
adaptrlettuce nothing better, no12:14
lettuceok, thanks12:15
lettucebtw, has anyone else had a lot of programs craching after updating to fiesty?12:16
mat1980ehm.. lettuce, sorry, kmplayer is for video, amarok for music...12:16
wolferinenuu, any ideas?12:16
epimethlettuce: no problems, but I installed not updated12:16
epimethwolferine: you israeli?12:16
lettucedoes kmplayer support all the filetypes that VLC does?12:17
epimethadaptr: I used the nVidia script... absolutely nothing else worked for me12:17
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mat1980lettuce, I guess it can, but I'm not sure12:18
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nuuwolferine: sec im on the phone12:18
mat1980however I can watch all kind of video12:18
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epimethwolferine: lol... I thought you were *saying* "nuu"... guess you're not israeli12:19
GrahamNobody here use SuperKaramba?12:21
nuuwolferine: there's an ssh option to forward X11 explicitly12:23
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nuu-X iirc12:23
nuubut check man ssh to be sure12:23
baskitcaiseGraham, I do12:23
wolferinenuu is that on the local or remote box?12:24
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nuuyou ssh to a remote box, specifying -X on the local ssh line12:24
wolferineand whats explicitly?12:24
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wolferinegive me an example nuu?12:24
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nuuthen you startx remotely12:25
nuuand it should appear locally12:25
nuuan example ?12:25
Gamicexplicitly means your telling it exactly what you want it to do. Your "explaining" ;)12:25
wolferinei have to startx?12:25
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wolferinessh -X user@host ?12:25
nuuyou have to run whatever you want to run graphically12:25
wolferinenuu your losing me12:25
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nuuwolferine: let's assume x isnt running remotely12:26
Grahambaskitcaise: What add-ons do you use with it?12:26
nuuyou ssh -X <remotebox>12:26
nuuthen you type "sudo startx"12:26
nuuand you should be able to control it locally12:27
nuuif not, at least you can control an xterm or whatever you need for graphical access12:27
nuua program that opens a window, that is12:27
nuuor whatever12:27
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ericssonWhat package name could/would this be: Can't find X includes.12:27
wolferinehere is what happens12:27
baskitcaisemainly the LWP weather app and a couple of others, at the moment my lappy has no 3D accel so to many cause probs here12:27
wolferinesudo startx12:27
wolferinexauth:  creating new authority file /home/profx/.serverauth.2862412:27
wolferineFatal server error:12:27
wolferineServer is already active for display 012:27
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:28
blekoswhat i miss in Kubuntu is the ability to change/delete a folder/file when I'm in a save option (e.g save as->u see the contents of a folder, and you want to rename a folder in that directory)12:28
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baskitcaiseThe chiset is c**p on this box, waiting for my new/better one12:28
baskitcaiseNo sensors and no 3D ( sis chipset was an emergency buy )12:29
nuuwolferine: not sure if you can attach to a running X server12:29
nuutry killing it12:29
wolferinenuu I was running X on the remote machine (locally)12:29
wolferinebut I am physically at home atm12:30
wolferineso will this kill X on the remote machine12:30
CrellDoes the new adept in Feisty have an expert  mode or something that lists all packages rather than just selected ones?12:30
wolferinethus killing my view on the remote computer?12:30
Grahambaskitcaise: More to the point, I've got a problem, when I try to install themes, I press install and it opens kwrite... any idea?12:30
nuunot sure i follow you12:30
CrellUm.  Never mind, adept is the same it's just the new other package manager that is weak. :-)12:30
nuuyou were running X on the REMOTE machine locally ?12:30
wolferinenuu locally, meaning physically12:31
wolferineif I was physically in front of the remote computer rigth now12:31
wolferineits running X12:31
wolferinebut I am not there, I am trying to connect to it remotely12:31
nuuok, so yes, it'd kill X12:31
baskitcaiseGraham: is this using the Superkaramba install window?12:32
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wolferineso, once I kill X there, I can open it for my shh12:33
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Grahambaskitcaise: Yes.12:33
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nuuwolferine: this might involve more steps though12:33
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nuuhave you tried firing up an xterm for now, just to try ?12:34
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baskitcaisegraham: any specific theme or all of them? which version superkaramba?12:34
wolferinenuu what?12:34
nuuanyway you get the point wolferine12:34
wolferinei dont get the point12:34
nuukilling it, should allow you to start a new one and have it displayed locally12:34
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nuuthat's the point you get12:34
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joe_good day12:35
Graham0.41 it's just some of them.12:35
AlkMancan some1 tel me hou i can install somting on umbuntu with the extention tar.gz im total new -:)12:35
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ka0za bit of a tip to anyone w/ a sister, never give her your password... almost lost my mind12:35
baskitcaiseCan you point me to one that don`t work as I cannot find any here, using 0.41 too12:35
nuubtw wolferine: you may want to give freenx a try12:36
nuuit uses ssh forwarding as well12:36
wolferinethanks anyways12:36
nuu(i'm assuming that given your topology you have restrictions in the firewall)12:36
Grahamliquid weather ++12:36
nuuhence you want ssh and not, say, vnc over vpn or whatever12:36
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AlkMancan some1 tel me hou i can install somting on umbuntu with the extention tar.gz im total new -:)12:37
baskitcaiseI am using ver 14.5 of that and it works fine12:37
nuuwhat happened when you did startx wolferine?12:37
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:38
rrabbit74ALKMAN: tar.gz is an archive like .sip12:38
baskitcaiseGraham: will give 14.6 a go now to see if it has changed12:38
rrabbit74zip :)12:38
wolferineim not sure you can help12:38
joe_how can I install the nvidia proprietary drivers on kubuntu?12:38
ka0zalk..you can probably find that easily by doing a search on google... as w/ what rrabbit74 said, it's an archive,12:38
baskitcaiseGraham: give me 5 will be back12:38
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nuuwhy so wolferine?12:38
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ka0zjoe, are you talking about the defaults installed by kubuntu?12:39
lontraif i install an icon theme via kcontrol where should it install it to?12:39
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AlkManyep i know what it is but my problem is when i do unpack it what is next,ik sorry but im from windows and wanne go to linux but need some help here -:)12:40
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nuuif i got it right, you want X tunneling over ssh, that's precisely what -X does...12:40
nuuif there's a communication problem then sorry, i'm not a native english12:40
joe_has anyone in here been able to install the nvidia drivers?12:40
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nuujoe_: what problem did you get ?12:41
LinkCanabicojoe it should be a a pakeg12:41
joe_in "add/remove programs" the proprietary nvidia drivers sectino is greyed out12:41
joe_and in adept there is only one package named nvidia and that is "nvidia-common", not "nvidia-glx"12:41
LinkCanabicohave you tried the drivers from the nvidia page12:42
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LinkCanabicoist a bin file12:42
joe_not yet, I thought that feisty fawn would include them.12:42
joe_ok, I'll do that then.12:42
joe_thank you.12:42
nuujoe: feisty includes open source drivers12:42
joe_my bad then.12:43
nuunot the closed source, faster ones12:43
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joe_thank you LinkCanabico and nuu12:43
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nuudownload them from the nvidia.com drivers download page12:43
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adaptrnuu you have no clue what you're talking about12:44
nuuthen switch to a terminal (ctrl+alt+f1), stop kde (sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop), and run the binary nvidia installer (sudo sh <installer.sh>)12:44
adaptrthe restricted drivers *are* nvidia's closed-source drivers12:44
AlkMani feel so stupid in my unbutu is it becose i am maby?12:44
adaptrdon't use the ones from their site, it will only cause you grief12:44
nuuadaptr: they're not included in feisty, adaptr12:44
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adaptrnuu yes, they are12:44
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adaptrI am running them now12:44
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baskitcaiseGraham: paste this addy into kget or whatever, should d/load the theme good, I had the kwrite prob so just copied the ;link12:45
nuui had a grey box as well, maybe there's a repo i didn't enable12:45
nuui alwys install them from binary off nvidia.com, anyhow12:45
adaptradvising people to donwload the drivers from nvidia when they haven't yet tried the normal ones is not very helpful12:45
baskitcaisewhoops here it is: http://liquidweather.innetrex.net/lwp-14.6.skz12:45
calHi people, can anyone tell me how to enable compiz (desktop effects) in kubuntu feisty, I can't find it like I can un ubuntu12:45
nuuadaptr: be my guest and take over12:45
GrahamI got it.12:45
baskitcaiseOK mow?12:46
joe_adaptr: how did you install the ones included in kubuntu then?12:46
LinkCanabicothis is the dir http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run12:46
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GrahamAlthough I tried installing it, it complained of a broken dependancy, quit the program and removed my smegging widgets.12:46
baskitcaiseSausage fingers here tonight, OK now?12:46
GrahamI'm going to bed now.12:46
adaptrjoe_ sudo aptitude install linux-restricted-modules-generic nvidia-glx12:46
GrahamFuck it12:46
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LinkCanabicoand they alvays work not like the free ones12:46
joe_adaptr: I am trying that now12:46
adaptrjoe_ then edit xorg.conf and modprobe nvidia12:47
adaptrjoe_ but you MUST ensure that all other versions are removed12:47
adaptror renamed, or whatever12:47
joe_adaptr: nvidia-glx was not found in the repositories.12:47
adaptrjoe_ then enable the right repositories first12:48
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joe_adaptr: I uncommented *all* repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list that were commented.12:48
joe_any idea what repositories to add?12:48
adaptrjoe_ open up system -> administration -> software sources, and click the "proprietary drivers" box12:49
LinkCanabicouse the link i gave you and its don in 3 min they even have realy good intructions12:49
joe_adaptr: as I said earlier on... that box is greyed out.12:49
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adaptrjoe_ then the server you selected does not have it12:50
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adaptrfirst select a server close to you, or in a pinch, any other server12:50
joe_adaptr: how does one select another server12:50
adaptrI usually just edit sources.list; you can put <yourcountryID> in front of archive.ubuntu.com for every line12:51
joe_I'll look into it.12:51
adaptrI have not yet found an option in the GUI for that12:51
adaptrbut it should be standard, I thin kits stuppid12:51
adaptrstoopid, even12:51
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adaptror, it's not  a question unless it has an ?12:53
levi_I downloaded the Kubuntu 7 iso from kubuntu.org, burned it correctly bioooted it but no matter what I choose in the options menu I cant load correctly off the disc.12:53
nuujoe: you can manage repositories graphically from within adept, if you dont want to manually edit /etc/apt/sources.lst12:53
adaptrwho knows ? enable safe mode and see what happens12:53
nuuthat is, adept->adept->manage repositories12:53
levi_trid everything12:53
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levi_Nothing reads correctly12:54
adaptrnuu you can't select which mirror it uses from a package manager...12:54
levi_except actually memtest12:54
joe2369Hi. I just tried to do the Fiesty upgrade but it hit an error half way through. A pop-up came up asking me to submit a bug report and then try to recover, but the pop-up and upgrader both hanged.  I believe the system is now in an inconsistent state.  What to do?12:54
levi_I lied xD12:54
nuuyou can12:54
ka0zlevi_ did you run the option to check the disk?12:54
levi_No I couldnt12:54
ka0zcould simply be a bad burn...12:54
levi_the error message came up "disc I/O error"12:54
joe_Gosh, I am so stupid!  I just hit refresh in adept and suddenly there are the packages for nvidia :)))12:55
levi_itprobably is12:55
levi_which means I wasted my last balnk12:55
nuusee that "download from" dropdown in adept adaptr ?12:55
nuuthat's what you're looking for12:55
adaptrI don't have adept, but yes12:55
joe2369Is there a way to run the upgrade tool from the console?12:55
ka0zof course joe12:56
levi_sudo apt-get update12:56
levi_sudo apt-get install12:56
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levi_sudo apt-get upgrade12:56
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nuuyou don't have adept, yet you sentence that "you can't select which mirror from a package manager"... that's rather rich, coming from someone who just told someone else he has no clue what he's on about12:56
ka0zif anyone has come across this issue, i been trying to find a program to convert avi files to burn a dvd.. i would prefer not to do it all command line12:56
nuudon't you think ?12:57
joe2369that's not what I mean.  I mean the Feisty upgrade tool.  It was going to try to "recover" somehow.  I didn't know that apt had such magic built in. ;-)12:57
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levi_of course you have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list (correct me if thats wrong) by editing the document under kdesu and removing the pound # symbols in front of anything with deb in front of it12:57
LinkCanabicoka0z konverter12:57
joe_I am doing a restart now.  See you all later.12:58
ka0zkew... ty12:58
nuusee ya joe12:58
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LinkCanabicogood luk joe12:58
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levi_can I update to feisty without a disc install? Just over the internet i mean12:59
K-RyanHey guys I'm in big trouble here, I was upgrading to Feisty Fawn and an error message popped up. Now the distribution upgrade window isn't responding. What should I do?12:59
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joe2369So you don't think I need to use the gui upgrade tool to recover?  A simple apt-get upgrade will fix everything?  I thought the "recovery" that the upgrader wanted to do meant rolling back to the previous package versions.12:59
stdinlevi_: sure12:59
stdin!upgrade | levi_12:59
ubotulevi_: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)12:59
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levi_No.. command linne should work12:59
levi_but thats all I got for you01:00
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K-RyanAnyone know what I should do?01:01
levi_Im not ridiculous with Kubuntu or Linux in general yet01:01
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ka0zme either levi_ best advice i can give you is make notes on basic commands and stuff and keep em safe01:03
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ka0zi have a folder in firefox dedicated to tutorials...01:03
LinkCanabicoK-Ryan meaby kill01:03
ryanakcawhat's the difference between libqt4-core-kdecopy and libqt4-core ?01:04
ka0zcopy i would assume is a backup of the original files01:05
ryanakcaka0z: kk01:05
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:07
ka0zwut up w00d01:07
w00dr0wI know i hate it when ppl do this, but i gotta do it myself01:07
w00dr0wim having a problem with kbuntu livecd01:07
w00dr0wIE, it wont load01:08
ka0zstrange...just leaving it in the drive at startup should auto launch it01:08
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LinkCanabicocan it be your bios?01:08
w00dr0wi get to a blue screen with a progress bar, but the bar never moves01:08
just-this-timewhat is login.defs ? feisty upgrade asks for decision01:09
w00dr0wthe cd loads n stuff, but once it hits the blue screen with a progress bar it just sits there01:09
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rr73how do i "refresh" my kernel drivers/modules?01:09
w00dr0wcould it be hardware related?01:10
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baskitcaisen73: depmod?01:11
w00dr0wi never found a list of supported hardware on the website, so i dont know if its compatable01:11
ka0zi'd guess a bad burn... all the live cds i've ever had issues w/ were due to a bad iso01:11
baskitcaiserefreshes the dependencies of your modules01:11
ka0zis it custom or retail w00d"01:11
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w00dr0wi d/l it off the website01:11
lontrai have no icons in oo.org2 :/01:11
=== kilrae debates on how important is beryl to him
w00dr0wthis is the iso i have01:12
rr73will a dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-image-<kernel> work?01:12
ka0zw00d, there should be an option for a mem test in the list of options when you first boot up the live cd01:12
HymnToLiferr73, what do you mean "refresh" ?01:12
ka0zit takes a while to run but it'd let you know if it was the disk...01:12
rr73HymnToLife: reinstall, i screwed up some files01:12
HymnToLifeI don't think so01:13
=== kilrae could upgrade to 7.04 but is not confident he'll get beryl running a second time
w00dr0wcouldnt i just check the md5 checksum of the disk?01:13
HymnToLiferr73, just apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-whatever01:13
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rr73kilrae: dont go to 7.04 it breaks too much stuff01:13
rr73HymnToLife: ok ty01:13
kilraehmm, shall have to look into that then01:13
rr73why doesnt konsole auto complete packs?01:14
w00dr0wka0z, ill do as you say and do the test, hope your on when i get back01:14
ka0zthat could be fine, personally though i'd feel more confident knowing the software included to check integrity told me it was fine..but that's my opinion01:14
HymnToLiferr73, because that deature is not implemented it apt01:14
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BluesKaj~/tovid-0.30$ sudo make install make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.01:14
HymnToLifenothing to do with konsole, or even with Bash01:14
rr73HymnToLife: i can get it to work on other kubuntus tho01:14
HymnToLifethat's funny, I never noticed it01:15
ka0zgl w00d01:15
HymnToLifeanyway, you can use $(uname -r) for your ernel version01:15
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rr73HymnToLife: thats not the point01:15
HymnToLifesudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-$(uname -r)01:15
rr73HymnToLife: i type it out by hand, and i didnt say i wanted to reinstall the kernel im on01:16
HymnToLifeoh fine, do what you want then01:16
ka0zi'm dreading the day i have to recompile my kernel... such a long process and so much can go wrong...01:16
lontrahow do i find what wireless card i have?01:16
BluesKajcan you guys tell me what happened there ?  "~/tovid-0.30$ sudo make install make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.01:16
hsystem-xrr73: It doesn complete name of the packs because there is a lot of versions of the same package in the repositories. SO, what about if i want an specific pack?01:16
HymnToLifeka0z, I recompile my kernel approcimately every week01:17
wolferinelogitech webcams, who has found success and installing them? (need to troubleshoot my own)01:17
HymnToLifeonce you know how to do, it's very simple01:17
HymnToLifeand certainly not "long"01:17
BluesKajinstalled build-essential , "make" is installed ...can't figure why this isn't working ?01:17
ka0zlol... why would you need to so often?01:17
rr73hsystem-x: anyways it should show me a little box asking if i want to show all 500 or so01:17
lontraanyone else have this problem http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=1520680806463526dc2e13e&p=screen01:17
rr73i dont even get that dialof01:17
HymnToLifeka0z, because I like to live on the bleeding edge01:17
HymnToLifeso whenever a new kernel version is out01:18
HymnToLifecompile, install, reboot :p01:18
hsystem-xwell if that is your problem, use synaptics or adept or whatever you prefer.01:18
rr73HymnToLife: if u compile your own kernel you lose support01:18
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HymnToLiferr73, no, I don't01:18
HymnToLifecause I don't use Ubuntu :p01:18
ka0zheh... i no doubt will be right there some time soon, but for now i'll stick w/ my stability...01:18
rr73ur fucking retarded01:18
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LinkCanabicobut compiling an customizing it is fun01:18
ka0zcan't really afford down time...01:18
=== spahija is wondering if broadcom 4310 can use g wifi speed ?
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ka0zrr73... who that would do that even looks for support...01:19
ka0zi've never called any numbers or emailed anyone when i had issues... i fix it myself...01:19
hsystem-xHymnToLife, what distro you have?01:21
hsystem-xor, it is your own distro?01:21
HymnToLifehsystem-x, Gentoo, Slackware, Ubuntu (plus FreeBSD, which is not linux)01:21
HymnToLiferight now, I'm on Gentoo01:21
hsystem-xFreeBSD = unix.01:21
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lontrahow do i find out what wireless card i am using?01:21
HymnToLifehmm, not really01:22
HymnToLifeI prefer calling it a "UNIX-like"01:22
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hsystem-xok unix-like.01:22
hsystem-xRemember 386bsb01:22
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HymnToLiferemember AT&T Unix ? :p01:22
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hsystem-xright. But it wasn AT & T unix01:23
ctothejhow can i do a string search on multiple pdf files?  like adobe reader does on a whole directory01:24
nuulontra, sudo dmesg | grep -i network should give you a good start01:24
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HymnToLifewell, strictly speaking01:24
HymnToLifeAT&T Unix is the only "true" Unix01:24
hsystem-xit was wasn't*01:24
hsystem-xwasn't* damn spell..01:24
nuuor sudo lspci | grep -i network01:24
HymnToLifethat's why I call Linux and BSDs "Unix-likes"01:24
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hsystem-xyup but Linux was practically Minix Like, but minix is unix-like.01:24
lontranuu: that gave me no output01:24
nuuhsystem-x: actually, minix was very different in conception01:24
unix_infidelyou guys talking kernel theory or user experience theory?01:24
baskitcaiselontra: you could try lspci -v will show what hardware on pci bus, more v`s more info: lspci -vvv01:24
nuulontra, do you use an usb wifi card ?01:24
hsystem-xyeah, but the person who writed minix, was a teacher of unix.01:25
nuuaha unix_infidel, well in that contest, both apply ;)01:25
nuuminix was crappy, let's face it01:25
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w00dr0wka0z u still here?01:25
lontranuu: it's a built in card ... i know i need ndiswrapper it's an intel i think01:25
w00dr0wka0z u still here?01:25
ka0zyes w00d01:25
hsystem-xyeah but thanks to minix , we have LInux.01:25
w00dr0wwhoops, didnt mean to double post01:25
HymnToLifelontra, most Intel wireless adapters have native Linux drivers01:25
w00dr0wthe cd test passed01:25
nuulontra: lspci and see what you can find01:25
HymnToLifeno need for ndiswrapper01:25
lontraBroadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PC01:25
ka0zwell that's great news...01:26
w00dr0wand a lil more info on me trying to load it01:26
nuuthere you have it lontra ;)01:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:26
bonbonthejonlontra: I think I have the same card, it uses the bcm43xz01:26
bonbonthejonthanks HymnToLife01:27
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w00dr0wit gets past the bluetooth thing, then the screen goes black for a second, then flashes some text for 1milisecond, then goes to a blue screen with kubuntu and a loading bad thats @ 0%01:27
w00dr0wbefore i get too deep into this, the 64bit ver will work on a c2d right?01:28
HymnToLifew00dr0w, yes01:28
hsystem-xTanenbaum the guy who writed minix, he writed a book called Operatign Systems : Design and IMplementation. Linux learned from that book, and that book comes with minix, and show how an operating system01:28
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hsystem-xlike minix is made.01:28
hsystem-xor how it works.01:28
adaptrthe point being ?01:29
bonbonthejonslighty !offtopic01:29
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ka0zlinus torvaldz... w/0 which none of this could be possible... all hail01:29
HymnToLifewell, AST was very critical towards Linux when it was released01:29
w00dr0wif needbe, i can make a video of it trying to load, but itll take a few to get it u/l online01:29
HymnToLifebut that's slightly !offtopic I guess :p01:29
adaptrASwhat ?01:30
HymnToLifeAST, Andrew S. Tannenbaum01:30
HymnToLifethe creator of Minix01:30
ka0zw00d... you never answered my question... are you running it on a desktop or notebook?01:30
w00dr0wsorry, didnt know it was a question01:31
w00dr0wwant to know my hw config?01:31
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ka0zok and when you say bluetooth do you mean you have bluetooth hardware or01:31
LinkCanabicowere are we i got lost?01:31
K-RyanI need help01:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about extracodecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:31
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hsystem-xthat's the reason why Linux is so similar to Unix. And Unix is not from AT&T, remember that At&T cancelled the project. Ken thompson writed UNix in 4 week.s01:31
hsystem-xthe real UNix.01:31
w00dr0wno bluetooth harxdware, just, its loading the stuff incase i did01:31
lontrait sounds like i need to use ndiswrapper and not the broadcom driver01:31
adaptrhsystem-x again, your point ?01:31
hsystem-xHymnToLife *01:31
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ka0zoh alright...01:31
K-RyanI was upgrading from Edgy to Feisty, the distribution tool popped up with an error, stopped responding, and now it's gone.01:31
K-RyanIt was in the middle of installing upgrades, what should I do?01:32
ka0zis it the latest livecd 7.04?01:32
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K-Ryanits not off a livecd01:32
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K-RyanI was upgrading01:32
nuuhsystem-x: in that book, tanebaum praises the microkernel approach to OS design (just like minix), while linux was (and currently is) a monolithic kernel-based operating system01:32
baskitcaiselontra: if you neen ndiswrapper for the broadcom then you wiull need to stick the built in bcm43xx module in the blacklist: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist01:32
ka0zhmm... that might be why...might not have proper hardware support...01:33
=== just-this-time is upgrading ubuntu to version 7.04
nuuso you're right when you say that linus wrote linux to get past the limits of minix, but fact is, the two OSs are really different behind the hood01:33
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w00dr0wi couldnt find any more recent livecd01:33
bonbonthejonlontra: bcm43xx works, but its slow, and I can only see wireless-g networks01:33
ka0zall the latest kubuntu install cds run as livecds01:33
bonbonthejonlontra: I also couldn't get ndiswrapper to work, but you are welcome to try01:33
ka0zas far as i can tell...01:33
baskitcaiseyep I have same prob here so put the bcm43xx in the black list and use the 2kxp drivers with ndiswrapper.01:34
bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: which problem?01:34
w00dr0wwell i dont want to waste another cd (limited qualtity now that they're prettymuch EOL'd) unless i know for sure01:35
baskitcaiseThe kernel bcm43xx module does not work 100% for my carbus wifi01:35
K-RyanCan anyone help me?01:35
K-RyanSorry to be such a nudge about it01:35
hsystem-xWell the thing is that Linus Torvalds learned from that book. He was only a student at UNiversity, at that time he only know how to program a little in c and a lot in assembly, especially with the processor 386.01:35
K-RyanBut I'm pretty sure if I restart my computer Kubuntu isn't going to work.01:35
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baskitcaiseMuch less heartache when roaming to use the xp driver01:35
adaptrhsystem-x close acquaintance, are you ?01:35
LinkCanabicoK-Rayan try reboot01:36
bonbonthejonK-Ryan: was it downloading, or did it start to install01:36
K-RyanIt was installing01:36
ka0zw00d, is there a specific reason you burned 6.0601:36
w00dr0wbrb for a sec01:36
nuuhsystem-x: that's very true. and despite of how harsh the flame war between torvalds and tanebaum was, tanebaum is nothing less than an OS god, imho01:36
w00dr0wit was the latest version i saw that said livecd haha01:36
LinkCanabicoif it dosent work reboot from the prewius kernel01:36
baskitcaisenight night guys/gals01:36
bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: I dont have XP drivers, only Vista01:36
ka0zgotta love mis-information...01:37
K-RyanAlrighty, let's see01:37
lontradoes anyone know a good ubuntu how to for ndiswrapper?01:37
bonbonthejon!ndiswrapper > lontra01:37
baskitcaisebonbon you might be able tyo grab them from the net though?01:37
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bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: no, HP doesnt have any for my laptop01:37
hsystem-xDon forget that Linux implemented all the features that MInix had at that time. SO that prove that he learned from that book.01:37
baskitcaisewhat model?01:38
nuuwell about that, i beg to differ ;01:38
nuulinus did a clean room implementation of minix01:38
bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: hp dv222201:38
ka0zw00d, have you looked aroung kubuntu.org... apparently they'll even ship the disks to you free of charge.. might be a way to go01:38
bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: or dv2225, I forget01:38
nuuthat means he saw the functionality of the minix tools, and replicated it in linux01:38
nuuby recoding it from scratch01:38
nuuhe definitely learnt from the book01:39
baskitcaisegive me 5 mins I will have a look01:39
nuubut the book is a praise to microkernel approach. and linus went for the opposide road01:39
trotekcan i make knetworkmanager NOT start when KDE starts? i have my wireless config handled by wpa_supplicant already01:39
bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: its the dv2000 model with NVIDIA stuff01:39
bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: and AMD01:39
nuunow i'm the last person you could call a "linux fanboi", but that was pretty brave at the time01:39
hsystem-xyeah, but that's because is easier to develop a monolitic kernel than a microkernel.01:39
vinces1979trotek: system settings - advanced - services01:40
trotekvinces1979: thanks :)01:40
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vinces1979trotek: np01:40
nuuwell hsystem-x, developing a kernel is NOT easy for starters :)01:40
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Doctor_Nickthe guy who made minix said that linus did not copy him01:41
w00dr0wbrb again, like 10min at least01:41
Doctor_Nickend of story01:41
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nuua microkernel means you split every component into subcomponents, and have a very barebone code core always up and dealing with these subcomponents01:41
hsystem-xyep, end-user programs do the task.01:41
bonbonthejonguys, I think this needs to be moved to #kubuntu-offtopic01:42
ka0zi would guess minix inspired him but he still went his own route... otherwise it'd be no better than minix01:42
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joe_nvidia drivers work, resolution is fixed... all is well :)01:42
levi_I feel pretty stupid..01:42
ka0zwhy is that levi_01:42
levi_Using the network updae to 701:42
nuuthat's not EXTREMELY "harder" than coding a larger code core, implementing the whole subset of memory, filesystem, hardware abstraction, and whatnot tasks01:42
levi_Dunno how xD01:42
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nuumy point being you still have to pull out the code from your wizard's hat, one way or another01:43
levi_I dont knw whether to add that one line mentioned to my repository or not.01:43
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications01:43
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ka0zdoes it explain why you should add it levi_01:43
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levi_if i have edgy KDE01:44
levi_and I donno if i do01:44
levi_but ottherwiose I cant find in adept what its telling me to do01:44
ka0zedgy eft is the previous version of ubuntu01:44
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baskitcaisebonbonthejon: this any help- http://www.diit.unict.it/users/dpatti/bipingus_conf/bipingus.html01:45
levi_5.10 right?01:45
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baskitcaiseI know it os for gentoo but I am dropping asleep here01:45
K-RyanGood news, it works01:45
ka0z5.1 is breezy01:46
ka0zdapper is 6.0601:46
bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: no, thats the intel one, mine has all AMD/NVIDIA stuff, but thanks01:46
levi_I guessed.. i dont know01:46
K-RyanIs there a way to finish what wasn't finished?01:46
levi_I have dapper01:46
levi_I know that01:46
LinkCanabicoK-Ryan did it update?01:46
K-RyanDid what update?01:46
bonbonthejonK-Ryan: sudo apt-get upgrade01:46
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K-RyanOh, dunno yet, hold on01:47
LinkCanabicoor install?01:47
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ka0zok so you're a release behind...01:47
levi_I dont want to completly re-do my hard drive or vconfig though01:48
bonbonthejonka0z: dapper is LTS01:48
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bonbonthejonlevi_: dapper is LTS (long time support), its a very stable version, if it works, then keep it01:48
baskitcaisebonbon if you have no luck then drop me a line at <mynick>@gmx.co.uk I will have a look in the morning. gotta go bed.01:48
levi_well I want to update because Im having allot of glitches and hardware problems01:48
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bonbonthejonbaskitcaise: thanks01:48
ka0zoh...hmm, thanx for the info bon, johnny five input input01:49
K-RyanAlright, the upgrade finished01:49
LinkCanabicoK-Ryan good01:50
K-RyanAnything else?01:50
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LinkCanabicotest drive it, in case a dependencie did not install01:51
K-RyanAlright, sounds good01:51
K-RyanBy the way, I'm loving that new Kubuntu logo =)01:51
Lunar_LampI got to keybindings in the system settings, and have set a key combination for "konsole" but no matter what I set, pressing that key combination does not open Konsole - what am I doing wrong?01:51
LinkCanabicono ide im a fedora boy01:52
ka0zlevi_ good news and bad news, apparently you are supposed to upgrade from dapper to edgy and then from edgy to feisty but there seems to be a way around it01:52
levi_Whats the way around it01:52
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levi_waait asecond..01:53
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levi_ten why did Ubuntu forums tell me otherwise?01:53
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levi_Oh god01:54
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w00dr0w2im back01:54
levi_I entriley misread that... -.-01:54
w00dr0w2new nic01:54
tobias__how do I set up an ftp server in kubuntu easily?01:54
ka0zheh... what up number 201:54
LinkCanabicoinstall vsftpd01:54
ka0zno worriez levi_... happens to the best of us01:55
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levi_Any clue yet ka0z?01:55
wolferinelogitech webcams, who has found success and installing them? (need to troubleshoot my own)01:55
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ka0zlevi_ i can give you the web address, looks a bit complicated, but honestly, i would just do a clean install..hopefully you have your home on a different partition so your info will be safe01:56
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nuugood night all01:56
Tired_How do I kill a process and make it stay dead?  For some reason, mplayer is running, taking up like 50% CPU, and it keeps restarting itself when I kill it.01:57
levi_Well i ordered Kubuntu 6 and never got it01:57
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Tired_Ask for a refund?  ;)01:57
LinkCanabicoctrl esc01:57
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levi_so im not depending on Shipit entirley01:57
LinkCanabicosearch mplayer and kill01:57
levi_it was free?01:57
nuuTired_:  did you try "sudo killall -9 mplayer" ?01:57
tobias__is vsftpd easy to use?01:57
Tired_I killed it in the console, but it revives itself when I finish.01:57
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Tired_nuu -> yeah01:58
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nuuthen chances are it's not mplayer restarting itself, but another program restarting it01:58
Tired_I found vsftpd very easy to use.01:58
Tired_Hmm.  How does one chase that down?01:58
LinkCanabicotobias__ yes and its realy secure01:59
nuufirst of all, how many instances of mplayer are respawned ?01:59
Tired_The vsftpd conf files are very well-commented.  Very easy to configure01:59
tobias__I got an error message starting it from konsole: "500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket"01:59
ka0zlevi_ my advice would be just make sure all your info is backed up, if this means creating a new partition and moving home directory to it then i would insist on that, it's just smart, then burn 7.04 and install01:59
Tired_nuu -> just the one01:59
nuupstree and see whose child it is01:59
tobias__is there any ftp server that is just, run and play? kinda... Im in a hurry and a noob ;)01:59
Tired_aha....it's firefox's child02:00
Tired_well, that's easy02:00
nuutobias__: dangerous combo ;P02:00
nuumost ftp servers that you can install from a package manager are like that anyway02:00
nuuyou just need to take the time to add your users :)02:00
nuuproftpd is one02:00
LinkCanabicotobias__ vsftp as long as you configure the users02:01
Tired_gone now, nuu, and now I know how to fix it in the future.  thanks  :)02:01
nuuno prob, bye Tired_02:01
LinkCanabicoit was my first and took me 10 mins once installed02:01
tobias__it has a gui?02:02
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tobias__I think I need a gui02:02
LinkCanabicono no gui02:02
tobias__I just need one user added02:02
tobias__cause he has to upload one file02:02
nuutobias__: most ftp servers come with the default configuraton that will accept any system user/pass for ftp user/pass02:03
tobias__Im making a magazine that has to be printed tommorow and my designerfriends computer wont send email ;)02:03
LinkCanabicocant he use ssh02:03
nuuthat is, a linux user that can logon will also be able to ftp in02:03
tobias__he is using a bad os...02:03
tobias__THE evil os02:03
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nuuand you can add a linux user in a very, very easy way using the system tools in your KDE, or by using adduser from the command line02:03
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HymnToLifeftp is ftp, as long as he has a FTP client, he'll be able to login with ftp02:04
LinkCanabicook install vsftp and tell him user pass for one user02:04
tobias__but vsftp gave me an error message "500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket"02:04
ka0zgl to all, bbl... need food brain..not...w.02:04
tobias__on the command "vsftpd"02:04
nuuyou probably tried to run it as non-root02:04
tobias__with sudo in front02:04
tobias__"sudo vsftpd" gave the error "500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket"02:04
nuutry "sudo /etc/init.d/vsfptd start"02:04
tobias__after I typed the password02:04
HymnToLifeyou don't need to do that, use the init script to control it02:05
nuuit's a service, treat it as such :)02:05
HymnToLife/etc/init.d/vsftpd {start|stop|restart}02:05
tobias__how do I add users?02:05
HymnToLifesudo useradd -m username02:05
HymnToLifefor the quick and easy way :p02:05
tobias__thanx :D02:05
tobias__with password automatically?02:06
HymnToLifeand then    passwd username02:06
HymnToLifeto set the password02:06
tobias__ahh! cool02:06
erixcould anyone give me some help with samba vs XP?02:06
HymnToLife(with sudo)02:06
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nuuis anybody here running kubuntu feisty on a sony vaio laptop, btw ?02:07
adaptrerix samba wins by a hair02:07
Lunar_LampI got to keybindings in the system settings, and have set a key combination for "konsole" but no matter what I set, pressing that key combination does not open Konsole - what am I doing wrong?02:07
tobias__hymntolife: I got an error running "sudo /etc/init.d/vsfptd start" - command not found02:08
HymnToLifeI need some sleep02:08
erixno no, ive need some help with setting samba up02:08
erixinstalled samba and all seems to me right setup.02:09
erixbut i dont get any connection with the others02:09
adaptrhow can you tell ?02:09
adaptrthe "others"?02:09
tobias__hymntolife: will he now be able to upload anywhere on my hd?02:09
erixthe other computers in my home02:09
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HymnToLifeonly where he has write permissions02:09
adaptrerix define "connection"02:09
HymnToLife(i.e. his home folder)02:10
nuutobias__: try for yourself02:10
erixI dont find them.02:10
nuuftp localhost02:10
tobias__Ive never used ftp in kubuntu lol :)02:10
levi_psst how do I configure apache2?02:10
erixrunning Kubuntu/Feisty and its new to me02:10
tobias__I just write "ftp localhost" ? :)02:10
HymnToLifelevi_, youi edit the config file :)02:10
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levi_which is pu where?02:10
tobias__"this ftp server is anonymous only" ?02:11
levi_I used repos.02:11
tobias__Im confused02:11
adaptrerix open places -=> connect to server02:11
tobias__I dont want anonymous login02:11
nuuyou should edit the config file for vsftpd and tell it you want to disallow anonymous login02:11
HymnToLifetobias__, vsftpd doesn't allow local logins by default02:11
HymnToLifebecause it's vs :p02:11
nuuah, sorry, wasnt aware it blocks local logins ;)02:11
HymnToLifelevi_, should be somewhere in /etc/apache202:12
nuutell your friend to try then tobias__ ;)02:12
tobias__doing it:)02:12
erixok, i find the workgroups but i get following message:02:12
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erixcould not connect to host for smb://xxx02:12
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levi_err... Clueless..02:13
adaptrare there visible shares on your network ?02:13
HymnToLifelevi_, about what ?02:14
nuunight all!02:14
joe_night nuu02:14
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HymnToLifethe apoache2 config vile is quite heavily commented02:14
stormzoekergood night02:14
levi_How would I configure it to use my second hdd as you open the main directory when someone access it?02:14
erixthere are workgroups but when i connect there are no computers and the message appears.02:14
HymnToLifeserverRoot directive ?02:14
HymnToLifedocumentRoot, rather02:14
adaptrerix that was not my question02:15
erixnope, not even my own02:15
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adaptrshare something first02:16
adaptrfor everybody02:16
erixalready did!02:16
adaptrthen enter smb://server/share and you should be good02:17
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erixdid not work either, read on some kubuntu forums that Feisty had some issues with samba02:19
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adaptrnot that I've noticed02:19
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budluvadoes kubuntu fiesty come with kde 4?02:20
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stormzoekerbudluva: no02:20
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budluvais kde4 in repos yet? or will it have to be final to be in repos?02:21
hephaestus_hi all, I use the iso-8859-1 enconding (my keyboard model is set to brazilian abnt2), and i cant type some letters with accents like (=>e,=>~a,=>o) on kwrite or any kde programs. is this a kubuntu bug?02:21
lontra_budluva: it's there (a snapshot) .. but it's not usable unless you develop02:21
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HymnToLifehephaestus_, maybe. does it work in non-KDE programs ?02:22
BluesKajbudluva: there is a test program at the kde4 site , you can find it there02:22
hephaestus_HymnToLife: in non-kde programs works perfecly02:22
lontra_budluva: also an opensuse/kde developer has made opensuse kde 4 live cds that are more recent that you may be interested in trying out02:23
HymnToLifethen you probably messed something up in your KDE preferences02:23
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budluvacool thanks02:23
hephaestus_HymnToLife: i dont think so, i check the idioms section for several times02:23
hephaestus_HymnToLife: can you set your keyboard model to brazilian abnt2 and active layout to brazil to test this?02:24
hephaestus_HymnToLife: please02:25
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HymnToLifehephaestus_, just did that, now I need to find the accent keys :p02:29
tobias__is it possible to ftp to my ip? can someone try?02:29
tobias__its the one I get when I type "/dns tobias__" right?02:29
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HymnToLifehephaestus_, it seems to work but Im not on Kubuntu02:31
hephaestus_HymnToLife: where you are? ubuntu?02:31
HymnToLifehephaestus_, Gentoo02:31
tobias__my ftp server wont work :(02:31
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hephaestus_HymnToLife: :(02:32
hephaestus_anyone can test this?02:33
HymnToLifeand now I cant get my French layout backm need to restart X02:33
tobias__if u test mine I can test yours02:33
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hephaestus_HymnToLife: i think the bug have a specific relation with kde pkg on kubuntu02:35
HymnToLifethats very possible02:35
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HymnToLifedamn, wheres the front slash on the brqzilian kb02:35
LinkCanabicotobias__ wats your adress02:35
hephaestus_HymnToLife: how can i report this?02:36
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LinkCanabicoil test it02:36
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots02:36
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hephaestus_HymnToLife: thx02:36
tobias__LinkCanabico: I think thats what it says when I type /dns tobias__02:36
=== HymnToLife copies\pastes the front slash
LinkCanabicoOK give me a sec02:36
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LinkCanabicotobias are you firewalled02:40
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tobias__LinkCanabico: how do I fix that?02:40
LinkCanabicoit was a question02:40
tobias__LinkCanabico: I got no idea, I got a router02:40
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LinkCanabicowat kind?02:40
tobias__I use kubuntu02:40
TheCreationistHow do I add MP3 support to K3b?02:40
LinkCanabicowhat kind of router02:41
tobias__one with multple tp cables coming out of it and it connected to an adsl boks02:41
HymnToLifeTheCreationist, there's a plugin for it02:41
HymnToLife(or there used to be)02:41
HymnToLifetobias__, then you need to redirect oprt 21 on your router02:41
LinkCanabicook go into firefox and type http://home02:41
tobias__unknown host02:43
tobias__I did it in konqueror tho02:43
tobias__does it matter?02:43
LinkCanabicodo you know the brand of your router02:43
LinkCanabicono it dosent matter02:43
tobias__I can see02:43
TheCreationistHymnToLife: You know where I can find it... searching for it in Google doesn't appear to show any OFFICIAL plugins02:43
HymnToLifesearch for it in adept02:43
HymnToLife!find k3b02:43
ubotuFound: k3b, k3b-i18n, libk3b-dev, libk3b2, libk3b2-mp302:43
HymnToLifethere you go :p02:44
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tobias__cayman 3300 series02:44
LinkCanabicotobias boss is calling give me 10 min02:44
tobias__its connected to an 8 port switch02:44
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HymnToLife!hi | jdunn02:45
ubotujdunn: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!02:45
jdunnthanks.  is anyone here having problems with samba on Feisty?02:46
HymnToLifeZaZaTux, ne pas oublier de mettre /j avant :p02:46
LinkCanabicotobias hi02:46
phyerbossonly samba issue im having is still not being able to play music or movies off 1 pc(which is windows) on this one02:47
HymnToLifejdunn, no, cause I'm using neither Samba nor Feisty02:47
LinkCanabicocan you enter http://  >ip of the router>02:47
jdunnI can ping my windows machine02:47
BluesKajHymnToLife: do yo have a network with windows pcs on it ?02:48
HymnToLifeBluesKaj, yes02:48
HymnToLifethough I'm trying to make the other ones switch to Linux :p02:49
BluesKajwhat app do you use to connect up?02:49
HymnToLifemuch more reliable than samba02:50
jdunnLOL.  This probably isn't a good place to get answers.  The forums are no help either.  I guess I'm SOL.  Bye02:50
BluesKajis it more difficult to set up for semi noobs02:50
LinkCanabicotobias ???02:50
octoberdanIn KDE, how do I set the default file manager from konq to dolphin? I just uninstalled one installed the other, but some one else is asking me for help and doesn't want to uninstal konq02:51
BluesKajI was using samba successfully , but it's slow on wife's old windows pc02:52
phratmanHow do I turn off those annoying KDE sounds that go off when I maximize or minimize a window for example?02:53
Jucatooctoberdan: Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations -> inode -> directory02:53
phratmanAnd, further, how would I turn them off with KIOSK Admin Tool?02:53
Jucatophratman: System Settings -> Notifications -> System Notifications -> from the dropdown list at the top, select Event Source: The KDE Window Manager02:54
Jucato(not sure how to do it with kiosktool)02:54
BluesKajphratman: system settings/notifications/ sounds off02:54
phratmanJucato: Cool, that works and all, but what about in KIOSK Admin Tool?02:55
Jucatosorry no idea. try asking in #kde02:55
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phratmanJucato: Okay, but as far as I know, the System Settings thing is a Kubuntu specific application right?02:55
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Jucatophratman: yep. you can use kcontrol too02:56
trotekknetworkmanager icon still pops-up in the tray even though the "network status daemon" is disabled in the system services. any idea how to prevent the icon from appearing at KDE start?02:56
Jucatophratman: kcontrol -> sound & multimedia -> system notifications02:56
MenaWhat is the diffrence btw sys temp and aux temp and02:56
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MenaWhat are SYS Temp And AUX TEMP02:58
joe2369Mena: probably one of them is your mobo temp and the other is the northbridge temp or something.  Or maybe two mobo temps.  Depends on the motherboard.02:58
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joe2369Mobo manufacturers can do any screwy thing they want.  And often times do.02:58
Menajoe2369, hmm ok the MoBo is Asus02:59
joe2369Asus makes decent boards, but that doesn't prove anything.03:00
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joe2369The important thing is that they are both motherboard temps of some kind.  And as long as they are both resonable, you should be ok.  And if either of them spikes, look to see if a fan died.03:01
MenaSys Temp:    +38C  (high =   +42C, hyst =  -103C)   ALARM03:02
MenaAUX Temp:  +42.0C  (high = +80.0C, hyst = +75.0C)03:02
joe2369Mena: those are your current temps?03:02
Menai got from terminal03:02
joe2369Mena: how many fans do you have in that box?03:02
Menaone for CPU and one on the cover03:03
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joe2369Mena: do you have room to put in any more?03:03
Menato get hot air out03:03
Menasvn 103:03
Menasorry 103:03
joe2369Put more in.  The sys temp is in an alarm state.  My mobo is about 30C.03:03
Menahm ok i didnt turn of the computer sence yasterday maybe its a reason but i better by aonther fan03:04
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joe2369Leaving the computer on shouldn't be a problem.  The other thing to consider is replacing ribbon cables with round cables to improve air flow.03:05
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dsmith_Question: Anyone use the newer Western digital / Seagate 500-750 external harddrives?03:06
joe2369Also, there are some PSUs that have two fans.  One on the bottom that sucks heat up away from the CPU/mobo and another in the back that pushes it out.  Also, make sure the computer is not pushed back against a wall or anything that would block the outlet of hot air.03:06
joe2369You could get one of those PSUs in a pinch.03:06
dsmith_there is a great compnay out of California that does PSUs03:07
dsmith_whatsort of machine?03:07
Menajoe2369, ok03:07
joe2369I believe it is some sort of computer.  But I could be wrong.03:07
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Menajoe2369, i dont think i will find it here but i hope to ask03:07
dsmith_Mena: What brand PC?03:08
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Menadsmith_, Asus03:08
Menadsmith_, intel03:08
matrixhi i screwed up my taskbar configuration. how can i get back to default settings?03:08
dsmith_Mena: Desktop?03:08
dsmith_Mena: or laptop03:08
joe2369matrix: kde?03:09
matrixjoe2369: yes03:09
dsmith_machine acting up?03:09
joe2369lol. this is kubuntu. nm03:09
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joe2369matrix: usually you can just drag the bits of it back where they belong.03:09
Menamatrix, go here /home/$user$/.kde/share/config/03:09
Menaohh never mind03:09
Menaits another thing03:10
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dsmith_Question: Anyone use the newer Western digital / Seagate 500-750 external harddrives? Looking at buying one and would like to know if anyone here has used any03:10
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matrixi don't even see the task bar where i could start applications from, had running applications etc.03:10
joe2369dsmith_: buy a chassis and a big disk and save yourself $20003:11
smoke2kso i updated03:11
dsmith_I can get 500gb for $14003:11
joe2369matrix: try pressing the windows key to see if the menu pops up?03:11
Menadsmith_, here this stuff are expensive03:11
dsmith_500gb $14003:12
Menamatrix, maybe you need to add the taskbar applet03:12
matrixjoe2369: alt+f1 works03:12
Menato your panel03:12
matrixMena: let me see if i find the option you mean03:12
joe2369matrix: did that make your taskbar appear?03:12
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LinkCanabicotobias have you solved it03:12
Doctor_Nickimma cut you03:12
dsmith_cut me?03:13
Doctor_Nickcut you a sweet demo tape03:13
Doctor_NickWITH A KNIFE!!!03:13
dsmith_I used to repair VCR movies like that, but I digress03:14
joe2369the poor man's video editor03:14
matrixMena: adding applets brought the items i was missing back03:14
matrixthx a lot03:14
stoftdsmith_: and weren't the kiddies surprised when they got freddie cruger in the middle of bambi... :)03:14
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joe2369Mommy! Will thumper be ok?03:15
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Menajoe2369, When i upgraded to fiesty the hddtemp sensor wont work or by other meaning the superkaramba dont display the temp of it03:16
dsmith_oh for all of you reading about the internet radio issue, you can install the recordradio script in amarok to rip at your pleasure while you can03:16
Menado you think what that happned bec it was working on edgy03:17
LinkCanabicofreddie likes rabit flesh03:17
dsmith_yes he does....03:17
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MenaBluesKaj, hey hi :)03:18
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BluesKajhi Mena03:19
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Menajoe2369, Thanks for help :)03:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rt2500 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:21
rr72my wireless isnt working and it was before feisty03:21
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phratmanJucato: I could, but I need to set this up a default profile for multiple users.03:25
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rr72where do i fix tab complete? sudo if<tab> doesnt do anything for me03:25
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rr72why is my tab complete screwed up?03:27
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rr72it doesnt tab complete apt packs or after sudo03:27
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daveDoes anyone know how I can make the taskbar on kicker only show windows that're on my current desktop?03:28
rr72dave right click03:29
daverr72: and?03:29
rr72clcik configure panel and then taskbar03:29
rr72uncheck show from all desktops03:29
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daverr72: it doesn't have that option03:30
rr72i see it right here03:30
rr72right click on the kciker03:30
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rr72configure panel03:30
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daverr72: what checkbox is it under?  am I retarded because I def don't see it03:31
rr72under taskbar03:31
daverr72: I know, but that checkbox isn't there03:31
rr72do u have mmore than one dekstop enabled?03:31
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rr72dave ask in #kde03:32
daverr72: I will, thx03:32
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mythtvanyone know how i would about finding out which serial port i have something plugged into (ttyS0 or ttyS1)?03:34
jarnDo I have to do anything on Windows when I want to share a folder?03:34
jarnI enabled filesharing from kcontrol and set up ~/music/ to be shared, but it doesn't appear on a Windows computer.03:34
budluva_im having problems with my broadcom 4318, does anyone even want to help me? or am i on my own with this topic? i have yet to get wireless working on this laptop since hoary, im using kubuntu 7.04 if anyone cares03:34
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rr72why is my tab complete screwed up? i can't tab complete after sudo and pack names03:37
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mythtvanyone know how i would about finding out which serial port i have something plugged into (ttyS0 or ttyS1)?03:39
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rr72why is my tab complete screwed up? i can't tab complete after sudo and pack names03:39
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Tired_What options are available for an onscreen keyboard in Kubuntu or the repos?03:40
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sdfwhen i write in terminal sudo apt-get install build-essential03:40
sdfi had03:40
sdfE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavail                                                              able03:40
Tired_were you running another apt-get somewhere?03:40
sdfE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc                                                              ess using it03:40
sdfi don t03:41
Tired_there's a bot trigger with the answer....03:41
Tired_lets see if its in my log03:41
sdfwhat do you mean?03:41
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
Tired_darn...it's not in my log  :/03:42
sdfi install ubuntu 7.04 and write sudo apt-get install build-essential03:42
sdfand i have the last result03:43
sdfand unistall it03:43
lontra_sdf: maybe adept is running or synaptic or something like that?03:43
sdfand install kubuntu03:43
sdfi m sure03:43
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lontra_sdf: go into a terminal and type 'top' and see03:43
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 03:44
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rr72where does tab complete store the files? tabe complete doesnt work on after sudo if<tab> or sudo apt-get install nv<tab>03:44
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sdflontra: i saw03:45
sdfno program run exebt  konsole03:45
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sdfthe last result i had in kubuntu and ubuntu03:46
sdfand i could n t install g++ in ubuntu03:46
sdfso i unstall it03:46
sdfand when i install kubuntu and search for g++ package i03:47
Tired_did you try what ubotu suggested?03:47
sdfdon t found it03:47
sdfwhat do i do?03:47
Tired_sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a03:47
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sdftired  no result03:49
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sdftired i had no result for this command03:49
Tired_darn.  it worked for me with the same symptoms03:49
sin18when i boot into kubuntu 7.04 ... it opens up couple of applications everytime (e.g firefox, kopete) when the sessions initiates ... where can i make a change for it to have a fresh session03:49
sdfi work from kubuntu03:49
sdfkubuntu 603:50
Tired_you'd think if another process is using /var/lib/dpkg/lock a reboot would clear it03:50
sdfwhat about g++03:53
sdfthe day before03:53
sdfi had it in adept package03:53
sdfand now i miss it03:53
sdfi don tknow why?03:53
Tired_oh, i'm not familiar with that package03:53
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Tired_What options are available for an onscreen keyboard in Kubuntu or the repos?03:55
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Tired_I looked in Adept under accessibility, but there's not much there.03:59
smoke2k_back to the coal mines for me it looks like03:59
smoke2k_ok folks03:59
smoke2k_are any tender hearted individuals alive in here03:59
smoke2k_one that can tell me why i cann't get wine03:59
smoke2k_because i need it03:59
smoke2k_sole reason i installed this03:59
smoke2k_i updated my apt get after putting the information and it gives me this04:00
smoke2k_well i guess my bro closed konsole04:00
smoke2k_gimme min.04:00
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tychosmoke2k_: You've got the wine repos in /etc/apt/sources.list right?04:01
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smoke2k_yea i put in all that stuff04:02
smoke2k_from winehq04:02
smoke2k_just put my other mouse on real quick04:02
kilraeomg, beryl install on feisty was so beautiful04:04
Tired_certainly was easier than I expected04:04
tychoBeryl is very cool ;-)04:05
tychoIt's nice that it doesn't take much hardware to run it either.04:05
kilraeafter all i went through to get it working on edgy i was dreading this04:05
DragnslcrI still haven't figured out how to turn it on04:05
smoke2k_yea i am debating whether to put beryl on this04:05
smoke2k_i got it on my desktop04:05
smoke2k_i wish i didn't have soo many bills i owed04:05
tychoPut the Beryl repos in /etc/apt/sources.list and then sudo apt-get install beryl emerald04:05
smoke2k_i gotta hussle lil bit this month or something04:06
smoke2k_but as of now let me finish my question04:06
Tired_i think i need more memory to make things really shine04:06
kilraeDragnslcr: I just installed beryl and beryl-manager with adept, ran beryl-manager and it Just Worked04:06
kilraetycho: it's in universe04:06
tychoOh is it?04:06
tychoFancy ;-)04:06
kilraeyeah as of 7.0404:06
tychoI'm still on 6.10, so that's why.04:06
smoke2k_smoke2k@smoke2k-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install wine04:07
smoke2k_Reading package lists... Done04:07
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smoke2k_Building dependency tree04:07
smoke2k_Reading state information... Done04:07
smoke2k_Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:07
smoke2k_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:07
smoke2k_is only available from another source04:07
smoke2k_E: Package wine has no installation candidate04:07
smoke2k_i just put 7.04 on today and my mouse pad finally started working on this laptop04:07
Tired_Feisty is impressive...I've only found one showstopper problem for me, and I suspect that's actually a problem on the remote end.04:07
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smoke2k_i was thrilled :)04:07
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tychosmoke2k_: You're sure you have the wine repos in your sources.list? Try running sudo apt-get update and then installing again.04:08
kilraei like this: The program 'svn' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install subversion04:08
smoke2k_i used the directions there04:09
smoke2k_phone call damn brb04:09
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smoke2k_thanks kilrae04:12
smoke2k_lemme try04:12
budluva_can anyone suggest a good system monitor with weather?04:12
kilraesmoke2k_: ?04:12
rr72budluva_~ superkarmaba?04:12
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rr72or check into gkrellm04:13
Arwenanyone here have problems with fglrx causing hard locks?04:13
Dragnslcrkilrae- I try running beryl-manager, and it looks like it tries to start for 30 seconds or so, then it just goes away04:13
kilraeDragnslcr: edgy or feisty?04:13
smoke2k_wow if this works i might just end up spending rest of my life getting wifi to work because this box is going to be in prestine condition04:13
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kilraeno emerald icon in the systray?04:14
smoke2k_this is so well made and put together this driver problem its having is really unusual04:14
budluva_im trying superkaramba just wondering if there's a better one04:14
kilraeactually, it's more of a ruby than an emerald04:14
Dragnslcrkilrae- nope. I get the taskbar button for 30 seconds or so, then it disappears04:14
smoke2k_you know how you have to use your scroll thing on your mouse to make your screen flip around in beryl?04:15
Arwensmoke2k_, no you don't - you can hit "ctrl alt l/r"04:15
smoke2k_but i quite enjoy that function its very glamorous04:16
Arwenhehe, it's not fast enough on my system04:16
smoke2k_i showed it to this guy on other computer and he offered me 75k a year job04:16
kilraeDragnslcr: it Just Worked for me on feisty, under edgy I used to get that problem starting beryl-manager from the K Menu, but it worked from Konsole or Run04:16
smoke2k_i am some hack that didn't graduate highschool and plays with computers all day04:16
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smoke2k_but anyways back to issues at hand04:17
Dragnslcrkilrae- I'll try it from a shell04:17
smoke2k_its giving me same message04:17
Arwensmoke2k_, quickly, I wanna get some sleep04:17
kilraeDragnslcr: i had to then right click on the beryl-manager icon in the tray and change the window manager from kwin to beryl04:17
smoke2k_it gave me that same error message so i ran update04:17
smoke2k_Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/feisty/main/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  404 Not Found04:17
smoke2k_Reading package lists... Done04:17
smoke2k_W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278304:17
smoke2k_W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26304:17
smoke2k_W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems04:17
smoke2k_E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.04:17
Arwendon't spam04:18
Dragnslcrkilrae- hm, think it worked from the shell04:18
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Arwensmoke2k_, you need to get the GPG keys - there's details on how to do that on medibuntu and wine's pages04:18
ngtmagicksanyone having issues installing the nvidia driver after upgrading to feisty that isn't listed on the forums?04:18
kilraeDragnslcr: ah, good, you can join the no longer productive people :)04:18
smoke2k_yea i noticed that04:18
Arwenalso, wine doesn't have a powerpc build afaik04:18
smoke2k_i just listed the gpg thing and gave another command after it04:18
jdunnhelp.  Looking for SAMBA help on Feisty04:19
Dragnslcrkilrae- is it supposed to flood the shell though?04:19
smoke2k_umm so will wine work on ppc because thats whole reason i changed os's04:19
smoke2k_i hate mac04:19
smoke2k_it not i04:19
Arwensmoke2k_, wine does not run on OS X04:19
Arwenor, actually, wine does not run on PowerPC04:19
Arwenor, actually, it might, but you'd have to compile it yourself04:20
=== smoke2k_ is pissed
kilraeDragnslcr: not in my experience, no04:20
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Arwensmoke2k_, hehe04:20
rr72why is mny rt2500 wifi card not working under feisty but it worked out of the box in edgy?04:20
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smoke2k_i got a neighbor that is making his own live distro cds right now04:20
jdunnIRC is f*Cking useless04:20
smoke2k_he could compile it for me04:20
kilraeDragnslcr: http://swik.net/Beryl+Feisty04:20
smoke2k_but man ...i don't want to ask him that04:20
smoke2k_this pisses me off any ideas here?04:21
Arwensmoke2k_, lol, but yeah, wine only officially runs on 32-bit x86 PCs04:21
rr72smoke2k_~ its not hard, just take an ubuntu cd and rip out stuff and add your own into it04:21
Arwensmoke2k_, you're kinda on your own04:21
kilraeDragnslcr: it's a list of tutorials for beryl and different cards04:21
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Arwenand now I go sleepy04:22
kilraewow, people seem to love vista04:22
=== kilrae is amazed by the number of vista themes
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org04:23
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sin18wat controls the apps automatically starting when i login? i 've  browsed through systems settings but couldnt find it04:24
bobstrokilrae: we're still in "copy"04:24
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bobstromode but i suspect it won't be long before trying to look *different* will be the priority.04:24
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bobstrosin18: when you log in at the command line, kde/gnome or both?04:25
sin18bobstro : kde04:25
sin18firefox , kopete automatically open up as if restoring my last session04:26
sin18im on kubuntu 7.0404:26
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bobstrosin18: well, if you set it to remember what's running, session manager will re-start new sessions the same as when you last logged in.04:26
bobstrosin18: otherwise, you can put items in ~/.kde/Autostart04:26
=== kilrae wonders how far we can reasonable go from what we have window-wise
bobstrokilrae: well, i seriously doubt we've hit perfection yet! a ways to go still, methinks.04:27
bobstrosin18: there's a gui tool will do the autostart stuff but i can't think of it at the moment.04:28
sin18bobstro : i wanna diable that restore feature04:28
smoke2k_i followed directions on mediubuntu's page what do i do after that04:28
bobstrosin18: system settings->advanced->session manager04:28
smoke2k_don't i just type sudo apt-get install mediubuntu04:28
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sin18thanx bobstro04:29
bobstrosin18: if you want to start things without session manager, kcontrol->KDE Components->Autostart Applications should work04:29
smoke2k_Arwen and rr72?04:30
kilraebobstro: yeah, but min-max-close is pretty standard, windows does right, mac does left, circles squares and now rectangles are all done04:30
smoke2k_is this not supported or something04:30
kilraei suppose the title bar can go along the side04:30
rr72smoke2k_~ what u want?04:30
smoke2k_to install medibuntu04:30
bobstrokilrae: yeah, but those didn't all always exist. hopefully, we'll move from mimicing to innovation.04:30
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rr72<smoke2k_> Arwen and rr72? why did u highlight me?04:31
smoke2k_and maybe pointed in direction of right people to discuss working on wine with04:31
smoke2k_you spoke to me so i spoke back to you04:31
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bobstrokilrae: 'course now apple, microsoft and the various x flavors are all stealing from each other, so there's a general leveling.04:31
kilraemaybe we need a new mouse button04:31
smoke2k_everyone i meet in these linux channels are weird04:31
bobstrokilrae: a big pad to beat your head on04:31
smoke2k_they speak at you but not with you04:32
bobstrosmoke2k_: it's like on a bus. hard to follow sometimes.04:32
smoke2k_I have heard that alot are diluted but only demand intelligence04:32
smoke2k_I don't know04:32
bobstroi have no idea what that means actually.04:33
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bobstroi don't feel diluted.04:33
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bobstrokilrae: the best thing would be near-instant power on and off. some sort of session persistence between machines wold be nice. i can think o f a few more features i'd like to see beyond eyecandy.04:34
budluva_kubuntu doesnt come with xvid support out of box does it04:36
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beerdoes anyone have any issues using knetworkmanager?04:36
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beeri can see my networks, however i cannot connect to them, it hangs @ 28 %04:36
budluva_i do04:36
budluva_it doesnt work with my wireless04:36
budluva_or my wireless doesnt work04:36
budluva_beer same problem here04:37
beer"configuring device"04:37
beeri can wifi radar or wireless assistant with no issues04:37
rr72my wifi support is crap, why did kbuuntu release feisty with so many kernel problems?04:37
bobstroi've got an ugly conflict between sysvinit and sysvinit-utils partway through and update of a fresh feisty install. the install went fine, but i did a dpkg --set-selections < oldpackagelist.txt and it was going ok until that happened. now i can't move forward. it complains a file installed by sysvinit can't be over-written by sysvinit-utils. any tips?04:37
Doctor_Nickis there anyway to export konversation settings?04:37
bobstroDoctor_Nick: to another machine running konversation, or what?04:38
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Doctor_Nickbostro: im reformatting and reinstalling kubuntu04:39
beercome to think of it, network manager does not ask for my password, i wonder if it is not trying to run SUDO04:39
bobstroDoctor_Nick: have you backed up your $HOME?04:39
Doctor_Nicknot all the . folders, though04:40
bobstroDoctor_Nick: ah, the settings are under ~/.kde/share04:40
rr72Doctor_Nick~ all the . folders are config04:40
bobstroDoctor_Nick: i forgot that one myself recently.04:40
=== Mantan [n=admin@71-17-92-126.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #kubuntu
rr72Topic for #kde is KDE 3.5.6 is out! See www.kde.org | KDE FAQ: http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase/faq/ | Please don't flood the channel, use a paste service: http://rafb.net/paste | Please state your distribution and KDE version when asking questions | Don't delete ~/.kde !04:40
bobstroDoctor_Nick: you need ~/.kde/share/config/koversationrc i think04:40
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budluva_will kubuntu ever adopt opensuse's menu system?04:43
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budluva_i loooooovvveee opensuse's kde menu04:43
ngtmagicksbudluva_: is it an add on from apps.kde.org04:44
Jucatobudluva_: nope04:44
Jucatowell at least, no plans for now.04:44
budluva_can i ask why?04:44
budluva_its beautiful04:44
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bobstrongtmagicks: interesting. what add-on?04:45
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ngtmagicksbobstro: I was asking after the opensuse menu for kde  as if it's something personally one could add04:45
Jucatobudluva_: for one, it's not the default KDE K Menu. two, whether it's beautiful or not is a bit subjective. three, Kubuntu is not SUSE :)04:46
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bobstrongtmagicks: wups, wrong name.04:46
ngtmagicksno worries04:46
Jucatothere's a .deb in kde-apps for kickoff I think...04:46
ubotuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233104:47
Jucatoit's not really an "add-on" technically. it completely replaces/overwrites kicker04:47
smoke2k_has anyone in here ever used polaris irc client04:47
smoke2k_I am looking for the thing closest to that on linux04:47
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bobstrosmoke2k_: sorry, don't know it.04:47
lontra_Jucato: there's talks about incorporating kickoff into kubuntu in gutsy i heard ... at least available04:48
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Jucatohaven't heard anything about that. there were talks of getting a properly packaged kickoff into the repos. but didn't push through04:49
bobstrosmoke2k_: what's it got that you need?04:49
Mantank guys, I need to upgrady from dapper to feisty. The DVD I made is really laggy and crashed twice when it tried to load. I have used the DVD to install feisty previously.04:49
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smoke2k_well i need this thing to work on wifi first off but it doesn't support my air force 54g card04:50
smoke2k_then on top of that I HAVE TO USE WINE04:50
bobstrosmoke2k_: i meant the irc client features you want.04:50
smoke2k_but as of now i would like something that looks ill like polaris04:50
bobstrosmoke2k_: polaris04:50
lontra_smoke2k_: could you use ndiswrapper for wifi?04:50
bobstrosmoke2k_: yes, what does polaris have that you want?04:51
smoke2k_I like the ones provided for you in polaris04:51
bobstrosmoke2k_: the what ones?04:51
smoke2k_it is a all encompassing client04:51
smoke2k_I don't have time to list them all04:51
smoke2k_yes i have tried the infamous ndiswrapper04:51
bobstrosmoke2k_: well if you can't be bothered... sorry!04:51
lontra_ndiswrapper works great here04:51
smoke2k_i have heard of bitchx and others for linux04:51
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smoke2k_i thought irc originated from linux04:52
lontra_how about xchat or irssi04:52
smoke2k_i am kinda disappointed with konversation04:52
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rr72smoke2k_~ then make your own04:53
smoke2k_yea i guess i will try xchat04:53
Jucatosmoke2k_: why are you disappointed?04:53
Jucato(and IRC didn04:53
Jucato(and IRC didn't originate from linux, afaik)04:53
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smoke2k_primarily that i cann't use my mac for xp programs04:53
bobstrosmoke2k_: xchat is the big dog i guess. konversation is more integrated with kde.04:53
smoke2k_i thought this was a bad investment by my mom04:53
bobstrosmoke2k_: irc predates linux by a LONG time.04:53
smoke2k_sorry i am so positive anyways04:53
smoke2k_my brother really just wanted garage band04:53
beer|drunkI hate to beat a dead horse, but does anyone have KNetworkManager working properly?04:53
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smoke2k_hes on my myspace page you can check out his viacom whore site under clyde04:54
oninanyone's filipino?04:54
bobstrosome are yes04:54
smoke2k_my uncles wife04:54
smoke2k_sucki sucki two dollar suh04:54
=== dthacker [n=dthacker@ip68-107-233-209.om.om.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
bobstrosmoke2k_: not cool dude04:55
smoke2k_i like to dress up as a phillopino whore04:55
bobstrosmoke2k_: ok, you just wore out that welcome.04:55
smoke2k_thanks for the discipline04:55
smoke2k_do you want me to call you daddy04:55
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bobstroi'm sure the world will let your brother know how they feel shortly.04:55
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smoke2k_yea :)04:55
Jucato!language | smoke2k_04:55
ubotusmoke2k_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:55
Mantanguys: smoke2k is a troll someone kick him or something.04:56
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DaSkreech_!coc | smoke2k_04:56
ubotusmoke2k_: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:56
=== Jucato is just waiting for something kickable
bobstroJucato: er... that little bit didn't just qualify?04:56
dthackerignore is cool04:56
Jucatobobstro: I'm a bit lenient.. waiting for another one :)04:56
DaSkreech_bobstro: Give him a chance to read04:57
=== Jucato isn't trigger happy :D
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DaSkreech_Some people forget their pills in the morning04:57
bobstroJucato: i suppose the fact that i am his daddy will suffice.04:57
bobstrosmoke2k_: your brother does look a lot like me actually.04:57
dthackerany krita users in the house04:57
smoke2k_he is under clyde04:57
smoke2k_that is me04:57
smoke2k_i am val kilmer04:57
smoke2k_have you ever danced with the devil under the pale moon light?04:58
dac_got shisen game on apect, hoe do I get it instsalled04:58
smoke2k_he is on my friends04:58
dac_on this box04:58
=== albiel [n=albiel@c-71-204-186-55.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
smoke2k_i loved that movie val kilmer played batman04:58
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!04:58
jarnI was trying to set up samba to share my music on the network. It works from an internet browser but when you try to go there through Windows Explorer, it says that it is not accessible and it may be because you don't have permission. The network address was not found.04:58
lettuceI just tried to install xgl and beryl using the guide from beryl's wiki and it didn't work. Is there a guide for fiesty or at least a different one that has better instuctions?04:59
Jucatolettuce: try to see the links in the topic of #ubuntu-effects04:59
=== dthacker is old and grumpy and waiting for auto-installed Beryl
ngtmagickssigh,  just crashed my desktop triing to install the nividia drivers.  if going back to a previous xorg.conf doesn't work.  anyone have any ideas?05:00
=== Skyblast waits for noncrashy beryl
bobstrongtmagicks: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg perhaps?05:00
Jucato"noncrashy beryl" = kwin_composite (Coming Soon in a KDE 4 near you)05:01
ngtmagicksbobstro: I'll try it05:01
rr72why does my wireless card not work in feisty but it did on edgy out of the box?05:01
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bobstrongtmagicks: i've been there myself. that usually gets it back to usable. keep backups whenever something works! :)05:01
ngtmagicksbobstro: I do, triing it now05:01
fergermy ntfs external drive doesnt auto mount05:01
fergeranyone else have thiss problem05:01
dthackerferger: error mesages? logs?05:02
fergernothing shows up at all05:02
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fergerif i mount it manually and try to access it, it says access denied05:02
MantanI am having probelms installing feisty.05:02
dthackerferger: many times this is a DNS or routing problem.  Can you ping the target?05:03
DaSkreech_Oh btw everyone hit the fridge and vote :)05:03
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dthackerDaSkreech: what are we voting for?05:03
fergerdthacker: sorry im noob, do i just type ping and then location of the drive...its usb?05:04
DaSkreech_dthacker: Which Buntu are you?05:04
ngtmagickssigh, dkpg didn't work. no kdm, nothing05:04
bobstrongtmagicks: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg no luck at all?05:05
bobstrongtmagicks: i just installed nvidia-glx and it all went smoothly.05:05
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dthackerferger: sorry, I read ntfs as NFS.  What version are you on, please?05:06
ngtmagicksbobstro: I'm now getting into the kdm.  triing both sign ons consol vs normal session and nothing05:06
bobstrongtmagicks: wait, you got kdm up but can't log in then?05:08
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fergerdthacker: i heard it might be a bug for feisty05:09
dthackerferger: has it ever mounted sucessfully?05:09
ngtmagicksbobstro: it takes the log in, then goes to a blank screen, no freeze no prompts,  and atl f1 for a tty doesn't do anything05:09
fergerdthacker: yes before my friend told me to install ntfs-3g05:09
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fergerdthacker: i removed it and it still doesnt do anything05:09
bobstrongtmagicks: if kdm is working, your x setup is more-or-less ok. do you have another user account, or can you create another to verify it's not something in your kde setup?05:10
dthackerferger: sorry, I haven't played with these.  I'd go to /var/logs and look for messages that might give you something to search on.05:10
danyMy enter key is broken, and I want to remap it to something like F12. is that possible with 'input actions'?05:10
fergerdthacker: ok thanks05:11
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ngtmagicksbobstro:  that's what I thought, but then I get a blank screen so no way to make a new user05:11
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bobstrongtmagicks: at kdm, do the ctrl-alt-f1 for console, then log in there and do it.05:11
smoke2k_wow didn't know you saw his name was clyde bobstro05:11
smoke2k_he does ?05:11
wolferinehow do I install iscan?05:12
smoke2k_you should check out new videos i put on there for him05:12
bobstrosmoke2k_: er, what?05:12
ngtmagicksbobstro:  thanks will try05:12
danyfor some reason it doesn't seem to be working05:12
danyfor some reason it doesn't seem to be working05:12
danyfor some reason it doesn't seem to be working05:12
dany[13:11]  <-- dthacker has left this channel.05:12
smoke2k_they are great :)05:12
smoke2k_his jesus one is really funny05:12
smoke2k_the other one is always funny too everyone is always like did that guy die?05:12
DaSkreech_Jucato: ping05:12
bobstrosmoke2k_: ahm... there's better stuff to be found on youtube. not going to check out anything i'm seeing there.05:12
JucatoDaSkreech_: pong... (and reading backlogs)05:13
lettucewhere's "System -> Preferences -> Sessions" in kde?05:13
smoke2k_yea youtube is massive05:13
Jucatolettuce: System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Session Manager05:13
smoke2k_everyone always comes and chills with us now that i paid for highspeed and watches youtube05:13
DaSkreech_!offtopic | smoke2k_05:13
ubotusmoke2k_: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:13
smoke2k_in my usual hangout spot on irc everyone always posts funny ones in topic05:13
MantanI am having probelms installing feisty.05:13
Jucatosmoke2k_: please take offtopic conversations to #kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic05:13
wolferineNo candidate version found for iscan <-- i have this error when I do a aptitude install iscan05:14
Jucato!autostart | lettuce05:14
ubotulettuce: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.05:14
Jucatolettuce: that could help too ^^^^05:14
=== tin [n=foil@c-24-147-118-193.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ngtmagicksbobstro: just did that and got an sxerver error no desktop to bind to 0,005:15
Mantanthe DVD I'm using (which worked fine on my notebook) is lagging rly bad and last time it told me there were various errors relating to hdc05:15
lettuceI already installed 'kcontrol-autostart'. but how do I use it?05:15
tinwantan, at the boot menu, there is an option to test the DVD/CD for errors05:16
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tinoption number 4 or 5 IIRC05:16
bobstrongtmagicks: as another user?05:16
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bobstrolettuce: if you run kcontrol, that option's there05:17
Mantanbut why would it work good on the notebook but not the desktop? it isn't scratched at all05:17
rr72night all05:17
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ngtmagicksbobstro: no on going into console05:17
wolferineNo candidate version found for iscan <-- i have this error when I do a aptitude install iscan05:17
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bobstrongtmagicks: ctl-alt-f1 doesn't give you non-gui login?05:18
ngtmagicksbobstro: I wish.  nope gives me a blank screen05:18
tinMantan: check it anyway. just because YOU can't see anything wrong doesn't mean it's not there05:18
tinespecially with the data density of a DVD05:18
tinor the desktop drive is failing05:18
bobstrongtmagicks: you could start in failsafe mode, create the user there perhaps?05:19
ngtmagicksbobstro: thanks for the suggestion.. I'll try05:19
=== acidBURN [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
lettucei can't find kcontrol :( where is it?05:19
bobstrolettuce: just the kmenu->run and enter it there05:19
bobstrorun command...05:19
bobstrolettuce: there may be a more official way, but that works for me05:20
smoke2k_is it possible to run a trojan on someones kubuntu?05:20
bobstrosmoke2k_: see man trojan05:20
smoke2k_someone could have a trojan on my computer right now still?05:20
lettuceok, thanks05:20
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bobstrosmoke2k_: yes, it could happen. not as likely to succeed in dong system-wide damage as in windows though.05:20
smoke2k_my computer had a trojan before where someone was taking control of it before05:21
bobstrosmoke2k_: well, you can certainly have your kubuntu COMPROMISED if you're not cautious, esp. if you open up services willy-nilly to the world.05:21
smoke2k_my bandwith is heavily fluxuating but i really don't know anything about this new type of internet service05:21
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smoke2k_well i went to delete this particular file that i moved over onto my usb harddrive and it was kept on my desktop so it could have been modified05:22
DaSkreech_smoke2k_: check your users to see if there is a new user05:22
=== Pupeno [n=Pupeno@154-169-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
smoke2k_how can i check my tcp ip traffic05:22
bobstrosmoke2k_: wireshark is good05:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wireshark - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:23
DaSkreech_!info etheral05:23
ubotuPackage etheral does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:23
DaSkreech_!info wireshark05:23
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ubotuwireshark: network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.4-6 (feisty), package size 566 kB, installed size 1576 kB05:23
bobstrotypo on ethereal05:23
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wolferinehow can I add iscan?05:26
wolferineor get xsane to work with my scanner properly?05:26
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ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners05:26
Mantanhow do I upgrade to feisty just using adept or whatever, with reinstalling kubuntu? The instructions on the kubuntu site make no sense to me05:27
=== acidBURN [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Mantanspecific part I don't get is #405:28
Jucatowhat's #4?05:29
chemicalvampi need something free that will play windows games05:29
bobstrothis sysvinit problem is killing me!05:29
ubotuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)05:29
bobstrosysvinit conflicting with sysvinit-utils!!!05:29
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bobstrohow do i force a package to install?05:30
bobstronot an apt-get option, is it?05:30
wolferineubuntu doesnt use ./configure make make install does it?05:31
wolferinewhat is it, make ?05:31
Jucatowolferine: you make use of that if you're compiling from source. usually you don't need to in Kubuntu05:31
Jucato!compile  | wolferine05:31
ubotuwolferine: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)05:31
wolferineJucato, I have to in this case05:32
wolferineso what do I do, make ?05:32
Mantanjucato: #4 would be the fourth instruction on the website announcement for uipgrading to fesity05:32
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imaginewolferine: compiling is a three steps procedures, first you type ./configure once it is done you type make and once make is done you sudo make install05:33
Jucatowolferine: see that guide above. you need to have "build-essential" installed05:33
bobstrochemicalvamp: are you still installing that card game?05:33
tri170391I'm wondering if Fiesty can run well on an old PIII machine05:33
tri170391with just 128 MB RAM05:34
tri170391It's lower than the minimum reqs05:34
bobstrotri170391: i wouldn't expect much. there's something on the main page about a low-resource installation, but it's hardly going to be the same user experience!05:34
bobstrotri170391: there are certainly small distros well suited to that though.05:35
tri170391Yeah, Isee05:35
bobstrotri170391: you wanted a desktop or a server?05:35
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tri170391just a desktop05:35
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bobstrotri170391: check out something like damn small linux perhaps?05:35
tri170391I will try it05:35
chemicalvampbobstro no, i want a windows based MUD client05:36
bobstrochemicalvamp: i think there are native MUD clients. not my thing though.05:36
chemicalvampyes there are05:36
chemicalvampi ant a windows based mud client05:36
bobstroto run on linux?05:36
bobstroi'm not sure i'm understanding what you're after05:37
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bobstrochemicalvamp: do you have an EXISTING windows client you want to run (e.g. under wine), or you just want to find a new one for windows and this question has nothing to do with kubuntu?05:38
wolferinehow can I setup xsane to find my correct device, its looking at my webcam, instead of the scanner?05:38
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chemicalvampi need something to run a mud client from windows05:38
iwakurahi there ... i'm using kubunto -obviously- and im intrigued about memory usage05:39
bobstrochemicalvamp: so not under linux at all then?05:39
iwakurait read about 1 gb ... too much i think is it normal ?05:39
bobstroiwakura: too much? what do you mean?05:39
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iwakurai mean that its using 1 gb....05:39
chemicalvampim all linux, i just want to run this simple windows program05:40
bobstrochemicalvamp: so under linux or not?05:40
iwakurabobstro: i have dual boot with xp .. and with it i use at most 400 mb ...05:40
bobstroiwakura: likely a lot of that is cache for performance05:40
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chemicalvampim using gnomemud right now, but i prefer the one i used to use05:40
chemicalvampyes i have linux05:40
bobstrochemicalvamp: so this IS wine then?05:41
=== Shacker6363 [n=chatzill@pool-72-70-176-216.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
chemicalvampi tried getting it on adept, but i didnt see it.. and sudo apt-get wine says there is no package05:41
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Bromicschemicalvamp, have u done 'sudo apt-get update' yet?05:42
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Shacker6363Alright, just asked this same thing in #ubuntu:  Oy, I need a good Gnome vs KDE article, I just can't decide and don't want both.05:42
iwakurabobstro: i havent used linux in a while ... i want to know if theres something worng or is it just that kubuntu needs all that ram05:42
chemicalvampand i have universe/multi enabled05:42
bobstroShacker6363: honestly, i'd try both and see what fits your personal wants best. there are pros and cons to each.05:42
hitmanWillyiwakura: what's the prob?05:42
bobstroiwakura: you're looking at output of "free" command?05:42
iwakurabobstro: yepp.. and i have mere 13 mb free05:43
bobstroShacker6363: you could try a livecd of each and get a good idea there.05:43
hitmanWillyiwakura: the linux kernel uses as much ram as it can, and frees it up when apps need it05:43
hitmanWillyiwakura: so its always going to look like you're actually using more ram than you really are05:44
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bobstroupstart has replaced sysvinit, right?05:44
hitmanWillybobstro: yup05:45
lettuceThe desktop entry file /home/lettuce/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager.desktop has no Type=... entry05:45
iwakurahitmanWilly: uhmm that makes more sense taht 1 gb just for running amarok and a few other things05:45
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lettuce^what can i do about that05:45
Shacker6363bobstro:  That's what I've been trying to do, but I currently have Gnome installed and just can't find the same number of resources for KDE/Kubuntu05:45
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hitmanWillyiwakura: amarok is a memory hog, but that is a little excessive :)05:45
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bobstrohitmanWilly: i've installed feisty just fine, but i must've asked it to install sysvinit when reading old package list in. now sysvinit and sysvinit-utils are conflicting AND insisting on removing upstart.05:46
bobstroShacker6363: what sort of resources?05:46
Shacker6363bobstro:  All of the recommended programs are KDE based and I don't want to muck with KDE apps in Gnome and vice versa, but I don't know.  BTW, when I said resources I meant things like ubuntuforums.org and ubuntuguide.com05:46
hitmanWillybobstro: remove it via apt05:46
JucatoShacker6363: ubuntuforums.org also caters to Kubuntu users. there's also http://www.kubuntuforums.net05:46
lettucewhat can I do about this error: "The desktop entry file /home/lettuce/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager.desktop has no Type=... entry"05:46
MantanI need to update kubuntu to feisty, but I don't know how to do it exactly being as the last instruction given on the kubuntu announcement page makes no sense to me.05:46
hitmanWillybobstro: then just reinstall upstart05:46
Jucatoubuntuguide *should* have KDE stuff too, afaik05:46
bobstrohitmanWilly: as in "apt-get remove sysvinit", right? no luck there.05:47
iwakurahitmanWilly: thats exactly what i thought --- if im running away from winxp to get better use of resources what i did installing kubuntu would be reaaly stupid ...05:47
=== O_man [n=supertec@pool-71-252-238-195.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreech_!upgrade | Mantan05:47
ubotuMantan: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)05:47
Jucatoiwakura: how are you determining that Amarok is using 1GB of RAM?05:47
hitmanWillyiwakura: if you want a more acurate ram usage representation, try conky05:47
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iwakuraJucato: of course not ... but since it the 'biggest' app running i blame it05:48
=== machinecraig [n=machinec@pool-70-105-56-46.rich.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Shacker6363bobstro/Jucato: If you don't mind me asking, why did you decide upon KDE rather than Gnome?05:48
tychoiwakura: UNIX style kernels cache contents of the harddrive in ram, so the number you're really looking for is under the "buffers" column of the free command05:48
Jucatoiwakura: Linux (no matter what distro) uses RAM differently from Windows05:48
bobstroShacker6363: i found (personally) gnome smacked of the "freedom from choice" of apple.05:49
tychoiwakura: when a program accesses something on the harddrive, the kernel saves it to the ram, because in all probability it will need that info again05:49
bobstroShacker6363: gradually, features i used were being "hidden" away. just grated on my personal style. gnome is GREAT for end-users though.05:49
tychoiwakura: try opening up your web browser, closing it, and opening it again, you'll notice the second time it opens considerably faster05:49
Mantanthx, I found my problem.05:49
=== win2000 [n=chatzill@70-58-138-193.desm.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
MantanI'm just gonna install via CD05:50
iwakuratycho: yeah i noticed taht05:50
Mantanwipe everything else05:50
Jucatoiwakura: to put it simply: Linux uses up all your RAM. it first allocates space to running applications, then what's free of the RAM is given to disk cache. if more applicatons are going to need more RAM, Linux reduces disk cache to give it to the application05:50
Jucato!ram | iwakura05:50
Mantan2 upgrades is too much for me to both with05:50
ubotuiwakura: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html05:50
Shacker6363bobstro: forgive my ignorance, but what exactly do you mean by end-users05:50
bobstroShacker6363: people that call me with problems when they can't figure things out. if you don't have a lot of expectations, it's FANTASTIC. i just came into it expecting certain things.05:51
JucatoShacker6363: I initially chose KDE because, based on my "research" at that time, KDE exposes more options and configurations transparently and easily than GNOME (no GConf). and the power to configure and customize was my primary reason to use Linux in the first place05:51
bobstroShacker6363: i'm saying i would rather SUPPORT gnome, but prefer to USE kde.05:51
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)05:51
iwakuraJucato: thnx! ram for dummies ;)05:51
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)05:51
=== tony_ [n=tony@75-120-166-223.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu
tony_anyone know a way to sort the kde menu alphabetically?05:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about txt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sort - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:52
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.6 for Feisty and Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.05:52
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.05:52
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code05:52
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins05:52
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.05:52
bobstroShacker6363: both are absolutely excellent though, so for me, it's purely a subjective thing.05:52
Jucato!botabuse | win200005:52
ubotuwin2000: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:52
DaSkreech_!botabusse | win200005:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botabusse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
JucatoShacker6363: also, I like blue :)05:53
strabesjust ignore him05:53
DaSkreech_Jucato: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :)05:53
bobstroahah, the REAL reason.05:53
strabeshe was in here awhile ago05:53
=== Jucato turns on DaSkreech_'s konvi spell check
win2000!bootabuse | DaSkreech05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bootabuse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
DaSkreech_Jucato: I'm on Vista05:53
win2000!botabuse | DaSkreech05:53
ubotuDaSkreech: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:53
iwakurathank to all and bye ! :)05:53
Shacker6363bobstro: lol, coincidentally, one of the reasons I downloaded Kubuntu was because I had completely themed my Gnome desktop to be blue05:53
win2000!botabuse | Jucato05:53
ubotuJucato: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...05:53
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Jucato] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@70-58-138-193.desm.qwest.net] by Jucato
bobstroShacker6363: that was actually part of it for me. so blasted FRUSTRATING to do minor things.05:54
Shacker6363that last one was for Jucato05:54
tony_i guess you guys know a lot of these convos are cached in google, right? so don't mention anything about "hot transvestite midget sex"05:54
=== win2000 [n=chatzill@70-58-138-193.desm.qwest.net] has left #kubuntu []
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Jucato] by ChanServ
Jucatoat least I didn't have to kick him/it..05:55
tychoOr FBI guns bombs terrorists?05:55
bobstrotony_: not like the phones aren't monitored too.05:55
bobstrotony_: at least for citizens.05:55
Shacker6363Oy, why can't all the good programs be natively developed for Gnome05:55
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:55
hitmanWillyJucato: he saw you powering up and ran :)05:55
JucatohitmanWilly: too late though. I already banned him05:55
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tony_i'm a he, just asking a question05:56
kalorin_ok guys05:56
kalorin_so I just hooked up a scanner for the first time05:56
tony_been searching google and found lots of cached kubuntu convos05:57
kalorin_it's about 5 years old so I'm guessing that (usb) something would support it05:57
bobstrohitmanWilly: it seems i have  sysvinit in my dpkg selections, and it insists on re-installing, thus over-writing upstart. is there an easy way to view/edit that queue that you know of?05:57
tony_kalorin_, good luck, i wish mine would work05:57
Jucato!scanner | kalorin_05:57
ubotukalorin_: Scanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners05:57
Jucatotried those? ^^^^05:57
kalorin_Jucato: mostly I'm wondering how to know if it even sees the device?05:57
kalorin_it's a usb scanner05:58
=== Jucato forgot the command to check
kalorin_something in the /var/log/messages?05:58
Jucatotry the command "lsusb"05:58
kalorin_Apr 29 23:59:11 zebra kernel: [17816781.884000]  usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 705:58
kalorin_Apr 29 23:59:11 zebra kernel: [17816782.088000]  usb 1-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice05:58
Jucatoor plug it in, then "dmesg | tail" to see how the kernel responds05:58
kalorin_ok it found it05:58
lettucewhat can I do about this error: "The desktop entry file /home/lettuce/.kde/Autostart/beryl-manager.desktop has no Type=... entry"05:58
hitmanWillybobstro: try dpkg --purge sysvinit05:59
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tony_Jucato, i also tried it and it recognized my scanner. does that mean it's compatible?05:59
Jucatolettuce: the guys in #ubuntu-effects or #beryl might now better... or try again in a bit05:59
=== Jucato goes for lunch
bobstrohitmanWilly: yeah, no luck.05:59
Jucatotony_: could be. not really sure. I would guess you still need a driver if it doesn06:00
hitmanWillybobstro: that should (hopefully) wipe it out plus any ref to it06:00
Jucatodoesnt work out of the box06:00
Jucatotony_: have you tried just running Kooka and see if it's automatically detected and setup?06:00
bobstrohitmanWilly: this isn't an upgrade issue, so much be related to my doing the "dpkg --set-selections" after the install.06:00
bobstrohitmanWilly: but now kde won't launch, so i'm stuck hard here.06:00
kalorin_Jucato: that's what I did and it didn't give me any devices to use to scan things06:01
=== Jucato goes for lunch...
kalorin_with kooka06:01
hitmanWillybobstro: probably, kinda out of my area here06:01
bobstrohitmanWilly: ok, thanks. i thought for sure those would've worked!06:01
tony_Jucato, brb, let me install it06:01
Jucatokalorin_: try the links the bot gave above. you might need to install something else. depending on your scanner06:01
=== Jucato goes now
DaSkreech_Jucato: bring back Juice06:02
hitmanWillybobstro: used slack for the longest time, kinda new to dpkg/apt06:02
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tony_Jucato, it's already installed. tried it and it's only selecting my tvtuner card06:02
hitmanWillybobstro: same with upstart06:02
LinkCanabicotony try as root some scanners react that way06:02
bobstrohitmanWilly: this is a new one for me. never got stuck with apt before.06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about primaxscan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:03
=== yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-120-105-11.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
kalorin_that's the package with the drivers06:03
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hitmanWillybobstro: you probably did this already, but maybe apt-get install -f or dpkg --configure -a06:03
Shacker6363Alright, few more questions, why does it seem like noone uses KDE with beryl/compiz?06:04
tony_LinkCanabico, still, it's only giving me the option to select v4l:/dev/video006:04
kalorin_that might be the issue, no drivers06:04
Shacker6363None of the tutorials, screenshots, etc I find are KDE, rather Gnome.06:04
bobstrohitmanWilly: did install -f, lemme try dpkg06:04
tony_i've installed almost anything to do with sane and the backends, guess it's not compatible06:04
bobstrohitmanWilly: ah, may have been a bogus repository causing conflicts. there may be hope!06:05
LinkCanabicotony there is a conf file were you have to uncoment a line let me see were06:05
=== loki_ [n=loki@c-75-71-169-61.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
bobstrohitmanWilly: repo must contain something that conflicts. my own damned fault.06:06
=== loki_ is now known as _Low_Key
hitmanWillybobstro: are you using apt-build? that was giving me problems earlier06:06
_Low_KeyAnyone here able to assist with KDevelop configuration?06:06
bobstrohitmanWilly: no, but had added a repo for wireless drivers.06:06
tony_LinkCanabico, i'd appreciate the help. i've been trying to get my scanner to work all day06:07
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hitmanWillybobstro: that may have been it06:08
Shacker6363Lastly, I am a big fan of these three Gnome themes: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/VistaBut?content=32227 , http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Neutronium?content=46153 , http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Neos?content=2422906:09
Shacker6363and would like KDE alternatives, but can't find anything on kde-look.org, any ideas?06:09
LinkCanabicotony this is a list of suported scanners im stil looking for the fil give me a min http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html06:10
bobstroShacker6363: you like that dark look, eh?06:11
=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-70-137-26-52.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
wolferineLinkCanabico, whats that about scanners?06:11
bobstroShacker6363: i'd just get a basic decoration setup i like, then tweak colors06:11
Shacker6363bobstro: sometimes06:11
_Low_KeyI am getting: "configure: error C++ compiler cannot create executables."06:11
epimethsoooo.... KFTPgrabber or Kasablanca?06:12
LinkCanabicowolferine tony has probs with a scanner06:12
wolferinewhats the issue Tony?06:12
epimethscreenshots pull me to the former, name to the latter... what do you guys suggest / prefer?06:12
surgy i just got call of duty, i am trying to install it, i am running kubuntu 7.04 feisty, using cedega. it installed through the first cd fine and when it asked for the second cd it says it cannot unmount the cd becuase cedega is using it. can anyone help?06:12
=== lt [n=lt@VDSL-130-13-158-106.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #kubuntu
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wolferinetony_, ?06:14
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LinkCanabicoseams tony died06:14
=== Stalk3r [n=dave@71-212-57-5.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
_Low_KeyI take it nobody here can help with KDevelop?06:15
LinkCanabicotony if you r alive the file that i mentiond is "/etc/sane.d/dll.conf"06:15
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=== Stalk3r [n=dave@71-212-57-5.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
LinkCanabicoLow_Key whats the problem06:16
Shacker6363I'll never be able to decide between KDE/Gnome.  Was beginning to like KDE, but would much rather just have a theme file I could download and apply.  (I'm lazy)06:16
tony_wolferine, yes, i have a canon 8400f i'm trying to get to work. any help would be appreciated.06:16
ltis there a log for when you open applications with kde, i.e. i just installed glade on my laptop with kde it opens fine, but on this pc, i acts like its going to open then it just dissapears06:16
DaSkreech_!be | _Low_Key06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about be - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:16
DaSkreech_!b-e | _Low_Key06:16
ubotu_Low_Key: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:16
wolferinetony_, what app are you using with it?06:16
Stalk3rha ha, I'm connected. that's insane06:17
_Low_KeyGetting error: "configure: error C++ compiler cannot create executables."06:17
epimethsoooo.... KFTPgrabber or Kasablanca?06:18
epimethscreenshots pull me to the former, name to the latter... what do you guys suggest / prefer?06:18
tony_wolferine, kooka06:18
kilraegrr, why won't my network settings stick06:18
Stalk3rI have an odd problem, running dapper, my computer suffered a power loss and when I rebooted, Firefox and Adept can't connect to the internet, even though Konqueror, Kopete and Konversation can, anyone know what I should try to correct this problem?06:18
tony_LinkCanabico, i opened the conf file. so what exactly would i have to uncomment?06:18
=== kilrae kicks the control thingy
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wolferinetony_, what is it saying about the device?06:19
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tony_wolferine, lsusb tells me i have an 8400f but i start kooka and it's only giving me the option of using my tvtuner card ....v4l:/etc/video0 or something06:19
ltis there a logfile when programs just dont open with kde?06:20
LinkCanabicotony wait a sec pleas boss calling06:20
=== linux_ [n=linux@c-24-126-7-181.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
tony_ok, np06:20
=== Sesshoumaru [n=linux@c-24-126-7-181.hsd1.wv.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
wolferinetony_, I was having the same issue with my scanner, just viewing the webcam06:20
_Low_KeySorry Stalk3r. I wish I could help.06:21
wolferineStalk3r, reinstall the non-working apps06:21
tony_wolferine, yeah, same here. my webcam shows my channels06:21
Stalk3rwolferine: my package installer isn't connecting, either.06:21
wolferinetony, I had to manually start xsane, specifying the device06:21
ejupinanyone know how I can get a usb mic to work? shows up but doesnt work..06:21
Stalk3rI suppose I should try apt-get06:21
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wolferineStalk3r, you can use command line06:21
=== Stalk3r nods
tarelerulzI used update program  the newest stable ubuntu and it been working for like 3 hours and  it says it is clean up the program ,but seem to load my system down06:22
tarelerulzIS that normal06:22
wolferinetony_, so what I did was use the sudo sane-find-scanner06:22
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wolferineand that told me the location of the device06:22
wolferinefound USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON] , product=0x082b [USB2.0 MFP(Hi-Speed)] ) at libusb:002:00606:22
wolferinefound USB scanner (vendor=0x046d, product=0x08f5 [Camera] ) at libusb:001:00706:22
wolferineso I did xsane libusb:002:00606:23
wolferinewhich opens xsane with taht device06:23
=== bobstro is now known as bobstro-away
DaSkreech__Low_Key: Did you read the page?06:23
wolferinethen inside xsane, I was able to save the device, i then added that into my Kmenu to open xsane with it each time06:23
tony_scanimage -L06:23
tony_device `v4l:/dev/video0' is a Noname BT878 video (Pinnacle PCTV Stud virtual device06:23
tarelerulzis there any way to tell if the program is still working . I the gui seem to freze up where if you opon something over it and it don't show that part of the program any more06:24
_Low_KeyDaSkreech_ working on it.06:24
LinkCanabicotony in my case it workt uncomenting #cannon_pp but try wolferine solution first06:24
Stalk3rapt-get returns "already the newest version" and doesn't install anything06:24
wolferinetony_, so thats what I did06:24
kalorin_I think the sane drivers only work on parallel port scanners for primax06:24
=== tin [n=foil@c-24-147-118-193.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete]
wolferineStalk3r, you need to remove, THEN install06:24
_Low_Keyok, which part are you wanting me to read specifically?06:24
=== Stalk3r sighs
wolferineits a solution06:24
Stalk3rI guess I don't know how to remove anything.06:24
LinkCanabicokalorin_ thats not true06:25
wolferineuse remove, instead of install06:25
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wolferineyes, its that easy06:25
Stalk3ralready figured that out, thanks06:25
=== GuHHH [i=gustavo@146204.fln.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
kalorin_well it's seeing the scanner plugged in but kooka doesn't allow me to select a scanning device06:25
kalorin_I'm nto sure what else to think06:25
kalorin_my wife's windows box will scan with it06:25
=== kalorin_ shrugs
wolferinekalorin_, lsusb, what kinda scanner06:25
=== surgy [n=surgy@adsl-70-137-26-52.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
surgycan someone help me please?06:26
kalorin_pr 30 00:08:42 zebra kernel: [17817353.208000]  usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 806:26
Sesshoumaruhelp you with what06:26
tony_wolferine,  i did the same thing as you this time and got "failed to open device libusb:003:002...Invalid Argument"06:26
kalorin_Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0451:2046 Texas Instruments, Inc. TUSB2046 Hub06:26
=== tin [n=foil@c-24-147-118-193.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
kalorin_I'm assuming that's it06:26
surgyi cant seam to change to disk two of call to duty becuase it says wine is using the drive, and it asks me to kill wineserver before i try to unmount the drive again06:26
Stalk3rok, now I can't install anything06:26
Stalk3rapt-get is trying to connect to
wolferinetony_, did you find that from sudo sane-find-scanner06:27
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LinkCanabicotony bad news there's no support for the 8400F under SANE06:27
wolferineStalk3r, give me a min or two06:27
wolferinei might be able to help06:27
=== Stalk3r nods
=== AmyRose [i=djb@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
wolferineah, thanks Link06:28
_Low_KeyDaSkreech_ - Im not trying to compile a package. Just trying to do some homework, gotta use an IDE.06:28
tony_wolferine, ok, thanks anyhow06:28
wolferinesorry, wish I could have helped06:28
tony_wolferine, yes06:28
ltcan anyone tell me if there is a log file for applications that dont open with kde? im not getting a error, the app just doesnt start, it loads, but thats it06:28
DaSkreech__Low_Key: do you have to compile ?06:28
wolferinetony_, try xsane instead?06:28
tony_wolferine, nm the other comment, i was scrolled wrong06:28
wolferineor iscan06:28
Sesshoumarusurgy: heh i had the same problem with half-life disks06:28
wolferinebut doesnt sound good06:28
_Low_KeyDaSkreech_: yes, gotta do the whole thing including run it.06:29
surgySesshoumaru: but call of duty got 5 stars on playibility through wine06:29
kalorin_ok scan-find-scanner found it06:29
surgySesshoumaru: it has to be my configuration, or an os bug06:29
DaSkreech__Low_Key: you are going to need to install build-essentials06:29
kalorin_or says that it did06:29
_Low_KeyThe class is oriented toward using Visual Studio, but its taught by a Mac user.06:29
graffviva alguem q fale portugues??06:29
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.06:29
wolferineStalk3r, back to you06:29
Sesshoumarusurgy: try to get virtual cd drives and mount them all at the same time06:29
tony_wolferine, sudo xsane-find-scanner is invalid argument06:29
_Low_KeyI did that.06:29
jtt!portuguese >graff06:30
wolferineStalk3r, so what happens on sudo aptitude update06:30
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kalorin_if I do a scanimage -L on it, it says that it didn't find a scanner06:30
wolferinetony_, you need to install some xsane/sane packages for it06:30
DaSkreech_no kubuntu-br ?06:30
surgySesshoumaru: ummm, i dont want to make iso, i want to be able to eject a game disk and put in the second.06:30
wolferineif you look in the package manager for xsane-find-scannerit should come up06:30
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DaSkreech__Low_Key: and you are using Linux that's great :)06:31
_Low_KeyYeah. I gotta be difficult. I like using a working OS instead of a "working" IDE :)06:31
Stalk3rwolferine: it reads packages, builds dependency trees and initializes package states, then tries to connect to 3 different ubuntu archives at
crypto:-( hey another noobie here, I just moved from my Vista to Kubuntu and I've had a hard time trying to get my wireless connection working, can anyone help me out?06:32
Stalk3rapt-get returns this error: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/e/ept/adept_2.0ubuntu2_i386.deb  Could not connect to us.archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out06:32
wolferineStalk3r, so it fails?06:32
tony_wolferine, yes, xsane is installed, i meant i got an invalid argument with sane-find-scanner06:32
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Stalk3ryes, it's failing, can't connect to
wolferinetony_, well, thats not the correct argument :)06:33
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
wolferineStalk3r, post your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin06:33
bbeck_Hello, I've installed beryl, and everything appears to be working alright, except that I have no window decorations, does anyone know how to fix this?06:33
wolferine!pastebin | Stalk3r06:33
ubotuStalk3r: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:33
GuHHHgraff: yes06:33
ltcrypto: does knetwork manager show your wifi card?06:34
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DaSkreech__Low_Key: if I'm not mistaken you can get VS to work in linux06:34
=== Stalk3r nods and wanders off
ltcrypto: what kinda of wifi card is it?06:34
DaSkreech_if not you can install mono06:34
tony_anyone recommend a good scanner that is linux-compatible?06:34
cryptoBroadcom 139006:34
kalorin_tony_ I have a colorado 19200 USB06:35
kalorin_and it's not working that I can tell06:35
wolferinetony_, mine is06:35
Lynouretony_: very many are, there is a list on the xsane site... wait a min06:35
_Low_KeyI'd rather not deal with the emulator. Its bad enough that I have a windows logo on my laptop....06:35
wolferinei just purchased it06:35
=== niles__ [n=niles@87.sub-75-201-175.myvzw.com] has joined #kubuntu
kalorin_it sort of says it detects it, but then gimp can't acquire from it06:35
cryptoI tried the steps from the ubuntu forum for my card and it didnt work06:35
LinkCanabicocanon n640p06:35
kalorin_and sane sort of half says it's there or not06:35
tony_i think mine is too new06:35
wolferinetony_, its an Epson CX500006:35
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tony_but it's very good and would hate to have to get another one06:35
Lynouretony_: see http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl06:35
GuHHHgraff: eu falo portugues, entra em: ubuntu-br06:36
=== hitmanWilly just finished installing kubuntu on his laptop
tony_Lynoure, thanks, but as i feared, it says 'unsupported'06:36
Stalk3rwolferine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18324/06:36
ltcrypto: can you link me what you were looking at/06:36
Stalk3rbut it looks right to me.06:37
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LinkCanabicowolferine is that a all in one printer scanner etc.06:37
cryptohere: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092&highlight=broadcom06:37
wolferineLinkCanabico, yes06:37
kalorin_wolferine: any tips I can try06:37
kalorin_wolferine: basically everything I'm reading says it should wrk06:37
wolferinekalenedrael, im helping someone else atm, sorry, have to wait06:37
wolferineStalk3r, its fine06:37
Lynouretony_: Some scanners do not have specs available and use closed protocol of their own, so they are very hard to support.06:37
wolferineStalk3r, so does it read, universe, multiverse, etc, next to ?06:38
=== Stalk3r nods
wolferinewhen you run the sudo aptitude update?06:38
tony_my model: http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl?manu=canon&model=8400f&bus=usb&v=&p= ....so am i totally out of luck?06:38
wolferineso what sites does it appear to not access correctly?06:38
Stalk3rall of them06:39
wolferinetony_, check on the forums already?06:39
Stalk3reach site has the same IP of
wolferineStalk3r, do you have a router?06:39
wolferineStalk3r, do this,06:39
tony_wolferine, no, you mean the sane forums? i'll check, thanks06:39
ltcrypto: sec at work06:39
wolferineStalk3r, power off your system, your router, and your modem06:39
cryptook np, I'll wait06:39
wolferineStalk3r, next, start up your modem, waiting for it to get online06:39
wolferineStalk3r, next, power up the router, waiting, then your system06:40
Stalk3rthen the router, then my system, right?06:40
wolferinethat should hopefully get you online06:40
=== Stalk3r nods
Lynouretony_: pretty much if the sane site says it is unsupported, it truly is. So the best bet to get it working would be donating it to Sane backend team :\06:40
Stalk3rI'll try that06:40
wolferinetony_, the ubuntu forums06:40
=== Stalk3r waves
Lynouretony_: or contacting the manufacturer and pressing them to release the specs06:40
tony_wolferine, will i get it back if i donated? lol06:41
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tarelerulzHow do you tell if synaptic crashed06:41
kalorin_I wonder if I need to reboot to have the kernel see the new scanner modules06:42
kalorin_or something such06:42
Lynouretony_: if you meant that to me and not wolferine, ask them :)  I'm not involved with Sane, just a long term user.06:42
wolferineok, kalorin_ whats the issue?06:42
kalorin_well I have a colorado 19200 usb scanner06:42
wolferinelsusb please06:43
tony_Lynoure, to anyone. i just bought it last month and not ready to give it up just yet. i'm a cheapass and i love my hardware ;)06:43
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kalorin_if I do the sane-find-scanners deal, it finds it06:43
wolferinetony_, can you return it?06:43
Lynouretony_: that's why I check for compability before buying...06:43
kalorin_Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0461:0360 Primax Electronics, Ltd Colorado 19200 Scanner06:43
kalorin_there it is06:43
wolferinekalorin_, ok, and you are running what app?06:43
wolferineto scan06:43
kalorin_found USB scanner (vendor=0x0461 [Primax] , product=0x0360 [Colorado USB 19200] ) at libusb:001:00906:44
kalorin_I would be fine running _ANY_ app that would see the scanner at this point06:44
kalorin_none of them are seeing the device06:44
wolferineso xsane installed?06:44
kalorin_well the package is06:44
wolferinek, open the package man. and install06:44
ltcrypto: sorry about that, k at what point do things start straying for you with this doc?06:44
wolferinenow can you open xsane?06:44
tony_wolferine, i doubt it. it fell against the wall and has paint scratching on the top. but last month, i wasn't as big a linux user though06:45
kalorin_I don't have an xsane command06:45
wolferineand it sees a device?06:45
kalorin_I have xscanimage06:45
kalorin_but no xsane is found on my system06:45
wolferinetony_, if its Walmart they would take it :P06:45
tony_wolferine, no, newegg06:45
cryptowell I have a Gateway,and somehow my card is listed as a Broadcom Dell 1390, so I followed the steps from the link and it didnt work06:45
wolferinekalorin_, can you install it then?06:45
_Low_KeyDaSkreech_: any suggestions?06:45
kalorin_the package shows installed06:45
wolferineor you want to use those others?06:45
kalorin_I think06:45
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DaSkreech__Low_Key: A) keep a windows partition handy06:46
kalorin_sorry second06:46
ltcrypto: so no errors with the howto, it just didnt work after you were done, right?06:46
kalorin_installing now06:46
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kalorin_common was not the package itself06:46
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DaSkreech_b) look into getting VS installed on Linux You can join irc.gnome.org and hop into #mono06:46
DaSkreech_ they would be the greatest help06:46
kalorin_I run it, it says no devices were found06:47
cryptoI blacklisted the default driver and somehow it says that I have it as an alternative06:47
Stalk3rwolferine:  didn't work06:47
kalorin_I run it sudo and same same06:47
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Stalk3rguess I should have mentioned that I'm not a DHCP client06:47
wolferineStalk3r, oh06:47
Tired_I'm having a bit of culture shock trying to troubleshoot things.  Can anyone recommend some reading on how to find logs and info in Kubuntu?06:47
DaSkreech__Low_Key: Oh Bookmark that room. largest friendly store of .NET knowledge you are likely to find06:47
cryptowhen I installed kubuntu the driver was listed but couldnt connect, so now I only have the ethernet showing n now wireless06:47
wolferineStalk3r, well, I am a bit tired, im gonna have to pass06:47
=== Stalk3r nods
wolferineStalk3r, sorry, and gl06:47
=== Dezine [i=Dezine@c-71-61-194-164.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
DaSkreech__Low_Key: and start reading up on mono docs06:47
Stalk3rthanks anyway06:47
=== darksinthe [n=darksint@66-188-41-123.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
_Low_Keywhat is mono?06:48
kalorin_so sane seems to see it if I'm root, xsane says it doesn't06:48
=== Dezine hello ladieees
=== Dezine I kiD
kalorin_would on earth would cause that?06:48
ltcrypto: have you reboot since you did, sudo modprobe ndiswrapper?06:48
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DaSkreech__Low_Key: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mono_%28software%2906:48
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Tired_I'm sorta used to MMC, and I'm feeling kinda lost now.06:49
ltcrypto: when you do lsmod, do you see ndiswrapper in there?06:49
ltcrypto: when you do, sudo iwlist scanning, do you see anything?06:51
Tired_For example, KTorrent recently started hard-locking my system, and I would kinda like to track down the why.06:51
kalorin_ok wolferine, how would I tell which device this should be then with Sane?06:51
Tired_But ideally, I'd like to learn how to do it when any program starts messing up.06:51
_Low_KeyDaSkreech_, thanks, but, I just want to get my homework done as quickly as possible. Im not a programmer at all. I just need the thing to work :)06:52
DaSkreech__Low_Key: install mono06:52
DaSkreech_should be enough for you to get away with it06:52
cryptowhat do I have to do? "sudo iwlist"?06:52
_Low_KeyDoes it do C++?06:52
wolferinekalorin_, its installed?06:52
ltcrypto: "sudo iwlist scanning"06:53
wolferinekalorin_, can you start it up?06:53
DaSkreech__Low_Key: sure does06:53
kalorin_and I was going to go look at the /etc/sane.d stuff06:53
kalorin_and see about finding a conf file for it06:53
kalorin_it says it can't find anything06:53
wolferinekalorin_, fire it up06:53
wolferinedo this then06:53
kalorin_as root or not06:53
cryptolo        Interface doesn't support scanning.06:53
cryptoeth0      Interface doesn't support scanning06:53
kalorin_"not devices found"06:53
wolferinesudo sane-find-scanner06:53
cryptothats wat is says06:53
wolferinewill give you the libusb06:53
ltcrypto: k06:53
kalorin_found USB scanner06:53
kalorin_blah blah blah06:53
wolferineso do: xsane libusb:00*:00*06:54
ltcrypto: when you do a "lspci" you should see your wifi card in there, what does it identify it as?06:54
wolferinewhen xsane starts up with that scanner, you want to save that setup in xsane06:54
crypto Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PC06:54
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kalorin_Failed to open device `libusb:001:009' invalid argument06:54
kalorin_big red X06:55
crypton I have a GAteway06:55
ltcrypto: k06:55
wolferinei didnt something else06:55
wolferineone sec06:55
kalorin_in /etc/sane.d the hex code is in the genesys.conf file06:55
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kalorin_but it doesn't list that colorado one for some reason06:56
kalorin_go figure06:56
wolferinekalorin_, whatsa your lsusb?06:56
wolferinejust the one line06:56
kalorin_Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0461:0360 Primax Electronics, Ltd Colorado 19200 Scanner06:57
wolferine scanimage -L06:58
wolferinethis should list your device06:58
kalorin_No scanners were identified.06:58
wolferinepaste it here06:58
kalorin_that's what I was saying it's like 1/2 found06:58
kalorin_really odd06:58
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kalorin_let me unplug it for a minute and plug it back in and see if it helps it any06:59
wolferineclosed xsane?06:59
wolferineyeah, give it a restart, lets see what happens06:59
kalorin_ok it's restarted06:59
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kalorin_same result07:00
kalorin_sane-find-scanner shows it07:00
kalorin_scanimage -L no07:00
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kalorin_and I did see in /var/log/messages that it'd seen a USB device plugged in07:00
kalorin_with the right time stamp07:00
wolferineits just scanimage inst recognizng it07:01
wolferineso you want to start there07:01
wolferinei have to hit the hay07:01
wolferinework tmr....07:01
kalorin_thanks man07:01
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yuri_question to any digikam users, did you find out if it is possible to batch edit IPTC info?07:07
reldruhhi. I just upgraded to feisty, did a clean install and everything. Usually getting DVD playback is no problem but I can't seem to get it working this time around. Whenever I try in kaffeine i get the error message: "No plugin found to handle this resource (dvd:///dev/scd0)"07:08
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:09
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kalorin_and well ther eou go07:10
_Low_KeyDaSkreech_: any suggested additional packages?07:10
kalorin_install the windows drivers and off to the scanning races :A(07:10
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DaSkreech__Low_Key: Umm. there was a sharpdevelop or monodevelop I think07:12
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reldruhDaSkreech_: I've actually been through that guide with no luck. That's how I usually get dvd playback installed. It isn't working on feisty for some reason07:14
ltcrypto: still lookin just work keepin me busy07:14
LinkCanabicoHi anyone intrested in testing a opengl joystic program i have just finished coding it on fedora and would like to know if it works on kubuntu07:14
DaSkreech_reldruh: You got the medibuntu repos ?07:14
cryptonp bro, thanks for looking, I'm still trying to see if I can do something07:15
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cabajgtrHow do I force ownership and permissions on a directory (ie always chmod 666, regardless of who creates files)?07:20
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mat1980cabajgtr, use umask07:20
DaSkreech_or superbit it07:21
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dsmith_so has anyone upgraded from edgy to fiesty successfully?07:21
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starzso xmms + feisty = no volume control from xmms.... how can i fix this?????????07:22
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starzo gawd07:24
dugIm trying to build my collection database in amarok off my windows hdd, i have it shared via samba, but amarok will not complete, it goes to 94% then just stops. I've looked in the amarok files, and see my songlists there, but it will not load them. Any ideas, or tutorials that i can follow. I've googled as much as I can, but cant find the right keywords, not to sure what tree i should bark up.07:24
starzthat was stupid... just had to adjust in alsa plugin configure properties from pcm to master - the name of it changed across distros or something07:25
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cabajgtrMat, if i put umask at the top of a bash script, will it affect all file creation following?07:26
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cabajgtrI think I get what it does, just not how it is applied07:26
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mat1980cabajgtr, I guess it will affect all file created, not only the one created by your script07:28
mat1980cabajgtr, to set all files to 666 use umask 111 directory07:29
cabajgtrso it will assign to a directory? does it affect all users?07:30
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mat1980maybe I could be misunderstood, it will change mask only to files that will created.07:30
MilhousePunkRockGood morning everyone!07:30
mat1980yes, it will affect all users07:30
ltcrypto: k sorry about that, long call ><.  To be honest I was hopin your wifi problem would have been like the uphill battle i had with mine07:31
DaSkreech_MilhousePunkRock: yo07:31
ltcrypto: but when it comes to ndiswrapper im pretty clueless07:31
cabajgtrexcellent, it seems to be working07:31
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MilhousePunkRockSince upgrading to Feisty, my sound does not work anymore. Already did this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=418360 No avail07:31
ltcrypto: i was under the assumption that when you modprobe the ndiswrapper, it would start your wlan0 iface, which it didnt07:32
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mat1980not at all! ;)07:33
ltcrypto: makes you wonder if the ndiswrapper worked? or if it worked but there is some other step missing07:33
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ltcrypto: how many times did you have to run the, "sudo make uninstall"?07:34
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ltcrypto: did you just run it once?07:34
cryptoI've done it a couple of times n this is what I get07:37
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cryptomake: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.07:37
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mat1980crypto, do you run 'make uninstall' from the source directory of ndiswrapper?07:41
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Dodger73hi all07:42
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SubOnehow do i find out which sound driver im using?07:42
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Dodger73i've got trouble getting quicktime video to work in firefox on feisty07:43
cryptoI dont know how  to07:44
ltcrypto: can you link that doc again, had to shutdown my vncsession and i lost that link07:45
GWillakersDodger: what have you tried07:45
Dodger73reinstalling the mozilla-mplayer plugin :)07:45
GWillakersis it supposed to have quicktime support?07:45
DaSkreech_!quicktime | Dodger7307:45
ubotuDodger73: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:45
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Stalk3rdoes anyone know why my apt-get tries to connect to IP for all repositories?07:46
Dodger73i'll try that, thanks :)07:46
kalorin_what's the name of the cpu/memory graph thing that lives in your K menu?07:47
ltcrypto: that `make uninstall`, has to be run where you extracted the ndiswrapper07:47
DaSkreech_Ksysguard ?07:47
ltcrypto: i dont know if you saw that part right below it, where you have to run that until it says no files or directories found07:48
Stalk3rI mean it says 0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com (] 07:48
cryptoyeah but I get the messages that I told u07:48
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ltcrypto: thats when i had to restart my vncserver so i didnt see the msg07:49
kalorin_DaSkreech_ yeah it's disappeared from the list of applets that I can put back on the menu07:49
cryptohow do I do that?07:49
ltcrypto: ah okkies07:50
DaSkreech_Not sure07:50
ltcrypto: when you downloaded the ndiswrapper, the steps had you extract it07:50
_Low_KeyDaSkreech, I got all that stuff installed. Is it a plugin, or a full interface?07:51
ltcrypto: do this, `locate ndiswrapper-1.41`07:51
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ltcrypto: okkies go to that dir in a terminal, and do the `sudo make uninstall` run that till it returns `no files or directories`07:53
Stalk3rI'm running Dapper, my eth0 is configured properly for a static IP and I'm using it to talk here with Konversation, I can run konqueror and browse anywhere I want, I can use Kopete to chat but I can't use apt-get, firefox and adept wouldn't connect to the internet, and I get that IP address error when I try and reinstall them with apt-get07:53
cryptoNOTE: Not all installed files are removed, as different distributions install ndiswrapper files at different places.07:53
cryptoRun uninstall as many times as necessary until no "removing" messages appear below.07:53
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ltcrypto: okkies just run the `sudo make uninstall`, till you dont see the "removing" after that note07:55
ltstalk3r: i had a issue like that, but it was because i had a 2 connections, do you have another interface besides eth0?07:56
ltstalk3r: if you do `ifconfig`, you should just see eth0 and lo, right?07:57
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cryptobro how many times I'm suppoes to do that? its still saying the same07:57
ltcrypto: is it still saying 'removing' after that note you posted? or are you just getting that note?07:58
cryptoI'm just getting that note07:58
ltcrypto: okkies you dont have to run it anymore then07:59
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ltcrypto: try following that link you posted, after the `sudo make uninstall`07:59
bumzohi good people of kubuntu07:59
bumzonow ... how do i format my external HDD ???08:00
ltcrypto: also do a `sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper`08:00
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cryptowhen? after I'm done?08:00
ltcrypto: now will work08:01
cryptowhen do I type that?08:01
cryptoafter sudo make install?08:01
ltcrypto: sure08:01
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ltcrypto: just need to remove the driver from the kernel before you insert it again08:02
Stalk3rI fixed it08:02
cryptohow do I do that>08:02
ltstalk3r: wewts, what did you do?08:02
Stalk3rI removed my dsl router from my list of DNS servers and it's working fine.08:02
ltstalk3r: lol nice08:02
Stalk3rthanks, g'night08:02
ltcrypto: just type in what i typed08:03
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cryptoI did08:03
ltcrypto: `sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper`08:03
EndlerAnyone running VirtualBox with an NVidia card?  VB works great under Kubuntu, but VB doesn't detect my 7600GS card, so I can only run a virtual windows machine at 800x600 with vanilla VGA driver.08:03
=== kalorin_ learns more tonight
ltcrypto: k then just keep followin the steps08:03
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kalorin_endler: vmware08:03
kalorin_ok nighty08:04
kalorin_2am, crazy08:04
EndlerWhy?   Does VB have known problems with NVidia cards, or something, because other than that, VB is running very smoothly and problem free.08:04
ltcrypto: brb smoke break08:05
bumzoi need help here .... heloo08:05
kalorin_vmware just works, it's free08:05
kalorin_not sure about vb08:05
EndlerAnd so is VirtualBox.08:05
kalorin_are you expecting to do FPS or something on it?08:06
bumzohow do i format a HDD08:07
EndlerI'm not going anything super graphics intensive; I just want to get my full resolution.  My screen is 1600x1200, so a little 800x600 window kind of sucks.08:07
cryptolt: after I do: "sudo ndiswrapper -l" this is what I get:08:08
cryptobcmwl6 : driver installed08:08
crypto        device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)08:08
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kalorin_endler, with vmware, i just set it to minimum size, run it, and use rdesktop to go to the machine and set htat desktop to whatever size i want08:08
kalorin_rdesktop if faster to update than the vmware server window08:08
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kalorin_ok nighty08:09
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ltcrypto: thats fine for now since its using the bcmwl6 right now08:10
EndlerOK, I think you can do that with VB too.   Seems a bit convoluted though, when you're actually on the same machine. :)08:11
cryptoyeah but on the forum it says, "you should see a message that says driver present, hardware detected"08:11
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kalorin_yeah kind of08:12
cryptoI did a iwlist scanning and got the same08:13
kalorin_but you can set the rdesktop size to say 3200x1024 which is really nice with some of the lame windowz apps I have to use08:13
ltcrypto: k08:13
kalorin_that break if you span monitors witht hem08:13
kalorin_this way it doesn't know it's spanning08:13
ltcrypto: lets go back some steps, do the `sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper`08:13
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ltcrypto: then the `sudo make uninstall` till you just see the note msg08:14
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EndlerFor remote sessions on actual remote machines, I'm used to using NX, which is amazingly fast, so I haven't been using any other remote clients/servers.08:14
ltcrypto: after that do `sudo echo blacklist bcm43xx >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist`08:14
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ltendler: been thinkin about switchen to NX, since vnc and fieste gnome, has a nasty bug ><08:15
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cryptowait I forgot the directory of ndiswrapper08:15
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EndlerIt is unbelievable how fast NX is compared to others.  You almost feel like you're sitting in front of the machine if you have a decent Internet connection on both ends.08:17
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EndlerIt couldn't be easier installing on Kubuntu, either.08:17
dac_? how big is NX08:18
EndlerNot very big.08:18
dac_downloadable from where?08:19
EndlerIt channels everything through SSH08:19
ltendler: was there a site you used for a install walk through you could link?08:19
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EndlerJust download the Linux client, node, and server packages from nomachines.com.08:20
Endlerand install them in that order.08:20
EndlerIf you have gdebi installed.08:20
cryptoPermission denied08:20
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EndlerIt's just one click, two clicks, three clicks, and you're done.  :)08:20
EndlerOn the server side.08:21
EndlerOn the client side you only need to install the client.08:21
EndlerMake sure you have SSH working first though.08:21
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flowingfireHi can anybody help me with printing?08:23
flowingfireAnybody around?08:25
flowingfirehmm...... /join ubuntu08:25
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ltflowingfire: havent done much with printing, sorry08:26
hitmanWillyok, back now, NFS troubles w/ the lappy08:27
flowingfirethanks anyway lt... :) you're the only one to have responded thus far. :)08:27
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hitmanWillyflowingfire: what's the problem?08:27
flowingfireHi hitman willy08:28
flowingfireUmm.. Well, I printed a test page okay, but when I try to print from an application like Abiword08:28
flowingfireit doesn't print08:28
flowingfireI guess I don't know how to navigate this08:28
ltflowingfire: kicking it works well08:28
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flowingfirelol 1t!08:28
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hitmanWillyflowingfire: is kde set up for the printer?08:29
flowingfireYep.  I have my HP PSC 1600 printer set up as the default printer08:29
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hitmanWillyflowingfire: you may need to set up your non-kde apps as well, ie thru gnome's print system08:30
flowingfireHmm.... Like, log on as gnome and set up the printer there too?08:30
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hitmanWillyflowingfire: if you have gnome, then yes08:31
flowingfirethe KDE printers thing shows my printer with 3 pending jobs.. it's just not printing them. lol08:31
flowingfireIt says state: stopped: job-stopped08:31
hitmanWillyflowingfire: hmm...can you restart the job?08:31
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flowingfireI just clicked resume on one of them and it did nothing08:32
flowingfireBut it'll print a test page!08:32
hitmanWillywell, clear them out right quick and try setting up in gnome as well08:32
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flowingfireOk...Thanks. :)  I'll come back as soon as I'm done w/ that. :)08:32
hitmanWillyflowingfire: that's because the driver talks straight to the printer on that one08:32
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igawhy i can't install automatix2?08:33
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hitmanWillyiga: that's a blessing in disguise...automatix breaks things08:34
mcrandelloHow can I make the following message go away: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lfreeglut08:34
hitmanWillyiga: anything automatix does for you can be done safer thru other methods08:34
mcrandelloI've installed every glut dev package in the repos08:34
igahitmanWilly: what methods?08:35
hitmanWillyiga: well, what do you want specifically? flash? mp3? dvd?08:35
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igasome programming toolz08:36
igasome programming tools08:36
hitmanWillyiga: ok, first install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, that takes care of mp3 and flash08:37
hitmanWilly!dvd | iga08:37
ubotuiga: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:37
Endlerflowingfire, You might want to try setting/configuring cups directly via it's web page interface (localhost:631).08:37
LinkCanabicomcrandello also install freeglut and freeglut-devel08:37
hitmanWilly!restricted | iga08:37
ubotuiga: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:37
mcrandelloLinkCanabico: freeglut3-dev et all are already installed08:38
emonkey-pubuntu-restricted-extras is a good package too08:38
hitmanWillyiga: you can add skype through add/remove in the menu08:38
igaok, thanx.  what about rar files?08:38
LinkCanabicoare they linked corectly08:38
hitmanWillyiga: there's a couple progs to do it, unrar and unrar-free iirc08:39
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mcrandelloLinkCanabico: I don't know how to determine that08:39
mcrandelloLinkCanabico: running ld -lfreeglut gives the same error08:39
hitmanWillyiga: plus i think ark does it natively08:40
mcrandellothe configuration file is running "gcc -o conftest -g -O2    conftest.c -lfreeglut  -lSM -lICE" etc08:40
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LinkCanabicosorry no more ideas can you tell me the context were i hapens08:40
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mcrandellotrying to run a configuration program for the program "makehuman"08:41
zaybdoes anybody know if this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html#dvdplayback is up to date for feisty?08:41
flowingfireOk... Gnome looks like it's set up to print as well as KDE already08:41
LinkCanabicosorry no idea gl08:41
igahitmanWilly: now i've been watching for skype in add/remove but i dont see it08:42
mcrandelloI figured it was a problem perhaps with the program since it was from CVS and sometimes you get wacky stuff08:42
LinkCanabicolet me check on my box08:42
mcrandellobut checking around the web ld should be able to find freeglut if it and its dev package are on there08:42
mcrandelloat least I'm led to beleive08:42
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flowingfireOkay... I just successfully printed.... Huh.... I didn't do anything in particular in gnome.... Ahh well, problem solved108:43
hitmanWilly!skype | iga08:43
ubotuiga: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:43
mcrandellothanks for hte help btw LinkCanabico08:43
B4Canybody using conexant modems?08:43
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igaok thanx08:43
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LinkCanabicook now i have a cuestion. on kdevelop how do i kreate a tar file with the source makefile and configure?08:44
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hitmanWillyiga: i know its a pita to get all of this individually, but ive seen automatix seriously bork some systems08:46
WillLuongoHello, this might sound like a dumb question, but is there a way to start an application in a command prompt and have it stay open after the command prompt (or ssh) is closed?08:46
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flowingfireHmm... My printer printed two things I tried... Now it randomly decided to not work anymore.08:46
igahitmanWilly: oh.. i see, thanx for helping me08:47
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hitmanWillyiga: np :)08:47
flowingfirehitman Willy: I tried what u said, and I printed two things successfully.  But now it's doing the same thing as before for no good reason.08:48
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hitmanWillyiga: just set up kubuntu on my lappy and had to set most of this up again08:48
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hitmanWillyok, bye all...sleep is calling me08:49
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mcrandelloLinkCanabico: you mean after you create a project how to you make it into a tarball?08:52
LinkCanabicomcrandello yes exactly08:52
mcrandellofrom playing around with it it looks like it already has all the subdirs etc in the proper place so from the directory above the project...08:52
mcrandellotar -cxvf foo.tar.gz foo/08:52
mcrandellowhere foo is the project name08:53
mcrandellotar -czvf08:53
mcrandellox is for Xtract z is for Zip, keep getting those two confused08:53
LinkCanabicoyes but the makefiles of kadevelop have a problem if you copy them into another dir08:54
zaybis there something wrong with kaffeine in feisty that stops it from playing encrypted dvd's at all? I've tried the ubuntu guide, the guide at ubuntuguide.org and added the medibuntu repositories; still getting the same error message08:55
mcrandellothey explicitly list the full path instead of relative?08:55
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LinkCanabicoyes its the full path08:55
LinkCanabicosrcdir = /home/patrick/Code/opengl_svn/src08:56
LinkCanabicotop_srcdir = /home/patrick/Code/opengl_svn08:56
LinkCanabicoand i dont want to edit them by hand08:56
mcrandellowhat an unhelpful setting!08:56
LinkCanabicoany idea?08:57
mcrandellothere has to be something08:57
LinkCanabicoit has an option build pakege but tere it has some files missing08:58
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mcrandelloLinkCanabico: There's always the project-wide text search-replace function :V09:04
LinkCanabicoyes ist what im using but :-/09:05
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mcrandelloLinkCanabico: look in "Project->Project Options"09:09
mcrandelloin the general category make sure it says relative09:10
mcrandelloto project file09:10
LinkCanabicomcrandello about makehuman the CVS is broken09:10
mcrandelloshould have figured as much, considering the release cycles09:11
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LinkCanabicoit alredy is on relative i will trie it the other way mabye the translator skrued up09:12
mcrandelloI was actually hoping on an OS bug though for an easy workaround. That configure script scares the bejeesus out of me09:13
mcrandelloguess I can rm all those symlinks I made then09:14
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LinkCanabicomcrandello i found a way i cd to the hiest dir in the project and make dist09:19
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mcrandellotidies everything up and creates a tarball right there?09:20
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LinkCanabicoyes it is wonderful09:23
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froudAfter dist-upgrade edgy to fiesty my wireless adapter, that was working, is no longer. Anyone got any pointers on the problem?09:25
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mcrandellofroud this is a long shot but if you have a cheap laptop with an ATIIXP chipset and a 200m card you may have to get the video card set up before the wireless or usb will work right09:27
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froudmcrandello: the pcmcia card worked on edgy, what changed09:29
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ericssonWhich codecs to I need to watch standard DVD's in Kaffeine?09:29
mcrandelloLinkCanabico: I'll have to take a look at kdevelop, if they get qt-jambi in the 4 release I'll probably try to re-learn java again09:29
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mcrandellofroud: is it even being detected?09:30
iwakuraim back again :P09:30
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froudmcrandello: yes it is09:30
iwakuraim having trouble setting up i8k09:30
iwakurathe fan is working nonstop ...09:31
mcrandellofroud: from a konsole try "cat /proc/interrupts" and see if there's anything sharing the irq09:31
mcrandellofrom my own limited experience my wireless always has problems when sharing an irq and the other device isn't working09:32
iwakurai installed i8kutils and this is what i get when i try to run i8kbuttons, i8kctl or anything09:32
mcrandelloor working *properly*09:32
iwakuracat: /proc/i8k: Fiel or directory doesn't exists09:32
iwakurawhat can i do ?09:34
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froudmcrandello: sec just rebooting09:35
iwakuraim using kubuntu 7.0409:35
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froudmcrandello: it's on it's own interupt09:37
mcrandello:( I'm pretty much useless then09:38
mcrandellowhat kind of card, error message you getting?09:39
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froudmcrandello: no worries, I will hack on. I see Wireless Lan assistant does see the card09:39
froudand the network09:39
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dac_Iwakura, did you just recently install kubuntu 7.04?09:40
EndlerI figured out my problem.  After you get a Windows virtual machine set up, there is an extra iso extra image you can mount to install extras in Windows to support higher resolutions. :)09:40
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mcrandellogood luck froud. Thanks again for the help LinkCanabico. Gnight all09:41
iwakuradac_: i installed yesterday .. to be exact09:41
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dac_ok, Iwonder if I could download same here?09:42
iwakuradac_: and installed i8kutils .... but i get that nonexisting file error ....09:42
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dac_I'm not smart enough to help you :009:43
dac_got to get it right.09:44
Sesshoumaruanybody know virtual cdrom software09:44
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mat1980hi, I have setted up the essid of wifi network to make my system connect to it at start up09:45
mat1980but now I can't view the graph of wifi power. How should I do to make it show again?09:46
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Sesshoumarunetwork manager09:47
Sesshoumarui don't know :P09:47
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mat1980knetworkmanager applet is still running, but it has the icon of the cable network...09:48
mat1980and don't show me the wifi network available anymore...09:49
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blackflag!kernel header09:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel header - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:52
blackflagWhere Can I get the kernel-header for feisty?09:53
mat1980blackflag, with synaptic...09:54
blackflagyes, but there are no kernel headers09:55
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ardchoilleHow often do I need to do 'sudo apt-get update'? Is that only for when the package lists change on the repo side? How often is that?09:58
mat1980blackflag, look for linux-headers. In my system they are already installed. I guess they are installed by default.09:58
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iwakurai8k anyone ?09:59
jussi01!headers | blackflag09:59
ubotublackflag: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages09:59
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morpheusanybody any experience of setting up a kubuntu cluster?10:02
mat1980ubotu & blackflag, it could be better install linux-headers-geniric (if you use the generic kernel) so that it will kept uptodate. But it should already be installed.10:03
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blackflagokay thanks! :) I have to install the llinux-headers10:04
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iwakurahow do i get i8k to work ?10:04
slooowthe prepare partions part of the 7.04 installer is SOOOOO SLOOOOW10:05
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slooowwtf does "scanning disks..." mean, anyway?10:05
lupulhi everybod. what can i do to stop an error in k3b? it always says that i  have to cut media descriptor in joliet tree10:05
lupulbecause filesystem names are too long10:06
lupulthe edgy k3b was better10:06
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slooow... ubiquity is using 99% of my cpu10:07
slooowand the installer isn't doing anything10:08
sloooware there logs10:08
dettohow can I give my user (not root) write access to a directory?10:09
slooowdetto: chown your_user directory/; chmod u+w directory/10:09
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slooowthe ubuntu installer scares teh shit out of me.  why is ntfsresize running in the background?!10:11
mat1980iwakura, modprobe i8k10:12
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iwakuraFATAL: Error inserting i8k (/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/char/i8k.ko): No such device10:13
mat1980iwakura, did you do it with root priviledge? maybe "sudo modprobe i8k" works10:14
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iwakuramat1980:  nop, exactly the same10:15
iwakurashould i install kernel source before installing i8kutils?10:16
iwakurai installed using adept ...10:17
mat1980iwakura, no you don't need kernel sources10:17
iwakurathen i dont know wtf i did wrong :(10:17
mat1980maybe, try "sudo update-modules" and then "sudo modprobe i8k"10:17
iwakuranop, i get the same FATAL error10:18
iwakurathe readme says something about making the module and then use insmod with it .....10:18
mat1980iwakura, have you installed all kernel modules? maybe i8k is a restricted module10:18
iwakurabut i dont know if should do that10:19
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iwakuramm i dont .. know .. how do i do that o_O10:19
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mat1980I have just installed i8kutils and they work fine after modprobe i8k. And I have compiled nothing10:21
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MementoMorihi all10:21
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:21
mat1980Did you installed kubunty with fresh install or have you updraded?10:22
iwakurafresh install..10:22
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mat1980uhm... mine is a fresh install too...10:22
mat1980have you linux-restricted-modules installed? maybe that could resolve it.10:24
iwakuranop that i know of10:25
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mat1980iwakyra, I don't understand what you mean... I'm not english...10:25
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iwakuraspanish ?10:26
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iwakurahahaha well...10:26
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:26
mat1980is it funny?10:26
iwakuralet me check if i have linux-restricted..installed10:26
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lupul! flush10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cache - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flush - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
iwakurayeah its   funny .. yo speak italian, i speak spanish but we're talking in english ... ooo globalization .. :P10:27
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lupuldoes anyone know a command to flush the cache?10:27
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iwakuramat1980: yes! i have'em installed10:28
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mat1980what's the output of "locate i8k"? finds something?10:29
iwakuramat1980: let me appear stupid here: should i have installed gkrellm-i8k BESIDES10:29
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mat1980oh... I have installed it. Well... try.10:29
iwakurainstalling ...10:30
iwakuramm still same error10:31
Filthpiglupul, have you tried googling it?10:31
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mat1980iwakura, my "locate i8k" output "/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/char/i8k.ko" at first line. In your system?10:33
iwakuramat1980: noup10:33
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mat1980noup, means nothing?10:34
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iwakurai meant10:34
iwakuramat1980 sorry .. there it is ... my last line ...10:34
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iwakurabut 'i8k' is nowhere to be found10:35
ardchoilleHow often do I need to do 'sudo apt-get update'? Is that only for when the package lists change on the repo side? How often is that?10:35
mat1980well, give output of uname -a10:35
MementoMoriin my system I cant find /etc/apt/preferences.... can I manually create it or there is something to do before........?10:35
mat1980ardchoille, I update once per week, I guess it is enough10:36
ardchoillemat1980: Ok, thank you10:36
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ardchoilleMementoMori: I don't have that either. What prefs are you looking for?10:37
MementoMoriardchoille: I need it to block beryl version10:37
iwakuraLinux navi 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:37
ardchoilleMementoMori: Ah, ok.10:37
mat1980iwakura, are you there? what is the output of uname -a?10:38
iwakuramat1980: Linux navi 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:38
mat1980ehm... sorry...10:38
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iwakuraim getting sleepy ... :(10:40
iwakurafreaking i8k ... :/10:40
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mat1980iwakura, I'm sorry but I have no idea on what to do...10:40
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mat1980I'm late... my girlfriend will hang me up when I will arrive to her...10:41
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iwakurathank for your help anyways10:41
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mat1980That's allright. :)10:42
iwakura:) bye10:42
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eMaXanyone here has problems with vmware and pdflush?10:42
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ardchoilleI'm liking this. I'm glad I switched to Kubuntu.10:46
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FOADHey, I'm trying to set up multimedia keys, but they only seem to work on one of my two screens (I use twinview).  Actually it's a little weirder: they work on the other screen, until I move my mouse cursor onto a window on that other screen.  Then they stop working there.  Help?10:56
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johnny__sorry, LOL getting used to a new client.11:02
johnny__need help with a common issue (I am sure it is)11:02
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johnny__MP3support in amarok11:03
pagjohnny__, install libxine-extracodecs11:03
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nirmalhow can i select my keyboard to a regional language11:06
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pagnirmal, KMenu -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout  if that's what you mean.11:08
ericssonHow can I watch my supernatural episodes in kaffeine player?11:08
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jussi01!restricted | ericsson:11:08
ubotuericsson:: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:08
ericssonjussi01: Been trying to get that medibutu to work, but it won't :/11:09
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_4strOericsson: what's wrong with medibuntu ?11:11
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ericsson_4strO: I only seem to find the package for feisty, but not for edgy (which I'm running at the moment)11:12
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nenemambobuenos das!!!11:13
_4strOericsson: sudo wget http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/sources.list.d/edgy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list11:13
pagericsson, are you sure, that you have edgy's repo?11:13
ericssonpag, looks ok in /etc/apt/sources.list11:14
ericsson_4strO: Done that already, but didn't get anything new when updating11:14
nirmal<pag> i got the language support but how to select the desired keyboard layout11:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:16
pagnirmal, try that path I gave you, it should have layout-settings11:16
nirmalok lemme try11:16
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_4strOericsson: sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg11:17
ericsson_4strO: Take a look at what I got this time around: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18351/11:17
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_4strOericsson: close adept11:17
ericsson_4strO: doh! ;)11:18
ericsson_4strO: can't find that package..11:19
_4strOericsson: ok now ?11:19
_4strOsorry was a feisty one ;)11:19
ericsson_4strO: Thoose are the ones I keep finding :)11:19
_4strOericsson: sudo apt-get install w32codecs11:19
ericsson_4strO: Done that, but I'll give it a go again..11:20
ericsson_4strO: Already newest..11:20
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ericssonIt did work before I upgraded from edgy -> fiesty, it did work after the upgrade but now since I re-formatted and went back to edgy, then it doesn't work anymore..11:21
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sonoftheclayri have a slight changing volume button, up until today the volume controls would control the master volume, but now thye only control pcm. any ideas?11:21
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_4strOericsson: weird11:23
sonoftheclayrand yes, i have changed the global shortcuts in kmix11:23
ericsson_4strO: Yes, it is really weird..Everything looks as if it would work, but it doesn't. Can't play for instance divx encoded (workrelated), .avi or normal DVD's11:24
ericssonSo, would my only solution be to upgrade to feisty again, or what? :)11:25
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Hamm_sandhello?  is there anyhone there?11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libmyodbc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:27
Hamm_sandi cannot figure out why i can't write to my fat32 partition11:27
Hamm_sandi never had this problem with freespire11:27
_4strOericsson: no, it have to work :)11:28
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Hamm_sandi can read it, but i cannot save anything to it11:28
Hamm_sandin root or in my user11:28
Hamm_sandi tried changing permisisons but it is not working11:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
_4strOHamm_sand: is it an automounted partition ?11:29
ericssonHamm_sand: You most likely need ntfs-3g11:30
_4strOericsson: not for fat3211:31
ericsson_4strO: true true, vfat should do it then..11:31
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jussi01!ntfs-3g | ericsson:11:33
ubotuericsson:: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:33
_4strOericsson: did you try to install mplayer ?11:33
_4strOor vlc11:34
ericsson_4strO: I tried VLC and Xine movie player, still no joy11:34
ericsson_4strO: I mean, the players work fine, but there is no picture or sound :)11:34
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Hamm_sandi'm back sry about that11:35
Hamm_sandsomeone responded to me and then i couldn't talk back11:36
pagericsson, do you have w32codecs and libxine-extracodecs installed?11:36
Hamm_sandProblem with writing to an auto-mounted   fat32 partition11:36
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ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell11:36
Hamm_sandne1 that can help me with that"?11:37
_4strOHamm_sand: system settingd / advanced / disk and filesystem11:37
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ericssonpag: Is libxine-extracodes same as libxine1-ffmpeg? I got edgy on this machine right now..11:37
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just-this-timeI see new Knetworkmanager on systray by default on feisty ! koool!11:38
pagericsson, afaik -extracodecs are meant mainy for dapper/edgy11:38
ericssonpag: Ok, I tried running -extracodecs but it refered to -ffmpeg instead11:39
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just-this-timewhat about universe and mutliverse after upgrade frommm edgy to feisty11:39
Hamm_sand4stro  i do not have those options, this is the new distro11:39
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ericssonjust-this-time: Tried that earlier, did make me much happier :)11:39
_4strOHamm_sand: you have !11:39
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Hamm_sand  =(11:40
ericssonI think I'll take the easy way out and simply upgrade to feisty again ;)11:40
pagericsson, could you paste your sources.list to pastebin?11:40
_4strOhamm what dont you find ?11:40
Hamm_sandsystem settings11:40
just-this-time3d effects on feisty ?11:40
ubotuFor help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.11:40
_4strOHamm_sand: your on feisty ?11:40
sonoftheclayrokay, let's try a different approach11:41
Hamm_sandunder system i have Preferences and Administration11:41
Hamm_sandyes feisty11:41
_4strOHamm_sand: in the K menu11:41
sonoftheclayranyone know how i can change what sound (PCM, Master, etc.) that the volume keys on my keyboard control?11:41
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Hamm_sandK menu?11:42
Hamm_sandi have no K menu11:42
Hamm_sandApplications, Places, System11:42
_4strOHamm_sand: kde or gnome ?11:42
pagsonoftheclayr, try rightclicking on kmix's icon in tray and select 'select master channel' it might be there11:42
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_4strO... you're on Kubuntu ... go to #ubuntu11:42
ericssonpag: It's @ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18355/ now11:42
Hamm_sandim' sry11:43
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_4strOHamm_sand: sorry cant help you on gnome11:43
sonoftheclayrpag: no luck, i already tried to set the global shortcut keys, maybe alsa config files?11:43
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pagericsson, uncomment (remove #) lines 26 & 2711:43
ericssonpag: would adding backports help?11:44
sonoftheclayrpag: it's set to master which is what i want it to control but it only controls pcm11:44
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pagsonoftheclayr, sorry, I'm out of ideas :-/11:45
sonoftheclayrpag: thanks anyway11:45
ericssonpag: still same thing after apt-update, apt-upgrade -> no sound, no picture :/11:45
sonoftheclayri'll keep poking about11:45
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jlillyso amarok, amarok-xine, k3d and kaffine want to update, but when I select "request update" via adept.. it says installing it will BREAK the system? Any thoughts?11:46
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ericssonI think it's an evil bug in edgy that forces us to upgrade to feisty...ah...or is that the way Microsoft does things? ;)11:46
pagericsson, have you uncommented those lines? And if you had, did you tire to install -extracodecs again?11:46
ericssonpag: I'll try to remove them and reinstall, then update, upgrade: sounds like a plan?11:47
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pagericsson, could work :)11:47
ericssonbah, still nothing...11:50
sonoftheclayrhmmm good enough i set alt+ctrl +up and +down to control the master channel and the actual volume buttons control pcm, i wouldn't mind it the other way around though11:50
ericssonso...upgrading to feisty again, I guess :)11:50
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pagericsson, wait a sec... I'll post working sources.list on pastebin11:51
just-this-timefeisty is just anmore mature ubuntu11:52
just-this-timeBTW where is beryl ? built-in?11:53
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xushihi all11:53
jlillywhat would cause kmix not to list any mixers?11:53
xushiCan anyone provide me with the docs on how to save all my changes onto USB after using kubuntu ?11:54
xushiis it hard /?11:54
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jlillyI'm trying to get my SoundMAX audio to work in Kubuntu11:54
just-this-timewow beryl is so smooth working out of hte box11:54
jlillyjust-this-time: yea. its sexxy if you're gfx card is happy.11:54
pagericsson, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18356/ try that one11:54
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jlillyjust-this-time: I've had some wonkiness when it doesn't start by default. almost as if it had disabled my default window manager.11:55
just-this-timejlilly: is it good to have it by default ? is nt it too early11:55
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jlillyxushi: it shouldn't be. look up portable home folders11:56
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majnoonstoft: you here ?11:56
jlillyjust-this-time: its not on my computer by default, but for instance.. when I opened up kubuntu 5 min ago, I had no window decorators (titlebars and such)11:56
xushijlilly : is it something already in kubuntu or will i have to install and configure many things ?11:56
jlillyjust-this-time: I started beryl-manager and it works, though.11:56
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jlillyxushi: I know Knoppix had it built in. As kubuntu isn't really used in a live-cd environment, I don't think it will be AS easy, but should be fairly easy in itself.11:57
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just-this-timewhat are other cool effects besides cube and peeping behind window in beryl ?11:57
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jlillyjust-this-time: wiggly windows, water effects...11:58
jlillymy favorite is when you close (or in my case minimize) a window, it looks like it burnt.11:58
majnooni some how goofed up my upgrade bigtime11:59
jlillyxushi: What do you want to save to your USB stick?11:59
majnoonTRYING dpkg --configure -a see if that works11:59
stoftmajnoon: ?11:59
jlillymajnoon: Howso?11:59
ericssonpag: It's running through the updates now..11:59
majnoonstuck without x and it no see my other hard drives for one thing12:00
jlillyxushi: if you ALWAYS plan on having your USB stick with you, you could make your home folder a symbolic link to a usb device..12:00
jlillydunno how well that would work though. I've never done it.12:00
xushicould do, but there are also settings in /etc , etc...12:01
pagericsson, goog.. afterwards you should probably try to install -extracodecs and w32codecs (just type sudo apt-get install, it'll let you know, if you really have those installed)12:01
jlillyIt wouldn't be hard to get all of your settings backed up onto the usb drive, but getting them back off on each run would be difficult.12:01
majnoonTRYING dpkg --configure -a see if that works12:01
ericssonpag: probably a good bet since I removed all codes e.t.c before running through the updates; trying to get fresh packages now..12:02
pagericsson, good luck :)12:03
ericssonpag: Yeah, I'll probably need it, thank's a million for the help mate..12:03
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majnoonstoft: look at bugs.launchpad.net/~nutnut12:04
majnoonthat the START of the trouble12:04
stoftjlilly: xushi: how many writes can you do on a usbstick? if they are limited I would probably stay away from using it as /home regularly12:04
stoftmajnoon: looking now12:05
xushii just want it to load all the diffs from the usb stick, and when i shutdown, it writes them there12:05
xushiwhen i boot, it loads all the diffs again12:05
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stoftmajnoon: ouch.12:05
majnoonthen working on trying to fix the goof up12:06
jlillystoft: true. I know knoppix did a lot of it for home folder information.12:06
majnoongot 6.06 LTS disk here if nec12:06
jlillystoft: and I want to say that the number of writes are in the 300,000 range, but I might be off by an order of magnitude12:07
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zeroXtenlo all12:07
stoftmajnoon: I have no idea what the status of your system is, but I would probably try the manual upgrade and see if that might not fix things. I hope you have backups...12:08
jlillywhat would cause kmix not to list any mixers? I'm trying to get my SoundMAX onboard audio device to work in Kubuntu12:08
zeroXtenhow do I run something like '/usr/bin/myapp --help' in a terminal, from the kde menu? If I don't supply --noclose the terminal disappears as soon as the app has finished, but with --noclose it doesn't go back to the prompt =(12:08
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ericssonpag: still didn't work after that, I've had enough now, I'm jumping on the feisty train again, and hopefully it will work then..12:09
stoftjlilly: 300k doesn't sound insufficient :) that's >800 writes per day with a 1 year lifespan.12:09
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jlillystoft: I bought a 4gb usb stick for $70. I'd be satifisfied with 300k writes.12:09
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pagericsson, quite strage, that those don't work. In what format are you trying to watch videos?12:09
majnoongoing to try a reboot12:10
stoftjlilly: and in a year that stick is going to cost you maybe half? a third? then you can upgrade to double size...12:10
ericssonpag: tried divx encoded, normal .mpeg, .avi even (shrugs) windows files, still nothing..12:11
jlillystoft: as if I even need to. I don't use a third of the stick as it is.12:11
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stoftxushi: not sure how to go about it, not quite in the know, but with udev configuration and a startup/shutdown script you might be able to accomplish what you want.12:11
jlillyI just bought it to increase my epeen12:11
ericssonpag: the players (kaffeine, xine movie player, mplayer e.t.c) all of them seem to jitter on the files, i.e the time bar jumps faster than it should, but I guess it's some thing wrong in the xine engine..12:12
pvandewyngaerdehow do i make a dvd-movie of a mpg i have ?12:12
stoftjlilly: me neither, I use my usbstick about once a month.12:12
pagericsson, strange... very strange. Sorry I couldn't help :-/12:12
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stoftericsson: have you tried vlc?12:12
xushistoft : hmm, this is too difficult.. I mean to me ubuntu/kubuntu seem to be for the newbies who want to try or move to linux, and this is an important feature. To go through all that just to set it up to me defies the purpose of having (k)ubuntu12:13
ericssonpag: No worries mate, you helped me realising how much I don't like codecs ;)12:13
ericssonstoft: Yes, got that one as well, still nothing..12:13
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jlillyxushi: why do you say that? Why exactly do you want to backup all of your settings?12:13
jlillyIs it for portability?12:13
jlillyor is it for archival purposes?12:13
jlillyif you're trying to archive your drive, just: sudo tar -cf fullbackup.tar /12:15
jlillyif you want portability, build a live-cd of Knoppix12:15
stoftericsson: afaik vlc doesn't use the same codecs as mplayer/xine. didn't catch the beginning of the convo so not sure what your problem is, but that would indicate some other problem and not a codec problem12:15
donwhat is Knoppix?12:15
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stoftxushi: what is it you want backup, and what is the volume?12:16
jlillyKnoppix is a debian-based live-cd environment. It comes with open office and such. Doesn't install anything on your HDD, just runs straight from the CD12:16
jlillyCreated by a german professor who put it in machines with no HDD so kids wouldn't break stuff.12:17
donwere can I get it?12:17
jlillywww.knoppix.com -- I think.12:17
ericssonstoft: It's ok, I started updating edgy -> feisty again, hopefully that will take care of the problem..12:17
PhinnFortthat's the engineers site12:17
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jlilly.. or that.12:18
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_3fgso in order to quickly install KDE I should go into Synaptic and install kdelibs?12:19
_3fgI have GNOME right now, but I want to try KDE12:19
sonoftheclayr_3fg: kubuntu-desktop12:19
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majnoonok got x to work12:19
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jlillyanyway, gonna reboot to see if I can fix this stupid sound issue. (ie. the only reason I'm not using kubuntu exclusively)12:20
donI am at konoppix but i dont know how to download files12:20
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_3fgis there any way to make my laptop's touchpad not click every time I touch it?12:20
majnoonstoft, i think mdadm may be causing trouble (but not sure)12:21
stoftmajnoon: congrats :)12:21
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stoftk, not sure what that is...12:21
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xushiargh.. casper-cow doesn't work with 7.0.412:21
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majnoonraid something me think (no raid drives)12:22
zeroXtenhow do I run something like '/usr/bin/myapp --help' in a terminal, from the kde menu? If I don't supply --noclose the terminal disappears as soon as the app has finished, but with --noclose it doesn't go back to the prompt =(12:22
Lynoure_3fg: there is, but I cannot remember the steps. Maybe: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/11/15/fixing-my-alps-touchpad-with-the-synaptics-driver/12:22
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stoftzeroXten: try clicking "options" and chosing "run in terminal window". not sure if that's what you're looking for though.12:26
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stoftout for lunch, later12:27
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_3fgwhat's the difference between gdm and kdm?12:32
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majnoonstoft it looks like they reading drives as scsii12:33
jlillygrrr. still not working :(12:33
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A_Aive been trying to install graphics card drivers for last 3 hours12:34
A_Ai keep getting12:34
A_AERROR: You do not appear to have libc header files installed on your system.12:34
A_A       Please install your distribution's libc development package.12:34
A_Aim using kubuntu12:35
A_Ai thought i had installed the header files but obviously not12:35
mez_After just rebooting Feisty, X Color depth seems way low. Any idea why? What to check?12:35
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payamI have a guestion12:37
payamanybody there?12:37
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A_Aask your question and someone will eventually get back to you12:37
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gholmcan anyone tell me why I can see my SATA drive in Edgy but not in Feisty?12:38
payamI have downloaded IE7from Microsoft and i have wine on my kubuntu how can i unrar this fucking RAR file?12:38
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payamnot from microsoft12:38
payamfrom Rapidshare12:38
PriceChildpayam, watch your language please :)12:38
A_Ay would u want IE in linux ?12:38
PhinnFort!unrar | payam12:38
ubotupayam: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:38
PriceChild!info unrar | payam12:38
ubotupayam: unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1 (feisty), package size 94 kB, installed size 228 kB12:38
PhinnFort!language | payam12:38
ubotupayam: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:38
payamI 'll try12:39
gholmis there anyway to see what driver I'm using to read my SATA drive in Edgy?  I need to know which drive to modprob in Feisty12:39
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_alexHi : I m looking for a ventirad regulator ...12:40
pagA_A, you could try installing libc6-dev it might help you12:40
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gholm can't even tell if anyone can see these posts? anyone?12:41
gholmcan you hear me?12:41
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PhinnFortloud and clear12:43
jlillysound fixed! apparently I can't spell position  *chuckles*12:43
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jlillypotision.. it's entirely TOO 6:43am right now12:43
PhinnFortgholm: lsmod12:43
=== jlilly chuckles.
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gholmPhinnFort: OK will check thanks12:44
_eMaX_when Ubuntu starts, I see some [fail]  messages appear in red color. How can I find out what went wrong? When the graphical login appears, I cannot get back to these messages, as the console looses the scrollback buffer12:44
PhinnFortgholm: also "dmesg | grep sata"12:44
PhinnFort_eMaX_: log viewer is your friend12:44
_eMaX_what is that12:44
mc__can i use amd64 on my Intel Xeon?12:44
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PhinnFort_eMaX_: KSystemLog in the K-MEnu, under System12:45
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_eMaX_PhinnFort: ok information overflow. how can I disable starting kdm for a moment? I'd just like to see the fails scrolling back12:47
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PhinnFort_eMaX_: System Settings -> Advanced -> System Services i think12:48
PhinnFortbut System Services is crap, and you should use KControl;)12:48
PhinnFortwell, it's lagging and unusable here, but see if you can find KDM or XDM there12:50
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PhinnFortKDM, actually12:50
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PhinnFort(something that system intensive shouldn't be implemented in Python, though)12:51
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_3fghow do I enable the Mac-like toolbars?12:53
PhinnFort_3fg: alt+f2, kcontrol search for "behaviour"12:53
PhinnFortthen click on "behaviour"12:53
gholmPhinnFort: is there anyway to downgrade libata?12:54
gholmto the edgy eft version?12:54
PhinnFortgholm: i'm not too terribly familiar with how ubuntu handles this12:54
PhinnForti suspect the libata is part of the kernel packaage12:54
gholmPhinnFort: yes it is12:54
_3fgaha, that did it12:54
_3fgthanks :)12:54
PhinnFortgholm: you could go in manually and fix it12:54
PhinnFort_3fg: you're welcome;)12:55
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gholmPhinnFort: build my own kernel?  heh yeah right12:55
PhinnFortgholm: it's not that hard, actually;)12:55
PhinnFortjust keep your tongue straight:P12:55
_3fgnow to make Opera look nice12:55
PhinnFort_3fg: i don't think it's possible12:55
PhinnFort_3fg: you could skin it, though12:56
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PhinnFortmy.opera.com i think12:56
PhinnFortbut some parts will still look like crap12:56
PhinnFortone of the kde devs tried to convince them to integrate better by re-using parts of KDE, like the widget theme, file dialogs and stuff12:56
_3fgit only looks nice in windows12:56
PhinnFortbut they where going in the other direction12:57
PhinnFortjust use Konqueror;)12:57
_3fgmeh, does it have mouse gestures?12:57
PhinnFortkcontrol -> input actions12:57
_3fgthat's all I need :)12:58
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jlillywhy is it when I attempt to install things (like upgrades for amarok or kaffine or fresh install of vlc) I get errors. It says it will break previously installed packages, but I don't understand why.12:58
PhinnFortselect "konqueror gestures" and tick off the "disable" box12:58
PhinnFortjlilly: how is your sources.list?12:58
jlillyis it perhaps a bit of wierdness with my repositories or something?12:58
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu12:59
jlillyPhinnFort: Good question. It worked for my upgraded...12:59
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:59
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PhinnFort_3fg: you can have voice control in that same KControl module12:59
PhinnFortit's really cool12:59
_3fgI don't have a mic though01:00
PhinnFortme neither:(01:00
tobias_good morning every body01:00
PhinnForti'm planning on buying a bluetooth-based mic thingy01:00
PhinnFort!hi | tobias_01:00
ubotutobias_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:00
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tobias_i think mice are rather nive01:01
tobias_em.. nice01:01
_3fghow can I move the K Menu up to the Mac-like toolbar?01:01
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PhinnFort_3fg: i'm not really sure...01:02
_3fgor is that bar not customizable01:02
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PhinnFort_3fg: maybe ask in #kde01:02
gholmPhinnFort: got any good howto links on a kernel upgrade?01:02
PhinnFortgholm: search for the master kernel thread on ubuntuforums.org01:03
tobias_can i upgrade kubuntu 6.10 to kubuntu 7.04 ?01:03
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ubotuKubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Kubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php01:03
tobias_7.04 ist feisty ??01:03
LjL_3fg: yes it is01:03
tobias_nice ;)01:04
LjL_3fg: http://ljl.byethost14.com/annotatedkde.png01:04
LjL_3fg: i just right-click on the menubar and "Add applet", does that not work for you?01:04
_3fgheheh, just like that01:04
tobias_ is kubuntu 7.04 a stable version ?01:05
LjLtobias_: yes01:05
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tobias_i am going to upgrade now01:05
PhinnFortas in good luck have fun01:05
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_3fgwhy don't page up/down scroll up and down on images in Konqueror01:06
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PhinnFort_3fg: i think you need to enable it in gwenview settings01:07
PhinnFortalt+f2 -> gwenview -> settings01:07
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tobias_wow - what a incredible system - it can read my mind - i wanted to update - i clicked no key, but a dialog came, which wanted, that i upgrade my kubuntu :-)01:10
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roguejedixHey, can anyone take a look at my problem I posted on ubuntu forums? I can't seem to get a reply from anyone01:11
PhinnFortroguejedix: link?01:11
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jlillyanyone using kickoff currently?01:12
PhinnFortroguejedix: try going to "media:/"01:12
PhinnFortjlilly: i would be, if the source would compile01:12
=== jlilly chuckles.
jlillyjust wondering how its search function compares to vista01:12
roguejedixPhinnFort: Done. Can only see my HDDs and floppy01:12
jlillywhich is my favorite feature of vista as of yet01:12
PhinnFortjlilly: i dunno what it uses01:12
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PhinnFortjlilly: probably beagle, which is better than vista's, afaik01:12
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A_Awhere is kib ?01:13
PhinnFortjlilly: KDE 4 is supposed to have semantic search, which is really, really cool01:13
jlillysucks that there isn't a deb. in my repositories for kickoff yet :-/01:13
jlillyPhinnFort: KDE4's eta?01:13
PhinnFortsometime in 200701:13
PhinnFortfor 4.001:13
=== jlilly nods.
PhinnFortwhich isn't really feature complete01:13
_3fghow to I access kcontrol?01:14
PhinnFort4.1 will be the "real" release, afaik01:14
PhinnFort_3fg: alt+f2 type in "kcontrol" and hit enter01:14
epimethsoooo.... KFTPgrabber or Kasablanca?01:14
epimethscreenshots pull me to the former, name to the latter... what do you guys suggest / prefer?01:14
PhinnFortepimeth: konqueror01:14
jlillyis alt+f2 the shortcut to run program?01:14
PhinnFortjlilly: yeah01:15
jlilly:( not working for me.01:15
PhinnFortepimeth: although I use dolphin01:15
roguejedixWonder why CDs work fine and DVDs don't01:16
PhinnFortroguejedix: how about a "ls -l /media"?01:16
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PhinnFort!paste | roguejedix01:16
uboturoguejedix: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:16
roguejedixJust a sec01:16
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PhinnFortis the dvd in the drive now?01:21
Tm_TPhinnFort: jlilly: 4.0 is planned to be relased late autumn01:22
PhinnFortTm_T: late 2007;)01:22
Tm_Tactually I can give you date01:23
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PhinnFortTm_T: i doubt it won't be changed01:23
jlillyWhy would I get this when I'm root?     --     bash: kill: (7142) - Operation not permitted01:23
PhinnFortroguejedix: can you paste the output of "dmesg | tail" into #flood01:23
jlillyI'm trying to kill kmix b/c I think it errored out.01:23
roguejedixPhinnFort: Sure thing01:23
=== MalMen [n=asdadasd@bl8-118-251.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu
MalMenhello, i install now kbfx01:24
MalMenhow to start it ?01:24
_3fghm, I can't get mouse gestures to work01:24
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PhinnFortMalMen: right click on the panel at the bottom, add applet to panel01:24
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PhinnFort_3fg: did you enable them?01:24
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PhinnFortroguejedix: i think the DVD is bad01:25
RancidZAwhere can i get a list of supported wireless nic's ?01:25
_3fgthey're not disabled01:25
PhinnFort_3fg: are you using the right mousebutton01:25
PhinnFort_3fg: sure?01:25
PhinnFortcheck "general settings" in the input actions settings01:26
roguejedixPhinnFort: It works fine on my windows partition, though. Should I try putting another one in?01:26
PhinnFort"settings for gestures" i think the tab is called01:26
PhinnFortroguejedix: yeah01:26
MalMenPhinnFort thanks, i think the kbfx is another substitute of k-menu01:26
PhinnFortwhat kind of dvd's is it?01:26
PhinnFortMalMen: yeah, it is01:26
PhinnFortbut it sucks, imho;)01:26
PhinnFortugly and buggy:P01:26
_3fgwhenever I try edit them, it doesn't recognize it01:27
MalMeni am testing all of that01:27
_3fgI'm guessing my mouse isn't being fully supported01:27
MalMeni am being a linux configure pro :P01:27
PhinnFort_3fg: what mouse button have you currently set?01:27
MidMarkLOL: in #apache channel write Ubuntu and have this back: "Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'I can't configure Debian'"01:27
roguejedixPhinnFort: I've put in a video DVD now01:28
PhinnFortroguejedix: have you installed the libdvdcss stuff?01:28
_3fguh, it should be right click01:28
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PhinnFort_3fg: but what is set in the KControl module?01:28
roguejedixPhinnFort: Off medibuntu? Right after the install, yeah01:28
PhinnFortroguejedix: have you codeine installed?01:29
RancidZAsomeone please link me to a list of known natively supported wireless network cards plz..01:29
_3fghm, I see01:29
PhinnFortRancidZA: giyf01:29
RancidZAPhinnFort: hmm?01:29
PhinnFortRancidZA: google is your friend01:29
RancidZAi couldnt find it01:29
_3fgin order to draw it, I need to hold left click01:29
roguejedixPhinnFort: I do now :)01:30
RancidZAthats why i came here01:30
_3fgbut if I do that in Konqueror, it just highlights text01:30
PhinnFortroguejedix: can you play the DVD with it?01:30
PhinnFort_3fg: but what button is configured?01:30
RancidZAooh ok01:30
RancidZAi got it01:30
_3fgI don't know01:31
PhinnFort_3fg: alt+f2, kcontrol, input actions, settings for gestures01:31
roguejedixPhinnFort: Nope. I get two error messages.01:31
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roguejedixI'll paste them on #flood01:31
PhinnFortroguejedix: what is the output of "sudo aptitude search libdvdcss2"01:31
naorhi all01:31
PhinnFort!hi | naor01:32
ubotunaor: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:32
naorjust starting on linux guys01:32
_3fgit doesn't say a button01:32
PhinnFort_3fg: mine is in norwegian, but i'll give you a screenshot01:33
jlillynaor: welcome to the dark side.01:33
_eMaX_hi all01:33
_eMaX_anyone happens to have 2.6.21 with ubuntu?01:33
roguejedixPhinnFort: i   libdvdcss2 - Library for accessing DVDs like block device usind deCSS if01:33
naorbe right back01:33
roguejedixThe rest is cut off01:34
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PhinnFortroguejedix: it seems like your drive won't read DVD's under linux :)01:34
PhinnFortroguejedix: can you paste the whole output from dmesg to rafb.net/paste?01:35
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PhinnFort_3fg: http://phinnfort.phil0d0x.com/stuff/screenie7.jpg01:37
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roguejedixPhinnFort: http://rafb.net/p/5jje6691.html01:37
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lettucehas anyone here set up beryl and xgl on fiesty?01:38
lettuce(kubuntu fiesty)01:38
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:39
PhinnFortroguejedix: i think there's something seriously wrong with the hardware detection01:39
neonlinuxhey all.... anyone know how (what application) kde uses to wrap gtk apps in its theme?01:39
PhinnFortit detects it as a cdrom only01:39
PhinnFort"[   27.140948]  sr 1:0:1:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr1"01:39
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LjLneonlinux: gtk2-engines-gtk-qt01:39
LjL!info gtk2-engines-gtk-qt01:39
ubotugtk2-engines-gtk-qt: transitional dummy package. In component main, is optional. Version 0.71~svn20070224-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 6 kB, installed size 52 kB01:39
LjLhm, transitional?01:39
LjLoh, main package's called gtk-qt-engine now01:40
bumzoanybody there01:40
bumzoi need help01:40
bumzoam trying to format my HDD01:40
roguejedixPhinnFort: So is there a way to force re-detection?01:40
PhinnFortroguejedix: i'm not sure...01:41
_3fgI don't have that many options PhinnFort01:41
PhinnFortroguejedix: it's a bit over my head, but can you paste "lsmod" too?01:41
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_eMaX_what's more, anyone is experiencing problems with knetworkmanager? specifically, I have 3 lines in /etc/networks/interfaces: iface eth3 inet dhcp , wireless-essid Wireless , wireless-key ... If I leave the first line in, then knetworkmanager does not find my wireless interface. If I take it out, /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager  does not start correctly.01:41
PhinnFort_3fg: did you clicky on the 1. first?01:41
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neonlinuxthanks LjL01:42
_3fgthe 1.?01:42
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PhinnForti numbered the things you should click on01:42
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roguejedixPhinnFort: http://rafb.net/p/p5xOAC42.html01:43
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Edulixhow can I add to /usr/local/lib/ ?01:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about klaptop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:46
Edulixhow can I add /usr/local/lib/ to ld.so.conf ?01:46
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LjLEdulix: edit it and add it?01:47
LjLbumzo: and the problem is?01:47
PhinnFortroguejedix: i really haven no idea what could be wrong01:47
PhinnForti'm just googling randomly around01:47
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EdulixLjL: in which format, something like include /usr/local/lib?01:47
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roguejedixPhinnFort: That's okay. Thanks anyway. I'll try upgrading the firmware or something01:48
PhinnFortthat might help01:48
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PhinnForti found out what the error means, though01:48
PhinnFort"Medium error:01:49
PhinnFortunrecovered read error".01:49
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roguejedixDo tell01:49
LjLEdulix: oh, it uses ld.so.conf.d now, i see... no, either 1) just do it the old way, i.e. type "/usr/local/lib" iirc or 2) use the ld.so.conf.d, i think the best way might be to create a new file /etc/ld.so.conf.d/custom and add the line there01:49
Edulixok thanks now it works01:49
_3fgnow I've done what you showed in the screenshot01:49
_3fgstill doesn't work :(01:49
LjL_3fg: what doesn't work?01:49
_3fgmouse gestures01:50
LjL_3fg: oh, thought you were talking about the menubar01:50
_3fgnah, that works great01:50
PhinnFort_3fg: have you selected the right mouse button?01:50
PhinnForti just showed you how to get to the settings01:50
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_3fgbutton 3, right??01:50
PhinnFortwith me, yes01:50
PhinnFortthen you need to click apply01:50
roguejedixPhinnFort: So what did you find out the error means?01:51
PhinnFortroguejedix: "Medium error: unrecovered read error."01:51
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PhinnForteither the drive is damaged, or there's some low-level stuff that's failing01:51
PhinnFortprobably the latter, since it works in XP01:51
roguejedixOh, whoops. I thought that WAS the error01:51
PhinnFort_3fg: have you click in on the individual actions and enabled them?01:52
PhinnFortremembed the checkbox must NOT be ticked off01:52
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PhinnFortmaybe ask in #kde01:53
_3fgI think maybe my mouse touchpad isn't fully supported01:53
roguejedixEr, what's "low-level stuff"? I'm not familiar with the term01:53
PhinnFort_3fg: as long as your mouse moves, it should work01:53
_3fgoh well01:53
_3fgI can live without them01:53
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PhinnFortroguejedix: the driver in the kernel handling the drive is failing01:53
PhinnForti believe01:53
roguejedixAh, thanks01:53
_3fgif I could just disable clicking by touching the pad, then I'd be fine01:54
_3fgany clues on that one?01:54
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balinthi, is there a channel for ktorrent?01:54
Tm_Tbalint: #ktorrent ?01:55
balintnope, im alone in the channle :(01:55
PhinnFort_3fg: i think there's a tool for configuring touchpads01:56
Tm_T!ktorrent | balint01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
PhinnFortksynaptic or something01:56
PhinnFortbalint: ktorrent.org01:56
PhinnFort /forums maybe01:56
balintits really buggy, it cant recognize some seeds :(01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ksynaptic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
PhinnFortbalint: ?01:56
PhinnFortbalint: it's working very well here01:56
PhinnFortbalint: it's actually the best torrent client i've ever used01:56
LjL!info ksynaptics01:56
LjLthe touchpads are called Synaptics01:56
ubotuksynaptics: Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 209 kB, installed size 1012 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)01:56
LjLSynaptic is the GNOME package manager ;)01:57
PhinnFortthanks for clarifying;)01:57
PhinnForti don't have a laptop;)01:57
balintwell here it cant start seeding some torrents. i got the files, but it satrts to download them again, instead of starting to seed01:57
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PhinnFortbalint: have you imported them?01:57
PhinnFortyou need to import the downloaded files into ktorrents cache01:58
PhinnFortimport existing download01:58
PhinnForton the file menu01:58
PhinnForti think01:58
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=== PhinnFort has everything in norwegian
bumzoLjL ... i have a HDD that reads RAW on windows but cant see in on kubuntu01:58
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balinti only got, new, open, and quit in the file menu01:59
PhinnFortbalint: maybe it's a plugin01:59
PhinnFortgo into the settings and enable it01:59
LjLbumzo: "can't see it" meaning? can't see the partitions, can't see the entire drive? what have you tried?01:59
bumzowaht do i do?02:00
LjLbumzo: where's the HD located? primary master, slave, secondary master, slave? are you on Feisty? is the drive IDE or SATA?02:00
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:03
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frankyok tnx very much02:03
bumzoLjL .. i cant see it at all..i plug it in nothing happens. Its an external toshib HDD taht i connect to my usb drive #02:03
LjLoh - external. might need special drivers if you're unlucky... what about "lsusb"?02:04
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bumzolsusb??? ljl02:04
LjLbumzo: type it in a terminal02:04
bumzoBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 ljl02:05
stoftLjL: nice command :)02:05
bumzobus 1 2 3 and 402:05
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LjLbumzo: they're all listed as empty, like that? (you do have the HD plugged in yes? :P)02:06
balintPhinnFort thx, now its working, but i dont know, its part of kde, so it must be good, but it uses 25 MB RAM in low memory usage mode, and utorrent uses about 6 MB02:07
PhinnFortbalint: where do you see that?02:07
bumzoLjL ... yes its plugged in02:07
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PhinnFortbalint: most of that memory is probably shared libraries, that is shared with the rest of the desktop too02:07
LjLbumzo: ok, try pastebinning the output of "lshw"02:07
bumzoand yes they are listed empty LjL02:07
LjLbumzo: "sudo lshw", actually02:07
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:08
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frankyi'm looking for SuperKaramba, is there someone who could explain me how to install it??02:11
donHow can I raise screen resolution the high is 800x600 pannels are too big02:11
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Tm_Tfranky: "sudo apt-get install superkaramba" in konsole02:11
A_ASince Cedega is intended to run standard 32-bit Windows games, it is by nature a 32-bit application. When running Cedega on a 64-bit Linux system, an appropriate 32-bit compatibility environment must be available.02:12
A_Ahow do i get a 32-bit environment ?02:12
frankyand to remove it the command is "sudo apt-get remove superkaramba" ???02:12
Tm_Tfranky: yes02:12
bumzoLjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18370/02:12
frankytnx very much02:12
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega02:13
bumzoljl .. lengthy ... hope its of help lol02:13
Tm_TA_A: look there02:13
Tm_TA_A: I hope it's mentioned there ;)02:13
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Tm_T!resolution | don02:15
bumzoljl .. .any luck?02:15
ubotudon: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:15
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doni am lost it maxed at 800 i thought i could change it on post02:16
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LjLbumzo, if i'm not mistaken, it's really not seeing the drive in *any* way02:16
LjLnot even as an unknown device or something... unless i've missed it02:16
donproblem is some buttons are too far downto use02:16
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bumzommh ... so waht does that mean? i have lost my drive?02:17
donthanks i will go there02:17
SurgerIs there a glibc 2.4 package for Dapper somewhere? I need to run a newer app which was linked in a newer version of Ubuntu but I cannot upgrade at the moment.02:17
LjLbumzo: it just means that i've no idea how to start tackling the issue02:17
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LjLSurger: doubt it.02:18
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SurgerDarn. :(02:18
bumzoljl your right. but knowing linux is not seeing it is the 1st ste[p. windows reads it as filetype RAW02:19
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jlillyany of you guys use Cedega?02:23
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jlillyI am curious, if I stop paying for it, do the games just become unaccessable?02:24
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PhinnFortit will kill your dog02:25
PhinnFortwhy don't just use wine?02:25
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balintin the windows behaviors, the trasnculency is still in beta version???02:29
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johnny_I have a Brand New Toshiba Laptop that I have installed Feisty Kubuntu on and the sound does not play, but no sound server errors are generated. Any clue where I should start looking?02:33
pollyoAnyone know the steps to setup a network card?02:33
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pollyoMy feisty will not recognize the network card after installation but it does during the install.02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mondo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
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pollyoI believe it uses the madwifi driver.02:34
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sunnyhourspollyo: is it a wireless network card?02:34
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pollyosunnyhours: Yes02:34
sunnyhoursmine actually worked in 6.10 without any installation needed. do you know your ssid?02:35
pollyosunnyhours: Yes. it is the default "linksys"02:35
sunnyhoursso what I did was (and it may be different for you) open the system settings thing02:35
pollyosunnyhours: My card does not even show up when I boot.  I simply have a loopback displayed with ifconfig02:35
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sunnyhoursgimme a sec02:36
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pollyosunnyhours: In addition I only have terminal.  I am setting up the server edition without gui because of memory.02:36
balintis that normal, that i set the mount points in fstab, but i cant see them, in the syystem settings->advanced->disk and filesyystems?????02:36
sunnyhoursdoes dmesg | grep wlan0 show anything?02:36
balintso in fstab my /dev/hda1 is at /media/hda1   but in system setitngs... the mount point is clear :S02:36
pollyosunnyhours: No02:37
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pollyosunnyhours: Funny thing is when I boot with the install recovery and go to a shell my card shows.02:37
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sunnyhoursthat is weird02:38
pollyosunnyhours: It gives me two options to select for a network card. (only one card in the system though)02:38
chief__what card is it??02:38
sunnyhoursyeah, do you know the chipset?02:38
pollyochief__: D-link wda-232002:39
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pollyoHow do I load madwifi?02:39
pollyois it ismod?02:39
michiwo finde ich etwas ber S-Video-Anschluss?02:40
sunnyhourslsmod just shows the system modules02:40
chief__pollyo  ftp://ftp.linux-wlan.org/pub/linux-wlan-ng/README02:40
pag!de | michi02:40
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:40
ubotumichi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:40
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chief__with that i got my dwl-122 usb stick going02:41
pollyopag: : Is that command line?  I do not have GUI installed.02:41
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michiversuch ichs hier nochmal:02:44
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michikennt jemand gute Seiten fr S-Video02:44
michialso Erklrunge, wie ich das zum laufen bekomme?02:44
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PhinnFort!de | michi02:44
ubotumichi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de02:44
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jjji can't speak german...02:45
michiexcuse me02:45
jjjbut i want to learn...02:45
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feroxi'm using kubuntu02:50
feroxi installed compiz-kde02:50
jjjis that the 3d desktop environment?02:50
feroxhow can i set compiz start as default X manager?02:50
feroxyes it is02:50
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jjjis beryl and compiz the same?02:53
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Flying_Eagleno. but almost ;)02:54
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Flying_Eaglethey cooperate, jjj02:54
ruben_hey. can you help me by installing the libdvdcss?02:54
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ruben_i use kubuntu in the newest 704 version02:54
feroxthey do similar work02:55
ruben_i have downloaded02:55
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feroxis there someone who use compiz on kubuntu?02:55
ruben_and now i tyoe in the shell: dpkg -i <name>.02:56
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ruben_but then the shell says to me, that another process is behinding it02:56
MalMenhello, i have here a problem with kiba-dock, please take a look02:57
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lz1gjdhow can i completely remove ubuntu desktop from kubuntu ?02:59
MalMenlz1gjd on synaptic remove ubuntu-desktop02:59
MalMenor something similar02:59
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lz1gjdic, but i remember ive tried before,  and its says ubuntu-desktop is an metapackage or something and cant delete /03:00
MalMeni was update here my ubuntu to kubuntu, but never tryed remove ubuntu03:00
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MalMenkubuntu is ubuntu + kde03:01
MalMennothing more03:01
lz1gjdi know, i gave gnome a chance03:01
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MalMenand any other applications, but the base are the same03:01
lz1gjdbut i want my kde03:01
MalMengnome is cool03:01
lz1gjdgnome is sloowww03:01
HymnToLifeMalMen, correction, Kubuntu is Ubuntu plus a very partial and buggy KDE03:01
MalMenbut kde is cool too03:01
lz1gjd(at least for me)03:01
paglz1gjd, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde <- that might work03:01
=== HymnToLife can't live without a vanilla KDE
MalMenplease, anyone take a look on that, -< http://monoport.com/252803:02
HymnToLifeMalMen, segfault, that's bad03:03
HymnToLifemaybe a bug in kiba-dock03:03
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chief__any one know how to do a netinstall of 7.04 ??03:10
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MalMenchief__ sudo apt-get dist-update03:14
MalMeni think03:14
chief__no i mean from scratch03:16
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nsmhello all.03:18
nsmI would please like to know how to NOT install the bootloader03:18
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nsmduring the installation process their is just one small dialog mentioning the bootloader where you can insert a hard disk name.03:18
nsmDo i leave it blank if i don't want to install the kubuntu bootloader03:19
johnny_Hello, I have a Toshiba Satellite l35-S2161 that uses the Realtek Hidefinition Audio Chip. Sound worked with the live cd, but after install, there is no sound, and no sound server error msgs. I have made sure that the main channel is unmuted and that the ALSA is selected in SOund hardware in SYstem Settings.03:19
=== flo4983 [n=flo4983@p549D3CA1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
johnny_I need to know where to start looking for the possible issues that are preventing sound.03:19
crimsunjohnny_: use model=auto03:19
crimsunit's known and fixed already upstream, just not yet available in a kernel.03:20
johnny_ok, thanks.03:20
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dromerhi all, I just installed sopcast o.2.8 but I need firefox to open linsk with sop:// with it, can someone explain (or point me in the right direction to) how I can do this? (I know I have to add something in about:config)03:22
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strabesdromer: you might want to ask in #ubuntu or #linux, there's a lot more activity in those channels03:23
dromerok, thnx03:23
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RancidZAim following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT61 for my RT wireless card03:25
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RancidZAbut my makefile is failing with: RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0/Module/rtmp_main.c:197: error: struct net_device has no member named get_wireless_stats03:26
_4strOdromer: what's the probleme . install firefox ...03:26
johnny_Thanks for the sound help, however :-)03:26
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johnny_It did not work, so I attempted to install the realtek supplied driver and totally hosed the sound architecture. LOL03:26
johnny_I have got to get used to Debian based systems! (old slack hacker)03:27
johnny_the kewl part was, as usual Realtek's Engrish was amusing!03:28
surgycan someone help me get call of duty to work please? it got a gold rating from winehq and it has one bug, you cant install it beccuase it wont let you eject the first cd to use the second, but there is a fix on the wine appDB, talking about using symlinks? i know nothing about those. can someone shed some light?03:28
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johnny_anyways, thanks for the help today.03:29
RancidZAany1 have any idea with my make?03:29
Hobbsee!wine | surgy03:29
ubotusurgy: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.03:29
Hobbseethat used to show ##winehq too03:29
ericssonI managed to get codecs/videos working again when upgrading to feisty (as discussed a few hours ago) so, codec/video problems + upgrade = solution :)03:29
surgyHobbsee: yah i got that part03:29
Hobbseei'd try in ##winehq, as they know more03:29
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surgyHobbsee: yeah ill ask there, but i thought i whould check here, see if anyone knew anything about symlinks03:30
Hobbseesurgy: oh, a symlink?  should be easy enough03:31
stoftericsson: congrats :)03:31
dromer_4strO: ? .. I _have_ firefox ... it just doesn't know how to handle sop:// links03:31
Hobbseesurgy: where's the site?03:31
dromer_4strO: anyway, I'm upgrading this machine first now03:31
surgyhobbsee: i just need to trick it into thinking both cds are mounted03:31
surgyHobbsee: let me get you a link03:31
surgyHobbsee: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=262803:32
Hobbseesurgy: ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/where/you/want/the/link/to/go03:32
Hobbseecheck man ln for more info03:32
surgyHobbsee: ok, umm thanks for being as descriptive as you can (implying sarcasm)03:33
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RancidZAhttp://rafb.net/p/BkxoeX18.html <-- heres the pastebin of my errors03:34
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surgyRancidZA: whats the problem?03:34
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RancidZAsurgy, check the rrors :/03:35
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RancidZAhttp://rafb.net/p/BkxoeX18.html <-- any1 got any ideas?03:38
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=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177674515.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajHowdy All :)03:39
DarkEDhi, I'm using Kubuntu 7.04, how can I get an itemized list of all my partitions and how much space is left on them?03:39
Tm_Thowdy BluesKaj :)03:39
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Tm_TBluesKaj: guess what, we have snow again =)03:40
DarkEDI went into 'Disks' in system settings but it doesnt tell you how much space remains on a given partition03:40
stoftDarkED: df -h03:40
DarkEDstoft: thank you :)03:40
ericssonAre there any official reports as to if there is an increasing DoS- and virus epedemic directed towards *NIX symtems, since the release of Vista?03:41
DarkEDnice, that works03:41
ericssonsymtems could be systems ;)03:41
DarkEDnow, how do i clear the apt-cache? the folder where packages go after download but before install?03:41
stoftDarkED: :)03:41
feroxdoes anyone know how to sobstitute kwin by compiz?03:41
feroxdoes anyone know how to sobstitute kwin with compiz?03:41
JucatoDarkED: sudo apt-get clean03:41
stoftDarkED: sudo apt-get clean03:41
ericssonDarkED: apt-get clean03:41
BluesKajTm_T: ..it happens here too at this time of yr :(03:41
DarkEDheh thanks03:41
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Tm_TBluesKaj: well, atleast it's cleaner in towns03:42
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epimethDolphin's default "Storage Media" icon is ugly... I want the one that is used in the panel... where is that icon located?03:42
DarkEDyeah, that definitely freed up some space on root (about 1.5gig)03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:42
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Hobbseeferox: ^03:42
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Hobbseeepimeth: locate *.png and look in a likely place. /usr/share/icons, maybe03:43
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epimethcheers Hobbsee... and while we're talking about Dolphin... how do I get that to be my default file manager?  there's nothing in "default applications" in the system settings?03:44
BluesKajTm_T: heh it was 22C and sunny yesterday and we had a BBQ dinner...but it may snow tonite ...strange this so called "Global Warming"03:45
Tm_TBluesKaj: indeed03:45
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Jucatoepimeth: Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure Konqueror -> File Associations -> inode -> directory03:45
Hobbseethanks Jucato03:45
ericssonWhere would I go to get rid of that annoying translucent blue rectangle when running KDE?03:45
=== Hobbsee didnt know tha tone
feroxHobbsee:  what "^" means?03:45
Hobbseeferox: means "look up"03:45
Jucatoferox: look up :)03:45
Tm_Tericsson: what where?03:45
Hobbseeferox: usually at the previous line03:45
JucatoHobbsee: oh I thought you were around when Tonio told me that03:46
ericssonTm_T: That there ;) No, seriously..the blue rectangle that shows when you 'click 'n drag' on the KDE desktop03:46
HobbseeJucato: may well have been, but i might not have actually been looking at irc03:46
Tm_Tericsson: hmm, you mean selection?03:46
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JucatoRubberband effect in Appearance -> Style -> Effects tab ?03:46
ericssonTm_T: Yeah, I guess one could call it that as well ;) Mouse-cursor-thingie-sluggish-rubbish03:47
Tm_Tericsson: ... I dont get any03:47
epimethcheers Jucato03:47
Tm_Tso without pic can't know what you really mean03:47
ericssonTm_T: You should celebrate it then, today already ;)03:47
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BluesKajepimeth, did you check in adept?03:47
ericssonTm_T: It doesn't show in snap-shot :/03:48
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Tm_Tericsson: =)03:48
ericssonTm_T: I am SO not used to GUI ;)03:48
epimethBluesKaj: check what in adept?03:49
Tm_Tericsson: have camera around? ;--P03:49
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=== stoft chuckles
ericssonTm_T: hahah, you'd wish :)03:49
Tm_Theh, too easy ;)03:50
BluesKajsorry epimeth , I misread , i thought you were looking to install dolphin03:50
Hobbseesurgy: you asked about symlinks, i told you.  i'm not very familiar with how wine works, to offer a solution on how to mount the "z:" drive, which, afaik, doesnt actually exist in linux, and i think wine might create it.  so you might have to ask in ##winehq for that part.03:50
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ericssonJucato: I found some rubber-thingie there but I already un-ticked "enable GUI effects". Them flashy thingies hurts my eyes!03:52
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=== Tm_T really wonders what is that
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ericssonTm_T: You should be happy not to know what it is...I can't get rid of that bloody thing ;)03:53
stoftericsson: install fluxbox, ion, ratpoison or something. :)03:53
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ericssonstoft: I tried pouring coca-cola over the monitor, didn't help..03:53
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ericssonOk people, I had to enable ALL GUI effects, then remove the rubber-band-thingie, then turn off ALL GUI effects, and now it's gone!03:55
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=== stoft wanders off to explore gui effects... ;)
BluesKajeye candy ...dunno why ppl bother03:55
Tm_Tericsson: haha, I fiddled around that thing and now kwin crashed =)03:55
ericssonTm_T: It was under System Settings - > Apperance -> Styles -> Effects03:56
Tm_Tericsson: yes03:56
ericssonNot very stable thing :)03:56
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ericssonBluesKaj: Eyecandy, that's what we call Vista around here..03:57
=== Jucato has never had any problems with its stability though...
ericssonOr..correction, that's not even candy..03:57
balintwhere can i check how many free space do i have on my ext3 partition?03:57
ericssonJucato: I had, when trying to turn it off :)03:57
ericssonbalint: df -H03:57
Jucatobalint: df -h03:57
Aaronfromchinahow to turn off sound when I get a message in Kopete?03:57
balintand in GUI is it possible to check? just wanna know :)03:58
Jucatobalint: if you want a GUI to go with it, try installing Filelight03:58
_4strOAaronfromchina: in kopette options ?03:58
balintbut how could this be? i mean that kde is not able to show free space? :)03:58
Jucatobalint: or, right-click on any empty space in Konqueror (file manager) and select properties. the bottom part03:58
_4strObalint: just pass your mouse pointer on a dir03:59
Aaronfromchina_4strO: I found it. thanks. :)03:59
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balintdamn, i only got 841 MB free space :'(04:00
stoft!kdf | balint04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
BluesKajericsson: beryl isn't classified as eye candy :) ...well , maybe window dressing eh ?04:00
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stoftbalint: kdf = KDiskFree displays the available file devices (hard drive partitions, floppy and CD drives, etc.) along with information on their capacity, free space, type and mount point. It also allows you to mount and unmount drives and view them in a file manager.04:00
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ericssonBluesKaj: Never tried it, probably won't either..I already have problems with KDE :)04:01
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stoftBluesKaj: are you running beryl?04:01
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BluesKajnope stoft04:02
balintin adept i only find gtkdiskfree, thats for gnome, will it work for kde?04:02
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stoftbalint: hang on04:03
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BluesKajbalint: the kde version is 'kdf'04:03
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stoftbalint: kdf is part of kdeutilities I think04:03
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balintyes, kdf is the point04:03
carlesdo ya know how can i access to my other hd info (ntfs)?04:04
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:04
nanothiefhey I'm having problems installing php5 and apache2 with kubuntu feisty04:04
balintand how can i empty the package cache? or it unloads it automaticallyy?04:04
stoftbalint: sudo apt-get clean04:04
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nanothiefthe html pages load, but php pages don't04:05
stoftbalint: I can't find kdf/kdeutils in adept, I would just do "sudo apt-get install kdf"04:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdirstat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
balintkdirstat is also good04:05
balintu just found it04:05
Hobbseestoft: correct04:05
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Hobbseestoft: assuming you have universe04:06
balintyupppppii after cleaning, i have 1,5 GB free space :D:D:D:04:06
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morpheusanybody know anything about database replication on a kubuntu server (using mysql)?04:07
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stoftnanothief: check your /etc/apache2/mods-enabled to see if php is there04:07
BluesKajstoft:  did you install kde ?04:08
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nanothiefstoft: ok04:08
korobaseAny one here work on linux platform for developing game software?04:08
stoftBluesKaj: eh... yes. but I think I missed the context of your question...04:09
nanothiefstoft: i think it is, there is a file in that folder called php5.conf04:09
korobaseHow to set up a develop environment for game programming?04:10
=== BluesKaj needs a coffee to wake up..not reading properly this morning
korobasein ubuntu linux.04:10
stoftnanothief: and a php5.load as well?04:10
nanothiefstoft: yes04:10
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stoftnanothief: have you restarted apache after install of php?04:11
BluesKajktorrent keeps crashing as if there was a timer inside it ... every hr it seems04:11
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ericssonWouldn't it be enough to add index.php to /etc/apache2/apache2.conf now?04:11
D4kk0nhow to enable mp3 support in Amarok?04:11
LjL!mp3 > D4kk0n    (D4kk0n, see the private message from Ubotu)04:12
stoftericsson: actually I'm not sure, I've fiddled more with apache under windows than linux. :-/04:12
nanothiefstoft: yes, i did a restart, and a force-reload. I'm getting the output of http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18383/04:12
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Bluetoothhi all04:12
Bluetoothneed help04:12
Bluetoothhaving problems while upgrading to 7.0404:12
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ericssonnanothief: Try to add index.php to DirectoryIndex in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf then..04:13
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stoftnanothief: in other words something else is already listening on port 80?04:13
Bluetooththis is a screenshot04:14
nanothiefstoft: yes, but I'm not sure what it could be (i only installed feisty a week ago)04:14
Bluetoothhaving this output on Adept04:14
stoftnanothief, you can probably figure it out with "lsof", hang on, need to read up on the man page.04:14
ericssonnanothief: do netstat -tap in terminal04:15
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nanothiefI did the netstat -tap command, and i got http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18385/04:17
Bluetoothcan anybody help me04:17
stoftBluetooth: just ask your quesiton instead of waiting for someone to say yes04:17
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Hobbsee!anyone | Bluetooth04:18
ubotuBluetooth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:18
pike_guys im in virtualpc (long story) getty isnt working and neither is mouse. is there a shortcut key to open konsole?04:18
nanothieferricsson: do i just add the line "index.php" to the apache2.conf file?04:18
ericssonnanothief: try kill 513504:18
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Bluetoothhaving problems while upgrading to 7.0404:19
Bluetoothoutput of Adept on screenshot http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/1579/snapshot3rd1.png04:19
ericssonnanothief: Yes, under the category DirectoryIndex, there you add index.php04:19
BluetoothI ASKED04:19
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nanothiefericsson: the kill command fixed it :)04:20
ericssonbrilliant :)04:20
nanothiefericsson: umm how do I fix it permanently?04:20
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ericssonnanothief: it should work now, it was just a process that was stuck (remains of apache)04:21
nanothiefoh okay04:21
balintHow can I lock session with a command???04:21
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ericssonnanothief: but try /etc/init.d/apache2 restart04:21
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nanothiefericsson: its still good. Thanks for your help :D04:22
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ericssonnanothief: no problems, mate..04:23
balintanybody knows how to lock?04:24
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pike_no default kde shortcut to open konsone?04:25
pike_shortcut key I mean04:25
stoftbalint: with a key? :) there is a lock applet, otherwise I would look through global shortcuts, it might be there04:25
stoftpike_: create one under settings04:25
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balintstoft i would like to lock from alt-f2 command line04:25
stoftbalint: ctrl+alt+L locks04:26
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pike_stoft: im in ms virtulpc and cant alt-f? and mouse isnt working.. :)04:26
stoftbrb - coffee04:26
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Bluetoothstill nobody?04:26
formatterstoft: if i want install x-server in xubuntu in kubuntu, is there are problem with it..04:26
Bluetoothhaving problems while upgrading to 7.0404:27
Bluetoothoutput of Adept on screenshot http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/1579/snapshot3rd1.png04:27
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The_MachineHaving an issue with 7.04 on my laptop.  It seems every other time it won't pick up any wireless networks..04:28
The_Machinebut i'm POSITIVE they're in range.  It also seems to coincide with the fact that i won't have any AC plugged in, but it says that there is no battery detected..04:29
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The_Machinebut, the battery thing aside (unless you think they're related)04:29
formatterthe_machines:yes,my laptop with kubuntu cant connecting to the network too..04:30
The_Machineformatter - does it ever work?04:30
The_Machinebecause half the time it'll show wireless networks04:30
ericssonBluetooth: what version are you running at the moment=?04:30
The_Machineoh, well04:30
The_Machineseems to be a different issue04:30
The_Machinebecause mine has worked several times04:31
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formatterthe_machines:last day i've got information with kwlan..but it still cant connectin..04:31
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ubuntuLjL do you work here??04:32
ericssonBluetooth: Try to write: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f --fix-missing04:32
ubuntuHow do I find my mac adress?04:33
LjLubuntu: what do you mean now04:33
ubuntuYou are always here04:33
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LjLubuntu: no, i don't "work" here.04:33
ubuntuDo you get paid, or is a woluntair helper or something?04:33
LjLthe latter04:33
ubuntuAnd how do I find my mac adress?04:33
ericssonubuntu: It would be as easy as ifconfig04:34
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jhutchinsLjL: We're mostly just fellow users who came here looking for answers and stayed to help those who we could.04:35
Bluetoothstarted to install now04:35
LjLjhutchins: ehm, i don't you meant that for me? =)04:35
ubuntuLjL Do you have a job, or something?04:35
ericssonBluetooth: sounds like it worked :)04:35
Bluetoothseems to be fine04:35
LjLubuntu: my business honestly, and we're offtopic04:35
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ericssonBluetooth: No problems mate..04:35
stoftpike_: solve your problem yet?04:35
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ubuntuDo I need the bluetoot programs if I don't have a bluetoot card?04:36
ericssonubuntu: nope :)04:37
pike_stoft: nope04:37
ubuntuWhat is berryl?04:37
ubuntuDo I need it??04:37
Yorokobiubuntu, beryl-project.org04:37
The_Machineit's basically eyecandy/themes04:37
pike_stoft: i think my main prob is my IT dep and their fear of vmware04:37
stoftpike_: try alt+space, if you've got katapult running it will let you start konsole04:37
formatterheyy,everyone can help me..i've got problem with my wifi network cant connecting to the network..04:37
The_Machinepike - the rest of my dept. fears VMWare04:37
The_Machinei'm the only one who uses it04:38
The_Machinesucks :/04:38
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ericssonBluesKaj would argue that it's NOT eyecandy, it's windos dressing according to him ;)04:38
stoftpike_: virtualpc, is that the ms ware?04:38
The_Machineericsson: dressing = eyecandy.04:38
The_Machine:P :)04:38
BluesKajeyecandy is windowdressing , ericsson :)04:39
ericssonThe_Machine: I'm to old for this :)04:39
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ubuntuThe login screen how do I change it so I wont have to write my username (I still want to write te password)??04:39
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adaptrsystem -> admin -> login window04:39
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Yorokobiubuntu, that is the default behaviour for KDM04:39
ericssonok, conclusion: beryl = thick custard dressing04:39
pike_stoft: yeah04:40
The_Machineold?  hmm.04:40
ubuntuI'm using kubuntu, there is no admin in system04:40
BluesKajgents , for some reason I'm getting ./configure errors to do with GTK_CONFIG, when installing Xtraceroute ...I also get a "makefile" error "notargets specified . I guess it has to do with that "./configure" isn't creating the make file...any suggestions ?04:40
The_Machine(how old?) :)04:40
ericssonubuntu: the root user is locked by default04:40
ubuntuI know04:40
ubuntuAndit is irrelevant04:40
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ericssonThe_Machine: Heading up to mid-way, to put it that way..04:41
ubuntuYorokobi, No it only shows the username of the last logged in person-04:41
ericssonBluesKaj: got compiler?04:41
Yorokobiubuntu, yep, the default behaviour. Do you want it to show the _same_ user name every time?04:41
The_Machinepfft.  that isn't old!04:41
stoftpike_: my colleague uses that quite a bit, unfortunately he's not here right now. however there's some trick to activating function key functionality, I can't remember if it's F8 or similar, I would google for it.04:41
ubuntuNo, I want it to list alll users like in windows xp.04:42
BluesKajnot installed by default , ericsson ?04:42
ericssonThe_Machine: In my opinion I'm already old 'n grey ;)04:42
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YorokobiThere *might* be a KDM theme that allows that ...04:42
pike_stoft: i see thx04:42
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ubuntuIf i scerw up kdm, would it be a big problem to restore it?04:43
stoftpike_: hope you find it, handy to have :D04:43
ericssonBluesKaj: Not sure about 7.04, but I would say no, not by default..04:44
ubuntuI found it, thanks04:44
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant04:44
Bluetoothericsson, got error04:45
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:45
ericssonBluetooth: what did it say now?04:45
Bluetoothreturned error 104:45
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ericssonBluetooth: would you care to elaborate further on that? :)04:46
BluesKajhmmm strange ericsson...I installed build-essential ,first thing ...din't realize it was called 'compiler' ...but it must be broken04:47
ubuntuHow do I install kdm theme manager??04:47
ericssonBluetooth: So, the upgrade just stopped, giving you an error just saying: error1, and then nothing?04:47
Bluetoothit said apt-get, or some other program, returned error 104:48
ericssonBluesKaj: Could be you need -dev packages as well04:48
BluetoothI started it again04:48
Bluetoothintalling till now04:48
Bluetoothwill see04:48
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deweygood day mates04:49
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Yorokobiubuntu, Kmenu->System Settings->Advanced->Login Manager, switch to Administrator and put check marks next to everyone you want to show up as well as next to the "Show list" option.04:50
deweyI upgraded to feisty and now mpg files will not play but I can paly wmv files using kaffeinw?04:50
ericssonBluetooth: you could try to to do the following: sudo apt-get clean apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade -f --fix-missing04:50
Yorokobiubuntu, under the Users tab04:50
Bluetoothwill try if it will stop again04:50
Bluetoothgoing fine now04:50
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ericssonBluetooth: Let it run if it runs..04:51
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Bluetoothand another thing04:51
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Bluetoothis it possible to access a web server by localhost?04:52
Bluetoothbecause when I try to it returns Page could not be found04:52
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decanyone know why when I shut down feisty it will not shut down completely, i have to turn the machine off04:52
Bluetoothbut I can access it from another PCs in network04:53
ubuntuHow can I use diffrent images for diffrent accounts??04:53
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ericsson!medibuntu | dewey04:53
ubotudewey: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/04:53
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mahdidec: when you use 'sudo shutdown now' from the konsole does it give any errors?04:54
ericssonBluetooth: Are you running the server on the same machine as the one you are accessing it from?04:54
dechaven't tried that so should i use alt f2 and then run sudo shutdown now04:55
mahditry it and see if it returns anything funky, dec04:55
decif it does then what04:55
ubuntuwhat is medibuntu??04:55
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mahdidec: come back and show me what the error is, or we can just cross that off and move on to another theory04:56
BluetoothI tried both localhost and
Bluetoothwon't work04:56
ericssonubuntu: files and contents that could not be included in the distrubution for legal reasons, like various video supports04:56
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Bluetoothbut apache says it uses as domain name04:56
ericssonBluetooth: If I don't remember wrong, there is a line in apache's httpd.conf which says: allow localhost yes|no04:57
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ubuntuBut I can download them?04:57
ericssonubuntu: read on that page, it's up to your own discretion how you use them04:58
ubuntuWhat version of KDE is the newest?04:58
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Jucatoubuntu: KDE 3.5.604:58
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Jucato(3.5.7 will be out by May)04:58
ubuntuSo kde 4 isn't released yet?04:58
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Jucatonope. target date is on October04:59
Jucato(quite tentative)04:59
Bluetoothok. where is this file?? :)04:59
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Bluetooth(I'm not good in linux file structure :)04:59
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nuuericsson: you probably mean the server-status "special" apache page04:59
nuutheoretically if apache binds to (ie all addresses), you shoudl be able to access it from every interface05:00
deweyericsson, that  url is not opeing?05:00
ericssonnuu: Could be, but I was thinking of the /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (if that one still exists)05:00
ericssondewey: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/05:01
nuuyeah, that's apache2.conf in apache205:01
deweyit opened fina;lly05:01
ericssondewey: ok05:01
nuuat least on ubuntu05:01
nuuhttpd.conf is there but it's just a stub05:01
ericssonnuu: ok, that makes sense :)05:01
ubuntuHow do I mount a windows partion, I forgott?05:01
ericssonubuntu: fat or nfts?05:02
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ericsson!ntfs-3g | ubuntu05:02
ubotuubuntu: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:02
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Bluetoothericsson there is such file, but it's nearly empty05:02
ubuntuI do not need a driver, I already have one mounted, but the other one won't mount.05:02
Bluetoothcontents some comments05:02
ericssonBluetooth: as nuu said, it's a stub.05:03
ericssonubuntu: try mount -a and see if it pops up..05:03
nuuBluetooth: do you have a file named ports.conf ?05:03
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Jucato!ntfs | ubuntu05:03
ubotuubuntu: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:04
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BluetoothI have apache2.conf05:04
Bluetoothlooking ther, didn't see the directive u mentioned05:05
nuuwhat directive ?05:05
ubuntuIgnoring /dev/sda1 - already in /etc/fstab05:05
ubuntuIgnoring /dev/sdb1 - already in /etc/fstab05:05
ubuntuit says05:05
Bluetoothallow localhost yes|no05:05
Bluetoothericsson told there might such directive there05:06
nuuBluetooth: paste output of "sudo netstat -nap | grep apache"05:06
ericssonBluetooth: You have newer version than I'm used to..05:06
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deweyericsson, hmm I did what it said on the website and nothing happened?05:06
deweyno updates?05:07
ericssondewey: have you tried sudo apt-get update afterwards?05:07
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ubuntuWhy do I have a partion for a floppy drive??05:07
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deweyericsson, yes05:08
mahdiin fstab? those aren't partitions, those are mount points05:08
mad heres the paste: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18396/ ->  kaffeine crashed by clicking on the dvb-tab, when running as sudo it doesnt crash.. anybody knows why?05:08
mahdiand devices05:08
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korobaseHelp me!!  /usr/bin/ld:cannot find -lXxf86vm05:09
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korobasewhich package I have not installed?05:09
Bluetoothpastebin.ca/465715 - my apache2.conf05:09
deweyFetched 4B in 2m10s (0B/s)05:10
deweyReading package lists... Done05:10
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deweyericsson, so everything is updated?05:10
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nuuwhat's your problem again ?05:10
Bluetooth<ericsson> installed all packeges, how do I now wheter upgraded to 7.04??05:10
nuuwhat page you cant display05:10
Bluetoothnuu me?05:11
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BluetoothI can't open my web server by localhost05:11
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Bluetoothmeaning from server itself05:11
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nuuusing what address ?05:11
Bluetoothlocalhost or
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nuuok what does tail /var/log/apache2/error.log say ?05:12
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Bluetooth<ericsson> u here?05:16
nuuok, if you try to open http://localhost , and check that error.log file again05:16
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nuudo you notice anything different ?05:16
nuuor just the same stuff05:16
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Bluetoothsame shit05:17
nuuwhat's the error page you get ?05:17
Bluetoothshit it's proxy error05:17
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Bluetoothwill try to fix it now05:17
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nuuthere ;)05:17
nuuyou got a listening proxy on localhost:8005:18
nuui suggest you switch port to 8081 or similar05:18
Bluetoothme idiot05:18
Bluetoothjust had to add localhost to proxy exeption list05:18
nuunah, you distracted ;)05:18
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nuuif you add localhost to proxy exception, you wont be able to access the proxy from the local machine05:19
nuuwhich could be ok for you, but could as well be limiting05:19
nuuin that if you use a caching proxy, like squid, it can fasten web access time05:19
nuutherefore you may as well change the proxy port and reconfigure your lan boxes, if you got few05:19
Bluetoothnuu how to check version of Kubuntu?05:19
nuulsb_release -a05:19
Bluetoothgot Fiesty05:20
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Bluetooththanx a lot to <ericsson> and you, nuu05:20
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Bluetoothhave to go now05:22
Bluetoothpeace, mates05:22
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ericssonfeisty + dell = true http://www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/biographies/en/msd_computers?c=us&l=en&s=corp05:24
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acidBURNquestion on feisty with broadcom 4318, does it support it?05:30
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HymnToLifeacidBURN, it should, with ndiswrapper05:33
HymnToLife(or bcm43xx maybe)05:33
acidBURNwell, I did this in dapper05:33
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acidBURNnow its feisty05:33
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acidBURNheard they where working on a fix05:33
Alarmhello , i try to make my usb hd to be automounted when i turn it on , and unmounted when i turn it off. i did add my user in the plugdev group re-loged in . and made a pmount /dev/sda1 , and it worked without any problem. but when i turned off the the drive and then on again , i get the messege :  mount point /media/win5 is occupied05:33
Alarmhow could i fix that and let my os mount it unmount when i turn it on/off05:33
acidBURNnow, here where it gets fun05:34
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acidBURNI purchase a netgear WG511T, pcmcia card, which work for the most part out of the box.... Hower05:35
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nuuAlarm: there's no such thing as "automatic unmount"05:36
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nuuif you yank the power cable off something, not even Jesus will have time to cleanly unmount whatever filesystem was on the poor thing05:36
acidBURNhowever, I did see knetworkmanger show signal strength, but when rebooting, it does not show signal strength again...?05:36
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nuuyou have to manually unmount the partition in use before you plug it out05:37
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nuuthat's the way it works05:37
sunnyhoursgdm is just a login manager right? will that screw up anything on my kubuntu install?05:37
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Alarmnuu,  ok unmounting it is not actullly my problem but mounting it mainly05:37
nuugdm is the gnome desktop manager05:37
nuuautomounting should work out of the box05:37
Alarmwhen i turn it of i have to write always in the console pmount /dev/sda1 to be able to view the files of that disk05:38
ericssonnuu: Are you sure Jesus can't clean it? He's quite fast you know..05:38
Alarmwhen i double click on the removable disk i get the message i wrote above05:38
nuuericsson: ok maybe only Jesus ;)05:38
nuuand Chuck Norris, of course05:38
ericssonYeah, chuck can if anyone can05:38
Alarmsteven cegal also, but i dont think he can help me much with the external drive at the moment :)05:39
sunnyhoursnuu: what would you recommend for setting a particular user to autologin with fluxbox on startup of my kubuntu system?05:39
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acidBURNwouldn't the netgear WG511T give me more native support than the broadcom 4318 ?05:39
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nuunot sure how to set someone to autologin, you should have a desktop manager choice at logon05:39
ericssonHas anyone here tried zimbra-server?05:39
nuucan't help there buddy, sorry05:39
sunnyhoursnuu: no worries.... thanks05:40
=== Yorokobi is waiting for Zimbra to support PostgreSQL before trying it out.
nuuAlarm: is your partition in /etc/fstab ?05:41
Alarmno, i was told that it doesnt need to be05:41
nuuindeed, it doesn't05:41
fulat2krather off topic... anyone here can recommend a good timesheet tracking application?  has to be open source. :)05:41
Alarmso i did remove it05:41
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ericssonYorokobi: I am in the middle of reading/installing that cr**05:42
nuuthe hal/udev automounter kicks in, and allocates a temporary mountpoint for it05:42
nuuso what do you get, when you plug the disk in ?05:42
Alarmbut dont get it what has the /media/win5 dir to do with05:42
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Alarmthe dialog window opens , to press ok (to open it) or cancel05:42
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nuuand it opens ? ie, it's correctly automounted ?05:42
Alarmno i get the error message : the mount point /media/win5 is allready occupied05:43
Alarmalthough : rockpc:/home/alarm# umount /media/win5 umount: /media/win5: not mounted05:43
nuuwhat does "mount | grep win5" report ?05:43
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Alarmnothing , no output05:43
Alarmas i said. i did add my user in the plugdev group and reloged05:44
nuuwhat's the label of the partition ?05:44
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nuuand what's the filesystem you're trying to mount ?05:44
Alarmthen i did pmount /dev/sda1 and it got mounted. i know that if i will do it now, it will be ok . but once i turn it off and on again, i get the same message with "occupied"05:45
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nuuis the label of that ntfs partition "win5" by any chance ?05:45
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Alarmno , if u mean the title lable of the drive its Movable05:45
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nuuhm, ok05:46
nuutry pmount /dev/sda1 usbdisk05:46
Alarmwin5 was a direcotry that i created yesterday by trying to mount it with the fstab05:46
nuusee if it mounts like that05:46
Alarmbut i didnt use it since then05:46
Alarmneither is there any other entry with the /dev/sda1 in the fstab anymore05:46
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Alarmnuu,  as i said, it mounts like that. it mounts with pmount /dev/sda1 (without the usbdisk) , but when i turn off (even if before turning off i "remove safely" ) the disk, and then turn it on again, and try to get in the partition i get again the same error messege, and have to pmount it again05:47
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nuuok, it's almost as if pmount isnt correctly releasing the mountpoint05:49
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ericssonAnyone know what NPTL is?05:49
nuuif i get this right05:49
Alarmfrankly talking, i couldnt find something online that i could understand and could help me also. i am sure there is something but where :)05:49
Alarmnuu believe me i know less than u do :) so could be that u are right05:49
binks_workdoes anyone no webdav05:49
nuuok, let's try this..05:50
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nuumount it, and from command line, without "safely removing" it, do a pumount /dev/sda105:50
nuudoes that help any ?05:50
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Alarmmount it with pmount /dev/sda1 usbdisk ?05:51
nuuyeah, usbdisk is just to make it mount somewhere else05:51
nuuso as to make pmount believe the mountpoint ain't busy05:51
nuuyou can very well pmount /dev/sda1 ihatepmount if you want ;)05:51
Alarmok, first result. i did pmount /dev/sda1 usbdisk and it mounted it , and i can get in . till now i didnt have any problem with it, i had when turning of05:51
paparounasif anyone knows how to setup an ISDN modem with KPPP plz tell me05:51
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Alarmnow let me unmount it05:52
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Alarmok unmounted it. now turn it off and on again ?05:52
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ubuntuanyone here??05:52
Alarmsame error05:53
nuuusbdisk busy ? or win5 busy ?05:53
ubuntuwhat time is it in kubuntu??05:53
dac_ubuntu,we're here.05:53
dromerhi all, I upgraded my ubuntu yesterday from edgy to feisty, now I can't see any of the rogular window options like move to viewport right05:53
dromerin beryl*05:53
ubuntuSo I have an internett connection?05:53
nuuAlarm: cat /etc/fstab | grep -i win505:53
ubuntuHow can I check if I have a working internett connection05:54
nuuubuntu: no, you're chatting to a local network of proxy bots, emulating irc on your local kubuntu installation05:54
nuuproxy drone nuu reporting for duty05:54
Daisuke_Idoubuntu: uh, you're online if you're here.05:54
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Alarm#/dev/sda1    /media/win5    ntfs    auto,gid=1000,umask=0002    0    005:54
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Jucatoubuntu: the fact that you're online means you're connected05:54
nuuAlarm: cat /etc/fstab | grep -i sda105:55
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Alarm#/dev/sda1    /media/win5    ntfs    auto,gid=1000,umask=0002    0    005:55
ubuntuSO you can confirm I have an working internett connection`05:55
Yorokobinuu, shorter: grep -i sda1 /etc/fstab05:55
Alarmsame entry05:55
nuuYorokobi: deformation ;)05:55
Daisuke_Idoubuntu: you do, obviously.  you're here05:55
Alarmbut its commented05:55
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Alarmshould i remove it completely ?05:55
nuunope, commented should be pretty fine05:56
Daisuke_Idoi need to scour my logs and put up a "clueless" page for some laughs05:56
Alarmdont get its problem with /media/win505:56
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ubuntuDo I still have internett??05:57
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YorokobiNo, ubuntu, you don't. Its down now.05:57
ubuntuOr am I offline now?05:57
ubuntua troll??05:57
nuuAlarm: yet the error reports win5 every time05:57
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nuudid you reboot your box since you modified fstab ? i know it sounds weird, but...did you ?05:57
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Alarmnuu , a silly question, should i pumount it , turn it off. restart and try ?05:57
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Alarmu're in my mind05:58
nuuyou haven't ?05:58
Alarmwell i did log out when i did add alarm user in the plugdev only05:58
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Alarmhonestly i cant remember if i did restart again after i did comment out that line05:58
nuuAlarm: grep -i sda1 /etc/mtab05:58
Alarmlet me restart05:58
Alarmno output05:58
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nuuok. try a reboot05:59
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nuusee ya05:59
Alarmbe back05:59
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kilrae_anybody know the difference between the 'ati' and 'radeon' drivers?06:00
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Alarmok here i am06:01
bipolarkilrae: they are the same06:01
Alarmturn it on ?06:01
bipolarkilrae: afaik06:01
nuuyes Alarm06:01
nuuah, before you do06:01
nuusudo rmdir /media/win5 please :)06:01
bipolarkilrae: using 'ati' will load radeon if it detects a supported card06:02
aaroncampbellHas anyone had problems printing from any specific applications?  Maybe Java based apps?  I can't seem to print from Zend Studio, but I can print from everything else I've tried.  It says "No Print Service Found"06:02
bipolarkilrae: again, afaik. I could be incorrect06:02
nuutry the rmdir06:02
nuudoes it allow you to delete it ?06:02
Alarm the /media/win5 is allready occupied06:02
aaroncampbellI have a support ticket into Zend, but they seemed unfamiliar with the issue, so I thought I'd ask here too06:02
nuuheh, this really looks like a busy mountpoint06:02
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nuuyet mtab reports nothing06:02
Alarmok did remove it06:02
bipolarkilrae: my laptop uses the 'ati' driver and it loads the 3d radeon support on my radeon 900006:03
nuuok, how ?06:03
Alarmi mean i removed the win5 dir06:03
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nuuok, try again06:03
Alarmnuu and i am sure i am not in that directory when i try to mount it06:04
the_Un-Namedhello all, I got a small problem, I'm fine once I get it installed but my kubuntu feisty fawn(7.04) freezes at 63%, I can install xubuntu 6.06 fine though06:04
Alarmeheh now i got another error : could not enter folder /media/win506:04
nuuwould you please delete that /etc/fstab entry :)06:04
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nuuremove the line completely06:04
USMarinethe_Un-Named could the cd be damaged?06:04
nuuand retry06:04
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the_Un-NamedI've tried reburning the cd a few times and the md5 checksum is fine06:05
nuui know this SHOULD NOT work, but at this point, i wouldnt be surprised if it did06:05
posedid somone know a good erp for linux?06:05
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USMarinethe_Un-Named i had some edgy problems when using the kubuntu cd, so i installed ubuntu and then migrated the desktop06:05
kilraeaha, i found it06:05
Alarmok back to the old classics now: mount point /media/win5 is allready occupied06:05
nuuis the directory there ?^06:06
the_Un-NamedUSMarine, I assume I should just install ubuntu then apt-get update?06:06
Alarmnuu not really06:06
kilraeati is a loader for all ati cards, it detects your card and loads the proper driver for that series06:06
nuugrep -Ri win5 /etc/*06:06
USMarinethe_Un-Named no, aptitude install kubuntu-desktop06:06
nuuanything jumping to the eye ?06:06
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the_Un-Namedok thanks, I'll try it and post back in 2 weeks06:06
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Alarmmany permitions denied i see..06:07
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Alarmbut nothing with win506:08
nuuah, you're not logged in as root...put "sudo" in front of that line06:08
nuualso, plug the disk in, and do a sudo vol_id /dev/sda106:09
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Alarmnuu no return06:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:09
Alarmrockpc:/home/alarm# vol_id /dev/sda106:09
Alarmbash: vol_id: command not found06:09
nuusudo apt-get install volumeid06:10
nuuand retry06:10
Alarmnow i will dissapoint u, i am on debian , and i dont see any volumeid in the repository06:10
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[tUd] Pensacolais it normal for the screensaver to work in preview but not when it's actually needed in 7.04?06:11
acidBURNanyone for help with netgear WG511T06:11
Alarmcould i maybe have done something wrong when adding the user alarm in the plugdev group ?06:11
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nuutype "groups"06:12
llutzacidBURN: works fine here with madwifi-ng driver (atheros-chipset)06:12
Alarmhold on. now there is a win5 directory in the /media  . a folder with the lock on it. like having not enough permition to enter06:12
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ groups06:12
Alarmalarm dialout cdrom floppy audio video plugdev netdev powerdev06:12
nuusomething is still creating that directory06:12
Alarmand thats the error i get: you do not have enough permitions to read file:///media/win506:13
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nuuls -l /media/win506:13
nuuwhat are the permissions and owner ?06:13
Alarmi did 1-2 mins ago with: mkdir /media/win5 && mount -a , but it didnt chance something06:13
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nuumount -a mounts whatever is in your fstab06:13
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ ls -l /media/win506:13
Alarmls: /media/win5: Permission denied06:13
Alarmi guess as i must be root for that06:14
YorokobiAlarm, try sudo ls -ld /media/win506:14
ahvargasanyone knows how to list targets in a makefile?06:14
Alarmrockpc:/home/alarm# ls -ld /media/win506:14
Alarmdrwx------ 2 root root 4096 2007-04-30 19:03 /media/win506:14
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nuuAlarm: ls -l /media | grep win506:14
nuuno sudo06:15
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Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ ls -l /media | grep win506:15
Alarmdrwx------  2 root root   4096 2007-04-30 19:03 win506:15
Alarmi know that if i will try pmount /dev/sda1 it will mount it without any problem, the problem starts when i turn it off and on again06:15
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nuuAlarm: sudo chmod 755 /media/win506:16
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Alarmand for some reason it got stuck with the win5 dir06:16
Alarmok did that06:16
nuuretry plugging the disk in06:16
Alarmokie ,06:16
Alarmthe mount point /media/win5 is allready occupied06:17
Alarmfeel like giving up nuu  ? :)06:17
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Alarmrockpc:/home/alarm# umount /media/win5 ----- umount: /media/win5: not mounted06:17
c1|freakyhi all. how can i share a directory on my laptop (kubuntu) and make it accessible to a windows machine (samba) without the need of a password?06:17
nuui'd like to rule out pmount though06:17
nuubefore i give up06:17
nuusudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/win506:18
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Alarmokie done (beware nothing in the fstab)06:18
Alarmnext ?06:18
nuuit mounted alright ??06:18
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Alarmnot really06:20
Alarmcould not enter folder /media/win506:20
Alarmalthough while mounting i didnt get any error06:20
Alarmplus , the win5 directory is again with the lock on it .06:20
nuuyou mean, you can't enter it right now ?06:20
nuubut it's mounted ?06:20
nuuwhat does mount | grep win5 say ?06:20
Alarmwhile trying to enter, i dont have enough permition06:20
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ahvargasanyone knows how to list targets in a makefile?? im usuing gnumake 3.8106:20
lman_hello.  How can I change konquorer settings so compressed files dont show up as folders in the navigation panel?06:20
Alarm/dev/sda1 on /media/win5 type ntfs (rw)06:20
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nuuright, now sudo umount /media/win506:21
Alarmok done06:21
ohmbrhi, how do i upgrade my kubuntu to 7.04?06:21
nuuand again: mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/win506:21
nuuwithout sudo06:21
Alarmthe win5 dir,. also dissapeared06:21
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nuudisappeared ?06:21
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/win506:21
Alarmmount: only root can do that06:21
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nuuok, pmount /dev/sda106:22
ahvargasohmbr: wich version are you running?06:22
Alarmno win5 dir appeared. but when pressing on media:/ Movable icon i can get in06:22
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ericssonDoes anyone know how to increase brightness of videos in Kaffeine during video playback? (right-click -> Increase brightness does not work)06:23
nuugood, pumount /dev/sda1 (while outside that dir in both gui and cmdline)06:23
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ohmbrahvargas: 6.0606:23
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llivnehi guys06:23
Alarmok did that06:23
nuuwhat'd it say ?06:23
llivnemind giving me a hand?06:23
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nuuall fine ?06:23
Alarmpumounted it06:23
nuuwhat does mount | grep sda1 say ?06:24
llivnewhan i shut down from linux the pc stays on how do i fix that?06:24
Alarmno return06:24
nuugood, plug the disk out, then back in06:24
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Alarmcould not enter /media/win506:25
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Pensacolamy screensaver doesn't work :'(06:25
nuuyou're using kde ?06:25
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llivneguys a littile help here?06:26
nuuthis looks to me like an issue with kde and its automounter wrapper gui06:26
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nuuit's almost as if kde stores an obsolete copy of fstab somewhere06:27
nuuor perhaps just "remembers" old settings06:27
nuuand keeps on applying it when the automounter box pops up06:27
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nuuas you can see, if you mount or pmount the disk, manually, the whole process works06:27
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Alarmokie :) i will check later on on #debian as well06:27
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nuuyou can mount as normal user, so therefore pmount and the plugdev addage worked06:27
nuui can tell you this: your binaries arent wrong. it's something with the gui06:28
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nuuone last try, after you unplug the disk06:28
Alarmcould be06:28
nuuplug it in, and tell kde not to do anything06:28
Alarmtell me06:28
nuuthen from cmdline, sudo mount /dev/sda106:28
ohmbrahvargas: any ideias?06:28
nuuno mount point or fs type06:28
nuuif it says "not in fstab", then 100% is a kde issue06:29
johnyHello guys :D. Does anyone know what the last k3b version for kubuntu is, and where to find it?06:29
nuuas your fstab is clean, and recognized as such by mount06:29
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Alarmrockpc:/home/alarm# mount /dev/sda106:29
Alarmmount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /media/win5 busy06:29
Alarmmount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /media/win506:29
ahvargasohmbr:just run the adept manager06:29
nuusudo umount /dev/sda106:29
ahvargasand it will promt there is a new version06:29
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ahvargastell to downlaod and ther you go06:29
nuuand then sudo mount /dev/sda106:29
ahvargasanoyone has experience with make command???06:30
ohmbrahvargas: do i need backup any tinhg?06:30
Alarmthats what i did nuu06:30
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nuuoutput from sudo mount | grep sda1 ?06:30
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Alarm/dev/sda1 on /media/win5 type ntfs (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,sync)06:31
nuuk, it's still mounted06:31
nuuhm, wild try06:31
nuuswitch to a termianl06:31
nuuterminal sorry06:31
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nuuand try from there06:31
nuusame round of tests06:31
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nuuunplug, plug, pmount, pumount, mount etc06:31
Alarmokie i will do the steps we did here06:32
nuusee if you notice any discrepancy06:32
nuuwith what happened in kde06:32
nuuok, off now06:32
nuui'll ttyl :)06:32
nuulet me know if you find a solution06:32
Alarmthank you a lot for ur help and ur time :)06:32
Alarmi will be arround :)06:32
nuulater :)06:32
Alarmthanks once more06:32
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ahvargasohmbr: nope ,06:33
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ahvargasohmbr: you wil be just fine , but i will recomendo you to backup your sensible data06:34
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ahvargasahmbr: just for precaution :P06:34
ohmbrahvargas: i'm running ltsp... do l backup this configuration files?06:35
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ahvargasohmbr: yes i will recomend that06:36
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ohmbrahvargas: ok... tks...06:37
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dennis_hi! what can i do to watch .wmv files?06:37
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ubuntuyo peeps06:37
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draganhow to recompile kernel and REMOVE SMP support?06:38
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llutzdragan: deselect multiprocessor support (or install the -386 kernel)06:39
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draganllutz: is this available on DVD 7.04?06:39
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llutzdragan: don't know, "apt-cache search" tells you06:40
draganI have disabled support.. and now tryin g to recompiel06:40
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MajorApuswhy would one of my hard drives not in use be randomly spinning up and seeking06:40
llutzdragan: why don't you use the -386-kernel?06:40
ahvargasohmbr:ok no problem06:40
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dragannow you tell me ;-)06:40
dragancan I use -686 ?06:41
draganon amd turion 64b?06:41
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llutzdragan: -686 is obseleted by -generic, i guess the -386 is the only one without smp06:41
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ahvargasdragan: there is a very good guide in http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu06:42
dragan-386 is also absoleted by generis... at least adept says so06:42
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llutzdragan: strange, i installed a -386 and it was missing smp-support here06:42
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ahvargasdragan: i feel you anly need to run make menuconfig and select the options u need06:42
Yorokobillutz, are you using Feisty?06:42
llutzYorokobi: yes06:42
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draganwill this fix wifi issue with feisty?06:43
draganI got that BUG: .. something CPU#0 error06:43
ahvargasanyone knows ow to list targets in make??06:43
maini10Hello, someone knows how have to be triaged bug in KDE 3.5.6 with Kubuntu 6.10. Have that packages the same support for bugs.06:43
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Dekansdoes bcm43xx module manage 54MB ?06:44
aaroncampbellI'm working with Zend support for a problem with my Zend Studio, and they asked me to "export the path" from the console, and let them know what it was.  How do I do that06:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:45
just-this-timewant sda5 ntfs, mount readable by commonsystem user owned by root and permissions dr-x-------06:45
Yorokobiaaroncampbell, echo $PATH06:45
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:45
aaroncampbellthank Yorokobi06:46
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draganahvargas: you think that with make menuconfig WITHOUT recompile new setting will work??06:46
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ahvargasdragan: no u need to recompile06:47
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ahvargasdragan: i was trying to say that u need to specify your opts06:48
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RytmenPinnen"System -> Administration -> Restricted Devices Manager" Doesnt excist06:49
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JucatoRytmenPinnen: that only exists on Ubuntu (GNOME).06:49
llutzdragan: "linux-image-386 - Linux kernel image on 386"  not marked as being obsoleted here....06:49
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RytmenPinnenright, where shall I get the drivers then06:50
Yorokobillutz, dragan is using an AMD64 processor IIRC06:50
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llutzYorokobi: if he don't want SMP it makes no difference (afaik)06:51
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llutzdragan: are you using 64bit-installation?06:51
draganllutz: you are right... it is not obsolete.. was not looking close enough06:51
draganno.. not 64b install06:51
llutzdragan: then -386 should be fine if you just want no SMP06:52
draganand smp is bustin up my rt61 driver06:52
draganinstalled .. now to test ;-)06:52
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:53
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stoftI want to deinstall my old kernels (2.6.12 and 2.6.15), I suppose it's just "apt-get remove --purge linux-image-2.6.12...", but anything I should think about/worry about?06:53
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draganyeah baby!06:54
FireTalonis it safe to apt-get the new test release of kde 4?06:54
Yorokobistoft, you can't purge the kernel you're system is using. You'll have to install another kernel, boot to it, then purge the other images.06:54
dragan10x llutz.. I am new at debian compile... kernel issues at all.. was used to do it by hand..06:54
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dragannow rt61 works06:55
dragan10x again.. bye06:55
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malik__how do i enable display pic in kopete?06:55
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stoftYorokobi: I'm on feisty, running 2.6.20. the others are from previous versions of (k)ubuntu06:55
just-this-timeroot owns sda5 and root is disabled06:56
Yorokobistoft, then you shouldn't have a problem purging them06:56
stoftYorokobi: ty06:56
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just-this-timecan sudo fix permissions for ntfs mounting ?06:56
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stoftjust-this-time: have you already read the ntfs guides?06:57
just-this-timestoft where ?06:57
stoft!ntfs | just-this-time06:57
ubotujust-this-time: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse06:57
just-this-timestoft where ?06:57
stoft!ntfs-3g | just-this-time06:57
ubotujust-this-time: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:57
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just-this-timestoft the first yes not so comprehensive06:58
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phratmanHey all, out of curiosity, is there any way around this?06:58
just-this-timejoined user to fuse group06:58
phratmanssh user@server 'sudo command' will demand that I enter a password twice.06:58
Yorokobiphratman, ssh -t ...06:59
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just-this-timebut sda5 is permitted only to owner and root is not enabled on ubuntu06:59
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phratmanThe first password, obviously, is to allow me access to the machine.06:59
phratmanThe second time however, it asks for what to feed sudo and then it displays my password in *cleartext*! Emphasis on the cleartext.06:59
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Yorokobiphratman, ssh -t user@host "sudo command"06:59
stoftjust-this-time: root is not enabled as an account, but you can "become" using "sudo"07:00
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:00
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phratmanYorokobi: Ah, cool.07:00
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:00
kilraeoooh, full speed video playback07:01
just-this-timewhaaat is .hal-mtab-lock  in /media folder ?07:01
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phratmanYorokobi: Thanks, that's just what I was looking for.07:01
Yorokobiphratman, np07:01
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Pollywogmy vid card is Geforce 7600GS, should I be using the "new" nvidia packages in Feisty?07:01
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stoftjust-this-time: I'm guessing it's a lock file created by hald (hardware abstraction layer daemon)07:02
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Pollywogit is a PNY Verto07:02
stoftjust-this-time: I would leave it alone07:02
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just-this-timeyou on feisty stoft?07:02
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stoftjust-this-time: yes07:02
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djdarkmanhow can  set a proceses priority to low?07:02
acemois there any way to make a program start in maximized mode when i start it from Kmenu?07:02
just-this-timeand have some ntfs to mount stoft ?07:02
llutzdjdarkman: renice07:02
YorokobiPollywog, its up to you. The -new on will work. I use it for my 620007:02
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Pollywogwill the plain nvldia-glx work in Feisty?07:03
stoftjust-this-time: ntfs mounted yes07:03
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RytmenPinnenHow do I install nvidia drivers? I tried !nvidia but it says I need the restricted driver manager wich I just heard doesnt excist in kubuntu07:03
PollywogI use a generic kernel07:03
blekosi've changed the su psswd but when i run adept manager i still have to enter user's psswd07:03
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RytmenPinnenThey dont seem to excist in the adept manager either07:03
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just-this-timestoftf can you pls check permisions on folder containing mounted ntfs ?07:04
stoftblekos: the su password? sudo asks for your user password07:04
PollywogYorokobi: ty07:04
just-this-timemine is sda5 and is dr-x-------- stoft07:04
stoftjust-this-time: root, but that's the way I want it07:04
stoftjust-this-time: same here07:04
acemoRytmenPinnen: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common07:04
just-this-timeok what about group permissions07:04
stoftjust-this-time: same. what is it you want to do?07:04
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just-this-timeso how does the common user use ntfs07:05
just-this-timeread only07:05
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Pollywoganyone know when the vmware issue will get fixed?  I updated to vmware workstation 5.4 yesterday but still can't run vmweare with Feisty07:05
just-this-timeuse kxmame from ubuntu07:05
stoftjust-this-time: see, now that was what the ntfs-3g guide was for ;)07:06
just-this-timestoft roms are on ntfs partition readonly is ok07:06
djdarkmanisn``t there a lower priority then 0?07:06
stoft!ntfs-3g | just-this-time07:06
ubotujust-this-time: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:06
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just-this-timeno write stoft07:06
djdarkmanI`m compliing something and it realy eats my resources07:06
just-this-timeno need07:06
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just-this-timeread is enough07:06
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llutzdjdarkman: +2007:07
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just-this-timety anyway07:07
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stoftjust-this-time: iirc by default, if you don't use the ntfs-3g driver your ntfs partitions will be set read-only for user root and no one else. I suggest trying the ntfs-3g driver and see if it permits other users to read.07:08
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djdarkmanit`s slows my system ,what other method is therre to slow down a program?07:08
epimethoh come on!  I have to install the windows version of firefox to get shockwave working?07:09
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Yorokobiepimeth, no you don't.07:10
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epimethyou're about to say I can use ies4linux, aren't you?  I'm actually about to do just that :-)07:10
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Yorokobiepimeth, you can install the flash player from the adobe website, and/or the gnash mozilla plugin from the repos (or the flashplayer from the repos).07:11
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epimethnot flash, shockwave....07:11
epimethYorokobi: http://www.addictinggames.com/dailyjigsaw.html - an example07:12
Yorokobithe flash plugin provides shockwave07:12
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johnyHello guys :D. Does anyone know what the last k3b version for kubuntu is, and where to find it?07:13
just-this-timein ntfs-config  -> Enable write support for internal device will be selected by default. Click OK. is grayed on system07:13
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djdarkmanjohny: sudo apt-get instaall k3b07:14
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Jucatojohny: k3b 1.0 (the latest and stable release) is on feisty07:14
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Jucatok3b is always installed by default on any Kubuntu release07:14
johnyJucato: hello07:14
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stoftjust-this-time: hang on, let me take a peek07:14
johnyJucato: but the last released version seems to be 1.01 which isn't in the repos..07:15
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epimethYorokobi: so why isn't the juzzle game working for me, but regular flash is fine?07:15
Jucatoah yeah... 1.0.1 didn't make it. I think it was released a few weeks after 1.0 was07:15
johnyJucato: Will it be included in the repositories?07:16
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Jucatojohny: that really depends. I haven't heard about it yet, but it might be available as an update07:16
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RytmenPinnenum, my glx gears broke when i installed nvidia drivers with sudo apt get so now I cant test if it was succesful07:17
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johnyJucato: Ok , that's all I wanted to know. Thank you, as always -:D07:18
epimethJucato: know anything about shockwave?  the regular flash plugin isn't doing it for me :-)07:19
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Jucatoepimeth: hm... not really...07:19
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epimethJucato: cheers anyway07:20
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aleksanterimy kbfx doesn't seem to do anything on my start menu, how can i "activate" it?07:20
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stoftjust-this-time: ok, think I figured it out now. "sudo umount" your ntfs drive, open ntfs config tool, don't check the checkboxes. the partition will be mounted "dr-xr-xr-x"07:22
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lucagood day to everyone07:24
franky_hi! i'd like to install superkaramba on kubuntu...i wanted to ask if it is necessary to download it from the web (tnx very much for the attention and sorry for the stupid questio)07:24
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korobaseHow to search a channel in a irc?07:24
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korobaseHow to search a channel in an irc?07:24
aleksanterikorobase: /list <pattern>07:24
posingaspopularkorobase: what are you looking for?07:24
aleksanteri!ot | korobase07:25
lucafranky_ : open your adept_installer and select superkaramba for install (you will need to download it, but the program will do everything automatically)07:25
ubotukorobase: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:25
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korobaseI want to search a channel about nexuiz07:25
Jucatokorobase: Window -> Channel List (in Konversation)07:25
aleksanteriah XD07:25
olimpicoDoes someone knows how to make the bash.bashrc be loaded autmatically when connectin through ssh?07:25
stoftfranky_: apt-get install superkaramba07:25
aleksanterilol i'm such a !@#%&07:25
lucacan someone help me set correctly the Bus ID PCI for an NVIDIA 7300 integrated card?07:25
franky_luca tnx very much07:25
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posingaspopularsudo apt-get install superkaramba07:25
lucafrankY_ np :D07:25
aleksanterimy kbfx doesn't seem to do anything on my start menu, how can i "activate" it?07:25
Yorokobiolimpico, the /etc/bash.bashrc?07:26
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lucaaleksanteri open your add applet window (right click on panel) and add kbfx to your panel07:26
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aleksantericool, thx :)07:26
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RytmenPinnenI choose to use property drivers and now my resultuion is max 64007:27
Yorokobiolimpico, 'sudo echo ". /etc/bash.bashrc" >> /etc/login.defs' might work07:27
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olimpicoYorokobi: You know to overwrite the PS107:27
Yorokobiolimpico, or simply set PS1 in /etc/login.defs07:28
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olimpicoWell, I think, this is done by the /etc/profile07:28
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aleksanterihmm now i can't move the kfbx kicker into place :/07:28
olimpicoYorokobi: Well, I think, this is done by the /etc/profile07:28
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Yorokobiolimpico, it might be ... *shrug* its been a while since I looked at the bash login procedure07:29
olimpicoYorokobi: Thr problem is that it's not working when I connect through ssh07:29
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Yorokobiolimpico, it should work if you set it in ~/.bashrc and/or ~/.bash_profile07:29
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olimpicoYorokobi: the /etc/bash.bashrc in ubuntu, is called by the /etc/profile07:29
RytmenPinnenchanging back to regular drivers didnt hekp07:30
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RytmenPinnenI have restarded x07:30
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bbeck_Has anyone been able to get window decorations to appear when using beryl?07:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:31
Yorokobibbeck_, emerald or aquamarine decorations ?07:31
bbeck_I've tried both, but neither seem to appear.07:31
olimpicoYorokobi: What will that be the difference?07:32
Yorokobiolimpico, between .bashrc and .bash_profile?07:32
olimpicoit all works fine, if I type: source /etc/profile07:32
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RytmenPinnenMy resoltion is stuck on 640x 480 when I installed nvidia drivers07:32
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olimpicoYorokobi: it all works fine, if I type: source /etc/profile, the problem is that it's not being called autmatically when I connect with ssh.07:33
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olimpicoYorokobi: I don't think that making a ~/.bashrc will make a difference, do you?07:33
RytmenPinnenHow do II fix this? its impossible to google for something at this resolution07:34
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Yorokobiolimpico, .bashrc and .bash_profile should both be read during a login shell invocation.07:35
olimpicoOK!! That did the trick!! You were right! Thanks!07:35
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Yorokobiolimpico, you're welcome07:35
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Yorokobi!fixres | RytmenPinnen07:36
ubotuRytmenPinnen: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:36
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victor__someone can help me07:37
victor__generic kernel freezes randomly07:38
victor__i am whith feisty07:38
victor__i want to change to kenel i385 instead of generic but each timi i try it freezes07:39
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victor__also i have been searching in howtos07:40
victor__but nothin works07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixresu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
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RytmenPinnenI tried that restart x window command and the whole system when black07:41
ubotuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes07:41
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:41
victor__adept freezas allways07:42
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victor__http://www.getautomatix.com/ is down07:43
niosopmorning.  I'm trying to install kubuntu onto a linux raid system.  Have md0 (raid 1) for boot and md1 (raid 0) for the rest.  The kubuntu installer partition editor doesn't allow me to select the md devices though.  Any suggestions?07:45
stoftjust-this-time: you around?07:45
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niosopor do I have to go w/ the alternate cd?07:48
RytmenPinnenwhy doesnt my password work when I try to log as root in the konsol?07:48
JucatoRytmenPinnen: because there is no root password (root account disabled), so you don't really log in as root07:48
RytmenPinnenI have to change permission on the xorg.conf file to edit it but I cant save cause its write protected07:48
Jucatono don't change permissions of system-owned files07:48
epimethRytmenPinnen: you log in as yourself and then use sudo -i07:48
Jucatouse sudo (or kdesu) to edit files07:48
Jucato!sudo | RytmenPinnen07:49
ubotuRytmenPinnen: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:49
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epimethand Jucato is right, you don't change permissions of system files07:49
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RytmenPinnenhow do I change permission in the konsol?07:51
RytmenPinnenah ok07:51
RytmenPinnenbut how am I supposed to fix this resolution problem then07:51
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niosopRytmenPinnen: You can become root by using "sudo bash" if you're going to be doing a lot and don't want to type sudo each time07:51
victor__my kubuntu still freezing07:52
Jucatodid you try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg already?07:52
Jucatoniosop: "sudo -i" is a more proper way07:52
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RytmenPinnenI believe that was what made my screen go black07:52
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niosopJucato: ahh, cool, never know about htat one.07:52
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victor__less than 5 min betrwwn each freeze logs says nothing07:52
tucoI need help to have system tray icons displayed again please!07:53
victor__konkeror freezes it an adept too07:53
Jucatotuco: what do you mean? the whole panel disappeared or only the system tray applet for the panel?07:53
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tucoBasically let's say you open amarok...there should be a little icon on the left in the system tray. It isn't there, same for any other application!07:55
Jucatotuco: ah but you still have your kicker? (kde panel). right-click on the panel -> Add Applet to Panel -> look for System Tray07:55
mahdivictor_: try loading an older kernel07:56
victor__how do i change my kernel, adept locks up my pc07:56
tucoNo system tray!07:56
RytmenPinnenis it easier to reinstall kubuntu than trying to fix the reusulution problem?07:56
BluesKajhiya Jucato :)07:56
mahdivictor_: do you have a grub menu on boot up?07:56
Jucatohi BluesKaj07:56
victor__yes i have grtub07:56
RytmenPinnendebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailab07:56
JucatoRytmenPinnen: easier? maybe... but what would happen if you encounter the same problem again? :(07:56
tucodock application bar/kasbar/external taskbar/panel/universal sidebar07:57
tucono system tray Jucato07:57
Jucatotuco: no, Add Applet to Panel, not Add Panel07:57
victor__i tried to use noacpi nolacpi and pci=assign-busses07:57
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RytmenPinnenbut how do I fix it, so far I've only been led to dead ends07:57
mahdivictor_: select an older kernel version when grub comes up, there should be at least one if you scroll down07:57
Jucatotuco: the first from the top when you right-click on the panel. it will launch a dialog box with a list of available panel applets07:58
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:58
tucoAaaaaaaaaaaaah ok done :-)07:58
BluesKajJucato: got a bit of a configure prob ...here's the error , trying to install xtracroute , http://www.pastebin.ca/46589107:58
tucoThank you sir ;-)07:58
victor__i only have generic and save mode07:58
victor__in eneric07:58
RytmenPinnen"Run the Autodetect Script Again"07:58
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RytmenPinnendoes this work for 7.04?07:58
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mahditry safe mode, worth a shot. wish i could help more but i'm off to class.07:58
RytmenPinnenit says its for dapper07:58
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JucatoBluesKaj: try looking for a libgtk package that ends in -dev.. not really sure with the name07:59
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Dekansdoes bcm43xx module manage 54MB ??07:59
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:01
Dekansdoes bcm43xx module manage 54MB ??08:02
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RytmenPinnencould someone please get into a private chat with me, I'm getting frustrated with this resuproblem08:03
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BinBuswe have a hamlet router?08:06
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RytmenPinnenhelp me please08:07
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jmorowho here needs help and with what?08:08
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ubuntuwhy do you use KDE, is it better than gnome?08:09
RytmenPinnenI need help with the resolution08:09
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Xbehavekde locks up when i transferd more than about 500mb to my uss mp3 player? is this kde specific or is it a kernal prob im not sure08:10
llutzubuntu: it's different, so it's up to you what you use08:10
Xbehavekde lets me configure everything i want in gnome it was too hard for me08:10
mueslixubuntu: it's just different i'd say. better depends on the user08:10
ubuntuthx, i will use in future KDE too, because it looks much nicer08:11
mueslixwhen it comes to the api, the answer might be a different one tho08:11
Xbehaveubuntu you can install both without much hassel08:11
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Xbehavehell my 1st ubuntu install had xfce, gnome and kde, but now i stick to kde w/ beryl08:12
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RytmenPinnendoes the same grafic hassle excist in ubuntu?08:12
RytmenPinnenala stuck on 640x48008:12
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Xbehavewhat are you running? laptop? intell grafics?08:13
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RytmenPinnennvidia fx590008:13
farmhand00000001Hello all, I was wondering if someone could recomend a good sound card that will be fully compatible with kubuntu 7.04?  Dont need anything too fancy, just for MP3s and playing warcraft 308:14
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RytmenPinnenI installed nvidia drivers with apt get, I dont know if it was succesful but my glxgears broke so Im couldnt check my fps08:14
RytmenPinnenthen I tried to set to propierty drivers and then this happened08:14
RytmenPinnenI also tried to set it back to the regular drivers but I'm still stuck on low resu08:15
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Xbehavetry restoring your xorg.conf if you have any backups08:15
RytmenPinnenhow would I do that?08:16
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Xbehaveopen a konsole, cd /etc/X11/08:16
RytmenPinnenas far as I know I dont have any backups08:16
Xbehavethen see if there is mroe than 1 file starting with xorg.conf08:16
Xbehavenvidia try to make a backup when they set stuff up08:17
farmhand01if you check your /etc/X11 dir, see if you have any files called xorg.conf.something08:17
RytmenPinnenyes there is one called xorg.conf.208:17
farmhand01that is prob the backup08:17
RytmenPinnenand a .1 and a .custom08:17
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stoftwhere do I put the niceness when running nice?08:18
RytmenPinnenso I'll just remove the original and rename the .1 ?08:18
Xbehavetry cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.0 to backup your current incase it gets worse08:18
jovansmy konqueror crash everytime when i want to open my Home Folder08:19
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farmhand01can it open anything else?08:19
Xbehavejavans does it try launching loads of konqs08:19
RytmenPinnenhow do I replace it btw? it says acces denied in konqeror08:19
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farmhand01you need to sudo08:20
jovansi don't know08:20
stoftnm, think I got.08:20
XbehaveRytmenPinnen: open up a console and do it though there08:20
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jovansand the next time when i am trying to open my Home Folder nothing....when i am starting Konwuerer once again than works08:20
RytmenPinnensudo what?08:21
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Xbehavein console go to /etc/X11 with cd then type sudo xp xorg.conf xorg.conf.0 then sudo cp xorg.conf.1 xorg.conf08:23
RytmenPinnenwhat does xp do?08:23
Xbehavesorry i meant to put cp08:24
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RytmenPinnenok do I have to restart something too?08:25
Xbehaveonce thats done ctrl-alt-backspace08:25
RytmenPinnenah the old x restart08:25
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RytmenPinnenthank you thank you thank you08:26
Xbehaveany improvment?08:26
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CaseyOmahHow do I set Alt_R ro mod1 along with Alt_L (the default)?08:26
RytmenPinnenmy resolution is back :) I still dont know if I have any real drivers tho08:26
Xbehavei think youll be on the non-nvidia ones with an old xorg conf08:27
dawsonHello, I have just upgraded to fiesty fawn, and now can not conenct to the internet, can connect to network, but not recieve an ip address. Also kubuntu now hangs on shutdown, any suggestions/ help greatly recieved. Thanks a lot!08:28
CaseyOmahI'm trying to setup my keyboard, and am annoyed that the default for mod1 (Alt) is Alt_L only, how do I also map Alt_R to mod1?08:28
RytmenPinnenprobably, but what happened to my glxgears, they worked earlier08:28
farmhand01Dawson, it is not possible to connect to your network and not have an IPaddress08:29
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BluesKajanyone having ktorrent crash probs ? ...mine was crashing just once / hr , now its up to 10mins08:30
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dawsonyea, but according to wifi radar it is connected but fails to issue an ip08:30
CaseyOmahBluesKaj: I have noticed the instability in Ktorrent too.08:30
farmhand01oh, didnt know you were having a wfi problem, I know nothing about that08:30
dawsonah ok, sorry i should have said. Thanks anyways08:31
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CaseyOmahBluesKaj: I gave up on Ktorrent as a download ap, and switched to Opera's implementation of torrents and only use Ktorrent for the built-in search.08:32
BluesKajCaseyOmah: I don't see any bug reports at ; https://wiki.kubuntu.com/KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems, so I guess we're stuck til they find the prob ...I reported it twice already08:32
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BluesKajright CaseyOmah , looks like the logical alternative alright , asureus is buggy as well from all reports08:33
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CaseyOmahOpera implementation is to download the .torrent file into the "torrent root" directory and then download the contents.08:33
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CaseyOmahSo you can use Ktorrent to download the .torrent and Opera to open it in place. (point back to the same path)08:34
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CaseyOmahOpera 9.20 is stable, 9.10 was crash-happy on Feisty.08:35
adz21canyone have any experience with DVB cards as I am struggling to get mine working08:35
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BluesKajok, CaseyOmah , I've used the embedded torrent client in Opera before ...seems ok08:36
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CaseyOmahBluesKaj: I've been an Opera fan for a while and was mad when Feisty made 9.10 crashy.08:36
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BluesKaj<--- would never be accused of being an opera fan :)08:37
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CaseyOmahDoes anyone know of a way to remat your mod keys? I need to add Alt_R to the mod1 "Alt" (Alt_L) mapping.08:38
BluesKajthe browser yes, but not the music08:38
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CaseyOmahBluesKaj: I'm not big into the Operetic genre either.08:38
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K-RyanHi there08:40
CaseyOmahHello nicu.08:40
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czer323Can someone else just try to run khotkeys from a terminal real quick and tell me if it crashes?  Standard kubuntu 7.04 install.08:40
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nicuam i new to kubuntu....and i want to ask you where is the contro panel...where can ai change the skin...it is there in any other kde based distro i tried bu tnot here08:41
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CaseyOmahczer323: ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed.08:41
K-RyanPress the KDE menu button, then system settings nicu08:41
czer323CaseyOmah: thanks, mine too. :-\  I'll submit a bug report.08:41
nicudid it08:41
K-RyanThat's the "control panel"08:41
K-RyanIf you then click Appearance, you can change themes08:41
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CaseyOmahnicu: It's called "System Settings"08:42
nicui have no contro panel08:42
K-RyanIt's not a control panel08:42
nicui saw it08:42
K-RyanIt's just called system settings08:42
CaseyOmahnicu: Often referred to as "Control Panel".08:42
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nicuwhen i open it i get a screen where i get personal/look&fell/computer admin...and stuff like that08:43
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K-RyanUnder each section there are icons.08:43
K-RyanYou're in the right place.08:43
CaseyOmahnicu: That's not a question.08:44
nicuwhen i ckic appearence from look&feel  i get al there is to be there expt themes like in other kde distros08:44
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K-RyanOnce you click Appearance, it's on Colors by default08:44
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K-RyanIn the middle of that window there is a list of themes labeled "Color Scheme"08:44
WillLuong1is there a way to change permissions for a folder and everything in it (even subfolders)08:44
K-RyanYou can scroll through those, preview them up top, and click Apply to set it.08:45
nicui know that08:45
CaseyOmahnicu: Under Appearance & Themes you can select the "Theme Manager" (In Feisty release)08:45
nicubut if i want to change the theme08:45
nicui'll check it now08:45
K-RyanThat's how you would go about changing your theme.08:46
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K-RyanAnd the "Control Panel" is just the "System Settings"08:46
czer323Does Kubuntu use the Launchpad for bugs?08:46
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pauljwWillLuong1: right click the folder in konqueror and change the permissions08:46
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pauljwunder properties, WillLuong108:47
WillLuong1pauljw thanks08:47
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RytmenPinnenok, I see I have the nvidia drivers but I cant enable them for some reason08:54
RytmenPinnenalex@ladan:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable08:54
RytmenPinnendebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable08:54
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sdlnxgkHello Everyone !!08:56
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sdlnxgkanyone know why kubuntu only sees 240gigs  out of 250gig drive??08:56
RytmenPinnenI believe that's not ubuntu related08:57
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RytmenPinnenit has something to do with that one megabyte isnt 1000kb its 1024kb08:58
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sdlnxgkwhy wouldn't be?? in dmesg it says 250gig sata drive but when formatted it's 238gigs08:58
budluva_anyone aware of plans to include kickoff in the repos?08:58
K-RyanHey I just realized my trash can isn't on my bottom bar anymore. Where did it go and how can I put it back there?08:59
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sdlnxgkRytmenPinnen, so your saying i'm gonna loose 10 gigs on each drive?08:59
RytmenPinnennot really08:59
sdlnxgkmaybe I formatted it wrong..08:59
RytmenPinnenit should say the same in windows08:59
sdlnxgkI used qparted08:59
K-Ryansdlnxgk: It's advertised as 250?09:00
budluva_sdlnxgk: its advertised as a 250GB drive doesnt mean when formatted you'll actually have 25009:00
sdlnxgkK-Ryan, yes in dmesg it says 250gig09:00
budluva_240 seems about right09:00
K-RyanI'm not sure what the reason behind it is, but you always lose about 10GB off what09:00
K-Ryanis advertised.09:00
RytmenPinnenmy 120gig hdd is only 115 or something09:00
K-RyanMy 160GB holds about 149GB09:00
budluva_my 500gb drive formatted and partitioned only works out to about 48009:00
sdlnxgkoh then i'm paranoid for nothing ;)09:00
K-RyanMy 250GB external held about 235GB09:01
K-RyanYeah it's just one of those things.09:01
RytmenPinnenit has to do with bits and bytes09:01
YorokobiYou lose more if you use RAID, too :)09:01
K-RyanNot really RytmenPinnen09:01
sdlnxgkI was freaking big  time going like WTF!!09:01
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K-RyanThought they jipped ya'? =P09:01
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sdlnxgkok next question09:01
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sdlnxgkshould I do a fresh install on my new 250gig sata drive or put my old hard drives in with it and use as is?09:02
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K-RyanWhat do you mean?09:02
budluva_i would install on the new sata drive over older an older drive09:02
sdlnxgkK-Ryan, yes I thought they jipped me :)09:02
budluva_thats just me though09:03
K-RyanWell I mean, how old is the drive and how big is it?09:03
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sdlnxgkI have a 10gig HHD with kubuntu installed on it and 2x 60gig drives with downloads on it09:03
K-RyanPersonally, as long as it works and you don't mind the speed difference, leave it.09:03
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whtadoes rosegarden come default with the kubuntu-desktop package?09:03
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K-Ryanrosegarden, I don't have it so probably not.09:04
sdlnxgknever ran sata with linux before so was kind of scared to just have the sate drive09:04
whtaok. just wondering since I installed it on gnome before i installed KDE and now I have 2 rosegarden entries under multimedia09:04
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K-RyanHmm, go figure.09:04
K-RyanYou can try removing one09:04
sdlnxgkwhat is the best way to partition a drive09:04
K-RyanI'm told Gnome Partitioner09:05
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budluva_sdlnxgk: gparted?09:05
K-RyanPersonally I use the partioner off the Live CD I have09:05
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sdlnxgkok letme me rephrase the ? what is the easiest  way to format a drive in kubunut :)09:05
K-RyanI've only done it off the Live CD, and that worked nice and quickly for me.09:06
CaseyOmahDoes anyone know of a way to remat your mod keys? I need to add Alt_R to the mod1 "Alt" (Alt_L) mapping.09:06
K-RyanTook only a few minutes and I didn't and don't have any problems.09:06
sdlnxgkK-Ryan, how do I run it off the live cdrom?09:06
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BluesKajyeah , formatting during an install works well, then one can use GParted live cd as well09:07
K-RyanAs if you were going to install Kubuntu.09:07
K-RyanBut stop after you partition.09:07
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sdlnxgksounds easy enough let me transfer some documents then start the install of fresh copy of Kubuntu :)09:07
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K-RyanNo no09:07
K-RyanYou don't have to reinstall09:08
K-RyanYou just start the install, and quit it after you partition what you want partitioned.09:08
sdlnxgkK-Ryan,  yes I do don't have anything on the sata drives yet ;)09:08
BluesKajwell frankly i misss edgy , ...feisty seems to be seriously broken in some areas09:08
sdlnxgkthis is still  my old drive09:08
K-RyanOh you are going to switch to it, alright then.09:08
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K-RyanBluesKaj: What's broken? I haven't had any issues.09:08
CaseyOmahBluesKaj: Yeah, Feisty needs a few things to go back to Herds.09:09
sdlnxgkK-Ryan, thanks for your help09:09
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stoftBluesKaj: I have to agree with K-Ryan, no major issues here either09:09
K-Ryansdlnxgk, no problem, be sure to let me know how it goes.09:09
sdlnxgkRytmenPinnen, thanks for your help will be back after the install ;)09:09
BluesKajI have GTK probs with configure and make ... also theres QT probs with ktorrent09:09
CaseyOmahstoft, K-Ryan: Have you tried Ktorrent?09:10
stoftnope, don't like it.  use azureus if anything.09:10
Daisuke_Idohaven't had a single issue with ktorrent...09:10
sdlnxgkK-Ryan, i'll be back as soon as it's done installing ;)09:10
budluva_only issue i have with fiesty, well with linux in general is my blooody broadcom wireless, pain in the arse09:10
K-RyanI don't need to torrent, 2MB/s ISP09:10
BluesKajazureus ...hawg gawd09:10
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Daisuke_Idoazureus reams resources09:10
stofteither that, cli client or qtorrent. I use torrents so rarely that it's not something I notice.09:11
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K-RyanAnyone know if I can setup my Xbox 360 controller to work under Kubuntu?09:11
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BluesKajbbiab .... gotta send my income tax ...today's the deadline here09:11
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CaseyOmahK-Ryan: I haven't tried an Xbox 360 Controller, but my PS2 controller works great with my USB adapter.09:12
K-RyanCan you get both thumbsticks working?09:12
dice14uhey anyone I have two questions, i just updated to fiesty and it caused an audio issue09:13
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dice14upc speakers used to be my audio control09:13
dice14unow something called pcm is09:13
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Daisuke_IdoK-Ryan: as long as it's an OFFICIAL 360 controller, you probably can use it09:13
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CaseyOmahK-Ryan: Everything works perfectly, both analogs, R/L 1,2,3(click analog) XO/\[]  and Hat (Digital) all work.09:13
Daisuke_Idoi know my 3rd party wired is useless :\09:13
K-RyanDaisuke_Ido: What brand? My MadCatz works under Windows with those drivers.09:14
K-RyanHaven't tested it on Kubuntu though.09:14
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K-RyanI'm worried about the right thumbstick(secondary axis) and the triggers.09:14
K-RyanBecause they function as axis rather than buttons.09:14
K-RyanSo that's 4 axis inputs.09:14
dice14uanyone have a new sound channel in fiesty?09:15
CaseyOmahK-Ryan: Yes, I have 4 axis plus hat and 12 buttons all working great.09:15
Daisuke_IdoK-Ryan: pelican09:15
Daisuke_Idoand mine works fine in windows too09:15
Daisuke_Idonot kubuntu though09:15
K-RyanI might just have to plug my plug and play into my controller, then hook it to my computer.09:16
K-RyanI've got an official wireless, with a wire for it. Hehe09:16
K-Ryandice14u you said it's only now that you're running feisty?09:16
CaseyOmahK-Ryan: Actually, it claims to support 7 Axis, 12 button.09:17
Black_Catwhen Firefox downloads Adobe Flash player, where does it put it? i'd like to have the file(s) so i don't have to download it again in case of installing system at another PC09:17
K-RyanBlack_Cat I believe there is package in the universe or multiverse that you can just download09:17
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:17
YorokobiBlack_Cat, the default for FF is ~/Desktop09:17
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K-RyanFlash isn't available for Feisty yet?09:18
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dice14uK-Ryan yes now only when running fiesty09:18
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CaseyOmahK-Ryan: I just used the binary installer for linux from the official site.09:18
Black_CatK-Ryan, i downloaded "swf-player", but it didn't provide Flash playback in FF, i don't know the reason why. it said it has a Mozilla plugin with this package...09:18
Yorokobidice14u, the PCM channel isn't a new sound channel.09:18
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K-RyanAren't I popular, 3 messages in a row, gimme 2 seconds to read it all.09:19
CaseyOmahBlack_Cat: You have to point FF to the plugin path.09:19
dice14uYorokobi it just showed up though and it is what controls the total volume of the system, it used to be pc speakers09:19
Black_CatK-Ryan, take your time09:19
K-Ryanswf-player, that's not the package that's something off the website?09:19
Black_CatCaseyOmah, why???? it says it places files right to mozilla/plugin folder09:19
Yorokobidice14u, PCM has always been one of the 'total system volume' controls. You probably had the mixer set up differently before.09:19
dice14uYorokobi then how do i change it back?09:20
CaseyOmahBlack_Cat: Your resaults may vary.09:20
Yorokobidice14u, why?09:20
Black_CatK-Ryan, that was found in repository...09:20
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K-Ryanalright, that's what I was asking.09:20
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K-Ryanright now, what I have is flashplugin-nonfree09:21
K-Ryanalong with konqueror-nsplugins09:21
K-RyanSince I use Konqueror09:22
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dice14uYorokobi I have a keyboard that has volume control, and now when i press it it changes the volume on the pc speakers channel09:22
dice14unot the pcm09:22
dice14uYorokobi i tried changing the shortcuts in kmix but it didn't change anything09:22
dice14uYorokobi thank you actually i figured it out myself, its about which one is the master channel09:22
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K-RyanBe back in a minute or two09:23
dice14uYorokobi ok nvm i figured out how to make my keyboard work, change master to pcm09:23
dice14uYorokobi but now when i press mute nothing happens09:23
Yorokobidice14u, you have a multimedia keyboard, I take it?09:24
Bearcathello folks.  I have a client who is on dial-up. She has kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS.  Can i just download a 7.04 cd and upgrade her with that?09:24
dice14uYorokobi yes09:24
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dice14uYorokobi I got the volume to work now09:25
Yorokobidice14u, okay. I don't know what to tell you there.09:25
dice14ubut i can't get the mute to work09:25
elcuco__hi all, k3b does not wont to burn for me09:26
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elcuco__running k3bsetup will fix it, but i am not really happy with this solution. any better idea?09:26
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K-RyanBercat it might take a while.09:30
K-RyanBut you can do it.09:30
dice14uAnyone know what program the sidebar/bottom bar is?09:31
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K-Ryan7.04 is one of the versions that are sent out on CD. So you can always order one.09:31
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fergerhow do i remove a folder thats looks like <foldername>?09:33
fergeri get this:09:34
fergerrm <mountpoint>09:34
ferger-su: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'09:34
Bromicsu mean rm -rf foldername?09:34
Yorokobiferger, rm ./\<foldername\>09:34
BearcatK-Ryan: but i can do it via cd?09:34
ericssoniptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i eth0 --dport 1025 -j ACCEPT <-- Would that accept an SSH session I have incoming on port 1025?09:34
K-RyanBearcat: I know there is a way, but I haven't done it personally so I couldn't guide you through it.09:34
Alarmanyone knowing to handle usb ntfs disks with mount ? :)09:35
fergerthanks <)09:35
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K-RyanBe right back, gotta let my dog outside.09:36
BearcatK-Ryan: thanks09:37
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K-RyanNo problem Bearcat09:38
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ddaedalusAlarm: whats the prblem?09:39
Alarmi got a problem mounting my external usb hd . when i plug it in and turn it on , and try to enter in the partition i get: could not enter folder /media/win5 . i can only mount it with pmount /dev/sda1 . i did also add my user (alarm) to the plugdev group , and rebooted as well.09:39
Alarmin the fstab there is nothing listed about the /dev/sda1 device .09:39
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Alarmwhen i mount it with pmount /dev/sda1 as i said it works pretty well,. i can enter the partition,. but once i turn it of (even if i remove it safely) , and then turn it on again, i get again the same message . it is an ntfs drive09:39
Alarmwhat else...09:40
Alarmehm, till now i had: /dev/sda1   /media/win5   ntfs    auto,gid=1000,umask=0002    0    0 . but all that wanted to help me told me to remove that line09:40
ddaedalusAlarm: well there better shouldn't be a entry in your fstab09:40
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Alarmu're reading my mind. i did remove it09:40
ddaedalusAlarm: do you know where your usb drive is mounted on /dev?09:40
Alarmits sda109:40
ddaedalustry sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mount/<some existing folder>09:41
ddaedalusehh /media/<some...>09:41
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ericssonAlarm: umask 0002?09:41
Alarmas i said, i when i mount it with pmount /dev/sda1 , its ok, i can enter it as a simple user. but once i turn it off and turn the drive on again, then i get the same messege when i try to enter in the drive, or when i try to enter the /media/win5 folder i get the message you do not have enough permitions to read /media/win509:41
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ddaedalusok. hmmm09:42
ddaedalusyou do unmount the drive before removing?09:42
ericssonAlarm: I haven't been following the whole conversation, but I know you had the same problem hours ago. Have you tried default umask022 ?09:42
Alarmok did mount /dev/sda1 /mount/09:43
ddaedalusnoo, dont mount it directly into /mount09:43
Alarmericsson,  umask 002 where ?09:43
ddaedalusthats was a typo09:43
Alarmok let me unmount it09:43
ddaedalusin options, something like:09:43
ddaedalussudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/win5 -O umask=022209:43
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Alarmwell i didnt mount it to /mount dont worry :)09:44
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Alarmi did mount it on /media/win5 :)09:44
ericssonAlarm: from the looks of it it was your /etc/fstab you posted..09:44
ddaedalusthat gave me a heart attack ...09:44
Alarmok did mount /dev/sda1 /media/win5 -O umask=022209:44
prunaroman cineva09:44
ddaedalusnow try to enter /media/win509:44
ddaedalusand ls -la09:44
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ddaedaluslook at the permissions09:45
Alarmsame error : i do not have enough permition to read /media/win509:45
ericssonAlarm: and do mount -a09:45
aleksanterihow can i change the panel foreground color?09:45
ddaedalustry to enter using the console09:45
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ cd /media/win509:45
Alarmbash: cd: /media/win5: Permission denied09:45
ddaedalusok, what says ls -la /media/win509:46
Alarmas root i can enter and see the files09:46
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ericssonaleksanteri: right-click panel -> configure panel -> apperance -> enable background images/color09:46
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ ls -la /media/win509:46
Alarmls: /media/win5: Permission denied09:46
ddaedalustry ls -la /media; plz paste only the lines which are relevant ;)09:46
Alarmericsson,  as much i did hear i should have an entry in the fstab09:47
aleksanteriericsson: i meant changing the foreground color :P09:47
Alarmdr-x------  1 root root   4096 2007-04-23 19:16 win509:47
ddaedalusnot for dynamicly mounted drives. udev does take care of this09:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:47
ddaedalusok i see the problem09:47
ericssonAlarm: there is the problem ;)09:47
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ddaedaluscan you paste your fstab somewhere?09:48
Alarmddaedalus,  take in mind , with pmount i can mount it an enter as a simple user, the problem starts when i turn off and on the drive again, i cant enter anymore , i have to pmount again09:48
ericssonaleksanteri: then I'm lost, I'm not used to GUI ;)09:48
=== meduxa is away: Away at the moment
Alarmddaedalus, sure but there is no entry about the sda1 , so it wont be something to see09:48
ericsson!pastebin | Alarm09:48
ubotuAlarm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:48
Alarmericsson,  where is the problem my friend ? :)09:48
ericssonAlarm: is there vfat or ntfs on it? As I said, I haven't followed from the start..09:49
Alarmits an ntfs usb disk09:49
ddaedalusnow i am dumbfound09:49
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ericssonhave you got the nfts-3g driver?09:49
ericsson!ntfs-3g | Alarm09:49
ubotuAlarm: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:49
ddaedalushe doesn't need it09:49
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ddaedalusonly for writing09:49
ericssonOk, ddaedalus is right there..09:49
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Alarmi dont need a write access. all i want is to read and mount :)09:50
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ericssonso, chown, cmod + entried is fstab is what we want?09:50
ddaedalusi really don't now what screws your permissions up09:50
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Alarmme neither.09:50
ddaedalusno, it looks like his drive is mounted umask=070009:50
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ddaedalusso only root can read09:51
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Alarmwith root i get in . but as i said , when i pmount i get also as a simple user09:51
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stoftAlarm, if you want users othher than root too be aable to read then you need to use ntfs-3g,, afaik09:52
ddaedalusi'm not exprerienced with pmount09:52
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Alarmstoft,  its not true09:52
ddaedalusno, like hell.09:52
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ddaedalusonly writing09:52
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Alarmany other suggestions ? :)09:52
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ddaedalusi am thinking... can take some time :P09:53
aleksanterihow can i change the panel foreground color? :)09:53
ericssonAlarm: probably rather waste of time, but have you tried modprobe?09:53
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Alarmand load what ?09:53
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ericssonddaedalus: take the time you need, we others grow beards ;)09:54
Alarmhow can i see which modules are loaded09:54
ddaedalusericsson: wait? you gurus dont already have beards ? :P09:55
ericssonddaedalus: I'm old, but not THAT old ;)09:55
ericssonwell, it's not grey anyway :)09:55
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ddaedalusok, thats *too* much detail09:55
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Alarmany other channel that i could ask  ? :)09:55
stoftI do, but it's a small one because I'm  not a gguru yet09:55
ddaedalusthe ubuntu forums?09:55
ericssonAlarm: try #clueless_blondes09:56
Alarmddaedalus,  i did google it , couldnt help me much09:56
ddaedaluswell, simply ask? create a thread. i am sure some will help09:56
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Alarmi will on linuxforums once i got an account there09:57
Alarmthanks for ur time09:57
ddaedalusnp ;)09:57
ericssonWeird problem that one..09:57
K-RyanSince I've upgraded to Feisty, my trash can has disapeared. How do I get it back?09:57
Alarmu tell me...09:57
Alarmnuu user tried before like an hour to help me without results :)09:58
aleksanterihow can i change the panel foreground color?09:58
ddaedalusi am sure you have a some config file messed up09:58
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stoftaccording to mount manual page, ntfs aare by default, unless you set to something else explicitly, owned by root annd not readabbleby anyone else09:58
K-Ryanaleksanteri: KDE Start button > System Settings > Appearance09:58
ericssonK-Ryan: Right-click on the bottom panel and add applet to panel09:58
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ddaedalushmm, he might try umask09:58
stoftsorry for the double letters, I have a heavy process in the bg09:58
K-RyanAh there we go09:59
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K-RyanThanks ericsson09:59
ericssonddaedalus: did it change umask automagically?09:59
ericssonK-Ryan: no probs09:59
ddaedalusdont know, maybe09:59
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ddaedalusAlarm: still here?09:59
ericssonstranger than fiction ;)09:59
Alarmddaedalus,  yes09:59
=== stoft hasn't actuallly heard hte problem, he's just guessing what it might be... slap him if he's of course.
Alarmfighting with the devils machine :)10:00
=== ericsson slaps stoft gently anyway
ddaedalusbut u have a point. ntfs is auto-mounting as root10:00
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ubotuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..10:00
Alarmanon32, how smart...10:00
K-RyanThanks ubotu10:01
ddaedalusdoes someone know the syntax for umask10:01
rrmmwhy does compiling a driver on xubuntu work but not on kubuntu?10:01
anon32I love that factoid :-P10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:01
K-RyanThere we go...10:01
anon32rrmm, no idea, can you fill me in on the detail?10:01
Yorokobiddaedalus, umask (newmask) eg: umask 002210:01
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rrmmanon32~ u just want a link to launchpad?10:01
K-Ryananon32 have you seen the one for windows, or the one for love? =)10:01
ddaedalusYorokobi: thx, but this mask permissions out right. so 777 would be umask 000 ?10:02
anon32K-Ryan, for Windows, yes. Not for love.10:02
ubotuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.10:02
Yorokobiddaedalus, for full 0777, the umask is 000, yep10:02
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=== anon32 disagrees with the official bot flaming Windows..
ddaedalusYorokobi: ok thx10:02
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K-RyanWell let's see10:02
ddaedalusAlarm: try mounting with --umask 00010:02
anon32rrmm, na, I have time, details please10:02
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents10:02
K-RyanIt's not really flaming, just implying that it's rather problematic.10:03
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K-RyanIf you look at it in a good way =)10:03
anon32or your nearest mental health institute - that's borderline troll :-\10:03
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Alarmagain the same. not enough permitions10:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trolltech - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bill - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:04
ericssonA bit off topic, but the reason why Vista sales is going up is because companies buy vista pre-loaded machines and then they get xp licences on them10:04
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...10:04
rrmmanon32~ my card worked under edgy perfectly, i upgraded and it stopped working (my card meaning my pci wirelss hawking hwp54g which useus RaLink chipset and use(?d) rt2500 module) i put in a xubuntu cd to see if it would detect it and it did but didnt work so i dl the driver onto the live cd and compiled and installed and it worked perfectly10:04
K-RyanWasn't me10:04
ddaedalusthe man pages says that default for ntfs would be 077, which is right in your case. only root can access10:04
rrmmanon32~ i tried to do the same thing on a kubuntu and ubuntu live cd but they crashed10:04
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anon32ericsson, do you have evidence for that? or are you just trying to bash Windows? because bashing anything and everything non-F/OSS only hurts the community10:05
stoftAlarm, it's a usb disk right?10:05
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anon32rrmm, hint - install first10:05
Alarmstoft, exactly, ntfs one10:05
ericssonanon32: first hand experince and also news-articles via theINQ10:05
rrmmanon32~ i have a kubuntu installed system which i dont want to screw with10:05
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stoftAlarm: so it has no entry in fstab?10:05
K-RyanWell anon32 it's not like they aren't forcing some people to get it.10:05
tdnThe menu bar is not visible on Konqueror. How do I make it visible? I do not know how it became hidden.10:05
Alarmstoft,  no10:06
K-RyanThat whole "Games For Windows" thing10:06
LinkCanabicoalso the vista sales include all vista's that are still in stores like wallmart because microsoft alredy "sold" them10:06
K-RyanCompatible with Vista only10:06
RytmenPinnenhow do I make list view default? I know where you change but once I open a new tab or a new window I see icons10:06
anon32K-Ryan, they're not really doing anything that hasn't been standard MS business practice for ages10:06
Alarmits not needed10:06
rrmmanon32~ i used the cds for a clean troubleshooting environment. to make sure it was my installed kubuntu that was messed up not the stupid ubuntu repos which they are10:06
ddaedalusAlarm: try the verbose switch plz10:06
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anon32release new OS, phase out old one, don't backport10:06
Alarmverbose switch ? meaning in plain english ? :)10:06
K-RyanAlright, when was Vista realeased?10:06
ericssontdn: ctrl+shift+F10:06
stoftthat's probably the problem then, not having an fstab entry you can't predefine the umask. you could probably work your way around it in udev config10:06
rrmmK-Ryan~ what is vista?10:06
ddaedaluswhen you consider "-v" plain english :P10:06
trpri don't suppose we could move the debate on ms sales practices to offtopic, please10:06
K-Ryanrrmm: Windows Vista, their latest operating system.10:07
Alarmno i didnt understand which command to do with the -v flag10:07
anon32K-Ryan, 3 months ago10:07
rrmmK-Ryan~ what is windows?10:07
LinkCanabicovista is the spanish word for sight but you have to be blind to apeciate it10:07
anon32rrmm, don't troll, it just makes the Linux community look like idiots10:07
tdnericsson, no. That gives me full screen.10:07
K-Ryananon32 when was 95/98 no longer supported?10:07
=== WillLuong1 [n=will@adsl-75-46-130-204.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
rrmmanon32~ ur stupid10:07
anon32K-Ryan, 3 years ago10:07
anon32I think10:07
ericssontdn: ok, I thought you were in fullscren and stuck there..10:07
ddaedalusAlarm: pmount -v --umask 000 ...10:07
K-RyanThat's almost a 10 year shelf life10:08
anon32K-Ryan, but meaningful updates stopped around 200010:08
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@82-42-100-214.cable.ubr04.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
rrmmtake M$ crap to offtopic10:08
tdnericsson, no. The menu bar is just hidden.10:08
ericssontdn: would F9 help?10:08
K-RyanSo why should Vista take over XP in a few months?10:08
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ pmount -v --umask 00010:08
Alarmpmount: invalid option -- v10:08
anon32it was only extended because people refused to update to 2000 or later10:08
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K-RyanYeah, good point rrmm.10:08
RytmenPinnenhow do I make list view default? I know where you change but once I open a new tab or a new window I see icons10:08
tdnericsson, F9 gives me a side bar.10:08
rrmmit was already said10:08
ericssontdn: or ctrl+m10:08
anon32yeah, we're going off topic..10:08
ddaedalusAlarm: kk, doesnt have verbose switch :(10:08
K-RyanI missed it.10:08
Alarmehe seems not :)10:08
tdnericsson, ctrl+m does nothing :(10:08
anon32rrmm, please, don't troll, evangalize, etc10:08
ericssontdn: You should know I'm not used to GUI's :)10:08
rrmmwtf is evangalizxze?10:08
ddaedalusAlarm: and using --umask 000 sure does not give any results10:09
Alarmamazing , nor in debian, linuxhelp channel can help me10:09
Alarmddaedalus,  no, i tried it , i get the permition error10:09
Alarmwhen i try to enter10:09
rrmmanon32~ feisty was released too early, so many wireless problems with the kernel10:09
ericssontdn: then I'm sorry, don't know :/10:09
anon32rrmm, http://familyfirst.net/ - evangalicals. anyway, yeah, back to the wireless10:09
K-RyanGotta start somewhere10:09
rrmmim not reading that junk10:10
ddaedalusAlarm: some stupid idea. u didn't create the folder as root, did you?10:10
anon32rrmm, do they compile right in KDE? it could be that you run out of space on your RAMdisk10:10
K-RyanIt's easier to find everything when many people are using it.10:10
Alarmhow else can i cretate the dir as a simple user in the /media dir10:10
K-RyanBug wise10:10
Alarmcretate = create10:10
stoftddaedalus: good question! :)10:10
rrmmanon32~ i need to compile the svn nightly because the others wont compile under feisty10:10
ericssonAlarm: sudo and chmod?10:10
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Alarmdidnt chmod it10:10
ddaedalusAlarm: well i mean other user can read ;) i know my sentance didnt made any sense10:11
anon32rrmm, and you can build them on Xubuntu live but not K/Ubuntu live, right?10:11
Alarmno i got what u mean10:11
rrmmanon32~ yes10:11
Alarmchdmo 640 would do ?10:11
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ddaedalusAlarm: chmod a+rwx /media/win510:11
rrmmwell ubuntu works but i cant rmmod the module10:11
rrmmanon32~ kubuntu just locks up10:11
ddaedalusAlarm: sudo ... // of course10:11
Alarmok did it. and now ?10:11
Alarmyeap got that10:11
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anon32rrmm, so you're saying that they compile but don't work?10:11
Alarmmount it how again ? with what parameteres10:12
ddaedalusAlarm: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/win5 --umask 00010:12
rrmmanon32~ they compile on xubuntu and ubuntu, i cant rmmod on the ubuntu so i cant use the one i compiled and kubuntu locks up10:12
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Alarmddaedalus,  the command seems to be wrong.  i get the usage list10:12
stoftddaedalus: if using mount, shouldn't it be -o umask=000?10:12
Alarmmount: unrecognized option `--umask'10:12
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ddaedalusa, well yaah10:12
anon32rrmm, huh, that's odd. They ought to have the same kernel10:12
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rrmmanon32~ they do10:13
rrmmanon32~ uname -a10:13
anon32say, why are you using "rmmod"?10:13
Alarmok i will add an -o10:13
anon32isn't that remove module?10:13
ddaedalusAlarm: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/win5 -o umask=00010:13
stofti.e. sudo mount -o umask=000 /dev/sda1 /media/win510:13
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Alarmok did that10:13
rrmmanon32~ yes, i need to remove the module the kenrel loaded to use the one i compiled10:13
Nanuhi guys ,,, i just installed KDE on my Ubuntu,, i wanna remove it10:13
=== ddaedalus is oraying
Alarmok some good and bad news10:14
anon32rrmm, what happens when you issue rmmod?10:14
ddaedalusbad first10:14
Alarmwhen i enter /media/win5 the dir is empty10:14
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Alarmthe good news are when i enter with media:/sda1 i see the files10:14
rrmmanon32~ it said the module was in use and when i di d a sudo ifdown ra0 it said it wasnt configured10:14
ddaedalusthats crazy?10:14
stoftoh.. yay... eh...10:14
ddaedalusthats is simply wrong10:14
ericssonlol@empty stuffz10:14
LinkCanabico media:/sda1 is it a USB?10:14
anon32rrmm, an, now we're making some headway - did ifconfig list any net devices other than loopback?10:15
Alarmyes /dev/sda1 is the usb10:15
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ddaedalusAlarm: plz do fdisk -l10:15
rrmmmy ethernet one10:15
Alarm  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:15
Alarm/dev/sda1   *           1        9729    78148161    7  HPFS/NTFS10:15
Nanuwhen i type ( sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop ) it says ( E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. )10:15
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anon32rrmm, hrmm...10:15
ddaedalusAlarm: hmmm10:15
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stoftcould it have been automounted by udev?10:16
anon32rrmm, try rmmod -f <modulename>10:16
rrmmthat didnt work eitehr10:16
ddaedalusstoft: well it should have been10:16
rrmmanon32~ i dont have that computer turned on even10:16
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LinkCanabicosoft i second that10:16
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Alarmi know its strange.  when i enter to media:/ and see the devices listed. and get into the usb , instead ot /media/win5 i see the sda1 as i said before10:16
anon32rrmm, err... hmm...10:16
stoftAlarm: what does /etc/mtab say?10:16
rrmmanon32~ it said the resource was busy10:16
ddaedalusAlarm: u sure udev doesn't auto-mount?10:17
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anon32rrmm, dunno what I can suggest then10:17
Alarmalarm@rockpc:~$ less /etc/mtab | grep sda110:17
Alarm/dev/sda1 /media/win5 ntfs rw,umask=000 0 010:17
rrmmanon32~ why cant ubuntu just fix the broken drivers?10:17
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anon32rrmm, that would require more testing and the developers are lazy10:17
LinkCanabicobut even if it automoutnts it should be abel to mount it elsewere10:17
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Alarmddaedalus,  also that. doesnt automount, i had to pount it , or now to mount it as u told me, but after i turn it off and on i have to mount it again10:18
Alarmgive me a second to turn it off/on and see what happens10:18
rrmmanon32~ and when i dl the drivers to my installed kubuntu, those ones dont even work, i think i screwed up my install, im just going to wait till they make a fix, hopefully before gusty10:18
ericssonAlarm: sorry to say it mate, but this is interesting :)10:18
anon32rrmm, ah well, you can still use Ethernet right?10:18
Alarmericsson,  u tell me :)10:19
rrmmanon32~ it was in my room for a reason, i had wifi and then served my ps2 from the ethernet10:19
=== stoft seconds ericsson
Alarmok , results . turned it on . the dialog box appeard if i want to open the disks window , error message: the mount point /media/win5 is allready occupied10:19
anon32rrmm, hehe, I don't trust wi-fi... call me a technophobe :-\10:19
ddaedalusAlarm: well mtab says everything is right10:19
Alarmwhen i did turn it off i did less /etc/mtab | grep sda1 and did not get any output10:20
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YorokobiAlarm, will it remount when you unmount it before turning it off/removing it?10:20
ddaedalusAlarm: ok. fisrt be sure it is plugged off. then sudo rm -r /media/win510:20
Alarmneither do i get now when it says that it is occupied10:20
AlarmYorokobi,  i also did that10:20
ericssonAlarm: could you pastebin mtab? Or are you sure everything is ok there?10:20
rrmmanon32~ it worked fine untill the god damn devs put in crappy kerenel modules, i SHOULD NOT lose support for hardware in an upgrade, i dont care do !ohmy to me i could care less10:20
LinkCanabicotry umount /media/win5 and then mount it again10:20
Alarmok removed the dir10:20
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anon32rrmm, calm down though, things break when you make changes, it's a fact of life10:21
Alarmehmm people , i can follow just one instruction sorry :)10:21
=== ericsson shurgs
anon32my winmodem doesn't work with the new kernel either10:21
=== ericsson can't spell either :)
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Alarmericsson,  give me a second10:21
ericssonanon32: win32 seldomworks10:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:21
rrmmanon32~ plenty of people have my back at this kernel/feisty upgrade issue10:21
anon32yeah, well :-\10:21
rrmmeven devs too10:21
mahdianyone know if xwinwrap is dead or not?10:21
anon32rrmm, considered building your own kernel?10:21
ddaedalusericsson: his mtab looked ok10:21
rrmmanon32~  i lose support10:22
ericssonddaedalus: no fair that you saw it :)10:22
ddaedalusAlarm: now recreate the dir10:22
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anon32ericsson, well, that's not entirely true... but the idea of a winmodem is pretty stupid10:22
Alarmericsson,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18471/10:22
Alarmok done10:22
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ddaedalusAlarm: mkdir /media/win510:22
TheCreationistIf all my hardware works well in Edgy, do I run the risk of it NOT working when upgrading to Feisty?  I ask because a fresh install of Feisty didn't support my CD burner...and my sound didn't work.10:22
anon32rrmm, yeah, well, if you wanted support, you oughta stuck with Dapper :-\10:23
Alarmddaedalus,  i did that :)10:23
ericssonanon32: yes, agree10:23
ddaedalusAlarm: :d10:23
ddaedalusAlarm: chmod?10:23
anon32ericsson, fortunately I have a broadband line now :-P10:23
Alarmchmod a+rwx /media/win5  again ?10:23
just-this-timexp has disk manager to see physical devices10:23
rrmmanon32~ i should not need to roll my own just because the ubuntu kernel hackers fucked up !coc !ohmy my ass10:23
ddaedalusAlarm: yes, should do10:24
anon32!coc ?10:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about coc ? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:24
ddaedalusAlarm: yes, should do10:24
Alarmok next ? :)10:24
ericssonddaedalus: Second your opinion that it looks ok, apart from the missing /media/win5 :)10:24
just-this-timewhat do I use in KDE Kubuntu to investigate unmounted partitions10:24
ddaedalusAlarm: well mount it10:24
ddaedalusAlarm: a no10:24
rrmm!coc | anon3210:24
ubotuanon32: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/10:24
Alarmwhat ?10:24
ddaedalusAlarm: plug it in10:24
Alarmpress ok or cancel in the dialog box ?10:24
ddaedalusAlarm: and wait for udev, and the <your de> automounter10:25
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anon32rrmm, well, I can only see building your own kernel as a viable option at this point10:25
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anon32but what do I know?10:25
ddaedalusAlarm: the ok button?10:25
Alarmwell the window appeared asking me open in a new window10:25
ericssonAlarm: progress...10:25
Alarmsame error: mount point /media/win5 occupied10:25
ddaedalusAlarm: hell yes! don't say you always pressed cancel10:25
rrmmanon32~ Reasons for NOT compiling a custom kernel10:25
rrmmYou merely need to compile a special driver. For this, you only need to install the linux-headers packages.10:25
Alarmno i was pressing 'ok'10:25
anon32rrmm, but when it doesn't work? :-)10:26
ddaedalusAlarm: kill win5, repeat procedure without creating win510:26
rrmmanon32~ im just reading what the wiki tells me to10:26
Alarmwhen i enter to /media/win5 its empty. when i try to enter from media:/ i get the error with occupied i mentioned above10:26
anon32I was tempted to build my own kernel because .21 had better SATA :-\10:26
ericssonAlarm: can you mount/read it if you kill X?10:26
RytmenPinnenwho here has succesfully installed nvidia drivers without any resolution hassle?10:26
anon32but it took too long...10:26
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Alarmkill win5 ? u mean remove the dir again ?10:26
ddaedalusericsson: udev creates the dir if necessary10:26
ddaedalusAlarm: yes10:26
rrmmanon32~ it doesnt take long to compile a kerneel from scratch10:27
ddaedalusAlarm: sorry that i make u do trial and error, but i am out of ideas10:27
TheCreationistIf all my hardware works well in Edgy, do I run the risk of it NOT working when upgrading to Feisty?  I ask because a fresh install of Feisty didn't support my CD burner...and my sound didn't work.10:27
anon32rrmm, meh, I don't have a lot of patience10:27
rrmmanon32~ i tried to but forgot to mount /boot so the kernel could not be found10:27
anon32and my CPU is kinda weak10:27
Alarmok removed the folder, turned on the disk. no i get: could not enter /media/win510:27
anon32rrmm, ow :-\10:28
ericssonddaedalus: T&E is the only way to go sometimes10:28
=== stoft is following ddaedalus and Alarm on the sidelines...
stoftsame thing I would've tried.10:28
Alarmericsson,  no i didnt try it without x10:28
=== ericsson is also following from a safe distance
ddaedalusAlarm: u sure ur udev rules aren't messed up?10:28
rrmmanon32~ so instead i switched to kubuntu, from debian, i was tryuing to get my sata pci controller working10:28
mcgregorhello lads! i was wondering if someone could help me. i have some severe problems with running ktorrent.10:28
Alarmddaedalus,  how can i know that ? :)10:28
ddaedalusAlarm: well, maybe u felt like messing with the udev rules?10:28
Alarmactually my os is fresh installed. i didnt do any changes10:29
Alarmits now that i try to mount my drive10:29
anon32rrmm, heh, my SATA controller is onboard and Intel, but I've had issues with hdparm10:29
Alarmddaedalus,  no i didnt touch anything on udev10:29
rrmmleast u have onbaord sata10:29
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anon32rrmm, hehe, yeah, and kind of standardized (Intel) :-)10:29
=== miatamuc is back.
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ddaedalusAlarm: what does dmesg say when u plug ur drive in?10:30
mcgregorcan anyone help me?10:30
rrmmanon32~ im going to reinstall the headers packs10:30
anon32go for it10:30
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rrmm!ask | mcgregor10:30
ubotumcgregor: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:30
Alarmlet me check the logs10:30
ericssonmcgregor: just shoot ;)10:30
ddaedalusAlarm: plz paste dmesg | tail -n 100 right after plugging it in10:30
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ericssonddaedalus: he's soon gonna wear his ctrl+c combination out from all the copy&paste ;)10:31
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Alarmddaedalus, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18473/10:31
=== stoft is almost tempted to format one of his usb drives as ntfs and give it a try...
Alarma small part of the dmesg10:32
ddaedalusericsson: when his cc is waern out becosue of this, mine must be non-existant ;)10:32
anon32stoft, lol, ntfs + flash = fail10:32
mcgregorcan anyone help me here with resolving my ktorrent?10:32
ericssonwhat is rows 18+1910:32
mcgregori think it crashed10:32
anon32you don't want a journal on a device with limited writes10:32
LinkCanabico***stoft link is doing it10:32
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Alarmand the paste you just asked me: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18474/10:33
LinkCanabicomcgregor whats the problem10:33
ericssonmcgregor: you can't start it again?10:33
mcgregorif i start ktorrent10:33
mcgregoreverything goes wrong10:33
ddaedalusAlarm: NTFS-fs warning (device sda1): load_system_files(): Volume is dirty.  Will not b <-- the most important part is missing10:33
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Alarmwhats that  ?10:34
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mcgregori mean10:34
ddaedalusAlarm: sorry, wrong link10:34
ddaedalusAlarm: my bad10:34
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mcgregorafter i start ktorrent10:34
VSpikeI seem to be missing some important toolbar in konqueror in feisty.  The one for file manager use.  Any idea how I restore it?10:34
ericssonAlarm: I think you have strawberry-jam in your drive10:34
mcgregorsomething is happening10:34
mcgregorand the other programs10:34
mcgregorstop running10:35
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:35
ddaedalusericsson: maybe he should try to open his drive and lick it off. might help.10:35
Alarmi see this: NTFS-fs warning (device sda1): load_system_files(): Volume is dirty.  Will not be able to remount read-write.  Run chkdsk and mount in Windows.10:35
VSpikeIt doesn't seem to be in the Settings->Toolbars list10:35
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donremove it then replace it10:35
Alarmshould i log on to windows do a chkdsk and try again or what ?10:35
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse10:35
ericssonddaedalus: I think the drive could be infected with wi**ows?10:35
mcgregori shall see if that could work10:35
mcgregorthx alot10:35
ddaedalusAlarm: don't know. thats what it says.10:35
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Alarmericsson,  doesnt have win os on it. its just ntfs storage10:36
ddaedalusAlarm: infected with ntfs for sure...10:36
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ericssonstrawberry-ntfs that is..10:36
VSpikentfs would be pretty good, if only it were open10:36
ddaedalusVSpike: but it isn't ...10:36
donwhat can I type in to change my resolution I can do way better10:37
redfiveanyone know about the black windows thingy in beryl?10:37
ddaedalusAlarm: sorry u can try to do as the log says.10:37
Alarmok , i go for a chkdsk and come back again, although i dont think that this will solve something10:37
Alarmthats what i will do10:37
Alarmbe right back10:37
ddaedalusAlarm: i have to quit for now. hope10:37
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adz21credfive: its an nvidia bug10:37
Alarmbe here in a few minutes10:37
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ddaedalusAlarm: but i *do* have to quit10:38
redfiveso using xgl don help?10:38
Alarmwell i mean i will be here in a few minutes :)10:38
Alarmsorry , i didnt put the 'i'10:38
adz21credfive: well i think it should tbh, i personally use AIGLX10:38
Alarmthank you a lot for ur help :)10:38
ddaedalusAlarm: kk10:38
ddaedalusAlarm: np, ur welcome10:38
redfiveso do I, just sick of the black windows10:38
Alarmi will tell u the results in case i will see u :)10:38
ddaedalusAlarm: plz, do so ;)10:38
=== jedrick [n=jedrick@cpe-3-197.cm-dynip.lrl.cablemt.net] has joined #kubuntu
sb73542hello all, is there any workaround for Kubuntu 7.04 with the bug that breaks KDE when the monitor power saving time is changed?10:38
ericssonwe're on a need to know basis, and we need to know :)10:38
donI found some res changers they didnot work at all10:39
redfiveis there a program likd dreamweaver for linux?10:39
adz21credfive: ditto, but last i knew it was a Nvidia only bug, so i switched to AIGLX till they fixed it10:39
adz21credfive: quanta plus, bluefish etc10:39
sb73542it's quite a major showstopper, i can't believe it's not getting any attention10:39
redfiveAIGLX is newer? or not as good as XGL?10:39
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adz21credfive: AIGLX performs better than XGL i think and is newer10:39
redfivehow can you tell which your using?10:40
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LinkCanabicoAIGLX still has major bugs10:40
Alarmehmm something  i forgot to ask10:40
RytmenPinnenhow do I make a "most used programs" list in the Kmenu? and I'd also like to have a search funcion that searches for apps that are in the kmenu only I had this in suse 10.0 and it was very handy10:40
Alarmcould it be that udev is not running ? :)10:40
TheCreationistIf all my hardware works well in Edgy, do I run the risk of it NOT working when upgrading to Feisty?  I ask because a fresh install of Feisty didn't support my CD burner...and my sound didn't work.10:40
adz21credfive: I have the beryl manager running and it has the option to force a rendering platform in adv options10:40
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redfiveoh, i will look10:40
_al_what could be problem with scandinavic characters with skype?10:41
Alarmericsson, what do u say10:41
_al_I'm using feisty10:41
ericssonAlarm: Interesting thought :)10:41
Alarmhow can i check that ?:)10:41
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RytmenPinnenTheCreationist: as far as my experience with feisty goes you should not get it10:41
_al_when I type this kind of character there appears square10:41
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stoftAlarm: I think udev is running (ps -A|grep udev) seeing as you're producing errors in dmesg.10:41
redfiveok im not seeing it10:42
TheCreationistRytmenPinnen: Yeah, that was my experience so far too.  You'd think new releases would support MORE hardware, not less ;)10:42
Alarmyeap it is10:42
just-this-time\o interesting issue10:42
Alarmok i will try to chkdsk it then under windows , hope this will make some difference10:42
VSpikeRytmenPinnen: There's a KDE improvement on apps.kde.org which is pretty much what you want... even mentions that it's based on Suse I think10:42
just-this-timebk from googling10:42
just-this-timeis there a way to  "regenerate fstab"10:43
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RytmenPinnenyeh I cant get my nvidia drivers to work :( If I enable them I get a maximum resolution of 640x480 and I have no idea how to fix it10:43
just-this-timeis there a way to  "regenerate fstab"10:43
stoftTheCreationist: I would evaluate (make a list with plus and minuses) reasons for upgrade. if everything works as it is annd you're satisfied with that, why upgrade? (why kill a winning combination in other words)10:43
donI have same trouble10:43
nuhey guys10:43
TheCreationiststoft: Well, because I don't want to get left too far behind; especially once the support cycle for Edgy comes to an end.10:44
nudoes anybody know how to disable the icon click effect in KDE ?10:44
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Black_Catnu, bouncing cursor? "Launch feedback" in Panel settings.10:44
RytmenPinnensome dude over here helped me fix the problem with the resolution but I have no drivers instead :/10:44
nunope, not the bouncing cursor10:44
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stoftRytmenPinnen: do you use katapult? it's not quite a search function, but it might be what you're looking for without knowing it?10:44
nuthe "zoom" effect10:44
LinkCanabiconu right click on the task bar10:45
redfiveis there a program like dreamweaver for linux?10:45
donI like to know how to make my icons smaller thay are big!10:45
YorokobiRytmenPinnen, don, did you guys specify the Horizontal and Vertical refresh values in your xorg.conf ?10:45
Black_Catredfive, many of them. Quanta Plus for example.10:45
ericssonthe icon-increasing-flashy-zoomy-thingie?10:45
adz21credfive: quanta plus or bluefish10:45
LinkCanabiconu then configure panel10:45
sb73542does anyone know if the kde guidance / kcontrol stuff wiill get fixed any time soon?  I have filed 3 major bugs related to kde guidance stuff, and there's been no developer response10:45
LinkCanabiconu then aspect10:45
nuappearance ?10:45
stoftTheCreationist: true, at the same time evaluate the urgency of an upgrade, can you wait 2 months e.g.?10:46
RytmenPinnenYorokobi: nope but I dont have the permission to edit xorg.conf and I never got any help to so10:46
LinkCanabicomaby i heve the spanish version and translating10:46
VSpikeRytmenPinnen: found it... http://www.kbfx.org/10:46
nu"enable icon mouseover effects" doesnt fix it :\10:46
nuany other checkbox i have to untick ?10:46
VSpikeRytmenPinnen: I didn't get on with it, but it may be what you want10:46
LinkCanabicoyes wait10:47
YorokobiRytmenPinnen, that's what the sudo command is for. Did you read the help web page provided by !fixres?10:47
TheCreationiststoft: Of course, I can.  I just remember always being about 2-3 versions behind when I used Windows... I'm liking being able to always upgrade to the latest Kubuntu :P  I'll give it some time10:47
LinkCanabico there are two check boxes right?10:47
nutwo on the top, and two on the bottom10:47
nuactually 310:47
nuin the panel background section (useless)10:47
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nutwo icons on the top. "enable icon mouseover effects" and "show tooltips"10:48
nuboth unchecked, no fix10:48
rrmmanon32~ it magivly worked somehow10:48
rrmmi didnt do anything10:48
YorokobiRytmenPinnen, if you read the help then you didn't follow the instructions; or are you unable to because you don't have sudo privs?10:48
LinkCanabicothe one on top are reversed enable the right one and disable the left one10:48
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rrmmjust turned it on and was playing with iwlist iwconfig ifconfig10:48
RytmenPinnenhmm, maby I missed something10:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:48
rrmmthen i saw the lights go on so i typed in the right information10:48
nudid it, and still the effect is there10:48
stoftTheCreationist: if you're really worried, wait a month or so. personally I've had no  major problems with feisty, but obviously others have.10:48
Yorokobi!fixres > RytmenPinnen10:48
LinkCanabiconu ok let me check10:49
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ericssonwhat was the definition update for clam?10:49
nuthaks much LinkCanabico10:49
TheCreationiststoft: I had a lot of serious problems with it...10:49
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RytmenPinnenshould I try to enable the drivers first?10:50
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Alarmno error messages on the chddsk10:50
rrmmanon32~ hoepfully when i reboot it will all work again so i can put it back in my room and fix my php/apache issue10:50
YorokobiRytmenPinnen, fix your xorg.conf first, make sure X still starts with the nv drivers, then change nv to nvidia and restart X.10:50
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:50
ericssonAlarm: and still permission errors?10:51
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nuAlarm: still trying eh ?10:51
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Alarmthough i dont see anything wrong written like before in the dmesg10:51
Alarmnu hey :)10:51
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Alarmjust this : NTFS-fs warning (device sda1): load_system_files(): Volume has been modified by chkdsk.  Will not be able to remount read-write.  Mount in Windows.10:52
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nuuthere's a tool to clean it Alarm10:52
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LinkCanabiconu sorry its all i have to do to make it work so no idea waths wrong10:52
anon32Alarm, so mount it in Windows10:52
nuuntfsfix iirc10:52
nuuntfsfix /dev/sda1 should avoid you mounting it in windows10:53
ericssonnuu: you need to tell us, we are a couple of us following the unfolding story with keen eyes ;)10:53
anon32Alarm, that basically means that the partition is in need of Windows' equivalent of a fsck10:53
anon32nuu, ntfsfix empties the journal and schedules Windows to run a chkdsk...10:53
YorokobiAlarm, if you don't mind, take us back to the beginning. What are you trying to do, exactly?10:53
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nuuhm, then perhaps it wasnt ntfsfix10:54
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amrushhello ... I'm on KDE right now ... I have gnome installed but ever since i updated to Edgy Gnome doesn't work anymore ... just shows the splash screen then nothing happens afterwards only the mouse works  ... Can anyone help please?10:54
YorokobiAlarm, or pm me the history10:54
AlarmYorokobi, okie... i have an external hd usb disk with ntfs on it10:54
Alarmi want when i turn that thing on , to be automounted10:54
Alarmit doesnt10:54
bart_How do I install yamipod if not available in adept manager?10:54
nuuor actually, it was ntfsfix, but my problem was the "dirty journal" bit10:54
nuuso it fixed mine, but it wouldnt fix alarm's10:54
Alarmi get several errors like no permition to enter /media/win5 or that it is occupied10:54
nuuthanks for pointing that out anon3210:55
Etokurasudo apt-get install yamipod10:55
YorokobiAlarm, so, you don't get the pop-up asking you if you want to open Konqueror in a new window (and other options)?10:55
nuuLinkCanabico: that's ok dont worry, thanks all the same10:55
LinkCanabicogot to go good look Alarm10:55
AlarmYorokobi,  i can see the files when i pmount it as a simple user. but once i swhich it off and on, i get that the /media/win5 is occupied10:56
LinkCanabicoby nuu gl to you to10:56
nuucheers buddy10:56
Alarmi do , but when i press on it i get an error10:56
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Alarmlilalinux,  than you :)10:56
YorokobiAlarm, you need to pumount/umount/eject it before unplugging it10:56
Alarmi get that the /media/win5 is occupied10:56
nuui think i'll dream of win5 tonight10:56
Alarmeven if i do that, i get that10:56
Alarmnuu imagine about me :)10:56
nuui can guess Alarm!10:57
ericssonnuu: wet dreams..10:57
nuuhaha ericsson10:57
bart_Etokura, tried it but error saying could not find package yamipod10:57
EtokuraIs that it's full name?10:57
nuubtw Alarm: when you tried those steps from a terminal, did it work out fine ? or same issues as in kde ?10:57
Alarmalso , when i pmount it and enter in media:/ and press on the removable disk ,it takes me to system:/media/sda110:57
EtokuraTry sudo apt-get install yamipod*10:58
Alarmwhen i enter to /media/win5 , the dir is empty10:58
nuusorry, i meant from a console10:58
ericssonbah, I can't remember the avclam updater? was is fresh-clam or something like that?10:58
Alarmnuu same10:58
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nuuAlarm: but was kde stopped ?10:58
Alarmyes, console only10:58
amrushguys ... i need help10:58
bart_Etokura, same result10:58
nuummh, i see10:58
ericsson!ask | amrush10:58
EtokuraMake sure you have multiverse enabled in software sources10:59
amrushhello ... I'm on KDE right now ... I have gnome installed but ever since i updated to Edgy Gnome doesn't work anymore ... just shows the splash screen then nothing happens afterwards only the mouse works  ... thanks in advance10:59
ubotuamrush: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:59
AlarmYorokobi,  dont tell me u allready gave up ehehe10:59
YorokobiAlarm, I have a problem with removing/ejecting USB media, not remounting it :)10:59
ericssonamrush: so, which one do you want to use?10:59
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bart_Etokura, there is only a tar. gz file available on their website10:59
Alarmwell call it however u want. i still cant mount it when i turn it on :)11:00
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EtokuraDownload that11:00
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amrushcurrently i want to use gnome ..11:00
Alarmi can mount it , but manualy , not automatically11:00
EtokuraAnd then if you want a .deb file, do sudo apt-get install alien11:00
YorokobiAlarm, what if you change the USB port its plugged into?11:00
doni tried two diff ways in console to change resolution got another11:00
stoftAlarm: did you try removing the dir /media/win5 before the replugging, like ddaedalus said?11:00
EtokuraIt can convert tar.gz files to .deb11:00
ericssonamrush: you could try to simply do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and see if it fixes it for you..11:00
bart_Etokura, i suppose you then have to do ./configure make make install?11:00
amrushtried that11:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:01
EtokuraNo, just download alien and convert it that way11:01
Alarmstoft,  yes i did. then it couldnt open /media/win511:01
EtokuraUse sudo alien Filename.tar.gz11:01
Alarmand here a part of my dmesg11:01
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AlarmYorokobi,  same11:02
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amrushericsson: I tried that .. .didn't work11:02
EtokuraTry sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop11:02
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ericssonamrush: does the gnome-panel or gnome-session work then?11:03
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amrushericsson how can i check out ?11:03
ericssonhui, terrible lagging around here..11:03
bart_Etokura, ok now I have a deb generated file11:04
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EtokuraRight now try to install it11:04
EtokuraIt should be in /home/user/11:04
ericssonamrush: first, as Etokura suggested, try sudo apititude reinstall ubuntu-desktop, if that doesn't help, then try sudo apt-get install gnome-session11:05
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bart_Etokura, that's right11:05
Alarmi feel so helpless hehe11:05
ericssonAlarm: you are brave :)11:05
amrushok ... brb .. i finished reinstalling i will try to check it out11:05
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EtokuraDid it install alright?11:05
amrushno errors popped up11:06
ericssonpah, with what would I open some stupid .chm files? :)11:06
bart_Etokura, hold on11:06
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ericssonamrush: kill x and try to re-login11:06
amrushok .. brb11:06
Alarmit opens it in konqueror11:06
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LjLericsson: "apt-cache search keywords" always helps.11:06
ericssonLjL: depends on how well my memory works though..11:07
Alarmericsson,  try the app i told u11:07
ericssonAlarm: I'll check that one out..11:08
Alarmi use it also, it does what u want11:08
bart_Etokura, i did the install but don't know where it went11:08
EtokuraLook in your kde menu11:08
bart_Etokura,  oh i'm using kununtu feisty11:08
EtokuraOr try yamipod in a console11:08
blekoswhould you mind explaining smg? When I first install Ubumtu i was asked for a usrname & password. Now I've done sudo su and changed the root psswd11:09
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blekosbut when I run smg it need root pswd e.g firestarter I enter my account's psswd11:09
Alarmericsson,  do u accept private messages ?11:09
blekoswasnt I supposed to enter the root's psswd?11:09
ericssonAlarm: I would guess...haven't changed settings..11:10
EtokuraRoot account is disabled by default11:10
EtokuraYou just use your account password11:10
Alarmseems my messages are ignored :)11:10
Alarmif u cannot read what i am writing u now11:10
blekosbut then, if I create a new user will the new user be able to install things?11:10
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EtokuraYou use that user's password too11:11
ericssonnah, I just don't wanna talk to 'ya! No, seriously, hold on, I'll check the settings..11:11
Sanne!root | blekos11:11
ubotublekos: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:11
blekosbut i dont want that user to be able to do so11:11
Alarmpls talk to me, or else i am gonna wish u to have the same problem with ur external drive hehehe :)11:11
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Yorokobiblekos, a newly created user cannot use sudo11:12
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ericssonAlarm: I can't find any settings in Konversation that even implies that I can allow/disallow private peep-sh...sorry..chats..11:13
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ericssonah, blocked due to spam11:14
redfiveis wine noe avaible in7.04? aptget says it dont exist11:14
stoftericsson: if you tire of kchm-something there's also xchm.11:14
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Yorokobi!info wine | redfive11:15
uboturedfive: wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB11:15
Alarmericsson,  i wanted to ask u if you could paste me my very first lines when i entered where i explain my problem11:15
ubuntuHi again11:15
Alarmso i could just paste it in a forum11:15
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Alarmif not i will have to write it again :)11:15
redfivewhy caint i see it on adept?11:15
Yorokobiredfive, you have enable the universe repository11:15
RytmenPinnenok I fixed the xorg file but now my system wont boot11:16
AlarmRytmenPinnen,  put back the backup file of xorg you got11:16
Alarmor reconfigure xorg11:16
ericssonyou mean when you explained your problem?11:16
RytmenPinnenit gets to the loading screen but then it goes black11:17
Alarmat the very begining11:17
redfivewell, evertthing it uncomented and still caont find it11:17
RytmenPinnencan I do that with the live cd11:17
stoftAlarm: do you remember what time it was?11:17
AlarmRytmenPinnen,  reconfigure it11:17
Etokurabart_, Did you get it working?11:17
Alarmfor sure like 1 hour ago ?11:17
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RytmenPinnenhow do I that form the live cd_11:17
YorokobiRytmenPinnen, use Alt-F1 and log in the cp you /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup-or-whatever to /etc/X11/xorg.conf then restart kdm11:17
redfivedeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty universe should ve uncomented for wine to show up?11:17
stoftAlarm: I'll see what I caan find.11:18
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Alarmokie thanks11:18
Alarmit starts with "hello" :)11:18
Alarmbe right back, i must reboot11:18
ericssonOtherwise it's the short version11:18
Alarmi will be back in a second11:18
ericsson[23:54]  <Alarm> Yorokobi, okie... i have an external hd usb disk with ntfs on it11:18
ericsson[23:54]  <Alarm> i want when i turn that thing on , to be automounted11:18
RytmenPinnenwhere shall I press alt f111:18
Alarmnah, that was much more later :)11:18
Alarmshould be something like 23:0011:19
Alarmor 22:5011:19
YorokobiRytmenPinnen, at the blank/black screen after your computer tries to start KDM11:19
Alarmtoo bad i dont keep logs11:19
stoftnice going ericsson, you're in a diff TZ though  :)11:19
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RytmenPinnenah so I cant do it from the live cd_ >o11:19
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ericssonstoft: Yeah, I'm a bit behind, if that's what you mean :)11:19
Alarmtrue... 20:52 GMT ehehe11:19
YorokobiRytmenPinnen, why would you use the LiveCD ?11:20
RytmenPinnenso I could ask you11:20
Etokura[12:39:31]  <Alarm> i got a problem mounting my external usb hd . when i plug it in and turn it on , and try to enter in the partition i get: could not enter folder /media/win5 . i can only mount it with pmount /dev/sda1 . i did also add my user (alarm) to the plugdev group , and rebooted as well.11:20
Etokura[12:39:43]  <Alarm> in the fstab there is nothing listed about the /dev/sda1 device .11:20
ericssonI'll check the .log and see if I find something..11:20
Yorokobioh ...11:20
Alarmthere u go, lovely :)11:20
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RytmenPinnenohwell ill try again11:20
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AlarmEtokura,  thank you a lot for searching:)11:20
ericssonbeat that microsoft support! ;)11:20
AlarmEtokura,  there must be 1 more big entry of me after that, am i right ? :)11:21
Alarmif possible to paste that as well (auchh) :)11:21
redfiveis there a way to reset the repositories?11:21
EtokuraLet me check11:21
ericssonAlarm: there is soon a dedicated channel for you..11:21
Etokura<Alarm> when i mount it with pmount /dev/sda1 as i said it works pretty well,. i can enter the partition,. but once i turn it of (even if i remove it safely) , and then turn it on again, i get again the same message . it is an ntfs drive11:22
MetaMorfoziShttp://kubunt.org/ -> fuck...11:22
Alarmsure #mount-alarm-usb-drive11:22
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LjL!language | MetaMorfoziS11:22
ubotuMetaMorfoziS: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:22
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AlarmEtokura,  thats it. thanks again :)11:22
MetaMorfoziS!fuck | LjL11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fuck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
EtokuraHas anyone heard anything about using the Helio media Mover with Kubuntu?11:22
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Alarmbe right back in a few minutes11:23
EtokuraOr using the Helio as a usb drive11:23
EtokuraIt's not detected11:23
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redfivewhat does Package wine has no installation candidate mean?11:24
donwhere can I get a list of console commands?11:24
redfivei have all respositories enabled11:24
LjL!cli > don    (don, see the private message from Ubotu)11:24
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ericssondon: man pages or http://www.ss64.com/bash/11:25
Black_Catredfive - and did you fetch updates from all of them?11:25
donthanks i want to check it out iscrew up ill reinstall11:25
redfiveall of them?11:26
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redfivejust click fetch updates?11:26
Black_Catredfive, that should be enough if they're enabled11:27
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BluesKajI'm still  pi**ed that alsa has seen fit to block the pcm out on my pc...worked fine in edgy11:27
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redfivewow, is there a way to reset the repository list?11:27
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redfivelooks like others have this problem, i googled it11:28
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amrushetokura .. I'm back still still doesn't work ..11:28
amrushthat is to be ubuntu-desktop11:28
BluesKajyes redfive. you can add repos into the sources list11:28
alexanderHi guys. Im yet another new Linux user :D11:28
EtokuraTry sudo apt-get install gnome-session11:28
alexanderor atleast new Ubuntu user11:29
alexanderHow are ya'll doing?11:29
BluesKajfine alexander, what's up ?11:29
alexanderJust getting used to this fine OS11:29
amrushetokura .. it's already installed11:29
redfiveis there a repo for wine?11:30
EtokuraTry  sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-session11:30
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EtokuraAfterwards just log out(CTRL+ALT+Backspace) and try to log into gnome11:30
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linucsQualcuno mi pu aiutare con la conofigurazione di firefox?11:31
stoft!it | linucs11:31
ubotulinucs: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!11:31
amrushif it doesn't work i will have to restart the computer11:31
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Alarmok i fixed it11:31
Alarmok dont get scared :)11:31
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Alarmnow i got problems with time hehehe11:31
stoftAlarm: wb11:31
alexanderAnyone interested in helping me abit?11:31
Alarmi didnt fix anything, i turned it of :)11:31
|ericsson|bah, nightmare finding unregistered nicks ;)11:31
linucspuoi dirmi come faccio a cambiare canale?11:31
EtokuraWith what alexander11:31
|ericsson|!ask | alexander11:31
ubotualexander: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:32
BluesKajalexander: just ask11:32
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Alarmalthough xchat shows the right time, and when i "adjust time & date" have the correct, time , in the task bar i get 3 forward. when i change it , it messes it up and shows 29 april 21:0011:32
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Alarmi did change the timezone and did put athens11:32
|ericsson|Alarm: :=11:32
Alarmmy lucky day today ehehe11:32
alexanderInstalling VLC and other programs. Finding sound driver and graphics driver11:32
EtokuraAlarm it may be your CMOS battery11:32
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Alarmhmm, true i didnt check for the bios.11:32
Alarmforgot about it11:32
Alarmi will11:32
alexanderSomething like apt-get install VLC right?11:32
Alarmbe right back :)11:32
Muttaya quelqu'un qui parles franais?11:33
stoftlinucs: scrivi "/j #ubuntu-it"11:33
|ericsson|!medibuntu | alexander11:33
ubotualexander: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/11:33
Muttaubuntu french channel???11:33
RytmenPinnenis there somekind of system restore11:33
Sannealexander: you may find this helpful for an overview about software management in *buntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement11:33
|ericsson|alexander: Yes, sudo apt-get install vlc11:33
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RytmenPinnenI cant use the adept manager anymore for some reason11:33
alexandertnx guys11:33
RytmenPinnenits says there's another proces using it but I just logged in11:34
Muttahelp french pleas???????????11:34
|ericsson|!fr | Mutta11:34
ubotuMutta: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:34
TheCreationistRytmenPinnen: You're not running apt in a terminal are you?11:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-fr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:34
Muttathank ubotu :)11:34
BluesKajyeah , sudo apt-get install pkgname , but make sure your universe multiverse repositories are uncommented ( #is removed from the repos)11:34
Sannealexander: if you want to know the exact name of a package, you can use the command: 'apt-cache search <searchterm>' or search for the package at packages.ubuntu.com11:34
RytmenPinnennope I dont think so cause I logged in 10 seconds ago11:34
EtokuraI had that problem11:34
EtokuraI honestly don't remember what I did to solve it11:35
EtokuraBut try synaptic11:35
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RytmenPinnenunless the terminal keeps running things forever and ever until you tell them to stop11:35
TheCreationistRytmenPinnen: Not once you log out.  Are there other users logged in right now?11:35
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RytmenPinnennope, I installed kubuntu today and its quite screwed up allready11:36
TheCreationistRytmenPinnen: What version?11:36
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blekosis there somewhere i could suggest kcontrol to be available in the Kmenu?11:36
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TheCreationistRytmenPinnen: And was it a fresh install?11:36
donI still need a command that will let me change resolution11:36
RytmenPinnenas fresh as it can be11:36
Etokurablekos use the menu editor11:36
blekosI tried to changes my image from System settitngs but it wasnt possible, i had to change smg from the kcontrol and then back to system settings11:37
amigravehow can I prevent kde desktop showing Remote Shares icons ? I tried to disable it in prefs -> Desktop Behaviour but the icons keep showing. (Note: I'm mounting using mount.cifs) Even if I uncjeck "Show device icons" in desktop behaviour it doesn't change anything11:37
Sanneblekos: you can add it to the panel as an applet. For the menu you need to make your own entry (as far as I know)11:37
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TheCreationistRytmenPinnen: Okay, go to Kmenu -> System -> Performan Monitor11:37
RytmenPinnenI'm thinking about actually reinstalling again, and if things dont get right then I'll just end up going back to SUSE 10.011:37
blekosyes I have added, but how on earthy a newbie will be able to find that it exists11:37
Alarmnow thats weird. can the os change the cmos values ?11:37
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Alarmas u said the date wasnt correct in the bios. changed it . reboot it and checked again the bios, the settings were saved11:37
Sanneblekos: I don't know, I don't make the distro ;)11:37
Alarmloged into kde ,and the date/time is again not ok11:38
EtokuraGood to hear Alarm11:38
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TheCreationistAlarm: Do you have the correct time zone selected?11:38
Alarmwhen i go to adjust the time date i see the correct one, but on the task bar i see 3 hours forward11:38
Alarmyes athens11:38
EtokuraKill the clock and restart it11:38
PCGenieHello there.....11:39
AlarmEtokura, how ? :)11:39
devian_THE GRUB after installation hanging after showing "GRUB loading stage1.5"....why the problem is creating ??11:39
EtokuraTry killall orage11:39
RytmenPinnencannot find performan monitor11:39
EtokuraIn a console11:39
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Alarmorage: no process killed11:39
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EtokuraRytmenPinnen, kmenu - system - ksysguard11:39
EtokuraI'm not sure what the clock is called11:40
|ericsson|ehh..oops, if I managed to shutdown a server which has a bootable CD in the drive, can I bypass that through use of SSH? :)11:40
RytmenPinnenand then?11:40
RytmenPinnenshould I look in the process table?11:40
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EtokuraLook for a package manager already running11:40
EtokuraAnd then kill it11:40
EtokuraYes in the processes11:40
RytmenPinnendont have the permisson11:41
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EtokuraClick administrator mode11:41
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EtokuraErr nevermind11:41
devian_THE GRUB after installation hanging after showing "GRUB loading stage1.5"....why the problem is creating ??how can resolve it ??11:42
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amrushetokura .. still doesn't work :S11:42
EtokuraFind the name of the process and in a console type sudo killall process11:42
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:42
JohnFluxdevian_: ^^ maybe those will help11:43
EtokuraDoes it hang on the countdown?11:43
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AlarmEtokura,  just found out that the os can change the bios values11:45
redfivei think i found my problem with installing wine, im using kubuntu amd6411:45
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amrushetokura .. u seem to be u seem to be flooded ..11:45
devian_Thanks looking :)11:45
epimethanybody know if autdesk rivet works with wine?11:45
Etokuraamrush what exactly happens when you start up gnome?11:46
donthat will do it you can still use wine just more complicated11:46
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RytmenPinnenbleh this is too much, is there a way to rollback the system a couple of hours? or do I have to reinstall?11:46
redfiveanyone know if you can get java and flash to work in konqueror native on amd64?11:46
heinkel_111redfive: yes you can11:47
heinkel_111redfive, that does not mean the same as "it's easy"11:47
donI ran i386 to avoid all that11:47
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muzerohi to all11:47
amrushsplash screen finishes it's loading .. mouse changes it's theme bars body appear without icons, then suddenly disappear .. and i can do nothing .. not even restart kernel nor go out to a terminal ..11:47
just-this-time\o anyone tried http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html WUBI ?11:47
redfivei know i did it with firefox 32 bit11:47
heinkel_111redfive: i run it in firefox 64 that was not too hard11:48
EtokuraMaybe it's a problem with gnome-panel11:48
EtokuraTry sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-panel11:48
redfivehow did you do it?11:48
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muzeroevery time i start kubuntu, kubuntu start fsck!!! why?11:48
heinkel_111redfive: to do it with konqueror you need a patch to konqueror, nspluginwrapper (and some trial and error time)11:49
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=== Aelwyn is away: Ausente por ahora.
dettoaltrimenti_is there any little program I can use to see how much electricity my computer is using?11:49
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heinkel_111redfive: try googling gwenole beauchesne's homepage, there you can find documentation11:49
redfivek, thanks!11:49
heinkel_111redfive: the only thing that is really irrritating is that Mandriva has all this worked out by default11:50
redfivehow did you get flash to work in firefox 64?11:50
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heinkel_111with the nspluginwrapper11:50
heinkel_111see gwenole beauchesne's homepage11:50
redfiveah, its a universal plugin11:50
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amrushetokura .. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18484/11:50
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heinkel_111redfive: http://gwenole.beauchesne.info/en/projects/nspluginwrapper11:51
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heinkel_111remember: i did not say easy ;-)11:51
redfivenice, thats how i like it11:51
redfivethanks again11:51
heinkel_111my pleasure11:51
RytmenPinnenthis is enough for today, I think I reinstall kubuntu tomorrow... I have to say it but feisty fawn has been a big disappointment so far, The only thing that was really good was the intallation itself from there it went down down down.. Unless I get it right tomorrow I'll go back to suse11:51
EtokuraAre you using feisty?11:51
amrushno .. edgy11:52
donwhat command in console change resolution?11:52
EtokuraMaybe try removing it and then installing it11:52
epimethdo I need anything special to install Kubuntu on a tablet pc?11:52
amrushtried that ..11:52
LjLdettoaltrimenti_: try "lm-sensors", i don't think most motherboards (or PSUs, actually) give you amperes consumed though11:53
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PCGenieIs there an easy way to download and install KDevelop in Kubuntu? i am not experienced in installing programs in the Linux environment11:54
epimethPCGenie: two ways:11:55
epimeth1) adept, search for KDevelop11:55
epimeth2) apt-get11:55
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epimeth2) sudo apt-get install kdevelop11:55
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DragnslcrIs there a decent utility for configuring special mouse buttons? I'm trying to use imwheel, but it isn't working too well11:56
ubuntualguien habla espaol??11:56
epimeth!es | ubuntu11:56
ubotuubuntu: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:56
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|ericsson|anyone else had problems with bastille gui?11:56
muzeroevery time i boot kubuntu starts fsck, why?!?!?!?!?!?!11:57
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amrushany other ideas .. etokura ?11:57
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EtokuraI'm trying to figure out what that error is11:58
amrushok ... tyt11:58
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epimethdo I need anything special to install Kubuntu on a tablet pc?11:58
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muzerociao ciccia11:59
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EtokuraTry sudo apt-get update11:59
amrushdid it once today .. no new packages ...12:00
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EtokuraAlright, try sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/available and then sudo apt-get update12:01
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shad0ware ppl actually here?12:01
josealguien me dice como instalar .tar??12:02
shad0wya does anyone know any gud electronika music?12:02
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:02
shad0wbuska pues loko12:02
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BluesKajshad0w: this not the place to ask12:03
shad0wwell who knows maybe some of them know some gud artists12:03
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EtokuraCode is good12:04
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FilthpigI just downloaded the latest upgrades from apt12:04
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lucagood day everyone12:04
doncome on tell me command to change resolution maby I will try another card12:05
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Sanneshad0w: try in #kubuntu-offtopic :)12:05
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Filthpigand now I cannot enter any directories from konqueror12:05
lucahas anyone here activated the nvidia-glx-new driver and configured it for using glx?12:05
shad0wthanks :D12:05
amrushetokura: .. done ...12:05
VSpikeThis is pretty wierd.  First konqueror session I open is fine, but any subsequent ones are missing the "location" toolbar, and it doesn't appear in the toolbar list either...12:05
EtokuraNow try to sudo aptitude reinstall gnome-panel12:05
VSpikebut if I close all of them, and open again, the first one is OK, but again subsequent ones are broken12:06
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EtokuraThe location toolbar?12:06
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VSpikeEtokura: yeah12:06
VSpikeEtokura: the useful one12:06
EtokuraThe one with history, Bookmarks, Amarok and such?12:07
donguess my  troubles are small next to you guys12:07
Powerking89670Can anyone tell me what I must do to upgrade to Fiesty from Dapper, I know I must go through Edgy (I had to with Ubuntu anyway) but how do I get to edgy :p.12:07
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shad0wwhat exactly are your troubles again?12:07
VSpikeEtokura: I think that's the navigation panel12:07
EtokuraThere's a guide on the official ubuntu site12:07
Chris73Don: what are your troubles?12:07
EtokuraLet me see VSpike12:07
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amrushetokura .. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18486/12:08
Alarm|ericsson| u here dude ??12:08
Chris73don: in  kde?12:08
donnvida card12:08
VSpikeEtokura: I'm talking about the toolbar with back, forward, up, home, refresh, view, search...12:08
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VSpikeEtokura: location bar12:08
doncant change wont let me12:08
Chris73don: what do you mean? you've got a problem with the driver?12:08
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rrmmanon32~ got my wifi working12:09
|ericsson|VSpike: ctrl+m?12:09
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EtokuraYou did sudo apt-get update?12:09
|ericsson|Alarm: yeah, barely ;()12:09
donmust be that is a nice card do way better than this12:09
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Alarmi am selling u a usb ext drive12:09
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Chris73don: what are you running? feisty fawn?12:09
EtokuraHaha Alarm12:10
Filthpigwhat on earth is going on here :s12:10
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|ericsson|Alarm: rotfl12:10
doni would not mind but things are way too big12:10
|ericsson|Alarm: have you given up on that one now or what?12:10
Alarmfor tonight yes12:10
Filthpighas anyone upgraded recently?12:10
donya 7.04 brand new install12:10
EtokuraHum.. try sudo apt-get upgrade12:10
Alarmi will try tomorrow again12:10
Filthpigwith all repositories open?12:10
Alarmal pacino now is more important on the devils advocate role12:11
amrushno new packages12:11
|ericsson|Alarm: I'm sure that it will work, question is just when/how and why :)12:11
Alarmi love the last monologue12:11
Chris73don: and you cannot select your monitor and card in kcontrol?12:11
doncan i switch nv drivers to something better12:11
|ericsson|Alarm: brilliant movie that one, doesn't even contain studip USB drives..12:11
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VSpike|ericsson|: thanks, but that's the menu12:11
donno the highest setting was 6oo and something12:12
|ericsson|VSpike: so is it settings -> locationbar you're after?12:12
VSpikestranger still, the bug only seems to apply to some links to directories I have on the desktop.12:12
Chris73don: did you install the nvidia-glx-new package?12:12
donmust be a command in console to change it12:12
FilthpigI upgraded some python-stuff and some other stuff (didn't bother to see what).. And now I cannot enter any directory from konqueror, beryl leaves marks on the screen (appears to be shadows) after I've opened a folder on the "k-menu" and stuff just crashed12:13
Alarmvanity is defenetely my favourit sin12:13
doni did but i see no effect12:13
VSpike|ericsson|: Yes, except in the broken ones, that is not even there...12:13
donthe one in adept12:13
|ericsson|don: is it a new or old card?12:13
Chris73don; do sudo kwrite and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:13

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