
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee BOO!
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Ksosezanyone know of/or working on overheating on laptops in Feisty? my thinkpad z60m is overheating badly..and if there is anything I can do to help i would like to :)03:20
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Ksosezokay back into ubuntu to see if i can track this overheating issue down03:23
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pittiGood morning08:33
pittihello ion_ 08:36
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=== StevenK waves to pitti.
pittihey StevenK 08:42
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StevenKMithrandir: I have this feeling that tig and lyx seem to do bad things to the sparc buildds -- both artigas and sejong are spinning with no logs.08:43
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desrtanyone know how long before we have a schedule?08:47
shawarmadesrt: It's usually around 9:20, I think.08:50
Treenakskeybuk just arrived..08:51
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fabbioneStevenK: send me a mail and i will look at them08:57
StevenKfabbione: <nick>@u.c ?08:58
=== desrt needs to know if his session is scheduled ultra-early or if he has time for a breakfast :)
desrtschedule is up.09:00
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fabbioneStevenK: got the mail.. will look at them sometime next week09:02
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dholbachgood morning09:39
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shawarmaiwj, lifeless: I'm clearly an idiot.09:49
Treenaksshawarma: </duh>09:49
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dharriganMithrandir: elmo : I have a question re: legal stuff that dholbach recommends I ping you about.11:51
dholbachdharrigan: best to say what you actually want to do - so they can reply back, when they see your message11:52
dharrigandholbach: Ah, umm, best if I send them the email that I sent you?11:52
dharriganIt's quite long, perhaps too long for here.11:52
dholbachdharrigan: ok, let mw follow up on your mail and include them in the loop11:52
dharriganOkay, that would be great daniel. I appreciate it. Just want to clear things up :-)11:53
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alleyoopstermjg59: hi, madduck (debian) mentioned that you *may* know something of black screen problems on resume on a dell laptop12:08
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Mirvpitti: do you think https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/language-packs-for-documentation could be resurrected? by moving non-english documentation to be downloaded (like language-support-NN is already done), there would be more space for UI translations. (you're the first in the list of subscribers)12:14
MirvI'm aiming for... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetterDesktopCDLanguageSupport (the title says it all)12:15
pittiMirv: resurrected in the sense of giving it an assignee and an UDS slot?12:15
Hobbsee[20:15]  <siretart> http://www.stil-his.no/brukerfiler/Innebandy/He-man%20-%20She-ra%2004.jpeg12:15
Hobbsee[20:15]  <dholbach> ^ Treenaks said: "Is that jono?"12:15
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Hobbsee[20:15]  <siretart> "he sould be"12:16
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pittiMirv: right, we do consider 7zip and friends12:19
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Mirvpitti: yeah.. if there were a bunch of people interested in the documentation separation before, to try to find time to consider implementation too. it's linked to from this new spec where I'm gathering other ideas.12:22
Mirvpitti: sladen and pkl_ are people who could perhaps help with the 7zip/lzma/squashfs stuff, they were in the discussion just a moment ago (I'm via VoIP). I'm not really into kernel myself too much, but I'd like to look into the desktop side mentioned in the spec.12:24
Mirvthough probably mvo would be better at that, too :)12:25
StevenHarperUKHi, I have recently finished my first release of USB Speedtouch 330 driver support, I have registered a launchpad project, but now i'm stuck. I have a SVN repository and have queued an import in launchpad, but id like some Ubuntu Development Veterans to help me out12:27
TreenaksStevenHarperUK: are you at UDS?>12:28
pittiMirv: I agree that doc separation is low-hanging fruit; it's not the best solution, but certainly works12:28
StevenHarperUKSorry whats UDS?12:28
TreenaksStevenHarperUK: the Ubuntu Developer Summit, in Seville, Spain12:28
StevenHarperUKNo im at work atm :P12:28
StevenHarperUKMy launchpad entry is https://launchpad.net/speedtouch-usb-modem12:29
StevenHarperUKI have a working app, that connects version 04 of the Speedtouch USB modems12:29
StevenHarperUKover PPPoa12:29
StevenHarperUKWhat I need now is help Packaging and for people to review my Python code 12:30
StevenHarperUKAs im Mainly a Java developer : it my first stab at Python12:30
StevenHarperUKIts on an OPen SVN server if anyone fancies a look12:31
pittiStevenHarperUK: TBH I don't think that providing a separate application for a specific type of hardware is a good solution12:33
MirvStevenHarperUK: you might want to co-operate with the subscribers of the specification https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/usb-adsl-modems and add to the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EasyUsbAdsl page12:33
pittiStevenHarperUK: there should be some shim which makes that modem work with the standard network setup/configuration tools12:33
StevenHarperUKYes that would be great, there so many, in the UK nearly all ISP's gave the Speedtouch 330 free iwth most ADSL subscriptions12:34
StevenHarperUKThe code I have worked on should work with other modems12:34
StevenHarperUKBut I only have acces to 3 speedtouch ones12:35
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Lutintepsipakki: around ?01:14
tepsipakkiLutin: yep01:16
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Lutintepsipakki: just curious.. I was xondering why glw has been disabled in mesa01:18
tepsipakkiLutin: no idea01:18
tepsipakkilook at the changelog for clues01:18
Lutintepsipakki: ok :) . I was asking you because you uploaded this change ;)01:20
tepsipakkiwell, I didn't make that patch01:21
tepsipakkiit was there before01:21
Lutintepsipakki: ok01:22
tepsipakkicheck the changelog from edgy01:23
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tepsipakkiah, yes.. GLw needs lesstif01:27
tepsipakkiwhich is in universe01:28
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pygidholbach, around?02:33
dholbachpygi: YES02:34
pygidholbach, nice ^_^02:34
dholbachanything you want from me?02:35
pygiah, nothing important ... you're probably busy02:35
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Clem92I've got a question... will Pidgin 2 come in Feisty or only in Gutsy?03:11
BurgundaviaClem92: possibly a backport ot fiesty03:11
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HobbseeBurgundavia: cant see why though.  although backports isnt updates, i guess03:12
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gnomefreakBurgundavia: congrats03:14
pygiHobbsee is here again :P03:15
Hobbseepygi: it seems so03:15
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BurgundaviaHobbsee: people are asking for it, thus they are using crackish 3rd party stuff03:18
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Burgundaviabetter to have them using our crack than random crack off the forums/blogs03:18
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HobbseeBurgundavia: true03:21
iwjConflict adding file debian/changelog.BASE.  Moved existing file to debian/changelog.BASE.moved.03:28
iwjI love bzr.03:28
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pittiiwj: hmm, did you use 'mv' instead of 'bzr mv' or so?03:36
iwjNo, nothing like that.03:37
iwjmvo told me to say `bzr resolve --all' which made it magically go away.03:37
pittiiwj: aah, right;03:37
pittiiwj: you had a conflict earlier, and the .BASE file was still around03:37
iwjBut why oh why oh why does it mind ?  It should get a grip.03:38
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seb128pitti: do you mind if I promote libavahi-compat-howl0 to main?03:46
pittierk, erk, erk03:46
pittiseb128: actually I do; why do we need that?03:46
seb128pitti: the avahi source is already to main03:46
pittibut I thought we could do without the old howl compat stuff03:46
Lathiatits not old03:46
AmaranthWhat uses it?03:47
pittiwell, old in terms of Ubuntu usage03:47
Lathiatthe reason it wasn't promoted was because at some point there was plans to pull those out into separate sources upstream03:47
Lathiatwe haven't really got to doing that03:47
seb128pitti: would make gaim bonjour thing work03:47
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seb128pitti: looks like quite some users would be happy to use the gaim feature03:47
seb128and ogra would like to get gobby to edubuntu03:47
pittiseb128: well, the only reason I have against it is APIs we don't need for anything else; no hard arguments against it, so go ahead if it makes folks happy03:48
pygiogra, ^_^03:48
seb128pitti: thanks03:49
=== ogra hugs pitti exstatically
slomoi wonder why gaim and gobby still can't use the real avahi api... it's not like it's a difficult api ;)03:49
Lathiatslomo: it was just ported upstream iirc03:50
seb128slomo: you are welcome to port it to avahi03:51
seb128slomo: we did say that during the dapper cycle03:52
seb128slomo: nothings changed upstream since03:52
seb128slomo: let me know if you want to work on it, so maybe we don't need to promote it ;)03:53
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psusihow do you get the maintainer of a package changed in launchpad?05:14
Hobbseepsusi: upload a new vesrion of it05:15
psusiohh, do you just need to change the Maintainer field in the control file?05:15
Hobbseei think so05:17
psusiI'd like to change it to another launchpad group, but what should I set the maintainer email addy to?05:17
psusithe group is ubuntu-dmraid05:17
Hobbseei wonder if you need to set the debian changelog address, or the maintainer address, to list it in LP.05:18
psusimust be maintainer... changelog lists whoever made the changes05:18
psusiwho often is not the maintainer05:18
psusior even a developer ;)05:18
seb128psusi: subscribe the team to the package05:19
psusiit is subscribed, but it is not the maintainer05:19
seb128what does maintainer mean to you?05:19
psusiI'd like it to be the maintainer instead of the generic motu group05:19
seb128what difference would it make?05:19
psusiwell, for one, the maintainer gets to set the priority of the bugs05:19
seb128the package contacts can do that I think05:19
psusisays only maintainer can... what's package contacts?05:20
seb128hum, I see what you mean05:20
seb128just subscribe to the bugsquad ;)05:20
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bashelierpsusi: I think you should put you as XSBC-Original-Maintainer, and let the MOTU as Maintainer, and also change the adress/name in changelog05:21
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seb128bashelier: I'm not sure tweaking the Maintainer is the way to do that05:21
seb128psusi: ^05:22
psusithe changelog contains the name of the person who made that change.... not related to this discussion05:22
seb128psusi: there is no granularity by package05:22
psusisince i made the last change, my name is there... that's not the issue... the issue is that the group that was made specifically to deal with bugs on this package can't prioritize those bugs05:22
bashelierpsusi: sorry, I've said that without knowing what do you want exactly05:22
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seb128psusi: you need to be busquad member to change Ubuntu packages settings05:23
psusihrm... launchpad just says only the maintainer can set the priority05:24
seb128psusi: what page is that?05:24
psusiany bug page05:24
psusiexpand the affects item to show the importance and there's a lock icon next to it... hover the cursor over it and it says only the maintainer or bug contact for the project can set this05:25
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seb128psusi: that's a question for #launchpad05:26
psusithe team ubuntu-dmraid is set as a bug contact for the dmraid package, and I'm a member, so I get email about all bugs filed against it05:26
psusibut can't set the priority05:27
psusihrm... ok05:27
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ograRiddell, http://www.arbitraryuser.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/howtospellandtypejonathan.png05:59
highvoltagethere's also a simpler howto at http://jonathancarter.co.za/files/jonathan.pdf06:02
Riddellogra: what the naach?06:04
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pkern_How could I set "Fix Released" only for Gutsy on a bug? Currently it shows only "gobby (Ubuntu)"06:51
ScottKIf it's fixed in Gutsy, it's considered Fix Released.06:52
ScottKIf it's potentially SRU worthy, then tasks need to be set for the appopriate releases.06:52
pkern_And those tasks could only be added by more powerful people? (Not that's it's needed in this specific case.)06:53
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ScottKubuntu-qa and I think some others can nominate for releases, but I believe only devs can approve them.06:53
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pkern_How could I set bug contact / security contact on a project in LP?07:08
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ScottKpkern_: I'd ask in #launchpad07:13
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bddebianAre we going to bring PHP5 5.2.2 from Debian?07:23
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sharmsdid anyone get a chance to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Spec/EnhancedBash ?07:54
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sharmsI have been stuck all week with a bunch of deadline work :(07:54
ion_Enhanced bash  ah, you must mean zsh. ;-)07:55
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blueyedDoes anyone know what's up with vbetool? There are quite a lot of crashes in launchpad.08:50
mjg59Due to the way it works, it's inevitable that it'll crash on some machines08:50
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blueyedmjg59: unfortunately I don't know how it works. So the related reports should be rejected as "expected"? all of them?08:59
mjg59apport should be taught to ignore them09:02
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xstCurrently audiophile 2496 audio devices are broken in feisty. Does anyone know the current status of bug #108288 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/108288)? Is anyone actually working on it?11:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 108288 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Audio is played in "slow motion"" [Medium,Confirmed]  11:10
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crimsunxst: yes, I am, but I'm swamped ATM.  I'll attempt to look tomorrow.11:32
crimsunxst: at this point, I need to know if alsa-driver 1.0.14rc4 fares better.  That would be a starting point for testing.11:32
xstok, sounds awesome with some progress :-)11:34
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poningruanyone know why vmware-server or vmware-tools is not available through the repos?11:46
stgraberponingru: they are on canonical repo IIRC (it should be a licence problem for them not to be in multiverse)11:47
poningrucanonical repository?11:49
poningrufound it11:49
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avbhello all12:11

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