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blackmogu | got a quick question about initctl and upstart | 01:44 |
blackmogu | is it possible to get output from a job on a pty without resorting to silly hacks ? | 01:45 |
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sadleder | mbiebl: hi, what's going on on the upstart-for-debian front? | 10:41 |
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Md | sadleder: crap. some people are proposing to create a huge infrastructure to support every existing init daemon | 10:59 |
sadleder | Md: oh boy | 11:00 |
sadleder | Md: i read some posts on p.d.o | 11:01 |
sadleder | Md: could you point me to planning pages? | 11:08 |
Md | no pages, subscribe to the initscripts-ng-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org list | 11:09 |
mbiebl | I also think that this idea is crap and will not work. | 11:14 |
nenolod | seems a bit silly | 11:16 |
Md | yes, but right now I am the only person saying it's stupid... please subscribe | 11:21 |
mbiebl | Md: Yeah, I'll add my 2 soon. | 11:24 |
sadleder | i sencond this | 11:25 |
sadleder | second* | 11:25 |
sadleder | mbiebl: are you running a fully upstartified system now? | 11:28 |
mbiebl | Yes. The mounting and network stuff is still serial though. | 11:29 |
sadleder | mbiebl: and it's not yet packaged, right? | 11:32 |
mbiebl | There are still some missing pieces where I haven't decided yet, how I'm going to handle it. | 11:33 |
mbiebl | So, no. No "official" packages yet. | 11:33 |
sadleder | mbiebl: ok. just let me know, I'm available for trying them early | 11:34 |
sadleder | ;-) | 11:34 |
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cort | what problem can't be solved by the addition of a new layer of indirection? | 01:05 |
ion_ | cort: Some problems need a perl oneliner and a regexp in addition to that. | 01:25 |
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Julius | hi | 06:09 |
Julius | Md are u there ? | 06:09 |
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ion_ | julius: Im sure others can answer your Upstart-related questions as well. | 06:24 |
Julius | ion_, well actually i wanted to get my nickname dropped but some1 did it, thanks :) | 06:25 |
ion_ | I fail to see how thats on-topic for #upstart. | 06:25 |
AlexExtreme | Julius, if you want freenode issues solving you should msg a staff member | 06:25 |
Julius | AlexExtreme, that's what i did, thanks ! Md is one of them, that's why i tried to speak to him | 06:26 |
Julius | cya guys :) | 06:27 |
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=== AlexExtreme sighs | ||
cyberix | How does one set up serial login with upstart? | 08:37 |
cyberix | After a serial driver loaded signal somehow? | 08:37 |
Md | what? | 08:49 |
Md | you just take the event configuration for a console getty, copy it and write ttyS0 there | 08:49 |
ion_ | For a system without the sysvrc compatibility layer, perhaps just add a modprobe command to pre-start. An alternative would be making udev emit an event when it loads the module, and 'start on' that event. | 08:53 |
ion_ | If you have the compatibility layer, you can pretty much assume the module has been loaded. | 08:53 |
ion_ | (i think) | 08:54 |
cyberix | Thanks | 08:54 |
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Md | the serial driver will be loaded automatically by udev | 08:55 |
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=== AlexExtreme ponders: I have a udev job which runs udevd, and a udevtrigger job doing udevtrigger && udevsettle with 'start on started udev'. the udev job has the respawn stanza | ||
AlexExtreme | so | 10:40 |
AlexExtreme | if I stop and restart udev, or udevd dies and gets respawned | 10:40 |
AlexExtreme | udevtrigger will be re-run | 10:40 |
AlexExtreme | and thus all the jobs with start on stopped udevtrigger ok will get run | 10:40 |
AlexExtreme | and the whole boot sequence will be run again | 10:40 |
AlexExtreme | which is not good | 10:40 |
=== AlexExtreme wonders how to get around that | ||
mbiebl | This only happens for jobs which start on stopped udevtrigger, which aren't stateful, right? | 10:53 |
mbiebl | In your case, that would be fsck and swap I guess. | 10:54 |
mbiebl | Actually, swap is stateful. | 10:55 |
mbiebl | So it wouldn't start again (as the job is already running) | 10:55 |
mbiebl | AlexExtreme: You could create a state "system-mounted" (better name to be chosen) which run on started udevtrigger | 10:56 |
mbiebl | Argh, I meant "system-fscked" | 10:57 |
Md | actions on file systems like fsck and swap should happen as a result of the block devices appearing, either as udev rules or upstart events | 10:58 |
Md | there is no need to serialize everything on udevtrigger | 10:58 |
mbiebl | Md: If udev dies and is respawned, would udevtrigger see the block devices as newly added | 11:00 |
mbiebl | or not. | 11:00 |
Md | if udev is respawned for any reason (e.g. upgrade) it is wrong to run again udevtrigger | 11:05 |
Md | udevtrigger must be run exactly once (at boot time) and never again | 11:05 |
mbiebl | Then either the udevtrigger has to create some kind of lock file on startup (in /var/run) and when invoked a second time it simply does nothing when this file exists | 11:08 |
mbiebl | Or we would need something like a "once" keyword in upstart. | 11:08 |
Md | I think it should be possible to create some condition to run an event only once | 11:09 |
Md | udevtrigger cannot do anything by itself because it's usually run at a time where / is mounted ro, so if there is some rw fs available it's a distro-specific issue | 11:09 |
mbiebl | One problem on running the mounting/fscking asynchronously is, that it might actually be slower than running it sequentially. | 11:17 |
ion_ | I dont see how. | 11:18 |
ion_ | And if there are multiple HDDs, it would be faster. | 11:18 |
mbiebl | Disk thrashing. | 11:18 |
ion_ | That would naturally be prevented by locking the fsck instances based on the physical device. | 11:18 |
mbiebl | (which means, we serialize them again ;-) ) | 11:19 |
ion_ | Only if there is just a single HDD. | 11:19 |
ion_ | http://johan.kiviniemi.name/blag/2007/03/19/upstart-and-mounting-partitions-part-2/ | 11:20 |
mbiebl | Right. I agree with you though, that this is probably the way to go. | 11:20 |
mbiebl | It might get a bit tricky for lvm on raid and stuff like that. | 11:22 |
ion_ | Why is that? | 11:22 |
mbiebl | Have you already worked on the tools to give you the physical device? | 11:23 |
ion_ | I did a functional prototype in sh, but i havent done the final C implementation. | 11:23 |
mbiebl | Ok: what about the following scenario: | 11:25 |
mbiebl | You have two disks: 40 GB and 80 GB | 11:25 |
ion_ | % foo() { local syspath="${1#/sys/block/}"; syspath="${syspath%%/*}"; set -- $(ls -1 /sys/block/"$syspath"/slaves); if [ "$*" = "" ] ; then echo "$syspath"; else for file in "$@"; do foo "$(readlink -f /sys/block/"$syspath"/slaves/"$file")"; done; fi; }; for f in dm-0 md1 sda sdb/sdb1; do foo "$f" | xargs echo "$f":; done | 11:25 |
ion_ | dm-0: sda sdb | 11:25 |
ion_ | md1: sda sdb | 11:25 |
ion_ | sda: sda | 11:25 |
ion_ | sdb/sdb1: sdb | 11:25 |
mbiebl | One 40 GB pv on the first, a second pv on the second disk, and the remaining 40 GB on disk 2 are a regular partition. | 11:26 |
ion_ | It causes no problem at all. | 11:26 |
mbiebl | You then create a lv out of pv1 and pv2 | 11:26 |
mbiebl | When you fsck the lv, will you lock disk1 and disk2? | 11:26 |
ion_ | Yes. | 11:26 |
mbiebl | So, this means the second hard disk has to wait, event when it could check the second partition hdb2. | 11:27 |
ion_ | How can you be sure it could check hdb2, unless you hack fsck itself to handle the parallelization and make it compute which physical devices certain subsections of a partition reside on? | 11:29 |
mbiebl | Yeah, what if I make hdb1 1GB and hdb2 79 GB. | 11:30 |
mbiebl | This would mean after fscking hda1 there would be two instances of fsck on hdb running in parallel | 11:31 |
ion_ | It changes nothing. :-) | 11:31 |
mbiebl | (for 1 Gb) | 11:31 |
ion_ | What do you mean? | 11:31 |
mbiebl | It would still be faster | 11:31 |
cort | surely you'd want to serialise the fscks anyway if the two disks were hda and hdb | 11:32 |
cort | since they would both be on the same ide channel ;) | 11:32 |
ion_ | Say there are the partitions dm-0[hda1,hdb1] and hdb2. fscking dm-0 would lock hda and hdb, fscking hdb2 would lock hdb. Why would there ever be two instances of fsck running on hdb? | 11:33 |
mbiebl | Well, what about hda and hdc then | 11:33 |
mbiebl | This is, what I meant it get's a bit tricky to do it right. | 11:33 |
cort | so the actual decision of what to serialise requires some domain specific knowledge | 11:33 |
cort | gets tricky when you consider that with a recently kernel, hda and hdb show up as sda and sdb | 11:33 |
mbiebl | (if you use libata) | 11:34 |
ion_ | What problems would fscking two HDDs in the same ATA channel cause? | 11:34 |
cort | it would be slow i think | 11:34 |
cort | afaik the two would compete for i/o, just as if you tried to fsck two partitions on hda at the same time | 11:34 |
ion_ | I wouldnt expect it to be slower than serializing the checks. The problem in fscking two partitions on the same HDD is disk thrashing; any I/O waits are a consequence, not a cause. | 11:36 |
ion_ | If the ATA bus is faster than one of the HDDs, it would definitely be faster than serializing the checks. | 11:40 |
mbiebl | ion_: you still have the scenario, where a small 1gb lvm partition on disk2 would block disk2 for a long time | 11:46 |
ion_ | That is no worse than the current situation where nothing happens in parallel. | 11:47 |
ion_ | I.e. even in that scenario, there is no regression. | 11:48 |
ion_ | Getting rid of that problem would require some serious fsck hacking. | 11:48 |
mbiebl | Ok, off to bed now. | 11:59 |
mbiebl | G'night | 11:59 |
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