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jendajuliux: yo09:10
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jendayo? :)09:30
jendaOh - my - god... why does Dell sell Ubuntu with automatix? I'd sue them for brand damaging.09:31
Madpilotjenda, you're serious? They're planning on bundling that thing into their Ubuntu machines?09:33
jendaI'm afraid so.09:33
MadpilotI know it was mentioned on the page that listed Michael Dell's Ubuntu laptop09:34
jendaLemme search09:34
jendaI found it on a Czech news site.09:34
jendaMadpilot: well, look here: http://www.novinky.cz/internet/software/americky-dell-zacina-prodavat-pocitace-s-linuxem_114320_2nrgu.html09:35
jendaCome to think of it, maybe they just took the picture from Mr. Dell's blog.09:35
Madpilotyeah, that's from the blog09:35
jendaIt's bad enough he himself uses it ;)09:36
jendaI think, considering the amount of support the Ubuntu community gives for automatix-infected machines, it wouldn't be a smart move on Dell's side.09:36
MadpilotI can't imagine that Canonical would be too pleased if Dell wanted to set something official up w/ them, but use 3rd party tools with awful reputations09:37
jendaI panicked there a bit ;) What a relief09:37
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jendalol, I opened up the comments there, wanting to add a few notes... but jeez, just reading a few submissions puts me off.09:42
jendaThe Czech online population is really... well... not the brightest folks around :)09:43
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juliuxjenda, ?10:45
jendajuliux: about that black t-shirt10:48
juliuxjenda, ah yes10:49
jendathe guy doesn't want two blue ones, so we'll have to remove that shirt from the order.10:49
juliuxi will send you some more money for the stickers back ok?10:50
jendajuliux: when could you pay for the stickers?10:52
juliuxjenda, in the next days10:52
juliuxwe get a damn good price for the shirts10:53
jendahehe :)10:53
juliuxi ordered yesterday 255 shirts10:53
jendaI had to delay the stickers, because I simply didn't have enough cash on hand to pay for both them and the posters.10:53
jendanice number :)10:53
jenda1111111 in binary ;)10:53
juliuxand he nows that we allready did 150 shirts last november;)10:54
jendaerm, I'm not a geek, really, I'm not :)10:54
juliuxand we told him that perhaps we will order twice a year10:54
jendawell, that sure is gonna make him give you a good price.10:54
jendaWhat does that mean for your buyers, juliux? :)10:54
juliuxjenda, nothing;)10:55
jendathought so ;)10:55
jendajuliux: would you like me to bring any of the A2 posters to Dresden?10:56
juliuxjenda, not needed;910:56
jendayou got your own now?10:56
juliuxi will print two din a0 posters for the expos10:56
jendaWell, I meant, perhaps for the loco folks :)10:56
juliuxi will ask them10:56
jendaI'll have trouble selling them, because the international shipping is expensive on them - and people won't as easily buy 10 A2 posters as they did A3s11:00
jendaI only made them because the French LoCo wanted them.11:00
juliuxask all the locoteams11:00
jendaI'm doing - but I don't want to look like a spammer :)11:00
juliuxyou are not a spammer11:02
juliuxyou can only sell something if you ask everybody you know11:02
jendahehe :)11:11
jendaof course11:11
juliuxjenda, write an e-mail to the locoteam mailinglist and ask them that they ask there locoteams11:12
juliuxthat was the fasted shippit ever, 11:15
juliuxjenda, i got my ubuntu cds;)11:15
jendayay :)11:15
jendajuliux: will do11:15
jendagood idea11:15
juliuxjenda, from the 255shirts are "only" 170 for germany;)11:15
jendaneat :)11:17
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jendajuliux: how much did you pay for them t-shirts?11:21
juliuxjenda, you mean what we pay for one t-shirt?11:22
jendanah, I meant, the budget of the entire project11:22
jendaif it's not too much of a secret that is :)11:22
juliuxour limit was 300011:22
juliuxand we pay now 260011:22
jendaI just checked my files, and all I ever spent all together on all the posters, stickers and stuff was 100011:23
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juliuxhi jono 02:43
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jendaelkbuntu: yo03:08
jendaelkbuntu: see locoteam ML, which I've spammed ;) The A2 posters are no worse to ship than the A3s03:08
elkbuntuim still waiting for the spam to come in before i can see what mail there is ;)03:09
juliuxjenda, the old spammer from CZ ;)03:11
jendanot old, yet :)03:12
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jendameatballhat: oi04:23
jendajuliux: ping04:23
jendameatballhat: what is... this? diy.devubuntu.com ?04:23
meatballhatjenda: :)04:27
jendaHow's yes an answer to 'what's this'? :)04:27
meatballhatdon't fret04:27
=== jenda fret
meatballhatjenda: lookie here -->  meatballhat.com/ubuntu/04:27
meatballhatand here:   wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite/DesignSpec04:28
=== jenda saw
jendacool :)04:28
meatballhatyou and Troy are officially my grouchy mentors ;-)04:29
meatballhatI'm enjoying every moment of it04:29
jendahehe :)04:31
jendaI really like that DVD cover.04:31
meatballhatjenda: the end product will make you proud ... I promise  ;-)04:31
jendaok :)04:31
meatballhatjenda: good to hear :D04:32
jendahehe :)04:36
jendameatballhat: do you know a 'Martin Owens'?04:36
jendameatballhat: I'm just sending him some posters, and he lives in Boston, MA04:37
jendais that a different Boston?04:37
meatballhatjenda: same Boston, but it's been 22 years since I lived there  ;-)04:38
meatballhatI'd like to know Martin Owens, though .... that's a trustworthy name if I ever heard one  :P04:39
jendayou've never heard his wife's name, man04:39
jendashe sent teh payment :D04:39
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juliuxjenda, pong06:24
jendanevermind :)06:30
jendahmm, one thing, though :)06:31
jendajuliux: when do you expect the shirts?06:31
juliuxjenda, they will arrive 25.5 in berlin for the linuxtag06:31
jendayou can expect me some time after that, then :)06:32
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nixternaljenda: well because of you I finally donated some love to the PDPC08:19
jendaoooh ;)08:20
nixternalI am planning on donating $32/quarter08:20
jendaI'd like it more if you donated to me because of Freenode, but hey - this is the next best thing! :)08:20
=== jenda runs :)
nixternalI need to up my fsf donations as well before I forget08:21
nixternalooh, you get a fancy cloak for donating08:21
nixternaldoes that over-write my ubuntu cloak?08:22
nixternalok cool08:23
nixternalrock on, and how long does it take to kick in?08:23
nixternalI want people to know who I support damnit!08:23
jendaabout two weeks, unfortunately.08:23
nixternaltis fine08:23
nixternalwhy so slow?08:23
nixternalthey are quick to charge my card, but slow to tack on the cloak ;)08:24
jendabecause only one person is authorised to do that.08:24
nothlitHey-- what do you guys think of ubuntu as--when you're trying to promote it--what exactly are you promoting?08:31
=== nothlit is trying to gather concepts for a community theme
jendaI'm not sure I understand08:35
nothlitok--in other channels, i asked--what feelings and emotions are evoked when you think of ubuntu as a distro, and its community08:41
nothlitsome key words i have are Single Words08:42
nothlitChoice. Customisability. Freedom. Friendships. Collaboration. Contribution. Power. Ease. Helping. Enabling.08:42
nothlitStarting Ground. 08:42
nothlitdo you get where i'm going?08:42
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jendanothlit: sorry, my connection stopped working and then I had to run off09:33
jendaI'll write what thoughts I have in a sec :)09:34
nothlitahh, that'd be great :D09:34
nothlitjenda: https://people.fluxbuntu.org/~nothlit/communitytheme/gutsy/literature/concepts.html --this is what I'm working on atm09:35
jendahmm, I'm slowly getting it ;)09:40
jendanothlit: but I don't know what its for09:41
nothlitjenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/CommunityTheme09:42
nothlitignore the concepts though--we're starting from the ground up09:42
jendacommunitytheme = me likey09:43
jendaSounds a bit like Ubun2 - 209:43
jendadoesn't it?09:43
jendaIt's what I'd like it to be :)09:43
jendawhat was it about the ubuntu concepts, though?09:43
jendaI still don't really understand09:43
nothlitjenda: hmm? no ubunt2 is troy_s' baby, hes going for a particular motif and its not a community concept generated and designed project09:46
nothlitjenda: lol, start from the bottom of this page, and work your way up and you'll understand our workflow http://www.isity.net/blog/?cat=509:47
jendanothlit: ok :)09:58
nothlitjenda: any word on nun?10:00
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jendanothlit: nope... I still didn't have a chance to discuss with nalioth, sorry :|10:11
jendanothlit: my exams are starting, so I'm really hard-pressed10:12
nothlitjenda: thats fine--we're still discussing absorbing the hardware team and getting things started--it'd be great to have you guys on board though10:13
jendaI'll try to catch him some time, but I'm tired today, and well... sheesh... so many things, so little time :)10:13
jendaI _should_ be translating to meet my deadline, but I am not :)10:14
jendaoh well10:14
jendanothlit: ok, I looked through the Community Theme, and it is what I hoped Ubun2 would be, is more precise ;)10:18
jendaI would really like that to happen.10:18
jendaBut my skills in the area are nill.10:18
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