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mneptokFrom the transmitter, to the receiver. Across the ether, out of your speaker. Radio waves have life! Radio waves have life! Machines are living too! They're working for me and you!02:35
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tritiumjrib: ?03:32
jribtritium: they got kicked by the dcc03:33
tritiumnever mind...03:33
tritiumOkay, I saw your explanation.03:33
=== gravemind [n=phix@pool-70-108-20-40.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
gravemindtopic says come here to be tested03:35
=== who_cares [n=cameron@71-12-166-197.dhcp.gwnt.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
jribgravemind: join me in #jrib03:35
who_carescan someone test me for the DCC exploit?03:36
jribgravemind: you're good.  I forgot to ban you anyway :)03:38
jribwho_cares: join me in #jrib03:39
gravemindjrib: I followed the instructions to switch ports to 8001 - was I vulnerable before?03:40
jribgravemind: if you got disconnected after the incident about 10 minutes ago, yes03:40
who_caresread error?03:41
jribok, guess who_cares didn't fix it03:41
SportChicklooks like not03:41
gravemindjrib: ah ok, that explains it. I thought my wireless was being spotty as usual03:45
SportChickgravemind: you might want to look into upgrading your firmware, which is a better solution than just a port change03:46
SportChickthough either works03:46
gravemindROuter firmware03:47
gravemindah it was jenkem who did the keylogger03:50
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-76-98-226-136.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
Geoffrey2hiya folks, can anyone check me so I can be unbanned from #ubuntu?03:56
jribGeoffrey2: sure, join me in #jrib please03:57
jribGeoffrey2: ok, you can now join #ubuntu.  Thanks for your patience03:58
Geoffrey2no problem....I updated to Feisty, and forgot to put port 8001 back into X chat03:59
gravemindis 8001 better than the default or just different03:59
Geoffrey2apparently port 8001 isn't affected by the router exploit....04:00
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Geoffrey2hi folks, I just updated my router to the latest firmware version, and I was wondering if someone could check to see if I'm still vulnerable to DCC attacks...04:50
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Stumpfsupposed to ask to be tested here?  :o05:09
Stumpfanyone anyone?  Booted from #Ubuntu for DCC exploit vulnerability etc?05:11
Vorianbe patient Stumpf, an op will help you when they are free.05:12
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=== fatalfury [n=fatalfur@66-190-26-239.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-ops
fatalfuryso i was directed here from #ubuntu-read-topic about the DCC exploit. need to be tested or something? sry, not sure what it's all about. i have changed the port for freenode connection.05:29
ubotukitche called the ops in #ubuntu05:30
ubotuWaxyFresh called the ops in #ubuntu05:30
ubotudotpavan called the ops in #ubuntu05:30
naliothfatalfury: join #moderation please05:30
fatalfurywill do05:31
fatalfuryi assume this affects me on other networks as well?05:32
naliothfatalfury: thanks for your patience, you can join #ubuntu now05:32
fatalfurythank you05:32
naliothyes, it's a router issue, not a network one05:32
fatalfuryso the port change is just a workaround? does this only affect xchat?05:33
naliothit affects all irc clients05:34
fatalfuryoh ok. thanks for the information.05:34
nalioththe port 800x is not considered an "irc port" by your cheap router, so therefore it doesn't freak out when it gets weird stuff over it05:34
fatalfuryoh i see05:35
fatalfurycan i find more information about the router issue somewhere? (link perhaps?)05:35
fatalfuryi'd like to get everything patched up if i can :)05:35
naliothfatalfury: google "dcc send exploit05:37
naliothor /msg ubotu dcc05:38
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fatalfuryok thanks05:56
=== fatalfury [n=fatalfur@66-190-26-239.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
StumpfWe are supposed to "get checked" here ?  As per instructions from #Ubuntu ?06:24
naliothStumpf: join #moderation, please06:25
naliothStumpf: thanks for your patience, you can join #ubuntu now06:27
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Seveasnalioth, you here?09:14
Seveasor jenda ?09:14
Hobbseehi Seveas09:16
ubotuAdam Curry wishes he was a guest on Lug radio09:16
ubotuLugradio has Lottery Funding09:17
ubotuLugradio is more popular than cheeses09:18
ubotuJono's beard may be machine washed at 40 degrees, but may not be steam ironed09:18
MadpilotTold jono about this yet?09:19
Madpilotor was it his idea?09:19
Seveashe doesn't know09:20
Hobbsee __________________________________09:20
Hobbsee/ I'm sure we should tell him with \09:20
Hobbsee\ cowsay, in the meeting.          /09:20
Hobbsee ----------------------------------09:20
Hobbsee        \   ^__^09:20
Hobbsee         \  (oo)\_______09:20
Hobbsee            (__)\       )\/\09:20
Hobbsee                ||----w |09:20
Hobbsee                ||     ||09:20
Seveas@cowsay Hobbsee is a sheep, not a cow09:20
Seveasubotu, !09:20
Seveas _______________________________09:21
Seveas< Hobbsee is a sheep, not a cow >09:21
Seveas -------------------------------09:21
Seveas        \   ^__^09:21
Seveas         \  (oo)\_______09:21
Seveas            (__)\       )\/\09:21
Seveas                ||----w |09:21
Seveas                ||     ||09:21
=== ompaul [i=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Madpilot _______________________________09:30
Madpilot\ non-CoC...                    /09:30
Madpilot -------------------------------09:30
Madpilot      \                _09:30
Madpilot       \              (_)09:30
Madpilot        \   ^__^       / \09:30
Madpilot         \  (oo)\_____/_\ \09:30
=== Burgundavia [i=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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Madpilot            (__)\       ) /09:30
Madpilot                ||----w ((09:30
Madpilot                ||     ||>>09:30
Madpilotwhy does the first line of text in my cowsays get dropped?09:30
Burgundaviabecause it hates you :)09:32
Madpilotjust because I share your nickname with entire IRC channels?09:33
Hobbsee /exec cmd cowsay &p hi jenda!09:41
Hobbsee __09:41
Hobbsee<  >09:41
Hobbsee --09:41
Hobbsee        \   ^__^09:41
Hobbsee         \  (oo)\_______09:41
Hobbsee            (__)\       )\/\09:42
Hobbsee                ||----w |09:42
Hobbsee                ||     ||09:42
Hobbseedamned spaces09:42
ompaul __________________09:42
ompaul< Whats your beef? >09:42
ompaul ------------------09:42
ompaul        \   ^__^09:42
ompaul         \  (oo)\_______09:42
ompaul            (__)\       )\/\09:42
ompaul                ||----w |09:42
ompaul                ||     ||09:42
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jendaHobbsee: :D09:45
ajmitchgood day people09:45
Hobbsee ___________09:45
Hobbsee< hi jenda! >09:45
Hobbsee -----------09:45
Hobbsee        \   ^__^09:45
Hobbsee         \  (oo)\_______09:45
Hobbsee            (__)\       )\/\09:45
Hobbsee                ||----w |09:45
Hobbsee                ||     ||09:45
=== ajmitch pokes Hobbsee
Hobbseethere we go!09:45
Myrttiyou people have way too much time09:46
Hobbsee _                                      _09:46
Hobbsee| |__  _   _  __ _    ___ _ __ ___   __| |09:46
Hobbsee| '_ \| | | |/ _` |  / __| '_ ` _ \ / _` |09:46
Hobbsee| |_) | |_| | (_| | | (__| | | | | | (_| |09:46
Hobbsee|_.__/ \__,_|\__, |  \___|_| |_| |_|\__,_|09:46
Hobbsee             |___/09:46
Hobbsee  __            _09:46
Hobbsee / _| ___  _ __| |_ _   _ _ __   ___09:46
Hobbsee| |_ / _ \| '__| __| | | | '_ \ / _ \09:46
Hobbsee|  _| (_) | |  | |_| |_| | | | |  __/09:46
Hobbsee|_|  \___/|_|   \__|\__,_|_| |_|\___|09:46
Hobbsee  __            _                              _       _09:46
Hobbsee / _| ___  _ __| |_ _   _ _ __   ___  ___   __| | __ _| |_09:46
Hobbsee| |_ / _ \| '__| __| | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __| / _` |/ _` | __|09:46
Hobbsee|  _| (_) | |  | |_| |_| | | | |  __/\__ \| (_| | (_| | |_09:46
Hobbsee|_|  \___/|_|   \__|\__,_|_| |_|\___||___(_)__,_|\__,_|\__|09:46
Hobbsee                                                        _09:46
Hobbsee  __ _  __ _ _   _  __ _  ___    __ _  ___   ___   __ _| | ___09:46
Hobbsee / _` |/ _` | | | |/ _` |/ _ \  / _` |/ _ \ / _ \ / _` | |/ _ \09:47
Hobbsee| (_| | (_| | |_| | (_| |  __/ | (_| | (_) | (_) | (_| | |  __/09:47
Hobbsee \__, |\__,_|\__,_|\__, |\___|  \__, |\___/ \___/ \__, |_|\___|09:47
Hobbsee |___/             |___/        |___/             |___/09:47
Hobbsee _       _                         _                               _ _09:47
Hobbsee| | ____| | _____   _____ _ __ ___(_) ___  _ __    _ __ ___   __ _(_) |09:47
Hobbsee| |/ / _` |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \  | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | |09:47
ajmitchsomeone please kick her09:47
=== mode/#ubuntu-ops [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ
Hobbsee|   < (_| |  __/\ V /  __/ |  \__ \ | (_) | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | |09:47
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MadpilotHobbsee, wtf did you pipe into figlet?09:50
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HobbseeMadpilot: a *09:53
Hobbseei need to use " first09:54
ajmitchnaughty hobbsee09:55
ajmitchsomeone deserves to get dunked today09:55
Hobbseenot me!!!09:56
Hobbseerobert does.09:56
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ubotuLugradio invented the podcast10:13
ubotuYes - Lugradio is free of any minix code, and it has a multi-threaded fs.10:14
Madpilotjono is going to have a duck when he sees the @lugradio tell :)10:14
ajmitchPricey: excellent...10:16
PriceyHello there....10:17
PriceyCan i help?10:19
ajmitchI'm sure you could10:19
ubotuLugRadio is entirely responsible for Ubuntu's success.10:19
ubotuLugradio has Lottery Funding10:20
ubotuBeagle are the only animal that can smoke a pipe10:21
=== Mez|OnAir hugges everyone
PriceyCould you tell me how I can help? :s10:24
ubotuWhen played backwards, episode 4 of season 2 is a yodelling rendition of 'Stairway to Heaven'10:25
ubotulugradio a un nom bizarre10:26
ubotuLugradio is going to replace jono with a small python script10:28
Madpilotnight all10:29
ubotuLugRadio may not be tumble dried.10:30
ubotuLugRadio is funded by the sale of pegs10:30
ubotuAq only ever eats sweet and sour chicken10:34
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ubotuLugRadio, the future of rock and roll.11:46
ubotuThe next fact you read may be biased11:47
Seveaswell, let's se11:47
ubotuThis is the 321st fact11:48
ubotuThe weaponisation of LUGRadio syndrome is banned under the Geneva convention11:48
mc44oh dear, lugradio factoids :)11:53
ubotuLugradio will discuss any distribution, provided it is Ubuntu11:56
Hobbsee ______11:56
Hobbsee< sigh >11:56
Hobbsee ------11:56
Hobbsee        \   ^__^11:56
Hobbsee         \  (oo)\_______11:56
Hobbsee            (__)\       )\/\11:56
Hobbsee                ||----w |11:56
Hobbsee                ||     ||11:56
stdincan someone change the topic of #kubuntu ? it has "Kubuntu Support Channel | Feisty Herd 1 Released | Edgy has Landed http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php" atm11:59
ubotusoundray called the ops in #ubuntu12:11
Hobbseestdin: say what you want to say in it?12:12
=== Hobbsee is doing wiki stuff, and being lazy :P
stdinjust to be more up-to-date12:17
stdinunless I've entered a time-warp, herd 1 was a while ago :p12:17
=== ajmitch looks for someone to poke Hobbsee
Hobbseeajmitch: good luck with that.12:18
Hobbseestdin: aka, give me the text, and i'll do it12:18
=== Hobbsee is having fun hacking thru the wiki pages, with a big delete-stick
stdinHobbsee: it's ok now, Jucato already changed it, you can continue with the wiki undistracted :P12:19
ajmitchHobbsee: don't worry then, I can wait12:20
mc44Hobbsee: breezy stuff? :)12:21
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Hobbseemc44: that too12:21
mc44Seveas: I take that to mean "neither"? :)12:22
ubotuLugRadio IS a flying toy!12:44
ubotuLugradio gave your mum a biscuit12:44
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ubotuLugradio Live videos are quantic particles. Sometimes they don't exist, sometimes they don't exist either.01:27
=== gnomefreak wonders why it repeats that line
ubotuLugRadio contains 19% of your recommended daily allowance of salt, 24% protein, and 53% fat01:28
Myrttiwasn't demonoid a torrent tracker?01:56
PiciI believe so.01:59
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Seveas@pity ze eeevil Hobbsee02:25
=== ubotu smacks ze eeevil Hobbsee with a big clue-by-four
Seveasevil, mean and in the near future swimming...02:26
ubotuAde's bald dome actually contains a bed of gold intruded by a dyke of diamond beneath its reflective crust.02:26
ubotuYonkeltron is the official Lugradio stalker.02:28
=== ompaul [i=ompaul@freenode/staff/gnewsense.ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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ajmitchSeveas: tempting02:38
Seveasajmitch, ?02:38
=== ajmitch is sure the water is nice & warm today
=== ajmitch waves to Hobbsee
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hobbsee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:39
PriceChild!hobbsee is <reply> smells02:39
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, PriceChild said: !hobbsee is <reply> smells02:39
ajmitchoh what a shame02:39
=== Hobbsee issues ajmitch death glare #356
ajmitchyou'll have to find me first02:40
ompaulhe has a filter for that02:40
Hobbseefound you.02:40
Hobbseeand the death glare transcends walls02:40
ajmitchSeveas: you take her hands?02:40
Hobbseeand islands02:40
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ubotuThere are lies, damn lies and Lugradio03:05
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ubotuLugRadio is entirely responsible for Um Bongo's success03:11
ubotuListening to too much Lugradio will make you go blind03:12
ubotuLugradio only resembles the opinions of Mark Shuttleworth half the time03:15
=== ajmitch wonders how badly the bof is going
Picibof? I'm afraid to ask...03:16
Hobbseeseems OK03:16
HobbseePici: birds of a feather.  you can join with the voip, if you like03:17
mc44Its just jono reading out the wiki page so far :)03:17
PiciHobbsee: Ah..  I'm at work and can't listen sadly.03:17
ompaulajmitch, listen in03:17
ompaulby joining us03:18
ompaulanyone listening in got a comment?03:22
ajmitchompaul: that requires effort03:23
ajmitchand walking into a cold room03:23
mc44ompaul: jono's music is better than I expected :p03:23
ubotuLugradio is entirely recorded and mixed in Jokosher03:23
AmaranthSeveas: where did you get these?03:24
ubotuLugRadio: probably the best podcast in the worl...actually no, it's rubbish!03:24
ubotuListening to too much Lugradio will make you go blind03:24
HobbseeSeveas: melissa03:25
mc44hehehe GazzaK. :)03:27
mc44considering pretty much everyone on the list is an op in some ubuntu related channel, why not just make the potential pool of people those with ops?03:39
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=== crdlb_ [n=crdlb@pool-71-241-37-134.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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sholsingerPlease test me for the DCC fix03:42
PriceChildhey sholsinger03:43
PriceChildplease join #sholsinger for a test03:43
=== Daviey [n=Daviey@unaffiliated/daviey] has joined #ubuntu-ops
PriceChildsholsinger, You may rejoin #ubuntu, thankyou for your patience03:45
=== sholsinger [n=stv@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
Seeker`mc44: What list?03:46
mc44Seeker`: the secret magic list :p03:46
mc44Seeker`: its on gobby03:46
Seeker`what is the list for?03:46
Piciits a secret03:47
=== Pici has no idea what anyone is talking about anyway
Seeker`Pici: Welcome to the club03:47
mc44Seeker`: some sort of jury for irc conflict resolution03:47
Picidir /date03:47
Seeker`mc44: Ah, ok03:48
Picioops, wrong window03:48
Davieymc44, is this proposed or agreed?03:48
mc44Daviey: the are drafting it at UDS03:49
=== Daviey REALLY wishes he was at UDS
Seeker`who will be on the jury, if it comes into existence?03:49
mc44no me :D03:49
HobbseeSeeker`: see the gobby session for the proposed people.03:50
PriceChildyou can read the secret magic list on gobby if you connect to gobby.ubuntu.com 655203:50
PriceChildSeeker`, ^03:50
=== Seeker` installs gobby
mc44Should be something in the ir council document about the irc council appointing people to the dispute resolution megajury?03:52
PriceChildhmm yeah...03:52
Davieyport 652203:53
PriceChildmc44, seveas agrees and will do in soon03:53
Seveas@lart mc44 for giving us more work03:53
PriceChildDaviey, whoops sorry03:53
=== ubotu smacks mc44 with a vista DVD. COOTIES! for giving us more work
ubotuLugradio: Have gents, will talk bollocks03:53
ubotuJono's favourite dance is the bottle dance... with ducks!03:53
mc44@pity elbuk03:53
=== ubotu pulls out his louisville slugger and uses elbuk's head to break the homerun record
Seveaslooks too much like elkbuntu03:53
Seveasso don't call me elbuk, thou fowl03:54
mc44@pity keymo03:54
=== ubotu forces keymo to talk in reverse polish notation for the rest of the year
=== mc44 adds yipe to the list while no one is looking
Seeker`how big would the jury be?03:56
PriceChildSeeker`, our target was 15... but we wrote down 25. Some won't accept... and its better to have more because of more timezone coverage etc.03:57
=== ajmitch is on that list? why?
DavieyWill this be fully ratified at the next CC?03:58
PriceChildajmitch, just a suggestion... you don't need to accept but people want you :)03:58
ajmitchPriceChild: they're nuts03:58
PriceChildDaviey, hopefully it'll all be ready by then yes... however the CC could say "we don't like this part of the doc or this person.. change it"03:59
Seeker`Does "Nominations" mean that there will be a vote on each member, or that they will be on the jury unless they decline or someone kicks up a big fuss03:59
DavieyThe CC might say "We don't like ...... this person"  sounds kinda harsh ;)03:59
PriceChildSeeker`, the second03:59
=== mc44 kicks up a big fuss about Seeker`
PriceChildDaviey, they're in charge, they're delegating responsibility to the council etc. etc.04:00
ajmitchDaviey: the CC won't accept me :)04:00
Davieyajmitch, is it acceptance you want - or to be liked?04:01
ajmitchDaviey: I don't care about being liked04:02
ajmitchhobbsee can attest to that04:02
Davieysounds like a scandal to me04:03
Seeker`Daviey: Why?04:03
Davieydon't know.....04:04
=== CheshireViking [n=Cheshire@unaffiliated/cheshireviking] has joined #ubuntu-ops
ajmitchjust some fun trying to throw people in the pool04:04
mc44seems to me the dispute resolution thing has all the drawbacks of being an op without any of the fun power bits :)04:05
Davieymc44, what do you mean?   /cs kick xxx from ubuntu-community04:06
mc44na more like you tell someone they will stay banned, they shout at you a bit, and it ends up going to the irc council anyway04:07
mc44not that I think the process is in anyway flawed :p04:07
=== effie_jayx [n=valles@] has joined #ubuntu-ops
=== Seeker` suggests that jury may be the wrong word / give the wrong impression
=== Daviey suggests maybe 'panel'
Seeker`Daviey +104:12
PriceChildyeah jury wasn't decided on and isn't in the specs afaik04:15
PriceChildmc44, operating has no fun bits04:15
mc44PriceChild: twas a joke04:15
PriceChildthat's unlike you 8-)04:15
=== PriceChild goes afk
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naliothseveas, oh herder of cows, i am here04:44
Hobbseeyay, nalioth04:44
Piciyay, cows04:45
Hobbsee _____04:45
Hobbsee< moo >04:45
Hobbsee -----04:45
Hobbsee        \   ^__^04:45
Hobbsee         \  (oo)\_______04:45
Hobbsee            (__)\       )\/\04:45
Hobbsee                ||----w |04:45
Hobbsee                ||     ||04:45
=== mc44 petitions the irc council to make cowsay a kline offence
bbrazilmc44: wrong council04:48
=== mc44 petitions the cow council instead
bbrazilmc44: and that's just vinicate the efforts of the figlettians04:49
PriceChildmc44, the cow council just got back to me with their decision04:51
=== mc44 waits for it
PriceChild _______04:52
PriceChild< tough >04:52
PriceChild -------04:52
PriceChild        \   ^__^04:52
PriceChild         \  (oo)\_______04:52
PriceChild            (__)\       )\/\04:52
PriceChild                ||----w |04:52
PriceChild                ||     ||04:52
=== PriceChild promises himself he'll never do another one of those ever again
=== nalioth plugs in the kstick
SportChickyou're silly :)05:01
=== mc44 huggles SportChick
=== SportChick eyes mc44 carefully
=== mc44 hides
Picimc44 is a hugaholic05:02
Davieymc44, want's to play hide & seek05:02
=== nalioth has to have his 'Bar-K' brand really really hot for these cowsayers . . .
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DavieyHow can i get onto ubotu's update list?05:51
PriceChildas in editors?05:51
PriceChildI think it just "happens" if you're trusted...05:52
=== Daviey isn't trusted :(
PriceChildbut irc council'ness is going to happen soon which may slightly change the way things work somehow05:52
PriceChildnot that its only untrusted people without editors of course!05:52
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kntnalioth: I was told to ask you for help06:45
naliothknt: what's up?06:46
kntI registered the nickname "kant" yesterday, but someone is using it right now and I can't take it06:46
kntor authenticate with nickserv06:47
LjL /msg nickserv ghost kant password06:47
naliothwhat he said06:47
LjLbut, i suppose you could ask the guy nicely first06:47
knthe doesn't seem to answer =S06:47
=== knt is now known as kant
=== kant is now known as Kant
Kantthanks for your help06:48
naliothyou're welcome to LjLs help, any time  :)06:48
LjL@lart nalioth06:48
=== ubotu chases nalioth with a big pointy stick
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=== Seeker` [n=cjo20@85-211-198-92.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-ops
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colberti have fixed my irc to chat.freenode.net/800110:22
LjLcolbert: join ##ljl for a test please10:25
LjLcolbert: sorted, thank you10:27
=== colbert [n=colbert@] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Poof"]
ubotuIn ubotu, RAH66 said: what is wubi?10:32
LjL!bot > rah66    (rah66, see the private message from Ubotu)10:47
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=== bytecolor [n=bytecolo@adsl-227-178-252.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-ops
bytecolorneed an op to test me after visiting FixDCCExploit10:58
LjLbytecolor: join ##ljl please11:03
LjLbytecolor: sorted, you can join11:05
bytecoloralrighty :)11:05
=== bytecolor [n=bytecolo@adsl-227-178-252.clt.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Leaving"]
GazzaKLjL, I had a dork paste that exploit into #gaygeeks a while back, was so funny11:07
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