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aoirthoirsorry got to do something12:23
aoirthoirVorian, watup g..talk to ayll in a minute12:23
aoirthoirjenda, ok at those prices i might order more..brb12:23
Vorianhey aoirthoir :)12:23
Vorianaoirthoir, I am ordering 1000 stickers 12:23
poningruare we working on UWN?12:35
boredandbloggingi've added some links that need to be filled out12:35
boredandbloggingwe need some community news12:36
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boredandbloggingit will be the usual scramble to get it out :-P12:41
poningruboredandblogging: are you working on it now?12:52
poningruwanna move it to gobby?12:52
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boredandbloggingponingru: i can start it there01:42
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boredandbloggingponingru, Burgwork: I've created UWN 38 on gobby from the latest revision (15 I think), I'll work on it later tonight01:50
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BHSPitMonkeytsmithe-weechat, omgosh, get a better connection :P07:16
BHSPitMonkeyor just log off...07:17
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boredandblogginghi Burgundavia08:08
Burgundaviaevening boredandblogging08:08
boredandblogginghow are you tonight?08:08
Burgundavianot bad08:08
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juliuxjenda, i got an order for an shirt from china;)10:29
jendawow :)10:29
jendaI'm just counting them shirt orders right now :)10:29
jendajuliux: is 78 fine for the stickers? (1000 Ubuntu)10:30
jendait's $10010:30
juliuxjenda, yes it is ok10:30
jendajuliux: one question... was it 4 books or 5 that have arrived already?10:31
juliuxjenda, 510:31
juliuxand some by the custom controll;)10:31
jendaah :)10:32
jendathat's great - thankee :)10:37
Tm_Tjuliux: I'll send one order to you today :)10:53
juliuxTm_T, thanks10:53
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juliuxjenda, ping04:00
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meatballhatjenda: ping!04:00
juliuxhi meatballhat 04:01
juliuxmeatballhat, did you want some more shirts? or peopel around you?04:01
meatballhatooooooh.... shirts04:03
meatballhatI know I got some envious glances at the Feisty release party ;-)04:04
meatballhatI'll post about it, call the Team to action  :P04:04
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juliuxmeatballhat, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=418314 for more informations04:05
meatballhatexcellent ... I was about to ask you for a linky04:05
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jendajuliux: pong04:34
jendameatballhat: pong!04:34
juliuxjenda, how was your first openweek lesson?04:35
meatballhat1600 UTC, right?04:35
jendatsmithe: ping!04:35
juliuxmeatballhat, yes that is his second one04:35
juliuxjenda, 1600 utc today ;)04:35
jendaYeah, whatever ;)04:36
juliuxif the timetable is right;)04:36
jenda1600, shm160004:36
=== juliux will listen jenda's talk today;)
jendaMy todo list is even right abou that, it's just the brain that's malfunctioning.04:38
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jendayay, thunderbird 2.004:54
jenda(and yet another discovery: if I turn up the laptop display's luminosity, I can actually see what's on it... amazing)04:56
jendatsmithe: pingity :)04:56
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tsmithejenda, pongity05:07
jendaah, here you are :)05:08
jendatsmithe: business ;)05:08
tsmithekk :)05:08
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jendameatballhat: ready to say a few words about the DIY?06:37
jendameatballhat: 3 minutes or so06:37
meatballhategad... am I too late?06:40
jendayou can pick up just as I end this list :)06:41
jendameatballhat: ready?06:42
meatballhatyop :)06:42
juliux_hsvgo meatballhat go06:43
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jendameatballhat: tell me when you're done06:50
meatballhatmight as well be done now :)06:51
jendaok :)06:51
jendasay it in the channel so it doesn't look like I'm cutting you off ;)06:51
nixternalman, I am not in the mood to talk today :(06:51
=== meatballhat applauds jenda
=== jenda hsv's juliux_hsv
juliux_hsvjenda, are you sure you know what hsv stands for?07:02
jendaHigh Society VIP?07:03
juliux_hsvhamburger sport verein ;)07:03
juliux_hsvit is a football club in germany07:03
=== jenda colapses
juliux_hsvand we won today a very importan game07:04
jendathat stuff is exhausting :)07:04
jendajuliux_hsv: gah ;)07:04
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jendayay, two more t-shirt orders.08:07
tsmithejenda, can you send me one as a donation to my fund?08:08
jendatsmithe: jules is the one doing them, and no :)08:08
tsmithe(damnit i knew that wouldn't work every time)08:08
jendatsmithe: once I get paid for my translation, I might even think about it ;)08:09
tsmithehow's it going?08:09
jendaI haven't gotten back to it yet :) I'm just about to start.08:09
jenda I'm at 72%08:09
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