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n2diy! calc 100/1001:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about calc 100/10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:16
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jribNo1: hello04:23
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:23
No1I dont understand the instructions!04:23
jribNo1: you want sun java?04:23
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jribthat was for me to see the link04:24
jribNo1: the key is the first two paragraphs04:24
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jribyou need to enable Multiverse04:24
jribdo you see where it talks about that at the top?04:24
No1yah &04:24
jribit links you to "Managing Repositories", click there04:24
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No1And then04:25
jribNo1: you are using Ubuntu? (not kubuntu, xubuntu, etc..)04:25
No1Linux Ubuntu04:25
jribok, so now you read the page and click on the link for "Managing Repositories in Ubuntu04:25
No1Managing Repositories in Ubuntu04:26
jribalright take a couple of minute to run through those instructions.  They should be easy to follow with the screenshots04:26
No1Mine doesn't have anything04:29
No1software properties04:29
jribNo1: how about "software sources"?04:30
No1In the 'System>Administration' menu04:30
No1I have that04:30
jribyes, that's what you want04:30
No1It doesn't look like the picture04:30
jribNo1: after you open that, just make sure the first four checkmarks are enabled04:30
jribNo1: yeah, it's for an older ubuntu version it seems04:30
jribNo1: the four first choices should say (main) (universe) (restricted) and (multiverse) at the end of each line.  Is that correct?04:31
jribk, check those four04:31
No1What about the one that's called 'Source Code'04:32
jribNo1: that's if you want to download source code, it won't hurt anything if you enable it04:32
No1Should I do the synaptec part?04:33
jribjust hit "close" and it should tell you to "reload"04:33
No1the 4 were already checked04:33
No1it didn't say anything04:33
No1and what do I do now? Installing Sun Java04:34
jribgo to add/remove04:34
jribtype "sun java" in the search box and choose "all available applications" from the show dropdown menu04:34
No1should I check 'sun java 5.0 plugin'?04:35
jribif you want it04:35
No1What Should I check?04:35
jribif you want the plugin, check the plugin, it will grab the other stuff you need automatically04:36
No1And is there anything special  ishould do to make it run with firefocx04:36
No1fox * (sorry, bad spelling)04:36
jribyou'll need to restart firefox04:36
No1not to get into personal stuff04:37
No1do you have aim or msn04:37
jribnope, don't use them04:37
No1ok *04:37
No1Wow, ubuntu is awsome :D04:37
No1I don't know why Microsoft just doesn't implement some of the technology of Linux, and maybe people would like them04:38
No1jrib, whats so good about beryl04:39
No1and why doesn't beryl work04:39
No1I followed their little instructions, was I suppose to see a difference04:39
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No1because nothing changed04:39
jribNo1: yes, you're windows should be wobbling04:39
jribNo1: try #ubuntu-effects for help with beryl04:39
No1Thats all beryl does?04:40
Mutantxcan someone help??? I'm wondering why when I do   mount.smb //riofiles/lockers /mnt/StudentsLockers/ -o credentials=/root/.credentials,gid="domain users"04:40
MutantxI get drwxr-xr-x 1 root domain users 4096 May  6 18:38 StudentsLockers/04:40
Mutantxinstead of xrWxr-x 1 root domain users 4096 May  6 18:38 StudentsLockers/04:40
No1because it doens't like you04:40
Mutantxgiving "domain users" permission to write?04:40
MutantxI know... I'm starting to think that way04:41
jrib!samba | Mutantx04:41
ubotuMutantx: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:41
jribMutantx: seems you need a umask04:42
jribMutantx: yes, see the wiki04:43
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