admin__ | How do I get to the nvidia gui? | 12:01 |
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liz | askar: *looks* | 12:01 |
alexIdoia | idefixx, thats what I thought | 12:01 |
FireHazard17 | gnomefreak: thanks but i already goy enough information | 12:01 |
gnomefreak | admin__: nvidia-settings | 12:01 |
DARKGuy | What would be the steps I'll need to follow if I want to back up my beryl/gtk+/gnome settings? something like in Windows you saved the theme, how can I do that in Linux? | 12:01 |
admin__ | gnomefreak: thanks | 12:01 |
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whta | which package would i install if i want to install KDE? 'm just interested in seeing what it's like. | 12:01 |
gnomefreak | admin__: yw | 12:01 |
Mws640 | im getting "couldn't find package ubuntu" | 12:02 |
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gnomefreak | whta: kubuntu-desktop | 12:02 |
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askar | liz: ? :-[ | 12:02 |
whta | thank you | 12:02 |
gnomefreak | Mws640: there is not ubuntu package | 12:02 |
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gnomefreak | Mws640: what are you looking for? | 12:02 |
soundray | Mws640: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' | 12:02 |
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DARKGuy | there is no spoon too :O | 12:02 |
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Music_Shuffle | gnomefreak: how do kubuntu-desktop and kdm differ as packages? | 12:02 |
starkruzr | Okay. So I go into System -> Administration -> Network and take my (wired) ethernet card off DHCP and assign it an IP address. Why does it appear with ifconfig that nothing has changed? I tried bringing the interface down and back up with ifdown and ifup and that didn't help either. Same DHCP-granted address. | 12:02 |
jamey-uk | soundray: I did that but get those errors | 12:02 |
soundray | Mws640: don't insert any spaces | 12:02 |
gnomefreak | Music_Shuffle: its kde with other stuff added on | 12:02 |
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idefixx | alexIdoia: one thing tough.. synaptic keeps a history (file -> history) you can look at that end manualy remove stuff you added. | 12:02 |
gnomefreak | Music_Shuffle: meta package for kde | 12:02 |
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upqzcdim | qylpbu | 12:02 |
maxfac | ohuwgkjo | 12:02 |
shkqwnsmp | xqhtholie | 12:02 |
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npvwsxkbz | tzcdijznw | 12:02 |
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joclfe | hjiskj | 12:02 |
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qbyeqgxdjj | obralfo | 12:02 |
nntqfinm | iwwzez | 12:02 |
pbuteksan | wetmugv | 12:02 |
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dspymuoo | fnuqun | 12:02 |
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etlaewlrm | ivbwdvzgb | 12:02 |
xmmuornpwt | mquafzwte | 12:02 |
pqoumy | ifpytumrcv | 12:02 |
oishxlq | cwsyyisslr | 12:02 |
svtplennob | vydehy | 12:02 |
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synzgbqshn | toojrqshl | 12:02 |
ngeucgwsno | qupqsjl | 12:02 |
gexcwhchm | qjenxt | 12:02 |
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fqevqyj | tcwhpaxkk | 12:02 |
nnjukpvn | wyfuvvolxv | 12:02 |
dfwhgeutd | czfclrvtcb | 12:02 |
ivbldvns | rexlgy | 12:02 |
kvsxmgxg | pefnwvkkg | 12:02 |
lgvqonfdtl | leolksoygi | 12:02 |
vzibglch | yzusyeo | 12:02 |
qspccp | fzlkeldv | 12:02 |
orgsix | gezqstrue | 12:02 |
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slozwk | rwkura | 12:03 |
maxfac | sfievnye | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | wnggdh | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | naqmkzc | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | qbgnhgxvw | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | nxtnloovxi | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | ierhki | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | oslhixf | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | axnlrnyv | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | fzrxjxwr | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | oilmzyj | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | nxvgbny | 12:03 |
oishxlq | cknwqf | 12:03 |
joclfe | zolorpvemv | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | gowjqogmgu | 12:03 |
pqoumy | ggqpqvvkk | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | kvkmrof | 12:03 |
svtplennob | grncgxwqda | 12:03 |
vzibglch | enewysbxl | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | aonhing | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | grlipzu | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | qlbetuafut | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | pjjrcyvqz | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | zcchdcsbxi | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | lhygbzlh | 12:03 |
orgsix | nnyknfnx | 12:03 |
qspccp | alyiqcssqs | 12:03 |
slozwk | cbtgce | 12:03 |
maxfac | aexmozaap | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | raodrxh | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | qjrmomscl | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | srvwaz | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | aeuaujnz | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | ivgkuaizh | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | omeizfi | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | cvnzsdu | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | xblsrkjbud | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | mkhinmsut | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | toyhpxp | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | pojaikisr | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | udsleiz | 12:03 |
vzibglch | moaldvcfl | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | vziigg | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | svodvnszfj | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | fkimcc | 12:03 |
joclfe | hwwhxgx | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | fdlvryppht | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | bzdpyde | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | wpocljr | 12:03 |
oishxlq | azsqkrm | 12:03 |
svtplennob | lzvurkuw | 12:03 |
slozwk | dlsspg | 12:03 |
qspccp | luimzyx | 12:03 |
orgsix | hxxvwgzreu | 12:03 |
pqoumy | ikvzjrgreq | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | ahebgjlmg | 12:03 |
maxfac | beevxldaz | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | ggmzria | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | dkbdwak | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | sxvobpj | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | mvvficy | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | xaupcaue | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | nepljcnbey | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | mynurne | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | ppymtdr | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | ybcetlrl | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | apvihwj | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | fuvvseypev | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | ubwgla | 12:03 |
svtplennob | ezfctc | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | wheand | 12:03 |
oishxlq | gzdksjm | 12:03 |
orgsix | xgeymfpqjy | 12:03 |
vzibglch | mzihjlkayz | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | pnvmpwcgn | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | ruvgbickh | 12:03 |
joclfe | llmsdip | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | lnepjeko | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | jffgghoct | 12:03 |
qspccp | aletqddrxb | 12:03 |
slozwk | atvqpurhs | 12:03 |
pqoumy | hjtjjfmmzi | 12:03 |
starkruzr | crap. | 12:03 |
DARKGuy | WTF | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | tujncxjcm | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | zqyicwah | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | emtxeevub | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | acifmzif | 12:03 |
maxfac | fppvdqzr | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | dbkvgg | 12:03 |
joclfe | lbbaua | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | gvcnccxgb | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | vilaiies | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | napuyxln | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | mmehzguu | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | kgxsgu | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | lehiqv | 12:03 |
vzibglch | fymatig | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | gtkzdkds | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | jgueyzfolf | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | mcwxpsyej | 12:03 |
svtplennob | gxgipejs | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | vihglfq | 12:03 |
oishxlq | gkbclm | 12:03 |
qspccp | ciytzspcfp | 12:03 |
orgsix | cooerq | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | cmrbqqe | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | jcvrbxylze | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | lkkwmzrykc | 12:03 |
pqoumy | tqwkgpno | 12:03 |
slozwk | iahetuf | 12:03 |
maxfac | uzonslc | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | jonqtxqb | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | eakjcrnqv | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | eloorydkmr | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | zznirke | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | klmaay | 12:03 |
joclfe | ksuoiwtv | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | rfkxbtdaql | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | cgqtjcqid | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | mrxxboe | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | lfbcsqsjvg | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | hukzsv | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | hsypte | 12:03 |
orgsix | acuodqjl | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | nrucbpck | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | hkcmskjgoj | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | iifxjkrniz | 12:03 |
vzibglch | olajtftq | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | ktrzjuvic | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | eagokok | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | vabpwib | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | iactshom | 12:03 |
oishxlq | fqavzvexw | 12:03 |
svtplennob | wsigbumfx | 12:03 |
qspccp | opibjy | 12:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ | ||
slozwk | ecwtbj | 12:03 |
pqoumy | zlkvfuag | 12:03 |
maxfac | ijhiaumk | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | noexxwhlwu | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | klmcudgjii | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | gjjadlwo | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | qixcqzduls | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | tlnjwzcke | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | geogvblf | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | jqezpw | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | smaxpimesx | 12:03 |
joclfe | wndzyr | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | qldtajj | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | boxvwv | 12:03 |
oishxlq | ohizcjjq | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | wivtxgod | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | vvbnouvl | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | xtkahjz | 12:03 |
vzibglch | yueojjrwyl | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | tbjztob | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | devrftdp | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | rmniibbq | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | hyschr | 12:03 |
qspccp | neqrxre | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | rpicdcp | 12:03 |
orgsix | fyyxjiwlid | 12:03 |
h4wk0 | haha | 12:03 |
svtplennob | cebuscb | 12:03 |
pqoumy | fqgltkije | 12:03 |
slozwk | pffclihcz | 12:03 |
maxfac | revvnpt | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | ppaplzez | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | fojgwzzfld | 12:03 |
vzibglch | ctsrfcn | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | dqykipatz | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | ufaikiv | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | lkiluayupd | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | bbulylbqx | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | iyqcmt | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | ixuxekairy | 12:03 |
oishxlq | kfjiwjqt | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | dlmilnr | 12:03 |
orgsix | ztfgph | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | valeqgsu | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | xjdihxx | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | ggllfibreg | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | hjwnpwn | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | frdxgico | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | fbhchl | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | tnktoqimat | 12:03 |
joclfe | nuvitc | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | mcgrtzse | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | qedkmtch | 12:03 |
qspccp | dnxmryycmb | 12:03 |
svtplennob | rbckzwfpw | 12:03 |
pqoumy | vdxoencue | 12:03 |
slozwk | yazjjgkxaa | 12:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ | ||
nntqfinm | iycrdaupzi | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | fuhrbjc | 12:03 |
maxfac | pstxfxi | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | tejogzgkz | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | dxzglqz | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | siympu | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | ymrtds | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | ynuywzfhte | 12:03 |
joclfe | bqozyjxk | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | mfzufd | 12:03 |
oishxlq | mxrutjhlli | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | sobfrj | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | qjjxjcfxg | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | gctjyp | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | kmjbuqjdge | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | vtohatpcjt | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | unuedpp | 12:03 |
vzibglch | hclekeugkz | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | cipgtpma | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | nvqvvhnxz | 12:03 |
orgsix | slupgh | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | frhbwy | 12:03 |
qspccp | nemmvitv | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | yyuocs | 12:03 |
svtplennob | hyomnnr | 12:03 |
slozwk | udegay | 12:03 |
pqoumy | ozakjatgl | 12:03 |
maxfac | rqexkehogd | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | jdbvmcxid | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | ixvraug | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | ixgqzvj | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | hbmsbhmw | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | jvicaoul | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | yncukgmscb | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | rfoigqsii | 12:03 |
joclfe | yawizehlne | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | tyrrrqamm | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | lbfvacied | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | bluzreb | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | dlpojeemcp | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | ntzyuvtyx | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | vvlqyefnod | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | iajguigsz | 12:03 |
vzibglch | qhuzsrtyp | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | inavkfpzen | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | wrusalr | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | rzmzlydfv | 12:03 |
oishxlq | kqkaknz | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | elhhnzzrn | 12:03 |
qspccp | lwfzniww | 12:03 |
orgsix | pwembhtt | 12:03 |
slozwk | kdcqkigsrc | 12:03 |
svtplennob | jnofkns | 12:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by gnomefreak | ||
pqoumy | wfaieccza | 12:03 |
maxfac | srsuvfmq | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | jnojock | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | nqdvfyxhd | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | rkvtgrjgk | 12:03 |
joclfe | ssptrvqi | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | gjsowus | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | maslcnhp | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | rbewtrruk | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | kllfsge | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | bopzkl | 12:03 |
orgsix | zthpdc | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | fjjvccp | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | cvxzdpukdf | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | vwntmlpvu | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | dlzxgawzff | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | zqwcofeip | 12:03 |
vzibglch | mjnvtbzvly | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | ayvjfirfr | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | kllmehmtwq | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | dwkfhqn | 12:03 |
oishxlq | rcvumsden | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | vwjltlxd | 12:03 |
qspccp | ltaepr | 12:03 |
slozwk | xmdjyokhh | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | bxvvgiih | 12:03 |
svtplennob | dcabhyqadu | 12:03 |
pqoumy | wklrgxmk | 12:03 |
maxfac | aoqltdbg | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | uhynzgrxfu | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | nnspvm | 12:03 |
joclfe | bhnzxueqfq | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | nozbgwkce | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | shihjj | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | ylektbpeit | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | xlcbgfrnl | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | qflnvfxrq | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | bztdam | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | qhpjao | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | alunurbjpl | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | hzsxwbed | 12:03 |
oishxlq | ztireolvjb | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | mcajum | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | fejfjoarek | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | fnnmbhg | 12:03 |
vzibglch | tiihgw | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | nrhncrev | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | xhpwgr | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | hhgsfy | 12:03 |
orgsix | ycjwgcjgkf | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | zgmlbkvda | 12:03 |
qspccp | iyrvoufv | 12:03 |
svtplennob | rolbgljxa | 12:03 |
pqoumy | kowmbobdn | 12:03 |
slozwk | kmrltpfyw | 12:03 |
maxfac | ogxfnilr | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | vmsxzrwaez | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | msogrcjgs | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | lrolqm | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | wgzlauu | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | ftkmawdr | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | kqadzmwmjq | 12:03 |
joclfe | hvllrhxqhb | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | cdqasp | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | ijsrgjlmvh | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | hgizvmhw | 12:03 |
oishxlq | eordjy | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | aivrzmjyp | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | ouwiqlnon | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | kwmkcusfqp | 12:03 |
vzibglch | nawybmxg | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | wfcdcba | 12:03 |
scarface_rg | ola | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | hpzbvkqh | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | ulumiji | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | liwnteujam | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | qvksvcd | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | vgznvm | 12:03 |
qspccp | ohwqfr | 12:03 |
orgsix | zcwwthm | 12:03 |
slozwk | yntvdesxev | 12:03 |
svtplennob | nfaceejp | 12:03 |
pqoumy | bfdudran | 12:03 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 12:03 |
maxfac | dmyunee | 12:03 |
nntqfinm | mrgpskpzj | 12:03 |
qbyeqgxdjj | rolrpcnury | 12:03 |
upqzcdim | elsqgzlh | 12:03 |
joclfe | chxdpdv | 12:03 |
npvwsxkbz | ueqbrnpol | 12:03 |
dspymuoo | coonmlymz | 12:03 |
shkqwnsmp | jgjigtv | 12:03 |
vzibglch | cjyhojge | 12:03 |
fqevqyj | zmnklcceit | 12:03 |
etlaewlrm | jezwhfspiu | 12:03 |
oishxlq | mvjdcc | 12:03 |
dfwhgeutd | tneywcfhsg | 12:03 |
kvsxmgxg | gudsmrran | 12:03 |
synzgbqshn | msivpzb | 12:03 |
ngeucgwsno | iqegou | 12:03 |
gexcwhchm | ldcabjry | 12:03 |
pbuteksan | awswenc | 12:03 |
orgsix | iznlhmjx | 12:03 |
xmmuornpwt | dagmqhy | 12:03 |
qspccp | pukyrj | 12:03 |
svtplennob | rsnhmcep | 12:03 |
lgvqonfdtl | urpaoae | 12:03 |
ivbldvns | abvcofvbuq | 12:03 |
nnjukpvn | lhwrzzw | 12:03 |
hector | ?? | 12:03 |
pqoumy | pafbkvmcfi | 12:03 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by jrib | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
h4wk0 | heh | 12:03 |
LjL | !traffic | 12:03 |
starkruzr | wow. | 12:03 |
DARKGuy | holy cow | 12:03 |
gnomefreak | didnt i set +R | 12:03 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 12:03 |
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starkruzr | yes you did. | 12:03 |
h4wk0 | woke everyone up | 12:03 |
LjL | gnomefreak: no, you set +r | 12:03 |
gnomefreak | oh sorry typo | 12:03 |
Nowak | zzzzz | 12:03 |
soundray | jamey-uk: do you have ubuntu on both sides? | 12:04 |
Music_Shuffle | gnomefreak: So kdm is just the base package? | 12:04 |
Mws640 | there | 12:04 |
Mws640 | thanks | 12:04 |
alexIdoia | what happened ? | 12:04 |
gnomefreak | Music_Shuffle: kdm is the display manager | 12:04 |
Slart | what just happened? | 12:04 |
Grillspectre | anyone able to help with an unreadable drive? | 12:04 |
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DARKGuy | What would be the steps I'll need to follow if I want to back up my beryl/gtk+/gnome settings? something like in Windows you saved the theme, how can I do that in Ubuntu? | 12:04 |
starkruzr | Slart: botnet flood attack. | 12:04 |
gnomefreak | Music_Shuffle: kdebase is the base package | 12:04 |
Mws640 | its not linux formatted? | 12:04 |
h4wk0 | slart: problem some script kiddie with a botnet flood! | 12:04 |
alexIdoia | starkruzr, we should only accept registered people | 12:05 |
soundray | Mws640: what? | 12:05 |
Grillspectre | no | 12:05 |
Slart | shesh.. well well | 12:05 |
cabrinha-gr | | 12:05 |
cabrinha-gr | :P | 12:05 |
gnomefreak | alexIdoia: atm we only do | 12:05 |
Music_Shuffle | gnomefreak: ahh ok. Thanks. | 12:05 |
alexIdoia | yep | 12:05 |
Stormx2 | cabrinha-gr: That is so good | 12:05 |
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R3ddy | haha | 12:06 |
Mws640 | if i remember right a linux partition is ext3 | 12:06 |
R3ddy | thats a wicked logo | 12:06 |
Slart | I could use some help.. my on board audio device just stopped working when I rebooted.. it's an nvidia CK804... I can't remember having to install anything for this to work before. Can anyone help me get it back? | 12:06 |
h4wk0 | gnomefreak; sugest to freenode that there should be a mode which is only allows registered people to speak however unregiseted people still to join | 12:06 |
DARKGuy | LOL, nice logo | 12:06 |
Mws640 | so if its not that, i know by default it isnt read | 12:06 |
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Stormx2 | h4wk0: It is called +m | 12:06 |
R3ddy | dont ban for that... | 12:06 |
h4wk0 | Stormx2; that means having people voiced! | 12:07 |
LjL | h4wk0, Stormx2, no, it's called +R, and we have that set | 12:07 |
starkruzr | Okay. So I go into System -> Administration -> Network and take my (wired) ethernet card off DHCP and assign it an IP address. Why does it appear with ifconfig that nothing has changed? I tried bringing the interface down and back up with ifdown and ifup and that didn't help either. Same DHCP-granted address. Shouldn't the Network Settings configuration applet be able to control what IP address your interfaces are using? | 12:07 |
LjL | anyway, please keep the topic to Ubuntu support | 12:07 |
BFrank | idefixx: I am here | 12:07 |
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h4wk0 | Ahh is that what +R does | 12:07 |
DARKGuy | What would be the steps I'll need to follow if I want to back up my beryl/gtk+/gnome settings? something like in Windows you saved the theme, how can I do that in Ubuntu? | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | h4wk0: its fine the way it is please move this topic to #ubuntu-offtopic if you plan to conitnue it | 12:07 |
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soundray | Mws640: it's not clear what you are referring to. | 12:08 |
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StoneNote | starkruzr, try "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" and then check it | 12:08 |
jrib | !register | anyone who cannot talk: | 12:08 |
ubotu | anyone who cannot talk:: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 12:08 |
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Mws640 | he said his drive wasn't being read | 12:08 |
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starkruzr | Thanks, Stone. | 12:08 |
lizzah | foo | 12:08 |
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bluefox83 | how can i get an icon or something to represent my network's shared directory in Places->computer ? | 12:08 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 12:08 |
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starkruzr | I didn't realize that was something controlled in init.d scripts. | 12:09 |
Slart | DARKGuy: isn't there some kind of /home/darkguy/.beryl folder ? | 12:09 |
soundray | Mws640: use the nicknames of the people you respond to. | 12:09 |
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DARKGuy | Slart: there is beryl and beryl-managerrc | 12:09 |
idefixx | BFrank: well i looked around a bit more... and it turns out i was on the wrong track... apparently busybox just dies with this error whatever goes wrong. | 12:09 |
starkruzr | Well. | 12:09 |
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starkruzr | That was interesting. It sort of exploded. | 12:09 |
starkruzr | !pastebin | 12:09 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:09 |
erUSUL | DARKGuy: from beryl settings you can export your settings as an xmol file afaik | 12:09 |
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BFrank | crazy | 12:10 |
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BFrank | yeah, and it isn't really helpful in determining why | 12:10 |
BFrank | I saw some xfermode errors | 12:10 |
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idefixx | BFrank: so you could try to look through the logs with 'more /casper.log'.. press return until you are at the end of the log and look for any errors | 12:10 |
BFrank | and I don't know if those were related to the problems busybox is having | 12:11 |
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BFrank | hmm, at the busybox prompt? | 12:11 |
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who_care1 | how do I list all my mounted drives? | 12:11 |
starkruzr | StoneWolf: It did this: Also I still have the same IP address. | 12:11 |
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idefixx | BFrank: yep | 12:11 |
soundray | who_care1: with 'mount' | 12:11 |
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bododo | here i am :) | 12:11 |
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who_care1 | ah | 12:11 |
frano486 | ciao a tutti | 12:11 |
who_care1 | thanks | 12:11 |
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BFrank | mount cdrom failed | 12:11 |
LjL | !it | frano486 | 12:11 |
ubotu | frano486: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:11 |
who_care1 | I thought that was only to mount them | 12:11 |
bododo | i want to remove ubuntu from a powerbook G4 that's dualboot with macos, without loosing macos nor having to reinstall it, is there something to worry about yaboot? | 12:11 |
DARKGuy | erUSUL: huh, I totally forgot that... xD thanks - but what about the emerald theme or the gtk/gnome config? I want to do something that's like... see, I have my desktop configured all matrix-like. If I want to go to... say a Vista theme, I'll copy a bunch of folders into my home folder and that's done. When I want to go back to matrix I'll just copy the folders back and I have another full theme, that's my idea xD. | 12:11 |
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neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 12:11 |
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idefixx | BFrank: is that from the log? | 12:12 |
mikeyribbs | hey, how can i log into root, it wont let me do it from the main page | 12:12 |
BFrank | monting /cdrom on /root/cdrom failed: INvalid argument | 12:12 |
BFrank | yees | 12:12 |
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jrib | !root > mikeyribbs (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:12 |
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bododo | i have to give this laptop to another person who wants it to have just macos :( | 12:12 |
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BFrank | then it fails to chroot | 12:12 |
BFrank | and umount | 12:12 |
soundray | who_care1: use it without parameters to get a list of currently mounted filesystems. | 12:12 |
erUSUL | DARKGuy: i do not know of an easy way to do what you want | 12:12 |
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askand | liz: are u there? | 12:12 |
DARKGuy | erUSUL: neither do I. I'm wondering what are the folders I should back up, aside from the beryl ones. There are a bunch of .xxxxxx files around too | 12:12 |
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bododo | any idea folks :) | 12:12 |
dhorn | Does anyone know the command to restart the xserver? | 12:13 |
BFrank | so something happened between 6.10 and 7.04 that makes my drive not mountable or something | 12:13 |
Mws640 | bododo, you can remove linux yes, just delete the linux partition. im not sure how to resize the mac one though | 12:13 |
soundray | dhorn: 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart' | 12:13 |
who_cares | thanks | 12:13 |
StoneNote | starkruzr, pastbin a copy of your /etc/network/interfaces both before and after your changes and paste me the url | 12:13 |
erUSUL | dhorn: /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 12:13 |
idefixx | BFrank: ok so for some reason busybox is not able to mount the cdrom... u said with your other cdrom it did work right? | 12:13 |
bododo | Mws640: how about yaboot? | 12:13 |
starkruzr | I don't have a copy of the before, Stone, but I'll look at my /etc/network/interfaces for you. | 12:13 |
BFrank | yes | 12:13 |
BFrank | and in 6.10 it would boot and work fine | 12:13 |
Mws640 | i don't know | 12:13 |
Crell | Hi folks. I've recently upgraded my system from Edgy to Feisty. Mostly it went well, but my apache and PHP are no longer talking to each other. Trying to access a .php file in a browser tries to download the file. | 12:14 |
Mws640 | im not entirely fluent with ubuntu | 12:14 |
dhorn | erUSUL: it's KDE | 12:14 |
bododo | anyone's using ppc here? | 12:14 |
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Mws640 | or partition resizing | 12:14 |
idefixx | BFrank: are they both ide roms.. or is the one that fails scsi, or connected to a different controller or something | 12:14 |
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Crell | Apache is running and I already checked and did a2enmod php5 and force-reload. Still nothing. | 12:14 |
erUSUL | dhorn: use kdm instead then | 12:14 |
BFrank | yes, ide | 12:14 |
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Crell | Any suggestions what to try other than trashing and rebuilding apache? :-/ | 12:14 |
BFrank | can I run dmesg from busybox? | 12:14 |
Zac- | how can i set the screen resolution to appear more like WinXP, like making the text appear larger and such? | 12:14 |
BFrank | apparently not | 12:15 |
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soundray | Crell: see if any related config files have been modified by the upgrade: 'find /etc -name *.dpkg-old' | 12:15 |
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starkruzr | StoneWolf: <-- is the "auto eth0" making it default to DHCP and overriding the static configuration after that? | 12:15 |
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idefixx | BFrank: well its just a minimal system.. | 12:15 |
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soundray | Crell: better to escape the asterisk: 'find /etc -name \*.dpkg-old' | 12:15 |
BlackAnt1rax | what is a really nice text to speech program for linux? | 12:15 |
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Drk_guy | Hy Guys | 12:16 |
LjL | BlackAnt1rax: festival | 12:16 |
starkruzr | If so, looks like I found a bug :) | 12:16 |
dj-fu | Crell: looks like mimetypes have changed in your apache configuration, I'd say remove it and reinstall it, or manually add a mimetype handler for .php | 12:16 |
idefixx | BFrank: and all the log we have got is whats on your screen. | 12:16 |
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Crell | soundray: There's an old sites-available/default file. That's the only apache-related one. | 12:16 |
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Drk_guy | I need the apt-get commands for getting Java with the Firefox plugin | 12:16 |
arrenlex | This is probably a noob question, but I can't figure it out: how do I turn on smart quotes in abiword? | 12:16 |
Crell | dj-fu: The php5.conf file already does that, or should. | 12:16 |
BFrank | something must have changed in the kernel | 12:16 |
BFrank | from 6.10 to 7.04 | 12:16 |
starkruzr | What's with all the joining and quitting everyone seems to be doing? Jeez. | 12:16 |
BFrank | that removed support for my dvd drive | 12:16 |
askand | Can someone help me with my slow internet? | 12:17 |
Drk_guy | Askand | 12:17 |
vanberge | askand, uninstall ip6 | 12:17 |
bododo | anyone's using yaboot? | 12:17 |
Drk_guy | what is your problem | 12:17 |
vanberge | askand, rather, disable it... | 12:17 |
dj-fu | Crell: true, mod_php should take care of that | 12:17 |
idefixx | BFrank: give me a second while i check the busybox versions | 12:17 |
askand | vanberge: done that.. | 12:17 |
Drk_guy | have you configured the internet properly | 12:17 |
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Tarkus | hey, anyone know how to uninstall something that i installed with a .deb file? (Opera web browser) | 12:17 |
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soundray | Crell: how about 'find /etc -name \*.dpkg-new' -- maybe it hasn't replaced some config files that it should have | 12:17 |
Drk_guy | How can i uninstall Ipv6 | 12:17 |
vanberge | would anyone be willing to assist me with my xorg.conf? i have a 19 inch lcd and for some reason fiesty only lets me pick 1024 x 768 | 12:17 |
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dj-fu | Crell: does your /etc/apache/mods-enabled/php5.conf contain the AddType lines it needs? | 12:17 |
SlimeyPete | Tarkus: sudo dpkg --remove <package name> | 12:17 |
BlackAnt1rax | LjL: is it terminal based? can you show me it's homepage? | 12:18 |
LjL | !ipv6 > Drk_guy (Drk_guy, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:18 |
askand | Drk_guy: I have much slower internet in feisty than I had in edgy | 12:18 |
thebillywayne | Drk_guy, sudo aptitude install j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin | 12:18 |
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LjL | BlackAnt1rax, it's packaged. type "apt-cache show festival" (with Universe enabled, of course). | 12:18 |
Drk_guy | Thanks Billy | 12:18 |
h4wk0 | !ipv6 | 12:18 |
Four20 | if i only knew what change between 6.1 and 7.04 has made my external HD's stop working | 12:18 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read | 12:18 |
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thebillywayne | u welcome Drk_guy | 12:18 |
Crell | dj-fu: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3 - Yep. | 12:18 |
Four20 | they still work on the 6.10 liveCD | 12:18 |
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Crell | Unless it doesn't like being inside the IfModule statement, which would be really weird. | 12:19 |
Tarkus | SlimeyPete: alright, thanks | 12:19 |
BlackAnt1rax | LjL: what do you mean, what does that do? | 12:19 |
BlackAnt1rax | i already installed it | 12:19 |
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BlackAnt1rax | LjL: sudo apt-get install festival | 12:19 |
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petitbois | join #ubuntu-nl | 12:19 |
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thebillywayne | when it comes to mozilla-plugins, are vlc and mplayer about neck and neck? | 12:19 |
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mobutu | i think mplayer will player realmedia | 12:20 |
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mobutu | play | 12:20 |
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lizor | mobutu: it should if the correct codecs are installed | 12:20 |
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toferrado | I find this driver rt73 (USB) It works only with PCI devices? Can somebody help me to make my wireless working? | 12:20 |
stillunknown | What's the best place to ask questions about the "inner" workings of ubuntu? | 12:20 |
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Riley | hi guys... my audio quit working and when xmms tries to play i get a "couldn't open audio" error message. help??? | 12:20 |
LjL | BlackAnt1rax: right. now "dpkg -L festival" to see what files it contains, and "man festival" for information. of course, "festival speech" in google will give you its homepage. hint: "apt-cache search festival" to find GUI programs that use festival. | 12:20 |
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thebillywayne | Riley, did you change your device to the ALSA device? | 12:21 |
LjL | BlackAnt1rax: or "apt-cache rdepends festival" | 12:21 |
_Neil | hey guys, i now have /THREE/ kernels listed in grub on boot, how can i clean this up?? | 12:21 |
jessid | hello. How can i configure metacity? | 12:21 |
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soundray | stillunknown: probably the forums, but you may be lucky and find an answer here | 12:21 |
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jrib | jessid: system > preferences > windows | 12:21 |
Riley | thebillywayne: awesome, i was hoping you were here...what was that link again??? and do you have to dl ALL those files??? | 12:21 |
Flannel | _Neil: use your favorite package manager to remove one of them | 12:21 |
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_Neil | Flannel: ive looked but im not sure what to remove? | 12:22 |
stillunknown | soundray: There's no ubuntu-dev channel or anything like that? | 12:22 |
MartianManhunter | How do I erase a CD-RW? It won't let me because it say it's read only! | 12:22 |
thebillywayne | _Neil, look in /boot/grub/menu.lst. You can either select to hide the menu or choose to show only a few kernels or you can simply delete the kernels from the list. :) | 12:22 |
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_Neil | Is it worth keeping them on the system though, how big is a kernel package? | 12:22 |
jessid | jrib i am trying to find the app used by gnome to inform about installed programs...something like that | 12:22 |
thebillywayne | Riley, you mean the link for the Intel Alsa howto? | 12:22 |
frank_b | my computer hangs at boot after checking or wanting to check but wont a partition. does anyone know what is happening? | 12:22 |
Flannel | _Neil: you'll remove "linux-image-versionstuff-arch" remove the earliest (smallest) version number. It's usually good to keep two (one to fallback on incase the current one breaks) | 12:22 |
_Neil | save space, etc | 12:22 |
Foon | I just thought of something | 12:22 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 12:22 |
Flannel | thebillywayne: that won't remove the kernels, theyll still come back each time you get a new one. | 12:23 |
jrib | jessid: add/remove? | 12:23 |
redux | i got the following X sessions error: Unable to open desktop file file:///usr/share/applications/yelp.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory | 12:23 |
redux | (update-notifier:5892): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 12:23 |
redux | IO error occured opening connection. | 12:23 |
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_Neil | Flannel: cool, thanks | 12:23 |
Foon | in smbusers, is it supposed to be something like username = "username", or username = "\\tuxserver\username" or something? | 12:23 |
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thebillywayne | Flannel, the old kernels will re-appear in the menu? that's weird. | 12:23 |
soundray | stillunknown: there is #ubuntu-devel, but it's strictly not for support | 12:23 |
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Foon | or maybe "\\winserver\username" ? | 12:23 |
crimsun | Riley: please read and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page. | 12:23 |
Riley | thebillywayne: yes | 12:23 |
Flannel | thebillywayne: Because menu.lst gets regenerated each time you get a new kernel | 12:23 |
_Neil | Flannel: grub automatically makes its config based on the installed kernels, or do I need to recreate menu.lst somehow? | 12:23 |
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tarelerulz | any of you play the open source game never ball and if so had any problem with speed ? | 12:24 |
toferrado | Can somebody help me to make my wireless working? I have a PCI wireless card chipset rt73. | 12:24 |
thebillywayne | Flannel, oh. that's why I like a hiddenmenu. :) | 12:24 |
Flannel | _Neil: By removing the kernel, the packagemanager will regenerate the menu.lst | 12:24 |
StoneNote | starkruzr, (1) if you don't put my nick in your post, then I am pretty sure not to see it. in fact, I miss the pastebin until I scrolled back and found it. (2) the "auto eth0" is fine (3) the error messages from the /etc/init.d/networking restart occured from it trying to restart your wireless connections (4) your /etc/network/interfaces looks a bit off to me. when I've coded it by hand before I've always had two more lines: network & broadc | 12:24 |
StoneNote | ast | 12:24 |
Flannel | thebillywayne: eh, you should just remove old kernels, they're just wasting space. | 12:24 |
_Neil | nice one, gotta love the smartness of linux :) | 12:24 |
_Neil | ta | 12:24 |
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thebillywayne | Flannel, sudo apt-get autoremove && update-grub ?? | 12:24 |
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redux | can anyone help me with this xsessions error? | 12:25 |
redux | Unable to open desktop file file:///usr/share/applications/yelp.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory | 12:25 |
redux | (update-notifier:5892): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 12:25 |
redux | IO error occured opening connection. | 12:25 |
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Flannel | thebillywayne: autoremove won't do it. I don't think no. Just remove the older kernel versions. And grub automatically regenerates. | 12:25 |
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williammanda | anyone tell me a way to see the processess using the gui? | 12:25 |
stillunknown | Anyone here know why shutting down dbus breaks stuff, like the ability to do admin tasks or why open with associations disappear? | 12:25 |
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thebillywayne | Riley, | 12:25 |
jessid | jrib the one used to specify a lot of parameters, like the shortcut keys? | 12:25 |
starkruzr | Sorry, I thought you were StoneWolf, not StoneNote. what does "network" do? | 12:25 |
idefixx | BFrank: hmm i dont understand that... if both you live cds would boot ok... but i cant see how feisty cant boot especially if you only use standard hardware. | 12:25 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 12:25 |
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jrib | jessid: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts ? | 12:26 |
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Mike- | Hi | 12:26 |
DanaG | [ 4001.305000] PCMCIA: socket f7e8b428: *** DANGER *** unable to remove socket power | 12:26 |
jrib | jessid: do you mean "gconf-editor"??? | 12:26 |
bruenig | !info pyglade | 12:26 |
ubotu | Package pyglade does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 12:26 |
starkruzr | (Also, note, I didn't hand-code this, Network Settings wrote it for me) | 12:26 |
ajmorris_ | williammanda, go to system >> administration >> system monitor | 12:26 |
jessid | jrib exactly!!!!! | 12:26 |
StoneNote | starkruzr, try adding these two lines to interfaces: network | broadcast and then restart your networking however you normally do | 12:26 |
bruenig | !find pyglade | 12:26 |
jessid | jrib thanks man! | 12:26 |
_Neil | Will ubuntu be getting the .21 kernel any time soon? Just curious on the release lag as it were :D | 12:26 |
Mike- | does anybody here know much about netstat and interpreting its output? | 12:26 |
thebillywayne | williammanda, you can put system monitor in the panel. right click and add to panel. | 12:26 |
ubotu | Package/file pyglade does not exist in feisty | 12:26 |
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starkruzr | StoneNote: Ok, lemme give that a shot. | 12:26 |
DanaG | I just went and compiled my own .21 kernel. | 12:26 |
thebillywayne | DanaG, how'd it go? | 12:27 |
gnomefreak | idefixx: iirc while the livecd is booting it uses the cddrives cache once its done booting it moves it to memory (the parts it needs memory to use. | 12:27 |
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DanaG | With genpatches and suspend2 for good measure. | 12:27 |
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crimsun | bruenig: python-glade2 | 12:27 |
BFrank | something must have changed | 12:27 |
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BFrank | with regards to my dvd drive | 12:27 |
ctothej | what is the default installation directory for program with manual install? | 12:27 |
BFrank | from 6.10 and 7.04 | 12:27 |
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Mike- | does anybody here know much about netstat and interpreting its output? | 12:27 |
redux | anyone know a why to solve this xsession error? | 12:27 |
redux | Unable to open desktop file file:///usr/share/applications/yelp.desktop for panel launcher: No such file or directory | 12:27 |
redux | (update-notifier:5892): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager: | 12:27 |
redux | IO error occured opening connection. | 12:27 |
thebillywayne | ctothej, you installed a tar.gz? | 12:28 |
gnomefreak | redux: install yelp. | 12:28 |
redux | *way | 12:28 |
redux | oh | 12:28 |
redux | ok | 12:28 |
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gnomefreak | redux: stop pasting it in here too | 12:28 |
ctothej | thebillywayne: i am about to | 12:28 |
redux | gnomefreak : thanks | 12:28 |
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Riley | crimsun: | 12:28 |
thebillywayne | ctothej, i'll install into whatever directory you're currently in. | 12:28 |
redux | gnomefreak: ok, sorry | 12:28 |
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gnomefreak | redux: its ok just letting you know | 12:28 |
elijah | hello, somebody can help me ? i need a little information about Latex ? | 12:28 |
ctothej | thebillywayne: I ran the INSTALL script and it wants to install to /usr/local | 12:29 |
thebillywayne | ctothej, i like to create a /bin/ directory in /home. | 12:29 |
starkruzr | StoneNote: That seems to have worked. Thanks. Should I report a bug in Network Settings? | 12:29 |
soundray | stillunknown: the way I understand it, dbus is for interprocess communications in gnome. So if you shut it down, only "standalone" programs will work after that. | 12:29 |
BFrank | it looks like this may be ata related | 12:29 |
thebillywayne | ctothej, oh, it's a script. that sounds normal. | 12:29 |
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BFrank | bugs in the ata driver on linux or something | 12:29 |
gnomefreak | BFrank: that was changed in feisty | 12:29 |
ctothej | thebillywayne: it was in a tar.gz, but i extracted it | 12:29 |
StoneNote | starkruzr, no | 12:29 |
ConstyXIV | is ubuntu a good distro to serve a bunch of windows clients (mostly for samba file/print and web)? or is there a better one? (price no concern) | 12:29 |
idefixx | gnomefreak: interesting i'll have to look into that some more... i really dont know enough about how the live cd boots. the last time i did something like that was in the beginning of knoppix :) | 12:29 |
cables | stillunknown, probably because that stuff needs dbus | 12:29 |
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BFrank | because I get a lot of ata2.00 failed to set xfermode messages | 12:30 |
stillunknown | cables: permanent damage seems strange | 12:30 |
starkruzr | StoneNote: Surely that isn't desirable behavior, though... | 12:30 |
cables | ConstyXIV, Ubuntu should suit your needs... since it's free, you can try it and see if you like it. | 12:30 |
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gnomefreak | idefixx: noone does thats why i stated file a bug and let the people that made it work on it | 12:30 |
BFrank | and limiting speed to udma/33:pio3 messages | 12:30 |
cables | stillunknown, permanent is strange, I didn't see that. | 12:30 |
crimsun | Riley: what's the issue? inaudible audio? | 12:30 |
BFrank | and failed to recover some devices | 12:30 |
thebillywayne | ctothej, that's fine. sometimes even .deb's are in tar.gz's. just be sure to read the README and follow those instructions. :) | 12:30 |
Riley | yes | 12:30 |
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StoneNote | starkruzr, well, go ahead then. I'm not in charge :) | 12:30 |
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mobutu | i never got samba working very well to share to windows clients, with edgy | 12:30 |
stillunknown | cables: Not to mention fixing things isn't exactly transparant | 12:30 |
crimsun | Riley: do you want to use your SB Live as the default audio device? | 12:30 |
ctothej | thebillywayne: ok cool thanks. what is the opt directory for? | 12:30 |
Riley | crimsun: i got an error from xmms a | 12:30 |
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Riley | crimsun : if that is my mobo | 12:31 |
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thebillywayne | ctothej, the /opt directory is a mystery to me. I've read different things about it. My feisty install even didn't come with one; I had to create my own. From what I gather, things that just don't fit anywhere else go in /opt. I know that the firefox and thunderbird scripts I used installed them to /opt. | 12:31 |
crimsun | Riley: you have two audio devices, your onboard AC'97-based one (driven by snd_intel8x0) and another SB Live (driven by snd_emu10k1) | 12:31 |
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idefixx | gnomefreak: i generally very interested in how stuff works.. so im going to find out ;). even tough it'll probably not do me any good. | 12:32 |
gnomefreak | BFrank: ata shouldnt be your issue. your best bet and i say this because the people that code for livecd are not in this channel is to file a bug. | 12:32 |
ctothej | thebillywayne: oh interesting. thanks much. | 12:32 |
thebillywayne | ctothej, you're welcome. :) | 12:32 |
crimsun | Riley: your pastebin is cut short, BTW. It's missing lsmod output. | 12:32 |
crimsun | Riley: please paste the entire output. | 12:32 |
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Riley | crimsun : ive got my speakers plugged into my mobo | 12:32 |
gnomefreak | hint: ata issue would cause it to fail on any cddrive | 12:32 |
thebillywayne | crimsun, thanks for helping Riley. He's been working on this issue for some time now. | 12:32 |
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Riley | crimsun : i just gave you the link that the script gave me | 12:33 |
elijah | any Latex Amator here ? | 12:33 |
crimsun | Riley: that link doesn't contain the complete output from that script. | 12:33 |
soundray | elijah: ask the question | 12:33 |
Riley | crimsun : should i run the script again? | 12:33 |
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idefixx | BFrank: well it has either something to do with busyboxes mount, all the /dev stuff, or the kernels ata code... in anycase i really cant help you there.. cauz that's ways out of my league right now | 12:34 |
crimsun | Riley: yes. | 12:34 |
CientificoLoco | somebody knows how to make a correct configuration of muse with icecast2? for to be used like shoutcast? | 12:34 |
jessid | some of you has any idea how can i make serial ports work with wine? | 12:34 |
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BFrank | yeah, I ahve to figure out how to approach this | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | idefixx: ata would fail on all devices (cdrives) | 12:34 |
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BFrank | It would be nice to get info to peeps to fix it, before the next release | 12:34 |
Riley | crimsun : | 12:34 |
starkruzr | StoneNote: Turns out it's already been reported about 5 times :) | 12:34 |
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katy | algun espaol? | 12:34 |
DanaG | crimsun: is there a way to make PulseAudio try to load a certain sink? | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | its mounts the cd or you wouldnt see usplash | 12:34 |
Crell | OK, I've tried completely removing and reinstalling apache and PHP. And I still get php files trying to download instead of execute. | 12:34 |
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katy | alguien en espaol | 12:35 |
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gnomefreak | !es > katy | 12:35 |
DanaG | I want pulseaudio to load my upmix51 sink if the relevant sound card is inserted. | 12:35 |
crimsun | DanaG: use the conffile. | 12:35 |
luis_ | hola katy | 12:35 |
gnomefreak | katy: read you pm | 12:35 |
atomiku | How come I can hear myself speaking? its outputting the stuff from the microphone to my speakers... cna i fix this? | 12:35 |
DanaG | I want to detect hw:1 and then load plug:upmix51 | 12:35 |
katy | hey luis | 12:35 |
RedFoxy | !bluetooth | 12:35 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 12:35 |
Crell | Any ideas? :-( | 12:35 |
idefixx | gnomefreak: read it... sound about right.. but he said both roms are connected to the same onboard controller.. ok one is a cd-rom the other one dvd but that cant be it either. | 12:35 |
erUSUL | DanaG: in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf ?? | 12:35 |
luis_ | como estas katy? | 12:35 |
crimsun | atomiku: mute your mic and capture mixer elements. | 12:35 |
starkruzr | Is it accurate to say that the need for Automatix and EasyUbuntu has more or less been completely obviated by Medibuntu? | 12:35 |
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atomiku | crimsun: how? | 12:35 |
katy | me acabo de instalar en kopette | 12:35 |
crimsun | Riley: still cut short, hmm. | 12:35 |
soundray | jessid: just a faint memory: in the configuration, you have to associate a Linux device name (e.g. /dev/ttyS0) with a Windows serial device name (e.g. COM1) | 12:35 |
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crimsun | atomiku: volume control applet, amixer, alsamixer, aumix, whatever. | 12:36 |
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luis_ | ok | 12:36 |
katy | y esta en ingles, sabes como lo puedo poner en espaol | 12:36 |
gnomefreak | idefixx: it has to be a hardware issue or else neither would work as its the same cd | 12:36 |
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gnomefreak | katy: /j #ubuntu-es | 12:36 |
crimsun | Riley: please just pastebin ``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*'' | 12:36 |
jrib | starkruzr: medibuntu and feisty features pretty much remove any need imo, yes | 12:36 |
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soundray | starkruzr: s/Medibuntu/feisty/ and it's accurate ;) | 12:36 |
crimsun | Riley: and ``lsmod'' | 12:36 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 12:36 |
stillunknown | idefixx: Talking about the ata_piix driver? | 12:36 |
luis_ | en la pagina de ubuntu katys | 12:36 |
katy | ok | 12:37 |
DoXiD | quit question, how do i seach with apt-get (like emerge -s <package>) | 12:37 |
thebillywayne | starkruzr, i'd say Yes. | 12:37 |
DoXiD | quick* | 12:37 |
jessid | soundray thanks | 12:37 |
idefixx | stillunknown: no live cd fails to boot. | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | DoXiD: apt-get search | 12:37 |
jrib | !apt > DoXiD (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:37 |
Goldfisch | This so cool. I just got beryl working on my feisty system. :) | 12:37 |
atomiku | crimsun: how do I get to volume control applet through terminal? | 12:37 |
thebillywayne | starkruzr, just install totem-xine. | 12:37 |
DoXiD | thx :) | 12:37 |
jrib | DoXiD: apt-cache search | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | oops | 12:37 |
Riley | mixer_app 5581 riley 18u CHR 116,7 13589 /dev/snd/controlC0 | 12:37 |
Riley | xmms 5955 riley 8u CHR 116,7 13589 /dev/snd/controlC0 | 12:37 |
katy | | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | apt-cache search even | 12:37 |
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crimsun | atomiku: just use alsamixer, amixer, or aumix, then. | 12:37 |
atomiku | hmm | 12:37 |
atomiku | how | 12:37 |
atomiku | lol | 12:37 |
stillunknown | idefixx: Do you have a intel chipset? | 12:37 |
crimsun | Riley: please use PASTEBIN. Don't flood this channel. | 12:37 |
neverblue2 | someone must have a working logitech webcam on there system???? | 12:37 |
Riley | yeah | 12:37 |
gnomefreak | atomiku: type it in cli | 12:37 |
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crimsun | atomiku: ``alsamixer'', of course. | 12:38 |
idefixx | gnomefreak: nice you said it .. i didnt want to go for the easy solution even tough i'm thinking it for quite some time now ;) | 12:38 |
atomiku | huh | 12:38 |
Riley | i caught that right when i did it my bad | 12:38 |
atomiku | i looked in alsamixer | 12:38 |
atomiku | i couldnt figure it out | 12:38 |
neverblue2 | come on, I have been pasting the same question for over an hour | 12:38 |
crimsun | Riley: close xmms. | 12:38 |
jrib | !webcam > neverblue2 (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:38 |
Riley | k | 12:38 |
luis_ | katy de donde eres? | 12:38 |
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katy | luisss en | 12:38 |
DanaG | I don't see how to do what I want with | 12:38 |
katy | de bcn | 12:38 |
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Riley | crimsun : now what? | 12:38 |
neverblue2 | jrib: your not helping | 12:38 |
luis_ | si katy | 12:38 |
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DanaG | I tried add-autoload, but it doesn't see that upmix51 applies to hw:1. | 12:38 |
_Neil | !es > luis | 12:38 |
gnomefreak | idefixx: this is why i told him to file the bug. the people that know casper insdie out would help him. | 12:39 |
katy | | 12:39 |
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AaronMT | Hi, does anyone else have issues with the Alsa HDA ATI SB (Alsa Mixer) being very quiet when volume is 100%? | 12:39 |
katy | ok voy pa ya! jeje | 12:39 |
neverblue2 | i need to troubleshoot it, its an issue | 12:39 |
DanaG | Is there an option to "look for this, load that"? | 12:39 |
idefixx | stillunknown: BFrank is the one having the problem | 12:39 |
gnomefreak | katy: english or #ubuntu-es | 12:39 |
soundray | neverblue2: you're not helping yourself. Keep doing the same thing and you keep getting the same results. | 12:39 |
crimsun | Riley: does that lsof command (re-execute it) confirm that it no longer holds open the audio device? | 12:39 |
jrib | neverblue2: if no one knows how to do it here, then no one can help you. Try other support methods or try again later | 12:39 |
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jrib | !support > neverblue2 (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:39 |
thebillywayne | AaronMT, on speakers, yes. On headphone, no. | 12:39 |
neverblue2 | soundray: no shit? | 12:39 |
LjL | !language > neverblue2 (neverblue2, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:39 |
tarelerulz | When doing the ls what option can I use to get to show where something is directory or file? | 12:39 |
Music_Shuffle | soundray: Einstein's definition of insanity? :D | 12:39 |
soundray | neverblue2: congratulations, you've made my ignore list | 12:39 |
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neverblue2 | jrib: I am looking for people with the same issues | 12:39 |
=== DanaG wonders how support for C-Media CM106+ is in ALSA. | ||
sander2 | any dudes from holland? | 12:39 |
_Neil | neverblue: Try posting on the forum | 12:40 |
LjL | !nl > sander2 (sander2, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:40 |
crimsun | AaronMT: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*) && sudo modprobe -r snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=auto | 12:40 |
thebillywayne | tarelerulz, it's color-coded. :) | 12:40 |
neverblue2 | _Neil: lol | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | sander2: join #ubuntu-offtopic | 12:40 |
crimsun | AaronMT: we've already fixed it upstream in hg. | 12:40 |
_Neil | if noone is here, at least someone will read that, yes? | 12:40 |
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jrib | neverblue2: but no one is here with your issue, you've found that out. I'm just telling you the next step | 12:40 |
crimsun | AaronMT: please don't query me. | 12:40 |
tarelerulz | Thebillywayne what do you mean? | 12:40 |
_Neil | Chance a user with a similar issue sees your post, as irc you get about 10s of exposure with a problem :) | 12:40 |
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AaronMT | Crimsun: Is that a temporary solution or permenant | 12:41 |
Riley | crimsun: paste bin won't work query error | 12:41 |
katy | luis como se si estoy usando KDE? | 12:41 |
thebillywayne | tarelerulz, you were wanting to know whether something was a directory or a file, right? | 12:41 |
crimsun | AaronMT: depends if it resolves your issue. That test is temporary (works until next modprobe -r). | 12:41 |
neverblue2 | jrib: your not helping, as I said before | 12:41 |
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DanaG | Oh hey, the alsa-kernel tree in alsa-hg doesn't match the structure of ALSA in-kernel. | 12:41 |
_Neil | ahhh rhythmbox keeps bleddy segfaulting.. anynone help ? I posted a bug, but its unusable | 12:41 |
megafauna | Hi I can't enamble DMA on my DVD drive since I upgraded to Feisty | 12:41 |
DanaG | Is there any way to easily copy the files to the right places? | 12:41 |
crimsun | Riley: then use another pastebin; there are hundreds | 12:41 |
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_Neil | crashes every few minutes, and I need it :/ any ideas? | 12:41 |
tarelerulz | <thebillywayn , that is what I would like to know ? what color means what. Oh and thinks | 12:42 |
gnomefreak | luis_: you need to also join #ubuntu-es for spanish | 12:42 |
stillunknown | The signal to noise ratio is very low in this channel, is it always like that? | 12:42 |
crimsun | stillunknown: yes. | 12:42 |
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thebillywayne | tarelerulz, folders are blue. files are green. :) | 12:42 |
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Riley | crimsun: | 12:42 |
erb_ | If you type in a field with Opera, and then reload/refresh the page, the text in the field is cleared. Does anyone know how to prevent this? | 12:42 |
cheater | Hi, could anyone help me set up a cron job to take a screenshot every X minutes? | 12:42 |
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DanaG | One cool thing about my onboard Sigmatel: | 12:43 |
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lizor | _Neil: can you open it and run it with -d from a terminal :) | 12:43 |
DanaG | amplified stereo microphone jack. | 12:43 |
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soundray | cheater: no cron job needed | 12:43 |
_Neil | lizor: what does -d do? | 12:43 |
cheater | How else would i do it without a cron job? | 12:43 |
crimsun | Riley: ok good, now is ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav'' audible? | 12:43 |
toferrado | Can somebody help me to make my wireless working? I have a PCI wireless card chipset rt73. | 12:43 |
DanaG | I run my PMP line out into my cardbus A2ZS, I get a really low signal. | 12:43 |
soundray | cheater: 'while true ; xwd -root >screenshot-$(date).xwd ; sleep 600 ; done' | 12:43 |
DanaG | I do the same to my onboard, I get a good signal. | 12:43 |
tarelerulz | <thebillywayne> , thanks very much man. | 12:43 |
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Riley | crimsun: yes | 12:44 |
_Neil | lizor: I've done a backtrace.. its on the report.. just so annoying | 12:44 |
thebillywayne | tarelerulz, you're welcome. | 12:44 |
Drk_guy | Hy guys | 12:44 |
beg1689 | toferrado, i have the same chipset, only way i ever got it working was to compile the driver from cvs | 12:44 |
crimsun | Riley: ok, now restart xmms. | 12:44 |
lizor | _Neil: I believe thats the debug switch lemme make sure | 12:44 |
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Drk_guy | I need a package that contains codecs for Mp3's | 12:44 |
_Neil | ah it is | 12:44 |
stillunknown | _Neil: other music players do exist ;-) | 12:44 |
crimsun | Riley: go to its preferences, and look in the audio i/o plugins | 12:44 |
lizor | _Neil: yup | 12:44 |
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crimsun | Riley: choose the alsa output plugin's preferences to examine | 12:44 |
cheater | soundray: But that's using sleep to set the delay. I would prefer to use a cron job so the delay could be set easier | 12:44 |
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lizor | _Neil: its probable so corrupted setting ( Usually was when I was using it) | 12:44 |
DanaG | XMMS is cool for yet another thing: tone generator. | 12:44 |
_Neil | It gave me 5 lines of debug but then ended, the app is still live.. I guess backtrace is better? | 12:44 |
_Neil | lizor: hmm, strange.. its intermittent too... | 12:45 |
crimsun | Riley: which device is chosen in the drop-down text menu? | 12:45 |
Drk_guy | I need a package that contains codecs for Mp3's | 12:45 |
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stillunknown | DanaG: xmms is a piece of seriously outdated software | 12:45 |
UNDERsoN | Hi. I have a problem. On my Ubuntu 7.04 I can't run any KDE app. dcop error. | 12:45 |
DanaG | I agree, | 12:45 |
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DanaG | . | 12:45 |
toferrado | beg1689, how did you do that? | 12:45 |
beg1689 | so.. im getting choppy audio in some games... neverball, warzone, a few others, i think its because im using onboard audio and it has some problem with fragment or sample sizes or something, is there anyway to fix it? | 12:45 |
tarelerulz | <thebillywayne> , mine don't seem to be set up like that . I have more then two colors | 12:45 |
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idefixx | !codec | Drk_guy | 12:45 |
ubotu | Drk_guy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 12:45 |
DanaG | Tone Generator is the only unique thing it does, nowadays. | 12:45 |
Riley | crimsun: alsa | 12:45 |
_Neil | lizor: heres the bug incl backtrace | 12:45 |
lizor | _Neil: what are the five lines. something I might try is login as a different user maybe make a new user and see if it breaks ( New seettings and what not) | 12:45 |
beg1689 | | 12:45 |
soundray | cheater: it's much more difficult to access the framebuffer contents from within a cron job. Maybe someone else knows, just ask again. | 12:45 |
stillunknown | DanaG: audacity has a sine generator | 12:45 |
starkruzr | Where do you go to CONFIGURE Beryl (i.e. "Desktop Effects")? All I can find is a place to turn it on and off. Help? | 12:45 |
Drk_guy | Ty idefixx | 12:46 |
=== DanaG wishes people would mention medibuntu in addition to seveas. | ||
DanaG | Not just the latter. | 12:46 |
cheater | Hi, could anyone help me set up a cron job to take a screenshot every X minutes? | 12:46 |
beg1689 | starkruzer: "Desktop Effects" is not beryl | 12:46 |
beg1689 | there is a setup program though | 12:46 |
crimsun | Riley: no, which /device/ ? | 12:46 |
beg1689 | one sec ill find the package name | 12:46 |
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UNDERsoN | I can'r run any KDE APP. dcop communication error. what's wrong? | 12:46 |
stillunknown | DanaG: Are those the awfull automated crap installers? | 12:46 |
Riley | crimsun: in output plugin? | 12:46 |
_Neil | lizor: I don't think they are giving any useful info, they are here tho: | 12:46 |
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DanaG | Nope, just packages. | 12:46 |
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AaronMT | Crimsum: FATAL: Module snd_hda _intel is in use | 12:47 |
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DanaG | For Amarok-Xine and for some other stuff. | 12:47 |
DanaG | !medibuntu | 12:47 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 12:47 |
crimsun | Riley: in the alsa output. It should read either 'default', 'hw:0,0', or something along those lines. | 12:47 |
_Neil | lizor: Backtrace suggests /usr/lib/ - no idea what that file is tho?! | 12:47 |
crimsun | AaronMT: did you execute the precise command I gave you (copy & paste)? | 12:47 |
pieter_ | evening guys, any ideas how to install adobe reader on feisty? | 12:47 |
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starkruzr | ... Desktop Effects is Not Beryl? | 12:47 |
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starkruzr | KOPSDKFSDOPKFPOK. | 12:47 |
toferrado | beg1689, how did you compile the driver? You have PCI or USB device? | 12:47 |
Drk_guy | idefixx, that solution doesn't help | 12:47 |
AaronMT | Crimsun: Yes, it asked to reload or not to reload the volume applet | 12:47 |
beg1689 | mine is USB | 12:48 |
beg1689 | just extract, type make | 12:48 |
Drk_guy | I NEED to keep them on Mp3 format | 12:48 |
crimsun | AaronMT: then log out of gnome, log into a console (ctrl+alt+F1), then execute the command. | 12:48 |
beg1689 | copy the ko to your kernel modules folder | 12:48 |
deebus | can someone help me set up my quickcam? | 12:48 |
Drk_guy | Got Help????? | 12:48 |
finetuch | anyone got a minute to help me with setting up and mounting drives in ubuntu 6.10 | 12:48 |
deebus | just got a logitech quickcam messenger | 12:48 |
AaronMT | Will try | 12:48 |
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Riley | crimsun: output plugin: ALSA 1.2.10 output plugin [] | 12:48 |
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deebus | not sure how to get it working | 12:48 |
cheater | finetuch: I could help you | 12:48 |
toferrado | beg1689, ok I'll try it! | 12:48 |
Drk_guy | Deebus, search for webcam in Synaptic | 12:48 |
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Riley | crimsun: and xmms now plays music | 12:49 |
Drk_guy | Guys! | 12:49 |
deebus | Drk_guy: I did, but what I installed doesn't seem to work | 12:49 |
Drk_guy | Help needed | 12:49 |
lizor | _Neil: well its a library its the gnome library for mounting filesystems i believe that plugs into.. Doh try restarting /etc/init.d/dbus | 12:49 |
finetuch | please i got an ide 40 gig that device manager sees but i cant have access to | 12:49 |
Drk_guy | Rare | 12:49 |
beg1689 | toferrado: private message for more instructions | 12:49 |
Drk_guy | Let me think... | 12:49 |
finetuch | read or write | 12:49 |
stillunknown | finetuch: internal drive? | 12:49 |
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beg1689 | so.. is there any work around for choppy/staticy audio caused by onboard audio devices? | 12:49 |
cheater | finetuch: Type the command 'mount' and then the command 'sudo fdisk' | 12:49 |
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_Neil | lizor: How do I restart dbus? | 12:49 |
finetuch | internal | 12:50 |
Drk_guy | deebus, did you install Canorama???? | 12:50 |
ohir | what happened to ssh-server in feisty? | 12:50 |
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soundray | cheater: did you mean fdisk -l ? | 12:50 |
Riley | crimsun: does that mean its fixed? | 12:50 |
finetuch | but it is on my cdrom chain as a slave | 12:50 |
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lizor | _Neil: /etc/init.d/dbus restart | 12:50 |
deebus | Drk_guy: no. will do that now | 12:50 |
cheater | soundray: yes, silly me | 12:50 |
finetuch | and is set to slave | 12:50 |
Abom | j #odforce | 12:50 |
Drk_guy | Hey, i need codecs for Mp3 | 12:50 |
soundray | ohir: nothing. It's called openssh-server | 12:50 |
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crimsun | Riley: isn't your original issue resolved? | 12:50 |
cheater | fdisk: The command is 'fdisk -l' NOT 'fdisk' | 12:50 |
Riley | crimsun: yes | 12:50 |
stillunknown | finetuch: Ever heard of /etc/fstab? | 12:51 |
Abom | where do I find the settings for "desktop effects" in the configuration editor? | 12:51 |
jrib | Drk_guy: are you running feisty? | 12:51 |
_Neil | lizor: What does that do? Trying to learn as I go :) | 12:51 |
ohir | thx soundray | 12:51 |
lizor | _Neil: i would do a tail -d /var/log/syslog to make sure it doesnt toss a bunch of errors | 12:51 |
Riley | crimsun: however, its done this before | 12:51 |
crimsun | Riley: again, ensure that the virtual device chosen for alsa is 'default' | 12:51 |
deebus | Drk_guy: "Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0)..." | 12:51 |
_Neil | ok | 12:51 |
Drk_guy | Feisty Fawn | 12:51 |
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Drk_guy | Oh my | 12:51 |
deebus | I also have a video capture card using /dev/video0 | 12:51 |
jrib | Drk_guy: double click on your mp3 | 12:51 |
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cheater | stillunknown: he shouldn't need to mod that file. That's only for automounting. He should be able to mount in manually | 12:51 |
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finetuch | stillunknown no im pretty green to ubuntu | 12:51 |
thebillywayne | tarelerulz, what other colors do you have? | 12:51 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, it does not playm it says it needs the codec | 12:51 |
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_Neil | lizor: no such tail flag -d.. which did u mean? | 12:52 |
Drk_guy | Deebus, maybe your device is not compatible | 12:52 |
jrib | Drk_guy: when you double click on an mp3 in nautilus, it should tell you what codecs you need to install | 12:52 |
stillunknown | cheater finetuch: I assume an internal drive should automounted. | 12:52 |
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luis_ | i'm a new ubuntu user | 12:52 |
tarelerulz | <thebillywayne> I have dark blue and light blue | 12:52 |
deebus | sonofabitch... | 12:52 |
Riley | crimsun: when i click 'configure' on alsa it says that audio device is default | 12:52 |
Drk_guy | Totem says that it needs codecs, then it opens Synaptic and shows up the codec packages | 12:52 |
deebus | I'll be pissed if that's the case | 12:52 |
Zac-US | welcome, luis | 12:52 |
finetuch | so what do i do there guys | 12:52 |
crimsun | Riley: good. | 12:52 |
jrib | Drk_guy: k, and you installed those? | 12:52 |
lizor | _Neil: kk hehe my typo tail -f :) I had to make sure I remembered DBUS handles IPC its how the processes chat with one another for things like hardware events | 12:52 |
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michael | I am having trouble getting RealPlayer to install in Feisty, does not show up in repository. | 12:53 |
_Neil | ;D | 12:53 |
Riley | crimsun: so its good, and will stay good? | 12:53 |
Doctor_Nick | for some reason, my usb hard drive is no longer being recognized and mounted | 12:53 |
Drk_guy | But the list of repositories is not full downloaded for some reason, and the 3 packages shown are for i386 | 12:53 |
luis_ | thank zac | 12:53 |
finetuch | what was that command to format and mount | 12:53 |
jrib | !realplayer > michael (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:53 |
crimsun | Riley: I can't possibly predict that. However, if your software is configured correctly, then yes. | 12:53 |
stillunknown | finetuch: I can tell you how, but i don't actually use ubuntu, so i can only tell you the commandline way | 12:53 |
Doctor_Nick | i set it up in the fstab file to mount automatically, but its not doing it anymore | 12:53 |
Abom | anyone know where the settings for "desktop effects" are in the configuration editor? | 12:53 |
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_Neil | lizor: No errors through tail at all | 12:53 |
Doctor_Nick | and it's not showing up in /dev/, either | 12:53 |
Riley | crimsun: thank you very much, have a nice evening | 12:53 |
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finetuch | still how do i get to command line | 12:54 |
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thebillywayne | tarelerulz, well, i only have one blue, which is for directories. and light green, for .sh's, and pink'ish for .tar.gz's and .debs. There just *has* to be an index somewhere. Try :) | 12:54 |
cheater | finetuch: Type the command 'mount' and then the command 'sudo fdisk -l' | 12:54 |
At0mic_PC | How do you know what version of ubuntu you have? | 12:54 |
lizor | _Neil: cool if you type dmesg see anything ( Try running rhythmbox now :) | 12:54 |
jrib | !terminal > finetuch (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:54 |
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crimsun | At0mic_PC: lsb_release -a | 12:54 |
tarelerulz | <thebillywayne> something like /usr/bin I have light blue ,green and some file are high light in different colors | 12:54 |
erUSUL | At0mic_PC: lsb_release -a | 12:54 |
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daaaman64 | what is the command for the gnome terminal? I am sick of xterm. xfce doesn't make this easy figure out... | 12:54 |
Doctor_Nick | What's the command for listing all the usb drivers? | 12:54 |
At0mic_PC | Thanks | 12:54 |
Doctor_Nick | er | 12:54 |
Doctor_Nick | usb devices | 12:54 |
Doctor_Nick | currently attatched to the pc | 12:54 |
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erUSUL | Doctor_Nick: lsusb | 12:54 |
crimsun | daaaman64: alt+F2 , then type gnome-terminal | 12:54 |
katy_ | hay algun canal para espanish people | 12:54 |
Drk_guy | jrib??? | 12:54 |
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stillunknown | finetouch: There should be a button with a black screen somewere. | 12:55 |
_Neil | lizor: seems fine, bar [ 27.912190] **WARNING** I2C adapter driver [NVIDIA i2c adapter 2 at 1:00.0] forgot to specify physical device; fix it! | 12:55 |
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Drk_guy | Got help??? | 12:55 |
daaaman64 | crimsun thank you | 12:55 |
erUSUL | !es | katy_ | 12:55 |
ubotu | katy_: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 12:55 |
jrib | Drk_guy: are you on amd64? | 12:55 |
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Drk_guy | I am on an Intel P 4 | 12:55 |
_Neil | rhythmbox -d is crazy now tho, lots of messages | 12:55 |
tarelerulz | <thebillywayne> I think I got what it mean down . I really just need to know if it file or directory . I use the ls -p and it works fine | 12:55 |
lizor | _Neil: kk i2c is just a hardware sensor unless your temp monitoring with it i wouldnt be too worried | 12:55 |
AaronMT | Crimsun: Running that command did not do anything volume is still very quiet | 12:55 |
jrib | Drk_guy: so you are using i386 then? (try to put my name in your responses) | 12:55 |
tarelerulz | for gz and so on I know what program opens them | 12:55 |
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_Neil | lizor: Cool.. so now I'm waiting for -d debug output when it crashes? | 12:56 |
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neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 12:56 |
Zac-US | wtf, my sister deleted the file that tells Ubuntu which packages are installed | 12:56 |
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Drk_guy | jrib, Synaptic tells that i can't install them for some odd reason | 12:56 |
crimsun | AaronMT: please read and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page. | 12:56 |
lizor | _Neil: sure it was probably a whacked out DBUS thing If I can recommend listen (Ive been trying to find a good media player) | 12:56 |
jrib | Drk_guy: pastebin the reason | 12:56 |
jrib | !pastebin > Drk_guy (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:56 |
_Neil | lizor: OK cheers, ill see if it works :D | 12:56 |
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lizor | _Neil: kk :) Have fun :) | 12:56 |
Drk_guy | I will pastebin the screenshot | 12:57 |
Drk_guy | Wait | 12:57 |
luis_ | i'm really not know linux | 12:57 |
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cheater | finetuch: You still there? | 12:57 |
_Neil | lizor: What does dbus actually do? :)) | 12:57 |
stillunknown | finetouch: I need to go now, i have one hint to find out which device is your harddrive: dmesg | grep hd | 12:57 |
tarelerulz | Any of you ever play the open source game never ball? | 12:57 |
finetuch | yea i was in the cmmand line | 12:58 |
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erb_ | If you type in a field with Opera, and then reload/refresh the page, the text in the field is cleared. Does anyone know how to prevent this? | 12:58 |
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lizor | _Neil: Its some sort of IPC messaging handling do an apt-cache search dbus :) | 12:58 |
cheater | Hi, could anyone help me set up a cron job to take a screenshot every X minutes? | 12:58 |
_Neil | ok :) | 12:58 |
Gerro | Is there anyway I can run the X11 parser on a xorg.conf file without actually spamming restart to see if it works? | 12:58 |
At0mic_PC | Ah shoot. I didn't see the Upgrade option. | 12:58 |
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AaronMT | crimsun: The url? | 12:59 |
burner_ | !upgrade > At0mic_PC | 12:59 |
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vox754 | jrib, now that I think about it, could you add a pastebin for images in the !paste factoid? | 12:59 |
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jay_ | how do i change my xserver to xgl on fiesty? | 12:59 |
Abom | where do I find the settings for "desktop effects" in the configuration editor? | 12:59 |
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crimsun | AaronMT: no. Download the script, execute it with ``bash ./'', then tell me the url that the script generated. | 12:59 |
jrib | vox754: suggest it to ubotu and it will be forwarded | 12:59 |
Horscht | !mouse | 12:59 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 12:59 |
burner_ | jay_, don't! why would you need to? | 12:59 |
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tarelerulz | It seem like the default search tool that comes with ubuntu 6.10 sucks | 12:59 |
cheater | Hi, could anyone help me set up a cron job to take a screenshot every X minutes? | 12:59 |
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jay_ | burner eyecandy :) | 01:00 |
tarelerulz | I can't find say the files that have to do with neverball | 01:00 |
jrib | cheater: do you have a command ready? | 01:00 |
burner_ | jay_, you can run beryl & compiz via AIGLX instead of XGL which is preferred these days | 01:00 |
Xucrute | Hi... I am installing Ubuntu in a 80 gb HDD... but i'd like to partition it so i can separate system files.. besides "/home" what else should I separate and how much space should be alocated... any help is welcome :D | 01:00 |
cheater | jrib: yeah | 01:00 |
vox754 | jrib, ahem... not registered *cough*... I thought you guys had like instantaneous control over ubotu *cough* | 01:00 |
Drk_guy | jrib | 01:00 |
Drk_guy | Here is the link with the screenshot | 01:00 |
Drk_guy | | 01:00 |
jrib | cheater: ok, just make sure you set the DISPLAY variable in your crontab | 01:00 |
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jay_ | where is howto? | 01:00 |
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kerryb | has anybody got wine to work on feisty for amd64? I tried to follow instructions to force 32 bit but it wont work. | 01:01 |
burner_ | Xucrute, just home... i use about 10 gigs for my /, one gig for swap, and the rest for /home | 01:01 |
cheater | jrib: shouldn't just putting DISPLAY=0 at the top work? | 01:01 |
burner_ | jay_, what type of card? | 01:01 |
washbear | anyone experience heat problems with Feisty? my laptop gets much hotter than with Edgy :( | 01:01 |
burner_ | !beryl | jay_ | 01:01 |
ubotu | jay_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:01 |
jay_ | ati | 01:01 |
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jay_ | 200M | 01:01 |
burner_ | jay_, aww... not sure if that can do it | 01:01 |
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burner_ | !ati > jay | 01:01 |
Xucrute | burner: if I make /home fat32 will it be accessible from windows (dual boot) | 01:01 |
burner_ | !ati > jay_ | 01:01 |
jrib | cheater: DISPLAY=:0 | 01:01 |
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Drk_guy | jrib | 01:01 |
burner_ | Xucrute, you can't make your /home a fat32 | 01:01 |
jay_ | u know what i change my mind. fiesty working dang well right now dont wanna mess up :) | 01:02 |
Drk_guy | Are you still helping me???? | 01:02 |
burner_ | Xucrute, windows can read/write ext3 via | 01:02 |
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AaronMT | Crimsun: | 01:02 |
burner_ | jay_, good call ;) I'm not sure that card can handle it anyway ;) | 01:02 |
jrib | Drk_guy: be patient please :) Does your error show up with half of the text missing like that? | 01:02 |
jrib | vox754: k, I'll put it on the todo list | 01:02 |
Drk_guy | I just aligned everything so the two windows were shown | 01:02 |
Xucrute | burner: that's new to me... thanks for the help! :D | 01:02 |
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jay_ | it does it somewhat on opensuse but yea it isnt officially supported yet | 01:03 |
jrib | Drk_guy: but half of the words are missing, is that how you see it? | 01:03 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 01:03 |
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_Neil | lizor : Segmentation fault (core dumped) | 01:03 |
_Neil | no change :D | 01:03 |
burner_ | jay_, just try to turn on desktop effects :) it might "just work" | 01:03 |
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jay_ | anyone know where to download nvu for fiesty | 01:03 |
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jay_ | already did it dont :) | 01:03 |
jrib | Drk_guy: pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update' | 01:03 |
cheater | jrib: | 01:03 |
cheater | jrib: That was my crontab. Neither of the two commands work | 01:03 |
Drk_guy | Nope, the part that is not shown is the categories listing | 01:03 |
burner_ | nvu can't even open .php files :\ | 01:04 |
tarelerulz | maybe I don't know how to set it ,but for the most part never found what I was looking for | 01:04 |
vox754 | kerryb, you of course know that it is tricky to handle 64 bit, so good luck | 01:04 |
eternaljoy | I found a website that helps me get my TV tuner working in Ubuntu. But I dont fully understand the instructions. Can someone read 3 lines of instructions for me and interpret it for me please? | 01:04 |
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jay_ | burner talking to me/ | 01:04 |
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jay_ | about nvu | 01:04 |
kerryb | thx vox754 | 01:04 |
tarelerulz | Find never fails me every. If there is front end for find or something I would like to know | 01:04 |
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kerryb | im about ready to put fiesty 32bit on | 01:05 |
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vox754 | eternaljoy, you should have pasted that link right away! | 01:05 |
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vox754 | !ask > eternaljoy | 01:05 |
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Drk_guy | Jrib, here are the results | 01:06 |
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jrib | Drk_guy: try a different mirror and see if it still happens | 01:06 |
eternaljoy | vox754: | 01:06 |
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eternaljoy | vox754: can you please help me interpret that? | 01:07 |
Drk_guy | How i use other mirror | 01:07 |
jrib | michael: did realplayer install? how did you install it? | 01:07 |
Drk_guy | And what mirror i should use | 01:07 |
AaronMT | Crimsun: Studying it? | 01:07 |
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`sam` | is there a 2.6.21 kernel available for ubuntu? | 01:07 |
jrib | Drk_guy: try just archive instead of co.archive | 01:07 |
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Xucrute | burner: can you check this partition set to me: | 01:08 |
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Drk_guy | What's the syntaxis then? | 01:08 |
eternaljoy | vox754: any ideas pleasse? | 01:08 |
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burner_ | looks fine Xucrute.. | 01:08 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, so you have a TV card and it is not working with what program? | 01:08 |
UNDERsoN | is 3v1no repositary avalible for feisty? | 01:08 |
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Xucrute | burner: thanks a lot!! I will complete my install now! :D:D | 01:08 |
crimsun | AaronMT: I'm waiting on my git tree. I'm connected via a 56kbps dialup; it take a minute. | 01:08 |
crimsun | takes, even. | 01:09 |
burner_ | Xucrute, have fun :) | 01:09 |
eternaljoy | vox754: I have an Asus USB cinema U3000 mini TV tuner! trying to get it to work in Ubuntu | 01:09 |
xq | In gnome -- when using the other "desk workspaces" (i.e. the second or third one out of four) -- is it by default that your gnome-panels do not display (just the blank screen with the wallpaper) in Ubuntu? | 01:09 |
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neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 01:09 |
burner_ | xq, nope | 01:09 |
xq | hmm | 01:09 |
eternaljoy | vox754: that webpage I showed you tells me how. but I dont understand it, need someone to interpet it for me into plain terms. Can you help? | 01:09 |
jrib | michael: did realplayer install? how did you install it? | 01:09 |
xq | My panels only display on my #1 workspace/desk, burner_ | 01:09 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, USB TV card? It seems that there is a bug with the driver, which is included in the kernel, so you need to manually add the firmware where it says and the run a few commands. | 01:09 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, it says "Update command take sno arguments" | 01:09 |
burner_ | xq, i don't know how to fix it, I just know it's not default ;) | 01:10 |
xq | Any ideas on why my panels are not operating/displaying on any workspace other than 1 | 01:10 |
jrib | Drk_guy: what did you try to run? | 01:10 |
eternaljoy | vox754: add firmware? Does that mean changing my PC BIOS? | 01:10 |
Drk_guy | sudo apt-get update archive | 01:10 |
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foo | I am trying to mount a partition on fiesty. I want to mount, say, /dev/sdb1 to tmp. So, I do vol_id -u /dev/sdb1 .. take that, then I plug it into fstab like: <whatever vol_id returned here> /tmp ext3 defaults 0 0 - right? | 01:10 |
xq | hmm | 01:10 |
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michael | I follow instructons in, if I click on the appropriate link to grab realplayer, nothing happens! | 01:10 |
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jrib | Drk_guy: no, you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list to change the mirron, then just run 'sudo apt-get update' | 01:10 |
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vox754 | eternaljoy, firmware is like a driver or BIOS for the device, not the entire PC! | 01:10 |
Drk_guy | Ok jrib, i will try that | 01:11 |
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bododo | hi folks | 01:11 |
eternaljoy | vox754: so I have to alter my Ubuntu kernel? | 01:11 |
crimsun | AaronMT: are you passing model=ref ? | 01:11 |
xq | I might just reinstall GNOME but that seems drastic | 01:11 |
AaronMT | auto | 01:11 |
bododo | how do i remove ubuntu from my powerbook without having to reinstall macosx (i don't have its cd anymore) | 01:11 |
crimsun | AaronMT: hmm. Ok, use model=ref instead and see if that resolves it. | 01:11 |
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jrib | michael: ok, the link seems to be broken. I can get you new instructions for realplayer, but mplayer plays all the realplayer stuff afaik and is open source. Would you rather use mplayer? | 01:12 |
vox754 | according to that, I don't think so, you just have to download the firmware and set it up in | 01:12 |
bododo | i'm worried about yaboot | 01:12 |
neverblue2 | bododo is it still on there, macosx? | 01:12 |
crimsun | AaronMT: which Dell is it? | 01:12 |
bododo | neverblue2: yes, dual boot | 01:12 |
AaronMT | Crimsun: Inspiron 1501 Notebook\ | 01:12 |
eternaljoy | vox754: how long have you used Ubuntu for? | 01:12 |
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Drk_guy | Jrib, it is read-only | 01:12 |
crimsun | AaronMT: anything more specific, like a model/revision # ? | 01:12 |
Fylk | What do I need to write to NFTS? | 01:12 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, like 3 months... piece of cake! | 01:12 |
jrib | Drk_guy: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:12 |
neverblue2 | bododo: so whats the problem then? | 01:12 |
crimsun | Fylk: ntfs-3g | 01:12 |
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eternaljoy | vox754: whats a piece of cake dude? | 01:13 |
bododo | neverblue2: yaboot and the boot loader | 01:13 |
AaronMT | Crimsun: It used a sigmatel driver under Vista | 01:13 |
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eternaljoy | vox754: then you do not posses enough experience to help me, thanks anyway | 01:13 |
bododo | neverblue2: how do i restore the way osx boots? | 01:13 |
crimsun | AaronMT: I'm well aware. :) | 01:13 |
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Fylk | So, Crimsun, just do an apt-get ntfs-3g? | 01:13 |
neverblue2 | bododo: edit the bootloader? | 01:13 |
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eternaljoy | can somoen explain what this means: "putting the firmware in /lib/firmware/`uname -r`" | 01:13 |
Drk_guy | Where i put the archive edition Jrib??? | 01:13 |
bododo | neverblue2: how? :) | 01:13 |
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neverblue2 | bododo: GRUB | 01:13 |
neverblue2 | its the bootloader | 01:13 |
jrib | Drk_guy: you see all the "co.archive" stuff? change it to "archive" | 01:14 |
neverblue2 | you can edit it within Gnome | 01:14 |
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bododo | neverblue2: not on ppc architecture | 01:14 |
crimsun | Fylk: sudo aptitude install ntfs-3g (make sure universe is enabled) | 01:14 |
neverblue2 | bododo: not sure what that means | 01:14 |
Fylk | Ok. Thanks. | 01:14 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, look, I also have a TV card, so I know that you need to know the chipset of the device, mine is saa7130/4 so I do something like "modprobe saa7134 turner=0 card=3" | 01:14 |
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bododo | neverblue2: mac machines with powerpc processors, not intel ones | 01:14 |
lontra | anyone else have this problem --> | 01:14 |
michael | It's not so much RealPlayer that I am attached to, but I am coming from Windows XP. I am suffering a bit of "Linux shock"; if I want to make a program run, I click the .EXE file. How do I get the same stuff to happen in Ubuntu? | 01:15 |
Marupa | Is there a way to take separate video and audio (sound card in and video converter in) and encode them to DVD? If so, what program would I use to do so? | 01:15 |
lontra | where are my oo.org2 icons? | 01:15 |
neverblue2 | bododo: what does that have to do with anything? | 01:15 |
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foxiness | hi, did ubuntu 07 come with flash by defalut coz it work "on ff but on opera" even if i found it not installed! | 01:15 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 01:15 |
`sam` | eternaljoy, it means that if you're running 2.6.20-15-generic, then it will replace the `uname -r` with 2.6.20-15-generic, so it would be put in /lib/firmware/2.6.20-15-generic | 01:15 |
Marupa | michael: open up the run dialog, type in the command. | 01:15 |
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eternaljoy | `sam`: <-- Can you explain this to me please? | 01:16 |
bododo | neverblue2: since i remove ubuntu, i want the mac to boot the way is uses to | 01:16 |
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bododo | without having to reinstall it, i don't have the cd anymore | 01:16 |
lontra | also how do i found what wireless card i have? | 01:16 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, so you basically have to know the driver or "module" you are using and do "modprobe <driver> options" but you need to get the firmware first for that card. Since you are looking at a bugs page you can't get info from there, so try instead looking for a tutorial elsewhere or in the forums. | 01:16 |
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neverblue2 | bododo: thats not much of an explaination | 01:16 |
neverblue2 | maybe you need someone else to assist you | 01:16 |
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eternaljoy | vox754: LOL! even you didnt underdtand your comments :) | 01:17 |
bododo | neverblue2: thanks anyway, you've beenn kind with me | 01:17 |
bododo | anyone's using ubuntu-ppc? | 01:17 |
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`sam` | eternaljoy, there's a link to download the firmware on that site, so you download it and mv it to /lib/firmware/`uname -r` | 01:17 |
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vox754 | eternaljoy, mmm... | 01:18 |
eternaljoy | `sam`: and then what do I do? | 01:18 |
eternaljoy | `sam`: does /`uname -r` already exist? | 01:18 |
Comrade-Sergei | how do i get rid of those little help boxes when i have the mouse over something? | 01:18 |
bododo | anyone? :( | 01:18 |
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bododo | is there a mac ubuntu irc channel? | 01:19 |
`sam` | eternaljoy, i don't know, try ls /lib/firmware | 01:19 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 01:19 |
eternaljoy | `sam`: LOL | 01:19 |
orbin | !attitude | eternaljoy | 01:19 |
ubotu | eternaljoy: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also | 01:19 |
Flannel | !ppc | bododo | 01:19 |
ubotu | bododo: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see | 01:19 |
michael | can mplayer handle the realmedia formats? | 01:19 |
Solarion | is there any easy way to get a traceback of OOo when it crashes? | 01:19 |
Flannel | bododo: try #ubuntu-ppc, that seems to exist | 01:19 |
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Solarion | it's crashing so often.... | 01:19 |
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bododo | thank you guys | 01:20 |
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`sam` | eternaljoy, as far as loading the firmware i don't know, i was just trying to explain what it's saying on that page | 01:20 |
sanityx | How can I remove something from the Main Menu? Alacarte only allows me to add items not remove them. | 01:20 |
orbin | eternaljoy: type uname -r in a terminal and it will return your kernel version. so put whatever you need to in /lib/firmware/<kernel version> | 01:20 |
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eternaljoy | `sam`: ok cheers | 01:20 |
eternaljoy | orbin: what do you mean? | 01:20 |
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eternaljoy | orbin: put whatever you need to in /lib/firmware/<kernel version>? What you mean? | 01:21 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, here are the results | 01:21 |
IgorSobreira | hey guys...i have a file....tar.bz2 whats the tar options? | 01:21 |
eternaljoy | orbin: how do I "put" it in? | 01:21 |
sanityx | I want to remove items from the applications menu. | 01:21 |
orbin | eternaljoy: replace <kernel version> with whatever uname -r returs for you | 01:21 |
LjL | IgorSobreira: tar xf if you want to extract it | 01:21 |
Comrade-Sergei | how do i get rid of those little help boxes when i have the mouse over something? | 01:21 |
eternaljoy | orbin: i dont understand | 01:21 |
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eternaljoy | orbin: replace it how? | 01:21 |
`sam` | eternaljoy, if you see something that is contained inside of ` ` then it is executed as a command by the shell, so if you type ls /lib/firmware/`uname -r` it will show you the contents of /lib/firmware/2.6.20-15-generic if you're running the 2.6.20-15-generic kernel | 01:22 |
jrib | Drk_guy: now try double click on your mp3 again | 01:22 |
ctothej | how can i do a string search on multiple pdf files? | 01:22 |
ctothej | like adobe reader does on a whole directory | 01:22 |
Marupa | Is there a way to do that? To grab video and audio from separate sources and encode them to DVD? | 01:22 |
eternaljoy | `sam`: ok! but im still confused what I am supposed to do to get my TV tuner working | 01:22 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, i think it is going to install now | 01:22 |
gepatino | IgorSobreira: if you want to un-bzip it, tar xjf | 01:22 |
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foxiness | if i did installed flash by ff and i now need it to work on opera what i need? apt-get install flashplugin*? or what ?#_X | 01:23 |
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Drk_guy | I am going to install the codecs | 01:23 |
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IgorSobreira | gepatino: thats it | 01:24 |
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Tarkus | can anyone recommend a good bittorrent client to replace azureus, cause i cant get it to work in linux. any suggestions? | 01:24 |
madsen | Hey, I got problems getting ndiswrapper 1.9 and the Atheros wireless NIC in my MacBook... Any tips? I'm using Apple's driver. | 01:24 |
Flannel | !flash | foxiness | 01:24 |
ubotu | foxiness: To install Flash see - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 01:24 |
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chump | Tarkus: qbittorrent is kinda good | 01:24 |
jrib | Tarkus: you don't like GNOME-BitTorrent? | 01:24 |
sanityx | madsen, ndiswrapper uses windows drivers | 01:24 |
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madsen | Tarkus: bittornado always worked for me. | 01:24 |
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Kirovski | Tarkus: qbittorent is a good client | 01:24 |
brentc4m | my mic worked fine in debian, and doesn't work in ubuntu feisty, can someone help me figure ot what's going on? if i turn up the 'amic' channel in playback i can hear myself talking, but nothing gets recorded with arecord, mic is selected and turned up all the way in alsamixer | 01:24 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, it is playing but there is no sound | 01:24 |
Comrade-Sergei | how do i get rid of those little help boxes when i have the mouse over something? | 01:24 |
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foxiness | Flannel: even if i did installed by ff? is that will not confuse ff? | 01:24 |
madsen | sanityx: Yeah, I'm using the Windows XP driver CD which I burned from OS X when partitioning the drive with BootCamp. | 01:25 |
jrib | Drk_guy: do you have sound elsewhere? | 01:25 |
Drk_guy | nope | 01:25 |
Flannel | foxiness: that wiki page has a section for opera | 01:25 |
foxiness | Flannel: coz i know about this wiki | 01:25 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, i think ALSA is failing | 01:25 |
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Kirovski | Tarkus: qbittorent should get better too. check it out | 01:25 |
Tarkus | chump, jrib, madsen, Kirovski: thanks ill check them out. | 01:25 |
At0mic_PC | Once you start a distrobution upgrade is there a way to stop it? | 01:26 |
orudie | is Feisty Fawn any good for beginners? | 01:26 |
walkintome | hi all. i have installed kx docker on my ubuntu system, yet when i go to run the program (it starts but does nothting else) i get these errors. anyone know what i did wrong? | 01:26 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, here are the ALSA test results | 01:26 |
Drk_guy | | 01:26 |
madsen | sanityx: So I _am_ using windows drivers... Problem is, when I try to load the ndiswrapper module, everything locks up. | 01:26 |
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Tarkus | jrib: i tried it the first time, and i couldnt find any settings or anything. | 01:26 |
Drk_guy | walkintome, Kx Docker is for Kububtu | 01:26 |
Flannel | foxiness: hmm. Ok, so... it did. Try this instead: | 01:26 |
jrib | Tarkus: well it's supposed to be straightforward, you click on a torrent and it gets downloaded | 01:27 |
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Flannel | foxiness: check out the "general plugin problems" bit | 01:27 |
madsen | Tarkus: Btw, bittornado is kinda ugly, but it gets the job done. | 01:27 |
walkintome | Drk_guy: kubuntu only? | 01:27 |
Drk_guy | Yep | 01:27 |
Drk_guy | Only some KDE apps are compatible with GNOME | 01:27 |
LjL | walkintome, Drk_guy: that's not the problem, whatever works in Kubuntu should work in Ubuntu. there's no such thing as a "Kubuntu only" package. | 01:27 |
LjL | no | 01:27 |
foxiness | Flannel: k thanks a lot :) | 01:27 |
HymnToLife | Drk_guy, pretty much all of them are | 01:27 |
madsen | No one else has experienced the ndiswrapper module messing up the system? I mean, I couldn't even boot until I removed it from /etc/modules again. | 01:27 |
orbin | Comrade-Sergei: well you could disable /apps/panel/global/tooltips_enabled in gconf-editor | 01:27 |
LjL | walkintome, Drk_guy: the problem there is a bug. it's reported, let me dig the number. | 01:27 |
walkintome | LjL: know why it cant read the plugins? | 01:28 |
walkintome | LjL: oh its a bug? | 01:28 |
Drk_guy | ALSA is failing, help!!!!!!!!!! | 01:28 |
Drk_guy | | 01:28 |
Comrade-Sergei | orbin is that just a txt file i need to configure? | 01:28 |
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jrib | Drk_guy: did sound ever work in anything? | 01:28 |
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Drk_guy | Nope | 01:28 |
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tarelerulz | Is the newest version of ubuntu stable ? I am think about use the software update program to update ti fesity | 01:28 |
jrib | !sound > Drk_guy (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:28 |
Drk_guy | I have just re-installed | 01:28 |
madsen | tarelerulz: Yeah, Feisty is stable now. | 01:28 |
orbin | Comrade-Sergei: no. alt+f2, then run gconf-editor. then navigate to that key. | 01:28 |
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tarelerulz | Been have problem with ubuntu 6.10 and thought maybe upgrading might be good idea | 01:29 |
Drk_guy | Jrib, ALSA device is selected | 01:29 |
LjL | walkintome: main bug report, - feisty specific (i think), -- apparently it's been fixed for Edgy but not for Feisty, even though it wasn't working in Edgy for me either (i think it was only partially fixed, not sure) | 01:29 |
Comrade-Sergei | orbin isnt there a way that doesnt involve killing x, im kinda paranoid of that since last time i did that i lost my OS | 01:29 |
jmg | #55782 | 01:29 |
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walkintome | LjL: thanks man! hopefulyl i can tweak it to work | 01:29 |
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orbin | Comrade-Sergei: you don't have to kill X. it takes change immediately. | 01:30 |
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Drk_guy | Jrib, in the last install, ALSA worked just fine | 01:30 |
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Drk_guy | It was Feisty too | 01:30 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, did you understand know? Type this in the terminal "ls /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)" there you can see what you have | 01:30 |
Comrade-Sergei | orbin doesnt alt+f2 kill x | 01:30 |
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orbin | Comrade-Sergei: no. it opens the run dialog | 01:30 |
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benj1 | umm hello everyone. ive managed to stuff up my gui pretty horridly. I know what i did but have noidea how to fix it. Could someone please help me. Im using Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty | 01:30 |
Drk_guy | !sound > Drk_Guy | 01:31 |
Comrade-Sergei | orbin ok what is the command? | 01:31 |
Flannel | benj1: What did you do? What symptoms? etc | 01:31 |
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orbin | Comrade-Sergei: gconf-editor | 01:31 |
eternaljoy | vox754: im sorry to say I am really confused :( I have no idea what to do first | 01:32 |
orbin | Comrade-Sergei: navigate to /apps/panel/global/tooltips_enabled | 01:32 |
eternaljoy | vox754: once I type that, then what? | 01:32 |
travnewmatic | Is there a networking channel? | 01:32 |
ivanzin | somebody can help me? | 01:32 |
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benj1 | Flannel: Well i set ubuntu up yesterday using one username and then changed it this morning. now all the startup scripts wont run (so all that time spent making shorcuts to wow and the like are now gone) all i have left is a black desktop with the folders present | 01:32 |
erstazi | ivanzin, shoot your question | 01:32 |
josh__ | anyone know how to disable the autocomplete in firefox for ubutnu 7.04 | 01:32 |
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Comrade-Sergei | orbin wow what was that like a regedit | 01:33 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, once you type that, you can realize what do you need, some file named "dvb-usb-dib0700-01.fw" placed there | 01:33 |
josh__ | nm think I got it | 01:33 |
eternaljoy | vox754: placed where? | 01:33 |
Flannel | benj1: eh? You changed the username. How? Did you rename your home folder or anything? | 01:33 |
travnewmatic | Can anyone help me setup airport? | 01:33 |
VTECpwr | how do I modify to load the USB mouse after boot every time? | 01:33 |
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eternaljoy | vox754: I place it in /lib/firmware/ ? | 01:33 |
hulky | hi | 01:33 |
orbin | Comrade-Sergei: yeah i guess. | 01:33 |
Comrade-Sergei | orbin Thanks alot! | 01:33 |
Ademan | anyone here use flex and bison? | 01:33 |
Comrade-Sergei | lol | 01:33 |
eternaljoy | hulky: hello green monster ;) | 01:34 |
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travnewmatic | Can anyone help me setup airport? | 01:34 |
Foon | call me a novice with networking, but how do I make my server's port 80 visible to the outside world? my network is composed of the modem->router->2 computers (windows XPSP2 and ubuntu Edgy LAMP) | 01:34 |
hulky | how in the world would i go about reading what appears to be a UDF volume ? | 01:34 |
foxiness | josh__: see privacy under edit>perferences | 01:34 |
hulky | i have this cd that supposedly contians photos | 01:34 |
benj1 | Flannel: I changed the username using the System settings> Users and groups thing. Didnt change anything else | 01:34 |
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Foon | I tried redirecting traffic from router port 80 to my linux's port 80...but I get nothing | 01:34 |
hulky | i looked at the FS headers after the thing wouldn't mount | 01:34 |
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eternaljoy | !attitude | Comrade-Sergei> | 01:34 |
cafe_ | hi all | 01:34 |
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shawn34 | wow, Democracy player can't minimize to sys tray!? for a big app that downloads a lot of crap in the background that's surprising | 01:34 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, YES. "sudo mv <file> /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)" | 01:34 |
hulky | and it says 0319352C UDF Volume Set | 01:34 |
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At0mic_PC | Once you start a distrobution upgrade is there a way to stop it? I'm on dialup and would rather download the CD and upgrade from there. | 01:35 |
eternaljoy | vox754: when what I do? | 01:35 |
hulky | any ideas on how to read this thing ? | 01:35 |
cafe_ | guys, my sound stopped after upgrading to Feisty, can anyone help please??? | 01:35 |
benj1 | is tehre a way to change the username from the terminal as i have managed to get that running | 01:35 |
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Flannel | benj1: Alright. Uh, you'll need to do that (I think that's all that'll need to be done), reboot, at GRUB choose recovery console, then navigate to /home/ and rename /home/youroldname to /home/yournewname | 01:35 |
adaptr | change the username ? | 01:35 |
nick_ | anyone know how to control what shows up in the "Places" side pane above the bar | 01:35 |
andre_pl | I reinstalled today and copied my /home to another partition while i reformated. i copied them back and now I can't chown them, they belong to root and I can't change it! no errors. it just doesn't change | 01:35 |
hulky | eternaljoy, ? | 01:35 |
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freshmeat | This is interesting. | 01:35 |
benj1 | ok i'll give that a go flannel thanks | 01:35 |
At0mic_PC | cafe_: Try the settings in alsamixer? | 01:35 |
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DjViper | ivanzin: whats the problem? | 01:36 |
ksk1 | i'm running the hostap driver. what are wlan0:ava and eth0:avah ? | 01:36 |
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hulky | anyone ? | 01:36 |
cafe_ | At0mic_PC, all seams to be okay, alsamixer shows all the sliders, and xmms behaves normal, as it was playing, but no sound gets out | 01:36 |
VTECpwr | anyone know how to config a USB mouse so it doesn't unload after reboot? | 01:36 |
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foxiness | andre_pl if you can on next install let the home to be on its own partition it will save you a lot of problme | 01:37 |
freshmeat | What server is this? | 01:37 |
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hulky | am i invisible ? | 01:37 |
Flannel | freshmeat: freenode | 01:37 |
Flannel | hulky: no. | 01:37 |
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andre_pl | foxiness: i'll keep that in mind but how can I fix this now? i can't even chmod the individual files one at a time. it doesnt do anything | 01:37 |
vox754 | eternaljoy, look | 01:37 |
Foon | call me a novice with networking, but how do I make my server's port 80 visible to the outside world? my network is composed of the modem->router->2 computers (windows XPSP2 and ubuntu Edgy LAMP), I tried redirecting router HTTP port 80 traffic to my linux machine, but I get "can't connect" :S | 01:37 |
freshmeat | Ah... | 01:37 |
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hulky | Flannel, doesn't anyone kno whow to read a UDF volume ? | 01:37 |
ksk1 | Foon: you have to open the port in your router | 01:38 |
foxiness | andre_pl i know the sudo chown will work but mybe it will make new problme here or there i do not know | 01:38 |
eternaljoy | vox754: ok brb | 01:38 |
andre_pl | foxiness: it doesn't work. | 01:38 |
Foon | okay.. how? | 01:38 |
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VTECpwr | does anyone use a USB mouse on Edgy?? | 01:38 |
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freshmeat | How do I adjust font properties in XChat-gnome? | 01:38 |
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VTECpwr | c'mon someone has to | 01:38 |
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hulky | VTECpwr, i do | 01:38 |
foxiness | andre_pl did you create new name ? "new user" | 01:38 |
hulky | no one seems to know anything about UDF either | 01:39 |
hulky | *sigh* | 01:39 |
Abom | VTECpwr: most people use USB mice | 01:39 |
ksk1 | Foon: are you able to connect from the other computer behind your router? | 01:39 |
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VTECpwr | why does Edgy keep my mouse from working after I boot... have to unplug/replug it in to work before login | 01:39 |
Foon | I can connect to it with the lan address yeah | 01:39 |
andre_pl | foxiness: yes | 01:39 |
Foon | and I'm SSH'd into it | 01:39 |
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Flannel | hulky: udf is readable normally. just mount it (-t udf) | 01:39 |
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ksk1 | Foon: you have to know your modem's ip address. mine is listed on a status page in my router, try typing that address into your web browser | 01:40 |
VTECpwr | c'mon this should be easy as heck | 01:40 |
hulky | Flannel, doesn't work | 01:40 |
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funtable | hi, some software can administer postfix users/pass/alias/conf , by web or gui interface ? | 01:40 |
travnewmatic | where can i go to get powerbook help? | 01:40 |
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vox754 | VTECpwr, I use a wireless USB keyboard and mouse set, no problems | 01:40 |
travnewmatic | i was in the mac osx | 01:40 |
VTECpwr | does anyone know how to edit xorg.conf to keep a USB mouse working after boot? | 01:40 |
hulky | Flannel, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom, | 01:41 |
Foon | ksk1: I use no-ip, which my router is capable of dialing into, so I have a host name I use instead (easier) | 01:41 |
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Foon | aside from that, I unlocked the hidden admin bits of my modem | 01:41 |
starkruzr | Hi. Why do my Azureus downloads keep speeding up and slowing down wildly when they never exhibited such behavior under Windows on uTorrent? And why can I not make an sftp connection from my Macbook Pro to my Linux machine? Can't connect via SMB from the Macbook Pro to the Linux box either. Help? | 01:41 |
Flannel | hulky: try iso9660 | 01:41 |
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hulky | Flannel, nope | 01:41 |
VTECpwr | I've been googling this for days and ask in forum, nothing... | 01:41 |
hulky | Flannel, i copied the first mb of the cdrom into a file | 01:41 |
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hulky | Flannel, "file" shows it as "data" | 01:41 |
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foxiness | andre_pl 1- create old_user_name 2- move all thing to its own home 3- try to move stuff from this account to new one | 01:41 |
mobutu | how many goddamn #ubuntu channels are there | 01:41 |
Doctor_Nick | LOTS >:( | 01:41 |
hulky | Flannel, i ran strings on the data and it has some junk about UDF in there | 01:41 |
VTECpwr | can someone plz paste their USB mouse config form xorg.conf ? | 01:41 |
Foon | when I try to access either the outside IP of my modem or my no-ip host which points to it, I get "can't connect" | 01:41 |
hulky | so i'm assuming it' s udf | 01:41 |
At0mic_PC | Is there a way to stop the network distribution upgrade? I'm on dialup and would rather download the CD a little at a time rather than one big two day download. | 01:42 |
rr72 | is there a reason the kernel chooses the legacy drivers over non legacy driers? | 01:42 |
LjL | !channels > mobutu (mobutu, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:42 |
LjL | !language | mobutu | 01:42 |
ubotu | mobutu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:42 |
Doctor_Nick | Ok, for some reason, my USB HD drive is no longer being recognized, it's not even showing up in the USB listing | 01:42 |
Doctor_Nick | and i just tested it on my windows machine and its working fine | 01:42 |
chump | foon : have you tried to use you modem in bridge mode and make your router dial the pppoe ? | 01:42 |
mobutu | crappe | 01:42 |
Foon | hmm, I just realized what I think you mean mean maybe... my IP in my router is the network IP of my modem, not the outside IP of my modem | 01:42 |
TasteeWheat | Dr_Nick: I had that when I used Automatix2 | 01:42 |
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Doctor_Nick | I haven't used automatix though! | 01:43 |
Foon | chump: nope, but I've heard lots of nasty things about bridge mode, particularly with my specific model modem | 01:43 |
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Drk_guy | Guys | 01:43 |
VTECpwr | can someone plz paste their USB mouse config form xorg.conf ? | 01:43 |
eternaljoy | vox754: ill brb | 01:43 |
ksk1 | Foon: ok, i have no experience with that. my modem gets a new ip everytime i reconnect. i have an account with that sets up my host name and inadyn on my linux box to keep it up to date. you type in your host name and it doesn't connect? sounds like there is a problem somewhere with your hostname pointing to your modem's ip address, probably isn't up to date | 01:43 |
Drk_guy | I need help with ALSA | 01:43 |
Foon | I *have* tried bridge mode before, for unrelated reasons, and it never worked | 01:43 |
vanberge | should i have to do anything special to make an external DVD drive work on fiesty? i plug it in (figuring it would auto detect) but doesnt seem to read | 01:43 |
rr72 | is there a reason the kernel chooses the legacy drivers over non legacy driers? | 01:43 |
chump | foon : if the admin is unlock on your modem maybe you can try to foward the wan of your modem to your router | 01:44 |
hulky | DAMN IT | 01:44 |
vox754 | VTECpwr, Driver "mouse" Option "CorePointer" Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" | 01:44 |
Foon | that's the thing, it *is* up to date :S | 01:44 |
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axbard | ker | 01:44 |
rr72 | is there a reason the kernel chooses the legacy drivers over non legacy driers? | 01:44 |
Foon | chump: I would if I could figure out how :S | 01:44 |
VTECpwr | vox754: nothing after "protocol" ? | 01:44 |
hulky | how do i read this piece of junk | 01:44 |
hulky | !@#$$% | 01:44 |
vox754 | VTECpwr, Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" | 01:44 |
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chump | foon : you got a speedstream with the bell firmware? | 01:45 |
Foon | yep | 01:45 |
Foon | 5200, E242 | 01:45 |
Foon | unlocked | 01:45 |
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VTECpwr | vox754: mine's the same, don't get why my mouse doesn't work after boot | 01:45 |
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Foon |,11490618~days=9999 is where I learned how to unlock it | 01:46 |
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chump | foon is it a 5200 ? | 01:46 |
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w00dr0w2 | hello? | 01:46 |
chump | foon ok | 01:46 |
Foon | chump: yup | 01:46 |
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Pelo | what is that command for compiling sources that can be removed with synaptic afterward ? checkintall ? | 01:46 |
vox754 | VTECpwr, probably just a small error during boot, nothing you can do about it, just replug every time or don't turn off your machine ever | 01:46 |
jrib | Pelo: checkinstall | 01:47 |
Foon | I know it's a poor excuse, but I'm a programmer, not a netadmin :S heh | 01:47 |
Pelo | jrib, before or after make ? | 01:47 |
jrib | Pelo: after | 01:47 |
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leandro_ | hello | 01:47 |
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Flannel | Pelo: | 01:47 |
Pelo | thanks | 01:47 |
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vbabiy | !dvd | 01:47 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 01:47 |
starkruzr | Hi. Why do my Azureus downloads keep speeding up and slowing down wildly when they never exhibited such behavior under Windows on uTorrent? And why can I not make an sftp connection from my Macbook Pro to my Linux machine? Can't connect via SMB from the Macbook Pro to the Linux box either. Help? | 01:47 |
chump | foon :,11490618 | 01:47 |
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w00dr0w2 | sorry have to give me a few seconds to form my question right | 01:47 |
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PhatPat | hey all. Is there any way I can 'force' network manager to allow WPA? | 01:47 |
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chump | foon : take a look at this i think that's what you are looking for ;) | 01:48 |
jasin | How do I change the refresh rate? | 01:48 |
Foon | chump: that's the exact link I already pasted above ;) | 01:48 |
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benj1 | Flannel are you still here | 01:48 |
Foon | I've already unlocked it, but I don't know how to get it to redirect the way I want it to | 01:48 |
Foon | :S | 01:48 |
PhatPat | system -> preferences -> screen resolution | 01:48 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 01:48 |
Flannel | benj1: yeah, what's up? | 01:48 |
py_geek | ALL:: Hmm... I was looking around on the live cd, and I was wondering... There are .exe files on the disc, so why cant they be used in ubuntu....??? | 01:48 |
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chump | foon : -can't you access this page ? | 01:48 |
Foon | yup | 01:49 |
w00dr0w2 | stupid question i know (betcha get these a lot0 but... is Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" - Release amd64 a livecd? | 01:49 |
Flannel | py_geek: those exe files are for windows, installer of a few OSS programs | 01:49 |
jasin | phatpat, tried that, its stuck at 61 and wont let me change it | 01:49 |
Flannel | w00dr0w2: yep. the "desktop" cd is the liveCD | 01:49 |
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PhatPat | hmm | 01:49 |
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w00dr0w2 | how can i tell if it's the desktop cd or not? | 01:49 |
chump | i can help but i don't know what the page look like lol | 01:49 |
benj1 | Flannel: Thanks heaps... got it back ... not sure what i did but its working now ... still in the users and groups setup it has my username's home dir as the previous usernames. but the system is working atm as it was b4 | 01:49 |
Foon | I made myself a couple of framed pages to display my unlocked modem with all its hidden pages, heh | 01:49 |
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Flannel | w00dr0w2: because you download the desktop ISO, it'll have "desktop" in it's filename | 01:49 |
jasin | I press the down arrow and it stays at 61 | 01:49 |
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AaronMT | Crimsun: Still audio is quiet after model=ref sorry I was eating dinner previously | 01:50 |
PhatPat | hmm, 61 is kinda odd. My knowledge in that area stops there though | 01:50 |
Flannel | benj1: Change that ;) | 01:50 |
w00dr0w2 | ubuntu-7.04-alternate-amd64.iso | 01:50 |
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w00dr0w2 | thats the filename | 01:50 |
benj1 | flannel: ok will do | 01:50 |
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jasin | thats what i thought, default for this system has always been 60 | 01:50 |
Flannel | w00dr0w2: that's not the liveCD, that's just an installer. instead of "alternate" you want "desktop" | 01:50 |
vio | how do i start ssh in ubuntu | 01:50 |
crptx | out of interest | 01:50 |
vio | ? | 01:50 |
w00dr0w2 | bahhhhhh | 01:50 |
Foon | chump: so if I want to redirect HTTP to the router, I select service name HTTP...then "redirect selected protocol/service to this router" or "to this IP address _____" | 01:50 |
Foon | ? | 01:50 |
w00dr0w2 | <- dumbass | 01:50 |
PhatPat | type ssh at a terminal | 01:50 |
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Flannel | info openssh-server | 01:50 |
Flannel | vio: install openssh-server | 01:50 |
vanberge | would anyone at least have some ideas on a where to start to get an external DVD drive recognized in fiesty? | 01:51 |
vio | Flannel: thanx | 01:51 |
chump | foon : to the router | 01:51 |
chump | and then your router will redirect it to you pc | 01:51 |
jasin | I probably need to change it in xorg.conf ? | 01:51 |
PhatPat | so uh... no love on the network manager problem? | 01:51 |
citronbleu-v | bonjours | 01:51 |
Foon | I don't know if "to this router" means to itself (because there's no combo or text box to change), or if it magically knows that what it's plugged into is a router as opposed to a computer (which is unlikely) | 01:51 |
w00dr0w2 | can you give me a link to the right d/l (torrent or otherwise)? id greatly appreciate it. id do it myself but im afraid id grab the wrong diskj again | 01:51 |
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dogatemycomputer | anyone here converted from opensuse to kubuntu? Can I just format the partition where the OS resides and restore my conf files? or will I need to backup my home partition too and start from scratch? | 01:51 |
citronbleu-v | qqn si connait en mmoire vive ? car j'ai un petit problme | 01:51 |
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starkruzr | !ubuntu-fr | 01:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-fr - try searching on | 01:52 |
Flannel | w00dr0w2: | 01:52 |
chump | then redirect it to the ip adress of you wan port of the router | 01:52 |
starkruzr | oh, guess not. | 01:52 |
Flannel | !fr | citronbleu-v | 01:52 |
ubotu | citronbleu-v: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 01:52 |
dogatemycomputer | (i don't want an unstable OS) | 01:52 |
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knicknic | dogatemycomputer I just installed kubuntu on the / partition then went back and later on mounted /home | 01:52 |
jasin | PhatPat, I probably need to change it in xorg.conf? | 01:52 |
Pelo | dogatemycomputer, you can specify the location of your home partiton in the install , it will grab whatever settings you have | 01:52 |
AaronMT | Hi does anyone have problems with the Alsa driver on a laptop being very quiet in video audio ? | 01:52 |
Foon | k | 01:52 |
super_rad | how do i create a list of all the folders and subfolders in a directory? | 01:52 |
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w00dr0w2 | Thank you so much Flannel | 01:52 |
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Foon | of the wan port of the router? | 01:52 |
dogatemycomputer | that sounds promising.. thanks! | 01:52 |
Foon | ..huh? | 01:52 |
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Foon | do you mean the lan address? | 01:52 |
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Foon | like | 01:52 |
jasin | would I change the VertRefresh or HorizSync ? | 01:53 |
Foon | (my modem is .2.1) | 01:53 |
Pelo | dogatemycomputer, just make sure you donT' chec the format box | 01:53 |
chump | yeah | 01:53 |
benj1 | also is there a way to change res on this ... im currently using 1024x768 have tried the Preferences>screen resolution thing and its not working either. Im using a 256 GF7300 PCIE g'card and noticed that im not hitting the 60fps i was getting in wow with a 6600GS in windows. is there any tweaks that should improve that as well | 01:53 |
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Foon | k | 01:53 |
w00dr0w2 | Flannel: is there a list of supported hardware for that release somewhere | 01:53 |
demonspork | How do I get Ubuntu to let me increase my screen resolution to higher than what the Resolution switcher allows? | 01:53 |
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w00dr0w2 | i got screwed once with a release and i dont wanna do it again | 01:53 |
Foon | NAPT server IP address is not a valid host LAN address. | 01:53 |
Foon | errr | 01:53 |
SlimeyPete | benj1: are you using the restricted nvidia drivers? | 01:53 |
chump | damn | 01:53 |
jbob286 | Does anyone know how to map the Apple key on my macbook as the control key? I have tried this using xmodmap a few times following tutorials but it has never worked. | 01:53 |
Foon | (error message given by the modem) | 01:53 |
benj1 | yeah prolly slimeypete | 01:54 |
szymon | super_rad, ls>destination_file | 01:54 |
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Foon | that seems familiar, I think I've tried exactly that before | 01:54 |
Pelo | benj1, you can add extra resolutions manualy by editing xorg.conf gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:54 |
Rahvin | Does anyone know if it's possible to add a second search-bar in firefox? | 01:54 |
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Rahvin | google and imdb | 01:54 |
SlimeyPete | benj1: if you don't know that you are, then you're not ;) You hvae to deliberately install them via the Restricted Hardware Manager. You won't get full performance unless you do so. | 01:54 |
benj1 | cools thanks pelo | 01:54 |
chump | foon can you send me a screenshot of the webpage ? | 01:54 |
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Flannel | !hardware | w00dr0w2 | 01:54 |
ubotu | w00dr0w2: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see | 01:54 |
AaronMT | Hi does anyone have problems with the Alsa driver on a laptop being very quiet in video audio ? | 01:54 |
super_rad | szymon, thanks, so if it was /home/../music i would type ls>/home/<username>/music/ | 01:54 |
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Flannel | w00dr0w2: thta's not really authoritative (or complete) though. but it's something | 01:55 |
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Foon | chump: okay | 01:55 |
Pelo | Rahvin, you can add as many search engine as you want to that windows, jsut drop down the list and you have the option at the bottom | 01:55 |
DemisM | anyone running beryl on feisty and have an ati x600 or above? | 01:55 |
Foon | just a tick | 01:55 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 01:55 |
benj1 | nah i have them installed just checked the System>Administration>Restricted drivers menu and thats one of them (got 2 the others a network card) | 01:55 |
szymon | super_rad, rather ls /home/<username>/music/ > the_list | 01:55 |
super_rad | thanks for that | 01:56 |
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Rahvin | Pelo, I know that but I wan't two separate search-fields | 01:56 |
w00dr0w2 | well | 01:56 |
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szymon | super_rad, ">" is a stream redirection from ls to a file | 01:56 |
w00dr0w2 | it appears my motherboard isnt supported | 01:56 |
crog | anybody else having problems with vmware, have to run config file everytime i reboot in order to get it to work | 01:56 |
nuu | good night all | 01:56 |
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Flannel | Rahvin: you might ask in #firefox in | 01:56 |
chump | good night nuu | 01:56 |
Pelo | Rahvin, interesting but I don'T knowhow, check the pluggins, maybe there are extra ones you an add that won'T take off the current one | 01:56 |
DemisM | anyone running beryl on feisty and have an ati x600 or above, i had it working on edgy but it seems that feisty doesn't support fglrx, anyone? | 01:56 |
w00dr0w2 | anyone running ubuntu on a gigabyte 965p-ds3 | 01:57 |
Pelo | DemisM, the ppl running beryl tend to hang out in #beryl | 01:57 |
knicknic | I am trying to do a alternate cd install method form a cd I put to disk ( but am havinging a hard time convincing the text install to mount the "cd" | 01:57 |
AaronMT | Hi does anyone have problems with the Alsa driver on a laptop being very quiet in video audio ? | 01:57 |
Foon | chump: trying to send you the screenshot | 01:57 |
benj1 | ne thoughts slimeypete about the graphics tweaks. Yes the restricted drivers are installed | 01:57 |
Pelo | !sound > AaronMT | 01:57 |
chump | foon : email me | 01:58 |
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w00dr0w2 | okok, maybe this will be better | 01:58 |
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Foon | k | 01:58 |
w00dr0w2 | ill explain what i need to do and maybe just *maybe* one of you can suggest something for me | 01:58 |
benj1 | actually dont worry ... just saw the time .. dont think work would like it if i turned up late | 01:58 |
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Pelo | w00dr0w2, be nice | 01:58 |
benj1 | bye all | 01:58 |
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w00dr0w2 | was i rude? | 01:59 |
GuHHH | how do i search files with find? | 01:59 |
Foon | chump: sent | 01:59 |
w00dr0w2 | if i was i sincerly appoligise | 01:59 |
GuHHH | find \ -name file ? | 01:59 |
Pelo | w00dr0w2, it was a bit hiffy | 01:59 |
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w00dr0w2 | all i want to do is copy the entire contents of my C drive into a folder on another drive (for backup purposes. i dont want to boot from the copied info) | 02:00 |
chump | foon have you tried to send it to this router ? | 02:00 |
neverblue2 | need a hand with setting up my logitech webcam Bus 001 Device 007: ID 046d:08f5 Logitech, Inc. anyone? | 02:00 |
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orangefly | i hooked up a wireless mouse to my laptop and now the touchpad won't work....even when i start the computer without it plugged in....any ideas....???.... | 02:00 |
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Foon | chump: briefly, and it didn't work (I reloaded my host address in my browser and it didn't help) | 02:01 |
Foon | so I removed it | 02:01 |
w00dr0w2 | i've tried for 3 days now to figure out a livecd thatll actually boot and am a little "peeved" that everything i try fails miserably (much like IRL) | 02:01 |
demonspork | How do I get Ubuntu to let me increase my screen resolution to higher than what the Resolution switcher allows? | 02:01 |
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Foon | it doesn't even define what "this router" is in the page, bleh :S | 02:01 |
VTECpwr | anyone use a USB mouse on Edgy? | 02:01 |
Pelo | w00dr0w2, att-f2 gksu nautilus, drag and drop | 02:01 |
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chump | because there isn't much setting there | 02:01 |
oriez | how do i change between ubuntu and windows | 02:01 |
VTECpwr | my mouse doesn't work after I boot, have to re-plug it in every time | 02:01 |
tarp | !seen SparklingWiggles | 02:01 |
Foon | yeah I know | 02:01 |
GuHHH | hey | 02:01 |
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bluefox83 | demonspork, add resolutions to your default depth in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:01 |
GuHHH | how do i use find? is it right: find / -name file ? | 02:01 |
Foon | currently the most I've tried is router->linux box | 02:01 |
Flannel | w00dr0w2: if you're actually looking for a liveCD (to do liveCD-ish stuff) you might be more interested in something like Knoppix (that's designed from the get go as a liveCD) | 02:02 |
Foon | not modem->router | 02:02 |
Foon | well, not successfully | 02:02 |
w00dr0w2 | att-f2 gksu nautilus? | 02:02 |
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sanityx | sudo fluxcapacitor --fix | 02:02 |
sanityx | thats the answer | 02:02 |
kbrooks | sanityx, point? | 02:02 |
Pelo | w00dr0w2, alt+f2, then gksu nautilus , will open the file manager in root mode, and you will be allowed to copy anything you want to anywhere you want | 02:02 |
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sanityx | kbrooks: joke. | 02:03 |
VTECpwr | anyone use a USB mouse on Edgy? | 02:03 |
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chump | foon : you need to do modem >> router >> linux box | 02:03 |
colbert | VTECpwr: i do | 02:03 |
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Foon | I agree | 02:03 |
w00dr0w2 | pelo, is that in ubuntu, or windows itself? | 02:03 |
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w00dr0w2 | cause im in windows | 02:03 |
Foon | I just need to get the modem->router bit working :( | 02:03 |
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VTECpwr | what do I need to do to xorg.conf to keep my USB mouse working after reboots? | 02:03 |
sgtmattbaker | | 02:03 |
sgtmattbaker | (07:57:11 PM) sgtmattbaker: (04:38:23 AM) sgtmattbaker: | 02:03 |
sgtmattbaker | (07:57:11 PM) sgtmattbaker: (04:38:23 AM) sgtmattbaker: what do you think of this stuff | 02:03 |
Foon | any idea what they mean by "this router" ? | 02:03 |
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w00dr0w2 | lol | 02:03 |
foxiness | VTECpwr: everybody here :) exp u | 02:04 |
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chump | what's about triing bribge mode , i run my modem in brdge mode and i get no problem | 02:04 |
w00dr0w2 | i already said i was stupid, what more do you need to go off? | 02:04 |
colbert | VTECpwr: i don't know, mine always works fine.. are you doing a shutdown or a hibernate/suspend? | 02:04 |
VTECpwr | colbert: could you pastebin your USB mouse config from xorg.conf ? | 02:04 |
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VTECpwr | never use the latter... | 02:04 |
Foon | I've tried bridge mode, and I've had problems | 02:04 |
VTECpwr | I use restart and that works but not after cold boot | 02:04 |
w00dr0w2 | like, borderline mentally challanged | 02:04 |
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Pelo | w00dr0w2, just open up my computer , click on the c: icon, then menu > display > whatever > show hidden files, back to the c windows, select using a window and copy where you want | 02:05 |
chump | i got a speedstream with the default firmware in it and it work fine | 02:05 |
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Foon | really? | 02:05 |
Foon | :S | 02:05 |
w00dr0w2 | i tried that (i r winbloz mastah) but it cant copy files "in use" fsking winblows | 02:05 |
colbert | VTECpwr: dunno if that will help but that's mine | 02:05 |
chump | yeah :) | 02:05 |
Foon | when I try, it successfully changes to bridge mode...but I have no way of knowing because I can no longer even access my modem's firmware pages after that, much less anything else | 02:05 |
chump | work better then the bell's one | 02:05 |
Pelo | w00dr0w2, ##windows | 02:06 |
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Flannel | w00dr0w2: there are a bunch of liveCDs you can get for windows (UWBCD comes to mind) | 02:06 |
chump | foon if you put your modem in bridge mode you need to make your router to dial the pppoe | 02:06 |
w00dr0w2 | pelo, i dont think you'll ever know how much i appreciate your help | 02:06 |
Foon | last time I tried, I had to reset the firmware to factory settings, which meant I also had to re-unlock the modem - pain | 02:06 |
w00dr0w2 | thanks all | 02:06 |
Foon | ah | 02:06 |
VTECpwr | I'm confused as to what to chang in xorg.conf to keep my USB mouse working after boot.... | 02:06 |
Pelo | w00dr0w2, sarcasm doesnT' cary well on irc | 02:07 |
Foon | at one point my router did dial into the modem, I didn't even realize that's what I had made it do, heh, and it worked (at least, far as I know) | 02:07 |
Foon | but setting the modem itself in bridge mode caused problems | 02:07 |
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colbert | VTECpwr: have you checked ?? | 02:07 |
VTECpwr | colbert: yes, nobody will reply | 02:08 |
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VTECpwr | colbert: so what's the point of posting, then? | 02:08 |
jbob286 | Does anyone know how to map the Apple key on my macbook as the control key? I have tried this using xmodmap a few times following tutorials but it has never worked. | 02:08 |
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colbert | VTECpwr: did you search the forums? I'm sure someone has encountered the similar challenge | 02:09 |
VTECpwr | colbert: I've googled beyond patience and no help lol | 02:09 |
colbert | VTECpwr: what mouse u have ? | 02:09 |
VTECpwr | colbert: yes | 02:09 |
VTECpwr | colbert: Creative HD laser mouse | 02:09 |
Foon | I suppose I'll reread the speedstream thread to see if anything there applies to me now (for port forwarding problems, whathaveyou), mind if I keep your e-mail onhand, chump? | 02:09 |
colbert | VTECpwr: ouch, Creative ;) | 02:09 |
VTECpwr | colbert: | 02:09 |
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ubuntuEdgy | dose any one have lirc working with feisty | 02:10 |
VTECpwr | colbert: I work there, btw... | 02:10 |
chump | foon no problem at all | 02:10 |
Foon | thanks much :) | 02:10 |
chump |,11039819~mode=flat | 02:10 |
ubuntuEdgy | sorry "working in feisty* | 02:10 |
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Foon | :) | 02:10 |
colbert | VTECpwr: hehe, nothing against 'em, I and many others have just not had good experience with Creative+linux | 02:10 |
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Gohalien | I am having problems (like most of us) with wireless in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS. | 02:10 |
Gohalien | I have a TP-Link W551G (Atheros chipset). It detects it fine, but signal is very low 20/94, in windows works just fine with good signal, so I wanted to use the windows xp drivers, I managed to install ndiswrapper, and I managed to install the driver, but, how I tell ubuntu to use that driver ? Thanks for your time ! | 02:10 |
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colbert | Is it wireless? | 02:11 |
Foon | chump:,11490618~days=9999 | 02:11 |
Foon | lots more info | 02:11 |
roamex | hey guys i am back again today is my first day of actually using ubuntu and need some more of your great help | 02:11 |
VTECpwr | colbert: I guess M$ hardware is a better alternative? lol | 02:11 |
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chump | foon not the same info :P | 02:11 |
Foon | oh! that one pertains to port forwarding, I see | 02:11 |
Foon | heh | 02:11 |
Foon | :S | 02:11 |
Foon | :# | 02:11 |
Foon | lol | 02:11 |
chump | LOL | 02:11 |
colbert | VTECpwr: well, i have had thise MS mouse for some years and zero problems, whether windows or linux, so that's all I can say of my experience | 02:12 |
Foon | :P thanks much, I'll read it properly | 02:12 |
Foon | lol | 02:12 |
VTECpwr | colbert: that figures. haha | 02:12 |
roamex | i install beryl on ati drivers and xgl and finally got it to launch but the problem is all i see is a white screen i can move the cube around and see the top and bottom pic but rest is all white any ideas? | 02:12 |
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peanuter | a friend is trying to install an nvidia card on his ubuntu installation | 02:12 |
colbert | VTECpwr: You should try bumping your post, and perhaps posting in other related threads if you haven't already | 02:12 |
colbert | other than that, I don't know what could be the problem | 02:13 |
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peanuter | anyone here ever install a video card with a preconfigured system before? | 02:13 |
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Goldfisch | Beryl has key bindings referenced as <Super>. Which key is that on a PC platform? | 02:13 |
HymnToLife | peanuter, define "preconfigured system" | 02:13 |
VTECpwr | colbert: maybe redoing xorg would work? | 02:13 |
_Neil | Goldfisch: windows key | 02:13 |
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Gohalien | I have a TP-Link W551G (Atheros chipset). It detects it fine, but signal is very low 20/94, in windows works just fine with good signal, so I wanted to use the windows xp drivers, I managed to install ndiswrapper, and I managed to install the driver, but, how I tell ubuntu to use that driver ? Thanks for your time ! | 02:13 |
Goldfisch | _Neil: Thanks. | 02:13 |
colbert | VTECpwr: can you paste me your xorg | 02:13 |
peanuter | he apparently doesn't have access to xorgconfig | 02:13 |
peanuter | or xorgcfg | 02:14 |
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orudie | anyone here knows lingo ? | 02:14 |
starkruzr | Hi. Why do my Azureus downloads keep speeding up and slowing down wildly when they never exhibited such behavior under Windows on uTorrent? And why can I not make an sftp connection from my Macbook Pro to my Linux machine? Can't connect via SMB from the Macbook Pro to the Linux box either. Help? | 02:14 |
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Foon | I've gotta go afk, expecting someone for a movie any minute now, ttyl :) | 02:14 |
chump | cya foon | 02:14 |
AaronMT | Hi does anyone have problems with the Alsa audio device, HDA ATI SB being very quiet (alsamixer levels at 100% across) ? I am on a dell laptop | 02:15 |
VTECpwr | colbert: | 02:15 |
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Foon | cya! thanks for the help chump :) | 02:15 |
roamex | anyone know why xgl would show all white screens sxcept top and bottom pics in the cube? | 02:15 |
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demonspork | How do I set new windows to automatically select? | 02:16 |
VTECpwr | colbert: don't know why I have "Wacom" entries in xorg.conf, either... | 02:16 |
AaronMT | This is my pastebin, my Alsa audio is extremely quiet even though volume is at 100% | 02:16 |
colbert | VTECpwr: i was just gonna ask what those were.. have yo utried commenting them out and restarting? backing up xorg.conf first of course | 02:17 |
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VTECpwr | colbert: yup, after reboot just black screen forever, no login if I do that | 02:18 |
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colbert | VTECpwr: did you search what wacom is for you? @ubuntuforums | 02:18 |
VTECpwr | colbert: wait, would deleting them out be diff. than commenting out? | 02:18 |
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colbert | VTECpwr: not really | 02:18 |
szymon | VTECpwr, wacom has some entries on other sections | 02:18 |
chris13221 | hey folks im having a bit of an issue, all of my panels have just ot of nowhere disappeared on me | 02:18 |
VTECpwr | colbert: Wacom is for like tablet pc stuff I assume | 02:18 |
chris13221 | out* | 02:18 |
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VTECpwr | colbert: I'm using an HP E PC c10, it's SFF so maybe the Wacom stuff got added b/c of this? | 02:19 |
demonspork | Bluefox83, Where do I add the resolution I want in the xorg.conf | 02:19 |
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Gohalien | I have a TP-Link W551G (Atheros chipset). It detects it fine, but signal is very low 20/94, in windows works just fine with good signal, so I wanted to use the windows xp drivers, I managed to install ndiswrapper, and I managed to install the driver, but, how I tell ubuntu to use that driver ? Thanks for your time ! | 02:19 |
VTECpwr | colbert: i810e integrated graphics | 02:19 |
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BT2 | can anyone help me set up a dual boot system ? | 02:20 |
colbert | VTECpwr: have you searched for your setup rather than just the mouse problem? there might be interfering aspects of the conf | 02:20 |
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colbert | that i'm not versed in | 02:20 |
budluva | does kubuntu fiesty come with kde 4? | 02:20 |
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AaronMT | Hi does anyone have problems with the Alsa audio device, HDA ATI SB being very quiet (alsamixer levels at 100% across) ? I am on a dell laptop | 02:20 |
AaronMT | This is my pastebin, my Alsa audio is extremely quiet even though volume is at 100% | 02:20 |
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palmerthegeek | hey all | 02:20 |
deepsa | hey | 02:20 |
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wacky | I recently upgraded from edgy using the update-manager -c -d and I now have no sound; I am using an IBM thinkpad and it worked on edgy | 02:20 |
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wacky | Ubuntu sees the sound device | 02:21 |
Goldfisch | I got beryl working. I found the package amongst the existing ubuntu repositories. However, other blog sites give instructions to add beryl's repos site to /etc/apt/sources.list. Is there any benefit to that compared to the existing repositories? | 02:21 |
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VTECpwr | colbert: I'll try that | 02:21 |
palmerthegeek | bt2: did you check out the HowTo's | 02:21 |
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Cacti1 | I'm running Fiesty 64 with an AMD Athlon with frequency scaling. Frequency scaling works fine but the CPU FAN will not scale as well and it allows my CPU to get very hot. Any ideas on this, I've looked everywhere and tried many many things. | 02:22 |
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coded62 | can anyone help me with a tv wonder 200 pci in ubuntu 6.1 | 02:22 |
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mpmc | /who | 02:24 |
mpmc | oops :P sorry | 02:24 |
coded62 | xawtv cant seem to recognise the card | 02:24 |
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BT2 | palmerthegeek I know how but setting up the proper drive configuration is hard | 02:24 |
coded62 | or any other tv viewing program fro that matter | 02:24 |
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illuz | hi | 02:25 |
palmerthegeek | bt2: are you using gparted? | 02:25 |
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BT2 | palmerthegeek yes | 02:25 |
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BT2 | palmerthegeek fdisk | 02:25 |
__mikem | BT2 are you trying to duel boot? | 02:26 |
BT2 | palmerthegeek yes | 02:26 |
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BT2 | mikem yes | 02:26 |
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__mikem | theres a better way | 02:26 |
illuz | battling with an ubuntu installation, I boot off the CD but it is INCREDIBLY slow - like doesnt even work slow - takes over 15 mins to start and when I see the desktop "install" i cant open it | 02:26 |
palmerthegeek | bt2: are you install feisty? | 02:26 |
coded62 | hi can anyone help me using my ati tv wonder 200 pci to be able to watch tv or record it | 02:26 |
crimsun | AaronMT: ok, quiet refers to speakers or headphones? | 02:26 |
BT2 | palmerthegeek yes 7.04 | 02:26 |
__mikem | <-- bt2 | 02:26 |
AaronMT | Crimsun: Speakers. Exceptionally quieter than they were in Vista | 02:27 |
BT2 | __mikem wha that? | 02:27 |
palmerthegeek | bt2___see _mikem link... this is the way, the light...etc!~ | 02:27 |
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crimsun | AaronMT: ok, and you have a 9200, correct? | 02:27 |
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crimsun | AaronMT: we could probably special-case that codec revision | 02:27 |
__mikem | palmerthegeek, what? | 02:27 |
AaronMT | 1501 | 02:27 |
BT2 | Wait | 02:28 |
illuz | Anyone know how I can fix a abnormally slow installation on a IBM ThinkPad laptop? it takes 15 mins just to boot the live CD | 02:28 |
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palmerthegeek | _mikemwubi rocks! | 02:28 |
__mikem | BT2 just follow the link and read the discription on the page | 02:28 |
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BT2 | palmerthegeek __mikem I dont think thats my choice =( | 02:28 |
palmerthegeek | opps: _mikem wubi rocks! | 02:28 |
BT2 | palmerthegeek __mikem I want to install another system over ubuntu | 02:28 |
crimsun | AaronMT: not the model of your laptop. The model of your Sigmatel HDA codec. | 02:29 |
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palmerthegeek | bt2: ohhhh..... :) | 02:29 |
coded62 | can any one help me use my ati tv wonder pci 200 tv card | 02:29 |
__mikem | oooh | 02:29 |
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hephaestus_ | hi all, I use the iso-8859-1 enconding (my keyboard model is set to brazilian abnt2), and i cant type some letters with accents like (=>e,=>~a,=>o) on kwrite or any kde programs. is this a kubuntu bug? | 02:29 |
jasin | brb | 02:29 |
demonspork | How do I apply a desktop background to each of the desktops on the Beryl desktop cube? | 02:29 |
demonspork | I can only get one to take a desktop | 02:29 |
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AaronMT | Yes STAC9200 | 02:30 |
BT2 | dual boot ubuntu with backtrack 2 | 02:30 |
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palmerthegeek | bt2 and _mikem : ive always gone from windoze to ubuntu... sorry .... | 02:31 |
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BT2 | palmerthegeek np | 02:31 |
scales11 | hey all, how do i change my host name? | 02:31 |
coded62 | anyone know how to set a Ati tv wonder 200 pci to work with xawtv or any other dvr program | 02:31 |
mpmc | scales11: sudo hostname newhostnamehere | 02:31 |
smokey | Why does ubuntu look fuzzy compared to other operating systems? | 02:31 |
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Flannel | !hostname | scales11, mpmc | 02:31 |
ubotu | scales11, mpmc: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab | 02:31 |
bruenig | smokey, fuzzy... | 02:32 |
chump | smokey what u mean fuzzy ? | 02:32 |
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BT2 | smokey resolution? | 02:32 |
smokey | poor resolution | 02:32 |
illuz | Anyone know how I can fix a abnormally slow installation on a IBM ThinkPad laptop? it takes 15 mins just to boot the live CD | 02:32 |
palmerthegeek | bt2: best of luck, i hope you find the answer.... | 02:32 |
mpmc | Flannel: I stand corrected. | 02:32 |
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Davo_Dinkum | Is there an app that will let you use skype on ubuntu? | 02:32 |
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mpmc | Skype? | 02:33 |
Davo_Dinkum | Not the official client, I want one that's free. | 02:33 |
wesleywillians | Hey folks!! | 02:33 |
mpmc | Oh. | 02:33 |
coded62 | how old is the laptop (prosessor speed and such | 02:33 |
chump | hey | 02:33 |
mobutu | the official client is free | 02:33 |
wesleywillians | i woudl like to know how to configure ubuntu with adls (pppoe)? | 02:33 |
palmerthegeek | hi wesleywillians | 02:33 |
Davo_Dinkum | mpmc: VoIP service | 02:33 |
illuz | its a R60, its fast | 02:33 |
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mobutu | Davo_Dinkum: you can install the skype client for free | 02:33 |
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Davo_Dinkum | mobutu: What license is ti nder? | 02:33 |
Davo_Dinkum | *it under? | 02:33 |
crdlb | illuz: how much ram? | 02:33 |
illuz | 256mb | 02:34 |
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smokey | How can I get Ubuntu to display quality resolution with my ATI 9200? | 02:34 |
crdlb | illuz: that's why | 02:34 |
mobutu | Davo_Dinkum: it's under the 'if you want to use skype voice over ip, download skypeclient for linux' license | 02:34 |
BT2 | palmerthegeek il try unmounting the sda then using gparted to split it into 2 segments. Then il add 3 more partitions and set one with the boot flag | 02:34 |
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crdlb | smokey: crt or lcd ? | 02:34 |
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smokey | crt | 02:34 |
mobutu | if you want a free open souce voice over ip client use Ekiga or something | 02:34 |
mobutu | it won't talk to skype though | 02:34 |
crdlb | illuz: ubuntu's speed will be fine, but the livecd needs more | 02:34 |
coded62 | how can i configure my tv wonder 200 pci to watch tv/dvr with ubuntu | 02:34 |
zmarshall | hey, I am brand new linux and I need some help installing my wLan card. | 02:34 |
Davo_Dinkum | mobutu: Will that let me connect to skype? | 02:34 |
crdlb | smokey: use a modeline | 02:34 |
mobutu | Davo_Dinkum: no | 02:35 |
Davo_Dinkum | Oh nm | 02:35 |
crdlb | !modeline | smokey | 02:35 |
hwMoD | @ your service | 02:35 |
ubotu | smokey: A Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: and | 02:35 |
illuz | crdlb: ok if I have the live cd, is there a way to bypass the whole LIVE thing and just install? | 02:35 |
mobutu | Davo_Dinkum: you want to use skype, you have to download skype | 02:35 |
illuz | dont have any other copies :\ | 02:35 |
mpmc | zmarshall: What make is the card? | 02:35 |
crdlb | illuz: use the alternate cd | 02:35 |
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illuz | another 700mb? | 02:35 |
smokey | what's that? thanks | 02:35 |
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zmarshall | Okay, I have a Broadcom 4306 chipset (Buffalo G54s). I've attempted to install ndiswrapper, but I've probably scerwed up | 02:35 |
crdlb | illuz: there's no way with the desktop cd afaik | 02:35 |
Flannel | illuz: correct | 02:35 |
illuz | mkay thanks guys. | 02:35 |
BT2 | palmerthegeek sound right? | 02:35 |
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jbob286 | Does anyone know how to map the Apple key on my macbook as the control key? I have tried this using xmodmap a few times following tutorials but it has never worked. | 02:36 |
illuz | so just to confirm, there is no bypass to make the LIVE cd just install? | 02:36 |
coded62 | how can i get my ati pc wonder 200 pci to dvr on xawtv | 02:36 |
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mpmc | zmarshall: (It might be outdated) | 02:37 |
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mobutu | doesnt the install cd act like a live cd if you boot with it | 02:38 |
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mpmc | zmarshall: Or check the wiki. | 02:38 |
Cacti2 | I'm running Fiesty 64 with an AMD Athlon that supports frequency stepping... The frequency stepping works fine but the CPU fan does not work at all and only turns at one speed all the time... I've checked everywhere to solve this problem... can anybody help me? | 02:38 |
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smokey | Ubuntu won't work automatically with 9200 or is my monitor the issue? | 02:39 |
zmarshall | @mpmc I've gona through trying this, however, when I type ndiswrapper - l, it only says the driver is installed not that the hardware is there | 02:39 |
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teethdood | My memory stick doesn't get recognized upon insertion. Any ideas? (feisty fawn) | 02:39 |
teethdood | used to work in edgy | 02:40 |
coded62 | how can i get my ati tv wonder 200 pci to work with ubuntu 6.1 in xawtv | 02:40 |
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mpmc | zmarshall: Are you sure that Ubuntu isn't already using the correct module (NDISWrapper, Loaded it for my card) | 02:40 |
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coded62 | how do i get my ati tv wonder 200 pci to work with ubuntu 6.1 | 02:41 |
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BT2 | does anyone know if grub boot automatically detects systems or I have to configure them manually? | 02:41 |
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smokey | crd1b why doesn't Ubuntu work automatically with my card/monitor? I thought Ubuntu was the most automatic Linux? | 02:42 |
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mwe | BT2: the installer should detect your systems. if you change systems later you have to reconfigure grub | 02:42 |
Fayne | Anyone know how to identify a usb device from kern.log? my device usb 6-1.1 is constantly being reset and I am not sure what it is. | 02:43 |
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zmarshall | @mpmpc, sound stupid but how can i tell? network-manager-gnome doesn't show any wireless networks | 02:43 |
coded62 | it auto matically detects other systems i used to dual boot with winxp | 02:43 |
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HymnToLife | smokey, there is no such thing as an automiatic Linux | 02:43 |
HymnToLife | automatic* | 02:43 |
BT2 | mwe what do I configure? | 02:43 |
Boohbah | 7.04 is the latest? | 02:43 |
mwe | !grub | BT2 | 02:43 |
ubotu | BT2: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 02:43 |
HymnToLife | Boohbah, yes | 02:43 |
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rolando | hola | 02:43 |
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crdlb | smokey: it's hard to get the open source radeon drivers to increase their resolution | 02:44 |
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crdlb | smokey: that should be fixed with gutsy | 02:44 |
crdlb | because of xorg 7.3 | 02:44 |
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mwe | so just wait 6 months ;) | 02:44 |
smokey | crd1b: it's fuzzy looking, even photos | 02:44 |
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Bruhaha | Hey... I got a problem after upgrading to 7.04... my screen freezes at the nvidia logo | 02:45 |
coded62 | how do i run theese comands at | 02:45 |
smokey | crd1b: I tried 800x600 etc. Still fuzzy. | 02:45 |
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coded62 | how do i install at tv wonder 200 on ubuntu | 02:46 |
jmg | !terminal | 02:46 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 02:46 |
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smokey | crd1b: if I had a gforce would it be automatically clear? | 02:46 |
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mwe | coded62: type them | 02:46 |
coded62 | ok thanks | 02:46 |
coded62 | hold on | 02:46 |
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zizu10 | can someone help my to recover my user password? | 02:47 |
mwe | coded62: in a terminal window. you probably need sudo modprobe as well | 02:47 |
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scales11 | ouch | 02:47 |
mwe | zizu10: you can't | 02:47 |
coded62 | sudo modprobe? | 02:47 |
mpmc | Well, I'm out, Time for me to snore my head off :D | 02:47 |
smokey | crd1b: I'll check out the links. Thanks for the help. | 02:47 |
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AaronMT | !modprobe | 02:47 |
mwe | zizu10: you can reset it if you boot to recovery mode | 02:47 |
hwMoD | @ your service | 02:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about modprobe - try searching on | 02:47 |
Gohalien | I have a TP-Link W551G (Atheros chipset). It detects it fine, but signal is very low 20/94, in windows works just fine with good signal, so I wanted to use the windows xp drivers, I managed to install ndiswrapper, and I managed to install the driver, but, how I tell ubuntu to use that driver ? Thanks for your time ! | 02:47 |
scales11 | any suggestions for a simple "network manager" replacement? | 02:47 |
Baktaah | What kind of fun stuff can you do with linux that contains me putting up a server..... Like telnet or something else =) | 02:48 |
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vanberge | would anyone be able to recommend if it is better to disable ipv6 in fiesty still? (for slow internet, etc. ) ? | 02:48 |
dn4 | Fiesty out? | 02:48 |
coolrazor | I need help with a fresh install. Won't load into GUI, using nvidia 7100gs. Where should I go for help? Here? | 02:48 |
mwe | scales11: nano /etc/network/interfaces | 02:48 |
vanberge | i remember i definitely disabled it in dapper | 02:48 |
zizu10 | the thing is , i lost my my password of the basic user | 02:48 |
scales11 | Gohalien: i got the same deal | 02:48 |
coded62 | ill try using the terminal first if no luck ill search sudo | 02:48 |
mwe | scales11: or sudo nano even | 02:48 |
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mwe | vanberge: I don't need it so I disabled it. | 02:49 |
Fayne | how do i disable an USB device that keeps trying to load constantly? My motherboard has built in flash memory that isnt fully recognized and keeps resetting. | 02:49 |
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Bruhaha | After updating my Ubuntu 6.10 to Ubuntu 7.04 my screen freezes on the nVidia logo (nVidia screen), what's the problem? | 02:49 |
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mwe | coded62: type sudo in front of your commands | 02:49 |
vanberge | mwe, same way as in dapper? | 02:49 |
mwe | vanberge: yeah | 02:50 |
coded62 | i tried entering the comands but it came up permission denied | 02:50 |
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mwe | coded62: type sudo in front of your commands | 02:50 |
vanberge | mwe, tyvm... | 02:50 |
scales11 | mwe: humm, i will have to see, i just think that the defauly network manager is sluggish | 02:50 |
mwe | coded62: users are not allowed to modprobe so type sudo in front of the modprobe commands | 02:50 |
scales11 | Gohalien: i would like to know more about your drivers | 02:50 |
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coolrazor | (WW) VESA: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:2:0:0) -what do I do? | 02:51 |
scales11 | Gohalien: i have the same wireless chip and i notice the same weaker signal | 02:51 |
mwe | !sudo | coded62 | 02:51 |
ubotu | coded62: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 02:51 |
coded62 | ok | 02:51 |
Baktaah | What kind of fun stuff can you do with linux that contains me putting up a server..... Like telnet or something else =) | 02:51 |
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xtknight | how do you add a module to startup, along with the command line for said module? | 02:51 |
xtknight | can /etc/modules also accommodate a command line for the specified module? | 02:51 |
coded62 | like this right "sudo echo "options cx88xx card=4 tuner=44" > cx88xx" | 02:51 |
jmg | coded62: for that command do sudo -i | 02:52 |
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mwe | xtknight: that's handled in /etc/modprobe.d/* | 02:52 |
rook | running ubuntu feisty fawn. how do I kill the x server? everything i've tried (from hitting (ctrl-)alt-f1 to doing (/etc/init.d/) ./gdm stop to hitting ctrl-backspace all give me the same unusable black screen | 02:52 |
jmg | and then echo at the # prompt | 02:52 |
xtknight | mwe, so i'd create a file in there and inside the file..? | 02:52 |
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mwe | coded62: the instructions are screwed | 02:52 |
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coded62 | yes they are because i tried sudo -1 and no luck and the way online forums and no luck | 02:53 |
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jmg | coded62:, type: sudo -i <enter> | 02:53 |
coded62 | ok | 02:53 |
gu014 | has anyone installed the streamzap remote using lirc under feisty? | 02:53 |
mwe | coded62: sudo -i to get a root prompt or sudo su -c 'echo cx88xx card=4 > cx88xx' | 02:53 |
lonran | how would you play a kvcd that is in bin and cue format without burning it? | 02:53 |
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jmg | lonran: mplayer foo.bin | 02:53 |
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mwe | xtknight: right. look at the other files there | 02:53 |
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coolrazor | I need help with a fresh install. Won't load into GUI, using nvidia 7100gs. Where should I go for help? Here? | 02:54 |
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rook | id even settle for instructions on how to remove it from the default runlevel so that i can get my damn driver compiled (trying to run the nvidia CUDA driver binary, and it wont run with the xserver running and it wont run in single user) | 02:54 |
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HymnToLife | coded62, tee is your friend | 02:54 |
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foug | how do i list all my PIDs? | 02:54 |
mwe | coolrazor: yeah. | 02:54 |
mwe | !fixres | coolrazor | 02:54 |
ubotu | coolrazor: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 02:54 |
jmg | foug: ps aux | 02:54 |
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HymnToLife | coded62, echo "something | sudo tee /somewhere | 02:54 |
Bruhaha | !nvidia | 02:54 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 02:54 |
anandanbu | the distribution upgrade from edgy to feisty shows an authentication error and how can i update to feisty now | 02:55 |
rook | <Bruhaha>, no, not that driver, i need to install a different one | 02:55 |
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rook | can someone pleasse just tell me how to remove x from the default runlevel? | 02:55 |
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rook | i dont mind starting it manually when i log on | 02:55 |
lonran | jmg, THANKS! | 02:55 |
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lonran | jmg, mplayer is a 10 | 02:56 |
oriez | where can i find flash player for ubuntu | 02:56 |
Gohalien | I have a TP-Link W551G (Atheros chipset). It detects it fine, but signal is very low 20/94, in windows works just fine with good signal, so I wanted to use the windows xp drivers, I managed to install ndiswrapper, and I managed to install the driver, but, how I tell ubuntu to use that driver ? Thanks for your time ! | 02:56 |
Bruhaha | [rook] : i did that for me ^^ | 02:56 |
HymnToLife | !flash | oriez | 02:56 |
ubotu | oriez: To install Flash see - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 02:56 |
Bruhaha | After updating my Ubuntu 6.10 to Ubuntu 7.04 my screen freezes on the nVidia logo (nVidia screen), what's the problem? | 02:56 |
spasticteapot | oriez: Go to Firefox, and double-click on a flash object. Firefox will install it for you. | 02:56 |
bruenig | spasticteapot, really? | 02:56 |
HymnToLife | spasticteapot, I don't think so... | 02:57 |
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Fayne | is there a hardware manager in Ubuntu 7.04 where I can disable devices? | 02:57 |
bruenig | seeing as plugins are installed in an area owned by root, I would say not | 02:57 |
spasticteapot | HymnToLife: Well, that's what I did ten minutes ago. | 02:57 |
bruenig | although I guess they can also be installed in ~/.mozilla | 02:57 |
rook | !nvidia | 02:57 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 02:57 |
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coded62 | is there any way to instal a driver without code (yes im used to win) | 02:58 |
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spasticteapot | coded62: The repository? | 02:59 |
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Kalisto | how do i find out what ubuntu version im running? edgy/dapper? | 02:59 |
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ruben | Hi, there is no response on #oracle channel :), one question, I have installed oracle 10g for debian/ubunut, how can I get the sid? what is the way? | 03:00 |
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spasticteapot | coded62: Try Synaptic. And you might be able to find a .deb if you're lucky. | 03:00 |
coded62 | never heard of the repository | 03:00 |
rook | ok, guys assume for a moment that i do not want to install a driver of any kind, and just want to shut x down. how do i do it? | 03:00 |
coded62 | ok ill try | 03:00 |
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rook | ctrl backspace results in a blank screen | 03:00 |
Kalisto | rook, ctrl atl backspace | 03:00 |
rook | so does ctrl alt f1 | 03:00 |
rook | doesnt work, kalisto | 03:00 |
rook | see above | 03:00 |
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xtknight | mwe, thanks i got it. really lucky actually one of the files contained the exact module i needed to add options to | 03:01 |
rook | running ./gdm stop in init.d doesnt work either | 03:01 |
Kalisto | rook, after that ctrl alt f1. or f2 etc | 03:01 |
mwe | rook: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop will shut it down promptly | 03:01 |
rook | all give unusable black screens | 03:01 |
jmg | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 03:01 |
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jmg | sudo killall -9 X | 03:01 |
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jmg | hehe | 03:01 |
Bruhaha | After updating my Ubuntu 6.10 to Ubuntu 7.04 my screen freezes on the nVidia logo (nVidia screen), what's the problem? | 03:01 |
Kalisto | rook, killall -9 | 03:01 |
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jmg | Bruhaha: what card | 03:01 |
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rook | alright, ill try that. is there any way to just remove it from the default runlevel? | 03:01 |
Melissa|X | so how bad is it? | 03:01 |
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Kalisto | so how do i find ubuntu version im using? where does it say>? | 03:02 |
mwe | !fixres | Bruhaha | 03:02 |
ubotu | Bruhaha: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 03:02 |
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Bruhaha | jmg: GeForce2 MX Integrated, but just for the record, it was working fine before the update | 03:02 |
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mwe | !version | 03:02 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 03:02 |
jgalt | does anyone know how to get m4a's to play in Rhythmbox music player? | 03:02 |
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jmg | Bruhaha: try installing nvidia-glx-legacy | 03:02 |
knicknic | can someone help I get failed to determine codename errors when I do alternate install, and I dont know how to manually set codename or fix it | 03:02 |
g0o1 | how do i remove beryl-manager from my sessions->startup using the terminal??? | 03:03 |
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Thorondor | Kalisto, when you go into a console(CTRL + ALT *F?) you are able to see your Ubuntu Version... try it | 03:03 |
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Bruhaha | [jmg] : how sould i do that if i cant enter ubuntu? it freezes on the logo, ive tried ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+backspace | 03:03 |
Bruhaha | nothing seems to work | 03:03 |
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mwe | g0o1: that's not easy | 03:03 |
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g0o1 | yeah, but that is the only way that i can... | 03:04 |
mwe | Bruhaha: boot to recovery mode | 03:04 |
r2mx | hi | 03:04 |
g0o1 | i can't remove it with system->preferences->sessions | 03:04 |
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g0o1 | im on LiveCD right now.. | 03:04 |
dinochopins | hi everyone | 03:04 |
demonspork | How do I apply a desktop background to each of the desktops on the Beryl desktop cube? | 03:04 |
dinochopins | how to change mailbox setting from mbox to Maildir ? | 03:04 |
rook | THAT doesnt do anything | 03:04 |
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r2mx | cool mi i have 3 monts | 03:05 |
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demonspork | 3 of them have no background | 03:05 |
r2mx | usin ubuntu feisty | 03:05 |
dinochopins | I'm using procmail that I want to filter into Maildir | 03:05 |
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cute_bettong | !ati | 03:05 |
g0o1 | when i try to boot dapper, it just takes me back to the ubuntu login screen after the beryl manager loads | 03:05 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 03:05 |
r2mx | if you wana se mi desktop | 03:05 |
mwe | g0o1: well you can rename ~/.gnome2 to create a new profile | 03:05 |
Kalisto | Thorondor, just gives me the version number but i got it with the other command ;) | 03:05 |
r2mx | | 03:05 |
g0o1 | mwe: mind if i PM you? | 03:05 |
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mwe | g0o1: ok | 03:05 |
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r2mx | is the best feistyfanw, | 03:06 |
mwe | g0o1: be you only can if you're registered at #freenode | 03:06 |
Thorondor | Kalisto, ok, I thought that if you get the version number, you can easily know the asociated Version name good for you | 03:06 |
r2mx | alla is automatic | 03:06 |
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mwe | g0o1: just join #mwe | 03:06 |
r2mx | instalation scrip videos plugins is my new machine 2007 laptop dell | 03:06 |
rook | mwe: it says it shut down gdm, but x is still running | 03:06 |
mwe | rook: I see | 03:06 |
r2mx | i take vista to my mama | 03:06 |
mwe | rook: sudo killall -9 X and sudo killall -9 gdm maybe | 03:07 |
r2mx | yeah if you run live cd | 03:07 |
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r2mx | not all funtion is operaiting | 03:07 |
Kalisto | Thorondor, unfortunatly Ubuntu is not the only distro i use therefor it gets hard to keep track of version numbers and their names ;) | 03:07 |
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cute_bettong | does anyone know if the ati radeon x1300 pro pci-e card is supported in ubuntu? lspci does not show what the card is | 03:08 |
rook | both of those return "no process killed" | 03:08 |
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mwe | !ati | cute_bettong | 03:08 |
ubotu | cute_bettong: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 03:08 |
mwe | cute_bettong: it is if you install the driver | 03:08 |
r2mx | i tink fesity fawn detect automatic your cart video | 03:08 |
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r2mx | my i have ati to | 03:08 |
mwe | rook: sudo killall -9 Xorg, then? | 03:08 |
scales11 | mwe: i need to be able to get vpnc running on my wifi manager too, how would i do that? would it just be easier with a client? | 03:08 |
cute_bettong | ok so it is supported....and what about sound issues with the dimension c521 onbord seems like i can play sounds but apps like skype are useless | 03:09 |
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r2mx | now i run in wifi feisty | 03:09 |
Goldfisch | Anybody running ubuntu feisty with a root-on-LVM-on-RAID configuration? I posted a discussion of a problem I had getting LILO to work after upgrade at | 03:09 |
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oriez | desktop effects make a white screen | 03:09 |
crdlb | oriez: #ubuntu-effects | 03:09 |
mwe | scales11: I'm not experienced using vpn. I assume using a client would be easiest, though. | 03:09 |
__mikem | oriez | 03:09 |
r2mx | configuration acelerating cart video | 03:09 |
g0o1 | mwe: i PM'd you.. if you think you can help me out, please let me know =P | 03:09 |
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__mikem | oriez if you get a white screen, you need to install your videocard's drivers | 03:10 |
r2mx | im spanish i have limitation for wrtite | 03:10 |
bobbob1016 | anyone here using powerline networking? I had one adapter, and it worked fine, but I switched to a newer one, with 4 ports instead of one, and now my pings are 800+ on, any ideas? | 03:10 |
mwe | g0o1: you can't PM unless you're registered at freenode. join #mwe instead | 03:10 |
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r2mx | french or spanish is beter for my | 03:10 |
rook | well....that froze it! | 03:10 |
walkintome | does anyone know if its possible to edit the pop-up dialogue in feisty? | 03:10 |
rook | at least i didnt get the same screen.... | 03:10 |
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bobbob1016 | r2mx, I speak a little spanish, if you want me to translate for you | 03:10 |
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AndyC1 | hi | 03:10 |
r2mx | perfecto amigo | 03:11 |
cute_bettong | is anyone here useing the dell dimension C521 with amd 64 dual core? | 03:11 |
AndyC1 | does anyone know what package s2disk is in? | 03:11 |
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Intangir | hello, i got feisty and my mouse doesnt work right anymore | 03:11 |
g0o1 | mwe: im in it | 03:11 |
HymnToLife | !find s2disk | 03:11 |
LordLimecat | Intangir: in what way? | 03:11 |
ubotu | File s2disk found in uswsusp | 03:11 |
Intangir | it isnt moving, | 03:11 |
neverblue2 | exit | 03:11 |
Intangir | it lets me click | 03:11 |
Intangir | but not move | 03:11 |
HymnToLife | AndyC1, ^^^ | 03:11 |
r2mx | i give agret website for your problem | 03:11 |
LordLimecat | oh :( | 03:11 |
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Intangir | it worked earlier | 03:11 |
walkintome | does anyone know if its possible to edit the pop-up dialogue in feisty so its not the yellow and brown thing? | 03:12 |
LordLimecat | Intangir: is it wireless? usb? | 03:12 |
Intangir | usb | 03:12 |
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AndyC1 | HymnToLife: thanks! | 03:12 |
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LordLimecat | Intangir: dunno :( sorry.....i WOULD check "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and pastebin it | 03:12 |
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bobbob1016 | r2mx, pero, lo siento si no use la palabra correcto | 03:12 |
kahrytan | Intangir: use a usb to ps/2 adapter | 03:12 |
LordLimecat | Intangir: but no promises | 03:13 |
r2mx | | 03:13 |
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mwe | Intangir: make sure all the right usb modules are loaded | 03:13 |
r2mx | no se preocupe amigo bobbob10 | 03:13 |
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Intangir | it worked earlier | 03:13 |
IndyGunFreak | I've got an external hard drive I've formatted as ext3, but in permissions, its set as root only, and everything else is greyed out. How can i make it accessible to a normal user, to put data on the drive? | 03:13 |
mwe | !es | 03:13 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:13 |
Intangir | it has never had a problem in dapper or edgy | 03:13 |
Melissa|X | so I was in Windows earlier... and it suddenly decides to give me a BSoD. when I rebooted, my harddrive was dead. any ideas how to recover my stuff? | 03:13 |
dan__ | Anyone know what a great music program is for a huge library of music and that has the feature to be able to edit the metadata of the music file...And also that the program has support? | 03:14 |
r2mx | ok i goo to spanish ubuntu tank boot | 03:14 |
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mwe | Melissa|X: is it dead, litterally? | 03:14 |
Baktaah | Could someone please help me to put up a telnet BBS :)? | 03:14 |
Scunizi | Who are the files owned by in /var/www? HTTP? Root? | 03:14 |
jmg | Melissa|X: send your drive to forensics | 03:14 |
mwe | Melissa|X: you can't access it at all? | 03:14 |
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jmg | mwe: look at her log | 03:14 |
walkintome | does anyone know if its possible to edit the pop-up dialogue in feisty so its not the yellow and brown balloon? | 03:14 |
LordLimecat | hey, are the nvidia-glx-new-dev drivers newer/"better" for gaming than nvidia-glx-new? | 03:14 |
crimsun | dan__: amarok, rhythmbox, banshee, quod libet, etc. | 03:14 |
zmarshall | I'm still having a problem installing my Broadcom 4306 wireless lan card, I've tried ndiswrapper and i think everything else but nothing. Ndiswrapper -l returns "Driver Installed' but does not state that the hardware is there | 03:14 |
Melissa|X | when I try to mount it it gives me the buffer I/O errors | 03:14 |
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HymnToLife | zmarshall, wrong driver, then | 03:14 |
mwe | Melissa|X: it looks bad | 03:15 |
wickers | you guys find #ubuntu too full and active to get anything done? | 03:15 |
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dan__ | crimsun, i am using rhythmbox currently but when i try to edit the metadata it gives me a GStream error or something like that. | 03:15 |
Patrick_ | Melissa|X, If you can determine the manufacturer of your drive they normally would have a diagnostic tool that can be downloaded and burned to disc.. that would be a good place to start | 03:15 |
LordLimecat | wickers, seems that way sometimes, but then i just start helping | 03:15 |
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zmarshall | @HymnToLife, do i have to install the other drivers before trying to install the new ones? | 03:15 |
Baktaah | Does anyone know of a BBS telnet software (not so complex?) | 03:15 |
Thorondor | dan__ XMMS can also do all the staff you mentioned before | 03:16 |
HymnToLife | zmarshall, not absolutely required but it wouldn't hurt | 03:16 |
Melissa|X | it won't boot nor mount nor can I get dd to back it up with 'dd if=/dev/hdb1 > ./partimg | 03:16 |
mwe | Melissa|X: I think you need proffesional help to recover your data | 03:16 |
zmarshall | @HtmnToLife, how do I do that | 03:16 |
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jmg | Baktaah: dont know but i used to run iniquity under dosbox | 03:16 |
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dan__ | Thorondor: does it also look nice? I am a very picky person, sorry. lol | 03:16 |
HymnToLife | zmarshall, sudo ndiswrapper -r drivername | 03:16 |
Melissa|X | I don't have that kind of money... | 03:16 |
Baktaah | jmg: linux? | 03:16 |
jmg | Baktaah: under dosbox yes | 03:17 |
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mwe | Melissa|X: I think you might be in bad luck, then. | 03:17 |
bobbob1016 | r2mx, hay #ubuntu-es, para hispanol hiblates, yo no se si usted la usa, tengo que practicar mi espanol, tuve un examen este tarde, no se como va | 03:17 |
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Thorondor | dan__ hahaah, XMMS looks just like Winamp of Window$ | 03:17 |
demonspork | What Desktop manager can I install on Ubuntu Feisty that would support a different background image on each desktop? | 03:17 |
bobbob1016 | r2mx, hablates* | 03:17 |
walkintome | does anyone know if its possible to edit the pop-up dialogue in feisty so its not the yellow and brown ballon....its pretty ugly lol | 03:17 |
Patrick_ | Melissa|X, seems that way, it hurt really bad when I lost a 250 and 3 80 gb drives but I still dont backup :P it's for wimps | 03:17 |
Baktaah | dosbox? | 03:17 |
Baktaah | jmg: whats dosbox? | 03:17 |
jmg | Melissa|X: find a geek that wants to impress you by fixing your stuff | 03:17 |
g0o1 | mwe: is there a command to remove beryl-manager from system->preferences->sessions? since i can't use Graphical interface?? | 03:17 |
dan__ | Thorondor: ah, i see. i will check it out. | 03:17 |
jmg | Baktaah: dos emulator | 03:17 |
Music_Shuffle | demonspork: KDE allows you to do so | 03:17 |
demonspork | hmm | 03:17 |
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HymnToLife | other proof of the greatness of KDE :p | 03:18 |
jmg | Melissa|X: assuming you are a girl, should be easy | 03:18 |
Baktaah | jmg: okay could u guide me through it? | 03:18 |
mwe | g0o1: not from the terminal. rename ~/.gnome2 with mv. then login and it will create a new profile | 03:18 |
phaidros | phew, thats a full channel :) | 03:18 |
zmarshall | @HymnToLife is there a certain directory, because all im getting is no such file or directory | 03:18 |
dan__ | Thorondor: Do you know what might be the problem when I try to tag a song's metadata in Rhythmbox and it gives me a GStream error? | 03:18 |
demonspork | Music_Shuffle is there any other way to do so without installing KDE? | 03:18 |
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Thorondor | dan__ XMMs is quite good, but make sure you install the extension to play | 03:18 |
Sa3atsky | hi | 03:18 |
phaidros | anybody using avahi here? | 03:18 |
Sa3atsky | somebody please help me | 03:18 |
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g0o1 | what is mv? | 03:18 |
jmg | Baktaah: no way | 03:18 |
Sa3atsky | ive been having problem installing ubuntu all day | 03:18 |
Patrick_ | !ask | 03:18 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:18 |
dan__ | Thorondor: ok. | 03:18 |
Music_Shuffle | demonspork: I haven't tried on Gnome, but I did once on KDE, so I can't speak for Gnome, sorry. | 03:18 |
HymnToLife | zmarshall, be sure you replace drivername with the actual driver name ;) | 03:18 |
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Sa3atsky | gives me error 17 on Grub, cant do anything to fix it | 03:18 |
_Neil | hmmm, started getting black windows in beryl | 03:19 |
_Neil | what is this? | 03:19 |
mwe | g0o1: a command to rename stuff | 03:19 |
zmarshall | @HymnToLife :p I got it, i accidently put .inf at the end | 03:19 |
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Melissa|X | my load average is 4.2 right now from trying to recover my data... gaim locks up and when it comes back it suddenly pops up 20 messages | 03:19 |
Sa3atsky | can anybody help me? | 03:19 |
bobbob1016 | _Neil, I fixed that last night actually | 03:19 |
Baktaah | jmg: what bbs software did u use? | 03:19 |
mwe | g0o1: mv .gnome2 .gnome2_bak | 03:19 |
zmarshall | @HymnToLife :) Thank you! I'll try finding another driver for it | 03:19 |
HymnToLife | mwe, to MoVe stuff, more accurately | 03:19 |
bobbob1016 | _Neil, right click Beryl-Manager | 03:19 |
walkintome | how do i change the pop-up balloon in the 'sys-tray' in ubuntu feisty? | 03:19 |
Patrick_ | Melissa|X, does the drive make any unusual sounds that it may not have made in the past | 03:19 |
Sa3atsky | somebody help me GRUB is killing me | 03:19 |
demonspork | How do I set windows to automatically focus when they are opened? | 03:19 |
phaidros | avahi problem: discovery works nice. alot of services for machine.local, but machine.local is not resolved in dns .. | 03:19 |
HymnToLife | zmarshall, | 03:19 |
phaidros | any ideas? | 03:19 |
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Sa3atsky | please help? | 03:19 |
HymnToLife | theur fiki has a list of cards and drivers known to work | 03:19 |
mwe | g0o1: I don't think upgrading from dapper to edgy is likely to work well, though. might be easier to reinstall | 03:19 |
bobbob1016 | _Neil, then Advanced Beryl Options | 03:19 |
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dan__ | Thorondor: Do you know what the command is to get the plugin for XMMS? | 03:20 |
HymnToLife | wiki* | 03:20 |
bobbob1016 | _Neil, then Rendering Path, then click Copy | 03:20 |
Sa3atsky | the OS wouldnt install | 03:20 |
Sa3atsky | grub is killing me | 03:20 |
Sa3atsky | it wouldnt boot | 03:20 |
Sa3atsky | i tried editing the file | 03:20 |
bthornton | I've recently installed feisty and created a user with administrative privileges. All is well except that said user cannot access the video capture card located at /dev/video0 (tvtime says permission denied). | 03:20 |
Sa3atsky | to no avail | 03:20 |
Baktaah | Has anyone experience of putting up a SIMPLE BBS via telnet? | 03:20 |
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bobbob1016 | _Neil, that was for an nVidia card | 03:20 |
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Thorondor | dan__ I'm not sure about it, because i found the extension surfing in Synaptic | 03:20 |
mwe | !enter | Sa3atsky | 03:20 |
ubotu | Sa3atsky: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 03:20 |
Melissa|X | yeah its making a "scratch scratch scratch sratch... stop... scratch scratch scratch scratch... stop..." | 03:20 |
bthornton | however, I've done a "grep [user] /etc/groups" the user is listed as a member of group "video" | 03:21 |
bobbob1016 | anyone here using powerline networking? I had one adapter, and it worked fine, but I switched to a newer one, with 4 ports instead of one, and now my pings are 800+ on, any ideas? | 03:21 |
bthornton | so I'm not sure where the problem is | 03:21 |
dan__ | Thorondor: Oh, ok. I'll just get it there. What is the exact file name of the synaptic file for the plugin? | 03:21 |
Sa3atsky | mew, can u help? | 03:21 |
Thorondor | dan__ I suggest you to try Synaptic and do a Search (Name only) with the keyword: xmms | 03:21 |
mwe | Melissa|X: throw it away and buy a new drive | 03:21 |
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Sa3atsky | mwe i mean | 03:21 |
Sa3atsky | heh | 03:21 |
dan__ | Thorondor: ok. | 03:21 |
Melissa|X | T_T I have no money, it was free, and I want my data back | 03:21 |
dinochopins | can procmail's regular expression filter extract username at | 03:21 |
walkintome | Melissa|X: that happened to me after someone dropped by sata external off a desk...ur hd is most likely permanently broken | 03:21 |
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dinochopins | I need to get the username and delivered it to my local mailbox | 03:22 |
dinochopins | how do I do that ? | 03:22 |
Patrick_ | Melissa|X, unfortunately it sounds like a lost cause although maybe you should try the diagnostic tool anyway to see if it outputs anything that may help you | 03:22 |
mwe | !grub | Sa3atsky this might be more helpful | 03:22 |
ubotu | Sa3atsky this might be more helpful: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 03:22 |
jmg | Baktaah: iniquity | 03:22 |
mwe | Melissa|X: you can't. accept it ;) | 03:22 |
coded62 | will a psp connected via usb usable in ubuntu? | 03:22 |
_Neil | bobbob1016: nice one, what has that just done? | 03:23 |
Baktaah | jmg: whats with iniquity | 03:23 |
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_Neil | worked whatever it did :D | 03:23 |
walkintome | does anyone know if its possible to edit the pop-up dialogue in feisty so its not the yellow and brown thing? | 03:23 |
bobbob1016 | _Neil, no idea | 03:23 |
Patrick_ | coded62, I would say it would via a little tinkering | 03:23 |
bobbob1016 | _Neil, that is what I found through google and the forums, and it worked | 03:23 |
dan__ | Thorondor: hmm...can't find a plugin in synaptic...=\ | 03:23 |
_Neil | kk :D I thought copy-rendering raped performance.. | 03:23 |
coded62 | oh ok so it might work | 03:23 |
_Neil | can always re-enable if so I guess | 03:23 |
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Thorondor | dan__ let me see... | 03:24 |
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jmg | Baktaah: sorry i dont have time for this convo | 03:24 |
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nn-3rd-floar | um is the file bin script ok the the sight;; what could i inpruve on in the sight;; please tell me what i could add for the linux community ;; websight == | 03:24 |
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spasticteapot | Anyone know why Ubuntu is not optimized like Arch? | 03:24 |
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bthornton | anybody know where the command "groups" gets its info from? like does it do a query of /etc/groups, or does it have some other API for retrieving that information? | 03:25 |
AlexGC | Hello gentlemen | 03:25 |
Tarkus | how much harddrive space does ubuntu take up after you install it (fresh install) | 03:25 |
coded62 | any possible way to use a tv wonder 200 pci with ubuntu already have it in just no program is recognising it | 03:25 |
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spasticteapot | I've heard of umpteen speed tweaks to help speed up Ubuntu; what, exactly, is the sum result? | 03:25 |
mwe | Tarkus: a few gigs | 03:25 |
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Patrick_ | spasticteapot, as ubuntu is ubuntu and arch is well arch/slackware | 03:25 |
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spasticteapot | Patrick_, Arch is NOT slackware. | 03:25 |
spasticteapot | Zenwalk is slackware. | 03:25 |
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cappicard | hrmm... is java still fubar for 64-bit? | 03:25 |
spasticteapot | Arch is Arch is Arch. | 03:26 |
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AlexGC | Newbie Install question, if I may. I just burned a 7.04 disc, and booted my laptop with it. Im ready to install, it asks to partiion. It won't delete my stuff will it? | 03:26 |
mwe | cappicard: at least the plugin. you need a chroot environment I think | 03:26 |
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dan__ | Thorondor: lol =\ I opened up XMMS and it doesn't appeal to me. :( | 03:26 |
Flannel | AlexGC: Where is your stuff? and where do you plan on putting ubuntu? | 03:26 |
dan__ | Thorondor: Yeah, I'm THAT picky! XD | 03:26 |
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Patrick_ | spasticteapot, so it finally came into its own nice one | 03:26 |
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mwe | AlexGC: not unless you tell it to. it can resize the windows parition | 03:27 |
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thomascirca | hey | 03:27 |
coded62 | how do i use a ati tv wonder 200 pci with a dvr program | 03:27 |
AlexGC | Flannel I wanted to share the main HD | 03:27 |
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spasticteapot | Patrick_: Wha? | 03:27 |
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Flannel | AlexGC: Alright, you'll need to shrink your NTFS harddrive, and add a second partition | 03:27 |
Goldfisch | Tarkus: My system has about 5 GB of system files. My personal home directory has about 7.5 GB of extra data. | 03:27 |
Patrick_ | spasticteapot, nm | 03:27 |
jmg | Baktaah: try this dont know if its any good but there you go | 03:27 |
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thomascirca | anyone know how to virtually mount ISOs and BINs? | 03:28 |
Baktaah | jmg: im trying BBS100 its SMALL and neat and simple | 03:28 |
coded62 | it be easier just to buy a small 20 gig hd and dual boot it from ther | 03:28 |
AlexGC | so I use Manual instead of guided ? | 03:28 |
mwe | Goldfisch: a fresh install won't take 5G I think, though. | 03:28 |
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coded62 | it took 3 gig for me | 03:28 |
AlexGC | Flannel: mwe: so I use manal insted of guided? | 03:28 |
Flannel | !iso | thomascirca | 03:28 |
ubotu | thomascirca: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 03:28 |
jmg | Baktaah: gl hf | 03:28 |
bthornton | how do I add myself to to group "video"? | 03:28 |
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spasticteapot | Anyone here ran any of the "speed tweaks" listed online? | 03:28 |
thomascirca | k thanks a lot | 03:28 |
mwe | bthornton: sudo gpasswd -a bthornton video | 03:28 |
bthornton | mwe: thanks | 03:29 |
Baktaah | jmg: thanks =) | 03:29 |
Koba | Does anyone else notice that flashplayer-nonfree downloads EXTREMELY slow? I am getting about 25b/s | 03:29 |
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mwe | bthornton: then log out and back in | 03:29 |
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Goldfisch | I built another system at allocated 5GB for the root partition. That was a mistake I quickly found myself running out of room as I installed desired packages. SInce I rebuilt all my machines with RAID1, I set aside 25GB for root. | 03:29 |
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mwe | Goldfisch: that's plenty | 03:29 |
admin__ | How do I install the new firefox version I just downloaded? | 03:29 |
Goldfisch | Beside, with new disks, it was easy to get big ones! My desktop is a pair of 160GB drives and MythTV systems is a pair of 750GB drives. | 03:29 |
freshmeat | Hey -- | 03:30 |
sanityx | Can anybody recommend some good games that are in the repos? I mean something I can spend a while playing like an RPG or RTS or something. | 03:30 |
coded62 | will mythtv work in ubuntu with a ati tv wonder | 03:30 |
jmg | admin__: apt-get install firefox | 03:30 |
coded62 | 200 | 03:30 |
freshmeat | Why is it that whenever I try to run something newly downloaded, I am not granted the permission to do so? | 03:30 |
systemd0wn | An application i am trying to install tells me to us SVN, last time i installed this i wasnt able to get it work. are there any quick how-to guides? | 03:30 |
sanityx | admin__: Did you download a .deb or a tar.gz | 03:30 |
Patrick_ | spasticteapot, my mistake, reading the arch home page now sounds very interesting and that was a good question why arent ubuntu releases optimized | 03:30 |
admin__ | jmg: I manually downloaded the latest version and extracted it. | 03:30 |
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thomascirca | theres some good linux games listed at, they had a linux game section recently | 03:30 |
jmg | admin__: why the hell would you do that? | 03:30 |
Goldfisch | Frankly, I couldn't find anything smaller than 160GB that people would sell. | 03:30 |
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Jump86 | i need help getting my "master volume" to work w/ an nforce3 mobo.. my friend's ubuntu has the same problem.. only "PCM volume" works for us.. this is a problem since our keyboards have volume adjusters thats only work w/ Master volume not PCM | 03:30 |
sanityx | admin__: Thats it. Its not a package. Its installed. | 03:30 |
admin__ | jmg: I have no idea | 03:31 |
sanityx | admin__: Just execute firefox. | 03:31 |
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jmg | !firefox > admin | 03:31 |
sanityx | admin__: Go into the directory and do ./firefox | 03:31 |
jmg | !firefox > admin__ | 03:31 |
admin__ | where should I copy the folder to? | 03:31 |
jethomas | system0wn: sudo apt-get install subversion | 03:31 |
sanityx | admin__: wherever you want | 03:31 |
coded62 | how do i install mythtv | 03:31 |
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Goldfisch | Patrick_: Optimized for what? Your custom system? Ubuntu is trying to reach a wide audience, not be the next Gentoo of optimization. | 03:31 |
crockodie | i need help | 03:31 |
admin__ | where is the standard location for program files (as in m$)? | 03:31 |
sanityx | !ask | crockodie | 03:31 |
systemd0wn | jethomas, aight. :) thanks | 03:31 |
ubotu | crockodie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:31 |
spasticteapot | Patrick_: Seeing as how an optimized version of, say, Xubuntu, could run on a dirt-cheap machine (128mb RAM, 400mhz celeron), I don't know. | 03:31 |
Koba | No one? | 03:31 |
crockodie | can play mp3 on UBUNTU | 03:31 |
crockodie | why i cant play mp3 in ubuntu | 03:32 |
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Patrick_ | Goldfisch, I suppose so | 03:32 |
crockodie | The playback of this movie requires a MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder plugin which is not installed. | 03:32 |
sanityx | crockodie: What version of ubuntu? | 03:32 |
crockodie | the latest | 03:32 |
thomascirca | @crockodie- dow3nload the XINE repo in order to get the mp3 codecs | 03:32 |
sabayon99 | check out Automatix | 03:32 |
thomascirca | they don't come standard | 03:32 |
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crockodie | where | 03:32 |
sanityx | crockodie: When you try to play an mp3 it should download the codec for you | 03:32 |
mwe | !automatix | 03:32 |
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ubotu | Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 03:32 |
sanityx | DO NOT CHECK OUT AUTOMATIX | 03:32 |
thomascirca | add/remove programs | 03:32 |
admin__ | what is the Linux equivelent of "Program Files"? | 03:32 |
crockodie | yah when i play i see this The playback of this movie requires a MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder plugin which is not installed. | 03:32 |
Jump86 | i need help getting my "master volume" to work w/ an nforce3 mobo.. my friend's ubuntu has the same problem.. only "PCM volume" works for us.. this is a problem since our keyboards have volume adjusters thats only work w/ Master volume not PCM | 03:32 |
sanityx | admin__: There really is none. | 03:32 |
root | can anyone give me a clue as to any reason that may cause my panels on my desktop to disappear | 03:33 |
sanityx | admin__: But custom programs are usually installed in /opt | 03:33 |
dan__ | Thorondor: I think I will try amarok | 03:33 |
Goldfisch | Has ubuntu caught up and gotten something better to handle the gap automatix came in to fill? If so, I'm all ears. | 03:33 |
jethomas | somethign like /ect | 03:33 |
Koba | Anybody know of an alternative mirror for flashplayer-nonfree? I started the download, but its going so incredibly slow, I can't finish the download, and I can't do anything until that frickin package is done... | 03:33 |
jethomas | *etc | 03:33 |
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mwe | Koba: | 03:33 |
sanityx | Koba: just try to load a flash page in firefox. itll install it automatically | 03:33 |
crockodie | ok im not downloading the codecs | 03:33 |
LjL | Goldfisch, like there's ever been any "gap" aside from people not wanting to learn what a repository is and how it works (something you have to learn anyway sooner or later if you use Ubuntu)... anyway, yeah, Feisty installs codecs and stuff automatically. | 03:34 |
sanityx | crockodie: then you can't play mp3s | 03:34 |
Goldfisch | admin__: If you mean, where are the executable programs, they are usually in "bin" folders, like /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, and in binary executable programs. | 03:34 |
crockodie | and another question why i cant enable desktop effects | 03:34 |
mwe | sanityx: that doesn't work here | 03:34 |
sanityx | mwe: strange | 03:34 |
Koba | mwe: How do I bypass this dpkg --configure -a thing? I can't install ANYTHING because I stopped the download | 03:34 |
admin__ | sanityx: So it is possible to make this new version the default browser? | 03:34 |
thomascirca | in order to get some desktop effects use beryl or compiz | 03:34 |
mwe | sanityx: it redirects me to the download page at adobe | 03:34 |
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mwe | sanityx: at least it did last I tried | 03:34 |
sanityx | admin__: yeah, you could make a symlink to it in your path. like in /usr/bin | 03:34 |
sanityx | mwe: in feisty? | 03:34 |
mwe | Koba: type it | 03:35 |
crockodie | sanityx can you help me ? i cant enabled my desktop effects why is that it always say could not be enabled | 03:35 |
mwe | Koba: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:35 |
sanityx | sanityx: What video card do you have? | 03:35 |
Jump86 | i fixed it! preferences > sound > select PCM>. now my keyboard volume controls work again!! | 03:35 |
jmg | admin__: what you are doing is completely unsupported by ubuntu | 03:35 |
admin__ | sanityx: what is the cmd to launch the new version? firefox2? | 03:35 |
freshmeat | So -- any thoughts on what I can do? | 03:35 |
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Koba | mwe: I don't want to do it, because it tries to download the flashplayer-nonfree, which goes at about 25b/s, it will take like, weeks to download | 03:35 |
admin__ | jmg: What should I do? I need to upgrade to the latest version. | 03:35 |
jethomas | who cares about supported by ubuntu? | 03:35 |
olinuxx | hello | 03:35 |
sanityx | admin__: no, go to the directory and execute the binary you extracted | 03:35 |
thomascirca | what do you need freshmeat? | 03:35 |
sanityx | sanityx: "Commands" arent some special thing. They are just programs. | 03:35 |
freshmeat | Why am I never granted permission to execute newly downloaded programs in Ubuntu? | 03:35 |
bruenig | jethomas, well this is a support channel | 03:36 |
thomascirca | are you set t be an admin? | 03:36 |
mwe | Koba: hmm. can you sudo dpkg --purge remove it? | 03:36 |
jethomas | i guess | 03:36 |
bruenig | jethomas, kind of important to note if advice we give makes you no longer eligible for support | 03:36 |
thomascirca | and are you sure you're executing them right? | 03:36 |
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admin__ | Will "sudo apt-get install firefox" automatically install the lastest version? | 03:36 |
Goldfisch | freshmeat: Probably because copied files may strip the executable bit off the application. Think of it as a security feature. | 03:36 |
J^son | I need some help to be able to print from my windows box to my ubuntu box which my printer is connected to... can someone help me please? | 03:36 |
bruenig | admin__, the latest one in the repos, yes | 03:36 |
crockodie | why i cant enabled my desktop effects | 03:36 |
mwe | admin__: it will intall the version released in ubuntu | 03:36 |
Goldfisch | Well...downloaded files is what I meant. | 03:36 |
sanityx | crockodie: what kind of video card do you have | 03:36 |
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crockodie | ATI RADEON | 03:37 |
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jmg | admin__: the version of firefox in feisty is already the latest | 03:37 |
essial | crocodie: possibly mode 660 is disabled | 03:37 |
crockodie | 9250 | 03:37 |
admin__ | jmg: I have dapper | 03:37 |
mwe | admin__: and program versions don't change until the next ubuntu release | 03:37 |
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sanityx | crockodie: ATI's drivers dont support the composite extension. Thats why,. | 03:37 |
freshmeat | Goldfisch: I'm actually trying to instlall and run Quake 3. | 03:37 |
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freshmeat | ...demo. | 03:37 |
essial | sanityx: wrong | 03:37 |
jmg | admin__: subscribe to backports | 03:37 |
Koba | mwe: That worked | 03:37 |
essial | sinatyx: i'm on a radeon with desktop effects just fine | 03:37 |
jmg | !backports > admin__ | 03:37 |
admin__ | should I upgrade to feisty? What is different? | 03:37 |
crockodie | why is that ? Lastnight i have deskto effects now i dont have omg | 03:37 |
sanityx | essial: The proprietary driver rather. | 03:37 |
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zoe | hello! does anyone have experience with f-spot? I need to move my photos to a new computer and I don't want to loose all of my tag information. | 03:37 |
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essial | crockodie message me | 03:37 |
Goldfisch | freshmeat: If you downloaded an executable, you either have to right-click and turn on executable permissions, or use a terminal and do a chmod +x command. | 03:38 |
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mwe | Koba: now go to or try your luck with sanityx's suggestion | 03:38 |
sanityx | essial: you can get effects but not one-click enable them. not with the proprietary driver. | 03:38 |
crockodie | essial cant .. im not registered | 03:38 |
essial | i did | 03:38 |
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essial | i isntalled ubuntu | 03:38 |
Gohalien | My wireless looks like working, I can ping myself, I get an IP via DHCP, but I CANT even ping my access point therefore I cant connect to internet | 03:38 |
essial | and clicked "enable desktop effects" and it works out of the box | 03:38 |
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crockodie | but last night i can enabled my desktop effects but why not ? | 03:38 |
essial | radeon x800 xt | 03:38 |
sanityx | essial: Right with the free driver | 03:38 |
sanityx | essial: That works with some ati cards, not all. | 03:38 |
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Pelo | admin__, feel free to check the release notes on | 03:38 |
essial | ah | 03:38 |
olinuxx | I've an ubuntu installed and i have just make an apodio (mandriva-based) installation for test. But now, the ubuntu's grub is go out, and instead of, i have a grub from apodio with only one choice: APODIO. I have look arround, and there is my ubuntu's grub configuration on my disk. Question: how to tell to grub to reinstall ubuntu-grub ? | 03:39 |
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admin__ | if I apt-get the newer firefox, will it automatically update the default browser and copy bookmarks? | 03:39 |
Gohalien | My wireless looks like working, I can ping myself, I get an IP via DHCP, but I CANT even ping my access point therefore I cant connect to internet, in wifi-radar I got 2/4 or 3/4 bars | 03:39 |
sanityx | essial: The free driver only supports 3D on some cards. | 03:39 |
essial | ahah! | 03:39 |
essial | then really I need to STOP using the free driver :) | 03:39 |
demonspork | How do you search an entire directory tree for a file in Ubuntu?? | 03:39 |
mwe | sanityx: you actually installed the flash player by going to a flash page in firefox? | 03:39 |
sanityx | essial: The proprietary gives 3d on almost all cards, but no composite extension. You can still do beryl or compiz but you gotta do it manually | 03:39 |
rr72 | Gohalien~ RaLink chipset? | 03:39 |
bruenig | demonspork, find /dir/tree -name whatever | 03:39 |
Zuph | Is there any way I can disable write-caching for all my USB drives in Feisty? | 03:39 |
Gohalien | Atheros | 03:39 |
sanityx | mwe: Yes. It prompted me to download it and firefox did it automatically. | 03:39 |
Pelo | !grub > olinuxx chck pm | 03:39 |
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nn-3rd-floar | um is the file bin script ok the the sight;; what could i inpruve on in the sight;; please tell me what i could add for the linux community ;; websight == | 03:39 |
zmarshall | I'm trying to edit a file in Nano but I cannot figure out how to save the file or exit | 03:39 |
budluva_ | im having problems with my broadcom 4318, does anyone even want to help me? or am i on my own with this topic? i have yet to get wireless working on this laptop since hoary, im using kubuntu 7.04 if anyone cares | 03:39 |
crdlb | essial: if you enable the restricted driver, you have to use Xgl | 03:39 |
sanityx | mwe: It does that on every platform. Windows, linux, mac, etc | 03:39 |
crdlb | to get desktop effects | 03:39 |
crockodie | i still cannot .. PLAy mp3 using gxine | 03:40 |
olinuxx | Pelo: ?? | 03:40 |
mwe | sanityx: I see. I must admit it's been a while since I tried last time | 03:40 |
sanityx | crdlb: essial : exactley | 03:40 |
bruenig | zmarshall, ctrl + x | 03:40 |
sanityx | mwe: Try it | 03:40 |
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mwe | sanityx: by then it couldn't install it automatically | 03:40 |
essial | crdlb: i think i need it, cedega isnt' playing nice | 03:40 |
Pelo | olinuxx, I sent you a link to reinstll grub it's in a private msg window | 03:40 |
nn-3rd-floar | ** i mean | 03:40 |
essial | eve online PLAYS, but not well | 03:40 |
nn-3rd-floar | can someone tell me what i could add to my websight;; ;; to help the linux community | 03:40 |
sanityx | mwe: If you're running fesity 32 bit it can. | 03:40 |
mwe | sanityx: I already have flash, but I believe you if you tell me | 03:40 |
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olinuxx | ok Pelo thanks ! | 03:40 |
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crdlb | essial: yes the open source driver isn't good for gaming | 03:40 |
zmarshall | @bruenig Thank you! | 03:40 |
essial | so should i just sh the .run then | 03:40 |
jl | how can i upgrade my glx version (1.2) to 1.3? | 03:41 |
crdlb | essial: no | 03:41 |
zmarshall | @budluva - I'm trying to install my Broadcom 4306 so good luck, however, try | 03:41 |
crdlb | essial: use the restricted manager | 03:41 |
Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, check there is a link on how to contribute or participate on it | 03:41 |
essial | what do you suggest then | 03:41 |
bruenig | zmarshall, or actually ctrl + w writes or saves the file, ctrl + x exits and then asks if you want to save | 03:41 |
essial | i'm on day 2 with ubuntu so | 03:41 |
essial | gentoo convert | 03:41 |
Gohalien | My wireless looks like working, I can ping myself, I get an IP via DHCP, but I CANT even ping my access point therefore I cant connect to internet, I have been trying to configure since 2 days ago... anyone had this problem ? | 03:41 |
mwe | essial: chmod +x the .run file then sudo it | 03:41 |
jl | is it posible? i have an i915 graphics card | 03:41 |
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Pelo | essial, welcome the madhouse | 03:41 |
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sanityx | essial: Yeah gentoo is a cool idea. But its not worht compiling everything to get an 0.5% performance boost on a desktop | 03:41 |
crdlb | essial: system>administration>restricted manager | 03:41 |
essial | doing it now :) | 03:41 |
essial | thats why i like gentoo | 03:41 |
essial | er ubuntu | 03:42 |
essial | 2 seconds | 03:42 |
Gohalien | I feel like crying | 03:42 |
sanityx | essial: disable desktop effects before you enable the proprietary driver. | 03:42 |
mwe | actually some programs seemed slower in gentoo for me | 03:42 |
sanityx | essial: Then figure out Xgl :-D | 03:42 |
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crdlb | sanityx: there's no need, it won't even try to start | 03:42 |
essial | i don't care about effects really | 03:42 |
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essial | it doesn't mean squat to me | 03:42 |
sanityx | essial: Nor do I. | 03:42 |
crdlb | without composite | 03:42 |
Pelo | jl, if it,s not in synaptic you would have to compile manualy, I don't recommend it unless you know what you are doing ( which I donT' so I sure won't) | 03:42 |
essial | i'm in linux for OS development | 03:42 |
sanityx | essial: I care about 3D, but not for effects. | 03:42 |
essial | not flaming windows | 03:42 |
demonspork | What path does Wine install in by Default on Ubuntu? | 03:42 |
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crimsun | jl: for i915, server glx == 1.2, client glx == 1.4, opengl == 1.3 | 03:42 |
sanityx | essial: Exactley! I think compiz/beryl are retarded to be honest. | 03:43 |
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jack|ass | Anyone have experience connecting to an "Intel Matrix RAID" drive set using dmraid? It sees them, but when I try to mount it says that they're in use. | 03:43 |
essial | unless it speeds up nasm, i don't really give a hoot | 03:43 |
mwe | demonspork: /usr/bin | 03:43 |
essial | ok it says i need to reboot | 03:43 |
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jl | that means that i already have opengl 1.3? | 03:43 |
essial | can i just ctrl+alt+backspace? | 03:43 |
MyR | i enjoy beryl | 03:43 |
sanityx | essial: Yup | 03:43 |
mwe | demonspork: just type wine notepad.exe or whatever | 03:43 |
Pelo | demonspork, the executables are probably in /user/bin but the windows stuff is in home/user/.wine | 03:43 |
nn-3rd-floar | Pelo, that wont allow people to suggest where to get past bin scripst or forums or other etc. to add??????????? | 03:43 |
sanityx | essial: brb | 03:43 |
essial | i don't see why i would have to reboot the whole system | 03:43 |
essial | brb myself | 03:43 |
sanityx | essial: Ok. Don't follow the instructions :-P | 03:43 |
sanityx | essial: You know best :-D | 03:44 |
jethomas | hehe | 03:44 |
Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, ah, well you can alsway try and post to the forum | 03:44 |
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freshmeat | Thanks, Goldfisch | 03:44 |
tlacuache | i've got a problem trying to get my bluetooth headset working. I just got an H700 bluetooth headset. I followed the directions linked to from, and everything worked fine at first (scan, entering in the pin number, etc.). I can connect to the headset fine using btsco, and I can try to start a call in Skype (or to play an mp3 in xmms), and I hear the speaker on my ear "turn on", but then my wh | 03:44 |
sanityx | You can actually just restart X. But I prefer to follow instructions. | 03:44 |
coded62 | how do i get my ati tv wonder ot work in a dvr program | 03:44 |
rr72 | where does tab complete store the files? tabe complete doesnt work on after sudo if<tab> or sudo apt-get install nv<tab> | 03:44 |
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mwe | the annoying icon will stay until you reboot anyway ;) | 03:44 |
sanityx | rr72: thats because tab completion works on commands not just anything you want. | 03:44 |
sanityx | mwe: yeah | 03:44 |
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jl | thanks Pelo and crimsun... but i'm a little confused... with glx and opengl... how can i know what opengl version i'm running on? | 03:45 |
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sanityx | rr72: as in the initial command. apt-get | 03:45 |
rr72 | sanityx~ the exact same thing works on another ubuntu isntall | 03:45 |
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sanityx | i.e. apt-(tab) = apt-get | 03:45 |
sanityx | rr72: got me | 03:45 |
freshmeat | Goldfisch: it works perfectly, sir. | 03:45 |
demonspork | What do I do if I don't have a .wine directory? | 03:45 |
nn-3rd-floar | Pelo, well tell me your Persional Apinion of the sight | 03:45 |
rr72 | sanityx~ then why does it work on another install? | 03:45 |
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freshmeat | Thanks a bunch. | 03:45 |
jmg | glxinfo | 03:45 |
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rr72 | sanityx~ it works on all my computers but 1 | 03:45 |
sanityx | rr72: it will tab complete some packages. ive never quite figured out how it decides which ones :-D | 03:45 |
coded62 | why wont my tv tuner be recognised by xawtv | 03:45 |
Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, my opinion is not worth much, but link me anyway | 03:46 |
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cappicard | has anyone gotten gcj to work in 64-bit? | 03:46 |
crockodie | waah help me dekstop effect could not be enabledd why is that | 03:46 |
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DShepherd | what command can i run to find out the make of my mobo? | 03:46 |
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rr72 | sanityx~ it does all on my other ocmputer, why doesnt it even compelte after i type in "sudo" | 03:46 |
Gerro | cappicard: what is gcj? | 03:46 |
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sanityx | rr72: i dont know man | 03:46 |
cappicard | gnu java | 03:46 |
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sanityx | Gerro: I think its the gnu java compiler | 03:46 |
carlhempel | DShepherd: perhaps lshw | 03:46 |
sanityx | Runs java code natively I think. Which is kinda cool. | 03:46 |
DShepherd | carlhempel: thanks. checking now | 03:47 |
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jl | glxinfo gives me... OpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 6.5.2 | 03:47 |
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sanityx | brb all | 03:47 |
coded62 | can i use windows install disc for tv tuner under wine | 03:47 |
carlhempel | gci is the gnu compiler for Java .. in my view it is totally deprecated ... Sun's java is open source now, you can install it from Synaptics | 03:47 |
rr72 | sanityx~ so then it doesnt only tab complete commands | 03:47 |
carlhempel | gcj* | 03:47 |
tankcat | is gnash good enough for youtube? I'm on AMD64 and can't install the official client | 03:47 |
jl | so that means i have opengl version 1.3... but what glx means? | 03:47 |
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vbabiy | Hey guys i am trying to get DVD to work and everytime i try to play it with Totem Movie player i get plugin missing have tried everything from !dvd | 03:47 |
nn-3rd-floar | Pelo if you tell me what you think i should add i will add a link to your sight? | 03:47 |
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Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, I can'T comment on the code but you could do with a little styling, It a bit on the plain side | 03:48 |
budluva_ | im having problems with my broadcom 4318, does anyone even want to help me? or am i on my own with this topic? i have yet to get wireless working on this laptop since hoary, im using kubuntu 7.04 if anyone cares | 03:48 |
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carlhempel | budluva, it work in Hoary and doesn't work in Feisty?? | 03:48 |
Patrick_ | tankcat, I ended up following this guide | 03:48 |
jl | i'm doing a java 3d simulation program and i get the message Java 3D WARNING : reported GLX version = 1.2 GLX version 1.3 or higher is required | 03:49 |
rr72 | how can i fix my tab complete? it doesnt tab complete after i type "sudo" | 03:49 |
carlhempel | rr72, what happens if you hold tab? doesn't it come with more commands? | 03:49 |
tankcat | Patrick_: hmmm, worth a try. thanks | 03:49 |
Patrick_ | oops tankcat actually this one | 03:49 |
Pelo | jl, try looking in the forum for instrctions | 03:49 |
vbabiy | Hey guys can any one help me getting my DVD play black to work | 03:49 |
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rr72 | carlhempel~ no | 03:49 |
tankcat | Patrick_: that makes more sense :-} | 03:49 |
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tankcat | :-) | 03:50 |
coded62 | how can i get ubuntu to recognise that i have a tv tuner installed | 03:50 |
rr72 | carlhempel~ on my other ocmputer it does | 03:50 |
Patrick_ | :) | 03:50 |
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Pelo | !dvd > vbabiy check your pm window | 03:50 |
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nn-3rd-floar | pelo, y need a good local admin lol | 03:50 |
vbabiy | Pelo: i have tried that i can't get it to work | 03:50 |
towlie2 | hi. has anyone here installed ubuntu under parallels ? | 03:50 |
vbabiy | i am on 7.0.4 | 03:50 |
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IgorSobreira | "You must turn on the sound support soundcore module"...anybody could help can i do that?? | 03:50 |
Pelo | vbabiy, that's the best I can do for you , try checking hte forum | 03:50 |
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jl | thanks Pelo, thanks guys just one more question is it normal that any 3d app run more slowly in ubuntu than in windows? | 03:51 |
crimsun | IgorSobreira: err, are you compiling a kernel manually? | 03:51 |
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eolo999 | have you ever seen this: sh: /usr/X11R6/bin/xauth: No such file or directory running gksu? | 03:51 |
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Pelo | jl, I guess it would depend on your video card | 03:51 |
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jl | with the correct drivers of course | 03:51 |
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Pelo | eolo999, brower your way to that location to make sure the dir exists | 03:52 |
IgorSobreira | crimsun: trying to compile the driver for ALSA...i can play any sounds here.... | 03:52 |
coded62 | has anyone gotten at tv wonder 200 to work with ubuntu edgy | 03:52 |
jethomas | what 3d app are you running? | 03:52 |
KillerDemon | in that case correct drivers = opensource drivers jl | 03:52 |
nn-3rd-floar | pelo, your sight address | 03:52 |
crimsun | IgorSobreira: soundcore.ko is modular | 03:52 |
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Pelo | coded62, do a forum search for your card model and number see if there is some info | 03:52 |
IgorSobreira | crimsun: i can see modinfo soundcore | 03:52 |
shwag__ | is there a 64 bit version of ubuntu for Core 2 chips ? | 03:52 |
Fayne | anyone mess with g15daemon for logitech g15 keyboard? I got it loaded successfully, but lcdproc wont interact with it. | 03:53 |
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Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, you are not linking my genealogy home page | 03:53 |
jl | i have an i915 and i'm working with the i810 driver... so... for glx 1.3 instead 1.2 i should look for dri project? | 03:53 |
crimsun | shwag__: the amd64 version. | 03:53 |
Patrick_ | KillerDemon, actually correct drivers = which ever makes the thing work as it should | 03:53 |
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coded62 | ok ill try | 03:53 |
nn-3rd-floar | pelo, ok lol | 03:53 |
kurumin | hello | 03:53 |
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Pelo | shwag__, the 64 bit version will handle dualcore | 03:53 |
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nn-3rd-floar | thinking genral linux users websight submight script | 03:53 |
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KillerDemon | Patrick_, but for propriety drivers it's a different case | 03:54 |
rr72 | tab complete doesnt complete after sudo <tab> and after sudo apt-get isntall <tab> and it does on other install | 03:54 |
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Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, that subject is better for #ubuntu-offtopic, this is a support channel | 03:54 |
nn-3rd-floar | pelo, good point i did get off subject | 03:55 |
Patrick_ | KillerDemon, yeah, well it is about time that proprietry or opensource drivers function properly instead of sacrificing performance | 03:55 |
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Pelo | rr72 I would expect you need to provide a few letters of the word you want to complet and not expect it to guess which commandyou want to use or which package you want to install | 03:55 |
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xayon | Hi, I've got a fat32 140gb partition, and my hones are actually on my primary hard drive (10gb), I want to change my homes to the 140gb fat partition, ok, no problem but I want to have the homes Into a directory called ".home" inside the 140 partition (It's actually my documents drive, I've got music fotos and so on...) | 03:55 |
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rr72 | Pelo~ yeah i do but still | 03:56 |
jethomas | Patrick_: hard, when manufacturers give nothing to work on... | 03:56 |
rr72 | Pelo~ doesnt work, it works on other computers tho | 03:56 |
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Pelo | xayon, you want to make your home folder hidden ? | 03:56 |
jethomas | of course, if you can write drivers better than the proprietary ones, go give a hand | 03:57 |
jl | thanks for the help guys... i'll try to compile some snapshots | 03:57 |
nn-3rd-floar | oh y Pelo im having printer trubble 1. sends data to printer to print light on printer flashes that data is being reseved than finishes ;;; nothing ever prints ?? what is happening | 03:57 |
IgorSobreira | when i try to "make" my alsa drivers here...i get this error: ....anybody knows what is means? | 03:57 |
Patrick_ | jethomas, yeah, I think they should be hacked and distributed on illegal networks if nessacery with the choice being with the consumer | 03:57 |
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xayon | Pelo, mmmmm, something like that, It's simply I don't want it to be shown on the documents drive | 03:57 |
Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, chick you have ink | 03:57 |
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nn-3rd-floar | pelo has ink | 03:58 |
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Pelo | xayon, you an change the location of the home folder simply by changing the mount point in fstab , for the rest I donT' know | 03:58 |
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Pelo | nn-3rd-floar, make sure you have the right driver | 03:58 |
nn-3rd-floar | done | 03:59 |
zntneo | dangn't i can't start services-admin or any of the admin tools anyone know why? | 03:59 |
Brazilian | no | 03:59 |
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IgorSobreira | when i try to "make" my alsa drivers here...i get this error: ....anybody can help me?? | 03:59 |
xayon | Pelo, I know with mount command can mount a directory into another but i don't know if i can do that with fstab too | 03:59 |
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Patrick_ | zntneo, you do know that ubuntu uses "sudo" right? | 03:59 |
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zntneo | yes | 03:59 |
dj-fu | any Apache hax around? I just deleted all of /etc/apache2 - which package provides it? | 03:59 |
Patrick_ | k | 03:59 |
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natsumey | hi, can someone give me a hand. | 04:00 |
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natsumey | can somebody make a call to h323: | 04:00 |
Patrick_ | but I need my hand for....stuff | 04:00 |
xayon | dj-fu reconfiguring apache don't solve it? | 04:00 |
zntneo | it crashes with this error "You are not allowed to access the system configuration." | 04:00 |
Jump86 | kde vs gnome.. which one is the most *popular* with linux users right now? not which is the best.. | 04:00 |
natsumey | using ekiga phone | 04:00 |
getoo | i have a little problem with ssh , after i connect in /home/foo/ i get stuck or it freezes when i try to change dir | 04:00 |
natsumey | ekiga softphone | 04:00 |
c01100011 | hey, i want to install ubuntu but don't have a blank cd handy. Is there a way to make a bootable usb from completely inside windows | 04:00 |
Pelo | xayon, in fstab just copy another line and just change the partition and the mount point for the one you what to mount | 04:00 |
Gerro | Jump86: obviously gnome is most popular with Ubuntu | 04:00 |
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root | can anyone help me with the issue of my panels disappearing? | 04:01 |
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Gerro | Jump86: xfce is pretty popular though if you look at how long its been out | 04:01 |
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zetsumei | hello all | 04:01 |
zntneo | so no one has any idea why the admin tools crash? | 04:01 |
Flac | Alright, its possibly just massive user error... But, i recently got both a Mic(headset+mic) and a new soundcard(Soundblaster audigy LS) Running xubuntu. When the volume is cranked all the way up i can tap on the mic and i hear fuzzy feedback, so the mic is somewhat live, but it doesnt function in skype/teamspeak/In game mic tests. Not sure how to even go about narrowing down my possibilite.... | 04:01 |
zntneo | with this error "You are not allowed to access the system configuration." | 04:01 |
Flac | ...Any help would be much appriciated. | 04:01 |
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Pelo | !install > c01100011 check your pm window for links to installation instructions | 04:01 |
natsumey | can someone give me a hand, try make call to h323: | 04:01 |
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dj-fu | xayon: doesn't seem to, no | 04:01 |
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vbabiy | should this work // /mnt/ServerM cifs auto,user,credentials=/etc/,rw 0 0 | 04:02 |
natsumey | can you hear my voice ? | 04:02 |
Pelo | Flac, check i the forum and in this link | 04:02 |
natsumey | i can hear ur voice | 04:02 |
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dj-fu | another package must provide the files in /etc/apache2, does anyone know what it is? | 04:02 |
Jump86 | Gerro, what about w/ the linux community in general? | 04:02 |
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starkruzr | can someone recommend me a BitTorrent client that doesn't suck? | 04:03 |
Pelo | natsumey, why do you want us to call there ? wouldnT it be better if you asked in a channel with ppl from your area in ? | 04:03 |
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chump | natsumey: my program crash | 04:03 |
Patrick_ | starkruzr, I like freeloader its simple | 04:03 |
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natsumey | nobody familliar with ekiga | 04:03 |
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Pelo | starkruzr, utorrent running on wine ,, or deluge ( it's just starting but promissing) | 04:03 |
natsumey | at my area | 04:03 |
chump | natsumey: and i can't hear anything hehe | 04:03 |
starkruzr | uTorrent doesn't work with your browser though, right? | 04:03 |
natsumey | i can hear someone say hi to me | 04:03 |
starkruzr | i.e. you can't say "open this file with uTorrent" | 04:04 |
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coded62 | i followed the improved instructions at the bottom of the page but wat do i do after i have typed in all the commands line by line | 04:04 |
natsumey | i'm sure i have a problem with my NAT | 04:04 |
cute_bettong | ack i tryed the ati howto and it just screwed up my gui im useing irssi can someone please help me i have an ATI Radeon X1300 Pro PCI-E card...can someone please please help me to get my gui back? | 04:04 |
natsumey | arghhh | 04:04 |
Gerro | Jump86: kde gets annoying with its k everything | 04:04 |
Pelo | natsumey, there is an #ekiga channel , try asking there | 04:04 |
natsumey | which port h323 is using | 04:04 |
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Pelo | coded62, you could have copy/pasted you didnT need to type it all | 04:04 |
natsumey | Pelo, thanks | 04:04 |
Patrick_ | starkruzr, if you arer using firefox then you can get a plugin from them to pass the torrent file on to utorrent if you wish | 04:04 |
natsumey | my problem is not with ekiga, but with this voip gateway hardware | 04:05 |
c01100011 | Pelo, thanks, supprized i didn't find that myself / no one recomended it when i asked yesterday. sure beats my last resort of installing damn small, then creating a partition where i could put the install files | 04:05 |
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natsumey | and with my natting | 04:05 |
Pelo | c01100011, not everyone knows all the triggers for the bot | 04:05 |
coded62 | oh i did and im at the bottom of the text do i hit enter or save it or wat do i do with the commands i have typed in the terminal | 04:05 |
shwag__ | Pelo: what about ubuntu-7.04-server-ia64.iso | 04:05 |
Pelo | shwag__, what about it ? server editon donT have gui | 04:06 |
c01100011 | Pelo: does this bot have anything fun like the debian channel's ? | 04:06 |
Patrick_ | !snack | 04:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about snack - try searching on | 04:06 |
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SmoothOp | does ubuntu have better support for shitty video cards | 04:06 |
SmoothOp | aka anything with ati | 04:06 |
SmoothOp | so i can run beryl | 04:06 |
coded62 | lol i agree | 04:06 |
Patrick_ | yeah | 04:06 |
Music_Shuffle | c01100011: Yeah, but you should explore it in -offtopic, or -bots :) | 04:06 |
Pelo | c01100011, no it's a very serious bot | 04:06 |
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sn0 | nn | 04:07 |
shwag__ | Pelo: ubuntu-7.04-desktop-ia64.iso does this handle dual core ? | 04:07 |
coded62 | i typed in all the commands need here i followed the improved instructions at the bottom of the page but wat do i do after i have typed in all the commands line by line | 04:07 |
tonyyarusso | shwag__: yes | 04:07 |
Pelo | SmoothOp, some but you better check the forum for you model and ask in #beryl for experience users | 04:07 |
Shrimpy_ | hey, anyone use sound juicer and does it work properly. it always show's any cd as some forgin band that i can't read lol | 04:07 |
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zntneo | dangn't i can't get wifi-radar to work with wpasupplicant | 04:08 |
zntneo | :( | 04:08 |
cute_bettong | so can anyone help me with my problem im stuck in irssi and my ati card is not working right as per the howto | 04:08 |
SmoothOp | buy another card | 04:08 |
Pelo | shwag__, you were told earlier that the 64 bit versions handled dualcore , it's stil the same answer | 04:08 |
jmg | !attitude | SmoothOp | 04:08 |
ubotu | SmoothOp: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also | 04:08 |
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cute_bettong | yea i know i has an onbord nvidia card but it's only a 128 card...and that question was aimed at someone that could actually give pertinant info not some nub that thinks he knows it all | 04:09 |
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cute_bettong | no can anyone actually help me with my ati card please? | 04:09 |
cute_bettong | now* | 04:09 |
zntneo | so can anyone help? | 04:09 |
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coded62 | i followed the improved instructions at the bottom of the page but wat do i do after i have typed in all the commands line by line | 04:10 |
SmoothOp | model number? | 04:10 |
Pelo | cute_bettong, I wish I could help but I donT' knwo anythinga bout ati cards, ask periodicaly maybe someone who knows will show up and be able to answer your questiion, | 04:10 |
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SmoothOp | cute, from my trial and error | 04:10 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, what card | 04:10 |
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SmoothOp | they dont fucking work well in a linux environment | 04:10 |
SmoothOp | if you want to play games | 04:10 |
Pelo | zntneo, try looking up your hardware in the forum , there maybe some solution there for you | 04:10 |
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cute_bettong | patrick_ it's an ati X1300 Pro PCI-E card... | 04:10 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | SmoothOp | 04:10 |
ubotu | SmoothOp: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:10 |
Bromics | Ubuntu can't seem to detect my wireless card, anyone can help? | 04:10 |
SmoothOp | english isnt my native language | 04:11 |
Shrimpy_ | Bromics: what type of card do you have? | 04:11 |
Pelo | !wifi > zntneo or try these guides in your pm window | 04:11 |
pman201 | Can someone help me? My sound does not work. It was working since I have installed it, then it stopped and I tried to restart. | 04:11 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_: it's an ATI Radeon X1300 Pro PCI-E card | 04:11 |
coded62 | i followed the improved instructions at the bottom of the page but wat do i do after i have typed in all the commands line by line | 04:11 |
zntneo | Pelo: i've tried those | 04:11 |
Bromics | Shrimpy_, its a built in card cause i have ubuntu installed on my laptop | 04:11 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, 1 sec | 04:11 |
Shrimpy_ | Bromics: type lspci | 04:11 |
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zntneo | and i know it will work because network-manager can use wpa | 04:11 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_: just remember im stuck in irssi with really no idea what the heck im doing lol....and thank you ^_^ | 04:12 |
zntneo | but i want to use wifi-radar | 04:12 |
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Pelo | coded62, once you entered all those lines one by one your setup shoud work, read further if it doesnT' there are further instructions for ppl with problems | 04:12 |
Shrimpy_ | Bromics: on there does it say something like brodcom something...? | 04:12 |
pman201 | Can someone help me with my sound it is not working | 04:12 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, have you tried any other guides or done anything with your graphics up till now | 04:12 |
Pelo | zntneo, that was the best I could do , I donT' know anyting about wifi | 04:12 |
Bromics | Shrimpy_, 1 sec | 04:13 |
coded62 | i entered all of the commands and nothing has happened | 04:13 |
Pelo | !sound > pman201 look in your pm window for some instructions | 04:13 |
zntneo | know anything about the admin tools? and why they crash for me? | 04:13 |
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Bromics | Shrimpy_, nope. | 04:13 |
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Shrimpy_ | Bromics: ok what does it say. i think it shows your card on the bottom | 04:13 |
Pelo | coded62, donT, expect to see anyting spectacular , restart x and see if it is better , crtl alt backspace | 04:14 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_: no i used the howto provided by ubotu to try to get the ati card to work...i think i did it correctly...but it dosen't work all i get is a blank screen...nothing else. the card was provided with the computer by dell....the invoice lists the card as an ATI Radeon X1300 Pro card with 256 mb of ram PCI-E | 04:14 |
coded62 | ok | 04:14 |
bcstv | gaim is crashing on my I64 Feisty is there any known problem? | 04:14 |
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=== Pelo doens'T know why he's here, he can barely keep up with the channel | ||
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cute_bettong | Patrick_: also im useing 2 monitors with the card...and some kinda weard splitter cable that came with it connects from a really strange port to the 2 vga ports | 04:15 |
natsumey | urghhh | 04:15 |
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turbolover | anyone here familiar with sparc boxen? | 04:15 |
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natsumey | which port is using for h323 voip protocol | 04:15 |
starkruzr | turbolover: sorry, not I | 04:15 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, that strange port is most likely a DV-I port | 04:15 |
turbolover | crud :P | 04:15 |
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Pelo | one day I'd like to see 1176 ppl answer a question like that with no at the same time | 04:15 |
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jethomas | true that | 04:16 |
Bromics | Shrimpy_, the last line is "Ethernet Controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] 79c970 [PCNet32 LANCE] | 04:16 |
chump | natsumey: | 04:16 |
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Patrick_ | cute_bettong, Im trying to find a way of helping you its difficult when your stuck in irssi | 04:16 |
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starkruzr | Patrick_: What plugin is this that Firefox uses to pass the torrent to utorrent? | 04:16 |
natsumey | one min :) | 04:16 |
Patrick_ | starkruzr, 1 sec | 04:17 |
RAOF | bcstv: I presume you mean "x86-64" not "IA64". And if you've got the libnotify plugin enabled, that's been the source of muchos crashiotos for me. | 04:17 |
starkruzr | It's not on Firefox's website | 04:17 |
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Pelo | starkruzr, you donT do it like that , let me tell you how | 04:17 |
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bcstv | RAOF Yes x86-64 | 04:17 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_: it dosen't look like a DVI's something came with 2 types of these y connectors...both plug into the card...the other set is a DVI and on the cables im useing the ports that hook to the monitors are VGA...and thank you...i know irssi isen't the best place to get stuck...i did backup my xorg.conf file when i installed the ati drivers....i just don't know the commnad to restore the original xorg.conf file...if i c | 04:17 |
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Riley | does anyone know of a better ipod program than gtkpod for ubuntu | 04:18 |
bcstv | Disable libnotify? | 04:18 |
starkruzr | Pelo: okay? | 04:18 |
RAOF | bcstv: In the "plugins" preferences thingy. | 04:18 |
Pelo | starkruzr, setup utorrent to grab all the torrents you download to your desktop and when you download a torrent dl it to the desktop | 04:18 |
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RAOF | Riley: Banshee. | 04:18 |
Bromics | Shrimpy_, the wired connection is working, only my wireless connection is not working. I don't think it's detected because I cant see it in the network connections. | 04:18 |
natsumey | chump, | 04:18 |
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natsumey | can u check my iptables | 04:18 |
natsumey | | 04:18 |
Riley | RAOF: free? | 04:18 |
shwag | where are ubuntu torrents ? | 04:18 |
natsumey | is there any missing part | 04:18 |
Patrick_ | Pelo, how would one restore a backed up xorg.conf file ??? | 04:18 |
TTT_Travis | hi, I am using Samba + Winbind + PAM to authenticate a ubuntu client to my Active Directory 2003 server, I am trying to figure out how to make PAM generate a kerberos TGT at login | 04:18 |
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natsumey | coz this VoIP gateway is in LAN | 04:18 |
RAOF | Riley: Yes. Install the "banshee" pacakge via your package manager of choice. | 04:18 |
sin18 | when i boot into ubuntu (7.04).. couple of apps (eg. firefox, xchat) automoatically open up ... how can i disable those from starting ? | 04:19 |
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Pelo | starkruzr, in ut you'll find the auto-load info in prefs > others and check the delete torrent ... bit so they won'T be left on the desktop | 04:19 |
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natsumey | so i create a portfowarding | 04:19 |
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Bromics | Ubuntu can't seem to detect my wireless card, anyone can help? | 04:19 |
Pelo | Patrick_, command line or gui ? | 04:19 |
Jump86 | how do i disable automount when using gparted? | 04:19 |
bcstv | yes I see a notification item checked in the plugins | 04:19 |
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bcstv | before it crashed | 04:19 |
ozzyparrot | whats the best mp3 player for ubuntu ? | 04:19 |
Patrick_ | starkruzr, Pelo CLI | 04:19 |
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starkruzr | Pelo, good deal, thank you. | 04:20 |
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slow2learn | hello i cant seem to get beryl to work any help | 04:20 |
Bromics | Ubuntu can't seem to detect my wireless card, anyone can help? | 04:20 |
chump | natsumey: i guess i'm not qualified to answer that question yet | 04:20 |
RAOF | slow2learn: Join #ubuntu-effects | 04:20 |
natsumey | ohh ok | 04:20 |
Pelo | Patrick_, doesn't matter realy sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:20 |
natsumey | thanks | 04:20 |
ozzyparrot | Whats the best MP3 player for ubuntu | 04:20 |
chump | i don't know much about iptables ;) | 04:20 |
Shrimpy_ | Bromics: mmm, it's not showing you computer detects it. sometimes your BIOS likes to turn it off. (slight chance) but i'm sorry i have no clue | 04:20 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_: i don't remember the name of the file...but i only backed it up once... im just stumped as what to do the card was awesome in windows lol....i know it's ati and there a pain but i would love to get it to work right | 04:20 |
katrus | Hi, all. Just installed Feisty, and It's not letting me set the correct resolution on my widescreen monitor. | 04:21 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_: i also backed it up via the ati howto that ubotu gave to me | 04:21 |
RAOF | !resolution | katrus | 04:21 |
jethomas | xorg.conf | 04:21 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ /etc/X11/xorg.conf thx to pelo | 04:21 |
Jump86 | how do i disable automount when using gparted? | 04:21 |
ubotu | katrus: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 04:21 |
katrus | Thanks, RAOF | 04:21 |
Pelo | katrus, but your monitor works ? you just need to ecit xorg.conf and add the extra resolution you need | 04:21 |
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katrus | And Pelo | 04:22 |
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Pelo | eww, second hand gratitude | 04:22 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_: thanx man... | 04:23 |
natsumey | chump, | 04:23 |
Bromics | Shrimpy_, thnx for trying :) | 04:23 |
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Bromics | Ubuntu can't seem to detect my wireless card, anyone can help? | 04:23 |
natsumey | can u help me again | 04:23 |
natsumey | try call me 1 more time :) | 04:23 |
CyberCod | how does one get ndiswrapper onto a machine with no net connection? | 04:23 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, when you get your gui back get back to me | 04:23 |
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cute_bettong | Pelo: thank you as well....ill give it a try and hopefully be back for some proper help thank you guys so much ^_^ | 04:23 |
r0b3rt | how can i open .. my SSH | 04:23 |
natsumey | h323: | 04:23 |
Pelo | cute_bettong, best of luck | 04:23 |
chump | natsumey: ok | 04:23 |
DShepherd | is there a command that will retrieve information about my bios? | 04:23 |
Bromics | Ubuntu can't seem to detect my wireless card, anyone can help? | 04:23 |
cute_bettong | Pelo: thanx man ill need it.... hehe | 04:23 |
cute_bettong | exit | 04:23 |
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Patrick_ | Bromics, whats the card | 04:24 |
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rr72 | Bromics~ feisty has crappy wifi suppoert, welcome to the club | 04:24 |
natsumey | i can hear u voice | 04:24 |
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GaiaX11 | CyberCod: Ndis is in the ubuntu cd :-) | 04:24 |
Bromics | rr72, oh my bad... | 04:24 |
r0b3rt | Can Anyone Teach Me How To Setup Root | 04:24 |
Pelo | natsumey, can you ask for testing in #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:24 |
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bruenig | rr72, get a card that has a native driver | 04:24 |
natsumey | ok Pelo | 04:24 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, put lspci and look for the exact name givin for your wifi card | 04:24 |
chump | i can't hear your's | 04:24 |
r0b3rt | Can Anyone Help Me Setup Root | 04:25 |
Pelo | rob1n, ther is no root as such in ubuntu , it' sudo | 04:25 |
rr72 | bruenig~ it did have a native driver, it worked out of the box in edgy | 04:25 |
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natsumey | urghhh | 04:25 |
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natsumey | i guess i know why | 04:25 |
bruenig | rr72, if you have a native driver, then you should be swimming | 04:25 |
r0b3rt | ??? | 04:25 |
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Pelo | r0b3rt, ther is no root as such in ubuntu , it' sudo | 04:25 |
r0b3rt | what u mean | 04:25 |
rr72 | bruenig~ feisty fucked everything up on my computer | 04:25 |
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starkruzr | dammit. Comedy Central's Motherload doesn't work :/ | 04:25 |
DARKGuy | !ohmy | rr72 | 04:25 |
Pelo | !sudo > r0b3rt check pm | 04:25 |
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ubotu | rr72: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:25 |
bruenig | rr72, fresh install or upgrade? | 04:25 |
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=== rr72 pats ubotu | ||
kyubi_ | hi | 04:25 |
Pelo | hey | 04:25 |
starkruzr | ubotu, botsnack | 04:25 |
kyubi_ | any girl? | 04:25 |
ubotu | Yum! | 04:25 |
r0b3rt | can i run .. my Webserver Right ? | 04:26 |
DShepherd | !root | r0b3rt | 04:26 |
ubotu | r0b3rt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 04:26 |
kyubi_ | ummm | 04:26 |
Flac | well, I've waded through a few pages of posts. Dont think im going to find my answer, ya'll have a pleasent evening. | 04:26 |
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rr72 | bruenig~ upgrade on one machine and fresh install on another hardrive same machine | 04:26 |
Pelo | kyubi_, this is a support chanel | 04:26 |
Bromics | Patrick_, my wireless card isn't detected how will it show in lspci? | 04:26 |
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r0b3rt | ok | 04:26 |
GaiaX11 | kyubi_: ubotu is a girl :-) | 04:26 |
cute_bettong | Pelo: one last thing that command you gave to me sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ what does the ~ do? it dosen't seem to work O_o am i doing it wrong? | 04:26 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, just try it first ;) | 04:26 |
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Bromics | Patrick_, i did that, didn't show. Only showed my Wired connection | 04:27 |
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Pelo | cute_bettong, well it assumes that you edited xorg.conf with gedit or someting and ~ is not a switch it is appended to the files by the editor to make a backup | 04:27 |
montgoej | Has anyone in here gotten the Cisco VPN client working with the newest version of the Kernel on Feisty | 04:27 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, can you find out what the card is.. is it in a laptop or tower pci card?? | 04:27 |
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spasticteapot | Bromics: Trust me on this. LSpci is your friend. | 04:27 |
r0b3rt | robert@robert-desktop:~$ sudo chown robert:robert /home/robert/* | 04:27 |
r0b3rt | Password: | 04:27 |
r0b3rt | Sorry, try again. | 04:27 |
r0b3rt | Password: | 04:27 |
r0b3rt | Sorry, try again. | 04:27 |
r0b3rt | Password: | 04:28 |
r0b3rt | robert@robert-desktop:~$ | 04:28 |
Pelo | !paste | r0b3rt | 04:28 |
ubotu | r0b3rt: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:28 |
DShepherd | r0b3rt: dont paste here please | 04:28 |
spasticteapot | Bromics: Most PCI cards - even unrecognized ones - can tell you what they are. | 04:28 |
r0b3rt | aw sorry | 04:28 |
rr72 | spasticteapot~ lshw is my friend | 04:28 |
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cute_bettong | Pelo: mmm i did what the howto said....imma try to look for the actual filename and see what is what....ill be back in a second or so...i hope hehe | 04:28 |
spasticteapot | rr72: That works too. | 04:28 |
Pelo | r0b3rt, linux is case sensitive | 04:28 |
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Bromics | Patrick_, its a built in wifi card because its a laptop | 04:28 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, was there any output in lspci that showed 802.11b/g or anything like that | 04:28 |
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Bromics | Patrick_, nope. | 04:29 |
danm2007 | Is there anyway to Disable my Xfi card in ubuntu and tell it to use my Onboard audio ??? | 04:29 |
jmg | natsumey: remember it's down the street not across the road | 04:29 |
rr72 | danm2007~ unplug it? | 04:29 |
jmg | make it count! | 04:29 |
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natsumey | hehehe | 04:29 |
elaine30 | hola | 04:29 |
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spasticteapot | danm2007: It's somewhere in the ALSA config program, I think. | 04:29 |
danm2007 | rr72 well I still use it for windows. | 04:29 |
Drk_guy | Hy guys | 04:29 |
rr72 | !windows | 04:29 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See and !equivalents | 04:29 |
Riyonuk | I installed 7.10 and I wish to un-install it and install 6.10, as my wireless card is not supported for some reason | 04:29 |
Pelo | danm2007, I think you can blacklist it in modprobe or something like that , you'd have to look it up in the forum | 04:29 |
jmg | Riyonuk: thats a definate bug | 04:30 |
Drk_guy | Can any1 give me the apt-get command for "Alien" | 04:30 |
jmg | what card is that? | 04:30 |
spasticteapot | Riyonuk: Hunt down the driver, or wait a week 'till it's fixed. | 04:30 |
rr72 | danm2007~ do you know the module? u can add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 04:30 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, ok, then lets start by giving me the model of the laptop, or if you have an existing win install on the lappy then you could find out what the card is from there | 04:30 |
elaine30 | hola | 04:30 |
cute_bettong | Pelo: found it and replaced it...imma try it now to see if it works....see you in GUI land hopefully XD | 04:30 |
Drk_guy | Can any1 give me the apt-get command for "Alien" | 04:30 |
danm2007 | rr72 it shows up under the device manager. | 04:30 |
MyR | drkm, apt-get install alien | 04:30 |
Pelo | Drk_guy, sudo apt-get install alien , but you shouldnT' use rpm pacakges they are made for redhat | 04:30 |
Riyonuk | spasticteapot, I tried ndiswrapper, it didnt work | 04:30 |
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jmg | Riyonuk: if you can please file a bug in launchpad | 04:30 |
spasticteapot | Riyonuk: What card? | 04:30 |
jmg | !bugs | 04:30 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 04:30 |
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Drk_guy | Thank you Pelo | 04:31 |
r0b3rt | Is it Posible to run psybnc in Ubuntu ? | 04:31 |
Riyonuk | D-Link DWL 520 rev.d | 04:31 |
Pelo | Drk_guy, you might find this helpfull | 04:31 |
spasticteapot | Riyonuk: What does LSPCI say? | 04:31 |
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Draconicus | I've suddenly got hidden folders and files showing on GTK save/load dialogs and I have no idea how to turn the option off... can somebody help? | 04:31 |
elehia_7 | olaaaaaa | 04:31 |
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Riyonuk | I dont know, Im on windows now, should I reboot into it? | 04:31 |
Pelo | Draconicus, right click uncheck show hidden | 04:31 |
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IgorSobreira | hi 7.04 doesn't play any sounds....i was trying to compile my alsa driver...but no success...anybody has any tip???? | 04:32 |
spasticteapot | Riyonuk: Well, just look up the chipset. The driver might be hiding out there somewhere. | 04:32 |
Drk_guy | Pelo, i am not that Noob | 04:32 |
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DARKGuy | !es | elehia_7 | 04:32 |
Bromics | Patrick_, its Intel(R) Pro/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter | 04:32 |
ubotu | elehia_7: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:32 |
Draconicus | Pelo: ...Wow... I'm tired. XD | 04:32 |
spasticteapot | IgorSobreira: What soundcard? | 04:32 |
bruenig | right click, damn ubuntu, on windows .... | 04:32 |
elehia_7 | ola darkguy | 04:32 |
Pelo | !sound > IgorSobreira chcck your pm window | 04:32 |
elehia_7 | oli | 04:32 |
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Pelo | Drk_guy, it wasn'T meant as a insult , just passing the knowledg along | 04:32 |
danm2007 | rr72 under Device manager, under the advanced tab of my xfi card it says somthing like. /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/pci_1102_5 | 04:32 |
danm2007 | rr72 would that be it ? | 04:32 |
Drk_guy | Ok!!!! | 04:32 |
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Riyonuk | I did, I found it, it said to compile, I installed base tools, or something like that, just to compile, and I couldnt get it to work | 04:32 |
r0b3rt | If Ever Is It Posible To Run PsyBNC in Ubuntu | 04:32 |
rr72 | danm2007~ idk sorry, busy in another channel | 04:33 |
cute_bettong | Pelo, it worked ok can ya help me get my ati card working right...or Patrick_ maybe? | 04:33 |
IgorSobreira | spasticteapot: well...Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio | 04:33 |
danm2007 | rr72 ok | 04:33 |
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Pelo | r0b3rt, they have a channel go and ask there | 04:33 |
r0b3rt | ok | 04:33 |
r0b3rt | psybnc | 04:33 |
rr72 | danm2007~ do a "lsmod | grep 1102" | 04:33 |
Pelo | cute_bettong, I don'T know anything about ati cards , sorry | 04:33 |
calliope | uhm how do i get java to run in firefox. it does not seem to be in add/remove applications | 04:33 |
calliope | and firefox wont install it either | 04:34 |
cute_bettong | Pelo, ok thanx.... Patrick_ can you help? | 04:34 |
Pelo | r0b3rt, it's not on this network, check their site | 04:34 |
r0b3rt | aw | 04:34 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, nice one, ok follow this guide and ask here if you get stuck or are unsure Intel(R) Pro/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter | 04:34 |
Pelo | calliope, check in synaptic | 04:34 |
DShepherd | i want to upgrade my bios. Is there any way i can find out what the make of my bios via some linux command? | 04:34 |
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calliope | k | 04:34 |
spasticteapot | IgorSobreira, Huh. That's odd. | 04:34 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, ooops | 04:34 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, doin too much 1 sec | 04:34 |
rr72 | DShepherd~ it tells you on boot up, in POST | 04:34 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, long day eh? hehe | 04:34 |
spasticteapot | IgorSobreira: You have a laptop or desktop? | 04:34 |
IgorSobreira | spasticteapot: :T you have any idea?? | 04:35 |
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spasticteapot | IgorSobreira: If it's a desktop, go buy a SoundBlaster for $10. | 04:35 |
DShepherd | rr72: ok | 04:35 |
spasticteapot | IgorSobreira: I'm stumped. All I know about the ATI chipsets is that they usually work. | 04:35 |
spasticteapot | Usually. | 04:35 |
Bromics | Patrick_, u talking to me right? | 04:35 |
LordLimecat | help! i just installed my new kernel, and its all working peachy, except i had to revert to nv drivers....when i try to enter the restricted driver manager, i get this: You need to install the package____ linux-restricted-modules- this program to work. | 04:35 |
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rr72 | danm2007~ did that print anything out in a terminal? | 04:35 |
LordLimecat | and i dont know how to do that -_- | 04:35 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, look here sorry about that :) | 04:35 |
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Solarion | so | 04:36 |
Solarion | how do I get a stack trace from OOo? | 04:36 |
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Solarion | I just get a recovery dialog | 04:36 |
IgorSobreira | spasticteapot: the strange is that i had no problems with 6.10...but this happened with my 7.04 .... :T | 04:36 |
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Bromics | Patrick_, haha ok thnx i'll look up. | 04:36 |
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RAOF | LordLimecat: Building your own kernels is a world of annoyance. Why are you doing it? :) | 04:36 |
danm2007 | rr72 no | 04:36 |
dreamer | hello | 04:36 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, your card is working according to these ppl so stick with that | 04:36 |
spasticteapot | IgorSobreira: Go file a bug report, I guess. It should be fixed soon. | 04:36 |
BT2 | does anyone know how to setup grub with another system? | 04:36 |
Riyonuk | lets say ndiswrapper worked for me, but it doesnt show the icon of wireless in Network Settings, how would I know? What commands do I use> | 04:36 |
rr72 | danm2007~ hm, | 04:36 |
LordLimecat | RAOF: how else will i learn how to do it? | 04:36 |
Bromics | Patrick_, okies | 04:36 |
LordLimecat | plus, this one is newer and shinier | 04:36 |
RAOF | LordLimecat: Why do you need to learn how to compile a kernel? | 04:37 |
LordLimecat | lol, why do people try to get IE working on linux? | 04:37 |
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vbabiy | !cifs | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cifs - try searching on | 04:37 |
Pelo | BT2, how do you mean ? | 04:37 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, and that splitter that you said might be dvi...isen't like any dvi i have ever seen lol...let me try googleing the card to see if i can help you understand better XD | 04:37 |
Lathiat | whatcha need to know about cifs? | 04:37 |
RAOF | !worksforme > LordLimecat | 04:37 |
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BT2 | pelo Im trying to setup grub to dual boot with backtrack2 and ubuntu | 04:37 |
Falstius | Riyonuk: try iwconfig | 04:37 |
LordLimecat | stability=/= aim my aim is to learn | 04:37 |
IgorSobreira | spasticteapot: where?? | 04:37 |
Solarion | so, Openoffice crashes and how to catch them under Feisty? | 04:37 |
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Pelo | BT2, pm ? | 04:38 |
dreamer | that of thoughts of the certification that relase the red hat? | 04:38 |
r0b3rt | why is my command prompt be like this if there is no ROOT | 04:38 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, think I have somethin what was the model again | 04:38 |
r0b3rt | root@ubuntu: | 04:38 |
Riley | RAOF: once you add the songs you want to your ipod, how do you eject it to where it will keep the changes you made to it | 04:38 |
shwag | Pelo: so intel supports AMD64 ? | 04:38 |
RAOF | LordLimecat: You won't learn anything by building a kernel. | 04:38 |
vbabiy | how can i mount a windows share to my mnt dir i had this in my fstab when i used fedora " // /mnt/ServerM cifs auto,user,credentials=/etc/,rw 0 0" | 04:38 |
RAOF | Riley: You right click on the ipod icon, and select "eject"? | 04:38 |
spasticteapot | IgorSobreira: I don't know. | 04:38 |
spasticteapot | | 04:38 |
Pelo | shwag, I don'T know | 04:38 |
LordLimecat | i would learn how to build a kernel, which would have been nice to know 3 weeks ago when i HAD to do it to fix ALSA | 04:38 |
starkruzr | can someone tell me where the C: that WINE thinks exists is? | 04:38 |
LordLimecat | (as instructed by an alsa support guy) | 04:38 |
Riley | RAOF: i ejected it but the songs i added weren't there | 04:38 |
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starkruzr | /tmp/something? | 04:38 |
Falstius | starkruzr: probably ~/.wine/drive_c | 04:39 |
starkruzr | ok | 04:39 |
starkruzr | thanks. | 04:39 |
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cardinaldave | help please! Trying to install 6.10 from cdrom (alternate). After waiting for all files to install it never succeeds installing grub. I am using software RAID0. | 04:39 |
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RAOF | LordLimecat: Generally, you only need to rebuild ALSA, rather than the whole kernel. Anyway, you need to get the drivers and install them manually. linux-restricted-modules won't work on your custom kernel. | 04:39 |
Riley | RAOF: i ejected it but the songs i added weren't there | 04:40 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, it's an ati radeon x1300 pro pci-e has a really funky connector on the card....the y cables seem to convert from this "funky" connector....there are 2 sets that came with the goes from that "funky" connector to dvi and the other set is from that funky connector to vga | 04:40 |
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RAOF | Riley: Hm. So, you drag stuff to the iPod, click on the ipod icon, select "sync ipod" (or similar, in the top-right), and select "save manual changes"? | 04:40 |
Gearman | Hi all i am new ubuntu i would like to get external monitor to work and make vcd, dvd can someone help me thanks | 04:40 |
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LordLimecat | RAOF: thats sort of wierd, i WAS using the nvidia scripts, and at each recompile, had to re-run it....but crdlb told me (i THINK) that the beauty of the restricted driver system was that i wouldnt HAVE to reinstall drivers @ kernel recompile | 04:40 |
cafuego | shwag: Yes, e64mt is x64_64, which is amd64. | 04:40 |
cafuego | shwag: All new intel chips support it. However, you probably don't want to use it as desktop machine. | 04:40 |
Riley | RAOF: why would i want to sync it? i just want to add a few songs | 04:41 |
LordLimecat | RAOF: did i get it wrong? is there some benefit of restricted drivers i missed? | 04:41 |
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shwag | cafuego: why? is it not stable ? | 04:41 |
LordLimecat | *modules | 04:41 |
RAOF | LordLimecat: Yes, that's right. But only for Ubuntu kernels. The l-r-m package is only for Ubuntu kernels, not your own custom rolled ones. | 04:41 |
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cafuego | shwag: It's missing some stuff. Notably a flash plugin and a recent java plugin. | 04:41 |
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Pelo | Gearman, to make dvd use devede to make an .iso and gnomebaker to burn it to the dvd ( same for vcd) I can'T help wth the external monitor try here | 04:41 |
LordLimecat | RAOF: ah. Makes sense. | 04:41 |
RAOF | Riley: You'd select "save manual changes", which wouldn't sync, just save what you've dragged over. | 04:41 |
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Patrick_ | cute_bettong, could you do "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" copy the contents and paste it here then give me the link | 04:41 |
cafuego | shwag: In addition, the w32codecs video stuff doesn't "just work". | 04:42 |
Riley | RAOF: sync is grayed out so i cant click it | 04:42 |
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shwag | cafuego: thanks | 04:42 |
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Shacker6363 | Hmm, anyone in here use Deluge? | 04:42 |
Patrick_ | cafuego, then use w64codecs ??? | 04:42 |
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Gearman | Pelo avi to iso how | 04:43 |
RAOF | Riley: Hm. HFS+ formatted iPod? (As in, "mac formatted")> | 04:43 |
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Bromics | Patrick_, i tried the help from the site u gave me, and iwconfig shows that there isn't any wireless connection | 04:43 |
Pelo | Shacker6363, I dabled it in a bit | 04:43 |
Jump86 | what is the lost+found directory for and why can't i look in it? | 04:43 |
Riley | yes | 04:43 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_, it's called a d-sub cable...that splits the signal or what have you...the link is | 04:43 |
cute_bettong | Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dcom.ubuntu:en-US:official%26hs%3DFbL%26sa%3DN it's the 9th card down. | 04:43 |
Riley | RAOF: yes | 04:43 |
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cafuego | Riley: hfs+ write support needs a kernel recompile. | 04:43 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, which part did you get to | 04:43 |
Pelo | Gearman, devede is a prog to make dvd or vcd , check it out | 04:43 |
Shacker6363 | Pelo, did you ever run into problems with it losing track of peers or not auto-updating the tracker? | 04:43 |
Riley | RAOF: wtf? | 04:43 |
RAOF | cafuego, Riley: That's wrong. | 04:43 |
d0lph1nK1ng | what's the ubuntu equivalent of [ USE="lirc" emerge rhythmbox ] | 04:43 |
RAOF | Riley: Banshee currently doesn't think HFS+ is writable. | 04:43 |
Bromics | Patrick_, the iwconfig to check on the wireless. But it says, No Wireless Extensions | 04:43 |
Pelo | Shacker6363, I didnT' use it that much, I just tried it out a bit , sorry, I use utorrent on wine | 04:44 |
Riley | RAOF: any upgrade? | 04:44 |
RAOF | d0lph1nK1ng: There isn't. Just "apt-get isntall rhythmbox" | 04:44 |
Patrick_ | Bromics, oh wait... | 04:44 |
Gearman | Pelo thanks | 04:44 |
RAOF | Riley: Not yet. | 04:44 |
Pelo | Shacker6363, I thought you just had a basic question | 04:44 |
Riley | RAOF: soon you think? | 04:44 |
Shacker6363 | Hmm, have you had any similar problems with that? | 04:44 |
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RAOF | Riley: Although you might want to FAT format your ipod anyway. | 04:44 |
Bromics | Patrick_, ok :) | 04:44 |
RAOF | Riley: (maybe) | 04:44 |
Shacker6363 | I also tried uTorrent with Wine and it also seemed to have peers randomly disappear. | 04:44 |
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Riley | RAOF: ehhh, why? | 04:44 |
Pelo | Shacker6363, no , but deluge is pretty new, which version are you using ? 0.5 is out and there is a feisty version | 04:44 |
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Shacker6363 | 0.5 | 04:45 |
d0lph1nK1ng | RAOF, what is that USE="lirc" tho, i need to tell rhythmbox to use lirc for the remote | 04:45 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, here is the information that you wanted : | 04:45 |
RAOF | d0lph1nK1ng: You load the "lirc" plugin in Rhythmbox. | 04:45 |
Shacker6363 | I'm beginning to wonder if it is perhaps an ubuntu problem as I have never run into a problem while seeding in Windows. | 04:45 |
RAOF | d0lph1nK1ng: You *can't* enable or disable stuff like that in Ubuntu. Or, in fact, in anything but gentoo | 04:45 |
Pelo | BT2, do you want my help or not ? | 04:45 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_, did you get all that? | 04:45 |
d0lph1nK1ng | RAOF, oh ok, sorry i never saw an LIRC plugin. thank you! | 04:45 |
RAOF | Riley: Because HFS+ support is kinda new in linux. For example, there isn't a fsck.hfsplus distributed | 04:45 |
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Patrick_ | cute_bettong, reading now | 04:46 |
calliope | gcjwebplugin is that what i need to install the firefox java module ?? | 04:46 |
RAOF | Riley: (My iPod is HFS+ formatted, but that's because I'm strange [and built my own fsck.hfsplus] ). | 04:47 |
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Pelo | !grub > BT2 | 04:47 |
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Patrick_ | cute_bettong, I see the problem, now backup your xorg.conf again with "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup" then wait a sec Im gettin the rest now | 04:50 |
cute_bettong | ok | 04:50 |
bobs | /leave | 04:50 |
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Gearman | Pelo how do i install devede | 04:50 |
cute_bettong | patic | 04:50 |
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Pelo | Gearman, sudo apt-get install devede | 04:50 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, done | 04:50 |
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Patrick_ | cute_bettong, you are using feisty right?? | 04:51 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_, yes i am ^_^ | 04:51 |
Patrick_ | k | 04:51 |
demortes | Hey all | 04:51 |
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cute_bettong | now if i can just get my zune player to work in ubuntu it would be sweet as well XD | 04:52 |
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bruenig | the devede website says that the devede package in feisty is bad | 04:53 |
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Doctordoog | how would I go about using the partitioner the ubuntu setup has, so that I could resize my partitions to make way for a new one without damaging my files? | 04:53 |
Pelo | cute_bettong, zune is a MS product, please stay where you are while I get the tar and feathers | 04:53 |
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Patrick_ | cute_bettong, before we continue any further, go to System > Administration > Restricted Drivers | 04:53 |
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Patrick_ | cute_bettong, and enable the ati driver | 04:53 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, done | 04:54 |
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Gearman | Pelo ok type in it say "E: Couldn't find package devede" | 04:54 |
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cute_bettong | Pelo, but it's so nice and shiney... lol | 04:54 |
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dariens01 | Hey everyone! | 04:54 |
Doctordoog | how would I go about using the partitioner the ubuntu setup has, so that I could resize my partitions to make way for a new one without damaging my files? | 04:54 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, the driver is enabled? if so then restart the comp and well be ready | 04:55 |
Pelo | Gearman, make sure you have all your repos enabled in synaptic and try installing from there | 04:55 |
Pelo | cute_bettong, and so pink | 04:55 |
Goldfisch | I can't seem to get alsa working on my edgy system. lsmod shows all the oss modules loaded. I tried to modprobe alsa, but it says there is no such module. Am I missing a certain package? | 04:55 |
Pelo | or brown | 04:55 |
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dariens01 | I've got an Athlon x2 3800+ /w 1GB ram, and a eVGA nVidia 7600... I've attempted to run doom 3 in ubuntu 7.0.4 and it's real slow... shouldn't it be smooth as silk? | 04:55 |
Alysum | Hi how can I downgrade GAIM beta 2 to stable 1.5 ? | 04:55 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_, so do i have to use a diffrent xorg.conf? or take care of that later? | 04:55 |
Alysum | I cannot dpkg remove because of dependencies | 04:56 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, for later as enabling that driver will change whats in there now | 04:56 |
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Pelo | Alysum, remove and reinstall | 04:56 |
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bruenig | Alysum, you realize that gaim beta 2 is super stable, it is only called beta because of the issues with AOL right? | 04:56 |
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Pelo | !sound > Goldfisch check your pm for instructions | 04:57 |
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Alysum | bruenig: no gaim is extremelly unstable | 04:57 |
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Alysum | Pelo: not possible...did you read what I said ? | 04:57 |
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bruenig | Alysum, well from the people who actually program it, it is not. There is no significant stability issues, it is called beta not because it is unstable. | 04:58 |
Pelo | Alysum, it's a busy chanel I might have skiped a few words t focus on th eessential | 04:58 |
Ferux | Is there a LiveCD version of 7.04? Unable to find. | 04:58 |
RAOF | Alysum: A better idea would be to fix the gaim that you have. Do you have the libnotify "popup notification" plugin loaded | 04:58 |
Bromics | Does Ubuntu comes with linux tpye of mIRC? | 04:58 |
calliope | geepers in synaptic i search jre and it finds basically 2 versions jre5 and jre6 but the jre5 has a star on it as though that should be the best choice. so now what? now i cant even formulate a question | 04:58 |
Pelo | Alysum, actualy I had read the first line I just dinT, see the second | 04:58 |
Falstius | Ferux: the desktop install CD is a live CD | 04:58 |
pipes | Ferux, just boot the install cd :) | 04:58 |
pipes | its live | 04:58 |
bruenig | Bromics, sudo apt-get install xchat | 04:58 |
Ferux | great thank you | 04:59 |
Bromics | k thnx bruenig | 04:59 |
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RAOF | Alysum: Tools->Plugins->Libnotify popups. If it's enabled, disable it. For me, Gaim is unstable with them enabled. | 04:59 |
Jump86 | i just used gparted to format a new USB drive in ext3 and now I can't create any files or directories without using sudo.. i tried chown to my username but still cant.. also tried chmod -R 777 and i still can't create a new directory or delete the files i used sudo to cp | 04:59 |
starkruzr | Why is it that when I go into the Applications Menu editor and click New Item, nothing happens? | 04:59 |
starkruzr | New Menu doesn't do anything either. | 05:00 |
calliope | there should not be two versions available which suggests that perhaps something went horribly wrong between versions. can I install both of them ?? | 05:00 |
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bruenig | starkruzr, I have always found that buggy, you are better off simply adding a .desktop file in /usr/share/applications | 05:00 |
J^son | I need some help to be able to print from my windows box to my ubuntu box which my printer is connected to... can someone help me please? | 05:00 |
Goldfisch | Pelo: I did the check ubotu sent me. I managed to pick the Alsa mixer with no problem. | 05:00 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_: ok i got the same blank screen thingy what im back in irssi | 05:00 |
starkruzr | bruenig: but I don't know where/what the icons are. | 05:00 |
cilaes | any updates on the feisty toshiba satellite sound problems?? | 05:00 |
Pelo | Goldfisch, I am glad it worked out | 05:00 |
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RAOF | calliope: No, that's just fine. The Java 5 JDK is much more widely used than the (very new) Java 6 JDK, and they're parallel installable. | 05:01 |
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bruenig | starkruzr, if you don't know where the icons are, adding a new entry from the graphical thing won't do you any better | 05:01 |
Bromics | bruenig, it says "E: Couldn't find package xchat" | 05:01 |
bruenig | !info xchat | 05:01 |
ubotu | xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB | 05:01 |
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danm2007 | Can anyone tell me how to Disable my Pci soundcard wich is a xfi. and use my onboard audio ? im kinda new to linux. and i can't find anything in a forum | 05:01 |
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starkruzr | bruenig: It used to give you a list of icons to choose from when you added something. | 05:01 |
bruenig | Bromics, upgrade to feisty or enable universe | 05:01 |
Jump86 | heeeelp i just used gparted to format a new USB drive in ext3 and now I can't create any files or directories without using sudo.. i tried chown to my username but still cant.. also tried chmod -R 777 and i still can't create a new directory or delete the files i used sudo to cp | 05:01 |
starkruzr | This USED to work correctly. | 05:01 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_: ok i rebooted and all i got was a blank screen im back in irssi now what lol | 05:01 |
bruenig | starkruzr, oh, those are in /usr/share/pixmaps, pick one | 05:01 |
Goldfisch | Hmph. It was working earlier when I first loaded edgy on it. However, my atheros network wasn't, so I added the boot parameter of "noapic". Hasn't worked since. Could that be it? | 05:01 |
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bruenig | starkruzr, are you sure it USED to or did it used to | 05:01 |
Bromics | bruenig, im already running feisty fawn, how do i enable universe? | 05:01 |
bruenig | it is clear to make the distinction | 05:01 |
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DilfATX | Does anybody know how to format a Sony Memory Stick Duo Pro? | 05:01 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, ok you need to restore the xorg.conf again so "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:02 |
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Jump86 | when i right click the drive it says it's owned by root and everyone can access only... | 05:02 |
bruenig | Bromics, universe is enabled by default in feisty, unless you messed with it | 05:02 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, lol, the process of elimination..... | 05:02 |
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farseer_ | ... hello, Is inetd needed? how can i turn off daemons i dont need?? | 05:02 |
zPacKRat | i need some help getting divx to play in Firefox, anyone? | 05:02 |
calliope | RAOF: ok thanks . some times this stuff just explodes into chaos with no hints | 05:02 |
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SurfnKid | feisty has a gdm problem | 05:02 |
SurfnKid | weird set of lines across the desktop | 05:02 |
=== starkruzr has no idea what bruenig is talking about, but the point is that the Applications Menu editor has always worked fine and now it is either broken, or I am doing something wrong | ||
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calliope | ill start with just 6 and see if i get what I need | 05:02 |
farseer_ | zPacKRat: get the mplayer plugin | 05:02 |
duelboot | Jump86, did you su to root before trying it or using sudo? | 05:02 |
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Bromics | bruenig, no i just got my feisty installed. i just did a sudo apt-get install update | 05:02 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_: ok brb | 05:03 |
bruenig | starkruzr, you are wanting to edit an existing entry or create a new one? | 05:03 |
Pelo | g'night folks | 05:03 |
starkruzr | create a new one. | 05:03 |
starkruzr | in the Internet submenu. | 05:03 |
bruenig | Bromics, pastebin "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" | 05:03 |
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bruenig | !paste | Bromics | 05:03 |
ubotu | Bromics: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:03 |
starkruzr | for Nicotine, the Linux Soulseek client. | 05:03 |
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zPacKRat | farseer_: it's there already, with no listing for divx | 05:03 |
zerokill88 | Is there other software out there that is like Vsound??? | 05:03 |
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DilfATX | Does anybody know how to format a Sony Memory Stick Duo Pro? | 05:03 |
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Goldfisch | Should I somehow disable the OSS sound modules from getting loaded into the kernel in order to support alsa? | 05:03 |
Naitse | hola a todos | 05:04 |
Jump86 | duelboot, the drive is mounted as /media/USB.. to gain control i tried sudo chown -R ben /media/USB and sudo chmod -R 777 /media/USB | 05:04 |
kevev | Hello all. | 05:04 |
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starkruzr | !sp | Naitse | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on | 05:04 |
kevev | I have a WPA question. | 05:04 |
farseer_ | zPacKRat: then you've done something wrong. mplayer plays divx... are u sure its divx and not like flash-video? | 05:04 |
starkruzr | !es | Naitse | 05:04 |
ubotu | Naitse: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:04 |
danm2007 | Can anyone tell me how to Disable my Pci soundcard wich is a xfi. and use my onboard audio ? im kinda new to linux. and i can't find anything in a forum | 05:04 |
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Goldfisch | !ask | 05:04 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:04 |
Bromics | bruenig, ok | 05:04 |
bruenig | starkruzr, right, then what I used to do, is I would pick an application in that category, say firefox, I would open up /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop as root edit it to work with nicotine and then save it as /usr/share/applications/nicotine.desktop | 05:04 |
Naitse | thanks :D | 05:04 |
zerokill88 | !ask | 05:04 |
Jump86 | duelboot, but i still cant open the drive in nautilus and right click to make a new directory.. or trash any of my files | 05:04 |
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Patrick_ | Goldfisch, type "alsamixer" into a terminal and look to see what the surround slider is at | 05:04 |
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Goldfisch | BRB | 05:04 |
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Jump86 | duelboot, is this an fstab problem? | 05:05 |
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farseer_ | where is the list of all daemons? like rc.conf ???? | 05:05 |
duelboot | Jump86, hmmmm it should have worked with what you did...not sure why the USB mount is acting like that... | 05:05 |
kevev | What is the cleanest way to implement WPA support in 7.04? I like KNetworkManager. Will this work in 7.04 for WPA support? | 05:05 |
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rr72 | why doesnt my wireless card work in feisty when it worked out of the box in edgy? | 05:05 |
bruenig | farseer_, /etc/init.d | 05:05 |
Patrick_ | kevev, you will need wpasupplicant | 05:05 |
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Goldfisch | Alsamixer says surround is at level 74 and muted (off). | 05:05 |
duelboot | Jump86, don't usb mounts fine and I can do what I need to...sorry | 05:05 |
Goldfisch | I've tried turning on every slider inside alsamixer, but nothing changes. | 05:06 |
Jump86 | duelboot, when i right click a file inside the drive it says i have read / write access but i cant trash a file its greyed out | 05:06 |
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farseer_ | bruenig: there are so many rc(X).d | 05:06 |
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kevev | Patrick: I have that installed. I is default from intall. Does not work with Gnome's Network Manager. | 05:06 |
duelboot | Jump86, understand and your commands should have changed it... | 05:06 |
Jump86 | duelboot, my other USB mounts file too but this was just formated w/ gparted (i wanted a new file system) | 05:06 |
bruenig | farseer_, ???? I just told you where to find them | 05:06 |
GaiaX11 | rr72: use ndis then | 05:06 |
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duelboot | Jump86, su to root and then try it...I know sudo should do it, but you just never know | 05:06 |
zPacKRat | farseer_: it states missing plugin video/divx | 05:06 |
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rr72 | GaiaX11~ why if there was native support for it? | 05:06 |
kevev | rr72: ya ndiswrapper works great. | 05:06 |
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r0b3rt | Can Any One Help Me How To Install Yahoo Messenger | 05:07 |
rr72 | kevev~ it had full out of the box support | 05:07 |
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bruenig | r0b3rt, gaim | 05:07 |
kevev | rr72: what wireless chip? | 05:07 |
`sam` | r0b3rt, or kopete | 05:07 |
rr72 | kevev~ RaLink | 05:07 |
farseer_ | bruenig: inetd isn't in there. and it's running... | 05:07 |
r0b3rt | whats is that | 05:07 |
bruenig | farseer_, it should be | 05:07 |
kevev | rr72: ewwww | 05:07 |
r0b3rt | is that supported yahoo ? | 05:07 |
rr72 | bruenig~ what is gaim? i havent heard that in for ever | 05:07 |
bruenig | !info inetd | 05:07 |
ubotu | Package inetd does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:07 |
duelboot | Jump86, another alternative is to restart with the USB in should mount it properly for you on restart (yes I know this is Linux and it shouldn't come down to that) | 05:07 |
bruenig | farseer_, what is the package name for that? | 05:07 |
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rr72 | !info xine | 05:07 |
kevev | rr72: check the forum. lots of problems but some ppl got it working. just dont remember how. | 05:07 |
Patrick_ | r0b3rt, or kopete if you dont mind running kde apps, it is good | 05:07 |
ubotu | Package xine does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 05:08 |
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J^son | I need some help to be able to print from my windows box to my ubuntu box which my printer is connected to... can someone help me please? | 05:08 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, ok im back in gui | 05:08 |
`sam` | what did they change gaim to? pidgin? | 05:08 |
rr72 | kevev~ ive been looking for over a week, most of its on edgy | 05:08 |
mobutu | pidgin | 05:08 |
ant- | !print | J^son | 05:08 |
yigal | I know there is some an open source project to allow ogg files to play on mp3 players, however I forget the name(s) could some one help me. I bought a Creative MuVo v100 today, 2GB and I want to play ogg, as my music collection is in ogg, I converted a few files to mp3 just to be able to have a nice bike ride but if possible I would like everything in ogg, thanks | 05:08 |
ubotu | J^son: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 05:08 |
mobutu | pidgin | 05:08 |
Goldfisch | J^son: You might need to install samba, in order to export a linux printer to a windows machine. | 05:08 |
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farseer_ | bruenig: package name for inetd? its the super daemon.. | 05:08 |
duelboot | J^son, share your printer | 05:08 |
bruenig | yigal, rockbox | 05:08 |
`sam` | is pidgin like a pigeon or something completely different? | 05:08 |
yigal | bruenig: ty | 05:08 |
duelboot | J^son, share it like Goldfisch stated | 05:08 |
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r0b3rt | Im Asking If GAIM and Kopete Supprt yahoo ? | 05:08 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, ok, then the fglrx driver is not going to work with your card so we need a new strategy | 05:08 |
rr72 | Goldfisch~ you don't need to export printers to windows, just use cups and IPS | 05:08 |
kevev | rr72: ya I noticed that. so you tried ndiswrapper? It works great with all windows ndis drivers. | 05:08 |
`sam` | r0b3rt, yes they both do | 05:09 |
J^son | I have samba installed | 05:09 |
rod | hi... My laptop boots from network card, but not from the usb. My cd-rom is broken. Can I install feisty from the network ? | 05:09 |
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r0b3rt | k Thank You Sam | 05:09 |
rr72 | kevev~ there are no windows drivers cause it has kernel modular support | 05:09 |
J^son | I can share files | 05:09 |
mobutu | `sam`: pidgin is the name given to a local dialect of a language | 05:09 |
ant- | J^son goto the last link from ubotu | 05:09 |
Goldfisch | Samba is no longer needed? That is a definite improvement. Guess I don't really have to deal with that, since I have no windows machines. :) | 05:09 |
farseer_ | bruenig: cupsd is NOT in /etc/init.d .. for example.. where is that started? | 05:09 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, does that mean i won't be able to play my video games? or have accelerated support? | 05:09 |
duelboot | r0b3rt, I use Kopete now with MSN, Yahoo! and Gtalk | 05:09 |
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GaiaX11 | rr72: Native support or whatever. Are you obsessed in a way config type? Or do you want to see your card working? No matter how | 05:09 |
Bromics | bruenig, how do i get universe component enabled? | 05:09 |
mobutu | `sam`: Hawaiians sometimes speak 'pidgin English' | 05:09 |
bruenig | Bromics, you never gave me that paste | 05:09 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ way configtype? | 05:09 |
bieb | r0b3rt.. I use GAIM on my Linux box and Windoze box also.. I have Yahoo, AIM and MSN accounts on it | 05:09 |
duelboot | r0b3rt, you can use just about any IM service with it | 05:09 |
bruenig | farseer_, grep around for it, they are started in /etc/init.d | 05:10 |
farseer_ | Bromics: edit sources.list | 05:10 |
Bromics | bruenig, its a long one. should i priv paste u? | 05:10 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, there is an onbord nvidia card... but its only a 128mb card...i have 4 gigs of ram...will that slow the system down? | 05:10 |
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rr72 | !paste | Bromics | 05:10 |
ubotu | Bromics: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:10 |
bruenig | !pastebin | Bromics, number 2 | 05:10 |
ubotu | Bromics, number 2: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:10 |
yigal | bruenig: unfortunately this project does not explicitly support the hardware I purchased today :( | 05:10 |
r0b3rt | ok thanks for the tips guys | 05:10 |
r0b3rt | ill use both | 05:10 |
farseer_ | bruenig: ok..... hm | 05:10 |
`sam` | r0b3rt, kopete has video support, don't think gaim/pidgin has it yet | 05:10 |
bruenig | yigal, probably something to look into before buying the hardware | 05:10 |
kevev | rr72: there is a modules file you edit to force the kernel not to load support for your chip. Then you can use ndiswrapper. looking..... | 05:10 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, should be completely fine | 05:10 |
J^son | ant-: I've followed those steps and It isn"t working | 05:10 |
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GaiaX11 | rr72: in linux you have many ways to achieve the same results. | 05:10 |
towlie2 | i need help. im installing ubuntu with 7.04 desktop. after i hit enter at the first screen it says unable to locate rsdp. | 05:10 |
bieb | sam.. Video support how? | 05:10 |
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lomez | hey guys, friends running a livecd and the X server is crashing on livecd. ideas? | 05:10 |
towlie2 | does anyone know what that means and what i can do about it ? | 05:10 |
Bromics | bruenig, sry i din see that line | 05:10 |
r0b3rt | well guys ask again is there a virtual box in Ubuntu | 05:11 |
`sam` | bieb you can use use video with yahoo on kopete | 05:11 |
rr72 | kevev~ i am very familiar with kernels and modules casue ive been poking abourd for more than a week | 05:11 |
bruenig | farseer_, if you look in the rc*.d's they are all just links to /etc/init.d | 05:11 |
yigal | bruenig: no no, I am sure there is hardware to support it, it is a simple flash disk so I am sure there is a way. | 05:11 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ even compliling my own driver doesnt work, it only works on xubuntu | 05:11 |
`sam` | bieb i mean webcam | 05:11 |
yigal | bruenig: s/hardware/software | 05:11 |
rdz11 | kevev, I had the same situation with my wireless card. I tried to solve the problem, google it a little, but at the end I had to remove the gnome-network-manager and wpasupplicant, and installed it again... and it worked perfectly fine. | 05:11 |
bieb | sam.. you mean like webcam? | 05:11 |
rod | hi... My laptop boots from network card, but not from the usb. My cd-rom is broken. Can I install feisty from the network ? | 05:11 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, do you want to continue to try to get this card to work....if it dosen't then just use the nvidia or what? and thank you so much for being patient with me | 05:11 |
Goldfisch | To enable the universe, launch Synaptic, go to Settings -> Repositories, and click on the checkbox for universe. Then reload everything. | 05:11 |
bruenig | yigal, well of course there is a way, question is has it been developed yet | 05:11 |
Sa3atsky | fuck you you guys were useless | 05:11 |
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bieb | I didnt know Kopete supported webcam | 05:11 |
kevev | rr72: ok. just try ndiswrapper. that is all I can say. | 05:11 |
rr72 | i am so with <Sa3atsky> fuck you you guys were useless | 05:11 |
GaiaX11 | rr72: do you have the card .inf file? | 05:12 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ no | 05:12 |
`sam` | bieb, i think just for yahoo, i don't think it's working with msn, but i haven't tried with msn | 05:12 |
r0b3rt | Guys Is it Possible to make a SSH shell access | 05:12 |
cilaes | toshiba sound problems. anyone heard anything new???? | 05:12 |
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yigal | bruenig: true, but the software is very simple - that is why I purchased it in the beginning, owell thanks for the link | 05:12 |
rod | can I install ubuntu from network? | 05:12 |
lomez | hey guys, friends running a livecd and the X server is crashing on livecd. ideas? | 05:12 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, no probs, but I think nvidia can be just as troublesome so we will try and get the ati card workin | 05:12 |
GaiaX11 | rr72: do you know the card chipset? | 05:12 |
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rr72 | rod: don't even ask here, noone gives support | 05:12 |
rod | no? | 05:12 |
Toma- | rr72: feel free to leave with him then | 05:12 |
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rr72 | GaiaX11~ no i dont, ive been doing nothing for a week | 05:13 |
Toma- | r0b3rt: you want an SSH server? | 05:13 |
rod | can I install ubuntu from network? | 05:13 |
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r0b3rt | yah | 05:13 |
kevev | ALL: we really need different channels for different types of issues. This channel is too crouded to give direct support. | 05:13 |
Toma- | rod: yep | 05:13 |
rr72 | ive been sitting on my ass all day just staring at a blank wall GaiaX11 | 05:13 |
cilaes | rod: have you searched google? | 05:13 |
rod | yes | 05:13 |
yigal | lomez: what video card do you have? | 05:13 |
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rod | toma-: how? | 05:13 |
r0b3rt | Toma is it possible? | 05:13 |
Toma- | !install | 05:13 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - See also !automate | 05:13 |
`sam` | kevev, i was thinking that too, it's hard to follow here | 05:13 |
Toma- | r0b3rt: sure is | 05:13 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, i though nvidia was linux freindly though lol.....and ok hehe i would rather the ati card anyways it has more onboard ram | 05:13 |
GaiaX11 | rr72: type lspci and have a look | 05:13 |
lomez | ATI | 05:14 |
lomez | Radeon x1400 | 05:14 |
r0b3rt | Toma can u guide me step by step ? | 05:14 |
yigal | lomez: that is probably your problem. | 05:14 |
SeveredCross | lomez: Install the ATI driver. | 05:14 |
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Toma- | r0b3rt: 'sudo apt-get install openssh-server' then edit the conf file for it as you please | 05:14 |
lomez | its a LiveCD | 05:14 |
urbanp00r | r0b3rt: sudo apt-get install ssh | 05:14 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ wth | 05:14 |
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yigal | lomez: see what way, using there is to install with ATI | 05:14 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ no | 05:14 |
urbanp00r | r0b3rt: thats from | 05:14 |
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rr72 | GaiaX11~ lspci SUX, lshw is better | 05:15 |
Toma- | rod: | 05:15 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, I think that is what you also need is the same as lomez | 05:15 |
kevev | sam: other distros like Centos and Gentoo have multiple channels. Maby we should suggest this. Too many noobs in this one.(no offence noobs) | 05:15 |
lomez | hmm i have ATI and i had no problems | 05:15 |
r0b3rt | can you give the URL from ubuntu about installing SSH | 05:15 |
yigal | lomez: no problems with what? | 05:15 |
Toma- | r0b3rt: its 1 command... "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" then off you go | 05:15 |
GaiaX11 | rr72: I know lshw also. | 05:15 |
Bromics | bruenig, | 05:15 |
Shacker6363 | Hmm, does anyone have a link or two to a thorough review of Ubuntu vs. Kubuntu? | 05:15 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ no | 05:15 |
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cute_bettong | Patrick_, say wha? did i miss something? | 05:15 |
Shacker6363 | Or any opinions about switching to Kubuntu? | 05:15 |
rr72 | Shacker6363~ kubuntu is better | 05:16 |
bieb | Shacker.. the difference is Gnome vs KDE | 05:16 |
duelboot | Shacker6363, go to have a link for most writeups | 05:16 |
GaiaX11 | rr72: what's no, no, no? | 05:16 |
urbanp00r | r0b3rt: i agree with Toma- | 05:16 |
rr72 | #kubuntu gives better support | 05:16 |
yigal | lomez: I am sorry I have only used Via and NVidia not ATI so I really can't help you | 05:16 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ no and discussion over | 05:16 |
lomez | i had no problems running it on mine | 05:16 |
lomez | and i have ATI | 05:16 |
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lomez | i have no idea why his X Server is crashing | 05:16 |
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bruenig | Bromics, what is 'my'? myanmar? | 05:16 |
Shacker6363 | I realize its Gnome vs. KDE, but I'm more concerned with how Ubuntu is handling it | 05:16 |
urbanp00r | offtopic: how to reset my password here in freenode | 05:16 |
r0b3rt | Can i Install Limewire too ? | 05:16 |
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jjohnson | anyone here using the ppc version of ubuntu | 05:16 |
Bromics | bruenig, malaysia. | 05:16 |
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Music_Shuffle | !frostwire | r0b3rt | 05:16 |
bieb | R0b3ert | 05:16 |
ubotu | r0b3rt: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see | 05:16 |
yigal | r0b3rt: frostwire :) | 05:17 |
bieb | yes | 05:17 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, no, I just noticed that it was a similar situation.. have you tried this I think this may be the solution to your troubles | 05:17 |
r0b3rt | waaa | 05:17 |
Shacker6363 | It seems like most software that people recommend is for KDE and I understand you can run Gnome apps in KDE, but I'd rather not. | 05:17 |
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yigal | Shacker6363: sounds weird, why not? | 05:17 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, looking now | 05:17 |
kevev | Patrick: think I figured out why wpa does not work. My RTL8185 chip is not supported by wpasupplicant :o( | 05:17 |
ahhh_fosco | can someone tell me what wifi cards ubuntu supports for my laptop? | 05:17 |
urbanp00r | has anyone tried feisty? whats new? | 05:17 |
duelboot | Shacker6363, you can load both Ubuntu and Kubuntu | 05:17 |
`sam` | Shacker6363, you can run kde apps in gnome too | 05:17 |
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Patrick_ | kevev, ahhh bummer :( | 05:17 |
jjohnson | anyone use xubuntu | 05:17 |
yigal | urbanp00r: I am using it, its great | 05:17 |
Shacker6363 | just don't like the look of a KDE app in Gnome and vice versa | 05:18 |
bruenig | Bromics, well you have universe enabled | 05:18 |
rr72 | GaiaX11~ go be lonely by yourself and your homosexual partner as well united freaks | 05:18 |
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kevev | Patrick: yup time to load ndiswrapper. | 05:18 |
urbanp00r | whats new? yigal? | 05:18 |
bruenig | jjohnson, did | 05:18 |
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yigal | urbanp00r: except wireless can be a pain because of NetworkManager | 05:18 |
GaiaX11 | rr72: You are only trolling then. People want to help you over your questions and you do not want any help. So, stay in your own. | 05:18 |
linoleum | hi guys. I would like to know, how can I have read and write access to a new partition I created with Gparted , on my hard drive... I can mount the disk, by cliking on it, but then I am not allowed to do anything with it | 05:18 |
urbanp00r | yigal: wow | 05:18 |
Bromics | bruenig, then how come i cant do sudo apt-get install xchat | 05:18 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, i think i might have one of the unsupported cards here..... it says x1300 / r515 based cards...could that be my issue...though i don't know about the R515 bit | 05:18 |
jsmidt | I have the install cd for Ubuntu. Is there any way to just begin the installl process without having to boot onto the live cd? | 05:18 |
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jjohnson | im trying to figure out how to get xfce to have weather on the top | 05:18 |
urbanp00r | yigal: pain in the as* with wireless? | 05:18 |
bruenig | Bromics, you ought to be able to unless there is some problem with the malaysia mirrors | 05:18 |
Toma- | Shacker6363: theres cross-DE themes for both. you can get KDE apps to use your GTK themes and vice versa | 05:18 |
ahhh_fosco | can someone tell me what wifi cards ubuntu supports for my laptop? | 05:18 |
urbanp00r | offtopic: how to reset password? | 05:19 |
cthom06 | linoleum: try opening it with root-nautilus | 05:19 |
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bruenig | !wifi | ahhh_fosco | 05:19 |
ubotu | ahhh_fosco: Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:19 |
yigal | urbanp00r: Rhythmbox is actually usable now, Evolution is faster, the pain is so great that I use /etc/network/interfaces and I killed NetworkManager | 05:19 |
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urbanp00r | offtopic: how to reset password in freenode? | 05:19 |
Toma- | !hardware | 05:19 |
ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see | 05:19 |
cilaes | !toshiba | 05:19 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about toshiba - try searching on | 05:19 |
linoleum | cthom06: yeah but I dont want to open it as root, but be able to use it normaly with my normal user | 05:19 |
Shacker6363 | Toma, how would I make a program such as KTorrent look nicely in Gnome? | 05:19 |
Bromics | bruenig, are there any other ways to get xchat installed? | 05:19 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, the driver you will be using is not the "radeon" driver but the "ati" one so I'd try that guide first you never know :) | 05:19 |
strabes | jsmidt: To use a non-gui installer download the alternate install CD. It's still really easy. | 05:19 |
yigal | Bromics: why xchat? | 05:19 |
cilaes | << Anyone found a fix for the toshiba sound problems? PLEASE help. | 05:19 |
`sam` | urbanp00r, /msg nickserv help set | 05:19 |
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cthom06 | linoleum: what format of parition is it? | 05:20 |
Shacker6363 | Also, a question to anyone, is Synaptic still the preferred package manager in KDE and if so, why is it not the default for Kubuntu? | 05:20 |
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bruenig | Bromics, does "sudo apt-get update" give you any errors? | 05:20 |
Bromics | yigal, then what u suggest? | 05:20 |
linoleum | cthom06: ext3 | 05:20 |
bruenig | Shacker6363, adept | 05:20 |
Toma- | Shacker6363: | 05:20 |
strabes | Shacker6363: no, adept is | 05:20 |
Bromics | bruenig, no i download like normal with that. | 05:20 |
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GaiaX11 | Bromics: you are not finding xchat because the package has another name | 05:20 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, im a nub but ill give it a try lol......give me a few to see what i can do | 05:20 |
yigal | Bromics: I would think that Gaim is nice and if it too much then use a command line irc? | 05:20 |
Shacker6363 | Alright, thanks. | 05:20 |
jsmidt | strabes, can I give a boot option to go into the alternate installer or do I have to download another cd? | 05:20 |
Bromics | GaiaX11, whats the name? | 05:20 |
bruenig | Bromics, there are no errors? | 05:20 |
yigal | Bromics: like ii | 05:20 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, remember where here | 05:20 |
bruenig | !info xchat | 05:20 |
r0b3rt | ssh is server is port 22 right ? | 05:20 |
Bromics | bruenig, no errors i get to update like normal | 05:20 |
ubotu | xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB | 05:20 |
Bromics | yigal, cool i'll check on it | 05:20 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, name is chat | 05:20 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, and I too am a "newb" lol | 05:20 |
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cthom06 | linoleum: change the write permissions? | 05:21 |
bruenig | xchat* | 05:21 |
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strabes | jsmidt: the alternate CD is a different download. I'm not sure if the live CD comes with a non-gui installer. | 05:21 |
GaiaX11 | Bromics: sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome | 05:21 |
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`sam` | r0b3rt, that's the default port | 05:21 |
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Toma- | Shacker6363: obviously, just change the QT theme to something that looks more like yours | 05:21 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, xchat is not xchat-gnome | 05:21 |
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vbabiy | Hey guys how come Ubuntu doesn't add new programs to the the "Open With Menu" | 05:21 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, sorry about that pm but thats the info that comes back | 05:21 |
vbabiy | !open | 05:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about open - try searching on | 05:21 |
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yigal | bruenig: xchat-gnome is a front end :) | 05:21 |
bruenig | xchat-gnome is crippled xchat | 05:21 |
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difeta | hey all. I'm using feisty AMD64. Whenever I try to login, the whole system freezes up. The only way I can login is to start in recovery mode and start the gdm service manually. Any ideas? | 05:22 |
yigal | bruenig: owe, lol | 05:22 |
strabes | konversation is amazing | 05:22 |
GaiaX11 | bruenig: xchat is in the repos as well | 05:22 |
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, no worries, keep it comin | 05:22 |
cute_bettong | ok | 05:22 |
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yigal | difeta: do you use wifi? | 05:22 |
demonspork | difeta, use 32 bit feisty | 05:22 |
micahspoop | would someone recommend me a good torrent application | 05:22 |
difeta | yigal, no | 05:22 |
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bruenig | GaiaX11, yeah his problem is that he isn't able to get it even though he has the repo enabled, I am betting he is having a problem updating just that he doesn't notice it, but we appear to be at an impasse | 05:22 |
sanityx | Someb | 05:22 |
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GaiaX11 | bruenig: sudo apt-get install xchat | 05:22 |
yigal | difeta: try dmesg | tail, to see what is going on anyways | 05:22 |
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strabes | micahspoop: ktorrent, azureus | 05:23 |
Patrick_ | demonspork, thats not an answer or solution | 05:23 |
sanityx | Somebody recommend a good Linux game to me | 05:23 |
yigal | difeta: something is conflicting so you may see what it is using dmesg? | 05:23 |
vbabiy | hey any one noticed that to | 05:23 |
bruenig | !Info supertux | sanityx | 05:23 |
ubotu | sanityx: supertux: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 632 kB, installed size 1788 kB | 05:23 |
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Bromics | bruenig, i can pastebin my updates if u want. it doesn't shows errors. | 05:23 |
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GaiaX11 | bruenig: it is very easy to fix then | 05:23 |
Bromics | GaiaX11, k thx | 05:23 |
sanityx | bruenig: aside from mario :-P | 05:23 |
micahspoop | strabes:I tried azureus, but for some reason couldn't get it to run properly | 05:23 |
bruenig | Bromics, yeah go ahead | 05:23 |
strabes | sanityx: | 05:23 |
difeta | yigal, I can't the system completely freezes. | 05:23 |
sanityx | bruenig: real games. like rts, rpg | 05:23 |
bruenig | !info planetpenguin-racer | 05:23 |
ubotu | planetpenguin-racer: another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-8 (feisty), package size 273 kB, installed size 744 kB | 05:24 |
sanityx | cool thanks | 05:24 |
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Toma- | sanityx: | 05:24 |
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yigal | difeta: can you change to a virtual terminal ? | 05:24 |
foxiness | is tool/application to manage fonts ? | 05:24 |
strabes | micahspoop: sorry. I use ktorrent and in gnome I used azureus. | 05:24 |
sanityx | Toma: strabes thanks! | 05:24 |
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yigal | difeta: I also suggest you take the bootsplash off so you can see what is happening as your computer boots | 05:24 |
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GaiaX11 | bruenig: He can build a good sources.list ant get the package(S) | 05:25 |
micahspoop | strabes: k thanks, btw did you ever get the error cannot read file when trying to open a torrent file with azureus? | 05:25 |
difeta | yigal, again no, then whole system freezes. I figure it a kernel panic but there is not any way for me to know. The bootsplash idea is a good one. I will try that. | 05:25 |
r0b3rt | Guys Is It Possible Can I Install Some Games? | 05:25 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, his sources.list is good already, it has everything enabled | 05:25 |
jessid | is there any program that allows me to communicate using voip with windows users???? thanks! | 05:25 |
strabes | micahspoop: Don't think so. Maybe a permissions issue? | 05:25 |
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bieb | Sure R0b3rt | 05:25 |
vbabiy | Hey guys can some give me a idea why it doesn't add new software to the open with Men | 05:25 |
vbabiy | Menu* | 05:25 |
r0b3rt | what kind of 3D games? | 05:25 |
starkruzr | r0b3rt: Nope. Not possible. We own your machine now. We control the horizontal and the vertical. You will never play a game again. Now get back to counting those beans. | 05:26 |
micahspoop | strabes: I will look into that | 05:26 |
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GaiaX11 | bruenig: if it is good. Then the problem is his connexion | 05:26 |
jinxed | Can anyone tell me where I can get the g++ compiler? | 05:26 |
bieb | R0b3rt.. what games are you interested in? | 05:26 |
bruenig | Bromics, what is the deal? | 05:26 |
Toma- | r0b3rt: check out the site i just spammed | 05:26 |
cthom06 | vbabiy: it adds some things, did u try the preferences->main menu | 05:26 |
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bruenig | jinxed, sudo apt-get install g++ | 05:26 |
Toma- | r0b3rt: again, | 05:26 |
r0b3rt | Toma what site i didnt see it | 05:26 |
GaiaX11 | Bromics: can you see xchat in synaptic? | 05:27 |
Toma- | check out the Ubuntu Games list | 05:27 |
yigal | difeta: yes it sounds like your only bet. Have you installed something like sysv-rc-conf or bum to change the processes that are running?, owell it really sounds like a driver issue though | 05:27 |
jinxed | bruenig, is that all I need to do? | 05:27 |
bruenig | jinxed, yes | 05:27 |
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vbabiy | cthom06: Yeah but like if i want to play a AVI file it doesn't list MPlayer in my Open With Menu on Movie Player but i have it installed | 05:27 |
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bruenig | GaiaX11, don't bring synaptic into the issue, makes it harder | 05:27 |
lomez | My friend has an Dell computer ATI Mobility X1300, trying to install Feisty Fawn. His X Server keeps crashing. Any idea why? Any fix? | 05:28 |
lomez | on the LiveCD | 05:28 |
cthom06 | vbabiy: once you use a program to open a file type once it'll be there | 05:28 |
crimsun | lomez: needs restricted drivers | 05:28 |
GaiaX11 | bruenig: let try my way. Linux has many ways to do things | 05:28 |
bruenig | vbabiy, right click, properties, change the open with | 05:28 |
strabes | lomez: use the alternate install CD. There's a bug in the fiesty live CD with ati cards | 05:28 |
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strabes | I had the same problem | 05:28 |
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Patrick_ | lomez, | 05:28 |
GaiaX11 | Bromics: can you see xchat in synaptic? | 05:28 |
cthom06 | vbabiy: or do what bruenig sed | 05:28 |
=== burner_ is now known as bur[n] er | ||
bruenig | GaiaX11, seriously, synaptic is a front end, if it isn't in apt-get, it isn't in synaptic, the only difference is "do apt-get install xchat" and "ok so click the button on the top and then go to the second tab and then go to preferences, and then change this ..." | 05:29 |
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vbabiy | bruenig: but when i click add it isn't listed there either | 05:29 |
GaiaX11 | bruenig: what is harder for you is not for other people and vice-versa | 05:29 |
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yigal | xchat is for weaklings either pussy out all together and go gaim (or what ever they want to call it) or go CLI | 05:29 |
bruenig | vbabiy, can't you specify custom | 05:29 |
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tonyyarusso | !ohmy | yigal | 05:29 |
ubotu | yigal: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:29 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, I don't think anyone would argue that copy and pasting is hard | 05:29 |
=== bur[n] er likes xchat :) | ||
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=== strabes likes konversation | ||
GaiaX11 | bruenig: I asked him. Please | 05:30 |
r0b3rt | Can Anyone Give Frostwire Commands install | 05:30 |
strabes | gui irc clients = own | 05:30 |
vbabiy | Yeah but why doesn't it list them | 05:30 |
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yigal | tonyyarusso: what, I am referring to a young kitten ? | 05:30 |
Bromics | GaiaX11, nope | 05:30 |
jjohnson | bitchx rules | 05:30 |
bur[n] er | GaiaX11, bruenig, I would argue!!! get glipper :) | 05:30 |
lomez | crimsun, strabes, i understand that but i hav e a mobility x300. why is it different? | 05:30 |
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yigal | tonyyarusso: that was uncalled for | 05:30 |
DanaG | Odd, knetworkmanager says my IP is | 05:30 |
bruenig | GaiaX11 is going to start completely over, get a less verbose output, not know what to do and then Bromics will be back where he started | 05:30 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, my xorg.conf dosen't look like what is shown in the example can you help me....i don't seem to have a monitor section in my xorg.conf. | 05:30 |
r0b3rt | Toma Can u guide me installing Frostewire | 05:30 |
GaiaX11 | Bromics: So your source list does not have it | 05:30 |
strabes | lomez: doesn't support 3d acceleration with the open source driver. you need to use fglrx | 05:31 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, it does I just saw it | 05:31 |
strabes | lomez: can you switch to a virtual terminal using Ctrl+alt+f1 ? | 05:31 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, | 05:31 |
Bromics | GaiaX11, eh wait i do | 05:31 |
yigal | I did aptitude search xchat, and I have xchat in feisty repos? | 05:31 |
Bromics | typo | 05:31 |
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lomez | strabes, im not sure. i havent used the LiveCD much | 05:31 |
bur[n] er | !info xchat | 05:31 |
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ubotu | xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB | 05:31 |
lomez | strabes, where should i press that, when? | 05:31 |
vbabiy | bruenig: is there any way it can do it on its own | 05:31 |
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strabes | lomez: once it crashes | 05:31 |
strabes | lomez: or doesn't work | 05:31 |
lomez | ok | 05:31 |
lomez | one second | 05:31 |
wastrel | yigal: xchat is in universe, xchat-gnome is in main | 05:31 |
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bruenig | vbabiy, what? once you specify it once, it will be assigned from now on to any other files of that filetype | 05:32 |
cute_bettong | Patrick_, ok found it but im useing a dell lcd monitor do i want the suggested horiz sync and vertrefresh rates? | 05:32 |
Pakalaka | hi all is avahi a replacement for winbind? can it do what winbind does? | 05:32 |
yigal | wastrel: that is :) :) | 05:32 |
Bromics | bruenig, GaiaX11, ok thnx guys but i think i figure out why. i can apt-get install xchat now :) | 05:32 |
lomez | strabes, one second | 05:32 |
r0b3rt | Toma Can You Help Me Installing Frostwire | 05:32 |
=== bur[n] er has no idea what winbind is, but avahi is mdns... aka bonjour/rendezvouz | ||
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Jump86 | i need to reformat a hard drive as storage for files.. should i make it a logical partition or extended? | 05:32 |
vbabiy | bruenig: no i am saying so if i want to specify the program for another file | 05:32 |
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therealnanotube | hey, anyone care to do some testing for me? :) | 05:32 |
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bruenig | Bromics, what was it | 05:32 |
strabes | lomez: I don't know if what I'm going to tell you to do is going to work. If it doesn't, you'll have to download the alternate install CD and use that to install. It's pretty easy. | 05:32 |
dman | can i dist-upgrade from dapper to feisty with minimal problems? | 05:32 |
=== bur[n] er guesses Bromics needed universe | ||
Patrick_ | cute_bettong, you can leave those blank as it should fiqure them out itself. | 05:33 |
strabes | dman: probably not | 05:33 |
therealnanotube | dman: you need to go in two steps, first to edgy, then to feisty. i've seen people have problems, so there's no guarantee you won't have any. | 05:33 |
bur[n] er | !upgrade > dman | 05:33 |
lomez | strabes, sure, where is the alternate install cd? | 05:33 |
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r0b3rt | Anyone help me pls installing frostwire | 05:33 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, you got your dvd burned?!?! | 05:33 |
Bromics | bruenig, i needed to update before i can apt-get install xchat, and universe was part of the update >.< | 05:33 |
jjohnson | exit | 05:33 |
strabes | lomez: on the ubuntu website | 05:33 |
strabes | lomez: below the regular cd | 05:33 |
cthom06 | r0b3rt: u can use automatix to install frostwirw | 05:33 |
bruenig | bur[n] er, | 05:33 |
bruenig | vbabiy, do it again, right click, properties, open with | 05:33 |
bruenig | vbabiy, you only have to do it once for each filetype, then it will apply universally | 05:33 |
therealnanotube | dman: but then again, there's also no guarantee that you will. :) but making a backup before you embark upon it would be a good choice. | 05:33 |
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yigal | Bromics: wow | 05:34 |
lomez | strabes, is it the one that is for <256mb computers? | 05:34 |
r0b3rt | cthom06 how ? | 05:34 |
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bruenig | Bromics, you said you had already updated | 05:34 |
getoo | I'm using ERC Version 5.1.2 (CVS) $Revision: 1.816 $ with GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.10.11) of 2007-04-27. | 05:34 |
jinxed | bruenig, why when I tried to compile hello world with g++ hello.cpp I got a weird message | 05:34 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, yea but now im haveing one heck of a time getting this dell dimension c521 to behave right.....all sorts of little nuances that i have to fix before it's in fiesty right now...but damn this is hard setting this thing up | 05:34 |
strabes | lomez: Maybe. It installs the same thing. You just use it if you can't boot into the gui or you want to install a command-line system. | 05:34 |
r0b3rt | cthom06 how? | 05:34 |
bruenig | jinxed, g++ -o helloworld hello.cpp | 05:34 |
lomez | strabes, does it have Gparted? because he needs to partition space to install it | 05:35 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, you're kidding? my lil HP was all autodetected... wireless widescreen and ati drivers to get beryl/compiz out of the box :) | 05:35 |
cthom06 | r0b3rt: google automatix, follow the instructions for installing, then open automatix and pick frostwire | 05:35 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, you try the restricted drivers manager? | 05:35 |
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bruenig | !automatix | cthom06, r0b3rt | 05:35 |
ubotu | cthom06, r0b3rt: Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:35 |
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GaiaX11 | Bromics: Ok. good luck! Now you can help people to install xchat. But I prefer xchat-gnome | 05:35 |
getoo | i got two laptops , one connects directly to the modem , now i have another laptop , anyway i can connect my other laptop to the one connected to the internet so i can get online | 05:35 |
jinxed | bruenig, still not luck | 05:35 |
jinxed | no* | 05:35 |
therealnanotube | !worksforme | 05:35 |
strabes | lomez: I don't remember. I think it has a utility to partition the disk though. If not, then you can download a gparted live CD to partition it. | 05:35 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 05:35 |
lomez | strabes, i am in the virtual terminal | 05:36 |
strabes | lomez: are you booting into the live CD? | 05:36 |
strabes | lomez: ok | 05:36 |
mboman | getoo: the laptop with connects to the internet, does it have any other connectivity? And how do you connect to the internet? | 05:36 |
Bromics | bruenig, i think i stopped it half way. | 05:36 |
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bruenig | jinxed, that is how I do it with gcc, I am sure it is something similar, sometimes it complains about the extension. I know in the docs it have seen .cc as an extension, not sure about .cpp | 05:36 |
strabes | lomez: follow this guide: | 05:36 |
getoo | mboman: using cable | 05:36 |
Bromics | GaiaX11, haha :P they're both cool actually | 05:36 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, yea big mistake to use the fglrx drivers...they seem to hate the video card in this thing...sound work's but recording and microphone does i cannot use things like skype and i must be able to use that....but let me tackle this video card issue first before i move on to other things that are just seeming to pi$$ me right the fsck off lol | 05:36 |
getoo | so i do have my wifi free mboman | 05:36 |
therealnanotube | anyone care to help me do some testing? please see | 05:36 |
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mboman | getoo: cable modem? well, the most painless way is to get one of those sub-$100 routers and plug it in | 05:37 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, ati is known for sucking for sure when compared with nvidia/intel | 05:37 |
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wastrel | fglrx works for me :] | 05:37 |
mboman | getoo: else you need to do a ad-hoc network and masqurading | 05:37 |
therealnanotube | mboman: those are sub-$50 now. :) | 05:37 |
strabes | lomez: once you have done that, you can try to run "startx" but I don't know if it will work. It probably won't. | 05:37 |
rak_ | beryl question: how do i use the <alt>F2 command to run programs with beryl running? | 05:37 |
getoo | mboman: i mean anyway i can connect using my wifi connecting both wirelesly and being able to get online | 05:37 |
jinxed | Can someone help me get the g++ compiler working please? | 05:37 |
mboman | getoo: listen to therealnanotube | 05:37 |
bruenig | rak_, #ubuntu-effects | 05:37 |
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bur[n] er | rak_, same way :) | 05:37 |
GaiaX11 | Bromics: xchat-gnome has support for many languages spell checking and xchat don't :-P | 05:38 |
bruenig | jinxed, man g++ | 05:38 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, xchat has support for both of those things | 05:38 |
getoo | mboman: i do not wanna buy a router yet .... i am in vacation and i do not need to buy it here | 05:38 |
rak_ | it's not working for me, but i'll take it to #ubuntu-effects | 05:38 |
strabes | rak_: there's options for keyboard shortcuts in the beryl manager. | 05:38 |
getoo | i got them at home | 05:38 |
Shacker6363 | Oy, I need a good Gnome vs KDE article, I just can't decide and don't want both. | 05:38 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, right now for instance, your name has a red squiggly under it as I am typing it | 05:38 |
GaiaX11 | bruenig: it hasn't | 05:38 |
cyclops | how do i blacklist a specific soundcard so that the drivers for it won't load. | 05:38 |
jinxed | bruenig, what g++? | 05:38 |
therealnanotube | getoo: so what are you trying to do, anyway? :) | 05:38 |
mboman | getoo: yes. but unless you are really cheap per hour I would just buy a router and work those hours instead to get the money | 05:38 |
wastrel | !blacklist > cyclops | 05:38 |
bruenig | jinxed, do "man g++" and read | 05:39 |
zaxone | i use kvirc its kool | 05:39 |
mboman | getoo: unless you do it for the experience | 05:39 |
wastrel | cyclops: figure out the name of the kernel module and use those instructions to blacklist it | 05:39 |
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getoo | therealnanotube: one latop connects directly to the modem (cable) | 05:39 |
Bromics | GaiaX11, i'll try both of them. | 05:39 |
Bromics | Brb guys. | 05:39 |
cyclops | wastrel: thank you | 05:39 |
getoo | i wanna connect using my wifi with another laptop | 05:39 |
getoo | so i can get online with my second laptop | 05:39 |
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getoo | so i have the two of them online | 05:39 |
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jinxed | bruenig, we used the g++ compiler all through programming at University of Michigan and we did it on linux but it was already installed... there are some prob right now with it the way it is working... | 05:39 |
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wastrel | cyclops: you may also be able to turn it off in the bios | 05:40 |
getoo | i mean to use the laptop connectd to the modem as router | 05:40 |
strabes | Shacker6363: | 05:40 |
Comrade-Sergei | where can i get a working version of limewire/frostwire that works for 1386 ubuntu? | 05:40 |
Jump86 | i need HELP setting up a new external USB drive as a file storage device.. i want it to use ext3 filesystem... i formatted and partitioned the drive in gparted but i can't seem to figure out how to claim ownership of it so i can add / remove / create without using sudo | 05:40 |
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GaiaX11 | bruenig: this is for English only. I speak other languages and xchat dont work for me, but xchat-gnome does the job :-P | 05:40 |
therealnanotube | getoo: ah i see, so you want lap1 -> (wifi) -> lap2 -> (wire) -> wan ? | 05:40 |
Shacker6363 | Thank you strabes | 05:40 |
bruenig | jinxed, I have used it before, it worked fine for me, did you consider changing the file extension like I said to .cc | 05:40 |
mboman | getoo: both machines running ubuntu? | 05:40 |
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getoo | therealnanotube: yea | 05:40 |
getoo | mboman: one is gentoo | 05:40 |
strabes | Shacker6363: that was on earlier | 05:40 |
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bruenig | GaiaX11, you do whatever you want, but don't say xchat doesn't support different languages or spell checking | 05:40 |
Shacker6363 | strabes: Hrmm, can't believe I missed it. | 05:41 |
EchoBinary | For Ubuntu 7.10, a typical install, what should i use for a partition size? i will be dual booting and dont want to short-change the ubuntu install by making it too small | 05:41 |
bur[n] er | mboman, you can share the internet connection via iptables? try firestarter... it's a gui to do it for you | 05:41 |
therealnanotube | getoo: well, you'd need to set up lap2 machine as a router - that would require some iptables editing. | 05:41 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, wish me luck....if i don't succeed ill be stuck back in irssi.....agian...there is an onbord nvidia but it's only a 128mb card.... | 05:41 |
strabes | Shacker6363: the article is called "a tale of two desktops" | 05:41 |
Comrade-Sergei | EchoBinary whats the code name on 7.10? | 05:41 |
therealnanotube | getoo: i assume you have already successfully established the wifi-to-wifi link? | 05:41 |
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bruenig | GaiaX11, I count 13 supported languages for instance | 05:41 |
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jackb | I want to try out unbuntu tonight on my XP box, I'd like to be able to try it safely, anyone know the best way or have any advice plz? | 05:41 |
GaiaX11 | bruenig: I have tried the two of them. Have you? | 05:41 |
EchoBinary | oops LOL my bad | 05:41 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, yes I have | 05:41 |
EchoBinary | 7.04 | 05:41 |
EchoBinary | Feisty Fawn | 05:41 |
Comrade-Sergei | where can i get a working version of limewire/frostwire that works for i386 ubuntu? | 05:41 |
jinxed | bruenig, didn't work | 05:41 |
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EchoBinary | (brain fart) | 05:42 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, what language are you looking for that it doesn't support, 13 languages is very expansive | 05:42 |
Comrade-Sergei | lol | 05:42 |
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=== bur[n] er wonders why automatix gets so much press when it's such utter crap | ||
jinxed | bruenig, it doesn't even create the file | 05:42 |
getoo | therealnanotube: what should i google for | 05:42 |
getoo | . | 05:42 |
getoo | sory about that | 05:42 |
getoo | got disconnected | 05:42 |
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bruenig | jinxed, pastebin your program, let me see if I can get g++ to compile it | 05:42 |
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GaiaX11 | bruenig: Ok. So stick with xchat and I will with xchat-gnome. No holy wars. Right? | 05:42 |
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therealnanotube | getoo: google for iptables + router . i'm pretty sure that should hook you up. | 05:42 |
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Comrade-Sergei | i need frostwire/limewire in linux! where can i find it? | 05:43 |
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mboman | bur[n] er: I am not the one sharing the internet, getoo is the one who wants to do it ;-) | 05:43 |
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santos_ | hey | 05:43 |
santos_ | q tal | 05:43 |
kevev | Patrick: ndiswrapper works for me. RTL8185 KNetworkManager and WPAPSK | 05:43 |
frederick85 | how can i see what dist of ubuntu i have and if it is still edgy how can i upgrade | 05:43 |
santos_ | alguien habla espaol | 05:43 |
kalam2007 | i was just wandering how do i install files frm Cd to the comp | 05:43 |
santos_ | somebody | 05:43 |
cilaes | !upgrade | 05:43 |
bruenig | GaiaX11, my issue is not with what you do, it is with misinformation. Like when people say apt-get doesn't track dependencies when it does. You can do what you want and prefer what you want and suggest what you want but at least do so truthfully. | 05:43 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 05:43 |
therealnanotube | getoo: first hit, here's what i got, looks useful: | 05:43 |
bur[n] er | getoo, try using firestarter first!!! might save you some time | 05:43 |
thelsdj | Anyone know if its possible to set f-spot-importer as default to run when usb camera is plugged in? | 05:43 |
GaiaX11 | !es | santos | 05:43 |
ubotu | santos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:43 |
scarter | how do i get a java plugin working for firefox on feisty amd64 without installing firefox32? | 05:43 |
wiseelben | this is weird: sometimes, I won't be able to connect to I know it's up because other computers can connect it, but whatever I do (clean firefox private data, reset connection), the site is always "down" for me. Any ideas? | 05:43 |
getoo | therealnanotube: cablemodem ---> lap1 using cable now i want lap1 to connect lap2 to lap1 wirelessly so i can getonline with lap2 also | 05:43 |
lomez | whats the command in terminal to start the X server? | 05:43 |
cilaes | !upgrade | frederick85 | 05:43 |
ubotu | frederick85: please see above | 05:43 |
RAOF | scarter: The gnu plugin. | 05:43 |
jinxed | k | 05:43 |
santos_ | cheverolas | 05:43 |
yigal | kalam2007: you mean debs, just do, "apt-cdrom add" | 05:43 |
bur[n] er | thelsdj, use the removable devices preferences | 05:43 |
kalam2007 | can some 1 help me | 05:43 |
getoo | k i shall try your lnks | 05:43 |
Comrade-Sergei | intino? | 05:43 |
getoo | links | 05:43 |
getoo | thanx | 05:43 |
kalam2007 | how | 05:43 |
yigal | kalam2007: apt-get update | 05:43 |
wastrel | thelsdj: system > preferences > removable drives and media i think | 05:44 |
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Comrade-Sergei | where can i get a working version of limewire/frostwire that works for i386 ubuntu? | 05:44 |
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jcrash | lomez: startx | 05:44 |
scarter | RAOF: were do i find that? | 05:44 |
thelsdj | bur[n] er, wastrel: thanks | 05:44 |
EchoBinary | so for Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), a typical install, what should i use for a minimum partition size? | 05:44 |
bruenig | wiseelben, can you wget it? | 05:44 |
crimsun | EchoBinary: for which partition? | 05:44 |
therealnanotube | anyone care to help me do some testing? please see | 05:44 |
strabes | EchoBinary: a couple of gigs | 05:44 |
yigal | kalam2007: why don't you read? | 05:44 |
jackb | anyone have a link to the best newb walk through for installing 7.04 ? | 05:44 |
wiseelben | bruenig: cna't even ping | 05:44 |
EchoBinary | cool, thanks :)( | 05:44 |
bur[n] er | Comrade-Sergei, we hear you, but we realize that limewire/frostwire was more of a year 2000-2003 kind of thing... we live in the present ;) | 05:44 |
EchoBinary | :) * | 05:44 |
bruenig | wiseelben, if you can't ping, that isn't a firefox issue | 05:44 |
kuma | hi, my Xorg process is eating an awfull ammount of cpu. how can i know why is this happening? | 05:44 |
=== DanaG wonders what lemonwire would be ..... | ||
wiseelben | bruenig: well last time i just cleared the cache and it worked | 05:44 |
noiesmo | Comrade-Sergei: | 05:45 |
mboman | getoo: | 05:45 |
yigal | kuma: what programs are you running? | 05:45 |
Comrade-Sergei | bur[n] er what! then how do you get your music? | 05:45 |
kalam2007 | yigal this is wat comes | 05:45 |
kalam2007 | Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc | 05:45 |
getoo | mboman: thanx | 05:45 |
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yigal | kalam2007: what disk are you trying to use? | 05:45 |
DanaG | Networkmanager (knetworkmanager, specifically) is being odd: | 05:45 |
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bur[n] er | Comrade-Sergei, i buy mine from emusic to be honest :\ but there are more nefarious ways that don't involve *wire | 05:45 |
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kalam2007 | windows xp | 05:45 |
RAOF | scarter: Package gcjwebplugin | 05:45 |
bruenig | wiseelben, school is pretty much over, who cares about physics anymore. | 05:45 |
DanaG | it says I have an IP of, yet I'm quite obviously connected. | 05:45 |
kuma | yigal: not much, kate, firefox, Kopete, Xchat, Konsole. Ksysguard | 05:45 |
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mboman | getoo: check out the Linux Documentation Project. You are looking for Netfilter / IP Masqurading HOWTO | 05:46 |
strabes | lomez: how is it going | 05:46 |
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kalam2007 | yigal-windows xp | 05:46 |
GaiaX11 | bruenig: Perhaps it is because xchat improved a bit. Because there were a time when xchat did not have language spelling support and It was when I left it and started using xchat gnome. Since then, I did not use xchat again :-) | 05:46 |
wiseelben | bruenig: not physics, college | 05:46 |
yigal | kalam2007: with an XP disk? I am confused? | 05:46 |
mboman | getoo: but if it was me I would just go and buy a router | 05:46 |
cute_bettong | dang nabbit i got stuck in irssi again | 05:46 |
bur[n] er | kuma, kill firefox and x gets back to normal? | 05:46 |
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bruenig | wiseelben, can you connect in windows? | 05:46 |
lomez | strabes, i edited xorg.conf and install the xorg-fglrx drivers and it worked fine. thanks all! | 05:46 |
Comrade-Sergei | bur[n] er i guess thats just part of me using linux in the first place, i get it for free (mostly) all my music is free too | 05:46 |
kalam2007 | no im trying to install xp bakc to my comp | 05:46 |
underwatercow | is there a way to see the list of users in a channel? | 05:46 |
wiseelben | bruenig: duno, i'll try vmware | 05:46 |
jackb | anyone have a link to the best newb walk through for installing 7.04 on XP to try it out? | 05:46 |
getoo | mboman: i understand the buying part , but theres no need to buy is i will only use this for a month | 05:46 |
bruenig | wiseelben, zenwalk is connecting, you should try that | 05:46 |
getoo | maybe even less | 05:46 |
jinxed | bruenig, | 05:46 |
wastrel | !install > jackb | 05:46 |
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mboman | getoo: ok | 05:46 |
Comrade-Sergei | thanks anyways | 05:47 |
bur[n] er | Comrade-Sergei, | 05:47 |
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strabes | lomez: glad to hear it | 05:47 |
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wiseelben | bruenig: what are you doing in #ubuntu? | 05:47 |
Comrade-Sergei | no googling! | 05:47 |
kalam2007 | yigal-canu help me out | 05:47 |
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yigal | kalam2007: I am totally confused now, 1. what CD are you adding for new linux applications | 05:47 |
kuma | bur[n] er: you were right :) thanks, is there anyway to avoid this behaviour? | 05:47 |
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bruenig | jinxed, I named it "" and then did "g++ -o whatever" and it compiled and then ran with ./whatever | 05:47 |
therealnanotube | mboman: getoo: yea, if you have no experience setting up routing with iptables, it will probably take you an hour or two to figure it out. figure, if your work is worth $50/hr, you are better off buying a cheapo router for under $50. :) but if you want to get experience, then feel free to play with iptables. | 05:47 |
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kalam2007 | im using an iso burned cd its windows xp installation | 05:47 |
bruenig | wiseelben, check out #zenwalk | 05:48 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er: man im stuck in irssi again >.< | 05:48 |
bur[n] er | kuma, got me, i just know firefox is the culprit usually ;) | 05:48 |
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guero | can someone instruct me on how to play rmvb files? | 05:48 |
Jump86 | i need HELP setting up a new external USB drive as a file storage device.. i want it to use ext3 filesystem... i formatted and partitioned the drive in gparted but i can't seem to figure out how to claim ownership of it so i can add / remove / create without using sudo | 05:48 |
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kuma | bur[n] er: lol, anyway thanks for your heko | 05:48 |
kuma | *help | 05:48 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, stuck? ;) ctrl+a,n :) the power of screen works wonders | 05:48 |
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yigal | kalam2007: let me get this straight? You are trying to install Kate, etc, with a Windows XP CD? | 05:48 |
lethu | can somebody tell me if xvidcap is available in the official Feisty repository please? I can't find it : / | 05:48 |
underwatercow | is it true that Linux is a hacker's OS? If so, what makes it so? :-p | 05:48 |
jackb | hmm I guess I'll install it and see what happens <shrugs> | 05:48 |
jinxed | bruenig, I believe that the program is correct however... I should be able to do g++ home.cpp and then type a.out and it run... but it doesn't I'm sure if you typed g++ whatever.cpp then typed a.out it would also run... but my compiler isn't workign right now so it won't | 05:48 |
strabes | Jump86: Have you tried searching There should be plenty of topics on that type of problem. You'll have to mount the drive as a user with the default options. | 05:49 |
=== DanaG also wishes there were an equivalent of the eft-theme. | ||
DanaG | for usplash. | 05:49 |
yigal | underwatercow: if you don't hack there is a good chance you won't be able to use Linux, that is point 1. | 05:49 |
Jump86 | strabes, been doing NOTHING but that for the last 4 hours | 05:49 |
bur[n] er | underwatercow, that's a thesis question, but here's the short answer.... yes it is.. because it's open source, anyone can hack on it and do what they want with it... hack it to their own needs | 05:49 |
kalam2007 | ya i wanna know how to install n get ma ubuntu to windows xp | 05:49 |
wastrel | underwatercow: this channel is for tech support, try #ubuntu-offtopic for philosophical questions :] | 05:49 |
strabes | Jump86: PM me | 05:49 |
bruenig | jinxed, yeah g++ and then a.out works too | 05:49 |
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scarter | RAOF: looks like it doesn't exist anymore (5/2006) and has been merged with any comments on the usefulness of this project? | 05:49 |
underwatercow | wastrel: lol | 05:49 |
bruenig | jinxed, I am not using the ubuntu packaged g++ though, maybe that is the issue | 05:49 |
cute_bettong | i know how to use irssi just this ati card is going to be the death of me i swear | 05:49 |
underwatercow | wastrel: at least I got a response | 05:50 |
Xyhthyx | Anyone know the desktop stats app in this screenshot? | 05:50 |
walkintome | hi all. i want to run windows xp x64 through virtualization under feisty, and was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me out as i have no idea how to do this | 05:50 |
RAOF | scarter: The gcjwebplugin package succesfully runs one of my Java 1.5 applets. | 05:50 |
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bruenig | !info conky | Xyhthyx | 05:50 |
yigal | kalam2007: you can use some of the applications on the XP disc with wine or another emulator otherwise there is no other way as far as I am aware. | 05:50 |
Xyhthyx | !info conky | 05:50 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, awww, i see... "stuck" ;) did you try using the Restricted Drivers Manager? also, try just editing xorg.conf by hand and adding 1280x800 or whatever and try it at 16 bit? | 05:50 |
Xyhthyx | Thanks bruenig | 05:50 |
ubotu | xyhthyx: conky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 123 kB, installed size 416 kB | 05:50 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er: tryed it all....several howto's i might just have to pull this card | 05:50 |
kalam2007 | so i do i get the program so i could it | 05:50 |
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Cyde | Even though I have my IP address statically configured in /etc/network/interfaces , dhclient starts up and periodically assigns me an address by DHCP. I cannot figure out what is starting dhclient; I'd really rather just not have it run, ever. Any ideas? | 05:50 |
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kalam2007 | wich emulator | 05:51 |
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jackb | extracting from ubuntu -7.04 desktop i386.iso | 05:51 |
yigal | walkintome: try VirtualBox, do a google search and install the deb | 05:51 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, what kind is it? | 05:51 |
scarter | RAOF: good... thanks for the help, i'll check back if i'm not successful, otherwise have a great night! | 05:51 |
yigal | walkintome: very nice emulator | 05:51 |
Orban | what is the gnome package ubuntu uses to do its gui based network configuration? | 05:51 |
zaxone | can someone send a pm? | 05:51 |
underwatercow | Is anyone in here officially Ubuntu tech support? or is it open for whoever wants to help? | 05:51 |
zaxone | only one plz | 05:51 |
yigal | walkintome: excuse me virtualization tool | 05:51 |
therealnanotube | Orban: network-manager-gnome | 05:51 |
tonyyarusso | Orban: network-admin and network-manager-gnome | 05:51 |
strabes | underwatercow: "official" ubuntu tech support you have to buy | 05:51 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er: what the card? it's an ati radeon X1300 pro low profile pci-e card | 05:51 |
walkintome | yigal: will i be able to install apps onto the virtual machine like i would using viertual pc 2007? | 05:51 |
jinxed | Cansome please help me get a working c++ compiler in ubuntu going (perferably g++ compiler) | 05:51 |
strabes | underwatercow: this is free support. everyone in here is a volunteer | 05:52 |
walkintome | virtual* | 05:52 |
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underwatercow | strabes: thanks, just wondering | 05:52 |
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GaiaX11 | underwatercow: It is not the system that is a hacker, but people who use Linux. But what do you mean by hack(er)? White, black, grey or other colour hackers? | 05:52 |
zaxone | ok thanks | 05:52 |
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jinxed | Could someone please help me get a working c++ compiler in ubuntu going (perferably g++ compiler) | 05:52 |
bruenig | jinxed, oh, the problem is probably headers, do "sudo apt-get install build-essential" don't repeat | 05:52 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, i've never used it, but did you try "envy" ? | 05:52 |
kalam2007 | yigal-wer do i get the emulator frm n how do i use wine | 05:52 |
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jackb | here goes | 05:52 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er: envy? whats that? | 05:52 |
jackb | launching broswer... waiting | 05:52 |
bruenig | !envy | cute_bettong | 05:53 |
underwatercow | GaiaX11: I don't understand the color references | 05:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on | 05:53 |
bruenig | who took out the !envy factoid | 05:53 |
yigal | walintome: I believe you will, the virtual environment is cut off from the master OS except for disk space (if you want them to share) | 05:53 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, what's fglrx driver do? that's supposed to work | 05:53 |
jackb | do I have to redownload firefox if I already have it installed? | 05:53 |
kalam2007 | yagil-help me out bro | 05:53 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, envy: | 05:53 |
yigal | walintome: like vmware | 05:53 |
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strabes | !fglrx | bur[n] er | 05:53 |
ubotu | bur[n] er: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 05:53 |
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bur[n] er | jackb, why would you have to do that? | 05:53 |
yigal | walintome: except it the program is faster than vmware and qemu | 05:53 |
walkintome | yigal: sounds good | 05:54 |
jackb | I'm quite new at this, I'm sorry | 05:54 |
walkintome | yigal: may i ask you questions if i encounter any difficulties? | 05:54 |
bur[n] er | jackb, no need to be sorry :) | 05:54 |
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GaiaX11 | underwatercow: So. Google it :-) | 05:54 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er: im stuck in irssi right now...there is nothing that fglrx will do for this card..and the howto that other guy gave to me just made things worse...imma try to restore my old xorg.conf file and get my gui might take a bit im not used to cli stuff | 05:54 |
jackb | I ran start.exe after the file downloaded | 05:54 |
yigal | walkintome: yes, yes of course | 05:54 |
walkintome | yigal: thank you! | 05:55 |
jinxed | bruenig, I get the following error still: | 05:55 |
underwatercow | GaiaX11: Interesting, didn't know there were official hacker colors, lol | 05:55 |
jinxed | bruenig, and when I compile ignoring the error I get a bash a.out command not found | 05:55 |
jackb | no idea what to do now | 05:55 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, you probably just have to change the Driver line in your xorg.conf to "ati" or "radeon" instead of "fglrx" | 05:55 |
wiseelben | this is weird: sometimes, I won't be able to connect to I know it's up because other computers can connect it, but whatever I do (clean firefox private data, reset connection), the site is always "down" for me. I also tried pinging it. Any ideas? | 05:55 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er: tryed it dosen't work | 05:55 |
bruenig | jinxed, yeah, I got that error too, it still compiled though | 05:55 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er: imma go restore the old xorg.conf file be back in a few hopefully | 05:56 |
jackb | haha anyone have a super ubuntu newb tutorial or something? | 05:56 |
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therealnanotube | wiseelben: works for me... :) | 05:56 |
jinxed | bruenig, mine didn't compile though | 05:56 |
bur[n] er | lol, good call cute_bettong :) messing with sync stuff is prolly unnecessary | 05:56 |
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bruenig | jinxed, hmmm | 05:56 |
jackb | like I just downloaded it and ran start, but not sure as to what I should do now | 05:56 |
wiseelben | therealnanotube: yes i know that | 05:56 |
bruenig | !repeat | wiseelben | 05:56 |
ubotu | wiseelben: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:56 |
therealnanotube | wiseelben: can you connect by IP? | 05:56 |
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scales11 | tips on installing a new splash screen? | 05:57 |
walkintome | yigal: if i want to install widnows xp x64 using virtual box on my system will it be able to becasue linux uses ext3? where should i install it? | 05:57 |
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wiseelben | bruenig: lol ok sorrry i won't repeat | 05:57 |
wiseelben | bruenig: lol ok sorrry i won't repeat | 05:57 |
wiseelben | bruenig: lol ok sorrry i won't repeat | 05:57 |
wiseelben | bruenig: lol ok sorrry i won't repeat | 05:57 |
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bruenig | !ops | WildZeck | 05:57 |
ubotu | WildZeck: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal or mneptok | 05:57 |
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DanaG | hmm, | 05:57 |
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underwatercow | GaiaX11: I am interesting in hacking from a knowledge point point of view, or perhaps from an ethical hacking point of view. However, I'm also interesting in network security and it's hard to know how to stop something if you don't know how it's done. | 05:57 |
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DanaG | microcode update for core 2 duo. | 05:57 |
bruenig | tab complete got me | 05:57 |
nalioth | wiseelben: please be civil | 05:57 |
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therealnanotube | nalioth: heh come on, he was just being funny. ;) | 05:58 |
jackb | haha I'm so lost | 05:58 |
Music_Shuffle | Is there any way I can make a program auto-restart if it crashes? | 05:58 |
walkintome | yigal: im also seeing that virtual box does not support 64 bit systems. does that mean i wont be able to use xp x64? | 05:58 |
towlie | has anyone here run ubuntu under parallels ? | 05:58 |
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yigal | walkintome: I believe it does, I am sorry | 05:59 |
wiseelben | nalioth, tonyyarusso: bruenig keeps on abusing me by spamming !coc's and other useless things to belittle me. | 05:59 |
walkintome | yigal: darn | 05:59 |
towlie | yigal, ahlan | 05:59 |
bruenig | wow, ban dodging | 05:59 |
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mscman | i have towlie | 05:59 |
yigal | towlie: yigal, ahlan ? | 05:59 |
towlie | did it work ? | 05:59 |
walkintome | yigal: do you know if there is an alternative to virtual box? | 05:59 |
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yigal | walkintome: vmware and qemu | 06:00 |
jinxed | bruenig, you have any ideas? | 06:00 |
bruenig | I !repeat once, the logs don't lie | 06:00 |
wiseelben | bruenig: you know waht you do | 06:00 |
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GaiaX11 | underwatercow: Ok. But, go to #ubuntu-offtopic to this issue :-) | 06:00 |
walkintome | yigal: whcih would you recommend that is decent performance/stability wise | 06:00 |
bulmer | whats wrong with cutting a source code from a firefox and pasting it into vi that it inserst a # on each line? how did this auto insert of # happens? | 06:00 |
yigal | walkintome: both are not bad, really | 06:00 |
bruenig | jinxed, I mean it works here, hard to determine exactly what the problem is since I am not having it. what is the version of your g++, do "g++ --version" | 06:00 |
underwatercow | GaiaX11: I was thinking of saying something, lol Are you in there too? | 06:00 |
brtb | would anyone happen to know how to configure the kernel-module loading order? specifically, i'm trying to get one soundcard loaded before another and udev just loads them randomly | 06:00 |
wastrel | bulmer: vi's autoindent thingy does that | 06:00 |
towlie | mscman, i get an error unable to locate rcsp or something like that | 06:00 |
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wastrel | well, vim anyway | 06:00 |
mscman | when you're installing? | 06:01 |
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bulmer | wastrel: oh okay thanks, you know how to turn it off? | 06:01 |
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yigal | walkintome: I really am not sure i even have a preference? virtualbox may work where qemu fails for x64 architecture though | 06:01 |
denver | what is the package name for all libc man pages and such | 06:01 |
GaiaX11 | underwatercow: yes | 06:01 |
tonyyarusso | !splash | scales11 | 06:01 |
ubotu | scales11: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor. | 06:01 |
walkintome | yigal: maybe im misunderstanding, but are you saying virtualbox may be able to run xp x64? | 06:01 |
Cyde | Even though I have my IP address statically configured in /etc/network/interfaces , dhclient starts up and periodically assigns me an address by DHCP. I cannot figure out what is starting dhclient; I'd really rather just not have it run, ever. Any ideas? | 06:02 |
jinxed | bruenig, tom@tom-laptop:~/C++$ g++ --version | 06:02 |
jinxed | g++ (GCC) 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4) | 06:02 |
jinxed | Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. | 06:02 |
jinxed | This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO | 06:02 |
jinxed | warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | 06:02 |
towlie | mscman, you here | 06:02 |
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yigal | walkintome: sorry s/virtualbox/vmware too many "v"s | 06:02 |
Flannel | jinxed: please don | 06:02 |
bruenig | jinxed, oh, my g++ is g++ (GCC) 3.4.6 | 06:02 |
Flannel | jinxed: please dont paste here | 06:02 |
walkintome | yiagl ah ok | 06:02 |
mscman | towlie, how do you have your virtual machine set up? | 06:02 |
bruenig | jinxed, it said that iostream.h was deprecated, perhaps in your version, they have completely done away with it. You should see what it is replaced with | 06:03 |
walkintome | well im using synaptics package manager for vmware but i dont realyl know which one to choose. i dont think i see a virtualization package, just a vmware player and server | 06:03 |
towlie | i set it to solaris as the o.s and other o.s as the type | 06:03 |
walkintome | yigal: well im using synaptics package manager for vmware but i dont realyl know which one to choose. i dont think i see a virtualization package, just a vmware player and server | 06:03 |
mscman | hmm | 06:03 |
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cute_bettong | bur[n] er, ok im back in gui....i HATE ATI >.< | 06:03 |
wastrel | bulmer: do :set paste | 06:03 |
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mscman | how much ram do you have allocated? | 06:03 |
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towlie | 604mb | 06:04 |
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mscman | try setting a lower amount; i know people have had problems with the ram and parallels | 06:04 |
mscman | unfortunately, it seems to only work with < 256MB | 06:04 |
levander | I just removed a network card from my machine that was eth0 and I'm using the other card that was (and still is) eth1. Anyone know how to change it so that the one card that's still in there is now eth0? | 06:04 |
EchoBinary | ok - heres an interesting one: how do i get root in the ubuntu live CD bootup to run gparted? | 06:04 |
DShepherd | EchoBinary: gksu gparted | 06:05 |
Flannel | EchoBinary: you use sudo, like everything else in ubuntu. | 06:05 |
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CharlieSu | is there a command line tool for making torrents?? I don't use rtorrent and it doesn't have that capability ... | 06:05 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, i'm with ya... what's the problem with the ati driver? no 3d accel? | 06:05 |
DShepherd | EchoBinary: or sudo works just fine | 06:05 |
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walkintome | does anyone know how to go through their linux install and clean out junk files? | 06:05 |
towlie | mscman, it says unable to locate rsdp | 06:05 |
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Kirovski | Anyway to make a scroll wheel,, hmm,, scroll more at a time? | 06:06 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, it just dosen't work with anything that isen't the default ubuntu setup | 06:06 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, can you use the Restricted Drivers gui? | 06:06 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, it dosen't matter it won't work no matter what | 06:06 |
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cute_bettong | bur[n] er, it dosen't matter i tryed vesa and ati and flgrx it just won't work :( | 06:06 |
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bruenig | walkintome, like what? | 06:07 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: what card? | 06:07 |
mscman | towlie, this seems to be a common parallels problem | 06:07 |
mscman | | 06:07 |
denver | reboog | 06:07 |
yigal | walkintome: sorry yes these should be fine. just the player should be enough | 06:07 |
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drew | how do i check what my system does during bootup, behind the splash screen, is there a way to modify boot-up sequence? | 06:07 |
walkintome | bruenig: well, ive a linux noob and ive been installing a ton of stuff both successfully and unsuccessfully so i have a hunch that have quite a few files scattered throughout my linux installation that i dont need and i would like to tidy up =) | 06:07 |
vbabiy | Hey guys i have a have linksys G wireless card but its only running at 11 Mb\s how can i raise this | 06:08 |
jxl1 | I just lost ability to boot in feisty-don't think it's repairable. The error is: /bin/bash: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 06:08 |
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towlie | mscman yea and a ew sites say to change the o.s type to solaris and add vga=790 as a bootup command line parameter | 06:08 |
bruenig | walkintome, if you installed stuff from the repositories, simply sudo apt-get remove it | 06:08 |
walkintome | yigal: cool, ill give that a try | 06:08 |
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towlie | mscman, when i do that i see the initial loading screen of ubuntu but then it freezes there | 06:08 |
mscman | yeah, have you tried adding that as a boot param? | 06:08 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, what's the "default" use? radeon as the driver? | 06:08 |
mscman | hmm | 06:09 |
towlie | yea i did | 06:09 |
bruenig | walkintome, if you installed it from source, that is another story, you will have to tidy that up on your own, tracking down where the stuff went or compiling again and make uninstalling | 06:09 |
walkintome | bruenig: well, the problem is i didnt always do that, and i dont even remmber half of the stuff i installed. i would do a clean install but i would have to go through the fuss fo installing my wireless usb driver again and that alone took me 2 days | 06:09 |
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mscman | the only thing i can suggest is trying the vmware fusion beta | 06:09 |
cute_bettong | crdlb, it's an ati radeon x1300 pro low profile pci-e card | 06:09 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, i'm sure you need to get the fglrx driver, and I bet if you use the restricted drivers gui it'll work | 06:09 |
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bulmer | vbabiy: no one can guarantee those speed | 06:09 |
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crdlb | cute_bettong: so you do need fglrx for 3d accel, I think ati should still give you 2d | 06:09 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, ubuntu cannot even tell me what the card is....i just happen to have the invoice from dell here thats how I know what it is | 06:09 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: as a last resort you can use vesa | 06:09 |
dman | hrm upgraded all the way to feisty | 06:09 |
bruenig | walkintome, well there is not some automatic thing, that is the reason why ubuntu has package management, so that it can be clean. If you go outside of package managment, unless you are pretty certain in what you are doing, you could have a mess with files scattered all over the place. | 06:09 |
dman | but now on boot, its pausing on * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [ OK ] | 06:09 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, use synaptic and remove the stuff you don't want | 06:09 |
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cute_bettong | crdlb, if i use anything besides how ubuntu set it up in default xorg either coaks at boot or i just get a blank screen | 06:10 |
natsumey | aa | 06:10 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep Driver and see if you see ati, radeon, or fglrx :) | 06:10 |
mscman | towlie, what's weird is i've been able to install on an "Other Linux" machine in parallels before | 06:10 |
jxl1 | home is on a seperate partition and I can mount my install what else beside /etc /var & /usr/local do i need to recreate this install? | 06:10 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: i did that. i think maybe down the road (a few weeks) if i can gather all the recourses i need a burn them to a dvd, i might just do a clean install | 06:10 |
mscman | and that's the method that seems to fail for people | 06:10 |
towlie | mscman, you installed ubuntu or another distro | 06:10 |
mscman | ubuntu | 06:11 |
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cute_bettong | bur[n] er, it's useing vesa | 06:11 |
mscman | hmm, here's an interesting solution | 06:11 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: and it's working now in vesa? | 06:11 |
wastrel | poor thing | 06:11 |
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cute_bettong | bur[n] er, i have been through about 4 howto's and all give the same results | 06:11 |
bur[n] er | towlie, use the Solaris option... there was just an article about ubuntu in parallels on digg | 06:11 |
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mscman | towlie, try switching your machine type to the Linux 2.6 type now | 06:11 |
cute_bettong | crdlb, yes it works just fine in vesa....but i won't be able to play my games | 06:11 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, wow, that sucks nutz! vesa is horrible :\ | 06:11 |
mscman | bur[n] er he's using that type | 06:11 |
towlie | mscman, i did but which other type ? | 06:12 |
cute_bettong | crdlb, and to top it off i can play musica but not run things like skype or record sound...for some reason it just will not do that | 06:12 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, i know you tried a whole bunch, but did you try the Restricted Drivers Manager gui application? system -> admin -> restricted drivers manager? | 06:12 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: is this an upgrade or fresh install? | 06:12 |
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jxl1 | to recreate my install do i need anything beside etc, var & usr/local? | 06:12 |
cute_bettong | crdlb, fresh install...i feel really dumb paying 3 grand for a computer that cannot even run linux correctly | 06:12 |
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cute_bettong | bur[n] er, i been there tryed that...just crashes x and if im lucky just gives to me a blank screen | 06:13 |
mscman | other linux 2.6 | 06:13 |
bur[n] er | jxl1, /home /usr /bin /sbin... i like all those directories to be around ;) | 06:13 |
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jxl1 | sbin? | 06:13 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, sucky :\ i'd write to ati | 06:13 |
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crdlb | cute_bettong: have you at any point tried newer fglrx drivers? | 06:13 |
starz | eh | 06:13 |
starz | so how do i upgrade past feisty? | 06:14 |
jxl1 | home is on a seperate partition i have that | 06:14 |
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Flannel | starz: there's not anything past feisty. | 06:14 |
Fylk | How do I get gnome-dock? | 06:14 |
cute_bettong | crdlb, i don't still new to linux and so far am way outta my legue | 06:14 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, know what version of fglrx you were installing? | 06:15 |
Shacker6363 | Hmm, is there anyway to automatically uninstall no longer used packages in synaptic? I've been testing a bunch of programs that have been installed now but noticed that a bunch of the dependencies still remain. If possible, I'd like to get rid of them all in one clean sweep. | 06:15 |
bur[n] er | Fylk, it's not really released at all | 06:15 |
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cute_bettong | bur[n] er, the current version that is in the repo | 06:15 |
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cute_bettong | s | 06:15 |
Shacker6363 | *have been uninstalled now | 06:15 |
dman | when i run fesity and try to access it via local console, all i get is * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [ OK ] | 06:15 |
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Fylk | Then I need some kind of dock. | 06:15 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, and after that i tryed this howto that some guy gave to me | 06:15 |
dman | it doesnt run login, any one know why | 06:15 |
jxl1 | if i have etc var & usr/local will i still have re-install anything? | 06:15 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, what version is that ;) <--this is the latest from ati... ubuntu have this? | 06:16 |
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walkintome | so i needed to end the virtualbox installation so i restart my session. however now i cant open synaptics "E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report." and synaptics closes. what did i do! | 06:16 |
Fylk | Shacker: sudo apt-get autoremove | 06:16 |
Orban | does anyone know where the network-admin tools come from? i run gentoo and i'd like the gnome network administration dialog | 06:16 |
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Shacker6363 | thank you Fylk | 06:16 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, sudo apt-get -f install | 06:16 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, to be honist i woulden't even know how to tell i said im new to linux still and way outta my leauge | 06:16 |
d0lph1nK1ng | how come i do not have an lircm device when i installed LIRC | 06:16 |
Fylk | How do you install Kiba dock then? | 06:16 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, no worries... one sec | 06:16 |
trumpeter2003 | I have a seriously broken package installed now :( | 06:16 |
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bruenig | trumpeter2003, what | 06:17 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: it says it cant find the archive still | 06:17 |
cute_bettong | would i be wrong for quitting and tossing win xp on here? | 06:17 |
trumpeter2003 | I can't even purge remove it from apt, from which dpkg says that it isn't even installed | 06:17 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, only if you didn't allow dual booting :) | 06:17 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: try method 2 of: | 06:17 |
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bruenig | trumpeter2003, are you going to give some information or just sort of muse | 06:17 |
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Fylk | Are there any kinds of docks for Ubunut? | 06:18 |
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Fylk | All I can find or Fedora cores and incompletes. | 06:18 |
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mobutu | documentation ? | 06:18 |
walkintome | cute_bettong: i had the same ideaology as you when i first got into linux, but i didnt give up. i refused to. i had already gotten this far. stick with it and youll enjoy it =) | 06:18 |
axisys | !beryl > axisys | 06:18 |
mscman | towlie, what happens if you just let the installation keep running? | 06:18 |
mscman | or rather the boot sequence | 06:18 |
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cute_bettong | crdlb, this is way outta my leauge im afraid ill do something and really mess things this safe? | 06:18 |
mscman | i got the rdsp error as well, but when left alone, it boots successfully | 06:18 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: it's not going to break vesa :) | 06:19 |
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trumpeter2003 | bruenig: Pretty much the package looks to be half installed and partly configured in the process as well. Other than that, I don't have a whole lot of information other than the package name is clvm. | 06:19 |
walkintome | cute_bettong: messing things up si how you learn :) | 06:19 |
cute_bettong | crdlb, ok works for me...ill try it....but ill most likely see you again in irssi | 06:19 |
walkintome | cute_bettong: but you should be fine | 06:19 |
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trumpeter2003 | bruenig: already ran, dpkg purge clvm, which fails. and apt-get --purge remove clvm, which fails as well | 06:19 |
macd | !info wine | 06:19 |
ubotu | wine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.33-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9576 kB, installed size 44452 kB | 06:19 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, you can always get back to vesa :) backing up xorg.conf might not be bad... looks like the latest ati version should work according to some googling | 06:19 |
macd | !universe | 06:20 |
bruenig | trumpeter2003, sudo dpkg --force-all -r clvm | 06:20 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 06:20 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, ok let me try this method first and see what it does..... | 06:20 |
trumpeter2003 | bruenig: fails | 06:20 |
jxl1 | do i actually need all of usr to recreate my non-bootable install or will usr/local suffice? | 06:20 |
cute_bettong | bur[n] er, most like it will just break x again so we shall see lol | 06:20 |
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bur[n] er | cute_bettong, i wouldn't try that thing, but your funeral ;) | 06:20 |
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Fylk | Any one use Kiba Dock? | 06:21 |
walkintome | so i needed to end the virtualbox installation so i restart my session. however now i cant open synaptics "E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report." and synaptics closes. i just realized ic ant do anything realyl until this is fixed. anyone know how to fix this? | 06:21 |
burnerx | has anyone setup LTSP on ubuntu before ? | 06:21 |
bruenig | trumpeter2003, what does it say | 06:21 |
tulga | I installed nessus on server edition. but I cannot use it. where is shell version? | 06:21 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, restart... then run "sudo apt-get -f install" and "sudo dpkg-configure -a" | 06:21 |
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bur[n] er | walkintome, restarting is unnecessary if you can kill any apt processes | 06:21 |
mscman | sorry towlie, i'm having internet issues | 06:22 |
trumpeter2003 | bruenig: Working on that | 06:22 |
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cute_bettong | crdlb, um this file it wants me to download is not an ubuntu file.....what the heck is a .run file O_o | 06:22 |
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walkintome | bur[n] er: no i need ot restart. | 06:22 |
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walkintome | be back soon | 06:22 |
Lichte | Hi all | 06:22 |
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crdlb | cute_bettong: just an executable | 06:23 |
mscman | hi Lichte | 06:23 |
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bruenig | cute_bettong, just chmod +x && sudo ./ | 06:23 |
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Lichte | hiya mscman | 06:23 |
bur[n] er | cute_bettong, you can run "gedit" to see what it does | 06:23 |
Lichte | anyone know anything about gnome-java ?? | 06:23 |
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mscman | towlie, try just letting the installer continue to boot, even though it shows a blank screen | 06:23 |
Lichte | I'm hoping there are packagers here | 06:23 |
trumpeter2003 | bruenig: | 06:23 |
mscman | mine ended up booting successfully despite the error | 06:23 |
bruenig | Lichte, what is that? | 06:23 |
jxl1 | non-bootable system can i duplicate my install with /etc /var /usr/local /sbin /bin? Home is ok on another partition | 06:23 |
Lichte | bruenig: java bindings | 06:24 |
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bruenig | trumpeter2003, what is the output of ls /etc/init.d | grep cl | 06:24 |
trumpeter2003 | bruenig: all failures are the same | 06:24 |
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Lichte | I just installed the new Ubuntu | 06:24 |
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trumpeter2003 | clvm | 06:24 |
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Lichte | I see rhythm box still locks up all the time | 06:24 |
bruenig | trumpeter2003, ok do "sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/clvm && sudo apt-get remove clvm" | 06:24 |
cute_bettong | crdlb, ok this howto is way outta my leauge can you im me and walk me through just not understanding this as of yet O_o | 06:24 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: i restarted and still get the same error | 06:24 |
mscman | 'nite everyone | 06:25 |
fugitif_ | hi | 06:25 |
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trumpeter2003 | oh my! | 06:25 |
jxl1 | non-bootable system can i duplicate my install with /etc /var /usr/local /sbin /bin? Home is ok on another partition | 06:25 |
Lichte | night mscman | 06:25 |
[Flux] | okay everyone, lets sing the i love ubuntu song! | 06:25 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: uh ok, join #crdlb | 06:25 |
trumpeter2003 | haha, biggest brain fart of my life | 06:25 |
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bullgard4 | What is in Linux the command to list the names of all files which I have changed or created on April 26th? | 06:25 |
jxl1 | diff | 06:25 |
GuHHH | hello. | 06:25 |
bruenig | trumpeter2003, those prerm scripts always check to see if the daemon is executable before trying to stop it, if it isn't executable it doesn't try to stop it and then just removes it. | 06:26 |
jxl1 | non-bootable system can i duplicate my install with /etc /var /usr/local /sbin /bin? Home is ok on another partition | 06:26 |
trumpeter2003 | bruenig: Thanks, even though I should have remembered that from before | 06:26 |
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GuHHH | stupid question: is there any problem if i install the xserver from ubuntu into debian? | 06:26 |
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mobutu | bullgard4: dunno off hand, it's gonna be something like find . --datesomething | 06:26 |
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mobutu | read the manpage for find | 06:26 |
Lichte | are there other ubuntu channels ? | 06:27 |
clearzen | I'm getting a odd error when I try to use encryption on my wireless network using madwifi. It tells me set encode set failed on device ath0. Does anyone know why it is doing this? | 06:27 |
walkintome | E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. ive restarted and still not working | 06:27 |
mobutu | Lichte: i think there are about 20 | 06:27 |
Lichte | mobutu: ouch | 06:27 |
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bur[n] er | walkintome, sudo apt-get remove virtualbox :) | 06:27 |
Lichte | mobutu: is there one for packagers ? | 06:27 |
DanaG | Does anybody know where I can find the pinout of a touchpad on a laptop? I want to take a touchpad+hotkeys board out of some old laptop and attach it to a PS/2 cable. | 06:27 |
Lichte | let me test....... | 06:27 |
jxl1 | non-bootable system can i duplicate my install with /etc /var /usr/local /sbin /bin? Home is ok on another partition | 06:27 |
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walkintome | bur[n] er: E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. | 06:27 |
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surgy | i cant seam to change to disk two of call to duty becuase it says wine is using the drive, and it asks me to kill wineserver before i try to unmount the drive again | 06:28 |
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bur[n] er | walkintome, got me... google? launchpad? | 06:28 |
annihilus | so I have been having problems with upgrading to feisty, if I use the update manager to make the upgrade, will i still have fglrx installed after the upgrade | 06:28 |
luisgmarine | hello, for some reason installing some applications to watch dvd messes up my gnome-streamer, how Im I suppose to watch mpg video and stuff of the web? | 06:28 |
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bruenig | bullgard4, for the whole system or just a particular directory? | 06:28 |
bullgard4 | bruenig: The whole system. | 06:29 |
bur[n] er | luisgmarine, i use vlc... totem-xine with libxine-extracodecs works well too | 06:29 |
bruenig | bullgard4, just files or directories too? | 06:29 |
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luisgmarine | bur[n] er, lmao I just looked vlc up, I wan't aware they supported Linux too! | 06:29 |
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towlie | yea | 06:29 |
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luisgmarine | bur[n] er, not to mention its in the repos! | 06:29 |
towlie | theres a vlc for pc,linux and mac | 06:29 |
asc | GuHHH: Like, install the package? It probably won't work; Ubuntu packages are compiled against glibc 2.4, and debian etch uses 2.3 | 06:29 |
bullgard4 | bruenig: just files | 06:29 |
asc | But I'm no expert on the topic | 06:29 |
bur[n] er | luisgmarine, repos are the first place I look :) apt-cache search works wonders | 06:29 |
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surgy | i cant seam to change to disk two of call to duty becuase it says wine is using the drive, and it asks me to kill wineserver before i try to unmount the drive again | 06:29 |
jxl1 | non-bootable system can i duplicate my install with /etc /var /usr/local /sbin /bin? Home is ok on another partition | 06:30 |
bur[n] er | vlc for mac > vlc for linux... OSD on the mac version is amazing | 06:30 |
=== DanaG still wonders why PulseAudio chokes on my ,asoundrc. | ||
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DanaG | s/my/his/ | 06:30 |
User225 | Anyone think they can help me with a Ubuntu problem? The programs don't always "refresh" on screen to show that I clicked something or typed something. But when I minimize and then maximize the window again it shows the changes. Any idea what's going anyone? | 06:30 |
towlie | and pocketpc | 06:30 |
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DanaG | yay, mixing voice. | 06:30 |
bruenig | bullgard4, ok this will likely take a while to complete, "sudo find / -type f | xargs ls -l | grep 2007-04-26 | 06:30 |
bruenig | " | 06:30 |
GuHHH | asc: i did that, it installed... but excluding this, is there any problem? | 06:30 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: i googled it and the exact error was told to run 'dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq virtual box' but that didnt work for me. it said it wasnt installed so it was ignoring the request to remove | 06:30 |
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asc | GuHHH: Does it work? | 06:30 |
GuHHH | asc: yes... it does | 06:30 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, hack it out ;) you'll get it | 06:30 |
bullgard4 | bruenig: Thank you for helping me. I will give it a try. | 06:30 |
asc | GuHHH: other than that, I can't think of any. | 06:30 |
EverythingEvil | How do i pull vmware-server off the canocial repo | 06:31 |
bruenig | bullgard4, seriously though, it might be minutes before that finishes | 06:31 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: lol | 06:31 |
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EverythingEvil | i got an email about it, but i cant find it | 06:31 |
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bur[n] er | EverythingEvil, it's not in the repos | 06:31 |
ericu | Hello all, does anyone know how to modify the OS selection screen on boot-up if you are daul booting | 06:31 |
asc | GuHHH: Well, that sure is neat. I wish my ion3 package did the same :p | 06:31 |
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surgy | can anyone help me please? | 06:31 |
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bullgard4 | bruenig: Better to get an answer late then never. | 06:31 |
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EverythingEvil | VMware server has been added to Canonical's commercial software | 06:31 |
EverythingEvil | repository as of a few days ago. | 06:31 |
GuHHH | asc: i tried to run xgl on it, for some reason i got a messed up screen :P | 06:31 |
asc | surgy: It works better if you just ask your question and hope somebody knows the answer. | 06:31 |
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bur[n] er | EverythingEvil, in that case... add the "commercial" repo :) | 06:32 |
surgy | asc: i did twice, i guess no one here has used wine or played call of duty, or had cd mount problems :) | 06:32 |
bur[n] er | that's awesome! virtualbox is neat, but no where near as useful as VMWare | 06:32 |
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=== bur[n] er plays call of duty 1 via wine just fine | ||
EverythingEvil | i have all the repos checked, and ran an update | 06:32 |
bur[n] er | EverythingEvil, commercial isn't a "check" | 06:33 |
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asc | surgy: It's also possible that not every one of the 1,150 people in the channel are watching right now. ;p | 06:33 |
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Bruhaha | Hey... what's the best method to install my nVidia driver (GeForce2 MX Integrated)? | 06:33 |
[Flux] | anyone ever try Crossover Professional? | 06:33 |
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asc | surgy: In my experience, gaming with wine is iffy at best. other people have had some luck, but it seems like the mileage varies wildly. | 06:34 |
bur[n] er | EverythingEvil, deb feisty-commercial main | 06:34 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: is there a way to download the virtual box packe and force an install? | 06:34 |
[Flux] | i play WoW w/ Wine | 06:34 |
[Flux] | it works well | 06:34 |
[Flux] | not so much after i installed beryl though, lol | 06:34 |
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bur[n] er | walkintome, get the .deb from and run "sudo dpkg -i --force-all vbox.deb" | 06:34 |
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[Flux] | games install better in wine than cedega for me =/ | 06:34 |
surgy | asc: im no noob, i game with wine all the time | 06:34 |
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surgy | asc: i have just never had this problem, the game got five stars on playability | 06:35 |
CaptainMorgan | I have a contact form setup on my server, when submitted and the receipient is, a free email service, the submittal is received. However, when I use any of my numerous email addresses, I never receive it. Can't be a smtp issue.. can it? The email is being received.. just not by the proper address... any ideas? Not a typical question I suppose.. but my server is Ubuntu Dapper | 06:35 |
blaine00 | I have had good luck with some programs in Wine. DBpowerAmp for example, runs perfect with nothing more but a double click. It even put icons on my desktop for the program. | 06:35 |
bur[n] er | EverythingEvil, <--howto about it | 06:35 |
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bur[n] er | dbpoweramp is crap ;) | 06:35 |
evert | hola | 06:35 |
burnerx | is gstream better or xine ? | 06:35 |
bruenig | xine | 06:35 |
evert | alguien de mexico? | 06:35 |
bur[n] er | burnerx, xine :) | 06:35 |
helfrez | anyone know a reputable rack chassis seller with decent prices | 06:35 |
bruenig | !es | evert | 06:35 |
ubotu | evert: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:35 |
[Flux] | xine ftw | 06:35 |
ben_ | Hi, Im having some problems with a server Install, Booting the latest server-edition, I have checked the md5 sums, but it fails on the last package ubuntu-server | 06:35 |
burnerx | darn it... i installed gstream | 06:36 |
CaptainMorgan | I am using php for the form.. and I am calling into question maybe it's the server as the IS able to receive it | 06:36 |
[Flux] | ben_: run the check cd for errors | 06:36 |
[Flux] | when you boot the cd | 06:36 |
CaptainMorgan | the code seems ok | 06:36 |
bur[n] er | burnerx, not hard to change... sudo apt-get install totem-xine libxine-extracodecs | 06:36 |
ben_ | Failed to Fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu-Server 7.04 _Feisty Fawn_ - Release i386 (20070415)] /pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.20/linux-image-2.6.20-15-server_2.6.20-15.27_i386.deb MD5SUM Mismatch | 06:36 |
blaine00 | Now DBpowerAmp is crap... they put a trial on the MP3 conversion. Those punks. | 06:36 |
[Flux] | ben_: run the check cd for errors | 06:36 |
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ben_ | [Flux] : Will Do. | 06:36 |
burnerx | i would have to uninstall all my gstream codecs | 06:36 |
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[Flux] | you may end up having to reburn | 06:36 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: i thoguht that would work, unfortunately it didnt lol | 06:36 |
[Flux] | burn at a slow speed like less than 20x | 06:36 |
bur[n] er | blaine00, soundjuicer, grip, and kaudiocreator work well :) so does sound-converter | 06:36 |
CaptainMorgan | the same code given to others.. works just fine on their servers... | 06:36 |
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bruenig | yeah sound-converter works | 06:37 |
bruenig | although I think it is soundconverter | 06:37 |
bur[n] er | ok... there's also soundkonverter | 06:37 |
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blaine00 | I will have to try those, I like DBPA because it allowed me to convert stuff to just about any format I could think of with a lot of tweaking options too. | 06:37 |
bruenig | blaine00, yeah soundconverter is like that | 06:38 |
burnerx | is i use Rhythmbox, how do i get it to recognize mp3 filetype | 06:38 |
bur[n] er | anyone play with cinelerra? i found .debs at | 06:38 |
blaine00 | Is soundconverter available in Synaptic? | 06:38 |
CaptainMorgan | any idea what I can do? or where I can look for this issue? | 06:38 |
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walkintome | bur[n] er: i guess i have an excuse to do a clean install :-P | 06:39 |
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bruenig | blaine00, sudo apt-get isntall soundconverter | 06:39 |
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bur[n] er | burnerx, you need to install the mp3 codec... just go to add/remove... click "all available applications" at the top right... go to "other" and check "ubuntu restricted extras" | 06:39 |
bruenig | s/isntall/install/ | 06:39 |
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bruenig | bur[n] er, or just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:39 |
altaqi | help | 06:39 |
bur[n] er | burnerx, or just apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras :) | 06:39 |
demonspork | who here knows a lot about running Ventrilo with Wine? | 06:39 |
bur[n] er | yeah | 06:39 |
bruenig | demonspork, #winehq might | 06:40 |
burnerx | ok | 06:40 |
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burnerx | thanks bur[n] er | 06:40 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, guess so ;) though I'd fix it... but to each their own :) | 06:40 |
altaqi | cd .. | 06:40 |
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altaqi | can somebody help me printing! | 06:41 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: my only question is im going to need to download build-essential, gcc, etc. how do i know whcih version is correct for feisty? | 06:41 |
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walkintome | bur[n] er: (i wont have internet) | 06:41 |
DanaG | I found an easy way to slaughter your keyboard: | 06:41 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, just apt-get install build-essential and it'll get the right one | 06:41 |
DanaG | 1. Set amarok to use pulseaudio. | 06:41 |
DanaG | 2. Run pulseaudio --kill | 06:41 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: see above =) | 06:41 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, :) | 06:41 |
blaine00 | sweet! thanks a lot. I just downloaded it. Seems to work fine. | 06:41 |
walkintome | lol | 06:42 |
DanaG | 3. Hit "play" hotkey -- Amarok grabs the keyboard and won't let go! | 06:42 |
walkintome | ok wish me luck | 06:42 |
DanaG | It takes a Magic SysRq to recover. | 06:42 |
User225 | If something ends in a .run extension which program will i need to run it? | 06:42 |
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bur[n] er | User225, chmod +x blah.rm; ./ | 06:42 |
User225 | thank you. | 06:42 |
walkintome | how do i find out whcih version of ndiswrapper im using? | 06:42 |
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bur[n] er | ndiswrapper --version? | 06:43 |
bur[n] er | walkintome, ever use ndisgtk? | 06:43 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: yeah i needed it for ndiswrapper to work | 06:44 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: thats about it | 06:44 |
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frederick85 | my computer says not enough free disk space to install feisty | 06:44 |
frederick85 | how can i find out where all my space is being taken up | 06:44 |
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bur[n] er | walkintome, good luck | 06:44 |
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bruenig | freakazoid0223, du -h | 06:45 |
bur[n] er | frederick85, baobab? | 06:45 |
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bruenig | frederick85, du -h | 06:45 |
bur[n] er | baobab is WAY cooler than du -h ;) | 06:45 |
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CaptainMorgan | I have a contact form setup on my server, when submitted and the receipient is, a free email service, the submittal is received. However, when I use any of my numerous email addresses, I never receive it. Can't be a smtp issue.. can it? The email is being received.. just not by the proper address... any ideas? Not a typical question I suppose.. but my server is Ubuntu Dapper | 06:45 |
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cnez0red | hi. Does anybody know of a simple mysql howto, so I can set up mysql on my desktop system at home? | 06:45 |
tarelerulz | I updated from ubuntu 6.10 edgy to ubuntu fesity fawn and synaptic and it took like 3 hours and me system seem to be really slow is that normal | 06:46 |
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mobutu | no | 06:46 |
mobutu | czer323: aptitude install mysql | 06:46 |
CaptainMorgan | further, how do I read my mailman/ error logs? they're not readable or in binary | 06:46 |
bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan, #php or #insertlanguagehere might be a better place | 06:46 |
thebillywayne | !pastebin > thebillywayne | 06:46 |
walkintome | bur[n] er: thanks man. it should be alot easier the second time around | 06:46 |
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DanaG | frederick85: try the utility Filelight. | 06:46 |
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CaptainMorgan | bur[n] er, #php is of no use, they don't want me there | 06:46 |
DanaG | or if in Windows, use the old version of Spacemonger. | 06:46 |
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starz | tarelerulz: when it gets sorted out it should be only a little slower i think | 06:46 |
bur[n] er | cnez0red, check out the wiki | 06:47 |
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bur[n] er | CaptainMorgan, sorry, i'd help troubleshoot, but we'd spam the channel and I'm getting tired | 06:47 |
starz | any word on upgrading past feisty? | 06:47 |
thebillywayne | VLC crashes whenever I try to play a DVD. here's the terminal output. | 06:47 |
blaine00 | I'm not too into upgrades... I usually just wipe the drive and start clean to avoid any problems... then again, it sucks to have to reinstall all your programs and set everything up how you like it. | 06:47 |
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bur[n] er | starz, define word? there are packages in gutsy, yes, but I wouldn't advise it | 06:47 |
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starz | blaine00: there is a way to get ubuntu to give you a list of whats installed | 06:48 |
starz | and then when you reinstall have it install the same packages | 06:48 |
bur[n] er | starz, dpkg -L | 06:48 |
tarelerulz | starz , Thanks man I just wanted something to know if it crashed or is just slow | 06:48 |
thebillywayne | !aptoncd | 06:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about aptoncd - try searching on | 06:48 |
starz | but i dont think it would work well as many packages would be outdated etc | 06:48 |
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cnez0red | bur[n] er cheers. All they have is stuff to set up your Apache/Mysql/PHP server. Would that work just the same with a desktop system? | 06:48 |
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blaine00 | Synaptic shows you packages that are already installed on your system. | 06:48 |
bur[n] er | starz, i meant dpkg -l | 06:49 |
richard | hey can someone help me get dhcp working? it's giving me an error and I can't seem to fix it. TIA | 06:49 |
darksinthe | how do i install my ati video card drivers? :P | 06:49 |
bur[n] er | !ati > darksinthe | 06:49 |
blaine00 | You just go to 'Status' and then 'Installed' | 06:49 |
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bur[n] er | richard, error would help | 06:49 |
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mobutu | richard: trying to serve dhcp, or trying to get an ip address with dhcp? | 06:50 |
bur[n] er | richard, a dhcp server or client? | 06:50 |
richard | i'm trying to set up my dhcp server | 06:50 |
scales11 | hello, does anyone know how i can change the color behind the splash screen? like the screen that appears just after i log in? | 06:50 |
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bur[n] er | scales11, it's via "login manager" you select the color below the theme on the same tab | 06:51 |
scales11 | ahh | 06:51 |
scales11 | thanks! | 06:51 |
thebillywayne | Mplayer gives error "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device". Could this have something to do with switching to xserver-xorg-intel (or similar)? | 06:51 |
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richard | i get no subnet declaration for eth0 | 06:51 |
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blaine00 | I'm curious to know if you can actually use Beryl in Xubuntu. I guess that kinda defeats the point of a light weight desktop though, =) | 06:52 |
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mobutu | thebillywayne: does mplayer -vo gl video.mpg work ? | 06:52 |
tarelerulz | any upgraded to the newest ubuntu ? | 06:52 |
richard | bur[n] er, I get "no subnet declaration for eth0" in my syslog when it fails | 06:52 |
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richard | tarelerulz, I have | 06:52 |
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ubuntu | umm dose anyone kno how to run aim from here | 06:53 |
tarelerulz | Did you do it by cd or with synaptic ? richard | 06:53 |
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thebillywayne | mobutu, well, it's a DVD. would that command work for a DVD? | 06:53 |
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richard | tarelerulz, cd | 06:53 |
blaine00 | ubuntu, you can use Gain to connect to your AIM account | 06:53 |
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ubuntu | ok | 06:53 |
ubuntu | ty | 06:53 |
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diabolix | what do you do when it keeps telling you to reinstall a package and can't find the archive? | 06:53 |
ubuntu | ok peace ty | 06:53 |
Draconicus | I don't want to use gxine. How can I make it so that when I pop in a DVD, it will open with VLC? | 06:54 |
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tarelerulz | Any one upgrade to the newest Ubuntu by synaptic ? | 06:54 |
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mobutu | first you should figure out how to configure mplayer for whatever video you have | 06:54 |
thebillywayne | mobutu, i don't have any mpg's to test your command on. sorry. | 06:54 |
jmoro | hello anyone hear | 06:54 |
mobutu | try nuking your preferences, and then making sure you have 'advanced' preferences turned on | 06:54 |
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blaine00 | lol, this is awesome... I am such a noob and I've actually been able to help a few people. | 06:54 |
thebillywayne | Draconicus, System > Pref's > Removable Drives and Media. replace totem or xine with vlc. | 06:54 |
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DanaG | wtf? | 06:54 |
DanaG | pulseaudio: pcm_params.c:187: snd_pcm_hw_param_get_min: Assertion `!snd_interval_empty(i)' failed. | 06:54 |
mobutu | jmoro: plenty | 06:54 |
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tarelerulz | That is what great about linux is every one feels like helping one other | 06:55 |
richard | mobutu i am getting an error about my subnet declaration in dhcpd.conf | 06:55 |
crimsun | DanaG: that's not fatal, as I've stated numerous times. | 06:55 |
jmoro | ya i see that my laptop was being slow | 06:55 |
thebillywayne | tarelerulz, not so. go over to #fedora and try asking a few basic questions. :) | 06:55 |
DanaG | But I can't use that output plugin. | 06:55 |
blaine00 | Yeah, I love the feel of community! I may not be a guru, but I can at least share my experience | 06:55 |
DanaG | And the daemon aborts starting. | 06:56 |
richard | anyone proficient with helping me set up my basic dhcp server. I'm running into an error... | 06:56 |
mobutu | richard: if you're running a dhcp server, you need to make sure that the ip address of your network interface is in the subnet you are declaring in dhcpd.conf | 06:56 |
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jmoro | i like the new ubuntu i have my wireless working dvds and i have beryl running | 06:56 |
diabolix | so... how do i force the removal of a package? | 06:56 |
tarelerulz | thebillywayne , will Fedora is not the best one I have try . Ubuntu has been the best so far. | 06:56 |
Draconicus | thebillywayne: Huh... even with consideration for the different layout, that seems to be missing in Xfce's menus. Could you give me the command for the appropriate dialog? | 06:56 |
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astrobit | what can i use for weather info with gdesklets? | 06:56 |
thebillywayne | Draconicus, don't know the command. Not familiar with XFCE. Sorry. :( | 06:56 |
levander | Anyone is using a P5LD2 motherboard on Feisty? I had hell getting the onboard NIC configured under Edgy, and am wondering if I'm gonna have to go through the same BS when I upgrade. | 06:56 |
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thebillywayne | tarelerulz, true. ubuntu is the best. Gentoo is pretty good too, from what I hear. | 06:56 |
Draconicus | thebillywayne: Just edit the menu in alacart and figure out what that launches... | 06:57 |
Draconicus | ._. | 06:57 |
Draconicus | Blarg. | 06:57 |
jmoro | i use xfce but im not understanding your problem | 06:57 |
Draconicus | I'll just go through gnome for a second. | 06:57 |
Tired_ | Does Ubuntu come by default with anything similar to MS Event Log? | 06:57 |
tarelerulz | I like Gentoo for the level of control it lets you have | 06:57 |
thebillywayne | tarelerulz, never tried it myself. I don't have time to spend configuring everything. | 06:57 |
mobutu | wasting your life waiting for packages to compile is not very exciting | 06:57 |
blaine00 | Yeap, I am running Feisty on a MacBook with Beryl. Runs great with barely any tinkering | 06:57 |
bimberi | Tired_: the files in /var/log | 06:57 |
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CaptainMorgan | where can I find my mail setup's error logs? | 06:58 |
jmoro | i have my windows looking like a mac on my beryl | 06:58 |
Tired_ | There are no utilities to parse them, other than vi? | 06:58 |
bimberi | CaptainMorgan: /var/log/mail.log | 06:58 |
richard | mobutu I did that I wrote it perfect and it's still giving me errors... | 06:58 |
tarelerulz | It is the first one I every try on the computer that is. I had gentoo on the xbox | 06:58 |
niru | I was installing postfix through CD | 06:58 |
User225 | What is the command to upgrade to Ubuntu 7.10? | 06:58 |
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niru | I am getting error as follows" | 06:58 |
bimberi | Tired_: System -> Administration -> System Log | 06:58 |
RAOF | Tired_: Also, System->Administration->System Log | 06:58 |
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Tired_ | Thanks :) | 06:58 |
RAOF | !upgrade > User225 | 06:58 |
jmoro | i find automatix2 to be a handy tool | 06:58 |
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RAOF | !automatix | jmoro | 06:58 |
ubotu | jmoro: Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:58 |
bimberi | Tired_: np :) | 06:58 |
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User225 | RAOF: thank you. | 06:59 |
mobutu | ubotu sure is chatty! | 06:59 |
blaine00 | Nice, is there a alternate dock you can install for Gnome that is similar to the Mac Dock? | 06:59 |
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CaptainMorgan | I recall trying to setup postfix, mailman and smtp using the official ubuntu guide.. this was about three months ago.. it never succeeded. | 06:59 |
CaptainMorgan | which may be the problem? | 06:59 |
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RAOF | blaine00: Yeah, there's avant-window-manager (google it) | 06:59 |
CaptainMorgan | oh, and sendmail | 06:59 |
blaine00 | okay, thanks | 06:59 |
blaine00 | I will check that out | 06:59 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: it's exceedingly easy, you simply set up a transport for mailman in the pstfix, then forward all list domains to that transport. | 07:00 |
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CaptainMorgan | bimberi, mail.log is empty | 07:00 |
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bimberi | CaptainMorgan: which _official_ ubuntu guide? (the popular one was "unofficial") | 07:00 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: You can't setup sendmail AND postfix. | 07:00 |
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thebillywayne | would having changed my video driver affect my ability to playback DVD's? | 07:00 |
universo | giorno a tutti | 07:00 |
mobutu | thebillywayne: sure! | 07:00 |
RAOF | thebillywayne: Yes, it's possible | 07:00 |
d0lph1nK1ng24 | what does this mean: lirc_atiusb: no version for "lirc_unregister_plugin" found: kernel tainted. | 07:00 |
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CaptainMorgan | cafuego, is there an easy way to remove them? I have a php script which shouldn't require these.. right? | 07:01 |
Tired_ | excellent...that was precisely what I needed. thanks much. :) | 07:01 |
CaptainMorgan | php script uses the mail() function | 07:01 |
mobutu | thebillywayne: try vlc , mplayer , gxine , kaffeine | 07:01 |
thebillywayne | mobutu, RAOF, I think that's what's happened then. | 07:01 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: That woudl require either sendmail or postfix. | 07:01 |
thebillywayne | mobutu, I'm trying vlc and mplayer. | 07:01 |
jackb | I've burned the image to a CD to create a live CD and when I reboot it never loads ubuntu can anyone please help me? | 07:01 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, how can I confirm if I have them both installed? | 07:02 |
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MyR | vlc rocks | 07:02 |
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bimberi | jackb: is your BIOS set to boot from CD? | 07:02 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: You cannot install both. | 07:02 |
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VX100A | jackb, you might have a corrupt disc | 07:02 |
jackb | I changed it to boot from CD first in the setup menu | 07:02 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: postfix is by far the easier one to manage, check with 'dpkg -l postfix' | 07:02 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, how can I confirm either one is installed? | 07:02 |
Bruhaha | !nvidia | 07:02 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 07:02 |
niru | hello VX100A jack_wyt and all | 07:02 |
bimberi | jackb: k. yes it might be a bad image or bad burn | 07:03 |
cables | jackb, your CD may be corrupt. You could try burning it again. | 07:03 |
bimberi | !verify | jackb | 07:03 |
ubotu | jackb: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 07:03 |
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jackb | i'll try that. thanks :) | 07:03 |
niru | while i install some packages like samba postfix and proftpd through cd I get erros | 07:03 |
bimberi | cables: heh, just this once ;P | 07:03 |
niru | bimberi, they dont get installed and shows installation failed | 07:03 |
VX100A | hello niru | 07:04 |
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d0lph1nK1ng24 | what does this mean: lirc_atiusb: no version for "lirc_unregister_plugin" found: kernel tainted. | 07:04 |
jackb | ok, here is the problem | 07:04 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, I imagine Status=Not/Installed/.... means it's not installed ? | 07:04 |
jackb | "The steps are | 07:04 |
jackb | Download MD5SUMS and MD5SUMS.gpg | 07:04 |
jackb | Get the key used for the signature | 07:04 |
jackb | Verify the signature | 07:04 |
jackb | Check the ISO with md5sum" | 07:04 |
jackb | what does that mean? | 07:04 |
VX100A | jackb, what OS are you using? | 07:04 |
CaptainMorgan | caffinated, Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge... | 07:04 |
jackb | XP | 07:04 |
thebillywayne | mobutu, gxine is also giving me errors. I guess I'm just sol. | 07:04 |
richard | I'm getting frustrated with this stupid linux dhcp server. I can't believe that no one can help with this... | 07:04 |
bimberi | niru: put the errors onto a pastebin ( | 07:05 |
jackb | the instructions could be alot clearer in general (imho) | 07:05 |
Polygon89 | my computer is refusing to boot from a cd, i set it to boot from atapi cdrom in bios and its still booting either to a flopp | 07:05 |
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niru | bimberi, sure | 07:05 |
Polygon89 | floppy or the hard drive. any suggestions? | 07:05 |
mobutu | thebillywayne: there are so many people saying so many things in this channel, that i no longer remember what your problem was | 07:05 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, it's not very clear if it's installed or not | 07:05 |
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VX100A | here is some good md5 hash software for windows | 07:05 |
VX100A | | 07:05 |
thebillywayne | mobutu, DVD playback error after changing video drivers. | 07:05 |
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mobutu | have you tried setting your video driver to something lame in vlc like Xvideo | 07:06 |
mobutu | and then trying to play a dvd? | 07:06 |
VX100A | you would left click on the iso img | 07:06 |
d0lph1nK1ng24 | what is the kernel source path? | 07:06 |
VX100A | and then properties | 07:06 |
jackb | all that documentation is for 6.10 or earlier too, where are the mirrors to download? | 07:06 |
jackb | and verify? | 07:06 |
richard | I think I got more help from the windows community when I was a windows user. Maybe I should just switch back. sad day when you can't get decent help from 1133 users for what should be a simple issue... | 07:06 |
RAOF | d0lph1nK1ng24: /usr/src/foo, generally. But you've got to install the linux-source pacakge first, of course :) | 07:06 |
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jackb | richard: I'm being patient thought it is new and I know either way it will be a worthy experience | 07:07 |
DanaG | oh yeah, that assertion failure DOES make pulseaudio abort. | 07:07 |
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khin | question, why does the alias command not have a man entry | 07:07 |
niru | bimberi, I think pastebin is slow | 07:07 |
d0lph1nK1ng24 | RAOF, would it be the linux headers? | 07:07 |
cables | richard, feel free to go back to Windows... your choice. | 07:07 |
mobutu | richard: you should pastebomb your dhcp errors into pastebin, and quit whining | 07:07 |
niru | bimberi, any other site could you give me | 07:07 |
tarelerulz | Windows is bigger fo you can get more help flat out ,but linux has more controls ,but more control puts more on you | 07:07 |
RAOF | d0lph1nK1ng24: You probably want the linux headers if you're trying to build a kernel module, yeah. | 07:08 |
mobutu | and then paste in the url of the pastebin so we can look at it | 07:08 |
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bimberi | niru: | 07:08 |
d0lph1nK1ng24 | RAOF, than you! | 07:08 |
jackb | here's a question for anyone: How to I try ubuntu 7.04? | 07:08 |
d0lph1nK1ng24 | RAOF, thank you! | 07:08 |
Polygon89 | im trying to run the live cd, but my computer is refusing to boot from any live cd, and ive set it in the bios to boot from cd first. any suggestions? | 07:08 |
mobutu | dhcp not working isn't really an ubuntu specific problem | 07:08 |
richard | wow amazing three responses. screw the linux community you guys suck. I get more responses complaining than when I ask a simple question!!!!!!!!!! | 07:08 |
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jackb | I've downloaded and burned the image of the ISO | 07:08 |
bruenig | jackb, download and install it | 07:08 |
darksinthe | when i go to my desktop effects panel, it says 'this composite extention is not available' it worked when i first installed though, any ideas on how to reinstall this extention or something? | 07:08 |
jackb | install it? How? | 07:08 |
CaptainMorgan | be gone | 07:08 |
jackb | I'd love to | 07:08 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, you busy? | 07:08 |
mobutu | Polygon89: if you really want to see if it'll boot from the CD, disconnect your hard drive and floppy manually, and only leave the CDROM attached | 07:08 |
bruenig | jackb, put it in the disc tray, restart your computer, make sure your BIOS is set up to boot from cd | 07:08 |
khin | hey question, anyone know why the alias command lacks a man entry | 07:08 |
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jackb | ok, did that, doesn't seem to work, any other way? | 07:09 |
khin | im new and was just curious | 07:09 |
niru | bimberi, | 07:09 |
bruenig | isn't alias a bash thing | 07:09 |
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mobutu | khin: it's in the man page for your shell | 07:09 |
mobutu | khin: man bash | 07:09 |
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VX100A | khin, | 07:09 |
jackb | BTW- all the linux/ubuntu folks have to be as patient as they want newbs like myself and richard to be, it's a tough process, but we are early adopters (or trying to be) and the masses that (hopefully) might follow will dumber and less patient | 07:09 |
Bruhaha | How do I install the driver for a GF2 MX Integrated... Ive tried the restricted drivers thing but it didnt work | 07:09 |
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niru | bimberi, did you get that | 07:10 |
kahrytan | jackb: did you change the boot order in the bios and saved the bios? | 07:10 |
jackb | yes | 07:10 |
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bruenig | jackb, what happens then? | 07:10 |
bimberi | niru: yes, i'm boggling at it now :| | 07:10 |
Bhaskar1 | i have LTSP 5 in edubuntu 7.04 , i have USB printer Canon LBP 2900 , the printer is not printing, how can it configure, Anybody can help me ?? | 07:10 |
jackb | in the system setup menu it 1: Boot from CD 2: boot from HD | 07:10 |
CaptainMorgan | using dpkg -l "package" if a package is installed, the version and description will be listed, correct? if not, these two columns will be blanck? | 07:10 |
kahrytan | jackb: How old is the computer? | 07:10 |
jackb | It just loads windows | 07:10 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, then it just says operating system not found | 07:10 |
niru | bimberi, ok | 07:10 |
thebillywayne | mobutu, vlc still crashes when I try to open a DVD. same error that I paste-bin'ed before. Thanks for your help though. | 07:10 |
jackb | its a P4 2.6 dell ~yearish | 07:10 |
bruenig | jackb, did you burn the iso as an image or as data | 07:10 |
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jackb | image | 07:10 |
mobutu | Polygon89: do you have another bootable CD of anything else ? | 07:10 |
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tarelerulz | I have this to say about linux . It if was easy everyone would do it ,but it is not so you weed out the people that really don't want free software it is not free | 07:10 |
jackb | and when I open my computer it has the unbuntu icon showing as the disc in the F: drive | 07:11 |
VX100A | yes | 07:11 |
bruenig | so long as they don't sacrifice functionality for ease, I am cool with them making it easy | 07:11 |
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Polygon89 | mobutu, i will try a different live cd but i think it still doesnt work | 07:11 |
VX100A | jackb, when you open the ubuntu disc | 07:11 |
VX100A | in explorer | 07:11 |
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mobutu | thebillywayne: you should download some wacky mpg from the internet | 07:11 |
VX100A | do you just see the iso image? | 07:11 |
mobutu | thebillywayne: and see if you can play it in vlc/whatever | 07:11 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, yep still does not work | 07:11 |
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jackb | Launching browser, please wait | 07:12 |
Bruhaha | P L E A S E... I need some help installing a driver for a GF2 MX Integrated!!! | 07:12 |
jackb | says boot from this CD etc.. | 07:12 |
CaptainMorgan | can anyone confirm this please? | 07:12 |
CaptainMorgan | using dpkg -l "package" if a package is installed, the version and description will be listed, correct? if not, these two columns will be blanck? | 07:12 |
mobutu | Polygon89: if your computer is unable to boot from two different live cds, don't you think it might not be an ubuntu problem? | 07:12 |
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mobutu | Polygon89: maybe your CDROM is busted? | 07:12 |
jackb | firefox, thunderbird, abiword, claimwin etc... | 07:12 |
mobutu | Polygon89: have you tried booting with a windows cd? | 07:12 |
jackb | Damn I really wanna run ubuntu | 07:12 |
VX100A | jackb, go to "my computer" | 07:12 |
VX100A | and click on your F: drive | 07:12 |
VX100A | is that what you see then? | 07:13 |
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Polygon89 | mobutu, i dunno whats wrong, cause the light on the cd rom drive flash, and you can hear it spinning up but for some reason it does not boot from it... this is also the second cd rom that ive tried | 07:13 |
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jackb | after I click on the drive that shows the ubuntu disc icon it loads a browser and has a list of free software and then at the top it says boot from this CD | 07:13 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, most likely a comp problem... great. | 07:13 |
bimberi | niru: I don't know how to fix that sorry. If noone else here can I'd suggest searching on some of the error messages you're getting. | 07:13 |
thebillywayne | mobutu, no mpg play ability either. | 07:13 |
mobutu | thebillywayne: so it's probably not a dvd playing specific problem | 07:14 |
jackb | I know I'll have to tinker with it alot for support of more codecs etc... I just wanna be in the ubuntu club too :D | 07:14 |
kahrytan | jackb: Is there key that can give an option to select which drive boot from? | 07:14 |
jackb | and I do thank everyone for being patient with my noob self and helping | 07:14 |
mobutu | thebillywayne: vlc has a dialogue that lets you select different video drives for output | 07:14 |
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mobutu | thebillywayne: you should experiment with them | 07:14 |
jackb | mmm, I didn't see one in the boot menu but I'll try to look again | 07:14 |
jackb | should I try to put it in the DVD drive instead? | 07:14 |
VX100A | jackb, it looks like you burned the disc correctly at least then | 07:15 |
VX100A | yeah | 07:15 |
VX100A | you can try that | 07:15 |
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jackb | well I'll go give that a try and hopefully come back with slightly more advanced questions <crosses fingers>, do have to say thanks | 07:15 |
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kahrytan | jackB You could read the user manual on booting from cd. | 07:15 |
starz | ok | 07:15 |
khin | so, there is some analogue to alias that makes the changes permanent | 07:16 |
khin | i mean, is there? | 07:16 |
VX100A | jackb, good luck | 07:16 |
starz | having upgraded and installed feisty xmms is broken | 07:16 |
nextstate | I installed 7.04 and my network does not work. I can ping other computers on the netowrk, but I can't get out to the internet. My route is ok and my dns servers are setup. Any ideas? | 07:16 |
mobutu | khin: write something like | 07:16 |
jackb | thankx VX100A, be back soon | 07:16 |
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tarelerulz | I have like to program the system montior running and synaptic and cpu is running %100 | 07:16 |
mobutu | khin: alias ls="ls -CFs" | 07:16 |
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starz | it opens and plays but does not control the volume of what is playing... any work arounds about? got kubuntu if that matters | 07:16 |
mobutu | knin: in .bashrc or .bash_profile | 07:16 |
clearzen | nextstate: have you checked /etc/resolv.conf? | 07:16 |
kahrytan | starz: use Audacious | 07:16 |
mobutu | knin: so everytime you log in, it gets set | 07:16 |
starz | but i dont think so b/c i had the same trouble when i compiled the 2.6.20-7 kernel in edgy ubuntu | 07:16 |
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starz | kahrytan: i need xmms | 07:17 |
brianski | i'm having a bizarre issue where movies played in totem get their colors all scrambled, in particular the fleshtones of light skinned people becomes blue... for example: - any ideas how to troubleshoot? | 07:17 |
starz | it has xmms-alarm | 07:17 |
kahrytan | starz: why xmms? | 07:17 |
nextstate | clearzen: yes, I have in that file | 07:17 |
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starz | which gets louder as it plays and is configurable down to day of week | 07:17 |
ANON12345 | hello, is it possible to run ubuntu inside windows while it is running without installing or rebooting the computer? | 07:17 |
starz | ive got all appropriate alsa stuffs in and still no go =/ | 07:17 |
RAOF | ANON12345: No. | 07:17 |
mobutu | ANON12345: you would need to run vmware | 07:17 |
starz | is there a way to get xmms to control the main volume? | 07:17 |
cafuego | ANON12345: Maybe, via vmware or virtualpc. | 07:17 |
spoonydx | or qemu | 07:17 |
starz | o: its cafuego o/ | 07:18 |
mobutu | ANON12345: you can boot your computer with a livecd and run ubuntu without installing it on your harddrive | 07:18 |
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kahrytan | starz: is it a plugin? | 07:18 |
cafuego | starz: liar | 07:18 |
brianski | (ps - if i play the movie in mplayer there is no trouble) | 07:18 |
Rex | hello all... | 07:18 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego,! | 07:18 |
CaptainMorgan | :) | 07:18 |
spoonydx | hi | 07:18 |
clearzen | nextstate: I've found if there is a section at the top that starts with search <foo> you can comment that out and it will resolve names for websites with your dns servers. That is if you can't ping sites either. | 07:18 |
starz | kahrytan: nvm... | 07:18 |
Rex | can someone tell me how I can configure my wireless? I am using ndiswrapper and every time I connect, (ie. after a reboot) I have to specify the eddid, key and mode. Once I reboot, the settings are gone. I have looked in /etc/network/interfaces. and all the info is there. My wireless is bound to eth1. Any ideas? | 07:18 |
cabajgtr | How do I force ownership and permissions on a directory (ie always chmod 666, regardless of who creates files) | 07:18 |
ANON12345 | mobutu: where do i get "vmware"? | 07:18 |
starz | anyone else know about similar bugs with xmms+feisty? | 07:18 |
spoonydx | you have to buy it. | 07:18 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: I ahd to run away, packing etc, about to fly off. | 07:19 |
CaptainMorgan | np | 07:19 |
mobutu | ANON12345: it's not free. or maybe it is. i can never remember. it's sort of free? | 07:19 |
CaptainMorgan | thanks anywyas | 07:19 |
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cafuego | got another half hour or so | 07:19 |
mobutu | ANON12345: or course | 07:19 |
mobutu | ^of | 07:19 |
CaptainMorgan | using dpkg -l "package" if a package is installed, the version and description will be listed, correct? if not, these two columns will be blanck? | 07:19 |
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cafuego | CaptainMorgan: yes | 07:19 |
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ANON12345 | mobutu: thanks, i'll have a look | 07:19 |
VX100A | what is a good open source irc client for windows? | 07:19 |
VX100A | i'm using chatzilla right now | 07:19 |
Polygon89 | VX100A, check out x-chat2 for windows | 07:19 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, then postfix is installed and sendmail isn't | 07:19 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: excellent | 07:20 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, as well as mailman | 07:20 |
mobutu | VX100A: this is #ubuntu, but people appear to like gaim and irssi | 07:20 |
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burnerx_ | what is the difference between amarok and amarok-xine ? | 07:20 |
kahrytan | VX100a: Xchat (not xchat-gnome) | 07:20 |
CaptainMorgan | mailman is installed | 07:20 |
=== cafuego nods. | ||
Polygon89 | VX100A, | 07:20 |
tarelerulz | Hay all how to do tell if program is actively running and not crashed ? | 07:20 |
mobutu | kahrytan: he said for windows | 07:20 |
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starz | cafuego: any ideas on feisty+kubuntu+xmms = volume not working? | 07:20 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, can you oblige as to where I should start looking for problems? | 07:20 |
kahrytan | modutu: xchat works on windows. | 07:20 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, great thing about open source, programs can be ported =) | 07:20 |
mobutu | oh do you mean 'irc in little windows everywhere' or on Windows | 07:20 |
mobutu | Polygon89: life is short | 07:21 |
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Bruhaha | P L E A S E... I need some help installing a driver for a GF2 MX Integrated!!! | 07:21 |
Rex | burnerx, "it is the lightest engine | 07:21 |
Rex | Dependency-wise" | 07:21 |
VX100A | Polygon89, thank you | 07:21 |
paradon | Anyone else seeing a 1-hour offset when updating the time from | 07:21 |
burnerx_ | which is the lightest engine ? | 07:21 |
mobutu | Polygon89: you could be a big nerd and install cygwin and run irssi | 07:21 |
Rex | xine is | 07:21 |
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starz | paradon: ensure that your TZ is correct | 07:21 |
Flannel | paradon: sounds like you have your TZ data wrong. Is your system time set to UTC? | 07:21 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, you could | 07:21 |
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ANON12345 | mobutu: vmware is free | 07:21 |
mobutu | ANON12345: kind of | 07:22 |
cafuego | CaptainMorgan: First off, postfix needs to have a valid hostname/domain set. You may also need to set a smarthost, if you can't sdend stuff directly out on to the net. | 07:22 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, but this is windows your talking about, it has enough trouble running its own programs, let alone programs in cgywin or gtk ;) | 07:22 |
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mobutu | Polygon89: i run GAIM in windows, and GAIM does irc. | 07:22 |
clearzen | burnerx_: if you mean window manager I would say either fluxbox or icewm | 07:22 |
mobutu | or pidgin | 07:22 |
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mobutu | whatever the hell they renamed it | 07:22 |
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paradon | Flannel: Yes, system clock is UTC. And updating from a local server ( updates correctly. | 07:23 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, i like xchat better, although i do use gaim in windows | 07:23 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, thanks for you help, Ill find a tut on postifix online and go over my configs, thanks | 07:23 |
mobutu | i didnt know there was xchat for windows | 07:23 |
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cafuego | CaptainMorgan: If you run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix' it should ask you most questions. | 07:23 |
CaptainMorgan | oh.. okay | 07:23 |
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Rex | anyone have any ideas about my wireless issue? | 07:24 |
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cafuego | CaptainMorgan: The postfix-to-mailman setup is documented in `/etc/mailman/' | 07:24 |
ANON12345 | mobutu: after i downloaded vmware, how do i run ubuntu on it? | 07:24 |
kahrytan | modutu: yeah. there is xchat for windows | 07:25 |
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starz | that was stupid... just had to adjust in alsa plugin configure properties from pcm to master - the name of it changed across distros or something | 07:25 |
Polygon89 | mobutu, there is, but the offical xchat version (made by the xchat devs) costs money, while someone just made another port and its free. | 07:25 |
starz | well | 07:25 |
starz | that makes feisty that much more useeable lol | 07:25 |
crypto | hi I need help, I just stwitch from Vista over to Kubuntu and I havent been able to set up my wirless card, can anyone help me out? | 07:25 |
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CaptainMorgan | great | 07:25 |
mobutu | ANON12345: you should read | 07:25 |
Stoffer | ubuntu isn't picking up my sd card reader, and from what I've read sudo fdisk-l should show it, but it isn't. Can someone help me find and mount it please? | 07:25 |
kahrytan | modutu: It's $20 compiled for windows but source code is avail. | 07:25 |
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clearzen | crypto: maybe, what is the problem? | 07:26 |
burnerx_ | amarok > rhythmbox | 07:26 |
ANON12345 | mobutu: thanks, i'll take a look at it | 07:26 |
tarelerulz | I am really lost how do you tell if synaptic failed upgrading my system to feisty fawn ? | 07:26 |
pord | hi there i got eve-online working on wine but im wondering how to get it in fullscreen properly since it shows but i still have the menus and taskbar etc and I want it completely fullscreen.... this means im missing bits off the bottom of the screen. Can any1 help? | 07:26 |
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crypto | I can't set up my wireless card, and I've followed every guide I've found with no success | 07:26 |
clearzen | crypto: What kind of card is it? | 07:26 |
bimberi | !version | tarelerulz | 07:26 |
ubotu | tarelerulz: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 07:26 |
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VXC001A | tarelerulz, are you having problems? | 07:27 |
crypto | well I'm running a Gateway and its displayed as a Broadcom Dell 1390 | 07:27 |
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erb___ | I switched to terminal 1 and couldn't get out of it with Ctrl+F7. I ensured that I had FLock on. What happened? | 07:27 |
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clearzen | crypto: Have you tried using NDISwrapper? | 07:27 |
crypto | I have | 07:28 |
VXC001A | erb___, try the other terminals | 07:28 |
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VXC001A | actually | 07:28 |
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qweqweqwe | what's the difference between synaptic and apt-get? is the former a gui?? | 07:28 |
Music_Shuffle | yes | 07:28 |
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VXC001A | i think it might be ctrl + alt + f7 | 07:28 |
tarelerulz | VXC001A , i don't know It seem to froze ,but it is said take long time | 07:28 |
crypto | this is one of the guides I followed: | 07:28 |
crypto | sorry wrong link | 07:28 |
crypto |' | 07:28 |
jtraub | qweqweqwe, yes. Synaptic is frontend for aptitude | 07:28 |
clearzen | crypto: does it show up in your network list? Or with iwconfig? | 07:29 |
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erb___ | VXC001A - I tried everything | 07:29 |
ranf | hi | 07:29 |
VXC001A | hi ranf | 07:29 |
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Ayabara | I need some help with my dual screen setup. I have a laptop with ati graphics, and I have used aticonfig to get a dual screen setup where the two desktops are individual (4 workspaces per monitor). I want them to be connected, so that when I switch workspace it happens on both monitors. | 07:29 |
alekiel | hi. I'm having some issues with my sound on feisty.. need some help | 07:29 |
VXC001A | erb___, maybe restart? | 07:29 |
tarelerulz | Release: 6.10 | 07:29 |
tarelerulz | Codename: edgy | 07:29 |
VXC001A | do you have a command prompt? | 07:29 |
erb___ | VXC001A - I had to, just want future reference | 07:29 |
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crypto | when I installed kubuntu it showed up but I couldnt connect, it didnt let me enable it, so after I followed a couple of guides now it doesnt in neither network list or iwconfig | 07:30 |
VXC001A | well, if it's frozen, that's not normal | 07:30 |
kevi1 | Ayabara: google for 'xinerama' | 07:30 |
CaptainMorgan | cafuego, yikes, dpkg: postfix is broken or not fully installed.. well there we go. | 07:30 |
VXC001A | something is wrong them | 07:30 |
VXC001A | then* | 07:30 |
VXC001A | freezes* | 07:30 |
VXC001A | in normal cases, the cmd line should at least work | 07:30 |
darksinthe | anyone know how to fix my desktop effects like cube desktop? when i try to open it it says "The composite extention is not available" it used to work though | 07:30 |
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kahrytan | I hope jackb gets that cd booted | 07:30 |
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laksita | hi | 07:31 |
laksita | jhjg | 07:31 |
erb___ | VXC001A - It wasn't frozen, I just couldn't get back to GUI | 07:31 |
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Ayabara | kevi1, thanks for the tip | 07:31 |
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[Flux] | wow swiftfox > firefox | 07:31 |
clearzen | crypto: lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation <----paste the output of this to pastebin please. | 07:31 |
VXC001A | erb___, i see. maybe x11 wasn't even running? | 07:31 |
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ANON12345 | mobutu: can vmware run on a USB Flash drive, and is it possible to use it on any computer? | 07:31 |
rpaul | I am attempting to flash my bios using some instructions I saw on the gentoo wiki. Has anyone done something like this in the past? | 07:31 |
CaptainMorgan | !guide | 07:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about guide - try searching on | 07:31 |
VXC001A | does anyone know the command to start gdm with upstart? | 07:31 |
erb___ | VXC001A - I had switched from x11 | 07:31 |
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CaptainMorgan | !official guide | 07:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about official guide - try searching on | 07:31 |
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jackb | I'm back! Good news and bad | 07:32 |
[Flux] | darksinthe: what beryl version are you running? | 07:32 |
crypto | 05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01) | 07:32 |
alekiel | I have checked alsamixer and everything seems to be enabled, still can't get all sounds. I can get the "beep" sounds of the test, but nothing else. I could get sound in Windows too, completely. | 07:32 |
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darksinthe | i dont think i installed beryl | 07:32 |
crypto | I'm running a Gateway | 07:32 |
jackb | putting the disc into the DVD drive worked, I got the ubuntu screen and it seems to read the disc | 07:32 |
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darksinthe | how do i install it | 07:32 |
VXC001A | erb___, did you try all the terminals? | 07:32 |
[Flux] | if you have the cube effects | 07:32 |
[Flux] | thats beryl | 07:32 |
VXC001A | i.e. ctrl + alt + f2, f3...etc | 07:33 |
tarelerulz | I have ubuntu 7.04 and it is codenamed feisty | 07:33 |
[Flux] | | 07:33 |
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jackb | however when I checked Start and install it goes to the black screen with ubuntu and the status bar going back and forth for a long time, then I just get a cursur in the top left corner and had to reboot | 07:33 |
[Flux] | use this thread | 07:33 |
VXC001A | jackb, what's the bad news? | 07:33 |
jackb | I tried it again to check for errors on the CD and it did the same thing | 07:33 |
CaptainMorgan | !official | 07:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about official - try searching on | 07:33 |
erb___ | VXC001A - I couldn't switch to other terminals | 07:33 |
[Flux] | if you have ATI | 07:33 |
tarelerulz | Still a bit wondering about the fact synaptic seem to froze and is not doing anything | 07:33 |
jackb | however I am encouraged at the progress, and I did smile when I saw that 1st ubuntu screen | 07:33 |
tarelerulz | I thought after it did it work it would reboot my computer that is what I read | 07:33 |
[Flux] | if you have nvidia, search the ubuntu forums, there is a guide there | 07:34 |
clearzen | crypto: Looks like you are in luck. Follow the directions at this link and it should get you up and running. | 07:34 |
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[Flux] | or on the ubuntuguide site | 07:34 |
clearzen | | 07:34 |
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crypto | I followed that one too, no luck | 07:34 |
CaptainMorgan | !release | 07:34 |
ubotu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 07:34 |
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Alias__ | Anyone got any network-fu? | 07:35 |
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jackb | any idea why it would just hang with a blinking cursor after extended "loading" | 07:35 |
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linoleum | ok guys, I try to set my other partition to be writable . Automaticaly, in the "computer windows, in properties, mount options are rw nosuid nodev noexec data=ordered. What do I need to add to have this partition to allow my normal user to write on this partition ? | 07:35 |
CaptainMorgan | 7.04 the latest relase? | 07:35 |
laksita | fuck all | 07:35 |
[Flux] | yes CaptainMorgan | 07:35 |
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RAOF | !ohmy | laksita | 07:35 |
ubotu | laksita: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:35 |
kevix | Alias__: its just best to ask a specific question instead of a 'does anyone ...' | 07:36 |
[Flux] | !ask | 07:36 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:36 |
clearzen | crypto: Do you know how to compile source? | 07:36 |
kahrytan | jackb: It does take awhile to boot from a cd. | 07:36 |
crypto | no | 07:36 |
laksita | sorry | 07:36 |
Alias__ | I have two network cards in a box, and the route to the internet seems really confused. Basically everything seems to block on network ops, periodically | 07:36 |
Tarkus | hey, how do i install something from a tarball? is it possible? or do i always have to go to the directory where i unpacked it, and run the shellscript? instead of having it in the applications menu. | 07:36 |
Alias__ | even running "route" blocks half way through listing the routes | 07:36 |
jackb | I wish I could easily install it onto a secondary HD to really check it out | 07:36 |
Alias__ | Then after a minute or so lists the routes to the intarweb | 07:37 |
burnerx_ | amarok vs Rhythmbox vs xmms ? which is better ? | 07:37 |
laksita | bajingan | 07:37 |
jackb | that's why I chose option 1 (or 6 or so) Start and Install Ubuntu | 07:37 |
kevix | Tarkus: is best to find out if its avaiblae as an ubutnu deb first. | 07:37 |
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jtraub | <Tarkus>, yes. You should perform all that operations manually | 07:37 |
kahrytan | jackb: Did you get to gnome loading ? | 07:37 |
cute_bettong | crdlb: ok that was odd it diden't do anything | 07:38 |
jackb | hmmm I don't think so, it said loading linux kernal then went up to 100% | 07:38 |
Tarkus | kevix: im installing azureus (bittorent client). its already in the ubuntu repos, and i installed it, but it doesnt work. the program closes half a second after the splash screen finishes. so i asked in azureus, and they told me to download the tarball from the site instead.. | 07:38 |
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tarelerulz | I am out thanks for your help . I have to say this God I love linux. | 07:38 |
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cute_bettong | crdlb: im back in irssi again lol | 07:38 |
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kahrytan | jackb: What else | 07:38 |
darksinthe | flux that link you gave me was for ati xpress 200, i have raedon x850 | 07:38 |
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jackb | it just went to the black screen with a status bar going back and forth in red and then after about a minute or so the screen goes totally back and I have 1 blinking cursor in the top left corner | 07:39 |
RAOF | darksinthe: For Compiz/Beryl questions, please /join #ubuntu-effects. Fewer questions, more knowledge :)_ | 07:39 |
laksita | please visit me at | 07:39 |
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kahrytan | jackB: And type of cursor | 07:39 |
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jackb | just a single _ blinking | 07:39 |
kevix | Tarkus: there is a program called 'checkinstall' that will create deb for source compiles. it helps when you want to unistall it. | 07:40 |
kahrytan | jackb: how long did you wait then | 07:40 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: did it fsck ? | 07:40 |
jackb | not that long- a minute or so | 07:40 |
cute_bettong | crdlb: nope just shut the computer down lickity split | 07:40 |
clearzen | crypto: Does ndiswrapper show both the driver and your hardware present? | 07:40 |
Alias__ | hmm, would routing get confused if there were 2 default routes? | 07:40 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: did it fsck on boot though? | 07:40 |
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crypto | what do u mean? now I only have the ethernet showing | 07:41 |
cute_bettong | crdlb: not that i know of..just looked like the normal ubuntu boot tryed to go into x but it just went blank | 07:41 |
jackb | then I just CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart, tried it again only selected Check for Errors on CD and it basically did the same thing | 07:41 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: join #crdlb again | 07:41 |
clearzen | crypto: type ndiswrapper -l | 07:41 |
ant- | jackb : what video card do you have? | 07:41 |
jackb | ati 256 diamond | 07:41 |
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crypto | cmwl5 : driver installed | 07:42 |
crypto | bcmwl6 : driver installed | 07:42 |
crypto | device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx) | 07:42 |
ant- | !ati | jackb | 07:42 |
ubotu | jackb: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 07:42 |
kahrytan | anti-: He is trying to boot cd. | 07:42 |
kahrytan | ant-: He is trying to boot cd. | 07:42 |
jackb | I can't run 7.04 w/o installing the drivers? hmmm | 07:42 |
ant- | oh you havent installed yet | 07:42 |
cute_bettong | crdlb: im in there but your not O_o | 07:42 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: #crdlb ? | 07:43 |
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crdlb | double check it | 07:43 |
clearzen | crypto: What does iwconfig show you? | 07:43 |
cute_bettong | crdlb: yup im there according to irssi | 07:43 |
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crypto | lo no wireless extensions. | 07:43 |
crypto | eth0 no wireless extensions. | 07:43 |
kahrytan | jackb: ati card or builtin? | 07:43 |
zilliot | Windows!!! | 07:43 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: are you sure you spelled it right? | 07:43 |
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jackb | ati PCI 256 PCI | 07:44 |
kahrytan | jackb: You could remove the card and then try to boot from cd | 07:44 |
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clearzen | crypto: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart; iwconfig | 07:44 |
cute_bettong | crdlb: yea i typed /join crd1b in irssi | 07:44 |
jackb | swap out another grphx card? | 07:44 |
kahrytan | jackb: you have onboard video? | 07:45 |
crdlb | cute_bettong: the letter L not the number 1 | 07:45 |
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jackb | it's a simple video adapter in a pci slot | 07:45 |
crypto | nothing comes up at the end with the same no wireless extensions | 07:45 |
darksinthe | i have my video card drivers installed, now how do i install beryl | 07:45 |
darksinthe | is it different for different video cards or what | 07:46 |
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klasrudian | | 07:47 |
jackb | hmmm | 07:47 |
kahrytan | jackB: D you have VGA port on the back but not on the ati card? | 07:47 |
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jackb | yes | 07:47 |
thelostpatrol | hey there | 07:47 |
thelostpatrol | i have some questions for you guys | 07:47 |
thelostpatrol | about fonts | 07:47 |
jackb | intel graphics controller | 07:47 |
thelostpatrol | where can i go for linux fonts? | 07:47 |
thelostpatrol | heh | 07:47 |
kahrytan | jackb: thats the onboard video. Try removing ati card | 07:47 |
clearzen | crypto: Have you run sudo modprobe ndiswrapper? | 07:48 |
klasrudian | google ?? | 07:48 |
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crypto | yeah | 07:48 |
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jackb | can I just switch? | 07:48 |
jackb | or do I have to remove my nice graphics card? | 07:48 |
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thelostpatrol | you can either remove the ati card or disable the onboard | 07:48 |
kahrytan | jackB What model of card? | 07:48 |
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CaptainMorgan | I just successfully completed a postfix install and config.. when I attempt to do sudo /etc/init.d/postfix reload I get a fatal error message ending in! | 07:48 |
CaptainMorgan | what do i do? | 07:48 |
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CaptainMorgan | fatal: the postfix mail service is not running | 07:49 |
jackb | intel 82845g is the onboard | 07:49 |
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clearzen | crypto: I dunno then man. It looks like it should work. All I could tell you is try ndiswrapper -m and restart and see if it recognizes the card. But I don't have a lot of experience with broadcom cards. | 07:49 |
kahrytan | Intel chipsets play nice with Linux | 07:49 |
jackb | hehehe that is one way to say it | 07:49 |
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starkruzr | Intel was nice enough to keep their interfaces open | 07:49 |
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kahrytan | Nvidia plays nice too. | 07:49 |
starkruzr | which made writing drivers a cinch | 07:49 |
starkruzr | ehhhh. | 07:50 |
klasrudian | CaptainMorgan, i have never installed Postfix, but t sound like it's depending on some other service you have to have running at first | 07:50 |
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starkruzr | there are still things you can do on Windows that you can't do with Linux with NVidia. | 07:50 |
kahrytan | and so many people have problems with ati and linux | 07:50 |
jackb | I thought 7.04 was supposed to make it super easy to run linux? | 07:50 |
starkruzr | it's easy to install the driver | 07:50 |
crypto | ok, so what do u think I should do, I"m gonna reinstall kubuntu, what do I do then? | 07:50 |
jackb | I know it seems pretty easy but a good gaming card shouldn't be that big of a deal no? | 07:50 |
starkruzr | but the driver is somewhat incomplete because NVidia refuses to tell us everything about the hardware we need to know | 07:50 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: but nvidia makes their own driver | 07:51 |
Alecks | Hi, I'm completely new to linux. I have a SATA hard drive that's running windows, and then I have a wiped hard drive that I was going to use for 7.04. For some reason I'm not able to boot onto it. | 07:51 |
jackb | so I'd have to bypass the ati and use the intel controll to get ubuntu working and then load the ati drivers and then switch back? | 07:51 |
clearzen | crypto: Personally I would use ndiswrapper with the windows driver and then set ndiswrapper as a module to load at boot with sudo ndiswrapper -m | 07:51 |
kahrytan | jackB: more like see if ATI card is causing the problem | 07:51 |
starkruzr | kahrytan: they really don't put as much effort into it as they do the Windows drivers | 07:51 |
jackb | mmmm | 07:52 |
clearzen | crypto: That seems to be the only reliable answer for that card. At least from some quick googling | 07:52 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: I wonder why .. oh yeah.. low market share. | 07:52 |
jackb | it isn't a radeon card or anything | 07:52 |
kahrytan | jackb: no agp port? | 07:52 |
crypto | well I tried that but I got the Hardware Available: NO | 07:52 |
klasrudian | Alecks, sounds like you installed the grub's mbr on the wrong disk, not your boot disk that you have setted in BIOS | 07:53 |
Alecks | so what should I do? | 07:53 |
clearzen | crypto: Did you use the driver for winxp or 2000? | 07:53 |
jackb | agp? | 07:53 |
jackb | aaccelerated graphics port? | 07:53 |
kahrytan | jackb: pci-express? | 07:53 |
klasrudian | Alecks, boot on you ubuntu disk and reinstall grub on the right mbr | 07:53 |
starkruzr | market share is growing alllll the time | 07:54 |
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jackb | pci | 07:54 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: Yeah 6% | 07:54 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: Linux and OSX are the same | 07:54 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: No wait. We surpassed them | 07:54 |
starkruzr | does anyone know of a good music player that has some kind of support for sound processing, like DFX and Winamp? | 07:54 |
starkruzr | kahrytan: certainly not on the desktop | 07:54 |
jackb | Install from Ubuntu repositories (easier) | 07:54 |
jackb | Instructions for 6.10 (Edgy) | 07:54 |
jackb | * Install the driver provided by ati included in the repositories: | 07:54 |
jackb | sudo apt-get update | 07:54 |
jackb | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 07:54 |
jackb | That makes no sense | 07:54 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: Linux is 6% | 07:55 |
crypto | I switch from Vista | 07:55 |
clearzen | kahrytan: Is it really that high? I dunno, I always thought macs have more of a share of the market | 07:55 |
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ubunte_newbie1 | hello can someone help me im in the LIVE CD now but i cant INSTALL UBUNTU It say on the PREPARE PARTITIONS " No Root Fily System Is Define" Pls Correct This From Partitioning Menu Pls Help Me | 07:55 |
jackb | ATI are well known not to be able to provide correct drivers | 07:55 |
starkruzr | Linux is 6% total penetration, maybe | 07:55 |
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clearzen | crypto: I would find and use the winxp drivers | 07:55 |
starkruzr | not desktop-specific | 07:55 |
jrsims | hey, is there a way I can make wireshark start with admin options without typing sudo first? | 07:55 |
jrsims | Like if I launched it from the menu? | 07:55 |
clearzen | jrsims: gksu wireshark | 07:55 |
jackb | <shrugs> | 07:56 |
ubunte_newbie1 | hello can someone help me im in the LIVE CD now but i cant INSTALL UBUNTU It say on the PREPARE PARTITIONS " No Root File System Is Define" Pls Correct This From Partitioning Menu Pls Help Me | 07:56 |
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starkruzr | ubunte_newbie1: this might be easier if you try a channel devoted to your native language | 07:56 |
crypto | heres's my laptop: | 07:56 |
ubunte_newbie1 | what channel | 07:56 |
kiasanth | simple question that most people can answer...where do I put ttf files to install fonts? | 07:56 |
jackb | someone needs to write a simple instructional guide for windows users, in english | 07:56 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, you have to run the patition manager and partition your disk/disks, etehr manuall or automatic | 07:56 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: I bet Google could say the market share | 07:56 |
starkruzr | ubunte_newbie1: that depends on what your native language is :) | 07:56 |
jtraub | jrsims, you may run it with gksudo :-) | 07:56 |
Alecks | klaus, i'm not sure what you mean. What is an MBR? I'm installing off of the Live CD | 07:56 |
jtraub | jrsims, or login as root and run without sudo | 07:57 |
ant- | !partitions | ubunte_newbie1 | 07:57 |
ubotu | ubunte_newbie1: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 07:57 |
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ubunte_newbie1 | i did partition my DISK but it always say No Root File Is Define | 07:57 |
jrsims | jtraub: yeah right | 07:57 |
kiasanth | MBR = Master Boot Record | 07:57 |
jrsims | I will try gksu | 07:57 |
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jughead | I have a computer that has no monitor, keyboard, or mouse that I ssh into for running commands. I usually ssh into it from my laptop. Is there a way to ssh into the computer, start a process, and have it keep running after I close the ssh session? | 07:57 |
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crdlb | jughead: screen | 07:58 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, well then you have to set mount points on your diffrent partitions | 07:58 |
starkruzr | jughead: screen | 07:58 |
starkruzr | dammit crdlb :p | 07:58 |
=== crdlb wins | ||
kiasanth | any diea where fonts go? | 07:58 |
ubunte_newbie1 | How TO Set Mount Points ? | 07:58 |
kiasanth | any idea where fonts go? | 07:58 |
clearzen | jrsims: if you can I would compile the latest svn allows realtime monitoring of the packets. I think it is much better than the wireshark in the repos | 07:58 |
klasrudian | one of them as root ( / ) | 07:58 |
jtraub | jughead, use screen command | 07:58 |
Alecks | ok, so I need to install feisty with both drives plugged in? | 07:58 |
jackb | hehe utter chaos | 07:58 |
ant- | ubunte_newbie1 : after you partition there will be combo boxes per partition, change the mount point to "/" | 07:58 |
jtraub | jughead, or run it with & after command name | 07:58 |
starkruzr | sudo apt-get install screen if it isn't already there | 07:58 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, you do that in the partition helper | 07:58 |
jackb | well I'm trying pretty hard but it doesn't seem like ubunut wants to play nice w/ me ;) | 07:58 |
jrsims | clearzen: I am spoiled by apt though! | 07:58 |
starkruzr | jtraub: that doesn't work | 07:58 |
clearzen | jrsims: It rocks. trust me :) | 07:58 |
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jtraub | jughead, man screen will help you :-) | 07:59 |
starkruzr | jtraub: depending on the application, when the terminal that spawned it dies, it dies too | 07:59 |
ubunte_newbie1 | only "/" ? | 07:59 |
starkruzr | with or without the & | 07:59 |
jrsims | clearzen: if I do what you say, I wont have to wait until packet capture is complete to view packet detail? | 07:59 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, yeah on your root partition | 07:59 |
clearzen | jrsims:correct | 07:59 |
kahrytan | Anyone else want to take a stab at jackb's problem? | 07:59 |
jrsims | clearzen: NICE | 07:59 |
ant- | ubunte_newbie1 : when you click on the combo box you will see the "/" as an option, choose it | 07:59 |
clearzen | jrsims: It's great for authoring packets in real time | 07:59 |
jackb | If I can't even start the install process I'm kinda SOL | 08:00 |
forsaken | does anyone know how I would get my true screen resolution to show up in the applet in the System menu, it only has a 1024x800 @ 60hz option, but many more are specified in my xorg.conf and the screen is actually 1280x800 | 08:00 |
jrsims | clearzen: for man in the middle? | 08:00 |
jtraub | starkruzr, in Linux if parent-application died, then child-applications will die very soon :-) | 08:00 |
clearzen | jrsims: or chop chop or many uses | 08:00 |
crimsun | forsaken: which video driver? | 08:00 |
forsaken | crimsun, i810 | 08:00 |
crimsun | forsaken: try xserver-xorg-video-intel from universe | 08:00 |
jrsims | clearzen: you use airsnort or kismet? | 08:00 |
jackb | I'll try it again, see what happens | 08:00 |
jackb | thankx | 08:00 |
jtraub | starkruzr, hmm.. Try to launch it with screen. | 08:00 |
ubunte_newbie1 | ok done now it say Go Grub boot loader installation often fails or hangs when /boot is on XFS file system | 08:00 |
jrsims | clearzen: ok, I'm sold. what are the steps? | 08:01 |
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crimsun | forsaken: I use it with no problems on my systems, and it obviates 915resolution. | 08:01 |
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ant- | forsaken : i had to use auto915resolution | 08:01 |
ubunte_newbie1 | i want it DUAL BOOT | 08:01 |
jackb | but I can't really help it if 7.04 isn't compatable with my hardware, it's a dell with an ATI gaming card | 08:01 |
crimsun | ant-: even with xserver-xorg-video-intel? | 08:01 |
jtraub | starkruzr, i mean run "screen" command in terminal. Press Spacebar.. type your command. Press Ctrl+A+D | 08:01 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, did you make your root-disk with the filesystem XFS?? | 08:01 |
starkruzr | jtraub: no, I know | 08:01 |
ubunte_newbie1 | yes | 08:01 |
jackb | I bet a year from now even more hardware will be supported | 08:01 |
anderson | isn't there any package .deb of limewire? | 08:01 |
ant- | crimsun : didnt use/try it | 08:01 |
jackb | <hopes> | 08:01 |
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crimsun | ant-: try it. | 08:01 |
starkruzr | jtraub: I was saying that depending on the app, launching things with & doesn't guarantee they'll persist after you log out | 08:02 |
jackb | brb | 08:02 |
ant- | crimsun : will do | 08:02 |
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clearzen | jrsims: kismet and aircrack suite, cowpatty all the usual tools. Go to the main site and go to the dev branch and get the latest svn tarball, unzip ./configure &&make && sudo checkinstall | 08:02 |
ubunte_newbie1 | i want to make it dual boot | 08:02 |
mobutu | anderson: you might have to add a suppository | 08:02 |
mobutu | anderson: look for 'frostwire' | 08:02 |
=== RAOF hopes not! | ||
ant- | !dualboot | ubunte_newbie1 | 08:02 |
ubotu | ubunte_newbie1: Dual boot instructions: (x86/AMD64) - (Macintosh) | 08:02 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, sure but why did you make it a XFS ?? | 08:02 |
ubunte_newbie1 | ty | 08:02 |
bulmer | which program puts a historical thumbnails of icons/image in ~/.thumbnails ? | 08:02 |
xq | so no one with current ubuntu ever had a problem with gnome-panels displaying in other work spaces? they only work in my first workspace and i've even reinstalled gnome and everything | 08:02 |
mobutu | bulmer: gthumb i think | 08:02 |
ubunte_newbie1 | why what is xfs | 08:02 |
ubunte_newbie1 | what should it be ? | 08:02 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: I wish Linux could gain 20-25% market share | 08:03 |
bulmer | mobutu: you know how to turn it off? | 08:03 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, it might not be the brightest to have your /boot in a XFS filesystem | 08:03 |
ubunte_newbie1 | so what should be it? | 08:03 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, well to be on the safe side you could use Ext3 | 08:03 |
mobutu | bulmer: no, but | 08:03 |
ubunte_newbie1 | aw thanks | 08:03 |
mobutu | bulmer: ln -s /dev/null .thumbnails | 08:03 |
ubunte_newbie1 | ill make it ext3 | 08:03 |
mobutu | bulmer: might do it! | 08:03 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, you have made a swap partition to right?? | 08:04 |
kahrytan | klasrudian: He has too I believe | 08:04 |
bulmer | mobutu: what other programs uses that gthumb? | 08:04 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | How do I turn a CVS tarball into a .deb file? | 08:05 |
klasrudian | not if he manual set it up not to be... | 08:05 |
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binMonkey | hi. | 08:05 |
klasrudian | sounded like he did the partiton manuly so... | 08:05 |
mobutu | bulmer: i think gthumb uses gthumb | 08:05 |
binMonkey | can i ask a wifi question in here? | 08:05 |
mobutu | bulmer: maybe there's some other gnome thing that sticks thumbnails in .thumbnails/ | 08:05 |
jtraub | binMonkey, yes, of course | 08:06 |
FakeOutdoorsman | you can ask anything here. | 08:06 |
kahrytan | !wifi | binmonkey | 08:06 |
ubotu | binmonkey: Wireless documentation can be found at | 08:06 |
binMonkey | thanks. | 08:06 |
klasrudian | FakeOutdoorsman, why would you whant to make it to a .deb package?? | 08:06 |
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bulmer | mobutu: okay....thanks, ill look for it in google | 08:06 |
binMonkey | i've looked there and all over. | 08:06 |
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kahrytan | binmokey: then ask | 08:06 |
binMonkey | it's a problem with free or open networks. | 08:06 |
kahrytan | binmonkey | 08:06 |
FakeOutdoorsman | klasrudian: i need to move it to another computer and don't have all of the tools to compile with | 08:06 |
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roadown | it's a very good place i 'd like | 08:07 |
xq | no ideas on why gnome is not displaying panels in other workspaces? | 08:07 |
binMonkey | wifi radar won't connect automatically... | 08:07 |
roadown | i'm first com | 08:07 |
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starkruzr | does anyone here use uTorrent with WINE as your BitTorrent client? if so, have you seen it suddenly refuse to pop back into focus from being hidden? | 08:07 |
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binMonkey | i have to do iwconfig ap accesspoint | 08:07 |
starkruzr | (this persists through being quit and restarted) | 08:07 |
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klasrudian | FakeOutdoorsman, well then you have to precompail it at first on your computer... | 08:07 |
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mobutu | starkruzr: all the time | 08:07 |
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kahrytan | starkruzer: change the preferences to not minimize to tray | 08:08 |
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starkruzr | mobutu: what the hell is up with that? | 08:08 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian is swap partition for dual boot ? | 08:08 |
binMonkey | then iwconfig eth1 commit to get it to connect. | 08:08 |
starkruzr | mobutu: and how do I undo it? | 08:08 |
mobutu | starkruzr: dunno, it's always had that bug | 08:08 |
starkruzr | crap. | 08:08 |
eternaljoy | can someone pls help me understand these 2 line instuctions: | 08:08 |
binMonkey | and that doesn't always work. | 08:08 |
mobutu | starkruzr: if you want it to 'pop back' into focus, click on Hide/Show on the ubuntu icon in your taskbar | 08:08 |
starkruzr | how do I change preferences now that it's like that and I can't get at the preferences? | 08:08 |
kahrytan | starkruzer: That will fix that | 08:08 |
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starkruzr | mobutu: that does nothing. | 08:08 |
mobutu | kahrytan: really? ill try that! | 08:08 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, no it's for the swap.... | 08:08 |
kahrytan | mobutu; Yeah. | 08:08 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | klasrudian: i know how to compile it, but if i do it on computer A, then computer B, will it not work because of hardware differences? | 08:09 |
ubunte_newbie1 | i just make the partition ext3 then install | now its installing | 08:09 |
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mobutu | kahrytan: wow it works | 08:09 |
ubunte_newbie1 | u think i got dual OS after this installing ? | 08:09 |
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CaptainMorgan | where would postfix mail logs be kept? /var/log/postfix? | 08:09 |
binMonkey | any ideas? | 08:09 |
mobutu | kahrytan: i have learned something today | 08:09 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, it's like a buffer on the disk... | 08:09 |
ubunte_newbie1 | u mean its not dual | 08:09 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | starkruzr: try Deluge for bittorrent. it use it instead of utorrent now. | 08:09 |
mobutu | CaptainMorgan: maybe /var/log/mail/ , i forget, look around! | 08:09 |
kahrytan | mobutu; Now just use the tray to hide utorrent | 08:09 |
kb1ibt | how does one easily force the audio to go to the second sound device plugged into the computer instead of the first | 08:09 |
klasrudian | FakeOutdoorsman, .deb packages are precompialed | 08:09 |
starkruzr | Deluge, you say | 08:10 |
tarelerulz | Have any of you try Metisse out ? | 08:10 |
mobutu | kahrytan: it works just the way i want now | 08:10 |
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RAOF | kb1ibt: Check out "asoundconf" and System->Preferences->Sound | 08:10 |
FakeOutdoorsman | | 08:10 |
clearzen | FakeOutdoorsman: I will work if you do it properly | 08:10 |
kahrytan | mobutu; You learned something from a newbie | 08:10 |
klasrudian | FakeOutdoorsman, as long as both are x86-system you should be allright.... | 08:10 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian my XP os is in Partition1 and now im installing Ubuntu from a New Created Partition u think this will Work as DualBoot? | 08:10 |
crypto | lt: I'm gonna reinstall and see what I get | 08:10 |
tempong | vhnvbmnv | 08:11 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, yeah grub will handle it fine | 08:11 |
binMonkey | did i do something wrong? | 08:11 |
ubunte_newbie1 | what is GRUB | 08:11 |
clearzen | FakeOutdoorsman: <-- That is the way to make a deb. You usually don't have to worry about editing most of the files. | 08:11 |
FakeOutdoorsman | they are both x86. i just want to get rt2500 wireless working on an ancient Toughbook. | 08:11 |
binMonkey | bad etiquette? | 08:11 |
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eternaljoy | can someone pls help me understand these 2 line instuctions: | 08:11 |
FakeOutdoorsman | thanks for the tips. i'll try that site. | 08:11 |
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jackb | no luck this time around | 08:12 |
jackb | I | 08:12 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klarusdian do i have to set up something FOR GRUB | 08:12 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, gurb is a boot program | 08:12 |
jackb | I'm not sure I can do much else | 08:12 |
jackb | maybe wait for next release =/ | 08:12 |
ubunte_newbie1 | or it is autodetect | 08:12 |
clearzen | FakeOutdoorsman: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot that command will do most of it | 08:12 |
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kb1ibt | RAOF, sorry i should have said in kde but you did help because i was able to find the equiv CLI command to what you meant | 08:12 |
eric | thanks, that intel video xserver package did the trick :) | 08:12 |
FakeOutdoorsman | ill try that | 08:12 |
FakeOutdoorsman | thanks | 08:12 |
kahrytan | starkruzr: did it work for you? | 08:12 |
eternaljoy | anyone got an asus U3000 usb digital tv tuner working in Ubuntu? | 08:12 |
jackb | I tried all the boot/install options too, just goes to black ubuntu screen with orange bar going back and forth then goes to a black screen with a cursor and hangs | 08:12 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, it will install automatic on your mbr | 08:13 |
binMonkey | i won't dp it again if you tell me what i did? | 08:13 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, you'll see the next time you boot your machine up ;) | 08:13 |
kahrytan | jackb: you try removing the card? | 08:13 |
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ubunte_newbie1 | how i wonder if my BIOS set first boot to hDD-0 or hdd-1 | 08:13 |
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ubunte_newbie1 | is it fine to detect too? | 08:14 |
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jackb | no I didn't try to remove the card and fail to see why that could foul up ubuntu | 08:14 |
Shwouchk | hi! | 08:14 |
jackb | if it loads the welcome screen | 08:14 |
jackb | then it can process video through the card | 08:14 |
kahrytan | jackb: What welcome screen? | 08:14 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | dumb irc question. using xchat. how to i respond to others like they respond to me? my name becomes yellow. do I just type their name like examplename: message? i don't use this often. | 08:14 |
kahrytan | jackb: The scroll bar back and forth? | 08:14 |
jackb | it says ubuntu then has like 6 options (start and install) , then the scroll bar screen | 08:14 |
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Shwouchk | for some reason I can't install update-manager-core (package doesn't exist).. why? I'm on server 6.06 | 08:15 |
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Stormx2 | FakeOutdoorsman: yeah. Just start filling out their name then hit tab. | 08:15 |
jackb | if I get web 2.0 style rounded lowercase letters with shaddow effects that look really crisp- I don't see how it could be the card | 08:15 |
kahrytan | jackb: but not orange (kinda brownish) backup? | 08:15 |
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jackb | yeah orange | 08:15 |
jackb | like night rider going back and forth | 08:15 |
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kahrytan | jackb: I mean background | 08:15 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Stormx2: ..thanks. maybe i should shorten the name for people like me. | 08:15 |
clearzen | FakeOutdoorsman: If you highlight the name you can use the middle button to paste the name and it will automatically highlight it if it has a colon after the name | 08:16 |
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jackb | the background is in black on both screens that I saw | 08:16 |
g0ow | i am trying to upgrade from Dapper -> Edgy...and im having problems... could somone help me out? | 08:16 |
sgtmattbaker | has anyone got a dual monitor setup in Ubuntu w/ the nvidia driver successfully? | 08:16 |
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mobutu | g0ow: you should just ask questions, someone will probably answer you | 08:16 |
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Possum | FakeOutdoorsman, some clients let you hilight depending on specific words... try /help hilight | 08:16 |
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kahrytan | jackb: Your not getting to X Windows (and then Gnome) | 08:17 |
binMonkey | any help w/wireless, please? | 08:17 |
jackb | no I see no X windows anything, no Gnome | 08:17 |
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g0ow | how do i get the gpg edgy key? | 08:17 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | jackb: are you in a command line now? | 08:17 |
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jackb | sorta | 08:18 |
Possum | sgtmattbaker, it's definitely possible, google for 'twinview' if your card supports it... (it probably does) ... unfortunately I don't have my old xorg.conf :( | 08:18 |
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Possum | irssi ftw :) | 08:18 |
sanityx | Does Ubuntu sync with Debian Sid or Testing? | 08:18 |
kahrytan | Fakeoutdoorsman: He can't boot the live cd | 08:18 |
jackb | it goes to the loading screen and then goes to an all black screen with a _ flashing cursor and hangs | 08:18 |
sgtmattbaker | Possum: yeah I tried but it was very annoying as I couldn't choose which monitor to be default | 08:18 |
Gerro | my xorg.conf has been tainted by some non plain text unicode jibber and I can't see it. How can I run the X11 parser in offline mode? | 08:18 |
clearzen | g0ow: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys KEY | 08:19 |
kahrytan | Fakeoutdoorsman: Im thinking x windows and ati issue | 08:19 |
Stormx2 | sanityx: testing, methinks. | 08:19 |
jackb | what is X windows | 08:19 |
clearzen | g0ow: Then gpg --export --armor KEY | sudo apt-key add - | 08:19 |
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Possum | sgtmattbaker, ooh... I think I know what your talking about... I don't think you _can_ set what's the default, it's just whichever it detects first... | 08:19 |
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Gerro | jackb: it is graphical interface, its the server that displays graphics | 08:19 |
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jackb | mmmm | 08:20 |
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sgtmattbaker | Possum: yeah that stinks.. my old CRT is detected before my slow to respond acer | 08:20 |
Shwouchk | for some reason I can't install update-manager-core (package doesn't exist).. why? I'm on server 6.06 | 08:20 |
cute_bettong | anyone here good with sound cards? | 08:20 |
Possum | sgtmattbaker, Oh... the second is an LCD? | 08:20 |
jackb | should say | 08:20 |
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jackb | Linux for (very patient) human beings | 08:20 |
sgtmattbaker | Possume: they are both connected by DVI thoug | 08:20 |
jackb | ;) | 08:20 |
hylje | jackb: yes, in the case of stuff not working | 08:21 |
Possum | sgtmattbaker, I think it always detects CRT's first... I think my fix was to just say "leftof" instead of "rightof" or w/e... also I think there's an option called "ConnectedMonitors" or something similar where you can specify them specifically | 08:21 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: what's the issue? | 08:21 |
Possum | sgtmattbaker, I have no experience with DVI :( | 08:21 |
jackb | I can't even check it out and i'm just disapointed because I've only read positive, encouraging things about 7.04 | 08:21 |
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cute_bettong | crimsun, i have a dell dimension c521 the sound works great but it will not record or allow skype to use the soundcard | 08:21 |
kahrytan | jackb: Graphics card would be nice for the 3d effects | 08:22 |
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sgtmattbaker | Possume: I think you can do an option like Connected Monitors : {DFP-1, DFP-0} if I am not mistaken. although I need to try now it has been awhile | 08:22 |
jackb | Graphics card isn't going anywhere, ATI and Nvidia are the best you can get, there's gotta be an easy workaround | 08:22 |
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Shwouchk | for some reason I can't install update-manager-core (package doesn't exist).. why? I'm on server 6.06 | 08:22 |
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Gerro | jackb: nvidia > ati | 08:22 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian | 08:23 |
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crimsun | cute_bettong: please read and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page. | 08:23 |
jackb | yeah, if you are willing to pony up the cash for the card that has a visable difference and you have a display that can show of the extent to which the highest end Nvidia card slighly beats out the nicest ATI you can get | 08:23 |
ubunte_newbie1 | executing grub install failed this is a fatal error | 08:23 |
Possum | sgtmattbaker, yea... I remember going through all that... I've got my old config backed up at another physical location... won't be there till tomorrow evening | 08:23 |
jackb | Nvidia > ATI today ;) who knows in 3 months | 08:23 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian executing grub_install failed this is a fatal error what is this | 08:23 |
Gerro | jackb: if your screen is black try vga mode until you can get driver working | 08:24 |
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kahrytan | jackb: Nvidia FX 5200 works | 08:24 |
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kahrytan | jackb: and $38 on newegg | 08:24 |
Possum | nVidia FX 5200 was the best investment I ever made :) | 08:24 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | jackb: are you using an LCD or CRT monitor? i've had issues with x windows not displaying because the LCD was "out of range" due to a screwy config file. if you get that message then try a CRT. | 08:24 |
kahrytan | Possum: Me too. | 08:24 |
Possum | Runs beryl flawlessly :) | 08:24 |
jackb | crt | 08:24 |
FakeOutdoorsman | damn | 08:24 |
Possum | The reviews say it's crap... but it works pretty well imo | 08:24 |
kahrytan | Possum: I got MSI fx5200 off newegg | 08:25 |
Shwouchk | anyone? | 08:25 |
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flowingfire | Hi there. I'm curious if anybody can help me with printing | 08:25 |
Possum | kahrytan, Nice, newegg is awesome... built this entire comp for under $500 :) | 08:25 |
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jackb | I understand AMD's failure to fully support Berly and Compiz has garnered a bit of expectable resentment from fans | 08:26 |
cute_bettong | ok thats just buggy i can record and play sound through my usb logitec headset but not the onbord card lol | 08:26 |
kahrytan | Possum: The slogan. Once you know, you newegg :-P | 08:26 |
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cute_bettong | ok crimsun gonna do that script thingy | 08:26 |
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jackb | I dunno | 08:26 |
Shwouchk | please anyone? | 08:26 |
Shwouchk | for some reason I can't install update-manager-core (package doesn't exist).. why? I'm on server 6.06 | 08:26 |
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jackb | I tried to install ubuntu about 3 hours ago | 08:26 |
Possum | kahrytan, the cheap shipping is what really sets it apart | 08:26 |
jackb | and still can't even begin the install process | 08:26 |
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Possum | jackb, check the disk for errors | 08:26 |
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flowingfire | If anybody knows please let me know: I have my printer installed and it printed a test page okay. But when I press print in an application, it doesn't do anything. | 08:26 |
Jakke77 | ei kai | 08:26 |
kahrytan | Possum: and consistent ability to beat eBay seller prices. | 08:26 |
jackb | I'm not sure I'm blaming my graphics card when I cam fire up some BF2 and see some pretty sick graphcs | 08:27 |
Possum | jackb, that was my problem... you can do an md5sum | 08:27 |
Possum | kahrytan, true | 08:27 |
jackb | I did, it just goes to a blank screen and hangs | 08:27 |
moDumass | hey all, im using gnome and ktorrent keeps crashing any ides? | 08:27 |
Jakke77 | sorry wrong channel :D | 08:27 |
moDumass | it should work under gnome | 08:27 |
jackb | what is an md5sum? | 08:27 |
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cmedley | Oh how i graduate on the net #psedu-device ccd n <- max devices, the kernel bitches about that exploit than you get after emerge --sync emerge world -udna && emerge --depclean && revdep-rebuild --ignore but i got sufficiently confused and went back to ebay. | 08:27 |
cmedley | is the file a bug report then.. Or alternaively pastebin what happens to pregnant women on this node. | 08:27 |
cmedley | I'd make some kind of calc can run 3d with the wrong channel. | 08:27 |
kahrytan | m5sum helps compare original cd to burned cd. | 08:28 |
Possum | jackb, look at | 08:28 |
kahrytan | Possum: I am going to buy new motherboard off newegg. | 08:28 |
Kai | ei Jakke77? | 08:28 |
CaptainMorgan | how can I see a list of all running daemons/ | 08:28 |
CaptainMorgan | ? | 08:28 |
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cute_bettong | crimsun, will it matter if i am useing the logitec usb headset to use skype? | 08:28 |
FakeOutdoorsman | jackb: md5sum verifies the intregrity of a file by checking it's "digital fingerprint" so you can tell whether or not your file is corrupted | 08:28 |
Possum | CaptainMorgan, try the ps command | 08:28 |
kahrytan | jackb: did you verify data when you burned cd? | 08:28 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: not really. Use what works for you. I'm interested in your bug purely as the alsa maintainer. | 08:29 |
cute_bettong | crimsun, it's just to use the microphone all sounds comeing into the system go through the speakers on the computer | 08:29 |
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jackb | I don't understand | 08:29 |
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Possum | cute_bettong, heh, I can't even get that hardware working accurately in windoze | 08:29 |
cute_bettong | crimsun, glad i could help XD it's just awesome.....though it's not connecting.... but yea ill be glad to help | 08:29 |
Jakke77 | Kai: what | 08:30 |
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Kai | Jakke77, you first, you said my name first | 08:30 |
Possum | jackb, you download the iso, check the md5sum, and compare it to the md5sum for the disk | 08:30 |
Jakke77 | Kai: :D | 08:30 |
Possum | jackb, then you can check the md5sum on the disk after if you're still having problems | 08:30 |
cute_bettong | Possum, i got 90% of my c521 hardware working in ubuntu now ^^ omg this compiz or whatever this is that works well with nvidia is just the most peachy eyecandy i have ever seen :3 | 08:30 |
cute_bettong | crimsun, it's on it's third try now | 08:30 |
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kahrytan | jackb: just do what the wiki page says. | 08:31 |
Possum | cute_bettong, I KNOW!!! I just blogged it :) | 08:31 |
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jackb | ok I've got the entire ISO copied to my hard drive | 08:31 |
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jackb | most of the instructions I've read for this have been horribly cryptic | 08:31 |
jackb | frankly | 08:31 |
Possum | cute_bettong, Try the blur effects! It's _really_ buggy, but it's _really_ pretty :) | 08:31 |
cute_bettong | Possum, i diden't even know linux could do such thing... | 08:31 |
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cute_bettong | Possum, ok i will but i got the other effects going now as well hehe | 08:32 |
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Gerro | cute_bettong: lol! why do you think most people use it, the eye candy man | 08:32 |
cute_bettong | Possum, water is pritty neat too XD | 08:32 |
Possum | jackb, sorry it's difficult to explain... let's see... | 08:32 |
jackb | Most Linux distributions come with the md5sum utility, so there is usually no need to install it. To check an iso file, first go the correct directory: | 08:32 |
jackb | cd download_directory | 08:32 |
jackb | where is this directory? | 08:32 |
cute_bettong | hehe | 08:32 |
kahrytan | Possum: I hate Beryl | 08:32 |
Possum | cute_bettong, water is a bit too hefty for me... but it is pretty :) | 08:32 |
c4nn1b4l | re | 08:32 |
esteth | i'm planning on upgrading my ATI card to an nVidia 8800GTS card. i'm worried by all the posts on the forum complaining about the 8800GTS in feisty. how should i go about installing the new card in order to avoid problems? | 08:32 |
Possum | kahrytan, aw... I honestly prefer E17 for its lightweight, but beryl is _really_ _fast_ on this comp | 08:33 |
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Lynx- | What is the difference between linux-image and linux-image-lowlatency? Which of them should be used on a desktop machine? | 08:33 |
jackb | I wanted to install ubuntu and learn it and eventually change over completely | 08:33 |
kahrytan | Possum: I don't like the complex nature of beryl. | 08:33 |
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cute_bettong | i just spent the last 8 hours mucking with the ati card.....i should have used the built in nvidia XD | 08:33 |
Possum | jackb, your in the livecd now? | 08:33 |
RAOF | Lynx-: linux-generic. | 08:33 |
jackb | yes | 08:33 |
jackb | disk, bin, casper etc.. | 08:33 |
kahrytan | Possum: He hasn't booted from cd | 08:33 |
cute_bettong | crimsun, it failed to do whatever it was trying to said "giveing up" is there another way to get you the info you want? | 08:34 |
jackb | I'm browsing it | 08:34 |
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Possum | ah... | 08:34 |
kahrytan | Possum: He gets to the point where x-Windows should load. | 08:34 |
Possum | jackb, you're in windoze? | 08:34 |
Possum | ouch | 08:34 |
jackb | yes i'm in XP | 08:34 |
RAOF | Lynx-: -lowlatency is for professional-audio/video type apps, where they want minimum possible audio buffers, etc. | 08:34 |
jackb | why ouch? | 08:34 |
Possum | jackb, okay, you'll need an md5sum app... lemme see what I can find | 08:34 |
Lynx- | ok, thanks | 08:34 |
Possum | ouch that it doesn't load X* | 08:34 |
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kahrytan | jackb: | 08:35 |
jackb | ya >shrugs< | 08:35 |
jrsims | clearzen: hey, you here? | 08:35 |
moDumass | join #ktorrent | 08:35 |
kahrytan | jackb: and scroll down to Windows part | 08:35 |
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jrsims | clearzen: in wireshark... is there a way to do a search in sent/received plaintext? | 08:35 |
jackb | downloading... | 08:35 |
CaptainMorgan | I am getting nowwhere.. I have followed everything on this page exactly as indicated: when I get to the "Testing" section I do see lines with 250 but they are NOT the ones listed on this page... any ideas? | 08:35 |
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Possum | jackb, this program is good, if you like command line: | 08:35 |
moDumass | hmmm, well that was a pointless exercise, haha | 08:35 |
kahrytan | Possum: the wiki has utility | 08:35 |
CaptainMorgan | | 08:35 |
yigal | does anyone listen to lastfm? | 08:36 |
kahrytan | Possum: winMD5Sum, | 08:36 |
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yigal | I just used lastbash and its awesome it uses 1% of my cpu and .1% of my ram | 08:36 |
ubunte_newbie1 | waaaah HELP grab_install FAILED in installing | 08:36 |
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Possum | kahrytan, grafickal.. it's easier to convey command line, imo... plus I've never used that app particularly >.> | 08:36 |
clearzen | jrsims: yeah, did you run into a problem? | 08:36 |
yigal | and I have p4 1.7ghz | 08:36 |
kahrytan | Possum: Wiki says how to use it. | 08:37 |
jrsims | clearzen: no | 08:37 |
yigal | sorry had to plug it, its a beautiful piece of software | 08:37 |
sgtmattbaker | I have installed the nvidia driver in edgy by using the installer form nvidia's site and I have it setup as dual monitor but I cannot choose the default one. Also, thee option of having separate x windows isn't workin | 08:37 |
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Possum | kahrytan, Okay, I'm done then :) | 08:37 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: HELP the grub_install FAILED fatal error | 08:37 |
cute_bettong | crimsun, any ideas why it failed to send the data? i want to help ya out but don't know how to get you the info you need | 08:37 |
kahrytan | possum: Don't say that. | 08:37 |
clearzen | jrsims: So what do you think then? | 08:37 |
kahrytan | Jackb: you do that the link said? | 08:37 |
jrsims | clearzen:I can see text send in a TCP stream when I "follow" it. Was wondering if there was a way to filter packets by full text search. | 08:37 |
jackb | working on it | 08:37 |
jrsims | clearzen: it is sweet | 08:37 |
kahrytan | Possum: two minds are better then one. and I am newbie | 08:38 |
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Possum | kahrytan, sorry, I meant I'm done arguing... we'll go with the wiki :P | 08:38 |
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kahrytan | Possum: you like bash? | 08:38 |
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Possum | kahrytan, love it :) | 08:38 |
clearzen | jrsims: if you are looking to get reconstruct a packet stream filtering by MAC would help you quite a bit if that is what you mean. | 08:38 |
kahrytan | possum: I hate it. I merely tolerate it. you know command for ipchains list? | 08:39 |
Possum | kahrytan, ssh + screen + vi = love | 08:39 |
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yigal | Possum: screen + ssh + vim even better :) | 08:39 |
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Possum | yigal, right, I tend to forget the m >.> | 08:39 |
kahrytan | How about nano? | 08:39 |
jackb | so I'm doing this to make sure that the disc I burned is good? | 08:39 |
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Possum | kahrytan, hmmm... never used... ipchains... I always use OpenBSD for firewalls (please no flamewars) | 08:40 |
Shwouchk | for some reason I can't install update-manager-core (package doesn't exist).. why? I'm on server 6.06 | 08:40 |
yigal | Possum: OpenBSD is tight | 08:40 |
kahrytan | Possum: Never used it. | 08:40 |
Possum | jackb, I think you're doing it to make sure it downloaded okay | 08:40 |
jackb | I don't have the ISO because I burned a live CD and deleted the file I downloaded so I'm re downloading | 08:40 |
kahrytan | jackb: Don't. | 08:40 |
Possum | kahrytan, nano's ... nice... | 08:40 |
jackb | but why would it have all the menus etc, correct icons if it didn't? | 08:40 |
jackb | <shrugs> | 08:41 |
jackb | if I ordered a live CD | 08:41 |
Possum | jackb, if you just wanna check the cd itself... | 08:41 |
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jackb | I wouldn't have the ISO anyways | 08:41 |
Possum | You have to run an md5sum check against the file on the disk | 08:41 |
kahrytan | jackb: You try right-click on cd? and send that to the tool | 08:41 |
CaptainMorgan | I am getting nowwhere.. I have followed everything on this page exactly as indicated here when I get to the "Testing" section I do see lines with 250 but they are NOT the ones listed on this page... any ideas? | 08:41 |
Possum | md5sum.txt I think | 08:41 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, sry were away on a coffe break... | 08:41 |
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clearzen | jrsims: I have a 600 page book on ethereal/wirshark you may like it is called Syngress.Wireshark.and.Ethereal.Network.Protocol.Analyzer.Toolkit. I would at least get it for reference if you want to use wireshark effectively. | 08:42 |
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kahrytan | Possum: the file on disk is for the files. I opened it once | 08:42 |
jackb | where on the disc is the file located | 08:42 |
ubunte_newbie1 | my grub_install failed in 95% of installing | 08:42 |
crimsun | cute_bettong: just try again | 08:42 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, what fail msg do you get?? | 08:42 |
sgtmattbaker | is there a way to NOT stretch the x window across 2 displays with twinview? | 08:42 |
Geoffrey2 | what setting up Ubuntu, what absolutely HAS to go on a Primary partition? | 08:42 |
h4wk0 | CaptainMorgan; Aslong as you have two auths - Then i think its ok | 08:42 |
Possum | kahrytan, yea, I know :) | 08:42 |
ubunte_newbie1 | grub_install Fatal In Error | 08:42 |
jackb | "First mount the CD, if not already mounted." | 08:42 |
jackb | see what I'm saying? what does that mean? | 08:42 |
sgtmattbaker | I hear xinerama can do two x windows but then it cannot do graphically intensive stuff | 08:43 |
Possum | jackb, if you're on windows, it's mounted on D:\ usually | 08:43 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: root / | 08:43 |
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yigal | Geoffrey2: ? | 08:43 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, dmesg gives you?? | 08:43 |
jackb | I've been using computers for more than 1/2 my ~30 years and I have no idea what alot of thesse instructions are talking about? | 08:43 |
jackb | mounted? | 08:43 |
ubunte_newbie1 | yah in 95% of installing | 08:43 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, "dmesg" in a console | 08:43 |
ubunte_newbie1 | ok wait | 08:43 |
sgtmattbaker | is there a way to NOT stretch the x window across 2 displays with twinview? I hear xinerama can do two x windows but then it cannot do graphically intensive stuff. Also, I cannot choose the default monitor | 08:43 |
Possum | jackb, It's talking about on *nix where you have to do something like "mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom" | 08:43 |
CaptainMorgan | h4wk0, is this an Auth? the line 250-CaptainMorgan ? | 08:43 |
Possum | jackb, *nix does not have drive letters | 08:43 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: excuse me at least /boot ? | 08:43 |
kahrytan | Possum: you think he can check m5sum on a cd? | 08:44 |
Possum | kahrytan, I know he can :P | 08:44 |
jackb | *nix? | 08:44 |
jackb | you can | 08:44 |
jackb | it says you can | 08:44 |
ubunte_newbie1 | 4432.754573] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0 | 08:44 |
h4wk0 | hummm :S - Never seen that before CaptainMorgan | 08:44 |
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jackb | get read | 08:44 |
jackb | MD5SUM on CD | 08:44 |
jackb | There is a way to see if your Ubuntu CD was corrupted accidentally. First mount the CD, if not already mounted. | 08:44 |
jackb | sudo mount /dev/hda /cdrom | 08:44 |
jackb | Then use the supplied md5sum file on the CD | 08:44 |
jackb | cd /cdrom | 08:44 |
jackb | md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep -v 'OK$' | 08:44 |
Possum | jackb, *nix = linux and other unix-like operating systems | 08:44 |
jackb | If the command outputs any errors, you'll know either the burn was bad or the .iso is bad. However, .iso files can easily be tampered with in such a way that this method shows no errors. To avoid this, please check the md5 of the iso file itself (before making a CD) against that file's sum at UbuntuHashes, a secure page. | 08:44 |
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Possum | kahrytan, I did it using XP against my disk | 08:44 |
jackb | ok | 08:44 |
Possum | jackb, err... you're going to modify that command slightly | 08:44 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, did you try and do a boot floppy or did you try and install grub on a floppy?? | 08:44 |
CaptainMorgan | h4wk0, then I don't have anything with Auth's.... I followed that page exactly | 08:44 |
Possum | Like I said, I've not used winmd5sum | 08:45 |
CaptainMorgan | h4wk0, and I rechecked everything again | 08:45 |
jackb | hahah I almost have to laugh at this attempt yknow? | 08:45 |
CaptainMorgan | then, I redid everything over | 08:45 |
Gruelius | Mdadm has created 20 arrays in my dev folder, and now whenever i create an array it adds a faulty disk,and it cant exist cause i only have 5 drives. Anyone able to give me pointers where is hould look? | 08:45 |
kahrytan | !feisty | 08:45 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: - Downloading: - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 08:45 |
jackb | 3 hours and I can't get anything going at all | 08:45 |
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Geoffrey2 | yigal, ok, let me clarify, I'm dual booting the system, so I need to know what needs to be on a primary partition, and what I can safely tuck away in the extended partition | 08:45 |
ubunte_newbie1 | no i dont have floppy | 08:45 |
jackb | is there a better/easier/more compatable vesrion or something? | 08:45 |
Possum | jackb, don't fret, you live you learn :) | 08:45 |
jackb | true true | 08:45 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: [ 3154.528543] SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on hda1 | 08:45 |
foug | Would anyone here like to help me getting my downloads working in irc? | 08:45 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: what kind of dual boot, really its important. | 08:45 |
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kahrytan | jackb: m5sum codes is here | 08:46 |
h4wk0 | CaptainMorgan; PM me what it exactly says | 08:46 |
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jackb | ok | 08:46 |
jackb | that looks reasonable | 08:46 |
Geoffrey2 | yigal, Ubuntu and either Windows XP or Vista | 08:46 |
Possum | I only have experience with that other app on etree :/ | 08:46 |
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jackb | now does anyone know where on the live cd I can find a serial number to try and match up to that list? | 08:46 |
Possum | Which is command line. | 08:46 |
Shwouchk | for some reason I can't install update-manager-core (package doesn't exist).. why? I'm on server 6.06 | 08:46 |
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tarelerulz | I can say this 7.0 ubuntu is great. I wanted to play some windows media files and it fount plugin for totem that will play it | 08:46 |
sgtmattbaker | is there a way to NOT stretch the x window across 2 displays with twinview? I hear xinerama can do two x windows but then it cannot do graphically intensive stuff. Also, I cannot choose the default monitor | 08:46 |
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yigal | Geoffrey2: then why do you want more than 2 primary partitions, 1 for /home and the rest / ? | 08:47 |
kahrytan | jackb: use possum's app. | 08:47 |
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untitled | hi, can i make 6.10 out of 7.04 without an installation media? | 08:47 |
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kahrytan | jackb: serial number is here -> | 08:47 |
Possum | sgtmattbaker, twinview will save you a _lot_ of time and effort | 08:47 |
yigal | untitled: yes, upgrade | 08:47 |
lazaruslupine | xinerama is fine for graphics u just have to use 16 bit mode | 08:47 |
ubunte_newbie1 | i try installing again | 08:47 |
yigal | untitled: do you only over the internet? | 08:47 |
ste-foy | hello | 08:47 |
untitled | yigal: 6.10 out of 7.04, so downgrade | 08:47 |
lazaruslupine | you can't use beryl w/ xinerama yet though | 08:48 |
ste-foy | some body can help me ? | 08:48 |
yigal | untitled: you want to downgrade? is that possible? | 08:48 |
Geoffrey2 | yigal, I simply wanted to know what the minimum number of primary partitions I needed was.... | 08:48 |
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jackb | thanks but where on the disc to I look for one of those numbers | 08:48 |
Possum | lazaruslupine, you can't? There are options in beryl-manager... I didn't know | 08:48 |
untitled | yigal: what's what i am asking for) | 08:48 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: 1. | 08:48 |
kahrytan | jackb: not on the disc | 08:48 |
Geoffrey2 | sounds like three, Windows, root, and home | 08:48 |
Possum | lazaruslupine, oh nvm, it works with twinview right? just not xinerama? | 08:48 |
jackb | erm? | 08:48 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: everything on 1 partition | 08:48 |
RAOF | untitled: No, downgrading is not supported, and will almost certainly be more effort than it's worth. | 08:48 |
lazaruslupine | yeah I think so | 08:48 |
kahrytan | jackb: You need to get the m5sum for the disc | 08:49 |
foug | Would anyone here like to help me getting my downloads working in irc? | 08:49 |
sgtmattbaker | Possum: well I am using the gui setup thing from the x settings done by the nvidia driver installer and I cannot choose a primary monitor nor have two separate x windows, it is just spanned across both | 08:49 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: except that would be rather slow as you wouldn't have a swap partition which is basically needed so 2. | 08:49 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, erm sound like your boot-cd might be corrupt... | 08:49 |
Possum | jackb, are you using the app I said? | 08:49 |
Gruelius | Anyone here an expert with mdadm? | 08:49 |
Geoffrey2 | yigal, um, Windows won't install on an ext3 partition, as far as I know | 08:49 |
ubunte_newbie1 | nope | 08:49 |
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kahrytan | Possum: I think Live CD integrity check is just checking m5sums. | 08:50 |
regius | j #ubuntu-se | 08:50 |
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jackb | winmd5sum Is installed | 08:50 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: i install FRESH new UBUNTU in my laptop lastnight | 08:50 |
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Possum | kahrytan, right, md5sum -c D:\md5sum.txt or w/e | 08:50 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: now i try dualboot to my desktop | 08:50 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: just leave free space? | 08:50 |
kahrytan | jackb: Open my computer | 08:51 |
jackb | yaee3b353e0566d7969e9887f54090eb07 | 08:51 |
jackb | er... ee3b353e0566d7969e9887f54090eb07 | 08:51 |
kahrytan | What? | 08:51 |
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Shwouchk | for some reason I can't install update-manager-core (package doesn't exist).. why? I'm on server 6.06 | 08:51 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: just keep 2 partitions for swap and / and the rest can be used for Windows | 08:51 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, google'd abit and what i can see it might be a broken cd or some hardware issue's | 08:51 |
jackb | E:/md5sum.txt = ee3b353e0566d7969e9887f54090eb07 | 08:52 |
klasrudian | or driver issue | 08:52 |
yigal | Geoffrey2: excuse me M$: either Vista or XP | 08:52 |
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jackb | using that app from possum | 08:52 |
jackb | which is a good song btw, have to say | 08:52 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, pastebin the full dmesg output | 08:52 |
Possum | jackb, erm... that file should be pretty big, iirc | 08:52 |
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_3fg | Hey guys, my laptop (a Toshiba Sattelite A105 S101) can't connect to any Wireless networks with a WEP/WPA, only unsecured ones | 08:52 |
Possum | jackb, good song? | 08:52 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: <yigal> Geoffrey2: just keep 2 partitions for swap and / and the rest can be used for Windows this one is my setting now i hope it works | 08:52 |
jackb | yeah, Possum is a killer jam by a band called phish | 08:52 |
jackb | :D | 08:52 |
_3fg | It also can't play any sound | 08:52 |
jackb | saw like a 20 min version in raleigh years back | 08:53 |
Possum | jackb, haven't heard that one... I'll have to look it up. :) | 08:53 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: ok wait | 08:53 |
jackb | it's a fun song for sure | 08:53 |
clearzen | jackb: Hippie, I bet you went to burning man too. lol | 08:53 |
Possum | jackb, I know possum kingdom by Toadies which is awesome | 08:53 |
kahrytan | jackb: did you right-click on the cd and sendto the tool? | 08:53 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, as long you havent format/partition away your windows partition it's there | 08:53 |
_3fg | I guess this is a music channel now :-/ | 08:53 |
tarelerulz | I have been using ubuntu 6.10 for while and I as far as stuff like wmv and other windows formats I had to get mplayer ,but with feisty saw the file I was trying to play and asked me if I wanted plugin to play them and it found them and worked great | 08:53 |
rothfuss | _3fg: what if you put your WEP key in /etc/network/interfaces? That's what works on my laptop. | 08:53 |
Geoffrey2 | personally, I prefer a root partition, and a seperate home partition | 08:53 |
sanityx | tarelerulz: Also an easy solution is to just install VLC | 08:53 |
jackb | if I could have I would, I live on the east coast | 08:53 |
_3fg | I'll try that rothfuss | 08:54 |
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jackb | it won't let me send to anywhere | 08:54 |
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jackb | I used the md5sum program to | 08:54 |
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jackb | get the number from the md5sum.txt or w/e | 08:54 |
Possum | jackb, okay, can you open a DOS prompt? | 08:54 |
kahrytan | jackb: You don't check the files. Check the CD | 08:54 |
tarelerulz | I found vlc has stuff that mplayer don't have . Like the fact you can read inside iso and stuff | 08:54 |
jackb | yeah I can open a dos prompt | 08:54 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: cant post .. its too long | 08:54 |
clearzen | jackb: I did a few years ago, always go to the local burns too.....this year is the emerald city. Anyway | 08:54 |
Possum | jackb, okay, open it and type E:\ (you're using the E drive?) | 08:54 |
_3fg | rothfuss: how do I add it? | 08:54 |
jackb | yes | 08:54 |
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Possum | jackb, then run "md5sum -c md5sum.txt" | 08:55 |
kahrytan | Possum: remember not the files but cd itself | 08:55 |
CaptainMorgan | how do I get emacs to run in my ssh terminal? | 08:55 |
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RAOF | CaptainMorgan: "emacs"? :) Or "emacs -nw" if you've got X forwarding on. | 08:55 |
Possum | kahrytan, if all the files are intact and readable, isn't the CD intact as well? | 08:55 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: perhaps your sources.list file is not correct. compare it to a 6.06 default sources.list file. | 08:55 |
kahrytan | Possum: your right. | 08:55 |
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jackb | it's not the same as any # on the list | 08:55 |
eternaljoy | how do I get Opera to use Flash? | 08:55 |
jackb | I can tell | 08:56 |
CaptainMorgan | RAOF, how do I turn X forwarding on? | 08:56 |
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jackb | because that app you sent me found the number for the md5sum.txt on the CD itself | 08:56 |
ubunte_newbie1_ | aw dc | 08:56 |
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RAOF | CaptainMorgan: "ssh -X user@remote.machine" | 08:56 |
ubunte_newbie1 | lol | 08:56 |
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Madpilot | eternaljoy, use the Flash installer from Macromedia, it's good at detecting all installed browsers | 08:56 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, at ?? | 08:56 |
Possum | jackb, that command will work assuming you saved the md5sum.exe to C:\windows\system | 08:56 |
ubunte_newbie1_ | waa | 08:56 |
=== kahrytan pokes madpilots | ||
jackb | mmm | 08:56 |
=== kahrytan pokes madpilot | ||
rothfuss | _3fg: I added a line "wireless-key 1234567890" after my wireless interface. | 08:56 |
jackb | I'm gonna take a break before my head explodes | 08:56 |
Madpilot | kahrytan, hmm? | 08:56 |
kahrytan | MadPilot: No fan club tonight | 08:56 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: wait | 08:56 |
jackb | but I have not, and will not give up! | 08:56 |
Possum | jackb, if not you'll have to type the full path to the md5sum.exe location | 08:56 |
eternaljoy | Madpilot: I installed that already! but Opera complains about missing Flash | 08:57 |
zayb | hi. I just installed kubuntu 7.04 and I'm having some problems getting dvd playback working. I've tried a bunch of guides and still get the error "No plugin found to handle this resource" Can anybody help? | 08:57 |
jackb | not with the patience and good will of fine people like you guys | 08:57 |
tarelerulz | I have exteral hard drive in fat32 and I just want to del a whole folder I don't want to movie it to trash and wait for while | 08:57 |
Madpilot | kahrytan, thank Dog for small favours. | 08:57 |
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tarelerulz | Is that hard to do | 08:57 |
eternaljoy | Madpilot: any other ideas? | 08:57 |
jackb | seriously though, this is a bit more complicated no? | 08:57 |
kahrytan | madpilot: Whose Dog? | 08:57 |
jackb | :D | 08:57 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: other reasons--your internet isn't working...try ping it's always something simple stuff--except wireless and printing... | 08:57 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman - where can I find a default sources file? | 08:57 |
Madpilot | eternaljoy, hmm... that's one of those 'works for me' moments - Flash & Opera have always played well together for me | 08:57 |
Possum | jackb, verifying data is a pain, but it usually reveals your error | 08:57 |
eternaljoy | Madpilot: youtube says: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. | 08:57 |
eternaljoy | Madpilot: how do you in styall the flash? | 08:57 |
Possum | jackb, a slight scratch on the disk affecting 2 files in my case killed the entire installation | 08:58 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: try ping first if you are in a command line | 08:58 |
jackb | seems like it would be faster just to delete what I have and redownload the ISO | 08:58 |
kahrytan | jackB: Ubuntu (linux) runs better then Windows XP | 08:58 |
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tarelerulz | Well, rm work on fat32 if you have it mount with ntfs-3g | 08:58 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, I can update fine so my internet is working (plus I can see my web page..) | 08:58 |
eternaljoy | Madpilot: how did you instyall the flash? | 08:58 |
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Madpilot | eternaljoy, I installed Opera first, then flash, and it just worked. | 08:58 |
jackb | That is a big can of worms Kahrytan | 08:58 |
Geoffrey2 | user documents and files would go under the /home partition, right? | 08:58 |
Possum | jackb, but you might run into the same problem.. helps to know | 08:58 |
_3fg | hm, should I just downgrade to 6.06? | 08:58 |
eternaljoy | Madpilot: what gflash> how? | 08:58 |
jackb | I'm not going there | 08:58 |
kahrytan | MadPilot: Whose Dog? | 08:58 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, I'm ssh'ed inside... | 08:58 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: so you already ran "sudo apt-get update"? | 08:58 |
Madpilot | eternaljoy, real flash, from macromedia - can't remember if I used the packaged version this time or the one from Macromedia's website | 08:59 |
Possum | jackb, actually kahrytan was using understatement... this same comp is running about 12 apps in ubuntu when it can't handle 5 in XP | 08:59 |
jackb | I obviously am super interested and won't be satisfied until I can dual boot into ubuntu or XP | 08:59 |
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Madpilot | kahrytan, a dyslexic diety | 08:59 |
eternaljoy | Madpilot: LOL | 08:59 |
Possum | dual boot is easy and automatic :) | 08:59 |
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Possum | Just make sure to define manual partitions | 08:59 |
Possum | The installer will handle the rest once it's properly partitioned | 08:59 |
kahrytan | MadPilot: Did the freenode staff take care of it? | 08:59 |
jackb | 5 apps in XP? | 08:59 |
jackb | uh.. | 09:00 |
Madpilot | kahrytan, not sure. | 09:00 |
starkruzr | Who here was telling me about Deluge? | 09:00 |
kahrytan | Possum: Thunderbird runs better in Ubuntu then Windows for me. | 09:00 |
FakeOutdoorsman | starkruzr: i did | 09:00 |
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Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, yes - well, not exactly - I sudoed to a root shell and then updated | 09:00 |
Madpilot | kahrytan, the wide bans I set are still in place, so that's probably keeping your fan out. | 09:00 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: error in | 09:00 |
starkruzr | FakeOutdoorsman: It worked for you? | 09:00 |
Possum | jackb, yea, it can't do much more than that at once... but it's running full beryl and about 12-15 apps easily on ubuntu | 09:00 |
jackb | I think thunderbird is not that great for my own personal usage | 09:00 |
eternaljoy | does anyone here know how to instyall Flash support in Opera? | 09:00 |
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Possum | kahrytan, a _lot_ of things run faster :) | 09:00 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, then?? | 09:00 |
jackb | how does Battlefield 2 run? | 09:00 |
FakeOutdoorsman | starkruzr: yes, i like it bettern than messing with utorrent/wine | 09:00 |
starkruzr | Because all I get is a taskbar item that says "Starting Deluge" for a few seconds, then it disappears and I get nothing | 09:00 |
kahrytan | jacb: Ubuntu default is Evolution for email | 09:01 |
Possum | jackb, err... that might run slower >.> | 09:01 |
jackb | or haflife 2 with HDR? | 09:01 |
kahrytan | jackb | 09:01 |
jackb | runs good yeah? | 09:01 |
starkruzr | FakeOutdoorsman: did you install from deb or source? | 09:01 |
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kraut | moin | 09:01 |
jackb | there's no perfect OS | 09:01 |
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Possum | jackb, I see why you want dual-boot... can't blame ya :) | 09:01 |
=== Possum not much of a gamer... | ||
jackb | only better one's than other's to suit each users needs | 09:01 |
Possum | well | 09:01 |
kahrytan | jackB: Disagree. Linux is perfect | 09:01 |
Possum | I use console games.... | 09:01 |
FakeOutdoorsman | starkruzr: the deb for ubuntu feisty from here: | 09:01 |
CaptainMorgan | I can't figure this out... I need an expert to review my postfix config | 09:02 |
Possum | Wii is fsckin awesome | 09:02 |
Possum | but | 09:02 |
Possum | it's late for me | 09:02 |
starkruzr | FakeOutdoorsman: Yeah, that's the one. No worky. | 09:02 |
tarelerulz | I want to remove a whole folder and all the movies in it on my fat32 drive how would I do that ? | 09:02 |
jackb | never got into the OS wars because each is designed for difference usage patterns etc.. | 09:02 |
jackb | me too | 09:02 |
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Geoffrey2 | I have a system with 1 gig of big a swap partition should I be using? | 09:02 |
jackb | and you guys have been alot of help and I do apprecaite it for sure | 09:02 |
eternaljoy | how do I install Flash Player on Feisty please? | 09:02 |
jackb | I will be working on this again soon | 09:02 |
Possum | jackb, PM me anytime | 09:02 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, so what do you suggest? | 09:02 |
jackb | Thanks man | 09:02 |
jackb | I wanna dual boot | 09:02 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: | 09:02 |
RAOF | eternaljoy: "apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree" | 09:02 |
CaptainMorgan | I mean if I follow the server guide's instructions EXACTLY, and have attempted more than two times.. I dunno.. maybe it's not in my cards. | 09:02 |
jackb | cause all I've heard is that 7.04 is the build that rocks the socks and I won't be happy until I have it on ma PC | 09:03 |
jackb | :D | 09:03 |
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jackb | have a good on guys, thanks again, I'll keep in touch as the progress goes on | 09:03 |
kahrytan | jackB: BF2 doesnt exactly work in Linux. | 09:03 |
tarelerulz | Jackb that is very enlighten way to view os . So many get are like linux is the best and windows is bad and so ,but it is matter of what you need and want | 09:03 |
jackb | heheh I know | 09:03 |
weltschmerz | metacity doesn't start when i log in. this just "randomly" started happening the other day. | 09:03 |
jackb | no point in arguing about OSs | 09:03 |
CaptainMorgan | jackb, 7.04 is that much better than 6.10 ? | 09:03 |
jackb | I have no idea? | 09:03 |
kahrytan | jackb: It's tricky. | 09:03 |
jackb | I have just read that it's great and more user friendly than ever | 09:03 |
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LoneShadow | is the feisty livecd persistent mode fixed ? | 09:04 |
kahrytan | jackB: did that check finish? | 09:04 |
tarelerulz | 7.04 is better I can say stuff just works faster it would seem and better for me | 09:04 |
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jackb | I'm learning how tricky it is, but I'm sure it's worth it | 09:04 |
LoneShadow | !bug | 09:04 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 09:04 |
Possum | jackb, user friendly is subjective :) | 09:04 |
kahrytan | jackB: If it has then visit | 09:04 |
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eternaljoy | RAOF: E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree | 09:04 |
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CaptainMorgan | I was really liking the 6.10 startup screens | 09:05 |
CaptainMorgan | screen | 09:05 |
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jackb | anyways, I'm beat from a long day, gonna go fire up some podcasts for the last hour and think about this week on LOST | 09:05 |
_3fg | stupid firefox | 09:05 |
eternaljoy | RAOF: did you mean sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ??? | 09:05 |
jackb | seriously though, I'll be back soon with updates and hopefully ubuntized soon enough | 09:05 |
_3fg | I paused a download and now it won't resume | 09:05 |
RAOF | eternaljoy: Quite possibly. | 09:05 |
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jackb | Take care | 09:05 |
Possum | jackb, have fun | 09:05 |
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tarelerulz | I want to remove directory and the files in it? | 09:05 |
eternaljoy | RAOF: LOL | 09:05 |
Si|ent | Hello everyone | 09:05 |
mitica | is there something similar in ubuntu | 09:05 |
kahrytan | jackb: one more thing | 09:05 |
Si|ent | i just connected to my network using edgy | 09:05 |
mitica | i mean the /etc/conf.d/net | 09:05 |
gasper | hi! does anyone knows, hot to change the TEXT color of menu buttons in Ubuntu 7 only ? | 09:05 |
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Si|ent | ip and everything is configured.. though i dunno how to access other's shared folders | 09:06 |
kahrytan | jackB; You can try Ubuntu with Vmware Broswer Application. | 09:06 |
Si|ent | nb: theyre all using xp | 09:06 |
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Geoffrey2 | ok, what is Ubiquity? | 09:06 |
Possum | kahrytan, he's gone :( | 09:06 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: u see it ? | 09:06 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, hmm looks okay... | 09:06 |
_3fg | Hey guys, 6.06 Is the distro where everything worked correctly, right? | 09:06 |
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kahrytan | Possum: darn. It was good idea. | 09:06 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: i would run "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get upgrade" then try to install your package. if it doesn't work then I would check the sources.list, but I can't seem to find a default for 6.06 right now. | 09:06 |
RAOF | _3fg: Well, not exactly. | 09:06 |
=== CaptainMorgan says to hell with the postfix debugging on my server to the heavens with 7.04 install on my lappy! | ||
kahrytan | Possum: You ever played with that appliance? | 09:07 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, have you try an manuly install grub in mbr?? | 09:07 |
eternaljoy | Should I have "pre-released updates (feisty proposed) selected in Repos? | 09:07 |
ubunte_newbie1 | no | 09:07 |
Possum | kahrytan, I can't seem to get vmware or qemu working through ubuntu on this comp :/ | 09:07 |
ubunte_newbie1 | what is mbr | 09:07 |
Possum | kahrytan, got it working on another distro on another comp | 09:07 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, mbr = MasterBootRecord | 09:07 |
_3fg | RAOF: Well, I had installed one recently where my wireless card worked perfectly, my sound card worked, everything | 09:07 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: can u guide me | 09:07 |
RAOF | _3fg: 6.06 got more debugging, so there should be fewer bugs in it. But it's now quite old... | 09:07 |
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kahrytan | Possum: Did he finish that check? | 09:07 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, the first byte on your disk | 09:07 |
_3fg | plus the Package Manage had a LOT more files in it | 09:07 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: you can use this to make a defaultish sources.list: | 09:07 |
RAOF | _3fg: That would be Feisty (7.04) for me :) | 09:08 |
Possum | kahrytan, doubt it... I doubt he even started :/ | 09:08 |
Geoffrey2 | I'm using the partition editor, I got an error that Ubquity had crashed....I'm assuming that's the partition editor? | 09:08 |
_3fg | I couldn't find any irc clients in Synaptic for some reason | 09:08 |
CaptainMorgan | has anyone followed this specific page and had success? | 09:08 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: hmm ok | 09:08 |
_3fg | I had to use *shudders* gaim | 09:08 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, there is a option in the install guide were you could install it manuly right?? | 09:08 |
RAOF | _3fg: 6.06, 6.10, 7.04 all have roughly the same number of packages in their repositories. | 09:08 |
kahrytan | Possum: I'm still betting ati issue | 09:08 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: where can i see it | 09:08 |
Possum | kahrytan, Sad to say... but I think he was a bit confused... can't blame him though, this stuff can be tough | 09:08 |
Possum | kahrytan, He should be able to at least launch X, I'd believe... I'm more concerned it was the problem I had with bad data | 09:08 |
kahrytan | Possum: He should try Debian install couple years ago | 09:08 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, thanks! should I make a 6.06 list or a 7.04 list? | 09:09 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: ah ok i get it | 09:09 |
FakeOutdoorsman | what terminal command will show the ubuntu version? | 09:09 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1. erm i realy don't know, because i don't use that install guide when i install, i use ATi so i have to use the "safe-disc" install... | 09:09 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: you are running 6.06, so make a 6.06 version | 09:09 |
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ubunte_newbie1 | im ati too | 09:09 |
Possum | kahrytan, Heh! My debian installs always went something like my gentoo installs... always nothing but command line, then work up :) | 09:09 |
klasrudian | :O | 09:09 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: im ati too | 09:09 |
lammy | moin ich brauche deutschen support hoffe hier kann mir jemand helfen ... | 09:09 |
_3fg | is there any dock application for Ubuntu yet? | 09:09 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, my machine won't boot on the live-cd your does?? :O | 09:10 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, ok - that's what I thought | 09:10 |
kahrytan | Possum: Command-line is bad for newbies | 09:10 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: wait i think GRUB is installing now | 09:10 |
lammy | moin ich brauche deutschen support hoffe hier kann mir jemand helfen ... | 09:10 |
Possum | kahrytan, that's what I thought at first... I caught on fast though | 09:10 |
Possum | Cause I _forced_ myself to use it 24/7 | 09:10 |
ubunte_newbie1 | 94% it say Checking for Packages to remove | 09:10 |
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lammy | I need german support about wireless lan | 09:10 |
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tarelerulz | I am trying to make space on my system and I have fat32 hard drive that is filled and I want to remove a folder/directory and all its files ? how do I do that? | 09:10 |
kahrytan | Possum: I hated Debian's installer. i couldnt do it to work. | 09:10 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: my machine doesnt too so i have to get the fglrx | 09:11 |
kahrytan | *get it | 09:11 |
Possum | kahrytan, this comp is my parents'... I've installed ubuntu because it's easy... but now I'm hogging it cause it's so much fun :) | 09:11 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: yes it work it FINE now | 09:11 |
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RAOF | !de | lammy | 09:11 |
ubotu | lammy: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:11 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: thank you very much for the help | 09:11 |
klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, you cand get it?? my machine hangs on the kernel boot xD | 09:11 |
ubunte_newbie1 | aw | 09:11 |
lammy | thx | 09:11 |
kahrytan | Possum: They could kick you out | 09:11 |
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ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: BRB reboot | 09:11 |
Possum | kahrytan, debian's installer is cryptic... that's where the problem is | 09:11 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, get the fglrx driver i mean | 09:11 |
Possum | kick me for what? | 09:11 |
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ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: thank you for the help | 09:12 |
forsaken | If i have an intel i915 card, what kind of 3d accel do i need to install beryl? | 09:12 |
Possum | I said I'm enjoying the distro :) | 09:12 |
_3fg | How do I burn an ISO to a CD | 09:12 |
ubunte_newbie1 | klasrudian: yah the sudo apt-get xorg-driver-fglrx | 09:12 |
kahrytan | Possum: hog their compu. and I am glad ubuntu is based on Debian | 09:12 |
Possum | Oh, wait... parents' kick me out >.> | 09:12 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: make sure that you are ssh'ed into the correct computer. sounds dumb, but i've done it. you can type "sudo lsb_release -a" and it will tell you what version of ubuntu you're in. that way you know that you didn't log into your red hat server or something | 09:12 |
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klasrudian | ubunte_newbie1, don't know if i was of any cind of help but np | 09:12 |
RAOF | forsaken: Check out #ubuntu-effects, but the answer is "you already have it" | 09:12 |
jpjacobs | _3fg, normally a cdburning utility has a 'burn image' option | 09:12 |
kahrytan | Possum: What you think of MSI boards? | 09:12 |
Possum | kahrytan, well it beats the heck out of rpm distros | 09:13 |
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_3fg | know of any jpjacobs? | 09:13 |
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Possum | that was about debian/ubuntu... not mobo >.> | 09:13 |
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kahrytan | Posum: My first Linux was Redhat 7. | 09:13 |
jpjacobs | _3fg, hmm i use k3b, the rest i don't know | 09:13 |
Possum | kahrytan, I've not used MSI board in any comps I've built, so I can't say I have any firsthand experience :/ | 09:13 |
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disinterested | any one running kiba-dock? | 09:13 |
_3fg | as long as it burns ISOs | 09:13 |
Possum | kahrytan, ouch... mine was mandrake... then suse... I quickly got over that | 09:13 |
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multik | good morning ladies and gents :) | 09:13 |
kahrytan | Possum: I've tried Mandrake and SUSE. (I got an eye on a msi board on newegg) | 09:14 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, thanks for that tip, but I have only one server :) | 09:14 |
Possum | kahrytan, I then went with debian, gentoo, ubuntu, gentoo, vector, opensuse, and now I'm using ubuntu again :) | 09:14 |
Possum | Oh, and I tried xandros | 09:14 |
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Possum | Cause I got it for free... and I got a free hat | 09:15 |
kahrytan | Possum: Upto to a month ago, I used Linux off and on but not serious | 09:15 |
Possum | But it was too proprietary for my taste | 09:15 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: what are you trying to install again? | 09:15 |
Possum | kahrytan, I've been using *nix _only_ for about 2 years :) | 09:15 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, I'm trying to upgrade to 7.04, by installing update-manager-core | 09:15 |
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kahrytan | Possum: I've got games to play. and apps Linux can't do. | 09:16 |
riffic | | 09:16 |
riffic | woo | 09:16 |
Shwouchk | :) | 09:16 |
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Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, could it be in universe? | 09:16 |
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Possum | kahrytan, yea... that sucks... if only some major game companies would turn around | 09:16 |
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kahrytan | Possum: All they have to do is make sure it works in WIne. thats it. | 09:17 |
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Possum | I bought NWN -- like... actually _paid_ for it -- simply cause it runs on nix natively | 09:17 |
Possum | kahrytan, not quite... but that helps a lot :) | 09:17 |
jpjacobs | NWN? | 09:17 |
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Possum | Blizzard puts loads of money into wine | 09:17 |
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kahrytan | Possum: I am interested in MSI 945GM3-F | 09:17 |
Possum | jpjacobs, neverwinter nights | 09:18 |
jpjacobs | ah | 09:18 |
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Possum | jpjacobs, only NWN1; NWN2 doesn't support nix | 09:18 |
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Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, apparently not... can you please check in what repository it is included? | 09:18 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, could it be only in 6.10? | 09:18 |
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cello_rasp | hi, i have installed ubuntu server but cannot get it to use my router for dns . It points at the gateway fine, but while it can ping the google IP, it can't 'ping' | 09:19 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: ill check. read here: | 09:19 |
Possum | kahrytan, you're an intel fan? :P | 09:19 |
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hume | how do I access the "System - Administration - Restricted Devices Manager" when I run kde, not gnome? what is it called from command line? | 09:19 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: You're trying to upgrade a box from 6.06 -> 7.04? | 09:19 |
kahrytan | Possum: I've always used SIS but I know Intel is linux friendly. | 09:19 |
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Shwouchk | RAOF, yes | 09:19 |
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RAOF | Shwouchk: Over an SSH connection? What happens if the network connection goes down? | 09:19 |
cello_rasp | RAOF should be fine unless you have done anything unofficial with it | 09:19 |
_3fg | jpjacobs: does k3b support ISOs | 09:20 |
Possum | kahrytan, intel and amd... I just worry about where amd is going with drm, otherwise I love it | 09:20 |
RAOF | cello_rasp: Yeah, also as long as you go through 6.10 | 09:20 |
Possum | quality for cost | 09:20 |
kahrytan | Possum: Let's they don't shoot themselves in the foot. | 09:20 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: You've seen !upgrade ? | 09:20 |
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Shwouchk | RAOF, from what I understood, the tool is supposed to be automated.. besides - it's headless | 09:20 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: dapper doesn't have update-manager-core. | 09:20 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: Uuuum... do you have any form of non-network access? | 09:21 |
Geoffrey2 | probably would be quicker just to download and burn the 7.04 install cd | 09:21 |
kahrytan | Possum: You mean Intel processors before? | 09:21 |
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JerryMcFarts7 | Hello | 09:21 |
JerryMcFarts7 | I am new to IRC | 09:21 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: Because things *can* go wrong, and unless you've got non-network access, you won't be able to fix them. | 09:21 |
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kahrytan | Possum: My first x86 was AMD K6. I switched because of temps of amd | 09:21 |
cello_rasp | hi i cant 'ping' but i can ping google IP what is wrong here | 09:21 |
Shwouchk | RAOF - I could wait a week to get home, and then plug a keyboard and monitor but it's a major hassle... | 09:21 |
JerryMcFarts7 | I was wondering the servers that are listed in Xchat, how do I know what they are geared for? | 09:21 |
billfur2 | cello_rasp, your dns is misconfigured. | 09:21 |
CheshireViking | _3fg, k3b does support iso's | 09:22 |
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Possum | kahrytan, I've supported amd cause they were the underdog for quite a while | 09:22 |
_3fg | thanks Cheshire | 09:22 |
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RAOF | Shwouchk: Well, then update-manager is what you're after. It's graphical, though. | 09:22 |
Possum | kahrytan, but amd's gotten a _lot_ better lately :) | 09:22 |
JerryMcFarts7 | I am looking for German - English speaking people, so I can learn German. | 09:22 |
Shwouchk | RAOF - oh, if things go wrong I'll fix them when I get home | 09:22 |
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sanityx_ | crimsun: I got disconnected. Thanks for your info | 09:22 |
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kahrytan | Possum: by the definition, you should use a mac. | 09:22 |
Shwouchk | RAOF - I have no X | 09:22 |
JerryMcFarts7 | Where would the best IRC chatroom would people recommend? | 09:22 |
cello_rasp | billfur only on one machine, not on the others connected to the same gateway | 09:22 |
sanityx_ | Possum: AMD *had* gotten a lot better. Intel pulled ahead again. Core 2 Duos rule. | 09:22 |
Possum | kahrytan, That mobo looks nice though... it supports pcie or no? And yes, I'd use a mac if I had the cash | 09:22 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: The only upgrade tool I know of is upgrade-manager, which is GUI only. | 09:22 |
Possum | sanityx_, I've seen them, never used them unfortunately... I'd like to :) | 09:23 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: it is recommended to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 then to 7.04. | 09:23 |
kahrytan | Possum: It has x16 and thats it. and 4 3.0gb | 09:23 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: So, install X, or use the alternative route (sed -i s/dapper/edgy /etc/apt/sources.list) | 09:23 |
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sanityx_ | Possum: My buddy just ordered the 8 core mac pro :-D | 09:23 |
kahrytan | Possom and the 3 pci. I like 3 pci. | 09:23 |
sanityx_ | Possum: spent like 10k on it | 09:23 |
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Possum | YES! Those things are fsckin sweet! | 09:23 |
kahrytan | sanityx: Your friend is insane. | 09:23 |
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disinterested | what should i do if the package returns ./doc-pak does not exist? | 09:24 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: And, yes. You *have* to go through Edgy (6.10). Dapper -> Feisty is unsupported, and may break in annoying ways. | 09:24 |
Possum | I've used the 30 inch monitor at the mac store, and they had to pry me away from the display | 09:24 |
Shwouchk | RAOF - isn't it extremely likely that there will be breakage? | 09:24 |
stefan | I had edgy installed on my laptop, decided I wanted to install fresh for feisty, however the gui install dies after around 60%, (hung at 59% a few times), i must have tried over 10 times now, rebooting etc etc with no luck, any suggestions? | 09:24 |
kahrytan | Possum: I bet Apple is holding back EFI on boards. | 09:24 |
sanityx_ | kahrytan: Naw, he's rich :) | 09:24 |
billfur2 | sanityx, rediculously overpriced. YOu can build one for 4400 | 09:24 |
Shwouchk | RAOF, thanks for that tip | 09:24 |
stefan | P.s. hi | 09:24 |
sanityx_ | billfur2: Yeah you can, but it won't run OSX. At least not without a bunch of hacks. | 09:24 |
billfur2 | sanityx, who wants oSX =( | 09:25 |
sanityx_ | billfur2: He does. | 09:25 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: What, with the "s/dapper/edgy" followed by "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"? Not so much. That's actually how I upgraded to Feisty | 09:25 |
tarelerulz | I have directory with tvshow in it and I want to remove the folder holding them and all the movie inside it ? | 09:25 |
billfur2 | sanityx, althogh it would have been nice to get something other then gentoo working =( | 09:25 |
Possum | I've heard you can run at least 16 of those 30 inch monitors across 8 gfx cards no problem | 09:25 |
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Possum | I'd be able to line my entire living room with it XD | 09:25 |
MIST_ | hi, anyone have some spare time to help me with installing ubuntu? something really weird is happening to my installation ='( | 09:25 |
Possum | Wow, I need to go to sleep... | 09:25 |
sanityx_ | Grr my nick is sanityx but I got disconnected and it hasn't timed out yet. Anybody know how long it takes? | 09:25 |
Shwouchk | RAOF, I see | 09:25 |
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billfur2 | sanityx, ghost it | 09:26 |
Possum | sanityx_, are you registered? | 09:26 |
kahrytan | MIST_ Explain in detail | 09:26 |
sanityx_ | Possum: Yes I am. | 09:26 |
sanityx_ | As sanityx | 09:26 |
kahrytan | Possum: Another install help | 09:26 |
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sanityx_ | Possum: Is there a way to force my way in, since I'm registered? | 09:26 |
Possum | sanityx_, yea, do what billfur2 said... /msg nickserv ghost sanityx password | 09:26 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: and if the machine reboots you lose connection or the upgrade can overwrite your ssh then you can't re-login | 09:26 |
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sanityx_ | Possum: billfur2: Thanks! | 09:26 |
Possum | sanityx_, there ya go :) | 09:26 |
billfur2 | =) | 09:27 |
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MIST_ | well i'm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop so i downloaded the Desktop version, x86, plopp it in, boot it, i get to the first menu where it says "Start or install ubuntu" ect, i push F3 or F4 whatever to choose keymap then hit enter | 09:27 |
sanityx | Yay | 09:27 |
Possum | kahrytan, gotta sleep :( | 09:27 |
_3fg | so is there a dock like the Mac dock yet or is there still only toolbars with animations? | 09:27 |
MIST_ | it starts loading a bunch of stuff thinking thinking thinking and then it stops at the terminal? | 09:27 |
kahrytan | Possom: MIST_ has same problem as jackB | 09:27 |
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MIST_ | did he solve it? | 09:27 |
kahrytan | not yet. | 09:28 |
RAOF | _3fg: There's "avant-window-manager", but that's somewhat experimental. A quick google should find it for you. | 09:28 |
sanityx | Can I use ghost if somebody were actually using my nickname? | 09:28 |
Possum | MIST_, have you checked this? | 09:28 |
stefan | any way i can attempt a non-gui install from the live cd? | 09:28 |
MIST_ | have you gottan anwhere? | 09:28 |
Shwouchk | RAOF - Cool. Do you generally recommend this upgrade for a server? (I have a specific reason to upgrade, but I'm just wondering wether it's worth it) | 09:28 |
kahrytan | MIST_ Did you check m5sum? | 09:28 |
_3fg | RAOF; Ok, I'll try that | 09:28 |
MIST_ | Possum you think it is something with my cd? | 09:28 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: I don't run servers. At least, servers that aren't running Feisty :) | 09:28 |
Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, why wouldn't I be able to relogin? | 09:28 |
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hume | anyone? how to find gnome system administration - restricted devices manager? | 09:28 |
Possum | MIST_, most likely... that was my problem... it's possible it's a problem with your hardware, but ubuntu is _really_ good at autodetect | 09:29 |
Shwouchk | RAOF, were they always running fiesty? | 09:29 |
Possum | MIST_, also, if you don't have a floppy drive, it'll take a few minutes longer | 09:29 |
RAOF | hume: System->Administration->Restricted Manager? Only if you're using Feisty (7.04) though. | 09:29 |
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CheshireViking | MIST_, what laptop are you trying to install on? I've had problems installing on a Toshiba Equium laptop with fiesty & edgy, but dapper works fine from the live cd | 09:29 |
phy2 | 7.04 has problem with disks and with my Nvidia | 09:29 |
hume | RAOF, yes, feisty, but run KDE | 09:29 |
MIST_ | i'm pretty sure its not the cd, i've downloaded kubuntu aswell and i'm having the same problem, ALMOST, it gets 1 step further than ubuntu | 09:29 |
Possum | Because for _some_ reason... ubuntu _insists_ there's a floppy on every comp | 09:29 |
MIST_ | CheshireViking its a ASUS F3ja | 09:29 |
RAOF | hume: Then you don't have the Restricted Manager. Sucks :( | 09:29 |
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Shwouchk | FakeOutdoorsman, however - if it reboots I really won't be able to relogin since it needs the keyboard plugged in to fully boot | 09:30 |
Ayabara | !xinerama | 09:30 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See - See also !DualHead | 09:30 |
Possum | MIST_, what gfx card? | 09:30 |
MIST_ | x1600 | 09:30 |
hume | RAOF, i must be able to access it even though my window manager i KDE, right? through command line | 09:30 |
RAOF | Shwouchk: Yes, since December. I annoyingly killed my SSH access at one point with an update :) | 09:30 |
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phy2 | on the live install, with too many disks it drops to terminal, with "TTY access no good" or similar, and if I get past that, just black screen as X won't run | 09:30 |
Possum | MIST_, is that ATI? | 09:30 |
MIST_ | yes it is | 09:30 |
RAOF | hume: It is *not installed* in Kubuntu. Kubuntu doesn't have it. | 09:30 |
Possum | hmm | 09:30 |
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MIST_ | yes stefan we see you ^^ | 09:30 |
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Possum | kahrytan, maybe it is a problem with ATI | 09:30 |
kahrytan | Possum: ATI.... | 09:30 |
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hume | RAOF, no, but it is quite easy to install via adept or synaptic.....if I know the name.... | 09:31 |
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Possum | Maybe specific models though | 09:31 |
CheshireViking | MIST_, when I was googling for how to solve my problem, there did seem to be problems with asus and ati gfx, mine was toshiba with ati & i've not solved it yet | 09:31 |
Possum | Since I've heard numerous success stories | 09:31 |
Possum | with ATI | 09:31 |
kahrytan | Possum: I would like to shove those chipsets up ati's butt. | 09:31 |
RAOF | hume: Ah, in that case... "apropos restricted" should give you something in the terminal. | 09:31 |
Possum | XD | 09:31 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: wat card? | 09:31 |
stefan | any suggestions then... ive no idea what to try | 09:31 |
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MIST_ | see i also downloaded a copy of knoppix live, booted that up, when it tried to boot the gui it didn't work but then it did something else, switched to another display manager? | 09:31 |
CheshireViking | MIST_, but other people seem to have got it working ok on mine, its not the cd, thats been used a few times on other machines | 09:31 |
myr | stefan, are u trying to install ubuntu server? | 09:32 |
zeroday | MIST_: what card? | 09:32 |
Possum | MIST_, "another display manager? | 09:32 |
MIST_ | yeah thats what i assumed lol | 09:32 |
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MIST_ | zeroday: ATI x1600 | 09:32 |
stefan | nope, plain ubuntu | 09:32 |
Possum | MIST_, what does "another display manager" mean? Did you have graphics at all? | 09:32 |
FakeOutdoorsman | Shwouchk: you may not be able to re-login after upgrade if it doesn't reinstall ssh for some reason | 09:32 |
zeroday | MIST_: dosnt run? | 09:32 |
sanityx | !automatix > sanityx | 09:32 |
Flannel | stefan: Did you burn at 4x? | 09:32 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, ati radeon xpress 200M | 09:32 |
stefan | no, im using a friends cd, he installed fine from it | 09:33 |
Flannel | stefan: if you want a non-GUI (non-ubiquity) install, you need the alternate CD. But, your symptoms are more likely a bad burn | 09:33 |
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kahrytan | Mist_ Radeon_X1600_XT | 09:33 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: MIST_: you should both try envy | 09:33 |
stefan | i think he installed at 24x | 09:33 |
RAOF | NOOOOOO! | 09:33 |
stefan | *burt | 09:33 |
MIST_ | yes knoppix live did run and what i mean is it just blinked for 15 seconds then started, like it had some display problems | 09:33 |
Possum | CheshireViking, did your livecd work? | 09:33 |
RAOF | MIST_, CheshireViking: Ugh. Envy is not very friendly. | 09:33 |
MIST_ | no just ati x1600 mobility | 09:33 |
zeroday | !envy | 09:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on | 09:33 |
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hexicode | hello | 09:33 |
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Possum | MIST_, but it booted into KDE? | 09:33 |
Flannel | stefan: 4x is recommended. Slow enough to stop the errors caused by modern CD writers. | 09:34 |
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Possum | MIST_, blinking is normal for livecds... tries to detect proper res | 09:34 |
zeroday | MIST_: CheshireViking: RAOF: what do you mean its like 3 clicks | 09:34 |
CheshireViking | zeroday,Possum, i can't even get it installed, live cd freezes after 5 min's - i get a gnome daemon error | 09:34 |
Flannel | stefan: but, if the disc verifies (the boot option "check CD for defects" comes back ok), then it's not the disk | 09:34 |
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RAOF | zeroday: Yes, but it breaks upgrades. | 09:34 |
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MIST_ | ah okay then thats what it was Possum | 09:34 |
stefan | hmm, any way to take out the live cd to burn a new one then? or going to need to get someone elses pc | 09:34 |
kahrytan | Mist_ Is it Radeon_X1600_XT? | 09:34 |
sanityx | !shipit ftw | 09:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about shipit ftw - try searching on | 09:34 |
CheshireViking | RAOF, i've used envy on other machines, it works great for me | 09:34 |
MIST_ | no its a ati x1600 mobility | 09:34 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: go to xorg and change to vesa driver. it will get you a gui | 09:34 |
hexicode | I have a problem umounting /dev/sda1. Im in a livecd so the drive isnt being used. | 09:34 |
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RAOF | zerdith: And Feisty's Restricted Manager is better :) | 09:34 |
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zeroday | RAOF: not until new kernel envy rules | 09:35 |
zeroday | RAOF: feisty restricted manager hardly works | 09:35 |
punsad | anyone know if a compaq v6000z will run ubuntu well? I did google it and saw mixed feedback | 09:35 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, is there a website with a walkthrough on how to do that? I can't get it to start even to a command line interface | 09:35 |
FakeOutdoorsman | hexicode: are you in a current directory of whatever you are trying to unmount? | 09:35 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: not even command line | 09:36 |
hexicode | fakeoutdoorsman no | 09:36 |
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hexicode | fakeoutdoorsman wait | 09:36 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: does it freeze at usplash | 09:36 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, if if i do, even trying to edit xorf, I get a no screens error when I try to edit the file | 09:36 |
jrsims | does ubuntu have dual monitor support? | 09:36 |
hexicode | fakeoutdoorsman im not sure | 09:36 |
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MIST_ | i've googled some and it seems other people have had no problems other than sound, i don't even get that far | 09:36 |
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zeroday | CheshireViking: ill get u a gui | 09:36 |
Possum | jrsims, xinerama or twinview, yes | 09:36 |
punsad | MIST_: was that directed to my comment about the v6000z? | 09:37 |
kahrytan | !shipit | 09:37 |
ubotu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See and and - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs | 09:37 |
MIST_ | no punsad | 09:37 |
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CheshireViking | zeroday, no, its beyond the uspash, nautilus begins to start - it starts putting the icons as it starts up services & then it freezes & brings up the daemon error | 09:37 |
punsad | :( | 09:37 |
FakeOutdoorsman | hexicode: type "~/" in your terminal, hit enter, and then try unmounting. you sometimes get errors if you try to unmount something if you are in a directory in the item to be unmounted | 09:37 |
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jrsims | Possum: have a preference? | 09:37 |
Shin_Gouki | hello how do i install directShow codecs for Player?# | 09:37 |
Possum | It's kind of a weird coincidence... everyone having problems using ATI... it's possible a disk error, but ... idunno | 09:37 |
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Possum | jrsims, if you're using nvidia gfx, go with twinview definitely | 09:38 |
kevev | hello | 09:38 |
weltschmerz | Can someone please help me? Metacity is not starting when I log in. This just recently started happening. | 09:38 |
RAOF | Possum: No, ATI support *always* sucks. This happens every time :( | 09:38 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, i'm not at the laptop now anyway, wouldn't be able to do anything for another 9 hours when i get home from work - if there's a website & can have a look at, I'll try that later though | 09:38 |
punsad | anyone know if beryl will run okay on my AMDSempron +3500 powered laptop with 1GB RAM (NVIdia 6150 video card - no dedicated RAM) | 09:38 |
kahrytan | Possum: still here? | 09:38 |
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Possum | RAOF, ah... I know ATI support sucks, didn't know it would f* up the install | 09:38 |
sanityx | punsad: It should. | 09:38 |
kevix | jughead: also read about 'nohup' | 09:38 |
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zeroday | CheshireViking: hmmm i dont think so | 09:38 |
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Possum | kahrytan, trying to get out... almost done with my beer :P | 09:38 |
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kevev | need help with sound. ATI SMB450 in 7.04. no audio. | 09:38 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: lemme look card model again pls | 09:39 |
hexicode | fakeoutdoorsman thank you | 09:39 |
MIST_ | Possum,kahrytan: can't it just be thhat the gnome display manager ain't booting? | 09:39 |
CheshireViking | radeon xpress 200M | 09:39 |
Possum | crap, yea... no beer left now >.< | 09:39 |
kahrytan | Possum: Yup Free as in Beer. | 09:39 |
RAOF | punsad: You might want to use Compiz instead of beryl, that tends to be a bit faster. | 09:39 |
Possum | MIST_, doubtful | 09:39 |
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kahrytan | MIST_ X-Windows has to load first | 09:39 |
Possum | kahrytan, hey, I paid good money for this beer! :P | 09:39 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, sorry, missed the nick out then - radeon xpress 200M | 09:39 |
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sanityx | not to mention beryl will cease to exist soon :-D | 09:39 |
punsad | RAOF: okay. thanks for the tip | 09:39 |
jdhore | if i have the deb-src repos enabled, is there any way i can "reinstall" certian apps by compiling them from source? | 09:39 |
kahrytan | Possum: OSS pun | 09:39 |
leo | i have a kernel recompile question | 09:39 |
Possum | kahrytan, I know, I get it :P | 09:40 |
Possum | Free as in speech, not as in beer :P | 09:40 |
=== kahrytan wonders if his shipit cds are shipped | ||
punsad | I heard that vista is slow as hell so I think I might try ubuntu | 09:40 |
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leo | when i installed feisty, i diddnt have userspace for power mgt | 09:40 |
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Jaymz | punsad: good to hear | 09:40 |
sanityx | punsad: I'm running Vista/Feisty. They both work great. | 09:40 |
punsad | I've got a new laptop coming ~ tuesday or so | 09:40 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: check this out | 09:40 |
RAOF | jdhore: Yup. "sudo apt-get build-dep <package>" followed by "apt-get source -b <package>" followed by "sudo dpkg --install package_stuff_.deb" | 09:40 |
leo | do i need to recompile the entire kernel to change powermgt to userspace | 09:40 |
sanityx | punsad: 1.6 Ghz/2gb ram | 09:40 |
leo | ? | 09:40 |
ibbuntu | hi, just tried to install swiftfox (32-bit) using automatix2. I am on Feisty and AMD64 and I think I've done something silly at some point as I get this error message: ./swiftfox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 | 09:40 |
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kevev | help with SMB450 audio chip | 09:40 |
sanityx | !automatix |ibbuntu | 09:40 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, thanks, i'll have a look | 09:40 |
ubotu | ibbuntu: Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 09:40 |
Ayabara | anyone skilled with writing xorg.conf for dual monitor setups? I have an aticard and use the fglrx driver. Now I have 2 independent desktops (~/Desktop and ~/Desktop1), but I want to have one "merged" desktop | 09:40 |
punsad | sanityx: did you install ur linux onto a new machine with vista pre-installed? | 09:41 |
Possum | !automatix | ibbuntu | 09:41 |
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zeroday | CheshireViking: no official driver for your card | 09:41 |
Possum | oh, I was late | 09:41 |
kahrytan | Possum: you like asrock? | 09:41 |
kevev | whoops. ATI SB450 Audio | 09:41 |
sanityx | punsad: No, I installed linux, then vista later. | 09:41 |
MIST_ | i can't md5 a cd? i have to md5 the iso? | 09:41 |
Possum | kahrytan, asrock? | 09:41 |
ibbuntu | ok, I don't think my problem is related to automatix though | 09:41 |
Possum | MIST_, Wheee... yes you can :) | 09:41 |
kahrytan | Possum: you like asrock boards | 09:41 |
sanityx | ibbuntu: Oh it most certainly is :-D | 09:41 |
RAOF | ibbuntu: No, it just seems like it didn't work. But we don't support it, because it does stupid, evil things. | 09:41 |
Possum | kahrytan, Oh, again... never used them...I've used asus :P | 09:41 |
kahrytan | Possum: but too expensive for me. | 09:42 |
kevix | test | 09:42 |
sanityx | ibbuntu: Yeah Autmatix = poo | 09:42 |
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punsad | I'm thinking I'll run Vista/XP/Ubuntu triple boot | 09:42 |
sanityx | punsad: Eh . . . | 09:42 |
Possum | MIST_, That was my problem -- a scratch on the CD... check but I doubt it's your problem :( | 09:42 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, looking at that, it still suggests that there would be 2D support, I get a feeling that the laptop isn't going to be a sucessful install | 09:42 |
Jaymz | why, punsad? | 09:42 |
kahrytan | Possum: I would love a P5B | 09:42 |
sanityx | punsad: What for | 09:42 |
Jaymz | does XP do something vista won't do? | 09:42 |
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zeroday | CheshireViking: not with that card sorry its got really bad support | 09:42 |
zeroday | CheshireViking: NEVER EVER buy ati | 09:42 |
MIST_ | it won't md5 the cd godamnit now i gotta reboot the laptop | 09:42 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, my other option will be to try a kubuntu live cd | 09:42 |
Possum | kahrytan, yes :) | 09:42 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Yes, it works :-P | 09:43 |
Possum | sanityx, beat me to it :P | 09:43 |
sanityx | Jamyz, Some apps wont run on vista, period | 09:43 |
punsad | Vista - just to try it out... XP - b/c my work vpn software sux locks down all network connections, ubuntu - just to try it out | 09:43 |
Jaymz | XP worked fine for me, sanityx | 09:43 |
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sanityx | I mean XP works, as opposed to vista Jaymz | 09:43 |
kahrytan | Possum: but $120 is to steep | 09:43 |
Jaymz | even with my questionable methods of obtaining it | 09:43 |
Jaymz | oh i see | 09:43 |
MIST_ | actually vista worked really well for me except i had no sound | 09:43 |
Possum | kahrytan, yup :/ | 09:43 |
ibbuntu | ok so it looks like I've said an evil word and won't get any help today. I will go back and try and reproduce the error with something other than automatix (which is why I tried using it in the first place) and I will come back with a reworded question). | 09:43 |
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punsad | to elaborate - I'm using XP just to have a dedicated Windwos partition that I can install crappy VPN software onto | 09:43 |
CheshireViking | zeroday, i always use nvidia, the laptop is my wifes, she's decided that she likes ubuntu & wanted me to install it on it for her | 09:43 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Anyway I'm only running vista. But thats just cuz the only reason I even want windows is to run OneNote | 09:43 |
sanityx | punsad: try vmware :-D | 09:44 |
_3fg | If I'm installing AWN and Beryl, does it matter which order I install them in? | 09:44 |
Jaymz | i only run ubuntu, but i don't do much with my computer | 09:44 |
Madpilot | ibbuntu, are you running the 64bit version of Ubuntu, or 32bit? | 09:44 |
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RAOF | _3fg: No, they're independant | 09:44 |
ibbuntu | the 64bit version | 09:44 |
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kevev | sooo....anyone gonna help me with my ATI SB450 audio? | 09:44 |
punsad | sanityx: will that handle VPN tunnels? | 09:44 |
Possum | MIST_, great, once you get ubuntu installed you gotta try beryl :) | 09:44 |
sanityx | punsad: VMware running Windows XP can do anything regular windows XP can do | 09:44 |
jhai1 | Is it possible to remove "shutdown", "suspend" and "hibernate" from the log out menu? | 09:44 |
Jaymz | the only thing i can't get it to do is recognize my cell phone | 09:44 |
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Jaymz | but that's not really that important | 09:45 |
ssinghi | hi | 09:45 |
punsad | sanityx: I'll try it... but I'm skeptical | 09:45 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Yeah I can't get my treo to sync. | 09:45 |
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Possum | But I have to sleep now... | 09:45 |
sanityx | punsad: congrats | 09:45 |
_3fg | Ok RAOF, I was just wondering if there would be any conflicts | 09:45 |
Jaymz | i've got some cheapass obscure nokia | 09:45 |
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Jaymz | all i want to do is to upload ringtones | 09:45 |
Possum | MIST_, CheshireViking, if you're still having problems tomorrow, I'll be in here | 09:45 |
RAOF | _3fg: Nope. You don't have to worry about that with .deb packages, anyway. | 09:45 |
punsad | sanityx: is vmware available through deb repository? | 09:45 |
Jaymz | won't do it.. | 09:45 |
sanityx | Jaymz: email them to your phone. | 09:45 |
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sanityx | punsad: Yes, vmware server is now availible in ubuntus repositories | 09:46 |
Possum | kahrytan, good luck finding the right mobo :) | 09:46 |
Jaymz | i don't think my phone has email | 09:46 |
Possum | night all | 09:46 |
Jaymz | it's a pretty basic phone | 09:46 |
sanityx | punsad: also you cant get it free at | 09:46 |
ssinghi | i wan't the machines in my local network to be accessible using their hostnames, but right not i am not able to do that, and have to use their ip addresses, how do i make the machines be identifiable by their hostnames? | 09:46 |
sanityx | Jaymz: I don't mean with an email client | 09:46 |
Jaymz | cost me like $50 canadian.. after taxes and rebates | 09:46 |
bullgard4 | mc with an Englisch GUI. Rifht pane: List mode displays three timestamps. What are their names? | 09:46 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Who;s your provider? | 09:46 |
punsad | sanityx: I've read some on Xen. I guess vmware is intustrial strength and probably better | 09:46 |
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Jaymz | rogers | 09:46 |
kahrytan | Possum: I want to upgrade to Socket T | 09:46 |
RARCA | Hello all | 09:46 |
sanityx | punsad: I like it. | 09:46 |
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CheshireViking | Possum, thanks for the offer, i'll try kubuntu & see if that manages anything better first, if not i think i'll be giving it up as a non compatible laptop (mush as i don't want to) | 09:46 |
sanityx | punsad: vmware is proprietary though | 09:46 |
ibbuntu | oh and on a totally unrelated point, is it lame to have "buntu" somewhere in your nickname? | 09:46 |
kevev | does anyone offer help in here anymore? | 09:46 |
Jaymz | and it's a pay as you go phone, as they call it | 09:46 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Who's your provider though | 09:47 |
Jaymz | my provider is rogers | 09:47 |
Jaymz | if that's obscure, then.. you can't do much for me | 09:47 |
punsad | kevev: what's ur prob? | 09:47 |
MIST_ | kahrytan: the md5 sum is correct and i burned it at 8x so that shouldn't be a problem | 09:47 |
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sanityx | jayms send the email to | 09:47 |
Jaymz | they own most of canada's tubes | 09:47 |
kevix | Jaymz: drm is the keyword. the companies dont want your phone to do what you want. they want you to have to use their costly services to do something simple like put your ringtone on your phone. | 09:47 |
sanityx | Jaymz: it will arrive as a text message | 09:47 |
sanityx | with the ringtone attatched | 09:48 |
simonhellstrom | /join #ubuntu-se | 09:48 |
RARCA | I have been asking this question for a while, and no one seems to be able to answer it. When I load Ubuntu I can only access and from Firefox. The connection works because I can use the Gaim client. Any ideas? | 09:48 |
kahrytan | MIST_ I am newbie but ATI would be my guess | 09:48 |
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kevev | punsad: thank you. 7.04 with ATI SB450 HDA sound not working. tried everything in forums. | 09:48 |
Jaymz | i shall try it now, sanityx.. | 09:48 |
simonhellstrom | oin #ubuntu-se | 09:48 |
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sanityx | RARCA: Huh? The Gaim client for firefox? Can you clarify please RARCA | 09:48 |
kevix | RARCA: firewall? Proxy server? | 09:48 |
MIST_ | you're saying it doesn't like my graphics card and therefore does not boot the gui or...? | 09:48 |
punsad | kevev: sorry... I've never used that hardware. Do you have the modules installed? | 09:48 |
Jaymz | wait.. nm.. i let my subscription lapse.. | 09:49 |
Jaymz | i have no service | 09:49 |
sanityx | Jaymz: It make take a while to recieve. I mean a looooong while. It will work though. | 09:49 |
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Jaymz | no use trying it | 09:49 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Ah. Try it another time then. | 09:49 |
RARCA | Sanityx: Sorry... Gaim in the instant messanger client that comes with Ubuntu. It is separate of firefox. | 09:49 |
simonhellstrom | /join #ubuntu-se | 09:49 |
kahrytan | MIST_ Is the ati built-in or extra card? If you can remove, try that. | 09:49 |
Jaymz | when money is less tight i will | 09:49 |
sanityx | RARCA: I know that. That's why I was confused. | 09:49 |
MIST_ | its a built in one kindof, its a laptop | 09:49 |
bullgard4 | Midnight Commander with an Englisch GUI. Right pane: List mode displays three timestamps. What are their names? | 09:49 |
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MIST_ | physically its a separate card but if i take it out i won't have one ^^ | 09:49 |
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RARCA | Kevix.... As far as I know I have no firewall or proxy server. I have a direct connection to the web, and I am running no firewall unless there is one in Ubuntu I do not know about. | 09:50 |
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kevev | punsad: yes. it is a alsa bug. dont want to patch and recompile kernel to fix it. guessI have to wait. | 09:50 |
kahrytan | MIST_ but it still boot? | 09:50 |
RARCA | Sanityx: And Ideas? | 09:50 |
MIST_ | what? ubuntu? | 09:50 |
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sanityx | RARCA: Are you running behind a very restrictive firewall perhaps? | 09:50 |
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kahrytan | MIST_ do you need the card to boot the laptop? | 09:50 |
kevix | RARCA: so you type in to firefox something like '' and nothing happends? error message? | 09:50 |
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RARCA | Is that something that my ISP could be running for me? | 09:51 |
MIST_ | yeah | 09:51 |
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Jaymz | what i was really hoping for, though, is some way to make my computer talk to my cellphone via the cable i bought for it | 09:51 |
sanityx | RARCA: Unlikely, unless you live in china | 09:51 |
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MIST_ | or korea | 09:51 |
jb | does anyone have time to help me with the new wireless manager in 7.04? | 09:51 |
sanityx | North Korea | 09:51 |
MIST_ | my bad, thats what i meant =) | 09:51 |
Jaymz | works in XP | 09:51 |
sanityx | RARCA: What exactley happens if you try to go to, say,, or any othr website | 09:51 |
Jaymz | after installing drivers | 09:51 |
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RARCA | Kevix: If I type any URL into the browser, but those two sites, it recognises the site is there, and then times out after about 30 seconds. | 09:51 |
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sanityx | Jaymz: You probably need some kernel module. | 09:52 |
kahrytan | MIST_; Will the laptop boot w/o the card? | 09:52 |
sanityx | RARCA: Maybe a DNS issue? | 09:52 |
kevix | RARCA: there are countires like china, sudia arabia, etc. that have goverment firewall. And they there are some in public libraries or businesses. | 09:52 |
RARCA | Sanityx: I live in Sweden.... maybe something here I do not know about :-) | 09:52 |
punsad | RARCA: from commandline: what do you get from "ping" | 09:52 |
sanityx | RARCA: Hold on let me find an alternate DNS for you to try | 09:52 |
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sanityx | punsad: works | 09:52 |
RARCA | Kevix: That should not apply... I hope | 09:52 |
MIST_ | kahrytan: it probably will but there will be nothing to... i mean i won't see anything, i'll have no graphics card. | 09:52 |
RARCA | Sanityx: Thanks | 09:52 |
kahrytan | MIST_ No onboard video? | 09:52 |
MIST_ | actually i think it'd refuse to boot without a graphics card | 09:52 |
MIST_ | nope | 09:53 |
foug | Would anyone here like to help me getting my downloads working in irc? | 09:53 |
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Jaymz | sanityx: kernel stuff is beyond me for now, unless you can give me a step by step, and links to software i need | 09:53 |
kahrytan | MIST_ Darn. | 09:53 |
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punsad | RARCA: so pinging google is no problem.... just browsing it? | 09:53 |
Shin_Gouki | hello can anyone plz tell me how to install codecs for xine/totem? | 09:53 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Its not messing with the kernel. You just type modprobe modulename | 09:53 |
dergringo | Hokay... I am trying to install ubuntu (7.04) on a Sony VAIO PCG-K215S. It all works well except some kernel functions. F.e. the cpu frequency display doesnt work at all. Any hints? | 09:53 |
Jaymz | oh | 09:53 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Just google around for which module you need. | 09:53 |
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RARCA | I can browse google.... I can ping it, and I can get results from the search. All other websites just do not work (I connect to them, but do not get any data from them) | 09:54 |
punsad | Shin_Gouki: I thought that's what automatix does for you (but then I've also read that automatix is not good) | 09:54 |
MIST_ | ut i mean it shouldn't be a problem kahrytan, i've googled and other people have successfully installed ubuntu on their F3ja | 09:54 |
Jaymz | again.. it's a lameass obscureish phone.. i've searched for a module for it, but to no avail | 09:54 |
sanityx | RARCA: Try using this DNS server | 09:54 |
Jaymz | i assume i'm out of luck | 09:54 |
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sanityx | Jaymz: Possibly. Don't really know. | 09:54 |
Jaymz | it's not really a big deal | 09:54 |
sanityx | RARCA: Do you know how to set that? | 09:54 |
kevix | RARCA: sweden is far from restrictive. hehe. so its an issue with our end of the internet connection. dns issue. network hardware, bad wire. or other routers that your isp passes through. does you isp has a 'problem' web page? tech support? | 09:54 |
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kahrytan | MIST_ If the cd is fine. then X-Windows must find fault with something. | 09:54 |
RARCA | Sanityx: Is it in the network connections somewhere? | 09:55 |
hexicode | I tried to unmount a disk but it said its read only how come? | 09:55 |
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Jaymz | it's a pretty specific thing to ask of any operating system, i think | 09:55 |
sanityx | RARCA: It goes in your /etc/resolv.conf file | 09:55 |
Jaymz | and i can live quite well without it | 09:55 |
sanityx | RARCA: from the command line gksu /etc/resolv.conf | 09:55 |
sanityx | then add the line nameserver | 09:55 |
sanityx | and save it | 09:55 |
Shin_Gouki | hello! how do install flash for firefox?? | 09:56 |
sanityx | and delete the other nameserver lines as well | 09:56 |
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MIST_ | kahrytan: during the bootup sequence i get 4 catalogue errors, could this be the problem? | 09:56 |
sanityx | Shin_Gouki: Its automatic. Just go to any site that uses flash and it will prompt you. | 09:56 |
kevix | hexicode: unix permission. you may need to do it has root. (aka 'sudo ,,,,,,') | 09:56 |
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MIST_ | it says someting like cannot find system-version bios and 2 other things | 09:56 |
Jaymz | thanks for your help, sanityx | 09:56 |
MIST_ | but then it just continues | 09:56 |
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Jaymz | i appreciate it | 09:56 |
kahrytan | MIST_: You should have reported those | 09:56 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Sorry I couldn't be more hep | 09:56 |
sanityx | help* | 09:57 |
hexicode | kevix it in a live cd | 09:57 |
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sanityx | RARCA: Let me know how that goes | 09:57 |
MIST_ | should i boot it again and get you exactly what it says? | 09:57 |
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sanityx | MIST_: Might help :-P | 09:57 |
RARCA | Sanityx: Thanks a lot for you help. I will edit that, and see if it works. I do not have a working IRC client in Ubuntu so I am in windows now. I will be back in a bit for more help. Thanks again | 09:57 |
Jaymz | sanityx: you tried.. that's what's important | 09:57 |
kevix | hexicode: wait are you trying to 'unmount' the livecd ? cant do that! | 09:57 |
sanityx | RARCA: np | 09:57 |
RARCA | Kevix: I think they do have a support page, but they told me they do not give support to non-windows users.... Cowards. | 09:57 |
kahrytan | RARCA: You can buy Xchat for WIndows. | 09:58 |
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sanityx | kahrytan: Actually you can get it free | 09:58 |
Ayabara | !ati | 09:58 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 09:58 |
sanityx | kahrytan: Its called X-Chat 2 | 09:58 |
hexicode | kevin no im trying to dual boot with another system but ubuntus partition seems read only | 09:58 |
kahrytan | sanityx: Where is that | 09:58 |
sanityx | kahrytan: Its 3rd party compile, with the time limit removed | 09:58 |
Jaymz | it's also called MIrc | 09:58 |
RARCA | Kahrytan: xchat... is that something I can download on my windows side, and install on the ubuntu side? | 09:58 |
sanityx | | 09:58 |
gernweb | dd | 09:58 |
sanityx | I hate mirc Jaymz | 09:58 |
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hexicode | kevin well qtparted said it was | 09:58 |
sanityx | kahrytan: | 09:58 |
Jaymz | i don't find mirc that much different from xchat | 09:59 |
hexicode | kevin so I could not resize my main partition | 09:59 |
Jaymz | but i don't do anything very technical with either of them | 09:59 |
kevix | RARCA: well there LINUX friendly isp. go to a local lug (LINUX users group and ask for one!) | 09:59 |
Jaymz | just.. chat | 09:59 |
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sanityx | RARCA: you can download xchat FOR windows at You can download the packages and install them on ubuntu if you have no web access there. But xchat is useless without web access anyway | 09:59 |
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sanityx | RARCA: Give that DNS thing a try. | 09:59 |
kahrytan | RARCA: Xchat is a Linux and Windows App | 09:59 |
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RARCA | Sanityx: I will try that and be back. | 10:00 |
RARCA | bye | 10:00 |
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sanityx | bye | 10:00 |
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kahrytan | sanityx: thanks for that | 10:00 |
sanityx | kahrytan: Welcome. fyi it crashes sometimes in vista | 10:00 |
tomek_ | hi | 10:00 |
kevix | hexicode: you are using a livecd and doing what? | 10:01 |
kahrytan | sanityx: you think i use vista? | 10:01 |
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Jaymz | kahrytan: you seem offended by that | 10:01 |
sanityx | kahrytan: I have no idea. | 10:01 |
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=== kahrytan swore off Vista. | ||
hexicode | kevin im installing another system | 10:01 |
hexicode | kevix | 10:02 |
MIST_ | ok here is what it says: cat /var/lib/acpi-support/system-manufacturer system-product system-name system-version bios-version | 10:02 |
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MIST_ | each system-whatever is on a different line tho | 10:02 |
Jaymz | so what if he does think you're using vista? (assuming sanityx is a guy) | 10:02 |
kevix | hexicode: you are installing another OS. ok. how are you doing this? | 10:02 |
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sanityx | Jaymz: Actually, I'm a bot. | 10:02 |
Jaymz | you're well written, then... :) | 10:03 |
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kahrytan | Jaymz: Im not offended. Just funny. | 10:03 |
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MIST_ | kahrytan,sanityx: cat /var/lib/acpi-support/system-manufacturer cat /var/lib/acpi-support/system-product cat /var/lib/acpi-support/system-name cat /var/lib/acpi-support/system-version cat /var/lib/acpi-support/bios-version | 10:03 |
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sanityx | Thank you! | 10:03 |
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hexicode | kevix Im doing "umount /dev/sda1" then starting qtparted and trying to resize a partition | 10:03 |
sanityx | MIST_: you could boot before but now you cant? | 10:03 |
kahrytan | sanityx: isn't a bot. | 10:03 |
hexicode | kevix but it doesnt allow me | 10:03 |
Jaymz | yeah.. i know | 10:03 |
sanityx | kahrytan: It's a joke. | 10:03 |
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kahrytan | sanityx: Okay. | 10:04 |
sanityx | MIST_: Cuz that sounds like a buggy ACPI implementation | 10:04 |
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kevix | hexicode: did you boot from an ubuntu live cd? | 10:04 |
sanityx | MIST_: Try booting with the noacpi flag | 10:04 |
amarillion | question: If I have created my own .desktop file for something, what is the easiest way to add it to the menu? | 10:04 |
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Jaymz | i had ubuntu lock up solid on me a few hours ago | 10:04 |
hexicode | kevix no | 10:05 |
kahrytan | MIST_ I can't help ya | 10:05 |
amarillion | I'm making .desktop files for my emulator games | 10:05 |
MIST_ | sanityx: and the following question would be, how do i do that? ^^ | 10:05 |
Jaymz | couldn't even move the mouse pointer | 10:05 |
hexicode | kevix debian | 10:05 |
Jaymz | haven a clue why | 10:05 |
kahrytan | sanityx: MIST_ can't boot into cd. | 10:05 |
Jaymz | haven't a clue why | 10:05 |
kevix | hexicode: a debian live cd/ | 10:05 |
sanityx | MIST_: When you get to grub, use the instructions on screeen to edit the boot parameters | 10:05 |
hexicode | kevix yes | 10:05 |
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Jaymz | i think it had alot to do with audacious | 10:06 |
kahrytan | sanityx: MIST_ can't boot into cd. He can't install | 10:06 |
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MIST_ | =x | 10:06 |
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myr | theres no script language for xchat is there_ | 10:06 |
Jaymz | i clicked the open/eject button too much i think | 10:06 |
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T0uCH | anybody can help me? When i open a application like 'Gaim' normally i got a small icon on top right of the screen... but now i cant see anything when minimize or close | 10:06 |
MIST_ | i just get past the Start or instlall ubuntu, start ubuntu in safe graphics mode, install with driver update cd, check............ | 10:06 |
sanityx | myr: Xchat supports ruby, perl, and tcl | 10:06 |
MIST_ | after that everything goes wrong | 10:06 |
sanityx | MIST_: oh you're still installing? | 10:06 |
kevix | hexicode: so you are running a debian live cd and what device is the cdrom , what are the partitions on /dev/sda | 10:06 |
zcat[1] | Jaymz: I was getting that a while back except that it wasn't actually locked up as such; the keyboard, mouse and screen were totally locked but underneath the machine was running just fine. I could ssh in and kill the xserver and it all came alive again... I think the nvidia drivers were at fault because it never seemed to do it with the open source nv drivers. | 10:07 |
sanityx | MIST_: boot the cd and then hit F6 for "other options" then type noacpi and press enter | 10:07 |
Jaymz | had to do a <ctrl><printscreen><k> to get back into it | 10:07 |
Shin_Gouki | hello how do i install video codecs for totem-xine to watch wmv files? | 10:07 |
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MIST_ | mkay did that lets see what happens | 10:07 |
CheshireViking | T0uCH, I get that occasionally, if I reboot and start it again, it seems to work ok | 10:07 |
sanityx | MIST_: Magical goodness I hope. | 10:07 |
amarillion | Does anyone know about .desktop files and customizing the menu? | 10:07 |
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hexicode | kevix ubuntus default partitions | 10:08 |
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sanityx | amarillion: You can customize the menu with alacarte but i dont know about .desktop files | 10:08 |
kahrytan | sanityx: f6? | 10:08 |
MIST_ | yeah its "other options" kahrytan | 10:08 |
kahrytan | sanityx: Whats the noacpi | 10:08 |
sanityx | it turns off ACPI | 10:08 |
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Madpilot | amarillion, right-click on the Applications menu, choose Edit Menus | 10:08 |
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kevix | hexicode: there are two reasons that you can not unmount a partition: it being used or you dont have permission. | 10:09 |
sanityx | F6 when you boot the CD allows you to edit kernel boot params | 10:09 |
Jaymz | the . before the file implies it's a hidden file, but that's probably elementary | 10:09 |
sanityx | noacpi disables ACPI | 10:09 |
Jaymz | just thought i'd throw it out there | 10:09 |
sanityx | ACPI has to do with power saving features, hibernation, sleep mode, stuff like that | 10:09 |
MIST_ | nope still same | 10:09 |
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hexicode | kevix I have permission and it cant be used im in a live cd | 10:09 |
sanityx | MIST_: :-( | 10:09 |
MIST_ | sanityx: ame problem | 10:09 |
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MIST_ | and tadaa now i'm in the console | 10:09 |
hexicode | kevix it says its active | 10:09 |
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hexicode | kevix active but unmounted | 10:10 |
MIST_ | Loading, please wait, last long: blahblahvlah linux unbuntu 2.6.whatever | 10:10 |
sanityx | MIST_: post the error again | 10:10 |
sanityx | or rather post it at | 10:10 |
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cbx33 | anyone know of a good A3 printer with great support under ubuntu | 10:10 |
kahrytan | !pastebin | 10:10 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:10 |
kevix | hexicode: what is the device name for the cdrom/dvdrom | 10:10 |
sanityx | yeah yeah | 10:10 |
MIST_ | i also saw another "error" now but its not an error really. it says intel_rng : FWH something | 10:10 |
sanityx | kevix: Isn't it /dev/cdrom | 10:10 |
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hexicode | kevix it that relevant? | 10:11 |
sanityx | MIST_: I have no idea man | 10:11 |
=== kahrytan directs sanityx towards !pastebin | ||
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Jaymz | maybe this is too obscure, but have any of you noticed that the audacios EQ settings don't quite match up to the winamp EQ equivalents? | 10:11 |
sanityx | intel_rng : FWH not detected? | 10:11 |
sanityx | that one? | 10:11 |
Jaymz | and by "audacios" i mean audacious | 10:11 |
Jaymz | i think | 10:11 |
kevix | hexicode: you said you are booting from a cdrom that has a live cd of debian. what is the device called. | 10:11 |
Jaymz | stupid beer | 10:11 |
sanityx | MIST_: intel_rng: FWH not detected? | 10:11 |
Jaymz | you know what i mean | 10:11 |
MIST_ | sanityx: yep | 10:12 |
amarillion | Madpilot, sanityx: thanks, that works. But I really like to use .desktop files as I can make modifications to multiple computers easily | 10:12 |
sanityx | MIST_: You have to stop the kernel module for intel's random number generator from loading. I have no idea how to do that when booting the CD unfortunately | 10:12 |
amarillion | And also I'd like to provide menu entries for games that I wrote | 10:12 |
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sanityx | Anybody know how to stop a specific kernel module from loading when you boot from the cd? | 10:13 |
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MIST_ | | 10:13 |
Jaymz | sanityx: blacklist comes immediately to mind | 10:13 |
hexicode | kevix im not sure | 10:13 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Can you pass blacklist to the cd though | 10:13 |
Jaymz | in the /etc/modules.d/ | 10:13 |
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Jaymz | not a clue | 10:13 |
sanityx | Jaymz: he's booting off the cd though | 10:13 |
sanityx | I know about blacklist. But he cant even get the livecd up and running. | 10:13 |
kevix | hexicode: you are trying to use qtparted. and you launch it and you cant resize /dev/sda1. is that correct? | 10:14 |
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hexicode | kevix yes | 10:14 |
Jaymz | the only thing i know about the livecd not booting (the edgy livecd) is that it doesn't like an 8x setting in the bios | 10:14 |
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Jaymz | set it to 4x, and it'll go just fine | 10:14 |
Jaymz | beyond that i'm useless | 10:14 |
CheshireViking | sanityx, if you boot off a live cd, don't you just press "F6" before you select start/install lUbuntu & then add (for example noacpi) to the start up paramaters? | 10:15 |
kevix | hexicode: what does 'mount' say about /dev/sda1 | 10:15 |
Jaymz | err.. by 8x i mean an 8x AGP setting | 10:15 |
sanityx | CheshireViking: Yeah but he needs to remove the module for intel's random number generator | 10:15 |
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hexicode | kevix /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) | 10:15 |
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MIST_ | well its not agp its pci-e | 10:15 |
MIST_ | ^^ | 10:15 |
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Jaymz | well then i'm not gonna be any help | 10:15 |
sanityx | i think its /dev/random | 10:15 |
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MIST_ | it doesn't seem to be the problem still, i mean it skips it and continues doing other stuff | 10:16 |
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CheshireViking | sanityx, ok, i've no idea on that, i'm getting confused - i'd seen sombody mention noacpi a few mins ago & though the question was to do with that, i'll go back to lurking for now | 10:16 |
kevix | hexicode: it seems like your livecd is /dev/sda1 -- the cdrom. if that is the case, you cant unmountit. | 10:16 |
sanityx | MIST_: Oh so its still booting? | 10:16 |
riffic | wow cool | 10:16 |
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MIST_ | it thets before i get the | 10:16 |
T0uC1 | i got a problem seeing the minimize or close windows... after closing.. it doesnt appears in top right of the screen so i cant re-open the programs... even after rebooting | 10:16 |
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sanityx | riffic: FINALLY | 10:17 |
MIST_ | after the directory not found it also goes on | 10:17 |
hexicode | kevix ... so how can I be on live cd when my cd isnt even in my drive? | 10:17 |
Jaymz | what do you think of the new layout? | 10:17 |
Jaymz | @anyone | 10:17 |
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kevix | hexicode: I thought you said you where on a debian live cd? | 10:17 |
Jaymz | or is that sort of thing verboten? | 10:17 |
hexicode | kevix was then went back on ubuntu | 10:17 |
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Jaymz | no ops anyway.. | 10:18 |
kevix | hexicode: so you are now booted into ubuntu? | 10:18 |
hexicode | kevix yes | 10:18 |
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kahrytan | SanityX: How about turning on Verbose? | 10:18 |
dman | is there a debootstrap script for feisty yet | 10:18 |
T0uC1 | anyone got a idea? | 10:19 |
sanityx | kahrytan: idk man | 10:19 |
kraut | you don't need an extra script, dman. | 10:19 |
dman | kraut? | 10:19 |
kraut | dman: just point it to the feisty-mirror. that's enough | 10:19 |
kevix | hexicode: ok. so if your ubuntu root partition is /dev/sda1, then it cant be resized with qtparted. you need to boot from a livecd to do that. | 10:19 |
kahrytan | SanityX: Perhaps that can shed some light on the problem | 10:19 |
Jaymz | a racist slur? | 10:19 |
dman | debootstrap needs a name tho doesnt it | 10:19 |
sanityx | kahrytan: perhaps. | 10:19 |
dman | debootstrap edgy dir mirror | 10:19 |
kahrytan | sanityx but i forgot the key | 10:19 |
sanityx | Either way I'm tired. It's 4:19am here | 10:19 |
hexicode | kevix I think the solution is to use my ubuntu 7.04 live cd and resize my partitions on that | 10:19 |
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sanityx | Im gonna hit the hay in a few mins | 10:20 |
kahrytan | sanityx: ditto here. | 10:20 |
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hexicode | kevix then I can go on to my debian live cd and install from there | 10:20 |
Jaymz | almost 4:20, sanityx.. | 10:20 |
kevix | hexicode: that is what I said. | 10:20 |
sanityx | Jaymz: Har har har | 10:20 |
Jaymz | in fact, now it's 4:20 | 10:20 |
kevix | hexicode: any live cd will do. | 10:20 |
sanityx | yup | 10:20 |
Jaymz | i don't do that shit, tho | 10:20 |
kahrytan | sanityx: You live on east coast like me | 10:20 |
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Jaymz | really | 10:20 |
dman | debootstrap /mnt/feisty.img | 10:20 |
hexicode | kevix no the problem was the debians qtparted. I assume | 10:21 |
sanityx | MIST_: Sorry I couldn't be of more help :-( | 10:21 |
dman | ./usr/sbin/debootstrap: line 252: cd: No such file or directory | 10:21 |
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Jaymz | Sanityx and kahrytan: are either/both of you Canadian? | 10:21 |
sanityx | nope | 10:21 |
kahrytan | nope | 10:21 |
sanityx | new york city | 10:21 |
Jaymz | i'd like to visit NYC | 10:21 |
kevix | sanityx: shoutout from brooklyn! | 10:21 |
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Jaymz | and for the record, i AM canadian | 10:21 |
sanityx | kevix: You live in brooklyn? | 10:21 |
kahrytan | I wouldnt visit even if I was paid 1bil | 10:22 |
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kevix | sanityx: yea. | 10:22 |
sanityx | kevix: I live in park slope! | 10:22 |
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kevix | sanityx: cool. | 10:22 |
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v | hello | 10:22 |
Jaymz | hi v | 10:22 |
v | any body in CHINA MAINLAND? | 10:22 |
kevix | sanityx: did you attend the ubucon in nyc? | 10:22 |
sanityx | kevix: Didn't even know about it. | 10:23 |
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bluesky | I live in china | 10:23 |
kevix | sanityx: he. | 10:23 |
kahrytan | Shame on you | 10:23 |
onin | hi all! | 10:23 |
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Madpilot | ubotu, zn | v | 10:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about zn - try searching on | 10:23 |
sanityx | WOW pidgin 2.0b7 i.e. gaim is awesome! | 10:23 |
sanityx | kevix: Do you have an email address? | 10:23 |
Jaymz | v: word of advice, don't waste too much time on formalities.. just get to the point | 10:23 |
onin | how can i make my ntfs writtable? | 10:23 |
hexicode | just do a traceroute on the ip then look it up on to get a location | 10:23 |
mahitab | I've just upgraded my Edgy to Fiesty and my /home isn't mounted anymore, I've looked around and it seems that my fstab weren't ported to the /dev/sd* | 10:23 |
v | good | 10:23 |
v | bluesky | 10:23 |
v | where are you? | 10:23 |
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Jaymz | onin: yes | 10:23 |
bluesky | anhui | 10:23 |
v | which city you've in | 10:23 |
v | good | 10:23 |
v | Here is Nanjing | 10:23 |
MIST_ | its ok sanityx | 10:23 |
hexicode | offtopic | 10:24 |
v | would you like make a friend | 10:24 |
bluesky | what about you? | 10:24 |
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bluesky | sure | 10:24 |
Jaymz | v: sounds vietnamese, or maybe korean | 10:24 |
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CheshireViking | sanityx, does pidgin have support for webcams? | 10:24 |
sanityx | CheshireViking: I don't think so. But I'm not sure. | 10:24 |
tomek_ | hello all | 10:24 |
Madpilot | v, bluesky - please take the chat to #ubuntu-offtopic or PM - this is a support channel, mostly. Thanks. | 10:24 |
bluesky | pleasure | 10:24 |
Jaymz | hi tomek_ | 10:24 |
v | what are you doing | 10:24 |
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v | which job | 10:25 |
tomek_ | wher is the list of people ? | 10:25 |
CheshireViking | sanityx, that was what i thought, last i'd seen was that it something they planned to do, but the developers were busy with other things | 10:25 |
Jaymz | fuck.. i gotta get out of the habit of greeting everyone that joins | 10:25 |
v | :<bluesky> | 10:25 |
kevix | sanityx: | 10:25 |
kahrytan | !language | 10:25 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:25 |
Jaymz | tomek: what irc client are you using? | 10:25 |
Madpilot | Jaymz, in a channel this big, and this busy, 'greeter' would be a full time job ;) | 10:25 |
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Jaymz | i's sorry | 10:25 |
tomek_ | hmm | 10:25 |
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tomek_ | UBUNTU ? | 10:25 |
Jaymz | i'm used to adult chat | 10:25 |
kahrytan | It slipped, Jamyz? | 10:26 |
kahrytan | Jaymz | 10:26 |
sanityx | kevix: Haha etch party | 10:26 |
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Jaymz | ubuntu is not an irc client | 10:26 |
v | adult chat? | 10:26 |
Jaymz | yes.. adult chat | 10:26 |
sanityx | Eh. Im not a huge debian fan. yes i know ubuntu is based on debian | 10:26 |
Jaymz | sexuality-oriented, to put it one way | 10:26 |
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v | XChat-gnome is good | 10:27 |
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kahrytan | Xchat is better then gnome ver | 10:27 |
tomek_ | Is here something like a list of people ? | 10:27 |
Jaymz | i can link you if you'd like, v... | 10:27 |
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kahrytan | tomek_ You using xchat-gnome? | 10:28 |
Jaymz | tomek: there is, but it would help to know what program you're using to talk on irc | 10:28 |
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tomek_ | yes xchat gnome | 10:28 |
Jaymz | fu... err.. sorry.. darn.. i hate running out of beer | 10:29 |
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tomek_ | so this isn't irc ? | 10:29 |
Jaymz | this is irc | 10:29 |
Jaymz | but irc is not dependant on any particular operating system | 10:29 |
v | y | 10:29 |
v | do not | 10:29 |
v | bonjour | 10:29 |
v | mercci | 10:29 |
tomek_ | i don't understand :/ | 10:29 |
apokryphos | !fr | 10:29 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 10:29 |
CheshireViking | !enter | 10:29 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 10:29 |
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v | le temp | 10:30 |
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v | http | 10:30 |
tomek_ | Jaymz | 10:30 |
apokryphos | v: stop | 10:30 |
Beastage | hi | 10:30 |
tomek_ | help | 10:30 |
tomek_ | me | 10:30 |
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Jaymz | your operating system runs your computer, tomek | 10:30 |
kahrytan | Tomek_:If you used Xchat (not -gnome), then user list is hidden on the right. | 10:30 |
apokryphos | !helpme | 10:30 |
v | | 10:30 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:30 |
v | ok | 10:30 |
tomek_ | so..... | 10:30 |
v | i stop | 10:30 |
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RARCA | Hello again | 10:30 |
Jaymz | irc is a network, which you are currently connected to | 10:30 |
Beastage | something happened to my boot, GRUB Says that VSTALDR is COMPRESSED and can't boot vista | 10:30 |
tomek_ | how can i un-hide it ? | 10:30 |
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Jaymz | you're terribly wrong about what irc is | 10:31 |
v | anybody interest on beryl | 10:31 |
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Madpilot | tomek_, install the actual xchat, it doesn't try to hide stuff like the user list from you... | 10:31 |
kahrytan | Madpilot: yeah it does | 10:31 |
bluesky | I don't understand! This IRC can talk about what? | 10:31 |
hexicode | madpilot my list is hidden on start | 10:31 |
tomek_ | I'm noob and I don't know what are U talking about :/ | 10:31 |
Madpilot | hexicode, in xchat, or xchat-gnome? | 10:32 |
Jaymz | v: if you can magically make beryl run 100x faster on my apparently decent machine, then i'm all ears | 10:32 |
kahrytan | Madpilot: Userlist is moved over to the edge and it is hidden. | 10:32 |
tomek_ | I'm from Poland | 10:32 |
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hexicode | madpilot xchat | 10:32 |
mcphail | Is it possible to use the fglrx driver with a Mobility Radeon 9000 in Feisty? | 10:32 |
pwuertz_ | hi, I would like to build qt 4.3 packages.. but I dont know how to build them the way they have been built for ubuntu | 10:32 |
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kahrytan | tomek_ IRC = Internet Relay Chat | 10:32 |
Madpilot | kahrytan, hexicode - must be a new 'feature' - I'm running a current version of xchat, but with an older (and much customized) config | 10:32 |
pwuertz_ | is there a guide for building these split packages? | 10:32 |
hexicode | madpilot u know about mounting drives? | 10:33 |
kahrytan | madpilot: 'feature' meaning bug | 10:33 |
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Jaymz | i offer to help him in PM and he quits | 10:33 |
Beastage | something happened to my boot, GRUB Says that VSTALDR is COMPRESSED and can't boot vista | 10:33 |
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Jaymz | did you compress your vista drive? | 10:33 |
Beastage | no | 10:33 |
Jaymz | well, then that's not the problem | 10:34 |
carlesoriol | how can i hide vnc tray icon in fesity? | 10:34 |
hexicode | Im gonna jump off a cliff if I don't get this to work =/ | 10:34 |
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bluesky | v,are you still here? | 10:34 |
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kahrytan | Beastage: did you use Vista already? | 10:34 |
Jaymz | hexicode: there's a way.... there's always a way... | 10:34 |
Beastage | yes | 10:34 |
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Beastage | vista worked fine | 10:34 |
hexicode | jaymz u sure ? | 10:34 |
Beastage | I rebooted... andpoof | 10:34 |
Jaymz | always | 10:34 |
kahrytan | Beastage: What a shame. | 10:34 |
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hexicode | thats a lie | 10:34 |
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Beastage | vista's good | 10:34 |
Jaymz | and if i'm wrong... i tie a good noose.. | 10:35 |
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Beastage | but... wth is VSTALDR compressed | 10:35 |
stillunknown | jaymz hexicode: It's not that difficult to break a system ;-) | 10:35 |
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hexicode | stillunknown hey I didnt break no system! | 10:35 |
Beastage | how do I uncompress it | 10:35 |
kahrytan | I'm just trying to make people get refunds for preinstalled vista. | 10:35 |
Catball | Just wondering, but how accessibal is Ubuntu for the totally blind? I'm just wondering wich applications will work, etc. I'm going to be downloading this thing shortly.. | 10:35 |
hexicode | stillunknown im trying to install a system | 10:35 |
Jaymz | it's not that difficult to start from scratch, either | 10:35 |
Catball | provided my net doesn't crash ;) | 10:35 |
Jaymz | no reason to go back to windows | 10:35 |
hexicode | I want to go back to windows | 10:35 |
hexicode | but im poor | 10:35 |
RARCA | Vista bites more ass than Bill Gates. | 10:35 |
=== Catball notes Windows is a pain. | ||
Catball | :D | 10:36 |
Ayabara | anyone using ati card, dual monitors and "Big Screen" setup? | 10:36 |
Jaymz | install ubuntu 9 times, and you'll be ready to rock | 10:36 |
RARCA | nope... | 10:36 |
Jaymz | Ayabara: i am | 10:36 |
kahrytan | Catball: It won't run the tools your use for windows. | 10:36 |
hexicode | NO | 10:36 |
stillunknown | hexicode: What is the problem? | 10:36 |
hexicode | setting up dual boot Is the hardest thing you could possibly do | 10:36 |
Catball | Of course it won't :P | 10:36 |
Beastage | Jaymz: you still bloody have to terminal almost anything | 10:36 |
Ayabara | Jaymz, I have a problem getting different resolutions on the monitors | 10:36 |
Beastage | anyway | 10:36 |
hexicode | stillunknown dual boot but I cant unmount a partition | 10:36 |
Jaymz | beastage: yeah.. and.. your point? | 10:37 |
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stillunknown | hexicode: Which partition (type) and what device? | 10:37 |
Beastage | someone must know how to fix my VISTALDR is compressed problem... because VSTALDR is not a MS file... its an ubuntu made file | 10:37 |
hexicode | stillunknown Im in a live cd of debian and trying to use qt parted to resize sda1 | 10:37 |
kahrytan | Catball: But it does have screen readers | 10:37 |
hexicode | stillunknown /dev/sda1 is ext3 | 10:37 |
Catball | More then one? | 10:37 |
Catball | Cool | 10:37 |
hexicode | stillunknown says its read only | 10:37 |
Catball | Well those are important, obviosuly. | 10:37 |
Ayabara | Jaymz, I have a primary with 1400x1050 and a secondary with 1280x1024. I get 2560x1050, which looks kinda weird on the secondary display... | 10:37 |
Catball | Erm | 10:37 |
Catball | Obviously | 10:38 |
hexicode | stillunknown its the main ubuntu partition | 10:38 |
Jaymz | ayabara: i haven't done any work on my xorg.conf file in a long long time | 10:38 |
kahrytan | Catball: It's Linux. It always has more then one software that does same things. | 10:38 |
=== kahrytan loves poking fun of Linux | ||
Jaymz | i can tell you that your problem lies in that file | 10:38 |
stillunknown | hexicode: You only have one partition for ubuntu? | 10:38 |
hexicode | stillunknown no 3 | 10:38 |
Ayabara | Jaymz, do you have different resolutions on your monitors? | 10:38 |
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stillunknown | hexicode: So your problem is that sda1 is mounted? | 10:39 |
Jaymz | not at the moment, but i'm too lazy to fix it | 10:39 |
Jaymz | but i have had two different resolutions running | 10:39 |
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hexicode | stillunknown no it gets unmounted but cant resize | 10:39 |
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Jaymz | i have a widescreen TV as one monitor and a regular CRT as my secondary | 10:39 |
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Beastage | alright seriously... no one knows how to fix VSTALDR is compressed? | 10:40 |
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Ayabara | Jaymz, ok. is there a way to reset xorg.conf to installation default? | 10:40 |
Jaymz | yes | 10:40 |
stillunknown | hexicode: I have no experience with resizing, you'll have to poke someone else | 10:40 |
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Jaymz | there is, but i forget how | 10:40 |
hexicode | stillunknown thanks anyway | 10:40 |
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Catball | Does multi-cahnnel support work in Ubuntu? | 10:40 |
Catball | Uh multi-channel. | 10:40 |
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Catball | Like playing more then one thing at the same time from the same sound card. | 10:41 |
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hexicode | Anyone know how to resize the ubuntu ext3 partition? | 10:41 |
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nir_ai_ | hello, is there a viewer for HTML documentation (that does indexing, searching, etc...)? | 10:41 |
bullgard4 | Midnight Commander with an Englisch GUI. Menu Right > Info view: displays 3 timestamps of the selected file. What are their names? | 10:41 |
MrCr4cK | hexicode try with the Live CD | 10:41 |
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kevix | hexicode: there is not 'ubuntu' ext3 partition. and also, you can not resize a mounted partition. | 10:42 |
hexicode | MrCr4cK ubuntus or debians? | 10:42 |
Lopi | hi... i have a problem.. i have gnome but i installed thunar and i added it to the list aplications needed to open folders, but when i added thunar to that list...i can't mark thunar as default aplication dedicated to open the folders. What i should do? | 10:42 |
Catball | Does anyone know what screen-access software is available in Ubuntu? I know there's orca, bu not sure what elese. | 10:42 |
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spx2 | did anybody here succeded in installing ubuntu from windows ? | 10:42 |
Catball | erm "Not sure what else" | 10:42 |
hexicode | kevix its unmounted and it is part of ubuntu | 10:42 |
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MrCr4cK | hexicode Ubuntu | 10:42 |
hexicode | MrCr4cK yes with cap | 10:43 |
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hexicode | MrCr4cK spent the whole day working on this problem | 10:43 |
carlesoriol | how can i hide vino-vnc tray icon in fesity? | 10:43 |
Catball | Feisty | 10:43 |
nir_ai_ | hello, is there a viewer for HTML documentation (that does indexing, searching, etc...)? | 10:44 |
Catball | :) | 10:44 |
kevix | hexicode: there is not such thing as being part of uubuntu. a partition has no association to an OS. | 10:44 |
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Catball | Not sure, I'm about to try using Linux with a GUI on top, (and belive me. It's darnd right scary.) | 10:44 |
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Catball | Very scary. | 10:44 |
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=== Catball shutters. | ||
Jaymz | Ayabara: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:44 |
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hexicode | MrCr4cK I dont think resizing is an option for my computer's hd =/ | 10:45 |
Ayabara | Jaymz, thanks | 10:45 |
Jaymz | anytime, Ayabara... i try.. | 10:46 |
Jaymz | best i can do.. | 10:46 |
multik | guys can you please help me with migrating Outlook pst file to Evolution. | 10:46 |
multik | I need your help | 10:46 |
Geoffrey2 | ah, here we go, desktop is up and running, for the most part | 10:46 |
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hexicode | MrCr4cK I think the only options I have is either to try with Ubuntus live cd or install debian first and reinstall Ubuntu after | 10:47 |
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nir_ai_ | no such tool? | 10:47 |
Jaymz | hexicode: installing debian before ubuntu shouldn't be necessary | 10:47 |
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Jaymz | in fact, it isn't necessary | 10:47 |
MrCr4cK | hexicode yes i think too..but if i were you i try the first one.. | 10:48 |
hexicode | jaymz hope thats true | 10:48 |
xukun_ | can I set vlc as the default player in Feisty? | 10:48 |
hexicode | OK its worth a try | 10:48 |
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Jaymz | xukun: i did exactly that in edgy.. don't see why it wouldn't be possible in feisty | 10:48 |
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xukun_ | Jaymz, it would be nice if you could tell how? | 10:49 |
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Jaymz | i don't remember the exact procedure | 10:49 |
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xukun_ | I did googled around and found nothing yet | 10:49 |
Jaymz | it involved running... darn it.. | 10:50 |
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Jaymz | gconf-edit or something like that | 10:50 |
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MenZa | Why do I get Permission Denied when I attempt to run ntpdate ? | 10:51 |
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MenZa | 3 | 10:51 |
Jaymz | xukun: gimme a minute, and i'll take you through it | 10:51 |
anthony_ | Hi, will i tunes work with my ipod if i run it in xp in a virtual machine ? (im on ubuntu 6.10) | 10:51 |
multik | guys can you please help me with migrating outlook to evolution. | 10:51 |
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Stormx2 | MenZa: You might need sudo | 10:52 |
Jaymz | xukun: in a terminal, type "gonf-editor | 10:52 |
Jaymz | " | 10:52 |
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MenZa | Stormx2: aaaah | 10:52 |
Jaymz | without the "" | 10:52 |
MenZa | thanks | 10:52 |
Jaymz | and on one line | 10:53 |
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nikin | i built a .21 kernel for my pc it seems to run well, just my ndiwrapper does not | 10:53 |
imc_ | Hi, fresh feisty install trying to apt-get java and getting "sun-java6-jdk: Depends: sun-java6-jre (= 6-00-2ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed' etc. I've activated multiverse but this errror won't clear | 10:53 |
kevix | Catball: contact "Jude DaShiell" <> | 10:53 |
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UnluckyMike | how can i figure out which device my printer is in /dev | 10:53 |
Jaymz | and then PM me, cuz there's too many other things going on in here | 10:53 |
jjohnson | hi i was woundering how do i change the defauld sounds in xubuntu | 10:54 |
kevix | UnluckyMike: if its a usb device, 'lsusb' may help | 10:54 |
UnluckyMike | thanks | 10:54 |
Stormx2 | xukun_: Jaymz meant to say gconf-editor | 10:54 |
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nothlit | !xubuntu | jjohnson | 10:54 |
ubotu | jjohnson: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see and - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 10:54 |
Jaymz | i did indeed mean to say that | 10:54 |
Jaymz | pardon my beer.. | 10:55 |
Jaymz | makes my fingers do weird things | 10:55 |
xukun_ | Stormx2, yes thanks I found it but there is no vlc in there so I can choose it as the default | 10:55 |
kevix | Jaymz: \*/ ah beer. | 10:55 |
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UnluckyMike | kevix: it is saying 'Bus 002 Device 002: ID 04a9:1718 Canon, Inc.' how can I use this to find the device? | 10:55 |
Stormx2 | xukun_: What are you trying to do? make VLC the default app for a particular file type? | 10:55 |
kevix | UnluckyMike: well that is a good sign, that its found. | 10:56 |
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Jaymz | stormx2: yeah | 10:56 |
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Stormx2 | UnluckyMike: bah not sure. Maybe crack open the printer wizard, select the device, and go to "advanced" or "manual" (I forget what its called) and look at the device in there | 10:56 |
Jaymz | i forget where that setting is | 10:56 |
zcat[1] | anyone know if there's a way to make orca keep talking when you run administrative apps? | 10:56 |
xukun_ | Stormx2, I want to make vlc as the default player instead of .. | 10:56 |
Stormx2 | Jaymz: Right click a file > open with. Select VLC. It will make it the default. | 10:56 |
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Jaymz | that's much easier | 10:57 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | hi all! | 10:57 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | sobebody know how to use scp??? | 10:57 |
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UnluckyMike | Stormx2: Canon mp600 has some wierd problems in ubuntu with cups drivers | 10:57 |
zcat[1] | cyber_brain_mfkg: man scp | 10:57 |
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Jaymz | xukun: right click the file you want to open with VLC by default, click "properties" | 10:57 |
jjohnson | hi i was woundering how do i change the defauld sounds in xubuntu | 10:58 |
Jaymz | on the "open with" tab, pick VLC player or something similar | 10:58 |
Jaymz | and you should be good to go | 10:58 |
xukun_ | thanks a lot I will try that | 10:58 |
zcat[1] | jjohnson: system > preferences > sound and it's on the 'sounds' tab | 10:58 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zcat[1] : i've read that but i need an example!how to copy files over ssh from my machine 2 my friends! | 10:58 |
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jjohnson | doesnt exist in xubunto | 10:59 |
jjohnson | doesnt exist in xubuntu | 10:59 |
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zcat[1] | cyber_brain_mfkg: "scp file.ext username@your.friends.machine:." -- the '.' at the end means just use the same name and put the file in the current (home) directory.. | 11:00 |
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kevix | multik: the easyest way is to install thuderbird on window, import outlook email into thunderbird, then transfer the thunderbird mbox to unix. | 11:00 |
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Stormx2 | Jaymz: Bah I meant to direct my comment at xukun_, thanks for relaying | 11:01 |
Jaymz | Stormx2: anytime | 11:01 |
zcat[1] | cyber_brain_mfkg: it works much like ordinary 'cp' except either or both the source and target can have a in front so they's somewhere other than the current machine.. | 11:01 |
Jaymz | you opened my eyes to something i knew already anyway | 11:01 |
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Jaymz | sad as that is | 11:01 |
Jaymz | and i realize now that i'm too drunk to help anyone anyway | 11:02 |
Jaymz | so off i go | 11:02 |
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Lhademmor | Anyone knows what programming language Ubuntu uses the most? | 11:03 |
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aidan | Where can I find a .deb for 0.3.3 of GParted? | 11:03 |
Shin_Gouki | hello i run xubuntu , i search a majong game for it, anyone idea? | 11:03 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | zcat[1] : "" can be IP address??? | 11:03 |
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evank | Lhademmor: most of the components are in C, but i think a lot of the ubuntu-specific stuff is python | 11:03 |
RedFoxy | hi all! | 11:03 |
Lhademmor | Ok | 11:04 |
Lhademmor | thanks | 11:04 |
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zcat[1] | cyber_brain_mfkg: yes. | 11:04 |
Lhademmor | Also I've heard that Python should be "relatively" easy to learn? | 11:04 |
evank | more so than C ;-) | 11:04 |
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bullgard4 | Midnight Commander with an Englisch GUI. Menu Right > Info view: displays 3 timestamps of the selected file. What are their names? | 11:04 |
Stormx2 | Lhademmor: python is a very nice language to learn. Do you know a programming language already? | 11:05 |
Terrasque | asm is easiest, provided you never plan to do anything useful with it :p | 11:05 |
evank | bullgard4: my guess would be mtime, atime, ctime (modification, access, creation) | 11:05 |
Stormx2 | <---- Learn that :D | 11:05 |
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evank | bullgard4: the details are in the stat man page | 11:05 |
zcat[1] | Stormx2: or INTERCAL | 11:06 |
bullgard4 | evank: I need it more exactly than a 'guess'. | 11:06 |
=== Stormx2 waits to be kicked. | ||
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evank | bullgard4: well afaik those are the only time stamps associated with files | 11:06 |
bullgard4 | evank: What is a 'stat man page'? | 11:06 |
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Terrasque | Stormx2: bf is fun, true | 11:06 |
Lhademmor | Stormx2: Ehh... No unfortunately not. But I'll be studying to a "datamatiker" ("datamatician" - all-round code-geek) in half a year, so it would be nice to know a little beforehand | 11:06 |
jmg | bullgard4: man stat | 11:06 |
jmg | !man | 11:06 |
evank | bullgard4: man 2 stat | 11:06 |
ubotu | The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see | 11:06 |
evank | the first man page is not relevant | 11:07 |
zcat[1] | at least bf is entirely logical.. intercal is more like COBOL.. | 11:07 |
Terrasque | Stormx2: but is much better | 11:07 |
jmg | lol | 11:07 |
zcat[1] | but actually worse, if that was possible. | 11:07 |
jmg | malbolge | 11:07 |
jmg | learn to code whitespace | 11:07 |
evank | bullgard4: you might need the manpages-dev package to read the section 2 manpage for it | 11:07 |
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Stormx2 | Lhademmor: You german? | 11:07 |
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Lhademmor | Nope, Dane | 11:07 |
bullgard4 | evank: I jmg: I'm afraid but you are not knowledgeable. I scrutinized 'man mc'. The requested info is not there written. | 11:07 |
snoopyau | Hi .... | 11:07 |
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zcat[1] | jmg: I used to have some printouts of whitespace code, but I think they faded because there's nothing on them now... | 11:08 |
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Stormx2 | Lhademmor: Tell the germans for me to stop speaking german so i don't have to do an oral exam in exactly 1 hour. | 11:08 |
RedFoxy | boys, i've flollowed the istructions about bluetooth, now if i use konqueror to search my mobile i found it and i use it without troubles (i can't send a file from mobile directly but i can surf in it by konqueror and i can get it) but if i scan bluetooth service to search my headset i found it and konqueror show me it with a DVD icon... if i click on it konqueror ask me if i want save it but don't show me the headset services... | 11:08 |
RedFoxy | i think to have some troubles with audio devices... if i do btsco :headset_mac: then aplay -B 1000000 -D plughw:Headset /usr/share/skype/sound/call_ringout.wav i can only hear a "bip" (it mean connection active) but i don't hear the wave file... any ideas? | 11:08 |
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netsilence | wola | 11:08 |
luddite | hey all | 11:08 |
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luddite | how do you open a folder from launcher? | 11:08 |
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Lhademmor | Lol, I pity you. I'll have my oral German exam in less than a month, too... | 11:09 |
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luddite | in the command i typed cd /usr/ | 11:09 |
luddite | but a error ocures | 11:09 |
luddite | occurs | 11:09 |
Lhademmor | Ich will versuchen | 11:09 |
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tibbotson | hi, any way to turn off desktop effects from the command line? Just remembered that I can't VNC to my home comp when it's got them turned on. | 11:09 |
kevix | !de | 11:09 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:09 |
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zcat[1] | luddite: 'nautilus /usr/" | 11:10 |
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Stormx2 | Lhademmor: I don't even know what that means. | 11:10 |
Stormx2 | Lhademmor: Mine in 5 parts, and I can do 2, at a push. | 11:10 |
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Stormx2 | Lhademmor: That guarantees me 12 of the 50 marks available. | 11:10 |
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RedFoxy | no one can help me with bluetooth? | 11:10 |
bullgard4 | evank: I requested an information about Midnight Commander and not about file or file system status. | 11:11 |
Lhademmor | Stormx2: I'm not really into American exam style | 11:11 |
Stormx2 | RedFoxy: Try posting on | 11:11 |
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Stormx2 | Lhademmor: I'm english. | 11:11 |
RedFoxy | StoneNote: ok :| | 11:11 |
Lhademmor | Ah. Okay | 11:11 |
Stormx2 | Lhademmor: Anyway, I'd best fit in another 10 minutes of revision before I leave for school. | 11:12 |
Lhademmor | Okay, good idea | 11:12 |
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Lhademmor | Damn, I'm starting to like Gaim/Pimpkin. Smooth design, nice audio | 11:14 |
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luddite | zcat - you rock thanks. what is nautilus - is that the file browser? (i thought it was called file-roller?) | 11:14 |
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mrj | hey, how can i change language settings for a single user? | 11:15 |
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archville | Hi, i've just installed Ubuntu Feisty and the console characters are pretty blurry, Any tip to make them clearer ? (Native console, not Gnome-terminal) | 11:15 |
amarillion | mrj: every user can select their preferred language at login | 11:15 |
mjr | mrj, you can select a language when logging in | 11:16 |
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mrj | when? | 11:16 |
mrj | i don see the possibility | 11:16 |
kaolti | hi all | 11:16 |
mrj | it just log ins | 11:16 |
kaolti | can anyone help me set up internet connection sharing please? | 11:16 |
lordbanshie | Hello all | 11:16 |
amarillion | mrj, you don't get asked for a password? | 11:16 |
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mrj | iam | 11:17 |
luddite | mrj: bottom left is a icon at user entry page | 11:17 |
andy_ | when I'm idling, xorg uses about 15% of CPU power, is that behaviour normal? | 11:17 |
amarillion | also, you have to install the languages that you want to have available | 11:17 |
Stormx2 | archville: System > Preferences > Fonts | 11:17 |
luddite | andy - nope | 11:17 |
Axio | hello how can i do this at the startup of my computer : cd /home/machin/a then ./xcalib s.icm thanks | 11:17 |
mrj | oh | 11:17 |
mrj | wait ill try :) | 11:17 |
luddite | mine uses basically nothing | 11:17 |
archville | Stormx2: I'm not talking about Gnome fonts, but terminal ones. | 11:17 |
Stormx2 | Hmm | 11:17 |
Stormx2 | No idea then. | 11:17 |
snoopyau | Anyone know of a program that runs on Ubuntu which is simular to DUMETER/NETMETER (Windows bandwidth speed monitors graphs) if its avail in a .run file that be great . Im new to linux and Ubuntu 704 seems very impressive once its up and running , gparted was a bit of a hassle | 11:17 |
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andy_ | luddite, hm, how could I check what exactly in X is using that much cpu power? | 11:18 |
andy_ | I don't have beryl enabled or something | 11:18 |
luddite | andy at a terminal type ps auz | 11:18 |
kaolti | anyone knows how can i set up internet connection sharing on ubuntu? | 11:18 |
luddite | ps aux | 11:18 |
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mrj | thanks :P | 11:18 |
luddite | mrj - np | 11:18 |
mrj | that was dumb | 11:18 |
andy_ | luddite, ok, did that | 11:18 |
phy2 | "top" is good for monitoring processes if it is there | 11:18 |
mrj | of me to not see that :P | 11:19 |
luddite | yes- but we cant all be perfect like the pope | 11:19 |
_3fg | How can I upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 in a way that ensures that I don't accidentally upgrade to 7.04 | 11:19 |
luddite | andy - you can see in the % column what is using what and child procs | 11:19 |
luddite | then just kill something ;-) | 11:19 |
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anderson_17 | can anyone help me with realplayer? | 11:19 |
andy_ | /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7 is using 16% | 11:20 |
niru | is there any difference between samba3.0.23 and samba 3.0.24-6 | 11:20 |
anderson_17 | can anyone help me with realplayer? | 11:20 |
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_3fg | How can I upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 in a way that ensures that I don't accidentally upgrade to 7.04? | 11:20 |
andy_ | what's the command again to check out the swap space? | 11:20 |
Dell-Net | anderson_17: what is your problem then ? | 11:20 |
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snoopyau | phy2: bandwidth network monitor NOT CPU | 11:21 |
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anderson_17 | i installed the realplayer but firefox still asks for the plugin | 11:21 |
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axbard | any one in here Know how to install Steam and cs 1.6 with cedage? | 11:21 |
cafuego | snoopyau: ntop | 11:21 |
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snoopyau | Is videodownloader and mediacontectivy addson avail for the linux firefox , try them . thats what i use on windows , along with real alt codec | 11:21 |
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nikin | anderson_17: the player and the plugin are wo separate things | 11:22 |
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_3fg | Any tools to play WMVs? | 11:22 |
magnetron | axbard: i would recommend Wine. For support on cedega, contact Transgaming. | 11:22 |
Dell-Net | anderson_17: try to reinstall it | 11:22 |
cafuego | _3fg: vlc, mplayer | 11:22 |
snoopyau | axbard: If you like cs you could try UrbanTerror a free standalone game based off q3 which is better then cs/css | 11:22 |
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anderson_17 | ok i'll try | 11:22 |
ashish_ | any IPC like message queue, semaphor, do support callback | 11:22 |
_3fg | cafuego: any way to use those in a plugin? | 11:22 |
kaolti | can anoyne help me set internet connection sharing please? | 11:23 |
anderson_17 | but where do i get the plugin? | 11:23 |
kaolti | anyone? | 11:23 |
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kaolti | i need firestarter>? | 11:23 |
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zaggynl | kaolti, firestarter is a nice gui for iptables | 11:23 |
zaggynl | !firestarter | 11:23 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 11:23 |
snoopyau | Kaolti - you could check out m0n0 or smoothwall distro , they are designed to share the net , otherwise you could get a hardware modem/router device | 11:23 |
ashish_ | any IPC like message queue, semaphor, do support callback , i want to write callback after i receive data | 11:23 |
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snoopyau | anderson: load firefox , then goto tools menu , then addons choice | 11:24 |
snoopyau | then click on get extensions | 11:25 |
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snoopyau | and look for adblock , videodownloader and mediacontectivy | 11:25 |
ashish_ | any IPC like message queue, semaphor, do support callback , i want to write callback after i receive data | 11:25 |
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aidan | anyone know where I can get a .deb for gparted-0.3.3 | 11:26 |
kaolti | firestarter gives me an error that network device eth0 is not ready | 11:26 |
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nikin | where are the kernel modules stored? | 11:27 |
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yxairyggen | How do I open a closed screen-session? | 11:28 |
kraut | a closed one? ;) | 11:29 |
Flannel | yxairyggen: closed? screen -rd | 11:29 |
kraut | you mean a detached one?! ;) | 11:29 |
Shin_Gouki | hello i have a gaim question! can gaim display how many "new mails" i have with an Yahoo account? | 11:29 |
cafuego | screen -A -R (attach && resize) | 11:29 |
Flannel | yxairyggen: and actually, the -d isn't needed, but usually a good idea. | 11:29 |
rambo3 | !info gparted gutsy | 11:29 |
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ubotu | gparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 316 kB, installed size 1588 kB | 11:29 |
yxairyggen | There is no screen to be resumed. | 11:29 |
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eck | yxairyggen: screen -ls | 11:29 |
majnoon | my update screwed up BIGTIME | 11:30 |
eck | yxairyggen: if it doesn't show anything you don't have any sessions | 11:30 |
yxairyggen | No Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-myuser | 11:30 |
eck | there you go, there's nothing to resume | 11:30 |
yxairyggen | There is no screen to be detached. | 11:30 |
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majnoon | it won't even "see" my other hard drives | 11:30 |
hetcam | hola | 11:30 |
majnoon | trying dpkg --configure -a | 11:31 |
hetcam | what | 11:31 |
yxairyggen | Should I do anything when I start the first screen? | 11:31 |
hetcam | dpkg | 11:31 |
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Flannel | yxairyggen: -U is always a good choice | 11:31 |
eck | yxairyggen: if you want you can name the session with -S, but that's the only interesting startup option that wouldn't be set in your screenrc | 11:31 |
Shin_Gouki | hi anyone ! i need help with gaim and my yahoo acount! | 11:31 |
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yxairyggen | Flannel, It always say "There is no screen to be resumed." | 11:35 |
foug | !mouse | 11:35 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 11:35 |
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kaolti | how can i open a root terminal | 11:35 |
kaolti | so i dont have to use sudo all the time | 11:35 |
eck | kaolti: sudo -i | 11:35 |
kaolti | thx | 11:35 |
majnoon | my update screwed up BIGTIME | 11:35 |
majnoon | trying dpkg --configure -a | 11:35 |
majnoon | it won't even "see" my other hard drives | 11:35 |
Flannel | yxairyggen: when you're first starting it up, you don't want anything resuming or detaching related. | 11:36 |
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bailey | i'm using feisty only 3 of my partitions are showing on my gnome desktop and places -if i got | 11:38 |
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Moe|Joe | hi | 11:38 |
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albert_ | i mounted an iso with sudo mount -o loop isoname.iso ... how do i unmount it? | 11:39 |
Moe|Joe | can anyone recommend a program for using my tv card in fiesty? | 11:39 |
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eck | albert_: sudo umount /where/you/mounted/it | 11:39 |
albert_ | ty | 11:40 |
Moe|Joe | does anyone use ubuntu for watching tv? | 11:40 |
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nikin | hmm playing with the kernel is phun.... | 11:40 |
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kaolti | how can i set disable read only option on a file | 11:41 |
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nikin | is there a way to recompile the kernel wich is suplied by ubuntu and make just one change in it? | 11:41 |
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foug | Does anyone know how to get the side buttons on a Logitech MX 610 mouse working? I've tried the guide !mouse gives and it hasn't worked. And searching for guides on the mouse only returns ones for enabling the LED lights. | 11:42 |
eck | nikin: it's not hard, but you will have to recompile it | 11:42 |
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foug | Right now my bottom side button acts as middle click, and the top side button acts as right click. | 11:42 |
hexicode | what If I found that my main ext3 partition is corrupt? | 11:42 |
nikin | eck: yesterday i built the .21 but a lot of modules which i deed are not in it... so if it moust it must | 11:43 |
kaolti | how can i allow read and write on read only file | 11:43 |
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kaolti | from the terminal | 11:43 |
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ajmorris_ | what happened to feisty's partition table editor at install time? | 11:43 |
Hamm_sand | can someone help me | 11:43 |
Hamm_sand | i cannot write to my fat32 partition | 11:43 |
Hamm_sand | auto-mount | 11:43 |
nikin | i nned to turn off the CPU temperature feature... everything else should be the same | 11:43 |
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ajmorris_ | it used to be able to create and resize partitions but now can't | 11:43 |
Hamm_sand | i'm noobish | 11:43 |
eck | nikin: i would just copy over the ubuntu config and make changes from there | 11:43 |
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eck | nikin: it should be in /boot | 11:43 |
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hexicode | soemthings wrong with the partitions | 11:44 |
nikin | or if you can tell me wich module do i have to blacklist to sensors not to function is good to | 11:44 |
eck | nikin: you can also just blacklist modules from loading, which might be easier | 11:44 |
bcochofel | Hi, when I do "dpkg-reconfigure locales" why can't I get a answer to change the lang? | 11:44 |
ajmorris_ | can gparted resize ntfs partitions? | 11:44 |
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eck | ajmorris_: it can | 11:45 |
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kritzstapf | how to configure the resolution of the xserver started by "gdmflexiserver -n"? | 11:45 |
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hexicode | ajmorris it should be able to | 11:45 |
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hexicode | ajmorris it only can if it isnt mounted | 11:45 |
kaolti | eck you know the commandto set -r -w -x options for a file? | 11:45 |
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dragon | hey can ne1 tell me how to open a 32 bit console in a 64bit system? | 11:46 |
hexicode | ajmorris do the umounting and resizing in Ubuntus live cd | 11:46 |
eck | kaolti: chmod | 11:46 |
ajmorris_ | ok, tks eck and hexicode, i got an error, but i will try again (it was unmounted) | 11:46 |
kaolti | thats it thx | 11:46 |
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dragon | any1? | 11:46 |
hexicode | ajmorris_ I had same error because my partition kept on mounting itself | 11:47 |
ajmorris_ | bcochofel, that only 'fixes'/installs them, not select which one to be active | 11:47 |
aidan | god dammit | 11:47 |
nikin | eck: can be that the module thermal is wich i have to blacklist? | 11:47 |
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ajmorris_ | hexicode, it was unmounted but i will try again. | 11:47 |
bcochofel | ajmorris_: ok, then how can I choose one? | 11:47 |
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aidan | how do I get gparted-0.3.3 installed on ubuntu? | 11:47 |
ups_07 | dd | 11:47 |
ups_07 | hi | 11:47 |
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Draconicus | brb | 11:47 |
eck | nikin: i'm not sure, but i wouldn't be surprised | 11:47 |
hexicode | What if a partition keeps mounting itself? | 11:48 |
l33tn00b | does anyone know ftp from the terminal? im looking for help with that | 11:48 |
hexicode | is it because it is corrupted? | 11:48 |
foug | Would anyone here like to help me getting my downloads working in irc? | 11:48 |
aidan | ./onfigure tells me I can't create executables? | 11:48 |
dragon | any1 know how to open a 32 bit konsole under a 64bit os? | 11:48 |
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ajmorris_ | chochofel, you got any GUI? | 11:48 |
eck | aidan: try first: apt-get build-dep gparted | 11:48 |
Hamm_sand | can anyone help me with not being able to write to my fat32 partition | 11:49 |
Hamm_sand | i am noobish | 11:49 |
aidan | eck: wrong version, I need the latest | 11:49 |
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beanie | is it possible to get an email-notification with thunderbird like running win32? | 11:49 |
eck | l33tn00b: what specifically? | 11:49 |
aidan | eck: og | 11:49 |
eck | aidan: no, that just gets the build dependencies so you can compile it | 11:49 |
aidan | oh* | 11:49 |
MenZa | Hamm_sand: Open computer:/// in Nautilus | 11:49 |
Hamm_sand | menza: huh? | 11:50 |
MenZa | Hamm_sand: right click your partition and choose "Preferences" or "Settings" (whatever) | 11:50 |
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aidan | eck: okay, wha's next? | 11:50 |
MenZa | Hamm_sand: Open your file manager, nautilus | 11:50 |
Hamm_sand | k | 11:50 |
MenZa | e.g. open your home folder | 11:50 |
eck | aidan: now do the ./configure thing | 11:50 |
ajmorris_ | bchochofel, if you have some GUI, then go to system >> administration >> language support | 11:50 |
eck | aidan: from there you should be able to compile it | 11:50 |
MenZa | Then click the "Computer" button at the very top so you'll find yourself facing your various drivs | 11:50 |
MenZa | drives* | 11:50 |
nikin | eck: no luck | 11:50 |
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Hamm_sand | ok | 11:50 |
bcochofel | ajmorris_: I use fluxbox and I want to change lang in the system | 11:50 |
aidan | eck: can I register it as a package? | 11:51 |
l33tn00b | eck: when i use mget (by typing 'mget *.doc' for example it asks if i want to tranfer each file one at a time. i was wondering if it had a switch to auto accept each one. | 11:51 |
kevix | ajmorris_: I have seen the gui 'language support'. do you know the command line way? | 11:51 |
Hamm_sand | k got it | 11:51 |
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MenZa | Hamm_sand: Right click your partition, choose Preferences. Then choose the "Permission" tab and do "Read only" :) | 11:51 |
hexicode | Whats wrong with Ubuntus ext3 partition? | 11:51 |
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eck | aidan: to do that would be quite a bit of work. i recommend you just install it to /usr/local | 11:51 |
aidan | eck: ta | 11:51 |
majnoon | tried upgrade and it screwed up big time | 11:51 |
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majnoon | no x and it no see my other hard drives | 11:51 |
eck | l33tn00b: i think you might have to use another cli client (e.g. lftp) | 11:51 |
Hamm_sand | i don't have that option | 11:52 |
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Hamm_sand | "read only" | 11:52 |
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defile | or ftp -y site | 11:52 |
MenZa | Hamm_sand: oh? | 11:52 |
seshomaru123 | im running the command 'dumpkeys' but the output is too long, how do i make it allow me to browse the whole output? | 11:52 |
MenZa | Then what do you have? | 11:52 |
Hamm_sand | do i need to be in root? | 11:52 |
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defile | er ftp -i | 11:52 |
eck | seshomaru123: redirect it to a file or run it in a screen session | 11:53 |
MenZa | Hamm_sand: You shouldn't | 11:53 |
Hamm_sand | hmm | 11:53 |
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MenZa | Hamm_sand: what options do you have? | 11:53 |
Hamm_sand | let me try one thing brb | 11:53 |
seshomaru123 | eck , whats a screen session? | 11:53 |
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eck | !screen | 11:53 |
ubotu | screen is a terminal multiplexer. See and | 11:53 |
defile | l33tn00b, ftp -i site | 11:53 |
defile | then mget shouldn't bother you anymore | 11:54 |
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seshomaru123 | eck =thanks , how do i direct it to a file? | 11:54 |
eck | seshomaru123: screen will let you scroll back through the text buffer, even if you are on a virtual terminal | 11:54 |
hexicode | why can I unmount Ubuntu's ext3 partition! | 11:54 |
eck | seshomaru123: dumpkeys > foo.txt | 11:54 |
l33tn00b | defile: i'll try that now, thanks. | 11:54 |
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defile | np | 11:54 |
eck | seshomaru123: all the output will go to the file foo.txt | 11:54 |
dragon | any1 know how to open a 32 bit terminal under a 64bit os? | 11:54 |
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eck | seshomaru123: or you can do dumpkeys | less | 11:55 |
mjr | dragon, see to set stuff like that up | 11:55 |
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seshomaru123 | eck - thanks, however i belive there was a way to make it pause after every screen (in MSdos you add /w) | 11:55 |
eck | seshomaru123: that is probably better than redirecting it | 11:55 |
Raioneru | hello | 11:55 |
CompuChip | Hello. | 11:55 |
eck | seshomaru123: that would be dumpkeys | more, but dumpkeys | less is better | 11:55 |
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seshomaru123 | eck - thanks | 11:56 |
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CompuChip | In some input fields there is this Input Method option to switch to e.g. Cyrillic phonetic keyboard. But it's not in some programs like Firefox and AMSN, which have custom context menus. How do I input Cyrillic text there without copy/pasting? | 11:56 |
nikin | eck: the other thing that i see, is that if i start the kernel(recovery) it is working.. and on boot i get a "setting sensors limits [fail] " | 11:56 |
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seshomaru123 | eck - | less is what i wanted ! thanks | 11:57 |
eck | nikin: do you have lmsensors installed? | 11:57 |
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NoEvidenZ | In xchat, I just very stupidly clicked View>Menubar. Now I don't have one. How can I get it back? | 11:57 |
hexicode | I think Im wasting too much time on Ubuntu | 11:57 |
NoEvidenZ | Oh, never mind. | 11:58 |
nikin | yes | 11:58 |
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eck | nikin: try just disabling it | 11:58 |
pihus | ctrl+f9 | 11:58 |
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nikin | eck: what is the right way to do that? | 11:58 |
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eck | nikin: it's installed as an initscript right? | 11:59 |
kevix | CompuChip: some programs that use the gnome input method have this. firefox and console apps have differnt ways. | 11:59 |
nikin | yes | 11:59 |
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eck | nikin: download the sysv-rc-conf package | 11:59 |
eck | nikin: then run that command with sudo | 11:59 |
Drasmer | need help, my wireless ethernet isn't showing up at all.. It's a broadcom 9 series | 11:59 |
Drasmer | using fiesty fawn | 11:59 |
theTrav | hello, what is the name of the X development headers package for fiesty? | 11:59 |
nikin | eck: just a sec.. i have to rebbot for that | 11:59 |
thesmiler | how do I enable WMV playback for VLC in Ubuntu 6.06? I have audio, no video | 11:59 |
hexicode | What if the ext3 partition keeps mounting itself? Does that mean it is corrupted? | 12:00 |
eck | theTrav: there are a bunch of them, your best bet is to apt-get build-dep a package that you know requires a lot of them to build | 12:00 |
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thesmiler | VLC version is 0.8.6a | 12:00 |
Drasmer | eck, do you know much about getting a broadcom wireless card working on fiesty fawn? | 12:00 |
theTrav | hmm, I'm trying to install a perl module so I can get my webremote for Armok going | 12:00 |
kevix | theTrav: all developemtn packages end in -dev, so IIRC its xorg-dev | 12:00 |
eck | Drasmer: no, i don't have one | 12:00 |
theTrav | thanks kevix | 12:00 |
CompuChip | kevix: is there a neat way to solve this? Like the Windows shortcut to switch keyboard languages with Alt + Shift? | 12:01 |
thesmiler | hexicode, that doesn't mean anything bad, just means the hard drive is listed in /etc/fstab | 12:01 |
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hexicode | thesmiler so what should I do? | 12:01 |
thesmiler | well do you want it to stop mounting during startup? | 12:01 |
theTrav | ouch, that's going to take a while to download on a 64k account :/ | 12:01 |
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hexicode | thesmiler there is no such dir | 12:01 |
thesmiler | it's a file | 12:02 |
thesmiler | type "cat /etc/fstab" | 12:02 |
kevix | CompuChip: there are settings to enable english/russian keyboard input with shift-space in xorg.conf. | 12:02 |
ajmorris_ | hexicode, i have gone and tried, but still won't resize, it just says an error occurred when trying to resize. This is in feisty, i have never used the feisty resize, what happened to the resize partition editor through the install not gparted on the live cd that was in previous versions? (i really want to get this resized as i finally convince my friend to use linux and he still wants to keep windows) | 12:02 |
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hexicode | ajmorris I guess its just a problem in Ubuntu then | 12:02 |
kevix | CompuChip: do you have a russian keyboard? | 12:02 |
thesmiler | come on people, what's the package I need to play wmv's in VLC? | 12:03 |
jlilly | what would cause kmix not to list any mixers? I'm trying to get my SoundMAX onboard audio device to work in Kubuntu | 12:03 |
ajmorris_ | damn... | 12:03 |
hexicode | ajmorris I guess it was my wrong to uninstall windows. Gotta buy a new copy =/ | 12:03 |
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ajmorris_ | hexicode, i don't have windows either. | 12:03 |
kevix | thesmiler: it sounds like you need non-free codecs. | 12:03 |
thesmiler | sweet, thanks | 12:03 |
ajmorris_ | hexicode, do you know the command line way to resize a partition? | 12:03 |
CompuChip | kevix: no. I just want to input Cyrillic text from time to time. But I don't have Cyrillic keyboard, so I'd rather have it phonetic. Otherwise I can't find anything without trial&error :) | 12:03 |
hexicode | ajmorris only to add partitions =/ | 12:04 |
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thesmiler | kevix, what does non-free mean, anyway? I got a non-free version of rar earlier, but i didn't have to pay for it | 12:04 |
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Drasmer | if i can't get a wireless interface to register at all with my system, is there any way i might be able to fix it myself? | 12:04 |
chowmeined | I have concerns | 12:04 |
jlilly | thesmiler: non-free as in freedom, I believe. | 12:04 |
ajmorris_ | hexicode, dammit, this means i can't install ubuntu on his bo | 12:04 |
ajmorris_ | *box | 12:04 |
hexicode | ajmorris you should try other linux distros jsut as good | 12:04 |
thesmiler | as in it's not open source, or something? | 12:04 |
nikin | eck: no luck | 12:05 |
kbrooks | huh | 12:05 |
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nikin | i disabled it | 12:05 |
kbrooks | thesmiler, open source is a different term | 12:05 |
thesmiler | wait | 12:05 |
thesmiler | ajmorris_ | 12:05 |
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jlilly | thesmiler: --that might help | 12:05 |
ajmorris_ | hexicode, he wants ubuntu as he heard how user friendly it is | 12:05 |
kevix | thesmiler: in the gnu/linux world, free can mean gratis as in no cost, or libre as in freedom. the wmv are patented, so not free. that is why we made ogg file format. | 12:05 |
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ajmorris_ | thesmiler, ? | 12:05 |
nikin | but again my sytem gts haltes couse its temperature is 16000C :D::D:D | 12:05 |
Drasmer | if i can't get a wireless interface to register at all with my system, is there any way i might be able to fix it myself? | 12:05 |
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CompuChip | thesmiler - I think | 12:05 |
kbrooks | thesmiler, non-free means that it cannot be easily changed to fix future problems, redistributed, etc. | 12:05 |
ajmorris_ | Drasmer, do you have ndiswrapper installed? | 12:06 |
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thesmiler | okayyyyy. aj, you can resize through the command line | 12:06 |
kbrooks | kevix, there is free as in no cost and free as in freedom | 12:06 |
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Drasmer | ajmorris pretty sure that came with 7.04 FF, but i'll check | 12:06 |
Hamm_sand | i'm bakc | 12:06 |
eck | nikin: you disabled it at all of the runlevels? | 12:06 |
kbrooks | kevix, patents do not necessarily mean non-freeness | 12:06 |
Hamm_sand | still not working :'( | 12:06 |
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chowmeined | so | 12:06 |
chowmeined | what happened with 7.04? | 12:06 |
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nikin | eck: it was only at runlevel S , and there i disabled it | 12:06 |
Hamm_sand | i cannot write to my fat32 partition, ...... anyone help? | 12:07 |
ajmorris_ | thesmiler, what are the commands? | 12:07 |
chowmeined | Was there a shortage of testers? | 12:07 |
kbrooks | kevix, for example, redhat wants to patent drm so that no one else can use it at all. | 12:07 |
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YNWA | hi - how do I create a file/folder from terminal? thanks | 12:07 |
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hexicode | chowmeined there always it | 12:07 |
hexicode | chowmeined is =D | 12:07 |
defile | YNWA, mkdir | 12:07 |
SlimeyPete | Hamm_sand: at a guess, the directory into which it is mounted is not owned by you and you do not have permission to write to it | 12:07 |
mikl | argh, somethings wrong with my input devices - it seems that it acts like the "Super" key is always pressed - I have to hold down Ctrl to get regular clicks | 12:07 |
eck | nikin: i would try to find out what specific module the chipset you have is using and just blacklist that | 12:07 |
defile | mkdir dirname | 12:07 |
YNWA | defile: thanks :) | 12:07 |
chowmeined | I am just a little worried | 12:07 |
tim167 | how do I convert an *.AVI to a *.OGG ? | 12:07 |
jlilly | kbrooks: seriously? patent drm? Isn't that a hoot! | 12:07 |
thesmiler | well, there's a program called fdisk that'll probably do it | 12:07 |
Hamm_sand | hmmm | 12:07 |
Lightenix | hi, can anyone tell me where to put *.so files ? | 12:08 |
YNWA | !fat32 | Hamm_sand | 12:08 |
defile | YNWA, np | 12:08 |
ubotu | Hamm_sand: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - See also !fuse | 12:08 |
hexicode | thesmiler fdisk can resize? | 12:08 |
nikin | eck: it is blacklisted couse a bug of HPnx6000 | 12:08 |
kbrooks | jlilly, i'm very serious. | 12:08 |
nikin | by default | 12:08 |
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Hamm_sand | so what is the default auto mount directory | 12:08 |
thesmiler | probably | 12:08 |
Hamm_sand | mnt ? | 12:08 |
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chowmeined | I don't want people to come try ubuntu with all the attention is been getting in the media.. and then decide that they dont like it.. I mean, I don't want ubuntu to get a bad reputation | 12:08 |
thesmiler | fdisk can do a lot | 12:08 |
ajmorris_ | thesmiler, actually nvm, i will resize in windows then install ubuntu on the unpartitioned space | 12:08 |
ajmorris_ | tks | 12:08 |
SlimeyPete | Hamm_sand: /media I think | 12:08 |
eck | Lightenix: somewhere in your ld path | 12:08 |
hexicode | thesmiler I only see the add option =/ | 12:08 |
jlilly | kbrooks: reminds me of the old april fools headline "Microsoft to patent 1's and 0's" | 12:08 |
Hamm_sand | ahh ty | 12:08 |
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Hamm_sand | ....... | 12:09 |
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defile | Lightenix, pick a dir in /etc/ | 12:09 |
kevix | kbrooks: like on dvds and apple itunes and the dmca ? | 12:09 |
Drasmer | ajmorris , it didn't come with it, so i installed it via synaptic... what now? | 12:09 |
eck | Lightenix: the environment variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH | 12:09 |
Lightenix | mmm oki | 12:09 |
kbrooks | jlilly, i am fully, 100% completely serious. this is not an april fools joke | 12:09 |
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defile | Lightenix, then 'sudo ldconfig' | 12:09 |
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tim167 | i need help converting avi to ogg | 12:09 |
kritzstapf | how to make wpa work with a belkin wireless g usb network adapter? | 12:09 |
Drasmer | ajmorris_, it didn't come with it, so i installed it via synaptic... what now? | 12:09 |
Hamm_sand | can i log into root from my user ? | 12:09 |
chowmeined | tim167: take a look at ffmpeg2theora | 12:09 |
kbrooks | kevix, redehat will not license the patent any further... this is a so-called defensive patent. | 12:09 |
jlilly | kbrooks: I believe it. Humorous though. | 12:09 |
YNWA | Hamm_sand: log into root from terminal | 12:10 |
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SlimeyPete | Hamm_sand: yup. Run "sudo su"... or just use sudo to do everything. | 12:10 |
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dxdemetriou | why I can't execute programs on Feisty when the partition is mounted with the Gnome's mount? | 12:10 |
nikin | eck: ty for your help... i have to go, and work a little bit :D i fall back to .17 for that time | 12:10 |
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kevix | kbrooks: ibm has 1000s of such things. | 12:10 |
CompuChip | dxdemetriou, have you mounted with option exec ? | 12:10 |
defile | dxdemetriou, is it mounted noexec? | 12:10 |
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tim167 | chowmeined, ok, but isnt that mpeg to ogg then ? | 12:10 |
kbrooks | kevix, yeah? | 12:10 |
kbrooks | kevix, i'd like one example. | 12:10 |
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chowmeined | tim167: the ffmpeg library can read a ton of media formats | 12:11 |
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dxdemetriou | CompuChip, defile, this is when I mount with the right click even on usb external devices | 12:11 |
CompuChip | SlimeyPete, sudo -i also works | 12:11 |
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tim167 | chowmeined, i see, so i just have to install it and it will show up in Kino for example ?, i'll try that thanks! | 12:11 |
dxdemetriou | CompuChip, defile, the manual way works ok | 12:11 |
kevix | kbrooks: there all all kinds of companys that have amassed patents just to use them against other businesses. | 12:11 |
eck | kbrooks: have you heard of OIN? | 12:11 |
eck | kbrooks: | 12:11 |
chowmeined | tim167: oh no um | 12:11 |
kevix | eck: I was just goin to mention that. | 12:12 |
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chowmeined | tim167: kino doesnt do that | 12:12 |
kbrooks | kevix, this isn't that type of paatent, by the way | 12:12 |
CompuChip | dxdemetriou, if you type "mount" in a terminal, does it say "noexec" in the part between brackets for the device you mounted | 12:12 |
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chowmeined | tim167: ffmpeg2theora is a command line program | 12:12 |
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Hamm_sand | how do i log into root (sry for noobish ignorance) | 12:12 |
Hamm_sand | in terminal | 12:12 |
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kevix | kbrooks: like patent leather, perhaps? | 12:12 |
YNWA | hamm_sand: su | 12:12 |
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YNWA | and input password | 12:12 |
chowmeined | tim167: you just type... ffmpeg2theora something.avi and something.ogg will be created | 12:12 |
Stonekeeper | hello! Anyone use network manager for VPN? | 12:12 |
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YNWA | (the sudo password, not your user) | 12:12 |
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Hamm_sand | ty | 12:13 |
eevar2 | could someone point me to a working url for installing acrobat reader? - 'acroread' doesn't seem to appear in my apt/sources.list | 12:13 |
kbrooks | kevix, this is patent leather, yes | 12:13 |
CompuChip | !root > Hamm_sand | 12:13 |
tim167 | chowmeined, ok, cool I'll try it out | 12:13 |
eevar2 | url being howto | 12:13 |
nikin_away | Hamm_sand: root login is diabled.. login as user then do sudo -i | 12:13 |
Stonekeeper | anyone use network-manager for VPN? | 12:13 |
kbrooks | kevix, redhat's patent promise: "Subject to any qualifications or limitations stated herein, to the extent any party exercises a Patent Right with respect to Open Source/Free Software which reads on any claim of any patent held by Red Hat, Red Hat agrees to refrain from enforcing the infringed patent against such party for such exercise ("Our Promise"). Our Promise does not extend to any software which is not Open Source/Free Software, a | 12:13 |
kbrooks | nd any party exercising a Patent Right with respect to non-Open Source/Free Software which reads on any claims of any patent held by Red Hat must obtain a license for the exercise of such rights from Red Hat." | 12:13 |
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kevix | eevar2: does evince or xpdf not work ok. | 12:13 |
CompuChip | !root > CompuChip | 12:13 |
CompuChip | Did that work? | 12:13 |
dxdemetriou | CompuChip, can I fix the pmount (if I am correct) for this? | 12:13 |
YNWA | defile: what about deleting a directory? and also creating a, say, text file? Thanks | 12:13 |
defile | YNWA, touch filename | 12:13 |
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defile | will just create a blank file | 12:14 |
dxdemetriou | CompuChip, the right click is noexec, but the manual way only shows rw | 12:14 |
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chowmeined | 12:14 | |
l33tn00b | eck: defile: i finally found out how. type 'prompt' at the ftp> prompt to switch between interactive and non-interactive modes. | 12:14 |
defile | rm -fr dirname | 12:14 |
YNWA | defile: touch is the command for deleting/creating? | 12:14 |
YNWA | mkdir only does directory... | 12:14 |
eevar2 | hmm.. how does xpdf compare to evince and acrobat? | 12:14 |
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eck | eevar2: evince is evolved from xpdf | 12:14 |
defile | YNWA, touch will just create a blank normal file | 12:14 |
YNWA | oh - thanks :) | 12:14 |
defile | you can then make it whatever you wish | 12:15 |
CompuChip | dxdemetriou, I don't know pmount, but according to the man-page it should work if you give it the -e option | 12:15 |
eck | eevar2: xpdf is old and crusty, poppler is the improved library based on its code, and evince and kpdf both use poppler | 12:15 |
foug | !mouse | 12:15 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: - Enabling serial mouse: | 12:15 |
defile | rm -r dirname (this will delete a directory) | 12:15 |
kevix | eevar2: you can try them . they are free software. if they dont work, they you may need adobe's. | 12:15 |
Hamm_sand | hmm | 12:15 |
CompuChip | kevix, sorry I can't find the Cyrillic option in xorg.conf | 12:15 |
Hamm_sand | i'm am unable to change permissions on my jmounts | 12:15 |
Hamm_sand | it says they belong to root | 12:15 |
Hamm_sand | and are greyed out | 12:15 |
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emiel_ | hi there, can anyone tell me why the display on my i915 isn't working with 1280x800, while the bios is correctly 'hacked' (using 915resolution), but the xorg logs keep saying Not using mode "1280x800" (mode clock too high) | 12:16 |
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jlilly | what would cause kmix not to list any mixers? I'm trying to get my SoundMAX onboard audio device to work in Kubuntu (or: How do I fix my sound?) | 12:16 |
_3fg | Is there a quick way to switch from GNOME to KDE? | 12:16 |
kevix | CompuChip: I think you need to use scim and then select russian. | 12:16 |
YNWA | hamm_sand: use terminal. GUI doesn't work for root I don't think | 12:16 |
dxdemetriou | CompuChip, for the internal partitions is ok to do it manual. for the usb is the problem because I must umount and remount it manually if I have to exec something | 12:16 |
CompuChip | eevar2, I tried them all and I prefer evince, acroread is second choice. | 12:16 |
Hamm_sand | i don't know what to do | 12:16 |
chowmeined | I was making a document in openoffice with chinese characters and when i saved it.. and then opened it at a later time... open office said it was corrupted and it wouldnt open anymore | 12:16 |
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kevix | _3fg: like 'apt-get install kde kdm' ? | 12:16 |
_3fg | I mean make a permanent switch without having to download a kubuntu ISO | 12:16 |
Hamm_sand | how to i set permissions in terminal | 12:16 |
_3fg | k :) | 12:16 |
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CompuChip | dxdemetriou, can't you put the USB device in /etc/fstab with options exec,user ? | 12:16 |
kevix | _3fg: of the synaptic equivilant ? | 12:17 |
eck | Hamm_sand: what filesystem? | 12:17 |
larson9999 | is it just me or does ff seem a bit unstable these days? | 12:17 |
defile | YNWA, be careful with rm -r, there is no undelete if you fat finger | 12:17 |
Hamm_sand | fat32 | 12:17 |
eck | Hamm_sand: you have to set the permissions at mount time | 12:17 |
YNWA | defile: rm -r? | 12:17 |
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pdaX | has there been a kernel fix for the issue preventing the feisty 2.6.20-server kernel from booting under Parallels virtualization? | 12:17 |
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Hamm_sand | i'm just using the default install | 12:17 |
eck | Hamm_sand: i forget what the syntax for fat32 is, it's documented in the man page | 12:17 |
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chowmeined | what do I do? This document is important | 12:17 |
YNWA | oh remove | 12:18 |
YNWA | :P | 12:18 |
eck | chowmeined: what file format did you save it as? | 12:18 |
defile | YNWA, that is the command to remove a directory, it means remove -recursively | 12:18 |
chowmeined | eck: odf | 12:18 |
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dxdemetriou | CompuChip, I'll try, but I think is better to can configure the gnome's mount or pmount or whatever for that. Thanks | 12:18 |
YNWA | defile: I might just delete my "windows" folder... :-P | 12:18 |
kevix | CompuChip: this may help: | 12:18 |
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chowmeined | eck: er well I think the one it was was um, odt | 12:18 |
defile | it will delete a directory even if it has files and directories in it | 12:18 |
Lightenix | thanks | 12:18 |
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Hamm_sand | damn | 12:18 |
larson9999 | defile seems most of us have to learn that lesson first hand. good times! | 12:19 |
Hamm_sand | this is the only problem i'm having | 12:19 |
CompuChip | kevix: thanks | 12:19 |
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Hamm_sand | i can't download anything because i can't write to my large partition | 12:19 |
eck | chowmeined: odf is some sort of gzipped xml, there should be a way to uncompress it and at least get the text out of the xml if oo.o completely refuses to read it | 12:19 |
Hamm_sand | i cannot figure out why | 12:19 |
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eck | chowmeined: you might also see if something like abiword will open it | 12:19 |
chowmeined | eck: huh? | 12:19 |
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eck | chowmeined: first try abiword ;-) | 12:19 |
chowmeined | eck: oh i see theres um | 12:19 |
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YNWA | Hamm_sand: hmmm... I don't think I can help much there. I got NTFS and it seems to work with a thing called "NTFS configuration tool" | 12:19 |
chowmeined | eck: a bunch of files in here.. I opened it with archive manager | 12:20 |
PlH | hey.. my pkg-config says i have glib-2.0 v. 2.0.7 installed but i know i have insalled 2.12.11 .. how do i fix this problem so pkg-config gets it ? | 12:20 |
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Hamm_sand | k | 12:20 |
eck | chowmeined: so the files in the archive should be stored in plain text in some sort of xml format. if you open them with a text editor you ought to be able to find your document and at least extract the text from it | 12:20 |
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defile | larson9999, we let some of our new people run 'rm -fr /' in our lab on a box we were about to reimage, just so they could see first hand what happens | 12:21 |
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chowmeined | eck: um | 12:21 |
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chowmeined | eck: its a bunch of nonsense | 12:21 |
bony | i am using ubuntu dapper drake and did update or upgrade it since last 1 year or so. suddenly the lock screen is not working | 12:21 |
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chowmeined | eck: I mean its all xml | 12:21 |
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bony | when i click the lock screen menu option in the gnome menu nothing happens | 12:21 |
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larson9999 | defile i think that's worthwhile | 12:22 |
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chowmeined | eck: Why couldn't openoffice just.. you know.. not mess it up? | 12:22 |
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cmihai | I need to know if this is a known bug in Ubuntu or something I've just encountered: after a fresh install of Ubuntu Feisty (i386, desktop) it does a fsck (file system not checked for 42345 days, forced), finds errors, fixes them and reboots. | 12:23 |
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humbolto | what is the status of pulseaudio in feisty? is it the default already? | 12:23 |
cmihai | Does this _every_ new install. | 12:23 |
kevix | chowmeined: apt-get show o3read | 12:23 |
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foug | does anyone use a Logitech MX 610? | 12:23 |
skar | hi, i've had problems installing feisty 64bit on my C2D due to ide chipset not detected, so i booted suse, mounted the squashfs live chroot into a partition, setup grub and gave a root pass + user too, now gdm starts, i login and it stops with X and a small white rectangle, guess gnome session isn't starting | 12:23 |
afief | How do I setup my linux box to be a gateway? | 12:23 |
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cmihai | And no, it's not a disk issue (I did a full surface check, it's perfect) | 12:23 |
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cmihai | And SMART also says it's perfect. | 12:23 |
skar | any one know how to enable gnome-session ?!? | 12:23 |
Shin_Gouki | hello i want to install mahjong for linux under ubuntu , whats the apt commadn for that? | 12:24 |
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tim167 | i cant connect to internet, the wired connection is set to dhcp, DNS fields are empty, HOSTS field is empty, do i have to put something there ? | 12:24 |
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foug | I've having trouble setting up my side mouse buttons. One of them mirrors Middle Click, and the other mirrors Right Click. How can I turn the buttons on so they do other things? | 12:24 |
stefg | cmihai: i remember vaguely having a bug report seen about this... search launchpad | 12:24 |
defile | larson9999, nowdays thanks to cron, bootp and a NAS, it takes about 20 minutes to fix :D | 12:24 |
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kevix | Shin_Gouki: apt-cache search mahjong | 12:24 |
cmihai | stefg, I did, but couldn't find anything. Oh well, I'll search again. | 12:24 |
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Shin_Gouki | thx kevix! | 12:24 |
CompuChip | Shin_Gouki: it's in gnome-games which is probably installed by default if you use GNOME | 12:25 |
CompuChip | Otherwise install kmahjongg | 12:25 |
larson9999 | defile: yeah, fixing isn't the problem. losing the data could be. | 12:25 |
Magilla | Wow. Fiesty is so much more responsive than 6.10 :D | 12:25 |
Magilla | much nicer to use | 12:25 |
cmihai | stefg, curse my google-foo. Yeah, it's there. | 12:25 |
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cmihai | | 12:25 |
stefg | :-) | 12:25 |
lars | hello .... channel for germany help ? | 12:25 |
tim167 | can someone help me configure my internet connection ? | 12:25 |
CompuChip | skar: what do you mean exactly? You did the server install and now your want to install a desktop? | 12:26 |
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kevix | Shin_Gouki: if so, it would be under the 'games' menu | 12:26 |
larson9999 | hmmm, maybe my ff woes were caused by my not using the ubuntu version. crossing fingers. | 12:26 |
preaction | !de | lars | 12:26 |
ubotu | lars: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 12:26 |
YNWA | does anyone's Desktop Effects enabled window 'twitch' when un-maximised? | 12:26 |
CheshireViking | !de > lars | 12:26 |
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Shin_Gouki | kevix im with xubuntu | 12:26 |
lars | thx :) | 12:26 |
cmihai | And it's not a timestamp issue. Oh well, I guess it's still better to know it's an Ubuntu issue and not something wrong with my install / disk. | 12:26 |
YNWA | it's sort of having a seizure... :'( | 12:26 |
stefg | cmihai: reiserfs? | 12:27 |
kevix | Shin_Gouki: Im using xubuntu also but I had ubuntu first. go you can install gnome-games or xmahjongg | 12:27 |
cmihai | Ugh, hell no. ext3 | 12:27 |
larson9999 | Magilla: in my experience, new versions are usually snappier in linux. funny, in winders seems to be the opposite. | 12:27 |
skar | CompuChip: well feisty 64 bit desktop cd won't boot because it doesn't detect the jmicron ide chip, so i installed suse 64 bit(which supports this chip), then mounted feisty iso, then mounted the squashfs containing the live cd's chroot, then copied this chroot to a partition, chrooted into this partition, setup root,user pass | 12:27 |
CompuChip | Oh by the way, when booting it always reports "Last write time of superblock in the future: FIXED". This doesn't seem harmful, but it isn't normal I suppose. | 12:27 |
Shin_Gouki | kevix i will try gnome games thx!! | 12:27 |
Magilla | larson9999: it's a nice change | 12:27 |
Magilla | :D | 12:27 |
defile | larson9999, we write incremental updates to the NAS, part of the reimaging runs a script to also suck down the stuff backed up | 12:27 |
stefg | cmihai: no, i asked if it's an option for you to use reiserfs.... | 12:27 |
skar | CompuChip: now it boots but once gdm logs in, it doesn't start gnome, maybe some setting done by the install program on the live cd is missing here | 12:27 |
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cmihai | stefg, what does that have to do with anything? Besides, I trust reiserfs just about as much as the police trust Resier :P | 12:28 |
defile | *sigh* anyhow, time to get ready for the salt mines | 12:28 |
kevix | skar: did you 'apt-get install gnome gdm' that should give you everything. | 12:28 |
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kaolti | is there any way to see invisible yahoo contacts on ubuntu? | 12:29 |
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kaolti | like buddyspy for windows | 12:29 |
CompuChip | lol @ GuHHH quit message - someone wasn't happy :) | 12:29 |
defile | Bantroth, Boun Giorno | 12:29 |
skar | kevix: the chroot already had gnome and gdm, i can see the gnome and gdm programs now | 12:29 |
stefg | hehe... reiserfs 3.6 is just fine for me. would be a workaround, because it doesn't happen with fsck.reiserfs | 12:29 |
skar | just that after the user/pass entry in the X, it doesn't run gnome session or something | 12:29 |
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kevix | skar: you are installing in a chroot ? | 12:30 |
cmihai | stefg, probably different fsck enforce rules. But unless it's a bug, it doesn't seem critical. | 12:30 |
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skar | kevix: nope its in a partition already | 12:30 |
larson9999 | cmihai: i haven't kept up. what did they find? she boot windows one too many times and he had to make her pay? | 12:30 |
cmihai | stefg, my guess is it sets the fsck create date using local time instead of GTM | 12:30 |
stefg | cmihai: exactly | 12:30 |
cmihai | larson9999, apart from "went medieval on her ass with a shovel" not much | 12:30 |
kevix | skar: maybe you have something that overrides the defaults like .xsession or similar. | 12:31 |
CompuChip | skar: what happens then? You get thrown back to the login screen? Does it give a message that the X-session lasted too short? What is "nothing happens"? | 12:31 |
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larson9999 | cmihai: i think he had a crash on linux and she said, "i thought linux never crashed." | 12:32 |
hexicode | /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) | 12:32 |
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lampyris | hello | 12:32 |
CompuChip | skar: checked the X-session logs? | 12:32 |
CompuChip | Hello lampyris | 12:32 |
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cmihai | larson9999, doesn't really matter, but I guess that's the end of reiserfs development. | 12:33 |
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lampyris | i'd like to install ubuntu gtk theme on debian, but it doesn't works... :( | 12:33 |
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mrcreativity | how do i restore beryl manager to default settings please | 12:33 |
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skar | kevix,CompuChip: well i get gdm login screen, i enter user/pass, it logs in, then i get a mouse cursor, then it stands still, doesn't start gnome there | 12:33 |
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afief | How do I setup my linux box to be a gateway? | 12:33 |
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erUSUL | !firestarter | afief | 12:34 |
ubotu | afief: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 12:34 |
mrcreativity | how do i restore beryl manager to default settings please | 12:34 |
larson9999 | cmihai: the jokes write themselves: last words were, "oh, yeah? well fsck THIS!" | 12:34 |
stefg | !beryl | mrcreativity | 12:34 |
ubotu | mrcreativity: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 12:34 |
mrcreativity | thank you | 12:34 |
cmihai | Quite. Well, reboot time. | 12:35 |
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Dell-Net | !channels | 12:35 |
ubotu | A list of Freenode channels is available via - Ubuntu related channels can be found on | 12:35 |
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skar | kevix,CompuChip: i think i've found out, dbus etc services weren't started, so thats it, its working now :) | 12:36 |
lampyris | do you know how i can install ubuntu gtk theme on debian? | 12:36 |
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skar | kevix,CompuChip: thanks for the pointers :) | 12:36 |
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kevix | skar: have fun! | 12:36 |
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ElllisD | could someone give me a hand w/ this? The bottom of my tty's are below the visible area of the screen by about 6 lines. | 12:37 |
benj1 | hey everyone i'm having some problems. I set up Ubuntu feisty over the weekend and everything was going sweet till i decided that i wanted to shorten my username for my normal account. So i changed the username of the account using the System>Administration>Users & Groups menu option. I then restarted my PC and due to my home folder being named different to my username it ... for want of a better word ... jiggered up. I then came in here | 12:37 |
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[delta] | ElllisD: Change your monitor's settings | 12:38 |
jlilly | doh! misspelled something in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base :( :( :( | 12:38 |
jlilly | let's try this again.... | 12:38 |
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emiel_ | benj1: home folder is independent from username | 12:38 |
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emiel_ | at least, should be :) | 12:38 |
[delta] | EllisD: w/ the buttons at the bottom | 12:38 |
majnoon | when did linux change hdd1 to sdc1 and etc ?? | 12:38 |
emiel_ | benj1: what is going wrong? | 12:38 |
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stefg | ElllisD: have you passed something like vga=5 as boot parameters ? Might give trouble with the frambuffer used for usplash | 12:39 |
[delta] | majnoon: s* = SCSI / SATA | 12:39 |
emiel_ | depends on driver | 12:39 |
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majnoon | i have ide | 12:39 |
[delta] | majnoon: h* = old skool IDE | 12:39 |
emiel_ | my driver somehow emulates scsi, even though i have IDE | 12:39 |
majnoon | i THINK | 12:39 |
benj1 | emiel_: then ehy when i changed the username i was getting errors about not having privs and not being able to access the home folder | 12:39 |
stefg | !libata | 12:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libata - try searching on | 12:39 |
stefg | !UUID | 12:39 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 12:39 |
riffic | wow cool | 12:39 |
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LookTJ|Taylor | Hi, I would like to do a network boot on my ibm to install ubuntu. What things do I need and how to do it? | 12:40 |
benj1 | basically i was hoping to create another administrator profile so that i could access the users and groups thing and set it all the way it was | 12:40 |
stefg | !install | LookTJ|Taylor | 12:40 |
ubotu | LookTJ|Taylor: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - See also !automate | 12:40 |
[delta] | LookTJ|Taylor: see the wiki. i'll give you a URL in a moment | 12:40 |
emiel_ | stefg: ah, explains :) | 12:40 |
ElllisD | stefg: The only thing I changed out of the ordinary w/ the framebuffer was I chose 14 rather than 16 fb fontsize- where can I change fb settings? X is fine | 12:40 |
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LookTJ|Taylor | stefg, [delta] : ok thanks | 12:41 |
stefg | ElllisD: | 12:41 |
ElllisD | [delta] : if i adjust the monitor, it'll go above as well as below the screen- and X would be off, too. | 12:41 |
[delta] | many ways of installing: / for you: | 12:41 |
benj1 | is there a way you can do this using xterm... i have managed to get into the root user but not sure on the xterm command to create an administrator profile | 12:41 |
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tbuss | need help with a strange evolution problem. My inbox states: Inbox(24) but when I click on the Inbox folder, no messages are avail. | 12:41 |
ElllisD | stefg: ty | 12:41 |
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jrib | benj1: any user in the "admin" group can sudo | 12:42 |
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[delta] | EllisD: then adjust the height of the viewable area :D | 12:42 |
majnoon | so it emulating scsi now ?? | 12:42 |
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benj1 | ok so how do i change a profile's group. The only profile i can use isnt an administrator profile. I cant change the users/groups on this profile | 12:43 |
[delta] | majnoon: what kind of connector are you using for the drive that starts with s*? SATA+SCSI = s* / old IDE = h* | 12:43 |
[delta] | USB = s* too | 12:43 |
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jrib | benj1: what do you mean by "profile"? What exactly are you doing? | 12:43 |
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majnoon | it give me all "s" used the "s" dev links and it work ok | 12:44 |
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majnoon | 3 lines coming up | 12:46 |
majnoon | /dev/sdb1 9.4G 2.5G 6.5G 28% /mnt/hdb1 | 12:46 |
majnoon | /dev/sdc1 29G 22G 5.9G 79% /mnt/hdd1 | 12:46 |
majnoon | /dev/sdc4 46G 36G 9.8G 79% /mnt/hdd4 | 12:46 |
LookTJ|Taylor | brb gparted | 12:46 |
majnoon | from df | 12:46 |
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benj1 | ok theres 3 profiles (usernames) on this system 1) root 2)Ben (Original user set up on install - Has Admin privs but is jiggered and cant get more than xterm) and 3) reynastus (user set up this morning using the GRUB recovery console, this account does not have admin privs)... What i want to do is move my 3)Reynastus account to the Admin group but only have xterm to do so as I cant log on to Root using GUI. | 12:46 |
erUSUL | !paste > majnoon | 12:47 |
majnoon | i DO like cdrom being dev/scd though | 12:47 |
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rdesh | hi | 12:47 |
majnoon | ok sorry | 12:47 |
[delta] | benj1: you can use users-admin for all user management. sudo users-admin. then click >add user< , enter info, go to >user privileges< and enable >administer the system< then click OK | 12:47 |
jrib | benj1: sudo adduser reynastus admin | 12:47 |
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majnoon | [delta] , you see those lines from df -h ?? | 12:47 |
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jrib | benj1: and you could user recovery mode to do this too if Ben is borked | 12:47 |
[delta] | majnoon: yes | 12:48 |
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majnoon | no have scsi | 12:48 |
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[delta] | and also no SATA? | 12:48 |
[delta] | or USB | 12:49 |
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majnoon | sata like ide ?? | 12:49 |
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ElllisD | stefg: I added vga= to menu.lst & that did it. ty again | 12:49 |
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majnoon | could be SATA they LOOK like ide ?? | 12:49 |
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[delta] | majnoon: yes. so not old-skool slow parallel IDE, but new SATA | 12:49 |
benj1 | Thanks Heaps Delta ... mucho appreciated. Will log and try it out thanks heaps once again | 12:49 |
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majnoon | that could be ,did edgy read them as ide ?? | 12:50 |
[delta] | majnoon: nope, i believe there is some difference in how the connectors look. anyone? | 12:50 |
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[delta] | majnoon: your drives were called hd* in edgy? | 12:51 |
majnoon | yup | 12:51 |
geirola | hey..where can I get help on getting tv-out to work? I use Debian 4.0 and I have a xfx Geforce 6800GS card.. | 12:51 |
[delta] | majnoon: well, that's strange. googling on that | 12:51 |
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jrib | geirola: #debian for debian help | 12:52 |
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majnoon | if i have better drives then i thought then me no complain | 12:52 |
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benj1 | It worked thanks heaps Delta you really are a god send | 12:52 |
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[delta] | majnoon: here, i found it | 12:52 |
Vulturo | hi | 12:52 |
[delta] | majnoon: quote from "This is a change in the recent kernel 2.6.19. The old IDE driver is being deprecated slowly, the new driver for SATA disk (which identifies disk as sd*) is the future standard." | 12:53 |
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majnoon | ok then they emulating the sata for ide | 12:53 |
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geirola | jrib: i've tried there, but noone answers..and since it's probably the same for ubuntu i thought i'd ask here | 12:54 |
[delta] | majnoon: think so | 12:54 |
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majnoon | sorta like cdrecord did for ide cd burners | 12:54 |
omarion | does anyone know some *good* children games like "supertux" and "tuxracer"? | 12:54 |
jrib | geirola: there are some instructions on (search for nvidia tvout), it's easy to just use "nvidia-settings" too | 12:54 |
majnoon | cdrecord originally for scsi drives | 12:55 |
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jaguarandi | omarion, frozen-bubble | 12:55 |
[delta] | maybe, i don't know much about that. this is as far a my knowledge goes :D | 12:55 |
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[delta] | omarion, patato man or something | 12:55 |
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majnoon | now how do i check to see if update did everything sorta right ?? | 12:55 |
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[delta] | omarion, tuxpaint | 12:55 |
omarion | well, im looking for some simple 3d games | 12:56 |
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[delta] | majnoon, if you don't have any problems | 12:56 |
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yyy | hi | 12:56 |
majnoon | me had LOTSA problems | 12:57 |
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[delta] | majnoon: me too, broken packages, beryl dead, many more :D | 12:57 |
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saaaaf | Can someone help me with a display issue? I just got ubuntu, and I can't get my screen resolution to go above 1024 x 768 (And then it has to be at 56 Hz refresh rate). | 12:59 |
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jrib | !fixres > saaaaf (see the private message from ubotu) | 12:59 |
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majnoon | though it LOOKS like i have it fixed | 01:00 |
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Ingumsky | Hi! How can I upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 without fast Internet connection? Is it possible if I have 7.04 Live CD only? | 01:01 |
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jrib | Ingumsky: you can only upgrade with a CD if it is the alternate CD | 01:01 |
jrib | !upgrade > Ingumsky (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:01 |
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mez_ | After just rebooting Feisty, X Color depth seems way low. Any idea why? What to check? | 01:03 |
jrib | mez_: xdpyinfo| grep depth\ of\ root | 01:03 |
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Ingumsky | jrib: Thank you! What is the 'Alternate CD'? Where can I find it? | 01:04 |
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jrib | Ingumsky: (and most mirrors linked from download site will also have a link to it) | 01:04 |
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YNWA | !ntfs | 01:05 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 01:05 |
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lars | cu | 01:06 |
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YNWA | is there a sort of equivalent of Task Manager in Ubuntu? | 01:07 |
Ingumsky | jrib: Thanks I'll try. | 01:07 |
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jrib | YNWA: system > administration > system monitor | 01:07 |
YNWA | thanks :D | 01:08 |
mez_ | jrib: depth of root window: 24 planes, but everything looks terrible, I'm at a loss... | 01:08 |
jrib | mez_: resolution? | 01:08 |
snottlebocket | Hey folks, does anyone have any experience getting a wacom running in "mousemode", I just installed ubuntu for the first time and I want to read up on how to work with it, but my tablet is killing my wrist like this so I figured I'd look for a quick fix on that first | 01:08 |
hele1 | YNWA put the system monitor on the panel and its only ever a click away :-) | 01:08 |
YNWA | hele1: :) | 01:09 |
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majnoon | ok what kernel does feisty have ?? | 01:09 |
art4art | hello | 01:09 |
HymnToLife | majnoon, 2.6.20 | 01:09 |
archville | 2.6.20-15-generic | 01:09 |
majnoon | Linux majnoon 2.6.20-15-386 #2 Sun Apr 15 07:34:00 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux | 01:10 |
majnoon | that one ?? | 01:10 |
snottlebocket | I found this but I don't know where he's doing step 3, | 01:10 |
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majnoon | it looks like i have it fixed | 01:10 |
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mez_ | jrib: 1024x768, as allways... It's the color depth that's off. Is there anyway to see the latest changes by apt-get upgrade? | 01:10 |
jrib | snottlebocket: looks like /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:10 |
HymnToLife | majnoon, yes, but I recommend you install a generic kernel, unless your machine is 15 years old :p | 01:10 |
art4art | how I can see if my kernel is compiled with support for ip_forward? | 01:10 |
YNWA | how do you force close package installer? | 01:11 |
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majnoon | it looks like it running faster | 01:11 |
wehttamb | i cant resize my windows partition!!! | 01:11 |
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snottlebocket | how do i get there jrib, i've only just installed ubuntu five minutes ago | 01:11 |
wehttamb | i need help | 01:11 |
YNWA | wehttamb: using Gparted? | 01:11 |
jrib | mez_: /var/log/dpkg.log maybe? or /var/log/aptitude if you used aptitude | 01:11 |
wehttamb | yes | 01:11 |
luddite | anyone got cdemu (a *.cue file reader) working in 7.04 ?? | 01:11 |
YNWA | did you un-mount first? | 01:12 |
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wehttamb | it just says to check the drive for errors and if possible fix them | 01:12 |
YNWA | ntfs? | 01:12 |
wehttamb | the drive wasnt mounted it is on a live cd | 01:12 |
wehttamb | yes | 01:12 |
jrib | snottlebocket: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you should make a backup first: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup . And, you should familiarize yourself with what to do in case X stops working (in case you make a mistake or the guide doesn't work for you) | 01:12 |
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HymnToLife | wehttamb, wait 'till it's done, then :) | 01:12 |
wehttamb | it is a ntfs 120gb hard drive | 01:12 |
majnoon | ok in fstab # is remark right ? | 01:13 |
HymnToLife | it takes a while | 01:13 |
wehttamb | wait till whats done | 01:13 |
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luddite | how do you mount a cue file? | 01:13 |
HymnToLife | checking the drive | 01:13 |
wehttamb | i did | 01:13 |
variant | majnoon: comment | 01:13 |
wehttamb | i did a check disk in windows | 01:13 |
jrib | luddite: use bchunk | 01:13 |
wehttamb | is there any other way i should check the drive | 01:13 |
majnoon | same dif just remembering right | 01:13 |
YNWA | wehttamb: try using PartitionMagic in windows, see if that works :-) sorry mate, never had this problem | 01:13 |
luddite | jrib thanks | 01:13 |
HymnToLife | wehttamb, just led gparted do it's thing | 01:13 |
HymnToLife | let* | 01:13 |
wehttamb | but gparted wont do its thing | 01:14 |
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wehttamb | it just comes up with an error | 01:14 |
majnoon | and mtab is for what is mounted at this time right ?? | 01:14 |
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HymnToLife | wehttamb, could I have a screenshot of the error ? | 01:14 |
wehttamb | yes i will go and get one | 01:14 |
YNWA | hey - anyone know how to force close package installer? | 01:14 |
kbrooks | How do you create a ntfs partition? | 01:14 |
majnoon | hopefully brb | 01:14 |
variant | luddite: use cdemu, it will mount them and a whole bunch more | 01:15 |
YNWA | kbrooks: you resize a partition, then create a new one on Gparted or some other software | 01:15 |
HymnToLife | kbrooks, why do you ant to do that ? | 01:15 |
HymnToLife | want* | 01:15 |
variant | luddite: | 01:15 |
luddite | jrib - ok i installed it - thanks | 01:15 |
YNWA | HymnToLife: to install windows :-D | 01:15 |
kbrooks | HymnToLife, i have a partition from my laptop that i want to put on here (i.e. copy) | 01:16 |
HymnToLife | YNWA, then just let the Windows installer do it, I guess | 01:16 |
wehttamb | where do i upload the screenshot | 01:16 |
wehttamb | how do i send it | 01:16 |
HymnToLife | wehttamb, imageshack ? | 01:16 |
wehttamb | ok | 01:16 |
wehttamb | can i send files throught xchat? | 01:16 |
variant | luddite: bchunk is a little less simple than cdemu | 01:16 |
HymnToLife | yes, if it's properly configured | 01:16 |
wehttamb | ok | 01:17 |
kbrooks | HymnToLife: dd if=/dev/hda1 | ssh -l kbrooks 'dd of=image' # that is how i will get the image from the laptop to this computer | 01:17 |
YNWA | okay, I'm off. sleep, revise for upcoming exams, blah blah blah... | 01:17 |
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kbrooks | HymnToLife, but the problem is transferring image onto a partition | 01:18 |
HymnToLife | kbrooks, dd if=image of=/dev/whatever | 01:18 |
HymnToLife | I don't think you need to format the partition beforehand | 01:18 |
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PeRePe | wenas alguien espaol? | 01:18 |
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HymnToLife | !es | PeRePe | 01:19 |
ubotu | PeRePe: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:19 |
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kbrooks | HymnToLife, well, i do have unallocated space, but i dont want the dd to overwrite my entire hard drive (if i plug in hda) | 01:19 |
luddite | i have a cd image cue file - how do i mount it? | 01:19 |
HymnToLife | kbrooks, just create one partition and dd the image | 01:19 |
HymnToLife | no need to format it | 01:19 |
jrib | luddite: use bchunk to convert it to an iso | 01:19 |
kbrooks | HymnToLife, do i do this with cfdisk ? | 01:19 |
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luddite | jrib - i just installed that but its for cue sheets it says(ie mp3 to iso...) | 01:20 |
HymnToLife | kbrooks, with whatever you want, you can use GParted if you're not comfortable with the command line | 01:20 |
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kbrooks | HymnToLife, i cant use gparted :-) | 01:20 |
HymnToLife | why not ? | 01:20 |
jrib | luddite: is there more than one type of file that uses .cue? | 01:20 |
wehttamb | i have tried to send you the pic | 01:20 |
kbrooks | HymnToLife, has ntfs creation disabled | 01:20 |
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HymnToLife | wehttamb, just put it on imageshack | 01:21 |
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wehttamb | ok | 01:21 |
HymnToLife | kbrooks, you just need to create a partition, not to fromat it | 01:21 |
jrib | luddite: you don't have a .cue and .bin? | 01:21 |
luddite | jrib - i think so, from what im reading, there is the cue/bin cue/img and cue/mp3 playlist | 01:21 |
HymnToLife | third time I tell you that | 01:21 |
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luddite | i have a cue / img | 01:21 |
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zeroday | who needs help with ati or nvidia? | 01:22 |
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the_sultan | my ubuntu wont install i need help with that :) | 01:22 |
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saaaaf | i need help with fixing my resolution | 01:22 |
TedMorning | hi all | 01:22 |
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saaaaf | screen resolution, that is | 01:22 |
zeroday | saaaaf: what card? | 01:22 |
saaaaf | hmm | 01:22 |
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kbrooks | HymnToLife, okay, thanks :-) | 01:22 |
kbrooks | HymnToLife, (i used cfdisk + it works) | 01:23 |
magnetron | !resolution | saaaaf | 01:23 |
ubotu | saaaaf: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 01:23 |
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saaaaf | zeroday: it's | 01:23 |
CaptainMorgan | OMG! Fiesty's Wireless network setup takes the cake! A true improvement over Dapper.. real nice surprise. | 01:23 |
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wehttamb | ok here is the link | 01:23 |
wehttamb | | 01:23 |
saaaaf | zeroday, nvidia gforce 7900 | 01:23 |
zeroday | magnetron: that wiki barely helps | 01:23 |
wehttamb | there are 2 i am now uploading the second | 01:23 |
HymnToLife | wehttamb, try disabling the pagefile in Windows | 01:23 |
zeroday | saaaaf: have you tried writing the resolution to xorg? | 01:24 |
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jrib | luddite: did bchunk complain when you tried? | 01:24 |
the_sultan | when i select the fist option (run/install one) from the menu after i boot the cd it loads for about 2 mins then it must try to load the setup screen and everything is artifacted and i cant do anything then after a min the machine reboots? | 01:24 |
zeroday | saaaaf: what driver are you using? | 01:24 |
wehttamb | how do i do that | 01:24 |
HymnToLife | wehttamb, and defrag your partition | 01:24 |
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kbrooks | HymnToLife, ill setup ssh and do it this afternoon | 01:24 |
saaaaf | zeroday: yes, i have, and that somehow totally messed up my ubuntu, so i had to reinstall | 01:24 |
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wehttamb | i have done a defrag | 01:24 |
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kbrooks | HymnToLife, and blog it, too | 01:24 |
A[D] minS | i installed vmware and it working fine | 01:24 |
wehttamb | here is the actuall error | 01:24 |
wehttamb | | 01:24 |
zeroday | the_sultan: try whith acpi=off under options (F6) | 01:24 |
kbrooks | HymnToLife, thanks! you rule. | 01:24 |
zeroday | saaaaf: what driver? | 01:24 |
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TedMorning | saaaaf, did you install the card driver? (sorry for my bad english) | 01:24 |
saaaaf | zeroday: oh and after reinstall i tried again, but didn't help at all | 01:24 |
wehttamb | how do i disable the pagefile | 01:24 |
A[D] minS | but once i do restart after that i have to reconfigure it again ,, so why it don't save configuration ? | 01:25 |
HymnToLife | wehttamb, I don't remember exactly, Google will tel you | 01:25 |
TedMorning | saaaaf, maby you schould try | 01:25 |
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zeroday | saaaaf: what driver and how did you install it | 01:25 |
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TedMorning | to install the corrext card driver | 01:25 |
wehttamb | ok | 01:25 |
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zeroday | TedMorning: well try that if necassary | 01:25 |
OuZo | hi, i am trying to install java but: ./java_ee_sdk-5_02-linux.bin\&File\=java_ee_sdk-5_02-linux.bin | 01:25 |
the_sultan | zeroday: thanks ill jsut try it now :) | 01:25 |
OuZo | bash: ./java_ee_sdk-5_02-linux.bin&File=java_ee_sdk-5_02-linux.bin: No such file or directory - please help | 01:25 |
zeroday | the_sultan: np | 01:25 |
jrib | !java > OuZo (see the private message from ubotu) | 01:26 |
ircNewBie | hello guys. I cannot change the themes on my Enlightenment 1.7. Configuration option is disabled i need help | 01:26 |
saaaaf | zerdith: I'm not sure what driver, where do i check? (On KDE) | 01:26 |
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A[D] minS | every time when i run vmware | 01:26 |
A[D] minS | i get this "vmware is installed, but it has not been (correctly) configured | 01:26 |
A[D] minS | for this system. To (re-)configure it, invoke the following command: | 01:26 |
A[D] minS | /usr/bin/" | 01:26 |
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saaaaf | zeroday: sorry that was for you not zerdith | 01:27 |
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mrj | hey! i have a audigy sound card and surround 5.1 doesnt work, shoud i update the drivers or what? | 01:29 |
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zeroday | saaaaf: can you post your sorg to pastebin | 01:31 |
zeroday | *xorg | 01:31 |
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zeroday | saaaaf: ?? | 01:31 |
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TedMorning | ?? | 01:32 |
TedMorning | cast away | 01:32 |
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MrProper_ | is there any reason why putting 'acpi_cpufreq' in /etc/modules wont load it upon boot but if run modprobe acpi_cpufreq it works fine | 01:33 |
kaolti | anyone knows how can i install desklets | 01:33 |
Kaso | I'm getting error 17 with grub when i try to boot to my newly installed feisty install, anyone know about this? | 01:33 |
zeroday | kaolti: sudo apt-get install gdesklets | 01:33 |
zeroday | Kaso: gimme a min | 01:33 |
kaolti | :D thx a lot | 01:33 |
Kaso | Thanks | 01:33 |
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hele1 | anyone know what this means. | 01:34 |
kritzstapf | how to make wpa work with a belkin wireless g usb network adapter? (F5D7050) | 01:34 |
hele1 | your $HOME/.dmrc file has incorrect permissions and is being ignored | 01:34 |
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_eMaX_ | re | 01:34 |
_eMaX_ | anyone has 2.6.21 w/ feisty? | 01:35 |
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detectiveinspekt | 01:35 | |
agresor | Hello | 01:35 |
agresor | I have installed w32codecs pack and all... now when i start Coffeine to play movie i get picture but no AUDIO... Please help ? | 01:35 |
zeroday | Kaso: it means grub cant id the file type you need to set something in bios to hard drive not bbot | 01:35 |
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HymnToLife | _eMaX_, yep | 01:35 |
zeroday | Kaso: more comin 3 secs | 01:36 |
variant | hele1: there is the answer | 01:36 |
Clavi | 01:36 | |
agresor | variant, for what qestion ? :) | 01:36 |
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agresor | I have installed w32codecs pack and all... now when i start Coffeine to play movie i get picture but no AUDIO... Please help ? | 01:36 |
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_eMaX_ | HymnToLife: I wonder how to apply all the ubuntu specific patches. | 01:36 |
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HymnToLife | !repeat | agresor | 01:36 |
ubotu | agresor: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:36 |
HymnToLife | _eMaX_, don't think they would work, since they're for 2.6.20 | 01:37 |
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agresor | HymnToLife, ok bro.. | 01:37 |
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_eMaX_ | HymnToLife: hmm. I'm going to clean up then I think and wait for the next release. I'd very much like to benefit from the vmi for vmware, yet when I tried it last week it was like making things a lot worse :) | 01:38 |
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dholst_ | zeroday, that half worked :p | 01:39 |
zeroday | Kaso: check out these sites & | 01:39 |
zeroday | dholst_: what wrong again sorry? | 01:39 |
Kaso | Thanks ill take a read | 01:39 |
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dholst_ | zeroday, sorry i was the_sultan before was having problems with the artifacting | 01:40 |
zeroday | dholst_: what error now? | 01:40 |
dholst_ | still artifacted | 01:40 |
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zeroday | dholst_: artifacted?? | 01:41 |
bXi | does someone know how to get installpkg for [k,x] ubuntu ? | 01:41 |
dholst_ | i could kind of see what i was doing and got into install tried clicked next and it locked up then rebooted | 01:41 |
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zeroday | dholst_: google other boot options for ubuntu you may need the alternate installer | 01:41 |
zeroday | dholst_: gtg sorry bye | 01:41 |
zeroday | bye all | 01:41 |
dholst_ | k cheers | 01:41 |
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mrj | hey! i have a audigy sound card and surround 5.1 doesnt work, shoud i update the drivers or what? | 01:41 |
holypax | i'm installed the ies4linux IE6 but IE6 can not browse the web site! | 01:42 |
variant | dholst_: did you try booting in safe graphics mode? | 01:42 |
HymnToLife | bXi, what do you want to do, exactly ? To install a package from the CLI in Debian-based distrros, you do dpkg -i package.deb | 01:42 |
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HymnToLife | installpkg is in Slack | 01:42 |
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dholst_ | variant, yeah that didnt work just rebooted | 01:42 |
dholst_ | with acpi=off i could get into the desktop enviroment it was just all glitchy with wierd colored lines everywhere | 01:43 |
variant | dholst_: once the system boots press ctrl alt f1 | 01:43 |
dholst_ | which system and where | 01:43 |
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variant | dholst_: from there run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 01:43 |
bXi | HymnToLife: i know but i need it for building packages | 01:43 |
variant | dholst_: the live cd | 01:43 |
linuxor | HI, How to make RAM free ? | 01:44 |
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HymnToLife | linuxboy, close the programs that use it | 01:44 |
HymnToLife | linuxor* | 01:44 |
BeepAU | i can detect my wireless network, but can't connect to it, does anyone know why? | 01:44 |
HymnToLife | BeepAU, what happens when you try ? | 01:45 |
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dholst_ | cant get ctrl alt f1 to do anythng | 01:45 |
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tom___ | is there anyway to make a program launch with a shortcut key in gnome? | 01:45 |
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linuxor | <HymnToLife> is there some command to do it without closing my prog? | 01:45 |
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BeepAU | HymnToLife - i get asked for my wep key, which i put in, theres two dots with a little blue swirl circling around them, then it stops | 01:46 |
dholst_ | variant, cant get ctrl alt f1 to do anything still goes to the boot screen with options such as start or install ubutu | 01:46 |
HymnToLife | linuxor, of course not ! If a running program needs some RAM, you cannot free it without closing the program | 01:46 |
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HymnToLife | BeepAU, afraid I cant help you with the GUI-thingie... | 01:46 |
linuxor | <HymnToLife> the swap also? | 01:46 |
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BeepAU | HymnToLife - is there some other way to get connected? | 01:47 |
kaolti | what is the name of the program that starts when i open a terminal | 01:47 |
HymnToLife | the swap behaves a bit differently but basically, yes | 01:47 |
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HymnToLife | BeepAU, use the command line :) | 01:47 |
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HymnToLife | kaolti, Bash, most likely | 01:47 |
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linuxor | <HymnToLife> thx a lot | 01:47 |
danziTo | guys, how can i get the desktop plug to made my desktop like virtual? | 01:47 |
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RedRum | how do i configure my xserver to work with my ati card? | 01:47 |
kaolti | HymnToLife: ah thx | 01:48 |
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kaolti | HymnToLife: i want to make a launcher for a root terminal | 01:49 |
kaolti | HymnToLife: bash is not working | 01:49 |
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BeepAU | HymnToLife - what command(s) am i to enter? | 01:49 |
danziTo | someone in brasil? | 01:49 |
holypax | hi | 01:49 |
HymnToLife | kaolti, try to put "sudo -i" in the "COmmand field" | 01:49 |
HymnToLife | and check "Run in terminal" | 01:49 |
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HymnToLife | BeepAU, sudo iwconfig eth1 essid YOUR_ESSID key YOUR_WEP_KEY | 01:50 |
HymnToLife | (be sure to replace eth1 with the correct name of your if) | 01:50 |
kaolti | HymnToLife: yea that worked, i tried sudo -i but didnt check run in term | 01:50 |
kaolti | HymnToLife: thx | 01:50 |
HymnToLife | and then sudo dhclient eth1 | 01:50 |
HymnToLife | (if your network is using DHCP) | 01:50 |
bXi | hmmm i had a proper version of installpkg before | 01:50 |
bXi | wonder where i found it | 01:50 |
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TedMorning | bye | 01:53 |
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kaolti | why do i get ** CRITICAL **: Unable to open display error message when i enter xmms in a terminal? | 01:53 |
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skip | has anybody had problems with sensors-applet icons in Feisty? | 01:53 |
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LjL | kaolti: maybe because you're trying to run it as root? | 01:53 |
kaolti | LjL: why i cant run it as root | 01:54 |
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LjL | kaolti: because your X server belongs to your *own* user, not to other users (including root), so other users are prevented from popping up windows on it | 01:54 |
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kaolti | LjL: ah i see txh | 01:55 |
kaolti | thx* | 01:55 |
LjL | kaolti: you wouldn't like it if another user popped up nasty dialog boxes on your own display, would you? ;-) besides, what sense does it make to run a music player as *root*? asnwer, none | 01:55 |
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BeepAU | HymnToLife - , does that tell you anything? | 01:55 |
RedRum | how do i configure the X server to work with my ATI card? i have a dell laptop, lcd screen 1440x900, and my x-server doesnt find the screen | 01:55 |
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Shin_Gouki | hello! how do i install skype? whats the apt command? | 01:56 |
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Angelus | hi there, was wondering, is there a program that creates/edits files with a TSK extension? It's for PDA theme | 01:56 |
kaolti | LjL: actually im tryin to make a launcher | 01:56 |
demonspork | Do I need to disable the "Create" effect in Beryl to launch a game that starts in full screen? | 01:57 |
kaolti | LjL: and in the command field i entered xmms, doesnt work | 01:57 |
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HymnToLife | BeepAU, seems your network is not using DHCP | 01:57 |
Shin_Gouki | !skype | 01:57 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 01:57 |
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zeroday | who needs help with ati or nvidia | 01:57 |
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LjL | kaolti: if you just type "xmms" in a *non-root* terminal, it doesn't work? | 01:57 |
HymnToLife | or you mistyped your ESSID/key | 01:57 |
craigbass1976 | Where is roots cron file? When I do crontab -e, what's getting edited? | 01:58 |
BeepAU | HymnToLife - i didn't misstype | 01:58 |
jube | What is the Gnome keyboard shortcut to open Firefox? I looked in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts and it says the keyboard shortcut is: 0xb2. What keystroke is 0xb2? | 01:58 |
kaolti | zeroday i do | 01:58 |
zeroday | jube: you have to set one | 01:58 |
BeepAU | HymnToLife - how do i change turn on dhcp? | 01:58 |
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zeroday | kaolti: what gfx card and issue? | 01:58 |
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kaolti | LjL: it works in non root term | 01:58 |
HymnToLife | BeepAU, there should be an option about it in your router's config | 01:58 |
LjL | kaolti: then it ought to work in a launcher too, hm... | 01:59 |
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jube | zeroday, there seems to be many settings in there preset, but I don't know which key combinations they are cause they are written in hex... | 01:59 |
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Gabz | upgrading edgy to feisty can i do it using a cd ? | 01:59 |
zeroday | jube: those keyboard settings are not set just change them to what you want in keyboard shortcuts | 01:59 |
zeroday | Gabz: yes | 02:00 |
Gabz | zeroday: how ? | 02:00 |
kaolti | zeroday: i have fx 5500 and my question is if i should dl drivers from to get better performance | 02:00 |
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kaolti | zeroday: i just installed ubuntu and the card seems to go ok | 02:00 |
zeroday | Gabz: not sure but its something like listing the cd as a source and then doing a upgrade (google is god) | 02:00 |
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zeroday | kaolti: i have some card and i used the envy script for the best performance | 02:01 |
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zeroday | kaolti: but im not sure | 02:01 |
kaolti | LjL: ah sry my bad its working now | 02:01 |
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zeroday | kaolti: i would stick with the drivers ubuntu gave you | 02:01 |
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tcr | What is the prefered way to make suggestions to bump a package to a new version? Open a regular bug in launchpad? | 02:02 |
redd_ | Is this the correct place to ask for help with installing a proprietary graphics card driver? (It's an ATI card.) | 02:02 |
zeroday | kaolti: you can search for options to speed up your card though on google | 02:02 |
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zeroday | redd_: go ahead | 02:02 |
LjL | !ati > redd_ (redd_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 02:02 |
nickste | does enabling desktop effects have a control panel where one can change settings? e.g beryl's settings manager | 02:02 |
kaolti | zeroday: how come some opengl screensavers for example have very low fps | 02:02 |
kaolti | zeroday: the card should handle them easily | 02:02 |
zeroday | redd_: what gfx card and issue | 02:02 |
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redd_ | One second. | 02:02 |
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zeroday | kaolti: i dunno if you really want to you can install the ACTUAL drivers from nvidia easily with the envy script | 02:03 |
zeroday | kaolti: i disabled the screensavers | 02:03 |
zeroday | redd_: sure | 02:03 |
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edgy_ubuntu | ! feisty | 02:04 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: - Downloading: - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents | 02:04 |
kaolti | zeroday: ok thanks for the help :) | 02:04 |
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zeroday | kaolti: np | 02:04 |
redd_ | I used the second method in: to install it, I restarted but glxinfo says "Direct rendering: No". Any way to see what went wrong with my installation? Also, the restricted drivers manager says it's in use. It's an X1950XT by the way. | 02:04 |
Shin_Gouki | hello how do i install skype, can anyone help me with this? | 02:04 |
jube | zeroday, ok, thanks for your help | 02:04 |
zeroday | redd_: gimme a min | 02:04 |
zeroday | jube: np | 02:05 |
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mrj | zeroday: envy didn`t work for me | 02:05 |
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jube | I also just found in the forums that 0xb2 is a special keyboard code for keyboards that have a special button dedicated to opening the browser... i don't have one of those keys so i'll just make my own | 02:05 |
mrj | i just used the driver from nvidia | 02:05 |
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zeroday | mrj: what gfx card? | 02:05 |
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mrj | and it works like a charm | 02:05 |
mrj | gf7300gt | 02:05 |
winkiller | hi, how do I find out the default login for the breezy live cd? | 02:05 |
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mrj | the x just crashed | 02:06 |
zeroday | mrj: strange did u report to alberto | 02:06 |
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mrj | nope | 02:06 |
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mrj | should i? | 02:06 |
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skip | how do I fix the sensors-applet icon problem? (icons are not available - all I get are red crosses) | 02:06 |
mrj | i often have problems with the card | 02:06 |
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zeroday | redd_: whats the issue again? | 02:07 |
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zeroday | mrj: na just stick with what works | 02:07 |
mrj | k | 02:07 |
mrj | just suggesting the problem | 02:07 |
ooglaboogla | when i suspend my laptop and resume later the usb mouse is 'locked up' and i have to unplug and re-plug it to make it work. is there a way to correct this | 02:07 |
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redd_ | zeroday: I'm not sure. glxinfo says there's no direct rendering | 02:08 |
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renato_ | hi there ! | 02:08 |
redd_ | Is there any way to see what went wrong with the installation? | 02:08 |
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zeroday | redd_: did you configure the driver? | 02:08 |
redd_ | How do you mean? | 02:08 |
renato_ | I am kind of desperate... I just installed xubuntu in my wife's (very old) notebook, but I cant set up its internet connection | 02:09 |
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coolbone | anyone able to point me to the doc that will explain how to set apache2 to run automatically with ssl at boot, and if server pid crashes to restart it? i been lookin and cant get the right search string i guess.... | 02:09 |
renato_ | I am using a motorola 5120 cable modem | 02:09 |
redd_ | <- This was the guide I used. (Method 2.) | 02:09 |
renato_ | someone could help ? | 02:09 |
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sn0 | renato_ are you using dhcp ? if so plugging in the cable should make it 'just work' | 02:09 |
coolbone | got the server to run, just need it to start automatically with self signed certificate, and if pid dies to restart automatically without having to enter passphrase every time | 02:09 |
zeroday | redd_: did you run sudo aticonfig --initial then sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 02:09 |
redd_ | zeroday: Yes. | 02:10 |
renato_ | sn0 - how can I check if the dhcp is enabled? | 02:10 |
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zeroday | redd_: can you post your xorg to pastebin pls | 02:10 |
redd_ | alright | 02:10 |
sn0 | renato_ im not sure about xfce's network tools, but you can check manually by looking at /etc/network/interfaces | 02:10 |
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renato_ | sn0 - I am opening the file right now | 02:10 |
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renato_ | sn0 - just one sec please | 02:10 |
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sn0 | renato_ no prob | 02:11 |
zeroday | redd_: thanjs | 02:11 |
Shin_Gouki | can anyone plz help me wioth installing skype, at which place i need to add the skpe repos in the source list..? | 02:11 |
redd_ | zeroday: | 02:11 |
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LjL | Shin_Gouki: the order doesn't matter | 02:11 |
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zeroday | redd_: thanks | 02:12 |
renato_ | sn0 - there isn't any reference to dhcp... the content of this file is: auto lo and iface lo inet loopback | 02:12 |
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sn0 | renato_ is there anything else in the file? it should show eth0 or another device for your ethernet / wireless adapter | 02:12 |
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renato_ | sn0 - nope | 02:12 |
renato_ | sn0 - just that | 02:13 |
sn0 | renato_ hmm then maybe the network connection is not detected | 02:13 |
sn0 | renato_ can you run the following commands and pastebin the output, sudo ifconfig and sudo lspci and sudo lsmod | 02:13 |
sn0 | each one one at a time | 02:13 |
zeroday | redd_: what does glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" return? | 02:13 |
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renato_ | sn0 - ok | 02:13 |
redd_ | "No." | 02:14 |
zeroday | redd_: hmmmm | 02:14 |
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sn0 | !paste | 02:14 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:14 |
zeroday | redd_: apologies but can you try to reinstall the driver with the envy script (IMPORTANT - use envy to remove the old driver first) | 02:15 |
skar | i'm running feisty 64 bit and am trying to get vmware server running on this, since vmware is 32 bit, its not running, any one know of a fix like 32 bit compat libs? | 02:15 |
coz_ | guys where to report an omission in feisty | 02:15 |
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zeroday | zeroday: or is that a prob? | 02:15 |
redd_ | Alright. I though Envy was for NVIDIA, though? | 02:15 |
zeroday | redd_: no for both installs direct from nvidia/ati | 02:15 |
sn0 | skar check ia32-libs | 02:16 |
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redd_ | Cool. | 02:16 |
aldin_ | should i use gksu or gksudo? | 02:16 |
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zeroday | coz_: i presume launchpad but im not sure | 02:16 |
redd_ | zeroday: Thanks, I'll give it a shot. | 02:16 |
skar | sn0: thanks will try it now :) | 02:16 |
HymnToLife | aldin, they're the same in Ubuntu, by default | 02:16 |
sn0 | skar actually should help :) | 02:16 |
zeroday | redd_: np remember to remove first tho | 02:16 |
redd_ | Will do. | 02:17 |
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skar | sn0: wow ok seems to work for sure ;) | 02:17 |
zeroday | redd_: good luck hope it works. if it all gets really sour an nowone here can help you can reach me at | 02:17 |
coolbone | anyone know what i could search for to narrow my results on setting up apache to run at boot with ssl installed? on a breezy server install | 02:17 |
pplsuqbawlz | lol that's odd | 02:17 |
pplsuqbawlz | no sound in java, but sound in flash | 02:18 |
yellow_chicken | anyone moved back to 6.10 because 7.04 did not play nice with sound card? | 02:18 |
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pplsuqbawlz | lol 7.04 works fine with all 3 of my sound cards | 02:18 |
pplsuqbawlz | you just have to manually config it | 02:18 |
zeroday | yellow_chicken: lots of ppl having been having sound issues | 02:18 |
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zeroday | yellow_chicken: what comp manafacturer? | 02:18 |
yellow_chicken | pplsuqbawlz: i did manually config it up to a certain degree | 02:18 |
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pplsuqbawlz | chicken: ah ok well, i dunno what the problem is :-/ | 02:19 |
zeroday | pplsuqbawlz: did you install both codecs correctly? (sounds a bit stupid) | 02:19 |
sn0 | coolbone i believe that is a possible security risk, but it is possible | 02:19 |
yellow_chicken | zeroday: it's probably ati. | 02:19 |
pplsuqbawlz | aye that i did zero | 02:19 |
coolbone | well i know how to create certificate so that it doesnt request on | 02:19 |
coolbone | one8 | 02:19 |
coolbone | grh, one* | 02:19 |
zeroday | yellow_chicken: comp manafacturer (toshipa, hp , ibm etc) | 02:19 |
pplsuqbawlz | it appears java is talking to esd and flash is talking to dsp :-p can i make them both talk to alsa? | 02:19 |
zeroday | pplsuqbawlz: try a restart | 02:19 |
demonspork | My Ti-89 Calculator runs better than windows | 02:19 |
coolbone | but the other day had the pid terminate for reasons unbeknown to me and it didnt start back up automatically | 02:20 |
yellow_chicken | toshiba lappy a105 s2001 | 02:20 |
pplsuqbawlz | kk brb | 02:20 |
zeroday | pplsuqbawlz: over my head | 02:20 |
demonspork | I would rather game on my Calculator than game on windows :) | 02:20 |
yellow_chicken | zeroday: works fine on 6.10 | 02:20 |
CaptainMorgan | !mp3 | 02:20 |
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ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:20 |
sn0 | there is information in the apache documentation | 02:20 |
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CaptainMorgan | !mpg | 02:20 |
coolbone | checked the error log, and only two errors in apache were cert had mismatched name with the domain name | 02:20 |
zeroday | yellow_chicken: tosh have issues with fiesty check out for a fix | 02:20 |
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dungodung | hey guys. can I somehow limit the donwload rate of apt-get (install) like it is possible for scp and wget, to name a few | 02:21 |
zeroday | yellow_chicken: loads of ppl have the same complaints | 02:21 |
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zeroday | gtg all bye | 02:21 |
sn0 | cya zeroday | 02:21 |
demonspork | so, how do I load a game that launches in full screen while using Beryl? I have tried 3 times and it locked up each time. | 02:21 |
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Pici | dungodung: You'll need to use an external application to do this, theres nothing built in. I suggest using trickle. | 02:22 |
dungodung | I am about to download eclipse (big for my 256kbit/s connection) and when I download via apt-get, it eats all my bandwidth, thus making me incapable of doing anything else with my internet | 02:22 |
dungodung | trickle... let's see | 02:22 |
yellow_chicken | zeroday: yes, i know. i already checked days ago. doubt update are available at this time | 02:22 |
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pplsuqbawlz | yeah, still no sound in java applications | 02:22 |
Pici | dungodung: It may not be installed, but its in the repositories, check out the man page, its pretty easy to use | 02:22 |
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yellow_chicken | pplsuqbawlz: what computer you have? | 02:23 |
renato_ | sn0 - sorry for the delay... I had to run the commands in her computer, copy into a usb key so than I could send it to you | 02:23 |
dungodung | Pici: heh... trickle is ~50kbytes in the repos :) | 02:23 |
demonspork | Nvm on my previous problem, I just restarted xserv and it worked fine | 02:23 |
pplsuqbawlz | home-brew/build :-p | 02:23 |
renato_ | sn0 - do you mind if I send you this file (result.txt) ? | 02:23 |
pplsuqbawlz | all sound works everywhere | 02:23 |
pplsuqbawlz | except in java lol | 02:23 |
yellow_chicken | pplsuqbawlz: haha.. i have one too | 02:23 |
pplsuqbawlz | java seems to have downs syndrome | 02:23 |
aldin_ | should i use gksu or gksudo? when putting some program into sessions? | 02:23 |
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jlilly | do any of you guys use Cedega? | 02:24 |
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jlilly | I'm curious if I stop paying for it... do the games just become unaccessable? | 02:24 |
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sn0 | renato_ put the text onto a pastebin | 02:24 |
axbard | any one here good at Wine cuz I have a problem ..... I need to uninstall steam cuz I ve installed the wrong version and I get some bugs .... and when im trying to uninstall steam I get this.... err:exec:SHELL_ExecuteW cannot set directory L"Z:\\home\\axbard\\_WIN~DXD\\drive_c\\PROG~FBU\\Steam\\FAIL" | 02:24 |
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sn0 | | 02:24 |
pplsuqbawlz | cedega is bad | 02:24 |
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jlilly | pplsuqbawlz: whyso? | 02:24 |
aldin_ | jlilly, i tried, CS worked, if u have nvidia card it migth be better, i had ati... | 02:25 |
pplsuqbawlz | on average, wine beats cedega in all benchmarks | 02:25 |
renato_ | sn0 - sorry mate... but I am kind of newbie here... what is a pastebin ? | 02:25 |
sn0 | !pastebin | 02:25 |
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pplsuqbawlz | however, cedega DOES support more games | 02:25 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:25 |
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sn0 | check it renato_ :) means everyone can see your information + help too | 02:25 |
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yellow_chicken | axbard: if you have fast computer, use vmware and load windows | 02:25 |
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jlilly | pplsuqbawlz: yea? I'm just trying to play WoW & BF2142 without crashes. (haven't tested BF2142 in wine yet though) | 02:25 |
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sn0 | paste the text to the url above, then when you submit it saves the text, then paste the url in here | 02:25 |
pplsuqbawlz | heh :-p im pretty sure they both work on wine | 02:25 |
sn0 | don't worry about being new renato_ :) im new here too | 02:26 |
pplsuqbawlz | because the bf2142 engine, is the same for bf2, and bf1942 | 02:26 |
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renato_ | sn0 - so... I just post the content of this file, here... is it correct ? | 02:26 |
axbard | okay so No one knows how to salv my problem.. | 02:26 |
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zeroday | axbard: i have installed steam before really easily | 02:27 |
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zeroday | axbard: but i couldnt get good enough fps | 02:27 |
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pplsuqbawlz | zeroday: what video card do you have? | 02:28 |
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zeroday | pplsuqbawlz: nvidia 5500Fx | 02:28 |
oriez | what skype version work in ubuntu | 02:28 |
pplsuqbawlz | zeroday: well that makes sense, nvidia 5 doesnt support hardware shader 10.C | 02:29 |
dungodung | Pici: well, it's not really limiting the connection... I put "sudo trickle -d 18 apt-get install eclipse", but it still goes as far as 25 | 02:29 |
sn0 | !skype | 02:29 |
lz1gjd | hello, is there a way to make gnome fast like kde in kubuntu ? | 02:29 |
zeroday | oriez: what do you mean | 02:29 |
ubotu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 02:29 |
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Kaso | So ive had this grub error 17, and as far as i can see i need to fiddle with my grub config a bit, however, i just tried to boot my partition from the livecd to that end, but i couldnt do that | 02:29 |
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Kaso | Something about the wrong ext3 revision number | 02:29 |
zeroday | Kaso: i recommend a reinstaled | 02:30 |
zeroday | *reinstall | 02:30 |
oriez | i mean from these | 02:30 |
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Kaso | Fair enough, not like i managed to get anything but the nvidia drivers installed so not much to loose | 02:30 |
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Kaso | thanks for the help zeroday | 02:30 |
zeroday | oriez: much easier to do sudo apt-get install skype | 02:30 |
zeroday | Kaso: np hope it works second time round | 02:31 |
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oriez | Couldn't find package skype | 02:31 |
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zeroday | !skype | oriez | 02:32 |
ikonia | oriez is that the correct package name ? | 02:32 |
ubotu | oriez: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 02:32 |
sn0 | renato_ any joy ? | 02:32 |
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pplsuqbawlz | anyway i still have no sound in java? any help? | 02:32 |
zeroday | oriez: follow the guide | 02:32 |
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zeroday | pplsuqbawlz: did u try the restart? | 02:32 |
pplsuqbawlz | yes | 02:32 |
renato_ | root@theBeast: ~# ifconfig | 02:32 |
renato_ | lo Link encap:Local Loopback | 02:32 |
renato_ | inet addr: Mask: | 02:32 |
renato_ | inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host | 02:32 |
renato_ | UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 | 02:32 |
renato_ | RX packets:1888 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 02:32 |
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renato_ | TX packets:1888 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 02:32 |
zeroday | pplsuqbawlz: thats it | 02:32 |
ikonia | don't floodthe channel | 02:32 |
renato_ | collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 | 02:32 |
pplsuqbawlz | i think i need to edit the config :-p | 02:32 |
renato_ | RX bytes:149624 (146.1 KiB) TX bytes:149624 (146.1 KiB) | 02:32 |
renato_ | root@theBeast: ~# lsmod | 02:32 |
sn0 | renato_ please dont flood the channel | 02:32 |
renato_ | Module Size Used by | 02:32 |
renato_ | dmfe 21148 0 | 02:32 |
ikonia | renato_ stop | 02:32 |
Bromics | omg | 02:32 |
renato_ | nls_iso8859_1 5120 0 | 02:32 |
IndyGunFreak | !pastebin | 02:32 |
renato_ | nls_cp437 6784 0 | 02:32 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:32 |
renato_ | vfat 14208 0 | 02:32 |
sn0 | i asked you to copy and paste the text to a pastebin :/ | 02:32 |
renato_ | fat 53916 1 vfat | 02:32 |
renato_ | sg 36252 0 | 02:32 |
Bromics | renato_ use pastebin! | 02:32 |
lasse | is there a command for opening my cdrom ? | 02:32 |
renato_ | sd_mod 23428 0 | 02:32 |
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renato_ | usb_storage 72256 0 | 02:32 |
renato_ | libusual 17936 1 usb_storage | 02:32 |
zeroday | renato_: RENATO | 02:33 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:33 |
renato_ | usbnet 19720 0 | 02:33 |
sn0 | :[ | 02:33 |
fr0nk | ;P | 02:33 |
Gnea | omfg | 02:33 |
renato_ | mii 6528 1 usbnet | 02:33 |
dj-fu | !paste | 02:33 |
renato_ | ipv6 268704 8 | 02:33 |
ikonia | !ops | 02:33 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal or mneptok | 02:33 |
renato_ | ppdev 10116 0 | 02:33 |
IndyGunFreak | someone kick him. | 02:33 |
renato_ | speedstep_lib 6148 0 | 02:33 |
renato_ | cpufreq_conservative 8200 0 | 02:33 |
renato_ | cpufreq_userspace 5408 0 | 02:33 |
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renato_ | cpufreq_stats 7360 0 | 02:33 |
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zeroday | lasse: why? | 02:33 |
Summer | hey how do I adjust system fonts in gnome? im in ubuntu feisty | 02:33 |
ikonia | LjL thank you | 02:33 |
fr0nk | :D | 02:33 |
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Toumaz | Nice one. | 02:33 |
pplsuqbawlz | jeeze | 02:33 |
IndyGunFreak | that mde my eyes hurt. | 02:33 |
Gnea | you need to have a bot that auto-kicks for that | 02:33 |
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pplsuqbawlz | anyway: any help on java? | 02:33 |
zelrikriando | hello | 02:33 |
lasse | zeroday, I need to do it in a install to change disc | 02:33 |
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kaolti | is there any free program that can be used to play windows games on ubuntu? | 02:33 |
LjL | or you could just call !ops, like it has been done, but perhaps earlier, and avoid flooding the channel even more with ":(", "stop!!", etc comments. | 02:34 |
IndyGunFreak | kaolti: wine | 02:34 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
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fr0nk | i have a problem with gnome: i wanted to create a shortcut: rightclick -> add to panel -> custom application launcher -> command: gnome-terminal && ssh -l .... | 02:34 |
zeroday | lasse: ha ha thats the same pain i have what game? | 02:34 |
renato_ | snd_pcm 79876 3 snd_es1968,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss | 02:34 |
zelrikriando | I have a question : how do I fix my libraries? | 02:34 |
renato_ | pcmcia 39212 0 | 02:34 |
renato_ | snd_page_alloc 10888 2 snd_es1968,snd_pcm | 02:34 |
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lasse | ut2004 | 02:34 |
Bromics | haha. maybe there are windows emulator :P | 02:34 |
fr0nk | now all the menus in this bar are gone | 02:34 |
fr0nk | please someone help me! :x :D | 02:34 |
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IndyGunFreak | LjL: i try not to get people kicked | 02:34 |
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fr0nk | there was a error message and now the menus are gone o_O | 02:34 |
fr0nk | i don't know what to do ;) | 02:34 |
kaolti | IndyGunFreak: thx | 02:34 |
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fr0nk | <- nub | 02:34 |
zeroday | !enter | fr0nk | 02:34 |
ubotu | fr0nk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 02:35 |
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fr0nk | ok | 02:35 |
IndyGunFreak | kaolti: its very hit and miss though.. definitely not 100% | 02:35 |
fr0nk | then see above the one line please :D | 02:35 |
LjL | IndyGunFreak: it's not like a kick kills your family. if you're pasting like that, being kicked is making a favor to the channel | 02:35 |
zeroday | lasse: your pretty screwed try cedega instead | 02:35 |
oshri | hiii i need help whith me leptop | 02:35 |
IndyGunFreak | LjL: i guess thats true, but i value my family.. :) | 02:35 |
Summer | hey anybody wana reply to me? | 02:35 |
zeroday | !ask | oshri | 02:35 |
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ubotu | oshri: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
strabes | fr0nk: Not sure about gnome-terminal but with konsole you can run "konsole -e <command>" | 02:36 |
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ikonia | Summer people will respond if they know the answer | 02:36 |
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renato_ | fan 5636 0 | 02:36 |
renato_ | fbcon 42656 0 | 02:36 |
renato_ | tileblit 3584 1 fbcon | 02:36 |
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renato_ | font 9216 1 fbcon | 02:36 |
ikonia | wow | 02:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by LjL | ||
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ikonia | how silly | 02:36 |
Kaso | og what the fuck | 02:36 |
Kaso | haha | 02:36 |
fr0nk | strabes: that isn't the problem. I would be happy to have my menus in the top bar back again | 02:36 |
ikonia | !language | 02:36 |
zeroday | renato_: RENATO STOP DOING THAT | 02:36 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:36 |
lz1gjd | why gtk is slower than qt, is there any fix ? | 02:36 |
LjL | !language | Kaso | 02:36 |
ubotu | Kaso: please see above | 02:36 |
fr0nk | seems kind of f**ked up | 02:36 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:36 |
LjL | zeroday: he's not in the channel. | 02:36 |
oshri | i heve lenovo 3000 n100 sys ubuntu 7.04 | 02:36 |
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ikonia | this language is uncalled for | 02:36 |
strabes | fr0nk: oh I thought you were asking how to run a command in a terminal from a launcher | 02:36 |
zeroday | LjL: sorry was typing then u kicked him | 02:36 |
ikonia | fr0nk please don't use bad langauge | 02:36 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
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zeroday | ikonia: get a life | 02:37 |
fr0nk | strabes: i wanted to do so, but right now i can't do anything without the menus in the top bar | 02:37 |
fr0nk | ikonia: sorry | 02:37 |
ikonia | LjL you still ther | 02:37 |
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ikonia | LjL thank you | 02:37 |
strabes | fr0nk: do you HAVE the top bar? How about the bottom one? They're called panels by the way. | 02:37 |
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oshri | but the ac no charging batria | 02:37 |
IndyGunFreak | man, this channel is lively this morning. | 02:37 |
ikonia | fr0nk no problem, thank you | 02:37 |
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ikonia | IndyGunFreak it certainly is | 02:37 |
MingLT | hi guys, iv just got a quick question to ask before i replace debian with ubuntu on my desktop - | 02:37 |
fr0nk | strabes: i'll take a screenshot, ok? :D | 02:37 |
MingLT | is there a gui tool for the ndis util? | 02:38 |
strabes | fr0nk: ok tell me the url | 02:38 |
IndyGunFreak | MingLT: i think so. | 02:38 |
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MingLT | IndyGunFreak: cool | 02:38 |
zelrikriando | I have a question : how do I fix my libraries? :) plz | 02:38 |
MingLT | IndyGunFreak: any ideas what its called? | 02:38 |
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graphyx | what is the trick to getting ubuntu to work with a proxy? | 02:38 |
ikonia | graphyx what part of "work" | 02:38 |
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graphyx | I can't update with the server causo of the proxp | 02:39 |
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IndyGunFreak | MingLT: sorry i don't..., bu ti know feisty is supposed to be much easier to configure wireless. | 02:39 |
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graphyx | how do I set up the package manager to use the proxy? | 02:39 |
rio_ | how to make wpa work with a belkin wireless g usb network adapter? (F5D7050) | 02:39 |
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ikonia | graphyx ok, do you have the gnome desktop running ? | 02:39 |
MingLT | IndyGunFreak: ok thanks for you help! | 02:40 |
IndyGunFreak | MingLT: why would you switch from debian to ubuntu? | 02:40 |
ooglaboogla | i have 60 GB of files on an SME server that i can access via ssh or ftp, what is the fastest way to transfer the files to this machine which is ubuntu 7.04 | 02:40 |
ikonia | ooglaboogla samba, scp, ftp what ever you want | 02:40 |
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fr0nk | strabes: still uploading, sry for the large file (1,5mb) i don't know how to tell gnome-screenshot to compress harder | 02:40 |
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ooglaboogla | they are all the same speed of transfer | 02:41 |
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strabes | fr0nk: ok | 02:41 |
ikonia | ooglaboogla you won't see any difference to be honest | 02:41 |
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graphyx | ikonia: pretty sure, not all of the apps begin with K | 02:41 |
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fr0nk | strabes: | 02:41 |
ikonia | graphyx ahh so your using kde | 02:41 |
oshri | anyone can help me pless | 02:41 |
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ikonia | oshri whats the problem ? | 02:41 |
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rdesh | is it true that nvidia drivers are superior to ATI in linux? | 02:41 |
afief | oshri, state the nature of your linux emergency | 02:42 |
IndyGunFreak | rdesh: yes | 02:42 |
graphyx | ikonia: no. The apps don't start with K => Gnome | 02:42 |
Zeion | i need help, i installed KDE to show a friend how it looked now it has taken KDE as standard but i themed my gnome interface login and everything i want gnome loginscreen and gnome desktop enviroment to be default how do i do that? | 02:42 |
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rdesh | i am trying to decide which to get: amd 690g or geforce 6100, but amd 690g has on-board dualhead | 02:42 |
ikonia | graphyx no the apps start with a k = kde | 02:42 |
ikonia | rdesh better supported | 02:42 |
fr0nk | Zeion: try selecting it on the logon screen under "options" | 02:42 |
strabes | fr0nk: oh, that's easy. Just right click on one of the panels and hit "add to panel..." | 02:42 |
graphyx | ikonia: yes I know. they don't so it is gnome. | 02:42 |
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IndyGunFreak | Zeion: at the log in scree, hit sesions, and it should have an option there to make Gnome the Default | 02:42 |
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strabes | fr0nk: you'll want to add the "menu bar" | 02:42 |
zelrikriando | I have a question : how do I fix my libraries? :) plz | 02:43 |
strabes | fr0nk: what terminal-based irc client is that by the way? | 02:43 |
strabes | zelrikriando: be more specific | 02:43 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:43 |
fr0nk | strabes: ok thank you, but why is everything gone since i entered a (malformed?) application string? | 02:43 |
cinex | hi; I just used the upgrader to update kubuntu to 7.04 (I think) now my laptop screen is tiled. anyone know how to fix it? | 02:43 |
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ikonia | graphyx under the system admin menu there is a proxy setting | 02:43 |
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fr0nk | strabes: is this a bug? | 02:43 |
Zeion | but the logon screen it self was gnome (modded) before now its kde, does it change back if i choose Gnome to be standard enviroment? | 02:43 |
zelrikriando | I broke my sound by trying to make it work | 02:43 |
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strabes | fr0nk: I don't know. It's never happened to me before. Did you get it fixed? What irc client is that? | 02:43 |
IndyGunFreak | zelrikriando: how can you break something already broken? | 02:43 |
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MingLT | IndyGunFreak: 'Restricted Drivers Manager' =] | 02:43 |
fr0nk | strabes: irssi | 02:44 |
Miles_Prower | Hi guys | 02:44 |
strabes | fr0nk: thanks | 02:44 |
fr0nk | strabes: with nicklist plugin | 02:44 |
IndyGunFreak | MingLT: i've not really used it, but i guess i could see how that might happen | 02:44 |
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fr0nk | -> | 02:44 |
fr0nk | then /script load nicklist | 02:44 |
zelrikriando | I broke the volume control and alsamixer | 02:44 |
ohmbr | hi, after i upgrade my system on april 20' my rdesktop stop work... | 02:44 |
zelrikriando | before both were working but I had no sound | 02:44 |
cdonges | I have mounted a cifs mount and I can copy single files to it and I can create directories but when I drag a directory that contains files it gives me a permission error. Anyone know what's going on? | 02:44 |
Zeion | ok ill try if it dosent work i will return | 02:44 |
Summer | hello | 02:44 |
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ohmbr | it's returning Segmentation fault message.. | 02:44 |
Miles_Prower | How could I activate VNC remote controlling on Ubuntu using only command lines? The remote PC is not in the same location as me | 02:44 |
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pollyo | Hello | 02:44 |
Miles_Prower | I only have a ssh access | 02:45 |
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zelrikriando | now that I installed the update of ubuntu the sound seems to work but it is broken | 02:45 |
MingLT | Miles_Prower: ssh? | 02:45 |
zelrikriando | do you get the idea? | 02:45 |
pollyo | Looking for the command line functions to setup a network card (wireless) | 02:45 |
MingLT | Miles_Prower: ah right | 02:45 |
pollyo | I believe it uses madwifi | 02:45 |
MingLT | urrrrm | 02:45 |
IndyGunFreak | !wireless | 02:45 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 02:45 |
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zelrikriando | IndyGunFreak , is it possible to reinstall ubuntu to fix the libraries? | 02:46 |
pollyo | IndyGunFreak: Do they have command line steps? I do not have a gui installed? | 02:46 |
IndyGunFreak | pollyo: no | 02:46 |
IndyGunFreak | zelrikriando: of course you could reinstall. | 02:46 |
pollyo | IndyGunFreak: Do you know something that has a command line setup? | 02:46 |
cdonges | I have mounted a cifs mount and I can copy single files to it and I can create directories but when I drag a directory that contains files it gives me a permission error. Anyone know what's going on? | 02:46 |
IndyGunFreak | pollyo: no, i just said that | 02:46 |
CaptainMorgan | !wma | 02:46 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:46 |
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fr0nk | strabes: i'm working on it but it makes me kindof angry that i have to put all the shortcuts back again since most of the shortcuts were not located in the "add to panel"-window | 02:46 |
zelrikriando | IndyGunFreak , how do I do that? I dont want to break my windows xp | 02:47 |
pollyo | IndyGunFreak: You said they didn't have a command line setup. I just asked a different question if you know a site that has a command line setup. | 02:47 |
strabes | fr0nk: oh yeah that sux. sorry. you can just drag them from the applications menu though. | 02:47 |
IndyGunFreak | sigh. | 02:47 |
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fr0nk | strabes: yeah :D thank you very much! :) | 02:47 |
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IndyGunFreak | zelrikriando: did you install Ubuntu w/o wrecking Windows? | 02:47 |
pollyo | Anyone have a site with the command line setup for a network card (wifi) | 02:48 |
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fr0nk | strabes: btw do you know how i give a window's dimension (eg gnome-terminal) in a X11 conform way? | 02:48 |
zelrikriando | IndyGunFreak, - What? | 02:48 |
fr0nk | the manpage said see X manpage ;) | 02:48 |
IndyGunFreak | zelrikriando: nevermind. | 02:48 |
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Terrasque | fr0nk: the one who wrote that either a very clever guy, or a very stupid guy :p | 02:48 |
zelrikriando | IndyGunFreak, I am concerned about Grub | 02:48 |
graphyx | ikonia: that got it. Thanks. | 02:48 |
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strabes | fr0nk: you mean when it is started? I don't think gnome has an option to do that. I know KDE does - that's a big reason why I use KDE. Beryl allows you to set the locations of windows automatically when they appear. | 02:49 |
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fr0nk | strabes: ah :D ok. My intention was to add a shortcut that opens a gnome-terminal bigger as the default window, located in the middle of the screen and automatically starts a ssh command with a few parameters such as port, keyfile, etc | 02:50 |
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digitx | :) | 02:51 |
digitx | hi | 02:51 |
zelrikriando | I wonder if I use the CD of ubuntu to install, it will overwrite on my version or not | 02:51 |
strabes | fr0nk: try running "gnome-terminal --help" - that should give you some options | 02:51 |
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fr0nk | strabes: thanks | 02:51 |
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strabes | zelrikriando: yes | 02:51 |
RedRum | how do i configure my xserver to work with my ATI card? | 02:51 |
x-vOdk4-p4r4diiz | O_O | 02:51 |
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Zeion | gnome is now defualt but i want my modded gnome login screen back its still KDE standard how do i change that? | 02:51 |
strabes | RedRum: could you be more specific | 02:51 |
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zgreatelitest_ | RedRum, install fglrx driver | 02:51 |
strabes | Zeion: you mean the bootsplash? | 02:51 |
zelrikriando | so strabes I can just boot with the ubuntu CD and I am safe for a fresh install? | 02:51 |
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x-vOdk4-p4r4diiz | :'( | 02:52 |
skar | sn0: ok installing ia32 solved vmware install problems :) | 02:52 |
MingLT | RedRum: ndis wrapper? | 02:52 |
strabes | zelrikriando: if you WANT to erase all your data and things, yes. Otherwise you should back stuff up. | 02:52 |
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RedRum | i have a dell laptop, lcd screen, 1440x900, and when i boot ubuntu, i get an error message about the x server couldnt start | 02:52 |
scrimple | Hello, anyone know how to fix the "change desktop background" function on Dapper Drake? It won't load the backgrounds, the cursor just spins around loading nothing. how can i fix this or is it a bug? | 02:52 |
digitx | :::) | 02:52 |
jmoro | sudo update-alternatives --config | 02:52 |
jmoro | thats the command your looking for to change your usplash screen back | 02:52 |
RedRum | strabes: it tells me no screen is found, and i need to configure the xserver | 02:52 |
zelrikriando | ok strabes, you mean all the data on my ubuntu partition right? | 02:52 |
IndyGunFreak | Zeion: you mean you want your Login screen, to be the standard Gnome screen? | 02:52 |
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zgreatelitest_ | redrum, enable the universe multiverse repos, boot into repair mode, install fglrx | 02:52 |
Zeion | i dont know what its called but gnome and KDE have two different login screens | 02:52 |
fr0nk | Zeion: try running "gnome-control-center" from a shell and select the login manager | 02:52 |
x-vOdk4-p4r4diiz | Server of crazy >.< | 02:53 |
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digitx | .:.:.: test :) | 02:53 |
strabes | RedRum: I had the same problem. Once it crashes, simply hit ctrl+alt+F1, and follow these instructions: | 02:53 |
RedRum | <zgreatelitest_: how do i do that? | 02:53 |
Zeion | acturely i want it to be my modded gnome login screen but yes | 02:53 |
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zelrikriando | I ll do it then :) thx | 02:53 |
MingLT | RedRum: yeh in 7.04 theres a 'Restricted Drivers Manager' | 02:53 |
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MingLT | RedRum: you should be able to set you ati card to work with your standard win32 driver | 02:53 |
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fr0nk | Zeion: i don't know how your login screen is modded | 02:54 |
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jmoro | or you can download the extra cd im not sure on that one thougnb | 02:54 |
IndyGunFreak | Zeion: hmm, Edgy used to have an easy tool for that. | 02:54 |
jmoro | though | 02:54 |
IndyGunFreak | fr0nk: its easy..., | 02:54 |
RedRum | strabes: i have to configure my internet connection first i guess. im behind a router | 02:54 |
strabes | RedRum, MingLT, zgreatelitest_: all he has to do is switch to a virtual terminal, install fglrx, and edit the xorg.conf with nano. | 02:54 |
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x-vOdk4-p4r4diiz | O_o Qu'est-ce que je fout l -_' | 02:54 |
strabes | RedRum: do you have a firewall or something? | 02:54 |
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fr0nk | IndyGunFreak: really? lemme try ;) | 02:54 |
Pici | !fr | x-vOdk4-p4r4diiz | 02:54 |
ubotu | x-vOdk4-p4r4diiz: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 02:55 |
Zeion | a splash i think its called is overwritten but calling in whats for gnome is standard should bring it back i think | 02:55 |
RedRum | yes, i believe so | 02:55 |
IndyGunFreak | Zeion: try this.. System/Admin/Login Window...then click the Local tab.. | 02:55 |
IndyGunFreak | see if the one you want is there | 02:55 |
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x-vOdk4-p4r4diiz | Tk you | 02:55 |
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Ernz | Hi all - My brother is wanting to install Feisty on his computer, He currently has XP installed. Can he install Feisty on the same drive to dual boot with Windows, without killing his windows install? | 02:55 |
RedRum | strabes, could you elaborate those steps you explained? im not very familiar with linux | 02:55 |
Zeion | it says KDM is running therefore GDM cant be started | 02:55 |
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scrimple | Hello, anyone know how to fix the "change desktop background" function on Dapper Drake? It won't load the backgrounds, the cursor just spins around loading nothing. how can i fix this or is it a bug? | 02:56 |
Hattorii | i installed jdk-6u1-linux-i586.bin but when i do "java --version" i still get java version "1.4.2". how can i let it use the new one? | 02:56 |
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ikonia | scrimple that should work | 02:56 |
TECH_1 | I've sent Microsoft my sesignation. | 02:56 |
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TECH_1 | R | 02:56 |
IndyGunFreak | Zeion: hmm, well, you could try logging in to KDE, and following a similar instruction. | 02:56 |
strabes | RedRum: can you talk on irc while I walk you through it or do you only have 1 computer | 02:56 |
jmoro | yes he can you have to create a custom partition scheme though | 02:56 |
ikonia | Hattorii your $PATH environment variable is probably wrong | 02:56 |
IndyGunFreak | Zeion: open a terminal and type KDM | 02:56 |
IndyGunFreak | see what happens | 02:56 |
fr0nk | btw i discovered some kind of bug... i'm not quite sure but i edited my fstab and entered a nfs share with automount. When i use the gnome filebrowser i can access the mountpoint. In the terminal it is empty when i go like "cd /mountpoint && ls", but when i access the mountpoint like ///mountpoint i see all the files. When i accessed the mountpoint one time via ///mountpoint it is also accessable via /mountpoint | 02:56 |
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RedRum | hmm, strabes one sec | 02:56 |
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Zeion | same KDE seems to have taken over Gnome | 02:57 |
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LjL | !offtopic | 02:57 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:57 |
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IndyGunFreak | Zeion: i don't know, good luck. | 02:57 |
fr0nk | anyone know what that means? ;) | 02:57 |
ikonia | fr0nk thats not a bug - thats how it sould work | 02:57 |
Hattorii | ikonia: how to change it then | 02:57 |
strabes | Zeion: sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop kdm | 02:57 |
Ernz | !install | 02:57 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - See also !automate | 02:57 |
fr0nk | ikonia: oh *G* ok | 02:57 |
scrimple | ikonia what should work? | 02:57 |
Hattorii | !java | 02:57 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 02:57 |
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aa^way | hey, as i open over ~20 windows on ubuntu it will start tabbing them, i dont like to, how to fix it? | 02:57 |
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jmoro | im tell in to fix the boot screen default you have to do this command and the do the dpkg slash reconfigure sudo update-alternatives --config | 02:57 |
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ikonia | Hattorii edit your environment variable | 02:57 |
ikonia | scrimple how you change the background | 02:57 |
strabes | Zeion: have you resolved your problem yet? | 02:58 |
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IndyGunFreak | strabes: i think he needs to change it from KDE, but i'm not sure how to do that | 02:58 |
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Zeion | im removeing kdm (kde) as instructed and trying to see if it works | 02:58 |
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strabes | IndyGunFreak, Zeion: what exactly is the problem? | 02:58 |
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scrimple | no it doesn't it just stalls and won't load any backgrounds | 02:58 |
strabes | IndyGunFreak, Zeion: Is your BOOTSPLASH the kubuntu one? | 02:59 |
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IndyGunFreak | strabes: he installed KDE, and it apparently has disabled(or deleted?) a custom login screen he had | 02:59 |
Hattorii | ikonia: how i edit environment variable? | 02:59 |
strabes | Hattorii: you put them in ~/.bashrc | 02:59 |
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IndyGunFreak | uninstalling KDE is probably a bit, | 02:59 |
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IndyGunFreak | although i think KDE is the devil, so uninstall away | 03:00 |
fr0nk | Hattorii: for testing purposes you can use the "export" command | 03:00 |
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fr0nk | Hattorii: export varname=value <command> | 03:00 |
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strabes | IndyGunFreak: the problem is that when he installed kubuntu, he chose to use kdm (instead of gdm) as the default | 03:00 |
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IndyGunFreak | strabes: thats why i suggested he log in to KDE and fix his problem | 03:01 |
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disinterested | i did that too | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | he apparently didn't want to do that | 03:01 |
disinterested | lol | 03:01 |
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strabes | IndyGunFreak: he should just remove the kdm package | 03:01 |
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strabes | I bet his bootsplash is wrong too | 03:01 |
andy_ | how can I check how much swap space is left? | 03:01 |
IndyGunFreak | strabes: probably | 03:01 |
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strabes | andy_: "free" | 03:02 |
Zeion | it kicked me out but dident remove the problem it is still the same | 03:02 |
RedRum | strabes: did you get a PM from R3ddy? | 03:02 |
strabes | Zeion: what did you try to remove? | 03:02 |
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IndyGunFreak | strabes: regardless, KDE is about as close as the average Linux user can get to a | 03:02 |
Zeion | kdm | 03:02 |
strabes | RedRum: no | 03:02 |
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strabes | IndyGunFreak: I use kde. It's more powerful than gnome | 03:02 |
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IndyGunFreak | strabes: i'd rather have my face stomped on with golf cleats | 03:03 |
Ern1 | >>>> To anyone >>>>> Is it possible to install Feisty on a PC with XP, and not damage the XP installation? | 03:03 |
Zeion | it logges in to gnome by default but its still kdes borring non modded login screen that handles it | 03:03 |
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erUSUL | Ern1: yes | 03:03 |
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strabes | IndyGunFreak: sorry about that. KDE has options to place & size windows on creation which saves me a lot of time | 03:03 |
Ern1 | erUSUL: Do I have to manually edit the partition table? | 03:03 |
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Zeion | or put it on another harddisk | 03:04 |
IndyGunFreak | strabes: yeah, thats a nice feature, but i can't handle the crayon book look of it. | 03:04 |
dimeotane | I need help with cream in feisty.... It used to let me maximise the window and size it... but not since I upgraded to fesity. Any suggestions? | 03:04 |
andy_ | hm, when I'm idling, xorg uses around 10% of CPU time, how can I check what the culprit is? | 03:04 |
strabes | IndyGunFreak: what? the shiny icons? | 03:04 |
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IndyGunFreak | strabes: the default, i don't mess with KDE to know themes, etc. | 03:04 |
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IndyGunFreak | i also hate the menu structure | 03:05 |
NBrepresent | hi, what do you recommend for a p2p program with a gui? | 03:05 |
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erUSUL | !install | Ern1 | 03:05 |
ubotu | Ern1: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - See also !automate | 03:05 |
IndyGunFreak | i also hate how everything starts with K. | 03:05 |
IndyGunFreak | I also hate that its a resource hog. | 03:05 |
Trini_Man | ubot info on firefox | 03:05 |
HymnToLife | no more than Gnome... | 03:05 |
Zeion | some time during the install process of my theme wich is here it asked something about KDE or Gnome, as i was installing KDE theme i thought it was what to choose but now it is in command over gnome login, and im not quite certain what i did. | 03:05 |
strabes | IndyGunFreak: oh. imo amarok is a wonderful music program | 03:05 |
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IndyGunFreak | strabes: i use some KDE apps, for instance, KTorrent.. | 03:06 |
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strabes | IndyGunFreak: ok | 03:06 |
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IdleOne | !offtopic | 03:06 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:06 |
NBrepresent | hi, what do you recommend for a p2p program with a gui? | 03:06 |
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Pici | !p2p | NBrepresent | 03:06 |
ubotu | NBrepresent: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). - BitTorrent: see !torrent - Direct connect: try valknut. - Also see for general information. | 03:06 |
jvolkman | I love KDE technologically, but I hate it's cluttered look | 03:06 |
IndyGunFreak | NBrepresent: frostwire... | 03:07 |
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jvolkman | so I stick to gnome and use Konqueror, Kate, etc. as needed. | 03:07 |
NBrepresent | thanks for the links, Pici | 03:07 |
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Zeion | from this link can someone tell me what to do to get gnome login screen back? | 03:08 |
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strabes | Zeion: that's kinda a sketch login screen | 03:09 |
strabes | Zeion: sudo apt-get remove kdm | 03:09 |
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IndyGunFreak | Zeion: you actually installed Ubuntu Satanic Edition? | 03:09 |
dimeotane | jvolkman: other than KDE having a different look than gnome... what's would be the biggest difference between kbuntu and ubuntu? | 03:09 |
zaggynl | what? :D | 03:10 |
kaolti | arghh how can i get xserver is not installed when i do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 03:10 |
Hattorii | ikonia: can't find the jvm directory.. how can i set the proper path? | 03:10 |
Zeion | i was looking for a new cool visual for linux and a friend found it and helped me install it | 03:10 |
IndyGunFreak | geez, ballsy | 03:10 |
strabes | kaolti: do you have an ATI card? | 03:10 |
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ikonia | what do you mean - you can't find the jvm directory ? | 03:10 |
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kaolti | strabes nvidia | 03:10 |
ikonia | Hattorii you installed it - you should know where it is | 03:10 |
jvolkman | dimeotane, there really is no difference other than the differences between KDE and Gnome. | 03:10 |
the_sultan | barg ubuntu broke windows | 03:10 |
Hattorii | it's in my home | 03:10 |
ikonia | the_sultan no it didn't | 03:10 |
Hattorii | but there is no jvm dir | 03:10 |
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ikonia | Hattorii you installed it | 03:11 |
kaolti | strabes: im tryin to install new drivers | 03:11 |
ikonia | Hattorii you know where you installed it to | 03:11 |
strabes | Zeion: | 03:11 |
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Hattorii | ikonia: it's in home | 03:11 |
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Hattorii | ikonia: but there is no jvm dir inside | 03:11 |
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Hattorii | ikonia: i installed the bin from sun site | 03:11 |
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ikonia | of course there is no "jvm" dir | 03:11 |
kaolti | strabes: and i get xserver is not installed error | 03:11 |
ikonia | Hattorii exactly | 03:11 |
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ikonia | Hattorii YOU installed it | 03:12 |
Zeion | i did that already now i see E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 03:12 |
Hattorii | ikonia: can't understand. | 03:12 |
ikonia | Hattorii so YOU should have read on what was on the screen to see where it was installing it | 03:12 |
strabes | kaolti: | 03:12 |
the_sultan | hmm ubuntu installer doesnt think it can format my hdd | 03:12 |
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strabes | kaolti: did you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 03:13 |
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Hattorii | ikonia: locate jvm doesn't find any dir under 1.6 java | 03:13 |
kaolti | strabes: yea.but problem is solved now, thanks for the link :) | 03:13 |
ikonia | Hattorii there is no such command as "jvm" so locate will never find it | 03:13 |
Hattorii | not command | 03:14 |
Hattorii | directory | 03:14 |
ikonia | Hattorii there should not be a dir called "jvm" | 03:14 |
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the_sultan | 'the creation of swap space in partition #5 of ide1 maser (hda) failed...what could be the cause of this ? | 03:14 |
Hattorii | i see that current JAVA_HOME path point to /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun | 03:14 |
ikonia | the_sultan not enough space, can't re-size | 03:14 |
ikonia | Hattorii ok ??? | 03:14 |
ikonia | Hattorii so ? | 03:14 |
the_sultan | there isnt any partitions on the disk | 03:15 |
Hattorii | what's the dir i should point it to no? | 03:15 |
Hattorii | now | 03:15 |
fr0nk | hm, doesn't the gnome-terminal read the .bash_profile in my ~? | 03:15 |
ikonia | Hattorii the 1.6 dir | 03:15 |
strabes | fr0nk: yeah | 03:15 |
fr0nk | damn ;o | 03:15 |
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ikonia | Hattorii this is all explained in the guide | 03:15 |
Hattorii | which one? | 03:15 |
Vuen | hey #ubuntu, i'm having problems with k3b. it keeps telling me cds are burning properly, but the cds don't work | 03:15 |
Hattorii | which guide | 03:15 |
ikonia | Hattorii the java guide on the wiki | 03:15 |
Zeion | tried remove from synaptic ill be back need to reboot to test it out | 03:15 |
Hattorii | any link? | 03:15 |
ikonia | Hattorii | 03:16 |
fr0nk | strabes: is there a way to make gnome-terminal read the file? | 03:16 |
Vuen | it's incredibly frustrating because it keeps ruining blank dvds | 03:16 |
ikonia | Hattorii search it | 03:16 |
fr0nk | strabes: or does it have its own format? | 03:16 |
strabes | try "source ~/.bash_profile" | 03:17 |
the_sultan | ikonia, i told it to do the partitioning auto | 03:17 |
fr0nk | strabes: and btw have you tried irssi out? | 03:17 |
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fr0nk | strabes: \o/ :x :D | 03:17 |
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strabes | fr0nk: yeah I don't have time to learn all the commands and things - i'll just stick with noob konversation | 03:18 |
the_sultan | when i go to manually partition it wont let me do it either | 03:18 |
Hattorii | ikonia: it doesn't explain how to install from the sun download | 03:18 |
ikonia | Hattorii yes it does | 03:18 |
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the_sultan | what size does my swap file need to be | 03:18 |
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ikonia | the_sultan double the ram is a good guide | 03:18 |
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fr0nk | strabes: there aren't any other commands, just /nick /join and /server <server> that you'll probably need | 03:18 |
fairman | Hi, how can i force Konqueror to view thumblains when i open ftp folder with jpeg pictures? | 03:18 |
Hattorii | doesn't | 03:19 |
Hattorii | ikonia: if it does, please point me to correct one | 03:19 |
strabes | fr0nk: no I like everything automated | 03:19 |
fr0nk | fairman: enable preview of pictures on a network location | 03:19 |
strabes | fr0nk: I saw that you could do that in irssi, but I didn't want to bother | 03:19 |
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IndyGunFreak | ikonia: double the ram?.. Never heard that, I'll have to remember that. | 03:19 |
IndyGunFreak | whats the logic for that/ | 03:19 |
ikonia | Hattorii it explains it | 03:19 |
strabes | fr0nk: like when I open konversation, it automatically connects to the server I want and a few channels I want | 03:19 |
ikonia | IndyGunFreak it used to be 1.5 times the ram | 03:19 |
Hattorii | ikonia: where? | 03:19 |
fr0nk | strabes: you aren't bothering, this is about helping each other :D | 03:19 |
the_sultan | is a swap primary or logical ? | 03:20 |
IndyGunFreak | hmm. | 03:20 |
ikonia | Hattorii read it | 03:20 |
fr0nk | strabes: ah ok, in irssi you'd have to script that | 03:20 |
Hattorii | ikonia: sudo update-alternatives --config java doesn't list the one i installed | 03:20 |
ikonia | for example If you want to use Sun's Java instead of the open source GIJ (GNU Java bytecode interpreter) you need to set it as default. To list installed JVMs: | 03:20 |
fairman | fr0nk: thank you, so easy ... | 03:20 |
ikonia | Hattorii possibly as you've not installed it right | 03:20 |
strabes | fr0nk: it didn't look like I would have to use a script on the irssi help page | 03:20 |
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strabes | fr0nk: | 03:20 |
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Hattorii | ikonia: as i said u, the guide doesn't explain how to install from sun download. it suppose you have already installed. | 03:21 |
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ikonia | Hattorii thats not the only other guide | 03:21 |
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Hattorii | i did: | 03:21 |
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fr0nk | strabes: yes you could also use the "autoperform" section in the config, but then irssi will do that on all servers iirc | 03:21 |
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timposey | Hello all... have a problem... I was running the upgrade to 7.04 when I lost power. I now have power but get the following message when I try to check updates... E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 03:21 |
Hattorii | so it's difficult to do those 2 commands wrong | 03:21 |
strabes | fr0nk: | 03:21 |
ikonia | Hattorii htats nothing to do with ubuntu that guide | 03:21 |
strabes | fr0nk: oh | 03:21 |
strabes | fr0nk: i'm not going to bother though. If it ain't broke, don't fix it | 03:21 |
ikonia | Hattorii thats a generic install that assume you know how to configure your distro | 03:21 |
Hattorii | ikonia: it's the guide to installa the .bin from sun | 03:21 |
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ikonia | Hattorii yes - but nothing to do with ubuntu | 03:22 |
ikonia | Hattorii so ubuntu won't be aware of what you've installed | 03:22 |
Hattorii | so gimme a guide to install the bin in ubuntu | 03:22 |
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Hattorii | u haven't provide one | 03:22 |
Hattorii | but u say it exists | 03:22 |
ikonia | Hattorii its in the wiki | 03:22 |
Hattorii | where | 03:22 |
ikonia | have a search around | 03:22 |
lampyris | i tried to install ubuntu gtk theme on debian, but it doesn't work... can you help me? | 03:22 |
the_sultan | what the balls why wouldnt ubuntu let me write partitions to the hdd when im trying to install it ? | 03:22 |
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Hobbsee | timposey: run sudo dpkg --configure -a then | 03:22 |
Hattorii | u pasted me the "sudo update-alternatives --config java" that doesn't show me the installed one | 03:22 |
ikonia | the_sultan anything in error log | 03:23 |
ikonia | Hattorii because I've told you "ubuntu isn't aware of what you've installed" | 03:23 |
fsckr | is there a conky channel? | 03:23 |
the_sultan | where that ? | 03:23 |
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timposey | Hobbsee in terminal? | 03:23 |
Hobbsee | timposey: yes | 03:23 |
ikonia | the_sultan normally /var/log | 03:23 |
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timposey | thanks | 03:23 |
Hobbsee | timposey: close synaptic/the updater first | 03:23 |
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the_sultan | my mouse has died also is their a shortcut to get into terminal | 03:23 |
ikonia | the_sultan no idea | 03:23 |
dromer | hi all, I just installed sopcast o.2.8 but I need firefox to open linsk with sop:// with it, can someone explain (or point me in the right direction to) how I can do this? (I know I have to add something in about:config) | 03:23 |
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the_sultan | and now the system as locked up again | 03:24 |
Hattorii | ikonia: so where is the guide to install the bin from sun in ubuntu? | 03:24 |
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fr0nk | btw who mentioned he is using beryl to arrange the window positions? | 03:24 |
the_sultan | i dont think ubuntu likes my pc :p | 03:24 |
fr0nk | it doesn't work ;) | 03:24 |
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Hobbsee | !java | Hattorii | 03:24 |
ubotu | Hattorii: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 03:24 |
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timposey | hobbsee: How do I close that? | 03:25 |
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Hattorii | !Multiverse | 03:25 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 03:25 |
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Hobbsee | timposey: uh? like you close any other program - the quit button | 03:25 |
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fr0nk | huh gnome-terminal doesn't seem to work with ncurses (centericq) properly. Is it me or a bug? | 03:26 |
timposey | Hobbsee Ok lol it was just not open so I thought it may be running out there in the universe somewhere... | 03:26 |
Hobbsee | timposey: (if it's open, that is) | 03:26 |
Hobbsee | timposey: ahhh. nope | 03:26 |
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Hattorii | ikonia: the guide tell how to install java 6 from repository, not from sun bin file | 03:27 |
ikonia | Hattorii exactly | 03:27 |
ikonia | Hattorii as I said - the sun guie is nothing to do with ubuntu so ubuntu will not be aware of it | 03:27 |
timposey | Hobbsee looks like the install is running correctly once again.. thanks for the help | 03:27 |
Hobbsee | Hattorii: the sun bin file has instructions with it, if you wish to use that, iirc.... | 03:27 |
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Hobbsee | which ubuntu probably wont be aware of - the package manager, anyway | 03:28 |
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ikonia | Hobbsee I've told him 3 times | 03:28 |
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Vuen | hey guys, how do i check what programs are using a file/device? i'm trying to unmount my cdrom and it keeps telling me it's busy | 03:29 |
W_McL | AFAIK java 6 is available in the package management, so why install sun's version? | 03:29 |
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clusterm1gnet | guys, im mad... i was told that ubuntu 7.04 supports lvm on install, it doesnt :( | 03:29 |
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VirhYl3 | How do I get ownership over my mp3s so I can edit their tags in Rhythmbox? | 03:29 |
clusterm1gnet | it doesnt recognize my volume groups | 03:29 |
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Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: i thought it did - the alternate cd | 03:30 |
VirhYl3 | Is there a way to do it without the console? | 03:30 |
W_McL | clusterm1gnet: it does. (at least the alternate install cd does) you just need to set it up | 03:30 |
clusterm1gnet | Hobbsee: sorry? | 03:30 |
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clusterm1gnet | W_McL: i have a linux distro i wish to move off from... i need to keep my data, its on lvm | 03:30 |
Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: as in, the alternate cd has lots more options - including LVM, i think | 03:30 |
clusterm1gnet | so i pop the cd i downloaded, and it didnt work | 03:30 |
Hobbsee | did you use the desktop cd? | 03:30 |
clusterm1gnet | Hobbsee: a desktop showed up :) | 03:31 |
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clusterm1gnet | Hobbsee: with an install icon | 03:31 |
clusterm1gnet | yes, i used the desktop cd download | 03:31 |
clusterm1gnet | should i grab the server one? | 03:31 |
VirhYl3 | the alternate cd, yes. | 03:31 |
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W_McL | clusterm1gnet: not the server one, the alternate one | 03:31 |
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VirhYl3 | so how do I get permission to rename my mp3s? | 03:31 |
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clusterm1gnet | thanks! | 03:31 |
VirhYl3 | without the command line? | 03:31 |
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Noodlesgc | why will my ubuntu not let me change the read-write access to my hard drives? | 03:32 |
YamiTenshi | hey, can anybody help me set up a PPPoE connection in Edgy Eft? | 03:32 |
VirhYl3 | Noodlesgc: I'm having the same exact problem. | 03:32 |
timposey | Hobbsee the install stopped and gives me the following error....Errors were encountered while processing: notification-daemon | 03:32 |
W_McL | Noodlesgc: you usually need superuser privileges to do such operations | 03:33 |
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VirhYl3 | Yes, how do I get superuser privileges? | 03:33 |
Noodlesgc | but it wont even let me install programs | 03:33 |
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Hobbsee | timposey: can you pastebin the full error please? | 03:33 |
W_McL | VirhYl3: type sudo in front of the command you want to execute in the terminal | 03:33 |
VirhYl3 | noodles: Yeah, Linux is anal that way. Which is why we need to be superusers. | 03:33 |
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VirhYl3 | ah, see, I don't know commands in the terminal. | 03:34 |
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VirhYl3 | I want to be a super user in gnome. | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: ahh. that's the desktop cd. for more of the unusual configs, you need to use the alternate cd | 03:34 |
clusterm1gnet | guys, so what you're talkign about, is checking the "alternate CD" box here | 03:34 |
clusterm1gnet | ya? | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: yeah | 03:34 |
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clusterm1gnet | Hobbsee: thanks! | 03:34 |
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Hobbsee | !multiverse | Hattorii | 03:34 |
ubotu | Hattorii: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: no problem | 03:34 |
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timposey | Hobbsee I'm fairly new ... that is the full error that I see on the terminal screen | 03:34 |
VirhYl3 | Can I just make myself a super user? | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | !multiverse > Hattorii | 03:34 |
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Hobbsee | VirhYl3: it's...not a good idea. | 03:35 |
VirhYl3 | so I can just right click on files and change their permissions at will? | 03:35 |
holypax | ies4linux problem | 03:35 |
Hobbsee | !root | VirhYl3 | 03:35 |
ubotu | VirhYl3: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 03:35 |
Noodlesgc | how can i become a superuser | 03:35 |
clusterm1gnet | Hobbsee: where can i rtfm the difference between desktop and server ubuntu, is there a diff sheet somewhere? | 03:35 |
etuardu | i have a problem about compiz: when i run compiz --replace all windows loose their title bar | 03:35 |
Hobbsee | !root > Noodlesgc | 03:35 |
VirhYl3 | Hobbsee: I don't want to bother. I'm no n00b. I want to be a super user in gnome, so I don't have to type all day. | 03:35 |
W_McL | clusterm1gnet: the server cd installs a commandline system without GUI | 03:35 |
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Hobbsee | VirhYl3: then see the factoid | 03:35 |
VirhYl3 | OK, lookin' at it. | 03:36 |
Hobbsee | W_McL: dont confuse the *server* install with the alternate | 03:36 |
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squidly[work] | hello.. I've got an issue with a ubuntu server that is driving me up the wall | 03:36 |
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Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: if you've ever installed debian, or installed an older version of ubuntu, the alternate isntaller is tha tone - has a lot more options, including lvm stuff. | 03:36 |
squidly[work] | when ever I restart it I have to reset permissions on a directory for samab and I cant figure out why it wont stay installed | 03:37 |
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Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: the desktop installer is basically the more common versions of that | 03:37 |
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W_McL | Hobbsee: i don't confuse it | 03:37 |
VirhYl3 | I read that whole page. It just gives me a bunch of command line stuff that isn't helping me. | 03:37 |
W_McL | Hobbsee: i try to explain the differences | 03:37 |
Hobbsee | clusterm1gnet: i'm assuming you're meaning the difference between the alternate cd, and desktop, or server install and desktop? | 03:38 |
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Hobbsee | W_McL: true - i guessed what clusterm1gnet meant, rather than what he said, based on what he said previously | 03:38 |
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RancidZA | hey guys | 03:39 |
VirhYl3 | I just need to right click on files at will (for about an hour) and change their permissions. After that I can go back to being me. | 03:39 |
VirhYl3 | So that I can change the mp3 tag info on about 1,000 mp3s. | 03:39 |
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RancidZA | im trying to install the RT driver for mah wireless card | 03:39 |
RancidZA | | 03:39 |
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BuntuBear | ubuntu cd's are here :D | 03:39 |
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RancidZA | make keeps failing :/ | 03:39 |
RancidZA | | 03:39 |
Hattorii | !easysource | 03:39 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 03:39 |
RancidZA | see the pastebin above | 03:39 |
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W_McL | VirhYl3: then hit Alt+f2, type "gksudo nautilus" to start the filemanager with superuser permissions, do the changes and close the filemanager after that | 03:40 |
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coz_ | has anyone here tried the new nvidia beta driver v100.14.05 ? | 03:40 |
VirhYl3 | W_McL: THANK YOU!!! That's exactly what I want to do. | 03:40 |
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the_sultan | hmm ubuntu doesnt like my hard drive | 03:40 |
W_McL | VirhYl3: but use the superuser permissions carefully ;) | 03:41 |
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the_sultan | when its trying to install and make the partitions it fails and the log file is full of i/o errors | 03:41 |
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CaptainMorgan | I must be going blind.. where is the menu editor ? | 03:41 |
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Hobbsee | VirhYl3: how many files are you oging to change, and what are you going to change the permissions to? | 03:42 |
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CaptainMorgan | in fiesty | 03:42 |
the_sultan | how do i format a hdd in ubuntu ? | 03:42 |
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CaptainMorgan | the_sultan, gparted ? | 03:42 |
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squidly[work] | the_sultan, mkfs | 03:42 |
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the_sultan | captainMorgan, wat ? | 03:43 |
variant | CaptainMorgan: right click the menu button and select edit menu | 03:43 |
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CaptainMorgan | thanks variant | 03:43 |
CaptainMorgan | the_sultan, gparted | 03:43 |
graphyx | is there a way to make sure that the video stuff is set up right? | 03:43 |
CaptainMorgan | what didn't you understand? | 03:43 |
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VirhYl3 | heh, now it won't let me change owners. It automatically goes back to root every time I click my name. | 03:44 |
the_sultan | what is gparted | 03:44 |
CaptainMorgan | 03:44 | |
CaptainMorgan | !gparted | 03:44 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 03:44 |
graphyx | I only got 1024x768 on the install and I know this card can do 1280x1024 | 03:44 |
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CaptainMorgan | !mkfs | 03:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mkfs - try searching on | 03:44 |
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Hattorii | Linux ubuntu 2.6.17-11-generic is it edgy or feisty? | 03:44 |
variant | Hattorii: edgy | 03:45 |
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VirhYl3 | Is there no way to change ownership of a directory? | 03:45 |
variant | Hattorii: if you want to know the version your running use lsb-release | 03:45 |
herbaliser | what packages do in need to install to compile from source i have done apt-get install build-essentials get's me the compiler | 03:45 |
Kayef | Hi here,first time login | 03:45 |
variant | VirhYl3: chown, and chown -R to recurse | 03:45 |
edgy | Hattorii: cat /etc/issue would help you a lot | 03:45 |
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Kayef | can i ask a question now?? | 03:46 |
VirhYl3 | see, but I don't understand the dos like directory structure well enough to use the command line reasonably. | 03:46 |
VirhYl3 | *sigh* | 03:46 |
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squidly[work] | Kayef, nope :P | 03:46 |
variant | herbaliser: thats all you need, some software willr equire other build time functionaltiy but it will tell you whats missing when you run the configure script | 03:46 |
VirhYl3 | Kayef: just ask. | 03:46 |
=== squidly[work] ducks | ||
squidly[work] | Kayef, sorry just kidding ask away | 03:46 |
Kayef | thanks | 03:46 |
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eternal_p | good morning all...quick question, is there Adobe Reader 7 for Feisty Dawn...the default document image viewer is OK, but doesn't handle fonts or printing properly, I know it is in the edgey eft repositories... | 03:46 |
herbaliser | glib2-devel is missing can i install this using apt-get? | 03:46 |
variant | VirhYl3: there is no dos like directory struction | 03:46 |
variant | structure | 03:46 |
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VirhYl3 | well, when I'm typing in a console, I call that DOS like. | 03:46 |
variant | VirhYl3: why don't you just change permissions with the gui? | 03:47 |
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VirhYl3 | and I have no idea what the F#*K I'm doing in there. | 03:47 |
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squidly[work] | VirhYl3, the proper term is being in a shell | 03:47 |
VirhYl3 | I's not letting me. | 03:47 |
Kayef | I just install ubuntu and my usb hub doesn't work if i startup with it plugged in but if i plug it in after ubuntu has loaded then it works | 03:47 |
Kayef | how? | 03:47 |
VirhYl3 | it switches back to root automatically. | 03:47 |
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VirhYl3 | Kayef: I read somewhere that that may be a bug that is being worked on. | 03:47 |
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Kayef | means I have to wait till they get it sorted out? | 03:48 |
Kayef | no quick solution at the moment? | 03:48 |
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VirhYl3 | Make sure you have the latest updates. | 03:48 |
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=== VirhYl3 shrugs. | ||
Kayef | I have the auto update on | 03:48 |
Kayef | is it enough? | 03:48 |
VirhYl3 | most likely. | 03:48 |
VirhYl3 | :D | 03:48 |
VirhYl3 | you may want to try prayer, as well. LOL | 03:48 |
squidly[work] | Kayef, that should be good. You also can manualy check it with updates | 03:49 |
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Kayef | wat is prayer? | 03:49 |
VirhYl3 | a bad joke. | 03:49 |
squidly[work] | Kayef, its a bad joke :P | 03:49 |
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VirhYl3 | jinx! | 03:49 |
Kayef | oooo | 03:49 |
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Kayef | i see | 03:49 |
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VirhYl3 | OK, so nautilus won't allow me to change permissions. | 03:49 |
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eternal_p | kayef: I don't know how, but see if you can delay the usb startup in ubuntu (take it out of startup, and put it into a script) that may get you what you need, have you tried a different USB hub? | 03:49 |
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variant | VirhYl3: press alt f2 and type gksudo nautilus | 03:50 |
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Kayef | no....but if i plug individual usb in its the same | 03:50 |
VirhYl3 | Did that. | 03:50 |
Kayef | it doesn't load | 03:50 |
VirhYl3 | I'm root. | 03:50 |
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VirhYl3 | It's showing me all the options, but it won't let me switch owners. | 03:50 |
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variant | VirhYl3: be aware that if you change permissions on something you don't know the purpose of you can totaly break the system | 03:50 |
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Kayef | how do i take out from startup and put it into script? | 03:50 |
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VirhYl3 | It just jumps right back to root no matter what I select. | 03:50 |
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VirhYl3 | variant: I just want to change permissions on a directory of mp3s. | 03:50 |
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variant | VirhYl3: what is the filesystem? | 03:51 |
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kaolti | anyone knows how can i install msttcorefonts with apt-get? | 03:51 |
variant | VirhYl3: is it a fat filesystem? | 03:51 |
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VirhYl3 | NTFS | 03:51 |
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kaolti | im getting Package msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:51 |
VirhYl3 | XD | 03:51 |
variant | VirhYl3: is it mounted with write permission? | 03:51 |
VirhYl3 | think so. | 03:51 |
tommus | hey, whats a great bit-torrent client for feisty? | 03:51 |
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variant | VirhYl3: you can't change permissions on a read only fs | 03:51 |
Hattorii | how to install sun-java6-jdk? my repository can't find it. i created sources.list with | 03:51 |
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VirhYl3 | i can write some files! | 03:51 |
binary0 | hi guys... is there any way to have exim installed to work with one large config file only in stead of the ubuntu-style macro, multiple config files ?? | 03:51 |
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variant | VirhYl3: type mount, if it says ro it's read only if rw then read/write | 03:52 |
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variant | VirhYl3: perhaps ntfs doesn't support owner/group perms either. i don't know much about that fs | 03:52 |
VirhYl3 | ummm... see I don't know what directory to type that in. | 03:52 |
variant | VirhYl3: any directory | 03:52 |
VirhYl3 | I don't understand command line stuff AT ALL. | 03:52 |
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VirhYl3 | O I C. | 03:52 |
VirhYl3 | hmmm | 03:52 |
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kaolti | anyone knows how can i install msttcorefonts? | 03:53 |
variant | !fots | kaolti | 03:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fots - try searching on | 03:53 |
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variant | !fonts | kaolti | 03:53 |
ubotu | kaolti: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 03:53 |
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frank_b | does ubuntu have a limit for user accounts? I can't create one... | 03:53 |
kaolti | thx thx | 03:53 |
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VirhYl3 | hmmm... maybe it's doing something this time. I'm getting the "wait" icon on the mouse. | 03:54 |
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variant | frank_b: no | 03:54 |
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frank_b | variant: ok, thanks. must be a bug then | 03:54 |
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Ctrl_Z | :O | 03:56 |
VirhYl3 | Nope, still doesn't work. Can't add information to those tracks in Rhythmbox. | 03:56 |
VirhYl3 | *sigh* | 03:56 |
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variant | VirhYl3: did you do what i asked? | 03:56 |
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VirhYl3 | yes. | 03:56 |
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variant | VirhYl3: why didn't you tell me the result? | 03:56 |
VirhYl3 | I alt f2 gksudo nautilus. | 03:56 |
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variant | VirhYl3: i mean, mount in a terminal | 03:56 |
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VirhYl3 | I try and alter permissions, try to switch owners, try to alter groups... all nothing. | 03:57 |
VirhYl3 | i don't even know the begining of how to do that. | 03:57 |
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agresor | Can anyone help with "" | 03:57 |
VirhYl3 | like I go in the terminal and just type "mount"? | 03:57 |
variant | VirhYl3: type the word mount in a terminal | 03:57 |
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agresor | i have problem with SOUND on MPlayer | 03:57 |
variant | VirhYl3: and then enter | 03:57 |
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VirhYl3 | it all comes up rw. | 03:57 |
variant | VirhYl3: put the output on | 03:58 |
VirhYl3 | rw,nosuid,nodev | 03:58 |
herbaliser | can i search a package with apt-get ? for example all packages containting dbus | 03:58 |
variant | herbaliser: apt-cache search dbus | 03:58 |
VirhYl3 | | 03:59 |
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VirhYl3 | is my prob nosuid? | 03:59 |
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=== VirhYl3 wishes he had an old 3g ipod to format as a killer external hd. | ||
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variant | VirhYl3: you are using a network share? | 04:01 |
ikonia | VirhYl3 why would it be a "killer" hd ? | 04:01 |
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VirhYl3 | because every other external hd overheats or breaks easily. | 04:01 |
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VirhYl3 | yes. | 04:01 |
ikonia | nosense | 04:01 |
VirhYl3 | I'm attempting to share my divx with the living room PC. | 04:01 |
jrib | herbaliser: you want to search package names, desciptions or contents? | 04:01 |
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variant | VirhYl3: nice that you were able to set up nfs... | 04:02 |
VirhYl3 | ikonia: You don't live in the desert I take it. | 04:02 |
VirhYl3 | guess so. | 04:02 |
ikonia | then you want a full size hd running fast with a fast interface rather than a usb device clogging up the buss | 04:02 |
VirhYl3 | no idea what you are talking about. | 04:02 |
herbaliser | jrib i want to search package name | 04:02 |
herbaliser | apt-cach sarch works | 04:02 |
jrib | herbaliser: apt-cache search --names-only foo | 04:02 |
LjL | apt-cache search blah | grep blah also comes useful | 04:02 |
VirhYl3 | movies don't share, either. Or at least I don't have permission to see them. It tries to make me type in a password from the windows machine, and then that is the end of THAT game. | 04:02 |
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jrib | !apt > herbaliser (see the private message from ubotu) | 04:03 |
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VirhYl3 | I've posted bugs about all this on launchpad. | 04:03 |
herbaliser | tnx jrib | 04:03 |
VirhYl3 | I'm doing my civic duty. | 04:03 |
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Noodlesgc | is there any codec pack i can download where ubuntu will be able to handle all formats? | 04:04 |
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variant | VirhYl3: | 04:05 |
erUSUL | !mp3 > Noodlesgc | 04:05 |
ZeZu | mono in the us.archive repos. is ancient | 04:05 |
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ZeZu | anyone explain this ? | 04:05 |
VirhYl3 | variant: yes? | 04:05 |
variant | Noodlesgc: install vlc, contains support for basically all formats | 04:05 |
variant | VirhYl3: nm | 04:05 |
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mc44 | !info mono | 04:05 |
ubotu | mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 04:05 |
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ZeZu | feisty only ? | 04:05 |
Noodlesgc | after i install vlc will other media players be able to use the vlc codecs? | 04:05 |
VirhYl3 | noodles, there's also a gstreamer (ugly) or something that helps you run divx. Browse synaptic. | 04:05 |
VirhYl3 | noodles: no. | 04:06 |
ZeZu | i can see only version 1.1.13 | 04:06 |
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mc44 | ZeZu: older releases do not get updated packages | 04:06 |
variant | Noodlesgc: are you using feisty? | 04:06 |
ZeZu | haha | 04:06 |
Solarion | 7103 solarion 15 0 426m 362m 14m S 3.0 23.8 4:44.28 gnome-panel | 04:06 |
ZeZu | so much for LTS | 04:06 |
Solarion | so, where do I find the leak? | 04:06 |
Noodlesgc | 7.04 | 04:06 |
ZeZu | Limited Term Support i guess | 04:06 |
variant | ZeZu: security fixes are back ported | 04:06 |
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mc44 | ZeZu: support applies to security not to new packages | 04:06 |
Summer | how do I change font in Gnome? | 04:06 |
ZeZu | that sucks | 04:06 |
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Solarion | ZeZu: LTS means you will continue to get patches, but of course not new versions. | 04:06 |
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mc44 | ZeZu: it wouldnt be a stable release if every new package got put in there | 04:06 |
Pici | !info mono dapper | 04:06 |
VirhYl3 | well, I'm gonna have to attack this project some other night.... It's 7 AM and I gotta get SOME sleep.. Rest assured, I'll be back trying to get Ubuntu to "work" in the future. | 04:07 |
ZeZu | apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 04:07 |
ubotu | mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 04:07 |
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ab0oo | I need a grub expert.. I have a feisty system on /dev/hdb, and an old Windows system on /dev/hda. I wanted to recover the hda drive for use in another machine, but obviously the master boot record was on hda. how to I convice hdb to boot once it becomes hda? | 04:07 |
ZeZu | how do i upgrade to feisty ? | 04:07 |
variant | ZeZu: how does that suck exactly? it would cease to be dapper if all the packages were updated regularly.. it would be the same as feisty | 04:07 |
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mc44 | !upgrade | ZeZu | 04:07 |
ubotu | ZeZu: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:07 |
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lz1gjd | !bluetooth | 04:07 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 04:07 |
ab0oo | !grub | 04:07 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 04:07 |
ZeZu | well it sucks b/c i have to upgrade to use a package, or install it manually | 04:07 |
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variant | ZeZu: install it manually.. not hard | 04:08 |
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ZeZu | you might get shot for saying it though ;p | 04:08 |
rhYAFK | zezu: You should upgrade. Feisty >>>> Dapper. | 04:08 |
ZeZu | people in this channel scream about manual installs | 04:08 |
Parmenion | hi people | 04:08 |
variant | ZeZu: depends on how competent you are | 04:08 |
Xyc0 | My sound card keeps disappearing, does anyone know of any issues with audigy drivers? | 04:08 |
ikonia | ZeZu people do not advise manual installas it breaks dependency trees | 04:08 |
ikonia | variant exactly | 04:08 |
Parmenion | ZeZu: manual installs are commonsense ... | 04:09 |
ZeZu | indneed | 04:09 |
ab0oo | so the answer is just "boot from a rescue disk and install grub"? | 04:09 |
ikonia | Parmenion not for everyone | 04:09 |
herbaliser | in need DBUS-Glib 0.60 and devel package i have no idee how it's called for ubuntu | 04:09 |
Parmenion | ikonia: i suppose ... | 04:09 |
herbaliser | getting error when compiling from source | 04:09 |
rhYAFK | zezu, just do the automatic install upgrade. | 04:09 |
ZeZu | I use LFS mostly | 04:09 |
ikonia | herbaliserapt-cache search | 04:09 |
Parmenion | herbaliser: it isnt in apt? | 04:09 |
mc44 | ZeZu: because it is so much easier to install mono there :) | 04:09 |
ikonia | ZeZu thats interesting as I am one of the LFS writers | 04:09 |
ZeZu | i'm working on an arcade machine, and i knew the mono worked different | 04:09 |
ZeZu | ikonia, i know ;) | 04:09 |
rhYAFK | Feisty is really a huge upgrade from dapper. | 04:09 |
Noodlesgc | is there any where i can download vlc player and install it on windows, because im on windows right now | 04:09 |
ikonia | ooh | 04:10 |
Parmenion | rhYAFK: yep :P | 04:10 |
rhYAFK | I reformatted after dapper in seconds. | 04:10 |
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Parmenion | Noodlesgc: google for vlc | 04:10 |
herbaliser | installed all dbus packages from apt but getting the same error | 04:10 |
Pici | Noodlesgc: Google for vlc | 04:10 |
LjL | !windows > Noodlesgc (Noodlesgc, see the private message from Ubotu) | 04:10 |
Parmenion | lol Pici:P | 04:10 |
ZeZu | ikonia, i've poked around the lfs channels at different times for a long while, and have spoken with you before | 04:10 |
ikonia | herbaliser what are you trying to do ? | 04:10 |
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ikonia | ZeZu apologies, I cdon't remember everyone | 04:10 |
rhYAFK | !windows | 04:10 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See and !equivalents | 04:10 |
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ZeZu | ikonia, of course | 04:10 |
Parmenion | lol ! | 04:10 |
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Parmenion | i like the !windows | 04:10 |
sn0 | skar cool glad it helped :) | 04:10 |
WaxyFresh | !windows | 04:11 |
LjL | !botabuse | 04:11 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 04:11 |
Parmenion | guys, how do i get that tray icon for wicd ? | 04:11 |
herbaliser | oh found it | 04:11 |
herbaliser | sorry didn't see | 04:11 |
variant | Parmenion: wicd? | 04:11 |
Parmenion | yep | 04:11 |
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variant | Parmenion: which is? | 04:11 |
WaxyFresh | anyone know where gaim keeps log files? | 04:11 |
Mikhael | .gaim | 04:11 |
Mikhael | ~/.gaim | 04:11 |
nick_name | anyone know how to start the Main Menu from the terminal? | 04:12 |
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Xyc0 | Can someone help me with a sound card problem? | 04:12 |
sn0 | WaxyFresh gaim doesn't log by default, but in ~/.gaim once enabled | 04:12 |
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Parmenion | variant: its something like network manager except much better:P | 04:12 |
Parmenion | i used to have the sys tray icon | 04:12 |
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mc44 | nick_name: why do you want to do that? | 04:12 |
Parmenion | but after a reformat after i wiped my /home to oblivion .... i forgot how i did it :\ | 04:12 |
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Parmenion | the FAQs used to have them, but it seems they've moved | 04:13 |
nick_name | so I can right click and have it start via my nautilus scripts | 04:13 |
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ikonia | nick_name thats not how it will work | 04:13 |
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nick_name | is there anyway to open the main menu other than from the taskbar? | 04:14 |
Geist_ | Is there an easy way to backup a harddrive to a FAT32 partion? Just taring it fails on the filesizelimit of 4 gig, so I need a way to split and compres and have accsesable parts. Oh, and just change the stores format is not an option :-( | 04:14 |
nick_name | or a panel | 04:14 |
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sn0 | Geist_ 4Gig is the limit of the fat32 filesystem | 04:15 |
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sn0 | for max file size | 04:15 |
Parmenion | need a little help getting the wicd systray icon | 04:15 |
erUSUL | Geist_: try dar or the -M option to tar | 04:15 |
sn0 | you could split the files, or repartition with something that isn't such limited | 04:15 |
Parmenion | anyone? | 04:15 |
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sn0 | or backup to another pc if available over ssh/sftp | 04:15 |
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ad0le | How do I restart the remote desktop server form the command line? | 04:16 |
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erUSUL | ad0le: sudo shutdown -r now | 04:17 |
Geist_ | no, just have this one drive in the given format. and -M can't compress, as far as I know? | 04:17 |
ad0le | no, I dont know the executable name | 04:17 |
Pici | nick_name: You want to see the application browser? or the control panel? | 04:17 |
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sn0 | ad0le i believe you use gconf to enable/disable the remote desktop built into gnome | 04:18 |
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nick_name | application browser | 04:18 |
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sn0 | gconft--l iirc :) | 04:18 |
sn0 | gconftool sorry | 04:19 |
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ad0le | Im at work, I can ssh into my home machine but it looks like the RDesktop daemon stopped running, I just need to know how to start it back up :) | 04:19 |
sn0 | try gconftool-2 -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/remote_access/enabled true (haven't tested) so please check | 04:19 |
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Hobbsee | ad0le: i'd try running "rdesktop" as the executable - or at least trying that, then hitting tab | 04:20 |
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Pici | nick_name: /usr/lib/gnome-main-menu/application-browser | 04:20 |
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Hattorii | how to change $JAVA_HOME? i edited .bashrc but if i do echo $JAVA_HOME the old path is shown. | 04:21 |
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sn0 | brb food | 04:21 |
ikonia | Hattorii you've been told about 4 times on this | 04:21 |
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crtsan | ok | 04:21 |
Hattorii | ikonia: what | 04:22 |
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mc44 | Hattorii: you need to restart the terminal | 04:22 |
ikonia | Hattorii your java issue has been explained to you about 4 times | 04:22 |
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ad0le | still no beans on the restart of rdesktop | 04:22 |
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nick_name | i don't have the directory "gnome-main-menu" in /usr/lib/ | 04:22 |
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the_sultan | hmm i dont like it when programs take to long to close a session on a disc it usually means trouble | 04:23 |
Hattorii | ikonia: your answer are general and limit to check on google.. not much help | 04:23 |
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ikonia | Hattorii no - its been explaiend to you in detail and you have been given the wiki pages to explain how to fix it | 04:23 |
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freez | hello all i need help edg wont detcect m network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:24 |
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Hattorii | <mc44> Hattorii: you need to restart the terminal | 04:24 |
Hattorii | that's an help ikonia | 04:24 |
variant | there should be a !learn2read factoid.. | 04:24 |
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Hattorii | specific questions leads to specific answers | 04:25 |
ikonia | Hattorii because thats not true | 04:25 |
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Hattorii | it works | 04:25 |
ikonia | Hattorii restarting the termnal will just re-parse bashrc | 04:25 |
ikonia | you just needed to source it | 04:25 |
Pici | nick_name: Why dont you open the window you want to know the application of, then go to a terminal, type `ps ax | grep something` where something is part of the possible application name. | 04:25 |
ikonia | or set it manually | 04:25 |
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Hattorii | and that helped | 04:25 |
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Hattorii | u could tell me how to set manually | 04:25 |
matchstick | anyone that can help me with an installation prob? | 04:25 |
Hattorii | but u just said i was been explained yet | 04:25 |
variant | matchstick: just ask your question | 04:25 |
Lopi | hi... i have error in lsb-base... so i cant install fluxbox by aptitude for examply. How can i repair lsb-base? | 04:26 |
M_SAn | Hello there. I need to apply a patch for WIFi. I am supposed to go to /usr/src/linux-2.6.20/ but it does not exist, I have only linux-source-2.6.20.tar.bz2 there. What should I do? | 04:26 |
freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect m network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:26 |
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wizard123 | hello | 04:26 |
matchstick | i have ubuntu loaded up from the CD, and when i click the install icon that it puts on the desktop the installer window pops up and then closes right away | 04:26 |
lynucs | How is feisty? Worth to update from edgy? | 04:26 |
ma3x | can someone paste his ubunti /boot/grub/menu.lst file on pastebin? | 04:26 |
michelp | lynucs, definitely | 04:26 |
wizard123 | i need help with mp3 support in amarok in feisty fawn (kubuntu) | 04:26 |
variant | lynucs: if edgy works for you then don't bother | 04:26 |
variant | lynucs: if you ever come to reinstall then gowith feisty | 04:27 |
wizard123 | what should i install to enable mp3 support in amarok ? | 04:27 |
Parmenion | lynucs: depends | 04:27 |
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Parmenion | i like fiesty | 04:27 |
Pici | !mp3 > wizard123 | 04:27 |
wizard123 | !mp3 | 04:27 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 04:27 |
michelp | yeah to a degree it depends on your own attitude with trying new things | 04:27 |
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binary0 | !exim | 04:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about exim - try searching on | 04:27 |
mlehrer | easyubuntu's channel says that the functionality to easily add java/dvd/flash is built into feisty - is that correct/ | 04:27 |
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michelp | myself I like to throw my stuff over the cliff and see if it flies | 04:27 |
mlehrer | ? | 04:27 |
ikonia | Hattorii or you could read the docs you've been sent to learn how to do it | 04:27 |
lynucs | why should i ever reinstall ? | 04:27 |
matchstick | i have ubuntu loaded up from the CD, and when i click the install icon that it puts on the desktop the installer window pops up and then closes right away | 04:27 |
variant | matchstick: yes | 04:28 |
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matchstick | any thoughts as to whats wrong? | 04:28 |
variant | mlehrer: yes | 04:28 |
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wizard123 | k | 04:28 |
Parmenion | lynucs: if it ever comes to it :P | 04:28 |
mlehrer | variant: cool, how do you do it | 04:28 |
lynucs | :D | 04:28 |
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freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect my network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:28 |
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variant | mlehrer: attempt to play a video/audio file and it will prompt you with the codec install window | 04:28 |
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haru | on my fiesty installation.. the only refresh rates detected are 60 and 85.. anyone know how do i force it to 75 Hz | 04:29 |
smoenux | does someone know how to push the output from 'ls' to the paste buffer ? so that I can just paste the content on a website or something? | 04:29 |
variant | mlehrer: with a choice of codecs (if there is more than one) | 04:29 |
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haru | smoenux, ls > filename.txt | 04:29 |
haru | then open file and copy paste | 04:29 |
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Pici | smoenux: You can copy and paste out of a terminal window too... | 04:29 |
freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect my network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:29 |
haru | on my fiesty installation.. the only refresh rates detected are 60 and 85.. anyone know how do i force it to 75 Hz | 04:29 |
mlehrer | variant: you have got to be kidding me, isn't there a way to just pre-install all codecs , dvd, java, flash support? like with the linux mint install? | 04:29 |
smoenux | haru, ya, that much I know. But I'm workin on a wee script for work, for other people who does not know... they just want to paste directly | 04:30 |
Noodlesgc | the only refresh rate for me is 60Hz and 800 x 600 is there any way i can turn it up? | 04:30 |
Parmenion | mlehrer: install ubuntu-restricted extras | 04:30 |
smoenux | without having to copy and paste | 04:30 |
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Parmenion | comes with java, flash, mp3 and all | 04:30 |
pike_ | you guys like zenity or is there a better solution for helpful little scripts? | 04:30 |
Toma- | mlehrer: isnt Mint based on ubuntu? | 04:30 |
ikonia | Toma- yes and ? | 04:30 |
erUSUL | smoenux: install xclip | 04:30 |
freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect my network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:30 |
Pici | !fixres | Noodlesgc , haru :: | 04:30 |
ubotu | Noodlesgc , haru ::: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 04:30 |
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Toma- | install Mint :D | 04:30 |
smoenux | !xclip | 04:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xclip - try searching on | 04:31 |
mlehrer | Toma-: yes but their install CD has java, flash, codecs, etc. | 04:31 |
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erUSUL | smoenux: then you can do 'ls | xclip' and then paste with your middle button | 04:31 |
Rprp | Does someone know how i can use TeamSpeak and CS:S at the same time? (When i start TeamSpeak i dont have sound in CS:S) | 04:31 |
matchstick | anyone know why when i have ubuntu loaded, and click the install icon on the desktop that the install window opens and then closes right away? | 04:31 |
ikonia | Toma- why installmind ? | 04:31 |
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erUSUL | !info xclip | 04:31 |
ubotu | xclip: command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.08-7 (feisty), package size 16 kB, installed size 72 kB | 04:31 |
pike_ | Rprp: teamspeak using wine? | 04:31 |
mlehrer | Toma-: unfortunately their new desktop is getting away from the ubuntu desktop and has their own vista-like piece of crap | 04:31 |
smoenux | thanks erUSUL | 04:31 |
Rprp | pike_: No, Teamspeak with linux client, CS:S using wine. | 04:31 |
mlehrer | Parmenion: ok i'll try it | 04:31 |
freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect my network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:31 |
Toma- | ikonia: because it has restricted on CD? you can always change the repos to ubuntu and just enjoy the ubuntuness after installed | 04:31 |
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the_sultan | oh ffs gparted wont even boot it goes all artifacty... barg what is worng with my pc | 04:32 |
ikonia | Toma- no you can't | 04:32 |
freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect my network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:32 |
Toma- | o rly? | 04:32 |
mlehrer | Parmenion: it just says E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-restricted | 04:32 |
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ikonia | Toma- no | 04:32 |
kritzstapf | hi, im trying to use wpa with my belkin f5d7050, but all i get is: | 04:32 |
Toma- | ok | 04:32 |
variant | mlehrer: whats wrong with having the codecs automatically installed when you play a video? | 04:32 |
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Parmenion | mlehrer: look under add/remove programs | 04:32 |
nick_name | i want to be able to open my Main Menu as it is now (currently in my top panel) but without it being in my top panel (from terminal or Alt+F2), is there no way to do that? | 04:32 |
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mlehrer | variant: how is vlc able to install new codecs | 04:32 |
Parmenion | search for "restricted" under all available applications | 04:33 |
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variant | mlehrer: it comes with them built in, which is why it is not included by default in ubuntu | 04:33 |
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freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect my network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:33 |
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variant | mlehrer: as it is legally a grey area in some countries and probably totaly illegal in some too. | 04:33 |
freez | no one have a clue how to fix this or what ?!!!!!! | 04:33 |
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RedRum | whats a good irc client for linux? | 04:33 |
Pici | !irc | RedRum | 04:33 |
ubotu | RedRum: irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (, gaim (, Konversation (, irssi (console) ( - Also see and !guidelines | 04:33 |
Parmenion | RedRum: xchat is good | 04:33 |
variant | !repeat | freez | 04:33 |
ubotu | freez: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. Also see !patience | 04:33 |
freez | my ubuntu edgy wont detcect my network card (Realtek PHY RTL8201CL ) any one can help fixing this problem please . thanks | 04:34 |
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pike_ | Rprp: appearantly (i havent done this) sudo apt-get isntall alsa-oss; aoss wine counterstrike.exe | 04:34 |
matchstick | anyone know why when i have ubuntu loaded, and click the install icon on the desktop that the install window opens and then closes right away? | 04:34 |
variant | freez: we heard you the first time, repeating the question will get you banned rather than getting your issue resolved | 04:34 |
Rprp | pike_: oke, thnx i will try... | 04:34 |
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pike_ | Rprp: not sure with the whole wine oss thing | 04:34 |
mlehrer | variant: ok so in other words, codec/java/flash support still sucks. ugh | 04:34 |
freez | so no one can help . thats what are you trying to tel me variant ? | 04:34 |
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variant | matchstick: you could try running it from a terminal and that should give some informative output | 04:34 |
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Forgott3n | Can someone help me with trying to config my D-Link Wireless to static? | 04:35 |
Pici | matchstick: I think it would be easier to download and use the Alternate CD than trying to figure out why its not working. | 04:35 |
cute_bettong | anyone know if a zune media player will run in ubuntu? | 04:35 |
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variant | Pici: not at all, as the alternate cd might not work either | 04:35 |
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kuhcho | Parmenion: I like Xchat too but in ubuntu 7.04 there is no... onliy XChat-GNOME..... woh can I install the regular XChat | 04:35 |
variant | Pici: best to find out what is causing the issue in the first place | 04:35 |
variant | Pici: with a few simple steps | 04:36 |
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Pici | variant: But the alternate doesnt have a gui, so less points of failure | 04:36 |
Parmenion | kuhcho: lol, yes you can .... search in synaptic | 04:36 |
freez | do i have to uninstall ubuntu and look for another distro then ?! | 04:36 |
skoenman | can someone tell me if i install ubuntu desktop edition is it going to be slower if i use it as a server instead of ubuntu server???? | 04:36 |
variant | matchstick: open a terminal (alt f2 and type gnome-terminal) | 04:36 |
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kuhcho | realy?! just a sec | 04:36 |
kuhcho | :) | 04:36 |
matchstick | ok will do now variant | 04:36 |
herbaliser | how do in solve the package has unmet dependencies error when using apt-get | 04:36 |
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Pici | freez: hold on a sec, let me see if I can find some information for you | 04:36 |
variant | matchstick: from there run sudo ubiquity | 04:36 |
Parmenion | skoenman: its just that server doesnt come with a default gui .. | 04:36 |
Forgott3n | skoenman: depends on your system, but most likely yes. Server edition is text (console) only | 04:37 |
matchstick | run in terminal? | 04:37 |
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variant | matchstick: yes, type sudo ubiquity | 04:37 |
freez | ok Pici that would be really appreciated since i installed edgy one month ago and cant figure out how to get in internet | 04:37 |
skoenman | k so server is better for running server??? | 04:37 |
kuhcho | Parmenion: silly me...... :) 10x a lot :) | 04:37 |
Forgott3n | no thx for me :( | 04:37 |
skoenman | i can always putt off the gui if i want | 04:37 |
Parmenion | kuhcho: np :P | 04:37 |
Forgott3n | and I think you can always just install gnome afterwards | 04:38 |
axbard | can any one tell me what the command for deleting a folder with all its contains..... | 04:38 |
Rprp | pike_: doesnt work, dont have sound in CSS :( | 04:38 |
Parmenion | axbard: rm -vr /yourdername | 04:38 |
variant | axbard: rm -rf /path/to/folder | 04:38 |
Forgott3n | Parmenion: hey, could you give me a hand with my atheros card? | 04:38 |
Parmenion | axbard: rm -vr /yourfoldername | 04:38 |
kuhcho | I was looking in the add/rem section........ tottaly forgot 'bout synaptic :P | 04:38 |
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Parmenion | variant: -rf? | 04:38 |
variant | Parmenion: recursive, force | 04:38 |
Parmenion | Forgott3n: yeah sure ... what happened to it ? | 04:38 |
matchstick | what am i looking for variant? sorry im new at this, just trying to install linux on a spare drive i have to learn | 04:38 |
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axbard | thx all | 04:39 |
herbaliser | how do in solve the package has unmet dependencies error when using apt-get | 04:39 |
Forgott3n | Parmenion: attempting to set it to static in Feisty | 04:39 |
Forgott3n | Parmenion: | 04:39 |
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mc44 | herbaliser: what are you trying to install? | 04:39 |
variant | matchstick: did the installer start up when you typed that command? | 04:39 |
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Parmenion | Forgott3n: ill go read the post now =) | 04:39 |
herbaliser | ftdforlinux | 04:39 |
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herbaliser | compiling from source | 04:39 |
Forgott3n | Parmenion: thanks mate :) | 04:39 |
matchstick | no it says Exception in GTK frontend (invoking crash handler) | 04:39 |
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matchstick | Traveback (most recent call last) | 04:40 |
variant | matchstick: ah, that sucks | 04:40 |
matchstick | then has a list of files | 04:40 |
ikonia | herbaliser is there not a package for it ? | 04:40 |
mc44 | herbaliser: well, you need the dependencies it wants as well :) | 04:40 |
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variant | matchstick: could be caused by a dodgey cd/iso | 04:40 |
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matchstick | damn, the checksum was good on the iso.... | 04:40 |
TSWoodV | I want to run samba swat, however, I don't want to set a root password for the privilege. Any way to get swat to fully run without doing this? | 04:40 |
matchstick | must be the burn | 04:40 |
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variant | matchstick: might be worth trying ubiquity in text mode (which is whatyou will ahve to do on the alternate cd anyway) | 04:41 |
hoffmanc | hello: is there a dpkg switch to repopulate an /etc directory after one has ignorantly rm -rf'd it? I want to get the default configuration back. | 04:41 |
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herbaliser | ikonia yes but ain't working | 04:41 |
adaptr | no chance, restore from backups | 04:41 |
PriceChild | hoffmanc, reinstally | 04:41 |
ikonia | herbaliser define "not working" | 04:41 |
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adaptr | /etc holds ALL of the systems configuration, the system won't even boot without it | 04:41 |
agresor | how to install ipv6 on ubuntu ? | 04:41 |
Pici | freez: Do you see your adapter if you do an `ifconfig` in ther terminal? | 04:41 |
adaptr | it is installed | 04:41 |
gordonjcp | hoffmanc: that's really time for a reinstall | 04:42 |
ikonia | agresorits already installed | 04:42 |
variant | !ubiquity | 04:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubiquity - try searching on | 04:42 |
hoffmanc | I tried "aptitude reinstall", but it isn't repopulating the etc parts fully | 04:42 |
gordonjcp | hoffmanc: chalk it up to experience ;-) | 04:42 |
matchstick | that variant, ill try to reburn it | 04:42 |
ikonia | hoffmanc it won't - either restore from a backup, or re-install the whole box | 04:42 |
Parmenion | Forgott3n: try using wicd to manage your connection, wpa2 works for me only via that | 04:42 |
matchstick | thanks* | 04:42 |
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variant | matchstick: np | 04:42 |
hoffmanc | let me restate the question. It isn't the entire /etc directory, it is specifically /etc/postgresql | 04:42 |
agresor | !ipv6 | 04:42 |
ubotu | To disable ipv6 read | 04:42 |
variant | matchstick: wait a sec | 04:42 |
matchstick | sure | 04:42 |
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cute_bettong | anyone here good with errors like this" nvalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'. | 04:43 |
Parmenion | Forgott3n: as as the latest poster said, try connecting to an unsecured network | 04:43 |
ikonia | hoffmanc then remove the postgres package and re-install it | 04:43 |
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ma3x | can I somehow write audio tracks on a image device and then mount the tracks? | 04:43 |
cute_bettong | im trying to mount a dvd-rw i made in vista | 04:43 |
hoffmanc | I've tried "aptitude reinstall postgresql", but it doesn't seem to be reinstalling that particular directory | 04:43 |
ikonia | ma3x yes its just a treated as a scsi device | 04:43 |
Forgott3n | Parmenion: yeah, it was working just fine prior to attempting to make it static | 04:43 |
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Forgott3n | I could connect to my own secured ap via the networkmanager | 04:43 |
ikonia | hoffmanc remove postgress then re-install it | 04:43 |
adaptr | hoffmanc then you're missing something | 04:43 |
Parmenion | Forgott3n: why do you want it static then ? | 04:43 |
ma3x | ikonia, first off how can I burn them as ISO img? does k3b have that option? | 04:43 |
axbard | How can I search in the terminal for a file ? | 04:44 |
variant | does anyone know how to run ubiquity in text mode from the desktop live cd? can't seem to find any documentation for ubiquity :E | 04:44 |
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herbaliser | ikonia on the side they tell me to install package openftd but can't find it | 04:44 |
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ikonia | ma3x most dvd burning software has an image option or mkisofs | 04:44 |
hoffmanc | adaptr, you mean I'm not refering to the right package? | 04:44 |
Forgott3n | Parmenion: running a counter-strike server and I don't want to be prompted for a password everytime the server boots.. seeing on how I plan to make it headless | 04:44 |
PriceChild | variant, you can't run from text mode off of the desktop cd | 04:44 |
ikonia | herbaliser when you try to install the package you get that error ? | 04:44 |
FrOz | hell | 04:44 |
PriceChild | !alternate | variant | 04:44 |
ubotu | variant: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 04:44 |
cute_bettong | anyone know why ubuntu cannot seem to read the dvd-rw's i made when i was running vista? | 04:44 |
Forgott3n | or the keyring for that matter | 04:44 |
ikonia | cute_bettongbad burn ? | 04:44 |
adaptr | hoffmanc I mean if reinstalling postgresql doe snot restore a default /etc directory, then you're probably missing parts of the install | 04:44 |
ikonia | cute_bettong how are you trying to read it ? | 04:44 |
variant | PriceChild: why not? there is no command line option to use text mode? that seems pretty strange | 04:44 |
adaptr | hoffmanc do an aptitude search postgresql to see what the possible packages are | 04:45 |
freez | ! | 04:45 |
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PriceChild | variant, because it works by copying a working system over onto the hard drive | 04:45 |
herbaliser | no i'm getting it when i compile from source and try to install the libxul-dev package | 04:45 |
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TSWoodV | cute_bettong: I've read somewhere how Vista doesn't burn in a purely standard format. | 04:45 |
cute_bettong | ikonia, im putting it in the drive and a box will pop up that says it cannot read the UDF volume becasue of an invalid option | 04:45 |
PriceChild | variant, the alternate installer extracts the debs | 04:45 |
hoffmanc | adaptr, okay, I'll give it a try, thx | 04:45 |
ikonia | cute_bettong burnt with an incompatible option | 04:45 |
ikonia | ? | 04:45 |
freez | well i guess its hopeless , have a nice day all | 04:45 |
FrOz | hello | 04:45 |
variant | PriceChild: i see.. in that case there is no curses version of ubiquity then.. thats what i thought the alternative installer was | 04:45 |
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PriceChild | variant, the alternate installer is a version of the debian-installer | 04:46 |
PriceChild | FrOz, hi | 04:46 |
cute_bettong | ikonia, is it still possible to get the data off the disks? i really need my files and stuff....i hate vista with a passion and would not like to use it to get my data back | 04:46 |
FrOz | i am chatting by azureus | 04:46 |
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CheshireViking | is it possible to use either the alternate cd, or the desktop cd to boot to a command line system? | 04:46 |
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variant | PriceChild: is there any issue with apt-get isntalling debian-installer ont he live cd then? rather than downloading a new iso? | 04:46 |
PriceChild | CheshireViking, desktop cd | 04:46 |
PriceChild | CheshireViking, once booted just press "ctrl+alt+f1" | 04:46 |
stefanus | hello | 04:46 |
PriceChild | variant, Can't do it. | 04:46 |
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variant | PriceChild: why not? | 04:46 |
PriceChild | variant, because the debs aren't held on the desktop cd | 04:47 |
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variant | PriceChild: yeah, with networking of course | 04:47 |
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PriceChild | variant, _USE_ the alternate cd for a cli install. | 04:47 |
FrOz | i can install xubuntu in virtualbox | 04:47 |
FrOz | ???????? | 04:47 |
stefanus | i want to upgrade ubuntu 6.10 to 7.04 but i am not sure what is going to happen to all the programs i have installed, all my files and all the settings i made. do they stay the same or is everything going to be deleted? | 04:47 |
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variant | PriceChild: seems like a waste of cd's :) | 04:47 |
PriceChild | variant, And who's fault is that? ;) | 04:47 |
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PriceChild | FrOz, yes. | 04:48 |
variant | stefanus: most programs will be updated to newer versions | 04:48 |
cute_bettong | so there is no possible way to get the data off of the dvd's i swear im never touching windows again >.< | 04:48 |
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FrOz | thanks pricechild | 04:48 |
CheshireViking | PriceChild, thats not what I'm looking for, I've got a laptop which won't boot the live cd completely, it hangs part way through booting & I wanted to see whether I could edit the xorg.conf to change the video driver before it starts gnome | 04:48 |
variant | stefanus: most of your settings will remain the same, some things might change unexpectedly though | 04:48 |
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PriceChild | CheshireViking, tried safe graphics mode? | 04:48 |
variant | PriceChild: not mine.. it's not me with the problem | 04:48 |
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stefanus | and my files? | 04:48 |
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Parmenion | CheshireViking: use the alternate cd ? | 04:48 |
CheshireViking | PriceChild, yes, tried that, i just ended up with a black screen | 04:48 |
Parmenion | it doesnt have a GUI | 04:48 |
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cute_bettong | so theres no way to get the data off the dvd-rw without vista? | 04:49 |
PriceChild | CheshireViking, and ctrl+alt+f1 didn't take you anywhere? | 04:49 |
FrOz | you have a nvidia | 04:49 |
FrOz | ??????????? | 04:49 |
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PriceChild | cute_bettong, not unless you know what format you wrote data to it in | 04:49 |
TSWoodV | stefanus: With an upgrade, your user files (under /home) are safe. The programs you've installed, if via dpkg/apt/aptitude/synaptic/etc., will be upgraded. Some configs may have to change. If you've manually installed via tarballs, then you may have to upgrade those manually and recompile. | 04:49 |
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variant | PriceChild: i'm thinking along the lines of the gentoo live/install cd.. which allows you to do graphical install or curses installer or commandline install from the one cd :) (plug for gentoo :)) | 04:49 |
stefg | !upgrade | stefanus | 04:49 |
ubotu | stefanus: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:49 |
CheshireViking | Parmenion, I want to be sure it will work before I install | 04:49 |
PriceChild | variant, gentoo is ace... but ubuntu doesn't support that kind of install sorry. | 04:49 |
variant | matchstick: sorry, looks like you gotta either burn the cd again or try the alternate cd | 04:49 |
axbard | How can I search in the terminal for a file ? | 04:49 |
stefanus | THANK YOU VERY MUCH | 04:49 |
variant | PriceChild: yeah, thats ok | 04:49 |
cute_bettong | PriceChild, isen't there a way to ask the computer to see what format it "might" have been written in? | 04:49 |
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PriceChild | cute_bettong, i don't know myself sorry | 04:50 |
stefg | axbard: locate <file> | 04:50 |
delire | cute_bettong: 'file' ? | 04:50 |
xavi_ | eo | 04:50 |
axbard | ty | 04:50 |
CheshireViking | PriceChild, I didn't think about trying ctrl-alt-f1, i'll try it when i get home, generally everything seems frozen - mouse doesn't move, ctrl-alt-backspace didn't do anything | 04:50 |
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stefg | !cli | axbard | 04:50 |
ubotu | axbard: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 04:50 |
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PriceChild | CheshireViking, i'd recommend an alternate install then | 04:50 |
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cute_bettong | delire, well i don't even know what format vista wrote the darn things in... if i can just get access to the disks i can pull the data off of them i need | 04:50 |
hoffmanc | is there an aptitude switch to get a file listing on remote packages? | 04:50 |
variant | cute_bettong: can you not mount them manually? | 04:50 |
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delire | cute_bettong: file returns the format from a known list of types | 04:51 |
cute_bettong | variant, i don't know how to do that can you assist me | 04:51 |
delire | cute_bettong: the command 'file' i mean | 04:51 |
variant | cute_bettong: try opening them with k3b, it should at least tell you the kind of data contained within | 04:51 |
variant | cute_bettong: open a terminal and type sudo -i | 04:51 |
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CheshireViking | PriceChild, thats what I was afraid of, because its not my laptop, I wanted to be sure it'd work ok first from the live cd, but if its the only option, I'll have to try that - annoying thing is that a dapper livecd doesn't crash, just edgy & fiesty - i suppose i could install dapper & then upgrade to edgy & upgrade to fiesty | 04:52 |
variant | cute_bettong: from there type mount /dev/dvd /mnt | 04:52 |
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hoffmanc | or how about a switch to just download the packages, and not install them? | 04:52 |
variant | cute_bettong: then type ls /mnt | 04:52 |
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cute_bettong | variant, i love you worked flawlessly its mounted read only but i don't care ^_^ | 04:53 |
PriceChild | variant, not best practice to mount things on /mnt | 04:53 |
hoffmanc | nvm, aptitude install -d does the trick | 04:53 |
stefg | CheshireViking: That might an issue with upstart or libata ... so you might end up installing dapper fine, but breaking the system when upgrading to edgy | 04:53 |
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PriceChild | variant, mount them on /mnt/something | 04:53 |
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variant | PriceChild: i know, but it's most predictable.. i know that /mnt will always exist but i don't know for sure that /media/cdrom or /media/dvd exists for example | 04:54 |
PriceChild | true... well done :) | 04:54 |
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variant | PriceChild: or that.. i suppose i could have added a "mkdir /mnt/dvd" to the instructions | 04:54 |
CheshireViking | stefg, very true, i'll have to find out how much the owner wants ubuntu & whether they want me to take the chance | 04:54 |
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cute_bettong | im just glad that it works and is letting me copy the data off the dvd onto my system ^_^ | 04:54 |
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=== Pelo whishes he had seen the beginning of the PriceChild / variant debate | ||
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variant | cute_bettong: good job | 04:54 |
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cute_bettong | in the future imma be smarter and use something that actually works lol | 04:54 |
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cute_bettong | i cannot beleve the mess vista made of the filesystems on these disks | 04:55 |
PriceChild | Pelo, not really a debate :) | 04:55 |
variant | cute_bettong: not vista then ;) | 04:55 |
stefg | CheshireViking: dapper is just fine, if you don't need compiz or specific WIFI-laptop support | 04:55 |
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variant | Pelo: type /lastlog variant or /lastlog pricechild :) (depending on irc client) | 04:55 |
cute_bettong | variant, it's a really sad os...i feel bad for the people that got stuck with it on there dell's and don't know what to do about windows ME II | 04:55 |
Pelo | stefg, the same can actualy be said or feity | 04:55 |
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Pelo | variant, thank you | 04:56 |
elpargo | variant: well network manager is a very nice improvement even for non-wiki networks | 04:56 |
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mribas | hola | 04:56 |
CheshireViking | stefg, it will need wifi but i'm not sure which driver, i'll give it a go with the live cd anyway, at least i know that will work | 04:57 |
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variant | elpargo: sorry? | 04:57 |
Nanu | hi room ,,, i have ubuntu gnome,, i wanna install KDE,, anyone wanna help me,, pm me plz | 04:57 |
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stefg | Pelo: Dapper is LTS and has it's infancy behind it... edgy and feisty introduced new technologies, which aren't that well tested, namely upstart and the transition to libata | 04:57 |
DarkED | in ubuntu, how do i compile an application from source? is there a tutorial that tells how to do it and the packages needed? | 04:57 |
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variant | DarkED: for a start you will need build-essential | 04:57 |
elpargo | Nanu: install kubuntu-desktop package and it will transform your evn into kubuntu | 04:57 |
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variant | DarkED: and compiling software is quite straigt forward but are you sure you need to? | 04:58 |
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variant | DarkED: what program do you need to install? | 04:58 |
elpargo | variant: that is a great improvement of 7.04 | 04:58 |
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variant | elpargo: yes | 04:58 |
pike_ | DarkED: sudo apt-get install build-essential then unpack the tar.gz or whatever file you downloaded and open the readme and install files for instructions | 04:58 |
DarkED | variant: it's the game 'cube' | 04:58 |
variant | DarkED: you can apt-get install that | 04:58 |
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Pelo | stefg, I was just taking a cheap shot at the wifi support in fiesty | 04:58 |
DarkED | variant: no, it's not in the repos | 04:58 |
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DarkED | variant: i did check | 04:58 |
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variant | DarkED: i'm fairly certain it is. i'm not on ubuntu right now though | 04:59 |
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stefg | Pelo: ok, i see :-) ... now i catched the joke :-) | 04:59 |
variant | DarkED: type apt-cache search cube | 04:59 |
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variant | DarkED: it should list one or two things | 04:59 |
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scorch | how do I get hold of the "kernel-source"? | 04:59 |
scorch | need it for nvidia-drivers | 05:00 |
shawn34 | when i add a menu item with command (wine '/home/shawn/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Rockstar Games/Max Payne 2/MaxPayne2.exe') it doesn't work, but if i put that in the command line it works fine | 05:00 |
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shawn34 | what am i doing wrong? | 05:00 |
variant | scorch: if you follow the nvidia installation guide you won't need to mess with that | 05:00 |
freez | noway but to uninstall ubuntu | 05:00 |
variant | !nvidia | scorch | 05:00 |
ubotu | scorch: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 05:00 |
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linoleum | anyone knows where I could catch the new nvidia beta drivers 100.14.03 in a ,deb package? | 05:01 |
stefg | shawn34: tried real quotes " , not high commas ' | 05:01 |
shawn34 | i did | 05:01 |
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shawn34 | stefg, i did that first | 05:01 |
elbart | hello | 05:01 |
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stefg | shawn34: must have something to do with escaping the spaces in the filename | 05:02 |
ston | Sorry for stupid question: how i have to understand word 'interface' ?? | 05:02 |
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mtwk2001 | Anyone know if a Dell 966 printer is supported? | 05:02 |
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elbart | i am new to ubuntu and tried to activate both monitors for my system | 05:03 |
cute_bettong | ok now i put the other dvd rw in there nad it isen't showing the cd rom drive how do i make it so that it works again lol | 05:03 |
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nick_name | is there a way to start the Applications Main Menu from the terminal? or any other way other than the task panel? | 05:03 |
elbart | if i use twin mode, everything woeks fine | 05:03 |
DarkED | hey all, sorry my computer locked up | 05:03 |
delire | scorch: if you're on Feisty, just install the NVIDIA drivers using System->Administration->Restricted Driver Manager/ | 05:03 |
DarkED | it always does that right when i'm getting help with something | 05:03 |
crackintosh | Is there any way that I can get computers on my internal network to access a computer via the lan address instead of the domain? i.e. My website is hosted on my office network and connected via cable modem. There are other computers located on this network. When they try to connect to the domain where my website is hosted, is there a way to tell them that it faster to connect via the internal network? | 05:03 |
pike_ | ston: i didnt see your earlier post. what problem are you having? | 05:03 |
stefg | !print | mtwk2001 | 05:03 |
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ubotu | mtwk2001: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 05:03 |
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ston | pike_: how i have to understand word 'interface' ?? | 05:04 |
elbart | but if i maximize my a window, it's maximized over both screens | 05:04 |
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pike_ | ston: network interface? | 05:04 |
elbart | *screens | 05:04 |
stefg | crackintosh: look at /etc/hosts | 05:04 |
ston | pike_ i don't know:) | 05:04 |
pike_ | ston: what is your native language? | 05:04 |
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hoffmanc | okay, so I just ran a dpkg --contents over all installed packages, and piped through grep looking for "/etc/postgresql/8.2", and got no hits. How could no package I have ever installed have this directory? | 05:04 |
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crackintosh | stefg: but can I do this network wide via a linksys router? | 05:04 |
delire | ston: network interface basically means "the name given to your network card" | 05:04 |
ston | pike_ : why do you ask? | 05:04 |
Baktaah | Does anyone know of a program to take a bunch of .png files and make them into .svg and resize them at the same time? | 05:04 |
delire | pike_: 'network interface' is pretty obscure in any language | 05:05 |
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mad | hi | 05:05 |
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scorch | delire: feisty is 7.**? | 05:05 |
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delire | scorch: yes. 7.04 | 05:05 |
brunoew | I have problems with apache2 and libapache-mod-php5 after install updates in my Ubuntu 6.06... | 05:05 |
stefg | crackintosh: can't tell.. my understanding is that you have to tell every individual box to access <domainname> by a LAN-IP, not by DNS lookup | 05:05 |
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Snap | is there a tool to adjust gamma , brightness, contrast? | 05:05 |
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Insolit | hi all | 05:06 |
cute_bettong | variant, ok i put the next disk in but it still shows the files from the previous disk? | 05:06 |
mad | kaffeine crashed by clicking on the dvb-tab, when running as sudo it doesnt crash.. anybody knows why? | 05:06 |
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variant | cute_bettong: you will have to run umount /mnt | 05:06 |
hoffmanc | okay, so I just ran a dpkg --contents over all installed packages, and piped through grep looking for "/etc/postgresql/8.2", and got no hits. How could no package I have ever installed have this directory? I am the one that pwned my /etc/postgresql directory, btw | 05:06 |
Insolit | where can i see the mapping between a network device and its name to the OS? | 05:06 |
cute_bettong | ok | 05:06 |
scorch | delire: bah, I'm still on 6.** | 05:06 |
variant | cute_bettong: then run the other command again with the new disk in | 05:06 |
Insolit | i mean how do i know if my wireless card is eth1 or eth0?? | 05:07 |
variant | cute_bettong: really, the disks should be mounted automatically when you insert them in ubuntu | 05:07 |
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mad | heres the paste: -> kaffeine crashed by clicking on the dvb-tab, when running as sudo it doesnt crash.. anybody knows why? | 05:07 |
delire | ston: on Linux your 'network interface' is probably 'eth0' or 'eth1' or 'wlan0' or 'ath0'. you can use the System->Administration->Network to see which is currently active or inactive on your machine. | 05:07 |
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stefg | mad: looks like a permission problem better asked in #kubuntu | 05:07 |
Snap | !gamma settings | 05:07 |
Insolit | delire: was that to me? | 05:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gamma settings - try searching on | 05:07 |
R3ddy | i cant make ubuntu connect to my router.. any help? | 05:07 |
variant | cute_bettong: for future reference, there is a nice panel applet that you can add to the the gnome-panel by right clicking it and selecting "add to panel", from there select the disk mounter applet and hit add | 05:07 |
delire | ston: a faster way however is typing /sbin/ifconfig in a Terminal and hitting ENTER. | 05:07 |
mad | stefg ok | 05:07 |
delire | Insolit: oh.. i don't know. | 05:08 |
hoffmanc | could these directories be created as part of post-install hooks? and if so, is there a way to grep through the hooks in each package? | 05:08 |
delire | Insolit: i thought ston was the one having problems with terms. | 05:08 |
stefg | R3ddy: wired LAN or Wifi ? | 05:08 |
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cute_bettong | whats the app called? | 05:08 |
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cute_bettong | variant, what is the app called? | 05:08 |
variant | R3ddy: how do you connect to the router normally? via dhcp or is it one of those things with usb connectors? | 05:08 |
variant | cute_bettong: disk mounter | 05:08 |
variant | cute_bettong: it's in the "add to panel" menu | 05:09 |
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R3ddy | dhcp. ive gor an intel pro wirless card | 05:09 |
delire | hoffmanc: how about 'sudo dpkg -S /etc/postgresql/8.2' | 05:09 |
R3ddy | got* | 05:09 |
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ston | delire: ok thanks but i mean what mean graphic's interface or text interface | 05:09 |
stefg | !wifi | R3ddy | 05:09 |
variant | R3ddy: ah, your connecting wirelessly then. you using feisty? | 05:09 |
ubotu | R3ddy: Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:09 |
Baktaah | Does anyone know of a program to take a bunch of .png files and make them into .svg and resize them at the same time? | 05:09 |
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R3ddy | variant: erhm.. ubuntu desktop 7.04 | 05:09 |
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Parmenion | lol R3ddyt thats feisty :P | 05:10 |
variant | Baktaah: not sure about making them specifically to svg but image-magic is an excellent suite of tools for doing that kind of manipulations on buld | 05:10 |
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variant | Baktaah: bulk i mean | 05:10 |
funky | hi | 05:10 |
delire | ston: ok. text interface usually refers to the command line. a Terminal is used to enter command lines on Linux. | 05:10 |
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funky | whats the repository name for something like non-free in debian ? | 05:10 |
variant | R3ddy: then you should have a network manager that lists avaialable wireless networks in the top right of the window | 05:10 |
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delire | funky: probably multiverse | 05:10 |
Baktaah | variant: okay =) thanks gonna try it | 05:10 |
stefg | Baktaah: | 05:10 |
soundray | variant, Baktaah: imagemagick is great, but I don't think it does vectorization (png -> svg) | 05:10 |
funky | Im looking for the madwifi-{source,tools,doc} | 05:10 |
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funky | delire: I got multiverse in my source.list | 05:11 |
variant | soundray: no, i wasn't sure about hat my self | 05:11 |
derventer | does anybody know how to update only wireless extensions? | 05:11 |
Baktaah | soundray: it doesn't have to be SVG per se, it can just change the extension is just as fine | 05:11 |
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hoffmanc | delire: would that only work if the package is already installed? | 05:11 |
funky | derventer: upgrading just wireless-tools? | 05:11 |
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delire | ston: the command line, or text-interface on Linux is much more powerful that that of Windows. in fact you can use it to operate nearly every element of your computer, and even others using it. | 05:11 |
R3ddy | variant: yes, i connect to NETGEAR, my issd, but the internet connection isnt there | 05:11 |
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derventer | no wireless tools>wireless extensions | 05:11 |
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Parmenion | guys, should i go for a diploma in computer engineering or Information Technology ? | 05:12 |
cute_bettong | variant, it's not showing the disk icon in the bar O-o | 05:12 |
variant | R3ddy: strange, you can't ping | 05:12 |
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R3ddy | no | 05:12 |
soundray | Baktaah: to minimize information loss when you're scaling, I suggest you stick with png before and after | 05:12 |
funky | wireless-tools include wireless extensions derventer | 05:12 |
delire | hoffmanc: i'm a bit behind on your overall problem. the above command is only useful for finding out which package put or created the given file or directory. | 05:12 |
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derventer | wireless tools is version 28<wireless extension is 17 | 05:12 |
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R3ddy | i cant even connect to my router ( | 05:12 |
variant | R3ddy: can you ping this ip address: | 05:12 |
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variant | R3ddy: ah | 05:12 |
variant | R3ddy: forget that then | 05:12 |
Baktaah | soundray: ehm what? | 05:12 |
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variant | R3ddy: so, does the network manager say "connecting to ... etc"? | 05:13 |
R3ddy | no | 05:13 |
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derventer | how can i upgrade then? | 05:13 |
variant | R3ddy: when you select your netowrk what happens exactly? | 05:13 |
ston | delire: what about graphic interface?? | 05:13 |
hoffmanc | delire, I rm -rf'd my /etc/postgresql directory, and I'm trying to get the default one reinstalled, but uninstalling and reinstalling every package with 'postgresql' in the name has been unsuccessful. | 05:13 |
derventer | synaptic is not the solution | 05:13 |
Parmenion | variant: it think its due to his drivers ... | 05:13 |
stefg | !upgrade | derventer | 05:13 |
ubotu | derventer: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 05:13 |
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Parmenion | might need ndiswrapper for his case variant | 05:13 |
variant | hoffmanc: not sure but try dpkg-reconfigure postgresql | 05:13 |
R3ddy | variant: nothing, really.. i select NETGEAR, and i click the OK button | 05:13 |
variant | Parmenion: maybe :/ | 05:13 |
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delire | !cli | ston | 05:14 |
ubotu | ston: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 05:14 |
Parmenion | variant: or he should try wifi-radar or wicd | 05:14 |
hoffmanc | variant, just tried it, no dice | 05:14 |
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delire | ston: the graphic interface is what you're using now. that's what you're using now. | 05:14 |
variant | Parmenion: I don't know so much about wifi.. maybe u can help? | 05:14 |
delire | oops, sorry for the echo | 05:14 |
Parmenion | they work better for me than network-manager | 05:14 |
nick_name | is there a way to start the Applications Main Menu from the terminal? or any other way other than the task panel? | 05:14 |
variant | hoffmanc: sorry, dunno then | 05:14 |
Parmenion | alright ... not too experienced myself :\ | 05:14 |
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funky | delire: upgrade your kernel, your wifi module and the wireless-tools | 05:14 |
Parmenion | R3ddy: can you see the wireless networks ? | 05:14 |
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R3ddy | yes | 05:15 |
delire | Parmenion: yes iwconfig/iwlist do work better. network-manager is a problem with some cards. | 05:15 |
hoffmanc | this is really confusing, why doesn't the package put etc files back that it needs? | 05:15 |
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delire | funky: talking to me? | 05:15 |
funky | then you'll be sure you have upgraded the wireless extensions | 05:15 |
R3ddy | parmenion: it lists NETGEAR | 05:15 |
funky | delire: no, to derventer | 05:15 |
Parmenion | R3ddy: then its a matter of connecting to the router ? | 05:15 |
delire | funky: ;) | 05:15 |
funky | sorry | 05:15 |
elpargo | hoffmanc: it shouldn't as it will overwrite ur configs | 05:15 |
Parmenion | R3ddy: ok | 05:15 |
Blastur | hello.. i'm trying to run Ubuntu Live CD on my machine.. however, as the CD loads the UI, my screen goes black and puts up a sign saying "Non optimal mode 1440x900" and i can't see anything. If I boot the system in "safe graphics mode", it works, but the screen is too little to run the installer (the windows are too big, so I cannot press the Next-button in the Installer).. I have also tried to put more boot-options, like vga=7 | 05:15 |
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Parmenion | R3ddy: turn off the encryption(if any) on your wireless network | 05:16 |
R3ddy | parmenion: its an open network.. no restrictions.. i cant see why it shouldnt work | 05:16 |
hoffmanc | even when my configs don't exist? Even when nothing exists? | 05:16 |
Parmenion | R3ddy: :P alright | 05:16 |
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psghost | ghsot | 05:16 |
delire | R3ddy: have you tried uninstalling network-manager? sudo dpkg -P network-manager | 05:16 |
elpargo | hoffmanc: there is an option to force the overwrite, which package manager are u using? | 05:16 |
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hoffmanc | Can I somehow remove the package and remove ubuntu's memory of the package every being installed? | 05:16 |
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Parmenion | then , R3ddy try out wifi-radar from the repositories ... if it doesnt work for you, ive got another option; wicd | 05:16 |
hoffmanc | aptitude | 05:16 |
cute_bettong | god i love the new ant got nothing on it XD | 05:16 |
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delire | R3ddy: it's a problem for some people. some people though have found that simply disabling and reenabling the device works fine. | 05:16 |
variant | cute_bettong: did you get the disk mounter working? | 05:17 |
tito | Does anyone know how I can capture an rtsp stream? | 05:17 |
R3ddy | delire: how do i do that? | 05:17 |
variant | tito: streamripper | 05:17 |
delire | tito: streamripper | 05:17 |
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R3ddy | you mean, my network card? | 05:17 |
cute_bettong | variant, for some reason the little app isen't showing up not sure why | 05:17 |
delire | R3ddy: yes. | 05:17 |
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Parmenion | R3ddy: use synaptic and remove network-manager | 05:17 |
variant | tito: there is a nice gnome gui for streamripper (gstreamripper) but it's not in the repos afaik | 05:17 |
variant | cute_bettong: odd | 05:17 |
Parmenion | then install wicd(look in sourceforge) | 05:17 |
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stefg | Blastur: rather go for the 'alternate' install | 05:17 |
R3ddy | parmenion: im really a n00b, and im not very familiar with linux | 05:17 |
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hoffmanc | elpargo, aptitude | 05:18 |
delire | R3ddy: Parmenion is right. i'd give that a shot. even just use the old network-admin | 05:18 |
aa^way | how to copy desktop items to /var/www? | 05:18 |
ston | delire: thank you very much | 05:18 |
stefg | !alternate | Blastur | 05:18 |
ubotu | Blastur: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal | 05:18 |
variant | Parmenion: you should really help him install it as i don't think he knows what he's doing | 05:18 |
axbard | hmmm any tip wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\ | 05:18 |
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delire | ston: a pleasure. | 05:18 |
Blastur | stefg: ahh, okay, .. will do! Thanks a bunch | 05:18 |
aa^way | tryed sudo cp /home/<user>/Desktop/a /var/www | 05:18 |
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Pelo | aa^way, gksu nautilus /var/www | 05:18 |
elpargo | hoffmanc: I believe reinstall will do the work | 05:18 |
foxiness | what is the best option wiht clamscan "argument" for first use? | 05:18 |
Parmenion | R3ddy: you just need to open synaptic and then search for network-manager | 05:18 |
variant | aa^way: that is how you do it | 05:18 |
hoffmanc | elpargo, that was the first thing I tried; does dpkg have a more explicit overwrite option? | 05:19 |
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chrismurf | is it possible to upgrade from Dapper Server --> Feisty Server directly? | 05:19 |
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variant | aa^way: with apache the default webroot is /var/www/localhost/htdocs/ afaik | 05:19 |
variant | chrismurf: possible but ill advised.. go via edgy first | 05:19 |
Parmenion | after which, R3ddy you need to do a complete removal(right click, completely remove) of network-manager and network-manager-gnome(or something like that) | 05:19 |
chrismurf | variant, okay - thnaks. | 05:19 |
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Pelo | axbard, try asking in #winehq | 05:20 |
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raphael_ | is there any danger what so ever of data loss when doing a net update to feisty? | 05:20 |
fsck | hey! i wanna control the master volume using softvolume contol! how to? i tried some searches but of no use | 05:20 |
Parmenion | then, go to | 05:21 |
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Parmenion | R3ddy: then download wicd and install it | 05:21 |
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cute_bettong | raphael, there is always a chance of data loss during any upgrade that dosent go right | 05:21 |
foxiness | raphael_: anyway its recommand to do backup for in case | 05:21 |
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Parmenion | then run it from your applications->internet | 05:21 |
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cute_bettong | raphael, yea always back up's just better to be safe then sorry :3 | 05:21 |
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Parmenion | you should be able to connect from there (works for me) | 05:21 |
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karimfayez | hey guys i am forming an egyptian loco team.. now i have an irc channel, wiki web page, and i requested a forum today..but i requested the mailing list 4 days ago and i didnt get any that normal?? | 05:21 |
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elpargo | hoffmanc: did you try the -f flag? | 05:22 |
adaptr | what does that have to do with Ubuntu ? | 05:22 |
KJF | What's better, ubuntu or vista? | 05:22 |
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Koala007 | hello everyone, i need a hint. I'm trying to install freeradius-1.3.6, but command ./configure tell to me "OpenSSL support ... no" when compiling rpm_eap_tls. But i have openssl installed over aptitude. I don't know how to solve it. Have i copy OpenSSL libs to anywhere? Can anybody help me? | 05:22 |
adaptr | next | 05:22 |
zeroday | KJF: depends | 05:22 |
Amarilis | hi guys | 05:22 |
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adaptr | Koala007 you need the openssl dev package | 05:22 |
Parmenion | KJF: if in the rare event you love malware, vista . Other than that, its ubuntu | 05:22 |
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zeroday | Parmenion: lol | 05:23 |
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oldude67 | what is a good program to talk to people with , with a web cam? | 05:23 |
miranda82 | does anyone here know, where can i find asm/io.h ? because compiler can't find it.. | 05:23 |
zeroday | who needs help with ati or nvidia | 05:23 |
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Koala007 | adaptr thanks ! :) | 05:23 |
KJF | Because a friend told me that ubuntu is a branch of windows 98, and I didn't much like windows 98 | 05:23 |
CheshireViking | oldude67, I would guess either Kopete or AMSN | 05:23 |
hoffmanc | elpargo, yep, no dice | 05:23 |
Parmenion | lol KJF, thats lame | 05:23 |
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cata | ol | 05:23 |
cata | ola | 05:23 |
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Pelo | KJF, you're kidding right ? | 05:23 |
dimebar | KJF: Your friend is lying/stupid | 05:23 |
adaptr | KJF actually, windows ME was forked off Slackware but they disavowed it as it was nowhere near geeky enough | 05:24 |
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Parmenion | Ubuntu and Windows 98 are worlds apart ...not to mention completely different things | 05:24 |
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Amarilis | i tried today ubuntu 7.04 from a livecd, but unfortunatelly i wasn't able to see anything on my screen, except blue and green stripes. | 05:24 |
Parmenion | adaptr: lol ... | 05:24 |
KJF | adaptr, wow, I never knew that | 05:24 |
Amarilis | any idea why ? | 05:24 |
etienne | hi | 05:24 |
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Pelo | KJF, Microsoft does not allow for branching | 05:24 |
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etienne | i have a question on networkmanager | 05:24 |
ExIG | am i right in thinking that the low latency kernel will work on 64bit 7.04? | 05:24 |
delire | KJF: of course Vista's better! And this is the perfect channel to ask that crazy question ;) | 05:24 |
Parmenion | etienne: shoot | 05:24 |
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adaptr | ExIG if it exists, why not ? | 05:24 |
oldude67 | cheshireviking: thanks | 05:24 |
etienne | looks like it cannot remember my "not broadcasted" ssid | 05:24 |
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KJF | I asked the same question in the vista channel and they told me to come here and ask | 05:24 |
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forsaken | I just installed the newest Ubuntu on my laptop, and when I close the lid I get a hard freeze (I have it set merely to blank screen when the lid is closed), It's an Intel Inspiron 1300, anyone know how to fix this? | 05:25 |
aoirthoir | what is a 'public' away msg? | 05:25 |
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Pelo | KJF, they are probably still laughing | 05:25 |
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ExIG | adapti: i am new to ubuntu and had heard of the low latency kernel but want to run 64bit so i didnt know if it did exist, i assumed :) | 05:25 |
Parmenion | etienne: i dont think its possible ... | 05:25 |
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delire | KJF: well your friends in #vista have a good sense of humour. | 05:25 |
miranda82 | does anyone here know, where can i find asm/io.h ? because compiler can't find it.. | 05:25 |
aoirthoir | forsaken, yes.. one second while I look it up | 05:25 |
forsaken | aoirthoir, thanks :) | 05:25 |
delire | miranda82: apt-cache search asm dev | 05:25 |
variant | KJF: there is no #vista channel | 05:25 |
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KJF | They said that ubuntu is african for windows | 05:25 |
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delire | KJF: they are right | 05:25 |
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invizible | I have a quick question - I just went Ubuntu and my 2 other partitions (ntfs) are readable - but NOT writeable - do I have to convert the FS or is there a way to make them writeable? | 05:25 |
miranda82 | delire, i installed all that stuff | 05:25 |
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foxiness | !sa | 05:26 |
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variant | KJF: please /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:26 |
unimatrix9 | hi there | 05:26 |
tito | I can't compile Gstreamer, says nothing to be made | 05:26 |
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ubotu | For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join #ubuntu-sa | 05:26 |
CheshireViking | oldude67, I've used AMSN, but the style/fonts were awful, there's supposed to be a way of solving that, Gaim doesn't seem to have webcam capeability, my preference is kopete | 05:26 |
variant | !offtopic | KJF | 05:26 |
unimatrix9 | where can i find the package libgamin0 ? | 05:26 |
ubotu | KJF: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:26 |
sn0 | invizible install ntfs-config then run it to mount your ntfs read/write | 05:26 |
delire | miranda82: sudo updatedb; locate io.h | 05:26 |
KJF | ok, im off to ubuntu-offtopic | 05:26 |
sn0 | assuming you are using feisty, not sure about earlier | 05:26 |
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invizible | Thans snO - will do that now | 05:26 |
adaptr | unimatrix9 search for it ? | 05:26 |
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aoirthoir | forsaken, click the SYSTEM MENU then PREFERENCES then POWER MANAGEMENT then in the 'When laptop lid is closed' setting choose "DO NOTHING" | 05:26 |
sn0 | it uses ntfs-3g, as always make sure of backups etc :) | 05:26 |
miranda82 | delire, thx, im gonna try | 05:26 |
kuma | ubotu, spanish | 05:26 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:26 |
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matchstick | variant, you were right it was a bad burn, i reburnt it and its working fine now, thanks for the help | 05:27 |
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milaks | Hi. Can someone please tell me why do I *always* get this error message, when I call some GUI program from console: | 05:27 |
forsaken | aoirthoir, so it's basically a bug in the screen blanking code? | 05:27 |
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delire | miranda82: linux-kernel-headers on this debian machine provides that file | 05:27 |
aoirthoir | forsaken, I dunno but on edgy I had the same issue on my hp laptop. Ive not had the issue on fiesty. But when I had the issue doing that resolved it for me. | 05:27 |
adaptr | milaks are you running it as the same user that runs the X session ? | 05:27 |
delire | miranda82: sudo dpkg -S /usr/include/asm/io.h --> linux-kernel-headers: /usr/include/asm/io.h | 05:27 |
variant | matchstick: cool | 05:28 |
Baktaah | Does anyone know of a program to make ALOT of .png pictures into .svg and at the same time resize them? | 05:28 |
variant | matchstick: your welcome | 05:28 |
adaptr | Baktaah imagemagick | 05:28 |
milaks | adaptr: yes, so? | 05:28 |
Baktaah | adaptr: I got it, it doesnt worjk | 05:28 |
matchstick | im sure this isnt the last youll hear of me though variant lol | 05:28 |
delire | Baktaah: svg is a bit tricky, i don't know if convert (ImageMagick) will do that. | 05:28 |
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adaptr | Baktaah nonsense | 05:28 |
variant | adaptr: we allready discoverd that it doesn't do png > svg conversions | 05:28 |
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Baktaah | adaptr: how do I start it then= | 05:28 |
delire | adaptr: does IM convert a raster image to svg? excellent. | 05:28 |
invizible | sn0 - thanks - that was waay to easy - works perfectly | 05:28 |
Alarm | hello , i try to make my usb hd to be automounted when i turn it on , and unmounted when i turn it off. i did add my user in the plugdev group re-loged in . and made a pmount /dev/sda1 , and it worked without any problem. but when i turned off the the drive and then on again , i get the messege : mount point /media/win5 is occupied | 05:28 |
milaks | adaptr: is that a reason for this error message? If so, can you please tell me how can I get rid of it? | 05:28 |
adaptr | variant that was not what he said - I can't stand "doesn't work" fartings | 05:29 |
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Alarm | how could i fix that and let my os mount it unmount when i turn it on/off | 05:29 |
Lin | hi there is any know bug on ssh client from ubuntu feisty (4.3p2-8ubuntu1)? | 05:29 |
aoirthoir | anyone know what a "public" away msg is? | 05:29 |
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hoffmanc | haha, success! | 05:29 |
Alumin | aoirthoir: probably means it says it to the channels you're in | 05:29 |
variant | Baktaah: there is a perl script i found on google after 2 seconds of looking here that will do what you want: | 05:29 |
delire | Baktaah: for i in $(ls .); do convert $i $i.png; done | 05:29 |
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sn0 | glad it helped invizible :) | 05:29 |
Alumin | aoirthoir: in general you want to avoid doing that | 05:29 |
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ricky | do people want thick road | 05:29 |
HymnToLife | (sorry) | 05:29 |
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oldude67 | cheshireviking: thanks i thought i was going to have to fight and install aim or .... | 05:30 |
delire | Raioneru: yes | 05:30 |
hoffmanc | I had to use 'dpkg -P', and then remove databases under /var/lib/postgresql | 05:30 |
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Baktaah | variant: how do I use that | 05:30 |
Baktaah | delire: I dont get it | 05:30 |
delire | Baktaah: you're not thinking that's why | 05:30 |
CheshireViking | oldude67, np | 05:30 |
neme | hi | 05:30 |
miranda82 | delire, did not find it.. | 05:30 |
hoffmanc | what a pain in the ass though, wow | 05:30 |
Baktaah | delire: or I dont understand | 05:30 |
delire | miranda82: apt-cache search linux kernel headers | 05:30 |
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variant | Baktaah: looks like you need gd, sorry i have never used that script and youw ould be better off reading it and working it out for your self | 05:30 |
oldude67 | cheshireviking: one more thing can i run gaim and kepote? | 05:30 |
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delire | Baktaah: open up a terminal, cd to the directory those images are in, run the above command. if you don't know how to cd, you're best to study up on the Linux command line. | 05:31 |
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aoirthoir | Alumin, I wouldnt know how to do that then all i do is type /away sleeping or whatever and my nick turns grey..heck if I know how to make it public. | 05:31 |
raphael_ | is my system more vulnerable for attacks via network/internet if I have auto login? | 05:31 |
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oldude67 | cheshireviking: well at the same time... | 05:31 |
Baktaah | delire: I know how to CD but thats about all it requires? | 05:31 |
milaks | Hi. Can someone please tell me how can I get rid of this error message which I *always* get, when I call some GUI program from console? Thanks. | 05:31 |
CheshireViking | oldude67, i have both installed at the same time, but i've never tried using both at the same time, cewrtainly they can be used at different times | 05:31 |
scales11 | hello, i asked before, but i will ask again, anyone have any preference to network manager for handling wireless connections and vpn? | 05:31 |
delire | Baktaah: it may be possible to use Gimp to do this though. i'm not sure. | 05:31 |
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variant | raphael_: not particularly | 05:31 |
Baktaah | delire: for i in $(ls .); do convert $i $i.png; | 05:32 |
delire | Baktaah: yes, that should work if adaptr is right, and convert does convert to svg. | 05:32 |
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tomassi | .net | 05:32 |
adaptr | it apparently does not | 05:32 |
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delire | Baktaah: should read 'for i in $(ls .); do convert $i $i.svg; done' | 05:32 |
oldude67 | cheshireviking: here is the problem then...gaim gives me the chatrooms where i go sometimes when people cant help me here... | 05:32 |
variant | adaptr: i'm just going on somone elses say so :) | 05:32 |
delire | Baktaah: ok, as adaptr just confirmed that won't work. don't try that approach. | 05:32 |
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Baktaah | okay | 05:33 |
Alumin | are there transcripts available from the "ubuntu open week" sessions? | 05:33 |
Baktaah | so everything here was useless | 05:33 |
adaptr | Baktaah for i in *; <-- using $(ls .) is a kludge | 05:33 |
Baktaah | thansk | 05:33 |
Baktaah | I dont get what you are saying | 05:33 |
variant | Baktaah: The ImageMagick convert untility provides many useful image conversion tools and will convert from SVG to PNG. | 05:33 |
neme | I want to deinstall ubunto (its not bad, but nothing for me sry) but when I boot from my win xp pro and go on install xp it just shows the xp part. but not the linux part. I want to delete | 05:33 |
Baktaah | you are speaking in riddles | 05:33 |
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Baktaah | variant: I jhust sudo apt-get install imagemagick | 05:33 |
Pici | Baktaah: But if your script is in that directory, it will try to convert it too.. | 05:33 |
variant | Baktaah: read this: | 05:33 |
Baktaah | but I dont know how to start it | 05:33 |
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milaks | Anyone plase?? | 05:33 |
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variant | Baktaah: read this: | 05:33 |
delire | Baktaah: | 05:33 |
invizible | I haven't gotten my sound card working yet - but it sure looks like it is. Ive read there are multiple places you may need unmute the sound - and it sure looks like the drivers are good. - anyone know any other areas the sound may be muted? | 05:33 |
Baktaah | variant: I want PNG to SVG | 05:33 |
variant | Baktaah: doh! | 05:33 |
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CheshireViking | oldude67, i would have thought you can use both at the same time, but not with same nick, one would log the other out | 05:34 |
scales11 | hello, i asked before, but i will ask again, anyone have any preference to network manager for handling wireless connections and vpn? | 05:34 |
delire | Baktaah: the above link will show you how to do it. | 05:34 |
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Esteth | what do i do to compile a program? i've used ./configure, but i try make, and i just get an error. do i have to do something else first? | 05:34 |
oldude67 | cheshireviking: found that | 05:34 |
codingmaster | Hello Ubuntu Community | 05:34 |
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pike_ | neme: from windows first run fdisk /mbr i think is right. then boot from livecd and run cfdisk or some other app and delete the paritions you dont want. make sure you write changes if you use cfdisk | 05:34 |
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delire | Esteth: it depends what the error is. what is the program first? | 05:34 |
codingmaster | I am participating this year in the Summer of Code for Ubuntu | 05:34 |
CheshireViking | oldude67, np | 05:34 |
codingmaster | I am working on the Ubuntu Firewall Configuration | 05:34 |
Baktaah | delire: what above link | 05:35 |
Esteth | delire: it's a text editor called scribes | 05:35 |
SlimeyPete | Esteth: not usually. Check the README or INSTALL file that came with the program. | 05:35 |
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variant | Baktaah: yeah, even if it was svg 2 png i linked you to, using a small braincell or two you can work out how to do the reverse | 05:35 |
codingmaster | I hope you can help me by adding suggestions for a good project name | 05:35 |
delire | Baktaah: the one i gave you | 05:35 |
codingmaster | | 05:35 |
codingmaster | Thanks in advance to all of you!!! | 05:35 |
oldude67 | can someone tell me where i can get copies of a book on ubuntu? | 05:35 |
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Esteth | SlimeyPete: ok, ill take a look-see | 05:35 |
Baktaah | delire: cant find it | 05:35 |
adaptr | !book | 05:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about book - try searching on | 05:35 |
Baktaah | variant: dont speak to me please | 05:35 |
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neme | pike_: I will try it thx | 05:35 |
variant | Baktaah: with plesure | 05:35 |
adaptr | Baktaah nice going mate | 05:35 |
variant | Baktaah: pleasure* | 05:35 |
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delire | Baktaah: | 05:35 |
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Baktaah | delire: i want PNG 2 SVG | 05:36 |
milaks | Anyone plase?? | 05:36 |
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oldude67 | someone told me of a program that i have installed where it is logged but cant remember the programs name | 05:36 |
LjL | Baktaah, please keep the rules of this channel in mind. if you don't want to see someone's messages, you can use the /ignore command silently. | 05:36 |
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milaks | Hi. Can someone please tell me how can I get rid of this error message which I *always* get, when I call some GUI program from console? Thanks in advance. | 05:36 |
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adaptr | milaks what kind of console ? | 05:37 |
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milaks | adaptr: any. In this case it's "Konsole" KDE program. | 05:37 |
variant | milaks: hmm, are you having any issues using the programs? with keyboard or mouse or something? if not then i would ignore that warning | 05:37 |
LjL | variant: though, png to svg is kind of harder to do than svg to png. it means converting raster to vector, y'know... | 05:37 |
delire | Esteth: compiling source code is a tricky business. you often need special files called headers that are in development packages. for this reason you have to read the README.txt if it's shipped (or INSTALL.txt), install all the dependencies and look at the output of errors (they are common) to determine what's missing. | 05:37 |
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delire | Baktaah: sorry! wrong link. one moment | 05:37 |
variant | LjL: yeah i know | 05:37 |
chenchen | hi, may i noe what gui diff tool is nice to use in ubuntu? | 05:37 |
HymnToLife | milaks, delete the wacom sections from your xorg.conf | 05:37 |
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SlimeyPete | milaks: I get that error too. I haven't tried, but I reckon if you remove the extra input bits from /etc/X11/xorg.conf the messages should go away. | 05:37 |
milaks | variant: no, everything is fine, but its anoynig | 05:37 |
HymnToLife | why Ubuntu adds them at all, I wonder | 05:37 |
variant | LjL: wasn't really sure imagemagik could do it | 05:37 |
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Baktaah | I don't even think it needs to be svg, all it requires is the extension to svg | 05:38 |
milaks | HymnToLife: wacom section? | 05:38 |
LjL | !info autotrace | variant, Baktaah | 05:38 |
ubotu | variant, baktaah: autotrace: bitmap to vector graphics converter. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.31.1-13 (feisty), package size 39 kB, installed size 96 kB | 05:38 |
LjL | !info potrace | variant, Baktaah | 05:38 |
Baktaah | im trying to run cairo-dock and it requires .svg icons, and I got a sh*tload of .opng icons | 05:38 |
ubotu | variant, baktaah: potrace: utility to transform bitmaps into vector graphics. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-1 (feisty), package size 90 kB, installed size 232 kB | 05:38 |
delire | Baktaah: to be honest you'll need to trace it i think | 05:38 |
EchoBinary | anyone know offhand what it means when i start up samba server and all of a sudden my windows network brosing capability goes away? things either see each themselves only, or they say "workgroup not found" | 05:38 |
delire | Baktaah: LjL is probably right. | 05:38 |
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variant | LjL: excellent | 05:38 |
delire | Baktaah: it's a vector format | 05:38 |
SlimeyPete | milaks: my theory is that it's to do with all the Wacom rubbish that's in the file by default | 05:38 |
Baktaah | trace it? | 05:38 |
Baktaah | what the hell does that mean | 05:38 |
HymnToLife | milaks, pastebin your xorg.conf | 05:38 |
LjL | !language | Baktaah | 05:39 |
ubotu | Baktaah: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:39 |
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milaks | HymnToLife: Here, give me a sec... | 05:39 |
variant | milaks: apparantly removing unneeded lines from xorg.conf should fix it | 05:39 |
delire | Esteth: paste the error to a pastebin. | 05:39 |
Esteth | delire: i read the readme, and i appear to have all of the packages required, and yet i get an error, ill try apt-get updateing them | 05:39 |
variant | milaks: for example, wacom stuff | 05:39 |
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variant | milaks: any unused input device limnce | 05:39 |
variant | milaks: lines | 05:39 |
Baktaah | I have been speaking for you guys for about 10 minutes | 05:39 |
delire | Esteth: you probably don't have the _development_ versions of those packages installed. | 05:39 |
LjL | Baktaah: it means that the tracer program will use "AI"-like techniques to find out where the edges, lines, etc of the bitmap image are, and reconstruct a vector representation that way | 05:39 |
Baktaah | and it haven't even made any progress | 05:39 |
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delire | Esteth: also, you'll need the package build-essential installed. this contains GNU Make. | 05:39 |
Baktaah | nevermind guys... you don't make any sense | 05:39 |
LjL | Baktaah: what was the original problem that brought you to having to convert PNG to SVG? | 05:39 |
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variant | Baktaah: you don't know how to properly ask a question | 05:40 |
binks_work | !webdav | 05:40 |
Baktaah | LjL: using cairo-dock | 05:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about webdav - try searching on | 05:40 |
milaks | HymnToLife: Here is is: | 05:40 |
milaks | adaptr: | 05:40 |
LjL | backslash: which is a dock that wants SVG icons? | 05:40 |
Victor``` | wow, I join with irssi and it scrolls the entire user list | 05:40 |
Baktaah | variant: or I don't need to read about 100 pages that concerns vectors and other cra* | 05:40 |
Baktaah | LjL: yes | 05:40 |
variant | LjL: lol, the original question was "what program converts png to svg" | 05:40 |
HymnToLife | milaks, delete lines 70~101 | 05:40 |
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EchoBinary | anyone know what it means when i start up samba server and all of a sudden my windows network brosing capability goes away? things either see each themselves only, or they say "workgroup not found" | 05:40 |
Baktaah | variant: bull**** the original question was about a program that can convert .png to .svg and resize | 05:41 |
delire | Baktaah: there are two kinds of images, Raster and Vector. Vector contains the information to plot lines in a program that can read it. these lines are then turned into pixels and drawn to your screen. Raster images are actually a big array of stored pixels. | 05:41 |
Esteth | delire: i'm getting an error: "/bin/sh: -o: not found" :S doesnt seem to make sense to me | 05:41 |
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Baktaah | delire: yeah I don't CARE | 05:41 |
variant | Baktaah: ok, calm down man. thats the first thing I saw when i started trying to help you | 05:41 |
Baktaah | this is of no concern | 05:41 |
LjL | Baktaah: err, well that's what he said. by the way, the asterisks don't help | 05:41 |
delire | Esteth: paste the full output to a pastebin. | 05:41 |
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milaks | HymnToLife: Please forgive me, but I didnt understood you, should I delete only lines 70 and 101, or all lines from 70 to 101? | 05:41 |
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Victor``` | excellent strategy | 05:41 |
pike_ | Esteth: youre running a script? | 05:41 |
delire | !paste | Esteth | 05:41 |
ubotu | Esteth: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:41 |
binks_work | can someone help me with webdav i set it up but when i make an entry into httpd.conf my apache2 wont restart | 05:41 |
Baktaah | Why do you guys assume I CARE about what it means and what it is... I just want to fix ithis | 05:41 |
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variant | Baktaah: help those who want to help them selves... | 05:41 |
Victor``` | you want help, be an ass | 05:41 |
HymnToLife | milaks, lines 70, 101, and everything in-between ;) | 05:42 |
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milaks | HymnToLife: :)) Thanks man :) | 05:42 |
Esteth | delire: sorry, my IRC client wasnt scrolling down >_> wasnt seeing what you were saying | 05:42 |
LjL | Baktaah: then pay for paid support | 05:42 |
delire | Baktaah: it might not be possible without a small program that detects edges and turns them into vectors. you'll need to use to find something i think. how would we know? | 05:42 |
Victor``` | what's your issue again, Baktaah ? | 05:42 |
delire | Esteth: no problem. | 05:42 |
Insolit | why are network definitions lost each time i restart network???? | 05:42 |
LjL | Baktaah: anyway, from the forums, Ok, I think I figured it out. When you converted the .png files to .svg, Inkscape saved them not as true svg's, but as an svg with an embedded image. -- not clear to me whether cairo-dock *works* with InkScape-converted PNGs or not, but it can convert them using that trick | 05:42 |
delire | Baktaah: LjL has probably given you your best lead yet. take it and run with it. | 05:42 |
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Insolit | and why do i chose an IP address and he does not take that IP?! | 05:43 |
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Baktaah | All I require is an application that can turn lots of .png files to .svg and resize them? | 05:43 |
Esteth | delire: error is here: | 05:43 |
Baktaah | delire: what lead? | 05:43 |
=== delire gives up | ||
Baktaah | LjL: well I could manually take these .png files, with inkscape and turn them into .svg that worked EXCELLENT, however there are like 50 icons that that would take alot of time | 05:43 |
LjL | Baktaah: SVG is a VECTOR FORMAT. it's like you were asking us how an MP3 could be converted to a Word document | 05:43 |
Victor``` | yeah | 05:43 |
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Victor``` | they're two totally different formats | 05:43 |
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variant | Baktaah: ahh, you are swedish too. i thought all swedes were cool | 05:44 |
sn0 | maybe with inkspace -export-svg ? | 05:44 |
Baktaah | LjL: doesnt matter, Inkscape suceeded, there must be an application that can do it automatic | 05:44 |
mariglio | ciao c'e' qualche italiano | 05:44 |
mariglio | ? | 05:44 |
mc44 | !it | mariglio | 05:44 |
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ubotu | mariglio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 05:44 |
Victor``` | PNG is raster graphics, SVG is vector | 05:44 |
Baktaah | variant: as I said, please don't argue/speak to/with me | 05:44 |
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delire | Esteth: hah that is a funny error. | 05:44 |
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Esteth | delire: indeed. perhaps it has something to do with my path? | 05:44 |
Victor``` | bitmap, rather | 05:44 |
Insolit | oh my god | 05:44 |
Insolit | this OS sucks! | 05:44 |
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CharminTheMoose | Baktaah: RTFM! :) sorry... i'll shut up now... | 05:44 |
cdavis | how do you get some error info when trying to setup automount. /var/log/messages has nothing | 05:44 |
LjL | !attitude > Insolit (Insolit, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:44 |
Victor``` | Insolit: ubuntu isn't for everyone | 05:45 |
Victor``` | and don't troll | 05:45 |
erUSUL | Baktaah: have you tried conver or mogrify from imagemagick package? (btw do not be such an a**h*** we are trying to help) | 05:45 |
Insolit | i'm not trolling | 05:45 |
Victor``` | yes you are | 05:45 |
Insolit | i'm getting desperate | 05:45 |
Insolit | that's all | 05:45 |
Victor``` | "this OS sucks!" | 05:45 |
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LjL | !enter > Insolit (Insolit, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:45 |
dac_ | Baktaah, I like using my 2 brain cells. | 05:45 |
neverblue | can I get directed to a general networking channel? | 05:45 |
Baktaah | erUSUL: as I saw it, imagemagic doesn't resize and is very hard to use | 05:45 |
erUSUL | Baktaah: convert* | 05:45 |
Insolit | i set a configuration in network configuration GUI | 05:45 |
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Insolit | and it gets lost | 05:45 |
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Toma- | Insolit: are you using a realtek based card? | 05:45 |
delire | Esteth: perhaps, though the actual shell script doesn't make any sense.. | 05:45 |
LjL | SVG doesn't have any concept of "size" that i know of. it's.. vector. | 05:45 |
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Victor``` | yeah | 05:46 |
Insolit | Toma-: no | 05:46 |
Victor``` | SCALABLE vector graphics | 05:46 |
tlacuache | I just got an H700 bluetooth headset. I followed the directions linked to from, and everything worked fine at first (scan, entering in the pin number, etc.). I can connect to the headset fine using btsco, and I can try to start a call in Skype (or to play an mp3 in xmms), and I hear the speaker on my ear "turn on", but then my whole computer locks up. No keyboard or mouse response, nothing. What can I do? | 05:46 |
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Lbawinowns | Hello, how can I see who and what can acces certain drives? | 05:46 |
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Baktaah | Does anyone know of an application that will turn multiple .png pictures into .svg and resize them at the same time, and NO I am not intrested of knowing what vectors and other stuff is, -> I did manage to convert .png to .svg via inkscape, but I have ALOT of files to do, so doing it manually would take too much time | 05:46 |
Toma- | Insolit: whats the problem? | 05:46 |
delire | Esteth: 'file=`echo de | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \ && rm -f $file && -o $file de.po'... you can't begin a command with a -o! | 05:46 |
Esteth | delire: oh, maybe i'll try get an older version of the source and see if that gives the same error. thanks :) | 05:46 |
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chenchen | hi, may i noe what gui diff tool is nice to use in ubuntu? | 05:46 |
chenchen | hi, may i noe what gui diff tool is nice to use in ubuntu? | 05:46 |
Baktaah | if Inkscape could do it, how come others (according to you) is impossible | 05:46 |
Victor``` | ... | 05:46 |
delire | Esteth: are you sure it's compilable? i think that makefile is broken! | 05:46 |
Esteth | hmm, its as though the actual command has just gone missing :P | 05:46 |
delire | Esteth: yes exactly ;) | 05:47 |
Insolit | Toma-: i define a dns server but restarting network he loses that dns | 05:47 |
LjL | Baktaah: did you notice sn0's comment about inkspace -export-svg ? i don't have inkscape myself, but that looks like it would quite work. | 05:47 |
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Baktaah | LjL: no I got kicked | 05:47 |
concept10 | Baktaah, you will probably have more luck in one of the graphics-related channels | 05:47 |
Toma- | Insolit: ahh. | 05:47 |
LjL | Baktaah: Inkscape doesn't convert, it just takes the PNG and embeds it into an otherwise empty SVG | 05:47 |
Victor``` | yes | 05:47 |
Baktaah | LjL: that WORKS just as fine :) | 05:47 |
LjL | Baktaah: that comment was made before. | 05:47 |
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Insolit | Toma-: and i set one IP to a network card and it start the network with another... | 05:47 |
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Lbawinowns | where can I find info about drives acces rights, the thing when you wrote 3 numbers from 1 to 7 ? | 05:47 |
Baktaah | LjL: yeah noticed however did make much of it | 05:47 |
Victor``` | PNG is a bitmap format and SVG is a vector format - you can't "convert" between them | 05:47 |
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Toma- | Insolit: sounds bizarre. have you filed a bug report? | 05:48 |
Baktaah | Victor```: inkscape did it | 05:48 |
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Baktaah | let me rephrase | 05:48 |
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LjL | Baktaah: well, it does "convert" a png to an svg, from console only, the way you wanted, no? | 05:48 |
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cute_bettong | is there anyway to get the zune media player to run in ubuntu? | 05:48 |
Lbawinowns | Victor```, of course you can, definetly when it comes to SVG to PNG | 05:48 |
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cute_bettong | it came with my dell and i would like to use it | 05:48 |
Insolit | Toma-: no time for that now | 05:48 |
sn0 | Baktaah check up on the command, i haven't tested | 05:48 |
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Baktaah | LjL: they way I want ... is doing it AUTOMATICLY with 100 different pictures in a folder | 05:48 |
Baktaah | Does anyone know how to make .png to .svg (convert, change w/E) and resize at the same time | 05:48 |
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Insolit | where do i check a network device configurations? | 05:48 |
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Baktaah | doesnt matter if it converts or not | 05:48 |
Baktaah | as long as it changes it into .svg | 05:49 |
Baktaah | and resize | 05:49 |
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Victor``` | ask in a graphics related channel. | 05:49 |
lsproc | cute_bettong: you could try by using VirtualBox Closed Source, and connect the usb | 05:49 |
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Victor``` | try #gimp | 05:49 |
Insolit | /etc/network/interface?? | 05:49 |
PC | can feisty handle NTFS well now or not? | 05:49 |
Victor``` | or #inkscape | 05:49 |
cute_bettong | lsproc, is that in the repo's is it easy to do | 05:49 |
Lbawinowns | Baktaah, resizing .svg :? ,, Im not sure they really got size like that ^^ | 05:49 |
LjL | Baktaah: err...?!? now, assume that "inscape --export-svg" works (i don't have inkscape, i can't try). it's obvious that typing for file in *.png ; do inkscape --export-svg $file ; done would work. | 05:49 |
Insolit | please guys where do i change manually network card configuration in UBUNTU? | 05:49 |
Lbawinowns | PC , I asked that here before and all said it works fine | 05:49 |
LjL | Baktaah: you know, basic shell commands. "help for". | 05:49 |
pike_ | PC: yes. read only by default but ntfs-3g is from what i hear very stable now and allows write | 05:49 |
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LoneShadow | is the feisty livecd persistent mode fixed ? | 05:50 |
Toma- | Insolit: well dont expect it to get fixed then :( | 05:50 |
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Lbawinowns | I've had no problems doing it | 05:50 |
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Esteth | delire: older source is still giving me the same error. maybe i'll just try and find a binary :P | 05:50 |
lsproc | cute_bettong: its not in the repo, but it comes as a DEB from | 05:50 |
Toma- | Insolit: /etc/network/interfaces | 05:50 |
YingFan | backports website is down? | 05:50 |
Victor``` | Insolit: there is so much documentation | 05:50 |
dac_ | yetiman are you linux certified? | 05:50 |
joselj | somebody having problems with vlc cracking sound in feisty? | 05:50 |
cute_bettong | lsproc, thanx man ^_^ you rock | 05:50 |
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LjL | Baktaah: if you want to run a command on multiple files, you use for. | 05:50 |
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Lbawinowns | !drive acces | 05:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about drive acces - try searching on | 05:50 |
delire | Esteth: yes it might be best. it's a bit hit-and-miss with source. i can give it a go if you like. | 05:50 |
Insolit | well so there's clearly a bug in this | 05:50 |
PC | can the partitioner handle it? resize? grow? | 05:50 |
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joselj | or is just me...? | 05:50 |
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Baktaah | LjL: for(, , , )? | 05:50 |
lsproc | cute_bettong: no prob, connecting usb should be no problem, just remember to have a copy of windows to install handy | 05:50 |
Toma- | Insolit: and for the dns, /etc/resolv.conf | 05:50 |
huizache | hello , I have just upgraded to feisty, and have noticed I lost mozilla-browser and mozilla-conposer... how can I intal them from ubuntu repositories ??? | 05:50 |
Esteth | delire: that'd be great, if you dont mind :) | 05:50 |
Insolit | i know | 05:50 |
Insolit | all setr | 05:50 |
Insolit | but it gets another IP | 05:50 |
variant | PC: yes, with the correct file system tools installed | 05:50 |
Insolit | ... | 05:50 |
variant | PC: for any fs | 05:50 |
delire | Esteth: i've got about 10mins free.. let me try | 05:50 |
Esteth | delire: | 05:51 |
Baktaah | ... | 05:51 |
Baktaah | this didnt help at all | 05:51 |
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Baktaah | thanks alot guys.- | 05:51 |
tlacuache | nobody's got any idea for my bluetooth problem? | 05:51 |
variant | PC: shrink/resize/grow/move/copy | 05:51 |
LjL | Baktaah: no, that's another for. for <variable-name> in <glob-pattern>; do <command>; done | 05:51 |
Baktaah | LjL: nvm | 05:51 |
Baktaah | forget it :) | 05:51 |
Victor``` | Baktaah: must we remind you that this is for help with the operating system | 05:51 |
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Victor``` | and not specific applications | 05:51 |
LjL | Baktaah: i will. however, this is the last time i'll accept this attitude. btw, the command works. | 05:51 |
Victor``` | you don't ask MS support how to use Photoshop | 05:51 |
tbuss | is there anyway I can tell if java is causing firefox to crash. It seems like everytime I do something that requires java firefox crashes | 05:51 |
Baktaah | LjL: doesn | 05:51 |
PC | variant: i mean when installing the system, LiveCD, can it shrink or grow it safely? | 05:51 |
Baktaah | matter | 05:51 |
Toma- | tlacuache: sounds like a kernel panic. | 05:51 |
variant | PC: yes | 05:51 |
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tlacuache | yeah, that's sort of what i was afraid of with the caps lock blinking | 05:51 |
joselj | well i guess is just me then... | 05:52 |
Victor``` | gimp and inkscape both have presences here in this network | 05:52 |
LjL | Baktaah: what matters is that you'll get a ban if i see this attitude again - or any other lack of respect of the CoC and guidelines. don't tell me i didn't tell you. | 05:52 |
variant | PC: i normally compile the latest gparted on the live cd as that has the best stability and features | 05:52 |
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CharminTheMoose | Baktaah, what is the error you get when you enter the command? | 05:52 |
variant | PC: but that may not be something you want to do | 05:52 |
drummer | Need some help on a printer problem with a Feisty install. The os saw my HP 4050 and appeared to install it - but nothing prints. Help please | 05:52 |
Baktaah | CharminTheMoose: what command? | 05:52 |
Victor``` | you lose your patience and you act rude towards us | 05:52 |
ffm | How do I configure sendmail to use my ISP's SMTP server? | 05:52 |
PC | variant: thnkx cuz i'll be installing it with NTFS filesystems and i need to be sure it's safe | 05:52 |
ffm | How do I configure sendmail to use my ISP's SMTP server? | 05:52 |
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CharminTheMoose | Baktaah: the inkscape command or whatever.. | 05:52 |
Baktaah | CharminTheMoose: never saw one | 05:52 |
concept10 | He's just being an asshole imho | 05:52 |
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kbrosnan | tbuss: | 05:53 |
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tlacuache | are there any diagnostics I can to do determine why the bluetooth module would be causing a kernel panic for me? | 05:53 |
LjL | (replay) Baktaah: err...?!? now, assume that "inscape --export-svg" works (i don't have inkscape, i can't try). it's obvious that typing for file in *.png ; do inkscape --export-svg $file ; done would work. | 05:53 |
Victor``` | someone tell him to go to #inkscape | 05:53 |
Insolit | Toma-: now that i made network work manually networks applet sees no working connection | 05:53 |
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ffm | How do I configure sendmail to use my ISP's SMTP server? | 05:53 |
Baktaah | Victor```: Do I bother you? | 05:53 |
ffm | How do I configure sendmail to use my ISP's SMTP server? | 05:53 |
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LjL | !repeat > ffm (ffm, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:53 |
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burnerx | what is a good audio server ? | 05:53 |
Victor``` | Yeah. | 05:53 |
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tbuss | kbrosnan, you read my mind, I was just about to ask if there is a way to test java like you test php configurations | 05:54 |
Toma- | burnerx: esd | 05:54 |
soundray | Baktaah: not only him | 05:54 |
burnerx | i want to serve mp3s and be able to stream it from another computer under the same network | 05:54 |
Victor``` | we try to help you and you're quick to be rude | 05:54 |
Toma- | Insolit: yeh itll do that. | 05:54 |
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Victor``` | burnerx: you could probably do that with netcat | 05:54 |
Baktaah | LjL: | 05:54 |
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Baktaah | for file in *.png ; do inkscape --export-svg $file ; done didnt work just made empy files | 05:54 |
neverblue | if i use my Linksys router as a switch (just using my LAN ports and no WAN port), how can I access it via a browser? | 05:54 |
concept10 | Baktaah, you bother me. People are attempting to help you, you return bad vibes to them. Why don't you go to the proper channel to get help on this | 05:54 |
Lbawinowns | Please someone give me that manual about how to set access rights to your drives! | 05:54 |
LjL | !info icecast-server > burnerx | 05:54 |
drummer | Need some help on a printer problem with a Feisty install. The os saw my HP 4050 and appeared to install it - but nothing prints. Help please | 05:54 |
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Toma- | burnerx: VLC will do that | 05:54 |
rycuda | burnerx, I've had a great deal of success with a combination of mpd and icecast | 05:54 |
Baktaah | concept10: as far as I see it | 05:54 |
Baktaah | concept10: the only one helping me | 05:55 |
Baktaah | is LjL | 05:55 |
Possum | burnerx, also, look at icecast and esd | 05:55 |
delire | Esteth: getting there, just installing a few dependencies. | 05:55 |
Lin | !info icecast-server > Lin | 05:55 |
Possum | burnerx, I had esd combined with musicpd streaming music without problem | 05:55 |
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LjL | Baktaah: perhaps the --export-svg syntax is slightly different, as i said i can't try, not having inkscape. try "inkscape --help | grep svg" for the exact syntax | 05:55 |
Victor``` | Baktaah: what you're doing isn't much different from going to, say, #openbsd and asking for help with solaris | 05:55 |
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drummer | Need some help on a printer problem with a Feisty install. The os saw my HP 4050 and appeared to install it - but nothing prints. Help please | 05:55 |
joselj | yeah but vlc has sound quality problems in feisty | 05:55 |
Baktaah | Victor```: what are youy doing atm if not talking crap? | 05:55 |
Baktaah | Victor```: it's not like you are helping anyone atm | 05:55 |
delire | Baktaah: for file in $(ls *.png) ; do inkscape --export-svg $file ; done | 05:56 |
burnerx | okay thank you | 05:56 |
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burnerx | i will look into it | 05:56 |
Lbawinowns | Erm... No1 knows what I'm talking about? when you set acces with 3 numbers from 1 to 7 ,?? | 05:56 |
LjL | Baktaah: stop. | 05:56 |
walkintome | hi all, if I am able to install indiswrapper, does that mean i have met all the dependancies? | 05:56 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Victor``` | you're asking about batch conversion of PNGs to SVGs | 05:56 |
Baktaah | okay | 05:56 |
Baktaah | Victor```: no | 05:56 |
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LjL | everyone: just stop. | 05:56 |
Possum | delire, someone already told him to do that... hes not listening, it seems | 05:56 |
strabes | Lbawinowns: you're walking about chmodding... | 05:56 |
mc44 | walkintome: sure | 05:56 |
Esteth | delire: thanks a bunch :) | 05:56 |
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delire | Possum: ok | 05:56 |
Baktaah | I asked about an application that would do it | 05:56 |
matchstick | is there any app for seeing wireless networks like windows has? im having trouble connecting to mine | 05:56 |
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Lbawinowns | !chmodding | 05:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chmodding - try searching on | 05:56 |
Victor``` | know what? I'm going to hit up google and if I get the answer on the very first result, lol, shame. | 05:57 |
Toma- | matchstick: what kind of problems? | 05:57 |
Lbawinowns | strabes, where can I read about it | 05:57 |
shawn34 | !chmod | 05:57 |
sn0 | matchstick try wifi-radar | 05:57 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see - file permissions are explained at - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 05:57 |
neverblue | if i use my Linksys router as a switch (just using my LAN ports and no WAN port), how can I access it via a browser? | 05:57 |
strabes | !chmod > Lbawinowns | 05:57 |
rycuda | matchstick if you're running feisty it should come with network manager preinstalled. | 05:57 |
matchstick | it just wont connect, i put in the name and the network key, but it wont connect | 05:57 |
walkintome | mc44: well, i ask this becasue i am able to install the driver for my usb wireless adapter, and it tells me driver installed device present..but the wireless adapter doesnt work | 05:57 |
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matchstick | so im thinking its not picking it up by just the name | 05:57 |
walkintome | mc44 and i know its the correct dirver becasue i used it a day ago before i did a clean install | 05:57 |
Lbawinowns | Yes thats it, Thanks strabes :) | 05:57 |
drummer | neverblue: Try typing in the ip address you assigned it | 05:57 |
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LoneShadow | neverblue: open a browser to http://router-ip-address | 05:57 |
matchstick | use the ip as the name? | 05:58 |
matchstick | oh that wasnt for | 05:58 |
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neverblue | LoneShadow, yes, but usually its at the gateway address, and in this case, its not | 05:58 |
mc44 | walkintome: what does ifconfig say? | 05:58 |
CyberCod | I'm having trouble getting pictures off of my digital camera.... it sees the camera and identifies it properly but doesn't see any pics.... there's 35 on it now | 05:58 |
drummer | Still waiting for an answer on this: Need some help on a printer problem with a Feisty install. The os saw my HP 4050 and appeared to install it - but nothing prints. Help please | 05:58 |
neverblue | so how would I find the address of the router on my lan, drummer or LoneShadow | 05:58 |
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LoneShadow | neverblue: if your router acting as a dns server for your pc ? | 05:58 |
rycuda | matchstick, what release of Ubuntu are you running? | 05:59 |
Baktaah | delire: that doesnt work just produces empty inkscape windows and saves anothing | 05:59 |
walkintome | mc44: if memeory serves me, it says it cant detect and devices | 05:59 |
walkintome | *any | 05:59 |
clusterm1gnet | guys, firefox problem, when i try launching firefox from terminal, or launcher, i get | 05:59 |
matchstick | newest one, 7.04 i believe | 05:59 |
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variant | neverblue: ifconfig shows your default gateway (thats whatever device is directly connected to the internet) | 05:59 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, i dont know, i guess it would be if i just using LAN port on it, and not the WAN port | 05:59 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: I mean, is your router... ? type ifconfig, and see what ip you have and your gateway has | 05:59 |
clusterm1gnet | xlib: connection to ":0 0 " refused by server | 05:59 |
clusterm1gnet | Xlib: No protocol specified | 05:59 |
Possum | Baktaah, did you try the #inkscape channel? | 05:59 |
clusterm1gnet | cannot open display | 05:59 |
neverblue | variant, i realize that, but I cannot access my router on my default gateway address | 05:59 |
clusterm1gnet | also, this happens for konqueror as well | 05:59 |
clusterm1gnet | thanks! | 05:59 |
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LoneShadow | neverblue: are you connecting a PC to your wan port ? | 05:59 |
rycuda | matchstick, in the notification area (by the clock) Do you have a network manager icon? | 05:59 |
Baktaah | Possum: yeah but they didnt have antyhing except insults | 05:59 |
variant | neverblue: is it assigned by dhcp? | 06:00 |
mc44 | walkintome: and you modprobed ndiswrapper | 06:00 |
Possum | Baktaah, that a shame... you were being polite, right? | 06:00 |
variant | neverblue: do you have a seperate firewall? | 06:00 |
matchstick | yes i do...i guess its the manager | 06:00 |
Baktaah | Possum: i asked a question | 06:00 |
CyberCod | neverblue, you can also find out your default info on your router by searching by the model and manufacturer on | 06:00 |
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Baktaah | Possum: they told me it's impossible (eventhough I managed with inkscape) | 06:00 |
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KJF | How do I install the wobbly windows? | 06:00 |
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Possum | KJF, beryl! :) | 06:00 |
delire | Baktaah: for file in $(ls *.png) ; do inkscape -f $file -l=$outfile ; done | 06:00 |
neverblue | CyberCod, thats not gonna help here | 06:01 |
walkintome | mc44 yes i did | 06:01 |
rycuda | It'll either look like a series of blue bars, a pair of computers, or a computer with a red x | 06:01 |
matchstick | rycuda: it has connect to other wireless network, create new wireless network, and manual config | 06:01 |
walkintome | mc44: YES I DDI | 06:01 |
mc44 | walkintome: no need to shout! | 06:01 |
walkintome | mc44: sorry i hit the caps lock by accident | 06:01 |
KJF | Possum, no, the thing that makes your windows wobble and spin around like a cube | 06:01 |
TECH_1 | lOL wOBBLY WINDOWS. | 06:01 |
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rycuda | Okay matchstick that's a start. | 06:01 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: are you connecting a PC to your wan port ? | 06:01 |
Possum | KJF, it called... beryl >.> | 06:01 |
Victor``` | Baktaah: you're asking about converting PNG icons to SVG icons for a dock-like launcher? | 06:01 |
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mc44 | !beryl | KJF | 06:01 |
ubotu | KJF: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:01 |
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neverblue | variant, I am at work, I have a gateway, which allows me onto my Intranet and the Internet, and I am connecting to that gateway with a router inbetween | 06:01 |
Baktaah | Victor```: yes | 06:01 |
walkintome | mc44: i uninstalled ndiswrapper and the driver and am currently in my vista partition | 06:01 |
Baktaah | delire: as I said it doesnt work | 06:01 |
mc44 | KJF: please dont troll in here :) | 06:02 |
Victor``` | sorry but it just won't make a difference | 06:02 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, no, only a noob would do that | 06:02 |
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Victor``` | unless you redesign the icon in inkscape | 06:02 |
walkintome | mc44: so please be aware that if you DO give me any instructions, i will need to boot into ubuntu =) | 06:02 |
rycuda | can you open a terminal for me please matchstick? | 06:02 |
KJF | Sorry guys, I think you're getting confused, this thing makes rain appear and windows wobble and spin and flip and all cool kinds a syuff | 06:02 |
starno | Hi! I have problems installing Ubuntu on my brand new laptop. Can someone help me? | 06:02 |
neverblue | variant, firewall isnt an issue in this case | 06:02 |
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LoneShadow | neverblue: well if you are smart enough, and have the right linksys router, install openwrt on it. And you can make the wan port as part of the switch as well :) | 06:02 |
mc44 | walkintome: well if ndiswrapper said it was installed and it was modprobed, i dunno what it could be :s | 06:02 |
KJF | mc44, sorry.... | 06:02 |
delire | Baktaah: that was a completely different command. works here. inkscape windows open up, but it does convert them | 06:03 |
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Possum | KJF, ... | 06:03 |
Victor``` | you don't necessarily convert between them, it's just putting the image in the vector | 06:03 |
u2k7 | how do I get java working in firefox.. installed from repo.. nothing happens =// | 06:03 |
neverblue | variant, I beleive the gateway I am resolving is NOT the router, as all the ports are in a switch | 06:03 |
concept10 | KJF, they have already answered you question | 06:03 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: seems like you have two routers, right ? | 06:03 |
LjL | delire, what's $outfile in your for loop? | 06:03 |
walkintome | mc44: well i actualyl had the wireless running for about 20 seconds. i was able to go to but then i reboot and it stopped working | 06:03 |
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Victor``` | but once it's expanded with the starterbar applet, it'll still look crappy and pixely | 06:03 |
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walkintome | mc44: it wouldnt even detect the wireless card | 06:03 |
KJF | concept10, ok | 06:03 |
Baktaah | delire: doesnt work here. it opens inkscape but then I have to close it myself for the next inkscape to oppen up | 06:03 |
chenchen | hi, may i noe what gui diff tool is nice to use in ubuntu? | 06:03 |
matchstick | ok terminal up rycuda | 06:03 |
mc44 | walkintome: you could try removing network-manager | 06:03 |
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bipolar | KJF: google for | 06:03 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, im not concerned about that atm, if I cannot even get onto the router, I wouldnt even be able to update the firmware/install it anyways | 06:03 |
delire | LjL: oh yes, didn't give him that did it.. | 06:04 |
bipolar | KJF: google for 'beryl' | 06:04 |
concept10 | chenchen, meld | 06:04 |
rycuda | do you know the name of your network device matchstick? | 06:04 |
Victor``` | so yeah, converting to SVG isn't going to magically make a bitmap image scalable | 06:04 |
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bipolar | KJF: that will explain what you are looking for | 06:04 |
Victor``` | does that answer your question | 06:04 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, no, not two routers, a router acting like a switch and an Internet gateway | 06:04 |
delire | LjL for file in $(ls *.png) ; do inkscape -f $file -l=out-$file ; done | 06:04 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: ok let me understand the problem, at the moment, do you have just a PC connected to "this" router and nothing else ? | 06:04 |
delire | LjL: perhaps.. | 06:04 |
matchstick | the router name? | 06:04 |
delire | anyway, onto something else | 06:04 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, no | 06:04 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, your way off | 06:04 |
matchstick | (network name) or my ethernet card> | 06:04 |
matchstick | ? | 06:04 |
KJF | Ok, I googled it and got "beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate with the chemical formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6. The hexagonal crystals of beryl may be very small or range to several meters in size." | 06:04 |
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rycuda | matchstick> device name. iwconfig should list all the network devices and provide information about the wireless enabled ones. | 06:05 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: I was trying to see if two routers had same gateway IP, and probably the other router was shadowing your switch's IP | 06:05 |
KJF | Which doesnt look like wobbly windows to me | 06:05 |
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neverblue | LoneShadow, I have my router as a switch atm, so all the ports that are used are the LAN ports, and no WAN, and I want to access the router its self, so I need its IP | 06:05 |
LjL | delire: guess not :-) i suppose a corrected version could be for file in $(ls *.png) ; do inkscape -f $file -l=$(echo $file; sed "s/png/svg/") ; done | 06:05 |
walkintome | mc44: one unreleated question..if im trying to install g++ whcih is dependant on g++-4.1. so when i go to install g++-4.1 it tells me i need that that is dependant on g++-4.1. how do i get around this and why does it have me in an infinite loop? | 06:05 |
u2k7 | KJF, great | 06:05 |
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Victor``` | Baktaah: you can easily paste bitmap images into an SVG file with any editor but it won't scale correctly when your starter bar applet dilates it | 06:05 |
Toma- | KJF: it was funny in -offtopic, its just plain lame in here. stop it. | 06:05 |
pplsuqbawlz | lol the ubuntu drivers are seriously wrecked | 06:05 |
Possum | KJF, youe just being difficult right now... I was gonna offer a link for a really easy install, but you phail | 06:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %KJF!*@*] by nalioth | ||
concept10 | KJF, for the last time -> <ubotu> KJF: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 06:05 |
Baktaah | Victor```: I dont understand what u said | 06:05 |
Victor``` | okay | 06:05 |
delire | LjL: yeah, looks better.. | 06:06 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, two routers had same gateway IP?? | 06:06 |
matchstick | eth2 appears to be my wireless card | 06:06 |
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neverblue | LoneShadow, thats not what I am doing here, i am not even sure if that is possible | 06:06 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: your actual internet gateway router and this switch | 06:06 |
Victor``` | let me rephrase it. | 06:06 |
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neverblue | LoneShadow, ? | 06:06 |
mc44 | nalioth: thanks | 06:06 |
Possum | Trolls are fun :P | 06:06 |
delire | LjL: to be honest i didn't run the loop, just gave inkscape the args and noticed that it svg-ified the image. | 06:06 |
concept10 | Where do these people come from ? | 06:06 |
void^ | Baktaah: it means you should just find svg icons instead of trying to convert your png ones. | 06:06 |
Cibertech | alguien habla espaol? | 06:06 |
walkintome | if im trying to install g++ whcih is dependant on g++-4.1. so when i go to install g++-4.1 it tells me i need that that is dependant on g++-4.1. how do i get around this and why does it have me in an infinite loop? | 06:06 |
Victor``` | you want to convert bitmap formats to a vector format | 06:06 |
Pici | !es | Cibertech | 06:06 |
nalioth | !es | 06:06 |
ubotu | Cibertech: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:06 |
Baktaah | void^: no thanks | 06:06 |
Victor``` | bitmap formats are set at a certain size | 06:06 |
rycuda | okay matchstick would you run "iwlist eth2 scan" in amongst there you should see the ESSID of your wireless network. | 06:06 |
Cibertech | muchas gracias | 06:07 |
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matchstick | iwlist eth2 scan | 06:07 |
matchstick | woops wrong keyboard | 06:07 |
Victor``` | SVG is scalable, so it can be resized and it scales nicely | 06:07 |
drummer | YO!!! DOES ANYBODY ON THIS CHANNEL KNOW ABOUT PRINTER ISSUES & FEISTY? (He asked for the 5th time) | 06:07 |
LjL | baktaah, given what delire says, i really think for file in $(ls *.png) ; do inkscape -f $file -l=$(echo $file; sed "s/png/svg/") ; done ought to work | 06:07 |
neverblue | if i use my Linksys router as a switch (just using my LAN ports and no WAN port), how can I access it via a browser? | 06:07 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: if you had a router connecting to your internet modem (lets say, and then you connect a "Switch" to its lan ports, and you connect a PC to the switch | 06:07 |
Victor``` | your only solutions are to either redesign the icons yourself | 06:07 |
Cibertech | hay soporte para linea de comando? | 06:07 |
matchstick | no scan results, rycuda | 06:07 |
neverblue | there, thats my original question (again) | 06:07 |
LjL | !caps > drummer (drummer, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:07 |
Victor``` | or to seek out SVG format icons | 06:07 |
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Victor``` | does -that- answer your question? | 06:07 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: if the switch has as its IP, you wont be able to access it, you will just access the internet gateway router | 06:07 |
Pici | Cibertech: /j #ubuntu-es | 06:07 |
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concept10 | drummer, maybe he needs a better question thats no so vague | 06:08 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, you really dont understand my layout | 06:08 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, pls reread my previous posts | 06:08 |
Baktaah | LjL: nein doesnt work :) doesnt even open inkscape | 06:08 |
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Victor``` | Baktaah: you're basically trying to look for a solution which won't work | 06:08 |
mc44 | walkintome: the version of g++ in the repositories causes that error? | 06:08 |
rycuda | Okay matchstick sounds like this is where your problem is, if eth2 is your wireless network card then it's not seeing any available networks. | 06:08 |
walkintome | mc44: are you asking what version? | 06:09 |
Possum | neverblue, you should still be able to access the router (switch) using the IP address you assigned it... | 06:09 |
drummer | concept10: Actually this is the original question I asked 4 times: Need some help on a printer problem with a Feisty install. The os saw my HP 4050 and appeared to install it - but nothing prints. Help please | 06:09 |
walkintome | mc44: g++-4.1_4.1.2-0ubuntu4_i386 | 06:09 |
variant | matchstick: try "iwlist scanning" | 06:09 |
mc44 | walkintome: Im saying if you install g++ from the repositories does it give that error? | 06:09 |
matchstick | well i know 1. they are there, and 2. the card works on the same box in windows....where to from here? | 06:09 |
variant | matchstick: should list all the devices and the one with wireless extensions. hope that helps | 06:09 |
Baktaah | Victor```: kk | 06:09 |
walkintome | mc44: i have no internet so i cant | 06:09 |
Victor``` | Baktaah: even if you 'convert' them to SVG format they will not scale in the starter bar. look for svg icons. | 06:09 |
Baktaah | Victor```: odd that it worked doing it manually with inkscape | 06:09 |
Baktaah | :P | 06:09 |
mc44 | walkintome: build-essential is on the CD | 06:09 |
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LjL | Baktaah: whops, my fault. for file in *.png; do inkscape -f $file -l=$(echo $file | sed "s/png/svg/") ; don | 06:09 |
neverblue | Possum, it assigns its own address | 06:09 |
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walkintome | mc44: oh yeah! sweet | 06:10 |
Victor``` | yeah, it works, but it's not going to scale | 06:10 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: how did you configure your linksys as a switch ? | 06:10 |
walkintome | mc44: okay ill be back! | 06:10 |
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Insolit | where do i get autoconf.h? | 06:10 |
Bruhaha | !grub | 06:10 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 06:10 |
neverblue | LoneShadow, you dont "configure" it as a switch, you use the LAN ports, and no WAN port to "simulate" it was a switch | 06:10 |
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Possum | neverblue, you can try sending out a ping -b on your subnet, see which ones respond | 06:10 |
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LjL | Baktaah, what Victor``` is trying to say is that, if you use PNG icons, they're probably going to look horrible especially if that's a MacOS-like "magnifying" dock. | 06:10 |
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concept10 | drummer, the question is vague. Test pages do not work? What application are you printing from? | 06:10 |
Victor``` | even if they're made into SVGs\ | 06:11 |
Baktaah | LjL: no they DIDNT look horrible (wich I have said a couple of times now) | 06:11 |
Baktaah | I did it m,anually 3-4 different | 06:11 |
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Baktaah | looked great | 06:11 |
Victor``` | manually as in? | 06:11 |
LjL | Baktaah: btw i lost the "e" in "done" in the last version of the command >: | 06:11 |
rycuda | matchstick, did variant's suggestion show any networks? | 06:11 |
LoneShadow | neverblue: then its still default router doing dhcp to its clients, you should be able to access it using browser | 06:11 |
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Baktaah | LjL: yeah I got the E, however it doesnt work it just do as the others | 06:11 |
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Baktaah | it opens inkscape and the picture.. and.. does nothing | 06:11 |
matchstick | i missed it...didnt see what he said | 06:11 |
neverblue | ill brb | 06:11 |
Baktaah | when I close it, it opens up the next picture | 06:11 |
Baktaah | and etc | 06:11 |
neverblue | networking channel is helping | 06:11 |
cclark | hi | 06:12 |
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delire | LjL: hmm.. doesn't seem like inkscape wants to let you create the outfile though. | 06:12 |
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Possum | neverblue, good luck :) | 06:12 |
LjL | Baktaah, or someone, could you type "inkscape --help" and pastebin the output of it for me? | 06:12 |
Victor``` | Baktaah: and it SCALES? | 06:12 |
cclark | what | 06:12 |
rycuda | iwlist scanning | 06:12 |
delight | are there any plans to support kraft packages in future ubuntu versions ? | 06:12 |
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delight | !kraft | 06:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kraft - try searching on | 06:12 |
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Baktaah | !pastebin | 06:13 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:13 |
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matchstick | no scan results on eth2 | 06:13 |
quaal | is anyone familiar with making an ipv6 tunnel for irc to create your own hostname for irc connection | 06:13 |
rycuda | Any scan results on any interface matchstick? | 06:13 |
Victor``` | Baktaah: you mean you pasted it in there and it actually scales? | 06:13 |
void^ | LjL: it works if you remove the =, but creates just a small svg that links the png. inkscape _does_not_ convert/trace png to svg. | 06:13 |
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matchstick | nope the others dont support scanning | 06:13 |
delire | Esteth: getting there.. still more depends ;) | 06:13 |
Baktaah | LjL: | 06:13 |
LjL | void^: it sure doesn't, but yet he says the resulting "fake" SVG works in the programs he wants it to work in. | 06:13 |
matchstick | its not a driver issue is it? | 06:14 |
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Pici | !newpackage > delight | 06:14 |
drummer_ | Need some help on a printer problem with a Feisty install. The os saw my HP 4050 and appeared to install it - but nothing prints. Help please | 06:14 |
loco_aullador | hi i've installed amule and i have low id and since today the konversacion is running very slowly i dont know why, yesterday i hadnt problems | 06:14 |
rycuda | It could be, Do you know what chipset your wireless card uses? | 06:14 |
Esteth | delire: sorry about this :( | 06:14 |
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matchstick | because this is a 100% new install havent done anything to it, just installed about 15 min ago and trying to get online | 06:14 |
soundray | Baktaah: have you tried 'inkscape -f yourfile.png --export-plain-svg=output.svg'? | 06:15 |
matchstick | umm no, but i can see if i can find out | 06:15 |
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Victor``` | firefox comes with scalable icons | 06:15 |
matchstick | its a belkin.... | 06:15 |
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Victor``` | lol. | 06:15 |
brunes | Hey - anyone know of any bluetooth AVRCP/A2DP client applications for ubuntu or linux in general? | 06:15 |
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matchstick | cant remember which one | 06:15 |
LjL | Baktaah: for file in *.png; do inkscape --without-gui -f $file --export-plain-svg $(echo $file | sed "s/png/svg/") ; done | 06:15 |
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brunes | I want to test A2DP and AVRCP support for my new phone | 06:15 |
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Possum | drummer_, did you try google? | 06:15 |
delire | Esteth: no problem.. quite a few depends.. | 06:16 |
Baktaah | LjL: worked, but it just made the picturs Empty :( | 06:16 |
rycuda | matchstick lspci will give you a ton of information about attached devices. It'll give some indication as to the chipset. | 06:16 |
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moauud | join #ubuntu-sa/ | 06:16 |
brunes | I cant seem to find anything useful with Google or Freshmeant | 06:16 |
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Toma- | Baktaah: ? | 06:16 |
aa^way | is there a way to install GD to Apache in ubuntu? | 06:17 |
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matchstick | 802.11b/g | 06:17 |
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LjL | Toma-, it's png *to* svg that he wants | 06:17 |
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Victor``` | Baktaah: so you managed to make a PNG icon into an SVG AND have it zoom with that starterbar app? | 06:17 |
Toma- | lol. good luck. | 06:17 |
Baktaah | yeh | 06:17 |
rycuda | can you either give me that entire line or use pastebin to give me the whole output please matchstick? | 06:18 |
Baktaah | Victor```: yes | 06:18 |
delire | Esteth: strangely it seems to compile just fine.. note: 'file=`echo de | sed 's,.*/,,'`.gmo \ && rm -f $file && /usr/bin/msgfmt -o $file de.po' ... perhaps you're missing 'msgfmt'? | 06:18 |
Victor``` | could you show us a screenshot? | 06:18 |
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matchstick | sure ill give you the line | 06:18 |
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Esteth | delire: i had no idea msgfmt was a dependancy | 06:18 |
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Esteth | delire: it doesnt even show up in my synaptic | 06:19 |
LjL | Baktaah, installing Inkscape, hold on... | 06:19 |
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Victor``` | baktaah, how exactly did you do it 'manually' | 06:20 |
delire | Esteth: i'm just trying to find out what provides it now.. one moment. | 06:20 |
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matchstick | 00:0f.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03) | 06:20 |
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delire | Esteth: 'dpkg -S /usr/bin/msgfmt' returns gettext. this is the package you want to install | 06:20 |
Baktaah | LjL: thanks | 06:20 |
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Baktaah | Victor```: I open a new file in inkscape, paste the smaller .png file.. and save it | 06:20 |
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Esteth | delire: thanks, ill try that | 06:20 |
delire | Esteth: ok | 06:20 |
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Victor``` | i don't see how it works | 06:21 |
Esteth | i just get /usr/bin/msgfmt not found :S | 06:21 |
matchstick | i could have swore it was a belkin card, but looks like its broadcom | 06:21 |
LjL | Baktaah, for me, for file in *.png; do inkscape -f $file -l $(echo $file | sed "s/png/svg/") ; done works absolutely fine. i guess you *do* need to have the original PNGs in the same directory, and not move them (or the SVGs), though. | 06:21 |
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Victor``` | inkscape is just an editor, it won't retrace the image | 06:21 |
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invizible | I've got a really weird / easy one I guess | 06:22 |
Baktaah | LjL: there has been a misunderstanding | 06:22 |
invizible | I need to edit a file | 06:22 |
=== rycuda has a quick google on that card. | ||
LjL | Victor```, SVG files can have embedded PNG images AFAIK | 06:22 |
Baktaah | LjL: it worked but the .svg files were empty | 06:22 |
invizible | the instructions say this: Replace debian/rules by follows. | 06:22 |
invizible | and it gives code | 06:22 |
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delire | Esteth: hmm.. that's odd. what does 'ls /usr/bin/msgfmt' give you? | 06:22 |
LjL | Baktaah, i *looked* at the SVGs, and i see the images in them | 06:22 |
Pici | Baktaah: Thats because you're only embedding the png inside | 06:22 |
Victor``` | LjL: but it's still not scalable | 06:22 |
invizible | how would I find the file debian/rules | 06:22 |
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delire | LjL: yes seems to work here too. | 06:22 |
invizible | is there an easy way to edit it? | 06:22 |
LjL | Victor```, you can scale a bitmap. if you do it with a decent algorithm, and don't exaggerate, it doesn't even look crap. | 06:22 |
Toma- | LjL: whats the command youre using? | 06:23 |
delire | LjL: i thought that last switch needed an '=' to the outfile but anyway.. | 06:23 |
Esteth | delire: same thing "No such file or directory" | 06:23 |
Possum | invizible, sed vim or emacs, pick your poison :) | 06:23 |
delire | Esteth: so you installed gettext? | 06:23 |
rycuda | matchstick, would you pastebin the output of lsmod |grep bcm | 06:23 |
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LjL | Toma- for file in *.png; do inkscape -f $file -l $(echo $file | sed "s/png/svg/") ; done and "svgdisplay" to view them | 06:23 |
Victor``` | LjL: but the starterbar applets zoom in like 3x | 06:23 |
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aa^way | what is this? | 06:24 |
aa^way | configure: error: /bin/sh config/config.sub i686-pc-linux- failed | 06:24 |
Esteth | delire: gettext wasn't in the list of dependencies i saw in the readme :S | 06:24 |
Toma- | LjL: you could set the DPI with -d... | 06:24 |
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matchstick | !pastebin | 06:24 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:24 |
aa^way | i did do ./configure in a subfolder, shouldnt give that | 06:24 |
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LjL | Victor```, if he doesn't find it horrible, what's the problem? 3x will just look blurried but perhaps acceptable, if done with a decent algorithm. | 06:24 |
invizible | Thanks - installing emacs now | 06:24 |
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zdravko | hi there | 06:24 |
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carlesoriol | How can i hide tray icon when vino-vnc is connected in feisty? | 06:24 |
Victor``` | LjL: eh, I didn't catch the link to that SVG | 06:24 |
zdravko | can someone help me with LaTeX? | 06:24 |
Possum | invizible, make sure you know or can find out how to do it... I can only personally help with vim | 06:24 |
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jpjacobs | zdravko, there is #latex ;) | 06:24 |
Baktaah | LjL: as I said it works fine, they do .svg but the .svg pictures are empty | 06:25 |
delire | Esteth: no, but this is common unfortunately. developers don't always know what their own software depends on.. or more importantly... what comes default in their own OS. | 06:25 |
kritzstapf | do you use splashy? | 06:25 |
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zdravko | don't ever dare to mention that stupid channel | 06:25 |
zdravko | it is full of sleepers | 06:25 |
Stoffer | can someone help me mount my sd card? It mounted by itself earlier, but only after it was sitting in the card reader a while... I don't know how to get it to pop back up... it mounted to /media/disk, but I don't know what the device is named | 06:25 |
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LjL | Baktaah: i've understood that. the only problem is that i'm using the very same command, and the .svg pictures that i get are *not* empty. | 06:25 |
delire | Esteth: i write software and am guilty of this. i just assume a system has a certain library as it came with my distribution of Linux. | 06:25 |
zdravko | this people never answer my questions | 06:25 |
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Esteth | delire: i installed gettext and it seems to have make'd fine :) | 06:25 |
LjL | Baktaah: try viewing them using "svgdisplay", are they still empty? | 06:25 |
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zdravko | they even behave as if I haven't asked them anythin | 06:25 |
Baktaah | LjL: alright do you know what inkscape does when I open up a new .svg file and paste the .png picture there and save it as .svg... what happends? | 06:25 |
delire | Esteth: cool ;) try a 'sudo make install' now | 06:25 |
jpjacobs | zdravko, never had any problem there... and patience is a virtue ;) | 06:25 |
Victor``` | zdravko: uh? | 06:25 |
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zdravko | I had patience enough | 06:26 |
Esteth | looking good | 06:26 |
matchstick | rycuda, | 06:26 |
zdravko | they drive me crazy! | 06:26 |
delire | Esteth: to be honest, it sounds like you did everything right. the dev simply forgot to include that critical dependency and the output you were getting was also weird.. | 06:26 |
Esteth | delire: hurrah! it lives :D | 06:26 |
zdravko | 122+ people in #latex and nobody wants to help me | 06:26 |
delire | Esteth: great ;) | 06:26 |
Toma- | Baktaah: are you using "Import" form the inkscape menu? | 06:26 |
zdravko | this is called: stupidity | 06:26 |
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Esteth | delire: out of interest, how would i go about uninstalling an app that i've compiled like that? | 06:26 |
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Baktaah | Toma-: no just copy paste | 06:27 |
delire | Esteth: hehe you'll be luck if you can 'sudo make uninstall'. | 06:27 |
Possum | zdravko, you still have better luck there... dunno how many folks here use latex | 06:27 |
LjL | Baktaah: right, but copy from *where*? another copy of inkscape? | 06:27 |
Baktaah | LjL: yes | 06:27 |
Toma- | Baktaah: works fine here | 06:27 |
walkintome | hi all. im just wondering how you know if your wireless device is installed correctly under ubuntu. | 06:27 |
soundray | zdravko: remember you are not entitled to get help on IRC. It's just a privilege. Ask your LaTeX question here, anyway. | 06:27 |
Baktaah | walkintome: iwconfig | 06:27 |
walkintome | lo : no wireless extension eth0 no wireless extensions wlan0 ieee 802.11g essid 'ciarlo' etc | 06:28 |
Esteth | delire: thanks so much, you just made my day | 06:28 |
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rycuda | matchstick, sounds as if the kernel's managed to get the right wireless card detected. | 06:28 |
rycuda | and the right drivers loaded. | 06:28 |
walkintome | Baktaah: does that mean its working? | 06:28 |
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delire | Esteth: this is the big issue with not having a package for that given program. note that anythig you compile and install will probably go into /usr/local/. /usr/local is there for precisely this purpose.. | 06:28 |
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delire | Esteth: anytime. good job. | 06:28 |
Baktaah | walkintome: yeah | 06:28 |
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walkintome | but the network icon in the corner says disconnected | 06:28 |
Baktaah | walkintome: do sudo iwconfig [interface] essid [access point] | 06:29 |
walkintome | Baktaah: the network icon has a red x | 06:29 |
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Baktaah | walkintome: it may be down | 06:29 |
Baktaah | try | 06:29 |
Baktaah | sudo ifconfig [interface] up | 06:29 |
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LjL | Baktaah: what happens when you copy&paste is the same as when you do my command: the PNG file is linked from the SVG file. which means that both files will *HAVE* to be in the same directory, and never change name | 06:29 |
walkintome | Baktaah: is interface the id number ? | 06:29 |
Baktaah | LjL: yeah they were in the same folder and same name | 06:29 |
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invizible | Possum: you win - VIM it is..that emacs was bizzare | 06:29 |
LjL | Baktaah: what about svgdisplay then? | 06:29 |
Baktaah | walkintome: interface might for e.g be ath0 or ra0 | 06:29 |
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Baktaah | LjL: no I tried with the cairo-dock itself | 06:30 |
matchstick | baktaah, what if you have network key and not a pass? | 06:30 |
Baktaah | just works if I do it the way I did | 06:30 |
LjL | Baktaah: i asked you to please try with svgdisplay. | 06:30 |
Stoffer | anyone? SD card reader? .... | 06:30 |
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Baktaah | LjL: doesnt matter it has to work with cairo-dock in the end | 06:30 |
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Victor``` | or inkview | 06:30 |
zeta | hey! | 06:30 |
walkintome | Baktaah: is this correct? michael@mciarlo:~$ sudo iwconfig wlan0 Ciarlo >>Error : unrecognised wireless request "Ciarlo" | 06:30 |
invizible | Possum: do you know what path DEBIAN/RULES should be under?..or whereabouts? | 06:30 |
zeta | #ubuntu | 06:30 |
LjL | Baktaah: ok, if you know it doesn't matter, then fine. | 06:30 |
Baktaah | walkintome: u forgot to write essid | 06:30 |
variant | Baktaah: you can /ignore me if you don't want to hear what i have to say however i was looking at the problem on the net a bit and it seems that a one or two people suggest using an intermediate image format, jpeg for example | 06:30 |
=== delire forgot all about inkview | ||
walkintome | Baktaah: im sorry lol im a noob | 06:31 |
Baktaah | variant: jpeg for the cairo-dock? | 06:31 |
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Lbawinowns | hmmm. Is it safe to run exes with wine? or can there be viruses? | 06:31 |
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Baktaah | walkintome: sudo iwconfig [interface] essid [access-point] key [hex key] | 06:31 |
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LjL | Lbawinowns: there can be viruses, of course, they're the same EXEs you'd run on Windows. | 06:31 |
CyberCod | I'm trying to get a Sipix Cameleon digital camera to work with ubuntu, any help? | 06:31 |
fluidite | s-service | 06:31 |
Victor``` | Lbawinowns: safer than in a windows installation | 06:31 |
variant | Baktaah: for the png to svg conversion. to be honest I don't see what difference it can make but at least two people suggested it as an intermediate format | 06:31 |
kahrytan | Lbawinowns: Relatively, yes it is safe | 06:32 |
invizible | I found it | 06:32 |
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Baktaah | LjL: what happends if u run a exe virus via wine on linux :D ? | 06:32 |
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kahrytan | Lbawinowns: You can run a windows virus with Wine. | 06:32 |
matchstick | still asks for a password | 06:32 |
LjL | Baktaah: depends on the virus. most of the times, it fails to run. | 06:32 |
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Victor``` | Baktaah: it wouldn't affect anything outside the ~/.wine directory | 06:32 |
Baktaah | variant: I dont know or understand all I know is that I need .svg files for me cairo-dock | 06:32 |
Victor``` | or your user directory | 06:32 |
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Baktaah | Victor```: so a trojan wouldnt work? | 06:32 |
kahrytan | Ljl: You should check for virus. | 06:32 |
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Victor``` | Baktaah: nope | 06:32 |
Lbawinowns | How is runtime-control in linux. Can I decline certain access to programs? | 06:32 |
Victor``` | doubt running it as root would do damage to the system | 06:33 |
variant | Baktaah: so i gather | 06:33 |
Victor``` | but it's best not to anyway :) | 06:33 |
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Baktaah | LjL: thanks for the help, I might as well run this manually then :( | 06:33 |
delire | Lbawinowns: at worst you'd probably just infect your ~/.wine/fake_windows directory. that's about it. | 06:33 |
Possum | invizible, I don't know this script specifically.. you want to know how to change all instances in the file? | 06:33 |
Toma- | Lbawinowns: yep | 06:33 |
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Victor``` | well | 06:33 |
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matchstick | guess it wanted my | 06:33 |
Victor``` | the filesystem is accessible via a virtual Z: drive in wine | 06:33 |
matchstick | but its still not connecting =[ | 06:33 |
niekie | <Victor```> Baktaah: it wouldn't affect anything outside the ~/.wine directory <-- not true :-P | 06:33 |
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Lbawinowns | Toma- It was really not a yes/no-question :p | 06:33 |
niekie | Victor```, yeah.. | 06:33 |
Victor``` | -safest- solution is vmware | 06:33 |
rycuda | matchstick, is it seeing networks now? | 06:33 |
Lbawinowns | Ok thanks guys | 06:33 |
=== kahrytan pokes Possum | ||
niekie | Don't try running viruses. | 06:34 |
LjL | Baktaah: this is the SVG file that i get when i do it with copy&paste and this is the one i get with the automatic conversion -- doubt i can help further given you don't even want to troubleshoot | 06:34 |
niekie | Or do it on a VM. | 06:34 |
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delire | Lbawinowns: yes, you can do this on the command line (chown) or with the GUI. | 06:34 |
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Toma- | Lbawinowns: i know :) | 06:34 |
Victor``` | or qemu or whatever you like to use. | 06:34 |
Lbawinowns | !chown | 06:34 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 06:34 |
matchstick | rycuda, no, i tried to sudo like baktaah said... | 06:34 |
matchstick | nothing happened | 06:34 |
Possum | invizible, open the file with vim, type <Esc>:%s/DEBIAN\/RULES/follows/g (I think that's what you said, right?) | 06:34 |
Baktaah | LjL: nevermind sorry to bother you but I will have to do it manually | 06:34 |
Possum | kahrytan, mornin | 06:34 |
flake | can I get SAS for ubuntu? or is it called SAS-L ? | 06:34 |
niekie | If you're investigating an IRC trojan, try making something that redirects all outgoing IRC access to a fake IRC server, for instance. | 06:34 |
variant | Baktaah: what is the name of the icon set? | 06:34 |
kahrytan | Possum: not morning anymore. | 06:34 |
delire | Lbawinowns: chown == "change ownership" | 06:34 |
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Baktaah | variant: os-l | 06:34 |
Lbawinowns | ok | 06:34 |
Possum | kahrytan, it's 12:35 PM in my timezone... feels like morning to me :P | 06:35 |
rycuda | matchstick, sorry to say it but I think I'm out of ideas. | 06:35 |
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kahrytan | Possum: You keep forgetting we're in the same timezone | 06:35 |
Victor``` | east coast US? | 06:35 |
Possum | yup | 06:35 |
Victor``` | texas here. | 06:35 |
Possum | FL for me | 06:36 |
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delire | Lbawinowns: see 'man chown' in a terminal. otherwise, file-browse to the executable of the program you want to change ownership on ('whereis programname' will find it) and experiment. don't experiment with progams like 'ls' or 'cd' or course. also look into adding groups. this is the best way to 'group' access rights. | 06:36 |
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delire | Lbawinowns: when i say experiment i meant to say "change the permissions using the right-mouse menu" | 06:36 |
matchstick | yea wont even connect to other open networks around me | 06:37 |
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flake | = FL | 06:37 |
Lbawinowns | ok | 06:37 |
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matchstick | its not finding them by name or something | 06:37 |
kahrytan | Possum: did jackb ever come back? | 06:37 |
Victor``` | a lot of applications need to refuse to run as root unless otherwise specified | 06:37 |
delire | yep | 06:37 |
Victor``` | too many idiots damaging systems | 06:37 |
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Possum | kahrytan, doubt it... I didn't have anything in my away log | 06:37 |
Victor``` | then again, they shouldn't use a system that gives them so much arbitrary access to the system | 06:38 |
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kahrytan | Possum: I hope he doesnt give up. | 06:39 |
zapnap_ | hey there. never been a ubuntu user before (usually a gentoo guy when i have to run linux for something) but figured i'd give it a shot on my new vps. setting up a ruby/rails stack and having an issue. hoping someone can help. | 06:39 |
zapnap_ | ubuntu 7.04 and i can't seem to find a way to install rdoc and ri. any ruby people here? | 06:39 |
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zapnap_ | (using apt that is) | 06:39 |
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Possum | kahrytan, it doesn't matter if he does... he's _interested_ and afaic, if you have interest in *nix you're already hooked :P | 06:39 |
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dennis_ | hi! what do i have to do to watch .wmv files? i only get a black screen, but sound works... | 06:40 |
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Possum | kahrytan, He'll come back to it eventually, that's what I'm trying to say | 06:40 |
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jpjacobs | dennis_, what program are you using? | 06:40 |
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kahrytan | Possum: If you see him, tell him about Browser Appliance | 06:40 |
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dennis_ | jpjacobs: i use kubuntu and i have kaffeine and kmplayer | 06:40 |
openforlife | dennis, not all WMV files will play video. DRM and stuff I think | 06:40 |
Possum | kahrytan, you bet | 06:40 |
variant | Baktaah: looks like cairo dock will at some point in the future support png icons.. | 06:40 |
R3ddy | do i need any anti-virus programs or firewalls for ubuntu? | 06:41 |
kahrytan | Possum: It is a good way to hook people into Ubuntu | 06:41 |
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variant | R3ddy: a firewall is advisable, av no | 06:41 |
sambagirl | what exactly is Automatix2 ? | 06:41 |
hossosor | hi, i'm trying to get sound to work on my hp dv2035us laptop. i've been told that i need to apply a patch to the latest alsa driver for my sound card to work. the patch is located here: unfortunately, that site offers the download of a .bin file, whereas i need a .patch (if i'm not mistaken). am i downloading the file incorrectly? any help would be greatly appreciatd. | 06:41 |
mc44 | !virus | R3 | 06:41 |
ubotu | R3: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 06:41 |
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mc44 | R3ddy: ^ | 06:41 |
Pici | !firewall | R3ddy | 06:41 |
ubotu | R3ddy: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 06:41 |
openforlife | Automatix2 is an autoinstaller for the most common software | 06:41 |
matchstick | welp, looks like im going back to windows boys... | 06:41 |
hossosor | | 06:41 |
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hossosor | this thread explains how to install | 06:41 |
Pici | !automatix | 06:41 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 06:41 |
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jpjacobs | dennis_, yopu could try different video drivers in mplayer.. | 06:41 |
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Pici | sambagirl: Take a look at what ubotu just posted | 06:42 |
dennis_ | jpjacbos: ok, i will try. are there other things i can do? codecs, libs, ...? | 06:42 |
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sambagirl | okie dokie | 06:42 |
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sambagirl | thanks | 06:42 |
openforlife | you don't need automatix in 7.04 anyway | 06:42 |
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openforlife | add/remove does excatly the same. | 06:42 |
HymnToLife | like you needed it in previous releases :p | 06:42 |
dade | hi... somebody expert with mdadm? | 06:42 |
R3ddy | so let me get this straight, there are no viruses for linux, at all? i mean, no one has evert gotten infected with a virus? | 06:42 |
openforlife | in a better way | 06:42 |
hossosor | matchstick: why? just dual boot | 06:42 |
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jpjacobs | dennis_, you need w32codecs. and if that doesn't work, i'd try vlc... | 06:43 |
h4wk0 | mooo | 06:43 |
h4wk0 | :) | 06:43 |
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timmi | maeh | 06:43 |
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timmi | test | 06:43 |
flake | R3ddy - unless you open your machine like windows is, you're generally safe | 06:43 |
Toma- | R3ddy: not in the "wild" | 06:43 |
zaggynl | R3ddy, there are, but not as widespread as the win32 ones, also, because Linux is so different in nature, it is more secure by default | 06:43 |
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variant | R3ddy: there are example viruses, none that are currently active "in the wild" and none that can self propagate to any great extent | 06:43 |
jpjacobs | timmi, it works ;) | 06:43 |
delire | R3ddy: there are a couple of viruses but they practically need to be manually installed and user executed. | 06:43 |
matchstick | hossosor: i have it duel booted off of 2 different HDDs, but if i have no internet connection in ubuntu its pretty worthless | 06:43 |
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timmi | /join #chan - right? | 06:43 |
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matchstick | yea timmi | 06:43 |
zaggynl | Not to forget the fact that win32 is still way more used then linux for desktop use | 06:43 |
Pici | R3ddy: Linux does not have the same security model as Windows does, and thus does not have the same points of failure and entry points for viruses | 06:43 |
variant | R3ddy: they are all proof of concept viruses | 06:43 |
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timmi | need :) | 06:43 |
Pici | !de | timmi | 06:44 |
openforlife | I would say no threatening viruses for linux yet. only proof of concept. | 06:44 |
ubotu | timmi: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 06:44 |
Toma- | R3ddy: feel free to try to write one tho | 06:44 |
variant | R3ddy: pici's description is a good one.. | 06:44 |
Pici | timmi: Yes /j #ubuntu-de | 06:44 |
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myr | in case you missed all that, nope, no viruses | 06:44 |
R3ddy | i'll need to download Kylix first :) then we'll see | 06:44 |
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hossosor | matchstick: is there support for your card? did you try ndiswrapper? | 06:44 |
timmi | thanks, he wanted the '#' | 06:44 |
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matchstick | the card is detected and everything, just wont pick up any wireless networks in linux for some reason | 06:45 |
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Toma- | R3ddy: generally, the better thing to do it submit bug reports. then again, the bugs in linux are generally crushed pretty quick thanks to the FOSS structure | 06:45 |
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hossosor | matchstick: did you see if others are having the same issues? | 06:46 |
dennis_ | hmmm, i don't get it working... are there any codecs or libs i have to install for watching .wmv files? the sound works, it's only the video that makes problems... | 06:46 |
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SithToast | uh how do you figure out (hd*,*) | 06:46 |
delire | there's a multi-million dollar industry built around virus protection. theres alot of upstream money to be made in keeping a popular operating system vulnerable. | 06:46 |
kritzstapf | since i installed feisty, my console fonts are no longet set on boot, i have to type setupcon every time, how to fix this? | 06:46 |
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matchstick | yea rycuda was trying to help me for probably a good 20 min, and then bak a bit gonna check the ubuntu forums before i uninstall totally, but ill be using windows to do that | 06:47 |
variant | dennis_: if the wmv file is infected with DRM then you will not be able to play it without strippin ghte drm first. there are methods available for doing this but may not be legal in your country | 06:47 |
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strabes | delire: Even if windows weren't vulnerable, people that use windows would continue to eat up anything they're shoveled by microsoft. If they're told they need virus protection, they'll buy it. | 06:47 |
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hossosor | can anyone help me out with my sound issues? sound worked just fine in 6.10, it doesn't work in 7.04 | 06:48 |
delire | strabes: arguably yes. virus protection helps people feel safe, and there's a big market for that feeling. | 06:48 |
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Toma- | strabes: like LiveOne? :D | 06:48 |
SithToast | OneCare. | 06:48 |
strabes | you know it | 06:48 |
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dennis_ | variant: so i need to use windows? what a shit... | 06:49 |
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LjL | !language | 06:49 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:49 |
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delire | dennis_: they play fine here. perhaps w32codecs are what's required. | 06:49 |
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darky | exit | 06:49 |
dennis_ | 'shit | 06:49 |
Toma- | dennis_: no you dont. you can convert the wmv to a better format just fine | 06:49 |
ForsakenSoul | can someone give me a link with instruction how to install mp3 and avi codecs | 06:50 |
ForsakenSoul | ? | 06:50 |
mobutu | variant: do you have to strip it using windows ? | 06:50 |
matchstick | hossorsor i just checked the supported cards and it says mine is supported | 06:50 |
delire | dennis_: variant is likely right though.. you may have to convert it. | 06:50 |
dennis_ | sorry, i mean 'shit' is a non-family-friend word? | 06:50 |
mc44 | !mp3 | ForsakenSoul | 06:50 |
ubotu | ForsakenSoul: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 06:50 |
openforlife | ForsakenSoul, search for GStreamer in Add/Remove | 06:50 |
ForsakenSoul | 10x | 06:50 |
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LjL | dennis_: yes. | 06:50 |
matchstick | for chipset/driver it says Ndiswrapper then fwcutter | 06:50 |
delire | dennis_: hehe a little strict for me also, but we must abide. | 06:50 |
strabes | ForsakenSoul: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:50 |
mc44 | dennis_: i.e. stop saying it ;) | 06:50 |
erstazi | dennis_, I spent 6 years army and so I even keep my mouth clean. | 06:51 |
dennis_ | it's the 21st century, i don't think "s***" annoys anybody... | 06:51 |
dade | what's the diff GiB and GB?? Array Size : 488391808 (465.77 GiB 500.11 GB) | 06:51 |
LjL | it annoys me | 06:51 |
delire | dennis_: where i come from it's no worse than saying "lettuce" but it is for people from other cultures and upbringings. | 06:51 |
walkintome | hi all. im having some trouble wiht my wireless internet. it shows up under network and network tools but i have no internet connection | 06:51 |
mc44 | LjL: what doesnt? :p | 06:51 |
erstazi | dennis_, just please don't say it here, we get young kids in here | 06:51 |
strabes | and people who don't like swearing... | 06:51 |
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jpjacobs | dade: the GiB is 1000 Mib, and GB= 1024 MB | 06:51 |
strabes | it's not classy | 06:51 |
SithToast | i need to install grub on my main linux partition and not my mbr, how do i figure out what (hd*,*) location to put in so it installs in the right place | 06:52 |
Pici | dade: | 06:52 |
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LjL | mc44: you certainly do try | 06:52 |
R3ddy | is there msn for linux, or do i have to use gaim? | 06:52 |
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delire | LjL: hehe | 06:52 |
SithToast | someone please message me, i just wanna try linux :/ | 06:52 |
mobutu | R3ddy: gaim/pidgin does MSN | 06:52 |
Toma- | R3ddy: amsn is a very nice MSN alternative | 06:52 |
Pici | R3ddy: There is amsn, although I've never used it. | 06:52 |
strabes | !ask | SithToast | 06:52 |
ubotu | SithToast: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:52 |
delire | R3ddy: gaim works well i hear. | 06:52 |
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R3ddy | ill stick with gaim then | 06:53 |
strabes | R3ddy: Just use gaim or kopete. | 06:53 |
mobutu | R3ddy: Microsoft does not make a linux version of MSN Messenger, if that's what you're asking | 06:53 |
dade | tnx pici andjpjacobs | 06:53 |
strabes | they're better than bloated msn anyway | 06:53 |
UnluckyMike | is there a reason that printer drivers supplied in rpm would not work ubuntu using alien? | 06:53 |
Toma- | R3ddy: amsn has video+audio support, winks, custom emoticons, drawings, and all the other garbage associated with MSN | 06:53 |
Pici | UnluckyMike: I think you just answered your own question. | 06:53 |
erstazi | R3ddy, you can use gaim to access msn | 06:53 |
LjL | UnluckyMike: *printer drivers* from RPM? you're joking? | 06:53 |
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LjL | UnluckyMike: it's dangerous enough to install innocent application software from RPM under Ubuntu. | 06:54 |
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Toma- | epson supply RPMS for drivers :( | 06:54 |
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UnluckyMike | I'm getting them to install I just have to change some of the cups command, but the printer won't print | 06:54 |
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dade | and why df gives me this when I have 500 GB? /dev/md1 459G 199M 435G 1% /mnt/raid | 06:54 |
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walkintome | SithToast: here is an excellent guide for setting up ubuntu. | 06:54 |
LjL | Toma-: i think they'd have at least .tar.gz as well. besides, most epson printers are supported, aren't they | 06:54 |
UnluckyMike | it does communicate with the printer, because it will turn on the LCD | 06:54 |
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LjL | dade: because you have 500GB but the value is being expressed in GiB, most likely. | 06:55 |
jpjacobs | dade, the indicated space of a drive is the raw space. the filesystem itself also takes up space | 06:55 |
dawi | Hi all | 06:55 |
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walkintome | SithToast: once you configure your swap, /home and "/" partitions, if you already have windows on another partition, you should be all set. the ubuntu bootloader (GRUB) shoudl detect the windowd install | 06:55 |
dade | jpjacobs... but damn 70 GB of space for the fs??? | 06:55 |
Parmenion | hey guys | 06:55 |
rrreptile | just installed ubuntu.. whats the best bittorrent client for linux? | 06:56 |
jpjacobs | dade, true, that's a lot... | 06:56 |
LjL | !torrent > rrreptile (rrreptile, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:56 |
walkintome | im having some trouble wiht my wireless internet. it shows up under network and network tools but i have no internet connection. anyone know what couoldbe wrong? | 06:56 |
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SithToast | walkintome: well if i wanna use vista's bootloader, i have to install grub to / | 06:56 |
Parmenion | im going to get a coffee ... then time to own to dvorak | 06:56 |
SithToast | and last time i tried using grub i got error 22 | 06:56 |
walkintome | SithToast: the article i gave you describes how to use vistas bootloaded | 06:56 |
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dade | jpjacobs: maybe cuz i partitioned and mkfs.ext3 in every disk and then I built raid5 and then repartitioned and reformatted in ext3 | 06:57 |
phratman | Hey all, out of curiosity, is there any way around this? | 06:57 |
phratman | ssh user@server 'sudo command' will demand that I enter a password twice. | 06:57 |
phratman | The first one, obvious, is to allow me access to the machine. | 06:57 |
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phratman | The second time however, it asks for what to feed sudo and then it displays my password in cleartext! | 06:58 |
superdix | does anyone know how to boot the liveCD (7.04) without running X? I have a bluetooth keyboard & mouse that becomes totally unresponsive in X.. | 06:58 |
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jpjacobs | dade, dunno, i don't have any experience whatsoever with raid | 06:58 |
rambo3 | walkintome, try adding route | 06:58 |
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dade | phratman : no | 06:58 |
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phratman | dade: ? | 06:58 |
codigo | um | 06:58 |
walkintome | SithToast: i apologize i cant help you any further. im alinux noob myself and the article i gave you got me to where i am now--it helped me al ot and i hope you find it as useful | 06:58 |
phratman | dade: You mean, that's a design decision that is stuck in place? | 06:58 |
walkintome | rambo3: how do i do that? | 06:58 |
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dade | phratman: you have to enter pwd twice | 06:58 |
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rambo3 | walkintome, sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | 06:58 |
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walkintome | rambo3: i also had a connection wiht my wireless undil i ran sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid ciarlo | 06:59 |
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phratman | dade: Yes, obviously, but I'm more worried about the fact that the password shows up in *cleartext* | 06:59 |
mc44 | rayou dont need sudo for iwlist scan btw :) | 06:59 |
kynes | why is Ubuntu consuming so much power on my laptop? (hp pavillion dual core) | 06:59 |
mc44 | rambo3: ^ | 06:59 |
dade | phratman: yes... one is for logging in into your account via ssh, the other is exec a command as root | 06:59 |
kynes | battery lasts for only about 40 min | 06:59 |
kynes | it sucks | 06:59 |
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phratman | dade: So what are you suggesting as a workaround? | 07:00 |
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walkintome | ok im off to check this 'iwlist scan' | 07:00 |
rambo3 | walkintome, bash has a good complatation for iwconfig , sudo iwconfig wlan0 <tab> | 07:00 |
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dade | phratman: so they are two different things that may require two different pwds | 07:00 |
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brouser | hallo | 07:00 |
dade | phratman: what i usually do is log in with ssh | 07:00 |
dade | then sudo -i | 07:00 |
rambo3 | if only mac had iwconfig and iwlist | 07:00 |
Parmenion | walkintome: its iwlist scannin | 07:00 |
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walkintome | rambo3: may i ask what sudo iwconfig wlaan0 <tab> will do | 07:00 |
Parmenion | *scanning | 07:00 |
dade | phratman: then do everything as root | 07:00 |
phratman | dade: Yeah, that's not what I asked. I already know how to do that. According to someone in #kubuntu it's ssh -t user@host 'sudo command' | 07:01 |
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Pici | phratman: just using `iwlist eth1 scan` works here. | 07:01 |
Parmenion | list what network your currently connected to walkintome | 07:01 |
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Reverse_Emo | SithToast | 07:01 |
zancik | hi people i need rogram which plays DVD video | 07:01 |
walkintome | Parmenion: and if im not using my wireless, how would i change that setting? | 07:01 |
Pici | !dvd | zancik | 07:01 |
ubotu | zancik: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 07:01 |
rambo3 | walkintome, youll get parameterers to fill , key s:Password for password in ascii | 07:01 |
phratman | Pici: I don't think you meant me? | 07:01 |
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dade | phratman: ok ;) does it work as a workaround? | 07:02 |
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Pici | phratman: Er, oops. | 07:02 |
zancik | hi people i need rogram which plays DVD video | 07:02 |
walkintome | rambo3: ok im going to boot into ubuntu and give thisd a try | 07:02 |
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phratman | dade: Yes, but in the future, I will use ssh -t and I suggest you do the same if you're only doing a one liner for many machines in a script as well to save your fingers the effort :) | 07:02 |
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neverblue | !dvd zancik | 07:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dvd zancik - try searching on | 07:02 |
neverblue | !dvd | zancik | 07:03 |
ubotu | zancik: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 07:03 |
Liquido` | guys wich codecs i need to listen to internet radio like this - | 07:03 |
rambo3 | walkintome, mode key essid are some of parameters | 07:03 |
dade | phratman: thanks, good to know :D | 07:03 |
neverblue | Liquido`, you can listen to it in XMMS | 07:03 |
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Liquido` | xmms in russian ubuntu has f..d up language, i see abra-cadabra | 07:03 |
superdix | does anyone know how to boot a liveCD without running X? | 07:04 |
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neverblue | Liquido`, dl that file to your desktop, install xmms (sudo aptitude install xmms), then right click the file on your desktop and select properties, then selec Open With, and set it to xmms | 07:04 |
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Liquido` | let's try | 07:04 |
neverblue | now you can listed to it easily | 07:05 |
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neverblue | try for music stations as well Liquido` | 07:05 |
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maverick | any one know were i can find the default repositories for fiesty? | 07:05 |
Liquido` | wow actually neverblue i just downloaded this file to pc and it plays it in totem. But if i start it directly form site - it does not play | 07:05 |
aunes | !source-o-matik | 07:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about source-o-matik - try searching on | 07:05 |
aunes | :( | 07:06 |
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neverblue | Liquido`, i find xmms to be a bit nicer, each their own :) | 07:06 |
Pici | !sourceomatic | aunes | 07:06 |
ubotu | aunes: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 07:06 |
=== aunes murmurs. | ||
Liquido` | any idea how i can get xmms in english language. coz repo is in russian and it's fu..d up | 07:06 |
neverblue | hehe | 07:06 |
=== aunes points maverick to the posted link. | ||
zyconae | can anyone help me with a routing issue? | 07:07 |
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neverblue | Liquido`, use dmesg i imagine | 07:07 |
neverblue | but I never use it, so not sure | 07:07 |
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zyconae | I want to use webmin on a feisty server with squid to just pass https traffic through | 07:08 |
SithToast | 2nd disk (ide slave), 3rd partition would be (hd1,3) right | 07:08 |
maverick | thanks aunes | 07:08 |
skenmy | hd(1,2) i would have thought | 07:08 |
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Reverse_Emo | because it counts from 0 | 07:08 |
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skenmy | precisely | 07:08 |
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SithToast | oh okay | 07:08 |
RedRum | the colors are all wrong when i play .avi files... any fixes? | 07:08 |
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skenmy | hd(0,0) = first drive, first partition | 07:09 |
SithToast | that's what i wanted to konw :( | 07:09 |
SithToast | all along! | 07:09 |
zyconae | does anyone have webmin and linux firewall experience? | 07:09 |
Pelo | RedRum, which app ? | 07:09 |
RedRum | uhm, the custom one | 07:09 |
kahrytan | liquido: You try audacious | 07:09 |
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walkintome | Parmenion: i got my internet to work in feisty | 07:09 |
Pelo | RedRum, totem ? | 07:09 |
RedRum | yes | 07:09 |
matthew__ | how do you scroll up in the terminal? | 07:09 |
RedRum | some colors are inverted | 07:09 |
zancik | hi people i need rogram which plays DVD video | 07:09 |
SithToast | The following partitions are going to be formatted: | 07:09 |
SithToast | partition #4 of IDE1 slave (hdb) as ext3 | 07:09 |
RedRum | i downloaded a codec | 07:09 |
walkintome | Parmenion: i just need ot know how to get my wireless working on startup | 07:09 |
Pelo | RedRum, play with the settings under edit > pref> second tab | 07:09 |
RedRum | hmm ok | 07:09 |
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SithToast | would that still be 1,2 or what | 07:09 |
SithToast | since yeah | 07:10 |
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SithToast | my 60GB is windows crap, xp, linux /, SWAP | 07:10 |
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afirma | jjh | 07:10 |
zyconae | does anyone have any routing experience? | 07:10 |
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zancik | hi people i need rogram which plays DVD video | 07:11 |
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Pelo | SithToast, when it picks further numbers like that it's because it recognises that the previous ones are already asigned and it recognises those partions, it is making new ones, not writing over the old one | 07:11 |
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afirma | brazil | 07:11 |
kahrytan | !ask zyconae | 07:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask zyconae - try searching on | 07:11 |
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kahrytan | !ask | zyconae | 07:11 |
ubotu | zyconae: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 07:11 |
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jmashaw | zanick, have you tried vlc? | 07:11 |
zyconae | zancik: there are faqs for dvd playback I believe | 07:11 |
Pelo | !dvd > zancik any of them will do it you just need to enable dvd support check you pm windows for instructinos | 07:12 |
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_eMaX_ | anyone here uses 2.6.21? | 07:12 |
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matthew__ | how do you scroll up in the terminal? | 07:12 |
zyconae | ok, how do I configure iptables in feisty to pass port 443 traffic? | 07:12 |
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veritos | matthew__: scroll wheel? | 07:12 |
Liquido` | matthew__: weechat ? | 07:12 |
Pelo | matthew__, pgup / pgdn ? | 07:13 |
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Liquido` | anyone know any better irc client than konversation and xchat | 07:13 |
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matthew__ | i'm talking about the "real" terminal, not gnome-terminal or any of the emulators | 07:13 |
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Pelo | zyconae, you can try using a gui frontend , that might make things easier, try and install firestarter | 07:13 |
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jmashaw | Liquidoe, I am using ChatZilla, and it seems to work well. | 07:13 |
bipolar | matthew__: as far as I know, you cant. | 07:14 |
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Liquido` | jmashaw: is it ff plug in ? | 07:14 |
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aoirthoir | matthew__, I dont think you can g. Sorry. | 07:14 |
bipolar | matthew__: if you want to do it in the future, run something like screen | 07:14 |
matthew__ | really? wow | 07:14 |
zyconae | or maybe, I'm sending all traffic to the squid box and it does nothing with port 443 traffic | 07:14 |
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jmashaw | yes. | 07:14 |
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zyconae | does firestarter work with feisty? | 07:14 |
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bipolar | matthew__: it's not a terminal, is a console, btw :) | 07:14 |
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jaysomnium | Hello, how can i open a port in my router under Ubuntu ? | 07:14 |
Liquido` | well at least i can listen to prodigy zyconae. dunno about firestarter. | 07:15 |
Pelo | zyconae, it should it's jsut a front end for iptable | 07:15 |
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bipolar | matthew__: it's just raw output to a physical video framebuffer. | 07:15 |
zyconae | ok, why am I a prodigy? | 07:15 |
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Pelo | zyconae, I have no idea | 07:15 |
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Liquido` | :> | 07:15 |
bipolar | matthew__: the program 'screen' has the tools you are looking for | 07:15 |
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zyconae | webmin is a front end as well, right, do you think it would work better for making traffic pass through the box | 07:16 |
jmashaw | jaysomnium, what kind of router do you have? | 07:16 |
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jaysomnium | jmashaw : a PLANET ADSL Router ADE-4110 | 07:16 |
Pelo | zyconae, I don'T realy know much about port opening in linux , see there if anything can help | 07:16 |
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jmashaw | I am not familiar with that kind.... does it have a web interface? | 07:16 |
ZeZu | so i upgraded from 6.06 to edgy i (not directly to feisty?) and it modified fstab to use UUID instead of the reg. method, and now even though the correct info to mount my /home directory is there, it does not mount it | 07:16 |
ZeZu | wtf? | 07:17 |
jaysomnium | jmashaw : No idea ! | 07:17 |
walkintome | well, i cannot configure my video card through the restircted drivers manage so i was wondering what commend is it to download the nvidia-glx-new drivers | 07:17 |
ZeZu | can i just delete the UUID crap and use the normal fstab method ? | 07:17 |
zyconae | I appreciate your help pelo | 07:17 |
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jmashaw | well, okay... fair enough... ;) let's google it... | 07:17 |
Pelo | jmashaw, opening a port in a router has nothing to do with the OS , it 's in the router, put your default gateway in your web browser's adress bar and you will get in | 07:17 |
jaysomnium | jmashaw : :) | 07:17 |
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Pelo | jmashaw, sorry that wasn't for you that was for jaysomnium | 07:17 |
zyconae | as long as you have the user:pass | 07:17 |
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jaysomnium | Pelo : More details please ! | 07:18 |
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Pelo | jaysomnium, look up for your router model it has loads of router specs | 07:18 |
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dade | jaysomnium: try entering in your browser address bar | 07:18 |
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zancik_ | People VLC dont playes my dvd I need another one | 07:18 |
mc44 | zancik_: you need to install decss, did you do that? | 07:19 |
Pici | zancik_: Did you read the links that ubotu sent you? | 07:19 |
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Pelo | gotta go, jaysomnium you can look up portforward on google, it has a list of router and sublist of progs for instructons | 07:19 |
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jaysomnium | Pelo : I'm trying. Thanks ! | 07:19 |
mc44 | ZeZu: yes, you can use that instead of uuid | 07:20 |
zancik_ | <mc44> where I can find it | 07:20 |
mc44 | !dvd | zancik_ | 07:20 |
ubotu | zancik_: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 07:20 |
mc44 | zancik_: please read those links | 07:20 |
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mc44 | zancik_: you need libdvdcss2 | 07:20 |
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ZeZu | mc44, thanks, i'll do that | 07:20 |
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walkintome | hi everyone! im trying to install my nvidia geforce 7800 gtx and i cannot use the restricted drivers manager. would anyone be willing to help me out ? | 07:21 |
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jmashaw | jaysomnium, it says that there is a web interface on the maker's website... | 07:21 |
mc44 | walkintome: whats the problem witht he driver manager | 07:21 |
jmashaw | | 07:21 |
jmashaw | It doesn't say how to get to it. | 07:21 |
Fylk | Hey guys, is the new Pidgin version going to be added to the net update? | 07:21 |
jaysomnium | jmashaw : Okay, | 07:22 |
zancik_ | <mc44> where I can find it | 07:22 |
walkintome | mc44: when i check enable restircted driver, the box doesnt stay checked. the last time i instaleld this driver i needed to use terminal, i just forgot how | 07:22 |
jmashaw | so, try going to on your web browser. | 07:22 |
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Pici | zancik_: Read the second link there, it has detailed instructions. | 07:22 |
mc44 | walkintome: it doesnt give you an error? | 07:22 |
mc44 | !nvidia | walkintome | 07:22 |
ubotu | walkintome: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 07:22 |
walkintome | mc44: nope...just doesnt do diddly squat =) | 07:22 |
jaysomnium | jmashaw : It load ! | 07:23 |
mc44 | walkintome: the terminal instructions are in that link ^ | 07:23 |
jmashaw | really? great. | 07:23 |
jmashaw | There should be options in there for port forwarding... | 07:23 |
jaysomnium | jmasaw : Non non, the browser loading... | 07:23 |
jaysomnium | :) | 07:23 |
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walkintome | mc44: i looked there previously but didnt see anything. i will double check | 07:23 |
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trumpeter2003 | Is there a way to lock the device numbers to a device? Every time I restart my system, the device identification numbers change for my secondary partions on other drives. | 07:24 |
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jaysomnium | jmashaw : No PLANET ADE 4110 in this web site. | 07:25 |
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delire | trumpeter2003: there is some sort of udev mapping policing. i forget how though. | 07:25 |
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jaysomnium | Any other site ? | 07:25 |
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delire | trumpeter2003: but yes, that sort of thing is very annoying. | 07:26 |
jmashaw | hmm... | 07:26 |
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trumpeter2003 | delire: Yeah, since the drives are supposed to auto-mount, it is funny going to a location for something and it being a different partion :P | 07:26 |
luca | good day everyone | 07:26 |
Pici | jaysomnium: What is your internal ip address? | 07:26 |
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lyzzard | bbm | 07:27 |
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jaysomnium | | 07:27 |
luca | can someone help me set correctly the Bus ID PCI for an NVIDIA integrated card (geforce 3 7300)? | 07:27 |
Lathiat | luca: you should be able to simply leave it out | 07:27 |
walkintome | mc44: when i run 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and nvidia glx-new' i get "has no installation candidate | 07:27 |
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KungFuGeek | I have a question. Is there a way to Offer remote assistance from an ubuntu 7.04 machine to a windows XP machine (Not remote desktop, but remote assistance)? | 07:28 |
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Pharsalus | Trying to compile a program, I get an error running the ./configure command: "Checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables. | 07:28 |
Pici | jaysomnium: k, odd, nevermind then. | 07:28 |
Pici | !build-essential | Pharsalus | 07:28 |
luca | Lathiat: no I am not :( if I use the nvidia-glx-config script it chooses the wrong PCI | 07:28 |
mc44 | walkintome: remove and | 07:28 |
jaysomnium | Pici : I don't understand. | 07:28 |
delire | trumpeter2003: yes it's a bit weird. used to happen with network interfaces in the early days of udev | 07:28 |
Pici | Pharsalus: You need to install the build-essential package to compile things | 07:28 |
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mquy | hi all | 07:28 |
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luca | so no glx=no beryl or compiz for me | 07:28 |
ubotu | Pharsalus: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 07:28 |
Pharsalus | Ok, ty all. :) | 07:28 |
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Pici | jaysomnium: I was going to suggest to go to the .1 octet of your subnet, but your configuration isnt one that I'm familiar with | 07:29 |
mc44 | walkintome: are you connected to the internet? | 07:29 |
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jaysomnium | Pici : Oh ! Okay ! | 07:29 |
Smygis | KungFuGeek, is it not the same thing? | 07:29 |
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mquy | hello | 07:29 |
KungFuGeek | Smygis: no its, not. remote assistance lets you view the persons desktop as they work, and lets them watch you fix a problem, remote desktop logs them out and logs you in | 07:30 |
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jaysomnium | I find the model in the constructor site ( but i don't know how acces to web interface. | 07:30 |
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jmashaw | jaysmonium, trying going to | 07:30 |
jmashaw | or .2 | 07:30 |
nevermind85 | !w3c | 07:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w3c - try searching on | 07:31 |
delire | trumpeter2003: you might want to ask in #linux or #kernel about enforcing udev drive mapping. | 07:31 |
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AaronMT | Hi does anyone else have a problem with the Alsa mixer driver where volume is exceptionally quiet? I am on a Dell laptop and have chcked alsa mixer (100%'s across). | 07:31 |
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l3ct0r | why does samba service stop everytime the network goes down? | 07:31 |
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jaysomnium | jmashaw : Details ? | 07:31 |
l3ct0r | can't i get it to keep persisttent? | 07:31 |
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Baktaah | How does one make a shortcut to synpatic "sudo synaptic" doesnt work | 07:31 |
l3ct0r | it doesnt work when i try using admin-> services | 07:31 |
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delire | trumpeter2003: perhaps though you might be able to be rigorous about it in /etc/fstab i dont know. | 07:31 |
jmashaw | I found a manual online trying typing those numbers in your web-browser. | 07:31 |
Pici | Baktaah: gksudo synaptic | 07:31 |
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Baktaah | Pici: thanks | 07:32 |
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l3ct0r | anyone help me with this run level dialog box under administration-> services? | 07:32 |
jaysomnium | jmashaw : Ah ok ok. | 07:32 |
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l3ct0r | can i use that to restart the service whenever network goes down ? | 07:32 |
zancik | People I have reed all manual but im nob in linux and engliah plz I need help how to plau DVD videos | 07:32 |
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kjm | I have no sound output from Feisty. Volume controls all at 90 %. In the sound preferences however, I get test tones when I press "test" button.... | 07:33 |
Blastur | i have a little weird problem: i have 2 network cards in my machine, one is configured with static IP and provides me with Internet. The other NIC is connected to a router which runs a | 07:33 |
mc44 | zancik: try asking in #ubuntu-de | 07:33 |
Blastur | DHCP server, but the router itself is not connected to the internet. Whenever I enable the DHCP-interface, my internet connection breaks,.. it seems like ubuntu tries to use it for internet connectivity, even though it has none. | 07:33 |
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Blastur | It also overwrites my static DNS settings in /etc/resolv.conf | 07:33 |
delire | kjm: have you tried with a normal wav file? | 07:33 |
zancik | <mc44> im russian | 07:33 |
trumpeter2003 | delire: I'll figure it out, but thanks for giving me a starting point to find what I need. | 07:33 |
KungFuGeek | I have a question. Is there a way to Offer remote assistance from an ubuntu 7.04 machine to a windows XP machine (Not remote desktop, but remote assistance)? | 07:33 |
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delire | trumpeter2003: np | 07:33 |
mc44 | !ru | zancik | 07:33 |
ubotu | zancik: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 07:33 |
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kjm | delire - no, just some cd's etc. that used to work. I will try | 07:34 |
delire | kjm: do you hear the ubuntu startup sound? | 07:35 |
sdfghjkhgfghjkh | can someone help me? I was trying to upgrade from edgy to feisty but the upgrade thing crashed | 07:35 |
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kjm | delire - no, but, I just realized something stupid that I won't admit - but, I have sound again :) | 07:35 |
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Pici | kjm: muted? | 07:35 |
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kjm | Was using the wrong default device - argh. Amazing what discussing the issue makes you think of. | 07:35 |
Pici | kjm: its a common issue. | 07:35 |
kjm | Pici - nope, it seems that the last update switched the default from my PCI card to the onboard sound - just switched it back. | 07:36 |
kjm | anyways - thanks. | 07:36 |
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Possum | So... how does hibernation work? Stores the session in swap? | 07:39 |
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spasticteapot | I think so. | 07:40 |
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Possum | hmm | 07:40 |
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Possum | Cause it appears to crash for me... I have a feeling it has something to do with beryl though | 07:41 |
RedRum | what exactly is dapper? | 07:41 |
delire | Possum: yes it writes an image of the current state to disk. | 07:41 |
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kenthomson | How's everyone today? ;-) | 07:41 |
delire | Possum: hibernation is a bit tricky when working with ATI cards particularly. suspend works well on my machines though. | 07:42 |
Possum | delire, thanks | 07:42 |
Possum | delire, ew, no ATI :P | 07:42 |
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delire | well thanks kenthomson! | 07:42 |
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delire | Possum: wise.. | 07:42 |
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Possum | Suspend doesn't power off the comp, does it? | 07:42 |
pliz | Hi! I have a bug in Xorg and nvidia drivers that shift/wraps my whole screen. Where and how do I report it? | 07:42 |
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Possum | I decided to start using hibernate so dual boot would be faster... but it doesn't appear to help :P | 07:43 |
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pliz | Ubuntu 7.04 feisty | 07:43 |
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delire | Possum: it pretty much does yep. a very low-power mode. | 07:43 |
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delire | Possum: i have a small LED light blinking on my laptop in this state. i hit SPACEBAR and it resumes. | 07:44 |
kenthomson | OK...I am looking to do some weird stuff, see if you can help. I am having a nvidia fx-5200 128mb RAM (single) VGA PORT. I want to run TWO Monitors. One would be from the Graphic Card and the other would be from the Motherboard's (ASUS A7V400MX) VGA. Can someone help me in setting up X.ORG for this? | 07:44 |
delire | Possum: no network during this time. | 07:44 |
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Possum | delire, but when I resume, it goes back to nix no matter what, correct? can't resume from susbend into windows via grub? | 07:45 |
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delire | Possum: always back to the last image saved in RAM yep. | 07:45 |
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Possum | kenthomson, tough, look at Xinerama for multi-card configurations | 07:45 |
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Possum | delire, okay | 07:45 |
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kenthomson | Possum: I wouldn't need TWINVIEW, right? because that's only for dual-output graphic card's...? | 07:46 |
Pharsalus | Which is better? GNOME or KDE? | 07:46 |
Timmy | hi, is there command line tool i can use to play a .wav file? | 07:46 |
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Pici | Pharsalus: Its a personal opinion | 07:46 |
Possum | kenthomson, Correct, though twinview is a _lot_ easier than config'ing a multi-card setup :P | 07:46 |
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pliz | Timmy, mplayer? | 07:47 |
kenthomson | Pharsalus: What do you like Ease of use + simplicity/Elegance OR A Helluva lot of Configuration options in each GODDAMN MENU? | 07:47 |
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olimpico | Does someon know how to make diferent file appear in different colors on the bash? | 07:47 |
ZeZu | i've upgraded to edgy then tried to use vncserver, it starts but doesn't stay running (not vis. in ps), i removed and reinstalled and it still does the same thing | 07:47 |
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delire | Timmy: sox | 07:47 |
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Possum | olimpico, ls --color=auto | 07:47 |
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delire | Timmy: apt-get install sox and 'play /path/to/file.wav' | 07:47 |
olimpico | Like in gentoo, the bash is linked to a file: /etc/DIR_COLORS | 07:48 |
delire | Timmy: (play is provided by sox) | 07:48 |
Timmy | delire, pliz: thanks :) | 07:48 |
kenthomson | Possum: Any particular resource i should look for Xinerema, are you sure Xine* allows me to do that? What exactly is it? Are there other options? | 07:48 |
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Kayef | my usb hub doesn't work if i startup with it plugged in but if i plug it in after startup, it works,i'm using ubuntu and this applies to all usb devices, not only the hub | 07:48 |
mrj | hey! How can I enable the universe repository? | 07:48 |
Possum | olimpico, if you want it to default to showing colors, add a line to your .bashrc that says 'alias ls="ls --color=auto"' | 07:48 |
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kenthomson | Kayef: that is unnatural/ what about a USB mouse? Does the same thing happen, i doubt? | 07:49 |
Possum | !xinerama | 07:49 |
ubotu | xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See - See also !DualHead | 07:49 |
Loco | hello somebody uses the amule? i have low idproblems | 07:49 |
pihus | what program is used to make videos like these: ? | 07:49 |
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Possum | kenthomson, does that help? (see what ubotu said) | 07:49 |
kenthomson | mrj: Open Synaptic, and Go to Repositories (in some menu) and select universe | 07:49 |
Kayef | kenthomson:yes....mouse also does not work | 07:49 |
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olimpico | Possum: OK, that's great, but how can I make it shw different colors for specific files, like in gentoo, they have this /etc/DIR_COLORS with a list of specific colors | 07:50 |
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the|saint | hi guys | 07:50 |
delire | olimpico: man dircolors | 07:50 |
kenthomson | Kayef: I can't help, maybe you tinkered with some startup scripts or something, what does "lsusb" give on startup if devices are plugged in? | 07:50 |
the|saint | does anyone knows an help channel for X-Chat? | 07:50 |
mrj | kenthomson: o dont see such thing there | 07:50 |
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kenthomson | Possum: that helps, looks like i am on my own | 07:50 |
delire | olimpico: LS_COLORS is an environment variable. you can even set it in your ~/.bashrc or elsewhere | 07:50 |
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delire | olimpico: just source it if elsewhere | 07:50 |
Possum | kenthomson, sorry... I've had twinview working, but no direct experience with xinerama :( | 07:51 |
defjux | how do i start my trashbin please? | 07:51 |
kenthomson | mrj: you opened synaptic? | 07:51 |
Possum | kenthomson, good luck though | 07:51 |
sanityx | defjux: Start? | 07:51 |
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kenthomson | Possum: no probs, any other better option except Xine* | 07:51 |
sanityx | kenthomson: You're still awake!? | 07:51 |
defjux | i want to clear my trash, but i removed the process from startup. i deleted things and they went to trash.. how do i clear it? | 07:51 |
mrj | kenthomson: yes | 07:51 |
Kayef | kenthomson: I'm not sure as i'm using windows now, should i check with hub working or not working? | 07:51 |
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Possum | kenthomson, doubt it :P | 07:51 |
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pike_ | defjux: rm -fr ~/.Trash/* | 07:51 |
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defjux | thanks pike :) | 07:52 |
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pliz | I repeat to get your attention (sorry)! I use Ubuntu 7.04 with nvidia drivers in 1600x1050 resolution. Xorg starts normally but after some random time desktop gets wrapped to the left side. Where to report this problem? | 07:52 |
ZeZu | i've upgraded to edgy then tried to use vncserver, it starts but doesn't stay running (not vis. in ps), i removed and reinstalled and it still does the same thing = anyone know why this might happen | 07:52 |
mrj | kenthomson: ok got that | 07:52 |
kenthomson | mrj: Settings>Repositories, and than the second option is Community maintained open source software (universe), put the check mark ON, then OK, and press the reload button in synaptic | 07:52 |
mrj | kenthomson: thanks | 07:52 |
kenthomson | sanityx: yes my dear | 07:52 |
kenthomson | mrj: np | 07:52 |
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kenthomson | Kayef: reboot keep your usb devices like mouse/hub others plugged in, and than open a terminal and do "lsusb" and give me the output | 07:53 |
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Loco | hi somebody uses the amule? i have low id problems, i dont know what is causing it | 07:54 |
Kayef | kenthomson: ok, can i mail it to u as i need to run windows now, can u gimme ur email? | 07:54 |
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Andy2 | Is there any open source software for Web Design and FTP ? | 07:54 |
kenthomson | Kayef: Even if you mail me i can't help you, all i am trying to check is whether ubuntu detects that devices are plugged in or not. I am no guru on this and am hopelessly ill-equipped to serve you. | 07:54 |
kenthomson | Andy2: WEb-design = NVU | 07:55 |
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kenthomson | Andy2: FTP - gftp | 07:55 |
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Kayef | kenthomson: ok then...thanks anyway | 07:55 |
ZeZu | vnc log says fatal error cannot open default font "fixed" | 07:55 |
kenthomson | Andy2: I gave you the top ones and the best, though there are more | 07:55 |
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Andy2 | Thanks :)) | 07:55 |
ZeZu | wouldn't other things break if that font was missing ? | 07:55 |
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Kayef | one more question....are there any free IRC programs out there?mine is valid for 30 days only | 07:56 |
kenthomson | ZeZu: if people don't know your answer, they won't help you, you are wasting your time here, and getting frustrated, post to the forums and do a proper google search | 07:56 |
AaronMT | Hi does anyone else have a problem with the Alsa mixer driver where volume is exceptionally quiet? I am on a Dell laptop and have chcked alsa mixer (100%'s across). | 07:56 |
kenthomson | Kayef: For ubuntu XCHAT/GAIM | 07:56 |
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soundray | Do you guys know of a way to run "ssh-add -d" when gnome has been idle for a while? | 07:56 |
ZeZu | kenthomson, not really, i just posted more relevant information about my problem, sorry if that bothers you | 07:56 |
Kayef | kenthomson: for windows? | 07:56 |
Pharsalus | How can I get .mod audio files into .ogg or .m4a/mp3? | 07:56 |
kenthomson | ZeZu: no dear, just trying to help you, sorry if i offended you | 07:56 |
kenthomson | Kayef: I don't know but let me see | 07:57 |
ZeZu | np, j/w why i got the warning or smth | 07:57 |
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soundray | Pharsalus: in two steps, converting to .wav with timidity first | 07:57 |
ZeZu | problems with the system fonts package might happen sometimes on upgrade and have a simple fix, but i can't find info on the forums | 07:57 |
pbx | I'm running the text installer (6.10; 7.04 didn't work so I'm trying this, which has worked before on this machine) and trying to get wifi working. It seems to see the card. It asks for a "WEP key for eth0" which is odd, since it hasn't asked me what base station to connect to. It never asks for the SSID. Did I miss a step? | 07:57 |
Dragonfly | quit | 07:58 |
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kenthomson | Kayef: HydraIRC is an open-source IRC client with an attractive and easy to use interface. | 07:58 |
welshwiz | hi guys | 07:58 |
welshwiz | and gals | 07:58 |
kenthomson | Kayef:, though i have got no personal experience | 07:58 |
Dragonfly | #quit | 07:58 |
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kenthomson | !hi | welshwiz | 07:58 |
ubotu | welshwiz: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 07:58 |
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fbarcenas | When I first upgraded to Feisty my Broadcom 4313 still worked, It seems to have stopped working after this last update. How can I get my Broadcomm 4313 working again under feisty? | 07:58 |
Kayef | kenthomson: thanks a lot for ur if u don mind, can u point me to a diff channel where i can get a little more attention coz i see u r really busy here | 07:59 |
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soundray | Pharsalus: am I making sense? | 07:59 |
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MajorApus | how do I reset alsa (so it reexamines the asound.conf file) | 07:59 |
fbarcenas | !wireless | 07:59 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 07:59 |
welshwiz | ok I have a question and please dont flame me for being a noob. How do I in the server change from root access to admin using a command line input then I want to chnage the password for the admin? | 07:59 |
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kenthomson | Kayef: For windows, File-Zilla (os-ftp) and X-Chat-2 (os-irc). | 07:59 |
soundray | I'm looking to run a command (ssh-add -d) when the screensaver comes up. Do I actually have to write a screensaver for that? | 08:00 |
pike_ | welshwiz: you mean like 'su - username' ? | 08:00 |
welshwiz | ah yes, I couldnt remember | 08:00 |
Kayef | thanks again | 08:00 |
kenthomson | Kayef: I tell you i am hopelessly ill-equipped to solve your USB PROBLEM | 08:00 |
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welshwiz | its been a while | 08:00 |
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pike_ | welshwiz: coming back to linux? | 08:01 |
welshwiz | yes | 08:01 |
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welshwiz | been a while ive been admin windows servers for too dam long man | 08:01 |
RedACE | why does ubuntu listen on ports 111, 139, 445, 884 and 2049 by default? :( | 08:01 |
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welshwiz | forgotten most of my linux skills | 08:01 |
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soundray | RedACE: it doesn't. By default, ubuntu opens no ports. | 08:02 |
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fbarcenas | Does anyone know how I can uninstall my wireless card from Ubuntu so that it can detect it again? | 08:02 |
vashypooh | I am having an issue with azureus, it is trying to update itself but is getting permission errors. I tried runing it with sudo /usr/bin/azureus and still recieve the error | 08:02 |
pike_ | welshwiz: itll come back. this channels a great resource :) | 08:02 |
siya_kh1983 | this is a test :D | 08:02 |
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jcorlew | hello! I'm having some problems with a wireless connection. I followed the instructions and got it working with fwcutter-bcm43xx but after rebooting can't get it to work again | 08:02 |
fbarcenas | siya_kh1983, it worked. | 08:02 |
soundray | siya_kh1983: failed, sorry :) | 08:02 |
soundray | fbarcenas: hey! | 08:02 |
vashypooh | The error is listed as Version 2.1.4 of plugin 'azplugins' failed to install - /home/vash/.azureus/plugins/azplugins/azplugins_2.1.4.jar (Permission denied | 08:02 |
fbarcenas | soundray, hiya! | 08:03 |
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fbarcenas | soundray, How's it goin? | 08:03 |
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RedACE | does ubuntu have a handy tool for configuring iptables or shall I do it myself? | 08:03 |
kenthomson | fbarcenas: fesity | 08:03 |
soundray | fbarcenas: all right, apart from the fact that you're so blatantly contradicting me about the test ^^ | 08:03 |
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soundray | :) | 08:03 |
kenthomson | fbarcenas: propriety drivers? | 08:04 |
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Xbehave | !usb | 08:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on | 08:04 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, I have feisty.. | 08:04 |
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kenthomson | vashypooh: try running Azureus from a terminal like "gksudo Azureus" finish the update, close azureus and than open it normally | 08:04 |
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siya_kh1983 | do any one know how I can write windows application in ubuntu :D???? | 08:04 |
RedACE | programmer.exe | 08:05 |
jcorlew | is there a more specific channel on networking or wireless that I should be in? | 08:05 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, no proprietary drivers. just one integrated broadcom 4313. | 08:05 |
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noget | allrigth, this might have noting to do with ubuntu at all but anyways..... does anybody have an idea on how i could get my hands on some music files which contain a single sound, like a beep? | 08:05 |
Andy2 | I can't find NVU to download | 08:05 |
welshwiz | pike are you getting my IMs | 08:05 |
Xbehave | my usb locks up on large file transfers, i found a 'patch' but i ahve no idea what it means/what to do/if its in the right kernal? | 08:05 |
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kenthomson | RedACE: try firestarter--though its simple | 08:05 |
soundray | siya_kh1983: python, perl etc. or write for cygwin. | 08:05 |
rambo3 | siya_kh1983, what kind ? | 08:05 |
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vashypooh | kenthomson, It crashed | 08:05 |
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pike_ | welshwiz: nope | 08:05 |
txokotripis | buenas | 08:05 |
kenthomson | fbarcenas: you remember which package you installed to get the wireless working? | 08:05 |
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vashypooh | kenthomson, Java detected an unexpected error and died | 08:05 |
siya_kh1983 | I wanna use sqlServer for my DB and write a prg that can run in windows :D | 08:06 |
txokotripis | joe me confundido de servidor | 08:06 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, none, fiesty prompted me to download th efirmware and set it up automatically. | 08:06 |
mobutu | how do i switch from ESD to ALSA ? | 08:06 |
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txokotripis | /server | 08:06 |
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txokotripis | perdon | 08:06 |
welshwiz | pike ok I need to change the admin password from root coz I cant remember it. How do I do this? | 08:06 |
noneee | Hello, I need some help with the configuration of a gateway. I have a working configuration but I want to limit it's access to just one IP... can someone help me? | 08:06 |
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kenthomson | Andy2: Applications>Add/remove programs>type "bluefish"--that's what i meant. | 08:06 |
Andy2 | oh | 08:07 |
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Andy2 | thanks :P | 08:07 |
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Xbehave | are there many ussues with usb? is there a patch in synaptic? | 08:07 |
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kenthomson | fbarcenas: Try System>Administration>Restricted Manager, is anything listed there? | 08:07 |
kenthomson | vashypooh: you use Sun's Java? | 08:07 |
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fbarcenas | kenthomson, nope, supposedly it's not integrated into ubuntu. No restricted drivers necessary. | 08:08 |
Pharsalus | How do you reply in this channel? I'm relatively newby to IRC. :( | 08:08 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, nope, supposedly it's noW integrated into ubuntu. No restricted drivers necessary. | 08:08 |
vashypooh | says current java is /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java | 08:08 |
kayef | kenthomson: u still here?i'm using xchat now...hehe, thanks | 08:08 |
vashypooh | kenthomson, I have been having a lot of issues with java and flash not working correctly for some reason | 08:08 |
welshwiz | does anyone know the answer to the question I asked please? | 08:08 |
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welshwiz | its a server questions btw | 08:09 |
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infidel | welshwiz, what was the question? | 08:09 |
kenthomson | kayef: no problem | 08:09 |
Andy2 | I have Bluefish and gftp anything else I am missing? | 08:09 |
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kenthomson | vashypooh: 64-bit? | 08:09 |
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kenthomson | Andy2: what do you need to do? | 08:09 |
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jcorlew | welshwiz: are you root now? | 08:09 |
welshwiz | infidel: how can I change the admin password from root, if I have forgetten the admin password? | 08:10 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, is it as easy as rebooting with it disabled in the bios, rinse wash and repeat? | 08:10 |
vashypooh | No, i am running 32bit SMP i believe | 08:10 |
wceoscar | This is the isssue, i want to enter to my laptop, via telnet or something simmilar, the laptop runs winxp sp2, what can i do to enter there??? | 08:10 |
Andy2 | running a web hosting company | 08:10 |
mobutu | wceoscar: rdesktop ? | 08:10 |
wceoscar | ok | 08:10 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, I think if I do that it will just reuse the previous config. | 08:10 |
jcorlew | xit | 08:10 |
wceoscar | mobuntu, how does that works | 08:10 |
infidel | welshwiz, you have to boot into single mode | 08:10 |
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kenthomson | fbarcenas: try searching in synaptic with the term "wireless" in Description, than sort the packages by the first field (installed-not installed, the green thing) and look at all the installed packages, maybe you shall find your wireless driver package there, then right-click and complete removal, select OK, and reboot | 08:10 |
mobutu | wceoscar: you turn on rdesktop in windows | 08:11 |
vashypooh | kenthomson, Although i have to admit i am not convinced i am. uname -r reports 2.6.20-15-generic | 08:11 |
kayef | kenthomson: is there a shortcut to list ppl's username?everytime i reply i have to type the person's name | 08:11 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, ok.. cool, I'll try that! | 08:11 |
mobutu | wceoscar: you use the rdesktop client for {windows|unix|whatever} to get to it | 08:11 |
kenthomson | kayef: type "kent" and then <tab> | 08:11 |
kenthomson | vashypooh: feisty...right? | 08:11 |
welshwiz | infidel: I cannot reboot the server because I have websites on it. I am logged into root at the moment | 08:11 |
kayef | kenthomson,, thanks | 08:11 |
wceoscar | ok, so isnt there anyother way to get there without installin any app on the laptop, something like a hack??? | 08:11 |
vashypooh | kenthomson, Correct Feisty 7.04 | 08:11 |
wceoscar | im trying to test something | 08:11 |
mobutu | wceoscar: rdesktop is built into windows | 08:12 |
AaronMT | Hi does anyone else have a problem with the Alsa mixer driver where volume is exceptionally quiet? I am on a Dell laptop and have chcked alsa mixer (100%'s across). | 08:12 |
infidel | welshwiz, that's the only way i know | 08:12 |
kenthomson | vashypooh: clean install--upgrade? | 08:12 |
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kenthomson | vashypooh: though you must know i am shooting in the dark, i really don't know much | 08:12 |
Andy2 | thanks guys | 08:12 |
kenthomson | AaronMT: you increased the volume from the terminal, by typing alsamixer? | 08:12 |
welshwiz | ok does any1 else know how to change the password for admin once logged into root on the server edition | 08:13 |
vashypooh | kenthomson, this is a pretty fresh install only a few days | 08:13 |
infidel | welshwiz, wait, you are root now? | 08:13 |
AaronMT | kenthomson: Both alsa and the gnome panel | 08:13 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, you do realize that rebooting will disconnect me from IRC, right? :-p | 08:13 |
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welshwiz | infidel: yes | 08:13 |
kenthomson | vashypooh: go to Add/Remove and reinstall flash and java-6, that's only what i know | 08:13 |
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kenthomson | AaronMT: sorry i can't be of further help | 08:13 |
infidel | welshwiz, what happens when you type passwd at the command prompt? | 08:13 |
mrigns | !dvd | 08:13 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 08:13 |
kenthomson | fbarcenas: is that so? | 08:13 |
AaronMT | !alsa | 08:13 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:13 |
AaronMT | !mixer | 08:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mixer - try searching on | 08:14 |
vashypooh | kenthomson, should i remove it in the console and purge? or synaptics good enough | 08:14 |
kenthomson | AaronMT: you could use "!mixer > AaronMT" and than abuse the bot as much as you want privately ;-) | 08:14 |
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welshwiz | infidel: i can change the root passwd but when I su- into admin mode I ask to change the password it says enter old password | 08:14 |
pike_ | welshwiz: sorry i was not at computer. did you solve the problem? | 08:14 |
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welshwiz | pike: hi mate, no I needed to know how to change the admin password from root access. I am logged into root now | 08:15 |
kenthomson | who was the one with wireless modem? | 08:15 |
welshwiz | pike: i have forgotten the admin pass | 08:15 |
infidel | welshwiz, if you are root what happen when you type passwd Admin | 08:15 |
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kenthomson | Synaptic = Complete Removal = sudo aptitude remove --purge package | 08:16 |
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Alkivar | anyone done a live usb off of the 7.04 build? | 08:16 |
welshwiz | infidel: authentication failure | 08:16 |
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wceoscar | this is the issue, my cousin own a laptop, next room, these pc are conected through my router... what i want to do is enter to my cousins laptop without him knowing, he has win xp sp2, i have ubuntu 7.94 | 08:16 |
mobutu | how do i make my sound work after coming back from hibernation on my laptop? | 08:16 |
vashypooh | kenthomson, Ah thank you. I am still new to this stuff hehe | 08:16 |
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mobutu | wceoscar: it would be easier to store your porn on an external drive | 08:17 |
infidel | welshwiz, are you using ubuntu? | 08:17 |
Alkivar | i'm trying to find out if theres anything i need to worry about doing a live usb w/ 7.04 as opposed to the 6.10 in all of the directions i've found online | 08:17 |
welshwiz | yep | 08:17 |
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welshwiz | pike: any ideas dude | 08:17 |
kenthomson | wceoscar: you need to go to his PC, start A VNC server get the password, and connect with a VNC client to his laptop. Though please be ethical | 08:17 |
wceoscar | mobutu, i just want to prove him something... | 08:17 |
mobutu | wceoscar: prove that you are an ELITE HAXOR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!? | 08:17 |
kenthomson | mobutu: what's a haxor? | 08:18 |
welshwiz | lol | 08:18 |
emiel_ | haha | 08:18 |
kenthomson | Really, what is a haxor ?-| | 08:18 |
mobutu | mobutu: it's a guy who sneaks into his cousin's laptop without him knowing , he has win xp sp2, i have ubuntu 7.94 | 08:18 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | kenthomson: it's a h4x0r that's been unl33t3d :( | 08:18 |
pike_ | welshwiz: one trick is to at grub prompt: hit e to edit whatever boot selection and add this to end of kernel line 'init=/bin/sh' then hit enter then b to boot. when you get to # prompt type 'mount -o remount,rw /' then you will be able to change the pass like 'passwd username' | 08:18 |
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Pharsalus | soundray: Just to let you know, I've found an easier way of exporting .mod to mp3 | 08:18 |
kenthomson | \x6e\x65\x72\x64: i guess a person with your nickname talks like that, and what did you say? | 08:18 |
pike_ | welshwiz: and reboot | 08:18 |
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mobutu | i wish someone could tell me how to bring back my sound after hibernation | 08:19 |
wceoscar | mobutu, he just says linux doesnt has the power to enter to a remote pc | 08:19 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | kenthomson: I don't talk like that, I was just explaining what it was | 08:19 |
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kenthomson | \x6e\x65\x72\x64: seriously i didn't get your explanation | 08:19 |
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mobutu | wceoscar: no operating system has magical powers | 08:19 |
wceoscar | mobutu: he just says linux doesnt has the power to enter to a remote pc | 08:19 |
pike_ | mobutu: does sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart work? | 08:19 |
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mobutu | pike_: nope, I tried that. | 08:20 |
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rambo3 | !leet | 08:20 |
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ubotu | 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357. | 08:20 |
wceoscar | mobutu, I know that, but i understand that it haves privileges to enter another remote pc. using so app. i once tryed aircrack to get through our wifi connection | 08:20 |
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | !haxor | 08:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about haxor - try searching on | 08:20 |
kenthomson | rambo3: OMG what's that | 08:21 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | !h4x0r | 08:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about h4x0r - try searching on | 08:21 |
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U5 | what? | 08:21 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | damn | 08:21 |
pike_ | mobutu: well im all out of ideas ;-) | 08:21 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | :/ | 08:21 |
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mobutu | wceoscar: why do you think {windows|mac|ubuntu} has more privileges than {windows|mac|ubuntu} | 08:21 |
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farmhand01 | hello all | 08:21 |
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kenthomson | !hi | farmhand01 | 08:21 |
ubotu | farmhand01: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 08:21 |
farmhand01 | Hello all, I was wondering if someone could recomend a good sound card that will be fully compatible with ubuntu 7.04? Dont need anything too fancy, just for MP3s and playing warcraft 3 | 08:21 |
mobutu | wceoscar: there are aircrack type things for all operating systems | 08:21 |
wceoscar | mobuntu: Im using Linux, i dont care what happens with other Os's | 08:22 |
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mobutu | wceoscar: what does aircrack have to do with stealing all of your cousin's credit card numbers | 08:22 |
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kenthomson | farmhand01:, though that wouldn't help much | 08:22 |
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kenthomson | !sound | 08:24 |
kenthomson | !soundcard | 08:24 |
pike_ | worst thing ive ever seen is a samba share that accepts blank passwords and a file passwords.txt in the shared directory.. | 08:24 |
wceoscar | mobutu: Im not trying to use this as a illegal thing, this is going to be used to prove him i can enter his pc | 08:24 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 08:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about soundcard - try searching on | 08:24 |
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mobutu | wceoscar: your cousin should punch you in the face | 08:24 |
wceoscar | naa | 08:24 |
kenthomson | wceoscar: if he needs proving that someone can enter his PC without him knowing, than he is an absolute FOOL. | 08:24 |
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farmhand01 | thanks for your help all, I am having a problem many are having with quiet mic input | 08:25 |
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kenthomson | farmhand01: no mic recording? | 08:25 |
infidel | yeah llok at me i'm kenthomson pc right now | 08:25 |
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farmhand01 | instead of spending hour upon hour trying to get it to work, I would just like to get a sound card that works well with linux | 08:25 |
wceoscar | mobutu, what woud me the app to do that, also where can i find it?? | 08:25 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | how will he know someone did enter his PC without him knowing, if he can't know it happened? | 08:25 |
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FTA4FREE | ok stupid me can anyone help? I have Userver up and cannot remember the host name that static picks up, I know there is a command to display this information, thought it was IP, but nope I am wrrrrrooonnng... | 08:25 |
mobutu | wceoscar: you need a computer program to punch you in the face? | 08:26 |
hector | how do I install fonts in Ubuntu? | 08:26 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | FTA4FREE: cat /etc/hostname ? | 08:26 |
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mobutu | \x6e\x65\x72\x64: you have the stupid irc nickname ever | 08:26 |
kenthomson | !offtopic | mobutu | wceoscar | 08:26 |
ubotu | mobutu | wceoscar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:26 |
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rambo3 | !fonts | hector | 08:26 |
ubotu | hector: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 08:26 |
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Parmenion_Away | this is nuts | 08:26 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | thanks mobutu, yours is awesome too | 08:26 |
ed_ | hi, i've done the upgrade to feisty and for some reason my keymaps are lost in x - i watched the log file and saw a warning notice about not being able to find the map, i'm wondering if this is a known problem. if so, what package would normally contain the mappings | 08:26 |
Parmenion_Away | it says im online | 08:27 |
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rambo3 | !locales.conf | 08:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about locales.conf - try searching on | 08:27 |
rambo3 | !locales | 08:27 |
ubotu | To set up and configure your locales, see | 08:27 |
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killermach_ | I have a problem, I click ... System->Adminitration and the list starts at "Keyring? A-J items are missing how do I fix this? | 08:27 |
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kenthomson | killermach_: right click, menu select edit menu, go to administration check mark ON the items you require to be diaplyed | 08:28 |
rambo3 | ed_, i think there are instructions in ubotus link | 08:28 |
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FTA4FREE | that worked but just showed server1 I need the domain after it please | 08:28 |
ed_ | rambo3, i am looking. but that doesnt sound like it to me. i dont think x can find the gb keyboard layout | 08:28 |
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killermach_ | kenthomson: aaah.. thank you.. I thought I broke something :) | 08:29 |
mcphail | Is it possible to use the fglrx driver with a Mobility Radeon 9000 in Feisty? | 08:29 |
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ed_ | rambo3, it's a message in /var/log/X.0.log rather than a locale thing, from what i can tell | 08:29 |
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SIrCosmin | a | 08:29 |
ed_ | rambo3, i'll give it a shot tomorrow when im in the office | 08:29 |
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fbarcenas | kenthomson, it still doesn't work... Any ideas? | 08:30 |
MarcN | Is it possible to install feisty in a console mode like edgy server version? I have an underpowered laptop to install it on. 128M and edgy xubuntu worked 'good enough' | 08:30 |
kenthomson | fbarcenas: none whatsoever, i was shooting in the dark | 08:30 |
MajorApus | im getting pretty fed up, everywhere I look seems to say what to do and it doesn't work I just want my sound card working | 08:30 |
fbarcenas | kenthomson, damn.. I heard people die that way. :-) | 08:30 |
kenthomson | MarcN: first you need the alternate install cd | 08:30 |
FTA4FREE | can anyone tell me how to display the full domain name of my ubuntu server | 08:30 |
pegger | are there any pci to compact flash adapters that have a read only switch? | 08:30 |
kenthomson | MajorApus: saying the will not help you | 08:31 |
Pici | pegger: Try asking in ##hardware | 08:31 |
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kenthomson | fbarcenas: they surely do but WHY THE HELL are they standing in the dark? | 08:31 |
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fbarcenas | kenthomson, maybe light is to overrated? | 08:31 |
pegger | Pici: there are 3 people in there | 08:32 |
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R3ddy | ive installed and configured beryl, when i try to switch to beryl from gnome i get this: | 08:32 |
R3ddy | Detected xserver : AIGLX | 08:32 |
R3ddy | Checking Display :0.0 ... | 08:32 |
R3ddy | Checking for XComposite extension : failed | 08:32 |
killermach_ | kenthomson: uhoh... everything here is checked and Keyring is the first item. I'm thinking a corrupted config file.. where do I find the file the the menu is made from? | 08:32 |
Pici | pegger: Sorry, try #hardware | 08:32 |
fbarcenas | !pastebin | 08:32 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:32 |
kenthomson | killermach_: no idea | 08:32 |
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dawson | <dawson> Hello, I have just upgraded to fiesty fawn, and now can not conenct to the internet, can connect to network, but not recieve an ip address. Also kubuntu now hangs on shutdown, any suggestions/ help greatly recieved. Thanks a lot! | 08:33 |
dawson | [19:28] <-- Lattyware has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). | 08:33 |
killermach_ | hmm.. | 08:33 |
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MajorApus | kenthomson: i know no one will help, because no on has dont it yet, no one can get spdif and analog working at the same time | 08:33 |
FTA4FREE | does anyone know the command to display full host information | 08:33 |
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FTA4FREE | for example | 08:34 |
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frank_b | does the "depmod -a" command write change anything on my computer. do I need to do anything to get back to how things were before I executed this command? | 08:34 |
kenthomson | FTA4FREE: traceroute your server | 08:34 |
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pegger | Pici: aha a little better | 08:34 |
FTA4FREE | ya thats too easy | 08:35 |
FTA4FREE | I want linux command hehehe | 08:35 |
FTA4FREE | screw windows | 08:35 |
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kenthomson | Bye Everyone! HAPPY UBUNTU-ing, and keep up the spirits! :-) | 08:35 |
pegger | FTA4FREE: yes very powerfull | 08:35 |
Parmenion_Away | damn, this is damn wierd | 08:35 |
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TSWoodV | FTA4FREE: "hostname"? | 08:38 |
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | FTA4FREE: hostname -f | 08:39 |
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tarelerulz | I have this weird error . I see that I am disconnect when I use any thing like frostwire and sometimes bit torrent? any one else had that bug | 08:40 |
FTA4FREE | unknown server error | 08:40 |
darius | joind #mp3 | 08:40 |
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darius | gets mp3 | 08:41 |
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wonderl00t | Hello! does anyone have a quick list of the apps and codecs that Automatix installs?? Cant get automatix to work for the life of me...and feisty has been out for what i would have thought enough time to get their servers sorted ... :( | 08:41 |
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tarelerulz | are you talking to me ftz4 free ? | 08:41 |
Possum | !automatix | wonderl00t | 08:42 |
ubotu | wonderl00t: Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 08:42 |
caitlinf | wonderl00t: there's a list at | 08:42 |
apokryphos | wonderl00t: please take a look at the FAQ <> as linked to in the channel /topic | 08:42 |
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | tarelerulz: you mean, your modem resets? | 08:42 |
wonderl00t | Thanks guys | 08:42 |
FTA4FREE | yes i was | 08:42 |
tarelerulz | <\x6e\x65\x72\x64> , I don't know what it is it just show disconnect on the two computer icon | 08:42 |
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tarelerulz | Never seen it before . | 08:43 |
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cipherz | hello... I have a weird problem with java, whenever I start a java application up in the console the window is just gray with nothing in it :\ | 08:43 |
fbarcenas | anyone know how to get a device removed from your device manager? | 08:44 |
cipherz | but in firefox32 it works perfectly... have the same bug with both argouml and poseidon can't quite figure it out | 08:44 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | tarelerulz: try limiting max connections on those programs, and / or disabling UDP (if available) | 08:44 |
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | cipherz: are you using compiz or beryl? | 08:44 |
wonderl00t | !worksforme | 08:44 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 08:44 |
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FTA4FREE | when trying to install postfix, comes up "couldnt find package libsas12" | 08:44 |
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caitlinf | ubotu: r u cute? | 08:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about r u cute? - try searching on | 08:44 |
cipherz | \x6e\x65\x72\x64, beryl - that might be it or ? | 08:44 |
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | yes cipherz I had the same problem | 08:45 |
tarelerulz | So any one else have weired error with being disconnected for a short time . | 08:45 |
BadaR | Anyone knows some good checkers game on linux? :) | 08:45 |
cipherz | \x6e\x65\x72\x64, but of course :) thanks a lot switched temp over to metacity and problem is gone... | 08:45 |
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mrj | and about games, anyone know a ping pong simulation? like 3d? | 08:45 |
tarelerulz | Other then that Ubuntu 7.0 has been great. I must say it seems faster | 08:45 |
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | cipherz: add this to your ~/.bashrc and it will work in beryl: | 08:45 |
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\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | #Fix Java in Beryl | 08:46 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit | 08:46 |
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Death_Sargent | I am having an extreme problem with my laptop power management | 08:46 |
tarelerulz | And Totem is rocking pretty hard these days. The plugin still needs work | 08:46 |
\x6e\x65\x72\x64 | cipherz: then restart or reload GDM and you should be good to go | 08:46 |
BadaR | Anyone knows some good checkers game on linux? :) | 08:46 |
Death_Sargent | gkrellm and gnome powermanager never agree on the amount of power I have in my battery | 08:46 |
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cipherz | nice :) gotta google on what it really means tho ;) but gotta eat for now - pasted your fix into a vi session for later usage :) | 08:46 |
kayef | I have a usb hub that is not working when i plug it in n boot but it works when i plug it in after booting in ubuntu.....currently, i have the dmesg with the usb hub in and it is not working now | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 34.540000] Bluetooth: L2CAP ver 2.8 | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 34.540000] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 37.748000] usb 5-3: device not accepting address 4, error -110 | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 37.860000] usb 5-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 5 | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 48.284000] usb 5-3: device not accepting address 5, error -110 | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 48.480000] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 48.480000] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 48.480000] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.8 | 08:46 |
Pici | !paste | kayef | 08:46 |
ubotu | kayef: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 90.564000] NET: Registered protocol family 24 | 08:46 |
kayef | [ 94.136000] ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team | 08:46 |
Death_Sargent | USE PARTE BIN ASSHOLE | 08:46 |
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Pici | !language | Death_Sargent | 08:47 |
tarelerulz | BadaR there is great monkey ball like game call "NeverBall" | 08:47 |
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ubotu | Death_Sargent: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:47 |
dimych | Helo. I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a PC with 17" monitor (LCD), and max resolution was set to 1024x768 (correct), but now I have replaced it with 19" LCD. How to change settings? Preferences -> Screen resolution still shows 1024x768 as maximum. | 08:47 |
kayef | ooooo.....sorry | 08:47 |
shawn34 | where can i get help with C# & GTK programming, im using monodevelop | 08:47 |
RedACE | I've setup a windows postscript printer and I can print a test page but I can't print to it using lpr | 08:47 |
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Death_Sargent | ok does anyone have any ida why a laptop would suddenly stop ecepting wall power | 08:47 |
RedACE | how do I get lpr to work? | 08:47 |
cycom | What's a good program for gnome for managing things like cpufreq power settings and things like that? | 08:47 |
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Alam_Ubuntu | do bash have a way to pipe a command set "what && who && this" ? | 08:47 |
Death_Sargent | only happens when ubuntu isrunning | 08:47 |
mobutu | cycom: there's a gnome panel thingie for that | 08:48 |
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cycom | mobutu: It'll show my the freq, but | 08:48 |
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Death_Sargent | gnome power applet seems to have no idea what my battery life is | 08:48 |
cycom | mobutu: I don't see one for managing it... | 08:48 |
Death_Sargent | same for gkrellm | 08:48 |
mobutu | you need to change your 'profile' in the panel | 08:48 |
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cycom | Death_Sargent: does windows know it? | 08:48 |
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Jack31 | ?? ntfs | 08:48 |
Jack31 | !ntfs | 08:48 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 08:48 |
Jammeri | Alam_Ubuntu, yes ... exactly like that ;) | 08:48 |
mobutu | mess around with the preferences for it | 08:48 |
Death_Sargent | it did when I had it cycom | 08:48 |
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alliantdevil | Death_Sargent: i cant imagine anything software related that could cause an issue with external power sources for a laptop | 08:49 |
cycom | Death_Sargent: hrm... | 08:49 |
Death_Sargent | I think its some sort of configuration that went wrong | 08:49 |
cycom | Death_Sargent: I was guessing it was something like what Compaq did. They only gave %, with no time remaining. | 08:49 |
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Alam_Ubuntu | Jammeri, I mean > file.log, do I have to add "> file.log" to all my commands? | 08:49 |
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Death_Sargent | or lack of said configuration | 08:49 |
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Jammeri | Alam_Ubuntu, try eval | 08:49 |
Juanca | Hi, can anyone help me to have my microphone working? | 08:49 |
Death_Sargent | well gnomepower app is glad to gues how much time I have | 08:49 |
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Death_Sargent | really it has quite the fantastic imagination when it comes to guessing how long the battery will last | 08:50 |
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mobutu | cycom: huh i just tried, i dont see it either! | 08:50 |
mobutu | cycom: there used to be.... | 08:50 |
cycom | I know KDE has em... | 08:50 |
alliantdevil | Death_Sargent: you sure gnome power app isnt just reporting the wrong info? | 08:50 |
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Death_Sargent | actually im usre it is reporting wrong info | 08:50 |
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tarelerulz | What do you all think about "Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty". | 08:51 |
Death_Sargent | gkrellm and gnoem power app constantly dissagree | 08:51 |
mobutu | maybe you have to make it setuid | 08:51 |
Jack31 | how come sda 1 NTFS isnt mounting | 08:51 |
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Jack31 | i ran the diskmounter and it says its already mounted in /etc/fstab | 08:51 |
farmhand01 | does anyone here use the Chaintech av-710 sound card? | 08:51 |
kayef | I have a usb hub that is not working when i plug it in n boot but it works when i plug it in after booting in ubuntu.....currently, i have the dmesg with the usb hub in and it is not working now | 08:51 |
kayef | | 08:51 |
Death_Sargent | tarelerulz: that's more for the off topic room, and either way its yet to separate its self from edgy in my eyes | 08:51 |
Juanca | anyone knows how to get my microphone to work? | 08:51 |
Death_Sargent | Juanca what have you tried | 08:52 |
Death_Sargent | 1plug in 2makesure to unmute the device if it is muted | 08:52 |
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Death_Sargent | 3start talking or singing | 08:52 |
kayef | anyone can help me? | 08:53 |
Death_Sargent | if your in gnome | 08:53 |
tarelerulz | What is name off topic room ? If one wanted to talk about the new ubuntu ? | 08:53 |
RedACE | I've setup a windows postscript printer and I can print a test page but I can't print to it using lpr. How do I get lpr to work so I can just pipe raw input to it? | 08:53 |
Death_Sargent | which you should be in this | 08:53 |
FakeOutdoorsman | how do i install a whole folder of .deb in a command line? "sudo dpkg -i *.deb"? | 08:53 |
Pici | !offtopic | tarelerulz | 08:53 |
ubotu | tarelerulz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:53 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: just opening the volume control and check every box | 08:53 |
mobutu | cycom: i figured it out | 08:53 |
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cycom | mobutu: oh? | 08:53 |
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mobutu | cycom: sudo chmod -s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector | 08:53 |
Death_Sargent | what | 08:53 |
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mobutu | then add the panel | 08:53 |
mobutu | then hover your mouse over it | 08:53 |
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cycom | -s? | 08:54 |
mobutu | maybe you have to left click | 08:54 |
mobutu | not sure | 08:54 |
Death_Sargent | box> | 08:54 |
Death_Sargent | box? | 08:54 |
krichie | | 08:54 |
krichie | | 08:54 |
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Death_Sargent | Juanca what desktop enviroment are you using | 08:54 |
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krichie | | 08:54 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: I mean, I have now a "Recording" tab but I don't even know how to test the mic | 08:54 |
krichie | | 08:54 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: Feisty | 08:54 |
dimych | I installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a PC with 17" monitor (LCD), and max resolution was set to 1024x768 (correct), but now I have replaced it with 19" LCD. How to change settings? Preferences -> Screen resolution still shows 1024x768 as maximum. | 08:54 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent:P | 08:54 |
krichie | | 08:54 |
Death_Sargent | DESKTOP ENVIRONMENT not os | 08:54 |
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Juanca | Death_Sargent: sorry, I don't know then | 08:54 |
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Death_Sargent | gnome, kde what | 08:54 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: gnome iguess | 08:55 |
RedACE | I've setup a windows postscript printer and I can print a test page but I can't print to it using lpr. How do I get lpr to work so I can just pipe raw input to it? | 08:55 |
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starkruzr | I seriously cannot believe how awesome Beryl is | 08:55 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: Yes it should be gnome | 08:55 |
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cycom | mobutu: it works! | 08:55 |
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cycom | mobutu: any other ideas for how I can save some juice on my laptop? | 08:55 |
mobutu | set it to Powersave i guess | 08:56 |
mobutu | i have no idea | 08:56 |
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mobutu | dont run a window manager | 08:56 |
mobutu | console only all the way | 08:56 |
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Death_Sargent | ok step one | 08:56 |
Death_Sargent | do you have a top menu bar juanca | 08:56 |
cycom | mobutu: I'm running beryl! Is that good for saving battery?! :) | 08:56 |
Death_Sargent | if so what are the first 4 things you see on it | 08:56 |
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Juanca | Death_Sargent: yes | 08:57 |
mobutu | cycom: i bet if you dont run beryl, you will save 5 seconds of your life | 08:57 |
Death_Sargent | describe it | 08:57 |
Death_Sargent | first 4 things | 08:57 |
cycom | mobutu: not battery life, just real life? | 08:57 |
sldkfj | microphone.... click on the sound level applet in the taskbar and find the heading "Open Volume Control" and look for 'Microphone' and see if it's muted. | 08:57 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: Ubuntu logo, Applications, Places, System | 08:57 |
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Death_Sargent | ok do what sldkfj just said | 08:57 |
kayef | I am using a laptop with an external display monitor, how do i switch my laptop's screen off? | 08:58 |
eugman | Can anyone give me information on builtin sd readers for laptops? Is there a way to get mine to work? | 08:58 |
mobutu | cycom: what's the difference | 08:58 |
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FakeOutdoorsman | dimych: go into terminal. type "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak" then type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg". if it screws up then you have a backup. | 08:58 |
Juanca | sldkfj: is not | 08:58 |
Death_Sargent | eugman: you and me both | 08:58 |
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Juanca | Death_Sargent: is not | 08:58 |
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sldkfj | Juanca, is not what? | 08:58 |
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Death_Sargent | (02:57:28 PM) sldkfj: microphone.... click on the sound level applet in the taskbar and find the heading "Open Volume Control" and look for 'Microphone' and see if it's muted. | 08:58 |
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Juanca | Death_Sargent: is not muted | 08:58 |
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Death_Sargent | oh | 08:59 |
Death_Sargent | well then go to system-> preferences-> sounds | 08:59 |
LjL | FakeOutdoorsman: dpkg -i *.deb will work, but only if the packages don't depend on each other. if they do, well, a way would be to just do it multiple times until all of them are installed. | 08:59 |
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Death_Sargent | make sure everything is set properly | 08:59 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: I have "Capture" and "Mux" under the "recording" tab | 08:59 |
dimych | FakeOutdoorsman, thanks. | 08:59 |
FakeOutdoorsman | dimych: | 08:59 |
cycom | laptop mode is giving me an error: /usr/sbin/laptop_mode: line596: [: == : unary operator expected | 08:59 |
sldkfj | Juanca, is the microphone attached to the correct socket on the back of the computer? | 08:59 |
Death_Sargent | what is this record tab? | 09:00 |
Death_Sargent | what program are you in | 09:00 |
FakeOutdoorsman | LjL: thanks. i didn't think of running it multiple time since I know there are dependency issues. | 09:00 |
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Juanca | sldkfj: Is attached to a front socket | 09:00 |
Death_Sargent | Juanca: what record tab? | 09:00 |
sldkfj | ok, hahaha front is fine | 09:00 |
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dimych | FakeOutdoorsman, so it was an expected behavior, that the new display was not recognized and config was not automatically updated? | 09:01 |
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Death_Sargent | gnome sound pref has three tabs | 09:01 |
titun | when i try to complie a program using ./configure Feisty shows error | 09:01 |
Juanca | Death_Sargent: i'm in the volume control | 09:01 |
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Death_Sargent | Juanca not wherer I told you to go | 09:01 |
titun | configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 09:01 |
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sldkfj | juanca, see if the problem is in the applet, remove the speaker icon on the taskbar and re-install it. | 09:01 |
Pici | titun: install the package build-essential | 09:01 |
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Pici | titun: it includes the packages needed to compile programs | 09:02 |
Death_Sargent | Juanca if that does not work try adjusting your system sound prefernces | 09:02 |
FakeOutdoorsman | dimych: i don't know how it works. i just know how to fix it--seems fairly cryptic, especially for beginners. | 09:02 |
titun | Pici: thanks | 09:02 |
Death_Sargent | brb | 09:02 |
lsproc | I cant get VMware Server Bridged Networking to work, the guest can't get an IP, whats up? (7.04) | 09:03 |
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sldkfj | right click on the speaker and hit remove, and then right click on the taskbar and hit Add and find the sounds applet in the window that opens | 09:03 |
fbarcenas | anyone know how to get a device removed from your device manager? | 09:03 |
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Juanca | sldkfj: I did it, but how do I know if something changed? | 09:03 |
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Juanca | sldkfj: I was trying with the sound recorder | 09:04 |
eNons3nse | what codec do i need to play .mov in totem-gstreamer | 09:04 |
dimych | FakeOutdoorsman, yeah, I agree that it is cryptic. I installed Ubuntu at for my friend, and I just edited xorg.conf, added 1280x1024 to the mode line, and it helped. So, I was looking for more "user-friendly" way. :) | 09:04 |
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kahrytan | Anyone know how to use recordmydesktop w/ sound? | 09:05 |
sldkfj | juanca open the "Volume Control Center" in the right click and then on the menubar click Edit | 09:05 |
Juanca | sldkfj: ok, preferences I guess | 09:06 |
matchstick` | how can i get the ndiswrapper-utils off the CD instead of using apt-get? | 09:06 |
Juanca | sldkfj: what next | 09:06 |
sldkfj | in that Preferences, about ahlf the way down there is a Microphone Front Input | 09:06 |
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sldkfj | is that checked? | 09:06 |
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kahrytan | matchstick: did the cd to the sources | 09:06 |
kahrytan | matchstick: add the cd to the sources | 09:06 |
Juanca | sldkfj: No is not | 09:06 |
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Death_Sargent | sldkfj: see that's what I told her from the get go | 09:06 |
Xbehave | i need some help with my usb | 09:06 |
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Xbehave | it just stops | 09:06 |
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Juanca | Death_Sargent: I'm a man | 09:07 |
sldkfj | yu have about 4 different places to checkbox, you gotta be a tweakie to use Linux | 09:07 |
Zeram | hi people | 09:07 |
matchstick` | how so? it says do "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9" and if you dont have internet use the Cd | 09:07 |
Zeram | can you help me a little? | 09:07 |
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sldkfj | or maybe a tweakster | 09:07 |
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Pici | matchstick`: check out the apt-cdrom command | 09:08 |
sldkfj | techno/information age is moving to fast for me to keep up with | 09:08 |
mzuverink | Using compiz I am not able to get window decorations as in Beryl, anyone have an Idea what I can do to rectify this issue? | 09:08 |
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luisgmarine | anyone know to to stream videos on firefox? I installed some app for dvd's playback and my streaming stopped? anyone knwo how to set that up? | 09:08 |
Juanca | sldkfj: I have these checkboxes: PCM, Front, Surround, Center, LFE, Line In as Output, Mic as Output, Capture, Input Source, Mux | 09:08 |
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Juanca | sldkfj: all of them checked | 09:08 |
whta | is there ANY file anywhere that determines the resolution the login screen loads at? I've had this problem for a while. what happens is the login screen displayed at some crazy resolution that is beyond my monitor's support, so the text is fuzzy and the screen flickers. I didn't think too much of it since logging into gnome fixes it. I installed KDE yesterday and found that KDE was using the same resolution as the login screen (fuzzy | 09:08 |
whta | *breathes* | 09:08 |
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sldkfj | jaunca, you don't have Mic Front Input? | 09:09 |
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sldkfj | Juanca, are you using Feisty? | 09:09 |
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kahrytan | Anyone know how to use recordmydesktop w/ sound? | 09:09 |
wceoscar | ok so i i nstalled an app called beagle, the question now is how do i oppen it, cause i dont see nothing on the apps menu | 09:09 |
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wceoscar | any command used? | 09:09 |
Juanca | sldkfj: yes | 09:10 |
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kahrytan | Anyone know how to use recordmydesktop w/ sound | 09:10 |
mcphail | Is there any "fglrx-legacy" or equivalent driver anywhere in the feisty repos? | 09:10 |
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kelsa|martalli | I have a xubuntu 7.0 install. How can I move it to ubuntu? Just install ubuntu-base or something like that? | 09:11 |
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ugur_ | abi trke bilen biri yokmu burada yaaawww!!! | 09:11 |
sldkfj | juanca, in that same applet, look on the menubar and open FILE | Change Device .......... what's set for 0: ? | 09:11 |
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luisgmarine | anyone that can help me change firefox to stream videos with vlc instead of totem? | 09:11 |
Pelo | kelsa|martalli, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 09:11 |
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Parmenion | kelsa|martalli: install gnome-desktop | 09:11 |
Thib_G | Hello | 09:12 |
kahrytan | Anyone know how to use recordmydesktop w/ sound | 09:12 |
wceoscar | ok so i i nstalled an app called beagle, the question now is how do i oppen it, cause i dont see nothing on the apps menu | 09:12 |
Thib_G | I haven't sound no more ( no update, no mixer modification ) :( | 09:12 |
Pelo | luisgmarine, install mozilla-vcl and remove mozilla-totem | 09:12 |
Parmenion | or ubuntu-desktop, whatever the meta package is | 09:12 |
pike_ | kelsa|martalli: no everything is the same except a few apps and the desktop environment. just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and choose between gnome or xfce at login by clicking 'sessions' button | 09:12 |
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Parmenion | wceo, places | 09:12 |
FakeOutdoorsman | kelsa|martalli: ubuntu-desktop will install many apps that you may not want, but it will do the job. | 09:12 |
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Juanca | sldkfj: HDA Intel (Alsa mixer), and in 1: SigmaTel STA.... (OSS mixer) | 09:13 |
Thib_G | No error in dmesg, nothing | 09:13 |
kelsa|martalli | FakeOutdoorsman: pike_ Pelo Parmenion thx guys | 09:13 |
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Thib_G | I'm using the binary modules provided by crimsun | 09:13 |
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Parmenion | kelsa|martalli: i would strongly recommend sticking to whatever you have. Its really too much fuss downloading another 50 megs :P | 09:13 |
sldkfj | ok, and you can't find the 4 different boxes for Mics in the Edit | Preferences ? | 09:14 |
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Parmenion | not to mention it becomes very cluttered in your applications menu | 09:14 |
Zeram | i want uninstal ubuntu and grub but i'm afraid to crash winxp. can anybody help me? | 09:14 |
Juanca | sldkfj: nop | 09:14 |
Ix0s | !dualboot | Zeram | 09:14 |
ubotu | Zeram: Dual boot instructions: (x86/AMD64) - (Macintosh) | 09:14 |
Ix0s | Zeram: If you follow them links you shouldnt get a problem | 09:15 |
Parmenion | Zeram: run the ubuntu installer, but this time just delete the ubuntu partitions then resize back | 09:15 |
Pelo | Zeram, you'll just have to use the xp cd to do a repair install that will restore the MBR on your hdd, that is all | 09:15 |
sldkfj | Jaunca, I think that is where the connection is to be made. | 09:15 |
Ix0s | Ohh uninstall! | 09:15 |
Parmenion | Ix0s: he wants to uninstall ... | 09:15 |
Ix0s | Stupid me! | 09:15 |
ExIG | hi, i installed amarok from synaptic and then got amarok xine, but it doesnt play mp3? | 09:15 |
Ix0s | Parmenion: Didnt read it right | 09:15 |
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Parmenion | which is kinda wierd | 09:15 |
Juanca | sldkfj: How do I do that | 09:15 |
pike_ | Zeram: boot to xp then from cmd.exe do fdisk /mbr reboot and make sure it goes straight to xp. if it does all you have to do is then delete the ubuntu partitions | 09:15 |
Parmenion | I hate using windows now ... so .... different and no familiar cli | 09:16 |
emes | I've installed the necessary language packs, now how can I change the language used for a single user? | 09:16 |
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Pelo | !mp3 > ExIG check your pm window for insctrucitons | 09:16 |
Pici | !locale | emes | 09:16 |
ubotu | emes: To set up and configure your locales, see | 09:16 |
max_ | salut | 09:16 |
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Xbehave | < how do i use this to stop my usb stoping | 09:16 |
emes | Pici: thanks | 09:16 |
ExIG | Pelo: many thanks, im new to ubuntu :) | 09:16 |
Parmenion | Ix0s: its alright :P we all make mistakes in crowded channels | 09:16 |
sldkfj | Juanca, there are 33 separate entries for sounds settings on that page under Edit | Preferences | 09:17 |
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luisgmarine | pelo, now all I get is ( no video ) | 09:17 |
Zeram | winxp doesnt allow to use fdisk for this operation, maybe because ntfs | 09:17 |
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Pelo | salut max_ si tu parles francais essai #ubuntu-fr | 09:17 |
sldkfj | how many do you have? | 09:17 |
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Ix0s | Parmenion: Haha thanks! :P | 09:17 |
Pelo | luisgmarine, you might need to install codecs | 09:17 |
Pelo | !codecs > luisgmarine | 09:17 |
Parmenion | Zeram: you were in a dual boot situation previously ? | 09:17 |
max_ | on francais ici | 09:17 |
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dondaielo222 | Hey, I got some question. Although I installed nvidia drivers and set mode "1280x1024" in xorg.conf I can only get 1024x768...whats wrong? | 09:17 |
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Thib_G | Even with crimsun's modules, my HDA intel is now broken... | 09:18 |
Pelo | dondaielo222, you might need to edit xorg.conf to manualy add the extra resolutions you want | 09:18 |
Thib_G | I haven't upgraded, nothing | 09:18 |
FakeOutdoorsman | dondaielo222: | 09:18 |
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Zeram | yes | 09:19 |
Parmenion | ok ... Zeram, remove the linux partitions, then resize the ntfs partition back | 09:19 |
dondaielo222 | Pelo , FakeOutdoorsman : did that already | 09:19 |
Parmenion | after that, do a fixmbr | 09:19 |
Pelo | dondaielo222, check the forum then | 09:19 |
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dondaielo222 | glxinfo |grep direct | 09:20 |
dondaielo222 | direct rendering: Yes | 09:20 |
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Pelo | I'm off . later folks | 09:20 |
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matchstick` | how do i install ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 from the CD instead of apt-get? | 09:20 |
sldkfj | jaunce, since you lack those items, I think the installation process may have made an error in the copying of the OS to your HD. All those entries get there by default you know. : ( | 09:20 |
Parmenion | its been some and ive forgotten the exact command | 09:20 |
Juanca | sldkfj: I have these checkboxes: PCM, Front, Surround, Center, LFE, Line In as Output, Mic as Output, Capture, Input Source, Mux | 09:20 |
Parmenion | matchstick`: dont use the repos ... their outdate | 09:20 |
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Zeram | grub on linux partition.... if i remove it i | 09:20 |
Parmenion | use the latest sources from sourceforge matchstick`, higher chances of success | 09:20 |
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wceoscar | I just Installed Beagle, how can i run it?????? found nothing on the apps menu | 09:21 |
Parmenion | Zeram: you will need to fix the mbr | 09:21 |
matchstick` | well i dont have internet to apt-get, and this guide to set up my network card said used the ones off cd if you cant apt get | 09:21 |
Parmenion | wceoscar: check out your places menu | 09:21 |
Juanca | sldkfj: Ok, this is so discouraging, I will use Windows for what I need, thank you anyway for trying | 09:21 |
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pbx | I'm trying to upgrade xubuntu 6.10 to 7.04. I click the happy "Upgrade" button iin | 09:21 |
amaan | is anyone having problems with sound on their laptops? | 09:21 |
matchstick` | but now i cant even mount the cd drive... | 09:21 |
sldkfj | Juanca, sorry | 09:21 |
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matchstick` | so i cant get it off the cd | 09:21 |
FakeOutdoorsman | dondaielo222: check out the error log: /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 09:21 |
Parmenion | matchstick`: =( then set up the cd as a software source | 09:21 |
metellius | I just got a intel core duo 2 based laptop. I strongly dislike things that don't work. I have 1.5 gb of memory. is there even a single reason for me to install amd64 ubuntu on it? | 09:21 |
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rrreptile | so i'm trying to install jdk-1.5.0 and it says failed dependencies glibc - where do i get glibc | 09:22 |
wceoscar | Parmenion: nothing on the Places menu, i also installed aircrack and not sure where its locates | 09:22 |
rrreptile | ? | 09:22 |
titun | I installed gammu, but while launching it gives "gammu: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" | 09:22 |
Zeram | fdisk doesn't work with winxp | 09:22 |
pbx | (continued): I click "Upgrade" in Software Update, but I get "Authentication failed". Help? | 09:22 |
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openforlife | metellius, it works ;) | 09:22 |
skenmy | metellius, If you need 64bit support then yes | 09:22 |
Parmenion | metellius: dual core means 64bit ? | 09:22 |
freeTUXforEvery1 | hi | 09:22 |
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openforlife | Parmenion, no | 09:22 |
amaan | im running fiesty 7.04 but i cant change the volume...? | 09:22 |
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Zeram | fixmbr from recovery console? | 09:22 |
Parmenion | wceoscar: "search for files" | 09:22 |
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matchstick` | parmenion: cant mount the cd rom, says special device /dev/hdd does not exist | 09:22 |
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metellius | openforlife: but not with flash, opera, java, and other binary-only stuff... | 09:23 |
sldkfj | dual core means 32x2 | 09:23 |
Parmenion | O.o @ matchstick`... wierd | 09:23 |
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dondaielo222 | FakeOutdoorsman : it says "(WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1280x1024"; removing." | 09:23 |
metellius | Parmenion: not sure, but I know it's 64bit. | 09:23 |
J-Bog | I cannot figure out what I need to put for "Device for boot loader installation" The default entry doesn't work when the installation finishes, what can I do? :-/ | 09:23 |
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sldkfj | dual core means 32 bit ... twice | 09:23 |
openforlife | metellius, true. I use x86 on my athlon | 09:23 |
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sldkfj | two core working 32, not 64 bit | 09:23 |
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HOT | *blink* | 09:23 |
metellius | skenmy: that's actually what I'm wondering about. I don't think I have _any_ need for 64bit support | 09:23 |
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openforlife | All newer processors have 64 bit. AMD athlon and core 2! | 09:23 |
pike_ | !grub | J-Bog | 09:23 |
ubotu | J-Bog: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 09:23 |
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HOT | dual core could mean either 32bit or 64bit depending on the chipset | 09:24 |
tdn_ | I consider buying an IBM Thinkpad Z60t but I am a bit concerned about the hardware support. Does anyone in here have any experience on this model? | 09:24 |
Juhaz | dual core means two cores. it doesn't have any relationship to bit number whatsoever | 09:24 |
skenmy | Then don't. I have 64bit capability but use 32bit | 09:24 |
Parmenion | im running a core2duo on 32 bit ... thats why i was surprised when you said 64 bit metellius | 09:24 |
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openforlife | tdn_, Thinkpads are usually good for Linux | 09:24 |
ExIG | i dont suppose anyone can point me in the direction of the how to for ubuntu 7.04 low latency kernel? | 09:24 |
metellius | skenmy: what do you "capability"? can you run 64bit stuff while still using 32bit ubuntu? | 09:24 |
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skenmy | nono | 09:24 |
metellius | ah. other way around then? | 09:25 |
skenmy | as in I have a Pentium D | 09:25 |
skenmy | that supports 64bit | 09:25 |
Pici | tdn_: Check out and see if anyone has written anything up for that model. | 09:25 |
freeTUXforEvery1 | does someone can help me with my nvidia driver??? | 09:25 |
FakeOutdoorsman | dondaielo222: read this | 09:25 |
skenmy | but I have no need for it | 09:25 |
Parmenion | metellius: I honestly didnt know core2duos could run 64 bit | 09:25 |
openforlife | Parmenion, it works with 64 too. But 32bit Ubuntu have better support for flash, drivers and so on | 09:25 |
skenmy | so I use 32bit OSes | 09:25 |
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Pici | tdn_: My T60 works wonderfully under ubuntu. | 09:25 |
pike_ | tdn_: id check the wiki i think there is a list. there are thinkpad linux groups and as a rule they work well. id stay away from ati for video etc. | 09:25 |
tdn_ | Pici, I have checked it out on thinkwiki, but there is not much info on the Z-series. | 09:25 |
HOT | how do i turn on directx 10? | 09:25 |
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Pici | HOT: ##windows | 09:25 |
metellius | Parmenion: according to comments on this page it does: | 09:25 |
amaan | has anyone else had problems with their laptop volume changing on fiesty 7.04? | 09:25 |
carlos | alguien habla espaolllllllllllll | 09:25 |
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Pici | !es | carlos | 09:25 |
ubotu | carlos: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 09:25 |
skenmy | HOT - DirectX is a windows thing :) Try ##windows | 09:26 |
Parmenion | sldkfj: err yeah, i thought so too ... | 09:26 |
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Parmenion | and im lagging like mad, so dont mind if my anwers dont take into consideration the previous comments | 09:26 |
Gohalien | Hiya | 09:26 |
stefg | !es | 09:26 |
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Gohalien | a question, how to enable desktop effects in 6.06LTS | 09:26 |
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openforlife | DirectX 10 layer for Linux is being worked on. Alpha is out. goole it. | 09:26 |
HOT | actually im joking, but on a serious note has anyone got 3d working in vmware beta workstation 6?, i am using the "any any" patch | 09:26 |
jinxed | Can someone tell me how I can get the needed codecs to watch streaming wmv's online?? | 09:27 |
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J-Bog | How do I figure out where my /boot is going to be from a live CD that hasn't installed Linux yet? | 09:27 |
carlos | hollllllllllllas | 09:27 |
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stefg | !w32codecs | 09:27 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see - See also !Codecs | 09:27 |
openforlife | HOT: try cedega/wine for gaming. Cedega got great support for new games now adays | 09:27 |
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HOT | jinxed: win32codecs | 09:27 |
Gohalien | quick question, how to enable desktop effects in 6.06LTS ? What I must download ? | 09:27 |
jinxed | HOT, how do i get win32codes | 09:27 |
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pike_ | im thinking of making a wifi script gui using zenity for connecting, adjusting transmit power for lappys and other stuff.. you guys think thats a waste of time? | 09:27 |
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HOT | jinxed: enable universe then "sudo apt-get install win32codec" | 09:28 |
stefg | jinxed: read above | 09:28 |
Parmenion | pike_: hell no | 09:28 |
openforlife | Gohalien, manual install only in 6.06 as far as I know | 09:28 |
jinxed | HOT, how do i enable universe | 09:28 |
Pici | !repos | jinxed | 09:28 |
ubotu | jinxed: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 09:28 |
Parmenion | pike_: adjusting transmit power is important ... as well as connection | 09:28 |
HOT | there yea go | 09:28 |
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darx | mplayer gives me this error Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device!. how can i resolve this? there are a bunch of drivers from the video section of the preferances, but i cant do anything.. help :( | 09:28 |
pbx | What are the troubleshooting steps to pursue if I get a "Authenticating the upgrade failed" message when trying to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04? | 09:28 |
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Ivanowitch | Hello. Can anyone explain the difference between the 32 bit and the 64 bit version of the livecd? And what you miss if you install the 32 bit version on a 64 bit system? | 09:29 |
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HOT | openforlife: cadega and beryl are not playing nice together so i am messing with native linux games like dominion 3 | 09:29 |
J-Bog | How do I figure out where my /boot is going to be from a live CD that hasn't installed Linux yet? | 09:29 |
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Parmenion | Ivanowitch: basically, 6bit apps take advantage of the added bits | 09:29 |
LjL | Ivanowitch: you miss quite marginal performance improvements | 09:29 |
johns^ | darx: try starting mplayer from a terminal with another vo :) | 09:29 |
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HOT | Ivanowitch: you miss nothing apart from very expanded memory blocks which you will never use unless you are running a server | 09:29 |
Parmenion | thus you lose performance compared to 64 bit | 09:30 |
jrib | Ivanowitch: if it's a desktop system it means that on 64bit you will have headaches trying to get flash, sun java plugin, and wine to work. You won't notice much performance-wise | 09:30 |
Ivanowitch | ok, thanks :D | 09:30 |
darx | johns^: thanks | 09:30 |
jinxed | HOT, it said couldn't find package win32codec | 09:30 |
Parmenion | though, what the others say is true :P | 09:30 |
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HOT | jinxed: have you enabled universe? | 09:30 |
jinxed | HOT, yes | 09:30 |
johns^ | darx: I'll look for it, one moment | 09:30 |
HOT | ok i will look, one second | 09:30 |
openforlife | the performance loss from 64 to 32 is not much at the moment since very few aps are coded for 64bit yet. | 09:30 |
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Gohalien | openforlife: How to manual install, what I need to do ? | 09:30 |
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openforlife | Gohalien, search the ubuntu forums | 09:31 |
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Gohalien | Doing that same time as I am asking here ^^ | 09:31 |
openforlife | Gohalien, | 09:31 |
johns^ | darx: mplayer -vo help gives you a list of video output drivers | 09:31 |
Parmenion | guys, what diploma should i take if i want to take up computer science in university : Computer Engineering or Information Technology | 09:31 |
darx | johns^: mines an ati x300 on radeon driver if that is any help.. | 09:31 |
Gohalien | ty | 09:31 |
Bromics | How do u turn on remote control on feisty so i can control my ubuntu from my windows? | 09:31 |
LjL | !offtopic | Parmenion | 09:31 |
ubotu | Parmenion: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:32 |
darx | johns^: oh cool.. i'll try it out | 09:32 |
johns^ | darx: try mplayer -vo x11 or gl | 09:32 |
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Parmenion | :P sorry LjL | 09:32 |
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johns^ | darx: and then you can put the one that works in .mplayerrc if i remember correctly. man mplayer should tell you where to put it | 09:32 |
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johns^ | darx: /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf should work system wide | 09:33 |
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pbx | Re the question I asked twice above -- Google led me to it. You have to run gpg before trying to upgrade. | 09:33 |
HOT | ok forgot who asked but its w32codecs | 09:33 |
delire | Parmenion: they both mean quite different things in different countries, but yep, it's a little OT ;) | 09:33 |
pbx | Thanks, Google! | 09:33 |
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Bromics | How do u turn on remote control on feisty so i can control my ubuntu from my windows? | 09:33 |
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sdfasdfawef | why are there so few ubuntu updates lately? | 09:33 |
darx | johns^: Creating config file: /root/.mplayer/config | 09:33 |
darx | Error parsing option on the command line: -vo | 09:33 |
Ivanowitch | Anyone know about networkmanager? It's my friends computer, and when we try to get a wireless connection, it only gets a v6 ip adress, no v4, while my computer gets both (as far as ifconfig tells...) also, though it reports a connection, we can't get any remote data... | 09:33 |
Gohalien | I have an nvidia 7600gs, what should I install ? | 09:33 |
HOT | Bromics: i use vncserver, nice and easy | 09:34 |
jrib | Bromics: you want to ssh into your ubuntu box? | 09:34 |
pbx | The bug: | 09:34 |
Tomatoma | #ubuntu-fr | 09:34 |
LjL | sdfasdfawef: few, compared to when? | 09:34 |
johns^ | darx: gmplayer -vo x11 | 09:34 |
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sdfasdfawef | ljl: a couple weeks ago | 09:34 |
darx | johns^: same | 09:34 |
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johns^ | strange | 09:34 |
stefg | !beryl | Gohalien | 09:34 |
LjL | sdfasdfawef: what distributions were you using then? | 09:34 |
ubotu | Gohalien: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 09:34 |
Zeram | thanx to all, bye | 09:34 |
johns^ | darx: it works here. | 09:34 |
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Bromics | HOT, how? | 09:34 |
Bromics | jrib, yea exactly. | 09:35 |
sdfasdfawef | ljl: feisty beta | 09:35 |
LjL | sdfasdfawef: err, maybe a couple of weeks ago Feisty was not released yet? | 09:35 |
jrib | !ssh > Bromics (see the private message from ubotu) | 09:35 |
sprite1 | maly1 | 09:35 |
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sdfasdfawef | ljl: yeah, thats probably it | 09:35 |
jrib | Bromics: basically you just install the "ssh" package, but ubotu gave you more details | 09:35 |
HOT | Bromics: if you just want a CLI then take LjL's advice and use ssh | 09:35 |
LjL | sdfasdfawef: you won't see (m)any updates from now on, since Feisty is a release version now. | 09:35 |
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sdfasdfawef | ljl: but i remember using release version dapper before and there were updates every day | 09:35 |
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LjL | not mine, but i concur | 09:35 |
darx | johns^: when i do mplayer -vo help i get the list,, i'll try following the man.. i'm on feisty by the way | 09:35 |
ExIG | anyone help me find the low latency kernel stuff for 7.04? | 09:36 |
SexyBoBo2 | Anything goes in. | 09:36 |
SexyBoBo2 | Anything goes out! | 09:36 |
SexyBoBo2 | Fish, bananas, old pyjamas, | 09:36 |
SexyBoBo2 | Mutton! Beef! and Trout! | 09:36 |
darx | johns^: thanks for the directions :) | 09:36 |
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beef | :o | 09:36 |
sdfasdfawef | ljl: i guess theyve gotten better then. good to know | 09:36 |
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johns^ | darx: your welcome | 09:36 |
johns^ | and goodluck | 09:36 |
LjL | sdfasdfawef: every day? hardly so. there are security updates when security holes are found. more rarely, fixes to very serious bugs. that's all. | 09:36 |
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johns^ | darx: another suggestion: vlc rocks as a mediaplayer :) | 09:36 |
stefg | !info linux-image-lowlatency | ExIG | 09:37 |
ubotu | exig: linux-image-lowlatency: Low latency Linux kernel image. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB | 09:37 |
Bromics | HOT, what was LjL's advice? i cant seem to find the part he told me | 09:37 |
LjL | Bromics: he meant jrib | 09:37 |
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SexyBoBo2 | srry bout that was wrong channel i pasted that in to | 09:37 |
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Bromics | oh ok LjL :) | 09:37 |
HOT | Bromics: you know the difference between cli and gui right? | 09:37 |
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darx | johns^: true.. :) | 09:37 |
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Bromics | so basically installing ssh package is using the sudo apt-get install ssh? | 09:37 |
Bromics | HOT, yea command line and graphical | 09:38 |
LjL | no, sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 09:38 |
Bromics | LjL, oh ok :) | 09:38 |
Bromics | ty | 09:38 |
HOT | Bromics: ssh = cli . vnc = gui | 09:38 |
tarelerulz | is there way to add mp3 to Noatun? | 09:38 |
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Bromics | i prefer cli better than :) | 09:38 |
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sdfasdfawef | what kernel should i install for an intel core duo processor? | 09:38 |
kritzstapf | LjL, ssh installs client and server anyway ;) | 09:38 |
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Asterix_ | How do I get the top and bottom taskbars to change colors along with my Emerald themes? | 09:39 |
Scunizi | I tried to install a new key for 3rd party repo (scribus) and get an error "WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file /home/uname/.gnupg/gpg.conf" Then "external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions" Keyserver communications error: general error... How do I fix it? | 09:39 |
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torpedo|dog | Bromics: you can run GUI applications over SSH, too, just so you know | 09:39 |
delire | oh, didn't know that ssh was a meta-package. | 09:39 |
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ExIG | kopete wont connect for me :S any ideas? | 09:39 |
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Bromics | whats the difference between openssh server and ssh? | 09:39 |
delire | Bromics: ssh -X you@another-machine | 09:39 |
zool_ | sdfasdfawef, as far as I know, the generic kernel is fine with feisty, it has been built to deal with dual core processors | 09:40 |
Tincho | hi there. I have a problem with a very old machine with 64mb of ram. lrm is building volatile modules in tmpfs and that's eating my ram. Somebody know how to change that behaviour? | 09:40 |
LjL | kritzstapf: yes but ssh is marked as transitional | 09:40 |
Gohalien | how to update from Dapper to Feisty ? | 09:40 |
LjL | !upgrade > Gohalien (Gohalien, see the private message from Ubotu) | 09:40 |
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Bromics | torpedo|dog, u mean SSH client can now use GUI now? | 09:40 |
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osiris_ | Evening all, i have installed the latest drivers from nvidia for my 8800 gtx and when resizing windows or anything its painfully jerky, any ideas? | 09:40 |
torpedo|dog | Bromics: if you do ssh -X from whatever remote computer you have which has X Windows, you can run gui applications | 09:40 |
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delire | Bromics: it always has been able to. just need to provide the -X switch and ensure that /etc/ssh/sshd_config has the appropriate setting | 09:41 |
jinxed | HOT, did you find anything yet for win32codec | 09:41 |
Asterix_ | How do I get the top and bottom taskbars to change colors along with my Emerald themes? Is this done by a different program or is Emerald not working right? | 09:41 |
torpedo|dog | for instance if I 'ssh -X', then I can run things like nautilus etc. | 09:41 |
VSpike | Does Evolution have a mode to hide to the status area, and/or put a notification there when new mail arrives? | 09:41 |
Bromics | what if my im trying to ssh from my windows pc to ubuntu? | 09:41 |
HOT | jinxed: yes i said it was w32codecs | 09:41 |
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jrib | !putty > Bromics (see the private message from ubotu) | 09:41 |
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Bromics | yea im using putty on windows now | 09:42 |
delire | Bromics: ensure /etc/ssh/sshd_config has the line "X11Forwarding yes" and then 'ssh -X you@your-friends-machine' | 09:42 |
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torpedo|dog | Bromics: you'd have to install some X server for Windows. You can use Cygwin, I believe. I'm not too familiar with X on Windows. | 09:42 |
VSpike | Bromics: You can use xming from as an xserver | 09:42 |
jinxed | HOT, so i just just add an s to the end of the original apt get thing you told me? | 09:42 |
VSpike | Bromics: it's better than the cygwin one | 09:42 |
HOT | apt-get install w32codecs | 09:42 |
jinxed | HOT, nvm that didn't work yet | 09:42 |
stefg | !info mail-notification | VSpike | 09:42 |
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tarelerulz | tightvnc works for windows | 09:42 |
ubotu | vspike: mail-notification: mail notification in system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0~rc2.dfsg.1-4build1 (feisty), package size 380 kB, installed size 1516 kB | 09:42 |
jamey-uk | When I'm browsing the network it is unbearably slow. When I try to browse a Windows workgroup, it comes back with error "cannot display [name of workgroup] ". How can I get it to work properly? | 09:42 |
deiz | if I run /etc/logrotate.conf every day with cron..will it rotate all system logs, including apaches, automatically? | 09:42 |
Bromics | ok torpedo|dog, VSpike | 09:43 |
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osiris_ | Anyone else have a 8800GTS running feisty? | 09:43 |
Bromics | delire, ok | 09:43 |
VSpike | stefg: thanks, I'll look at that | 09:43 |
stefg | !samba | jamey-uk | 09:43 |
ubotu | jamey-uk: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 09:43 |
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jinxed | hot, that didn't work for me | 09:43 |
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jamey-uk | stefg: okay but it knows that the workgroup exists, why can't it browse it? | 09:44 |
jinxed | Anyone know how I can get streaming wmv to play... what codecs or plugins i would need | 09:44 |
seraphim | mplayer-plugin | 09:44 |
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stefg | jamey-uk: the howto has probably an answer to that | 09:44 |
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zool_ | I'm dual booting on 2 new sata drives but installed Ubuntu before windows, now I can't reinstall GRUB using the alternative CD as I do usually. It spits out "grub-install hd0 failed. This is a fatal error. Does anyone have any ideas? | 09:45 |
tarelerulz | I think xine does wmv too | 09:45 |
jinxed | seraphim, how would i install that | 09:45 |
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tarelerulz | totem does wmv too and it is good media player | 09:45 |
marshall | hey guys | 09:46 |
jamey-uk | stefg: it doesn't seem to, i already glanced at it before. On 6.10 network browsing Just Worked quite quickly; Feisty refuses to show workgroup computers like before. | 09:46 |
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osiris_ | songbird does wmv too and its a kickass media player | 09:46 |
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tarelerulz | What is kick ass about songbird ? | 09:47 |
osiris_ | Everything | 09:47 |
tarelerulz | I am all ways looking for good media play so I am just asking? | 09:47 |
stefg | jamey-uk: sorry i don't know... feisty is quite new and still might contain bugs | 09:47 |
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moauud | join #ubuntu-sa/ | 09:47 |
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jamey-uk | stefg: that's annoying, otherwise feisty is brilliant | 09:48 |
osiris_ | tarelerulz, - watch the webcast | 09:48 |
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ignacio | hola | 09:48 |
osiris_ | tarelerulz, You will see what i mean :) | 09:48 |
ignacio | que tal | 09:48 |
osiris_ | So... Anyone have any graphical jerkyness using nvidia drivers in gnome? | 09:48 |
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tarelerulz | I do see what you mean Osiris that sound pretty cool so far | 09:49 |
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osiris_ | Yes, im using a nightly build at the minute and its brilliant. | 09:49 |
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MenZa | Can anyone help me mount my external harddrive ;/? | 09:49 |
tarelerulz | Speaking of program that do a lot I think Konqueror is pretty great . I mean do alot of file find and surfing the web | 09:49 |
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VSpike | osiris_: it doesn't seem quite as smooth in kde as the nv driver.. is that a known problem? | 09:50 |
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osiris_ | VSpike, I cant even resize a window without having to wait a few seconds for it to catch up :/ | 09:50 |
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jrib | MenZa: filesystem? | 09:50 |
payan | Does anyone knows of a program that automagically generates first, follow and a sintaxis table for a parser using predictive (LL) method???? | 09:50 |
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MenZa | jrib: NTFS | 09:50 |
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MenZa | !ntfs | 09:51 |
amattas | I'm considering switching to ubuntu from gentoo, but I run everything in 64bit mode, so that is my biggest hurdle. I was looking at and looked for kernel 2.6.22 and it says its for x86/x86_64... is it a different image for each, or is it an generic x86 kernel | 09:51 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 09:51 |
Kazol | What program should I download to have transparent windows in dapper? | 09:51 |
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VSpike | osiris_: ah ok.. not that bad.. just on the verge of being perceptible :) | 09:51 |
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kbrooks | amattas, 64 bit is not well developed AT ALL | 09:51 |
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Kazol | How do I get transparent windows in dapper? | 09:51 |
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jrib | Kazol: if you want eyecandy you are better off upgrading imo, see #ubuntu-effects for help though | 09:51 |
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Kazol | jrib: thx | 09:51 |
amattas | so I'm better off to stay with gentoo for 64bit? | 09:52 |
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kbrooks | amattas, in general | 09:52 |
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Parmenion | 09:52 | |
kbrooks | amattas, just use 32 bit for ubuntu. worry about 64 bit when you really need it | 09:52 |
LjL | payan: "apt-cache search parser generator" might help | 09:52 |
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amattas | kbrooks, I like 64bit because the EMT64 instructions are primarily RISC based ;-) | 09:53 |
deiz | can someone explain to me why if I have /etc/cron.daily/logrotate set in cron to run every morning, it isn't splitting and compressing any logs (except dmesg) | 09:53 |
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kbrooks | amattas, 64 bit on ubuntu has some annoyances | 09:53 |
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amattas | good enough answer for me | 09:53 |
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kbrooks | amattas, flash support for one | 09:53 |
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Bromics | how do u edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config? | 09:54 |
payan | LjL: I'll check it out | 09:54 |
kbrooks | amattas, although my info may be out of date | 09:54 |
jsubl2 | kbrooks flash works with nspluginwrapper | 09:54 |
amattas | ah flash support for 64bit works on gentoo with nspluginwrapper | 09:54 |
osiris_ | Bromics, sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 09:54 |
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amattas | what other issues? | 09:54 |
soundray | Bromics: Alt-F2 gksudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 09:54 |
kbrooks | jsubl2, ah ok | 09:54 |
VSpike | Bromics: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 09:54 |
Bromics | osiris_, VSpike, k ty | 09:54 |
osiris_ | np | 09:55 |
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soundray | osiris_: please don't recommend sudo with graphical applications. gksu! | 09:55 |
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osiris_ | heh. ok | 09:55 |
VSpike | stefg: That's a neat program the mail notifier, but the limitation is that it won't monitor multiple folders in a mailbox/imap account/evolution setup :/ | 09:55 |
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LjL | payan: the "antlr" package might look closest to what you want. Wikipedia lists it among the LL parser generators, and it seems quite flexible. JavaCC also seems to be LL. | 09:56 |
stefg | VSpike: true, it's geared mainly towards pop accounts.. | 09:56 |
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amattas | anyone else have any information on 64bit? | 09:56 |
payan | LjL:Thanks | 09:56 |
soundray | amattas: can you ask more specifically? | 09:56 |
jsubl2 | amattas, seems ok to me | 09:56 |
VSpike | stefg: Oh wait... | 09:56 |
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Intangir | every entry on my gnome menu has 2 entrys.. | 09:57 |
LjL | payan: "coco-cs" too. (also, i'd bet that the more known generators, bison etc, have an LL mode) | 09:57 |
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rdesh | i noticed that nvidia drivers in linux support "hardware decoding." what is that in reference to? mpg1/2 decoding? does that mean the video will be more clear/cripser? | 09:57 |
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stefg | VSpike: there's evo-integration, but that needs evo running | 09:57 |
amattas | are majority of the programs compiled for the x86_64 target, or do most of them run in the x86 compatibility mode? | 09:57 |
Bromics | i have ssh installed on ubuntu but how come i still cant ssh into the box with putty? | 09:57 |
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crabgrass | okay, so user 999 now owns my home folder... do i have to go back on a livecd to change this, or is there any way to do it from here via sudo? | 09:58 |
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amattas | Bromics, Did you start the daemon? | 09:58 |
Markieman234 | Hey guys, I'm having some issues setting up my DVB-T card in kubuntu feisty, can anyone help? | 09:58 |
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VSpike | stefg: Yeah, I'm using that. Actually it can be done, sort of. I just point it at my "unread mail" search folder in evolution :) | 09:58 |
osiris_ | soundray, Heard of any graphical lag with 8800gts and latest Nvidia drivers? i cant resize a window without waiting a few seconds for it to catch up. Cant find any answer either | 09:58 |
Bromics | amattas, how do i check if its already started? | 09:58 |
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soundray | amattas: what you install from a amd64.deb package is compiled specifically for the architecture | 09:58 |
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soundray | osiris_: no... have you looked on launchpad? | 09:59 |
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crabgrass | !permissions | 09:59 |
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mjc | osiris_: do you have the nvidia binary driver set up and installed? | 09:59 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see - file permissions are explained at - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 09:59 |
amattas | Bromics, on gentoo I would 'sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start' | 09:59 |
osiris_ | mjc, Yeah | 09:59 |
mjc | osiris_: weird | 09:59 |
mjc | works fine for me | 10:00 |
aoirthoir | what a cool nick ..osiris. | 10:00 |
osiris_ | soundray, I'll check launchpad | 10:00 |
mjc | :P | 10:00 |
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VSpike | crabgrass: something like sudo chown `whoami`:`whoami` /home/`whoami` | 10:00 |
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osiris_ | mjc, What GPU? | 10:00 |
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VSpike | crabgrass: sorry, sudo chown -R `whoami`:`whoami` /home/`whoami` | 10:00 |
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Markieman234 | Hey guys, I'm having some issues setting up my DVB-T card in kubuntu feisty, can anyone help? | 10:00 |
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amattas | soundray, so when I'm looking at the linux-image-2.6.22-1-generic (2.6.22-1.3) package and it says "This package contains the Linux kernel image for version 2.6.22 on x86/x86_64." does that mean its two separate images? | 10:00 |
QuiCkLy | Trk varm? | 10:00 |
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Bromics | amattas, ok | 10:00 |
tgm4883 | markieman234, what card? | 10:00 |
mjc | osiris_: 7300GT x 4 in one box, 8800GTX in the other | 10:01 |
crabgrass | VSpike: replacing `whoami` with my username, yes? | 10:01 |
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Markieman234 | Hauppauge DVB-T Nova T - the firmware is all installed okay and it recognises the device fine | 10:01 |
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Markieman234 | ive followed the FAQ's | 10:01 |
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sdfasdfawef | i added a new ext3 partition to my feisty box, but it wont let me write anything to it. it tells me that i dont have the correct permissions. how do i fix that? | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | but the "scan" command brings the following timeouts: | 10:01 |
VSpike | crabgrass: Should substitude automatically, but yeah you could do that by hand | 10:01 |
Drasmer | Using Fiesty Fawn, got my wireless working but it's transfer rates are horribly low. | 10:01 |
QuiCkLy | Trk varm? | 10:01 |
soundray | amattas: no, in the case of generic kernels, they are configured to load architecture-specific optimizations at runtime. Not very memory-efficient, but hugely convenient. | 10:01 |
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deiz | can someone explain to me why if I have /etc/cron.daily/logrotate set in cron to run every morning, it isn't splitting and compressing any logs (except dmesg)????????? | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | root@markslinuxbocks:/usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t# scan uk-PontopPike -v -v -5 channels.conf | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | scanning uk-PontopPike | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | using '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0' and '/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0' | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | initial transponder 690000000 0 1 9 1 0 0 0 | 10:01 |
Ix0s | !en | QuiCkLy | 10:01 |
ubotu | QuiCkLy: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 10:01 |
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Markieman234 | >>> tuning status == 0x1b | 10:01 |
Drasmer | Is there anyone who might know how to help me troubleshoo it? | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0011 | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0000 | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | WARNING: filter timeout pid 0x0010 | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | dumping lists (0 services) | 10:01 |
Markieman234 | Done. | 10:02 |
Markieman234 | root@markslinuxbocks:/usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t# | 10:02 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
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osiris_ | mjc, 8800GTS here, latest Nvidia binarys installed. Everything says it's working but damn. Minimizing windows, resizing, selecting large amounts of files is so jerky its unreal. | 10:02 |
crabgrass | VSpike: just to make sure | 10:02 |
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pbx | W T F | 10:02 |
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mactimes | Hello | 10:02 |
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crabgrass | VSpike: so sudo chown -R user:user /home/user | 10:02 |
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crabgrass | VSpike: yes? | 10:02 |
Drasmer | Is there anyone who might know how to help me troubleshoot wireless cards? specifically broadcom | 10:02 |
tgm4883 | what faq did you follow? | 10:02 |
mactimes | I'm looking for a command to replace the previously existing "makewhatis". | 10:02 |
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Kazol | How do I close a nonresponding program in ubuntu (like Ctrl+Alt+Del in m$)? | 10:02 |
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heavyhenning | hi can someone help me with this problem i have? | 10:03 |
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Ix0s | !ask | heavyhenning | 10:03 |
ubotu | heavyhenning: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:03 |
msmith | is this working? | 10:03 |
VSpike | crabgrass: yes, replacing user with your name :) | 10:03 |
amattas | soundray I didn't seen any arch specific kernels in the repo listing, are they in a different repo? or is there a sources option? | 10:03 |
mjc | osiris_: anything useful in dmesg ? | 10:03 |
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soundray | Kazol: in edgy/feisty, click the upper right X and wait. If it doesn't respond, it will offer you to force-quit it after a few seconds. | 10:03 |
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heavyhenning | Avahi really annoys me.. It makes my wireless internet go down... | 10:03 |
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QuiCkLy | Trk varm | 10:03 |
crabgrass | VSpike: awesome, just awesome... it worked | 10:03 |
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Kazol | soundray: I have dapper, but I have this "force quit" icon | 10:04 |
tgm4883 | markieman234, did you load cx88_dvb | 10:04 |
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msmith | I'm sorry, I'm just trying to see if anyone can see me, I'm having internet problems | 10:04 |
osiris_ | mjc, Nothing :/ | 10:04 |
heavyhenning | I thing network-manager calls the avahi roaming, when it cant find a dhcp response, am I correct? | 10:04 |
soundray | amattas: no, if you want an architecture-specific kernel, you have to compile it. Not difficult, but not very beneficial. | 10:04 |
VSpike | crabgrass: great :) | 10:04 |
VSpike | msmith: yep, it's working | 10:04 |
Ix0s | QuiCkLy: Join | 10:04 |
msmith | thank you | 10:04 |
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soundray | Kazol: click it, then click the window of the misbehaving program, then follow instructions | 10:04 |
Bromics | amattas, command not found > sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start | 10:04 |
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Kazol | soundray: it's a notification from azureus; I cannot force close it. | 10:05 |
tarelerulz | I love command not found it make me so happy. | 10:05 |
amattas | sudo not found or /etc/init.d/sshd not fuond | 10:05 |
tgm4883 | how would i troubleshoot where problem is with transfering files between 2 computer over NFS. every couple of seconds the transfer stalls, then continues on | 10:05 |
soundray | Kazol: hmm | 10:05 |
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heavyhenning | Can I make network-manager disable avahi as a choice of roaming ? | 10:05 |
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soundray | Kazol: try Alt-F2 xkill -- then click the notification. | 10:05 |
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Bromics | amattas, of course its /etc/init.d/sshd start ? | 10:05 |
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sdfasdfawef | i added a new ext3 partition to my feisty box, but it wont let me write anything to it. it tells me that i dont have the correct permissions. how do i fix that? | 10:05 |
kayef | how can i make all sound and video programs to output to my external usb soundcard?Mplayer and VLC plays thru the built-in sound device only | 10:05 |
msmith | Quit | 10:06 |
soundray | Kazol: failing that, open a terminal and run 'killall azureus' | 10:06 |
amattas | hmm, I don't know then it possibly could be different from what it is on gentoo | 10:06 |
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VSpike | amattas: Isn't it /etc/init.d/ssh start | 10:06 |
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heavyhenning | anyone?? | 10:06 |
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Kazol | soundray: none of the methods work. | 10:06 |
soundray | VSpike: it is. Use sudo though. | 10:06 |
killermach_ | can someone using ubuntu7.04 w/ gnome tell me what your first item is in the system->administration menu? | 10:06 |
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amattas | ssh is usually the client so there's no init script.. I'm not sure, I only have gentoo running :-\ | 10:06 |
heavyhenning | "Brugere & Grupper" | 10:07 |
Drasmer_ | killermach_ keyring manager | 10:07 |
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Bromics | So how do i start SSH client >.< | 10:07 |
rocketronnie | killermach: Gnome Partition Editor | 10:07 |
killermach_ | ok.. thanks.. I thought my menu was broken/lacking A-J items | 10:07 |
Kazol | I have dapper. Is it worth upgrading to Feisty? | 10:07 |
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soundray | Kazol: okay, in that case, you have to step up the effort. Run 'ps ax | grep azu' and see if it shows any lines corresponding to the bad program. | 10:07 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: ssh <name>@<server> | 10:07 |
dan__ | Anyone know how I can get MP3 support for Amarok? | 10:07 |
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heavyhenning | Why won't TOR compile?? It gives me an error, that it cannot find OpenSSL library | 10:07 |
jrib | heavyhenning: why are you compiling it? | 10:08 |
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alex__ | does anyone know why my media players would be freezing up everytime i try and watch a video? | 10:08 |
soundray | kazol: probably not. Generally it's better to do a fresh install. Otherwise you will have to upgrade via edgy. | 10:08 |
jrib | !info tor > heavyhenning | 10:08 |
Drasmer_ | need help troubleshooting my wireless card, can anyone here help me? | 10:08 |
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openforlife | dan__, Add/Remove Ubuntu restricted extras | 10:08 |
heavyhenning | jrib: because the one in the repository is ancient | 10:08 |
jrib | heavyhenning: apt-get build-dep tor | 10:08 |
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dan__ | openforlife, k, thanks, ill try it out. | 10:08 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, no im trying to ssh my ubuntu from my windows. | 10:08 |
Michael | I need guidance on the proper way to uninstall Ubuntu in a dual-boot (Windows XP/Ubuntu) system. | 10:08 |
mag__ | do you know if there is a program that permit me to print a pfd protected ? | 10:08 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: try Putty: | 10:09 |
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heavyhenning | jrib: wow thanks... | 10:09 |
Ix0s | !dualboot | Michael | 10:09 |
ubotu | Michael: Dual boot instructions: (x86/AMD64) - (Macintosh) | 10:09 |
Drasmer_ | i have two laptops here, one using an intel pro wireless on FF, another (this one) using a broadcom wireless card on FF | 10:09 |
killermach_ | I'm trying to use a 1394 dvcamera, I have Kino installed but I don't see where to configure the camera? | 10:09 |
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killermach_ | I tried gscanbus but is segfaulted | 10:09 |
Drasmer_ | the intel is getting amazing transfer speeds, and this one isn't getting but maybe 48 kbps | 10:09 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, i have putty client. I just want to know how to start the SSH daemon | 10:09 |
Drasmer_ | anyone have any ideas? | 10:09 |
osiris_ | [ 0.000000] If you got timer trouble try acpi_use_timer_override | 10:09 |
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jrib | Bromics: it starts automatically after install and on boot, to control it manually: sudo invoke-rc.d start (or stop or restart) | 10:10 |
jrib | Bromics: it starts automatically after install and on boot, to control it manually: sudo invoke-rc.d ssh start (or stop or restart) | 10:10 |
soundray | Drasmer_: perhaps the signal is weak. Does reorientating the antenna help? | 10:10 |
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osiris_ | mjc, know what this means? 0.000000] Nvidia board detected. Ignoring ACPI timer override.If you got timer trouble try acpi_use_timer_override | 10:10 |
rocketronnie | Bronics: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start | 10:10 |
milaks | Does anyone knows of any good snow screen saver or snow desktop effect (like xsnow)? I ask this, because I seem to recall seeing something like that on YouTube in some Ubuntu presentation. | 10:10 |
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dan__ | openforlife: hmmm...i go into add/remove...then what? | 10:10 |
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Bromics | jrib, if that is so. It should be started but somehow i still cant ssh to it via my windows' | 10:10 |
rocketronnie | milaks: that was probably the snow effect in Beryl | 10:11 |
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Bromics | rocketronnie, i already tried that and it didn't work. | 10:11 |
jrib | Bromics: can you ssh to localhost on your computer? | 10:11 |
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soundray | Kazol: you still with me? | 10:11 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: what was the error? | 10:11 |
Drasmer_ | soundray the antennae on my latop top internal wireless card? heh | 10:11 |
Bromics | Jrib, different pc with same IP. | 10:11 |
GaiaX11_ | How can I test this sip ekiga connection? | 10:11 |
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Bromics | rocketronnie, command not found | 10:11 |
GaiaX11_ | Someone could help me? | 10:11 |
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soundray | Drasmer_: precisely that one. It's probably built into your display. | 10:11 |
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jrib | Bromics: then you didn't install ssh successfully | 10:11 |
dan__ | how do i get the mp3 support for amarok? | 10:12 |
milaks | rocketronnie: I have Beryl installed but couldnt find anything about snow in its settings, only about rain. Can you give me a tip about where to look for it? | 10:12 |
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Drasmer_ | i've fooled with it a little bit, nothing is noticably wrong | 10:12 |
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soundray | Drasmer_: what kind of quality reports do you get from 'iwlist wlan0 ap' (substitute your interface name) | 10:12 |
Drasmer_ | soundray, i've pulled off my shell above the kb and the antenna is exposed... somewhat... | 10:12 |
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NBrepresent | is there any way to force a download of a package, ignoring its dependancies? my problem is that i want to download the mysql query browser gui, but it says i have to install mysql.... i already have mysql installed, but not through the package manager (i installed xampp for linux) | 10:12 |
jrib | Bromics: pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 10:12 |
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Bromics | jrib, im already doing that | 10:13 |
NBrepresent | so can i install the query browser anyway, and ignore its dependency on mysql ? | 10:13 |
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dan__ | How do I get the mp3 support for Amarok? | 10:13 |
Asterix_ | How do I get the top and bottom taskbars to change colors along with my Emerald themes? Is this done by a different program or is Emerald not working right? | 10:13 |
soundray | Drasmer_: if you're crafty, you can connect an external one ;) | 10:13 |
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ricmik | Hello! Is it possible to authorize nm-applet to use a network key from the keyring without asking for my password at every boot? | 10:13 |
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tgm4883 | ricmik, feisty? | 10:13 |
Drasmer_ | soundray, i don't understand what's wrong.. i have another laptop getting thousands of kbps right next to me. | 10:13 |
ricmik | tgm4883: yup | 10:13 |
Drasmer_ | like, sitting right next to this one | 10:14 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: check if you have the openssh-server: sudo dpkg -l | grep ssh | 10:14 |
tgm4883 | ricmik, you need libpam-keyring | 10:14 |
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Bromics | jrib, | 10:14 |
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tgm4883 | ricmik, and it only works if your login password is the same as your keyring password | 10:14 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: it should be in that list | 10:14 |
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NBrepresent | is there any way to force a download of a package, ignoring its dependancies? my problem is that i want to download the mysql query browser gui, but it says i have to install mysql.... i already have mysql installed, but not through the package manager (i installed xampp for linux) | 10:14 |
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soundray | Drasmer_: some drivers are just poor, causing low rates. I have that with an rt61 driver. Compiling the CVS version helped a bit. | 10:14 |
ricmik | tgm4883: ah! thanks :) I'll check it out | 10:14 |
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tgm4883 | ricmik, and there is a little setup involved, but ill need to search the forums for it | 10:14 |
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dan__ | how do i get mp3 support for amarok? | 10:14 |
darkhack | Hey all | 10:14 |
ricmik | oh | 10:14 |
jrib | Bromics: *now* you have ssh | 10:14 |
soundray | Drasmer_: I'm logging off now. Hope you can fix it. | 10:14 |
Sergo | hello, can i update 6.04 to latest ubuntu version? | 10:15 |
Sergo | 6.06 | 10:15 |
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Bromics | rocketronnie, yea its it that list. | 10:15 |
jrib | !upgrade > Sergo (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:15 |
tgm4883 | sergo, you have to go through edgy to do that | 10:15 |
myr | breezy! | 10:15 |
soundray | Sergo: only via 6.10. Consider a fresh install, it's easier. | 10:15 |
pike_ | Sergo: answer is yes | 10:15 |
Drasmer_ | anyone able to help me, or direct me where i should go to update my drivers? possibly? | 10:15 |
Bromics | jrib, i already installed that before i asked why it isn't working. | 10:15 |
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Drasmer_ | soundray, btw, that command line didn't work | 10:15 |
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jrib | Bromics: pastebin output of: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start | 10:15 |
coolgeek_ | guys ive added the cpu monitor to my top bar, and excuse me if im just being nieve as im a windows user... but my cpu sits on 46% then for no reason with nothing running it jupms to 100% then back down to 46% | 10:15 |
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Drasmer_ | impeccable timing | 10:16 |
coolgeek_ | but it never seems to change from 100% or 46 % | 10:16 |
Michael | My question has to do with uninustalling Ubuntu, how can I get my system to boot under Windows again. It's more of a GRUB error, error 15 I think. | 10:16 |
pike_ | coolgeek_: well that ain't good :) | 10:16 |
coolgeek_ | pike_: i know! | 10:16 |
Drasmer_ | anyone able to help me, or direct me where i should go to update my drivers? possibly? | 10:16 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: ls /etc/init.d | grep ssh | 10:16 |
pike_ | coolgeek_: run top command in a terminal | 10:16 |
tgm4883 | drasmer_ what drivers | 10:16 |
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coolgeek_ | pike_: im a microsoft engineer... | 10:16 |
coolgeek_ | pike_: but new to linux | 10:16 |
coolgeek_ | pike_: theres something wrong... | 10:16 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: does it return ssh? | 10:16 |
coolgeek_ | ok so the top command | 10:16 |
Bromics | jrib, its a line >>> * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [fail] | 10:16 |
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Bromics | rocketronnie, yup | 10:17 |
xipietotec | I'm having difficulty getting my new Ubiquiti SRC (Atheros 5213 chipset) to work in feisty. The Dlink I'm on right now is working just fine....but it doesn't have 300mW tx =( | 10:17 |
darkhack | Hey allHas anyone updated to kernel yet? | 10:17 |
jrib | Bromics: because the server is already started, I just wanted to verify you didn't get "command not found" | 10:17 |
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Bromics | jrib, the 1st try it return that. | 10:17 |
coolgeek_ | pike_: Ah it looks like it might be bionic thats causing the issue | 10:17 |
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rocketronnie | Bromics: you're definitely using sudo when you run sshd? | 10:17 |
pike_ | coolgeek_: give nice breakdown of cpu | 10:17 |
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jrib | Bromics: you're server is on, now try: ssh localhost | 10:18 |
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Drasmer_ | tgm4883, broadcom 9 series wireless card | 10:18 |
coolgeek_ | pike_: the thing is im sure it was happening before i installed bionic | 10:18 |
joelthejedi | I'm trying to install ubuntu on a computer with a nvidia raid, how to i get linux to recognise it, like what is linux's version of pressing F6 during windows install | 10:18 |
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coolgeek_ | let me uninstall to see | 10:18 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, yes | 10:18 |
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tgm4883 | joelthejedi, i think you need to use the alternate cd | 10:19 |
joelthejedi | huh? | 10:19 |
Drasmer_ | tgm4883, broadcom 4311 | 10:19 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: ps aux | grep ssh | 10:19 |
Bromics | jrib, i still cant ssh to it. | 10:19 |
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jrib | Bromics: did 'ssh localhost' work? | 10:19 |
xipietotec | It'll allow me to set AP, Essid, key, etc. but then it jumps around all over the place as far as signal band goes, and doesn't connect to anything using dhclient (this is annoying me now, since even though I turned Avahi off, when it doesn't connect using dhclient, avahi starts itself anyways!) | 10:19 |
tgm4883 | joelthejedi, are you trying to install from a live cd or the alternate install cd? | 10:19 |
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rocketronnie | Bromics: should so sshd running | 10:19 |
joelthejedi | i was using live | 10:19 |
chuck_tx | How does Ubuntu handle new hardware? Do you have to run the hardware detector again or will it check on boot up? | 10:19 |
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ricmik | tgm4883: I found out that I needed to add @include common-pamkeyring in /etc/pam.d/gdm :) | 10:19 |
joelthejedi | should i use alternate | 10:19 |
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Bromics | jrib, no it didn't. | 10:20 |
tgm4883 | drasmer_, not sure about broadcom | 10:20 |
tgm4883 | ricmik, did you test it? | 10:20 |
jrib | Bromics: want to tell me what did happen? | 10:20 |
xipietotec | chuck_tx, depends on the hardware, alot of hardware is auto-detected without the need to boot | 10:20 |
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joelthejedi | will it give me an opportunity to add new device drivers | 10:20 |
xipietotec | in fact, most hardware is | 10:20 |
ricmik | tgm4883: no I'll just have to reboot | 10:20 |
joelthejedi | for my nvidia raid | 10:20 |
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tgm4883 | ricmik, i think theres more to add | 10:20 |
mattwob | Hi! Stupid question coming up.. In Network Manager in the notifications area, I added a VPN connection, and now I want to connect to my VPN, so I click network manager, VPN Connections, and i can't choose my VPN because its greyed out!!! Any ideas? | 10:20 |
chuck_tx | thanks | 10:20 |
tgm4883 | ricmik, let me check something | 10:20 |
ricmik | tgm4883: ok :) | 10:20 |
Bromics | jrib, i ssh to my ip through my windows with putty. it returned connection failed. | 10:20 |
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Drasmer_ | anyone able to help me, or direct me where i should go to update my drivers? possibly? broadcom 4311 | 10:21 |
HelpMeABit | hello, I've done something so dumb I can't believe that myself. | 10:21 |
jrib | Bromics: "ssh localhost" on your ubuntu machine | 10:21 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, my ssh is running but im not sure why it isn't running | 10:21 |
HelpMeABit | I deleted the bar of started, but minimised applications | 10:21 |
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darkhack | opensuse and ubuntu has update to alot of hardware capability | 10:21 |
HelpMeABit | and I don't mean the opened windows, but the... | 10:21 |
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Bromics | jrib, i already tried both ssh myIP and ssh localhost | 10:21 |
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HelpMeABit | that tray | 10:21 |
mjc | HelpMeABit: right click on the panel and add it again | 10:21 |
jrib | Bromics: but you haven't told me the output when you "ssh localhost" on your ubuntu machine | 10:21 |
mattwob | HeleMeAAbit - its called the notifications area I think | 10:21 |
HelpMeABit | jc, I can't find how it is called | 10:22 |
tgm4883 | ricmik, did you get my pm | 10:22 |
HelpMeABit | jc, I tried... | 10:22 |
jrib | Bromics: I'm guessing your router is not letting you ssh | 10:22 |
ricmik | tgm4883: yeah.. I'll try that :D | 10:22 |
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HelpMeABit | oh! yeah | 10:22 |
Bromics | jrib, it works on my local machine for ubuntu but not for my windows putty | 10:22 |
HelpMeABit | mattwob - thank you very much | 10:22 |
tgm4883 | ricmik,im pretty sure that works, its what i added to mine | 10:22 |
mattwob | No worries :) Now someone, help me!! | 10:22 |
jrib | Bromics: it's a router issue then | 10:22 |
ricmik | tgm4883: nice! thanks :) | 10:22 |
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tgm4883 | ricmik, np | 10:22 |
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Electricity | Hello, how would I cd to var/www? cd ~/var/www/ ? | 10:23 |
Bromics | hmm ok i'll check router then. brb | 10:23 |
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alex__ | does anyone know why totem and xine would freeze when i try and play video (mpeg, avi, etc) it get no error ouput | 10:23 |
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rocketronnie | Bromics: are the the client and server machines on the same local network, or are you accessing your Ubuntu machine remotely? | 10:23 |
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tgm4883 | alex__, are you starting totem through the terminal? | 10:23 |
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alex__ | i've tried both | 10:24 |
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alex__ | freezes both ways | 10:24 |
alex__ | i get no error output | 10:24 |
tgm4883 | alex__, and you get nothing output from the terminal, odd | 10:24 |
alex__ | when i force quit totem, it just says Killed | 10:24 |
gxmzack_ | anyone here gotten a sony laptop webcame working, please PM me | 10:24 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, its on the same local network. different machine. | 10:24 |
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kahrytan | Anyone know how to use recordmydesktop w/ sound? | 10:24 |
alex__ | it worked last night, and i go to play a video today and i get nothing | 10:24 |
Bromics | jrib, which issue would it be with my router? | 10:24 |
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Markieman234 | I've run into a bit of a roadblock with configuring my Hauppauge WinTV Nova T USB2 external card with kubuntu Feisty 7.04. Can anyone help? | 10:25 |
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NaStYdoG | Hi | 10:25 |
alex__ | i haven't changed anything, just ran the updates | 10:25 |
jrib | Bromics: maybe it has a firewall? | 10:25 |
tgm4883 | markieman234, did you load cx88_dvb | 10:25 |
mattwob | Hi! Stupid question coming up.. In Network Manager in the notifications area, I added a VPN connection, and now I want to connect to my VPN, so I click network manager, VPN Connections, and i can't choose my VPN because its greyed out!!! Any ideas? | 10:25 |
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Bromics | jrib, no i never had firewalls on through a router. | 10:25 |
kahrytan | Markieman234: did you check first? | 10:25 |
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Markieman234 | yep, the drivers and firmware are all loaded correctly | 10:26 |
Electricity | Does anyone use mIRC here? | 10:26 |
Markieman234 | it just timeouts when I do a chennel scan | 10:26 |
Markieman234 | **cannel | 10:26 |
jrib | Bromics: if you're just typing the ip that ends up at the router then you need to forward port 22 to the ubuntu box | 10:26 |
mattwob | Are people ignoring me because my question is so dumb :( | 10:26 |
Markieman234 | see here: | 10:26 |
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Markieman234 | | 10:26 |
Electricity | Please highlight me if you can help me with an mIRC script using WINE on Linux/ | 10:26 |
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gxmzack_ | Electricity, why use mirc | 10:27 |
gxmzack_ | use xchat... | 10:27 |
kahrytan | Markieman234: did you ask the folks in #ubuntu-mythtv? | 10:27 |
Electricity | No | 10:27 |
yeti | does ubuntu use special patches to the vanilla 2.6.20 kernel? if so, where can i find a broken-out dir of those patches? | 10:27 |
joeamined | :-D | 10:27 |
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Electricity | mIRC is for scripting. | 10:27 |
ryanakca | Why can't I record sound in Feisty? I have ALSA set, microphone connected & on, input volume up in kmix... I can play sound just fine. | 10:27 |
Electricity | Wait | 10:27 |
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Bromics | jrib, no im sshing into my WAN IP | 10:27 |
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Electricity | Is it possible to move the folder where my localhost files are? | 10:28 |
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tgm4883 | kahrytan, markieman234, is he using mythtv? | 10:28 |
gxmzack_ | idk | 10:28 |
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Drasmer__ | anyone able to help me, or direct me where i should go to update my drivers? possibly? broadcom 4311 | 10:28 |
Electricity | Is it possible to move the folder where my localhost files are? | 10:28 |
kahrytan | tgm4883: I figure they got more experience in working with tv tuners. | 10:28 |
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Markieman234 | this is dvb-utils | 10:28 |
ryanakca | Why can't I record sound in Feisty? I have ALSA set, microphone connected & on, input volume up in kmix... I can play sound just fine. lspci shows this as my sound card: 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) | 10:28 |
rocketronnie | ryankca: is 'Analog Mix' turned up in Alsamixer in Capture view? | 10:28 |
Markieman234 | mythtv spits out similar errors though | 10:28 |
mattwob | Anyone else get VPN working in festy? Do I need to do anything to enable VPN? | 10:29 |
Markieman234 | and kaffeine tunes but dosn't pick up any channels | 10:29 |
tgm4883 | kahrytan, true | 10:29 |
ryanakca | rocketronnie: Alsamixer? | 10:29 |
ryanakca | rocketronnie: I have KMix open | 10:29 |
openforlife | Drasmer_, tried ndiswrapper? lets you use windows drivers | 10:29 |
Drasmer__ | I need help removing drivers, I'm not familiar with terminal commands, and in order to follow a tutorial (very vague) i need to remove drivers, and add things to blacklists. need help | 10:29 |
Electricity | Is it possible to move the folder where my localhost files are? | 10:29 |
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ryanakca | rocketronnie: I can get you a screenshot if you wish | 10:30 |
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pike_ | !blacklist | Drasmer__ | 10:30 |
ubotu | Drasmer__: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 10:30 |
rocketronnie | ryanakca: is there an Analog Mix slider? | 10:30 |
jrib | Bromics: I don't know then | 10:30 |
kahrytan | Anyone know how to use recordmydesktop w/ sound? | 10:30 |
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Markieman234 | any thoughts guys? it would come much appreciated :) | 10:30 |
VSpike | kmix | 10:30 |
Electricity | Is it possible to move the folder where my localhost files are? | 10:30 |
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Bromics | jrib, ok thanks for trying :) | 10:30 |
Electricity | !localhost > Electricity | 10:31 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: are you sure you have the right IP. Running ifconfig on the Ubuntu box will give you local IP | 10:31 |
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mattwob | Last attempt: In Network Manager in the notifications area, I added a VPN connection, and now I want to connect to my VPN, so I click network manager, VPN Connections, and i can't choose my VPN because its greyed out!!! Any ideas? | 10:31 |
Markieman234 | FMI | 10:31 |
Drasmer__ | pike, i still need help adding that line. Remember i'm really new to this... is there a txt file there somewhere? or do i have to run that command with terminal in that directory? or what | 10:31 |
Drasmer__ | it's very vague. | 10:31 |
BlackAnthrax | i have a .bin disk image, how do i mount it, or convert it to an iso? | 10:31 |
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jrib | BlackAnthrax: bchunk | 10:31 |
jo1 | hello | 10:31 |
BlackAnthrax | jrib: what is that? | 10:31 |
ryanakca | rocketronnie: would that be 'PCM' ? I managed to hear a whisper playback when I'm screaming into the mic, with the mic right next to my mouth. | 10:31 |
Electricity | Is it possible to move the folder where my localhost files are? | 10:31 |
LjL | BlackAnthrax: a program that converts it to an iso... | 10:32 |
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LjL | !info bchunk > BlackAnthrax | 10:32 |
troeee_ | salut les gens | 10:32 |
tarelerulz | is there lib you can get to play mp3 for you media players ? | 10:32 |
wceoscar | Ok, i Installed Beagle, the only problem is that im not sure where its locates, not on Aplications, where else could it be??????????????????? | 10:32 |
tgm4883 | markieman234, head on over to #ubuntu-mythtv and ask there | 10:32 |
ryanakca | hey troeee_ | 10:32 |
Electricity | LjL: Is it possible to change where my localhost files are loaded? | 10:32 |
Markieman234 | chhers, thanks :) | 10:32 |
LjL | Electricity: what are your localhost files? | 10:32 |
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kahrytan | Anyone know how to use recordmydesktop w/ sound? | 10:32 |
alex__ | what codecs do i need to play and mpeg in totem? | 10:32 |
LjL | !mp3 > tarelerulz (tarelerulz, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:32 |
Drasmer__ | pike, i still need help adding that line. Remember i'm really new to this... is there a txt file there somewhere? or do i have to run that command with terminal in that directory? or what | 10:32 |
LjL | !codecs > alex__ (alex__, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:33 |
Electricity | For LAMP, /var/www/, can I change that foler? | 10:33 |
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Electricity | folder* | 10:33 |
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jrib | wceoscar: places > search | 10:33 |
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LjL | Electricity: in the .conf file of apache (somewhere in /etc/apache2), i'd assume | 10:33 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, could u try ssh to my ip and see if u can connect? | 10:33 |
Electricity | Kay thanks | 10:33 |
kahrytan | tgm4883: is there such thing as device address for alsa? | 10:33 |
jo1 | I am just installed edgy and "Lithuanian US keuboard with lithuanian letters" do not work, it works as regular us keyboard layout, please help me | 10:33 |
ryanakca | troeee_: tu veux probablement le canal #ubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et des conversations en franais. | 10:33 |
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Ix0s | kahrytan: By any chance is it for teamspeak? | 10:33 |
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isti | hyy | 10:33 |
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kahrytan | ix0s: what? | 10:34 |
mattwob | Last attempt: In Network Manager in the notifications area, I added a VPN connection, and now I want to connect to my VPN, so I click network manager, VPN Connections, and i can't choose my VPN because its greyed out!!! Any ideas? | 10:34 |
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Ix0s | kahrytan: Just wondering if you need the ALSA device drive for teamspeak, gonna say use alsa-oss | 10:34 |
isti | could someone show me some very good games on ubuntu ? PLS | 10:34 |
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Electricity | LjL, apache2.conf? | 10:34 |
kahrytan | ix0s: Im trying to figure out how to get ALSA to work with recordmydesktop? | 10:35 |
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LjL | Electricity: yes... | 10:35 |
Electricity | LjL, I did not find it in there. | 10:35 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, I think i figure it out. Somehow i can only connect via my router IP but not WAN IP. | 10:35 |
tgm4883 | kahrytan, i believe so | 10:35 |
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kahrytan | tgm4883: How do I find it? | 10:35 |
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clever[rev] | i cant get this peice of bash script to work right | 10:35 |
clever[rev] | if [ `lspci|grep 02:03.0 -q` ] ; then | 10:35 |
clever[rev] | its allways running the else section | 10:35 |
clever[rev] | even when that grep finds nothing | 10:35 |
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LjL | Electricity: grep -R "var/www" /etc/apache2/ | 10:36 |
rocketronnie | Bromics: can you seen an IP running the following command: ifconfig | 10:36 |
tgm4883 | kahrytan, that im not sure about, i had to play around with it so my laptop would play mp3s out of my car stereo (usb connection) | 10:36 |
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ExIG | can anyone point me to a guide for installing low latency kernel on feisty? | 10:36 |
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xtknight | ExIG, sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency | 10:37 |
kahrytan | tgm4883: Darn. | 10:37 |
xtknight | that's all | 10:37 |
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ExIG | k thanks | 10:37 |
isti | could someone show me some good games or games sites on ubuntu ? PLS | 10:37 |
ryanakca | rocketronnie: hmm... looks like I'm not the only one with troubles with my sound card. | 10:37 |
demonspork | How do I increase my screen resolution to a higher resolution than the resolution switcher offers? | 10:37 |
Bromics | rocketronnie, yea i can. can u ssh to my box? cos if u cant its something to do with my configs. cos i could only ssh to ubuntu through the DNS | 10:37 |
tgm4883 | kahrytan, sorry i couldn't be more help | 10:37 |
LjL | !games > isti (isti, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:37 |
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Electricity | LjL, what do I do with what it said? | 10:37 |
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isti | thhy | 10:37 |
isti | thx | 10:37 |
isti | !games | 10:37 |
LjL | Electricity: it tells you which files in /etc/apache2 contain the string "/var/www", so it should be quite obvious what to change, now | 10:37 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on and and | 10:37 |
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Electricity | LjL | 10:37 |
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LjL | isti, you know, private messages, you get a new window with them. | 10:38 |
dan__ | What is GStream error? | 10:38 |
shirish | guys I have already installed the w32codecs but still mplayer doesn't lemme play .rm file | 10:38 |
rrreptile | trying to update from java 1.4.2 to 1.5. keep getting failed dependencies errors - glibc | 10:38 |
LjL | shirish: then get realplayer | 10:38 |
rrreptile | how do i install glibc? | 10:38 |
isti | oh sorry i am new here | 10:38 |
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Electricity | Ok, I see it, to change to .wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC would I use ~/.wine? | 10:38 |
LjL | rrreptile: glibc is installed. how are you trying to install java? | 10:38 |
shirish | LjL: there is no other way? | 10:38 |
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mjc | anyone have anything neat to check out in feisty, for servers? | 10:38 |
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jrib | rrreptile: install libc6-dev with your favorite package manager | 10:39 |
kahrytan | Anyone know how to setup recordmydesktop w/ ALSA? | 10:39 |
LjL | mjc: yes, there is the Festival of Generic Questions just upcoming | 10:39 |
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joseph__ | hello can some one please help me set up a gigabit network adapter? | 10:39 |
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LjL | !pm | rrreptile | 10:39 |
ubotu | rrreptile: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 10:39 |
mc44 | LjL: why? | 10:39 |
LjL | rrreptile, for what reason are you installing Java from an RPM, precisely...? | 10:39 |
LjL | mc44: why what? | 10:39 |
mc44 | LjL: exactly | 10:40 |
dan__ | When I try to tag a file in Rhythm Box it gives me a GStream error. what is that? | 10:40 |
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tgm4883 | kahrytan, try "aplay -l" from terminal, it may help you | 10:40 |
rrreptile | lil - trying to install aptana ide- | 10:40 |
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joseph__ | anyone know how to setup a gigabit network adapter or how to add the drivers? | 10:41 |
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Electricity | LjL, I do sudo chmod 755 FILE, right? | 10:41 |
freez | yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah | 10:41 |
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freez | i love you people | 10:41 |
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LjL | rrreptile: uhm, ok, yet why can't you just use the official packages from the Ubuntu repositories? | 10:41 |
xtknight | freez, the people love you too...i think | 10:41 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, what card, what ubuntu? | 10:41 |
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freez | feisty rocks | 10:41 |
xtknight | they love questions better though ;) | 10:41 |
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LjL | freez: i don't love random spam, please use #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:41 |
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freez | finely got sound and my network adpater is detected by the system | 10:41 |
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freez | i just want to say that i love you all | 10:42 |
kahrytan | tgm4883: interesting but making it work with recordmydesktop is confusing. | 10:42 |
freez | nice day | 10:42 |
joseph__ | tgm4883 the card is a gigabit sy-via-ga and the it ubuntu 7.04 | 10:42 |
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freez | and keep up the good work | 10:42 |
Doctordoog | how would I go about using the partitioner the ubuntu setup has, so that I could resize my partitions to make way for a new one without damaging my files? | 10:42 |
rrreptile | lil - have a link to the official repositories? | 10:42 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, can you pastebin a lspci output? | 10:42 |
xtknight | Doctordoog, "sudo apt-get install gparted && gksu gparted" | 10:42 |
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shirish | Hi all, I have installed ntfs-3g, how do I give permissions to write to an NTFS partition? | 10:42 |
mjc | LjL: festival of generic questions? heh | 10:43 |
kahrytan | tgm4883: The preferences are looking for ALSA sound devices and starts with hw: | 10:43 |
xtknight | shirish, umask=0022 on the fstab line | 10:43 |
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tgm4883 | kahrytan | 10:43 |
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Electricity | HELP | 10:43 |
LjL | Electricity: in order to do what? | 10:43 |
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STORDY | < Un SaLuTo a TuTto #ubuntu > | 10:43 |
shirish | xtknight: hey, btw I want the permissions for this session only, not all the time | 10:43 |
xtknight | !it | 10:43 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 10:43 |
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jrib | xtknight: that wouldn't give write though? | 10:43 |
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joseph__ | tgm4883 I am not sure how to do that | 10:43 |
xtknight | jrib, ah well it would depending on uid= | 10:43 |
Electricity | LjL, I go to edit it in those files it gave me, but it says I do not have the permission | 10:43 |
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tgm4883 | kahrytan, i vaguely remember that, you have to do something like hw:1:1 and play around until it works, its what i did with my car | 10:43 |
joseph__ | tgm4883 what is the cammand lie? | 10:43 |
Doctordoog | xtknight: okay, so when I do that and I have to unmount my partition (it's all one partition, wether this is a good philosophy or not, I want to resize it) that won't affect my computer's functionality? | 10:44 |
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xtknight | jrib, but you're right not for Users or Others | 10:44 |
jrib | xtknight: true, didn't notice that first 0 | 10:44 |
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joseph__ | tgm4883 what is the command line | 10:44 |
LjL | Electricity: well the files need to be edited as root of course | 10:44 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, have you used the terminal | 10:44 |
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joseph__ | yes | 10:44 |
xtknight | Doctordoog, unmounting does not write anything to the partition | 10:44 |
Electricity | LjL, I was trying to use gedit =\ | 10:44 |
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LjL | Electricity, i assume the site you're trying to set up is for your local network, and you're behind a firewall? | 10:44 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, terminal == comandline | 10:44 |
xtknight | shirish, this session only? | 10:44 |
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joseph__ | tgm4883 yes what is the command line for the termina; | 10:44 |
LjL | Electricity: why not? "gksudo gedit <filename>" gives you a root gedit. | 10:44 |
xtknight | shirish, ah so just use the muont cmd in terminal | 10:44 |
tgm4883 | for all intensive purposes anyway | 10:44 |
LjL | !sudo > Electricity (Electricity, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:44 |
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xtknight | shirish, instead of permanently editing the Fstab | 10:44 |
foug | does anyone have a logitech MX 610? | 10:44 |
tgm4883 | lspci | 10:44 |
Electricity | gRR HIGHLIGHTS. | 10:44 |
Doctordoog | alright, so I just unmount it and resize it and make my new partition, save and everything's okay? | 10:44 |
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shirish | xtknight: so it would be mount /media/partition right? | 10:45 |
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joseph__ | tgm4883 I have the terminal up what do I do from here | 10:45 |
|chiz| | foug: have one of those | 10:45 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, do "lspci" in the terminal, then post it on pastebin and give us a link | 10:45 |
xtknight | shirish, here this will give you all permissions temporarily, "sudo mount -t ntfs -o umask=0000 /dev/sda1 /media/partition" | 10:45 |
xtknight | i believe | 10:45 |
foug | |chiz|: have you gotten your side buttons working properly? | 10:45 |
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xtknight | there wouldnt happen to be Monkeys Audio (APE) support in the repositories anywhere? | 10:46 |
joseph__ | tgm4883 what is pastbin? | 10:46 |
|chiz| | foug: I don't use it becuase it 2.4ghz, I did see a tutorial on how to set those up in xorg.conf, what have you tried so far? | 10:46 |
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Bromics | !pastebin joseph__ | 10:46 |
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tgm4883 | !pastebin | 10:46 |
Electricity | LjL, if I wanted to use /home/owner/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC how would I do it? | 10:46 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:46 |
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kahrytan | tgm4883: default is hw:0,0 | 10:46 |
Electricity | Just ~/.wine/blah? | 10:47 |
dan__ | What is a GStream error? | 10:47 |
joseph__ | tgm4883 what is pastebin? | 10:47 |
agresor | how to make my NTFS partition writable ? | 10:47 |
agresor | I can just read | 10:47 |
xtknight | !ntfs-3g | agresor | 10:47 |
ubotu | agresor: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 10:47 |
foug | |chiz|: I tried following a tutorial using !mouse but it didn't worked. Currently the two buttons mimic middle click and right click. It's like ubuntu doesn't see them as buttons of their own i think. | 10:47 |
joseph__ | pastebin | 10:47 |
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tgm4883 | !pastebin joseph__ | 10:47 |
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|chiz| | foug: are you using the tutorial on | 10:47 |
web_knows | anyone around using amaroK on Ubuntu? | 10:47 |
mc44 | Electricity: there are lots of irc programs in ubuntu, why use miRC? | 10:48 |
Slart | web_knows: I am | 10:48 |
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joseph__ | pastebin | 10:48 |
blue-frog | web_knows: sometimes | 10:48 |
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tgm4883 | joseph__ do !pastebin | 10:48 |
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Slart | mc44: he's a script-god on mirc =)= | 10:48 |
joseph__ | !pastebin | 10:48 |
Electricity | mc44, the Scripting | 10:48 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:48 |
joseph__ | 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82P965/G965 Memory Controller Hub (rev 02) | 10:48 |
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joseph__ | 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82P965/G965 PCI Express Root Port (rev 02) | 10:48 |
dan__ | Can anyone help? :( | 10:48 |
joseph__ | 00:1a.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI #4 (rev 02) | 10:48 |
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ab0oo | what's the command line cmd to reconfigure network interfaces, please? | 10:48 |
kahrytan | Anyone know how to setup recordmydesktop w/ ALSA? | 10:48 |
joseph__ | 00:1a.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI #5 (rev 02) | 10:48 |
foug | |chiz|: the one where it tells you to mess with xorg.conf and imwheelrc? That's the one I tried. And when I searched the forums I didn't find anything either | 10:48 |
joseph__ | 00:1a.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB2 EHCI #2 (rev 02) | 10:48 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, STOP | 10:48 |
web_knows | Slart, works well within gnome environment? | 10:48 |
joseph__ | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 10:49 |
web_knows | blue-frog, same question to you :) | 10:49 |
Electricity | LjL, I changed them in the files, it's still using /var/www/... | 10:49 |
joseph__ | 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 02) | 10:49 |
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joseph__ | 00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express Port 2 (rev 02) | 10:49 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, STOP | 10:49 |
joseph__ | 00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) PCI Express Port 3 (rev 02) | 10:49 |
joseph__ | 00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI #1 (rev 02) | 10:49 |
blue-frog | web_knows: works alright with me | 10:49 |
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joseph__ | 00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI #2 (rev 02) | 10:49 |
joseph__ | 00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) USB UHCI #3 (rev 02) | 10:49 |
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tgm4883 | joseph__, im not looking though that crap and your pissing everyone off | 10:49 |
jrib | !paste | joseph__ | 10:49 |
web_knows | blue-frog, sounds great :) cool | 10:49 |
ubotu | joseph__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:49 |
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web_knows | I gonna get rid of rythmbox ... | 10:49 |
|chiz| | foug: you restarted X after you made you changes right? | 10:50 |
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ab0oo | is there a dpkg-configure target I can run that lets me set up my network interfaces? | 10:50 |
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foug | |chiz|: yes | 10:50 |
Slart | web_knows: sure.. it works allright.. haven't noticed any problems | 10:50 |
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web_knows | Slart, did you install it compiling? | 10:50 |
web_knows | or pkg | 10:50 |
foug | |chiz|: and It made my scrolling mess up when I tried to edit it myself. I tried the buttons to "7" and did something else. | 10:50 |
pike_ | oh how i hate feisty.. every machine ive installed it on "io support = 0 (default 16-bit)" | 10:50 |
jrib | !tr | asdas | 10:50 |
ubotu | asdas: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 10:50 |
shirish | xtknight: this is my fdisk -l | 10:50 |
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Electricity | LjL, in the files, I changed it to ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC/ but it's still where it used to be | 10:50 |
xipietotec | is avahi-autoipd supposed to start if dhclient fails, and you've unchecked the box in network-manager? | 10:50 |
tgm4883 | joseph__, put all that in pastebin and give us a link | 10:50 |
Slart | web_knows: I installed it from their repository.. directly from the amarok-people | 10:50 |
shirish | xtknight: I want to use D: or E: for this time around | 10:50 |
Slart | web_knows: I couldn't get the ubuntu one to work properly | 10:51 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*] by jrib | ||
xtknight | shirish, C:=/dev/sda1, D:=/dev/sda5, E:=/dev/sda6 ?? | 10:51 |
xtknight | guessing.. | 10:51 |
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shirish | xtknight: right, absolutely | 10:51 |
omha | w00t, I'm maybe getting a new laptop tomorrow :D | 10:51 |
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sb73542 | hello, is anyone aware of progress being made in fixing some major kde guidance / kcontrol bugs in kubuntu 7.04? | 10:51 |
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Electricity | jrib, if I pastebin my apache2 file, will you look at it and tell me why it's still using /var/www? | 10:51 |
xtknight | shirish, okay. "sudo mkdir -p /media/D && sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o umask=0000 /dev/sda5 /media/D" | 10:52 |
xtknight | for example | 10:52 |
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omha | anyone experienced with medion and returning windows licenses? | 10:52 |
xtknight | i think | 10:52 |
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rogue780|laptop | how do I change my default keyboard scheme? | 10:52 |
Ix0s | This channel will get a whole lot busier if dell decides to choose ubuntu to sell pre-installed :P | 10:52 |
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jrib | Electricity: I can try I suppose, but just ask the channel so everyone can help | 10:52 |
LjL | Electricity: erm, your Apache isn't running as your own user, and "~" as /home/electricity is only valid for your *own* user (as long as it's called "electricity") - (jrib see) | 10:52 |
iyork | i'm not getting any sound on a thinkpad t23. i do get system beep, but no cd, wav, etc in gnome. where might i start looking to address this? | 10:52 |
LjL | Electricity: you want to type the *full* path. | 10:52 |
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tim167 | how do i find the process ID of Firefox ? (I tried 'pidof mozilla-firefox' and some variations...) thanks! | 10:52 |
Electricity | So /home/owner? | 10:52 |
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web_knows | the point is that amarok is 100 times superior to rythmbox | 10:52 |
LjL | Electricity: yes. if you just start a Nautilus, it'll show you the filesystem is like that | 10:53 |
Slart | tim167: ps -A | grep -i firefox | 10:53 |
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tgm4883 | rogue780|laptop, system>preferences>keyboard | 10:53 |
tim167 | Slart thanks! | 10:53 |
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Otacon22 | After upgrade to 7.04 alsa driver don't work yet, but esd and oss yes, why? how can i fix? | 10:53 |
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mactimes | hello | 10:53 |
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Slart | tim167: ps -A gives you all processes.. grep -i searches (-i means non case dependant search) | 10:53 |
Electricity | <Directory /home/owner/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC/> <-- I got that, still no change | 10:54 |
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tim167 | Slart, very handy indeed :) | 10:54 |
LjL | jrib: what i said, since he told you he was about to pastebin stuff to you... but since i know that what he's trying to do is point Apache to his mIRC folder, i think i can tell in advance that ~/.wine/blah/mIRC won't do it :) | 10:54 |
Slart | tim167: if you just want to kill it you can use "sudo pkill firefox" or get an app called xkill that lets you click on the window of the app you want to kill | 10:54 |
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jrib | LjL: ah ok | 10:54 |
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LjL | Electricity: you need to escape space. either put that inside quotes, or put a \ before the space | 10:55 |
erov | if i just change my rep's to Edgy (instead of Dapper) and apply upgrades with Synaptic will this upgrade me to edgy (im not using the gnome desktop.. custom fluxbox compile) | 10:55 |
walkintome | whats the best search/indexer for ubuntu feisty? | 10:55 |
Electricity | LjL, what do I do with it? | 10:55 |
mactimes | I'm trying to compile a C application which uses gtk and glade. But when I compile, gcc can't find libraries gtk/gtk.h and glade/glade.h . I guess they're not on the path for libraries. How can I fix it? | 10:55 |
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tim167 | Slart even better, how did you guess I had to kill firefox ? ;) | 10:55 |
Slart | walkintome: beagle is popular.. don't know if it's the best | 10:55 |
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kahrytan | Ubuntu Sucks for SOund recording | 10:55 |
Electricity | So blah.../Program\ Files/blah... LjL? | 10:55 |
Slart | tim167: wild stab in the dark =) | 10:55 |
LjL | Electricity, either <Directory "/home/owner/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/mIRC/"> or <Directory /home/owner/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/mIRC/> | 10:55 |
jrib | mactimes: what are you compiling? | 10:55 |
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foug | |chiz|: any ideas? I didn't really understand much of what imwheel was talking about | 10:55 |
shirish | xtknight: while this is what shows up in nautilus, I want the B02 partition | 10:55 |
jedix | can someone tell me why there's no include/linux/config.h in linux-headers or linux-source for 2.6.20-15? | 10:55 |
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shirish | xtknight: | 10:56 |
mactimes | jrib, I'm developing a forensics tool or unix-based systems | 10:56 |
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Electricity | LjL, It's STILL pointing to /var/www/...and i need it to point to my mIRC dir.. | 10:56 |
tim167 | Slart, it crashed on a java applet playing a i had to do it, i had no choice ;) | 10:56 |
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jrib | mactimes: you need the -dev package to get the headers | 10:56 |
jrib | !compiling > mactimes (see the private message from ubotu) | 10:56 |
iyork | are there sound issues (IE lack of sound) with 7.04? | 10:57 |
Slart | tim167: mm.. flash and java works on linux.. but it's got some way to go when it comes to stability | 10:57 |
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mactimes | jrib, I have them and can even find them manually, but gcc doesn't | 10:57 |
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shirish | guys is there a graphical to give write permissions to ntfs parttions? | 10:57 |
Electricity | LjL, I did that and it's still pointing to /var/www/ | 10:57 |
Slart | tim167: perhaps java will improve when sun releases the sources | 10:57 |
jrib | mactimes: how are you executing gcc? | 10:57 |
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|chiz| | foug: it say there that: "If you want the wheel scroll button to scroll in firefox rather than the side buttons make "ZAxisMapping" "6 7" and "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 4 5"." | 10:57 |
walkintome | does anyone know how to install the nvidia driver for a geforce 7800gtx without using the restircted drivers manmager? (its not working) | 10:57 |
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Fox_Mind | hello every body | 10:57 |
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xtknight | shirish, hey i have to go for a few... | 10:58 |
LjL | Electricity, when i do the "grep" thing on my /etc/apache directory, it gives me *four* occurrences. did you change all four? | 10:58 |
xtknight | i'll be back in maybe 20 minutes | 10:58 |
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mactimes | jrib, gcc -o output source.c // but the gtk/gtk.h and glade/glade.h are included in the source code | 10:58 |
shirish | xtknight: ok sure | 10:58 |
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tim167 | Slart, oh i thought they did already ? | 10:58 |
Slart | shirish: I would try right-clicking on the mountpoint in nautilus.. but I'm not sure.. just something to try | 10:58 |
foug | |chiz|: no my scrolling works fine in firefox. I need to configure my side buttons so I can use them as key bindings in a game. | 10:58 |
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mactimes | jrib, as per documentation from gtk and glade | 10:58 |
damageDOne | can anyone tell me how to make spanish characters in ubuntu | 10:58 |
foug | |chiz|: i just need to make ubuntu recognize them as other buttons, and not mirror other buttons | 10:58 |
shirish | Slart: I know that, but tht just mounts the partition I guess | 10:58 |
Electricity | LjL, I believe so | 10:58 |
Slart | tim167: oh? I have no idea.. I just knew it was coming... I thought we'd instantly see some new java projects popping up.. | 10:58 |
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LjL | Electricity: then sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart | 10:59 |
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mactimes | jrib, they should be in the standard lib paths | 10:59 |
Electricity | Ohes | 10:59 |
LjL | Electricity: (or apache restart, if that's what you have installed) | 10:59 |
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Slart | shirish: I meant, right click and properties | 10:59 |
mactimes | jrib, but I don't know how to change it. | 10:59 |
jrib | mactimes: search for a gtk helloworld, you need to do stuff like gcc -o `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk-2.0` foo.c | 10:59 |
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jrib | mactimes: | 10:59 |
Slart | shirish: there are some permission-stuff in there from whatI recall | 10:59 |
Electricity | LjL, apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 10:59 |
rogue780|laptop | tgm4883, I don't have a normal graphical there a way to do it throught the command line? | 10:59 |
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mactimes | jrib, I'll try | 10:59 |
shirish | Slart: right, all the permissions are given only to root | 10:59 |
JJ2 | sorry about all that | 11:00 |
LjL | Electricity: probably means your /etc/hosts isn't too good. shouldn't be a real issue. | 11:00 |
damageDOne | can anyone tell me how to make spanish characters in ubuntu? | 11:00 |
jrib | mactimes: there was a mistake in the command I said btw | 11:00 |
BraddX | I, I'm wondering, is it easy to get Compiz running on fiesty? | 11:00 |
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tim167 | Slart, not sure either, just guesses based on rumors ... | 11:00 |
LjL | damageDOne: System / Preferences / Keyboard layout or whatever it's called? | 11:00 |
Electricity | LjL, dang thing STILL is pointing to /var/www | 11:00 |
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Slart | shirish: ah.. then you either have to a) run nautilus as root and change the permissions... or b) do is using the command line and sudo | 11:00 |
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mactimes | jrib, isn't there a way to put those headers in the standard search path? | 11:00 |
Electricity | LjL, here is my /etc/apache2/default: | 11:00 |
JJ2 | I was wondering if anyone could offer me any insight as to setting up a wintv usb tv tuner card with ubuntu... | 11:00 |
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Slart | shirish: running nautilus as root can be done by typing "sudo nautilus" at a command prompt | 11:01 |
JJ2 | when I scantv I get vbi: open failed [/dev/vbi0] open /dev/vbi0: Invalid argument | 11:01 |
mactimes | jrib, so that I can use them directry from the source code? | 11:01 |
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BraddX | does anyone know how hard it is to get compiz running on Fiesty? | 11:01 |
cal | Hi guys a minor issue, I have a seperate partition mounted (which I want mounted) but I don't want it to appear on my desktop, how can I stop it? | 11:01 |
damageDOne | LjL: I don't see anything obvious there that shows spanish characters | 11:01 |
BraddX | or if it's difficult at all? | 11:01 |
nevermore | BraddX: doesn't Feisty coem with Compiz | 11:02 |
nevermore | "Desktop effects" | 11:02 |
cal | BraddX: Mostly you just click enable | 11:02 |
iyork | damageDOne remove the sym link in ~/Desktop | 11:02 |
BraddX | lol, ok, sorry. | 11:02 |
kahrytan | Why isn't Sound Recorder recording from Mic? | 11:02 |
iyork | erm oops | 11:02 |
iyork | that was for cal | 11:02 |
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damageDOne | iyork: what does that do? | 11:02 |
LjL | damageDOne: it doesn't *show* spanish characters, but you can select a spanish keyboard layout there. and/or tell it that you want US layout (or whatever you have) and spanish layout to be switchable. | 11:02 |
jedix | so.. | 11:02 |
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Slart | kahrytan: I think it, by default, records from pcm too.. you can change it in the volume manager thingy | 11:02 |
damageDOne | iyork: Ah | 11:02 |
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cal | BraddX: Sometimes its more difficult, which graphics card do you have? | 11:02 |
kahrytan | slart: I did. | 11:03 |
jedix | anyone know where include/linux/config.h went? | 11:03 |
shirish | Slart: negative, doing sudo or gksudo nautilus, doesn't show the ntfs partitions | 11:03 |
Electricity | LjL, do you want my default and 000-default? | 11:03 |
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cal | Thanks iyork | 11:03 |
LjL | damageDOne: or try setting the international US layout, which should have some accents when you press AltGr+keys. | 11:03 |
cal | how do I do that? lol | 11:03 |
LjL | Electricity: no they're symlinks | 11:03 |
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jrib | mactimes: usually, you create a Makefile and then just call "make" | 11:03 |
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tgm4883 | rogue780|laptop, its sudo dpkg-reconfigure-*package* but im not sure what package it would be | 11:03 |
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rogue780|laptop | does anyone know how to change the default keyboard scheme with the command line | 11:03 |
ubuntu | hi there, im using the fiesty live cd and have this problem ( ) others have had this issue when installing java on the livecd, anyone know how to get java working? | 11:03 |
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BraddX | cal, no graphics card... running on oldschool AMD | 11:03 |
kahrytan | Why isn't Sound Recorder recording from Mic? | 11:03 |
rogue780|laptop | tgm, I'll look into that | 11:03 |
Electricity | LjL, they are what you gave me using quotes, and still pointing to /var/www, please check here: | 11:03 |
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BraddX | HP pavilion :/ | 11:04 |
shirish | anybody here running fishshell ? | 11:04 |
nevermore | how does one install java in feisty? | 11:04 |
mc44 | rogue780|laptop: xmodmap | 11:04 |
BlackAnthrax | long story short, i had deluge (bitorrent) running, my system locked up (trying a new game), i cntrol-alt-backspaced, and now deluge won't start. i have tried uninstalling it, restarting, installing, etc, but now i get this messaged when trying to start from terminal. deluge_core; using libtorrent Compiled with NDEBUG value: 1 | 11:04 |
cal | BraddX: Generally compiz won't run without a graphics card. | 11:04 |
BlackAnthrax | Applying preferences | 11:04 |
BlackAnthrax | Raising error: | 11:04 |
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BlackAnthrax | deluge_core; using libtorrent Compiled with NDEBUG value: 1 | 11:04 |
BlackAnthrax | terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::filesystem::filesystem_error' what(): boost::filesystem::default_name_check: default name check already set | 11:04 |
ubuntu | nevermore: i am having some problems installing java myself. | 11:04 |
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BlackAnthrax | Aborted (core dumped) | 11:04 |
Slart | shirish: hmm.. it doesn't? odd.. well. it's the command line then =/ | 11:04 |
mactimes | jrib, I'm coming from Win32 development, I'm not very used to makefiles | 11:04 |
shirish | Slart: how please guide | 11:04 |
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LjL | Electricity, i just tried and it works for me (not with that specific directory though, of course). are you sure it isn't just a matter of, say, telling your web browser to refresh the page? | 11:04 |
xtknight | shirish, okay so what is B02? D:? aka /dev/sda5? and you cant write there now? | 11:04 |
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nevermore | will the Ubuntu:Guide work? | 11:05 |
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shirish | Slart: this is my listing | 11:05 |
Slart | shirish: I'm not sure.. ask the channel.. perhaps someone else knows | 11:05 |
kahrytan | Why isn't Sound Recorder recording from Mic? | 11:05 |
Electricity | LjL, thanks. Now, Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost. <--- WTH? | 11:05 |
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cal | iyork: How do I remove that symlink? | 11:05 |
shirish | Slart: I have 2 hdd | 11:05 |
BraddX | Ok, well, I have an iBook, I'm using right now, I want to put fiesty but I hear you can't partition the OS X disk at all | 11:05 |
ubuntu | | 11:05 |
ubuntu | thats the problem i am having | 11:05 |
BraddX | do you know if that's true? | 11:05 |
damageDOne | LjL: I know what Alt is but what is Gr? | 11:05 |
whta | anyone know of a file that controls resolution for the login screen? it's not xorg.conf. | 11:05 |
BraddX | here* | 11:05 |
joseph | someone help with my crashing problem? everytime I use newsgroups my mp crashes | 11:05 |
LjL | Electricity: it probably didn't start when you restarted apache. there were other errors (aside from the "fully qualified" one), i guess. | 11:05 |
LjL | damageDOne: right Alt | 11:06 |
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joseph | antone? | 11:06 |
Gerro | anyone else having trouble burning CDs with xubuntu fiesty? I'm using xfburn | 11:06 |
mjc | doesn't exist anymore :( | 11:06 |
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jrib | mactimes: there are a lot of good guides out there, you can create a simple one very quickly. I'm pretty sure IDE's like ajunta take care of this stuff for you (but I don't actually know) | 11:06 |
Electricity | AHA! LjL, I found the lastest problem! | 11:06 |
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Electricity | LjL: httpd (no pid file) not running | 11:06 |
JJ2 | anyone have experience with usbvision or wintv cards? | 11:07 |
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mjc | wintv cards based on bt8x8 seem to work fine | 11:07 |
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LjL | Electricity: err, that just says that it wasn't loaded when you "restart"ed. it means nothing, as we *know* that it wasn't loaded. | 11:07 |
Gerro | anyone have experience with uvcvideo usb 2.0 webcams? | 11:07 |
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xtknight | Gerro, hey again | 11:07 |
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Electricity | LjL, that went like over my head. How do I get it started? | 11:07 |
xtknight | Gerro, still no luck im guessing? | 11:07 |
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mactimes | jrib, I already tried Anjuta. Get same thing | 11:07 |
joseph | can some one please help me update my system with all recent drivers? | 11:07 |
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Gerro | xtknight: except for that lead about using luvcview none | 11:08 |
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LjL | Electricity, just give me the WHOLE output that comes when you type "sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart" | 11:08 |
damageDOne | LjL: so once I've enabled the international keyboard I should be able to type the rhs Alt key plus say "a" and it should give me a with an accent? | 11:08 |
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jrib | mactimes: k, then I recommend just setting up a Makefile so you don't have to type out the long line all the time | 11:08 |
foxiness | !sa | 11:08 |
ubotu | For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join #ubuntu-sa | 11:08 |
LjL | damageDOne: not necessarily, there's not all of them. like, i seem to recall there is but there isn't . just try, i'm not using a US keyboard. | 11:08 |
bianconeri | hello, how does one change the color of the workspace selector in ubuntu? | 11:08 |
Gerro | xtknight: but trying to burn install cd for ubuntu server and xfburn not working | 11:08 |
xtknight | Gerro, hrmnm | 11:09 |
xtknight | xfburn=? | 11:09 |
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xtknight | could just use k3b or gnome baker? | 11:09 |
Electricity | LjL, | 11:09 |
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Electricity | WAIT | 11:09 |
Electricity | IT WORKS OMG :O | 11:09 |
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damageDOne | LjL: Oh? Do you know where I might be better off looking. I tried google but I get a lot of pages in Spanish and I'm only just learning | 11:09 |
mactimes | jrib, Man, that is what I mean, I can't make it compile, then creating a makefile won't help either | 11:09 |
Gerro | xtknight: the cd burning app for xubuntu | 11:09 |
LjL | Electricity: course it does. | 11:09 |
xtknight | Gerro, ahh | 11:09 |
Gerro | xtknight: it is stuck at beginning | 11:09 |
jrib | mactimes: you tried the line in the tutorial I sent you? | 11:09 |
Electricity | Lol LjL, you;re funny (And totally awesome) | 11:10 |
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Electricity | Oh my gosd | 11:10 |
Electricity | I need a <br> :O | 11:10 |
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lobosque | is windows able to read/write a ubuntu partition? | 11:10 |
whta | what file controls login screen resolution? | 11:10 |
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jrib | !ext3 > lobosque (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:10 |
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JJ2 | so no word on the wintv usb eh | 11:11 |
LjL | damageDOne, there aren't a hundred choices. you either 1) use a spanish keyboard layout (and possibly switch back and forth) 2) you use the international US one, and hope the characters are there 3) you add a "Character selection", or whatever it's called, applet to your GNOME panel 4) you install some charmap, like "kcharselect" i have under KDE | 11:11 |
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shirish | Slart: just found the answer to my problem, there is a beautiful tool called ntfs-config, just needed to install & refresh the panel | 11:12 |
damageDOne | LjL: That doesn't sound easy. I don't really understand what you're saying to do. | 11:12 |
Slart | shirish: ahh.. I've heard of that one.. haven't tried it though | 11:12 |
damageDOne | LjL: Sorry | 11:12 |
kahrytan | This is making me mad. Why isn't Sound Recorder recording from Mic? | 11:12 |
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xtknight | shirish, eh so you got it? | 11:12 |
rrreptile | export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0/ . How do i check that JAVA_HOME has actually changed? | 11:13 |
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bianconeri | hello, how does one change the color of the workspace selector in ubuntu? | 11:13 |
xtknight | rrreptile, echo $JAVA_HOME | 11:13 |
jrib | rrreptile: echo $JAVA_HOME | 11:13 |
xtknight | jinx | 11:13 |
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LjL | damageDOne: erm, dunno, what part don't you understand? | 11:13 |
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shirish | xtknight: I got it, there is a beautiful not-so-well-known tool called ntfs-config that needs to be installed | 11:13 |
xtknight | bianconeri, probably via metacity or GTK themes. it may be a generic "panel" color that needs changing. | 11:13 |
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xtknight | shirish, cool | 11:13 |
rrreptile | i don't get anything back.... | 11:13 |
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xtknight | shirish, ntfs-config is frontend for setting permissions? | 11:13 |
rrreptile | what does that mean? | 11:13 |
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xtknight | rrreptile, if that's what you typed you would get something back | 11:14 |
shirish | xtknight: right, its a front-end | 11:14 |
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shirish | xtknight: its in the universe repos. | 11:14 |
damageDOne | LjL: Well I don't know how to switch back and forth. Would I have to go into the keyboard menu everytime I want to use one character? | 11:14 |
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mc44 | JJ2: whats your problem with it? | 11:14 |
xtknight | didnt even know ntfs-3g was in repos also | 11:14 |
bianconeri | xtknight I have all the colors just the way I want them on my desktop, just the selector is off, using GTK themes would probably change everything, no? | 11:14 |
Bradford | Hey, does anyone know if you can partician an OS X hdd? (ppc) | 11:14 |
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xtknight | damageDOne, there's some unicode key combination which allows you type Spanish/etc characters but i can't remember it at present | 11:15 |
JJ2 | scantv won't detect any channels, and exits with an error | 11:15 |
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LjL | damageDOne: i don't really know the details since i'm on KDE rather than GNOME, but i'm quite positive there is some easy way to swich back and forth available from the preferences. in KDE, i can just press a hotkey to switch layouts. | 11:15 |
xtknight | bianconeri, yea it would .. i dont know how to change the workspace switcher in general | 11:15 |
shirish | guys what is the spelling of the browser epiphany ? | 11:15 |
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xtknight | SCIM maybe? | 11:15 |
xtknight | shirish, epiphany-browser is the pkg | 11:15 |
damageDOne | xtknight: Okay but how do I access these unicode characters? | 11:15 |
LjL | !keyboard > damageDOne (damageDOne, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:15 |
Gerro | xtknight: guess I'll just ssh the iso image to other comp for burning | 11:15 |
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xtknight | damageDOne, that's what i don't know | 11:15 |
JJ2 | when I scantv I get vbi: open failed [/dev/vbi0] open /dev/vbi0: Invalid argument | 11:15 |
xtknight | Gerro, ya guess so | 11:16 |
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JJ2 | xtknight, scim? | 11:16 |
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xtknight | JJ2, SCIM is a unicode input thing (not tv stuff) | 11:16 |
thepumpkin1979_ | Dell will be preinstalling the newly released Ubuntu 7.04. These systems will be released in late May 2007. | 11:16 |
Gerro | xtknight: you use xubuntu right though? you try any burning with xfburn? | 11:16 |
LjL | xtknight, damageDOne: Shift+Ctrl+u, keep pressed, enter character code, if memory doesn't fail me. (can't try, only works in GNOME). but still you need to remember the code.s | 11:16 |
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xtknight | Gerro, ubuntu here, exclusively k3b myself | 11:16 |
shirish | xtknight: thanx, there is one site, which I'm unable to browse so will be trying alternative browsers to see if its a browser blacklist or ISP blacklist issue or something from there side | 11:16 |
xtknight | arent spansh characters part of ASCII anyway? | 11:16 |
xtknight | 0-255 | 11:16 |
Gerro | xtknight: yeah k3b was kool, I tried it before, love the md5 checking | 11:16 |
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damageDOne | xtknight: I think so | 11:17 |
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shirish | Gerro: wait till libburn & libisofs are there, then its gonna be a whole different ball-game :) | 11:17 |
Walter_Victor | hi!! How can I automatically start a interface or pppd "pon" whenever I plug my adsl modem on usb? | 11:17 |
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damageDOne | LjL: so I should be able to type SHIFT + CTRL + a three digit combo on the numeric keypad and get a unicode character of some kind right? | 11:18 |
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Gerro | shirish: umm are those dependencies I might be missing? | 11:18 |
xtknight | what's the update alternatives cmd for java | 11:18 |
xtknight | ya ctrl shift U works | 11:18 |
Bradford | DOES ANYONE know if you can partitian a drive that OS X runs on??? | 11:18 |
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madman91 | if one breaks their xorg.conf and has no backups.. what can one do to reset the xorg.conf settings? | 11:18 |
jrib | !multijava > xtknight (see the private message from ubotu) | 11:18 |
shirish | Gerro: its different from k3b, the library I'm saying about is for GnomebakerNG | 11:18 |
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Bradford | OR where I might be able to find out? | 11:19 |
xtknight | thanks | 11:19 |
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damageDOne | xtknight: Thanks | 11:19 |
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damageDOne | LjL: thanks | 11:19 |
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shirish | Gerro: the libraries are GPL'ed the front-ends would go on changing | 11:19 |
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LjL | damageDOne: shift + ctrl + the letter U, followed by the code, again if i remember right. | 11:19 |
xtknight | ya it's correct | 11:19 |
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aCiD2 | Hi... got a question but I'm not sure how to really ask it. I had a working ethernet connection yesterday on Ubuntu, but now I can't even ping anything | 11:19 |
xtknight | just need to know the coefs | 11:19 |
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xtknight | codes | 11:19 |
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aCiD2 | Network applet shows a connection, but nothing works... dunno where to start looking for problems - any ideas? | 11:19 |
xtknight | aCiD2, hrmm is the interface up and running? | 11:19 |
kitche | madman91: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and reconfigure X really | 11:19 |
xtknight | aCiD2, sudo ifconfig eth0 up | 11:20 |
aCiD2 | xtknight: I tried that | 11:20 |
aCiD2 | Didn't change anything | 11:20 |
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xtknight | aCiD2, so do you have an ip and all | 11:20 |
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xtknight | ifconfig | 11:20 |
aCiD2 | I can't see an ip there | 11:20 |
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madman91 | kitche: and reconfigure x really>>? | 11:20 |
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mdke | I don't suppose anyone knows how to use ircII do they? | 11:20 |
xtknight | aCiD2, do you use DHCP | 11:20 |
aCiD2 | xtknight: Yea | 11:21 |
xtknight | aCiD2, sudo dhclient eth0 | 11:21 |
aCiD2 | Ok | 11:21 |
kitche | madman91: only way unless you have a backup | 11:21 |
xtknight | see if your dhcp pool is full or something | 11:21 |
madman91 | kitche: oh yeah.. i gotcha | 11:21 |
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madman91 | kitche: thanks | 11:21 |
shirish | can anybody see this site? | 11:21 |
laban_ | hi | 11:21 |
aCiD2 | That's fixed it, thanks xtknight ! | 11:21 |
aCiD2 | Any idea why that didn't happen on boot? | 11:21 |
xtknight | aCiD2, router's dhcp pool was full at time of bootup? | 11:21 |
xtknight | i dont know | 11:21 |
xtknight | try rebooting now | 11:21 |
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Slart | shirish: works for me | 11:22 |
aCiD2 | I'll leave it and look into it later, I got some work I need to do. Thanks for helping though! :) | 11:22 |
xtknight | !worksforme lol ;) | 11:22 |
mdke | I guess that's a no? | 11:22 |
ferret_0567 | Do I have to update the modules thingy with "depmod -a", when adding the "i8k" module to the /etc/modules file, like in this page?: | 11:22 |
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Slart | hehe | 11:22 |
kahrytan | Soeone please help me. Ubuntu won't record from mic | 11:22 |
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mc44 | mdke: /quit; irssi? :p | 11:22 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, doing "sudo depmod -a" never hurts anything | 11:22 |
Walter_Victor | hi!! How can I automatically start a interface or pppd "pon" whenever I plug my adsl modem on usb? | 11:22 |
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shirish | Walter_Victor: the most simplest way would be to have a script, and put it on 'cron' | 11:22 |
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ferret_0567 | doesn't? | 11:23 |
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shirish | Walter_Victor: although please don't ask me the howto for that | 11:23 |
Slart | kahrytan: are the volume bars in the volume manager up? is the little microphone crossed over? (it shouldn't be) | 11:23 |
mdke | mc44: it's not installed on the relevant server, unfortunately. What I'd like to be able to do is make it look like irssi :) | 11:23 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, doesnt damage anything | 11:23 |
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ferret_0567 | I installed LIRC with a guide on the Ubuntu Community Docs, and that killed my modules configuration | 11:23 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, so just try it if in just updates a list | 11:23 |
Slart | kahrytan: are you sure you connected the mic in the right connector | 11:23 |
laban_ | hi, plse, help, Mozilla firefox keeps shuting down when i launch a new site | 11:23 |
xtknight | cut one, measure twice kinda thing | 11:23 |
kahrytan | Slart: Volume is up. check ALSAMIXER | 11:23 |
xtknight | onec* | 11:23 |
Heretic | hey all, i was wondering if i could get some help with feisty | 11:23 |
kahrytan | Slart: Yes. | 11:23 |
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shirish | Walter_Victor: there is a cron howto however | 11:24 |
zer | Ich baue mit pbuilder ein Paket, und setze hinter den pbuilder build-befehl den Zusatz --extrapackages libglib-2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libxml2-dev, trotzdem werden diese Pakete vor der Kompilierung nicht installiert | 11:24 |
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xtknight | !de | zer | 11:24 |
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ubotu | zer: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:24 |
Walter_Victor | cron?? | 11:24 |
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zer | xtknight: oh sorry | 11:24 |
javaJake | !ask | Heretic | 11:24 |
ubotu | Heretic: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:24 |
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Walter_Victor | i don't think that's the way | 11:24 |
Slart | kahrytan: on my pc I can select mic1 or mic2.. perhaps you have that same thing? in that case try changing it | 11:24 |
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ferret_0567 | i g2g read something real quick | 11:24 |
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kahrytan | Slart: There is no mic 1 or mic 2. Just Microphone | 11:24 |
Heretic | alright, ubuntu boots fine, as in it loads all the modules and processes it should, but it doesnt bring up the login screen, just the busy cursor forever | 11:25 |
Slart | kahrytan: try upping the "playing" volume of the mic.. that way you should be able to hear yourself | 11:25 |
javaJake | Heretic, what's the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file say? | 11:25 |
kahrytan | Slart: I already do that in ALSAMixer | 11:25 |
fabiim | how can i play wavepack format in ubuntu? | 11:25 |
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Slart | kahrytan: you did check the recording volume... not the playing volume? | 11:25 |
xtknight | fabiim, is that the same as musepack or am i thinking of something else? | 11:25 |
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Heretic | jake: one sec, i'll find out | 11:25 |
shirish | Walter_Victor: sorry I mis-understood I thought u wanted to do that as soon as the system starts | 11:25 |
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javaJake | fabiim, you mean wavpack? | 11:25 |
xtknight | for wavpack: audacious-plugins-extra - Various extra plugins for audacious | 11:26 |
shirish | Watler_Victor: what u want is event-based action kinda thing | 11:26 |
fabiim | javaJake, yes , sorry | 11:26 |
xtknight | and audacious itself. | 11:26 |
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xtknight | with audacious and plugins extra you can play WavPack | 11:26 |
kahrytan | Slart: Yes | 11:26 |
javaJake | fabiim, xtknight just mentioned something. Does that help? | 11:26 |
Slart | kahrytan: you change using TAB key in alsa mixer | 11:26 |
Gohalien | ksirc works on gnome ? | 11:26 |
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Slart | kahrytan: ok.. what else.. microphone boost shouldn't be needed but you never know.. have you tried it? | 11:26 |
kahrytan | Slart: Arrow key. Works | 11:26 |
javaJake | fabiim, with Feisty, if you try to play a file in Movie Player (totem) it should tell you if you need to install something or other, and show you what to install. | 11:26 |
fabiim | i was more interested in playing those songs in amarok , but i guess that will be ok . | 11:26 |
LjL | Gohalien: any KDE package works on GNOME. it just means that a bunch of KDE libraries will get installed as well. | 11:27 |
fabiim | javaJake, ok i'll give it a try :) tks | 11:27 |
xtknight | not sure that they have a Gstreamer wavpack plugin | 11:27 |
Walter_Victor | shirish: that's right! | 11:27 |
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xtknight | how do i get ID3 tag info to show in nautilus? | 11:27 |
Gohalien | thanks | 11:27 |
Walter_Victor | shirish: is it udev or dbus? | 11:27 |
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Slart | kahrytan: arrow keys only change which bar you change (at least on my comp).. TAB changes the view column between Playback Capture and All | 11:27 |
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kahrytan | Slart: ALSAMixer (bash) | 11:27 |
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shirish | Walter_Victor: I have no idea m8, just started playing around with ubuntu few days back | 11:28 |
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Slart | kahrytan: yes.. I'm running it as we speak.. check the top.. first line is the soundcard.. second is the chip.. third line selects which view.. | 11:28 |
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javaJake | xtknight, you should be able to right click a file, click Properties, then click the Audio tab | 11:29 |
shirish | can anybody tell me where is situated ? | 11:29 |
Slart | kahrytan: third line should have a yellow selected | 11:29 |
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Nanu | 11:29 | |
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kahrytan | Slart: Capture isn't Mic | 11:29 |
shirish | or a tool how I can find out where is situated? | 11:29 |
javaJake | shirish, what? | 11:29 |
cruiseoveride | What Acrobat alternatives are there under ubuntu? (please no pdf readers or importers) | 11:30 |
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xtknight | javaJake, indeed that facility is available to me. any idea how to get it to show in the column-headers in the Details view like with Windows XP? i had thought Ubuntu had that also but I wasn't sure of the prerequisites | 11:30 |
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shirish | javaJake: I want to find out where the server or domain name of is | 11:30 |
auric | I've upgraded ubuntu to feisty and now the nvidia driver doesn't work anymore. I've got a TNT2 and when I install the legacy 1.0-7x driver, ubuntu starts with 800x600 screen @50 hz and a warning that the driver isn't supported. The others just don't work (X server crash). Anyone any ideas? | 11:30 |
xtknight | cruiseoveride, LaTeX | 11:30 |
xtknight | !latex | 11:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about latex - try searching on | 11:30 |
javaJake | xtknight, Oh, no, I don't know of such ability | 11:30 |
Slart | kahrytan: Capture shows you what stuff the soundcard captures from.. where it gets it's input...mic should be among the things you see on screen when capture is selected | 11:30 |
shirish | javaJake: seems my ISP has blocked it or vice-versa | 11:30 |
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kahrytan | Slart: Can't select capture | 11:30 |
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xtknight | !tex | 11:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tex - try searching on | 11:31 |
xtknight | wow :\ | 11:31 |
Slart | kahrytan: nothing happens when you hit TAB? | 11:31 |
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javaJake | shirish, you could do a WHOIS on a domain | 11:31 |
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ferret_0567 | Does /etc/modules.conf = /etc/modprobe.d/options in ubuntu? | 11:31 |
javaJake | shirish, at least, I think that's what it is called... | 11:31 |
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shirish | javaJake: can I use that on the cmd line & does it need any package to be installed | 11:31 |
xtknight | shirish, are you looking for the murrine theme engine? | 11:31 |
xtknight | sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine | 11:31 |
shirish | xtknight: right | 11:31 |
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Slart | kahrytan: you don't have to use the alsa mixer.. you can do this using the gnome volume manager if you want | 11:32 |
javaJake | shirish, lol, no, you want to use your browser | 11:32 |
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javaJake | shirish, | 11:32 |
kahrytan | Slart: Oh I got it. | 11:32 |
xtknight | or `whois' command in console | 11:32 |
kahrytan | Slart: What now? | 11:32 |
xtknight | uses ARIN/ripe /etc | 11:32 |
xtknight | usage: whois <ip> | 11:32 |
Slart | kahrytan: ok.. the mic thingy in capture is setting the recording volume.. so max it up | 11:32 |
xtknight | nslookup <domain> to get Ip | 11:32 |
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cruiseoveride | xtknight, i wasnt aware that latex could edit pdfs | 11:32 |
xtknight | cruiseoveride, me netiher | 11:33 |
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kahrytan | Slart: It is RED. | 11:33 |
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daaaman64 | what? PDF are basically an image.... That is weird | 11:33 |
xtknight | cruiseoveride, it is still however a very nice alternative to Acrobat | 11:33 |
cruiseoveride | xtknight, i thought its support is only for postscript | 11:33 |
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xtknight | i didnt know you had to have the pdf format | 11:33 |
ferret_0567 | Is there a way to downgrade my Dell Latitude C840's BIOS from A13 to A12? | 11:33 |
|Jason8| | when I use the sudo command, my root password works, but when I open synaptic from the system menu, it doesn't. Any clue what the problem is? | 11:33 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, in ubuntu? | 11:33 |
ferret_0567 | yes | 11:33 |
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kahrytan | Slart: IE, I can't do anything with it. All I can mess with is Capture IEC958 | 11:33 |
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kahrytan | *Capture and IEC958 | 11:33 |
Slart | kahrytan: hmm... that's odd.. | 11:34 |
jrib | |Jason8|: you set a root password? | 11:34 |
orasis | Is feisty fawn stable/good? | 11:34 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, why? updating bios within the OS with unsupported utilities is generally a poor idea. i recommend rebooting using an official Dell floppy and DOS flash tool with the BIOS in the floppy. | 11:34 |
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xtknight | orasis, yea | 11:34 |
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orasis | xtknight, How long have you been using it? | 11:34 |
ferret_0567 | Well...can I even downgrade with those utils at all? | 11:34 |
kahrytan | Slart: MIC for playback is maxed. | 11:34 |
Slart | kahrytan: what soundcard is it? | 11:34 |
kahrytan | Slart: built in SIS | 11:34 |
ferret_0567 | I want to downgrade, I don't think Dell supports that | 11:34 |
xtknight | orasis, probably 2 months, in the middle of its development | 11:34 |
chump | hi everyone | 11:34 |
Slart | kahrytan: ok.. exit the alsa mixer | 11:35 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, contact Dell? | 11:35 |
xtknight | why downgrade bios out of curiosity? | 11:35 |
kahrytan | Slart: Okay | 11:35 |
orasis | xtknight, :) - Alright it's time to upgrade than heh. | 11:35 |
ferret_0567 | My laptop freezes every day, unless I turn it off | 11:35 |
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kahrytan | Slart: SI7012 | 11:35 |
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Slart | kahrytan: if you're using gnome you should have a volume thingy in your taskbar.. a small icon of a speaker.. just like windows | 11:35 |
ferret_0567 | I'm not curious | 11:35 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, and it didnt happen with the old bios right? | 11:35 |
houman123 | hey has anyone gotten a webcam to work under ubuntu? | 11:35 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, no but i am ;) | 11:36 |
Slart | kahrytan: right click on it and select volume manager | 11:36 |
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Slart | kahrytan: oops.. Open Volume Control.. | 11:36 |
orasis | houman123, I got a logitech one to work, but I forget what I did | 11:36 |
kahrytan | Slart: Thought so | 11:36 |
ferret_0567 | I never got a chance to have the older BIOS version, my laptop came with A13 (I bought my laptop off of EBay) | 11:36 |
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laban_ | bye | 11:36 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, i 'm just curious why you think an old bios would fix it ? | 11:36 |
laban_ | quit | 11:36 |
houman123 | orange1: that dont help much does it :P | 11:36 |
xtknight | i dont believe it will honestly | 11:36 |
Slart | kahrytan: now you have 3 pages of this dialog, right? | 11:37 |
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Slart | kahrytan: Playback Recording and Switches | 11:37 |
ferret_0567 | I guess I'll stop trying to figure out how to downgrade then | 11:37 |
kahrytan | Slart: No recording | 11:37 |
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Slart | kahrytan: ok.. in the file menu there's an option called "change device".. are there more than one device there? | 11:37 |
ferret_0567 | Sometimes, even for desktop users, the NVIDIA module causes freezes, and, I have an Atheros wireless card | 11:37 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, have you tried to isolate the problem? bios is probably the last thing i'd offense if youve already spent hours debugging it, though it's unlikely the BIOs is the issue and i dont want you to make the problem worse ;) | 11:38 |
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xtknight | hrmm | 11:38 |
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kahrytan | Slart: It is set to ALSA | 11:38 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, so you need to use nvidia as you play games, right? | 11:38 |
ferret_0567 | I haven't spent hours debugging it, I don't know where to start...other than IRQ sharing/conflicts | 11:38 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah | 11:38 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, okay, well there are verbosity things you can shoot to the kernel | 11:38 |
office | has anyone else had a problem with Rhythmbox crashing for no reason? | 11:38 |
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xtknight | such as | 11:38 |
xtknight | acpi=verbose | 11:39 |
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Slart | kahrytan: did you have more than one device in that menu? | 11:39 |
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xtknight | and irq debugging options like pci=routeirq irqpoll | 11:39 |
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ferret_0567 | Well...when my laptop freezes, it freezes hard | 11:39 |
kahrytan | Slart: ALSA and OSS. | 11:39 |
ferret_0567 | I can't get out of it | 11:39 |
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Slart | kahrytan: ok.. next go to preferences | 11:39 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, so this only happens with nvidia drivers? | 11:39 |
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kahrytan | Slart: Already there | 11:39 |
ferret_0567 | Not even with the "Alt+PrntScrn+S-U-B" command | 11:40 |
ferret_0567 | Not sure | 11:40 |
Slart | kahrytan: check everything that sounds like a microphone setting | 11:40 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, magic SysRQ you mean? | 11:40 |
ferret_0567 | I was dumb, and I used the NVIDIA module from NVIDIA's website | 11:40 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah | 11:40 |
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xtknight | i think you'd want to try Alt SysRq K | 11:40 |
houman123 | hey has anyone gotten a webcam to work under ubuntu? | 11:40 |
kahrytan | Slart: Already had that. | 11:40 |
xtknight | to killall processes | 11:40 |
pike_ | ferret_0567: nothng wrong with that :) | 11:40 |
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Slart | kahrytan: I have microphone, microphone capture and pcm capture marked with checkmarks.. | 11:40 |
onexused | In Fedora, I can set nautilus to always show the address bar as a text box. Can I do this in Ubuntu (6.10)? | 11:41 |
ferret_0567 | I know about that...I tried it before, it worked so well with the forkbomb, it was simply amazing | 11:41 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, if that doesn't work, i'd suspect overheating...alt sysrq should always work, well nearly... as it contacts the kernel directly | 11:41 |
Slart | kahrytan: do you have mic boost in that dialog window? | 11:41 |
kahrytan | Slart: Yes. | 11:41 |
Slart | kahrytan: is it checked? | 11:41 |
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kahrytan | Slart: Yes. You did say all the Mics. | 11:41 |
Slart | kahrytan: ok.. and still no page called "Recording"? | 11:42 |
xtknight | i agree..if magic SysRQ was a woman...well, yeah.. :D | 11:42 |
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xtknight | needless to say i love it | 11:42 |
xtknight | lol | 11:42 |
ferret_0567 | /proc/i8k says this: | 11:42 |
ferret_0567 | 1.0 A13 <serial number> 52 1 1 6120 5940 -1 0 | 11:42 |
xtknight | eh what is i8k? | 11:42 |
xtknight | module for what? | 11:42 |
kahrytan | Slart: Nope. When capture is selected, it comes up. But we don't want to capture. | 11:42 |
Slart | kahrytan: yes.. we want to capture.. that's what the mic does.. it captures sound | 11:42 |
ferret_0567 | There is a chart on how to read it here: | 11:42 |
ferret_0567 | !info i8kutils | 11:42 |
ubotu | i8kutils: utilities for Dell Inspiron and Latitude laptops. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.27 (feisty), package size 30 kB, installed size 132 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386) | 11:42 |
xtknight | ah | 11:43 |
onexused | I don't suppose anyone knows? I tried clicking the same button as I did whe I was using Fedora, but it always changes back when I open a new window. | 11:43 |
kahrytan | Slart: No. Sound Recorder doesn't record from mix then | 11:43 |
Slart | kahrytan: anyways.. this dialog only decides what the volume thingy shows.. not what is enabled or now | 11:43 |
kahrytan | *mic | 11:43 |
ferret_0567 | It can control fan speeds and read them | 11:43 |
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xtknight | cool | 11:43 |
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xtknight | and the cpu temp wasn't too high? | 11:43 |
ferret_0567 | All direct from the BIOS | 11:43 |
kahrytan | Slart: When I attempt to record from Mic, it changes to capture mode. | 11:43 |
Slart | kahrytan: trust me on this one.. enable everything called capture or mic | 11:43 |
javaJake | onexused, nautilus stores all sttings in gconf, so run gconf-editor | 11:43 |
ferret_0567 | The CPU temp is also readable through ACPI, on my laptop | 11:43 |
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xtknight | how is the temp, then? | 11:43 |
xtknight | 40-60C? | 11:43 |
Slart | kahrytan: then click close and look at the capture page.. | 11:43 |
Slart | kahrytan: what gauges do you have there now? | 11:44 |
onexused | oh well. Bye | 11:44 |
kahrytan | Slart: called Recording. | 11:44 |
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ferret_0567 | It sometimes goes up to like, 74C | 11:44 |
kahrytan | Slart: and just Capture. Nothing else | 11:44 |
xtknight | ah hrmm that's a bit hot | 11:44 |
Slart | kahrytan: yes.. the recording page | 11:44 |
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Blastur | how do I search for a file with a specific content with the ubuntu gui? | 11:44 |
ferret_0567 | Then down again... | 11:44 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, it could be CPU throttling causing freezes...but you may want to check an old klog (dmesg) usually suffixed by .1 | 11:44 |
xtknight | in /var/log/ | 11:44 |
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xtknight | my core 2 duo hit 98c once dont worry | 11:44 |
xtknight | lol | 11:44 |
ferret_0567 | Overclocking again? | 11:44 |
xtknight | nope fan stopped ;( | 11:45 |
Slart | kahrytan: near the bottom of that bar.. there is a speaker and a microphone.. any of those crossed out? | 11:45 |
xtknight | all good now, got a Zalman on it | 11:45 |
javaJake | I believe 98 C is the top temp before there's a panic | 11:45 |
kahrytan | Slart: no | 11:45 |
xtknight | 85C is actually Tjmax for Intel core duos | 11:45 |
xtknight | and yeah it was throttling and freezing at that point | 11:45 |
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javaJake | :P | 11:45 |
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xtknight | it was still running lol | 11:45 |
Slart | kahrytan: and the volume is up? | 11:45 |
xtknight | i had a stroke when i saw it | 11:45 |
kahrytan | Slart: Yes. | 11:45 |
ferret_0567 | Is the Gigabyte 965P-DS3 C2D motherboard really good? | 11:46 |
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javaJake | xtknight, mhmm... | 11:46 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, that's my board | 11:46 |
xtknight | i love it | 11:46 |
ferret_0567 | Sweet! | 11:46 |
BryanJK | does anyone know why Steam says I don't own certain games in Wine, but in Windows it says I do? (somebody who has had this problem maybe?) | 11:46 |
xtknight | rock solid | 11:46 |
javaJake | Yea, the fan dies and your thing heats to 98 C! It's great!! | 11:46 |
javaJake | :D | 11:46 |
xtknight | lol | 11:46 |
ferret_0567 | Now, can you read temps and everything? Does everything work? | 11:46 |
zer | when i build a package with pbuilder and use --extrapackages libglib-2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libxml2-dev, these packages still won't be installed. Has anyone here an idea? | 11:46 |
Slart | kahrytan: bah.. then I'm out of ideas.. your settings look fine from what I can tell.. you haven't done any of the usual mistakes.. perhaps it's something else that's keeping the mic from recording sound.. | 11:46 |
xtknight | mhh hrmm. | 11:46 |
ferret_0567 | Why does the fan die? | 11:46 |
kahrytan | Slart: Capture won't capture anything. | 11:46 |
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ferret_0567 | That's my only question now | 11:46 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, i think i had a poorly set bio setting, or a wire caught in the fan | 11:47 |
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ferret_0567 | oh | 11:47 |
xtknight | it's the Intel HSF that sucked | 11:47 |
ferret_0567 | Then, it's OK | 11:47 |
xtknight | it's not the mobo | 11:47 |
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xtknight | it's my brain, trust me | 11:47 |
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javaJake | ferret_0567, you must remember that he had a stroke, so... | 11:47 |
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javaJake | ;) | 11:47 |
ferret_0567 | No, I don't | 11:47 |
xtknight | lol | 11:47 |
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xtknight | but that was AFTER i saw it | 11:47 |
Slart | kahrytan: hmm.. does the sound recorder use alsa? | 11:48 |
javaJake | xtknight, I know, I'm poking fun. | 11:48 |
ferret_0567 | Catting a *.gz file is fun! | 11:48 |
kahrytan | Slart: I found something linux cant do. Record from mic | 11:48 |
tbuss | can anyone recommend a good app for compressing large avi files? | 11:48 |
javaJake | I can't help it - this is my biggest string of jokes yet! | 11:48 |
ferret_0567 | Look at all the pretty characters! | 11:48 |
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xtknight | lol you're lucky im in the best mood of my life now ;) | 11:48 |
javaJake | ferret_0567, lol | 11:48 |
javaJake | xtknight, lol | 11:48 |
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xtknight | i have a few hammers nearby | 11:48 |
LiENUS | kahrytan, im pretty sure linux can record from a microphone | 11:48 |
Stormx2 | xtknight: How come? | 11:48 |
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Slart | kahrytan: hmm.. my sound recorder doesn't record anything either.. this is weird | 11:48 |
kahrytan | Slart: You canlt use that | 11:48 |
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javaJake | xtknight, physical, not virtual, I hope. | 11:48 |
Stormx2 | kahrytan: uh, what? Of course "linux" can do that. | 11:49 |
ferret_0567 | reset: | 11:49 |
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kahrytan | LiENUS: I've got evidence it can't -- on my computer | 11:49 |
xtknight | javaJake, i have some AMD clawhammer cpus also | 11:49 |
Slart | kahrytan: but I use my mic for teamspeak, voip phone etc etc.. | 11:49 |
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LiENUS | kahrytan, perhaps you are just an idiot and don't know how to set it up right | 11:49 |
kahrytan | my bad. Ubuntu can record from mic. | 11:49 |
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Stormx2 | LiENUS: Easy there. | 11:49 |
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kahrytan | @lart LiENUS | 11:49 |
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Slart | kahrytan: have you tried doing the same settings for the OSS device? | 11:49 |
LiENUS | @lart kahrytan | 11:49 |
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xtknight | this channel did a 180 | 11:49 |
Stormx2 | kahrytan: if you need a hand setting anything up with the mic, etc, just ask | 11:49 |
xtknight | if ops come in here they will kil us :O | 11:49 |
centinul | I have to run /etc/init.d/networking restart every time Iboot to get network to work. How come networking isn't working on boot | 11:49 |
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ferret_0567 | xtknight: what is your uptime on your Gigabyte 965P-DS3 computer? | 11:50 |
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gregorovius | can I have a user without a password? | 11:50 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, well 8 days at present. | 11:50 |
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xtknight | but that was a casual reboot not a crash | 11:50 |
Stormx2 | gregorovius: I wouldn't have thought so... | 11:50 |
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javaJake | gregorovius, no, at least, you don't want one. | 11:50 |
xtknight | it's been up for 13 days i think but again it has never crashed that i can tell | 11:51 |
Slart | Stormx2: please do so.. I've run out of ideas with that mic-thing | 11:51 |
Stormx2 | gregorovius: You can have your user auto-login tho. | 11:51 |
kahrytan | Stormx: Slart is trying but He couldn't figure whats wrong. | 11:51 |
javaJake | gregorovius, That's shouting "HACK ME!" to the world | 11:51 |
nosbod | hi, ive just upgraded to feisty and now certain sites hang irrespective of whether i connect with ssh, http, ftp. has anybody else had this? | 11:51 |
gregorovius | haha | 11:51 |
gregorovius | see | 11:51 |
Seveas | @config channel plugins.lart.enabled | 11:51 |
ubotu | True | 11:51 |
Seveas | @config channel plugins.lart.enabled False | 11:51 |
ubotu | OK | 11:51 |
gregorovius | I have my user with a password | 11:51 |
Seveas | @config plugins.lart.enabled | 11:51 |
ferret_0567 | great! my old p3 is at currently: 5 days. Although, it has gone to more than 15 days | 11:51 |
ubotu | False | 11:51 |
javaJake | Seveas, lol | 11:51 |
ferret_0567 | xtknight: do you use the nvidia module? | 11:51 |
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xtknight | ferret_0567, yup | 11:51 |
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ferret_0567 | Great~! | 11:51 |
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gregorovius | but my family's user, which doesn't have any sudo permissions, and remote login / ssh / whatever is disabled | 11:51 |
kahrytan | Slart: No capture for OSS | 11:51 |
xtknight | nvidia 7800gt | 11:51 |
talon223 | lol...nice user without a password question. | 11:51 |
ferret_0567 | I'm going to buy the DS3 soon | 11:51 |
Stormx2 | kahrytan: I've had a little experience with this, but not much. Okay, what is the problem? | 11:51 |
gregorovius | I see no point in it having a password | 11:52 |
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javaJake | gregorovius, you can set it to log in without asking for a password | 11:52 |
Alan | anybody here run mpd and have a problem with it breaking regularly when toggling play/pause ? | 11:52 |
javaJake | gregorovius, gdm, I mean | 11:52 |
Slart | kahrytan: nope.. I didn't have that either... | 11:52 |
Stormx2 | kahrytan: No sound is recorded? or is there an error? | 11:52 |
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kahrytan | Stormx: Mic volume is maxed and unmuted. | 11:52 |
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Stormx2 | Alan: Nope, not a problem for me... | 11:52 |
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kahrytan | Slart: But Mic is maxed. | 11:52 |
tbuss | any recommendations for a good video compression app | 11:52 |
javaJake | gregorovius, IOW, auto-login. | 11:52 |
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gregorovius | javaJake, I can set it to autologin, but that's no good, since I have more than one user | 11:52 |
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Stormx2 | kahrytan: Stupid question, but are you sure you have the mic in the correct socket, a.k.a. not line in. Also, does the mic work? | 11:52 |
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talon223 | enable automatic login | 11:52 |
javaJake | tbuss, mencoder? | 11:52 |
centinul | I have to restart networking on boot in Feisty... How do I verify that networking is even starting up? | 11:52 |
whta | i just installed the turboprint thing because i thought it would work, but this trial version is not useful at all. what's a quick way to remove the entire package manually (since I didn't get it from synaptic)? | 11:53 |
xtknight | anyone use the Beyond patches, or con kolivas's interactivity patches, or ingo molnar's realtime? any kernel tweakers/experts here? | 11:53 |
javaJake | gregorovius, there's a nifty little feature called "Switch User"... oh wait... nvm | 11:53 |
kahrytan | Stormx: Yes. The 'pink' socket tried front and back. | 11:53 |
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talon223 | well if this is a family computer and the FAMILY uses it...then just switch user | 11:53 |
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tbuss | javaJake: mencoder can compress large avi files to a manual size if I choose? | 11:53 |
javaJake | gregorovius, I'm assuming we are dealing with little kids, right? Or extremely computer-illiterate people? | 11:53 |
Stormx2 | kahrytan: Okay. does sound otherwise work on your soundcard, e.g. plugging speakers in? | 11:53 |
kitche | xtknight: haven't used the realtime patches since realtime was added to the kernel | 11:53 |
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xtknight | kitche, it was? | 11:53 |
xtknight | tickless? | 11:54 |
xtknight | not in ubuntu though :( | 11:54 |
gregorovius | not particularly, javaJake, but my family's user has an extremely dumb password which provides no protection at all | 11:54 |
tbuss | javaJake: scratch that, I'll go take a look, thanks | 11:54 |
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gregorovius | so I thought disabling it would be as secure but more comfortable | 11:54 |
Alan | Stormx2, hmm... it's really annoying, i end up doing sudo killall mpd and sudo /etc/init.d/mpd restart way too regularly at the moment | 11:54 |
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kelsa|martalli | gregorovius: Set autologin to the kids' account, or into the 'guest' account | 11:54 |
javaJake | tbuss, thanks. :) | 11:54 |
xtknight | lowlatency is 1000hz which is good, though still not RT | 11:54 |
Stormx2 | Alan: It breaks when pausing/playing? | 11:54 |
ferret_0567 | xtknight: just curious, do you run FAH? | 11:54 |
centinul | I have to restart the networking service after every boot in feisty. Why is this? | 11:54 |
kahrytan | Stormx: sound chip and speakers are fine. | 11:54 |
Stormx2 | Alan: What version of mpd are you on? | 11:54 |
xtknight | ferret_0567, folding @ home? No | 11:54 |
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ferret_0567 | I do, sadly, only on my p3 | 11:55 |
javaJake | kelsa|martalli, problem is that say he wants to use his own account. He'd have to be sure to log back into the guest account so no one is confused. | 11:55 |
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Stormx2 | kahrytan: The mic works? Sorry for being thorough, this can be a few things. | 11:55 |
tbuss | javaJake: I assume you know java though, how do I.............. | 11:55 |
javaJake | centinul, it's hard to say without information | 11:55 |
javaJake | tbuss, :) | 11:55 |
tbuss | javaJake: just kidding | 11:55 |
gregorovius | kelsa|martalli, I use this computer most of the time... i'd rather have my username with a password, and my family's without one | 11:55 |
centinul | javajake: What do you need for information? | 11:55 |
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kahrytan | Stormx: Im about to go in to Windows to test that. Since I'll know Windows can record from mic. | 11:55 |
javaJake | centinul, well, what are you using for networking? | 11:55 |
javaJake | centinul, how about drivers? | 11:56 |
ferret_0567 | Some command to do with passwords can make a account password-less, you just need root privledges | 11:56 |
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noname | Don't know what's going on with NickServ being really weird but I'll ask my question anyway... I switched my resolution back to 1280x1024 for a while then decided to change it back to what it was originally, 1680x1050 and now the date/log out/sound icons are shifted to the left as well as the trash can icon | 11:56 |
javaJake | centinul, any errors to report? Logs? Things like that | 11:56 |
whta | i just installed the turboprint thing because i thought it would work, but this trial version is not useful at all. what's a quick way to remove the entire package manually (since I didn't get it from synaptic)? | 11:56 |
Slart | Stormx2: actually.. I couldn't record from the sound recorder either.. and my mic works with all kinds of other stuff.. does it use OSS? | 11:56 |
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ferret_0567 | privileges..sorry | 11:56 |
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kelsa|martalli | javaJake: At work I have the computers set to autolog into the primary user's account. However, instead of an actual autologin, I have a timed login set. That way, when I am logged in for some admin activity, I just log out and go my merry way - the machine will log back into the user's account if unattended | 11:56 |
nosbod | anybody only getting this far when connecting to certain sites with ssh debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent | 11:56 |
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centinul | everything works after I restart the service I don't see why drivers would be an issue... What Ubuntu uses for default networking is what it uses. I configured the /etc/interfaces file | 11:56 |
ferret_0567 | I need to learn that word sometime | 11:56 |
Stormx2 | Slart: oh, wait, it is just a sound recorder problem? | 11:56 |
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centinul | no error messages in /var/log/messages | 11:56 |
javaJake | kelsa|martalli, smaaart! | 11:56 |
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Stormx2 | Slart: That may be a case of the wrong capture device selected. | 11:56 |
Slart | Stormx2: it's the only application we've tried | 11:56 |
awk_ | can somebody recommed bittorrent client for gnome with support to selectively download files from torrents? | 11:56 |
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centinul | javajake: how do I see if networking is in the services to be started on boot? | 11:57 |
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javaJake | centinul, the best log is syslog, not messages - for some reason syslog is better. | 11:57 |
ferret_0567 | KTorrent :-D | 11:57 |
gregorovius | awk, deluge | 11:57 |
Slart | awk_: I'll go with the obious one.. azureus | 11:57 |
ferret_0567 | or that one :-P | 11:57 |
[H4z3] | hey guys, im having problems upgrading to feisty, i get this error: Failed to fetch Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 11:57 |
javaJake | centinul, ls /etc/rc5.d/ I believe. | 11:57 |
[H4z3] | any ideas? | 11:57 |
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centinul | javajake: my machine boots into run level 2 | 11:57 |
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awk_ | gregorovius: i actually have problem installing deluge, can't find it in universe | 11:57 |
ferret_0567 | some people don't like Azureus, it's in Java | 11:57 |
javaJake | awk, Azureus all the WAY! :) | 11:57 |
vic2 | HOOOLY FKK GUS | 11:57 |
centinul | I've tried update-rc.d networking defaults and it says all the links are there | 11:57 |
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javaJake | !language | vic2 | 11:57 |
ubotu | vic2: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:57 |
garren | I'm having problems with Azureus with fiesty | 11:57 |
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Stormx2 | Slart: Did he say he could hear himself? | 11:58 |
Slart | ferret_0567: yup.. still it's better than most of the alternatives... if you ask me.. utorrent was great on windows | 11:58 |
Stormx2 | Slart: like, the mic input was played back out the speakers? | 11:58 |
ferret_0567 | You need to download the official Azureus, from their site, then | 11:58 |
kelsa|martalli | For people working with kids or the computer-illiterate, another nice feature is pessulus. I discovered it as "lockdown manager" or somesuch on edubuntu, but it is available on any gnome desktop for locking down the bars, icons, and epiphany usage. | 11:58 |
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Stormx2 | Alan: mpd --version | 11:58 |
[H4z3] | hey guys, im having problems upgrading to feisty, i get this error: Failed to fetch Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 11:58 |
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gregorovius | awk, get the .deb here | 11:58 |
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gregorovius | awk, there's the latest version | 11:58 |
Slart | Stormx2: ask him yourself =) I just made him check the obvious stuff... mic selected as capture device.. recording volume and mic boost | 11:58 |
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kelsa|martalli | As if gnome already offered few options (good grief the screensaver), you can take away whatever options the poor users have been left with | 11:58 |
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ferret_0567 | pessulus, i'll have to remember that | 11:58 |
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Stormx2 | Slart: That is most of it. Its possible that a non-dmix app is blocking the recording device. | 11:59 |
noname | And now whenever I try to switch my resolution it just leaves a large ubuntu colored (that salmony orange) blotch on the right side of my screen | 11:59 |
[H4z3] | Any ideas anyone? | 11:59 |
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centinul | javajake: nothing in syslod... and the networking script is only in rcS.d | 11:59 |
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Slart | Stormx2: teamspeak/ekiga softphone or similar? | 11:59 |
mon^rch | whatt's the command to go as root again? | 11:59 |
centinul | and my system boots into runlevel 2 | 11:59 |
Slart | mon^rch: sudo | 11:59 |
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Stormx2 | Slart: probably not ekiga but teamspeak seems likely. | 11:59 |
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mon^rch | heh | 11:59 |
javaJake | centinul, OK, my bad, that's the right folder | 12:00 |
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javaJake | centinul, what are you using for networking? | 12:00 |
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AndyC1 | hi | 12:00 |
[H4z3] | hey guys, im having problems upgrading to feisty, i get this error: Failed to fetch Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 12:00 |
mon^rch | I mean cant I get to be "root" at the prompt? | 12:00 |
oriez | how do i use Doom if i already install it on Windows? | 12:00 |
Ashex-LX | how do I exit vim? | 12:00 |
centinul | javajake: examples? whatever ubuntu uses by default... this is a fresh install | 12:00 |
Yodude | anyone needs any help? | 12:00 |
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AndyC1 | does anyone know how i would manually throttle my cpu down to a certain level? | 12:00 |
Stormx2 | Slart: An "lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*" usually finds it out for me. | 12:00 |
Slart | mon^rch: or.. rather sudo command runs "command" as root.. gksudo works better for x-windows apps.. if you want to become root you use su, but not in ubuntu... stick with sudo or gksudo | 12:00 |
javaJake | centinul, OK, in that case, what card are you using? | 12:00 |
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