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ubotumisfit_toy called the ops in #ubuntu-effects02:18
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=== bobstro is now known as bobstro-away
=== bobstro-away is now known as bobstro
bobstroyou guys do realize that some channels consider it rude NOT to announce aways, right?02:59
bobstrowell it's tough to configure a client to know the diff.03:00
PumpernickelThat's what human perception is for.03:00
bobstronow i think i'm seeing what the complaints are about ubuntu being a bit uptight.03:01
PumpernickelIt's a function on environment.  Check #ubuntu on a busy day, and then you may see why away announcements are discouraged.03:03
bobstroi understand that ongoing are, but once on start leave, esp. as i said when i've been yapped at for the OPPOSITE is a bit uhmm..... controlling, no?03:04
bobstroso much for the ol' guidelines, eh?03:05
PumpernickelThose are the guidelines.03:05
bobstrodoes your attitude reflect an official ubuntu stance, or is this just a personal control thing?03:07
bobstroyour group certainly has the rep.03:07
PumpernickelIf it were personal, I would be the only one bringing this up.03:09
TheSheepbobstro: spamming busy channels with additional automated messages is certainly not allowed, and you don't need to do much thinking to know why03:12
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bobstroi can turn that off, but the clients don't allow it per-server.03:13
TheSheepbobstro: use two clients :)03:13
bobstroand i see message everytime anyone joins or leaves already (unless i turn that off).03:13
bobstrogood god, y'all. i come in and generally help more than i ask. this is a bit much.03:13
TheSheepbobstro: I'm sorry to hear it's such a great problem for you03:14
bobstroit's not for me. it's for you apparently.03:15
bobstroso how do i configure my client to not announce that i'm coming in or disconnecting?03:18
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TheSheepbobstro: disable that script or read the manual for it, we have no idea what client and what script you're using03:19
bobstroi'm not talking about the away.03:19
bobstroi know what that is. like i said, that was response to being told to do so elsewhere. it's the other apparently offensive notifications i'm referring to.03:19
bobstrothe ones the server apparently issues whenever someone comes in or leaves. i see scads of those.03:20
TheSheepbobstro: read about the /ignore command03:20
bobstroerm. how do i keep from so badly annoying everybody ELSE. i'm not having a problem with it.03:21
LjLbobstro, you do realize03:21
TheSheepbobstro: the server join/part messages are not annoying, as they are standard and can be easily filtered03:22
LjLthat you, like, put yourself away and then back a total of 5 times, IIRC, and in one instance you actually changed from bobstro-away to bobstro-away-away?03:22
=== Ikawe [n=ikawe@c-75-72-163-149.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLanyway, clients have an /away command that's understood by the IRC server.03:22
Ikaweto be tested?03:22
bobstroLjL:  yes, a client hung.03:22
LjLpeople who /whois you will see that you're away (and a reason)03:22
bobstroand i re-set it.03:22
LjLpeople who don't /whois you but have a decent recent client will see your nick marked as away anyway.03:22
LjLso, since the IRC protocol *comes* with this feature, there is no need to roll your own.03:23
bobstroit also announces my entry and departure outside of my control.03:23
LjLespecially when you're in a channel with 1200 people, where if everyone thought as you do ("how can one away message hurt anybody?"), we'd be spammed uncontrollably.03:23
bobstroi'm doing a /nick. i can't control what the other clients do!03:24
bobstroi'm saying the nick change isn't an announcement.03:25
jribIkawe: tested for?03:26
LjLi honestly don't care how you define "announcement"03:26
ubotuPlease don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines and !nickspam03:26
LjLthat's what the factoid says03:26
jribIkawe: dcc exploit?03:26
bobstrochrist, this is silly. i'll probably annoy more people by trying to turn it off.03:28
Ikawejrib: so I am told.03:29
jribIkawe: join me in #jrib03:30
TheSheepbobstro: you will not achieve anything arguing03:30
bobstrowell, i'm turning that off and trying something.03:30
=== bobstro [n=bob@68-116-165-70.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
bobstrohopefully my joining hasn't offended.03:33
LjLbobstro: by the way, some people have scripts (or something) that work like this: if you privmsg them, or mention their nickname, you get a (private, of course) notice saying they're away. only on the first message, that is.03:33
jribIkawe: ok, you should be able to join #ubuntu again.  Thanks for your patience03:34
bobstroLjL:  i'm all for that, just trying to live within confines of different rules at different places (and frankly, trying to understand why some blatantly racist remarks are tolerated, and stuff like this gets me a ban.)03:34
Ikawejrib: thank you03:34
ubotur0bby called the ops in #ubuntu03:34
bobstrohah, the timing is ironic.03:35
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LjLquite so03:35
LjLjrib, i'm going to bed, you take care of it? i leave +r on?03:36
jribLjL: sure, how long do you usually leave it on for?03:37
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LjLjrib: normally, i leave it on until just about 5 seconds before the next attack.03:37
naliothklining all those IPs as we speak03:38
naliothcan someone -m ? my client is waaaaay lagged03:38
LjLno seriously, usually just 3 minutes or so, but it depends03:38
naliothi'll watch the +r situation03:38
LjLyeah, it also depends on nalioth saying or not saying things like these :)03:38
LjLoh there's +m?03:38
bobstroi've fixed the dircproxy setup. you're still blocking me?03:38
LjLbobstro: no03:38
bobstroah, said i couldn't send.03:39
LjLbobstro: that was unrelated, it was due to the channel being moderated03:39
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tonyyarussoI take it I just missed some bot attacks?03:59
naliothtonyyarusso: what a coincidence04:00
=== nalioth gives tonyyarusso the evil eye
tonyyarussoAww, evil?  But I just got back from church of all places!04:00
Madpilotnalioth, notice that he doesn't say which deity this church of his pays attention to :P04:01
SportChicknalioth: don't believe him - he really orchestrated them ;)04:01
naliothSportChick: i know it, that's why i'm giving him 'the look'   :P04:01
tonyyarussoMadpilot: heh - just plain ol' (or should I say Ole) Lutherans04:01
=== tonyyarusso can barely manage a single supybot, frankly - as many have witnessed the fallout confusion of
Madpilottonyyarusso, the famous Lutheran church of St. Spambot of the Attack Bots, right?04:03
tonyyarussoMadpilot: uh, sure.04:03
naliothgoing -r04:04
jribany #kubuntu op around, when you get a minute please unban Ikawe from #kubuntu (I tested him and removed his ban in #ubuntu)04:04
naliothjrib: join #kubuntu please04:07
jribnalioth: why don't we want bulk processing when kicking in -unregged?04:07
naliothjrib: see -unregged04:07
jribah, ok04:07
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Madpilotmass outbreak of stupidity...06:57
=== HKJGN_ [n=hikyuu@CPE-75-81-33-242.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
HKJGN_hey, i feel unfairly treated by mod Madpilot in Ubuntu-offtopic, i was thrown out of the server even after i said i would follow the rules, regardless to my accusations of them, and was repeatedly insulted by the mod. bieng called a child and asked to grow up, i believe he/she misunderstood my intentions, but overreacted in banning me even after i was over the arguement07:04
HKJGN_i've come to the IRC here for help on several occasions since i started using ubuntu, its not as if im just some troll, and i felt as though i was bieng treated very rudely07:05
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MyrttiHKJGN_: you were warned, several times, on two channels, by different people, and told to adjust your language. When joining #ubuntu-channels, you're expected to have read the rules, and obey them. Usually people do understand the warnings and do what's necessary instead of bluntly breaking them just for fun.07:42
MyrttiI'm not an op on the channels where you've been banned, but having read the backlog, I really cannot offer you any consolation07:43
HKJGN_meh, w/e, this place is totalitarian, i guess theres no arguement i can make to bias, sorry to take up your time07:47
MyrttiI hope I wasn't too harsh on him07:48
Madpilothardly. he's already heard exactly the same thing from two of us...07:49
MadpilotI was just waiting for him to call us all "Nazis" - I guess 'totalitarian" is going to have to do07:50
=== Tm_T is irc-nazi <3
=== crdlb [n=crdlb@pool-72-82-92-235.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
MadpilotTm_T, I'd agree with you, but then I'd have to kickban myself, which is always awkward... :P07:51
Tm_Tneuropsyc-something ->07:56
MyrttiNOT HIM AGAIN08:04
Myrttiarrghhhhh ruben08:05
MyrttiI'm off to office08:05
MadpilotMyrtti, we all need fans :P08:05
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Hobbseeanything broke yet?09:19
HobbseeMyrtti: ?09:19
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Hobbseewith a lot of us being away09:21
MyrttiI made a mistake by talking to him09:21
Myrttinot that I've seen09:21
Myrttibesides foul language here and there09:22
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Hobbseehi Jucato09:23
Hobbseeoy, Seveas09:23
SeveasMyrtti, fowl language, not foul language :)09:24
Hobbseeahh, good09:24
HobbseeSeveas: is it worth op'ing people while we're all not here, for #ubuntu?09:24
MyrttiSeveas: I've had troubles lately writing english as I hear it09:24
SeveasMyrtti, it's an inside joke, sorry09:24
Seveas'foul language' is perfect english09:25
MyrttiSeveas: :-) but I'm still annoyed with my recent problems with English spelling.09:25
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Seveashey elkbuntu09:26
Seveasthe pool is cold today >:)09:27
MyrttiI've actually noticed that channels that somehow are related to events and conferences, tend to have some troubles with functioning while those events09:27
Myrttisame thing with !assembly on IRCnet09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about assembly - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
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HobbseeMyrtti: yeah, true - most arent there09:28
Myrttiops are in the buildcrew or systemcrew and when the discussion gets busy before the event, the ops are building the event09:28
=== Hobbsee notes Seveas never answered her.
Hobbseedamned Seveas09:35
MyrttiHobbsee: http://www.assembly.org09:36
SeveasHobbsee, so who should we add as temp ops?09:40
HobbseeSeveas: hmmm.  who wants it?09:40
=== Hobbsee pokes nixternal
Hobbseefor oen09:40
HobbseeMyrtti: might do it09:40
Seveasnice typo09:41
Seveasoen is dutch for fool09:41
Myrttimmmm :-)09:41
Hobbseeyes, well, we already knew that you are a fool, Seveas09:41
Seveasnixternal, Myrtti: feel like taking on #ubuntu?09:41
Madpilotvolunteer temp ops, fools, same thing09:41
HobbseeMadpilot: *exactly*09:41
Seveasyou shush09:41
nixternalwhats up?09:41
Seveaswe've got to get thm to do it, then you can call them fool09:41
Myrtti/me shivers...09:42
Seveasnixternal, we need extra ops in #ubuntu while we're all busy at UDS09:42
Madpilotactually, scratch the 'volunteer temp' part of that :)09:42
Seveasfancy some trolling?09:42
Myrttimmmmmm sure.09:42
Hobbseeno, no, *you're* the fool, Seveas09:42
HobbseeSeveas: mmm...trolls09:42
nixternalSeveas: I have been an op in #ubuntu for a few weeks now :)09:42
SeveasHobbsee, !09:42
HobbseeSeveas: ?09:42
Seveasnixternal, good, the trolls are all yours then :)09:42
Seveasbon apetit09:42
nixternalhahah thanks!09:42
SeveasI'll add Myrtti as well09:43
nixternalSeveas: get me a bottle of Ponche Rum while you are there09:43
nixternalit doesn't matter, I can never react as fast as ljl anyways09:43
SeveasI put the tear in voluntear ;) (Yes I know that's not right :p)09:43
Seveasnixternal, ljl sleeps sometimes09:43
nixternalSeveas: yes, but I bet his finger is on the trigger at all times09:43
Seveassleepkicking instead of slepwalking :)09:44
Myrttijust add me to the !ops thingie, I've got gazillion windows open09:44
nixternalhaha yes09:44
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal or mneptok09:44
ubotuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu-ops09:44
BurgundaviaSeveas: ?09:44
Seveas!no ops =~ s/ or mneptok/, Myrtti or mneptok/09:44
ubotuI know nothing about ops =~ s/ or mneptok/, myrtti or mneptok yet, Seveas09:44
Seveas!ops =~ s/ or mneptok/, Myrtti or mneptok/09:44
ubotuI'll remember that Seveas09:44
PriceChild@lart Seveas09:44
=== ubotu installs WindowsME on PriceChild's computer
Seveashi PriceChild and Burgundavia :)09:44
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+b *!*@ubuntu/member/seveas] by Hobbsee
=== Seveas was kicked off #ubuntu-ops by Hobbsee (DONT ABUSE THE OPS CALL. KTHKSBYE.)
=== PriceChild steals Seveas's hat and runs off
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MadpilotPriceChild, you really didn't think the mad Dutchman's own bot would lart him, did you?09:45
PriceChildMadpilot: i know, i forgot09:45
Myrttiso where am I an op now?09:45
Myrttiand you prolly have op howto someplace?09:46
MyrttiI've been an op in #ubuntu-fi for a long time, but there's been no need to use that right09:46
MadpilotMyrtti, get xchat + the chanserv.py script, then /cs kb away09:46
Myrttixchat :-<09:47
Myrttido I really have to?09:47
Myrttiirssi <309:47
Madpilotgiven the number of irssi victi^W^Wfans around, there've got to be decent op scripts for it09:48
Seveasnalioth has one09:48
Seveasand you're op in #ubuntu09:48
SeveasMadpilot, why aren't you at UDS? Your little brother is :)09:48
Myrttiok, so if people holler ops at xubuntu, and it highlights me, I just keep my hands under my ass09:49
MadpilotSeveas, one of us is enough. Although I don't chase ducks while drunk like Burgundavia does.09:49
Burgundaviawait wait09:49
MadpilotOh, did I actually type that? Didn't mean to, really. <halo>09:50
HobbseeMadpilot: i thought that was jono?09:50
Seveasjono loves ducks, corey chases them. jono chases corey09:50
MadpilotHobbsee, he's been chasing jono while drunk?09:50
HobbseeMadpilot: no, jono's been attempting to climb orange trees while drunk.09:51
Burgundaviaok, this is getting very non PG09:51
SeveasPoultry Grooming?09:51
MadpilotPretty Gooselike?09:52
HobbseeSeveas: i dont want to know about you and poultry grooming..09:52
SeveasHobbsee, I eat poultry :)09:52
Hobbseeonly eat it?09:52
Seveaspreferably when dead & cooked09:52
Hobbseeraw's much better09:53
Seveasif you fancy some salmonella09:53
Myrttinalioth: ping09:53
Seveashe's probably asleep09:54
Seveasgiven that it's around ridiculous-o-clock where he lives09:54
MyrttiI just wanted to get my message in his awaylog09:54
PriceChildargh he got me again :(09:56
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=== PriceChild laughs at all the disapproving looks Seveas and elkbuntu are getting around the room.
Myrtti/me goes to read the freenode help10:09
MyrttiMadpilot: /quote remove should be good, yes?10:10
HobbseePriceChild: why, what's happening?10:10
Madpilot /quote I don't know - /remove is a useful alternative to /kick10:10
PriceChild*poke-age ? - meh you get the idea :)10:11
HobbseeMyrtti: /quote remove, yes10:11
HobbseePriceChild: ahh10:11
Hobbseei'm not in there10:11
Myrtti/alias kubu /quote remove10:12
ubotuIn #ubuntu, aftertaf said: !tovid is simple and powerful DVD authoring software - http://tovid.wikia.com/10:20
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MadpilotG'night, all. Stay away from the ducks, Corey.10:52
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naliothMyrtti: pong02:34
Myrttiwould you happen to have the irssi script for operators in freenode02:37
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MyrttiI'm just about to get annoyed02:38
MyrttiMy wifi connection is too crappy for me to endure02:39
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naliothMyrtti: i do. let me find it02:46
naliothMyrtti: http://pastebin.ca/47540602:47
Hobbseehi nalioth02:50
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Myrttinalioth: thanks02:57
MyrttiI'll see if it works02:57
naliothoh it works.  <EG>02:59
Myrttididn't actually03:01
Myrttibut I wgetted it from http://rzlab.ucr.edu/debian/auto_bleh.pl_  and now it works03:01
naliothwell, you have to chmod +x it03:06
naliothand the one i offer was rewritten by seveas to work with Ubuntu (something about the terminal type in Ubuntu muxes up the standard version)03:07
Myrttinalioth: hmm, but the copyright info has remained the same? ;-)03:08
naliothMyrtti: talk to seveas03:08
MyrttiI'll have a look at it later03:08
Myrttihome -->03:08
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ubotuAmaranth: Get back to work!04:13
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ubotuIn ubotu, Pici said: crontab is <alias> cron07:05
ubotuIx0s called the ops in #ubuntu07:31
SportChickw 10007:33
SportChickoops, sorry07:33
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ubotuAli_ix called the ops in #ubuntu07:53
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ubotuYou could edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom to start Xgl by default each time or could make a session file for it so you can choose X or Xgl by each login(the latter is often preferred). https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl#head-0322ac34c5a296667173383199f6f0d908245f0809:29
crdlbif someone isn't busy, could they move that to autostart-xgl or something?09:29
crdlbbecause it really isn't relevant anymore and the regular !autostart would be more useful09:30
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