hyper_ch | Jester46: you may want to check out MC Solaar | 12:27 |
TheSheep | sulle: where? :P | 12:28 |
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xprimarysuspectx | alright thesheep. just edited my menu.lst file to hd0, 4 as per your instructions. but it says invalid device selected, so that leads me to believe hd0, 4 is the incorrect device? | 12:29 |
xprimarysuspectx | !ask | 12:30 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:30 |
xprimarysuspectx | lol | 12:30 |
TheSheep | weird | 12:30 |
xprimarysuspectx | i thought so. hda5 should be hd0, 4..unless im a retard and i put hdo..hmm | 12:31 |
xprimarysuspectx | let me check lol | 12:31 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: can you pastebin the result of 'sudo fdisk -l' ? | 12:31 |
xprimarysuspectx | sure | 12:31 |
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TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: also make sure you didn't remove parens or insert spaces anywhere between the parens | 12:32 |
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xprimarysuspectx | http://paste.bigbudden.com/view.php?id=237 | 12:32 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: it should be exactly (hd0,4) | 12:32 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: um... since when can windows boot from an extended partition? | 12:33 |
xprimarysuspectx | it works fine fo' me | 12:33 |
xprimarysuspectx | i have two physical drives, and a few partitions | 12:34 |
TheSheep | I always had to put winows on one of the primary partitions to make it work | 12:34 |
xprimarysuspectx | that should be a primary partition if i remember correctly | 12:34 |
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xprimarysuspectx | title Windows | 12:35 |
xprimarysuspectx | root (hd0,4) | 12:35 |
xprimarysuspectx | makeactive | 12:35 |
xprimarysuspectx | chainloader +1 | 12:35 |
TheSheep | hda5 is not a primary partition | 12:35 |
xprimarysuspectx | er probabyl should have pastbinned that | 12:35 |
jexd | does xubuntu have a preinstalled .pdf reader or do i need to install one? | 12:35 |
TheSheep | jexd: it has one, evince, it's in menu as 'document viewer' | 12:35 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: are you sure that's the "system" partition of your windows? | 12:36 |
jexd | TheSheep, thank you :) | 12:36 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: maybe try (hd1,0) or something? | 12:37 |
xprimarysuspectx | yeah. media/hda5 is where windows is installed | 12:37 |
xprimarysuspectx | rather, dev/hda5 | 12:37 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: you didn't move it or anything when installing linux? | 12:38 |
xprimarysuspectx | no. not that im aware of | 12:38 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: it would ask for confirmation at least 3 times ;) | 12:38 |
xprimarysuspectx | i just set the already established ext3 partition i had to root, made a swap partition out of another established partition, and installed it | 12:39 |
xprimarysuspectx | neither partition had windows on it | 12:39 |
xprimarysuspectx | yeah, it probably does try to avoid that mistake im sure lol | 12:39 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: ok, I think there is a trick to boot windows from a non-primary partition | 12:39 |
xprimarysuspectx | so change it hd1, 0 and see if that work? | 12:40 |
xprimarysuspectx | ...works | 12:40 |
xprimarysuspectx | hd1, would be the second physical disk, and the first partition though would it... | 12:40 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: http://jarpack.net/grub-with-linux-primary-and-windows-secondary | 12:40 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: ah, you just need 'rootnoverify' instead of ;root' | 12:42 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: it seems | 12:42 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: to prevent grub from displaying that error message | 12:42 |
TheSheep | ignore the map commands | 12:42 |
xprimarysuspectx | so leave hd0, 4 but change root to rootverify | 12:42 |
xprimarysuspectx | leave makeactive, and chainloader +1 as well | 12:43 |
TheSheep | http://club.mandriva.com/xwiki/bin/view/KB/InstallIboot2#HOtherOperatingSystems | 12:43 |
TheSheep | here is another one | 12:43 |
xprimarysuspectx | alright then. so, sorry to drag this out. rootverify (hd0,4) makeactive chainloader +1 | 12:44 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: yes | 12:44 |
TheSheep | rootnoverify | 12:44 |
TheSheep | sorry | 12:44 |
xprimarysuspectx | ah. yeah i just noticed that lol. np | 12:44 |
xprimarysuspectx | ill give it a shot. thanks | 12:45 |
TheSheep | good luck and good night | 12:45 |
xprimarysuspectx | thanks again | 12:45 |
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Jester46 | hey could someone run ping salem.dyndns.org in a ttyl for me and leave it on, it because of this http://embeddedether.net/mhc.html# | 12:52 |
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Jester46 | i want to see it flip to 000000 | 12:53 |
Jester46 | only 980k pings left | 12:53 |
BFTD | ? | 12:54 |
BFTD | how fast is it pinging? | 12:54 |
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atarinox | hi...does somebody know why my wireless card is suddenly not recognized, after trying to enable roaming? I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling my driver in ndiswrapper, but it's still not showing up. | 01:13 |
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xprimarysuspectx | ..grub loader problem still :( | 01:20 |
xprimarysuspectx | ive tried specifying rootnoverify (hd0,4) | 01:21 |
xprimarysuspectx | ive tried map (hd0, 4) (hd0,0) map (hd0,0) (hd0,4) as well. all to no avail. | 01:21 |
xprimarysuspectx | i have windows xp pro, installed on hda5 | 01:22 |
xprimarysuspectx | GRUB | 01:22 |
xprimarysuspectx | it hates me | 01:22 |
xprimarysuspectx | :( | 01:22 |
xprimarysuspectx | anyone? | 01:22 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: no more ideas :( | 01:25 |
xprimarysuspectx | lol | 01:25 |
xprimarysuspectx | me neither. | 01:25 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: try google | 01:25 |
xprimarysuspectx | i know that is the correct partition. i can see it inside of linux, and i can look through the windows folder | 01:25 |
xprimarysuspectx | lol | 01:25 |
TheSheep | xprimarysuspectx: well, windows can only boot using the code it puts into MBR | 01:26 |
xprimarysuspectx | i know, maybe mbr got effed is what im thinking | 01:26 |
xprimarysuspectx | i can rewrite it..to my own avail i suppose | 01:26 |
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BFTD | I'm connected to a Fiber Optic rack server, how do i access it? | 01:31 |
Jester46 | ?? | 01:31 |
neozen | nice rig mate | 01:31 |
Jester46 | it has fiber optic internet? | 01:31 |
BFTD | not internet | 01:32 |
BFTD | just ethernet | 01:32 |
Jester46 | what internet does it have | 01:32 |
BFTD | it doesn't | 01:32 |
Jester46 | well thts not good | 01:33 |
BFTD | brb | 01:33 |
Jester46 | im at 189k pings | 01:34 |
Jester46 | so 921k pings left | 01:35 |
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BFTD | I had to turn it off after i found out it was using up 2000 watts | 01:44 |
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Sulle | gnite all =) | 02:09 |
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stev1 | hello | 02:41 |
stev1 | i'm having a problem with my fglrx | 02:42 |
stev1 | anyone in here that can help me? | 02:42 |
stev1 | fglrxinfo = video card driver | 02:42 |
stev1 | tried every forum | 02:43 |
stev1 | but nothing works | 02:43 |
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Jester46 | rovclock is AMAZING | 03:21 |
Jester46 | i like messing with the clock rate, and yes i know its not good | 03:21 |
Jester46 | but lowing it to 120 to keep the machine cool is great plus if i need a little juice i can add just a bit mroe | 03:22 |
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KiviOS | Hello all | 03:28 |
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Jester46 | hi KiviOS | 03:44 |
KiviOS | hi!!! | 03:44 |
KiviOS | How r u? | 03:44 |
Jester46 | good | 03:44 |
KiviOS | I want to get minimal system requirments for K/X/U-buntu | 03:45 |
Jester46 | !requirments | 03:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about requirments - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:45 |
KiviOS | I want to get minimal system requierments for K/X/U-buntu | 03:45 |
Jester46 | X is the least | 03:45 |
KiviOS | !requirements | 03:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about requirements - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:46 |
KiviOS | !requirements | 03:46 |
s|k | how do I take a screenshot in xubuntu? | 03:47 |
s|k | print screen button doesn't do it | 03:47 |
Jester46 | !screenshot | 03:47 |
ubotu | Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP. | 03:47 |
s|k | er | 03:47 |
s|k | why doesn't my print screen button work | 03:47 |
Jester46 | becuase its mapped wrong | 03:47 |
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s|k | what should it be mapped to | 03:47 |
Jester46 | KiviOS: xubuntu needs 64mb ram to run | 03:48 |
KiviOS | Jester46> and CPUs frequency? | 03:48 |
s|k | Jester46: what should it be mapped to? | 03:48 |
pokieo | hello let's say I download a piece of 3rd party software. there is an install-sh file, configure files etc | 03:49 |
Jester46 | idk i would say 200mhz | 03:49 |
pokieo | how would I install it? | 03:49 |
pokieo | I try and add it to the packages and it says it's invalid | 03:49 |
Jester46 | s|k: its probly not mapped at all i normaly use it as F## and have a shortcut that runs a snapshot program | 03:50 |
KiviOS | and u dont know about Ubuntu? | 03:50 |
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RememberPOL | woot i like small 40v39's :) | 03:50 |
s|k | Jester46: what program? | 03:51 |
pokieo | discomatic | 03:52 |
s|k | I can't fucking believe something as simple as screenshot doesn't work | 03:52 |
s|k | it used to work | 03:52 |
s|k | then I installed fluxbox | 03:52 |
s|k | and now it doesn't | 03:52 |
s|k | fuck itg | 03:52 |
s|k | I'm not doing gaim acquire | 03:53 |
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Jester46 | KiviOS: i would say 100 for ubuntu and kubuntu but kubuntu would need a better processor | 03:53 |
KiviOS | Yep | 03:54 |
KiviOS | I have 733Mhz and 256Mb | 03:54 |
KiviOS | Is it enough? | 03:54 |
Jester46 | yea | 03:54 |
Jester46 | for all 3 | 03:55 |
Jester46 | i would suggest ubuntu or xubuntu | 03:55 |
KiviOS | On the second computer I have 2.80 Ghz and 512Mb and and nVIdia 64 Mb | 03:55 |
KiviOS | 2nd is also good? | 03:55 |
Jester46 | if you plan on heavy usage i would suggest xubuntu | 03:55 |
Jester46 | well... is faster than the first so... yes | 03:55 |
KiviOS | But Ubuntu 7.04 will run on the 1st? | 03:56 |
Jester46 | yes | 03:56 |
KiviOS | And what is 3d mode in Ubuntu? | 03:56 |
Jester46 | xubuntu will be faster but ubuntu will run pretty good | 03:57 |
Merchelo | hey guys did you see http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=39291 ? | 03:57 |
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Jester46 | KiviOS: you mean the desktop effects right? | 03:57 |
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KiviOS | righg | 03:57 |
Jester46 | that all depends on your video card | 03:57 |
KiviOS | t | 03:57 |
KiviOS | But XP uses 2d is not it? | 03:58 |
Jester46 | yes xp uses 2d unless your in a game | 03:58 |
KiviOS | ok | 03:59 |
KiviOS | I will not use games in Ubuntu | 03:59 |
KiviOS | )) | 03:59 |
Jester46 | well what card do you have | 04:00 |
Jester46 | it might supportit | 04:00 |
KiviOS | 2d mode is enough for applications that r not games or 3d design...etc | 04:00 |
Jester46 | xp will support any video card that support 3d but linux is diffrent, most highend dont work and some realy strange lowend one | 04:00 |
Jester46 | s | 04:00 |
KiviOS | mm | 04:01 |
KiviOS | I have Intel 82810 on the first | 04:01 |
KiviOS | And GeForceMMX440 64Mb on the second | 04:01 |
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ToHellWithGA | yall know how to disable tap to click on a laptop in xfce? | 04:31 |
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s|k | ok | 04:35 |
s|k | I'm using screenshot tool | 04:35 |
s|k | that comes with the panel | 04:35 |
s|k | that works | 04:35 |
s|k | yay | 04:35 |
s|k | no idea how to take a screenshot of the application menu though | 04:35 |
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Jester45 | theres no entry for it | 04:36 |
Jester45 | o | 04:36 |
Jester45 | im | 04:36 |
Jester45 | um | 04:36 |
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Jester45 | right click it and select properties and then change delay | 04:37 |
ToHellWithGA | Jester45: how about disabling tap-to-click on a touchpad? | 04:37 |
honkytonkwillie | Lotta trouble with 7.04 | 04:37 |
ToHellWithGA | honkytonkwillie: that's your own fault :p | 04:38 |
honkytonkwillie | every time I try and use terminal the system crashes | 04:38 |
ToHellWithGA | i have xubuntu 7.04 running on a pentium II 300MHz with 192M RAM and 4G storage | 04:38 |
honkytonkwillie | any ideas why? | 04:38 |
Jester45 | use alt+ctrl+F1 | 04:38 |
ToHellWithGA | you should use an older computer | 04:38 |
s|k | Jester45: thanks | 04:38 |
Jester45 | ToHellWithGA: i have no idea | 04:39 |
honkytonkwillie | I just upgraded from a PII 333MHZ to a 1GHz | 04:39 |
ToHellWithGA | honkytonkwillie: showoff :p | 04:39 |
Jester45 | i still win | 04:39 |
honkytonkwillie | :) | 04:40 |
honkytonkwillie | didn't really want a smiley... | 04:40 |
honkytonkwillie | So why does Terminal crash my system? | 04:40 |
honkytonkwillie | Anyone? | 04:40 |
Jester45 | isk | 04:40 |
Jester45 | idk | 04:40 |
honkytonkwillie | I've reinstalled Xubuntu 3x now from the Live CD. | 04:41 |
honkytonkwillie | Is there another Terminal program? | 04:41 |
Jester45 | yea, alt+ctrl+F1 | 04:42 |
honkytonkwillie | Okay, I'll give that a shot. | 04:42 |
honkytonkwillie | Be back in a while. | 04:42 |
Jester45 | or alt+F2 and run xterm | 04:42 |
ToHellWithGA | honkytonkwillie: i actually prefer another terminal | 04:42 |
ToHellWithGA | the gnome-terminal has hotkeys for making the font bigger and smaller | 04:42 |
ToHellWithGA | it's probably not the best one available, but that's a feature i dig for when my eyes get tired | 04:43 |
Jester45 | i use 8 font all the time but im young to most | 04:43 |
ToHellWithGA | 8 font? | 04:44 |
ToHellWithGA | i'm on 16 :/ | 04:44 |
ToHellWithGA | up to 24 when i'm tired | 04:44 |
ToHellWithGA | but i have a 17" monitor that i sit at least 5 feet away from since it's on top of a dresser rather than on a desk | 04:44 |
illu45 | ah | 04:45 |
illu45 | I use 8-10 usually, but my monitor is about 2 feet away | 04:45 |
Jester45 | i got dual 21" | 04:45 |
illu45 | I don't mind xterm, though. The black-on-white reads well | 04:45 |
illu45 | er | 04:46 |
illu45 | white-on-black* | 04:46 |
ToHellWithGA | Jester45: why do you use xfce if you have a beastly computer? | 04:46 |
ToHellWithGA | do you just prefer the interface? | 04:46 |
Jester45 | i like xfce | 04:46 |
Jester45 | yes | 04:46 |
ToHellWithGA | s/interface/styling/ | 04:46 |
Jester45 | i run xubuntu on 6 computers | 04:46 |
ToHellWithGA | my computer isn't awesomely new, but i like xfce for the quick startup | 04:46 |
illu45 | ToHellWithGA, how do the slashes work, anyhow? | 04:46 |
ToHellWithGA | gnome takes a little longer between the x server starting and it being usable | 04:47 |
ToHellWithGA | illu45: it's a regular expression | 04:47 |
Jester45 | s meaning spelling error /oldword/newword | 04:47 |
ToHellWithGA | s/X/Y/ switches the first encountered instance of X for Y | 04:47 |
ToHellWithGA | s/X/Y/g switches all X for Y | 04:47 |
honkytonkwillie | Weird. Ctrl-Alt-F1 brought me to a terminal screen, | 04:47 |
ToHellWithGA | it's syntax used in a lot of programming languages | 04:47 |
honkytonkwillie | but it didn't seem to recognize many commands. | 04:47 |
Jester45 | honkytonkwillie: its supposed to do that | 04:47 |
ToHellWithGA | if you google "regular expression" you should see some explanation | 04:48 |
Jester45 | honkytonkwillie: you have F1-F6 of those | 04:48 |
illu45 | ah, ok | 04:48 |
honkytonkwillie | I randomly hit Ctrl-Alt-Fx keys until it X came back... | 04:48 |
Jester45 | yea its F7 | 04:48 |
illu45 | ToHellWithGA, never seen that before... | 04:48 |
Jester45 | you can use xterm to have a gui terminal | 04:48 |
Jester45 | illu45: you see it often in irc | 04:48 |
Jester45 | in games you see word* | 04:49 |
ToHellWithGA | you see it more often with sed | 04:49 |
ToHellWithGA | as an example, sed -i "s/lol/your mom/g" ~/log.txt, would replace all instances of "lol" with "your mom" in that file | 04:50 |
ToHellWithGA | s///g is handy for doing search/replace in files from the terminal | 04:50 |
illu45 | I always use word* | 04:51 |
ToHellWithGA | s/// is more specific | 04:52 |
illu45 | true | 04:53 |
honkytonkwillie | More weirdness - the XFCE "Applications" button on the top panel isn't working. | 04:54 |
honkytonkwillie | Menu drop downs work, but apps don't launch. | 04:54 |
illu45 | hm... | 04:54 |
honkytonkwillie | Reboot time... | 04:58 |
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ToHellWithGA | tonyyarusso: why are folks going ban-crazy in #ubuntu-offtopic ? | 05:14 |
Merchelo | why not | 05:16 |
Jester45 | im banned 3 times :) | 05:19 |
ToHellWithGA | i don't mind getting banned when i @lart 28 hobbsee | 05:19 |
ToHellWithGA | but for somebody being uptight for the sake of uptightness, that's not cool | 05:19 |
Jester45 | i got banned because somerville32 hates me | 05:20 |
Merchelo | eh, he frequents in here too you know | 05:21 |
Jester45 | a word from my experience, dont change ati radeon 9250's memory clock from 270mhz to 300 its not pretty | 05:21 |
Jester45 | but changing the core from 2** to 350 was usefull | 05:22 |
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ToHellWithGA | Jester45: what's up with your connection? | 05:34 |
Dekkard | are there any gtk bugs in feisty Xubuntu? | 05:34 |
Jester45 | nothin | 05:35 |
ToHellWithGA | i'm on centurtytel and i get dropped a lot too | 05:35 |
ToHellWithGA | i was wondering if maybe our network is bad | 05:35 |
Jester45 | im restarting X | 05:35 |
Dekkard | ahhh | 05:35 |
Jester45 | so my gaim dies | 05:35 |
ToHellWithGA | i'm not a big fan of gaim for irc | 05:35 |
Jester45 | and gaim is auto started and it auto logins in here | 05:35 |
ToHellWithGA | i haven't used it since like 1.5 or so | 05:36 |
Jester45 | i use it for this channel but when im dccing i use xchat | 05:36 |
ToHellWithGA | but it was pretty rough back then | 05:36 |
Jester45 | ToHellWithGA: did you get a speed increase about a year about? | 05:36 |
ToHellWithGA | i wouldn't know | 05:36 |
ToHellWithGA | i just moved home to the 768/128 plan my parents have | 05:36 |
Jester45 | yea ago* | 05:36 |
ToHellWithGA | and if i ever hit 128 centurytel drops me | 05:37 |
Jester45 | i had that but now i got about 1500/700 | 05:37 |
ToHellWithGA | they release and renew my DHCP lease if i use the full bandwidth i pay for | 05:37 |
ToHellWithGA | i find that very cheap of them | 05:37 |
Jester45 | do you pay per mb? | 05:37 |
ToHellWithGA | i'm on 1500/700 at work | 05:37 |
ToHellWithGA | no, just per month | 05:37 |
Jester45 | same as me | 05:38 |
Jester45 | but i had you internet then one day it got faster | 05:38 |
ToHellWithGA | but per month with "always on" in the ad suggests i should be able to push 128kbps up nonstop | 05:38 |
Jester45 | im not gonna tell them | 05:38 |
Merchelo | you guys are missing out | 05:38 |
ToHellWithGA | rather than 128kbps for like 5 seconds then a dhcp reset | 05:38 |
ToHellWithGA | Merchelo: i'm not chipping in on the bill. i don't miss anything :p | 05:38 |
Jester45 | well i use my neighbors wireless also | 05:39 |
Merchelo | 2.5 gb/s down, 1.5gb/s up in regional france for 30 euro ($20) | 05:39 |
Jester45 | whats regional france me | 05:39 |
Jester45 | mean* | 05:39 |
Merchelo | as in the regional area of france, not in the major cities, like paris, lyon, marseille, auxerre | 05:40 |
Jester45 | o like farms? | 05:40 |
Jester45 | hehe farms get the best connection | 05:40 |
Jester45 | are you sure its not 2.5mb/s | 05:41 |
Merchelo | nope, i was there using it for a while | 05:41 |
Merchelo | canal+ do an IPTV service | 05:41 |
Jester45 | concidering your gigbit ethernet couldnt use 1/2 of it | 05:41 |
ToHellWithGA | Merchelo: gb/s? | 05:41 |
Merchelo | yes | 05:41 |
ToHellWithGA | that seems ridiculous | 05:41 |
ToHellWithGA | that's faster than my LAN | 05:41 |
Jester45 | its faster than most lans | 05:42 |
Jester45 | most lans are mainly 100mbit | 05:42 |
Jester45 | with servers might be on gigabit | 05:42 |
ToHellWithGA | those rates seem impractical | 05:43 |
ToHellWithGA | how is the latency? | 05:43 |
ToHellWithGA | if you still have 50-100ms pings the rate won't really do much for real-time stuff | 05:44 |
Jester45 | what kinda wire was it | 05:44 |
ToHellWithGA | it had to be kosher wire | 05:44 |
Jester45 | you couldnt top that out much | 05:44 |
ToHellWithGA | something extra special in [diety of choice] 's eyes | 05:44 |
Jester45 | what was the isp? | 05:45 |
ToHellWithGA | i can't think of a lot of servers that could send stuff to you that quickly | 05:45 |
ToHellWithGA | i bet youtube is nice on a connection like that | 05:45 |
Jester45 | youtube buttslow | 05:45 |
Jester45 | they got like 100mbit pipe to share with 300k people | 05:46 |
ToHellWithGA | i didn't realize it was slow on their ened | 05:46 |
ToHellWithGA | s/ened/end/ | 05:46 |
ToHellWithGA | i always assumed it was my weaksauce connection | 05:46 |
Jester45 | no they arent that fast | 05:46 |
ToHellWithGA | i bet they have some cool QoS and load balancing stuff | 05:47 |
Merchelo | france telecom is the ISP | 05:47 |
Jester45 | they stream the vidoe in real time but if they had fast connection for all then when you start streaming i would finish very quickly | 05:47 |
ToHellWithGA | Merchelo: is that a government-operated company? | 05:48 |
Merchelo | nope, now under the control of orange communications | 05:48 |
ToHellWithGA | the network between universities in the US is pretty nice. i dunno if it is owned by the government or individuals | 05:48 |
Merchelo | most uni-uni network are government run | 05:49 |
Jester45 | im sure if they gave out 2.5gb isps would relocate there | 05:49 |
Jester45 | they have internetv2 | 05:49 |
Jester45 | its mega fast like over 200gb/s | 05:49 |
Jester45 | but its only from uni-uni not uni-internet | 05:50 |
ToHellWithGA | that's cool | 05:50 |
Jester45 | but uni-internet is fast | 05:50 |
ToHellWithGA | i have no scale lol | 05:50 |
ToHellWithGA | with 768k/128k here everything seems just fast enough | 05:50 |
ToHellWithGA | nothing seems really fast | 05:50 |
ToHellWithGA | it's all just not slow | 05:50 |
Jester45 | i could use more | 05:50 |
Jester45 | but... i dont want to upragade over the next step | 05:51 |
Jester45 | if i upgrade from what im paying for i get what i have now | 05:51 |
Jester45 | so untill im older and can get a job im gonna stay with this | 05:51 |
ToHellWithGA | that's kinda funny, your lucky upgrade | 05:51 |
Jester45 | i know | 05:52 |
ToHellWithGA | you aren't old enough to get a job? | 05:52 |
Jester45 | i was like.. OMG get the movies before they find it | 05:52 |
ToHellWithGA | i think the workin' age is 15 in missouri | 05:52 |
Jester45 | 15 i could... but im gonna wait till 16 | 05:52 |
ToHellWithGA | that's not an age problem | 05:52 |
ToHellWithGA | that's a lazy problem :p | 05:52 |
ToHellWithGA | you might as well work and save now | 05:53 |
ToHellWithGA | saving money is so much cooler than having new toys | 05:53 |
Jester45 | im good | 05:53 |
ToHellWithGA | when you actually need money, the savings are so nice to have | 05:53 |
Jester45 | my parents are paying for my stuff | 05:53 |
ToHellWithGA | after a few domestic catastrophies you'll appreciate liquid assets more than toys | 05:54 |
Jester45 | and i have to keep my grades up | 05:54 |
ToHellWithGA | homes suck with their faulty parts | 05:54 |
ToHellWithGA | appliances that can die any time at random | 05:54 |
Jester45 | computers... | 05:54 |
ToHellWithGA | and plumbing that has to withstand significant water pressure and temperature changes | 05:54 |
ToHellWithGA | it'd be much cheaper to live in a tent | 05:55 |
Jester45 | parents... | 05:55 |
ToHellWithGA | drink rainwater, use outhouses, use coolers/ice boxes | 05:55 |
Jester45 | if i drop my GPA under 3.5 they said i dont get a car | 05:55 |
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ToHellWithGA | "get a car"? | 05:57 |
ToHellWithGA | not buy a car | 05:57 |
ToHellWithGA | you have a sweet deal dude | 05:57 |
ToHellWithGA | keep those marks high :) | 05:57 |
Jester45 | i know thats why im not working | 05:57 |
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jedispam | anyone have experience with open office spreadsheet? | 06:00 |
Jester45 | a little its like MS Excel | 06:00 |
jedispam | i want to print a spreadsheet WITH the grids | 06:00 |
jedispam | trying to figure out how | 06:01 |
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Jester45 | wow beryl is trouble | 06:05 |
jedispam | is it now? | 06:06 |
jedispam | lol | 06:06 |
Jester45 | try file -> page setup | 06:07 |
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jedispam | :( i'm trying to find something like that | 06:10 |
Jester45 | o | 06:10 |
Jester45 | idk then | 06:10 |
Jester45 | try file -> print the look in options | 06:11 |
Jester45 | i gtg to bead | 06:11 |
Jester45 | bed | 06:11 |
Jester45 | night all | 06:11 |
jedispam | later | 06:11 |
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Jester45 | wow | 06:13 |
Jester45 | this sucks | 06:13 |
s|k | what sucks | 06:16 |
s|k | w/in 11 | 06:17 |
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BFTD | hey | 06:21 |
jedispam | hello | 06:23 |
Jester45 | hi | 06:23 |
=== BFTD installs anti-spam software on jedispam's computer | ||
jedispam | anti-spam ! | 06:38 |
jedispam | i have no vulnerabilities | 06:38 |
Jester45 | yes you do | 06:38 |
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Jester45 | there is allways a vulnerability | 06:39 |
_Codeman_ | what packages do I need to get OpenGL? | 06:39 |
_Codeman_ | from a dev stand point I guess | 06:39 |
Jester45 | none | 06:39 |
Jester45 | o | 06:39 |
Jester45 | !ooengl | 06:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ooengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:39 |
Jester45 | !opengl | 06:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:39 |
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BFTD | !info mesa6 | _Codeman_ | 06:45 |
ubotu | _codeman_: Package mesa6 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 06:45 |
BFTD | oops | 06:45 |
BFTD | !info mesa | 06:45 |
ubotu | Package mesa does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas | 06:45 |
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godless | How do I discover the subpixel order for my monitor? | 07:15 |
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godless | h3sp4wn: Speaking of which, did you sort out your smooth font issues? | 07:19 |
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crdlb | godless: you could try each to see which one looks good | 07:42 |
crdlb | it's probably RGB though | 07:42 |
godless | crdlb: yes, that's what I've decided | 07:42 |
godless | except now I seem to have broken x by playing around with the fonts :/ | 07:42 |
godless | can only get 800x600 | 07:43 |
godless | what is the command to reconfigure x? | 07:43 |
godless | dpkg-reconfigure ...? | 07:43 |
crdlb | sudo dkpg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 07:44 |
godless | crdlb: Thanks. The list in dpkg showed up to 1024x768, which is correct, but display preferences still only shows 800x600 and 640x480..!? | 07:46 |
crdlb | godless: what vid card? | 07:46 |
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godless | crdlb: i815 | 07:46 |
crdlb | and you need to restart X after doing that | 07:46 |
sivaji | what is virtual file syste, | 07:48 |
sivaji | what is virtual file system | 07:48 |
Grape_Juice | the opposite of a real file system. :> | 07:49 |
Grape_Juice | I'm sorry, I'm a jerk like that. :< | 07:50 |
Grape_Juice | And I gots carrots!!1 WHOOO!!! <><><><><><><><><><><<><><<<<>>>>><<<<<>>>> | 07:50 |
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godless | There we go. | 07:54 |
godless | Not sure the fonts are any smoother, but. :) | 07:54 |
godless | no, they aren't :/ | 07:54 |
godless | xdpyinfo | grep resolution gives my 75x75 dots per inch where previously I was getting 83x84 | 07:55 |
=== posingaspopular [n=darkforc@adsl-68-255-98-125.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
posingaspopular | i have issues, help me! my computer wont show my wireless card in lspci | 08:06 |
Merchelo | Grape_Juice: you ok? | 08:09 |
Grape_Juice | Merchelo: I guess. :) | 08:10 |
Grape_Juice | Just playing around... :p | 08:10 |
Merchelo | don't over do it on the carrots | 08:11 |
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sivaji | W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 | 08:28 |
sivaji | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 08:28 |
sivaji | W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 | 08:29 |
crdlb | !medibuntu | 08:32 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ | 08:32 |
crdlb | sivaji: wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 08:33 |
sivaji | crdlib thank u | 08:35 |
sivaji | ple tell me jre package for feisty | 08:37 |
Myrtti | you can easily find it from the official repositories by searching | 08:42 |
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posingaspopular | hmmm i seem to have network manager installed, but can't find it in the menu. how to launch from command line? | 08:48 |
Myrtti | it's a demon | 08:49 |
Myrtti | you control it with an applet | 08:49 |
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RememberPOL | is it possible to initiate an xdcmp connection on xubuntu? | 09:11 |
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Fjear | woot | 09:13 |
Fjear | xubuntu running on a g3 toilet seat ibook ftw | 09:13 |
Merchelo | heh | 09:13 |
Fjear | :D | 09:13 |
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Fjear | /wave | 09:22 |
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xjkx | do all buntus use the same source.list? | 11:03 |
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posingaspopular | umm no | 11:04 |
GeoregeAScott | hi | 11:04 |
posingaspopular | because a source.list handles repositories for software | 11:05 |
posingaspopular | and all the buntus have diff. software | 11:05 |
posingaspopular | !welcome | GeoregeAScott | 11:05 |
ubotu | GeoregeAScott: Hello and welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions or help others. If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic and for developer discussion, see #xubuntu-devel :) | 11:05 |
GeoregeAScott | anybody point me to a good howto for alsa configuring?? i've got an old laptop with es1869 chip can't get it to work | 11:05 |
posingaspopular | !alsa | 11:06 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 11:06 |
GeoregeAScott | posingaspopular, what if there is no device to select from in the volume control? | 11:07 |
Myrtti | posingaspopular: actually they do use the same sources.list as far as I can tell | 11:08 |
posingaspopular | hmmm | 11:08 |
posingaspopular | Myrtti: where does the difference in desktop manager and bundles software come in than? | 11:08 |
Myrtti | the only difference being that instead of ubuntu-desktop kubuntu has kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu has xubuntu-desktop installed | 11:08 |
Myrtti | those -desktop packages are only metapackages that are dependant on gnome, kde or xfce4 software | 11:09 |
Myrtti | you can perfectly well install xubuntu on kde alternative disk with doing first server install and then installing xubuntu-desktop | 11:10 |
Myrtti | or gnome on xubuntu alt | 11:10 |
posingaspopular | Myrtti: here's an arbitrary question. why is it known as xfce4? and the others are just gnome and kde? kde4 is on the way out, but why dont we use kde3? | 11:10 |
Myrtti | I've got no clue | 11:11 |
posingaspopular | i said it was arbitrary | 11:11 |
posingaspopular | afk | 11:12 |
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feta__ | why doesn't my synaptic know seamonkey, nvu or almost anything else? it has all repositories enabled. | 11:17 |
xjkx | posingaspopular, the guy on ubuntu said they have ! | 11:18 |
=== feta__ sighs | ||
xjkx | :o | 11:19 |
GeoregeAScott | not much help from those alsa links. | 11:20 |
feta__ | and why does the trash icon suggest that the trash is full when there is nothing? | 11:20 |
GeoregeAScott | and #alsa is a ghost channel, nobody alive | 11:21 |
feta__ | 'cd: command not found' <- wtf is this, then?! | 11:21 |
GeoregeAScott | maybe somebody can tell me why i can mount data cds but not audio ones? | 11:22 |
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xjkx | thats really ghey | 11:29 |
xjkx | Happens on all linuxes | 11:29 |
xjkx | You can't mount audio cds in any linux | 11:30 |
GeoregeAScott | i used to be able to on my old box with breezy | 11:32 |
GeoregeAScott | this ancient laptop is giving me all sorts of problems tho | 11:33 |
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posingaspopular | Mez|OnAir: ping | 12:10 |
Mez|OnAir | posingaspopular, pong | 12:10 |
posingaspopular | you're on right? as in, you just started? | 12:11 |
knp | anyone coud help with changing mouse cursor theme on xfce ? | 12:16 |
posingaspopular | Mez|OnAir: link me to your page | 12:18 |
Mez|OnAir | posingaspopular, sent | 12:18 |
=== orasis [n=orasis@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #xubuntu | ||
orasis | So, has anyone used Xubuntu 7.04 Feisty yet? - Is it better than the dapper release (since the edgy release .. was not that good...) ? | 12:33 |
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posingaspopular | orasis: i didn't use edgy/dapper xubuntu | 12:34 |
posingaspopular | but i think xubuntu feisty is great | 12:35 |
posingaspopular | except it wont recognize my pci wireless card | 12:35 |
posingaspopular | for who knows what reason | 12:35 |
orasis | hehe, hwo is Firefox ? | 12:36 |
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=== Mars^ [n=mars@fih210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
orasis | Edgy for me anyways was bad... it was a lot slower than the dapper release, sure the dapper release had some annoying bugs like menus disappearing but.. edgy was like one giant lag fest - X would be slow as molasses | 12:37 |
posingaspopular | i forget, but 6.10 was edgy? or dapper? 6.10 anything was terrible for me | 12:38 |
posingaspopular | so i prefered 6.06 or 7.04 | 12:38 |
posingaspopular | and i didn't touch anything before than | 12:38 |
posingaspopular | in any of the *buntus | 12:38 |
Mars^ | Hi guys, i came here yesterday because i had problem in configuring my wireless network | 12:39 |
orasis | Yeah 6.10 was edgy | 12:39 |
posingaspopular | Mars^: so you came to tell us about your sucess? | 12:39 |
posingaspopular | orasis: yea 7.04 should be great | 12:39 |
orasis | posingaspopular, Hoping for tips? :P | 12:39 |
posingaspopular | it's been great for me | 12:39 |
posingaspopular | except for that damn pci card | 12:39 |
Mars^ | Fortunaetly i have managed to connect by cable today, but i still need to configure wireless | 12:39 |
Mars^ | Could you tell me what schould i do? | 12:40 |
orasis | I think the main reason Xubuntu edgy was bad, was that it came standard with a BETA xfce. | 12:40 |
posingaspopular | Mars^: well how about telling me what you tried first? | 12:40 |
orasis | If you install 6.10 - and click the help right after install, you will see that they actually put a BETA in a production release.. for some odd stupid reason. | 12:40 |
=== orasis sits back | ||
orasis | Well ill let you guys discuss that I don't have wireless so I have no clue ;D | 12:41 |
posingaspopular | wow that is pretty bad | 12:41 |
Mars^ | I tried almost everything, but i had a problem. I couldn't compile madwifi and ndiswrapper, because of no internet connection | 12:41 |
posingaspopular | orasis: i dont have wireless either | 12:41 |
posingaspopular | Mars^: can't you grab that using cable? | 12:42 |
posingaspopular | i might have to ndiswrapper for my d-link card myself | 12:42 |
Mars^ | posingaspopular: I have connected it today | 12:42 |
Mars^ | The thing is that I guess that Xubuntu recognised my wi fi card. It says that HAL works fine | 12:42 |
posingaspopular | it recognizes in lspci | 12:43 |
posingaspopular | ? | 12:43 |
Mars^ | Put then when i type all stuff including static ip etc. It does not connect | 12:43 |
posingaspopular | did you try network manager? | 12:43 |
Mars^ | posingaspopular: yes | 12:43 |
Mars^ | few times | 12:43 |
Mars^ | but i will try one more | 12:44 |
orasis | :( work time.. later guys | 12:44 |
posingaspopular | Mars^: hmm | 12:44 |
posingaspopular | see i suck at wireless too | 12:45 |
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Mars^ | is there any point in using madwifi if xubuntu says that there is atheros wireless card? | 12:45 |
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Mars^ | but | 12:46 |
Mars^ | how can i scan for access points? | 12:47 |
posingaspopular | hmm see i have no clue | 12:47 |
Mars^ | i will try wifi radar | 12:48 |
Mars^ | yep it sees my home access point | 12:49 |
Mars^ | what means that there is everything ok with card | 12:50 |
posingaspopular | i have class in two hours and no sleep.... | 12:50 |
Mars^ | I gues i ave an answer | 12:52 |
Mars^ | Wicd | 12:52 |
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posingaspopular | wicd? | 12:55 |
Mars^ | I see some people have similar problem with network manager | 12:56 |
Mars^ | using wickd helped | 12:56 |
Mars^ | but now | 12:59 |
Mars^ | i have to uninstall network manager, so i will have a problem if something goes wrong | 12:59 |
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ciro314 | hello. how could i share a printer between 2 xubuntu systems? | 01:06 |
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grazie | !cups | ciro314 | 01:12 |
ubotu | ciro314: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 01:12 |
ciro314 | a just want to add the network printer. after opening abiword and click the print button, i would like it to appear | 01:15 |
grazie | ciro314: You just need to configure cups+apps correctly. I use http://localhost:631. Those links have more info than I do. | 01:19 |
ciro314 | ok. thanks. i will try | 01:20 |
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aubade | Any way to change the grid size of xfdesktop? | 01:54 |
TheSheep | aubade: yes, together with the icons | 01:56 |
aubade | Yeah, tried that. Doesn't seem like they'll get remotely near the bottom of the screen though without being 64px or something humongous. | 01:58 |
TheSheep | I have them 64px large by default... | 02:00 |
TheSheep | the bigger the better | 02:00 |
aubade | Suppose so, seems a lot less flexible than Nautilus (wouldn't touch that with a stick though). Ah well. | 02:01 |
TheSheep | aubade: as far as I know most xfce devs don't have icons on the desktop and only implemented it because users wnated it | 02:02 |
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Sulle | well, i am off to fix my new car =). c u l8tr | 02:26 |
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=== grazie funny...I thought this was the xubuntu support channel | ||
totalwormage | :] | 03:03 |
TheSheep | grazie: no, this is the Official Xubuntu Support Channel | 03:04 |
grazie | TheSheep: Thanks for clarifying that :) | 03:04 |
TheSheep | grazie: it's in the topic ;) | 03:05 |
aro | If I have a machine with exactly 256mb of RAM, can I use the regular CD or should I use the alternate CD? | 03:19 |
TheSheep | aro: live cd should work, but alternate cd will be probably faster | 03:20 |
aro | Alright thanks | 03:20 |
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=== okazujesiezenie [n=chatzill@fih210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #xubuntu | ||
okazujesiezenie | Hi guys. I am trying to delete network manager but i cant | 03:40 |
okazujesiezenie | I mean no package to delete | 03:41 |
grazie | okazujesiezenie: do you mean the network-admin app? | 03:52 |
okazujesiezenie | uhh | 03:52 |
okazujesiezenie | maybe | 03:52 |
okazujesiezenie | grazie: the stuff used to connect internet | 03:53 |
grazie | okazujesiezenie: Started by Applications > Sytem > Network ? | 03:53 |
okazujesiezenie | grazie: yep | 03:53 |
okazujesiezenie | grazie: thanks | 03:54 |
grazie | okazujesiezenie: think that's part of xubuntu-system-tools (you maybe want other apps in the package though) | 03:54 |
okazujesiezenie | all i knoew is that i have to remove network manager to use wicd | 04:01 |
grazie | okazujesiezenie: there is a network-manager package, but if you can't remove it then it's not installed | 04:02 |
okazujesiezenie | it is not | 04:03 |
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BFTD | hi all | 05:15 |
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TheSheep | hi BFTD | 05:16 |
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feta__ | where can i find glibc 2.3.2? why doesn't synaptic acknowledge it? | 06:25 |
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=== slow-motion [n=JohnDoe@p5b06dc1e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
slow-motion | hallo | 06:46 |
TheSheep | slow-motion: witaj | 06:47 |
slow-motion | hi TheSheep | 06:47 |
=== vidd [n=vidd@static-72-86-137-33.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
slow-motion | is feisty already out? | 06:52 |
TheSheep | slow-motion: yes | 06:53 |
vidd | general Internet question: How would i notate my entire home network? 192.168.1.?/? | 06:53 |
TheSheep | | 06:54 |
TheSheep | or | 06:54 |
vidd | TheSheep, ty...i've been googling all morning and not finding and\ answer | 06:54 |
=== vidd is trying to configure Bind9 for my internal intranet | ||
slow-motion | o f*ck think i have to update | 06:57 |
h3sp4wn | feta__: why do you need that ? | 07:00 |
h3sp4wn | feta__: If its a deb its for Debian Sarge | 07:00 |
=== neozen [n=neozen@c-67-186-66-137.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
godless | Grapes, which self-pollinate, and olives, which are pollinated by the wind, will not be affected by the bees' disappearance; Christians pointed out that the Book of Revelation predicts that a famine sparing grapes and olives will precede the apocalypse. | 07:05 |
godless | wrong window, sorry | 07:05 |
neozen | lol | 07:06 |
neozen | interesting hobby you've got there | 07:06 |
vidd | gee...which channel is THAT???? INVITE ME!!! | 07:06 |
vidd | no kidding...i LOVE speaking about theological topics from a scientifical viewpoint! | 07:08 |
neozen | me too.... when i have time | 07:08 |
=== neozen chuckles | ||
vidd | hmmm....looks like he is not in another channel...that i can see anyway | 07:09 |
slow-motion | i read self-pollinate and was thinking "hey hemp" | 07:11 |
=== Viaken [n=david@adsl-234-224-77.cha.bellsouth.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vidd | anyone know a way to get dyndns.org to automatically translate port 80 to another port? | 07:12 |
vidd | cuzz my port 80 is blocked | 07:13 |
Viaken | Who blocks it, vidd? | 07:13 |
vidd | verizon | 07:13 |
vidd | all my other ports are wide open...just 80 is blocked | 07:14 |
vidd | even https is open! | 07:14 |
Viaken | I'm having a problem with nm-applet starting 3 times on boot. It's not in the startup applications list and I couldn't find an obvious dot file that would change it (even with grepping all of them :P). Does anyone know how to fix it? | 07:14 |
Viaken | Are you using the free DNS? | 07:14 |
vidd | yes | 07:14 |
vidd | this is a test project, so I cant really afford to pay anything | 07:15 |
vidd | =[ | 07:15 |
vidd | and is it unusual to be able to view your website from outside your network and not from within? | 07:17 |
Viaken | Depends on your routing rules, I suppose. | 07:17 |
vidd | for example, i but in my URL with :8080 from the internet, it loads, but not from within | 07:17 |
vidd | Viaken, feel like testing to see if you can view my test page? | 07:18 |
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Viaken | Sure | 07:18 |
vidd | vidd.homelinux.net | 07:18 |
crabgrass | bawww, when i drag images from firefox onto the desktop, xfce wants to make a link, but i want it to download the images... how do i do this? | 07:18 |
vidd | it SHOULD display the "It Works!" test page with appache | 07:19 |
vidd | dont forget the :8080 | 07:19 |
vidd | ...sorry | 07:19 |
Viaken | S'ok. :) It worked. | 07:19 |
vidd | can you try to do an anonomous FTP to it? | 07:20 |
vidd | it SHOULD block it | 07:20 |
vidd | =] | 07:20 |
Viaken | Seems to, yep | 07:20 |
vidd | cool | 07:21 |
vidd | i just wish i could test all this from WITHIN my network | 07:21 |
crabgrass | anybody? | 07:21 |
vidd | but it dont seem to want to work | 07:21 |
vidd | crabgrass, right click and choose "save..." | 07:22 |
godless | crabgrass: right-click-save-as? | 07:22 |
crabgrass | but... dragging? | 07:22 |
godless | Can you drag them into a thunar window? | 07:22 |
crabgrass | is there a way to drag things to the desktop, or am i stuck with rightclicking? | 07:22 |
vidd | can any linux do it? | 07:22 |
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godless | vidd: The other channel is on a different network. We were actually talking about the mass bee extinction, the link to revelations was just a cute observation. | 07:23 |
vidd | godless, ah...ok | 07:24 |
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Viaken | godless: I was under the impression they weren't finding corpses. | 07:27 |
=== vidd_ [n=vidd@static-72-86-135-243.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vidd_ | how do you remove a directory and everything in it? | 07:34 |
godless | vidd: rm -rf /directory | 07:35 |
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vidd_ | helps if i put in the full path | 07:37 |
vidd_ | =\ | 07:37 |
=== vidd_ is an idiot sometimes.....(other times he's asleep) | ||
godless | haha | 07:38 |
godless | dilbert principle | 07:38 |
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hyper_ch | godless: doesn't the "r" need to be capital "R"? | 07:58 |
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TheSheep | hyper_ch: no | 08:01 |
vidd | hey...i just figured out how to give two ppl ftp access to the same site | 08:09 |
vidd | =] | 08:09 |
vidd | with different user names and passwords of course | 08:10 |
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vidd | now if i could just keep them in the /var/www/[sitename] / folder! | 08:10 |
TheSheep | vidd: you can | 08:12 |
vidd | i know its possible...i just need to learn how | 08:13 |
vidd | =\ | 08:13 |
TheSheep | vidd: although I usually prefer /home/www/[sitename] | 08:13 |
vidd | who knew setting up proftpd would be so hard! | 08:13 |
vidd | ....but apache is set to look in /var/www/ | 08:14 |
vidd | and var has way more space then /home | 08:14 |
TheSheep | vidd: not on my box :) | 08:14 |
vidd | =] | 08:14 |
TheSheep | vidd: I always thought that proftpd is one of the easiest to set up | 08:15 |
vidd | wanna come take a peek @ this one? | 08:15 |
vidd | =] | 08:15 |
vidd | TheSheep, thats what i heard too...and its what work uses | 08:15 |
vidd | so i have to learn it | 08:15 |
TheSheep | haha, no, thank you | 08:16 |
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vidd | TheSheep, i found out my problem with ppl not being locked into thier own directories.... | 09:03 |
vidd | i wasnt able to restart my proftp server... | 09:03 |
vidd | i rebooted the box, and my changes were saved, and now ppl are locked into thier folders like they are supposed to be | 09:04 |
h3sp4wn | ~ | 09:04 |
vidd | =] | 09:04 |
=== jexd [n=bert@adsl-223-214-152.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
h3sp4wn | DefaultRoot ~ | 09:04 |
vidd | yes... | 09:04 |
vidd | i changed that hours ago.... | 09:05 |
vidd | but i dont seem to be able to restard proftpd | 09:05 |
vidd | i have to reboot the box to get changes to save | 09:05 |
vidd | =\ | 09:05 |
jexd | i have both ubuntu and xubuntu installed on my comp. on ubuntu i have 3 thousand + songs, whereas xubuntu i have like 20, haha. i want to transfer the files from ubuntu to xubuntu. is there anyway to transfer files over a partition? | 09:05 |
h3sp4wn | cp -rv | 09:06 |
godless | jexd: Can't you just mount the partition and listen to the songs from their original location? | 09:09 |
jexd | godless | 09:13 |
jexd | how would i go about doing that? | 09:13 |
jexd | (i am linux-retarded) | 09:14 |
TheSheep | !mount | 09:15 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 09:15 |
TheSheep | !fstab | 09:15 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 09:15 |
jexd | TheSheep, which partitioning program do you recommend? | 09:22 |
TheSheep | jexd: no, you don't need to do partitioning | 09:22 |
TheSheep | jexd: just mount the partition | 09:22 |
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=== jexd researches how to mount partitions which is probably easy in the most complicated way possible... if that makes sense | ||
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TheSheep | http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/1593271182/ <-- omg | 09:39 |
j1mc | TheSheep: looks good, but why OMG? | 09:41 |
TheSheep | j1mc: I'd expect the desktop guide to cover it bettr | 09:43 |
TheSheep | j1mc: I mean, when there is good free docuemntation available, who'd buy books? | 09:43 |
Sulle | what r u guys doing atm ? | 09:44 |
j1mc | TheSheep: yeah . . . | 09:44 |
=== j1mc is at work. =) or, should i say, "work" :) | ||
jexd | my fstab file is confusing me. i assume my ubuntu partition is "/dev/hda3" but when i "sudo mount /dev/hda6 /mnt | 09:44 |
jexd | " it says /dev/hda6 looks like swapspace - not mounted | 09:44 |
jexd | mount: you must specify the filesystem type | 09:44 |
TheSheep | jexd: can you pastebin the results of 'sudo fdisk -l'? | 09:44 |
TheSheep | !pastebin | jexd | 09:45 |
ubotu | jexd: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:45 |
jexd | hey.. i think i did it, actually. | 09:45 |
jexd | brb, must explore | 09:46 |
TheSheep | jexd: by the way, it's better to mount it to some subditrectory of /mnt, not /mnt itself :) | 09:46 |
jexd | crap, i just mounted my xubuntu drive onto ... my xubuntu drive. haha. | 09:46 |
jexd | thesheep - ok. i'll do that when i try this again. | 09:46 |
TheSheep | jexd: you can always umount | 09:46 |
jexd | doing that now | 09:46 |
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc|afk | ||
jexd | thesheep: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18668/ | 09:48 |
TheSheep | jexd: looks like you have linux on hda1 and hda3 | 09:49 |
TheSheep | jexd: by the way, you don't need two separate swaps -- the two systems can share one | 09:49 |
jexd | thesheep | 09:50 |
jexd | i freaking did it | 09:50 |
jexd | this is exciting | 09:50 |
jexd | i feel leet | 09:50 |
TheSheep | welcome to the club ;) | 09:50 |
jexd | should i do something about the two separate swaps? | 09:50 |
TheSheep | not necessarily, if you don't mind them | 09:51 |
jexd | so thesheep, could i hypothetically create a new partition, transfer all the files i want to save there, and then reformat and install something new and just transfer all my files back? | 09:51 |
TheSheep | jexd: but you don't have any free space for a new partition left? | 09:52 |
jexd | no, i don't believe i do | 09:53 |
jexd | but i could resize my current partition, and then do it, yes? | 09:53 |
jexd | i don't actually plan on doing this... mostly because i have no idea how. i'm just wondering if its possible | 09:54 |
TheSheep | jexd: you could just copy the files into your current partition, woithout resiszing it | 09:54 |
jexd | Thesheep, thank you so much for your help. i'm transferring all my songs now to this partition (eventually going to resize this to be my main OS and then delete ubuntu)... and its gonna take a while to move all these songs. in the meantime, basketball calls. thanks man, later | 09:58 |
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slow-motion | reoot time. wish me luck | 10:30 |
hyper_ch | hd-dvd and bluray is hacked :) | 10:31 |
TheSheep | who'd expect :/ | 10:35 |
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TheSheep | !ot | hyper_ch | 10:35 |
ubotu | hyper_ch: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:35 |
hyper_ch | it was calm in here :) | 10:35 |
TheSheep | !otot | hyper_ch | 10:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about otot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:36 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: please come to that channel :) | 10:36 |
hyper_ch | none is in otot :) | 10:36 |
TheSheep | #xubuntu-offtopic | 10:37 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: soryy, but that !ot only works there :) | 10:39 |
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darrend | anyone know why my system cron jobs would be running at completely different times and days to what is in /etc/crontab ? | 10:44 |
okazujesiezenie | Anyone using wicd on xubuntu? | 10:45 |
h3sp4wn | Is it in ubuntu ? | 10:45 |
vidd | darrend, your sys set to local or UTC? | 10:45 |
darrend | UTC. But I'm in the UK and we're only 1 hour different from UTC right now. These jobs are running at wildly different times/dates from those listed in the crontab | 10:46 |
vidd | then i have no ideas | 10:47 |
darrend | vidd: that makes 2 of us :( | 10:47 |
darrend | I think they're continuing to run at the defaults despite my having changed them, but can't be certain | 10:48 |
darrend | unless anyone has a default/unmodified crontab handy and can tell me what time/date daily and monthly jobs run.. | 10:48 |
vidd | after you changed them, did you restart cron? | 10:48 |
darrend | yes | 10:50 |
vidd | now im REALLY out of ideas | 10:51 |
darrend | the machine has also been rebooted since the last modified time of /etc/crontab | 10:51 |
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darrend | vidd: is your crontab unmodified from the default ubuntu version? | 10:51 |
vidd | yes... | 10:52 |
darrend | what is the runtime for daily and monthly jobs in there? | 10:53 |
vidd | where is it located? | 10:53 |
darrend | /etc/crontab | 10:53 |
vidd | !paste | 10:53 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:53 |
vidd | darrend, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18681/ | 10:54 |
=== vidd has to go for an hour or so | ||
darrend | vidd: thx | 10:55 |
=== slow-motion [n=JohnDoe@p5b06dc1e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Sulle | !jobs | 11:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jobs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:00 |
TheSheep | Sulle: http://www.ubuntu.com/employment | 11:02 |
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Sulle | thnx TheSheep | 11:07 |
=== odat [n=house@c-71-207-39-41.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
odat | hi everyone | 11:17 |
odat | when is xfburn gonna get audio cd burning capabilities? | 11:20 |
maxamillion | odat: xfburn fails at life, get graveman ;) | 11:22 |
maxamillion | odat: or gnomebaker | 11:23 |
odat | maxamillion, graveman is dead too | 11:23 |
odat | maxamillion, I am looking for something that doesn't have gstreamer dependencies | 11:24 |
odat | did anyone ever really look at birne?? | 11:24 |
TheSheep | brasero, gnomebaker and k3b <-- the latter will not have gstreamer deps for sure ;) | 11:24 |
odat | it would have been a great app for xubuntu | 11:24 |
jexd | i realize this is xubuntu and probably not the best place to ask this, but i use gmusicbrowser because its the best music app (imo) for xfce. i just transferred all my songs from my ubuntu (which used rhythmbox) to xubuntu, and gmusicbrowser. i have like 500 songs now that all have Unknown as both the artist and title. Rhythmbox read them fine, though. whats up with that? | 11:25 |
odat | hacburn would also be nice | 11:25 |
odat | jexd, i use gmusicbrowser for everything..... how did you set it up? | 11:26 |
maxamillion | odat: graveman is dead? | 11:26 |
jexd | odat.. the itunes like interface? uhh.. other than that, default setup. | 11:27 |
odat | jexd, i mean did you tell it where to find your music? etc etc | 11:27 |
TheSheep | jexd: two ideas come to my mind: a) you don't have some id3tag library thet gmusicbrowser requires, or b) rhythmbox took the title and artist from the file name and gmusicbroser can't do that | 11:27 |
jexd | is B just an idea, or is that true? i'll check out A and see if i can find anything that will help | 11:28 |
TheSheep | jexd: both are only ideas, I never used gmusicbrowser | 11:29 |
jexd | odat: i pointed it to my music directory, if thats what you mean. i'm playing the music through gmusicbrowser.. just a lot of songs have bad id3tags | 11:29 |
odat | TheSheep, no where do i see that gmusicbrowser require the id3tag library | 11:31 |
TheSheep | odat: no idea, maybe try asking the authors... | 11:32 |
slow-motion | n8 | 11:32 |
TheSheep | odat: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=493125 | 11:33 |
TheSheep | odat: you could also check with some other programs if the id3 tags are there | 11:33 |
=== domenic [n=domenic@bas1-toronto12-1088929522.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu | ||
domenic | what is a good C editor that with highlights? | 11:34 |
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
h3sp4wn | vim ? emacs ? | 11:35 |
=== TheSheep slaps h3sp4wn with Visual Studio .NET | ||
odat | jexd, try using the playlist for the player window layout i like it much better than the itunes layout | 11:36 |
=== maxamillion [n=adam@ngl-1-14.shsu.edu] has joined #xubuntu | ||
odat | anyone able to make a deb out of hacburn? | 11:38 |
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jexd | odat: i'll give it a try | 11:40 |
jexd | odat: does it have a "filter" function like the itunes layout did? this looks much better but i use the filter/search function a lot | 11:41 |
=== DarthLappy [n=Angus@pdpc/supporter/student/DarthShrine] has joined #xubuntu | ||
h3sp4wn | TheSheep: Is it that good ? | 11:42 |
jexd | odat: "with browser and queue" - it is the playlist layout with a search filter and a play que box... best so far | 11:42 |
odat | jexd, the filter function was at the top | 11:43 |
domenic | according to my computer vim is installed | 11:44 |
domenic | but i cannot run it outside of the terminal | 11:44 |
h3sp4wn | domenic: set background=dark | 11:45 |
h3sp4wn | domenic: syntax on | 11:45 |
h3sp4wn | (put those two in .vimrc) | 11:45 |
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domenic | so vim is a terminal app? | 11:46 |
h3sp4wn | yes | 11:47 |
h3sp4wn | or you can use gvim | 11:47 |
domenic | and that isnt a terminal app? | 11:47 |
h3sp4wn | or something else entirely | 11:47 |
h3sp4wn | no that is a gtk app | 11:48 |
odat | this thing looked sweet to bad no one picked it up and ran with it | 11:49 |
odat | http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=138400 | 11:49 |
odat | but this is what we should have for xubuntu | 11:51 |
odat | right here | 11:52 |
odat | this one | 11:52 |
odat | http://hacburn.sourceforge.net/screenshots/hacburn-0.2-options.jpg | 11:52 |
odat | anyone here? | 11:53 |
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dawkins | I'm trying to install Xubuntu 7.04 from the Alternate install CD. It hangs at the "Configuring Apt" step at 20% while "Scanning the CD-ROM...". | 11:59 |
dawkins | Anyone? | 12:00 |
Merchelo | i am but not in a sober state :/ | 12:02 |
TheSheep | dawkins: try testing the cd integrity | 12:02 |
odat | TheSheep, did you take a look at that last app? | 12:03 |
TheSheep | odat: no | 12:03 |
DarthLappy | How do I send F10 to the Terminal? Normally it just opens the Terminal menu, but I want it to be sent to the program that I am running. | 12:03 |
h3sp4wn | tried ^[ - f10 ? | 12:04 |
TheSheep | DarthLappy: right-click, select preferences, shortcuts and look at the bottom | 12:04 |
h3sp4wn | escape | 12:04 |
TheSheep | esc 0 should work too | 12:04 |
DarthLappy | TheSheep: Okay, thanks. | 12:05 |
dawkins | Is it fine if the install CD gives me the error message: "ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP", but still boots anyway? | 12:05 |
DarthLappy | And now it's off to school for me. | 12:07 |
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=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5FB2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
=== Cinnander [n=cinn@cpc1-cdif4-0-0-cust304.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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