
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool189.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu
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dfgas__why is it when you install edubuntu that its not exactly like the cd?03:11
dfgas__live cd03:11
dabaRdfgas__: is the other computer that has edubuntu close by?03:20
dfgas__i have it on vnc03:21
dfgas__otherwise its in the other room03:21
dabaROK, see whether the edubuntu-desktop package is installed.03:21
dfgas__yes it is, that was the first thing i checked03:22
dabaRNo idea. Do you need help installing the programs, or are you curious as to why they are not just included?03:22
dfgas__just curious to why its not installed03:23
dfgas__its just ubuntu with a different theme, same programs installed03:23
dabaROK. I do not know the answer. I expect you are likely to get an answer here than #ubuntu, but try both.03:23
dfgas__k thanks03:24
dfgas__why is it when you install edubuntu that its not exactly like the cd? it didn't install any of the educational programs that are on the live cd03:29
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bimberidfgas__: did you install from the livecd?03:43
bimberihm, that's interesting .. i don't know why sorry.03:44
=== Sleepy_Coder [n=sucky_ke@adsl-69-225-11-254.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #edubuntu
dfgas__oh its a bug03:48
dfgas__so 7.04 edubuntu is just a pretty ubuntu and nothing educational about it03:48
bimberidfgas__: there is the server addon cd03:50
bimberi... with educational apps.  I would have thought the livecd would install the same packages as you have in live mode.  I'll be checking that out myself later.03:51
dfgas__bimberi: there is a bug in the 7.04 installer04:02
dfgas__it removes all that stuff at the end04:03
dfgas__of the install04:03
bimberinice.  not.04:03
dfgas__lol, i read up in the forums about it04:04
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dfgas__is there a fix for 7.04?06:13
bimberidfgas__: is there a bug report?06:30
dfgas__its been talked about in the forum, its been out  what a month now, or close to it. i haven't checked yet06:31
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dfgas__ where do i find the bug report site?06:51
bimberidfgas__: http://bugs.ubuntu.com06:52
dfgas__putting in a bug report, hopefully going from 6.06.1 to 7.04 will work07:03
dfgas__i have 2 possibly 3 computers her ei want to put it on07:03
dfgas__and ofcourse, lauchpad is having isues07:04
bimberiis there a bug report? ;P07:18
Bhaskar1Any interesting Educational Software for children ?07:21
dfgas__bimberi: i don't see one07:32
bimberidfgas__: then report it.  I reckon it's a howler.07:34
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pygihi ogra and Amaranth10:03
pygihow is it going?10:05
ajmitchhi pygi10:06
pygio ajmitch :)10:06
=== encompass [n=encompas@dsl-hvkgw1-fe6ffa00-119.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #edubuntu
pygiajmitch, how goes it? All fine? :)10:09
ajmitchyeah, alright :)10:10
encompassmorning everyone... :|10:12
pygiajmitch, :P10:12
pygimorning encompass10:12
=== pygi is fighting ascii charsets, conversion, and stuff like that
pygievil stuff :P10:13
=== ajmitch is sitting around talking about ubuntu
=== RichEd [i=richard@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-b3253cf5e1499449] has joined #edubuntu
encompasspygi: did you see the blog about ascii conversion?10:15
pygiajmitch, haha, at sevilla?10:15
encompasslet me get it... quite a challenge10:15
ajmitchpygi: sure10:15
pygiajmitch, nice :)10:15
RichEdhi guys ... hola from spain10:15
pygiRichEd, ^_^10:16
encompassRichEd: Moi! from Finland!10:16
RichEdpygi, encompass ... :)10:16
encompassRichEd: I am rather new to Irc, how did you get that @ conference stuff in your incoming message10:25
RichEdencompass: that issued by the local server I am connecting through, which someone here has named with the conference bit10:27
RichEdit changes when I am connecting through ADSL at home10:27
RichEdcheck out pygi's one ... you'll see an ADSL in there, via his telco10:27
encompassI see10:28
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Bhaskar1where can i get good documentation of LTSP 510:38
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sbalneavThey see me napping...02:17
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=== highvoltage raises hand
sbalneavThey hatin'02:17
highvoltagethey sleepin'!02:17
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Burgundaviaogra__: hmm?02:19
ogra__Burgundavia, we had a spare session and want to look at the thing now02:20
ogra__room F if you are intrested02:20
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pygisbalneav, :P02:24
sbalneavHello pygi02:25
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highvoltageWHOHOO!!! http://www.wired.com/politics/law/news/2007/05/reiser02:34
dfgas__why is it when you install edubuntu that its not exactly like the cd? it didn't install any of the educational programs that are on the live cd02:35
dfgas__stupid launch pad won't let me submit a bug report, it just gives me an error02:36
sbalneavdfgas__: You need to download the second cd.02:36
Burgundaviadfgas__: what is the specific error you get on LP?02:37
dfgas__this is the desktop cd02:37
sbalneavThere's too much stuff to fit on one cd, so edubuntu was split across 2 cds02:37
sbalneavYou'll want the classroom addon cd02:38
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dfgas__isn't that just for the classrom cd02:38
sbalneavit's got all the educational apps on it.02:38
sbalneavWhen you stick it in, it automatically pops up the installer.  It's kind of cool.02:39
sbalneavThat will give you all the fun bits you need :)02:39
dfgas__the desktop cd remove a bunch of stuff on the install02:39
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dfgas__so how am i supposed to install it when it never asked for a second cd?02:41
jsgotangcosbalneav: the palm sync via ltsp, is it planned to sync in a user's instance of evo?02:42
jsgotangcohighvoltage: yeah the story gets stranger02:43
sbalneavdfgas__: When you put in the second cd, the installer will pop up02:45
sbalneavjsgotangco: That's the hope.02:45
jsgotangcogo for broke!02:45
=== pips1 [i=philipp@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-afdae767f867dc64] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcosbalneav: the current todo conduit in gnome-pilot is broken though02:46
sbalneavHas a bug been filed?02:46
jsgotangcoi must check with gutsy settings though02:47
jsgotangcothe rest of the conduits work fine thoughb02:47
jsgotangcobut once that todo sucker is done, the sync is almost perfect02:47
=== willvdl__ [i=will@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-62ad7d707076e446] has joined #edubuntu
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highvoltagehey cbx3302:53
cbx33hey highvoltage02:53
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cbx33hey willvdl02:55
willvdlhey there02:56
jsgotangcohey you guys02:59
cbx33hey jsgotangco03:01
jsgotangcohey mr. vcsfrenzy03:02
jsgotangcoerr? i didn't know jordan is in spain03:04
jsgotangcoerrr? and JaneW too???03:05
pygiajmitch, how is that network stuff going?03:05
cbx33hey jsgotangco03:06
cbx33you likey vcsfrenzy ?03:06
pygicbx33, uh, you're here03:06
pygihey :P03:06
pygiyou do know you took my idea, right? :-D03:06
cbx33did I?03:06
pygiwell, now you do :P03:06
jsgotangcolet the patent wars begin03:06
pygijsgotangco, nah, I'll actually help him ^_^ Not that he needs help today anymore tho03:07
jsgotangcocbx33: yes i use it (on the machine downstairs)03:07
ajmitchpygi: alright03:07
cbx33jsgotangco, it's gotten some new upgrades recently03:08
pygiajmitch, great to hear it03:08
cbx33sound support03:08
=== ajmitch waves to cbx33 & jsgotangco
cbx33and global config options03:08
cbx33hey ajmitch03:08
pygicbx33, why heh? :P03:08
jsgotangcohey ajmitch03:08
cbx33pygi, why what?03:08
jsgotangcowe're the "we suck because we03:08
jsgotangcowe're the "we suck because we're not in spain" group03:08
cbx33cooking melonpan03:08
cbx33too bad no one else is here :p03:08
jsgotangcoyeah its a good time to sulk03:09
Kamping_Kaisercan i join you?03:09
jsgotangcoof course, we have lots of room to spare03:09
=== ajmitch should find ogra & talk with him about pam at some point later
Kamping_Kaiserthank you03:09
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, pervert :P03:09
=== jsgotangco will have his redemption in boston hopefully
ajmitchKamping_Kaiser: you must have a sick mind03:10
Kamping_Kaiserajmitch, of course03:10
Kamping_Kaiseranyone know about not-x86 only virtualisation?03:10
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cbx33i suppose I should package vcsfrenzy03:20
jsgotangcogood idea03:22
jsgotangcoyou already have it as an lp product anyways03:22
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jsgotangconext is have it pushed on universe03:22
cbx33i just can't be bother at the mo03:23
jsgotangcono need to rush too :)03:24
cbx33jsgotangco, what version are you running?03:24
jsgotangcocbx33: i can't recall, its the laptop running feisty that has it downstairs03:24
cbx33think if i deb it more people will use it?03:25
jsgotangconext week i have lots of time in my hands to see it and test03:25
jsgotangcoi'll have a whole month for myself and do what i want03:25
highvoltageogra__: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuK12LTSPFeatures?highlight=%28k12ltsp%2903:25
highvoltagehttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuK12LTSPFeatures , even03:26
cbx33wow nice03:26
cbx33jsgotangco, got any feature requests?03:26
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool87.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33maybe I'll write them now?03:26
jsgotangcoi can think of things by next week03:26
jsgotangcoright now im tied up between wanting to digg through your code and squash more bugs in sahana03:27
jsgotangcoits a web app used for disaster management03:28
jsgotangcoi know the upstream developers personally and 2 of us are designing the centralized grid service03:28
jsgotangcoits a freaky project though, we make software used for disasters03:29
jsgotangcoits kind of strange when you design a module that says "please bring a dozen body bags along with some formalin solution"03:31
cbx33quite sombering03:32
jsgotangcosomeone's got to do it though03:32
jsgotangcoit helped a lot during the tsumai disaster in the region03:32
jsgotangcotsunami rather03:32
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pygievil lag :-/03:37
pygihi bddebian :)03:38
=== willvdl_ [i=will@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-0bf32d2573e85c53] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltageogra__: http://jonathancarter.co.za/ubuntu-stuff-catching-up03:41
jsgotangcohighvoltage: such a tiny piece of hardware but looks more bulkier na XO-103:43
jsgotangcothan rather03:43
highvoltagejsgotangco: yeah03:45
highvoltagejsgotangco: the hardware is nicer, but it doesn't have any special interface. of course, that can be changed ;)03:45
jsgotangcothe classmate pc is pretty much a small version of a celeron m anyways03:46
highvoltageit's a strong cpu. you can even to composite stuff on it (even compiz runs on it)03:47
highvoltagewell, strong compared to the geode and via cpu's, at least :)03:47
jammcqhighvoltage: s/strong/powerful/03:47
jammcqdon't wanna confuse people with StrongArm cpu03:47
jsgotangcoit can break bricks!03:47
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jsgotangcohighvoltage: have you heard of the INK?03:48
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cliebow_jsgotangco, can you post the link for jonsthancarters photos?03:48
highvoltagejsgotangco: nope. got a link?03:48
highvoltagecliebow_: which one? I have lots of photo links :)03:48
jsgotangcohighvoltage: http://www.ink-media.com/03:48
jsgotangcothis one is different, running a freescale CPU03:48
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cliebow_from uds/03:48
highvoltagecliebow_: http://photos.jonathancarter.co.za/uds-gutsy03:49
cliebow_much obliged..gotta see my boy trask03:49
highvoltagecliebow_: I don't have lots of uds-specific photos yet, but will upload much more in the coming days. check the other albums too, there are a LOT of ubuntu photos03:49
cliebow_the link i wanted scrolled off..guess i need to look around03:50
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jsgotangcothere's also the VIA PC-1 initiative03:51
jsgotangcoand a slew of other chinese projects running on godson03:52
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dfgas__when do i pop in the classroom addon cd to the desktop cd? after desktop boots up or while still into the desktop live cd?04:50
sbalneavAfter the install04:51
dfgas__so before i reboot ehh?04:51
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sbalneavdfgas__: No, after you reboot, and the install's finished.05:06
sbalneavInstall the base system, reboot, and install the addon cd,05:06
=== pauljw_vm [n=Paul@pool87.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #edubuntu
dfgas__right at the end of the installer it removes all that stuff05:12
dfgas__why not just fix it and realse and updated version05:12
sbalneavWhat does it remove?05:14
dfgas__gcpompris, tuxmat tux paint and a crap load of others05:15
dfgas__it installed all that stuff then removed it, this is the desktop cd05:15
sbalneavI just talked with ollie05:17
sbalneavApparently, yes, this is the case.05:17
sbalneavIt's because of the two cd split.  There's stuff on the live cd that isn't installed.05:17
sbalneavSo, like I say, you need to install the addon cd,05:18
dfgas__but the desktop cd installs that sutff then removes it05:18
sbalneavIt's a byproduct of the two cd edubuntu server split.05:21
sbalneavI suspect it will be fixed for gutsy.05:21
dfgas__but isn't the addon just for the server edition?05:25
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RichEddfgas__: we've been having some confusion around the naming ... we'll come up with a clearer description05:28
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EduardoLis anyone alive? ;)06:09
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EduardoLanyone here know about edubuntu project in brazil?06:17
RichEdEduardoL: hi06:31
RichEdare you the university student who mailed jono ?06:32
RichEdping nixternal06:32
EduardoLyes riched06:38
RichEdI have just sent you an email now ...06:38
RichEdI was busy with it when you appeared here :)06:38
EduardoLyou is who receive jono mails?06:41
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RichEdEduardoL: he sent the mail on to me ... I am the education programme manager06:47
RichEdSo I will be assisting with the University Programme06:48
EduardoLOh right!06:48
EduardoLI want to run the project Unicenp x Ubuntu in the same line of Edubundu and Ubuntu plans.06:55
EduardoLI was thinking in develop an children an poor children integration with technology and education, using cheap computers and ubuntu.06:55
EduardoLWhat you think about it? And do you have some idea to use this opportunity with us to grow up in brazil one of ubuntu/edubuntu projects?06:55
nixternalRichEd: pong?07:03
pips1nixternal: EduardoL: I tried poke RichEd here, but just left the room (here in Sevilla)07:16
pips1people are leaving for dinner...07:17
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EduardoLokz, thanks! i'll send him an e-mail07:18
willvdlhmmm, dinner07:20
=== skipper [n=tmoore99@adsl-69-152-241-9.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #edubuntu
skipperHi everyone07:29
=== pheonix_ [n=chatzill@123-108-230-1.snat05.hns.net.in] has joined #edubuntu
pheonix_anyone has a ubuntu 7.04 dvd07:31
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cliebow_iw there a url fore more info on ubuntu engineer certification?07:38
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=== topcat [n=tmoore99@adsl-69-152-241-9.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #edubuntu
topcatHi anyone!08:12
topcatHas anyone installed 7.04 and noticed any strange happenings?08:15
cbx33topcat, like?08:18
topcatWell after I installed it, my terminals would not connect or took a very long time to connect and my cpu showed 100%08:20
cbx33no i havn't experienced that08:22
cbx33later all08:22
topcatAnyone else with any ideas?08:23
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baweticI have a Edubuntu server with thin client. How is it possible to get gdm on the client in french ? Hanx08:57
bawetic I have a Edubuntu server with thin client running. How is it possible to get gdm on the client in french ? Hanx09:03
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=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-141-58.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #edubuntu
kbrookswhats up, everyone.10:37
highvoltagehi kbrooks!10:38
kbrooksi'd like to talk about a important thing.10:38
kbrookspromoting ubuntu to kids.10:38
kbrooksi suggest that right now, you try to promote ubuntu to me. pretend that i am using windows10:39
kbrookshighvoltage, ping :-)10:39
kbrooksand we c an see if things go along great in that area10:40
mariokbrooks, you're using windows?!10:40
mario/kick kbrooks10:40
kbrooksmario, no, lets pretend10:41
marioI know, I'm just joking10:41
marioignore me10:41
kbrooksoh, and assume that i dont know anything about computers10:41
mariothat's going to be great :P10:41
=== kbrooks hands the floor to edubuntu :P
=== a5benwillis [n=benwilli@71-12-14-250.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltagekbrooks: pong10:42
highvoltagekbrooks: ok, let's pretend you run Windows10:43
highvoltagekbrooks: Hi, how are you?10:43
kbrookshighvoltage, good.10:43
highvoltagekbrooks: great10:43
highvoltagekbrooks: we're having lots of fun at the Ubuntu Developers Summit this week10:43
kbrookshighvoltage, What is Ubuntu?10:43
highvoltagekbrooks: it's a complete operating system (in the same way you'd think of Windows as an operating system), which includes an office suite, web browser, email client (with scheduling), and much more10:45
highvoltagekbrooks: you can also download *lots* of add-ons for it10:45
highvoltagekbrooks: in many ways, it's even superior to Windows. especially in terms of security.10:45
highvoltagekbrooks: and the best of all... it's available for free!10:46
highvoltagekbrooks: you can even request CD's on their website, and they'll send you free discs!10:46
kbrookshighvoltage: OK, enough there :-)10:47
highvoltagekbrooks: it's based on various community projects, and it's in itself also a community project. you may even modify Ubuntu, rebrand it, and sell it as your own product, and completely legaly :)10:47
kbrookshighvoltage, your promotion is not very good :-)10:47
highvoltageoh, I was just getting started :/10:47
highvoltageI haven't even /started/ with Edubuntu :)10:48
kbrookshighvoltage, oh, ok, go on then10:48
highvoltagekbrooks: I've been working with new Linux users for years now :)10:48
kbrookshighvoltage, but you need to flesh out your kid promotion more10:48
kbrookshighvoltage, but please go on10:48
highvoltagekbrooks: kids? well, there's an Ubuntu sub-project called Edubuntu, which is a part of the Ubuntu community that modifies Ubuntu for use in schools10:49
highvoltagekbrooks: Edubuntu includes free educational content, and ships with a *Very* cool technology called LTSP, which is set up automatically during an edubuntu installation10:49
kbrookshighvoltage, what is LTSP?10:50
highvoltagekbrooks: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Services Project, which allows you to boot machines over the network without a local hard disk!10:50
mariohighvoltage, don't explain LTSP to kids :P10:50
highvoltageoh right, I'm supposed to be talking to kids, right?10:50
kbrookshighvoltage, yes10:50
kbrookshighvoltage, i'll clear screen10:51
kbrookshighvoltage, ok10:51
highvoltagekbrooks: how old are you? are you a boy or a girl?10:51
kbrookshighvoltage, 16, a boy10:51
highvoltageubuntu has some really cool games.10:52
highvoltageI'm trying to complete all the levels on xmoto10:52
highvoltageit's a motorbike game that's all about balance10:52
highvoltagesome levels are real difficult, but it's a lot of fun, and I get better each time I play it10:52
marioand weird physics :P10:52
highvoltagemario: indeed :)10:52
highvoltagekbrooks: there's also termulous, a first person shooter, which is fun to play over networks10:53
highvoltagekbrooks: and if you're interested in becomming a games developer one day, then there's something you would really love about these games10:53
kbrookshighvoltage, ok, ok, you can stop there please. admittely, you are a bad *buntu promoter :-)10:54
highvoltagekbrooks: and that's that you are allowed to look at the code of the games, and investigate how they work on the inside, so that you can learn how to write your own games10:54
highvoltagekbrooks: ok, show me how it should be done then :)10:54
mariohighvoltage, you're again talking about code10:55
kbrooksalso, games are not important10:55
highvoltagemario: yes, that's because he's 16 years old, so he wants to make games when he grows up10:55
kbrooksi'll turn the tables10:56
mariohighvoltage, it's not funny :P Making games is not as easy as playing them :P10:56
highvoltagein real life, I would actually prod and poke a bit to find the interests of the potential user first10:56
kbrookshighvoltage, i'll pretend you are 14, and that you are using windows, and that you know how to download a program and run it.10:56
mariokbrooks, he knows much more then you think10:56
highvoltagemario: there are some 10 year old kids in the US who create levels for tuxracer, that motivates them a *lot*10:57
highvoltagekbrooks: ok10:57
mariohighvoltage, nod, but not entire games =) Well, there are but ..10:57
kbrookshighvoltage, so, let's start (without any knowledge that you are using windows)10:57
highvoltagekbrooks: hi uncle Kyle!!!!!10:57
kbrookshighvoltage, hey, long time no talk10:57
highvoltagekbrooks: I just downloaded the newest Itunes!! And download ed thelatest Linkin Park!!!10:57
kbrookshighvoltage, how do you like them?10:58
highvoltagekbrooks: well done!! lolz10:58
kbrookshighvoltage, i was just getting started :-)10:58
highvoltagekbrooks: i'm watching them on the tubez10:59
kbrookshighvoltage, cool, now i want to talk about these programs you downloaded.10:59
highvoltagekbrooks: yeah I get all my warez with kazaa10:59
kbrookshighvoltage, do you know what kazaa is?11:00
highvoltagekbrooks: i download stuff with it11:00
kbrookshighvoltage, yup, you do. kazaa's site says it's "freeware".11:00
highvoltageyeah 100% free11:00
kbrookshighvoltage, it's not 100% free.11:01
marioit's free in no sense, and it polutes your computer11:01
highvoltageit is!!! I downloaded it free! and now I download all my warez for free!!!11:01
highvoltagemario: how is it not free?11:01
kbrookshighvoltage, yes, you got it for free. but that doesn't mean you have freedoms.11:01
highvoltagekbrooks: what freedoms?11:01
highvoltagekbrooks: I am free to download what I want!11:02
mariohighvoltage, in addition to that, with kazaa you've got a lot of adware's and spywares11:02
kbrookshighvoltage, the right to run kazaa for any purpose11:02
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kbrookshighvoltage, which you don't have11:02
highvoltagekbrooks: hmmm? I can run it for whatever I want. games. music. anything.11:02
highvoltageI downloaded teh Vista with it today.11:03
kbrookshighvoltage: you can't. you don't know that.11:03
highvoltagekbrooks: but I did!!!11:03
kbrookshighvoltage, not so. you had to accept a "licensing agreement" to  use kazaa.11:04
highvoltagekbrooks: yeah I just clicked next11:04
kbrookshighvoltage, yes, you did. but by doing so, you gave up a lot of rights which you should not have to give up.11:05
=== MrWizard14 [n=student@wsip-68-224-175-56.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #edubuntu
kbrookshighvoltage, first off, you gave up the right to redistribute kazaa to your friend.11:05
MrWizard14I can't figure out how to install konqueror11:06
highvoltagekbrooks: I copy kazaa to all my friends!!11:06
MrWizard14dude, that's completely wrong11:06
kbrookshighvoltage, that doesn't mean you CAN do it under the law.11:06
MrWizard14look at th GPL11:06
kbrooksMrWizard14, hold on.11:06
highvoltage(kbrooks: btw, going into licensing details may be just as boring to a child as talking about code)11:06
MrWizard14ok sry11:07
MrWizard14I'm a child11:07
MrWizard14and I think it's interesting11:07
kbrookshighvoltage: anyway, you gave up a lot of freedoms thhat you need...11:07
highvoltagekbrooks: lots?11:07
kbrookshighvoltage, yup. a lot.11:07
highvoltagebddebian: how much?11:08
kbrooksbddebian, highlighting mistake.11:08
kbrooksbddebian, i think11:08
highvoltage(bddebian: I'm supposedly a 14 year old Windows user who knows how to download stuff, and kbrookshave to convince me to use Ubuntu)11:08
kbrookshighvoltage, be right back11:08
highvoltagebddebian: oh yes, sorry, hilighting mistake11:09
MrWizard14basicaly, someone put their timeand effort into making kaaza11:09
bddebianhighvoltage: Good luck :-)11:09
highvoltageMrWizard14: how old are you?11:09
MrWizard14im 1411:10
MrWizard14or 133711:10
highvoltagekbrooks: here we have a real life 14 year old you can work on!11:11
MrWizard14i'm bal11:12
MrWizard14why should I be worked on11:12
highvoltageMrWizard14: you already run ubuntu? :)11:13
MrWizard14school comp11:14
MrWizard14I am MacKed11:14
MrWizard14OSX is better11:15
MrWizard14but I can use edubuntu when I want to11:15
MrWizard14just basic command line11:15
MrWizard14cd ls and lpr to success11:15
=== MrWizard14 looks around for someone to hide his lonliness
=== MrWizard14 sinks down in agony
MrWizard14because I hit my knee on the desk11:17
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kbrookshighvoltage, ping11:27
=== n2diy_ [n=darryl@ppp-42d42983.wlks.losch.net] has joined #edubuntu
highvoltagekbrooks: pong11:35
=== Sleepy_Coder [n=sucky_ke@adsl-69-225-11-254.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #edubuntu

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