
ubotuDaisuke_Ido called the ops in #kubuntu12:46
Hobbsee(done, thanks nixternal)12:47
nixternalno problem12:48
mc44Hobbsee: Seveas is the lovechild of Keybuk and elmo? I'm scared... :)12:49
Hobbseemc44: heh.  seems so :P12:49
Hobbseemad dutchman.12:49
mneptoki'm picturing elmo's face during childbirth.12:51
mneptokit ... looks a lot like his release day face.12:51
Hobbseeor when the planet stuff happened?12:51
mneptoki Don't Know What You're Talking About(tm)12:52
mneptokHobbsee: ask MagicFab about my t-shirt suggestion12:52
Hobbseemneptok: what tshirt suggestion?12:53
mneptokHobbsee: i told him to get a t-shirt printed that said "I Am Wearing This T-Shirt Until Further Notice. Please See ubuntu.com For More Details."12:54
Hobbseemneptok: and why?12:54
mneptokHobbsee: oh, ask MagicFab.12:54
=== Hobbsee probably will
Hobbseewill probably see him at breakfast tomorrow12:55
mneptok(i thought you were referring to that planet incident)12:55
tonyyarussomneptok: lol, I like it12:56
mc44Hobbsee: Id go with him getting his embargo time zones wrong :)12:56
tonyyarussomc44: sounds plausible.  "s/UCT/Montreal/ you ninny!"12:57
mneptoktonyyarusso: s/UCT/UTC/ you ninny :)01:03
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LjLlook at what a fake domain name has just done to #kubuntu's topic...01:55
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, or nixternal01:58
LjLi've set +t on other people's request on #kubuntu (and seemed quite reasonable to me too given what just happened)01:58
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naliothgood idea, LjL02:05
naliothanyone want to banforward #kubuntu ?02:16
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naliothtrolls in #kubuntu02:23
naliothtaken care of02:23
mneptokgo Freenode.02:23
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ubotucafuego called the ops in #ubuntu04:48
ubotuJordan_U called the ops in #ubuntu04:48
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-164-92-105.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== mneptok is on it
jribmneptok: are they registered?04:53
mneptokthe bots?04:54
Jordan_UThere should be a switch for !ops to optionally display "we know" :)04:54
jribmneptok: yeah04:54
ubotuNickGarvey called the ops in #ubuntu04:56
jribmneptok: why not just +Rr?04:56
=== stylus_ [i=stylus@tapthru/operator/stylus] has joined #ubuntu-ops
mneptokyeah, looks like they're unregged04:57
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jribmneptok: think the bots are gone?05:19
ubotuIn ubotu, Blak1 said: (is not in the sudoers file. ) this is what i got? its the only login i created?05:24
jrib!ubotu > blak105:24
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-ops.log
=== ubuntulog [n=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Topic for #ubuntu-ops: Welcome to the home of the operators of all Ubuntu (and derivatives) channels | This channel is for operator/abuse questions only | Support in #ubuntu, #kubuntu etc... | <Madpilot> jenda, writing Nigerian emails to fund your next poster?
=== Topic (#ubuntu-ops): set by Seveas at Wed May 9 11:00:15 2007
Seveasompaul, what's the reason cjwatson wants a ping?06:05
SportChickhey Seveas, did you get my memo?06:06
ompaulSeveas, we are talking about usplash switchers06:06
ompaulstill in B06:06
SeveasSportChick, no06:07
Seveasompaul, I'll be right there06:07
Tm_TJucato: what you say, do I ban him?06:07
JucatoTm_T: heh your call... I wouldn't. but I think you would :)06:08
Jucatooh there's your go signal :)06:08
Tm_Twell, insidejoke between me and MuJ, ban = invite06:08
Jucatoat least you can still joke with people that you ban :)06:09
Tm_Theh, interesting06:09
Tm_The didn't get it06:09
Tm_Toh well, I don't mind :)06:09
Tm_Thm, ban doesn't mute?06:10
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LjLTm_T: it does... unless the channel is +z and you're +o06:17
LjLi suppose06:17
Tm_TI see06:18
Tm_T19:09 < MuJ> fuck this shit06:18
LjLindeed, i didn't see that message at all since i wasn't +o06:18
Tm_Tanyway, still movingnstuff ->06:19
gnomefreakwhy is #k-o voiced and why in gods name can i not op myself in there?06:22
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naliothgnomefreak: i accidentally spilled a box of 'v's in there06:26
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goukiWoowww! I'm getting a (You have joined to too many channels) error when trying to join a channel! :|06:50
goukiI had no idea there was a limit06:50
gnomefreakgouki: 2006:51
goukiThanks gnomefreak, I had no idea06:52
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ubotuSanne called the ops in #kubuntu08:01
naliothnixternal: BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ wrong answer08:03
nixternalwrong answer why?08:03
nixternalnever mind, just seen that08:04
naliothnixternal: care to join #ubuntu-proxy-users ?08:05
nixternaloh lord, are you kidding me ;)08:05
naliothunfortunately, it's come to this, what with all the trolls08:06
nixternalyou sit in there the entire time?08:07
naliothsee what i mean?08:07
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naliothnixternal: yes, i idle there08:07
naliothi think i'm the only op that does08:07
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nixternalnalioth: I see why ;)08:08
naliothnah, check the modes08:08
Myrttishould someone take off that ban I just gave the polish guy?08:08
Myrtti/me hesitates08:09
naliothwhich polish guy? where? Myrtti08:09
Myrttiat #ubuntu08:09
naliothMyrtti: no, it can stay for a while08:10
Myrttiok, because I'm almost ready to turn in for the day08:11
naliothnixternal: oh fun, now i'm being PM'd by the monkey man08:11
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beunogouki: it seems the bot and the server are taking a nap  :D08:38
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uboturukuartic called the ops in #ubuntu09:59
ubotusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu09:59
goukibeuno, it's really getting on my nerves!10:00
LjLdarn chanserv10:00
AmaranthLjL: bit of lag there?10:00
=== neuralDesignr [n=outlawpo@cpe-76-169-5-58.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
LjLyeah like 15 seconds10:01
LjLbut i wasn't lagged, chanserv was10:01
LjLat least i don't think10:01
beunogouki: what's wrong?10:01
goukiI have no idea! The whole thing just crashes!10:01
=== neuralDesignr [n=outlawpo@cpe-76-169-5-58.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-ops []
beunogouki: maybe you shouldn't host it on windows nt10:02
=== beuno ducks
goukibeuno, LOLOL10:02
goukiI'm really starting to believe I shouldn't host it in Debian!10:02
goukiWith no apparent reason, I lose Internet connection, SSH, lighttpd stops responding, etc...10:03
beunogouki: can you reboot it or do you just wait until someone cleans that room?10:03
goukiI can reboot it, but not even that is working!10:04
goukiI honestly have no idea of what happened there!10:04
beunogouki: logs will be your friend10:04
goukiYeah, but I have to get a monitor and keyboard now :(10:05
beunogouki: maybe seperate the apache server from the IRC bot?10:05
beunoas I've said before, I can host that for you10:05
goukiDoes the Service Provider allow IRC?10:06
beunogouki: that would be a very emphatical *no*10:07
beunobut everything else is cool10:07
goukiI'm gonna try and figure out with this stupid and stubborn computer wants...10:07
beunogood luck10:08
goukiI'm gonna need it!10:08
ubotuIn #ubuntu, kbrooks said: !lamp is perhaps Edgy+ should be changed to "Edgy and over"?10:11
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179145249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-ops
stefgsomeone look at #ubuntu.... religiuos debates emanating10:24
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ubotuIn ubotu, ToHellWithGA said: latex is LaTeX is a set of extensions for the TeX typesetting language.  LaTeX lets you write documents based on content rather than form then interprets chunks of text and tags to compile .pdf or .dvi documents using international typesetting standards.  See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf for details on syntax.11:25
tritiumBearPerson: thanks.  What the heck was that?11:51
BearPersonkiddie picking up a botnet11:51
BearPersonI think you can go -Rr again now11:51
BearPersonfor a bit11:51
tritiumokay, thanks11:52
tritiumLooks like nalioth got that taken care of.11:52
BearPersonthey did join/part spamming?11:52
naliothmore like join/part flooding11:52
tritiumI mean he went -Rr again11:52
BearPersonwell, yeah11:53
BearPersonI guess it's spring break for the kiddies, or something11:53
BearPersonhaving more time on their hands than they can handle11:54
=== beuno [n=martin@ubuntu/member/beuno] has joined #ubuntu-ops
naliothas usual11:56
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=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+v Hobbsee] by ChanServ

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