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Burgundaviahmm, no beuno09:08
Burgundaviaboredandblogging: hmm?09:11
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juliuxmorning jono 09:13
juliuxjono, is it ok if we use the name ubucon also in germany or should we add a -de ?09:19
Burgundaviahey jono09:19
jonojuliux: yeah, the plan is that everyone uses the term ubucon09:20
juliuxjono, good09:20
juliuxjono, it was not clear for us if it is ok or not09:21
jonojuliux: no worries, in fact I might register a spec for ubucon at the UDS09:21
jonojuliux: will let you know09:21
juliuxjono, cool09:21
jonojuliux: keep me posted, looking forward to you folks running an ubucon09:22
juliuxjono, we have setup a first desing idea for the website http://ubucon.linwiki.de09:22
jonojuliux: cool - I might see if I can get a loco sorted for everyone, or a selection of logos :)09:22
juliuxjono, with a chance of 75% we have a location09:23
jonojuliux: awesome09:23
juliuxjono, if we have a location bevor the linuxtag in berlin, we will make some extra flyer to announce the ubucon on the linuxtag09:23
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=== elkbuntu points at Burgundavia and does the Nelson laugh
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: geez, bloody jono :)09:27
jonoBurgundavia: har har09:28
Burgundaviasoftly, softly09:29
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juliuxhi sladen 09:29
juliuxelkbuntu, morning, did you have a new locoteam map?09:29
elkbuntujuliux, no, sorry :(09:31
juliuxelkbuntu, don't worry i will take the old one tomorrow09:31
elkbuntujuliux, just point out that it's like 4 months old09:35
MadpilotThe Nelson laugh? Did Burg get drunk and make a fool of himself again?09:35
elkbuntuMadpilot, elmo wanted to kill poor jono yesterday because corey put jono down as a contributor ;)09:36
elkbuntuthe planet editorial policy thingie majiggie09:36
elkbuntubrb, cofffffffeeeeeee09:37
elkbuntu(or there'd wanna be some somewhere anyway)09:38
=== Madpilot is not much enlightened, but suspects the full story will have to wait until Burg gets home
MadpilotAt least he wasn't chasing spanish ducks.09:39
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boredandbloggingBurgundavia, ping02:18
Burgundaviaboredandblogging: pong02:18
boredandbloggingBurgundavia, anything I can do on the UWN?02:18
Burgundaviaif you want to do some proofreading, that would rock02:18
BurgundaviaI was about to do some, but it is yours02:19
boredandbloggingwill do02:19
Burgundaviaboredandblogging: ping me if you need help02:43
boredandbloggingBurgundavia, ok02:44
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boredandbloggingBurgundavia, are we going to drop the community spotlight section?03:33
Burgundaviaif we have nothing, then yes03:33
boredandbloggingok, looks like then just the intro and the In This issue is all thats left03:34
boredandbloggingi can fill them out03:34
Burgundaviasounds good03:34
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boredandbloggingBurgundavia, we are done03:59
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Burgundaviaboredandblogging: excellent04:09
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jendajuliux: ping07:59
juliuxjenda, pong08:05
jendagot a maybe buyer for some shirts...08:06
jendawill you send him info to his email?08:06
jendaor... erm. I just remembered you only have blue polos on stock, correct?08:07
juliuxonly blue polos and t-shirts on stock08:07
jendaok, I guess no more info is necessary08:07
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beunoanyone here going to debconf?09:35
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