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skwashd | hia ll | 05:51 |
skwashd | i have my box up and running happily now | 05:52 |
skwashd | except for mounting the home directories | 05:52 |
skwashd | how do i tell the terminal server clients to use a home dir outside of the chroot? | 05:52 |
skwashd | i tried using bind in the server fstab .. but it doesnt mount | 05:53 |
skwashd | should i just export it via NFS and tell it to use that? | 05:55 |
skwashd | by putting an entry in the chroot /etc/fstab ? | 05:56 |
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skwashd | worked it out | 07:38 |
skwashd | i just needed to hack /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/init.d/ltsp-client-setup | 07:38 |
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tyndyll | Hi - hoping someone can help. Am trying to set up Edubuntu for a demonstartion for a charity I work with but have run into some problems. Everything has installed grand, the thin client has booted up and given me my login screen (GDM?). After logging in though the screen flashes and X resets itself. | 01:51 |
tyndyll | The error in /var/log/messages is "gconf server is not in use" | 01:51 |
tyndyll | Can someone point me in the right direction? | 01:51 |
kgoetz | tyndyll: what version of edubuntu? | 01:52 |
tyndyll | 7.04 Feisty Fawn | 01:53 |
kgoetz | i havent used edubuntu 7.04 | 01:54 |
ogra | tyndyll, check the .xsession-errores of the user you try with ... | 01:54 |
tyndyll | Have to run off - will be back in 45mins. Sorry about this | 01:54 |
tyndyll | Will try that next | 01:54 |
ogra | *-errors | 01:55 |
ogra | and make sure the ssh server is running | 01:55 |
ogra | (ltsp uses ssh to transfer the desktop) | 01:55 |
kgoetz | ogra: does fesity ship with sabayon by default? | 01:58 |
ogra | nope | 01:58 |
ogra | we have pessulus since edgy sabayon should stay optional until its mature enough | 01:59 |
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=== kgoetz goes to investigate pessulus | ||
ogra | it only sets gconf values | 02:01 |
kgoetz | it sounds familiar. i'll have to look | 02:02 |
kgoetz | *look though | 02:02 |
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highvoltage | Mez|OnAir: pong | 02:19 |
highvoltage | whos here_ | 02:19 |
highvoltage | sigh at spanish keyboarg | 02:19 |
Mez|OnAir | highvoltage, see the link in /msg ;p | 02:20 |
highvoltage | Mez|OnAir: yep. just saw it on planet too = | 02:24 |
highvoltage | Mez|OnAirwhere are you on air too? Sevilla_ | 02:24 |
highvoltage | spanish keyboard gets the better of highvoltage :) | 02:25 |
ogra | highvoltage, so how's the weather ... i havent packed yet | 02:25 |
highvoltage | ogra: colder than I expected. but I can still wear short sleeve shirt without feeling uncomfortable | 02:25 |
highvoltage | I havent slept in... a lot of hours though | 02:26 |
highvoltage | last when I slept was 5am yesterday, and that was only from 1am the same morning! I think its going to catch up with me tonight | 02:26 |
=== juliux waves to highvoltage in spain;) | ||
highvoltage | ogra: seen riched around? I want to ask him some things in preperation | 02:27 |
highvoltage | -me waves back to juliux | 02:27 |
=== juliux is in the cold east germany:( | ||
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highvoltage | man. I want to move to europe and always have fast access like this | 02:29 |
jsgotangco | hey highvoltage | 02:29 |
highvoltage | hey jsgotangco | 02:29 |
juliux | highvoltage, hehe | 02:29 |
jsgotangco | wow you in spain? | 02:29 |
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highvoltage | jsgotangco: si | 02:29 |
juliux | highvoltage, but i have only 700kb down stream here, so it is not in whole europe so fast | 02:29 |
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highvoltage | juliux: only!? | 02:30 |
juliux | highvoltage, yes only;) | 02:30 |
highvoltage | that would be blazing fast for us in .aq | 02:30 |
highvoltage | I mean, .za | 02:30 |
juliux | highvoltage, the slowest broadband connection you can get in germany is 1mbits | 02:31 |
jsgotangco | aq? | 02:31 |
jsgotangco | heh | 02:31 |
ogra | highvoltage, he might still be travelling ... | 02:31 |
jsgotangco | let's all move to europe then! | 02:31 |
highvoltage | juliux: in .za, they call anything thats 64kbit/s or faster broadband! | 02:31 |
kgoetz | same in -au | 02:32 |
juliux | highvoltage, ohhh, that is slow | 02:32 |
jsgotangco | i can always be mistaken as european anways | 02:32 |
jsgotangco | :D | 02:32 |
highvoltage | jsgotangco: I thought you were! | 02:32 |
jsgotangco | well at least here broadband starts at 256kbit/s | 02:32 |
juliux | i know some people who have a gigabit connection | 02:33 |
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=== highvoltage has a gigabit connection, but only between 3 cs in bedroom | ||
juliux | highvoltage, hehe | 02:34 |
juliux | highvoltage, he uploaded the ubuntu 7.04 isos via bittorent | 02:34 |
jsgotangco | highvoltage: hahaha | 02:35 |
jsgotangco | highvoltage: yeah and you're asian i know | 02:35 |
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tyndyll | ogra: sshd is running, however there is no .xsession-errors file in the users directory | 02:58 |
ogra | did you change any IP data after installing the server ? | 02:58 |
tyndyll | ogra: no | 02:59 |
ogra | if so, run: sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys | 02:59 |
ogra | and try to log in again | 02:59 |
ogra | if there is no .xsession-errors it indicates that the problem lies in the ssh layer | 02:59 |
ogra | can the users log in directly on the server without probs ? | 03:00 |
tyndyll | ogra: yes | 03:01 |
tyndyll | Home directory is created | 03:01 |
tyndyll | I've created their main group, it isn't the default one | 03:02 |
tyndyll | i.e. created a group "management" and made that their main group | 03:02 |
ogra | did you tweak any pam settings ? | 03:02 |
tyndyll | No | 03:02 |
ogra | hmm, weird ... | 03:02 |
tyndyll | Have entered the ltsp-update-sshkeys and that seems to have done the trick | 03:02 |
ogra | aha | 03:02 |
ogra | fine :) | 03:03 |
tyndyll | Is X over SSH the standard? | 03:03 |
ogra | yep | 03:03 |
tyndyll | In theory then I could run clients from other sites (bandwidth not withstanding) | 03:04 |
tyndyll | ? | 03:04 |
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ogra | indeed | 03:05 |
tyndyll | cheers for the help | 03:05 |
tyndyll | 8meg here in Belfast in contribution to the conversation I missed earlier | 03:06 |
ogra | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LDMLoadbalancingSupport ... that might go into gutsy ... you will be able to define a serverlist the user can select from | 03:06 |
tyndyll | Cool. | 03:10 |
ogra | but 8M might be a bit small | 03:11 |
tyndyll | Had tried using K12LTSP before. This is much nicer | 03:11 |
ogra | thanks :) | 03:11 |
tyndyll | Typically - the install has been the easy part. The hard part comes later in the week in the selling of it | 03:12 |
=== mattfletcher [n=matt@heysham-mail.nshc.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu | ||
mattfletcher | anyone here got any experience with the Thin Client Manager? | 03:14 |
ogra | if yu wait for cbx33 you can even talk to its author :) | 03:15 |
ogra | mattfletcher, what do you need to know ? | 03:16 |
mattfletcher | Well I think my question is fairly simple. It sounds like a fantastic app (I say sounds, coz I'm still to see a screenshot), but I think a TC setup might be overkill for me. What I really want is LDAP auth + NFS file storage but I wondered if TCM would be of use to me with this? Or would it just work with a true TC setup? | 03:16 |
ogra | it only manages ltsp sessions | 03:17 |
mattfletcher | right | 03:17 |
ogra | whch means it searches for ldm (LTSP Display Manager) based ssh logins | 03:17 |
ogra | and bases all actions on this | 03:18 |
mattfletcher | see, i'm hoping to set up a network of about 15 machines at my local church. the problem is while they are all reasonable machines, none is powerful enough (i think) to run as a LTS | 03:18 |
ogra | so it wont help in your case i suspect | 03:18 |
mattfletcher | what sort of spec would a server need to run say 10 thin clients for now? | 03:19 |
ogra | well, for 15 coients you need something with ~2.4G ram ... | 03:19 |
ogra | *clients | 03:19 |
ogra | take 256M for the server to run and add up 128M per connected client | 03:19 |
mattfletcher | mainly for web surfing, gaim, email and oo i should think. plus the built in games perhaps | 03:19 |
mattfletcher | right i see | 03:19 |
ogra | so 1.5G should suffice vor 10 clients | 03:20 |
mattfletcher | what about processor? | 03:20 |
ogra | CPU power depends on apps used ... i.e. openoffice will require a lot more than just browsing a bit | 03:20 |
cliebow_ | mostly it is about memory.. | 03:20 |
tyndyll | Does the RAM requirement go down if you're not using Gnome/KDE? | 03:20 |
ogra | indeed | 03:20 |
mattfletcher | hmm, i did consider xfce. shocker i know, but it can be made to look xp-like more easily | 03:21 |
ogra | i think you can run with 60-90M with an xfce setup | 03:21 |
mattfletcher | (don't hate me) | 03:21 |
ogra | (per client) | 03:21 |
ogra | why should we :) xfce is a great desktop ... we even ship it on the server addon CD | 03:21 |
mattfletcher | i assume that TCM runs on the server - suggesting that the server runs X? | 03:21 |
ogra | no | 03:22 |
ogra | no X needed on the server at all | 03:22 |
tyndyll | mattfletcher: don't worry about it. thats one of the biggest whines I;m going to hear about on Friday... "but but but,.... its not windows" | 03:22 |
ogra | only the libs since usually the desktop apps are compiled against them | 03:22 |
mattfletcher | so you run TCM on any client? That's cool | 03:22 |
ogra | yep | 03:22 |
mattfletcher | sod it, i know i really want thin client, i'll just have to buy a bit more ram | 03:23 |
ogra | and get a raid controller so you can make use of all these spare disks you have left ;) | 03:24 |
mattfletcher | oh yeah, never thought of that | 03:24 |
mattfletcher | oh | 03:24 |
mattfletcher | actually, i can't. the youth club leader has made me promise to triple boot winxp + scientific linux + edubuntu coz he doesn't trust me not for it all to go tits up | 03:25 |
mattfletcher | how much ram do the clients need? | 03:25 |
ogra | from 64M on | 03:25 |
ogra | 128M is perfect, 64M will work as well ... 48M is *absolute* minimum | 03:25 |
mattfletcher | so i leave 128 in each machine, then i can be sure that fool will try and run the XP or SL :) | 03:27 |
mattfletcher | *no fool | 03:27 |
ogra | heh | 03:27 |
mattfletcher | what a plan | 03:27 |
ogra | SL should work with 128, no ? | 03:27 |
mattfletcher | surely not? | 03:27 |
mattfletcher | it's red hat basically | 03:27 |
ogra | well ... but rather older ... | 03:28 |
mattfletcher | but the youth club leader also happens to be a particle physicist that works at CERN, so he wants the system to run his baby | 03:28 |
mattfletcher | but i said no coz i will end up managing it | 03:28 |
ogra | sure, i didnt complain :) | 03:28 |
ogra | i just said it should be able to run with 128M unless it has a huge desktop (which i wouldnt expect with that name) | 03:29 |
mattfletcher | he wants to use the "install everything" option on the dvd - yes, dvd. now you can see why an ubuntu thin client system looks promising to me as a spare time sysadmin! | 03:29 |
mattfletcher | are there any screenshots of thin client manager in action on this sort of sized network (10-15)? | 03:33 |
ogra | nope | 03:34 |
ogra | the shots that are there only have some testusers in them | 03:34 |
mattfletcher | where is "there"? i've struggled to find any screenshots at all - just launchpad descriptions etc | 03:37 |
ogra | http://www.progbox.co.uk/wordpress/?p=209 | 03:38 |
ogra | http://www.progbox.co.uk/wordpress/?p=208 | 03:39 |
ogra | http://www.progbox.co.uk/wordpress/?p=205 | 03:39 |
ogra | i think thats it | 03:39 |
mattfletcher | ooh very nice! | 03:39 |
ogra | apart from that there are some shots in the edubuntu handbook (installed in your system if you use edubuntu) | 03:39 |
mattfletcher | very gnome-ish | 03:39 |
ogra | indeed, its written in pygtk | 03:40 |
mattfletcher | that'll be why then, i like the look that pygtk gives to progs | 03:40 |
mattfletcher | well i think i need to go and poach some machines and set up a sandbox | 03:41 |
ogra | for an outlook into the future: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/LTSPManager/ | 03:42 |
mattfletcher | thanks ogra (and others), i'm be back to pester you soon. | 03:42 |
ogra | good :) | 03:42 |
mattfletcher | aww, is that not the present :( | 03:42 |
mattfletcher | how future are we talking? | 03:43 |
ogra | LTSP manager ? nope | 03:43 |
ogra | probably gutsy | 03:43 |
ogra | you usually dont need to tweak anything in ltsp ... the autodetection will work fine for 99% of the cases | 03:43 |
ogra | ltsp manager is for the areas where it fails or you have very tricky HW to use | 03:43 |
ogra | (currently you can adjust stuff in a config file) | 03:44 |
mattfletcher | righto. well i promised i'd do it once feisty launched, so i'd best not wait for gutsy | 03:44 |
ogra | right | 03:44 |
mattfletcher | ooh, one of those screenshots revealed something just then. does the server need two nics? | 03:45 |
cliebow_ | matt.you should be able to set ti up single nic if your dhcp doesnt conflict with something else.. | 03:48 |
=== cliebow_ cliebow ducks.. | ||
mattfletcher | well we will likely have 10 clients into a server into a smoothwall into an adsl router. where should the dhcp happen in your opinion? | 03:54 |
ogra | on the edubuntu server | 03:54 |
mattfletcher | right. might i even be able to merge the smoothwall functions into the ltsp server? | 03:55 |
ogra | sure | 03:55 |
ogra | even though i'D keep it separate ... | 03:55 |
ogra | simply because you shouldnt run user apps on a firewall | 03:55 |
mattfletcher | by "functions" i really only care about content filtering, caching etc is of lesser importance | 03:56 |
mattfletcher | i see | 03:56 |
mattfletcher | i'll leave it as is then | 03:56 |
mattfletcher | but move the dhcp onto the edubuntu | 03:56 |
ogra | yep | 03:56 |
ogra | or set the existing one up to do netbooting for thin clients ... | 03:56 |
ogra | up to you :) | 03:56 |
ogra | just dont run two dhcp servers in one network segment | 03:57 |
mattfletcher | the current firewall can barely handle its own jobs | 03:57 |
mattfletcher | is there a list anywhere of what is on the addons cd? | 03:58 |
ogra | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18581/ | 04:01 |
ogra | thats the seedlist used to build the addonCD | 04:01 |
mattfletcher | presumably i could just apt-get this software though? | 04:03 |
ogra | sure | 04:03 |
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crazy_bus | does the classroom Classroom Server Add-on CD work with the on a Desktop cd install. Or does it only work on a server install | 04:29 |
ogra | it works for both ... | 04:30 |
ogra | we'll rename it to be plainly "addon CD" in the next release, that name choice was bad | 04:30 |
crazy_bus | where can I find a list of the programs on the cd. | 04:30 |
ogra | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18581/ thats the seedlist it gets built from | 04:31 |
ogra | (i should put that on a wikipage proper or so) | 04:31 |
crazy_bus | alot of the packages are already of the Desktop cd. Why is this? | 04:32 |
ogra | to have tham available in the live session ... | 04:34 |
crazy_bus | what is a live session? | 04:34 |
ogra | what you run if you put in a desktop CD | 04:35 |
crazy_bus | I'm confused. gconpris, tuxpaint and alot of the kdeedu programs already run when you put in the desktop cd? | 04:36 |
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ogra | they are in the live session, yes, but the installer cant install everything from the live session .. the installed desktop you get is identical to the one from the server CD and doesnt have these apps | 04:37 |
bddebian | Heya | 04:37 |
crazy_bus | I still dont understand :( | 04:39 |
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crazy_bus | do you mean the the ltsp serverdoesn't have these apps installed by default. | 04:41 |
ogra | the installed desktop (no matter which CD you used to install) doesnt have them | 04:42 |
mattfletcher | I'm still not sure why there is an addon CD. If it's all available via apt-get, why bother going to the trouble preselecting a particular range (which is never gonna have exactly what anyone wants on it). | 04:42 |
ogra | the live session running directly off the desktop CD has them ... | 04:43 |
ogra | mattfletcher, 80% of our current users sit in countries with dialup connctions | 04:43 |
ogra | and bad bandwith | 04:43 |
ogra | and many dont have the ability to get a DVD reader/writer either, so we decided for a two CD set | 04:44 |
mattfletcher | I see | 04:44 |
ogra | since not all the apps fit on a single CD ... | 04:44 |
ogra | and we plan to add a lot more for university use etc | 04:44 |
mattfletcher | Maybe that point needs elaborating then. I'm in the UK sat on the end of an 8 meg broadband connection, and I wasted an hour downloading it. I'm not sure what you could do to make it more obvious though. Could a new name help? | 04:46 |
mattfletcher | offline extras disc? | 04:46 |
mattfletcher | repo-on-a-disc? | 04:47 |
mattfletcher | (I'm no marketer) | 04:47 |
ogra | we'll discuss it on the conference next week ... | 04:47 |
ogra | server-addon wasnt the best name :) | 04:48 |
crazy_bus | I'm still confused :) I installed edubuntu and it had all the programs from the live session installed including alot of kdeedu, tuxpaint, gcompri etc | 04:48 |
ogra | crazy_bus, oh, then you used an old release | 04:48 |
ogra | since feisty that changed | 04:49 |
crazy_bus | I've only tested the livecd of feisty. So are those programs missing from an install now? | 04:49 |
ogra | yes, you need the addon CD | 04:49 |
ogra | we'll change that wiht gutsy ... feisty was the first release to have two CDs we'll have to see how it goes | 04:50 |
ogra | .. and make adjust ments | 04:50 |
crazy_bus | how do those programs fit on the livecd and not in an install? Whats taken the space on the cd compared to older releases | 04:50 |
ogra | nothing | 04:51 |
ogra | the liveCd doesnt have the server bits | 04:51 |
ogra | and the server CD doesnt have the edu apps | 04:51 |
ogra | its all balanced out | 04:51 |
=== paolob-parroquia [n=paolob-p@pri-214-b7.codetel.net.do] has joined #edubuntu | ||
paolob-parroquia | hi ogra! | 04:52 |
mattfletcher | dumb question then - where's the "edu" in the edubuntu server cd then? what makes it different from the ubuntu server cd? | 04:53 |
crazy_bus | I think because its setup with automatic ltsp which is good for schools | 04:54 |
paolob-parroquia | I just dist-upgraded a ltsp server to feisty, and it says that the package ltsp-server is retained. If I try to "apt-get install" it, it says that there is a big crunch of package that aren't necessary any more, and that are being removed. Is it ok? | 04:54 |
ogra | there are still a bunch of edu apps ... and the installer integration of server stuff ... like ltsp, scooltool, moodle is in the works and a proper network auth mecahnism as well | 04:54 |
crazy_bus | So if I install the livecd of edubuntu 7.04. Alot of the programs that were on the live cd like gcompris will be missing? | 04:54 |
ogra | you need to install them from the addon CD | 04:54 |
mattfletcher | what is improper about network auth right now? | 04:54 |
ogra | there is none ? | 04:55 |
mattfletcher | you mean ldap sort of auth, not ltsp then, yeah? | 04:55 |
ogra | at least no integrated solution that works out of the box | 04:55 |
ogra | i mean any kind of network authentication server ... for ltsp as well as for any other stuff | 04:55 |
mattfletcher | but this won't affect me with my 10 pcs, 1 server setup that i'm hoping to build, no? | 04:56 |
ogra | specifically for ltsp though, since things like fat client implementation as well as local app support needs any network auth in place | 04:56 |
ogra | no | 04:56 |
ogra | its something future features will be based on | 04:56 |
mattfletcher | ah i get it, you mean to let the ltsp outsource its own authentication | 04:56 |
ogra | well, we want to have an ldap server or something that gets set up by default but is totally transaprent to the admin and user | 04:57 |
ogra | in any case the server CD will grow several heads and legs in the near future | 04:58 |
ogra | so space thats free atm after we had to take care to everything split up over the different isos will be used for further development ... | 04:59 |
mattfletcher | Edubuntu sounds like a really interesting arm of the ubuntu project. I want to contribute back, but I'm not really sure how. I have few technical skills and to be honest little spare time. Is there anything meaningful I can do? | 04:59 |
ogra | and free space on the addon CD will be used for further edu apps | 04:59 |
ogra | i think we hav a "contribute to edubuntu" page on www.edubuntu-org somewhere ... | 05:00 |
ogra | apart from that you can attend the meetings we usually hold every wednesday or hang around here and pick up tasks ... | 05:00 |
ogra | one area where we always need help is documentation :) | 05:01 |
crazy_bus | is there anyway to use a desktop cd as an upgrade disk. As I spent a long time setting up a dialup modem on someones computer and I don't want to lose the installed modem | 05:02 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes is up to date? is it right for edgy -> feisty? | 05:02 |
ogra | nope, use the server CD for that | 05:03 |
ogra | paolob-parroquia, well, thats rather generic and can be used for all upgrades ... | 05:03 |
ogra | it could need a hint to mount /proc in the client chroot though | 05:04 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, I see that the chroot upgrade still uses the 386 kernel, while ubuntu uses only the generic one... | 05:09 |
ogra | yep | 05:09 |
ogra | -enerig isnt usable on many thin clients | 05:09 |
ogra | *-generic | 05:10 |
paolob-parroquia | ok | 05:10 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, but if I find that it work... can I use it or is it "dangerous"? | 05:10 |
ogra | well your system will boot slower adn use more memory ... and you might run into probs in later upgrades | 05:12 |
mattfletcher | ogra, if i have a ltsp system working, could anyone bring along a laptop and boot into the system? | 05:13 |
ogra | mattfletcher, indeed | 05:13 |
mattfletcher | and it should just work? | 05:13 |
ogra | as long as it supports PXE | 05:13 |
ogra | or you have an etherboot floppie | 05:13 |
mattfletcher | and then you could reboot and be urself again? | 05:13 |
ogra | yes, it will just work | 05:14 |
ogra | right | 05:14 |
mattfletcher | is there an etherboot cd? | 05:14 |
ogra | no, you can make one on rom-o-matic | 05:14 |
mattfletcher | i see | 05:14 |
ogra | modern laptops ususally have PXE though | 05:14 |
ogra | i havnet had one without since two years ... and i usually buy the cheapest crap since i change quite often | 05:15 |
mattfletcher | how can i find if a sony vaio vgn-fs315e does pxe? | 05:15 |
ogra | look in the bios | 05:15 |
mattfletcher | there is no table online? | 05:15 |
ogra | there should be an entry in the bootorder menu | 05:15 |
ogra | select boot from netwrok there | 05:15 |
ogra | *network | 05:16 |
mattfletcher | what is desktop support for that like? and can it be set in the boot order to fallback to disk if no server is available? | 05:16 |
ogra | n idea ask sony :) | 05:18 |
ogra | *no | 05:18 |
ogra | i didnt write their bios :) | 05:18 |
mattfletcher | sorry i meant general desktop support, how confident can i be that things will have it? | 05:19 |
ogra | i dont understand | 05:19 |
mattfletcher | if i walked into pc world today and picked up a cheap and nasty pc, how likely would it be to have pxe support? or does it really depend on what you buy? | 05:20 |
ogra | you will get a normal desktop as on every other ubuntu/edubuntu with ltsp and it will behave the same as elsewhere | 05:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | mattfletcher, usually come with pxe (intels) | 05:20 |
mattfletcher | but not amds? | 05:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | amds will /probably/. | 05:23 |
ogra | likeliness of new HW having PXE ... 90% i'd say | 05:23 |
ogra | at least for laptops | 05:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i'd say the same for desktops, especialy if its hardware thats targeted to school/busines | 05:24 |
ogra | i havent bought any desktop since years so i can hardly judge there :) | 05:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | niether, but pxe is (afaik) the only way to book pc's thats ever been bulit into the bios, i have 3-5 year old computers, all have pxe | 05:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | cant imagine it going away just yet | 05:26 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, at the end of the chroot dist-upgrade, it tells me that package console-setup is not configured, and it seems that it's because I have LANGUAGE=es_DO:es, i.e. it's not UTF-8. And I can't issue a sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 export LANGUAGE=es_DO.UTF-8, it says "chroot: cannot run command `export': No such file or directory". Why? | 05:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | export is a function of the shell iirc | 05:28 |
ogra | paolob-parroquia, did you mount /proc in the chroot ? | 05:31 |
paolob-parroquia | sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 mount /proc ? | 05:32 |
paolob-parroquia | it doesn't work... | 05:33 |
paolob-parroquia | $ sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 mount /proc | 05:33 |
paolob-parroquia | warning: can't open /etc/mtab: No such file or directory | 05:33 |
ogra | look at the upgrade notes | 05:33 |
ogra | i added that when i said so | 05:33 |
Kamping_Kaiser | if its temporary, just bind it in from your host os | 05:33 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, I'm using https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes, but it doesn't speak of mounting /proc | 05:34 |
=== ogra wonders if the wiki didnt save the edit from 2h ago | ||
=== ogra checks | ||
ogra | well, for me it says a) that wiping and rebuilding the chroot is the recommended method ... and that you need to mount /proc | 05:36 |
ogra | in case you want to do an upgrade | 05:36 |
ogra | "# | 05:36 |
ogra | Make sure we have a /proc filesystem available (some packages need that) | 05:36 |
ogra | sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 mount -t proc proc /proc | 05:36 |
ogra | " | 05:36 |
ogra | "# | 05:37 |
ogra | Clean up after us, we dont need the /proc filesystem anymore | 05:37 |
ogra | sudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 umount /proc | 05:37 |
ogra | " | 05:37 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, I see it | 05:37 |
ogra | i'D still really recommend the rebuild ... its way faster and you will actually see the new features | 05:38 |
ogra | i.e. in an upgrade you will for example still use the esound crap ... | 05:40 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, ok, I'm going to do it | 05:41 |
juliux | ogra, hi, can you ask around on ues if somebody has some nice edubuntu pictures we can print for linuxtag? | 05:42 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, with the rebuild do I have to set the keyboard layout again ? | 05:43 |
ogra | juliux, sure ... | 05:45 |
ogra | paolob-parroquia, nope thats done automatically now | 05:45 |
juliux | ogra, thanks we have an extra demopoint for edubuntu on linuxtag | 05:45 |
ogra | (another reason to rather rebuild ;) ) | 05:45 |
ogra | juliux, i'll be there for the Q&A session ... if you want me earlier or later for the stand to promote edubuntu, just say so :) | 05:46 |
juliux | ogra, it is up to you, if you have time come if not not;) | 05:47 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, I rebuilt, but "ln: creating symbolic link `/dev/fd' to `/proc/self/fd': File exists", and exits with error. | 05:48 |
ogra | you dint clean up properly | 05:49 |
ogra | *didnt | 05:49 |
paolob-parroquia | I had rm-ed the tree with "sudo rm -rf /opt/ltsp/i386" | 05:49 |
ogra | doesnt look like | 05:49 |
ogra | what does: dpkg -l ltsp-server | 05:50 |
ogra | give you ? | 05:50 |
ogra | (should be 5.0.7) | 05:50 |
ogra | erm | 05:51 |
ogra | did you unmount /proc properly before removing the thing ? | 05:51 |
ogra | whoops | 05:55 |
juliux | now he umountet /dev/eth0 ;) | 05:56 |
ogra | heh | 05:57 |
=== paolob-parroquia [n=paolob-p@pri-214-b7.codetel.net.do] has joined #edubuntu | ||
paolob-parroquia | (sorry, the battery of the inverter...) | 06:02 |
paolob-parroquia | what did you tell me ogra? | 06:02 |
ogra | did you unmount /proc properly before removing the thing ? | 06:03 |
ogra | mmm, nice :) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/default.stm | 06:04 |
ogra | free advert space on bbc :) | 06:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wish the bbc site wasnt so heavy :| | 06:05 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, no | 06:06 |
ogra | paolob-parroquia, thats your prob then | 06:06 |
ogra | unmount it | 06:06 |
paolob-parroquia | in the removing procedure it doesn't specify it | 06:06 |
ogra | in the removing procedure i dont assume that you wipe a manually half updated chroot ;) | 06:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sadly, i'm more interested in the 'users want xp back' link *heh* | 06:07 |
ogra | heh, i'm reading that as well atm :) | 06:07 |
ogra | "In response Microsoft said that Dell was responding to a "small minority" of customers who had a very "specific" request." | 06:08 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser is still waiting for both to load :| | ||
=== Kamping_Kaiser thought minorities were inherantly small | ||
ogra | *giggle* indeed thats why they switch back *6* models | 06:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wow. cool. *still waiting* | 06:09 |
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu | ||
paolob-parroquia | ogra, I can't understand: I think I umounted the /proc before removing the ltsp tree, but now if it were mounted I cannot remove it. And ltsp-build-client keeps ending with error. How should I do? | 06:18 |
paolob-parroquia | I'm rebooting the server... | 06:18 |
paolob-parroquia | ? | 06:18 |
ogra | nah | 06:18 |
ogra | sudo umount /opt/ltsp/i386/proc | 06:19 |
ogra | :) | 06:19 |
cbx33 | ogra, vcs is looking good | 06:21 |
cbx33 | ;) | 06:21 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, it's not mounted. I rebooted the server, but all is the same: after installing successfully the base system it gives some perl warnings and then "Adding `diversion of /etc/mtab to /etc/mtab.real by ltsp-client'" | 06:23 |
paolob-parroquia | `/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list' -> `/opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list.old' | 06:23 |
paolob-parroquia | ln: creating symbolic link `/dev/fd' to `/proc/self/fd': File exists | 06:23 |
ogra | what version of the ltsp-server package do you have there ? | 06:23 |
ogra | and did you make really clear that /opt/ltsp was empty after your reboot and before you ran ltsp-build-client ? | 06:24 |
ogra | dpkg -l ltsp-server | 06:24 |
ogra | (shows the version) | 06:24 |
paolob-parroquia | ahhh, it's the old one, apt-get dist-upgrade didn't upgrade it because of many packages autoremovables | 06:24 |
paolob-parroquia | do I install it | 06:24 |
paolob-parroquia | ? | 06:25 |
paolob-parroquia | 0.124 | 06:25 |
ogra | you are on feisty? | 06:25 |
paolob-parroquia | yes | 06:25 |
ogra | whee, that should be 5.0.7 then | 06:26 |
paolob-parroquia | I dist-upgraded to feisty | 06:26 |
ogra | manually ... | 06:26 |
paolob-parroquia | ok, let me install | 06:26 |
ogra | i mean without using update-manager ? | 06:26 |
paolob-parroquia | yes | 06:26 |
ogra | thats brave | 06:27 |
ogra | are you sure there isnt other stuff that isnt upgraded as well ? | 06:27 |
ogra | dist-upgrade might have left a lot of stuff out ... thats why its not recommended | 06:28 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, but why doesn't the developers integrate in apt-get the stuff that update-manager works? A gui application isn't as friendly as a command line one... | 06:32 |
paolob-parroquia | ogra, we have still the bug that the --mirror option of ltsp-build-client doesn't resolv the names defined in the server's /etc/hosts | 06:37 |
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=== LaserJock [n=laserjoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu | ||
LaserJock | ogra: are you here? I didn't make my flight so I won't be meeting you | 07:59 |
ogra | ah, k | 07:59 |
ogra | any info on a new flight ? | 08:00 |
LaserJock | pretty much same flights just 24hrs later | 08:00 |
ogra | ah | 08:00 |
LaserJock | the stupid plane broke | 08:00 |
ogra | ugh | 08:00 |
ogra | horror | 08:00 |
LaserJock | it was the first flight though | 08:00 |
LaserJock | so I'm back at home actually | 08:00 |
LaserJock | apparently the system that controls the cabin pressure wouldn't work | 08:01 |
LaserJock | according to my new tickets I'll be in Seville at 12:55 on the 3rd | 08:03 |
LaserJock | so I guess I'll miss the first morning :( | 08:04 |
cliebow_ | LaserJock, that certainly gives one a feeling of confidence.. | 08:08 |
LaserJock | cliebow_: they first started saying they were getting the mechanics to troubleshoot | 08:08 |
LaserJock | there was a lady a few row behind calling her husband to make some last minute changes to her will :-) | 08:09 |
LaserJock | so overall I think it was better to get a different flight than to all of a sudden loose cabin pressure mid-flight ;-) | 08:10 |
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=== meduxa is back. | ||
LaserJock | ogra: should email Claire to tell her I'll be late? | 08:21 |
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ogra | LaserJock, probably makes sense | 08:28 |
cbx33 | hey all | 08:29 |
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LaserJock | cbx33: hi! | 08:58 |
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sacater | highvoltage: is all going to plan for tommorow and irc | 10:16 |
Burgwork | how do I make dhcpd bind only to the eth1 interface? | 10:31 |
ajmitch | morning | 10:39 |
ajmitch | Burgwork: just tell it which subnet to listen on | 10:40 |
ajmitch | it should pick up the interface from that | 10:40 |
Burgwork | so if the other interface is dhcp on a completely different subnet, it won't bind to it? | 10:42 |
Burgwork | and how do I tell which interfaces a running dhcpd server is bound to? | 10:42 |
Burgwork | yes, this means I have actually installed LTSP | 10:42 |
ajmitch | netstat will still tell you it's listening to all | 10:42 |
ajmitch | but I believe it will ignore packets on the 'wrong' interfaces | 10:43 |
ajmitch | at least it 'works for me' :) | 10:43 |
ajmitch | good to see the dell stuff sorted out, are people back on planet? I've seen no posts for a few hours | 10:43 |
Burgwork | planet is currently dead | 10:44 |
Burgwork | I am not happy | 10:44 |
Burgwork | nor is jono | 10:44 |
=== Amir2 [n=Amir2@77-97-155-73.cable.ubr14.brad.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Amir2 | Hi! | 10:45 |
Amir2 | does anyone know if its possible to run edubuntu from a USB stick? | 10:45 |
Amir2 | would this be OK dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1024 ? | 10:46 |
Amir2 | how about difference in volume size? (usb stick is 1GB and CDROM is 700MB) | 10:47 |
Amir2 | aha found what i need http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2006/09/19/all-in-one-usb-pclinuxos-minimezip/ | 10:49 |
Amir2 | thanks anywayz! :-) | 10:49 |
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