
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-meeting.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 29 Apr 14:00 UTC: Local Teams | 01 May 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 01 May 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 02 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 02 May 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 03 May 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
=== Topic (#ubuntu-meeting): set by ubotu at Sat Apr 28 11:02:01 2007
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Current meeting: Local Teams | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 May 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 01 May 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 02 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 02 May 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 03 May 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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elkbuntuOk people04:00
elkbuntuwho do we have here for the LoCo Teams meeting?04:00
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=== markvandenborre will be here, but might have to go during the meeting a few times
elkbuntusure, no prob04:01
elkbuntuwho else?04:01
elkbuntui'll give it 5 before we start so people have a chance to turn up04:02
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=== rafael_carreras will be here, but I have not much to say, I think
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elkbuntuok, show of hands for the LoCo Teams Meeting04:05
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elkbuntuhey jono, just baout to start04:05
pochuhey jono04:05
elkbuntuOk, so we're here to discuss what we want to be discussed about LoCos at the UDS next week04:06
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elkbuntuBased on the feedback we got through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoReview i have registered 3 specs, which I hope will go to the summit. They're at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamsUDSSevillaSpecs04:07
elkbuntutake a moment to read those, and then feel free to ask/comment04:08
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elkbuntuok, anyone?04:12
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pochuelkbuntu: what about name policy?04:12
elkbuntupochu, that comes under 'definition'04:12
pochuyeah :)04:12
jonodammit, I have to run, back soon04:13
=== amachu [n=amachu@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elkbuntufor those just joining for the meeting:04:15
elkbuntu<elkbuntu> Based on the feedback we got through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoReview i have registered 3 specs, which I hope will go to the summit. They're at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamsUDSSevillaSpecs04:15
elkbuntu<elkbuntu> take a moment to read those, and then feel free to ask/comment04:15
markvandenborreelkbuntu, like, comment here, or add something to the wiki pages? what would you prefer us to do?04:18
amachuelkbuntu: i would like to add04:18
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, both04:18
elkbuntuwhat is your comment?04:18
amachuthe co-ordination we have with Sri Lankan Tamils04:18
markvandenborreresources: banners and stuff04:18
markvandenborreis just one example04:19
amachualso be added to the positive things happening around....04:19
Belutzhi all i'm from Indonesian LoCo04:19
amachuI will add it now..04:19
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, while i feel that comes under: * Resource availability - What is and is not available to teams. This has changed recently and some are confused.04:19
elkbuntufeel free to add it to the page04:19
markvandenborreit falls under that item, of course04:19
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markvandenborreit's mostly about stuff that has to be sourced new and will be of no use except for to promote ubuntu04:20
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, i intentionally avoided strictly defining certain things in the specs, to avoid restricting discussion04:21
=== Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elkbuntuok, amachu. what about coordination?04:21
amachuelkbuntu: its on translation efforts04:22
elkbuntuamachu, explain further please04:22
amachuelkbuntu: tamil is language spoken both in TamilNadu, India & SriLanka04:23
amachuso we decided to share common things among us04:23
amachuwe approched the Tamil speaking members of SriLankan team04:24
elkbuntuamachu, and what is the concern? there should be a translation team to cover the language, but the locos should still be seperate identities04:24
amachui think its not needed... if proper co-ordination can be achieved..04:25
markvandenborreelkbuntu, you can't separate translation and language entirely04:25
amachuLoCo teams can happen to be geography based04:25
markvandenborreremember a discussion at UDS Mountain View?04:25
amachurussell: can u share about your experience with Bengali Team04:25
markvandenborreI was not very awake at the time04:25
markvandenborreI think I can explain more clearly now04:25
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, not entirely, but the translation efforts, while a project of the loco, should not be confined to a loco04:26
markvandenborreof course they don't have to04:26
markvandenborrethe situation for ubuntu-nl.org and ubuntu-be.org04:27
Ekusheyamachu, our target group are school going kids and university students04:27
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, that's what im trying to say here. the locos could easily form translation subteams within them, and the culmination of these subteams would form a language team04:27
amachuEkushey: ok..04:27
markvandenborreelkbuntu, that's overstructuring things I'm afraid, and not a solution to everything04:28
Ekusheyamachu, the responce is very good... i get atleast 2 phone calls everyday from ppl who wants to use ubuntu or run into problems04:28
Med-Wei|Saraamachu: Does translations have some slighty different between nations?04:28
markvandenborretake Belgium and Holland04:28
amachuelkbuntu: now, that has to be done in unison with upstream also04:28
markvandenborreand the dutch language04:28
amachuMed-Wei|Sara: Yes04:28
amachuvery little though04:28
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, there doesnt have to be structure, but if structure is needed for the sake of coordination, it should be use04:29
rafael_carrerasamachu: but significant04:29
amachuEkushey: i too have started getting calls04:29
markvandenborrethe use of nl in online services is important for reaching a certain critical mass amongst the speakers of the language04:29
markvandenborrenot only in translations04:29
elkbuntuthis is why we need to discuss definition04:31
markvandenborrewhich is why ubuntu-be.org did not create a separate forum04:31
markvandenborreok, so that's something for Sevilla then, sorry04:31
markvandenborreI just wanted to make sure that the distinction between04:32
markvandenborre1. translation04:32
markvandenborre2. online-only services04:32
markvandenborreand 3. really location bound services04:32
markvandenborreis made in these discussions04:32
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, that's why it's proposed for sevilla04:32
amachuelkbuntu: on LoCo resources.. It would be nice to have the databases upgraded to latest versions04:34
amachuelkbuntu: we do have problems that we could not upgade to latest version of mediawiki due the the server not supporting it04:35
elkbuntuamachu, ok, note it on the review page please04:36
amachuso, periodic upgration of server is the key point to be noted here04:36
amachuelkbuntu: sure04:36
amachuany comments on this04:36
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elkbuntui'll comment that it's at the sysadmin discretion, and they already get plenty of ribbing for accidental downtime ;)04:37
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amachuelkbuntu: :-)04:38
amachuOn LoCo definition,04:38
amachuWe are indeed a Team representing a State of India04:39
elkbuntuamachu, does india have a team to cover all of it?04:39
amachuelkbuntu: yes.. we do have Ubuntu-in.. but 1 billion population to toooooooooo big for it to cover04:40
elkbuntuamachu, i am aware, i was just making sure there was complete coverage04:40
amachuI have recently noticed budding Andrapradesh Team04:40
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amachuanother neighbouring state of us04:41
elkbuntuamachu, do all these indian state teams cooperate like for instance the US state teams do?04:42
amachuwell, Yes04:42
amachuwith Ubuntu India team we do04:42
amachuelkbuntu: andra team is yet to grow and get approved04:43
amachui had recently established contact with them.. no not much of interaction..04:43
elkbuntuthere's no one firm rule that can be applied to all teams and circumstances, but there are cases where exceptions and additional structure is required. that is what we are hoping to decide, discuss etc at the summit04:44
lifelessnight all04:44
elkbuntuamachu, you're trying, that's enough04:44
elkbuntunight lifeless04:44
amachunow.. LoCo Resources.. we can have some place in Ubuntu Site, we have can have our special appeals made04:45
amachulike request for funding at a global level04:45
amachufor LoCo specific projects04:45
Ekusheyelkbuntu, regarding the "state" teams, i've a question... shouldn't there be a rule on when "state" or divistional teams can be formed? maybe based on population and size of the country?04:45
elkbuntui dont know. that is what needs discussing. resources has afaik never been formally discussed, this is why it is top priority as far as i am concerned04:45
elkbuntuEkushey, indeed. one  of the things that will be discussed04:46
nixternalgood mornin'!04:46
elkbuntumoin nixternal!04:46
amachuwhile LoCo sites are their language specific and the number of hits is low to their site and more to Ubuntu site04:46
amachusome link in Ubuntu site where LoCo appeals can be put forth04:46
amachuand coming to LoCo Collaboration,04:47
amachuwe did identified a person as it has been stated in the page for education.. and it was in the mid of the academic year04:48
amachunow its summer vacation for schools here, we need to trigger it up04:48
amachualso the Ubuntu LoCo derivative project04:48
Ekusheyelkbuntu, oh ok... USA and India are big counties, so they can have divisional teams. But if people from smaller countries start making divisional LoCo teams without consulting with the country team, then it will only lead to grouping.04:48
markvandenborreamachu, derivative project is dead04:49
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amachumarkvandenborre: but we need it04:49
markvandenborrewe need information about creating localised iso's04:49
markvandenborrebetter documentation of that would be a great resource to locoteams04:49
elkbuntuEkushey, indeed. at any point where there's multiple teams per locale, it's best to have a 'coop' group to make sure there's communication. they'd do things sort of like this meeting here, but on a local level04:50
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Ekusheyu r right markvandenborre04:50
amachuLoCo derivative project is the foremost resource that we expect..04:50
markvandenborrewhich is why I added it to the "things that don't work" page04:50
amachuand we would be much pleased to have one mentor atleast04:50
Ekusheyelkbuntu, got that, thanks04:50
amachufor that04:51
markvandenborrewhat I would like to find out is how to measure our relevance04:51
markvandenborreas locoteams04:51
elkbuntuok. as a basic concept as you'd propose for a spec, how would you go about it?04:52
markvandenborretowards Canonical, towards press, towards our team members04:52
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markvandenborreelkbuntu, maybe I can drop something on the wiki about it?04:53
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, please04:53
markvandenborreon a separate spec page?04:53
elkbuntumention it on the review page, and bulk it out on a spec page04:54
amachuelkbuntu: any commnets from you on Ubuntu Derivative Project04:56
amachuwe had gr8 expectations from that04:56
markvandenborrethere was no such project, only in name04:56
amachumarkvandenborre: yes..04:56
markvandenborrethe Canonical developers I have talked to have stated clearly that they have no interest in creating localised iso's themselves04:57
elkbuntuamachu, given derivatives can be for any reason, i think that it probably goes beyond the scope of LoCos04:57
markvandenborrebut they are willing to help out people who have done their research with questions on how to create iso's04:57
markvandenborreelkbuntu, I think amachu has a point here04:57
markvandenborrewhen he stresses the importance of localised cd's04:58
amachuelkbuntu: yes..04:58
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, i agree they are important, however if a project was to exist, it would be for far more than just localisation04:58
amachuI feel its not beyond the scope.. but needs extra efforts to be put04:59
amachuelkbuntu: exactly04:59
elkbuntuand it is beyond my knowledge to comment on how, or by whom they should be done04:59
amachuelkbuntu: we dream beyond localisation04:59
markvandenborreelkbuntu, the main action point that could be taken is probably04:59
Med-Wei|Sarahow about apt-on-cd packages isofile?04:59
amachuelkbuntu: but the first step alone is localisation05:00
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markvandenborreto make sure localisation documentation and utilities grow towards something unified and well maintained05:00
amachuelkbuntu: like developing applications thats specific to our region05:00
markvandenborrehm, that sounds fluffy, sorry05:00
amachuelkbuntu: and adding it to that ditro.. and these applications need not have transaltions in all languages05:01
elkbuntuamachu, there are already localised versions that have been made by teams already, maybe it is best talking to them?05:01
Ekusheylocalised+customised version of ubuntu is very important... for example, majority of the computer users in bangladesh are using pentium II and III PCs with 128 MB of RAM... installing Ubuntu on these machines can be a scary experinece05:01
amachuelkbuntu: yep.. mdke suggested to contact italian team05:01
amachuelkbuntu: i will do that05:02
elkbuntuamachu, then that is a good starting point05:02
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amachuelkbuntu: ok05:02
Ekusheyelkbuntu, i'm not clear abt the ubuntu trademark pocily abt the customised/localised versions05:03
markvandenborreread it, it's really clear05:03
elkbuntuEkushey, that you need to talk to canonical about. IANAL05:03
amachui had added that to community council agenda, when i too felt its dying05:03
amachuhope we make it there to put forth our points05:04
Ekusheyon the last CC meeting, there was some discussion abt it... but sadly i couldn't follow the entire conversion05:04
pleia2Ekushey: have you read: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy ?05:04
Ekusheypleia2 yes i've read it05:04
pleia2the same is true for loco teams05:04
amachuits happening on May 1605:05
Ekusheypleia2, i still have some confusions, so i'll add it to the next meeting agenda05:05
amachumarkvandenborre: how about your comments on raising it there?05:05
amachumarkvandenborre: can we hope to bring life ?05:06
elkbuntuEkushey, trademarks@canonical.com can be asked any trademark questions you might have05:06
markvandenborreamachu, what are you talking about?05:07
Med-Wei|SaraThe term free can be two definitions, freedom and gratis. There is a problem that Chinese doesn't have a word covering those. I got the problem when I translate some introdution documents.05:07
markvandenborreabout documentation for creating derivatives?05:07
amachumarkvandenborre: about raising the derivative issue to CC05:07
markvandenborreamachu, I don't see why it should be raised at the CC05:07
markvandenborrethe job needs to be done05:07
Ekusheyelkbuntu, ok thanks05:08
amachumarkvandenborre: ok05:08
markvandenborrecentralising, creating and updating localisation documentation is what needs to be done imho05:08
markvandenborremostly, creating awareness about that05:08
amachumarkvandenborre: ok05:09
markvandenborreyou don't have to agree, but I don't see any other way05:10
amachuand in a Longer perpective.. we need to have professionals to promote Ubuntu in LoCo regions05:10
amachusince LoCo is more of voluntary nature05:10
amachuand if Bug #1 need to fixed, we need to have05:11
amachuthats taking it far tooooooo beyond I believe.. and in the scope of canonical :-)05:11
elkbuntuOk, unless anyone has anything else urgent...05:12
EkusheyI'm sorry but i've go now... take care all. Bye bye amachu, elkbuntu, markvandenborre, pleia2 and others.05:12
markvandenborreEkushey, bye05:12
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=== markvandenborre is going back to work too
elkbuntuI'm going to call the meeting closed then. Thanks all!05:13
amachuelkbuntu: thank u05:13
amachuThank You every one05:13
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:ubotu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 01 May 15:00 UTC: Kernel Team | 01 May 18:00 UTC: Mozilla Team | 02 May 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 02 May 20:00 UTC: Xubuntu Developers | 03 May 16:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 08 May 20:00 UTC: Technical Board
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