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beunoboredandblogging: ping?03:04
beunoreleasing now03:10
beunothis issue is 100% yours03:11
beunoso congrats on a great job03:11
=== adamant1988 [n=adam@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
boredandbloggingbeuno, hey03:25
boredandbloggingthink Burg did some stuff03:25
boredandbloggingdon't want to take all the credit :-P03:25
beunoah, well, I'm releasing right now03:26
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beunojenda: when you're around, the UWN is out, is there any way I can post in the UWN section in the forums?05:32
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #39 is out, UWN #40 is in progress to be released Sunday May 13th
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Burgundaviabeuno: you around09:06
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jendabeuno: ping10:06
jendahmm, asleep, of course10:07
jendaBurgundavia: and you should be, too ;)10:07
Madpilot@now Madrid10:07
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Madrid: May 08 2007, 10:07:38 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 11 hours 52 minutes10:07
Madpilotnah, it's midmorning where Burg is10:07
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by ChanServ
jendaah, I see :)10:21
jendasame timezone as I am, in fact.10:21
jendabeuno: once you come back: You are a moderator in the forum section for the UWN, so you can post there. You can use http://koltsoff.com/pub/reformat.py to reformat the UWN from moin to BBcode. Once reformatted add a title and a disclaimer at the top (see the other 4 UWNs already there).10:23
jendabeuno: I added #3910:23
rjian_hello guys.. :) whats new here? :D10:39
rjian_@now Philippines10:39
MenZa@now Copenhagen10:40
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/Copenhagen: May 08 2007, 10:40:06 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 11 hours 19 minutes10:40
MenZa@now Manila10:40
ubotuCurrent time in Asia/Manila: May 08 2007, 16:40:12 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 11 hours 19 minutes10:40
rjian_MenZa: hehe just testing the bot10:40
=== rjian_ is now known as rjian
MenZaBy the way, when did we get ubotu in here, jenda?10:40
jendaMenZa: about a year ago ;)10:40
rjianyeah 10:40
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:40
jendacheck this for me, please :)10:40
MenZayay for geeky jokes.10:41
jenda"That's right, diggers! If you've always wanted to stay up-to-date with what happens throughout the Ubuntu community, but didn't want to read the UWN in your email or on the wiki - now's your chance! The UWN contains short summaries of what happened this week in all parts of the community. A UWN a week, keeps you a good geek!"10:41
jendaA UWN a week, keeps you a good geek ;)10:41
MenZaI don't like "keeps you a good geek"10:41
MenZaother than that10:41
MenZawell, rephrase it slightly10:41
MenZa"A UWN a week makes a very happy geek"10:41
jendaEver heard "An apple a day, keeps the doctor away"?10:41
MenZaOh yes.10:42
rjianwats new here?10:42
MenZaI'd omit the comma there, though ;)10:42
jendayes, it doesn't belong, gramattically... lemme see...10:42
MenZagramatically, and no, it doesn't :)10:42
jendayeah, yeah, yeah ;)10:42
=== MenZa huggles jenda
jendaI knew that was misspelt, but didn't want to backspace to it ;)10:43
=== rjian i cannot write about Philippines theres no activity.. :(
=== rjian its been month :(
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jendaMenZa: now: This is the Official Ubuntuforums chatter hole || Use !ops only in emergencies. || Be nice when playing with the bots! || We'd Appreciate it if you give heed to the CoC! || Next Forum Council Meeting Fri May 18th 20:00UTC ~ Be there or be square!10:53
jenda's not what I meant :)10:53
jendathis is10:54
MenZahow does one reclaim ones openpgp keys?11:06
jendaMenZa: you mean, revoke?11:07
jendaMenZa: as in, burn, destroy, hack and blow up?11:07
jendaYou need to generate a revocation certificate11:07
=== MenZa doesn't have his private key anymore.
jendaand then use it.11:07
jendaI'm not sure if it can be done without the private key11:08
MenZawell that's a bummer.11:08
jendaMenZa: I would 'splain', if I knew anything about it ;)11:08
=== MenZa will need to get a new key then :(
MenZaA moment of carelessness!11:08
jendayou should always generate a revoc certificate when making a key...11:08
jenda...that said, I never do.11:08
MenZaoh well11:08
MenZaoh well11:10
MenZagenerating a new key now11:10
MenZawaiting for key to be generated11:10
MenZaso I'm just typing randomly now :D11:11
MenZahow's that sound?11:11
jendaMenZa: disk operations work better11:12
jendaMenZa: try copying a movie from one partition to another ;)11:13
MenZait's gen'ed11:13
MenZa2048 bits :p11:13
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MenZajenda, where do I get my key-id again :/?11:17
=== MenZa cannae remember
=== MenZa squobbles
jendaMenZa: --fingerprint11:25
MenZafingerprint == id?11:26
MenZano, it's not :p11:26
jendabut it gives you the id11:27
jendaMenZa: the ID is the last 8 digits of a fingerprint.11:28
MenZait does?11:28
jendaand it also gives the ID on a separate line11:28
MenZaI get UID11:28
jendathat's the ID11:29
MenZanah, that's my name11:29
MenZabut it is the last four digits of the fingerprint11:29
jendaand the YYYYYYYY is your ID11:29
MenZato add keyserver.ubuntu.com as a keyserver11:29
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MenZahey elkbuntu11:29
=== yama` is now known as yama
MenZaahh, seahorse11:52
MenZajenda, you're 51D056A?11:55
=== MenZa pokes jenda
=== MenZa pokes jenda rapidly
jendaMenZa: yah!!!12:05
jendaMenZa: yeap, that's me :)12:05
MenZaSigned :)12:06
MenZajenda: I'll sign it "Casually"12:06
MenZaI've met you, and I can easily determine this is you.12:06
jendacool :)12:07
MenZasure np12:07
jendaI'll do the same, then... although we should verify properly next time.12:07
MenZaYeah, I agree12:07
jendawhat's your key?12:07
jendaMenZa: which keyserver did you upload to?12:08
jenda(if any)12:08
=== Susana_ is now known as Susana
MenZa"No valid armored PGP key found"12:11
=== MenZa is setting up Enigmail
jendacan't find ya either12:11
MenZamight not've synced yet12:11
MenZa"The server at keyserver.ubuntu.com is taking too long to respond."12:11
jendaWell, email me your key :)12:11
MenZa-- Firefox12:11
MenZapublic keyblock?12:11
MenZajenda at ubuntu?12:11
jendano, I meant the private one12:11
=== jenda runs
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MenZasent and signed12:12
jendayep, and sent back, signed.12:17
jendanow get yourself some signatures of the LoCo team ;)12:17
MenZajenda: cheeky12:22
MenZasigned ^_^12:22
jendaMenZa: 90% of my emails lately has been on that tone.12:22
jendacoolio, thx :)12:22
MenZa"Good signature from Jenda Vanura (Ubuntu) <jendBIGTOPHATubuntu.com> "12:23
MenZayou don't like your email published in channels, do you :P?12:23
jendawell, I like to scream at people who do.12:24
jendaBut other than that, it's such a public email that there is little harm to be done.12:25
jendagoogle gives 14 hits on it :)12:28
MenZaCoC signed.12:34
MenZakissy, are we ;P?12:42
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boredandbloggingjenda, ping04:29
beunoBurgundavia: pong04:33
beunojenda: pong04:33
Burgundaviabeuno: nah, no worries04:34
boredandbloggingbeuno, can you make some fixes on the UWN in the forum?04:34
beunoboredandblogging: jenda says I can, forum says I can't, but I'll try again04:34
jendaboredandblogging: pong04:34
beunoBurgundavia: how's it going?04:34
jendabeuno: it says you can't? O_O04:35
boredandbloggingjenda, I thought beuno wasn't around so I was going to ask if you could make some changes to the UWN for me on the forums04:35
beunojenda: I tried to post yesterday and it says I don't have acccess04:35
jendabeuno: gimme a sec04:36
jendaboredandblogging: you gimme another sec04:36
jenda(No, it's not an attempt to get some secs ;))04:37
jendabeuno: still there?04:38
beunojenda: yeap04:38
jendabeuno: What is the error you get? You have full permissions.04:39
boredandbloggingmaybe need to log out and log back in?04:39
beunojenda: when I click on "Make new Post":  "beuno, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons"04:40
beunoI can edit though04:40
jendabeuno: that's when you try to post a new thread?04:41
beunojenda: yeap04:41
jendabeuno: try now04:42
beunojenda: works now, thanks!04:44
=== rexbron_ [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviabeuno: not bad05:03
beunowhat's the UDS been like?  I want to be there  :(05:03
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juliuxjenda, ping10:24
jendajuliux: pong!10:31
juliuxjenda, evening, are there more book on there way to me?10:32
jendajuliux: I hope so10:33
juliuxjenda, ok10:33
jendajuliux: are there 7 already there?10:33
jendaok, that's marvelous :)10:33
juliuxand another thing, i am a little bit irritated about the ubuntu live thing ok the mailinglist, i thought it is a canonical event, why should we as community make marketing for a commercial conference? 10:35
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jendajuliux: hmm10:36
jendaI'll think about that.10:36
=== zerbero_1 [n=jga@p85.212.69.77.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
juliuxjenda, did you see the entrace fee you have to pay?10:36
jendawell, no, but I know you can 'save' $150 on it.10:37
jendaIs that the fee?10:37
juliuxjenda, check http://www.ubuntulive.com/pub/w/60/pricing.html10:37
jendaasdir: fail10:38
jendaHOLY F***10:38
juliuxjenda, until 4 june you have to pay 745$ after that 895$10:38
jendajuliux: you ruined my day10:38
juliuxjenda, so you save 150$ ;)10:38
jendaHOLY F***10:38
juliuxjenda, it was my same reaktion if i check that today10:38
jendathat's the amount of a Czech's average monthly wage.10:38
jendaIsn't that a typo of some sort?10:39
=== juliux lives from that money a whole month
juliuxjenda, ask them;)10:39
jendawell, it's shocking, for sure.10:39
jendaBut I still don't feel opposed to it in any way.10:40
juliuxi personal don't understand why we as a volunteer marketing team should support this10:40
juliuxit is a commercial event for business people10:40
jendaI feel with you.10:40
juliuxthat is not a community event!10:40
jendaI need to have a chat with Malcolm Yates before I form a definitive opinion.10:40
jendaI need to talk about commercial LoCo activities and swag selling.10:41
juliuxbut you can save 65% if you are a fulltime student;)10:41
jendaIf I don't like what I hear, my opinion will likely shift to not liking community support for their commercial activities ;)10:41
juliuxso it is "only" 260$ for students10:42
jenda(BTW, there are 2 meals in that price for several days...)10:42
jenda3 days10:42
juliuxjenda, i don't change anything for me it is a commercial event10:43
jendaYes, it is.10:43
jendaI don't have an implicit aversion to that, though.10:43
juliuxi think it is ok but, they shouldn't ask the community promote it;)10:44
=== juliux need something for his voice
jendaI'll think about it :)10:49
juliuxjenda, i gave 1,5h workshop today and a 1h talk and a 1h discussion;)10:50
jendahow was it?10:51
juliuxin salzburg austria10:51
juliuxwas not bad10:51
juliuxthe discussion was with people from fedora and opensuse;910:51
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Gwaihirhi all...11:15
Gwaihiris anybody here interested in the commercial for Ubuntu?11:16
GwaihirMefistoRQ has passed an email on the ML a couple of days ago...11:16
GwaihirI would like to know any news/comment/anything-else so to talk to the guy who would do this...11:17
MefistoRQhello there11:18
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MefistoRQuhm .. 11:24
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l3on_hi all :)11:25
MefistoRQGwaihir: ... maybe they are sleeping... you could wake them up11:25
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l3on_would you like a lot of italian coffee ? :D11:29
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l3on_bye all11:38
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