asac | then nss and nspr should be in gutsy | 12:31 |
asac | maybe i we need to give back nss one more time :) | 12:31 |
gnomefreak | nss is not yet | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | nspr is -0d-dev and 0d\ | 12:47 |
gnomefreak | or something like that | 12:47 |
asac | 4-dev & -0d | 12:51 |
gnomefreak | yeah | 12:51 |
asac | lets see if nss respins automatically | 12:52 |
asac | at least launchpad shows that depedency wait is not true anymore | 12:52 |
asac | if smart new build attempt will follow :/ | 12:52 |
asac | | 12:53 |
asac | great is building | 12:53 |
asac | at least on amd64 and i64 | 12:53 |
asac | nice ;) | 12:53 |
asac | tomorrow things can go up :) | 12:53 |
asac | lets see how hell's coming :) | 12:54 |
asac | hmmm again dependency wait :/ | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | :) | 12:57 |
=== asac night | ||
asac | have a nice trip gnomefreak | 01:18 |
gnomefreak | night | 01:22 |
=== [Cade] [n=[Cade]] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam | ||
[Cade] | hmm - what else is holding Firefox and TB updates up? I saw libnspr and libhunspell have updates now =D | 04:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | define updates? | 05:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | err updates* | 05:38 |
[Cade] | they have updates in the gutsy repos | 05:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | i'm not sure I know what your question is | 05:41 |
[Cade] | ah - I'm referring to FF update and TB2 for gutsy | 05:42 |
[Cade] | ;) | 05:42 |
[Cade] | mainly because the updated version of libhunspell breaks the current ff packages | 05:43 |
[Cade] | just as a note, here's the relevant packages that got upgrades: libnspr4-0d libnspr4-0d-dbg libstdc++6 hunspell-1.1.0 libhunspell-1.1.0 | 05:43 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah its probably because our packaging people aren't at their computers | 05:44 |
[Cade] | :P | 05:44 |
[Cade] | I've been chomping at the bit ever since TB2 was released. I'm just so fed up with Evo :/ | 05:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | i need to try evolution, i heard it can handle outlook or something like that | 05:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | you could build the binary | 05:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | err install | 05:54 |
[Cade] | I'm a fan of font-rendering patches =P | 05:55 |
=== sanityx [] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam | ||
sanityx | Anybody know of a way to sync Palm contacts with Thunderbird? | 08:09 |
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poningru | ! | 08:36 |
poningru | doh | 08:36 |
=== sanityx [] has left #ubuntu-mozillateam ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
gnomefreak | [Cade] : we need a few packages in first before we can spin against gutsy | 10:05 |
gnomefreak | they started pouring in late yesterday | 10:05 |
gnomefreak | [Cade] : should be fixed in next day or 2 (depending on any problems that arise) | 10:07 |
asac | so did nss build? | 10:16 |
gnomefreak | not here yet | 10:22 |
gnomefreak | i just did updates for gutsy and not yet. im setting up for iceape build incase it comes in in time. | 10:23 |
asac | hmm ... ok nspr ended up in universe (e.g. just the binaries) | 10:35 |
asac | so nss didn't build because source was in main as well | 10:35 |
asac | should be fixed now | 10:35 |
gnomefreak | why universe? | 10:35 |
asac | but takes some time until builders do i | 10:36 |
asac | error by the one processing the NEW binaries | 10:36 |
asac | the source is in main | 10:36 |
gnomefreak | i dont expect to spin it before i leave but would have been nice | 10:36 |
asac | but it should be fixed now | 10:36 |
gnomefreak | asac: congrats on reviewer status ;) | 10:37 |
asac | he? | 10:37 |
asac | ah ;) | 10:37 |
asac | Bug 50768 .. is it fixed now? | 10:39 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 50768 in firefox "Strange artifacts in text fields within web applications when moving cursor with keyboard" [Medium,Confirmed] | 10:39 |
gnomefreak | not sure thats the first time ive seen that | 10:41 |
asac | yeah just read the last comment which ended up in my inbox | 10:41 |
asac | looks like its not firefox | 10:42 |
gnomefreak | its upstream bug | 10:42 |
gnomefreak | from what it shows | 10:42 |
gnomefreak | | 10:42 |
ubotu | Mozilla bug 345438 in Layout "Moving cursor back/forward in all forms and in the location bar leaves caret turds (with nv video driver installed)" [Normal,New] | 10:42 |
asac | is the workaround in bugzilla?` | 10:42 |
asac | is bugzilla reporter same as ubuntu reporter? | 10:43 |
gnomefreak | and no patch yet | 10:43 |
gnomefreak | no | 10:43 |
gnomefreak | unless they use a different nick in LP and mozilla bugtracker | 10:44 |
asac | workaround | 10:54 |
asac | is in bug | 10:54 |
asac | why i said its fixed for us :) | 10:54 |
gnomefreak | asac: do i need to learn dput for revu or am i gonna put sources somewhere else? | 11:37 |
asac | hmmm | 11:40 |
asac | good idea :) | 11:40 |
asac | e.g. to upload to revu | 11:40 |
asac | yes then use dput or dupload | 11:40 |
asac | later you will push that way to preview archive as well | 11:40 |
asac | e.g. as soon as we have incoming processing | 11:40 |
gnomefreak | k | 11:45 |
gnomefreak | i will see if i can find docs on it than | 11:46 |
asac | hmm we get more and more @gtk_widget_event_internal now | 11:54 |
gnomefreak | feisty? | 11:54 |
asac | bug 94749 is master | 11:55 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 94749 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash [@gtk_widget_event_internal] " [High,Confirmed] | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | we have way too many bugs with @gtk_* :( | 11:55 |
asac | yeah ;) | 11:55 |
asac | mozilla projects need some gtk experts :) | 11:56 |
asac | which they lack | 11:56 |
asac | yeah finall libnspr4-dev is in main | 11:56 |
asac | at least on my mirror | 11:56 |
asac | thanks god | 11:56 |
=== gnomefreak checking update | ||
gnomefreak | asac == gtk expert no? ;) | 11:57 |
asac | hehe | 11:58 |
asac | i can code gtk ;) ... but i am far away from being a gtk core developer :) | 11:58 |
gnomefreak | gtk is a lang? i thought it was just widgets | 11:58 |
asac | a lib | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | like python+gtk | 11:59 |
asac | a widget toolkit library | 11:59 |
asac | gtk+ is C | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | oh | 11:59 |
asac | and there are several bindings for other languages | 11:59 |
asac | e.g. like python-gtk +perl-gtk | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | yuck @ C | 11:59 |
asac | et al | 11:59 |
=== gnomefreak hasnt played with C in years | ||
asac | C is great ;) | 12:00 |
gnomefreak | python is easier (from what i hear) i dropped C for python and than got too busy to learn python | 12:01 |
=== hjmf [] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam | ||
asac | hey hjmf :) | 12:06 |
asac | welcome | 12:06 |
hjmf | hello | 12:07 |
asac | | 12:08 |
ajmitch | schedule? | 12:08 |
asac | maybe you find something interesting :) | 12:08 |
ajmitch | awesome | 12:08 |
=== ajmitch looks at what he shoudl attend | ||
asac | might change a bit ... but main tracks should be rather fixed now | 12:09 |
hjmf | hmm it's too far from my house | 12:09 |
ajmitch | oh, definitely ubuntu server forum :) | 12:09 |
hjmf | are you traveling ? | 12:09 |
=== ajmitch just put in an application to hr@canonical for server stuff | ||
asac | i will be there :) | 12:09 |
ajmitch | probably no chance of getting it, but oh well :) | 12:09 |
asac | there is Bug/Crash reporting forum on thursday morning :) | 12:09 |
ajmitch | I see you're in the server track, asac | 12:10 |
hjmf | I've merged together all those [@gtk_widget_event_internal] [@??] | 12:10 |
hjmf | probably the same crash | 12:10 |
asac | hjmf: yeah ... you know when this first popped up? recently? | 12:11 |
asac | ajmitch: yeah ;) | 12:11 |
hjmf | couple of weeks maybe, not sure | 12:11 |
hjmf | will be video live/recorded sessions at UDS-Sevilla? | 12:12 |
asac | ok so probably gtk+ update for latest gnome | 12:13 |
hjmf | asac: will look | 12:13 |
asac | hjmf: hmm i have no idea ;) | 12:13 |
ajmitch | they haven't been in the past | 12:13 |
ajmitch | too much equipment to setup | 12:13 |
hjmf | what a pitty! :( | 12:13 |
ajmitch | sessions aren't really that interesting by video | 12:13 |
ajmitch | since it's usually people sitting round a table discussing | 12:14 |
ajmitch | or crammed into a room somehow | 12:14 |
hjmf | I see | 12:14 |
asac | maybe some video feed from the pool :) | 12:14 |
ajmitch | haha | 12:14 |
ajmitch | there's a pool there? | 12:14 |
hjmf | I thought it would be more like a conference, then discussion | 12:14 |
ajmitch | nah | 12:14 |
hjmf | :) | 12:15 |
ajmitch | it's nearly all discussion & spec sessions | 12:15 |
hjmf | ah | 12:15 |
ajmitch | "intense" | 12:15 |
hjmf | good luck then ... | 12:15 |
hjmf | :) | 12:15 |
=== ajmitch is used to it by now ;) | ||
asac | gnomefreak: libnss is in gutsy ... lets go :) | 12:15 |
ajmitch | excellent | 12:16 |
=== ajmitch updates FDS packaging | ||
hjmf | asac: about the gtk_widget_event_internal there were some reports before, but the last *bunch* is from last week of april | 12:17 |
hjmf | till now | 12:17 |
asac | hmm ... feisty? | 12:17 |
hjmf | yes | 12:18 |
hjmf | the last 7 are from feisty | 12:19 |
asac | but we have edgy as well? | 12:20 |
hjmf | sure, the master is from edgy | 12:21 |
hjmf | but the last ones are all from feisty (probably because of dissabling apport in edgy) | 12:22 |
hjmf | ... not all, the last one is from edgy (bug 111875) | 12:22 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 111875 in firefox "[EDGY] firefox crashed [@gtk_widget_event_internal] [@ ??] [@vtable for nsDOMConstructor at #12] (dup-of: 94749)" [High,Needs info] | 12:22 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 94749 in firefox "MASTER firefox crash [@gtk_widget_event_internal] " [High,Confirmed] | 12:22 |
hjmf | 6:1 feisty:edgy since last week of april | 12:23 |
asac | hmm ... isn't apport disabled for feisty as well now? | 12:23 |
hjmf | not sure, probably | 12:23 |
hjmf | I don't have crashes Ubuntu rocks :-P | 12:24 |
hjmf | /etc/default/apport | 12:27 |
hjmf | # set this to 0 to disable apport | 12:27 |
hjmf | enabled=1 | 12:27 |
hjmf | but I guess that ^^^ is not what I had to look | 12:27 |
asac | i don't know | 12:29 |
asac | i would think so | 12:29 |
asac | but it doesn't work for me iirc :) | 12:29 |
hjmf | I think that that sets apport to collect crashes | 12:29 |
hjmf | but to auto-upload there must be another setting somewhere | 12:30 |
gnomefreak | mine is set to 1 but still never gives me the dialog. i meant to ping pitti about it but i keep forgeting | 12:30 |
hjmf | yes, it might be this one though: | 12:31 |
hjmf | gconf-editor: /apps/update-notifier/show_apport_crashes false | 12:32 |
asac | ah right | 12:32 |
hjmf | f this is disabled, the user will not be notified about pending apport crash reports. | 12:32 |
asac | probably thats the one | 12:32 |
hjmf | it's disabled on feisty | 12:32 |
asac | so thats why we are able to reduce bug count :) | 12:33 |
asac | not bad ;) | 12:33 |
hjmf | yeah! | 12:33 |
gnomefreak | well thats not good | 12:33 |
hjmf | I can see your point gnomefreak | 12:33 |
asac | 609 open bugs :) | 12:33 |
asac | pretty nice | 12:33 |
gnomefreak | he gave me command to turn it on | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | :) | 12:34 |
asac | 1291 with dupes | 12:34 |
hjmf | and most of them can be close too | 12:34 |
asac | of the 609 ? | 12:34 |
hjmf | closed* | 12:34 |
hjmf | yes | 12:34 |
gnomefreak | gconftool-2 -s --type boolean /apps/update-notifier/show_apport_crashes true | 12:35 |
hjmf | I meant many not most | 12:35 |
asac | yeah ;) | 12:35 |
gnomefreak | to turn on dialog | 12:35 |
gnomefreak | oh you already said tha :( | 12:35 |
hjmf | :) | 12:35 |
hjmf | we can always have for fun the mess on mozilla-thunderbird reports | 12:36 |
asac | yes ... we probably shouldn't ignore them anymore | 12:36 |
asac | do retraces work? | 12:37 |
hjmf | yes | 12:37 |
asac | or are dbgsym packages still broken? | 12:37 |
asac | ah ok | 12:37 |
hjmf | I still using mines, but apport retracing service can handle them too | 12:37 |
hjmf | so dbgsyms are OK now | 12:37 |
asac | | 12:37 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 71131 in mozilla-thunderbird "Thunderbird crashes if you change Gnome theme while it is running" [High,Needs info] | 12:37 |
asac | can you confirm this? | 12:37 |
asac | e.g. thats without totem apparently ;) | 12:38 |
asac | but sounds like our totem crash ;) | 12:38 |
gnomefreak | that looks like same issue with firefox | 12:38 |
asac | maybe its the initial theme crasher ... for which we have a patch in firefox | 12:38 |
gnomefreak | tryin gnow | 12:38 |
gnomefreak | trying now even | 12:39 |
hjmf | a crash report on that one would have been nice | 12:39 |
gnomefreak | failed to crash with 2.0 | 12:39 |
asac | gnomefreak: yes ... the patch i was refering to landed for 2.0 | 12:39 |
gnomefreak | ah | 12:39 |
asac | hjmf: do your retrace scripts work for tbird as well .... like on bug 72160 | 12:40 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 72160 in mozilla-thunderbird "TB crashed while writing reply email" [High,Needs info] | 12:40 |
asac | ? | 12:40 |
hjmf | will tell you in a couple of minutes | 12:40 |
=== gnomefreak wonders what we fixed | ||
hjmf | asac: you can check | 12:44 |
hjmf | it worked | 12:44 |
hjmf | though I still have broken the autopost stuff | 12:44 |
hjmf | so I have to do it manually | 12:44 |
asac | hjmf: i looked into backtrace stuff ... the code that the retrace service uses is in apport bzr | 12:45 |
asac | i found the place where the top 5 stack elements are extracted | 12:46 |
hjmf | yes, I borrowed from they some time ago. | 12:46 |
hjmf | I have to check what had changed | 12:46 |
asac | so probably almost all is there already ... do we see summaries of stacks retraced by service? | 12:46 |
hjmf | but HTMLOperations.Bug is still the same that it was yesterday | 12:47 |
hjmf | and then it worked | 12:47 |
hjmf | the apport service only shows the first 3-4 stacks and we need from the 4th to the 7th as the fist three are always the same on most of the cases | 12:48 |
asac | hmmm ... if that is true for non mozilla packages as well, we should probably try to fix it there | 12:49 |
hjmf | that can be changed easily by you or pitty on report['StacktraceTop'] | 12:50 |
hjmf | from apport | 12:50 |
asac | yes ... we should look how other traces look like ... maybe we can try to better detect where to start. | 12:50 |
hjmf | what has to be changed i believe that is at apport/ | 12:51 |
asac | yes i think so ... iirc | 12:52 |
hjmf | yes, nowadays is StacktraceTop: simplified stacktrace (topmost 5 functions) for inline | 12:52 |
=== asac searching for apport on ubuntu distribution to find other retraces | ||
hjmf | and it should include 3 or 4 more | 12:52 |
hjmf | Changing toptrace = [''] * 5 for toptrace = [''] * 9 | 12:53 |
hjmf | might do it | 12:53 |
hjmf | though It is just the first sight | 12:53 |
asac | hmmm ... i can talk to pitti | 12:54 |
hjmf | with that we can handle both the usual stacktrace and those w/o the 3# <signal caller... | 12:54 |
asac | if you run apport locally ... do you see the StacktraceTop results as well? | 12:55 |
asac | yeah | 12:55 |
asac | mozilla is a bit special because they catch signals on their own | 12:55 |
asac | maybe at some point packages can ship infos about "where does stacktrace start" | 12:55 |
hjmf | ... I don't run apport as it should, I'm still at apport 0.61 | 12:55 |
asac | but maybe just using 9 is ok as well | 12:55 |
asac | hjmf: ouch :) | 12:55 |
hjmf | yes with 9 it will be OK | 12:56 |
hjmf | on my retraces I use by default from 3 to 12 | 12:56 |
hjmf | but 0-9 will be ok too | 12:56 |
asac | afaik latest apport should be usable as the good old 0.61 ... but what can i say :) ? | 12:56 |
hjmf | not tested | 12:56 |
hjmf | that's another thing I want to do | 12:57 |
hjmf | use current apport | 12:57 |
hjmf | but as long as old roks to me I've been a little bit lazy | 12:57 |
asac | at best use it from bzr :) | 12:57 |
asac | so you can contribute best to development | 12:57 |
hjmf | will have to, sure | 12:57 |
asac | hey you are bughelper-dev as well :) | 01:02 |
asac | welcome | 01:02 |
hjmf | haha yes! :P | 01:08 |
hjmf | asac: can you do me a quick favor | 01:12 |
asac | depends :) ... but I'll try | 01:13 |
hjmf | I'm stuck with this error with all my autopost routines | 01:13 |
hjmf | can you fire up python and | 01:13 |
hjmf | type | 01:13 |
hjmf | >>> from launchpadBugs.HTMLOperations import Bug | 01:13 |
hjmf | >>> bugnumber = 104533 | 01:13 |
hjmf | >>> cookiefile="/home/hjmf/.mozilla/firefox/oicl0ue1.default/cookies.txt" | 01:13 |
hjmf | >>> bug = Bug(bugnumber, cookie_file=cookiefile) | 01:13 |
hjmf | >>> bug.get_metadata() | 01:13 |
hjmf | >>> bug.__dict__['tags'] =['mt-confirm'] | 01:13 |
hjmf | >>> bug.set_metadata() | 01:13 |
hjmf | of course changing your cookie file | 01:13 |
hjmf | with that bug number | 01:14 |
asac | i get | 01:15 |
asac | <addinfourl at 15204432 whose fp = <socket._fileobject object at 0xd958c0>> | 01:15 |
asac | now what? | 01:15 |
asac | should this have updated the bug? | 01:15 |
asac | bug 104533 | 01:15 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 104533 in firefox "firefox crashed" [Undecided,Rejected] | 01:15 |
hjmf | yes it works for you | 01:15 |
hjmf | are you using the last bzr merge? | 01:16 |
asac | yeah | 01:16 |
hjmf | thank you | 01:16 |
asac | no ... i just used what is here on my system | 01:16 |
gnomefreak | nss hit | 01:16 |
hjmf | I'll will work on this later | 01:16 |
hjmf | so it is my fault somewher | 01:16 |
hjmf | e | 01:16 |
gnomefreak | in universe though | 01:16 |
asac | hmm | 01:17 |
asac | ok | 01:17 |
gnomefreak | for seamonkey source do i want the tar.gz or the bz2? i cant remember :( | 01:18 |
gnomefreak | rules doesnt say | 01:18 |
hjmf | cy all till this evening | 01:18 |
gnomefreak | hjmf: have fun | 01:18 |
asac | yeah bye hjmf | 01:20 |
asac | gnomefreak: he? | 01:20 |
asac | whatever is released upstream as "source" | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | i see both | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | | 01:20 |
asac | in source? | 01:20 |
gnomefreak | File: seamonkey-1.1.1.source.tar.bz2 34176 KB 02/22/2007 02:15:00 PM | 01:21 |
gnomefreak | File: seamonkey-1.1.1.source.tar.gz | 01:21 |
asac | it doesn't matter | 01:21 |
gnomefreak | k | 01:21 |
asac | as you have to extract it on your own | 01:21 |
asac | then build your own orig out of if | 01:21 |
asac | it | 01:21 |
gnomefreak | and than i can just run dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -kKEYID? than dput the .changes file? | 01:22 |
=== gnomefreak will more than likely get to it around sat. or sun. | ||
asac | yes | 01:27 |
asac | should work that way | 01:27 |
asac | e.g. you don't need -kKEYID | 01:28 |
asac | if you are the last in changelog | 01:28 |
asac | which you probably should | 01:28 |
asac | and remember to use ubuntu version | 01:28 |
gnomefreak | oh ok | 01:28 |
gnomefreak | yeah 1.1.1-3ubuntu0 | 01:28 |
asac | e.g. version that is lower than the debian one | 01:28 |
gnomefreak | debians is 1.1.1-3 iirc | 01:28 |
asac | if debian was 1.1.1-3 ... then we use 1.1.1-2ubuntu0 | 01:28 |
gnomefreak | oh | 01:29 |
asac | if we used wrong version in preview | 01:29 |
asac | then we have bad luck | 01:29 |
asac | and preview customers won't get an upgrade to official | 01:29 |
gnomefreak | let me check changelog | 01:29 |
asac | but i don't think we have to bother about them :) | 01:29 |
asac | we should fix that as soon as debian uses a new version | 01:29 |
asac | until then preview users just have the preview build :) | 01:30 |
gnomefreak | iceape (1.1.1-3) unstable; urgency=low is the last from Mike | 01:30 |
gnomefreak | we just added .mt0 to the end | 01:30 |
asac | gnomefreak: i am really not sure atm | 01:30 |
asac | maybe ask on motu :) | 01:30 |
asac | e.g. what version to choose so that merge-o-matic and stuff like that works | 01:30 |
gnomefreak | ok ill ping one of them when i get home or maybe monday the latest | 01:31 |
asac | maybe its indeed 1.1.1-3ubuntu0 | 01:31 |
asac | i can see benifits from both :) | 01:31 |
asac | ok | 01:31 |
gnomefreak | since its the same as in preview that should be fine. we can bump preview when new version goes in | 01:32 |
gnomefreak | preview == unofficial is how i came up with that but i will ask them when i return | 01:32 |
asac | just ask what the right version for ubuntu merge is if 1.1.1-3 is debian version | 01:35 |
asac | that will give you an answer :) | 01:35 |
asac | ok nss should be in main on next push | 01:37 |
asac | we can then probably drop it from gutsy preview archive | 01:37 |
gnomefreak | should i drop the mt versions from changelog? | 01:59 |
asac | for upload to revu? | 02:05 |
gnomefreak | yeah | 02:05 |
asac | you can keep them if there are important infos ... or merge all content into your "new" changelog entry | 02:06 |
gnomefreak | ok merging them into one would be good :) | 02:07 |
gnomefreak | im getting a couple of differnet answers on versioning | 02:07 |
asac | which? | 02:21 |
asac | you have changes: new upstream tarball ;) | 02:22 |
asac | oh | 02:22 |
asac | that said ;) | 02:22 |
asac | you have to bump upstream version :) | 02:22 |
asac | as you have changed branding | 02:23 |
asac | gnomefreak ... guess 1.1.1+1-0ubuntu1 then | 02:24 |
asac | sorry for the confusion | 02:24 |
asac | but i think that would be right | 02:24 |
gnomefreak | changed branding in mt release | 02:24 |
asac | you have to change it for offical as well and call upstream tarball with other version | 02:25 |
asac | like above | 02:25 |
gnomefreak | the upstream tarball is the same that ive been using. they havent changed it since feb. | 02:26 |
asac | anyway ... WE changed it | 02:27 |
asac | so WE need a different version | 02:27 |
gnomefreak | k | 02:27 |
asac | we fixed debian->ubuntu ... remember? | 02:27 |
gnomefreak | yep | 02:27 |
asac | yeah ... so just rename the tarball with new version | 02:27 |
asac | then change changelog version appropriately so build will use that tarball done | 02:28 |
asac | no need to regen tarball | 02:28 |
asac | just a move/rename | 02:28 |
gnomefreak | ok cool. im thinking of what to add to changelog for ubuntu version since all changes were made for mt release | 02:29 |
asac | just talk about new upstream version tarball because of branding | 02:30 |
asac | and that this is motu release | 02:30 |
asac | and remember to use Maintainer: MOTU developers | 02:30 |
asac | or something | 02:30 |
asac | i think thats the way it has to be ;) | 02:31 |
asac | if you build add -vLAST_VERSION_BEFORE_MT_RELEASE for dpkg-buildpackage | 02:31 |
asac | in this way mt changes will end up in changelog as well | 02:31 |
ajmitch | Ubuntu MOTU Developers <> | 02:31 |
asac | thanks | 02:32 |
asac | and Original-Maintainer: ?? | 02:32 |
asac | what is done about Uploaders: ? | 02:32 |
ajmitch | XSBC-Original-Maintainer: can be whatever | 02:32 |
asac | ajmitch: ^^^ | 02:32 |
ajmitch | Uploaders is ignored | 02:32 |
asac | ok | 02:32 |
ajmitch | Uploaders only affects debian NMU rules | 02:32 |
asac | gnomefreak: got it? | 02:34 |
gnomefreak | i think so | 02:34 |
asac | ;)+ | 02:34 |
asac | oh man ... i think i should drop everything and look into windows installer :( | 02:35 |
ajmitch | asac: why? | 02:35 |
asac | uds :) | 02:36 |
asac | | 02:36 |
asac | a task is to review some code of that ;) | 02:36 |
ajmitch | yeah I know, but dropping everything? | 02:36 |
ajmitch | you need to do some review before UDS, you mean? | 02:37 |
asac | yes ;) | 02:37 |
asac | to prepare | 02:37 |
ajmitch | fun | 02:37 |
=== ajmitch has prepared a bit for UDS | ||
gnomefreak | do i need a XSBC-Original-Maintainer feild? | 02:58 |
ajmitch | not required | 03:00 |
gnomefreak | ok cool | 03:00 |
gnomefreak | ty | 03:00 |
gnomefreak | ok | 03:06 |
gnomefreak | ok changes are ready i will build sundayish and try to dput it. | 03:08 |
asac | ok short lunch ... bbiw | 03:29 |
asac | back | 04:03 |
=== asac_ [n=asac@debian/developer/asac] has joined #ubuntu-mozillateam | ||
bluekuja | asac: ping | 04:54 |
bluekuja | asac: a friend is testing flash on firefox with a 64 bit computer using nspluginwrapper | 04:56 |
bluekuja | asac: without having good results: ii@laptop:/usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/x86_64/linux$ sudo ./npconfig -i /usr/lib/mozilla/ | 04:56 |
bluekuja | nspluginwrapper: /usr/lib/mozilla/ is not a valid NPAPI plugin | 04:56 |
bluekuja | asac: or ii@laptop:/usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/x86_64$ nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 04:56 |
bluekuja | nspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 04:56 |
bluekuja | asac: do you know what it can be? | 04:56 |
asac | no idea not yet looked into nspluginwrapper | 04:58 |
asac | is on my todo list though | 04:58 |
bluekuja | asac: ok great | 04:59 |
asac | maybe /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ is not 32-bit? | 04:59 |
asac | aeh | 04:59 |
asac | /usr/lib/mozilla/ does probably not exist :) | 04:59 |
bluekuja | asac: :D | 05:49 |
asac | bluekuja: did he figure out? | 06:04 |
bluekuja | asac: posted it in the forum, waiting reply :) | 06:04 |
bluekuja | asac: a question | 06:04 |
bluekuja | asac: how can I upload the diff.gz you provided me in revu? I get some md5sum mismatch(fixed) and signature errores | 06:05 |
bluekuja | *errors | 06:05 |
bluekuja | that I dont get with the 149kb one | 06:05 |
asac | i did provide nothing | 06:06 |
asac | the diff was just to show your actual changes | 06:07 |
asac | you must not use that | 06:07 |
asac | the one you had is the one that was fine | 06:07 |
asac | but please do what i commented | 06:07 |
bluekuja | 2. why do you change this: | 06:07 |
bluekuja | - CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) --prefix=/usr --mandir=$${prefix}/share/man --infodir=$${prefix}/share/info | 06:07 |
bluekuja | + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -Wl,-z,defs" ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=$${prefix}/share/man --infodir=$${prefix}/share/info | 06:07 |
bluekuja | is not correct | 06:07 |
bluekuja | I changed it to fix docs problem | 06:08 |
asac | bluekuja: just think about this ... if you apply that patch to orig.tar.gz you will again endup without autostuff regenerated .... which was the initial problem | 06:08 |
bluekuja | yes | 06:08 |
asac | doc problems? | 06:08 |
bluekuja | i get this /share/man/man1/gtorrentviewer.1 | 06:09 |
bluekuja | instead of /usr/share/man/man1/gtorrentviewer.1 | 06:09 |
bluekuja | we talked about it with laserjock | 06:09 |
bluekuja | while ago | 06:09 |
asac | yes ... but almost certainly not because of the -Wl,-z,defs | 06:09 |
bluekuja | nope | 06:09 |
asac | why did you drop it then? | 06:09 |
bluekuja | * debian/rules: | 06:10 |
bluekuja | DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE and DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE lines are a bit odd, we arent cross compiling the source packages. | 06:10 |
bluekuja | laserjock comment | 06:10 |
bluekuja | asac: what do you think? | 06:11 |
bluekuja | want me to replace the previous version? | 06:12 |
asac | anyway don't drop them | 06:14 |
asac | should not matter | 06:14 |
asac | e.g. keep ;) | 06:14 |
bluekuja | ok i add DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE and DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE again | 06:15 |
asac | --host=$(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE) --build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) ... is fine to have | 06:15 |
bluekuja | ok | 06:15 |
asac | yes | 06:15 |
bluekuja | perfect | 06:15 |
bluekuja | adding it | 06:15 |
bluekuja | asac: deleted -wl,z etc adding it again | 06:17 |
bluekuja | lets rebuild now | 06:17 |
bluekuja | asac: done ;) | 06:27 |
asac | ok bluekuja will take a look when i return ... taking a break | 06:37 |
bluekuja | asac; perfect | 06:37 |
bluekuja | asac: wait to review...cant upload to revu yet | 06:56 |
asac | he? | 06:57 |
bluekuja | asac: I uploaded a file with a bad signature before | 06:57 |
bluekuja | asac: that file need to be removed by an admin | 06:57 |
bluekuja | asac: waiting ajmitch | 06:57 |
asac | bluekuja: ok ... did you ping them? | 06:57 |
asac | ok fine | 06:57 |
asac | just let me know ... my break will take a bit longer anyway :) | 06:58 |
bluekuja | asac: yeah, but seems that nobody is here :( | 06:58 |
bluekuja | asac: take your time ;) | 06:58 |
asac | things worked out for you? | 08:11 |
bluekuja | asac: still waiting failed upload to be deleted | 08:19 |
bluekuja | asac: I hope someone will come soon | 08:20 |
asac | ok | 08:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | asac: /t | 08:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | er | 08:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | crap | 08:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | asac: | 08:36 |
Admiral_Chicago | thats what i wanted to link you too | 08:37 |
asac | Admiral_Chicago: niche | 08:40 |
asac | nice | 08:40 |
asac | :) | 08:40 |
asac | i think you don't have to obfuscate the email | 08:40 |
asac | we need spam filtering anyway :) | 08:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | take it out? | 08:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | yea the MLs have been getting hit my spam | 08:41 |
Admiral_Chicago | i know because I keep some MLs clean | 08:41 |
asac | i don't see that :) | 08:41 |
asac | no i mean you can write it as mailto: link that works | 08:41 |
asac | if its already pushlished don't mind | 08:41 |
asac | i am getting loads of spam everyday ;) | 08:42 |
asac | so it doesn't matter :) | 08:42 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah okay. let me mess with that, i thought about it but couldn't figure out the syntax, i'll fiddle | 08:43 |
asac | its just link http but mailto:mail@test.tld | 08:43 |
asac | you can even say | 08:43 |
asac | mailto:mail@test.tld?Subject=MasterSubjectFigureWithespaceout ;) | 08:44 |
asac | whitespace :) | 08:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | i think google will be my friend on this one | 08:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | repaired | 08:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | class time | 08:48 |
asac | have fun | 08:49 |
asac | :-D | 08:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | will do. | 08:49 |
ajmitch | bluekuja: you pinged me? | 10:10 |
asac | ajmitch: i think a corrupted upload prevents new uploads to revu :) | 10:20 |
asac | ajmitch: for bluekuja that is | 10:21 |
asac | gtorrent-viewer ;) | 10:21 |
asac | isn't incoming queue cleaned up when something with bad checksum is injected? | 10:21 |
ajmitch | no, it's a fairly simple setup | 10:23 |
=== ajmitch cleared it | ||
asac | k thank you | 10:24 |
Admiral_Chicago | some interest in bug #110049 | 10:29 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 110049 in firefox "Firefox needs a better clue file" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | good. | 10:29 |
Admiral_Chicago | wait a second. | 10:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | ah i see | 10:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | asac: if you want to help, you can offer to mentor as well on the bug report | 10:30 |
asac | well done :) | 10:30 |
Admiral_Chicago | i've got two people | 10:30 |
asac | i think people that are interested in helping will probably end up here anyway :) | 10:31 |
asac | so maybe its less confusing if you take the dedicated lead to get them started ;) | 10:32 |
asac | what do you think? | 10:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | okay i will | 10:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | I'm in the process of fixing my bzr confilct | 10:32 |
asac | probably a good excercise :) | 10:32 |
asac | i am now out for a few minutes | 10:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | i hope that these people have feisty or better machines | 10:33 |
asac | probably they wil | 10:34 |
asac | l | 10:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | yep, got the latest clue files | 10:40 |
Admiral_Chicago | brb | 10:40 |
asac | fine | 10:49 |
AlexLatchford | grrr, my bookmarks have disappeared. | 11:11 |
AlexLatchford | hmm and some plugins have lost settings.. | 11:12 |
AlexLatchford | (bookmarks restored from backup files).. | 11:12 |
bluekuja | ajmitch: thanks ;) | 11:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | AlexLatchford probably a corrupted profile | 11:14 |
bluekuja | asac: thanks too for reporting it to andrew ;) | 11:14 |
AlexLatchford | well it reset them to the default bookmarks.. | 11:14 |
AlexLatchford | I am thinking it was the -mt update.. | 11:14 |
asac | AlexLatchford: which mt update? | 11:15 |
AlexLatchford | today's | 11:15 |
AlexLatchford | or yesterday's | 11:15 |
asac | what version is it? | 11:15 |
AlexLatchford | | 11:16 |
AlexLatchford | I think | 11:16 |
asac | did you use any .ng release before? | 11:16 |
AlexLatchford | I updated from John's repository a few days back | 11:16 |
AlexLatchford | I was using the standard ubuntu before that | 11:17 |
asac | did it break at that time? | 11:17 |
asac | or just now? | 11:17 |
AlexLatchford | during the first update though, just after I added the repository the dom-inspector broke synaptic | 11:17 |
AlexLatchford | it just broke today | 11:17 |
asac | are certs broken as well? | 11:22 |
asac | https? | 11:23 |
asac | e.g. asks for certs that are valid ? | 11:23 |
AlexLatchford | yes, it alerted me | 11:24 |
AlexLatchford | but they are not broken I dont think | 11:25 |
asac | yes alert means we lost the default CA certs somewhere *broken* | 11:32 |
asac | which is pretty serious bug | 11:32 |
asac | damn ssl stuff is really broken | 11:33 |
asac | what plugin settings did you loose? | 11:33 |
bluekuja | gnight all | 11:33 |
asac | maybe you lost some plugins? AlexLatchford ? | 11:34 |
asac | bluekuja: night | 11:34 |
bluekuja | asac: night ! cya tomorrow! ;) | 11:34 |
asac | AlexLatchford: e.g. plugins installed globally? | 11:34 |
AlexLatchford | erm, plugins and extensions I didnt seem to lose | 11:35 |
AlexLatchford | just the settings for them | 11:35 |
asac | hmm | 11:38 |
asac | AlexLatchford: can you try to downgrade ... and see if upgrading back will show this problem again? | 11:39 |
asac | e.g. for downgrade, just uninstall and install ubuntus version ... then go up to preview again :/ | 11:39 |
AlexLatchford | mind if I do it tomorrow.. | 11:39 |
AlexLatchford | did it not happen to you? | 11:40 |
asac | nope | 11:41 |
asac | just ssl problem | 11:41 |
asac | if you say that its reproducible I would do a night shift i guess :) | 11:41 |
asac | oh wait ... its already 2340 here ;) | 11:41 |
AlexLatchford | ok, gimme half an hour | 11:42 |
AlexLatchford | whats the current ubuntu version? | 11:42 |
asac | cool | 11:42 |
asac | current ubuntu is i guess | 11:42 |
asac | yes its | 11:43 |
AlexLatchford | sudo apt-get install firefox= | 11:43 |
asac | yeah with proper version | 11:43 |
asac | maybe be sure that you uninstall before | 11:43 |
asac | not that there are any leftovers in /usr/lib/firefox /usr/share/firefox | 11:44 |
asac | -> e.g. both dirs should not exist after uninstall | 11:44 |
AlexLatchford | cool | 11:44 |
AlexLatchford | I presume it will not affect .mozilla? | 11:44 |
asac | no it should not | 11:44 |
asac | anyway if you run preview releases :) ... its probably a good idea to backup that regularaly :) | 11:44 |
AlexLatchford | ive backed it up anyway | 11:44 |
AlexLatchford | yeah | 11:45 |
asac | so you don't loose your bookmarks again :) | 11:45 |
AlexLatchford | :) | 11:45 |
asac | wait do bookmarks work at all for you now? | 11:45 |
AlexLatchford | yes, they were just reset | 11:45 |
AlexLatchford | to default | 11:45 |
AlexLatchford | so basically nothing, homepage with changed to the feisty release notes | 11:45 |
AlexLatchford | s/with/was | 11:45 |
AlexLatchford | okay beginning install process again, (for ubuntu version :)) | 11:48 |
AlexLatchford | shall I reinstall all the plugins after the install for the ubuntu versions? | 11:48 |
AlexLatchford | (flash, java, dom-inspector, themes etc.) | 11:48 |
AlexLatchford | hmm.. | 11:50 |
AlexLatchford | | 11:51 |
AlexLatchford | I removed the directories, or should I have just emptied them | 11:52 |
asac | which directories? | 11:56 |
asac | plugins? | 11:56 |
AlexLatchford | /usr/share/firefox & /usr/lib/firefox | 11:56 |
asac | ah ... yeah ... i think that was right :) | 11:57 |
asac | was there leftover? | 11:57 |
AlexLatchford | ? | 11:57 |
asac | did they still exist after you uninstalled firefox? | 11:57 |
AlexLatchford | no I removed then using rm | 11:57 |
AlexLatchford | (I mean yes, they existed, but I removed them manually) | 11:58 |
asac | ah ok | 11:58 |
asac | hmm | 11:58 |
asac | any idea what was in there? | 11:58 |
asac | if not don't bother ;) | 11:58 |
AlexLatchford | nah, I didn't do an ls | 11:58 |
asac | too bad ;) | 11:58 |
asac | anyway ... lets see if you can reproduce | 11:58 |
asac | :) | 11:58 |
AlexLatchford | well I cannot get the ubuntu version to install.. | 11:59 |
asac | because of what reasons? | 11:59 |
AlexLatchford | | 11:59 |
asac | he? | 11:59 |
asac | ah maybe use an explicit mirror | 11:59 |
asac | e.g. | 11:59 |
AlexLatchford | unable to create `./usr/lib/firefox/firefox': No such file or directory | 11:59 |
asac | sounds bad ... you did remove firefox (with apt or so) right? | 12:00 |
AlexLatchford | It appears to download the file fine, but not unpack.. | 12:00 |
AlexLatchford | I removed firefox using apt-get remove firefox | 12:01 |
asac | when do you get ? | 12:01 |
AlexLatchford | when running the command on the first line | 12:01 |
asac | which command? 'firefox' ? | 12:01 |
AlexLatchford | sudo apt-get install firefox= | 12:02 |
AlexLatchford | shall I try to make the directory it says it cannot manually.. | 12:02 |
asac | hmm you can try ... but sounds wierd | 12:02 |
asac | so do you see firefox being downloaded? | 12:03 |
asac | otherwise maybe clean your apt cache | 12:04 |
asac | with apt-get clean | 12:04 |
AlexLatchford | if I make the directory it installs | 12:04 |
AlexLatchford | seems like a small problem with the installer.. | 12:04 |
AlexLatchford | as it says it cannot create /usr/lib/firefox/firefox | 12:04 |
asac | i guess you had still some package with installed files in /usr/lib/firefox | 12:05 |
AlexLatchford | whereas if I just create /usr/lib/firefox | 12:05 |
asac | ... which are now broken :) | 12:05 |
AlexLatchford | I removed the entire directory.. | 12:05 |
asac | does dpkg -S firefox | 12:05 |
asac | bring anything up other than the firefox packages? | 12:05 |
AlexLatchford | -trunk packages also | 12:05 |
asac | ok that is sane | 12:05 |
asac | they should be /usr/lib/firefox-trunk only | 12:06 |
asac | and share | 12:06 |
asac | anything else? | 12:06 |
AlexLatchford | mozilla-firefox-locale, -dbg packages also | 12:06 |
asac | why where locale packages not removed? | 12:06 |
asac | they should have been removed when removing firefox | 12:06 |
AlexLatchford | hmm.. | 12:07 |
AlexLatchford | I thought they had been | 12:07 |
AlexLatchford | probably have been reinstalled with it.. | 12:07 |
asac | ok ... does it work? | 12:08 |
asac | now? | 12:08 |
asac | e.g. starts et al? | 12:08 |
AlexLatchford | yes, it works fine | 12:08 |
AlexLatchford | I think it was an error in the dpkg script | 12:08 |
AlexLatchford | it was saying that it couldnt find /usr/lib/firefox/firefox | 12:09 |
AlexLatchford | ..but when I created /usr/lib/firefox it installed fine.. | 12:09 |
AlexLatchford | but now here is not folder inside that called firefox.. | 12:09 |
AlexLatchford | so it was not needed.. | 12:09 |
asac | i guess it tried to create the link | 12:09 |
asac | e.g. try | 12:09 |
asac | ls -l /usr/bin/firefox | 12:10 |
asac | its a link | 12:10 |
asac | which probably failed to be created | 12:10 |
AlexLatchford | hmm okay | 12:10 |
asac | /usr/lib/firefox/firefox should be the main programm | 12:10 |
AlexLatchford | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 2007-05-03 23:03 /usr/bin/firefox -> ../lib/firefox/firefox | 12:10 |
asac | nevertheless completely wierd | 12:10 |
asac | yes right | 12:10 |
asac | thats the same | 12:10 |
asac | i only can think that there was still some extension or so that installs in both firefox and iceape or thunderbird | 12:11 |
AlexLatchford | so should I install the plugins now, then upgrade? | 12:11 |
asac | yeah ... ;) | 12:11 |
AlexLatchford | :) gimme a few minutes | 12:11 |
asac | ok i tracked the ssl problem | 12:16 |
asac | now gimme confidence about the rest :) | 12:16 |
AlexLatchford | good good | 12:16 |
AlexLatchford | :) | 12:16 |
AlexLatchford | Well the update was done via sudo apt-get install -f | 12:16 |
AlexLatchford | because the previous update has broken the dom-inspector plugin | 12:17 |
AlexLatchford | hmm.. seems to work okay now.. | 12:19 |
AlexLatchford | how do I get the firefox version without typing it out from Synaptic | 12:20 |
asac | ah ok ... dom-inspector have have been bad depends | 12:21 |
asac | ? | 12:21 |
asac | dpkg -l firefox | 12:21 |
asac | ;) | 12:21 |
asac | if you can't see all of the version (e.g. too long) : | 12:21 |
asac | # COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l firefox | 12:21 |
asac | will do the trick | 12:21 |
asac | no idea about synaptic | 12:22 |
asac | just used it once some years back and when it crashed I went back to cmd line :) | 12:22 |
AlexLatchford | lol | 12:22 |
AlexLatchford | it is rather useful for finding packages | 12:22 |
AlexLatchford | I am gradually switching for most things to cmd line though | 12:23 |
AlexLatchford | okay, I think it must have been the dom-inspector issue.. | 12:23 |
AlexLatchford | which has been ironed out.. | 12:23 |
asac | ok ... fine | 12:23 |
asac | hmm for me dom-inspector gets removed when i purge firefox | 12:24 |
asac | though i use aptitude which is way smarter then apt-get :) | 12:24 |
AlexLatchford | :P | 12:25 |
asac | so if you switch to cmdline probably get used to aptitude directly | 12:25 |
AlexLatchford | yeah | 12:25 |
asac | ;) | 12:25 |
asac | your done with upgrade? | 12:26 |
AlexLatchford | yeah | 12:26 |
asac | maybe change some bookmarks first as well :) | 12:26 |
asac | did it break anything? | 12:26 |
AlexLatchford | nope | 12:26 |
asac | ok | 12:26 |
asac | i think bookmarks might get corrupted if you shut down X | 12:27 |
AlexLatchford | not that I can see.. all plugins kept, extension settings the same | 12:27 |
asac | without closing (though it should be really rare) | 12:27 |
asac | k | 12:27 |
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