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ubotucables called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic03:55
uboturr_lap called the ops in #ubuntu-chicago03:59
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r5awhy cant I get into ubuntu?04:50
r5athe room04:50
mneptokr5a: are you banned? that ident is a bit .... puerile.04:53
r5ai shoudn't be04:54
r5anever been to the room until i got ubutnu today04:54
r5a#ubuntu #ubuntu-ops Forwarding to another channel04:54
r5athats what i get when trying to join04:54
mneptokdid you get a notice about a DCC exploit?04:55
mneptokthen it's probably the ident04:55
r5ak 1 sec04:55
mneptoktry changing it04:55
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r5anice call04:55
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ubotuBHSPitMonkey called the ops in #ubuntu07:43
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=== mneptok tosses Hobbsee 2.32 Euros and a snake
Madpilot...and a snake??07:56
mneptokoh, oops. that's mine.07:58
mneptokgive that back.07:58
MadpilotDog, #u is berserk tonight...08:05
Myrttimeeting irc with 77008:13
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=== PriceChild adds to the spec
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jendayo, ops10:57
jendaWould you mind if I spammed the -offtopic topic with a link to this digg? http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Weekly_Newsletter_now_available_on_the_Ubuntu_Forums10:58
jendaIt could help improve the UWN on the long run, you know ;)10:58
Myrtti#define spam10:59
PriceChildjenda: don't you get 3 spams a year?11:00
jendaMyrtti: add "The UWN needs your digg: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Weekly_Newsletter_now_available_on_the_Ubuntu_Forums" to the topic11:01
jendaOK, I'll spam it, and if anyone has any reasonable objections, please remove it :)11:04
jendaI gotta go work a bit.11:05
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jendaSeveas: ping12:06
jendaSeveas: please check the topic in -offtopic, I spammed it again, while you weren't looking ;)12:06
MadpilotOdd - either xchat is doing something stupid, or there really are no modes set in #ubuntu and a bunch of other channels12:08
Myrttiyour xchat is being stupid12:08
Tm_Tyou're sure it's not you who's stupid?12:09
Tm_T(by using xchat that is)12:09
=== Tm_T shares the love
Madpilotodd bug- I can see the modes (tncz) here, but not in #u or -offtopic12:09
jendaTm_T: hehe12:09
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-184-25.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Tm_TBAH, going to take some real drugs, this pain is killing ->12:10
mc44Madpilot: sometimes the modes only update when you try to play with them :)12:10
MadpilotActually, this is the only channel I'm in that I get the modes displayed at all. WTF?12:10
jendaMadpilot: have you tried /mode ?12:13
Madpilotah, that forces an update, and I can see the modes again. wonder why/how xchat lost them in the first place?12:14
jendano idea12:19
mc44Madpilot: it doesnt seem to update them on join12:20
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Hobbseeompaul: ^04:00
ubotuIn #ubuntu-bots, AmyRose_laptop said: !no, away is Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines and !nickspam. The proper way of indicating that you're going away is to use /away.04:01
ompaulHobbsee, :)04:03
naliothhi ompaul04:04
naliothplaying hard to get, i see04:04
Hobbseehi nalioth, everything blown up yet?04:04
naliothblown up?04:04
naliothwhy wouuld it?04:05
Hobbseebecause we werent here?04:07
=== Hobbsee shrugs
Hobbseebecause it could?04:07
naliothwell, the GNAA has been throwing 'hobbsee isn't here parties in #ubuntu', but that's about all i've seen04:11
Hobbseehaha.  glad to see04:11
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LjLspring cleanings ftw04:18
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ikoniaompaul apologies04:19
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ompaulnalioth, hi04:19
ompaulsitting with PriceChild  and having fun as you can all see04:20
ompaulikonia,  np04:20
ikoniaompaul I saw his name, I must have miss-read it, I was worried he'd been banned by mistake04:20
ompaulikonia,  again np :)04:21
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effie_jayxhey elkbuntu  :D07:47
elkbuntuheya :)07:48
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naliothhi G0SUB08:09
G0SUBwe have a person repeatedly coming to #ubuntu-in and abusing the people08:09
G0SUBwhat can we do ?08:09
G0SUBnalioth: any ideas?08:11
G0SUBnalioth: that's the guy08:13
G0SUBnalioth: Veer_Savarkar08:14
Piciban him?08:14
G0SUBPici: well, the IP is dynamic08:15
G0SUBnalioth: any way we can ban him from freenode itself ?08:16
PiciYou could ban username!*@*08:17
G0SUBPici: hmm08:17
G0SUBwhat's the wild card for an IP ban ? *@<ip address> ?08:18
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PiciJust look at the /bans here if you're usure08:21
Piciunsuer rather08:21
G0SUBPici: saw. thanks08:21
naliothG0SUB: i'm sorry, but i have to go now.  ban him or whatever you feel you must, i'll bbl to discuss08:32
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ubotuIn #ubuntu, sdlfk said: !smc is Speed Modelling Challenge11:10
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jribHi, #ubuntuhelp no longer exists correct?  It's still on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:45
LjLit was *listed* in there?11:46
LjLis, actually11:46
LjLalright, not anymore11:47
Tm_Twhat that channel was anyway?11:47
naliothhow in hell did it get on the official list?////11:47
LjLwho the hell knows, a channel that should never have been created to start with for sure11:47
LjLwikis are wikis...11:48
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179145194.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Tm_Twell that was interesting :)11:48
mc44LjL: with historys :)11:49
LjLmc44: right, so make it "i don't care"11:49
Tm_Twas it ubuntuhelp or ubuntu-help those few youngsters created after their help was told to be "less good" or something?11:49
LjLseems to have been in the wiki for quite a while11:51
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naliothit was #ubuntuhelp11:54
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=== mneptok smolders
=== Hobbsee sets mneptok on FIRE!!!
=== Hobbsee sweeps away the mneptokash.
mc44Is that a new currency?12:05
mneptokonline only12:06
Hobbseeseems so12:07
=== Hobbsee buys a mc44 with the mneptokash.
mneptoki'm an errand boy for rhythm, spend me.12:07
mc44Hobbsee: ooh you have to remember to take me on walks and feed me12:07
=== beuno [n=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-ops

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