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MindUsFree phone calls all around the world ----->  http://callfree.point-serv.com/en/12:44
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catidanyone know how to perform an XOR operation on two variables in a shell script?  looking for something like bc for arithmetic01:43
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covertOpenOffice doesn't work....It crashes after typing a couple characters.05:18
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bur[n] er/wc05:23
bur[n] erdoh, i always do that, sorry05:23
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catidwould anyone happen to know how to back up evolution email or install Ubuntu with LVM?05:40
Toma-in gutsy?05:41
catidby the way, where can i get a comprehensive list of features for gutsy?05:41
catidso i know what the new version is all about..05:42
covertNothing yet....05:42
Toma-right now, gutsy is in fluid motion... everything is getting "said"05:42
catidah oki05:42
Toma-so doing all that on gutsy, will indeed, ruin your life05:42
covertSpecs will be finalized at the end of this month05:43
crimsuncatid: I generally use:  tar cfj ./evolution.tar.bz2 ~/.evolution05:43
catidah so just need to make a copy of .evolution?  good that's what i was hoping05:43
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RAOFcatid: to install with LVM (which is cool), use the Alternate CD.  Make sure you have a /boot partition (on the order of 100Mb or so should be fine), then set the rest aside as an LVM physical volume.05:52
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catidRAOF: i would like to try out reiser4 this time around.. do you have experience with that?05:58
RAOFNope, and neither the installer nor the Ubuntu kernel has reiser4 support.05:58
RAOF(The kernel definiately, the installer I'm not quite so sure about)05:58
RAOFRead that as: bad idea :)05:59
catidwell what i'd like to do then is, once i have a bare install, use my own kernel config06:00
catidwith the reiser4 patches i've been porting to my copy of the kernel06:00
catidand since LVM is set up i should be able to repartition things live, yes?06:00
catidi could move everything to my usb hdd and then back again after mkfs.reiser4?06:01
RAOFYes, but I think you misunderstand LVM.06:01
catidkay, i'll read up more06:01
RAOFYou certainly can repartition live.06:01
RAOFAnd you can move partitions from one PV to another.06:02
RAOFBut you'd need to *copy* from a non-reiser4 FS to a reiser4 FS, if that's what you wanted to do.06:02
RAOFIt should work fine, but it's not all LVM :)06:02
catidright yeah, that was what i meant06:04
catidby the way do you know of a good program to combine HTTP downloads?  like say i found several sites for the same file06:04
catidone thread could download from one site, one from another.. like GetRight in windows06:04
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siimohi who is using gutsy11:33
Tm_TI wonder why this gallup11:33
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=== gnomefreak has basic gutsy chroot for building
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ToHellWithGAxfce is making me angry03:17
ToHellWithGAi don't understand why the main "xfce" package was built to depend on things that haven't been built yet.03:18
ToHellWithGAit's been that way for most of a week03:18
void^probably because they're creating a hen and an egg at the same time? ;)03:18
borschtyuse the --force ;)03:19
ToHellWithGAborschty: will that work if the dependencies don't exist?03:20
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borschtythere should be an apt-get option to ignore dependencies03:20
borschtyat least it is there in dpkg03:20
ToHellWithGAlol that's great03:20
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ToHellWithGAi thought the point of apt was to ensure you had all necessary dependencies03:21
ToHellWithGAthe #xubuntu guys have not responded any time i've asked about this situation03:21
borschtythink of it as --i-know-what-i-am-doing-and-i-WANT-to-break-it ;)03:21
ToHellWithGAthat's an awfully long argument03:22
ToHellWithGAcapitalize the "WANT"?03:22
borschtythat was not the real argument... that was a joke, but try --ignore-missing03:23
ToHellWithGAyeah that's making the apt gods angry03:25
ToHellWithGAi guess i'll just have to harass #xubuntu until somebody builds the packages it claims to need03:25
ToHellWithGAthanks for showing me --ignore-missing03:26
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gnomefreakLjL: maybe try a channel at a time04:56
LjLgnomefreak: if he misbehaves, he's banned from the whole pack at once.04:57
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LjLi mean, "if"...04:57
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gortizmhmm there's a problem with firefox..09:35
gortizevery time i try to write in a form it closes immediately..09:35
gortizsomeone know this bug? any fix?09:36
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finalbetagortiz: I don't know the bug, if it's Feisty+1, you should report this. My best guess is that's it's the automatic spell checking feature that makes firefox crash.10:00
finalbetaDisable it and try again.10:00
gortizfinalbeta, i'll try10:00
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finalbetait worked?10:01
finalbetait's in the advanced preferences btw10:01
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gortizfinalbeta, ok it's the spellcheck10:04
gortizyes.. i know where it is.. but i'm speaking with a lot of people.. sorry..10:04
gortizto make you wait10:04
gortizfinalbeta, what do you suggest?10:04
finalbetaWell, you could report it on launchpad10:05
finalbetabut it's so early in the dev cycle, I don't even know if you should bother.10:05
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finalbetaI have no idea how to fix it if that's what you are asking, you could purge firefox and whatever spellcheck libs it uses10:05
finalbetaand reinstall it.10:06
gortizi'm on the same opinion.. i'll wait the next release to report..10:06
finalbetaOr you could disable the feature untill you get an update for firefox, and report if it's still broken then.10:06
gortizthanks 4 the help10:06
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dseomnafter upgrading to gutsy, I can't access hostnames that end in .local and use regular dns10:44
dseomnthe dns server has records .lan.local and .dmz.local but not .local itself10:44
dseomnresolv.conf searches .lan.local10:45
dseomnif I do e.g. "ssh aurora" it works, but "ssh aurora.lan.local" fails10:45
dseomndig resolves aurora.lan.local correctly10:45
dseomndoes anybody know if this is a bug in something or feature in mdns?10:46
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dseomnis there a program I can use to see what the system resolver does and see any errors it gives? dig, host, and nslookup all work correctly, so I suspect they use dns directly10:49
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dseomnadding the full hostnames to /etc/hosts works, but I'd rather keep the dns centralized10:57
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kenvIs there a PDF application someone suggests for UBUNTU that allows you to create and insert on previously created PDF files?11:50
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borschtykenv: you might take a look at http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=PDF%20Editor (i have not tested it, so i can't tell you about the features)11:59
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