
AlexLatchfordhmm, well this machine has been up for.. 23:27:16 up 4 days, 11:20,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.34, 0.4112:27
AlexLatchfordwithout any restarts..12:27
asacmaybe you logged out?12:27
asacand in?12:27
AlexLatchfordnot that I can think of..12:27
AlexLatchfordI am the only user of the computer..12:28
asacmaybe a crash?12:28
asacwhile dragging bookmarks :-P12:28
asachonestly i am not sure when bookmarks.html is updated ... e.g. directly when you change bookmark state12:28
asacor if you close12:28
asaci think the former12:28
asacmaybe your disk was full?12:29
asacthis is known to cause plenty problems12:29
asacbad thing is that thunderbird is already build :)12:30
asacprobably i should push fixed version soon12:30
AlexLatchfordhmm, disk is nowhere near full12:31
asacif i am lucky people will hold back because enigmail or locales are not yet there :)12:31
asaccrazy thing12:31
asacand you don't remember some kind of crash?12:31
asace.g. maybe even during upgrade?12:31
AlexLatchfordhmm, not that I can think of12:31
asacor you needed to kill firefox processes? anything else which was "not normal" ?12:32
asacthen nevermind ;)12:32
AlexLatchfordI kill firefox processes all the time lol12:32
AlexLatchfordnever did any harm before lol12:32
asacyeah ... but there is the chance ... you know the unlikely chance12:32
AlexLatchfordyeah, alot when viewing about 30 tabs12:32
asacyou kill?12:33
asace.g. like kill PID12:33
asacor through gnome process list?12:33
AlexLatchfordwell I use killall firefox-bin12:33
asacyeah ... ok then we should file it under that category :)12:33
asacthanks for trying though.12:33
AlexLatchfordyeah, most likely.. no problems :)12:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111818 in firefox "firefox choose helper application dialog is useless" [Undecided,Confirmed] 12:38
asaci somehow don't get where people get the energy to talk so much trollish things12:38
asaclike ... "The choose-helper-application dialog is fundamentally broken in a way12:38
asacthat's not fixable."12:38
AlexLatchfordhmm, I am getting the SSL error now12:39
asacthen ...  File type association and the required user12:39
asacinterface for it is a tricky process that is quite hard to get right.12:39
asacAlexLatchford: yes12:39
asacyou can fix it like12:39
asaccd /usr/lib/firefox     (as root)12:39
asacln -s ../nss/libnssckbi.so12:39
asacall done as root12:40
asacor ln with sudo :)12:40
asacsame for tbird 2.0 if you use it12:40
AlexLatchfordaha okay12:41
asacanyway ... this shows us that not many people are using preview archive12:41
asacwhich we should find a way to change :)12:41
asacas its exactly the reason why we have it ;)12:42
asacespecially when doing major packaging changes12:42
asacmaybe once gnomefreak is a bit more used to the procedures we should spread the word12:42
asacand at best keep firefox-trunk out of official archive for some time ... e.g. to attract more users ;)12:43
asacbad trick ... i know ;)12:43
asaceven the firefox test plan https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/QA ... would have revealed that ;)12:44
asacok night01:11
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AlexLatchfordasac: you going to Seville?10:27
asactomorrow is ramp up ;)10:28
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=== pochu waves!
pochuasac: the latest firefox upload has broken liferea, it now segfaults at startup, and doesn't build anymore as it is02:26
pochuchecking for MOZILLA... no02:27
pochufirefox: nochecking for MOZILLA... no02:27
pochuconfigure: error:02:27
pochu*** You must have either the GtkHTML2, XulRunner or the Mozilla02:27
pochu*** development libraries installed in order to build Liferea!02:27
pochubut there is firefox-dev there02:28
pochuasac: do you know why this can be?02:29
asaccan you try a respin please?02:41
asacpochu: ^^^02:41
=== asac currently fiddling with wireless network :)
asacpochu: what does lifeares use in confiigure.in ?02:42
asacfirefox-config ? or pkg-config?02:42
asacdamn ... my archive mirror is pretty slow now02:48
asacok lunch02:48
bluekujaasac: tell me when you're back02:55
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pochuasac: it uses pkg-config03:29
asacpochu: maybe look what test fails ... so we know more03:41
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pochuasac: this is where liferea looks at the mozilla engine: http://pastebin.ca/47079804:33
pochuemilio@kiko:~$ pkg-config --libs-only-L firefox-gtkmozembed04:44
pochuPackage nspr was not found in the pkg-config search path.04:44
pochuPerhaps you should add the directory containing `nspr.pc'04:44
pochuto the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable04:44
pochuPackage 'nspr', required by 'XPCOM', not found04:44
pochuthat's wasn't happening with previous firefox, IIRC04:45
pochuIf I'm true, listen shouldn't build, too04:45
pochuyes, it fails04:52
pochuSo that's the reason they're failing, I think04:53
pochuasac: do you know why that's broken?04:53
pochudebian/control.in, debian/control, debian/rules: use system-nspr and system-nss; drop libnss3 and libnspr4 and friends from control files; remove debhelper files accordingly04:54
pochu^ Maybe that's the reason04:54
asaccan you paste the configure.in section that tests this?05:35
asacis libnspr4-dev installed for you?05:36
pochuasac: it isn't, but if I try to install it, it wants to remove half of my system05:38
asacpochu: yeah right05:40
pochumaybe if I add it to build-depends...05:44
bluekujaasac: I tried to follow a comment i got in revu about the package05:47
bluekujaasac: the best solution would be to apply it on the gtorrent-viewer dir right after unpacking it, and add automake1.4, intltool to Build-Depends (so that itll rerun autotools during the build only), and you should have a cleaner diff.gz.05:47
bluekujaasac: I tried doing it, but it mess all up05:48
bluekujaasac: do yout think is it possible to do?05:48
pochuasac: wow, it has worked! :)05:48
pochugonna test it now05:48
asacpochu: what has worked?05:48
asacsorry i dropped the ball :)05:49
pochuasac: liferea has built :)05:49
asacwhat did you do to fix it? just upgrade everything to latest?05:50
pochuasac: nope, add "libnspr4-dev" to build-depends05:50
pochudoes that make sense?05:50
pochuwithout it, pkg-config didn't find gtkmozembed, I think05:51
pochuand it really needed a rebuild, because it was crashing05:51
pochujust after launching it05:51
pochuit didn't started, even05:51
pochuasac: both liferea and listen aren't working, so I suppose every other application using the gtkembedmoz engine won't work anymore, and will need a rebuild05:59
pochuasac: is that ok?05:59
pochuI say it to upload a new liferea or not :)05:59
asacpochu: i think you just have to change build depends to libnspr4-dev06:04
asacnot libnspr-dev06:04
asacif you use libnspr-dev ... packages might not get upgraded properly06:04
asacmaybe i need to add a conflict somewhere06:05
asacbut yes ... all applications probably need a respin06:05
pochuasac: ok, then I'll do it!06:08
pochuthanks for your help06:08
pochuand for the transition, you might want to mail the ml :)06:09
asacyes definitly :)06:11
asaci have to upload another firefox before ... as not all headers had been included properly06:11
asacbut then i will do :)06:11
pochubtw I already have a debdiff for liferea :)06:12
pochuI'm fast! :-)06:12
asacwow :-P06:13
asacbluekuja: running autotools during build is usually evil06:49
bluekujaasac: :D06:49
asacand actually automake-1.4 appeared to have caused the problems ... so if you do it ... use latest automake06:50
bluekujaasac: I think that diff problem is quite impossible to make more clean06:50
asacyou can repack upstream tarball06:50
asace.g. unpack ...run autotools ...pack again06:50
bluekujado you think that GTorrentViewer problem wont happen?06:51
asacand BUG upstream to do it for you :)06:51
bluekujaasac: nevermind06:51
bluekujaasac: didnt see your text above06:52
bluekujaasac: now i try to do it06:52
bluekujaunpack, autools, and repack06:52
bluekujagonna ping you with results soon06:52
asacyes ... add something to upstream version06:52
asacprobably i am gone ... i have to finish preparations for travel06:53
asacbut you can try06:53
asacif you repack ... remove debian directory as well from tarball06:53
asacbluekuja: ^^^06:54
bluekujaasac: :D06:54
bluekujaasac: going to sevilla?06:54
bluekujaasac: cool, do you travel to italy too sometimes?06:56
asacat least if i didn't mess up my booking completely :)06:56
asacif there is UDS ;) ... otherwise depends on my holiday planning06:56
bluekujaasac: if you come....I'll give you my phone number06:57
bluekujaand we can meet somewhere06:57
bluekujain italy06:57
asacsure ... where are you based?06:57
bluekujanear venice :D06:57
asacoh nice ;)06:58
bluekujaasac: for dpkg-source -x should I use diff from revu as you did?06:59
bluekujaafter unpacking, autotools, repacking06:59
asacgood question ... try to figure out :) ... if you do right your diff should almost the same then what i posted07:00
asacbut remember to keep the changelog from upstream debian/ directory07:00
bluekujammmm...what you mean?07:00
bluekujaupstream changelog should be placed where?07:01
asacyou add it to your debian/ dir07:01
asacand add your new entry07:01
asace.g. reuse it07:01
bluekujaoh....you mean adding a new entry in debian/changelog with last changes?07:01
asace.g. upstream changelog because ubuntu changelog07:01
asacjust keep the change histroy of upstream when you delete debian/ dir in upstream tarball07:02
bluekujaoh ok07:02
bluekujanow I have to figure out07:02
bluekujawith that problem07:02
asacok ... out for a while07:03
bluekujaok ;)07:03
asacyou will do it ... you learn most if you discover how to do on your own :)07:03
bluekujaasac: diff file now it's 10000 lines instead of 2100007:11
bluekujaas before07:11
bluekuja60kb instead of 140 kb07:11
bluekujaasac: not really clean as your one (2.9 kb) lol07:12
bluekujaasac: still to big?07:13
bluekujaasac: rebuilded it....now i get a 2.1 kb diff file07:17
bluekujabut it get GTorrentVIewer problem07:18
[Cade2] Just want to thank you guys for getting FF and TB2 packaged up finally =D09:38
AlexLatchfordasac: How do I output diff's to a file?09:47
AlexLatchfordI grabbed a copy of TB's source and am messing about trying to create patches, I can get it to see the diff's I have made, but cannot work out how to output them to a file like in the debian/patches format..09:48
asachow do you see the diffs you made?09:56
asacAlexLatchford: ^^09:57
AlexLatchfordin the terminal window09:57
AlexLatchfordI just added some random text to a few files..09:57
bluekujaasac: README problems fixed09:57
AlexLatchfordI am presuming there is just an option I pass to get it to output them into a file..09:58
AlexLatchfordjust the help message is darn confusing..09:58
asacAlexLatchford: there are two cases:09:58
asac1. you change something below debian/09:58
asac2. you change something in mozilla source (e.g. build-tree/mozilla)09:59
asac1. is simple09:59
AlexLatchfordI made changes in /mozilla09:59
asacin build-tree/mozilla ?09:59
AlexLatchfordyes, just some dummy ones..09:59
asachow do you see the diffs at the moment?10:00
asace.g. you said: "I can get it to see the diff's I have made"10:00
AlexLatchfordWell say I have added the line '<test></test>' to an XUL file, it then repeats the command back to me..10:01
AlexLatchfordthe line even10:01
AlexLatchfordbut doesn;t seem to produce a diff file under the directory I am running the command from..10:01
asacah ok10:01
asacwe have quilt for patch management10:01
asacand you should use it to maintain changes10:02
asacits not that difficult10:02
AlexLatchfordaha okay10:02
asacit just needs a bit concentration that you actually register files you are going to change10:02
asacyou start from clean sources10:02
asace.g. abort a build10:02
asacnow if you want to add some feature10:02
asacor some change you do:10:02
AlexLatchfordah, makes sense10:02
asaclook in the bottom most box10:03
asacyou see it?10:03
asacquilt push -a10:03
asacand so on10:03
AlexLatchfordyeah yeah, seems fairly simple10:03
asacgive it a try :)10:03
AlexLatchfordI will, may as well give the programming knowledge I have trying to fix some of the problems users have10:04
asacto produce a patch i the current form i use refresh like this10:04
asacquilt refresh --diffstat -U810:04
asacgo ahead10:04
AlexLatchfordaha okay10:04
asacif you have edited files that you registered with the topmost patch (see wiki example)10:04
asacit will automatically update the diff (or add the new one)10:05
AlexLatchfordhmm okay10:05
asacjust play around with quilt and read manpage10:06
asacits fairly simple10:06
AlexLatchfordyeah I will do10:08
asacbut can be tricky ;)10:08
AlexLatchfordI know a lot of programming concepts, not many languages though, but it shouldn't be too hard to pick up..10:09
AlexLatchfordasac: you flying out to Seville tomorrow?10:14
asacprog. concepts are important, but practice is still the single best way :) mozilla code might be tough to start with ;) ... but of course exciting.10:14
asacAlexLatchford: yes10:15
AlexLatchfordcool cool10:15
AlexLatchfordI am getting the concept of the patching system now, its to allow patches to be abstracted from the core code..10:16
asacgood thing for mozilla is that there are various things you can do ... e.g. start with xul, javascript (chrome)... go to more complex javascript components ... then high-level C++ components and then core components :)10:16
AlexLatchford(Was unaware of that before)10:16
asacAlexLatchford: yes you might say it that way ... though it sound academic :)10:16
AlexLatchfordI already know a fair amount of javascript10:16
AlexLatchford(I am like to sound posher than I really am lol)10:16
AlexLatchfordsed -i '1 s/^/MUHAHA/' README10:17
AlexLatchfordI dont really understand this line..10:17
asacits just a line to change something10:17
asace.g. replace that in your thoughts with editing README file10:17
asacor any other file you previously added to your patch10:17
AlexLatchfordyeah, I figured it was replacing something, but it is to the README file.. cool10:18
asacbecause README was added further above i guess :)10:18
AlexLatchfordhmm okay.. so this basically is allowing you to only change small sections at a time, 1/2 lines10:19
asacno you can change as much as you like :)10:19
AlexLatchfordbut you have to type it into the terminal?10:20
asacthe sed commmand is just a synonym for "change as much in README file as you like"10:20
AlexLatchfordor can you supply files as arguements?10:20
AlexLatchfordhmm okay10:20
asaci hope you don't want me to explain sed?10:20
AlexLatchfordI wont :)10:20
asace.g. as it doesn't matter for this case ;)10:20
AlexLatchfordI get the concept of sed :)10:21
asacjust remember to add a file you want to change to the patch you want the changes to be included in10:21
asacthen edit that file10:21
asacand do quilt refresh10:21
asacactually the quilt pop -a  unapplies all changes at the end10:22
asacwhich is usually not what you want10:22
AlexLatchfordahhh, okay10:22
asacbut its just a demonstration10:22
asacyou can push them all10:22
asacor just push some10:22
AlexLatchfordyes I see10:22
asacor delete a patch you don't want anymore10:22
asace.g. pop - unapply ... push - apply10:22
asacthose are good places to start with10:23
asacprobably firs the mozilla link10:23
asacthen the xulplanet as kind of api reference10:23
AlexLatchfordthanks :)10:24
asacthats the mainpage of course :)10:24
asacbtw, mozilla guy finally came to blog about our patch approval :)10:29
asacits the blog of mike connor ... owner of the firefox code module in mozilla tree10:29
asacgood place to see what magnitude the mozilla project has :)10:30
bluekujaasac: is possible to optimize javascripts fonts in mozilla?10:34
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AlexLatchfordasac: hehe, working nicely10:39
AlexLatchfordsimple little tool that..10:40
asacbluekuja: dunno what you mean by "javascripts fonts"11:03
bluekujaasac: a guy reported that when a  java application is open in firefox, fonts are quite unreadable11:04
bluekujaso he asked if is possible to change/modify them11:04
asacso ... java is not javascript11:06
asacjava applets have their own fonts11:07
asaci am the wrong guy to ask about how they do integrate with mozilla11:07
asacaeh with ubuntu11:07
asacAdmiral_Chicago: the branch urls have changed ... bughelper code was moved to new team realm "~bughelper". cluefiles are still at ~bugsquad11:18
asacAdmiral_Chicago: just read of proposed mentorees in bts11:19
Admiral_Chicagoasac: i saw that on the ML, i'll review them soon11:38
Admiral_Chicagoand let people know that soon11:39
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asacAdmiral_Chicago: fine12:11
asaclets see how this works out :) ... i am excited ;)12:11
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