
cjwatsonKano: most of the kernel team are indeed travelling at the moment. Also, in general it is poor etiquette to start complaining if nobody answers a question on IRC within such a short time12:21
Kano30min is really short12:21
cjwatsonfolks compiling the gutsy kernel for themselves are encouraged to dig into problems they encounter and submit fixes12:22
cjwatsonKano: yes, it is12:22
cjwatsonpeople do not sit on IRC all day waiting for the opportunity to answer questions12:22
Kanoi always patch it, because it misses at least 2 patches12:22
Kanocjwatson, do you know who i am?12:22
cjwatsonKano: yes12:23
Kanowhat is in spain12:25
cjwatsonKano: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Sevilla12:26
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NafalloBenC: morning Ben08:47
BenCgood evening for myself :)08:48
BenCbut good morning to you08:48
Nafallonaah. I haven't slept yet, but it still is morning, so it will do :-)08:48
maks_BenC i'm preparing 0.88 initramfs-tools for the end of the week, should be the easier target to merge09:09
maks_once it has stage in side for some days i'll ping you :)09:09
maks_brrr typos, of course staged in sid09:09
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fadeyHello,everyone. I'm wondering how to start hacking the kernel. Is there any special techique?03:57
fadeyOr is the same like with programs? compile - install - restart03:58
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