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jdong | doko: ping; I don't feel comfortable handling bug 111341 via Backports; could you offer me some words of wisdom on the safety of such an action, or a better way of resolving webmaven's issue? | 12:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 111341 in edgy-backports "Please backport Python2.4" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111341 | 12:23 |
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mangojambo | hi ... | 12:53 |
mangojambo | Is the default source modules folder /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic/drivers ? | 12:53 |
mangojambo | feisty | 12:53 |
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Solarion | any ideas when SELinux will be enabled in Ubuntu? | 02:26 |
justinellison | Solarion: have you looked at the Blueprint spec on Launchpad? | 02:30 |
justinellison | Solarion: there is also a Blueprint for enabling SELinux by default: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/selinux-by-default | 02:32 |
Solarion | interesting | 02:38 |
Solarion | so what do I do here? :) | 02:40 |
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Solarion | so ubuntu is going to be shipping on Dells? | 02:46 |
siti | it's just a rumour I think :p | 02:46 |
siti | but quite likely | 02:46 |
Solarion | looks like Fabin spilled the beans | 02:46 |
Solarion | http://www.fabianrodriguez.com/blog/archives/2007/04/30/its-d-day/ | 02:46 |
Solarion | I don't see a press release on ubuntu.com | 02:46 |
siti | ok | 02:47 |
Solarion | is Fabin in trouble? | 02:47 |
Solarion | (hello, Kiwi! :) | 02:47 |
mjg59 | He posted it at 00:00 GMT on the 1st of May | 02:48 |
robertj | Solarion: Fabin is now dead | 02:48 |
siti | lol | 02:48 |
Solarion | robertj: the Microsoft hit squads are *that* fast?! | 02:48 |
mjg59 | So, if it's happening, I'd expect something to appear more officially slightly later on today | 02:48 |
Solarion | mjg59: you're an ubuntu employee, correct? | 02:49 |
Solarion | well, Canonical | 02:49 |
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siti | Solarion: hello kiwi? | 02:49 |
mjg59 | Solarion: No | 02:49 |
Solarion | siti: are you not from NZ? | 02:49 |
siti | yes, are you? | 02:49 |
Solarion | mjg59: guess I was confused then. My bad. | 02:49 |
mjg59 | Solarion: I'm the token non-Canonical person on the tech board :) | 02:49 |
Solarion | siti: newp. Sadly, not all of us are as fortunate as you. ;) | 02:49 |
siti | I guess if a canonical worker says it's happening, then it will happen... | 02:49 |
Solarion | mjg59: for whom do you work? | 02:50 |
siti | Solarion: why is it fortunate to be a kiwi :p? | 02:50 |
mjg59 | Solarion: I'm a student | 02:50 |
Solarion | siti: because? | 02:50 |
Solarion | I dunno if I'd buy a Dell with Ubuntu. System76 seems like they truly support us. | 02:51 |
dAndy | Is there a blueprint for the proposed unattended install stuff for gutsy? I remember seeing something somewhere but now I can't find it | 02:51 |
Solarion | and hence should be supported | 02:51 |
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Solarion | wasabi? | 02:52 |
Solarion | wasabi: are you the same wasabi? | 02:52 |
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MindUs | Free phone calls all around the world - http://callfree.point-serv.com/en/ | 02:58 |
MindUs | Free phone calls all around the world - http://callfree.point-serv.com/en/ | 02:58 |
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siti | lol | 02:59 |
robertj | btw, if one axis of my touchpad randomly stops working until I alt+tab, what package does that get filed against? | 03:02 |
jdong | robertj: most likely xorg-driver-input-synaptics | 03:03 |
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ajmitch | Solarion: there are a few issues to be worked out to have selinux working *properly* | 03:04 |
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agraveley | so what's the deal with the Ubuntu shutdown dialog? is it upstreamed into GNOME/gdm yet? | 03:26 |
mjg59 | No | 03:27 |
mjg59 | To a large extent, it exists because we don't have sufficiently reliable power management yet | 03:27 |
agraveley | ya, tell me about it. i want to avoid putting separate hibernate/suspend buttons in gimmie, but i don't think there's much choice. so i might as well use the snazzy ubuntu dialog. | 03:28 |
agraveley | but is that code is still a monolithic patch to gnome-panel? | 03:29 |
mjg59 | No clue, I'm afraid. I'm not aware of it having been rewritten, but it's not really in the area I concentrate on | 03:30 |
agraveley | is there a canonical place where that patch lives? | 03:30 |
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mjg59 | Erm. Excellent question. | 03:32 |
mjg59 | It was produced by a SoC student, IIRC | 03:32 |
mjg59 | I'm not sure if it has an independent existence... | 03:32 |
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agraveley | i wish power management was good enough to do things correctly... suspend to ram, then unsuspend after a certain amount of time or resource usage and resuspend to disk | 03:43 |
agraveley | or something :) | 03:45 |
mjg59 | Yeah, that would be ideal | 03:46 |
johanbr | Isn't that possible with acpi alarms? | 03:47 |
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jdong | Dear Santa. I would like a black Macbook with 4GB RAM and a 120GB hard drive. | 03:47 |
mjg59 | johanbr: Oh, yeah, that's entirely feasible | 03:47 |
mjg59 | But making it the default would make people sad - suspend and resume still isn't reliable enough | 03:48 |
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fabbione | morning | 05:54 |
ion_ | Hi | 05:57 |
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sharms | thats interesting, the confirmation of the dell on the planet post disappeared | 07:08 |
jdong | sharms: dum dum DUM | 07:10 |
jdong | http://www.fabianrodriguez.com/blog/archives/2007/04/30/its-d-day/ | 07:10 |
sharms | actually | 07:11 |
sharms | he just disappeared from the planet | 07:11 |
sharms | and so did the post above him | 07:11 |
Treenaks | I only see 'congratulations' and 'there are rumours..' posts | 07:11 |
sharms | there were 2 more posts above xubuntu | 07:12 |
Keybuk | yeah, looks like planet lost the top few posts; it does that sometimes, I'll let elmo know when he wakes up :-/ probably needs kicking | 07:12 |
sharms | no no I would rather keep going on my conspiracy theory | 07:12 |
ajmitch | Keybuk: it's not the only thing missing today, bug mail is floating around somewhere | 07:14 |
sharms | if you are missing bug mail, I got a couple of specs ajmitch | 07:14 |
Keybuk | heh, bug mail is always erratic for me :-/ | 07:14 |
sharms | keep ya occupied :) | 07:14 |
ajmitch | sharms: nah, I filed a couple of sync requests today, one got through | 07:15 |
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doko | jdong: in this case it seems to better to fix zope's configure support | 07:42 |
Treenaks | sharms: another post disappeared from planet | 07:42 |
jdong | doko: agreed; that was the eventual conclusion that was drawn; thanks! | 07:42 |
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Wriest | hello everyone | 08:37 |
Fujitsu | Hi Wriest. | 08:38 |
Wriest | Hi Fujitsu | 08:38 |
Wriest | you be here alot | 08:38 |
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mdke | 08:12:17 < mdke> does anyone know what is wrong with these two lines? | 09:15 |
mdke | 08:12:18 < mdke> Ised -i ../build/ubuntu/$y/C/*.html -e "s#.\./\.\./\.\./common/C/contributors\.xml#../../common/C/contributors.html#g" | 09:15 |
mdke | 08:12:19 < mdke> Ised -i ../build/ubuntu/$y/C/*.html -e "s#/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/common/C/ccbysa\.xml#../../common/C/ccbysa.html#g" | 09:15 |
mdke | 08:12:41 < mdke> they give me: | 09:15 |
mdke | 08:12:41 < mdke> sed: -e expression #1, char 51: unterminated `s' command | 09:15 |
mdke | oh for god's sake | 09:16 |
mdke | these things are always stupid typos | 09:17 |
mdke | (found it) | 09:17 |
=== mdke wonders if real programmers get this frustrated | ||
Lathiat | yep | 09:20 |
Lathiat | if you count me as a real programmer anyway ;) | 09:20 |
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mdke | Lathiat: :) | 09:27 |
jsgotangco | hey mdke long time no chat | 09:27 |
Burgundavia | hey jsgotangco | 09:28 |
jsgotangco | how's it going Burgundavia | 09:28 |
Burgundavia | work is killing me | 09:29 |
Burgundavia | but I am looking forward to spain | 09:29 |
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jsgotangco | wow so you're going to spain huh nice | 09:29 |
jsgotangco | work is killing me too | 09:29 |
mdke | hiya both | 09:29 |
mdke | cjwatson_: the intended layout for https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04 is now up on that page. Can you take a look and think about how the installation-guide would fit in? I've been thinking about it and don't really know. It's kinda awkward because of the absence of a guide for the main Ubuntu cd... | 09:31 |
tonyyarusso | Who manages Planet Ubuntu these days? | 09:32 |
Burgundavia | you do | 09:32 |
tonyyarusso | err, I'd have hoped I would be informed :P | 09:33 |
mdke | tonyyarusso: wiki:PlanetUbuntu | 09:34 |
tonyyarusso | mdke: looking at that now | 09:34 |
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jsgotangco | if you're an ubuntu member, you can fix it yourself (or add yourself) | 09:34 |
tonyyarusso | was wondering if there was some sort of administrative oversight, etc. (Yes, I too am wondering why Fabian and Martin are no longer included atm) | 09:35 |
Burgundavia | which martin? | 09:36 |
Burgundavia | tonyyarusso: fabian's whole site is down | 09:36 |
Burgundavia | http://www.fabianrodriguez.com/ | 09:36 |
tonyyarusso | Burgundavia: albisetti | 09:36 |
tonyyarusso | (beuno) | 09:36 |
mdke | tonyyarusso: yes, it's on Canonical servers so of course there is administrative oversight | 09:36 |
Burgundavia | right | 09:36 |
mdke | I'm sure they will be back on planet soon, don't worry | 09:37 |
tonyyarusso | mmkay | 09:37 |
Burgundavia | however, there really should be an editorial board | 09:37 |
Burgundavia | you can see if the config has been edited | 09:38 |
Treenaks | Burgundavia: and by whom.. | 09:38 |
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=== tonyyarusso doesn't understand bzr enough to do so | ||
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Burgundavia | anybody got a current config pulled down? | 09:40 |
=== Hobbsee waves | ||
fabbione | hey Hobbsee | 09:41 |
vciaglia | good morning | 09:41 |
Hobbsee | hi fabbione! | 09:41 |
Treenaks | Burgundavia: I just cloned a new copy.. | 09:42 |
=== beuno sees he's no longer on the planet | ||
jsgotangco | it seems i got removed as well | 09:43 |
jsgotangco | lol | 09:43 |
jsgotangco | STOP BLOGGING ABOUT DELL | 09:43 |
jsgotangco | lol | 09:43 |
Burgundavia | right | 09:44 |
Burgundavia | hmm | 09:44 |
beuno | oh? but I didn't brean any embargo..? | 09:44 |
Burgundavia | that does mildly concern me | 09:44 |
elkbuntu | heh.. they removed anyone who posted about dell? | 09:44 |
tonyyarusso | jsgotangco: You did it too? | 09:44 |
=== tonyyarusso just did - waits to see if he gets censored as well | ||
jsgotangco | yeah lol | 09:45 |
beuno | I mean, I added "there is a rumor" | 09:45 |
jsgotangco | i just said "Congratulations" | 09:45 |
jsgotangco | heh | 09:45 |
beuno | and Fabia Rodriguez confirmed it | 09:45 |
Burgundavia | nuking an employee is ok, nuking community members is a bit much | 09:45 |
elkbuntu | tonyyarusso, quickly remove it and you'll be fine | 09:45 |
tonyyarusso | elkbuntu: why are we being censored? | 09:45 |
elkbuntu | tonyyarusso, probably because it's not official yet | 09:45 |
jsgotangco | come on, Dell's support site has it plastered all over | 09:45 |
tonyyarusso | jsgotangco: link me to your post? | 09:46 |
beuno | and we didn't get a warning, instruacions | 09:46 |
beuno | nothing | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | are you all permanently removed from planet, or just tha tpost? | 09:46 |
jsgotangco | Hobbsee: removed | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | jsgotangco: that doesnt answer the quesiton | 09:46 |
beuno | Hobbsee: permanently removed | 09:46 |
Treenaks | I just pulled a fresh planet config, but no changes since yesterday (and that was a comment change) | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | all removed, or just that post removed? | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | ahh, ouch | 09:46 |
Burgundavia | means the main server config was changed without editing the bzr branch | 09:47 |
elkbuntu | jsgotangco, where? i dont see it? | 09:47 |
tonyyarusso | Burgundavia: does that tell us anything? | 09:47 |
mdke | it tells you more than you would have known if the posts hadn't been removed | 09:48 |
Burgundavia | that means that it was canonical that did it | 09:48 |
tonyyarusso | mdke: true | 09:48 |
Burgundavia | only they have access to the data centre | 09:48 |
Hobbsee | mdke: uh, exactly | 09:48 |
vciaglia | "Dell to choose Ubuntu". Nice! :) | 09:48 |
jsgotangco | elkbuntu: http://urltea.com/gt8 | 09:48 |
beuno | http://beuno.com.ar/archives/17 | 09:48 |
jsgotangco | it says install though heh | 09:49 |
jsgotangco | ah well | 09:49 |
jsgotangco | welcome to capitalism | 09:49 |
Burgundavia | who got pulled? | 09:49 |
elkbuntu | jsgotangco, yes, nothing about preinstallation | 09:49 |
beuno | the source for my post is a public article in desktoplinux.com | 09:50 |
tonyyarusso | Burgundavia: jsgotangco, magicfab, and jsgotangco so far - I just de-planetified mine (still posted though) | 09:50 |
beuno | and then updated to link to magicfabs post... | 09:50 |
Burgundavia | just the two? | 09:50 |
tonyyarusso | three | 09:50 |
tonyyarusso | beuno should have been that last one | 09:50 |
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Burgundavia | magic fab is a little bit different, he is an employee | 09:51 |
ajmitch | Burgundavia: and his blog no longer has the post | 09:51 |
Burgundavia | it was down for a long time | 09:51 |
elkbuntu | breaking a press embargo is a pretty major thing too | 09:51 |
beuno | but did I go against some rule? | 09:52 |
tonyyarusso | desktoplinux had the story before Fabian made it sound official even. | 09:52 |
Burgundavia | no communtiy member committed any infractions | 09:52 |
elkbuntu | beuno, no, you did not, but they've gone equal treatment for all | 09:52 |
ajmitch | elkbuntu: it is, but I guess there was some miscommunication about an embargo | 09:52 |
ajmitch | we'll find out soon, either way | 09:52 |
Mithrandir | beuno: I wouldn't worry, you might just have exposed information which shouldn't have been public in the first place. | 09:52 |
ajmitch | until then, don't worry :) | 09:53 |
ajmitch | hi Mithrandir | 09:53 |
Mithrandir | (note, might, I'm not in a position to confirm or deny any dealings that Canonical has or hasn't with any vendors) | 09:53 |
Mithrandir | hiya ajmitch | 09:53 |
beuno | ok, so I should remove the post? wouldn't it have been better to ask me to remove it? | 09:53 |
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Burgundavia | beuno: yep | 09:54 |
Burgundavia | somebody freaked at Canonical, which is totally understandable | 09:54 |
elkbuntu | beuno, there is a problem with that sort of thing. it depends on people being asked to actually read the request to do so. much more effective to just nuke | 09:54 |
mdke | beuno: remove the broken link, I guess. But yeah, it's pretty heavy handed to go around removing stuff from planet without letting the relevant people know. Probably a bit of an overreaction, given that there were already plenty of rumours flying around | 09:54 |
=== Burgundavia is mildly pissed about this | ||
beuno | ok removed | 09:55 |
=== tonyyarusso intends to leave his post up, but refrain from syndicating it to Planet for now | ||
elkbuntu | i'm annoyed it's happened too, but i can understand the reasons | 09:55 |
tonyyarusso | I don't like being censored. | 09:55 |
beuno | but yeah, not terribly happy, they could of removed it, *and* notified me maybe? | 09:55 |
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tonyyarusso | A good person to see. | 09:55 |
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Mithrandir | beuno: I agree you should have been notified. | 09:56 |
ajmitch | hey jono | 09:56 |
tonyyarusso | jono: We're discussing the unexplained forced removal of people from Planet Ubuntu. | 09:56 |
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jono | by who? | 09:56 |
tonyyarusso | Someone at Canonical. | 09:56 |
ogra | Riddell, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LtspfsVirtualHalDevices and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LdmImprovements are two specs you probably should make th eKDE ltsp spec depend on | 09:57 |
jono | what?! | 09:57 |
jsgotangco_ | yes! | 09:57 |
tonyyarusso | With direct access to the server. | 09:57 |
jono | are you kidding me? | 09:57 |
tonyyarusso | jono: Martin Albisetti, jsgotangco_, and Fabian Rodriguez. | 09:57 |
jsgotangco_ | jono: its true | 09:57 |
tonyyarusso | so far | 09:57 |
jono | holy cow | 09:57 |
beuno | nope, all of us who said anything about Dell have been removed | 09:57 |
mdke | it's understandable, to be honest | 09:57 |
Treenaks | jono: The bzr branch has the removed persons; planet.ubuntu.com does not | 09:57 |
mdke | give him the full picture | 09:57 |
tonyyarusso | jono: I de-planetified my post to avoid the same thing for the time being. | 09:57 |
Burgundavia | mdke: fabian broke embargo | 09:58 |
Burgundavia | http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS8661763902.html | 09:58 |
tonyyarusso | mdke: agreed | 09:58 |
Burgundavia | ^ there is a great source for rumour as well | 09:58 |
beuno | thats where I got my info | 09:58 |
beuno | http://beuno.com.ar/?p=17 (dont know if thats visible) | 09:58 |
jsgotangco | i only blogged after fab did | 09:58 |
jono | ok two secs | 09:58 |
Burgundavia | removing an employee is different | 09:58 |
elkbuntu | jono, i've still got fabian's post in liferea if you want a paste of it | 09:58 |
tonyyarusso | jono: The main complaint seems to be that nobody got an explanatory letter, etc. If it's not supposed to be public yet, it makes sense to not want it on planet, but seems a bit heavy-handed. | 09:58 |
Mithrandir | I've given jono the backlog and such, so please give him a moment to catch up? | 09:59 |
tonyyarusso | jsgotangco: same - linked to others who had already mentioned | 09:59 |
tonyyarusso | Mithrandir: sure thing, thanks | 09:59 |
beuno | uhm, what about this: http://robitaille.wordpress.com/2007/04/30/rumour-of-the-day-dell-to-choose-ubuntu/ | 09:59 |
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mdke | beuno: there's a clear difference between rumours and linking to an official confirmation | 09:59 |
jsgotangco | well he said it nicely that its a rumour | 09:59 |
jsgotangco | heh | 10:00 |
beuno | mdke: right, sorry | 10:00 |
elkbuntu | yep. tact is the key | 10:00 |
jsgotangco | congratulations for the rumour! | 10:00 |
mdke | but hey, even for the linking, who cares. These things come out in the end | 10:00 |
beuno | so did I, but when Fabian said the embargo was lifted, I updated my post (I wasn't aware of any embargo) | 10:00 |
=== beuno calms down | ||
beuno | no big deal | 10:01 |
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beuno | post is removed, just please ask canonical to at least drop us a line to let us know why we're suddenly off the planet | 10:01 |
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jono | ok, who blogged about this dell thing? | 10:02 |
jono | and who was removed? | 10:02 |
Burgundavia | anyway, I need to sleep | 10:02 |
jono | thanks Burgundavia, later pal :) | 10:02 |
elkbuntu | night Burgundavia | 10:02 |
jsgotangco | me | 10:02 |
jsgotangco | :D | 10:03 |
jono | who else? | 10:03 |
tonyyarusso | jono: I blogged, but did not Planet it, not removed (yet) | 10:03 |
beuno | night Burgundavia | 10:03 |
jono | who was removed? | 10:03 |
beuno | jono, me | 10:03 |
mdke | I'll summarise | 10:03 |
jono | thanks mdke | 10:03 |
mdke | jono: Fabian blogged in a semi-official capacity to confirm the rumour. beuno and jsgotangco blogged linking to it. All three have been removed. Those who blogged about public rumours have not been removed. | 10:03 |
jono | right, is this Fabian from Canonical | 10:04 |
mdke | correct | 10:04 |
jono | right | 10:04 |
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jono | ok, I need to talk internally with people to see what happened | 10:04 |
Hobbsee | hi jono | 10:04 |
jono | in my opinion, removing posts from planet is unacceptable | 10:04 |
tonyyarusso | right | 10:04 |
jono | and remove people is too | 10:05 |
jsgotangco | removing only confirms the inevitable anyways | 10:05 |
jono | but thats my hunch right now | 10:05 |
mdke | jsgotangco: yes, although to a smaller audience | 10:05 |
jsgotangco | yeah | 10:05 |
jono | I need to verify everything before I can develop any conclusions though | 10:05 |
jsgotangco | cool with me | 10:05 |
jono | thanks for letting me know folks | 10:06 |
mdke | cya | 10:06 |
beuno | jono, thats my post, http://beuno.com.ar/archives/17 | 10:06 |
beuno | password in private | 10:06 |
jono | when did the removals happen, any idea? | 10:07 |
jsgotangco | a few hours ago i'd say | 10:07 |
jsgotangco | since its already 4pm may 1 here i made a blog around 10am | 10:07 |
Treenaks | around 7:42 CEST posts were disappearing | 10:07 |
jono | right | 10:07 |
jono | and was it posts or people who were removed? | 10:08 |
tonyyarusso | jono: quite recently, since I wasn't on the computer until four hours ago max, and Fabian's post was up then. | 10:08 |
Treenaks | (see the logs from ~ 7:10-7:42 CEST) | 10:08 |
tonyyarusso | People. | 10:08 |
jono | and have the people returned yet? | 10:08 |
Treenaks | no | 10:08 |
tonyyarusso | nope | 10:08 |
jono | hmmm | 10:08 |
jono | ok, let me check into it folks | 10:08 |
tonyyarusso | thanks | 10:08 |
beuno | thanks jono :D | 10:09 |
jono | np :) | 10:09 |
jono | was it Fabian Rodriguez who was removed? | 10:10 |
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cjwatson_ | mdke: seems like it'd be reasonable under "advanced topics" | 10:10 |
dholbach | good morning | 10:11 |
tonyyarusso | jono: Fabian Rodriguez, Jerome S. Gotangco, and Martin Albisetti all were. | 10:11 |
jono | thanks tonyyarusso | 10:11 |
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jsgotangco | heh it seems fabian's site got dugged | 10:17 |
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tonyyarusso | jsgotangco: and boingboing | 10:17 |
jsgotangco | nasty | 10:17 |
Treenaks | that's why he has the 'bandwidth is not a problem' notice there.. | 10:18 |
jsgotangco | too bad there's duggmirror | 10:19 |
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beuno | and there's this: http://support.dell.com/support/topics/global.aspx/support/dsn/en/document?c=us&l=en&s=gen&docid=2F0A15EB21C7E5DDE040A68F5B285AAE&cs=#top | 10:20 |
jsgotangco | well what's done is done | 10:21 |
beuno | and this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=428774 | 10:21 |
jsgotangco | (and dugg) | 10:21 |
beuno | hard to contain this kind of info... | 10:21 |
jsgotangco | haha lol this is a good day | 10:25 |
beuno | well, I'm still thrilled about the news :D | 10:26 |
ajmitch | jsgotangco: hm? :) | 10:26 |
beuno | or rumour | 10:26 |
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jsgotangco | ajmitch: nahh i was just thinking before the next LTS would be more perfect for OEM, but then again regular releases have 18 months and hardware changes rapidly so its alright to have it on 7.04 | 10:32 |
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pbn | heh LTS | 10:33 |
jsgotangco | pbn: "next" LTS | 10:33 |
Hobbsee | jsgotangco: the current inspirons, in the case of dapper, dont actually run. | 10:33 |
Hobbsee | well, dont have much of X, anyway. | 10:33 |
Hobbsee | last time i tried | 10:33 |
pbn | jsgotangco: yeah.... when is the next LTS scheduled ? | 10:35 |
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pbn | Because hm, LTS should be a good thing, for instance "at work" | 10:35 |
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jsgotangco | none is planned for now perhaps next year | 10:35 |
Treenaks | pbn: the next lts isn't scheduled yet | 10:35 |
jsgotangco | 6.06LTS is just a year only in june | 10:35 |
pbn | yeah but, there are some ahm, serious bugs in LTS | 10:37 |
pbn | I've found some bugs "as big as a barn" | 10:37 |
beuno | ok, I'm going to bed, tonyyarusso, jsgotangco or jono, can you drop me a line when this is sorted out? | 10:37 |
pbn | and they aren't being fixed in LTS | 10:37 |
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pbn | fixed in Edgy, Feisty, yes... | 10:37 |
pbn | not in LTS | 10:37 |
zyga | hello | 10:38 |
pbn | look at bug 77950 in launchpad.net | 10:38 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 77950 in kvpnc "kvpnc crashes with SIGSEGV when trying to import a Cisco .pcf file" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77950 | 10:38 |
pbn | I reported it on january 4th | 10:38 |
pbn | still no fix, ahem | 10:39 |
Hobbsee | pbn: did you ever see the big X regression? | 10:39 |
pbn | Hobbsee: uh no, what does that mean ? | 10:40 |
ajmitch | kvpnc, universe.. | 10:40 |
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jsgotangco | universe | 10:40 |
Hobbsee | there was a security update for X, it wasn twell tested, and it broke lots of people's Xservers. | 10:40 |
Hobbsee | so, anything that looks complicated enough that it could break something else, doesnt go in. | 10:40 |
Hobbsee | especially not a LTS | 10:41 |
Hobbsee | that includes version updates. | 10:41 |
pbn | ah ? | 10:41 |
Hobbsee | ajmitch: true | 10:41 |
pbn | That means, because of that, I have to live with a non-working kvpnc on my work laptop ? | 10:41 |
Hobbsee | pbn: say we fix a, but that breaks b. then all the people scream that b is broken, and that this is LTS, so shouldnt happen. | 10:42 |
Hobbsee | or request a backport | 10:42 |
Hobbsee | jdong: poke | 10:42 |
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Hobbsee | as to that last reporter - some of the versions of kde (the new ones) have regressions too. | 10:42 |
Hobbsee | er, poster | 10:43 |
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pbn | Hm | 10:44 |
pbn | well I have found a solution, but you guys prolly won't be very happy to hear about it... | 10:44 |
Hobbsee | shoot | 10:44 |
pbn | I migrated back my work laptop to Debian 4.0 | 10:44 |
pbn | and there kvpnc isn't broken | 10:44 |
pbn | I still have a VMWare image of 6.06 LTS with the broken kvpnc... in case there is a fix heh :) | 10:45 |
cjwatson | there's no policy that prevents application crashes in universe from being fixed in dapper, BTW | 10:46 |
cjwatson | just perhaps lack of time | 10:46 |
Hobbsee | cjwatson: and a lack of 'entire-version-updates' | 10:46 |
cjwatson | it's always going to be the case that some bugs remain | 10:46 |
cjwatson | Hobbsee: fixing a segfault doesn't typically require updating to a new upstream version | 10:47 |
Hobbsee | unless we were into cherry picking whatever patch that was | 10:47 |
cjwatson | that would be the correct approach | 10:47 |
pbn | well hm | 10:48 |
ajmitch | usually it's lack of time | 10:48 |
ajmitch | & lack of people | 10:48 |
Hobbsee | of course it woudl. which requires someoen to go do it, see the lack of time. | 10:48 |
Hobbsee | (and lack of dapper) | 10:48 |
cjwatson | pbn: if you want the bug open, there's a facility to add a dapper task - see 'target to release' | 10:48 |
pbn | since kvpnc works flawlessly in Debian 4.0... Perhaps is it possible to fix the Ubuntu version by looking at the Debian version | 10:48 |
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cjwatson | but it is correct to have the main bug task closed | 10:48 |
pbn | there's prolly no "Black Magick" that makes kvpnc work in Debian and not work in Ubuntu... But well I'm not a ubuntu developer or anything... | 10:49 |
cjwatson | the main bug task refers to the development mainline | 10:49 |
pbn | cjwatson: ah, that I didn't know.... | 10:49 |
ajmitch | in debian it's a different upstream version ( | 10:49 |
ajmitch | so there would be a number of changes to review | 10:49 |
ajmitch | hopefully the changelog would be helpful | 10:50 |
pbn | I'm sorry but, imho, LTS is kinda... very far from its goals.... I put that on my work laptop so that I don't have to upgrade ubuntu every six months.... Because I use my work laptop, perhaps, twice a month..... | 10:50 |
pbn | I chose LTS because it would require less upgrades/fixing | 10:50 |
pbn | and well, kvpnc is broken on LTS, it won't be fixed, so the options are upgrading to Edgy or Feisty... (or well, switching to another distro...) | 10:51 |
pbn | but well I don't wanna start arguing/flaming/trolling :) | 10:53 |
Hobbsee | pbn: if you cherry pick the patch, and find which one it should be, and test it for regressions, then i'll look into putting it in? | 10:53 |
Hobbsee | (as it is, we use the same package as debian) | 10:54 |
ajmitch | right, however much of ubuntu, ie universe & multiverse is community-maintained & doesn't fall under the general LTS support rules. kvpnc is in universe | 10:54 |
pbn | Hobbsee: what exactly does that mean, cherry pick ? I'm uhhh foreign | 10:54 |
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Hobbsee | pbn: find the patch that fixes the problem, without introducing any other breakage. | 10:54 |
Hobbsee | (which will be somewhere in the new release) | 10:55 |
pbn | Hobbsee: ah... | 10:55 |
pbn | Hobbsee: that's not easy :( | 10:55 |
Hobbsee | pbn: yes. now you get the idea of why we havent done it :) | 10:55 |
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pbn | Hobbsee: yeah, I know, indeed, it's not easy to fix stuff without breaking other things... | 10:55 |
Hobbsee | pbn: (and note how many packages are in universe, whihc is why bugs often arent cherry picked and fixed) | 10:55 |
pbn | well apparently | 10:57 |
pbn | the first idea I had was to pick a version from Debian and "taylor it" so that it will work in ubuntu | 10:57 |
pbn | but debian stable has | 10:57 |
pbn | and ubuntu LTS has | 10:58 |
pbn | so it won't be easy at all | 10:58 |
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pbn | they prolly even have completely different dependencies | 11:02 |
pbn | here are the dependencies for kvpnc on Debian stable | 11:03 |
pbn | Version: | 11:03 |
pbn | Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.4-1), libc6 (>= 2.3.6-6), libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1-12), libgcrypt11 (>= 1.2.2), libice6 (>= 1:1.0.0), libpng12-0 (>= 1.2.8rel), libqt3-mt (>= 3:3.3.6), libsm6, libstdc++6 (>= 4.1.1-12), libx11-6, libxext6, zlib1g (>= 1:1.2.1), menu, net-tools, psmisc, kdebase-bin | gksu | sux, module-init-tools | modutils | 11:03 |
pbn | ok guys, now I'm away, I have kinda tons of thngs to do for work and school | 11:04 |
pbn | I'd better get some work done :) | 11:04 |
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cymcy | hi #ubuntu-devel | 11:18 |
cymcy | I found one thing with feisty. I boot. I log in gnome. I close my session. I go under tty1. I log. I do a ps -u <me>. I see bonobo-activation, evolution-data-server and gconfd-2 still running. Is that normal? | 11:22 |
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ion_ | At least gconfd should shut down automatically after being unused for a while. | 11:26 |
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cymcy | are 20 m not sufficient? | 11:28 |
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Kmos | !info referencer | 12:23 |
ubotu | Package referencer does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 12:23 |
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mario | hi folks | 01:12 |
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mario | hi js | 01:22 |
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jsgotangco | hey mario | 01:30 |
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=== ogra pokes the noisy debian BTS .... yes i recieve my own bugmail, no need to send me a reciept as well ... | ||
cjwatson | ogra: then use the documented X-header to turn off receipts. | 01:35 |
cjwatson | I wrote that code just for people like you ;) | 01:36 |
ogra | ah, great :) | 01:36 |
ogra | i rarely comment on debian bugs directly ... usually i have a link from LP for my stuff ... | 01:36 |
StevenK | Hum. I wonder about stuff existing in the Needs Building queue that probably isn't going to get built, and even if it did, completly unused. | 01:39 |
cjwatson | StevenK: ? | 01:40 |
StevenK | My few case in points are builds for hoary backports and breezy security. | 01:40 |
cjwatson | IIRC those will only build if the buildds have nothing else to do | 01:40 |
StevenK | I can dig up build numbers if you want. | 01:40 |
cjwatson | but I think Celso is working on killing off warty/hoary/breezy from the archive | 01:40 |
cjwatson | just need to be careful that dapper doesn't magically disappear or something :) | 01:41 |
StevenK | Heh | 01:41 |
StevenK | And then Celso says, "Bugger! Missed!" | 01:41 |
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robertj_ | why does vmware-server in feisty-commercial depend on libssl0.9.7 | 02:12 |
habeeb | Greetings. In Gentoo there is a really useful tool/application called "nopaste". It's easily installable through Portage, and it greatly aids support procedures. Its use is simple, it pastes the output of a command (you pipe it) to http://rafb.net/paste/. | 02:12 |
robertj_ | libssl0.9.8 is the version in feisty | 02:12 |
habeeb | From what I know, there is no such tool in Ubuntu. | 02:12 |
robertj_ | habeeb: you want pastebinit | 02:12 |
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fabbione | robertj_: please file a bug in launchpad, it's clearly an error | 02:13 |
habeeb | robertj_: I see. | 02:13 |
habeeb | Thanks. | 02:13 |
robertj_ | fabbione: against app data commmercial or what not? | 02:13 |
Hobbsee | against vmware-server, i think | 02:13 |
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fabbione | Hobbsee: i don't think LP has a clue about the commercial repo | 02:14 |
fabbione | robertj_: or even against ubuntu. | 02:14 |
Hobbsee | fabbione: ahhh | 02:14 |
fabbione | let me figure who packaged that | 02:14 |
robertj_ | fabbione: I heard through the grapevine you were supposed to file against app-install-data-commercial | 02:15 |
fabbione | robertj_: i am not 100% and i am asking around. just a sec | 02:15 |
robertj_ | np | 02:15 |
fabbione | but app-install-data-commercial would do i guess | 02:15 |
fabbione | robertj_: could you also show me your sources.list ? | 02:15 |
robertj_ | fabbione: sure, i'll pastebinit ;) | 02:16 |
fabbione | thansk | 02:16 |
robertj_ | http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/view/5776 | 02:17 |
robertj_ | sorry http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/view/5777 | 02:18 |
fabbione | robertj_: you need to enable universe | 02:19 |
fabbione | that's all | 02:19 |
fabbione | Filename: pool/universe/o/openssl097/libssl0.9.7_0.9.7k-3.1_i386.deb | 02:19 |
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Hobbsee | robertj_: there's no feisty-security in there either... | 02:20 |
robertj_ | Hobbsee: thats on the next paste, it is in there htough | 02:20 |
Hobbsee | ahh | 02:21 |
robertj_ | fabbione: should those deps be in commercial as well? | 02:21 |
fabbione | robertj_: nope | 02:22 |
fabbione | no need to be there | 02:22 |
robertj_ | fabbione: is commercial normally supported if you pay for canonical support? | 02:23 |
kwah | hi all, is there a way for mobile user using Ubuntu to switch the proxy configuration fast? | 02:23 |
fabbione | robertj_: to be 100% hounest i don't know all the policies for commercial. mind if i ask somebody before giving you a stupid answer? | 02:24 |
robertj_ | np | 02:24 |
robertj_ | also vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15 doesn't seem to satisfy vmware-server-kernel-modules | 02:24 |
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nealmcb | When I look for blueprints for UDS-Sevilla, I just see one, and a mention that there are 75 proposed. How do I see the proposed blueprints in launchpad? | 02:55 |
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robertj_ | vmware-server-kernel-modules-2.6.20-15 is installed but it still says vmware-server: Depends: vmware-server-kernel-modules but it is not installable | 03:17 |
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robertj | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/app-install-data-commercial/+bug/111508 <- can someone confirm that | 04:13 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 111508 in app-install-data-commercial "broken depends on vmware-server" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 04:13 |
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stdin | robertj: vmware-server-kernel-modules is installable here | 04:25 |
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Treenaks | jono: (planet still isn't updating) | 04:27 |
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bddebian | Heya | 04:37 |
sharms | bddebian: hey | 04:38 |
bddebian | Hello sharms | 04:38 |
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jsgotangco | hmm | 05:11 |
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sharms | There we go | 05:32 |
sharms | http://www.ubuntu.com/news/dell-to-offer-ubuntu | 05:33 |
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jsgotangco | ah well how about us that got booted lol | 05:40 |
sharms | jsgotangco: I dont think it is a big deal. It isn't like there is a god given right to blog on the planet | 05:41 |
sharms | not to mention an 8-12 hour down time isn't going to negatively affect anyone really | 05:42 |
jsgotangco | sure | 05:42 |
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zyga | does anyone know if mvo is off for the weekend? | 05:48 |
ogra | likely | 05:48 |
ogra | its a public holiday today in germany ... | 05:48 |
jsgotangco | most countries have today as labour day | 05:51 |
ogra | yeah | 05:51 |
ogra | mvo is apparently not as crazy as dholbach or me to be online on a free day :) | 05:52 |
ion_ | What ELSE would one do on a free day? ;-) | 05:53 |
ogra | heh | 05:53 |
ogra | ion_, well, if i were dholbach ... probably watch the riots ... | 05:53 |
jsgotangco | haha | 05:53 |
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cr3 | brapse: anyways, please go ahead with the logo and then inform Gerry Carr about it. he's the new marketing dude but he only just started. | 06:14 |
cr3 | oups, that wasn't meant for this channel :( | 06:14 |
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dholbach | ogra: not that exciting - I was there last year | 07:03 |
dholbach | ogra: also I saw them march on the next street from here | 07:04 |
ogra | phew | 07:04 |
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ogra | even though kassel is the most boring place in the world, there are days where i like to be here :) | 07:05 |
ogra | the new evolution throbbers everywhere are funny :) | 07:06 |
dholbach | hehe, yeah | 07:06 |
Treenaks | "new evolution throbbers" ? | 07:07 |
Treenaks | sounds.. scary :) | 07:07 |
ogra | you have little foots everywhere ... | 07:09 |
ogra | waving with their toes | 07:09 |
Treenaks | ogra: like the epiphany one? | 07:11 |
ogra | yeah | 07:12 |
ogra | smaller though | 07:12 |
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bmhm | hi every1 | 07:35 |
bmhm | can some1 send me a fixed .deb of "gDesklets" for feisty 64? | 07:36 |
bmhm | can't compile it myself somehow... | 07:36 |
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cypherbios | bmhm: try at #ubuntu-motu | 07:52 |
bmhm | ty cymcy | 07:53 |
bmhm | argh | 07:53 |
bmhm | cypherbios: | 07:53 |
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sacater | hello there | 09:27 |
sacater | could a new support method be voIP | 09:27 |
sacater | or has this already been considered | 09:27 |
sacater | .... | 09:27 |
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sonium | how Is the procedure if I want to fix a bug in a package? | 09:41 |
sonium | there Is one in quodlibet-ext I want to fix | 09:41 |
seb128 | open a bug if there is none | 09:42 |
seb128 | and attach you patch to the bug | 09:42 |
sonium | kk, thx | 09:42 |
seb128 | you can subscribe the sponsor team then | 09:42 |
sonium | and the maintainer will do the rest? | 09:42 |
pygi | seb128, about that patch, seems it doesn't exist after all :( Brasero worked around bug by doing their own little scsi lib :( | 09:42 |
seb128 | sonium: Ubuntu has no assigned maintainer, MOTU is taking care of universe | 09:43 |
seb128 | you can try to #ubuntu-motu | 09:43 |
sonium | ok | 09:43 |
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seb128 | pygi: ok | 09:44 |
pygi | seb128, we should however follow this bug: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10399 | 09:45 |
ubotu | Freedesktop bug 10399 in hald "Wrong maximum burning speed(s)" [Normal,New] | 09:45 |
seb128 | right | 09:45 |
seb128 | I'm subscribing to the bug now | 09:45 |
pygi | great | 09:46 |
seb128 | hum, might not, the description looks weird | 09:46 |
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mdke | cjwatson: yes, I like that idea. I'll add it in manually | 10:33 |
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pygi | hi codingmaster | 10:58 |
codingmaster | hi :) | 10:58 |
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codingmaster | I hope for more contributions for my SoC project | 10:59 |
codingmaster | the projectname | 10:59 |
codingmaster | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewallConfiguration/Name | 10:59 |
codingmaster | * project name | 10:59 |
pygi | you again :P | 10:59 |
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pygi | just choose name, and be done with it :P | 10:59 |
pygi | codingmaster, btw. Ubuntu + Bonfire is impossible | 11:00 |
pygi | there was a project called Bonfire, but it changed name because of trademark reasons | 11:00 |
codingmaster | thanks for the note :) | 11:00 |
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pygi | codingmaster, that project is now called Brasero | 11:01 |
pygi | that ferrari dude is also impossible you know :P | 11:01 |
pygi | ergh | 11:02 |
pygi | goalkeeper : | 11:02 |
pygi | :P | 11:02 |
codingmaster | :p | 11:02 |
codingmaster | well | 11:02 |
codingmaster | Fabian Barthez is the best :) | 11:02 |
pygi | still, you can't use names like that :P | 11:03 |
codingmaster | I know | 11:03 |
codingmaster | posting on 2ml | 11:03 |
codingmaster | and ubuntuforums | 11:03 |
codingmaster | and here | 11:03 |
codingmaster | did not help | 11:03 |
pygi | oh well :P | 11:03 |
codingmaster | PEOPLE I NEED A NAME!!!! | 11:03 |
pygi | Just pick the name on your own :P | 11:04 |
codingmaster | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewallConfiguration/Name | 11:04 |
pygi | codingmaster, + I gave you one :P | 11:04 |
codingmaster | I know :) | 11:04 |
pygi | + did you ask your mentor? | 11:04 |
ajmitch | he gave a name as well | 11:04 |
codingmaster | I have talked with pitti | 11:04 |
codingmaster | he wasn't online in the last days | 11:04 |
pygi | hi ajmitch | 11:05 |
ajmitch | hey pygi | 11:05 |
=== ajmitch saw pitti suggest kraal | ||
codingmaster | kraal was the old name of a soc | 11:06 |
ajmitch | yep | 11:06 |
codingmaster | I do not want to take an already chosen name | 11:06 |
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pygi | codingmaster, ergh, do not spend so much time on a name =) | 11:07 |
codingmaster | well | 11:08 |
codingmaster | I hoped that there will be many ideas from the community | 11:08 |
codingmaster | :) | 11:08 |
codingmaster | I am doing other things right now :) | 11:08 |
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codingmaster | but it is time to register the project at launchpad :) | 11:08 |
pygi | close your eyes, open a latin dictionary, and choose a name :P | 11:08 |
codingmaster | :p | 11:08 |
ajmitch | pygi: dangerous :) | 11:09 |
codingmaster | that latin dictionary trick did not work | 11:10 |
pygi | hm, old greek then? | 11:10 |
pygi | ajmitch, ^_^ | 11:10 |
ajmitch | might end up with a name from project athena, like kerberos :) | 11:10 |
codingmaster | yes | 11:10 |
pygi | codingmaster, call it "mundi" :P | 11:10 |
codingmaster | already thought about: cerberos <-> kerberos | 11:10 |
ajmitch | hah | 11:10 |
codingmaster | ... | 11:11 |
pygi | a protector of the world :P | 11:11 |
codingmaster | only greek vs. latin | 11:11 |
ajmitch | codingmaster: way too much confusion | 11:11 |
codingmaster | yes | 11:11 |
ajmitch | and it'd be cerberus | 11:11 |
codingmaster | yes, you are right :p | 11:11 |
pygi | the three headed dog | 11:12 |
codingmaster | yes I know :) | 11:12 |
codingmaster | what about dogs from cartoons? | 11:12 |
pygi | I know you know:P | 11:12 |
pygi | probably trademarks | 11:12 |
pygi | like snoopy :P | 11:12 |
codingmaster | yes... | 11:12 |
codingmaster | well | 11:12 |
codingmaster | tom & jerry | 11:12 |
codingmaster | butcher | 11:12 |
codingmaster | or so | 11:12 |
codingmaster | I guess | 11:13 |
cypherbios | hi pygi, when will we have a package for brasero 0.5.90 in gutsy? | 11:20 |
pygi | cypherbios, I'll have it ready by tomorrow =) | 11:21 |
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pygi | cypherbios, why? | 11:21 |
cypherbios | pygi: I'm waiting this for a while :) | 11:21 |
pygi | haha, you mean you'll be using gutsy? :P | 11:21 |
jmg | hmm | 11:22 |
pygi | btw. brasero package will use libburn & libisofs by default | 11:22 |
pygi | newest versions even | 11:22 |
pygi | jmg, ? ^_^ | 11:22 |
cypherbios | pygi: I'm using gutsy | 11:22 |
jmg | pygi: hi | 11:23 |
pygi | cypherbios, ah :) | 11:23 |
cypherbios | don't you? | 11:23 |
pygi | nop, no need =) | 11:23 |
Nafallo | ofcourse I do ;-) | 11:23 |
=== pygi kicks Nafallo and runs | ||
Nafallo | hehe | 11:23 |
Nafallo | evening pygi :-) | 11:23 |
pygi | evening ^_^ | 11:23 |
pygi | cypherbios, I have everything ready TBH, I just wanna test some things | 11:24 |
Nafallo | pygi: baah. let the gutsyusers try it for you :-P | 11:24 |
pygi | Nafallo, I will, but I'm afraid the bug I'm after won't be so easily trackable by users | 11:24 |
cypherbios | pygi: do you want help with testing? | 11:24 |
pygi | cypherbios, sure, but after it's in gutsy ;) | 11:24 |
pygi | or tomorrow :P | 11:25 |
pygi | you can get the packages tomorrow | 11:25 |
pygi | just bug me | 11:25 |
Nafallo | :-) | 11:25 |
cypherbios | pygi: sure, I'll | 11:25 |
pygi | dunno if libburn4 and libisofs4 entered gutsy yet, they have to go through NEW | 11:25 |
pygi | if not, then we'll have to wait | 11:25 |
=== pkl_ [n=phillip@lougher.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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pygi | jdong, good news for your backport efforts =) | 11:26 |
pygi | We'll be able to backport new brasero =) | 11:26 |
jdong | cool :) | 11:26 |
pygi | so you can stay happy ;P | 11:26 |
=== lucas_ [n=lucas@] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Nafallo | jdong: people have asked for irssi. could you look at it for edgy-bp? :-) | 11:27 |
lucas_ | congrats everyone for feisty and your partnership with dell | 11:28 |
Nafallo | ehrm | 11:28 |
jdong | Nafallo: I am running a feisty bp of it right now | 11:28 |
Nafallo | jdong: feisty-bp even | 11:28 |
Nafallo | jdong: nice :-) | 11:28 |
jdong | Nafallo: gonna give it another day to implode on me, if not I'll fasttrack it | 11:28 |
jdong | the changelog looks sane | 11:28 |
lucas_ | Will we be able of choosing some support directly from the dell site ? | 11:28 |
Nafallo | jdong: thanks :-) | 11:29 |
jdong | sure thing | 11:29 |
jdong | irssi ROCKS btw | 11:29 |
jdong | especially when paired up with a libnotify fancy system | 11:29 |
Nafallo | totally does :-) | 11:29 |
Nafallo | hehe | 11:29 |
ion_ | Indeed. | 11:29 |
=== jdong loves his notification spooler | ||
Nafallo | StevenK: thanks btw :-) | 11:29 |
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johanbr | jdong: Notification spooler? For libnotify? I've been looking for something like that - is it publicly available? | 11:34 |
jdong | johanbr: I have a set of 3 python scripts that do that... notify-push, notify-pop, notify-peek | 11:35 |
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jdong | johanbr: push/pop manipulate a spool dir in ~/.irssi/spool | 11:35 |
jdong | johanbr: it's a really overkill system, but it works :D | 11:35 |
jdong | if it's helpful I could post it onto my webspace | 11:35 |
johanbr | jdong: Oh, I see. I was hoping for something more generic for looking through expired notifications. | 11:36 |
jdong | johanbr: naw, I took the easy-hackjob way out :D | 11:37 |
johanbr | Okay. Thank you anyway. | 11:38 |
pygi | jdong, cheater :P | 11:39 |
jdong | lol that's me :) | 11:40 |
jdong | but it works beautifully | 11:40 |
jdong | I can exit my notify poller and then notification queue up | 11:40 |
jdong | my issue with libnotify is that if I start it outside X, I lose all my notifications | 11:40 |
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jdong | so I needed a frontend-independent queuing mechanism | 11:40 |
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agraveley | are there any truecrypt feisty debs floating around yet? everything i see on the forums has me building from source | 11:53 |
=== ajmitch thought there were some license issues with that, no? | ||
=== agraveley goes to #ubuntu. nevermind. | ||
jdong | infinity: voulez-vous give back ktorrent on all arches to moi, ce soir? | 11:54 |
ajmitch | looks like they may have resolved those issues though | 11:56 |
Riddell | infinity: also kdebase please | 11:56 |
jmg | the truecrypt license is more about protecting the trademark, and trust associated with that trademark | 11:58 |
jmg | which is unfortunately not dfsg friendly | 11:59 |
ajmitch | but not unknown | 11:59 |
shawarma | We could just rename it? | 12:00 |
=== agraveley enjoys trusting his encrypted disk provider | ||
agraveley | congrats on the Dell deal, btw :-) | 12:01 |
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