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toodleshello motus! Would one of you masters know, when building a deb package, what this error means: "dpkg-buildpackage: source version without epoch"?01:26
TheMusoWe would need to know the package you are trying to build, and the history of its version number.01:28
toodlesI'm building my own package, or at least trying to.01:30
TheMusoIs it a package that is not yet in Ubuntu/Debian/01:30
toodlesI've created a little python program that I wanted to make into a deb for ubuntu/debial01:30
TheMusoOk, what version number do you have in the changelog?01:32
toodlesThe package builds if I specify a "Source:" tag in the debian/control file. If I remove that, then I get the above error.01:32
pochuslomo: finished! :-)01:32
toodles1 sec01:32
toodlessmspie (0.2.2ubuntu1) feisty; urgency=low01:32
slomopochu: nice :)01:32
TheMusotoodles: How did you create the debian packaging?01:32
TheMusotoodles: That should be 0.2.2-0ubuntu101:33
toodlesTheMuso: ok, I'll fix that. To answer your question, I looked at a few packages to see how they were made, read some documentation and then used dpkg-buildpackage to create my debs.01:34
pochuslomo: http://emilio.pozuelo.org/deb/ : there are 2 diffs: one with debian (so you see the changes are minimal!) and the other with 1.2.13-0ubuntu2 (so you see the real changes)01:35
TheMusotoodles: Ok.01:35
TheMusotoodles: Have you looked into dh_make?01:35
slomopochu: thanks, i'll look at it later after fixing something else and then upload :)01:35
TheMusoThat can help you get a lot of stuff done straight away with one command01:35
toodlesTheMuso: cool, thank you :-) ,  I'll look into it.01:35
toodlesThat error I mentioned though, that doesn't have any particular meaning?01:36
FujitsuIt's not an error.01:36
FujitsuIt's simply information.01:36
toodlesok, I know I've still a LOT of learning ahead of me :-) ,  thank you01:37
pochuslomo: please let me know if I've done any mistake! :) (e.g. I removed dh_iconcache, I think after reading the man page, that we don't need it, but I may be wrong) :-)01:37
slomopochu: we need it ;)01:37
pochuoh :/01:37
slomobecause of /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/liferea.png01:38
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pochuand doesn't debian need it?01:38
slomodebian doesn't have it yet unfortunately#01:39
pochuoh, then we can file a bug :)01:39
pochuotherwise, I hope the other changes are fine! ;)01:39
pochuslomo: I'm off to bed, please let me know any mistakes I may done :) you have my mail in the changelog ;)01:43
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pochunight everybody!01:43
slomono reason to file a bug, they're aware of it01:43
slomodid you update the package with dh_iconcache?01:43
TheMusoNight pochu.01:43
slomogn8 pochu :)01:43
pochuslomo: no, but I can do it in a second01:43
slomopochu: please do it then :)01:44
pochudone :)01:47
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pochuI haven't updated the diffs, though, but I don't think they're important ;)01:47
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pochuGood night slomo, TheMuso!01:48
TheMusoHi illovae 01:55
illovaehi TheMuso :)01:55
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jmganyone know udev rules? what is wrong with doingKERNEL="xvc0", NAME="xvc0"02:05
toodlesTheMuso: Can you point me in the right direction with dh_make? After I use it to get my package setup, what should I use to build it?02:16
Fujitsutoodles: dpkg-buildpackage, or debuild02:18
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toodlesFujitsu: thanks - any preferences?02:19
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bddebianHeya gang02:47
persiaHi bddebian02:48
bddebianHi persia02:48
RAOFHey bddebian, persia.02:48
bddebianHello RAOF02:48
persiaHi RAOF02:49
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bddebianpersia: Fixed all the wx packages already? :-)02:53
persiabddebian: Nope.  Still working on freqtweak now: somehow I introduced a crash :(.  Three are done, and another just waits for a new python-support though, so it's not all bad.02:54
RAOFI suppose python-support will get merged after UDS?02:55
bddebianYou DA MAN02:55
persiaRAOF: Probably.  Most main people are there.02:56
persiabddebian: If you've a bit of time, bug# 111399 is a wx2.4, and kwave still needs help for bug# 111797 (libflac++ transition).02:58
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bddebianpersia: I can't fix anything, haven't you figured that out yet? :)03:00
persiabddebian: Not fixing, just uploads, but no worries :)03:00
bddebianOh, ahh03:01
bddebianJesus, REVU is like a perpetual monition machine...03:01
bddebianErr motion even03:01
bddebianpersia: Are you just doing these for gutsy?03:03
persiabddebian: I was.  I thought that feisty has a clean libflac++5.  Now I'll go check.03:05
persiabddebian: Yep.  In feisty, flac provides libflac++5c2, rather than libflac++5, so there's no need to backport 111797 (just rebuilds, really).03:07
ScottKbddebian: I thought it was perpetual admonition.03:18
ScottKYou've been reviewing up a storm.03:19
bddebianAnd getting no-where :-(   :)03:20
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ScottKbddebian: Not so.  The packages are getting better.  A few have even gotten uploaded.03:29
ScottKHola jdong.03:29
jdonghey scott03:29
ScottKjdong: I'm not familiar with the backport timeline.  The spamassassin one was the first I filed.  What's the process now?  How long does it take?03:32
ScottKIt's Bug 11245603:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112456 in feisty-backports "Backport of spamassassin 3.2.0-ubuntu2" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11245603:32
jdongScottK: how sure are you of spamassassin? :)03:33
ScottKjdong: I'm sure the packaging is good.03:34
ScottKI'm sure the dependencies are right.03:35
ScottKI've tested the upgrade.03:35
ScottKThe real question is it's a .0 release.03:35
jdongScottK: sounds good then; I am supposed to be on hiatis but I'll accept this backport :)03:35
ScottKThey've been testing it quite a while.  I'm confident the parts that relate to another open source project are good.03:35
ScottKjdong: Thanks.03:36
ScottKthat's another open source project I'm involved in.03:36
jdongaccepted and subscribed -archive03:36
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ScottKThanks again.03:37
ScottKWanna do one more that I'm even more confident of becuase I packaged it and I'm one of the upstream maintainers?03:37
jdongScottK: sure, what is it?03:37
ScottKjdong: If you're up for it it's Bug 11246303:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112463 in edgy-backports "Backport pyspf-2.0.3-0ubuntu1 from Feisty to Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11246303:37
jdongScottK: sounds good, will do03:38
ScottKIf you'd just backport python-support 0.2 to Dapper, it could go there too...;-)03:38
jdongis that safe to do?03:38
ScottKActually I have no idea.  But we ought to look into it I think.03:39
ScottKDapper is going to be around for a long time and bumping them from python-support 0.1 to 0.2 would open up a LOT of possibilities.03:39
persiaTesting would involve recompile of just a few apps to avoid FTBFS...03:39
ScottKBumping them all the way to the current version would be kind of scary.03:40
ScottKWe should ask doko about it when he's not busy at UDS.03:40
minghuawe are still doing edgy backports?03:43
persiaminghua: 18 months...03:43
minghuapersia: true, but I really doubt many people still using edgy would fancy the idea of backported packages03:44
minghua-security, sure; -updates, maybe, but -backports...03:45
minghuaanyway, just my personal opinion03:45
minghuaif there are people willing to work on it, why not03:45
persiaminghua: You might be right.  Those seeking backports probably upgraded soonest.03:46
jdongScottK: heh I'll put asking about that on my todo list, the next time I see a python deity03:48
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persiabddebian: Thank you :)04:14
bddebianpersia: Glad to be of SOME use :_)04:14
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gbutler69How do I begin the process of becoming an Ubuntu contributer, MOTU, etc?04:20
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RAOFgbutler69: Start working on something useful :).  Once you've done a bunch of stuff, ask to become a MOTU.04:21
persiagbutler69: Find a bug in launchpad, and submit a patch.04:21
gbutler69OK. What package would you recommend? What is the highest priority?04:22
plugwashlook for bugs on packages you have some prior experiance with at least as a user and preferablly with the code of04:24
RAOFgbutler69: You could try checking out any of the "mentoring available" bugs in the /topic04:24
gbutler69RAOF: What do you mean "/topic"?04:27
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RAOFYou can type /topic to get the channel topic.  Alternatively, just look up at the heading :).04:28
minghuagbutler69: type "/topic" and read04:28
gbutler69No, I understand about "/topic" in IRC. I meant, how do I find the "Mentoring Available" ones?04:28
gbutler69in Launchpad that is...04:29
synjetgbutler69: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+mentoring04:29
RAOFTexmacs is ready to be merged (bug #113234) if anyone's looking for something to do :)04:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113234 in texmacs "[MERGE]  Please merge texmacs 1: from Debian" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11323404:29
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concept10Are Launchpad bug reports filed for all packages waiting to be sync'd or merged ?04:37
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ScottKFor anyone in UUS, Bug #113235 is ready for review.04:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113235 in pypolicyd-spf "sync request pypolicyd-spf 0.3-1 from Debian Unstable (main)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11323504:40
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persiaconcept10: Only by the person working on the sync/merge04:43
concept10persia, but, does this happen for each and every package?04:43
dougskohi! is there a way to install a package locally as opposed to a system wide install? im trying to install something without superuser privileges. dpkg's options --root, --admindir, and --instdir didnt help any04:44
RAOFconcept10: We've got a list of packages to be merged/sync'd in the /topic (DaD)04:44
persiaconcept10: Not always, but usually (where a sync/merge is considered)04:44
concept10persia, thanks.04:45
RAOFdougsko: Interesting question, but I'm pretty sure the answer is "no, you can't".04:47
RAOFdougsko: Although you could just extract the contents of the deb with dpkg, and put them in appropriate places.04:48
gbutler69How do I look for bugs (high-priority) in Launchpad for Ubuntu 7.04? Those are what I'd like to start with. The mentoring bugs seem a little unfocused at this point.04:48
dougskoRAOF: yeah thats all i could really ocme up with, but that just seemed so lame04:49
TheMusoRAOF: Wouldn't work if library dependencies had to be unpacked.04:49
dougskoTheMuso: if you had the right directories in your $PATH it would04:49
RAOFAnd had LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to the right thigns.04:49
TheMusoRAOF: True.04:50
RAOFBut it's just not a use-case dpkg is interested in.04:50
TheMusodougsko: Yes thats true04:50
RAOFWhy do you want to do that, anyway?04:50
dougskoyeah, you could also get the source package, tear it open, and recompile it with local paths04:50
dougskoa friend wanted to install something, but he doesnt have root04:50
RAOFAh.  Source install then.04:51
minghuasometimes packages just won't work if you don't install them in the places intended04:51
minghuaa lot of software hardcode paths at compiling time04:51
dougskowow, i always thought debs pwned all, but this is really disapointing04:51
dougskoweak sauce :/ thanks for the input though, guys04:52
RAOFEither a compile, or dpkg -x is what you're after.04:53
RAOFOr patch dpkg!04:53
dougskoheh yeah seriously04:53
RAOFWhat could *possibly* go wrong? :)04:54
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gbutler69Is there a way to have launchpad list bugs that are: "Ubuntu 7.04, Confirmed, High Priority" only. That's what I'd like to look at to find bugs to tackle.05:06
gbutler69As it is "Launchpad" doesn't seem very approachable for finding bugs worth attempting and effort on.05:07
=== RAOF hopes you won't find many of those :)
persiagbutler69: Take a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize for something to start with.05:10
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concept10can you guys close some bugs in my name?05:17
TheMusoconcept10: You can close bugs yourself.05:19
concept10TheMuso, I have reviewed the options, I don't see that. im trying to close: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flumotion/+bug/8657305:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 86573 in flumotion "flumotion 0.2.x won't start with Twisted 2.5" [Medium,Confirmed]  05:20
TheMusoconcept10: When you mark it as fix released, its closed.05:21
TheMusoOr rejected05:21
concept10TheMuso, im not a MOTU05:21
TheMusoconcept10: oh ok. I thought anybody could do that.05:22
TheMusoconcept10: Does it need to be fix released, or rejected?05:22
TheMusoI don't want to touch it.05:23
TheMusoIt still seems rather open to me.05:23
concept10TheMuso, im not 100% sure on fix released.  They say that they have fixed in flumotion 0.405:23
TheMusoYeah well I'll leave it as is.05:23
concept10I hate having bugs open for packages I don't have on my system.05:24
persiaconcept10: Check in #ubuntu-bugs.  I think you might need to join the bugsquad to adjust bug status.05:24
concept10TheMuso, persia: thanks05:25
konamim having problems with the aMSN package in ubuntu repositories05:26
konamwhen i try to lauch it the terminal prompts "core dumped" or something alike05:26
konamubuntu feisty05:27
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crimsunthere are undoubtedly dozens of such bug reports.  Which one fits yours?05:29
konamcrimsun me? i don't understand05:32
konamis the amsn program, i install it smoothly but when i try to launch it in a terminal the prompt tells me "core dumped" or something alike, I dont know why it is. the dependencys are ok....05:34
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crimsunkonam: right, so which of the ones listed at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/ fits your symptoms?05:35
=== crimsun finds three boxes to test the upcoming NewAlsaStateManagement
konamcrimsun the mine fits in the "amsn Segmentation fault & core dumped" one05:38
konamhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/110509 crimsun05:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110509 in amsn "amsn Segmentation fault & core dumped" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  05:39
crimsunkonam: does the trace match precisely?05:40
konamohh, theres a trace log, let me see......05:41
crimsunwhat differentiates it from the other "crash" reports?05:41
konamcrimsun the core dumped thing05:41
crimsunkonam: err, there are /several/ coredump ones.  What makes you think yours is unique?05:41
konami haven't seen the that trace when i try to launch the amsn, i only see one message05:41
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konamcrimsun how do i see my amsn trace05:43
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bddebiancrimsun: Is alsa-tools on REVU of interest/concern to you?05:45
crimsunbddebian: sure, it's queued.  I need to do 112606 first.05:47
bddebiancrimsun: No worries, just checking since it is alsa related05:48
crimsunas soon as I submit my grades tomorrow, I'm going to start spec'ing NewAlsaStateManagement05:49
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konamcrimsun could be this one too https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/4697905:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 46979 in amsn "Segmentation fault" [Medium,Needs info]  05:49
crimsunkonam: right, you need to investigate.05:49
minghuabddebian: I saw the new GTK with dh_gtkmodules entered gutsy the other day, just to let you know05:49
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bddebianminghua: Ah cool, thanks!05:50
crimsundid konam just join expecting us to fix his symptom?05:51
crimsunI was attempting to walk him through triaging.  Oh well.05:51
bddebianApparently :-)05:51
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=== TheMuso was going to start packaging secretmaryo, but can't find a license for the music files. Gotta love that.
bddebianIs that the Super Mario Brothers knock-off?05:54
TheMusosomething like that.05:54
bddebianSeems like someone tried that once before.. Hmm05:54
TheMusoJust felt like starting fresh with a package, for something to do05:54
TheMusobddebian: Really?05:54
TheMusoGetdeb have a package, which is in a shocking state.05:54
bddebianTheMuso: It sounds familiar but I'm old and senile05:55
crimsunmm, yes, debian/alsa-utils.init is definitely not doing the right thing05:55
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crimsunI need to kill the spin, which means killing the initscript's current implementation05:56
bddebianHello ranf05:56
crimsunyet another reason for NewAlsaStateManagement!05:56
TheMusocrimsun: Fun times.05:56
crimsunTheMuso: on gnome-based systems, it's a no-brainer.  Use pulseaudio, which restores state on its own.05:57
crimsunyep, that means we'll need a11y testing for it05:57
crimsunwe're building a store of asoundrcs, too, so soon we'll have common configurations for just about every driver.05:58
crimsunwant dmixed surround sound?  Click here.05:59
bddebianYou rock d00d :-)05:59
crimsunExtra credit assignments for my students.  :-)05:59
TheMusocrimsun: Want one for two/three ice1712 cards for simultaneous use?05:59
TheMusoOr is that already there.05:59
jmgcrimsun: nice05:59
jmgcrimsun: i was thinking of building a speaker test/configuring thingy06:00
jmgI identified that as a weak spot06:00
crimsunjmg: you can halfway do that with speaker-test and wishie's configs.06:00
jmgcrimsun: its not point and clicky06:00
crimsunnope, not yet.06:00
TheMusobah. Not worth my time.06:01
TheMusosmc that is06:01
jmgcrimsun: also, DTS decoding doesnt work06:01
crimsunjmg: neither does pony over IP.  One step at a time.06:01
jmgbut its ambiguous whether its meant to work in software or not.06:01
crimsunit won't.06:01
jmgOMG PONIES?06:01
crimsunwe lack all sorts of rights to do it.06:02
jmgbut it appears that the xine we ship actually uses the software dts decoder library, libdts or whatever06:02
crimsunright, but that's at least one layer up.06:02
jmgbut that should do it06:03
crimsunhauling that into alsa makes me sweat.06:03
jmgit doesnt need to be in alsa. xine should output 6 channels06:03
crimsunit doesn't already?06:03
crimsunor do you mean DTS specifically?06:03
jmgive done it with 5.1 encoded avis06:04
jmgbut not ac3 or dts dvds06:04
crimsunok, right, that's one layer up06:04
jmgso xine's problem.06:05
bddebianGnight folks06:28
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crimsunhmm, a few of these merges listed on DaD are missing notes07:26
=== crimsun fixes
crimsune.g., ones with existing sync requests that aren't noted under the Comment column07:27
persiacrimsun: Do you believe files should be generated for bug #58309?07:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 58309 in alsa-tools "missing entry on kde menu" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5830907:28
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crimsunpersia: hmm, well, I'm not keen on polluting the menu, but it's certainly a valid wishlist.07:30
crimsunso yes, I believe they should be generated.07:30
crimsunmoins \sh 07:30
persiacrimsun: Thanks.07:31
\shargl...dad is just a bit bugg07:31
\shand please remind me, to not start merging after waking up 07:32
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\shmoins Hobbsee 07:37
Hobbseehi \sh 07:37
\shHobbsee, you are early this morning :)07:38
Hobbsee\sh: yeah - we're usually up around this time07:39
Hobbseetimezones are so screwed anyway07:39
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shHobbsee, hehe...I remember siretart and me during UBZ...the very first day was really jetlagged ;)07:40
Hobbsee\sh: well, just based on the time of flight, it wasnt too bad07:40
Hobbseebut it's different from au timezones, based on when they eat dinner, so it's all a bit weird07:40
\shHobbsee, but I hope you enjoy your time with all those geeks down there :) it's quite an experience how the work is done, just to see how everything is being planned for the near future :)07:41
Hobbsee\sh: :)07:42
Hobbsee\sh: it's been pretty good :)07:42
\shHobbsee, I hope I can go to one of the Summits next year07:46
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StevenKHrm. Methinks the wireless at the hotel is not quite fixed yet.07:47
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Hobbseeit....gets us an ip, for a start07:49
HobbseeStevenK: but, there are 207:49
\shk...see you later...need to get a shower and go to the office...laters people07:51
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=== StevenK waves to Fujitsu.
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=Admiral_@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonmoins all08:19
imbrandonheya crimsun 08:21
=== Fujitsu waves to StevenK.
FujitsuEvil parents.08:29
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ajmitchmorning all08:59
RAOFAfternood ajmitch 09:00
=== StevenK waves to ajmitch.
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=== siretart waves to *
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FujitsuAaaaaargh, I take it that Ubuntu CE has released its Feisty version. I've seen quite a number of GNOME Sword bug reports mentioning CE and Automatix.09:14
FujitsuNice to have apport giving us bugs.09:15
Hobbseehi Fujitsu 09:15
Hobbseeubuntu ce?09:15
FujitsuHi Hobbsee, ajmitch.09:15
FujitsuChristian Edition.09:15
FujitsuBasically Ubuntu + Automatix + various GNOME Swordish applications.09:16
Hobbseeeven CE doesnt have automatix, does it?09:16
crimsuneven better, there's a planet.ubuntu post mentioning automatix2.  At least it's a bit unabashed in its dislike.09:16
Fujitsucrimsun: WHERE!? Let me at it.09:16
crimsunFujitsu: it's not quite as bad as it sounds.  At least it's a big honking warning.  http://www.belutz.net/2007/05/08/17-not-really-must-have-free-apps-for-new-ubuntu-users/09:17
RAOFUbuntu CE doesn't *ship* with automatix, surely?09:17
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StevenKIf it did, surely it's not Christian to break upgrades. :-P09:17
FujitsuCan't these CE people get their own bugtracker and point apport at it or something similar?09:17
=== ajmitch waves to hobbsee
Q-FUNKubuntu CE *shivers*09:18
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Hobbseehi ajmitch 09:19
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alghi everyone!09:19
Fujitsu`Automatix is also installed by default in Ubuntu CE so users can quickly get their system running.'09:20
algHobbsee: I still can't login into revu :(09:20
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FujitsuLooks like it might have been removed in the Feisty version, though.09:20
algHobbsee: any chance the keyring wasn't resync'ed?09:21
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FujitsuOh no, it's still there. Yay!09:22
StevenKFujitsu: Can we crucify them?09:23
FujitsuIt comes with IEs4Linux too.09:23
=== StevenK ducks.
FujitsuThese are the features that seem to justify having a seperate distribution:09:23
StevenKMight it suggest a different name than Ubuntu CE, too?09:24
StevenKMight I point to the Debian vs Trusted Debian debate?09:24
FujitsuI know not of that debate.09:24
StevenKDamn youngsters.09:24
FujitsuHowever, I know that I have to be at the train station in 9 minutes.09:24
StevenKFujitsu: Heading home?09:25
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-25.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuNo, heading to TAFE again.09:25
FujitsuI'll be back in about 40.09:25
Hobbseealg: it was09:27
alghm, then I must be doing something wrong?09:27
algI use this page: http://revu.tauware.de09:27
Hobbseedid you use dput revu *.changes, or dput *.changes?09:27
ajmitchalg: you can login once a package has been successfully uploaded & appears on revu09:27
algand try both my e-mail address I used to register on the launchpad and the one from the key09:27
algah, that's the problem I guess. I thought I have to login, then upload... not the other way09:28
algHobbsee: what's the correct "dput ..." among these two? (just to save another bug-hunting session :) )09:29
StevenKalg: The former.09:29
Hobbseealg: dput revu *.changes09:29
StevenKalg: If your dput.cf has revu.09:29
Hobbseeas you want to upload to revu09:29
algyeah, thanks!09:30
algwill try in a couple of minutes09:30
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algbtw, here's the dilemma I face. I have two versions of the same package. One is the stable release and one is the most recent. Any suggestions on how to handle this?09:31
alg(in the uploading context I mean)09:32
StevenKIs the most recent stable and backward compatible?09:32
algno, it's the development release, but having far more new exciting features than the stable one.09:33
algand yes, it's backward compatible09:34
geserhow useable is the development release?09:34
Burgundaviawhich pagackage?09:34
alghowever.... stable and development releases save data files in the different directories under home not to interfere, so you can use both in fact09:35
algit's usable, but can have bugs. the development release cycle is two weeks09:35
algBurgundavia: blogbridge (www.blogbridge.com)09:36
algWould it be a good idea to upload two separate packages, like package-... and package-weekly-...?09:37
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@vpn101.mip.uni-hannover.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunpersia: my primary dev machine is being used to chase down a race condition ATM, so I haven't had time to test 112606.  Sorry.09:39
Lutin\sh: do you have issues with dad ?09:39
persiacrimsun: Actually, I was expecting to hear that the new jack 0.103.0-3.1 was taking too long, and so you hadn't had a chance to test.  That there is something else as well is probably a good thing :)09:40
\shLutin, sure...all packages which are firstly uploaded to ubuntu are totally borked regarding the merges09:40
Lutin\sh: a yeah, that one :/09:41
\shLutin, can you filter them out, so we can do manual merges, without the tool....just mark them with "red" <tr> ,-)09:41
crimsunpersia: sorry.  It takes a while to chase down these emu10k1 races.09:41
algStevenK, geser: I believe, I better stick to the stable releases so far. :)09:41
alg(for now)09:42
Lutin\sh: yep, we have to find a clean way to handle that09:42
persiacrimsun: Understood.  I'm not in any hurry.  Good luck with emu10k1.09:42
\shLutin, check the changelog entries for -0ubuntuX revisions, as a first shot09:43
Hobbseepersia: does supercollider use packages-arch-specific now?  ie for anything but amd64?09:43
crimsunhave I mentioned that I hate Creative hardware?09:43
Hobbseecrimsun: dont you hate all sound hardware?09:43
Hobbseepersia: oh, nvm09:43
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Lutin\sh: that would discard a whole bunch of packages who have to be merged09:43
persiaHobbsee: Has since forever (Hoary or Breezy I think: I'd have to check).  Why?  Do you know how to delete the stale binary?09:44
crimsunHobbsee: I hate everything that works and everything that doesn't work.  Hmm, I guess I do.  :D09:44
Hobbseepersia: right, good.  just checking.  and indirectly, yes09:44
\shLutin, no..mark them on the webpage, so that we know, that it has to be a manual merge without the merge grabbing tool09:44
Hobbseepersia: it's done09:44
Hobbseecrimsun: haha :)09:44
persiaHobbsee: Really?  Thanks ever so much.  I think that's my longest outstanding bug :)09:45
Lutin\sh: I meant, there are a lot of -0ubuntuX packages which can be merged automatically09:45
Hobbseepersia: no problem.  archive admin is in the room, and on irc ;)09:45
\shLutin, hmm..I never found one, which wasn't broken, e.g. the changelog wasn't merged correctly, all ubuntu entries were lost09:46
Lutin\sh: the problem is only with packages that are not based on any debian version, but that"s not the biggest part of the -0ubuntuX from wht I can see09:46
persiaHobbsee: So the procedure for those is to bug archive admin?  I thought that it was hard to remove only binaries.09:46
Hobbseepersia: launchpad keeps changing09:46
crimsunpersia: that was the situation some time ago.  It may well have changed.09:46
Hobbseepersia: but yeah09:46
\shLutin, e.g.  pygoocanvas0.6.0-0ubuntu10.8.0-109:46
=== persia celebrates launchpad improvements
\shLutin, it was uploaded first to edgy..now it's in debian...09:46
crimsun\sh: / Lutin: I can confirm that happened with galago-gtk-python as well.09:48
crimsunmd5sums are identical for orig.tar.gz09:48
crimsunneed an additional check for the case we're hitting.09:48
crimsun(in the case of galago-gtk-python, it's ok ultimately, since it's a sync)09:49
TheMusoToday's schedule not up yet?09:51
StevenKTheMuso: Haven't seen it.09:51
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tarzeaucan i somehow help w/ #105996 ?09:51
StevenKbug 10599609:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 105996 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging]  FreeBasic" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10599609:52
StevenKPackage it for Debian?09:52
tarzeauStevenK: i did, can you sponsor it?09:52
StevenKNot at the moment.09:52
=== luisbg [i=d33p@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-40d29af3f4f0b150] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKI'm on Windows machine on my uni network, and I trust neither.09:53
tarzeauStevenK: that's fine, maybe later today?09:54
StevenKI could also suggest mentors.debian.net09:54
Hobbsee**** MOTU SESSION ON NOW ***09:55
tarzeauoh wait i have a sponsor already09:55
crimsunHobbsee: irc channel?09:55
ajmitch(you can listen in on voip)09:55
StevenKHobbsee: Which I could. :-(09:55
Hobbseecrimsun: #uds-sevilla and the VOIP09:55
crimsunajmitch: can't, blocked.09:55
HobbseeVOIP's better09:55
Hobbseeaww :(09:55
ajmitchor hobbsee can transcribe09:55
=== ajmitch can't type it fast enough
=== Tonio_ [i=tonio@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-adf578786ee5ba17] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxmotu yay09:56
ajmitchso, what problems do we have in MOTU?09:56
\shajmitch, which number?09:57
\shthere is no schedule09:57
Hobbseeit's room C09:57
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@host-213-189-171-21.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchgobby session is being started09:57
ajmitchor not09:57
\shI'm in :)09:59
ajmitchso we heard09:59
=== dholbach_ [i=daniel@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-fae28c796292ce98] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shajmitch, who is there09:59
ajmitchlots of people :)10:00
\shgobby.ubuntu.com ?10:00
ajmitchit's dead10:00
concept10where are the gobby pages for the other sessions?10:03
Hobbseesame place.  but it's broken10:03
persiaup now10:05
Hobbseepersia: VOIP is being used more now10:05
crimsunport 6522 for gobby?10:05
persiaHobbsee: Noise has been improved as well10:06
persiacrimsun: Yes10:06
Hobbseeajmitch: you'll keep....10:06
crimsunah, ssh tunneling.10:07
\shoh shit10:08
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shneed to work here10:10
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartwho is talking via voip actually?10:16
\shnot me...I'm lurking...and I'm really scared ;)10:17
Hobbseesiretart: imbrandon 10:17
=== ajmitch wonders... :)
ajmitchwho else has a voice like that?10:17
Hobbseeother rednecks.  :P10:17
joejaxxwho else is in the motu session? i cannot see everyone's nametags :P10:17
=== \sh has to deploy another bunch of servers while I'm listening ;)
imbrandonsiretart, me10:17
joejaxx\sh: nice10:17
siretartah, hi imbrandon  :)10:17
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-250-188-61.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
\shimbrandon wants to take over wine, I heard it ;) 10:23
concept10I can only understand one person on the call :(10:24
crimsundude, awesome.  I hear imbrandon wants azureus, too.10:24
imbrandonugh, i quit10:25
imbrandoncrimsun, are you on this call ?10:25
crimsunI'm in gobby.10:25
imbrandonahh ok10:25
crimsunare we looking at any particular doc?10:25
imbrandonno idea, i dont have a gobby client avail to me here at work10:26
imbrandonso i'm VoIP only10:26
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crimsunhey, maybe if we join forces, we can hobble along10:26
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=== Fujitsu drops a "Hahahaha, it's yours forever!" on \sh.
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=== ajmitch hands wine to laserjock
\shno we need scott ritchie10:34
\shhe wants to be a motu too just because of wine10:34
\shwe should think about a special case for him...like the other guys from beryl/compiz I think10:34
=== \sh has a meeting now...bbl
crimsunthat's what the sabdfl was wanting IIRC10:35
crimsun(I honestly have no idea if anything's actually being discussed, so I'm just kinda...twiddling my thumbs.)10:36
imbrandoncrimsun, just talking about the next motu meetitng etc10:36
imbrandonnothing much10:36
imbrandonlot of dead air10:36
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siretart\sh: I think this is the biggest problem of wine: lot's of users, but very few people willing to care for it10:44
rollerskatejammssiretart, Isn't that winehq's job10:44
\shsiretart, because wine is a bitch...regarding debugging, apps etc.10:44
imbrandoni dont mind helping care for anything, i just dont want to take on any packages fully myself right now10:44
imbrandonuntill i get a little more time10:44
rollerskatejammsimbrandon, you provide one of the seveas mirrors right?10:45
\shimbrandon, wine itself is nothing too time consuming...the problem are the bugs, which are mostly upstream10:45
imbrandonrollerskatejamms, yes10:45
rollerskatejammsimbrandon, Thanks!10:45
imbrandonyw :)10:45
\shimbrandon, and right now, our apport stuff for wine is useless...(see wine spec) so I have to change some things to get better bugreports..10:45
rollerskatejammsI'm hoping he'll backport pidgin and thunderbird10:45
jacquesmerdei'm new to ubuntu. i've just done an apt-get source package. now which file tells me which configure options are used?10:46
imbrandonrollerskatejamms, i plan on officialy trying to backport pidgin ( maybe )10:46
=== rollerskatejamms [n=rollersk@pool-68-160-199-176.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonjacquesmerde, <package>/debian/rules10:46
imbrandonif there are any used10:46
siretartrollerskatejamms: well, it's always SEP (somebody's else problem) - that doesn't help ubuntu10:48
rollerskatejammsgood point10:49
jacquesmerdeimbrandon: cheers!10:50
=== zenrox [i=zenrox@pool-71-115-194-77.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
siretartrollerskatejamms: what would rather help is looking at the bugs in launchpad, and decide on a policy on how to handle upstream bugs we can't fix in ubuntu, and actually maintain the package10:50
jacquesmerdenow, can i just edit the rules file to add a configure flag, then compile and install the whole thing?10:50
jacquesmerdei want to build bmpx with soulseek support10:51
crimsunwell, you need to add the appropriate build dependency(ies) to debian/control, too.10:52
crimsunif in fact it requires additional ones.10:52
jacquesmerdecrimsum, sweet, the installing the package will pull in the dependency, rather than having to install it manually?10:53
jacquesmerdeso i can just edit debian/rules and debian/control? then what?10:53
crimsundebuild -S, run it through pbuilder10:54
crimsunor if you're lazy, debuild binary10:54
jacquesmerdeyou mean just run: <package>/debuild -S && debuild <package> ?10:55
jacquesmerdei'm completely new to ubuntu/debian10:55
crimsunyou need to be in the root of the extracted source package.10:55
jacquesmerdeof course10:56
jacquesmerdebut thats it?10:56
jacquesmerdenot in the debian directory, but the one below it, yeah? for both commands?10:56
crimsuncorrect.  You probably want `debuild binary` then, since it doesn't seem as if you want to use pbuilder.10:56
Hobbseedholbach: i spoke to bjorn10:56
=== Sindwiller [n=sindwill@84-75-101-114.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-MOTU
jacquesmerdedebuild binary?10:57
crimsunit's a literal command.10:57
crimsunyou need the devscripts package.10:58
jacquesmerdeit doesnt need a specific argument? not debuild binary package.deb?10:59
crimsun04:57 < crimsun> it's a literal command.10:59
crimsunas in that's the entire command.10:59
joejaxxjacquesmerde: anything inside the `   ` is a command :)11:01
joejaxxjacquesmerde: like `echo "hello"`11:01
crimsundid I just miss the entire motu session?11:02
=== luisbg__ [i=d33p@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-dd42f5e8d5d31b8e] has joined #ubuntu-motu
luisbg__crimsun, yeap11:03
imbrandoncrimsun, not really there was alot of dead air 11:03
luisbg__there are going to be more though11:03
imbrandoncept when i piped up11:03
=== dholbach [i=daniel@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-a9b283b2ae8e0e8c] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunugh.  It's 5AM.11:03
persiaFor a CDBS package, I'd like to both rename and install a file as part of the build.  Can I do something with dh_install, or do I need to overload the install rule (or maybe the configure rule)?11:03
imbrandoncrimsun, we're on the 1100 sessions now11:03
shawarmapersia: Just put the full filenames in your .install file?11:04
persiashawarma: WIll that handle a rename?  I thought that wasn't supported?  I'll test.11:05
rollerskatejammssiretart, What defines whether a bug is something that can't be fixed in ubuntu or not?11:05
imbrandonrollerskatejamms, if its a package bug or a code bug11:05
rollerskatejammsimbrandon, package can be fixed, code cant?11:06
shawarmapersia: It's entirely possible that I'm on crack, though. I just seem to remember doing something like that at one point.11:06
crimsunpersia: rename it prior to using dh_install(1).11:06
imbrandonmostly yes, there isnt any hard fast rules11:06
persiacrimsun: Does CDBS have a handy file for that, or do I need to overload?11:06
persiashawarma: Yep.  You're on crack :)  Testing demonstrated that the limitations section of dh_install still applies.11:07
crimsunpersia: IIRC, install/binpackagename::11:09
persiacrimsun: I was just going to overload install::, but thanks.  I was hoping for a shorter rules file.11:10
crimsunugh, need to run.11:10
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shawarmapersia: Ah, yes, it must have been a directory I was renaming back then. My bad.11:19
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@cs27009116.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
persiashawarma: No worries.  Overloading in CDBS is easy, just not as pretty (I hear of debian/rules files 2 lines long (with the first being #!/usr/bin/make -f)11:22
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ivoksmost of the times, rules done with cdbs contains only includes11:31
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siretartLathiat: around?12:21
siretartLathiat: we need to talk to you about motugames12:22
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TheMusopersia: Heh now that all jack needing apps are back in, we can get them rebuilt.12:51
TheMusopredius_: I meant, now that a fixed jack is in.12:51
TheMusodamn typing12:51
TheMusopersia: ^^12:51
persiaTheMuso: Well, hydrogen and rosegarden down...12:51
=== TheMuso is watching ia64/powerpc build.
persiaI got lucky with hydrogen: sparc worked before the jack failure (oddly enough, given recent sparc performance).12:52
TheMusoNow if only I could work out why ardour builds fine in pbuilder, yet fails on the build servers.12:53
=== TheMuso suspects he will have to set up sbuild to get the answer.
=== persia takes a look
TheMusopersia: I asked in -dev last week, and Mithrandir and cjwatson were puzzled by it.12:55
TheMusoIts not somethign simple.12:55
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=== persia has a stale schroot around that uses sbuild, and doesn't really feel like fighting with wxwidgets right now.
shawarmaTheMuso:  That was the pkg-config thing, right?12:56
pochuslomo: thanks for the upload! so there weren't any other mistakes? :)12:56
StevenKpersia: Masochistic, aren't we? :-P12:56
TheMusoshawarma: Yes.12:56
slomopochu: nope :)12:57
slomopochu: want some other jobs? :)12:57
persiaStevenK: I'll give up quick if I can't find it.  Looks like something about how scons is configured in the schroot, at first glance.12:57
pochuslomo: sure!12:57
shawarmaTheMuso: Yeah, that one was really interesting.12:57
slomopochu: get monodevelop from debian :) this includes merging stetic, cecil and probably other stuff and switching monodevelop from xulrunner to firefox which you already know now ;)12:58
pochuslomo: if you promise to review it, I'll do it :)12:58
slomostetic is probably a sync, so is cecil12:58
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TheMusopersia: Found anything? Or are you not looking?01:18
persiaTheMuso: I'm wondering if it might have something to do with the current version being 0.21, rather than 0.21.0, but I need to test more (and will have to cook soon).  Separately, Oooh!  Shiny! (local build works just fine).01:20
TheMusopersia: Ok thanks anyway. Ardour2 is cool, and yeah pbuilder is fine.01:21
persiaTheMuso: I'll keep looking, but don't block on me.  At this point, it's really more of an excuse for me to get sbuild working again, rather than finding a quick solution.01:22
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TheMusoRight. I am not sure if I want to be crazy enough to set up sbuild yet.01:22
persiaTheMuso: If you can get a free partition, siretart wrote a nice (but outdated) guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto.01:23
TheMusopochu: Thanks. Partitions/disk space is no big deal.01:24
TheMusosorry persia 01:24
TheMusough typing tonight01:24
TheMusopersia: Page not exi/c01:24
TheMusosorry 01:24
persiaTheMuso: I dunno.  Works for me.  There's another spin at http://www.pseudorandom.co.uk/2007/sbuild/, but I've not reviewed or tried it.01:25
=== persia cooks
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TheMusoEvening RAOF 01:35
RAOFGood eventide01:35
RAOFHeh, just confirmed a democracyplayer crash for myself.  Curiously, it works in amd64, but not i38601:35
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TheMusoUsually its the other way round01:43
RAOFIndeed, but it works perfectly on both my amd64 systems, and crashes on startup on my shiny new Gutsy i386 VM01:43
RAOFAlso, looks like I get to write an autotools build system for Tao.  Yay!01:44
RAOFBetter than their current build system, which is "generate a project file for a bunch of IDEs"01:44
RAOFOh, and there's some broken support for generating an (evil, broken) autotools system.01:45
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Lathiatsiretart: howdy...01:53
Lathiatsiretart: yeh i've done entirely nothing for motugames, feel free to drop my membership?01:54
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lionelhi xxxxx102:00
=== koke [n=koke@14.Red-88-26-177.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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slomoRAOF: sounds good :)02:07
siretartLathiat: ok, so it seems decided for now to just redirect interested folks to the debian games team, which is much more active02:07
siretartLathiat: actually, I'm way more active there compared to the debian games team02:08
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fluxyHello. I am new to this channel, so I don't know how things work, but I'd like to know why updates take so much time to arrive in ubuntu? (e.g: gaim changed to pidgin, package anyone?)02:30
ivoks_fluxy: feisty was frozen when gaim was renamed02:31
ivoks_(and released)02:31
crimsunbut .. but .. SHINY02:32
crimsunmust have shiny02:32
fluxyyeah but you can always add pidgin package in universe so anyone can install it after release of feisty02:32
ivoks_yeah, we could also have 5 vesions of firefox too02:33
fluxywell does this mean we gotta wait 6 months to get updates02:33
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ivoks_you can compile it02:34
fluxyor i can dload a compiled deb somewhere and install it02:34
crimsunfluxy: 7.04 is a  /frozen released/  distro.  We do not make changes to it.  One can backport it from gutsy once it enters.02:34
zulcrimsun: shiny my precious02:34
fluxybut let's say i am a n00b (half true)02:34
ivoks_adding new package, with name-change isn't that simple02:34
StevenKIt was also a new upstream release.02:34
FujitsuReleased == stable == no possibly breakage-inducing changes02:35
zulthis isnt gentoo <tm> :)02:35
ivoks_and changelog between feisty's version of gaim and pidgin is... big?02:36
fluxym' kay if u say so, but really this stinks *sigh*02:36
FujitsuI suppose it's absolutely devastating to have a different name.02:36
FujitsuI don't know how the world will survive.02:36
fluxypidgin is just an example (pidgin looks better)02:36
ivoks_fluxy: it's the same app02:36
ivoks_new release was cause of the name change02:36
fluxythere are apps i would have loved to have in universe02:37
ivoks_almost only02:37
fluxylike wxdfast 02:37
ivoks_fluxy: http://revu.tauware.de/ is your friend :)02:37
crimsunfluxy: please consider joining our efforts, then.  You can get involved by reading the links in this channel's topic.02:37
crimsunfluxy: remember, it's up to  /you/  to make things happen!02:38
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-motu
fluxyuh looks good (revu...) - i've been dloading packages from getdeb.net too, but a bit unreliable02:39
xxxxx1"just do it". heh02:39
shawarmafluxy: It's not a place to download new and shiny packages. It's a place where you can upload *your* packages to.02:39
fluxyoop sorry my bad02:40
shawarmafluxy: There are basically two ways we can do things: Always package the latest versions of everything and just throw it in the archive and hope things work, or we can spend loads of time making sure that we have a collection of stuff that all works together and only release every once in a while.02:41
shawarmaIt's only 6 months. 02:41
shawarmaPlus we backport security fixes.02:42
=== Hobbsee [i=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ivoks_and apps get backported02:42
shawarmaYes.. It's entirely unsupported, though.02:42
fluxythat's the prob with linux02:44
fluxyapplication distribution is entirely centralised02:44
ivoks_no it isn't02:44
fluxyreminds me of communism02:44
StevenKThen switch to Gentoo. And be damned to compile everything yourself.02:45
ivoks_fluxy: i didn't notice gaim updated on my windowse when pidgin was released :/02:45
fluxylol *no comments*02:45
shawarmafluxy: I sincerely apologise for spending all of my spare time making sure that your entire system works in a coherent manner.02:45
fluxyhey chill dudes02:45
fluxyi guess that's your way of doing things02:46
crimsunfluxy: seriously, there are lots of distros to fit your particular itch.  Foresight might be up your alley.02:46
shawarmaIt's just not very constructive to show up and just start criticising people's volunteer work.02:46
crimsunshawarma: dude, your work isn't SHINY enough02:46
fluxy(ivoks: it's easier to get myself a new-reliable-working-supported version of pidgin or whatever software)02:46
=== Hobbsee looks in
fluxyno no02:46
shawarmacrimsun: I know. I cry mysleep to sleep every night.02:47
fluxymy aim is not to criticise02:47
fluxybut to understand02:47
ivoks_fluxy: cause you can download .exe?02:47
=== Hobbsee hears the troll alert..
fluxy(yeah) now that i did 02:47
fluxyi was about to leave (and stop trolling ;))02:47
xxxxx1fluxy: you don't need to release always the latest upstream version. whatever, in a good distro some packages are needed by others and vice-versa, the ubuntu, like debian is a concise and mature distro.02:47
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shawarmafluxy: Your very first line in here contained stuff like: "why updates take so much time to arrive in ubuntu?", later: "but really this stinks".. that's not criticism in your world?02:48
ivoks_shawarma: of course not02:48
ivoks_that's an attack :)02:48
fluxy"this really stinks" was bad - Sorry 02:49
shawarmafluxy: If that's your way of not criticising, that "really stinks".02:49
shawarmafluxy: If you really think we're going about this all wrong, write up a proposal of how we should do it instead. Be constructive.02:50
xxxxx1fluxy: you're a maintaner of some app?02:50
fluxynot really, just an end user and ubuntu promoter (in my part of the world)02:50
shawarmafluxy: Just moaning about wanting the name of something to change to something else is neither constructive nor encouraging.02:50
xxxxx1fluxy: you should be, to know how things work. ;)02:51
xxxxx1is not a easy task02:51
shawarmafluxy: Truly: If you just log off now, noone will ever care that you were here. If you *really* have an idea of how to go about this in a better way, write a proposal about it and fix it and be the person who salvaged every Ubuntu user from stale 6 months old software.02:51
fluxysome people have already come up with the idea i guess (alternative apt server with shiny releases or getdeb)02:52
shawarmafluxy: Cold, hard facts. We're doing what we think is best. Walking into a room shouting "you're doing everything wrong" and running off again will just make everyone shrug and be on their merry way.02:53
fluxybut i wish they had better servers or more reliable debs (like ubuntu)02:53
shawarmafluxy: Blood is shiny, I suppose.02:53
=== Fujitsu [n=william@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Going]
shawarmaI take it you're familiar with the concept of bleeding edge?02:53
fluxyuh yeah02:54
shawarmaright. It's shiny, but there's a reason it's called "bleeding". It's *almost* broken by design.02:54
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-25.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zulie you want to slit your wrists when you want to use it?02:54
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shawarmaNot the invidual pieces of software, of course, but we're not packaging individual pieces of software. We're packaging a distribution.02:55
=== Fujitsu [n=william@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunfluxy: if you truly seek "decentralised", then look into a conary-based distro.  See Foresight.02:56
fluxywell the thing is ubuntu is really well glued as a whole distro which is why I love it02:56
crimsunfluxy: please try to remember, however, that we're working within a Debian-based packaging framework, which may not be what you seek.  We're all interested in constructive criticism.  You can contribute; see the Blueprints on https://launchpad.net02:57
=== Hobbsee smells either a troll, or a user who wants to have the cake, and eat it too...
=== fluxy wants to have the cake and eat it too ;)
Hobbseefluxy: you cant.  neither can you wand wave.02:59
StevenKBut .... I want a pony!02:59
StevenKAnd I want to eat it too.02:59
=== StevenK runs.
crimsununless you're Hobbsee, but she gets away with it because she has a pointy stick of doom.02:59
ScottKhmmm ... pony...02:59
fluxyok folkz i guess i got the point03:00
StevenK"folkz" Dear.03:01
HobbseeStevenK: the pony is nice looking.03:01
fluxyand sorry for the offense03:01
fluxy(folkz = guys + gals) =)03:01
StevenKI'm well aware of that.03:01
=== lfittl [i=lfittl@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-dc572665e119c014] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeanyone feel like dealing with all the u-u-s bugs?03:03
=== TheMuso will do some tomorrow.
=== Loic [n=Loic@ram94-2-89-85-122-46.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseegood ;)03:04
lionelLutin has done some this morning03:05
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lionelbut there is still 179 bugs in the queue :(03:07
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Hobbseelots refer to debian03:08
lionelI will check old ones to reject or mark them as fix released03:09
=== ajmitch returns
xxxxx1fluxy is the best! yeah!03:10
StevenKajmitch: What, back in .nz? :-P03:10
=== persia recommends 35375, 112973, and 111391 as fun bugs to upload :)
StevenKbug 3537503:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 35375 in scorched3d "Scorched3d SIGSEGV on startup" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/3537503:11
crimsunbug 112973, 11139103:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112973 in gmsh "Please merge gmsh 2.0.7-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11297303:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111391 in sooperlooper "Build against wxwidgets2.6" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11139103:11
crimsunI'll take #11139103:11
persiacrimsun: Thanks.03:12
=== Fujitsu prods sbuild.
ajmitchStevenK: not yet :P03:12
ajmitchthough I see I missed all the fun about releases & updates03:12
FujitsuWhy is it fetching the source package from the archive when I specify a local source package?03:13
FujitsuOr is that all it does?03:14
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slomopochu: so how are things progressing? :)03:26
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=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang03:29
persiahi bddebian03:30
ScottKHeya bddebian03:30
bddebianHi persia, ScottK03:30
ajmitchhi bddebian 03:30
lionelhi bddebian03:30
xxxxx1bddebian <o/03:30
bddebianDamn persia, going for top contributor for Gutsy or something? ;-P03:30
bddebianHi ajmitch, lionel, xxxxx103:30
persiabddebian: Nah.  I still have 21 packages to go to break my Dapper/Feisty numbers :)03:31
bddebianSheesh :-)03:31
=== bddebian feels inadequate :-)
ScottKMaybe bddebian should join UUS then?03:31
persiabddebian: You, too, could generate tiny patches to insignificant bugs :)03:31
bddebianScottK: I'm not?03:32
ScottKHmm maybe I missed it then.03:32
=== ScottK was looking the other day and didn't see you.
=== ScottK will look again.
bddebianIt's possible that I'm not03:32
lionelbddebian: you do not seem to be in03:33
ScottKbddebian: Nope https://launchpad.net/%7Ebddebian/+participation03:33
lionelnote that there is no need to be in uus to go in through the bug list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-universe-sponsors/ :)03:33
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StevenKpersia: I'm a little wary of that wxwidgets bug03:35
persiaStevenK: What about it?03:36
StevenKpersia: Has upstream been involved at all?03:36
StevenKDuh, of course they have.03:37
StevenKThe original patch is from their CVS.03:37
persiaUpstream wrote the original patch (in head).  I only backported to Ubuntu 2.8 (in the archived), and now for Ubuntu 2.6.  I can get back to upstream and speak to them about inclusion in a 2.6 release, if you think it's important.03:37
StevenKpersia: No no, I was just worried about some large patch just coming out of the ether.03:37
persiaStevenK: OK.  I usually at least send those back :)  This one though is an upstream fix.03:38
=== dholbach [i=daniel@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-be332b13abfc9395] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKpersia: I'm a little concerned about the wierd characters - sounds like encoding.03:39
=== persia looks at the patch again
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persiaStevenK: Do you mean that multibyte characters are converted to spaces in wxSafeConvertMB2WX?03:40
pochuslomo: haven't started yet, but I'm going to do it now. but I'm first going to build liferea with both gtkhtml and gecko, so we can confirm whether bug 98725 is in gecko or not. what do you think about that bug?03:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 98725 in sun-java5 "[feisty]  liferea crash with undefined symbol PR_NewMonitor" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9872503:41
slomopochu: with gtkhtml no java would be used at all so that's gecko03:42
pochuslomo: can you comment on the bug? :)03:43
slomopochu: i didn't even read it yet, just the title ;)03:43
slomopochu: can you add that? :)03:43
pochusure. btw, he tested with gtkhtml, and the crash wasn't happening03:43
pochudo I move it to firefox, then?03:44
slomonot sure03:44
slomoeither java or firefox03:44
slomoboth ugly and huge pieces of software... no idea which one is at fault here ;)03:44
pochujava is already there :)03:44
pochubut doko doesn't know about it03:44
slomomaybe ask asac or doko03:44
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slomohow many advocated are required on revu nowadays?03:51
pochuI think two, but not sure03:52
shawarmaYes, save #ubuntu-motu...03:53
ScottKslomo: Two for a new package.  One for an update of an existing pacakge.03:53
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slomook, good to know ;)03:54
xxxxx1anyone here is using reiser4?03:56
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RapidStormhey al04:09
RapidStormis the the right room with for help with ubantu ?04:11
RapidStorm-1the lol04:11
=== alleeHol [i=ach@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-6dadaf7193dadede] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeuh, no.  try #ubuntu04:11
affluxno. check #ubuntu04:11
lionelRapidStorm: for general help #ubuntu is the best04:11
affluxhehe :D04:11
RapidStormok ty 04:11
RapidStormim out ty04:12
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bddebian@#$%^& Lauchpad04:34
Hobbseewhat's it doing now?04:35
=== Hobbsee has some of the devs nearby
bddebianKeeps timing out while I'm trying to submit a bug report :-(04:36
persiaLaunchpad is your friend.  It decides what may be done, and when.04:36
Hobbseebddebian: useful04:36
Hobbseepersia: hah.04:36
bddebianpersia: :-)04:36
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pochuslomo: starting with the merge, let's see how it goes :)04:39
slomopochu: cool :) again, get new stetic and cecil first (cecil is probably waiting on binary NEW, stetic needs a sync) from debian04:39
Hobbseeslomo: are you here?04:40
slomoHobbsee: yep04:41
Hobbseeslomo: cool.  i wonderw who you are...04:43
slomoHobbsee: well, you should probably know me although i wasn' _that_ active during feisty... just look at my lp page, https://launchpad.net/~slomo04:45
=== Hobbsee looks for slomo in a blue suit, without any eyes....
=== Hobbsee finds no such person.
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persiaGrumble.  LVM2 won't snapshot for me.04:48
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shawarmaHobbsee: If you haven't guessed yet, he's not in Sevilla.04:51
shawarmaslomo: While you're poking texlive, could you fiddle it to build libkpathsea?04:52
shawarmaslomo: That's the major missing bit for us to yank (un)trusty old tetex out of main and stuff texlive in, I think.04:52
Hobbseeshawarma: ahhh04:52
slomoHobbsee: ah that's what you meant, sorry ;)04:53
slomoshawarma: hm, i wonder why debian doesn't build it yet04:53
shawarmaHobbsee: I saw this guy in the lobby, though: https://launchpad.net/@@/person-mugshot  Freaky!04:53
Hobbseeshawarma: hehe04:54
Hobbseeslomo: yes ;)04:54
slomoshawarma: any idea?04:54
shawarmaslomo: Why they're not doing it?04:54
shawarmaslomo: They don't have as much of an incentive to do it as us, I suppose. Unless of course they're removing tetex altogether?04:55
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slomoshawarma: that's the plan... well, i'll look at adding th package later... could you poke pitti if he's fine with this when you see him somewhere? :)04:55
shawarmaslomo: We want texlive to do it so that we can have libkpathsea in main when we pull out tetex. They just want to have libkpathsea around.04:55
shawarmaslomo: He is. it was him who asked for it on the mailing list.04:56
shawarmaslomo: :-)04:56
slomowhich list?04:56
shawarmaDon't remember.04:56
slomoand debian wants to get rid of tetex too, it just needs much more time because of slow maintainers of random packages being unable to switch from tetex to texlive04:56
shawarmaI was trying to hide that fact by just saying "the mailing-list".04:57
shawarmaI failed.04:57
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shawarmaslomo: ^^04:59
slomoshawarma: thanks... if you see him ask him if there's something to be careful with04:59
shawarmaHe's at his laptop right now.05:00
shawarmaI can throw something at him?05:00
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shawarmaslomo: I don't there is, though. We just need to fix all the build-deps quickly. There's not really any clear mapping between the texlive-* packages and the tetex-* ones. Not that I know of, anyway.05:02
shawarma"don't think"05:02
slomoi'm talking to him already ;)05:02
shawarmaAh, cool.05:03
=== _MMA1 [n=atm@cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== _MMA1 is now known as _MMA_
pochuslomo: so I have to request a sync for stetic, and wait for cecil to be in? and in the meantime merge monodevelop building cecil and stetic from debian?05:06
slomopochu: exactly... where's the bugreport to ack it?05:06
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pochuslomo: give me a second :)05:08
slomoafterwards you could do muine or smlnj if you want05:09
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=== mattva01 [n=mgallagh@ffzrouter.yorktown.arlington.k12.va.us] has joined #ubuntu-motu
shawarma\sh_away: Did you actually check if the dietlibc build still needed that fix? I thought the latest debian revision would work with SSP..05:10
=== Kaloz [i=kaloz@openwrt/developer/Kaloz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pochuslomo: bug 11335905:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113359 in stetic "Please sync stetic from Debian unstable" [Low,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11335905:13
mattva01are their any good guides for packaging python modules in debian/ubuntu?05:14
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-25.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
slomopochu: ack'ed05:14
=== MagnusR [n=magru@c83-252-237-96.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
shawarmaHey ho, hey ho, and off to BoF we go... Hmmmm-mm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mm-mm-mm, hey ho...05:14
pochucool :)05:15
pochuslomo: and for cecil, I guess I can't do anything but wait, right?05:15
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mattva01i have started but its pretty confusing05:19
ScottKmattva01: If it's got setup.py, look into cdbs.  It's dead easy.  Look at the pyyaml source package in Feisty for a clean example.05:20
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mattva01wow that is easy05:23
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jellyfish2002hi bddebian05:24
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bddebianHeya jellyfish200205:30
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jellyfish2002bddebian any things i can read up on05:34
jellyfish2002to understand more abt lintian & linda?05:34
bddebianjellyfish2002: How much time do you have? :-)05:35
jellyfish2002hmmm... abt 45 mins?05:35
bddebianjellyfish2002: You have a pbuilder set up right?05:38
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bddebianjellyfish2002: Let's go to http://revu.tauware.de05:39
jellyfish2002i there05:40
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bddebianjellyfish2002: Look for the cspace package05:41
bddebianYou will want to click on the package link and pull down the .dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz files05:42
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jellyfish2002okie gt them05:46
bddebianjellyfish2002: OK, now pbuild the .dsc.  sudo pbuilder build foo.dsc05:47
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persiaTheMuso: My apologies, but I cannot replicate the bug with ardour 2.0-0ubuntu1: it builds correctly with sbuild locally.05:51
Hobbseehiya persia 05:51
jellyfish2002it's getting the required giled05:51
persiahi Hobbsee05:51
slomopersia: persia uses scons, right?05:52
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shawarmaslomo: Yes, it does.05:52
shawarmaslomo: Why?05:52
slomoso there's the reason05:52
persiaslomo: Yep.  On the buildds there is an error that pkg-config => 0.8.0 isn't satisfied.05:52
slomoscons almost never ever works on the buildds but works locally05:53
persiaslomo: Even with sbuild?05:53
shawarmaslomo: Why? And why does scons not have any bugs reported against it?05:53
persiaslomo: Do you know why?05:53
slomono idea why... infinity or lamont did some magic to get it work05:53
shawarmaWe must have answers!05:53
bddebianscons r t3h suXX0r05:54
persiaNobody seems to know.  Alas :(05:54
jellyfish2002bddebian it's done05:54
bddebianjellyfish2002: Cool, Look in your results dir for the .deb05:54
shawarmaI'd love to see a config.log from that build..05:54
=== persia prefers autoconf
shawarmaHere's a thought: Clutter the make files with all sorts of debug stuff and look at the build logs?05:54
shawarmaThat's what I did with apcalc.05:55
slomoif you understand scons go on ;)05:55
jellyfish2002yup found it05:55
shawarmaWell, that bit isn't even in scons. it's in the configure script.05:55
persiaIs there a handy guide on making a buildd?  Be nice to have a build vm for local buildd testing.05:55
shawarmaOr am I not getting what scons is?05:55
slomoshawarma: scons is like autoconf+automake+more05:56
persiascons is opaque05:56
bddebianjellyfish2002: OK, now just "linda foo.deb" and then "lintian foo.deb"05:56
shawarmaI like opacity. 05:56
persiashawarma: Buy a blindfold :)05:56
=== slomo updates to gutsy now
bddebianjellyfish2002: Hah, of course, it's a clean package, so that is boring..05:57
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jellyfish2002but there is no output even if it's clean?06:00
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bddebianjellyfish2002: No, if its linda/lintian clean you get nothing06:01
jellyfish2002bddebian oic06:02
jellyfish2002what if it's not clean?06:02
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:Adri2000] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe/Multiverse Repository Maintainers | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | Gutsy open for uploading | Let's merge! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | Want to join MOTU? Try helping out on these: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+mentoring | Ubuntu Development Summi
bddebianjellyfish2002: You will see W: (warnings) and E: (errors) like so:06:05
bddebianW: youtranslate; File /usr/lib/youtranslate/youtranslate.exe contained in /usr/lib of Architecture: all package.06:05
bddebianYou can then use -i to get more info on the warnings and errors if they are not obvious06:06
slomobddebian: not a bug06:07
bddebianslomo: Aye, just showing him the output :)06:07
HobbseeAdri2000: channel topics have limits06:07
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lionelHobbsee: we are not at Ubuntu Deelopment Summi ? :)06:08
Adri2000Hobbsee: oops :p06:08
persia"Gutsy is open for uploading" is probably older news now, and might be dropped.06:08
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:Adri2000] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Universe/Multiverse Repository Maintainers | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO | Let's merge! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | Want to join MOTU? Try helping out on these: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/+mentoring | Ubuntu Development Summit
Hobbseelionel: hehe, seems not :P06:10
bddebianDamn, why are there so many sync requests subscribed to UUS?06:10
lionelbecause most of them do not need ubuntu changes any more06:11
lionelbut yes, this is surprising :)06:11
persiabddebian: archive-admin requires MOTU ACK prior to acceptance.  They can probably be unsubscribed if they have been ACK'd.06:11
bddebianpersia: Understood but are these merges that can now be synced or what?06:12
lionelbddebian: that what I said :)06:12
bddebianlionel: Oh, missed that sorry06:13
LutinAdri2000: ;)06:13
lionelat least, the sync I had a quick look06:13
persiabddebian: They are probably one of 1) merges that can be sync'd, 2) inappropriate sync bugs inappropriately subscribed, or 3) [post auto-sync freeze]  new bugfix syncs.06:13
lionelwe are not in post auto-sync yet06:14
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persialionel: No, but there might be some old bugs (I had at least one years old just closed today).06:15
jellyfish2002bddebian can u teach mi how to build a package from source (e.g pidgin) next time i see ya?06:15
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bddebianjellyfish2002: I can try :)06:19
jellyfish2002bddebian thx alot gtg cya :)06:20
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bddebianFujitsu: I already merged jumpnbump, why do you have Sync on DaD?06:26
bddebianOh, newer package, nm06:27
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bddebianHello DarkSun8806:42
DarkSun88Hi bddebian :)06:42
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pochuslomo: re: monodevelop: why do we need libmono-cairo2.0-cil?06:49
slomopochu: because gmcs has a bug06:50
pochuok :)06:53
pochubtw, is it already filed?06:53
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pochuslomo: merge done, but I can't build it (dependency issues)07:07
slomopochu: it's already filed upstream and in LP, yes07:07
slomopochu: what dep issue?07:07
pochuhmm, should I rebuild stetic?07:08
pochuI've just installed the .deb from debian :-)07:08
pochulet me see07:08
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pochuslomo: I can't install firefox-dev locally, it wants to remove half of my desktop :)07:18
pochuasac ^07:18
slomopochu: interesting... remove xulrunner stuff please ;)07:18
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pochudoesn't work07:20
pochuThe following NEW packages will be automatically installed: libnspr4-dev libnss3-dev 07:20
pochuThe following packages will be automatically REMOVED: libnspr4 libnss307:20
ajmitchthat's not unusual07:21
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ajmitchpackage names have changed07:21
pochuand they have to be fixed ;)07:21
pochubut in the meantime, is there any workaround so I can install firefox-dev and build monodevelop? :)07:22
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ajmitchpochu: and what needs fixed?07:26
DarkSun88\sh: Hi :)07:27
\shdamn...installing vmware esx is so windows07:27
pochuajmitch: the dependencies in gaim and evolution-data-server, I suppose07:27
pochuI'm filling a bug07:27
\shmoins DarkSun88 ... will upload your stuff a little bit later ... need to do some more work today :(07:27
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DarkSun88\sh: Don't worry. Afflux has finished the debdiff of Kile. The package has been uploaded.07:29
pochuajmitch: or firefox, I'm not sure07:29
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pochubug 9869507:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 98695 in gaim "Missing SSL support (MSN and GTalk don't work)" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9869507:31
DarkSun88\sh: Now, I have to do again the debdiff of Nagat because I just checked the actually debdiff and don't work it.07:32
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=== \sh has other things to do , then building packages right now...installing esx and build up a complete test environment in it...*damnI'mdoomed*
\shhmmm...I wonder what I want to do next...fixing bugs in wine ... yeah...nice task07:35
\shat least, I'm lucky to have beer in the office07:37
shawarma\sh: Did you see my message a few hours ago?07:38
=== ajmitch waves to shawarma
=== shawarma waves back
\shshawarma, nope...I wasn't online and don't run backlogs..07:38
shawarma17:10 < shawarma> \sh_away: Did you actually check if the dietlibc build still needed that fix? I thought the latest debian revision would work with SSP..07:39
shawarmaajmitch: Dinner?07:39
ajmitchshawarma: tempting, I'm getting hungry07:39
\shshawarma, hmm...I have to recheck it...I'll take it directly from debian (but tomorrow) 07:40
shawarma\sh: I can do it myself. I was just curious if you checked it.07:41
\shshawarma, no problem..I'll do it tomorrow morning ... it's not time critical right now ;)07:42
shawarma\sh: True that. Cool.07:43
\shshawarma, and you are in sevilla I think...so going out with the people is more fun then compiling dietlibc ,-)07:43
shawarma\sh: Depends on the people. :-) And dietlibc to some extent. :-)07:45
\shshawarma, well, going out with siretart, ajmitch, corey and ogra or with riddell is quite fun....especially when you go with riddell into an irish pub ;)07:46
\sh(on halloween)07:46
shawarma\sh: Oh?07:46
\shshawarma, we did during UBZ...fun for a scottsman ;) 07:47
=== \sh needs a new beer...
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shawarmaslomo: texlive with libkpathsea ftw!08:02
slomopochu: so what happened to monodevelop? you can do pbuilder login and install everythnig there and copy the debs that are not in the archive yet by hand in the chroot08:03
slomoshawarma: oh, i shouldn't have copied that description from tetex :)08:04
pochuslomo: yeah, I didn't remember that :)08:06
pochubtw, I've filed and attached patches for bug 113400 :)08:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113400 in evolution-data-server "Unable to remove the package due to dependency changes in firefox / nspr4" [Low,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11340008:06
pochuslomo: and since I've built theme, I can install them, and install firefox-dev :)08:08
pochuthough it's better to build in pbuilder, so I'll do what you suggest ;)08:08
slomopochu: when you're done just upload your monodevelop merge somewhere and i upload it if it's fine :)08:10
pochuslomo: sure!08:10
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siretartjdong: so you are SantaClaus now?08:13
jdongsiretart: haha, I hope not :)08:13
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jdongI've been watching my carbs08:14
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welshbytedo the different apt* programs treat "suggests:" differently? i.e. do some of them install suggested packages automatically and others don't?08:28
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affluxshould I unsubscribe UUS from uploaded merge bugs or just set the status to fix released when the binary are in the archive?08:51
DktrKranzafflux, just mark it as fix released08:52
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tuxmaniacIf there is a report that seems to be like a support query and not a bug, do I have to assign the bug to the related team and get it closed? What should be the status of such bugs?09:06
tuxmaniacFor eg. #11198109:06
tuxmaniacbug #iii98109:07
tuxmaniacsorry bug #11198109:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111981 in Ubuntu "getting Beryl Working on Feisty" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11198109:07
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alecjwhi. im interested in getting involved in the ubuntu mobile project. does anyone know who i should contact?09:17
concept10I would like to know that information also09:17
alecjwconcept10, hmmm do you think maybe #ubuntu-devel would be  a better place to ask although it says "to get involved with development, go to #ubuntu-motu"?09:18
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concept10alecjw, maybe so, I asked in #uds-sevilla earlier for any notes or docs on the planning with no success09:20
alecjwok lets ask in -devel then :)09:21
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bddebianAre merges just free game these days?09:41
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ScottKbddebian: Apparently.  Some people have been marking their territory in the comments field on DaD.09:46
bddebianYeah, it seems to be a freakin' free for all this go'round :-)09:47
ScottKThen if you quit doing your own and steal someone else's, you should be safe.09:47
bddebianWell I don't do anything anyway, soo :)09:48
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SoftIcegood day, was wondering the support with kernel-patch-vserver09:57
SoftIceits over a year old, and i'm using dapper what in essence is supported till 2011?09:58
SoftIcewhat sugestions does one have?09:58
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bddebianHeya \sh10:12
\shhey bddebian 10:13
\shbddebian, how is live? :)10:14
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bddebianFair to midland thanks.  You?10:16
\shbut private life is going up....I'm close to a marriage  :)10:18
bddebianNice, congrats!10:18
\shthink it will happend at the end of  this year :)10:20
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micahcowanIf a bug was submitted to package A, but the actual problem/fix would be package B's, so that I reject package A's bug and add package B to it, is it appropriate to "Confirm" the new bug for package B, given that both I and the bug reporter have verified that the problem itself exists? In this specific context, I'm also taking responsibility for the bug and in discussion with upstream regarding a solution. Bug 113227.11:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113227 in vim "Incomplete/broken mouse handling in screen" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11322711:01
=== schultmc [n=schultmc@c-68-58-138-203.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Fujitsumicahcowan: You don't reject the package A bug. You change the source package name.11:09
micahcowanAh. Well. Too late.11:10
micahcowanBut, good point.11:10
bddebianDamn I need a ppc machine :-(11:15
jmglike you need a hole in the head11:16
dothebarti have one. 11:16
dothebarta dreambox ;)11:16
dothebartand two mipes, a wrt and a qube, a dual proc sparc 10, a vax vlc 4000... 11:17
dothebartand an arm phone.11:18
=== twanj [n=chatzill@c-66-176-118-121.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jmgdothebart: do you have a significant other?11:19
dothebartno, i'm not marden-s.11:19
=== bmhm [n=sentinel@static-87-245-59-38.teleos-web.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
dothebartah, well, there is an agenda with a mips-el cpu somewhere in the closet.11:19
=== sacater [n=sacater@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bmhmplease update BIONC package11:20
bmhmits SOOOOO outdated!11:20
jmglike for sure11:20
dothebartah, wait!11:20
dothebarti forgot those two rs-4000's with 400 mhz that stuck with a hex-boot-code.11:20
bmhmdi you get that?11:22
Fujitsu!info boinc-client feisty11:23
Fujitsu!info boinc-client gutsy11:23
ubotuboinc-client: core client for the BOINC distributed computing infrastructure. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.4.11-5 (feisty), package size 338 kB, installed size 860 kB11:23
bmhmFujitsu: 5.4 is WAY outdated!11:23
FujitsuWe have 5.8 in Gutsy.11:24
bmhm5.8 is current, 5.10 comming soon11:24
FujitsuSo it is no longer outdated.11:24
=== Fujitsu kicks ubotu
bmhmwhats gutsy?11:24
FujitsuThe development version.11:24
jmggutsy is feisty +111:24
FujitsuI'll check if it can be backported to Edgy and Feisty.11:24
bmhm.i dont want to wait that long... a lot of ppl won't ;) thanks a lot Fujitsu 11:24
dothebartapropos... any of the REVU guys arround?11:24
bmhmFujitsu: when gutsy will be released, 5.8 will be VERY outdated as well :11:25
bmhmthe problem is, that it won't work11:25
Fujitsubmhm: We'll likely have the newer one then.11:25
bmhmother apps still work with older versions, boinc won't. Ok, thanks a lot11:25
FujitsuWell, BOINC's architecture is obviously pretty stupid.11:25
bmhmit is?11:26
FujitsuSort of line Wine.11:26
bmhmtell me11:26
FujitsuIf you can't use it unless it's the latest release, it's really not good.11:26
FujitsuHow are distributions meant to cope with that?11:27
=== dothebart wants to get further with the citadel debs.
bmhmwell you can... anything from 5.8 will work, 5.9 is current afaik11:27
bmhmperhaps 5.7 will work11:27
bmhmbut you're right11:27
bmhmits not done well11:27
bmhmgot to sleep now... late already. cya & thanks11:28
FujitsuBOINC should really fix their product to be more sane, but until then I'll try to get them backported to Edgy and Feisty (it can't go all the way back to Dapper; it needs's stuff that isn't there)11:28
xxxxx1bye all!11:29
bddebianGnight xxxxx111:29
FujitsuBye, xxxxx1.11:29
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=== rollerskatejamms [n=rollersk@pool-68-160-199-176.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
rollerskatejammsWhats the difference between universe and multiverse packages?11:30
bddebianbasically multiverse == non-free11:31
Fujitsumultiverse has non-free licensing.11:31
FujitsuIt also has some patentish stuff.11:31
bddebianOK this merge crap on LP is making me batty11:32
=== Fujitsu is a bad MOTU
FujitsuI haven't sponsored any uploads in quite a while.11:34
dothebartFujitsu: go and check out my citadel packeges then ;)11:35
FujitsuUnfortunately, I must depart for school in about 5 minutes.11:35
dothebartyou may also do so tomorow... ;)11:35
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuIt's a Hobbsee! RUN!11:41
=== Fujitsu runs off to school.
rollerskatejammsAh ok, I'll try to avoid using multiverse pacakges then bddebian 11:41
HobbseeFujitsu: indeed!11:43
FujitsuMPlayer is approaching a level of prereleaseness only before seen in Google and Gaim.11:43
=== Hobbsee continues to ignore the idea of uni
FujitsuTheir last release candidate was 7 months ago!11:43
FujitsuYes, it's great.11:44
FujitsuThere are a few things that are apparently fixed in trunk that have been issues for us.11:45
FujitsuOK, really going to school now.11:45
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TheMusopersia: I got sbuild set up before I went to bed, and it built for me as well.11:48
TheMusoHey MOTUs.11:48
Hobbseehiya TheMuso 11:48
Lutinheya TheMuso 11:48
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TheMusoHeya Hobbsee. How goes the UDS?11:49
HobbseeTheMuso: good!11:49
TheMusoHeya Lutin.11:49
HobbseeTheMuso: got stuff to add to the various specs?11:49
TheMusoHobbsee: Not really. There is nothing of great interest to me this UDS.11:50
HobbseeTheMuso: not MOTU stuff?11:51
TheMusoHobbsee: I'm just happy to go with what the community disucsses. I don't really have any views on it.11:52
HobbseeTheMuso: really?  even though you do a lot of it?11:53
TheMusoAnd unfortunately the schedule is made available too late for me to make time to listen in a lot of the time.11:53
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HobbseeTheMuso: true that11:53
TheMusoHobbsee: I may have a read of the motu spec at some point, but yeah.11:53
Hobbseetimezones suck11:53
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rollerskatejammsThey should just abolish timezones. So what if it'd be nighttime at 1am in some places and daytime in others. Simpler for everybody to communicate.11:56
Hobbseesounds good to me!11:57
jmgfuck that12:00
jmgsorry fsck that12:01
jmg!ohmy | jmg12:01
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pochuslomo: I just need to update the firefox patch and I'm done, but it seems that the configure now looks for mozilla and if it's not there, it looks for firefox :)12:09
pochuMOZILLA_HOME="`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=libdir mozilla-gtkmozembed`"12:09
pochuif !(test -n "$MOZILLA_HOME"); then12:09
pochuMOZILLA_HOME="`$PKG_CONFIG --variable=libdir firefox-gtkmozembed`"12:09
pochuso we don't need to patch it, do we?12:10

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