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troy_s | nothlit: what happened to you | 12:19 |
nothlit | inkscape disappeared again lol | 12:23 |
nothlit | i opened a chat with yharrow and shared the inkboard | 12:23 |
yharrow | nothlit: lets try this one more time | 12:24 |
nothlit | and inkscape died --but not instantly-- after a while | 12:24 |
nothlit | anyways i think you're supposed to do it through the buddy list | 12:24 |
troy_s | nothlit: What buddy list? the one in inkboard? | 12:26 |
nothlit | yeah | 12:26 |
yharrow | nothlit: why do you keep disconnecting? | 12:36 |
troy_s | nothlit: You manage to get yours connected ok? | 12:37 |
troy_s | my build is a crankin | 12:37 |
nothlit | yharrow: mostly to fiddle--but also because inkscape keeps dying lol | 12:38 |
yharrow | nothlit: thats weird. lets try on e more time | 12:39 |
yharrow | you were there for a seconmd | 12:40 |
yharrow | what happend | 12:40 |
troy_s | yharrow: Still compiling | 12:41 |
troy_s | yharrow: _still_ compiling :) | 12:43 |
yharrow | nothlit: use pedroXMPP as a resource | 12:47 |
yharrow | I mean pedroXmpp | 12:48 |
yharrow | sorry | 12:48 |
yharrow | troy_s: it took me 20 minutes to compile, so it should take you 10 to 15 | 12:49 |
troy_s | yharrow: Done :) | 12:49 |
troy_s | yharrow: retrying | 12:49 |
troy_s | login: no second SASL challenge offered by server | 12:49 |
troy_s | not impressed. | 12:50 |
troy_s | nothlit / yharrow you REALLY need to learn GIMP gap... it is pretty impressive | 12:54 |
nothlit | hmm yeah i have tutorials in my bookmarks | 12:55 |
nothlit | its been installed for a while | 12:55 |
=== yharrow decides to insall gimp gap now | ||
troy_s | nothlit: It is NOT the worlds most well documented addition :) | 01:05 |
nothlit | yharrow: segfault again--i'm done lol | 01:43 |
yharrow | weird. I never get that | 01:43 |
yharrow | works all the time | 01:44 |
nothlit | hmm | 01:44 |
nothlit | thats because i initiated the sharing right away | 01:44 |
yharrow | nothlit: try restarting inkscape | 01:44 |
nothlit | and you never see it | 01:44 |
nothlit | but it causes the segfault | 01:44 |
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nothlit | you just keep chatting :P | 01:44 |
yharrow | nothlit: dont try to share immediately | 01:44 |
yharrow | nothlit: I got the share the last time | 01:44 |
nothlit | i waited before | 01:44 |
nothlit | oh | 01:44 |
yharrow | nothlit: so I know it could work | 01:44 |
nothlit | did you get any content? | 01:44 |
nothlit | the problem is the windows are confusing | 01:45 |
yharrow | no cause, I close it after | 01:45 |
nothlit | the initiating window isn't the one i recieve chat in | 01:45 |
yharrow | nothlit: ok this time we will communicate through irc and well do it step by step | 01:45 |
nothlit | but which one is the one you're supposed to share the whiteboard to | 01:45 |
yharrow | Ill explain | 01:45 |
nothlit | btw i don't see the subscription aka buddy list going both ways in inkscape for some reason | 01:45 |
nothlit | yharrow: no | 01:46 |
nothlit | yharrow: as in | 01:46 |
nothlit | yharrow: when i double click on your name and send a message | 01:46 |
nothlit | your reply comes up in a <different> box | 01:46 |
nothlit | but both boxes work for sending messages | 01:46 |
yharrow | nothlit: thats cause I had gajim open | 01:46 |
nothlit | no | 01:46 |
yharrow | and i think it confused things | 01:46 |
nothlit | i looked @ the resource | 01:46 |
yharrow | hmm | 01:46 |
nothlit | and closed everything and reinitiated | 01:46 |
yharrow | nothlit: then we mustve both opened a window | 01:46 |
nothlit | ... | 01:47 |
nothlit | its a chat box | 01:47 |
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yharrow | sorry bout that | 01:47 |
nothlit | anyways | 01:47 |
nothlit | it makes more sense to just share a vnc session | 01:48 |
yharrow | i am going to open it up and not touch anything | 01:48 |
nothlit | than to fiddle with all this | 01:48 |
yharrow | nothlit: vnc is less secure | 01:48 |
nothlit | eh | 01:48 |
nothlit | not over vpns/ssh | 01:48 |
nothlit | i have an nx server setup that can transport vnc over it as well | 01:48 |
yharrow | hmm. thats sweet :D | 01:49 |
yharrow | good stuff | 01:49 |
yharrow | wish I had something like that | 01:49 |
yharrow | nothlit: the thing that irks me though is that it went through the first time . I actually got the share request from you | 01:50 |
yharrow | when you were using the other jabber id | 01:50 |
yharrow | your first one | 01:50 |
yharrow | the fluxbuntyu | 01:50 |
nothlit | yharrow: me and joejaxx got the share request <everytime> but we never saw anything and got segfaults | 01:50 |
nothlit | on talk.google.com and fluxbuntu.net | 01:51 |
yharrow | nothlit: so you think its a general bug? | 01:51 |
nothlit | i just think its not stable yet, as #inkscape suggested | 01:51 |
yharrow | nothlit: do you think its a protocol issue? | 01:52 |
yharrow | http://www.jabber.org/network/oldnetwork.shtml | 01:52 |
nothlit | dunno | 01:53 |
nothlit | i'm gonna figure out ejabberd and work off my two boxes | 01:53 |
nothlit | 93% is pretty good | 01:54 |
nothlit | prolly more than inkscape needs | 01:54 |
nothlit | i'd rather not try openfire (wildfire), blegh at java | 01:54 |
troy_s | nothlit: Did you get my jabber reply? | 02:09 |
nothlit | when/what was it? | 02:09 |
troy_s | nothlit: I don't know... your request was sitting there. | 02:10 |
nothlit | i jumped around a lot with clients/servers | 02:10 |
nothlit | oh the buddy request? | 02:10 |
nothlit | or the inkscape | 02:10 |
troy_s | it was a jabber buddy | 02:10 |
troy_s | req | 02:10 |
nothlit | i didn't notice it--but i shut off the fluxbuntu.net stuff a while ago | 02:10 |
troy_s | lo | 02:11 |
troy_s | lol | 02:11 |
troy_s | okie... | 02:11 |
troy_s | anyways, i now know how to do the usplash in gimp gap to get it off to tonic | 02:11 |
troy_s | so mission 1 accomplished | 02:11 |
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nothlit | troy_s: yharrow --ahh ok, i tested it on my own jabber server | 05:32 |
nothlit | regular nodes work fine | 05:32 |
nothlit | text is iffy | 05:32 |
nothlit | and transformations don't seem to go across | 05:32 |
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troy_s | nothlit: So it is a protocol issue?!??! | 05:39 |
troy_s | nothlit: Open up your server to us! | 05:39 |
nothlit | lol | 05:43 |
BHSPitMonkey | is anyone here aware of any feisty cd label artwork that's out there? | 06:01 |
troy_s | BHSPitMonkey: Yes. | 06:04 |
troy_s | BHSPitMonkey: What do you want? | 06:04 |
BHSPitMonkey | seeking a cd label for 32bit Desktop feisty. | 06:04 |
troy_s | erm i think the cd's haven't changed in terms of labels (being that red blob with the white pill on the wiki) | 06:05 |
troy_s | only the art changes on the outside (although calling it art is a helluva stretch -- more like walmART) | 06:05 |
troy_s | tis fucking tacky to the extreme | 06:05 |
BHSPitMonkey | troy_s, have anything better? :P | 06:06 |
BHSPitMonkey | I guess I could wait for the new diy site to be up and functional... | 06:06 |
troy_s | BHSPitMonkey: Actually you could probably whip something up relatively easy | 06:09 |
troy_s | that said, the actual cd labels are quite adequate | 06:09 |
troy_s | the 'art' on the packages is... walmART | 06:09 |
BHSPitMonkey | true, but I don't really feel like it, and I wouldn't really be satisfied :P | 06:10 |
BHSPitMonkey | I'm not making a package, but just the label. | 06:10 |
troy_s | get the one off the wiki | 06:10 |
troy_s | it will suffice | 06:10 |
BHSPitMonkey | I don't want to ever have to make a second feisty CD for myself :P | 06:11 |
BHSPitMonkey | I want this to be respectable | 06:11 |
nothlit | didn't kwwii put up a .pdf/.eps? | 06:25 |
nothlit | :) i found the teacup example svg http://twiki.softwarelivre.org/bin/view/InkscapeBrasil/ScreenShot3 | 06:26 |
BHSPitMonkey | yeah | 06:34 |
BHSPitMonkey | it was on inkscape's homepage | 06:34 |
Madpilot | nothlit, f'ing amazing, that is. Makes my hacking about with Inkscape look like, um, hacking about... :) | 06:35 |
nothlit | BHSPitMonkey: i meant the svg itself | 06:45 |
BHSPitMonkey | ah. | 06:46 |
BHSPitMonkey | nothlit, well the dl just produces an error here | 06:47 |
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nothlit | i got it on my end | 06:54 |
troy_s | nothlit: That teacup could be better all things considered | 06:56 |
troy_s | it really doesn't show off the power of Inkscape very well. | 06:56 |
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lapo_ | hi | 11:31 |
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yharrow | hi | 02:25 |
nothlit | troy_s: well with shapes and blur-- you can do anything you want with inkscape, as long as your cpu can handle doing all that filter work | 02:55 |
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troy_s | nothlit: Ping | 10:07 |
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yharrow | hi troy_s | 10:41 |
troy_s | yharrow: Greets friend. | 10:42 |
troy_s | yharrow: Apparently nothlit got better results on a local jabber server | 10:42 |
yharrow | troy_s: yeah so I saw in the log :D | 10:42 |
yharrow | troy_s: he still said he had problems though | 10:42 |
yharrow | troy_s: something about only nodes working | 10:43 |
yharrow | and text mocking up | 10:43 |
yharrow | some speculated that it is a protocol error | 10:43 |
yharrow | which was my initial guess as well | 10:43 |
yharrow | I seriously look forward to using inkboard | 10:44 |
troy_s | yes... it seems that the server is doing different things and affecting it. | 10:44 |
yharrow | it would be really great | 10:44 |
troy_s | yharrow: Even if it is pure simple sketching, that is a helluva lot better than what we have to the best of my knowledge. | 10:44 |
yharrow | yeah | 10:44 |
yharrow | thats true | 10:44 |
yharrow | I could live with sketching | 10:44 |
nothlit | theres lots of online whiteboard apps though | 10:44 |
troy_s | yharrow: I just finished up the fluxbuntu usplash (which is pretty darn good in the end) so there will be a little more time for brainstorming etc. | 10:44 |
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yharrow | and simple node manipulation | 10:45 |
troy_s | nothlit can you show me a few? | 10:45 |
troy_s | nothlit: It would GREATLY aid the community theme thinking | 10:45 |
yharrow | troy_s: do you think fluxbuntu will become recognized the way xubuntu or kubuntu has? | 10:45 |
nothlit | ahh kk | 10:45 |
nothlit | yharrow: doubtful, we are considered a fork, and do things to packages that wouldn't be put into the main repos | 10:46 |
troy_s | yharrow: I don't know or mind. I just want it to clobber the fuck out of all of those in terms of design. | 10:47 |
troy_s | Which isn't exactly hard. | 10:47 |
troy_s | yharrow: Look at Kubuntu -- it is in at least as bad shape as bloody Ubuntu. | 10:47 |
yharrow | speed or functionality wise? | 10:48 |
troy_s | yharrow: Art and design. | 10:57 |
yharrow | ahh ok | 10:58 |
yharrow | troy_s: do you have screenshots of flux? | 10:58 |
yharrow | default design in KDE is a disaster | 10:58 |
yharrow | Ubuntu is slightly better | 10:59 |
troy_s | yharrow: Default art / design across the boards is ... ick. | 10:59 |
troy_s | yharrow: Ubuntu is pretty bloody sad. | 10:59 |
=== yharrow chokes every time he sees the kde dragon | ||
yharrow | :P | 10:59 |
yharrow | Konqi is his name I think | 11:00 |
nothlit | troy_s: this is the most famous one http://www.imaginationcubed.com/LaunchPage | 11:00 |
nothlit | i can't find the old ones i used | 11:00 |
yharrow | nothlit: lets do this. whats your eamil? | 11:01 |
yharrow | email* | 11:01 |
troy_s | yuck flash | 11:01 |
troy_s | any actual apps? | 11:01 |
nothlit | but a quick google turns up http://www.skrbl.com/ http://vyew.com/content/ http://vyew.com/content/ | 11:01 |
nothlit | oh | 11:01 |
yharrow | troy_s: i can deal with flash when there is no viable alternatice | 11:01 |
nothlit | ehm... i dunno about linux apps | 11:01 |
yharrow | alternative* | 11:01 |
troy_s | yharrow: Possibly... pretty sure there are a few whiteboards. | 11:02 |
nothlit | nothing off the top of my head | 11:02 |
=== yharrow goes to apt-cache search | ||
yharrow | cant find anything | 11:03 |
troy_s | groupboard looks possible | 11:03 |
nothlit | troy_s: http://www.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~benes/tulka/ ? | 11:05 |
troy_s | nothlit: Well that looks promsing too | 11:05 |
yharrow | groupboard looks propietary | 11:06 |
nothlit | troy_s: http://freshmeat.net/search/?q=whiteboard§ion=projects&Go.x=0&Go.y=0 | 11:06 |
yharrow | looks java based too | 11:06 |
nothlit | WOOT | 11:07 |
nothlit | http://thecoccinella.org/ | 11:07 |
troy_s | i recognize that name | 11:08 |
troy_s | i think i suggested it a year or so ago | 11:08 |
troy_s | WOW | 11:09 |
troy_s | you can send music samples too | 11:10 |
troy_s | that looks like a very good thing to try | 11:10 |
nothlit | i think the most prolific online collaborative drawing software is oekakis, but those aren't real time | 11:10 |
troy_s | nothlit: I dont know it... | 11:10 |
troy_s | nothlit: Link? | 11:10 |
nothlit | troy_s: hmm just search for oekaki | 11:10 |
nothlit | they're like forums for artists | 11:11 |
troy_s | again, you don't reallyneed too much power, just enough to communicate | 11:11 |
nothlit | a few varieties, java applets in which you draw | 11:11 |
nothlit | saving, comments | 11:11 |
nothlit | and different levels | 11:11 |
nothlit | mostly used by anime lovers | 11:11 |
troy_s | wow | 11:12 |
troy_s | i had NO idea | 11:12 |
nothlit | neatest thing is a lot of them have history, so you can watch the whole thing | 11:12 |
nothlit | theres some quality stuff, and a lot of those guys are mousers | 11:12 |
troy_s | is the code gpl? | 11:13 |
troy_s | for the site? | 11:13 |
nothlit | hmm | 11:14 |
nothlit | theres oekaki software freely available | 11:14 |
nothlit | you can plop it into your server easy | 11:14 |
nothlit | visit http://www.skrbl.com/42135377 -- i want to try this | 11:16 |
=== yharrow is downloading coccinella | ||
nothlit | this skrbl ajax thing is nifty | 11:22 |
nothlit | yharrow: just visit it in a gecko browser :P | 11:22 |
troy_s | wow | 11:26 |
troy_s | that skrbl thing is cool | 11:26 |
yharrow | yeah | 11:27 |
troy_s | yharrow: that must be using canvas | 11:30 |
troy_s | the newer canvas property | 11:31 |
yharrow | hmm, never heard of it | 11:31 |
yharrow | looks sweet though | 11:31 |
troy_s | canvas? | 11:32 |
yharrow | did you guys notice the search box on the bottom right | 11:32 |
yharrow | you can search the text of the board | 11:33 |
yharrow | troy_s: if thats using canvas, then yeah | 11:33 |
troy_s | http://canvaspaint.org/ | 11:33 |
troy_s | try that... | 11:33 |
troy_s | the canvas property is pretty bloody incredible. | 11:33 |
troy_s | this is pretty incredible using the <canvas> tag | 11:34 |
troy_s | http://www.abrahamjoffe.com.au/ben/canvascape/ | 11:34 |
troy_s | http://caimansys.com/painter/ | 11:35 |
troy_s | more <canvas> | 11:35 |
nothlit | thats ajax? | 11:36 |
nothlit | who know ajax could make me dizzy | 11:36 |
nothlit | knew* | 11:36 |
troy_s | nothlit: That's strictly using the html <canvas> | 11:37 |
troy_s | which is rather mind boggling | 11:37 |
nothlit | html can do things so dynamic? | 11:38 |
troy_s | http://people.redhat.com/dfong/fc7graphics/ | 11:38 |
troy_s | i think that's her 'finals' | 11:39 |
nothlit | hmm its still using javascript | 11:39 |
troy_s | nothlit: <canvas> is the workhorse there though. | 11:39 |
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=== yharrow goes to hcek itout | ||
yharrow | check* | 11:42 |
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