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harrisony|skool | does anyone know how to make launchpad search inside the bug reports | 12:27 |
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troy_s | Q: Who is responsible for the primary set of documents on Launchpad currently? (https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/) | 01:57 |
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kiko | the launchpad team, really | 02:02 |
kiko | you can ask anybody on the team to fix things -- for instance via launchpad-users | 02:02 |
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ubotu | New bug: #111136 in malone "Can't de-dup LP accounts with broken email addresses" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111136 | 02:10 |
kiko | de-dup? | 02:21 |
jml | There's no way on Launchpad to completely hide my email addresses from all users, is there? | 02:24 |
lifeless | dunno | 02:50 |
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spiv | jml: I thought there was, but I cannot find the option | 03:13 |
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lifeless | spiv: cant anyhow, email notifications on bugs use the filers email. | 03:17 |
lifeless | spiv: hmm, maybe there should be a bug on this :) | 03:18 |
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ubotu | New bug: #111147 in malone "no way to completely hide email address" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111147 | 03:25 |
mpt | Yes there is, don't use Launchpad | 03:27 |
lifeless | mpt: be nice | 03:28 |
mpt | :-P | 03:29 |
mpt | Gooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders! | 03:29 |
ajmitch | hello mpt | 03:29 |
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ubotu | New bug: #111148 in malone "Mark a bug as being a bugtask of a more general bug" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111148 | 03:45 |
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encompass | Greetings everyone. I have created my GSoC Project here... https://launchpad.net/pystart, but how do I commit my program with bzr from this point? | 05:46 |
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encompass | Greetings everyone. I have created my GSoC Project here... https://launchpad.net/pystart, but how do I commit my program with bzr from this point? | 05:47 |
ajmitch | encompass: something like bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~encompass/pystart/your-branch-name-here | 05:47 |
encompass | oops | 05:48 |
encompass | ajmitch: yeah | 05:48 |
=== ajmitch presumes the branch name is trunk | ||
ajmitch | or not, you can choose whatever name you wish :) | 05:48 |
encompass | I presume too | 05:48 |
ajmitch | I see you've managed to push a branch named 'start'? | 05:49 |
encompass | yeah | 05:51 |
encompass | ajmitch: I don't even know if that is right or not... I though maybe it had to "start" somewhere, then build the branches | 05:52 |
encompass | ajmitch: how do I get data to that branch? | 05:52 |
ajmitch | nope, just pushing it as you did before will do | 05:53 |
ajmitch | bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~encompass/pystart/start | 05:53 |
encompass | and what data will go there? like... it doesn't know what to take does it? | 05:53 |
ajmitch | it will push all the revisions that you've committed locally that aren't on launchpad already | 05:54 |
encompass | but... but... I don't think I ever set that :S that's what has me so confused | 05:54 |
ajmitch | you must have pushed it at some point :) | 05:55 |
encompass | it looks like I pushed nothing. | 05:55 |
ajmitch | when was the last time you committed in your local branch? | 05:56 |
encompass | yesterday | 05:56 |
ajmitch | and you got no output from bzr push... ? | 05:56 |
encompass | last night... I have pushed for phimage... somehow that was setup... but I don't remember how | 05:56 |
ajmitch | it remembers where you pushed to | 05:57 |
encompass | let's see here... | 05:57 |
=== encompass is looking | ||
ajmitch | eg, if you run 'bzr info' in your local branch, it may tell you where it will publish | 05:58 |
encompass | ajmitch: cool... let's see what it says | 05:59 |
ajmitch | did you create this local branch recently, or is it one you've been working on for awhile? | 06:00 |
encompass | ajmitch: I shizzle... I see what I did wrong now... | 06:01 |
encompass | I think I created a branch from phimage... my first program I commit too | 06:01 |
ajmitch | oh right :) | 06:01 |
encompass | and I need to create my own "trunk" so to say | 06:01 |
encompass | branch root: sftp://encompass@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eencompass/pystart/start/ | 06:02 |
ajmitch | that's ok, it's easy to push a new branch to lp | 06:02 |
encompass | ok | 06:02 |
encompass | sorry about that post... I am taking notes... and cp pasting everywhere | 06:02 |
encompass | to confirm my thought can you take a look at this? | 06:05 |
ajmitch | ok | 06:05 |
encompass | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18322/ | 06:06 |
encompass | ajmitch: I think it is just supposed to be on it's own... NOT as part of phimage at all | 06:07 |
ajmitch | how did it end up branched from phimage? | 06:07 |
ajmitch | you deleted all the phimage code & started from scratch? | 06:08 |
encompass | ajmitch: no, phimage is another project I commit too... This pystart is a new program for my GSoC project | 06:09 |
ajmitch | right, I'm just curious how the branch got started from phimage | 06:09 |
ajmitch | do you have any pystart code at the moment? | 06:10 |
encompass | ajmitch: I can try to find the command I entered... but the heck if I know :P | 06:10 |
encompass | ajmitch: no code... but I have loads of docs I hope to have there... | 06:10 |
=== ajmitch would mark this branch as deprecated, create a new branch & push that new one | ||
encompass | ajmitch: sorry, how do I do something like that? | 06:11 |
=== encompass hasn't a clue about version control systems | ||
ajmitch | https://code.beta.launchpad.net/~encompass/pystart/start <-- change branch details | 06:12 |
ajmitch | status: abandoned | 06:12 |
encompass | cool | 06:13 |
ajmitch | you may want to read some of the docs on bazaar-vcs.org | 06:13 |
encompass | that was easy | 06:13 |
ajmitch | creating a branch is as simple as bzr init; bzr add; bzr commit | 06:13 |
encompass | ajmitch: I have... that's what got me here | 06:13 |
ajmitch | & pushing what you added | 06:13 |
encompass | ajmitch: I will work on it again | 06:21 |
ajmitch | ok | 06:21 |
encompass | ajmitch: ok what do they mean by this line.... $ bzr branch http://example.com/code/foobar.dev foobar.joe in this page? | 06:29 |
encompass | http://bazaar-vcs.org/QuickHackingWithBzr | 06:29 |
encompass | the example.com part... what site is that for me? | 06:29 |
encompass | if any... | 06:29 |
ajmitch | bazaar.launchpad.net, but this is for getting a copy of an existing branch | 06:30 |
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encompass | ok, hence why I wac confused :P | 06:30 |
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ubotu | New bug: #111162 in launchpad "Non-production Launchpad instances shouldn't appear in Web search results" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111162 | 06:35 |
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encompass | grr! | 07:12 |
encompass | I am so confused on how to start my trunk of development... any specific links in bazaar-vcs.org would be nice | 07:14 |
spiv | encompass: this is a new project that hasn't been version controlled before? | 07:24 |
encompass | spiv: that is correct... I have gotten this far... | 07:27 |
encompass | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~encompass/pystart/trunk/ | 07:27 |
spiv | encompass: ok, so the usual process would be: | 07:30 |
spiv | bzr init new-project | 07:30 |
spiv | cd new-project | 07:30 |
spiv | ... hack ... | 07:30 |
spiv | bzr add | 07:30 |
spiv | bzr commit -m "First commit" | 07:31 |
spiv | bzr push sftp://.... | 07:31 |
spiv | It looks like you've pushed up a branch with no revisions. | 07:31 |
spiv | So I suspect you've missed the "bzr commit" step. | 07:31 |
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spiv | encompass: does that make sense? | 07:34 |
encompass | spiv kinda... let me try here | 07:34 |
encompass | spiv... when adding the files... do I have to do each one specifically? I ahve many files I have to work with. | 07:36 |
spiv | encompass: just "bzr add" is usually fine, it has pretty sensible defaults. | 07:38 |
spiv | encompass: see also "bzr add --help" | 07:39 |
encompass | k | 07:41 |
encompass | hmm | 07:41 |
encompass | spiv: can I add all directories and there subdirectories? | 07:42 |
spiv | encompass: "bzr add" will recurse by default. | 07:44 |
=== Juxtaposed is now known as Belutz | ||
spiv | encompass: so if you do literally "bzr add; bzr ci -m 'First commit of everything'" it should Just Work. | 07:45 |
encompass | umm let me get you the output | 07:45 |
encompass | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18338/ | 07:46 |
spiv | encompass: what does "bzr status" say? | 07:47 |
encompass | spiv: woah... heh | 07:49 |
encompass | they are there... :D | 07:49 |
encompass | but I need them here... http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~encompass/pystart/trunk/ | 07:49 |
encompass | so I presume bzr commit | 07:49 |
encompass | yup | 07:50 |
encompass | hehe | 07:50 |
spiv | encompass: commit, and then push. | 07:50 |
encompass | spiv dear goodness... I think it's pushing them now | 07:51 |
encompass | spiv: your amazing... and I also apriciate your work with zope | 07:51 |
spiv | I haven't really done anything with zope for ages... | 07:53 |
encompass | spiv: thanks... everyone have a great day :D | 07:55 |
encompass | (leave | 07:55 |
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lifeless | review meeting time | 08:06 |
lifeless | spiv: ping | 08:06 |
lifeless | jamesh: ping | 08:06 |
spiv | pong | 08:06 |
lifeless | spiv: I'm busy doing release foo; can I impose on you to run this meeting? | 08:10 |
lifeless | spiv: agenda is on the wiki; and all I have to add is 'I suck, I haven't inducted the new reviewers yet' | 08:10 |
jml | 'indoctrinated', surely ;) | 08:11 |
lifeless | no, thats for all you pep8 nazis | 08:11 |
lifeless | I induct, you indoctrinate | 08:11 |
spiv | lifeless: ok | 08:12 |
lifeless | spiv: thank you! I shall beer you at some point. | 08:12 |
jml | lifeless: I'm not a pep8 nazi! | 08:13 |
spiv | * Roll call | 08:14 |
spiv | * Next meeting | 08:14 |
spiv | * Queue status. | 08:14 |
spiv | * Urgent review requests (lifeless for .au) | 08:14 |
spiv | * New reviewers (lifeless for .au) | 08:14 |
spiv | Roll call. Who's here? | 08:14 |
spiv | lifeless has apologised, he's doing bzr "release foo". | 08:14 |
spiv | jamesh: pong? | 08:14 |
spiv | jamesh: or ping, even? | 08:14 |
spiv | BjornT: ping? | 08:15 |
spiv | Hmm, this is going to be very lonely if I have to talk to myself... | 08:18 |
lifeless | BjornT is on leave, its on the wiki page. | 08:19 |
lifeless | dunno about jamesh | 08:19 |
spiv | lifeless: d'oh, so it is. Thanks. | 08:19 |
spiv | BjornT: never mind, enjoy your holiday :) | 08:19 |
lifeless | spiv: so is http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C20070427022941.GL17953@steerpike.home.puzzling.org%3E merged ? | 08:25 |
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spiv | Ok, meeting adjourned due to lack of people. | 08:30 |
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Nafallo | morning. could someone change the owner of ubuntu-l10n-sv. the current one has gone MIA. | 10:52 |
Nafallo | the new owner (decided by the loco) should be yeager. | 10:56 |
Nafallo | thanks in advance. | 10:56 |
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mpt | Nafallo, probably you should make a request at <https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad>, including evidence of the MIA-ness and the decided-ness | 11:12 |
Nafallo | oki | 11:13 |
Nafallo | thanks | 11:13 |
Nafallo | I guess the last ACK to the group and that the description mentions edgy is evident enough... | 11:16 |
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Nafallo | https://answers.beta.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/5874 | 11:22 |
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ubotu | New bug: #111202 in soyuz "custom upload test is broken and catches some source packages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111202 | 12:05 |
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mc__ | how does a team get karma? | 01:03 |
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PhinnFort | i think the mailing list for a certain bug in launchpad has gotten into a kind of endless loop | 02:12 |
PhinnFort | a guy has automatic answering, which answers the updates that comes from the answers to the updates | 02:13 |
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PhinnFort | bug updates, mailing client answers, launchpad sends out bug update notification mail, mailing client answers, etc. | 02:13 |
PhinnFort | is there anything that can be done? | 02:14 |
PhinnFort | "I am out of the Office until Sunday evening. I will check my mail during the week, but will only awnser a few E-mails." | 02:14 |
PhinnFort | another email just trickled it, same as before | 02:21 |
mc__ | how does a team get karma? | 02:21 |
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kiko | PhinnFort, we can disable the guy's address. can you give me a reference on him? | 02:22 |
PhinnFort | Florian Jensen <admin@flosoft.biz> | 02:24 |
PhinnFort | http://rafb.net/p/aaiUIL53.html | 02:25 |
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mdz | BjornT: good afternoon. I'm curious about the outlook for changelog-closes-bugs. Can you enlighten me? | 02:57 |
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BjornT | mdz: i'm currently working on it. i'm off today and tomorrow, but i'll do my best to put up a branch for review this week. | 03:07 |
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mdz | BjornT: cool, please keep us informed | 03:07 |
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jwendell | Hi, folks. How do i unsubscribe from bugs in a package? | 03:14 |
Fujitsu | jwendell: Go to the package package, and there should be a `Bugmail settings' link in the actions portlet. | 03:14 |
ubotu | New bug: #111239 in launchpad "email with the answers link to retricted page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111239 | 03:16 |
jwendell | Fujitsu, thanks | 03:17 |
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gmt | hi guys, I have got a bzr repo in launchpad, can I upload also release tarballs? (maybe dum question but...) | 04:07 |
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jelmer | gmt: not yet, but from what I've heard that is a planned feature | 04:12 |
salgado | gmt, we're working on it ATM and a beta version should be available soon | 04:13 |
gmt | thanks guys :) I will ask to park the release tarball on freedesktop for now | 04:15 |
Lumiere | salgado: *applause* | 04:19 |
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mc__ | how does a team get karma? | 04:35 |
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salgado | mc__, team's don't get karma | 04:38 |
salgado | s/team's/teams | 04:38 |
mc__ | salgado: but why is it listed then? | 04:39 |
salgado | mc__, that would be a bug. where you can see it listed? | 04:39 |
mc__ | salgado: https://launchpad.net/people/?name=agf&searchfor=teamsonly | 04:39 |
mc__ | Karma 0 | 04:39 |
salgado | yeah, good point | 04:40 |
salgado | that's a bug | 04:40 |
=== salgado files | ||
mc__ | cool i've found a bug | 04:40 |
ubotu | New bug: #111251 in launchpad "When listing teams on https://launchpad.net/people/, we should either hide the Karma column or display an "n/a" for teams" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111251 | 04:55 |
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cypherbios | hello there. Someone have created a Release Series in a product registered by me on LP. But this was just a mistake or a joke, as this RS is not supposed to be there. Can someone remove/delete this RS? | 05:00 |
cypherbios | https://beta.launchpad.net/aptoncd/p-rabhash-sliit | 05:00 |
cypherbios | https://beta.launchpad.net/aptoncd/kumudu | 05:00 |
cypherbios | these both | 05:01 |
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troy_s | Is there a Launchpad guru in the house who might be able to help a complete clueless wanker for a moment? | 06:39 |
ddaa | it's possible | 06:40 |
ddaa | though the possibility will increase sharply if you actually ask your question | 06:40 |
troy_s | ddaa -- trying to get some strict organization in place for UbuntuStudio | 06:41 |
troy_s | ddaa -- and the major problem is the apparent differences listed between Ubuntu and a 'standard' project | 06:41 |
troy_s | ddaa -- for example, in an ideal world, UbuntuStudio lists all of the relevant attached packages that are in Ubuntu main that it 'bundles' as well as the side projects that are related only to Ubuntu Studio (artwork for example) | 06:42 |
troy_s | ddaa -- Is there a web interface to the required elements or is Ubuntu an exception to the rule and adjusted by hand? | 06:42 |
ddaa | no fucking clue | 06:43 |
troy_s | LOL | 06:43 |
ddaa | I know launchpad is supposed to support distro derivation | 06:43 |
troy_s | Well that went well. | 06:43 |
ddaa | eventually | 06:43 |
ddaa | but I have no idea what can be done today | 06:43 |
ddaa | better ask on launchpad-users | 06:43 |
troy_s | ddaa it appears that way, but through my learning of it over the past 1.5 years, I am still blurry on certain issues. | 06:43 |
troy_s | Thanks for your time. | 06:44 |
ddaa | so the three people on earth who actually know about that will be able to read and answer | 06:44 |
troy_s | Erm... one person. | 06:44 |
ddaa | Worst case, the one person on Earth was Daniel Silverstone, unfortunately he left :) | 06:45 |
troy_s | Gah | 06:45 |
ddaa | so let's just assume that there are other people who know | 06:45 |
troy_s | Ok. Assuming. | 06:45 |
ddaa | cprov maybe. Or lifeless. | 06:45 |
ddaa | No seriously, distro derivation is an important use case for Launchpad. | 06:46 |
ddaa | So somebody should be able to give you some sort of useful answer. | 06:46 |
troy_s | ddaa it would be great if they could | 06:49 |
troy_s | ddaa As our poor UbuntuStudio side is completely in the dark | 06:49 |
ddaa | Please ask on the launchpad-users mailing list. | 06:50 |
troy_s | ddaa And worse yet, I, as the official Launchpad village idiot, is quite stuck. | 06:50 |
troy_s | Yikes... | 06:50 |
troy_s | ok. will do. | 06:50 |
ddaa | you're not the village idiot | 06:50 |
ddaa | he is: https://beta.launchpad.net/~flint-dude | 06:51 |
troy_s | Bubba | 06:52 |
troy_s | ddaa How the hell can you not like someone named Bubba? | 06:52 |
ddaa | I do not dislike him. | 06:53 |
troy_s | lol | 06:53 |
ddaa | Sorry, I should not say that. | 06:54 |
ddaa | It's very unprofessional. | 06:54 |
troy_s | But funny -- so I think you get a Get Out of Jail Free card. | 06:55 |
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ubotu | New bug: #111291 in launchpad "Female avatar " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111291 | 07:56 |
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habeeb | So I start XGL using the second install method (startxgl) and it's realllllyyyy laggy.. | 08:01 |
ubotu | New bug: #111289 in malone "Empty bug titles shouldn't be allowed." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111289 | 08:04 |
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zyga | Hello is the translation import queue really working? | 08:12 |
zyga | https://translations.launchpad.net/translations/imports | 08:12 |
zyga | It has almost 90K entries | 08:13 |
zyga | does it really require human intervention to check every entry? | 08:13 |
Kmos | it need to be approved | 08:15 |
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troy_s | ddaa so who is able to add a distribution on the launchpad site? | 08:22 |
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kiko | troy_s, you need to talk to statik and Rinchen | 08:31 |
ddaa | kiko: thanks, I was about to say "you need to ask kiko" :) | 08:32 |
ddaa | pecking order? | 08:33 |
ddaa | message passing? | 08:33 |
ddaa | reductio ad absurdum? | 08:33 |
kiko | I've delegated that negotiation to them. | 08:33 |
statik | troy_s: can you send me mail (elliot@ubuntu.com) and I'll do my best to help you | 08:33 |
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troy_s | statik: Thanks. | 08:35 |
troy_s | kiko: So what would the chances of getting a distro listed there so I could do some work on it whilst I have time? | 08:35 |
troy_s | erk... statik | 08:36 |
kiko | the distribution would need to be established first. | 08:36 |
troy_s | statik: Its in your box now. | 08:38 |
statik | troy_s: chances are good of getting something listed, but I'd like to have the explanation of what you want to accomplish in email so I can be sure I'm giving you accurate information - currently I've got many threads executing in parallel :) | 08:38 |
statik | excellent | 08:38 |
troy_s | statik: Done. | 08:38 |
troy_s | statik I hear you... its a bloody nightmare. | 08:38 |
statik | troy_s: so will ubuntu studio make it possible for me to record skype calls without going insane trying to configure sound? | 08:38 |
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troy_s | statik: No but you'll have fun with the included uPhone developed by Shuttleworth himself. | 08:40 |
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tsmithe | howdy | 08:43 |
tsmithe | i should idle here | 08:43 |
beuno | tsmithe: welcome to the club :D | 08:46 |
sacater | can i have smashing pumpkins, butterfly wings :? | 08:48 |
sacater | whoops | 08:48 |
sacater | wrong channel | 08:48 |
sacater | big time | 08:48 |
kiko | we don't take requests | 08:48 |
sacater | heh | 08:48 |
sacater | sorry, 56 and 67 are very similar in irssi | 08:49 |
beuno | sacater: file a bug :p | 08:49 |
sacater | heh | 08:49 |
tsmithe | beuno: used to hang here, then i stopped using bip and had to remember my autojoin list. somehow this didn't get included | 08:50 |
tsmithe | (and of course, launchpad is very important, no doubts about that) | 08:50 |
ddaa | this chan is not as exciting as it used to be | 08:54 |
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=== beuno sees ddaa and remembers his dreams of Launchpad <> Forums integration | ||
mthaddon | Launchpad is going down in 15 mins for a code update. Estimated downtime is 10 mins or less. | 08:59 |
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Kmos | mthaddon: nice :) | 09:01 |
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zyga | mthaddon: the label telling that lp is going down is broken in safari/khtml | 09:04 |
zyga | just as the rest of the top-level bar (again in safari) | 09:04 |
mthaddon | zyga: thx - can you report it as a bug? | 09:05 |
kiko | I /think/ this rollout improves that though | 09:05 |
mthaddon | (once LP is backup) | 09:05 |
matsubara | it's fixed in r4180 | 09:05 |
mthaddon | thx kiko | 09:05 |
kiko | matsubara the ninja | 09:05 |
mthaddon | we're rolling out to 4182 so should be fixed in this rollout | 09:05 |
Kmos | zyga: that's reported yet | 09:06 |
zyga | mthaddon: sure | 09:06 |
mthaddon | zyga: see above - no need to report it - fixed in this update | 09:06 |
zyga | Kmos: huh? | 09:06 |
zyga | oh | 09:06 |
zyga | okay :-) | 09:06 |
zyga | great btw :D | 09:07 |
Kmos | bug 91925 | 09:08 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 91925 in malone "Automatically expire old Needs Info bug reports" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91925 | 09:08 |
Kmos | i like to see someone work on this :) | 09:08 |
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zyga | Kmos: is there any way to get external (like non-hired) people to work on lp perhaps after signing an NDA or something similar? | 09:10 |
Kmos | i don't know how to answer to that | 09:12 |
Kmos | i'm not a LP member | 09:12 |
flacoste | zyga: if you are willing to sign an NDA, you can get access to LP sourcecode | 09:15 |
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zyga | flacoste: I was thinking about becoming a small contributor by fixing entry-level issues if that's what you are looking for | 09:23 |
flacoste | zyga: what are you motivations? | 09:24 |
flacoste | zyga: I don't want to discourage you, but Launchpad is a huge piece of sotware and the few external contributors that went through the process didn't contribute much in the end | 09:24 |
flacoste | zyga: ... maybe discouraged by the learning curve | 09:25 |
zyga | flacoste: I use launchpad and I see the flaws, I also realize that being able to contribute is not easy but I'd like to take my chances | 09:25 |
zyga | also I'm quite fascinated about how something so as big as lp works | 09:25 |
flacoste | zyga: well, if you are serious about that, you want to talk to kiko | 09:26 |
zyga | I will | 09:26 |
zyga | kiko: ^ could we talk about this in private? | 09:27 |
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kiko | zyga, yes, but please note today! | 09:32 |
zyga | kiko: sure, I'll remember to talk to you next week, okay? | 09:33 |
kiko | zyga, please do, I'd love that. | 09:39 |
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DPic | Hey, i think it would be great if questions in launchpad could be rated for difficulty by the questioner and answer-ers so that if the questioner is asking a very simple question, people who don't have too much know-how could still help with easy stuff. | 10:07 |
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DPic | i think it would be great if questions in launchpad could be rated for difficulty by the questioner and answer-ers so that if the questioner is asking a very simple question, people who don't have too much know-how could still help with easy stuff. anybody care to comment? | 10:53 |
zyga | DPic: it's very late so many people are gone but the idea looks nice, everyone will remember about it if you file a bug | 10:59 |
DPic | file a bug under what? | 11:00 |
zyga | launchpad | 11:00 |
DPic | but you can only file bugs for ubuntu and things like that | 11:01 |
zyga | no | 11:01 |
DPic | this is about launchpad itself- and can you file suggestions as bugs? | 11:01 |
zyga | find the launchpad product | 11:01 |
zyga | yeah | 11:01 |
zyga | https://launchpad.net/launchpad | 11:01 |
DPic | ooh i found it | 11:01 |
DPic | okay thanks | 11:02 |
ubotu | New bug: #111333 in launchpad "Person help and mentoring list doesn't show private bugs even you are allowed to see them" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111333 | 11:05 |
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ubotu | New bug: #111338 in launchpad "Suggestion: Question Ratings" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111338 | 11:20 |
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WebMaven | Hi Folks. is there a LP admin around? | 11:45 |
kiko | yes | 11:45 |
kiko | there is always a round LP admin here | 11:46 |
WebMaven | hehe, | 11:46 |
WebMaven | kiko, are you one? | 11:46 |
kiko | yes | 11:46 |
kiko | though I am not very round | 11:46 |
WebMaven | Can you create a feisty-backports product? | 11:47 |
WebMaven | kiko: AYT? | 11:49 |
WebMaven | hello? | 11:50 |
WebMaven | Hmm. OK, I apparently made a wrong assumption. | 11:54 |
kiko | sorry | 11:55 |
WebMaven | I guess there *is* a feisty-backports product, but this still fails: https://launchpad.net/feisty-backports/+filebug | 11:55 |
kiko | there's something wrong. | 11:56 |
kiko | you should be using bug nominations for feisty backports | 11:56 |
kiko | not a product. | 11:56 |
kiko | what bug do you want to backport? | 11:56 |
WebMaven | Uhh... | 11:56 |
WebMaven | I want to backport the python2.5 package | 11:56 |
kiko | mmmm | 11:56 |
gnomefreak | not likely | 11:57 |
kiko | why don't you file a bug on ubuntu | 11:57 |
WebMaven | I was following the link from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports | 11:57 |
kiko | and request a backport? | 11:57 |
WebMaven | That page says the way to request a backport is to file a bug against edgy-backports (for edgy). | 11:58 |
WebMaven | So I did, to get python2.4 backported to Edgy. | 11:58 |
WebMaven | But I want 2.5 backported to Feisty as well.. | 11:59 |
WebMaven | but I can't file a bug against feisty-backports, the link does not work. | 11:59 |
salgado | isn't python2.5 the default python version in feisty? | 11:59 |
pochu | salgado: it is | 12:00 |
WebMaven | Yes, but it's a frickin' release candidate, not the final. | 12:00 |
gnomefreak | salgado: yes | 12:00 |
WebMaven | And Feisty's default Python is 2.4.4c1, also not the final. | 12:00 |
WebMaven | The final releases should be backported to both. | 12:01 |
gnomefreak | 2.5.1~rc1-0ubuntu3 is default | 12:01 |
WebMaven | Gutsy already has 2.5.1 final as it's default, so it should be backported to Feisty. | 12:02 |
WebMaven | and 2.4.4 final should be backported from Feisty to Edgy. | 12:02 |
WebMaven | sorry about the confusion. | 12:03 |
gnomefreak | moving around python like that gets a bit dangerous and alot of work. | 12:04 |
WebMaven | So, as I said, I already filed a request to backport 2.4.4 to Edgy, but I can't file a request to backport 2.5 from Gutsy to Feisty. | 12:04 |
WebMaven | gnomefreak: I'm not sure a move from 2.5.1c3 to 2.5.1 will be such a huge difference. the directory is still python2.5 | 12:06 |
gnomefreak | WebMaven: depends what they used as build-deps for the app. | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | the correct way to do it would be to respin the packages. im leaning towards pyton doesnt fit within the rules of backporting since it is such a main app | 12:08 |
gnomefreak | WebMaven: i was just informed i was correct it willo not happen | 12:08 |
kiko | I wonder why we released with a prerelease | 12:09 |
WebMaven | I wonder why you released with a prerelease TWICE. | 12:09 |
gnomefreak | kiko: not sure. maybe everyone wanted it in and thought it would release on time? | 12:09 |
kiko | sounds like the redhat gcc thing | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | WebMaven: for the best answer ask jdong when hes on but i have this big feeling its not gonna happen (as another devel told me a minute ago) | 12:10 |
WebMaven | Hmph. | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | jdong > gnomefreak: the entire interpretor? no way | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | 18:10 < jdong > and that's an authoritative no way | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | 18:10 < jdong > I saw the backport | 12:11 |
WebMaven | OK, meanwhile, why can I not make Feisty backport requests? | 12:11 |
gnomefreak | WebMaven: too soon after gutsy repos opened if i had to guess | 12:11 |
WebMaven | Note that Gutsy *already* has 2.5.1 final packages. There is no reason Feisty had to release with another release candidate. | 12:12 |
WebMaven | it just looks bad. | 12:12 |
WebMaven | gnomefreak: was jdong talking about the 2.4.4 backport, or the 2.5.1 backport? | 12:15 |
gnomefreak | all python we are still talking about this | 12:15 |
gnomefreak | depends on the changes from rc>final we may SRU it | 12:16 |
WebMaven | SRU? | 12:16 |
gnomefreak | we = they i have other things im working on | 12:16 |
gnomefreak | security release update | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | if its no intrusive | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | your best bet is to join #ubunut-motu :) | 12:17 |
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