=== VladimirBG [n=vlad@] has joined #ubuntu-laptop | ||
VladimirBG | hi | 12:16 |
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VladimirBG | hey, is there going to be a re-release of feisty due to Dell laptop issues? | 01:33 |
VladimirBG | Ati related ones | 01:33 |
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crimsun | VladimirBG: huh? | 02:10 |
VladimirBG | feisty has issues when trying to run on Inspiron 6400/E1505 with Ati graphics | 02:12 |
VladimirBG | X server refuses to run | 02:12 |
crimsun | even with fglrx? | 02:13 |
VladimirBG | as I hear(may or may not be so) the fault is in VESA driver not working properly with Ati x1*** series | 02:13 |
VladimirBG | fglrx works | 02:13 |
VladimirBG | but is a hassle | 02:13 |
crimsun | I doubt Dell would distribute it configured for vesa. | 02:13 |
VladimirBG | and requires alternet CD with text install | 02:13 |
VladimirBG | well, I have a Dell, and I refuse to use Feisty (sticking to Dapper) untill that is fixed for one | 02:14 |
crimsun | no one's forcing you to dist-upgrade to 7.04 | 02:15 |
crimsun | besides, we support 6.06 for quite a while longer | 02:15 |
VladimirBG | I know, but imagine how many users will walk away beeing disapointed thay need to do some heavy lifting in command line(I could, but I hate the hassle) to bring their system up and going... | 02:17 |
VladimirBG | there are a number of threads in ubuntu forums | 02:19 |
VladimirBG | (about the issue) | 02:19 |
mjg59 | Well, there's little we can do | 02:19 |
mjg59 | The CDs won't be reimaged | 02:19 |
VladimirBG | any chance for a service update image? | 02:20 |
VladimirBG | like 7.04.1? | 02:20 |
mjg59 | No | 02:22 |
mjg59 | Sorry | 02:22 |
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kensho | hi | 01:58 |
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popey | mjg59: if you have a laptop that fails the intel firmware kit checker cd thing, is there anything that can be done, or is it "call the hardware vendor" ? | 12:03 |
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