I, been a good year since I've touched kubuntu :)04:51
holycowis there anything out there that can be termed kde4 installable on an ubuntu/debian platform without compiling from scratch?04:51
hitmanWillySuperSub: ok, don't worry about that cmd then, just sudo apt-get install hplip04:52
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holycowshawkins, been 4 years for me04:52
ferret_0567What disk usage analyzer is most similar to the GNOME disc space analyzer?04:52
holycowi am deploying ubuntu in our company and gnome is in a really poor state feature wise04:52
SuperSub sudo apt-get install hplip04:52
SuperSubReading package lists... Done04:52
shawkinsholycow: really? dang, I bet it's a big change for you then04:52
SuperSubBuilding dependency tree... Done04:52
SuperSubhplip is already the newest version.04:52
SuperSub0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:52
holycowi'm gonna give kde a go and see how far we get with this04:52
holycowshawkins, indeed is.04:53
shawkinsholycow: from 4 years ago, it's greatly improved ;) Wonder when 3.x came out04:53
hitmanWillySuperSub: try sudo apt-get remove hplip, then sudo apt-get install hplip04:53
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holycowyeah i've seen the odd knoppix orother live cd'shere and then but yeah itgs a whole lot different04:53
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ferret_0567I say KDE is lacking in some areas, take KPDF for example, this retarded app automatically cuts pages in half when I print them, isn't is great?04:55
SuperSubhitmanwilly: xsane image scanner still does not work what else can i do?04:55
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imagineferret_0567: Okular will fix that...04:56
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shawkinsferret_0567: I'm sure there's a way to stop that04:56
BluesKajSuperSub: try kooka04:56
SuperSubhitmanwilly: just flashs saying that it found the scanner but the app does not load04:56
hitmanWillySuperSub: is it recoignizing you have a scanner attached?04:56
ferret_0567So, I just install the "okular" package and it's fixed?04:56
ferret_0567I was going to use Evince04:57
hitmanWillySuperSub: try reinstalling xsane, ie sudo apt-get remove xsane, sudo apt-get install xsane04:57
SuperSubhitmanwilly: just got an error message failed to open device hpaio usb officejet04:57
hitmanWillyoh, wait a minute04:57
hitmanWillySuperSub: its an officejet? you need hpoj then04:58
shawkinsok.. well time to install Kubuntu, have fun kids04:58
SuperSubhitmanwilly: i already ran those commands you gave me04:59
hitmanWillySuperSub: sudo apt-get install hpoj04:59
hitmanWillySuperSub: office jets use different drivers iirc05:00
SuperSubhitmanwilly: just tried to run xsane again but with no luck05:00
hitmanWillySuperSub: did you install hpoj?05:00
SuperSubhitmanwilly: the error message says that the device is busy.. Really doing nothing05:01
hitmanWillyhmmm, check www.linuxprinting.org to see if there's any known issues w/ your model. it may just be a bug...05:01
hitmanWillyprinters are kinda hit or miss05:02
hivemindWhich HP printer is this?05:02
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Str_9_r3I need a gaming server, how do I get it?05:06
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ferret_0567Goodbye Kubuntu, back to GNOME05:11
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ferret_0567You screw up on even simple things like telling me how many pages are printing05:12
ferret_0567You don't give me the correct number of pages05:12
ferret_0567bye...and good riddance05:12
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dennisterokidoke...azureus is now crashing as soon as I start it up, and the problem seems to be with sun java 5, the runtime environment...any ideas how to fix this problem?05:14
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dennisteroops, sun java 6, the jre...i've tried purging and reinstalling both, to no avail05:15
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osiriswhat program would i use to resample a wav file in kubuntu05:17
osiriskinda like goldwave05:17
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usserosiris: i'd use ffmpeg05:18
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MrWGWwoo dang I wish I'd been in here earlier to flame that <censored>05:22
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SilentMHow would I go about settting up a joystick (Non-USB)?05:25
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mulvanyone know how Plasma is going?05:26
hivemind0 to Lost in 6 seconds...05:27
mulvi read on akregator that someone thinks it has stopped?05:27
hivemindWhere did I put my Kubuntu disc?!05:27
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xiO_hi, does anyone know which port kweather uses? my firewall seems to be blocking it05:28
hitmanWillyxiO_: i would think just http05:28
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xiO_worth a shot05:29
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kunjanso anyone figure out why some external media wont automount in kde-feisty while some will?05:30
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xiO_hitman: you seem to be correct05:31
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flatulI have checked 9 tutorials and howtos so far. Including the one in this room's announcement (wiki.kubuntu).   ***** How do I listen to MP3s on Kubuntu _LIVECD_. All tutorials instruct to modify the list of repositories. The problem is, that in the LiveCD, the repository list (sources.list) is readonly. I JUST WANT TO HEAR MP3s!05:35
gdiebeldennister: try getting the jar file from azureus website and extract and copy to /usr/share/java/Azureus2.jar05:35
kunjanflatul: download the package for mp3s directly and install it with "dpkg -i packagename.deb"05:36
flatulkunjan: which package is that? or where do I go to find out?05:36
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flatulthis is crazy. Amarok freezes and crashes just because it cannot open the mp3. that's crazy.05:37
flatulI read that Amarok can fix this problem inside Amarok itself (it refers to the kubuntu-mp3 problem). But I cannot find where.05:38
kunjanflatul: Amarok crashes on me occasionally too... but then i am running amd64.. its gotten stable tho05:38
flatulAs I said, Amarok freezes and crashes.05:38
gdiebelflatul: you may wish to install kubuntu to your hard drive05:38
kunjannot sure what package it is..05:38
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flatulkunjan: it's a very feeble and weak program if it crashes so easily. this is a vanilla 32 bit. (ok, dual core)05:39
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flatulgdiebel: no, I do not want to install kubuntu to hard drive _right now_. I *JUST* want to hear mp3s!05:40
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kunjanflatul: amarok is a very memory intensive program... i dont think it would run well of a live cd especially if you have a large collection the DB requirements can be huge05:41
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flatulkunjan: I want to hear 16 mp3s. I do not want to install. I am running livecd off a 2GB RAM, 1.66ghz dual core05:42
flatulkunjan: this should be more than enough for amarok, and for kubuntu. and mp305:42
flatulI JUST WANNA HEAR MP3S!05:43
kunjanlol yeah that should be enought05:43
xiO_would installing gstreamer work?05:43
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flatulxiO_: can that be done without having to mess with repositories?05:43
xiO_I believe so, try it05:43
Skyblastamarok uses xine05:43
xiO_ah, wee05:43
Skyblastflatul: I don't know how well this will work with the whole OS running in ram but do this in a terminal05:44
Skyblastsudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg05:44
Skyblastthen try your mp3's in amarok05:44
flatulPackage libxine1-ffmpeg is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:45
flatulThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:45
flatulis only available from another source05:45
flatulE: Package libxine1-ffmpeg has no installation candidate05:45
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flatulthis is kubuntu livecd 7.0405:45
flatuli cannot edit repositories05:46
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xiO_libxine-main1 ?05:47
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flatuli just installed juk from adept. It installed FINE. It made the mp3 playlist FINE. When I double click on one of the MP3s on the list: NOTHING. no error, no dialog. NO SOUND.05:48
Skyblasthmmm, that works on a HD install05:48
Skyblastmight try main1, or maybe libxine-extracodecs05:48
flatulSkyblast: I cannot change repositories.05:48
Skyblastdid you try to edit them with sudo priveleges?05:48
xiO_fix your sound first, then get mp3s working05:49
zoilomguys, do you know how to dual boot kubuntu with vista?05:49
SkyblastAside from that, I think all repos are enabled by default05:49
SkyblastExcept for backports05:49
gdiebelflatul: you should be able to edit the repo, iirc. try: alt+f2. then enter: 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list'05:49
flatulAdept doesn't have any dialog to choose repositories. HOWEVER, Adept shows that "unsupported" and "proprietary software" is selected.05:49
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flatulgdiebel: it tells me it is read only05:49
hitmanWillyflatul: see if ubuntu-restricted-extras is installable05:50
Skyblastflatul: you should see if your sound is working at all. Have you tried an ogg file? Those should play out of the box05:51
SkyblastThe other media player not working at all worries me05:51
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shahroltry use headphone..its work for me on my laptop..d builtin speaker didnt hav any sound05:52
flatulSkyblast: I have now changed with sudo privileges.05:53
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flatulSkyblast: sound is working. All system sounds and beeps and twugs sound fine05:53
Skyblastwell, sudo apt-get update then try the libxine1-ffmpeg again05:54
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flatulSkyblast: I am doing that last thing05:54
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flatulSkyblast: it seems it installed fine now.05:56
Skyblastokay, try your mp3 in amarok05:56
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flatulok, the mp3 works now. sound is coming out05:57
flatulSkyblast: can this be written down somewhere?05:57
flatulSkyblast: this set of instructions did NOT work: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MP3_on_Kubuntu_6.0605:58
flatulThis set of instructions did NOT work either: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/amarok-1.4.5.php05:58
flatulneither did this (this is linked from the web site from this room): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats05:59
SkyblastFirst link is for Dapper. Things have changed significantly since then05:59
SkyblastSecond link is for Edgy05:59
flatulwell those are first places in google, and on this chat room's announcent.06:00
DarkEDhmm, i'm trying to play an XviD .avi file. It works fine in VLC but I only get audio in Kaffeine, no video...06:00
flatulI'd like to help update them with what you just gave me.06:00
DarkEDi would just use VLC but it doesn't support my multimon setup06:00
SkyblastThird link has what worked06:00
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SkyblastIt just didn't go well with the livecd, I can say with experience that on a HDD install it does work06:00
flatulI haven't started to work in my own work-related stuff because I've been frustratedly busy trying to make this friggin thing work.06:01
SkyblastDarkED: Try installing the libxine1-ffmpeg package06:01
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flatulBefore I go on with my life, I would like to give something back, so I would like to help put these instructions up. Where can this be done?06:02
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heyholmezanyone know a good ftp client/server software w/ gui06:03
flatulI lost a couple of hours on this, I'd like to avoid this for someone else.06:04
flatulheyholmez: bearftp, transmission06:04
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DarkEDSkyblast: already installed06:05
Skyblastflatul: The installation instructions on the Ubuntu wiki  say the right package to install.  You could edit it with a tip for the LiveCD, I suppose.06:05
SkyblastDo any videos work?06:05
flatulheyholmez: Filezilla, KFTPGrabber, gFTP, Casablanca06:05
flatulGone with the Wind, Seven Year Itch FTP06:05
heyholmezanyone know good ftp client/server software w/ gui for linux06:06
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hitmanWillyflatul: try posting it on the wiki06:06
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hitmanWilly!wiki | flatul06:06
ubotuflatul: wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation06:06
=== chris_ is now known as snowstorm
heyholmezsry slow web irc06:06
snowstormanybody know how to play wmv files, ie which packages need to  be installed for that? all I get is a black screen in kaffeine, but the sound works06:07
=== Komsip [n=komsip@h204n1fls302o1049.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
Jucato!w32codecs | snowstorm06:08
ubotusnowstorm: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs06:08
flatulSkyblast: wiki.kubuntu.com/CommonQuestions redirects to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions which is not a wiki06:08
Jucatoflatul: it is a wiki06:08
snowstormJukato, the w32codecs are installed06:08
heyholmezah cool filezille beta for linux06:08
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Jucatohelp.ubuntu.com/community is the page for user-contributed/community documentation06:09
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flatulthere's this on the real wiki, but it redirects to the help.ubuntu non wiki site (http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#mp3s)06:09
Jucatoflatul: help.ubuntu.com/community is the page for user-contributed/community documentation06:10
Jucatoflatul: it is  a wiki06:10
flatulI go to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ but most applicable links would seem to link to non-wiki pages06:10
=== Jucato repeats for the 3rd time. help.ubuntu.com/community *is* a wiki
DarkEDman, i just cannot get this video to play correctly06:11
JucatoDarkED: what format is it in?06:11
DarkEDJucato: it's an .avi, XViD06:12
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JucatoDarkED: install libxine-extracodecs06:12
snowstormdo I need any gstreamer packages for playing wmv files?06:12
DarkEDJucato: i know it's not the video because it plays fine in VLC player, just not in Kaffeine or any other Xine engine player06:12
DarkEDJucato: already have extracodecs06:13
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DarkEDJucato: could it be a setting somewhere?06:13
flatulSkyblast: you say it's a community site. I understand. But it's not a wiki. There's no wiki way to modify this page, for instance: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:13
Jucatoflatul: do you see the "login to edit" at the top?06:14
Jucatoflatul: 4th time. it is a wiki06:14
flatulJucato: Skyblast: I apologize. You were right, I was wrong. There indeed is a "login to edit" message in a font size 6. tiny. but you were right.06:15
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Jucatoflatul: actually reading the main page ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ ) would have saved you a lot of checking as it says there: "Please read WikiGuide before making any edits. Thanks."06:16
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.06:16
flatulubotu: thank you ubotu.06:17
Jucato!thanks | flatul06:17
Jucatooh slow bot :P06:17
nixternalhaha, I had to do that Jucato, since you stole my mojo ;p06:17
ubotuflatul: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:17
flatulubotu: I know you are a bot.06:17
=== Jucato blames nixternal :D
flatulubotu: don't talk to me more06:17
flatulubotu: stop06:17
ubotuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.06:17
flatulubotu: please06:17
ubotuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience06:17
DarkEDAHA! GOT IT!06:18
JucatoDarkED: er.. keep the caps down :)06:18
DarkEDJucato: win32 codecs directory was wrong :)06:18
Jucatoer? O.o06:18
flatulgood bye06:18
DarkEDJucato: sorry man, but i've been trying to solve this for about 4 hours now06:18
DarkEDJucato: you'd use caps too06:18
Jucatono, I'd use lots of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D06:18
=== KaiHanari [n=kaihanar@CPE0013a3bd89d2-CM0011e6c7e1cf.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
snowstormI have installed w32codecs, libxine1, libxine1-ffmpeg, libxine1-kde, kaffeine-xine, libxine-extracodecs, libarts1-xine, libsmpeg0, mpeglib, libmpeg2-4, ..., so what else could it be? :-)06:18
nixternallol! I think I have to agree with DarkED on that one06:18
Jucato(there's no rule about that :P)06:18
nixternalsnowstorm: what are you tring to do?06:19
snowstormI am trying to play a wmv file06:19
Jucatos/trying/frying :)06:19
JucatoDarkED: though I understand your.. um.. "joy" :D06:19
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nixternalsnowstorm: now all wmv's will play, if they have DRM enabled, then you are dead out of luck with it06:19
nixternali.e., you can't watch the Microsoft videos ;)06:19
DarkEDJucato: :)06:20
=== nixternal points out just how evil DRM really is!
Jucatosnowstorm: translation: if the file is DRM'ed, no can do :)06:20
=== Jucato of course points out how nixternal is evil-er :D
=== nixternal notes Jucato just pointed out in lame-mans terms just how evil he is, I mean DRM is
snowstormit has no DRM, I'm sure06:21
nixternalthen it should work with all of that stuff you installed06:21
nixternalerr, REBOOT!06:21
snowstormDarkED, what's that with the wrong directory thing? COuld solve my problem as well06:21
nixternalyou have to for wmv and the w32codecs iirc06:21
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Jucatosnowstorm: how did you install the w32codec?06:22
DarkEDsnowstorm: win32codecs goes into /usr/lib/codecs by default06:22
snowstormJucato, I installed from medibuntu06:22
nixternaldpkg -l w32codecs......deb06:22
nixternalok that is the same thing06:22
DarkEDsnowstorm: mine was set to /usr/lib/win3206:22
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Jucatonixternal: -i :P06:22
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nixternalwhat did I say?06:22
nixternalerrr, hahaha l, list um!06:22
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flatulgoodbye now06:23
nixternalsnowstorm: /usr/lib/win32 should be filled with symlinks to /usr/lib/codecs iirc06:24
nixternalDarkED rather ^^06:24
snowstormnixternal, I do have a sym link /usr/lib/win32 to /usr/lib/codecs06:24
Komsipwhat set ofwin32 codecs are you talking about?06:24
nixternalsnowstorm: did you reboot at all since installation?06:25
Komsipfor mplayer? or for xine?06:25
nixternalwin32codecs is win32codecs06:25
Jucatomplayer needs w32codecs?06:25
snowstormnixternal, yes, several times already, I tried since a few days06:25
nixternalok, then the issue lies elsewhere06:25
KomsipJucato: if you want to view some formats yeah06:25
=== nixternal leaves the proprietary stuff up to someone else, sorry - not installed here
Jucatooh I thought it came with everything06:25
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Komsipit has a codec library06:26
snowstormso anything else I can check?06:26
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KomsipI haven't understood this whole deb and apt thing yet i'm new to kubuntu/debian06:26
terapicodavefor some reason when I click a url in kopete, quanta the web editor opens the url up...i'd like to make that firefox....any idea where that config info is stored or configured/06:27
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leo_hi to everybody06:28
Jucatoterapicodave: System Settings ->  Default Applications06:29
leo_has anyone tried Solaris 10 OS?06:29
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Komsiphow old is that solaris system?06:33
Komsipin university we  only had solaris06:34
Komsipnot sure which version06:34
Komsipin the geomatics section at least06:34
dennisteri've got my first wine app working, with k-menu item and everything :)06:34
Grape_JuiceThe rare non-broken version? ;p06:34
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dennisteralthough i must say i do like ktorrent better so far...wish they'd get an update that won't crash so often06:35
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Jucatodennister: hasn't crashed for me since... um... version 2.006:36
JucatoI guess it just depends on how much you use it (and for what?)06:36
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dennisterit was crashing pretty well everyday over the past month while I was still on edgy, and now again on my new feisty06:37
dennisterever since the last upgrade06:37
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Jucatohm... that's weird.. could it be caused by the torrent itself?06:37
dennisterdifferent torrents06:37
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dennisterwith the different torrents, and the different versions, the only common denominator is the last upgrade06:38
Jucatooh... :/06:39
dennisterit never used to crash b4 that last adept-update, b4 feisty was released06:39
Jucatoktorrent has been kind to me... :/06:39
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dennisterur lucky then :)06:39
=== millinao [n=josh@c-67-189-112-197.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
millinaowoah, i didnt know that windows flashed in kde06:40
Jucatopossibly... one of those rare times :/06:40
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dennisterand i like this winfile...too bad it doesn't have the permissions/ownership info like when konq or nautilus is in tree view06:41
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dennisteranyone know how to make konq's default view tree, instead of the icon view?06:41
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dennisterwith nautilus it's easy to make this tree view the default view06:42
dennisteri see no practical use for icons whatsoever...you just have to open them, which is a waste of clicks and time06:43
=== Jucato whistles
JucatoView -> View Mode -> Treeview then Settings -> Save View Profile?06:44
dennisterk...will try06:44
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gdiebeldennister: if you aren't keen on icons, give krusader a whirl.06:45
Jucatoalthough that's a big jump from "not liking icons" to "liking twin panel file management" :D06:46
icecrunchergdiebel: yeah, krusader is awesome06:46
=== Jucato just couldn't get used to 2 panels outside of ftp or transferring files... :/
dennistergdiebel: maybe i will thx, cause jucato's suggestion didn't work, but thx anyway jucato06:48
Jucatoit didn't? weird...06:48
=== Jucato blames Kubuntu's messing with Konqueror though
Jucatoare you sure you saved and used the correct view profile?06:49
dennisteryes, i'm sure...closed it, reopened it, and icons are back...when i went to load the saved profile again, there was no change at all06:50
dennisteri remember hearing good things about krusader a long time ago, actually, but wasn't at home so i forgot all about it06:50
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dennisteri mean, why would anyone want icons anyway if they just have to be opened?06:51
Corbin|Tuxingwhat is a good program for linux like dreamweaver other than bluefish06:51
dennisterfolder icons, that is06:51
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Jucatodennister: one word: "choice"06:52
=== Tired_ [n=tired@S01060011d825b859.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoI have no technical or usability reason to prefer icons over a list or tree view. I just happen to like it like that.06:52
dennisterok, and i guess the winblows pps are used to folder icons06:52
Jucatohm... maybe or maybe not06:52
Jucatoon Windows I used to always use a list view of sorts06:53
dennisteri'm an old dos user from way back...i used to love a file manager called xtree06:53
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dennistermy 18-year-old linux-resister can't understand why i prefer windows explorer to the my computer method of one set of folders after another06:55
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=== gdiebel used to get down with the xtree gold back in the day
Tired_everybody has their own way.06:55
Tired_i kinda like using ls and tab completion06:56
dennisterall right gdiebel! a man after my own heart...didn't think anyone would have heard of that prog06:56
Jucatoweirdos have found each other :P06:56
=== Jucato runs
Tired_...should that be the topic for today?06:57
dennisteralthough i fail to see why using a good, old program wouuld make someone wierd06:57
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Jucatodennister: the fact that it's "good and old" is self-explanatory :P06:58
Tired_so, anybody ever heard of such a thing as a portable email server?06:58
dennister*would never hit jucato :)06:58
dennisterjucato is just too helpful to too many...and that's appreciated06:59
Jucatohahah :)06:59
Jucatoyou can hit me anytime... of course, I will hit back... in a nice way :)06:59
Tired_i'm trying to find some kind of email thingie that will suck up email when it has a net connection and distribute it when it doesn't, like on a usb stick06:59
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JucatoTired_: like this? http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/thunderbird_portable07:00
Jucatooh server.. sorry07:00
=== Jucato bangs head on the door 3 times
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Tired_something that can be passed around to many people, who don't have net access, so they can get email07:01
Tired_and then back to somewhere that does have email, so it can sync up new emails for the next time07:01
Tired_does that make sense?07:01
Tired_sorta hard to explain07:01
dennisterok...now have to configure krusader...bbs07:02
Jucatonot to me... but I'm a server noob anyway :)07:02
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=== Jucato configures dennister...
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Tired_me too.  i had the idea, but I don't know if it's actually possible07:02
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shawkinsTired_: what possible?07:03
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Tired_A program I can use to do this:  A USB stick is plugged in at my house, which has net, and retrieves email for several accounts.  The stick is then physically taken to several places that don't have net, so they can sync their emails off the stick to their respective email clients.  The empty stick then makes it way back to me to repeat the process.07:04
shawkinsI'm certain it's possible :) These people, using Windows? Linux? Or a mix?07:05
Tired_Seems to me I'd heard of the idea before, for schools in Africa or something07:05
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Tired_ideally, i'd like it to be platform indepandant, but probably it'll be just windows and ubuntu users07:06
Tired_the ubuntu user being me at the net connection end07:07
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icecruncherjust wondering, what do you use for a shoutcast server?07:08
shawkinsyeah, that doesn't seem like it'd be too hard07:08
dennisterhmmmm...i *really* like Krusader :)07:08
shawkinsand.. while I can't do it right now, sometime I'll look around, there might be something like that07:08
gdiebelicecruncher: icecast-server07:08
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gdiebeldennister: I kinda figured you would after you mentioned xtree07:09
dennistersince this is a new feisty install, i still have lots of zipped files to move around and stuff, so the split view is sooooo great for moving lots of stuff around07:10
dennisteri know the other filemanagers have split view, but with krusader it's the default07:10
Tired_i like the cube for that, but then, i just got the cube, so I like it for everything07:10
dennisterwhat's the cube for?07:11
Tired_the desktop cube07:11
dennisterah...i haven't seen any practical use for beryl yet07:12
Tired_it's great for organizing your windows07:12
dennisterexcept that i was told my son would finally be converted from a linux resister if he saw beryl :) that might do it for me07:12
Tired_likely true07:12
Tired_it's impressive07:12
Jucatoif kwin_composite turns out as hoped, then we can all probably put compiz-beryl aside :)07:13
Tired_whats that?07:13
dennisterof course, my son's in the doghouse right now...i have no itnention of getting hold of him anytime soon07:13
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JucatoTired_: kwin_composite? kde4's new implementation of kwin (window manager) that will have compositing built-in and done right07:14
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dennisterwhat's kwin_composite going to do? any practical use?07:14
Tired_oh cool.  leave it to kde to integrate it in07:14
Jucatodennister: what does beryl do? any practical use? :D07:14
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shawkinssorry, had to attend to something07:15
JucatoTired_: actually, kwin already has a separate compositing engine, but not built-in to kwin and a bit buggy07:15
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dennistercute...no i mean it, will it do anything practical? besides get converts?07:15
Jucatokompmgr was more of a proof of concept and experiment that got into KDE's base07:15
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Tired_but i'm sure it'll be all integrated with kcontrol, rather than all separate like now07:15
Jucatodennister: depends on what you would consider practical.07:16
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JucatoTired_: kompmgr is integrated with kcontrol :)07:16
Jucatohas always been07:16
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Jucatodennister: for one, it takes advantage of graphics capabilities for improved window management (technical benefits)07:16
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Jucatodennister: being built from kwin also ensures that you have an already tested, working, and stable window manager that you could rely on07:17
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dennisteri consider something practical if it burns or rips a cd/dvd...or gives more control/info on settings...or gives better versioning tools than openoffice07:17
Tired_the trick modes aren't really something you can comprehend the utility of until you integrate it into your workflow, I think07:17
dennisteri can't stand the fact that ms word is still better for versioning than openoffice07:18
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Jucatodennister: hm... we're talking about a window manager though :)07:18
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Jucatowindow managers don't do any of those07:18
Tired_being able to peel back the corner of my AbiWord window to look at a firefox page I was referring to is handy, for example07:18
dennisteri know...reliability for anything is important...07:18
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Jucatoryanakca: ping07:19
Jucatooh this is getting ridiculous...07:19
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Jucato] by ChanServ
dennisterdvd:rip, acidrip...graveman...not reliable at all...reliability can apply to any category of software apps...i know u were limiting your discussion to window managers, but i wasn't07:19
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Tired_and the moral of this story is...auto connect is evil07:19
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Jucatohm.. seems to have stopped...07:20
Tired_dvd:rip has never failed me07:20
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Jucato] by Jucato
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dennisterlol...ok Tired_ you've sold me on the benefits of a better window manager with:07:21
Jucatodennister: ok... well since we were talking about kwin_composite and you asked what were its practical uses/advantages, I presumed you were also referring to kwin :)07:21
dennister <Tired_> being able to peel back the corner of my AbiWord window to look at a firefox page I was referring to is handy, for example07:21
dennisterThat is of practical use :)07:22
Jucatoheh that depends on how much you have to peel back anyway :D07:22
Tired_it's little things that make it handy, like that.  you'll find other things, too.07:22
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Prada
JucatoI find it "useful" (personally) to keep non-focused windows semi transparent... it sort of keeps me focused... just me07:23
dennisterhunting between tons of apps with alt-tab for something you want to copy and paste is a bore...and time consuming07:23
Tired_well, I do it now 100% more often than I did before I had the ability.07:23
dennisterlol @ Tired_07:23
=== _Schlumpf [n=schumpf@dslb-084-057-159-079.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatowell, when you peel a corner of the window, you're not free to use your mouse to copy text...07:24
Tired_er no07:24
Tired_but if you need to paste, you'd switch windows...peeling is just if you need a quick glance07:24
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=== Tired_ is very glad his fickle keyboard didn't type 'peeing' there.
Jucatowhat I would probably like best are the "Expos" and pager features (not the cube)07:25
Jucatoah getting offtopic are wee07:25
Tired_i like the cube a lot.  it actauly makes multiple desktops useful07:26
dennisterlol...for some reason this feisty isntall got the wrong keyboard layout at first...had to really fight to type in an apostrophe and a following letter...but i did get it fixed07:26
Tired_i've done that a lot.  i don't parlez voud francais, so that layout doesn't help me much07:27
dennisteri don't think we're offtopic, we're discussing the possibilities of ubuntu apps like kwin07:27
JucatoTired_: the pager (I think Beryl calls it "wall plugin" or something) is more useful for me, specially when I want to put a window on another desktop that isn't next to the current desktop07:27
dennisteri actually had us:international07:27
Jucatooh, the cube would also be useful if it actually worked with KDE's virtual desktops :(07:27
Tired_... it doesn't?07:28
Jucato(or rather, if Beryl did)07:28
=== Tired_ thought it did just fine.
dennisterany idea when this kwin might be released?07:28
JucatoBeryl doesn't work well with KDE virtual desktops. it multiplies the number of viewports by the number of desktops07:28
Jucatodennister: kde 407:28
dennisteranticipated date?07:29
Tired_oh.  maybe i'm confusing desktops and viewports07:29
JucatoOctober 2007 (target... very very tentative)07:29
JucatoTired_: you must be :D07:29
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shawkinsbah... gotta go07:29
shawkinshave fun guys, I need to take care of some things, later07:29
Tired_oh, speaking of beryl, I had an odd issue the other day07:29
JucatoTired_: also, beryl in general doesn't work well with Kicker...like the taskbar07:29
=== shawkins [n=prosoft@c-69-245-83-26.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
dennisterhmmm...maybe i'll try beryl then...even if the kid is in the doghouse he'll probably show up on my b-day or mother's day (2 days apart)07:29
Tired_I opened a new firefox window, and it was totally black07:30
Tired_when I reduced the size of the window a lot, it got contents, but when I made it bigger, it was black again07:30
JucatoTired_: hm... try asking in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects07:30
Tired_oh, it went away and never happened again.  it was just odd.07:31
jussi01someone remind me what needs to be installed for ark to like RAR's?07:31
Jucatojussi01: unrar07:31
Jucato(and rar to make RAR's)07:31
Jucatounrar to decompress/extract and rar to compress07:31
jussi01thanks lads07:32
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Tired_oooh, my show is half over07:33
=== Jucato imagines Tired_ on a show... ewww...
Tired_i actually used to do theatre07:33
Jucatoand that's suppose to make me not go "ewww"? :D07:34
Tired_um, no?07:34
Tired_just sort of ironic given your 'ew'.07:34
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icecrunchersomeone know a good site for liux apps reviews?07:37
dennisteraha! i now have no less than 2 working windows apps in wine! :)07:37
Tired_lol, I got iTuhnes going today  :)07:37
dennisterso far it's utorrent and dvdshrink07:37
ArwenI tried running wine in wine :-\07:38
Tired_dvd95 is ok, also, for something native07:38
dennisterlol @ Arwen07:38
Arwendennister, it works :-)07:38
=== Ryiel_ is now known as Ryiel
dennisterthat's hilarious07:38
=== bruno_ [n=bruno@rab34-1-82-224-146-64.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
dennisterwhat's funny is that dvd shrink was always open source to begin with...but not now i don't believe...now it's only windows based07:39
Jucato(an app can be open-source *and* for windows only, though)07:40
Tired_the repos have an extensive selection of good dvd ripping programs and video stuff07:40
dennisteroh, ok...didn't know that07:40
ArwenDVD Shrink was never open source...07:41
dennisteri've tried lots of them...ripping music off my cd's to keep them in pristine condition is not a problem, with movies it's much harder07:41
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dennisterok...stand corrected...it was always freeware tho07:42
ubuntu__i would like to know which type of partition to use for kubuntu07:42
ubuntu__should i use reiserfs?07:42
Arwenubuntu_, you should use which ever one is your personal preference07:42
Jucatoubuntu__: ext3 is ok. unless you actually need/prefer something else07:42
Arwenlike... maybe FAT 1607:42
ubuntu__hmmm ty ::)07:42
ubuntu__so i'll use ext3 :D07:42
JucatoArwen: er...?07:42
dennisteri made an original dvd training video last spring, and because the office didn't have any true dvd authoring apps (ms partner) they used dvd shrink to make the copies07:43
ubuntu__btw.. which is the difference between reiserfs and ext3:07:43
Jucatoubuntu__: hm... very technical details I think...07:43
Arwenreiserfs uses extents and tail-packing to try and achieve higher speed with small files07:43
dennisteri had to use it to make one hour actually fit on the dvd07:43
ArwenDVDs need to die.... MPEG-2 for that matter too07:44
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unix_infidelsimply put, in some instances reiser is faster and in some instances ext2/3 is faster.07:44
Jucatoreiserfs isn't officially supported by the linux kernel also I think07:44
ubuntu__Arwen nice :) ty07:44
unix_infidelgenerally ext3 is better supported.07:44
dennisterlol...why Arwen?07:44
Arwenbecause they're 10 year old technology and way better solutions exist?07:44
terapicodaveJucato...I asked about the default applications but I'm actually using gnome and kopete...there's no system settings -> default apps07:44
dennistersuch as?07:44
Arwenlike H.264 + AAC in Matroska07:44
ubuntu__i used reiserfs in slackware... but just because someone recommended me :S07:44
Jucatoterapicodave: oh...07:44
JucatoArwen: hm... KDE is also 10 years old now :D07:45
ubuntu__anyway, ty for the help :)07:45
dennistergood one jucato07:45
NoldoaranI have 2 kmenu questions: 1. Where does kde store its kmenu configuration? I want to copy my kmenu configuration(the menu layout) for another user to use.07:45
Tired_but kde's not locked07:45
terapicodavejucato maybe i can get to that tool from the cli?07:45
ArwenJucato, that's why there's KDE 4 coming up07:45
JucatoArwen: but still 10 years old :)07:45
Jucatoit will be 11 by the time KDE 4 comes up :)07:45
Tired_mpeg-2 will never improve07:45
=== Frost^ [n=sweiss@DSL217-132-170-222.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu
ArwenMPEG-1/2 will always be MPEG-1/2... it's reached its limit, let it die07:46
Doctor_NickI'll improve you!07:46
sonoftheclayrArwen: get rid of cd's too? and books? and hell, while we're at it lets get rid of usb and ethernet07:46
Jucatoterapicodave: hm... you'd have to install kcontrol I think. let me check if there's a config file you can edit07:46
dennisterto me dvd is just a media...not like a protocol ...heck, cd's are older than dvd's, but still in use and much smaller for storage07:46
Tired_does anything in kubuntu play hd-dvd yet?07:47
Arwensonoftheclayr, yes please.....07:47
ArwenCDs need to die.... Books are unbeatable for physical text, and USB is inherently flaws07:47
JucatoArwen: also not all countries have the luxury of having switched fully to the DVD culture07:47
Noldoaran2. What does "enable Launch feedback" mean in kmenuedit? The help just doesn't help..07:47
Jucatoanyway, quite !offtopic now07:47
ArwenJucato, eh?07:47
Arwenyes, but it's past midnight, we can afford to be offtopic07:48
Jucatoonly in your place :)07:48
LynoureFor reference texts, ascii on CD is much nicer for me than 3kg of books07:48
sonoftheclayrpast midnight! it's nearly 4 in the arvo07:48
dennisteronly past midnight in some parts of the world07:48
Noldoaranheh, it's 10:47 here07:48
dennister1:48 in toronto07:48
ArwenLynoure, reading text off a screen hurts mine eyes... Just my 2 cents though07:48
JucatoNoldoaran: Launch Feedback = bouncing (or flashing) cursor when you launch an app07:48
LynoureArwen: aren't 2 cents usually advice?07:49
JucatoArwen: adjust your monitor or color scheme. that's what hurts your eyes too :)07:49
JucatoLynoure: yep :)07:49
ubuntu__ReiserFS is better07:49
ArwenJucato, meh, it's the glare07:49
Jucato$0.02... that's the worth of advice these days :)07:49
LynoureArwen: mine too, if I have too low or too high contrast, but only then. I guess I'm lucky.07:49
Arwenubuntu__,data loss07:49
ubuntu__but it 'consumes' more the CPU07:49
ubuntu__at least 7%07:49
dennisterfor me it's my cataracts...lol...can't wait for my surgery...wild when going blind is actually a good thing07:49
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dennisteri'll have better eyesight than i've had since i was six years old...no more coke bottle glasses07:50
NoldoaranTired_: I am pretty sure there is no app to play HD-DVD/Blu-Rey yet...07:50
ArwenBlu-Ray will crash and burn :-\07:51
dennisterNoldoaran: i think there is actually...saw it in the feisty community docs07:51
Tired_oh, is launch feedback the little bouncing ball?07:51
Jucatoterapicodave: I think I found it. ~/.kde/share/config/ the kdeglobals file07:51
Noldoarandennister: ok, I look around07:51
terapicodaveok i'll check it out07:51
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dennisterwell i'm gonna try to do some reading and hit the sack...night boys07:52
Jucatoterapicodave: in that file, under the [General]  heading, add this line: BrowserApplication=!firefox07:52
Tired_gnight denni07:52
NoldoaranTired_: yes, that seems to be it, thanks!07:52
anon32I know for a fact that ACCS is cr4ck3d so Blu-Ray should be playable now07:52
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Tired_maybe, but playable in real-time?07:53
Noldoaranany one know wher the kmenu config file are?07:53
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anon32Tired_, true07:53
Tired_i remember trying to play dvds on a 266 mhz07:54
icecruncherNoldoaran, maybe in ~/,kde somewhere07:54
JucatoNoldoaran: the main menu implementations are a bit more complicated than simply copying a config file...07:54
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NoldoaranJucato: grr.. ok, do you know what it involves?07:54
icecruncheranyone know how to enable 3D?07:55
JucatoNoldoaran: but the general location would be ~/.config/menus/07:55
anon32icecruncher, what card?07:55
Noldoaranicecruncher: I looked in there and couldn't find it07:55
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terapicodaveI did that...guess I need to restart something07:55
icecruncheranon32: ati07:55
anon32icecruncher, model?07:55
icecruncherjust a sec07:55
JucatoNoldoaran: that's for user-specific kmenu layout. the system-wide one is in /etc/xdg/config/menus/ I think07:56
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icecruncheranon32: 9200 SE07:56
NoldoaranJucato: ok thanks07:56
anon32icecruncher, err.... that should be working out of the box07:57
JucatoNoldoaran: er make that /etc/xdg/menus07:57
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icecruncheranon32, do you have to eable it ?07:58
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anon32icecruncher, no? just choose "ati" as your driver in xorg.conf07:58
anon32icecruncher, oh, btw, you sound like you need a new video card :-)07:58
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:59
icecruncheranon32: err in etc ?07:59
anon32icecruncher, /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:59
anon32under device, just set the driver to "ati"07:59
anon32or "radeon"07:59
anon32doesn't matter which07:59
Jucatoati has 3D hardware acceleration working out of the box?07:59
anon32Jucato, for 9200SE? yes...07:59
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icecruncheranon32; got no cash :)07:59
anon32icecruncher, I can hook you up with a 7600GT for $80, lol08:00
init2nullcan someone help me set up my new widescreen monitor?08:00
icecruncherI'm in for a new machine, running a P2 celeron.08:01
init2nulli did the dpkg-reconfigure and i got kdm to the right res, but the desktop goes back to 1024x76808:01
anon32icecruncher, lol, you don't need a 7600 then :-)08:02
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anon32init2null, ...enter xorg.conf, under the screen section, just type in the one you want08:02
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init2nullanon32, the subsections are all 1440x90008:04
anon32init2null, looks like you need 915resolution then08:04
anon32btw, widescreen = fail08:04
init2nulli would have preferred 1600x1200, fwiw08:05
anon32init2null, same, my LCD is a cheap one and only 1280x1024 though08:06
init2nullanon32, i installed 915resolution, but it says it only works with intel 800/900 chipsets08:06
init2nulli have an nvidia card08:07
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anon32init2null, ...didn't you say Intel a few lines up?08:07
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Jucato!away > bruno_08:07
anon32well, have fun with your nvidia config then...08:07
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init2nullwould the scanlines from the windows driver inf file help?08:08
the_hammerim using fiesty 7.04 finnal and having some problems with kcontrol08:09
the_hammerwhen i click on the monitor in there and try to goto admin mode it says loading but i dont get the box with the pw08:09
the_hammerlike im supposed to08:09
the_hammerhow to fix that?08:09
the_hammerfiesty sure lives upto its name boy oh boy all i do is fight with it08:10
the_hammeranyone able to help me ?08:10
the_hammerwonderfull i come on and im talking to myself08:12
init2nullhammer, it does that for me too, but I don't know why08:12
init2nullmaybe kde's monitor config isn't supported08:12
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the_hammeris it just me or does the beta seem better then the finnal08:13
the_hammeri never had any problems with the beta08:13
the_hammerthe finnal is a different story08:13
icecruncherthe_hammer: worse, i like the final08:13
the_hammerhalf ass tempted to go back to old mepis08:14
the_hammerold packages but at least everything works08:15
Simeon_HMEPIS :D08:15
Simeon_HI miss mepis08:15
the_hammerim starting to miss it myself lol08:15
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)08:16
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the_hammerFedora uses rpms08:16
Simeon_HI just ordered feisty CD's08:16
the_hammerwell hope your not as disappointed as i am08:16
Simeon_HI'll tell you in 6-8 weeks08:17
anon32there's no option to order 1x 32-bit and 1x 64-bit...08:17
the_hammerthe kcontrol is messed up i goto the kmenu to set up my display i click admin mode and says loading but the stupid box where ya put the pw dont come up just says loading and thats it08:18
Simeon_Hwell you could make a custom order08:18
Simeon_Hbut that would take longer08:18
anon32yeah, but that takes even longer :-\08:18
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the_hammerhell with it i goto mepis night all08:18
anon32wtf is mepis???08:19
Simeon_Han awesome distro08:19
Simeon_HI use kubuntu because I get the CD's shipped to me for free08:19
Simeon_Hseeing as I have super super slow internetz08:19
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anon32I have a broadband line but it still seems to take forever to connect to servers...08:20
anon32maybe there's some kind of anti-net neutrality going on08:20
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ubuntu__anyone online?08:21
ubuntu__i need some help08:21
aaron_hi, I'm trying to use the... ha.. .I just figured it out... kde 4 for EDGY.. .I'm using F ... haha08:21
aaron_ask away08:21
aaron_and be patient08:22
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ubuntu__i am running kubuntu now from a cd08:22
ubuntu__and would like to know how to install beryl08:22
Simeon_Hwell I suppose you could install it to RAM08:22
Simeon_Hbut err08:22
aaron_I have no idea....  however, I do know that it depends on the version of kubuntu you are running08:23
aaron_and you probably need to install it to your HD08:23
tmulvaneyany one know of a qt based beryl manager?08:23
aaron_then just apt-get install it08:23
ubuntu__i have the latest kubuntu...its from the internet08:23
anon32ubuntu_, uh... apt-get install beryl08:23
ubuntu__can you give me a link or smthing from where i can download beryl?08:23
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anon32...beryl is in the universe repos....08:24
aaron_ubuntu__  I thought ubuntu has a niceness wrapper arround apt that will tell you if that package is in a different repo08:24
ubuntu__untill yesterday i was using only windows...since i was 9...so i am a noob in linux :D08:25
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anon32there's sooo many people named "ubuntu" here....08:25
anon32ubuntu__, assuming you have a 7.04 Live CD, you can just turn on universe and run 'apt-get install beryl'08:25
Simeon_Hbecause irc uses the machine name08:25
Simeon_Hby default08:25
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Simeon_Herrr I mean login name08:26
icecruncherand it's more like 2 ppl08:26
Simeon_Hand it's ubuntu with a live CD08:26
anon32icecruncher, there's a new "ubuntu" each day08:26
ubuntu__turn on univers?08:26
aaron_ubuntu__: to turn on universe, poke arround with the package manager, and uncomment a line, or search for add a repository08:26
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ubuntu__what is that? sorry ...:D08:26
aaron_ubuntu you will either edit /etc/apt/sources.list  or just use aptitude, the package manager08:27
ubuntu__and where do i find tha aptitude thingy?08:27
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ubuntu__or the packet manager08:27
aaron_ubuntu__: I think there is a way to use start-> system -> adept manager to do it08:28
gdiebelaaron_: feisty has such a wrapper. if you try and run a program you don't have it tells you the package you need to apt-get. also feisty has all repos enabled by default expect backports08:28
terapicodaveJucato: sweetness that worked! thanks a lot.08:28
aaron_ubuntu__: I think you need to install it first ;)08:28
Jucatoterapicodave: you're welcome :)08:28
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icecruncheranybody know a software directory (web based) other than FSF?08:29
aaron_ubuntu__: there may be other livecd's that support beryl right out of the box, butit is still kinda beta08:29
icecruncherfor linux naturally08:29
aaron_icecruncher: freshmeat sourceforge08:29
aaron_icecruncher: to name 2...08:29
aaron_icecruncher: tucows has a list08:29
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ubuntu__oke...i am in the packae manager08:30
aaron_icecruncher: distrowatch has a list of what programs comes with the distro...08:30
ubuntu__but i cant find there beryl...does i have another name?08:30
aaron_ubuntu__: you'll probably have to install it first08:30
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ubuntu__from where??08:30
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ubuntu__doesn't it have a setup?08:30
aaron_ubuntu__: kubuntu...08:30
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aaron_ubuntu__:  Maybe, i think i saw something about that, but I wouldn't have put that utility on the livecd08:31
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anon32ubuntu__, beryl-project.org08:31
ubuntu__i was on that site all night long08:32
anon32if you're new to Ubuntu, you probably don't wanna try setting up beryl/compiz08:32
aaron_ubuntu__ beryl is in my list...08:32
wolferineubuntu_, trying to setup beryl?08:32
aaron_ubuntu__ of course, I have all the repositories enabled08:32
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ubuntu__man....its so hard for me now....after so many years of windows its so completly different08:32
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aaron_ubunu__ enabling repositories suxks the first couple of times, just search for how to do that, and maybe the berly ubuntu howto :)08:32
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ubuntu__everything seemd to be so easy...why is beryl so hard to install?08:33
thomas__can somebody help me with a kernel question?08:34
aaron_ubuntu__ wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu08:34
anon32thomas__, me... maybe08:34
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thomas__I need to know the differences (patches) between vanilla and kubuntu kernel08:34
wolferineubuntu_, did you get it to install yet?08:34
anon32ubuntu__, it's not - it's just not blindingly easy08:34
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ubuntu__thank you aaron08:35
anon32thomas__, oh, can't help ya there08:35
thomas__any ideas where i can get such piece of info?08:35
anon32kernel team, docs, debian changelog for kernel08:36
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thomas__i wanted to join the kernel.org mailinglist, but that was no good idea (about 3000 mails per day i think)08:37
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thomas__the docs do not really help and the changelog does not say "We use the xyz patch from http..." it just says: hey! you can now use your xyz hardware!"08:38
wolferinewhy are you interested thomas__ ?08:38
thomas__i want to compile my own kernel and want to get to know more about "the internals" ;-)08:39
wolferinegood luck with that08:39
anon32thomas__, so just fetch a vanilla kernel and have fun08:39
fdovingthomas__: ask in #ubuntu-kernel08:39
wolferineu have a kernel to work with?08:39
thomas__i tried the vanilla but it didn't start (...ok i got a kernel panic, but thats not what i call "start") ;-)08:40
anon32thomas__, heh, it's all about that 2.6.21 shiat now :-)08:40
thomas__so i used oldconfig and got 1000errors because of all the patches which where configured in the old kernel....08:41
thomas__yes true, i think i will have a look at the 2.6.21, because they say it has now better support for my S3 graphics card08:41
thomas__i have several kernels here so i would not damage much...08:41
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wolferineanyone network admins?08:43
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thomas__no but perhaps can i help?08:45
Shiva88don't be afraid to just ask your question...someone may have an answer for you :)08:45
wolferineShiva88, in not "afraid" to ask08:45
wolferineim looking for a yes08:46
wolferinefdoving, hear of nagios?08:46
Shiva88i'm sorry, i didn't mean it literally... it's a figure of speech :)08:46
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fdovingwolferine: yes.08:46
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fdovingwolferine: never used iptrack.08:47
wolferinedo you use anything to track users b/w, space, etc?08:48
fdovingyou're looking for a quota system for users in your network?08:48
wolferineany other tools you might recommend, that are similar08:48
wolferinewell, i want to be able to track a specific users use(processes, b/w,etc) all in one kinda thing08:49
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qsuhow much is enough to install kubuntu on a usbstick08:50
FireTalonat least a 1gb stick08:50
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fdovingwolferine: i've done something similar on one machine, for a ppp server. with ppp-acct and acct.08:51
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wolferinefdoving, can you recommend other tools as well?08:52
wolferineethereal, I have used in the past08:52
fdovingwolferine: i guess an snmp server on each machine, if you have a network of computers, can give you some information that can be analyzed.08:53
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rykshi all08:54
wolferinehow long you worked in the field fdoving ?08:55
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fdovingwolferine: 3 years, but i quited 2 years ago. :)08:58
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wolferineany pointers for someone just starting out?08:58
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voicuwhat was the command to start a program in a specific directory without cd-ing in it?08:59
fdovingwolferine: google.com is the best :)08:59
fdovingvoicu: depends on the program i guess.08:59
wolferinevoicu, /this/is/where/it/is/this_is_the_app_i_want_to_run08:59
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wolferinefdoving, k, well thanks09:00
voicuno, i mean to set the startup directory of that program without running it while inside that directory09:00
fdovingwolferine: you can also have a look at ntop, not sure it does what you want, but it can be usefull.09:00
Linux_Galoreinteresting app for setting up Xorg (resolution, graphics card, mouse etc) http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/X.org+Setup?content=5698209:01
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fdovingvoicu: depends on the program.09:01
wolferinenetwork top09:01
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voicuthere is a command for that, i just forgot it09:01
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JucatoLinux_Galore: looks a lot like SUSE's YaST/SaX09:02
fdovingvoicu: if there is a separate command you can use 'cd /path/to/dir', no need for another command.09:02
fdovingvoicu: but as said, it depends on the program, what program is this?09:03
voicuthat's the thing, i don't want to use cd /path09:03
voicuit's a python script09:03
voicuand i have to make python start in a specific directory09:03
Linux_GaloreJucato: it does a bit, although the author comments he wrote it from scratch09:03
Jucato /path/to/executable/script.py ?09:03
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JucatoLinux_Galore: I could believe him since it's only a few days ago that Novell announced that they will "open" YaST09:04
voicuyes, but the script will see the current directory. i want it to see the one it resides in09:04
JucatoLinux_Galore: although "written from scratch" doesn't mean that he also thought of the UI from scratch :)09:05
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Linux_GaloreJucato: well Sax could be said to be a bit of a ripoff of the kcontrol layout09:05
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JucatoLinux_Galore: hm... actually... not really... but... hm.. :)09:06
Linux_GaloreJucato: first time I used YaST 2 I wasnt really surprised the layout was pretty standard09:06
Jucatoit is? I find it very different from kcontrol actually09:07
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Linux_GaloreJucato: Im just saying the two window layout is nothing new09:07
BongoBillHiya. If this is the support channel, I believe I have one for you. Another twist on the nvidia resolution problem that seems so popular lately.09:08
JucatoLinux_Galore: ah yes. but what I was saying is that his layout is exactly like SaX's :)09:08
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Linux_GaloreJucato: yeah and Im saying SaX isnt really new either, Ive seen similar layouts in the early 90's09:09
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Jucatooh well :)09:10
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Jucatough ryanakca's doing again09:11
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BongoBillI've installed the nvidia binary drivers, and convinced it that my monitor's resolution is not really 1024x768@43Hz (which is what it set it to initially).09:11
BongoBillThe login screen's resolution is what I want it to be; however, when I log in, the resolution and refresh rate revert to the lower values, and I have to run nvidia-settings again to fix them.09:11
Linux_GaloreJucato: Im compiling it, I want to see if it has a nice mouse config option09:11
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BongoBillI've even ran nvidia-settings with sudo to tell it to write the changes to xorg.conf, but to no avail.09:12
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BongoBillIs this, by chance, an issue that has been encountered?09:12
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Linux_GaloreBongoBill: I manually edited my settings, the refresh changes for me but the resolution stays the same09:13
Linux_GaloreBongoBill: what are you running09:13
BongoBillKubuntu Feisty.09:14
BongoBillnvidia binary drivers.09:14
Linux_GaloreBongoBill: the drivers shouldnt really matter in this case09:15
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wolferinecan I remove/reinstall Apache, without touching php and mysql?09:15
wolferineand have no issues, of course...09:15
BongoBillYeah, but I figured it'd be safer to err on the side of giving more information. Additionally, my current xorg.conf was generated by nvidia-xconfig, which as far as I know might matter.09:16
Linux_GaloreBongoBill: so you ran the sudo dpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    thing ?09:16
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BongoBillYes, but once more couldn't hurt. One moment.09:16
wolferineBongoBill, what are you trying to do?09:16
BongoBillMy resolution changes when I log in. I'm trying to get it to remember my settings.09:17
wolferinewant some help?09:17
Linux_GaloreBongoBill: the nvidia-xconfig  changes 2-3 lines from memory and doesnt touch the resolution settings09:17
wolferineor just gonna try zserver-xorg?09:17
BongoBillI'll give that one a try and see how it goes.09:17
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Linux_GaloreBongoBill: thats pretty much rebuild the whole xorg.conf  file for you09:18
BongoBillThanks for your help; I will be back in a minute to report on whether it worked, and thank you or continue to bother you as appropriate.09:19
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BongoBillI'm back, and it's still setting my resolution back to 1024x@43Hz.09:23
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BongoBillEven after dpkg-reconfiguring xserver-xorg.09:23
wolferineBongoBill, list to me09:24
wolferinewhat are u running, feisty?09:24
wolferinedid you get the last drivers?09:24
BongoBillJust tonight.09:24
wolferinehow did you install them?09:24
wolferinefrom the nvidia site?09:24
BongoBillI switched to a gnome session and ran the Restricted Drivers tool.09:25
BongoBillSelected the Nvidia drivers, and rebooted.09:25
wolferineread the ubuntu guide (google it) for installing the latest drivers09:25
wolferinethen come back, and ill help you set it up09:25
BongoBillHave it open right here, in fact.09:25
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BongoBillIt's what I've been referring to....09:25
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wolferineits really helpful, in my opinion09:26
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BongoBillAha. Skipped a step. Let me just take care of that...09:27
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BongoBillThanks for your help, wolferine and Linux_Galore. I'm gonna try this again.09:30
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dettoaltrimenti_how can I see what the name of my laptop monitor is, and how can I look for (in google) what resolutions and refresh rates it supports?09:31
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wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, u mean your graphics card?09:31
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Linux_Galoredettoaltrimenti_: eeer, its written on it, usually on the rear09:32
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dettoaltrimenti_im on a laptop, and sure, the graphics card- but I have a widescreen monitor so I'm sure that has something to do with the resolutions I can use09:32
wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, you have two monitors then09:33
wolferineor you just using one or the other?09:33
dettoaltrimenti_wolferine- I'm on a laptop.09:33
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wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, I think you stated that already, so can you just answer the question?09:34
dettoaltrimenti_no I don't have two monitors09:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tvtuner - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:34
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BongoBillWell. If the nvidia drivers weren't installed before, they are now. Still, the specific issue is no closer to a resolution.09:35
wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, your graphics card is something you need to configure to setup your resolutions, which is what I beleive you want to do09:35
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wolferineBongoBill, ok, drivers are installed, thats a good start09:36
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dettoaltrimenti_wolferine ok, so how do I see what graphics card I'm using09:36
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wolferinenow, BongoBill you want to use sudo nvidia-xconfig09:36
wolferineonce that is complete, you want to use sudo nvidia-settings09:36
icecruncherhow do you change java versions? i have 4 and 6 installed09:37
wolferineBongoBill, fool around with the settings in there, then ask if you have a question09:37
jussi01hmmm, are there plugins for konqueror like firefox has?09:37
wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, you would neeed to look up your laptop online09:37
Jucatojussi01: what plugins? if you mean Firefox extensions, then the answer is no09:37
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wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, and see what type of hardware is added to it09:37
dettoaltrimenti_wolferine- maybe there is a command I can type in the terminal that tells me the name of all the hardware I'm using?09:37
Jucato(although Konqueror has a few extensions of its own)09:37
jussi01Jucato: nah, just similar stuff...09:37
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BongoBillI've done this before, but once more couldn't hurt. wolferine, should I hit the button to save this to xorg.conf?09:37
jussi01Jucato: where can i find konqueror extentions?09:38
wolferineBongoBill, once you have it setup the way you like, you want to view the xorg.conf09:38
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wolferineBongoBill, you might want to backup your xorg.conf as well09:38
BongoBillYes, it's backed up.09:38
Jucatojussi01: Firefox distinguishes between plugins and extensions. Plugins refer to the mini-apps that allow you to run multimedia (flash, java, etc.) Konqi has those too09:38
Jucatojussi01: I think they're already installed by default. konq-plugins is the package, and they are in Settings -> COnfigure Extensions09:39
icecruncheranyone, how to change the active java version09:39
Jucatojussi01: different Extensions will only show depending if you are browsing a web page or a directory09:39
wolferineBongoBill, once you have the settings setup, if you dont trust the nvidia-settings, you could always copy/paste the xorg.conf produced (by nvidia-settings) manually09:39
jussi01Jucato: Im after things like firegpg and stuff09:39
BongoBillwolferine: what am I looking for in xorg.conf?09:39
Jucatojussi01: ah.. no I don't think so. unless there's a KDE app that would provide that functionality in Konqueror09:39
wolferinejust to ensure its correct, look at it once, then ctrl-alt-backspace (that closes X, so you will have to log back in, hopefully with the new changes)09:40
Jucato(for example KGet, the KDE Download Manager can be integrated into Konqueror)09:40
wolferineBongoBill, you arent looking for anything, you want to make sure the xorg.conf on your system, matches that in the nvidia-settings09:40
wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, find it?09:40
BongoBillAnd it does. I'll return shortly.09:40
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:41
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dettoaltrimenti_yeah, it's lspci09:41
BongoBillOnce again, wolferine (And I appreciate your patience), it's set the resolution back down from where I set it in nvidia-settings.09:41
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wolferineBongoBill, what did you do?09:44
wolferinedettoaltrimenti_, what is lspci?09:44
BongoBillI confirmed that xorg.conf reflected my changes in nvidia-settings, and then I restarted X with a ctrl-alt-bksp, and then I logged in again.09:44
wolferineBongoBill, and you setup some "good" res within the nvidia-settings?09:45
wolferinepost your xorg.conf (current) on pastebin pls09:45
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wolferine!pastebin | BongoBill09:45
ubotuBongoBill: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:45
BongoBillThat's handy, just a moment.09:45
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dettoaltrimenti_wolferine- what I wanted. The command to get info for all your devices. I know how to fix my problem, I just wanted to know what that command was09:46
dettoaltrimenti_wolferine ^09:46
wolferineyou can fix it yourself, cool :)09:47
BongoBillwolferine, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18058/ would be it09:47
wolferineBongoBill, what res are you expecting?09:48
BongoBill1280x1024 at, I believe 50Hz.09:48
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wolferineu have duals09:48
BongoBillRather than 1024x768 at 43Hz interlaced.09:48
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BongoBillNo, just the one monitor.09:48
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wolferinewell, you video card can handle it09:49
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wolferinecan your monitor?09:49
BongoBillYes. It's displayed it in the past.09:49
BongoBillThat's how I set it in nvidia-settings, and it maintained that quite comfortably, until I ended the X session.09:50
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wolferinedid you select the advanced in the nvidia-settings?09:50
lucagood day09:50
wolferinedid you do sudo nvidia-settings ?09:50
BongoBillI didn't go into the advanced settings, but I did sudo.09:50
wolferinerestricted drivers set?09:51
lucacan someone help me in solving a standy problem which only appears using KDE (not GNOME)?09:51
BongoBillYes. nvidia-glx. Not legacy, not new, as I did my homework as to which drivers suppored my graphics card. (Or is it that the cards support the drivers?)09:51
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wolferineu have more than one choice in the restricted drivers?09:52
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BongoBillNot as such; I had been looking into installing them manually before I found the Restricted Drivers program, and noticed that there were three binary nvidia drivers (one of which applied to me). In the Restricted Drivers program itself, though, there was just the one.09:53
wolferineplease, yes or no09:54
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wolferineok, so you have the restricted driver set?09:54
BongoBillI do.09:54
wolferinecan you take screen shots?09:54
wolferineyes or no09:55
amorphous_well.... i not used K for years, and now I'm giving it another go - 's pretty good, eh!!!09:55
wolferineprtscn usually does it09:55
BongoBillYes, I can.09:55
amorphous_all hail to the K team!09:55
wolferinek, so do this09:55
BongoBillJust had to make sure I could paste them anywhere.09:55
wolferinesudo nvidia-settings09:55
lucaanyone who can help me?09:55
wolferinein the server settings, go to X Server Display Config09:56
wolferineClick on the Advanced button09:56
amorphous_however.... that's not why I came in here! anyone know anything of using ssh (or should I be in another channel for that?)09:56
wolferineunder metamode press the 109:56
amorphous_luca - with ..?09:56
wolferineonce it comes up, take a screenshot of that09:56
wolferinewith the correct res you would like09:57
lucaamorphous: on my dell inspiron standby works with GNOME only, not KDE09:57
wolferinethen add it to http://imageshack.us/ so I can view it (save it as a .jpg before you upload it)09:57
lucano idea about why09:57
wolferineamorphous_, what about ssh, I dont see a question09:58
aaron_luca, is there a tool to enable it in kde?09:58
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lucaaaron: I just installed kubuntu and tried to use the suspend button - onbviously I am running a ubuntu/kubuntu system :)09:59
BongoBillRight, just a moment.09:59
lucait functions flawlessly with gdm, resumes to black screen with kdm09:59
amorphous_wolferine: sorry - I want to use automated scripts to copy files to seperate machines, but want to be secure (passphrase) - i cant seem to find out how to automate it with a passphrase... :/09:59
wolferineBongoBill, when ever your ready09:59
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aaron_luca: yeah, I'm just running in a virtual machine, and don't really have a way to test... but speculating shoul dhelp keep your conversation open ;)10:00
wolferineamorphous_, copy files, what about nfs, samba, etc?10:00
BongoBillwolferine, http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/2447/nvidiaxserversettingslp0.jpg10:00
aaron_luca: take a look in the control panel...10:00
lucaok :) obviously it's a KDE configuration problem, as GNOME functions - problem is I do not have any error output10:00
amorphous_wolferine: the files are in other locations... I'm setting up machines in different parts of the city. they are to back up to each other...10:01
wolferineBongoBill, i needed to view the Metamode10:01
wolferinewhat is it, under the 1 - ...10:01
wolferinethe first res10:01
BongoBill1280x1024 +0 +010:01
wolferineConfiguration (if you have it) ?10:02
BongoBillIt was originally set to metamode 13, which, by a startling coincidence, is exactly the resolution it kept reverting to! Imagine that.10:02
lucaaaron : where should I look?10:02
lucain kcontrol I mean10:02
BongoBillConfiguration. Right. Of what, specifically? The nvidia configuration, or xorg?10:02
amorphous_luca - not too sure about that, sorry - hang on...10:02
wolferinethere is a Configuration (maybe) set in the Nvidia X Server Settings (the same app yu took the screen shto from)10:03
amorphous_luca - I dont seem to have a standby on my logout menu... that what you mean?10:03
lucaamorphous - ok thanks :)10:03
wolferinedang keyboard :/10:03
lucaamorphous : no idea of which entry I should look at, yeah :-/10:03
lucano wait10:03
lucaI have a standby button10:04
BongoBillI'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand the question. Do you want me to take a screenshot of the metamode list?10:04
lucaproblem is it resumes to black screen10:04
lucaand I am forced to rebbot10:04
wolferineBongoBill, how many MetaModes are in there?10:04
wolferinejust 1?10:04
Linux_Galorethings to come with Beryl -> http://www.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre3/56770-3.jpg10:04
amorphous_luca - is suspend the same thing?10:04
BongoBillWhen I opened it for the first time, the thirteenth was selected.10:05
wolferineBongoBill, why so many?10:05
BongoBillBeats me.10:05
lucasuspend to ram10:05
wolferineBongoBill, can you delete all but 110:05
BongoBillI'll give it a try.10:05
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jujimufuheya guys10:06
BongoBillwolferine, it's now just the one.10:06
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wolferinethen view your xorg.conf (the one generated by nvidia-settings) and see if it matches your xorg.conf (the system is currently using)10:06
wolferineBongoBill, if you didnt notice, your screen shot is covering up part of the X Server Settings... so the reason i asked that question before was, I could not see it10:07
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BongoBillAh. I'll just check real quick....10:07
wolferineBongoBill, do you think you might be able to take a better screen shot, but opening the window a bit more?10:07
wolferineas appose to hiding some info....10:07
rykssalut voicu!!!!!!!!!!10:08
wolferineand if you clcik on the 1 in MetaMode, then take the screenshot, then I can ACTUALLY see what it is10:08
ryksam nevoie de ajutor10:08
wolferinerather than have to ask you..10:08
icecruncher!fr > ryks10:08
wolferineice | instead of >10:08
wolferinebonjour ryks10:09
ryksthis name is usual in ro10:09
BongoBillwolferine, line 66        Option "Metamodes"     now contains only one screen resolution (1280x1024), as opposed to several which it had previously.10:09
wolferineBongoBill, that will probably help10:09
ryksneed a little help10:09
wolferineryks, ask away10:09
ryksso i have kubunto on my comp10:10
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wolferineryks please just make it a one line question...10:10
ryksi am new in linux10:10
wolferinestill no question...10:10
jujimufulol :P10:10
=== wolferine falls asleep
jujimufuso guys, which one's better, Beryl or compiz?10:11
ryksneed to view a movie but i don t have a good player10:11
wolferineryks, vlc10:11
BongoBillwolferine, I will be back in just a moment. Thanks for your help.10:11
rykshow can i install a player in kubuntu?10:11
icecrunchersudo aptitude install vlc10:11
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wolferineryks, use the ubuntu guide (google it)10:11
wolferineit explains everything to setup your system10:12
wolferinewow, its late10:12
ryksi am out on install stuff in linux(new)10:12
ryksa link please10:12
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blekosso u know any program for disk cataloging10:12
wolferineryks, im sure you know how to google10:12
jujimufurysk: just go to google.com, and search for "kubuntu install guide"10:12
wolferinejust ubuntu guide10:13
wolferinelike I said10:13
rykstoo kind10:13
jujimufuryks: we're not here to feed you, we're here to teach you how to eat yourself :P10:13
rykshehe k10:13
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blekosdo u know any program for disk cataloging?10:14
ryksi am just trying to instal with adept but too many errors i have10:14
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jujimufuryks: what about ubuntuguide.org?10:14
icecruncherhow much do you guys think that the ubuntu comunity has grown sice the release or feisty10:14
jujimufuryks: are you logged in as root?10:15
wolferineryks, read the guide10:15
jujimufuyou mean, in the last two days?10:15
wolferineanyone know how to setup Thunderbird to check a hotmail account (what are the incoming servers, etc..) ?10:15
ryksyes and i have a player called cofeine but nedd codecs10:16
icecruncherwolferine: does hotmail support pop?10:16
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ryksdon t run dvix stuff and xvid10:16
jujimufuryks: check EasyUbuntu and automatix, if you want lots of stuff automatically installed on your bx10:16
jujimufuicecruncher: probably not. But gmail does.10:16
ubotuAutomatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:16
wolferineicecruncher, so it might not be possible10:16
Jucatoryks: just install libxine-extracodecs and you're good to go10:17
wolferineyep, it might not, or yep, it should10:17
ryksare the same platforms ubuntu vs kubuntu?10:17
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu10:17
wolferineryks READ10:17
wolferinelast time I am telling you10:17
jujimufuryks: all of this is answered on the ubuntulinux.com homepage10:17
jujimufuand wiki10:17
wolferineand in the GUIDe10:17
=== wolferine shrugs
ryksi am on it10:18
Jucato!mp3 | ryks10:18
uboturyks: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:18
wolferine!read | ryks10:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about read - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:18
jujimufuit's like going to channels and asking people "is google a search engine?" "do I just press enter and it searches for me?" "do I have to put keywords in it, or do I just think really hard about what I want and I press "I feel lucky"?"10:18
wolferinepress lucky!10:18
wolferineso jujimufu can you check a hotmail with thunderbird?10:19
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jujimufuwolferine: I don't know. I am using thunderbird for my gmail account, though.10:19
jujimufuwolferine: I've never been a big fan of hotmail anyway :P10:20
Jucatowolferine: 1) only if hotmail provides you with a pop3 account/service or 2) use some special apps to download the emails from hotmail and then feed it into thunderbird10:20
jujimufuwolferine: from google: "MSN HotMail provides no POP3 and SMTP servers for free accounts,"10:20
jujimufuso, if you have bought an account, pop3 might be available.10:20
Jucatothere are "ways" to do it though... you'll have to Google for it10:20
Jucatosomething like freepops I think10:20
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jujimufuwolferine: from google again: "Unfortunately, Hotmail lacks POP or IMAP "10:21
Jucato!info freepops10:21
ubotufreepops: POP3 interface to several webmails. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.99-1+patches20061018 (feisty), package size 305 kB, installed size 1252 kB10:21
wolferineif I wanted google, I would have done it myself :P10:21
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Jucatowell, at least now you know what to google for :P10:21
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Jucatogoogle for thunderbird, hotmail, and freepops10:21
jujimufuwolferine: then don't tell ryks to google, when you don't :P10:21
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Jucatoplay nice people :)10:22
jujimufuwolfering: check this: "The WebMail extension for Thunderbird enables access to Yahoo, Hotmail, Lycos"10:22
jujimufumaybe check that out?10:22
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BongoBillwolferine, I'm sorry to report that it, plus a few other creative ideas related to those metamodes, had no effect.10:27
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wolferineBongo you can always manually edit your xorg.conf10:28
BongoBillLooks like I'll have to. Thank you anyway.10:28
Alarmgoodmorning , i got a problem with my resolution on feisty. no matter if i choose 85hz from the nvidia setting tool., on the next reboot the monitor turns always to 75hz (even if i save it from the tool to the xorg file). on the monitor and display tool from of fiesty i dont got 85hz to chose, just 95, and then some others with 60,54 and so on what can i do ?10:29
BongoBillNo way, I was just dealing with the same problem.10:29
BongoBillFound no resolution, unfortunately, but there's hope yet!10:29
wolferinethere ya go Alarm10:29
Alarmthere i go what ?10:29
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BongoBillSpoke too soon, wolferine. I don't have an answer for you, Alarm, I just mean that you and I have solidarity.10:30
BongoBillI'm trying something, though. Might work.10:30
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wolferineim sure you two can work together and get it to work10:31
BongoBillHave to restart X; just a moment.10:31
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Alarmi found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397310:31
Alarmbut i cant understand much10:31
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BongoBillBlast. Nothing.10:31
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BongoBillPerhaps the answer lies in #nvidia, or someone with experience with this issue is hanging out in #ubuntu.10:32
wolferineBongoBill, use #ubuntu-effects10:32
BongoBillI shal.10:33
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Alarmweird. many people seem to have that problem10:33
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Alarmanyway. in the modelines i see the resolution that i want10:33
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Alarmcan i reconfigure xorg just for the resolution and not keyboard and all that stuff that normally i am asked ?10:34
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jujimufuAlarm: yes, but you'd have to edit xorg.conf10:35
Alarmwish i knew what i need to change...10:35
insmodAlarm: yes10:35
jujimufuso, better do the xorgconf from the beginning10:35
Alarmand how ?10:35
jujimufualthough I don't think that when you start it again it loses all configurations.10:36
Alarmi know10:36
insmodAlarm: add it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:36
Alarmthats why i asked about the specific configuration10:36
Alarminsmod,  i know which file it is .10:36
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Alarmi cant figure out all the settings with the refresh rate of the monitor10:36
insmodAlarm: ?10:36
wolferineanyone use Webmail for Thunderbird, I cannot setup an account for my hotmail10:37
jujimufuwolferine: maybe check out the site's manual?10:37
insmodAlarm: so your monitor was not detected ?10:37
wolferinejujimufu, once again, your just not doing it for me10:37
Alarminsmod,  my monitor was detected10:37
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jujimufuwolferine, once again, you're not doing what you tell other people to do :P10:37
insmodAlarm: just add the hz vf10:38
Alarmi quote:  i got a problem with my resolution on feisty. no matter if i choose 85hz from the nvidia setting tool., on the next reboot the monitor turns always to 75hz (even if i save it from the tool to the xorg file). on the monitor and display tool from of fiesty i dont got 85hz to chose, just 95, and then some others with 60,54 and so on what can i do ?10:38
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insmodAlarm: then10:38
Alarminsmod, if you think i would understand which setting that is , i would be here asking ?10:38
wolferinejujimufu, i only do what I choose, not what some other person thinks I should do10:38
wolferinejujimufu, im gonna have to add you to ignore10:38
jujimufuoi, that's tough...10:39
jujimufuit's pity you won't see what I type, I am usually a pretty funny guy. Well, at least when I say that, other people laugh...10:39
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bonaldo2000Can anyone tell me what they think is the best ftp-program for kubuntu?10:39
jujimufuanyway, it's not my fault if you're too lazy yourself. You just went on bashing ryks for not using google of the kubuntu docs, and there you are, asking us about stuff you can find on the net.10:40
insmodAlarm: sudo and fix the xorg -- you can't fix it via gui because the sudo can not do that with the prog -- just edit via sudo mc vi etc10:40
wolferinebonaldo2000, client or server?10:40
jujimufuI prefer nano10:40
Alarminsmod,  if its easy to tell me something else of what i am doing at the moment ,do so instead of pretenting the smart one10:40
bonaldo2000wolferine: client...sorry10:40
insmodjujimufu: mc is better lol10:41
wolferinebonaldo2000, coming from winblows, I like filezilla10:41
ryksdon t understand10:41
wolferinebonaldo2000, you can alway search for FTP in the package manager, and see if you find others, and give them a try10:41
bonaldo2000wolferine: ok, I use that also, but I think its bad in kubuntu compared to the windows version, seems incomplete somehow10:41
jujimufuinsmod: I prefer simple stuff :D10:41
insmodAlarm: edit xorg10:41
wolferinebonaldo2000, so you want alot of bells and whistles by the sounds of it10:42
ryksmiising alot of stuff here in this pakage10:42
Alarminsmod,  thats what i am doing the last hour, i didnt wait for that kind of answer10:42
jujimufurkys: who are you talking to? lol :P10:42
jujimufuAlarm: ok. Can you post your xorg.conf on pastebin or something?10:42
jujimufuAlarm: and tell me what you want to change your resolution to.10:42
wolferineryks, i realize your new, but typing all your thoughts into the channel isnt geting you anywhere, and you never really ever ask a question10:42
insmodAlarm: what the hell man xorg10:43
wolferineryks, you might want to work on your approach...10:43
bonaldo2000wolferine: not really, but filezilla in kubuntu just has a rather ugly UI and small things annoy me, like it doesnt remember the dir I was in (on my own computer) when I start it up...it does this in windows.....stuff like that10:43
Alarmjujimufu,  http://mishu.eu.org/paste/view.php?id=332710:43
insmodAlarm: i can help but i can't do it for you -- learn yourself10:43
ryksin this matter really don t help me guys10:43
wolferinebonaldo2000, edit the config file for the program?10:43
ryksi just trying but10:43
Alarmi want to put on 1024x768 on 85hz10:44
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wolferineryks, like I said, not one question yet10:44
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wolferineryks, its all in the ubuntu guide, you might want to take a bit more time and read it over, since its only been about 10-20 mins10:44
Alarmeven on my nvidia setting tool, i think things are messed up. cause i see 3-4 times the same resolution listed10:44
bonaldo2000wolferine: could try to play with that. But just wanted to hear if there was some program that people use, you know some brialliant ftp client or something...10:44
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rykshave on my desktop a arhive called xine-ui-0.99.4.tar10:45
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wolferinebonaldo2000, alot of FTP clients are great, but you just have to look for it10:45
wolferineryks, read the guide10:45
insmodryks: untar it10:45
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insmodryks: man tar10:45
wolferineinsmod, good luck10:45
ryksso how can i install on my computer10:45
wolferineryks its in the guide10:45
wolferinesudo aptitude get xine10:46
voicuok, so i'm running feisty with all the updates and ktorrent seems to crash when it's in the tray and the monitor goes into standby. anyone else with this problem? also, how can i stop the standby from happening? at least as a short term solution10:46
insmodryks: man tar10:46
ryksi am out -thz10:46
wolferinei mean, aptitude install xine10:46
insmod       tar -xvvf foo.tar10:46
insmod              extract foo.tar10:46
insmod       tar -xvvzf foo.tar.gz10:46
insmod              extract gzipped foo.tar.gz10:46
insmod       tar -cvvf foo.tar foo/10:46
insmod              tar contents of folder foo in foo.tar10:46
ryksdoesn t work guys like that10:46
wolferine!pastebin | insmod10:46
ubotuinsmod: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:46
ryksis just an arhive10:47
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jujimufuAlarm: check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397310:47
insmodryks: ?10:47
Alarmjujimufu,  thats what i have allready open :)10:47
ryksnedd to install not to unpaked10:48
Alarmlet me restart x10:48
insmodryks: yes it is10:48
jujimufuAlarm: lol, ok :P10:48
insmodryks: unpake it then install or use fakeroot10:49
jujimufuAlarm: what resolution do you have right now?10:50
ryksfirts true respond10:50
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insmodryks: there ya go10:50
ryksso what is a fakeroot?10:51
insmodryks: debian creats the deb file so you can dkpg it10:51
ryksjust open the console ?10:52
ryksand type make instal.....10:52
insmodryks: why not just untar and compile it it would be faster10:52
wolferineor u could just get the package, since it is already setup for you10:52
wolferinebut that would be too easy10:52
ryksyap but new in buisness10:53
insmodryks: no that is only after untared10:53
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purpleposeidonI'm on fiesty; how do I make ctrl-alt-del halt instead of restart?10:53
insmodtar -xvvf foo.tar then do that10:53
wolferineanyone use Webmail for Thunderbird, I cannot setup an account for my hotmail10:54
insmodpurpleposeidon: edit inittab10:54
purpleposeidonwhereis inittab?10:55
ryksmust  read the ubuntu guide -thz for support guys :)10:55
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insmodcat /etc/inittab10:56
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purpleposeidonno such file or directory10:57
insmodpurpleposeidon: i am on debian lol10:57
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insmodpurpleposeidon: know idea waht you call it10:58
purpleposeidonupstart, something... :/10:59
purpleposeidonah I found it10:59
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insmodpurpleposeidon: is it on kubuntu?10:59
purpleposeidon /etc/event.d/control-alt-delete10:59
insmodpurpleposeidon: lil init.d is easier11:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tvtuner - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tuner - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:01
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Alarmi still have the same problem with the refresh rate. i reconfigured xorg. what i find strange is that the splash screen is in the proper resolution and refresh rate but when loggin in it changes11:05
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Alarmin the modelines i see the resolution that i want 1024x768_85 hz , but not in the list of the tools to choose it11:06
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pafnutiyhi all! i'm new in ubuntu, i want to ask question about gnome. why my media players (totem, for ex.) don't play videos from LAN? thanks.11:07
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LazyIdiotHi all11:09
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LazyIdiotAnyone there ??11:10
Aattilahi! i can't run amarok. it says updating database and then this window disappears and happens nothing. can anybody help me?11:10
LazyIdiotIts one of my probs too :s11:10
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pingvenoI'm trying to write a script that puts my laptop into sleep mode at the end of the script, but I can't find the necessary command.11:13
pingvenoby sleep I mean suspend11:13
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_4strOpingveno: shutdown, halt ?11:17
pingvenoDon't those just bring the computer down?11:17
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pingvenoI mean, restart/shutdown?11:17
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LazyIdiotshutdown now .. would help11:18
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renatohi, I have installed the ati-drivers (I'm on feisty) and I wanted to set up a big desktop. X starts as a big desktop but it reverses to a "clone" after I login. I have seen in a forum to go to the control panel and set the resolution there, but when I do that X crashes. is there a config file I can edit manually?11:18
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_4strOrenato: /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:19
squall9900ih how do i extract rar files11:19
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_4strOsquall9900: with ark11:19
LazyIdiotI've installed xmms using apt-get, but, I can't see any TEXT on menu. Can any one help me out.11:19
Alarmsorry i cant figure out anymore.  i still cant set my monitor on 1024x768@85 hz. the splash screen is on the resolution i want. but when i log on , it goes always on 75hz11:19
Jucatosquall9900: install the package "unrar" and you can use Ark to extract them11:19
Alarmno matter if i choose again and again from the nvidia tool or from the monitor tool of kubuntu 85hz11:20
renato_4strO in there I already have the setup for the big desktop but, it gets reverted back to cloen mode when I login11:20
Alarmno matter if i confidured xorg.conf11:20
Alarmcan someone help me11:20
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Jucatohm... that seems to be a recurring problem lately...11:20
_4strOrenato: what did you mean by "big desktop" ?11:20
renatoI have two monitors and I wanted to use them both, one option is the so called "big desktop"11:21
Alarmin the xorg i see:   modeline  "1024x768@85" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync11:21
Alarm as also  modes "1024x768@85" "1024x768@75" "832x624@75" ....11:21
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renatobig desktop is when you configure one device whose virtual resolution spans across multiple monitors11:22
Alarmin the monitor tool , first i had the option of 85hz and now just some strange ones like 100,99,57,53,52 but nothing with 8511:22
Alarmjust in the nvidia tool, that it exists 85, but even if i save it . again on the next restart i got it on 75hz11:22
Alarmread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973 , but didnt figure out or didnt help me much11:23
_4strOAlarm: can you past your xorg.conf11:23
squall9900were do i get unrar11:23
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uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:23
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nuuhi all11:24
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Alarmthere it is11:24
Alarmwhat i find strange is that on the splash screen i get 1024x768@85 hz , but not when it logs in11:24
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Aattilacan anybody help with amarok? it updates database when i run it, but then happens nothing11:25
Alarmi adjusted the monitor many times as a maximum resolution of 1600x1200@76 or 70hz , but nothing11:25
Alarmdidnt have that problem with kubuntu 6.10 at all actually11:25
_4strOAlarm: what do you want exactly ?11:26
pingveno_4strO: For the record, running dcop on power-manager is a good way to suspend/hibernate11:26
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Alarmto have finally:  1024x768@85 hz11:26
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nuui'd like to submit a bug to launchpad, but i wonder which project i should pick11:26
Alarmonly that :)11:26
_4strOpingveno: ok good :)11:26
pingvenoIn my case, dcop power-manager-5532 power-manager suspend11:26
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nuuthe problem is with my vaio laptop and AC power...whenever AC power is plugged in, kde icon animations are slower11:26
nuuwhenever its plugged out, it gets faster11:26
_4strOAlarm: and actually you have ?11:26
nuushould i submit this to the main kde project bug list?11:26
pingvenoWell, time to finish that script11:26
Alarmi can set that configuration through the nvidia tool. but on the next reboot i get again a configuration that i dont want. like the settings are not being saved11:27
nuuwe're talking just kde animations btw, not cpu slowdown11:27
Alarm_4strO,  actually , i have all the other resolutions excepts of that11:27
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squall9900ok plez help howdo i get unrar do i use adept11:27
=== Pete_ [n=pete@nock.demon.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Alarmnow i see in my monitor setting tool of kubuntu only 100,99,57,53,52 but nothing with 85 (on1024x768)11:28
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guhhhi cant load konversation, i get some errors, can someone help? i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18062/11:28
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_4strOunrar | squall9900:11:29
_4strO!unrar | squall9900:11:29
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ubotusquall9900:: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:29
USMarinemy xorg.conf is fine, however kdm doesn't auto start11:29
_4strOAlarm: did you have two screen ?11:29
USMarinehave you got any idea why?11:29
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Alarmi have just one11:29
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Alarm_4strO,  did u see the xorg.conf i pasted ?11:30
nuuUSMarine: sudo apt-get install rcconf && rcconf11:30
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nuugo to "kdm", hit space bar, go to OK, hit space bar, reboot11:30
_4strOAlarm: yep$11:31
USMarinegonna try that11:31
_4strOAlarm: i try to understand some part of it11:31
Alarmhope u will, as i didnt :)11:31
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_4strOAlarm: but by default wich resolution is used ?11:32
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squall9900unrar utility11:32
Alarm_4strO,  depends on how i make my changes11:32
Alarmnow i think i got something with 800x60011:32
guhhhi cant load konversation, i get some errors, can someone help? i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18062/11:33
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guhhhi hate use gaim! please help :(11:33
Alarmrebooting., hold one11:34
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_4strOAlarm: perhaps just try to add other depth lines11:35
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guhhhdamn, lol...11:36
guhhhi guess i will have to reinstall my system11:36
Alarmok now restart x. the resolutions i get on 1024x768 are from 50 to 58hz only11:36
squall9900ok how do i install unrar on Ark11:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konversation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:37
nuuguhhh: from a terminal, ps awux | grep kded11:37
nuupaste output11:37
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guhhhnuu nothing11:38
squall9900ubotu rar how do iin stall it11:38
Alarmnow all i managed again was the splash screen to be ok . but not the resolution after logging in. i got now again 1024x768@75 and not 85 hz that i want11:38
guhhhnuu: im on debian, just to make u know11:38
nuusudo kded11:39
nuusee if that helps11:39
guhhhbut i used to run konversation, i guess that something that i installed made it dont work anymore :(11:39
guhhhFATAL: DCOP communication problem!11:40
guhhhFATAL: DCOP communication problem!11:40
guhhhFATAL: DCOP communication problem!11:40
guhhhFATAL: DCOP communication problem!11:40
guhhhops, sorry.11:40
nuusudo dcopstart11:40
_4strOAlarm: you should remove all the modeline lines11:40
guhhhdcopstart kded ?11:40
Alarmas i said i also reconfigured xorg but nothing11:41
Alarmok lets say i removed them. and then ?11:41
nuusudo dcopserver11:41
_4strO(just put an # in front of them)11:41
Alarmthen ?11:41
guhhhnuu: i still get the same error11:41
_4strOSection "Monitor"11:42
_4strO        Identifier      "P95f"11:42
_4strO        Option          "DPMS"11:42
_4strOit's mine ;)11:42
nuudid it say it started ?11:42
guhhhnuu: yes, it did11:42
guhhhIt looks like dcopserver is already running.11:42
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nuups awux | grep dcopserver11:42
_4strOAlarm: and try to have other depth lines11:42
guhhhi got this message when i tried the second time :)11:42
nuuah right11:42
nuuthen sudo kded11:43
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_4strOAlarm: you anly have depth 2411:43
guhhh 7930  0.0  0.2  48944  5012 ?        S    05:41   0:00 dcopserver11:43
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guhhhkded: ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!11:43
guhhhkded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.11:43
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nuuwhat did you install recently ?11:44
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guhhhwell, a lot of things, cant remember11:45
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_4strOguhhh: are you root when you try to launch konversation ?11:46
_4strOthqt's the reason why ...11:46
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guhhhlol, i see11:47
guhhhi will relog then11:47
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guhhhsame problem...11:48
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_4strOlaunch konversation in a console and paste the entire error message plz11:49
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guhhhERROR: Communication problem with konversation, it probably crashed.11:50
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ricky_dsHi all. I just had a voice chat over windows with a friend using yahoo messenger. I was wondering if such a thing is also possible over kubuntu. I'm currently using kopete, but if it doesn't support voice chat, I'm open for anything else. What are the options?11:50
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guhhh_4strO: thats it ERROR: Communication problem with konversation, it probably crashed.11:50
_4strOguhhh: ok11:50
guhhh_4strO:  now that ERROR: KUniqueApplication: Registering failed!11:51
guhhhERROR: Communication problem with konversation, it probably crashed.11:51
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guhhhtried to reinstall... useless11:51
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_4strOguhhh: sure you dont execute it in root ?11:54
guhhhno, im not as root :(11:54
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blekosdo u have any disk catalog tool 2 suggest?11:56
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guhhh_4strO: well, my echo $USER says root, but im not as root, shouldnt be. id log with my own account :(11:57
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_4strOguhhh: try tu 'su youruserAccount'11:59
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_4strOthen launch konversation11:59
oem_Hallo zusammen wie kann ich als oem angemeldet fr den pfad /usr/local/bin die rechte 755 einstellen?11:59
_4strO!de | oem_11:59
ubotuoem_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:59
USMarineguhhh use kopete11:59
USMarine!de | oem_12:00
_4strOblekos: disk catalog ?12:00
_4strOho i see :p12:00
blekosdisk cataloging12:01
guhhh_4strO: okay, now i got another error, lol12:01
blekosi have about 100cds/dvds and need to know their index, so i'm looking 4 a software like broken cross12:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:02
guhhh_4strO: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18065/12:02
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_4strOblekos: try to finf one in adept (seach catalog or something like thios)12:04
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jlillyslight problem. My sound is being a bit wonky.12:05
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jlillyI just restarted and it plays in one ear of my headphones. I went to adjust the volume in kmix, and the volume went dead12:05
_4strOguhhh: weird all this12:05
blekosok thnx12:05
_4strOblekos: sorry i dont use catalog, for my mp3, amarok works fine12:06
_4strObut have all them in my HD12:06
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guhhh_4strO: really!12:07
blekosmy HD is out 2days now... so until i buy a new one..12:07
guhhhits really annoying :-(12:07
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_4strOguhhh: why have you open a root session !12:08
guhhhi didnt12:08
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guhhhi forgot that my terminal is open as root12:08
_4strOha ok12:08
guhhhbecause its debian :D12:08
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kinpI have a major problem.12:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:09
guhhhso do i :(12:09
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:09
devianceWhat package/player can i use to get avi's working?12:10
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kinpI can't connect to my wireless network,12:10
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xiantiahi all12:10
kinpAnd the logof is fucked12:10
guhhh_4strO: lol, i receive a mail from my system when that error occurs12:10
kinpBut how do I make the network work? It says it finds my netwrok but the lights doens't flash12:12
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xiantiai have some pb with new kernel 2.6.20, and wireless ipw2200. i can ping www.yahoo.fr but under kde kmail, konversation, firefox, ... not work. it work under 2.6.17 kernel12:12
_4strOguhhh: try to type 'xhost +' and then retry to open konvers12:12
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_4strO!codecs | deviance12:13
ubotudeviance: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:13
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MenaHi, Is there an app works Fine and fine with subtitles12:14
_4strOMena: kaffeine, vlc, ...12:14
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_4strOMena: mplayer12:15
Mena_4strO, ok12:15
MenaThanks :)12:15
_4strOMena: think all application just work fine (with subs)12:15
Menabut not english12:15
_4strOwhat ?12:16
Menai mean the subs wich are not english12:16
_4strOwhat the diff ?12:16
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Menai have a subtitle (Arabic)12:16
Menawich works wrong every time and wuth every player12:17
_4strOMena: you probably have to go to configuration to change using charset of subs12:17
Menai did12:17
devianceIt doesnt go into detauls about Avi files12:17
devianceIs there a specific plug in because Mplayer, kaffine and the rest dont work12:17
_4strOdeviance: avi is just a box12:17
devianceVlc doesnt either so it must be a plugin prob12:18
devianceA box?12:18
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Mena_4strO, Thanks any way :)12:18
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_4strOdeviance: w32codecs and xinelibxine1-ffmpeg that's all you need ;)12:19
_4strOMena: see ya12:19
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_4strOdeviance: avi is a container12:19
_4strOnot a video format12:19
devianceWell its still not working12:20
devianceIll check thoes plogins12:20
devianceWhat video format are avi's then?12:20
_4strOmpeg4 for exemple12:21
deviancexinelibxine1 doesnt retun anything12:21
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_4strOdeviance: where ?12:22
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_4strOin adept ?12:22
_4strOand w32codecs ?12:22
devianceThats installed12:23
EruantalonWhy does many library packages have an appended zero?12:23
devianceSo its just xinelibxine112:23
devianceTheres libxine1c2 but not -ffmpeg12:24
devianceadn a couple of libxine packages but none have -ffmpeg12:25
_4strOdeviance: have you active the universe package ?12:25
_4strOdeviance: have you active the universe repositorie  ?12:26
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devianceWhat repo is it in12:26
devianceyeah I havfe12:26
devianceIm on 6.06 lts if that helps at all12:26
_4strOhaaa !12:26
_4strOapt-cache madison libxine1-ffmpeg12:27
_4strOlibxine1-ffmpeg | 1.1.4-2ubuntu3 | http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages12:27
devianceIn terminal?12:27
devianceAnd does it have to be fr? or can I use GB instead.12:28
_4strOdeviance: no, were just for show12:28
jussi01!info libxine1-ffmpeg dapper12:28
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devianceOh, so what do I do then?12:28
ubotuPackage libxine1-ffmpeg does not exist in dapper12:28
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_4strOjussi01: :)12:28
devianceIs there a replacement package arround?12:28
devianceI have got mpg videos and video streams to work before, I guess using win32codecs12:29
_4strOdeviance: try to search ffmpeg12:29
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deviance!info ffmpeg dapper12:31
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20050918-5ubuntu1.1 (dapper), package size 3835 kB, installed size 9816 kB12:31
devianceThats installed by the way12:31
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devianceOkay, What codec is xvid in?12:36
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_4strOnot sure ...12:37
devianceThats the file type12:37
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Marukohi everybody12:37
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:38
MarukoI need a suggestion12:38
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Marukois there any progam like iWeb or Macromedia Dreamweaver for Kubuntu?12:38
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Marukoor anything that can help me create a nice-looking website12:38
oem_please can you say me the german kubuntu irc12:38
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Maruko(I just know a little HTML...)12:38
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:38
Black_CatMaruko, Quanta Plus should do.12:39
MarukoQuanta Plus?=12:39
USMarineMaruko eclipse ftw12:39
Marukois it in the repositories?12:39
Black_Catit certainly is12:39
_4strOdeviance: have this package libxine-extracodecs ?12:39
_4strOhave you ?12:40
Marukoit say Eclipse is not made for creating websites...12:40
USMarineit's good for php12:40
USMarineand php is used in sites12:40
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Maxdamantuschecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!12:41
devianceYeah I use Quanta for my php work, therse a nice js one, try Aptana12:41
USMarineaptana is good also yeah12:41
MarukoI just found Quanta-Data in my repositories12:41
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Marukois it normal?12:41
USMarinei prefer eclipse because it's more powerful12:42
Black_CatMaruko, hold on, i'll check it12:42
MaxdamantusLol. PHP scripting help ftl.12:42
Marukook thanks12:42
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EruantalonWhy does many library packages have an appended zero?12:42
guhhh_4strO: how do i remove kded and reinstall?12:42
_4strOguhhh: try 'xhost +' in a console12:43
devianceI'm gopnna go mplayer a go, thats supposed to suport xvid12:43
HobbseeEruantalon: google for sonames, if you're interested12:43
Black_CatMaruko, use search pattern "quanta", it's in main repo, so there must be no problem.12:43
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs12:43
guhhh_4strO: what now?12:44
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_4strOtry to open konversation12:44
Maxdamantusguhhh, don't do xhost + unless you trust him.12:44
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_4strOMaxdamantus: ?.??12:44
MaxdamantusIt allows him to access your GUI programs from wherever.12:45
Marukoand what about Aptana?12:45
MarukoI cannot find it12:45
Black_Catnever heard about it, can't provide any related help, sorry.12:45
guhhh_4strO: no way12:46
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guhhh_4strO: is there anyway to remove kded?12:46
Marukoanother thing12:46
MarukoI am thinking of installing Xfce12:47
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Marukoand have Xfce together with KDe12:47
_4strOguhhh: i dont know12:47
Marukohow can I do?12:47
Marukoand then, will my KDE applications work under XFCE?12:47
MaxdamantusMaruku, just try "apt-get install xfce"12:47
_4strOMaruko: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-destop12:47
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MaxdamantusWorked for me with gnome.12:47
_4strOMaruko: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:47
MaxdamantusThen had to apt-get kde again to make it compiled for KDE by default.12:47
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Black_Catbtw, i've installed ICEWM and i want my KDE apps work under it. is there a way?12:48
devianceI would trust _4strO12:48
_4strOdeviance: $USER output is ok ?12:49
Maruko@_4str0== will my KDE applications work under XFCE?12:49
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_4strOMaruko: yes12:49
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MarukoI try now12:49
mulahow can i install the nvidia and nforce drivers?12:49
devianceIm not sure what you mean by $user12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvisia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:49
mulaty :)12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nforce - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:50
guhhh_4strO: i will try something stupid, /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg -i *12:50
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devianceWhats the program for finding and adding programs to the kmenu12:51
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_4strOdeviance: kmenuedit12:51
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Maruko@_4str0 : then can I remove all the XFCE applications from my pc? I mean, Thunderbird and so on...since I don't use them is useless for me to have them installed, right?12:51
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devianceIsnt there one that does it automaticly, I have it on my pc but i cant rember the terminakl rpmpt12:52
_4strOMaruko: right12:52
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Marukothen how can I know which packages I should NOT uninstall?12:53
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_4strOMaruko: dont really know12:53
MarukoI cannot really understand how to use Quanta...12:54
MarukoI don't know a lot of HTML code12:54
Marukoso I am a little in trouble12:54
jujimufuMaruko: the best thing to do is read some tutorials on HTML and learn at least the basics.12:55
Black_CatMaruko, when you remove some vital library which is required for some application, this application will be removed too! So you just check "Preview Changes" in Adept and... well, i think you got the idea :)12:55
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Marukook last thing12:58
Marukohow can I enter the Italian Kubuntu Channel?12:58
nerfbatI got a small question I cannot seem to find the answer to, is there any way to remove the god awfull bouncing icon when you start a program12:58
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Black_Catneoj_, look for "Launch Feedback" in "appearance" or some place else, i don't remember exactly. and turn it off :)12:59
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nerfbatAh, I ran into that word trying google, but I cannot seem to find it in apperance under setup or in knoq. Will look again, it gotta be there01:00
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Black_Catnerfbat, the last position in "Panel" part of "System settings"01:01
Black_Catand, you can switch it on/off for every single app, there's a checkbox in K Menu Editor for this purpose.01:02
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nerfbatAh, I will try and locate that now01:02
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_4strOnerfbat: ALT - F2 and then kcontrol01:04
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nerfbatYeah, that brought up an app I have not seen in my list01:04
_4strOnerfbat: look and feel01:05
_4strOthe las t part in ti01:05
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nerfbatFound the Lauch Feedback and disabled it01:06
nerfbatmuch better now, thanks01:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kmplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
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mads-Can I reset my xorg.conf in any way?01:08
MaxdamantusWhat do you mean by reset it?01:09
_4strOmads-: did you look at the /etc/X11 directory to find a backup version01:09
mads-Yeah... the latest backup I made was alreay altered by myself :S01:10
Black_Catmads-, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:10
Black_Cati guess that might help01:10
_4strOit might to create a new one ;)01:10
mads-Black_Cat: Can I run that over ssh?01:10
mads-I'd like to create a new one :)01:10
MaxdamantusYou can run anything over ssh if you're allowed.01:11
_4strOmads-: ssh -X ;)01:11
mads-Maxdamantus: I can't run X applications, can I ? :)01:12
Black_Cathmm... i'm not sure, try it ;)01:12
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mads-thanks guys.. I'll try...01:12
_4strOmads-: you can with the -X option01:12
MaxdamantusYea. As long as the server has it enabled.01:12
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mads-Don't think it has though...01:13
_4strOMaxdamantus: dont think so01:13
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Maxdamantus_4strO, don't think so what?01:14
_4strOdont think you have something to activate to run x app aver ssh -X01:14
_4strOyou have something to activate if you want startx an Xsession under network01:15
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underdog5004you know, I started playing with gentoo just for something new...I didn't realize that compiling from source took so long. My lappy's been compiling kde and deps since last night01:19
voltagex_anyone using kaffeine for DVB TV?01:19
underdog5004about 27 hours, and counting01:19
mads-Hmm.. Dunno why, but the nvidia driver just don't want to work.. So I just sat my driver to be "nv" and now it is working..01:19
MaxdamantusLol.. What speed CPU?01:19
mads-Don't think it is using the real nvidia driver, but who cares - it works and no games will be played on it :)01:20
mads-But thanks for your quick replies...01:20
MaxdamantusLongest my 2.4ghz P4 took was about 2 hours for KDE, and 45 mins for Firefox.01:20
underdog5004Maxdamantus, 933Mhz PIII01:20
MaxdamantusI liked Gentoo, seemed powerful, but couldn't get the sound working.01:21
underdog5004yeah, but I'm not cool enough to compile on a seperate machine and then copy the bins over...01:21
MaxdamantusSo decided to use kubuntu because it's said to be easy to set up.01:21
MaxdamantusI know that portage > apt-get :d01:21
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underdog5004Maxdamantus, I chose gentoo because it'll be more of a challenge...I've gotten to a point with kubuntu where I'm not learning new stuff anymore...gotta keep myself sharp....01:23
MaxdamantusYea, Gentoo was my first distrib, and I think I learnt quite a bit from the time I used it.01:23
underdog5004I don't know if the whole compile for your machine for speed is a bunch of hype or for real...I think apt-get > portage atm, but I've only been at gentoo for a few days...installing was a bi...female dog01:24
MaxdamantusI'll fix Gentoo up again so I can use it dual booting.01:24
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underdog5004I started with Damn Small Linux01:24
underdog5004that was fun, I learned a lot01:24
Simeon_HI started with MEPIS01:24
Maxdamantusportage is much more straightforward.01:24
Simeon_HKDE was love01:24
underdog5004lol @ Simeon_H01:25
underdog5004Maxdamantus, why?01:25
underdog5004apt-get install program...hard to get easier than that01:25
_4strOi started with mandrake !01:25
MaxdamantusPortage uses ebuilds, so you can set custom flags before compiling.01:25
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_4strOunderdog5004: you can, aptitude :p01:25
underdog5004oh, right01:25
MaxdamantusAnd alot of other reasons why.01:26
underdog5004_4strO, not in mho01:26
underdog5004apt-get is easier for me01:26
MaxdamantusColour coding makes it quicker to read, rather than reading everything, just look for black, which is the size of downloads.01:26
underdog5004apt-cache search for packages I don't know the exact name of, etc...01:26
_4strOfot me to but it has a historical reason01:26
MaxdamantusTells you exactly what you're installing, and what category it is.01:26
MaxdamantusAlso tells you the flags you're using before, so you can edit them and run again if you don't like them.01:27
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underdog5004I didn't notice any color-coding! I want my money back!01:27
MaxdamantusAnd, can run more than one at a time.01:27
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MaxdamantusLol. When you "emerge -av something"01:27
underdog5004Maxdamantus, oh, very cool, I wasn't sure that I could emerge more than one at a time01:27
=== Maxdamantus gives underdog5004's money back that he used to pay for Gentoo.
MaxdamantusNot really very efficient emerging more than one at a time.01:28
MaxdamantusWould just half the speed on both of them. :d01:28
underdog5004cause it's compiling 2/more, right?01:28
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MaxdamantusLol. I might install xpde for the hell of it.01:29
underdog5004xpde...xp desktop environment?01:30
MaxdamantusMeant for people who are used to the Windows interface.01:30
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Black_Catis kde interface really that different? i don't think so :)01:30
MaxdamantusLook at xpde, then decide.01:31
_4strOBlack_Cat: your right01:31
_4strOyou're righht01:31
MaxdamantusIt is fairly different.01:32
MaxdamantusUnless you tell it to be similar.01:32
_4strOlinux dont have to mimic windows, the user have to be emancipate :p01:32
MaxdamantusAnd I think kubuntu is trying to edit KDE to be a mix of Mac and Windows.01:32
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underdog5004lol, I like twoplustwo.com01:33
underdog5004might be 2plus2.com01:33
_4strOMaxdamantus: the better mix i ever seen01:33
Black_CatMaxdamantus, absolutely agreed. the "System Settings" look'n'feel almost stolen from MacOS X :)))01:33
underdog5004gotta remember that linux isn't windows...if anything, it's unix01:33
MaxdamantusI don't like it.. I liked KDE when I was using Gentoo better.01:33
Maxdamantusunderdog5004, it's not unix.01:34
MaxdamantusIt's a clone of unix.01:34
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underdog5004anyway, good talking w/ you Maxdamantus, I gotta go cuddle w/ my gf01:34
underdog5004it's 5 in the morning01:34
mlvirc spanish??01:34
Black_Catunderdog5004, LINUX = Linux Is Not UniX :)01:34
mlvirc.ubuntu-es??no conect01:34
underdog5004LINUX = Linus' unix01:34
Black_Cat!kubuntu es01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
underdog5004was originally called freax01:34
mlv!kubuntu es01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:35
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Maxdamantusmaxdamantus@maxdamantus:/$ php -r 'if("linux" != "unix"){echo "true\n";}'01:35
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pai just upgraded from edgy to feisty. but on kde->logout options for shutdown/restart disappeared... i have only "log out"01:35
_4strOpa: you're using XGL ?01:36
pauh? no01:36
pai dont think so01:36
pawhat is it?01:36
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MaxdamantusWhat does "Suspend" do?01:36
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_4strOpa: try to 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'01:37
voltagex_what format does kaffiene broadcast in?01:37
pai'll try thanks :)01:37
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MaxdamantusBtw, how do I use beryl? I can't figure it out.01:38
mlvno conect irc spanish01:39
_4strOMaxdamantus: what's the problem ?01:39
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blekoshow can i change the wait time in GRUB?01:39
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Black_Catmlv, /join #kubuntu-es01:39
MaxdamantusNot sure, but for example, for General > Shortcuts > Desktop Cube > Bindings > Unfold Cube, I have it set to <Shift><Control><Alt>Return, but it does nothing.01:40
_4strOblekos: /boot/grub/menu.lst01:40
MaxdamantusI can't see any difference. :S01:40
_4strOMaxdamantus: exept this, is beryl works fine ?01:41
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MaxdamantusNo, I can't see any difference after installing it.01:42
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MaxdamantusNever used it before though, so probably just me.01:42
_4strOMaxdamantus: beryl-manager in a console ?01:42
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Maxdamantussettings you mean.01:42
simouxi have my tv carte working unter ubuntu witjout sound01:42
_4strOnop Maxdamantus : beryl-manager (close the rubis icon in the systray before)01:43
_4strOMaxdamantus: just to see if there is an error01:43
MaxdamantusOh. I needed to run "beryl"01:44
MaxdamantusO_o Fancy01:44
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simouxcan i get hepl01:44
_4strO!ask | simoux01:44
ubotusimoux: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:45
MaxdamantusAm I not able to use normal KDE Windows decorations while using it?01:45
simouxi hav my tv carte working   in ubuntu but no sound01:45
_4strOMaxdamantus: exept if you install aquamarin engine i think01:45
_4strOMaxdamantus: you have two choice for win decoration, aquamarine or emerald01:46
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_4strOsimoux: you have sound elsewhere ?01:47
simouxit work fine01:47
_4strOsimoux: fr ?01:48
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MaxdamantusHmm.. And how does one shut down beryl correctly?01:48
simouxmarocain a frankfurt01:48
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simouxje parle francais01:48
_4strOMaxdamantus:  ??? dont understand01:48
MaxdamantusI tried ending it's task, and I couldn't switch windows or use the keyboard. :d01:49
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MaxdamantusCan't access my top kicker either.01:49
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_4strOMaxdamantus: dont really sure i understand but try ESC01:49
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_4strOsimoux: sorry i never install a tv card so ...01:50
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_4strOsimoux: try open some TV in vlc01:51
simouxi tray im google01:51
simouxi cant , but  it doentwork xine01:51
blekossometimes its really frustrating, u install a program and it doesnt appear in the menu... any ideas how i can do that?01:52
Maxdamantusblekos, you can add it easily.01:52
_4strOblekos: wath do you want ?01:52
MaxdamantusRight click the menu icon, and then "Edit menu"01:53
MaxdamantusNo, "Menu editor"01:53
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MaxdamantusHmm.. This is a bit too heavy for my integrated video card actually.01:54
blekosi want to add program (basicaly the command for running it) in the kmenu in the utiliets section01:54
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MaxdamantusThen go into the Menu editor, Utilities, and clck "New"01:55
blekosok, and smg else i've installed a prog (katalog) but i dont know how to run it, i tried Katalog & katalog in the command line, any ideas how i can find it?01:55
bert__is this a known bug.. if not, where and how do i submit it..01:55
_4strOblekos: you install katalog is that right ?01:56
=== Maxdamantus wishes he had a better video card so he could experience beryl better.
MaxdamantusNo AGP ftl01:56
_4strOblekos: try to kata + TAB01:57
_4strOMaxdamantus: wich card ?01:57
MaxdamantusIt's integrated.01:57
MaxdamantusIntel i810 something.01:58
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MaxdamantusIt uses about 24mb of my RAM. :d01:58
_4strOMaxdamantus: ok lol type 'glxinfo | grep render'01:59
Maxdamantus_4strO, if you're trying to help me with my video card, nty.01:59
_4strOMaxdamantus: just have a look if you can use beryl :p01:59
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MaxdamantusIt can only be fixed by getting a better one, and non-agp are hard to find.01:59
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MaxdamantusI can use beryl, I'm using it atm.01:59
MaxdamantusJust really laggy when it uses any of it's affects.02:00
_4strOha !02:00
MaxdamantusTook like 5 secs to minimize a Window with the squiggly effect.02:00
_4strOMaxdamantus: :/02:01
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MaxdamantusIdc, I've been using low standard graphics on here for 5 or 6 years.02:02
MaxdamantusUsed to it now.02:02
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bluebird22any one used g4L ?02:03
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_4strObluebird22: dont know what it is :p02:03
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MaxdamantusBut how does one shut down beryl?02:04
_4strOMaxdamantus: what ?02:04
MaxdamantusHow do I close beryl?02:04
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MaxdamantusIf I kill it, it doesn't close properly, and the keyboard doesn't work.02:04
_4strOMaxdamantus: just right on the rubis in the systray02:04
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MaxdamantusThen I have to paste "beryl" into the terminal to get it again.02:05
=== bluebird22 thing no one is listening to him
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MaxdamantusI don't see any rupis in the system tray.02:05
_4strO[14:03]  <_4strO> bluebird22: dont know what it is :p02:05
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_4strOMaxdamantus: type 'beryl-manager'02:06
_4strOyou will have one02:06
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MaxdamantusIt tells me to apt-get it.02:06
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pa_4strO: i installed kubuntu-desktop, but i still dont have choiches to reboot when i click kde->logout02:07
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MaxdamantusIt did nothing when I did that.02:07
bluebird22_4strO backup app02:07
Maxdamantusmaxdamantus@maxdamantus:~/42804-domino-0.4/domino-0.4$ sudo apt-get install beryl-manager02:07
Maxdamantusmaxdamantus@maxdamantus:~/42804-domino-0.4/domino-0.4$ beryl-manager02:07
MaxdamantusThe program 'beryl-manager' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:02:07
MaxdamantusSorry for spam. :S02:07
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_4strOpa: restart X02:08
MaxdamantusAh, working now for some reason.02:08
pa_4strO: did02:08
MaxdamantusLol. Wtf.02:09
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MaxdamantusIt added invisible Window decorations.02:09
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_4strOMaxdamantus: emerald --replace02:09
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MaxdamantusNow has broken images. :D02:10
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_4strOMaxdamantus: come back into kwin02:11
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pain "session manager" i have checked "offer shutdown opts"02:11
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:11
snapberyl is a waste02:11
=== jussi01 hints....
snapits fun for like 5 minutes02:12
_4strOpa: mmm you're under gnome ?02:12
lt_ug i just swapped windows managers from gnome to kde, and when I VnC into the kde session I get these errors.  "kompmgr cannot find the Xrender extension", now I can only get a few apps to actually open ><02:12
palol :)02:12
snapbut then you want your memory back LOL02:12
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paand by the way it is a very ugly splash with the only "logout" opt02:13
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_4strOpa: i cant help you on gnome options sorry02:14
Maxdamantus#ubuntu is gnome.02:14
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pait's not gnome02:15
pait's kde02:15
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snapfor me gnome takes forever to open windows.....KDE much snappy-er........but i still like Xforc desktop it  is fast02:15
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MaxdamantusHow do you restart X?02:16
MaxdamantusI forgot. :S02:16
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_4strOMaxdamantus: ctrl-alt-backspace02:16
lt_k well let me ask this then, since i got crickets on my last question,  how can i remove kde and gnome completely and then just install kde?02:16
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_4strOlt_: reinstall all ;o02:17
snaplt_ download kbunto iso and make live cd?02:17
bert__how do you turn off the auto mouse-button-press on laptop touchpads ?02:17
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bert__i keep clicking stuff i shouldn't :|02:18
_4strOlt_: you can 'sudo apt-get remoce kubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop && install kubuntu-desktop, but it will not remove all things02:18
lt_i dont want to wipe everything out, there are things that I have setup that I dont want to lose02:18
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snapaddremove the gnome desktop in synaptic02:18
blekosin KDE menu appear the GNOME menu items as well, what will happen if I make a subcategory and move them there?02:19
lt_i just get the feeling that my kubuntu-desktop install was flakey cause of the vnc issues02:19
_4strOlt_: and you should not  probably do this in kde02:19
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_4strOblekos: nothing other that you ask to him02:19
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_4strOblekos: nothing other that you ask him to do02:20
_4strObetter ?02:20
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blekosso, when I log in to GNOME everything will appear as usual?02:20
MaxdamantusBtw, what happened to SSL on this server?02:20
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Maxdamantus66697 isn't even open. :S02:21
_4strOblekos: probably :p02:21
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_4strOMaxdamantus: kdesu kate /etc/apache2/ports.conf02:22
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Maxdamantus_4strO, nothing to do with my computer.02:22
MaxdamantusWas wondering why Freenode doesn't offer SSL connections to IRC anymore.02:23
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_4strOMaxdamantus: haaaaa :p02:23
Aattilacan anybody help with amarok? it updates database when i try to run it, but then happens nothing and amarok isn't loaded02:24
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MaxdamantusRofl. xpde is < 5mb02:26
pandaconstantinsalut tout le monde02:27
MaxdamantusJe parlez vous englai?02:27
MaxdamantusHavn't done french for so long. :S02:27
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:27
MaxdamantusWonder if that meant what I thought it meant.02:27
xcatxxlhallo an euch alle02:28
rfossHi, is there anyone that could provide some helpful hints for troubleshooting my KDE login?  When I use kdm and log in to kde, I keep getting thrown back to the login window.  However when I use gdm and log in to kde, I successfully log in and KDE seems to work fine.02:28
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gugliolohi to all!!!02:30
rfossoh, and kdm_greet seems to produce the following error: Internal error: memory corruption detected.02:30
xcatxxlcan i make a update for kubunto02:30
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gugliolocan someone help me with some beryl problems?02:31
JohnB 8-)02:31
BenPAhi all ... I need a fix for LPD printing not working ... anyone have a link to the fix ... I am using 6.1002:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:32
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coolzgeekIm using Feisty and i installed iceweasel using a .deb package and now when i access Firefox, iceweasel pops up! I want both browswers02:33
xcatxxljemand aus deutschland da?02:33
coolzgeekKDE 4 is comming out i think02:33
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xcatxxli need a updatee of kubunto02:34
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xcatxxlsome bady now how i can make a update?02:35
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coolzgeekIm using Feisty and i installed iceweasel using a .deb package and now when i access Firefox, iceweasel pops up! I want both browsers02:36
Jucato!de | xcatxxl02:36
ubotuxcatxxl: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:36
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Maxdamantuscoolzgeek, use a link to Firefox?02:36
xcatxxldanke jucato02:36
icecruncherhow do you apply a patch to kopete?02:37
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MaxdamantusHow are you trying to run it?02:37
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coolzgeekUsing a link on the toolbar02:37
yaccinxcatxxl: *meld*02:37
coolzgeekthe link02:37
coolzgeeki unistalled iceweasel02:37
yaccinhmm i have a USB-Hard drive02:37
=== baudthief [n=baudthie@c58-107-141-106.rivrw8.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
yaccinand it doesnt work02:37
MaxdamantusRight click it, "Configure firefox.."02:37
yaccinwhen i plug it in, the little window comes up02:37
MaxdamantusThen Application tab02:37
yaccinso i select "open in new window"02:38
yaccinand nothing happens :(02:38
MaxdamantusSee what it says in the "Command" text box.02:38
baudthiefIs there an app similar to DVDshrink for linux? I'd rather not go the 'wine' route - just need to backup a couple of DVDs02:38
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baudthief(and reburn)02:38
llutzbaudthief: k9copy dvd9502:38
yaccinbaudthief: k9copy02:38
yaccinor dvdrip02:38
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coolzgeekright click what?02:39
MaxdamantusThe Firefox icon.02:39
=== montoya [n=montoya@host191-188-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
montoyaHi, I have a problem with kdevelop02:39
coolzgeekThere isn't a configure firefox02:39
coolzgeekIts on a panel02:39
montoyaKdevelop start witouth translation02:40
yaccinmontoya: ...02:40
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chijindoes k9copy 'shrink' dvd9s to dvd5?02:40
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montoyaIt's a problem with kubuntu02:40
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yaccinchijin: yes02:40
yaccinor to 1 or more avi files02:40
yaccinif you want to02:40
yaccinor mpegs02:40
yaccinor DVD images of every size you want to02:40
chijini still use dvdsrink with wine :P02:40
Maxdamantusmontoya, I mean the option staring with "Configure firefox"02:41
DarkEDhi, i want to mount my root partition on my real hdd in write mode on the liveCD, how would i do that?02:41
MaxdamantusCouldn't be bothered typing "Configure firefox web browser button"02:41
MaxdamantusOh, nvm.02:42
MaxdamantusWrong person.02:42
yaccini want to mount the USB-HDD :(02:42
Maxdamantuscoolzgeek, if it's on a panel, you should be able to do that.02:42
coolzgeekConfigure Firefox?02:42
coolzgeekoh you mean on Iceweasel?02:43
MaxdamantusYou say when you try opening Firefox it opens Iceweasel.02:43
MaxdamantusIt's not configuring the program, configuring the shortcut.02:43
coolzgeekYeah then what do i do?02:43
MaxdamantusRight click the shortcut, and select the option starting with "Configure Firefox"02:43
coolzgeekThere is only properties02:44
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coolzgeekLauncher properties02:44
boyeewhich package include the aclocal02:44
MaxdamantusAre you using GNOME?02:44
coolzgeekIf you want me to use KDE i can02:44
MaxdamantusClick Properties02:44
MaxdamantusThen, see what it says in the "Command" box.02:45
blckctscoolzgeek:  command: "firefox %u"02:45
boyee which package contains the aclocal??02:45
coolzgeekfirefox %u02:45
coolzgeekthats what it said02:45
boyeehelp me!!!!02:45
MaxdamantusTry in a terminal: firefox02:45
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coolzgeekTried it02:45
coolzgeekdoesnt work02:46
MaxdamantusIt opens Iceweasel?02:46
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boyeeHi all, please tell me which package contains the aclocal??02:46
blekoshow can i set my IP02:47
HymnToLifewhich IP ?02:47
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yaccinanyone can help with my usb-hdd? :(02:47
coolzgeekFunnily, when i su, it can work02:47
MaxdamantusThe firefox symlink probably leads to iceweasel then.02:47
blekosin windows is smg like configure tcp/ip02:47
icecruncheranybody know how to add custom emoticons to kopete?02:47
HymnToLifeyour LAN IP, then ?02:47
Maxdamantuscoolzgeek, try "cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox"02:47
HymnToLifedoesn't Ubuntu have a GUI-thingie for it ?02:47
blekosi am having wan in my house , and want to give my laptop a standard internal IP02:47
BenPAhi all ... I need a fix for LPD printing not working ... anyone have a link to the fix ... I am using 6.1002:47
blekosjust for my laptop so I can set up a vnc l8r02:47
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MaxdamantusNow, "./firefox-bin"02:48
Maxdamantus(No quotes)02:48
coolzgeekno such file02:49
coolzgeeki lsed02:49
coolzgeekand theres such file though02:49
MaxdamantusDid you mistype?02:50
coolzgeeklemme try using nautilus02:50
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czer323Is there an easy way to get picture files on the desktop to show as thumbnails for KDE?02:51
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blekosso any ideas?02:51
BenPAhi all ... I need a fix for LPD printing not working ... anyone have a link to the fix ... I am using 6.1002:52
coolzgeekseems like the file is corrupted02:52
coolzgeeki can't run it02:52
coolzgeeki tried reinstalling though02:52
MaxdamantusTry "./firefox" in that directory.02:53
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coolzgeekdidn't wokr either02:53
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Maxdamantuscoolzgeek, "apt-get remove iceweasel"02:55
MaxdamantusDidn't realise that iceweasel is pretty much Firefox.02:55
coolzgeeki removed already02:55
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Maxdamantus"apt-get remove firefox"02:56
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MaxdamantusThen "apt-get install firefox"02:56
shawn34how do i check to see if the kernal can see my multi-card reader?02:56
ForgeAus!dist upgrade02:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:56
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coolzgeekHey but ubuntu-desktop will be removed02:56
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ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)02:56
coolzgeekwait lemme go to kde first02:56
shawn34ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package02:56
coolzgeekokay then02:56
shawn34its ok to remove it02:57
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xXLOOSERXxwarum is der 3d desktop bei kubuntu nich dabei?02:57
coolzgeekdo i have to sudo?02:57
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jjjhey I was surprised by the iceweasel term I have read here...02:57
ForgeAusyes generally02:57
ForgeAusunless its a gui app02:57
ForgeAusthen its kdesu02:57
MaxdamantusIt's not a gui app.02:58
jjjI didnt realize that firefox has some legal issues with debian...02:58
coolzgeekdint work02:58
xXLOOSERXxfirefox shits02:58
coolzgeekthere was a bug02:58
ForgeAusjjj really? what sort?02:58
ForgeAussomethign related to foss?02:58
Maxdamantuscoolzgeek, in what?02:58
coolzgeekon https://launchpad.net/bugs/3079102:58
coolzgeekread there02:58
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shawn34how do i check to see if the kernal can see my multi-card reader?02:58
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jjjwill firefox and iceweasel work the same? theoretically it should ryt?02:59
coolzgeekiceweasel's tabbing sucks02:59
coolzgeekyou can't see the original tab03:00
coolzgeekthats why i wanted to unistall it03:00
coolzgeekand somehow, iceweasel associated itself with firefox03:00
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coolzgeekwhen i installed some extension, they said that it was only compatible with iceweasel 2.0 even though there isn't such thing03:00
jjjok ok, so why not the Gnuzilla team just remove the branding and exchange it with free images so tthat the functionality will be the same?03:01
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jjji mean the firefox..03:01
czer323coolzgeek: There's an extension called mrtech local that can sometimes force an extension to install.03:01
czer323http://www.mrtech.com/extensions/local_install/  I've never tried it with iceweasle before though.03:02
coolzgeekDo you all have ubuntuforums acc?03:02
coolzgeeki need to switch to KDE03:03
jjjwill kubuntu still include firefox in its packages even if iceweasel will succeed in its visions?03:03
BenPAhi all ... I need a fix for LPD printing not working ... anyone have a link to the fix ... I am using 6.1003:03
jjjI think that can be...03:03
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Moo-Should this "Kubuntu distribution upgrade tool" be somewhere in KMenu?03:04
jjjbecause kde's konqueror is the default browser anyway...03:04
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Maxdamantuscoolzgeek, try "apt-get moo"03:04
MaxdamantusMight help.03:04
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czer323Maxdamantus: lol, lies. ;)03:05
sivajiwhat apt-get autoremove will do03:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autoremove - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:06
coolzgeekHey i changed to KDE and it work03:06
MaxdamantusWhat was that thing on GNOME? Someone here lastnight said to do "free the fishes" or something in it.03:06
coolzgeekDo you use GNOME?03:06
coolzgeekkde is better03:06
MaxdamantusI can use GNOME.03:06
MaxdamantusI have a GNOME session on atm.03:06
coolzgeekI mean ur default session03:06
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MaxdamantusCtrl + alt + F10 = GNOME, Ctrl + alt + F7 = KDE03:07
MaxdamantusKDE is my default.03:07
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coolzgeekHow do i change the cursor to double click?03:07
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manuel__how can i mix a list (randomly) ?03:08
Jucatocoolzgeek: System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> Mouse03:08
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coolzgeekon kDE03:09
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MaxdamantusHaha. Awesome, if you "apt-get install kde", it uses the default KDE control centre.03:09
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ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, or nixternal03:09
Hobbseesivaji: yes?03:09
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BenPAhi all ... I need a fix for LPD printing not working ... anyone have a link to the fix ... I am using 6.1003:09
LjLsivaji: yes?03:09
Jucatosivaji: yes?03:09
sivajiwhat apt-get autoremove will do03:10
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coolzgeektry aptitude moo03:10
MaxdamantusThere are no Easter Eggs in this program.03:10
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coolzgeekWhich country are u from?03:11
Daisuke_Idooh lord...03:11
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MaxdamantusI'm going to bed.03:12
BenPAhi all ... I need a fix for LPD printing not working ... anyone have a link to the fix ... I am using 6.1003:12
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manuel__can anybody help me?03:13
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coolzgeekWhy when i boot ubuntu theres a kubuntu boot screen?03:14
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Hobbseecoolzgeek: because you installed kubuntu?03:15
BenPAcan anyone help me with LPD printing?03:15
coolzgeeki mean can u switch it back?03:15
Jucatocoolzgeek: if you installed Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu, you also get the Kubuntu bootsplash.03:15
Jucatoyep you can03:15
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Jucatocoolzgeek: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork03:16
tucoHello all. Hi 4stro :-)03:16
tucoI have installed wine and need help to install utorrent.03:17
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Daisuke_Idowine utorrent03:18
USMarineazureus ftw03:18
BenPAcan anyone help me with LPD printing?03:18
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Daisuke_Idoazureus is a resource hog and way too bloated03:19
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tucoexcatly, utorrent is a a lot lighter03:20
tucofor that reason I need help to install it using wine03:21
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Daisuke_Idowine utorrent03:22
Daisuke_Idothere's nothing to install with utorrent03:23
Daisuke_Idojust run the client from a command line with wine03:23
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jjjwill trillian be ported to kubuntu? I have read that trillian astra has linux version...i hope so...03:23
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Hobbseejjj: unlikely.  unless someone does the work - usually at the company who makes the windows version03:23
Daisuke_Idojjj: why would anyone need trillian when there's kopete?03:23
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Daisuke_Idomaybe it's improved, but trillian always felt to me like a badly hacked together amalgamation of parts03:24
jjji was an ubuntu user and I'm not satisfied with Gaim...I planning to shift to kubuntu when the CDs arrives...03:24
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Daisuke_Idonow that's a good reason03:25
jjjso kopete was the IM tool for kubuntu...03:25
tucoOK done anyway. I just clicked on properties and made it an executable.03:25
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Daisuke_Idotuco: don't like ktorrent, i take it?03:26
crene<hello from crene03:26
tucoI never used it. I have utorrent in windows so I stick with my old habits really.03:26
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tucoit isn't a bloatware like azureus so there you go :-)03:27
Daisuke_Idoi would try out ktorrent, personally.  why even shift to a new os if the same habits still apply03:27
jjjkopete looks like trillian as I saw it from the screenshots...now I dont care about trillian astra ported to linux...03:27
Daisuke_Idojjj: hehe, yeah, kopete's really nice03:27
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jjjthank God almost everything is free with linux!!!!03:28
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tucoWe live in a free world as far I as am concerned Ido. So when I decide to use Ktorrent I will do so, right now it is also an exercise to experiment with the various options in Linux.03:29
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Daisuke_Idotuco: this is true, and it is your choice, i'm just recommending one that will keep your choice open rather than dependent on a windows solution03:29
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cntban X feature in kubuntu sometimes does not work  - CTRL ALT + zooms in , Ctrl ALT - zooms out but without restarting few minutes ago it stopeed zoomin/03:30
manuel__how can i sort a list randomly?03:30
cntbah got it !!!!!!!!!03:30
cntbmust be in english03:30
tucoNo worries Ido. I will certainly give it a try as long as it isn't a resource monger like azureus!03:30
faginWhere can I find info to install mp3 support into a fesity install?03:30
cntbwas in Spanish and greek03:30
Daisuke_Idooh definitely not03:30
Daisuke_Idoit's pretty lightweight03:30
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tucolighter than utorrent?03:31
Daisuke_Idofagin: open an mp3 in amarok03:31
Daisuke_Idonot quite as light as utorrent, but i don't think anything is yet03:31
cntbthis doesn ot work as expected windows keyboard behaves more as expected03:31
Daisuke_Idobut it is a native app03:31
Daisuke_Idoso it has that advantage03:31
tucolike what?03:31
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faginDaisuke_Ido: OK. I can't do that just now though since I can't encode anything into mp3 :)03:32
Daisuke_Idofagin: you'll need libxine-extracodecs and lame03:32
icecruncherwhat is the kubuntu equivilant or how do u do the same like this in ubuntu  System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs -> New:03:32
donhow do you configure kopete?03:32
jjjdoes anyone here knows how to use winmodems in kubuntu/ubuntu other than the Linuxant drivers (which is not free)?03:32
faginDaisuke_Ido: Thanks. I'll look fro those packets in adept03:33
Daisuke_Idodon: when you open it the first time, you get a "welcome to kopete" with a setup wizard03:33
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donI try aand get noware03:33
BenPAcan anyone help me with LPD printing?03:34
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Daisuke_Idoand after that, go to settings > configure kopete03:34
donits all new to me but I like it03:34
Daisuke_Idoyou obviously have to know your account details for the different protocols if you want to use them03:34
Daisuke_Idousername and password, stuff like that03:34
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donyes but it does not work at all03:35
icecruncheror how do you add a program to strtup (firewall)03:35
dongoes through motions and does nothing03:35
Daisuke_Idodid it set up the account?03:36
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Jucato!startup | icecruncher03:41
ubotuicecruncher: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup03:41
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Jucatoicecruncher: although I imagine the app also having it's own settings to do that03:41
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jjjhow about startups in kubuntu?03:42
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Hobbseesymlink into ~/.kde/Autostart03:42
Hobbseejjj: ^03:42
Jucatooh crap03:42
Hobbseeor link, or wahtever03:42
Jucato!autostart | icecruncher03:42
ubotuicecruncher: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.03:42
=== Jucato bangs head on the desk again
Jucatothis is definitely not my night :/03:43
abattoirpoor desk :(03:43
jjjok thanks thanks...03:43
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Jucatoabattoir: you have to wait for infinity :)03:44
yapianyone have kubuntu & win x on laptop?03:44
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abattoirHobbsee: you weren't the one i irked ;)03:44
abattoirHobbsee: hi, btw :)03:44
Jucatoabattoir: are you sure? :D03:45
Hobbseeabattoir: heya!03:45
abattoiryapi: lots of people here do... what's your question/problem?03:45
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abattoirJucato: unless you two are alternate identities of the same person or something ;)03:45
MementoMori__hi all03:45
MementoMori__where can I find cowpatty package?03:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cowpatty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
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yapiI'm trying to install kubuntu on logical particion but I always have the code: no main files system03:46
abattoirMementoMori__: doesn't seem to be in the feisty repos from what i can see03:46
icecruncher!info cowpatty03:47
ubotuPackage cowpatty does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas03:47
abattoiryapi: where do you see this?03:47
abattoiryapi: also how many primary/logical partitions do you have?03:47
yapiwhen I choose mount points03:47
doncan serious gaming be done with kubuntu?03:47
MementoMori__abattoir: there is a way to know if there is a repo with cowpatty avaible?03:47
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Jucatoyapi: make sure that you have a partition that's set aside for and mounted on /03:48
Jucato(in the partition table part of the installer)03:48
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yapiI have / and swap03:48
MementoMori__abattoir: nUbuntu seems to have this packet03:48
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icecruncherok this might seem silly but does anybody know how to make the icons in the system tray a bit smaller so that they are on 2 rows intead of 1?03:49
abattoirMementoMori__: would it be possible for you to compile it?03:49
yapiwhat I should install First ? lkubuntu or xp ?03:49
JucatoMementoMori__: nubuntu isn't an official derivative... we don't have their repos03:49
Jucatoicecruncher:  you can't make the icons smaller, but you can make the panel larger so that it will fit in 2 rows03:49
abattoiryapi: i'd recommend installing xp first, then kubuntu03:49
icecruncherJucato: ugh, ok,03:50
jjjxp first then kubuntu/ubuntu...because ubuntu installer is smarter then xp...03:50
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=== icecruncher whines because his panel is big already
yapiok I install xp as primary partition ..03:50
Jucatoicecruncher: use a Custom size of 48... that's the smallest possible that will have 2 rows03:50
donI installed on clean drive03:50
yapiand leave 3 partitions for kubuntu ..two linux ext 3 and 1 swap ..yes?03:50
Hobbseeyapi: xp first03:51
Hobbseeand yes03:51
yapiok ;p03:51
yapiwill try03:51
Jucatowell, you can have 2 partitions for kubuntu (/ and swap) but it's recommended that you have a different one for /home :)03:51
jjjor dont install xp at all...hehe...03:51
Jucatoideal and nice to think about... but sometimes not practical :)03:52
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doncan you get an emulater to run my games?03:53
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yapiand there should be only one primary partition ..xp or xp and / should be both primary partitions?03:57
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doncan you run windows software like games?03:57
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Menause wine03:57
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:58
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donwhat is wine I have heard of it03:58
Menawine is  compatibility layer wich enable you to run Xp apps03:58
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Menayapi, i guess you better make Xp and / and swap primary partitions03:59
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yapiok tnx04:00
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Menayou are welcome04:00
yapibut then /home would also be rimary04:02
jjjdoes anyone here knows how to use winmodems in kubuntu/ubuntu other than the Linuxant drivers (which is not free)?04:02
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Menayapi, /home located on the / root partition04:03
Menayapi, so its on the primary partition04:03
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yapibut some other say that there shoulb be 3 partitions .. / , /home , and swap04:04
Menai dont know any thing a bout this04:04
Menamaybe you get it wrong or maybe its me04:05
jup2i installed kde on my ubuntu but kde-core is not installed do i need it?04:05
Menabut its cant as i guess04:05
yapi<Jucato> well, you can have 2 partitions for kubuntu (/ and swap) but it's recommended that you have a different one for /home :)04:05
yapimake up your mind ;p04:05
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Jucatoyapi: "you can" means it's technically possible. "it's recommended" means that you're advised to do it... no confusion there ;)04:06
DjDemonsomeone can tell me do kubuntu has included beryl?04:06
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JucatoDjDemon: not installed or enabled by default.04:06
yapiso I can make 2 ;p04:06
Jucatoyou can install it using Adept Manager04:06
Jucatoyapi: yes, you *can*04:07
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Jucato(whether you want to depends on you)04:07
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jup2i installed kde by install the kubuntu-desktop package  it works but the package kde and kde-core and x-window-system is not installed do i not need them??04:09
Hobbseejup2: shouldnt do04:09
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Jucatojup2: nope. not necessary04:09
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jup2can i remove all the gnome stuff now then?04:10
_4strOjup2: you can try apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop04:11
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Jucatowon't work neatly _4strO04:11
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Jucatojup2: try this guide: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde04:11
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_4strOJucato: ok04:12
jovanwhere can i find seamonkey in the repo?04:12
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icecruncherquestion, why does ubuntu not have a firewall preinstalled?04:12
_4strOicecruncher: he as one04:12
boyeeHi,How to do search in my installed packages?04:13
icecruncherhow do you configure it?04:13
icecruncherboyee, use dpkg -l04:13
_Schlumpficecruncher: iptables04:13
icecruncher_Schlumpf: so are any others unecessary?04:13
_4strOicecruncher: or you can install some gui for manage it04:13
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ofekhi everyone04:14
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LjLicecruncher: because it has no internet accessible services installed04:15
LjLif you install services, you're supposed to be sane enough to also set up a firewall04:15
icecruncherboyee, what?04:15
DjDemonoh, and tell me please, what program I need to view .pdf files?04:16
JucatoDjDemon: kpdf (installed by default)04:16
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boyeeI want to remove all the package contains scim,but the dpkg -l scim don't show me all the packages i installed and only one package name scim.04:16
voidmageWhat resolution does kubuntu usplash use by default?04:16
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Jucatovoidmage: "cat /etc/usplash.conf" will tell you04:17
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boyeeicecruncher,How to print all packages' name I want above.04:18
icecruncherboyee: print?04:18
sayersI have a problem with my keyboard, I can use it in a differnt terminal session but in KDE it doesnt respond after I log in.04:18
faginIs there any decent KDE based cd ripper around?04:18
boyeeprint to shell.04:18
boyeeshow me in shell04:18
icecruncherthat should do it04:18
_4strOfagin: k3b04:19
icecruncherdpkg -l doesnt do it?04:19
Jucato!ripping | fagin04:19
ubotufagin: To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar; it's configurable in system settings. Also see http://tinyurl.com/2x7qsh04:19
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boyeeany other parameter need?04:19
icecruncherboyee: another way is to a file with dpkg -l > packages.txt04:19
fagin_4strO: Nope. It rips images as far s I can tell. I want rips of indiviual files04:20
boyeeYes,It shows only one.04:20
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_4strOsayers: I think it's about your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file04:20
sangerssayers: if nothing works, get rid of some files from your .kde and that should fix your keyboard problem04:20
boyeeBut it's not what I want.04:20
_4strOfagin: it rip CD too ;)04:20
icecruncherboyee: no04:20
sayerssangers how would I go about that04:20
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icecruncherboyee: you want all the packages listed04:20
sayersit worked earlier04:21
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_4strOsangers: sudo aptget install libk3b2 libk3b2-mp304:21
fagin_4strO: Yes, but does it rip individual files off from a CD? I only saw options for ripping an entire CD image.04:21
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sangerssayers: from a plain text session go into your home/.kde/04:21
Skrot-Hi, is there a tool, like top, to measure I/O activity?04:21
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boyeeicecruncher.I want all the packages list contains scim I installed.04:21
icecruncherboyee: ok dpkg -l | grep scim04:22
sangersand if nothing important get rid of the directory, it will be recreate at next login, without your keyboard problem04:22
boyeeGood.Thank you very much.icecruncher!04:22
_4strOfagin: I had try and it works, i can rip only one song if i want04:23
sangerssayers: my guess is kmail or evolution setting files corropted04:23
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donhas enyone installed wine it sounds tough04:23
sayerssangers well it happened when I ran a .package to install Warzone210004:23
sangerssayers: that happen to me before, do a backup if you need to restore some setting04:23
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sayerssangers bit late for that04:24
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fagin_4strO: Great. Then I will try it again. Thank you for the help.04:24
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_4strOfagin: ;)04:24
sayerssangers how else could I fix this?04:24
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ForgeAusis there a command line to run the distro update tool?04:25
sangerssayers: did you restart your kde yet?04:25
sayerssangers yes04:25
sayerssangers i could try again I guess...04:25
sangerssayers: still no access to keyboard?04:26
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sangerssayers: at the kdm login screen your keyboard works?04:26
sayerssangers yes04:27
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sangerssayers: and do you get a fresh vanilla kde session?04:28
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icecruncherForgeAus: yes04:28
sayerssangers yes04:28
icecruncher!update | ForgeAus04:28
ubotuForgeAus: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)04:28
sangerssayers: keyboard works inside kde now?04:29
sayerssangers no04:29
plexhi. first time i use kubuntu... how can i dl and install geforce fx 5600xt driver?04:29
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sangerssayers: if you press on caplock do you get a green light on?04:29
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cables!ubuntu | plex04:30
ubotuplex: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome04:30
cables!nvidia | plex04:30
ubotuplex: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:30
cablesplex: that should be a little more helpful :)04:30
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ForgeAusargh my ttf-opensymbol package has problems that means open office can't upgrade :(04:31
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ForgeAussays : "/usr/share/fonts": error scanning04:32
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ForgeAusfor a few04:32
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ForgeAusthen: dpkg: error processing ttf-opensymbol (--configure):04:32
ForgeAusI copied symbolic links to fonts for X guess it just wasn't enough04:33
icecruncherForgeAus: sorry, don't know04:34
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plexhow is Restricted Device Manager called in kubuntu?04:35
cablesplex: it isn't.04:35
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cablesplex: I believe it's only in Ubuntu.04:35
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dettoaltrimenti_what's the command line argument to search for keywords in man pages?04:36
ForgeAusgrep generally04:36
ForgeAusto search words but in man pages I'm not sure04:36
tyfon_apropos <word>04:36
Hobbseedettoaltrimenti_: inside them?  /word04:36
manu_playmidi and amarok dont play my midifiles, someone can help?04:36
Yorokobiman -k <keyword>04:36
dettoaltrimenti_thanks tyfon_04:37
dettoaltrimenti_and what is the command to see all files that are open on your computer04:38
tyfon_lsof :)04:38
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donanyone install Wine?04:38
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ForgeAuslotsa people why?04:38
donIt looks difficult04:38
ForgeAus(theres a #winehq channel in case your interested)04:38
ForgeAussimple just get it from adept04:39
ForgeAusthere can be some complication depending on what you want to do with it04:39
ForgeAusand not every windows program works under it...04:39
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donI checked outa site and it was very difficult to understand] 04:39
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ForgeAusmaybe but it doesn't HAVE to be difficult in kubuntu depending on what you need to do04:40
donthen i will have trouble getting 3D04:40
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ForgeAusyes I aren't sure DirectX installs under wine04:40
ForgeAus(I tihnk thats partially what Cedega's for)04:41
ForgeAus(its a commercial fork of wine with extras)04:41
ForgeAusmostly in order to run some specific games04:41
donEverything I go to do has 3 text books of directions I just will have to learn04:41
ForgeAuswhat are you trying to do?04:42
ForgeAusmaybe you can cut some of the unnecessary information04:42
dettoaltrimenti_don, what do you want to run in wine?04:42
plexdoes smbdy know if nvidia-glx-legacy is for fx5600xt or do i need glx-new ?04:43
donya most does not matter usually just sounds tough04:43
ForgeAusDon wine isn't necessarily tough04:43
donI will start by getting Wine working04:43
ForgeAusit depends on the app and what lengths you need to go to to get it running04:43
ForgeAussome do some don't even work04:43
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Yorokobiplex, if you try the new one and your X won't start, check out /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if the driver tells you to use the legacy (or regular nvidia-glx) driver.04:43
ForgeAusok well go to adept and install it then04:44
ForgeAusthats the easiest bit :)04:44
donI have used crossover in Xandros that worked] 04:44
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ForgeAusyeah crossover is basically also a fork of wine with extras04:44
icecruncherdon: and if your running feisty, there's some nice config04:44
ForgeAusit has some cushy dialogs to run stuff...04:44
ForgeAusall wine alone is is basically cxoffice without the glam04:44
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donWhere is a dept04:45
ForgeAusbut most stuff you can do in one will also work in the other04:45
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ForgeAusadept is your package manager04:45
ForgeAusin system ... manage packages is probably the best one to run04:45
ForgeAus(or if thats too hard just use add/remove programs in the k menu)04:45
dettoaltrimenti_don- k menu--> system04:45
ForgeAusyeah Dett, sorry I jumped ahead a few steps04:46
donI just reallized that I t does not understand either04:46
ForgeAusor you could type in console sudo adept_manager04:46
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jup2i installed this http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Kubuntu+with+Suse+Kickoff+Edgy+Elf+6.10?content=5024004:47
jup2but i cant get it work04:47
jup2it is not in add aplet :P04:47
ForgeAusum what is it?04:47
ForgeAus(is it like a start menu?)04:47
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ForgeAusit might be a kbfx theme or something04:47
ForgeAusso you might need kbfx first04:47
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ForgeAusand that is an applet for kicker04:48
jhutchinsjup2: Any documentation come with it?04:48
jup2its a deb file04:48
ForgeAusdeb is just the install package04:48
jup2how to install kbfx?04:48
ForgeAusin adept04:48
ForgeAusits there (if you have the right repositories, assuming its not in the main one... )04:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kbfx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:49
ForgeAushmmm thats interesting04:49
Yorokobi!info kbfx04:49
ubotukbfx: an alternative to K-Menu for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 1268 kB, installed size 3748 kB04:49
ForgeAusanyhow its a kmenu (like start menu for windows users) replacement04:49
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icecruncherjup2: did you read everyting to the bottom of the page?04:50
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jhutchinsIs there an apt equivalent of rpm -qd <package>?04:50
ForgeAuswhats the qd mean?04:50
icecruncherjup2: 3 post from the bottom04:51
jhutchinsForgeAus: Lists any documentation included in the package.04:51
jup2ehm i have kbfx now04:51
icecrunchersorru, top04:51
ForgeAuskewl.. um not that I'm aware of04:51
ForgeAusbut then I'm no apt officionado04:51
mindspinhi, what's the command to detect the UUID of an USB device?04:52
jup2how du i edit kbfx to use the new skin?04:52
Yorokobijhutchins, debs usually have <package>-doc for documentation. Otherwise, all you get is some readmes and licensure in /usr/share/doc/<package>04:52
ericssonAnyone got NTFS 3G driver working in feisty?04:52
Jucato!uuid | mindspin04:52
ubotumindspin: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:52
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ForgeAusdpkg -c lists contents04:54
Yorokobijup2, use the KBFX Configurator it Kmenu -> Settings04:54
ForgeAusand -I shows info04:54
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ericssonI've added an NTFS formatted drive in the machine (feisty) but I can't mount/see/touch/lick it, any tips?04:55
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jup2but i can install theme in there but my deb file dont work :P04:55
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manu_playmidi and amarok dont play my midifiles, someone can help?04:56
Moo-Can someone help me? Where can I find the updgrade tool to updrade to Feisty? Adept said that it downloaded it but I can't find it04:57
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jhutchins!midi | manu_04:58
ubotumanu_: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo04:58
delphineMoo-: reboot your system04:58
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delphinethen start with new kernel04:58
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ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)04:58
fagin_4strO: I have figured ot how to rip single tracks with K3b now, and also how to encode them with mp3. Thanks again for your help.04:59
jhutchinsMoo-: If you follow the link above to the Feisty page, it will tell you what to do.04:59
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jhutchinsMoo-: You need to add a special repo if you have kde 3.5.6 already, otherwise you just update your GUI Package tool.04:59
jhutchinsMoo-: It should offer a system upgrade.04:59
manu_jhutchins what shall i do?05:00
manu_i only want to play mid files05:00
manu_via playmidi and amarok05:00
jhutchinsmanu_: Have you read the link ubotu sent you?05:00
jup2i can use k-menu and kbfx-menu  but the suse one i still cant get work :(05:00
manu_jhutchins yes its about server and instruments and hardware... but thats not my aim i think?05:00
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Moo-jhutchins: It offered it, I downloaded it and it said that I should run the update-software but I can't find that software from anywhere05:00
Analista_Ucsalalguem do brasil?05:00
jhutchinsmanu_: I think if you follow it's directions and get midi working that way, it will work with amarok as well, but there may be plugins for amarok.05:01
faginI noticed that the version of LAME that got installed with the package is 3.96.1. Is there any preferred way I should use to upgrade it to the latest stable version which is 3.97?05:01
Moo-jhutchins: I also tried full upgrade in adept after that but aplly changes button stays grey05:01
manu_jhutchins and playmidi? i thought i only have to install the program to play these files05:02
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_4strOfagin: it's a pleasure ;)05:02
andrea_ciao a tutti05:02
andrea_siete tutti esperti di kubuntu vero?????????05:02
jhutchinsMoo-: You may have something else running.  Mine didn't download a package - taht's the ubunut method - I just updated the sources in the GUI and it offered to upgrade the system.  After a minute or two it closed adept and started an upgrade, which never completed.05:02
andrea_c' qualche itraliano????????05:03
faginHi andrea_ English is a good language to use in this channel. :)05:03
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manu_jhutchins in lmms i can play midi files05:03
jhutchins!it | andrea_05:03
ubotuandrea_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:03
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Aattilacan anybody help with amarok? it updates database when i try to run it, but then happens nothing and amarok isn't loaded05:03
jhutchinsmanu_: If you've read the docs you might want to check in #amarok for more specific information.05:04
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ericssonuhh..my hda1 is commented out in /etc/fstab,  but visible when doing "df" and the disk that would be hdb (NTFS) is not visible anywhere :(05:07
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ForgeAusno make that bbl05:08
jup2haha lol stupid me :P  i should just restart then the k-menu change to the .deb i installed :)05:08
Jucatoericsson: it's commented out in fstab because Kubuntu uses the UUID for your /dev/hda105:08
icecruncherhow can you check the pgp of a file with the key?05:09
ericssonJucato: Ahh, that cleared that out...but I still can't mount the NFTS however :(05:09
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Jucatoericsson: that commented /dev/hda1 belongs to the UUID that's beneath it05:09
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Jucatoericsson: different problem then.. have you tried the Disk & Filesystem module in System Settings?05:09
icecruncheris there some kind of program for that?05:09
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ericssonJucato: Nope, first time around with GUI :)05:10
Jucatomight make things easier for you05:10
Jucato!ntfs | ericsson05:10
ubotuericsson: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:10
Jucatothat one too05:10
FarmerHelo, I'm thinking about moving from Suse 10.0 to Kubuntu, Is there a way to keep my current home folder? cause I'd like to keep my files and only change the dist. I only have one harddrive...05:10
ericssonTried following: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions?highlight=%28windows%29%7C%28mounting%29 but didn't work..05:11
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GuHHHhey! how do i remove the gui at boot (ubuntu logo loading), because it crashes my computer (turns off monitor and cant use keyboard).05:11
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JucatoGuHHH: in your /boot/grub/menu.lst, remove the "splash" and  "quiet" words for the kernel entries05:12
dettoaltrimenti_Farmer- is your /home folder a separate partition right now?05:12
Jucatolike in kernel /boot/vmlinuz-blahblahblah05:12
GuHHHJucato thanks :D i will try05:13
FarmerI only got one partition05:13
ForgeAushey jucato....05:13
ForgeAusguess what?05:13
ForgeAusI need help again05:13
JucatoForgeAus: hahah :)05:13
ForgeAusmy kubuntu's working its just a package I can't seem to configure/install right05:13
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ForgeAusmy xfonts seem to be screwed05:13
ericssonJucato: would it be advisable to use the NFTS fuse when trying to mount?05:14
Jucatowhat is it? don't hold me in suspense :)05:14
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dettoaltrimenti_Farmer- if you have a dvd burner or a memory stick, you could just cut and paste- that's the only way I can think of05:14
Jucatoericsson: depends if you want to write to the NTFS partition. otherwise it's not necessary05:14
ForgeAusdamn I don't have the errors on me brb running dpkg05:14
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ericssonJucato: Ok, would need write-access since it's a disk from work, so does fuse goes for feisty as well?05:15
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Farmerno DVD burner :/05:15
ForgeAusSetting up ttf-opensymbol (2.0.4-0ubuntu5) ...05:15
ForgeAus"/usr/share/fonts": error scanning05:15
Jucatoericsson: not absolutely sure how stable fuse or ntfs-3g05:15
ForgeAus"/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts": error scanning05:15
ForgeAus"/usr/local/share/fonts": error scanning05:15
ericssonJucato: me neither :)05:15
ForgeAus"/home/forge/.fonts": error scanning05:15
ForgeAus"/var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d": error scanning05:16
ForgeAusbasically if they get fixed it should install05:16
speaker__How to install wine?05:16
ForgeAusie, this won't happen:05:16
ForgeAusdpkg: error processing ttf-opensymbol (--configure):05:16
ForgeAus subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 505:16
ForgeAusspeaker use adept05:16
Jucato!paste | ForgeAus05:16
ubotuForgeAus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:16
ForgeAus(under kmenu -> system -> manage packages05:17
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ForgeAusits not large05:17
JucatoForgeAus: 5 lines isn't?05:17
speaker__Adept can't find it/05:17
ForgeAusits just a few font folder references basically the same error05:17
ForgeAusthing is I did a symbolic link to "copy" the folders to where X was complaining about them not being05:17
Jucatostill... more than 2 or 3 lines, you should use pastebin05:17
ForgeAusand it seemed to have fix things for a while05:17
Jucatobut anyway... no idea :(05:18
ericssonJucato: ui, now something went wrong! My USB-stick is listed twice, the hdb disk is now visible but it shows as 4kb big ;)05:18
ForgeAusthats prolly what cased the "error" message right?05:18
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ForgeAuswould you rather I'd have pasted all the openoffice.org packages that DIDN'T install after it?05:19
ForgeAus(because ttf-opensymbol is a dependency of them)05:19
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ForgeAusie. I gave you the abridged vers05:20
Jucatosudo dpkg --configure -a doesn't do anything?05:20
ForgeAusit does05:20
ForgeAusand thats what the errors I get from it05:20
ForgeAuscan't seem to get past the ttf-opensymbol package05:20
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Jucatosudo apt-get -f install?05:21
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ForgeAussame problem05:21
ForgeAusexplains it differently tho05:22
ForgeAusall the right files are there... its annoying05:22
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marcreicheltI'm trying to use Beryl with an NVIDIA graphics card05:23
marcreichelt(3D mode is enabled correctly)05:23
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marcreicheltthe window decoration does not show up05:23
ForgeAusdo you have aquamarine?05:23
ForgeAus(emeryld is another one, but aquamarine gives you kde decorators)05:24
marcreicheltneither emerald nor aquamarine work05:24
ForgeAusin that case I don't know the problem05:24
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:24
marcreicheltI've tried the (German) solution from http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Beryl.html#head-57bdfae90ae59cf7a8e3987c3aa8b674d983bd0e05:25
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ForgeAusits ok I can't read german, at least not to that level05:25
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ForgeAusabout the only German sentence I could probably read is something saying my name is: <insert name here> or My hat has three corners...05:26
ForgeAusthats about the extent of it...05:26
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rolandwtf is wrong with kubuntu , i cant acces /  in konqueror ?05:27
stdinmarcreichelt: you need the option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" in your "Device" section of xorg.conf05:27
stdinmarcreichelt: and make sure you are using the default depth of 2405:27
ForgeAuswhich is in /etc/X11/05:27
stdinroland: dapper?05:27
rolandstdin: edgy05:27
stdin!hidden | roland05:27
mcreicheltstdin: all done05:28
ForgeAusI don't see why you can't it hsould work05:28
uboturoland: Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles . This will be removed in Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)05:28
stdinmcreichelt: there was a thread on it in the kubuntu-users list, so that's where I got that info from05:28
stdinmcreichelt: just restart X now05:28
ForgeAusI'm using edgy and I managed to get to / no problem05:28
rolandupgrading from kubuntu 6.10 to 7.04 is a good idea ? its clean and it happens safely right ? or do there remain junk files and the system would be slower when upgraded than when installed from 7.04 cd05:29
JucatoForgeAus: but do you see all the root folders?05:29
stdinForgeAus: it was hidden in dapper05:29
ForgeAusum I probably turned hiding off or something05:29
ForgeAusyeah I do see everything05:29
stdinForgeAus: no, it was edgy, not dapper :p05:29
ForgeAuseven root folders I just cant execute things I don't have permission for05:29
JucatoForgeAus: if you have Show hidden folders enabled, you'll see it05:30
Jucatoyou'll see them I mean05:30
ForgeAusprobably do...05:30
ForgeAusso why don't you say to roland to put on show hidden folders?05:30
manu_https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdemultimedia/+bug/75271 what to do? :'(05:30
rolandi did05:30
rolandi see now all05:30
ForgeAusfeisty is nice roland05:30
ForgeAusdunno much about the upgrade process05:31
mcreicheltstdin: no, that doesn't work :(05:31
ForgeAusI havn't as yet been through it05:31
rolandand i dont like fonts in konqueror05:31
mcreicheltbut at least Beryl does not crash05:31
rolandthey are retarded05:31
mcreicheltonly the window decoration fails to load05:31
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ForgeAusmc thats strange, ask the beryl people they might know05:32
stdinmanu_: is the module snd_seq loaded?05:32
ForgeAus(#ubuntu-effects and I think theres an #xgl)05:32
stdinand a #beryl05:33
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ForgeAusahh yes that one would make sense05:33
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rolandis kubuntu good for learning linux for a sysadmin or its too user friendly for this ? i need to do most things by cli05:34
netsharehi, how can i make my kubuntu 6.10 so that it can write my NTFS partitions? just because i would like to download when im on linux, but my store partition is ntfs05:34
ForgeAusneither roland05:34
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rolandForgeAus ok then what should i use05:34
rolandfor learning linux the unix way05:35
ForgeAusyou can use kubuntu for it05:35
ash211!ntfs-3g | netshare05:35
ubotunetshare: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:35
rolandno nifty guis05:35
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ForgeAusum if you don't want guis, you could have installed the server version05:35
stdinroland: just because there is a gui, doesn't mean you have to use it05:35
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ForgeAusor got something like gentoo ...05:35
rolandsu returned error when i click edit as root on a file05:35
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ForgeAusyou can install the server packages anyway even into desktop kubuntu probably05:36
ForgeAusat least I think so05:36
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rolandi can just compile what server packages i need from source05:36
rolandits the right way for me05:36
ForgeAusroland su? hmmm mostly using cli use sudo05:36
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DrNickRivierai've had fairly bad experiences with upgrading kubuntu, rather than reinstalling it05:36
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DrNickRivierahas this gotten any better with feisty?05:36
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netsharethis ntf-3g is trustable? so it wont mess with my partitions? iwouldnt like to broke my ntfs harddisks05:37
ForgeAusDrNick theres a tool to do it05:37
ForgeAusso I'd hope so05:37
tucoGuys is there some sort of cleaner for temp files..recycle bin and stuff? A bit like CCleaner for windows?05:37
stdinDrNickRiviera: the only known upgrade issue (Edgy -> Feisty) is that you have to remove samba first, then reinstall it05:37
aldini wan to backup my "/" partition is it "smart" to excude proc & sys dirs? sudo tar cvpf backup.tar --exclude=/backup.tar --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/media /05:37
ForgeAusnetshare, nothing is certain but it should be fairly safe05:37
rolandroland@summer-desktop:~$ sudo -i05:38
rolandsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 28 21:20:14 200705:38
manu_manu@kubuntu:~$ lsmod | grep snd_seq05:38
manu_snd_seq_device          9868  1 snd_rawmidi05:38
manu_snd                    58372  15 saa7134_alsa,snd_mpu401,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer05:38
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manu_is that right?05:38
ForgeAusI'd recommend you using windows to modify your NTFS partition but ntfs-3g is pretty good these days...05:38
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stdinmanu_: I'll show you what I have, but it looks like some aren't loaded05:39
manu_stdin: would be nice to get midi working :)05:39
rolandroland@summer-desktop:~$ sudo -i05:39
rolandsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 28 21:20:14 200705:39
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rolandwhat is this05:39
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stdinroland: try "sudo -K" (uppercase K)05:39
rolandsudo -K05:40
rolandsudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 28 21:20:14 200705:40
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plexhi. how can i change the keyboard layout in Kubuntu?05:41
stdinroland: just reboot then, that will fix it05:41
stdinmanu_: http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/10405:41
tyfon_sudo -k should work aswell05:41
tyfon_or should work better05:41
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tyfon_since it doesnt require password05:41
stdinplex: System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse05:41
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sdf_hi my adept don t open?05:42
sdf_and add/remove manager don t open05:42
sdf_what can i do?05:42
plexstdin: i didn't find it in there =(05:42
stdinplex: ohh, sorry, it's in Regional & Language now05:43
netshareForgeAus what do you mean, modify ntfs in windows?05:43
plexoh thnx05:43
ForgeAusif your going to write to NTFS its recommended to use windows to do it05:43
sdf_any one help me to know what is the problem?05:43
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stdinsdf_: try running "kdesu adept_manager" in konsole and look for errors05:44
ForgeAusbut ntfs-3g is mostly safe these days I havn't heard of many people with problems with it....05:44
manu_stdin: and what shall i do05:44
ForgeAusactually it'd be interesting to find out about Vista and Ntfs under linux, apaprently XP can't even read Vista drives05:45
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stdinmanu_: try loading some of those other modules, like snd-seq-oss05:45
ForgeAusI wonder if Linux can???05:45
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netshareForgeAus i need ntfs writing under linux, because of torrent05:45
sdf_stdin:i had X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16805:45
sdf_Major opcode:  14505:45
stdinsdf_: that's normal, ignore that05:46
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Jucatosdf_: ignore those. harmless errors05:46
stdinmanu_: and load snd-seq manually too05:46
sdf_ Minor opcode:  305:46
sdf_  Resource id:  0x005:46
sdf_Failed to open device05:46
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ForgeAusnetshare you lost me I thought torrents were files you downloaded to get other files through p2p...05:46
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sdf_X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16805:46
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sdf_  Major opcode:  14505:46
sdf_  Minor opcode:  305:46
sdf_  Resource id:  0x005:46
sdf_Failed to open device05:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:46
sdf_this all errors that i had05:46
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ForgeAussdf just comment out the stylus, cursor and other device thats for tablets05:47
ForgeAusin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:47
Filthpigsdf_: what are you trying to run?05:47
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sdf_i want to open adept05:47
sdf_don topen05:47
manu_stdin sudo modprobe snd-seq?05:48
ForgeAusI don't think the X error bad device will stop Adept from running05:48
stdinmanu_: yeah05:48
rolandkubuntu beryl effects work relatively stable ?05:48
rolandim using ati05:48
netshareForgeAus: yes they are but, when i download a huge file,( or a smaller, doesnt matter) than i have to download it to an ntfs partition, because my ext3 partition is only 5 GB05:48
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stdinsdf_: any other output ?05:49
sdf_the all you saw05:49
ericssonFor reference:  /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows/ ntfs-3g defaults 0 0 in /etc/fstab would make my drive available (if anyone would like to know)05:49
ForgeAusIC... ok well then you don't really have an option netshare, anyhow ntfs-3g is pretty safe I don't think you'll have a problem... I just won't go as far as to guarantee it thats all05:49
netshareForgeAus: the seeding may work, because linux can read ntfs05:50
ForgeAusericcson wouldn't you use user instead of defaults?05:50
ericssonForgeAus: don't know the difference to be honest with you :)05:50
ForgeAus(I was just thinking about permissions user is less restricted in that way from a normal (non-root) user...)05:50
manu_stdin: ok i made this modprobe an all looks like your file05:51
netshareanyway, i wait untik my dl is finished ,and only after that, im going to try to install somehow ntfs-3g05:51
ericssonForgeAus: Yeah, true true...doesn't matter in my case here though, just and old non-important drive from work ;)05:51
ForgeAusbut I guess since its not likely to mount in a directory that isn't in /home/<user>/ its probably got permission issues anyway....05:52
manu_stdin:  but only the error doesnt appear, i cant here anything and playbackmidi says no playback device found05:52
manu_but cant open /dev/seq is gone05:52
netsharesdf_ whats wrong with adept?05:52
ForgeAuswrong with it? nothing that I'm aware of05:52
sdf_don topen05:52
sdf_don t open05:53
sdf_also add/remove program05:53
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netshare6.10 or 7.04 ?05:53
stdinmanu_: I used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo to get it working before05:53
sdf_netshare:what do you mean??05:53
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netsharesdf_ you got kbuntu dgy or feisty?05:54
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sdf_i don tknow05:54
netshareedgy efty or feisty fawn?05:54
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell05:54
sdf_how can i know?05:54
manu_stdin: hm i loaded the modules and have 2 programs kmid and playmidi, and now install the other program? then i would have sound?05:54
stdinsdf_: look at ubotu's message05:54
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manu_manu@kubuntu:~$ playmidi Karma_Chamelion.mid05:55
manu_Playmidi 2.4 Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Nathan I. Laredo, AWE32 by Takashi Iwai05:55
manu_This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.05:55
manu_For details please see the file COPYING.05:55
manu_playmidi: No playback device found.05:55
Jucato!pastebin | manu_05:55
ubotumanu_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:55
stdinmanu_: you should do, just add the extra modules to /etc/modules too05:55
Jucatomanu_: please use a pastebin when you are pasting lines of output05:55
manu_Jucato: ok05:55
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stdinmanu_: the app TiMidity++ worked here05:55
manu_stdin: and kmid?05:56
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stdinmanu_: yeah05:56
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sdf_stdin: i had Description:    Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS05:56
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manu_stdin: and why dowsnt it work here?05:56
stdinmanu_: you set TiMidity++ as a midi server and kmid connects to it05:56
sdf_Codename:       dapper05:56
tucoWhere can I find a widget bar like the one found in mac os and co?05:57
Jucatotuco: widget bar? you mean the dock bar at the bottom?05:57
sdf_stdin:are you help me?>05:58
manu_stdin: so i need this prpogram? and the others are just a gui?05:58
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tucosomething like that Jucato yes05:58
stdinmanu_: that's how I had it workinh05:58
Jucato!info kxdocker05:58
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4a-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 327 kB, installed size 1064 kB05:58
Jucatotuco: ^^^05:58
tucoAh thank you05:58
sdf_stdin:are you here?05:59
stdinsdf_: I don't know why it's not working, try reinstalling it with "sudo apt-get --reinstall install adept adept-manager"05:59
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ForgeAusI like kooldock better05:59
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manu_stdin: why is freepats needed?06:00
manu_its 30mb big06:00
tucoWill play with that then. Thanks Jucato :-)06:00
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tucoKooldock....oh what os that? :-)06:01
tucois that sorry06:01
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ForgeAusits an alternative to kxdocker06:01
stdinmanu_: it's not needed06:01
stdinmanu_: it's just some samples06:01
imaginekxdocker is unmaintained yes?06:01
Jucatotuco: it's also a dock app06:01
ForgeAuseither way they're both macOS-style programs to give you dock-bar functionality06:02
manu_stdin: apt-get install timidity wants that06:02
tucowhich is the best then?06:02
Jucatoimagine: kxdocker's author is developing something for kde406:02
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imagineJucato: oh ok06:02
rolandanyone knows if there is such a thing as  a stable operating system (for good), and that you can relatively trust that it runs fine ?06:02
imagineroland: Windows 9506:02
rolandeverything i used was far from satisfacatory06:02
ForgeAusrofl imagine06:02
tucoyes Roland but it doesnt exist yet :-)06:02
rolandthere is no good operating system for me, and i am incredibly bored06:03
stdinmanu_: shouldn't, it's only a reccommended package "Recommends: freepats"06:03
rolandi don tknow what to install06:03
ForgeAushowa bout something like OpenStep?...06:03
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ForgeAusis Rhapsody Stable?06:03
imagineroland: what is a good OS for you? you seem to be picky06:03
tucoKxdocker doesn't want to launch :-(06:03
ForgeAusits got very few supporting apps for it...06:03
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rolandimagine: first, it needs to be unix-based06:03
ForgeAusPC-BSD is kinda nice06:04
rolandsecond, it needs to be tolerant to unexpected power outages and be able to mount the filesystems no matter what06:04
ForgeAusin the trimmings-aspect of it at least06:04
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rolandi hate pc-bsd :)06:04
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ForgeAusyou need a UPS for that...06:04
ForgeAus(that is power outage tolerance)06:04
delfinapls help: i've been update to kubuntu 7.04 but system don't recognize 'sudo' password06:04
rvdarh! I accidently closed my tray-panel where my "minimized to tray"-applications are hidden.. How do i reenable it??06:04
ForgeAusthe whole point of them is so you can do a graceful shutdown06:05
rolandi need a well designed filesystem that can whitstand raping from any source06:05
imagineroland: hmmm... Unexpetected power outages? wtf ? do you buy a car that comes with unexpected gaz outages tolerance?06:05
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tucoDamn...Jucato Kxdocker is not launching!06:05
imagineroland: Slackware maybe?06:05
ForgeAusRoland you need raid for that06:05
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ForgeAuslevel 4+ preferably06:05
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ForgeAus(parity + mirror at least)06:06
Kermithey guys06:06
delfinapls help: i've been update to kubuntu 7.04 but system don't recognize 'sudo' password06:06
rolandForgeAus : for example after i cold-rebooted now kubuntu (pushed power button after the OS seemed to hang when i told it to shutdown ) , after i rebooted it failed to mount filesystems and some process died06:06
rolandand some /proc error06:06
rolandi need something oposite of this06:06
Kermitmy kubuntu install keeps locking at 15% after i click 'install' after setting up everything06:06
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ForgeAusouch kermit06:07
Kermitany1 seen an error like this?06:07
Kermityeah :/06:07
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rolandno matter when i turn off power to my system(unclean shutdown) the filesystem can deal with this06:07
Kermiti think its something with the hdd06:07
rvdroland: I have a problem with shutting down as well? My screen just blacks out, and i have to shut it down holding the power-button06:07
Kermithow do i format the hdd in the live environment?06:07
ForgeAuslinux is designed to be shut down properly06:07
rolandrvd: thats exactly what happened06:07
manu_stdin: ok timidity FILE works :) but playmidi and kmid dont06:07
rvdand it's everytime..06:07
Kermitfdisk and just deleting the partitions doesnt help06:07
rvdthink it started after i updated from feisty beta to the released edition??06:08
ForgeAusunexpected power outages don't affect a UPS .... thats the whole point of them to run on battery power in case the power goes out06:08
rolandok, now, i need it to be fast and lightweight, preferably a unix that does not use gnome/kde/etc but a proprietary X server with cde or motif window managers, so i can be sure06:08
baskitcaiseif you are having probs shutting down have a look at the sysrq key functions06:08
ForgeAusbut you only get limited life out of them06:08
faginHow do I install the gnu compiler? Is there a package?06:08
rvdbaskitcaise: ?? Don't know what that is?06:08
baskitcaisethese allow yoy to shutdown gracfully even if your kernel is stuck ( sometimes)06:08
ForgeAusfagin isn't it installed by default?06:08
tyfon_fagin: build-essensials06:08
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:08
manu_stdin: i have installed also the samples, where are they?06:09
Kermit!formating hdd live cd06:09
rvdbaskitcaise: where do i check them?06:09
baskitcaiseit is a list of key strokes to umount and sync disks and such, built in the kernel06:09
fagintyfon_: Thank you06:09
rvdhmm, ok06:09
rvdhow do i enable my system-tray?? I accidentally "killed" it?06:09
baskitcaiseyou can find better info on google, try the linux side @ www.google.co./linux06:09
rolandi miss my vista desktop and experience ;-( and all the professional commercial apps :(06:09
baskitcaisewhoops sorry midssed the .com there should be google.com/linux06:10
ForgeAusVista? yuck!06:10
tucoVista Hurghhh!06:10
ForgeAusXP was kewl but Vista?... are you serious?06:10
rolandwhats wrong with vista ?06:10
stdinmanu_: look at "dpkg -L freepats" to find out06:10
tucoThe name first06:10
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ForgeAusits... um... not as compatible as it needs to b06:10
baskitcaisethere is documentation in the kernel source if you have it installed06:10
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rolandi like the name06:10
ForgeAusalso full of extra annoyances06:10
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tucotoo heavy...too much for nothing.06:11
ForgeAusme too namewise06:11
snowstormwhere can I download w32codecs from?06:11
ForgeAusits also unneccessarily chunky06:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:11
baskitcaisefor instance to sync the disks you can press Alt+sysrq+s ( sysrq=print screen )06:11
rvdbaskitcaise: think i'll check it out later hehe.. All i want now, is to get my tray back :(06:11
tucoActually the only thing in Vista is Directx 10 which you can get for xp :-006:11
rolandyeah but it has a cool gui..06:11
ForgeAusI must admit there are a few things that are good in it06:11
ForgeAuslike the Aero look06:11
ForgeAusthe Dreamscene wallpaper functionality06:11
ForgeAusand a few other minor things...06:12
baskitcaisesorry rvd just been out and lost track of threads :-)06:12
tucoI can't get dxdocker to launch myself...so06:12
rolandwhat os'es beside ubuntu/kubuntu you guys run ?06:12
ForgeAusrocketdock is the XP/Vista MacOS dock app06:12
snowstormI am looking for an alternative download place for w32codecs because downloading and installing from medibuntu does not work06:12
rvdbaskitcaise: hehe ok.. I don't wan't to go experimenting with the kernel at the moment.. Kindda nooby still hehe06:12
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jussi01!offtopic | roland06:12
uboturoland: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:12
ForgeAusme? I run 3 or 406:12
rolandForgeAus wich one s06:13
=== carlos_ [n=carlos@103.Red-213-98-167.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
ForgeAusKbuntu, XP, (Vmware, with Haiku, AROS... PCBSD, and some more... )06:13
ForgeAusmostly dualboot between XP and Kubuntu (admittedly I sepnd more time in XP tho)06:13
rolandshould i try sco unixware?06:13
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ForgeAusI don't know much about sco unixware06:13
tucoI have Vista...only run it to use Reason.06:13
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ForgeAuswhats that?06:14
rvdDoesn't anyone know how to enable the system tray?? Come on, am I the ONLY one in here who accidentally removed it???06:14
ForgeAus(I assume you mean a specific application)06:14
snowstormis there only one repo for w32codecs, ie medibuntu?06:14
rvdtuco: did u try to run it through wine??06:14
ForgeAusrvd isn't it an applet?06:14
manu_stdin: No instrument mapped to tone bank 0, program 50 - this instrument will not be heard06:14
jussi01rvd: right click on the panel and add notification area06:14
tucohttp://www.propellerheads.se/ Forge :-)06:14
LjLrvd, perhaps right click on the panel and add the applet?06:14
ForgeAusyou should be able to add it back on the pannel by rightclicking kicker and add applet06:14
ForgeAussystem tray06:14
Jucatorvd: right-click on the panel -> Add Applet to Panel -> System Tray06:14
manu_what dows this mean, it differs from midi to midi file06:14
tucoNah rvd why?06:14
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Jucatojussi01: that's for GNOME :)06:15
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jussi01Jucato: lol, well almost... :D06:15
korobaseHi all.I have a question.06:15
rvdtuco: I'm only dual-OSing for Reason as well, so i was interrested :)06:15
jussi01korobase: go ahead!!06:15
ForgeAuswhats reason?06:15
tucocheck the link Forge06:15
korobaseHow to show some infomation about a deb package which I have not installed?06:15
rvdJucato: weee, thanks :)06:15
tucoI was reading somebody made it work, but it was instable and was lacking a few instruments...06:16
korobaseHow to show any infomation about a deb package which I have not installed?06:16
rvdand u other peeps as well :)06:16
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faginNo question, I just find t strange with a unix like system without an accompanying compiler. I guess there some idea behind that that I'm not aware of.06:16
rvdtuco: ohh okay :) nice06:16
Jucatorvd: no problem06:16
ForgeAusoh great, I can't seem to browse06:16
ForgeAuswell its working, barely...06:16
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rvdI'm hoping yo VMWARE it one day, when i get a more kick-ass machine :)06:16
LjLkorobase, "apt-cache show packagename", "apt-cache policy packagename"06:16
Jucatofagin: just install "build-essential" and you're ok06:16
ForgeAusvmware is kewl06:16
tucoI need a dock guys...ksdocker doesn't want to launch :-906:16
ForgeAusI recommend the server version06:16
korobaseBut the package is in my local disk!06:17
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ForgeAus(but not right now under linux until the FUSE mounter is built...06:17
rolandi need a mental institute i have a operating system related sickenss :((06:17
jussi01tuco: kooldock06:17
sybuxI need help with my external USB drive. it's listed in lsusb but it does not mount06:17
rolandi need to install something all the time06:17
faginJucato: Thanks I'm in the process of doing just that thanks to you nice folks here.06:17
ForgeAus(to mount virtual disks)06:17
sybuxwhich command can I use ?06:17
LjLkorobase: then "man dpkg"06:17
tucoinstalled but is nowhere to be seen06:17
jussi01tuco: preess alt+f2 and type kooldock it will then load06:17
Jucatokorobase: dpkg -I packagename.deb (that's a capital letter i06:18
stdinmanu_: don't know enough about midi to help with that06:18
tucoalt + f2 doesn't do anything06:18
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jussi01tuco:  then go to k menu and select run command and type kooldock06:19
korobaseJucato,Thanks a lot.06:19
stdintuco: Kmenu -> Run Command06:19
manu_stdin:  ok my problem is that i can play sounds with tmidity but not with kmid or playmidi06:19
manu_i started a server06:19
ForgeAuskooldock is kewl :)06:19
Jucatotuco: by any chance are you using Beryl or Copmiz?06:19
tucowill it start by default?06:19
tuconone Jucato06:19
Jucatoah ok06:19
tucoapparently my X1400 is not compatible with Beryl!06:19
jussi01tuco: it should... mine does...06:19
manu_Player :: Couldn't play !06:20
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ForgeAusATI yeah its problematic06:20
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ForgeAusin Feisty it might be nicer06:20
Ace2016hi all06:21
tucoaTI is a mega pain in the heavy arse06:21
Ace2016how do i increase the mouse sensitivity?06:21
ForgeAuswell actually ATI is great under XP at least for me06:21
rvdAce2016: System settings, keyboard mouse :)06:21
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ForgeAusits just the drivers and linux have issues06:21
ForgeAus(legal FOSS vs proprietary ones)06:21
Ace2016rvd: is that for xorg? or just while in kde? i want the mosue to be more sensitive in games06:22
ForgeAusnot enough companies that use linux seem to be able to see past redhat yet!06:22
ForgeAusor other RPM based distros06:22
rvdcan't u set that in the game then?06:22
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ForgeAuslike SUSE06:22
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rvdAce2016: not sure if it saves it for Xorg though??06:22
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Ace2016rvd: its ut2004 i made it higher but it didn't seem to work, anyway i just got the mouse, maybe the batteries need a good recharge06:23
rvdAce2016: hehe, try that for starters then ;)06:23
=== Ace2016 wonders if it'll be easier to get all the buttons working with this one than the last one
^TangoDev^how can i overcome it ??the GRUB is now in my system hanging after ahowing "GRUB loading stage1.5"06:23
Ace2016rvd: already tried that one06:23
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:24
levi_Is there a way to browse folder in super User mode?06:24
netsharedoes someone know, why isnt opera starting? a few days agi it was fine, but now it loads for a long time and than nothing happens, doesnt appear, i checked all desktops :(06:24
jussi01levi_: yes, kdesu konqueror06:24
rvdAce2016: hmm, then i don't know.. U already tried configuration it via KDE right? And it didn't help?06:25
levi_Command not found06:25
Ace2016netshare: try running opera from konsole06:25
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Ace2016rvd: are you talking about the sensitivity or the buttons of the old mouse? if its with the old mouse, i never knew kde could do that06:26
Ace2016levi_: try kdesu konqueror06:26
levi_nvm I spelled it wrong06:26
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levi_it worked06:26
jussi01levi_: :D06:26
levi_now i can write to my slave disk hopefully06:27
Ace2016its all about coppy and paste ;)06:27
Ace2016levi_: where is the salve disk mounted and what filetype is it in06:27
levi_No no I can get onto it and read form it06:27
levi_bu i have permission errors06:28
Ace2016levi_: you can set it up so that you don't have to use kdesu konqueror to write to it06:28
levi_which i just changed in properities06:28
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Ace2016oh ok06:28
levi_I think I just did ;D06:28
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levi_but lets test this theory of mine .06:29
levi_To storage mediaaaa AWAY!06:30
levi_Sweet alls good now06:30
stdinmanu_: make sure you set it up to use the right midi port, like this http://img264.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot5oq1.png06:30
manu_stdin: i have 2 devices there, none wokrs06:32
manu_and midi through06:32
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stdinmanu_: make sure timidity is running as a server (ie with: timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os1l -s 44100)06:33
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manu_stdin: jap06:34
sdfhow can i enter to storage media  from terminal06:35
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sdfwhen i want to enter desktop we write         cd ~/Desktop06:35
tyfon_cd /media06:35
manu_sdf: cd /media06:35
manu_sdf ls -a06:35
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sdfi have theme in desktop and i was try to install it from terminal and i had  checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!06:39
sdfhow can i solve this problem?06:39
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sdfmanu:help please06:40
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stdin!xincludes | sdf06:40
ubotusdf: When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   xorg-dev06:40
Jucatoxorg-dev mostly06:40
sdfi will try06:41
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:41
sdfubot what is the x include?06:41
Jucatosdf: X includes refers to the header files and libraries that you need to compile what you are trying to compile06:42
jussi01!ubotu | sdf06:42
ubotusdf: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:42
stdinsdf: like bot said,  you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   xorg-dev06:42
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sdfi don t finnd xlibs but i found pxlib-dev???06:43
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sdfwhat do i do?06:43
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Jucatosdf: just try xorg-dev. usually that's all you need06:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about logitech - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
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korobaseHi.all. How to recreate the lib cache.06:45
sdfjukato: i found xlib-dev  it must be to install xlib-static-dev and xorg-dev???06:46
jussi01korobase: what do you mean?06:46
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stdinsdf: just install xorg-dev06:47
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korobaseI have a .lib file copied into the /usr/lib.But my program can't find it,How can I do then?06:47
zerothishow would i go about repeatedly sending a long series of keystokes to a minimised app while conuing to use my computer to run other apps?06:47
Marukohow can I install XFCE on my kubuntu  and then be able to choose which DE use when I start my session?06:47
korobasejussi01.Can you help me?06:47
stdinkorobase: I think you just run ldconfig06:47
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stdinkorobase: with sudo06:48
Marukohey how can I enter the Italian IRC?06:48
korobaseany parameter to add?06:48
mischko_I have installed the source version of python setuptools and now my package management is always throwing errors.06:48
stdinMaruko: the Italian Kubuntu channel?06:48
stdinkorobase: no06:49
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:49
mulai can't find the Restricted Devices Manager06:49
stdinread ubotu's message06:49
mulaall i found is Adept06:49
Marukociao a tutti06:49
stdinmula: it's a gnome application06:49
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mulastdin: yep :D now i understand.. ty06:51
sdfi had   checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not                                                               found. Please check your installation!06:51
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sdfi install xlib-dev only06:51
stdinsdf: install kde-devel06:51
sdfstdin:what it is?06:52
stdin!info kde-devel06:52
ubotukde-devel: the K Desktop Environment development files and modules. In component universe, is extra. Version 5:47 (feisty), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB06:52
MarukoI would like to install XFCE and be able to choose which DE to use  (among KDE and XFCE) when I start my session06:52
Marukohow can I do that?06:52
stdinMaruko: just install it, KDM will let you choose06:53
pagMaruko, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:53
stdinMaruko: just pick one from the session meny06:53
Marukosudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop?06:53
stdinMaruko: xubuntu-desktop installs xubuntu (which uses xfce)06:53
Marukothen I will have also the Xubuntu software on my PC06:54
sdfstdin:i don tfound it06:54
Marukocan I uninstall it?06:54
sdfstdin:what do you do?06:54
sdfstdin:what do i do?06:54
stdinMaruko: if you don't want the full xubuntu desktop, just install xfce separately06:55
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Marukothat's what I mean06:55
Marukohow can I do that?06:55
sdfany one help06:55
stdinsdf: it's in universe, enable the universe repo06:55
stdin!repos | sdf06:55
ubotusdf: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu06:55
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Maruko@stdin = are u talking to me?06:56
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MarukoI need to look for XFCE on my adept package manager?06:56
sdfstdin :i can t do this06:56
stdinMaruko: yeah, it's called xfce4 i think06:56
sdfstdin :i don t know what are the repositories06:56
JucatoMaruko: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/xubuntu and http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde06:57
stdinsdf: look at the message from ubotu, the link tells you how to do it06:57
Marukowill my Kubuntu software run on XFCE?06:57
stdinMaruko: yeah06:57
jussi01sdf: go to adept, select file -> manage repositaries -> select all the boxes06:57
JucatoMaruko: of you can just install xfce4 like what stdin said06:57
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MarukoI am downloading xfce4 from Adept06:59
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Marukothan I will have to log out I think, right?06:59
stdinto login to xfce, yes07:00
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alicehiho, in what lib is qt-language-selector ?07:00
MarukoI just wanted my system not to take soo much RAM memory everytime it loads07:00
Marukonow is running on 448 MB of RAM memory07:00
sybux!wiki mp307:01
MarukoXfce should be ligjhter, right?07:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wiki mp3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:01
stdinMaruko: how much of that is the cache tho?07:01
Marukowhat u mean?07:01
Marukowhere can I get that info?07:01
stdinMaruko: it's normal to have about 90% of ram in use, most of it is a file cache. You can use ksysguard to look07:02
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sybuxcan some help me in reading mp3 file une festy please07:03
stdinsybux: install libxine1-ffmpeg07:04
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sybuxstdin: it's already installed07:05
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stdinsybux: what program are you trying to play them in?07:05
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Marukoit's working now07:06
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manu_have a problem with kmid, it sends on port 20:0 but timidity  receives @ 128:0 what to do?07:06
Marukonot as gooooking as  KDE but it's working now07:07
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nflavahey all whats up07:07
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins07:07
nflavafirst day in ubantu :)07:07
sybuxstdin: amarok nor kaffine07:07
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guhhhdoes anyone have a x800?07:07
guhhhdoes anyone have a x800 and run beryl?07:08
jussi01!anyone | guhhh07:08
ubotuguhhh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:08
dennisterhey ppl, here's a new one: i can't follow my own howto!07:08
jussi01dennister: lol07:08
mulanflava me too ehhe07:08
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Marukowhat is the equivalent of Adept on XFCE?07:08
stdinsybux: they should both use that package then, have you restarted the applications after installing it?07:08
sybuxstdin: sure07:08
jussi01Maruko: I think it has synaptic...07:08
guhhhdennister: u shouldnt be alone :X07:09
stdinMaruko: that's only xubuntu, not xfce07:09
nflavai am trying to figure out why i cant change my desktop resolution07:09
nflavawell only 2 settings07:09
stdinMaruko: xfce comes with nothing by default07:09
stdinMaruko: just use adept07:09
dennisterlol...the problem is with feisty's treatment of usbfs and sane/xsane...xsane is only giving me one option for a device: the hauppauge tuner07:09
mulanflava oh. .i knew how to help you... but i forgot :(07:09
guhhhnflava: u didnt not choose it on xserver configuration07:09
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:09
mulanflava i had this problem with slackware07:09
nflavawell i think its partly due to the fact that i have a voodoo 3 video card?07:10
guhhhnflava: is ur xorg configured right?07:10
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stdinsybux: can you play any other mp3 fies07:10
stdinsybux: or do none work?07:10
nflavano i dont think i have been in xorg yet07:10
guhhhnflava: resolutions and refresh rates?07:10
nflavayeah i only have 2 settings07:11
aaroncampbellHas anyone had problems printing from any specific applications?  Maybe Java based apps?07:11
nflava640x480 and 800x60007:11
guhhhnflava: try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:11
jussi01nflava: see what the bot said07:11
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sybuxstdin: yes, it was my mp3 which was corrupt :)07:11
mulahey.. after installing the nvidia's driver through Adept, do I still have to run it using sudo....07:11
nflavayeah i just clicked the link07:11
guhhhnflava: it must be because u configured the xserver like this when asked07:11
aaroncampbellI can't seem to print from Zend Studio, but I used to be able to.  It says there are no printers07:11
dennisteri mean i modified fstab, like i've done with edgy and dapper, but adding a line for the usbfs results in it being mounted multiple times, so I deleted it and usbfs is obviously mounted by default in feisty without any indication of that in fstab07:11
stdinsybux: thought as much07:11
mulayes i do... lol... brb :D07:12
jussi01dennister: have you restarted x since?07:12
dennisteranyone know how to get xsane to use a different device than the one it wants to use?07:12
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dennisterjussi01: yes...after i put the usbfs line in and after i removed it again07:12
sybuxstdin: thx for help, now I'm able to run my party !!!!07:12
nflavado i type the commands in the terminal?07:13
stdinsybux: wooh! :p07:13
guhhhnflava: sure.07:13
nflavacool thanks07:13
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nflavaim gunna try the re auto dectet of vid card07:13
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jussi01good luck nflava07:14
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aaroncampbellHas anyone had problems printing from any specific applications?  Maybe Java based apps?  I can't seem to print from Zend Studio, but I used to be able to.  It says there are no printers07:15
jussi01aaroncampbell: what did you do to make this happen? did you install something?07:16
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dennisteranyone for some help changing xsane's device from the tuner to the scanner?07:16
aaroncampbelljussi01: Not sure, I haven't needed to print from it for a month or two...Lots of updates since then07:17
aaroncampbellAlthough, I don't think I installed anything new07:17
wolferineanyone have a owrking logitech webcam?07:17
fabiofxhow to upgrade from edgy to feisty with kubuntu DVD ?07:17
jussi01aaroncampbell: I would try reinstalling the print driver07:17
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fabiofxexist any "how-to"?07:17
jussi01fabiofx: you cant with the live dvd. anly a fresh install07:17
ChrissieHi all, I'm using dapper but consider upgrading to feisty. pbm is that I have everyting tweaked the way I liked, playing mp3s and wmv. I've also modified the list of repositories and I've no idea what the standard is. Don't want to mess things up and have to redo it all, because I absolutely don't remember how I did it all.07:17
aaroncampbelljussi01: it works fine from most other apps (Thunderbird, Firefox, Open Office, etc)07:18
wolferineChrissie, its a learning process07:18
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fabiofxjussi01: boot with dvd?07:18
jussi01aaroncampbell: yeah, but give it a reinstall anyway - it might have killed a link somewhere...07:18
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luckyonehello all, quick question about sharing a database, what wrapper script do you need to start amarok with to prevent it from wiping your database when it isn't mounted?07:19
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manu_have a problem with kmid, it sends on port 20:0 but timidity  receives @ 128:0 what to do?07:19
luckyoneI am trying to follow this http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/MySQL_HowTo07:19
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Chrissiewolf: I know. The fun is in the nights on forums and irc looking for answers. But I'm getting restless these days. Help on the default repositories, maybe, please?07:20
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aaroncampbelljussi01: Well, I tried it, but still a no go07:22
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aaroncampbellZend Still says "No Print Service Found"07:23
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jussi01aaroncampbell: Im sorry, maybe someone else can help. Im out of ideas.07:24
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trotekafter upgrading to feisty, the gnome fonts got bigger. how can i shrink them?07:27
jussi01trotek: are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?07:27
MarkedaIs there some way, in Konversation, to hide joining and leaving nicks?07:27
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dennisterhep ppl...having some trouble with feisty & sane/xsane here...anyone know how to change the device from the tuner to the usbscanner?07:27
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dennistersane can't find the scanner, but the /dev/usbscanner does exist07:28
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jussi01trotek: system settings - > appearance -> gtk settings,07:28
trotekjussi01: ah, ok. i'll try that07:29
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trotekjussi01: that worked. thanks. :)07:32
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MarkedaSo, is there no way to disable the joining and leaving messages with Konversation?07:32
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jussi01trotek: excellent :D07:32
jussi01Markeda: settings -> configure notifications...07:33
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manu_someone can help me with kmid and timidity?07:35
lennin001someone know a program as limewire for Kubuntu???07:36
Tm_T!frostfire | lennin00107:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about frostfire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
Tm_T!limefire | lennin00107:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about limefire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
MarkedaJussi, I've been looking at that, but don't see any option to turn it off, just options to do different operations when it happens.07:37
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Tm_T!limewire | lennin00107:37
ubotulennin001: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.07:37
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lennin001someone know a program as limewire for Kubuntu???07:37
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire07:38
Farmercan someone convince me to go ubuntu or kubuntu? I'm using KDE with Suse 10.0 atm. I think I prefer KDE but the thing is I want the desktop effects, but I just read a review where it said desktop effects doesnt work with KDE yet, at least not out of the box and it seems to be quite alot of hassle to install beryl or compiz07:39
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cablesThe effects are about the same07:39
cablesDoctor_Nick: wtf?07:39
jussi01!caps | Doctor_Nick07:39
ubotuDoctor_Nick: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thisisfun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
jussi01!botabuse | Doctor_Nick07:40
ubotuDoctor_Nick: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:40
cablesFarmer: the effects are the same, but Ubuntu has some more features than Kubuntu and is easier to set up. You can always install KDE as well if you want, with the "kubuntu-desktop" package.07:40
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Farmeryes I know I should decide myself im kind of thorn appart, cause I would seriously like to have the "expos" effect I honestly dont care much for the other "bling"07:40
cablesFarmer: All of it works on both GNOME and KDE.07:41
Farmerout of the box?07:41
cablesFarmer: not in Kubuntu.07:42
cablesFarmer: it's a simple install though.07:42
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Farmerk, well, on the beryl homepage there seems to be tons of things you have to do07:42
cablesFarmer: I'd go with Ubuntu, see how you like it, and if you don't, you can always install "kubuntu-desktop" which will let you choose between them at login.07:42
cablesFarmer: (between KDE and GNOME)07:42
jlillySlight problem with my sound.. I just restarted and it plays in one ear of my headphones. I went to adjust the volume in kmix, and the volume went dead07:42
Farmerah cool, well can I do it the other way around? cause im burning kubuntu iso atm07:42
cablesFarmer: I think...07:43
jussi01Farmer: of course!!07:43
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cablesFarmer: I'm not sure if you'll get the restricted manager and stuff if you do that07:43
cablesprobably though07:43
Farmergood :) thanks for the help07:43
Farmerah ok07:43
cablesNo problem :)07:43
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jussi01Farmer: np's07:43
Marukocan I install a new icon image for XFCE?07:43
MarukoI would like Edubuntu's Icons on XFCE07:44
Tm_TFarmer: for "expose" thing, install Kompose07:44
Marukocan I do that=07:44
Tm_TFarmer: if you don't care to install Beryl or any similar07:44
JucatoMaruko: you'd have to ask in #xfce or #xubuntu07:44
jussi01Maruko: youa re probably better asking in #xubuntu07:44
Marukowhere I can log in there07:44
jussi01heh, too late07:44
Farmerah yees, might do that, cause I dont care much for the 3d stuff and that07:44
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jussi01Maruko: /join #xubuntu07:45
lucas__hi, my usb audio isnt working07:45
lucas__plesa someone07:45
lucas__please helpme07:45
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jussi01!audio | lucas__07:45
ubotulucas__: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:46
jussi01lucas__: have a read of that07:46
lennin001tank's so much07:46
lucas__yes, its checked07:47
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lucas__in the mixer, theres a audio usb option, but when i play something or press test sound int the system settings nothing happens07:48
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ubuntu__heh i messed somethin up07:48
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nflavait gives me a fatal error on x07:49
nflavai had to use the live cd and start in safe graphics mode07:49
jussi01nflava: what did you do?07:49
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:49
nflavai clicked that link and then did the first step07:49
nflavacopy paste the 3 lines of stuff in terminal and then retarted x07:50
nflavawith ctrl alt backspace07:50
jussi01did you do each separately?07:50
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jussi01nflava: that is probably your problem...07:50
nflavawell how can i get back there and do it again07:50
jussi01where are you now?07:50
nflavacause it wont let me start normally07:51
nflavalive cd, safe graphics mode07:51
jussi01nflava: what about recovery mode??07:51
nflavasame error07:51
nflavafatal error07:51
plexhi. Xkb doesn't seem to work at all in kubuntu... i tried many different key combinations to change keyboard layout but nothing seems to work... =/ anybody knows anything about it?07:51
nflavahehe yeah07:52
dennisterk...have to reboot to see if this prob is fixed07:52
nflavafirst days can be rough07:52
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jussi01nflava: did you have anything important on there?07:52
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nflavai have it all on my win drives07:52
jussi01nflava: easiest to do a reinstall then07:52
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nflavadoh lol07:53
jussi01hi rexbron07:53
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nflavathanks for the help07:53
nflavai suppose ill have to do that then07:53
jussi01nflava: come back and let us know how you go.07:53
rexbronsup jussi0107:53
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nflavathanks will do07:53
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jussi01rexbron: not much, just trying to help out :D07:54
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lucas__<jussi01>: hi, the sound is enabled, the usb audio is on the sound mixer but no sound comes out, im reaaly a newbie in linux, what should i do?07:55
jussi01lucas__: there was nothing in those links to help you?07:56
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lucas__errr, ive just read the message, didnt see the links, sorry, just woke up :D07:57
lucas__thks, im going there07:57
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jussi01lucas__: :D07:58
sdfi have theme with extension kth how can i install it?08:00
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MarkedaUm, correct me if I'm wrong please, but to update Kubuntu for security updates, it's command-line thing sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade? Is that correct?08:01
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Jucato!changethemes | sdf08:01
ubotusdf: [Ubuntu]  Install gnome-themes or go to menu, system settings, appearance. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy for a guide. [Kubuntu]  For a Kubuntu guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu08:01
JucatoMarkeda: yes. or you can use Adept Manger or Adept Updater08:02
MarkedaMmm... Those don't come already on the disc with the iso? I haven't seen anything like either of those while looking for them...08:03
MarkedaI was just making sure, though. Using the apt-get stuff brought 0 upgrades, so I wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly.08:03
baldieMarkeda: start/KDE menu --> system --> Adept manager...08:03
baldieit's probably up to date then :>08:03
JucatoMarkeda: Adept is the default GUI package manager for Kubuntu08:03
baldiethere should be an icon in your taskbar when there are updates08:04
MarkedaAh, I didn't realize what that Adept was. Thank you.08:04
zerothishow do i use the yes command to send keyboard input, including arrow keys to a minimized app while continuing to use other apps?08:04
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coreymon77im having a wine problem with a particular program that used to work before ever since i upgraded to feisty08:05
coreymon77the problem is with mirc08:06
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jussi01coreymon77: why do you want to run mirc?08:06
coreymon77jussi01: i run my bot with it08:07
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sdfmy version is kubuntu 608:07
coreymon77jussi01: i have an mirc script bot that i host on a few channels08:07
sdfand i don tfound system settings, appearance08:08
sdfwhat do i do to install theme with extension kth08:08
jussi01sdf: in the kmenu... then up the top -> system settings08:08
jussi01click that, then click appearance...08:09
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coreymon77jussi01: can i get help about tha tin this channel, or is there a better one?08:09
qsuwhat is your question coreymon7708:09
coreymon77qsu: its a wine problem08:10
jussi01coreymon77: I was going to suggest #wine but that seems dead...08:10
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qsuwell you have to wait overthere before you get an answer08:10
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Jucato(wasn't that supposed to be #winehq ?)08:11
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jussi01hehe Jucato yeah, no wonder #wine was dead...08:13
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sdfafter enter the appearance08:15
aleskaDoes anybody here have a big portion of their music collection in ogg vorbis?  If so, what kind of portable media player are you using to listen to them?08:15
sdfwhat do i do???08:15
octoberdanIs there a short command that returns just the issuing user's username?08:15
octoberdansort of like groups does for groups08:16
jussi01aleska: I have, and I use a samsung yp-t608:16
jussi01sdf: there should be an import button there08:16
Jucatooctoberdan: id ?08:16
Jucatooctoberdan: "whoami" also08:17
aleskajussi01: So I assume the samsung yp-t6 works well with linux?08:17
octoberdanJucato: Perfect. Thanks08:17
jussi01aleska: perfectly08:18
aleskaIn state where could I buy one?08:18
faginaleska: A quick google gave this page: http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/PortablePlayers08:18
aleskaoops in the States08:18
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aleskathanks fagin - I've noted that some of them listed there, like iRiver, claim that they won't work with linux08:19
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faginBut iriver is a mass storage unit isn't it? They should work with just about any OS08:19
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aleskanot sure...I just know that iRiver's customer support told me specifically, won't work with Linux08:21
baldiefagin: most players is mass storage units...08:21
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baldiealeska: they are probably referring to "no support08:22
faginbaldie: Yeah. That's my experience too08:22
eternal_phi all...any idea where I can find adobe reader + plugin for feisty...apt-get doesn't seem to find it...08:22
atidemeternal_p: what's your browser? if it's firefox try pdf download add-on08:23
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eternal_peternal_p: its not that, the default .pdf reader I don't like, for linux I find adobe reader (at least for edgy) was much cleaner08:23
faginI'm longing for rockport to fix the battery life issue. After that my iPod will be truly portable08:23
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Icebreakerhow are you?08:24
jovanhow to store the volume sudo alsactl store don't have any effect08:24
atidemeternal_p: I think kdpf it's really nice08:24
Icebreakerspeaks someone german in this channel ^^?08:24
atidem!de | Icebreaker08:24
ubotuIcebreaker: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:24
ericssonhow would one go about to check what kind of pam_usb version there is on the machine?08:25
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Icebreakerthank u08:25
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aleskafagin: I had an old iPod mini running rockbox...it seems I let the battery go too low, b/c now it won't boot or recharge.  Hence I'm looking to buy a new player08:27
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zorglu_aleska: the battery is too low for recharge ?!?!08:28
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zorglu_aleska: isnt the purpose of recharging to increase the battery ? naive question i dunno ipod08:28
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aleskaI know!  Crazy.  It appears so08:29
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aleskaits an old unit, battery life has been increasingly puttzy08:29
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sdfmy icon scheme08:30
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sdfis change08:30
aleskaI connect my ipod to my pc via usb, nothing is happening08:30
sdfhow can i solve this08:30
sdfthe media partation is so big08:30
sdfand all icons is very small08:30
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ericssonaleska: Is it detected if you do lsusb?08:31
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faginaleska: Perhaps it was because the unti was old that it couldn't handle the stress of running rockbox08:31
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sdfthe speech above icons08:31
sdfhelp please?08:31
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aleskano not detected08:33
ericssonsdf: do you mean text boxes when you hold your mouse over icons?08:33
ericssonaleska: try to re-plug it and then write dmesg08:33
sdficons are so large inside08:34
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sdfhow can i make it small08:34
ericssonctrl+scroll with mousewheel?08:34
aleskaits as if the unit is completely dead...plugging it back in doesn't even register to the pc08:34
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ericssonaleska: might be dead, does it work in other machines?08:35
ericssonaleska: did it find any sd* devices when you did dmesg?08:36
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spookylukeyHas anyone had problems/success with Amarok and last.fm?08:37
spookylukey...in Feisty, I mean08:37
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ardchoilleWhat is this and how can I get it on my kubuntu?  http://tinyurl.com/2sjqp808:40
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ardchoilleNevermind, it's called Kbfx and it's in the repos.08:42
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:43
aleskaericsson: there are some sd references...08:43
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eamsubotu, grub doesn't work08:44
nixternaleams: what is wrong with grub?08:44
ericssonaleska: they are either sata, scsi-drives or might be your ipoddy08:45
eams Lost grub after installing windows08:45
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eamsyes, ouch!08:45
nixternalwell, with an edgy cd, alternate install not LiveCD, you can start up the installation, get to a certain point, and then reinstall grub08:45
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eamsMmm, wait...08:47
plexhi, how can i install geforce fx 5600xt driver in kubuntu? i tried it with adept manager and then had to reinstall kubuntu =/08:47
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ericssonaleska: you could give mount -a a try and see if it mounts08:47
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guhhhplex why reinstall?08:50
plexcause i couldn't load it after rebooting08:50
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sdfhow can i run gnome08:51
sdfwhat is the gnome08:51
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sdfi have windows decoratio run in gnome  gtk208:52
sdfwhat is this mean?08:52
sdfand how install it?08:52
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jussi01!gnome | sdf08:52
ubotusdf: gnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.08:52
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sdfwhat about windows decoration that run in gnome gtk2?08:54
sdfhow can install it?08:54
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jussi01sdf: you need to install gnome for that... you cant on kde...08:55
ErunnoIs this even possible without running another window manager like metacity ?08:55
sdfhow can install gnome and how can i run it?08:55
aleskaericsson: just did...and...nada08:55
jussi01sdf: you know the diference between ubuntu and kubuntu?08:56
ericssonaleska: and if you do mount | grep usb08:56
sdfi don t08:57
sdfki guess that kubuntu use kde08:57
sdfand ubuntun  use the two08:57
jussi01sdf: maybe have a look on google - there is a lot of stuff there to explain it...08:57
Erunnosdf: Yes, and Ubuntu uses GNOME. I'd suggest that you download the Ubuntu live CD and give GNOME a try.08:57
jussi01sdf: ubuntu uses gnome, kubuntu kde08:58
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sdfin your opinion what is the best gnome or kde???08:58
Erunnosdf: You're in a KDE channel, guess what the answer will be ? ;-)08:59
ericssonsdf: it comes down to personal preferences, if you want, then you can install both and find out for yourself..08:59
jussi01sdf: you need to make that decision yourself...08:59
ubuntu__is it possible running win applications under ubuntu?08:59
Erunnosdf: Not very helpful, but you can try out both via the live CDs without compromising your current system.08:59
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ericsson!wine | ubuntu__09:00
ubotuubuntu__: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:00
sdfi have fedora core 609:00
Kim^JHey! Where are the KDM sessions stored?09:00
sdfbut i can t install pppoe  in it09:00
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ericssonsdf: You can do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or sudo apt-get install kbuntu-desktop09:01
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aleskaericsson: procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)09:01
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manu_what can be the reason that timidity plays not all instruments?09:02
sdfhow can i install kde theme??09:02
jussi01sdf: you asked this before09:03
sdfplease help09:03
sdfi can t09:03
jussi01we told you09:03
sdfi don t found word of theme09:03
sdfin appearance09:03
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sdfi foud color , font , style, windows decoration09:04
sdfand icons09:04
guhhhsdf gnome is the best, sorry folks :X09:05
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guhhhsdf system > preferences > themes09:05
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jussi01sdf: they are all parts of themes09:05
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guhhhsdf: because its more beautiful09:05
guhhhkde is ugly, lol09:06
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jussi01guhhh: no offense, but thats a personal choice09:06
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sdfyou mean i must unstall kubuntu??09:06
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Erunnosdf: Try the live CD, it's safer this way. Go to www.ubuntu.com and download the desktop CD.09:06
guhhhsdf: no, its ur choice, u asked what we preffer09:06
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afsubotu, grub09:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:07
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wolfeWhen i go to adept manager and request download for wine, it installs but when i run a command through linux it says it cant preform that action09:07
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Erunnowolfe: you'll have to run it via "wine <appname>"09:07
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ericssonaleska: I don't know, but I found this, it might help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41382109:07
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guhhhwolfe: did u download it from non-free or what?09:08
wolfeit said $ wine09:08
wolfei tryed wine and it works thanks erunno09:08
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Erunnowolfe: You're welcome. You can configure some wine options via 'winecfg'09:09
ericssonanyone got experience in compling pam_usb source?09:09
ericssoncompiling ;)09:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
Kim^Jubotu: gdm09:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
Kim^Jubotu: xsessions09:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xsessions - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
Kim^JStupid bot.09:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stupidbot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
sdfcan i install ubuntu on my computer09:10
ErunnoDoes anyone else have lookups during hibernating since feisty ?09:10
aleskathx...when my ipod had some juice left, it mounted just fine...now it just seems to be a no go.09:10
ericssonsdf: yes, you can :)09:10
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Kim^JNow tell me, where do I put the kdm session scripts?09:10
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ericssonaleska: probably just got tired and died then :)09:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eating - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:11
Doctor_NickHe gon' die09:11
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aleskabtw - I asked this before, but maybe some are new to the chat...what portable media players are you using that a) play ogg and b) you really like.  I'm really looking for alternatives to going out and buying an ipod and then having to rockbox it.09:12
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wolfeis there any way to make a shortcut which runs a line of code?09:12
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sparrwhy does lsof take minutes to run sometimes and milliseconds sometimes?09:12
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qsuhow can i see my cpu speed09:12
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aleskaAre people even ripping in ogg anymore? has the market place forced us to stick with mp3?09:12
plexhow can i stop the X server and turn off all GUI staff?09:12
Lynourealeska: yes, they are.09:13
sparraleska: i do all my ripping to ogg09:13
qsusame overhere09:13
sparrwhat market place?09:13
jussi01aleska: all to OGG09:13
Lynourealeska: and there are multiple nice music player devices that support ogg and even flac09:13
aldinsudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, there is no ';extension=mysql.so' is it removed09:13
aleskamean these? http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/PortablePlayers09:14
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Lynourealeska: I'll have to look at that list first09:14
aleskaI'm having a hard time find ones that people recommend (other than ipod)09:14
aleskaor I should say, come highly recommended09:14
Erunnoalexa: Cowon players can play mp3, ogg, flac, wma, look and sound extremely good.09:15
hans_Has any one here have had problems with "avahi-daemon"09:15
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jussi01aleska: if you just want a small basic one, I highly reccomend the samsung!!!09:15
Lynourealeska: I have heard Trekstore Vibez recommended, at least.09:15
Erunnoaleska: They're not cheap though, but in my opinion it's worth the price.09:15
sparrgp2x can play ogg just fine.  of course, its a game system, not a "music player"09:15
ericssonKim^J:  I keep them in /etc/session.d/scripts when it comes to start/stop scripts09:16
jussi01aleska: Ive also heard good things about the trekstore stuff09:16
aleskajussi01 - I couldn't find that model sold in US09:16
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aldin * Starting ftp server proftpd                                                   - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'ubuntu' error: No address associated with hostname09:17
aldinwhat is that09:17
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv409:17
zorglu_aldin: try that09:17
aldinzorglu_, thanks!09:18
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ErunnoXaMaD: Evening !09:18
hans_ Has any one here have had problems with "avahi-daemon"09:18
mehdouchhello evry body09:18
XaMaDthank :)09:18
lotusleafhans_: no, because I removed it :)09:19
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mehdouchi'hve trouble in downloading Kubuntu, there is some how wonna help me09:20
balinthi there, pls help me how to install FUSE on 6.1009:20
hans_lotusleaf: I did as well09:20
XaMaDToday, i just tested kubuntu (i know, i'm late, bu i like debian :) ), i had a big problem, tar do segfault at each apt-get. i used the tar from an other computer, but it is a big bug ? no ?09:20
ubuntu__one more question, i want to change two OS. is it possible?09:20
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hans_Just wondering why avahi-daemon was installed in the first place09:21
lotusleafhans_: convenience for many, I would assume09:22
XaMaDIn kubuntu 7.041, tar segfault ! :)09:23
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hans_lol lotusleaf, it made my ssh setup time very slow09:25
baldiewhat is avahi?09:25
baldiedont answer09:25
baldiei'll google :o09:25
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hans_At first I thought I had been hacked I had never seen it09:25
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hans_btw, I noticed my firewall is getting an even harder time since joining this channel09:26
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hans_seems to be coming from
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hans_oh well time to get a new IP# laters all and thanx lotusleaf for responding09:27
lotusleafhans_: yw09:27
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XaMaDwhere can i post a bug report ? /bin/tar segfault on my computer09:28
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balintpls help how to install fuse09:30
asaCan some one give me a quick refresher on changing the order of (the default) boot choice?09:31
asaIs anyone here?09:32
Kim^JNow tell me, where the **** do Kubuntu store their KDM session files? WHERE?!?!?!?09:32
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asaIt appears that there are lots of folks with questions, and no folks with answers09:32
asaCan some one give me a quick refresher on changing the order of (the default) boot choice?09:33
Kim^JThis channel has becoming a n00b channel totally.09:33
Kim^Jasa: /boot/grub.conf09:33
asaKim J - THX!09:33
baldieKim^J: have you looked at /home/name/.something/ ??09:33
Kim^Jasa: No problem.09:34
Kim^Jbaldie: What? That should not be needed.09:34
Kim^JLast Ubuntu it was /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/09:34
baldiei dont know what you're asking about09:34
Kim^JOr something like that.09:34
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Kim^Jbaldie: I want to add a session/window manager to KDM.09:34
guillermoamaralHi! im in a bit of a pickle, I just convinced my GF to install linux and i thought Kubuntu might do the trick, sadly i have been having problems with VMWARE all day... cant get the bloody thing to work... have tried all the google suggested ways but no luck.. anybody know how to get vmware up and running on kubuntu ff?09:35
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Kim^JEvery friggin search on google gives me 1000 of results. On Beryl. :(:(:(09:35
jhutchinsKim^J: What WM?09:35
Kim^Jjhutchins: WMii, and no. I'm not going to do it the ubuntu way.09:35
Kim^JAnd it's "Which WM".09:35
jhutchinsWell, if you know how not to do it I guess you don't need help.09:36
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ubuntu__who likes this stuff09:36
Kim^JWhich stuff?09:37
asaOh No... Whats the command to become root on Ubuntu so I can edit menu.lst09:37
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Kim^Jsudo .s09:37
jhutchins!sudo | asa09:37
ubotuasa: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:37
Kim^Jsudo -s09:37
jhutchins!ksesu | asa09:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksesu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:37
jhutchins!kdesu | asa09:38
ubotuasa: In KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo09:38
Kim^JBut use sudo -s09:38
jhutchinsKim^J: Suggest you read the pages above before giving gratuitous advice.09:38
Kim^Jjhutchins: Huh?09:38
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:39
Lunar_LampHow do I set my usb sound card to be my defualt soundcard?09:39
nbcbhelp.. how do i access my canon usb camera??09:39
nbcbi need to upload pics09:39
nbcbin kubuntu09:39
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HaSHnbcb, try digikam worked for me.09:40
nbcbbut when i plug in, it doesn't auto detect09:40
guillermoamaralanybody know how to get vmware up and running on kubuntu ff?09:40
HaSHnbcb, not to sure. try this: unplug then plug in...then open digikam09:40
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nbcbno can't09:41
octoberdanFood for thought: Swiftweasel.09:42
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nbcbanywhere i can find help09:42
nbcbby right it shd appear in media?09:42
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guillermoamaralscrew this im going to put Gentoo on it... thanks for all you help (T_T)09:43
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diespectrablah anyone know whats up with the swiftfox site?09:44
consti got 5 year old laptop. and ubuntu+beryl are flying09:44
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constlooks like linux is no bad09:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about camera - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:45
nbcblook i really need help on my camera i need to upload files09:45
baldienhcb try to write dmesg | tail in a console thingy09:45
coreymon77stick em into an hp printer and then use the hp toolbox utility09:46
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asaWhat is the default root password?09:46
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balintHow can i unmount a drive????09:46
balintumount hda1 ???09:46
baldiebalint: umount /dev/hda109:46
baldieif that is the drive09:46
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balintyes thx09:46
baldietype 'mount' for a list of active mounts09:47
freakwencyhi all09:47
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XaMaDhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo  <<< it's a security hole O_o09:47
ubuntu__wats the difference beteen kubuntu and ubuntu09:47
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Arwen...a fresh install is 5% smaller than an upgraded one - wtf?09:48
HaSHubuntu__, kubuntu is kde ubuntu is gnome09:48
baldieubuntu__ the difference is that ubuntu uses GNOME and kubuntu uses KDE .. search google for GNOME KDE09:48
HaSHother then that that are the exact same09:48
balintbaldie: it sais /dev hda1 on /media/hda109:48
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fdovingArwen: my guess is old kernel images eats most of that space09:49
balintthan just type umount /media/hda1  or /dev/hda1 ?09:49
Arwenfdoving, no, I always clear out my old kernels09:49
Arwenperhaps it's old syslogs?09:49
baldiebalint: ok.. then type 'sudo umount /dev/hda1'09:49
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asaCan someone tell me what this means please? "09:49
asaasa@asa-desktop:/boot/grub$ sudo edit menu.lst09:49
asaWarning: unknown mime-type for "menu.lst" -- using "application/*"09:49
asaError: no "edit" mailcap rules found for type "application/*"09:49
fdovingArwen: yeah, backups of everything, and logs too.09:49
baldiebalint: you could also type umount /media/hda1 .. both should work09:49
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ubuntu__you guys have any online gaming within this OS09:50
fdovingArwen: there is also /var/cache/apt/archives/09:50
balintbaldie it worked with sudo09:50
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sparrwhats a good video editor?09:50
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baldiebalint: oh ye.. you always need to be root to do such stuff :>09:50
Arwenfdoving, true09:50
lontrahi can someone help me to set up my audio card?  it seems to be detected but i don't hear any audio out of it09:50
constanybody has any comments on KDE vs XFCE?09:50
Arwenerr.... yes, they're two different things09:51
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baldieconst: xfce is designed with resource efficiency in mind.. you cant exactly say that about KDE *hint*09:51
DeCloaKHi, i just downloaded kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso and burned it to a CD, how do i boot from that CD?09:51
baldiexubuntu is used a lot for computers with older hardware09:51
baldieDeCloaK: if it doesnt boot automatically, you need to enter your bios and set cdrom as boot device09:52
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constbaldie: did you try XFCE?09:52
baldieconst: nop09:52
ArwenDeCloaK, stick it in your computer and wait for it to boot...09:52
nbcbdisappointing. i can't read my usb camera the way windows handle09:52
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DeCloaKk, thanks Arwen, baldie09:53
balintbaldie: i mounted with ntfs-3g but cant create folder :(09:53
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constwhat about KDE vs GNOME? it is probably subjective, but what do you all think?09:53
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nbcband i can't find any support09:54
Arwenbaldie, try "sudo mkdir <folder>" - if that works, it just means you have to tweak your mount options09:54
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Lynoureconst: you are asking on #kubuntu, hardly a neutral growd :)09:54
baldiebalint: read what Arwen said09:54
Lynoureconst: Try both, decide for yourself.09:54
constLynoure: good poing :-)09:55
Arwenconst, KDE tries to jam as many options as it can think of into the UI. GNOME tries to hide as many options from you as possible.09:55
Arwenthat's about it09:55
baldieconst: try to search google for gnome vs kde .. there is A LOT if good articles that compares them09:55
baldieconst: in the end, after reading 5-10 articles, i'll bet you'll end up confused (as i did) and thinking "oh well, i gotta try both"09:55
balintbaldie, it works , but i only can create folder in already existing folders :) now im going to try it out with mkdir09:55
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constyeah, i read a lot of articles of gnome vs kde... just wanted to hear live opinion09:56
baldieconst: you'll get different answers from every person you ask :>09:56
balinthurrraa, it works with mkdir :)09:56
baldieI don't know what I like the best.. I use ubuntu on my home comp, and kubuntu on this laptop09:56
Arwenbalint, that means your uid, gid, umask, and fmask options are wrong09:57
Arwenbalint, pastebin your fstab09:57
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balintpastebin? you mean paste?09:57
smilehi .. how can i take sequence from screen ?09:57
baldieheh he means dont paste...09:57
smilei mean screen capture (movie not image )!09:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:58
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constlive opinions reflect the artcicles - it is confusing issue :-)09:58
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asaWhat's an editor that I can use from the CLI to edit menu.lst?09:59
DeCloaKcan you boot from a virtual drive?09:59
fdovingasa, nano09:59
smileis there any help plz ? .. i want take screen capture movie!09:59
constlet me say it again: iam really impressed what kubuntu+beryl can do on my outdated laptop09:59
balintArwen http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18143/10:00
asaTHX fdoving!10:00
balintArwen, now im going to mount my other harddisk, the hda1 was the testing10:00
Arwenbalint, you're doing something wrong - they should be "ntfs-3g" not "ntfs"10:01
Arwen!ntfs-3g | balint10:01
ubotubalint: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:01
balintArwen, well i mounted like nts-3g i dont know why shows else :(:(10:02
asaIn menu.lst, just moving the choice I want to be the default to the top of the list works, right?  It talks about "num" starting at 0, but there are no numbers.10:02
balintArwen:    mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 -o locale=hu_HU.utf810:02
baldieasa yes you can move it to the top.. but there is another thingy that lets you choose eg nr. 3 as default...10:03
Arwenbalint, hmm, here's an idea - just edit your fstab and replace every ntfs with ntfs-3g10:03
Arwenthen reboot10:03
balintArwen: what if it messes up something?10:03
balintreboot? oh i didnt reboot after mounting :)10:04
balintmaybe thats the problem?10:04
Arwenbalint, if it messes up, boot a live cd and change it back :-)10:04
balintfirst i wil try reboot now :)10:04
balintif doesnt work, than i edt fstab10:04
baldiebalint: you dont need to reboot10:04
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balintbut Arwen just said to reboot :)10:05
baldieyou can do 'sudo umount /dev/hdax' for your 3 devices10:05
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baldiethe ntfs devices10:05
Arwenbaldie, yeah, well, true10:05
baldieand then do 'sudo mount -a'10:05
ericssonbalint: or sudo mount -a10:05
balintwhat does that do,10:05
Arwenbalint, anyway, apply those fstab changes I mentioned10:05
baldie-a mounts the stuff in fstab10:05
baldie"-all" meaing those in fstab10:05
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baldieanyways, i'm not expert here, Arwen knows a whole lot more than me.. I just wanted to let you know that you weren't forced to reboot10:06
Arwenbaldie, I just said to reboot because it's easier10:06
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Arwenmount -a works too, but then I'd have to tell him about unmounting...10:06
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baldieArwen: i know :>10:07
balintwell sudo mount -a didnt do any change in fstab so i will edit it manually10:07
baldiei'm just following your chat to learn something10:07
baldiei'm rather new at this linux10:07
cristianhello i need help my screen savers opengl not work10:07
balintbe back soon10:07
cristianafter install nvidia10:08
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baldiebalint: you need to edit fstab first and add those -3g thingies10:08
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baldieafter you've saved fstab, then unmount and do the 'sudo mount -a' to remount the stuff according the options specified in stab10:08
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Arwenbalint, mount -a doesn't edit fstab, it loads the changes you make to it10:08
Arwenso therefore, you have to make the changes before you do mount -a :-)10:09
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cristianhello sory my inglish im from argentina anybody can help me with nvidia video problem?10:10
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gianpyciao a tutti10:11
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balintArwen i edited fstab and sudo mount -a, what should happen now? i should be able now to create folders on hda1 itself, nad not just in its folders?10:11
Arwenbaldie, before you do "sudo mount -a" you have to unmount the devices you changed the entries for10:11
Arwenso for each ntfs partition do "sudo umount /dev/<device>"10:12
gianpyc' e' nessuno che parla italiano??10:12
baldiebalint: read what Arwen said ;)10:12
balintdone :)10:12
hdxxgianpy: english please10:12
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:12
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baldiebalint: you've unmount all the stuff, and then done 'sudo mount -a' ?10:13
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gianpyho capito ma tu sei italiano??10:13
Arwenbalint, then try making a folder now :-)10:13
balinti still cant make it with right click10:14
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segfault2khi, someone can help me with kubuntu feisty and beryl or compiz10:14
segfault2ki cant get window borders10:14
Pollywogwhat is it with the nvidia drivers, is this going to get fixed?10:14
segfault2kcube effect, wooble all of that10:14
segfault2kbut no window borders10:14
Arwenbalint, can you pastebin your fstab again? also pastebin the output of "mount -l"10:14
balinti can only make folders with rigth click in already existing folders on hda1. i cant make olders directly on hda110:15
balintmount -l what does this do? :$10:15
Pollywogand how do I know whether I should use a -386 or -generic kernel?10:15
baldielist active mounts10:15
baldiethe same as just 'mount' (i think)10:15
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constsegfault2k: i am a newbie - don't expect much from me. but i installed kubutnu+beryl few days ago.10:16
Pollywog!kernel > pollywog10:16
ArwenPollywog, if your computer is newer than 10 years old, you want -generic10:16
segfault2khow u do that10:16
constand i'm really impressed what this software can do on my old laptop10:16
segfault2ki have effects10:16
segfault2kbut no windows borders10:16
PollywogArwen: ty10:16
PollywogI happen to have gotten the correct one then10:16
hdxxsegfault2k: same problem here:S10:16
balintArwen: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18147/10:17
wolferinewhat can I use to record beryl again?10:17
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guhhhdoes anyobody has a x800?10:17
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segfault2k16:16]  <hdxx> segfault2k: same problem here:S <-- !! :(10:17
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Arwenbalint, the output of mount -l too please10:17
guhhhsegfault2k: .10:17
segfault2knobody know how to fix it10:17
guhhhsegfault2k: beryl-manager ->10:17
PollywogI used the Ubuntu guide to get nvidia working but I still can't get it to work10:18
guhhhsegfault2k: beryl-manager -> select emerald -> reload10:18
constsegfault2k: you may want to look at "Theme manager", not "Beryl manager"10:18
wolferinePollywog, u get the latest drivers installed?10:18
Pollywogin -17 or -20 kernel10:18
balintits weard, it sais (wil pastebin in a sec) that the type of hda1 is fuse :S10:18
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Pollywogwolferine: I had to downgrade to the ones in Edgy10:18
tdn_How do I get a second monitor to work? I need to run 1280x1024 on the other monitor. My normal monitor runs 1400x1050 (but I can accept another res. temporarily). My computer is a laptop -- IBM Thinkpad T42 with an ATI graphics card. lspci says :  ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] 10:18
constguhhh: what's x800?10:18
guhhhsegfault2k: sorry, i mean, window decorator10:18
init2nullI just bought a new widescreen monitor. does anyone know why kdm would use the correct resolution and then change to 1024x768 when kde starts?10:18
balintarwen: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18148/10:19
wolferinePollywog, well, I have it working, if you go back to the latest, I can probably help get it working10:19
guhhhconst: ati radeon x800 (video card)10:19
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Pollywogwolferine: the thing is that the -20 kernel will not allow VMware to work10:19
guhhhPollywog: are u using xgl? (glx)?10:19
Pollywogso I am stuck with 2.6.1710:19
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Arwenbalint, try closing konqueror and restarting it - then see if it'll let you make a folder10:19
Pollywogguhhh yes10:19
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Doctor_Nickhow do you change the default applications for files and such?10:19
guhhhPollywog: did u download beryl from beryl source? (v0.2.0)?10:20
Pollywogit was working until I upgraded to Feisty10:20
balintArwen isnt that a problem that mount -l sais type: FUSE ?10:20
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Arwenno, that's the right type10:20
Pollywogguhhh this is not for beryl10:20
hdxxPollywog: did you install kernel modules10:20
heinkel_111http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18149/ <----whats with the UUID things that came in under conversion to edgy? Do i really need that?10:20
hdxxfor vmware10:20
guhhhPollywog: if u download it from ubuntu repo. it probably wont work10:20
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constguhhh: that's what i thougt. i am working on the opposide side of the universe10:20
Pollywogguhhhh this is not for Beryl10:21
Pollywogthough I had Beryl working under Edgy10:21
balintArwen ok, than i reboot, thats the 100% solution :910:21
Arwenyes, lol10:21
PollywogI installed the restricted modules10:21
guhhhPollywog: edgy is edgy, feisty is feisty, beryl is beryl10:21
segfault2ki select emerald10:21
segfault2knothing :(10:21
chxhi. I would like to install feisty from an USB stick and I got as far as the installer is loaded (i loopmounted the alternate iso, copied all file, syslinux'd install-mbr'd) but I just can't get the usb stick mounted in busybox, i get 'invalid argument' for mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt despite dmesg recogns the stick10:21
segfault2ksegfault@dna:~$ emerald10:21
segfault2kemerald: Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"10:21
guhhhsegfault2k: u got no borders or ur theme doesnt change?10:21
segfault2kno borders10:22
Pollywogokay my system is Feisty but my kernel is the one from Edgy, 2.6.1710:22
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heinkel_111http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18149/ <----whats with the UUID things that came in under conversion to edgy? Do i really need that?10:22
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guhhhsegfault2k: try reload window manager10:22
segfault2ki do that :(10:22
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segfault2kits the same problem that i have with compiz10:23
segfault2kbtw sorry my english10:23
guhhhsegfault2k: listen carefully10:23
chxsegfault2k: what card you have?10:23
constBtw, here is recent DAMMIT vs NVIDIA bit: http://www.fudzilla.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=703&Itemid=3410:23
jack__hi, i have the problem that i cannot install opera cos it would break my system says synaptic or adept:10:23
segfault2kan old nvidia geforce2 mx40010:23
segfault2kbut i have10:23
segfault2kall efects10:23
jack__see it here :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18150/10:23
guhhhsegfault2k: u have two differents options, window manager and window decorator10:23
segfault2kguhhh:  teah10:23
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guhhhsegfault2k: go to window decorator and select emerald, then refresh window decorator, after that, choose window manager beryl and window manager refresh10:24
Pollywoglinux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic is what I installed to get nvidia drivers10:24
Pollywogis that wrong?10:24
guhhhPollywog: the proprietary?10:24
Pollywogyes proprietary10:25
segfault2kguhhh:  not working :(10:25
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guhhhPollywog: u should install it too, i guess, but you need: nvidia-glx and nvidia-kernel-src10:25
PollywogI have those10:25
=== PraysToPan [n=jon@stjhnf0112w-142163116204.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu
guhhhthen change xorg.conf to "nvidia" instead of "nv"10:25
balintArwen: IT WORKS!!!! :D Im so Happy!! thx for you and baldie :) and thx again :)10:25
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Arwenbalint, :-)10:25
guhhhand modprobe -i nvidia10:25
balintnow i just have to make the other 2 harddisks :D10:26
baldieheh np... credits goes to Arwen :>10:26
PraysToPanhi all, is there a boot option to disable pata support in favor of the old ide driver?  having problems with a cd-rom in a dell poweredge 250010:26
Pollywogguhh I did that but it says the module can't be loaded10:26
guhhhthen its not installed correctly10:26
segfault2kresseting X server10:26
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ArwenPraysToPan, IDE = PATA...10:26
Pollywogguhhh the module is there10:27
guhhhPollywog: try to install mannualy10:27
PraysToPanPollywog: thx10:27
guhhhops, yes10:27
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hdxxwhat command is to unistall file "vmware-unistall.pl"10:27
Pollywogwhat do you mean manually?10:27
ErtainHas anyone tried using Hibernation?  I've tried using it, but I don't think it works.  When I use it, my computer turns off after about a minute.  I have it configured to use my swapspace, and I have uswsusp installed.10:27
wolferinePollywog, i am sure you can get VMware working at some point10:27
guhhhPata = parallel ata, sata = serial ata10:28
Pollywogwolferine: I got it working in kernel 2.6.1710:28
Pollywogbut vmware does not like the -20 kernel's sources10:28
wolferineboth beryl and vm?10:28
guhhhPollywog: i dont know exactly about nvidia, but there must be a shell script somewhere :)10:28
tdn_How do I watch video on a second monitor?10:28
wolferinetdn_, move it to the monitor10:28
wolferinetdn_, then watch :)10:29
Pollywogguhhh I do not know what got broken when I upgraded to feisty10:29
tdn_wolferine, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=255465510:29
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Pollywogit worked until then10:29
baldiei have a rather simple question.. is it possible to show two chat-channels next to each other in Konversation? So I can see two channels at the same time?10:29
wolferinetdn_, no thanks10:29
constErtain: another problem with Hibernation i noticed is wirelss it not coming up.10:29
guhhhPollywog: download the driver from nvidia10:29
heinkel_111where can i find checksums for kubuntu 7.04 dvd amd 4310:29
heinkel_111where can i find checksums for kubuntu 7.04 dvd amd 64 !10:29
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Pollywogguhhh: k I guess I have nothing to lose10:29
Pollywogor I could try m-a10:30
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tdn_wolferine, I describe my problem in detail on that url. I don't think you understand my question.10:30
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guhhhPollywog: downloaded nvidia-glx-new ?10:30
constyeah, i wanna see an answer to baldie's question10:30
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Arwensay, are the reverse-engineered nvidia drivers usable for anything?10:30
balintArwen, great, i did it for the other two disks.10:31
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Pollywogguhhh isn't that for the Feisty kernel?  That is what broke things, glx-new10:31
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constArwen: what is the problem with nvidia drivers?10:31
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ThePianoGu1should fglrx 3d accellerated work fine on feisty?10:32
balintArwen, now i hope torrent will be working properly. :)10:32
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guhhhThePianoGu1: not that much, what for?10:32
Arwenthat's another problem - but I go sleepy now :-)10:32
guhhhPollywog: why dont u download the last kernel?10:32
wolferineanyone have a working logitech webcam?10:32
ThePianoGu1I get [fglrx:firegl_init_module]  *ERROR* firegl_stub_register failed when doing modprobe fglrx10:32
Pollywogguhh I explained that the latest kernel will not run vmware10:33
Pollywognot vmware 5.x10:33
balintArwen, i slept 8 hours in two days :-)10:33
guhhhThePianoGu1: ur driver is supported by fglrx?10:33
Arwenbaldie, lol10:33
guhhhThePianoGu1: ur card is supported by fglrx?10:33
ThePianoGu1yep, Mobility radeon 960010:33
Arwenbalint, *10:33
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balintand now im nit going to sleep :) i must wach films :D10:33
Pollywogand besides vmware did not work with the latest kernel either10:33
ThePianoGu1I also downloaded the latest 8.36.5 from the ati site and the same problem10:33
Pollywognvidia I mean10:33
Pollywogdid not work with latest kernel10:34
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ThePianoGu1I thought it was 2.6.20 kernel related - but 8.36.5 should support it fine10:34
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guhhhPollywog: lol, why did u upgraded Edge?10:34
heinkel_111where can i find checksums for kubuntu 7.04 dvd amd 64 ?10:34
ThePianoGu1I mean - should fglrx load normally on feisty, was it even tested before the release?!10:34
Pollywogguhhh I should have left it alone on this machine10:35
guhhhPollywog: install feisty directly10:35
Pollywogthough on the laptop Feisty is fine, no nvidia there10:35
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Pollywogguhhh: no too much trouble doing a full install10:35
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Pollywogupgrades are supposed to be seamless10:35
guhhhThePianoGu1: depends on ur driver, im running fgrlx, in fact, its the only driver i can run X10:36
guhhhdo you think?10:36
Pollywogand no guarantee that a full install will work either10:36
guhhhtroube is upgrade old versions :D10:36
lovlossAny reason why i have to use reocvery mode every time i log in to avoid the loading screen? It seems to drop signal to my monitor10:36
guhhhlovloss: yes, let me guess, u have an ati10:37
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lovlossguhhh: yep10:37
lovlossi hate this10:37
guhhhlovloss: apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx10:37
jack__ hi, i have the problem that i cannot install opera cos it would break my system says synaptic or adept:10:37
jack__see it here :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18150/10:37
DeCloaKHello, I just tried to boot kubuntu from a disk and got this error "[ 202.968000]  Buffer I/O error on device fd0, logical block 0"10:38
baldiebalint: i wouldn't rely too heavily on the ntfs partitions.. it's considered unstable10:38
lovlossguhhh: No good. xserver-xorg IS set to fglrx. but the loading screen still crashes the monitor10:38
baldiei dont know how much, but keep it in mind.. maybe google it10:38
DeCloaKany ideas wat happened?10:38
guhhhlovloss: apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-kernel-source linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic10:38
ThePianoGu1guhhh: possibly the same bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/8626010:38
balintbaldie, the ntfs itself, or ntfs on linux?10:38
orazioce' qualcuno qui che parla italiano?10:39
guhhhlovloss: is it really running fglrx? lsmod |grep fglrx tell me if its running10:39
baldiebalint: the ntfs on linux...10:39
guhhhlovloss: go to /boot/grub/menu.lst and erase the "splash" and "quiet" it will sove your problem10:39
baldientfs is very secure on windows10:39
lovlossguhhh: im in winz  ight now10:39
guhhhlovloss: ok10:40
lovlossthank you10:40
balintbaldie, and what do you mean under unstable?10:40
guhhhlovloss: but do what i told, when u will solve ur problem10:40
baldiebut microsoft doesn't make a linux driver, and dont tell how to make it.. so it's rather hard to make a linux ntfs driver, but it has been done nevertheless10:40
guhhhlovloss: go to /boot/grub/menu.lst and erase the "splash" and "quiet" it will solve your problem10:40
balintbaldie, i justwant to download while im on linux10:40
balintbaldie, maybe downloading will not be corupted10:41
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balintbaldie i mean my partitions wont broke, or get a CRC eror :)10:41
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guhhhThePianoGu1: do you run Xgl desktop?10:41
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baldieuuhm... http://www.ntfs-3g.org/ says that the driver is stable10:41
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Arwenbaldie, it's "stable"10:42
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guhhhor better10:42
baldiecool.. i withdraw my comments then :>10:42
guhhhits not notoriously unstable, lol10:42
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ThePianoGu1guhhh: no. I can shutdown X and try to modprobe fglrx in console and it doesn't load10:43
Arwennote the quotes... it's stable in theory but some report issues10:43
baldiei thought i read it was still unstable, but that might've been another driver10:43
ThePianoGu1(shutdown X by /etc/init.d/kdm stop)10:43
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strabesdoes anyone have any suggestions for a USB sound device for my laptop?10:44
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guhhhThePianoGu1: well, u must find a way to make ur driver functional, i would like to help you but im leaving :(10:44
voicuok, can someone help me with installing ati drivers? i installed fglrx, linux-restricted-modules, x11-fglrx and i still don't have opengl10:44
athenastrabes, nope... just buy some speakers...10:44
athenaAltec Lansing is good10:44
voicuthe ati control program recognises the card fine10:44
voicui have a 9600 radeon10:45
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guhhhvoice: apt-get install xserver-xgl10:45
guhhhvoicu: apt-get install xserver-xgl10:45
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voicuand for beryl, what do i need?10:46
donI have 9550 I am watching closly10:46
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guhhhvoicu: lsmod |grep fglrx tell me if it shows something10:46
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ThePianoGu1voicu: I have exactly the same problem10:46
Pollywogseems the -generic kernel is a SMP kernel and I have only one cpu10:46
guhhhvoicu: i can give u my config, its running beryl right now10:46
ThePianoGu1I'm having M10 (mobile radeon 9600)10:46
strabesathena: I have the logitech z-5500 speakers. I just want better quality card for things like surround sound etc10:46
ThePianoGu1the problem is in loading the fglrx module itself10:46
voicuit's there10:46
ThePianoGu1I get *ERROR* firegl_stub_register failed10:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:47
athenastrabes, then what's USB have to do with this?10:47
strabesathena: because I have a laptop - i want a USB sound card10:47
fyrmedicHow do I build a macro in command and save it to a usb stick?10:48
athenastrabes, you might as well ask for a rubber CPU... that's a ridiculously stupid idea10:48
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voicuguhhh, it still doesn't work10:48
strabesathena: No it's not. Creative has several.10:48
voicuanything else i could need?10:48
strabesathena: It's just that they suck. I want a good one.10:48
guhhhvoicu there is my config, make a xorg.conf and test it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18155/10:48
voicuok, thanks10:49
athenastrabes, there's no such thing as a good USB sound device...10:49
guhhhvoicu: first u have to make the gnome load the xgl10:49
strabesathena: ok then10:49
athenajust examine your laptop and swap out the internal one...10:49
guhhhvoicu: you need some shell scripts for that10:49
Pollywog!smp > pollywog10:49
strabesathena: do you have any recommendations?10:50
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athenafor internal cards? Creative if your integrated one isn't any good10:50
athenafor external ones? stay as far away from em as you can10:50
fyrmedicAnyone have a good link for getting OpenGL working in feisty on a ATi Xpress 200m10:50
voicuguhhh, i use kde10:50
athenafyrmedic, you using fglrx?10:50
voicuwhat scripts? do i get them from apt?10:50
guhhhvoicu http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/EyeCandy#How_to_install_Beryl_.28ATI.2910:51
fyrmedicathena: whatever works. that is what I have used in the past. If there is something better i'm in!10:51
athenafyrmedic, fglrx is a driver...10:51
guhhhPollywog: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/EyeCandy#How_to_install_Beryl_.28ATI.29 and try use this config: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18155/ (make a backup of your xorg.conf)10:51
fyrmedicathena; yeah I know10:51
guhhhThePianoGu1: hey10:51
athenais it what you're using right now?10:52
athenaif not, you could try10:52
Pollywogguhhh I am not presently trying to install Beryl10:52
balintanother tihng, wich torrent client is the best?10:52
PollywogI just want nvidia to work with 3d10:52
guhhhPollywog: okay, sorry. :D10:52
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guhhhThePianoGu1: hello?10:52
nbcbwhy do my rmvb file plays so laggy in my realplayer 10?10:52
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fyrmedicathena; yeah but I just upgraded to feisty and every time I do a kernel upgrade it dumps fglrx to mesa and it stops working?10:52
guhhhPollywog: its simple: make it load your driver :D10:52
PollywogI did depmod and then modprobe nvidia10:53
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athenafyrmedic, yes, because you need to rebuild the kernel module each time :-)10:53
Pollywogit complains the driver does not exist, only it does10:53
voicuguhhh, won't this script work only for gnome sessions?10:53
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PollywogI could try installing Feisty from scratch instead of upgrade but then vmware would not work10:54
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voicuPollywog: i got an error about fglrx not being in xorg.conf. maybe you have to set it as the device driver. worked for me10:54
Pollywogif anything I would install Edgy from iso and stop there10:55
donWhat 3D cards is kubuntu set up for?10:55
guhhhvoicu: yes, but try that tutorial, its the only one that worked for me, about the shell, you have to find an specific for kde10:55
heinkel_111don: bu default kubuntu is 2D10:55
guhhhPollywog: in your case "nvidia" instead of "nv"10:55
heinkel_111don: by default kubuntu is 2D10:55
guhhhguess u already did that :)10:55
donThats what I figured10:55
fyrmedicathena; you know of a good macro builder that will allow me to build a macro and save it on a memory stick so that I don't have to do it manually every time I upgrade the kernel10:56
Pollywogguhh yes I set nvidia and had to set it as nv to get X working10:56
athenafyrmedic, no10:56
donXaandros has 3dfx10:56
constdon, heinkel: beryl is 3D though10:56
heinkel_111don: you configure your 3d card after the initial installation, and there are proprietary drivers available for nvidia and ati cards10:56
PollywogXandros is a good distro but it's too long between updates10:56
guhhhThePianoGu1: this might help you to get beryl working http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty/EyeCandy#How_to_install_Beryl_.28ATI.29 and try use this config: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18155/ (make a backup of your xorg.conf)10:56
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heinkel_111const: you don't run beryl by default in kubuntu10:56
donI plan on 3D one way or other10:57
fyrmedicathena; thanks for trying10:57
Pollywogand I understand Xandros now requires an Internet connection to verify the license, that stinks10:57
vioadewhat you doing10:57
heinkel_111don: yeah a 3d card is not a lot of hassle to configure10:57
donnice system though10:57
Pollywogmy card is a 7600 GS btw10:57
heinkel_111don: is your card nvidia, ati or intel?10:57
Pollywogso it is not too old10:57
constheinkel_111: that is true. but it is great. i think anybody want to go through troubles and install it10:58
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donAti 9550 Diaamond stealth10:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:58
donI have many to try though10:58
guhhhvoice: here have a script to kde http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_XGL10:58
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donI think I am going 7.04 first10:59
guhhhvoicu: here have a script to kde http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_XGL10:59
guhhhlol, i alwasy mystype10:59
donI think this groupe is great!10:59
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guhhhnow im going, bye, good luck with fglrx + beryl :P11:00
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donI am still having trouble with wine loads dont work11:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:00
donThanks for 3d site11:01
=== plex [n=plex@cable-87-244-141-78.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu
plexhi, how can i make firefox default browser in kubuntu?11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rmvb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
cox377anyone here run azureus?11:02
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nbcbwhat's needed to play rmvb11:02
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jovansyes i11:02
heinkel_111i prefer ktorrent :)11:02
nbcbwhy do ktorrent always get too many open files?11:03
heinkel_111nbcb: no it is not always11:03
donlots of browsers but I cant switch either11:03
heinkel_111it works like a clock here11:03
nbcbwell since its random isn't it a problem too?11:03
wilmanwhat is the directory for xine settings?11:03
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nbcbimagine finding out ur bt stopped when u woke up11:04
cox377heinkel_111: basically this is what i'm looking for, running a headless linux box just for torrents, the box will put out a web interface so torrents can be loaded via browser from another machine, shares etc etc, i've tried running the web interface in azureus and it doesnt load the page properly when loading it in a browser, however when testing on a M$ box it works fine11:04
cox377any ideas?11:04
balintDoes anybody use ktorrent here???11:04
coreymon77i do11:04
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balintso i have a problem. i started to sed an avi. fine. just like in windows, it checked the file, and after that started to seed.11:05
wilmani use ktorrent11:05
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wilmanhave it on and running now11:05
balintbut for some othr torrents its not working :(11:05
BenPAhi all ... can any one help with a PRD printing issue in KDE11:05
PollywogFATAL: Error running install command for nvidia11:05
Pollywogthat is what I get11:05
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strabes!ask > benpa11:05
balintso instead of starting to seed, it satrts to download the archive again11:06
strabes!ask | BenPA11:06
ubotuBenPA: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:06
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solemnwarningSince 7.04 includes PulseAudio, does kubuntu allow multiple audio streams mixed in software by default now?11:06
ferenthello everybody11:06
strabessolemnwarning: you mean from two programs at once?11:06
ferentI recent install the KDM theme manager11:06
balintso, is there something about seeding in ktorrent that i dont know? :S11:07
BenPAI cannot get my Kubuntu PRD printing to work ... I put in the IP and use lp as the que but it won't work11:07
solemnwarningWhy not?11:07
coreymon77its just like regular seeding11:07
ferentand now when I go to that option I can't see the Administrator mode buttom11:07
strabessolemnwarning: I have no problem playing sounds from firefox and amarok at the same time. no problem.11:07
solemnwarningstrabes: What sound card?11:07
balintwell its not working for mee :( it starts to download the film again :(:(:(11:07
strabessolemnwarning: integrated :( using alsa11:07
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strabesi have a laptop11:07
coreymon77balint: did you delete the file11:07
BenPAis there a fix or something?11:08
coreymon77balint: in order to seed, you need to have the file on your computer11:08
balinti have th file11:08
balintktorrent just didnt recognize it :( and starts to dl again :S11:08
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Ace2016Hi all11:09
ankuWhat is the preferred way to configure beryl in kubuntu?11:09
Ace2016i brought yet another mouse11:09
Ace2016it has 9 buttons11:09
BenPAis there a link or something for a fix for PRD printing?11:09
Ace2016can someone help me to set it up?11:09
ThePianoGu1guhhh: back11:10
ThePianoGu1anything new?11:10
coreymon77Ace2016: plug it in11:10
coreymon77Ace2016: turn on the computer11:10
mefisto__can anyone tell me what "install scrollbar fix" does exactly? It says it installs files to the mozilla profile. I want to remove the fix.11:10
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Ace2016coreymon77: some buttons don't work11:11
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coreymon77Ace2016: oh well11:11
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coreymon77Ace2016: what do you need 9 buttons for anyways11:11
BenPAcan someone help me setup or give a link to set up network PRD printing?11:12
Ace2016coreymon77: for beryl11:12
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Ace2016coreymon77: for: moving, resizing, centring, closing, and minimising, and hopefully scrollwheel+something as alt+Tab11:12
nbcbhow to convert rmvb to avi?11:13
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coreymon77Ace2016: i dont really know11:13
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coreymon77BenPA: what is you problem11:13
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Ace2016nbcb: ask in #mplayer11:14
BenPAI cannot get my printer to print using network PRD printing ... I put in the IP of the printer and use lp and it doesnt work11:14
balintI figured out whats not working in ktorrent11:15
coreymon77BenPA: okay, first use english,11:15
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Ace2016balint: you could use azureus11:15
BenPAplease be patient with me corey11:15
BenPAI use the printer setup and it fails11:15
balintwhen i start to seed a torrent containing a single file its ok. but when i try to start seeding a torrent wich contains a lots of .rar files, than comes the shit :(:(11:16
coreymon77BenPA: okay, what printer11:16
coreymon77BenPA: company, model11:16
BenPAhp 161011:16
coreymon77BenPA: photosmart, deskjet, officeject, psc11:16
ThePianoGu1guhhh: again, I can't even get fglrx loaded!11:16
BenPAhp psc 161011:16
ThePianoGu1guhhh: anything further is useless11:16
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BenPAunder 6.06 I had to designate it as hp550c11:17
ThePianoGu1guhhh: I'm trying a fresh feisty kubuntu install on other partition and then reinstall edgy it it won't11:17
balintDoes Wine require lots of ram and cpu time ???11:17
ThePianoGu1ballnt: usually no11:18
coreymon77BenPA: so, what is the problem11:18
ThePianoGu1balint: somewhat +10%/-30% around original Windows speed11:18
coreymon77BenPA: let me see if i can guess this11:18
athenaanyone here have experience with digikam? it's annoying me11:18
coreymon77BenPA: you printer has the ability to plug into your network through ethernet, therefore being a sperate entitity with its own ip adress11:19
balinti would like to run utorrent on wine11:19
coreymon77BenPA: correct?11:19
Daisuke_Idoathena: mmmhmm?11:19
jack__ hi, i have the problem that i cannot install opera cos it would break my system says synaptic or adept:11:19
lontrasad it looks like audio isn't going to work on my lappy under linux for the time being ...11:19
BenPAyes, but I use a wireless print server11:19
jack__see it here :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18150/11:19
Daisuke_Idobalint: you're better off with ktorrent, but it's your choice :)11:19
athenaDaisuke_Ido, whenever I open an image it scales it... even if the image's resolution is less than my display's resolution11:19
athenawhich means that everything looks horrendous when I view it...11:19
BenPAthis setup worked under 6.06 but 6.10 does not work11:19
Daisuke_Idoah, i can see how that would be a problem11:19
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Daisuke_Idolet me look real quick11:20
balintDaisuke_ldo ktorrent cant handle my seeds properly :@11:20
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Daisuke_Idoyeah, utorrent under wine is the second best option11:20
coreymon77BenPA: why do you ues a sever11:20
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BenPAI am wireless on my pc in another room11:21
coreymon77BenPA: cant you just plug it in to your router and use it like that11:21
BenPAit is located in another room of the house11:21
balintDaisuke_ldo and what about azureus?11:22
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balintim downloading it now, i hope it works11:22
BenPAmaybe I can shed some more light on this ... under 6.1011:22
BenPAthere are several drivers11:22
coreymon77BenPA: okay, i knwo11:22
coreymon77BenPA: wait11:23
BenPAI am not sure if they are not working right11:23
Daisuke_Idoathena: i learned to live with it, but looking, i can't find an actual setting to keep it from scaling up while still scaling down11:23
coreymon77BenPA: how do you nromally print11:23
athenaDaisuke_Ido, :-(11:23
athena250x250 -> 1600x1200 is not tolerable :-\11:23
BenPAI upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 ... under 6.06 I had the same setup wireless printing using PRD11:24
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athenaDaisuke_Ido, oh well, it looks like there's a bug filed on the digikam tracker so all is well11:24
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coreymon77BenPA: sorry, im completely lost as to your problem, can you try asking someone else11:25
coreymon77BenPA: nvm that11:25
BenPAcan I try again11:25
coreymon77BenPA: let me try and do this11:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:26
balintIn firestarter, how can i enable azureus?11:26
balintjust type in at the rules: azureus11:26
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coreymon77BenPA: how do you connect your printer to a server11:28
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dwidmannduct tape :P11:28
BenPAit plugs into my router via a wireless print server11:28
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BenPAit has it's own ip address11:29
coreymon77can your printer connect to the router directly, wihtout the server, through an ethernet cable11:29
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BenPAI have several computer connected and they all work11:30
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lucagood day to everyone11:30
balinthmmm azureus sucks, and ktorrent is unable to handle seeding properly :S11:30
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balintmy last chance is wine+utorent11:30
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coreymon77BenPA: okay, so your printer has its own ip adress11:31
BenPAmy ip settings are not holding under kubuntu 6.1011:31
lucadoes anyone here own a dell inspiron laptop with nvidia card?11:31
nbcbhow to uninstall my realplayer?11:31
coreymon77BenPA: so when you run the printer setup wizard11:31
|StOnE|i want beryl how i can intall that11:31
coreymon77you choose the network printer optiuon11:31
coreymon77and then put in your printers ip right?11:31
BenPAhold one sec11:32
coreymon77BenPA: are you using edgy feisty or dapper11:33
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coreymon77okay, that makes things more complicated11:33
BenPAI upgraded from dapper11:33
|StOnE|any person can help me11:33
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freakwencyhow do i tell what version i am using11:34
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mrgvstone: go to irc.freenode.org #beryl11:34
BenPAactually I went from dapper to feisty lost everything and installed edgy11:34
|StOnE|i want beryl and edgy how i can install that11:34
mrgvyou'll find help easier there11:34
coreymon77BenPA: okay, so11:34
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redfivei just got beryl workin on 7.0411:35
coreymon77BenPA: so you enter in the ip adress in the box in the kde print wizard11:35
redfiveit was easy11:35
coreymon77then what11:35
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coreymon77BenPA: you go to choose the driver right?11:35
BenPAI put in lp in the queue box then to to driver11:35
redfivethere are many guides on beryl11:36
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levonhello everyone how would i install smb11:36
zumani'm having a big problem with amarok11:36
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coreymon77BenPA: what do you mean by lp11:36
levoni went to the pkg manager but it has so many lol11:37
zumanfreezes on startup....11:37
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coreymon77BenPA: lets walk through the printer wizrd now11:37
coreymon77BenPA: go to it11:37
BenPAunder PRD it ask for ip and printer queue ... I use "lp"11:37
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BenPAI have it up11:37
BenPAI start with add11:37
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coreymon77click on administrator mode11:37
zumandoes anyone have amarok working on feisty?????11:38
lontrawhat do i need to do to install to recompile alsa and add a patch?11:38
BenPAthen choose remote LPD queue11:39
redfivezuman, yes11:39
jussi01zuman: me11:39
coreymon77wait a sec11:39
coreymon77BenPA: close the wizard11:39
zumanjussi01: did amarok ever have problems when you first installed?11:39
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BenPAok, closed11:39
coreymon77BenPA: but keep the printer part of system settings open11:39
dwidmannlontra: well, first you'll have to download the source tarball, then unpack it, run patch /path/to/theoriginalfile /path/to/thepatchfile, then run ./configure && make && sudo make install11:39
BenPAhold a sec11:40
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coreymon77BenPA: open printers in system settings11:40
BenPAI did11:40
dwidmannlontra: perhaps you'd be able to do something like "fakeroot debian/rules configure" instead of "./configure && make && sudo make install" though.11:40
coreymon77BenPA: click on the administrator mode button11:40
zumanat least someone's amarok works....it seems to be broken from the install.11:40
jussi01zuman: no problems here11:41
coreymon77BenPA: are you in administrator mode right now?11:41
redfivemine works11:41
redfivewhat dosent work on it?11:41
jussi01zuman: though there was someone in with a problem the other day...11:41
coreymon77BenPA: now go click on add printer11:41
lontrapatch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.  <- what's that mean?11:42
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dwidmannlontra: not sure ... maybe it's a different type of patch11:42
BenPAit only gives me one option11:42
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coreymon77BenPA: now you said that your printer has its own ip adress and is a seperate entity on the network right11:42
zumanjussi01: really?  what was the problem....maybe it is similar to mine....11:42
dwidmannlontra: what's the extension on the patch file?11:42
lontradwidmann: https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=272511:42
lontradwidmann: i'm trying to apply that patch to get alsa to work11:43
BenPAthere is only one option available11:43
jussi01zuman: he had probs when installing the install on demand codecs11:43
coreymon77okay, for printer type click on network printer (tcp)11:43
BenPAadd special (psuedo) printer11:43
coreymon77down at the button, for print system currently used11:44
coreymon77BenPA: is CUPS selected11:44
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balintin a terminal, how can a write a space?11:44
zumanjussi01:my amarok just keeps loading and loading and loading....until I kill it several minutes later.  It hasn't even gotten to point of asking for plugins.11:44
BenPAnow it is11:44
balinti want to run utorrent:     wine  /media/hda1/Program Files/uTorrent/utorrent.exe11:44
zumanjussi01: I even reinstalled via source package on amarok site and I still experience the same problem.11:44
coreymon77BenPA: okay, it wasnt before11:45
BenPAok now the wizard starts11:45
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coreymon77BenPA: now first lets try this11:45
zumanjussi01: as well as xine and just about every library connected to xine and amarok....still no dough11:45
redfiveanyone here good with beryl?11:45
BenPAno, there was another one in there the LPD option11:45
BenPAok, go ahead11:45
jussi01zuman: hav you done sudo apt-get remove --purge amorak  ??11:45
zumani'm kinda afraid to do that...it wants to remove kubuntu-desktop with amarok!11:46
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sonicamixHi all11:46
don hi11:46
coreymon77BenPA: for printer type, choose netowrk printer (tcp)11:46
sonicamixSome one speak Spanish? :s11:46
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donit all greek to me11:46
zumanjussi01:but I can give it a try anyway11:47
balinthelp me pls, how can i run applications with wine? it cant recognize spacebar in the terminal :(:(:(:(:(:(:(11:47
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BenPAcorey should I use or just
coreymon77BenPA: now for printer address, put in your printers ip11:47
coreymon77just the ip11:47
coreymon77BenPA: nothing11:48
zumanjussi01: reinstalling amarok again right now...11:48
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coreymon77click next11:48
dwidmannlontra, still there?11:48
jussi01zuman: good luck11:49
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coreymon77BenPA: its on a driver selection page right11:49
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BenPAit says no printer found at address or port11:49
redfivei love beryl11:49
zumanjussi01: no go....amarok sits there taking 99% CPU11:49
lontradwidmann: i found a ubuntu wiki i'm following11:49
coreymon77BenPA: you sreu thats the correct ip11:50
dwidmannlontra: another option would be to use kompare to apply the patch, that should be an easy functional method, I think11:50
BenPAno, it did not advance11:50
jussi01zuman: nasty11:50
BenPAI went into the router11:50
BenPAto get the ip11:50
coreymon77BenPA: not the router, the printers ip11:50
coreymon77BenPA: not the routers11:50
BenPAI know but I made sure11:51
BenPAthe ip is static11:51
zumanjussi01:feisty has been one disappointment after another so far....11:51
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coreymon77BenPA: okay then11:51
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coreymon77BenPA: i guess thats not gonna work11:51
redfiveanyyone know how to get the task bar to blurr with beryl? this is in kde11:51
BenPAit's looking for a port number11:51
coreymon77BenPA: wait a sec11:51
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coreymon77BenPA: whats looking for a port number11:52
jussi01zuman: thats really weird... I have absolutely no problems - its fantastic11:52
zumanjussi01:  Looking at launchpad, appears to be known issue....11:52
BenPAon the page I entered the ip ... the wizard is looking for a port number11:52
coreymon77BenPA: what did the error message say11:53
zumani have the same symptoms, though it never asked anything about MP3 support11:53
BenPAit says no printer found at address/ port11:53
coreymon77BenPA: okay, it doesnt need a port11:53
coreymon77just press back11:53
coreymon77and choose remote lpd queue as the type11:54
zumanjussi01:how did you upgrade to feisty (livecd, alternate, or through edgy)11:54
coreymon77BenPA: that is what you printer is right11:54
jussi01zuman: I fresh installed from the live cd11:54
zumanjussi01: I used the alternate cd...11:54
zumanfresh install11:54
BenPAit's asking for host and queue11:54
sonicamixsomebody can help me to install drivers of my video card?11:55
coreymon77BenPA: well then find those things out11:55
coreymon77BenPA: i have no expreience with lpd queues11:55
coreymon77BenPA: so you just need to find that info out11:55
coreymon77BenPA: what info did you use when you installed it on edgy11:56
BenPAI did11:56
coreymon77BenPA: you entered the info and it accepted it?11:56
BenPAyou mean on dapper ... I entered the ip and "lp"11:56
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BenPAno it didnt11:57
coreymon77BenPA: nvm that11:57
levoni still havent figured out how to install teh smb server11:57
BenPAnot sure what nvm is11:58
zumanjussi01:xine doesn't work either...i think it may be related to the amarok freeze11:58
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coreymon77BenPA: did you find out the info that the wizard wanted11:58
levonnever mind11:58
coreymon77BenPA: nvm=nevermind11:58
BenPAoh, ok11:58
levonyep see11:58
jussi01zuman: get a new disc and try again... it might be a fscked disk...11:58
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coreymon77who knows anything about remote lpd queue printers11:58
BenPAI tried all of the ip's in the range and none work ... just in case something changed11:59
levonokay how would i install the smb server guys need some help cant figure out what packages and i dont plan on installing them all lol11:59
zumanjussi01:alright...I'll try that...thanks for your help...11:59
jussi01zuman: bye11:59
jussi01zuman: np's11:59
coreymon77who knows someting about remote lpd queue printers11:59
lontrawhat package provides the following file t-ja.gmo12:00
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BenPAok, corey ... I did see something about a problem with this wizard in google I will try and find it again12:00
coreymon77its no big deal12:00
coreymon77i just dont knwo what the wizard want12:00
coreymon77if we can find that out12:00
BenPAthanks for your help .. when I get it to work I will let you know12:00
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levonsmb anyone??12:02
madmikedamn I'm goin through hell to find memory for my box12:02
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donwhat kind?12:03
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madmikeit's supposed to be regular ddr pc3200 but I gt two GB's and neither work12:04
mehdouchlevon why u can't lsten to musique in other pc windows whene i'm using smb12:04
donhad strange trouble also,swaped to other box worked fine12:04
madmikethid is the weird stuff.....12:04
levonlol you need to get the libxine112:05
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donmine tried to boot from ram12:05
mehdouchlevon: ok levon how?? plz12:05
levonmehdouch you need libxine1 and make sure that the smb server is mounted correctly you might not have enough permissions12:05
madmikei put in a dimm with the memory I already have and it works for a bit then crashes out of no where but I put just the new memory in and bam nothing works at all12:06
levonmehdouch try this12:06
levonsudo apt-get install libxine112:06
donre seat again12:06
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madmikeI'v pulled it in and out a bunch of tiems and nothing i put both dimms in and I can't even get passed the BIOS12:07
levonmehdouch you still with me??12:07
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lucagood day again12:07
madmikeI'm thinking my box just hates this kinda ram for some odd reson12:07
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levondid you do that?12:07
dontry only one12:07
levonnope lol12:07
lucaI need to keep the nvidia module loaded when going into suspend, does anyone know how to add it to the blacklist?12:08
levondo this sudo apt-get install libxine112:08
imagineis the problem with the kernel and no sound going to be fixed soon??12:08
mehdouchlevon not libxine1 but libxine1-main112:08
doncould be trade with another12:08
madmikeif I put only one DIMM in it gets passed the BIOS but will not bott anything passed GRUB12:08
levonokay do that then12:08
madmikebott= passed12:08
donused memory?12:08
levonafter you get that see if you can listen to the music12:08
madmikenope new from best buy12:08
levoncan you here music from you computer12:09
madmikeI'm thinking and Hopeing it's just crap12:09
levonnot from anothers12:09
mehdouchlevon yes12:09
mehdouchi'cant listen te the music from my own computer12:09
madmikeI was thinking that it does not sat say if it is ECC or not12:09
levonokay goto system menu remote places12:10
levonclick on smb12:10
madmikecause my box uses only non-ecc12:10
levonsamba shares12:10
doncould be check bios see if it can use it12:10
mehdouchlevon yes...12:10
levondo you see the computer with the shares?12:10
madmikeECC does not work on this box12:10
mehdouchyes levon i see12:11
donit will not work then12:11
=== Nepher [n=Nepher@cpc1-addl1-0-0-cust982.hers.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
levontry to open the music and see what error it gives you12:11
=== lparry [n=lparry@88-109-182-58.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
dontake it back12:11
mehdouchlevon nothing happind12:11
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levonright click open with amaroke12:12
madmikeyeah I'm going to and headiing over to pc club to get some better ram12:12
donI have had some work in one and not the other12:12
madmikeBest Buy = K-Mart of computers12:13
imagineis the problem with the kernel and no sound going to be fixed soon??12:13
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-173-121.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
levonif that doesnt work try asking the  channel because i wouldnt be sure after that it has something to do with your permissions on the other host12:13
madmikethanks don for the bit of he;lp12:13
donneed at least 256 to get up12:13
crimsunimagine: I need more information than that to diagnose your problem12:13
=== doppelganger_ [n=doppelga@c-76-107-47-195.hsd1.la.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu

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