
=== Didius [n=dieter@] has joined #edubuntu
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Didiusis there any hot potatoes alike for linux?12:19
lnsDidius, "hot potatoes"?12:20
DidiusHot potatoes, a program to make excercices for pupils which they can make on the PC12:21
Didiusthere is a wine linux version but well you know12:22
Didius+ it's closed source12:22
DidiusI tried eXe e-learning but that's not realy that good for closed questions12:23
lnshmmm, i haven't heard of any12:23
lnsif there are, they're probably for the commandline/cureses =p12:23
lnsbut i dunno, i could be wrong12:23
Didiushot potatoes is very know though12:24
cmonkeythe main page says theyres a java version that runs in linux12:31
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allenm_hello? anybody home?12:36
Didiusi'm at home :d12:36
allenm_is it usually this quite on the edubuntu irc channel12:37
Didiusi don't know :p12:37
=== countrymike [n=brent@125-238-101-15.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #edubuntu
Didiuswel hi countrymike :d12:38
countrymikehello :-)12:38
allenm_I'm looking for info about charter schools using edubuntu - hi mike12:38
Didiusexcuse me for asking, but what are charter schools?12:40
allenm_Sorry Didius. Type of public school in the US that's more independent then most public schools.12:41
Didiuswhat kind of information would u like?12:42
allenm_is there an organization promoting the use of OSS for charter schools specifically.12:43
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Didiuswell in europe (belgium) there are. I don't know about the US though12:45
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allenm_do you know who I might be able to contact who might know that sort of thing? I'm new to Ubuntu, even newer to Edubuntu.12:46
Didiushow about the ubuntuforums.org?12:48
Didiusthere's nothing in the edubuntu wiki about charter schools12:48
allenm_I've been looking at the forums while we've been chatting and most of the topics are technical in nature. Is there a forum you'd recommend?12:49
=== skipper [n=tmoore99@adsl-69-152-241-9.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #edubuntu
Didiusperhaps the mailing list would be a good idea for this kind of question12:50
skipperHi everyone12:51
allenm_hi skipper12:51
Didiushi skipper12:51
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skipperAfter a rocky start, I got my 7.04 server and 12 terminals connected!12:52
skipperhi n2diy12:55
allenm_skipper, was that install for a school?12:59
cliebowallenm_:might ask dtrask..he may have a good handle on new england..01:01
cliebowi have installs for several public schools here in Maine01:02
allenm_cliebow: I'm from the Detroit area. While poking around on the wiki I came across LOCO's. Turns out I know some of the guys in the Detroit area LOCO.01:03
cliebowjammcq:who created ltsp..is in Waterford01:03
cliebowanyway..if you google for dtrask//you'll coime up eith an email addy01:04
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allenm_I know the guy from our MUG meetings. I guess that tells me who I ought to contact. :)01:05
cliebowbig jim..yep01:05
allenm_jammcq: thanks. my last comment was directed at you.01:06
cliebowhe is asleep..in Spain01:06
cliebowi'd wager01:06
allenm_yup. he did a video feed from spain yesterday and interviewed a Mark Shuttleworth and a couple of other Ubuntu guys.01:08
cliebowa mark shuttleworth is the guy behind ALl of this01:12
allenm_I know. The "a" was a slip of the keyboard. They were showing off Intel's version of the OLPC. The audio was bad so I couldn't hear much about it though.01:13
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skipper /msg allenm_ Yeah, I experimenting with doing away with my windoz machines.  The handwriting is on the wall.  My older ME machines need other software.01:25
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allenm_personal windows machine or where that LTSP install went in?01:33
allenm_darn, that was for skipper01:33
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skipperallenm_ I built up a server with a 2 G processor and 2 G of ram.  All of the terminal servers are my old 400 MHZ windows ME machines.  So far it is running beautifully!01:41
skipperallenm_Oops, The terminal server Clients are older machines.01:43
cliebowme is not an operating system...8`)01:48
n2diyHello Skipper, just walked in the door.01:50
allenm_I've got to go as well. Bye all.02:10
=== xeratule [n=ryan@ip68-108-3-254.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #edubuntu
xeratuleI just install edubuntu 64 and the Education suite is missing.  Is there a fix for that?02:14
xeratuleall of them are missing02:15
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cliebowxeratule, osnt there an addon cd?02:36
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xeratulethanks I just insert the cd in the drive and the synaptic package manager popup I deselect the servers and install all the missing package02:40
xeratuleI will write a fix in the forum02:40
cliebowxeratule, so you are ok?02:42
xeratuleYes thanks02:43
bimbericliebow: I've seen a couple of people report here that the Edubuntu Desktop CD doesn't actually install the Educational apps that are available in the LiveCD environment.  I encouraged one of them to report a bug - but I'm struggling to find it.02:47
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cliebowbimberi, i see..we'll have to get ogra on it..i am not so familiar02:51
bimbericliebow: Here's a forum discussion on it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=416615 .  I think I'll report the bug - even though I haven't experienced it personally (because I haven't used the Desktop CD)02:54
cliebowseems like a plam..02:55
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
xeratuleI posted the fix in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2625494#post262549403:07
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bimberiReported as bug 11371904:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113719 in ubiquity "Edubuntu Feisty Desktop CD install doesn't install the education suite" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11371904:02
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=== Feldegast is trying to find a 640x480 screenshot of the edubuntu bootscreen (the one with the progress bar)
chris-t4can you grab one from my video at http://www.learningelectric.com/edubuntu.html04:47
chris-t4The videos are 640 x 48004:48
Feldegasttyvm :)04:49
Feldegasti have grub screens for ubuntu, kubuntu and xubuntu so far here http://www.kde-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=feldegast&action=contents04:50
bonbonthejonFeldegast: I already use your Kubuntu one! :)04:50
bonbonthejonhow do I get edubuntu server to give out IPs with DHCP04:51
Feldegastenable the dhcpd i guess04:52
Feldegastthe video's are of the boot process, rather than the install process?04:52
bonbonthejondhcpd won't start04:52
Feldegastthe video looks like it is for 6.10 and not 7.0404:53
Feldegastthe logo's changed04:53
chris-t4I think there is a brief shot of the boot screen with the progress bar at the end of the installation video. I don't know if the logo on that screen is the current one though.04:59
Feldegastit's the one from 6.1005:00
=== Feldegast really doesn't want to have to installed edubuntu for 1 screen shot
chris-t4Sorry. I havn't installed the latest version, only updated. Do you think the video is still useful or have there been too many changes?05:03
Feldegastno idea as i never installed edubuntu before05:03
Feldegasti know the kubuntu 7.04 install is graphical and only asked 3 or 4 questions05:04
Feldegast....havn't done a text install of ubuntu since 4.0x05:05
Feldegastchris-t4 do u instend to upgrade edubuntu?05:08
chris-t4I have already done this on my machine at work. I'm running in a virtual machine.05:09
=== Feldegast uses vmware to get screen grabs
Feldegastbut i think i have managed to find something google doesn't have05:11
=== Feldegast hates when that happens
chris-t4Hard to believe that it's not there anywhere.05:13
Feldegasti think the problem is the "only 2 image results per domain" issue05:15
Feldegastas a result i am not finding anything relevent05:15
chris-t4is it a red progress bar? I found an image with that.05:18
Feldegastit's a gradient one i asume05:20
Feldegastnot a single solid colour05:20
Feldegast....that's if it follows the same as the other 305:21
Feldegastgot it :D05:25
=== Feldegast wonders why that's not googleable
Feldegastoh wait that's just ubuntu :(05:26
Feldegastthe artwork for edubuntu seams to be missing05:29
chris-t4I can't find it anywhere either. Sorry I can't stay I've got to go to bed. Good luck with your search.05:30
Feldegastk ty :)05:31
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Feldegastanyone alive in here?05:42
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Meshezabeelsort of05:59
Feldegastanyone with edububntu inside vmware?06:14
Feldegasti know a long shot but hey worth a shot06:15
Feldegastguess not :(06:16
bimberiFeldegast: http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=784&slide=306:36
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bimberiFeldegast: er, http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=784&slide=206:38
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=== Feldegast clicks
=== Feldegast will make the grub screen soon
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bimberi!screenshots-#edubunti is <reply> Screenshots of Edubuntu 7.04 are available at http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=784&slide=107:31
ubotuI'll remember that, bimberi07:31
=== bimberi will fix in /query
ubotuScreenshots of Edubuntu 7.04 are available at http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=784&slide=107:33
bimberihi kgoetz :)07:34
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kgoetzhi bimberi :)07:42
kgoetzsorry about lag, at itshare ;)07:42
=== kgoetz thinks itshares 'post dapper install' script needs some dieting
kgoetzhow are you goign mat?07:49
kgoetz*going mate07:49
bimberiVery well thanks, wishing I could install Feisty on this PC.  It has to have Dapper because I can only get the driver for its winmodem compiled for Dapper.07:51
bimberiHow about you? Been following UDS?07:52
kgoetzbugger. winmodems are hateful things. i assume a laptop?07:52
bimberinah, a PCI modem in a desktop07:52
kgoetzi'm goign ok, theres a few things i should have ben doing that i havent so i'm not great.07:52
kgoetzas for UDS, no. i havent really. catch a few people now and then07:53
kgoetzbut mainly no07:53
bimberii've tried the voip but the sound quality isn't great07:53
kgoetzvoip is just more commitment then i can expend - both setup and horrible latncies :)07:54
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Feldegasthttp://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=58003 <- 1 edubuntu 7.04 branded grub screen09:02
Feldegastmy work (for now) is done, enjoy09:02
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willvdlanyone seen pips1?11:18
=== highvoltage saw him go up the stairs about an hour ago
Burgundaviawillvdl: shall we chat today about doc stuff?11:20
willvdlBurgundavia, yeah, hope too.11:20
willvdlhave gone through with Jordan etc. at some length. would be good to hear your ideas too11:20
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willvdlBurgundavia, let me know when you free11:44
willvdlogra, check jim :)11:47
Burgundaviawillvdl: will do. do you have anything today?11:47
willvdlBurgundavia, doesn't look like it11:48
willvdljsut need a quick swim sometime this afternoon :)11:48
Burgundavialucky bastard :)11:49
willvdlwell, my stuff I'm subscribed too is just not getting scheduled...11:49
ograwillvdl, no need to i hear his snoring since 20min already ;)11:49
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hcaHelp help!!!!   Hi there can anyone help me to add fonts to the fonts folder??? to edubuntu12:05
Kamping_Kaiserfor a single user?12:05
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Kamping_Kaiseropen nautilus -> Ctrl+l -> type 'fonts:/// -> enter12:07
hcaok done that12:07
hcahow do I save into the folder now?12:08
Kamping_Kaisercopy the files into it12:08
hcaIt won't allow me to copy the files12:08
hcaI see the other files in the font folder are locked -->  have a little lock picture on it12:10
hcaIs it a permissions problem?12:10
Kamping_Kaiserhm. yes.12:11
hcahow can i overcome it?12:11
hcaI am the administrator on the PC12:11
Kamping_Kaisergksudo nautilus would work12:12
hcado i type that in terminal?12:12
Kamping_Kaiseryes, or press alt+f2, and type it in there12:18
hcaok I'll try12:18
hcaIt gives me permision to the font folder (ie the little locks are gone)   But still wont allow me to copy12:21
=== Kamping_Kaiser shrug. look in the wiki, i dont know then
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countrymikelots o' people quittin' 4 the night01:36
countrymikelots o' people quittin' 4 the nite01:37
countrymikelots o' people quittin'01:37
countrymikelots o' people01:37
countrymikepipedream ... that's s cool nick01:40
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pygihi folks01:45
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pygihi js and ogra01:59
pipedreamit's ok01:59
=== RichEd [i=richard@conference/ubuntu-developer-summit/x-f8786e6f11f66950] has joined #edubuntu
jsgotangcohey pygi how's it going02:02
pygijsgotangco, pretty good, a bit sick but oh well :)02:04
jsgotangconot bad, i've started to turnover my work to my staff since I am leaving my office next week, so a bit tired02:05
pygiright :)02:08
jsgotangcoi'll have lots of free time starting next week!02:09
pygiwanna code? :P02:13
pygiI have lots of tasks :)02:13
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AnRkeycan anyone here help me with pxe booting ubuntu install?02:30
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AnRkeycan any1 help my with booting ubuntu installer via pxe?02:52
pygiAnRkey, please state the nature of your medical emergency02:54
AnRkeyhi pygi02:54
AnRkeytrying to boot ubuntu installer via pxe02:54
AnRkeyusing ris to boot it02:55
AnRkeyit's working sortof02:55
AnRkeyfollowing this guide02:55
AnRkeythe initrd.gz file is the root file system right?02:56
pygiRIS= that window thingy02:56
pygiergh, /me never worked with that :-/02:56
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pygiok, so what's the problem?02:57
AnRkeyi can't change the dhcp here to linux so i have to accept winblows02:57
AnRkeywell it's booting from the kernel ok02:57
AnRkeybut the filesystem is not loading02:57
pygiany error?02:57
AnRkeyi don't think the rootimage is the correct file02:57
AnRkeyone sec02:57
pygiyou got right images for (edu)buntu)02:57
AnRkeyis says please append correct "root=" boot option02:58
AnRkeywell using ubuntu installer atm not edubuntu02:58
AnRkeybut that shouldnt matter02:58
AnRkeyhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ << what file is the root image that the howto is saying to use02:59
pygilemme see if Marty is here :)02:59
AnRkeyif i can get this working then i think i can even get ubuntu to boot over the network :D02:59
AnRkeyso maybe boot edubuntu off ris02:59
AnRkeyjust point it to the ubuntu box from ris :D03:00
AnRkeythat would make me very happy03:00
pygiyes, yes, I'm hunting Marty :)03:00
pygiwait ^^03:00
pygiAnRkey, ehm, question ... can you read spanish, or shall I translate to you?03:01
AnRkeyone sec03:02
pygi(/me found an article)03:02
pygiAnRkey, tell when you're back ^_^03:04
AnRkeysoz, on phone03:04
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frustratedwithedThe out of the box thin-client idea is really not true03:05
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pygiwhy not? :)03:06
frustratedwithedI have been struggling with a simple set up, where I have an AMD64 box with an eth0 for the thin-client network, eth1 for the internet03:07
frustratedwithedI follow all the instructions I can find, but when03:07
frustratedwithedthe clients, which have PXE ethernet cards try to connect, they don] t see the dhcp server03:07
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, have you checked your dhcp server is running?03:08
frustratedwithedagain eth0 is reserved is connected to the LTSP terminals switch, and eth1 is connected to the internet through a router03:08
pygiyou checked dhcp server, you rebuilded ssh keys, you did all the necessary debugging steps to assure problems is not of any hardware nature, or your misconfiguration of anything? :)03:09
frustratedwithedI did an ifconfig and this is what I get: eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:8D:D1:47:1403:10
frustratedwithed          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:103:10
frustratedwithed          RX packets:142 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:003:10
frustratedwithed          TX packets:149 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:003:10
frustratedwithed          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100003:10
frustratedwithed          RX bytes:49132 (47.9 KiB)  TX bytes:49374 (48.2 KiB)03:10
frustratedwithed          Interrupt:22 Base address:0xd40003:10
frustratedwithedeth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:01:5C:18:B203:10
frustratedwithed          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
frustratedwithed          inet6 addr: fe80::216:1ff:fe5c:18b2/64 Scope:Link03:10
frustratedwithed          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:103:10
Kamping_Kaiser*do not* flood the channel03:10
frustratedwithed          RX packets:3571 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:003:10
frustratedwithed          TX packets:1896 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:003:10
frustratedwithed          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100003:10
frustratedwithed          RX bytes:3013866 (2.8 MiB)  TX bytes:210150 (205.2 KiB)03:10
frustratedwithed          Interrupt:17 Base address:0x400003:10
frustratedwithedlo        Link encap:Local Loopback03:10
frustratedwithed          inet addr:  Mask:
frustratedwithed          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host03:10
frustratedwithed          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:103:10
frustratedwithed          RX packets:72 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:003:10
pygidon't do that !03:10
frustratedwithed          TX packets:72 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:003:10
frustratedwithed          collisions:0 txqueuelen:003:10
frustratedwithed          RX bytes:5672 (5.5 KiB)  TX bytes:5672 (5.5 KiB)03:10
pygidude, dude03:11
Kamping_Kaiseryou dont have an ip on eth0...03:11
pygihighvoltage, where's that bot of yours :-/03:11
pygiplus, don't paste here03:11
Kamping_Kaiser!pastebin | frustratedwithed03:11
ubotufrustratedwithed: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:11
frustratedwithedOK, sorry, here is the pasted link: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20165/03:13
AnRkeysorry mate03:16
pygiAnRkey, no worries03:16
AnRkeymy life is not my own03:16
pygiwell, I got an idea how to solve your problem ^_^03:16
AnRkeydo tell03:16
AnRkey :P03:16
pygiyou'll have to trust me since I never tried this :P03:16
AnRkeyok, trust installed :D03:17
=== Mez|OnAir is now known as Mez
pygiok, so you created all the necessary things like subdirectories (/templates, bla,bla, bla) and whatever?03:17
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, you have no IP on eth003:17
AnRkeyit's booting fine too03:17
Kamping_Kaiserso of course dhcp (and therefore clients) arnt working03:17
AnRkeyit can't load the root filesystem at this stage though03:17
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
pygigot the netboot cd AnRkey ?03:18
pygi(let's just go on pls)03:18
AnRkeyno but i can get it quick03:18
pygiehm, not netboot sec03:18
frustratedwithedKamping: I don't think you need one, because that is the one serving the DCHP to the LTSP terminals, right?03:18
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, wrong03:18
pygiI meant netboot AnRkey03:19
AnRkeypygi, netboot.tar.gz?03:19
pygithat, yes :)03:19
Kamping_Kaiseryou absolutely positively require an ip, and you absoltely positively need it to be a constant one.03:19
AnRkeygot it03:19
Kamping_Kaiserthen you need to set DHCP to listen on the subnet you just gave eth0 and restart the service03:19
pygiAnRkey, ok, so you have:  \RemoteInstall\Setup\Whatever\Images\PXELinux\i386\templates03:19
pygiuncompress it there03:19
frustratedwithedKamping: So, now eth0 is set as Roaming Mode Enabled by default by the installer03:19
AnRkeyok giving that a try, brb03:20
Kamping_Kaiserwhatever that means03:20
Kamping_Kaiseri asume its a feistyism03:20
pygiAnRkey, kk03:20
mcsdcan someone help I have a tar.gz file I am trying to extract but get this for some files "cannot mknod: Operation not permitted"03:20
frustratedwithedSo, if set eth1 to, what should eth0 be?03:21
pygiAnRkey, tar xfz netboot.tar.gz should do the trick if you can do it from linux :P03:21
pygimcsd, tar xvzf bla.tar.gz :)03:21
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, anything not in
mcsdxvzf? do you have documentation that explains this?03:21
pygimcsd, just try ^^03:22
mcsdno I trust you just wanted to learn more03:22
ogramcsd, man tar ;)03:22
pygiindeed ^_^03:22
frustratedwithedKamping: I'll try that, thanks03:22
pygiogra, we're going to get (probably) gPXE book this year, yay :-D03:22
ogragreat to see so much going on here while everyone is busy in sevilla03:25
Kamping_Kaiserhi ogra . good to see you03:25
pygiwell ... a lot more things going behind the scenes ;)03:25
pygiAnRkey, you're supposed to get two issues due to NTFS not supporting symlinks. We'll bypass by copying files:03:27
pygi ./pxelinux.cfg - > ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.cfg03:27
pygi ./pxelinux.0 - > ubuntu-installer/i386/pxelinux.003:27
pygiso you know what you need to copy ^_^03:27
pygiok, so now we need to create pxelinux.sif in the same templates folder03:28
pygiThe archives .sif comprise of the system of remote installation of Windows, are of flat text i indicate the routes to us, labels i others03:28
pygiand you should know how to create one, if not tell me but I'm a bit short on time right now03:28
pyginet stop binlsvc03:28
pyginet start binlsvc03:28
pygithen issue those to restart BINL03:29
pygiafter the clients are up:03:30
pygisudo ifconfig eth0 up03:30
pygisudo dhclient eth003:30
pygisudo apt-get update03:30
pygi(edit sources.list prior if you need)03:30
pygiand now install whatever your heart desires ^_^03:30
pygiif this works, please shoot me a mail at mario dot danic at gmail dot com03:30
pygithanks ^_^03:30
AnRkeypygi, all done and working03:32
AnRkeythat howto needs updating03:32
pygiAnRkey, congrats, thanks :)03:32
pygiAnRkey, don't worry ... I'll write an article ;)03:32
AnRkeythis time the paths did not match so i fixed that my moving a few things03:32
AnRkeygonna add a howto to my blog03:33
pygiAnRkey, yes, I told you to do so :P03:33
pygiAnRkey, problem is that symlinks aren't supported on ntfs03:33
AnRkeypygi, if you write one email me the addy03:33
AnRkeypygi, anrkey@gmail.com03:33
AnRkeypygi, thanks so very much mate :D03:33
pygiAnRkey, just email me :) This way I won't remember ;)03:33
mcsdin gnome why do files have a green foot graphic when they are all different file types?03:33
pygiAnRkey, and put your blog link in there as well. You're most welcome ^_^03:33
pygiglad that experiment worked ;)03:33
AnRkeypygi,  pm me your email addy03:34
AnRkeywell i think allot of people are gonna be happy that this can work03:34
pygimcsd, because the gnome is all about the foots!03:34
frustratedwithedKimping: I tried what you suggested, but it still didn't work.  Here is the pastbin link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20168/03:34
AnRkeygotta run, my boss is getting restless03:34
pygiAnRkey, well, I can work with you to create a sane article if you wish.03:34
pygiAnRkey, sure, laters03:34
AnRkeywill drop u an email soo03:34
frustratedwithedSorry I meant Kamping03:36
pygifrustratedwithed, make sure you've killed all the bugs in your configuration. I'm sure things are not that hard :)03:36
pygithings are relatively trivial when you get to the core of them03:37
=== Kamping_Kaiser adds Kamping to highlights list
frustratedwithedpygi: thanks for the suggestion.  can you be be more specific as to which bugs you refer? Is there a list?03:37
pygifrustratedwithed, in my head usually, yes :03:38
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, pastebin /etc/ltsp/whateverthisfileis, and /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf03:38
=== Kamping_Kaiser grins.
Kamping_Kaiseri went over this about 24 hours ago with someoen else ;)03:38
frustratedwithedAs for the configuration, I just inserted the AMD64 CD and followed the instructions03:38
=== Kamping_Kaiser should look up what he said last night
pygifrustratedwithed, if you can't fix it by tonight, we'll get it solved then03:38
frustratedwithedKamping: in a minute03:38
pygiI have to deliver two presentations now, so :OP03:39
Kamping_Kaiserpygi, uds? good luck03:39
pygiKamping_Kaiser, not UDS :)03:39
pygiI'm not there ;)03:39
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Kamping_Kaiserpygi, next time perhaps ;)03:39
pygiKamping_Kaiser, nah, didn't apply03:40
mcsdsorry but how do you remove a directory with sub folders and files?03:40
pygilast time I did, was accepted, and didn't go :P03:40
pygimcsd, rm -rf folder/03:40
Kamping_Kaiserpygi, hehehe.03:40
pygimcsd, please do read some manuals ;)03:40
pygiKamping_Kaiser, well, just you laugh ;)03:40
Kamping_Kaisermcsd, and be *very* careful with -f03:40
Kamping_Kaiserpygi, i will :P03:40
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mcsdpygi sorry I read the rmdir instead03:41
pygimcsd, don't you worry here. But people might flame, so do read some nice manuals :)03:41
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Kamping_Kaisermy world just crashed!!, what the heck happened there >.<03:42
pygiKamping_Kaiser, kick :)03:42
Kamping_Kaiserpygi, i'd apreiciate you not kicking me from my GDM again :P03:42
pygiKamping_Kaiser, agreed, for now :)03:42
=== pygi wasn't here for a very long time
pygiwell, it's still all the same :)03:43
pygibut some old people left :(03:43
Kamping_Kaiserapropos + man -K = win03:44
pygidon't get it, but I blame one week of not sleeping :p03:45
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Kamping_Kaiserapropos+ man -K are ways of searching man pages03:45
Kamping_Kaiserrelevent to your conversation, i feel :)03:46
pygioh well :P03:46
pygigot it xD03:47
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, what was the last thing you said to me? i crahsed out03:47
pygihe said nothing :P03:48
pygi<frustratedwithed> Kamping: in a minute03:48
Kamping_Kaiseroh, lol.03:48
frustratedwithedKamping: here is the pastebin for /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20172/03:49
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Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, your dhcp server currently listens on your eth1 - where your internet is. you ahve to change it (i'll show you)03:50
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20174/03:51
pygiKamping_Kaiser, that's a bad way :)03:52
pygiyou should have given him a sed line ;)03:52
Kamping_Kaiserpygi, i want to go to bed....03:52
frustratedwithedKamping: I'll try that, thanks. I'll be back03:52
frustratedwithedsed line?03:53
pygifrustratedwithed, ignore me :)03:53
frustratedwithedpygi: I am in JST time, where are you?03:53
pygifreet15, GMT+2 right now I think03:55
frustratedwithedKamping: I tried your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf and03:55
frustratedwithedthen sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart03:55
frustratedwithedbut got the following error03:56
frustratedwithedAddress range to, netmask spans multiple subnets!03:57
Kamping_Kaiserthen fix it :)03:57
Kamping_Kaiseri made a typo in /your/ config. do your bit and unstuff it :)03:58
frustratedwithedI guess it doesn' t like the to, so I'll fix it03:58
Kamping_Kaiserthe 10 should be a 103:58
Kamping_Kaiserand the 0.250 should be 1.25003:58
=== pygi had an privilege to send first message through world-first telepathy CLI client :P
Kamping_Kaiserwonder how  i let that slip through03:58
Kamping_Kaiserpygi, i havent recieved it yet :P03:58
pygiKamping_Kaiser, not to you :P03:59
Kamping_Kaiser</3 :p03:59
frustratedwithedGot it, it restarted, I'll check the clients connections04:00
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pygilaters folks ;)04:00
pygigotta go04:00
pygiI'm late :p04:00
Kamping_Kaiserlater mate, good luck04:00
Kamping_Kaiserbddebian, hi mate04:01
bddebianHi Kamping_Kaiser04:02
frustratedwithedKK: Great!  I am getting somewhere!  The client finally sees the DHCP and gets an IP, however, I get an error that it can't find the TFTP file.04:10
frustratedwithedI remember reading somewhere that I have to add a file for the clients somewhere, but I can't remember what or where...04:11
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, you sure you actually followed the instructions for setting stuff up?04:11
frustratedwithedany ideas?04:11
Kamping_Kaisertry sudo ltsp-build-client04:11
Kamping_Kaiserwith whatever options it needs (i dont have an ltsp server handy)04:11
frustratedwithedI have been reading instructions for over a week, thus my screen name04:11
frustratedwithedhaven't slept for 3 days straight04:12
frustratedwithedinstalled 5 times from scratch,..04:12
frustratedwithedinstructions are scarce and all over the place04:12
Kamping_Kaisercan you link me to hte instructions you were following?04:12
Kamping_Kaisersounds like they need to be double checked04:12
Kamping_Kaisersudo ltsp-build-client is all you need by the look of it, it should auto build it04:13
frustratedwithedhttp://www.edubuntu.org/GettingStarted  http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/server.html  http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/ltsp-theory.html  etc, etc, etc,...04:16
Kamping_Kaiserhm ok04:17
frustratedwithedKK: my server is an AMD64, but my clients are i386.  When I sudo ltsp-build-client, I get an error that /opt/lstp/amd64 already exists and should be removed, should I?04:19
Kamping_Kaiserif your clients are i386 you need to build with --arch=ie8604:19
frustratedwithedsudo ltsp-build-client --arch=i386   ???04:20
frustratedwithedKK: it is building now, it seems that it will work this time.  BTW, I am in Japan trying at a university working with some of my students to try to promote Edubuntu at the JHS and HS here.04:23
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Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, then your in a similar timezone to me. i dont feel so bad about missing my sleep *heh*04:25
frustratedwithedOn a different note, is there a way to use VMware to start LTSP clients on Mac/Win2000/XP/Vista?04:25
Kamping_Kaiseri have no idea of that one04:26
frustratedwithedI have a lab, with multiple platforms and some of them are pretty good machines I don't want to waste a thin clients04:26
frustratedwithedWhich country are you at?04:26
Kamping_Kaiseri susepct you could. you would have to change some NFS server settings, and get the clients to boot through a gateway (i asume thats what vmware would make the hsots)04:27
=== meduxa [n=agustin@84.Red-217-127-164.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserfrustratedwithed, you can use ltsp to boot the local system04:27
frustratedwithedAussie, heh?04:27
=== Feldegast waves to the fellow Aussie
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frustratedwithedWhat do you mean you can use ltsp to boot the local system?04:28
Kamping_Kaiseryou can boot a machine over ltsp into a menu like grub, which will then let you boot a windows computer04:28
Kamping_Kaisernot srue about macs04:28
frustratedwithedDo you meant that I have to start the system as a thin client and then somehow go to the local system?04:29
frustratedwithedSort of like a dual partition?04:29
frustratedwithedSorry, dual boot?04:29
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Kamping_Kaiseryou /can/ do that04:29
Kamping_Kaiseryou dont /have/ to04:29
frustratedwithedtoscalix for dual boot?04:31
Kamping_Kaiserwhats that?04:31
frustratedwithedI don't know.  You said <meduxa is now known as toscalix>04:32
frustratedwithedLOL, I see,....04:32
frustratedwithedKK:  Yeah, it works!!!!04:33
frustratedwithedThank you very, very, very, very, muuuuuchhhh!!!04:34
toscalixI can make a dual boot. In the mornig I choose beeing a geek or a normal guy04:34
Kamping_Kaiserwhat are you atm?04:35
frustratedwithedWait, something seems to have gone wrong :-(04:36
frustratedwithedThe thin client machine tried to load edubuntu, I got the splash window with the Edubuntu logo and the progress bar,04:37
frustratedwithedbut then it went into a single blinking cursor04:37
Kamping_Kaisersure the chroot finished building?04:37
Kamping_Kaiserhave you run ltsp-update-keys and ltsp-update-kernels ?04:38
frustratedwithedMy thin client is a Pentium 3 900Mhz with 318MB memory04:38
frustratedwithedYes, I got the message LTSP client installation completed successfully04:38
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Kamping_Kaiserrun those two commands and reboot the client04:39
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frustratedwithedKK: where is the directory for the commands?04:40
frustratedwithedyes, when I sudo ltsp-update-keys I get command not found error04:41
frustratedwithedshould I apt-get install them?04:41
Kamping_Kaiserunless the tool is removed from fesity, thats what you ahve to run04:41
Kamping_Kaiserah, its sshkeys04:43
frustratedwithedOK, I aproposed ltsp and got ltsp-update-sshkeys, is that what you mean?04:43
Kamping_Kaiserkgoetz@server:~$ ltsp04:43
Kamping_Kaiserltsp-build-client    ltsp-update-kernels04:43
Kamping_Kaiserltspfs               ltsp-update-sshkeys04:43
Kamping_Kaiserso -kernels and -sshkeys is what you need to run04:43
frustratedwithedgot it04:43
frustratedwithedI still get the same behavior of single blinking cursor on top-left04:45
Kamping_Kaiserafter running both commands and rebooting the client?04:46
frustratedwithedyeap,  I run -kernels and got message about updating /var/lib/tftpboot directories for chroot: /opt/ltsp/i38604:47
frustratedwithedI run the -sshkeys command and got nothing04:48
frustratedwithedthen I reboot the client and got the same blinking cursor after splash screen04:48
Kamping_Kaiseri'm supprised you get nothing, but ok04:48
Kamping_Kaisercheck /var/log/syslog to see if nfs is working04:49
Kamping_Kaiserinfact, restart nfs, its entirely posible it isnt runing04:49
frustratedwithedIt seems to be running04:49
frustratedwithedHow do I restart nfs?04:51
Kamping_Kaisersudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart04:51
frustratedwithedstopped [ok] , unexported [ok] , started [ok]   will try client again04:53
frustratedwithedKK: same behavior after restart.  Noticed some errors in syslog, but too large to for pastebin04:56
Kamping_Kaiserto large for pastebin?04:56
frustratedwithedI copied a portion into the pastebin where I can see the errors04:58
frustratedwithedThe DHCPDiscover, DHCPOffer, DHCPRequest, DCHPPack sequence goes on for a long time and then it just stops05:00
Kamping_Kaiseryou have nfs issues, the dhcp is fine05:01
Kamping_Kaiseri cant help with the nfs though05:01
frustratedwithedKK: thanks, I'll go to bed now and try again in the morning.  Thanks for the help, I never thought a splash screen would be enough, but I think I am a lot farther than when I started05:03
Kamping_Kaiserno worries, hope it helps05:04
Kamping_Kaiser*eyes off bed himself*05:05
frustratedwithedIn any case, not an out-of-the-box experience, but that definitely educational, thus the name EDUbuntu ;->05:05
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frustratedwithedKK: one final question, isn't it possible that eth0 and eth1 are switched some how?05:14
Kamping_Kaiseryes it is05:14
Kamping_Kaiseryou can use iftab to swap them around in software.05:14
frustratedwithedThat is, eth0 should be the terminal dhcp server and eth1 should be the internet card, right?05:15
Kamping_Kaiserthats how i have it set up at work05:16
Kamping_Kaiserits more logical to me05:16
Kamping_Kaiseryou can swap the cables over, and swap the interfaces in iftab and you sholu dbe good to go05:16
Kamping_Kaiser*should be05:16
frustratedwithedjust read the man for iftab05:17
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frustratedwithedI guess I am more sleepy than I realize.  Do I have to issue an iftab command or change the /etc/iftab file?05:19
Kamping_Kaisernot sure what happens after feisty when it gets removed. probalby gets done in /etc/network/interfaces05:19
frustratedwitheddo I need to restart dhcpd?05:20
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Kamping_Kaiserafter changing the file?05:21
Kamping_Kaiserall network related services05:21
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frustratedwitheddo I need to restart anything at all?05:23
frustratedwithedNo splash this time after restarting client05:23
Kamping_Kaiserhave you switched your network cables?05:23
Kamping_Kaiserhm, actually not sure if you should have to05:23
=== Kamping_Kaiser claims tiredness
frustratedwithedI did switch network cables, but just switched them back05:24
frustratedwithedKK: I'll go to sleep now, it is past midnight, maybe you should to.  I'll try tomorrow05:25
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Kamping_Kaiserpast midnight? its 1am05:27
Drizzoit's 5 pm ;-)05:31
Drizzokind of point of view :)05:31
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skipperHi everyone, I have a problem05:41
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skipperWhen I run the Thin Client Manager it pegs the cpu at 100%05:42
skipperI am running 12 terminal server clients on 7.0405:42
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skipperWithout the manager running I am at 20% on cpu usage.05:43
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highvoltageogra: do you know what happened to the guy that did this: http://hpfteam.free.fr/graphisme-libre/?q=node/23 ?05:58
highvoltageogra: he seems to be quite talented, perhaps we should pull him in again?05:58
ograagain ?05:58
ograi dont remember him05:58
highvoltagewell, he posted them last year. and in an email I have from him he said he sent those to you05:58
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highvoltageLaserJock: welcome back!06:05
skipperI still need some help06:07
Feldegastwhere should i upload grub splashscreens for edubuntu?06:08
LaserJockhighvoltage: hi06:11
LaserJockhighvoltage: have you seen ogra around?06:11
=== ogra waves
ograhow was your flight ?06:12
ogragood to see you made it06:12
LaserJockit was over 24hrs total06:12
Feldegastwhat does edubuntu use....kde, gnome, xfce....?06:12
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LaserJockogra: I just wanted to say, I marked edubuntu-addon-enhancements as Drafting06:13
LaserJockogra: because I didn't want it scheduled if the discussion was done06:13
LaserJockbut do need to get more info from mvo?06:14
LaserJockI think I could probably draft it with what I have now06:14
RichEdhi HedgeMage06:15
LaserJockhi RichEd06:15
RichEdhello LaserJock ... good to be home ?06:16
LaserJockwell, except for I'm flying out in about 7 hrs ... yeah :-)06:16
highvoltageLaserJock: ouch!06:17
LaserJockthe ouch was that I didn't sleep the night before the flight06:18
LaserJocksince I had to get up at 4:00am06:18
LaserJockand I was talking with moquist06:18
RichEd?? where are you now ... still here at UDS ?06:18
RichEdat an airport somewhere then /06:19
LaserJockI'm flying with my wife to my little brother's wedding this afternoon06:19
LaserJockI got home late last night06:19
RichEdwhere is the wedding06:19
LaserJockabout 1000 miles away06:19
LaserJockthat's why I couldn't stay for all of UDS06:19
RichEdah ... cowboy territory06:20
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LaserJockanybody here from David Trask?06:24
LaserJockI last saw him at the Sevilla airport06:24
HedgeMagehi RichEd06:25
HedgeMageWhat's up?06:25
LaserJocklots of fun stuff I think06:28
LaserJockthey must be doing something right now06:28
LaserJockthere were lots of education people06:28
LaserJockschooltool and moodle developers06:28
HedgeMage:) interesting06:28
LaserJockIntel people with their Classmate PC06:29
HedgeMageVery nifty.06:29
HedgeMageI do miss edubuntu... once hubby's out of the army and things settle down I may have more free time (theoretically).06:29
LaserJockwe talked a fair amount about edubuntu docs06:31
RichEdLaserJock: intel with *our* classmate pc ;)06:35
RichEdthey just make the metal and plastic bits06:35
RichEdwe make it eductional06:35
LaserJockthere needs to be lots more educational apps developed for it I think06:38
LaserJocklots of things for people to do06:39
LaserJockI hope they're able to build a nice open source development community around it06:40
LaserJockedubuntu would make an excellent platform for that, IMO06:40
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chris-t4May I ask what is Edubuntu's plan for the classmate? Will the standard desktop install work well on the machine?06:44
LaserJockit already does06:44
LaserJockogra installed it a couple days ago06:44
LaserJockcompiz even works on it06:44
LaserJockthere are a couple hardware issues I think, wireless card for instance06:45
LaserJockbut it runs without modification06:45
LaserJockbut it basically takes all of the storage space06:46
LaserJockso I think the plan is to use a squashfs like a liveCD06:46
RichEdLaserJock: there is a forum wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-Sevilla/ClassmatePC06:48
RichEdyou will not be able to install a standard edubuntu off a cd06:48
LaserJockmaybe eventually if they get 4GB flash disks06:49
RichEdit wil be a special .iso or download or whatever, trimmed for small storage and probably some screen real estate stavings in some configs06:49
chris-t4Thanks RichEd. I'm interested in this also.06:50
RichEdchris-t4: add yourself to the wiki page if you want news06:52
=== skipper [n=tmoore99@adsl-69-152-241-9.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #edubuntu
skipperAnyone here?06:52
highvoltage/names :)06:52
RichEdskipper: i'm not06:53
RichEdchris-t4: see msg06:53
RichEdhow can we help skipper ?06:54
skipperI am running 7.04 and when I try to run the Thin Client Manager it pegs by cpu usage to 100%06:54
RichEdskipper: get into #ltsp and ask there ... the main core people live there, but are at the summit with us in spain06:55
chris-t4I will try and add myself to the page.06:55
skipperWith 12 clients connected and the Thin client Manager not running I run at about 20% cpu usage06:55
RichEdlook for ogra, sbalneav, or jammcq06:55
RichEdchris-t4: mail me if you can't : richard@ubuntu.com06:56
skipperWill do, thanks!06:56
RichEdbye for now06:57
ograRichEd, ?06:58
RichEdyessir mr ogra sir06:58
ograyou pinged06:58
RichEdwas looking for help for skipper ... he's now in #ltsp asking there06:58
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mpytaszhi ogra,06:59
ograah, ok, we're quite busy here, seems we found the slowdown07:00
mpytaszI have some observations (wacom related), you might be interested in - In Lifebook T4210 (we talked about in Jesi) it does not work out of the box in ubuntu. The solution is development branch of linuxwacom - it is not upported in stable.07:01
mpytaszalthough 7.04 does boot on it now (in contrast to 6.10 cd)07:02
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LaserJockogra: did you see my question about the addon CD spec?07:03
ograLaserJock, all fine, i'll look throuhg it tomorrow, if we're not done yet i'll manage to have a talk with mvo aside ...07:06
LaserJockok, thanks07:06
LaserJockok, I'm off07:14
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willvdlHedgeMage, hey07:27
HedgeMagehi willvdl07:27
willvdlRichEd just mentioned you'd be keen to help out on the drupal side :)07:28
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HedgeMagewillvdl: sure thing. :)07:34
willvdlHedgeMage, excellent news.07:34
HedgeMagewillvdl: I'm busy as heck, but I'd love to make time for edubuntu's Drupal needs... I miss you guys :)07:35
willvdlgood. to hear. We're specing some stuff at the mo and hope to make it as bite-sized as possible07:36
highvoltageHedgeMage: howdy!07:38
HedgeMagewillvdl: cool.07:38
HedgeMagehighvoltage: howdy :)07:38
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nealmcbSome colleagues of mine in Colorado, US have just started planning a presentation for a Technology in Education conference in Colorado in june:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JimHutchinson07:41
=== unimatrix9 [n=theGrid@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #edubuntu
unimatrix9hello there07:41
nealmcbI'm wondering what similar info is out there, and if the edubuntu wiki would be a better place to plan this.  if so, where?07:42
mcsdis there a good wiki out there for making a live cd?  I have this which is very brief using Paul's Boot CD but I cannot seem to make it work http://www.geocities.com/potato.geo/pbcd.html#download07:45
mcsdit keeps telling me /dev/loop1 is not a block device proceed y/n07:46
unimatrix9mcsd what kind of livecd?07:49
unimatrix9what would you like to do with the livecd?07:50
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mcsdunimatrix9: I have edubuntu 6.10 installed along with beryl (the cube) and would like to make an live cd image of the install08:10
mcsdI have removed programs from edubuntu like gaim and want to restrict terminal access for general users and add printers and network settings08:11
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.08:12
nealmcbmcsd: my guess is that #ubuntu would be a better channel for your question.08:21
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nealmcbSee Technology in Education conference in Colorado - https://wiki.edubuntu.org/ColoradoTIE - I moved the information from the page I pointed to before.09:09
pygiKamping_Kaiser, did you solve that dude's problem? :)09:12
=== yimmmmy [n=sithclon@pool-72-79-190-222.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
yimmmmyhelp s\logical disk error o09:12
yimmmmyand squashfserror09:13
yimmmmydont know hwat to do09:13
yimmmmyubutu screen loads but then frezes and mouse wont move09:13
yimmmmycan any one help me09:14
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=== imjones [n=sithclon@pool-72-79-190-222.sctnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
imjonesi need help bad09:20
imjonesi got a squash error and logical disk error i dont know what they mean09:21
HedgeMageimjones: I think everyone's out to lunch... activity should pick up again in a little while09:23
imjonesi neeed help09:23
imjonesi dont wnat my pc to be a 345 ound door stop09:23
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pygiyay, can receive messages now :P09:51
imjonesi neeed help09:53
imjonesi got a squash error and logical disk error i dont know what they mean09:53
imjonesi neeed help09:53
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pygiimjones, perhaps broken cd09:53
pygiplease, pretty please be patient ;)09:53
imjonesis logical disc the cd09:54
pygiperhaps. I have no idea what your exact error is, neither I'm the expert here09:54
pygiI'm just little someone who knows nothing09:54
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imjonesoh cuase i got it on 3 hdds09:56
imjonesit must be09:56
imjonesis there any experts here i acn talk to09:56
pygi"you got it on 3hdds" would mean what? :P09:57
pygieveryone is busy09:58
pygiyou can't just expect to find people sitting here09:58
pygidoing nothing09:58
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pygipeople are weird09:58
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pygihi cbx3311:12
cbx33hey pygi11:13
pygihow goes it?11:14
cbx33I need to open a quark express document11:16
pygiah :)11:22
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