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Mutantxcan anyone help me on how I can mount ChildFolder that's under //Server/ParentFolder to /mnt/ContentOfChildFolder ?04:20
=== sholsinger [n=stv@] has joined #edubuntu
sholsingerIs there a way to get the live CD to boot into runlevel 3 or at least just install in text mode?  There doesn't seem to be an alternate install CD for edubuntu.  I assume I could use the ubuntu alternate CD and then do a sudo aptitude install edubuntu-desktop ?04:38
sholsinger\join #ubuntu04:41
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sholsingerIs there a way to get the live CD to boot into runlevel 3 or at least just install in text mode?  There doesn't seem to be an alternate install CD for edubuntu.  I assume I could use the ubuntu alternate CD and then do a sudo aptitude install edubuntu-desktop ?04:45
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-252-143.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #edubuntu
Megaqwertysholsinger: what is your problem?04:45
sholsingerum, i'm trying to install edubuntu on an older machine04:46
sholsingerand I am having difficulty finding an alternate install cd for the distro.04:46
Megaqwertysholsinger: no problem, I'll take a look04:46
sholsingeris there a way to add an argument to make the live cd load in runlevel 3 and then have it install from the shell?04:47
MegaqwertyI haven't actually installed edubuntu or used an alternate cd before...sorry. If it's a problem with edubuntu itself, I could probably help as it's based on ubuntu which I have quite a bit of experience with. I am still looking for an alternate iso for you.04:49
sholsingerYeah, I was surprised to see that there were none listed on any of the mirrors.04:49
MegaqwertyThere doesn't seem to be one. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/ports/releases/feisty/release/04:50
sholsingerare you running ubuntu now?04:50
sholsingercan you check the repos to see if there is an edubuntu-desktop package?04:50
Megaqwertygood idea04:51
Megaqwertythere is04:51
sholsingerokay, so I can use the ubuntu alternate install Cd and then use aptitude to install the edubuntu package?04:51
Megaqwertythat's just what I was about to say04:51
sholsingerwell it looks like we're thinking on the same lines :)04:52
sholsingerAlright, thank you for your time.04:52
Megaqwertyand based on what I know from installing kubuntu-desktop, you should be able to select it from the sessions menu04:52
sholsingerI'm not familiar with that04:52
Megaqwertyit's in the Login screen04:52
sholsingeroh, I see.04:52
MegaqwertyUnder...Options I think04:53
sholsingerCool, well I'll give it a try and if it works, I shall blog about it.  or post it in the docs.04:53
sholsingeror both.04:53
MegaqwertyCool, good luck!04:53
sholsingerone last thing...04:54
sholsingerDo you know by chance where I can go to make a suggestion to the developers?04:54
Megaqwertyno, I wouldn't04:56
sholsingerok, I think I may have found it04:56
Megaqwertyokay, good luck once again!04:56
bimberisholsinger: the edubuntu-devel mailing list would be the place - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/edubuntu-devel05:01
sholsingerthank you bimberi :)05:02
bimberisholsinger: yw :)05:02
sholsingerbimberi: how is it that your hostname is not like <IP_ADDRESS>.area.network.net or something of that nature?05:04
bimberisholsinger: Freenode provide me with a cloak05:05
bimberi!cloak | sholsinger05:05
ubotusholsinger: Tor & other common anonymizing proxies get abused to attack & spam Ubuntu channels, so they're blocked. Get a cloak from Freenode instead, and stop wasting your time with Tor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks05:05
sholsingerbimberi: thx again :)05:06
bimberisholsinger: yw again :)05:06
sholsingerthe only difference between ubuntu and edubuntu is that it has extra learning-oriented packages installed, right?05:17
Megaqwertyand a different theme, I believe05:22
MegaqwertySorry, I thought I was done in here :-[05:23
MegaqwertyI'm sure you can find all of the differences on www.edubuntu.com05:24
Megaqwerty(If you need future help, please use my nick in your message so that gaim will alert me to your question.)05:24
sholsingerMegaqwerty, I was really just aiming that question to anyone who was still awake in the channel :)05:27
MegaqwertyAh, very well then.05:28
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | feisty (7.04) is released ! grab it while its hot ! http://www.edubuntu.org/Download | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes
=== Topic (#edubuntu): set by ogra at Fri Apr 20 12:03:08 2007
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sampbarhi all08:28
sampbarbasically ive come here to ask a couple of questions...08:31
HedgeMagego for it... I may be slow to respond, though... I'm working08:31
sampbari have joint problems which inhibits my ability to use a pen/write in school so i use a laptop (phillips x53) im running ubuntu on my home laptop and XP on my school laptop. But XP is starting to get slow/clogged up now and i will have to reinstall during the summer so...08:32
sampbar(tell me if its cut off)08:32
sampbari was wondering whether it would be worth trying edubuntu and whether it would be suitable for my needs (basically word processor, excel & graphics editor) and it needs to be a fast boot up08:33
HedgeMagesampbar: if you are worried about speed, I would try Xubuntu, then just add on any educational packages you need.08:34
HedgeMagethe window manager in xubuntu (xfce) is much lighter/faster than Gnome (the default wm in Edubuntu and Ubuntu)08:35
sampbaryep ok08:35
HedgeMageAlso, you can't run excel on Ubuntu, but you can run OpenOffice Calc, which does the same thing, and can even read/write excel files if needed.08:35
sampbarthe other thing is, is there a 3d drawing thingy like google sketch up for ubuntu?08:36
sampbar(very technical terms i know lol)08:37
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HedgeMageI don't know what google sketch does, but there is a great 3d modeling app called blender08:40
HedgeMageblender was used to do some of the early work for Spider Man 2 for example08:41
cmonkeyblender is more a match for 3dmax/Maya08:42
sampbarok... basically sketchup you draw your item in 2d then it makes it easier to change it in to 3d08:42
cmonkeysketchup is more of an easy architecture tool08:42
cmonkeynot sure of any linux alternatives08:42
cmonkeythere are a lot of CAD apps, but they would be more in depth than a sketchup replacement08:42
sampbarits not essential... i can use my graphics tablet if need be08:43
cmonkeywings3d is a sort of easy 3d modelling tool, not really for architecture though, if that was what you wanted08:45
=== HedgeMage goes back to work
sampbarits more for technical drawings in resistant materials (tech)08:47
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effie_jayxis there a way of instaling edubuntu on really old hardware :(10:01
effie_jayxwe don't have server we can use yet10:01
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lnsHey all!10:07
lnsCan anyone verify that the instructions for upgrading the chroot for Edubuntu Feisty (at https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes) is the same for Ubuntu? If not, can anyone throw me a link? I can't seem to find Ubuntu specific LTSP chroot upgrade instructions.10:08
sampbarbye all10:24
ancoHey all10:41
ancoIs there anybody who can explain me the beneficial of downloading CD2 server addon cd10:42
ancoI tried it. on edubuntu website there is only written that it's easy to install cd210:42
ancowell if I put it in my edubuntuserver nothing happens10:43
ancoIf i look around in the cd the autostart.exe ???? .exe??? doesn't do anything10:43
ancoif I try to set it as a source to install things with synaptic than it isn't clear to me what programs will come from the cd210:45
ancoI can't figure out yet what cd2 has to offer me10:45
ancoNormally I use synaptic to install whatever else I need from the internetdepots10:47
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lnshey everyone...11:20
lnsI just upgraded my AMD64 server to Feisty..and just did 'rm -r /opt/ltsp/i386', then 'ltsp-build-client --arch i386'. ltsp-build-client ended "abnormally" after this:11:21
lnsln: creating symbolic link `/dev/fd' to `/proc/self/fd': File exists11:22
lnserror: LTSP client installation ended abnormally11:22
lnsBut above that it says:11:22
lnsI: Configuring console-tools...11:22
lnsI: Configuring ubuntu-minimal...11:22
lnsI: Base system installed successfully.11:22
lnsperl: warning: Setting locale failed.11:22
lnsperl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:11:22
lns        LANGUAGE = "en_US:en",11:22
lns        LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8",11:22
lns        LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"11:22
lns    are supported and installed on your system.11:22
lnsis this cause for concern?11:22
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lnsltsp-update-kernels seems to be borked as well...11:36
lns$ sudo ltsp-update-kernels11:36
lnsUpdating tftp directories for chroot: /opt/ltsp/i38611:36
lnsSkipping yaboot configuration. install yaboot package if you need it.11:36
lnsSkipping PXE configuration.  Install the syslinux package if you need it.11:36
lnssyslinux is installed....i dunno what's up11:36
lns ln: creating symbolic link `/dev/fd' to `/proc/self/fd': File exists11:48
lns<lns> error: LTSP client installation ended abnormally11:48
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