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theacolyteUpgrading ubuntu server = the same as with the desktop edition?01:34
theacolytei.e. dist-upgrade/01:34
Nafallodist-upgrade is the fallback method know.01:35
Nafalloupdate-manager-core has do-release-upgrade :-)01:36
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=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by Burgwork at Wed Mar 28 23:10:47 2007
(theacolyte/#ubuntu-server) http://internetworkpro.org/pastebin/49406:04
theacolyteshawarma.:| still stuck... bout 30 minutes now06:14
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shawarmatheacolyte: Which version of Ubuntu?06:17
theacolytegoing to feisty06:17
theacolyteshawarma.:| any ideas? or do I just force the dist-upgrade to end?06:19
shawarmaNot sure, really. I can't imagine why setupcon would hang like that.06:20
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shawarmaGimme a sec.06:20
theacolyteNo problem06:20
shawarmatheacolyte: Oh... That's interesting.06:21
theacolyteshawarma.:| what is? hehe06:21
shawarmatheacolyte: Heh. Just looking at setupcon code.06:23
shawarmaHave you changed anything in /etc/default/console-setup?06:24
shawarmaWhat is ACTIVE_CONSOLES set to?06:24
theacolyteACTIVE_CONSOLES="/dev/tty[1-6] "06:24
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shawarmaPlease do "sh -c 'echo /dev/tty[1-6] '" 06:24
shawarmaAnd paste it here.06:25
theacolyteshawarma.:| /dev/tty1 /dev/tty2 /dev/tty3 /dev/tty4 /dev/tty5 /dev/tty606:25
shawarmaEr.... That weird .:| bit is not part of the output, right?06:26
theacolyteright, that's just my nick completion... spend a lot of time in #cisco :P06:26
shawarmaAlright. :)06:26
shawarmaPlease do a 'ls -l /proc/2519/fd'06:27
shawarmaNo, actually:06:27
shawarmaPlease do a 'ls -l /proc/2519/fd/1'06:27
theacolytel-wx------ 1 root root 64 2007-05-09 09:27 /proc/2519/fd/1 -> /dev/tty106:28
shawarmaAnything interesting on tty1?06:28
theacolyteYeah actually...06:29
theacolytekeyboard isn't working on tty1 (local to the machine)06:29
theacolyteseems to be locked06:29
shawarmaHmm... Don't know what that could be. Just CTRL-C the upgrade, I guess. 06:30
shawarmaAnd start it again.06:30
theacolytei ctrl-c'd it... and it continued06:31
theacolyteinc pastebin06:31
theacolyteby the way... that mdadm error worries me06:31
theacolyteErrors were encountered while processing:06:32
shawarmaThe error is because of the console-setup failing actually. It probably didn't get around to upgrading udev which contains that file. When you rerun the upgrade, it should be fine.06:33
shawarmaJust try it again.06:33
theacolytetrying sudo apt-get -f install, but it seems to be crashing on it again06:33
theacolyteshawarma.:| yup, same thing...06:35
theacolyteroot 17032 0.1 0.2 4904 2560 pts/1 S+ 09:34 0:00 /usr/bin/dpkg --status-fd 14 --configure console-setup ubuntu-minimal06:35
shawarmatheacolyte: I'm really can't guess what would be wrong with your tty1, sorry.06:35
theacolyteLet me try to reboot... it's not really production so I'm safe06:36
shawarmaAlso, I need to run off now.06:36
theacolyteNo problem06:36
theacolytethanks for your help06:36
shawarmaBefore you do, try apt-get install udev06:36
theacolytejust goes back to console-setup06:36
=== shawarma scurries off.
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alekaAnyone active?08:22
alekaI asked this question in #ubuntu and was refrred here...08:22
aleka:) mralphabet 08:22
alekaHere goes.... I just moved my webserver to port 80 and not even a week and my apache logs are being filled with IIS exploit attacks... I have tried a mod_rewrite to redirect them which does not seem to be working...08:23
alekamy questions are... If this has happened to anyone here, which am sure it has... how they dealt with it...08:24
alekaand How I can ban a specific IP using iptables08:24
ivoks_i ignore it08:24
mralphabetwell, if you are running apache, IIS exploits don't really hurt you08:24
ivoks_iptables -A INPUT -s IP -j DROP08:24
alekaI can ignore it... but every "attack" is junk I don't need in my logs08:24
alekaivoks_: do I need to name the CHAIN it is going to.. or that format will do?08:25
alekasorry.. am not good at these things, if I seem to be asking stupid Qs 08:26
ivoks_that'll do that what you need08:26
ivoks_or REJECT instead of DROP08:26
ivoks_DROP will timeout, while REJECT will close connection08:26
alekamight as well make the bot timeout..08:27
alekajust seems like most of these seem to be coming from a specifc source.. which is surprising..08:27
alekaand how would I configure Apache so It does not log such requests (SEARCH, POST)08:28
ivoksyou don't want that08:29
ivoksdoing regex will go over CPU, while loggin false attacks will not do anything08:29
alekacool.. How common are these attacks? Most of the posts I found on Google were around 2005, should I assume it is just some kiddie and expect it to die out soon or should I move my webserv back to the old port?\08:31
ivoksjust ignore it... it's better for the attacks to get logged08:33
ivoksand relax... you can't do anything about that... expect some seriuos iptabeling :/08:33
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alekaThanks a bunch for your help and patience ivoks , Appreciate it :)08:39
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Ali_ixi have dedicated server running dapper, how can i upgrade it to feisty?09:01
Ali_ixjust remote ssh access :)09:01
\shvia edgy09:01
theacolyteyou dist-upgrade to edgy, then feisty09:01
Ali_ix\sh: i must upgarde to edgy an then to feisty?09:01
Ali_ixthanks :)09:02
\shAli_ix, yeah, or you just wait for the next LTS release09:02
Ali_ixany clean direct way?09:02
Ali_ixaha, thanks09:02
\shfrom LTS to LTS it should be clean, but from LTS to feisty, only the way via edgy09:02
Ali_ixshould i upgarde my dapper server to feisty? or its ok until next LTS release to have dapper?09:03
\shif you want stability ... you should wait... you need new software, take a risk...depends on you or your boss ,) 09:05
Ali_ix\sh: thanks for brief info :)09:06
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mralphabeton a reboot, how can I make an mdadm array go away?10:07
mralphabetI have commented it out of fstab and mdadm.conf and initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume and the thing still comes back10:08
mralphabetdo I have to go to a live cd and blow the partitions away?10:08
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