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nanana | Anyone using WICD on Xubuntu? | 12:46 |
archangelpetro | maxamillion, !!! finished my dissertation | 12:59 |
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maxamillion | archangelpetro: awesome!!!! | 01:01 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: congrats | 01:01 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: what was it over again? | 01:01 |
archangelpetro | Evolving program solutions to high-level problems | 01:02 |
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Jester45 | where are the icons located at | 01:15 |
kalikiana | Jester45, /usr/share/icons :P | 01:16 |
Jester45 | eerr the program ones | 01:16 |
Jester45 | like gaim ff | 01:16 |
Jester45 | open office, etc. | 01:17 |
kalikiana | Jester45, /usr/share/pixmaps OR /usr/share/icons/THEME/scalable/apps | 01:18 |
archangelpetro | kalikiana, i'll start looking into the project now mate :D | 01:24 |
archangelpetro | see if i can help at all | 01:24 |
kalikiana | archangelpetro, That is nice. :D | 01:25 |
archangelpetro | im gonna get rid of this feisty ubuntu edition | 01:25 |
archangelpetro | it's crappy | 01:25 |
kalikiana | What's the issue? | 01:26 |
archangelpetro | lol | 01:26 |
archangelpetro | it's just slow | 01:26 |
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archangelpetro | everything seems to have slowed down | 01:26 |
kalikiana | Anything in particular? | 01:27 |
archangelpetro | well | 01:27 |
archangelpetro | amarok :P | 01:27 |
archangelpetro | among other things | 01:27 |
archangelpetro | i dont knwo the issues is hard to place exactly | 01:27 |
archangelpetro | it's just one of those things i've noticed | 01:27 |
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BFTD | yo all | 01:47 |
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kalikiana | hi Commander ;) | 01:47 |
BFTD | wad up? | 01:48 |
Jester45 | hi | 01:48 |
BFTD | I got ROL to work in Xubuntu | 01:48 |
BFTD | sweet | 01:48 |
kalikiana | Jester45, Did you find the icons? You suddenly "disappeared". | 01:49 |
Jester45 | no, when i pick up the phone thats connected to the same phone wire as my DSL modem the modem messes up | 01:50 |
Jester45 | im thinking its a filter problem but i dont feel like trying ot fix it | 01:50 |
Jester45 | is it hard to change the xfce icon theme i just changed the wm theme to xfce-dusk and i was like oooo | 01:51 |
Jester45 | but now the icons look out of place | 01:51 |
Jester45 | i still would like to know where gaim's icon is located | 01:51 |
kalikiana | Jester45, You could put any custom theme into ~/.icons | 01:53 |
Jester45 | ok | 01:53 |
Jester45 | im looking for a dark theme | 01:53 |
kalikiana | 01:17 <kalikiana> Jester45, /usr/share/pixmaps OR /usr/share/icons/THEME/scalable/apps | 01:53 |
Pumpernickel | /usr/share/pixmaps/gaim.png | 01:53 |
Jester45 | thanks both | 01:54 |
Jester45 | there isnt any really important reason to run anti virus right, on linux that is | 01:56 |
kalikiana | Jester45, The chance is pretty low that you encounter a linux virus. Since most of them reside in .exe files or windows executable formats. | 01:57 |
Jester45 | so if they where windows exe format i need not worry because i dont have wine | 01:58 |
ToHellWithGA | yall running gutsy? it seems like the base package wanted to update before anything else was ready | 01:58 |
ToHellWithGA | s/base/xfce base/ | 01:58 |
Jester45 | gutsy? | 01:59 |
Jester45 | new version name? | 02:00 |
kalikiana | Jester45, Gutsy is the next ubuntu. ;) | 02:03 |
kalikiana | Gutsy Gibbon that is. | 02:03 |
Jester45 | o | 02:04 |
Jester45 | is emerald a wm? each time i start beryl i have to start emerald to get the wm things like close button | 02:05 |
kalikiana | Emerald is Beryl's decorator. Beryl is the wm. | 02:05 |
=== Grape_Juice [n=pants@adsl-69-225-11-254.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Jester45 | so why do i have to run it | 02:06 |
kalikiana | Jester45, "Emerald is Beryl's decorator. Beryl is the wm." Think about that. | 02:06 |
Jester45 | could you explain what a decorator is | 02:07 |
=== orasis [n=orasis@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #xubuntu | ||
Grape_Juice | Think: Makings the windows on the desktop all pretty. :p | 02:07 |
orasis | Have any of you tryed the 7.04 Feisty release yet? | 02:08 |
Grape_Juice | The window border style...color....how the buttons look. | 02:08 |
kalikiana | Well, decoration is the title bar, an icon, buttons and border... that's what emerald is for. | 02:08 |
kalikiana | orasis, Yes, right on. :) | 02:08 |
Jester45 | im confused, if i run xfwm4 i get the decorator stuff is it combined wm and decorator? | 02:09 |
kalikiana | Jester45, Yes, xfwm4 has an integrated decorator. :) | 02:09 |
Jester45 | oo | 02:10 |
Jester45 | so thats my confustion | 02:10 |
Jester45 | thats confusion + frustration | 02:10 |
Jester45 | o and | 02:11 |
Jester45 | my panels are transparent with beryl on wich is stupid, could i fix this? | 02:14 |
kalikiana | Jester45, I believe the panel has an option for transparency. | 02:15 |
Jester45 | i think beryl doesnt understand that the panel should be treated like a window | 02:17 |
Jester45 | wen i full screen somthing the windows go under the pannels | 02:17 |
archangelpetro | Jolly good!!! | 02:19 |
Jester45 | hi | 02:19 |
archangelpetro | hola :D | 02:20 |
archangelpetro | and how are you master Jester45 ? | 02:20 |
Sleepy_Coder | Freenode certainly has an odd way of linking nicknames.... | 02:22 |
Jester45 | good | 02:22 |
Jester45 | and what about you servant :) | 02:24 |
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honkytonkwillie | How do I run the file "install.sh" as root? | 03:13 |
kalikiana | honkytonkwillie, Type "sudo ./install.sh" to run the file from the current folder. | 03:14 |
TheSheep | sudo sh install.sh | 03:14 |
honkytonkwillie | Thanks. I'll try that. | 03:14 |
=== kalikiana waves at TheSheep | ||
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TheSheep | hi kalikiana | 03:14 |
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honkytonkwillie | TheSheep - Thanks a bunch. That worked for me. | 03:18 |
archangelpetro | kalikalikalikalikannnnnnnnniiiiiiika | 03:25 |
kalikiana | archangelpetro, Hm? | 03:27 |
archangelpetro | :) | 03:28 |
archangelpetro | sorry | 03:28 |
archangelpetro | bit drunk | 03:28 |
kalikiana | archangelpetro, What did you drink? | 03:30 |
archangelpetro | cider :) | 03:31 |
archangelpetro | i cant drink beer | 03:32 |
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Jester45 | vodka is best | 03:38 |
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godless | Jester45: Whisky is best. | 03:41 |
=== kalikiana drinks seldom. Current favorite is wodka with blueberry. | ||
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godless | I'm patching up an old laptop for a 'friend of a friend' to use ... I expect the extent of things will be document processing, email, and web browsing. I intend to install xubuntu as it has been great for me on old laptops, but I am always fiddling with my computers. Does anybody have any tips (or URLs) to pass on about what to do / how to ensure (as much as is possible) that this machine will run trouble free without expert maintenance for as long as p | 03:43 |
j1mc | hi godless | 03:45 |
godless | hello j1mc | 03:45 |
j1mc | what are your concerns? | 03:45 |
godless | j1mc: Mainly that I don't want to take the time to set up this machine only to have it break and be reinfected with windows when the user doesn't know what to do with it... | 03:46 |
Jester45 | godless: dont install non-stable software and enable auto download/install of all updates | 03:47 |
godless | I will turn on automatic updates in synaptic and lay out simple menus to get at media, email, documents, and the web... but beyond that I'm wondering if anybody else has had experience with 'ignorant' users they might share. | 03:47 |
Jester45 | im ingorant but i cant think of anything | 03:48 |
j1mc | godless: that sounds like a good approach. | 03:48 |
godless | I won't have direct contact with the user after I drop it off so I just want to make sure it works as well as possible :) | 03:48 |
Jester45 | nothing really bad should happen | 03:48 |
Jester45 | maybe, use 6.06 its stabler | 03:48 |
godless | I don't think so either. Fingers crossed. A new linux user will be born next week! Heh. | 03:49 |
godless | Jester45: Yeah I've wondered about that a bit. My 7.04 has been pretty good past initial update teething issues and my own hamfistedness | 03:49 |
j1mc | godless: i would probably suggest making sure flash and the multimedia codecs are installed. for a regular web user... if they don't have those, they will likely ask for windows back. | 03:49 |
Jester45 | yep | 03:50 |
Jester45 | i suggest xine, so firefox has plugin | 03:50 |
godless | j1mc: A good point. I find even with the added codecs/flash/etc. some commercial sites still don't work | 03:50 |
godless | xine has a firefox plugin? I always use mplayer | 03:50 |
j1mc | godless: right. | 03:50 |
archangelpetro | whiskey is lovely | 03:50 |
archangelpetro | :) | 03:50 |
godless | archangelpetro: cheers. | 03:51 |
Jester45 | vodka thats final | 03:51 |
Jester45 | whiskey is nasty tasting | 03:51 |
godless | Whisky is wonderful and subtle. Of course if you're buying blended screech for $15 a bottle your mileage will vary. | 03:52 |
j1mc | godless: would the machine in question support regular ubuntu? what are the specs of the machine? | 03:52 |
godless | j1mc: It's a p3 with 256mb of ram. I've been wondering about that myself. | 03:52 |
Jester45 | what windows did he have | 03:52 |
godless | win98 | 03:52 |
Jester45 | becuase if he has xp he might not kntice the diffrence | 03:52 |
Jester45 | o | 03:52 |
j1mc | i'm running reg ubuntu on this pIII w/ 256 and 900mhz. it's a touch on the slow side, but not bad. | 03:52 |
Jester45 | umm | 03:52 |
j1mc | godless: how fast is the processor? | 03:53 |
godless | j1mc: Yeah I'm not sure how fast the processor is. I'm not too familiar with customizing ubuntu though (last installed it a long time back, have been on xubuntu forever.) | 03:53 |
Jester45 | yea but you dont wanna give him a bad impression plus hows video gonna play with that laptop + ubuntu | 03:53 |
Jester45 | and flash | 03:54 |
godless | I'll likely stick with xubuntu just because xfce is what I know at this point. | 03:54 |
Jester45 | and its simple | 03:54 |
godless | I want to customize the menus for ease-of-use and it'll be less work for me to do it in xfce. | 03:54 |
j1mc | godless: ok. :) anything will be better than win98, anyway. :) | 03:54 |
godless | j1mc: Amen. | 03:54 |
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j1mc | i'm surprised that thing is even allowed on the internet anymore. :) | 03:55 |
archangelpetro | whiskey > windows | 03:55 |
Jester45 | hehe give him kde :) he'll call you up, "hey, humm whats the text editor theres 10 of them | 03:55 |
j1mc | Jester45: hehe | 03:55 |
godless | KDE gives me the heebiejeebies but a lot of hackers I respect use it exclusively so what do I know | 03:55 |
Jester45 | j1mc: im sorry to tell you but anyone on windows will most likly become internet defualt | 03:55 |
Jester45 | i just hate all the diffrent programs | 03:56 |
j1mc | i know, but win98... | 03:56 |
Jester45 | i use many kde apps on my computer because i like qt | 03:56 |
Jester45 | o yea i got my windows to bend | 03:57 |
godless | Yes, anything would be better. I usually hesitate to port windows users to linux though because I don't want to be on the hook for support :) (I do a lot of gross windows support for a living :() | 03:57 |
Jester45 | im the opposite, i install linux on school's computer when im there so they can "enjoy it", accourse i use DSL much faster | 03:58 |
j1mc | godless: well, you'll likely have to do some support. i would let them know up front about the limited multimedia (esp on the web). i'd also probably install something like rhythmbox. gxine won't cut it. :) | 03:58 |
Jester45 | no for music, does mplayer have a firefox plugin? | 03:58 |
godless | Yes, rhythmbox is in the plans. Plus as much firefox media plugins and codecs as I can think of. | 03:59 |
j1mc | Jester45: I think it does. | 03:59 |
kalikiana | Jester45, Yes, mplayer in firefox is nice. | 03:59 |
Jester45 | maybe give him 2 media players like gxine and mplayer | 03:59 |
godless | that's my standard setup | 03:59 |
Jester45 | that way if he has problems im sure the other will run it | 03:59 |
godless | for some reason mplayer likes some wm and xine likes others :/ | 03:59 |
kalikiana | I recommend mplayer as the default and gxine for "difficult" files. | 03:59 |
Jester45 | i think mplayer is the best, but i hate the gui | 03:59 |
j1mc | VLC is great for video, but i'm not sure if there's a firefox plugin for it. i don't think there is. | 04:00 |
godless | VLC plays everything but for some reason I've never warmed up to it | 04:00 |
kalikiana | VLC is not gtk+2. :P | 04:00 |
j1mc | kalikiana: yeah... | 04:01 |
j1mc | kalikiana: godless' computer will likely have a PIII, so... a little overhead is ok. | 04:01 |
archangelpetro | you know | 04:02 |
archangelpetro | im pretty damn pissed atm | 04:02 |
archangelpetro | :) | 04:02 |
archangelpetro | maybe this should be in x*-offtopic | 04:02 |
archangelpetro | :) | 04:02 |
Jester45 | dudes, my cube is tranparent all the time | 04:02 |
Jester45 | its freaking cool | 04:02 |
kalikiana | archangelpetro, Why are you pissed might I ask? | 04:02 |
Jester45 | see all sides at once | 04:02 |
archangelpetro | well | 04:03 |
archangelpetro | i've drank about 3 litres of cider | 04:03 |
Jester45 | and nothing yet? | 04:03 |
archangelpetro | Jester45, what u doing? | 04:03 |
godless | Hm. Apparently VLC does have a firefox plugin | 04:03 |
Jester45 | beryl | 04:04 |
kalikiana | archangelpetro, Ah, that explains it. When I drink that much of anything I likely get a very big head. | 04:04 |
Jester45 | my cube is pretty | 04:04 |
Jester45 | its at 10% opacity | 04:04 |
archangelpetro | haha | 04:04 |
archangelpetro | kalikiana, i think the girl i'm talking with is doing that for me ;) | 04:04 |
Jester45 | humm | 04:05 |
kalikiana | Jester45, You are repeating yourself. ;) I admit it took me a cuple of hours after the first time I saw the cube to quit staring at it and saying "Whoooooo". :P | 04:05 |
godless | You're scoring girls while chatting on IRC about xubuntu. I think I feel the eskaton drawing near | 04:05 |
Jester45 | its the end of the world | 04:06 |
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godless | I can't wait to have a pc with decent specs so I can play with beryl | 04:06 |
Jester45 | or... the beginnign | 04:06 |
=== godless is taking donations | ||
Jester45 | godless: what you got | 04:06 |
archangelpetro | godless, im ace like that ;) | 04:07 |
godless | I have 3 laptops and 3 desktops in here and nothing is newer than 6 years old :/ | 04:07 |
archangelpetro | she's online too | 04:07 |
=== godless scavenges when his clients upgrade. | ||
Jester45 | you should of asked before, i had a nvidia gforce 3, i think, and i just toasted it overclocked the core from liike 160 to 360 and the mem clock up able 150 mhz | 04:08 |
Jester45 | up about* | 04:08 |
Jester45 | it got hot fast | 04:08 |
godless | haha | 04:09 |
godless | Don't touch it! | 04:09 |
godless | ;) | 04:09 |
Jester45 | i pulled the power cord out | 04:09 |
archangelpetro | lol | 04:09 |
Jester45 | i didnt havea fan on it at all | 04:09 |
godless | My gf has a decent p4 but she won't let me play with it | 04:09 |
Jester45 | lol | 04:09 |
godless | of course I'm always welcome to fix it }8[ | 04:09 |
archangelpetro | godless, | 04:09 |
archangelpetro | u have a gf.. | 04:09 |
archangelpetro | and u wanna play with her... computer? | 04:09 |
godless | archangelpetro: ... | 04:10 |
archangelpetro | lol :) | 04:10 |
archangelpetro | ur a geek. | 04:10 |
archangelpetro | really. | 04:10 |
godless | Nerd happens. | 04:10 |
Jester45 | he is | 04:11 |
Jester45 | i got pentium-pro all the up to p4 | 04:11 |
Jester45 | and a few amds | 04:11 |
Jester45 | anyone here running beryl | 04:13 |
Jester45 | or could tell me is they tried horixontal virtual size changes? | 04:13 |
Jester45 | its the number of sides on the cube | 04:13 |
Jester45 | i got 14 :) + see through = just about the most desktop space ever needed | 04:14 |
Jester45 | time to spread my firefoxs out | 04:14 |
Jester45 | oo | 04:14 |
Jester45 | watch a few movies from behide the desktop | 04:15 |
godless | Jester45: :/. Sometimes I think I should get a real job so I can afford nice toys | 04:16 |
godless | but scraping by on a few hours of work a week and a fleet of wheezing p3's has its upside too :) | 04:16 |
Jester45 | how old are you? | 04:17 |
godless | 27 | 04:17 |
Jester45 | o | 04:17 |
Jester45 | im 15 so i dont work | 04:18 |
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godless | Yeah I had hot-shit computers when I was your age too :) living with the parents has its perks | 04:18 |
godless | Incident;y, if anybody catches me saying 'when I was your age' again, feel free to euthanize me | 04:18 |
Jester45 | yea my parents said as long as my grades stay up i get stuff | 04:19 |
godless | !language | godless | 04:19 |
godless | :/ | 04:19 |
Jester45 | lol | 04:19 |
=== spasticteapot [n=spastict@66-188-130-15.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
spasticteapot | Anyone else here got Murrine working? The .deb package of murrine-configurator seems not to be working. | 04:21 |
Jester45 | sill going at that | 04:21 |
spasticteapot | Hmm... | 04:22 |
Jester45 | did you guys notive as soon as someone wanted help you all shut up | 04:24 |
Jester45 | notice* | 04:25 |
godless | Jester45: That's because I don't have anything helpful to add, and the channel doesn't need us flooding out real questions with useless chatter. | 04:26 |
Jester45 | yea but... i just pulled you back in | 04:26 |
godless | Curses. | 04:27 |
Jester45 | im so genius | 04:27 |
archangelpetro | nn guys :) | 04:29 |
Jester45 | nighty night | 04:29 |
Jester45 | dont let the cider get you | 04:29 |
archangelpetro | lol | 04:30 |
archangelpetro | i think the sleeping pills might do that ;) | 04:30 |
archangelpetro | haha | 04:30 |
=== pokieo [i=pokieo@S010600a0d142b6c9.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
godless | archangelpetro: I admire your commitment to better living through pharmacology :) | 04:30 |
archangelpetro | :) | 04:31 |
archangelpetro | just wait till my exams are over | 04:31 |
Sleepy_Coder | I think I might have too much free time: http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b100/photoricon/too_much_free_time.jpg | 04:31 |
archangelpetro | i'll demonstrate the beauty of chemical enhancement | 04:31 |
Sleepy_Coder | *forgot to paste it in this channel. :p* | 04:31 |
spasticteapot | Huh. | 04:31 |
spasticteapot | I'm currently wondering wether I should buy yet another pair of tweeters. | 04:32 |
spasticteapot | I have too many already of course. | 04:32 |
spasticteapot | But.....Tweeters! | 04:32 |
archangelpetro | tweeters? | 04:32 |
pokieo | hello | 04:32 |
spasticteapot | The little doohickeys that make high-frequency noises. | 04:32 |
pokieo | I need help | 04:32 |
archangelpetro | ah | 04:32 |
spasticteapot | Sorry....off topic, I know. | 04:32 |
spasticteapot | pokieo: You sure do! | 04:33 |
pokieo | my computer was working fine. | 04:33 |
pokieo | it started to overwork so I shut it down | 04:33 |
pokieo | when I restarted it ti would load the login | 04:33 |
spasticteapot | overwork? | 04:33 |
pokieo | yeah the the cpu would max out | 04:34 |
pokieo | So I would get to the login | 04:34 |
pokieo | it would login and then sit there | 04:34 |
spasticteapot | Huh. | 04:35 |
pokieo | I could access the different session options, when I did that I could eventually login | 04:35 |
spasticteapot | That's odd. | 04:35 |
spasticteapot | What version of Xubuntu? | 04:35 |
pokieo | but it would max out the cpu | 04:35 |
spasticteapot | Dapper, Edgy, or Feisty? | 04:35 |
pokieo | 7.04 | 04:35 |
spasticteapot | Huh. | 04:35 |
pokieo | so I stuck in my install cd to try and recover some files | 04:35 |
pokieo | and when I do I get an x on some of the files | 04:36 |
pokieo | how do I get them? | 04:36 |
spasticteapot | That's odd. | 04:36 |
pokieo | it tells me I don't have permission | 04:36 |
pokieo | on and then when I rebotted later I got an error in the file system | 04:36 |
pokieo | and now I can even reach the login pae | 04:37 |
pokieo | page | 04:37 |
Jester45 | many errors in the filesytem after a reinstall are from partly rewritten files | 04:37 |
Jester45 | that1/2 the old is there and 1/2 the new so the filesystem errors | 04:38 |
spasticteapot | Oooh....reinstalls. | 04:38 |
spasticteapot | Word of advice - FORMAT. | 04:38 |
spasticteapot | And just back everything up. | 04:38 |
Jester45 | yes you need to reformat the whole partition | 04:38 |
Jester45 | spasticteapot: i think its a clean install + he cant get to login screen | 04:39 |
spasticteapot | Huh. | 04:39 |
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pokieo | but you see I can't back everything up | 04:43 |
pokieo | for some reason there is a lock on some of the files | 04:44 |
spasticteapot | pokieo: Well, you could try booting into Xubuntu WITHOUT the GUI. | 04:44 |
spasticteapot | That solves a lot of possible problems right there. | 04:44 |
spasticteapot | Not if you log in normally, there is'nt. | 04:44 |
spasticteapot | Rename your x11.org file as something else, reboot. | 04:44 |
pokieo | but withoutthe gui hoe do I transfer files? | 04:44 |
spasticteapot | pokieo: Well, they seemed to do just fine in 1987 without a GUI, eh? | 04:45 |
Jester45 | no they didnt | 04:45 |
pokieo | no I hear ya | 04:45 |
spasticteapot | "man mv" | 04:45 |
Jester45 | they hand scraped the data off the disc | 04:45 |
spasticteapot | That'll explain it. | 04:45 |
Jester45 | man mv file | 04:45 |
pokieo | ha ha | 04:45 |
Jester45 | oops | 04:45 |
Jester45 | mv file | 04:45 |
spasticteapot | Jester45: Actually, that would be 1967. And it was mostly switches. | 04:45 |
pokieo | so I stick theubuntu cd in | 04:46 |
spasticteapot | Don't. Boot up normally. | 04:46 |
pokieo | instead of the gui install choose? | 04:46 |
spasticteapot | Without the CD. | 04:46 |
vidd | take stack 57 through 125 out of this room and take it to that room.... | 04:46 |
spasticteapot | pokieo: You might want to use the install CD to kill your X11 folder. | 04:47 |
spasticteapot | That'll keep the GUI from starting up. | 04:47 |
spasticteapot | Then, remove it, and boot up. Log in on the command line. | 04:47 |
pokieo | okay well when I boot it goes through a bunch of testrs and the tlls me it can't load anything | 04:47 |
spasticteapot | Congradulations! You can move stuff old-school. | 04:47 |
pokieo | then it goes to root | 04:47 |
spasticteapot | ....oy vey. | 04:47 |
vidd | pokieo, before you do anything.... | 04:47 |
Jester45 | i would just a live cd out | 04:47 |
vidd | pokieo, can you do [ctrl] [alt] [f1] to get a cli login screen? | 04:48 |
pokieo | thia it the error I get | 04:49 |
pokieo | the root files system is mounted in read only mode. Mantenance shell will nw be started | 04:49 |
pokieo | bash: no job control in this shell | 04:50 |
pokieo | the program sudo-apt get is currently not installed | 04:50 |
spasticteapot | You are asploded. | 04:50 |
spasticteapot | Sounds like everything's gotten corrupted. | 04:50 |
vidd | pokieo, you have any data you NEED on this drive? | 04:50 |
pokieo | yes some | 04:51 |
spasticteapot | Uh oh. | 04:51 |
pokieo | is the whole drive hooped? | 04:51 |
spasticteapot | pokieo: Do you have a Gmail account? | 04:51 |
pokieo | yes | 04:51 |
vidd | can you get net access whith a live cd? | 04:51 |
spasticteapot | pokieo: Assuming you're not using the Douglas Adams distribution...yeah. | 04:51 |
spasticteapot | I would say that you have the data equivalent of a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. | 04:52 |
vidd | no///its WORSE | 04:52 |
pokieo | I am using another computer | 04:52 |
pokieo | is the drive toast? | 04:52 |
vidd | but if you put the live cd in and run it, can you get onto the internet? | 04:53 |
spasticteapot | vidd: Okay. You've got the data equivalent of a run-in with a Vogon Constructor Fleet. | 04:53 |
=== Sleepy_Coder goes afk | ||
pokieo | dont't know cus I'm on the net with this comp | 04:53 |
vidd | we are looking to help you save your old data | 04:53 |
vidd | your system is hosed | 04:53 |
pokieo | yeah figured | 04:53 |
vidd | pokieo, dial-up? | 04:54 |
pokieo | the desktop folder and a couple of other key folders are locked | 04:54 |
pokieo | no high speed | 04:54 |
pokieo | shaw | 04:54 |
pokieo | you need to reboot the modem to connect to a new computer | 04:54 |
vidd | pokieo, no you dont | 04:54 |
pokieo | only onw ip at a time | 04:55 |
vidd | you NEVER need to do that...no matter WHO your provider isa | 04:55 |
pokieo | and no router | 04:55 |
vidd | you need a ROUTER | 04:55 |
Jester45 | how is it connceted: modem -> computer or modem -> router -> computer | 04:56 |
pokieo | yeah I had one with my adsl | 04:56 |
pokieo | modem to computer | 04:56 |
pokieo | let me try one thing | 04:56 |
pokieo | there is a usb connection in the bak of the modem | 04:56 |
vidd | so you unplug the computer then plug the other computer in, plop in the disk, boot machine | 04:56 |
pokieo | do you think xubuntu will recognise it as a internet connection? | 04:57 |
vidd | absolutely...its not VISTA or anything | 04:57 |
pokieo | ok one sec | 04:57 |
vidd | unless your running on a frame relay | 04:57 |
vidd | but even that shouldnt matter | 04:58 |
=== vidd works for an ISP | ||
Jester45 | no u dont | 04:59 |
pokieo | I don't know it seems that when I switch the ethernet from one to the other it get a kimited connection on one unless I reset the modem | 05:00 |
vidd | =\ | 05:00 |
vidd | Jester45, i do work for an ISP | 05:00 |
Jester45 | you should thing about getting a router or switch | 05:00 |
pokieo | yeah | 05:00 |
pokieo | it's on ly list | 05:01 |
Jester45 | vidd: i dont believe so | 05:01 |
Jester45 | i see vidd at work it does really work for a isp and a very good worker at that | 05:03 |
vidd | ???? | 05:03 |
vidd | pokieo, cable? | 05:03 |
pokieo | nopw | 05:04 |
pokieo | yep | 05:04 |
pokieo | yep cable | 05:04 |
pokieo | no to connection through usb | 05:04 |
vidd | your cable company must do a frame reley type authentication | 05:04 |
Jester45 | its true | 05:04 |
Jester45 | im sorry i will shut up | 05:04 |
vidd | [explicatives deleted] | 05:04 |
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pokieo | yean I know krappy | 05:05 |
pokieo | so how would gmail help me> | 05:06 |
=== agentnewb [n=user@c-76-106-67-94.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
spasticteapot | pokieo: Backups. | 05:06 |
vidd | you boot into your live cd...connect to the internet and e-mail your data files | 05:06 |
spasticteapot | 10mb at a time, but honestly, what's more reliable than Google's servers? | 05:06 |
agentnewb | I'm having trouble with xubuntu wanting to shove outdated restricted nvidia modules over my up to date ones and conflicting with each other | 05:06 |
agentnewb | it seems ipw3945 is also marked as restricted for reasons I have no clue about | 05:07 |
pokieo | oh see I can't even get some files to move becuse it says I don't have permission | 05:07 |
pokieo | so how could I move them to gmail if I can't copy them? | 05:07 |
agentnewb | nvidia-kernel-common is stuck to restricted modules for my kernel | 05:07 |
vidd | the live cd will give you permissions | 05:07 |
agentnewb | pokieo: hmm try root? | 05:08 |
vidd | here is what you do.... | 05:08 |
vidd | boot the live cd... | 05:08 |
agentnewb | ok | 05:08 |
pokieo | done | 05:08 |
vidd | mount your broken drive | 05:08 |
pokieo | done | 05:08 |
agentnewb | got it | 05:08 |
pokieo | when I click a locked file says permission denied | 05:09 |
vidd | connect to the internet and then copy/paste your old files | 05:09 |
vidd | chown your drive | 05:09 |
vidd | ? | 05:09 |
vidd | can you do that from the live cd? | 05:10 |
pokieo | that is what I am trying from the live cd | 05:10 |
Pumpernickel | You can specify permissions with a umask when you mount it. | 05:10 |
pokieo | it's the desktop folder to be specific | 05:10 |
pokieo | it's loced | 05:10 |
Pumpernickel | chown is a bit of a kludge for that kind of thing. | 05:10 |
pokieo | I try to see what's there permission denied | 05:11 |
vidd | Pumpernickel, he needs to recover data and e-mail it to himself... can you help us help him? | 05:11 |
=== vidd needs to go to bed | ||
vidd | pokieo, once you save your data files, you want to do a clean install | 05:13 |
vidd | how much data you have to save? | 05:13 |
pokieo | couple of 100 mb | 05:14 |
agentnewb | pokieo: dude just dump the pr0n and reinstall lol | 05:15 |
pokieo | when | 05:15 |
spasticteapot | Heh. | 05:15 |
pokieo | i right click on permissions | 05:15 |
Sleepy_Coder | :< | 05:15 |
Sleepy_Coder | chmod > right click | 05:15 |
pokieo | it says owner 1000 | 05:15 |
vidd | isnt that root? | 05:15 |
vidd | no...root is 0 | 05:16 |
Sleepy_Coder | Erm....isn't root 0? | 05:16 |
Jester45 | i though root was 1 | 05:16 |
agentnewb | rm -Rf > chmod | 05:16 |
Jester45 | o | 05:16 |
Pumpernickel | That would be the first regular user. | 05:16 |
Jester45 | 0 | 05:16 |
Sleepy_Coder | Root is 0.... | 05:16 |
Pumpernickel | 1000, I mean. | 05:16 |
Sleepy_Coder | 1000 is the default user access level for the first account....I believe... | 05:16 |
Jester45 | the lower the number the more permissions | 05:16 |
Jester45 | daemons are 1 | 05:16 |
vidd | so on the live cd... | 05:16 |
=== coldsteal [n=coldstea@user-0cdvhie.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
coldsteal | hello | 05:17 |
vidd | edit /etc/passwd | 05:17 |
Jester45 | hi | 05:17 |
agentnewb | jester45: sup | 05:17 |
Pumpernickel | Err, that number is just a unique user id. | 05:17 |
vidd | change your user group to 1000 | 05:17 |
Pumpernickel | It's not a permissions thing. | 05:17 |
pokieo | so live cd doesn't give you root? | 05:17 |
coldsteal | how do i look for samba shares? | 05:17 |
coldsteal | with this ubuntu box | 05:17 |
Jester45 | agentnewb: hi | 05:18 |
coldsteal | its xubuntu btw | 05:18 |
Jester45 | idk about the shares i liked ubuntu network -> windows -> comptuer | 05:18 |
agentnewb | Jester45: how do I force apt-get to install something without dependencies | 05:19 |
Jester45 | can deluge download more than 1 torrent at a time | 05:19 |
agentnewb | Jester45: I don't want nvidia-kernel-common since its outdated | 05:19 |
Jester45 | apt-get install --force packagename | 05:19 |
Jester45 | you all most had it :) | 05:19 |
vidd | pokieo, when you look at the /etc/passwd list, what is your default user id? | 05:20 |
agentnewb | Jester45: will that install without dependencies? I mean I have them but I don't want them | 05:20 |
Jester45 | i think | 05:20 |
Jester45 | the only option have have used on apt-get is purge | 05:21 |
vidd | it is in the format {name}:x:{number}:{number}:home folder:{bin rights} | 05:21 |
pokieo | is that in the terminal? | 05:21 |
Jester45 | whats the number | 05:21 |
agentnewb | I tried removing nvidia-kernel-common and other stuff but then it says when I install nvidia driver as root that certain sections are restricted access then xorg says an old driver is present | 05:21 |
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vidd | do sudo mousepad /etc/passwd | 05:22 |
Jester45 | oo | 05:22 |
vidd | you ARE using xubuntu? | 05:22 |
Jester45 | sorry vidd i though you were talking about the shares | 05:22 |
vidd | i got a bad storm going on here.... | 05:23 |
vidd | i might lose power | 05:23 |
Jester45 | what region do you live in | 05:23 |
Jester45 | i had one | 05:23 |
vidd | eastern PA | 05:23 |
agentnewb | /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko | 05:23 |
Jester45 | PA? | 05:23 |
vidd | Pensylvania | 05:23 |
Jester45 | o | 05:24 |
pokieo | says I am using root | 05:24 |
Jester45 | im northern MO | 05:24 |
pokieo | says I am using root | 05:24 |
pokieo | sa | 05:24 |
pokieo | d | 05:24 |
pokieo | d | 05:24 |
pokieo | d | 05:24 |
pokieo | d | 05:24 |
pokieo | d | 05:24 |
pokieo | d | 05:24 |
agentnewb | pokieo: *poke* | 05:24 |
vidd | then if you are root, you should have god rights | 05:24 |
Jester45 | i though Pennsylvania was PN | 05:24 |
agentnewb | Jester45: hehe pee 'n | 05:25 |
pokieo | I guess my system is super hooped | 05:25 |
vidd | you are the LAST user on the list...not the first | 05:25 |
pokieo | oh | 05:25 |
agentnewb | pokieo: there are ways to restrict it so even root can't go there but it would require another 0 rank account I think or your a limited root which shouldn't be the case | 05:26 |
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Jester45 | whats 104/2500 | 05:26 |
pokieo | live session user | 05:26 |
vidd | what are the number sets after the X? | 05:27 |
vidd | should be something like 1001:1001 | 05:28 |
pokieo | 999:999 | 05:28 |
vidd | change them to 1000:1000 | 05:29 |
vidd | save | 05:29 |
vidd | viola! you now own those files | 05:29 |
pokieo | nope now can't find the login shell | 05:30 |
spasticteapot | Anyone know how to set Sun Java as the default Java? | 05:30 |
Jester45 | spasticteapot: install it, sun-java6-jre | 05:31 |
Jester45 | or java5-whateveryouneed | 05:31 |
vidd | hmmm | 05:31 |
spasticteapot | I installed it. | 05:31 |
vidd | then change it back.... | 05:31 |
pokieo | can't even access the termianl now | 05:32 |
vidd | then we need ya to reboot the live cd | 05:32 |
vidd | its save to power off and power on... if yoiu have to | 05:33 |
=== Jester45 suggest a reinstall or upload to the internet | ||
vidd | we are TRYING to get him to be ABLE to upload to the internet | 05:34 |
Jester45 | anyone know how to remove the home filesystem trash icons off the desktop | 05:34 |
vidd | pokieo, let me know when your up | 05:34 |
Jester45 | he cant even read them? | 05:34 |
vidd | nope | 05:34 |
vidd | can you restart x and get a login screen on the live cd? | 05:35 |
=== vidd never uses it | ||
pokieo | still loading | 05:36 |
pokieo | do I start with the kernel | 05:36 |
vidd | the live cd | 05:36 |
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pokieo | second option? | 05:39 |
Sleepy_Coder | Why is Digg dying? 0.o | 05:39 |
vidd | start or install | 05:39 |
pokieo | safe graphics mode | 05:39 |
pokieo | does it mater | 05:39 |
vidd | your getting this on the live cd now? | 05:41 |
pokieo | options to boot | 05:42 |
pokieo | start or install | 05:42 |
vidd | start or install | 05:42 |
pokieo | start in safe graphics mode | 05:42 |
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vidd | sure | 05:42 |
pokieo | install with driver update cd | 05:42 |
vidd | you want "start or install" | 05:43 |
pokieo | had that one before | 05:43 |
pokieo | doh | 05:43 |
vidd | dont mind me...i need sleep | 05:44 |
pokieo | that's okay | 05:44 |
vidd | basically...what ya need to do is mount your drive | 05:45 |
vidd | set the umount to 022 | 05:46 |
vidd | that should make the whole drive readable | 05:46 |
pokieo | it;s already there | 05:46 |
vidd | can you READ it? | 05:46 |
pokieo | yes but not all of it | 05:47 |
vidd | grab any text file off it and see if you can READ it | 05:47 |
vidd | what can you NOT read? | 05:47 |
vidd | can you read your data files that you eed typo save? | 05:48 |
vidd | dang fat fingers! | 05:48 |
pokieo | desktop again | 05:48 |
pokieo | etc | 05:48 |
pokieo | but others okay | 05:49 |
vidd | -so where are your data files @? | 05:49 |
vidd | in the desktop? | 05:49 |
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pokieo | just a couple key files I had there | 05:50 |
Jester45 | !meeting | 05:50 |
vidd | for now, e-mail the ones you CAN get to your g-mail account | 05:50 |
pokieo | I've moved them to my ipod | 05:51 |
vidd | id give ya some FTP space, but i might lose power any minute | 05:51 |
vidd | there ya go | 05:51 |
vidd | for the files you cant get to.... | 05:51 |
pokieo | hooped | 05:52 |
pokieo | ?? | 05:52 |
pokieo | I guess | 05:52 |
vidd | open a terminal and cd to that folder | 05:52 |
ubotu | Channel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | 05:52 |
vidd | you want to use sudo to copy those files to another directory | 05:54 |
vidd | that SHOULD chown them to the new directory's group | 05:55 |
pokieo | how do you browse back folders in the terminal | 05:56 |
vidd | then you should be able to copy them to your ipod like the rest | 05:56 |
vidd | cd /file/directory/name/ | 05:56 |
vidd | for example: | 05:56 |
vidd | cd /home vidd/Desktop/ | 05:57 |
pokieo | permission denied | 05:58 |
vidd | or... cd /[mounted drive] {enter} cd [folderA] {enter} cd [folderB] {enter} | 05:58 |
vidd | hmmm.... | 05:58 |
vidd | then enable root: | 05:58 |
vidd | sudo passwd | 05:59 |
vidd | [new root password] | 05:59 |
vidd | [new root password] | 05:59 |
vidd | then su {this makes you root} | 05:59 |
vidd | [new root password] | 05:59 |
Jester45 | night vidd and pokieo and others | 06:00 |
vidd | then you should be able to cd to the desired folders | 06:00 |
vidd | night Jester45 | 06:00 |
pokieo | yessssssssssssssssssssssssss | 06:00 |
pokieo | I can see desktop | 06:01 |
vidd | all data recovered? | 06:01 |
pokieo | how do I copy it? | 06:01 |
vidd | cp *.* /destination/file/folder/ | 06:02 |
vidd | *.* means all files; all types | 06:02 |
vidd | just like windows stole from UNIX | 06:02 |
vidd | now remember...click and drag copies ownership and rights as well as the file... su cp and sudo cp chown as well | 06:04 |
=== goblox [n=sean@24-155-28-91.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
vidd | or am i mistaken? | 06:05 |
goblox | hello | 06:05 |
vidd | what's up goblox | 06:05 |
goblox | how goes it? | 06:05 |
vidd | it goes | 06:06 |
vidd | pokieo, all data saved? | 06:06 |
goblox | I'm wondering....how to disable gxine from starting automatically, anytime I put a cd or dvd in the drive | 06:06 |
vidd | turn off autoload | 06:06 |
goblox | ahh...ok.... | 06:07 |
vidd | or choose a different program to autoload | 06:07 |
goblox | where do I find that? | 06:07 |
vidd | in thunar i believe | 06:08 |
vidd | this autoload is new to me...and i like it...so i never tried to disable it | 06:08 |
goblox | ahh...ok I think I found it...under Volume Management actually | 06:09 |
vidd | there ya go | 06:09 |
vidd | now i know to help the next guy | 06:09 |
pokieo | can you have spaces in directory names? | 06:09 |
goblox | thanks | 06:09 |
pokieo | my Ipod is MUSIC HUB | 06:09 |
vidd | pokieo, no | 06:09 |
vidd | use tab autocomplete | 06:09 |
pokieo | where? | 06:10 |
vidd | or copy it to a folder you already click and dragged from | 06:10 |
pokieo | ah yes | 06:11 |
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vidd | tab auto completre is a cool linux feature that lets you start to type something, and you hit tab and the rest of it comes up...or hit it twice and it displays all possibilities | 06:13 |
vidd | all your files get to where ya want them yet? | 06:14 |
pokieo | nice working | 06:15 |
pokieo | thanks | 06:15 |
pokieo | you roock | 06:15 |
pokieo | !!!! | 06:15 |
pokieo | yay | 06:15 |
pokieo | Vidd is a God | 06:15 |
vidd | is it safe for me to go to bed now? | 06:15 |
vidd | XD | 06:15 |
goblox | sleep well....and thanks again | 06:16 |
vidd | pokieo, im a mythical creature used to enslave billions of ppl since the dawn of time and as an excuse to start wars and genocide? | 06:17 |
vidd | gee....thanks | 06:17 |
vidd | i think | 06:17 |
goblox | aha! | 06:17 |
vidd | but are you good? pokieo ? | 06:18 |
goblox | pokieo seemed satisfied with the support you provided | 06:19 |
vidd | once your files are nicely secure you can format and reinstall | 06:19 |
vidd | i hope my anti-theology didnt offend him | 06:19 |
=== vidd iss off to bed | ||
goblox | nighters | 06:20 |
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odat | hi everyone | 06:32 |
odat | anyone know how to get a bttv driver to load on startup | 06:32 |
odat | ? | 06:32 |
crimsun | can you provide more context to the question? It's pretty vague currently. | 06:46 |
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pokieo | thanks | 06:50 |
pokieo | for the support | 06:50 |
pokieo | got some of the files | 06:50 |
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mlocker | Hi ! | 06:55 |
mlocker | I want to help ! | 06:56 |
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domenic | hello | 07:29 |
domenic | im having troubles getting videos and mp3s to play | 07:29 |
domenic | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 07:29 |
domenic | i have looked at that page, but there is no "Applications->Add/Remove" what is the xubuntu method of doing this? | 07:30 |
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BFTD | hi | 07:32 |
BFTD | I'm trying to set up this fibre server with Xubuntu...anyone wanna help out? | 07:33 |
BFTD | crimsun? TheSheep? | 07:33 |
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CaT[tm] | is there a xubuntu cd rsync mirror that has actual cds on it? | 08:35 |
crimsun | err, do you mean isos? | 08:35 |
crimsun | and if so, which isos do you seek? | 08:36 |
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CaT[tm] | xubuntu ones that I can cron an rsync job for and not have to bother updating the local mirror for manually. | 08:36 |
BFTD | Fibre channel array | 08:37 |
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H264 | hi | 08:39 |
H264 | quick question... | 08:39 |
=== CaT[tm] grumbly wishes it was part of ubuntu-releases. everyone has that mirrored (well almost) and I could just mirror off them... | ||
H264 | how big should my /boot partition be? | 08:40 |
CaT[tm] | when I used to make them Il ike 128m so I could keep a good cache of kernels. it can be as little as 10meg though. | 08:40 |
keyvin | H264: I always make mine ~100 megs | 08:40 |
keyvin | In case I feel like having 20 kernels or something | 08:41 |
CaT[tm] | :) | 08:41 |
H264 | heh | 08:41 |
H264 | I have enough room... | 08:41 |
H264 | and that partition will work for all my linux installs? | 08:42 |
CaT[tm] | yes, if you don't use modules. | 08:42 |
H264 | (if/when I add them) | 08:42 |
H264 | modules? | 08:42 |
CaT[tm] | or if all your linux installs wind up using the exact same kernels. | 08:42 |
keyvin | and grub configs... | 08:43 |
keyvin | you don't *need* a boot partition | 08:43 |
keyvin | really | 08:43 |
H264 | hmm | 08:43 |
H264 | so what should I do? | 08:43 |
crimsun | CaT[tm] : I'd check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors | 08:44 |
keyvin | If your going to be installing tons of other linux distros just to play around, I'd almost reccommend just using vmware or qemu | 08:44 |
crimsun | CaT[tm] : I'm querying a mirror admin ATM for potential rsync service [but no guarantees] | 08:44 |
BFTD | ? | 08:44 |
Myrtti | CaT[tm] : wget should work as good as rsync | 08:44 |
BFTD | I never liked boot partitions | 08:44 |
Myrtti | n'est pas | 08:44 |
H264 | oh, hi BFTD | 08:45 |
BFTD | hi H264 | 08:45 |
CaT[tm] | crimsun: cool. hope you get it. I don't mind getting the isos a day or so after the release so I prefer not to hit the central release point for them. | 08:45 |
CaT[tm] | myrtti: wont preserve symlinks unfortunately. (afaik - might via ftp but *Shrug*) | 08:46 |
crimsun | CaT[tm] : err, do you mean the release ISOs? Those are mirrored. | 08:46 |
CaT[tm] | crimsun: where? | 08:46 |
crimsun | the download page from xubuntu.org lists some | 08:47 |
H264 | the ISOs for what? | 08:47 |
CaT[tm] | crimsun: I've not found a single mirror that has xubuntu and I've tried about 20. | 08:47 |
CaT[tm] | crimsun: rsync-wise. | 08:47 |
crimsun | yes. | 08:47 |
crimsun | try mirror.anl.gov. | 08:47 |
crimsun | you may have to manually cross-reference on LP's archivemirrors page to find one, but it's not much legwork. | 08:47 |
H264 | just torrent Xubuntu.ISO... torrent is very fast :) | 08:48 |
H264 | (or am I not getting the big picture?) | 08:48 |
crimsun | he likely has a specific requirement, and thus the rsync. | 08:48 |
crimsun | for instance, I can rsync from work but I can't torrent. | 08:49 |
H264 | hmm | 08:49 |
CaT[tm] | crimsun: nice but hmmm. are symlinks involved there? | 08:50 |
crimsun | CaT[tm] : quite probably. | 08:51 |
crimsun | a bit busy ATM | 08:51 |
CaT[tm] | well time to give it a shot and see which foot bleeds | 08:51 |
CaT[tm] | ah | 08:51 |
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CaT[tm] | well I guess I'll see tomorrow if symlinks are in use. if not then that'll be rather annoying. | 08:58 |
H264 | installing... if I have any troubles then count on me coming back for help | 08:59 |
H264 | thanks :) | 08:59 |
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keyvin | So. I guess the real question on all of our minds is: How hard is it to make decent tasting curry | 09:01 |
keyvin | ? | 09:01 |
=== grazie can honestly say that question has never crossed his mind | ||
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grazie | crimsun: any ideas on how I can config the volume control in TvTime to map to the correct sound card channel? At the moment the TvTime volume control has no effect. | 09:19 |
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odat | what is the proc directory for? | 09:40 |
BFTD | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 09:40 |
odat | BFTD, is it for like settings? | 09:41 |
BFTD | not sure | 09:42 |
BFTD | google it | 09:42 |
BFTD | @google /proc | 09:42 |
BFTD | Seveas what program is the bot? | 09:42 |
keyvin | proc exposes all sorts of nifty kernel options to you | 09:46 |
keyvin | its the linux equivelant of sysctl | 09:46 |
keyvin | options and informations | 09:46 |
keyvin | *information | 09:46 |
keyvin | Rather than having to use pesky, troublesome low level C routines to get the information | 09:47 |
keyvin | or change kernel options | 09:47 |
keyvin | The developers opted to expose them as part of the file system | 09:47 |
grazie | crimsun: or anyone else with ideas. Actually, the above was the wrong question. The TvTime volume control is mapped to Line, but adjusting the level has no effect. However, adjusting Line2 level does change the volume even though the input signal is plugged into Line. Is the alsa config wrong or is the driver not working correctly with this sound card (Creative Audigy2 Pro)? | 09:50 |
grazie | Creative Audigy2 Platinum Pro ^^ | 09:51 |
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eirik | Is it possible to have different background-images in different workspaces in xubuntu feisty? | 11:35 |
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kalikiana | eirik, Nope. | 11:42 |
h3sp4wn | eirik: it if you use e17 as your window manager | 11:42 |
h3sp4wn | s/it/it is | 11:42 |
kalikiana | Meh, who's using enlightement anyway :P | 11:43 |
h3sp4wn | More people than you might think | 11:44 |
=== grazie raises hand :) | ||
grazie | kalikiana: or h3sp4wn: You guys any goods with sound? I've not been able to sort my channel inputs problem above | 11:45 |
grazie | I'll repost | 11:45 |
grazie | The TvTime volume control is mapped to Line, but adjusting the level has no effect. However, adjusting Line2 level does change the volume even though the input signal is plugged into Line. Is the alsa config wrong or is the driver not working correctly with this sound card (Creative Audigy2 Pro)? | 11:46 |
grazie | Unfortunately I've got to go out...bbl | 11:46 |
kalikiana | grazie, I have a working sound server but I can't really say I knew much about it. :/ | 11:46 |
kalikiana | ciao! | 11:46 |
grazie | ciao kalikiana ...actually it's a Creative Audigy2 Platinum Pro | 11:48 |
kalikiana | h3sp4wn, I wonder why one would prefer e17 over xfce (or xfwm4)? | 11:49 |
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kalikiana | hi Merchelo | 11:51 |
Merchelo | hello | 11:51 |
h3sp4wn | kalikiana: I prefer it for the most part (Looks quite nice still as fast as xfce) but it has a few annoying things about it | 11:53 |
h3sp4wn | Mostly engage has been broken for ages so there is no decent systray | 11:53 |
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Merchelo | is there such a thing as a defrag util in linux ? | 11:56 |
Merchelo | for ntfs, or fat32 | 11:56 |
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sulle | suuuuuuuuuuuup ? | 01:19 |
squirrelpimp | hi | 01:41 |
squirrelpimp | what's the best way to have thunderbird make an icon blink somewhere in xubuntu? any special plugin as there seem to be many in apt-cache search | 01:41 |
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Merchelo | !thunderbird | 01:48 |
ubotu | a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation. To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 | 01:48 |
squirrelpimp | !thanks | 01:49 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 01:49 |
squirrelpimp | :) | 01:49 |
squirrelpimp | but my links already openin firefox | 01:49 |
squirrelpimp | :) | 01:49 |
squirrelpimp | however i'd like to have some notification but theres lots of choice and some simple guidance would be nice | 01:50 |
squirrelpimp | :) | 01:50 |
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vidd | squirrelpimp, you looking for a "you got spam" type icon? | 01:54 |
squirrelpimp | yeah, kinda | 01:54 |
squirrelpimp | but i don't get spam | 01:54 |
squirrelpimp | my filter catches 50-100 per day | 01:54 |
vidd | want me to fix that? lol | 01:54 |
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=== TheSheep slaps vidd with a Bayesian filter | ||
squirrelpimp | it works pretty well, i wondern when all the others will come yelling "wheres my ham" | 01:55 |
squirrelpimp | :) | 01:55 |
vidd | squirrelpimp, how about mail notification? | 01:57 |
vidd | mail-notification | 01:58 |
squirrelpimp | ok, i'll try that | 01:58 |
squirrelpimp | is it an extra program i launch which is to go in autostart | 01:58 |
vidd | not sure...the discription doesnt say | 01:59 |
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vidd | hmmm...how do i know which php apps i need for my server....there are so many! | 02:06 |
TheSheep | vidd: well, the best way is usually to start with what do you want to serve? | 02:08 |
CaT[tm] | you need the ones that do the things you want done | 02:08 |
vidd | web sites that might include cgi and php scripts | 02:09 |
CaT[tm] | my recommendation would be to install things as they are required. | 02:09 |
TheSheep | vidd: then I don't think you need any special php apps | 02:09 |
vidd | just php5? | 02:10 |
CaT[tm] | start with the basics and then build on that as need be | 02:10 |
TheSheep | vidd: and mod_php for apache | 02:10 |
CaT[tm] | or suphp if you are serving websites for multiple users and like security. | 02:10 |
TheSheep | or lighttpd and php as a fastcgi app if you like fast things :) | 02:11 |
CaT[tm] | :) | 02:12 |
TheSheep | CaT[tm] : so you make excavators and bulldozers? :) | 02:13 |
CaT[tm] | thesheep: awooka? :) | 02:13 |
CaT[tm] | thesheep: oh | 02:13 |
CaT[tm] | thesheep: hah | 02:14 |
=== CaT[tm] should've got that sooner :) | ||
TheSheep | I like yellow | 02:15 |
CaT[tm] | me too. my yellow socks rock :) | 02:16 |
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vidd | what is php-pear? | 02:18 |
TheSheep | vidd: it's a pear implementation for php | 02:19 |
vidd | it was recomended when i installed libapache2-mod-php5 but not required | 02:20 |
vidd | should i add it? | 02:20 |
TheSheep | vidd: are you going to be using it? | 02:21 |
TheSheep | vidd: you can always add it when requested | 02:21 |
vidd | its more of a question of "with the ppl putting up sites need me to have it" | 02:21 |
TheSheep | vidd: bah, wrong, sorry | 02:21 |
TheSheep | vidd: pear is "PHP Extension and Application Repository" | 02:22 |
CaT[tm] | vidd: no | 02:22 |
vidd | CaT[tm] , TheSheep ty | 02:22 |
CaT[tm] | vidd: the question is, when they put up a site and find they need something can they ask you to install it? | 02:22 |
TheSheep | vidd: I confused it with some RPC stuff | 02:22 |
CaT[tm] | vidd: seriously. just install things as actually needed. | 02:22 |
vidd | TheSheep, no problem | 02:22 |
TheSheep | vidd: http://pear.php.net/ | 02:22 |
CaT[tm] | vidd: that way you have less crud to deal with | 02:22 |
vidd | now if i could just get some test data.... | 02:23 |
TheSheep | every package comes with additional bugs | 02:23 |
CaT[tm] | and a greater chance of security holes | 02:23 |
CaT[tm] | the less you have the less chance of a hole | 02:23 |
vidd | ic.... | 02:23 |
CaT[tm] | which is why I start with the barest minimum+ssh installed and build up from there. | 02:24 |
CaT[tm] | it means that I only have to look after the stuff that actually needs to be there | 02:24 |
vidd | yeah...thats what i did | 02:24 |
vidd | then i added proftpd....then apache | 02:25 |
vidd | now i need a sample web site | 02:25 |
vidd | =\ | 02:25 |
TheSheep | echo '<html><body>Hello world!</body></html>' > index.html | 02:26 |
TheSheep | vidd: here you go :) | 02:26 |
vidd | i was thinking something a touch more ....robust | 02:27 |
TheSheep | vidd: can't get much more robust than that | 02:27 |
CaT[tm] | it lacks... cows. | 02:27 |
vidd | you mean LESS robust | 02:27 |
TheSheep | I mean more sturdy and foolproof | 02:28 |
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CaT[tm] | cows are sturdy... except when they're asleep. | 02:28 |
TheSheep | CaT[tm] : or when they ate too much | 02:31 |
TheSheep | CaT[tm] : some explode | 02:31 |
vidd | i need something that shows that off whats installed... | 02:31 |
CaT[tm] | thesheep: must remember to put canvas behind some cows. make millions | 02:32 |
vidd | where problems might come up that need to be fixed...that sort of thing | 02:32 |
vidd | TheSheep, you make web sites,,,,got any example sites i can use?? | 02:32 |
vidd | like "demo" sites? | 02:33 |
CaT[tm] | www.cow.org | 02:34 |
=== vidd wonders if anyone ever made an "example.com" web site | ||
TheSheep | echo '<? phpinfo(); ?>' > index.php | 02:34 |
TheSheep | vidd: example.com is ownded by Microsoft | 02:35 |
TheSheep | owned | 02:35 |
TheSheep | ah, no, sorry, these were the exmaple ip numbers | 02:36 |
TheSheep | exmaple.com is reserved | 02:36 |
vidd | TheSheep, not the domain... like an open source example collection of web pages for educationa \l uses | 02:36 |
TheSheep | vidd: sure, just grab any tutorial | 02:37 |
TheSheep | vidd: php.info has a few | 02:37 |
TheSheep | um, sorry | 02:37 |
TheSheep | php.net | 02:37 |
vidd | was going to say...php.info is in german (i think) | 02:38 |
TheSheep | http://pl.php.net/links.php | 02:38 |
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ReFoxed | hello everyone I was wondering if anyone could help me for some reason my xfce4-terminal has stopped responding and will not execute at all, any idea at all? | 05:22 |
ReFoxed | las thing iw as doing was playing around with my xorg.conf to install my 3rd monitor | 05:23 |
ReFoxed | though i don think they are related | 05:23 |
vinze | Have you tried logging in to an xfterm version and running xfce4-terminal from there? | 05:24 |
vinze | So you could see what the output was? | 05:24 |
ReFoxed | i'll give it a shot | 05:24 |
ReFoxed | Failed to execute default Terminal Emulator. | 05:26 |
ReFoxed | Input/output error. | 05:26 |
vinze | I'm afraid I can't help you there... Sorry :( | 05:27 |
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ReFoxed | it's ok | 05:27 |
ReFoxed | i might see if i can get eth gnome one going and then remove the files if it doesnt work | 05:28 |
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vinze | OK | 05:29 |
ReFoxed | nope | 05:29 |
ReFoxed | not that aswell, must be something deep rooted | 05:29 |
vinze | Gnome's terminal didn't work too? | 05:29 |
ReFoxed | indeed | 05:30 |
vinze | Now that's weird... | 05:30 |
ReFoxed | all the other binaries excute | 05:30 |
ReFoxed | like xfce4-mixer and such | 05:30 |
ReFoxed | i might be due a wipe of a system anyway | 05:34 |
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jgamio | hi I was using the biTtorrent when I wanted to close it . didnt close . How could I close the app is not responding i looked the process manager but is not there | 05:58 |
vinze | Press Ctrl+Alt+Esc | 05:59 |
vinze | Then click the unresponsive window | 05:59 |
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jgamio | vinze: thank you i dint know that | 05:59 |
vinze | It's one of the coolest features of Linux :D | 05:59 |
jgamio | yes is great | 06:00 |
jgamio | but this kill the process ? | 06:01 |
vinze | I believe it does | 06:01 |
=== gothenburg [n=gothenbu@c-e2afe655.118-10-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #xubuntu | ||
maxamillion | vinze: well its more of the whole "userspace != system" concept ... so that if a userspace application were to hang, crash, etc. then it doesn't effect the actual system ... just the user space | 06:01 |
gothenburg | omh | 06:01 |
gothenburg | omg* | 06:01 |
maxamillion | jgamio: yes, its called "xkill" | 06:01 |
maxamillion | gothenburg: yes? | 06:02 |
vinze | If not, you can also try Applications->System->Process Manager | 06:02 |
gothenburg | many peoples here :P | 06:02 |
vinze | Little activity ;) | 06:02 |
jgamio | I use to use the Process Manager but wasnt there | 06:02 |
maxamillion | vinze: "sudo aptitude install htop" "htop" <---cli process management application of domination :) | 06:02 |
vinze | maxamillion, yeah, you're right | 06:02 |
vinze | :P | 06:02 |
=== vinze is GUI addict :P | ||
=== maxamillion enjoys a fair mix of both | ||
gothenburg | htop is nice | 06:03 |
maxamillion | gothenburg: yup yup ... i made a post to debian-administration the day after i found out about it ... thought it was an awesome app | 06:04 |
jgamio | maxamillion: where can i read about the terminal apps | 06:04 |
vinze | What do you mean with "read about"? | 06:04 |
gothenburg | like top | 06:04 |
vinze | You mean instructions? | 06:05 |
jgamio | I want to learn how to use my terminal I am new I just want to get information | 06:05 |
vinze | Type "man top" | 06:05 |
vinze | In the terminal | 06:05 |
jgamio | i ok man mean the help for the command | 06:06 |
gothenburg | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 06:06 |
gothenburg | here you have | 06:06 |
gothenburg | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 06:06 |
jgamio | i know the basic but i wish be far | 06:07 |
maxamillion | jgamio: it really depends on what you want to do with it ... i mean, you can technically do everything in the terminal you can in a gui (accept 3d of course_ | 06:07 |
maxamillion | )* | 06:07 |
jgamio | for example the other day i use e2label where this come from | 06:07 |
jgamio | is not something like this are all the app ?? | 06:08 |
maxamillion | jgamio: like ... for irc i use irssi (www.irssi.org), for process management i use htop (http://htop.sf.net), and i use svn/bzr alot, i compile in the command line and i even use vim for coding sometimes (http://vim.org) .... (disclaimer: all those url's are from memory so they might not be right) | 06:08 |
maxamillion | jgamio: there are far too many cli applications to just have a list of them kept somewhere | 06:09 |
abd | hello all | 06:09 |
abd | audacious play .rm(real media files) ? | 06:09 |
jgamio | i working in mine i have a diary about the new thinks and command | 06:09 |
vinze | Hey | 06:09 |
maxamillion | abd: i dont think it will | 06:09 |
maxamillion | abd: buuuut, i could be wrong ... try it out :) | 06:10 |
h3sp4wn | abd: mplayer will | 06:10 |
=== maxamillion bets vlc would | ||
abd | than , which soft do it ? | 06:10 |
h3sp4wn | abd: you need to just get the link from inside the .ra | 06:10 |
abd | mplayer , is not a video player ? | 06:10 |
maxamillion | h3sp4wn: vlc plays .wmv on amd64 .... no other app can do that :D | 06:11 |
h3sp4wn | sorry the ram sorry | 06:11 |
vinze | Who knows of a video editor that supports Ogg Theora? | 06:11 |
vinze | Preferably GTK | 06:11 |
h3sp4wn | maxamillion: the drm laced ones ? | 06:11 |
vinze | I only need to cut off a part | 06:11 |
maxamillion | h3sp4wn: probably not :( | 06:11 |
h3sp4wn | maxamillion: I think my mplayer can play wmv (I will test it out) | 06:11 |
h3sp4wn | (on amd64) | 06:11 |
maxamillion | h3sp4wn: i haven't tested extensively, just found a .wma link to some vid on a video game site and thought i would try it out | 06:12 |
maxamillion | h3sp4wn: oh ... i thought mplayer needed the win32 codec | 06:12 |
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h3sp4wn | maxamillion: Most stuff is native | 06:12 |
maxamillion | h3sp4wn: ah, good to know | 06:12 |
maxamillion | h3sp4wn: i have both installed :) | 06:13 |
h3sp4wn | (I have no idea what the w32codecs actually does for mplayer as it seems to play anything here) | 06:13 |
maxamillion | just generally prefer vlc because i can use it on any platform | 06:13 |
maxamillion | nice | 06:13 |
=== vinze desperately wants to edit his screencast :( | ||
vinze | Gotta go, bye | 06:15 |
=== maxamillion desperately wants to be done writting this compiler | ||
archangelpetro | kalikiana, what language is catfish written in again? | 06:16 |
archangelpetro | hehe maxamillion how's it going? | 06:16 |
archangelpetro | python :) ahh | 06:16 |
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maxamillion | archangelpetro: going well, still writing my compiler ... i got an extension from the prof | 06:20 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: its due tomorrow instead of today :P | 06:20 |
archangelpetro | hehe :D | 06:21 |
archangelpetro | nice one | 06:21 |
archangelpetro | i have 3 assignments for friday :P | 06:21 |
archangelpetro | but i handed my dissertation in :) | 06:21 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: that's good | 06:21 |
abd | mplayer did it poorly | 06:22 |
archangelpetro | hehe ) | 06:23 |
maxamillion | abd: why not just get realplayer? | 06:23 |
archangelpetro | these next assignments are ok, the graphics one i have to write themarching cubes algorithm.. | 06:23 |
archangelpetro | kalikiana, may i msg you? | 06:23 |
abd | I'm trying VLC now if I find it bad I'll not hesitate wz it | 06:24 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: can't say i am familiar with that algo | 06:24 |
maxamillion | abd: okies | 06:24 |
=== maxamillion hopes vlc works because realplayer annoys him | ||
archangelpetro | hehe | 06:24 |
archangelpetro | it sucks, im not overly familiar with it either :P | 06:24 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: heh ... well good luck to you | 06:25 |
archangelpetro | ty ;) | 06:25 |
archangelpetro | u 2 | 06:25 |
archangelpetro | :) | 06:25 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: thankies | 06:26 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: i am mostly done, just getting i/o routines working in assembly and then managing nesting of loops and if statements and all will be well | 06:27 |
archangelpetro | ;) | 06:27 |
archangelpetro | sounds intense :P | 06:27 |
archangelpetro | i have an assignment | 06:27 |
archangelpetro | wheere i have to create a program that represents artificial life | 06:28 |
maxamillion | uhhhh... yeah | 06:33 |
maxamillion | no | 06:33 |
maxamillion | i am not a big fan of AI | 06:34 |
maxamillion | i think the machine should do what i tell it to and nothing more ... the smarter the machine gets, the dumber the general population gets .... now creating more useful interfaces is a positive thing because that just makes the learning curve lesser but the machine will still only do what it is told | 06:35 |
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archangelpetro | hehe | 06:37 |
archangelpetro | AI is the next generation of computing | 06:37 |
archangelpetro | it will be | 06:37 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: yeah, which is why i will be that guy at the software company they call "the dinosaur" who will still be using a mouse and keyboard while everyone else is making strang hand motions at sensors | 06:38 |
archangelpetro | hehe | 06:38 |
archangelpetro | im gonna make skynet :) | 06:38 |
maxamillion | strange* | 06:38 |
maxamillion | and i will hack it | 06:38 |
archangelpetro | ;) | 06:39 |
archangelpetro | and make it annihilate mankind? | 06:39 |
archangelpetro | :P | 06:39 |
maxamillion | that's another thing about AI ... its not secure ... to make an entire computing platform based on AI is a massive security hole because no longer does someone have to actually know anything about how the program works or figure out an exploit ... they can simply "trick the computer" into doing what they wnt | 06:40 |
archangelpetro | true :D | 06:40 |
archangelpetro | i really hate feisty | 06:41 |
archangelpetro | it does stuff it's not supposed to | 06:41 |
archangelpetro | i'm gonna reformat this partition and install another unix | 06:41 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: install debian etch, that's what i run at home | 06:41 |
archangelpetro | workstation? | 06:41 |
maxamillion | huh? | 06:42 |
archangelpetro | is it a server or a workstation? | 06:42 |
archangelpetro | ur machine at home | 06:42 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: uhmm... just a desktop, so "workstation" | 06:42 |
archangelpetro | debian is kinda sweet tbh :P | 06:42 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: i've been a debian user for the better part of a decade now | 06:43 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: i concider ubuntu "a debian" ... just a child distro spin off | 06:44 |
archangelpetro | :) | 06:44 |
archangelpetro | where are you from? | 06:44 |
archangelpetro | oh wait | 06:44 |
archangelpetro | ive asked before | 06:44 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: but i got tired of the Universe repo containing broke packages | 06:44 |
archangelpetro | nvm :) | 06:44 |
archangelpetro | for ubuntu? | 06:44 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdamMiller <---me | 06:44 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: yeah, debian doesn't have a branch called universe | 06:45 |
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maxamillion | archangelpetro: they have main, contrib, and non-free | 06:45 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: which is ubuntu's main, universe, and multiverse | 06:45 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: are you aware of how ubuntu started? | 06:45 |
gerbiljuice | quick question: why am i unable to access my usb flash drive nor change permissions on it to allow me to read & write? | 06:46 |
archangelpetro | not really no | 06:46 |
archangelpetro | tbh | 06:47 |
archangelpetro | i think i lack some of the basics of linux/unix that i need :P | 06:47 |
archangelpetro | and of course | 06:47 |
maxamillion | gerbiljuice: i'm really not sure ... you should have full read/write to a usb drive | 06:47 |
maxamillion | archangelpetro: lets move to #xubuntu-offtopic | 06:47 |
archangelpetro | Java is my strongest language.. and C/Perl my next best | 06:47 |
archangelpetro | but C++.. i really need to learn | 06:47 |
archangelpetro | ok | 06:47 |
gerbiljuice | maxamillion: nevermind, simply unplugging it and plugging it back in seems to have solved itself | 06:48 |
maxamillion | gerbiljuice: awesome | 06:49 |
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kalikiana | archangelpetro, You wanted to talk to me? | 07:09 |
archangelpetro | iyea | 07:09 |
archangelpetro | can i msg you? | 07:09 |
kalikiana | Sure. :) | 07:10 |
=== ReFoxed [n=Thomas@cpc2-linc8-0-0-cust638.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
ReFoxed | hello I came on here about an hour ago, turned out to be a xinerama bug :P | 07:11 |
maxamillion | ReFoxed: well atleast you tracked down the issue :) | 07:14 |
ReFoxed | hehe yeah | 07:14 |
ReFoxed | just chopped up my xorg bit by bit | 07:14 |
ReFoxed | till i found the error | 07:15 |
grazie | h3sp4wn: Been having lots of unexplained lockups and resets for sometime (about 1 or 2 a day) on x86 and I've not been able to resolve the problem. However, on Saturday I removed a KVM switch and I've not had a single problem since. Doesn't seem likely to me, but do you think the KVM switch couild have been the source of the problem? | 07:22 |
h3sp4wn | grazie: I have never heard of it before | 07:23 |
grazie | h3sp4wn: me neither....googling gives nothing...but 4/5 days without problems seems more than a coincidence to me | 07:24 |
h3sp4wn | grazie: Is the kvm switch old or new ? | 07:25 |
darrend | any recommendations for a music player that doesn't fall in to this list: amarok, gmusicbrowser, quodlibet, bmp ? | 07:25 |
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h3sp4wn | darrend: opencubicplayer | 07:25 |
darrend | apart from amarok, none of them read all my collection. Don't really want the kde libs on my box either | 07:25 |
darrend | h3sp4wn: thx. I'll try that next. | 07:26 |
grazie | h3sp4wn: 3 years old...haven't checked for a firmware update for a while. It also shares the audio channel. | 07:27 |
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mscdex | i have a question, where are the xfce settings stored at? I recently tried to fire up beryl (was working fine so many times before and just decided to enable it one day and then poof) and all the panel applets are gone | 07:28 |
kalikiana | mscdex, ~/.config/xfce | 07:29 |
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mscdex | strange, all of the applet settings files are in ~/.config/xfce4/panel, but there's nothing in between the <items></items> in the panels.xml for the old panels listed in there | 07:35 |
darrend | h3sp4wn: ok, ocp looks cool - I like the console display, but the wife isn't going to go for it :) I need something that can be navigated by a keyboard-phobe I think | 07:35 |
grazie | h3sp4wn: Not sure yet, but I think the KVM swicth is sending signals that the x86 kernel doesn't handle very well. http://www.adder.com/main.asp?id=508_2077_23668&mode=Specification | 07:37 |
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=== odat [n=ronnie@c-71-207-39-41.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
odat | hi everyone | 08:17 |
h3sp4wn | Hello | 08:17 |
odat | need help getting line-in sound working again | 08:17 |
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odat | hi everyone | 08:42 |
grazie | odat: you looked at your mixer? | 08:42 |
grazie | bbl | 08:43 |
h3sp4wn | odat: in alsamixer you can use m to mute and unmute channels | 08:43 |
gothenburg | hmm | 08:49 |
gothenburg | shit :( | 08:49 |
odat | h3sp4wn, it was actually the number of channels that was stopping it from working | 08:50 |
odat | gothenburg, whats wrong? | 08:55 |
gothenburg | beryl | 08:55 |
gothenburg | when i'll start beryl and types "beryl-manager" X reboots :D | 08:56 |
TheSheep | !beryl | 08:57 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:57 |
predaeus | !language > gothenburg | 08:58 |
gothenburg | :o | 08:59 |
TheSheep | that too :) | 08:59 |
predaeus | g | 08:59 |
TheSheep | next :) | 08:59 |
gothenburg | what did i wrong? | 08:59 |
predaeus | no cursing, keep it family friendly here please | 08:59 |
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TheSheep | gothenburg: try at #ubuntu-effects, they know more about beryl stuff, if they don't help, we can try to think of something else | 09:00 |
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gothenburg | man fr damp p engelska jkla engelsmn som uppfan det sprket.. | 09:02 |
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TheSheep | we are not englishmen | 09:03 |
odat | i am trying to figure out how to use the /proc directory for settings | 09:03 |
odat | anyone familiar with /proc | 09:03 |
TheSheep | odat: how owuld you like to use it? | 09:03 |
TheSheep | odat: it gives you various information about kernel and processes | 09:03 |
TheSheep | odat: some kernel or kernel module settings can be also modified through it | 09:04 |
odat | TheSheep, I am trying to get the vicam module to accept some brightness settings | 09:05 |
TheSheep | odat: then thre is probably some file somehwere in /proc that you need to modify -- that is, put the number in it | 09:06 |
odat | TheSheep, would it be possible to set parameters for the vicam module through the modprobe options file | 09:09 |
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TheSheep | odat: no idea, probably yes | 09:11 |
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odat | TheSheep, because i read statements like this but not sure what to do with them | 09:11 |
odat | The two easily adjustable parameters are gain and shutter. | 09:12 |
odat | 09:12 | |
odat | echo "shutter=100" >/proc/video/vicam/video0 sets the shutter to 1/100sec | 09:12 |
odat | 09:12 | |
odat | echo "gain=128" >/proc/video/vicam/video0 sets the gain to 128/255. | 09:12 |
TheSheep | odat: ok, so what's the question again? | 09:12 |
odat | TheSheep, i want to be able to adjust the brightness on my webcam which uses the vicam module | 09:13 |
odat | ? | 09:16 |
TheSheep | odat: just look at the module's documentation to see whet parameter you need to change, and yse the same technique as for shutter or gain | 09:17 |
darrend | hmm. something's causing music players to hang. how would I find out what? running them from the console turns up nothing of interest. happened now with quodlibet, muine and gmusicplayer. | 09:26 |
darrend | sound itself seems ok in other apps that access /dev/dsp | 09:26 |
TheSheep | darrend: try running them with strace | 09:27 |
darrend | just tried aplay too, that hangs | 09:27 |
darrend | ok, the command "strace aplay ~/somefile.wav" stops running with the last line being.. | 09:28 |
darrend | semop(23003138, 0xbf85b10e, 2 | 09:28 |
darrend | no closing ) | 09:28 |
darrend | prior to that is: | 09:29 |
darrend | semctl(23003138, 0, IPC_64|IPC_SET, 0xbf85b038) = -1 EPERM (Operation not permitted) | 09:29 |
TheSheep | so, it waits for some other process to free semaphor, it seems | 09:29 |
darrend | does that help? | 09:29 |
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darrend | ah hang on.. aplay failed because I forgot to kill muine | 09:30 |
darrend | now aplay works fine | 09:30 |
odat | TheSheep, there is no documentatin | 09:30 |
TheSheep | odat: well, there are always the sources... | 09:31 |
odat | TheSheep, it really stinks because the camera works its just way to dark | 09:31 |
TheSheep | odat: you can try guessing too :) | 09:32 |
darrend | !paste | 09:32 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:32 |
darrend | last few lines of strace are here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/18851/ when muine hangs | 09:33 |
darrend | then I have to sigkill it | 09:33 |
odat | TheSheep, thats the thing i'm not ever sure where to start guessing | 09:34 |
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TheSheep | odat: try echo "brightness=100" >/proc/video/vicam/video0 | 09:39 |
TheSheep | odat: also, looking at the contents of the files in /proc/video/vicam may give you some insights | 09:39 |
odat | TheSheep, thats just it that file doesn't exist | 09:40 |
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TheSheep | eh? | 09:41 |
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TheSheep | darrend: futex is a kind of lock too, used for resource locking to prevent two processes using the same thing at a time | 09:42 |
odat | TheSheep, that proc locations doesn't exist | 09:42 |
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darrend | TheSheep: yeah, I gather. So how do I find the pid of whatever might be locking whatever resource is under contention?? | 09:42 |
TheSheep | odat: then how did you change the shutter or gain? | 09:42 |
TheSheep | darrend: 'ipcs' | 09:43 |
odat | TheSheep, I haven't changed anything I'm just reading posts that refer to stuff like that | 09:43 |
TheSheep | darrend: you can also remove them with ipcrm | 09:43 |
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odat | ? | 09:47 |
morikawa | hi all | 09:48 |
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darrend | TheSheep: thx. ipcs seems to return the same data whether the music player is running or not. And if it is running, whether it is currently hung or not. | 09:49 |
darrend | ipcrm with any given key that shows me as the owner appears to have little effect, in that immediately after running it, ipcs shows it in the list again | 09:50 |
odat | TheSheep, any ideas? | 09:50 |
morikawa | hi, who install based x86_64? Solve the problem with JRE? | 09:51 |
darrend | argh! | 09:52 |
h3sp4wn | morikawa: what is the problem with it ? (no plugin ?) | 09:52 |
darrend | ok, sorted. It was someone else's semaphore array.. | 09:52 |
darrend | music's back now. Hope the other person's session is ok | 09:52 |
darrend | (well actually I don't care) | 09:52 |
darrend | thanks TheSheep | 09:52 |
maxamillion | morikawa: there isn't a problem with the JRE in x86_64 | 09:52 |
h3sp4wn | the only problem is there is no browser plugin | 09:53 |
maxamillion | oh .. i never do the browser plugin | 09:53 |
odat | h3sp4wn, know anything about the vicam module? | 09:54 |
h3sp4wn | No idea | 09:54 |
grazie | darrend: semaspore array? intrigued..please tell more | 09:54 |
darrend | grazie: man ipcs | 09:54 |
darrend | I only just found this out from TheSheep | 09:55 |
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morikawa | malnilion_, that's it, no good news about this right? I make a chroot, but it's like stranger... thnks | 09:55 |
grazie | darrend: know a bit about semaphores...I was just interested to know how someone else's was screwing your system | 09:56 |
grazie | oops..sorry for language | 09:56 |
darrend | ah.. another user on the same box | 09:56 |
darrend | my guess is (since I was ripping a cd earlier) that some application popped up in their session when I inserted the CD and also decided to hog the sound device in the process | 09:58 |
darrend | I'm guessing this since I killed a gxine process earlier that was owned by this user | 09:58 |
darrend | gxine has now been summarily removed with prejudice from this box | 09:58 |
grazie | you were both logged on or was there some zombie process? | 09:59 |
darrend | both logged on | 09:59 |
darrend | (brb) | 10:01 |
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odat | where do i get the Gtk2::MozEmbed module | 11:09 |
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TheSheep | odat: paerl? | 11:11 |
TheSheep | perl? | 11:11 |
odat | TheSheep, for gmusicbrowser | 11:13 |
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odat | ? | 11:17 |
TheSheep | no idea | 11:17 |
Jester45 | is it possible to kill a zombied command> | 11:18 |
TheSheep | Jester45: no, but it uses practically no resources | 11:21 |
Jester45 | the resources arnt my problem | 11:21 |
TheSheep | Jester45: tell me more about your problem then | 11:22 |
Jester45 | its xfmedia and when one instance zombies the others stop playing | 11:22 |
Jester45 | the only why to fix this is a reboot | 11:22 |
TheSheep | Jester45: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process | 11:23 |
Jester45 | o and | 11:23 |
Jester45 | i allways wondered why compiz has gnome dependacies | 11:23 |
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Jester45 | and hi TheSheep its been a while | 11:24 |
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odat | who in here using gmusicbrowser? | 11:27 |
Jester45 | wow init is smart | 11:27 |
Jester45 | odat: i tried it | 11:27 |
odat | Jester45, just tried? | 11:28 |
Jester45 | last week | 11:28 |
Jester45 | it wasnt my cup of coffee | 11:29 |
Jester45 | well i will be right back i need music back | 11:30 |
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Jester45 | how can i check what bit the audio output is, i have a 24bit card but it doesnt ssound the same in linux | 11:49 |
Jester45 | also allmost all the bass is gone how could i add some | 11:50 |
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TheSheep | limetang: you think you could disable that script? | 11:57 |
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limetang | Sorry, TheSheep, I didn't realise ame would send the message over all servers, | 11:58 |
TheSheep | limetang: no problem, it would just be annoying if we all had them :) | 12:00 |
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keb | how can i see what command is associated with a menu item? | 12:01 |
TheSheep | keb: look into associated file in /usr/share/applications/ | 12:04 |
keb | thanks that worked | 12:06 |
keb | it would be nice if, for a given window i could see what command had launched it | 12:10 |
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TheSheep | keb: you can check that with ps auxwww | 12:14 |
TheSheep | actually only one of thse options is needed, but I forgot which :) | 12:15 |
BFTD | !! | 12:16 |
keb | probly one of the w's | 12:16 |
TheSheep | keb: but which one? %) | 12:17 |
BFTD | ? | 12:17 |
TheSheep | BFTD: @ | 12:17 |
BFTD | i'm confused | 12:17 |
TheSheep | BFTD: it shows | 12:17 |
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BFTD | :P | 12:19 |
keb | ps shows me all the processes, but does not tell me how one particular window was launched if i have several similar ones open | 12:20 |
keb | how do i match up the window and the command? | 12:20 |
TheSheep | keb: I don't think there even exists a connection | 12:22 |
TheSheep | keb: you see, obe command can launch several windows, and one window can be affected by several commands... | 12:22 |
keb | true | 12:22 |
keb | i would have to be running some kind of X debugger i guess | 12:23 |
keb | anyway, my initial problem was how to get a terminal launcher onto the panel, and that is solved ^.^ | 12:24 |
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