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Hobbseekiko:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/113445 - twitch.  and this is why we need to make bug reporting harder.12:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113445 in gedit "xxxxx" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  12:22
Hobbseedarn, he's not here.12:22
beunoHobbsee: maybe add a simple check that there are more then... lets say 8 characters and make sure they aren't the same letter would help?12:25
Hobbseebeuno: true.  was discussing all this with kiko and various others earlier, at lunch today.  i thought he was here, as this kind of bug was the kind i was talking about12:26
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beunoHobbsee: maybe open up a bug to make this discussion public?12:29
Hobbseebeuno: i'm filing launchpad bugs now :)12:30
Hobbseejust not on tha t:P12:30
beunoHobbsee: want me to file it?12:30
beuno(btw, nice to meet you  :p )12:30
Hobbseebeuno: likewise.  where are you?  :P12:31
Hobbseebeuno: i'd probably wait, while kiko's thinking about it - there may be discussions on it tomorrow12:31
beunoHobbsee: Argentina12:32
Hobbseeso not in sevilla12:32
beunoHobbsee: I wish  :(   couldn't take the time off work12:33
beunobut I am going to debconf this year!12:33
beunoso I might meet some of you there?12:33
Hobbseebeuno: not me.  if you felt like doing something for me though, you could fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/113451  :P12:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113451 in malone "No ability to search bugs by subscriber" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  12:34
beunoHobbsee: I'd love to, but they don't let my hands touch launchpad at all  :p12:35
Hobbseebeuno: ahhh....12:35
=== Hobbsee thought you were a LP dev, for some reason
beunoHobbsee: I wish  :D12:36
Hobbseebeuno: i believe there are positions open :P12:36
beunoHobbsee: well, I might have to chat a bit with mark in debconf then...  :D12:37
=== beuno is excited about his first *big* conference
beunoI would of loved to make to Sevilla though, I had to nag some people to represent me on some specs12:39
beunonext one is in Boston, right?12:39
ubotuNew bug: #113451 in malone "No ability to search bugs by subscriber" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11345112:40
beunowell, if I manage to get a Visa to get into the US, I'll be there!12:41
beunothe US embassy isn't very friendly over here12:42
beunoHobbsee: where are you located?12:43
Hobbseebeuno: right now i'm in seville, but usually sydney12:44
beunoHobbsee: right, that's why I don't see you as much, you're like 12 hours ahead of me12:45
Hobbseebeuno: yes.  but i keep weird times12:46
beunoHobbsee: well, great to talk with you, and hope to see some more pics/videos/info on UDS, I'm anxious to read about what's going on  :D12:51
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ubotuNew bug: #113465 in launchpad-bazaar "User confused by teams" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11346501:55
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beunomornin mpt  :D03:05
beunohow much do you know about importing packages from Debian?03:06
mptbeuno, I bought a set of Debian CDs once, but I never installed it03:10
beunompt: thanks, I keep on thinking you have an answer to almost everything  :D03:11
mptbeuno, actually, for that sort of question you'd probably get a much better answer in #ubuntu-motu03:12
mpt(assuming that you're wanting to import said packages in Ubuntu)03:13
beunompt: you're right, I'm headed there right now, thanks again!03:13
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nictukuI'm considering moving my project management to LP03:33
nictukuI should keep at least a site/wiki with download options somewhere else, right?03:34
statiknictuku: LP doesn't currently have filedownloads, but that feature is currently in code review and will be enabled soon03:38
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ubotuNew bug: #113646 in malone "bug reporting flow is not coherent when using apport" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11364606:25
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daniloscarlos: how often do we update the statistics for PO files? (re email on rosetta-users and #112395)06:52
carlosdanilos: it's supposed to be done live06:54
carloswhen you update the translation06:54
carlosor when a .po file is uploaded06:54
carlosI filed a bug for that problem already06:54
daniloscarlos: the bug 112395 is the one filed by andre, why not use that one?06:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112395 in rosetta "Wrong string count on filter "untranslated"" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11239506:55
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carlosdanilos: hmm, in fact I didn't file the bug.. I filed another one and I mixed that...06:56
carlosI filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/11230806:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112308 in rosetta "Launchpad says there are errors but doesn't explain where the error is" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]   - Assigned to Jeroen T. Vermeulen (jtv)06:56
carlosand I don't know why, I thought it was for the count problem06:57
daniloscarlos: ok, no worries then, just making sure people get responses on rosetta-users06:57
daniloscarlos: you confirmed this one for the count problem :)06:57
carlosdanilos: that's why I thought I filed it :-P06:57
carlosI know I touched that bug :-)06:58
daniloscarlos: you are karma whore :P06:59
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pochuhi there! I have a little question: If a ubuntu source package isn't linked to a launchpad project, can't I link it to a remote tracker?07:25
pochue.g. I'm trying to link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/easytag/+bug/109364 to a SF bug07:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 109364 in easytag "[apport]  easytag crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [Medium,Confirmed]  07:25
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matsubarapochu: the upstream project needs to be registered in LP first.07:31
pochuI was afraid about that :/07:32
pochumatsubara: ok, thanks07:32
matsubarapochu: feel free to register it and link it to the ubuntu package07:32
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ScottKSomeone is going through and subscribing all manner of teams to his loco team.  Is that something anyone here can put a stop to?  The LP profile of the person doing it has no e-mail address, so I can't contact them directly.10:49
ScottKThe loco team in question is https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-newmexico10:50
beunoScottK: I think adding teams to other teams has been (or will be) restricted to Team Administrators, not sure how a case like this is handeld10:51
ScottKAt this point I think he's being abusive.10:51
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/~jamesbunnell is the person doing it.10:52
beunoScottK: maybe open up a bug?10:52
Rinchenhe's yarddog10:52
ScottKYes and not on any channel I'm on.10:52
pochuMembership:   1095 (Open Team)10:52
pochuheh :)10:52
beunoooooh, "Launchpad: ubuntu-loco-enthusiasts is now a member of ubuntu-newmexico", just got that email in my inbox10:52
beunonot good   :|10:53
SteveAso, someone's subscribingn teams to a particular team?10:53
RinchenSee https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-newmexico/+members  10:54
salgadohe's yarddog here on freenode10:54
SteveAI'm now the owner of that team10:54
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ScottKSteveA: Are you taking care of unsubscribing all the teams then?  I'd offer suggestions about what to do with ~jamesbunnell, but I'm not sure they'd be consistent with the code of conduct, so I'll refrain.10:57
BaKKaRwho is here?10:57
SteveAI mailed him privately to ask him to discuss this with me10:59
SteveAbefore I return ownership of the team to him10:59
SteveAperhaps he just didn't realize it was rude10:59
ScottKThanks for the quick response.10:59
SteveAI apologise for the inconvenience of this.  We'll have a feature in Launchpad soon to prevent people from subscribing teams to a team10:59
SteveAwithout confirmation10:59
SteveAScottK: can you tell me what teams should be unsubscribed?11:00
=== ScottK would guess all of them.
RinchenSteveA, I believe any team that starts with Ubuntu or Contributors on https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-newmexico/+members11:00
RinchenThe rest in fact are individuals11:01
SteveAanyone know who michael rimbert is?11:01
ScottKLooks like he also subscribed https://launchpad.net/~dennis who I'm sure doesn't live in New Mexico.11:01
SteveAok, I'm now the only admin of that team11:02
SteveAI'll leave things as they are until I get some explanation11:02
RinchenScottK, that's seveas and you're right, he doesn't. :-) 11:02
ScottKSteveA: My advice would be to unsub any person or team subscribed today.11:02
crimsunI have a phone conf with tritium (michael rimbert) tonight; if there's something I should bring up, I'm happy to.11:03
SteveAcrimsun: please mention that I took control of that team11:03
crimsunok, will do.11:03
SteveAcrimsun: and that I mailed james bunnell to ask for a discussion about it11:04
SteveAI neglected to add a reason in the UI when I removed their administrator privs11:04
SteveAas I was in a rush11:04
RinchenSteveA, salgado - interesting to note that as an admin of one of those affected teams, I cannot unsub my team.11:06
SteveARinchen: that's clearly a bug11:07
RinchenPermission to file?11:08
SteveAhmm, if I deactivate the memberships, a lot of people will be emailed11:09
=== Rinchen goes off to file that unsub bug
ScottKYes, but they already got e-mailed once.11:09
SteveAI just tried with the universe contribs11:09
SteveAand the request timed out11:09
SteveAso maybe I'll get stub (the DBA) to unsubscribe with a database hack11:09
SteveAto avoid extra mail11:09
ScottKMaybe the thing to do, if you could, would be a custom unsub mail that explains that the teams were incorrectly subbed, the problems been stopped, and things are being put back, sorry for the interruption...11:10
ScottKGot a weird subscription mail from LP, but am not subbed would just seem an odd state to end up with.11:11
SteveAI see what you're saying.11:12
SteveAmail isn't a reliable transport though11:12
ScottKYes, so then people go looking through their spam folders for the rest of the story.11:12
ScottKThey've already been spammed once, I'd say better to fess up the problem and what's been done about it with a second mail.11:13
ScottKIf they got the first one, they'd likely get a second.11:13
ScottKWe needn't worry about those that didn't get the first either.11:13
RinchenSeems we have a bug for removing teams: Bug 110108. I've confirmed it and listed it as high priority.11:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110108 in launchpad "Team admin should be able cancel the team membership in another team" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11010811:14
SteveAthanks for that.  I'll think about this tomorrow morning.  it's too late here for me to make a good decision.11:14
=== ScottK predicts that if you just do it quietly, you'll be dealing with LP bug reports on LP generates random team subscription mail.
ScottKUp to you of course.11:14
ScottKGood luck figuring it out. It looks like my work here is done.  Thanks again SteveA.  Good bye.11:15
=== ScottK [n=ScottK@ubuntu/member/scottk] has left #launchpad ["Konversation]
SteveAI just recieved a reply from James.  He says it's an honest mistake and he didn't realize the consequences.11:16
SteveAHe's asked me to remove the teams that were added, apologises for the trouble, and says he wont' do it again.11:16
SteveAI believe that he is sincere, so I'll see to this.11:17
SteveAjust to let y'all listing in know what's happening.11:17
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beunoSteveA: maybe this would be a good time to mock up a quick "Launchpad Etiquette" document?11:23
NafalloSpads: thanks :-)11:23
SteveAbeuno: that's a great idea.  mrevell can help you with this, if you're interested.11:23
SpadsNafallo: for?11:23
NafalloSpads: hehe. not you ;-)11:24
NafalloSteveA: thanks :-)11:24
=== Spads must have completion-jumped SteveA
beunoSteveA: sure, I'm not sure if I have enough knowledge to get something like that done, but I'll start something and nag mrevell  :p11:24
NafalloSpads: yea. irssi thinks you're cuter! :-)11:24
beunoSteveA: in help.lauchpad.net, right?11:25
Rinchenbeuno, should we create one, that is where it would live. 11:25
Rinchenwe in the general sense :-) 11:26
RinchenI was going to ask you if you were volunteering :-) 11:26
beunoRinchen: I can volunteer to push it forward and add anything I know, but I'm sure there are several of you that would have a much better take on the subject11:27
Rinchenbeuno, I think mrevell is the correct place to present an idea.  He'll get it to the correct Launchpad decision makers.11:28
beunoRinchen: great, I'll start by emailing him, thanks  :D11:29
RinchenI would hope that we would rectify any issues with Launchpad as we find them to prevent any etiquette issues from arising thus preventing a need for such a document.  Today's mass subscriptions being an example. 11:30
RinchenHow's that for a run-on sentence. :-) 11:31
beunoright, seems like the best way to go, I'm just thinking this might prevent an issue or two while you get all those loopholes nailed down11:32
beunobut of course, if you think it's an overkill, I won't push it any further, it just occured to me it might useful to have a link to send users to11:32
Rinchenbeuno, I think you should email Matt Revell with the idea.11:33
=== beuno fires up gmail
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popeycan someone fix some spurious memberships?11:37
Rinchenpopey, that should be taken care of as far as the New Mexico issue is concerned.11:38
Rinchenpopey, a longer term solution is in the works.11:38
popeyok, ta11:39
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tritiumHi SteveA.  I see James was playing around with adding teams to the NM loco.  Sorry that happened.11:45
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