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ziggy23Hi everyone!  How do I make Firestarter start up when I start my computer?12:01
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evaristo_____bruenig:  but ..it is ! .. and now ?12:01
DilfATXhell all... i have a question... just recently this happened.. when i plug in an external drive i am not able to add or remove files... how can i fix this?12:01
bruenigziggy23, why do you need it to?12:01
DilfATXhello all i meant to say sorry12:01
vox754adamhman, muscle and witness... hilarious!12:01
crazlunaticvox754: This is odd. With qtparted I cannot find my 80gb hard drive. I'm going back to gparted. How can I boot into gparted with the live cd?12:01
chalupahcan someone help me get my ethernet card working?12:01
chillhello everyone12:01
NoReGreTguys, how to run talk/talkd ? it's giving me Error on read from talk daemon: Connection refused. Press any key...12:01
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bakerwhy do you want firestarter??12:01
chillwhos the boss in here :P12:02
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crazlunaticvox754: Unless you can help me with qtparted =) It only shows my externally connected drives12:02
ziggy23shouldn't I have a firewall running?12:02
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chillhey, does anybody here can and does type really fast?12:02
bruenigziggy23, firestarter is a front end that edits iptables, it is not the firewall, it configures the firewall12:02
Ix0sziggy23, You always have a firewall running, in the form of iptables12:02
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Ix0s!firewall | ziggy2312:02
ubotuziggy23: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:02
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bruenigchill, what speed is considered fast12:03
vox754crazlunatic, I meant QTParted from the Knoppix live CD... but use GParted is okay... Use the Ubuntu CD and Gparted is right there in System > something, in the top panel12:03
ubuntu_newbiehmm beryls website didnt help so i still dont know how to access the cube, can ne1 help?12:03
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kane77ziggy23, the thing with firestarter is that it configures your firewoll the program itself is not that important...12:03
crazlunaticalright. let's hope my PC doesn't die again this time, rebooting thanks to everyone here12:03
adamhmancan anyone help with this error?  http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/4705/screenshotwx2.png12:03
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bruenigadamhman, what is the filesystem of the external hard drive, I believe two people have asked you that12:04
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adamhmanI think......12:04
silokoubuntu_newbie: ctrl-alt left/right12:04
adamhmanargh, I'm such a newb12:04
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adamhmanI'll check12:04
chillwell my problem is that i can type super fast, buuuut something happens12:04
Ix0subuntu_, Or ctrl+alt+mouse click and drag12:05
chillcheck this out: my name iS GUillermo SILiceo TRueba12:05
adamhmanI don't know... how do I check?12:05
chillthat happens12:05
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bruenigadamhman, paste your /etc/fstab12:05
LeRrAHi, i am using vnc to my ubuntu but i cant change the keybord layout, any help? The pref->keyboard ->layout shows me nothing, i cant add my keyboard.. :( Anybody?12:05
bruenig!paste | adamhman12:05
ubotuadamhman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:05
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chilli use bloq mayus to switch while typing12:05
ubuntu_newbieyes i can switch window with ctrl-alt-right/left but neither do i see the dome nor the actual cube12:05
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vox754adamhman, "sudo fdisk -l"       hope you don't post another one with explicit images12:05
chilland it doesnt switch fast enough and THis HAppens12:05
adamhmanwhat language are you speaking, lol?12:05
adamhmanwhat explicit images?12:05
chillin windows this does not happen, how can i make the switching faster12:06
Ix0subuntu_, Or ctrl+alt+mouse click and drag it might be alt shift im not sure mine stopped working -_-12:06
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ubuntu_newbiei don't have a mouse sry :/12:06
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strabesno  mouse? lol12:06
ubuntu_newbieonly the touchpad12:07
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Ix0subuntu_newbie, Well touchpad then12:07
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silokoubuntu_newbie: type beryl_settings into a terminal, go to the desktop tab and make sure desktop cube is enabled12:07
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DilfATXhello all... i have a question... just recently this happened.. when i plug in an external drive i am not able to add or remove files... how can i fix this? its pretty much the same issue as adamhman12:07
ubuntu_newbiesiloko,  ok thats prolly it thx12:07
rob65anyone know of a decent rapidshare links manager for linux?12:07
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uNewbhey Dil12:08
Ix0srob65, Did you get anywhere with that edgy install?12:08
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uNewbI've got the same problem12:08
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rob65just burned the disc as it goes Ix0s !12:09
rob65Just going to try now.12:09
Ix0srob65, Okay12:09
=== Ix0s corsses fingers and toes
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ziggy23I am coming from Windows, so maybe this explains my security paranoia ;)  But it was also recommended that you use Firestarter in "Beginning Ubuntu Linux"12:09
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blackroguei have TWO monitors. can someone help me get then setup correctly?12:10
blackroguei dont like the clone effect12:10
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ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:10
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vox754ziggy23, no need, just use the router and you are okay...12:10
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ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead12:11
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nakedmana quick question, what you guys recommend, ubuntu or kubuntu ?12:11
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odatanyone have any solutions for the nvidia api mismatch problem?12:11
vox754ziggy23, what can people do to your system anyway? Specifically what are you afraid of?12:11
Lattynakedman: Ubuntu for normal users, Kubuntu for power users.12:11
nakedmanthanks Latty12:11
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Lattynakedman: Ubuntu is more polished, and easier. Kubuntu is harder, uglier, but more configurable and with better apps (in my opinion)12:12
chilli have this problem people HI my name is JOhn WHilliamson SWanson12:12
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chillmy ubuntu doesnt switch fast enough the bloq mayus12:12
DilfATXHello all... I'm having issues with my external hardrive.. i can't add, remove or edit any of my files.. its in NTFS format 30 gig hardrive.12:12
chillhow do i change this12:12
rob65Ix0s: It's blue screened - it can't start the X server12:12
vox754!best | nakedman12:12
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ubotunakedman: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.12:12
rob65And offering me to view output to solve it12:12
Ix0srob65, Ohh god12:12
Ix0srob65, View it12:12
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Ix0srob65, See what the error is12:12
silokoDilfATX:  probable mounted read only12:13
iewudoes this website work for you guys http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/12:13
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vox754!enter | chill seems like a strange problem, get a new keyborad, but remember12:13
ubotuchill seems like a strange problem, get a new keyborad, but remember: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:13
ziggy23Vox 754: Getting hacked.  I actually had my identity stolen.12:13
iewuI need the intel driver for Ubuntu12:13
chillokey sorry12:13
chillthats what i feared, that i needed a new keyboard, :(12:13
Ix0srob65, Maybe i should have gave you there alternate one argh sorry12:13
iewucan someone help me please12:13
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iewuI am looking for my graphics card driver for Ubuntu12:14
chilllet me right, now go for a my sister's keyboard12:14
wilsonJust out of curiosity, is there a way to change the color depth without having to completely restart?12:14
DilfATXHello all... I'm having issues with my external hardrive.. i can't add, remove or edit any of my files.. its in NTFS format 30 gig hardrive.12:14
Ix0s!nvidia | iewu12:14
silokoDilfATX:  probably mounted read only12:14
iewuits intel12:14
spx2i just found out that after installing ubuntu , correctly etc.when i go to the boot meny asking for windows it says that i have problems with hal.dll , its ridiculous , ive done ubuntu installs before and never did i came up with this . does anyone have any suggestion ? i can assure you that my menu.lst is ok12:14
ubotuiewu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:14
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Ix0siewu, Fair do :)12:14
DilfATXsiloko how can i fix that12:14
iewuMobile Intel 945GM Express12:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:14
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rob65Ix0s: I viewed it and it's telling me the log file is in /var/log/ ...... but didn't actualy tell me what the error was12:14
shuffanybody know what might be wrong, if having problems with the boot disc hanging at "Configuring Network Interfaces?"  It's preventing me from actually installing Ubuntu.12:14
aboyousif!ntfs-3g | DilfATX12:15
ubotuDilfATX: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:15
rob65Ix0s: Fatal server error: no screens found12:15
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DilfATXubotu thank you kindly12:15
silokomount -t ntfs-3g <your device> <a mount point>12:15
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vox754!thanks | DilfATX12:15
ubotuDilfATX: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:15
rob65should i follow steps to change driver to "nv" and "vesa?"12:15
spx2i just found out that after installing ubuntu , correctly etc.when i go to the boot meny asking for windows it says that i have problems with hal.dll , its ridiculous , ive done ubuntu installs before and never did i came up with this . does anyone have any suggestion ? i can assure you that my menu.lst is ok12:16
Ix0srob65, give it a shot,12:16
Ix0srob65, Worth a try,12:16
iewuit says nothing about intel, I mean that website :Ix0s12:16
rob65or try as i did before and change startup parameters, and download nvidia-glx12:16
vox754!repeat > spx212:16
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:16
vox754!repeat | spx212:16
ubotuspx2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:16
Ix0siewu, No it wont lol12:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:16
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vdr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:16
chillTHis is a TREst TO se HOw fast12:16
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chillnah, same problem with this keyboard12:16
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LattyAnyone have any experience getting all of the hotkeys and stuff working with the Cherry CyMaster Linux keyboard? - The debian packages on disk don't install right, and all compiles fail for me.12:17
chillmaybe nobody noticied this problem because they dont type as fast as me, lol12:17
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vox754Latty, do you have the build-essential and headers? you need them in order to compile12:17
Lattyvox754: Yeah.12:18
Ix0srob65, I should have gave you the alternate cd and not the live -_- STUPID ME!12:18
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rob65really? :/12:18
Lattyvox754: I have all of the dependencies listed in the readme too.12:18
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Ix0srob65, Yeah, but me rushing you know12:18
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vox754chill, very strange, and unless you can type really extra fast I don't see that as a big problem, when would you use every starting letter in caps?12:18
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silokoany way to stop the join and quit messages in xchat?12:18
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The_Belgainhi there - a general linux question: what's the best way to run an app such that it gets automatically restarted if it crashes?12:19
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lando768hello everyone12:19
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Ix0sErmmmm strange question, keyboard shortcut to get the menubar in xchat back?12:19
lufisThe_Belgain: adding it to Gnome's session manager might do the trick12:19
The_Belgainare there any standard ways of doing this, or does it involve writing a batch script run as a cron job to check for the program?12:19
lando768i was using google earth perfectly and today all of a sudden i got an error on startup saying that openGL would run emulated and that i should install/upgrade video drivers12:20
vox754Ix0s, ctrl+F912:20
kjaerThe_Belgain, Have a loop checking if is still alive is the only option.12:20
Lattyvox754: Specifically, I get the error: make[2] : *** No rule to make target `linuxthreads/bits/local_lim.h', needed by `.ServerKeyHandle.o'. Stop.12:20
Ix0svox754, :D ty12:20
LattyWhile doing ./configure_kde12:20
lufisThe_Belgain: generally when nautilus or metacity or something crashes it is restarted because they're in the session manager12:20
The_Belgainlufis: that will just mean the program starts when ubuntu logs in - i want the program to restart if the program crashes12:20
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VarsendaggrHey i want to install the new beryl,   but i want to do it in such a way that i don't have to have it runninng...   as in it is  something i can log into...12:20
lufisThe_Belgain: right12:20
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rob65Ix0s: how long are you going to be around for?12:21
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rob65do you mind if i PM you?12:21
mrrcpcan someone tell me why my laptop screen is stuck on  640 * 680  how can i fix this?12:21
lufisThe_Belgain: I think that'd work. doesn't hurt to try :)12:21
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vox754Latty, well that seems like a problem with the "makefile"... maybe it is wrong or you have to point this manually to the dependencies12:21
zchguys can someone help me out12:21
silokoVarsendaggr:  check out their website - they have a how-to on adding a beryl option to your login manager (if you use gnome)12:21
The_Belgainok, i'll give that a go then (it's a vlc instance listening on the telnet interface in my case - it seems to crash semi-frequently on some files)12:21
lando768mrrcp install 945resoultion?12:21
lufiszch: just ask your question :)12:21
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zchi did earlier 5 times12:21
kjaerThe_Belgain,  while true do program_to_run end12:21
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crazlunatichey guys12:21
=== ixian_ [n=jeff@S01060018f85b7d46.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
crazlunaticI try to run this command12:21
crazlunaticsudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:21
crazlunaticbut I get an error12:22
Lattyvox754: It says nothing in the readme about configuring, and seeing as this is a commercial product, I doubt it'd have makefile errors I wouldn't instantly get on a search.12:22
crazlunaticE: Unable to find a source package for xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:22
crazlunaticE: Unable to find a source package for xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:22
lando768system>administration>synaptic package manager12:22
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zchmy machine was running fine for months, i had to leave town so it was turned off for 3 days, and now eth0 dissapeared12:22
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crazlunaticDoes anyone know why this is happening?12:22
zchany idea what could be the cause12:22
sanityxI have a jpeg image in a folder and when I select that folder to import in F-Spot it simply refuses to see it12:22
lando768search for it im assuming u have an intel video card12:22
petafileIs there an easy way to change panel text color in beryl?12:22
mrrcpapt-get install 945resoultion ??12:22
petafilew/ gnome12:22
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silokozch: someone stole your NIC :)12:22
lando768that might work too12:22
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mrrcpyes i do12:22
zchit's still there :P12:22
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zchnothing was changed12:23
zchbut eth0 is no more12:23
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lufiszch: have you not rebooted since?12:23
zchi was rebooting often earlier12:23
zchbecause of frequent power outages here12:23
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zchso every time power is off for too long for ups to sustain it12:23
lando768i get an error running google earth saying i need to upgrade my video drivers and that opengl will be emulated, this after it was working perfectly a few days ago12:23
zchi had to shutdown12:23
vox754crazlunatic, " E: Unable to find a source package for xserver-xorg-driver-ati"  <---- ?12:23
lufisis the nic functional? are there any leds on it, are they on?12:23
chillhey im back12:23
crazlunaticvox754: Yes12:23
zchit was about 2-3 times per month12:23
zchyes it is functional12:23
crazlunaticvox754: After running sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:23
vox754chill, very strange, and unless you can type really extra fast I don't see that as a big problem, when would you use every starting letter in caps?12:23
zchand led lights on when i plug in ethernet cable12:23
lufiszch: weird12:24
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StoneNotecrazlunatic, I don't see that. I do see a xserver-xorg-video-ati12:24
Ix0srob65, go for it :)12:24
BaktaahCould someone help me with Xchat (since the Xchat guys don't respond) is there a way to make  it like if I were to write cunt it changes it into c*nt12:24
crazlunaticIm just following the guide ehre: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Radeon_9200/9250_%28RV280%29_and_DVI12:24
=== Aez [n=Aez@pool-72-66-24-216.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kipp2my upgrade has crashed half way though, how can I start it again?12:24
chilli can use shift is just that i learned with those old typing machines and i got "trained" to hit a blog mayus12:24
lufiszch: have you tried disabling and re-enabling in gnome's network manager?12:24
zchim running edgy server12:24
zchso no x installed at all12:24
lufiszch: ah12:24
chillin windows that wasnt a problem, i guess i'll have to re-learn12:24
crazlunaticstonenote: I'm just using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Radeon_9200/9250_%28RV280%29_and_DVI the guide at the ubuntu website12:25
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Ix0sBaktaah, You can probably grab a script to do that for you12:25
lufiszch: i don't know the command line equivalent of what it does, but it generally fixes any problems12:25
=== Pollywog [n=Pollywog@69-12-173-117.static.humboldt1.com] has joined #ubuntu
aboyousifBaktaah, from settings > auto replace ..12:25
silokozch: whats ifconfig have to say?12:25
NoReGreTI need some help with talk/talkd12:25
NoReGreTanyone ?12:25
Baktaahaboyousif  THANK YOU12:25
=== radioaktivstorm [n=charles@BURTON-FIVE-SIXTY-FIVE.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
zchit see eth1 normally12:25
zchbut no eth012:25
zch(i have 2 nics)12:25
Pollywogwhy are there no nvidia drivers for the -generic 2.6.20 kernel only for -386?12:25
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crazlunaticlol hello?12:25
mrrcpthat didnt work12:25
=== sanityx [n=sanityx@pool-68-160-199-176.ny325.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
lufiscrazlunatic: lolz hi12:26
chilli was hoping there was an option to change the switching time of the bloq mayus12:26
=== sanityx [n=sanityx@pool-68-160-199-176.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754!launchpad | chill, yes... or try searching launchpad for a similar bug and solution12:26
ubotuchill, yes... or try searching launchpad for a similar bug and solution: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/12:26
zchi got eth1 lo and sit012:26
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mrrcphow can i get the 945resoultion12:26
silokozch: thats a bit weird . . .12:26
zchalso i have no idea what sit0 is :P12:26
chillokey thanks! will do right now12:26
nakedmandoes anyone know a program which can scan the mac addresses from my local network ?12:26
vox754!forums | chill, also try the forums12:26
ubotuchill, also try the forums: The Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.12:26
crazlunaticlufis: I try running sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-driver-ati but I get an error like this: E: Unable to find a source package for xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:26
weltschmerzdoes anyone here have any experience with the Sprint Treo phone?  I'm trying to decide between the Windows and Palm versions.12:26
sanityxWhy would f-spot refuse to recognize a jpeg?12:26
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Ix0sHaha im loving ubouts response to !windows XD12:27
lufiscrazlunatic: have you actually downloaded the source?12:27
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zchwhat is sit0 anyway, i don't remember having that12:27
fnord_anyone got a minute to help with a shorewall/gateway issue?12:27
crazlunaticlufis: Lol, doesn't running sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-driver-ati get it?12:27
lufissanityx: what happens exactly?12:27
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lufiscrazlunatic: i don't know, probably not...12:27
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crazlunaticlufis: I'm just following this guide -->https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Radeon_9200/9250_%28RV280%29_and_DVI12:27
nakedmandoes anyone know a program which can scan the mac addresses from my local network ?12:27
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crazlunaticlufis: It doesn't say anything about how to dowload the source12:27
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sanityxlufis, I put a jpeg into a folder and name it something. lets say foo.jpg. then i select import in f-spot, and select that folder, and it simply finds nothing12:27
radioaktivstormhello, i am having issues with my bcm4306 wireless again. i tried the bcm43xx-fwcutter and went through the step by step, but afterwards my wireless is VERY slow if it connects at all. It does, however, see the ESSIDs near me12:27
=== Punkunity [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fnord_i've got both nics configured, and I can ping both the internal and external nic from inside the local network, but nothing is getting forwarded to the public net12:28
rob65Are you not getting any of my PMs Ix0s?12:28
=== Dayylin-sleep [n=dayylin@dsl-216-227-90-107.fairpoint.net] has joined #ubuntu
radioaktivstormany pointers?12:28
lufissanityx: dunno, have you built it yourself?12:28
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Ix0srob65, Nope you registered on here mate?12:28
sanityxlufis, f-spot? no12:28
lufissanityx: ok12:28
rob65nah i'm not12:28
Ix0s!register | rob6512:28
uboturob65: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration12:28
rob65i guess that's why12:28
Ix0srob65, Follow that link only takes a mo12:28
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents12:29
=== eltech- [n=eltech@ool-457c9ece.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
crazlunaticlufis: thanks anyway man. I'm just gonna skip that step lol12:29
lufiscrazlunatic: lol one sec, let me see12:29
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NoReGreTanyone ? some help in talk/talkd ..12:29
zchwhat is sit0 anyway?12:29
crazlunaticlufis: thanks =D. im trying to get beryl to run on ubuntu. it look super sick12:29
=== jdier [n=jdier@68-114-224-108.dhcp.fdul.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
zchand why it is there instead of my eth0 :S12:30
silokozch: a generic device which supports ipv612:30
lufiscrazlunatic: yup :) the only selling point of vista for free12:30
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rob65registered with nickserv now12:30
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rob65will my pms works?12:30
zchsiloko: any idea why it happened and what should i do to bring back my eth012:30
fnord_anyone? just a coupla quick questions about setting up a gateway box with shorewall? I've been following this guide: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu6.10_firewall_gateway12:30
m1ceim having trouble with feisty using 100% cpu when im connected to a network12:30
crazlunaticlufis: I have vista lol...12:30
Baktaahhehe finaly got mein letters chaning zis ist so cool12:31
fnord_i've set up ipmasq in the pat, and i've use firestarter as well, I'm no noob12:31
crazlunaticlufis: but paying for it will be a different story... anyway =)12:31
lufiscrazlunatic: this guide doesn't mention running buil-dep12:31
=== madcow [n=madcow@216-2-182.0512.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
crazlunaticim running this guide12:31
chilltheres not a single bug reported with the words bloq mayus in the ubuntu project(using launchpad search feature)12:31
crazlunaticlufis: I'm reading this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver#head-363954c23963c39e3a7d633c7ad8667c8e0949c912:31
NoReGreThello ?12:31
lufisoh ok12:31
=== Deimoz [n=BBq@h8922086106.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu
silokozch: no sorry12:31
=== grimboy [n=grimboy@85-210-219-193.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Och4Partition problems, i can't install ubuntu, because of my /home dir has this "unsed: unknown"  the used data is known to it.  how do i fix this?12:32
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vox754chill, search for "caps lock".... maybe it is just you in the whole universe12:32
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lufiscrazlunatic: did you follow this one though? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Radeon_9200/9250_%28RV280%29_and_DVI12:32
chilllol haha okey12:32
fnord_or is there perhaps an ubuntu networking channel or something?12:32
MonkeyMan1\pink monkeyman112:32
chilli swear im not making this up12:32
mzazaany ideas how can I connect with ssh through terminal?12:33
radioaktivstormi am having issues with my bcm4306 wireless again. i tried the bcm43xx-fwcutter and went through the step by step, but afterwards my wireless is VERY slow if it connects at all. It does, however, see the ESSIDs near me. can anyone shoot me some pointers?12:33
fnord_terminal doesn't doo ssh12:33
crazlunaticlufis: Yes thats the one I was following but I just skipped it12:33
fnord_download putty12:33
crazlunaticlufis: I get error when running sudo apt-get build-dep xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:33
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Och4Partition Problem,u can't install ubuntu because my third parition has this "used: known" meaning the thrid partition has known data uses.  what should i do?12:33
=== LaHrrSLoVeLL [n=lahrrslo@213-95-159.netrun.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #ubuntu
LaHrrSLoVeLLAnyone here?12:34
fnord_your main cchoices for ssh in windows are putty, teraterm ssh, and cygwin12:34
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LaHrrSLoVeLLI'm having trouble after an upgrade.12:34
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MonkeyMan1I did an upgrade from ubuntu 5.1 to 6.x. Why did my wireless connection have a disconnected status? Anyone seen this?12:34
lufiscrazlunatic: what error?12:34
vox754radioaktivstorm, I'm sorry to mention than that native driver is 11 Mb maximum. It is good because it is an open source project, but if you want full speed you may need "ndiswrapper"... Nevertheless stick to bcm43xx in order to help the community.12:34
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lufisvox754: help the community? s/he wants their hardware to work...12:36
LaHrrSLoVeLLI've done an apt-get upgrade on my system. Now it won't boot with the new kernel, I selected an older version ( in my GRUB boot, but how can I remove the newer kerne?12:36
vanbergeanybody familiar with dvd::rip very much?  i.e. im using it now and and it results in a different avi file for each chapter12:36
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BaktaahAnyeone awake und wanan chit chat?12:36
chillnah, nothing, i will report the bug, thanks anyway12:36
bruenigLaHrrSLoVeLL, delete it and remove the menu.lst entry or delete it and run sudo upgrade-grub12:36
lufisBaktaah: alright :)12:36
dping28I was wondering if someone could help me with a mail server problem.. I have been following this howto http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ and have managed to get all services running however when i send mail its perm delayed with connect to[] : Connection refused and any mail I send to it never comes12:36
bruenig!offtopic | Baktaah12:36
ubotuBaktaah: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:36
vox754lufis, hey you have to pay a price for the decisions you make, like using Open source software... it is free after all, so no warranties12:36
radioaktivstormvox754, i can live with the low bandwidth, but can you explain how i can get a reliable connection. Im a fan of open source, but i really kind of need my wireless to work. :/12:36
Baktaahthanks brun12:36
fnord_LaHR: vi /etc/grub/grub.conf12:36
coolgeekcan some one tell me how to use ssh12:37
bruenigfnord_, no12:37
coolgeekim confused by all the syntax12:37
PeloLaHrrSLoVeLL, check in synatpic you can remove the new kernel there if you it was automaticaly upgraded, and you can edit the grub menu by hand to remove the entry12:37
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concept10LaHrrSLoVeLL, instead of doing that, delete the kernel from synaptic12:37
lufisvox754: of course not, but recommending to use a half-functional driver over a functional one just because one is oss doesn't make a whole lot of sense to the end user12:37
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Thug-N-Mehow do i change the defalut torrent package ?12:37
fnord_still have to manually pull it from grub tho, i don't think removing the package will do that12:37
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bruenigThug-N-Me, install another bittorrent client12:37
baker_radioaktiv fwcutter?12:37
LaHrrSLoVeLLAlright, is synaptic the Add/Remove program menu?12:37
bruenigfnord_, in the postrm script it probably runs sudo update-grub12:37
Thug-N-Mei would like not to open torrent auto when i click on it12:38
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coolgeekany one?12:38
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lufisLaHrrSLoVeLL: no, but they are similar12:38
concept10LaHrrSLoVeLL, no, look in administration12:38
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PeloLaHrrSLoVeLL,   menu > system  > admin > synatpic package manager12:38
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Thug-N-Mei like to be asked whit what i would like to open it12:38
vox754lufis, it is part of a philosophy... but I do get your point.12:38
fnord_anyone good wit setting up a gateway/ I'm really close12:38
slimcould someone please help me install gtk12:38
=== Mushindo [n=Mushin-D@81.Red-81-32-93.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Thug-N-Meany ideea how do i do that in firefox ?12:38
crazlunaticlufis: This error > E: Unable to find a source package for xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:38
=== IrishDave [n=david@i-83-67-59-141.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribslim: if you are using ubuntu desktop, you have gtk already12:38
Peloslim,  check in synaptic12:38
LjLslim, GTK is the toolkit that GNOME is based upon. it would strike me as very interesting if you had Ubuntu and didn't have GTK installed.12:38
radioaktivstormbaker_,  I tried the fwcutter with wl_apsta.o per instructions on the forums12:39
slimhow do i invoke it while using gcc12:39
LjL!compile > slim    (slim, see the private message from Ubotu)12:39
coolgeekcan some one tell me how to use ssh12:39
crazlunaticlufis: you still there dude?12:39
=== brownjava [n=brownjav@c-71-198-19-129.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
coolgeekim confused by all the syntax12:39
vox754radioaktivstorm, if you really need the wireless then go for ndiswrapper, search the forums, there are guides. Youl'' have to stop using the bcm43xx module and to blacklist it12:39
Thug-N-Mehow can i tell firefox ... not to open a torrent link with the default torrent cleint ... and use another one ?12:39
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lufiscrazlunatic: yeah, i've never had to install any 3rd party drivers so i'm a bit clueless here12:39
jribslim: http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/x111.html12:39
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lufisThug-N-Me: change the file action in the preferences12:40
jribslim: you need the -dev packages though to compile things with gtk12:40
LaHrrSLoVeLLWill Synaptic Packet Manager also remove it from the GRUB menu?12:40
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lufisThug-N-Me: edit>preferences>content>manage file types12:40
slimjrib: can i apt-get those?12:40
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crazlunaticlufis: thanks anyway. skipping that step =)12:40
LaHrrSLoVeLLYes it does :P12:40
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lufiscrazlunatic: good luck :P12:41
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radioaktivstormvox754: thanks, ill try it and check back in on the open source alternative for the bcm43xx.  I generally try to use the open source apps, but at the moment , a wirebound laptop is not very useful.12:41
jribslim: yes, apt-cache search --names-only lib gtk dev   will probably narrow down your search12:41
vox754slim, "aptitude search <package>"  use gtk  or gtk-dev  or gtk2 etc.12:41
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LaHrrSLoVeLLHow do I upgrade my system then without it installing that particual kernel?12:41
Thug-N-Melufis there is nothing about torrent there12:42
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baker_radioaktiv: i got mine running.12:42
lufisThug-N-Me: what happens when you click on a torrent file?12:42
iewuI just installed a software in ubuntu called httrack, I cant find it where it installed, its not under the applications->internet menu, please help(newbie)12:42
fnord_i installed shorewall over firestarter to use the QoS stuff, but now I'm wishing I'd gone with the simpler interface12:42
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lufisiewu: hit alt+f2 and type in "httrack"12:43
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slimok thanks alot guys ill try and do that (you will be the first to know if it doesnt work) ;012:43
lufisiewu: it's a gui app, right?12:43
=== miles_ [n=miles@ABordeaux-156-1-142-145.w90-5.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
miles_Hi there12:43
Thug-N-Melufis it wll open auto. with qtorrent ... which is good i want it that way ... but now i only want ONLY one torrent to be opened with a diff client12:43
miles_What could I use to open .eml files?12:43
neztiti hi12:43
=== nuu [i=neuro@host50-149-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
miles_thunderbird doesn't do the trick12:43
iewulufis:yes, its an offline browser,12:43
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vox754iewu, "sudo updatedb"  it takes some time to update the database, then do "locate httrack"12:43
dping28I was wondering if someone could help me with a mail server problem.. I have been following this howto http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix/ and have managed to get all services running however when i send mail its perm delayed with connect to[] : Connection refused and any mail I send to it never comes12:44
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lufisThug-N-Me: then click save instead of open and open it from there12:44
radioaktivstormbaker_, really? Mine only connects about 20% of the time :/ any suggestions? Im all up for using the fwcutter if i can use it12:44
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dooglusiewu: "dpkg -L httrack" will be quicker12:44
neztitidoes some one get kaffeine 8.4 works with feisty 7.04???12:44
Thug-N-Melufis i can ony do a right click and save link as... there is no save option12:45
barbarella_medping28:can you pastebin your /etc/postfix/main.cf?12:45
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neztiti does some one get kaffeine 8.4 works with feisty 7.04???12:45
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dping28sure one sec12:45
lufisThug-N-Me: it should be in the file types in the prefs12:45
neztiti does some one get kaffeine 8.4 works with feisty 7.04???12:45
lufisThug-N-Me: remove it and the next time you click on a torrent link, it will ask you what you want to do12:46
Thug-N-Melufis in firefox its nothing ....12:46
bruenig!repeat | neztiti12:46
ubotuneztiti: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:46
lufisThug-N-Me: weird12:46
vox754!info kaffeine12:46
ubotukaffeine: versatile media player for KDE 3. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu7 (feisty), package size 2186 kB, installed size 6044 kB12:46
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chillin what package should i report this?12:46
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chillit is a ubuntu-wide problem for me12:46
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Thug-N-Melufis i have listed only actions for media file types12:47
neztitii ask foe 8.412:47
vox754chill, checked the forums?  Don't fill a bug report yet12:47
lufisThug-N-Me: hm, and when you click on the torrent it just automatically downloads?12:47
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chilli did, checked ubuntu forums in english in spanish, and kubuntu forums also12:47
chilland checked launchpad too12:47
Thug-N-Melufis yes and then it will open the torrent file with my default torrent client12:47
chilli've been having this problem since dapper12:48
lufisThug-N-Me: strange, i don't know12:48
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Thug-N-Melufis the torrent i want to start downloading doesnt like my default torrent so thats why only for this torrent file i want to use a different torrent client ...12:48
nt9998get list12:48
fsckrI have a Texas Instrument ACX 111 54 Mbps Wireless Interface on Fiesty.  Is this card supported in fiesty?12:48
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fsckrI cannot get it to work12:49
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nt9998why dont u try12:49
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lufisThug-N-Me: yeah12:49
TomRhey, can I get xfce on ubuntu server edition? I want the gui interface for virtualbox...12:49
fnord_so, noone here can help with shorewall?12:49
vox754chill, that is weird!  you really have some strange dvorak keyboard and motherboard12:49
lufisTomR: sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop     try that12:49
Thug-N-Melufis it says please use a allowed client to be able to download this torrent ... seems like they banned the torrent client12:50
TomRlufis: then I got it on the server edition?12:50
doogluslufis: s/t/t install/12:50
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lufisTomR: what?12:50
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chilltry typing really really fast in this order, bloq mayus + word + bloq mayus + word12:50
dping28barbarella_me seems pastebin is having some problems with submitting stuff still trying to get it posted12:51
TomRlufis: n/m ill just fiddle with it. Thanks!12:51
chillmy motherboard is an asrock and the problem happened also with a microsoft multimedia keyboard12:51
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lufisTomR: no prob... but yeah it will install all the dependencies i think12:51
chalupahI had to install ubuntu from the alternate CD, what packages do I get for gnome?12:51
Yggdrasilcan somone help me get soundconverter to convert to mp3 ?12:51
chilli'll try with a hp laptop and a live cd, brb12:51
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vox754chill, your TECHNIQUE is BAD, i CAN'T think OTHERWISE12:52
lufis!restrictedformats | Yggdrasil12:52
ubotuYggdrasil: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:52
chillbut in windows this does not happen12:52
lufischill: you're awfully giggly :P12:52
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chillmaybe im the worse, but only linux behaves this way12:52
crazlunatichey guys12:53
crazlunatici just ran this command12:53
crazlunaticsudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:53
crazlunaticand finished editing the file12:53
crazlunatichow should I save my changes now?12:53
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jribcrazlunatic: :wq12:53
dping28barbarella_me Ok got it at http://pastebin.ca/47464812:53
crazlunaticjrib: ?12:53
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jribcrazlunatic: hit ESCAPE, then     :wq12:53
chillsorry for the laughs, i have a nice smile and it works with the girls hehe12:53
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vox754crazlunatic, for a nub I would suggest "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"     do not use vim yet!12:53
TomRcan desktop edition do software raid?12:53
crazlunaticahhh shit12:53
nt9998get list12:53
crazlunatici spent like 10 minutes making changes12:54
crazlunaticshould i redo them for the sake of my PC?12:54
vox754!language | crazlunatic12:54
ubotucrazlunatic: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:54
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lufiscrazlunatic: just use gedit... it's gui,. very simple... gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:54
crazlunaticlufis: I have already made the changes and would just like to save them12:54
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TomRlufis: do you know if Desktop edition can do raid1?12:55
lufiscrazlunatic: i'm not familiar with vim, try ctrl +o or ctrl + s12:55
lufisTomR: have no idea12:55
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crazlunaticsomebody said something about :wq12:55
vox754crazlunatic, no it's okay... it is juts that vim is for pros, who program and know how to do lots of things.... to edit config files, most people would want gedit or nano, that's all, go ahead and save... hope you have a backup!12:55
crazlunaticdo I simply just type :wq ?12:55
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brownjavaI'm pretty sure desktop edition can do raid112:55
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jribcrazlunatic: hit ESCAPE, then     :wq12:55
crazlunaticjrib: Why do you have that empty space12:55
RigelHow do I burn a Video CD with Ubuntu?  Is there some way integrated with the OS to do it, or do I need to go get a third party program?12:55
crazlunaticvox754: Lol =P. How do i backup o.012:55
barbarella_medping28:do you want to send mail outside your local network?12:56
jribcrazlunatic: so you understand : is part of the comand12:56
crazlunaticjrib: thanks12:56
lufisRigel: k3b should do it12:56
crazlunaticjrib: Do you know how to backup that particular file: sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:56
dping28barbarella_me Yes12:56
crazlunaticI mean that is a command but =P you know what I mean12:56
Rigelinstalling now12:56
jribcrazlunatic: cp it before you save changes12:56
vox754crazlunatic, you could simply "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf~"12:56
crazlunaticjrib: I'm an ubuntu noob sorry. Whats cp12:56
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cablesHow can I change the file extension of everything in a folder?12:57
lufisAndyCR: hi :)12:57
jribcrazlunatic: it's the command for copying.  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup     should do it12:57
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AndyCRanyone using ubuntu on an hp dv9000t laptop?12:57
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crazlunatici just used vox's12:57
vox754jrib, ha faster today!12:57
AndyCRor any intel hp dv* laptop?12:57
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jribcables: rename12:57
miles_What could I use to open .eml files?12:57
dping28barbarella_me I have my domain and users all done in the mysql database if that matters any.. and I can log in to squirrel mail and see the delayed message i tried sending that got  the connection refused msg12:57
SquallI'm having a problem with my sound..It won't work..It says I have no device..I have a toshiba laptop, can anyone help me?12:57
AndyCRmiles_: evolution should work12:57
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vox754jrib, hey, to use "rename" I think you need to know perl syntax?12:58
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crazlunaticjrib: I pressed escape and :wq and it took me to the terminal. This means it saved correctly right?12:58
cablesjrib, what arguments do I use rename?12:58
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cablesvox754, I know Perl, but I'm not sure what do do with rename.12:58
cablesjrib ^^12:58
vox754cables, "man rename"12:58
doogluscables: rename [ -v ]  [ -n ]  [ -f ]  perlexpr [ files ] 12:58
barbarella_medping28:is your fqdn pointed to your ip?12:59
chillis not my technique is not my motherboard nor keyboard12:59
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RigelOk, what's the "best" program for converting one type of video file to another?12:59
user01hmmm i cant get my dvd player to recognize my raiders dvd12:59
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jribcables: rename -n 's/\.foo$/.bar/' *.foo    will change all .foo to .bar12:59
dping28barbarella_me Yes it is12:59
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chillthis happens also in this hp laptop with a live cd12:59
crazlunaticjrib: Sorry about that. I saved correctly right ? =)12:59
jribcables: well, after you remove the -n it will12:59
jribcrazlunatic: yes12:59
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KnowledgEngineeri have ubuntu edgy, why when i click on upgrade for upgrade to ubuntu feisty the program tell : autentication failed ??12:59
crazlunaticjrib: thank u12:59
cablesjrib, thanks12:59
user01doesnt even show a dvd in the drive12:59
cablesvox754, :P12:59
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user01forrest gump shows12:59
cablesdooglus, I already got that bit.12:59
barbarella_medping28:a sec, i think that i know what is going on12:59
AndyCRany tips on getting suspend working?01:00
jribvox754: well you just need to understand regexp really01:00
dping28barbarella_me Ok..01:00
chillnow, what package should i type in the bug report webpage01:00
miles_AndyCR, no, Evolution won't01:00
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AndyCRmiles_: hmm. perhaps thunderbird would01:00
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crazlunaticwhats a good torrent client for linux?01:00
crazlunaticfor ubuntu01:00
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miles_AndyCR, no, Thunderbird won't either01:00
lufiscrazlunatic: ktorrent, deluge01:00
chillktorrent is good crazlunatic01:00
crazlunaticquick please lol, i just got an emergency call and wanna download somethign while waiting01:00
vox754jrib, cause I know a little regex but that seems like a mix of s/ subtitution and something else01:00
crazlunaticthank you01:00
crazlunaticktorrent it is01:00
user01i like bit tornado01:01
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vox754crazlunatic, quick?!  azureus?!01:01
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dooglusvox754: that "s/from/to/" is Perl s/// syntax01:01
overclockerhi, anyone has a working config in feisty with libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql?01:02
KnowledgEngineeri have ubuntu edgy, why when i click on upgrade for upgrade to ubuntu feisty the program tell : autentication failed ??01:02
chillin what package should i fill the bug report, if i have a problem that is ubuntu-wide, shown in all the programs01:02
AndyCRim trying to use suspend01:02
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AndyCRthe default wont work01:02
AndyCRs2ram works half of the time01:02
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vox754dooglus, will keep in mind, thanks. It is very useful.01:02
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AndyCR(with uswsp \)01:02
KnowledgEngineeri mean the program: upgrade manager01:02
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KnowledgEngineeri do not know if in english is correct01:03
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KnowledgEngineerbut i mean the program for upgrade01:03
user01is there a channel for dvd playbck problems?01:03
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:03
barbarella_medping28:can you find something that mysql reject the user, in the mail log files01:03
KnowledgEngineerif a upgrade the ubuntu edgy package i have no problem01:03
dooglususer01: I tried getting help with that here earlier, but nobody seemed to know how to play DVDs01:04
dping28barbarella_me /var/log/mail.log ?01:04
KnowledgEngineeri have problem to upgrade to new ubuntu release01:04
dooglususer01: in the end I found that vlc can play them ok01:04
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:04
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user01dooglus: right its not playing raiders of the lost ark . . . this dvd doesnt even show as in the dvd drive01:04
chalupahwhat package do I use to install gnome?01:05
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user01dooglus: it plays forrest gump01:05
doogluschalupah: ubuntu-desktop01:05
overclockerhi, i'm having problems with the example config of libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql in feisty?, i've a core dump, ideas?01:05
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vox754!info ubuntu-desktop01:05
dooglususer01: DVD players are like a box of chocolates01:05
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.43 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB01:05
chillin what package should i fill the bug report, if i have a problem that is ubuntu-wide, shown in all the programs01:05
user01dooglus: maybe i need to rip it and make a copy of it to play01:05
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vox754!info gnome-core01:05
ubotugnome-core: The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (feisty), package size 12 kB, installed size 44 kB01:05
lufischill: what is the issue exactly?01:05
Yggdrasilcan somone help me get soundconverter to convert to mp3 ?01:06
user01remove the keys01:06
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vox754chill, you'll have to repeat your problem to these people since I'm the only one who paid you attention...01:06
lufisYggdrasil: have you installed the restricted formats?01:06
chillbloq mayus(lock caps) does not switch from on to off fast enough01:06
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chillcheck this out: my name is JOhn WIlliamson01:06
chalupahthanks vox!01:06
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bruenigYggdrasil, I believe I read somewhere that the way it was compiled when it was packaged makes it impossible to convert to mp3 although I always remember using soundcoverter for that very purpose in edgy01:06
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chilland that happens to me everytime01:07
Yggdrasilim using edgy01:07
Yggdrasiland yes i did all the restricted stuff01:07
lufisYggdrasil: the ubuntu wiki page has instructions for installing the mp3 encoder for gstreamer01:07
yellow_chickenwhat's the package for the cube-looking glxgears?01:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lame - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:07
Yggdrasili did lam01:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about liblame - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:07
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Yggdrasillame i did dirty01:07
nt9998so we are having an OFFICIAL UBUNTU MOBILE AND EMBEDDED EDITION with Gutsy https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-May/000289.html01:07
ubotuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal.01:07
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lufisI don't know, seems like it would work with the encoder installed01:07
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Supaplexwho needs lame. we have ogg!01:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lamemp3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:08
barbarella_melame - LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder01:08
neztitiFATAL: Module adv717x not found.01:08
Supaplexit's vapor ware.01:08
Skiguywhat's the normal xsettings manager running in ubuntu?01:08
lufisSupaplex: true, but ogg isn't very widely supported in hardware01:08
neztiti    01:08
Yggdrasilill figure it out01:08
dping28barbarella_me I updated http://pastebin.ca/474673 with a section of that log file01:08
neztitiwhats the problem with me01:08
aboyousifneztiti, no arabic plz01:08
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Yggdrasilyea this sucks01:09
Supaplexlufis: it would be if demand was higher.01:09
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lufisSupaplex: well, mp3 has so much market share as it is01:09
aboyousifMba7eth, lool @ your name :)01:09
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r0b0is there a teamspeak repository (or whatever its called) built into Dapper?01:10
barbarella_medping28:that tells me nothing01:10
chillr0b0 i know what you mean, let me search for you01:10
Supaplexlufis: yea, almost criminal isn't it? :-X01:10
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r0b0thanks chill01:10
dping28barbarella_me Thats really the only error listed in that file01:10
lufisSupaplex: indeed... but unfortunately that's the way it is. may as well just use mp3 instead of going out of your way :P01:11
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chillsorry r0b0 gotta go, google "teamspeak" ubuntu01:12
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YggdrasilReading state information... Done01:12
Yggdrasilgstreamer0.10-ffmpeg is already the newest version. gstreamer0.10-gl is already the newest version.gstreamer0.10-plugins-base is already the newest version. gstreamer0.10-plugins-good is already the newest version. gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly is already the newest version.01:12
chilli'll be back to fill that report01:12
Yggdrasilanyone else know what could be going on with mp3 encoding , on edgy01:12
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neztitiok abuyousif01:12
barbarella_medping28:try /var/log/mail.warn01:12
r0b0thanks chill for all your help :D01:12
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r0b0On the teamspeak site there is a download for Linux, but I'm not really the best with linux atm01:12
noiesmoYggdrasil, sorry what exactly are you trying to do again with mp301:13
user01dooglus: ooo probably because it is illegal in some countries01:13
recoI'm having a issue with wireless in 7.04.  Ubuntu detects the card and shows me the networks around me but they show a signal strength of 0.  If I plug the same  USB adapter into my XP box next to it, I get 4 out of 5 bars of strength.  Any suggestions?01:13
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vox754jrib, actually I had forgotten how pretty gvim is!01:13
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ExyWhy does enabling the nVidia restricted driver try and download nvidia-glx even if the newer nvidia-glx-new is already downloaded and installed?01:13
dping28barbarella_me Nothing listed after a couple errors I had fixed that prevented Postfix from starting01:14
foucherreco:I recently had a similar problem.  I ended up changing the bit rate to 11M or 54M using iwconfig.01:14
Yggdrasilnoiesmo im trying to use soundconverter to convert into mp301:14
foucherreco:Let me see if I can find the exact command line.01:14
dping28barbarella_me Ill add that in case it may be helpful01:14
recoThank you01:14
lufisYggdrasil: Sound converted uses gstreamer, i have no idea why mp3 isn';t working. does mp3 playback work at all?01:14
Yggdrasilyea it works01:14
Yggdrasilim gonna remove that pkg01:14
radioaktivstormvox754, i tried restarting my wireless....it didnt work so well, also id be happy with 11Mbps. i just want a reliable connection. i followed the steps provided on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear and used wl_apsta.o Basically im happy with a wireless collection faster than dialup.  :D is there an alternate tutorial without the ndiswrapper taht you know of that i could try?01:14
Yggdrasiland reinstall it01:14
lufisYggdrasil: no, don't do that! hah01:15
lufisYggdrasil: it won't help01:15
lufisYggdrasil: one sec01:15
foucherreco: it's just "iwconfig <interface> rate 11M"01:15
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foucherreco: you might first try running iwconfig and see what the rate is for your wireless card.01:15
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dping28barbarella_me ok added http://pastebin.ca/474685 I had to go and comment out something in the master.cf to get postfix to start01:15
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recofoucher: I'll try that.  Thanks01:15
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barbarella_medping28:is in myorigin = /etc/mailname the same as myhostname = ?01:16
hendrixskiI'm thinking of getting a digital camcorder... how do those generally work in Linux?01:16
vox754radioaktivstorm, I don't, you just have to search the forums, and you'll be fine.01:16
bododohi folks01:16
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Yggdrasiloh, i know what was really buggin me was that soundjuicer wont rip into mp301:16
lufisYggdrasil: run this rm -rf ~/.gstreamer-0.10 && gst-inspect-0.1001:16
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Yggdrasilso thats whatsk ina bumming out01:16
Yggdrasilthanks that might work01:16
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bododoi'm having troubles with mouseemu on my ibook G4, i can't map ctrl+trackpad click to right click, how do you do this?01:17
lufisYggdrasil: i'll link you, hold up01:17
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shawn34looking for a finance manager similar to msmoney, whats the best out there?01:17
dping28barbarella_me myhostname is my actual domain name01:17
hendrixskishawn34, have you tried GNU-Cahs?01:17
bododoshawn34: there's a gnome one01:17
Yggdrasilyea that still didnt do it01:17
bododoyes gnu-cash01:17
lufisYggdrasil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping#head-452073ae050f16886cc103fbbcc27963919f572401:17
bododoanyone's using ubuntu ppc?01:17
shawn34hendrixski, used it like a year ago, wasn't very impressed01:17
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shawn34anything else?01:18
Yggdrasilok ill try it thanks01:18
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bimberishawn34: grisbi is another01:18
dping28barbarella_me Ahh and yes inside that file /etc/mailname it is my domain as well01:18
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hendrixskishawn34, oh... I've heard good things about it... haven't tried it yet... though I REALLY need to get my finances organized01:18
SilentDisHelp!  last night, my psu fried.  sparks and everything. I purchased a brand new one today, and just installed it.  upon trying to boot (ubuntu 6.10), i get a kernel panic instantly, both off the drive and off a CD.  I'm not really able to pastebin it, but the last line reads: <0>Kernel panic - not syncinc: fatal exception in inerrupt.  I have the screen up right now, and i'm happy to share any of the info.  if it's possible to bring the machin01:18
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bododonone's using ubuntu ppc? :(01:18
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bimberibododo: yes, still on dapper though01:19
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bododobimberi: ibook G4? how do you map right click with mouseemu?01:19
SquallI have no sound..http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19539/ is the error01:19
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SquallCan someone please help?01:19
barbarella_medping28:you have to trace your error in the log files. What you showed me tells me nothing. It can be a anything.01:19
_RubyxxDoes anyone have experience of setting up a dual boot Linux/Windows XP networkon two home PCs01:19
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bimberibododo: now that I haven't had to do so idk sorry :|01:19
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user01what mirror servers have automatix on them?01:20
bododobimberi: you used a mouse?01:20
dping28barbarella_me How do I trace my error?01:20
inhaheHas anyopne tried parallels?01:20
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inhaheon Ubuntu Feisty01:20
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inhahe =)01:20
user01for feisty?01:20
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slavkoque es mejor Dapper o Festy01:20
SmoothOpwhat is it01:20
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user01slavko: feisty01:20
=== bododo thinks he sould have choosed a better ppc supported distro :'(
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soweto76SilentDis, perhaps you could try another channel focusing on hardware.  Maybe the cpu took out something else with eh.01:21
barbarella_medping28:try telneting to your mailbox. And use an user whitch is in the mysql database.01:21
bimberibododo: yes, it's a mac mini and I have a 2 button mouse on it01:21
SquallAnyone have a idea? I really need help01:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:21
ericComo puedo reproducir archivos vwa01:21
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inhahelike virtual pc.. made for Linux.. lets you run Windows in Linux but overlayed instead o in a seperate windows01:21
slavkose puede actulizar dapper a festy por internet sin cd01:21
bododobimberi: lucky you, i bought a used ibook G4 lately01:21
SilentDis*sigh* never mind.  must've taken a cap on the Mobo with it, as it just died totally.  can't even power up anymore.01:21
barbarella_medping28:all the log files are in /var/log/mail.*01:21
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dping28barbarella_me ok I can do telnet localhost 25 and it connects01:22
lufisSilentDis: :(01:22
SilentDis!es | eric01:22
soweto76SilentDis, sounds about like I would expect :(01:22
ubotueric: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:22
bimberibododo: isn't F12 (or something) right-click?01:22
inhaheI cant Cedega to work for any game.. so I need something01:22
ericMuy bien, Disculpen las molestias.01:22
ericQue tengan un exelente cierre del dia.01:22
bododobimberi: yes by default, but i want ctrl01:22
bododotrackpad click01:22
slavkouser01 como actualizo Dapper a festy01:22
bimberibododo: fair enough01:22
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Squallhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19539/ anyone know how to fix..01:23
SilentDislufis: guess i'm without a pc and a job for a few weeks.  *sigh*01:23
SilentDistake care all01:23
lufisSilentDis: sucks :(01:23
sanityxIs BitchX no longer under development?01:23
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bododobimberi: well, F12 is a bit far from the trackpad, ctrl and trackpad would be better, as if i was on osx01:23
lonranwhat do u you use to copy music from/to an ipod?01:23
tuskerninihow do i SSH into my own pc?01:24
lufislonran: amarok works iirc01:24
r0b0you need an SSH server firstdon't you?01:24
bimberibododo: no disagreement here :)01:24
inhaheGtkpod is what I use for my nano01:24
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SexyBoBowhen i try to launch a game i get this error01:24
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SexyBoBolibstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:24
bododobimberi: oh yes, you damn english/american/whoever rich folks :P01:24
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inhahelaunching a game..pfffft   I'm surviving on nothing but Enemy Territory01:25
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SexyBoBoi have libstdc++-libc6.4-1.so.3 installed01:25
bobbob1016I have the disk-mounter on my gnome panel, and since Feisty, everything is there twice.  I plugged in my firewire iPod, and it is there twice, once as the iPod's Name, then once as "disk"01:25
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aboyousifSexyBoBo, link this file with the old name01:25
lufisSexyBoBo: maybe a version issue. search for "libstdc" in synaptic and see if there's a different one01:25
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nepeshHOLA , hi01:25
dping28barbarella_me thank you for your help.. I will just have to keep playing with it and see if i can find a more detailed error than the connection refused01:26
bododobobbob1016: you use an ibook? please say yes :)01:26
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recoI'm having a issue with wireless in 7.04.  Ubuntu detects the card and shows me the networks around me but they show a signal strength of 0.  If I plug the same  USB adapter into my XP box next to it, I get 4 out of 5 bars of strength.  Any suggestions?  Thanks01:26
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vox754!away > r0b0[away] 01:26
Sexinesscan i get some help?01:26
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SexinessI'm using this method http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 to connect wirelessly01:27
lufis!away > lufis01:27
bobbob1016bododo, not an ibook, why?01:27
vox754!nickspam > r0b0[away] 01:27
bododoSexiness: sure! in exchange of what we all think of!! :P01:27
Sexinessand i get a good 5 bar connection to the internet01:27
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bododobobbob1016: i'm stuck with mouseemu :(01:27
Sexinessbut i can't connect01:27
Sexinesslike.. it says i'm on the network01:27
Sexinessbut i have no connection01:27
bododoSexiness: wireless?01:27
pablloPlease, guys, I really need HELP with my 3d games. I've been looking for a solution for 5 days and I'm gettin sicj and tired of this.01:27
overclockeri'm having problems with the example config of libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql in feisty?, i've a core dump, ideas?01:27
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bododoon the network where internet is?01:27
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Sexinessall these wireless networks come up and i'm can see mine and i put in the security code but i'm not connected to the internet01:28
bododoSexiness: have you tried an IP adress? maybe it's just DNS problem?01:29
ExyAre there any WYSIWYG HTML editors in Ubuntu's AMD64 repo anymore?01:29
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bimberibododo: How about Fn+Alt instead of F12 - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1616320&postcount=10 ?01:29
Exypabllo: What exactly is the problem?01:29
HymnToLifeExy, nvu isn't there ?01:29
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Sexinessbododo, you know like.. I'm not actually connected to the internet01:29
ExyHymnToLife Not on AMD64, no01:30
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cablesIs there any info on how to get a Dell's lid switch working?01:30
bododobimberi: thanks bro :)01:30
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pablloexy, when I run any 3d games i get no image, just sound01:30
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HymnToLifethen you just need to learn HTML, I guess ;)01:30
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bimberibododo: np :)01:30
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Sexinesswhat i'm saying is that everything is where it should be01:30
ExyHymnToLife I Know HTML, I build PHP websites in text editors.01:30
Sexinessi'm not connected to the internet01:30
iewuhey I used the intel graphics driver in ubuntu and intel graphics card 945 works fine I got full 1280X800 resolution now01:30
Sexinessyou're telling me stuff i already know basically01:31
bododoSexiness: try to access an IP adress not a domain name01:31
ExyHymnToLife: But that's not the point, I need to do some basic stuff quickly in WYSIWYG else it just takes too long for basic stuff01:31
Sexinessyou're not listening o_001:31
bododowell, sorry then01:31
SexinessI'm not connected to the internet01:31
Sexinessit's not a DNS problem01:31
anickdoes anyone know if ubuntu has a source package for wine or do I have to download the source code directly from winehq?01:31
bododoSexiness: ok, sorry01:31
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Exypabllo : Do you have your graphics card drivers loaded? What card and what drivers and version?01:31
aboyousifSexiness, is your wlan wpa ?01:31
Sexinessaboyousif, wep01:31
Exyanick : You download the package from WineHQ01:31
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cablesanick, Ubuntu's packages for Wine, binary or source, are outdated... it would probably be a better idea to add Wine's repository.01:32
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pablloexy, nvidia n18 geforce 4 mx with the nvidia 9631 driver installed.01:32
aboyousifSexiness, have you checked the forums for using wpa wlan ?01:32
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Geoffrey2hmm, I'm looking to set up NFS, and it looks like the first step is making sure the User ID's on the client match those on the server...what's the best way to do that (LDAP, NIS, manual password file synchronization)?01:32
Sexinessaboyousif, no01:32
Sexinessi don't intend of using wpa01:32
Sexinessno need for it here01:32
Exypabllo : Pastebin the output of "glxinfo"01:32
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aboyousifSexiness, what is the problem then .. does it hardware problem or configuration .. what is the error yo got when try to connect ?01:33
slimcan someone tell me how to find out if im using x windows01:33
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pablloexy, there you go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19543/01:33
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nepeshSi tengo los Web browser : Firefox , Galeon,y Epiphany con Java Sun 6 y Adobe Flash instalados y ambos funcionando pero NO lo hacen en mis Web Browser Konqueror ,Opera ,Kazehakase ,COMO HAGO PARA LOGRARLO EN ESTOS ULTIMOS 3 WEB BROWSER EN LOS CUALES NO FUNCIONAN NI JAVA NI ADOBE?01:34
Sexinessaboyousif, no "error" persay. it's just that i can't connect to the internet wirelessly. I have a bcm43xx card01:34
lufisslim: if you're using gui apps you are01:34
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slimok thanks01:34
aboyousifSexiness, tried sudo iwlist scan ?01:34
HymnToLife!es | nepesh01:34
ubotunepesh: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.01:34
cafuegoSexiness: Did you install the bcm43xx firmware files?01:34
PeronthiousAlright, I've downloaded a .bin file, which I know is an image file, but I have no idea what to do with it in Linux.01:34
alienseer23I lost all of my desktop icons, how do I get them back. please?01:34
PeronthiousHow do I run the file?01:34
Sexinesscafuego, from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405990 yes01:35
lufisalienseer23: lost? what happened?01:35
diegohi, how can i see in my linux, a remote web cam in windows?01:35
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lufisalienseer23: try hitting alt + f2, then running "nautilus"01:35
pabllonepesh, hermano, no01:35
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alienseer23lufis: nautilus froze, had to force quit a window, lost desktop icons01:35
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Exypabllo : What games have you been trying to play?01:35
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lufisalienseer23: ah, then just restart nautilus01:36
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pablloexy, various: ppracer, tremulous, scoched 3d...01:36
alienseer23lufis: quick command to do this??01:36
BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server?01:36
=== nerveband [n=nerveban@pool-71-167-99-171.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
vlcfan1234how can i register my username?01:36
pablloexy, do you have any idea about this?01:36
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lufisalienseer23: alt+f2, type in "nautilus"01:36
bruenig!register | vlcfan123401:36
duelbootSexiness, I hope cafuego can help cause I have the same exact problem01:36
ubotuvlcfan1234: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:36
NerveBandhello everyone ^_^01:37
Exypabllo : Sure your monitor isn't going out of sync and turning itself off?01:37
alienseer23thank you01:37
Sexinesslol duelboot01:37
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lufisalienseer23: np :)01:37
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NerveBandcan anyone explain to me why if I plug in my headphones into my front headphone port, I get sound coming out of my speakers as well as my headphones?01:37
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cablesDoes anyone here watch Heroes or any other show on NBC.com? (This is Ubuntu support-related... seriously... don't !offtopic me)01:37
duelbootI'm going to try it with the link you sent...I installed the bcm43XX-firmware package, but have had no luck01:37
pablloexy, is not off i know it because if i hit enter enough (in ppracer) i can see the penguin going downhill01:37
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BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server?01:37
kitcheNerveBand: no clue but it probbaly has to do with how your speakers are setup :)01:38
Bradf0rdHey, I was in here earlier about WiFi issues... I've got something working but I somehow made System>Admin>Network stop displaying Networks... can someone help???01:38
NerveBandwell, what do you mean? I mean im just using hte default detected driver in ubuntu01:38
SquallHow do I install  alsa cvs?01:38
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bruenigcables, demonoid.com tends to be where I watch nbc.com shows01:38
Exypabllo : may be an issue with AGP speed, fastwrites, sideband-addressing or something then, I'd look into those01:38
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ExyAre there any WYSIWYG HTML editors in Ubuntu's AMD64 repo anymore?01:38
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recoI apologize for asking this again but my WINDOWS machine crashed, go figure.  Anyways my questions is: I have a usb wireless card that gives me 4 of 5 bars for signal strength in XP but 0 strength in Ubuntu 7.04.  Any ideas on how to fix this?  Thanks.01:38
rskSquall: http://www.alsa-project.org/download.php01:38
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SquallThanks rsk01:39
cablesThe fullscreen button used to work with Linux, but I've tried multiple browsers and it doesn't work any more on any linux browser, so I think it's flash-related01:39
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bruenig!nvu | Exy I assume this is in amd64 too01:39
ubotuExy I assume this is in amd64 too: nvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but add your name to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WaitingForNvuFeisty to be notified when packages are available.  See also !html.01:39
cablesoh well, I can just use Beryl to zoom in.01:39
vlcfan1234im registered now01:39
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vox754!offtopic | cables, nice try01:39
ubotucables, nice try: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:39
Tarkusjrib, i tried doing "chmod ugo-rwx /media/disk/". and now i dont even have the permission to view the folder period.. any suggestions?01:39
bruenigoh nvu is not in the repos hmmm01:39
NerveBandReco: whats your wireless carD?01:39
jribTarkus: why -?01:39
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BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server?01:39
NerveBandand I'm still confused about my sound01:39
vox754!info nvu edgy01:39
Sexinesscafuego, ?01:39
cablesvox754, seriously, you heard my question.01:39
bruenigTarkus, that command takes all the permissions away from everyone01:39
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ubotunvu: Complete Web Authoring System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0final-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 8373 kB, installed size 26448 kB01:39
Exybruenig : I know what nvu is and it's not in the AMD64 repos01:39
NerveBandit keeps on spitting out from both headphones and the speakers01:39
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bruenigExy, yeah did you read what ubout said01:40
lasermannenCan anyone tell me how to get the right keymap? (Not in X, in terminal) I've tried for ages now, the chars work as root but not with my normal user, dont know why :S01:40
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Tarkusbruenig, really? i though it gave everyone read, write and execute permissions..01:40
bruenig!info bluefish | Exy I would just use this, may not be wysiwyg but it should be a pretty easy DE01:40
ubotuexy i would just use this, may not be wysiwyg but it should be a pretty easy de: bluefish: advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-1 (feisty), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6724 kB01:40
BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server? is it safe to disable it?01:40
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NerveBandlasrmannen, can you be specific?01:40
bruenigTarkus, change the - to a +01:40
Squallrsk, I'm at the alsa cvs site, I don't know which to download01:40
Squallor how to isntall01:40
recoNerveBand: Its a Zonet ZEW2500P.  Its detected in Ubuntu and I can see the networks around me but can connect.01:40
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ubuntu_how can i mount my hds ??01:40
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lasermannenNerveBand: Well, im using the box as server. And i want swedish keymap01:41
Exybruenig : Bluefish isn't WYSIWYG and yes I did read what ubotu said and I need it "now"01:41
NerveBandokay did you see if thats based off another chipset?01:41
lasermannenNerveBand: I tried to set the locales right but wont work anyway, only as root.01:41
NerveBandlike atheros or something?01:41
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duelbootcafuego, I get this e3rror:  [17513.646601]  bcm43xx: TODO: Incomplete code in keymac_write() at drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx_main.c:113201:41
Tarkusbruenig, oh that explains alot, im embarased. thanks. lol01:41
bruenigExy, compile it or go with bluefish or do something, you are aware of yoru options01:41
duelbootcafuego, I get this e3rror:  [17513.646601]  bcm43xx: TODO: Incomplete code in keymac_write() at drivers/net/wireless/bcm43xx/bcm43xx_main.c:113201:41
NerveBandah, are you setting the locales under root?01:41
NerveBandor at user level?01:41
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lasermannenNerveBand: Tried both, works with root, but not with user01:41
nonlinearthe ubuntu installer isn't picking up my hard drive partitnos, anyone know what could be the problem?01:42
recoNerveBand: No I didn't.  I googled it and it's supposed to be supported.01:42
PeronthiousAlright, I've downloaded a .bin file, which I know is an image file, but what do I do with it in Linux?01:42
Exybruenig : I'm aware I have no actual non-annoying options then. NVU takes an age to compile.01:42
pablloexy, still there?01:42
=== webmaren [n=webmaren@h-68-166-71-241.mclnva23.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!iso | Peronthious I generally convert to iso01:42
ubotuPeronthious I generally convert to iso: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:42
Exypabllo: yeah01:42
Peronthiousalright, thanks01:42
NerveBandreco: Did you check for alternative/hacked drivers? i never heard of that chipset01:42
pablloexy, do you think you can help me ? please?01:42
NerveBandand lasermannen, how are you setting your locales, do you have an X server on that box?01:43
Bradf0rdDOES anyone know how to fix Network Manager to show WiFi???01:43
BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server? is it safe to disable it? it's making my load go up to 1.701:43
bruenigExy, ok so what are you complaining about then. You know the situation, make your choice. (we don't control nvu's rewrite or the repos or compile times)01:43
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lasermannenNerveBand: I have X but not running.01:43
NerveBandBradf0rd, is your wifi card even running with the proper drivers?01:43
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NerveBandwhats your wifi card?01:43
NerveBandlol im helping other people and still cant the solution to my own problem01:43
Exybruenig : No but nvu could at least be in the repos till there is a replacement...01:44
lasermannenNerveBand: Never started X since i only use remote SSH access to it01:44
NerveBandah, so one sec01:44
cafuegoSexiness/duelboot: which bcm specifically do you guys have?01:44
recoNervBand the chipset is rt2x0001:44
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duelboot4306 cafuego01:44
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nonlinearthe ubuntu installer isn't picking up my hard drive partitnos, anyone know what could be the problem?01:44
cafuegoduelboot: Then the forums probably gave you bad firmware.01:44
NerveBanddid you try that lasermannen?01:44
Exypabllo : not really, I'm barely awake as is and I need to get some stuff done but it seems I'm out of options myself01:44
lasermannenNerveBand: Oh i think i solved it =)01:44
cafuegoduelboot: Remove it01:45
NerveBandgood for you then ^_^01:45
bruenigExy, they have for whatever reason made a choice to not include them. You could package it and make it available perhaps.01:45
Bradf0rdNerveBand, I think so... I've been messing with the drivers all day, and I finally got Ubuntu to acknowledge the cards existence, and now it's even displaying the Networks around herre01:45
NerveBandreco, give me a sec01:45
duelbootcafuego, I also installed the bcm43xx-firmware from Synaptic and get the same problem01:45
NerveBandBradf0rd, then whats the problem?01:45
duelbootcafuego, I'll remove the one from the forum though01:45
cafuegoHmm, that's odd.01:45
FlannelExy: nvu hasn't been actively developed in a while.  Use Amaya01:45
pablloexy, do you mean you have no time but you could give me the answer?01:45
Exybruenig : I hdon't have that much time...01:45
FlannelExy: or Quanta01:45
cafuegoduelboot: I use http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/feisty-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb without problems.01:45
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HymnToLife!caps | Meglo01:46
ubotuMeglo: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:46
duelbootcafuego, I think I tried that, but I'll do it (again?) just in case01:46
BigToeI just... fuck you MegaQuark_01:46
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BigToeer, Meglo01:46
BigToesup Meglo D:01:46
Flannel!language | BigToe01:46
ubotuBigToe: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:46
HymnToLife!language  bigjb01:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about language  bigjb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:46
BigToeoh hi01:46
=== BigToe whistles
NerveBandreco: see pm01:46
kbrooksI would like to clean my hard drive out of fonts I don't use.01:46
ExyFlannel : I'll look into it. I looked at Quanta but didn't see anything other than aided coding.01:46
cafuegoduelboot: Just be sure to unload the bcm43xx driver from the ekrnel in between tries.01:46
NerveBandbradford, whats the problem then ^_^?01:46
kbrooksWhyat is a useful command to do that?01:46
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:47
Bradf0rdNerveBand, I can't actually connect to the networks... WiFi-Radar gets it to connect, but when it does the Network Manager tells me I'm connected via wire, and I'm not... and I still have to data transfer01:47
BigToeMeglo, helps me. kacpi uses up like 65% of my CPU.01:47
duelbootcafuego, how?01:47
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recoNerveBand Thanks01:47
ExyIs Mozilla's new "Seamonkey" suit or whatever it's called in Ubuntu's repos? (can't remember the proper name of it)01:47
NerveBandyour welcome reco ^_^01:47
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cafuegoduelboot: sudo rmmod bcm43xx01:47
NerveBandBradf0rd, whats your chipset?01:47
Bradf0rdNerveBand, No data transfer*01:47
NerveBandBradf0rd, whats your chipset?01:47
Bradf0rdNerveBand, Intel Core Duo01:48
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Bradf0rdNerveBand, for Wifi...01:48
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cafuegoThat's a CPU, not a wifi chipset01:48
NerveBandyes your wifi chipset01:48
NerveBandnot your cput01:48
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cafuegoBradf0rd: run 'lspci'01:48
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Bradf0rdBroadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)01:48
NerveBandpastebin the output01:48
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Bradf0rdNerveBand, Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)01:48
NerveBandbroadcom have some very buggy drivers01:48
Roortrying to install nvidia drivers, still, tried just about everything, still getting "could not open the device file /dev/nvidia0 (input/output error)" "no screens found" etc. when i boot up, x fails... happens when I put nvidia instead of nv in xorg.conf .. have tried deleting the pci line etc..01:48
NerveBandbut okay01:48
NerveBandone sec01:48
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nonlineardoes anyone know why the ubuntu installer wouuldn't see my hard drive partions,, and only give me the option to use the whole disk?01:49
Broccolyhi, is there some repo somewhere for Perl CPAN modules?01:49
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piggyg1Does ubuntu use any kind of graphics acceleration?01:49
cafuegoBroccoly: dh-make-perl is what you need.01:49
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Crankymonkynonlinear, You need to select Manually setup partitions to use partitions01:49
piggyg1all the windows seems very choppy01:49
Guest11549does anyone knows which command shows my current ip?01:49
NerveBandBradf0rd, see PM01:49
NerveBandnonlinear, did you try using custom mode?01:49
ward_i'm having trouble configuring my tv-out, x doesnt start anymore but i have made a backup of my xorg.conf, what's the command to replace xorg.conf.backup with xorg.conf?01:49
NerveBandin the installer?01:49
markcGuest11549: ifconfig01:50
CrankymonkyGuest11549, ip addr and look at either your eth0 or wlan0 or whatever you are using also works01:50
Guest11549I'm looking for a commad that show only my ip not like ipconfig...01:50
nonlinearcranky: yea, i did,.,, it says "here is a list of you partitions" or whatever and it only shows my entire drive... if i pick that, it says like "warning you're gonna overwrite the whole drive"01:50
=== PatrickBic2 [n=Patrick@81-223-175-82.fadingerstrasse.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
NerveBandward_ use sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:50
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duelbootcafuego, Synaptic states the bcm43xx-firmware is for Dapper...is there another one for Fiesty?01:50
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues01:50
nonlinearnerveband: what is custom mode?01:50
Guest11549Crankymonky ipconfig shows devices and all related properties01:50
NerveBandward_: use sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:50
pablloUbuntu, go to hellllllllllllllll i can not play my 3d games, I've been searching for a solution but nobody seems to help, Ubuntu go to hellllllll01:50
NerveBandin the partition window01:50
NerveBandyou should see gudied modes01:50
NerveBandand then a manual setting01:50
NerveBandchoose the manual one01:51
CrankymonkyGuest11549, I said ip addr01:51
nonlinearyeap, i chose maual01:51
NerveBandand hit next01:51
=== Munchkinguy [n=chatzill@wnpgmb11dc1-39-112.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
NerveBandyoull see your partiotions then01:51
starkruzrI just changed monitors, but the resolutions available to the new monitor aren't showing up in Screen Resolution.  Do I have to restart my machine in order for it to detect properly?01:51
NerveBandstarkruzr, just hit Ctrl + Alt + Backspace01:51
NerveBandto restart x01:51
ward_Nerveband, thanx, and if i first want to make a backup of my current xorg to pastebin it?01:51
nonlinearyeap, but insead of my partiotns, it just shows my whole disk... it's not seeing the partitions at all01:51
markcpabllo: of course not, use windows for games01:51
bruenigpabllo, even if we assumed hell existed, how could an operating system go to hell ?01:51
cafuegoduelboot: Just install it.01:51
NerveBandward_, yeah do that01:51
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NerveBanddont forget the url though :P01:51
MunchkinguyIs there anything similar to "Democracy Player" that plays streaming video?01:52
ward_sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf.pastebin ?01:52
bruenigMunchkinguy, Democracy player exists in linux01:52
Broccolyis there some repo somewhere for Perl CPAN modules? i'm truing to install modules, instead of compiling01:52
Guest11549Crankymonky Yes ip addr is good but not perfect for my bash script.. I'm looking for simple ip address01:52
markcMunchkinguy: vlc is pretty good st streaming01:52
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NerveBandward_ are you trying to replace your backup with your original conf?01:52
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pabllobruenig, good one, but I've heard of so many things going to hell that I just don't know01:52
Neil-i installed openpgp, now thunderbird shows my emails in plaintext only01:52
Neil-i told it to on the install.. :/01:52
Neil-how can i get html mail back?01:52
nonlinearnerveband: i do choose manual, but but instead of my partiotns, it just shows my whole disk... it's not seeing the partitions at all01:52
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NerveBandNeil- reinstall or try the options01:52
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Munchkinguymarkc: I know, but I'm talking about the whole "Internet TV" thing.01:53
ward_NerveBand, no i want to know how to backup the one i have now, so i can pastebin it01:53
NerveBandnonlinear, are you sure? maybe its looking at an external drive or something?01:53
bruenigMunchkinguy, Democracy player exists in linux01:53
NerveBandoh okay01:53
pabllomarkc, you just gave me the answer dude, "use windows for games" thanks I appreciate thar, really, I will no longer fuck with this compliications01:53
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Neil-NerveBand: dont fancy a reinstall, do you know what option to look for?01:53
Guest11549Crankymonky For ex: commadshowip and the output is
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pabllosee ya, and fuck Ubuntu (in the games)01:53
ward_NerveBand, this would be good for backup? sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf.pastebin ?01:53
Munchkinguybruenig: Yes, but it doesn't stream videos.01:53
nonlinearnerveband: positive, i've been playing with it for like 10 minutes01:53
NerveBandthen just sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup and then copy that from gedit into a pastebin01:53
yellow_chickenhow to make glxgears run faster?01:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
NerveBandnonlinear, are you using the live disk or the alternate?01:53
CrankymonkyGuest11549, You don't like my answer?01:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
markcpabllo: yep, save yourself and the rest of us here a lot of angst and frustration, use whatever suits your needs01:54
NerveBandcause you might need to use the alternate01:54
nonlinearnerve: alternate01:54
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CrankymonkyGuest11549, ip addr, then look at eth0 if you are on ethernet or wlan0 if you are wifi01:54
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quantumcheeseno protocols show up when I compile pidgin01:54
nonlineardo you know how the installer 'sees' the partions?01:54
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imbecilehey im trying to install repo and am getting this error http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)  any suggestions?01:54
NerveBandare you using SCSI or IDE? or maybe even a RAID?01:54
CrankymonkyGuest11549, Or do ifconfig and look at eth0-inet addr01:54
nonlineari'm usi9nd ide01:54
NerveBandimbecile, the gz could be invalid or a bad copy01:54
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lolhey guys01:55
CrankymonkyGuest11549, Did you get that one?01:55
NerveBandnonlinear, thats kinda weird, did you try the live and you get the same problem? maybe another distro (like kubuntu or debian)?01:55
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imbecileNerveBand: so i should reinstall gzip?01:55
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NerveBandimbecile, it could be the file itself01:55
lolEverytime I log into Ubuntu, it just takes me back to the login screen over and over again. Does anyone know how to fix this?01:55
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NerveBanddownload it using wget and extract it manually01:55
NerveBandsee if it works01:55
NerveBandlol: do you see any messages01:55
eriscoI have memory leaking somewhere.... what can I do to "reset" or clear or whatever my RAM?01:55
Guest11549Crankymonky Ok, I'm doing a bash script where the input must be only my internet ip01:55
NerveBandor errors?01:55
nonlinearhavne't tried live cause my cd-burner sucks, so i'm installing from hard drive... (that wou;dn't be a problem.. would it?)01:56
lolno it jsut goes to login screen01:56
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NerveBanderisco, memory leaking means you got some program interfering01:56
Guest11549Crankymonky and my internet ip is on ppp0 device01:56
NerveBandjust kill some tasks01:56
nonlinearlike setting up GRUB to boot a partiotn and load the iso01:56
NerveBandlol, did you try using failsafe login?01:56
lolNerveband: no i dont see any msgs just the login sound01:56
NerveBandthrough the session at the bottom?01:56
Guest11549Crankymonky do you know how can i get this address?01:56
Crankymonkyppp0 device should still show with ip addr, but a command that lists only that one ip, dunno01:56
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BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server? is it safe to disable it? it's making my load go up to 1.701:56
eriscoNerveBand, well the thing is I have 577MB free before I start tremulous (a game), and only 522MB after it is shut down01:56
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lolNerveband: fail safe gnome or terminal01:56
NerveBandnonlinear, its bad to install from harddrive01:56
eriscoNerveBand, and over a while the ram is completely hogged up01:56
imbecileNerveBand:  I got the same error trying to install xchat and vlc ... how do you recommend fixing it?01:56
NerveBandcause your trying to detect the harddrive itself01:56
markcGuest11549: ifconfig ppp0 | grep addr: ... and a few other awk thingies01:57
Tripwitch program i must use to burn data / iso ?01:57
lolNerveband: fail safe gnome or terminal01:57
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NerveBandimbecile, o.0 thats a deep rooted problem, try installing gzip01:57
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beerdoes anyone know where i can find documentation on upgrading Ekiga?01:57
NerveBandtry fail safe gnome, lol01:57
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quioHi.  I am trying to play a .bin file using movie player but get this error Movie requires a video Cd decoder.  A little help in where to go to get this would be appreciated.01:57
NerveBanderisco, maybe remulous is not releasing all resources01:57
nonlinearnerve... hrm, ok.  well i'll play with a bit more and if it still fails i'lldo a net install.. thanks for your help, i'll be back and let youknow what happened01:57
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NerveBandquio, use vlc01:57
Tripwitch program i must use to burn data / iso ?01:57
SmoothOpquio: buy the girls gone wild dvd01:57
NerveBandvlc can play video cds01:57
duelbootcafuego, had to reboot....it locked up on me...I'll post my dmesg output if you think you can help...01:57
NerveBandwithout additional codecs01:57
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lolNerveband: same thin happen01:57
PatrickBic2is there any other method beside pxe (netboot) for installing without any removeable devices?01:58
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NerveBandTrip, use the nero beta, its fantastic by my optinion01:58
quio<NerveBand> What is vlc?01:58
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NerveBandPartickBic2, you cant do cd?01:58
NerveBandQuio, vlc is an app a video app01:58
Crankymonkyquio, VLC video player01:58
poetFirst time with Ubuntu. I need PHP, Apache and MySQL so I d/l the Ubuntu Server but can't seem to get the ISO to be detected on boot in VMWare.  Any suggestions?01:58
NerveBanddo sudo apt-get install vlc01:58
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eriscoNerveBand, so that is my question! How do I do this manually?01:58
PatrickBic2NerveBand, cd drive is ... kinda dead.. only accepts "normal" cds..no burnt ones01:58
lolNerveband: same thing happen01:58
NerveBandPartickBic2, do a pot tweak, research it01:59
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NerveBandlol, go to terminal and try installing kde and install through there01:59
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NerveBanderisco one sec01:59
quio<NerveBand> Thanks I will try now.01:59
markcpoet: apt-install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server01:59
BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server? is it safe to disable it? it's making my load go up to 1.701:59
Guest11549markc so, awk it's a powerful tool for this, but I don't beleave that already ins't a command that make this for me.....01:59
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JJ|Laptopmarkc: you forgot to install php...02:00
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NerveBandpoet, your using vmware to boot the iso right?02:00
eriscoNerveBand, even when my game is closed, my ram is slowing dropping02:00
quantumcheesehas anyone played with installing pidgin?02:00
TripNerveBand: nero for linux ?02:00
poetI'm wanting to use VMWare on my regular WinXP box to install Ubuntu with02:00
markcJJ|Laptop: libapache2-mod-php5 should be enough02:01
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lolNerveband: i've already installed it couple of hours ago02:01
PatrickBic2NerveBand, i found a better and faster solution02:01
NerveBandpoet, go tothe vmware bootmenu as your starting up, hit f12 and choose the cd drive, or go in bios and make sure that the cd is the first boot drive (within vmware)02:01
PatrickBic2using vmware and installing native ;)02:01
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JJ|LaptopTrip: lol, i doubt that nero would make it available in source for compilation on linux02:01
NerveBandPartickBic2, oh yeah! i thought oyu didnt have an install on your computer02:01
NerveBandso lol02:01
NerveBandTrip, nero is a package02:01
PatrickBic2NerveBand, using that pc for chatting atm ;)02:01
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markcGuest11549: IP=$(ifconfig ppp0 | grep addr: | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}')02:01
NerveBandokay im off to prayer02:01
JJ|Laptopmarkc: that jsut adds php5 as a plugin to the apache2 config02:01
NerveBanderisco one sec02:01
lolNerveband: i've already installed it couple of hours ago02:01
PatrickBic2hf NerveBand02:01
TripJJ|Laptop, lol i found nero for linux :P can i past links here ?02:02
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duelbootcafuego, see here:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19548/02:02
ward_NerveBand, http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/1954702:02
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JJ|LaptopTrini_Man: go ahead02:02
bulleTrip: it has been available for quite some time02:02
BigToewhy is kacpid using up 65% of my CPU on ubuntu server? is it safe to disable it? it's making my load go up to 1.702:02
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JJ|Laptopi never knew that...02:02
NerveBandokay i gotta go to prayer sorry when i come back ill help more when i can02:02
markcJJ|Laptop: sure, and it depends on php5-common which provides php.ini... don't need anything else to deliver php files via apache02:02
Guest11549markc thank you! it's work fine!02:02
ward_Can anyone take a look at my xorg.conf, i've been trying to get my tv-out working, this one didn't work: , http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/1954702:02
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bulleBigToe: how are you going to turn off kacpid ?02:03
NerveBanderisco, use killall <insertprogramnamehere> to close your game next time02:03
NerveBandshould make the ram fly02:03
BigToebulle, I don't know.02:03
joe__'lo all02:03
eriscoNerveBand, okay thanks02:03
lolEverytime I log into Ubuntu, it just takes me back to the login screen over and over again. Does anyone know how to fix this?02:03
BigToebulle, but it's using up all my CPU time and I want to either fix or get rid of kacpid02:04
eriscoNerveBand, the game plays full screen, how can I get out of full screen in order to use a terminal?02:04
Tripis there a good program to burn data and iso ? (prefer apt-get free source)02:04
JJ|Laptopmarkc: i guess you're right, i sjtu never like to have the computer deal with things02:04
duelbootcafuego, see here:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19548/02:04
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eriscoTrip, ubuntu should already have these utilities...02:04
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ward_this is the howto i followed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9845602:04
bimberiTrip: Nautilus, the Gnome file manager can burn data CDs02:04
duelbootcafuego, it's my dmesg output with my wireless card info02:04
bulleTrip: k3b =02:04
thebillywaynelol, be sure you've got plenty of memory in /home.02:05
DavidXhas anyone used GFS on ubuntu server?02:05
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harry_How do I tell which kernel version I am running02:05
thebillywaynelol, free space, that is.02:05
DavidXharry_,  uname -a02:05
markcharry_: uname -a02:05
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JJ|Laptopwhat's the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu server?02:05
soulinfusuionEverytime I log into Ubuntu, it just takes me back to the login screen over and over again. Does anyone know how to fix this?02:05
BigToeJJ|Laptop, ubuntu server doesn't have GUI02:05
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DavidXJJ|Laptop, jeremy?02:05
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Neil-JJ|Laptop: Ubuntu server has no gui, and i think has stuff like apache on by default02:05
thebillywaynesoulinfusuion, be sure you have plenty of space available in /home.02:05
JJ|LaptopDavidx: huh?02:06
DavidXJJ|Laptop, nevermind, thought i knew you ;)02:06
soulinfusuioni have 70 ghz02:06
BigToe70 ghz? wow :o02:06
joe__lmao , thats what i was thinking02:06
BigToeso anyway02:06
JJ|Laptop70 ghz?02:06
thebillywaynesoulinfusuion, i mean, do you have plenty of hard disk drive space available for /home?02:06
soulinfusuionBigtoe: 70gbs i mean02:06
quio<NerveBand> VLC works great.  Thank you Much!02:06
BigToehow do I stop kacpi using up all my CPU time02:06
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duelbootcafuego, you there?02:07
markcsoulinfusuion: you might have to login into the console and check out the X11 log file in /var/log02:07
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JJ|Laptopdoes he mean 70ghz cpu or 70gb ram or 70gb hd?02:07
soulinfusuionmarkc: how can i do that?02:07
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soulinfusuion80gb hd with 70 gb free space lol02:07
bulleJJ|Laptop: 70gbs worth of cpu !02:07
troxordoes anyone else use beagle? if so, how often is it supposed to reindex?02:07
BigToeJJ|Laptop, 70gb ram :P02:07
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GenNMXsoulinfusuion: Go to terminal and type in "df -h" to see your available disk space on all mounted partitions.02:07
pantswhys everybody wearing bowties today?02:07
SoftlyI'll find out02:07
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poetAnyone know how to get Ubuntu Server installed on VMWare? I tried changing the CD-Rom to the .iso and it won't boot to it. Installed the image to CD and made sure CD was booting first in VMWare BIOS - still nothing.02:07
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soulinfusuionGenNMX: how can i go to tmerinal when i cant log in02:07
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markcsoulinfusuion: at the login screen there is a menu option, have a look and it will say "Console" as an option02:08
BigToehow do I stop kacpi using up all my CPU time?02:08
neztitiis there any update for display card ati radeon 920002:08
soulinfusuionmarkc: 67 gbs02:08
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BigToeit's using 65% of my CPU02:08
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troxorpoet: did you verify the cd image downloaded correctly?02:08
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GenNMXsoulinfusuion: The numbers combined with the units you are using make no sense in reality.02:08
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h4wk0bigtoe sudo killall kacpi02:09
AnguisHi, folks!02:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about directories - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:09
markcsoulinfusuion: are you going to try and login to the console ?02:09
bimberipoet: did you check 'connect at power on' ?02:09
poettroxor - yes, i also downloaded a couple images02:09
BigToeh4wk0, it just restarts as soon as I do it02:09
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BigToewell I think it does02:09
soulinfusuionGenNMX, markc: I logged into failsafe terminal. I don't know how to access termianl without logging into ubuntu02:09
cilaesI have found a fix for the Toshiba sound problems if anyone needs that.02:09
h4wk0What is kacpi?02:09
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neztitii mean like this link    http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/19547/02:10
soulinfusuionGenNMX, markc: What should be my next step? I have 67 GBS remaining in my 80 gb hard drive02:10
BigToeI guess it's for ACPI, h4wk002:10
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poetbimberi - yes, Connect At Power On is checked too02:10
thebillywayne!hi | Anguis02:10
ubotuAnguis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:10
bimberipoet: k :|02:10
BigToeoh wait, I meant kacpid02:10
fnord__hey, can someone tell me how to get ubuntu to stop asking for the CD when you run apt?02:10
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h4wk0BigToe; and it is cpu hugging atm?02:10
vraawhat is the website called? psychotic cat or something? it's got a bunch of ubuntu tutorials?02:10
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markcsoulinfusuion: I think you need to view the xorg logfile from a shell to have any idea why your login attempts are failing02:10
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thebillywaynefnord__, by commenting by the CD in /etc/apt/sources.list.02:10
BigToeit's using 65.2%02:10
GenNMXsoulinfusuion: Remove the 'S' after 'GB' and that sentence will be correct. GB = GigaByte(s). GBs = GigaBytes.02:10
BigToenever changes02:10
Jove`fnord__:  comment out the CD lines in /etc/apt/sources.list02:10
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soulinfusuionGenNMX: Ok sorry02:11
soulinfusuionmarkc: how can I do that?02:11
d2812fnord: system => software sources, and deselect the cd02:11
AnguisI'm looking for help installing Feisty Fawn AMD64 - I get to the first options screen of the disc and then the computer locks up, I have to re-start.02:11
fnord__thebillywayne & Jove: many thanks, i should've thought of that....02:11
At0mic_PCAny of you into astronomy?02:11
polhello alguien habla espaol?02:11
GenNMXsoulinfusuion: GBS can be used for GigaBytes per Second, just trying to make sure we're all talking about the same thing.02:11
vraafound it02:11
poetAny other suggestions for getting Ubuntu Server onto VMWare?02:11
markcsoulinfusuion: as I said, at the login screen there are some menus, one of them will include the Console option02:11
textchimphi....the version of VLC that is installed on Feisty 7.0.4 isn't compiled with JACK support.... do i have to recompile it myself?02:11
bimberiAnguis: have you verified the ISO and/or the CD?02:12
markctextchimp: yes, most likely02:12
bimberi!verify | Anguis02:12
ubotuAnguis: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:12
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ward_pol: type: /join #ubuntu-es02:12
markctextchimp: unfortunately there is no pcm_jack in feisty02:12
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soulinfusuionmarkc how do i view my log xorg file02:12
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AnguisI've used two different discs - no, I have not verified, I'll do that Is that a common problem?02:12
polward thanks02:12
BigToeh4wk0, any ideas?02:12
markcsoulinfusuion: have you logged into the console yet ?02:12
ward_pol: no problem, that's the spanish channel02:13
bimberiAnguis: no, but it's always something to check when issues such as yours arise02:13
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h4wk0bigtoe was just about to run a google :)02:13
soulinfusuionmarkc: yes02:13
recoNerveBand: I've downloaded the wireless driver you suggested but I'm having difficulty installing it.  I'm a Newbie and it's a little over my head.  I extracted it, started through the README, did the MAKE, MAK02:13
BigToeheh, ok h4wk002:13
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h4wk0Whats the name again (cba to scroll)02:13
soulinfusuionmarkc: yes i ahv loged into the fail safe terminal thing02:13
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ProspectiveUserHi there! Anyone willing to answer some newbie questions of an elderly not-yet-made-up-his-mind-user?02:13
d2812has anyone found an ubuntu replacement for MyPhoneExplorer?02:13
BigToeI've googled but found nothing. perhaps you're better at searching than me.02:13
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AnguisThanks for the help - I'll give it a try and go from there, thanks!02:13
recoNerveBand: I've downloaded the wireless driver you suggested but I'm having difficulty installing it.  I'm a Newbie and it's a little over my head.  I extracted it, started through the README, did the MAKE, MAKE INSTALL but couldn't install the module02:13
bimberiProspectiveUser: fire away :)02:13
BigToeh4wk0, kacpid02:13
markcsoulinfusuion: tail -100 /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:13
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h4wk0ProspectiveUser; Go :)02:14
ProspectiveUserI hardly dare to - you all sound pretty expert and young. I m some 69 years old ...02:14
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markcsoulinfusuion: sorry, prepend sudo to that command02:14
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textchimpmarkc: ok, thanks for that... i'm just afraid it'll be a hassle to compile02:14
ward_i'm trying to get the (composite) tv-out to work on my laptop (geforece mx 420go) on ubuntu 7.04, this xorg.conf didn't work: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/19547 , i folloed this tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9845602:14
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ward_any suggestions?02:14
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Heroini have a default 7.04 install of ubuntu w. GNOME.. i want to try out other desktop enviroments, which are my options (not KDE)02:14
bimberiProspectiveUser: i'm closer to your age than many here myself :)02:14
BigToeI'm probably one of the youngest here :P02:15
bruenigHeroin, xfce but ubuntu's xfce is pretty sad02:15
soulinfusuionmarkc: okay i put that command02:15
joe__how old are you, BigToe?02:15
markctextchimp: go to the launchpad and complain about a missing pcm_jack, if they update asound2-plugins with a pcm_jack then you wouldn't need to recomile any programs02:15
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ExyHeroin: XFCE4 is kinda a desktop env, and that's it. There are other Window managers but no more desktop envs02:15
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joe__lol - i've just turned 14.02:15
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joe__Well, about a month ago.02:15
Heroinbruenig well i dont mind getting it from a website and compiling it or whatever02:15
HeroinExy any other window managers then?02:16
BigToeI don't think people much younger than me will be here :P02:16
PatrickBic2hmm only 500kb/s download02:16
ward_joe__, congrants, i wish i knew what linux was when i was 14 :-p02:16
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BigToe8 year olds running linux :rolleyes:02:16
joe__lmao - installed ubuntu @ 11 =] 02:16
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underwatercowHas anyone successfully gotten the darwinia demo to work on Feisty?02:16
joe__Well, TRIED to02:16
HeroinBigToe what is ur age?02:16
BigToejoe__, shh. :P02:16
BigToeHeroin, 13 :P02:16
ExyHeroin: Fluxbox, E17, TWM, etc02:16
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ProspectiveUserHowever ... firing away: I have the choice of using either a linux or MS vista. Since I'm here, you can imagine, I don 't wanto go vista ... so I'm looking for some alternate. A friend of mine showed02:16
BigToejoe__, I did it a week after turning 1202:17
ExyI didn't think Ubuntu was even around 3 years ago...02:17
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HeroinExy thanks i will google window managers.. i was looking for desk env.. which got me KDE Xfce and gnome :)02:17
soulinfusuionmarkc: okay i put that command02:17
underwatercowI tried deleting the shared library that everyone said fixed it, but now I'm getting a seg fault when I try and run the game... is that something I should ask about elsewhere? or does anyone have any experience with this?02:17
CrankymonkyExy, You're wrong on that account^^02:17
bimberiExy: first release was October 2004.  So .. nearly :)02:17
silversky9hey, this might be an easy question for some, but how do you install a program that you download from the internet specifically for Linux?.... is there a certain code to type in based on where you download the file to??02:17
markcsoulinfusuion: any hint as to what the error might be ?02:17
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HeroinProspectiveUser i suggest u download the iso and burn it.. give it a swirl02:17
bruenigHeroin, window managers are very limited which is fine if that is what you are looking for, but just know that going in02:17
HeroinProspectiveUser its always cheaper to first try ubuntu instead of vista02:17
CrankymonkyExy, or actually 10.2004 is not 3 years yet^^02:17
ProspectiveUserme some Linux, but told me to try Ubuntu first. That's all I know yet - currently this is some Linux box I'm sitting at, but that's all I know. Where can I find documentation/info/whatever to02:18
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Heroinbruenig i want something difrent looking02:18
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Heroinbruenig i also have to look into beryl? and gnome themes :)02:18
soulinfusuionmarkc: theres some error about opening /dev/input/wacom02:18
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ProspectiveUsermake me more familiar with that ubuntu thing?02:18
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HeroinProspectiveUser www.ubuntu.com02:18
JosesordoI need help of gparted..02:18
joe__Hmm - How is the support for TV Tuner cards under ubuntu?02:18
soulinfusuionmarkc: And also : could not init font path element...02:18
markcsoulinfusuion: that's normal, few people have a wacom device... should be something else obvious02:18
soulinfusuionmarkc: Then at the bottom it says something about RadeonSaveScreen (2). I was following a guide on ubntu's wiki02:18
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JosesordoI format my NTFS partition to ext3...ok..after that I cant write in the partition.. :(02:19
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ProspectiveUserAlright - ubuntu.com is where i came from - currently the ISO is loading, I'll have it soon. Am I to simply TRY it? Isn't there02:19
orbinsilversky9: depends on what format the program came in02:19
bimberiProspectiveUser: yes it would be a bit lengthy to type you through that topic here.  Have a browse at www.ubuntu.com02:19
ProspectiveUseranything I should keep a closer look at?02:19
sanityxis it possible to compress an ext3 directory?02:19
duelbootcafuego, I had connection issue...did you respond02:19
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sanityxI dont want to have it be in a gzip or anything,02:19
textchimpmarkc, wait, are you saying the problem is with the feisty version of alsa?02:19
markcsoulinfusuion: the font thing is a warning... I'm not sure about the radeon thing, anything else that looks nasty ?02:19
bimberiProspectiveUser: once you burn the cd you can boot your pc from it and be able to try the system without any changes occurring to your Hard Disk Drive (until you install)02:20
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soulinfusuionmarkc: not really theres this thing about cannot init font path element and something about radeon02:20
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zezozoseKate|guitar: sup02:20
ProspectiveUserSure - but I'd like some user suggestion - what do you like about ubuntu, what don't you like?02:20
markctextchimp: not sure exactly, I think they used the latest jack and it's not happy with the lowlat patches in 2.6.20, they need to go back one version for jack02:20
markcI think02:20
sam124how do I make certain windows in kde not appear in the taskbar?02:21
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anathematic_how do i re-enable ssh on my server?02:21
h4wk0BigToe; uname -r (Whats the output)02:21
rummikhow do i set the welcome message for proftpd?02:21
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Ashexanathematic_, /etc/init.d/sshd start02:21
markcsam124: K -> Settings -> Desktop -> Windows specific settings = might help02:21
BigToeone second h4wk002:21
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anathematic_Ashex: thanks i'll try it out now02:22
duelboot/etc/init.d/ssh restart   anathematic_ assuming it's still installed02:22
sam124markc thanks02:22
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BigToeI'm doing something else in SSH at the moment, h4wk0, so you'll have to wait :|02:22
ProspectiveUserI got a new pc box here, waiting for the ISO - sure I'll try ... but I won't be able to explore as far as you have, I guess. That's why I'm asking user's opinion. If they're already documented anywhere, just let me know ...02:22
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soulinfusuionmarkc: not really theres this thing about cannot init font path element and something about radeon02:22
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h4wk0Well ProspectiveUser  What are you going to use it for?02:23
sam124what is the best media player for legally ripped isos?02:23
BigToeh4wk0, Linux nixon 2.6.20-15-server #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:41:34 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux02:23
Neil-how do i specify a proxy for banshee to use for radio?02:23
markcsoulinfusuion: damn, your problem should have an obvious error... at least you know how to get to that log file... I'm not sure what else to suggest02:23
soulinfusuionmarkc: Oh this seems obvious: AIGLX: 3D driver does not support visual02:23
h4wk0Humm - That'll be why BigToe :D Bug in that kernel02:23
soulinfusuionmarkc: Sorry loll, I forgot to scroll up02:23
BigToeh4wk0, :S02:23
soulinfusuionmarkc: I had tweaked my ATI card settings before but it did not have this error until I made another change.02:23
sanityxWhats a good podcast downloaded thats in the repositories?02:24
BigToeh4wk0, so how do I up/downgrade?02:24
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markcsoulinfusuion: try using a basic default video driver first... even vesa02:24
rummikhow do i set the welcome message for proftpd?02:24
foolfromhellI have a problem. I have an 8800GTX card in my computer and when trying to install ubuntu feisty from the LiveCD, my monitor loses the signal. So, bythe suggestion of people here on this IRC channel, I installed using the alternative text-based installer. Installation itself went perfectly, but whe booting into my system, my monitor loses the signal again. Can somebody tell me what to do?02:24
joe__I've installed PHP, Apache & mysql on my system, but my ISP blocks port 80. i set apache to listen on port 9999, and set up my port forwarding. are there any services that will redirect from xxx.xxx.xxx:9999 to xxx.xxx.xxx:80?02:24
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foolfromhellwait. I dont know why its bold02:24
foolfromhellI have a problem. I have an 8800GTX card in my computer and when trying to install ubuntu feisty from the LiveCD, my monitor loses the signal. So, bythe suggestion of people here on this IRC channel, I installed using the alternative text-based installer. Installation itself went perfectly, but whe booting into my system, my monitor loses the signal again. Can somebody tell me what to do?02:24
markcsoulinfusuion: ah there you go, back out of the changes until it works and try again... check this logfile as you go02:24
bimberiProspectiveUser: An excellent quote I saw today: it "lacks that atmosphere of paranoia that surrounds Microsoft".  There is no prompt titled "Your computer might be at risk".02:24
ProspectiveUserOffice use - a scanner, a pda, a printer. Network stuff like Irc, Icq, maybe even webcam/videoconference. Games? Surely not the latest 3d action as my grandsons play, but chess maybe?02:24
foolfromhellMy 300GB SATA is not partitioned into 210GB/90GB with the 210 being NTFS for Windows MCE and the 90 being ext3 for ubuntu02:25
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duelbootfoolfromhell, I don't know for sure, but it could be you need to set vga=771 (google for your monitor)02:25
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Heroinif i install fluxbox.. when do i specify my window manager?>02:25
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markcProspectiveUser: certain windows printer/scanners, particularly from DELL, will always be a problem02:26
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soulinfusuionmarkc: i made a backup of the file I edited before all this chaos happened. Can I revert back to it.02:26
foolfromhellmy monitor works 1280x1024 on Windows MCE 2004 and 2005 and on my other computers which have connected to it in the past02:26
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infignusenyone here?02:26
orbinHeroin: you choose it from the sessions menu at login02:26
ProspectiveUserI got a brother - the model is already working good at this fedora box, so i guess ubuntu will accept it as well02:26
ProspectiveUser*a printer by Brother ;-)02:27
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markcsoulinfusuion: cd /etc/X11 and then cp the current one -> cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.stuffup , then cp your backup over xorg.conf02:27
bagelsscaremeAnyone willing to give a total idiot a hand with ubuntu and it's ISO?02:27
anathematicmmm what would be a good article for installing ssh on my unbuntu server?02:27
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markcsoulinfusuion: prepend sudo as usual02:27
soulinfusuionmarkc : isnt cp copy02:27
joe__bagelsscareme: I'll try02:27
Beyond_The_GraveOK, I have a problem, I installed ubuntu on my spare HD.... But, silly me, I forgot to take out my Windows HD and now I have the grub installed and I don't know how to make it to where the Windows HD can boot by itself, can anybody help?02:27
BigToeh4wk0, so how do I up/downgrade my kernel?02:27
markcsoulinfusuion: yes02:27
soulinfusuionmarkc: i want to revert to my backup not copy somethign02:28
ProspectiveUserHow about security updates - will they sneak into my box like MS stuff?02:28
foolfromhellcan somebody help me?02:28
bagelsscaremeOk, I downloaded the ISO for Ubuntu from the site, and when I tried to burn the ISO to CD there is no ISO file.   Anyone willing to give me a hand?02:28
Geoffrey2before i spend a lot of time setting this up, I have a desktop and notebook computer, both running Fiesty, and I'd like to be able to transfer files back and forth between the two...NFS would be the best route for this?02:28
SmuuvMy wireless card show 0 signal strength but shows the networks around me.  Any suggestions?02:28
markcsoulinfusuion: cd /etc/X11 ; cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.stuffup ... that makes a backup of your current config to compare with later if need be02:28
Beyond_The_GraveDoes anybody know how to get rid of grub from my Windows HD?02:28
orbinfoolfromhell: when does it lose the signal?02:29
soulinfusuionmarkc: do i add the ; as well?02:29
markcsoulinfusuion: I don't know what the name of your real backup config file is called..02:29
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markcsoulinfusuion: perhaps on a separate line, prepend sudo02:29
joe__#name joe02:29
infignushej guys. i have big problem, when I install ubuntu linux my computer torf off, and my data in my Laptop are erased. When I installing windows xp sp 2 instalation program tell me that MY DISK ARE CRASHED. Now I'm in Live CD Ubuntu, and I looking for program witch cheack my disk. Is MAXTOR 40Gb. Someone know good program to cheack my disk?????????? plzzz02:30
BigToeGuys, I have a bug in my kernel according to h4wk0, who just left. How do I up/downgrade my kernel so I don't have the bug?02:30
soulinfusuionmarkc: when i cd /etc/x11 it says no file or directory02:30
joe__what is the bug?02:30
markcsoulinfusuion: you can use "ls -ltr" to see the most recently modified files at the bottom of the listing02:30
poetThanks for trying guys..  have a good one02:30
PatrickBic2BigToe, apt-get ugrade?02:30
BigToejoe__, kacpid hogs RAM02:30
markcsoulinfusuion: capital X02:30
rob65Beyond_The_Grave: try inserting a windows CD, going to the recovery console, and using the command "fixmbr"02:30
orbinBeyond_The_Grave: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/bootcons_fixmbr.mspx02:30
markcsoulinfusuion: linux is case senstive02:31
infignusplse give me link is very important02:31
rob65you'll need your administrator password though02:31
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markcsoulinfusuion: use ls -l to view the files in that folder02:31
soulinfusuionmarkc: thanks so basically. cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup02:31
soulinfusuionlike that?02:31
markcsoulinfusuion: use ls -ltr to see them sorted by time02:31
anathematicanyone able ot point me in the direction of a linspire irc channel? =\02:31
markcsoulinfusuion: yes02:31
bagelsscaremecan anyone give me a hand with the basic set up of Ubuntu?   I know, it's remedial and I'm stupid, but I would still appreciate the help.02:32
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joe__BigToe: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=213429 - That seems to say somthing about it...02:32
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soulinfusuionmarkc: it says permission denied02:32
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infignusi think my disk have bas sectors, plz give me name program that cheack it!!02:32
anathematicrob65:  ?02:32
markcsoulinfusuion: sorry, as mentioned, prepend sudo to each command02:32
Alysumhi how can  I reduce the CPU usage on Xorg ? its like 50% I have a Radeon9550.02:32
rob65anathematic: irc.linspire.com:6667 #Linspire02:32
BigToejoe__, yeah. I installed acpi and acpid as shown on the last post, but nothing.02:32
anathematicthanks rob6502:32
bulmerinfignus: fsck02:32
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rob65no worries02:32
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markcsoulinfusuion: or change to the root user = sudo -i02:32
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soulinfusuionmarkc: I made the sudo copy. What should I do next?02:33
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infignusfsck have user interface? im noob inlinux02:33
joe__BigToe: Did you reboot?02:33
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BigToealso joe__, it mentions lack of fans. I don't have a fan properly connected to my PC, just wired to a molex. Would that be the problem?02:33
m1ke_lwhere can i get a default copy of sources.list?02:33
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BigToejoe__, no. :S02:33
m1ke_lor build a new one?02:33
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BigToeI guess I should then :P02:33
m1ke_li just erased mine by mistake02:33
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markcsoulinfusuion: use ls -ltr to see the most recent files, you need to determine what the previous xorg.conf, that worked, was called02:33
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duelbootcafuego, hhhheeeellllpppp02:34
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yellow_chickeni have problem with glxgears, it's really slow02:34
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vickdinii just installed kde on ubuntu but i can't play my music files in juk. anyone knows how to solve this??02:34
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Alysumhi how can  I reduce the CPU usage on Xorg ? its like 50% I have a Radeon9550.02:34
infignusbulmer: plz another program witch have user interface in gnome02:34
soulinfusuionmarkc: okay i did that, whats next?02:34
duelbootbcm4306 error:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19548/  cafuego02:34
petafilehow do you add a printer to adobe's reader for firefox?  It doesn't have the list of printers added by the admin-printers02:34
joe__BigToe: Well, it would be, Because the MoBo cant sense the speed, which could be somthing to do with it...02:34
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markcsoulinfusuion: then "sudo cp xorg.conf.originla xorg.conf" = whatever the original backup file is called02:34
soulinfusuionmarkc: i did that already.02:35
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soulinfusuionmarkc: should i just restart now?02:35
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infignushej guys. i have big problem, when I install ubuntu linux my computer torf off, and my data in my Laptop are erased. When I installing windows xp sp 2 instalation program tell me that MY DISK ARE CRASHED. Now I'm in Live CD Ubuntu, and I looking for program witch cheack my disk. Is MAXTOR 40Gb. Someone know good program to cheack my disk?????????? plzzz Im realy noob, and now I dont have comp. plzzzzzzzzzzz HELP!!!02:35
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markcsoulinfusuion: no, you made a backup of the current non-working xorg.conf ... now you are after the previous WORKING xorg.conf.something to copy back over xorg.conf02:35
vickdinii just installed kde on ubuntu but i can't play my music files in juk. anyone knows how to solve this??02:36
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:36
markcsoulinfusuion: if you use ls -ltr it should be the 3rd or 4th xorg.conf.something from the bottom02:36
BigToer00t3r-j03, so you suggest I reboot? :S02:36
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r00t3r-j03BigToe: I know rebooting isnt good, but, well, it's worth a shot!02:36
BigToesigh, now I need to move everyone off the IRCd running on it :P02:36
soulinfusuionmarkc: I think I misinterpreted your instructions and copied the nonworking xorg over the workign one!02:36
infignusso someone help me??02:36
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soulinfusuionmarkc: ok first xorg.conf.current one cp xorg.conf.oldbackup / corect?02:37
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markcsoulinfusuion: oh poo... sorry, I should have been clearer02:37
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vlnewbiehello all - I need to print custom size post card. How do I setup page size? I can do that in ooDraw but not in printing dialog.02:37
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petafileAnyone have experience printing from adobe pdf reader?  Its just a normal usb HP deskjet02:37
soulinfusuionmarkc: then xorg.conf.lastknownworkignone cp xorg.conf.current02:37
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Peloinfignus,  we'd love to help but we might not know how ,  give us a bit of time to think about it02:37
markcsoulinfusuion: yep, that's the order02:37
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soulinfusuionmarkc: Is that what I do? I erased the last workgin one, looks like I'll need to do what was done before ahhhhhhhhh02:37
larszNever thought I would find myself in this position, but... Where the hell is the trashcan using KDE?02:37
soulinfusuionmarkc: Ok thanks lol, damn02:37
soulinfusuionmarkc: Ok let me go do that02:38
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brettlarsz, mines in the lower right corner on the panel with the default installation02:38
magic_ninjawhats the problem02:38
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Peloinfignus,  that's not helping,  the only thing you are doing is annyoing ppl02:38
infignusPelo: Pelo: program that i click, and he cheack my disk02:38
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markcsoulinfusuion: like I said, sorry... but you have an idea what to do now, as far as messing with the raw xorg.conf file02:38
larszbrett: Mines not02:38
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larszbrett: Where can it be reached?02:38
Peloinfignus,  did the ubuntu live cd mount your hdd ?02:38
jerrymarkc: i did that, whats nexst02:38
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HiddenHaxdoes anyone know if everything in open office presentation is portable to Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 edition?02:39
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BigToeHiddenHax, should be.02:39
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larszbrett: Never mind, added it02:39
brettlarsz: let me get back to you on that02:39
telejedihy all! why is thunderbird 2.0 not in the repos of feisty yet !?02:39
HiddenHaxbigtoe k thanks02:39
infignusi have UNALLOCATED 40Gb free space02:39
Peloinfignus,  try this,    menu > system > admin > gparted ( gnome partition manager) , make sure the first partition on your hdd is flagged Boot02:39
larszbrett: I just added it through the panel. :)02:39
HiddenHaxdoes anyone know when pidgin is gonna be released?02:39
larszlol, this is the lol of the month02:39
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ixxixx1I am new to Linux/Ubuntu and was wondering if anyone could help me figure out how to correctly install WINE and if there is a Linux version of "Direct X" for microsoft02:40
FlannelHiddenHax: for feisty? never.  It'll be in Gutsy02:40
markcjerry: control-d might now drop you out of the shell back to X02:40
Peloinfignus,  once you have done that,  reboot your computer without the live cd02:40
brettanother thing you might try is open konqueror and type trash:// or something along that line02:40
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HiddenHaxwhy do they do that02:40
infignusbut i must cheack that my disk is healfy02:40
FlannelHiddenHax: Because Ubuntu freezes versions of software when released.  Feisty has Gaim beta 6, and will.02:40
Peloixxixx1,  there is no direct X for linux,  and you can install wine by using synaptic or in the terminal with  sudo apt-get install wine02:40
bagelsscaremedoes anyone know why the unzipped ubuntu ISO file lacks an acctual ISO file?   I can't get it onto my CD at this point and it is getting frustrating02:41
soulinfusionmarkc: THANKS, it works now:)02:41
ixxixx1I am trying to run a game on Ubuntu but I cant get past the patch screen ;/02:41
Flannelbagelsscareme: what?  You don't unzip the iso.02:41
Peloinfignus,  I am betting that you can'T boot your computer because the hdd is not flagged,   that's my first guess,  if that did work,  just try a Windows repair install before doing anything else02:41
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r00t3r-j03You dont need to unpack the ISO...?02:42
cilaesbagelsscareme: Use an ISO burner. the .ISO isn't meant to be unzipped, it's an image.02:42
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markcsoulinfusion: whew!!! :-)02:42
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vickdinii just installed kde on ubuntu but i can't play my music files in juk. anyone knows how to solve this??02:42
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soulinfusionmarkc: how do i get to sorg.conf in terminal02:42
bagelsscaremethanks.  *kicks self in head02:42
FlannelHiddenHax: Pidgin might be put into -backports eventually, or there might be a third party repo of it.02:42
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r00t3r-j03Vikdini, Read This02:42
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:42
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Peloixxixx1,  if it's a windows game ther is a change you will not be able to get it to work even on wine ,  but you can always try and ask in #winehq02:42
HiddenHaxflannel awesome02:42
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markcsoulinfusion: open up a shell, like konsole (in KDE) or whatever is in gnome02:43
ixxixx1thank you02:43
infignusPelo:   I think my disk have badsectors, or smth and i must cheak it. I need program that say me: Your disk is healthy02:43
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crazlunaticmarkc: I am now in soulinfusion. Do you know the directory in which xorg.conf is in. etc/X11 does not exist in the Gnome terminal02:43
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cilaesmy sound is working now on my toshiba laptop, but the headphone jack is not. anyone know of a fix?02:43
crazlunaticmarkc: I am now soulinfusion*02:43
bimberi'echo "Your disk is healthy"' ;P02:43
vlnewbieubotu printing help02:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about printing help - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
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markccrazlunatic: you might have to change to root first = sudo -i02:44
Peloinfignus,  this a a disk with windows installed on it ?   boot up the windows cd ,  do not install , you'll get a prompt  ,  run  chkdsk c:02:44
AndyCRsorry, but cant help myself02:44
AndyCRubotu anything02:44
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.02:44
AndyCRsmart little guy :P02:44
orbincrazlunatic: you need a slash in front of etc02:44
vlnewbieubotu cups printing02:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cups printing - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
orbincrazlunatic: otherwise you're not using the absolute path02:45
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows02:45
bimberiinfignus: the disk manufacturere generally provide a utility to do that.  Seagate has seatools for example.02:45
crazlunaticorbin: thanks02:45
infignusPelo: i dant have partitions on it. Is unalocated free space. I erase all partitions.02:45
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crazlunaticno you can't jerry02:45
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d2812infignus: try the ultimate boot cd at http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ - that contains some HD test software last time i checked02:45
Peloinfignus,  well then,  use gparted to make a new lable and set new partitions02:46
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infignusis Gparted tell me when my disk have bad sectors???02:46
durtcilaes: well i dont know, but what model toshiba do you have?02:46
Peloinfignus,  no but it will make new partitions02:46
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=== Pelo does't realy know how to check a hdd in linux
cilaesdurt: L35-S1054 need that sound fix?02:47
infignuswhat format?02:47
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infignusfat. ntfs?02:47
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jason0_Anyone know how to get removable device icons to always appear in the same place? Their placement seems erratic.02:47
Peloinfignus,  you want to install ubuntu ?  just run the install and let it take care of it ,02:47
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buzzbohas anybody seen this post?02:48
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Pelojason0_,  I've been having problem with that in feity02:48
infignusi wana install ubuntu, but first I need know that my disk is ok02:48
cottonWhat's it called again? gdesklets?02:48
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ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/02:48
Geoffrey2anyone here that can help me set up the openLDAP server?02:48
MingLThi guys02:48
Flannelbuzzbo: did you check the CD for defects?02:48
haedentwhy can't I find ghc6 in the synaptic menu (all available)? gdebi even complains that it's available through a channel, after I download it from a web page02:48
Peloinfignus,  ubuntu will format your disk when it installs, if here is something wrong it will tell you02:48
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buzzboI ran that option using the installer CD--it came out unscathed02:49
MingLTiv been battling with the ndis wrapper now for 3 days to no avail lol02:49
MingLTis there a script anywhere?02:49
cottonjordan@jordan-desktop:~$ gdesklets02:49
cottonStarting gdesklets-daemon...02:49
cottonConnected to daemon in 262 microseconds.02:49
Peloinfignus,  you might get more help about dsk checks and stuff in  ##linux02:49
infignusall errors tell me?02:49
o2k0ewould ubunbtu be easy to install on a dual p2 xeon machine?02:49
cottonAnd then nothing happends02:49
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bimberio2k0e: yes02:49
o2k0elike no problems with automatically recognizing dual cpu's and all the scsi hardware02:50
tatterIf I wanted to do a clean install is it possible to automate the download/install of all the packages that I had previously so I did not have to search for them all again?02:50
Sivart0where are the config files for apache installed to?02:50
Peloinfignus, I don'T know I've never run into a hdd problem in linux yet so I haven'T had to find out,  and the older helpers don't seem to be around right now02:50
jason0_Pelo: I had this problem in edgy too.02:50
o2k0eill give it a try then02:50
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buzzbowhat kernel does dapper drake use?02:50
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FlannelSivart0: /etc/apache for apache, /etc/apache2 for apache202:50
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r00t3r-j03 /etc/apache2/02:51
bimberibuzzbo: 2.6.1502:51
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infignusok tnx02:51
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Pelotatter,  you can make a little bash script for it ,  with the apt-get commands,  you can list more then one package to reinstall,  and you can also use dpkg with a path to deb packages you still have on your comp that you have downloaded before02:51
buzzboOK thx02:51
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bimberiinfignus: the disk manufacturers generally provide a utility to do low level checks.  Seagate has seatools for example.02:52
XiXaQdoes apache run as root in Feisty?02:52
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durtcilaes: ok. I have a 5S05 or something, so i guess we're not that similar. I haven't had any headphonejack problems, so i wouldnt know how to help ya. :(02:52
FlannelXiXaQ: no.  www-data02:52
r00t3r-j03i think it runs as www-date02:52
cottonSomeone please02:52
buzzboFlannel: I tried acpi=off   I read something somehwere about trying nomce.  is this worthwhile?02:52
Flannelbuzzbo: sorry, no idea.02:52
haedentat least apt-get can get it. But synaptic is clearly excluding some things, which means no browsing for me02:52
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Pelojason0_,  well for me , if it is the same "volume" ie the same cd or the same mp3 player or thumb drive they appear in the same place,  but taking out one cd and putting in another will change the cd icon location ,   you can try unchecking the automatic icon sorting in the rightclick menu from the desktop02:53
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buzzbofwiw I have had trouble installian debian etch too02:53
tatterPelo: is there a single file somewhere which lists all my installed packages,,,,,I have only installed through aptitude so far no compiling or other...02:53
cottonSoemone please help meh02:53
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HymnToLifetatter, dpkg -l02:53
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BigToehelp. my ubuntu server is stuck at loading /etc/rc.local on bootup02:53
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r00t3r-j03Im off - I expect i'll see you all quite reguarly from now ;)02:54
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Pelotatter I know there is one but I donT' know where what it is,   I know you can check from synaptic for what is install but that also includes the packages from the  default install,   so would the other list02:54
buzzboanyone else have any ideas? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43512702:54
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duelboot_cafuego, for some reason it just started working02:55
BigToehelp. my ubuntu server is stuck at loading /etc/rc.local on bootup02:55
bimberibuzzbo: older linux on newer hardware can be problematic. perhaps try feisty, or if you must have dapper, the alternate CD02:55
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Och4how do i mount isos and .cue and .bins in ubuntu?02:57
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jrib!iso > Och4 (see the private message from ubotu)02:57
jribOch4: use bchunk to convert .cue/.bin into .iso02:57
buzzbobimberi, thx.  I will try alternate, then feisty.  I guess I got LTS because of the LTS :).  Is this the LTS? ;)02:57
ladweebaare any of the linux mags running free linux dvd/cds this month?02:57
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Supaplexladweeba: uh they're all free. just download them. :-D02:58
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:58
ladweebai tried that but didn't work02:58
chumpoch4 : sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop <filename.iso> <mount point>02:58
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ladweebakept getting error messages on the cd iso i burned02:58
bimberibuzzbo: yes dapper is the lts02:58
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peanutbdoes anyone know of a simple crypt program. (im tryng to encrypt passwords for proftpd)02:59
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wimsmy windows have started to appear beneath other windows when i open a new program, how do i fix it so that new programs appear on top of allready opened programs02:59
wims +02:59
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Supaplexpeanutb: mkpasswd or perl.02:59
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Och4can i mount .cues? or .bin?02:59
Hegemonanyone know how to mess with beryl?02:59
Och4to save space02:59
buzzbobimberi--I mean the "long term support" is supported by whom?  this community (i.e. forums, IRC, etc), or is there some other form of support?02:59
wimsHegemon: try #ubuntu-effects02:59
Och4hegemon, what wims said03:00
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wimsbuzzbo:  they mean patches are issued over a longer period of time03:00
SupaplexOch4: usually the .bin is wasting space. the iso can recalculate it at burn time.03:00
kitchebuzzbo: by the company that makes ubuntu/ubuntu plus everything in the community03:00
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bimberibuzzbo: canonical provide security and major-bug fixes to all packages in main/restricted03:00
strabesbuzzbo: canonical03:00
peanutbSupaplex, mkpasswd?03:00
BigToeguys, my PC is stuck on loading /etc/rc.local but I can SSH to it from my laptop fine, how do I fix it?03:00
Supaplexmkpasswd (1)         - Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)03:00
Supaplexyes peanutb mkpasswd. install it if it's not present.03:01
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Och4supaplex, but i wanna run it off the mount file, not burn it. ya know?03:01
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rummikhow do i set the welcome message for proftpd?03:01
sam123where are my gtk themes located  on my hdd?03:01
buzzbobimberi.  IC.  thx03:01
chumpoch4 maybe try this .. :http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/03:01
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SupaplexOch4: in short, no, there's no way to mount the .bin file. why can't you convert it to an iso and delete the .bin+.cue?03:01
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Och4chump, thanks03:02
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Supaplexhumm cdemu..03:02
peanutbSupaplex, Is that a perl package?03:02
Och4supaplex, just to save time and space.  thats it.03:02
Supaplexpeanutb: no03:02
BigToeguys, my PC is stuck on loading /etc/rc.local but I can SSH to it from my laptop fine, how do I fix it?03:02
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bimberisam123: /usr/share/themes03:02
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slimok I need help getting my gcc to find the gtk libraries03:03
rummikhow do i set the welcome message for proftpd?03:03
sam123bimberi thanks03:03
NixxiEhi .. alguien habla espaol??03:03
crimsunslim: libgtk2.0-dev.03:03
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peanutbSupaplex, where would i get it from. There is no package as far as i can find.03:03
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buzzbopoquito, pero no se' unix03:03
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slimsudo apt-get install?03:03
NixxiEpodrias ayudarme a configurar mi conexion a internet desde ubuntu?03:04
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buzzboYo tradusco03:04
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cottonI really need help03:05
BigToeguys, my PC is stuck on loading /etc/rc.local but I can SSH to it from my laptop fine, how do I fix it? ps: now the screen's gone blank!03:05
buzzboNixxie needs help connecting to the net w/ubuntu03:05
NixxiEok :)03:05
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NixxiEwith a modem ..10/10003:05
cottonMy weather desklet isn't recribing the weather correctly in gDesklets03:05
slimcrimsun: libgtk2.0-dev is already the newest version.03:05
slimlibgtk2.0-dev set to manual installed.03:05
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buzzbonixxie es usualmente automatico03:06
Supaplexpeanutb: well, there's two mkpasswd scripts. one is in the whois package, and another is in libstring-mkpasswd-perl. I figured that out with apt-file search bin/mkpasswd btw.03:06
buzzbocuando installer03:06
chumpnixxie  #ubuntu-es03:06
buzzboawesome chump03:06
NixxiEpero no funciona ..ok thanks guys :)03:06
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crimsunslim: pastebin the actual error you're getting from configure/gcc03:06
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buzzbotrata ping your router or cualquiere03:07
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cottonThe weather desktel fails to retrieve weather, I know I entered all the info in right, I even entered in the direct URL to the page on yahoo03:07
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peanutbSupaplex, Thanks.03:07
dkbghas anyone here installed thunderbird 2.0?03:07
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rummikhow do i set the welcome message for proftpd?03:07
dkbgI'm having problems with using SSL for sending and receiving mail03:07
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dabaRSo what is people's experience on recovering grub after installing vista?03:08
gwankyI have a question involving the linux bootcode03:08
r0b0I tried to install teamspeak usnig this: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/HowToTeamSpeak It seemed to have worked but I can't figure out how to open TeamSpeak.03:08
crimsundabaR: works fine using an alternate or a desktop cd.03:09
slimcrimsun: exp.c:1:21: error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory03:09
slimexp.c: In function main:03:09
slimexp.c:6: error: GtkWidget undeclared (first use in this function)03:09
slimexp.c:6: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once03:09
slimexp.c:6: error: for each function it appears in.)03:09
slimexp.c:6: error: window undeclared (first use in this function)03:09
slimexp.c:8: warning: implicit declaration of function gtk_init03:09
slimexp.c:10: warning: implicit declaration of function gtk_window_new03:09
slimexp.c:10: error: GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL undeclared (first use in this function)03:09
slimexp.c:11: warning: implicit declaration of function gtk_widget_show03:09
slimexp.c:13: warning: implicit declaration of function gtk_main03:09
crimsunslim: dude, don't paste here.  I said pastebin.03:09
dabaRcrimsun: using the instructions shown here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?03:09
kitche!paste | slim03:09
ubotuslim: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:09
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slimim sorry i dont know what that is03:09
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crimsunslim: yes you do (now)03:09
r0b0can anyone help me figure out how to open it?03:09
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gwankyHi I have a question about trying to get linux to boot on a console.03:10
slimok hold on just a sec.....thanks03:10
gwankyanyone that knows about linux code could please PM me that would be great03:10
crimsundabaR: sure, those should work03:10
callidusfoxAnyone uses Exile media player, please let me know.03:10
chumprummik:  proftpd.conf  >> line AccessGrantMsg03:10
dabaRcrimsun: Thank you.03:10
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chumprummik: /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf03:11
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gwankydoes anyone know how the linux boot system works? I am trying to get a cd to boot on a console and I think i have an idea as to how to do it.03:12
r0b0I tried to install teamspeak usnig this: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/HowToTeamSpeak It seemed to have worked but I can't figure out how to open TeamSpeak.03:12
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r0b0can anyone help me figure out how to open it?03:12
NickGarveygwanky: there is... a huge amount of stuff going into the boot sequence, you will need to be more specific to which part03:12
Exyhrm, why isn't Deluge in Feisty :/03:13
rummikchump: i think i see what you mean03:13
dj-fuHi there, is it possible to do a limit on which commands 'sudo' can run? for example, I'd like the user to be able to run everything APART from passwd03:13
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Supaplexgwanky: there's an armful of things that can do that. are you thinking of a bootloader, the kernel, initrd, something after?03:13
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rajkostoPackage webmin is not available, but is referred to by another package. ?03:13
rajkostohow do i fix ?03:13
rajkostoit does that on most packages i try to install03:13
gwankysupaplex, ok heres the situtation03:13
slimcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19562/       sorry everyone for my ignorance03:13
chumprummik: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588&page=38   for a more detailed guide ;)03:13
rummikchump: ok, thanks :)03:13
ncdwouldnt it be sweet if i810 gfx could crap on vista's perade and run beryl on ubuntu .. out of the box style03:13
ncdi herd it can run in non dri mode03:13
crimsunncd: it can (it can run compiz, at least).03:14
SlimeyPeter0b0: looks like you should just be able to open a terminal and type "TeamSpeak" (case-sensitive)03:14
callidusfoxAnyone uses Exile media player, please let me know.03:14
r0b0it doesn't work like that.03:14
r0b0I've tried03:14
gwankybasically the console is a hyper scan and it works like this. everry game is a bootable cd. First the bios load, expecting the cd, when a hyperscan cd is inserted, an exe points it to the folder, which i believe contains bootable media03:14
crimsunncd: xserver-xorg-video-intel even runs them.03:14
Supaplexdj-fu: yes. apropos sudo. read all them.  blocking sudo to passwd isn't very effective c/o your wants.03:14
gwankythe only thing I'm not sure about is if the .exe itself is what is bootable or if the exe only tells the game to boot03:14
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pak33mi usse exaile alot03:14
Supaplexgwanky: .exe ?03:14
crimsunslim: are you compiling this manually or via autotools?03:14
sam123can somebody please tell me if its normal for "Xorg" to consume 71.6 MB of my Memory?03:15
orbincallidusfox: don't you mean exaile.03:15
rajkostohow do i install webmin ?03:15
dj-fuSupaplex: how is it not effective? I would like a user to have root access but not be able to set the root accounts password03:15
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crimsunsam123: certainly.  Which output are you looking at?03:15
Supaplexgwanky: do you literally mean a foo.exe type of file, or the file is executable (w/o .exe extension). it sounds like you're talking about windows/dos.03:15
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r0b0when I just do TeamSpeak in the terminal it tells me "command not found"03:15
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Supaplexdj-fu: sudo su - ; passwd03:15
callidusfoxorbin: yes, I am trying hard to figure out how to transfer tracks to my ipod. Any idea ?03:15
SlimeyPetesam123: mine's using 36 megabytes at the moment.03:16
sam123crimsun I don't understand the question03:16
slimcrimsun: both, manually i type in;   gcc -Wall -o exp exp.c03:16
gwankywell it shares the same exe extension but it can't boot on computers03:16
r0b0lolz0rz. I think I missed a step.03:16
gwankyonly on the hyperscan03:16
dj-fuSupaplex: guess I'll have to block sudo su - aswell03:16
Supaplexdj-fu: sudo perl -e 'system(...)' ; sudo vi /etc/passwd ; sudo dpkg -i my-evil.deb03:16
=== Drk_guy [n=chatzill@cable201-232-47-137.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunsam123: how did you arrive at it using 71.6 MB?03:16
SlimeyPeter0b0: the tutorial seems to imply that you should be using firefox to visit a url, or something?03:16
dfgas__why is it when you install edubuntu that it doesn't have all the stuff like the live cd has, its just basiclly ubuntu with a different look and thats it03:16
Drk_guyHy guys03:16
dj-fuforgot that after they sudo -i03:16
ncd  Package xserver-xorg-video-i810 is to be removed.03:16
dj-fuit's unrestricted.03:16
ncd  Package xserver-xorg-video-intel is not installed.03:16
crimsunslim: you can't do that.  You need to use `pkg-config`, too.  See its man pag.03:16
Drk_guyHow can i run a .jar file03:16
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rajkostowhy do i get has been obsoleted for every package i try to install :(03:17
crimsunDrk_guy: java -jar foo.jar03:17
sam123crimsun I did a memory map and something called "heap" is using 46.403:17
SlimeyPeteDrk_guy: install Java, then run "java -jar <jar file name>"03:17
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orbincallidusfox: nope, don't run it.  tried the exaile channels? http://www.exaile.org/?page=support03:17
r0b0nah SlimeyPete03:17
Drk_guyThank you all03:17
jribslim: I gave you a link earlier with a helloworld, if you read it, you see exactly what you need to do03:17
r0b0its jus if you do use firefox to open a teamspeak link03:17
aviswhere is ubuntu support for compiz ?03:17
dabaRdfgas__: you are saying that the installation does not have all the same programs that the live CD had?03:17
r0b0I just missed a step in the installation03:17
avison freenode03:17
jribavis: #ubuntu-effects03:17
crimsunavis: #ubuntu-effects03:17
avisthank you03:17
r0b0thats why it wasn't working03:17
SlimeyPeteavis: #ubuntu-effects03:17
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crimsunsam123: that's fine03:17
dfgas__dabaR: exactly03:17
callidusfoxorbin: very quite in there. What media player do you use ?03:17
SlimeyPeter0b0: ah right03:17
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dabaRdfgas__: are you running that right now?03:17
sam123crimsun I did a lot of xorg.conf configuring to get my fglrx driver to work03:17
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orbincallidusfox: beep-media-player.  i don't have an ipod.03:18
sam123crimsun why do I have such an unefficient xorg when other people don't then?03:18
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dfgas__dabaR: its on a different computer, it has the theme of the livecd but none of the games that were on it03:18
Rizzyhey, im just about to install ubuntu and i wonder if i cant install it on my windows disk without formating it if i still wanna have the ability to boot back to windows.03:18
crimsunsam123: that's hardly a measure of inefficiency.03:18
slimjrib: the compiling programs page03:18
rajkostoHOW DO I SHOT WEB ?03:18
crimsunrajkosto: what?03:18
jribrajkosto: what does that mean?  and please drop the caps03:18
rajkostosee, now you respond03:19
sam123crimsun ok thanks I was worried that I had a problem03:19
jribslim: http://www.gtk.org/tutorial/x111.html03:19
rajkostoi get the obsolete thing on every apt-get package i try to install on my 7.04 server03:19
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dfgas__dabaR: any ideas?03:19
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orbincallidusfox: looked @ this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod?action=show&redirect=IPodHowto03:19
Drk_guyIt doesn't run guys, what could be happening??03:19
Drk_guyI ahve Java 6u103:19
sam123how do I ignore when people enter and leave the chatroom with gaim?03:19
rajkostouniverse and stuff seems to be enabled03:19
cycomSo...erm...how the heck do I get dual monitor to work on Feisty with the fglrx driver?03:19
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callidusfoxorbin: thanks, let me see03:20
jribrajkosto: pastebin the actual error03:20
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slimjrib: ok i must have missed it earlier ill check it out now...thanks03:20
Ashexthe cpu stepping is rather messed up when i'm in ubuntu03:20
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Ashexit's set to cool n' quiet mode03:20
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SlimeyPeteDrk_guy: how are you trying to run it? And are you getting any error messages?03:20
hellcattrav_hi all03:20
Ashexso it runs at 1Ghz and then jumps to 2.2Ghz when the cpu is at high load03:20
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Drk_guySlimey, i get errors, i can pastebin them if you want03:20
Ashexis there any way to set it to be hire?03:20
Jenny_help - I'm installing feisty. I am the base installation where it asks me to pick a kernel to install: 1) linux-generic 2) linux-image-generic 3) linux image-2.6.20-15-generic. So which one do I pick?03:20
AshexI tried sudo powernowd -s 180000003:21
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Ashexbut that didn't fix it03:21
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SlimeyPeteDrk_guy: sure, go on. I haven't done any java in a while but I might be able to help.03:21
hellcattrav_hey can you save a file with a spaces...say if ive a school report...can I save it as final english work, or does it have to be final_enlgish_work?03:21
jribhellcattrav_: you can save with spaces03:21
rajkostoi got it installed by downloading all the packages manually but still why doesnt apt get work03:21
Drk_guySlimey, there are the errors03:21
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jribDrk_guy: why don't you just use azureus in the repos?03:22
hellcattrav_jrib: oh, ok...03:22
Drk_guyIt is?03:22
Drk_guySo Ubuntu repos have everything!!!03:22
jrib!info azureus > Drk_guy03:22
Jenny_help - I'm installing feisty. I am at the base installation where it asks me to pick a kernel to install: 1) linux-generic 2) linux-image-generic 3) linux image-2.6.20-15-generic. So which one do I pick?03:22
sanityxDrk_guy, Just about.03:22
sanityxjrib, Because azureus sucks03:23
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sanityxDrk_guy, go to the deluge website, they provide a .deb03:23
trumpeter2003Anyone know if the ntfs-3g driver module lags on video playback of videos with audio and video?03:23
Drk_guyTorrent is better, but i don't want to install Wine03:23
Jenny_can anyone hear me?03:23
sanityxDrk_guy, Yeah uTorrent rocks but running it on wine is lame.03:23
jribJenny_: nope, but I can read what you type03:23
slimjrib: thats exactly what i needed thank you, i apologize for being so retarded03:23
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sanityxDrk_guy, It does run perfectly though.03:23
Jenny_I see, thanks.03:24
SlimeyPeteJenny_: yes, we can hear you. Be patient - this is IRC :) You should probably pick the last one03:24
sanityxtrumpeter2003, I haven't noticed that.03:24
Drk_guyI haven't tried myself tough03:24
trumpeter2003well dang it03:24
sanityxtrumpeter2003, I have my entier video/audio collection on ntfs mounted with ntfs-3g03:24
Jenny_SlimeyPete, I was just checking if someone can hear me.03:24
bimberiJenny_: linux-generic03:24
dabaRJenny_: I have never been asked this by an Ubuntu installer. Are you sure you did not pick some expert mode?03:24
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jribslim: np, glad it worked03:24
RizzyDo i need a secondary HDD if i want to keep windows to be able to boot back to it if i want to install ubuntu ?03:24
Jenny_bimberi: Are you sure?03:24
trumpeter2003sanityx: guessing mplayer is the movie player?03:25
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chumprizzy : no you can create partition and/or resize existing ones03:25
dabaRRizzy: no, you need a separate partition, though.03:25
bimberiJenny_: fairly.  that's what I would choose03:25
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Jenny_dabaR: I'm using alternate install. I'm reinstalling feisty. I got this message..03:25
Drk_guyHey sanity, i will give a try to Deluge03:25
Jenny_bimberi: thanks.03:25
sanityxtrumpeter2003, No I use Totem to play movies, and sometimes I use VLC.03:25
orbinRizzy: it's not necessary no.  i'm running dualboot on one laptop hdd.03:25
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knappHey guys, I just installed Xubuntu over Ubuntu. When I pop in a DVD, totum and xine both open. How can I fix this? (in xfce)03:26
sanityxtrumpeter2003, I don't like mplayer because its so ugly.03:26
dabaRJenny_: I always use alternate CDs, and I never got asked this. I did not install 7.04 from a CD yet, though.03:26
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Rizzychump, dabaR, orbin, it got 19gigs to spare on my current windows hdd, can i just make a partion of like 10Gig ? would that be enouff?03:26
Drk_guyMplayer is LAME03:26
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FlannelJenny_: pick the first one, linux-generic03:26
Drk_guyI prefer Rythmbox03:26
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strabesDrk_guy: WHAT???03:26
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Drk_guyMplayer is LAME!!!!!03:26
dabaRRizzy: Yes. I would split it into 2 partitions of 5 each, probably. One for /, one for /home.03:27
chumpRizzy: i guess 10g is enough03:27
orbinrhythmbox plays movies now? ...03:27
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a5benwillisguys, what server is this IRC chan on?03:27
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a5benwillisI dont know how to tell03:28
SeveredCrossa5benwillis: irc.freenode.org03:28
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chumpa5benwillis: freenode03:28
RizzydabaR, do you know how i can split, cause it's a 50gig drive and 1 partion is using all 50gig atm, can i somehow make a partion of the free 19 gig o n the current partion?03:28
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HymnToLife!freenode | a5benwillis03:28
ubotua5benwillis: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml03:28
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strabesRizzy: not without backing up everything on the drive03:28
dabaRRizzy: The installer will give you the option.03:28
dabaRRizzy: I agree strongly with what strabes said.03:29
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dabaRRizzy: well, I mean, you can do it, you _should_ not.03:29
knappHelp, anyone03:29
strabesRizzy: you'd have to delete a lot off of the partition, shrink it to the size you want using a gparted live cd or the install CD, and create another 19 gig partition03:29
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strabes!ask | knapp03:29
ubotuknapp: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:29
cottonI downloaded a desklet, how do I make it work with dDesklets?03:29
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knappI did ask my question? :(03:30
knappHey guys, I just installed Xubuntu over Ubuntu. When I pop in a DVD, totum and xine both open. How can I fix this? (in xfce)03:30
Rizzystrabes, dabaR, so i guess inserting another like 20gig disk would be the best option then03:30
Undrtakerhi, can you help me please? how can i see the processes of a single user?03:30
=== foolfromhell [n=siddhart@pool-71-170-219-221.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dfgas__why is it when you install edubuntu that it doesn't have all the stuff like the live cd has, its just basiclly ubuntu with a different look and thats it. Its edubuntu without all the educational packages03:30
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strabesRizzy: if you want to back up that stuff then yeah. Is that 20 gig disk your ipod?03:30
cottonI downloaded a desklet, how do I make it work with dDesklets?03:30
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foolfromhellCan somebody help me? I have asked before but nobody answered03:30
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rajkostoReading package lists...03:30
rajkostoBuilding dependency tree...03:30
rajkostoReading state information...03:30
rajkostoPackage dovecot is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:31
rajkostoThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:31
rajkostois only available from another source03:31
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rajkostoHowever the following packages replace it:03:31
foolfromhellEdgy got me the "xserve" error, whatever that is and Feisty makes my monitor stop receiving a signal at all. My monitor is on but shows a black screen with he error that no signal is being received.03:31
foolfromhellI went to the IRC chat and they told me to use the alternative install disk.03:31
foolfromhellSo, I did. I partitioned my hard drive to 210GB NTFS/ 90GB EXT3 + linux swap etc.03:31
foolfromhellWell, when I tried booting in this time, the monitor stopped getting a signal again...03:31
foolfromhellThe command prompt is available but I dont know how to use it.03:31
rajkosto  dovecot-common03:31
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No1Can someone help me out03:31
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cottonI downloaded a desklet, how do I make it work with dDesklets?03:31
Rizzystrabes, nah! it "was" the HDD of my server :P03:31
strabesdfgas__: that's what edubuntu IS.03:31
strabesRizzy: oh ok03:31
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chumpNo1: just ask your question ;)03:31
EmaEmadiaminequalcuno puo aiutarmi?03:31
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Juhazknapp, gnome-volume-properties03:31
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strabesfoolfromhell: can you combine all your messages into one please? thanks.03:31
Flannel!it | EmaEmadiamine03:31
ubotuEmaEmadiamine: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:31
No1Chump, have you installed Java on ubuntu03:32
cotton!es | EmaEmadiamine03:32
retaliatorhow can I start beryl a little later then gnome?03:32
ubotuEmaEmadiamine: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:32
EmaEmadiamineOK THX03:32
dfgas__strabes: um, just ubuntu with a different theme, its supposed to have all the education programs to it and it doesn't03:32
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Rizzystrabes, i guess since i will install ubuntu on another HDD i dont get the option of wich os i want to boot but have to choose the HDD to boot from in bios?03:32
Cnl_Deltafoolfromhell: , can you type in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:32
foolfromhellwell. okay. I tried installing feisty on my 8800gtx computer and my monitor gets no signal in the live cd. so I used the alternate installer03:32
cottonI downloaded a desklet, how do I make it work with dDesklets?03:32
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strabesdfgas__: ok...it is what it is...i have no use for it so whatever03:32
retaliatorhow can I start beryl a little later then gnome?03:32
foolfromhellI installed properly but now when booting from HDD my monitor loses signal03:32
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chumpNo1: yeah ?03:32
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knappThanks a lot Juhaz.03:33
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Jenny_retaliator: you mean automatically?03:33
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foolfromhellI can access the command prompt03:33
ncdhow can i find out which x server is running03:33
No1Chump, can you PM me and help me out installing it. I'm having some trouble03:33
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foolfromhellI tried these commands03:33
foolfromhellsudo wget http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree8...-9746-pkg1.run03:33
retaliatoryes Jenny03:33
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foolfromhelland sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new03:33
strabesRizzy: you mean you don't get the option to boot from it in GRUB? You'l probably have to add that into your /boot/grub/menu.lst03:33
foolfromhelland sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx03:33
Cnl_Deltafoolfromhell: the 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' helps reset your video card if you chose VESA03:33
Jenny_retaliator: are you using feisty?03:33
Rizzystrabes, rgr.03:33
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foolfromhellVesa? whats that?03:34
Cnl_Deltamost basic video driver03:34
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No1All, What does it mean when a windows darkens to a gray color?03:34
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OvariesmiTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesxtTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariestdTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesntTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariespgTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieslqTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesbiTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesviTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieslpTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesvoTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesmi:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesxt:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
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OvariesfwTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesotTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesjfTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesvxTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesnxTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesslTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesyrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariestd:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieszwTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesfw:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesapTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesxqTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieshhTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesjnTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieszhTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesvi:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesrcTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesnt:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesxrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariespg:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesyr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesnx:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesdrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesdr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesxq:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesxt THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesmi THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariestd THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesnt THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesmxTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesmx:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieslq:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesubTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesub:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesjf:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieseeTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesee:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesvo:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesbi:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesdtTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariessl:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieshrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieslp:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesot:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesfw THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesnx THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariespg THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesjn:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesmfTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesmf:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesupTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieszw:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesvx:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesxr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesub THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesee THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovarieshr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesap:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariestkTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariestk:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
VaginaozTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesdpTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesdp:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesvo THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesbi THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesvi THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesrc:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesxq THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesyr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovarieslq THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovarieshh:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesot THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariestwTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesdt:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariessl THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesjn THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesap THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovarieshr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesdr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesjf THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesvx THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovarieszh:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieszh THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovarieszd [n=qcxkw@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesew [n=wekqztpm@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
OvariesmgTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieslp THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariespeTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariespe:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieszw THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesngTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieswu [n=wzoglfk@bzq-84-108-184-200.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariessm [n=mogdvlef@bzq-84-108-184-200.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #Ubuntu
OvariesunTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariescs [n=uryqd@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovarieshf [n=mkpy@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
OvariesinTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariespv [n=sotruspr@bzq-84-108-184-200.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesxr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesdt THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesqn [n=oqffb@c-71-229-9-95.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesmf THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesqaTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesqa:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesja [n=sihfbwh@c-71-229-9-95.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Cnl_Deltagive it a go, your x server may be down03:34
-Vaginaoz:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Vaginaoz THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovarieshh THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesrc THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesmx THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesbjTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesdp THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesmg:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesqa THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesybTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariescpTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesowTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesbj:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesmg THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesin:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesup:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesup THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesun:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariestk THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariescp:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariespe THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesewTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesew:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesew THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvarieswuTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesow:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesin THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvarieszdTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieszd:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieszd THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariestw:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariestw THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesqnTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesqn:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesqn THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariescsTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariescs:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariescs THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvarieshfTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieshf:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieshf THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariessmTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariessm:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariessm THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesow THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesjaTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesja:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesja THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesbj THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesng:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesng THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariescp THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesyb:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesyb THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovarieswu:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieswu THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesun THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariespvTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariespv:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariespv THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
foolfromhellwhat the hell?03:34
cottonI downloaded a desklet, how do I make it work with dDesklets?03:34
=== WhoDat68 [n=paul@h113.143.213.151.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
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OvariesjjTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesjj:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesjj THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovarieskt [n=kanyjg@c-24-21-13-112.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
OvariesktTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieskt:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieskt THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
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=== Vaginaoz [n=dojewnj@CLIENT-tvkgaj-1-118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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=== Vaginaoz [n=dojewnj@CLIENT-tvkgaj-1-118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesdp [n=bpdjakzf@cpe-24-162-193-46.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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=== Ovariesap [n=dfwa@cpe-24-162-193-46.elp.res.rr.com] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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=== Ovariesrc [n=evmkgv@cpe-24-162-193-46.elp.res.rr.com] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
=== Ovariesnt [n=inrej@adsl-71-154-213-66.dsl.sndg02.sbcglobal.net] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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=== Ovarieslq [n=hdqtyny@138-245-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
=== Vaginaoz [n=dojewnj@CLIENT-tvkgaj-1-118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
=== Ovariesbi [n=etyfxkfn@adsl-68-255-175-129.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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=== Ovariesbj [n=usbpvtoj@OL42-160.fibertel.com.ar] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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=== Ovariesqa [n=hgkczvgc@CLIENT-tvkgaj-1-118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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=== Ovariescs [n=uryqd@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
=== Ovariesup [n=waxyyt@host193-252.pool8289.interbusiness.it] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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=== Vaginaoz [n=dojewnj@CLIENT-tvkgaj-1-118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesdp [n=bpdjakzf@cpe-24-162-193-46.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
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=== Ovariesbj [n=usbpvtoj@OL42-160.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #Ubuntu
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=== Ovariesqa [n=hgkczvgc@CLIENT-tvkgaj-1-118.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesmg [n=yatsa@c-68-82-17-253.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesng [n=dbhjjkdq@] has joined #Ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-24-21-13-112.hsd1.or.comcast.net] by jrib
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crimsunthe wonders of /ignore.03:34
=== Ovariesdr [n=lykl@] has joined #Ubuntu
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=== Ovariesee [n=tpbfsrxu@] has joined #Ubuntu
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal or mneptok03:34
=== Ovariesow [n=zgcinmel@d22-174.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
=== Ovariesow [n=zgcinmel@d22-174.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariesow [n=zgcinmel@d22-174.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has left #Ubuntu ["SENDING]
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OvariesmiTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesxtTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesapTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesxrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariestdTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesxqTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieshhTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesjfTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesdpTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesnxTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieszhTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesbiTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesviTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesrcTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesyrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariespgTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesvoTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesew [n=wekqztpm@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
OvarieslpTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesxr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesxt:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesmxTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesfwTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesmfTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariespeTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesvxTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesslTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesap:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariestd:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesxq:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesmi:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesotTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesnx:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesyr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieshh:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariescs [n=uryqd@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovarieshf [n=mkpy@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovarieszd [n=qcxkw@dhcp-2-11-9-17-15-93.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #Ubuntu
OvariestkTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesbjTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesdtTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesrc:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesjf:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieszh:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesvi:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariespg:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesfw:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesyb [n=leayxjno@d22-174.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== Ovariescp [n=okpyxxf@d22-174.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #Ubuntu
-Ovariesmf:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesdp:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieszwTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesbi:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieslp:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesxt THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariessl:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesqaTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesdt:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesvx:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariestd THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesmi THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesupTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesvo:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesxq THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesot:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariespg THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesxr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesbi THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesmf THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesap THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesmx:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieshh THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariespe:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
VaginaozTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieszw:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieszh THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesfw THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvarieslqTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovarieslq:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieslq THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesvi THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovarieslp THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariestk:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesvx THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesnx THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariessl THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesyr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesjnTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesjn:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
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-Ovariesup:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesot THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesvo THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesrc THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesmx THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesdt THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariestk THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariespe THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovarieszw THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesjn THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesup THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesbj:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesmgTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Vaginaoz:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Vaginaoz THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
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OvariesdrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesubTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieseeTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvarieshrTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesmg:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
-Ovariesee:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesee THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesdr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesdr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovarieshr:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovarieshr THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
-Ovariesub:#ubuntu- THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
=== Ovariesub THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesbj THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
=== Ovariesdp THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0
OvariesqnTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
OvariesjaTHE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C0 THE OVARIES CREW BRINGS YOU THIS CODE: 09-F9-11-02-9D-74-E3-5B-D8-41-56-C5-63-56-88-C003:34
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crimsunsorry folks, hang tight a sec.03:35
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by nalioth
=== mode/#ubuntu [-m] by nalioth
Jenny_retaliator: do you read me?03:38
clever_watching n00bs spam is fun:P03:38
WhamazoomIs it possible to install ubuntu to a harddrive that has been encrypted by freeBSD?03:38
retaliatornow I do03:38
Juhazyay, internet, empowering the retarded03:38
ixxixx1there monitors in these rooms?03:38
No1All, what does it mean when a window darkens to a gray color?03:38
rob66tut tut03:38
naliothWhamazoom: isn't that a #freebsd question?03:38
Jenny_retaliator: add ''beryl-manager' into the autostart.03:38
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib
bobstrosays i can't send?03:39
=== |Steve| [n=steve@user-0c9h87p.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Simeon_HI feel sorry for the unlucky bastards who came here with serious problems and managed to get confused during the short amount of time this channel was +m03:39
UnluckyMikeNo1: usually means the program isn't responding03:39
retaliatorand can I make it start a little later? because when it starts together with gnome, it hangs03:39
astonerbumNo1: you probly have alert as a windows flash on... its something with the program crashing i think... at least thats what I experienced it as when I incorrectly set up firefox plugins03:39
ncdok I installed the intel xorg-xserver03:39
foolfromhellother than sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, is there anything I can do? What if "VESA" doesnt work?03:39
retaliatorand the x session has to restart03:39
ncdfrom apt03:39
_Codeman_What's a good dvd burning package?03:39
r0bbyThat was funny, i apologize for the ops alarm :-x03:39
ncdi still get dri enabled: No from glxinfo03:39
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o nixternal] by ChanServ
crimsunncd: are you sure you don't mean xserver-xorg03:39
ixxixx1I use Nero03:39
clever_Simeon_H: k3b is the only prog i have been able to burn a dvd with so far03:39
rob66i'm using Gnomebaker03:39
crimsunncd: rather, are you sure you don't mean xserver-xorg-video-i810 or xserver-xorg-video-intel?03:40
rob66it's been okay with me03:40
dfgas__do we have edubuntu experts here?03:40
=== Simeon_H = KDE fanatic
crimsunncd: which of those two is installed?03:40
=== strabes [n=alex@ip68-108-31-178.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
No1Where can I get beryl03:40
Pie-ratei have a laptop with a wifi card in it, can i connect my desktop to it (i have both regular and crossover cables) and use it as a wireless bridge?03:40
astonerbumDoes anyone know a good benchmarking tool to be used on ubuntu 7.04. I have been spending time configuring my video card and I want to make sure everything works fine...03:40
jrib!beryl > No1 (see the private message from ubotu)03:40
bobstrodfgas__:  what aspect of edubuntu?03:40
ncddidnt know they where dif vers03:40
ncdi did this03:41
=== Cueball|Laptop [n=lee@lb3.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
ncdroot@ncd-laptop:/home/ncd# apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel03:41
bobstroastonerbum:  weren't you pointed to glxgears etc. earlier?03:41
astonerbumbobstro: but thats not a benchmarking tools03:41
bobstroastonerbum:  ok, thought that was you.03:41
astonerbumbobstro: it even says so in the wiki03:41
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strabesbobstro: glxgears isn't for benchmarking03:41
SurfnKidhow do i remove build-dep files?03:41
dfgas__bobstro: i installed edubuntu and none of the packages that are on the live cd installed just a plain ubuntu with the edubuntu theme, any ideas?03:41
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astonerbumbobstro: there is even the fgl_glxgears03:41
strabesNo1: www.beryl-project.org and #ubuntu-effects03:41
bobstroastonerbum:  what exactly are you after, something that baselines and saves?03:41
ncdwhat now crimsun ?03:41
erb_How do I run sleep in the background. The following example doesn't pause for 5 seconds, it just executes. What am I doing wrong? Example:    sleep 5 & killall gmplayer03:42
crimsunncd: did you restart gdm?03:42
bobstroastonerbum:  yeah, just trying to understand exactly what you want beyond basic tests.03:42
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eckSurfnKid: same as any other packages, apt-et remove03:42
astonerbumbobstro: I need it to just go though the range of capabilities of my video card and report if they all are accessible or if something is f***ed up.03:42
jriberb_: sleep 5; killall mplayer03:42
eckSurfnKid: you might want to look at /var/log/dpkg.log to see what you installed03:42
ncdctrl-alt-bkspc ?03:42
astonerbumbobstro: and i would not mind seeing the actual performance of my system (would be a nice thing to know)03:42
nalioth!tell Whamazoom about yourself03:42
bobstroastonerbum:  ah, ok. i misunderstood what you were after.03:43
SurfnKideck, ahh that file is what i needed, thx03:43
astonerbumbobstro: but i would gladly settle for knowing that everything is working in hardware not software emulation such as Mesa03:43
ProspectiveUserHow does Ubuntu upgrade major version changes? Do i need to install anew?03:43
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erb_jrib: I need sleep to run in the background03:43
jriberb_: (sleep 5; killall mplayer) &     maybe?03:44
dxyis there a fix on this known issue, NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out03:44
jrib!upgrade > ProspectiveUser (see the private message from ubotu)03:44
jribProspectiveUser: you can upgrade releases without reinstalling03:45
=== Sleepy_Coder [n=sucky_ke@adsl-69-225-11-254.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ProspectiveUsereven between major versionchanges?03:45
erb_jrib: Thanks, that worked perfectly03:45
jribProspectiveUser: that's what I meant by releases, yes03:46
bobstroProspectiveUser:  it's a good idea to keep /home on a separate partition "just in case". i've found it simpler to just reinstall, though it *should* upgrade cleanly.03:46
bruenigProspectiveUser, yes, you upgrade through the same mechanism that you get all the other software and packages from03:46
bobstrobut always after backing up.03:46
=== AmyRose [i=djb@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ProspectiveUserthanks a lot - this makes life lots easier - though i will surely use some sort of backup as well - just in case03:47
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=== DemisM [n=dumbinte@c-76-26-50-242.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DemisMis there a way i can upgrade from server versin to non-server?03:49
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bruenigDemisM, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:49
=== jasonk47 [n=Jason@ppp-71-138-6-200.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
strabesDemisM: I'd recommend using APTITUDE not apt-get to install ubuntu-desktop03:49
bruenigI wouldn't03:49
DemisMbruenig: k thx03:49
=== IndyGunFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00n.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
strabeswell, then it's up to you03:49
linux_user400354aptitude broke my system03:49
bruenigespecially seeing as APTITUDE gives you command not found03:50
IndyGunFreaklol, aptitude broke your system?03:50
FlannelDemisM: you'll also want to switch to the -generic kernel, from the -server one.  Your system will (appear) more responsive03:50
linux_user400354yep, that's why I've stuck with apt-get since then03:51
linux_user400354I like the apt-get autoremove feature03:51
IndyGunFreakhmm, heard many things about aptitude, but never that it broke a system03:51
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linux_user400354Whamazoom: yeah, it removes packages that are no longer needed or used.03:52
brueniglinux_user400354, uh oh you are suppose to keep that feature quiet, the ignorant aptitude pushers don't yet know that exists, you are going to disillusion them03:52
Whamazoomreally?! neat03:52
ncd2092ok crimsun i did.. killall -HUP gdm and when X restarted glxinfo still reports dri; No ...03:52
UnluckyMikelinux_user400354: you can do that in synaptic too. just set the filter for orphans.03:52
rob66how do i install a package that's on my file system?03:52
rob66install <packagename> ?03:52
bruenigrob66, assuming it is a deb, sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb03:53
sethkrob66, dpkg.  I think dpkg -i03:53
rob66thanks :)03:53
thebillywaynerob66, dpkg -i <packagename>03:53
=== misfit_toy [n=misfitto@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
linux_user400354UnluckyMike: thanks03:53
=== MrKeuner [n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner] has joined #ubuntu
UnluckyMikejust thought I'd share a little tidbit03:53
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astonerbumbobstro: so you got any ideas bobstro?03:53
crimsunncd2092: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /etc/X11/xorg.conf as well as the output from glxinfo and xdriinfo03:53
WhamazoomI have a question....sortof related to freebsd (and no im not allowed in the #freebsd) i installed FBSD today...and it encrypted my HDD, now I cannot install ubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu because the partitioner says I cannot access the HDD because of permissions....any thoughts?03:53
crazlunaticHey does anyone know of a good CD ripper for ubuntu?03:54
astonerbumbobstro: about a benchmark tool03:54
thebillywayneis there a fluxbox metapackage?03:54
bobstroastonerbum:  no, was just trying to understand what you wanted before suggesting anything more you don't want!03:54
Madpilotcrazlunatic, soundjuicer works nicely.03:54
bruenig!info fluxbox | thebillywayne03:54
ubotuthebillywayne: fluxbox: Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 899 kB, installed size 2888 kB03:54
Flannelthebillywayne: "fluxbox"03:54
MrKeunerhi, when I enable Desktop Effects in 7.04 I get only one workspace, therefore no desktop cube. Is that a bug?03:54
crazlunaticmadpilot: does it also double as a media player?03:54
=== viator [n=viator@pool-71-161-148-99.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thebillywaynethx Flannel bruenig03:54
=== philth [n=philth@d38-181-68.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigMrKeuner, #ubuntu-effects03:54
Madpilotcrazlunatic, no. It's just a good ripper.03:54
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-180-7-162.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGWhat would make me have to restart my router for it to give me an IP address?03:55
viatorhey guys the plugin for paltalk for gaim seems to have disappeared anyone know where i can find it03:55
linux_user400354Madpilot: soundjuicer is awful. I suggest you install grip with vorbis-tools.03:55
DanaGIf I unplug the network cable or put my computer to sleep without doing ifdown first,03:55
=== misfit_toy [n=misfitto@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotcrazlunatic, actually, sj does play CDs03:55
linux_user400354viator: get pidgin im from getdeb.net03:55
crimsunlinux_user400354: "awful" for you, you mean.03:55
DanaGthen when I try to reconnect, it refuses to give me an IP.03:55
astonerbumbobstro: doh...03:56
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54A5D3B3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotlinux_user400354, awful? It's got a very high just-works factor, no extra guff, and a .ogg is a .ogg...03:56
DanaGWhat about -q5 or -q6?03:56
astonerbumDoes anyone know any good benchmarking tool that I can use to test out if my drivers are correctly set up on my hardware?03:56
linux_user400354crimsun: it doesn't let you configure anything. you can't change the bit rate that you are encoding at.03:56
crimsunMadpilot: except when an .ogg is a pancake!  ;-)03:56
crimsunlinux_user400354: sure you can03:56
FlannelMrKeuner: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/desktop-effects/+bug/10230903:56
astonerbumDoes anyone know any good benchmarking tool that I can use to test out if my video card drivers are correctly set up on my hardware?03:56
linux_user400354crimsun: okay, how03:56
DanaGOh, Crimsun: I put the alsa-HG in my kernel tree; so far I notice no changes.03:56
linux_user400354crimsun: no you can't03:56
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=== sainzeo [n=sainzeo@68-117-129-172.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
viatorpidgin dont have the paltalk plugin03:57
viatordoes it?03:57
Madpilotlinux_user400354, of course you can. Just make custom profiles, if you're really into that sort of thing.03:57
DanaGWould it help at all to post the dmesg with the Audigy kernel oops?03:57
crimsunlinux_user400354: Edit> Preferences> Format> Edit Profiles03:57
sainzeofoolfromhell: how is it going with ubuntu?03:57
bruenigviator, plugins are by definition not in the applications they are meant to be plugged into03:57
ncd2092crimsun, http://rafb.net/p/pIyTxV85.html03:57
jikanterwhat the lightest SAFE configuration to use ssmtp, fetchmail and pop3 over gmail?03:57
linux_user400354oh, still like grip a whole lot better. you can't say anything about it until you've tried it.03:58
astonerbumDoes anyone know any good benchmarking tool that I can use to test out if my video card drivers are correctly set up on my hardware?03:58
viatoryeah well the problem is that plugin was only on one site03:58
DanaG[54736.173000]  EIP: [<f9160007>]  snd_audigy_i2c_capture_source_put+0x87/0x100 [snd_emu10k1]  SS:ESP 0068:ce739da403:58
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crimsunDanaG: did you compile --with-debug=full?03:58
viatorand its been removed03:58
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
sainzeois it possible to send private messages to people in these irc chats?03:58
crimsunDanaG: and --enable-verbose-printk03:58
bruenigsaigon, /msg nick message03:58
Madpilotsainzeo, yes, if you're registered03:58
DanaGLet me check my kernel config.03:58
crazlunaticis there a website that shows database of freeware for ubuntu, much like the MAC website03:58
sainzeomadpilot: yeah I'm registered03:58
crazlunaticI don't like the built-in add/remove applications feature03:58
bruenigcrazlunatic, use synaptic03:58
crimsunlinux_user400354: of course.  I use neither, since I prefer cdparanoia directly.03:59
Madpilotcrazlunatic, if you want more details, use Synaptic03:59
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
astonerbumDoes anyone know any good benchmarking tool that I can use to test out if my video card drivers are correctly set up on my hardware?03:59
crazlunaticook let me try it out03:59
bimbericrazlunatic: or http://packages.ubuntu.com03:59
bruenig!repeat | astonerbum03:59
ubotuastonerbum: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:59
chump!repaet > astonerbum03:59
=== CapriSkye [n=hi@user-2b2788.user.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
crazlunaticit's confusing03:59
chumpd'oh typo03:59
linux_user400354crimsun: after you use cdrecord, you can use oggenc directly too03:59
WhamazoomWhich is the package for ubuntu...Automatix2? or something like that03:59
linux_user400354crimsun: I meant cdparanoia04:00
DanaGVerbose procfs, Verbose printk, Debug -- but for now "Debug detection" and "Enable PCM Ring buffer overrun/underrun debugging" are disabled.04:00
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:00
bruenig!automatix | Whamazoom04:00
ubotuWhamazoom: please see above04:00
crimsunlinux_user400354: yes, I'm well aware.04:00
Whamazoomalright...looks like im going to have to find .mp3 and stuff "manually" lol04:00
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viatoreasyubuntu isnt that bad04:00
bruenig!info ubuntu-restricted-extras04:00
ubotuubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB04:00
crimsunDanaG: sure, attach it to your bug report04:01
DanaGEarlier on I see this: (second line repeats about 13 times):04:01
crazlunaticwarty hoary hoary-backports04:01
DanaG[   25.896000]  ALSA sound/pci/emu10k1/emu10k1_main.c:203: Audigy2 value: Special config.04:01
DanaG[   25.902000]  ALSA sound/pci/emu10k1/io.c:222: Writing to ADC failed!04:01
crazlunaticwhat do those package names mean04:01
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:01
crimsunDanaG: please use your bug report; I don't have the resources currently to debug.04:01
jasonk47Hello, sorry if this is the wrong place for this, but I've installed GParted from Synaptic and it won't edit/resize an unmounted NTFS partition, the button is grayed out04:01
DanaGaah, should I put it on alsa-project?04:01
bruenigcrazlunatic, what?04:01
crimsunDanaG: did you already file one using LP?04:02
bruenig!enter | crazlunatic04:02
ubotucrazlunatic: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:02
DanaGThere's already a bug for "no capture", but not one for "causes an oops"04:02
Madpilotcrazlunatic, warty & hoary are old, old versions of Ubuntu.04:02
DanaGI have not done that yet.  Then I guess I'll go there first.04:02
crazlunaticOh I see04:02
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crazlunaticwhats a backport?04:02
Whamazoomdoes EasyUbuntu crash things like automatix?04:02
ncd2092any thing wrong there crimsun04:02
bruenigWhamazoom, what do you want to install?04:02
Madpilotcrazlunatic, a way of getting newer packages into a release of Ubuntu04:02
ncd2092apart from intels abomination of a gpu04:02
crazlunaticlol sorry i have another questoin04:03
crazlunaticwhen i moved to ubuntu04:03
crazlunaticmy mouse 4 and mouse5 buttons stoppe dworking04:03
=== DanaG wishes he had Intel AND Nvidia GPUs.
crazlunaticsorry for using the enter as puncutation again. It's a bad habit. Does anyone know how to get my mouse 4 and mouse5 buttons working again?04:03
crazlunaticthat is the 2 arrow keys on the left of my mouse04:03
DanaGI wish I could swap between the two -- then I could have OSS video drivers and NATIVE-RES framebuffer!04:03
bruenig!restricted | Whamazoom04:03
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ubotuWhamazoom: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:03
Madpilotcrazlunatic, please stop using your Enter key as punctuation!04:03
Madpilotubotu, mouse | crazlunatic04:03
=== nighthawk663 [n=nighthaw@c-24-11-100-118.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotucrazlunatic: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto04:03
crazlunaticmadpilot: thx04:04
=== mode/#ubuntu [-r] by nalioth
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nighthawk663Can anyone help me with doing custom video resolutions?  (IE, I have widescreen video, but the resolution doesn't show up in that "Resolution" control04:04
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Brins0yo everyone04:04
=== SpectralDesign [n=cbrown@CPE001839f2001f-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Ubuntu
nalioth!tell nighthawk663 about fixres04:04
crazlunaticDoes anybody know of a good website or resource where I can find the most popular or top rated ubuntu software?04:05
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Brins0anyone free to help a newbie with beryl over vnc?04:05
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bruenigBrins0, #ubuntu-effects04:05
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crimsunncd2092: what's your agp aperture size set as in bios?04:05
Brins0thx bruenig04:05
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nighthawk663nalioth: whee, that looks fun04:05
naliothnighthawk663: see your PM04:05
=== grave [n=grave@pool-70-18-62-163.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ddunni have been googling for a couple of days, and i cannot find anyway of updating EKIGA in 7.0404:05
nighthawk663nalioth: thanks :-)04:06
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ddunnany ideas?04:06
ncd2092not sure its even setalble on this dell inspiron 510m laptop04:06
Madpilotcrazlunatic, in Add/Remove, the black stars beside each title are popularity04:06
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r0b0any idea why the sound only comes from one speaker?04:06
r0b0*one program04:06
crazlunaticMadpilot: Yes I know. But do you know of any other resource?04:06
r0b0it won't play sound out of rythmbox04:06
r0b0but it will play sound out of teamspeak.04:06
r0b0anyone know how to fix this?04:07
=== Gigi [n=feryana@c-67-176-137-22.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== DanaG suggests using evdev for many-button mice.
Madpilotcrazlunatic, not offhand. I don't think the popularity/download count is displayed anywhere except add/remove04:07
crazlunaticMadpilot: thank you04:07
GigiHow do you guys get more fonts than the open fonts04:07
crimsunr0b0: TS requires exclusive sound device access, and your sound device is not capable of hardware muxing.04:07
=== misfit_toy [n=misfitto@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
graverob0 get gstreamer04:07
Whamazoomits a package04:08
r0b0whats it do?04:08
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=== Gorsat [n=lksjdlf@c-24-17-188-225.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ddunnanyone use EKIGA and FEISTY?04:08
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WhamazoomI believe it holds codecs and such for audio....(don't take my word for it, im a newbie!)04:08
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Whamazoomekiga? why not skype04:09
=== nblue [n=nblue@unaffiliated/nblue] has joined #ubuntu
ddunnnever used skype04:09
ddunnguess i could try it04:09
ddunnbut that is not the point... i am trying to get ekiga working04:09
Gorsatif you're printing from some app in the desktop (e.g. gedit, firefox) and the printer runs out of paper then shouldn't you get some sort of notification?04:09
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=== johnficc1 [n=johnficc@host-64-234-13-104.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotWhamazoom, because Skype only talks to skype, but ekiga can talk to any voip app (except Skype...)04:10
johnficc1need help problem E: The update command take no arguments....any help04:10
Flanneljohnficc1: what command are you giving?04:10
kingcobracan somebody tell me what failed to initialise hal means04:10
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usserskype sucks04:10
=== usser proprietary protocols suck
johnficc1sudo apt-get upgrade04:10
ddunnalright enough about skype... lol... i nee ekiga help :)04:10
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astonerbumDoes anyone know a good video benchmarking tool? (not glxgears)04:11
=== Pally [n=cc@CC.WV.CC.cmu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
johnficc1or sudo apt-get install -f04:11
johnficc1gives the same thing04:11
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=== Hydr0p0nX [n=Hydro@dsl017-120-131.bhm1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunastonerbum: choose any of the "free" 3D games, e.g., quake3 demo, et demo, etc.04:11
usserddunn: whats ekiga?04:11
bimberiGorsat: direct connected printer - probably.  network printer - probably not.  Is there a printer icon in your notification area (systray)?04:12
astonerbumcrimsun: so the quake3 one is a pretty good metric?04:12
shirishguys isn't there some simple command to view changelogs ?04:12
ddunnit is a program that uses a SIP to communicate to other user04:12
=== sabgenton [n=joshua@202-180-105-73.jetbuster.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ddunnit is included with ubuntu04:12
Whamazoomwhat about Xbench?04:12
usserddunn: oh, i use twinkle04:12
rummikwhy exactly does bb lock up?04:12
Flanneljohnficc1: try `sudo apt-get update` whats that give you?04:12
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graveAnyone know how to open music files from a network ? or04:12
ddunnnever heard of it04:12
sabgentonif i do ln -s /bla/sodir04:12
sabgentonwith no um destinaton04:12
sabgentonwhat happens?04:13
=== Mutantx [n=Mutantx@www.riolindo.org] has joined #ubuntu
=== ke4nt_ is now known as ke4nt
Whamazoomastonerbum: look up Xbench04:13
ncd2092crimsun, should I revert to plan A of attempting to make the driver from intel work04:13
ddunnis it open to other SIP providors, or are you stuck with just one?04:13
johnficc1the same thing04:13
Flannelsabgenton: your computer explodes.  ok, so... nothing.  You get an error04:13
crimsunncd2092: what is "plan A"?04:13
bimberisabgenton: creates a symlink with the name swodir04:13
Gorsatbimberi, yes I have a printer icon.  jobs just go into the queue and get dispatched to the printer.  the printer runs out of paper but I don't get any notification.  it's just a laserjet -- standard drivers.04:13
jrib!cn | xt_04:13
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ubotuxt_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk04:13
ussertwinkle is capable of connecting to any prov who uses sip04:13
Flannelbimberi: even without a destination?04:13
ncd2092that is plan A :)04:14
johnficc1and I get it when I open synaptic too04:14
Mutantxcan someone help with mounting a share folder on linux?04:14
ddunnaight... i will take a tollk at it usser, thanks04:14
dhtcall donate to free node04:14
FlannelAh.  Right.  sabgenton, second form in the man page.  Creates a link to it, in the curernt directory04:14
sabgentonFlannel: i didn't get an error bimberi must be right04:14
bimberiFlannel: yep, it defaults to ./04:14
crimsunncd2092: well, we'd need more info from your hardware config, but sleep never hurts.04:14
xt_ls code while is it!04:14
graveWhat video program you guys use in ubuntu?04:14
ncd2092k back in a few horus04:14
graveany good one out there?04:14
Mutantxfor some reason I'm not getting the right permission04:14
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johnficc1and I get it when I open synaptic too04:14
graveMovie player or gxine04:14
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Mutantxafter I mount it and was wondering if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong04:15
chumpi use vlc04:15
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DanaGAnother odd game: sauerbraten.04:15
ddunnhey usser, does Twinkle offer video?04:15
DanaGGoogle for 'sauerbraten debian" and install the -data package first.04:15
johnficc1E: The update command take no arguments all the time04:15
sabgentonbimberi: chears deleted the sym link created04:15
chumpand mplayer for videostream on the internet04:15
No1Can someone aid me, in PM, on installation of JAVA (jre) on Linux Ubuntu04:16
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dhtcuse irssi04:16
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crimsun!java >No104:16
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Flannel!java > No104:16
shirishguys is there a way to see changelogs without going to /usr/share/doc/ <packagename> or no ?04:17
bimberiGorsat: k. What may happen is that the printer icon will stay there - indicating that there are unfinished jobs04:17
astonerbumXBench has a port for ubuntu?04:17
=== dhtc listening to bbc
astonerbumall i can find is Mac versions of it...04:17
WhamazoomI am not sure04:17
johnficc1need help problem E: The update command take no arguments....any help04:17
bimberiGorsat: but that isn't exactly 'notification' though :|04:17
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Whamazoomastonerbum: what about Interbench?04:17
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astonerbumWhamazoom i shal try it04:18
xt_think you04:18
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Gorsatbimberi:  understood.  so I should assume that ubuntu and CUPS/Linux doesn't really support this kind of notification yet?  if so, it's kind of a bummer.  I won't be able to replace my Windows print server :(04:18
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chumpwell good night all04:19
astonerbumWhamazoom this seems more as a cpu stress test, i need to test my video hardware/drivers04:19
No1I still don't understand how to install java04:19
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No1pelase assist me04:19
johnficc1need help problem E: The update command take no arguments....any help04:19
No1please *04:19
jribNo1: have you read the wiki page?04:19
No1Wiki page of?04:20
jrib!java > No1 (see the private message from ubotu)04:20
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chumpNo1: application > add/remove.. > then type 'sun java' in the search field04:20
jribjohnficc1: what command gave you that?04:20
rob66please can someone help me through getting access to the internet from the terminal? i can't get X working and i need to be able to use apt-get04:21
johnficc1sudo apt-get update04:21
johnficc1or anything asuo apt-get04:21
rob66it works a charm in feisty... but i can't get it working in 6.1004:21
fsckrcan anyone recommend a good wireless card for laptop that works with ubuntu?04:21
jribjohnficc1: you wrote "sudo apt-get update" with nothing after it?04:21
kingcobracan somebody tell me is there a fix to error 'failed to initialise hal'04:21
rummikwhy won't bb run with sound?04:21
bimberiGorsat: I can't really answer that. That said, I strongly suspect it's true. In my own experience I've not seen that kind of notification.04:21
kingcobraat bootup04:21
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usserddunn: what doesnt work in ekiga for u, i just installed it and connected to my fwd account with no problems04:21
johnficc1anything with sudoa pt-get04:21
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johnficc1sudo apt-get install something or sudo apt-get install -f04:22
jribjohnficc1: copy and paste your command and the output to pastebin04:22
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superm1hey would anyone with a kubuntu disk or ISO be able to tell me what /isolinux/isolinux.cfg's GFXBOOT-BACKGROUND variable has set04:22
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No1Yes I read the WIKI already, but I don't understand04:23
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No1and add/remove programs, doesn't come up with anything04:23
jribNo1: join me in #ubuntu-classroom04:23
hellcattrav_hey how do i set up my syslog to mail to me04:23
Jenny_help - Ubuntu is not listed in the grub boot menu. How do I make it appear in the GRUB boot menu?04:23
hellcattrav_and to rotate? is there a graphical front end?04:23
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GrueTamerJenny_: you need to edit your grub menu.lst file04:23
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Jenny_GrueTamer - How do I do that?04:23
GrueTamergoto #grub, i have to go like...right now04:24
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GrueTamerbut you basically can do04:24
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GrueTamergksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add the lines for ubuntu04:24
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kingcobradoes anybody know a fix to error 'failed to initialise hal'04:25
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rob66please can someone help me through getting access to the internet from the terminal? i can't get X working and i need to be able to use apt-get04:25
crimsunkingcobra: did you restart?04:25
Hamm_desktopwhere can i find reading material for sudo?04:25
crimsunHamm_desktop: man sudo04:25
neztitican some one tell me if he have dxr3 card and works with feisty???04:25
Hamm_desktopahh ty04:25
kingcobracrimsun, it comes up at most bootups04:25
neztitihollywood plus i mean04:26
crimsunkingcobra: check the system logs, then.04:26
Hamm_desktopok... Anyone have any ideas why i cannot get a higher desktop resolution than 1024x768?04:26
kingcobracrimsun, where are they again04:26
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crazlunaticdoes anyone know why when I try to boot from CD, it still takes me to Ubuntu04:26
crazlunaticI'm trying to install Windows XP lol04:26
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nick_anyone here ever use routeplanner or have any sugestions for other trip planning software04:26
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Madpilotubotu, fixres | Hamm_desktop04:27
ubotuHamm_desktop: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:27
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crazlunaticI know a few of you may not like windows xp, but i'd appreciate if u can still help me =D04:27
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Gorsatbimberi: thanks for the response.  I appreciate it.  I haven't been able to get any answers from the #cups channel.  Do you know where I can contact cups and/or ubuntu devs?04:27
Bradf0rdCan someone here give me a link to either beryl or ubuntu effects channel??? Please04:27
jribBradf0rd: /join #ubuntu-effects04:27
kingcobracrazlunatic, have you looked in your bios setup04:27
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crazlunaticI have pulled up the boot selection menu to have it boot in CD04:28
Jenny_help - how do I load ubuntu even though it's not listed in boot grub menu?04:28
crazlunaticbut it just ignores the CD and goes into Ubuntu04:28
=== GuyFromHell [n=GuyFromH@c-24-128-122-132.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotcrazlunatic, it's not that we dislike WinXP, it's just that we can't see the point of it :P04:28
crazlunatictakes me to this grub thing04:28
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crazlunaticwell the thing is04:28
crazlunaticI need to go back to XP because04:28
GuyFromHell(i dislike xp...)04:28
crazlunaticI can't get the hang of Ubuntu04:28
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bimberiGorsat: not sure about cups.  The devs would be best contacted via the ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list (http://lists.ubuntu.com).  Or you could file a bug against cups in Ubuntu - http://bugs.ubuntu.com04:28
crazlunaticand I don't have time to learn and get used to it because I have a couple of huge projects due in the next few weeks04:28
bruenig!enter | crazlunatic (2)04:29
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ubotucrazlunatic (2): Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:29
Balzaci've booted a notebook on the ubuntu live CD. I want to get access to the hard-drive so I can back up the content and then install ubuntu. How do I get read access for HDA1?04:29
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Sexinessdoes anyone have the forum link to the bcm43xx-fwcutter walkthrough?04:29
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Bradf0rdjrib, thank YOU.04:30
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Balzacis there a boot flag i should use to have hard-drive read-write access when booting from the ubuntu live cd?04:30
Kai_wp2Anyone here in canada? :)04:30
Sexinessdoes anyone have the forum link to the bcm43xx-fwcutter walkthrough?04:30
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bruenig!repeat | Sexiness04:30
ubotuSexiness: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:30
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jimmygoonWhat is the best/easiest tool to use to autogenerate my DEB's?04:30
crazlunaticKai_wp2: I'm from Canaeda04:30
kingcobracrazlunatic, how did you get into the boot selection menu04:30
crazlunatickingcobra: f804:30
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geokeratz_crazlunatic>  so u have the xpintallation cd in the slot and cant boot from there for a format04:31
theconartistdoes anyone know how to make azureus use java once it's installed?04:31
usserjimmygoon: from source?04:31
Jenny_help - how do I load ubuntu even though it's not listed in boot grub menu?04:31
crazlunaticgeokeratz_: Correct04:31
bruenigjimmygoon, I kind of like the slackware technique where you just write a build script and then if newer versions come out change the variables in the build script, get the new source and go again04:31
kingcobracrazlunatic, have you tried any other bootable disk04:31
GuyFromHellIs there any record to anyone's knowledge about the livecd not running properly, I suspect my ATI X800 but I can select "start or install ubuntu" and it'll display "now loading" at the top and it restarted(once) and the other times it sorta just hangs. I suspect it is still loading but i can't see anything.04:31
_Codeman_I need audio codecs, what should I get?04:31
Kai_wp2crazlunatic: Are you in Canada now?04:31
bruenig!quicktime | _Codeman_04:31
ubotu_Codeman_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:31
jimmygoonusser: no, from jar files with a shell script added04:31
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GuyFromHell(There's a possibility that my cd didn't record properly so this may not be worth anyone's time)04:32
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usserGuyFromHell: welcome to the club04:32
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ZaerathI have a question, fellas.04:32
bruenigjimmygoon, you want to make a package out of disparate files?04:32
usserGuyFromHell: youre not the first to complain about live cd hanging04:32
jimmygoonbruenig, hmm, what nice about what I'm doing is only one file will change between releases - its a compress java jar file04:32
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jimmygoonbruenig, don't know what you mean there?04:32
crazlunaticKai_wp2: I was born in Canada yes04:32
ZaerathAre there any real pre-reqs to recompiling my kernel in Ubuntu Fiesty, besides installing the linux-sources package?04:32
GigaClonis there a way to see what is using my audio device?04:32
crazlunaticKai_wp2: Yes I'm in Canada now04:32
crazlunatickingcobra: I've only got one04:32
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crazlunatickingcobra: The ubuntu disc doesn't work either04:33
bruenigjimmygoon, then a build script would be great for that, just change the version, and everything else will be the same since you are just modifying that jar04:33
sainzeoguyfromhell: i also had an x800 and i had to use the alternate cd to install04:33
=== rob65 [n=rob65@ctmpc1rsy6.ctm.aber.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
geokeratz_crazlunatic> then just pull off the disk from your box and go to another pc for a format! :-)04:33
kingcobracrimsun, what log are you thinking of mainly04:33
rob65guys, what is a soft lockup?04:33
Kai_wp2crazlunatic:  I know this isn't the place for it but I just set up apache and am trying to find out if it works over the internet, can you tell me what kind of kbps speed you get? (I would have gone somewhere else but I needed to find someone in canada.) Could you try this? Its ok if you can't.04:33
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jimmygoonbruenig, ok, is there any type of example you could give me, a hyperlink or anything?04:33
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bruenigjimmygoon, you know what debs look like right?04:33
kingcobracrazlunatic, what is in the boot menu you have04:34
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crimsunkingcobra: daemon.log, syslog04:34
rob65what is a soft lockup?04:34
GuyFromHellusser, I'm pretty sure its not hanging its just not displaying anything. If i do the safe graphics mode after a while i hear the gdm's drum startup sound04:34
Zaerathkai_wp2: Getting about 26-27 KB/s here in Florida, USA.04:34
crazlunaticKai_wp2: 18.6kb/sec04:34
LibilaI'm new to apt-get can someone tell me why nvidia-settings is conflicting with another package and how I can get rid of it? http://rafb.net/p/WBi9u265.html is a paste of the error04:34
sainzeoguyfromhell: yeah, i ran into that exact same problem04:34
crazlunaticKai_wp2: Still rising but its slow04:34
GuyFromHellsainzeo, feh, that's a pain04:34
Sexinesswhat's an ubuntu dapper?04:34
GuyFromHellSexiness, version of ubuntu04:34
crazlunatickingcobra: All my hard-drives, usb discs, ipod, cds04:34
kingcobracrimsun, can you tell me where they are please04:34
WhamazoomKai_wp2 : Im getting ~26Kbps from Pennsylvania, USA04:35
Sexinesswhat's the dapper part?04:35
crimsunkingcobra: in /var/log/04:35
sainzeoguyfromhell: yeah it really was - I had to download the alternate cd of ubuntu so that I could see the text-based installer and install ubuntu from there04:35
cilaescrimsun: i found a temporary fix for that toshiba sound problem if you need it for future ref?04:35
GuyFromHellSexiness, dapper is the codenameish for version 6.04, edgy is 6.10 and feisty is 7.0404:35
crazlunaticKai_wp2: Looks like it maxed at 31.9 kb/sec04:35
sainzeoguyfromhell: after restarting, you still won't be able to see anything, but then there are commands you can type to reconfigure the X11 system to use a different video driver04:35
geokeratz_Sexiness> dapper is an older Ubuntu version04:35
kingcobracrimsun, thanks04:35
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Kai_wp2Wow ok thanks, everyone, I'm just running from a regular DSL so my upload rate isn't anything amazing, thats for try so fast though. 8-)04:35
rob65that's what i'm trying to do now04:35
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jimmygoonbruenig, vaguely -- a type of manifest file and some directory structure :S04:36
Softlyyou tell me04:36
GuyFromHellsainzeo, .... OKAY so how _about_ that gentoo >.>04:36
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Kai_wp2*thats = thanks04:36
crazlunaticKai_wp2: That is very slow btw =P. I can max 800kb04:36
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crazlunaticKai_wp2: But the upload, is reasonable. np04:36
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sainzeorob65: how is it going?04:36
ZaerathKai_wp2: I can run up to 2.5 MB/s. :P04:36
crazlunatickingcobra: What do you suggest I do?04:36
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rob65i'm running into brick wall after brick wal04:36
sainzeoguyfromhell: i haven't tried gentoo04:36
rob65and nobody can help me04:36
gravecan i playback files that not currently on the C:\ or in Ubuntu drive?04:36
Kai_wp2I mean, don't most good servers have a connection meant for faster uploading than downloading?04:36
crazlunaticZaerath: 2.5 mb upload?04:36
ZaerathGentoo is for people who have 6+ hours to install every application.04:36
ZaerathDon't try it.04:36
sainzeorob65: what step are you at?04:36
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rob65here is my MAIN issue04:36
bruenigjimmygoon, yeah, basically a directory that has all the files you want to move in their correct place, so inside the directory you would have a usr/bin/something if that is where you wanted it and a directory called DEBIAN with a control file04:36
Och4anyone big networking people here, i can't see my other computer on the windows network, i was able to before i networked04:36
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Kai_wp2Well going over the internet to another computer on my network I got 5 mbps04:36
Zaerathcrazlunatic: No, download. Upload maxes at 1 MB/s.04:36
kingcobracrazlunatic, go into bios setup04:37
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crazlunaticZaerath: What's your plan? I only get 80kb/s max upload lol04:37
GuyFromHellsainzeo, its just another distro that i already use but i thought i'd try ubuntu since i had to reformat anyways04:37
crazlunatickingcobra: Ok04:37
Kai_wp2But thats only going from me to my ISP and back04:37
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concept10Anyone tried to install gaim beta and pidgin side by side?04:37
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Zaerathcrazlunatic: I use Comcast, do you?04:37
crazlunatickingcobra: I'm on the same computer as the one having the problem, so I'll try to remember everything04:37
rodrigoI installed the apache, but now it wanted relembras which had been itens that I activated in the compilation04:37
Whamazoomyour getting that speed off of a DSL backbone?04:37
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bruenigjimmygoon, for examples of a control file, just do "apt-cache show anypackage"04:37
sainzeoguyfromhell: i've herad gentoo is much more complicated04:37
crazlunaticZaerath: I use Rogers. Paying 59 CAD a month, thats roughly 53 USD04:37
Mutantxcan someone help??? I'm wondering why when I do   mount.smb //riofiles/lockers /mnt/StudentsLockers/ -o credentials=/root/.credentials,gid="domain users"04:37
cilaescrimsun: i got my sound working but my headphone jack isnt working... know anything about this?04:38
sainzeorob65: are you seeing the desktop at all? or is the screen just black?04:38
Zaerathcrazlunatic: They have business plans for servers and such, I'm using one of those. (Comcast) It's about 75/month USD.04:38
MutantxI get drwxr-xr-x 1 root domain users 4096 May  6 18:38 StudentsLockers/04:38
Kai_wp2I get 5 mbps max for $25 dollars a month04:38
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GuyFromHellsainzeo, Compared to ubuntu, much. but then again saying something is more complicated than ubuntu is not saying much ;)04:38
jimmygoonbruenig, I guess it wouldn't be too hard at all to write a few scripts to copy that new jar into a directory structure that I have premade and then increment the version number and then zip/deb it or whatever ... thanks04:38
rob65i am, but then it's freezing after 3 seconds04:38
Mutantxinstead of xrWxr-x 1 root domain users 4096 May  6 18:38 StudentsLockers/04:38
betaHi all, i'm having this problem when I'm trying to start bind9 , when I perform a sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 restart I'm getting following errors:04:38
sainzeoguyfromhell: haha, yeah i'm not saying its better/worse, i just very much enjoy ubuntu04:38
crazlunaticZaerath: Nice deal. Internet rips you off here. You can get 2MB per second downloads in Hong Kong for less than 3004:38
Whamazoom25$ a month!!!!!! I get crappy cable speeds for 60$ a month04:38
betanamed: capset failed: Operation not permitted04:38
Zaerathcrazlunatic: THat sucks.04:38
Whamazoomdamn j00 Comcast Cable04:38
crazlunatickingcobra: What should I do in my bios setup, set the default to CD?04:39
Zaerathguyfromhell: I used Gentoo for a long time, and I really don't care for it. In fact, I returned to Ubuntu.04:39
crazlunaticZaerath: When I said here, I was referring to North America lol04:39
Mutantxgiving "domain users" permission to write?04:39
bruenigjimmygoon, well you wouldn't necessarily have to make the script automatically increment. Just each time you build it, open the script and edit the $version variable or whatever else04:39
Zaerathcrazlunatic: Yeah, I know. :P04:39
bruenigthat takes 5 seconds maybe04:39
GuyFromHellZaerath, Hehe well i would be using ubuntu now had the livecd loaded :P04:39
WhamazoomAnyone here use Eggdrop?04:39
Zaerathguyfromhell: Having issues with the livecd? I did on my lappy, I can tell you how I fixed it.04:39
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Libilanvidia-glx: Conflicts: nvidia-settings but 1.0+20060516-3ubuntu1 is to be installed04:40
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Libilawhat causes that?04:40
kingcobracrazlunatic, yes and take hd out of boot sequence just to make sure04:40
crazlunatickingcobra: I'll go try that now, thanks04:40
rob65http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2604690 - Please can people read my post and maybe suggest why this isn't working? I'm installing with alternate CD now - hoping to resolve issue from there with regards to freezing and get X working properly04:40
sainzeoguyfromhell: well don't give up just cause its a little rough right now :-p04:40
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GuyFromHellZaerath, I have an issue where it seems to be loading in the background but no display, I can hear the drums of GDM eventually04:40
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ZaerathLiblia: remove nvidia-settings package and isntall nvidia-glx.04:40
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DanaGHow do I get my ssh client to EXIT rather than FREEZE upon timeout?04:40
Kai_wp2gotta go04:40
kingcobracrazlunatic, that would tell you if the disk can boot or not04:40
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thefrog_can shomeone help mewith vmplayer?04:40
Kai_wp2Bye! :D04:40
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crazlunaticOk before I go and install Windows, I'm going to tell everyone about my situation and see if I can be persuaded not to waste 3 hours of my life installing everything on windows04:40
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WhamazoomWindows Rocks!04:41
Zaerathguyfromhell: Same issue here, just select the rez on start using F4 (labeled as "VGA" on the menu), and then try starting it up using the default boot options.04:41
kingcobraWhamazoom, ur wrong04:41
LibilaZaerath: Package nvidia-settings is not installed, so not removed04:41
kingcobraway wrong04:41
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thefrog_ei help me with vmplayer04:41
ZaerathLibila: Try removing just "nvidia" or "nvidia-drivers"04:41
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geokeratz_Whamazoom>  the only thing that rocks is Techno-music04:41
crazlunaticBasically I accidentally erased everything installing Ubuntu. So far I like it, but I'm installing Windows again because I feel that I will waste too much time learning, and getting used to Ubuntu because I have a couple of rush-projects in the next couple of days and especially this month. I installed Ubuntu because a lot of people said it was more productive, but I already spent a couple of hours today trying 04:41
GuyFromHellZaerath, tried it at 1024x768-16; didn't work (don't think, i should try again since i was in a rush when i tried that one)04:41
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thefrog_does anyone use vmplayer?04:42
LibilaZaerath: Neither are installed. This is a fresh install of fiesty.04:42
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ZaerathGuyfromhell: I use a widescreen monitor and tried it at 1440x900-16 and it worked fine.04:42
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Libilaand I just checked... apt-get --purge remove would do the trick right?04:42
ZaerathLibila: And it gives that error the first time you attempt to install nvidia-glx?04:42
jacksonLmy speakers make a groaning noise when my computer is perform 3D accelerated activities. does anyone know why this might be?04:42
GuyFromHellZaerath, meh... Okay i'm going to try again after i burn the cd again (still think it might be the cd...)04:42
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rob65jacksonL: I've heard of something called "blitter"04:42
rob65google it, it might shed some more light on it04:43
LibilaZaerath: http://rafb.net/p/WBi9u265.html04:43
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Zaerathguyfromhell: It may be. There is an integrity check built-into the CD boot features as well, though.04:43
GuyFromHellZaerath, tried that, no display :P04:43
GigiHow do you guys get more fonts than the open fonts that already come04:43
Libilaoh do I need to remove the line nvidia-settings04:43
kingcobracrazlunatic, what do the projects involve04:43
LibilaI was just copying from a tutorial inubuntu forums04:43
=== DanaG LIKES DejaVu Sans.
crazlunaticMaking sure I don't fail this semester xD04:43
thefrog_ei somene uses vmware player?04:43
nighthawk663nalioth: Thanks for your help, that thing worked.  Turns out it's a common issue with my laptop video-driver04:43
rob65jacksonL: "Blitter noise", sorry. I used to get it.04:44
ZaerathLibila: You can try apt-get updating, first, and making sure all repos are available.04:44
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crazlunatickingcobra: I slacked off during the year. So basically, I have to finish 3-4 months worth of work in 1 month and a week04:44
thefrog_ei somene uses vmware player?04:44
LibilaZaerath: I did that04:44
ZaerathLibila: It appears that it's attempting to grab an older nvidia driver than your restricted kernel uses.04:44
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WhamazoomIsnt the spring semester basically over?04:44
usserthefrog_: whats the problem?04:44
thefrog_ei somene uses vmware player?04:44
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ZaerathLibila: Ooooh, did you enable the nvidia beta drivers, them? Did you add that repo?04:44
jacksonLrob65: thanks but I think that doesn't have to do with my problem. according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blitter04:44
usserWhamazoom: yep two more weeks04:44
thefrog_at last04:44
LibilaZaerath: I'm using 2.6.1004:44
naliothnighthawk663: :)04:44
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ZaerathLibila: Restricted, though, or not?04:45
LibilaZaerath: ? umm I don't know04:45
kingcobracrazlunatic, dont talk to me about amounts of work to do, im in big trouble04:45
crazlunatickingcobra: Lol04:45
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LibilaZaerath: 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux04:45
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crazlunaticOk anyone? haha... I'm about to reboot and install Windows!!!04:45
nighthawk663nalioth: course, I went through the whole steps before I reached the "oh, btw, if you have this card, just do this.." part  9.904:45
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Whamazoomdo it! I dare you!04:45
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kingcobracrazlunatic, are the projects typing on comps r what04:45
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crazlunaticpowerpoint / photoshop / flash mx / word04:45
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Pie-ratei have a laptop with a wifi card in it, can i connect my desktop to it (i have both regular and crossover cables) and use it as a wireless bridge?04:46
jordanso.. I just did "SUDO APT-GET REMOVE LIBXML2" by accident.. and its uninstalling .. everything.  What do I do?04:46
sec_opera got this error on 6.0604:46
naliothnighthawk663: :)04:46
ZaerathLibila: Not quite sure of the problem them. You sure you're not using a different kernel than the one listed?04:46
sec_$ opera04:46
sec_ERROR: ld.so: object 'libjvm.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.04:46
sec_ERROR: ld.so: object 'libawt.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.04:46
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ZaerathLibila: If you installed another, make sure you updated GRUB and rebooted.04:46
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kingcobracrazlunatic, what do you do in flash mx04:46
crazlunatickingcobra: Consists of (I only know Window equivalents) powerpoint, word, firefox, flash04:46
sec_jvm installed.04:46
ussersec_: are u on amd64 processor?04:46
thefrog_Double click on the resulting file, and Windows should start to install. The only screwiness left at this point is that we'll need to swap floppy images. When prompted, click on the floppy icon to "eject" the drive. In Nautilus, rename cdboot1.img to cdboot01.img and cdboot2.img to cdboot1.img, then click the floppy icon again to continue. It may sound a little strange, but you're essentially renaming the images to match that of the fir04:46
thefrog_st file when it wants it. You'll get the hang of it, promise.04:46
thefrog_ it's in http://www.unix-tutorials.com/go.php?id=39804:46
sec_any idea?04:46
crazlunatickingcobra: Flash games04:46
LibilaZaerath: I have not installed another kernel04:46
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer04:46
crazlunatickingcobra: Not for fun, for school work lol04:46
Libilaliterally first boot after install lol04:46
sec_usser: no,04:46
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ZaerathLibila: Then I am not sure of the issue, sorry.04:46
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kingcobracrazlunatic, you create flash games?04:47
crazlunatickingcobra: My honest opinion about Ubuntu is that it's not as great as everybody says it is. It just looks like another OS to me rofl no offense04:47
LibilaZaerath: what if I took off restricted?04:47
jordanso.. I just did "SUDO APT-GET REMOVE LIBXML2" by accident.. and its uninstalling .. everything.  What do I do?04:47
ussersec_: i got the same error together with a couple of others04:47
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ZaerathLibila: Then it may work.04:47
jordanhelp, im dying04:47
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crazlunatickingcobra: I must be missing out on something. I create flash games for school projects, yep04:47
LibilaZaerath: restricted in apt just mean stable?04:47
Aaron_Masonjordan: find your ubuntu install CD04:47
sec_usser: install opera from repo?, right/04:47
jordanhurry, im goin down04:47
Whamazoomcrazlunatic : well its just like every other debian distro...04:47
geokeratz_crazlunatic> try to have a double-booting grub with xp also.Thats what i have for programs like Mathematica/Cubase/etc but have Ubuntu as the primer OS04:47
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jordanaaron_mason ok04:47
ZaerathLibila: Res. is unstable.04:47
DanaGjordan: ctrl-c04:47
ussersec_: no i used one tar.gz from their site04:47
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kingcobracrazlunatic, wasnt sure what you meant by doing games04:48
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ussersec_: there's no x64 opera as far as i know04:48
WhamazoomCubase own3s04:48
DanaGthen manually reinstall the top-level packages it had removed so far.04:48
jordanaaron_mason now what04:48
ussersec_: so its not in the repo for me04:48
sec_usser: oh, i have no problem with that tar.04:48
the_hammerok quick qustion whats the path to where the trash can is?04:48
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jacksonLmy speakers make a groaning noise whenever my graphics card is used. it's an NVIDIA 6800GS using the nvidia-glx drivers in ubuntu repos. any ideas?04:48
the_hammerusing kde envirement?04:48
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sec_usser: i used repo for easy update...04:48
jordandanaG yeah, tried that04:48
sec_usser: it's in04:48
jribthe_hammer: ~/.Trash/ in gnome, it's /probably/ the same (check)04:48
jordanok so everything is off my computer now04:48
theconartisthow do i get java to take the place of gcj?04:49
Aaron_Masonjordan: since your system is now well and truly r**ted, you're going to need to reinstall04:49
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jrib!multijava > theconartist (see the private message from ubotu)04:49
jordanno hope for anything?04:49
crazlunatickingcobra: Flash games like the ones you find on www.addictinggames.com. For example, flies come up and you have to swat them with your mouse.04:49
jordancan i.. rescue it?04:49
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crazlunatickingcobra: Or you have to drive a car through a maze04:49
rob65theconartist: google for "set default java ubuntu"04:49
kingcobracrazlunatic, not sure how to do that in linux but browsing, creating documents and slideshows and image editing can all be done very well in ubuntu and most linux distros04:49
rob65you'll find the command there04:49
jordanaaron_mason can I rescue it04:50
hellcattrav_hey what plays .flv files04:50
usseran flv player ;)04:50
snoopy_hellcattrav_, vlc04:50
sec_seems nobody use opera04:50
=== DeafByBeheading [n=chatzill@adsl-69-226-254-187.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
the_hammertrying to add a Desktop trash can but not sure how to do it04:50
Aaron_Masonjordan: it would take about as long as a reinstall... your best bet is to back up any personal stuff you had on the machine and start from scratch04:50
Whamazoomthe_hammer adding a desktop trashcan takes a bit of work04:50
jordanaaron_mason damnit, agh i had alot goin here04:50
kingcobraWhamazoom, can you see pms that i replied to you or were they blocked04:51
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hellcattrav_oi oi04:51
jordanrofl i dont even have nautilus04:51
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hellcattrav_snoopy: thanks04:51
Aaron_Masonjordan: yeah, it sucks... but its a learning experience, I once wiped a hard drive by removing a user account that had a hard drive mounted in its home directory -.-04:51
Whamazoomthe_hammer : what desktop environ?04:51
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the_hammerno such directory /. trashcan04:52
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Whamazoomgoto this page http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2006/09/24/how-to-add-the-trash-can-to-your-kubuntu-desktop/04:52
the_hammeri got a ton of trash but no icon for trash04:52
geokeratz_hellcattrav_>  I think u can open flv files with the firefox browser. (if flash is enabled)04:52
GuyFromHellTrue or false: Ubuntu will work properly with multi-monitor out of box (X800)04:52
Aaron_Masoni was going to mention that he could do it through the live cd but...04:52
=== defendguin_ [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hellcattrav_cos im trying to download some clips off of youtube04:53
geokeratz_hellcattrav_> check and tell us (not sure if the file is already downloaded)04:53
thefrog_simply add trash as applet to panel04:53
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thefrog_that simple04:53
UnluckyMikethe_hammer: goto your home folder, View>Show hidden files and look for .Trash04:53
hellcattrav_getting vlc now04:53
Whamazoomhe wants it on desktop04:53
theconartistty jrib04:53
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crazlunaticdoes anyone know if there is a flash mx clone on linux?04:54
UnluckyMikethe_hammer: alt+f2 "gconf-editor" Apps>Nautilus>Desktop>04:54
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Whamazoom^ or that04:54
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RaschkoI can't seem to get a res higher than 1024/768: using an PNY geforce 6800 GS (restricted driver)04:55
crazlunaticdoes anyone know of a flash alternative on ubuntu?04:55
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WhamazoomI dont think linux and flash get along very well04:55
bimberiflash works fine here04:56
Dquestionsif i went to suspend04:56
UnluckyMikeflash works fine for me04:56
Dquestionshow do i bring back my laptop?04:56
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bimberi!info flashplugin-nonfree04:56
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)04:56
kfarrellhello, can someone tell me how to install uslab, it's been installed via apt-get, but how do you activate it?04:56
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ussercrazlunatic: i dont think adobe made a port and no one else would do it, since its a closed technology04:56
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ussercrazlunatic: thats what i think04:57
crazlunaticNot flash. I mean like Adobe Flash MX, I need to make flash games04:57
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crazlunaticdamn then I wasted my time installing Ubuntu since I need to use flash almost every day04:57
Whamazoomcan you WINE Flash MX?04:57
crazlunaticlol damn....04:57
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Raschkouse wine for flash04:57
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@host121-166-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Whamazoomor crossover? does it support Adobe Flash MX?04:57
usserWhamazoom: crossover supposed to be able to handle it04:57
usserWhamazoom: yes it does04:57
crazlunaticwhats crossover04:58
Whamazoomcrazlunatic : check out Crossover04:58
crazlunatic!crossover > crazlunatic04:58
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Whamazoomthere ya go04:58
thefrog_all the shit for wine http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=scripts04:58
crazlunatictheres nothing04:58
crazlunatic!crossover Whamazoom04:58
tonyyarusso!ohmy | thefrog_04:58
DeafByBeheadingHi, I have a wireless question. I have an xterasys xn-2523G PCI card with the ACX111 chipset. I tried reading the wireless troubleshooting guide, but that seems focused on laptops. The ACX100/111 driver project has a wiki, but it claims that the driver works out of the box on feisty fawn: http://acx100.sourceforge.net/wiki/Distribution_list/Ubuntu04:58
ubotuthefrog_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:58
DeafByBeheadingany suggestions?04:58
Whamazoomhmm no autoresponse04:58
crazlunaticwhat exactly is crossover04:58
crazlunatic!crossover > Whamazoom04:58
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DanaGArgh, I try to run WineCVS.sh04:59
wheels3572who in here is good with what starts up and is needed/not needed when Ubuntu loads?04:59
ussercrazlunatic: http://www.codeweavers.com/04:59
Whamazoomcrossover allows you to install windows apps in linux04:59
thefrog_<DeafByBeheading> maybe you need wireless scaner to asociate with your card?04:59
DanaGit just says ./configure doesn't exist, somewhere down the line.04:59
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burner_DanaG, you have build-essential?04:59
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burner_DanaG, why you need cvs instead of the .deb?05:00
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Jenny_is this a windows program which will allow me to format/erase linux partitions?05:00
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DeafByBeheading<thefrog_> i'm sort of a noob in terms of configuration and set up. can you point me in the right direction?05:00
bruenigJenny_, partition magic05:00
DanaGI want to try Directsound3D emulation.05:00
snowmanso.  I did an apt-get install beryl.  it worked.  how do I actually get it working? :P05:00
sanityxHaha I installed cde-motif and now my desktop is old skool05:00
burner_gparted > partition tragic05:00
=== DJRyanJ [n=spacejoc@S01060016b6e25c08.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
burner_snowman, sudo apt-get install beryl-manager beryl emerald-themes, then run beryl-manager and right click the icon in the bottom right05:01
crazlunaticthat sounds pretty neat but i have to pay for it lol05:01
Hamm_desktopi only have one desktop (oh noes'!) what can i do05:01
=== klos_ [i=hans@e179200033.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
thefrog_I use swsscanner downloaded from repos05:01
bruenighaha, because tragic rhymes with magic, I get it05:01
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bimberisnowman: Applications -> System Tools -> Beryl Manager05:01
WhamazoomDont you need the beryl manager?05:01
thefrog_simple wireless scanner it's called05:01
burner_don't "need" the beryl manager, but it makes it easy05:01
Whamazoomyea "need" is a strong word around here :D05:02
snowmanWhamazoom: I dunno :P  that's what I'm askin'05:02
thefrog_scann and associate05:02
crazlunaticcrazlunatic doesn't pay for software rofl05:02
Whamazoomtry WINE then05:02
snowmanthefrog_: that's for wireless ethernet?05:02
ussercrazlunatic: hm flash mx seems to work with wine as well05:02
ussercrazlunatic: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=102705:02
crazlunaticok I will check out wine05:02
jimmygoonsnowman, try beryl-manager05:02
crazlunaticdid you guys see my extra long post? I'll post it again05:02
Raschkono real need for beryl since feisty has the options built in..but not ass user friendly05:03
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crazlunatic(10:41:50 PM) crazlunatic: Basically I accidentally erased everything installing Ubuntu. So far I like it, but I'm installing Windows again because I feel that I will waste too much time learning, and getting used to Ubuntu because I have a couple of rush-projects in the next couple of days and especially this month. I installed Ubuntu because a lot of people said it was more productive, but I already spent a co05:03
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DeafByBeheading<thefrog_> oh, i see. actually, i'm not even getting that far. iwconfig says "no wireless extensions"05:03
Whamazoomcrazlunatic : You made your first mistake....rushing linux....you cannot rush it05:03
Whamazoomthink of it more as a hobby :D05:04
=== apikoros [n=ori@CPE000d3a6e285c-CM0014045d3018.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
RaschkoI can't seem to get my screen res higher than 1024/76805:04
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bimberistart it as a hobby05:04
bimberi!fixres | Raschko05:04
=== burner_ uses linux ona production machine
burner_Raschko, video card type?05:04
ubotuRaschko: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:04
the_hammer/home/trouble/.local/share/Trash/files/kbfx- get denied access to error05:04
crazlunaticWhamazoom: I see. What do you suggest I do? It's either fail or pass and Windows has had many distractions. But I find Ubuntu takes up time by having to learn it, etc, getting used to it05:05
Raschkopny geforce 680005:05
the_hammerahh well at least i got an app on task bar now didnt even have that before05:05
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bruenigcrazlunatic, you only need to learn as much as you want to learn. There is a lot to learn that is a lot of fun I think and helps you get the most out of linux goodness but if you want to be relatively ignorant and point and click in synaptic, that is fine too. It is a big umbrella05:08
=== nekomancer [n=nekomanc@cpe-71-72-35-233.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nekomancerhello room05:08
bruenig!howdy | nekobaka05:09
ubotunekobaka: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:09
nekomancerdoes anyone know for sure if you can get photoshop cs2 to run in fiesty?05:09
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apikorosnekomancer: it probably depends on the version of wine more than anything. have you checked the app db on the wine website?05:10
bruenignekomancer, I read somewhere that somebody got photoshop going on wine by using the portable version of it which is a good idea05:10
jorebirtualbox for birtual lan is only 10MB/s?05:10
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lkthomashey all05:10
jimmygoonhey lkthomas05:10
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nekomancerapikoros, not as of yet, didn't think of that05:10
lkthomasI am running xfce on ubuntu, how could I install KDE then ?05:11
gravehow do i install wine? from synap?05:11
burner_nekomancer, possibly with crossover office which is not free...  if you really want adobe photoshop... pressure adobe to make it linux specific or use gimp05:11
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jimmygoongrave, if I were you I would use the wine repos instead of the package in the ubuntu repos05:11
burner_grave, sudo apt-get install wine ... synaptic works too05:11
=== Hamm_desktop [n=hamm@host-69-145-177-203.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
brueniglkthomas, the whole kubuntu package or just kde core stuff05:11
jimmygoonthe wine repos have some features that ubuntu's is lacking05:11
burner_hte one in the ubuntu repos is only .01 version behind05:11
apikorosnekomancer: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=181505:11
lkthomasnekomancer, gimp is specially for people who want to move from photoshop to linux05:11
Hamm_desktopI need more desktops,  what do i do?05:11
burner_gimp works on windows too  http://opensourcewindows.org05:12
lkthomasroot@thomas:/home/lkthomas# apt-get install kubuntu05:12
lkthomasReading package lists... Done05:12
lkthomasBuilding dependency tree05:12
lkthomasReading state information... Done05:12
lkthomasE: Couldn't find package kubuntu05:12
jimmygoonlkthomas, do you want kde-desktop or just kde?05:12
gravejimmygoon wine repos instead of package in ubuntu reos05:12
burner_lkthomas, kubuntu-desktop05:12
apikoroslkthomas: kubuntu-desktop05:12
lkthomasI see, thanks05:12
jimmygoongrave, yes05:12
apikorosburner_: :P05:12
bruenigwhat an idiot05:12
=== arooni [n=chatzill@c-24-19-43-154.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aroonican i use grep to not only FIND but to find and REPLACE text?05:12
gravejimmygoon how to get ubuntu reos05:12
arooniand if so, how?05:12
bruenigarooni, sed05:12
apikorosarooni: that's kind of sed's job05:12
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip70-185-168-242.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gravejimmygoon sudo apt-get install wine?05:12
apikorosbruenig, stop rendering me useless, damnit!05:12
jimmygoongrave, you have ubuntu repos on --- goto to winehq.com and get the sources.list entry there05:13
bruenigarooni, syntax looks like this: sed 's/new/old'05:13
bruenigarooni, syntax looks like this: sed 's/new/old/'05:13
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nekomancerburner_,  lkthomas i don't like photoshop, i'm trying to help a friend migrate05:13
bruenigwow messed that up too05:13
lkthomasnekomancer, try gimp on windows first05:13
bruenigarooni, syntax looks like this: sed 's/old/new/'05:14
=== quixote9 [n=mia@cpe-75-82-111-244.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
apikorosnekomancer, i hate to say it, but if they spend a considerable amount of their day working with photoshop, linux might not be the OS for them05:14
Hamm_desktophow can i get more desktops05:14
bruenigHamm_desktop, right click on the workspace applet05:14
DJRyanJgetting an interesting install failure... after I select "install to hd" from the menu on the server 6.10 cd it hangs after about 3 seconds with the following: unknown interrupt or fault at eip 00000060 c0100231 0000023005:14
=== Brins0 [n=Brins0@85-210-50-101.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu []
gravejimmygoon what im looking for in winehq? sources.list?05:14
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gravejimmygoon where?05:14
=== AlberTUX [n=AlberTUX@] has joined #ubuntu
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jimmygoonoh my... give me a sec05:15
AlberTUXhi guys05:15
AlberTUXquick question05:15
=== riddlebox [n=james@75-132-225-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:15
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Hamm_desktopthat doesn'tdo anything05:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:15
jimmygoongrave, http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb   follow the instrcuctions05:15
apikorosjimmygoon, grave: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb05:15
apikorosheh, late again.05:15
gravejimmygoon sudo apt-get install wine works but doesn't work will?05:15
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox05:15
=== zie [n=rankin@54-199.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
riddleboxif I have two different graphics cards, will that be ok to load both modules, or should I get two of the same?05:16
jimmygoongrave, it will work fine but I like the winehq version better -- just follow the link that apikoros and I gave you05:16
bruenigI seriously doubt .01 version increase will have any effect on photoshop05:16
bimberiHamm_desktop: right-click -> Preferences -> "Number of workspaces"05:16
zieis jnc in here?05:16
AlberTUXis there a way to set up a fallback configuration for an interface configuration, like when there is no link and cannot get an IP from DHCP?05:16
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nekomancerapikoros, the problem is his computer died, he doesn't have the cash to shell out for a new one with windows, and already has photoshop.  it's an ugly mess i'm glad i'm not in05:16
bruenigAlberTUX, you will need to do some scripting05:16
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apikorosAlberTUX: yes, you can script that in /etc/network/interfaces05:17
ziecan someone tell me where to find photoshop for linux?05:17
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apikorostekarren: we read you.05:17
redcardzie: No such thing exists05:17
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bruenigzie, applications>graphics.gimp05:17
ant-its called the gimp ;P05:17
=== Luuna_ [n=luuna@dyn-83-156-170-37.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
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zieya i heard phtoshop 7 ran in linux05:17
=== chuckf [n=chuck@pool-71-191-46-145.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
redcardThe Gimp is a good graphics utility , but it is not anywhere close to Photoshop05:17
redcardzie: You heard wrong05:18
ant-same options, just different places05:18
zieim using gimp right now.05:18
AlberTUXis there a keyword for that? (like the "auto eth0" in /etc/network/interfaces)05:18
tekarrenHey, can someone help me with the ubuntu 7.04 live cd?05:18
=== tyler_ [n=CaptainZ@c-71-207-226-131.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenig!someone | tekarren05:18
ubotutekarren: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:18
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redcardant-: Not even close.  Bunch of plugins that aren't available in the Gimp, and a bunch of output options and such that are pretty much standard for desktop publishing that the Gimp does not support.05:18
redcardIt's a good program, suitable for a lot of things, but it's not a replacement for photoshop.05:19
apikorosant-: gimp is really great, i use it a lot, but it's not photoshop, yeah.05:19
=== AzMoo [n=matt@unaffiliated/azmoo] has joined #ubuntu
ziei was on phtoshop in linux on my last computer so i know but the web site that i download it form is gone05:19
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=== fiery_cleric [n=tim@202-78-148-47.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu
graveFor 7.04 Desktop effects not working for me . Is it same everybody else?05:19
=== Chicory [n=chatzill@fwlr-900lsh-wrls-112x59.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu
ant-well i was considering the actuall program, i guess photoshop owns the plugin department05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about laptops - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:19
burner_grave, works here05:19
=== mikelehen [n=mikelehe@c-24-19-30-53.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
redcardzie: First, there is no photoshop in linux. Second, if you downloaded it, you didn't get a legal version anyway05:20
AlberTUXor do i have to create an if-post script?05:20
burner_grave, #ubuntu-effects05:20
AzMooIs the method for creating packages in ubuntu the same as it is in debian?05:20
zieit does but i dont know where to find it at05:20
chuckfgrave, are you getting errors?05:20
bimberizie: the windows version can be run using crossover and possibly wine05:20
ChicoryQuestion -- what's the typical WiFi chipset in Sony VIAO laptops?05:20
ixxixx1Ok, I reinstalled ubuntu in the 32 bit version, but I still cannot install the linux ATI driver I get this message : Could not open the file /home/josh/Desktop/ati-dler-8.36.5-x86.x86_64.run using the Western (ISO-8859-15) character coding.  Could someone please help me05:20
apikorosAzMoo: yes, pretty much.05:20
Chicory*VAIO, even05:20
=== ranian [n=kranian@net136-138.paichai.ac.kr] has joined #ubuntu
gravenope just can't see the screen05:20
tekarrenthe 7.04 cd when I try to boot opens a terminal "busybox v1.1.3" then says errno=-505:20
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gravewon't work for me05:20
tekarrenWhat does this mean?05:20
zerokill88how do i install java runtime for firefox?05:20
zieok can someone tell me if theres a program for linux like Adobe Flash.05:20
AzMooapikoros, pretty much? Is there anything specifically different that I'll need to take into account?05:20
gravei try xgl then Ill ask for help in the -effects channel05:21
redcardzie: I assure you, there is no Adobe Photoshop 7 for Linux.  Mebbe emulated.05:21
cavalierprimezero go get Flash 9 at adobe's site05:21
cavalierprimethey have a linux version of flash there05:21
fiery_clericanyone know how to setup a n-up cups printer ? ...05:21
cavalierprimeor not the plug in? you mean the authoring tools?05:21
ant-sudo apt-get sun-java6-plugin i think05:22
apikorosAzMoo: the only difference, AFAIK, is the approval policy for getting it in official reps. you can read up on that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment05:22
snowmanthis province's "disposable society" attitude disturbs me.05:22
ant-sudo apt-get sun-java6-jre05:22
apikorossnowman, which province?05:22
ant-sudo apt-get me-a-sandwich05:22
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apikorosant-, heh.05:23
snowmanthis months "haul"?  3 fully functional p4 2.4Ghz workstations, 2 dell latitude laptops (also perfectly working), a 19" monitor, and a 2' tall stack of used but functional hard drives.05:23
snowmanapikoros: alberta.  oil patch money-stupid.05:23
ant-i am forgetting the install in there aint i05:23
redcardsnowman: Haul from what?05:23
ant-how come no one corected me05:23
apikorossnowman, that's pretty impressive. i don't think you can find that in ontario or BC, but like you said, there's no oilforia.05:24
snowmanredcard: the "junk" pile at the local recycling depot.05:24
redcardsnowman: Dang..05:24
=== Metellus [n=metellus@c-68-49-141-198.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
redcardI gotta find one of those near me.05:24
SurfnKidhmmm is there a script i can run to test the speed of my dvd+rw/05:24
snowmanthat's about average here.05:24
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snowman2 years old is "useless" and gets tossed.05:24
=== amicrawler [n=kvirc@adsl-75-8-227-46.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
snowmannot even wiped first most often...05:24
amicrawlerneed help with a .sh file made for rhat05:24
amicrawlerredhat 605:24
apikorossnowman: it's a huge shame, since there are lots of non-profits that can use them, not to mention home users.05:25
=== aboyousif [n=aboyousi@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Brins0 [n=Brins0@85-210-50-101.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Brins0if i'm the system administrator, how do I login?05:25
amicrawlerhow do i get this file to work  for ubuntu05:25
apikorosBrins0: with your username and password, of course!05:25
Brins0it won't let me05:25
apikorosBrins0: if you need to run admin commands, you need to sudo.05:25
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zieFlash Player 9 for Linux?05:25
Brins0it says "the system administrator is not allowed to login from theis screen"05:25
snowmanapikoros: I try to refurb them and hand 'em out to people I know who need a better machine and can't afford one.05:25
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=== bluedog [n=bluedog@cpe-71-72-88-29.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dial_toneamicrawler: an error msg might help05:26
snowmanapikoros: or who want a machine for their kid or whatnot.05:26
zieFlash Player 9 for Linux?05:26
amicrawleryes say05:26
apikorossnowman, that's super nice of you.05:26
amicrawlerdown load  zie05:26
snowmanapikoros: (usually with linux on board, but hey...)05:26
Brins0any ideas?05:26
ant-Brins0 :your trying to login as root?05:26
bruenigzie, just because you put a question mark at the end of it, that does not make it a question05:26
snowmankinda like a penguin peddling missionary ;)\05:26
Brins0basically, yes05:26
=== jlulian38 [n=jlulian3@cpe-76-172-231-109.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
amicrawlerzie download from flash.com05:26
bruenigzie, for instance, this is not a question?05:26
Brins0i've made myself root05:26
apikorosi wonder if there are any recycling depots here (toronto) that are open for public rummaging. are they government-run or private in alberta?05:26
ant-Brins0 : there is no root in ubuntu, by default05:26
=== voltagex [n=voltagex@124-254-125-78-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ziethis is not a question?05:27
apikoroszie, this statement is a lie.05:27
ant-Brins0 : just login as the username you made during install.. that is the admin account05:27
snowmanapikoros: this one's private non-profit.05:27
Brins0I cna't05:27
voltagexis there a gui for x264 creation in Ubuntu?05:27
bruenigflash player?05:27
Brins0i've made that root..05:27
bluedogzie, apikoros always lies.05:27
voltagexor an ffmpeg gui?05:27
bruenigoh ok bruenig, let me get right to that question05:27
ant-Brins0 : you named the account root?05:27
zieit plays flash movies05:27
apikorosbluedog ;)05:27
AzMooapikoros, excellent, thanks.05:27
=== hitmanWilly [n=hitmanWi@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Brins0no, I changed it's rights from 1000 to 005:27
snowmanapikoros: I think in ON, "computers for schools" gets most of the "eWaste"05:27
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ziewe want the animator flash05:27
=== cp [n=cp@tx-76-6-71-215.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brins0so it's got root rights05:28
snowmanat least when I worked there for transport canada, they did05:28
cpanyone here good with ndiswrapper?05:28
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ant-Brins0 : thats where you messed up05:28
Brins0so i've locked myself out then...05:28
snowmancp: not bad.  what's the deal?05:28
Whamazoomwhat is the default password for root in ubuntu 7.04?05:28
ant-brinso: go to the prompt and change it back05:28
ziethanks for the help, we got it? lol.05:28
Brins0I try to gain control, an it's gay and locks me out...05:28
snowmanWhamazoom: right after install?  there isn't one.05:28
apikorossnowman, isn't that a federal program, though? wouldn't it apply just the same in alberta?05:28
tonyyarusso!ohmy | Brins005:28
ubotuBrins0: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:28
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cpwell i have a linksys  wpc54gs and i followed the help guide on the ubuntu forum and nothing05:29
apikorosor can they not keep up with the corporate replacement pace?05:29
ant-Brins0 : goto the terminal and change your rights back05:29
Brins0what kind of homosexual os doesn't let you do what you like...05:29
snowmanapikoros: it would, but people keep dumping crap at the local paper depot anyway.05:29
snowman"rig pigs" aren't bright05:29
FlannelBrins0: you can't "make yourself root"05:29
Brins0all I wanted to do was delete a damn folder...05:29
cpit acctually found a ip and gateway at one point05:29
FlannelBrins0: oh.  Nevermind.  Uh, try the recovery console05:29
voltagexBrins0: that attitude isn't going to get you anywhere05:29
cpbut that might be from my wired05:29
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:29
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-180-7-162.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has left #ubuntu []
Brins0well there must be a way to gain control over my system05:29
ant-Brins0 : you have to type sudo in front of your command to use super user commands05:30
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apikorossnowman, okay, last question -- how often do you go, to find all these things?05:30
amicrawleryes it safe for the whole family05:30
Brins0you can't type sudo in the gui...05:30
FlannelBrins0: reboot, at the GRUB prompt, choose the recovery console.05:30
snowmanapikoros: once a week I do the cardboard run at work.05:30
tonyyarussoBrins0: gksu in that case05:30
cpsnowman,  anyideas how to get my card to work?05:30
snowmanapikoros: that's just what I picked out for me.  there were bins of NIC's, god knows how many 17" monitors (I nabbed 10 a while back)05:30
=== isthatall [n=isthatal@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mikelehenI'm having trouble getting wireless working on my laptop (Compaq EVO N800C).  I've followed the howto to install the orinoco_usb module, and everything went fine, but when I enable my wireless card, it tries to use the prism2_usb module instead (according to syslog).  Anybody know what decides which module to use?  or how I change it?05:30
snowmancp: what make/model card?  pci or usb?05:30
Brins0is there any way of gaining 100% control over every file on the drive?05:31
cpLinksys  wpc54gs05:31
FlannelBrins0: reboot, at the GRUB prompt, choose the recovery console05:31
Brins0(yes it's my machine)05:31
ant-Brins0 : if you wanted to delete a folder in gnome (nautilus) you would type "sudo nautilus" and it'll let you do what you want in the file browser05:31
Brins0that won't do me any good at all...05:31
MadpilotBrins0, not a safe way. The whole point is that the system owns it's own files, not the user...05:31
Brins0well I want to own the whole os05:31
Brins0is there a way?05:31
FlannelBrins0: no, you don't want to.05:31
voltagexBrins0: the user you created when you installed Ubuntu has sudo rights, use them.05:31
Brins0trust me, I do..05:31
usserBrins0: u really dont want to do it05:31
MadpilotBrins0, s/own/break...05:31
Brins0really... I do...05:32
voltagexBrins0: the user you created when you installed Ubuntu has sudo rights, use them.05:32
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Brins0sudo is useless to me05:32
apikorosBrins0: it doesn't sound like what you're doing is very constructive...05:32
redcardBrins0: Now why would you want to do a thing like that?05:32
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Brins0all I want to do is delete what I want, when I want05:32
redcardThen use sudo.05:32
Brins0without having to open a coneole up05:32
voltagexBrins0: sudo is only useless when you don't know your password05:32
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Madpilot"All I want to do is break my Ubuntu"05:32
Brins0I want it to work like windows05:32
[[[Lelouch] ] ] hey05:32
voltagexBrins0: alt-f2 then gksu nautilus05:32
redcardThen run windows?05:32
apikorosMadpilot: isn't that a sheryl crow song?05:33
Brins0"I want to delete <that> file"05:33
=== martin91 [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-204-152.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelBrins0: if you're knowledgable enough to "know" that you want to do that, even though everyone here is telling you otherwise, then you'll have to figure out how to do it (that is, FUBAR your entire system) on your own.05:33
rob65Guys, need some help. When I select the normal boot option from GRUB, feisty locks up at the login screen of gdm. HOWEVER, when I select recovery, I can "startx" and it runs without any problem whatsoever!!! Anyone got any ideas? I'm at a loss.05:33
Madpilotapikoros, possibly...05:33
=== balarka [n=balarka@adsl-68-72-139-75.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brins0I may as well go to #fluffykitten for help...05:33
redcardBrins0: gksu nautilus05:33
voltagexBrins0: what on EARTH are you trying to accomplish05:33
FlannelBrins0: That's because we won't help you break your system.05:33
MadpilotBrins0, you are getting help. The fact that you don't like the help isn't our problem.05:33
Brins0I want to know mow to make myself root, I know the consequences05:33
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redcardNow go away and break your system on your own.05:33
voltagexredcard: I already saud that05:33
Brins0I just want to do it05:33
redcardYou ARE root.05:33
Brins0i'm not05:33
redcardvoltagex: I know. But he's not listening.05:34
Brins0it won't let me delete files05:34
=== aniack [n=aniack@pool-72-73-95-121.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
voltagexBrins0: sudo -s -H05:34
rob65I have a real problem, if anyone wants to listen.. ?05:34
redcardBrins0: Look, go install slackware.05:34
voltagexredcard: just give him the information05:34
riddleboxif I have two different graphics cards, will that be ok to load both modules, or should I get two of the same?05:34
=== wyssguy [n=markwyss@VDSL-151-118-2-20.DNVR.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu
apikoros!someone | rob6505:34
redcardOr Gentoo.  Log in as root, and you're done.05:34
uboturob65: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:34
Madpilotrob65, go ahead - don't ask to ask.05:34
Brins0does that allow me to do ANYTHING without ever having to type sudo again?05:34
rob65Guys, need some help. When I select the normal boot option from GRUB, feisty locks up at the login screen of gdm. HOWEVER, when I select recovery, I can "startx" and it runs without any problem whatsoever!!! Anyone got any ideas? I'm at a loss.05:34
voltagexrob65: which graphics card?05:34
voltagexrob65: binary drivers installed?05:34
rob65i've installed the nvidia drivers from thier website05:34
redcardBrins0: Yes. If you install slackware or gentoo and run as root, you never have to sudo again.05:34
=== Kwitschibo_ [n=Michael@host-091-096-176-061.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
bluedogBrins0: disable gdm auto startup, login, then sudo startx05:35
Brins0right, can I do that with ubuntu?05:35
apikorosBrins0: okay, if you are _really_ hell bent on breaking your ubuntu, you can just type "sudo passwd" to create a password for root, and log in as root from then on.05:35
redcardBrins0: No.05:35
redcardIf you are wanting to entirely ignore the security features that Ubuntu has, then don't use Ubuntu.05:35
Brins0I'm not going to break anything05:35
redcardUse Gentoo or slackware.05:35
Brins0i'm not dumb...05:35
snowmancp: you get that msg?05:35
Brins0you may thing otherwise05:35
Brins0but I assure you, i'm not05:35
voltagexrob65: ah, see if you can uninstall those drivers then reinstall ubuntu's nvidia-glx05:35
Brins0i'm just lazy05:35
bluedogbrins0, then why did it take you 10 minutes to ask how to set a password on the root account?05:35
redcardBrins0: Then listen VERY CLOSELY.  Ubuntu is not what you want.  It is built around sudo as a security mechanism.05:35
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Brins0an I cna't be bothered having to open a console to delete a single file05:36
rob65voltagex: Already tried nvidia-glx to no avail05:36
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apikorosBrins0: what redcard said.05:36
rob65still freezes at login05:36
redcardIf you are not wanting that, then GO AND INSTALL ANOTHER DISTRIBUTION05:36
tritiumredcard: not necessary05:36
voltagexrob65: what if you disable gdm?05:36
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mikelehenBrins0: You could "sudo passwd root" to set a passwd for root, and then log in as root?05:36
tritiumBrins0: you can enable the root account, if that's what you want05:36
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rob65how do i do that voltagex ?05:36
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Brins0so are you basically saying it's impossible to delete any file on the system, without havint to go sudo it?05:36
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rob65i did : sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  .... when i installed the nvidia drivers05:37
apikorosBrins0: no, if you set a password for root, and use root as your login, you can delete anything.05:37
bluedogbrins0, out of the box ubuntu thats correct05:37
Brins0well that's me sorted then...05:37
cpsnowman, it says under wireless network drivers  Hardware Present: No05:37
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voltagexBrins0: you should be able to delete your own file05:37
usserBrins0: but running as root all the time is not safe!05:37
apikorosBrins0: but again, that kind of goes against the way ubuntu is designed.05:37
voltagexwithout sudo05:37
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tritiumBrins0: you can either enable the root account, or run "sudo -i" in the terminal, and keep sudo priveleges open until you log out.05:37
redcardBrins0: then sudo passwd root, and it's over.05:37
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voltagexapikoros: this lnie of argument is not going to work05:37
AlberTUXhow do i get zeroconf on feisty ?05:37
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redcardYou might have to alter gdm to allow root to log in.05:37
Whamazoomis there anyway to remove the little "warning" about using proprietary drivers?05:37
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tkfui need some RAID help05:37
snowmancp: ok, so the basics of ndiswrapper are thus.  you hve a driver cd with the .inf for your card?  good.  is ndiswrapper installed?05:37
Brins0why do you assume I want to breakk my installation anyway?05:37
apikorosvoltagex: it's more for the benefit of others who might be listening in and find the idea of permanent and absolute power enticing.05:38
voltagexthere's obviously some underlying problem so he can't delete his own files05:38
tkfui followed the instructions listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Raid05:38
cpboth are05:38
FlannelWhamazoom: click it, it shouldn't come back every time (just once)05:38
redcardBrins0: Because you are.  But that's your choice. 'sudo passwd root'05:38
Brins0I can delete my own files..05:38
voltagexBrins0: we don't think it, we know it - root is *dangerous*05:38
tkfuexcept that i used ext3 instead of ext2 and changed the options appropriately05:38
Brins0just not anything else05:38
ixxixx2Could someone help me install my ATI drivers? I reinstalled the 32 bit Ubuntu  instead of the 64 bit and i still cant get them to install05:38
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snowmancp: so all I had to do for my card was this.  cd to the dir with the .inf then05:38
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=== usser well root is not dangerous per se
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Brins0I can't even copy backgrounds into the /shared folder for god's sake..05:38
tkfubut now when i try to mount it i get an error05:38
snowmancp: ndiswrapper -i driver.inf05:38
snowmancp: ndiswrapper -m05:38
=== usser abusing root is dangerous
overriderhello, is anyone from china here?05:38
Brins0that's not security, that's just stupid...05:38
snowmancp: modprobe ndiswrapper05:38
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FlannelBrins0: that's the point.  That's how Linux is designed.  The sooner you learn that that's a *good thing*, the quicker you'll have a stable system05:39
voltagexBrins0: because that's because it's a system file05:39
snowmancp: and that did it05:39
MadpilotBrins0, backgrounds don't need to go into / - the background app can pick them up from anywhere...05:39
redcard Brins0: That is not stupid.. it's security.05:39
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Brins0I know...05:39
usserBrins0: so u're suggesting what? run as root all the time??05:39
tkfuit says that there's no ext3 filesystem found on my raid device05:39
voltagexBrins0: no offense, but you have a windows mentality05:39
Brins0I want to put them there tho05:39
Brins0in windows, you just stick theme there..05:39
redcardBrins0: Look, here's the thing.  Windows was NEVER designed to be multi-user.05:39
Brins0no questions asked05:39
redcardIt's just been bolted on.05:39
cpndiswrapper -l05:39
Brins0I on'y want a single user05:39
cpdevice (14E4:4320) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)05:39
voltagexrob65: I'm sorry I don't know how to disable gdm05:39
Brins0i'm the only user...05:39
apikorosusser, didn't lindows run like that?05:39
AlberTUX how do i get zeroconf on feisty ?05:39
FlannelBrins0: Right, and you can just delete [important system files] , no questions asked too.  Because windows is stupid with permissions.05:39
redcardBrins0: I know, but you're using an OS that was designed and built for multi-user purposes.05:40
cpsnow how can i check to see if its workin05:40
usserapikoros: yea i think05:40
Brins0it's not stupid at all..05:40
mineralewhen trying to install ubuntu under parallels it keeps freezing during the stup of "intel ... something05:40
redcardSo you're going to have to respect that.05:40
MadpilotBrins0, so, if you're the only user, why do you need to put backgrounds in system space?05:40
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Brins0my vista installation is far mosre stable then this ubuntu one05:40
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=== usser nice trolling anyway
=== usser lost all interest
apikorosBrins0: look, this is a pointless argument -- you've been shown how to do what you want, and you've been explained why it's a bad idea -- go fourth and make your own decisions.05:40
redcardBrins0: If you are wanting to use Windows, feel free.05:40
=== new_ubuntu [n=sig@ip68-0-33-154.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== usser do your thing do your thing
Brins0I want the ability to freely use both05:40
voltagexBrins0: nice troll, that's a new one05:40
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voltagexBrins0: no one is forcing you to use ubuntu05:41
redcardBrins0: But we're not going to just go and entirely change how Linux works to suit you.  So.. your trolling is done, go away, thanks for playing05:41
Brins0I want to...05:41
ixxixx2can someone tell me why my password on terminal wont work?05:41
voltagexBrins0: that is the benefit of choice05:41
apikorosguys, enough.05:41
=== Punkunity [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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cpsnowman,  ?05:41
voltagexapikoros: ok05:41
kevkev832hello, is there a way to make moxilla firefox show contents correctly it happens in many pages such as www.goodcharacters.com.  tq.05:41
new_ubuntuGreetings... I have a question about getting a wireless card to work w/ Ubuntu05:41
voltagexkevkev832: what?05:41
voltagexnew_ubuntu: just ask your question05:41
redcardapikoros: He's pushing the edge of my frustration. :P  I'm forgetting the Code of Conduct as this conversation continues.05:41
Brins0tbh, it should be simple to give yourself FULL admin/root rights05:41
mikelehenBrins0: Edit /etc/passwd and change your userid to 0.05:42
voltagexBrins0: it is. Good bye.05:42
Brins0"He" has a name..05:42
redcardBrins0: If it's simple for you to give yourself full admin/root rights, it'll be simple for ANYONE TO.05:42
mineralehas asnyone installed ubuntu under parallels?05:42
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Brins0and "He" is still here..05:42
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tritiumCalm down, please...05:42
tonyyarussoBrins0: At this point you've been given the answer, but don't use it, and are now trolling.  Please cease now.05:42
ussermikelehen: hehe nice one05:42
=== martman [n=martman@cpe-74-71-208-185.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
new_ubuntuI can access the internet just fine w/ a wire; however, when I try w/ the wireless I get no joy.  I can access my router's config page & everything seems good to go.05:42
=== SpectralDesign [n=cbrown@CPE001839f2001f-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
echosypwhy is ubuntu a poc05:42
redcardBrins0: Trolling.  "sudo passwd root"05:42
Brins0define: trolling05:42
martmanmake: aclocal: Command not found05:42
new_ubuntuWhen I use iwconfig, all the settings are okay as well.05:42
martmanwhat package do i need to install05:42
tonyyarussoBrins0: it's on wikipedia.05:42
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martmanapt-cache search for it crapped out...05:42
new_ubuntuIt just when I try to switch to wireless primary, i get nothing.05:42
redcardBrins0: No more definitions, no more bs.05:42
telejedido anyone know how to start cthugha ?05:43
=== GrooveStix [n=chatzill@adsl-68-79-119-241.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
echosypis fiesty available for amd64 yet?05:43
Aaron_Masonechosyp: what happened to make you decide that?05:43
tritiumBrins0, redcard:  enough, please05:43
mrignsBrins0: just can give you all the rights you want. but it's like inviting every hacker to join you pc05:43
kevkev832my mozilla firefox browser doesn't show the text content of some webpages correctly. its not aligned right and criss-cross overlapping each other.  such as what it at the website www.goodcharacters.com  is there an update to fix this or is it just part of using firefox? tq.05:43
=== Nrrd [n=Nrrd@cpc1-swan2-0-0-cust604.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Brins0uninstalling ubunto and grub05:43
GrooveStixhey guys05:43
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usserechosyp: sure05:43
Brins0how would you about that?05:43
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snowmancp: if it's working you should only have to configue the interface as you would any other.  am I wrong in assuming this is a network card?05:43
redcardBrins0: Boot into windows.  fdisk /mbr .  Bye05:43
GrooveStixdoes Ubuntu keep a log of what has been installed in the past?05:43
apikorosmartman, what's aclocal?05:43
new_ubuntualso, i'm running the latest version of ubunto from the www.ubuntu.com site05:43
Brins0where is grub installed by defau;t?05:43
Punkunityhey i just said fuck thunderbird, ive had enough!!05:43
cpyea its a Linksys card05:43
apikorosGrooveStix: yes, it does.05:43
tonyyarusso!ohmy | Punkunity05:43
echosypi can't upgrade, and my mouse will click and hold down,05:43
ubotuPunkunity: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:43
RAOFechosyp: Feisty has been available for AMD64 from the get-go.05:43
tritiumPunkunity: language!05:43
cpbut its not lettin me05:43
martmanapikoros i think it has something todo with configure. not sure though05:43
Punkunitywrong room sorry\05:43
cpshouldnt it show networks?05:43
GrooveStixhow can I access that?05:44
=== gerry_nb is now known as seattlegaucho
echosypit won't let me upgrade05:44
Brins0where is grub installed by default?05:44
=== GuyFromHell [n=ubuntu@c-24-128-122-132.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Brins0which drive?05:44
echosypapt-get distupgrade05:44
cpBrins0,  GOOGLE05:44
new_ubuntuI have a linksys WRT54GS v505:44
RAOFechosyp: That's not how you upgrade.05:44
GrooveStixapokoros ?05:44
=== usser how do u ignore ppl in IRC?
RAOF!upgrade | echosyp05:44
ubotuechosyp: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:44
Brins0I thaught this was meant to be a support channel05:44
FlannelBrins0: your MBR, as well as /boot05:44
GrooveStixapikoros ? (sorry)05:44
cables!ignore | usser05:44
cavalierprimehere is where to get info on video driver     http://news.softpedia.com/news/Install-Nvidia-and-ATI-video-drivers-on-Ubuntu-Edgy-44388.shtml05:44
ubotuusser: If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname05:44
Brins0not a bloomin dns channel..05:44
rob65I thought thought was spelt thought05:44
tonyyarussoBrins0: a support channel for installing and using, not deleting.05:44
mrignsBrins0: it's installed in the master boot sector of hda05:44
voltagexrob65: /ignore Brins005:44
cpheh /ingnore NICK05:44
echosypthe update manager doesn't tell me there is a new version either05:44
redcardvoltagex: For example :)05:45
cavalierprimethat guide works on Fiesty too05:45
mikelehenI'm having trouble getting wireless working on my laptop (Compaq EVO N800C).  I've followed the howto to install the orinoco_usb module, and everything went fine, but when I turn my wireless card on, ubuntu tries to use the prism2_usb module instead of orinoco_usb (according to syslog).  Anybody know what decides which module to use?  or how I change it?05:45
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WhamazoomHow do you remove apps in the applications menu? I apt-get removed evolution, but the icon is still in Office05:45
UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: what kind of wireless card are you using?05:45
Brins0mrigns: thx05:45
RAOFechosyp: Are you running Edgy?05:45
AlberTUXzeroconf in feisty ?05:45
voltagexredcard: oops, my tab completion slipped.05:45
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martmananyone know what package aclocal is in?05:45
rob65When I select the normal boot option from GRUB, feisty locks up at the login screen of gdm. HOWEVER, when I select recovery, I can "startx" and it runs without any problem whatsoever!!! It also freezes when using the live cd. Anyone got any ideas? I'm at a loss.05:45
apikorosGrooveStix: i use kubuntu, so i have a different apt tool. i'm not sure which app ubuntu (gnome) uses.05:45
redcardvoltagex: Haha :)05:45
echosypand things are sooo slow to open05:45
voltagexredcard: rob65 has a really interesting problem05:45
GrooveStixuh huh05:45
Flannelmartman: dpkg -S aclocal05:45
echosypi have 1gig ram05:45
GuyFromHellanyone point me in the general direction of learning how to resize a reiserfs partition? Google is not being cooperative and/or i fail at crafting queries today.05:45
kevkev832how can i play .flv files ? i've installed VLC player and it doesn't show the video.05:45
echosypso its not that05:45
voltagexrob65: like I said, try letting memtest run for a while05:45
rob65ok (Y)05:45
snowmancp: did it give any errors when you entered those 3 commands?05:46
rob65will let it run fully05:46
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voltagexrob65: do it from the grub menu05:46
Whamazoomnvm figured out my own question05:46
apikorosaclocal is a part of autconf, i think.05:46
GrooveStixokay! Ubuntu users! how can I see a log of what have I installed in the past?05:46
telejedihow can i start playing cd-audio with ubuntu?05:46
rob65yep, will do voltagex05:46
redcardrob65: Huh.  By lock up , you mean it completely freezes?05:46
Aaron_Masonhey, I have vbox running as a guest to Ubuntu Dapper which itself is a guest running in VMware player under Windows XP... now I'm trying to get control back from vbox to use my mouse but the damn thing won't release it... anybod have any ideas? (btw, nobody's answering in the vbox channel)05:46
voltagextelejedi: put an audio cd in05:46
FlannelGrooveStix: do you mean in order? or total?05:46
martmanFlannel not sure what im supposed todo with that output05:46
cpno erroe05:46
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GrooveStixin order sounds nice!05:46
rob65redcard: Yes, i'm getting two types of freeze.05:46
voltagexAaron_Mason: ctrl + alt?05:46
Flannelmartman: On the left is the package name, on the right is the file that matched your search term05:47
kitcheAaron_Mason: you press right ctrl05:47
cpit just doesnt wanna connect for some reason05:47
rob65In the GUI install, I get the keyboard key "depressed" constantly whenever i input using it05:47
rob65either d, [, or ] 05:47
mrignsAaron_Mason: the right ctrl should release your mouse05:47
Flannelmartman: /var/log/dpkg.log (and the archives of it)05:47
Aaron_Masonvoltagex: not vmware, vbox inside vmware05:47
rob65and in the live cd, as soon as it hits the desktop after 4 seconds it freezes05:47
rob65all input, keyboard, mouse, frozen05:47
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Flannelmartman: to get a list of every package that's installed, dpkg -l (thats lowercase L)05:47
voltagexrob65: this is starting to sound more and more like hardware problems05:47
Aaron_Masonkitche, mrigns: i don't have a right control key on this laptop05:47
rob65and the same sort of freeze at the login screen05:47
FlannelGrooveStix: sorry, thats for you.05:47
redcardrob65: Hmm.  Have you tried installing using the alternate CD?05:47
rob65Yes! alternate installs no problems05:47
crazlunatichey guys. Everytime I try to boot into a CD, it tells me I'm Missing Operating System05:47
RAOFechosyp: So, try following the guide linked to by ubotu.05:47
crazlunaticdoes anyone know the solution to this?05:47
rob65Just when i get to the login screen, it freezes again05:47
voltagexredcard: good point.05:47
new_ubuntuAnyone have any help for the wireless problem?05:47
kitcheAaron_Mason: you have two control keys correct?05:48
rob65recovery + startx = fine!05:48
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Aaron_Masonkitche: nope, just the one05:48
UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: what wireless card are you using?05:48
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martmanFlannel i think i have all those packages05:48
mrignsAaron_Mason: well THAT is a problem ;P I don't know if another default is set if you don't got the key05:48
rob65redcard: voltagex : The full saga is here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=260656605:48
echosypRAOF, i would but firefox is STILL opening05:48
new_ubuntuWRT54GS v5 is my router05:48
telejedivoltagex: can't get the visual output of the cd - can you help?05:48
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echosypyou have a crappy router05:48
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redcardrob65: *nods* Okay.  Try doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:48
Flannelmartman: Yes, you do.  Those are only packages you have installed.  If you want to search others, you'll need "apt-file", or to use packages.ubuntu.com (the second form005:49
bjw_new_ubuntu: can you ping your router?05:49
Aaron_Masonhmm.. i have a usb keyboard somewhere, I'll see if that helps anything05:49
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echosypversion 3 is better05:49
RAOFechosyp: So slow?  Hm.  That's not been my experience.05:49
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redcardrob65: You will need to know your information about your card.05:49
new_ubuntuWPC54GS v2 is the card05:49
echosypidk what the deal is05:49
rob65already tried that, but not with -phigh05:49
crazlunatichey guys. Everytime I try to boot into a CD, it tells me I'm Missing Operating System. Does anyone know how to fix this?05:49
UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: you are probally using a rt61 card, are you using WPA?05:49
neonimrhow can free some space for another linux installation05:49
rob65using that command, i've selected, nvidia, nv, and vesa05:49
rob65and all of them do the same thing05:49
cpnew_ubuntu,  i have that card also05:49
apikorosGrooveStix: you can apt-get install apt-show-versions and then run apt-show-versions.05:49
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bluedogcraxy, check that the cd is bootable05:49
cpim havin the same problem05:49
new_ubuntubjw: i can access the router config page05:49
isleshocky77Hello room.05:49
redcardrob65: Okay.. what kind of video card do you have?05:49
martmanFlannel thanks05:50
new_ubuntuis that the same as pinging the router?05:50
rob65Palit Geforce 8800GTS 320MB05:50
apikorosneonimr: you probably need to repartition your drive.05:50
rob65i did this also :05:50
isleshocky77Is it a bug or an option then when I fade to desktop with Beryl it clears all the windows from my panels "Window List"05:50
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rob65sudo vi /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules*05:50
Madpilotcrazlunatic, the problem could be the LIveCD - did you burn it, or is it a ShipIt one?05:50
rob65Change the DISABLED_MODULES=" to DISABLED_MODULES=nv05:50
crazlunaticMadpilot: I'm trying to install Windows XP xD05:50
UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: are you using WPA, WEP?05:50
tony_anyone else have a problem with high disk space usage?05:50
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neonimrapikoros: i thought it is possible to just create another partition05:50
crazlunaticMadpilot: But I'm in here because this error is happening because I installed Ubuntu most likely05:50
cpfor me05:50
rob65as part of a guide i was following to "Fix nVidia acceleration in Feisty (nVidia 8800 and legacy users)"05:50
apikorosneonimr, if you have empty, unpartitioned space on your drive, than yeah.05:51
new_ubuntuunluckyMike: i was under windows, but have turned all those options off to troubleshoot via the router page05:51
cpdevice (14E4:4320) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)05:51
bjw_new_ubuntu: if you can see the router but not beyond it, are you sure you have dns? are you using dhcp?05:51
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kevkev832can i use BERYL with just an onboard video ? tq.05:51
apikorosneonimr, but free space is not the same as unpartitioned space.05:51
cpeth1      IEEE 802.11b/g  ESSID:""  Nickname:"Broadcom 4306"05:51
cp          Mode:Managed  Access Point: Invalid05:51
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echosypbcm43xx driver is unstable05:51
echosypand unreliable05:51
Madpilotcrazlunatic, I haven't installed XP for several years, but it shouldn't care what else is installed, it'll just bulldoze itself an install space05:51
echosypuse ndiswrapper05:51
redcardrob65: Hmm..05:51
apikoroskevkev832: probably not, unless you have a nice intel chipset.05:51
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isleshocky77kevkev832: I have it with an old laptop I have.05:51
isleshocky77Runs greay.05:51
usserkevkev832: if its intel05:51
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Flannelkevkev832: you can use beryl with anything that supports 3d accel05:51
rob65no errors in memtest86 so far..05:51
new_ubuntucp: so far i'm seeing the same thing as you05:51
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SurfnKidwhat does stack smashing detected mean?05:51
cafuegoechosyp: On the other hand, both of mine work fine and reliably.05:51
crazlunaticMadpilot: When I try to boot into the XP cd, it tells me missing operating system05:51
neonimrapikoros: i already have ubuntu installed but i wanna add another distro05:51
cpi am using ndiswrapper05:51
echosypcafuego, what cards do you have?05:52
usserSurfnKid: it means the stacks have smashed05:52
usserSurfnKid: hehe05:52
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crazlunaticMadpilot: What is even more odd is that I must boot into the hard-drive that DOES NOT contain ubuntu for Ubuntu to boot05:52
echosypiv got 06 adn 1805:52
cafuegoechosyp: 4306es05:52
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Madpilotcrazlunatic, then I'm guessing there's something wrong with your XP CD.05:52
crazlunaticMadpilot: Choosing the 80 GB HD, which my Ubuntu is contained on, will result in a missing operating system error05:52
cafuegoechosyp: A pcmcia one and one in the ibook.05:52
ussersorry could not resist05:52
SurfnKidusser, seems something smashed, :P05:52
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redcardrob65: Hmm.  I don't know.. ..that was the best answer I had05:52
crazlunaticMadpilot: There is nothing wrong with my Windows XP cd I believe, because the same thing happens when I try to put in my Ubuntu LIVE CD05:52
Madpilotcrazlunatic, there's something wrong with your grub install05:52
echosypcafuego, mine constantly disassiate and force me to reload the module05:52
new_ubuntuco: can you get the router config page?05:52
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crazlunaticMadpilot: How can I fix my grub install?05:52
apikorosneonimr: you should install gparted ( "sudo apt-get install gparted" from a console window) and that'll give you a good idea of what you need.05:52
echosypcafuego they are both mini-pci though05:52
cpno i cant get to crap05:52
rob65redcard: I am absolutely at my wits end! Considering forgetting the whole thing05:53
Madpilotubotu, grub | crazlunatic05:53
ubotucrazlunatic: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:53
cpits not even showing networks05:53
kebis it better to install the server edition of 6.06 if i don't need any X support?05:53
new_ubuntutry seeing if you can get to the router config page...
echosypcp, you have the bcm43xx?05:53
rob65It MUST be something it does at normal bootup rather than recovery05:53
redcardrob65: I wouldn't forget it.. but.. hmm.. just keep going with the forums05:53
kitcheSurfnKid: [C programming]  To corrupt the execution stack by writing past the end of a local array or other data structure. Code that smashes the stack can cause a return from the routine to jump to a random address, resulting in some of the most insidious data-dependent bugs known to mankind. Variants include `trash' the stack, scribble the stack, mangle the stack; the term **mung the stack is not used, as this is never done inten05:53
cpi have the Driver from the linksys cd05:53
echosypyou using ndiswrapper?05:53
apikoroskeb, yes, unless you really need bleeding-edge stuff.05:53
cpechosyp,  yes05:53
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echosyphave you tried using bcm43xx05:53
geokeratz_crazlunatic> then just pull off the disk from your box and go to another pc for a format! :-) (!!!!!!)05:54
new_ubuntui haven't tried the ndiswrapper program yet b/c i can at least see the card in the system.05:54
cpbcm43xx ?05:54
SurfnKidkitche, daaaang the stack05:54
crazlunaticMadpilot: I have yet to install windows05:54
SurfnKidthx bro05:54
SurfnKidim gonna uninstall it anyway05:54
crazlunaticgeokeratz: are you a bot, you told me the same thing 3 hours ago xD05:54
echosypwhat kind of chipset is it?05:54
new_ubuntucurrently the iwconfig shows it is using bcm43xx05:54
SurfnKidcp, what kind of card again 4306?05:54
kebapikoros ok what is best way to switch from xubuntu desktop to ubuntu server05:54
orbinkeb: yes.  unless you don't mind wasting space05:54
crazlunaticWhy the hell do I end up with all these errors installing Ubuntu05:54
WhamazoomCan you remove Gstreamer completely?05:54
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kitcheSurfnKid: just means it jumped to a new memory address due to that it went pst it's array or however they made the data structure05:54
new_ubuntuwhen i do an iwlist scan (under sudo) i get nothing05:54
eli_reuanyone else having trouble with suspend/hibernate on feisty?05:55
SurfnKidcp, is that the wifi card05:55
Madpilotcrazlunatic, I'm not sure what's wrong, then. I've never broken grub, so I've never had to fix it, and don't know it in all the gory details...05:55
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UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: run lspci | grep Network05:55
cafuegoechosyp: Which firmware are you using?05:55
echosypok, finally, it is upgrading05:55
geokeratz_crazlunatic> yes and i 'm trying to HELP u with the easiest sollution mate. nevermind05:55
cplo        Interface doesn't support scanning.05:55
cpeth0      Interface doesn't support scanning.eth1      Interface doesn't support scanning : No such device05:55
SurfnKidkitche, yeah seems its a new bug, it was fine in dapper, bah, happens05:55
cpwifi card05:55
ussereli_reu: suspend hibernate is unstable almost never works right05:55
apikoroskeb, you can do it by removing the appropriate packages, etc. but i'd suggest just reinstall.05:55
crazlunaticgeokeratz_: I must use this computer05:55
cafuegoechosyp: I've packaged mine into a deb, so you can grab it if you want to try.05:55
keborbin i want minimal memory usage and disk overhead05:55
cpa Wireless card05:55
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echosypcafuego , idk man, its been awhile since i set it up, so prolly old05:55
SurfnKidcp, whats the model of your wireless card again 4306?05:55
echosypyeah, hook it up05:55
eli_reuusser: it worked fine on edgy?  any ideas what could have caused the change?05:55
cpwpc54gs v1.105:56
echosypi'll have to do it after i upgrade :P05:56
SurfnKidcp, oh05:56
cafuegoechosyp: that might be part of the problem05:56
ussereli_reu: oh, strange05:56
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SurfnKidcp, nevermind i thought it was a 4306 broadcom05:56
cafuegoechosyp: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/feisty-cafuego/bcm43xx/05:56
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cpive installed this a few time with no problem on redhat05:56
voltagexhow can I replace Ubuntu's version of ffmpeg?05:56
new_ubuntuunlukyMike: i got a network controller... bcm431805:56
Madpilotcrazlunatic, that first link - the one about 'fixing after Windows' also has details on just reinstalling grub in any circumstances05:57
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cpim thinkin its naming my wireless card as  eth1 when it should be wlan005:57
DanaGHow do I get my ssh client not to die when the server times me out?05:57
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UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: did you install any additional drivers for the card?05:57
new_ubuntucp: mine is listed as eth1 as well05:57
Lilacorcp it has to be wlan0?05:57
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DanaGRight now it just freezes; I wish it would exit.05:57
cpi dunno how ubuntu is thinkin05:57
crazlunaticMadpilot: Any idea on how long will that take? I'm in a rush to get my PC working. If it takes too long, I'll probably just delete my entire Ubuntu05:57
Brins0well thx for the lack of useful help guys05:57
Brins0really appreciate it05:58
new_ubuntuunluckymike: no, i just reinstalled ubuntu (after dorking around w/ the network features on a previous install)...05:58
cpBrins0,   np jack ***05:58
Brins0"fixmbr" sorted it for me05:58
Madpilotcrazlunatic, no idea. Probably less time than a functional XP install would take05:58
DanaGIt's a really annoying bug.05:58
crazlunaticMadpilot: By the weay, the link you sent me is about after installing windows. What about if I have never installed Windows at all?05:58
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UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: have you tried the bcm43xx drivers?05:58
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SurfnKidcould someone paste me their output of sudo apt-get build-dep moc please?05:58
Madpilotcrazlunatic, the stuff about fixing/reinstalling grub will still apply05:58
echosypso does anyone know what would cause my stuff to be slow05:58
GuyFromHellAlright guys and girls, I have a tough one for you. A fresh ubuntu 7.04 install is giving me "Kernel Panic - Not synching: Attempted to kill init!" after i get an error message (sorry forgot to write that one down) about failing to parse a configuration file.05:58
crazlunaticMadpilot: Thanks05:58
SurfnKidI just need to know all the dependencies05:58
craigbass1976If you mount up a samba share, where is that logged?05:59
=== cp SEARCHES google
new_ubuntuunluckymike: under a fresh install, the card is showing up.  what do you mean by trying the bcm43xx drivers? aren't they the ones currently used?05:59
GuyFromHell(this is while booting up and after reading hard drives and possibly during reading of the usb config)05:59
new_ubuntuI see my card under the NEtwork Settings window05:59
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Supaplexcraigbass1976: /var/log/ - see /etc/samba/ config files.05:59
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UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: you could try the bcm43xx-fwcutter. I've heard some people have had good results with it.06:00
cpnetwork setting?06:00
pavsoops wrong window06:00
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new_ubuntucp: system -- admin -- network06:00
bjw_new_ubuntu: sure the right driver is being used: > lsmod | grep bcm43xx06:00
craigbass1976Supaplex, I did, but I didn't see anything.  I'm looking for details on a failed mount.06:01
DanaGAny idea how to fix SSH?06:01
new_ubuntuSomething noteable to me when I do a iwconfig is the the access point says "invaild"06:01
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new_ubuntuyet, like i said, i can get to the router's config page06:02
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Hellevatorhow can I use 7-zip to make gzip files instead of .7z?06:02
Supaplexcraigbass1976: oh, if you're mounting a remote share, then it'll be in dmesg or /var/log/syslog (or the remote logs)06:02
new_ubuntubjw: just did that command and 2 lines came up06:02
cpi see wireless card  roaming06:02
cpbut notta06:02
DanaGAlso, when I try to hit delete or home/pgup/pgdn/end, I just get a beep and sometimes a tilde.06:02
new_ubuntucp: i'm not even that far... mine has my essid configed w/ the right channel, but still no joy w/ connectivity06:03
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bjw_new_ubuntu: have you tried manually entering your access point using iwconfig with the proper security setting?06:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iftab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:03
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DanaGif you want to make eth1 be wlan0, man iftab.06:04
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DanaGThough I found I changed mine back, because it looked odd as wlan0.06:04
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alex_mayorgahello, anyone using an LCD TV as ubuntu monitor?06:04
Hellevatorhow can I use 7-zip to make gzip (.gz) files instead of .7z?06:04
new_ubuntubjw... w/ iwconfig, i think i got all the settings right... what would be the router's address?  the address?06:04
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RAOFHellevator: Any particular reason why you're using 7-zip and not gzip?06:05
alex_mayorgaHellevator, why not use gzip command?06:05
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rabeldablei have a problem with my file browser.  I'm trying to upload a file via a web page and I would like to see thumbnail previews of the files, the only option I have in nautaulis is list, not an option to change the view06:05
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Hellevatoruh, oops :-p.  I had no idea there was a gzip command. I was using the 'tar' command before.06:06
UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: you shouldn't have to enter an address, just the ssid06:06
bjw_new_ubuntu: so you can ping your router but not beyond it?06:06
RAOFWell, "tar czvf output_file.tar.gz <input files>" will create a gziped tar file.06:06
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idefixHellevator: tar does not compress anything it just stuffs a bunch of file in a single file.06:06
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bjw_new_ubuntu: sure you have dns entries? using dhcp?06:06
new_ubuntubjw: when i just typed in, i got responses06:07
crazlunaticguys whats the command to put my computer in this wizard that can install ati driver to my video card?06:07
RAOFHellevator: (you can also substitude "j" for "z", to get bzip2 compression)06:07
idefixHellevator: you can make it use gzip though06:07
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Ta1I'm having a problem logging in with my wife's laptop.. when she logs in, everything loads up, the screen flashes, then it drops back to the login page.. this happens 2 times then the third login attempt finally works... any ideas?06:07
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new_ubuntubut it seems like my wireless card is not connecting w/ the router for some reason06:07
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=== kitche just wanted to say that with the new tar you don't need j or z
FlannelTa1: don't build a castle in a swamp.06:07
MSTKhi, can anyone explain to me what exactly Apache is?06:07
alex_mayorgais there a GUI to manage xorg06:07
orbinnew_ubuntu: are you on another computer now?06:07
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bjw_new_ubuntu: make sure you match up the security and subnet between your pc and router...06:08
DanaGOh heck, my WIRED router often refuses to give me an IP.06:08
nol13hi, how do i hack into my friends ubuntu machine? hes got some pictures i need rto erase.06:08
kitcheMSTK: apache is a foundationt hat makes software like httpd among other things06:08
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new_ubuntuorbin: i'm on a wired connection right now.06:08
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alex_mayorgaMSTK, Apache is either the webserver behind most sites today or a huge organization that produces FOSS06:08
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tonyyarussonol13: illegal access if offtopic for this network.06:08
Flannelnol13: you don't.  Ubuntu is secure06:08
UnluckyMikenew_ubuntu: load in your browser and scroll down about a half page is DHCP server enabled?06:08
orbinnew_ubuntu: on the problematic computer though?06:09
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new_ubuntuorbin: same computer06:09
kitchealex_mayorga: Apache is the foundation the webserver is just httpd06:09
MSTKWhat could I do with Apache, for personal purposes?06:09
MSTKor could I use it to host my own web server?06:09
MadpilotMSTK, run a website?06:09
new_ubuntuunlukymike: yes06:09
alex_mayorgakitche, you're so right06:09
nol13is there a good way to just destroy his box then?06:09
PatrickBicat least here someone is talking :D06:09
cablesnol13, I'll tell you in PM :)06:10
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kitchealex_mayorga: at least that's how they want it to be known now06:10
new_ubuntuI still have, though, the "Access Point: Invalid" in the iwconfig06:10
alex_mayorgaso no easy way to edit XORG?06:10
AlberTUXanyone has installed zeroconf on feisty?06:10
RAOFAlberTUX: It's installed by default.06:10
MSTKCould Apache be used to, say, provide a server for my terminal screen session to run on so I can reattach it from any computer connected to the internet?06:10
RAOFMSTK: No, that would be "SSH"06:10
AlberTUXRAOF: where do i configure it?06:11
kitchealex_mayorga: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:11
MSTKSorry, I'm new to the server scene.06:11
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AlberTUXRAOF: there is no zeroconf in /etc/default06:11
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RAOFMSTK: Apache is *just* a webserver.  It serves webpages/files over HTTP06:11
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kitcheMSTK yeah you can use apache to do that if you wish have to isntall some extra software to do it though06:11
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alex_mayorgakitche, what if I have an odd monitor? would it detect it?06:11
HKJGN_woot! fixed linux :3 i can run games now06:11
kitchealex_mayorga: it might06:12
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RAOFMSTK: SSH is a remote-shell server, where you can "ssh into" a remote system and run as if you were sitting at the terminal.06:12
MSTKkitche - what would normally be used for that, though?06:12
HKJGN_noone told me games dont run in XGL06:12
kitcheMSTK: ssh06:12
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MSTKRAOF - is there any documentation online that can help me configure that?06:12
HKJGN_doesnt support direct rendering06:12
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:12
RAOFMSTK: ^^^06:12
MSTKthanks :)06:13
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DanaGzeroconf has been replaced by Avahi.06:13
new_ubuntuany further ideas on the wireless problem? i'm going to give it a rest for tonight here in a bit.06:13
isleshocky77Anyone know how to stop Beryl from removing all my open windows from the "Window List" when I "Fade to Desktop"?06:13
alex_mayorgakitche, trying, thanks06:13
DanaGOr maybe they are the same thing....06:13
AlberTUXavahi.. ok06:13
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RAOFAlberTUX: System->Administration->Network->General->"automatic service discovery"06:13
nol13isleshockey77, uninstall beryl06:13
kitcheMSTK: trying to find the page to use apache for the shell also06:14
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AlberTUXRAOF: CLI?06:14
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RAOFAlberTUX: Oh, you want something CLI?06:14
isleshocky77nol13: How will that help?06:14
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Ta1It takes 3 tries to login on Feisty Gnome... first two attempts load then back to login.. any ideas?06:14
cablesHow do I delete a modified version of a photo in F-Spot?06:14
isleshocky77nol13: Then I wouldn't have the functionality at all.06:14
bjw_new_ubuntu: try setting pc to before connecting...06:14
RAOFAlberTUX: sudo editor /etc/default/avahi-daemon06:14
nol13isleshockey77, try reformatting06:14
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MSTKkitche - that's not really necessary.  I just want to find out what I can do with what I've heard is such a powerful tool.06:14
nol13isleshockey77, wait! dont do that!06:15
DanaGOh, there IS a way to allow you to run stuff on the parent X server.06:15
isleshocky77nol13: ok, so you have no idea.  Thanks.06:15
HKJGN_isleshocky77: yeah. dunno what i could tell you.. uninstall, check to see if you have XGL/AiGLX installed properly06:15
nomasteryoda|wDanaG, yup... ssh -X servername06:15
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new_ubuntubjw: what do you mean?  how do I set the PC?06:15
mikelehenSo when linux detects my wireless card, I get a log message, "May  6 19:55:19 aardvark NetworkManager: <information>^Iwlan0: Device is fully-supported using driver 'prism2_usb'."  Anybody know where that comes from?  I want to make it use orinoco_usb, not prism2_usb.06:15
nol13isleshockey77, anytime06:15
HKJGN_isleshocky77: do you have the drivers for your video card?06:15
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nomasteryoda|wthen run say most programs... firefox, etc.06:16
isleshocky77HKJGN_: Everything else about beryl runs perfectly.  And the minize all and focus desktop works properly.  It's just the fade to desktop which removes all the windows from the "Window List"06:16
DanaGI mean, XGL runs on Xorg.  You can run stuff on the parent Xorg for direct rendering.06:16
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cables!effects | they might be able to help you here06:16
ubotuthey might be able to help you here: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.06:16
kitcheMSTK: ssh is not that powerful the shell is though which can be used locally and remotely using ssh06:16
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bjw_new_ubuntu: use the iwconfig command or the >System>Admin>Networking GUI06:16
puffI want to play with some stuff that requries openGL. I have a linux t43p thinkpad with ubuntu edgy.06:16
HKJGN_isleshocky77: hmmm, i couldnt tell you, theres something to be said about beryl, its pretty. but sometimes unstable06:16
RAOFkitche: What are you talking about?06:16
HKJGN_isleshocky77: sometimes beryl randomly fades out my windows XD06:17
MSTKkitche - i'm talking about Apache.06:17
puffsome googling seems to indicate that it's _possible_ to get opengl, but the page I found dates from hoary.  How complicated/risky is it now?06:17
RAOFkitche: SSH gives you remote shell access.06:17
isleshocky77yeah, I know what you mean.. but right now i"m just playing around with the ubuntu setup to see if I want to make the switch.06:17
kingcobracrimsun, what logs did you tell me to look at earlier06:17
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new_ubuntubjw, i'm still confused... what PC setting should i change?06:17
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isleshocky77HKJGN_: Not a priority, but I figured I'd see if anyone knew06:17
HKJGN_isleshocky77: i would check google for anyone having a similar problem06:17
RAOFMSTK: I'm confused.  Why are you trying to use apache to get remote shell access?06:17
isleshocky77Yeah, couldn't find much.06:18
puffHm, wait... glxinfo | fgrep -i opengl turns up the mesa drivers.06:18
MSTKRAOF - Sorry.  I don't really have a set purpose in mind.  I just wanted to see what I could do with Apache.06:18
MSTKSort of a sandbox mentality here.06:18
HKJGN_isleshocky77: :x eep.. put in a email to Beryl06:18
kitcheRAOF: yes I know, man it's fun when people tell you stuff that you know06:18
isleshocky77HKJGN_: thanks.  I'll look more into it.  It's just a strange side-effect.06:19
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DanaGabout running stuff on parent Xorg.06:19
HKJGN_isleshocky77: Beryls supposed to be the better eyecandy version of compiz, but it can have strange effects06:19
bjw_new_ubuntu: the ip addr. of your client machine. if dhcp is not working or your pc is on a diff. subnet ... no network06:19
HKJGN_isleshocky77: But its fun isnt it?06:20
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DanaGBUT: -xorgac may be a security risk.06:20
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HKJGN_isleshocky77: i mess with the cube while im waiting for torrents to DL XD06:20
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isleshocky77HKJGN_: oh, it is fun.  Turns heads which is cool.  Get's people interested in linux that normally wouldn't be.  People think it's something for mac or something.06:20
new_ubuntucopy that bjw... thanks for the help...06:20
new_ubuntui'll see if it works06:20
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HKJGN_isleshocky77: :3 cant wait to take it to a lan06:21
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HKJGN_isleshocky77: i get 45-50fps running my games on here, so im not worried about multiplayer06:21
isleshocky77HKJGN_: I'm looking more into a desktop setup because I currently run a windows xp setup with a linux vmware always running which I develop on.06:21
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Bonkers-I use windowmaker with ubuntu, I just did an apt-get update;apt-get upgrade, I'm on feist, and now alt-tab doesn't work anymore, the icon in the top-left of windows is different and new windows are no longer brought to front, anyone know how to fix this?06:21
DanaGI use Beryl as my regular desktop.06:21
Bonkers-can I go to an old windowmaker somehow?06:22
Bonkers-I don't know what happened06:22
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DanaGIt is vooonderful.06:22
Bonkers-I just upgraded last like 7 days ago, so it's something recent06:22
HKJGN_isleshocky77: i see i  see, im using 7.04 as my main OS, cause im tired of XP giving me hell06:22
DanaGAck, bad fake-accent.06:22
HKJGN_DanaG: us too XD06:22
isleshocky77HKJGN_: But to have 512 of my 2gb of ram always dedicated to the vmserver is kind of dumb... IF, I can do everything on a linux desktop setup that I do on my xp laptop06:22
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DanaGThough I set menus and stuff to horizontal folds with only one fold,06:22
isleshocky77Well the big this is XP has never given me hell06:22
isleshocky77I haven't had it crash in years and I haven't shut it off in almost the same time.06:22
DanaGand I set windows to create with dream and close with sidekick.06:23
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WhamazoomIs it possible to add .mp3 and/or divx to gstreamer?06:23
HKJGN_eh, its not that XP has really messed with me, im just tired of bieng held down by the corporate machine06:23
HKJGN_change is all06:23
RAOF!codecs | Whamazoom06:23
ubotuWhamazoom: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:23
HKJGN_i wanted change ^^06:23
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isleshocky77HKJGN_: It's a study laptop setup.. but all the stuff I develop for gets on lamp boxes... so I develop on copies.  I can do that easier on a linux setup.06:23
DanaGPeople's names are not commands -- you >, not |.06:23
isleshocky77HKJGN_: Next conquer is seeing how my phone syncs to evolutions... I have a treo 700w06:23
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HKJGN_isleshocky77: hmmm i see, im really just a standard user. games/music/media etc, so linux has me covered there, i know some people use thier pc for other things too06:24
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HKJGN_the eyecandy really messes with gamers XD06:25
isleshocky77HKJGN_: Most of what I do is business + im and email.06:25
isleshocky77HKJGN_: I've been using GAIM (Pidgin) for years, so that's not big switch.06:25
RAOFDanaG: Was that aimed at me?  Sorry, muscle memory.06:25
isleshocky77HKJGN_: but beryl is fun with messing with peoples minds.06:25
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puff3ddeskd: glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible!06:26
HKJGN_im used to linux, the only thing that held me back was games, and now that i can do that, its like "bye windows!"06:26
idefixxHKJGN_: the only thing linux really lacks behind in is games... everything else works fine... well i have to develop .net stuff @ work and mono doesnt really work for me there but that is all.06:26
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HKJGN_with cedega/wine/crossover, i get games done pretty  well06:26
Frogzooidefixx: it's true - drivers for the latest vid hardware isn't there06:26
isleshocky77idefixx: I haven't developed for .net, but I heard people on digg raving about so I'm getting curious.06:26
Lilacoridefixx: There's no money to be made for linux game developers so of course there's not a lot of ooo-la-la for games.06:27
isleshocky77I do php for one job and cfml for another.06:27
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isleshocky77CFML = WORST LANGUAGE EVER06:27
Lilacoridefixx: it's still in the works...06:27
UnluckyMikeLilaor: but id IS bring quake wars straight to linux06:27
Bonkers-is it possible to downgrade a package?06:27
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isleshocky77idefixx: mod_mono runs asp.net or is that something completely different?06:27
FrogzooBonkers-: no, only uninstall/reinstall06:27
LilacorUnluckyMike: Yes but how many games is that in comparison to other platforms, Hmmm?06:27
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isleshocky77idefixx: like I said I haven't really looked into it.06:28
HKJGN_Lilacor: if you have a really good system, you wont notice much of a difference06:28
idefixxisleshocky77: .net more a cost efficiency thing you can develop fast and standard apps. db interfaces and this.. makes life easyer.06:28
jturekhow come i can't record a cdimage iso to a dvd?06:28
isleshocky77idefixx: oh.06:28
UnluckyMikeLilacor: it's just nice to see someone trying to target a different audience, I would buy more game if the were compatible06:28
LilacorHKJGN_: I'm not saying you'll notice a difference. I'm saying that there's no much in terms of a market for Linux games.06:28
jtureki don't have any blank cd's left, so i tried to burn ubuntu to a blank dvd, and it won't burn06:28
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jturekgnomebaker says please insert black cd06:28
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HKJGN_Lilacor: theres no market for linux at all XD, unless youre wanting server stuff06:29
idefixxLilacor: sad but true.. i didnt say its the companies fault that there are so few linux games... but if more ppl keep switching, hopfully because of drm and stuff, games dev might change their opinions.06:29
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TaladanYeah, and really, who wants services...06:29
bjw_jturek: nautilus might work better...06:29
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HKJGN_Lilacor: but, just like the Amiga, people use it, and as more people do, the more games will produce a linux version06:29
isleshocky77idefixx: Think the dell deal will help that?06:29
TaladanLike...http...or ftp...or ssh...or sql/postgresql...or smtp...06:29
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Taladanoh wait...;)06:30
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isleshocky77I honestly don't see a huge audiance for people buying dell machines preloaded with Ubuntu.06:30
Frogzoojturek: tried k3b ?06:30
LilacorHKJGN_: Linux strength is in providing services on a large scale for cheap.06:30
LilacorLInux's strenght06:30
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LilacorLInux's strength06:30
HKJGN_Lilacor: yeah, basically06:30
Whamazoomyea right, just say it doesnt get spam, viruses, or popups, and everyone will want it06:30
Frogzooisleshocky77: it's a foot in the door for corporate purchases06:30
HKJGN_Lilacor: stable, fast, cheap06:30
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TaladanLinux's strength is the ability to have many developers rapidly fire off fixes to any problems it has.06:30
jturekFrogzoo, no go on there too06:31
AcuWhat do I need to be able to DRAG and DROP in any app (some works natively in GNOME and KDE) some not --- is any APPLICATION which can help this DRAG and DROP ?06:31
LilacorWhamazoom: Uhhh...it's not easy for everyone mom, pop, n' joe to install and configure yet.06:31
Frogzoojturek: file *.iso06:31
isleshocky77Frogzoo: I but most corporations I would think would just buy blank machines in that case and put it on themselves.06:31
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HKJGN_Taladan: thats another truth, OSS makes linux powerful in not having to rely on a single company to update software06:31
idefixxisleshocky77: yeah and mod_mono emulates asp i tried it.. it works pretty good. afaica.. but in any case nothing for a production environment if you ask me. i dont wanna explain to my boss why the stuff we coded for 3 month doesnt work.. if its somehow involving using linux - i know his answer - it is not gonne be pretty06:31
LilacorTaladan: yes of course, having the source available to anyone is a HUGE strength06:31
mtholdensspidgin 2 yet?06:31
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Lilacormtholdenss: I'm installing pidgin right now.06:32
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Taladanits other strength is a little less obvious06:32
mtholdensslilacor, how?06:32
isleshocky77Lilacor: from package manager??06:32
idefixxisleshocky77: im from europe  and honstely dell is not that big over here but.. the deal itself is a giant step forward imo06:32
isleshocky77or binaries?06:32
LilacorStraight from the tarball.06:32
Lilacorit's easy06:32
Madpilotisleshocky77, corporate buyers like machinery that comes with support ingredients, and turnkey stuff.06:32
mtholdensslilacor, well ill wait for package manger06:32
TaladanWhen will Microsoft ever make a change in its source (either significant or insignificant) for one (1) consumer?06:32
=== DanaG is biased towards HP, for no apparent reason.
DanaGOh, two funny things about Vista:06:32
Lilacormtholdenss: why? You can just download the tarball, compile it and install it quite easily06:33
isleshocky77idefixx: yes, it is by getting someone to recognize the community.  But I don't know.. I don't see it being giant in getting people to switch.06:33
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neonimrwhen i do sudo apt-get install gparted i get06:33
HKJGN_idefixx: i think people are a little afraid of vista06:33
TaladanAs opposed to linux, where anyone who can program or hire a programmer can mold any portion of the system to better fit their personal/enterprise needs06:33
DanaGIt forces manufacturers to use ACPI standards for things like LCD backlight control, rather than having Dell, Toshiba, Sony, IBM, and everybody else have their own ways.06:33
UnluckyMikeisleshocky77:  www.getdeb.net has the 386 and 65 binaries for it06:33
isleshocky77Madpilot: Yeah, but corporations could do that in house with linux.06:33
neonimrpackage gparted is not available ,bla blah ..... E:pakage gparted has no installation candidate06:33
idefixxisleshocky77: monkey see monkey do.. thats how it works and the deal is the 'see' part. im an optimist though i know that.. but you got to have hope06:33
TaladanIt's the difference between Walmart's store and that little italian guy around the corner that hand tailors your suits for you.06:33
LilacorHKJGN_: I'd be afraid of any OS that tells me what I can and can't do with my media files.06:33
DanaGAnd...... it REMOVES DirectSound3D -- so now game devs will have to use OpenAL if they want audio acceleration.06:34
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HKJGN_Lilacor: Media Nazis?06:34
HKJGN_Lilacor: lol06:34
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tonyyarusso!ohmy | HKJGN_06:34
ubotuHKJGN_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:34
Madpilotisleshocky77, being able to outsource something is popular - for good reasons. LIkewise turnkey solutions - unpack it, plug it in, run it.06:34
Aaron_MasonLilacor: in that case steer clear of Windows ;)06:34
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neonimrwhen i do sudo apt-get install gparted i get06:34
HKJGN_thats not a bad word....06:34
neonimrpackage gparted is not available ,bla blah ..... E:pakage gparted has no installation candidate06:34
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Lilacorisleshocky77: I'm now running pidgin. Looks and runs great.06:34
TaladanNazi garners an !ohmy?   Wow.06:34
isleshocky77Oh, I love it.06:35
=== Taladan runs from the PCssssss...
Whamazoomhow do you msg someone, with out it being a seperate PM06:35
isleshocky77But I installed the beta 7 on Ubuntu and that's what I have now.06:35
HKJGN_Political correctness can suck me dry06:35
isleshocky77I'm waiting for Ubuntu to come out with managed.06:35
mtholdenssbeta 7 is basicall the same as final06:35
neonimrany help is apprectiated06:35
yellow_chickenin the nautilus location bar, how to make it to default to this form? //jkslfjlsd/jkdlsfj/jkdlsjfl06:35
UnluckyMikeLilacor: I don see a whole lot different in pidgin06:35
isleshocky77I have 2.0.0 on my xp box.06:35
TaladanHowever...this does really belong on #ubuntu-offtopic06:35
idefixxHKJGN_: i know i am afraid of vista... but its nothing compared to what the media industry (not ms in that case) will do to us with the next os version... linux is os and will therefore not have drm in the foreseeable furture.06:35
isleshocky77Both run great.06:35
isleshocky77I like the face lift a lot.06:35
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nomasteryoda|w<Lilacor> did you remove the gaim first?06:36
HKJGN_idefixx: use oss when youre reffering to Open Source, it gets confusing ;P06:36
idefixxHKJGN_: first os = operating system 2nd = open source :)06:36
yellow_chickenhow to right click on nautilus and bring out xterm, default to that current path?06:36
=== DanaG is using a Gaim from http://repository.debuntu.org
isleshocky77The plugin for the Offline Emulation is prety cool.  It's actually one thing I thought was inovative when I tried aim 6 once.06:36
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DanaGbecause it has Bonjour (that iChat Presence, LAN messaging thingy) .06:36
neonimrwhen i do sudo apt-get install gparted i get06:36
neonimrpackage gparted is not available ,bla blah ..... E:pakage gparted has no installation candidate06:36
neonimrany help is apprectiated06:36
dadaperfectmy xchat-gnome can not run,but xchat irc clint is all right,can someone tell me why?06:36
Lilacornomasteryoda no.06:36
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konamsomeone knows how to change the splash screen of open office, the default one doesn't fit with my blue-ized ubuntu06:36
dannychello, world06:37
Taladankonam - probably in /usr/lib/openoffice somewhere?06:37
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idefixxhello, dannyc06:37
nol13whats the best color?06:37
HKJGN_its hotter than a four alarm blaze06:37
DanaG"Best color" is up to opinion.06:37
Taladankonam: probably in the share/ directory under there06:37
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HKJGN_i love fan controllers :3 my pc runs at room temperature06:38
UnluckyMike!ohmy | HKJGN_06:38
ubotuHKJGN_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:38
HKJGN_what in the world!06:38
idefixxHKJGN_: yeah i know.. os was a type... and since i used os, too...06:38
nol13wrong danG its poop brown!06:38
UnluckyMikesorry i couldn't resist06:38
HKJGN_i didnt say anything wrong X.x06:38
hurt!ohmy | UnluckyMike06:38
ubotuUnluckyMike: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:38
Taladanthere's /no/ /way/ that the Nazis are on the same level as Jesus.06:38
HKJGN_!ohmy UnluckyMike06:38
neonimrguys i am not able to instll gparted06:39
neonimrwhen i do sudo apt-get install gparted i get06:39
HKJGN_!ohmy  | UnluckyMike06:39
ubotuUnluckyMike: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:39
neonimrpackage gparted is not available ,bla blah ..... E:pakage gparted has no installation candidate06:39
fiery_clericohmy lol06:39
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UnluckyMikeI just figured why we were all being PC06:40
Taladanneonimr: it's probably in universe, do you have that enabled?06:40
HKJGN_its stupid when i get Ohmy'ed for saying Nazi.. what kind of socialist thinks thats offensive?06:40
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HKJGN_actual Nazis?06:40
tonyyarussoHKJGN_: s/socialist/survivors/ - stop now.06:40
neonimrTaladan: how can i do that,or know if it is enabled or not?06:40
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neonimri am completely new to apt06:40
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:40
DanaGI personally feel this about the orange:06:40
neonimri am used to RPM06:40
DanaGI like it, except for the fact that the Metacity colors don't match.06:41
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:41
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ubotuneonimr: please see above06:41
DanaGIf I could get brown-brown or orange-orange, I'd be happier.06:41
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neonimrok thannks06:42
=== Taladan nods
jivanhi all, I'm running the live CD to fsck the ext3 partitions06:42
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jivanand I get this :-06:43
jivansudo fsck /dev/sda106:43
jivanfsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)06:43
jivane2fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)06:43
jivan/dev/sda1: clean, 132388/1468800 files, 791611/2931854 blocks06:43
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jivanis there anyway to do a forced fsck ?06:43
nomasteryoda|wsome people just never listen tonyyarusso06:44
idefixxjivan: '-f'06:44
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nomasteryoda|wya told him to stop06:44
kandrewsHi, is there a way to install xubuntu with using a cd? I would like to avoid downloading ubuntu through wubi and then installing xubuntu-desktop. I'm dual booting with windows on a small harddrive. Thanks.06:44
jivanidefixx: are u saying fsck -f  /dev/sda1 ?06:44
kandrewserr, I meant without a cd.06:44
idefixxjivan: ye06:44
idefixxjivan: +s06:44
jivanidefixx: what is +s for?06:45
nol13how many licks does it take to get to the senter of a tootsi pop?06:45
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Acuwhat do I need to have DRAG and DROP works in all apps ?06:45
idefixxjivan: ok its just 'fsck -f  /dev/sda1'06:45
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idefixxjivan: +s was because it forgot the 's' at the end of my 'yes'06:46
jivanidefixx: already gave that but curious what the +s is for?06:46
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RAOFAcu: Better apps.06:46
jivanidefixx: ah ok, got it ;)06:46
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idefixxjivan: well, im a bit tiered so its probably my fault ;)06:46
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AcuRAOF: I know there is beryl (which is too complex) - I need something simple and what works06:46
sgtmattbakerhello I am setting up ssh so that I can login to my server.  I want to back my server installation up as it is very small.  Can I dd my server install through ssh?06:47
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RAOFAcu: If an application doesn't support Drag & Drop, there's nothing you can do to make it support D&D (besides programming)06:47
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naitsehi all06:47
nomasteryoda|wglad i stopped by tonight... Pidgin is great06:47
naitsewere can i get a list of repos??06:48
nomasteryoda|whowdy naitse06:48
AcuRAOF: thanks06:48
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naitseI`m beeeeeeery beginner06:48
jivanidefixx: well that went well, is there a defragger I could use to remove the non-contingous space06:48
Whamazoom_well ubuntu is for you then06:48
RAOFsgtmattbaker: Hm... I don't think so.  You could use sftp to just copy files across.06:49
nomasteryoda|wnaitse, well really depends on what you want to install ... most everything you need is in the set of repos already on your feisty06:49
dadaperfectcan anybody tell me why did my xchat-gnome can't run?thx06:49
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idefixxjivan: ext2/3 does not need a defragger, it does that on the fly (so to say)06:49
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Whamazoomdada: what?06:49
naitseammm the tightvnc maybe06:49
snowmananyone here using ruby?06:49
snowmanI can't get rubygems to install06:49
nomasteryoda|whan gon06:49
naitsemost audio editing apps06:50
dadaperfectmy xchat-gnome can't run06:50
konamTaladan thanx06:50
RAOFsgtmattbaker: But ssh requires you to actually have a working system on the other end, so dd-ing is a bit low level :)06:50
idefixxjivan: and afaik there is no such tool, because it would be kind of pointless.06:50
naitselike cubase... but Idon`t know if cubase is for linux too06:50
nomasteryoda|wnaitse, there's also FreeNX ... repos for that are good06:50
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sgtmattbakerhello I am setting up ssh so that I can login to my server.  I want to back my server installation up as it is very small.  Can I dd my server install through ssh?06:50
dadaperfectcan anybody tell me why,thx06:50
naitsefreeNX I try to install manualy but... Im crap06:51
TaladanYou're welcome konam, get it installed?06:51
naitseneed the Add/quit :P06:51
nomasteryoda|wnaitse, this here..06:51
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dadaperfecti'm a beginner06:51
konamTaladan i found it, now i'm looking for a better splash06:51
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RAOFsgtmattbaker: Did you not see what I said?06:51
Taladankonam: coolies06:51
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nomasteryoda|wdadaperfect, maybe a lock file... try installing xchat proper... aptitude install xchat06:52
nomasteryoda|wer, sudo06:52
naitsethanks nomasteryoda!!06:52
nomasteryoda|wnaitse, that freenx client is great06:52
naitsebut uses a diferent protocol than vnc no?06:53
nomasteryoda|woh, it supports vnc too06:53
RAOFsgtmattbaker: Oh, actually, *yes*, you could, but you'd ideally have an ssh-server on both ends.  You could ssh into your server, use sshfs to mount a remote server to a directory, and then do "dd if=/whatever of=/path/to/sshfs/dir/serverbackup"06:53
jivanidefixx: while /sda1 is only 0.6% non-contiguous /sda2 is 5.8% is this normal?06:53
geokeratz_naitse>  nope, there is no clone for cubase (unfortunately) but checkout http://linuxsound.atnet.at/06:53
nomasteryoda|wand does ssh encryption06:53
ajmorris_i installed mozilla thunderbird 2.0, and now it won't run as mozilla-thunderbird cannot be found, in the installed files section of thunderbird there is no mozilla-thunderbird in /usr/bin, is version 2.0 broken?06:53
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RAOFajmorris_: Where did you get TB2.0 from?06:54
dadaperfectoh,thx man,thanks a lot06:54
ajmorris_raof, the repos06:54
naitselove linux comunity!! all are very cool!06:54
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RAOFOh, cool.  It's been backported, has it?06:54
nomasteryoda|wsounds like the link just needs correction06:54
idefixxjivan: that depends on how large the files on it are.. and in which order you copied/created them... i myself you reiserfs the only way to defrag it is moving files around afaik. but 6% is ok imo.06:54
CUHi - Will you please see if you can load the samsung.com web site properly using fiesty & fiesty's firefox, & tell me your result? Thanks.  It's not displaying properly for me on this fiesty install.06:54
sgtmattbakerRAOF: oh ok.  I tried ti login to it and it said that I couldn't login.. the password was incorrect,  I know I am putting in the root password on that computer but that isn't working.06:54
ajmorris_raof, it may have been, i don't know about feisty's, i am running gutsy06:54
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RAOFajmorris_: Gutsy support is #ubuntu+1 :)06:55
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ajmorris_RAOF, yes but this is thunderbird not gutsy, that is why i asked here06:55
seancarrrter@find allreality06:55
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RAOFajmorris_: But you installed thunderbird from the Gutsy repositories, and it's not working.  How is that not a Gutsy problem?06:56
ajmorris_raof, i thought it was avaliable for feisty as well.. is it?06:56
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RAOFajmorris_: I don't think so, not yet.06:56
geokeratz_CU> everythin ok for me06:56
ajmorris_RAOF, oh... kk06:56
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persiaDoes Ubuntu have an input multiplexor?  I have a trackpoint like button on my joystick, and would like to configure it to send mouse events.06:56
serenwhat services allow file-managers like nautilus and thunar to show all hard disks and allow mounting?06:56
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jivanidefixx: just found out this ext2 uses an offline defragmenter called e2defrag, which does not work with its successor ext3, unless the ext3 filesystem is temporarily down-graded to ext2.06:56
RAOFsgtmattbaker: Hm.  You might want to look at !ssh then.06:56
jivanidefixx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defrag06:56
seancarrrter@find bangbros06:56
sereni would like to impliment that in another desktop i use not running ubuntu06:56
sgtmattbaker!ssh | ubotu06:57
ubotuubotu: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:57
seancarrrter@find brainpass06:57
seancarrrter@find naughtyamerica06:57
telejediis there a howto for 'installing a vd-server on ubuntu' out ???06:57
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jivanseancarrrter: stop spamming adult stuff here06:57
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CUgeokeratz_: thanks - any idea why I'm seeing a problem - white rectangles blocking significant parts of the display?06:58
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seancarrrter@find katesplay06:58
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nomasteryoda|woh yea...06:58
idefixxjivan: hm alright didnt know that thx. switching from ext3 to ext2 is easy you could do that unmount the partition, defrag it, upgarde to ext3 and remount. not worth it though imo :)06:58
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isleshocky77Does anyone use gdesklet or screenlets??06:59
zcat[1] idefixx, tune2fs -j I think.. just add a jorunal to ext2 and it becomes ext306:59
isleshocky77And have opinions on the two?06:59
nomasteryoda|widefixx, i use ext2 for my external portable drives...06:59
aarcaneHi, I'm trying to find a download of the ubuntu liveDVD so I can show off Linux to my wife, but I can't find the download link for DVD images on the website.  could someone give me a link or some other useful information ?06:59
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geokeratz_CU> OH my god!!!Excuse me, i saw it after u told,because the second page was being downloading yet.sorry again07:00
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snowmanno ruby coders present?07:00
nomasteryoda|waarcane, it will be a torrent download...07:00
geokeratz_CU> same thing for me,yes07:00
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idefixxjivan: just check 'man tune2fs' to see how you up/downgarde your ext2/307:00
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jivanidefixx: there is also some userspace utility called shake07:00
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drewaarcane: http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/feisty/release/07:00
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jivanidefixx: http://vleu.net/shake/07:00
MSTKhow do I find out my IP using the shell?07:00
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idefixxzcat[1] : yup was just looking at the manpage :) did catch your because of that :)07:01
nonlinearcan someone help me with wireless home network config, or point me to a good guide that will get me going?  how do i get ubuntu to autoconnect to the network like in xp?07:01
CUgeokeratz_: So, any idea what it might be?07:02
nomasteryoda|waarcane, wow... glad to know theres dvd download direct too07:02
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idefixxnomasteryoda|w: why do you use ext2? ext3 is virtually the same file system and its a lot saver to use.07:02
bosleyin what package is esddsp?07:02
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RAOF!wireless > nonlinear07:02
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kandrewshow can I launch k3b from the terminal?07:03
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Toma-Is it possible to convert a 32bit install to a 64bit install?07:03
zcat[1] idefixx, for flash devices, it's better not to use hournalling filesystems.. limited writes.07:03
RAOFToma-: No.07:03
nomasteryoda|widefixx, well have found ext2 works better on the external drives which i carry around.. and was recommended for some reason....07:03
Toma-Or is a re-install going to work better07:03
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zcat[1] *journalling sorry...07:03
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Toma-RAOF: hmm ok07:03
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orbinkandrews: type in k3b, press enter07:03
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RAOFToma-: But you *can* keep your /home directory, if you've got it on a separate partition.07:04
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kandrewshi orbin, that was the first thing I tried. I get a bash: k3b: command not found07:04
Toma-RAOF: i could make an "install script" with synaptic and edit the kernel packages right?07:04
geokeratz_CU> no i'm a noob. Have u got installed any other browsers?If u can't see the page with the others, then its a problem of samsung07:04
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zcat[1] which reminds me.. if it's recomended not to use journalling on a flash drive, how bad an idea is it to use flash as swap space?!!07:04
idefixxjivan: yup shake sound good it does exactly what i said it just moves around the fragmented files thus letting the files system itself take care of the rest.. that is the tool i would use!07:04
Toma-RAOF: of course i do :)07:04
orbinkandrews: how'd you install it?07:04
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RAOFToma-: Ooooh, you're asking for a world of pain trying to trick dpkg into thinking you've got an x86-64 system :)07:05
jivanidefixx: updating the index on live CD to see if shake is there or not, otherwise would wait for it to come into gibbon or gibbon+107:05
sgtmattbakerRAOF: how do I get the PCs to see the other's public and private keys? when I tried to copy it to the other computer ike that said I got the same authentication error07:05
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CUkonqueror is failing to get a net connection, opera has some different failure with the web page, & a friend usin OSX has no problem07:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pgp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:05
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nomasteryoda|wzcat[1] , maybe that was why i used ext2... been going strong for over a year now..... multiple mounts, umounts daily on 3 drives...07:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gpgp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:05
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Toma-RAOF: oh, i do! but ive installed the x86 version for stability, but have the 64bit version on my recording studio install and it runs like a dream07:06
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zcat[1] nomasteryoda, personally I'd use fat32 .. that way you can read your files on other people's computers (since other people usually aren't running Linux)07:06
bosleyanybody know in what package esddsp is?07:06
idefixxnomasteryoda|w: ext3 just ads a so called journal to the filesystem its essentially a file where the filesystem stores the actions its has done so that in the case of a powerfailer o unsuspected unmout, which can happen easy on an external drive, it easier to repair the damage when its switch back on.07:06
tuna-fishI've got a 1,4 gb logfile full of this: "May  7 06:17:36 localhost kernel: [48129.685467]  recvmsg bug: copied 277CC8B3 seq 277CC8BB" what does it mean?07:06
nomasteryoda|wwell, i guess i could turn that back on...07:06
jivanit just replays the journal/file07:07
nomasteryoda|wusing tune2fs -j /dev/sdb1 ...07:07
orbinbosley: packages.ubuntu.com has a file search feature07:07
RAOFToma-: Hm.  You really, really want to just re-install, with an AMD64 disc.  You could get an amd64 kernel, by dpkg --force-architecture'ing an amd64 kernel, but apt/dpkg would still think you're on an i386 system.07:07
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sgtmattbakerhow do I get the PCs to see the other's public and private keys? when I tried to copy it to the other computer ike that said I got the same authentication error07:08
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Shaezschehow can i run fsck on an external usb drive07:08
idefixxjivan: yup but that doesn't sound re insuring enough for someone who knows nothing about it ;)07:08
Toma-RAOF: ok thanks for the slap on the back of the head :D i had a suspicion it would have opened a portal to hell on my install07:08
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RAOFsgtmattbaker: You need some way of sshing into the remote system before you can copy the public key across.07:08
ra21viShaezsche: whats the device file?07:08
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Shaezscheits ext307:09
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kandrewsorbin: thanks for replying. Actually, I'm trying to get Xubuntu burned from another linux computer. I was hoping that the same k3b command would work.07:09
Cnl_Deltahi, where is a webcam mounted in ubuntu?07:09
DanaGI still need help with my pulseaudio + .asoundrc issue.07:09
Shaezscheits /media/storate07:09
lasking:/join #ubuntu-mars07:09
zcat[1] Shaezsche, fsck /dev/sda107:09
Cnl_Delta /dev?07:09
sgtmattbakerRAOF: yeah.. I have keys for both PCs.. but I don't know how to get that key to the other PC..  my old server can't read USB sticks07:09
RAOFDanaG: What issue07:09
Shaezschehow do i know its dev/sda107:09
Shaezschewhat if its something else07:09
DanaGLet me dig up the assertion-failure line from my logs...07:10
zcat[1] Shaezsche, exactly the same as any other drive..07:10
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RAOFDanaG: Because I've just got my KVM to stream audio out through pulseaudio :)07:10
jivanidefixx: ok thanx for your time, signing off for now :)07:10
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zcat[1] Shaezsche, dmesg, or see what got mounted as /media/usbdisk and then unmount it..07:10
DanaGpulseaudio: pcm_params.c:187: snd_pcm_hw_param_get_min: Assertion `!snd_interval_empty(i)' failed.07:10
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idefixxnomasteryoda|w: if you do that while the partition is mounted you'll find a file called .journal (or something) in the partitions root... it should be hidden form you the next time you remount. also dont forget to update the fstab entry so the drive is actually mounted as ext307:10
RAOFsgtmattbaker: Well, you should be able to log in via ssh, if it's set up.  Try "ssh username_on_server@server_address"07:10
DanaGWhen I try to have PulseAudio use a virtual device created in .asoundrc.07:10
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Cnl_Deltahi, if a webcam is connected through usb, where can i adjust permissions07:10
amigamiamorning. i installed ubuntu server ver 6 and i thought that it would have a gui for administration to setup the network characteristics? should i have used lamp option?07:10
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:10
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amigamia i thought it would be a simple install and the network facilities would be setup at some point?07:11
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lkthomashey guys, is it possible to put terminate on desktop act as wallpaper ?07:11
naitsecan I write on a ntfs filesystem?07:11
amigamiathey dont have a interface to enter in the properties for your network?07:11
DanaGThe device is "upmix51" -- it's a route -> ladspa -> plug:surround51:107:11
ra21vinaitse: yes07:11
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sgtmattbakerRAOF: now it is asking me for a password..07:11
eshepnaitse, install ntfs-3g07:11
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RAOFsgtmattbaker: So, type the password.  Presumably you're able to log in to your server in some way?07:11
zcat[1] !ntfs-3g07:11
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:11
naitse;) thanks !!07:12
ra21vinaitse: you have to go for ntfs-3g .. its easier07:12
MattCampbellHow do I turn off color ls system-wide?07:12
eshepnaitse, np07:12
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zcat[1] !botsnack07:12
non|inearwhy doesn't doesn't my home network dhcp work in ubuntu07:12
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:12
orbinkandrews: ... not following you.  assuming you have it installed via apt, k3b should work.  command not found tells you it's either not installed, or you possibly need to set up an alias if you installed it from source for some reason.07:12
zcat[1] rofl07:12
fougi use Rhythm Box for my ipod and when I drag and drop songs into my ipod they don't save onto the ipod07:12
RAOF!doesntwork | non|inear07:12
ubotunon|inear: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.07:12
sgtmattbakerRAOF: ok I got in..07:12
naitseok linux can with everything... good bye M$ :P07:12
DanaGOh yeah, my router is stupid and often refuses to give me an IP.07:13
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RAOFDanaG: Hm.  Sorry, that's not the end of the pulseaudio that I've been messing with :)07:13
eshepfoug, have you tried gtkpod?07:13
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ra21vinon|inear: means?07:13
fougeshep: no, i'd rather just getting working through rhythm box tbh07:13
Cnl_Deltahey there, where are usb sharing settings stored in ubuntu?07:13
non|inearwhat do i have to do to autoconfig my connection?07:13
DanaGso my solution (that my parents won't allow) is to get a better router --- get the DD-WRT-able Buffalo.07:13
non|inearor at least get it working?07:13
ra21vinon|inear: dhcp through router/07:13
non|inearyea, i did that,07:13
sgtmattbakerRAOF: now if I try this and use the same passowrd I get denied .. ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@fileserver0107:13
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ra21vinon|inear: whats the router IP?07:14
non|ineardidn't work, also tried to manually configure (although about to try something else)07:14
ubuntu_so I have reformated my linux partitions, but now windows wont boot because of grub "error 17", what do I do07:14
eshepfoug, sorry, never used rythembox07:14
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non|inearthe ip is
Kryptkreinstall grub07:14
RAOFsgtmattbaker: It's an extremely bad idea to have remote root access enabled.  It's such a bad idea that I think the Ubuntu SSH server disallows it by default.07:14
fougeshep: sudo apt-get install gtkpod   ?07:14
ubuntu_I dont want grub, windows boots just fine on its own07:14
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Praetoriaxnubuntu_: You need to run FIXMBR from the M$ recovery console. That always worked for me.07:14
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idefixxRAOF: no it doesn't07:15
RAOFidefixx: Ah, that's a pity :)07:15
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ubuntu_why is it that everyone has to falaciously jab at microsoft by refering to them by m$, and what recovering console?07:15
eshepfoug, apt-cache search gtkpod07:15
echosypi have a question07:15
echosypi have amd6407:15
fougeshep: it worked, sudo apt-get07:16
eshepfoug, then install all three07:16
luna7kisscvs -d:pserver:anonymous:@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/enlightenment login07:16
luna7kisscvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous:@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/enlightenment co e17 misc, does anyone an alternate source for these libraries?07:16
idefixxRAOF: i switched to ubuntu when etch came out and that was the first thing i checked twice :) - PermitRootLogin yes is enbaled by default *shake head*07:16
echosypshouldn't that say something like 2.6.17-11-AMD6407:16
concept10ubuntu_, because they want some of tha money07:16
fougeshep: all three? hmm, i just opened gtkpod and it's running atm07:16
echosypor some shit07:16
eshepfoug, but there are two more07:16
Praetoriaxnubuntu_: Boot your Windows CD and choose the Recovery Console option.07:16
ra21vinon|inear: so the next ip is broadcast, where is the one it will give it to you07:16
RAOFidefixx: Heh, maybe it's time to file a bug :)07:16
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crdlb!ohmy | echosyp07:16
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ubotuechosyp: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:16
eshepfoug, just do apt-cache search gtkpod07:16
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echosypirc is so lame07:16
eshepfoug, youll see em07:16
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RAOFsgtmattbaker: I presume you were "ssh root@fileserver01" and it worked?07:17
echosypwhoever decided that cussing wasn't family friendly is a retard07:17
echosypyeah, i said it07:17
echosypso what07:17
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sgtmattbakerRAOF: no I did root@ the IP.  I did username@IP and that worked07:17
idefixxRAOF: the'll probably argue that sshd isnt installed by default07:17
non|inearra21vi, did u get my pvt?07:17
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fougeshep: k i installed them and when i try to load my ipod it gives me an error07:18
CUgeokeratz_: konqueror is failing to get a net connection, opera has some different failure with the web page, & a friend usin OSX has no problem. Any ideas?07:18
RAOFsgtmattbaker: So why did you then do root@fileserver01?07:18
luna7kissanyone with experience on installing engage on ubuntu?07:18
sgtmattbakerI didnt07:18
echosypyou people and your conditioned states07:18
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echosyphelp meh07:18
geokeratz_CU> no mate i tald u i'm noob. sorry07:18
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echosypthings are slow to open07:18
RAOF<sgtmattbaker>:ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@fileserver0107:18
millinaoCU: what is the error?07:19
cyphasein a bash script, how can i check if a variable is a number between 0-907:19
CUgeokeratz_: thanks07:19
idefixxRAOF: also root has no password and empty passwords are forbidden.. so its kind of not allowed - only with pub-key authentication its ok. which you're trying to do there right?07:19
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geokeratz_millinao> samsung.com is not working well in feisty07:19
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CUmillinao:  - Will you please see if you can load the samsung.com web site properly using fiesty & fiesty's firefox, & tell me your result? Thanks.  It's not displaying properly for me on this fiesty install.07:19
RAOFidefixx: 'Spose so.  Still remote root is a bad thing(tm)07:19
cyphasewithout getting an error for trying to use a non-integer in a statement07:19
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mathieu2i need a utility that extracts attachments from a maildir, any advice ?07:19
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CUmillinao: thanks - any idea why I'm seeing a problem - white rectangles blocking significant parts of the display?07:19
P_Kable|laptopWhat do you use (or what do you recommend) for generating Flash from07:19
P_Kable|laptopQuicktime videos?07:19
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idefixxRAOF: i got to admit i always do that @home :)07:20
RAOFsgtmattbaker: So, you ran "ssh-copy-id username@ip"07:20
millinaoCU: yep, it works07:20
eshepfoug, whats the error07:20
idefixxRAOF: pub-key only of course07:20
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zachgany know how to make an nvidia geforce2 play nicely with feisty?07:20
CUmillinao: are you using ubuntu? Kubuntu?07:20
crdlbzachg: in what way specifically is it failing?07:20
zachgubuntu stock07:20
millinaoubuntu fiesty fawn07:20
RAOFzachg: System->Administration->Restricted Manager07:20
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luna7kissdoes anyone have MAC OS application launcher running on ubuntu feisty?07:20
zachgi used the restriced manager07:20
fougeshep: error initialising ipod: problem creating ipod directory07:20
zachgto install it07:20
millinaoand havent changed any settings cept disabled ipv607:20
zachgthen wheni rebooted my x failed07:20
CUgeokeratz_: are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?07:21
geokeratz_millinao> click in the links . Aren't there any blank in the text?07:21
echosypi have a feeling upgrading is gonna cause beryl to stop working07:21
neonimranybody has experience with the nVidia built in lan card07:21
echosypi do07:21
echosypbut no bad ones07:21
neonimri mean getting it work with ubuntu07:21
crdlbzachg: I'll need the /var/log/Xorg.0.log of the X session when it failed07:21
echosypmine worked after default install07:21
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millinaoCU, yes i see triangles07:22
eshepfoug, does anything else have ahold of your ipod?07:22
sgtmattbakerRAOF: ok so I emailed that PC key how do I put it in the authorized keys thing.. there is no authorized keys file that I see07:22
echosyp:( sorry chum07:22
millinaoi mean rectangles07:22
fougeshep: i'm not sure07:22
zachgcrdlb: how can i get that to you07:22
neonimrechosyp : which ubuntu?07:22
echosypbut iv since upgraded07:22
CUmillinao: Triangles! that's somethign I don't see.07:22
echosypand it still works07:22
RAOFsgtmattbaker: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys07:22
neonimrechosyp: version number? ;)07:22
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CUmillinao: I see white rectangles that block out parts of the page.07:23
zachgcrdlb: how can i get you that file... i found it07:23
crdlbzachg: from the command line you can: sudo apt-get install pastebinit     and then: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:23
millinaoits samsungs fault07:23
crdlbor you can change your X video driver07:23
zachgcrdlb: give me a sec07:23
geokeratz_millinao> no CU sais everything is ok in OSX07:23
zachgin order to get back into gdm i had to go into the xorg.conf and change the driver back from "nvidia" to "nv"07:24
millinaoits probably a fault of gecko?07:24
orbinCU: do you have noscript installed?07:24
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crdlbzachg: then use /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old07:24
fougeshep: my directory is media/MY IPOD07:24
eshepfoug, unplug the ipod | start gtkpod | then plug it back in07:24
crdlbthat's going to (probably) be the file I'm looking for07:24
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CUmillinao: my friend said it works fine in his OSX.07:24
non|inearcan anyone help me figure out why dhcp isn't working on my home network07:24
non|inearpleeeeze :)07:24
millinaoactually, it seems a part of firefoxs flash plugin07:24
CUorbin: Checking - what's "noscript"?07:24
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millinaothe rectangle is part of a flash movie07:25
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geokeratz_orbin> yes i have but its disabled!07:25
orbinCU: if you don't know, then you probably don't.  it's an extension.07:25
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zachgcrdlb: http://paste.stgraber.org/77807:25
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eshepfoug, if it still doesnt work, you may want to ask the folks at #ipodlinux07:25
orbinCU: take a screenshot and upload it onto something like imagevenu so we know what you're talking about07:25
fougeshep: k07:26
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zachgcrdlb: that's the one with .old07:26
zachgshould i also do the one without .old07:26
CUorbin: How do I find what extensions I have? (I know "about:plugins")07:26
eshepfoug, sorry if i wasnt much help dude07:26
crdlbzachg: no that'll do it07:26
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sanityxCU, noscript is a plugin to make firefox "more secure". and it does. it also makes it annoying as hell07:26
fougeshep: it's cool man07:26
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CUorbin: what's the url for imagevenu?07:26
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crdlbzachg: try: sudo apt-get install linux-generic07:26
orbinCU: tools > addons.  noscript is not installed by default.07:27
hypronixhello world... if i give rhythmbox my library will it try to move things around or otherwise screw with the file layout?07:27
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orbinCU: sorry, imagevenue,com07:27
Bo0mGreetings, am tryin to install kubuntu from live cd.after booting up live cd doesnt respond..its taking ages to open menu or stuff like that.system gets struck after booting up.is there anyway to install ubuntu usig shell while iits booting up from cd? thanks07:27
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mithrois there a way to install ubuntu from a flash drive?07:27
theconartistugh, what is with this azureus crashing. it was like this right after i installed, then it went away mysteriously and now its back07:27
zachgcrdlb: it told me it's already the newest version07:27
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sanityxBo0m, alternate install disc07:27
crdlbzachg: then put nvidia back in your xorg.conf and try: sudo modprobe nvidia07:27
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WarboyCan i get a hand here?07:27
Bo0msanityx: I got only one cd. live cum install cd07:27
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Pie-ratehow to do DAAP sharing in feisty with rhythmbox?07:28
millinaoBoom: use an alternate iso07:28
millinaodamn, beaten07:28
sanityxBo0m, only way to install from command line is the alternate disc. download it07:28
tondarhow can I make avant to run as a startup app when I login?07:28
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zachgcrdlb: with x and gdm running? (i'm currently using the computer tha ti'm trying to do this on)07:28
Tom47!ask > Warboy07:28
crdlbzachg: yes07:28
crdlbzachg: but your xorg.conf must say nvidia or it will fail to load07:28
carutsu_hello, is there a way to set more points to scale to power manager, currently there's 1/2 or full, could'nt it be, say, 1/4, 1/2,3/4, full?07:28
Sivart0are there any bitrate converters in ubuntu?07:28
Bo0msanityx: we cant login into shell while cd is booting up and use command line to install iso in the cd they mailed me?07:28
WarboyI need help with this, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43544307:29
DShepherdtondar: system-preferences-session and just add it there..07:29
sanityxBo0m, I don't think you can.07:29
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crdlbSivart0: media transcoders?07:29
tondarDShepherd: just the name of the app07:29
Bo0msanityx: k thanks :)07:29
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tondarDShepherd: ?07:29
Sivart0ummm, i guess?07:29
crdlbSivart0: what kind of file?07:29
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orbinBo0m: isn't there a safe graphics mode option @ boot?  tried that?07:29
zachgcrdlb: FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/volatile/nvidia.ko': No such file or directory07:29
Sivart0i want to go from 192kbps to 12807:30
DShepherdtondar: tondar yup.. go to the system menu, preferences and then sessions07:30
crdlbSivart0: you can uncompress then recompress with lame07:30
sgtmattbakerI have 2 PCs setup so I can ssh to each other.  I have the private/public key (I dont really know) in the authorized_keys area of each PC and I want to dd the partition of my server install.  How would I do so07:30
crdlbbut the quality loss will be severe07:30
tondarDShepherd: yeah did that, but do I only add the name and that's all07:30
DShepherdtondar: then type the name of the command that launches avant07:30
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crdlbzachg: try this: sudo lrm-manager07:30
crdlbthen: sudo modprobe nvidia07:31
zachgi have "nv" disabled in the /etc/default/linux-restricted* file... is that bad?07:31
tondarDShepherd: so no path to where it is? only the name right? avant-window-manager07:31
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crdlbzachg: yes it is07:31
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crdlbzachg: that's the problem07:31
DShepherdtondar: right... it should default to your default path07:31
crdlbzachg: remove that and reboot07:31
crdlbwith nvidia in your xorg.conf07:31
tondarDShepherd: thanks07:31
DShepherdtondar: give it go.. and let me know if it works07:31
aarcanedoes a ubuntu DVD include kubuntu edubuntu and/or xubuntu too ?07:31
zachgthat gives me a bunch of vertical lines on my desktop...07:31
tondarDShepherd: sure07:31
DShepherdtondar: log and and log back in07:32
tondarDShepherd: ok07:32
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crdlbzachg: you absolutely can't disable the kernel module07:32
zachgcrdlb: that gives me just a bunch of vertical lines... nothing else... not even the login screen07:32
crdlbthat's bad07:32
Bo0morbin : yes i did, didnt help07:32
crdlbzachg: what geforce2 is it?07:32
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millinaoaarcane: i would assume not07:33
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aarcanemillinao, dang07:33
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zachgcrdlb... it's a laptop... so i'm not sure how to figure that out?07:33
crdlbzachg: I've had a similar problem where I have to wait about 15 seconds, then press ctrl+alt+bksp for the login screen to work07:33
tondarDShepherd: worked like a charm ;)07:33
Skizzlehey hey all... I am getting a "no screens present" fatal error when i try to boot ubuntu07:33
tondarDShepherd: thanks07:33
Skizzleany cules?07:33
DShepherdtondar: nice07:33
zachgalright i'll try that07:33
sgtmattbakerssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub root@fileserver0107:33
crdlbzachg: then it's the same card07:33
millinaoIIRC theres a kubuntu DVD07:33
crdlband you're having the same problem I did07:33
millinaowhy would it matter? all it is is a different WM07:33
zachgso i'll try that thanks07:33
WarboySkizzle: I'm getting that too =/07:33
DShepherdtondar: you came back pretty fast too07:33
Skizzleyou have a MBP?07:34
crdlbzachg: it's a pain, but everything works after that07:34
tondarDShepherd: well07:34
Skizzlewarboy you have a mac?07:34
WarboySkizzle: Is this what is happening to you? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43544307:34
tondarDShepherd: that's what the name says: tondar07:34
tondarDShepherd: tornado07:34
tondarDShepherd: tornado == tondar07:34
aarcanemillinao, if all it is is a different WM, why does it have it's own distro name and IRC channel ?07:34
WarboySkizzle: I'm using a PC, but it still says No Screen present.07:34
DShepherdtondar: kool. well go and enjoy..07:34
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tondarDShepherd: np ;)07:34
Skizzleexact same thing07:35
Tom47Warboy can you pastebin etc/X11/xorg.conf pls07:35
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zachgcrdlb: so just let it sit when ti boots up07:35
tondarbye all07:35
Skizzleany one have any clue how to fix it?07:35
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zachgthen restart x?07:35
Skizzleim pullin my hair out over this lol07:35
millinaoaarcane: it does also have different software07:35
crdlbzachg: after about 15 seconds07:35
zachgalright thanks07:35
Skizzlei finally tried straight up installing linux (long story short) and even then it wont load the GUI07:35
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thorsup man07:36
Skizzle(thought it was the live cd) used alternate cd and everything07:36
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Skizzleno luck at all07:36
Skizzlekeeps crashing07:36
Skizzle"no display present"07:36
sgtmattbakerif I can ssh into my server is there really a need to have a monitor for it07:36
WarboySo is what happening to you the same thats happening me in my thread?07:36
SkizzleLOL HOW Am i readying that tthere is NO DISPLAY PRESENT????07:36
idefixxsgtmattbaker: no07:36
DShepherdsgtmattbaker: not really..07:36
oldude67skizzle: what type of video card?07:36
NineTailsout of interest07:36
Skizzle1600 ati 256mb07:37
Skizzlei have a MacBook Pro07:37
WarboyI'm having the same problem on my PC, Video card is a Nvidia 7950 GT07:37
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NjordurEvery time I try to set my wireless key from the command line, I get an "Error for wireless request 'Set Encode'" and that the Set failed. Any ideas?07:37
WarboyTom47: Check your PMs07:37
Skizzlei technically have ubuntu installed, but it has never successfully loaded07:37
Skizzleit asked me for my screen resolution in the text installer aw well07:38
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aarcanemillinao, when will all the *buntu projects iron out the technical issues and become a single distro with a simple option in the installer to pick the WM  and whether it's a server, an educational system, or a standard desktop ?07:38
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oldude67skizzle: ask someone who has used ubuntu how to install the driver for your ati card...i just know alot of people have problems with them07:38
DShepherdaarcane: when will the ugly guy get pretty face?07:39
MSTKdoes anyone know if it is possible to remotely access a terminal on a linux from a windows box?07:39
Skizzlebut warboy has the same problem with the nvidia card07:39
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Warboyyea oldude6707:39
aarcaneDShepherd, when he decides to :)07:39
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oldude67still sounds like a driver issue07:39
CUorbin: imagevenue.com fails uploading my 200KB .png file - any other server I can use?07:39
kust0mMSTK: openssh-server07:39
DShepherdaarcane: that's the answer to your question man..07:39
LGKeizI was wondering..How would I get my music to play on Ubuntu07:40
idefixxMSTK: putty07:40
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MSTKkust0m - I have that installed already.  But I'm not quite sure how to use it.07:40
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LGKeizI think you need Codecs or something07:40
Skizzlehow do i install the driver if i cant load the gui07:40
LGKeizit just doesnt run :S07:40
MSTKidefixx - putty is installed on the windows side?07:40
kust0mMSTK: get putty for your windows machine, like idefixx said07:40
aarcaneDShepherd, when they all decide to...  so why haven't they ?07:40
orbinCU: sorry.  forgot they only accept jpegs.  try imageshack.us07:40
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DShepherdaarcane: beats me..07:40
idefixxMSTK: and the sshd like kust0m said ;)07:40
kust0mMSTK: www.putty.nl07:40
defryskSkizzle, use a more conservative resolution setting07:40
LGKeizSo does anyone know?07:40
MSTKthanks idefixx & kust0m.07:40
defryskSkizzle, u might have it set too high07:40
=== kust0m nods.
Skizzlei tried that07:41
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Warboyits not a resolution thing, I'm having the same problem and Resolution setting is just fine07:41
DShepherdLGKeiz: what are you trying to play it with?07:41
Skizzlei set it at 1440, 90007:41
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MSTKjust a general question -- how do I open a port in my computer to be a SOCKS proxy for a remote computer?07:41
Skizzlelike my screen07:41
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idefixxMSTK: get back here if you need help configuring the sshd.. but 'man sshd' is your friend07:41
WarboyI'm using 1600x120007:41
zachgcrdlb: thanks so much! it works now!07:41
orbinaarcane: possibly b/c that would not make it a one cd distro anymore07:41
Skizzlei tried 800x600 and safe mode07:41
aarcaneDShepherd, seems like a pretty common sense thing to do.  pool resources, have a larger community and user base to work together rather than a bunch of smaller communities, and a single product rather than many with only minor cosmetic differences.07:41
Skizzleno luck at all07:41
crdlbzachg: what make is your laptop?07:41
zachgcrdlb: dell inspiron 265007:42
orbinaarcane: IIRC, the dvd has kde and xfce on it...not entirely certain though.07:42
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aarcaneorbin, it's already not 1 CD.  it barely fits on a DVD.07:42
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crdlbzachg: haha it's the exact same one07:42
LGKeizYeah MP3's07:42
cablesHow do I remove a modified version of a photo in f-spot?07:42
crdlbexcept maybe mine's a 2650C07:42
defryskSkizzle, do you have an on board video card but using a manual installed video card ?07:42
WarboyAm I going to get any help at all?07:42
DShepherd!mp3 | LGKeiz07:42
ubotuLGKeiz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:42
thorwhats up07:42
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Skizzleno, im using a laptop07:42
zachgcrdlb: do you know why that happens, i'm kind of a noob to open source so i have no idea07:42
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Skizzleon board x1600 ati 256mb07:42
MSTKanyone know how I can open up a port on my computer to be used as a proxy from any box connected to the internet?07:43
crdlbzachg: I don't have a clue why but I haven't looked into it all that much07:43
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crdlbit's not my primary machine07:43
RAOFMSTK: I'm not sure what you mean by "proxy" in this case.07:43
Skizzledefrysk you get that? sorry new to irc07:43
MSTKRAOF - a SOCKS port.07:43
defryskSkiguy, got that07:43
millinaoRAOF: probably a HTTP proxy?07:43
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MSTKor, erm07:43
defryskSkizzle, that is ;s07:43
zachgcrdlb: mine either... which is why i'm playing with ubuntu on it... thanks again for your help07:43
Warboydefrysk: I have the same problem, Take a look and give me a hand http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43544307:44
Skizzleyah i got that, i am using my onboard x160007:44
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=== RAOF was thrown by the internet -> proxy direction, rather then the more conventional proxy-> internet :)
Skizzledefrysk its the only display card i have in my MacBook Pro07:44
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Skizzlei have tried all the install disc types as well07:45
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MSTKRAOF - it's that's referring to me, then sorry :-[  Today was my day for starting to read up on networking in general.07:45
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idefixxMSTK: you need a socks proxy for that, i usually use danted, on the linux side.. and then you'll have to forward the proxy ports with your router.07:46
thebillywayne!info lsdev07:46
ubotuPackage lsdev does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:46
thebillywayneDon't gimme that ubotu.07:46
NjordurEvery time I try to set my wireless key from the command line, I get an "Error for wireless request 'Set Encode'" and that the SET failed. Any ideas?07:46
thebillywayne!info lsdev feisty universe07:46
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ubotuPackage lsdev does not exist in feisty07:46
millinaoNjordur: set it from gui07:46
crdlb!find lsdev | thebillywayne07:47
NjordurI try, and fail to achieve a connection.07:47
MSTKidefixx - thanks, I'll look up date.07:47
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ubotuthebillywayne: File lsdev found in procinfo, zsh, zsh-beta07:47
thebillywayne!info procinfo07:47
ubotuprocinfo: Displays system information from /proc. In component universe, is optional. Version 18-1 (feisty), package size 33 kB, installed size 116 kB07:47
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millinaoare you root?07:47
thebillywaynethx crdlb07:47
defryskSkizzle, Warboy strange ..07:47
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LGKeizIt worked07:47
WarboyShizzle: Are you on the computer or are you using a different computer?07:47
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isleshocky77Anyone in here good with gnome and gtk files?07:47
NjordurMilli: Yes.07:47
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Skizzleon the computer07:47
Myrtti!language | LGKeiz07:47
ubotuLGKeiz: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:47
Skizzlein mac osx07:47
WarboyYou wanna try something for me?07:47
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idefixxMSTK: just looked it up ubuntu package is called 'dante-server'07:47
Gerrohelp! this command no work ;_; "md5sum: stuff: no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found"07:47
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Skizzlei have vista mac and linux all loaded on atm07:47
LGKeizSorry, my sound went BOOM in my ears, and it hurt07:48
LGKeizand I said crap o_o;07:48
LGKeizHoly crap isnt bad, is it?07:48
thebillywayneLGKeiz, no.07:48
idefixxMSTK: i dont really know if there's better out there since i use it for ages... it get the job done for me :)07:48
millinaoNj: are you using madwifi?07:48
GerroLGKeiz: unless you eat it07:48
NjordurMilli: there's no information about a permission failure, it just fails.07:48
bimberior keep saying it07:48
Skizzlewhat did you want me to try warboy?07:48
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alexcould anyone get me started on how to set up a di 524 router?07:48
Warboywell, take a look here.07:48
MyrttiLGKeiz: please07:48
Gerrobimberi: or rub it in an open wound until you contract jaundice and die of seizures07:49
sahilI just plugged in a USB drive and i want to delete everything from it but it says that it is on a read only disk07:49
sahilwhat should i do?07:49
Aaron_Masonsahil: is there a small switch on one side?07:49
millinaoNj: can you connect using other methods(ethernet, etc)07:49
NjordurMilli: No, I'm trying to get ndiswrapper drivers to work and their instructions say to check all your settings via the terminal.07:49
WarboyI know your not using a nvidia, but you could trying asking someone to change that line of code for ATi07:49
bimberiGerro: but if it's _holy_ ... ? ;)07:49
LGKeizholy crap isnt bad..07:49
LGKeizit's not cursing or anything of the sort...07:49
NjordurMilli: Yes, wired ethernet works.07:49
LGKeizgeez, thats abit to much07:50
sahilno, its a normal lil usb key 128 MB and if i plug it into windows i can delete and add stuff to it07:50
Gerrobimberi: you might rise from the dead like a zombie? ...07:50
MyrttiLGKeiz: do you really have to repeat saying that?07:50
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Skizzleany one know how to change that code?07:50
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Skizzlecuz i shure done07:50
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millinaoi would do a clean reinstall of the driver07:50
millinaobut thats me07:50
LGKeiz.... Myrtti leave me alone.07:50
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orbinalex: setup how?  you'll be better of in a networking forum etc. if it's not related to ubuntu.07:50
MyrttiLGKeiz: sure, just don't use those words anymore. Thanks07:51
Aaron_Masonsahil: try this - mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda107:51
Gerroalex: yo what's the dillio, something wrong?07:51
alexwhat's a good networking forum?07:51
nallemanwhat should i write in the terminal to check how much spare space that is on the harddrive?07:51
crdlbnalleman: df -h07:51
Aaron_Masonsahil: open a terminal and type this: sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda107:51
sahildo i type that in the terminal ?07:51
alextrying to install a dlink router07:51
LGKeiz... I can use any words I want in here, that isnt cursing or negative, and HOLY CRAP isn't cursing07:51
LGKeizget over it07:51
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Gerronalleman: do df07:51
LGKeizThats abit to strict07:51
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ra21viok, I am leaving for the Exams now... please wish me my *luck*  :)07:52
Aaron_MasonLGKeiz: thats political correctness07:52
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sahilno that didn't do anything07:53
millinaoi dont get why this channel needs to be family-friendly07:53
neonimrwhy gparted is taking so much time07:53
millinaoi dont think many five-year olds are using ubuntu07:53
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echosypi just upgraded to feisty, and now everything is huge, x log says agpgart not loaded, and i cant use Xgl07:53
Aaron_Masonsahil: ok, have you tried unmounting it, removing it and putting it back in again?07:53
ra21vimillinao: because its expected that anyone will be here,07:53
ra21viwe are family07:53
Tom47mllinao because this is a global community with extremely diverse people using ubuntu07:53
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millinao"mommy, what does rm / do?"07:53
LGKeizI don't see how "holy crap" is causing any harm, now If I said anything other than that, I would agree with it, but geeezz, but whatever :p07:53
echosypcause its a folder07:53
baratahallo guys, what is lame code for VBR 192kbs?07:53
sahilyeah, and i even have 2 of them of different companies and its the same with both of them the same problem07:53
echosyprm -rf07:53
ra21vimillinao: son, use man07:53
Gerroalex: umm you don't do any installation then all you do is plug it up then type or whatever address its on try nmap -sP 192.168.1.* to find out then you configure it by logging in with default password usually admin or such, try checking their site oh and you'll need to get new update from there you can reflash router with make sure to pick the right one07:53
orbinalex: have you read the manual? :P07:54
echosypi just upgraded to feisty, and now everything is huge, x log says agpgart not loaded, and i cant use Xgl07:54
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orbinalex: what exactly are you having trouble with?07:54
crdlbbarata: I'd recommend using a preset over specifying the bitrate07:54
echosypwtf is going on?07:54
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echosypim quite disappointed in this upgrade07:54
baratawhat do you mean by 'preset' crdlb? Flat rate/07:54
Gerroalex: make sure your using shielded crossover cables07:54
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CUorbin: here's some url's of screenshots: http://img367.imageshack.us/img367/8278/samsugcomproductsfirefoju5.png http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/197/samsugcomproductsmenuovyv9.png07:54
crdlbbarata: like: lame --preset standard07:55
mylogic_Does anyone know why sound would work durring gdm when I am logging in, but once I am logged in, any music player I use to play any type of sound, the app freezes (makes me think alsa is acting up). Any thoughts?07:55
echosypfix it fix it fix it fix it07:55
alexi don't have a manual for it, sheilded crossover cables? what's wrong with regular lan cable?07:55
crdlbbarata: see: lame --preset help07:55
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crdlbit gives you much better quality for the bitrate07:55
sahilany other things that i can do Aaron_Mason ?07:55
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ra21viechosyp: calm down, that wont solve your problem anyway07:55
neonimrwow gparted rocks07:55
echosypim calm07:56
DShepherdCU: poorley made site..07:56
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MSTKcan I run PuTTy off of a flash drive?07:56
LGKeizI must say, Ubuntu is the best Linux operating system around, specially how easy it is to use, and very noob friendly.07:56
maxi_please help, not sound in ubuntu, my sound card is a conexant and my laptop is compaq mod 321707:56
syntax-breakerhi there,, jzt asking how to install games on Ubuntu Feisty.07:56
Gerroalex: computer to router uses crossover cable, usually that is the regular but sometimes there are rollover and straight through cable types, also shielded means they have this plastic like stuff in between the outside and the wiring inside to prevent electrical interference from other devices07:56
millinaoLGKeiz: you can say that again07:56
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alexbut it will still work with normal lan cable?07:56
millinaosyntax: system->administration->synaptic package manager07:56
Aaron_Masonsahil: could be an issue with the port... have you tried a different port?07:57
GerroMSTK: sure no reason why not just get the binary exe package07:57
shijirousyntax-breaker: when you mean games, do you mean the simple games that come with ubuntu are are you talking about the commercial games?07:57
sahilyeah i have 3  USB 2.0 ports, i have tried them all07:57
millinaosyntax: windows games?07:57
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echosypso why can't ubuntu have a GOOD upgrade07:57
echosypwithout causing stuff to break07:57
orbinCU: i get the same thing.  either what DShepherd said or possibly some flash for linux issues07:57
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syntax-breakerahhmm,, am talkin about my counter strike CD..07:58
defrysksyntax-breaker, I usually go to http://www.getdeb.net/ to find interesting linux games07:58
baratalame --preset 192 abc.wav ---> right crdlb?07:58
jlillywhat is the ps command to display only user, pid, and command? I think it has to do with the -u command, but I can't quite get it to work.07:58
syntax-breakerthanx defrysk07:58
mylogic_does anyone here have ubuntu installed on a Travelmate 8104? O.o *prays*07:58
crdlbbarata: that would work yes, personally I used the named presets but that's fine07:58
alex192.168.1.1 isn't the address, is there a way for me to find out what it is?07:58
Gerroalex: make sure the tips look like the bottom image here http://ftp.ipsyn.net/pub/mirrors/cabling/T568B_scheme_opt.jpg then you can connect the router to computer with it07:58
millinaoCU: its a combination of flash for linux and samsung not writing portable code07:58
echosypwhere did you get a dhcp lease from?07:58
barataok ... thanks crdlb07:58
jlillyalex: you want your external IP?07:58
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jlillywww.myip.dk  (I think)07:58
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reubsanyone know how to get my META keys to work? do i have to enable it somewhere or is it enabled by default?07:59
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CUmillinao: orbin DShepherd  <ubotu> Launchpad bug 49613 in flashplugin-nonfree "flash plugin always rendered on top of html" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/4961307:59
echosypsomeone tell me why agpgart isn't in feisty07:59
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alexwell whatever ip my router is07:59
syntax-breakerdefrysk: how about i'd like to install strat. games like Diablo, etc?07:59
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millinaosyntax: install wine08:00
echosyphah, nobody knows08:00
crdlbfind agpgart.ko | echosyp08:00
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crdlb!find agpgart.ko | echosyp08:00
ubotuechosyp: File agpgart.ko found in linux-image-2.6.20-15-386, linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic, linux-image-2.6.20-15-lowlatency, linux-image-2.6.20-15-server, linux-image-2.6.20-15-server-bigiron (and 2 others)08:00
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echosypoh yeah?08:01
echosypFATAL: Module agpgart not found.08:01
zachganyone know how to make 802.1x wired kerberos authentication work with ubuntu?08:01
syntax-breakeri've already installed wine.. but it doesnt works.08:01
idefixxjlilly: the closed thing i know is this - ps -ef | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2,$8}'08:01
defrysksyntax-breaker, u might need a program like cedega to make that happen08:01
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Gerroalex: hmm think that might be the wrong picture, anyway check to see if the connection will go up, if it doesn't its probably a busted cable08:01
syntax-breakertnx defrysk.. i'll try08:01
maxi_hey, please help, not sound in ubuntu, my sound card is conexant and my laptop is compaq 3217, please im new08:01
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echosyplocate agpgart.ko finds nothing08:02
Tom47!sound > maxi try those ideas08:02
echosypso, im inclined to think its not there08:02
crdlbechosyp: uname -r08:02
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jlillyidefixx: this works: ps -auxo "user : pid : command"08:02
idefixxjlilly: oops you wanted user in there in that case its: ps -ef | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1,$2,$8}'08:02
icupcakedthepopewho wants to please my rectum?08:03
=== idefixx try
jlillythanks :)08:03
LGKeizHey, is there a way I can get some Ubuntu skins? I think it's gnome skins I'm not sure, Im quite new to linux :P08:03
icupcakedthepopeanyone? this is a once only offer to please my rectum!08:03
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zachganyone know how to make 802.1x  play nicely with wired kerberos authentication in ubuntu?08:03
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bimberi!themes | LGKeiz08:04
ubotuLGKeiz: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:04
Meshezabeelhas sun's java been included in the latest version of ubuntu?08:04
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crdlbechosyp: I have no idea, you could try: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-$(uname -r)08:04
Gerroalex: any luck so far? what sort of internet do you have?08:04
rubeni have a linux08:04
defryskMeshezabeel, yes08:04
bimberiMeshezabeel: not by default, but it's available08:04
echosypunless the upgrade jacked my xorg08:04
=== echosyp checks
Meshezabeelbimberi: ok, thanks :)08:05
rubeni have ubuntu 7,4,008:05
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echosypno it didn't08:05
ruben wat have you08:05
bimberiMeshezabeel: np :)08:05
echosypis that actually going to help08:05
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zachgis that a no with the 802.1x authentication + kerberos + ubuntu stuff?08:06
alexi got the address of the router, its, but when i nmap it tells me host down08:06
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Gerroalex: then make sure your modem is connected to the routers internet spot and your computer to one of the other group08:06
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ziejust hooked up my OminuView 4 port ps/2 im running windows with Linux, it works greay08:06
rubeni most go bye bye08:07
zieanyone know if i can attache a mac mini to it08:07
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crdlbechosyp: I think the way I prefaced that command implied my answer to that question08:07
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Gerrozie: umm need a usb mouse for macs08:07
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zieoh yah, well i have one can i hook it up08:07
Gerrozie: could do that or you could get a ps/2 to usb connector08:08
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ziei think it does have usb connectors, or i have usb adapters08:08
echosypyou don't know08:08
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Gerrozie: then plug it in plug it in08:08
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zieok well ill do that, brb08:09
Gerrozie: and make me a sammich while you at it08:09
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Gerroevilfourzero: umm hi08:10
dping28If I have a domain that has a mx pointing at a server handling the mail and i have no access to it for smtp other than a web browser, and i have a linux box running apache and postfix would I have problems sending mail from the linux box since the mx is not that machine and no access to the smtp portion08:10
evilfourzeroI need some help...I'm trying to install my ATI drivers, and I'm following the instructions on the wiki, but when I do one of the commands, the bash script says there's a syntax error08:10
linoobuxanybody have Joomla running on their web server?08:10
evilfourzero./ati-installer.sh: 165: Syntax error: Bad substitution08:10
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Gerrodping28: what is a mx?08:10
crdlbevilfourzero: what card?08:10
crdlband what guide?08:10
zieGerro: lol08:11
evilfourzeroradeon 925008:11
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ziei got it08:11
crdlbevilfourzero: that's not going to work08:11
dping28gerro: mx record for dns08:11
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crdlbjust use the included open source drivers08:11
crdlbthey provide full 3d support08:11
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evilfourzeroFiesty includes them now?08:11
Gerroevilfourzero: that is because your using xubuntu and it has dash instead of bash because its lighter and faster, ati makes crappy drivers as well as cards. Try using synaptic to install your ati opengl drivers08:11
crdlbevilfourzero: so did edgy and dapper08:11
evilfourzeroI'm using normal ubuntu.08:11
crdlbfor your card08:11
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Gerroevilfourzero: under NO circumstance try to replace dash with bash you will most likely screw your system to no return08:12
evilfourzeroI didn't Gero08:12
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evilfourzeroI did exactly what it said to do on the site08:12
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crdlbevilfourzero: well it's irrelevant since you don't need those drivers and they won't work on your card since ati dropped support08:12
evilfourzeroWhy is the guide ip there if it won't work?08:12
crdlbafter 8.28.8 iirc08:12
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_Codeman_how do I add a command to cron to start up every time I boot?08:13
crdlbevilfourzero: it's for newer cards08:13
crdlb9500 and up08:13
evilfourzeroSo will my card work?08:13
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Gerroevilfourzero: then its just ati having a mess up, seriously try the ones in repository they work08:13
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crdlbalthough I don't recommend it below the x85008:13
crdlbevilfourzero: your card will just work out of the box08:13
evilfourzeroThanks a lot for all the support :)08:13
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Gerrocrdlb: I couldn't get opengl support for ati radeon 9100 mobile card in this one lappy a friend had08:14
alex__ok, so i tried resetting my router and ran the nmap again and it still told me the host is down... my xbox 360 doesn't connect either, if that makes a difference08:14
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Gerrocrdlb: used that driver too and edited xorg to fit08:14
Sexinessdoes anyone have a tutorial on how to set up wireless internet for a bcm43xx card?08:14
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crdlbGerro: what driver?08:14
idefixx_Codeman_: thats not what cron is for you'll have to write an init script for example. take a look at /etc/init.d/README08:15
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crdlbif it would have worked, it would have out of the box08:15
crdlbbut I think the 9100 IGP has no 3d support08:15
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Gerrocrdlb: the one listed for ati in the repository, it was named like frglx something08:15
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_Codeman_idefixx: thanks08:15
crdlbGerro: wrong driver08:15
Gerrocrdlb: which then? perhaps it was named radeon I forget08:15
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evilfourzeroneed to restart, brb.08:15
crdlbGerro: but you have to purge fglrx, if you installed anything, you screwed it up08:15
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Gerrocrdlb: oh yeah it was named radeon but it crashed anything that used 3d but with the frglx erm other one I mean it at least attempted and failed08:16
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Gerrocrdlb: ah yes I always forget about purging it, probably should have blacklisted it too08:16
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Gerroalex: an xbox? perhaps you need a different type of cable08:16
_Codeman_idefixx: so they are just regular shell scripts?08:17
Sexinessdoes anyone know how to disable the double tap on the touchpad?08:17
Gerrosexiness: I wish I knew!!! ;_;08:17
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ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad08:18
xSUSHixwhat's douoble tap08:18
idefixx_Codeman_: pretty much yes - it get the start parameter passed but if you chose to ignore that that's ok :)08:18
_Codeman_idefixx: I just need to run a program so it's not needed :P08:19
alex__well i believe the cable that comes with the 360 is a crossover08:19
idefixx_Codeman_: also you'll have to make a symlink the /etc/rcX.d dirs ..if you want a good example look at /etc/init.d/skeleton08:19
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idefixx_Codeman_: yeah i figured that... so you'll probably not need anything so complicated.. just take a look at all the other scripts.08:19
Gerroalex__: is the router plugged into power? did you try its reset button?08:19
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reubsI can't seem to get my 'META' keys working, with out resorting to using the 'esc' do i have to change a setting somewhere to enable it?08:20
alex__try and reset it to its default settings08:20
Gerroalex__: the router might not be receiving a dhcp address from the modems connection08:20
task0is there eny channel for regexp help?!08:20
alex__is there a way to check that?08:20
alex__the wan light stays lit like it's receiving traffix08:20
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Gerroalex__: wan light? do you mean wlan? that is wireless08:22
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sanityxWhy would I ever want to use a hardlink?08:22
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Ademanis there any sort of list of supported webcams somewhere?08:22
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:22
alex__no the wlan light never lit. just the wan08:22
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_Codeman_idefixx: thanks much :D08:23
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Gerroalex__: hmm my router blinks rapidly to signify that traffic is passing.. I guess lit might mean its functioning08:23
fr0nkhey could somebody please help me with bluetooth? In Edgy i had a bluetooth icon in my tray, after updating to feisty there is no bluetooth icon but my bt-dongle is accessible via hcitool08:23
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Gerroalex__: try putting your xbox onto the dmz08:24
alka_trashdamn it I just noticed that Microsoft and Dell signed a little deal  :(   http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&hs=xKb&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&tab=wn&ncl=111591003508:24
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alex__yeah it's blinks so show theres traffic08:24
idefixx_Codeman_: no prob.. but remember you'll have to add a symlink to /etc/rc2.d to make it start. helps a little to read that README in there.08:24
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Gerroalka_trash: yeah I tried suse its crap, glad I got off that distro08:25
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majnooni upgraded to latest version and now i can't burn cdroms08:26
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majnoonit doesn't see any cd-r i put in drive08:26
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Gerromajnoon: I'm having same problem08:27
Zkyezis there an easy way to make the fingerprint sensor work? i have an authentec f. sensor08:27
idefixxsanityx: chroot08:27
sanityxsanityx, Why did you just tell me to chroot?08:27
sanityxi mean idefixx08:27
Gerromajnoon: I'm using xfburn, what about you?08:27
idefixxsanityx: thats the answer to your question because of chroot for example08:28
sanityxidefixx, What question?08:28
Gerroto use a hard link08:28
evilfourzeroIs it bad if I connect my gfx card while my PC i son?08:28
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evilfourzerois on*08:28
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sanityxidefixx, ooooooh. why?08:28
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majnoonusing cdrecord/wodim get the following http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19583/08:28
Gerroevilfourzero: LOL!!!!08:29
idefixxsanityx: symlinks dont work in chrotted environments hardlinks to08:29
majnoontried k3b and cdrecord08:29
idefixxsanityx: to=do08:29
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Gerroevilfourzero: tell me when you pass out from electric shock mmkay08:29
majnoonGerro: look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19583/ you get same type error ??08:29
evilfourzeroGerro: heh08:29
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Gerroevilfourzero: just grunt and gurgle if paralysed from head to toe with a fried cpu08:30
evilfourzeroAnyone know how I can access Restricted Drivers?08:30
crdlbevilfourzero: for your ati card?08:30
crdlbor a different one?08:31
Gerroevilfourzero: don't bother they're real old and don't work, more better question is how to stop them from replacing working drivers, do locate blacklist08:31
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crdlbit doesn't need restricted drivers08:31
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evilfourzerowell it certainly didn't work08:31
evilfourzeroI hooked it up and xorg failed08:31
crdlbevilfourzero: I'll help you in #ubuntu-effects08:31
majnoon it doesn't see cd-r in drive (it sees drive though08:31
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Gerroevilfourzero: you don't have to take out your card to get working graphics tell it to use vga by editing /grub/menu.lst to use vga08:32
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_Codeman_I know this is the wrong channel but I can't get an answer in there so: how do I edit global key bindings in xubuntu?08:32
Gerroevilfourzero: then its all a question of installing the proper driver, actually you could do esc during startup and access a recovery prompt if you didn't want to have a temporary fix of using vga08:32
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Gerro_Codeman_: interesting question I would like to know myself. Its probably the same method as ubuntu08:33
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Gerromajnoon: I was in a hurry last time i tried to burn a cd and didn't really check for error. I will keep that in mind when I do have a chance to test it08:34
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Gerromajnoon: do you have an email to keep in touch in case one of us figures out a fix?08:34
_Codeman_Gerro: I think you use gconf-editor in ubuntu (apps->metacity->global_keybindings) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/3ddesktopHowto)08:35
Gerromajnoon: okay thx08:35
Gerro_Codeman_: then install that with synaptic and use it08:35
_Codeman_gerro: don't work... I think cuz I'm not using gnome?08:36
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Gerro_Codeman_: hmm perhaps its missing dependencies does it output an error when executed from a terminal?08:36
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_Codeman_nope, it runs but there's no global keybindings08:37
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Gerro_Codeman_: that's odd.. another thing about xubuntu I've not been able to figure out is where does it put the inittab file??08:38
_Codeman_I think it's cuz xubuntu uses xfce instead of gnome08:38
crdlbGerro: at that level, it's identical to ubuntu08:38
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Gerro_Codeman: xubuntu uses the gnome libraries by default though so it should work08:39
crdlband I don't think it has one because it uses upstart08:39
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_Codeman_Gerro: "Its configuration is entirely mouse-driven and the configuration files are hidden from the casual user." -wikipedia08:39
Gerrocrdlb: what is upstart?08:39
crdlbthe init replacement that ubuntu uses08:39
crdlbsince edgy08:39
Gerrocrdlb: ah okay I'll read up on that08:40
bobstroso... where does default runlevel go these days if not in inittab?08:40
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_Codeman_it's magic :P08:40
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idefixxi think upstart is configured through /etc/event.d08:41
bobstroany *helpful* answers to be had?08:41
bobstroah, thanks08:41
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Skizzlewarboy you there?08:42
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Skizzleany one else had the "no screens" fatal error?08:43
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bobstroidefixx:  that was it. thanks.08:43
_Codeman_so where do I edit global keybindings? :/08:43
idefixxbobstro: np08:43
Skizzleany one in here no how to fix a no screens fatal error?08:43
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bobstro_Codeman_:  some stuff can be done in System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts08:44
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SkizzleOr any one know how to adjust monitor settings from terminal?08:44
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GerroSkizzle: ah yeah configure your xorg.conf in /etc/X11/08:44
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Skizzleuh... im not sure what that means gerro08:45
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GerroSkizzle: edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:45
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_Codeman_no preferences08:45
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orbin!fixres > Skizzle (read pm from ubotu.  had a look at that yet?)08:46
Ta1I'm having joystick calibration problems.. was working fine with Cedega for Madden for a week.. suddenly it is like the joystick is pressing upwards... calibrated perfect.. no change in Madden ??08:46
Noonanhi,im about to instal ubuntu. and i put in the liveCD and i dont have an internet connection. im using a wireless pci card. any ideas on how i can get it to work?08:46
Noonancause i dont want to install ubuntu and then not be able to get an active internet connection08:47
GerroTal: try wiggling it around and doing a reboot?08:47
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baratahighvoltage, I need to cut a chunk of mp3 into pieces .... what is the best linux tool for that?08:47
_Codeman_bobstro: No Preferences in System08:47
GerroNoonan: install doesn't require internet but it helps so you can use more software08:47
idefixxNoonan: wireless can be tricky.08:47
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Ta1Gerro: I did both to no effect.... tried unplugging and replugging also08:47
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idefixx!ndiswrapper | Noonan08:47
ubotuNoonan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:47
bobstro_Codeman_:  you're in gnome?08:48
bobstro_Codeman_:  oh, sorry.08:48
bobstromissed that bit.08:48
_Codeman_np :D08:48
orbinNoonan: identify what wireless card/chipset you have first.08:48
lutenedmI got my printer working in Ubuntu, but now I can't print in Windows (I have a dual boot), has anyone else ever experienced this?08:48
idefixxNoonan: take a lock at what wireless cards work well with ubuntu and check if yours is one of them in that case it should be easy.08:48
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imbecilehey guys, how do i fing the icons for different programs? im trying to set up a launcher08:49
baratahighvoltage, I need to cut a chunk of mp3 into pieces .... what is the best linux tool for that?08:49
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bobstroimbecile:  many under /usr/share/icon08:49
baratafunny, I didnt type 'highvolate'08:49
bobstroer icons08:49
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imbecilebobstro,  thanks08:50
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lutenedmI got my Samsung ML-2010 printer to work in Ubuntu, but that made it stop working in Windows.  Does anyone know how to fix that?08:50
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benanzoanyone know anything about EFI + ELILO on an Apple MacBook?08:52
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cbscan someone help me out with a WINE issue?08:54
orbinbarata: you pressed tab - caused a nick complete.  tried mp3splt?08:54
zieaanyone heard of Record My Desktop08:54
ziei can help08:55
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cbszie: Hi :)08:55
ziecbs: I can help08:55
cbsApplication tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.08:55
cbsMake sure that your X server is running and that $DISPLAY is set correctly.08:55
ziecbs: what seems to be the problem08:55
cbsim getting that error trying to run most apps thru wine, i think im missing some kind of lib or something08:56
lkthomasdoes KDE got something like gdesklet ?08:56
mlyonhelp I keep getting a segmentation fault when i run WindozeXPpro in an Innotek Virtual box. I followed the directions in this thread :http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=433359&highlight=home+networking08:56
crdlblkthomas: superkaramba08:56
ziecbs: did you check that $DISPLAY WAS SET correctly08:56
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lkthomascrdlb, thanks08:57
cbsim not sure where to edit it08:57
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nebluxhi all08:57
zieok open displat08:57
zieok open display08:57
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benanzoanyone know anything about EFI + ELILO on an Apple MacBook?08:57
cbsdisplay command or display in ubuntu08:58
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ubuntubeginzhi...guys.. when i install Ubuntu, i didnt created partition for swap space...how can i create it now...or do i haf install Ubuntu all over again..08:58
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:58
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crdlbubuntubeginz: you can make a swap file on your hard drive, see ^^08:58
cbszie: ok i did: open display08:58
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densinapt-build can make deb package ?08:58
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ziedo you know what too look for08:59
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zieor should i tell you08:59
cbswell, it didnt do anyhting, just returned a new line08:59
ubuntubeginzthanks ubotu.. i think the guide shld be enuff for me...08:59
zieok type apt-get wine08:59
nebluxanyone can help me to fix this --------dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0050' near line 1: newline in field name `padding'08:59
cbsinvalid operation09:00
zieactually type wine09:00
zieshould list some options09:00
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cbswine help/exit09:00
cbsnothing else09:00
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zieit should display more, i think maybe you should install wine again09:01
webguy48hay there09:01
cbsshould I do it thru ubuntu or download the from wine site?09:01
zieif you typed wine, it should display some options, its liklly your settings for wine are messed up09:01
zieubuntu i can help09:02
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ziejust a second09:02
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_Codeman_do I have to uninstall xubuntu to change from xfce to gnome or kde?09:02
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ziego ahead and remove wine09:02
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crdlb_Codeman_: no09:02
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crdlb_Codeman_: just install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop09:03
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crdlbthen you can choose them at the login screen09:03
_Codeman_crdlb: gotcha, thanks :D09:03
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cbsok in uninst09:03
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webguy48anyone use the nero linux version yet? is it good for iso's etc?09:04
ziejust uninstall wine09:04
cbsi did09:04
cbsshould I reinstall it now09:04
sanityxwebguy48, Its great!09:04
sanityxwebguy48, But its obviously not open source09:04
zieopen Applications/ Add or Remove09:05
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ziethis will list abunch of programs allowed for you to download in linux09:05
zieType Wine In the search box09:05
webguy48kool - i have tried kb3 and it's ok - but still weening off windoze ya know... ;o)09:05
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cbszie: its been uninstalled for about 5 min09:05
cbswhat next?09:05
zieopen Applications/ Add or Remove09:06
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ziethis will list abunch of programs allowed for you to download in linux09:06
zieType Wine In the search box09:06
webguy48yea it's only 19.99 though - not too bad thats us dollars09:06
cbsi think im lagging09:06
zielol ok just wait09:06
cbszie: read up...i already uninstalled09:06
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cbsshould I reinstall it?09:06
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webguy48sanityx - have you run nero on the kunbuntu kde or the unbuntu gnome?09:07
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sanityxwebguy48, ubuntu but it should be fine on either09:08
nallemanhi, just installed xubuntu and it works great, exept for one thing. my (extern) cdrom stoped working, its no big deal if it wasnt for that the computer asks for the cd when I intent to install programs from internet, is it possible to get over this problem?09:08
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cbsok reinstalled09:09
zieok open it09:09
ubuntubeginzhi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq.... i haf read this article..on how to add swap space..and they say u can onli add swap files...i jus wanna knoe if it still possible to create swap parition or not..after installing ubuntu09:09
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cbsopen wine...?09:09
webguy48yea - i'm new back to linux - it's been an off/on relationship for over 3yrs - but really like kubuntu09:09
orbinnalleman: check that the cd is not in your repository list09:09
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: yes, with gparted09:09
nallemanorbin: hoe?09:09
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drifnalleman: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list - comment (#) the line deb cdrom:...09:10
dan1hi man~~~~~~09:10
webguy48really like to totally quit windoze - tired of all the security issues etc etc etc09:10
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zielol yes09:10
nallemandrif: thanx09:10
ziei use a ps/2 try that webduy09:10
nebluxanyone can help me to fix this mess dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0050' near line 1: newline in field name `padding'09:10
Bo0mgreetings,am tryin to download ununtu installer cd.am i right in sayin all i have to download is one iso image?thanks09:10
ziei use a ps/2 try that webguy09:10
vladkaonot that linux doesn't have security issues..09:10
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ubuntubeginzDarkGuy: i actually have acrionix in windows, can i use that...09:10
drifnalleman: remember to apt-get update after that09:11
webguy48sanityx thx for tip09:11
orbinBo0m: yes.09:11
Akuma_where can i get an official feisty torrent file? i can't seem to find any on the download page09:11
sanityxwebguy48, np09:11
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: No idea, I don't think so... never used it. I know you can do with gparted under ubuntu09:11
Bo0morbin:Thanks :)09:11
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orbinneblux: what causes that?09:11
ubuntubeginzDarkGuy: so this partitions the ubuntu drive ...onli.. i reckon...09:12
webguy48hay what do u mean a ps/2?09:12
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: because, if I'm not mistaken, a swap partition must be added to the Linux system inside itself.. I dunno if it can detect them all at boot, so09:12
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Akuma_found it09:12
Ademanwebguy48: it's a circular plug09:12
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Ademanfor older mice and keyboards09:12
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: well, I *think* you can resize your ubuntu partition to leave some space for the swap one, I dunno how though09:12
Ademanheck, all of my keyboards are ps/209:12
nebluxorbin i don't know when i am trying to update it shows me the dpkg error09:13
orbinAkuma_: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/09:13
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DARKGuyhey, ps/2 rocks xD09:13
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ubuntubeginzDarkGuy: yeah,man...dats exactly wat i wanna do...09:13
MadpilotAkuma_, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ -- look for the .torrent files09:13
crdlbubuntubeginz: you do not have to repartition to make swap09:13
nebluxorin-----E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:13
ziean omniView 4 port, it can actually run 4 computers at once, and switch back and fourth beetween them09:13
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crdlbyou can make a file on your ubuntu partition and use it as swap09:14
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: well, I'm running a heavy task on my system right now (it even lags when typing x_x) but try looking for "resizing ext3 partitions" or something around those lines09:14
orbinneblux: try running the command it says.  if that doesn't work, double check your sources09:14
ziei run Linux/MacMini/Windows09:14
ubuntubeginzcdrlb: as darkguy mentioned, i wanna rezise my ubuntu partition to create a swap partition.09:14
Akuma_orbin: Madpilot: thanks09:14
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crdlbubuntubeginz: but you don't need to09:14
ubuntubeginzDarkGuy: thanks for the input09:14
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: then you could create a swap parittion in the free space - you could do what crdlb says too09:14
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: welcome09:14
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wtfcriminali have the image but when i burn the cd it gives eroor when i verify.. any suggestion09:14
nebluxorini--i did what it say and its how me the errore which i post it earlier ....this .....dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0050' near line 1: newline in field name `padding'09:15
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ubuntubeginzDarkguy,crdlb: not left with much free space..for linux... man.. thats why wanna resize my current ubntu parition09:15
cbsok, one of the apps works now09:15
cbsill have to test the rest too09:15
cbssomehting must have been broken09:15
cbsthanks zie09:16
crdlbubuntubeginz: well backup all you data before doing it09:16
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wtfcriminalwhen i verify CD it shows some i/o error on cd09:16
crdlband you can use the gparted livecd09:16
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DARKGuyhm, good idea09:16
orbinneblux: type orb, then press tab to get my nick right.  otherwise i miss what you're saying.09:16
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ubuntubeginzcrdlb: :) ...newly installed system..not much data or any data to backup09:16
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nebluxorbin: thanks09:17
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wtfcriminalany suggestioin ??09:17
zcat[1] moof?09:17
rizzapreseed experience anyone?09:17
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ubuntubeginzcrdlb,darkguy: k, thanks guys..will install gparted livecd and try it..09:17
nebluxorbin: SO any idea how to fix it09:18
Bo0mhttp://mirror.in.th/ubuntu/kubuntu/feisty/ : can I download any iso image from it? thanks.09:18
DARKGuyubuntubeginz: good luck! :D09:18
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_Codeman_I don't suppose dev's visit here often, huh?09:18
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DARKGuyI wonder, does the generic kernel takes advantage of my P4 intel hyperthreading capability?09:18
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cbsi heard its not reccomended to use WINE for gaming, but all my games run twice as fast under ubuntu compared to xp :P09:19
cbsprobably not, i would think just x86 functions09:19
rizzaif generic is i686 it should09:19
Bo0mwhats the difference between alternate and desktop-amd image?09:19
orbinneblux: not really :-/  first time i've heard of that error output.09:19
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DARKGuygeneric is some kind of kernel merging they did in 6.10 o.O09:19
nebluxorbin: got ya bro thanks for trying tho09:19
orbinneblux: have you been doing anything with packages lately? or do you just stick with synaptic/apt-get09:19
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DARKGuycbs: cool xD.. quake4 native in opengl somehow runs with less jerkyness than in windows in directx... crazy huh09:20
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Bo0mumnn am downlodin 7.04 desktop-i386 guys.hops its the right one.09:20
orbinBo0m: alternate uses a text based installer09:21
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Bo0mthanks. u guys are great help to peepz like me!09:21
tuskerniniHOW do i access my SSH server openssh-server from outside of my home network09:21
Bo0moh k. am sure i cant install using text based installer..09:21
cbsdark: not at all suprising...09:21
nebluxorbin: yeah i was checking if my card support for berly09:21
cbsmost we hear about linux is competitor BS i bet :P09:21
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orbinneblux: did you install anything with dpkg.  stuff like that?09:22
DARKGuycbs: sometimes :P09:22
bobstrotuskernini:  you have a router?09:22
pheaverhow do i make apt-get execute something (such as playing a sound file) when it finishes installing anything?09:22
tuskerninibobstro: yes is that bad?09:23
nebluxorbin: i am not sure but i think have installed nvidia-glx09:23
bobstrotuskernini:  no, not at all. you just need to set up port forwarding to send the appropriate port to your linux box.09:23
DARKGuypheaver: what about... "apt-get install whatever && play sound.wav" ? I dunno about play, I think that command comes with ubuntu, dunno xD09:23
tuskerninibobstro: i once ran a lamp server behind the router and it seemed to work...09:23
yharrowI accidentally over wrote /dev/dsp09:23
yharrowwhat do I do?09:23
Myrttipheaver, DARKGuy: aplay should09:23
bobstrotuskernini:  it should work fine, so long as the ports are allowed through.09:24
tuskerninibobstro: ok.. so i have to set up forwarding port 22'09:24
yharrowshould I delete /dev/dsp altogether?09:24
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DARKGuyMyrtti: thanks :p09:24
pheaverDARKGuy yes, that will work for this particular case09:24
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pheaverbut I'm really looking for more sophisticated "hooks"09:24
DARKGuypheaver: hm, what about an alias ?09:24
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bobstrotuskernini:  usually, but you might use a non-default port too, to avoid unwanted attention.09:25
pheaverDARKGuy no, a hook, which executes upon completion of any install, regardless of which interface i use09:25
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RAOFeh, just use public-key authentication exclusively.09:25
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pheaverthe hook should execute if i install with apt-get, or adept_manager, or synaptic, or anything09:25
bobstroor both09:25
tuskerninibobstro: aha.. then i connect as ssh user@sserver_ip:port?09:25
bobstrotuskernini:  ssh -p <port> user@server09:25
tuskerninibobstro: ah thanks a million trying it soon09:26
DARKGuypheaver: try making a script that checks for a file that apt-get or any other package manager should edit upon completing an install? I dunno how but it's an idea xD09:26
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pheaverso, basically, ubuntu's package manager doesn't have a hook system?09:26
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yharrowdo I even need /dev/dsp on my computer?09:26
orbinneblux: i don't seem to have the file /var/lib/dpkg/updates/0050 ...09:26
DARKGuypheaver: no idea o.o;09:26
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pheaverthanks though, i'll look into it09:26
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RAOFpheaver: I think it does, but I've never investigated it.09:26
pheaverRAOF: yeah, I thought I had used it for something once before09:27
DARKGuypheaver: welcome and good luck :p09:27
RAOFpbuilder certainly has a hook system.09:27
bobstroyharrow:  it's tied to audio, but i'm not sure if it gets re-created on boot or not.09:27
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pheaverhow many interfaces and alternatives are there to the ubuntu package manager?09:27
kevevhello all09:27
crdlbpheaver: yeah it does, there's a hook to run prelink after installing anything09:28
kevevneed help with my sound09:28
crdlbthat I used once09:28
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pheavercrdlb: yes, that's what i remember working with once09:28
RAOFpheaver: Off the top of my head: apt-get, aptitude, add/remove, synaptic, adept, smart09:28
kevevATI SB45009:28
nebluxorbin: is that posible to remove that file?09:28
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pheaverRAOF: hmm... i've heard of all but smart09:28
kevevnone of the settings suggested in the forum have helped09:28
yharrowbobstro: thats a possibility09:28
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RAOFpheaver: Plus what ever crazy homebrew apps you have using dpkg/apt libraries09:28
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pheavercrdlb: you know much about the prelink hook and how i can make my own?09:29
crdlbI don't know anything about it09:29
yharrowI guess the only way to know whether /dev/dsp gets recreated is to reboot09:29
crdlbI just used it09:29
pheaverheh ok09:29
pheavercrdlb: you know where it is?09:29
orbinneblux: ... i wouldn't for now, seeing as it's complaining about it.  cd into /var/lib/dpkg/updates, then do an ls.  do you see the file?09:29
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pheaverso i can use it as an example09:29
crdlbit was a while ago, but I'll look09:29
pheaverok, i am looking too09:29
crimsunyharrow: /dev/dsp is created with snd-pcm-oss09:29
pheavermaybe the ubuntu guide on prelinking will help09:30
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crimsunyharrow: it's "recreated" upon [successful]  module load09:30
crimsunkevev: what's the issue?09:30
pheaveri figured it out09:30
yharrowcrimsun: modprobe snd-pcm-oss would do the trick?09:30
pheaverput this in /etc/apt/apt.conf09:31
crimsunyharrow: it should already be loaded09:31
pheaverDPkg::Post-Invoke {"whatever-command-you-want-to-run";}09:31
crimsunyharrow: but yes.09:31
yharrowcrimsun: how do I unload and reload?09:31
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yharrowcrimsun: I overwrote /dev/dsp09:31
kevevcrimsun: Gateway MT3705 laptop with ATI chipset. SB450 is sound uses module snd-hd-intel09:31
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cbszie: any experience playing oblivion in WINE?09:31
crdlbmodprobe -r ?09:31
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yharrowcrdlb: ok ill try that09:32
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crimsunkevev: fixed already.  You need http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/azx_codecs/0005-UBUNTU-sound-pci-hda-Fix-detection-for-Toshiba-A100-and-other-ATI-SB450-devices-hda_intel.c.txt09:32
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yehwehhey Im, having trouble editing my Applications list. When I try to uncheck on some of the items in the list, I cant(Eg: character map.) Is there any other way to get to it OR can I fix it so that the check and uncheck part works?09:32
xamphYay for ubuntu!09:32
yharrowFATAL: Module snd_pcm_oss is in use.09:32
crimsunkevev: and also module=auto09:32
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crimsunyharrow: so kill whatever's using /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer*09:32
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yharrowFATAL: Module snd_pcm_oss is in use.09:32
yharrowok works now09:33
yell0whey guys, has anyone run games and it's sluggisher than should be (cpu runs 100%), is there a cpu or kernel patch or something i have to do ? does opengl have anything to do with it ?09:33
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amicitasHey I am having a minor issue where after I press the quit button there is a long (5 second) delay before the window with all of the logout options comes up.  This happens in both gnome and KDE.  Is this expected behavior?09:33
majnoon anyone else having trouble burning cdroms after upgrade ??09:33
DARKGuyyell0w: native linux game or emulated ?09:33
amicitasOh yes, I am using 7.0409:33
yell0wDARKGuy, native09:34
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orbinyell0w: video driver installed?09:34
crdlbyell0w: what video card?09:34
yell0wati x20009:34
kevevcrimsun: so I gotta patch my kernel?09:34
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crdlbyell0w: xpress 200 ?09:35
yell0wthat should be enough for things like supertux and stuff ya ?09:35
yell0wcrdlb, yes09:35
crdlbyell0w: it has no free 3d support09:35
cbsCan anyone help me get TES 4 Oblivion run ning on wine?09:35
crdlbso you have to use the restricted driver09:35
crdlbdid you do that?09:35
crolle17have a question concerning regexp in vi: the original text is 'tet' and i want to change every 'tet' into 'test'. i read something about option s and did so: '/s/tet test'09:35
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orbinyehweh: just a stab.  try running alacarte from the terminal and seeing if you get any error output09:35
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yell0wcrdlb, restricted driver for ?09:35
crolle17but it didn't work09:35
crdlbyell0w: the restricted video driver (fglrx)09:35
crimsunkevev: can you wait 5-10 minutes?  I need to ask our kernel lead something.09:35
yell0wcrdlb, is that why the cpu shot up 100%?09:35
crdlbie ati's proprietary driver09:36
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crdlbyell0w: if you haven't done that, it's using software rendering09:36
crdlbso yes09:36
crdlbyell0w: system>administration>restricted manager09:36
yetistwho has the installer program of ubuntu 6.06?09:36
RAOFyetist: www.ubuntu.com ?09:36
kevevcrimsun: ok09:37
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yell0wcrdlb, uhm i don't have restricted manager , which package would that be ? (custom install)09:37
cbsEvery time I try to run Oblivion it errors out and gives me some memery registers in oblivion.exe....anyone?09:37
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crdlbyell0w: is this ubuntu feisty?09:37
yehwehorbin: Thanks Im going to talke a look at it and will msg in a bit09:37
RAOFAh, the joy of wine.09:37
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yetistRAOF: I need the program only, it written by python.09:37
crdlbnot kubuntu or xubuntu?09:37
DARKGuyWINE = <309:37
crimsunkevev: I'll need to compile some test kernel modules (the sound drivers) for you.  Give me a few minutes.09:37
cbsyes...i can run almost anyhting so far09:37
yell0wcrdlb, feisty ubuntu 3209:37
crdlb!info restricted-manager09:38
uboturestricted-manager: manage non-free hardware drivers. In component main, is optional. Version 0.20 (feisty), package size 32 kB, installed size 300 kB09:38
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kevevcrimsun: ok09:38
crdlbif you've installed ubuntu-desktop, you should have it09:38
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johntzcat[1] : you at the keys in Claudelands?????09:38
brittwhat recommendation would everybody have for measuring temperature on a CPU?09:38
crolle17does somebody know about regexp in vi?09:38
yell0wcrdlb, i did the minimum gnome-core :)09:38
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AzMooHey, sometimes when I try and create a tab in firefox it actually makes about 30. Anybody know why it might do that? All I do is tap ctrl+t.09:39
RAOFyetist: Oh, you mean Ubuquity?  apt-get source ubiquity should get you the source.09:39
kevevAzMoo: keyboard timing?09:39
yetistRAOF, ok, thank you.09:40
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amicitasCan anyone say if it is normal for there to be a ~5 second delay after pressing the quit button before the window with the logout options comes up?09:40
bobstrocrolle17:  a bit. what do you need?09:40
AzMookevev, I don't know. I recently got a new keyboard. How would I check to see if this is the issue?09:40
crolle17have a question concerning regexp in vi: the original text is 'tet' and i want to change every 'tet' into 'test'. i read something about option s and did so: '/s/tet test'09:40
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jarrettamicitas: mine is instant09:40
crimsunkevev: I have a slow computer, so this will take ~15 minutes.  I'll keep you updated.09:40
AzMoocrolle17, s/tet/test/g09:41
kevevAzMoo: in the bios check the setting for key press delay. I forget what it is called.09:41
bobstrocrolle17: try :%s/tet/test/g09:41
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kevevcrimsun: k09:41
yell0wcrdlb, thanks, time for reboot09:41
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AzMookevev, ah right, I see. I'll take a look.09:41
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kevevAzMoo: make sure it is enabled.09:41
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amicitasjarrett: Thats what I thought, something is off on my setup.  Seems like things are not running smooth.  I get a little jumpyness is some programs, I don't know if that is related to my logout button issue.09:42
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zaggynlAnyone knows a way to listen to .asp streams with xmms?09:42
PsipheriousHey guys, I'm gonna put Ubuntu on a new computer that I just got, it's a 64-bit machine but I'm just wondering if I should put 6.06 (because of the extended support time) on or the latest 7.04. I'm not likely to keep patching it with the latest releases every 6 months which is why I consider 6.06. Any suggestions?09:42
crdlbzaggynl: probably not, use mplayer09:43
yehwehorbin: Thanks there was some permissions problem. I used sudo and it worked like a charm. But I have a quick question, if this has to be done in admin mode should I not be asked for the password when i use the gui to get to alacarte?09:43
zaggynlThere isn't a single app that can play everything is it?09:43
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crdlbthat's mplayer :)09:43
kevevzaggynl: .asp? that is a MS web script page.09:43
jarrettamicitas: sorry, im not really sure what would be causing it, just wanted to let you know that i dont think it is normal09:43
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DARKGuyzaggynl: isn't an .asp file a Microsoft ASP script?09:43
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crdlband xmms both sucks and is now abandoned09:44
zaggynlI looked in the asp, and there is a link, ''09:44
zaggynlbut xmms won't play that either09:44
DARKGuyAudacious = xmms :P09:44
csabikavan itt magyar ember?09:44
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DARKGuy!ru | csa09:44
ubotucsa:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:44
bobstroPsipherious:  if its for personal use, i wouldn't hesitate to keep up with next-to-most-recent release09:44
RAOFPsipherious: 7.0409:44
bobstroPsipherious:  definitely wait for things to settle down after each new one.09:44
bobstroPsipherious:  also, DO keep your system updated regardless!09:44
RAOFPsipherious: Unless you're aiming for 24/7x 365 uptime, which you're probably not.09:45
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crdlbPsipherious: definitely 7.04 because of the new hardware09:45
Psipheriousbobstro: Yeah it's just for personal use. Whichever version I install though will likely stay on there for a good year or two before I go messing with trying to patch it to the latest.09:45
lkthomashey guys, is there have any application allows to remember all remote ssh session so that I wouldn't need to login to other unix server when I login to my workstation ?09:45
midgewaIs there a good DJ mixing program for ubuntu? a GOOD one? id like one thats on par with like.. traktor or something09:45
bobstroPsipherious:  definitely at least get the security updates regularly.09:45
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crdlbPsipherious: then upgrade after 18 months09:46
shr3ya5i got one query here09:46
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bobstrolkthomas:  you mean so you don't need passwords to log in to remote?09:46
Psipheriousbobstro, crdlb: okay great. Thanks for the suggetions both of you. Much appreciated.09:46
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zaggynlmplayer can't play it either09:46
lkthomasbobstro, or even remember the whole session09:46
=== doc__ [i=doc@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-57d5312b886cf2b6] has joined #ubuntu
doc__hi there09:46
midgewaIs there a good DJ mixing program for ubuntu? a GOOD one? id like one thats on par with like.. traktor or something09:47
bobstrolkthomas:  sorry, but what do you mean "the whole session". as in resume a session? screen can help with that.09:47
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lkthomasbobstro, I still need to login to unix server to use screen09:47
kevevzaggynl: try xine yet?09:47
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zaggynlI'm using vlc now, but it just stops after a while09:47
midgewaIs there a good DJ mixing program for ubuntu? a GOOD one? id like one thats on par with like.. traktor or something09:47
bobstrolkthomas:  yes, but is it the password entry you're objecting to or what?09:48
yell0wcrdlb, how would i know if i'm running fglrx ? from cli ?09:48
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kevevzaggynl: hmmm09:48
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lkthomasbobstro, no, I mean everything09:48
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bobstrolkthomas:  you can automate that, use something like ssh-add so you're only asked once at startup.09:48
crdlbyell0w: look in your xorg.conf09:48
kevevmidgewa: yes yes yes.09:48
crdlbyell0w: it didn't work?09:48
zaggynlI'll install xine09:48
midgewakevev; THANKYOU, idea?09:48
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lkthomasbobstro, can I ask konsole to login to diff unix server when I startup my KDE ?09:49
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yell0wcrdlb, not really. i'm gonna make sure that it's running first09:49
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bobstrolkthomas:  you could certainly launch a script on boot, yes.09:49
kevevmidgewa: google. I cant remember the name. Ubuntu is working on another distro for that.09:49
bobstrolkthomas:  er, rather on login.09:49
=== nir_ai_ [n=nir@bzq-84-109-5-207.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
midgewakevev, you mean ubuntu will have an entire distro for DJ stuff?09:49
crdlbyell0w: did the gui work after reboot?09:49
lkthomasbobstro, no application could do that for me ?09:49
kevevmidgewa: yes. for sound mixing.09:49
crdlbyell0w: to test if 3d acceleration is working, run: fglrxinfo09:49
crimsunmidgewa: Ubuntu Studio.  #ubuntustudio09:49
Noonanhey, i just installed ubuntu on my system. and i dont have an internet connection, im using a wireless card. any ideas on how i can get it to work?09:49
bobstrolkthomas:  a konsole session can, sure. you need konsole anyhow.09:50
kevevcrimsun: ahh thats it09:50
bobstro(or some similar program)09:50
lkthomasbobstro, so how could I deal with it using konsole ?09:50
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yell0wcrdlb, it says display:0.0 screen:009:50
nir_ai_hello, I am trying to burn files to a NON-empty DVD, but the default, nautilus-cd-burner insist that I insert an empty DVD. any idea on what to do?09:50
kevevNoonan: ndiswrapper and the latest windows driver.09:50
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yell0wcrdlb, OpenGL vendor string, etc.......09:50
crdlbyell0w: it's the lines after that that are important :)09:50
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bobstrolkthomas:  create a session, then call konsole with that session as parameter and put that in autostart folder.09:50
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crdlbyell0w: pm it to me or pastebin it09:51
bobstrolkthomas:  or use a session with that running (your choice).09:51
crdlbdon't paste it here09:51
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nir_ai_how do I burn to NON-empty DVDs?09:51
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zaggynlah, found a pls link, extracted the ip+port from it, now xmms finally plays it09:51
Noonankevev, the windows drivers will work with linux? if so i have the cd that came with the wireless pci-card. would that work with linux?09:51
bobstrolkthomas:  first step is to get the session set up in konsole.09:52
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kevevzaggynl: sweet09:52
crdlbyell0w: ok it's working09:52
kevevNoonan: yes09:52
lkthomasbobstro, ok, next ?09:52
Patrick2Are Dell shipping Ubuntu yet ?09:52
=== zaggynl wishes for stable, light app that plays it all
cbsWhat Does This Mean?09:52
midgewacrimsun, noone talks on the ubuntustudio channel09:52
crimsunPatrick2: no.09:53
cbsfixme:jack:JACK_drvLoad error loading the jack library libjack.so, please install this library to use jack09:53
oldude67im running 7.04 and i really like it since im a newbie, but i want to learn more about shell programming....is this the best distro for that???09:53
nir_ai_anyone? help...09:53
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crimsunmidgewa: that's because we're mostly asleep.09:53
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kevevNoonan: install ndiswrapper and do man ndiswrapper. Easy instructions.09:53
zaggynloldude67, plenty of shells in Ubuntu09:53
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Patrick2crimsun: Thanks09:53
midgewacrimsun, well do u know of a program i can look for?09:53
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crimsunmidgewa: I'm busy ATM helping kevev.09:53
zaggynlnir_ai_, you mean add to an existing DVD? I've never done that, but you should try k3b09:53
oldude67zaggynl: thanks, is there lots of help too?09:53
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zaggynloldude67, help as in?09:54
zcat[1] johnt hello?09:54
Noonankevev, so i need to install ndiswrapper and then put the cd in, and it will work?09:54
Angel-SLhey, anyone know where the ubuntu sounds are (login, logout, etc)09:54
midgewacrimsun, gimme a yell when ur free09:54
oldude67wow dont hold down keys in here...oops09:54
Noonankevev, because the cd is in now, and the autorun didnt comense.09:54
JowiAngel-SL, /usr/share/sounds09:54
nir_ai_zaggynl, yes, I want to add to an existing DVD. naturally, the case when you are backing up log files09:54
zaggynlah logfiles09:54
bobstrolkthomas:  then put konsole in your autostart, calling it with that session09:54
johntzcat[1] :09:54
Akuma_how can i suggest that an application be added to the universe repository?09:54
johntzcat[1] :hi09:55
zcat[1] Hi john. was reading slashdot..09:55
kevevNoonan: errrr.....this is not windows. copy the driver(sys inf dll....etc) to the HD. Run ndiswrapper -i inf09:55
johntzcat[1] :did you get a pm from me?09:55
zcat[1] I thought you were jjohn anyhow.. or was it j'ohn ?09:55
zcat[1] nope..09:55
bobstrolkthomas:  i've got that set up, but it's been awhile since i set it up. forgot some of the details.09:55
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oldude67zaggynl: like i said im a newbie but i really want to learn more about linux itself, like how to program, how to write programs, and maybe work with some company in the future too.09:56
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Noonankevev, alright, so i can put them in a folder on the desktop? or does it matter where i put the driver on the HD?09:56
johntzcat[1] :jjohn on ubuntu forums J'ohn on wlug lol09:56
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kevevNoonan: does not matter09:56
zcat[1] you need to register and sign in to send pms here09:56
main2how do i play .flv files (youtube) at dapper? :)09:56
zcat[1] main2, vlc can handle them.. or mplayer?09:57
lkthomasbobstro, LOL09:57
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[Meta] How do I compile a program in Ubuntu? (Eg. Gimpshop)09:57
cbswhere do I get this lib?? fixme:jack:JACK_drvLoad error loading the jack library libjack.so, please install this library to use jack09:57
bobstrolkthomas:  setting up the session was the trick. not hard, just not something i do everyday.09:57
oldude67man i keep screwing that up09:57
main2zcat[1] , i tried vlc, even upgraded it to the latest 0.8.5 (for dapper)09:57
zcat[1] !search libjack09:57
zaggynloldude67, Ubuntu is pretty much the easiest form of Linux you can find, but you can still learn a great deal of Linux using it.09:57
main2from the vlc repos09:57
lkthomasbobstro, haha, ok09:57
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johntzcat[1] :I am registered so I may be doing it wrong I have a folder with you nick up09:57
zcat[1] main2, probably need some !codecs09:57
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main2but vlc says unsupported codec09:57
Noonankevev, ok. and what driver do i take? (win2k, win98/me, winXP)? and inside those there is also alot of .bin files and stuff.. do i only take the .inf?09:58
bobstrolkthomas:  sheesh, settings->configure konsole->sessions09:58
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[Meta] !compile09:58
main2zcat[1] , ya...09:58
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:58
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main2zcat[1] , i got win32 codecs installed09:58
main2what could i need more?09:58
cbsoops caps09:58
crdlb!find libjack.so09:58
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mattycozehay ppl i need help in finding a good screenshot manager like the one beryl has09:58
ubotuFile libjack.so found in libjack0.100.0-dev09:58
kevevNoonan: try the winXP. They seem to work best. Just copy everything.09:58
Ademanare there any restrictions on using/"distributing" the ubuntu logo? (not modifying it, nor claiming it to be my own of course)09:58
main2matty ksnapshot? :D09:58
mattycozemain2 can you get it to take selections of the screen as a screenshot?09:59
zcat[1] Ademan, check the ubuntu website; I think the restrictions are fairlyminimal..09:59
mattycozemain2 because that was what was so awesome about beryl09:59
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main2matty yes you can09:59
bobstrolkthomas:  set up session to call ssh. you'll probably want a public key login, so get that set up too. if desired, call ssh-add on startup to ask for passphrase. then add konsole to autostart calling it with that session (--type i think)09:59
kevevwhere is a good list of comunity repositories?09:59
Noonankevev, and do i install 'ndiswrapper' from the repos?09:59
Ademanthanks zcat[1]  i'm sure it's fine (i just want to put the logo up on my facebook) but i wanted to double check09:59
mattycozeawesome i'll give it a try,10:00
lkthomasbobstro, I am looking for more GUI than command line :)10:00
kevevNoonan: yes10:00
bobstrolkthomas:  err... ssh is pretty command line!10:00
crimsunkevev: a2b18cfc057984829b646064f88f4d799e2dd083  snd-hda-codec.ko, 0ae9b68dd5df65daa3fe8431ab50e49cd45e61c8  snd-hda-intel.ko  : http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/feisty-azx-sb450/10:00
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lkthomasbobstro, not with a datacenter scale of server10:00
bobstrolkthomas:  what do you mean ?10:00
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lkthomasbobstro, I mean, with like 50server10:01
Noonankevev, it wont let me download it, because i dont have an internet connection..10:01
bobstrolkthomas:  ssh just gives you a shell prompt on the remote machine.10:01
cbs File libjack.so found in libjack0.100.0-dev : How Do I Install This Now?10:01
oldude67zaggynl: where is a good place to look for what im trying to learn would it be wise to just google it or is there a better way to find out?10:01
lkthomasbobstro, you don't get me10:01
crimsunkevev: back up (mv) your existing ones into your home directory, then download and replace them with the ones I gave you10:01
bobstrolkthomas:  no, apparently not.10:01
lkthomasbobstro, are you going to login to 50unix server when you login to KDE10:01
yell0wcrdlb, that was a false negative, the rest of them work. Thanks!10:01
kevevNoonan: lol10:01
kevevNoonan: gotta fix that first10:02
johntzcat[1] :Will you help me with a script for mencoder?  I want /home/filename (mpeg1) to become filename mpeg210:02
zaggynloldude67, googling will give you a great deal, but getting yourself some books about linux/shell programming isn't a bad idea either.10:02
bobstrolkthomas:  with a datacenter, i'd definitely use a passphrase to protect the keys.10:02
zieanyone know a program the i can make slideshows and videos with text that runs in Linux10:02
bobstrolkthomas:  you want to log in to all 50 automatically?10:02
kevevcrimsun: gotcha10:02
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Noonankevev, isnt that what were trying to do.. heh10:02
lkthomasbobstro, yep10:02
lkthomasbobstro, it's my workstation man10:02
crimsunkevev: afterward, reboot10:02
bobstrolkthomas:  corporate policy lets you do that?10:02
oldude67zaggynl: thanks for the info.....10:02
zcat[1] john, use vlc's transcode wizard.10:02
kevevcrimsun: gotcha10:02
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lkthomasbobstro, I make the policy, go figer10:02
bobstrolkthomas:  this would work, but your desktop might get a bit busy.10:03
zieanyone know a program the i can make slideshows and videos with text that runs in Linux10:03
kevevNoonan: you cant get the package without internet. You gotta plugin.10:03
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yehwehlkthomas: lucky you!10:03
bobstrolkthomas:  so i'm not seeing what you mean about the gui!10:03
Bra1can anyone help me create a separate partition for ubuntu with vista?10:03
mattycozeheh it's not very good man10:03
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boulderdashHi all10:03
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Noonankevev, so, you have any sugestions? how i can get this installed?10:04
midgewahow do i update java?10:04
kevevcrimsun: so is this official patches? Will they be in the next kernel?10:04
ziecaplain, help10:04
midgewai think i have an old version10:04
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johntzcat[1] :VCL??10:04
kevevNoonan: you have no way of connecting to the internet?10:04
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Noonankevev, yes i am on a laptop that is connected to the wifi in the house atm..10:04
Bra1no one knows how to install a separate partition for ubuntu when vista is already installed?10:04
zcat[1] !info vlc10:04
majnoonhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19588/ having trouble with trying to burn cdroms10:04
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3192 kB10:04
zieanyone know a program the i can make slideshows and videos with text that runs in Linux10:04
crimsunkevev: you need to tell me if they work for you first  :)10:05
kevevNoonan: is this the linux box?10:05
zcat[1] john, it does a nice job of converting one format to another10:05
[Meta] Can someone help me walk through this? -.-10:05
bobstrolkthomas:  what did you mean by more gui?10:05
Noonankevev, no, this is a windows laptop. the linux box is a pc right infront of me. (what we are trying to fix atm.)10:05
kevevcrimsun: will do. let me fix Noonan first. Unless you wanna take over?:)10:05
johntzcat[1] :OK thanks... So pm works then????10:05
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crimsunkevev: busy ATM.10:05
kevevcrimsun: werd10:06
zcat[1] johnt, nope.. getting nothing here10:06
midgewahow do i update java?10:06
midgewahow do i update java?10:06
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zieGo to java.com10:06
crimsunmidgewa: from what to what?10:06
johntzcat[1] :I got your moof10:06
ziedownload newer java10:06
ziefor linux10:06
[Meta] Ugh.10:06
midgewaits like 1.4.x now, i need 1.5.x10:06
[Meta] Stuff you guys.10:06
aftertafany known problem with feisty and the kernel?10:06
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aftertafI can't boot to it (like when beta, with the SATA driver making it all hang.)10:06
zcat[1] I'm not getting any replies though..10:06
aftertafand i cant get NVIDIA driver installed...... on 20.13 kernel, headers missing...10:06
midgewacrimsun, its like 1.4.x now, i need 1.5.x10:06
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deConwhat is the best dock for feisty?10:06
Myrttimidgewa: which ubuntu do you have?10:06
ziethen download 1.5x at java.com10:06
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midgewaMyrtti feisty10:07
kevevNoonan: You need to get the thing on the net some how first. do lspci at the shell. what is your wireless nic chip?10:07
Bra1is there a room that can help me separate partitions?10:07
Myrttimidgewa: you can get it with package manager I think10:07
yehwehMyrtti: try avn10:07
zieis there a help room for linux10:07
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johntzcat[1] :how to check my nick reg??10:07
midgewaMyrtti i dont think its an updater tho, just the current version i have10:07
burung_hitamasl pls?10:07
AzMooaftertaf, I had an issue booting the i386 kernel. Switched to generic and it was all good.10:07
Myrttimidgewa: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java10:07
Bo0mzie : just ask your question, am sure someone will help!10:07
yehwehzie:  what is your problem10:07
Noonankevev, i dont know it spits out a bunch of stuff (about 15 lines)10:07
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deConbest dock for ubuntu? avant-window-nav seems to suck10:08
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aftertafAzMoo: same pb with both... :/10:08
mattycozecan anyone get the old beryl screenshot plugin to work with the one that comes preinstalled with 7.04?10:08
zcat[1] no idea10:08
ziewell i need a slideshow program for linux, i cant seem to find one anywhere10:08
burung_hitamsuck as10:08
kevevNoonan: ok. read them.10:08
burung_hitamfuck you10:08
johntzcat[1] :Gaaaa!!!10:08
kevevNoonan: this is gonna take some work.10:08
crimsunmidgewa: so enable multiverse and install sun-java5-jre in edgy/feisty.10:08
mattycoze:o @ burung_hitman10:08
Noonankevev, do i just get this http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=93482&package_id=99148&release_id=504757 and then unpack that tarball on the linux box?10:08
Noonankevev, ok10:08
Myrtti/me stumbled on her keyboard10:08
midgewacrimsun, ok i dont know what ur little multivers thing means, or how to do that10:09
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yehwehdeCon: its new I guess itll take some time for everything to fall into place10:09
bobstrolkthomas:  so you're all set now?10:09
Bra1can someone please direct me to the right irc room to partition out my HDD for Vista and Ubuntu with Vista already installed?10:09
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lkthomasbobstro, no, googling around10:09
kevevNoonan: yes you can do that. you will have to build it and install it. do you know how to do that?10:09
zieyehway: need slide show program for linux10:09
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Noonankevev, there is a line tha says network controller: texas instruments ACX 111 54mbps wireless interface..10:09
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crimsun!components >midgewa10:09
sanityxzie, you could use the openoffice presentation software10:09
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Noonankevev, no, fairly new to linux10:10
ziecan i render to .MPG10:10
aftertafis anyone else having problems with the official latest feisty kernel not booting10:10
kevevNoonan: thats it. never heard of it.10:10
midgewacrimsun, what?10:10
zcat[1] gah, need more drivespace10:10
crimsunmidgewa: read the query that ubotu sent you10:10
ziesanityx: CAN I RENDER TO .mpg10:10
mattycozecan anyone get the old beryl screenshot plugin to work with the one that comes preinstalled with 7.04?10:10
yehwehzie:  Im sorry cant help you with that. I dont use much of the multimedia part in linux10:10
bullgard4In Feisty the file content of /etc/default/bootlogd is "# Run bootlogd at startup?; BOOTLOGD_ENABLE=No." Where does Fesity store the dmesg messages?10:10
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sanityxzie, I don't know but I don't think so10:10
bobstrolkthomas:  i'm out. good luck with it!10:10
zieok, thanks10:11
lkthomasbobstro, k, thanks10:11
kyoalo, okay, I need language support for multiple languages, for gaiam, irc, text, etc. Best advice10:11
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chrisoanyone can help me ?10:11
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:11
Bo0mlol nice10:11
Bra1can I ask a question?10:11
=== zaggynl twitches
zcat[1] anyone else got easy suggestions on how to transcode from one codec to another?10:11
Noonankevev, so, is the only option to build the tarball package myself? and do it that way?10:11
midgewacrimsun, whatever ur saying or doing, it isnt helping, do u know how to help me update java or not?10:11
chrisowhy i can not open network options ?10:12
wiloquick question, what is wrong with ubuntu edgy 6.10 security updates?10:12
crimsunmidgewa: did you not read the private message?10:12
kevevif you dont have a ethernet nic, yes.10:12
ompaulwilo, why do you think there are issues with them?10:12
midgewacrimsun it didnt exactly help.... "go to this site"10:12
zcat[1] actually johnt what were you transcoding for? If you're making a dvd or vcd, devede will do the whole thing for you, really easily10:12
johntzcat[1] :I was told mencode10:13
kevevNoonan: you may be able to download the .deb file to install ndiswrapper.10:13
crimsunmidgewa: which Ubuntu release are you using?10:13
zcat[1] mencode is hard :)10:13
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zcat[1] vlc is a heap easier, although less easy to script10:13
Noonankevev, do u know where i can get one?10:13
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kevevNoonan: checking10:14
zcat[1] so depends if you want to re-encode just one file now and then, or do a whole directory / set up  cron job..10:14
kyocan anyone help me with language support?10:14
midgewacrimsun 7.0410:14
aftertafzcat[1] : or try TOVID, very good.... :)10:14
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zcat[1] tovid?10:14
crimsunmidgewa: choose Applications> Add/Remove...10:14
JJ|Laptopubotu just pissed me off...10:14
arejayBra1: try asking google you're question? I'm abit busy at the moment or i'd love to help.10:14
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johntzcat[1] :I have a mpeg1 of acacia at the gym I want to run it through my dse dvd player that does not handle mpegs so I tries to burn with k3b but got errors one of which is a transcode error10:15
crimsunmidgewa: then, in the drop-down menu, choose All available applications10:15
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sanityxAnybody know any good GTK html editors/IDEs that are in the repositories?10:15
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Bra1I tried, google didn't help much10:15
Myrttisanityx: screem10:15
crimsunmidgewa: then, in the Search text entry field, type java510:15
Bra1it seems vista partitions are different than xp for booting up10:15
sanityxMyrtti, ill look at it thanks10:15
midgewacrimsun, then which one do i do?10:15
ompaulJJ|Laptop, (A) that was me that got the bot to send you a message (B) you are in a channel of 1k + users if we all did that the channel would be unuable that is all10:15
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johntzcat[1] :Is tovid gui????10:15
midgewacrimsun, runtime?10:15
zcat[1] john, ahh, probably you want devede then.. I managed to get a working VCD out of it first time, it's really easy. and yes, gui10:15
crimsunmidgewa: you likely want both runtime and plugin10:15
zcat[1] !info tovid10:16
ubotuPackage tovid does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:16
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SnapLinuxjusy installed nvida settings but cant find them to save my life10:16
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zcat[1] tovod? never heard of it..10:16
johntzcat[1] :devede is gui and in repos10:16
zcat[1] !info devede10:16
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ubotudevede: Video DVD creator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.9-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 449 kB, installed size 1060 kB10:16
SouljahI need some help in moving a folder or extracting some files10:16
chrisowhy i can not open network options ?10:16
sanityxMyrtti, Screem is awesome, just what I'm looking for, thanks!10:17
crimsunkevev: any ETA on testing?  I need to get back to work.10:17
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Myrttisanityx: np :-)10:17
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SouljahI want to move a folder10:17
Souljahhow do i do that10:17
zcat[1] much easier than something like qdvdauthor which will insist that you have to set up menus, languages, subtitles, etc...10:17
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Bra1I can see 5 different partitions in GParted. /dev/sda1:fat16, is this where I need to put my ubuntu partition?10:17
lkthomasdoes KDE got a program which have something similar with macosx gatget ?10:18
kyocan anyone help with language support?10:18
wiloompaul: well i get a notice in the task bar to say tat i have 22 sercurity iissuews ot be updated10:18
johntzcat[1] :I got a million codecs and other stuff from a restricted site so devede should "just work" ???10:18
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ompaulwilo, so click on the icon give it your password and then let it roll10:18
kevevcrimsun: one sec10:18
wilowhen i go to update it, enter root password, it go's to update and then needs to connect to the server for the updates10:19
zcat[1] johnt, I think it pulls in some other stuff as dependencies, it basically sorted itself out here..10:19
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wilothe server keeps gettin timed out10:19
SlartAnyone else thinks that extracting large/many files using fileroller makes ubuntu feel sluggish.. I don't get this kind of behaviour using the console unpacker.. can I run fileroller with a lower priority? or is there something else I have missed?10:19
wilolike its own or dont host any more10:19
Myrtti!ask | kyo10:19
ubotukyo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:19
yehwehchriso: Im a relatively new user (for ubuntu and linux) I guess this is a habit I carried over from xp ... restart whe in doubt10:19
godlygeekSoulja: mv sourcefile destloc if you're in a console...10:19
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aftertaftovid is downloadable, runs a python script and has a gui. Very neat10:19
zcat[1] wilo, find some better repos.. here in NZ I often have to go to the AU repos to get updates10:19
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wilozcat[1] : but the repo's did work10:19
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kyoI don't know how to set up multiple language support for use in im, irc, and general typing10:20
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johntzcat[1] :OK I will give it a try thx.. are you home in the morning for the phone?10:20
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aftertaf!tovid is simple and powerful DVD authoring software - http://tovid.wikia.com/10:20
wiloim using security.ubuntu.com and au.archieve.ubuntu.com10:20
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kevevNoonan: you will need to connect. Ndiswrapper is only available as source code.10:21
zcat[1] johnt, probably not.. shopping, and possibly other stuff. Should be home after 2pm though10:21
chrisoyehweh yes but can you open network options10:21
wilozcat[1] : what repos do u use from aust, cuz i loive in syd aust10:21
zcat[1] call anyhow.. if I'm home I'm home..10:21
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Bra1I'm still trying to figure out which partition to put Ubuntu on since all of my partitions are full. I want to keep Vista, but be able to dual boot to Ubuntu10:21
SouljahI want to move a folder to /usr/share/amsn/plugins.10:21
Souljahhow do i do that10:21
chrisoyehweh because ubuntu show me all the tam the connection is ine but i can not open any pages10:21
non|inearcan anyone recommend firewall maleware protection for linux?  and do I need antivirus???10:21
Souljahcan someone hlep10:21
yehwehchriso: if you are truing to connect to a wifi network using wep you can use iwconfig10:21
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kevevNoonan: you can extract and read the readme and install files. They are very straight forward.10:21
zcat[1] wilo, no idea, I just changed 'nz' to 'au' in my sources.list10:21
sanityxAnybody know how to reset all PenguinTV settings?10:21
dpsHello, anyone as a link to a 2.6.21 build?10:21
godlygeekhas anyone here used gconf-editor to change the battery level or time at which gnome-power-manager decides that it's time to suspend/hibernate/shutdown the computer?10:21
sanityxMy layout got all messed up.10:21
johntzcat[1] :looks like that tovid is another option  OK will ring in the after I have a few things you might want10:21
kevevCrimsun: replacing files and rebooting now.10:22
main2is there a mplayer repository for dapper?10:22
tdnAs default an 5% of an ext3 file system is reserved for root. How do I change this to 0% when the filesystem already is created and contain data that I do not want to loose? Can I use tune2fs?10:22
yehwehchriso: Im sorry I did not understand what you jus said can you please explain10:22
chrisoyehweh the probolem is i can not open any options from administration tools10:22
godlygeeksanityx: I don't use it, but if i had to guess, 'rm ~/penguintv' or something similar would probably do it.10:22
zcat[1] johnt, got any spare ram? I've got a few mobos here that need some :)10:22
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sanityxgodlygeek, ill try it10:22
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wilozcat[1] : could you pastebin ur repo's10:22
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johntzcat[1] :how is 256 sdram10:23
Slartnon|inear: firewall is included.. iptables... there are gui fronts to manage it (or you can do it using the command line, man iptables) .. malware makers aren't that interested in linux computers yet.. haven't seen anything targeting us.. antivirus software exists for linux.. clamav is one... but those are mostly used when you share windows files...10:23
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dpsAnyone know where i can get  a 2.6.21 kernel build?10:23
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yehwehchriso: Try typing sudo network-admin  in terminal10:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gusty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:23
chrisoyehweh ok i try to have net on my ubuntu\10:23
crimsunno, gutsy tracks .22.10:23
zcat[1] wilo, ummm.. at the moment they're all just the default nz ones. Haven't needed to use au since I upgraded to feisty..10:24
sanityxgodlygeek, it blew way all my feeds, but the layout is still wrecked10:24
chrisoyehweh how i can get typing screen ?10:24
kirkunitgusty gibbon? Ubuntu with beans?10:24
non|inearslart: cool, thanks, just installed ubuntu and haven't looked around yet really :)10:24
crimsunkirkunit: no, not guSty.  GuTsy.10:24
non|inearthought i should check into firewall first cause jsut got netowrk going10:24
SnapLinuxjust installed nvida settings but cant find them to save my life10:24
zcat[1] gusty? hehe.. do gibbons like beans and friend onions?10:24
zcat[1] err fried!!10:24
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jarrettSnapLinux: type nvidia-settings into the terminal10:25
simon_Hello. Until last restart Desktop effects in Feisty worked fine. Now i only get: "desktop effects can't be enabled". In between i had some trouble with my graphic driver and had to reinstall it. Does someone know how to troubleshoot this and what may be the problem. I got kind of attached to the desktop effects... thanks for help10:25
yehwehchriso:click applications>accessories>terminal10:25
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ompaulsimon_, I would suggest #ubuntu-effects for that10:25
Slartnon|inear: you're welcome.. I use a dedicated box for NAT/firewall so I don't use the firewall on my desktop. I've heard firestarter is a reasonable program to setup the iptables firewall... haven't tried it myself though10:25
kevevcrimsun: rebooting. brb.10:26
chrisoyehweh ok i need to type password10:26
johntzcat[1] :how about 256meg sdram chip10:26
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imbecilecan someone point me to help in setting up ssl?10:26
zcat[1] johnt, sweet...10:26
SnapLinuxworks thanks no  icon to launch it?10:26
zcat[1] you have one spare?10:26
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johntzcat[1]  yes10:26
ompaulimbecile, what is the issue10:26
yehwehchriso:  Type the password you used as your root password ( The one you setup when you installed ubuntu)10:27
chrisoyehweh can i type any password ?10:27
telejedianyone familiar in vdserver/feisty ???10:27
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brittdoes feisty have a powerpc port yet?10:27
imbecileompaul,  I just want my internet sessions to be encrypted and i know nothing on setting up ssl10:27
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zcat[1] I ran a memtest on all the ram in fluffy 'cos it keeps crashing.. two of three sticks failed :( now I have three good sticks in but two are 100mhz and one's 133.. so it still keeps crashing :(10:27
SnapLinuxjarrett: works thankyou..... is there not an icon somewhere?10:27
ompaulimbecile, which sessions?10:28
jarrettSnapLinux: no, but you can always make one that runs that command if you would like10:28
chrisoyehweh problem is i did not type any root password10:28
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Slartnon|inear: and, despite what I said about malware creators not being interested in linux, there are from time to time security flaws in linux applications that makes you vulnerable... the flaws are often fixed quit quickly, just use the auto updater and update when it tells you to, but I'd recommend using the firewall just to get a second line of defence against the uglies10:28
ompaul!root | chriso10:28
ubotuchriso: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:28
Noonankevev, alright i can do that. thanks alot for the help, appreciate it.10:28
johntzcat[1]  Did Sue give you that other ram I dropped around???10:28
yehwehchriso:  Is this a live cd? or did you install it on to your hdd?10:28
SnapLinuxnot much adjustment here anyways10:28
imbecileompaul,  emails etc.. im trying to prevent possible ARP cache poisoning and stuff of the sorts10:28
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wilocan anyone recommend security repo's for ubuntu edgy?10:29
ompaulimbecile, that is a matter for the service provider10:29
zcat[1] johnt yeah, I think that's what I replaced my bad ram with :)10:29
chrisoyehweh on my hdd10:29
johntzcat[1]  Did Sue give you that other ram I dropped around???10:29
predaeushow does gnome-btdownload handle seeding? will it just try to seed all previously downloaded files when downloading a new one, or just the current downloading file? so far I couldn't find any info on the web.10:29
ompaulimbecile, if they don't provide an actually already secure system you are not going to be able to suddenly add ssh/ssl to it10:29
SnapLinuxgoing to try xorg instead this will delete nvida settings for some reason10:29
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mwewilo: security.ubuntu.com10:29
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johntzcat[1]  sorry10:29
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chrisoyehweh i really do not remember any password10:30
imbecileompaul, thanks10:30
johntzcat[1]  I know that 256 is working so that will help you a little bit I guess10:30
zcat[1] johnt; funny story. Sue just found some jules riding CD's on trademe, and the seller turns out to be.. Jules Riding.10:30
godlygeekchriso: you should need to type it whenever you log in to gnome10:30
Slartpredaeus: I think it downloads the file and then seeds that file as long as you keep the window open.. that's the way the original bittorrent client works at least10:30
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teclishello, I have problem with feisty. Sometimes after startup, the windows have no borders and no titlebar. The only workaround which helps is enable desktop effects and disable them. Is this a known bug?10:30
zcat[1] john: a lot!!10:30
h4wkWhere do i install new fonts to?10:30
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predaeusSlart, ic thanks for the info. I also asked in ##gnome, will come back to you if I get any info10:31
mwewhat is the most likely hardware failure to cause a computer to randomly freeze?10:31
chrisogodlygeek i did not login to gnome i think so10:31
yehwehchriso:  I cant think of a way in which you can install ubuntu w/o a passwd. Well, it is part of the installation process! Think hard you will probably remeber it10:31
johntzcat[1]  That is delf marketing to the MAXX!!10:31
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Slarth4wk: I think you can start nautilus and type fonts:// in the address thing10:31
Madpiloth4wk, ~/.fonts10:31
Madpilotubotu, fonts | h4wk10:31
ubotuh4wk: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:31
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ompaulmwe, ram10:31
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SouljahI need help with the mv command I want to a folder to the /usr/share/amsn/plugins folder. how do i do that10:32
Slartmwe: I'd go with overheating or bad memory of some kind10:32
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non|inearnonwhat about a good bittorrent client.. i use utorrent in xp but no linux port10:32
Madpilotmwe, fubar'd motherboard did that to me10:32
chrisoyehweh hmm ok i will try to install ubuntu again10:32
wilomwe: sweet, what is the command for editing repo.conf?10:32
keve1Crimson: what did you want me to put in the alsa-base file?10:32
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mweI'll check the ram to begin with10:32
wilowedit somethign something...10:32
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zcat[1] johnt: not a bad idea I guess.. a bit of competition too, she bid on two cd's and already got outbid one one of them10:32
yehwehchriso:  BTW what is the password you use to login to the system ,,, naah dont reinstall the syustem10:32
predaeus!torrent | non|inear10:32
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ubotunon|inear: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html10:32
mwewilo: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list10:32
Slartnon|inear: azureus... you can run utorrent using wine.. there are others but nothing as shiny and windows-like10:32
mwewilo: should be there by default, though.10:33
kahrytanchriso: Write down password.10:33
johntzcat[1]  It cant be the seller then??10:33
predaeusnon|inear there is also gnome-btdownload as a very basic client. Azureus has the most features I think10:33
Slartnon|inear: I think there's something for KDE too.. ktorrent or something like that10:33
kirkunitsouljah: mv folder /usr/share/amsn/plugins/10:33
non|inearslari, yea i read that but i'n not too keen on emulating windows stuff lol10:33
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ompaulSouljah, well it depends on where the data is but this is mostly how it is done: mv /what/you/want/to/move* /to/where/you/want/to/move/it : and prefix that with sudo if you need special (read superuser) powers to make it happen10:33
wilomwe: wilo@wilo-desktop:~$ wilo: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list10:33
wilobash: wilo:: command not found10:33
non|ineari can just reboot for that heh10:33
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crimsunkeve1: nothing10:33
mwewilo: don't type wilo10:33
crimsunkeve1: does it work as-is currently?10:33
non|inearmaybe i'll try azerus, tried it in xp and liked utorrent better, but might be the best here10:34
Madpilotwilo, don't put your username in there10:34
keve1crimsun: nope10:34
keve1no sound10:34
wilorofl lol whoops my bad10:34
Slartnon|inear: azureus works.. but it's a monster compared to utorrent..10:34
Souljahkirkunit and ompaul this is what i type in: mv aMSN Live-1.0 -vt /usr/share/amsn/plugins10:34
Souljahis that right10:34
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crimsunkeve1: ok, what if you modprobe -r snd_hda_intel && modprobe snd_hda_intel model=auto  ?10:34
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zcat[1] johnt, no, another buyer outbid. Sie was going to put up her bid but now she's realised the seller is Jules himself, she figures he'll probably list another CD as soon as this one's sold.. so just wait for it :)10:34
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non|inearslari: what do u mean monster, u mean like size or mem use10:34
yehwehchriso:  When I said what is your passwd I did not mean to ask! (Obviously duh!) I meant try it. LOL10:35
kahrytannon|inear: Utorrent is designed to work in WINE.10:35
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non|inearanyone here use utorrent in wine10:35
ompaulSouljah, it can be done but the -vt should be before the first directory or file10:35
keve1FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.10:35
Slartnon|inear: uses lots of memory, but also has lots of nice features..10:35
kahrytannon|inear: i DO10:35
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johntzcat[1]  good thinking :-))10:35
crimsunkeve1: so do it from a console, and/or kill what's using the audio device first10:35
chrisoyehweh i know login and password but when i typing password it is wrong10:35
SouljahThe folder which is aMSN Live-1.0 is on the desktop. I've all ready cd'd to my desktop10:35
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Souljahso I would have to put -vt before the source?10:36
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ompaulSouljah, so that works, but you don't need it10:36
keve1crimsun: did it from the console10:36
Souljahok let me try10:36
crimsunkeve1: did you log out of gdm/kdm first?10:36
ompaulSouljah, it is not necessary10:36
non|inearwell, i kinda lwant something that i can leave running while working or playing pj64 LOL (like utorrent)10:36
zcat[1] johnt, so did you apt-get install devede yet?10:36
non|ineardoes utorrent/wine use a lot of resources10:36
keve1crimsun: no.10:36
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crimsunkeve1: do so.10:37
SnapLinuxinstalled the x.org driver there a config panel for it?10:37
Souljahompaul this is what it tells me: mv: accessing `aMSN': No such file or directory10:37
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SouljahaMSN is not the whole file and driections. Live-1.0 is in it too10:37
zcat[1] ewww, don't run windows torrent clients under wine... gross!10:37
wilomwe: this is wat i have atm: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19590/10:37
ompaulSouljah, do mv aMSN* /target (where target is where you want it10:37
non|inearwhile i'm at it... does anyone know of any software that is compatible or at least similar in functionality to sigmaplot and coreldraw?10:37
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johntzcat[1]  No the computer I want to install on is in use (supertux of all things)10:37
wilobut it doesn't work10:37
kirkunitsouljah: mv aMSN\ Live-1.010:37
kahrytannon|inear: Not like that java client10:37
MadpilotSouljah, type aMSN then hit the TAB key10:37
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zcat[1] johnt, yeah, cairo wants to kick me off this one too :)10:38
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yehwehchriso:  Try to figure the password out ny friend coz w/o that you cant do much. Ill be back in 5.10:38
predaeusSouljah, you need to put a "\" infront of spaces in file names. else the command thinks it is 2 different files10:38
kahrytannon|inear: I can play videos w/o using utorrent.10:38
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zcat[1] so she can play secondlife!10:38
johntzcat[1]  Durned women!!!10:38
predaeusSouljah, or put the whole name in "...."10:38
kahrytan*w/ using utorrent10:38
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wilozcat[1] : this is the security repo's i got : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19590/10:38
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Souljahin quotes10:38
wilodoes tat look right?10:38
Souljahlet me try10:38
Souljahok this is what it showed: mv: accessing `aMSN': No such file or directory10:39
Souljahso it happened?10:39
Souljahit worked?10:39
non|inearkahrytan: cool like graphics intensive games?  i just have a 915gm/whatever, 910  blah video so i don't go crazy, but i do like oot10:39
Souljahnot that10:39
Souljah`/usr/share/amsn/plugins' -> `aMSN Live-1.0/plugins'10:39
zcat[1] ummm.. I think so..10:40
kahrytannon|inear: It just needs memory for cache. It doesn't to much cpu10:40
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non|inearoh ok cool10:40
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Dandrehello all,10:40
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h4wkmkdir: cannot create directory `/home/h4wk/.fonts': No such file or directory10:40
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kahrytannon|inear: And it supports protocol encryption10:41
h4wkThat error is so stupid :P10:41
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Dandreis there any possibility to run ubuntu live from a usb key?10:41
non|inearmaybe i'll try wine and uorrent10:41
keve1what is the command to load the module again?10:41
aftertafmodprobe [module] 10:41
keve1crimsun: ?10:41
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zcat[1] I use rtorrent.. I can leave it running in screen and log off that way.. who needs a GUI?!!10:41
Souljahompaul :(.. it moved the /usr/share/amsn/plugins folder inside the aMSN folder on my desktop10:42
non|inearin lunix, is it possible to use disk utils like defrag and check disk on ntfs, and ivce versa?10:42
Souljahhow did that happen10:42
non|inearso wine is a pc emulator?10:42
rausb0zcat[1] : screen(1) is king!10:42
non|ineari mean windows10:42
aftertafnot exactly10:42
crimsunkeve1: modprobe snd_hda_intel model=auto10:42
zcat[1] non|inear, Probably not in lunix .. perhaps in Linux though10:42
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keve1crimsun: ahh I was doing mode=. thanks10:43
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non|inearzcat can i really10:43
ompaulSouljah, ehh then you did not read what I said. mv works as mv what-needs-to-be-moved to-where-it-needs-to-be-moved10:43
aftertafoops, orgot the top level domain*10:43
elifednon|inear, more like libraries and system calls10:43
non|inearcauswe i got some stuff i gotta take care of10:43
SnapLinuxbahh the x.org driver hosed x windows10:43
Souljaharrgghh.. ok.. ompaul is there an undo operation10:43
Parmenionhey guys, how do i setup a greeting for myself when i open a terminal ?10:43
Souljahof what i just did10:43
ompaulSouljah, no just move it the way i said - so you mv the stuff to where you want it10:43
MindOfChaoswtf do you want a greeting for?10:44
zcat[1] ahh, not for ntfs, I wouldn't think.. except perhaps using windows defrag in windows in a virtual machine10:44
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ParmenionMindOfChaos: i just want it to spit a greeting to me when i open a terminal10:44
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Parmenionthats all ... something like those fortune files10:44
aftertaffor data partitions id recommend using ext3 and IFS on Windows10:44
zcat[1] I think there's a linux defrag program for fat32 somewhere.. there's one for ext2 iirc..10:44
non|ineari just have like 34923748237 tiny questions, sorry guys, haven't used a linux distribution lke this before10:44
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MindOfChaosParmenion learn to edit the source code10:44
keve1crimson: nope10:45
ParmenionMindOfChaos: I do :P i just need to know which file to meddle with10:45
jarrettParmenion: edit .bashrc in your home10:45
Parmenionthanks jarrett10:45
SnapLinuxso easy on my old laptop but my new one driving me crazy10:46
yokomoI am having problems installing ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop.  It gets to squashfs and starts to lead, then my screen goes black and nothing loads.  any ideas?10:46
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non|inearsomeone in here earlier said there was something so you could write to ntfs, it was a plugin or something?  is that a good way?  i don't want fat disks10:46
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aftertafuse ext3 instead then!!!10:46
aftertafwindows can read and write to them with a driver installed.10:47
non|inearwell i want to share with xp10:47
zcat[1] !ntfs-3g | non|inear10:47
ubotunon|inear: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:47
SnapLinuxits like they purposly built that thing stricly for windows ...it just fights linux everywhere10:47
non|ineari have to actually, cause i need xp for work10:47
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non|inearis  ntfs-3g fast/reliabel10:47
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keve1Crimson: I got work tomorrow. tired. Can we try again tomorrow?10:47
lkthomasdoes kmail have anything better than thunderbird ?10:47
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Souljahok it worked. thanks ompaul.10:47
non|inearlike if i want to move 20 gb while surfing the web and checking email10:47
ompaulSouljah, np10:47
Souljahalso ompaul i managed to mess up my usplash image10:48
Souljahit's removed10:48
Souljahhow can i add it back10:48
zcat[1] there's also an ext3 driver for windows.. so you can share either filesystem.. using ext3 under windows is probably safer though since that driver was written for a documented filesystem10:48
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aftertafnon|inear: you can avoid ntfs.... http://www.fs-driver.org/10:48
crimsunkeve1: I'll likely be busy, but sure.10:48
ompaul!usplash  | Souljah10:48
ubotuSouljah: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork10:48
keve1crimsun: thanks. lates.10:49
non|inearwell i want ntfs drives cause i think it would be more stable and faster for XP, i have to do a buch of data analysis and simulations for work10:49
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yehwehchriso: any luck with the password?10:49
non|ineark i'll check it out thnkx10:49
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aftertaflol, you said XP and stable in the same phrase :)10:49
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non|inearand BTW, this community is great, thank you all so much, i would be nowhere with this without the community10:49
aftertafditto that10:50
Parmenionthanks jarrett10:50
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jarrettnon|inear: the driver is stable, read up on it a little http://www.ntfs-3g.org/10:50
jarrettParmenion: np, glad i could help10:50
non|ineari'll check it out rite now10:50
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jackieHi!! I want to install ubuntu on an existing partioning schema without formatting /. However the installation complains that it *needs* to format /10:50
aftertafnon|inear: for info... i ve been usingIFS  for a while now, and the rapidity of data access from xp is very fast, IMHO much more than ntfs10:50
aftertafjust an impression..... but yeah10:51
non|inearthat would be great10:51
aftertaffor accessing a 30gb partition of mp3s. Its much faster opening explorer10:51
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zcat[1] If you don't format / it's likely to leave all kinds of crap (old libraries and stuff) all over the place...10:51
aftertafyou format your drive, boot to windows, instal ifs, mount the drive as a letter and basta10:52
jackiezcat[1]  I know... that's the idea..10:52
non|ineari just sent like 3 weeks optimizing and tweaking for xp, so dpn't wanna slow things down with my freetime stuff lol10:52
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aftertafgive it a try....10:52
non|inearoh yea, how can i play mp3s?10:52
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moDumasshey all, im having strange issues, i am trying to "/home/evilsherpa/Desktop/Songbird_0_2_5_linux-i686.tar.gz" but i get an error10:52
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sampbar_then search for songbird10:53
moDumassmv: cannot stat `Songbird_0_2_5_linux-i686.tar.gz': No such file or directory10:53
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zcat[1] jackie: no, the idea is to put /home on a different partition so you can cleanly reinstall without losing the stuff you actually want to keep10:53
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moDumassits on my desktop10:53
zcat[1] !codecs | non|inear10:53
ubotunon|inear: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:53
sampbar_moDumass: getdebs.com then search for songbird and use the .deb10:53
yokomoI can't get 7.04 to install on my laptop.  I dl'd the i386 ubuntu desktop iso, ran md5sum check on it.  it checks out ok.  tried checking cd in menu.  THAT checked out ok.  Everytime I try to install, it gets to squashfs and my monitor turns black and the machine completely stops.  suggestions?10:53
aftertafyokomo: do you have a SATA controller?10:54
non|ineari'm sure i could figour it out in like 2 secs on google or forums, but it's so easy to ask10:54
moDumassand im using term from user@user-desktop:~$10:54
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non|inearthanks guys10:54
karimfayezhey guys...10:54
yokomoaftertaf  don't believe so....10:54
sampbar_moDumass: use the deb10:54
aftertafok. dont know then....10:54
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aftertafok. im outta here )10:54
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karimfayezi have a laoptop dell inspiron 6400 with an ati card device..it doesnt boot into the graphical interface..what to do??10:55
eckyokomo: you might just want to try using the alternate cd10:55
crimsunkarimfayez: use the alternate installer if the desktop installer fails.  Then enable fglrx.10:55
crdlband if fglrx fails...10:55
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:55
yokomowhat's on the alternate cd?10:55
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal10:56
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moDumasssampbar what is getdebs.com?10:56
sampbar_moDumass: a website with .debs on10:56
non|inearthe alternate cd is rad... i couldn't get the stupid desktop one to work10:56
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karimfayezhow to enable fglrx???10:56
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zcat[1] yokomo, if you press F1 at the boot prompt there's a bunch of options; I think one of them is using vesa instead of the ati drivers which might help you10:56
yokomohow would that be any different other than it's a text based installer?10:57
yokomozcat[1] : really?  ok10:57
moDumasssampbar i get this http://www.google.com.au/search?q=getdebs.com&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&client=firefox-a10:57
yokomoi will try that10:57
zcat[1] from memory... :)10:57
moDumassor this http://www.getdebs.com/10:57
moDumassserver not found10:57
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non|inearwell, i was able to get initrd and vmlinux files that let me install from my hd which was fast and cool10:57
zcat[1] or save vga mode?10:57
moDumassBTW sorry if im just being ultra slow10:57
zcat[1] saFe vga mode..10:58
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non|inearbut u could do those with the desktop cd too10:58
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karimfayezcrimsun how do i enable fglrx??10:59
aldaekim having problems updating to ubuntu 7.04. im getting the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)10:59
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jeremybBo0m: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23087010:59
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jeremybanyone have a timezone for him?11:00
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non|ineark... how do i kill a process11:01
aldaekDST should be voted out, imho!11:01
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jeremybaldaek: why?11:01
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jeremybnon|inear: try kill11:01
karimfayezanybody knows how to enable fglrx???11:01
sampbar_sorry its: http://www.getdeb.net/11:01
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non|inearis ther a way on the gui11:02
zcat[1] non|inear, in the gui, alt-F2 xkill and you ket a kill cursor.. will kill whatever you click on.11:02
non|inearok cool11:02
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HOTopen a terminal and type xkill then click the application11:02
non|inearoh alt-f2 is rad11:02
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aldaekthe change should be unnecessary11:02
jeremybisn't there a keyboard shortcut for the same cursor11:02
aldaeki know it saves energy and all.11:02
zcat[1] HOT, terminal?11:02
aldaekim having problems updating to ubuntu 7.04. im getting the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)11:02
HOTor alt + f211:02
zcat[1] hehe.. terminal window scares newb's .. I try to avoid suggesting it :)11:03
non|inearkinda like alt + tab11:03
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non|inearwhat is shortcut for copy and paste11:03
HOTaltough alt f2 is actually term in a nice gzli wrapper11:03
DBFTis it only me who Gnome XChat has no user list? :@11:03
zcat[1] ^C / ^V just like 'doze11:03
jeremybctrl-c; ctrl-v don't work?11:03
Souljahon the terminal11:03
ParmenionDBFT: same here :Pi11:03
Souljahctrl c doesn't work11:04
aldaekyou mean, microvell?11:04
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Possummiddle click11:04
DBFThow do I get it parmenion? :P11:04
jeremybnon|inear: throw in a shift11:04
crdlbDBFT: you have to click the button in the bottom left11:04
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jarrettDBFT: i also use gnome xchat11:04
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non|inearit wasn't working in terminal or the openoffice word thing11:04
scriptdevilHow long does ubuntu take to boot?11:04
sampbar:) my wireless is working11:04
Parmenionno idea DBFT ...it isnt on xchat either11:04
non|inearctrl+shift+c lol11:04
zcat[1] terminal is an odd case since ^c and so on already have a purpose there..11:04
non|ineari need more fingers11:04
DBFTi think i'll switch to normal xchat if you dont get a userlist :p11:04
Possumhilight then middle click!!!11:04
Parmenionscriptdevil: depends ... under 20s for me11:04
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ParmenionDBFT: it isnt there under normal xchat either11:04
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scriptdevilParmenion: not bad.. gentoo takes about 12-14 on mine..11:05
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DBFTit is, I just formatted-  I used to use xchat and it wa sthere11:05
PossumHilight is COPYmiddle click is PASTE -- it is built into X11:05
jamie greetings11:05
jamie[10:04]  <jamie> looking for help with wifi (ipw3945) which has broken after an update, anyone free and willing?11:05
scriptdevilParmenion: so i expected about 30 for ubuntu11:05
DBFTI just decided to try this one since it was on the list :)11:05
aldaekim having problems updating to ubuntu 7.04. im getting the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)11:05
johntzcat[1]  Durned women!!!11:05
zcat[1] I was quite surprised to discover you can drag and drop highlighted text, even from one app to another..11:05
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Possumblah, this shell is really slow connection11:05
adbhi, anyone understand udev stuff in feisty? my palm pilot configuration no longer works after the upgrade11:05
DBFTanyway, onto my real question11:06
Parmenionscriptdevil: my laptop :P ... my mother's p3 takes around 15s from coldboot to login11:06
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Possumyea, dragndrop works too... but hilight and MIDDLECLICKis VERYuseful11:06
DBFTi've installed xampp for quick testing - but i had to install it as root (sudo) so i cant actually change files inside the htdocs directory11:06
zcat[1] johnt, she still hogging the machine?11:06
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adbbefore files such as /dev/ttyUSB1 etc must have been created11:06
scriptdevilParmenion: mine is a p4-2.8gz with a one gig ram11:06
aldaekim having problems updating to ubuntu 7.04. im getting the following error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2). google is not enlightening me on how to fix it. any leads?11:06
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DBFThow would i give myself permission to edit inside /opt/lampp/htdocs11:06
PossumAm I on ignore? XD11:06
johntzcat[1]  I still cant get to the puter but I had a read of the devede and it seems simple enough even for me to use so I will do that tommorrow I think11:06
jamieis this the right place to scream HELP?11:06
scriptdevilaldaek: dont repeat...11:07
ParmenionDBFT: precede your command with sudp11:07
aldaekjamie, not sure. ask the question you have.11:07
non|ineartyea theres tons of awesome features.. when i first tried ubuntu, i wondered how anyone could use ms anymore when this is so much more powerful and functoinal... and way easier once you get the hang of things11:07
jamiealdaek: ipw3945 broke after update11:07
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aldaekim still trying to update to 7.04 with a fetch error11:07
DBFTbut i dont want to do that every time11:07
jamiealdaek: and i have exhausted my capacity to understand why i can sort it11:07
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adbnow i get a bunch of flles named /dev/usbdev1.15_ep0 etc11:07
johntzcat[1]  Yes and I am scared of her lol11:07
zcat[1] john, cool.. yeah, it was pretty easy here. Generates an iso I think for dvd .. bin and cue file for vcd's since they're not just a plain filesystem. Just rightclick the iso or cue file and burn it to a disk as normal..11:07
Parmenionjamie: whats the problem ?11:08
jeremybadb: not files11:08
PossumDBFT, you can get a root shell with sudo -i or sudo su11:08
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jamieParmenion: ipw3945 stopped working after an update, feisty, thus wireless is hosed11:08
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sampbarmoDumass: hows it going?11:08
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DBFTok, im not going to be working on the terminal the whole time though11:08
DBFTis my point11:08
Parmenionjamie: ipw3945 is your wireless card's driver ?11:08
scriptdevilthe only thing i am worried about is.. i dont wanna find ubuntu  too easy.. it will feel like being back at ms.. i am 100% sure, i willl join the bug testers11:09
jamieParmenion: yes11:09
DBFTi need to set permission so i can do it from within gui applications11:09
Parmenionjamie: try using ndiswrapper to work through11:09
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SnapLinuxhardware vendors really need to offer better linux support......broadcoms' reluctance, and outright sabatoge driving me nuts11:09
tondarwhat is the best osx dock imitator out there?11:09
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scriptdevilDBFT: i think you can do xhost + localhost11:09
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scriptdeviltondar: gdesklets?11:09
ParmenionSnapLinux: true ... but you can get around Broadcom ... dont like it though . too much of work11:09
adbjeremyb: what are they? and why are there 5 of them?11:09
zcat[1] SnapLinux, perhaps you need to offer less support to broadcom by not buying their crap? :)11:09
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Possumtondar, "best" is difficult... a lot of people will say kiba-dock or engage11:10
DBFTsorry, scriptdevil?11:10
doronhi, my system is overall slugish and when I start ZappingTV or Ktv ubuntu freezes and I need to reboot, how can I debug this ?11:10
jeremybadb: block devices?  idk11:10
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ideasman_42hey guys11:10
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jeremybadb: stat them if you want to know11:10
SnapLinuxzcat[1]  most laptops using bc wireless11:10
ideasman_42Im just installing ubuntu on my dads laptop11:10
doronthat problem appeared only in the past few days11:10
tondarI should rephrase that, which is the easiest (installation)??11:10
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yehwehtondar: Well some people disagree with me. But if you want an imitator for os x dock try avn with beryl on11:10
zcat[1] SnapLinux, yeah, I noticed that.. damn annoying11:10
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SnapLinuxi bught the laptop not the wireless card11:11
jamieParmenion: do you think that the way to go instead of trying to compile a new driver11:11
TShadowHi to all11:11
ideasman_42and its only got 256 meg of ram. aparently thats a minimum. but it seems to be too little11:11
Possumyehweh, avn? I'll have to look that up >.>11:11
HOTtondar: i found avn to be pretty good and simple to set up11:11
Myrttiideasman_42: try xubuntu11:11
tondaryehweh: actually using that right now, but not alot of flexibility11:11
Parmenionjamie: its easier to use ndiswrapper11:11
ideasman_42Myrtti, does the installer use less ram?11:11
ParmenionAFAIK though11:11
TShadowexcuse me, are there someone who know frost well ?11:11
tondarHOT: yeah me too but read my reason for it11:11
Parmenionideasman_42: use xubuntu alternate11:11
scriptdevilideasman_42: use the alternate installer.. needs only 64mb ram11:12
yehwehaah I know but that the best we have right now ;)11:12
ideasman_42wow ;)11:12
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=== jeremyb hands Possum an -C flag
kust0mideasman_42: the whole distro uses less memory with xubuntu because it doesn't run gnome.11:12
ideasman_42and there is no way to get the normal installer to run slicker?11:12
jamieParmenion: i will try11:12
zcat[1] 256m is barely enough to run the gui installer.. I'd use alternate11:12
ideasman_42Eg, load X11, no gnome11:12
scriptdevilkust0m: fluxbuntu is gonna be the hack11:12
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tondaryehweh: how do I add some launchers to it?11:12
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kust0mideasman_42: that's why you use the alternate..heh11:12
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tondarhey PriceChild11:12
Possumjeremyb, :P11:12
ideasman_42kust0m, and theres only alternate for xubuntu?11:13
kust0mscriptdevil: absolutely. i bet the install is WAY smaller too.11:13
yehwehcoz I used kiba and it sucked. I hated it11:13
tondartondar == hadiriazi11:13
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scriptdevilideasman_42: fluxubuntu is my best bet.. but it isnt outta beta11:13
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kust0mideasman_42: no, there's an alternate for ubuntu as well11:13
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yehwehdrag and drop simple11:13
scriptdevilkust0m: iso is only 309mb11:13
SnapLinuxM$ paid broadcom a huge chunk of money to not support linux knowing almost 90% of laptops would use those wifi cards11:13
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tondarHOT: any ideas? adding launchers to avn?11:13
kust0mscriptdevil: that's like .. barely bigger than the server install..if it's even bigger11:13
ideasman_42Another option for me is to enable swap before X launches11:13
jarrettSnapLinux: im not surprised11:14
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kust0mSnapLinux: that's uber lame. i have broadcom in my lappy.11:14
tondarsorry folks brb11:14
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yehwehtondar: Drag and drop the stuff you want to add tothe launcher11:14
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ubuntubeginzhi, initially i didnt have swap partition.. so i went back to windows and resized my ubuntu partition to 2 parts...one for the current ubuntu...and the other for the linux swap partition.. how do i configure the ubuntu to recognize the swap partition now...thanks11:14
HOTtondar: i just drag them onto the bar11:14
sampbaruse ndiswrapper or the native drivers11:14
scriptdevilkust0m: i am downloading that now.. but i will switch to evilwm11:14
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ideasman_42thanks guys! - Ill poke about11:14
tondaryehweh: yeah but how about show desktop and network ststus??11:14
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HOTmy broadcom was up and working in one paste into terminal with fiesty, must have got lucky...11:14
zcat[1] SnapLinux, getting OT here, but you know protected media path has very little to do with DRM and everything to do with getting manufacturers to build hardware that's anti-linux by design11:14
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tondarHOT: from where do you drag them?11:15
scriptdevilubuntubeginz: is ubuntu installed?11:15
kust0mHOT: but was it working well?11:15
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zcat[1] MSFT piss me off..11:15
HOTtondar: from the gnome bar i left at the top11:15
SnapLinuxive got mine working but i get dialup performance out of it11:15
yehwehoppps dont know :D never tried11:15
ubuntubeginzscriptdevil: yeah..i am in ubuntu envrionement now11:15
HOTkust0m: yes i get full througout11:15
tondarHOT: same as me11:15
ideasman_42Btw, I really love ubunto, my girlfriend left her job and works at home using ubuntu for admin work... she likes also11:15
HOTerm throughput11:15
tondarHOT: you have a desktop show too?11:15
scriptdevilswapon /dev/hdXY11:15
kust0mSnapLinux: someone else here said the same thing about theirs.11:15
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scriptdevilubuntubeginz: swapon device name11:15
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tondarHOT: also I want my home dir to be there too11:15
dexI'm having some troubles with GStreamer, can anyone help?11:16
SnapLinuxunder sabayon it works great out of the box11:16
HOTtondar: drag from places / home onto the avn bar11:16
SnapLinuxbut i cant stand sabayons package manager11:16
ubuntubeginzscriptdevil : but i cant see the swap partition....or where to find it...11:16
tondarHOT: will try11:16
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jarrettdex: dont ask to ask, just ask, if someone knows they will let you know11:16
SnapLinuxconfusing as all getout11:16
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HOTtondar: it works i just did it11:16
tondarHOT: thanks11:17
scriptdevilubuntubeginz: sudo fdisk -l?11:17
tondarHOT: yeah11:17
adbah - should have googled a bit more. in feisty you have to explicitly load the visor module - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/9932911:17
tondarHOT: how about show desktop11:17
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dexjarrett: ok...11:17
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HOTtondar: no, it executes the command when i try to drag it, i can probly get it to work though11:18
SnapLinuxive been giving away all my desktops im going all laptop11:18
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kfarrellHello, I've run beryl-manager, but my windows have no frames. What have I forgotten?11:18
cyphaseis it possible to create an ncurses interface in bash?11:18
kust0mSnapLinux: wait till you decide to upgrade a laptop..and can't11:18
tondarHOT: plz do so, once done tell me how11:18
tondarHOT: thanks11:18
scriptdevilubuntubeginz: you can pm me11:18
crdlbkfarrell: #ubuntu-effects11:19
scriptdevilubuntubeginz: if you want~11:19
zcat[1] SnapLinux, I'd be happy with just one laptop.. mine barely runs, and something stops working every time I move it :(11:19
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SnapLinuxkust0m dont need to upgrade just get new one11:19
kust0mSnapLinux: What can I say..I'm cheap.11:19
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ubuntubeginzscriptdevil:hi..i have run that command... so how do knoe that it is werking now11:20
zcat[1] I think one day I'm gonna back the car over it and get a new one on insurance..11:20
SnapLinuxpfft my amd 64 x2 under 800 bucks11:20
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scriptdevilubuntubeginz: do a sudo fdisk -l .. find out the partition name which is swap.11:20
kust0mSnapLinux: When I bought my Athlon 64 3400 it was a pretty sick laptop. Too bad it was like $1800.11:20
SnapLinux80 gig drive a gig of ram.....i wont need new machine till it breaks11:20
scriptdevilubuntubeginz: then mkswap /dev/(partition name say hda2)11:20
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ubuntubeginzscriptdevil: yeah i have typed the swapon command ordi11:21
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kust0mubuntubeginz: run 'sudo cat /proc/meminfo' and see if it lists any swap then11:21
SnapLinuxid like to replace the wifi card it doable but more expensive than its worth11:22
zcat[1] you don't have to sudo that11:22
yehwehSnapLinux: Thats what I said when I had a 48611:22
kust0mzcat: wasn't sure.11:22
Shimetewhen i do anything with the sound control i get the following message, "no volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found" i need some help getting this to work...11:22
SnapLinuxi shipped off my dual p2 400 xeon off to a buddy in oregon11:22
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scriptdevilubuntubeginz: one sec..  http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-8.0-Manual/custom-guide/s1-swap-adding.html11:22
ubuntubeginzscriptdevil: yeah i have run /proc/meminfo cmd... i see a list of values...does this mean my swap is config11:23
scriptdevilubuntubeginz: it will help you11:23
SnapLinuxive got an athlon 750 left to give away11:23
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kust0mubuntubeginz: ok..try this 'cat /proc/meminfo | grep Swap'11:23
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SnapLinuxill be lrft with a p3 1ghz lappy and my presario lappy11:23
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SnapLinuxreloading fiesty on the amd64  i hosed up x windows but good last time lol11:24
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ubuntubeginzi get three values... swapcached | swaptotal |swapFree ...11:24
kust0mubuntubeginz: and what are the values for swaptotal and swapfree?11:25
zcat[1] ubuntubeginz, total is nonzero?11:25
scriptdevilkust0m: ubuntubeginz does any of them non zero11:25
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karimfayezhow to enable fglrx???11:25
scriptdevilzcat[1] : you beat me to it :P11:25
zcat[1] hehe11:25
jarrettShimete: what sound card are you using, and did it ever work before?11:25
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fieryclericsweet , running virtual feisty in qemu , slow but usable :)11:25
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jcolagroHi all11:26
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jcolagroI come back again11:26
jcolagroabout my ati rage mobility 128 problem with feisty fawn11:26
moDumasshmm, since the .tar.gz is on my desktop why is this not working "sudo mv Songbird_0_2_5_linux-i686.tar.gz /opt"11:26
ubuntubeginzthis are my values : swapCached:          0 kB     SwapTotal:     2104472 kB                 SwapFree:      2104472 k11:26
kust0mubuntubeginz: you're set.11:26
jcolagroI am unable to choose a correct driver to set-up my video card11:27
jcolagroproblem I did have with ubuntu 6.1011:27
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scriptdevilubuntubeginz: add it to ur boot in /etc/fstab11:27
mwemoDumass: what does it say?11:27
zcat[1] moDumass, you in ~/Desktop or just ~ ?11:27
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scriptdevilin /etc/fstab type /dev/hdXY               swap                    swap    defaults        0 011:29
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moDumass"modumass@modumass-desktop:~$" is where im at, and in term i type that command and it prints this mv: cannot stat `Songbird_0_2_5_linux-i686.tar.gz': No such file or directory11:29
zcat[1] moDumass, cd Desktop, then try again11:29
moDumasshaha, sorry im well, dim11:29
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zcat[1] fairly unimaginitave computer name too11:30
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AmyRoseWhy the heck does FreeNode keep sending me the ban list for this channel?11:30
KalElVZCan I ask a tech question here?11:31
zcat[1] !ask | KalElVZ11:31
ubotuKalElVZ: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:31
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moDumasszcat, super11:31
KalElVZ(d'oh! already made a mistake. grr.)11:31
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scriptdevilKalElVZ: everybody makes themm :D11:31
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zcat[1] KalElVZ, that's OK.. it's on a trigger 'cos we get that 5 times an hour around here..11:32
KalElVZalright, I'm trying to load up Ubuntu, and there's a REALLY loud screeching noise that comes up as it's loading. The computer freezes up, and I have to reboot. I tried loading in Recovery Mode; same thing.11:32
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=== SnapLinux asks to ask but not really ask
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KalElVZzcat-> lol11:32
scriptdevilKalElVZ: your cd drive11:32
KalElVZWhat about it?11:32
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scriptdevilsoftware doesnt make sounds11:33
kirkunitcan i ask if I can ask to ask?11:33
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zcat[1] kirkunit, can I slap you?11:33
scriptdevilkirkunit: i can tell you that you have to tell yourself to answer that11:33
SnapLinuxonly if your not really going to ask11:33
ubuntubeginzscriptdevil: oh the next time , i restart the swap partition will automatically configured rite...11:33
ubuntubeginzrestart the machine..11:33
scriptdevilubuntubeginz: if you added that to /etc/fstab11:33
zcat[1] ubuntubeginz, if your fstab is correct...11:33
LogiI've got a number of removable usb devices. I can have them autmotacially mounted when I plug them in by doing nothing and I can have them mounted in specific locations by adding them to /etc/fstab with a UUID=, but then they are no longer automatically mounted. Is there a way to have them automatically mounted in a specific location? A FM to R would be fine.11:33
KalElVZScriptDevil: so i need to do what to my CD drive in order for that to not happen?11:33
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scriptdevilKalElVZ: try some other cd11:34
Logiautomatically (monday morning syndrome... at elast I'm not trying to write code)11:34
scriptdevilcheck if there is the screeching noise...11:34
KalElVZSD: There's no CD in the drive though.11:34
KalElVZANd it only happens when I load Ubuntu. Not with windows.11:34
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zcat[1] KalElVZ, can you find out where's the sound coming from? PC speaker? external speakers? CPU fan?11:34
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moDumasszcat, how would i now extract it to the /opt directory?11:34
scriptdevilKalElVZ: you mean while installing ubuntu or using ubuntu11:34
zcat[1] moDumass, cd /opt ; sudo tar xzf whateveritwas.tar.gz11:35
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ttuuxxx does anyone have a spare business requirement document for a website?11:35
KalElVZzcat: it's a laptop, and it (sd-- using ubuntu) sounds like a mono sound, so i'm guessing the pc speaker11:35
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scriptdevilKalElVZ: sorry.. i thought the disk was doing it.. ok.. set mike volume to zero11:35
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KalElVZSD: Also, I've used Ubuntu just fine for a few weeks- it just started happening. How do I set it to 0 if I haven't even loaded the OS yet?11:36
ttuuxxxzcat it could be a driver, or your eq setting, or your sound setting, it can be a lot of things11:36
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scriptdevilKalElVZ: oops.... am confused..11:36
yehwehttuuxxx: what are you taling abt? If you are talking abt a BRD you are at a wring place11:36
KalElVZLol. So am I, my friend. :)11:36
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zcat[1] KalElVZ, sounds like the mike got turned on and you have feedback, if you wait (and ignore the sound) does it finish booting?11:37
KalElVZAlright so let me go try something. I'm going to leave the CD drive open, then just *allow* the screeching to go on and see if it'll continue booting.11:37
KalElVZOh. Right.11:37
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ttuuxxxso i'm yehweh do you have  a spare business requirement document for a website?11:37
KalElVZExactly what you said Zcat11:37
CheshireViking!install > CheshireViking11:37
scriptdevilzcat[1] : i wont say that because mikes dont cause an os to hang11:37
sarthorHi, i have install xchat-gnome 0.13 on my ubunutu, but i cant see the Buddy list on the side? tell me how to disply the buddy list. i can see it iwth ctrl+u but it get disapear soon.11:37
ubuntubeginzthanks scripdevil.... gonna restart the pc and see the *effect*11:37
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scriptdevilubuntubeginz: sure thing11:38
KalElVZWell I'll see what happens. Hopefully it'll work. I'll come back and let you guys know. Thanks a bunch! :)11:38
zcat[1] KalElVZ, ummm.. you're booting from the install cd? in that case the levels should be whatever they always were..11:38
KalElVZ(no booting from the hd)11:38
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scriptdevil:D i feel good down here.. and i havent even installed ubuntu yet :D11:38
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KalElVZtake care guys. ciao. be back in ... a while. :P11:38
sarthorHi, i have install xchat-gnome 0.13 on my ubunutu, but i cant see the Buddy list on the side? tell me how to disply the buddy list. i can see it iwth ctrl+u but it get disapear soon.11:38
=== Logi eyes Lopi_
zcat[1] KalElVZ, hmm.. yeah, see if it boots, then go to the mixer and see if mic is turned on11:38
LogiLopi_: your g is inverted mate :)11:39
SnapLinuxxchat going onto the 6411:39
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yehwehI do but am affraid I cant share... I will see if i can find a template ., sox compliant and all the works11:39
scriptdevilLogi: not if it was lopez11:39
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arghmmm i know this a question already asked but is there a way to suspend or hibernate with nvidia driver activated?11:39
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sarthorHi, i have install xchat-gnome 0.13 on my ubunutu, but i cant see the Buddy list on the side? tell me how to disply the buddy list. i can see it iwth ctrl+u but it get disapear soon.11:40
Lopi_is any programs (graphical program) what help me copy /home partition to the other disk or the other place?11:40
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snap64click the users button to the left of text  entry11:40
scriptdevilsarthor: you wil get a better answer at #xchat11:40
sarthorscriptdevil: OK, Thank you.11:40
arghmmm i know this a question already asked but is there a way to suspend or hibernate with nvidia driver activated? suspend2 could help?11:41
scriptdevilLopi_: say.. why nt just cp?11:41
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scriptdevilLopi_: or probably your file manager?11:41
jackieLopi_ copy -Rvf /home /other or tar -jcvf home.tar.bz /home and than cp the arhcive11:41
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moDumassi love it when i sort sh1t out on my own11:42
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moDumassrarely, but cool11:42
arghno one knows?11:42
jackieLopi_ I would first build the archive and than move the archive around11:42
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kust0mjackie: you can use tar jcvf /full/path/to/other/location/home.tar.bz /home11:42
scriptdevilargh: google it.. i got some answers http://en.opensuse.org/NVidia_Suspend_HOWTO11:43
rkmaroonhi, just have to share this ... dammit i love ubuntu, running a new install of feisty on a C2D with beryl and everything on an xfs / ... it's just rock solid!11:43
crocdhas anybody had any issues with fluxbox on feisty/11:43
Lopi_jackie: but can i make archive  for example tar of all /home partition? with .folders??11:43
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hyljeLopi_: yes11:44
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arghi suggest all to try the mac look11:44
Lopi_ok i will try:)11:44
kust0margh: ?11:44
scriptdevilargh: .. i love the evilwm look...11:44
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arghhow is evilwm?11:45
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majnoon anyone else having trouble burning cdroms after upgrade to feisty ??11:45
scriptdevilargh: it is evil11:45
arghgnome compatible?11:45
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DanaGHow do I set the I/O range of the virtual NIC in Qemu?  Win3.11 doesn't allow anything outside 0x0200 or 0x03E0.11:45
tondarHOT: so, did u try?11:45
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scriptdevilargh: it can be an independent wm11:45
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kust0mthat might be the ugliest wm i've ever seen.11:46
arghi'll google it11:46
DanaGOh wait, that's base IO port.11:46
rkmaroon/leave "Love shared, mission complete"11:46
rkmaroonoops, sorry11:46
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kust0moh..that's not bad. the other screenshot i found was awful.11:46
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DanaGDo any of you run Linux on Qemu?11:46
DanaGI need to see what the "Base I/O Port" is for the virtual NIC.11:46
scriptdevilkust0m: it is real good.. it looks like a plain screen.. everything is through keybindings11:47
jackieLopi_ tar -jcvf backup.tar.bz2 /home11:47
scriptdevilkust0m: and it is so fast.... ony 33kb11:47
kust0mscriptdevil: hmm. i might have to check it out.. the workstation i use at work is a turd. i'm running fluxbox on it now.11:47
scriptdeviljackie: why not just tar it.. compression will take too much time11:47
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scriptdevilkust0m: you may not like it.. it is geeky11:47
snap64ok lets see if ol snap can get the STUPID BROADCOM WiFi card to work right11:47
kust0mscriptdevil: and fluxbox isn't?11:48
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scriptdevilkust0m: nope.. fluxbox is like kids wm in front of evilwm and ratpoison11:48
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Lopi_thanks jackie11:48
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scriptdevilbut being productive is more useful than being geeky11:48
kust0mscriptdevil: never ran ratpoison either. i do like having the dock for minimized apps at the bottom.11:49
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jackiescriptdevil your right..11:49
snap64have windows driver on cd in drive just need to get ndisswrapper to work right    heeelp11:49
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scriptdevilkust0m: actually i like putting them in their own places.. i suggest you try wmii11:49
jackieLopi_ np11:49
scriptdevilit is amazing11:49
jxxxtzcat[1] : I tried that pm thing can you read???11:49
MenZa!ndiswrapper | snap6411:49
kust0mscriptdevil: having 4+ boxes running *nix in my house is plenty geeky for me.11:49
ubotusnap64: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:49
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scriptdevilok.. bye people.. i will be a regular here... i am gonna install ubuntu in my box..11:51
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moDumassmodumass@modumass-desktop:~$ sudo cp songbird.png /usr/share/pixmaps11:51
moDumasscp: cannot stat `songbird.png': No such file or directory11:51
snap64Note: this is a defunct method written for hoary. Breezy and dapper both come with precompiled ndiswrapper modules.11:51
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moDumassits sitting right here on the desktop though11:52
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kust0mmoDumass: that means that the file doesn't exist.11:52
moDumasswhy forth art this being so hard for me11:52
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KalElVZand we're BACK in ubuntu!11:52
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kust0mmoDumass: try sudo cp ~modumass/Desktop/songbird.png /usr/share/pixmaps/11:52
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KalElVZhow do i change file permissions in the Linux Command prompt?11:53
kust0mKalElVZ: chmod11:53
moDumasshmm, did that make a copy? yes it did, cool thanks11:53
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KalElVZOh DUH. I've been around web servers enough that I should know that. Thanks kustom.11:53
jxxxtzcat[1] : ??????11:53
kust0mKalElVZ: np11:54
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jxxxtanyone with a registered nick please pm me I want to see if I got my reg correct11:54
Flanneljxxxt: you have.  you're identified11:55
mweThe default ubuntu kernel doesn't provide /proc/config.gz, does it?11:55
jxxxtFlannel: how do you know??11:55
Flanneljxxxt: /whois11:55
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crimsunmwe: /boot/config-$(uname -r)11:56
jxxxtFlannel: Many thanks11:56
crimsunmwe: but no, it doesn't.11:56
mwecrimsun: thanks11:56
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moDumasswoohoo, we have songbird, thanks kust0m and all11:57
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nopcodei've just installed xubuntu feisty fawn and my realtek gigbit card doesnt work11:59
kadakasIs Ubuntu 7.04 using shadow passwords?11:59
nopcodeany ideas? should i get a new kernel package maybe?11:59
snap64should i install the ndisswraper utils as well you think??11:59
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mwekadakas: yes, I believe so.12:00
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XoorfHey.. I was wondering where I could read about the main differences between Server and Desktop edition. Anyone got a clue?12:00
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phy2Server installs no gui12:01
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XoorfThank you12:01
mweXoorf: the ubuntu-desktop provides a lot of gui stuff. you can install that later on server, though.12:01
phy2But it can be added, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:01
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XiXaQXoorf, server has different options, like LAMP server, DNS, etc.12:01
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kust0mmwe: not as good of an idea as you might think. I tried that and Xorg had no hardware acceleration for video.12:01
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nopcodewhere can i get ubuntu kernel packages?12:02
mwekust0m: huh?12:02
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kust0mmwe: i installed server then added X and whatnot..it ran like poo12:02
mwekust0m: if it works installing from the cd it works like that is well12:02
kust0mwhile a clean install with an alternate cd from anything worked good.12:03
phy2Accelleration after installing desktop is a matter of configuration after installation12:03
mwekust0m: if not install the appropiate driver12:03
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mwekust0m: and configure it right12:03
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kust0myeah, i spent 2 days trying that12:03
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kust0mit was retarded.12:03
kust0mif you want a gui, install one of the versions with it packaged.12:03
XiXaQkunwon1, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?12:03
mwekust0m: I'm a big fan of the alternate CD12:03
XiXaQthat installs everything that the desktop cd does.12:03
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ajmorris_does virtualbox work on feisty's latest kernel?12:04
phy2I saved my working desktop xorg.conf, installed desktop and nvidia-glx-new, and overwrote the xorg.conf. Worked fine12:04
Thomas_GraingerI have a 64bit Intel Core 2 duo e6600 which version of 7.04 is the best to get?12:04
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phy2for desktop install over server12:04
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nopcodehey where can i get ubuntu kernel packages?12:04
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nopcodemy realtek gigbit card doesnt work12:04
mweThomas_Grainger: amd64 or just the 32bit version to make things easy if you want commercial software12:04
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Thomas_Graingermwe: the dvd does not work for me, will the cd work?12:05
phy2I have AMD64 but installed 32bit OS12:05
yariverany one knows why should desktop effecs work for several days  - and than stop working, system saying it cannot work on this computer?12:05
nopcodephy2: why??12:05
mweThomas_Grainger: generally commerscial software does not play nice with the 64 bit version and you'd probably install a !chroot12:05
kestazhow to convert pdf to html on ubuntu ?12:05
mweThomas_Grainger: I don't know. how does it not work?12:05
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XiXaQphy2, me too. I never use 32bit operating systems.12:05
mweThomas_Grainger: !alternate | Thomas_Grainger12:05
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mwe!alternate | Thomas_Grainger12:05
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nopcodeif you dont use 64 bit you're wasting potential12:06
ubotuThomas_Grainger: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal12:06
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yarivermwe was that question for me?12:06
phy2Installed 32bit because having "problems" with 64bit as far as some webites I use12:06
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Thomas_Graingermwe: I select the first option after booting from the dvd12:06
XiXaQnopcode, no, I've never had that much RAM, and it's more important for meg to use the memory I have and have software available.12:06
phy264bit support for extras still still still sketchy12:06
nopcodeXiXaQ: you can recompile software12:06
mweThomas_Grainger: and it doesn't boot?12:06
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XiXaQnopcode, not when you can't get a hold of the source code.12:07
Thomas_Graingermwe: then the screen goes blank, and I get somthing like "kernal alive" and some memory setup, then blank for ever more12:07
Pawel-hello can somebody tell me where i should click to find USER LIST in my XCHAT ?12:07
mweThomas_Grainger: I'd try the alternate CD suggested by ubotu12:07
Thomas_Graingermwe: I wanted to try out the live option12:08
gesushey there #ubuntu'ers ---> how can i make my UBUNTU more PRETTY?  i read somewhere about an XGL add-on or something?  what other 'addons' are there that make ubuntu look magic (i want it to look more magical than windows). i like magic. :)12:08
mweThomas_Grainger: I like that one best anyway. You're not at all the first person having problems with the live-cd12:08
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Thomas_Graingergesus: beryl12:08
Pawel-gesus: gnomelook.org12:08
Thomas_Graingermwe: live-dvd12:08
Pawel- can somebody tell me where i should click to find USER LIST in my XCHAT ?12:08
yariveranyone was able to install some serious program using wine - like any of the adobe programs?12:08
XiXaQnopcode, however, I've never had more than 4GB of ram anyway. :)12:08
nopcodewell anyone got suggestions? my realtek gigabit card doesnt work on feisty fawn12:08
mweThomas_Grainger: it's common. yeay12:08
nopcodeXiXaQ: you're bound to get problems with 2G+12:08
mweThomas_Grainger: yeah, even12:08
mweThomas_Grainger: that's what I meant12:09
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nopcodeXiXaQ: because then virtual memory is getting short12:09
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nopcode32 bit is... medieval12:09
Thomas_Graingermwe: hmm I'll go get the 64bit live CD12:09
XiXaQnopcode, no.. It's quite ok until you use more than 4GB.12:09
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phy22.5g here, works fine12:09
mweThomas_Grainger: good luck12:09
nopcodeXiXaQ: well but then you're using those intel extensions... thats a hack12:09
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XiXaQnopcode, no.12:09
gesusThomas_Grainger, Pawel- thankyou i'll check it out :-)12:09
Flannelnopcode: I think you're confusing 4G with 2G12:09
nopcodeFlannel: no i'm not12:09
HOTshred -u donkeysNnuns.wmv12:10
Thomas_Graingervista 64 blocks anything over 8gig ram12:10
mweyeah. 32bit can address up to 4G12:10
XiXaQnopcode, What Intel calls memory extensions, AMD calls 64 bit architecture.12:10
neutralrobotboyi have a 40gb partition i want to use for ubuntu. unfortunately, the installer doesn't seem to want to handle things that way, so it seems i have to partition it manually. can anyone tell me how it should be partitioned + mounted?12:10
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mweThomas_Grainger: it does?12:10
Thomas_Graingerthat is the home version12:10
nopcodeXiXaQ: no thats wrong12:10
mweThomas_Grainger: oh12:10
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nopcodewell higher addresses are usually reserved by the OS12:10
CheshireVikingPawel-, the user list in my xchat shows up in the right hand pane, i seem to remember that i had to move the window edges over to show them12:10
XiXaQnopcode, I won't discuss that here, but that is not wrong.12:10
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Thomas_Graingerthe ultimate does not12:10
nopcodethats why you never can use the whole 4 gig if you have 4 gig12:10
mweThomas_Grainger: so vista ultimate or whatever can address more than 8G ?12:10
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yariverhelp on installing windows software using wine (or sugestion to some flash editing software)?12:10
Thomas_Graingeronly 64bit12:11
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nopcodeXiXaQ: intel Physical Address Extension is not the same as x86-6412:11
mwenopcode: yeah12:11
Pawel-CheshireViking: thanks12:11
mweThomas_Grainger: of course ;)12:11
nopcodeXiXaQ: the former is to be able to address (more than) 4 gig in 32 bit mode12:11
mweThomas_Grainger: 32bit can only address 4G by definition12:11
nopcodethe later has 64 bit registers, twice the amount of registers, different calling semantics...12:11
Thomas_Graingerbut it is blocked on the cheaper 64 ones12:11
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XiXaQnopcode, perhaps you should look up the difference then. But as I said, I don't feel this is the right place for this discussion.12:12
Thomas_Graingerill find the link12:12
neutralrobotboyok... i guess i have to figure this out through internet research12:12
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nopcodeXiXaQ: In computing, Physical Address Extension (PAE) refers to a feature of x86 processors that allows for up to 64 gibibytes of physical memory to be used in 32-bit systems, given appropriate operating system support.12:12
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nopcodethats from wikipedia12:12
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Thomas_Graingermwe: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/windowsvista/editions/64bit.mspx12:12
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nopcodeXiXaQ: intel had that before they had 64 bit CPUs12:13
Thomas_Graingermwe: close to the bottom12:13
mweThomas_Grainger: that sucks ;)12:14
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nopcodeso any suggestions on where to find ubuntu kernel packages?12:14
Thomas_Graingermwe: it really makes no sense12:14
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mweThomas_Grainger: will probably be a while before 8G+ gets common on desktop systems, though.12:14
XiXaQnopcode, Physical Address Extention? I thought we're talking about 64 bit processors. Look into Intel Extended Memory 64 http://www.google.no/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=4&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwebster.cs.ucr.edu%2FPage_TechDocs%2FIntel64.pdf&ei=yfs-Rs2NAYza0gS5_rTLAQ&usg=AFrqEzdhegB8AuObvWq3qnF8YKMDEOJ6Wg&sig2=R8fYzJJ3jhhJPc-KEsZnww12:14
HOTi have 8gig on my vista box12:14
HOTworks fine12:15
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Thomas_GraingerHOT: what version of vista?12:15
nopcodeXiXaQ: we were talking about real 64 bit processors vs. 32 bit processors with "PAE"12:15
HOTultimate 64bit12:15
mweHOT: yeah on 64bit, right?12:15
nopcodeXiXaQ: you were claiming that to be identical12:15
giggseyI've installed fiesty, and on the first boot I get an error. I first thought it was a seg fault, but the text-based CD gives the same error when it boots: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/6140/00001kl8.jpg (Something about modprobe failing)12:15
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nopcodephy2: no man i need the kernel packages because my NIC doesnt work12:15
XiXaQnopcode, I've never mentioned PAE. I was talking about 64 bit processors, which Intel calls Extended Memory Technology.12:15
HOTin practical terms vista 32 will take 4gb12:15
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mweHOT: yes.12:16
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yariver   ?12:16
vmlinzsomeone help me on the screen resolution of login window please ,-_-12:16
nopcodeXiXaQ: hm strange12:16
kadakasdoes anyone know how to get a 4D scrollwheel to work? I have a Genius Navigator 805 wireless laser mouse12:16
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Pawel-vmlinz: what's wrong ?12:17
nopcodeok anyways12:17
nopcodei need some help12:17
nopcodemy gigbit NIC doesnt work12:17
nopcodeso i was thinking about getting a new kernel package12:17
nopcodebut WHERE?12:17
mwevmlinz: I think it will use the default res, the first one metioned in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:17
XiXaQnopcode, it's not strange. The most significant differences between a 32 bit and a 64 bit system, is that the 64 bit system can address more RAM and that it also uses alot more.12:17
HOTon my RHEL4 cluster at work each station has 16GB12:17
vmlinzthe resolution of login window is not the same as the one after I logged in12:18
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nopcodeXiXaQ: hm. anyways do YOU happen to know where to get kernel packages12:18
XiXaQvmlinz, that's because each user has their own settings for screen resolutions. I don't know where to set the resolution for gdm though.12:18
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No1What does sudo /etc/init.d/ssh12:19
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XiXaQnopcode, no. I don't use 64bit because of missing drivers, plugins and software in general.12:19
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vmlinzmwe: It use the first res of the xorg.conf ? thank you , i 'll have a try12:19
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nopcodeXiXaQ: i never had a problem on 64 bit linux12:19
nopcodeand flash is commercial crap anyways12:19
XiXaQheh, I thought you said so.12:19
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phy2nopcode -- maybe start here" -- http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/12:20
MacPlusG3anybody had anything happen where you get "mdX already has disks" and then, after a reboot or two: 2 disks in a raid5 array (feisty) after a reboot become spares?12:20
nopcodeand drivers are in the kernel12:20
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nopcodephy2: gutsy? can i install these packages on xubuntu feisty fawn?12:20
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TatsterHi all.  I've just installed mythtv on my feisty server and now whenever I reboot it automatically logs on, and runs Myth.  How can I stop this?12:21
ncdcrimsun, you still alive?12:21
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jamieParmenion: thanks for the suggestion, but it not really easier -- i have to download 80mb of fles in an .exe and even then i cannot unpack it to get to the driver i need :(12:21
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jamiecan anyone help with rebuilding ipw3945 on feisty?12:21
jamiei a bit stuck :)12:21
phy2nopcode -- http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/newpkg_main    has kernals12:21
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ncd<- trying to get dri to work on a mobile intel gpu12:21
HOTjamie: use ndiswrapper?12:21
ncdsystem info and logs12:22
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jamieHOT that what Parmenion suggested12:23
HOTjamie: its a good idea12:23
jamieHOT but where do i get the right windoze driver, it a pain12:23
HOTjamie: extract it from the driver12:23
jamieHOT i havent a copy of windows to extract from exe12:23
jamieHOT: less still a running copy.12:23
HOTjamie: you might be stuffed then12:24
jamieis there some linux package for unpacking .exe file tht i don know about12:24
vmlinzmwe: but the first res of the xorg.conf is 1280x1024 at 24 depth ,which it seems not to be the res of gdm,12:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:24
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jamieHOT: stuffed, is that a technical term? ;)12:24
mwevmlinz: and that works after you log in?12:24
[Flux] whee i just installed the latest fglrx driver and i didnt break my system12:24
gunny01how do i add a cc field in evolution?12:24
HOTjamie: best i got this time in the morning, sorry12:25
Frogzoojamie: if it's a standard .exe, it would run under wine12:25
vmlinzmwe: No, after login , the res is 1024x76812:25
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HOTjamie : you googled something like "ipw3945 ubuntu"12:25
Frogzoo[Flux] : from a repo or source from the ati site?12:25
mwevmlinz: then the problem is it doesn't work at that res at all12:26
[Flux] from the ati site12:26
mwe!fixres | vmlinz12:26
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ubotuvmlinz: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:26
jamieHOT i spent all day yesterday trying to recompile and install ipw394512:26
[Flux] my fps in glxgears increased by 2000+12:26
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[Flux] from the restricted drive on the repos12:26
Frogzoo[Flux] : aight, but it will break on the next kernel upgrade ;)12:26
vmlinzmwe: OK, -_-12:26
[Flux] yeah, i know12:26
jamieFrogzoo: i don want to run it, i want to unpack it :)12:26
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[Flux] ill just do a custom kernel then, lol12:27
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Frogzoojamie: an .exe unpacks itself, just run it under wine, then you have your driver file12:27
[Flux] or upgrade to the amd64 version12:27
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tondarany way to make the avn dock bigger?12:27
snap64 well i ran through this tutorial  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=391961&highlight=dell+1390 and my wireless card now sees networks but it isnt able to join12:27
giggseyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2607827 - My modprobe is abnormally exitting12:28
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jamieFrogzoo: il try that12:28
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tondarthe height of the dock I mean12:28
[Flux] jamie #winehq12:28
ncdWhat other infomartion could i suPPLY?~12:28
[Flux] people willing to help there with wine problems too :)12:29
Frogzootondar: right click - properties12:29
jamie[Flux] : ta12:29
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tondarFrogzoo: where in preferences?12:29
Frogzootondar: did you right click?12:30
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ncdIs there any way to do away with the splash screens which arnt even aligned12:30
tondarFrogzoo: yes12:30
tondarFrogzoo: I use avant dock manager12:30
ncdin fiesty12:30
Frogzootondar: gnome?12:30
tondarFrogzoo: yes12:30
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Frogzootondar: now does it say "size"?12:30
tondarFrogzoo: nope12:31
jamieFrogzoo: nice thanks12:31
Neil-Hey all... videos in firefox or konq dont work for me anymore... They just sit there without loading content, the player does load12:31
Neil-I don't know if its a proxy issue or otherwise..12:31
Neil-any ideas?12:31
joachim-nwhat do you recommend as an ssh client?12:31
tondarjamie: you got avant?12:31
snap64_yeah again wireless does work but im getting like 15k a sec max12:31
HOTssh client from windows?12:31
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BeepAUwhats the command to list wireless devices?12:32
joachim-nHOT: on ubuntu of course :)12:32
HOTjoachim-n: you dont need an ssh client, its "built in" , open a terminal and type ssh12:32
BeepAUant30 - thanks12:32
Frogzoojoachim-n: openssh-client ?12:32
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nopcode2.6.22 didnt do it12:33
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giggseyIs there anyway I can record the result of a trace during a boot?12:33
ncdin fiesty I think the Network Manager Applet could be 100000 times improved12:34
ncdgeez atleast make the screen lightup when traffic is passing through12:34
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Frogzoogiggsey: you can fiddle the init scripts to launch a daemon under trace12:34
phy2ncd -- you are "free" to improve it12:34
jamietondar: avant as in the the fancy-dancy network services manager?12:34
HOTncd: do you know how many awesome graphical apps exist to view network traffic?12:35
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tondarjamie: no, as dock manager12:35
tiagoboldtgiggsey, use bootchart, just install the package, it will create you.. a boot chart :|12:35
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giggseyFrogzoo, how would I do it to record http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/6140/00001kl8.jpg?12:35
FrogzooHOT: not many12:35
giggseytiagoboldt, I can't boot my fiesty to install anything12:35
tiagoboldtgiggsey, try it out, just install it, reboot, and go see the generated chart12:35
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jamietondar: why do i want this?12:35
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ncdI would.. but I trust that gnome api programming would have been suitably awkward for no perticular reason12:35
HOTerm, if you want to see lots of graphical niceness around network traffic install etherape12:35
tiagoboldtohh, it is not this that you want, sorry12:35
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ncdother wise it would have the functionallilty12:36
tondarjamie: thought you have it already12:36
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ncdsimple little screen lighting up eh12:36
tondarFrogzoo: you got avant?12:36
giggseytiagoboldt, I don't really want to record my trace, I just want a booting ubuntu, but meh :P12:36
HOTif you just want to see network traffic on the bar, then add "system manager" and click "network" , done12:36
SmoothOpif i have an ati video card12:36
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SmoothOpshould i just stop considering12:36
SmoothOpgaming on ubuntu12:37
HOTor just click "add" then "network monitor" job done12:37
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tondarany of you folks know how to change an outgoing packets IP?12:37
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ncdall Im saying is ... if your going to copy some assholes one good functional concept.. atleast try and closely immitate it12:37
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ncdwe have tooltip all over the shop for this and that12:37
HOTncd: erm, it mimics it perfectly12:37
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HOTit shows two little blinking lights when traffic passes over the NIC12:38
ncdyeah my balls12:38
joachim-num, are there any tutorials about using SSH? I can't figure out the comand line options for it12:38
HOTin what way isnt that exactly the same?12:38
HOTjoachim-n: lets say you want to connect to a machine with an ip of
ncdit fails to blink when traffic is true, it fails to show you the status of the connection..12:38
=== combinio [n=combinio@xdsl-21965.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
HOTyou type ssh
ncdlike i said every other bunk bullshit gets a tooltip12:39
HOTits pretty much that simpple12:39
HOT/ignore ncd12:39
HOTgah, new client12:39
ncdyou can expect to switch users over with out it12:39
joachim-nHOT: how do I specify a port number?12:39
ncdthey will unfortunatly laugh12:39
HOTohhh good question12:39
zaphandsHello. After upgrading to 7.04 my palm pilot doesn't sync. An error message appears when I press the cradle's button: "Failed to connect using device 'Cradle', on port '/dev/pilot'. Check your configuration, as you requested old-style usbserial 'ttyUSB' syncing, but do not have the usbserial 'visor' kernel module loaded. You may need to select a 'usb:' device. Can anyone help?12:40
HOTjoachim-n: -p12:40
HOTexample ssh -p 2212:40
joachim-nHOT: got it. thank you :)12:40
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ncdi wonder if HOT really ignored me12:41
ncdmight have to come back with TOR12:41
phy2* Added *!*n=ncd@ to ignore list12:42
ncdthank god for adduser eh12:42
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ncdIm tell you how to secure users12:42
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giggseyI've installed fiesty, and on the first boot I get an error. I first thought it was a seg fault, but the text-based CD gives the same error when it boots: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/6140/00001kl8.jpg (Something about modprobe failing)12:44
ferentalguien puede decirme donde se guarda la informacion de la puerta de enlace, mascara de subred, etc?12:44
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ncdDuno why your getting all humpty dumpty about it12:45
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BigToeIn SSH, how do I keep an application running when I close the SSH session?12:48
sampbarcan anybody suggest a good graphics program?12:48
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jrib!screen > BigToe (see the private message from ubotu)12:48
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CheshireViking!es | ferent12:48
ubotuferent: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:48
Zkyez!screen > Zkyez12:49
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Zkyeznice :)12:49
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jAk-1Hell everybody... newbie here needs advice.. :)12:49
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen12:50
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Thug-N-Mehi all12:51
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Thug-N-Mein ubuntu 7.04 will i be able to browser files from nokia n73 ?12:51
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jAk-1I've downloaded the new version of Ububtu and have managed to get on cd. The problem i have i cannot install it on my Dell Optiplex GX240, P4 2gz, 256mb ram... It just sits there doing nothing12:52
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jAk-1To sum it up its unresponsive12:53
phy2Can you see lots of files on your CD12:53
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jAk-1Yes, phy212:53
CheshireVikingjAk-1, does the live cd boot up to ubuntu?12:53
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jAk-1Yes it does boot up CheshireViking12:53
jAk-1CheshireViking : but its rather slow12:54
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ncd Jak how about letting us know if it passed the cd data intergrity check12:54
CheshireVikingjAk-1, thats normal, live cd's always run slowly12:54
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jAk-1ncd : i ran that test and it just ran the live cd? not sure if that was what it was suppose to do12:54
CheshireVikingjAk-1, do you get the icon in the top left of the screen to "Install Ubuntu", and what happpens when you double click that icon?12:55
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predaeussampbar, what do you mean? something like photoshop? would be gimp12:55
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ncdgoing to go hunt a mobo12:55
sampbaryeah any alternatives to gimp though?12:55
ncdneed some geforce lubing12:56
MyrttiThug-N-Me: prolly, at least with a cable12:56
Myrttisampbar: not really12:56
predaeussampbar, not that I know of.12:56
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jAk-1CheshireViking : Yes, i got two icons one was a folder and the other was the install icon. i double click on it and took a while then was prsent a white box, so i left it but nothing happened for almost 1 hour12:56
ncdJak .. does memtest goto where it should?12:56
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Thug-N-MeMyrtti well i can image that i can only mount it with a dam cable .... the problem its how ... because in edy i couldnt do it12:56
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jAk-1ncd : i ran the mem test, it passed12:57
Thug-N-MeMyrtti i did see it ... but i couldnt mount it as a device12:57
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Myrttithat's weird, I've got 6233 and edgy and it mounts fine12:57
BeepAUi have a wifi card i wanna use. whats the command to tell it's inserted properly?12:57
MyrttiI plugin the cable, select data transfer mode and it mounts12:57
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MyrttiBeepAU: try lspci12:58
ZkyezBeepAU, lspci or lsusb12:58
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BeepAUneither lspci or lsusb detects it12:58
Myrttiwhich wifi card is it12:59
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BeepAUit's a netgear wg511t12:59
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Thug-N-MeMyrtti really ? hmm its mount automatically ?12:59
MyrttiBeepAU: usb, pci or pcmcia?01:00
FrogzooBeepAU: tail -f /var/log/messages & plug in your card & see what it says01:00
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MyrttiThug-N-Me: mine does, as long I select the correct mode from the phone01:00
BeepAUMyrtti - pcmcia01:00
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ncdJak try to reburn it01:00
Thug-N-MeMyrtti yeah ... well transfer mode should do it ... but it aint here01:00
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ncdburn it at a speed that the optiplex rom agree's with01:01
marlunCan someone give me a tip about a good fps game that I can apt-get?01:01
nicolahI've got this big problem with outkafe and ubuntu 64 libraries http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?topic=83945.001:01
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jAk-1Ok ncd i will reburn it again....01:01
CheshireVikingjAk-1, sounds like a faulty cd, best to try doing what ncd suggests and burn a new cd & try that01:01
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GrantlyI am a newbie and have just installed 7.04 and my display resolution is locked at a max of 1024x768 @ 60 Hz.  I have a standard Samsung 17" LCD and ATI x600 (1280x1024 @ 75Hz).  I can't find anywhere to try and change this. (Never had this problem with linux before)01:01
MyrttiBeepAU: did you have the card inside the slot when you booted up?01:01
jAk-1Thanks for your help and time ;)01:01
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BeepAUMyrtti - yep01:01
BeepAUmarlun - nexuiz01:02
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tondarany ideas on adding a directory to the avant dock manager?01:02
ZkyezGrantly, install fglrx01:02
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omrinicolah, you have a libs problem; the libraries you have are 64bits while the application is 32bits01:03
Baktaahtondar the project is dead01:03
Baktaahand tondar what do you mean with directory?01:03
nicolahomri, thanks. is there a way to fix it ?01:03
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tondarBaktaah: what do you mean? which proj?01:03
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Myrttioff to a meeting -->01:03
Baktaahtondar  AWN01:04
marlunBeepAU, when I try to install through synaptic I get "Could not mark all packages for install or upgrade", "Depends: nexuiz-data (>=2.2.3-1ubuntu1~edgy1) but 2.2.3-1~edgy1 is to be installed" hmmm01:04
tondarBaktaah: no way01:04
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tondarBaktaah: what is in place?01:04
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tondarBaktaah: I doubt it is over though !!!01:05
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emptyi need help with nvidia fx 5200 agp graphic card!!01:05
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emptyi need help with nvidia geforce fx 5200 agp graphic card!!01:05
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BeepAUmarlun - have you tried using the terminal?01:05
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ron__empty  what help ?01:06
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BeepAUmarlun - you could just try downloading it from the website - http://www.alientrap.org/nexuiz/01:06
omrinicolah, you need to have the 32bits libraries. ubuntu has /lib32 and /usr/lib32 for that01:06
theTravhey hey, how do I mount a drive with write access?01:06
omriget the library for 32bits and put it there01:06
emptyi cannot install my geforce fx driver successfully01:06
omriafter that, run ldconfig01:06
tondarwhat is the command to show desktop? in a terminal01:06
ron__exactly which driver are you trying to install ?01:07
kirkunittheTrav: is is a external USB drive?01:07
theTravI've got an old NTFS partition here and I want it mounted with read + write permissions01:07
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theTravnope, it's an IDE drive01:07
tondarcommand to show the desktop in a terminal??01:08
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ncdany one used the media center component on feisty fawn?01:08
kirkunittheTrav: you may have to reformat it if you want to write to it01:08
emptygraphic card driver for Nvidia Geforce FX 520001:08
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theTravcan't do that yet01:08
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theTravoh well, I'll find another way, thanks for the help kirkunit01:08
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phy2empty ==  apt-get install nvidia-glx-new works for me with a FX550001:09
predaeus!ntfs > theTrav (see private message of ubotu)01:09
ron__yes but which driver there are several possible ones01:09
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marlunBeepAU, thanks I'll try that :)01:09
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ncdoh yeah hehhe Install and Remove programs broke down on me01:10
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Pici!ntfs-3g > theTrav01:10
kirkunit!ntfs > kirkunit01:10
Zooshhi, i just installed ubuntu server edition on a 320 gb hdd. but now i get an grub error 18 ... any tips?01:10
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ncdThis is a major failure in your software management system.01:10
theTravthanks Pici01:10
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d2812Can anyone help connecting to a PPTP VPN?  Ubuntu seems to be sending my username that I log in with, rather than the one it prompts for.01:11
predaeusZoosh, probably if your ubuntu installation is not on the first partition at the beginning of the disk then your bios can't boot it01:11
emptyi tried apt-get install nvidia-glx-new.. and  enable the nvidia in Restricted driver but it always crash when booting into the OS01:11
tondarany command to show the desktop?01:11
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snap64__oh well looks like ill just have to wait for the guys to fix the firmware for BCM4311/12/18 cards......works but only dialup speeds01:12
preglowcould anyone running feisty on amd64 please do an "aptitude search linux-restricted-modules-lowlatency" and tell me if it's there?01:12
Zooshpredaeus, it was a brand new hdd,  :-/01:12
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predaeusempty, see here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto, no idea how new that gfx card is, maybe you need the legacy drivers01:13
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snap64__preglow: p   linux-restricted-modules-lowlat - Restricted Linux modules for low latency k01:13
predaeusZoosh, it does not depend on the hdd but on your bios.01:13
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snap64__preglow thats what i cet01:13
preglowsnap64__: so it's there? and you're sure you're running amd64? i wonder why the hell i can't find it...01:13
predaeusZoosh, is the ubuntu installation at the start of the disk, like partition 1 or so?01:13
ron__check your /etc/x11/xorg.conf and make sure that the driver is set to nvidia01:13
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predaeusZoosh, or are you dual booting with windows or something else in front?01:13
snap64__preglow yes im ring 6401:13
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emptybtw i am running feisty01:14
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=== preglow scratches head
Zooshpredaeus, ah ok .. so a bios flash could help? no it was a brand new hdd, and the first thing i installed was ubuntu .. ^^01:14
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predaeuspreglow are you on feisty?01:15
empty01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]  (rev a1)01:15
predaeusZoosh, hm weird. maybe still the bios, or a fubared install01:15
emptywhich package shld i use?01:15
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BigToeWhere are irssi01:16
BigToe's logs stored in ubuntu?01:16
preglowpredaeus: yes, indeed01:16
jpjacobsBigToe, irssi is a console program, so open up a terminal (like gnome-terminal) and type in irssi01:16
snap64__preglow i wish i could help more all i did was copy pastte into terminal what you wanted.....I have no idea what you need it for ;)01:16
ron__you can also search on the Ubuntu forums there are lots of posts on how to install the nvidia drivers01:16
BigToejpjacobs, whoops, I pressed enter too early01:17
BigToejpjacobs, read the second line as well :s01:17
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jpjacobshehe :)01:17
predaeusempty, nah looks like you are fine with the regular drivers, FXs are supported.01:17
jpjacobsBigToe, i guess ~/.irssi01:17
BigToeok, thanks01:17
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predaeuspreglow, maybe you haven't enables some repositories01:18
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BigToejpjacobs, how do I show .folders in ls?01:18
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jpjacobsBigToe, ls -a01:18
preglowpredaeus: i've enabled all of them, including universe which is the one it's supposed to be in01:18
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preglowpredaeus: the kernel itself is even there, but not the restricted modules01:18
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emptyi try with alot of instruction given on the net and even tried ENVY, but when even i switch from integrated graphic to nvidia graphic i will crash at loading01:18
crolle17iconf is for converting a file's encoding, right?01:18
predaeuspreglow, what mirror are you on?01:18
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predaeuspreglow, nah that would be too unlikely01:19
preglowpredaeus: no.archive.ubuntu.com01:19
predaeushm nah01:19
crolle17meant iconv01:19
preglowi'm going to switch to another mirror now, just to try01:19
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preglowi can't think of any other reason01:19
ron__I think nvidia glx-new is right for the fx5200 thats the card I use but I use the propriatary driver from nvidia01:19
predaeuspreglow can you paste your sources.list to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:19
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crolle17so iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $1 > $1.utf8 should create a new file with the content of the old file converted a file to utf-801:20
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nopcodewait a second01:20
crolle17so iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 $1 > $1.utf8 should create a new file with the content of the old file converted to utf-8?01:20
nopcodewhy is there a 2.6.22 kernel-package01:20
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nopcodewhen no such thing as a 2.6.22 kernel exists??01:21
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emptyso it is the nvidia-linux-x86-1.0-9755 file?01:21
preglowpredaeus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19597/01:21
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sarthorhow to get know that my ubuntu is Edgy or Fiesty??01:21
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GrantlyHow do I change my default (incorrect) display resolution settings?01:21
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jmvsarthor: cat /etc/issue01:22
ron__check your /etc/x11/xorg.conf file make sure that section>"device">driver is nvidia01:22
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preglowpredaeus: tried the main universe repo now, no difference, as expected01:23
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects01:23
predaeuspreglow, it differs slightly from my original one from fresh install01:23
preglowpredaeus: in any ways worth mentioning?01:23
predaeussee http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19599/01:23
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sarthorjmv: root@sarthor:~# cat /etc/issue01:23
sarthorUbuntu 6.10 \n \l01:23
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ron__nvidia-linux-x86-1.0-9755 yes that s correct01:23
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preglowpredaeus: weird, i haven't touched mine at all since the fresh install :/ i'll check it out now01:24
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chrisoyehweh ?01:24
predaeuspreglow, not sure, look yourself, I don't know how repos are handled. looks like those 2 multiverse lines are missing in yorus and sometjhing down below01:24
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nopcodeaccording to kernel.org01:24
phy2nopcode --- 2.6.22 doesn't exist?  http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGLJ_enUS219US219&q=2%2e6%2e22+kernel01:24
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psu   ??01:24
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emptyi try to install that already but it tells me i cannot run in GUI mode and i need to exit X-server01:24
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chrisohow long i need to instal ubuntu ?01:25
nopcodephy2: The latest stable version of the Linux kernel is: 2007-04-27 22:02 UTC01:25
nopcodephy2: according to kernel.org01:25
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predaeuspsu, are your from korea?01:25
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phy2You are in "experiment" mode, so ???01:25
jmvsarthor: 6.10 is edgy01:25
nopcodephy2: what?01:25
hdxxchriso: 15 min01:25
stittelpsu: If that's Chinese, try: #ubuntu-cn01:25
nopcode2.6.22 doesnt exist01:25
Myrttihe left already01:25
jpjacobschriso, i guess ( depending on your hardware) about half an hour01:25
max_harmonychriso, please be clearer01:25
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predaeusk thx Myrtti, got notices disabled01:26
sarthorjmv: but i have upgrate it. and i have seen that msg that its upgraded now.01:26
chrisobecause im stuck at 47%01:26
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nopcodephy2: why is ubuntu coming up with their own kernel version numbers?01:26
nopcodethat's confusing01:26
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harpiis there something that makes a [.tar.gz]  to [.deb] ??01:26
predaeusnopcode, I think they do their own patches01:26
rambo3nopcode, becouse its their config01:26
nopcodepredaeus: but then you cant just increment the version number!!!!!01:26
cello_raspnopcode loads of distros do it01:26
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nopcode2.6.22 doesnt exist!01:27
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jmvsarthor: say uname -a01:27
jpjacobsharpi, alien could do that, but only use it if there isn't a way around it01:27
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predaeusnopcode, actually I think it does but is the development branch now. I don't think ubuntu does what you are stating. where did you see this?01:27
ron__first check your xorg.conf , set driver to nvidia , reboot and when x crashes press ctrl>alt>F1 log in and run it from the console01:27
phy2nopcode -- yo have a nic problem, you wanted a new kernel, I pointed you to 7.10 gutsy01:27
sarthorjmv: Linux sarthor 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Tue Mar 13 23:32:38 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux01:27
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nopcodephy2: dude01:28
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nopcode2.6.22 doesnt exist01:28
preglowpredaeus: with your sources.list, i find the package. i'll try to find out what's wrong01:28
sebcachiahi, ive just started using ubuntu and everything is oki except that lately everything takes a while to start up when launching gnome and then eventualy an OOo writer window just pops up. Any idea what to check?01:28
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nopcodeso i dont know which kernel the one i have now is REALLY based on01:28
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snap64__ahh bullocks no wine on AMD64?????01:28
predaeuspreglow, ok01:28
rambo3nopcode, stop repeating01:28
nopcodesnap64__: of course not01:28
nopcoderambo3: i'm angry01:28
predaeusnopcode, does uname -r   report a 2.6.22 kernel?01:28
snap64__theres got to be a hack out there01:28
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nopcodepredaeus: dunno01:28
stittelsnap64_: The offical Wine homepage has Wine .debs for Feisty/amd64.01:29
nopcodesnap64__: dude01:29
nopcodesnap64__: wine executes 32 bit executables01:29
predaeusnopcode run uname -r and you will know what kernel you are running01:29
cello_raspnopcode: 7.04 2.6.20-15-generic01:29
stittelnopcode: There are perfectely working Wine packages for amd64! It's really not an issue.01:29
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nopcodestittel: but then its not a proper 64 bit executable01:29
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nopcodecello_rasp: thats with the "2.6.22" package?01:30
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:30
cello_raspthere are proper 64 bit executables?01:30
rambo3nothing there01:30
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jmvsarthor: did you reboot after upgrade?01:30
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nopcodeyeah right like people are gonna install a 32 bit version of stuff01:30
sarthorjmv: Yes several time.01:30
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cello_rasp64 bit only offers advantages after 4Gb of RAM01:31
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nopcodei has twice the amount of registers01:31
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nopcodeand passes arguments in registers by default01:31
michuk"cowsay is an absolutely vital program for turning text into happy ASCII cows" -- if you don't yet know it, read the article http://digg.com/linux_unix/ASCII_Art_Fun_in_Linux_cowsay_and_FIGlet -- you can help diggin' as well :)01:31
stittelnopcode: Yeah, but that's not a problem, since Wine has not many dependency.01:31
jmvsarthor: dpkg -l xorg01:31
rambo3michuk, go away01:31
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nopcodeanyways can anyone tell me what version that 2.6.22 kernel package really is?01:32
stittelnopcode: Besides, I really hate that Ubunutu does not package 32bit software for amd64.01:32
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nopcodestittel: i hate 32 bit software.01:32
qudamaI'm using Ubuntu on my NEC Versa laptop, but the sound doesn't work. Is there any way to solve the problem?01:32
stittelnopcode: Yeah, but sometimes you have no choice.01:32
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predaeusnopcode, are you on gutsy repos?01:32
nopcodepredaeus: i downloaded the kernel from gutsy manually01:32
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nopcodeand i wanna know what version it is01:32
predaeusnopcode, so what is the problem?01:32
nopcodepredaeus: my ethernet nic doesnt work01:33
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predaeus2.6.22 development version01:33
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phy2hes "angry"01:33
nopcodeand i cant compare changelogs01:33
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snap64__I need Metatrader4 to run under wine....the only windows app i need01:33
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nopcodebecause the kernel version is fscked up01:33
nopcodephy2: of course i'm angry01:33
predaeusnopcode, it likely is a patched 2101:33
nopcodeyou cant just change kernel version numbers at will01:33
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emptycan anyone help me in installing nvidia-linux-x86-1.0-9755 file?01:33
MohdHow can i change tying language?01:33
sarthorjmv: http://www.pastebin.ca/47532101:33
stittelsnap64__: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb -- Ignore what the text says about 64-bit users, it's not true anymore. amd64 packages ARE available.01:34
jmvsarthor: no, -l (lower case)01:34
predaeusnopcode, the kernel maintainers themselves changed kernel version conventions recently.01:34
jmvsarthor: it will print package version01:34
qudamaAny one can help me, I'm using Ubuntu on my NEC Versa laptop, but the sound doesn't work. Is there any way to solve the problem?01:34
nopcodepredaeus: kernel org says 2.6.21 is latest01:34
preglowpredaeus: i don't get it, we've got the same repos and all, in a slightly different order, but still i need your setup to get the package01:34
preglowguess i'll just shrug and use yours01:34
stittelsnap64__: Alternatively you can directely download the package from: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/01:34
snap64__sittel im there i was just gonna ask where they were hiding things ;)01:34
rambo3qudama, what is the sound card you have and is it muted ?01:35
phy2nopcode -- give VMWare Server , with windows installation a try, to run MT401:35
predaeusnopcode, and this is a logical way to do it in a development branch of ubuntu. stop flaming around here if it is your own fault using development packages. go to #ubuntu+1 if you want to talk about gutsy01:35
nopcodephy2: mt4?01:35
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phy2Metatrader 401:35
sarthorjmv: http://www.pastebin.ca/47532301:35
nopcodepredaeus: no its not a logical thing01:35
predaeuspreglow, maybe it is still the mirrors01:35
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nopcodepredaeus: logical would be something like appending -ubuntu-101:35
stittelsnap64__: If Metatrader doesn't work with WINE, try QEMU, this will work in any case (but you need a copy of Windows to use it): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo01:35
qudamarambo3: how can I detect my sound card?01:35
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emptycan anyone help me in installing nvidia-linux-x86-1.0-9755 file?01:35
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stittelempty: You most surely don't want to install that file.01:36
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preglowpredaeus: no it's not, i just think i'm misunderstanding the syntax of the file, seems i didn't have multiverse01:36
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rambo3qudama, open terminal and type : sudo lshw -C sound01:36
mikkaelim trying to compile a kernel (my very first one), can i use this howto and change 2.6.20 with 2.6.21 ? -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31115801:36
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nopcodeanyways bbl01:36
predaeusnopcode, this is totally offtopic and if at all then it refers to gutsy so please ask there about it (#ubuntu+1)01:36
phy2empty --   apt-get install nvidia-glx-new01:36
rambo3mikkael, yes01:36
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stittelempty: Why do you want to install it? Why not use the official Ubuntu packages from restricted?01:36
snap64__sittel i got a copy sort of.....but its the "restore disk" hp gives ya w/ laptop01:36
emptyi tried it i can even boot into ubuntu.01:36
emptyi cant*01:36
snap64__sittel dont think it will work in virtual server01:36
PerToftAnyone have experienced with surround 5.1 and alsa?01:37
nopcodepredaeus: ok..01:37
jmvsarthor: your system seems to be edgy01:37
stittelsnap64__: You are right probably not. So go and try WINE first.01:37
jmvit wasn't updated01:37
qudamarambo3: OK thanks a lot, i'll do your advice01:37
snap64__yeah wine it is01:37
sarthorjmv: OK. Thank yhou. but one thing.01:37
emptynow i have 2 different graphic card, integrated by intel and AGP which is nvidia01:37
snap64__easy enough on my other lappy01:37
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stittelsnap64__: Oh, so you already now Metatrader works with WINE?01:37
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sarthorjmv: During instaling pkgs..01:38
stittelempty: Edgy or Feisty?01:38
sarthorGet:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main libadns1 1.4-0.1build1 [57.0kB] 01:38
sarthorGet:3 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe wireshark-common 0.99.4-6 [7562kB] 01:38
snap64__sittel yeah it works great!01:38
stittelsnap64__: Alright, then this should work too.01:38
stittelempty: Where does the boot process halt?01:38
snap64__just got to get around the 64 issue01:38
emptywhat is that?01:38
stittelempty: Doesn't Ubuntu boot at all or are you just not getting a graphical login?01:38
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emptyit load 1/4 and stop01:39
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stittelempty: Why do you think this has something to do with NVidia?01:39
emptyhang and i have to restart01:39
stittelempty: Can you access the machine right now?01:39
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stittelempty: In whatever way.01:39
Hylk0rhello :-)01:39
phy2nopcode .. at that 1/2 point, if you do control alt f1 do you get a prompt?01:39
preglowpredaeus: thanks anyway01:39
sarthorjmv: Why i am seeing here Fiesty??01:39
sarthorGet:2 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main libadns1 1.4-0.1build1 [57.0kB] 01:39
sarthorGet:3 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe wireshark-common 0.99.4-6 [7562kB] 01:39
Ix0s!welcome | Hylk0r01:39
ubotuHylk0r: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.01:39
emptyya.. i am using integrated graphic card01:39
stittelsnap64__: As I said, just use the packages from winehq; I use them myself, they work fine and are very easy on dependencies.01:39
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stittelempty: How did you switch the config, when the system couldn't get up? By using the LiveCD?01:40
jmvsarthor: feisty01:40
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phy2oops, should be EMPTY -- at that 1/4 point, if you do control alt f1 do you get a prompt?01:40
emptyif i fresh install ubuntu with nvidia geforce fx 5200, I will get kernel panic when booting01:40
predaeuspreglow, I only ticked all repositories in the update manager or where that was. maybe it not only uncomments them, but adds them. no idea01:40
snap64__sittel just did : sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list01:40
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jmvsarthor: I don't know, but your kernel and x.org are old01:40
emptyi can enter my BIOS and switch my graphic card01:40
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jmvdid you use the recommended upgrade procedure?01:41
stittelsnap64__: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install wine01:41
sarthorjmv: Ok. Thank you for giving me time.01:41
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Hylk0rI'm having some problems with the gnome-python-extras bindings. Specifically gksu.01:41
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Zkyezempty, i did the following: edited /etc/network/interfaces and commented everything but lo01:41
Zkyezthen i rebooted and it was all ok :)01:41
Hylk0rthis is from my python-interpreter:01:41
snap64__ahh thxs you save me the headache ;D01:41
stittelempty: Alright, can you please go to console now and open /boot/grub/menu.list?01:41
Hylk0r>>> import gksu01:41
Hylk0r>>> context = gksu.Context()01:41
Hylk0r>>> context.set_command("ls")01:41
Hylk0r>>> context.run()01:41
Hylk0rSegmentation fault (core dumped)01:41
Zkyezsince i use network-manager to connect01:41
emptyalt F1 wont work, i get a hang system..01:42
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stittelempty: Open it with sudo please.01:42
predaeusHylk0r, please use the paste bin next time01:42
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stittelsnap64__: You're welcome.01:42
Cerdai have 75%+ packet loss on internet, so it doesnt work, anyone know can i fix that? it works fine in windows01:42
PerToftWhat can i do about IRQ problems?01:42
Hylk0rpredaeus: ok, sorry. But it was not much code01:42
stittelempty: Pardon, it's menu.lst not menu.list.01:42
emptyunder what command?01:42
Zkyez empty, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:43
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predaeusHylk0r, sure and it's fine, but if everybody does it, it floods the channel01:43
snap64__stittel it broke hehe01:43
Zkyezusing sudo nano -w /.../menu.lst01:43
rambo3PerToft, aint those set in your bios ?01:43
stittelsnap64__: What broke?01:43
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Hylk0rpredaeus: yeah, that's true. But does anyone know if my problem is actually a bug?01:43
SlimeyPetePerToft: the first thing I usually do is go into the BIOS and look for the option that tells it to either a) set IRQs in the bios or b) allow the OS to set IRQs. Then I set it to the opposite of what it's currently set to. See if that helps...01:43
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SlimeyPeterambo3: these days, the OS tends to take care of IRQs by default01:44
PerToftrambo3: nope. Its a brand new HP laptop. I need to boot with pci=noacpi and irqpoll01:44
emptyi open it01:44
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fred_hi everyone01:44
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PerToftrambo3: i cant configure the irqs manualley :-(01:44
emptyi open it01:44
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fred_i have a question about redistribution of ubuntu.01:44
Hadroncan I assign hot keys to switch between virtual desktops in gnome?01:44
stittelempty: Look for "quiet" and IIRC "splash".01:44
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snap64__stittel: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19601/01:44
PerToftrambo3: Because of the lack of acpi support/bugs the irq for the wireless lan and graphics are assigned to irq 001:44
fred_can anyone respond to that?01:44
Frogzoofred_: that's not a question01:45
stittelempty: Ah, well, just post the damn file to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org. :)01:45
Picifred_: perhaps, try asking a question01:45
SlimeyPetefred_: just ask your question.... if anyone can respond, they will :)01:45
stittelempty: And give us the link.01:45
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PerToftSlimeyPete: The irq optios are fixed in the bios setup to os controlled, and acpi fails to assign the irqs01:45
predaeusHadron, should be somethign like ctrl-alt-arrowkeys01:45
stittelsnap64__: You have to say "Yes" not just "y".01:45
fred_thanks, well i thought about asking if someone was from the legal dept, but i'll try anyway01:45
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Hadronpredaeus: damn. I knew that! thanks!01:45
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snap64__stittel : Bahh your kidding me lol01:46
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SlimeyPetePerToft: ick. I think you can set IRQs manually by setting module options, but I've never done it myself.01:46
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Frogzoofred_: if you want legal advise, this isnt' the place - the chan is for technical support, you need legal advice, get a lawyer01:46
Cerdai have 75%+ packet loss on internet, so it doesnt work, anyone know can i fix that? it works fine in windows01:46
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Picifred_: 99% of us here are volunteers anyhow, depending on your question you may need to contact Canonical directly01:47
fred_i am actually toying with ubuntu on a pendrive, to do java dev in an extreme mobile way. i wondered if it would be seen as legal to put an access to an image of a pendrive with an ubuntu installed and all dev tools01:47
FrogzooCerda: check autonegotiation settings - especially the duplex setting - with "mii-tool"01:47
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Cerdafrogzoo how can i do that? sorry :)01:47
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Picifred_: For your own personal use?01:48
fred_yes, but publicly available01:48
PerToftSlimeyPete: Hmnn... How would that help? The IRQs are assigned by acpi, i think... If i do a lspci right now, its shows the that the wireless and nvidia gfx is assigned to IRQ001:48
FrogzooCerda: intsall "net-tools" - then "sudo mii-tool eth0" will show your nic settings01:48
feed-Frogzoo, where i can fine mii-tool? Which rep?01:48
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Picifred_: I honestly don't think it'll be an issue, but like I said, if you want a definite answer, contact Canonical directly.01:49
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CerdaFrogzoo i think i wont be able to install anything cause i dont have internet01:49
fred_okay, that's a good stard. :)01:49
fred_pici: thanks a bunch01:49
SlimeyPetePerToft: I *think* it overrides. Having said that, I've only seen my housemate do it on older boxes.01:49
CerdaFrogzoo in ubuntu =)01:49
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suestevehi all, i run Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and cant use my  Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus, i get the error: open of device gt68xx:libusb:001:004 failed: Invalid argument can any one help??01:49
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emptyerm i cant paste the file it say that i am spamming01:50
Frogzoofred_: the gpl means you're free to use the code however you like, as long as you respect the same right for others (again, I'm not a lawyer)01:50
Pici!paste | empty01:50
ubotuempty: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:50
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PerToftSlimeyPete: Thx for the hint... ill try to see if it works... Is it the driver module or acpi options?01:50
SlimeyPetedriver module, IIRC01:51
bobbob1016for some reason, whenever I open ForceField, truecrypt's gui program, it freezes.  I have beryl, and the window darkens, then closes, meaning it stopped responding.  I've tried doing a complete remove in synaptic and aptitude.  Forcefield opens two windows, one titled "Mount" and the other called "Forcefield needs truecrypt", I figured that purging and reinstalling would install compatible versions.  Any ideas?01:51
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NoReGreTguys, I'm having problems in talk/talkd on Feisty, anyone ?01:52
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predaeusNoReGreT, just say what your exact problem is, if somebody knows the fix, he/she will tell01:52
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suestevehi all, i run Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and cant use my  Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus, i get the error: open of device gt68xx:libusb:001:004 failed: Invalid argument can any one help??01:53
emptyI get this error "You appear to be spamming the pastebin. I hate spammers so I won't let you. If you're not attempting to spam, please enable javascript so you can pass the antispam check"01:53
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NoReGreTpredaeus:  Error on read from talk daemon: Connection refused. Press any key01:53
suestevehi all, i run Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and cant use my  Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus, i get the error: open of device gt68xx:libusb:001:004 failed: Invalid argument can any one help??01:53
NoReGreTanybody faced that ?01:53
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Piciempty: try a different pastebin: http://pastebin.ca/01:54
suestevehi all, i run Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and cant use my  Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus, i get the error: open of device gt68xx:libusb:001:004 failed: Invalid argument can any one help??01:54
predaeussuesteve, stop flooding01:54
Pici!repeat | suesteve01:54
ubotusuesteve: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:54
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suesteveokay sorrryy01:54
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suestevecan u help?01:55
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sarthorI am getting error, when i am executing kismet .. here is the error.. http://www.pastebin.ca/47534701:55
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:55
snap64__stittel got command to uninstall ndisswrapper on top of head .....portage commands dont work ;)01:55
=== Lucifel [n=q@c-76-21-63-12.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
rambo3sarthor, kismet wlan0 ?01:56
suestevea yes would have sufficed?01:56
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sarthorrambo3: i have just installed kismet with apt-get,, my wlan is on eth1.. I am quite new to linux01:57
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stittelsnap64__: Can you post that please, I am missing a bit of context here. :)01:57
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suesteveubotu: dont see anything about scanners there? any directions01:58
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snap64__stittel i installed ndisswraper and didnt need it.....firmware worked for me.....i been using gentoo to long and cant figure out haow to get rid of ndisswrape01:58
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Myrtti!bot | suesteve01:58
ubotusuesteve: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:58
stittelempty: In line 89 you see "defoptions". Remove the "splash" and "quiet" there please.01:58
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stittelempty: Then safe the file and run "sudo update-grub".01:59
snap64__something like apt get ndisswrapper -uninstall?01:59
MyrttiGUAPO: hello.01:59
stittelempty: Then post your file again, please.01:59
rambo3sarthor, ok you need to setup kismet first01:59
emptydo i remove also the defoptions?01:59
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suestevehi all, i run Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and cant use my  Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus, i get the error: open of device gt68xx:libusb:001:004 failed: Invalid argument can any one help??01:59
rambo3!kismet | sarthor01:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kismet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:59
stittelsnap64__: How did you install the ndiswrapper?01:59
emptydo i remove also the defoptions?01:59
sarthorrambo3: i put this.. and the server started  source=orinoco,eth1,kismet01:59
stittelsnap64: Via a .deb package?02:00
snap64__in terminal with a get02:00
emptydo i also remove the defoptions?02:00
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sarthorrambo3: I haave no wireless network in ma surrouding now. so i am not confirm that wil it work or not??02:00
stittelempty: No, you don't need to.02:00
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rambo3!info orinoco02:00
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ubotuPackage orinoco does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:01
stittelsnap64__: What do you mean by "with a get"?02:01
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suestevehi all, i run Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and cant use my  Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus, i get the error: open of device gt68xx:libusb:001:004 failed: Invalid argument can any one help??02:01
Myrttisuesteve: we saw you the first time, you know02:02
snap64__sittel i cant remember ...no biggie ill figure it out02:02
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suesteverecon you did but i thought this was a place you go help on stuff..............02:03
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anderson_17what's the best program to watch DVD?02:03
jgalvin1xine does the trick02:03
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emptydone here's the link http://pastebin.ca/47535502:03
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Myrttisuesteve: if nobody answered your question, then it means that nobody who saw it knows the answer. And the channel population didn't change that much between your questions.02:04
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bigmoeanyone knows how to inject wireless networks using ipw3945 wirless cards??02:05
=== snap64__ just has to copy 3 dll's and a font into wine everything should be peachy except my wireless
gt123can anyone tell me how long this message: File ??? (inode #3686407, mod time Mon Jul 31 19:04:11 2006)02:05
gt123  has 139218 multiply-claimed block(s), shared with 1 file(s):" might take before its fixed? Its been going a long time, Im wondering if it will ever complete, or am i just too impatient?02:05
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suestevewhats the time limit between post then cause i didnt see it anywhere before i entered......02:05
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bigmoewhat is the deal with the restricted drivers on feisty???02:05
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preactiongt123: messages from fsck usually are printed after the error is fixed, it's most likely moved on to another part of the disk02:06
stittelempty: Very good.02:07
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gt123so, in that case, I should sit tight?02:07
suestevebut i see lots leavin and joining????02:07
stittelempty: Now switch back to NVIDIA and reboot. The error won't be gone, but you will get a verbose output of what is happening.02:07
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VirhYl3When is Pidgin going to be in the repositories?02:07
stittelVirhYl3: In Feisty probably never.02:07
preactiongt123: for now, sure02:07
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zues_62how do i give myself access rights to a drive so i can copy and paste02:08
VirhYl3stittel: Really?!?  Why is that?02:08
stittelstittel: Either make a picture of the output if you have a cam at hand or write down were it hangs.02:08
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suesteveokay any one know about scanners??/02:08
gt123preation: can you give me some idea of how long a fsck on a corrupted (due to power failure) 80gb might take? Its been running for well over 1hr (i think abou 1.5hrs)02:08
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stittelVirhYl3: Because that's the normal way of things. Newer software is only backported to an already released distribution if there is a good reason for it.02:08
GigaClonis there a way to control the size/type of fonts used in the Firefox Flash Plugin?02:08
zues_62what is the comand to give myself right acces to a drive?02:08
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sebcachiahi, ubuntu is taking realy long to start up all of a sudden. Anyone know how I can check what Is causing it. I suspect it is some incorrect startup program02:09
stittelVirhYl3: Otherwise it's just secruity fixes and major bugfixes. And Gaim 2.00beta6 seems to work fine, so there really is not such an urgend reason.02:09
preactiongt123: depends on the speed of the processor, but if it started taking longer than 4 hours i might start worrying02:09
stittelVirhYl3: You can install Pidgin yourself of course, if you just MUST have it.02:09
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VirhYl3got it.  gaim b6 crashes in edit accounts.02:09
zues_62what is the comand?02:10
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gt123preaction: OK. Thanks. This system is a VM host, and im completely dead in the water while this is down...!02:10
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bigmoehow can u upgrade a particular package using apt-get??02:10
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zues_62does anyone know how to give myself access rights to a drive so i can copy delete and paste files?02:10
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zues_62i am not sure of the comand u use02:10
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john_has anybody solved the intel graphics chip prob with ubuntu?02:11
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sebcachiahi, ubuntu is taking realy long to start up all of a sudden. Anyone know how I can check what Is causing it. I suspect it is some incorrect startup program02:11
kaoltihi all02:11
zues_62does anyone know the answer to my question yes no?02:11
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stittelVirhYl3: http://www.getdeb.net has Pidgin packages for Feisty.02:12
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snap64__stittel wine works but missing icons is there winetools for 64bit?02:12
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suestevebigmoe: sudo apt-get upgrade <package name>02:12
emptyi rebooted02:12
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emptyit is no good..02:12
emptya kernel panic02:12
kaoltianybody knows how can i mount ntfs partitions so i have write acces to them?02:12
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zues_62guys i want to copy something to my drive i have just formated it says i am not root02:12
ubuntuEdgyi want the  kde look, do i have to install the whole sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or ?02:12
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zues_62how do i give myself rights so i can copy files?02:12
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caluzues_62 sudo02:13
ubuntuEdgysudo su02:13
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ubuntuEdgyor just change the rights on the hard drive.02:13
stittelsnap64__: Don't really know. I don't use wintools myself.02:13
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suestevekaolti: you need ntfs download from the repositories,02:13
caluanyone knows how to fix the "failed to allocate resource mem #6" error?02:13
zues_62calu yep done next?02:14
sebcachiahi, ubuntu is taking realy long to start up all of a sudden. Anyone know how I can check what Is causing it. I suspect it is some incorrect startup program02:14
calufill in your root password02:14
kaoltisuesteve: how do i do that?02:14
Myrtticalu: wwwhhhat?02:14
ubuntuEdgyright click it select permissions and change it from root to you02:14
Myrttiwhat root password02:14
PerToftAlsa and surround support... anyone?02:14
zues_62calu done that02:14
caluthen you're root02:14
snap64__stittel well it works ok but no button icons in the application. buttons are there just no icons hehe ill post screencap02:15
emptystittel: i got a kernel panic02:15
zues_62calu ya i know that02:15
suesteveeasiest way is through adept manager type ntfs in the search and pick the option that you require and download02:15
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zues_62but calu how do i give that drive rights chmod or something?02:15
caluchmod +x 777 or so02:15
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stittelempty: Please give us a screenshot or post the last lines before the panic (including the panic itself).02:16
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calunow your turn zues_62: anyone knows how to fix the "failed to allocate resource mem #6" error?02:16
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emptyerm.. a picture from camera?02:16
zues_62calcu thats not what i want man02:16
stittelempty: For example. Or post the last lines before this happening (include the line with the kernel panic).02:16
zues_62i wan2 give all rights to that drive so i can paste and copy and delete02:16
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Feldegastzues_62 775 should be enough02:17
Picizues_62: mount with option rw and owner your username02:17
zues_62feld it doenst work02:17
zues_62does anyone know the actual comand02:17
Feldegastif not u need to join a few more groups02:17
suestevekaolti: you want ntfs-3g and supporting libs02:18
zues_62no no i just wan2 giv that drive rights im not sure the comand02:18
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gt123preaction: Is there any way to confirm that the process is still active and not just in a hung state?02:18
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Feldegastthe drive doesn't have rightsa, the user does02:18
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zues_62oh ok so feld how do i give the user rights02:18
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preactiongt123: open another terminal (ctrl+alt+f1-6) and check "top" or "ps aux"02:19
zues_62its sets to root at the mo feld02:19
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zues_62can someone help me please02:19
suesteveany one know about scanners?02:19
gt123preaction:  6197 root      25   0 51300  48m  936 R   99  2.1  19:40.57 fsck.ext202:20
void^zues_62: what filesystem is it?02:20
=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Feldegastzues_62 are u in the root group?02:20
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Picizues_62: try remount /dev/devicename -o rw02:20
zues_62feld what do u mean02:20
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zues_62feld i am the owner of the computer02:20
Picizues_62: try remount /dev/devicename -o remount,rw02:20
Picizues_62: try mount /dev/devicename -o remount,rw02:20
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zues_62no no no u guys are not getting it02:21
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zues_62chmod 777 is that right?02:21
Feldegastzues_62 you need to join the root group02:21
zues_62feld how do i do that02:21
Feldegastin linux, there are users and groups02:21
zues_62feld i know this but how do i join the root group02:22
void^a normal user account most probaby does not want to be in the root group.02:22
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MixBlastHi all, I have a problem on: sometimes applications (like terminal, nautilus, firefox, gedit, etc) take about 30 seconds to open, and I really can't understand what is causing such a delay.. Anyone know of this?02:22
suesteveany one know about scanners?????????02:22
=== Feldegast is not in ubuntu atm so i can't look it up
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zues_62well all i wan2 do is give myself rights so i can copy to that drive02:23
Feldegastsuesteve i have been told that epson suposedly work02:23
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Feldegastzues_62 u could sudo...02:23
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void^zues_62: what filesystem is it?02:23
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snap64__stittel http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/7553/mt4onubuntu64uo2.gif02:23
zues_62feld ok i know sudo02:23
suesteveno my prob is with a  Mustek BearPaw 1200 CU Plus02:23
retaliatoris it possible to install initNG on feisty02:23
zues_62i just need the comand02:23
retaliatordoes anyone has a guide to do this?02:24
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archvilleWhat can i use to read postscript files ?02:24
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Feldegast...as long as u are trying to write to a filesystem that is mounted for writing02:24
archvilleretaliator, it is, you can read on it on the initng homepage02:24
zues_62feld god what is the CHMOD COMANDDDDDDDDDDDD02:24
Myrttizues_62: behave02:24
retaliatorbut there it only says it works on dapper02:24
Feldegastchmod +775 file02:24
archvillebasically it's all about installing initng / initng-ifiles and modifying the menu.lst file02:24
fsckrcan anyone recommend a pcmcia wireless card for a laptop that works with ubuntu?02:25
zues_62my this is anoying me ok does anyone know02:25
Unb2Hello, I have ubuntu 7.04 festy my video is radeon 9200 and I use radeon driver.. if I install xorg-fglrx is going to be much better than radon default?02:25
Feldegastchmod 775 /dev/hda102:25
stittelsnap64__: Have you installed the software using the installer or have you just copied it from the other system?02:25
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zues_62ok ty02:25
Feldegaster +775 maybe02:25
orbinarchville: evince i think.02:25
Feldegastas i said i not in linux to check atm02:25
MyrttiUnb2: not really02:25
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pirxhey! i have installed nedit on 2 ubuntu computers with "apt-get install nedit". on 6 other ubuntu computers apt-get says that the package doesnt exist. what do i uncomment to get access to the nedit package there? :)02:25
archvilleorbin, thanks, i'll try02:25
zues_62feld it does not work02:25
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void^(of course not)02:26
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Ix0s!info nedit02:26
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snap64__i used the installer snap@bitch:~$ wine /home/snap/Desktop/ibsetup4.exe02:26
xoBI got a problem with my other hdd. "Cannot mount volume", but root can. Someone here knows what i need to do? (Something with grp's cuz i got 2 users who need access beside root)02:26
ubotunedit: A powerful, customizable, Motif based text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:5.5-2ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 741 kB, installed size 1732 kB02:26
IdleOne!repos | pirx02:26
ubotupirx: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:26
suestevebye mups02:26
MixBlastfsckr: a lot of them work now, netgear cards are OK, pretty cheap and the madwifi-ng driver is good02:26
stittelsnap64__: Do you have access to the system where WINE ist working with Trader software?02:26
Ix0spirx, You need to uncomment universe02:26
zues_62ok does anyone know what comand to use chmod 777 then what after that?02:26
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archvilleorbin, yup, it worked, thanks02:26
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MixBlastHi all, I have a problem on: sometimes applications (like terminal, nautilus, firefox, gedit, etc) take about 30 seconds to open, and I really can't understand what is causing such a delay.. Anyone know of this?02:26
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orbinarchville: np02:27
MixBlast(I have a fast PC)02:27
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stittelsnap64__: If so, tar-gz the ~/.wine directory from there and extract it on your current system (after you have move your current ~/.wine dir of course).02:27
snap64__stittel yeah sitting right next to me...(2 laptops on my coffee table) hehe02:27
=== Feldegast is wondering where i go to boot the ubuntu iso (in the same way a knoppix iso can be booted)
Feldegast...where to go to get info02:27
fsckrhmm MixBlast i have a linksys card and I did an lspci | grep -i network and it came out to be an ACX 111 Texas Instrament.  I did alittle research and found out that its a bitch to get working02:27
rbs-titoHi guys, I know this might sound crazy but I think I've picked up a virus in Firefox.02:27
Unb2Myrtti : no diference?02:27
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xoB I got a problem with my other hdd. "Cannot mount volume", but root can. Someone here knows what i need to do? (Something with grp's cuz i got 2 users who need access beside root)02:27
zues_62ok how do i join the root group02:28
snap64__cant i just copy it straight over thru network?02:28
ResHello does anyone know how to instal the "logitech MEDIA PLAY" mouse on a Ubuntun 7.04 system?02:28
MixBlastoh i don't know about linksys... it depends what you want to do with your card really02:28
Feldegastzues_62 are u using kde?02:28
orbinrbs-tito: do tell02:28
zues_62feld no gnome02:28
MyrttiUnb2: I've got the impression that fglrx is a bit unstable and the difference isn't that big02:28
Reswell i found a discription ob ubuntuuseer  but couldn'z really get it02:28
=== Feldegast doesn't know where it is under gnome sorry
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stittelsnap64__: It doesn't matter how you copy it, just make sure the permissions are alright and you don't leave something out.02:29
fsckrMixBlast, heck all i want to do with my card is make it work :)02:29
snap64__well how do i targz the wine on other box02:29
Myrttizues_62: do you know what type of filesystem your trying to use? ntfs, fat, ext3?02:29
MixBlastfsckr: well do you know if there is a linux driver for your card's chipset?02:29
snap64__it will just make an archive and put it somewhere right?02:29
zues_62myr ext3 all i wan2 do is copy and delete files from that drive02:29
fsckrfrom linksys itself?02:30
MixBlasti doubt it would b from linksys02:30
Myrttizues_62: try typing myr and press the tabulator key above your caps lock button02:30
stittelsnap64__: tar -czf mywine.tar.gz ~/.wine02:30
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Myrttihere on irc02:30
rbs-titoWell, every few times I visit a webpage (doesn't matter which one, could be Google, could be Yahoo) firefox opens a window (not a popup, it's in the GTK style notifications) with the title "www.compfused.com" it says "This page requires a newer version of Macromedia Flash Player, would you like to install it?". I've got the latest version and I don't see what it has to do with compfused.com (Whatever compfused.com is)02:30
=== Feldegast is wondering where i go to get info to boot the ubuntu iso (in the same way a knoppix iso can be booted) from a usb device
stittelsnap64__: One the other system: mv ~/.wine ~/.wine.sic02:30
aoirthoirGood Morning everyone.02:30
=== Xuff [n=xuff@nts-198.179-167-216.nts-online.net] has joined #ubuntu
stittelsnap64__: And after copying over the tar.gz file: tar -xzf mywine.tar.gz ~/02:31
paljasAny knowledge about preseed installs of 7.04? Is it supported? Is there accurate documentation about it? I can't get past the "Guided partitioning" questions, and i'm not alone, according to a 'preseed' search on de ubuntu webfora.02:31
zues_62Myrtti:  ok i wan2 just copy files and delete them from a drive02:31
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SnapLinuxstittel working on it ;)02:31
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Myrttizues_62: zues_62 whheee you now know how to nick complete02:31
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Myrttizues_62: try gksudo nautilus02:32
zues_62Myrtti:  so how do i do what i wan2 do02:32
rbs-titoJust got it again, on a page with no flash on it.02:32
Feldegastzues_62 start your file manager app using sudo02:32
Myrttibut be careful02:32
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stittelsnap64__: Then check if you own the files just extracted. Just call "ls -l ~/.wine" and look if you are owner of the files/dirs in there.02:32
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snap64__ok i made the tar but where did it put it?02:32
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zues_62Myrtti:  and what do i do in there02:33
emptyok i am b02:33
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource02:33
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Feldegastsnap64__ have a look in ~02:33
Myrttizues_62: what was it again that you wanted to do?02:33
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:33
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Myrttizues_62: do it02:33
stittelempty: So?02:33
mark__can someone help me figure out why my openpgp key will not transfer to ubuntu??02:34
fsckrhmmm MixBlast this page says my chipset works right of the box on fiesty http://acx100.sourceforge.net/wiki/Distribution_list/Ubuntu02:34
zues_62Myrtti:  i want to be able to delete copy and read files from a drive02:34
Reshi may someone help me with a german discribtion to install "logitech MEDIA PLAY" (http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Logitech_Media_Play)02:34
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KubuntuCan I find my windows xp password in linux?02:34
stittelKubuntu: No.02:34
stittelKubuntu: Do you need to reset it?02:34
KubuntuCan Linux find it?02:34
KubuntuI want to know what it is.02:34
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emptythe problem seems to be with this line " EPI: [<c011c706>]  native_apic_write_atomic+0x6/0x10 SS:ESP 0068:d9a71db002:35
snap64__hmm ok now the trick is networking02:35
KubuntuI use it for otther things too, so I need to know it,02:35
FeldegastKubuntu it is easier to remove it02:35
stittelKubuntu: Your Windows login password is not stored in clear text but as hash. You can't just read it.02:35
MixBlastfsckr: well it seems it doesnt... have you tried getting te latest version from the site?02:35
gt123ive just found out i need to specify the ext3 filesystem for fsck operations. should I cancel (break) the current operation and start again with fsck.ext3 command rather than just fsck?02:35
snap64__had it going w/ sabayon got to set it up here i guess02:35
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stittelKubuntu: Your password is not stored in any file! Only it's hash is.02:35
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fsckrMixBlast, i am running fiesty and there is wlan0 in the network but I have yet to get it to work cuz i also have built in nic and it seems to over ride my wireless card02:36
emptyden it will come out with either kernel panic, fatal error or just hang at that point02:36
IdleOneKubuntu, if it is a password that is used for other important things you think you would remember it right!?02:36
stittelsnap64__: Just copy it over on an USB stick. :)02:36
orbinrbs-tito: what does the notifcation look like.  take a screenshot if possible.02:36
dfgas__why is it when you install edubuntu that it doesn't have all the stuff like the live cd has, its just basiclly ubuntu with a different look and thats it. Its edubuntu without all the educational packages02:36
snap64__ahh yeah good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:36
stittelsnap64__: Otherwise I'd use sftp to quickly transfer files, if this is setup.02:36
zues_62ok ill ask again does anyone know how i can give a user rights to they can copy paste and delete files or directories from a hard drive02:36
rbs-titoorbin: I'll take a screenshot when it comes up. it looks like a genuine firefox message except it says the "compfused.com" thing at the top02:36
MixBlastfsckr: well what have you tried? can you configure it with iwconfig?02:36
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stittelzues_62: Only ONE user should have this right, or many users?02:37
saturn04How can I get from 7.04 back to 6.10?02:37
snap64__well eventually i want the machines to share files02:37
rbs-titoorbin: It even has the Ubuntu style tick and cross on the OK and cencel buttons02:37
stittelsnap64__: I'd setup SSH.02:37
IdleOnesaturn04, backup and reinstall02:37
emptyso how??02:37
stittelsnap64__: But first things first.02:37
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zues_62stickyicky:  i am that one user so how do i do it02:37
Myrttizues_62: I just gave you the instructions02:37
fsckrMixBlast, with iwconfig?02:37
Myrttiyou can do it now in the file manager window that opened02:37
stittelempty: Can you poste the output before the error include the error please.02:37
fsckrhmmm didn't know anymore bout iwconfig02:37
zues_62mythos:  i want it so i dont need to do that all the time02:37
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saturn04IdleOne, only one method? :(02:38
emptythe problem seems to be with this line " EPI: [<c011c706>]  native_apic_write_atomic+0x6/0x10 SS:ESP 0068:d9a71db002:38
snap64__yeah let my usb stick this extract it then i can mess w/ networking02:38
MixBlastiwconfig is the program to configure your wireless cards02:38
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gt123preaction: ive just found out i need to specify the ext3 filesystem for fsck operations. should I cancel (break) the current operation and start again with fsck.ext3 command rather than just fsck?02:38
emptyEPI: [<c011c706>]  native_apic_write_atomic+0x6/0x10 SS:ESP 0068:d9a71db002:38
IdleOnesaturn04, I dont know of any other way of downgrading02:38
stittelempty: And before that?02:38
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fsckri just used the network in administration02:38
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zues_62Myrtti:  so what is the chmod comand i use?02:38
MixBlastyeah i didn't find that to work too well...02:38
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MixBlastdo you have the NetworkManager applet in your notification area?02:39
Grueliusim getting this error NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when i try to print to the printer on my ubuntu box from a windows pc, what should i be looking at?02:39
Feldegastzues_62 it isn't a chmod command, u need to add yourself to the relevent group02:39
fsckrMixBlast, yea02:39
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MixBlastdoes that show u any networks?02:39
zues_62Feldegast:  what is the comand then02:39
emptyBefore that is "code: 04 c3 8d......"02:39
fsckrMixBlast, booting my laptop up now I am on my desktop PC02:39
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systimaxis there a way to find out who built a package in a rep?  Im trying to find out who built the vmware package in the Canonical Commercial Repository02:40
Feldegastzues_62 in kde i use a gui tool, at the command line i edit a text file02:40
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emptyi reboot serveral time and it all end with native_apic_write_atomic....02:40
MixBlastotherwise try  $ iwlist scan02:40
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stittelempty: Yes, but as which part of the boot process does that happen?02:40
fsckrbut i have configured the wireless by puttin in static ip02:40
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osfameronare there any vim colour schemes that look ok on Gnome Terminal?02:40
stittelempty: Just write the 5 or 10 lines before that error please.02:40
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zues_62Feldegast:  grrrr02:41
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giggseyIf I change my hard drive from secondary to primary (hdc to hda) will it affect anything?02:41
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fsckrok MixBlast1 my laptop is up02:43
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MixBlast1ok well try   iwconfig wlan002:43
emptysys_init_module+0x15d/0x1ba0                               sys_mmap2+0xcd/0xd0                  sysenter_past_esp+0x69/0xa9                    xfrm_state find+0x4e3/0x57002:43
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Feldegastzues_62 i don't know the gnome tools02:44
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stittelempty: Once again, at which stage of the boot process does this happen?02:44
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zues_62how do i change the owner of a drive?02:44
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fsckrMixBlast1, ok02:44
stittelempty: What i Ubuntu try to do when these errors happen? Is it trying to load the NVIDIA module? Is it trying to load another module?02:44
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Feldegastzues_62 you are going at that backwards, you tell the drive that you have access to it by joining the root group02:44
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Feldegastyou need to join this group using the tools within gnome, i don't know the tools02:45
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MixBlast1does it give you any output?02:45
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rob65Guys, need some help. When I select the normal boot option from GRUB, feisty locks up at the login screen of gdm. HOWEVER, when I select recovery, I can "startx" and it runs without any problem whatsoever!!! Anyone got any ideas? I'm at a loss.02:45
snap64__stittel :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19604/02:45
stefgzues_62: what are you trying to do? Drives don't have any other owner than root, it's the files that matter02:45
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fsckrMixBlast1, yes it does02:45
zues_62Feldegast:  i went into that too and selected the root group it doesnt change anything02:45
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emptyit just hang there, it is after it is preparing for restricted-driver02:46
MixBlast1ok what about   iwlist scan   does it give you a list of networks?02:46
yellow_chickenhow to configure sun java to be the default compiler?02:46
yellow_chicken~sun java02:46
stittelempty: Can youi please paste us the version numbers of all installed packages, whose name starts with nvidia.02:46
yellow_chicken!sun java02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sun java - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
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fsckryes it does02:46
stittelempty: And also the version of the installed Kernel.02:46
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:46
stefgrob65: have you sudo dpkg-reconfigure 'd  already?02:47
stefgyour xserver?02:47
MixBlast1well... what is not working with your card then? :p02:47
rob65stefg: numerous times!!!!!!02:47
rob65stefg: i've tried selecting nvidia, nv, and vesa02:47
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Feldegastzues_62 i dunno then sorry, it worked for me....02:47
yellow_chickenrob65: i remember i have to change/configure the alternative app02:47
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fsckrLOL thats what I dont know.....i have no connection02:48
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rob65yellow_chicken:  google for "set java default ubuntu"02:48
fsckri can't even ping my wireless router02:48
MixBlast1well you need to associate with your router?02:48
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fsckri have done the essid02:48
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yellow_chickensudo update-alternatives --config java02:48
rob65sounds right to me yellow_chicken02:48
stefgrob65: so it gdm might start in a mode that crashes X, when you startx, gdm isn't involved. See the !fixres factoid, the chapter about gdm strting in the wrong reso02:48
MixBlast1do the channel and the AP too, key if you have one02:48
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:49
MixBlast1if you click the networkmanager applet in your notification area it should give you a list02:49
emptyi have nvidia-glx-new, version "1.0.9755+ and nvidia-kernel-common, version "20051028+1ubuntu7"02:49
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rob65i'll try that stefg and get back to you :)02:50
fsckrMixBlast1, just clicking on it should give me a list?02:50
fsckrif so i get nothing02:50
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emptyhow do i check kernel version?02:51
stefgunme -r02:51
stefguname -r02:51
orbinfsckr: right-click on it.  do you see enable wireless?02:51
zues_62Feldegast: it worked ty02:51
fsckrorbin, it is enables02:51
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fsckractually just enabled networking02:51
BigToeHow do I install a printer in ubuntu server so I can print on it from a remote windows machine? The wiki entry on it is confusing.02:52
emptyi have nvidia-glx-new, version "1.0.9755+ and nvidia-kernel-common, version "20051028+1ubuntu7", linux kernel version 2.6.20-15-generic02:52
stittelempty: You are running non-Ubuntu packages!02:52
coolgeekguys, why can i not ssh to domains, only to ip's?02:52
stittelempty: 9755 was never released by ubuntu.02:52
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stittelempty: How have you installed those drivers?02:52
coolgeekany one?02:53
emptythrough synaptic package manager02:53
stittelempty: Do you have another system to access IRC from?02:53
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orbinfsckr: applet may possibly be causing conflicts.  gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces ... comment out (put a # in front) of every line except the first two which should refer to lo02:53
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snap64__stittel got the files moved over didnt fixe the broken icons but it did save me alot of trouble rebuilding my trading charts ;)02:53
stittelempty: If what I tell you now won't work, you won't be able to ask how to fix it, if you don't have IRC access, that's why I ask. :)02:53
fsckrorbin, ok ill try that02:54
practiceHello.  I FINALLY have my WPA connection working, but I'm asked to enter a password for keyring, what is this?02:54
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MixBlast1nah i think the applet is just not recognising your card, it does that too me too sometimes02:54
emptymy windows laptop doesnt have irc but i can install it02:54
mrabbithello, can anybody tell me how, on ubuntu 6.10, to make a bcm4318 wireless card work without a wired connection. i can dload files in windows and store on usb key, what files do i need?02:54
stittelsnap64__: Hmmm. You could deinstall the 64bit Wine-package you just installed (but let its dependency installed) and use the officiall 32bit Ubuntu Wine package on amd64.02:54
rob65stefg: That chapter (8) doesn't offer me any help i don't think, as the lines telling gdm what res to use are already correct02:54
stittelsnap64__: This is actually what I'd try next.02:54
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BigToepractice, keyring saves passwords so you don't have to remember them.02:54
MixBlast1try (as root) iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid channel X ap 01:23:45:67:89:0a02:55
fsckrorbin, comment every line but the top02:55
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MixBlast1(replace values as appropriate02:55
MixBlast1then (as root)   dhclient wlan002:55
BigToepractice, instead of entering loads of different passwords for ftp servers and networks, the keyring saves them.02:55
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orbinfsckr: i suggest you try MixBlast1's first actually.  i didn't mean to butt in02:55
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MixBlast1i gtg sry02:55
yellow_chickenrob65: ah..... 7.04 is nicer, i didn't have to do that alternative config thingy02:55
practiceBigToe: Should the password I enter into keyring be the passphrase for my router, or a should I make up a different password?02:55
stefgrob65: do you get any diagnostic output , or does it boot directly to crash?02:55
MixBlast1i suggest you try wlan-ui on google02:55
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MixBlast1a nice little perl script02:56
rob65with 6.10 it boots and says no screens found02:56
MixBlast1just edit the device name in it then  perl wlan-ui.pl (as root) and connect with that02:56
rob65but with 7.04 it just boots to my gdm login, then freezes (keyboard and mouse)02:56
mrabbitanybody know what to do. how can i install .deb files from command line. dependencies of network-manager-gnome 0.6.2?02:56
BigToepractice, it should be different.02:56
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orbinfsckr: ok, save his info. then try mine. :)02:56
practiceBigToe: Thank you!02:56
BigToepractice, well, it can be anything you like02:56
stefgrob65: is it a CRT or TFT?02:56
BigToeno probs :P02:57
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stittelempty: Alright.02:57
orbinfsckr: i never had to play with iwconfig and my card is an SOB broadcom02:57
rob65it says "Generic Monitor" or something along those lines, it doesn't get the actual name of it02:57
stittelempty: Please deinstall all packages starting with "nvidia" from your system.02:57
mcscruffmrabbit, sudo dpkg -i name.deb02:57
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stittelempty: And please post your /etc/apt/sources.list.02:57
stittelempty: Let's look where those non-official packages come from.02:57
stefgrob65: hmm. so the ddc-probing could cause that. can you pastebin your xorg.conf?02:57
orbinfsckr: so comment out everything so it looks something like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19089/02:58
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snap64__stittel dont know how to uninstall 64bit version of wine but keep dependencies.....   man your the busy lil helper arent you?02:58
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mrabbitright, does anybody know the dependencies of network-manager-gnome 0.6.2, or where to find that out?02:58
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stittelsnap64__: "apt-get --purge remove wine".02:58
kingcobracan somebody tell me where else could the firefox profiles folder be if its not in .mozilla in home folder02:58
stittelsnap64__: Only "wine" should get uninstalled, no other package.02:58
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mcscruffmrabbit, if you do a package search on debian site it shows u02:59
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salgemmahello to all... does anybody know how to enable sound in OpenOffice Impress?02:59
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BigToehow do I set up a printer on my Ubuntu server so I can print from my remote windows machine?02:59
orbinmrabbit: packages.ubuntu.com would be more relevant02:59
BigToeI've installed cupsys and lpr02:59
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snap64__ok then to install the 32 bit version add remove wont let me put it on so i just go apt-get  install wine ?03:00
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fsckrorbin, i commented everything out but the first top 203:00
BigToehow do I set up a printer on my Ubuntu server so I can print from my remote windows machine? The wiki guide is aimed at users with a GUI.03:00
rob65stefg: sure, its here : http://phpfi.com/23242103:00
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orbinfsckr: ok.  now you have to restart networking and kill the applet.  a reboot would probably just be easier.03:01
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mrabbitoooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkk, any alternatives for network-manager-gnome with no or few dependencies other than whats already on edgy?03:01
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snap64__oh no ive hosed everything lol03:01
BigToehow do I set up a printer on my Ubuntu server so I can print from my remote windows machine? The wiki guide is aimed at users with a GUI.03:02
fivemackGood afternoon.  I'm having trouble with the CD creator not believing that I've inserted a writeable DVD.03:02
orbinmrabbit: having troubles w/ it?03:02
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fsckrMixblast left?  I hope he isn't mad at me03:02
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emptymy source list is here http://pastebin.ca/47542303:03
mrabbitorbin:i havent even installed ubuntu yet, im not gonna until i know how to make the wireless work without a wired connection to start with. network-manager-gnome has loads of dependencies03:03
fsckrok orbin laptop back up03:03
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emptymy other nick is ixemptyxi03:03
orbinmrabbit: it's been part of default install since dapper03:03
orbinmrabbit: yep03:03
mrabbitorbin:lol i am an idiot03:03
snap64__stittel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19612/03:03
fivemackIt just says 'Please put a disc, with at least 20.2 KiB free, into the drive.  The following disc types are supported: DVD+R DL, DVD-RAM, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, CD-R, CD-RW'03:03
rob65stefg: any thoughts?03:04
orbinmrabbit: :)03:04
stefgrob65: hmmm. nothing suspicious in it.03:04
orbinfsckr: networks show up in applet?03:04
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emptymy source list is here http://pastebin.ca/47542303:04
BigToehow do I set up a printer on my Ubuntu server so I can print from my remote windows machine? The wiki guide is aimed at users with a GUI.03:04
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stittelsnap64__: sorry, please add a "sudo" in front of it.03:04
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yellow_chickenhow to tell firefox that i installed java?03:04
fsckrorbin, no they didnt and I just tried to create it with no success03:04
snap64__stittel i did still get error03:04
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MoLE_fivemack, obviously no luck with a different disc?03:05
MoLE_yellow_chicken, sudo update-alternatives --config java03:05
jscheelhi all, I have a quick question: When I install a theme in the theme preferences, my new theme does not appear in the theme selection list. Any ideas?03:05
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mrabbitorbin:what about bcm43xx-fwcutter, is that installed by default?03:05
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orbinfsckr: does a right-click show enable wireless?03:05
snap64__look at bottom of that text03:05
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rever75Goodmorning, I am having issues copying large files from one drive to another. The copy will start but then it will crap out, actually Nautilus will crash.03:05
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fsckryes orbin it does and it is enabled03:05
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stittelsnap64__: You have Synaptic or another package software open in parallel. Please close it and try again.03:05
orbinmrabbit: it's in universe, so i'm assuming no03:05
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mrabbitkk, what about its dependencies, any idea?03:06
MoLE_rever75, usually this is a filesystem problem  - are you copying to a Fat32 partition?03:06
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fivemackI've tried two DVD-R discs, though actually at the moment it looks as if the drive is not even recognising an inserted CD03:06
stefgrob65: does a 'sudo dpkg-rconfigure gdm' change something?03:06
stefgrob65: does a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm' change something?03:06
orbinmrabbit: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.5-0ubuntu1), debconf (>= 0.5) | debconf-2.003:06
rever75MoLE_, nope ext303:06
=== stefg needs a new keyboard
Hylk0rhow do I add a library to pkg-config i've installed in /tmp/dev-builds?03:06
orbinfsckr: ok, just catching up.  does iwlist scan show your network?03:06
emptystittel: my source list is here http://pastebin.ca/47542303:06
MoLE_rever75, does it work using cp command in a terminal?03:07
rob65no, nothing03:07
rob65i've done that countless times03:07
rob65stefg:  i've found my bug on bugtracker03:07
rever75MoLE_, I have tried coping from ext3 to ext3. Also from my ext3 to an nfs drive formated ext303:07
orbinmrabbit: and i think* those are installed by default.03:07
fsckrorbin, no unfortunately it doesnt03:07
rever75MoLE_, it seems to get further but it does not complete03:07
rob65but the person said he fixed it by removing two scripts from being used in runlevel 2 using sysv-rc-conf tool03:07
MoLE_rever75, just using the GUI?03:07
orbinfsckr: does iwconfig show your interface?03:07
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mrabbitorbin:'think' is good enough for me :p03:08
rever75MoLE_, I have tried from CLI and it seems to copy longer but still segments faults03:08
yellow_chickenMoLE_: actually that did not work.  i have to install a separate package called plugins03:08
rob65stefg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/10668203:08
mrabbitorbin:back later03:08
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MoLE_yellow_chicken, yes, you need the plugins package03:08
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MoLE_rever75, that suggests something like a hardware issue - I would suggest a run of memtest 86 - you can select this from the grub boot menu03:09
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squid0hi! anyone here know about a deb for pidgin, for ubuntu edgy?03:09
orbinfsckr: i guess i can't ask you to pastebin things ...03:09
yellow_chickenMoLE_: yeah, i installed the development kit. but found out i need to install plugins package too03:09
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stefgrob65: so the wacom crap needs to be removed, i'll suppose03:09
fsckrwhat do you want me to pastebin03:10
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rob65stefg: i had a look, but i didnt have that03:10
rob65i'll check again03:10
rever75MoLE_, Yeah I thought that to but I have run Memtest and pc tech on my system all with out issue. I can copy the file using windows though.03:10
MoLE_yellow_chicken, the SDK isn't needed unless you're going to do java programming - the runtime and the plugins package is usually sufficient03:10
emptystittel: my source list is here http://pastebin.ca/47542303:10
snap64__ok now how do i force it to download the 32bit wine?03:10
stittelempty: Yeah, wait a sec.03:10
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stefgrob65: it's in your xorg.conf ... all the wacom, stylus, cursor, eraser stuff03:11
orbinfsckr: iwconfig output, iwlist scan output and the interfaces file03:11
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stittelempty: Ok, have you removed all nvidia packages?03:11
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fsckrok gimme a min :)03:11
stittelsnap64__: Have you downloaded the 32bit deb from Ubuntu?03:11
snap64__it wont let me03:12
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nick`i did an apt-get install ssh03:12
orbinfsckr: you can put Xs in place of sensitive info if you wish. (MACs, keys etc.)03:12
tondarhow could I have the network status in avant-dock?03:12
nick`how do i use it?03:12
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|ericsson|How can I access a ubuntu server with GUI from a Windows machine?03:12
fsckrblah orbin im not worried bout that03:12
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snap64__stittel: sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list???03:12
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emptystittel: yes03:13
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stittelsnap64__: No, please delete this file again and download the 32bit deb from the Ubuntu serves (or copy it from the other computer, if you have it there).03:13
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snap64__not wine hq?03:14
nick`any ideas about ssh?03:14
nick`setting up an ssh server03:14
snap64__crap how do i delete the file i have no idea where it put it03:14
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stittelsnap64__: Delete /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list please. And give me a sec to find that deb.03:15
BigToehow do I set up a printer on my Ubuntu server so I can print from my remote windows machine? The wiki guide is aimed at users with a GUI.03:15
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stittelempty: Please try the "non new" drivers now.03:16
BigToeI've got to the step where I can see a "lp" printer under my network but I can't print to it03:16
stittelempty: Install nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel modules should get installed automatically.03:16
Daverocksnick`: sudo apt-get install ssh03:16
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bobstronick`:  what are you trying to do, just a basic ssh server?03:17
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nick`Daverocks: i did that, and got some errors, one of them being E: Broken packages03:17
snap64__grr how do i use file manager as root so i can just delete the darn thing03:17
stittelAll: Sorry folks, telephone call, will be away for some time.03:17
nick`bobstro: yessir03:17
stittelsnap64__: just use "sudo rm filename"03:17
bobstronick`:  you've installed openssh already or?03:18
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nick`bobstro: i ran apt-get install ssh but03:18
nick`it said some packages could not be installed03:18
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bobstroyou need openssh-server03:18
jscheelhi all, I have a quick question: When I install a theme in the theme preferences, my new theme does not appear in the theme selection list. Any ideas?03:18
snap64__is there a way to loginto file manager as root?03:18
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BigToebobstro, it should install automatically with ssh03:19
bobstronick`:  sounds like maybe just openssh-client installed?03:19
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BigToedid for me last night when I set up my ubuntu server LS03:19
nick`openssh-server: Depends: openssh-client (= 1:3.9p1-1ubuntu2.3) but 1:4.1p1-7ubuntu4 is to be installed03:19
nick`is the error i get bobstro03:19
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BigToehow do I set up a printer on my Ubuntu server so I can print from my remote windows machine? The wiki guide is aimed at users with a GUI.03:19
BigToeI've got to the step where I can see a "lp" printer under my network but I can't print to it03:19
bobstronick`:  ah, ok.03:19
LoPMXhow can I forward mail for www-data user to an email address?03:19
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salgemmadoes anybody know how to enable sound in OO Presentation documents?03:19
g0vnerdudes where do i get ubunto regular installtion(not live cd:E) ?03:20
stittelsnap64__: Yes, but don't do it! :)03:20
nick`bobstro: suggestions?03:20
BigToeg0vner, load the live CD03:20
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bobstronick`:  you've done an apt-get update?03:20
emptystittel: am installing03:20
SlimeyPeteg0vner: that's called the Alternate CD, you should be able to find it on the Ubuntu site03:20
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SlimeyPeteg0vner: but the live CD is the "standard" installation CD03:20
BigToeand on the desktop there's an Install link03:20
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rob65stefg: so you think i should remove the wacom stuff from the xorg.conf rather than how the bug article said to to do it?03:20
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nick`but it wont let me install it03:20
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snap64__ok got wine uninstalled package manager will not allow me to install the one from ubuntu03:20
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tondarneed a good c# IDE for web development? any suggestions?03:20
g0vnerSlimeyPete really?03:20
nick`E: Couldn't find package update03:20
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g0vnerSlimeyPete i didnt know how to use it :[03:21
Noob2: )03:21
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bobstronick`:  that's not so much an ssh issue as a dependency issue.03:21
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SlimeyPeteg0vner: yup. The usual method is to boot the live CD, then click on "install".03:21
BigToehow do I set up a printer on my Ubuntu server so I can print from my remote windows machine? The wiki guide is aimed at users with a GUI.03:21
BigToeI've got to the step where I can see a "lp" printer under my network but I can't print to it03:21
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bobstronick`:  did you have any problems installing?03:21
tondarc# IDE??03:21
nick`bobstro: installing what?03:21
mineraletondar: sharpdevelop03:21
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bobstronick`:  in general. normally, they just install painlessly.03:21
CortezHello. I'm a completely Ubuntu neweby. I've problems connecting my WPA wireless, even if I've followed the online guides. It's kind I can connect, but not ping or surf the web (maybe a gateway problem? But I've set it in /etc/network/interfaces...). Is there anyone who can help please?03:22
unixlustHi. I have an AC97 ALC655 sound card and it is not recognized under Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. How can I make my sound work ?03:22
bobstronick`:  you've got some sort of dependency issue.03:22
g0vnerSlimeyPete okay thanks..03:22
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stefgrob65: iirc there's an xserver-input-wacom package which you can remove. But I'd backup the xorg.conf first, the outcomment all the wacom entries (in section input, too) and try that03:22
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nick`bobstro: I have an old version of ubuntu, if anything03:22
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unixlustany idea ?03:22
bobstronick`:  ah, ok. have you modified the apt sources list to include newer repositories?03:23
rykshow can i change a dir in konsole?03:23
|ericsson|How can I access a Ubuntu server from Windows with GUI? No need through SSH03:23
rob65stefg: now it's just failed to start the X servfer03:23
rob65"no screens found"03:23
bobstronick`:  oh, do you have openssh-server already installed?03:23
unixlustHi. I have an AC97 ALC655 sound card and it is not recognized under Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. How can I make my sound work ?03:23
tondarminerale: on win? or linux?03:23
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bobstronick`:  or that error is when you try to install that?03:23
stittelempty: I am on the phone, that's why I will decrease in speed right now (though I will try to keep writing).03:24
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unixlustlspci | grep snd does not return anything03:24
stittelsnap64__:  I am on the phone, that's why I will decrease in speed right now (though I will try to keep writing).03:24
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nick`when i run sudo apt-get install openssh-server, it says some packages couldn' be installed, and i get this error towards the end:" The following packages have unmet dependencies:03:24
nick`  openssh-server: Depends: openssh-client (= 1:3.9p1-1ubuntu2.3) but 1:4.1p1-7ubuntu4 is to be installed03:24
nick`E: Broken packages03:24
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nick`ah sorry for pasting code03:24
stefgrob65: hmmm, ugly bug. But just go along the lines of the bugreporter, he obviusly found a work-around03:24
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tondarminerale: no linux ver. ?03:24
snap64__stittel cant find wine anywhere just reference to the improvements made in herd203:24
bobstronick`:  and if you apt-get install openssh-client does it work?03:25
nick`it says i already have latest versoin03:25
nick`version, even03:25
emptyit is okay..03:25
unixlustHi. I have an AC97 ALC655 sound card and it is not recognized under Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. How can I make my sound work ? lspci | grep snd does not return anything. Any idea ?03:25
fsckrorbin, you still with me?03:26
fsckr LOL03:26
bobstronick`:  have you modified your repositories? normally they're in sync.03:26
fsckrorbin, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19613/03:26
nick`bobstro: not sure03:26
orbinfsckr: yeah, still here.03:26
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fsckrorbin, only thing I didn't do is the /etc/network/interface file it is just like yours other than the top 2 commented out03:26
bobstronick`:  how about if you do an apt-get upgrade?03:26
CortezHello. I'm a completely Ubuntu neweby. I've problems connecting my WPA wireless, even if I've followed the online guides. It's kind I can connect, but not ping or surf the web (maybe a gateway problem? But I've set it in /etc/network/interfaces...). Is there anyone who can help please?03:26
=== Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@101.5.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
nick`The following packages will be upgraded:03:27
nick`  kdelibs-bin kdelibs-data kdelibs4 libnspr4 libnss3 libqt3c102-mt screen03:27
bobstroCortez:  are you getting an address via dhcp?03:27
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bobstroCortez:  are you associating?03:27
orbinfsckr: you've just run iwlist,.  type in: iwlist scan03:27
rykshi i need to run a program in terminal but how can i change dir in terminal?03:27
fsckrumm < stoooped03:27
nick`bobstro: im upgrading now03:27
nick`god im so late for school03:27
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orbinfsckr: don't bother pasting.  is there output?03:27
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nick`two hours late03:27
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Cortezbobstro: I can have both: static and DHCP. I'm trying to set the gateway staticly though03:28
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kingcobracan somebody tell me where else could the firefox profiles folder be if its not in .mozilla in home folder03:28
emptystittel: finishing installing, need restart..03:28
bobstroCortez:  first question is whether you're actually associating, then whether you get an IP address via dhcp.03:28
fsckrorbin,  there is output for wlan0 but I dont think its what i am looking for03:28
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stittelempty: Kernel modules got pulled in too?03:28
nick`bobstro: i upgraded, and i still get the same error when i apt-get install openssh-server03:28
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emptystittel: yes03:29
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stittelempty: Ok, give it a try. Can't promise that it will work, though.03:29
bobstronick`:  which version of ubuntu are you using?03:29
orbinfsckr: nothing like this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19614/03:29
emptystittel: do i need to reconfigure xorg.conf??03:29
Cortezbobstro: ok. I prefer using a static IP address, even if my access point can give me ove via DHCP. About the "associating" thing, I don't think I know what you mean, sorry.03:30
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fsckryes i have that but there is not essid03:30
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nick`bobstro: could be 5.1003:30
nick`maybe not..03:30
bobstroCortez:  open a terminal session and do "iwconfig <interface>" (where <interface> is your actual interface.03:30
nick`its an old one, i know that03:30
stittelsnap64__: Wait a sec.03:30
stittelempty: No.03:30
fsckrnm the essid on the router I put no broadcasting03:30
orbinfsckr: is the network you are trying to connect to have it's SSID hidden?03:30
stittelempty: Let xorg.conf use nvidia as before.03:31
salgemmadoes anybody know how to enable sound in OO Impress?03:31
fsckrorbin, did i just answer your question03:31
bobstronick`:  you've got a dependency issue, and i'm not sure how to progress. personally, i'd be inclined to update my ubuntu install if it's that old.03:31
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emptyhuh? but it is not using nvidia03:31
snap64__stittel there an official 64 bit ubuntu ver here i think......http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/pool/main/w/wine/?C=M;O=D03:31
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nick`bobstro: alright thanks03:31
emptyi dun noe what u mean03:31
nick`i'll use my other shell for now =p03:31
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nick`and now im off to school, adios03:31
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jandarkHi , Do you know if I can use *linux for human beings* in my Distro ?03:32
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snap64__bahh still no buttons03:32
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bobstroCortez:  check the output for S/N ratio. should be non-zero if you're actually associated (meaning wpa parts worked).03:32
fsckrorbin, yes the ssid is hidden on the router cuz i put do not broadcast03:32
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snap64__i think winetools is the difference03:32
gordonjcpfsckr: why?03:32
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orbinfsckr: might have answered it.  i can't see my network in the applet if the SSID is hidden.  try re-enabling the broadcast.03:32
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fsckri dunno cuz i didnt' want others to pick it up driving down the road maybe03:32
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gordonjcpfsckr: why do you care?03:33
fsckrumm file sharing?03:33
gordonjcpoh right03:33
fsckrand its MY network03:33
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gordonjcpso your only security is turning off SSID broadcast?03:33
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fsckrno i have 128-bit security03:33
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Nveninghi, should i runa  firewall with ubuntu??03:33
gordonjcpfsckr: you could make it more secure even than that by snapping off the antenna03:33
chjuniorI installed java6 by apt-get, but it's not configured yet, how to do it?03:33
bobstroNvening:  yes!03:33
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fsckrorbin, lemme connect the router with other nic so i can get into it and change that03:34
gordonjcpfsckr: although you *can* turn off SSID broadcast, you shouldn't03:34
chjuniorI installed java6 by apt-get, but it's not configured yet, how to do it? the /usr/bin/java is pointing to GCJ03:34
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Nveningwhich one is good and will pretty much set itself up??03:34
bobstrogordonjcp:  er, why not?03:34
Cortezbobstro: ok. I prefer using a static IP address, even if my access point can give me ove via DHCP. About the "associating" thing, I don't think I know what you mean, sorry.03:34
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erUSULfsckr: imho the best option is to turn on MAC filtering if the router/AP supports it03:34
gordonjcpbobstro: because it's not guaranteed to work with any given wireless card03:34
void^chjunior: update-alternatives --config java03:34
gordonjcpbobstro: if you turn it off, and start having problems, the first thing you should do is turn SSID broadcast back on03:34
bobstroCortez:  you are not actually "connected" until your wireless associates with the access point. nothing else can work until then.03:34
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emptystittel: so i dun reconfigure xorg.conf and reboot using nvidia?03:35
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bobstrogordonjcp:  oh, for troubleshooting, sure. but once it's configured, there's no reason to leave it broadcasting.03:35
chjuniorvoid^, hummm worked ;D03:35
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luisgmarineHow do I change the permission of my ~/.macromedia/ folder?  Currently it is owned by root, giving me trouble in Firefox flash sound03:35
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gordonjcpbobstro: well yes there *is*, because a lot of cards will not work without it03:35
Nveningany recommendations for an easy software firewall which is good??03:36
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nomasteryoda|wluisgmarine,  sudo chown yourusername ~/.macromedia03:36
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stittelsnap64__: http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wine/wine_0.9.33-0ubuntu1_i386.deb03:36
stittelempty: set you xorg.conf to nvidia and reboot with you Nvidia card.03:36
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erUSULluisgmarine: chown user:users ~/folder/03:36
Polis_tttanyone uses cpanel-11 ?03:37
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luisgmarineGot it , thank you03:37
gordonjcpNvening: I've heard good things about Firestarter03:37
Cortezbobstro: ok, now I Understand what it'e meant with "associated", sorry. I am associated with my access point, and I have also successfully run a handshake with it, but I still can't ping or connect the web03:37
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orbinbobstro: ease of use - at least for me.  i have to manually enter the wpa key etc. for nm-applet otherwise.03:37
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emptystittel: which part the device part?03:37
stittelempty: Can you rephrase?03:38
kingcobracan somebody please help me find my old bookmarks in firefox03:38
nomasteryoda|wCortez, route add default gw "ip address of your router"03:38
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emptystittel: which part? is it the "device" part?03:38
kingcobraplease tell me where else could the firefox profiles folder be if its not in .mozilla in home folder03:38
gordonjcpNvening: bear in mind that unless you explicitly open something up, Ubuntu won't expose many open ports to the world03:38
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snap64__ok saving to disk cause package manager refuse to install it03:38
stittelempty: In xorg.conf?03:38
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nomasteryoda|wCortez, that should at least get you online03:38
emptystittel: ya03:39
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salgemmadoes anybody know how to enable sound in OO Impress???03:39
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Gaurishguys my ubuntu live cd hangs every time i try to install ubuntu03:39
Gaurishcan any one help03:39
stittelempty: Yes, Section "Device".03:39
emptystittel: ok03:39
stittelempty: But since you are having kernel panics, the xorg.conf is not so important now.03:39
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Gaurishi tried 4 times but all times it hanged03:39
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luisgmarineMaybe one of you guys can help me here.  I'm not getting sound from flash on Firefox.  But when I run Firefox under root, it works like a charm.  Where could the permission problems be for the sound?  /etc/snd/ ?03:40
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emptystittel: ok, but others setting such as BusID and identifier do not change right?03:40
fsckrok orbin you there03:40
harpihow do i apt-get install a version number? if i do apt-get install gnunet it gives me a old version and i want a newer version03:40
snap64__stittel saved to desktop03:41
orbinfsckr: yep03:41
Corteznomasteryoda: yeah, that "should". The fact is that I can't surf anyway. This is the first day in Linux environment for me, and I don't know how to proceed to fix the problem. If I go to the netwrok manager, only WEP is available, not WPA. Then I edit the config file and set a wpa_suplicant as written in the guides, but I still can connect. Now, for example, I can't either ping the access point03:41
fsckri pick up like 3 networks in my neighborhood03:41
HOTso, does anyone have any thoughts on how ubuntu handles a hyperthreaded CPU like a P4, does it treat is as a SMP?03:41
HOTor do you have to enable it?03:41
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orbinfsckr: but not yours?03:41
fsckrcan i have the wireless working at the sametime as wired?03:41
fsckryes mine is in there with the ssid03:41
snap64__fskr yes03:42
CopolycubeI got a bluetooth problem... I do not manage to "pair" my mobile and my computer03:42
fsckrso should everything be working?03:42
Copolycubeany idea ?03:42
nomasteryoda|wCortez, are you on Ubuntu or kubuntu .?03:42
stittelsnap64__: You must install it with: sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture packagname.deb03:42
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emptystittel: ok, but others setting such as BusID and identifier do not change right?03:42
Corteznomasteryoda: I try with the command you wrote, but it says "SIOCADDRT: file exists"03:42
Gaurishcan any one help me with installing ubuntu, the installer hangs every time i try to install03:42
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orbinfsckr: well try connecting to it i guess03:43
zpidazI had that problem too03:43
Corteznomasteryoda: Ubuntu last version03:43
harpihow do i apt-get install a version number? if i do apt-get install gnunet it gives me a old version and i want a newer version03:43
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fsckrwhen i unplug the wired network i lose connectivity and cannot ping my router03:43
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zpidazAnd I installed it just fine today.03:43
stittelempty: Nope, let them be.03:43
Gaurishcan any one help me with installing ubuntu, the installer hangs every time i try to install03:43
zpidazTrouble is I don't know for sure what I did different... :o)03:43
CopolycubeAny bluetooth guru by here ??03:43
stittelempty: But as I said, your problem are kernel panics, not xorg.conf.03:43
fsckris there a way to tell it to use a particular device? whether it be the wlan0 or eth0?03:43
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zpidazHave you tried rebooting and intalling without doing anything else first?03:44
Copolycube I do not manage to "pair" my mobile and my computer, but they "see" each other.03:44
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orbinfsckr: choose the wireless network from the applet.03:44
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zpidazMine hung at checking files 15% every time...03:44
orbinfsckr: wired network is eth0.  your wireless network will utilise wlan003:44
nomasteryoda|wCortez, then make sure you have the network-manager-gnome installed... its the easiest way to get the wifi working ... it puts an icon in your tray03:45
ixemptyxistittel: i am using this nick03:45
fsckrorbin, it is enabled03:45
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orbinfsckr: well is the net etc. working?03:45
bobstroorbin:  once i set mine up, i never had to re-enter that information.03:45
nomasteryoda|wCortez, which should "see" the AP in question and let you connect.. asking for the WPA or WEP key ...03:45
mnvldoes anyone know what tool i can use to detect/install my soundcard? the one from the install cd would be great if it's available as a standalone utility?03:46
snap64__stittel still no buttons...im pretty sure its a feature from winetools03:46
orbinbobstro: using wpa?03:46
harpihow do i apt-get install a version number? if i do apt-get install gnunet it gives me a old version and i want a newer version03:46
stittelixemptyxi: Do you need 3D acceleration at all?03:46
Corteznomasteryoda: I should have it installed, but if I work via GUI I only have WEP available, not WPA, and I'm using WPA. Therefore I've tried editing the config file and creating a wpa_supplicant, but with no result (except that I csuccesfully made a handshaking)03:46
fsckrno orbin the router at the moment is not connected to the net I am just tryign to access the router itself and when I unplug the built in nic i cannot connect03:46
snap64__thanks for all your help stittel your the man03:46
bobstroorbin:  yes03:46
stittelsnap64__: What does winetools exactly do? And how did you install them on the 32bit system?03:46
fsckrbut i can still iwlist scan and find the networks03:46
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bobstroorbin:  it's a pain in fact because my laptop connects via wpa even when docked.03:46
snap64__stittel you can install them with addremove or synaptics in 32 bit03:47
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Toma-Can you install Feisty from Windows?03:47
orbinfsckr: ok you lost me.  did you select your wireless network from the applet.  i.e. it's active now?03:47
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
nicolahI get this error while trying to install outkafe "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64"03:47
fsckrwhen I do iwconfig my wlan0 doesnt show the ssid or access point03:47
bobstroorbin:  this is wpa/psk mind you.03:47
stittelsnap64__: What is the package called? I can't find it.03:47
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snap64__they add things like icons and windows fonts....and the ability to tweak03:47
fsckryes wireless is enabled03:47
ixemptyxistittel: no but it get irritated when switching OS to play games, i have to take in and out of my cable at the back of my CPU03:47
fsckras is network enabled03:47
snap64__one sec stittel let me look on 32 bit box03:47
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CopolycubeAny bluetooth guru by here ??03:48
CheshireVikingwhich is the desktop config utility that allows me to specifiy whether network drives which are automounted through fstab appear as an icon on the desktop?03:48
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nomasteryoda|wCortez, the WPA works perfectly for me in the Gui03:48
stittelixemptyxi: Ok, if "nvidia" doesn't work now, we can try the open sources drivers.03:48
ixemptyxistittel:i got the same problem03:48
gordonjcpdaft question of the day03:48
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gordonjcphow do I format a floppy in Ubuntu?03:48
orbinfsckr: can you ping the router?03:48
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stittelixemptyxi: Ok, please remove the nvidia-packages and specifiy "nv" instead of "nvidia" in your xorg.conf.03:48
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Corteznomasteryoda: mmhhh... therefore there should be something weird with my installation. I'll try to connect wired to the Internet and see if I have to download something.03:49
stittelixemptyxi: But you must remove all nvidia-packages before rebooting.03:49
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orbinbobstro: not sure what's up with my setup then.  if i hide my SSID, it won't prompt for password/autoconnect as i said.  and the network won't show up in the applet.03:49
janne_oksanenonly 1.2k ppl in here?03:49
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janne_oksanenthis channel is getting out of hand...03:49
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janne_oksanenmy 6.06 won't mount usb drives automatically anymore03:50
janne_oksanendoes anyone know how to fix it?03:50
aventini'm a switcher since 5 min ago, and i have an intel 915 graphics card but i can't get the right resolution (1280x800). I installed the 915 patch (apt-get install 915resolution) but it still doesn't work. i can see the res listed in xorg.conf, but cant select it in system->Prefs->Screen Resolution. Any ideas?03:50
fsckrorbin, when I go into network to setup my ssid the network applet does not have wireless in it anymore?03:50
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snap64__stittel ok maybe only synaptic not add remove03:50
crayzeeHi. I am hosting some webservers, and they work fine from outside my network, but from inside the connections time out. I can override the domain names in /etc/hosts on a 1-by-1 basis, but I would like to redirect all connections to <my external ip address> to Can I do this with iptables, and if so how?03:51
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bobstroorbin:  you're on feisty?03:51
orbinfsckr: "go into network"  - what does that mean?03:51
foxiness!automix > foxiness03:51
fsckri am assuming i had to set that all up correct?03:51
snap64__you should see it just below winefish03:51
harpito answer my own question03:51
harpiapt-get install package = version. For example, the line below will install version 2.2.4-1 of the nautilus package.: # apt-get install nautilus=2.2.4-103:51
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mziadaSorry , How Can i reigster in IRC in order to join a room for PHPunit03:51
orbinbobstro: yep.  same thing happened with edgy.  i am using ndiswrapper if that's of any interest.03:51
fsckrgo configure the essid03:51
lmr_aventin: Did you setup the 915 resolution package properly?03:51
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Toma-will a textmode install work on a system with like, 128mb of ram?03:51
Ix0s!register | mziada03:51
ubotumziada: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration03:51
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bobstroorbin:  hmm. same here. i was very pleased with feisty when it all just worked.03:52
aventinlmr_: setup? dunno - i apt-getted it - isn't that enough?03:52
bobstroorbin:  well, just worked after futzing with ndiswrappers.03:52
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djcI have a lil prob executing autoloading the background image, pypanel on the openbox03:52
orbinfsckr: why go through that?  if it sees your network when you left-click on the applet, why not just select it?03:52
ixemptyxistittel: so i boot into ubuntu and remove the package first?03:52
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djccan ne one help?03:52
lmr_aventin: Nope, you have to make a few checks, edit one configuration file and then it should work03:52
JosefKhas anyone managed to change the font used by Kaffeine (with xine engine) to a TFF font, or get Totem to understand carriage-return (\N) in subtitles?03:52
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fsckrits not in the applet it doesn't show any network....it only shows the networks when i do iwlist scan03:52
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lmr_aventin: First, list the modes your card support03:53
orbinbobstro: ndiswrapper version packaged with feisty had a bug that hit me hard though.  spent 2 days working out what was wrong before a random google led me to the bug.03:53
aventinlmr_: ah, any ideas on how to do this? it wasn't mentioned on the support-page i found... :)03:53
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lmr_aventin: sudo 915resolution -l03:54
aventinlmr_: list the modes? how do i do that? (newbe - yes!)03:54
snap64__the only section i see it under is All stittel03:54
lmr_aventin: This will list the modes supported03:54
lmr_aventin: No problem dude03:54
wedontneedhi iam using ubuntu 7.04 i installed beryl but when i active beryl i can see window frames can someone help me03:54
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djcI have installed 7.04 Ubuntu with Openbox WM feh and pypanel.03:54
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aventinlmr_: yes, i see the modes03:54
SlimeyPetewedontneed: make sure Emerald and Beryl-Manager are also installed03:54
orbinfsckr: ah, sorry.  i thought you meant it showed up in the applet when you enabled SSID broadcast.03:55
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luisgmarineCan someone help me, I'm getting no sound in flash (  I've tried all the fixes on the forums with no working fix ), but for some reason running firefox under root fixes the problem .....03:55
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:55
aventinlmr_: mode 62 seems resonable (1280x800x32)03:55
wedontneedSlimeyPete: ok now iam looking03:55
djcit works but when i tried to autoload background image and pypanel it always loads openbox default03:55
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lmr_aventin: Verify the number that gives you the mode you want03:55
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djccan ne one help?03:55
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HOTwhy does "echo $path" now return anything?03:55
ixemptyxistittel: i have remove all my nvidia package, so what do i do?03:55
void^wedontneed: if you're on nvidia you need the AddARGBGLXVisuals option in xorg.conf03:55
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Och4when i mount, what does it mean by "<mountpoint>"???  i don't understand this part03:56
lmr_aventin: Now edit /etc/default/915resolution03:56
SlimeyPeteHOT: uppercase03:56
SlimeyPeteHOT: echo $PATH03:56
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SlimeyPeteOch4: the mountpoint is the directory (folder) into which you wish to mount the drive.03:56
HOTSlimeyPete: Doh! thanks03:56
wedontneedvoid^: iam on nvidia how can i do AddARGBGLXVisuals option ?03:56
lmr_aventin: You'll put the mode there, resolution and the pixel mode03:56
aventinlmr_: and replace MODE=AUTO with MODE=62?03:56
fsckrorbin, no im sorry03:56
lmr_aventin: Yes03:57
void^wedontneed: add it to your device section (like just about any beryl faq describes)03:57
hyljewedontneed: IIRC: sudo nvidia-config --add-argb-glx-visuals03:57
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lmr_aventin: Also you should specify the resolution and the color depth on that same file03:57
stittelixemptyxi: Have you set your xorg.conf to "nv" instead of "nvidia"?03:57
ixemptyxistittel: i have remove all my nvidia package, so what do i do? do i change my xorg.conf device to nv?03:57
Och4slimeypete, then whats the difference between the "<ISO-file>" and the "<mount point>"03:57
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salgemmadoes anybody know how to enable sound in Impress???03:57
fsckrwhy does it see a network when i iwlist scan and nothing in the applet?  I mean that does tell me the card is working correct?03:58
=== cp [n=cp@tx-76-6-71-215.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
lmr_aventin: 915 resolution should be started automatically on boot time, before the graphical interface starts03:58
samywdhi, Im going to buy a notebook in the next few weeks and I want to install ubuntu on it. Now Im looking for a notebooks that will work with ubuntu. It should be a solid product mainly for browsing the web and office work. Can anybody recommend a manufacturer or even a specific model?03:58
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wedontneedIIRC: sudo nvidia-config --add-argb-glx-visuals   not working =(03:58
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stittelsnap64__: What is the name of the package?03:58
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:58
LjLOch4, uhm, a "mount point" is a directory that you "hook" a filesystem to. in Windows (if you're used to that), each filesystem is identified by a letter: C:, D:, etc. on Linux, there is just "one virtual filesystem", starting at /, with many directories under it... some directories "just happen" to really be other filesystems03:58
aventinlmr_ : ok, reboting!03:58
SlimeyPeteOch4: the iso file is the file which you wish to mount, the mount point is the directory into which you wish to mount it (for instance, the mount point might be "/home/me/iso", in which case you would look in the directory /home/me/iso to see the files which are contained in the iso.03:58
=== synjet [n=pavan@c-68-35-77-158.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sancheZASTICsamywd, Dell has just startet shipping laptops with Ubuntu03:58
kingcobraplease tell me how to fix error 'failed to initialise hal'03:58
cpCan anyone help me with a linksys wpc54gs wireless card...   Its not finding any wirless network and ive tryed installin  ndiswrapper also... any ideas03:58
lmr_aventin: A reboot should be fine, even though you can stop the graphical interface03:58
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aventinlmr_: if this works, i owe you a beer!03:59
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stittelsnap64__: Can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list03:59
snap64__http://www.openoffice.de/wt/winetools-0.9jo-III.tar.gz   stittel03:59
orbinfsckr: yes, the scan results tell you it's up.  i'm kind of stumped too.  so right-clicking the applet shows enable wireless is checked, yet left-clicking shows no networks?03:59
LjLOch4: so your floppy drive could be at /media/floppy, a secondary HD partition could be at /home, and you can mount (thanks to the loopback mounting mechanism) an ISO file at somewhere03:59
stittelsnap64__: Ok, dont' post sources.list.03:59
=== Foon [n=Foon@bas1-quebec14-1128577963.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
lmr_aventin: Oh, also it's important to make sure that you're using the latest version of the xorg drivers03:59
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Foonoi, I'm running LAMP, what command do I run to find out how much free space I have?03:59
ixemptyxistittel: i have remove all my nvidia package, so what do i do? do i change my xorg.conf device to nv?03:59
stittelsnap64__:  You downloaded winetools from there and compiled it?03:59
fsckrleft clicking did gawd im such a noob03:59
stittelixemptyxi: Yes.03:59
JosefKgah *sigh*04:00
aventinlmr_: ok, i just installed feisty from an iso, would that give me the lastest drivers?04:00
=== GutterPunk [n=steven@150.251-241-81.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
lmr_aventin: xserver-xorg-video-intel, that can be verified on synaptic04:00
snap64__i guess i cant remember exactly ...it wasnt hard on the 32 bit04:00
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lmr_aventin: I believe so04:00
orbinfsckr: ...left-clicking shows your network?04:00
JowiFoon, space as in RAM or disk space?04:00
fsckrbut when i have clicked on my network it still seems like its not connecting04:00
JowiFoon, df -h04:00
lmr_aventin: I've upgraded mine from edgy04:00
fsckrorbin,  yes it did04:00
Foonram too though04:00
=== wedontneed [n=wedontne@] has joined #ubuntu
HOTwhen making a bash script, how do i say "then do that" on the same line?04:00
stittelsnap64__: winetools is NOT listed in synaptic, I am right?04:00
Mapociao to everybody04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about partioning - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
JowiFoon, free -m04:00
lmr_aventin: I had to make sure I was using the latest version04:00
snap64__but on 32bit it shows in my synaptic manager....maybe only after install04:00
sancheZASTICHow come cant i change my resolution to something higher than 1024x768? ATI 9250 on ubuntu feisty04:00
Kubuntuhow do partion my disks?04:00
orbinfsckr: and what happened when you clicked?  blue swirly thing?04:00
HOTlike 2+2 then whoami04:00
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ixemptyxistittel: Done changing, now restart?04:00
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Asterix_if I had to use "irqpoll" as a boot option to get my network card to work properly... how do I permanently make that option part of the boot process?04:01
stittelixemptyxi: Yep, restart and pray!04:01
lmr_aventin: Once you reboot, the new resolution should be available on the applet04:01
Mapociao a a tutti04:01
snap64__its not listed on this machine for sure04:01
fsckrorbin, yes and i just typed in my wep04:01
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wedontneedcan some help me about beryl04:01
Foonwhoa, wtf04:01
stittelsnap64__: On the 32bit maschine, you mean?04:01
fsckrstill swirlly thing going04:01
aventinlmr_: ok, still nothing, ill try to upate  the drivers.04:01
wedontneedi cant fix it04:01
Foon419MBs of RAM free04:01
stittelsnap64__: Did you install it with ./configure, make, make install?04:01
orbinfsckr: it should prompt for a keyring password too.04:01
lmr_aventin: Just open synaptic04:01
Mapoqualcuno mi puo dare un consiglio per skype?04:01
Fooner rather, taken04:01
Foon21 free04:01
snap64__it shows in synaptic on 32 bit....maybe after i installed it04:01
lmr_aventin: search for intel and that should list the name of the package04:01
Foonthere should only be about 100MBs used04:01
fsckrshared key?04:01
orbin!it | Mapo04:01
ubotuMapo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:01
FoonI think I was hacked over night, potentially :S04:01
lmr_aventin: On my system, it was using a different name04:02
snap64__stittel no i thik i just did /.install04:02
Mapook ci provo grazie mille04:02
lmr_aventin: if you see xserver-xorg-video-intel04:02
=== din [n=din@c-67-162-206-27.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoonI left my port 22 open, and I woke up to find a the linux box's net activity light blinking plenty04:02
KubuntuIs it possibole to hack Linux? Do I need a firewall or something?04:02
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stittelsnap64__: Try to do that on the 64bit maschine using the same archive.04:02
lmr_aventin: Marked as installed (green icon)04:02
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ixemptyxistittel: still cannot boot into feisty. stop at the same area04:02
lmr_aventin: That should be fine04:02
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snap64__stittel ...trying04:02
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stittelixemptyxi: At "loading restricted drivers"?04:03
orbinfsckr: no, a different one.  press alt+tab or minimize everything.  can you see any dialogs open?04:03
stittelixemptyxi: Does the system boot with this card from the LiveCD?04:03
wedontneedAlso there arent window frames on beryl04:03
ixemptyxiafter that but the same line04:03
samywdsancheZASTIC, thanks for the help but my problem is that im from germany and i dont think dell will ship ubuntu notebooks anytime soon around here :(04:03
fsckrorbin i type in my paraphrase for my 128-bit encryption then i have another option either open or shared key04:03
aventinlmr_: xserver-xorg-video-intel?04:03
fsckrno other prompts come up04:03
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systimax. I added a nic that is supported but ubuntu server is not seeing it?04:03
fsckrand network fails to cnnect04:04
ixemptyxistittel: the same error line04:04
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Och4ljl, IE: sudo /home/fun stack/My Persnoal Files/Games/Diablo 2/dia2.exe /media/cdrom104:04
Jowiwedontneed, you need to install emerald (the window decorator) if you haven't already04:04
stittelixempty: When booting from LiveCD?04:04
Kubuntuwedontneed: sudo apt-get install beryl-manager04:04
Och4ljl, maybe something like that?04:04
LjLOch4: erm, no, for a couple of reasons04:04
systimaxhow do you start a command line hardware search?04:04
orbinfsckr: which option did you choose?  open or shared?04:04
Jowi!beryl | wedontneed04:04
ubotuwedontneed: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:04
lmr_aventin: Yes04:04
fsckri tried both orbin04:04
ixemptyxiif i boot from liveCD i will get kernel panic, so i downloaded alternate cd04:04
lmr_aventin: If that is marked as installed, it should be fine04:04
Och4slimeypete, IE: sudo /home/fun stack/My Persnoal Files/Games/Diablo 2/dia2.exe /media/cdrom104:04
LjLOch4: first, you forgot the "mount" command. second, you can't have spaces in filenames -- if you do, then you must escape them. that can be done by either 1) putting the entire path inside quotation marks or 2) using a \ before the space04:04
lmr_aventin: reboot and then tell me04:04
=== sedwards-laptop [n=sedwards@66-191-185-102.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
aventinlmr_: ok, it removed the 815 (or something of the sort) that was installed and replaced it. reboot?04:05
Foonshould "su" be a running process?04:05
lmr_aventin: Yes!04:05
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jackienrpil  ciau amigo..Benvenuto a ubunut04:05
LjLOch4: so, sudo mount /home/fun\ stack/My\ Persnoal\ Files/Games/Diablo\ 2/dia2.exe /media/cdrom104:05
FoonI'm not rooted atm04:05
Och4ljl, hahah, sorry >.< i wanted the paths right i guess04:05
Foonor rather, I'm not logged in as root, or sudo'd04:05
ixemptyxistittel: if i boot from liveCD i will get kernel panic, so i downloaded alternate cd04:05
LjLOch4: still however, you need to specify that it's a loopback mount. but are you... loopback mounting an ISO?04:05
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LjLOch4: err i meant - are you loopback mounting an .exe?04:05
stittelixemptyxi: Do you have Windows installed?04:06
stittelixemptyxi: The card does work fine there?04:06
Och4ljl, iso corrent. sorry, im getting hanged up on details.04:06
HOTcan someone explain the basics of what is happening when i pipe to null, is this being "securly" dumped?04:06
=== aventin is having too much fun doing this, when there is really other things that needs his attention! ;)
orbinfsckr: maybe look at the latest dmesg output.  type: dmesg | tail ... anything interesting in the laste few lines?04:06
djcI need help with autoloading application on openbox04:06
stittelixemptyxi: Is it a PCI express card?04:06
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ixemptyxiwith window i cannot use integrated graphic04:06
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ixemptyxiit is not PCI, AGP i think04:06
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LjLOch4, the general form  for loopback mounting is   sudo mount -o loop /your/iso/file /mount/point04:06
djcI have installed 7.04 server with the openbox04:06
=== lieter [n=lieter@a62-251-100-248.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ixemptyxibut identified as PCI in ubuntu04:07
MapoHy to everyone.04:07
JowiHOT, /dev/null discards all data that is sent to it.04:07
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aventinlmr_: YES! it works! thaaanks! eureka!04:07
LjL!gmountiso > Och4    (Och4, see the private message from Ubotu) perhaps this can come handy as well04:07
lmr_aventin: :)04:07
djchowever when I tried to autoload background and pypanel it always returns to openbox default screen04:07
lmr_aventin: Where are you from dude?04:07
Och4ljl, /mount/point/  like the media/cdrom1  (i made that up, i do have cdrom0, should i use that?)04:07
djccan Ne one help?04:08
stittelixemptyxi: You installed using the alternative CD with the nvidia-card in?04:08
aventinlmr_: sweden!04:08
MapoCan someone help me with config.xlm for skype on linux04:08
HOTJowi: i get that much , but is it being written to a "blank" device or just ignored completly?04:08
LjLOch4: no, you really shouldn't use mountpoints that are already taken by a *real* CD drive.04:08
aventinlmr_: you?04:08
orbinfsckr: what's wrong?04:08
ixemptyxistittle: ya. but not using it..04:08
stittelixemptyxi: And when you tried the last time to boot, it was NOT doing "loading restricted drivers", right?04:08
lmr_aventin: Nice, I'm from Brazil, my name is Lucas, nice to be able to help you04:08
LjLOch4: use a directory in your home. create one for the purpose.04:08
ixemptyxistittle: yes04:08
stittelixemptyxi: Where was it hanging then?04:08
djchowever when I tried to autoload background and pypanel it always returns to openbox default screen04:08
djccan Ne one help?04:09
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aventinlmr_: oh, the beer is going to be flat when it gets to brazil i'm afraid! :) but really, i owe you!04:09
fsckrorbin, I get ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0 link becomes ready04:09
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fsckrthen it says not ready04:09
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stittelixemptyxi: Can you boot into single-user mode?04:09
delireis it true that it isn't possible to resize images in f-spot?04:09
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=== gumis hi
lmr_aventin: Too bad I don't drink :D04:09
Och4ljl, creat a cdrom folder?  if so, .....how?04:09
orbinfsckr: i think that's relatively normal.  are you using ndiswrapper?04:09
fsckralso orbin it says no IPv6 routers present04:09
stittelixemptyxi: Or "recovery mode" as it is called.04:09
=== kung [n=kung@twslap.Chemie.Uni-Mainz.DE] has joined #ubuntu
fsckrnor orbin i am not using ndiswrapper04:09
JowiHOT, it gets written I guess since it will report if it is successful or not.04:09
lmr_aventin: Anyway, my pleasure.04:09
ixemptyxistittel: with nvidia cannot04:09
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stittelixemptyxi: Where it is hanging now, when "loading restricted modules" doesn't appear anymore.04:10
Mapois there someone who knows skype???04:10
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stittelixemptyxi: If you have a camera at hand, a photo of you screen might help.04:10
LjLOch4, in Nautilus if you want. browse to your home, and tell it to create a folder. or in the terminal,  mkdir ~/anyname" (in the terminal, ~ is short for "the home directory of the current user", so that'll create it in your home directory)04:10
HOTJowi: thanks, i know it sounds picky but im trying to get my head around what null actually is04:10
aventinlmr_: i have a feeling i'll be back. trying to get beryl to work seems like, ehh well, difficult.04:10
=== paparucino [n=paparuci@88-149-167-218.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu
lmr_aventin: Not that much, if you have a 915 card04:11
LjLHOT, /dev/null is a printer that prints on invisible paper :)04:11
orbinfsckr: i'm not sure, sorry.  that's the end of my debugging capability.  i had a problem with the applet just spinning but not connecting, but it was ndiswrapper related.04:11
lmr_I mean, an intel card04:11
ixemptyxistittel: i have, i will try to make it clear..04:11
HOTit all makes sense....04:11
JowiHOT, written and ignored/discarded at the same time. a bit confusing :)04:11
samywdhello there, i came here to learn some english04:11
=== jocero [n=jocero@cable74a242.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu
fsckrok thank you for all your help i appreciate it04:11
samywdill write a quite important test this week04:11
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aventinlmr_: hehe, i'll try - and if i can't by myelf, you're my man! ;)04:11
fsckri mean my card has to be working if it is finding the network right04:11
stittelixemptyxi: Is Feisty your first Ubuntu installation?04:12
zpidazMapo: I don't think Skype runs in Ubuntu...04:12
samywdso i need to practise abit i hope you dont mind04:12
=== ouFo [n=loukia@ipa220.25.91.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu
fsckrshould I been using ndiswrapper?04:12
HOTJowi: i presume you use it when you need to see if something hits a "target" inode but dont actually want the results04:12
stittelixemptyxi: Or did it work on Edgy and the problem is new with Feisty?04:12
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snap64__stittel http://www.fxaddict.com/community/showthread.php?t=89 i followed this tute for 32 bit04:12
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LjLHOT, when you use /dev/null, you want your program to believe that its writes are succeeding. at the same time, you don't care about whatever it's writing, so you're basically just telling your program "yes, yes, don't worry, you're actually writing to a file". but you're lying.04:12
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lmr_aventin: I'll get back to work then ;)04:12
orbinfsckr: well, i didn't help you completely.  the current driver seems to be working for you so i wouldn't go ndiswrapper just yet.04:12
fsckrorbin, i may have found something im trying it now04:12
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MapoIs there someone who can tell me why using skype I can ear everybody but none ears me??04:13
Och4ljl, this is the part im confused on, im just making a dir?  is that where we gonna mount diablo to?   somelike in my home like mkdir -v "/home/fun\ stack/dvdrom0/"04:13
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mnvldoes anyone know a good tool for burning .iso images to CD??04:13
aventinlmr_: thanks again man!04:13
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Och4ljl, something like in my home dir??04:13
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joachim-ngiven a particular file, is there a way to know which package has installed it?04:13
JowiMapo, enable/turn up the volume on your mic. mic boost might be an option on your card as well.04:13
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LjLOch4: eh? i can't parse that command at all. that command you gave would create a directory called /home/fun stack/dvdrom0/. is your username "fun stack" (with a space, even)?04:13
ixemptyxistittel: how do i send u?04:13
snap64__stittel i can live w/o the buttons i guess i'll have to wait for a true 64bit version of wine04:14
LjLjoachim-n: dpkg -S filename04:14
joachim-nthanks LjL :)04:14
djcNeed help on openbox WM autoloading fehbg04:14
LjLjoachim-n: and if the package is not installed, use apt-file04:14
stittelixemptyxi: Try DCC.04:14
=== steven__ [n=steven@host120-250-dynamic.1-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
orbinmnvl: nautilus works if your in a rush.  if you wanna go more featured, try gnomebaker or k3b04:14
stittelsnap64__: No. You should be able to use the 32bit version of Winetools with 32bit Wine.04:14
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Och4ljl, yea, but im more focus on the mkdir command, thats the part im not understanding04:14
steven__i need help installing my printer, a Epson C42UX04:14
lmr_aventin: You're welcome04:14
Pici!burn | mnvl04:14
ubotumnvl: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto04:14
djcNeed help on openbox WM autoloading fehbg04:14
LjLOch4, you *really* shouldn't have a space in your username04:14
steven__the printer is not recognized by cups04:15
stittelsnap64__: Try installing winetools on the 64bit maschine as you did on the 32bit maschien04:15
MapoThanks Jowi bur everything seems to work right . I'm new in Ubunto what is it a mic boot?04:15
=== killerbunny [n=kp@port149.ds1-arno.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
fsckrorbin, blah still doesn't work i guess I will just shrugh my shoulders and bite the bullet with my 160 dollar wireless router04:15
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LjLOch4: because i'm betting a large percentage of programs will freak out when seeing a space in a username. it's just something that's normally not done.04:15
JowiMapo, mic boost amplifies the volume of the microphone. some audio cards have it some don't.04:15
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ixemptyxistittel: can?04:15
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djcNeed help on openbox WM autoloading fehbg04:16
stittelixemptyxi: Nothing arriving here. Mail it to contact at tittel.net .04:16
Mapojowi. If i do no t have it what can i do with my microfone??04:16
orbinfsckr: hunt around the forums or ask again in here before you do.  good luck, i'm going to bed. :)04:16
LjLOch4: anyway, aside from that. mkdir just creates a directory. if you want to use that directory as a mountpoint, there's nothing special to do; it doesn't even have to have any particular name like "dvdrom0". you could do   mkdir /home/fun\ stack/anydirectoryname04:16
Och4ljl, no wonders. i can always change that, but did i do the mkdir right?  is that what you asked me to do?04:16
snap64__stittel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19620/04:16
djcNeed help on openbox WM autoloading fehbg04:16
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LjLOch4: and then, to mount,   sudo mount -o loop /this/is/my/iso/file.iso /home/fun\ stack/anydirectoryname04:16
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stittelsnap64__: Please install: ia32-libs-gtk04:17
Och4ljl, oh really?  it just has to be some random dir?04:17
snap64__maybe i should completely remove the 64 bit and start over04:17
LjLOch4: (but then again, you don't need to spell out "/home/fun\ stack/" in either case, since you can just use "~/")04:17
LjLOch4: yes, the system couldn't care less about how it's named.04:17
stittelsnap64__: I think that'd be a bit premature.04:17
ixemptyxistittel: send it to??04:17
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redmonkeyhi. where can i set the console font?04:17
=== passenger_ [n=bernhard@i3ED6D246.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
JowiMapo, in the volume preferences (gnome-volume-control), make sure that the mic is on and the volume high. enable the speaker button on the mic option as well. you should be able to hear yourself breath. if you don't, check if you have connected the mic correctly.04:17
stittelixemptyxi: Yes, send it to me.04:17
djcNeed help on openbox WM autoloading fehbg04:17
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LjLOch4: all it wants is that it be a directory, and that you tell it what must be mounted on it04:17
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knugenive installed ndiswrapper for my wlan card without any errors but it still isnt working04:18
knugenany ideas?04:18
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=== snap64__ looking for cryptc file...
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MapoJowi:i've read somewhere that may be i have to edit the skype file config.xlm . Is it possible?And is it right?04:19
stittelsnap64__: ???04:19
Och4ljl, i didn't know you could use "~/dvdrom0/" is the same as "/home/fun\ stack/dvdrom0/"04:19
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paljasAny knowledge about preseed installs of 7.04? Is it supported? Is there accurate documentation about it? I can't get past the "Guided partitioning" questions, and i'm not alone, according to a 'preseed' search on de ubuntu webfora.04:19
snap64__where am i supposed to find iam32.whatever04:19
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JowiMapo, I have never needed to do that. I haven't used skype since ebay bought them up though.04:19
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LjLOch4: well, you know now. as i said, "~" is short for (the home directory of the current logged-in user")04:19
=== Pitel_laptop [n=pitel@r16s18p04.home.nbox.cz] has joined #ubuntu
fsckrwould anyone like to take a stab on helping me with my wireless?  Orbin got me as far as seeing my router but for some reason I cannot connect04:19
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stittelsnap64__: "sudo aptitude install ia32-libs-gtk"04:19
snap64__looking in synaptic04:19
steven__any help?04:20
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MystaMaxhello, I've got a laptop in a docking station, but the screen resolution options do not show my external monitor resolution. How do I add this resolution?04:20
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Mapojowi:... the audio settings are right i'm nearly sure of it04:21
Ranpha1 Hi there I'm starting to use dm-crypt for my storage device because i going to use Via Padlock Cpu's. But is there a simple way to mount storage disk (500gig HDD) I currently using truecrypt but that won't work with padlock. So i was thinking is there a simple GUI or (my system is already dm-crypt) is there one key i can created and then everthing mounts automatic?04:21
Och4ljl, yea. thanks man.  im gonna try this thingy doo da out and let ya know the outcome.  thanks man04:21
=== dunstabulos [n=duncan@asf.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
LjLOch4, anyway keep in mind that (while this is all useful learning) gmountiso can probably do it all from a GUI with much less terminal fiddling04:21
ppcUseris it worth upgrading to festy04:21
Kubuntuit has.....04:21
=== mogydy [n=hassan@82-204-3-186.dsl.bbeyond.nl] has joined #ubuntu
snap64__Still getting same error when i try to run wintools04:22
mogydyanybody knows a good gui to configure compiz themes for ubuntu?04:22
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ixemptyxistittel: sent to you04:22
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JowiMapo, no idea. see if you can get some hints here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype04:22
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stittelsnap64__: After installing ia-32libs-gtk .. are you sure? Or is this maybe a GTK1 software?04:22
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steven__anyone can help me configuring my printer (Epson Stylus C42UX)?04:22
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Mapojowi: ok thank you very much04:23
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Och4ljl, i have used the terminal before, and want to better understand instead of using a gui.  wouldn't it be better for me to use the terminal on mount stuff?  i mean, i can do the same thing as the gui gmouniso can right04:23
LjLOch4: and more, for that matter. was just pointing to you that you don't *have* to use the terminal, but i have absolutely no objection to using it (i mostly use it even when i really could do without)04:23
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anguisHello. I have a problem with file permissions. Might someone assist me?04:23
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stittelsnap64__: As I understand it right, you use winetool to install additional fonts and stuff? Where do these fonts get installed?04:24
stittelsnap64__: s/fonts/stuff/04:24
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snap64__stittel i have no idea04:24
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stittelsnap64__: You HAVE to close Syntaptic.04:24
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stittelsnap64__: ia32-libs-gtk is not installed yet. So please close Synaptic, run this command and after it got successfully installed, try calling the winetools installer again.04:25
snap64__wine tools dosnt work on the 32 bit either04:25
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stittelsnap64__: Didn't you just say "winetools" are the reason why your Tradesoftware works on the 32bit maschine correctly?04:25
Och4ljl, i really like the terminal and i believe you can control more and be faster through the terminal on maintaning your computer that way.  im saying, i think the terminal is faster if you know how to use it then instead of using a gui system04:26
ixemptyxistittel: did you receive?04:26
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stittelixemptyxi: Yes, wait a sec.04:26
KubuntuI need a debugger, where do I find one?04:26
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steven__Kubuntu: ddd04:26
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anguisI would like get some help with file permissions. Anyone?04:26
Kubuntuis that a debugger=\?04:26
snap64__most likely yes  i think stittel...... although it wont run it installed some stuff or something04:26
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steven__is a gui for gdb04:27
LjLOch4: that is arguable... but under Linux, yes, we can pretty much say that the terminal is usually more reliable than GUIs04:27
synjetanguis: plz elaborate your question, someone should pick it up04:27
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stittelsnap64__: So let's try to do that on the 64bit maschine too.04:27
ryanpgopenoffice.org is constantly crashing in ubuntu feisty... running from the CLI doesn't reveal anything. How can I figure out what's causing the crashes?04:27
stittelsnap64__: Did you get ia32-libs-gtk installed?04:27
Och4ljl, but not faster?04:27
enannottdoes anyone know why if I run 'gnome terminal --window-with=profile=profilename' I always got a terminal with the default profile like it doesn't care at all about the parameter?04:27
steven__Kubuntu: is an iterface for gdb which is a debugger04:27
snap64__yeah i think so04:27
anguissynjet: I will. Here goes...04:27
LjLOch4: by the way - if you don't know already, keep in mind that you can always press TAB in the terminal to complete a filename automatically. that way, you don't have to type all those \'s when filenames contain spaces, etc04:27
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stittelsnap64__: Run the winetools installer again then.04:28
stittelixemptyxi: You will need to try another kernel.04:28
synjetryanpg: system-->admin->system-log?04:28
Och4ljl, found that out not too long ago, it helps a lot haha04:28
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ixemptyxistittel: which kernel do u suggest?04:28
snap64__stittel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19624/04:28
LjLOch4: well, an Apple research seemed to show that users *perceive* that they're faster with a keyboard, but the actual timings say they're faster with a mouse. anyway, i'm not a UI expert, and this is not even exactly on topic. bottom line, use what you find yourself more comfortable with04:28
stittelixemptyxi: I guess you are not comfortable with compiling your own kernel?04:29
snap64__oh ok run the installer again04:29
stittelixemptyxi: I mean, have you ever done so?04:29
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ryanpgsynjet, I don't see anything related to use apps there at all, what am I looking for exactly?04:29
samu2What does it mean in the lists when I run make menuconfig if an option has --- in front of it?04:29
emarkdcan anyone help me config the front panel buttons on a dell laptop in edgy?04:30
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ixemptyxistittel: i have not done anything in compiling be404:31
KubuntuHow do I open Atlantik in ddd?04:31
Och4ljl, i don't know linux hotkeys as much as ms, but if you gave me the standard gui in ms, i tell you what.  im faster than any mouse user when it comes to file management.  ill bet on that.04:31
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stittelixemptyxi: Which kernel exactly are you using right now?04:31
ppcUserdoes any one know a way to get vcl to work with the amsn music plugin? that would be cool i could not fin an easy way to do it.04:31
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anguisWhen using chown or chmod I get an error "operation not permitted"04:32
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LjLOch4: i won't argue, i was just quoting a research. i'm really pretty neutral, i think everybody should use what they like best.04:32
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stittelixemptyxi: Can you please look in Synaptic which packages beginning with "linux" are installed and post the result?04:32
snap64__stittel i have no idea how to uninstall something i installed ./install script04:32
stittelixemptyxi: And what CPU have you got?04:32
stittelsnap64__: It still doesn't work? Argh, those people are still using ancient GTK1.04:33
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snap64__stittle it wont install till i uninstall it04:33
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stittelsnap64__: We need to install gtk1.2 by hand. Wait a sec.04:33
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Och4ljl, i think we need more details on that research to rekindle this conversation.  i have a lot of what if to my side on file management.  do you have the webpage address on the research04:34
snap64__but i installed it using  ./install from the extracted folder04:34
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snap64__which i think runs a script file they put in there04:34
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HOTanguis: you might need root permision "su chmod"04:34
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mj84does anyone know if you can use an itunes music folder on another partition with music player?04:35
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anguisHOT: I tried it with sudo04:35
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fsckrwith a wireless card do I need to have wpa supplicant tools installed?04:35
snap64__is there any way for Xchat to not show join and leave messages04:35
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stittelsnap64__: I am not using Xchat, by I am sure it is.04:35
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stittelsnap64__: Have you the package libgtk1.2 installed?04:35
sudoi can help you???04:35
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pirxits in /etc/rc.local that i put stuff that i want to start when i start the computer, right?04:36
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anguisHOT: su is doesn't do anything at all04:36
Och4ljl, do you know what i mean though?04:36
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stittelpirx: If you want to get out cheap, yes. The proper way is to write an init script and add it to the appropriate runlevels.04:36
bulmersnap64__: right click on the tab and uncheck show/join messages04:36
mitch_hey guys, i wonder if someone could help me solve a wireless problem. My wireless was working in Dapper but after upgrading through Edgy to Feisty, I can't seem to get it working...Can someone help?04:36
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majoneshi - ive just install ubuntu and need to install driver for my wireless usb device?04:37
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LjLOch4: i think i do, i can't find the page right now though, i just remember reading it. "apple research mouse" is a bit too generic for google :-) anyway, again, i do almost all my file management from the terminal, so i'm not really the one to argue against it04:37
golansteri have a question... whats the different between ubentu kubentu xubentu ?04:37
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samu2I'm trying to apply these patches to a linux kernel source http://www.gilfillan.org/v3tv/v3tv-v4l2/ Messing about with make menuconfig right now. It says "You must compile drivers as modules!". Where should I make sure of that. Is make menuconfig even the right place?04:38
LjLgolanster: the desktop environments they come with.04:38
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ryanpgwhy can't I find debugging symbols for OO.org?04:38
LjL!flavors > golanster    (golanster, see the private message from Ubotu)04:38
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snap64__stittle no synaptic tells me i only have 2.0 installed04:38
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mitch_join #feisty04:38
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Gr3nad3can someone help me with pation setup or guide me in the right direction04:38
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:38
CyberShoeI'm trying to get an external monitor set up on my laptop under feisty. I want it to use the external monitor if available, otherwise use the laptop screen. I had this working under Edgy, but I forgot how I did it :(04:39
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pirxstittel: cheap sounds good:)04:39
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stittelCan somebody take over snap64__ (getting 32bit GTK 1.2 to run on amd64) and ixemptyxi (kernel not booting with Nvidia card)? I need to leave soon!04:39
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snap64__blumer dosnt do much on gnome xchat04:39
CyberShoeAnd of course, I didn't backup my xorg.conf :( :(04:39
ixemptyxistittel: my system spec is here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43486504:40
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emarkdcan anyone help me config the front panel buttons on a dell laptop in edgy?04:40
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ixemptyxistittel: i just lost my wireless connection04:40
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Och4ljl, see i use a gui back in the days of windows, but i like to use hotkeys.  so, i don't need the mouse when im doing file management, but im not too fast with the terminal yet.  i really like it though, and have been putting time aside to understand it and learn it04:40
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snap64__using synaptic to put on gimp toolkit 1.204:41
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wykisWhen I try to start X from console, I get "X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.". What to do?04:41
stittelsnap64: This will just install 64bit GTK1.2, you need 32bit GTK1.2. :-/04:41
snap64__oh jeese04:41
stittelixemptyxi: Which linux-* packages are installed in your computer?04:42
anguisWhat if sudo chown tells me "operation not permitted"?04:42
Och4whats the folder called "mnt" do in the "/" dir?   is it a mnt folder?04:42
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snap64__lol this getting worse than doing a kernal rebuild in sabayon04:42
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LjLOch4: well, the terminal surely is different from just using hotkeys in a GUI environment. what makes the terminal more powerful is the fact that it's intermediate between a "text mode file manager" and a full fledged programming language. want to apply some operation to all files that have a certain property? you can.04:42
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Och4is it a mount folder?04:42
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stittelsnap64__: The problem is, when we try to install the 32bit GTK 1.2 we also have to install all it's 32bit dependency packages.04:42
bulmerOch4: is a regular directory04:42
stittelsnap64__: The easiest thing would be to find out what winetools installed on your 32bit maschine and just coping these files over.04:42
Och4bulmer, that does what though?  >.<04:43
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anguisWhat if sudo chown tells me "operation not permitted"? Any idea how to solve this one?04:43
bulmerOch4 like any other regular directory, what does it do?04:43
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void^!chroot | snap64__04:43
ubotusnap64__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box04:43
fsckri am confused...i can see my wireless network but I cannot connect to it.  Very frustrating04:43
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Och4bulmer, media, has ya physcial drivers, home is ya personal drives.  whats the mnt dir do?04:44
stittelvoid^: Thanks, but this is a bit overkill to just get the installer of a trivial helper application running. :-/04:44
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bulmerOch4 like  one more time, what does any regular directory do?04:44
ixemptyxistittel: linux-headers-2.6.20-15 linux-headers-2.6.20-15-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-2.6.20-15-386 linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic linux-image-generic04:44
Och4ljl, whats the mnt dir in the / dir of a file system?04:44
LjLOch4: hm?04:45
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bulmerOch4 it would not be any different04:45
LjLOch4: ah sorry, yes04:45
Och4bulmer, it holds shit. is it ment to hold mount files?04:45
LjLOch4: /mnt is the place for mounting remove filesystems, mostly04:45
brumI edited /etc/hosts and all of the hosts remain there until reboot, when all hosts dissappear, while leaving comments alone... anyone know why this would happen?04:45
bulmerOch4: stop that attitude, no cursing okay?04:45
LjLOch4: no, it's meant to have mountpoints in it (i.e. directories). it's similar to /media, but /media is for local devices04:45
CyberShoeIs there a sort of question-asking etiquette in here that I'm missing, or is it just that noone wants to help me muck around with my xorg.conf? :)04:45
LjLat least i think that's the specifications04:45
Och4ljl, but then it's not for what we need it for04:45
CyberShoeOr possibly my excessive use of smilies...04:45
=== matej [n=matej@BSN-77-90-27.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Och4ljl, like mounting diablo?04:46
snap64__void looks like they dont have one for fiesty yet04:46
matejwhich ubuntu relase is now stable?04:46
mj84does anyone know if I can access my music folder on OSX from music player in ubuntu?04:46
Och4bulmer, no attitude, no swearing :)04:46
LjLOch4: why would we? it's not remote, and it's not a local drive. it's just an ISO file owned by the current user. so, my logic tells me to mount it in the current user's home directory04:46
bentob0xis it me or the FTP clients on Linux aren't good?04:46
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bentob0xI'm looking for something serious, with auto-reconnect etc04:46
bentob0xgood interface, fast and stable04:47
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Och4ljl, mine tells me to listen to ya.  thanks again04:47
kylefoxI have a simple question:we're looking to set up a Ubuntu server at work, just for FTP and possibly a test webserver.  The box will not be used for spreadsheets, word processing, etc.  However, none of us are familiar enough with linux to work strictly from a command line, so we need gnome.  Should we get desktop, or server edition?04:47
Och4bulmer, your not going to respond back?04:47
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snap64__\oh they have one but i have no idea what the heck bootstrap is04:47
mon^rchbentob0x: didn't leke gftp, eh?04:47
void^snap64__: should be the same for feisty.04:47
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LjL!ftp > bentob0x    (bentob0x, see the private message from Ubotu) feel free to add more clients if you find interesting ones04:47
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snap64__void to advanced for me04:48
snap64__void i have no idea what this is04:48
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TasteeWheatbentob0x: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30868704:48
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Jowikylefox, depends on the specs of the machine. if it's a p133 with 64mb ram then the server is the way to go.04:48
beni!info lamp | kylefox04:48
ubotukylefox: Package lamp does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:48
TasteeWheat!ftp > TasteeWheat04:49
LjLOch4, keep in mind that these are just *conventions*. the system doesn't care if you mount something in /media, or /mnt, or your home, or anywhere else (well, as long as you've got the right permissions as well). they're just useful conventions.04:49
Och4bulmer has the attitude.04:49
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LjLstop provoking now04:49
matejwhich ubuntu relase is now "stable"?04:49
benikylefox: google for lamp04:49
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LjLmatej: Feisty, Edgy and Dapper are all currently supported.04:49
stittelixemptyxi: Try the 2.6.22-686 kernel from gutsy, just for fun.04:49
benikylefox: there are very good tutorials out there04:49
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stittelDoes anybody know which kernel the alternate installer CD is using?04:49
kylefoxbeni: why google lamp?04:49
Jowibeni, he does not need lamp for ftp04:49
kylefoxjust to learn how to do stuff from the command line?04:49
Och4ljl, i get ya. but for permissions wise, it better in the /home dir04:50
matejLjL, yes, iam on Edgy, thats why i'am asking if Feisty is stable now .. where to look that ?04:50
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benikylefox: for webserver04:50
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LjLOch4: yes (although the "mount" command has to be executed as root anyway)04:50
mc44matej: yes feisty is stabel04:50
LjLmatej, if it's supported, it's stable.04:50
brumanyone know why a reboot clears any entries I make to /etc/hosts while leaving comments alone?04:50
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kylefoxi know what lamp is, but that doesn't help me choose between desktop and server :P04:50
LjLmatej: "stable" doesn't mean it won't crash on you. it just means it's out of the testing cycle, and released.04:50
snap64__i give up im going to start over with a fresh install   ive move and installed and copied and ...theres no telling what kinda mess i have made04:50
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Och4ljl, cool. i got it04:51
stittelsnap64__: Eh?04:51
matejmc44, and where is this written down? I cant find on offical page :|04:51
bulmerbrum are you sure its /etc/hosts not your /etc/resolv.conf file/04:51
nuukylefox: i'd go server04:51
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Jowikylefox, seriously though. if you have a reasonably decent machine (minimum 192MB ram, 6gb hdd) go with the desktop cd or alternate cd.04:51
mc44matej: what do you mean?04:51
stittelsnap64__: You can deinstall all packages easily with Synaptic. Or even better: use a tool like gtkorphan or debfoster.04:51
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brumbulmer: yes, absolutely04:51
brumhappened twice now04:51
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kylefoxSo just to verify, server edition does NOT come with gnome (strictly command line UI?)04:51
stittelsnap64__: The only thing we have copied is ~/.wine to your homedir. I don't see where we created other mess.04:51
LjLmatej: err... if you go to http://www.ubuntu.com, the download section gives you Feisty and Dapper. if they're right there on the most important page of the site... one would think they're released, wouldn't one?04:51
nuukylefox: no, no gnome04:52
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snap64__stittle  except the ones i installed ./install like wintools04:52
nuukylefox: but it's trivial to install it04:52
emptystittel: what kernel shld i get?04:52
bulmerbrum thats odd indeed..i only knew of /etc/resolv.conf changing04:52
LjLmatej: Ubuntu doesn't normally place huge links to unstable distributions on its homepage.04:52
nuukylefox: matter of a one-liner on the command line04:52
nuukylefox: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18629804:52
brumbulmer: i haven't ever had this/seen this b4 either04:52
stittelsnap64__: The installation aborted, right? And you didn't call it with root permissions anyway!04:52
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Jowikylefox, the server cd does not install gnome (or xorg for that matter) by default. so if you want a quick way to just test use the desktop one.04:52
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Och4ljl, how do i delete a dir in terminal?04:52
snap64__if i could unintsall wintools so i could reinstall it with the gtx added it might be fine04:52
mon^rchbentob0x: gftp-gtk04:52
matejLjL, aha..no dates of next relase?04:53
LjLOch4: "rmdir directoryname"04:53
bulmerbrum check what scripts or apps you have thats using your /etc/hosts04:53
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snap64__stittle no winetools installed04:53
LjL!gutsy | matej04:53
ubotumatej: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule Support in #ubuntu+104:53
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stittelsnap64__: Do everything is fine. I really don't see where we made mess.04:53
kylefoxnuu: sweet, thanks, i think i'll try that.  the ONLY thing we need from the desktop version is gnome :)04:53
snap64__just not properly because the gtk was not already there04:53
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stittelsnap64__: s/Do/So/04:53
matejLjL, TNX04:53
stittelsnap64__: You need a 32bit GTK 1.2 to run the installer. Getting that is not trivial.04:53
brumbulmer: it wouldnt be tied to the different network configurations i have in the network gui tool would it?04:54
nuukylefox: np04:54
stittelsnap64__: This is why I proposed to copy the files, that winetools installs (Windows fonts etc) by hand.04:54
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Och4ljl, thansk04:54
kylefoxnuu: which one of those replies shows the correct way to install04:54
snap64__what do i need to remove winetools?04:54
stittelsnap64__: You said you haven't installed winetools.04:54
snap64__yes i have04:54
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matejLjL, and when its not "stable" version, it isnt in section "upgrade now"?04:54
bulmerbrum i dont know, see whats in /etc/nsswitch04:54
void^if wine is a priority i suggest switching to i386 altogether.04:54
stittelsnap64__: If you are going to reinstall, think about installing Ubuntu for i386 not amd64.04:54
snap64__but it wont run properly04:54
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stittelsnap64__: For a normal desktop PC amd64 has no real advantages, but is much more hard to get going than i386.04:55
emptystittel: what kernel shld i get?04:55
LjLmatej: certainly not. unstable versions are only supposed to be used by testers, i.e. people who realize they will probably break their systems and are prepared to meet that (almost certain) possibility.04:55
snap64__ive tried the i386 the 64bit much faster04:55
pbaI am new to Linux. Cant find any usable help... what is the command to install "KeePassX-0.2.2.deb" residing in /home...   something like "apt-get install keepass-0.2.2.deb" It gives an error message04:55
pbaroot@kub:/home# apt-get install KeePassX-0.2.2.deb04:55
pbaReading package lists... Done04:55
stittelempty: Try the 686 image from gutsy.04:55
pbaBuilding dependency tree04:55
pbaReading state information... Done04:55
pbaE: Couldn't find package KeePassX-0.2.2.deb04:55
bulmerbrum never mind, it does not use /etc/nsswitch04:55
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stittelsnap64__: Did you call the installer with "sudo"?04:55
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matejLjL, thnx for explanations !04:56
joachim-nhow do I erase a CD-RW?04:56
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snap64__yes  i switched to the extraced tar folder .....then did $ sudo ./install04:56
stittelsnap64__: Wait a sec.04:56
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brumbulmer: its not the saved netowrk locations, i just changed back and forth from the two diff ones i use04:56
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brumjust started in feisty04:56
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snap64__that installed most of wine except for files that needed the gimp toolkit04:57
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brumbut i just started using the diff network locations in this rel too04:57
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snap64__err most of winetools***04:57
LjL!pastebin > pba    (pba, see the private message from Ubotu)04:57
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stittelsnap64__: It's installed to /usr/local/04:57
bulmerbrum there's a config file that tells the system which to use..file, dns, ldap etc..but i dont know which config file that is in debian04:57
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snap64__so just delete usr local?04:58
brumnsswitch ;)04:58
stittelsnap64__: Delete /usr/local/winetools and delete wt, winetools and findwine from /usr/local/bin.04:58
brumnot sure in debian either04:58
bulmerbrumm oh its /etc/nsswitch.conf04:58
stittelsnap64__: No, don't delete /usr/local/, delete what I wrote above.04:58
snap64__how you find all this info so fast?04:58
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DimmuRwhat's the defalt password for root after ubuntu instalation? I didn't notice that it asked for root password (i can't even change it via sudo)04:59
stittelsnap64__: In this case I should looked into the install script of winetools to see what it does.04:59
snap64__ok back to file manager04:59
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stittelsnap64__: s/should/just/04:59
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stittelsnap64__: Delete diese files from console.04:59
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snap64__ s/should/just/ ????04:59
stittelsnap64__: "sudo rm -R /usr/local/winetools"04:59
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stittelsnap64__: I mistyped. I meant "just" not "should".04:59
stittelsnap64__: "cd /usr/local/bin; sudo rm wt winetools findwine"05:00
LjL!root > DimmuR    (DimmuR, see the private message from Ubotu)05:00
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LjLDimmuR: there is none. use sudo.05:00
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DimmuRLjL, thanks for answer i'm going read05:01
snap64__crap it wont let me delete them in file manager jesus christ i hate that05:01
Och4ljl, you still there man?05:01
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:01
stittelsnap64__: Just use the commands above.05:01
snap64__getting very tired of typing in cryptic commands in the terminal05:01
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stittelsnap64__: And be happy that you can't delete it from the filemanager running with superuser rights. Because this would mean that permissions management is totally broken on your system.05:01
JourneymanI install ejabberd with apt, the problem is when I use /etc/init.d it says it is started, and I even see the pid, but it doesn't work05:01
Journeymanwon't bind the points05:02
stittelsnap64__: not "with" but "without"05:02
JourneymanI can just manually run it and it works fine05:02
LjLJourneyman: you do the init.d thing as root, right?05:02
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Jowisnap64__, relax. it's a different system to what you're used to that's all. you should take a moment to learn some of the more useful commands. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:03
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bulmerJourneyman: are you sure the correct arguments are passed to your script?05:03
KubuntuI need to get acces to a windows computer on my network, how?05:03
Journeymanbulmer, as far as I know it just needs start05:03
LjL!samba > kubuntu    (kubuntu, see the private message from Ubotu)05:03
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Journeymanand from the webpages I have read that is all that is needed05:04
LjLJourneyman: like with all init.d scripts. but perhaps there's something to configure.05:04
emptystittel: what kernel shld i get?05:04
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bulmerJourneyman: when you run it not from init.d  what arguments you pass to it?05:04
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stittelempty: Try the 2.6.22 image from gutsy.05:04
snap64__not with but without what? a brain? it oozed to jello when i was trying to use portage through the terminal on gentoo05:04
Journeymanbulmer non05:04
KubuntuLjL Thanks05:04
Journeymanbulmer I just type /etc/init.d/ejabberd start05:05
Journeymanor restart05:05
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emptystittle: gutsy where do i get that?05:05
LjL!gutsy > empty    (empty, see the private message from Ubotu)05:05
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stittelsnap64__: I have to go now, really. If you should ever think about reinstalling, use i386 not amd64.05:05
bulmerJourneyman: when running it as regular user..what is the command you type?05:05
KubuntuLjL this time I'll read the questions carefully!05:05
stittelsnap64__: Have fun!05:05
snap64__i would rather delete things in a visual way so i can see what i am deleting05:05
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anguisWhy sudo desn't have the permission to use chown?05:05
Journeymanbulmer I don't run it as a normal user05:05
stittelempty: From a mirror like http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/05:06
stittelempty: I am sorry, I really have to leave now.05:06
LjLanguis: what's the command you're trying specifically?05:06
Journeymanwhile in a root terminal I type ejabberd05:06
stittelempty: Surely somebody help can continue to help you figuring this out.05:06
Journeymanand it runs up just fine05:06
LjLanguis: (and the error you're getting)05:06
bulmerJourneyman: well what ever user you used when you said it runs as regular..?05:06
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stittelempty: Tell him, it's not realted to nvidia drivers (you deinstalled those) and that the alternative cd works.05:06
LjLJourneyman, how would i check that it's running fine easily?05:06
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stittelempty: And that you basically just need to find a working kernel.05:06
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stittelempty: It must be out there, otherwise the alternative cd wouldn't boot.05:07
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JourneymanLjL, YOU couldn't because it only runs inside a VPN05:07
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LjLJourneyman: oh. then i guess i've just wasted a 40 megs download :)05:07
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emptystittel: ok.. so i need to compile my own kernel?05:08
samu2What can I do if I can find something in make menuconfig by using search, but when I go to the location it's shown to be supposed to be I can't find anything like it?05:08
JourneymanLjL, what are you talking about05:08
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LjLJourneyman: i'm talking about the fact that i just installed it (and it brought some heavy dependencies) to see if it would work for me.05:08
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Journeymanoh you installed it on your own machine05:09
Journeymanwell in that case you need a jabber client05:09
Sionidehrm, problem installing ubuntu... it's stuck on 0% whilst resizing the partitions on the disk.. any pointers?05:09
Journeymangaim, psi, etc...05:09
Och4ljl, whats the this command in the terminal, "grep: Training backslash" i get it when im trying to find the address for the mountpoint when i press tab05:09
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LjLJourneyman: i have one, yes. what port should the service be on anyway? if you just portscan your machine (after starting it with the init.d script), that port is still closed?05:10
bulmerJourneyman: do you use like nmap to check what port it listens/binds to?05:10
SpaceBassOch4, how are you getting that?05:10
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Journeyman5222 for plain and 5223 for ssl05:10
dabaRCan someone please give me a nudge with setting up apache 1.3 with mod_ssl05:10
SpaceBassOch4, and whats the mount point called?05:10
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LjLOch4: not sure, pastebin the whole thing05:10
Journeymanbulmer, no I use netstat and lsof05:10
gilsi have a question regarding incoming SSH connections....05:10
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emarkdcan anyone help me config the front panel media buttons on a dell laptop in edgy?05:10
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bulmerJourneyman: and when run via init.d those ports are not active?05:11
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Journeymanalso if I try to stop the process with the script it says it is not running05:11
ludevigHello, I havea question regarding 7.04's support for ATI x200 graphics chipsets on HP NX6125 laptops05:11
Och4spacebass, /home/funstack/mount\ roms/funstackrom0/05:11
ludeviganybody home?05:11
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:11
Journeymanbulmer, correct, but I can see the process running when I do ps ax | grep ejabberd05:11
bulleludevig: no05:11
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Feldegastusing grub4dos, how would i go about booting the ubuntu iso?05:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:11
HOTdoes google earth hang for anyone else on feisty?05:11
aventini just installed feisty (and beryl) for the first time, and i can't play movies - any movie file. i installed the codecs suggested at first use, but totem and VLC crash on starup without an error message, and mplayer gives me "Error opening/initalizing the selected video_out (-vo) device". anybody knows whats wrong?05:12
bulmerJourneyman: but you said you need a client to activate it, so using just netstat will not trigger it til?05:12
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Journeymanbulmer, I never said that05:12
KubuntuCan I have a remote desktop like thing betwen windows  and linux?05:12
HOTps ef | grep google05:12
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bulleaventin: what happens if you dont use beryl ?05:12
sn0tz|afki hear the same questions over and over05:12
Journeymanbulmer, LjL was asking about connecting to his own and I said he needed a client05:12
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bulmerJourneyman: i mis-understood what you said....05:12
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aventinbulle: don't know. how do i turn it off? (neeewbie!)05:12
Och4SpaceBass: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19635/05:13
Och4ljl, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19635/05:13
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sn0tz|afk-[ Kubuntu ] - rdesktop.org05:13
bulleaventin: no idea05:13
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bulleaventin: but that is what i would do05:13
bulmerJourneyman: you can run your script with debug enabled and see where it fails or dont see what you expect to see05:13
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gilscan anyone tell me if there is a way to get the system to indicate when there is an active incoming ssh session?05:13
Och4ljl, i get that same message when i try to tab the diablo file name05:13
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fhadoes anyone know how to get /etc/network/interfaces to be read automatically when you insert a wireless card?05:14
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bulmergils yes via iptables...but i dont know off hand how to monitor it..05:14
Journeymanbulmer, how do I run it in debug mode?05:14
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CapsAdminWhen I try to install Ubuntu, my HDD's aren't showing up. Right now, I'm on Ubuntu (That preinstall thingy)05:14
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bulmerJourneyman: on the first line add  -X05:14
HOTvery cool, googleearth.bin is using 110% of cpu05:14
aventinbulle: hmm, i'll try restarting. i'm not sure it starts automatically, actually.05:14
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emptywhich linux distribution or kernel have best support for nvidia graphic card?05:14
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Feldegastusing grub4dos, how would i go about booting the ubuntu iso, i have it working for knoppix?05:15
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CapsAdminGah, this is chaos05:15
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FeldegastCapsAdmin, are you using RAID?05:15
gilsbulmer: yes i have seen the ip tables network layout...it does show me when there is a connection but i want to be able to have a real time pop-up, maybe a systray, which indicates that ans SSH connections is established05:15
grimboyCapsAdmin, What format are they?05:15
samu2I noticed the option I was looking for for the kernel showed up if I removed all .config files in the dir and then ran make menuconfig without running make defconfig. But will I get like overly LOADS of extra stuff if I do it this way?05:15
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bentob0xseriously, I'm after installing KFTPGrabber and why, WHY does developers not put a 'Overwrite all' button?05:15
LjLOch4: that's weird.05:16
limon_empty I have a Ubuntu feisty and Ge force4 420 go and all work very well05:16
gigulonanyone expriences with rdiff-backup ????05:16
gilsbulmer: just like Remote Login does05:16
Journeymanbulmer, you mean /etc/init.d/ejabberd -X start?05:16
emptybut mine dun work well05:16
bulmergils iptables rules are flexible enuff to allow it to call another script to pop-up a windows..05:16
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MarcNgigulon: I like rsnapshot which I think does a similar thing.05:16
meal3837how would I go about installing a new hdd and extending my /home partition onto it?05:16
cpheh! i figured out the linksys wireless card! yippy05:16
CapsAdmingrimboy: No idea, they are splitted05:16
fhadoes anyone know how to get /etc/network/interfaces to be read automatically when you insert a wireless card?05:16
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Och4ljl, what does it mean?05:16
CapsAdminI can't follow up with the text05:16
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LjLOch4: it means i have no idea why it's happening :)05:16
bulmerJourneyman: try it, and also on inside the script05:16
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cpfha, what kinda card is it05:16
CapsAdminThere's too much going on here in this chat05:17
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Journeymanbulmer, that doesn't work05:17
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JourneymanUsage: /etc/init.d/ejabberd {start|stop|restart|force-reload}05:17
bulmerJourneyman: what the -x option?05:17
gigulonI need help with RDIFF-BACKUP ... can anyone help ???05:17
CapsAdminCould anyone private me if they want to help me out with my HDD problem? http://img476.imageshack.us/img476/4626/screenshoton1.png05:17
Och4ljl, hahhahah, it's not letting me mount stuff now05:17
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aventinbulle: so, ok. it worked when beryl was shut down. but there must be a way? people who use beryl do play movies, huh? :)05:17
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bulmerJourneyman: you modified your ejabberd script?05:17
emptywhich linux distribution or kernel have best support for nvidia geforce fx 5200 graphic card?05:17
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sharingoscould anyone try this code: http://rafb.net/p/7xk2sG43.html                It works on Debian and slackware but not on ubuntu. To compile use gcc -o filename filename.c -lncurses05:17
bulmertry it05:17
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LeftmostWhat is the proper place to put bash commands to be run at startup?05:18
LjL!boot > Leftmost    (Leftmost, see the private message from Ubotu)05:18
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cpfha, what kinda card is it05:18
grimboyempty, Do a search for the model number on wiki.ubuntu.com05:18
meal3837man, i have a lot of files05:18
meal3837clamscan is taking forever05:18
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tiagoboldt!boot > tiagoboldt05:18
LeftmostThank you, LjL.05:18
void^empty: doesn't depend on distro or kernel at all05:18
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bulmeram afk05:18
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tido|mobileplease help: I just asked Ubuntu 6.10 to upgrade to 7.04 on my PowerBook G4 and now when it logs in, it just shows a blank screen after login. It acts like it's starting up, but only shows the desktop background and nothing else. No menus or icons. Any idea what to do?05:19
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LjLJourneyman, it doesn't look like it's binding here, either (both netstat and nmap show no trace of it)05:19
tido|mobileI tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but that didn't make a difference05:19
UltimaDudeI have a error :(05:19
LjLJourneyman: ah no wait, typed the portrange wrong. nmap has 5222 and 5223 open05:19
tido|mobileI tried installing xubuntu-desktop, but it does the exact same thing after it's login05:19
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JourneymanLjL, yeah I think the script maybe proken05:19
emptybut i kept on getting a kernel panic when using nvidia card..05:19
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JourneymanLjL, kill the process and see if you can start it05:20
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LjLJourneyman: by "kill" you mean gracefully stop it using the init.d script, and then restart it using the init.d script, or just kill it?05:20
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JourneymanLjL, I mean type kill <pid>05:20
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BaktaahIs there a cool (transparent) way to jhave system info on the desktop?05:21
Journeymanthen /etc/init.d/ejabberd start05:21
Journeymanand see if it still works for you05:21
iqonis there a way to execute a command when a specific usb drive is connected?05:21
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r00t3r-j03Baktaah: Yeah, I was wondering that05:21
stef-vm!info conky | Baktaah05:21
JourneymanI am going to reinstall it see if that will fix it05:21
ubotubaktaah: conky: highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 123 kB, installed size 416 kB05:21
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Baktaahstef-vm no thanks05:21
Baktaahstef-vm  conky doesnt work for me05:21
Baktaahit flickers05:21
void^empty: without seeing some sort of diagnostic logs i can only guess there might be problems with your agp chipset or configuration. there's no basic problem with a fx5200.05:21
CapsAdminThe step "Prepare Partitions" is empty. There's no HDD to select.05:21
HOTconky sucks ass imho05:22
Baktaahand with double buffering it will remove my desktop icons05:22
Toma-Can the GUI installer be used as an upgrade disk???05:22
HOTadesklets is pretty lightweight05:22
BaktaahHOT amen brother.05:22
emptystittel: anyway thanks for your help even though still cannot work..05:22
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BaktaahHOT cool, thanks05:22
cfm76hello all05:22
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stef-vmBaktaah: then enable double buffering by loading the dbe-extension in your xorg.conf... that's the first pint mentioned in the conky-FAQ :-)05:22
aventini just installed feisty (and beryl) for the first time, and i can't play movies - any movie file since i installed beryl. i installed the codecs suggested at first use, but totem and VLC crash on starup without an error message, and mplayer gives me "Error opening/initalizing the selected video_out (-vo) device". if i turn beryl off i works. i have a 915 video card, and is a very new ubuntu user (like 25 minutes into 05:22
Baktaahstef-vm  I have05:22
r00t3r-j03sudo apt-get install conky?05:22
CapsAdminWell, this sucks05:22
Baktaahstef-vm load "dbe" in xorg05:22
Baktaahstef-vm it doesnt work for everybody05:23
LjLJourneyman, well, for starters, if i just kill the ejabberd PID, there's still  ejabberd  5881  0.0  0.0   1916   512 ?        S    17:05   0:00 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.5.2/bin/epmd -daemon  which is left running05:23
meal3837is there a way to stretch an existing partition to cover 1.8 hardrives?05:23
CapsAdminAre there any irc help chats that aren't as populated as this one?05:23
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eclipse_anyone know the Alsa help channel ?05:23
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JourneymanLjL, well stoping it with the init script won't work for me05:23
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Journeymanso give it a shot05:23
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CapsAdminoh well05:23
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LjLJourneyman: after killing and restarting it, nmap still shows 5222 and 5223 open05:23
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stef-vm!lvm | meal383705:24
ubotumeal3837: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO05:24
JourneymanLjL, are you using fiesty05:24
cfm76hey, Im a little new to Ubuntu, Ive checked google but can find the information I need. How can I find were php is installed and how to verify the version (I used apt-get install php5 and in did it right.  I assumed it would be installed in /usr/bin/ but I cannot find it there)05:24
KubuntuDoes LjL need help?05:24
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r00t3r-j03whenever i apt-get somthing, i get "Starting Cluster LVM Daemon clvmd could not connect to cluster manager05:24
r00t3r-j03" - I'm not conected to any cluster...?05:24
LjLJourneyman: but, also /etc/init.d/ejabberd stop works fine for me (except the erlang daemon is again left running). yes, i'm on feisty05:24
BaktaahHOT how do u use adesklets05:24
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LucidFoxis it possible to tell apt-get to ignore md5sum mismatches?05:24
cpcfm76,  for apache?05:24
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Journeymannot sure why it would not work for me05:24
cfm76yes sir05:24
LjLKubuntu: not in this specific context05:24
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cp1 sec05:25
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eclipse_Can someone tell me where i can get help with Alsa drivers for Fiesty Fawn05:25
JourneymanLjL, oh wait that is the problem, I wasn't killing the erlang process05:25
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LjLJourneyman: neither did i05:25
Journeymannice find05:25
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LjLJourneyman: i left it running, i never killed it05:26
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Journeymanhmm I had to kill it05:26
Jowi!alsa | eclipse_05:26
ubotueclipse_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:26
Toma-!offtopic > xyverz05:26
cpcfm76,  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/installing-php5-and-apache-on-ubuntu/05:26
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LjLJourneyman: might have got stuck for some reason. no idea.05:27
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eclipse_alsa is selected, this is on a Toshiba laptop which there seems to be no fix for05:27
cpcfm76,  probley just need to  sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php505:27
cpman i miss linux..  windows was driving me up the wall05:27
JourneymanLjL, yeah, well I guess I can modify the init script now that I now the problem, thanks for your help man05:28
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LjLJourneyman: but keep in mind that, for me, even though the init script doesn't kill the erlang process, it still starts, stops and restarts without problems (and if i kill the erlang process myself, a start/restart of ejabberd brings it back up)05:29
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yo2luxExist a repository for Pidgin 2.0 final ?05:29
JourneymanLjL, yeah, that is odd on my end, but I can deal with that for now, I will look more into it later05:29
JourneymanLjL, I just want the services for my darknet to work05:29
LjLJourneyman: understandable. if you find out more about it though, it'd probably be worthwile filing a bug05:30
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newbiHI any one can tell me who to get Trash can in ubuntu back ?>??05:30
JourneymanI will probably get around to that05:30
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luisgmarineanyone here a pro at alsa? that can look at my ~/.asoundrc and figure out why it blocks sound to firefox05:30
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aventini just installed feisty (and beryl) for the first time, and i can't play movies - any movie file since i installed beryl. i installed the codecs suggested at first use, but totem and VLC crash on starup without an error message, and mplayer gives me "Error opening/initalizing the selected video_out (-vo) device". if i turn beryl off i works. i have a 915 video card, and is a very new ubuntu user (like 25 minutes into 05:31
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clubwashbrnohi everyone... has anyone an idea how to make nice backups and/or images of the whole system?05:31
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matthew_I have a problem with Samba on Feisty, I have samba installed and have set my workgroup in the config file. Its still not showing any of the Windows shares. But I can print to a printer that is shared on a windows box.  Any ideas whats making this happen?05:31
eclipse_rofl it doesn't even list the sound card in /prot/asound05:31
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newbican any one please tell me how to get my trash applet back ?05:31
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Jayson_hi people, my kernel crash with this message "[ 6119.521880]  invalid opcode: 0000 [1]  SMP", and so many times the kernel crash with "Kernel Panic", please, i need my pc work fine, what is this ?05:32
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eclipse_Aventin you need Codecs05:32
cfm76Hey cp thanks for the article, one last question. were is php installed by default, and how do I check its version number (just to be informed)05:32
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defrysknewbi, rightclick empty spot on panel , select add , then select trash applet05:32
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XZCJayson_ My old PC panic cuz of the CPU is "burned" >.<05:32
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KubuntuWhern I try to play movies in kaffeine it is black for a few seconds, what should I do?05:33
kev_bis there an easy way to format a usb drive on ubuntu without using the terminal (i.e. graphically)?05:33
MenZaKubuntu: Better off trying in #kubuntu :)05:33
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aventineclipse_: oh, do i? i installed the ones suggested to me on first use. also, the ovies plays when beryl is turned off... :)05:33
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rob65The X server starts and operates correctly if launched from the recovery mode, but doesn't work from a standard bootup. Anyone know what could be causing this?05:33
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gigulonanyone experiences with RDIFF-BACKUP ???05:34
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newbiwell it say it has a problem loading the applet and ask whether i want to delete it05:34
Jayson_XZC my PC is new :(05:34
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matthew_I have a problem with Samba on Feisty, I have samba installed and have set my workgroup in the config file. Its still not showing any of the Windows shares. But I can print to a printer that is shared on a windows box.  Any ideas whats making this happen?05:34
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KubuntuLjL broke my Kubntu install and banned me from Kubuntu.05:35
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KasoHey, for some reason my Terminal has stopped working, i click on it, the "Loading" appears in the taskbar at the bottom for a while then nothing.05:35
ferronicai need help regarding adesklets05:35
ferronicaany one here uses adesklets?05:35
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LjLKubuntu, if i see myself highlighted with that statement again, there won't be an Ubuntu channel left you aren't banned on. last warning.05:36
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fluidis there some guide i can find somewhere to explain how to set up dmix properly ?05:36
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:36
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rob65The X server starts and operates correctly if launched from the recovery mode, but doesn't work from a standard bootup. Anyone know what could be causing this?05:36
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BaktaahCould someone please assist me with Screenlets how do you stick ur widgets/desklets so they don't get minimized when you press show desktop.05:37
LjLrob65: GDM not installed? made sure that the whole of the "ubuntu-desktop" package is installed?05:37
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rob65yes and yes, LjL05:37
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zancikHi people! How to delite all messages in Post Evolutino on ubuntu I have them delited and they now in BIN but how delete them at all?05:37
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LjLrob65: /var/log/Xorg.0.log has nothing interesting?05:38
zancikHi people! How to delete all messages in Post Evolution on ubuntu I have them delete and they now in BIN but how delete them at all?05:38
padeehi, i am wondering, if anyone would have any suggestions how to set up an ubuntu internet cafe with 5 computers?05:38
tzfardeahey ! :D i just installed ubuntu 7.04 and i have a problem with my monitor screen it's shifted to the left, i installed already nvidia drivers05:38
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ferronicaany one here uses adesklets?05:39
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Och4how do i unmount someing????05:39
defryskOch4, umount blah05:39
Baktaahpadee what is your question05:39
Och4sudo unmount -o loop?05:39
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rausb0Och4: umount /mountpoint05:39
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Och4do i need the loop?05:39
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rob65LjL: Only thing i can see is "Open ACPI" failed05:40
defryskOch4, its umount not unmount05:40
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yo2luxExist a repository for Pidgin 2.0 final ?05:40
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lianhdWhy skype can't run on my Ubuntu 7.0405:40
defryskyo2lux, getdeb.org has it05:40
padeeBaktaah: i would like to control 4 computers over a network... 4 computers would be like clients for guests and one computer is the administration station... how could i do that?05:40
rausb0Och4: no, you don't need -o loop when unmounting05:40
yo2luxdefrysk thanks05:40
defryskgetded.net that is05:40
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dunstabulospadee: ssh?05:40
Baktaahpadee you want hiarky?05:40
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emptyis it safe to install ubuntu on a laptop?05:41
Baktaahpadee just SSH through the network to those computers05:41
dunstabulospadee: what exactly do you need to administer?05:41
=== defrysk untypo's his rusty fingers
Baktaahempty yes05:41
Baktaahempty why not05:41
YesDadI'll find out05:41
tzfardeadude its no safe to walk in the street these days05:41
padeeBaktaah: what is hiarky?05:41
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neonimrtzfardea: you talking about safety05:41
dunstabulosempty: best bet is to check the wiki for install guides for your laptop first, especially if it is your only computer.05:41
Baktaahpadee a leadersystem05:41
neonimrtzfardea: think of detroit05:41
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dunstabulosin general, yes though05:42
padeedunstabulos: i d like to switch the computers remotely on and of... or at least the internet05:42
Baktaahpadee one controlling many in that thought05:42
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rausb0Baktaah: you mean hierarchy05:42
yo2luxI need to install deb with dpkg ?05:42
Geoffrey2in what file would I find the UID information?05:42
emptycuz i am afraid that if i wan to recover using the recovery disk by the acer i will not be able to if i mess up05:42
padeeBaktaah: leadersystem? is there more information on the www?05:42
spiderfirehi whats a good web design program?05:42
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tzfardeaneonimr, you don't know where i live :-)05:42
zancikHi people! How to delete all messages in Post Evolution on ubuntu I have them delete and they now in BIN but how delete them at all?05:42
Baktaahpadee just get ubuntu and it will work fine I mean you can just SSH into the computers and control the,05:42
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dunstabulosspiderfire: nvu or quanta05:42
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spiderfiredunstabulos: which do you like better?05:43
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neonimrtzfardea: where?05:43
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fsckhi #ubuntu05:43
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spiderfireis nvu supposed to be in the repo?05:44
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dunstabulosit's all subjective anyhow; quanta is in the repo05:44
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fsckis there a way that i can edit right click menu?05:44
padeeBaktaah: i have already a network... a router with wifi... and they work fine... but i am not able to find them via ssh...05:44
tzfardeaneonimr, that's city in israel that isn't known for nice things... never mind, do you know how to fix monitor screen shifting? :-P05:44
lianhdWho can help me?  How can I make skype run on ubuntu 7.0405:44
fluidnothing in those links will fix my sound issue. and ive tried a few other howto's that ive found and none of those have worked. my sound works fine, but only from 1 app at a time. :(05:45
padeeBaktaah: and ubuntu is already installed on every machine...05:45
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LjLrob65, got no idea. if you google for "open acpi" failed, you do find something, but i'd be at a loss if i were asked whether that had any relevance. are you using the acpi=off kernel option?05:45
neonimrtzfardea: what city?05:45
tzfardeaneonimr, Lod05:45
nutterpcsurprised........my desktop is taking the punishment Im givin it05:45
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neonimrtzfardea: never heard of it , i am from egypt05:45
fsck is there a way that i can edit right click menu?05:45
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tzfardeaneonimr, nice05:46
KasoWhenever i try to open Terminal it just 'fails' nothing opens, its making it very hard to do anything >.< anyone got any ideas?05:46
padeeBaktaah: is it really called hiarky? i cannot find it with google...05:46
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kev_bis there an easy way to format a usb drive on ubuntu without using the terminal (i.e. graphically)?05:46
fsckhave u moved your home directory???05:47
dunstabuloskev_b: i imagine that gparted would let you do so05:47
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fsckmeans open nautilus and figure out /home exists05:47
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kev_bdunstabulos: thanks, i'll try that now05:47
rob65LjL:  i'm just trying to boot with acpi=off05:47
khermansAnyone have experience with dmraid and Ubuntu installations?05:47
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khermansi am having an issue where the Feisty installer failed at grub installation05:48
mrabbithello, i have a laptop with a bcm4318 wireless card. the laptop has no wired connection. i need to get the wireless working, any ideas?05:48
rob65jesus LjL it's working05:48
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rob65let me reinstall from the alternate CD and see if that works05:49
khermansmrabbit, ndiswrapper05:49
rob65what does noacpi do?05:49
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dunstabulos!wifi | mrabbit05:49
ubotumrabbit: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about noacpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
fsck is there a way that i can edit right click menu?05:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
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rausb0rob65: it turns off ACPI support. many BIOSes have buggy ACPI tables.05:49
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chumpAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI)05:50
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LjLrob65: you used noacpi or acpi=off? they... well, disable ACPI :-) sorry, i don't really know the details, i just know they're quite standard things to try when Ubuntu fails to work. i think noacpi is the "less invasive" one (i.e. you lose some functionality, though again i'm not entirely sure which). i have to use "noapic" myself, which is even milder (and just disables a new sort of interrupt controller), but i have no idea if that would be enough in your05:50
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dunstabulosrob65: noacpi disables ACPI, most commonly used on laptops that the manufacturers used microsofts incompatible ACPI compiler.  the linuz acpi project has replacements for many laptops05:50
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Geoffrey2several times while running configure on programs I'm building from source, I've gotten the following message which I'm assuming is not a big issue?   checking dynamic linker characteristics... cat: /etc/ld.so.conf.d/*.conf: No such file or directory05:50
Naradahi just trying to decide on debian 4 vs ubuntu 7.04 for my server; just curious what debian version was ubuntu 7.04 based on05:51
dunstabulos(acpi controls power management)05:51
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dunstabulosNarada: for a server you are probably better with 6.06 for long term support.05:51
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cdavisIn general terms, is ATI or Nvidia a better choice for video cards for Linux users?05:51
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dunstabuloscdavis: Nvidia05:51
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Naradadunstabulos: What does long term support mean exactly?  Support of what?05:52
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dunstabulosNarada: security problems for one05:52
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Naradadunstabulos: Security updates?05:52
chumpNarada: i think that the lts will be updated a lot longer then the other05:52
tdnI am trying to set up encrypted root filesystem with LUKS/cryptsetup. I have installed a base system on sda6 (2400MB partition), used sda2 (300MB partition) as /boot; then I have luksFormat'ed sda5 (50GB partition) and made an ext3 filesystem on that; then I copied everything from sda6 to sda5 and edited /etc/fstab to use /dev/mapper/root for / and edited /etc/crypttab to set up sda5 as /dev/mapper/root; then I ran update-initrd. Now I cannot boot to my encry05:52
procrastinator_Hrmm, so this might be a little out of the reach of most people in here, but I have a Motorola DCT6200 cable box I used to watch tv on in VLC in Windows using a custom driver.05:52
procrastinator_Is there anyway I can do the same in Ubuntu without setting up MythTV.05:53
Naradadunstabulos: chump So out of curiosity why does 7.04 have no long term support?05:53
tzfardeahey ! :D i just installed ubuntu 7.04 and i have a problem with my monitor screen it's shifted to the left, i installed already nvidia drivers05:53
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Ix0stzfardea, You tried auto adjusting it?05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about formail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
elenrilare there netinstall images, like in debian?05:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about formmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
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procrastinator_If anyone has any resources to point me towards, please let me know, I would like this to be something simple like it was in VLC where I just chose the box and then recorded the raw stream to my drive.05:54
rausb0elenril: yes there are05:54
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M_Bison123i'm having a strange issue with package installations....i'm hoping someone can help me...05:54
NaradaIs there a link to say what has how much support?05:54
tzfardeaIx0s, hey, how do i auto adjust it?05:54
M_Bison123for some reason when i install and remove packages for the first couple days or so after my installation it warns me that if i remove that particular one, i will have to remove like 25 more...but then it will just stop asking....so it won't remove the dependent packages....therefore when i remove something now it will only remove 1 at a time, and my next install it will usually tell me i have unnecessary packages installed...05:54
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BaktaahCould someone please assist me with Screenlets how do you stick ur widgets/desklets so they don't get minimized when you press show desktop.05:54
procrastinator_Anything would be greatly appreciated.05:54
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dunstabulosNarada: Canonical plan a long term support every 3 years iirc. 6.06 will be replaced by 9.04 or thereabouts. As to why, testing and backporting security fixes takes time money and effort.05:54
Ix0stzfardea, It will be under your monitor menus, if you have CRT you'll have to just adjust your image positioning, read your monitor manual05:54
M_Bison123not every package of course...but ones that are part of a larger package like ubuntu-desktop05:55
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dunstabulos6.06 server is supported into 201105:55
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tzfardeaIx0s, oh, i dont want to do this in that way because i have also windows and the monitor screen appears fine in windows05:55
elenrilrausb0, where do i get them?05:55
M_Bison123so now for some reason if i want to remove something part of ubuntu-desktop it won't tell me its part of the package...it will just remove that 1 and then nothing else will work05:56
rausb0elenril: hold on, i am searching them05:56
Naradadunstabulos: I see.  So e.g. 7.04 won't receive security upgrades or will only receive them for a limited time?05:56
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aventini just installed feisty (and beryl) for the first time, and i can't play movies - any movie file since i installed beryl. i installed the codecs suggested at first use, but totem and VLC crash on starup without an error message, and mplayer gives me "Error opening/initalizing the selected video_out (-vo) device". if i turn beryl off i works. i have a 915 video card, and is a very new ubuntu user (like 25 minutes into 05:56
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dunstabulosNarada: a limited time only (2008)05:56
moviemanHi all, im having a little problem with k9copy any help would be great thanks in advance05:56
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wedontneedhi i need boot loader which program will u support?05:56
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:56
moviemanmy problem is when going to backup a dvd i get this First video packet in sequence starting at 4169742 misses PTS or DTS, flags=8005:57
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KasoIm having trouble with Terminal, whenever try to open it i get the "Starting Terminal" window for a few moments then it disapears to nothing.05:57
dunstabuloswhich is fine if you only have one server and are happy to upgrade often,  but in general 6.06 is the better choice05:57
=== dunstabulos wants a finalized samba 4 in the next LTS release
rausb0elenril: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/05:57
moviemanim on ubuntu 6.10 edgy05:57
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rausb0elenril: get "mini.iso"05:58
MartyMcFlywhat's the best way to share files between two ubuntu desktops?05:58
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`alexhey i cant see  pretty much videos, its because im missing win32codecs i guess, any simple way to get them with apt-get ?05:58
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Naradadunstabulos: I see.  Thanks.  Is there a web page with all this info?05:58
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elenrilrausb0, wow, really small05:58
elenrilrausb0, thanks05:59
MartyMcFlyalex: get automatix05:59
movieman`alex look for automatix :P05:59
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:59
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dunstabulossummary info : http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download05:59
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rausb0elenril: it can only do dhcp and fixed address networking, no installing over PPPoE05:59
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about procmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:59
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elenrilrausb0, that's okay with me if it has proxy support06:00
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rausb0elenril: yes i think it has06:00
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wedontneedi installed new grub how can i enter settings i want to chance style06:00
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moviemani installed k9copy and get this error when backing up a dvd First video packet in sequence starting at 4169742 misses PTS or DTS, flags=8006:01
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moviemanhow can i fix this ?06:01
arifneed help please06:01
Naradadunstabulos: Great thanks.  This concept of the latest release not being supported in the same sense strikes me as a little odd.  But at least I am informed now.06:01
arifdo i get in line06:02
dyrnewedontneed: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:02
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Solarionis there a feisty vmware player image?06:02
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MartyMcFlyarif: just ask06:02
Naradadunstabulos: What release of debian is ubuntu 7.04 based on?  Any idea?06:02
dunstabulosNarada: hth06:02
aroarif just ask06:02
arifin my synaptic package manager06:02
arifi get an error06:02
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arifit says06:02
wedontneeddyrne: i open a text file now what will i do?06:03
arifE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:03
arifE: _cache->open() failed, please report06:03
void^Narada: ubuntu packages are usually synced to debian sid during the beta cycle.06:03
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aroDid you run dpkg --configure -a ?06:03
SnapLinuxhow much slower is the 32 bit ver vs 64 on same machine?06:03
arifi type what it asks in the terminal06:03
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Naradavoid^: What version is sid?06:03
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void^Narada: sid is always unstable.06:03
NaradaHmm k.06:04
aroarif: and?06:04
kevorHello, can play any sound in Ubuntu 7,04, i've gt a emu10k1 chipset, so should work right away06:04
arifsorry erm06:04
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dunstabulosi don't know, if this is for a server jsut use the online package listings to give you a comparison of versions each important program06:04
MartyMcFlySnapLinux: unnoticable - in some cases 64-bit is slower06:04
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arifit comes up with a set off options06:04
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ariflet me copy and paste06:04
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MartyMcFlySnapLinux: but you should always use a 64-bit distro on a 64-bit arch06:04
Solarionanybody?  vmware player feisty image?06:04
ak4t5uk1what's the best .kar and .midi player for ubuntu?06:04
void^Narada: however, many packages are completely replaced or heavily modified (for good or worse)06:05
ariffirst it comes up with06:05
arifrequested operation requires superuser privilege06:05
ak4t5uk1pykaraoke and kmid si crappy06:05
ak4t5uk1it keeps on crashing my system06:05
arifthen if i type the same command again06:05
johnm1019I can't seem to get mongrel working with rails on my ubuntu install, the process is straightforward, but when i do mongrel_rails start in the directory of one of my apps it says it cant find it, locate'ing it works, but obviously that isn't how this is supposed to go.  I've done this a million times, anything extra i need to do for ubuntu>06:05
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dunstabulosNarada: even if ubuntu is based on a debian release lots is different. debian 4.0 is on  a 2.4 kernel but ubuntu has been on 2.6 by default for a while now06:05
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scriptdevilheya people06:05
arosudo dpkg --configure -a06:05
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ak4t5uk1what's the best .kar and .midi player for ubuntu?06:05
ak4t5uk1pykaraoke and kmid si crappy06:05
scriptdevil.midi is kmid06:05
void^dunstabulos: ... etch is not on a 2.4 kernel unless the admin wants it to be.06:05
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ak4t5uk1pykaraoke and kmid is crappy06:06
arifyep done that06:06
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arifthen it asks for my password06:06
MartyMcFlyak4t5uk1: ask once, and wait - or try google06:06
arifi type it in06:06
M_Bison123for some reason when i install and remove packages (like ones included in ubuntu-desktop for example) for the first couple days or so after my installation it warns me that if i remove that particular one, i will have to remove like 25 more...so i say no, i don't want to remove it...but then a few days later it allows me to remove any package 1 at a time ..so when i remove a package that is in one of these groups it won't remove the e06:06
scriptdevilak4t5uk1: doesn't mplayer have a codec?06:06
dunstabulosvoid^: i thought 2.4 was still the default. my mistake06:06
SnapLinuxMartyMcFly well i have amd 64 x2 but i have just a few issues with wine under it that i think i will have to use i386 ver im just concerned it will be a dog compared to the 64 bit ver06:06
andy`who can help me install my video driver ???06:06
arifit comes up with arif@arif-desktop:-$06:06
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ak4t5uk1scriptdevil... i didn't know that... i'll try googling it...06:07
arif(sorry just got ununtu 2day)06:07
nominM_Bison123: some packages depend on others.06:07
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M_Bison123yes i know...did you read the rest of the message?06:07
aldjhow can i temporarily disabe gcc 4.1 and enable gcc 3.4.5 ?06:07
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MartyMcFlySnapLinux: It won't be noticably slower; but you may have a few issues with various apps expecting a 64-bit kernel because your processor is 64-bit.06:08
M_Bison123the packages stop automatically depending on each other for some reason...how do you make sure it continues to keep track of it?06:08
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insane_aliendoes anyone know how to get gparted to make an ntfs partition? the option is grayed out06:08
Naradadunstabulos: void^: hmm; i see; i am quite surprised to learn that debian 4 is on 2.4.x; i'm still very indecisive as to what to put on my server; what do you have on your server?06:08
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SnapLinuxw/ the 64 bit wine dosnt use some 32 bit libs correctly and windows apps have no button icons06:09
scriptdevilak4t5uk1: http://lists.mplayerhq.hu/pipermail/mplayer-dvb/2003-January/000973.html06:09
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shavengerI am having some trouble with feisty 7.0406:09
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=== andy` who can help me install my ATI Video Card ???
ak4t5uk1scriptdevil thanks06:09
void^Narada: debian 4 has 2.6.1806:09
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cynehey all i'm sitting here with my new compaq and with ubuntu live cd06:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:09
dunstabulosNarada: 7.04 as it also hosts mythtv and the feisty mythtv setup is really smooth06:09
aro!ati | andy`06:09
ubotuandy`: please see above06:09
cynedoes anyone know whether ubuntu will void my HP warranty?06:10
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arocyne, read your warranty details06:10
Naradavoid^: Oh.  Well in that case I am getting conflicting information.  Never mind!06:10
SnapLinux<MartyMcFly  the 64 bit wine dosnt use some 32 bit libs correctly and windows apps have no button icons06:10
cynearo: i've read it06:10
arifaro now it comes up with a new error E: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.06:10
shavengerI get the message kernel panic : not syncing no init found06:10
Naradadunstabulos: I see.06:10
aroI doubt installing an OS will void your warranty though HP will not directly support ubuntu06:10
scriptdevilcyne: it shouldnt...06:10
d2812Can anyone help connecting to a PPTP VPN?  Ubuntu seems to be sending my username that I log in with, rather than the one it prompts for to the VPN server.06:10
M_Bison123about my package issue:::::an example of how this is inconvenient:  lets say i want to install kubuntu-desktop from  ubuntu...normally people would just have to type apt-get install or aptitude install kubuntu-desktop and it will isntall everything kbuntu needs....when i install kubuntu-desktop it only intsalls the package kubuntu-desktop.06:10
aroThough I cannot know for sure, because I don't have the warranty details06:10
cynearo: i am no less confused :)06:11
cynearo -- that's fine -- all i want is hardware warranty, considering i payed for an extra 2 years06:11
M_Bison123can anyone offer some help on the issue? i would greatly appreciate itl.06:11
shavengerinstall went fine and I was able to boot once, and only once before I get this kernel panic06:11
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scriptdevilcyne: actually there are a lot of hp drivers06:11
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void^Narada: if you want "current" software, you should either run debian sid or ubuntu. with sid you get new updates all the time with a higher chance of broken things. with ubuntu you get a new release every 6 months or so, and you can run beta-ubuntu (with the same risk of breakage).06:11
scriptdevilcyne: if hp calls them illegal, they will lose some share in the market06:12
cynearo: one thing that bothers me is -- how will they test my hardware if i have ubuntu installed06:12
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aroarif, did you sudo apt-get remove virtualbox ?06:12
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scriptdevilcyne: there is hplip06:12
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aroarif, try removing and installing virtualbox as it says06:12
cynescriptdevil .. what is hplip ?06:12
arocyne, do you mean if you bring in the computer to HP for maintenance?06:12
scriptdevilcyne: hp linux printer support06:12
cynearo: yes06:12
=== ncd dl's a fresh 2.6.21 kernel in hope that he might get dri action on this damned intel 855GM
cynescriptdevil: nice06:13
arifaro : yes06:13
leagriscyne, depend on wording and your contry specific laws. Either they sell you a Windowsbox or a general purpose computer.06:13
arocyne, I sincerely doubt they will support you at all with ubuntu on it06:13
void^Narada: i personally like debian testing on my server. it's semi-uptodate and doesn't create much trouble.06:13
scriptdevilcyne: are you talking about a printer?06:13
cynescriptdevil: no, a computer06:13
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Naradavoid^: I'm quite happy to run U7.04 but I want to be sure that it won't be compromise security in any big way compared to D4.06:13
KasoI'm really lost here :< I cant do anything because i cant get the terminal window open. Anyone any advice?06:13
aroarif, what happens after you reinstalled it?06:13
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samu2Any ideas how long it should take to compile a kernel on a p3-600?06:13
zancikHi people! How to delete all messages in Post Evolution on ubuntu I have them delete and they now in BIN but how delete them at all?06:13
aroarif, anything different?06:13
scriptdevilcyne: then i am not sure.. but hplip is hp developed06:13
cyneleagris: i'm in australia :)06:13
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arifaro: nope06:13
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arifin the terminal it come up with the same error06:14
M_Bison123so umm...did anyone see my message about the problem i'm having with my packages? if so...i would greatly appreciate any help...i would just reinstall ubuntu..but i've already done that twice and this same issue keeps recurring.06:14
aroarif, did you try removing virtualbox altogether and seeing what happens?06:14
arifthat it has to reinstall06:14
ncdwouldnt hurt for ubuntu to come for Development ready06:14
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salgemmadoes anyone know how to enable sound in Impress???06:14
cyneleagris, there is a "recovery partition" on the hard disk too -- i assume that it has vista on it06:14
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arifsudo apt-get remove virtualbox06:14
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scriptdevilcyne: http://hplip.sourceforge.net/other_support.html06:14
arifi ran that command to remove it06:14
ncdnet result == falling on apt every 20seconds for every little thing06:14
aventinplease help me somebody: i cant play video when beryl is active!? any ideas?06:14
cynescriptdevil: thanks but i don't have a hp printer :)06:14
scriptdevilcyne:  this is general06:15
M_Bison123aventin...remove beryl06:15
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aroarif, and then what happened?06:15
M_Bison123its not worth the trouble, in my opinion06:15
ncdif you didnt have net you would be farked06:15
arifReading package lists... Done06:15
arifBuilding dependency tree06:15
arifReading state information... Done06:15
arifthen i get the same error06:15
aventinM_Bison123: hehe, is that really the only solution?06:15
cynedamn -- any aussies here who installed ubuntu on their HP ?06:15
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arif The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.06:15
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M_Bison123no, i know theres a ton on the forums about it though...06:16
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void^Narada: well, if that server is truly significant i'd go for debian 4. there's no point playing with bleeding edge software on production machines.06:16
M_Bison123i always see threads about it..06:16
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leagriscyne, AU govt has shown wierd behaviour toward followinig DMCA and other US only laws. Can't tell for your specific case. In dubt, call your vendor support and ask it clearly : Is, installing another operating system on box brand xxxyz ok for the warranty terms?06:16
salgemmadoes anybody know how to enable sound in Impress???06:16
M_Bison123i didn't have that problem with my install though...oddly enough06:16
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M_Bison123but i didn't particularly like beryl06:16
salgemmai've installed and configured JMF...06:16
cyneleagris: thanks06:16
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aventinM_Bison123: ok, i'll look around some more then. didn't find much first time.06:17
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salgemmaJMF works...06:17
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salgemmai've configured Impress... the mediaplayer appears06:17
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aroarif, I really don't know man06:17
salgemmabut it is not able to play sounds06:17
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arifok cheers anyway06:18
scriptdevilcyne: why dont you dualboot ur box?06:18
arifis there any restore function06:18
aroarif, someone else might though if you ask at another time06:18
aroarif, I just don't know enough about packages to answer that06:18
M_Bison123aventin, if ur still here...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=398121&highlight=black+screen+video06:18
etuarduhi, do someone know how to set up a transparent terminal? (I mean real transparency, not like the one in gnome-terminal)06:18
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Naradavoid^: yeah; true06:18
arifthanks for trying btw06:18
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Naradavoid^: Out of curiosity who do you host with?06:18
aroarif, good luck06:18
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snap64__its funny my old P3 1ghz is so easy and rock solid.....its become my main machine......my brand new flashy AMD64 workhorse is nothing more than the playtoy.......  it used to be the other way around under windows06:19
Toma-snap64__: im installing fesity on a 300mhz dell laptop right now :)06:19
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scriptdevilit is a sad thing that windows monopolises the market... yesterday.. i spoke to a isp provider's help center.. and that guy said proudly.. we now support linux fully.. and he told me that rpm will be a prt of any linux system... and told me that my gentoo box was probably outdated06:19
snap64__Toma kewl06:20
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Toma-its going to run like a dog with 3 legs, but at least itll be rock solid :)06:20
snap64__Toma thank the gods ubuntu dosnt have a portage world update option06:20
void^Narada: er, i just have a box in the university's computer room nobody cares much about :] 06:20
jhongHello, can anyone help me with a FreeNX problem I'm having?06:20
cynescriptdevil: i don't want to dual boot06:20
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scriptdevilcyne: then.. red hat and opensuse have hp support06:21
arocyne, the only answer I can give you is to contact HP and ask them about it06:21
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snap64__Toma use a lighter windows manager like Xdesktop or fluxbox it will be fine\06:21
Naradavoid^: Lol.  That's a nice trick :)06:21
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NaradaI'm with linode but am considering slicehost.06:21
Toma-snap64__: indeed. planning on going server install then get xubuntu going06:22
aventinM_Bison123: thanks! that worked! :) gets abit blocky on full-screen (like they reported too) but it works! Thanks man!06:22
NaradaStill looking around though.06:22
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snap64__buddy has a 16mhz Sparc Sun and it still runs things decent06:22
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M_Bison123for some reason when i install and remove packages (like ones included in ubuntu-desktop for example) for the first couple days or so after my installation it warns me that if i remove that particular one, i will have to remove like 25 more...so i say no, i don't want to remove it...but then a few days later it allows me to remove any package 1 at a time ..so when i remove a package that is in one of these groups it won't remove the e06:23
M_Bison123an example of the problem if my writing was too hard to understand:  lets say i want to install kubuntu-desktop from  ubuntu...normally people would just have to type apt-get install or aptitude install kubuntu-desktop and it will isntall everything kubuntu-desktop needs....when i install the kubuntu-desktop package it only installs 1 package...kubuntu-desktop....sorry for the superlong message...i would really appreciate any help or 06:23
snap64__geeze thats a novel06:23
M_Bison123yeah sorry...06:23
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M_Bison123i keep getting this same problem every time i reinstall06:23
M_Bison123after a few days06:23
cpHey ... I install ubuntu yesterday.. Now i had to change the  Vert and Horz refresh rate for my display for it to get a 800*600 screen .. But when i boot up after it says loading grub the screen is blank until it boots into X ... Any ideas on how to fix this?06:24
Toma-do you need to remove the packages? and what package?06:24
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jhongHello, can anyone help me with a FreeNX problem I'm having?06:24
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arocp, what's wrong with a blank screen until X starts?06:24
Toma-cp: sounds like a frambuffer error. check your vga= settings in menu.lst06:24
arocp, do you want to see the splash picture?06:24
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evilfourzeroHey, for anyone that wants the new Skype 1.4 Alpha, I put together a script that downloads it and installs it for you, works great!06:24
cpi wanna see it all.. I want it all to work06:25
scriptdeviljhong: ask.. dont ask to ask06:25
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Toma-evilfourzero: stick it on the forums06:25
cpToma-,  how can i get to that?06:25
evilfourzeroToma-: I posted it on the Skype Alpha thread06:25
cparo,  any ideas?06:25
scriptdevilanyway... buhbye people..06:25
jhongHello, how do I set the session language when accessing through FreeNX?06:25
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Jay2how can i stop X ?06:25
Geoffrey2I want to set up an ftp server, it's going to be running behind a router using private ip addresses (192.168.1.x), what would be the easiest ftp server to get up and running?06:26
snap64__First time i tried ubuntu i put all versions i could find Kbuntu xbuntu etc.......i found it easier to just reinstal Ubuntu rather than trying to clean off everything that those installed06:26
Condorcetevilfourzero: any significant changes in 1.4?06:26
Toma-evilfourzero: always nice to echo your sudo calls :)06:26
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Condorcetlol To06:26
evilfourzeroCondorcet: Nothing BUT significant changes06:26
Toma-...sudo echo..(lol)06:26
evilfourzeroCondorcet: It's so much nicer... Looks so much better, and works great06:26
cpToma-,  how can i get to that?06:26
evilfourzeroCondorcet: I'll take a screenshot of it if you want06:27
Toma-cp /boot/grub/menu.lst06:27
cpnano ?06:27
jhongI wish skype would sort themselves out with Lnux support. Did you read their (hastily removed_ blog entry last week?06:27
Condorcetevilfourzero: video calls?06:27
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evilfourzerodon't think so06:27
Condorcetbut thanks for the script06:27
evilfourzeronp :)06:28
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evilfourzeroIt really does work a lot better than 1.3 or whatever06:28
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cpToma-,  what am i looking to change?06:28
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Condorcethey guys - what do i do to redirect xorg to lcd projector? do i need this xinerama?06:28
Toma-cp: what is vga set to?06:28
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M_Bison123it will allow me to remove indivudual packages out of dependent packages without prompting me that it needs to remove the rest of the package....but when i remove it, it renders every package included in the dependent package list useless...in addition if i want to install a metapackage it will only install 1 package...like with kubuntu-desktop metapackage it only installs a package named kubuntu-desktop...and not the hundreds of othe06:28
cp## alternatives06:28
cp## e.g. defoptions=vga=791 resume=/dev/hda506:28
cp# defoptions=quiet splash06:28
jhong"Skype 1.4 is ready, but I can't release it today (Friday), as we can't wipe your a@@ over the weekend"06:28
cpthats all i see06:29
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TooR4uWhich programming language is used in virus (or) trojens?06:29
cpwith vga06:29
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tondarhi all06:29
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CondorcetTooR4u: spanish06:29
dyrneCondorcet: there are a couple options. just using twinview is one. im not too familiar with them though i have used twinview a few times06:29
cpnote: im on a dell inspiron 1100  laptop06:29
tondarhow would I know which eth am i using to get internet from?06:29
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tondareth0 or eth106:29
TooR4uCondorcet, :p .... lollll06:29
ncdTooR4u,  gwbasic06:29
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jhongHello, how do I set the session language when accessing through FreeNX?06:29
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sethktondar, at the command line, the command "route" (no arguments) will show you the route to the net06:30
TooR4uncd, is it a programming language ..?06:30
XZCIs it nessesary to install any programsuch as Firewall or Anti-Virus on Ubuntu? ^^06:30
Condorcetdyrne: but can u have just video redirected instead of regular dual screen with desktop space spread over 2 monitors?06:30
CondorcetXZC no06:30
TooR4uany one know the nuts & bolts of trojens?06:30
XZCCondorcet Ok, thanks06:30
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cpshould i set it  to 749 ?06:30
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cpthere is nothing now06:30
tondarsethk: will try06:30
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aroTooR4u, are you planning on writing viruses?06:30
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TooR4uaro, nope ...06:31
Bogaurdhmm... I re-installed windows on my dual boot windows/ubuntu machine, and windows wiped my MBR. I'm trying to restore it, but am having no luck06:31
cpmm hmm06:31
TooR4ujust want to know06:31
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XZCaro ifhedon't know that, he will probably not be able to write avirus so xD06:31
tondarsethk: I have a ppp0, how do I know if it's on eth0 or 106:31
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aroTooR4u, there are many many languages that can be used to write software, including viruses06:31
smanhooeii want to ask a question about linux commands06:31
CondorcetBogaurd: use the installation disk06:31
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Lopi_hmm when i install thunderbir 2.0 when i have thunderbird 1,5 then  my mails will delate?06:31
aroTooR4u, though this isn't an ubuntu topic, so #ubuntu-offtopic06:31
SmilezIs anyone else having problems with Azureus crashing in Feisty?06:31
sethktondar, I'm not sure about that.  I would still expect route to show you06:31
BogaurdI'ved booted with a live cd, mounted my linux partition, and then chrooted it, but once ive chrooted to it, to run grub-install, i can no longer see /dev/hda...06:31
Condorcetsmanhooei: ask it06:32
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aroLopi_, your mail will not be deleted06:32
smanhooeii have a file containting column of digits06:32
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jhongIs anyone using XDMCP to log into Feisty successfully?06:32
ncdintel used gwbasic to create the dri/drm06:32
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Lopi_aro: thunderbird 2.0 is better then 1.5? i should install TB 2.0?06:32
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smanhooeii want to use "cut" and "paste" command to take out different column and then paste them into anothe file06:32
Condorcetboguard u shouldnt have /dev/hda mounted06:32
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aroLopi_, I don't know the differences06:32
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smanhooeibut when i paste them ,i get space between different columns06:33
smanhooeican u tell me how to delete the spaces ?06:33
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jhongIs anyone using XDMCP to log into Feisty successfully?06:33
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dyrnesmanhooei: you could do like cat file | awk "{print $ 2}" > file.txt    <-- where 2 is whatever column number counting from left to right06:34
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Smilezjhong: not sure what XDMCP does :/06:34
Condorcetczesc rafal06:34
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rafal_no witam06:34
cello_raspwtf?! sudo doesn't work anymore!06:34
arocello_rasp, what?06:35
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smanhooeihey dyrne06:35
smanhooeii want to know , can i use a command to remove the space ?06:35
cello_rasparo: seriously, sudo -s : nothing. sudo apt-get install * , nothing06:35
Condorcetdid u pay the monthly fee for sudo? ;P its shareware :P06:35
SmilezCan someone help me out? My azureus is crashing when it opens... or could you inform me of a better client?06:35
arocello_rasp, any errors?06:35
cello_raspi rebooted and it still doesnt work06:35
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cello_rasparo: nothing is returned06:35
Condorcetsmilez ktorrent06:35
dunstabuloscello_rasp: does visudo work?06:35
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SmilezCondorcet: does it handle RSS feeds well?06:36
dyrnesmanhooei: you could use sed i guess if you pastebin some of it i or someone else might be able to give you the string to type06:36
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cello_raspvisudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied06:36
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Geoffrey2quick question, I hope, pidgin is configuring saying it's being built without Mono support....what is it looking for?06:36
Condorceti dont thnk so06:36
dunstabuloscello_rasp: boot in recovery (single user) mode and then you can edit your sudoers file06:36
cn28h_If I'm upgrading to feisty from edgy using aptitude and it's going to take like 11+ hrs, will there be a problem interrupting the download and starting it again later?06:36
jhongSmilez: type "azureus" in a terminal and see what errors you get when it quits. Probably Java related. BTW the plain "bittorrent"client is super fast.06:37
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smanhooeihey anyone knows how to remove a column of "space" from a text file by command ?06:37
tdnI am having trouble booting into encrypted root fs. I have described the problem in detail here; and also provided some files: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/6237. I hope you can help me.06:37
Smilezjhong: I just like having tons of functionality, and ive had issues with the regular bittorrent client in windows... ill check out whats causing the issues06:37
dyrnecn28h_: it caches the packages it downloads so i wouldnt stop it in mid configure but while its downloading which is what taking so long for you id say it will resume fine06:37
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ncdI Sure hope that when Ive recompiled my new kernel and the kernel source is in place, that the git code I have cloned from Intellinux3D06:38
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ncdit workks06:38
kekkohow to skip gnome loading at startup and enter straight into a shell?06:38
void^Smilez: don't use ubuntu's azureus package. get an official tarball from sourceforge.06:38
ncdcause I dont know what else to try06:38
bruenigsmanhooei, a column of space?06:38
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Smilezvoid^: I'll do that then... thanks06:38
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cn28h_dyrne, nice, thanks06:38
Ix0sWhats the CD ripper that comes with ubuntu called?06:38
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Smilezbut the error im getting is related to my java environment06:38
bruenigsmanhooei, it would probably easier if you pasted an example of the text file06:38
cello_raspdunstabulos: thanks ill try that06:38
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M_Bison123i'm having a bit of a strange issue while installing/uninstalling multiple package packages(metapackages i gues is what they're called)..such as kubuntu-desktop, so basically the issues are...i would really appreciate any advice or comments to help me figure this out: it will allow me to remove indivudual packages out of dependent packages without prompting me that it needs to remove the rest of the package....but when i remove it, it06:39
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smanhooeii have a file with 4 columns of digits06:39
Thatguywhats an alternative program of LimeWire?06:39
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Ix0sFrostwire :)06:39
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smanhooeii want to move the first and last colums to another file06:39
void^Smilez: pastebin it06:40
smanhooeifirst i use the "cut -c1-2 file1 >> file06:40
stefgSmilez, the azureus package in universe is more or less broken (as usual, i might add). First check your java-version to be 5 or 6, and sudo update-alternatives --config java. If it still crashes get the sourcefourge package and overwrite the azureus.jar with the one from sourceforge.... Errrm, isn't deluge a nice client, too?06:40
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M_Bison123it keeps happening about 3-5 days after my installation...before that it worked fine.06:40
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bruenigsmanhooei, pastebin your text file, or at least something with the same pattern06:40
smanhooeithen i use "paste" to past them06:40
bruenig!paste | smanhooei06:40
ubotusmanhooei: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:40
awk_somebody knows how to make mplayer+radeon+aiglx+compiz work together?06:40
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smanhooeibut a column of space apears in the middle06:40
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Smilezvoid^:  Its very generic... :(06:40
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Smilezstefg: Thanks for the info. ill check the java client06:41
Smilezi believe its version 506:41
Smilezerr, version 606:41
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irvkenhey awk_06:41
irvkenI got them working06:41
M_Bison123the removing packages part doesn't really bother me as much as trying to install metapackages....06:41
irvkenbut I was drunk and can't remeber how I did it06:41
void^stefg: swt.jar should be replaced as well06:42
stefgSmilez, try to rename the .azureus dir in your home-dir  to .azureus-bak and see if it changes something.06:42
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awk_irvken: well.. it plays, but wobbly windows, transparency and cube does not work06:42
Smilezstefg: will do06:42
stefgvoid^, correct!06:42
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M_Bison123basically, i have to indivudually type in every package i need that should be included in the kubuntu-desktop metapackage..or xubuntu...any metapackage06:42
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M_Bison123this is not supposed to happen, that much i do know.06:43
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Smilezstefg: Thanks... that seemed to work. (The renaming the directory thing...) I worry about the cpu/memory load that azureus will consume06:44
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bruenigM_Bison123, so apt isn't resolving dependencies?06:44
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stefgSmilez, azu is a *hog*, even uTorrent running in wine is more resource-friendly :-)06:44
cello_raspwell, /etc/sudoers didn't look odd. what should it look like??06:44
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KasoEvery time i try to open the terminal it just fails to open, The "Starting Terminal" appears in the task bar, then nothing.06:45
Toma-Smilez: deluge is a brilliant torrent manager06:45
KasoIts kinda frustrating, anyone have any ideas?06:45
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RI'm planning to create a partition for Ubuntu so I can dualboot it with XP, how much space will Ubuntu take up once installed?06:45
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ncdtime to make menuconf06:45
Smilezstefg: yeah i have utorrent + wine, but its not so native06:45
cello_raspdunstabulos: do you have a sample sudoers file for me to compare?06:45
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SmilezToma-: I just downloaded deluge, im going to install it now06:45
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Toma-Smilez: high 5! /o/*\o\06:46
mccabekevhi guys - need help mounting a NAS drive to 7.0406:46
stefgR, give ubuntu 5 gigs if you're not planning on install cedega and loads of games06:46
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zuccoHi, I made upgrade from kubuntu edgy to feisty, then my cdrom stops to work. What can I do to solve this issue ?06:46
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mrabbiti installed a bcm4318 driver via ndiswrapper using 'ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf' but then tried 'ndiswrapper -d eth1 bcmwl5' and got an error saying that eth1 is not a valid device id06:46
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SmilezToma-: not sure if it was intentional, but i read that as the voice of Borat06:47
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Toma-Smilez: yeh thatll do :D06:47
superm1Hi guys, does ubuntu provide a basedebs.tar for those that wanted to debootstrap into a base system without redownloading all the base packages at all?06:47
superm1i have looked across the mirror at archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu but cant seem to find it06:47
M_Bison123ok, well i guess its impossible to fix my metapackage installer....how do i install the desktop environments from the source? i keep getting weird errors and it won't compile...eventhough i downloaded every package it says i needed....06:48
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stefgzucco, look in your /etc/fstab if it says /dev/hdc or similiar, and change that to /dev/scd0 ... check your correct /dev -names06:48
R5 gigs? okay, thanks06:48
Smilezshoot.... got a hot lunch date.... bbl ppls06:48
bruenigM_Bison123, if meta packages aren't installing, that would appear to indicate that you aren't able to resolve dependencies06:48
SmilezThanks for the help06:48
mrabbitcan anyone help me get a bcm4318 wireless card working in ubuntu, without a current network connection?06:48
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bruenigM_Bison123, which will affect every package that has a dependency which is pretty much all of them except the base dependencies themselves06:49
stefg!wifi | mrabbit06:49
M_Bison123why does this keep happening ~ 3-5 days after my new install06:49
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ubotumrabbit: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:49
zuccostefg, that's it, thank you :-)06:49
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Toma-M_Bison123: how exactly are you installing these metapackages? and have you edited your sources.list or something?06:49
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cello_rasphmm. has anyone got a sample sudoers file06:50
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lutenedmI got my printer to work in Ubuntu, but now it won't print in Windows anymore.  Has anyone else experienced this?06:50
bruenigcello_rasp, you don't?06:50
michukcello_rasp: what do you need to know?06:50
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M_Bison123Toma, i haven't edited it...its doing the same thing if i use apt-get or aptitude in terminal or if i use synaptec package manger06:50
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Toma-M_Bison123: whats the "same thing"?06:51
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michukcello_rasp: in my sudoers file there is only one basic line: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL06:51
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michuk(admins have sudo access)06:51
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snap64__ok ill try a fresh install of fiesty64 again06:51
cello_raspi don't have sudo ability but i dont know what thwe sudoers file should look like. to me it looks fine. i think it may have something to do with when i did `sudo usermod -G fuse myusername`06:51
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M_Bison123Toma: i'm having a bit of a strange issue while installing/uninstalling multiple package packages(metapackages i gues is what they're called)..such as kubuntu-desktop, so basically the issues are...i would really appreciate any advice or comments to help me figure this out: it will allow me to remove indivudual packages out of dependent packages without prompting me that it needs to remove the rest of the package....but when i remove 06:51
DocTraxwhat is md5 sum of ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso ?06:51
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mccabekevim trying to mount my NAS in 7.04, but i cannot download directly to it - how can i fix this?06:51
cello_raspmichuk: that is what I have!06:51
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Toma-M_Bison123: yeh i dont understand that06:52
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michukcello_raps: so what do you want to achieve?06:52
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cello_raspto have sudo!06:52
M_Bison123umm...like if i want to install kde instead of gnome the way ur supposed to do it is to install the package kubuntu-desktop06:52
snap64__easiest way is to just do what im doing frag it re-install till the cows come home ......and say mooo06:52
cello_raspsudo apt-get install * ; doesn't return anything. no errors, nothing.06:52
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M_Bison123when i install that package, the only thing it installs is 1 package..kubuntu-desktop06:53
M_Bison123and yes, i used sudo06:53
cello_raspsudo ; returns the usage info, but sudo command does nothing. not even sudo ls06:53
M_Bison123even tried it from root.06:53
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Toma-M_Bison123: well, its installed then.06:54
irvkenanyone know anything about importing mysql dumps back into mysql server06:54
irvkenI'm having problems06:54
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Flannelcello_rasp: try `sudo -K` then some other command06:54
irvkenI get sent to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/Documentation.html#faqmissingparameters but it doesn't seem applicable06:54
stefgmccabekev, what kind of service does this NAS offer? smb? ftp?06:54
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M_Bison123bruening...do you know what i can do to fix this issue?06:54
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RCan I modify the Ubuntu ISO so the LiveCD portion has NTFS support right off the bat?06:55
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cello_raspFlannel: gives me the usage condiftions. i think the syntax there is bad06:55
M_Bison123Toma, no none of the hundreds of dependent packages are installed along with kubuntu-desktop06:55
Toma-M_Bison123: are you certain?06:55
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Flannelcello_rasp: `sudo -K` is the syntax06:55
mccabekevstefg - it offers both, although i do not have ftp turned on06:55
Flannelcello_rasp: hm.  that gives you the usage?06:55
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dinochopinshow do I run crontab as.. let's say user 'abc' ?06:56
cello_raspFlannel: sudo -K ls06:56
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Flannelcello_rasp: no no.  Literally just `sudo -K` and then some other sudo command06:56
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cello_raspFlannel: it asks me for password and returns nothing.06:57
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Flannelcello_rasp: the -K or the other command?06:57
stefgmccabekev, if you run gnome you should already have a samba client. Can you connect via 'Server-connections' in the places menu?06:57
cello_raspsudo -K ; sudo ls06:57
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Flannelcello_rasp: -K won't return anything.  And, well, I guess its good that sudo ls is asking you, since it means -K worked.06:57
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stantheman215i'm a newbie to linux and ubuntu.  trying to get my wireless to work on my laptop but having difficulty making a connection with the built in  driver:  BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller.  Can anyone help me?06:58
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cello_raspFlannel: however, sudo ls should return something, so it is still broken06:58
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stefg!wifi | stantheman21506:59
ubotustantheman215: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:59
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stantheman215thank you06:59
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mrabbitthe wifi guide says to use bcm43xx-fwcutter, but that was uninstalled when i installed ndiswrapper (which wont work) and it wont reinstall07:00
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necr0mancerWhere is the fstab file? I forget.07:00
mccabekevstefg - i can connect to it, and have it mapped, however, it is not an option i can download straight to - i want to use it the same way a mapped network drive in windows works. I need to be able to run bittorrents on linux and save directly to the NAS07:00
mrabbitcan somebody tell me what ndiswrapper means by devide id, cos it wont accept eth107:00
giulioare there italians?07:00
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mrabbit*device id07:00
giulioi ve a problem with amule07:00
stefgmccabekev, you're looking for smbfs07:00
necr0mancerThank you, kalpik07:00
dyrnenecr0mancer: 'locate fstab' or 'sudo find / -name fstab'07:00
stefg!info smbfs | mccabekev07:00
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ubotumccabekev: smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 416 kB, installed size 972 kB07:01
giuliocan speak in italy anyone?07:01
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dyrne!it| giulio07:01
ubotugiulio: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:01
stefg!it | giulio07:01
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saxmani can't speak italian07:01
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dyrnegiulio: :)07:01
stefgmccabekev, or even better: fusesmb07:01
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bulle can speak in italy, but i will hav to speak english, swedish or german!07:01
stefg!info fusesmb | mccabekev07:01
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ubotumccabekev: fusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.5-1 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 140 kB07:01
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Gasproanyone could help me with interfaces? i want to make that internet connection reconnects when cable is attached to eth007:02
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AnswerCan anybody help with WEP key?07:02
saxmanwhere can i get a repository for beryl for ubuntu ?07:02
bulleAnswer: the simple answear is, dont use WEP, use WPA07:02
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Toma-saxman: its in the main repository07:02
stefg!beryl | saxman07:03
ubotusaxman: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:03
dyrneAnswer: whats the problem?07:03
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kalpiksaxman, beryl is in the official repos07:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crontab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:03
superm1Answer, are you sure you are using the correct option in network manager (Hex, passphrase, ascii)07:03
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saxmanis it possible to get these packages with apt-get?07:03
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dyrneAnswer: wep is fine for discouraging the general population07:03
stefg!beryl | saxman07:03
ubotusaxman: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:03
Answerbulle, dyrne, superm1,  I am using command line iwconfig/ifconfig and I can also try wpa_supplicant.   when I enter the wep key it does not associate07:03
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saxmani gonna read the help files...07:04
kalpiksaxman, sudo aptitude install beryl beryl-manager07:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crond - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tvtime - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:04
Pici!cron | Lunderhage07:04
ubotuLunderhage: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm07:04
JBG62I have 32-bit Feisty installed on an AMD64 laptop, and was thinking of installing the 64-bit version. Can I just upgrade the kernel, or do I need to start again from scratch?07:04
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Gasprohey guys i got a problem: when cable to the modem get detached and then reattached, only the local network (192.x) comes up... i would like automatic reconnection also for DSL (pon dsl-provider)... anyone could help with /etc/network/interfaces scripting?07:05
kalpikJBG62, better to start from scratch07:05
Toma-JBG62: install from scratch07:05
Toma-JBG62: simply changing stuff to 64bit will open a portal to hell on your harddrive07:05
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LunderhageJBG62: All your binaries are compiled for i386...07:05
kalpikJBG62, if you are satisfied with 32 bit, not worth switching to AMD6407:05
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dyrneJBG62: id install it to another 8gig partition or something and play around first07:05
andy`checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:06
andy`See `config.log' for more details.07:06
andy`what should i do?07:06
saxmandoes anybody use Kopete? I've got a question which belongs to Kopete07:06
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rambo3thought they will change  to 486 soon07:06
JBG62I suspected it might not be that easy, but thought I'd ask07:06
kitcheandy`: install build-essentials07:06
stefgandy`: see config.log for details ? :-)07:06
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shinichizioMy automatic update thing is full of craziness. Should I bother using it?07:06
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kalpikshinichizio, details07:07
LunderhageIf I have changed the bootloader (moved a hdd from usb to ide), how could I get the upgrade util to be aware of the new settings? My box died after upgrading kernel. It rolled back to the old bootloader settings.07:07
saxmanThere is normally the Kopete icon in the top Desktop Panel, but it disapeard. How can i get it back. I'm not able to close Kopete by using the icon.07:07
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KasoEvery time i try to open the terminal it just fails to open, The "Starting Terminal" appears in the task bar, then nothing. Does anyone have any ideas?07:08
Gasprohey guys i got a problem: when cable to the modem get detached and then reattached, only the local network (192.x) comes up... i would like automatic reconnection also for DSL (pon dsl-provider)... anyone could help with /etc/network/interfaces scripting? anyone could help me?07:08
mccabekevstefg - thanks, but i am a linux newbie - how the hell does this thing work??07:08
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Wicks_how can i take my processor cores off of "ondemand"?07:08
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shinichiziokalpik: 'Software Updates' pops up every so often and tells me I've got a bunch (approx. 171meg) of updates, which are mostly extraneous and somewhat random applications and a few files that sound important. However, upon trying to install any of these, it hangs, telling me '1 of [X]  files downloaded', remaining time 'unknown'. What?07:08
thebillywayneGaspro, unfortunately your cable modem has to be reset once becoming unplugged.07:08
stefgLunderhage, read /boot/grub/menu.lst *very* careful. there are a lot of magic words in it that control the update-grub procedure. see the !grub factoid fora howto07:08
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Lunderhage!grub | Lunderhage07:09
shinichiziooh, wow. It just started downloading at 213b/s. That's...REALLY slow.07:09
Gasprothebillywayne how can i reset it automatically when wth0 comes up?07:09
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kalpikshinichizio, try sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade07:09
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thebillywayneGaspro, I don't know.07:09
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saxmanThere is normally the Kopete icon in the top Desktop Panel, but it disapeard. How can i get it back. I'm not able to close Kopete by using the icon.07:09
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shinichiziokalpik: throw ALL that into the terminal?07:09
thebillywayneGaspro, the only way to reset your modem, is to power it down and then turn it back on.07:09
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Gasprothebillywayne : if i detach cable, the reattach, eth0 comes up. If then I enter "pon dsl-provider" all is ok07:10
shinichiziokalpik: Okay, I'll try that. Thanks.07:11
thebillywayneGaspro, excellent.  i'll write that down. :)07:11
craigbass1976Hey, when did xfce get a regular menu?  I just popped in xubuntu and last I remember you had to right click on the desktop to get the applications menu.07:11
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saxmannobody knows?07:11
craigbass1976saxman, nobody knows what?07:11
arifi need help with my synaptic package manager07:11
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andy`can anybody private me and help me install kdm theme manager ???07:11
Gasprothebillywayne : hehe, but can i do this automatically? i/e without typing? is there a way ?07:11
arifE: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:11
arifE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.07:11
arifi get this error07:11
kalpikshinichizio, if you are still getting slow speeds, paste output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list on http://patebin.ca07:12
thebillywayneGaspro, dude!  I didn't even know how to do it -manually-!07:12
dyrneandy`: you can also just sudo gedit /usr/share/apps/kdm/kdmrc i believe07:12
Gasprothebillywayne : roger :) thank u anyway :)07:12
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andy`i dont have kdm theme manager installed07:12
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shinichiziokalpik: Gotcha07:12
YetiChickgaspro:  You could probably do it with a post-up command in the interfaces file07:12
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StoneNotearif, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads07:13
Wicks_how can i take my processor cores off of "ondemand"?07:13
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GasproYetiChick that's what I thought, but it seems not working this way... any ideas? i could paste onto pastebin my 'interfaces'07:13
AnswerWicks_:  man ulimit07:13
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AnswerGaspro: the network port does not know when you reconnect the cable07:14
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saxmanDoes anybody nkow how to reanable the kopete icon in the top Desktop Panel?07:14
stefgmccabekev, you want your NAS being mounted as a regular filesystem (so that it's accessible by e.g. /media/nas, not only by smb://NAS/share ... so you need a layer that maps the NAS to the filesystem. this is what smbs or fusesmb do. You could follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131&highlight=xubuntu, and adapt that to your situation accordingly07:14
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Answersaxman: right click, add to panel07:15
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matthew_How can I find out what video card I have?  So I can know what nvidia driver to download?07:15
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dyrnelspci -v and sudo lshw07:15
Answermatthew_: goto device manager07:15
kalpiksaxman, if no one replies, you can try rm -r ~/.kopete and start afresh.. you will loose all your kopete settings though07:15
GasproAnswer : mmm so u are saying that the pc remains thinking that it IS connected to local LAN (192.x) while it isn't ... and when I attach again the cable, it doesn't reconnect to LAN... simply it never disconnected?07:15
mccabekevstefg - thanks will try that now07:15
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YetiChickgaspro:  ifplugd will probably do that for you...07:16
wilson_hello friends.07:16
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matthew_Answer: where is device manager?  normally, i'd use kde's system info option but i don't see it on here07:16
AnswerGaspro: if you have "auto ethX" in your interface file it will be on on boot and scan til the cable is there07:16
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IvanowitchHi. How do i change the font of my virual consoles?07:16
wilson_my refrigerator is making weird noises and it stopped making ice.  any suggestions?07:16
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YetiChickgaspro:  Because answer is right.  The interface never actualaly goes "down" just from unplugging the cable.07:16
Answermatthew_: system-> administration-> device manager07:16
dyrnewilson_: freebsd07:16
gordonjcpwilson_: google07:16
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frAnzI swapped the network cards on my ubuntu 7.04 server, in dmesg I show it sees the new one, however ifup is still trying to use the old one for eth007:17
GasproAnswer YetiChick, give me a minute, i'll check what does "ifplugd" then come back with questions :)07:17
frAnzhow can i make it detect that the card has changed07:17
frAnzi tried modifying iftab07:17
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YetiChickgaspro:  okay... :)07:17
wilson_How can I restart X without completely restarting my computer?07:17
matthew_Answer: ok.. i guess they only have one version for all of linux.. cool..07:17
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wilson_killall X don't work07:18
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kalpikwilson_, ctrl+alt+bkspace07:18
stefgwilson_, ctrl-alt-backspace07:18
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dyrnefrAnz: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces  im not famililar with the gnome tool though so maybe it doesnt read the file..07:18
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wilson_I should have thanked you before trying it07:19
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wilson_thank you :)07:19
shinichizioAgh, what the?! I just tried to open the terminal window and gnome-panel crashed07:19
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matthew_Answer: the nvidia driver seems to not work while X is running.. How can I stop X and get to a console?07:19
justinalfanyone here adequate with Beryl to asnwer a question?07:20
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frAnzdyrne: it doesnt have any device specific information in there, it just says 'eth0'07:20
stefgshinichizio, are you positive your RAM is ok, and your CPU isn't overclocked to the limit? :-)07:20
Answermatthew_: ctrl+alt+f207:20
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shinichiziostefg: How would I check that?07:20
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matthew_Answer: I will do that then.. thanks!!!07:20
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frAnzand when i do ifup eth0 it tells me the device isnt found07:20
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frAnzbut dmesg shows the e10007:20
AnswerfrAnz: ifconfig -a07:20
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frAnzso i know its seeing it07:20
shinichiziostefg: I got this box 'refurbished', from 'FreeGeeks'. They might have some frankensteinian setup that I don't know about.07:20
frAnzi think its trying to setup the old eth0 instead of the new one, doesnt ubuntu have something like kudzu?07:20
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AnswerfrAnz: ifconfig -a  !07:21
dyrnefrAnz: i dont have access to ubuntu but id cat /etc/iftab or ifconfig -a and then put i guess auto eth1 or whatever in that file07:21
PocketIRCIs it true that it propably will be only like..2 of the ideas that will make it into gutsy?07:21
ferronicai need help regarding adesklets07:21
ferronicaany one here uses adesklets?07:21
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stefgshinichizio, the boot menu offers a memtest86+ option. let that run overnight to see if your RAM is fine. check dmesg to see what CPU you've got, and if it operates at the speed it's designed for07:21
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matthew_Answer: that just takes me to a virtual console.. but X is still runing..07:22
shinichiziostefg: What's dmesg, and how do I memtest?07:22
Answermatthew_: so kill it from the console07:22
KasoEvery time i try to open the terminal it just fails to open, The "Starting Terminal" appears in the task bar, then nothing. Does anyone have any ideas?07:22
matthew_Answer: how would I do that?07:22
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dyrneshinichizio: hit esc key during initial boot to get grub menu. memtest is an option07:23
craigbass1976Hey, when did xfce get a regular menu?  I just popped in xubuntu and last I remember you had to right click on the desktop to get the applications menu.07:23
kalpikmatthew_, after going into the virtual console, type sudo killall gdm if on gnome or kdm if on kde07:23
Answermatthew_:  how do you know it is still running?07:23
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shinichiziodyrne: Ah, thanks07:23
tarzeauany BASIC fans in here?07:23
stefgshinichizio,  frankensteinian setup.... that sounds nice..:-) and indicates that you might have a hardware problem07:23
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matthew_Answer: first.. the nvidia installers says its running and second.. i can go ctl-alt-f7 to get back to it.07:23
bobstrotarzeau:  object oriented basic?07:23
frAnzoh, i guess now its eth107:23
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dyrnecraigbass1976: panels been included for a while. maybe your sys was screwed up  :)07:23
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frAnzwhy wouldnt it just redetect eth007:23
tarzeaubobstro: hehe no, functional or line oriented, see www.freebasic.org07:24
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craigbass1976dyrne, No, it's just been over a year since I last saw xfce07:24
stryderjzwHi, when I add something to startup programs in Sessions, where does it get written to?07:24
shinichiziostefg: It's only nice if it doesn't make me crash anytime I try to open anything from nautilus. Or browse the wrong menu item. Or for no reason at all often.07:24
stefgshinichizio, just open a term and type 'dmesg | less' .... read waht it's got to tell abut processor and speed07:24
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dyrnefrAnz: you can change that in the iftab file if you really want.07:24
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frAnzi tried setting eth0 with the mac address but it didnt work, i'll just leave it .07:25
shinichiziostefg: Now that I've got all this on my screen, what am I on the lookout for?07:25
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rs87I'm trying to figure out why my upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 gets hung on the 71st of 76 files and times out.07:26
IvanowitchCan anyone tell me which file to edit in order to change the font of my virtual consoles? I can't seem to find it anywhere :(07:26
stefgshinichizio, rather get the Ultimate Boot CD... that's the perfect tool to verify the hardware (or find the weaknesses and faults)07:26
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GasproAnswer YetiChick, "ifplugd" seems to launch automatically "ifup"... but it seems to me that there is no way to bring up internet connection with ifup: "ifup ppp0" get "unknown interface ppp0" and "ifup dsl-provider" get "dsl-provider already configured". Any advice?07:26
bobstrotarzeau:  did you look carefully over that site?07:26
AnswerGaspro: ifconfig -a07:26
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shinichiziostefg: -sigh- And how much does that cost?07:26
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craigbass1976Ivanowitch, edit ->current profile and change the font07:27
bobstrors87:  did you do the view details option? mine often timed out updating flash.07:27
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stefgshinichizio, it's a free download07:27
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rs87thanks -- I'll double check that07:28
bobstrotarzeau:  it says the'll be releasing in august, 1999.07:28
shinichiziostefg: Interesting. I assume one has to be able to burn CDs for it to be of any use, though?07:28
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dyrnebobstro: sweet! cant wait07:28
bruenig!howdy | Ali_ix07:28
ubotuAli_ix: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:28
bobstrodyrne:  yeah, the clocks roll over... eventually.07:28
jvolkmanrs87, is this before it actually starts downloading files?07:28
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GasproAnswer : i got  loopback, then eth0, then sit0 ... no ppp0 (since actually i'm not connected to internet with that pc) ... ppp0 comes up when i "pon dsl"07:28
tarzeaubobstro: of freebasic? it's out already, it works07:28
jvolkmanrs87, configuring software channels or whatever07:28
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tarzeaubobstro: i've made deb packages...07:28
bobstrotarzeau:  i'm just reading that website!07:28
stefgshinichizio, yeah... to bring an ISO to a CD-ROM you've got to be able to burn it, that'S true07:28
AnswerGaspro: ifconfig -a shows all available ethernet devices... it sounds like you do not have a ppp0 existing07:29
Ali_ixany one knows how do i get feisty DVD/CD files?07:29
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bruenigAli_ix, ubuntu.com07:29
shinichiziostefg: Darn. :( Well, is there a guide somewhere for this dmesg thing?07:29
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Answer!feisty| Ali_ix07:29
ubotuAli_ix: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents07:29
Ali_ixi am with locoteams and need to design a localoized cover for dvd ies07:29
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Ali_ixbruenig: well, any more info?07:29
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bruenigAli_ix, that is where you get it07:29
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Ali_ixbruenig: i found the  dvd cover design in svg format for dapper drake in wiki.ubunu.com. but nothing for feisty :(07:30
bruenigAli_ix, ok you asked for the cd files, not the covers07:30
ubotuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.07:30
YetiChickgaspro:  Checking something.  Not sure if I have anything more, but I'm looking.  :)07:31
GasproAnswer : i got only 1 ethernet card connected to an ethernet modem... i need to "pon dsl-provider" to connect (pppoe thing)... only then i have ppp0... any way i could make "ifplugd" send a command like "pon dsl-provider" ? that's what i would need07:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about girls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ladies - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:31
Ali_ixbruenig: sorry for type, i need cover images and resources07:31
GasproYetiChick : thank u for support :)07:31
Ix0s!ops | nuked_omen07:31
ubotunuked_omen: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok07:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adesklets - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:31
bruenigIx0s, premature07:31
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Ix0sbruenig, I know :)07:31
jusama14does anyone know of a counter-strike replacement for linux?07:31
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AnswerGaspro:  what about adding that to /etc/network/if-pre-up.d  ?07:32
Ali_ix!info adesklet } ferronica07:32
ubotuPackage adesklet does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:32
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Ali_ix!info adesklets | ferronica07:32
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Ix0sjusama14, Dude CS runs fine under WINE, I run source myself07:32
IvanowitchI'm trying to change the font in the consoles you get on tty1 - tty6, not the terminal emulator in X, but how do i do it?07:32
ubotuferronica: adesklets: interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window System. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-2build1 (feisty), package size 204 kB, installed size 572 kB07:32
Answerjusama14: you should be able to run counterstrike through cedega or wine07:32
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rambo3$ touch /woman : touch: cannot touch `/woman': Permission denied07:32
dyrnejusama14: ill answer this the way i answer all fps questions... tremulous :)07:32
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jusama14Ix0s, I know, but i wanted something different07:32
mathieu2why would alsamixer work for root and not one of my users ?07:32
GasproAnswer : checking ur answer, plz give me a minute to understand what u're saying :))))07:32
mrpoundsignIx0s: is there a howto on that one?07:32
Ali_ixany ubuntu art and graphic related channel?07:32
jusama14dyrne, thank07:32
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rambo3mathieu2, add user to audion group07:32
Ix0smrpoundsign, How to run source on WINE?07:32
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bruenigAli_ix, no such channels exist from my knowledge07:32
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YetiChickgaspro:  It looks as though you can get ifplugd to do whatever you want by editing the ifplugd.action script.  Take a peek and let me know what you see...07:33
ferronicaAli_ix: do you about it07:33
jusama14dyrne, is tremulous free?07:33
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ferronicaAli_ix: i have installed adesklet07:33
mrpoundsignIx0s: yes. :)07:33
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kitcheAli_ix: you cna try #ubuntu-desktop maybe07:33
ferronicaAli_ix: how to run ti?07:33
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Ali_ixferronica: run this command from terminal: adesklets --nautilus07:33
dyrnejusama14: yeah see tremulous.info and i think its in synaptic. some maps pk3 files you might have to download07:33
ferronicaAli_ix: can you please help me out to use it07:34
Ali_ixkitche: thnx, i will try07:34
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GasproYetiChick : i will check that way.... seems quite easy, give me some time to check if i can manage to do it alone he07:34
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Ix0smrpoundsign, First install WINE, then use the HOWTO on http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554 to first install steam, then just read http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=373107:34
jusama14dyrne, thx07:34
WaxyFreshis there a gui front end for mount?or a graphical way to mount drives?07:34
AnswerGaspro, YetiChick : you just want to run command "pon dsl-provider" on boot?  Add to /etc/rc.local07:34
mrpoundsignIx0s: I use wine for WoW now. :)07:34
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ferronicaAli_ix: ok done07:34
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ferronicaAli_ix: now?07:34
Ix0smrpoundsign, Well just use the howto on the first link07:34
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Ali_ixferronica: well, you need to install/setup some desklets before start daemon.07:35
GasproAnswer, YetiChick : the problem is not at boot (i already get connected) but i want pppoe to come back when cable reattached07:35
bruenigWaxyFresh, it is so simple from command line07:35
CompuCh|pHello. When I booted my computer after a while of not using it, it could not find any graphical displays. Now I fixed it by messing with the Xorg.conf file, but still the background of the icons on my application bar (Application menu, network icon) etc look very ugly when I make the bar a bit transparent. Any ideas how to fix?07:35
Ali_ixferronica: i have tried it once some times ago, read the manuals07:35
shinichizioNow that I'm in the right channel...in dmesg, what's the difference between HIGHMEM and LOWMEM?07:35
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ferronicaAli_ix: i have downloaded one yab07:36
MasterShrekwhats this i hear about ubuntu mobile?07:36
CompuCh|p(It's Edgy 6.10 on GNOME by the way)07:36
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bruenig!offtopic | MasterShrek07:36
ubotuMasterShrek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:36
YetiChickGaspro:  Yes, I understand that you already have it working on boot.07:36
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ferronicaAli_ix: and i extracted it home folder.07:36
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ferronicaAli_ix: now what i do07:37
smartytekis there any compatibility issues between gentoo and ubuntu application07:37
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WaxyFreshwhats the easyist to use graphical ftp program07:37
kalpiksmartytek, no07:37
bruenigsmartytek, there is no such thing as a gentoo or ubuntu application07:37
craigbass1976WaxyFresh, either filezilla or gftp07:37
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kalpikWaxyFresh, fireftp on firefox :)07:37
CompuCh|pWaxyFresh: I prefer gftp. Plain and simple. But it's personal of course07:37
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ferronicaAli_ix: ?07:37
Ali_ixferronica: check this: http://adesklets.sourceforge.net/doc/en/Using-adesklets.html#Using-adesklets07:38
craigbass1976WaxyFresh, Those are the two I've liked07:38
dyrneWaxyFresh: well the file manager (nautilus) works ok07:38
WaxyFreshkalpik: thats a plugin right?07:38
kalpikWaxyFresh, yes07:38
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Ta1Trying to use Jscal to calibrate gamepad... it appears to work fine, but every single time I test for center it says it is bad.. when I go into games it is like the stick is being pressed upward.07:38
WaxyFreshkalpik: thanks07:38
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WaxyFreshso is ther a gui for mounting harddrives?07:38
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tattersI is running Feisty , I wish to try Looking glass desktop a HOWTO says to add "deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian stable contrib "  to source list, will this cause on problem on Ubuntu adding debian to my repos?07:39
craigbass1976kalpik, is fireftp some sort of official implementation of filezilla, or mozilla's own thing?07:39
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Ta1The gamepad was working fine for a week07:39
AnswerGaspro, YetiChick:  http://leaf.sourceforge.net/doc/buci-pppoe3.html    Step 5  shows how to modify /etc/network/interfaces to add    "auto lo ppp0 eth1"      "iface ppp0 inet ppp"        "pre-up ip link set eth0 up"  "provider dsl-provider eth0"07:39
kalpikWaxyFresh, open places->computer and right click on the drive you wanna mount07:39
bruenigWaxyFresh, none that I know of, it is so simple that it kind of is a waste of time, it would be like writing a gui for md5sum07:39
odatif i have windows on a my second harddrive in my computer is there anyway to run windows inside a program/window on my linux side?07:39
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SolidasArocKhigh peeps any1 speak french here plz.?07:39
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Answer!fr | SolidasArocK07:39
ubotuSolidasArocK: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:39
kalpikcraigbass1976, fireftp is in no way associated with filezilla :)07:39
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craigbass1976kalpik, ok.  Never heard of it before you told waxy about it07:40
SolidasArocKAnswer u speak fr07:40
kalpikodat, virtualbox http://www.virtualbox.org07:40
Peloodat,  I've seen a tutorial for running a windows install inside vmware player but I wasn'T able to make it work07:40
AnswerSolidasArocK: eh07:40
stryderjzwHi, does anyone know where the commands in Startup Programs in Sessions is written to?07:40
Pelokal0, virutal box lets you do that ?07:40
kalpikcraigbass1976, give ti a shot! its nice! only ~100kb07:40
CompuCh|pSolidasArocK: Lisez le message d'ubotu.07:40
SolidasArocKAnswer je sui nouveau je plane total07:40
craigbass1976kalpik, gftp is working for me07:40
SolidasArocKlol soory ok07:41
AnswerSolidasArocK:  /join #ubuntu-fr07:41
kalpikPelo, yes07:41
Pelostryderjzw,   /home/user/.config/autostart07:41
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stryderjzwPelo: thanks!07:41
Pelosmartytek,  we can read smallcase07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about si - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
ferronicaAli_ix: it look complicated :(07:41
thebillywayneWhen I use F-Spot to send thumbnails of images via the "Send Mail" option, the images do not show up in the newly created Compose window.  Why aren't the images embedded in the text of the e-mail or attached to the email?07:41
=== Noonan [i=Noonan@modemcable145.238-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== andy` how do i install php using apt-get
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=== profoX` [n=wesley@d54C0E764.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
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Ali_ixferronica: try Screenlets for a easy-to-use widget07:42
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Ali_ix!info screenlets | ferronica07:42
ubotuferronica: Package screenlets does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:42
Noonanhey, i just installed ubuntu, and i dont have an internet connetion. im using a wireless pci-card. afik it doesnt have drivers. any idea how i can get it to work?07:42
andy`!info php07:42
thebillywayne!find screenlets07:42
ubotuPackage php does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas07:42
AnswerNoonan: you mean an 802.11 wifi card or an evdo card07:42
ubotuPackage/file screenlets does not exist in feisty07:42
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/07:42
XZCIs it Dangerous to open ports in my Router to my Ubuntu-desktop-edition to use itas a Server? May my other computers (WinXP's) hurt by infiltraters and hackers? How bigis the chanse that they get IN?07:42
Ali_ixferronica: http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/screenlets/07:42
SolidasArocKAswer u know what ur me heroe for dis day greats thx man07:42
AnswerSolidasArocK: bien sur07:43
=== FTMunch [n=alindup@82-46-1-141.cable.ubr01.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kalpikXZC, should not be a problem ;)07:43
Noonanansaguy, yes, 802.11g07:43
dyrneNoonan: id use ethernet temporarily and make sure linux-restricted-modules are isntalled after that if still not working id search ubuntuforums.org for card name07:43
XZCkalpik, ok, how big is the actually Risk?07:43
NoonanAnswer, yes 802.11g..07:43
thebillywaynewell, just because it can't do that, doesn't mean that F-Spot totally sucks, otherguy.07:43
=== myke [n=tom@texas-adsl-619.camtel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spike___hi, I also just installed ubuntu server 7.04 and when restarting I just get the tty login, no desktop. Is this normal?07:43
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AnswerNoonan: does command "ifconfig -a"  or "iwconfig"  show your wireless card07:43
jinzoXZC, in an updated ubuntu they probably can't get in except if you'll be runing old/exploitable web scripts07:43
CompuCh|pHello. When I booted my computer after a while of not using it, it could not find any graphical displays. Now I fixed it by messing with the Xorg.conf file, but still the background of the icons on my application bar (Application menu, network icon) etc look very ugly when I make the bar a bit transparent. Any ideas how to fix? (Edgy 6.10 GNOME)07:43
=== acronica [n=michiel@c514741da.cable.wanadoo.nl] has left #ubuntu ["#ubuntu"]
Noonandyrne, i only have wifi in the house, no ethernet is availabe..07:44
CheshireViking!caps | smartytek07:44
ubotusmartytek: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:44
kalpikXZC, linux by architecture is very superior to windows.. just forward the port you need.. and make sure whatever server you are using is configured properly07:44
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Ta1Anybody good with gamepad problems?07:45
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NoonanAnswer, no, it spits out a few lines but i cant make any sense out of it..07:45
AnswerNoonan: what type of wireless card is it07:45
kalpikSpike___, there is no desktop (x-server) in the server edition07:45
FTMunchHi, can ne1 help me with finding the equivalent of the .exe file under ubuntu??07:45
=== Tehkain [n=i@c-69-249-157-157.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Spike___thanks kalpik07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about photos - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
=== skeetbadger [n=jey@unaffiliated/skeetbadger] has joined #ubuntu
XZCjinzo, so you meanin short words, If i uppdate regullary and have for example U 7.04 it Wont be a problem. Right? :P Thx for your answer anyway07:45
NoonanAnswer, rlink AWLH302507:45
AnswerFTMunch: .exe is a windows extension that does not exist in linux07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jackola - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
=== marko [n=marko@dsl-roigw1-fe88de00-80.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
NoonanAnswer, Airlink**07:45
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dyrnesmartytek: to be honest i havent been impressed with hd performance in feisty so i couldnt recommend it for a server. dapper or edgy would be fine id say07:45
=== St-Pauli [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
AnonymousSceneHello everyone. I need help. I'm new to linux and I need a real deal full featured ssh software to replace SecureCRT (features: http://www.vandyke.com/products/securecrt/features.html).  I need to be able to save profiles, passwords, change appearance, set custom ports, logins, etc.  I cannot find any reasonable linux alternative and SecureCRT is *not* working with WINE either.07:45
thebillywaynegotcha bot.07:46
kalpikXZC, yeah.. do that.. no problems :)07:46
thebillywayne!hi | biblioteca0307:46
ubotubiblioteca03: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:46
XZCkalpik, ok. Thanks or you listenign! Great I'll trust u :P07:46
jinzoXZC, it *shouldn't* be if you configure all the pases good etc... it's not easy to do a complete server protection, but if you won't be using old .php/chi/web scripts07:46
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GasproYetiChick : i cant find the package with "apt-get install ifplugd"07:46
jinzoit shouldn't be a big problem07:46
tatters If I  add "deb http://javadesktop.org/lg3d/debian stable contrib "  to source list, will this cause any  problems. I am running Kubuntu Feisty.07:46
AnswerNoonan: I recommend you go buy a different wifi card immediately.07:47
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Toma-tatters: probably not. looking glass isnt in the repos and wont be for a long time07:47
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YetiChickGaspro:  Hmm...  I see it in synaptic.  You running Feisty?  I might have a repo or two that you don't enabled.07:47
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NoonanAnswer, if it was me buying it, i wouldnt have gotten an airlink.. but this ismy friends pc. so i can only advise him to do so..07:47
thebillywayneSomeone recommend an alternative photo manager to F-Spot or Picasa?07:47
Rupert-Gileshey anyone have problems with 7.04 sata on a via8237 chipset?07:47
FTMunchyeah i know, when i click on (legal) torrent file it firefox tries to open it with a Ktorrent, i want to open it with Azureus. in windows i just click 'open with' and find the Azureus .exe....what is the equivelant action in ubuntu???07:47
AnswerNoonan: start by looking into ndiswrapper, and links http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=804040  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13390807:47
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Answer!ndiswrapper | Noonan07:48
GasproYetiChick : i am running server LTS edition (6.something)... yes the hard way :)07:48
=== inconnu [n=noir@201-42-181-31.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuNoonan: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:48
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YetiChickGaspro:  It's in "universe".07:48
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Rupert-Gilesit looks as if it detects both my sata drives sata3 sata4 but like says afterwards SATA link down 1.5Gbps07:48
Rupert-Gilesabnormal status07:48
YetiChickGaspro:  Ah...  Well, if it's a server, then don't unplug the cable!  :)07:48
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AnonymousSceneCan someone please help me out?07:48
Answer!ask | AnonymousScene07:48
ubotuAnonymousScene: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:49
=== clever_ [n=clever@fctnnbsc16w-156034215168.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnonymousSceneI already did...I'll paste again07:49
AnonymousSceneApparently no one paid attention :)07:49
AnonymousSceneHello everyone. I need help. I'm new to linux and I need a real deal full featured ssh software to replace SecureCRT (features: http://www.vandyke.com/products/securecrt/features.html).  I need to be able to save profiles, passwords, change appearance, set custom ports, logins, etc.  I cannot find any reasonable linux alternative and SecureCRT is *not* working with WINE either.07:49
NoonanAnswer, i already have the ndiswrapper tarball on the desktop of the linux box (the one without internet). but im not sure how to use it..07:49
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GasproYetiChick : it's a server since i didnt have enough power for X .... i need to unplug the cable every some time (voip, game) and when i reconnect the internet should be back again07:49
AnonymousSceneWhat is ndiswrapper?07:49
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CompuCh|pNobody knows how to handle ugly background on the task bar when setting the panel transparancy to > 007:49
=== LoCuTuS_ [n=stefan@dslb-088-073-225-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigCompuChip, don't do that07:50
AnswerNoonan: the headache is not worth it - go buy a supported wifi card for like $4007:50
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KasoEvery time i try to open the terminal it just fails to open, The "Starting Terminal" appears in the task bar, then nothing. Does anyone have any ideas?07:50
kalpikCompuCh|p, all that depends on the theme you are using07:50
=== pelandrit [n=pelandri@26.pool85-55-36.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
CompuCh|pyeah, sorry, I pressed enter too soon. I tried to find my question mark :)07:50
=== pegger [n=bab@mciuser1.hmco.com] has joined #ubuntu
pelandrithello folks07:50
=== Res [n=andi030@pD9531205.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
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cymr1wonder if anyone can help me please07:50
peggerdoes SeLinux work in ubuntu?07:50
YetiChickGaspro:  I see.  Well, ifplugd does look like a possibility, but I have no idea which, if any, repository has it for LTS 6.x.  Answer posted a link a bit earlier, did you see it?  I didn't check it out, but it might have some good stuff.07:50
=== Tobbz is now known as Tobbz_
BWolf1985Anyone have experence with BroadCom wireless routers07:51
kalpikpegger, no07:51
dyrneCompuCh|p: sudo adduser and login with them. if they do not have the problem its just a confi issue in your ~ directory.  also are you using vesa or what in xorg since the X problems?07:51
AnswerGaspro, YetiChick:  http://leaf.sourceforge.net/doc/buci-pppoe3.html    Step 5  shows how to modify /etc/network/interfaces to add    "auto lo ppp0 eth1"      "iface ppp0 inet ppp"        "pre-up ip link set eth0 up"  "provider dsl-provider eth0"07:51
CheshireViking!ask | cymr107:51
ubotucymr1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:51
=== EDinNY [i=nobody@ool-45768f2b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Reshi does anyone know about the program "NICOTINE-PLUS"?07:51
cymr1I have XP and Ubuntu installed, I just changed a few partitions inside XP to FAT32 and now when I boot I get a GRUB error and I can not boot to any OS07:51
=== mpathy [n=mm@dslb-084-056-133-054.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
GasproAnswer, YetiChick  : checking it now...07:51
CompuCh|pkalpik: it's the Happy GNOME theme. dyrne I'll try the adduser test. I don't know what vesa is but I'll check first.07:51
EDinNYI am trying to figure out how to use Emacs key bindings in firefox07:52
AnonymousScenethanks Gaspro07:52
=== slackwarelife [n=slackwar@host197-128-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
AnonymousSceneoh sorry not me07:52
EDinNYIt workded before I installed Feisty...I kept my /home partition07:52
peggerkalpik: you know if there are any plans to fix it then?07:52
AnonymousSceneI guess no one knows a good ssh alternative?07:52
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EDinNYwhat is wrong with ssh?07:52
kalpikpegger, SELinux is a redhat/fedora technology.. so it wont work with ubuntu07:52
peggerAnonymousScene: well there is ssh or openssh07:52
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=== Tobbz_ is now known as Tobbz
pelandrithow can i fix my "out of range" in monitor at the boot of live-cd? i've tried the "safe graphics mode" but doesn't works07:53
AnonymousSceneputty does not allow you to save passwords07:53
=== Benjamin_L [n=benni@pd9ee2851.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgAnonymousScene: the reason why you'll probably not find an all-in-one package is that the unix tradition is : one program for one job. i don't really understand your problem yet, but just want to give you a hint that the philosophy in linux/unix is different and you might need a suite of apps to get that done07:53
=== mzfckr [n=mzfckr@you.just.got.owned.lv] has joined #ubuntu
CompuCh|pIt does allow you to save keys :) Isn't that better?07:53
peggerkalpik: well no it is not, it is a NSA technology07:53
cymr1 I have XP and Ubuntu installed, I just changed a few partitions inside XP to FAT32 and now when I boot I get a GRUB error and I can not boot to any OS07:53
Ali_ix!ops > Ali_ix07:53
bruenigEDinNY, emacs doesn't have its own browser yet? what kind of text editor is that07:53
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.GazzaK] has joined #ubuntu
kalpikpegger, ah.. sorry then.. guess i dunno much :-)07:54
AnonymousScenePutty...did you see the ugly interface in linux for putty? Its ridiculous looking and unpleasant to get work done lol07:54
CompuCh|pcymr1: what's the error?07:54
=== jano_ [n=jano@] has joined #ubuntu
foutrelisI am trying to install mysql-server-4.1 but aptitude wants me to install 5.0 too. I find this weird. When trying to remove 5.0 from being installed I get this "mysql-server-4.1: Depends: mysql-server-5.0 but it is not installable". I'm confused :\07:54
cymr1error 7 i think07:54
=== Romke [n=romualda@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
EDinNYI have no interest in using emacs, but with the key bindings it makes Ctrl-u clear the location bar07:54
BWolf1985I need help with a BroadCom Wireless card07:54
pelandritin other distros i'd fixed it with options like hsync=60 but here that don't work too07:54
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EDinNYUnfortunately the emacs key bindings seem brok in feisty07:55
=== immoT- [n=tommi@dsl-kpogw7-fea5f900-1.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Reshi could anyone help me with the prog "NICOTINE-Plus" (Souleseek)07:55
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foutrelisHmmm.. I'll try apt-get :\07:55
CompuCh|pdyrne: In my /etc/X11/xorg.conf I found a vesa driver in a "Device" section. That what you meant?07:55
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=== _Toolskyn [n=toolskyn@adsl-dc-266ef.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jano_how come I cannot see the nfs shares in "places -> network", however I see the samba shares...07:55
=== Nvening [n=nvening@i-83-67-102-130.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
dyrneCompuCh|p: do you have an nvidia or intel graphics card?07:55
foutrelissame :\07:55
bododohi folks, anyone's using mouseemu?07:56
=== GazzaK [n=Dogbert@colchester-lug/pdpc.supporter.active.GazzaK] has left #ubuntu ["]
PiciAli_ix: You shouldnt needlessly call ops, that gets broadcasted to other channels07:56
Ali_ixPici: i didnt :(07:56
CompuCh|pdyrne: can I check that somewhere? It's built into my laptop so I never really payed attention. And until now it just worked, so never needed to install drivers or anything manually.07:56
ResSomeone here who knows about Nicotine 1.2.6 ? Soulseek just need to know how to set it ...07:56
=== ouFo [n=loukia@ipa17.34.91.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu
cymr1is there any quick way of fixing my GRUB boot system please07:57
PiciAli_ix: Yes you did.  13:53 <Ali_ix> !ops > Ali_ix07:57
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CompuCh|pcymr1: what's the error?07:57
gubluntudoes anyone know of a method to auto blacklist in hosts.deny anyone trying to ssh to me from any other user than root?07:57
dyrneCompuCh|p: lspci -v and sudo lshw   there will be alot to scroll through07:57
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stefgAli_ix: yes you did, and there's no point in denying it07:57
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ubotuThe #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! We schedule themed quizzes, every Friday, to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and keep you exercising those cranial muscles.07:57
mrabbithow can i connect to a wpa-psk secured wireless network?07:57
Ali_ixPici: yes, just checked operators list, and didnt messaged any of them.07:57
Ali_ixPici: is that command forbidden?07:57
=== joris_ [n=joris@84-245-6-88.dsl.cambrium.nl] has joined #ubuntu
stefgAli_ix: omg!07:58
NveningHi, how do i setup a static ip in 7.04??07:58
kahrytanmy favorite operating system is Windows XP07:58
cox37777is there a default command for showing bandwidth?07:58
=== LaTcH [n=matthias@p5481F556.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
PiciAli_ix: What I'm saying is that that command automatically spams other channels alerting them to say that theres an issue here.  Just want to make you aware.07:58
=== Ivanowitch [n=peter@pc-9-174.skjoldhoej.dk] has left #ubuntu []
dyrneCompuCh|p: basically id use i810 driver for intel or install nvidia driver for nvidia i gotta go to lunch. bye :)07:58
eckgubluntu: i believe you are lokking for denyhosts07:58
=== sympatico [n=sympatic@29-dz4-1.acn.waw.pl] has joined #ubuntu
gubluntuubotu tell me about denyhosts07:58
=== Opter [i=user@ip68-109-89-72.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ali_ixPici: wow! i didnt know :( i though it would ust print list of ubuntu-community channel operators :( sorry07:58
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gubluntueck: nothing.07:59
CompuCh|p dyrne thanks, enjoy07:59
mrabbit!wifi | mrabbit07:59
rummikanybody know why bb borked?07:59
stefg!irc | Ali_ix07:59
ubotuAli_ix: irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines07:59
=== Aguarate [n=aguarate@199.Red-83-38-18.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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eckgubluntu: wait, you're trying to prevent people from coming in unless they're root on their box?08:00
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=== Aguarate [n=aguarate@199.Red-83-38-18.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bododoanyone's using a laptop here?08:00
jano_how come I cannot see the nfs shares in "places -> network"? I see the samba shares, but with those I cannot open those files (I can save the file, but I want to work directly). Or what can I use to share a project between two computers and can work directly (so I wouldnt have to copy and synchronize)??08:00
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:00
gubluntuecki just want to stop these bruteforce attacks08:00
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eckgubluntu: you can use denyhosts (although personally i wouldn't worry about it)08:00
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bododoubotu: i'm having troubles with mouseemu, it seems that the trackpad is managed with something else08:01
CompuCh|pdyrne (or someone else) All I can find is "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M9+ 5C61 [Radeon Mobility 9200 (AGP)] " That's neither I suppose :S08:01
=== smartytek [n=rental1@rrcs-70-61-249-146.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
stefg!nfs | jano_08:01
ubotujano_: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.08:01
umbianybody know one nice msn messenger script for linux08:01
CompuCh|pumbi: what about amsn?08:01
umbii don't like it so mutch :D08:01
foutrelis2Nvening: My connection died for a sec. Did you get my last message or someone else answered you question?08:01
eckgubluntu: if you have good passwords you have nothing to worry about, *and* attackers won't know the usernames of accounts on your systems anyway08:01
=== ke4nt [n=viny1@rrcs-67-79-234-86.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
umbiis there something better?08:01
CheshireVikingumbi, Kopete, Gaim?08:01
gubluntubododo: ubotu is a bot..08:01
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cymr1is there a repair boot/grum option please ?08:01
jano_stefg, yes I set that up, does it display in Places->Network?08:01
bododoyes, that's what it tolkd me :)08:01
eckgubluntu: if you're really worried you're best off just sticking to ssh keys and disabling password auth altogether08:02
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gubluntueck:  they will when they guess one and they get invalid password instead of invalid username08:02
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StoneNotegubluntu, you can sudo apt-get install denyhosts if you have universe repository enabled08:02
kalpik!grub > cymr108:02
eckgubluntu: no they won't08:02
stefgjano_: sorry, I don't use nfs. Just wanted to give you the link08:02
eckgubluntu: that's not how ssh works08:02
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Nveningi didnt get your last message no, and no one else has helped, can you help?08:02
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kahrytaneck: Whats your opinion of a good password?08:02
umbiCheshireViking I got gaim now, kopete is graphycally better?08:02
eckgubluntu: you are not given the reason your auth failed, so you don't know if you got an invalid username or not08:02
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cox37777is tehre a command to show current bandwidth usage with out having to install any softwarE?08:02
umbiwhat do you think?08:02
foutrelisNvening: Edit /etc/network/interfaces and put.. hmmm.. let me find it :)08:03
CompuCh|pcymr1: have you tried running update-grub and then checking /boot/grub/menu.lst ?08:03
pelandritcymr1: sudo grub-install /dev/(device in which u want to install it)08:03
kalpikcox37777, sudo ifconfig08:03
eckkahrytan: for the purposes of preventing ssh brute force attacks? more than 7 letters and not the same as the account name ;-)08:03
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foutrelisNvening: This: http://www.sematopia.com/?p=50 :)08:03
cox37777kalpik: does that show bandwidth?08:03
kalpikcox37777, or you can add the network monitor applet to your panel08:03
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ResHow do i get a Userename at NICOTINE-Plus ????08:03
KasoEvery time i try to open the terminal it just fails to open, The "Starting Terminal" appears in the task bar, then nothing. Any ideas? Googling is sorta hard, too many enties on google with "terminal" in them08:03
eckkahrytan: most brute force scans only try 1-3 passwords per account, so you don't need to be too fancy08:03
kalpikcox37777, yes.. total data in/out08:03
Nveningcool thanks08:03
CheshireVikingumbi, i don't think there's much of a difference, I use kopete because it works with webcams, just seems to depend on what you prefer08:03
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kahrytaneck: but asdf456 would be a weak password08:04
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foutrelisNvening: np08:04
umbiok thnx a lot :D08:04
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Nveningis it the same for server/ normal then??08:04
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foutrelisNvening: Yup.08:04
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robert_uh, how do I get the header files again? I'm trying to compile the nvidia kernel, and it isn't working08:05
eckkahrytan: in principle i agree, but i think most ssh scanners just try something like the account name as the password. if you are seeing concerted attacks you need to worry about short passwords like that, but i'm not sure how often that comes up in practice08:05
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robert_there was a make target for it08:05
robert_but I can't remember what the target's name is08:05
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mrmondayhow do I glue 2 files together using cat?08:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:05
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kahrytaneck: I use combination of letters (lower case and upper case), special characters, and random numbers08:05
ecki just disable password auth on my boxes :-)08:05
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jribmrmonday: cat 1 2 > 308:05
savetheWorldcat f1 f2 >> f308:05
samalexhey guys.  can someone tell me if there's a command line utility that'll save a website as a PDF or Postscript format?  I'm using Ubuntu 6.10 Server, and there's no GUI.08:05
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kalpikmrmonday, cat file1 file2 > final.file08:06
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=== foutrelis sees many cat :P Where did the dogs go? ^.^
mrmondayjrib, kalpik, thanks08:06
Ali_ix!seen kwwii08:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen kwwii - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:06
EDinNYCan anyone help with emacs key bindings in Firefox?  It worked ok in Edgy, but not in Feisty08:06
gubluntueck: i think i will use iptables to auto blacklist any host trying to create 5 new connections in 30 secs08:06
StoneNotecat raining catsanddogs > rainingcatsanddogs08:06
BWolf1985Anyone have help for a BroadCom Wireless card08:06
pelandrithow can i fix my "out of range" in monitor at the boot of live-cd? i've tried the "safe graphics mode" but doesn't works, i'm looking for something to tune the refresh frequencies like the hsync=60 of other distros08:06
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robert_foutrelis: heh08:07
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foutreliswoof (sorry for the off-topics :$ )08:07
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jribgubluntu: look at denyhosts, it's packaged in the repos08:07
robert_how do I get the header files again? I'm trying to compile the nvidia kernel, and it isn't working08:07
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pelandrit!anyone BWolf198508:07
jribrobert_: "nvidia kernel"?08:07
robert_yeah, I want my gl-accelerated X back08:08
EDinNYgubluntu:  what software do you use to trigger that blacklisting?08:08
jribrobert_: nvidia-glx is in the repos08:08
jrib!nvidia > robert_ (see the private message from ubotu)08:08
GasproAnswer, YetiChick  : just modified the interfaces, now i'm checking if the internet comes up... brb in 10 minutes for the result08:08
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YetiChickGaspro:  Good luck.08:08
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StoneNoterobert_,  apt-get install kernel-headers-`uname -r`08:09
foutrelisrobert_: sudo aptitude install linux-headers-`uname -r`08:09
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lonranwhat calendar program do u  use to keep organized?08:09
foutrelisStoneNote: :P08:09
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pelandrit!anyone | BWolf198508:09
ubotuBWolf1985: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:09
coolgeekguys im looking for a simple bit of software to scan my local network to view live ips?08:09
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coolgeeksomething like angry ip scanner for winblows08:10
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foutreliscoolgeek: nmap maybe :)08:10
coolgeekfoutrelis: is it simple, and really im lookin for soething with a gui08:10
pelandritcompengi: nmap gui08:10
foutreliscoolgeek: nmap-fe is a GUI for nmap :)08:10
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KasoEvery time i try to open the terminal it just fails to open, The "Starting Terminal" appears in the task bar, then nothing. Any ideas? Googling is sorta hard, too many entries on google with "terminal" in them08:10
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robert_genksyms is not found08:10
BWolf1985Does anyone know how to get a BroadCom Wireless Network Card to work? I've used http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 this with no result08:11
foutreliscoolgeek: *nmapfe08:11
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pelandritsorry compengi, that was for coolgeek08:11
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compengipelandrit, np :)08:12
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coolgeekthanks guys, downloading now08:12
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foutrelisI am trying to install mysql-server-4.1 but aptitude wants me to install 5.0 too. I find this weird. When trying to remove 5.0 from being installed I get this "mysql-server-4.1: Depends: mysql-server-5.0 but it is not installable". I'm confused :\08:12
ubuntuEdgyhi how do i move a file using a terminal , from desktop to home for example08:12
pelandritBWolf1985: explain your problem with that08:12
foutrelisubuntuEdgy: Use the mv command.08:12
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arifi have a problem with my synaptic package manager08:12
ubuntuEdgythanks you08:12
arifcan anyone help08:12
kalpikmv file /path/to/destination/file08:12
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stefg!anyone | arif08:13
ubotuarif: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:13
jribarif: just state the problem (in one line)08:13
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ubuntuEdgyi kept on doing this sudo folder -> home08:13
arifE: The package virtualbox needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.08:13
arifE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.   i get these errors08:13
arifoh sorry08:13
Szeraaxok, quick question. where is the log for when i startup?08:13
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jribarif: reinstall virtualbox from wherever you got it from08:13
BWolf1985pel it will not connect. im not even sure if it is installed.. it says eth0 but no wireless card seems to be in network08:13
arifit wont let me do that08:13
coolgeekok so i have nmapfe, but how do i specify a range?08:13
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jribarif: what happens when you try?08:14
philip_hey all, is there an ubuntu package with some kind of gzip recovery program?08:14
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arifit tells me the package is currupt08:14
coolgeekok so i have nmapfe, but how do i specify a range?08:14
Ali_ixhow can i find kwwii (current ubuntu art-work man)? :|08:14
tidalwav1If I removed Ekiga, Evolution and Gaim, and ubuntu-desktop was taken along with it, is that bad?08:14
koraydudes anyone know when will TV LINKS be back on?????08:14
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jribarif: pastebin your command and the full output please08:15
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erUSULtidalwav1: no, just remember to install it again if you do a dist-upgrade...08:15
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kalpiktidalwav1, no, it makes no difference, as ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage08:15
arifim sorry i dont undertand that last part08:15
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jrib!pastebin > arif (see the private message from ubotu)08:15
tidalwav1anyone? is it bad if in removing some packages, ubuntu-desktop is removed as well?08:15
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bruenigtidalwav1, no08:16
coolgeekany one?08:16
jribarif: pastebin your command and the full error message you got when you tried to reinstall virtualbox08:16
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foutreliscoolgeek: In the target you enter fro example :)08:16
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arifok one min08:16
tidalwav1brueing, that's it?08:17
foutreliscoolgeek: And you can select Ping Sweep (Scan Type) to see which hosts are up :)08:17
pelandritgrrr i know the option i need exist, i used once but i don't remenber it now, nobody knows it?08:17
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arifi dont use the termianl08:17
BWolf1985what option pel08:17
PiciAli_ix: https://launchpad.net/~kwwii  has his email addresses08:17
coolgeekand if i want a bigger range than .0-255?08:17
gubluntuEDinNY: iptables08:17
arifits a deb file08:17
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coolgeekfoutrelis: and if i want a bigger range than .0-255?08:18
foutreliscoolgeek: :P08:18
coolgeekfoutrelis: bigger08:18
jribarif: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb08:18
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Ali_ixPici: thanks,08:18
foutreliscoolgeek: Bigger than 255? O.O08:18
foutreliscoolgeek: I thought IPs don't go over 25508:18
pelandritBWolf1985: an option to tune the refresh sync at the boot of live-cd08:18
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coolgeekfoutrelis: they dont08:18
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foutreliscoolgeek: Hmm.. 192.168.5.xxx for example?08:19
coolgeekfoutrelis: but what about
aeby_hi all! is there a way to pass a password to psql? Or how can i run several scripts with out typing the password over and over?08:19
BWolf1985well i have it installed its not ran off CD08:19
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Ali_ixPici: do you know any one else related to ubuntu art work?08:19
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g0vneri installed ubunto and i recieve the following error once i start the computer: "error loading operaing system"08:19
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foutreliscoolgeek: Hmmm.. I think it's 192.168.0-100.0-25508:19
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g0vneri installed ubunto and i recieve the following error once i start the computer: "error loading operaing system" any idea why i get this error ?08:20
PiciAli_ix: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art08:20
arifit says no such file in directory08:20
foutreliscoolgeek: You enter the range between the dots.08:20
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Ali_ixPici: thanks again :">08:20
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binks_has anyone got jinzora working08:20
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jribarif: you need to  cd  to the directory that has the .deb08:20
jrib!cli > arif (see the private message from ubotu)08:21
Prez_this is very strange, using x-chat in feisty, when I connect to undernet network eveyrthing is fine, as soon as aI join a channel, x-chat crashes completely08:21
martixhey guys have a problem08:21
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martixmade a mistake trying to update from 6.06 to 7.0408:21
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jano_how come I cannot see the nfs shares in "places -> network"? I see the samba shares, but with those I cannot open those files (I can save the file, but I want to work directly). Or what can I use to share a project between two computers and can work directly (so I wouldnt have to copy and synchronize)??08:21
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g0vnerdudes ?any suggestions ?08:21
bruenigmartix, you can't jump versions08:22
martixnow my closed some apps and I cannot see the letters on it08:22
arifits on the desktop08:22
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martixbruenig: now I iknow08:22
martixis there anyway to fix it?08:22
bruenigmartix, ubuntu.com/download08:22
martixI have the 7.04 cd here08:22
davixcheers, I had set up a vnc, it runs well though I am having issues with loading programs that use Glib such as Firefox and XCHAT, the error i get is : http://pastebin.ca/475792 , the vncserver errorlog is here: http://pastebin.ca/475808, does anyone have any clue for how I fix that?08:22
jribarif: please prefix what you say with my name so you trigger my hilight08:22
martixand if I close this window I will not see the letters again08:22
bruenigmartix, fresh install08:22
jribarif: cd ~/Desktop08:23
martixWOW! really???08:23
martixis there anyway to change the language?08:23
arifjrib: ok will do that08:23
martixmy default language is es_PE08:23
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martixI believe if I can put it en_US could fix the problem08:23
bulliummatrix, I guess you where running 6.06 for a while and had it setup and config'd they way you like it huh?08:23
arifjrib: and then08:23
BWolf1985pel any luck?08:23
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johnficcasudo gedit takes like 5 minutes to open and so do other root apps like network and things like that...can someone help me ?08:24
jribarif: sudo dpkg -i foo.deb    where foo.deb is the name of your virtualbox deb file08:24
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martixbullium: thats right but never touched the language stuff08:24
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bulliummatrix, so your language is the only thing thats messed up?08:24
godlygeekhas anyone been able to tweak the time remaining that gnome-power-manager waits until to panic and shutdown or suspend in feisty?08:25
johnficcasudo gedit takes like 5 minutes to open and so do other root apps like network and things like that...can someone help me ?08:25
arifjrib: so i should try to install it from the terminal08:25
martixbullium: yeap I cannot read anything if I close an already opened windo08:25
jribarif: right, so you can pastebin the output08:25
arifJrib: if so i will look on google08:25
GasproYetiChick, Answer : no way, i need to type "pon dsl-provider" to get internet....08:26
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jribarif: look on google for what?08:26
arifjrib: what does the pastebin output mean08:26
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jrib!pastebin > arif (see the private message from ubotu)08:26
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AnswerGaspro: :/  I do not know any further08:26
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jribjohnficca: does it happen if you open a new terminal?08:26
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jribjohnficca: from your menu08:26
johnficcalet me see08:26
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arifwhat do i use as the syntax08:27
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ForsakenSoulcan some one tell me how to mount my photo camera ?08:27
bulliummatrix, hmm08:27
costashi all08:27
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ForsakenSoulcan some one tell me how to mount my photo camera using a usb08:27
costasis nvu available for feisty?08:27
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jribarif: you just visit http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and copy and paste text there08:27
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GasproAnswer, YetiChick  :( any way i could install that "ifplugd" even if "apt-get" does not find the package on "ubuntu server edition" ?08:27
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ForsakenSoulcan some one tell me how to mount my photo camera using a usb08:28
vervehey.. i was just wondering, are Linksys USB WiFi adapters supported in Ubuntu, or Linux in general?08:28
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johnficcaif I run gksudo gedit I just get the outline of gedit and the inside takes like 5 min to fill in08:28
arifdpkg: error processing virtualbox (--install):08:28
arif cannot access archive: No such file or directory08:28
arifErrors were encountered while processing:08:28
arif virtualbox08:28
davixcheers, I had set up a vnc, it runs well though I am having issues with loading programs that use Glib such as Firefox and XCHAT, the error i get is : http://pastebin.ca/475792 , the vncserver errorlog is here: http://pastebin.ca/475808, does anyone have any clue for how I fix that?08:28
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jribarif: PASTEBIN08:28
arifi did08:28
kitcheGaspro: the repo f or the server edition is the same for the deskopt edition08:28
ForsakenSoul!usb devices08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb devices - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
costasi can see that NVU is available for edgy hoary dapper but not feisty?08:28
bulliummatrix, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=430119&highlight=language+select08:28
arifjrib: i did08:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:28
ForsakenSoulcan some one tell me how to mount my photo camera using a usb08:28
jribarif: after you pastebin you provide the url, you don't paste the text again in the channel08:29
arifjrib: sorry :|08:29
YetiChickGaspro:  (nod)  A quick peek looked like the interface stuff was for boot, but I didn't go over it carefully.  Mm...  probably, yes.  But I'm not the best person to ask about that.  I've been using Linux since it first existed, but Ubuntu - not so long.  You could probably find a .deb package and install it manually.08:29
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costasare there no feisty backports available?08:29
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godlygeekForsakenSoul: Are you sure it doesn't automatically mount?  Most things do.08:29
arifjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19670/08:29
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ForsakenSoullet me try again08:29
johnficcaif I run gksudo gedit I just get the outline of gedit and the inside takes like 5 min to fill in08:29
bulliummatrix, also you have to download the language packages for it.. Under 'Supported Languages,' select the language(s) you want, and click 'Apply'.. It will then download the new package files and install them.. You will *then* be able to select it from the default language list08:29
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jribarif: thanks, what is the name of the deb file on your desktop?08:30
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r00t3r-j03OK - This may be n00bish, but how do i compile a .tar.gz file?08:30
Gasprokitche , Answer, YetiChick : why then the package "ifplugd" is not found ? what should i do ? Is there a way i could get it anyway ?08:30
jribr00t3r-j03: you try to avoid it08:30
jrib!compiling > r00t3r-j03 (see the private message from ubotu)08:30
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johnficcashould I just reinstall08:30
arifjrib: VirtualBox_1.3.8_Ubuntu_feisty_i38608:30
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ForsakenSoulgodlygeek if it mounts ... i actually don`t know where to look for it08:31
r00t3r-j03jrib: Thanks08:31
jribjohnficca: I've seen that problem before, there is a thread on the forums about it.  But I don't remember seeing a definitive answer08:31
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johnficcaOk so I'll reinstall then08:31
ForsakenSouli cant find it and it doesn`t alert me like in windows that i have a new usb device08:31
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godlygeekForsakenSoul: dmesg | tail after reinstalling08:31
jribarif: you need to type out the full name when you pass it to dpkg, include the .deb part at the end08:31
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godlygeekjohnficca: don't reinstall just yet.08:31
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godlygeekForsakenSoul: I meant after 'reinserting', not 'reinstalling.'  ;)08:32
hellboundedhey, can someone help me out real quick?08:32
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shampoonatoranyone got a tomcat running? and perhaps eclipse and a plugin using that tomcat?08:32
ForsakenSoulgodlygeek with a little more detail i`m kinda newbie08:32
hellboundedtrying to find out how to burn ubuntu to a CD for install with nero.08:32
costaspls ??08:32
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beniany console IRC client herE?08:32
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godlygeekjohnficca: try creating a new user and seeing if the same symptom is exhibited for him.08:32
hellboundedcan anyone point me in the right direction on how to do that?08:32
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bruenighellbounded, just burn it as an image08:33
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southafrikanseFirefox is running but I can't see it. How can I terminate Firefox?08:33
hellboundedI don't know how to burn it as an image08:33
bruenigsouthafrikanse, killall firefox-bin08:33
arifjrib: brb sorry08:33
bruenighellbounded, nero is a point and click sort of thing, do that08:33
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johnficcagodlygeek: ok08:33
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godlygeekForsakenSoul: Ok.  try this.  Open up nautilus, the file manager, and navigate to /media08:33
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hellboundedso add all the files in the RAR onto the CD with use the create bootable CD option?08:34
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godlygeeksouthafrikanse: 'killall firefox'08:34
bruenighellbounded, it is not a rar08:34
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hellboundedthe ZIP file its in anyways08:34
johnficcathe users and goups windows is taking fever to open08:34
jribjohnficca: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16181408:34
hellboundederrr ISO08:34
southafrikansegodlygeek: It's done. Thank you08:34
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hellboundedbruenig can you PM me and tell me how to do this?08:34
godlygeeksoutafrikanse: no problem.08:34
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bruenighellbounded, just burn the iso as a disk image, as that is what it is. Perhaps that is create bootable cd, that sounds right.08:35
KasoEvery time i try to open the terminal it just fails to open, The "Starting Terminal" appears in the task bar, then nothing. Any ideas? Googling is sorta hard, too many entries on google with "terminal" in them08:35
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r00t3r-j03Is there any way to mount an FTP server as a filesystem?08:35
androxxlhello can anyone tell me why I get blne08:35
GasproAnswer, YetiChick : can u advice me a forum where i could post my question and hopefully resolve it ? Thank you very much for your patience -very appreciated-08:35
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godlygeekKaso: Anything happen if you type alt-f2, then type 'xterm' into the box?08:35
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ForsakenSoulgodlygeek ... there are only two folders for the cdrom 2 for the floppy and one with my windows files08:35
Kasoyes that works godlygeek08:35
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jribjohnficca: I do know that if i have an old screen session lying around, I get that same behavior and I believe it is because the DBUS env variables are old and no longer point to the correct DBUS session for my user (I logout and log back in while keeping screen running)08:36
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godlygeekin THAT terminal, try running 'gnome-terminal' and see if there's any weird output.08:36
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XBehavehow do you find out the chipset on a card?08:36
ForsakenSoullook at this08:36
g0vneri installed ubunto and i recieve the following error once i start the computer: "error loading operaing system" any idea why i get this error ?08:36
shampoonatorwhen i install tomcat? do i have to do anything more?08:36
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shampoonatorsetting funny classpaths or something?08:36
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c01100011what channel should I go to for Xorg / beryl help ?08:37
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Kasogodlygeek; http://pastey.net/2391008:37
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LordTureisdoes anyone know how to use dbus scripts for pidgin?  I'd like the libnotify script from arstechnica: http://arstechnica.com/reviews/apps/pidgin-2-0.ars/408:37
ForsakenSoulgodlygeek http://pastebin.ca/475829 :D ...08:37
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YetiChickGaspro:  While I've been using Linux since about the time it first existed, I'm fairly new to Ubuntu.  I don't frequent any Ubuntu forums at this time.  Hopefully someone else can point you at one. http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/i/ifplugd/  is where the .deb file for ifplugd lives.08:37
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LordTureisc01100011, believe it or not, #beryl08:38
hellboundedalright burning the image. I didn't see anything that allowed me to make the image file a bootable08:38
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c01100011LordTureis, I believe it ! thanks08:38
Prez_this is very strange, using x-chat in feisty, when I connect to undernet network eveyrthing is fine, as soon as aI join a channel, x-chat crashes completely08:38
tmskeHi, I'm trying to install my remote control on ubuntu feisty but I can't get it to work, does anyone have any experience with this?08:38
johnficcagodlygeek: I'm going to log in to the new user and see if I still have the problem08:38
hellboundedI know I've got to shut down my system and re-configure a few things but it should be rather interesting none the less08:38
godlygeekjohnficca: ok.08:38
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godlygeekKaso: yikes.  Is it fixed, by any chance, by logging out and back in?08:38
YetiChickGaspro:  But you'll want to get with someone more familiar with Ubuntu's specifics before you manually install a service.  I could figure it out, but wouldn't want to use you as a test subject. :P08:38
Enverexhmm, I'm not seeing the 32bit compatability package in the repos for the nVidia drivers on amd64, have they changed the name or something?08:39
Kasoive already tried a full reboot, but i shall try a quick log-log just for you :>08:39
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beniis there any irc client for console?08:39
godlygeekForsakenSoul: try, from a terminal, 'sudo mkdir /media/camera; sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/camera -ouser,umask=0; ls /media/camera'08:39
godlygeekbeni: irssi08:39
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Ix0sbeni, irssi, bitchx08:40
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KasoNope, no change :<08:40
GasproYetiChick : already installed some services (ftp server, ricompiled mldonkey, little things but i tried to follow guides... i'd gladly make a test subject for you if this makes my problem solved (bothering me by a month now ...) but i dont want u to waste considerable amount of time with me :)08:40
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godlygeekKaso: Have you, by any chance, done much configuration on ubuntu, or are you using it pretty much the way it came out-of-the-box?08:41
ForsakenSoulgodlygeek 10x ... it worked :D08:41
shirishhi all, sometimes when I am using any package manager I get this08:41
shirishE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:41
shirishE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:41
godlygeekwhoops.  ForsakenSoul: when you're done with it, unmount it wih 'sudo umount /media/camera'08:41
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shirishis there a good way to resolve this, instead of shutting down the computer?08:41
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ForsakenSoulis it neccesery every time i plug it in and out to write this ?08:42
godlygeekForsakenSoul: You can lose data off a mounted drive if you don't unmount it safely and just disconnect it.  ;)08:42
Kasogodlygeek,  I've had some hard drive problems before so this is a fresh install of ubuntu all ive managed to do is install nvidia drivers and xchat (gnome-terminal worked fine for that) then since a reboot around that time it didnt work08:42
ForsakenSoulwell thats a pain in the ...08:42
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shinygerbilshirish: check no other apt-get processes are running, and kill them if they are08:42
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coolgeekfoutrelis: are u still here/08:43
shirishshinygerbil: how do I check for other apt-get processes &  how do I kill them?08:43
godlygeekKaso: Try doing 'rm -rf ~/.gnome* ~/.gconf*'08:43
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godlygeekKaso: Then logging out and back in.08:43
mrabbithello, could somebody please help me use wpa_supplicant to use a wpa-psk key for eth108:43
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coolgeekcan any one help me with nmap08:43
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godlygeekForsakenSoul: You're right, of course, but that was my quick helping-you-out help.  i don't know how to make something automatically mount if it doesn't work properly OOTB.  I'd ask on the forums.08:44
johnficcaOk so I just tryed to log in to the new user and I got nothing but a Grey box in the upper left, then I tried to log back in to the old user and I got the same thing so I had to reboot08:44
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godlygeekForsakenSoul: But, at least now you can use it in the mean time.08:44
YetiChickGaspro:  You should be able to install ifplugd with dpkg if you download the latest file from the location I gave you.  "dpkg -i <filenae>".  But I'm not sure how much Ubuntu deviates from Debian's file structure, starup and the like.08:44
shirishshinygerbil: cancel that, understood what to do, thanx for your help, out08:44
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ForsakenSoulyeah ... i have to write down thoose commands so i don`t ask every time ;)08:45
johnficcagodlygeek: Ok so I just tried to log in to the new user and I got nothing but a Grey box in the upper left, then I tried to log back in to the old user and I got the same thing so I had to reboot08:45
james296I hate to say this, but I used Automatix got all updates from it and now for some reason I cant add programs to the autostart thing at boot up08:45
ForsakenSoulthaks a lot08:45
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Kasogodlygeek, afraid no luck on that, i also tried using apt to reinstall gnome-terminal.08:45
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jribjames296: check permissions on ~/.config/autostart/ and its parents08:46
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godlygeekKaso: Did you try using apt to purge gnome-terminal?08:46
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godlygeekjohnficca: weird.  i can't think of many things that would affect both users...08:46
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Kasowhat's the command for that? just aptitude remove gnome-terminal then installing it again?08:46
Dave_is_sexyhow can i tell ivman to mount cds as executable?08:46
james296ah ha!08:46
johnficcayeah weird is the word08:47
godlygeekjohnficca: does anything interesting happen when you run 'sudo gedit' from a terminal?08:47
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jribjohnficca: try gksudo and gksu and see if there is a difference08:47
godlygeekKaso: sudo aptitute purge gnome-terminal; sudo aptitude install gnome-terminal08:47
godlygeekcrdlb: Is there any difference between sudo and gksu?  I thought that it only affected where the password prompt appeared. :)08:48
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johnficcaIt opens the gedit windows but no gedit inside08:48
variantKaso: open an xterm and run gnome-terminal from there08:48
crdlbyou're always supposed to use gksu for graphical applications08:48
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 08:48
variantKaso: see what is going wrong08:48
jribjohnficca: what is "it"?  both gksu and gksudo?08:48
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Kasovariant, we already tried that, output is here; http://pastey.net/2391008:49
arifjrib: sorry about that08:49
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ztripezi currently using 7.04, but need to download some .deb files for dapper from the repo... how do it do it? it driving me nuts....08:49
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jribztripez: what do you need?08:49
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johnficcagksudo gedit does nothing08:49
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DaveG|anyone know where i can get a deb of vlc 0.8.6b? and why it isn't in the rep?08:50
ztripezjrib, ineed the ndiswrapper with dependencie08:50
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Kasopurge did nothing godlygeek08:50
bgrupeDaveG|: it is in the rep08:50
Kasowell nothing helpful08:50
variantKaso: looks like it's an nvidia bug08:50
wishiewho can i see about editing the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems page ?08:50
linux_user400354DaveG|: have you checked getdeb.net ?08:50
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jribztripez: and ndiswrapper in 7.04 doesn't work?08:50
variantKaso: reconfiguring the nvidia driver should fix it08:50
godlygeekKaso: crap.  I never use gnome-terminal, i'm at the end of my guesses.08:50
linux_user400354wishie: make an account, login, and then you can edit it08:51
wishieit seems one of the ubuntu users stumbled across my script for alsa infomation debugging.. and i wanted to add some notes for it08:51
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ztripezjrib, haven't tried actualy08:51
Kasovariant what exactly should i do for that?08:51
jribztripez: wouldn't that be easier?08:51
variantKaso: do you have two displays?08:51
Kasogodlygeek, thanks for your help so far anyway.08:51
Enverexhmm, I'm not seeing the 32bit compatability package in the repos for the nVidia drivers on amd64, have they changed the name or something?08:51
Kasoi do variant08:51
variantKaso: tihs has to be the issue then08:51
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jribEnverex: what do those do exactly?  I just installed nvidia-glx on amd6408:52
Kasothe fact ive two monitors? or something connected to that08:52
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variantKaso: nvidia-xconfig --twinview08:52
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johnficcagodlygeek: thanks for the help but I think I just need to reinstall08:52
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ztripezjrib, he.. now i feel abit silly actualy..... i was so in the thought that i needed dapper "preconifgured" packages08:52
variantKaso: sudo nvidia-xconfig --twinview08:52
Kasookay, rebooting x08:52
godlygeekjohnficca: I'm out of ideas, i've never seen a problem like that.  sorry.08:52
Enverexjrib, 32bit libs are needed for any apps that are 32bit and would normally need access to the drivers libraries, the dev version is needed for anything to compile against them (i.e. Wine)08:52
johnficcawhat if I reinstall ubuntu-desktop08:53
johnficcagodlygeek: thanks for the help08:53
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jribjohnficca: how comfortable are you messing with files on your system??08:53
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johnficcaI'm ok with it08:54
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johnficcajrib: I'm ok with it08:54
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jribjohnficca: in /root, get rid of most of the config stuff (just rename .foo to .foo.backup), especially .gnome2 and .gconf08:54
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Enverexjrib, I don't want to resort to installing nVidia drivers manually again though, the "support staff" in here had an aneurysm last time I mentioned that I did that yet they provide no alternative :/08:55
CommanderCoolhow can i fully deinstall gaim? after "apt-get remove gaim" it still starts when i start "gaim"08:55
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variantEnverex: "the support staff"? who are they exactly?08:57
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jribEnverex: what was the old name for it?08:57
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nbogdanoffi was able to mount a smbfs without any errors , but when i go to list the files in the directory as root user, i get permission denied.08:57
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Kasovariant, that seems to have fixed it, thank you very much08:58
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johnficcarename all the folders in there?08:58
variantKaso: great, you're welcome08:58
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Chad-Serverwhere's the support channel?08:58
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variantChad-Server: this is it08:58
johnficcajrib: rename all of the folder in there08:58
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jribjohnficca: try just .gnome2 and .gconf08:58
johnficcaok I did it now what08:59
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jribjohnficca: try gksudo gedit again08:59
zancikPeople how can I make a new INTERNET link  schorcut on a desktop08:59
Chad-ServerHaving problems with synaptic, installed and uninstalled a few ftpd apps, now I can't isntall anything, blank console08:59
variantzancik: you mean a link to a webpage?08:59
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jribarif: np, did virtualbox install ok now?08:59
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johnficcajrib: hey I think it works now08:59
johnficcait opened08:59
Enverexjrib, Not sure08:59
zancikvariant yea08:59
CommanderCoolhow can i fully deinstall gaim? after "apt-get remove gaim" it still starts when i start "gaim"09:00
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shampoonatorwaaaah ME WANT TOMCAT09:00
variantzancik: can't remmeber. i'm sure drag and drop come in somwhere09:00
arifjrib: nope09:00
Enverexvariant, Can't remember, he said he was "Senior Systems Support for Colonical" or whatever the companies name is, heh09:00
jribarif: pastebin the errors, i'll be back in a bit09:00
johnficcajrib: is that it ?09:00
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zancikvariant hmm09:01
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arifsorry what was the command09:01
marco__Hi Im using ubuntu server 6.06 because is the LTS version, but i have the clamav virus base outdated. How can i update clamav under 6.06?09:01
arifjrib: sorry but what was the command09:01
variantzancik: right click the desktop and select "new"09:01
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FoggeIs there a hardware wiz online that could try and coach me through getting my wireless network card working again?09:01
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variantmarco__: freshclam09:02
FoggePlease OM09:02
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marco__freshclam say: the database antivirus is outdated09:02
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variantmarco__: use freshclam to update the database. type man freshclam to find out how09:02
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marco__ok i will try. thank you09:03
fryfrogis there an ubuntu php or apache channel?  I'm wondering how the /etc/php5/conf.d and /etc/php5/apache2 setup is supposed to work09:03
bawetic I have a Edubuntu server with thin client running. How is it possible to get gdm on the client in french ? Hanx09:03
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fryfrogit doesn't look like there is anything set to *append* the items from the conf.d dir to the php.ini09:03
johnficcajrib: ubuntu remade .gconf and .gnome2 is that ok09:03
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zancikvariant i dont have schablons09:03
Enverexjrib, Ah, I think they are there actually but they don't have links to just ".so"09:04
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^Paul^Does anyone here know if there are feisty repositorys for beryl-svn as mentioned for edgy in this DIGG thread? http://www.digg.com/linux_unix/This_week_in_Beryl_Wall_plugin09:04
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^Paul^I am trying to use Beryl at the same time I am using Tv-OUT09:04
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^Paul^I have a NVIDIA Geforce Go 7700 512MB screen card09:04
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bawetic I have a Edubuntu server with thin client running. How is it possible to get gdm on the client in french ? Hanx09:05
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baweticsorry, wrong channel09:06
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johnficcajrib: ok now the problem is back09:06
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cryodhello, i ve got a problem when trying to install visual-paradigm09:06
cryodcan anyone help09:07
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bruenigcryod, you have to explain the problem09:07
CommanderCoolhow do i uninstall programms, that i compiled myself?09:07
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cryodsure, i downloaded the no install version09:07
ubuntu-kenyanhow do i set irc in amule ?09:07
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bruenigCommanderCool, track down all the files and delete them or what I generally do is when I compile something I leave the directory intact and then when I want to uninstall it I cd into it and do "sudo make uninstall"09:07
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cryodso i excecute   ./vp_suite, and in my terminal i get this message09:08
bruenigcryod, well if it is the no install version then that seems par for the course09:08
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CommanderCoolbruenig, how do i find those relevant files?09:08
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gilsi have been fighting with my nm-applet to get proper connection with WPA-enterprise at my university. any advice?09:08
cryod./VP_Suite: 147: bin/unpack200: not found09:08
cryodError unpacking jar files. Aborting.09:08
cryodYou might need administrative priviledges for this operation.09:08
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bruenigCommanderCool, the easiest way is probably to get the source, compile it again with the exact same flags and then instead of make install run sudo make uninstall09:09
ztripezhow do i mount a usb-stick on a dapper server?!?09:09
Taladancryod - chances are you need to do sudo ./vp_suite09:09
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CommanderCoolbruenig, thank you, i will try it09:09
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ubuntu-kenyanmy conxn to server resets after 3-4 minutes...09:09
cryodi try that before, and still getting the same message09:09
ubuntu-kenyanconnection reset by peer...09:09
cryodi also downloaded the install version, and i get the same message09:10
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gilsI can get connected to my university wi-fi manually at the command line using wpa_supplicant.conf file.  but i want network manager to do it for me. It tries but keeps timing out. The wpa_supplicant at command line works flawlessly09:12
zancikPeople when I wanna go to terminal i have an error http://img360.imageshack.us/img360/8830/screenshotsk2.png09:13
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m1cehas anyone had trouble with feisty using 100% cpu when connected to wifi or lan?09:13
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bruenigzancik, um, it tells you "sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:14
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zancikbruenig what i need t do09:14
Enverexm1ce, Use "top" to see what's using it09:14
bruenigzancik, that, the thing in quotes09:14
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jmitchjhey guys can someone help me with wireless problems?09:14
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Micro`howcome when i vnc into my ubuntu box it allows me in but i only get a black screen?09:15
zancik<bruenig> im noob i need manual by step )09:15
HeavenquakeI have trouble getting nvidia-glx working properly. In 3D-games, my screen freezes at random intervals. I was told that installing nvidia-glx-legacy instead would rid me of those problems. I am running Edgy Eft a little while longer, by the way.09:15
bruenigzancik, copy and paste that in the terminal, might also want to close synaptic09:15
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Enverexzancik, Do what it tells you to do..09:15
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m1ceenverex, no specific task is using it, but as soon as i plug in the ethernet cable, or connect to a wireless network, the CPU usage goes to 100% and doenst drop09:15
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Enverexm1ce, If it goes up to 100% then top will tell you WHAT is using the 100%09:16
HeavenquakeYet when I install nvidia-glx-legacy, it acts like no drivers are installed. X does not crash or anything like it, though09:16
cryod sudo ./VP_Suite09:16
cryodPreparing JRE ...09:16
cryod./VP_Suite: 147: bin/unpack200: not found09:16
cryodError unpacking jar files. Aborting.09:16
cryodYou might need administrative priviledges for this operation.09:16
Libilais it possible to setup direct 3d rendering with  ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL (rev 27)?09:16
Micro`howcome when i vnc into my ubuntu box it allows me in but i only get a black screen?09:16
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cryodtill get'n this09:16
raf256Debian community is grumpy. Is it also the case for ubuntu?09:16
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bruenigcryod, what is that you are installing09:16
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m1ceit says user avahi is using it.  command is avahi-daemon09:16
ubuntuI want to dual boot a machine that has XP media center and Vista on a single drive, that is currently using Vista's boot loader.  What is the best solution for this environment?09:16
Micro`no the ubuntu community is WAY better in my opinion...09:17
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zaggynlraf256, nah, Ubuntu is more for the people that are really new to linux09:17
EnverexHeavenquake, You need to actually tell X to use the driver, heh09:17
zaggynlBut reading manuals/googling/reading forums does help :P09:17
zancik<bruenig> wat i need to copy09:17
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raf256zaggynl: but is it good also for people taht know linux well09:17
Enverexraf256, The only problem is the Debian community in general, despite being grouchy, are more knowledgable09:17
HeavenquakeEnverex: like how? In xorg.conf the driver is set to "nvidia"09:17
bruenig!ru | zancik09:17
ubotuzancik:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:17
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EnverexHeavenquake, Well... then what's actually not working?09:17
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raf256Enverex: so perhaps we need more ubuntu community09:18
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jamieathomeI want to dual boot a machine that has XP media center and Vista on a single drive, that is currently using Vista's boot loader.  What is the best solution for this environment?09:18
DanaGOdd.. my pcspkr doesn't beep once my audio driver loads.09:18
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zaggynlraf256, depends on what you call good09:18
jmitchjI have a Broadcom 4318, which I was able to get working with the Howto under Dapper, but since upgrading to Feisty, It won't work anymore...Light is on and everything seems ok...but won;t connect...what am I missing?09:18
zancikbruenig>I'm not russian ))))))))009:18
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Enverexraf256, Quantity != Quality09:18
brueniglooks the same09:18
DaveG|Darkazaron HELLO09:18
zaggynlraf256, I like ubuntu for it's ease on installing/using09:18
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:18
DaveG|Darkazaron if you die for real... you die in the what?09:19
HeavenquakeEnverex: right now I am with nvidia-glx which works okay, but freezes my games, so I can't give exact error-output. But for example glxgears complains about "glx missing on display blabla"09:19
DanaGjamieathome: I usually like to makeactive the Vista partition and then install Vista's bootloader to that partition.  I leave the XP partition with the "old" ntldr, and I have Grub forward to either of the two.09:19
Darkazaronthe game09:19
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EnverexHeavenquake, Are you using composite/aiglx/XGL/beryl?09:19
zancikbruenig> Ths!09:19
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bruenig!english | zancik09:19
ubotuzancik: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:19
m1ceenverex, can i kill avahi-daemon safely?09:19
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ubotu#ubuntu-ir baraye Farsi zabanan mibashad ke channele rasmie goroohe Iran-ie ubuntu ast.09:19
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jamieathomeDanaG, what do you mean "makeactive"?  Vista is currently saying, on boot, "Boot old" or "boot vista"...09:19
jpiccoloi have a question is 2.6.17-10-server smp?09:19
HeavenquakeEnverex: I think beryl is installed, but I am not using it.09:20
Libilaare there closed source drivers for the ati rage XL or will I get the best performance out of it with the "ati" driver09:20
Ali_ixjpiccolo: try #ubuntu-server09:20
DaveG|Darkazaron do you think richard is doing this stupidly?09:20
EnverexHeavenquake, Pastebin "glxinfo"09:20
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DanaGYou'd mark the Vista partition as the boot partition, then use the Vista DVD to install the bootloader to that partition.  Then you'd do the same with the XP partition and CD, respectively.09:20
Micro`howcome when i vnc into my ubuntu box it allows me in but i only get a black screen?09:21
jamieathomeDanaG, so the Vista boot loader can forward to a different partition, and will support our Ubuntu installation by default?09:21
DanaGNo, I make Grub forward to NTLDR or BCD (Vista).09:21
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jamieathomeDanaG, so what if we only have the one drive, currently using BCD?09:22
jmitchjis there another channel to get help for wireless type questions?09:22
dxdemetrioucan I use nfs with nautilus like ssh and smb?09:22
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DanaGHmm, you can probably apply the principles of "load grub through ntldr" to the Vista bootloader.09:22
HeavenquakeEnverex: http://pastebin.ca/47589209:22
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HeavenquakeEnverex: but as I said, right now I am running a working, but unstable, nvidia-glx normal thing09:23
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DanaGOr if not, you can put NTLDR on either of the two partitions.09:23
void^dxdemetriou: no, (or not easily at least)09:23
james296I need help with correcting a error that occurs after makin the mistake of installing the cluster manager09:23
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DanaGIt does get confusing sometimes.  I like to let each OS take care of itself.09:23
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Qaldunehi there09:24
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Qaldunehow can i change what modules are loaded at startup?09:24
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james296now all I get is this...09:24
jamieathomeAlright, DanaG - thanks for your help.  I'm good with booting XP and Ubuntu, I'm just a bit afraid of the Vista stuff. :X09:24
james296E: clvm: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 109:24
Qalduneis there any configuration file or something like that?09:24
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bruenigjames296, sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/clvm && sudo apt-get remove clvm09:24
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dxdemetriouvoid^, before I used smb as other user, now I am using the nfs to keep permissions. I thought about nfs to share only the directories I want and not the whole file system09:25
jhaigTrying to view a video from a web site I get "RTSP streams cannot be played yet."  Is there a way to get this working?09:25
james296wow, bruenig THANK YOU!09:25
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bruenigpretty sure mplayer can handle RTSP09:25
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bruenigjames296, stupid packager using the automatic prerm script debhelper thing09:26
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jhaigbruenig: It appears to be a Totem error.09:26
grim_im looking for some help09:26
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james296dont know what that means lol09:26
james296but ok09:26
bruenigjhaig, sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla && sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer09:26
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HeavenquakeEnverex: Personally I don't understand any of the output. Is it usable to you?09:27
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jhaigbruenig: That will not remove totem, just the mozilla plugin, right?09:27
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EnverexHeavenquake, What's why I asked for it...09:27
bruenigjames296, basically they have these "helper" scripts to allow people to package debs that go in the repos. But the helper scripts (I've noticed especially for daemons like clvm) are often times very flawed09:27
iEatBabiesis there a command to list what users are in a specified group?09:27
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bruenigjhaig, correct09:27
jhaigbruenig: Thanks.09:27
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HeavenquakeEnverex: didn't you recieve the link? http://pastebin.ca/47589209:28
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EnverexHeavenquake, That basically says everything is working fine...09:28
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bruenigiEatBabies, conceivably grep groupname /etc/group09:28
james296oh and btw, is it possible to open the New Item app window in FRONT of the gnome menu editor instead of behind?09:28
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funkjawhen I play DVDs the color is all messed up. I have these weird green bars at the top in any program I play it in (vlc, mplayer, etc). It works fine in Windows so it doesn't seem to be the hardware. Any suggestions?09:28
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iEatBabiesthanks bruenig09:29
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james296cuz it ALWAYS opens behind it for some odd reason09:29
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HeavenquakeEnverex: Hmm okay. But everything also do work fine with the normal nvidia-glx driver, which I run right now. Apart from the freezes when running 3D-games09:29
a5benwillisCan anyone help me with an ubuntu gdm login loop?????09:29
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EnverexHeavenquake, Sounds like it may be an AGP/SideBand/FastWrites issue09:29
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james296anyone get that?09:30
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HeavenquakeEnverex: which means in human?09:30
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:30
void^dxdemetriou: if your setup is more or less static you can just mount those nfs shares in fstab (possibly with option bg to take network issues into account), but it's just not very good for "adhoc" access, i.e. you always need root or an fstab entry to access nfs shares09:30
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HeavenquakeEnverex: I mean, what is AGP/SideBand/FastWrites ?09:31
EnverexHeavenquake, Something wrong with your hardware09:31
james296Id really appreciate a solution to that problem...09:31
HeavenquakeEnverex: Oh, I see.09:31
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peggeris anyone running selinux on ubuntu yet?09:31
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linux_user400354can anyone suggest another distro to try other than ubuntu?09:31
BlackRagehiya ppl09:32
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StoneNotelinux_user400354, kubuntu09:32
iEatBabiesbruenig: what kind of syntax could i use to only list the the usernames after the 3rd09:32
jhaigbruenig: Well, now it doesn't come up with an error, but it doesn't play.  It loads, and then says 'stopped'.09:32
Heavenquakelinux_user400354:  LFS09:32
Samuli^linux_user400354, mepis? tee-hee.09:32
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USMarinelinux_user400354 kubuntu ftw09:32
linux_user400354Heavenquake: do you know how to apply patches in LFS?09:32
iEatBabieserr...didnt mean to hit enter there...09:32
slitzcan somone help me with CEDEGA? i'm getting this error when installing a game..... http://content1-foto.inbox.lv/albums34751348/slitz/07-05-2007-2/Screenshot.png09:32
dxdemetriouvoid^, maybe I'll forget the nfs for now and I'll remain with ssh to share between my pcs and smb for windows like. Just I wonder if is there any way to allow/deny users with ssh, or to give access on specific directories09:32
BlackRagei'm having sum terrible hastles trying to get my server up and running!09:33
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Heavenquakelinux_user400354:  not anything that looks like it09:33
BlackRageand gnome isn't working!09:33
james296guess no one has a solution then...09:33
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Gekko-StateI just installed ubuntu on my laptop09:33
Heavenquakeslitz: #cedega09:33
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Gekko-StateMy wireless is unbelivably slow, no more the 8MB/s and thats at its best09:34
bruenigiEatBabies, awk -F : '/groupname/ {print $4}' /etc/group09:34
Gekko-StateAny ideas what could be causing it anyone?09:34
BlackRageGekko: i have ubuntu on my lappy but it has a working GUI and the server version dosen't09:34
Gekko-StateOh im using the desktop release09:34
iEatBabiesthanks bruenig...awesome help!09:35
BlackRagethat's what i got on the lappy09:35
Gekko-StateGnome GUI09:35
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fdrhello! Is there a document explaining how to have soundjuicer extract in MP3 ? thanks!09:35
BlackRageI thought the server version would have a GUI with it09:35
Gekko-StateThe wireless card is the crappy intel one that ships with the system09:35
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balorGekko-State: Intel wireless cards are rather good09:35
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Gekko-StateTell that to my internet connection tat the moment.09:36
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BlackRageit sounds like ur ver of ubuntu hasn't got the right configuration for ur wireless card09:36
void^dxdemetriou: well, ssh uses regular user accounts, so you can use ownership and permissions to control access.09:36
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Gekko-StateThough to be completely honest im what many people would call a noob09:37
BlackRageGekko: I assume u've checked ur isp's up-time09:37
Gekko-StateSo if you could point me in the right direction on where to get some updated packages id be much obliged09:37
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Gekko-StateIll go with no for 300 on this one Blackrage09:38
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BlackRagei'm a noob 2, but it sounds lik u just nee to tweek ur version of ubuntu09:38
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T0uCHis ti normal that i got ubuntu kernel 6.20 written instead of 7.04 when i reboot ?09:39
Gekko-StateIll do a google search and see If I can find anything09:39
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ndeeanyone can recommend a bittorrent client?09:39
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Gekko-StateI tried azeureus on the desktop09:40
ndeewasn't it a resource hog?09:40
zaggynlndee, ktorrent/azureus/deluge/wine+utorrent09:40
Gekko-StateIt what I used back in the days before I saw the light (Windows days) and it worked pretty well for me then09:40
TariusXazureus is a resource hug, but nice on windows09:40
dxdemetriouvoid^, I don't feel safe to have either my home directory, this is why when I used smb before the ssh I gave access only to other user I made for only this purpose, that can have access only to home folder. Anyway, thanks for help :)09:40
ndeektorrent seems kinda unstable, so does deluge09:40
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zaggynlndee, try utorrent and use it with wine09:40
ndeektorrent bursts to 15kb/s and then just stalls09:40
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ubuntu-geI need contact for official Mirrors09:41
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ubuntu-geto whom I can talk to09:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:41
zaggynlpretty sad I have to point you to win32 binaries, but there aren't that much good bitorrent apps for linux :(09:41
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linux_user400354ndee: have you forwarded the ports that your torrent clients use?09:42
BlackRagecan ne1 help me with my ubuntu server?09:42
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linux_user400354BlackRage: sure09:42
rdehello. i have a quick question. can any of you give me a keystroke combination to minimize all open windows?09:42
chemist109ndee: I've been using ktorrent successfully.09:42
ndeelinux_user400354, yep.09:42
linux_user400354rde:  control +d09:42
kane77I was playing xmoto, but it froze so I had to kill it (from tty1) and now my mouse froze... can I reset just the mouse?09:42
linux_user400354rde: sorry, its control shift d09:42
BlackRagei'm a noob, i'm lost and it isn't giving me any hints as to where to start!09:42
chemist109ctrl alt d09:43
linux_user400354oops i meant alt not shift09:43
a5benwillishow can I clean up some disk space on Ubuntu. I have 0% free on my '/' partition. Ive moved some things to another partition but its stll at 0???? HELP?09:43
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linux_user400354a5benwillis: sudo apt-get clean09:43
Qaldunemove more files09:43
a5benwilliscant log in09:43
ubuntu-gewho can help with the official mirrors issue?09:43
rdethanks everyone. ctrl-alt-d does the trick.09:43
ubuntu-geanybody from Ubuntu team?09:43
a5benwillisQaldune: shouldnt something show up?09:44
a5benwillisapt-get clean didnt help either09:44
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linux_user400354ndee: have you upgraded your ktorrent? i heard of some bugs with it recently. try a different version.09:44
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a5benwillislinux_user400354: didnt help. thanks for trying though09:44
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linux_user400354a5benwillis: how are you checking the free space?09:45
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BlackRageany body with server skillz?09:45
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linux_user400354BlackRage: what are you trying to do?09:45
Sjimmiei fot foo skillz :D09:46
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linux_user400354ive got skillz09:46
ndeethanks for the help09:46
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Gekko-State1 P1ty teh f00 :P09:46
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raf256!grab linux_user40035409:47
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raf256you do need a grabbot09:47
Noonanhey, i just installed ubuntu, and now i setup my wireless network. but i dont have all the packages in synaptic. like gnome-compiz-manager, and other things. is there a way to update the repos?09:47
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raf256Noonan: you have to pay 150 usd to ubuntu owners09:47
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raf256(or sudo apt-get update in console, whatever)09:48
capiirahmm is security.ubuntu.com off?09:48
a5benwillislinux_user400354: Get my reply?09:48
lazinenable universe and multiverse09:48
jribarif: still around?09:48
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brueniguniverse and multiverse are enabled by default in feisty09:48
arifjrib: yep09:48
nobuddyI can't see my buddies in the buddy list. Any idea what the problem is? the buddies _are_ listed in ~/.gaim/blist.xml09:48
lazinoh :P damn09:48
linux_user400354a5benwillis: no, i didnt. have you identified with your password?09:48
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bruenigI don't understand why they weren't before09:48
raf256Noonan: or lunch syntaptics and update, and/or add more repos as lazin wrote, or add more repos to /etc/apt/source.list directy09:48
a5benwillislinux_user400354: /dev/sda1             9.2G  8.8G     0 100% /09:48
a5benwillisvarrun                505M   80K  505M   1% /var/run09:48
a5benwillisvarlock               505M     0  505M   0% /var/lock09:48
a5benwillisprocbususb             10M  268K  9.8M   3% /proc/bus/usb09:48
a5benwillisudev                   10M  268K  9.8M   3% /dev09:48
a5benwillisdevshm                505M     0  505M   0% /dev/shm09:48
a5benwillis/dev/sda3             373G  8.9G  364G   3% /store/mythtv09:48
jribjohnficca: hmm does it go away again if you delete those files again?09:49
mwe!paste | a5benwillis09:49
ubotua5benwillis: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:49
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linux_user400354a5benwillis: i dont see anything that is 100% full there09:49
linux_user400354not even close to it09:49
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a5benwillisfirst line09:49
raf256is ubuntu suitable ony for noobs, or can it be as mature / serious / stable / etc as debian stable?09:49
jribarif: sudo dpkg -i full_name_of_your.deb09:49
a5benwillisFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on09:50
a5benwillis/dev/sda1             9.2G  8.8G     0 100% /09:50
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a5benwillissry mwe09:50
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BlackRagehelp b4 i get banned 4 spamming!09:50
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raf256BlackRage: oh noez09:50
Qaldunecan anybody suggest me a good link on ubuntu's boot process speeding up?09:50
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compilerwriter!attitude | Blackrage09:50
ubotuBlackrage: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:50
linux_user400354how can it be 10% full if only 8.8 gb of 9.2 gb is in use?09:51
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linux_user400354100% i mean09:51
Sjimmiebecause of the journal09:51
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raf256linux_user400354: some is used for inodes and internal things perhaps?09:51
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compilerwriterI have gotten my sound out of sorts someone tell me how to fix it please.09:51
Sjimmiethats 5% if I'm right09:51
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arifjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19679/09:51
Sjimmieso BlackRage just cleanup09:51
Ramses__IIhello folks. sb got running typo3 4.1.1 with feisty WITH correct installed imagemagic/graphicsmagick?09:51
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BlackRageI'm sry 2 keep asking but I'm stuk!!09:52
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SjimmieBlackRage: just clean ur disk!09:52
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BlackRagemy disk inst dirty?!09:53
CheshireVikingany suggestions on what would cause a wireless mouse to work for so long (maybe a couple of hours) and then just freeze?09:53
jribarif: you need to do   cd ~/Desktop   first09:53
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BlackRagewireless mouse batteries?09:53
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EnverexThis channel really needs paste/spam protection... damn09:53
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BlackRageauto-sensor missing mouse?09:54
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arifjrib: just got a blue screen in the terminal09:54
CheshireVikingBlackRage, no, batteries are fine, tried different ones, mouse works fine in windows - just a problem in ubuntu at the minute09:54
arifjrib: its the config for virtualbox09:54
BlackRageWhat do u mean by "clean my disk?"09:55
jribarif: read it and press enter if you agree :)09:55
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BlackRagefair enuf, chk ur config09:56
arifjrib: i agree lol but enter does not work09:56
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kingcobracan somebody tell me why should you install from repositories instead of debian package09:56
jribarif: press tab to get to enter09:56
arifjrib: ok lol one min i think i got it09:56
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tondar is there a way to manage torrent start and stop download time?09:56
WhamazoomWill EASYUBUNTU work on Xubuntu?09:56
tondarlike start at 3:00 AM and end at 7:00aM09:56
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BlackRage(its a shame that i have an idea what i want 2 do but have no idea how 2 do it on ubuntu!)09:56
tondarany mouse and keyboard recorder app? GUI <<09:56
void^BlackRage: you should just ask a question09:57
edistardoes anyone have a good howto for setting up ldap clients?09:57
edistarin feisty09:57
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BlackRageok, i've installed ubuntu server 7.04 left with a prompt, how do i check my LAMP install has worked?09:58
arifjrib: all i can say is that you are a legend thank you so much09:58
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computermcwhat is the command for purging a package in ubuntu server?09:58
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arifjrib: how long have you been using ubuntu09:58
crdlbcomputermc: sudo apt-get --purge remove package09:59
arifjrib: linux*09:59
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jribarif: almost 2 years (for both) but we should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic09:59
Slaskohi does anyone know how to see what version that is installed? 6.10 or 7.04?09:59
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computermccrdlb: thanks, I was putting the purge after remove09:59
jrib!version > Slasko (see the private message from ubotu)09:59
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NickGarveySlasko: lsb_release09:59
tidrionhow can I update from dapper to feisty?10:00
crdlbcomputermc: I don't think it matters10:00
arifjrib: ok10:00
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BlackRagevoid^: ok, i've installed ubuntu server 7.04 left with a prompt, how do i check my LAMP install has worked?10:01
edistartidrion: don't try that.. you will probably destroy your system10:01
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Slaskook thanks :)10:01
tidrionedistar: ?10:01
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edistartidrion:I tried that 3 times... and it never worked10:01
digitsis there a way to find out my current refresh rate?10:01
edistaralways broke my system10:01
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gumjohello, Im trying to run XP in Vmware10:01
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edistartidrion: 3 different pcs10:01
tidrionedistar: to upgrade?10:01
Enverextidrion, You go from Dapper to Edgy then to Feisty10:01
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tidrionEnverex: k10:02
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linux_user400354digits: xrandr and also the monitor buttons. look for fv and it will have a number in Hz10:02
tidrionEnverex: how to I go from dapper to edgy?10:02
edistartidrion: good luck10:02
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:02
a5benwillisHow can I clear the trash from the command line?10:02
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mannyman i have no sound at all on my laptop thanks to fiesty fawn10:02
digitslinux_user400354: thanks :) (my monitor buttons doesn't show that)10:02
OHloFor some reason I can cd /ect/apt :/10:02
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linux_user400354a5benwillis: rm -riv ~/.Trash/*10:02
linux_user400354OHlo: it's cd /etc/apt10:03
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linux_user400354not ect10:03
crocdis anybody here using fluxbox as a desktop manager10:03
linux_user400354i used it in damn small linux10:03
zaggynlcrocd, I use it on my laptop10:03
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void^BlackRage: well, the entire point of the edition is that it doesn't install a gui. 'ps aux | grep apache' will show you if apache is running. i guess the first step would be to configure it.10:03
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tidrionthanks guys10:03
OHlolinux_user400354, I do that every freaking time XD  Thanks.10:03
SlimeyPeteI used to use fluxbox10:03
crocdzaggynl: are you experiencing any lockups on it?10:03
tidrionbig difference from dapper to feisty?10:03
kaiechidoes any1 know why my mic just stopped working for recording sound?10:03
zaggynlcrocd, actually no, but I run it on Debian :] 10:04
kingcobracan somebody tell me why should you install from repositories instead of debian package10:04
tondarwhat is the best torrent client out there?10:04
zaggynlkingcobra, 'right' versions10:04
LinuxHelpHi, when I type glxinfo, X crashes. Here's my Xorg.0.log http://rafb.net/p/knh7ki41.html and here is my xorg.conf http://rafb.net/p/PmTmEb92.html10:04
zaggynltondar, utorrent10:04
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tiagoboldtkingcobra, optimized packages for ubuntu10:04
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crocdfor some reason I am getting lockups where the apps that are open run fine but the menu stops responding.10:04
tondarzaggynl: for feisty?10:04
kingcobrazaggynl, what do you mean10:04
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zaggynlkingcobra, I tried messing with different versions, really broke stuff10:05
kingcobratiagoboldt, how would they be optimized10:05
zaggynlbetter stick to default repo's10:05
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crocdSlimeyPete: What do you use at the mo?10:05
zaggynltondar, It's not linux native, you will have to use wine10:05
BlackRagethere's my question and it seems that either no-one knows or no one wants to help or no-one's thought of an answer, or i'm lagging behind the chats or ...10:05
zaggynltondar, as far as I know, no linux bittorrent client does the same as utorrent10:05
Enverextondar, Try "Deluge"10:05
tondarzaggynl: want a linux native10:05
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zaggynltondar, feature/performance wise10:05
biouserMy Toshiba Satelite (p4 -premobile era) hangs all the time with the latest kernel (after upgrade to feisty repos) anyone got any suggestions?10:05
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zaggynleither they are bloated, unstable or lack features10:05
linux_user400354tondar: ktorrent is10:05
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tondarEnverex: hmm10:06
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Lightenixhi, can anyone tell me why i cant ping router on the other computer, while i can on this one???   this happens if computer is online and idle for some time and it wasnt doing that before!10:06
tiagoboldtkingcobra, compiled in an Ubuntu environment, with the default ubuntu lib versions10:06
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biouserubotu, what do you know about Toshiba laptops and Feisty?10:06
linux_user400354tondar: but if you want utorrent in linux, you can use wine or cedega. yes, even cedega runs utorrent great though it was made for games.10:06
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Lightenixohh pinging google works from both at the same moment10:06
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zaggynlbiouser, ubotu is a bot10:06
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tondarlinux_user400354: cool10:07
jmitchjhas anyone had a chance to look at my paste and are able to identify anything there that would indicate why I can't connect over my wireless?10:07
biouserzaggynl, I know, I was just wondering what it might say10:07
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zaggynllinux_user400354, wine runs utorrent fine, no reason to pay for cedega10:07
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zaggynlah k10:07
linux_user400354zaggynl: unless you already have it for games10:07
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linux_user400354zaggynl: or got it from a torrent10:07
zaggynlWintendo XP for games :] 10:07
biouserMy Toshiba Satelite (p4 -premobile era) hangs all the time with the latest kernel (after upgrade to feisty repos) anyone got any suggestions?10:07
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linux_user400354my friend didn't pay >_< and he uses it to run utorrent10:08
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FurryNemesisbiouser, it's not a satellite 5200, is it?10:08
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BlackRageso i've got the wrong ver of ubuntu 2 start with10:09
BlackRagewould i be better off trying to reconfigure my ubuntu to use a gui or should i use something with a gui already init?10:09
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joselji have a problem with a kio_file error message everytime i use a kde app in ubuntu feisty, why?10:10
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joseljany idea how can i solve this problem? i can't use amarok very well10:10
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bullejoselj: and the error message says what ?10:11
linux_user400354joselj: search your exact error on ubuntuforums.org and google.com10:11
insom^what chat client would you guys suggest?10:11
kingcobratiagoboldt, not all apps in the repos would use ubuntu libs would they10:11
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n2diyAnybody have any luck installing on a Dell Latitude LS? I have a chance to grab one for $150.10:11
zootminsom^: For what?10:11
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insom^general use10:11
tondarliked deluge and ktorrent for their GUI face10:11
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samu2I've just compiled a kernel and then ran make modules_install, which seemed to work fine. And then I ran make install which seems to say that everything is fine but at least menu.lst hasn't changed at all.10:12
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Linkmasta23i use chatzilla extension under firefox ;)10:12
nn-mainSomeone here must know where to go or who to talk to to serup a freenode bounce point server10:12
samu2Any Ideas why?10:12
joseljsomething like can't unmount cd/dvd when i extract a cd/dvd when an kde app is running10:12
zootminsom^:  I use XChat-GNOME and it seems pretty good to me?10:12
tondaris there something like bitcomet which also shows you the comments??10:12
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kingcobrazaggynl, there are many apps that are not in the repos that wont break things tho arent there10:12
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LibilaI forget what do I need to 'make menuconfig' to work? I get this output when I try to run it: http://rafb.net/p/CTYxVR94.html10:13
insom^zootm: that's what I'm currently using I suppose it'll do10:13
tondaris there a GUI for mouse&keyboard record and replay?10:13
=== sampbar [n=sampbar@cpc3-oxfd4-0-0-cust495.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
joseljfollowed by the kio_file error message both messages has an kde ui and various kio_file proccesses are still running even if i quit all the dke apps10:13
zaggynlkingcobra, true true10:13
kingcobratondar, bitcomet is crap10:13
kingcobratondar, use utorrent in windoze10:13
kaiechithe middle mouse button click/scroll of my USB mouse is not working, any ideas?10:14
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ffmHi, whenever I change the /etc/motd, when I restart, it changes back to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19682/ .10:14
tondarkingcobra: why is bitcomet crap?10:14
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zaggynlIt used to cheat IIRC10:14
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kingcobrazaggynl, i think i would like the latest version of rare apps than whatever ancient version they have in the repos10:14
joseljare this kio_file problems a bug in feisty for all the kde apps?10:15
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kingcobrazaggynl, would you agree or advise10:15
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tondarcould I use ktorrent in gnome?10:15
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Enverextondar, yes, I recommend Deluge though10:15
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kingcobratondar, it doesnt even adhere to bittorrent specifications and protocol10:15
tondarkingcobra: oh ok10:15
Noonani installed ubuntu and now i have no video drivers afaik.. when i go to "System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager" it shows 'Atheros HAL" and its enabled. i dont know if thats what it should be.. its an integrated video accelerator on an intel board.. and my monitors resolution is 1680x1050, but i cant select that res in the resolution dialogue.. but "1680x1050" is in the xorg.conf file.. any suggestions??10:15
=== bulle likes ktorrent
kingcobratondar, it is inefficient10:16
tondarkingcobra: will shift10:16
=== hellbounded [n=hellboun@pool-71-175-161-89.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hellboundedgot another problem....can anyone help?10:16
kingcobratondar, utorrent works much better10:16
tondarEnverex: Deluge not in the repos? (fesity)10:16
dyrnetondar: deluge has advantage of not having to load lot of other libs. azureus you need java ktorrent kde libs10:16
hellboundedwhat is my ubuntu login10:16
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hellboundedand what is my ubuntu password?10:16
Enverextondar, Google it and its on the forum10:16
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mazza558hey, when I try and install "nvidia-glx-new" (using "nvidia-glx before), it breaks my Xserver and tells me it's an "API mismatch"10:16
FurryNemesisNoonan, what vid card have you?10:16
Enverexhellbounded, Erm, it's whatever you set it to, lol10:16
tondarEnverex: k10:16
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zootminsom^: What problems are you actually having with XChat? is there anything you wish it did that it didn't?10:17
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hellboundedcrap.....I just did it and I don't remember the username10:17
CheshireVikingNoonan, I think the Atheros HAL restricted driver is to do with wireless networking10:17
CrashedHey, what's Ubuntu good for?10:17
zaggynlkingcobra, the repo's do get kinda old though10:17
compilerwriterI have an audiocd that I am not sure is mounted how do I check?10:17
RockClimberI've just switched from Fedora and RedHat to ubuntu10:17
Nveninghi, what packaged do i need to extract RAR files??10:17
hellboundedbut when I type the password, nothing comes up on the line10:17
RockClimbergood job10:17
=== dellolinux1 [n=mau@host55-22-dynamic.4-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
sanityxeww dsl sucks10:17
void^mazza558: did you try unloading the nvidia module or rebooting?10:17
hellboundedis that supposed to happen?10:17
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RockClimberanyone know of a linux DVD recovery ap?10:17
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Crashed<Crashed> Hey, what's Ubuntu good for?10:17
kingcobrazaggynl, they can get old alright i think10:18
compilerwriterhellbounded is it not passwd instead of password10:18
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kingcobratiagoboldt, not all apps in the repos would use ubuntu libs would they10:18
mazza558void^, i just did "apt-get install..." which removed the old driver. I then restered X.10:18
insom^zootm well I can't seem to get xchat to wash my dishes properly10:18
hellboundedone second let me check compiler10:18
=== amoore [n=amoore@204-218.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
hellboundedI just tried to boot ubuntu after I installed10:18
jhattuHey there. Could someone give me a hint on the saving windows size of OOo? Why does it always open so tiny?10:18
void^mazza558: that means the kernel module for the other driver was still loaded, therefore api mismatch.10:18
agentnewb03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01). iwconfig keeps reporting back ESSID:"g" even though that is wrong.10:18
hellboundedso its going through a normal boot10:19
NoonanFurryNemesis, IntelExtreme graphics accelerator 2 i think..10:19
insom^zootm:  it never rinses all the way, leaving spots10:19
=== OuZo [n=dimitri@dsl-243-77-110.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
mazza558void^, should I restart after installing the new driver then?10:19
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jmitchjCould someone check this paste and see if it indicates any reason my wireless will not work under Feisty which did work in Dapper before upgrade...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19676/?10:19
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void^mazza558: yes, or unload the nvidia module when X isn't running10:19
zootminsom^: This is unfortunate, I think you need the kitchen-sink module to fix that, but it's not in the normal repositories due to licencing issues10:19
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mazza558void^: thanks10:19
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hellboundedcompiler: it says password I know the password but I forget what my username is I know the lines of what it was10:19
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TariusXI am going to install linux on an old laptop (1997-2000 sort of power) and would like to use Ubuntu, can ubuntu hand PCMCIA linksys and netgear wired and wireless networking cards?10:20
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agentnewbis there like an international agreement on which direction equals on for wireless (ahh they want me to say switch so they can blow me off saying its not a laptop)10:20
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bh_upgraded from edgy -> feisty. Having a problem with a delay when logging in (gnome). Everything starts,exept from the apps in the notification. Perhaps related to network manager. Anybody knows what is causing this?10:20
=== warius is now known as wareeus
dyrnehellbounded: hit esc during boot. then hit e to edit your ubuntu selection then add init=/bin/sh to the kernel line. hit enter then b to boot at # prompt type mount -o remount,rw /   then type ls /home and passwd whateverusername or..use recovery mode  of course if you know pass you dont have to reset it10:20
=== QMario [n=QMario@cpe-24-27-103-14.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
sgtmattbakerWhat would be a secure way i.e. encrypted to have a remote desktop setup for administering my server10:20
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StoneNoteNoonan, I read over the weekend about someone with a similar monitor resolution who was surprised to discover his lcd worked properly when connected through the vga cable but didn't work well when connected by the dvi cable.  perhaps you can see if you have the same issue.10:20
hellboundedalright, I think my username is hellbound10:20
agentnewbsgtmattbaker: use ssh and if you want a gui use vnc over ssh tunnel10:21
sgtmattbakerWhat would be a secure way i.e. encrypted to have a remote desktop setup for administering my server.. vnc tunneled through a ssh connection?*10:21
=== tripl_ [n=ssantarr@c-67-167-89-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hellboundedI typed that in exactly then my password. and its saying invalid username10:21
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nominwhat can I use to have a joystick emulate the mouse and keyboard?10:21
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CrashedGood app10:21
wareeusI have a noob question, I want beryl-manager to run at startup (ubuntu7.04), what do I have to do?10:21
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SlimeyPetesgtmattbaker: either that, or x-forwarding over ssh10:21
nominCrashed: I'll try it.10:21
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup10:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joy2key - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
zaggynlyay, guessed right10:21
NoonanStoneNote, its not a videocard, its an integrated video controller, only VGA is available10:21
=== ACC [n=cegla@esd189.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
dyrnesgtmattbaker: freenx might be easier if you can just apt-get it. you can use the nomachine client in windows10:21
hellboundeddyrne can you help me?10:22
agentnewb!beryl | wareus10:22
ubotuwareus: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:22
jhattuSomeone here to give help on OOo? My saving window size is frustrating small...10:22
StoneNoteNoonan, oh well10:22
sgtmattbakerI am planning on setting up an ftp server and possibly renting space so I need inimal holes.  I am using proftpd and gproftpd to setup ftp accounts and I will tell proftpd to enable NAT routing.  I have Linux on both these boxes10:22
=== derspankster [n=Spanky@cpe-76-181-4-2.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dyrnehellbounded: id boot into recovery mode and ls /home10:22
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nominCrashed: will I need to install it from source?  it's not in synaptic.10:23
CrashedDon't know.10:23
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hellboundedwhat do I need to do that dyrne?10:23
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hellboundedhow do I do that actually10:23
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insom^xchat is module based?10:23
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NoonanStoneNote, any ideas?10:23
vlnewbiehi all, feisty desktop machine with via chipset, E6300 CPU, ACPI turned on in Bios, Nvidia driver, desktop can suspend but cannot hibernate, when it comes back all I get is some siren sound and blank screen with _ cursor. I cannot even Alt-F1 to terminal (i.e. locked machine). Any pointers?10:24
agentnewbinsom^: doesn't everything have plugins?10:24
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sgtmattbakerSlimeyPete: so the verdict?10:24
nominCrashed: I use qjoypad on mandriva and it works pretty well.  It's not in the ubuntu repos though.  I've been having a hard time finding a program that does this.10:24
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insom^agentnewb: my wife doesn't have plugins10:25
agentnewbnomin: compile qjoypad by source or look for a .deb package on some other repository10:25
biouserFurryNemesis, its something close to a 520010:25
insom^otherwise I'd install a muting module10:25
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agentnewbinsom^: oh? no tampons or such?10:26
biouserMy Toshiba Satelite (p4 -premobile era) hangs all the time with the latest kernel (after upgrade to feisty repos) anyone got any suggestions?10:26
nioshow do i update my gcc ?10:26
insom^agentnewb: ugh10:26
newlinhi, everybody10:26
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biousernios, what version do you have?10:26
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openforlifejoin #reactos10:26
biousernios, what repos are you using?10:26
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sqweezHi :)10:27
nominagentnewb: I don't usually compile from source.  I've found a .deb for it but it's too old.  It has an old dependency.  It would be much simpler if one of the ubuntu developers packaged qjoypad for the recent version of ubuntu.10:27
deadeyes:s could it be that torrentflux is broken?10:27
sqweezneed some help isntalling v4l10:27
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deadeyesinstall stops at database installation10:27
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sqweezwhen i try to "make" I've the error :10:27
newlinwhat's v4l?10:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about request - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:27
sqweezmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-server/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.10:27
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alex____does anyone know how i can convert avi to mp4 at the terminal?10:28
sqweeznewlin : v4l = Video 4 Linux10:28
Samuli^sqweez, have you installed build-essential?10:28
biousernios, 4.1.2 is the most up-to-date stable methinks10:28
insom^I do believe the most useful aspect of linux is wobbling windows10:28
newlinok thanks10:28
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kaiechimy mic only works when i start up ubuntu and works in skype, but stops working when i open anything else10:28
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sqweezSamuli^ : no I don't know what it is..10:28
kaiechiand i have to reboot to get it working again10:28
newlini'm new user of linux10:28
biousernios, what version do you need and are you willing to go unstable/testing?10:28
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jmitchjCould someone check this paste and see if it indicates any reason my wireless will not work under Feisty which did work in Dapper before upgrade...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19676/?10:28
newlinand my English is poor10:29
TUis there anyway to get a list of the last X packages installed?10:29
newlini tray to learn10:29
bruenig!english | newlin10:29
ubotunewlin: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:29
Samuli^sqweez, it's a metapackage that installs usually needed packages for build.10:29
biouserubotu, you are super cool for a robot10:29
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sqweezok, i try :)10:29
ber1i know this is an obscure difficult-to-pinpoint problem, but my computer is running like crap. all i have open is rhythmbox and gaim and system monitor, yet my computer lags doing almost everything. i don't get it. system monitor has gaim and gnome-system-monitor at the top with about 5 - 7 %, and about 15 mb each... there doesn't seem to be any reason why its so slow, but it is. any suggestions? (i have 512 mb or ram. it should be able to h10:29
ashlonwhats the command to install flash?10:29
bruenig!thanks | biouser10:29
ubotubiouser: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:29
bruenigashlon, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:30
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ashlonbruenig, thnks10:30
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niosi trying to install rtorrent and it got failure when i do ./configure10:30
nioschecking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables10:30
alex____does anyone know how i can convert avi to mp4?10:30
biouserashlon, you may have to add the universe repos.. am I right bruenig?10:30
mjrnios, sudo apt-get install build-essential10:30
mjrnios, however why install rtorrent from sources?10:31
bh_alex____: check out ffmpeg10:31
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mjrnios, it's readily available prepackaged in the universe repo10:31
bruenigbiouser, it is enabled by default in feisty, but any version earlier that is true10:31
vlnewbieAnybody with clues on hibernating? Any gotchas on 7.04?10:31
openforlifealex: have you tried VLC? it can encode movies and sound..10:31
biousernios, I don't think that is b/c you need a more up-to-date version of gcc... you probably need the -dev10:31
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ashlonbiouser, it didin't give me an error so it installed without the repository10:31
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ashlonbiouser, whats the command for the java plugin?10:31
biouserashlon, bruenig, right on10:31
niosahok thx10:31
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jmitchja yes or no answer would be fine ...10:32
sgtmattbakerso to do a secure vnc connection all I have to do is install ssh, vncviewer and vncserver on both boxes and then do ssh ------ some vnc command?10:32
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cressyashlon, go to java.sun.com10:32
adam0509you know http://www.getdeb.net/ ? Well, comm idle to #getdeb channel !10:32
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ashloncressy, theres not a command to install java?  i have to goto the site?10:32
biouserashlon, go to ubuntuguide.org.... do a control-f and search the page for java and you will go right to it10:32
ashlonbiouser, thanks10:32
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cressyashlon, you can add java, but you need to configure firefox manual10:33
biouserashlon, it is like three packages but I never bother to remember b/c it is right there in ubuntuguide10:33
cjsoftuk_I'm trying to use mkinitramfs to build an initramfs image, but I specifically need a file included in addition to the normal ones.  Is there any way of doing this, sort of an initramfs file list?10:33
bruenigashlon, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin10:33
chamunksIm attempting to use google apps along side my Ulamp server 6.06 LTS mail.domain.com is my mail service page im trying to configure PHPBB on the lamp server but it needs an SMTP service for the mail out of account confirmation emails Does anyone know if i can use these settings from this lifehacker article in the phpbb system??  http://preview.tinyurl.com/386no810:33
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kekkohow do i get gnome to stop starting automatically at startup?10:33
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Noonani installed ubuntu and now i have no video drivers afaik.. when i go to "System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager" it shows 'Atheros HAL" and its enabled. i dont know if thats what it should be.. its an integrated video accelerator on an intel board.. and my monitors resolution is 1680x1050, but i cant select that res in the resolution dialogue.. but "1680x1050" is in the xorg.conf file.. any suggestions??10:34
bruenigkekko, one way, sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm10:34
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kekkothx bruenig10:34
biousersudo aptitude install j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin10:34
biousercan help10:34
bruenigbionoid, no10:34
joe_tanyone spare 10 mins to help with ipw2200 disconnection problems?10:34
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bruenig!info sun-java6-plugin10:35
ubotusun-java6-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 1 kB, installed size 72 kB10:35
bruenigthat is java410:35
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chamunksIs what that article points out completely different from what i actually wish to do??10:35
nicolahmy mouse does not work with xubuntu feisty10:35
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hellboundedforget it, I'm just gonna re-install ubuntu10:35
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Hundinganyone have any idea why everything seems to be out of focus, including the fonts?10:35
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hellboundedand gonna right down the login and password10:35
kaiechimy mic only works when i start up ubuntu and works in skype, but stops working when i open anything else like firefox for example, then i have to reboot to get it working again etc, any1 have any ideas whats wrong?10:36
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belylewhen one uses (alt+ctrl+F1), is that a virtual terminal?10:36
bruenigHunding, fonts are a bit blurry I have found, but sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts tends to help10:36
IdleI'm trying to get the latest (7.04) installed, but it just seems to hang forver, and I dont seem to have any interfaces to figure out why its stalling10:36
biouserbruenig, I wonder why that is recommended from the guide10:36
bruenigbelyle, I guess that could be a name for it10:36
Answerhow can I sync a local and remote directory (over ssh/scp)10:36
bruenigbiouser, old probably10:36
Hundingbruenig: thank you :)10:36
mjrHunding, you may have an LCD which disagress with the video card about the resolution, or they agree but you're not using your LCDs native resolution10:36
belylebruenig, what would be the correct name for it?10:36
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bruenigbelyle, you will see console, virtual console, i tend to go with tty10:37
mikkeHello. I have a Dell Latitude D600 and have connected an external monitor. My monitor works but only up to 1024x768 (as my laptop run)... Can I make Ubuntu to autodetect my external monitor? (I dont want to change xorg myself cuz I suck on it) Thank you!10:37
mjrAnswer, rsync -a local_dir remote_host:remote_dir10:37
combiniohi, can u tell me where are saved all themes files?10:37
Hundingmjr: I am using a Compaq R4000 laptop10:37
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mazza558what can I use to change compiz settings using a GUI?10:37
biouserno, bruenig, I see... it is the best that 64-bit users can get in some cases10:37
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combiniocuz i want to upgrade my ubuntu from 6.06 to 7.04 and i don't wanna lose it10:37
Answermikke: in the xorg.conf just find the option where it says 1024x768 and add another right next to it10:37
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biousersudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts10:37
mcphailkaiechi: does typing "killall esd" help?10:37
combinio[ i mean all my pretty themes i've collected ] 10:37
mjrHunding, so, are you using your LCD's native resolution?10:37
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biouseris probably the best bet for end-user java10:38
Answermikke: for my setup I just added    Modes           "1280x1024" "1400x1050"10:38
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Idledoes anyone know of a way to get a terminal so I can figure out why this installer is hanging?10:38
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Answermjr:  sweet10:38
cjsoftuk_Anyone, I'm desperately trying to make my own LiveCD, but without losetup I'm going nowhere!10:38
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biouserMy Toshiba Satelite (p4 -premobile era) hangs all the time with the latest kernel (after upgrade to feisty repos) anyone got any suggestions?10:38
Hundingmjr: I think so. I installed the restriceted ATI drivers10:38
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bh_is google earth supposed to work with a geforce 4 mx?10:39
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kaiechimy mic only works when i start up ubuntu and works in skype, but stops working when i open anything else like firefox for example, then i have to reboot to get it working again etc, any1 have any ideas whats wrong?10:39
belyleok, so when I switch to tty1-6 (virtual consoles), I get a bunch of visual gibberish, multicolored blotchylines all over the screen.  Running X works (tty7?), but when I try to switch off tty7 I get nothing.  Switching back to graphical X works (as long as it was working intially).  This happens whether or not I'm logged in, and does not depend on if i'm in gnome, KDE, or beryl-xgl.10:39
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biouserbionoid?  that was a bit harsh, bruenig(ga)10:39
Snowma1Hi, I have two sound cards, I was playing around with it to try to set one as the default, Somehow I only have one mixer now (oss mixer) I had a live one an an nforce2 one before10:39
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ber1is it possible to copy files from a ubuntu partition onto a windows partition of the same harddrive?10:40
phy2The APM is not keeping up with the QPM on #ubuntu10:40
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bruenigbionoid was tab completion error10:40
Idledamnit, I should just switch to anything else... ubuntu seems too moron friendly, so when something breaks, its no better then windows10:40
phy2answrs per minute and questions per minute10:40
FurryNemesisIdle, nice troll, go to bed10:40
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joe_tanyone spare 10 mins for a problem with ipw2200 disconnection10:40
raf256Idle: its debian, as easy to fix I think10:40
bruenigIdle, what are you talking about?10:40
avoineHi, there is a package for the french traduction of emacs ?10:40
IdleFurryNemesis: not trolling, trying to get answers, and not getting anywhere10:40
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Idlebruenig: trying to get it to install10:40
Hundingbruenig: would you need to restart after installing the msttcorefonts?10:40
Idleall I get is it hanging10:41
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Snowma1anyone have an answer for my sound question?10:41
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bruenigHunding, perhaps might need to restart x, ctrl + alt + backspace10:41
Idlegot it into console mode (vga=text without quiet or splash), and it loads lots of kernel stuff10:41
Idlethen it just stops10:41
voltagexI've installed the mytharchive package for mythtv and it's not showing up within the frontend10:41
stefgbiouser: the feisty kernel isn't as problem-free as most of us would wish. try a couple of options as mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions , noapic, nolapic and acpi=off might be good starting points10:41
Hundingbruenig: thanks...10:41
Idlebeen waiting at this for 20 minutes, and nothing10:41
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Idlethe CD rom spools up ever few minutes, but nothing happens10:42
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Idleshit, my battery is gone10:42
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IdleI'm gonna dissapear.... :(10:42
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EADGAnybody know the command to change background & foreground colors in the console?10:42
FurryNemesisIdle, sorry, first line sounded like deliberate baiting.10:42
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keshaIdle, seems like a trojan10:42
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mikkeIf i add mode 1280x1024 on my laptop, the I wont see anything when I plug out my external screen and reboot? or?? My laptop can only show 1024x76810:42
biouserno problem, bruenig10:42
Idlekesha: this is the installer10:42
bh_googleearth runs, but does not show the earth for me. Using a geforce 4 mx integrated and the nvidia-glx driver with dri working. Anyone know what's wrong?10:42
hellboundedalright I've got something else I need help with10:42
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joris_join #ubuntu-nl10:42
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hellboundedI'm running the 7.04 ubuntu server. I got the username and password right. now what do I do?10:43
biouserthanks for the tip, stefg10:43
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Idle3%... laptops dying... I'll be back tomorrow... clients gonna stay tho10:43
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hellboundedI've got a command prompt up, how do I run the operating system?10:43
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Noonani installed ubuntu and now i have no video drivers afaik.. when i go to "System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager" it doesnt show any drivers related to video.. its an integrated video accelerator on an intel board.. and my monitors resolution is 1680x1050, but i cant select that resolution in the resolution dialogue.. but "1680x1050" is in the xorg.conf file.. any suggestions??10:44
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stefg!fixres | Noonan10:44
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ubotuNoonan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:44
EADGhellbounded: type startx10:44
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ep2011If you install an application from source, will it update when you use the Update Manager?10:44
aldinhow could i check k/ubuntu CD for defects from KDE/GNOME (withoud rebooting)10:44
edmondtNoonan, can you modify your xorg.conf ?10:44
stefgaldin: you don't10:44
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tarzeauep2011: which update manager?10:44
mrabbitim getting really fed up now. i need to get my ubuntu laptop to connect to my wpa-psk secured wireless network using a bcm4318 wireless chip and ndiswrapper, all with no current network on the laptop10:44
tarzeauep2011: no it won't10:44
ep2011tarzeau, Okay, I thought so, thanks10:45
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aldinstefg, it should be on wish list...10:45
SquallI installed ubuntu on my laptop a couple days ago, and my sound doesnt work at all10:45
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Squallcan anyone help me?10:45
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Noonanedmondt, yes10:45
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hellboundeddoes ubuntu server have a GUI like regular ubuntu?10:45
kaiechimy mic only works when i start up ubuntu and works in skype, but stops working when i open anything else like firefox for example, then i have to reboot to get it working again etc. Ive tryed google to search for the problem and gave up after about 5 hours,ive been having this problem for so long  its at the point of me thinking about uninstalling ububtu, any1 have any ideas whats wrong?10:45
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stefgaldin: or you get the md5sums from the d/l-site ... but afaik you can only md5sum an iso-file not a device, like the cdrom10:46
choleraI've been mencoder for about 2 weeks and have yet to convert any video file successfully. I simply want to "shrink" the size of video captured with kino.10:46
hellboundedEADG: ubuntu server is all command prompt then?10:46
edmondtput this in your screen Noonan:10:46
edmondt    SubSection     "Display"10:46
edmondt        Depth       2410:46
edmondt        Modes      "1680x1050" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"10:46
edmondt    EndSubSection10:46
kekkohellbout: GUI on the server version is optional10:46
IdleI remember there being some kinda web installer for ubuntu, where it would start the install from windows10:46
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voltagexhellbounded: no, that's the main difference although you can still install it10:46
EADGhellbounded: yes. But you can install a gui if you want.10:46
biouserstefg, thanks a lot for that link, just what I was looking for10:46
biouserbye all!10:46
=== GOGETA [n=goge@185.Red-83-50-15.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
biouserbye ubotu!10:46
Squallno one can help me with my sound?10:46
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aldinstefg, problem is if i got burned cd... and want to try it from gui withot turning off my session10:46
hellboundedvoltagex:I have only the server installed. its all prompt. it has no interface unless I install one?10:46
bruenig!opsnack | biouser10:47
ubotubiouser: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!10:47
konambiouser ubotu is a bot10:47
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voltagexhellbounded: yes10:47
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Noonanedmondt, does it matter where i put it?10:47
dyrneIdle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/install.exe/Prototype    ?10:47
Pie-rateis there any way to change the cpu scheduler in ubuntu?10:47
biouserkonam, I know, I just try to get it to say things to understand how it works10:47
hellboundedvoltagex:how easy is the interface to install? and how do I do it?10:47
bruenig!botsnack | biouser10:47
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ubotubiouser: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!10:47
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edmondtput it under "Section "Screen""10:47
choleralinux is not very useful if you want to do anything with video, unless you want to read hours upon hours of how-to's and man pages.10:47
biouserkonam, it's not much on small talk, which is probably good for the efficiency of the channel10:48
Idledyrne: that could do it10:48
edmondtor Section "Monitor"10:48
bruenigcholera, ha10:48
stefg!info linux-image-lowlatency | Pie-rate10:48
voltagexhellbounded: sorry you'll have to ask someone else, but it's a few commands at most - if you don't need the server then install the normal version10:48
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HairyDudehow do I get the cdrom to mount under /media/cdrom like it did before?10:48
kekkohellbounded : apt-get instal ubuntu-desktop10:48
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ubotupie-rate: linux-image-lowlatency: Low latency Linux kernel image. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB10:48
biousersquall, can you restate you sound issue?10:48
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voltagexkekko: aaah I forgot!10:48
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Noonanedmondt, its already in there.. want me to pastebin the xorg.conf?10:48
edmondtwhat video card do you have Noonan?10:48
voltagexhellbounded: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:48
Idlethis may work better :D10:48
__Ace__hey, whhere is this /media/sda1/ mounted on startup? (my old windows installation)10:48
EADGSitting outside with me lappy trying to read green text on black... very hard. I need to change to black on white... whats the cli command?10:48
=== trainpic [n=edward@oh-76-1-48-53.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
konamsomeone here have azureus installed on feisty?10:48
babishello everyone, i've been having this problem where just after i logging to feisty, i get a really long pause before the network manager icon appears. The system is responsive but i cannot connect to any networks whatsoever without waiting for 5 minutes10:48
HairyDudecurrently it's mounting at a different point for each cd, which confuses the neverwinter nights installer10:48
voltagexkonam: yes, why?10:48
__Ace__I mean, exactly where is that mentioned?10:49
kaiechimy mic only works when i start up ubuntu and works in skype, but stops working when i open anything else like firefox for example, then i have to reboot to get it working again etc. Ive tryed google to search for the problem and gave up after about 5 hours,ive been having this problem for so long  its at the point of me thinking about uninstalling ububtu, any1 have any ideas whats wrong?10:49
edmondtcan you send me the xorg.conf Noonan?10:49
DaveG|can someone help kaiechi ?10:49
hellboundedvoltagex:going to do that I thought that ubuntu server was the same as regular but came with all of the server abilities and programs WITH the interface10:49
konamvoltagex it works fine for you?10:49
Noonanedmondt, http://pastebin.ca/47600210:49
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mazza558is there any way to force frame rates? My desktop is stuck at 50hz10:49
Squallbionoid, When I click on my Volume Control it has an error that says I can't use sound because my device isn't located10:49
mazza558i'm on an Nvidia GPU if that helps10:49
voltagexhellbounded: no, that's incorrect10:49
stefg!fixres | mazza55810:49
ubotumazza558: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:49
voltagexkonam: yes10:49
Noonanedmondt, its an integrated one. i think its "Intel Extreme Graphics 2" or something..10:49
a5benwillisI am out of sidk space on my root partition. Can anyone tell me an easy way to find where the space is being used so I can delete some files?10:49
konamvoltagex i'm gettin a bad download speed and its status is ok (everything is green, even the ratio)10:49
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voltagexkonam: which version do you have10:50
biouserSquall, hmm.... I'll give you a link that has been my bible of two soundcards, if I can find it10:50
voltagexkonam: torrents do that10:50
stefg!info baobab | a5benwillis10:50
ubotua5benwillis: Package baobab does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:50
ep2011Regarding Internet Explorer in Ubuntu - Is there a reason not to use ies4linux?10:50
EADGa5benwillis: du -h |less10:50
kekkoa5benwillis : du-h10:50
trainpicis it possible to set the default page size for new printers to letter instead of A4?10:50
konamvoltagex my dl speed doesn't blow the 8-13k limit, when i use to be at 8010:50
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biouserSquall, you can probably adapt it to you situation10:50
Pie-ratestefg: what scheduler does that use?10:50
edmondtic... Noonan, so you don't have 1680x1050 when you're on ubuntu right? or do you get blank everything?10:50
konamvoltagex the torrent is fine, and its not only that torrent.... im starting to think that is my ISP10:50
voltagexkonam: I'm /msging you10:50
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stefga5benwillis: command line has the 'du'-command feuisty has a tool which was formerly known as baobab... don't know how it's called now, but it's installed by default10:51
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mazza558stefg, that command didn't work10:51
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Wiseguyhey guys, whats the best way to allow my regular accounts programs access files on the windows ntfs partition that i dual boot with?10:51
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a5benwillisstefg: thants, DU shows alot of files10:51
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Noonanedmondt, im on ubuntu right now and i only get 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600, 640x480.. im currently using 1280x1024..10:51
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dyrnetrainpic: im not sure what you have to do to enable access to (setup groups) but acessing cups from localhost:631 in a webbroser has always seemed more intuitive that the gtk tools distros provide10:51
HairyDudehow do I get the cdrom to mount always at /media/cdrom rather than a different point for each cd?10:51
Idleyea, debian time... I guess I get no Xgl, but, whatever10:51
serenwhat does ubuntu use to show all hard disks, nd allow mounting/unmounting in the side panel of thunar/nautilus?10:52
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sereni would like to use that feature on another distro10:52
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stefgmazza558: what command?10:52
biouserhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EchoMia, Squall10:52
kent_i have a very weird problem/experience10:52
void^seren: hal10:52
kent_with my hard drive10:52
serenvoid^, hal handles all of that10:52
biouserSquall, is one of the interfaces usb?10:52
mazza558stefg: "fixres"10:52
kent_i have one question10:52
null__Question:  How can I check if my TFTP server is running?10:52
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samu2How can I create a initrd.img for my newly compiled kernel?10:53
Okps burned the ISO image for Kubuntu v7.04 feisty, I restarted my PC and everything was fine I was given the option to bootup using Kubuntu or install... it loads kubuntu for about 5 minutes, then goes to a black screen with alot of writing mentioning error, and repeatedly writes jargon that I dont understand10:53
SquallWhat? I don't understand that questin10:53
kent_my hard drive was not recognized10:53
edmondtNoonan, you might want to change your DefaultDepth to 24, it won't help with the resolution, but you get better colors10:53
Noonanedmondt, i dont even think i have video drivers though, because compiz is running very slow. when i rotate workspace cube, etc..10:53
kent_ and then i tried to partition it10:53
serenvoid^, i run hal, and the distro in question is gentoo but none of the drives show up in thunar like ubuntu10:53
stefgmazza558: errm... pay attention... there was a link which you will need to read (and understand) :-)10:53
kent_now it is recognized10:53
Noonanedmondt, ok10:53
void^seren: well, nautilus works with gnome-volume-manager that uses dbus to communicate with hal. (someone correct me if i missed something)10:53
OkpsMy pc is an AMD athlon 64bit 3200+, 2 HDD Sata-II, Asus mobo, 1 gig ram if that helps10:53
kent_i dont know why10:53
biouserSquall: I wouldn't necessarily rely on those directions if you have a usb sound interface in the mix10:53
stefg!fixres | mazza55810:53
ubotumazza558: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:53
void^seren: i don't know about thunar10:53
Noonanedmondt, done10:53
linuxlingamhi, am using feisty. installed several apps after enabling all available sources. now my xmms and audacity does not display text in its menu dropdowns, only the keyboard shortcuts text is visible.10:53
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serenvoid^, well the same situation applies with nautilus also10:53
kent_I have a sound question10:54
linuxlingamworked okay in dapper though10:54
biouserSquall:  I don't know if those directions will help or not, you will at least have to adapt them to your sound cards10:54
edmondtNoonan, remove all the display and put this:10:54
edmondtDefaultDepth    1610:54
edmondt    SubSection     "Display"10:54
edmondt        Depth       2410:54
edmondt        Modes      "1680x1050" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"10:54
edmondt    EndSubSection10:54
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biouserSquall: they are supported by ALSA, yes?10:54
SquallI have to restart my computer, i'll be back in a few10:54
kent_my speakers emit a high pitched noise ever since i have been using ubuntu10:54
edmondtand remove this also: DefaultDepth    1610:54
SquallI'm not sure10:54
Squallone sec10:54
kent_and i dont know how to stop it10:54
kent_can anyone help me10:54
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biouserSquall, check the ALSA site,,,, I gotta go10:54
JC_Denton_how can I tell whether my wifi driver is loaded?10:54
biouserhope to see you all soon10:54
serenJC_Denton_, lsmod10:54
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Okps burned the ISO image for Kubuntu v7.04 feisty, I restarted my PC and everything was fine I was given the option to bootup using Kubuntu or install... it loads kubuntu for about 5 minutes, then goes to a black screen with alot of writing mentioning error, and repeatedly writes jargon that I dont understand10:55
OkpsMy pc is an AMD athlon 64bit 3200+, 2 HDD Sata-II, Asus mobo, 1 gig ram if that helps10:55
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void^seren: perhaps you should check out a gentoo specific howto10:55
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serenvoid^, i have, i think hal may be misconfigured10:55
Noonanedmondt, so, i remove all the "Display" subsections in xorg.conf?10:55
edmondtadd this Noonan: Monitor        "VX2025wm"10:55
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konamOkps video card?10:56
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Duo`hi im wondering is it possible to use any of these virtualization programs like virtualbox or qemu to run a windows partition that i already have installed? or do you have to install a fresh copy using the program10:56
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stefgOkps: either the CD is bad (there's a self test option in the boot menu) or your harddrive has errors10:56
edmondtoh nevermind, its already there...10:56
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Noonanedmondt, like this? http://pastebin.ca/47601510:56
JC_Denton_seren, thanks. doesnt look like the native bcm driver is loaded10:56
tdnDoes anyone use LUKS for encrypted disks/swap? I get this error when trying to do a luksFormat: http://thomasdamgaard.dk/p/P525.html10:56
Squallbionoid, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/19685/ is my error10:56
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edmondtyea Noonan, looks good10:57
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edmondtcan you restart and see if it works?10:57
babishello everyone, i've been having this problem where just after i logging to feisty, i get a really long pause before the network manager icon appears. The system is responsive but i cannot connect to any networks whatsoever without waiting for 5 minutes10:57
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mazza558stefg: how do I actually find out what refresh rate the monitor is running at?10:57
Noonanedmondt, yea, ill do that now, brb10:57
edmondtokie I'll wait here10:57
ep2011babis, what programs do you have at startup?10:58
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tondarguys, want a mouse recorder for feisty, GUI10:58
tondarplz help10:58
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babishmmm just beryl10:58
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TeiseiHey guys, how do I burn an iso image to a CD? Is there a nice GUI program to do it?10:58
Noonanedmondt, nope its still not available..10:58
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Okpskonam, asus x130010:59
silokoTeisei:  I just use Nautilus10:59
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ep2011babis, Try unchecking beryl, restarting and seeing if it is fixed. There may be a problem with Beryl on your computer. You may not have configured it correctly, remember, Beryl is still highly unstable in Beta stage.10:59
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NoonanTeisei, K3B10:59
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Teiseisiloko: How do I burn it as an image with Naut?11:00
babisep2011, i tried logging in with metacity but the same thing happens11:00
TeiseiNoonan: Thanks.11:00
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konamOkps i cant help then11:00
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ep2011babis, This is without loading Beryl?11:00
nicolahI'm trying to install xubuntu feisty fawn i386 but the mouse does not work, keyboard does11:00
edmondtNoonan, I have an nvidia card, but I use the same resolution as you11:00
konammy vcard is an nvidia11:00
nicolahI can't even click on "install" icon11:00
LordAnakinGood night!11:00
Geoffrey2does anyone know if there's a decent linux application that will convert my Thunderbird address book to ldif, so evolution can import it?11:00
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babisep2011, yes...11:01
silokoTeisei:  right click and choose burn to disk11:01
stefgDuo`: vmware has a utility to convert physical to virtual machines. the free vmware products can't run real installs as virtual machines11:01
Teiseisiloko: Thanks.11:01
Noonanedmondt, yea at home myself i have a 7800GT and 1680x1050 works great on my dell 2007WFP.. but this is my friends pc. and too bad hes using intergrated graphics..11:01
RiverockHello,  We are new to Ubuntu and have installed Dapper.  We have Java and Apache installed (via Synaptic) but want the latest versions. Is it possible to upgrade them using the Synaptic tool or do we need to do this by hand?  If it is by hand then are there any resources to guide us or are we in the wild wild west.11:01
tondarmouse recorder? Gui11:02
ep2011Riverock, System -> Administration -> Upgrade manager11:02
edmondtNoonan, can you go here and see if it will help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=260211911:02
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sgtmattbakerI just did a sudo apt-get install ssh on my server and then did a ssh login to my PC (this one) with nothing more than the root password on this PC.. am I not supposed to have an authentication key before I can do that?11:02
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ep2011babis, is there anything else at startup that happens that you have added?11:02
Riverockep2011 - thanks11:02
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ep2011Riverock, No problem.11:02
theconartisthas anyone hwere gotten ardour running properly on feisty?11:02
babisep2011, the window manager loading... window doesn't dissapear until after a few minutes11:02
dyrneRiverock: is suggest a google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org java dapper latest' i find the forums to be very helpful for step by step stuff11:03
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Duo`stefg: ah okay thanks, do you happen to know if the whole winxp activation thing will work if im using virtualbox or qemu or will it freak out?11:03
jribsgtmattbaker: only if you edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:03
edmondtI think it might be a driver thing Noonan11:03
silokosgtmattbaker:  you can log in with username and password or with keys using ssh . . .11:03
Noonanedmondt, thanks, ill take a look11:03
edmondtsee if you can run glxgears11:03
Noonanedmondt, ok11:03
stefgDuo`: don't know about windows :-)11:03
ep2011babis, I really don't know then, sorry. I don't even use that... I do it manually without any Networking applets, I suggest that, It works great for me.11:03
Riverockthanks dyrne11:03
sgtmattbakerjrib: so to fix that security hole I need to add a list of authenticated keys and then if that key doesn't match they cannot login?11:03
Duo`okay well thanks anyway i'll read up on it more11:03
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ep2011babis, The network applet have problems for me too, sorry.11:03
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Noonanedmondt, yes, runs at 600FPS.11:04
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jribsgtmattbaker: what security hole?  yes, you can generate ssh keys and allow them to login11:04
tidrion_how do I update from dapper to edgey again?11:04
edmondtthen its not the driver :S11:04
storkwhy does it take so long to ssh into my ubuntu server :\11:04
LjL!upgrade > tidrion_    (tidrion_, see the private message from Ubotu)11:04
bobbob1016I'm trying to get Truecrypt to make a file using the Forcefield GUI.  I started making a file, but it froze at 26%, now if I try to make any new file, it just sits at zero, the new files are the same name, I don't want to waste possible names until I get this working.  Can anyone give me a hand?11:05
babisep2011, yeah its probably best not to use network manager, i've had problems with it in every single version of ubuntu... but its kind of cool11:05
jribsgtmattbaker: I'm surprised you could login as root actually, you should probably disable that altogether11:05
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sgtmattbakerjrib: well I don't think I am logged in as root though.. the terminal is bill@bill$11:05
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Duo`oh another question, the other day i was trying to shorten my windows partition using gparted and add space to my linux partition. I could get the windows partition to resize but couldnt get the linux to add the new space :( whats up with that?11:05
ep2011babis, what about using something like wifi-radar instead? (sudo aptitude install wifi-radar). I have to go, hopefully someone else can help you.11:05
edmondtNoonan: http://www.mepis.org/node/1328111:06
Noonanedmondt, should i try doing "apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel". i read that on the link you sent me (last forum post)11:06
jribsgtmattbaker: what did you mean by "root password"?11:06
babisep2011, ok thank you very much for you suggestions11:06
ep2011babis, No problem. :)11:06
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stefgDuo`: you probably tried to resize the partition which was your root... do that from CD11:06
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sgtmattbakerjrib: I entered the root password when it asked for password for the ssh login but I dont think I am logged in as root.  could be wrong though11:06
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Duo`stefg: I was using the liveCD11:07
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jribsgtmattbaker: did you actually create a root password or is this just your user's password who can sudo?11:07
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madman91are there any polish ubuntu chat rooms?11:07
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:07
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oakeycan anyone help me11:07
sgtmattbakerjrib: oh I dunno if I do sudo to install things that is the password I use.. I thought root and sudo were synonomous11:07
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frojndhow can I change resolution to 1240*1024 cause there is no that kinda option in my xorg.conf even though that resolution is recommended to my monitor...11:08
oakeyhow do you change the desktop enviroment11:08
Riverockep2011: Update manager states that we are up to date but we know that there are newer versions of Java (apache...) available.  For instance, we have 1.4.2 Java installed and the latest is at least 1.6 (6.0).11:08
Wiseguyhye guys, how do i enable mp3 support for all of my programs? it seems like it works it some and doesnt in others11:08
edmondtNoonan, no, I think this sould solve your problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=351647&highlight=915resolution11:08
stefgDuo`: hmmm, then no particular idea. maybe the CD used swap in the same extended partition that your linux install is in. 'sudo swapoff' -a ' should fix that11:08
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cablesGeoffrey2, has anyone helped you with thunderbird?11:08
hellbound1alright one last thing and I'll be out of everyones' hair11:08
cablesGeoffrey2, I know the answer to your question...11:08
maccam94argh, ubuntu seems to ignore my /etc/fstab when mounting my xfs /home, and makes it noexec even though I specify exec in the options. any ideas?11:08
Duo`okay well i guess i can give it a go again and see if it works, thank you11:08
hellbound1how do I install ubuntu desktop over server?11:08
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jribsgtmattbaker: ah no, you have a root account but it is locked by default so no one can use it.  Ubuntu prefers to let users sudo.  It is normal for you to be able to login with just your password after installing ssh.  I prefer to setup ssh keys and only allow those like you were asking about11:08
phy2hellbound1 -- apt-get install ubuntu-desktop is the first step11:09
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hellbound1I type that in a command in server?11:09
frojndI wanna have resolution: 1280 x 1024  how can I do that in xorg ?'11:09
sgtmattbakerjrib: now I am actually trying to get back into my server but I cannot.  It won't let me log back in because it says the RSA key has changed (it has, I reinstalled the server today)  I deleted the authorized_keys files but stll no go11:10
phy2helbound -- login and type it... go away for ah hour or so while it works11:10
stefg!faq | hellbound11:10
ubotuhellbound: faq is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions Official documentation is at http://help.ubuntu.com IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage11:10
stefg!faq | hellbound111:10
jribsgtmattbaker: delete known_hosts11:10
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r00t3r-j03hi, i have supposedly installed xubuntu, but i get booted up into normal ubuntu?11:10
ubotuhellbound1: faq is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions Official documentation is at http://help.ubuntu.com IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage11:10
r00t3r-j03whys that11:10
bobbob1016I'm trying to get Truecrypt to make a file using the Forcefield GUI.  I started making a file, but it froze at 26%, now if I try to make any new file, it just sits at zero, the new files are the same name, I don't want to waste possible names until I get this working.  Can anyone give me a hand?  or point me to the right place?11:10
Noonanedmondt, thanks a bunch. i have to go, but i think that i can follow those instructions. thanks man11:10
babisdoes anyone else have any ideas? Just after i logging to feisty, i get a really long pause before the network manager applet appears. The system is responsive but i cannot connect to any networks whatsoever without waiting for 5 minutes. Oh and the ubuntu splash screen doesn't disappear for a while11:10
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sinisterguyis dmix supposed to be enabled by default in ubuntu feisty?11:11
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sgtmattbakerjrib: if I have a known_hosts and an authenticated_keys file with ssh is it then encrypted and only accessible by the passphrase I gave it?11:11
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maccam94babis: check dmesg, see if there are any errors. also, it may be the signal strength is poor, or the router has a bad dhcp server11:11
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xoBHow do i get an animated wallpaper?11:12
stefgbabis: this could be a problem with upstart. if you don't need avahi or network-manager i'd recommend to sudo apt-get remove --purge them altogether11:12
maccam94xoB: I think you need to have e17 for an animated wallpaper, but I could be wrong11:12
sgtmattbakerjrib: it says it is unauthenticated but I can login anyway.. I logged in but now I am going to do the ssh command to copy the RSA key to the other PC.11:12
bootsmorriscan some one help me with some hardware problems11:12
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jribsgtmattbaker: hmm I'm not familiar with authenticated_keys11:12
frojndI wanna have resolution: 1280 x 1024  how can I do that in xorg ?'11:12
babismaccam94, the signal is quite poor that is true11:12
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maccam94bootsmorris: ask away, and then people will be able to tell11:12
r00t3r-j03hi, i have supposedly installed xubuntu, but i get booted up into normal ubuntu?11:13
dyrnexoB: ive seen scripts for setting em but i dont have a url. everythings a window so it should be doable11:13
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hellbound1alright its halfway done already phy211:13
sgtmattbaker! ssh | ubotu11:13
ubotuubotu: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/11:13
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babismaccam94, i'll try removing them ... thanks11:13
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mcphailsgtmattbaker: you need to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config11:13
bootsmorrisi have those nifty little media buttons on the front of my laptop and i know that they work in xp or mce but how do i get them to work in ubuntu 7.04??11:13
maccam94babis: er, removing what?11:13
hellbound1I've got 2 systems, the ubuntu system I am working on and a windows XP pro SP2 system11:13
stefg!info keytouch | bootsmorris11:14
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xoBmaccam94 & dyrne: thanks ill try searching more (for e17 too :)11:14
ubotubootsmorris: keytouch: A program to configure the extra function keys of the keyboard. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.99+2.3.0beta4-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 419 kB, installed size 1888 kB11:14
ashlonIs there anyway I can install Groupwise Messenger in Ubuntu, its rpm based11:14
babismaccam94, avahi and network manager :)11:14
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radioaktivstormhello, after trying the forums for both fwcutter and then ndiswrapper, my bcm4306 still doesnt work under feisty. ive had to reinstall twice after mussing up random stuff apparently. does anyone have suggestions? I would GREATLY appreciate it.11:14
r00t3r-j03Anyone? Please? hi, i have supposedly installed xubuntu, but i get booted up into normal ubuntu?11:14
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maccam94babis: ah, you can just disable 'em in the services applet i think11:15
silokobabis:  Only do this if you are sure your system is not using them . . .11:15
jribr00t3r-j03: you should be able to click on "options" and select xfce as your window manager11:15
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maccam94r00t3r-j03: did you start with ubuntu and install xubuntu on top of it or start with xubuntu?11:15
bootsmorrishow do i envoke the keytouch program11:15
r00t3r-j03i started with ubuntu11:15
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maccam94then you need to log out11:15
stefgbootsmorris: sudo aptitude install keytouch11:15
maccam94and choose options - > select session11:15
r00t3r-j03Ohh, OK :)11:16
babisok thanks11:16
bootsmorrisi installed it but how do i run it??11:16
r00t3r-j03i will be back in a few sec's then11:16
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stefgbootsmorris: check your menus11:16
edmondtdoes anyone here use connect their pocket pc to ubuntu?11:16
bootsmorrisnot in the menus11:16
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silokobootsmorris:  or type keytouch from a terminal11:17
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bootsmorrisi found it it was under the admin area11:17
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stefgbootsmorris: might take a logoff-logon... simply run sudo keytouch from terminal11:17
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bootsmorrisit is asking for my keyboard model but mine isnt in the list what next??11:17
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coz_is there a patch to have tilda true transparency in fiesty/beryl?11:18
bootsmorrisyou can import a custom one but i dont know how11:18
stefgbootsmorris: google for a build-alike ?11:18
thefirstdudeyou know what would be OK, is if ubuntu fucking updated python 2.5.1 to final!!!!!!!!!111:18
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bootsmorrisnone there is only one toshiba in the list11:18
jrib!language | thefirstdude11:18
ubotuthefirstdude: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:18
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babisradioaktivstorm, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty   , search for bcm4306 in this page, there is a script that does everything for you11:19
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radioaktivstormbabis: thank you so much!11:19
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bruenigthefirstdude, stability11:19
thefirstdudebruenig, what about it?11:19
stefg!de | balu_11:19
ubotubalu_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:19
bruenigthefirstdude, that's the aim11:19
thefirstdudeubuntu uses an unstable version of python11:20
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babisradioaktivstorm, i did the same thing and it worked fine11:20
bruenigbut it works, upgrading it takes a long time to make sure it will work in all the configurations, if you are wanting more up to date stuff, perhaps ubuntu is not right for you11:20
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thefirstdudeyeh, well it works...11:21
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mEck0I want to create a secure backup-solution in Ubuntu. I have a new harddisk in one of my computers and want a nice application which can 1. make backups of directorys on my laptop via network, and 2. make backup on that local computer (i.e. from its other harddisks). Can someone recommend an app for this? I have looked a bit on grync, rdiff-backup or maybe bacula?11:21
thefirstdudeI compiled the source11:21
Me2reshhi, i have a problem getting my HP 1020 printer to work with ubuntu11:21
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thefirstdudeand am using the STABLE version...just that it's hard to get new packages11:21
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balu_hi, i look for a solution with my printer A920 Dell ... for an cups driver. Knows someone a url or tip for me?11:21
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Me2reshhi, i have a problem getting my HP 1020 printer to work with ubuntu11:22
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alex-hAre ubuntu man pages officially available on the web?11:22
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coz_anyone here using tilda on feisty?11:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:22
maccam94Me2resh: have you tried installing HPLIP?11:22
jhfordwhat is hplip? just ppds?11:23
stefg!beryl | coz_11:23
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ubotucoz_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hplip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
coz_stefg, hey guy11:23
Me2reshmaccam94 : yes, and it didnt work neither11:23
maccam94HPLIP is hp's applet for connecting to their printers, does ink level monitoring, etc11:23
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maccam94Me2resh: you went through the Printing wizard and selected the HPLIP driver?11:23
LinuxHelpI'm running lighttpd, and when I click on a .php file it just offers me the option of downloading it, how can I make it execute it instead?11:23
jhfordwhat vintage of printer requires it?11:23
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coz_stefg, no beryl does not give tilda true transparency    there are patched for tilda on dapper an edgy but can't find one for fesity11:24
LinuxHelpI have the package "php5" installed11:24
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stefgcoz_: feisty causes enough trouble /without/ beryl, so the beryl related questions go to #ubuntu-effects, please11:24
thefirstdudeis there a repository I can use to upgrade to python2.5.1 final on ubuntu?11:24
thefirstdudeplease help11:24
sgtmattbakerhow do you mount an ssh drive? I need to copy a file over?11:25
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FunnyLookinHatcoz_, it gave it true transparency for me...11:26
FunnyLookinHatcoz_, all you have to do is use the alt + scrollwheel shortcut when it's open11:26
coz_stefg, this again.. is NOT about beryl it is about a tilda patch for true transparency and i so support on #beryl so11:26
Me2reshmaccam94: yes, and it doesnt print11:26
rausb0sgtmattbaker: you want to look at sshfs11:26
nexousHi, whenever I login, nautilus pops upshowing /home/myusername/Desktop any idea how to stop?11:26
sgtmattbakerrausb0: can you actually help me a bit on that?11:26
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dyrnesgtmattbaker: you can use sftp or scp or install sshfs11:26
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core__<thefirstdude> please help11:26
core__<sgtmattbaker> how do you mount an ssh drive? I need to copy a file over?11:26
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core__-:- SignOff bruenig: #ubuntu (Connection reset by peer)11:26
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coz_stefg, so please don't try to shuffle me off11:26
jribsgtmattbaker: use scp if it's just a one time thing11:26
jribthefirstdude: what is wrong with the python in ubuntu?11:26
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ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto11:26
sgtmattbakerjrib: ok11:26
maccam94Me2resh: you rebooted after installing HPLIP? can you print a test page from the printing manager?11:26
coz_FunnyLookinHat, great i will try that thanks11:26
rausb0sgtmattbaker: or if you just want a connection in nautilus, you can use that11:26
FunnyLookinHatcoz_, no problem   : )11:26
rausb0sgtmattbaker: places -> connect to server -> ssh11:26
Me2reshmaccam94 : i didnt reboot, is it necessary ????, i tried to print a test page, but nothing was out11:26
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maccam94Me2resh: i think it has a service, but idk if it gets started right after install11:27
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Me2reshmaccam94: shoud i reboot?11:27
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sgtmattbakerI used scp to copy it but scp returned Permission denied11:28
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maccam94Me2resh: if you aren't comfortable with the command line, yes, otherwise open up a terminal and do sudo /etc/init.d/hplip restart11:28
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nexousHi, whenever I login, nautilus pops upshowing /home/myusername/Desktop any idea how to stop?11:28
rausb0sgtmattbaker: what was your scp command line?11:29
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Tarkushey, i want to store all my media on a seperate partition that i created, is it a good idea to just mount it to /home/mike/?11:29
mcphailsgtmattbaker: type the ssh url into nautilus and drag and drop11:29
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sgtmattbakerI want to do it via CLI11:29
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maccam94Tarkus: you can, but copy over the existing home first, and add the new partition to /etc/fstab11:29
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Me2reshmaccam94 : i did it through the command line11:29
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zePh7ris it possible to install now ubuntu resizing an existing hard drive and expanding the partion later?11:30
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nexousWhat can i begin learning to be able to customize ubuntu?11:30
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maccam94Me2resh: try printing another test page11:30
maccam94Me2resh: actually11:30
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dyrnezePh7r: yeah. gparted has its own livecd or the ubuntucd can do it. backup first though you never know11:30
Tarkusmaccam94, really? copy the whole /home/ over to the media partition?11:30
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mcphailsgtmattbaker: then i find sftp easier than scp11:31
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ixxixxiWould someone tell me where and how I check universe and multiuniverse repositories enabled in the etc/apt/sources.list area?11:31
maccam94Me2resh: try opening system -> preferences -> hplip toolbox11:31
rausb0mcphail: sshfs is even better11:31
aventinhmm, how do i install themes in beryl?11:31
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zePh7rdyrne, thanks for the heads up11:31
ixxixxiI printed a walk through on wiki but dont know where to find them at11:31
madman91aventin: do you mean emerald theme manager?11:31
stefg!beryl | aventin11:31
ubotuaventin: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:31
Me2reshmaccam94 : where is that ?11:31
kbrookshey all.11:31
mcphailrausb0: never tried it11:31
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maccam94Tarkus: yup, you can do that. you have to be careful to preserve permissions tho, and you'll either need to read the cp man page or ask someone else here how to do that. i've done it, but i don't remember how11:31
radioaktivstormbabis: that seems to have done it  :) now all i have to do is figure out why mitnet wont let me on (prolly need to register mac or something) thanks for the help!11:32
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maccam94Me2resh: you using gnome?11:32
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kbrookspretend i'm using windows. pease use your brain-fu to convince me to use ubuntu.11:32
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rausb0mcphail: it is a real ssh mount (using fuse), so you can access the remote file with any application using the local filesystem11:32
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mcphailrausb0: nice11:32
Me2reshmaccam94 : yes11:32
maccam94kbrooks: if you are not here for support go to #ubuntu-offtopic11:33
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maccam94Me2resh: open System -11:33
aventinstefg: yeah, i've kinda been there. it's just that all the terminology is confusing. gtk, beryl, emerald, sometimes it's used interchangably and sometimes they're different, it seems. well... :)11:33
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maccam94Me2resh: open System -> Preferences -> HPLIP Toolbox11:33
Raptor45is there a way to have something "always on visible workspace" on startup? I have pidgin run at startup, and like to have my buddy list do that automatically11:33
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Tarkusmaccam94, alright so its a good thing to do? because it seems like it would make it easy to keep all your settings and media if you need to reinstall linux at some point. although, would "/home/mike/Media" be a better choice to mount?11:33
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maccam94Tarkus: yes it is a highly recommended setup11:33
ixxixxiHOW do I enable Universe and Multiuniverse on a folder?11:34
dac_kbrooks, when you get the blue screen with windows,it's time for Ubuntu.11:34
Me2reshmaccam94 : i cant find that in system11:34
sgtmattbakerI did chown billdotson:billdotson to my dd image (I had to do sudo to use dd) and it is still not giving me access to copy it11:34
sgtmattbakeraslo Have doen chmod 77711:34
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Tarkusmaccam94, awesome, alright one more question. do i mount to '/home' or to '/home/mike'?11:34
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kiwi__does anyone know how to configure kmail for hotmail??11:34
Akuma_anyone here uses fsvs? or duplicity?11:35
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stefgkiwi__: better asked in #kubuntu11:35
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maccam94Tarkus: if you want to have other users on it, /home, I personally have mine go straight to /home/name because I like to keep the partition less cluttered and I always use the same username11:35
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maccam94Me2resh: h/o, i'll find the pacakge name in synaptic for ya11:35
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Me2reshmaccam94 : thanks :). i am waiting11:36
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bootsmorrisi need help with all of my media buttons on my laptop.  i have keytouch but i need some assistance11:37
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bootsmorrisnone of the media buttons on the outside of the case work11:37
maccam94Me2resh: make sure you have hpijs, hplip, and hplip-data all installed11:37
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bootsmorrisi got the fn keys to work but not the media keys??11:38
maccam94bootsmorris: what brand laptop is it?11:38
Tarkusmaccam94, yea ill go strait to my /home/mike then, sounds like a better choice since ill be the only user. thanks alot for the info maccam94.11:38
sgtmattbakerhello I added the public and private keys to both my PCs so they can securely ssh to each other but if I do sudo ssh bill@IPaddress it lets me login using just the sudo password for the PC I am trying to login to.  why is that11:39
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maccam94bootsmorris: sudo apt-get install fnfxd11:39
Me2reshmaccam94 : how ?11:39
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mEck0how can I open every channel in irssi, in a new window below each other? like: http://irssi.org/themefiles/mine.png11:39
maccam94Me2resh: open up synaptic, and search for hplip11:39
fishyMy installation of Firefox messed up after I upgraded to Feisty. What's the easiest way to reinstall Firefox?11:39
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Tarkusmaccam94, im going to try following this guide, but im not sure why infront of all the terminal commands, he has a '$'.. should i use that also?11:41
edmondt<fishy> try removing your .mozilla folder in your home dir and restart firefox....11:41
duelbootTarkus, no...that indicates your prompt11:41
hirokitarkus: no. that means you need to do the commands as a normal user11:41
ixian_Tarkus, no, ignore the $11:41
maccam94Tarkus: that just means that they're running all the commands as the user, and not root11:41
maccam94yeah, what ixian said11:42
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ixian_heh, all answered at the same time11:42
Tarkuslol, alright thanks guys.11:42
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edmondtfishy, your firefox should be back to default...11:43
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fishyedmondt: Thanks.11:43
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wimscan i resize my ext3 partition without it causing problems for my installation ?11:44
maccam94wms: yes, from a gparted livecd11:44
linux_user400354maccam94: why not gparted running from ubuntu?11:44
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maccam94linux_user400354: because i don't think you can do it on a mounted drive11:45
maccam94plus i'm not sure if the gparted in ubuntu supports ext3 resizing11:45
hellbound1alright I ran the apt-get install ubuntu-desktop finished the downloads11:45
hellbound1what do I do now?11:45
linux_user400354maccam94: gparted isnt stopping me from doing it. if it wouldnt let me then the buttons would be greyed out.11:45
serciki have resized two days ago a ext3 partition with gparted11:46
hellbound1anyone able to tell me?11:46
linux_user400354hellbound1: reboot and choose gnome from gdm in the sessions11:46
hellbound1thanks linux11:46
sercikit's needed to disable journaling bedore resizing11:46
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telejedisercik: how can i disable jounaling?11:47
Tarkusmaccam94, does that documentation look like its a proper way to do it? (sorry for asking so many questions, i just want to do it the correct way.)11:47
maccam94h/o, i'll take a peek11:47
serciksorry but i don't remember i have found a guide on internet11:47
FunnyLookinHatThis could be a stretch...  but has anyone here found a way to control what music or video is playing on another computer over a network (If both computers are using Ubuntu) ?11:47
hellbound1linux something isn't right11:47
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sercikbut i think someone could help here or you can search on internet11:48
fishythanks, it worked11:48
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hellbound1alright I let it all go through yet I seen no options for the gnome launch11:48
serciki remember that was a switch to the command tune2fs11:48
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linux_user400354maccam94: yes it does. i just told you it does.11:48
linux_user400354hellbound1: did you click on sessions?11:48
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hellbound1how do I do that?11:49
linux_user400354do hat11:49
linux_user400354from gdm11:49
serciktelejedi naturally you cannot resize active partition you must boot with a live cd for example11:49
hellbound1I'm very new to ubuntu11:49
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linux_user400354the login screen11:49
linux_user400354click on options>sessions11:49
linux_user400354choose gnome11:49
hellbound1I have ubuntu server installed and I used the command that should have gotten me a user interface11:49
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tuskerninido i need apache to be able to run ssh?11:49
Alwinhello, i would like to know how some sites can provide a regristration form for creating forum, how is this made?11:49
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chemist109tuskernini: no, you don't.11:49
hellbound1the apt-get install command11:50
rausb0linux_user400354: i think he installed ubuntu server first and then installed ubuntu-desktop with apt-get. so maybe the x-server is not even coming up.11:50
benanz2tusk*: no, they're seaprate servers11:50
DandreI must change my harddisk on my laptop because it is becoming defective. What is the best methode to get all my system on another disk?11:50
linux_user400354Alwin: if you install phpbb, youll hve one11:50
maccam94Tarkus: that's the way to do it if you want it on /home. that's the standard way to do it, just make sure you customize the locations and devices for your setup.11:50
linux_user400354hellbound1: startx11:50
hellbound1and nothing I'm with the ubuntu server so how do I do that?11:50
mcphailDandre: dd11:50
linux_user400354hellbound1: use the startx command11:50
Tarkusmaccam94, alright, thanks11:50
tuskerninichemist109: i cant seem to connect to my pc from outside my network.. i forwarded port 22 on my router..11:50
linux_user400354hellbound1: working now?11:50
hellbound1how do I do that linux? like I said I am really new to ubuntu11:50
Alwinlinux_user400354, with phpbb i can then create subforums and then point them to forum1.example.com forum2.example.com and both forums are independent?11:50
chemist109tuskernini: And you installed ssh? (sudo aptitude install ssh)11:50
telejedisercik: i see - thanks11:51
Dandreok may I dd to a fat formatted usb drive? mcphail11:51
benanz2hellbound:  when you installed ubuntu-desktop, was xserver-xorg one of the packages it installed?  if not just apt-get install xserver-xorg11:51
tuskerninichemist109: i installed openssh-server etc etc ssh also11:51
linux_user400354hellbound1: how did you type the comand apt-get install ubuntu-desktop? you did that command so why cant you do startx?11:51
tuskerninichemist109:  i can ssh outwards and also my localhost11:51
bootsmorris0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.11:51
bootsmorrisNeed to get 21.0kB of archives.11:51
bootsmorrisAfter unpacking 131kB of additional disk space will be used.11:51
bootsmorrisGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe fnfxd 0.3-12ubuntu1 [21.0kB] 11:51
bootsmorrisFetched 21.0kB in 1s (21.0kB/s)11:51
bootsmorrisSelecting previously deselected package fnfxd.11:51
tuskerninibut i can not use my ip adress11:51
hellbound1not sure. I installed the ubuntu server first from the official its the 7.0411:51
bootsmorris(Reading database ... 91020 files and directories currently installed.)11:51
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bootsmorrisUnpacking fnfxd (from .../fnfxd_0.3-12ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...11:51
bootsmorrisSetting up fnfxd (0.3-12ubuntu1) ...11:51
bootsmorrisStarting Toshiba hotkeys utils: FnFX Daemon v0.3 (c) 2003, 2004 Timo Hoenig <thoenig@nouse.net>11:51
bootsmorrisfatal error: Could not open /proc/acpi/toshiba/keys.11:51
bootsmorrisPlease make sure that your kernel has enabled the Toshiba option in the ACPI section.11:51
linux_user400354Alwin: sorry i dont know much about web development. maybe ask in #php?11:51
bootsmorrisFor more information read the documentation and/or http://fnfx.sf.net/index.php?section=doc#kernel.11:52
kbrooksbootsmorris, STOP11:52
bootsmorrisinvoke-rc.d: initscript fnfxd, action "start" failed.11:52
bootsmorriswhat do i do now??11:52
mcphailDandre: dd will do an exact copy of the disk. You will lose all formatting on the destination drive, replaced by the filesystem on the source disk11:52
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:52
rausb0bootsmorris: do NOT paste in here11:52
kbrooks!flood > bootsmorris11:52
sercikno no11:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
sercikuse pastebin!!11:52
mcphailDandre: the destination drive will have to be at least as large as the source drive11:52
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bootsmorriswhat do i do ??11:52
sercikdon't paste so muvh rhings in channel11:52
kbrookschemist109, dont use !ops after the fact11:52
hellbound1linux, what do I do?11:52
alienbrainWhat's the USB device in /dev/? I'm running feisty.11:52
chemist109kbrooks: It was still going on when I did11:52
bootsmorrisok i wont paste11:53
phy2Hellbound, what happens when you type startx ?11:53
hellbound1didn't type it11:53
bootsmorriswhat do i do to fix this problem??11:53
hellbound1gonna do that now11:53
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alienbrainIt was sda{1,2} in Edgy, but they are the harddisk drives in Feisty.11:53
tuskerninichemist109: do you have any ideas why i have this problem to ssh my machine form outside? i reconed it sould work11:53
Dandreok and that work with usb drives too mcphail?11:53
chemist109tuskernini: Do you have a firewall running on your pc?11:54
tuskerninichemist109:  no11:54
hellbound1phy2 it didn't work it told me what command to run though11:54
phy2try jus   X11:54
rausb0tuskernini: do you have tcpdump installed?11:54
new2itwhat version of ubuntu do i get to install on a core2 duo machine?11:54
fiveironanyone else not getting sound from flash at all?11:54
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tuskerninirausb0: no.. dont know11:54
bootsmorriscan someone help me with my media keys problem??11:54
mcphailDandre: if the drive is large enough, yes. I'd recommend you buy a new laptop drive and stick it in an external caddy. dd the contents of your native drive onto it and then switch them over.11:54
hellbound1did startx said no directory or file11:54
rausb0tuskernini: does "which tcpdump" return anything?11:54
tuskerninirausb0: yes i do...11:55
phy2hellbound try typeing    X11:55
rausb0tuskernini: okay, which is your router's official ip address? i guess?11:55
Dandreok mcphail11:55
tuskerninirausb0: yes,11:55
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mcphailDandre: the only downside to this might be the way edgy and feisty create the fstab. I'm using dapper and don't have any problems doing this11:56
hellbound1typed just x and it said command not found11:56
tuskerninirausb0: untill i restart it11:56
ixian_i'm having a problem with the desktop effects. if i enable it, when i play a movie/video in any video player  (totem, vlc, etc) the video turns black when i move the window. i have an ati x850xtpe. it was doing this on my previous ubuntu 7.04 install so i did a complete re-install. things were working properly for only like a day and then the same problem showed up. anyone know how to fix this?11:56
bootsmorrisi need help configuring my media keys on my laptop??11:56
phy2captial X11:56
alienbrainIf my USB is Bus 0005 Device 0005, then how do I mount it?11:56
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phy2X not x11:56
rausb0tuskernini: okay, open a terminal window and type in: sudo tcpdump -ni eth0 tcp port 2211:56
hellbound1says no such file or directory aborted11:56
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sethkalienbrain, it varies.  run dmesg, the last two or three lines (after connecting the device) will show you the /dev/sd? to use11:56
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phy2Hellbound, I doubt you are ready for server, reinstall regular Ubuntu come back11:57
DandreI use 6.10 mcphail11:57
hellbound1how do I remove server phy?11:57
tuskerninirausb0: ok listening11:57
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hellbound1I tried finding that out a while ago and no answer11:57
phy2reinstall regular ubuntu11:57
phy2start over11:57
rausb0tuskernini: do you see any traffic now?11:57
hellbound1I installed server first11:57
dyrnehellbound1: might be easier just to sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop if you want a minimal gui install11:57
tuskerninirausb0: no11:57
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mcphailDandre: I'd imagine you might need to tweak /etc/fstab on the new drive after transfer. Apart from that, things should be ok11:57
alienbrainsethk, nop, the last two lines are: http://en.pastebin.ca/47613411:57
rausb0tuskernini: should be from
Seb__is there any way to convert an existing debian system into an ubuntu one ?11:58
dyrnehellbound1: not that xubuntu is all that minimal..11:58
tuskerninishould i netstat?11:58
hellbound1I want to remove server all together and just run with desktop11:58
rausb0tuskernini: then your router's port forwarding is not woring11:58
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tuskerninirausb0: ok.. i will check it again.. thanks11:58
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hellbound1I don't know how to remove server completely though11:58
sethkalienbrain, well, if it isn't in the few lines preceding that, then you don't have usb disk support enabled (or the kernel module for it isn't loaded)11:58
dyrnehellbound1: you dont need to. server is just the basic desktop install11:58
mcphailDandre: i have done this to replace a 60GB drive with an 80GB drive with no problems on dapper11:58
dyrnehellbound1: same as ubuntu11:58
tuskerninirausb0: looks like a cool trick.. would like to learn how it works sometime...11:58
hellbound1I just want to get server off the hard drive11:59
hellbound1and just go with 100% desktop11:59
rausb0tuskernini: maybe you forwarded to the wrong private ip address11:59
Guest11549Hi, I installed sendmail and I can send emails only to some mail-address like gmail as spammed email!!! Does anyone kown why?11:59
Seb__anyone ?11:59
dyrnehellbound1: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or xubuntu or kubuntu11:59
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alienbrainsethk, do you what modules I might be missing?11:59
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Guest11549I think that my sendmail problem is in my hostname....11:59
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tuskerninirausb0: dont think so.. i got it from ifconfig12:00
mcphailGuest11549: do you have a static IP address?12:00
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tuskerninirausb0: but i will look again .. thanks12:00
rausb0tuskernini: okay12:00
Dandrethe resulting drive is still 60G or did you get 20 extra GB mcphail?12:00
mcphailDandre: i got to create a new 20GB partition :)12:00
Guest11549mcphail no I haven't it12:00
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mcphailGuest11549: that's your problem12:00
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Dandreok ;-)12:00
alienbrainsethk, wouldn't this mean it found its module? "new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6"12:01
FunnyLookinHatGuest11549, people in #ubuntu-server would probably be better equipped to answer your question12:01

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