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Alexisim on kubuntu 7.04..12:21
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HungryBeerBellyi am on windows12:22
mmHgI am on kubuntu12:22
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mmHgprocrastinating and avoiding studying for finals :)12:23
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HungryBeerBellydone with finals and school12:23
HungryBeerBellynow into collecting money :D12:23
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Alexisno idea about my dvd reading problem with k3b?12:23
mmHgone more semester and I'll finally get paid to work, instead of the other way 'round.12:23
mmHgsorry Alexis - didn't see the question12:24
mmHgwould you ask again pls?12:24
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alexis_and i dont have probleme to play dvd (to watch video)12:25
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alexis_prob in my fstab?12:25
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mmHgsorry alexis - looks like you got d/c'd for the first half of your question12:26
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mmHgare you saying you can't read DVD's in K3B at all, but you can play DVDs with other apps just fine?12:26
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mmHgwhat version of kubuntu are you running?12:28
alexis_i can read it with k3b but i have a "reading error"12:28
alexis_kubuntu 7.0412:28
cWolfenever mind12:28
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The_Un-Namedhello all, I got a question with multiple desktops, lets say I have a "macro" program that can move the mouse, if I run it on desktop 2, and switch to desktop 1, will it still move my mouse on desktop 1?12:28
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alexis_i have this prob with a dvd-r12:29
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mmHgWhy are you trying to open a written DVD-R in K3B?12:30
mmHgI doubt it's your fstab if it's recognizing the drive and plays the dvd in other apps12:30
alexis_to make a copy12:31
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mmHgahh....probably an encoding issue then.  Not entirely sure how K3B handles dvdcss12:31
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mmHgcheck your dependencies - libdvdread/libdvdcss/xvid or divx12:34
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LectusHello! I'm running kubuntu 6.06. What's the shortest path to upgrade to latest version?12:36
mmHgI always advise a clean install - seem to get less errors that way, and if your /home directory is on it's own partition, most of your data should be safe12:37
mmHgotherwise I believe there are instructions on the kubuntu forums12:37
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Admiral_Chicago!update | Lectus12:38
ubotuLectus: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)12:38
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alexis_i'll try :)12:39
Admiral_ChicagoLectus: use a feisty CD to install would be the fastest way...12:39
strabesLectus: you can get a feisty sources.list, aptitude update, and then aptitude dist-upgrade12:40
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LectusI don't have a virgin CD right now to burn the new ISO. I think I'll do the internet update. It's a clean installation, I don't have any data to lose. Later I'll download the ISO.12:41
strabesLectus: yeah, you might as well try12:41
strabesLectus: you can get a fresh sources.list here: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources12:42
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naught101I seem to have turned off my volume notifier - when I press the up/down/mute buttons on my computer, the kubuntu volume thing doesn show up any more. anyone know why that might be, and how I mihgt fix it?12:44
mmHgis kmix running?12:44
strabesnaught101: you can configure global shortcuts for kmix inside the kmix mixer window12:44
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Lectusare that ubuntu instructions valid to kubuntu too?12:45
strabesLectus: the ones I gave you? yes, (k,x)ubuntu software is all in the same repositories12:45
Lectusit says I must type the command gksu "update-manager -c"12:46
Lectusbut it does nothing12:46
vellakdI have a problem with mounting the windows partition via the terminal. Can anyone help?12:46
strabesvellakd: what's your problem?12:46
mmHgLectus:  try kdesu instead of gksu12:46
vellakdlet me get the error again...12:47
strabesmmHg: no there's no "update-manager" in kde12:47
naught101strabes: it doesn't seem to want to let me input the volume buttons, or the Fn+XX buttons12:47
Lectusthat's why I asked if ubuntu instructions where valid for kubuntu12:47
naught101know why that might be?12:47
mmHgstrabes:  lol missed that part - oops12:47
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strabesLectus: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources#editfile12:48
vellakdit worked this time...12:48
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vellakdsorry for bothering you...12:48
strabesvellakd: here's the line i have in my /etc/fstab for my windows partition for your information:12:48
strabes /dev/sda1       /media/windows  ntfs-3g defaults        0       012:49
vellakdwell, this one was fat32, not ntfs.12:49
strabesvellakd: then replace "ntfs-3g" with "vfat"12:50
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vellakdI got it to work12:50
strabesnaught101: your function keys aren't working?12:50
strabesnaught101: I can't help you with that sorry. try searching ubuntuforums.org. I've seen similar problems12:51
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vellakdwith sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows/ -t vfat -o umask=000012:51
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naught101strabes: the volume buttons DO change the volume, but the kmix thing doesn't show, cause the kmix global shortcuts aren't working12:51
naught101no worries12:51
tmbg_dammit. danshtr & loceur are gone. was going to bounce some ideas off of them for my problem.12:51
strabesnaught101: then run kmix, open the mixer, and set the global shortcuts....12:51
tmbg_I think I'm just going to make the customer buy a new router card or router though. would simplify stuff a lot12:52
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naught101strabes: kmix it open, but I can't set the shortcuts. it will accept some keys, but not the x86volup and down keys12:52
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strabesnaught101: sorry, I can't help you with that =\ do you have an obscure keyboard or something?12:54
naught101dell d410. it used to work, now it doesn't...12:54
Nai1zhey all, any idea why my screen is fading to black after a while? screensavers off so is power saving :/12:54
ejupinnailz: same thing happened to me.. the problem just went away after a couple of reboots... weird..12:55
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Nai1zdriving me nuts ejupin, weird12:57
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ejupinnailz: i know, it was very annoying.. i wish i had an answer for you, but my problem just disappeared.12:58
Nai1zok cheers m812:58
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Lectusstill can't upgrade =\01:00
Lectusit seems I'll have to download the ISO and install again01:00
naught101Lectus: why?01:01
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LectusCan't get it to update. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong01:02
naught101have you tried using aptitude?01:02
naught101update from what to what?01:02
Lectusyes... but I'm linux new user... don't know the right commands01:02
naught101ok, I can help01:02
naught101but what are you trying to upgrade?01:02
LectusI want to update from kubuntu 6.06 to the most recent version01:02
Daisuke_IdoLectus: little secret.  "oops, i screwed up, i have to reinstall" is the windows way01:02
spazzedhi, new to kubuntu... having issues with laptop resolution...  help!01:03
Daisuke_IdoLectus: you have to upgrade to edgy first, then to feisty01:03
naught101ok. so you first need to get a new sources.list01:03
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naught101oh, yeah, shit.01:03
Daisuke_Idoand this is where the exception to the little secret comes in.01:03
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naught101go to http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/01:03
spazzedlaptop is stuck with 1024x768 and it should be 1280x768.... needless to say, it looks crappy01:04
naught101and select edgy, your system type, and your coutry01:04
Daisuke_Idospazzed: what's your video chipset?01:04
Lectusok... what I do with the new sources.list?01:04
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naught101you got it?01:04
naught101so. go into a console01:05
dogatemycomputeri installed ubuntu on my girlfriend's PC last night.  For the first 10 minutes she said the special effects looked really cool but then they made her ill and I had to turn them off.01:05
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spazzedDaisuke_Ido: intel 85501:05
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naught101type 'sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.dapper'01:05
Daisuke_Idospazzed: that's a nice thing to have.01:05
spazzed256 video ram01:05
spazzedi know, just wish it worked01:06
Daisuke_Idospazzed: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:06
naught101Lectus: the type 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list'01:06
naught101and copy the new sources.list you got from the web into that window01:06
Daisuke_Idoand when you get to the resolution section, check the proper ones :)01:06
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spazzedDaisuke_Ido: as su I assume?01:06
LectusI got the new sources.list open in kwrite01:06
Daisuke_Idospazzed: sudo01:06
naught101yeah, cool01:06
ericj2190_i need help. every time i try to use konversation with ssl i get a "KDE SSL Information" window that won't go away01:06
Lectusso, I go to konsole and type: sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.dapper01:07
naught101that is just backing it up. you don't /really/ need to do it, but it's safer.01:07
Lectusok... I've done ls and it created the backup01:08
Lectusand now?01:08
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naught101Lectus: the type 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list'01:08
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naught101then copy the stuff from kwrite into that nano window01:08
naught101with shift+insert to paste01:08
ericj2190_i need help. every time i try to use konversation with ssl i get a "KDE SSL Information" window that won't go away01:09
naught101or use the mouse01:09
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naught101Lectus: to save, just press ctrl+x, and follow the prompts at the bottom01:10
naught101ie. press enter, then y, or something01:10
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naught101that was a quick root01:11
naught101ok, now type 'sudo aptitude'01:11
ericj2190_nobody has any clue?01:11
naught101aptitude is pretty cool. it's the command line predecessor to adept and synaptic01:11
Lectusit's open01:12
naught101once you're in, hit 'u', and it'll update your sources01:12
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ericj2190_anyone know where i should go for help then?01:13
Lectusok.. it's downloading some packages... i think01:13
naught101no, it's downloading the lists of headers from the new sources01:14
spazzeddiasuke_ido: I tried... but it didn't seem to work...01:14
Lectusok... done01:14
Lectusthere are some update options to browse01:15
spazzedidiasuke_ido: it detects my video card properly, but the monitor is another thing... there are no settings for lcd's at least not with my resolution.01:15
naught101yep, in the update options, you an scoll around with the keys and 'enter'01:15
Daisuke_Idospazzed: then we do this the old-fashioned way01:15
Daisuke_Idospazzed: in a console: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:16
Lectusso, I choose what? not yet installed packages? or packages that can be updated?01:16
naught101or, if you want, just move to the top level of upgradable packages, and select Package>install from the menu up top01:16
naught101or just '+'01:16
naught101just the updated ones01:16
naught101I assume aptitude does a dist-upgrade... I can't remember.01:17
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dogatemycomputerericj2190_: I looked around but I can't find anything except instruction on using the window to import  your certificate..01:17
ericj2190_!konversation ssl01:17
Daisuke_Idospazzed: let me know when you get this far01:17
dogatemycomputerericj2190_: what does the window say exactly?01:17
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Lectusso, I go to the top (upgradable packages) and select to upgrade all packages?01:18
naught101then press 'g' (for 'go', I assume), to see what will be installed, then 'g' again to install it.01:18
ericj2190_it says ""Current Connection Secured with SSL" and has a bunch of information about the certificate01:18
naught101it'll take a while.01:18
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ericj2190_it has a close buttton and a configure button. when i click close it just come back up01:19
spazzeddiasuke_ido: I am using the live cd right now.. I am waiting for it to install....  give me about 15 minutes.01:19
ericj2190_when i pick configure it gives a bunch of ssl settings01:19
Daisuke_Idospazzed: that will be easier :)01:20
Lectuscan it be done from adept? it seems adept is GUI version of aptitude01:20
naught101ericj2190_: have you tried running it as root? maybe your config is stuffed01:20
naught101Lectus: yeah, it can01:20
naught101pretty much the same, but heaps slower01:20
naught101adept is the kde front end for aptitude01:21
naught101but aptitude is a bit more powerful01:21
ericj2190_root works fine01:21
naught101ericj2190_: you could try deleteing you konversation settings in ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation01:22
LectusI hit g and it said it's updating some dependencies01:22
naught101or backing them up and removing them, and seeing if that helps01:22
naught101is it downloading?01:22
ericj2190_all that is in that directory is logs01:23
LectusI guess it will take some time to download... I'll take a bath and eat something... I'll be back later01:23
naught101that's it then. you'll need to restart to see some of the changes, and you might need to update a couple of times to resolve dependancies, but probably not.01:23
Lectusthanks a lot for your help01:23
naught101just do the same thing to upgrade to feisty01:23
naught101no worries.01:23
Lectusok... thanks01:23
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naught101ericj2190_: wierd that it works for root then... is the root instance using ssl?01:24
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ericj2190_naught101: yes01:25
ericj2190_i renamed ~/.kde/share/config/konversationrc and i am about to try that01:25
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naught101that's what I meant! heh. sorry01:28
DaveTheAveCan someone help me with a GCC link issue? This sould be really easy.01:28
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DaveTheAveExcuse Me?01:30
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ericj2190_yay, it works01:31
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DaveTheAvePlease, help me with this GCC link issue.01:32
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animimotusI have a sed problem, someone can help me please to extract the last term of a chain?01:35
animimotusecho "/var/www/directory" | sed '/<something_to_keep_the_last_term>/d'01:35
dsmith_Another switcher...  http://blog.fon.com/en/archive/technology/fon-abandons-microsoft-adopts-ubuntu.html01:36
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LenningsAnyone know any good movie editing program for kubuntu 7.04?01:39
Daisuke_Idodsmith_: this is a memo from a CEO?01:40
LenningsI cant find cinelerra with adept... How do i install it=01:40
pope1I've got a question regarding Java.  I'm running Kubuntu 7.04, with Firefox 2.0, and I'm trying to install Java.  According to the Sun website, I only have Java 1.6, but according to everything I can find, I've got the latest version.01:41
dsmith_Daisuke_Ido: Ummm... not sure. I sped read the article, but its from whoever runs that site.01:41
dsmith_...thought it was interesting to share01:41
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pope1I tried downloading the version for Linux from the website, but it won't install or anything...01:41
compilerwriterAnyone have a good bookmark to instructions on how to do ssh in conjunction with pgp?01:41
mmHgbetter yet:  http://cvs.cinelerra.org/01:41
SilentDishello :)01:41
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/01:41
Lenningswow, looks hard to use :/01:41
Daisuke_Idodsmith_: it is, and while it's pretty cool, it's...  lacking in grammar and such01:42
dsmith_i noticed that01:42
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dsmith_but hey... thats on hem01:42
Daisuke_Idobut hey internal memo, small startup, no big deal01:42
mmHgLennings:  yeah, It's pretty snazzy.  there's probably simpler stuff out there if you just want to fool around though01:42
Daisuke_Idodefinitely cool to see another company switch01:42
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dsmith_my boss misspells all the time..01:43
LenningsMy grammar is bad01:43
Lenningsvery bad01:43
LenningsHmm, i need something light... Like cut paste add sound etc01:43
SilentDisgot a few problems, hoping someone can help me with these.  my old 'puter died.  HDs were fine.  Friend had an extra 'puter sitting around gathering dust, he gave it to me.  dropped my HDs and vid card into it.  Kubuntu 6.10.  Problem points:  sound doesn't work (appears detected, but i can't remember where to enable digital audio output in Kubuntu).  Network doesn't work (appears to be detected as eth1, can't pick up an IP from my router).01:44
mmHgLennings:  how bout this?  http://lives.sourceforge.net/01:44
=== red [n=red@leibniz.catalyst.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
spazzedI am new to kubuntu... what are some issues I should look out for in 7.04?  using it on a laptop...01:44
=== N6REJ [n=troy@knvl-03-0311.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu
mmHgLennings: or this? http://www.kinodv.org/01:45
mmHgLennings: :)01:45
=== joel__ [n=joel@cpe-24-59-123-213.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
SilentDisspazzed: mostly, HW support for lappies looks REALLY good in 7.04.  problem points are, and will still be, suspend to RAM/Disk.01:45
LenningsmmHg: I made this lol video with me overloading smarterchild on msn xD and i wanted to add some sound.01:46
N6REJevening everyone01:46
spazzedsilentdis... but that was fine in suse 10 with this laptop...01:46
mmHgLennings:  haven't done much video editing myself, but those are the 3 main programs you'll read about :)01:46
SilentDisspazzed: also, lappy vid cards are hit and miss.  if you've got an Intel one, you're golden, if it's nVidia, the binary blobs work well.  if it's ATI... well... *sigh*01:46
SilentDisspazzed: you should be ok then :)01:46
spazzedI like that it detected my atheros wicard right off the bat... nice to not have to install madwifi from scratch01:47
spazzedsilentdis: I have an intel 85501:47
LenningsGet Beryl :P01:47
SilentDisspazzed: you got yourself a GREAT laptop then!01:48
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LenningsI cant find cedega with adept? whats the problem?01:48
dsmith_its hiding..01:48
=== jonathank_ [n=jonathan@client-86-31-41-185.leed.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #kubuntu
Lenningszombie oh my god! where is cedega?!01:48
=== jtt [n=jtholmes@72-12-50-39.wan.networktel.net] has joined #kubuntu
spazzedsilentdis: fujitsu lifebook, 5020d... 1g RAM, 80g HD, 256 video memory.. 10.1 widescreen01:49
SilentDisLennings: it's not part of the package system... you have to subscribe and download the deb to install manually.  $5/month.  http://www.transgaming.org/ - alternately, you can pull it for free from the SVN repo there01:49
mmHgor better yet - go with bleeding edge WINE :)01:49
=== hrhansen [n=hansen@hrhansen.dk] has joined #kubuntu
LenningsI only play diablo 2..01:49
spazzedsilentdis: only issue is that i am stuck at 1024x768 when the screen is best at 1280x768, so graphics are a little screwed up.01:50
=== graham [n=graham@cpe-29-19.bvconline.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
flakeanyone try the win98 compatibility of wine yet?  wondering if I bought mech 2 it would work01:50
Lenningsand cedega has been off for about 2 months so its no point installing cedega anyway01:50
SilentDisLennings: if you want to use easy cheasy prepackaged cedega, it's $5/month.  if you don't mind digging into an SVN, cedega is free.01:50
spazzedsilentdis, have to reboot, brb01:50
LenningsHm okey :P01:50
SilentDisspazzed: yep, X has some quirks with odd video sizes.  you'll have to dig into your xorg.conf file manually... and I am unfortunatly not the best to talk to about that01:50
mmHgdiablo 2 has platinum rating on winedb with version 0.9.3401:51
dsmith_cedega looks interesting better then crossover?01:51
dsmith_does it use wine?01:51
Lenningsill go with cedega01:51
LenningsEm, kino01:51
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SilentDisLennings: if you only play Diablo 2, you can probably go with Wine straight and not have an issue..  I believe Diablo 2 was either OpenGL or DirectX7 or lower.01:51
flakewine I think tries to mirror the windows api/directx calls, so it is just as fast on linux01:51
=== gebber is now known as crazybyte
SilentDishow do you enable digital sound output in Kubuntu 6.10?01:52
mmHgso does cedega.  IIRC cedega is a WINE fork that was trying to include proprietary code....01:52
=== Bel93 [n=mctux02@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
SilentDismmHg: for the most part, yes.  the big 'difference' with cedega is it offers a better DX wrapper (able to do 9.0c without trouble) and DX pixel shaders 2.0.01:53
LenningsmmHg: how do i install kino? xD01:53
SilentDismmHg: also, it offers a VERY easy to use install/run interface.01:53
dsmith_so cedega is better the crossover?01:53
dsmith_I have been able to play halflife but thats it01:54
=== purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-76-197-58-214.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
mmHgSilentDis:  always wondered what the big deal was... I use WINE for WoW and the occasional windows app and haven't really had to try Cedega yet01:54
SilentDisdsmith_: real tossup there.  they both work well.  I went with cedega because, at the time, it was the better choice.  now, i'm not so sure.01:54
SilentDismmHg: because WoW has a OGL engine, it'll run GREAT in wine :)01:55
Kr4t05mmHg: I'll testify on Cedega's behalf.01:55
flakecan't install fs200401:55
Lenningsi playd d2 hf2 hf1 steam ut2k4 heroes on cedega01:55
Kr4t05Lennings: Actually, HL2 works very well in Wine.01:55
SilentDismmHg: the stickers are the games that only work with DirectX, and that's where cedega/crossover come in.  as I said, i like cedega at this point because i'm used to it :)01:55
=== dhq [n=dhq@unaffiliated/dhq] has joined #kubuntu
Kr4t05Haven't tried it in Cedega, yet.01:56
Lenningsmmhg: How do i install kino?01:56
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SilentDisLennings: there's a direct port of UT2k4 for linux.  no emulation needed01:56
Lenningsoh yeah..01:56
flakebtw quakewars et forums are up  =)01:56
mmHgLennings:  Kino is a package in the kubuntu repos :)01:56
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flakebe sure to post in there for linux support01:56
Kr4t05They are saying that UT2K7 may be DX10 only... No OGL... :/01:56
LenningsIm not very bright, and this is my first month with linux01:56
Kr4t05I'm not sure if that's confirmed, though.01:56
SilentDishow do i enable digital sound output under Kubuntu 6.10?  will i have to reinstall Gnome to do this?01:57
Kr4t05Lennings: Welcome! :)01:57
Lenningskr4r05: i love kubuntu01:57
=== david_ [n=david@d83-180-156-100.cust.tele2.es] has joined #kubuntu
SilentDisLennings: you've already prooved your intelligence by installing, using, and now chatting about Ubuntu ;)01:57
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=== ^V^Ayande [n=ayande@c83-250-186-109.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu
dogatemycomputerSilentDis: are you there?01:58
mmHgLennings:  This is my fifth year running linux and I'm not very bright either ;)01:58
SilentDisdogatemycomputer: yes01:58
mmHgI just make fewer of the same mistakes.  There's always more to learn!01:58
dogatemycomputerSilentDis: do you use Cedega?  I was always curious if they dump their libraries back to the Wine project?01:58
Lenningssilentdis: Its hard to understand everything when your alone xD i found IRC just now :P01:59
=== hrhansen is now known as hansen
dogatemycomputerSilentDis: I was curious if it was worth spending the cash on.  I'm looking at getting rid of my Windows machine completely.. and I don't really have any interest in any games beyond DX9 in the foreseeable future..01:59
SilentDisdogatemycomputer: i have not checked recently... they said they would once they made up the inital investment into the tech, but i haven't herd about taht since.01:59
mmHgso what is everybody using for an irc client?  I couldn't stand Konversation and switched back to xchat.01:59
LenningsSo Far, ive... installed 6.06, updated to 7.04 feisty... Theming beryling...01:59
SilentDisdogatemycomputer: latest Cedega lets you run damn near everything.  even oblivion lol02:00
dogatemycomputermmHg: I ssh from work so I  irssi? is that right?02:00
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dogatemycomputerhow do I get back to the command shell without exiting irssi?02:00
dogatemycomputerSilentDis: that is very helpful knowledge..02:00
SilentDishow do i enable digital sound output on a soundcard?  got the speakers hooked up and everything, just can't find the switch in Kubuntu 6.10.  could someone point me in the right direction?02:01
LenningsIts fun, and powns windows02:01
LenningsBut sometimes... I dont understand... like : Kino is a package in the kubuntu repos02:01
Lenningshuh? :P02:01
compilerwriterI have a pgp issue.  I have a ?private? key on a usb stick that I was using as my login authentication via ssh to my home computer.  My ?public? key was put on some key server somewhere.  Do I have the facts correct or have I managed to confuse the two keys?02:01
SilentDisdogatemycomputer: i game all the time, haven't booted windows in nearly a year now :)02:01
Daisuke_Idocompilerwriter: that's the way it should be02:01
Daisuke_Idowell, more or less02:01
LenningsDualboot? noneed02:02
Daisuke_Idoyour private key's private, your public key isn't02:02
mmHgLennings: it means you can open adept and search for and install kino02:02
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mmHgLennings: in the K menu under system02:02
Lenningsmmhg: why did i download asfff nvm02:02
Daisuke_IdoSilentDis: DRoD = good gaming :)02:02
Lenningsmmhg: i know what adept is... -.-02:03
dogatemycomputerSilentDis: does your 5.1 surround work too?  that was my last question..02:03
SilentDisDaisuke_Ido: drod?02:03
Daisuke_Idoif you like puzzles that will have you ripping your hair out in minutes :D02:03
=== akao [n=akao@c-68-50-246-17.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
makuseruis there a ubuntu program to make audio_ts and video_ts files to burn a video dvd form a video file?02:03
dogatemycomputerSilentDis: I was reading an article talking about how linux provides even slightly better FPS than XP.. which I thought was kinda amuzing..02:03
N6REJhey guys, I've got this weird problem going on.  When the system boots the informational screen is dumping ascii graphical characters instead of text, other then [ok]  and I suddenly have no sound.  This has been going on about a week or two now.  Anyone got any hints?02:03
akaocan kubuntu write to a ntfs? I know it can't by default but is there a package out there that will let me?02:03
SilentDisdogatemycomputer: i've only got a digital cable.  i checked, sound 'works' through a headset plugged into output on the card.  i just need to enable it in the OS.02:03
=== sebastian [n=sebastia@82-32-34-130.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
compilerwriterDaisuke_Ido I am afraid to ask about the more or less comment, but I am a glutten for punnishment.02:04
LenningsHey, is kino easy to use?02:04
Daisuke_Ido!ntfs-3g | akao02:04
ubotuakao: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:04
=== sebastian is now known as sebsebseb
SilentDisakao: yes, !ntfs-3g.  but, it would be a bettter idea to let windows write to your EXT file system.02:04
mmHgLennings: dunno - never tried it. :)02:04
Kr4t05dogatemycomputer: Linux handles RAM better than Windows, which is the primary point. Secondly, Windows runs about 5000 un-needed processes and services.02:04
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse02:04
Lenningsmmhg: look cool :D02:04
Daisuke_Idocompilerwriter: not much punishment, i chose to keep my public key off keyservers, personally, but it works just as well that way02:04
akaoi'm setting up a triple boot kubun/xp/vista and part of the process is making a copy of the grub02:04
Lenningsmmhg: ur using?02:05
Lenningsmmhg: ubuntu?02:05
mmHgLennings: kubuntu feisty02:05
compilerwriterI signed it and put it on the one server so someone could easily download it.02:05
Kr4t05SilentDis: I agree.02:05
Daisuke_Idocompilerwriter: then no problem :)02:05
Lenningsmmhg: cool :D02:05
=== r [n=r@201-213-132-27.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
compilerwriterI have good friends who would know my voice over the phone and that way we didn't have to mail any disks or anything.02:06
jtt!grub |akao02:06
ubotuakao: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:06
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=== gissi [n=silvio@201-75-193-13-am.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
Lenningsmmhg: Can you do me a favour? install recordmydesktop and compare your results to mine... I got: Laggy record when full desktop was captured and no sound?02:06
akaoi don't need help on the grub part of things02:06
=== tobe [n=tobe@a81-197-81-217.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
akaojust the ntfs deally02:06
jttakao, cant help dont do windows02:07
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mmHgLennings:  I can, but I don't know if I'll be much help.  I'm on a not-so-powerful laptop atm instead of my nuclear powered home pc :D02:08
=== jverella [n=jverella@pool-141-157-46-102.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kr4t05Katapult is a quick calulator.02:08
Lenningsmmhg: omg02:08
akaoyeah i got it02:08
akaojust backed up the bin to a removable drive02:08
Lenningsmmhg: okey... see if you can get the sound working.,02:08
=== john__ [n=john@cpe-71-65-3-237.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
tobeanyone here using kbfv ?02:09
tobekbfx or kicker kickoffqt02:09
dogatemycomputerKr4t05: huh?02:09
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dogatemycomputerKr4t05: katapult is just an app launcher.. it calculates too? *curious look*02:10
mmHgLennings:  of course it's something I gotta go fetch from sourceforge :p02:10
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Kr4t05dogatemycomputer: Indeed02:10
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Admiral_Chicagoanyone know how I can move a window to a different number in irssi02:10
SilentDishow do you enable digital output on a creative labs soundcard?  kubuntu 6.10.02:10
Lenningsadept: recordmydesktop02:10
Admiral_Chicagolike swap window 3 with window 4?02:10
Lenningsmmhg: adept>>recordmydesktop02:11
mmHgLennings:  not showing up on mine.... what version of kubuntu are you running?02:11
Lenningsyay, spiderman 3 done02:11
Lenningsmmhg: em... kubuntu 7.04 fiesty fawn?02:11
=== SilentDis things Lennings is naughty :P
mmHgLennings:  hmm.... me too.... lemme check my sources.list02:12
Lenningssilentdis: ?02:12
mmHgLennings:  oh wait...  the laptop's still on edgy... I forgot  - I only upgraded my tower at home02:12
SilentDisLennings: downloading spiderman 3 and all :P02:12
Lenningssilentdis: i dont get it?02:12
Lenningssilentdis: Is spiderman 3 porn?02:13
SilentDisLennings: (19:11:58) Lennings: yay, spiderman 3 done02:13
Lenningssilentdis: joke02:13
Lenningssilentdis: xD02:13
SilentDisLennings: it's still in theaters :P02:13
Lenningssilentdis: em...02:13
Lenningssilentdis: no?02:13
Lenningssilentdis: shh! your still in theaters!02:14
Lenningsmmhg: okey02:14
Lenningsmmhg: where are you dood :S laptop?02:14
dogatemycomputerSpiderman 3 wasn't as good as I had hoped.02:15
mmHgLennings:  yeah - at the public library avoiding cramming for my last final02:15
dogatemycomputermmHg: are you procrastinating? ;)02:15
LenningsFuck, i cant see spiderman 3, havent seen 202:15
mmHgI'm a professional crastinator02:15
N6REJanyone got any idea how to fix my ascii problem?02:16
dogatemycomputerLennings: don't worry.. not missing anything.02:16
Lenningsmmhg: Sry, you have to... Em define? that english... I dont understand02:16
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: asky problem? ;)02:16
=== rpedro__ [n=rpedro@87-196-74-31.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu
SilentDisaargh... screw it.  brb, gonna drop my old sound card and network card in, i can't figure out what's wrong with these :P02:16
Lenningsmmhg: its 2 in the morning over here... Sucks02:16
Admiral_ChicagoLennings: watch your language02:16
N6REJyeah, on bootup instead of displaying normal text its displays ascii graphical characters.02:16
Daisuke_IdoLennings: procrastinating: putting off until tomorrow what you should do today02:17
N6REJdogatemycomputer: I think it does show [ok]  at the end properly but thats it.  This is a recent problem.02:17
mmHgoooh.... look at all the pretty numbers02:17
Lenningsdaisuke_ido ah!02:17
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: so your startup screen is a bit screwed up?02:17
Daisuke_Idoyou don't say02:17
N6REJdogatemycomputer: yep02:17
makuseruis there a program that will make audio_ts and video_ts files from a avi?02:18
N6REJdogatemycomputer: my first clue was when the pc started beeping during bootup.  I changed to term and saw the ascii02:18
LenningsMy computer sounds wired!02:18
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: have you looked through your boot log?  (dmesg or KSystemLog)02:18
N6REJdogatemycomputer: no let me look02:18
=== baudthief [n=Deviant@c58-107-141-106.rivrw8.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
LenningsThe grafic card sounds like a chainsaw! when i do things with beryl1 :S02:18
dogatemycomputerLennings: you're funny :)02:19
baudthiefis there a tool that can show me HTTP traffic happenning on this machine? (ie: show the entire transaction with headers)02:19
=== Freejack_CSI [n=dtruesda@71-8-78-223.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Lenningsdogatemycomputer: you're... dog!02:19
mmHglol my desktop sounds like a harrier landing on the Nimitz, but that might just be the 4 case fans, 2 pwr supply fans, and the massive cpu wind turbine :)02:19
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:19
=== krayzee [n=krayzee@c-68-58-124-206.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Lenningsmmhg: your gear is?02:20
makuseruis there a program that will make audio_ts and video_ts files from a avi?02:20
N6REJdogatemycomputer: dmesg shows some problems reading some dev/hdc sections, which suggests I need to run e2fsck, and Ksystemlog I can't find.02:20
mmHgLennings - don't know, but tweaking kubuntu to work on the hodgepodge of parts I use sure gets interesting.  Currently having trouble with NVIDIA drivers - keeps telling me it can't find the kernel module02:21
Lenningsfile:///home/kim/Filmer/Annan Film/Denna Fr Bara Kim Titta I ;)/Pink Paradise/Pink Paradise del 102:21
Unix_Jihadmakuseru, devede is a good one02:21
=== bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-8-127.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
maassway in ubuntu  sudo su and ather is su?02:21
Lenningsmmhg: Your hardware! grafic card blabla02:21
N6REJdogatemycomputer: to run e2fsck I just reboot in safemode and type sudo e2fsck /dev/hdc correct?02:21
=== s330d3r [n=s330d3r@209-161-210-33.dsl.look.ca] has joined #kubuntu
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: that is about right.  You may need to unmount the volume first but it should tell you if it needs too.02:22
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: evening admiral02:22
Lenningsim gonna make my girlfriend use kubuntu!02:22
Lenningsi wanna mount her!02:22
mmHgLennings:  laptop is a thinkpad X40 running edgy,  desktop is AMD ath 56 with a Nvidia geforce fx 5500 and a pile of hard drives I ripped out of some orphaned windoze boxes02:22
dogatemycomputerLennings: omg.02:22
N6REJdogatemycomputer: ok, I'll go do that and brb02:22
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: sorry i'm not much more help!02:23
tobeshort read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during './usr/lib/kde3/libkbfxspinx.so02:23
tobeI got this error while trying to install kbfx*.deb02:23
Admiral_ChicagoLennings mmHg  Please talk in #kubuntu-offtopic. this is a support channel02:23
tobecan someone help ?02:23
dogatemycomputerLennings: they have to be forced to accept the future of computers.. hopefully.. windows free.02:23
Lenningsmmhg: Em... nvm, wanted to see if my computer could match yours02:23
mmHgAdmiral_Chicago:  ok - sorry02:23
Admiral_Chicagotobe: its not in the repositories?02:23
=== anothervisitor [i=shane@163client54.cpe.ezlink.ca] has joined #kubuntu
s330d3rsilentdis: I am back, it's spazzed... this is much better now that it is installed, but still not the right resolution.02:23
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Lenningsdogatemycomputer: hihi02:24
tobeAdmiral_Chicago: yes it isn't I think02:24
tobeAdmiral_Chicago: dunno how to add it02:24
Admiral_Chicagotobe: what is the package called02:24
LenningsGood support channel02:25
Admiral_Chicagotobe: open up konsole and type: sudo apt-get install kbfx02:25
compilerwriterDaisuke_Ido Where in blazes does the gnupg keep key files?  Where is the keyring I guess?02:25
s330d3rdiaksuke_ido: I am back, my nick before was spazzed, you were helping me with my res issue...02:25
Lennings1,00 ST   324729  Gainward GeForce 7300GS 256MB DDR2,02:26
Lennings                       PCI-Express, "BP7300GS-256-TV-DVI"02:26
s330d3rdiasuke_ido: I am back, my nick before was spazzed, you were helping me with my res issue...02:26
Lennings     1,00 ST   323495  Rebel R225 svart/silver, 2 X USB 2.0 och02:26
tobeAdmiral_Chicago: it will install the latest one ?02:26
makuseruUnix_Jihad: but then it wants to burn with that program, i dont want it to02:26
Lennings                       Audio In/Out, 350W PSU, 20/24pin02:26
Lennings     1,00 ST   325548  NEC DVDbrnnare AD-5170 IDE Silver OEM02:26
Lennings                       DVD+R/+RW/DVD-R/-RW (Dual layer)02:26
Lennings     1,00 ST   308201  Samsung SpinPoint P80SD 160GB SATA202:26
Lennings                       8MB 7200RPM02:26
Lennings     1,00 ST   324693  ECS 945P-A(v3.0), I945P, Socket-775,02:26
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, or nixternal02:26
Lennings                       SATAII, LAN, DDR2, ATX, 2xPCI-Ex1602:27
Lennings     1,00 ST   309926  Intel Pentium D 820 2.8GHz02:27
tobeAdmiral_Chicago: apt-get is downloading 4.9.2 version02:27
Daisuke_Ido!paste | Lennings02:27
Lennings                       Socket LGA775, 2MB, BOXED m/flkt02:27
ubotuLennings: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)02:27
Hirvinen!paste > Lennings02:27
anothervisitorI have the Kubuntu 6.1 live/install disk.  Before I do an install, there are files on the hard disk that cannot be replaced that I would like to have archived on a cd.  How?02:27
Lennings     1,00 ST   322818  TwinMOS DDR2 PC5300 1024MB Dual Pack KIT02:27
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Lennings                       ,w/two matched DDR2 PC5300 512MB CL502:27
Lennings     2,00 ST   312502  Akasa 120mm Bl LED Flkt,02:27
Lennings                       4 x Bl LED02:27
Lenningswindow sry02:27
Lenningsmmhg: hey, is my gear any match to yours?02:27
Unix_Jihadmakuseru, no you have 3 choices, iso to burn, video and audio ts, and something else02:27
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Daisuke_Idos330d3r: any more luck with that?02:27
Admiral_Chicagotobe: what version are you using02:27
Admiral_Chicagoof ubuntu that is02:28
dogatemycomputerare there any really good websites that document xorg.conf completely and in extrutiating detail?02:28
tobeKubuntu feisty02:28
makuseruit dosnt mension audio and video ts02:28
Admiral_Chicago!info kbfx feisty02:28
ubotukbfx: an alternative to K-Menu for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 1268 kB, installed size 3748 kB02:28
mmHgLennngs  I'm on #kubuntu-offtopic - let's behave ourselves :)02:28
tobeAdmiral_Chicago: Kubuntu 7.4 Feisty02:28
makuseru7.04 tobe02:28
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Admiral_Chicagotobe: so you want to install which version?02:29
s330d3rDaisuke_Ido: nope, what was the first thing that you told me to do before?  I think that since I was running from the dvd, I couldn't save the config file, so then it never really did anything.02:29
LenningsAdmiral_Chicago suckercock?02:29
tobeAdmiral_Chicago: oh so it's not possible to install this 4.9.3 ?02:29
Daisuke_Idos330d3r: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'02:29
Admiral_Chicagotobe: yes it is. is it on your desktop02:29
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tobeAdmiral_Chicago:  ok lemme try if it works now02:30
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Admiral_Chicagotobe: if it's on your desktop type (in konsole): cd Desktop && sudo dpkg -i *.deb02:31
dogatemycomputeris kbfx 100% compatible with the default kde start menu?02:31
tobeAdmiral_Chicago: ok, brb02:31
Unix_Jihadmakuseru, it calls it create disk structure, jeez, think outside the square ;)02:31
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tobeAdmiral_Chicago: no luck, same error as before02:32
Admiral_Chicagohmm, not sure how to help you then. sorry :(02:32
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tobeAdmiral_Chicago: np, thnx you anyway :)02:33
makuseruUnix_Jihad: i didnt know that was called a disk structure02:33
Daisuke_Idos330d3r: when you finish the reconfigure, come back here before doing anything else.02:33
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N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: I'm having a weird problem and can't seem to fix it.  I'm having issues with sectors on dev/hdc and I can't seem to run e2fsck because when I boot into recovery mode everything is in ascii graphical characters.02:33
Admiral_Chicago!info e2fsck02:33
ubotuPackage e2fsck does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas02:33
Admiral_Chicagowhat are you trying to run?02:34
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N6REJthe file system recovery/check program.  It has always been e2fsck02:34
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: i'm under the impression you have to do that from the live CD?02:34
N6REJhmmmmm may be.02:34
Admiral_Chicagofsck is the command in *nix.02:35
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Admiral_Chicagoprobably just a gui implementation02:35
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: that's how I had to do it when one of my file systems went belly up.. (mainly because I was doin something that I shouldn't have been doing)..02:35
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dogatemycomputerdoesn't fsck simply pass the arguements to e2fsck?02:35
N6REJAdmiral_Chicago: e2 isn't graphical that I know of, its for the ext2 file system.02:35
Admiral_Chicagolike i said, i've never heard of it so I'm not too sure how to help you02:36
N6REJE2FSCK(8)                                                                                                                                                            E2FSCK(8)02:36
N6REJ       e2fsck - check a Linux ext2/ext3 file system02:36
s330d3rDaisuke_Ido: done02:36
N6REJthats as much as I know02:36
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: I should boot from the live CD, go to the command prompt as root, unmount the partition then run fsck..02:36
N6REJk, I'll try that.02:36
N6REJbe back again.02:37
Daisuke_Idos330d3r: got the correct resolution selected?02:37
dogatemycomputerN6REJ: if that gives you trouble then I know there is a linux recovery CD that's real popular on the net.. although i've never needed it.02:37
Daisuke_Idoif so, ctrl-alt-backspace will restart X and we'll see if it worked :)02:37
N6REJdogatemycomputer: yeah, well, if that does'nt fix it then its time for a new or at the very least doing a hard format on this one.02:38
s330d3rDaisuke_Ido: where would I see that?02:38
N6REJdogatemycomputer: by hard I should've said low level02:38
Daisuke_Idos330d3r: when you went through the reconfigure02:38
s330d3rDaisuke_Ido: I put it in the config, so yes02:38
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Daisuke_Idoalrighty then02:38
Daisuke_Idogo ahead and restart x :)02:38
s330d3rbut I have to restart x for it to take effect right?02:39
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tobeehh.. now I did it .. I lost the KDE default start-menu02:43
tobecan't find it in applets list either02:44
tobecan some1 help :(02:44
wezlohey all, what do I have to set up to be able to be able to use keystrokes to insert unicode characters?02:44
makuseruis there a room for k3b?02:44
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dogatemycomputertobe: I missed the first part of the conversation.  what's going on?02:46
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tobedogatemycomputer: I installed KBfx using apt-get , add it as applet into the panel, removed the KDE defalt start-menu02:47
Admiral_Chicagotobe: its in there02:47
tobedogatemycomputer: now I can't find it in the applet-list anymore02:47
makuseruis there any program that will let you create a DVD and make yuor own menus for them?02:47
Admiral_Chicagolooks like...a paw02:48
Admiral_Chicagowait what is gone? be clear please02:48
tobethe K-menu applet02:48
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dogatemycomputertobe: i'm sorry dude.. that's beyond me.  i'm going to boot the LiveCD tonight and screw around with it but I won't have any answers until tomorrow.02:48
dogatemycomputertobe: I wouldn't have even heard about this app except for your conversation today so I appreciate that.. I would never try it on my main system unless I got it working from the CD first.02:50
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dogatemycomputertobe: can you at least get your origional menu back by reinstalling it until you can get more information?  it seems to be beta still..02:50
tobedogatemycomputer: emm I meant the original Kubuntu start-menu which has installed programs and stuffs like the start-menu in Windows02:51
dogatemycomputertobe:  so you're trying to reinstall the origional KDE start menu?02:52
tobedogatemycomputer: yes, or atleast get it back02:52
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dogatemycomputertobe: what happens when you try to add it back to the start bar?  is it just empty or something?02:53
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tobedogatemycomputer: the problem is, I don't even see it in the Add Applet list02:54
pheaverif a newer version of a package is released, do I have to wait until the next ubuntu release (Gutsy) to get the package (that is, unless I download the source and compile myself)?02:55
Dragnslcrpheaver- most likely no02:55
dogatemycomputertobe: give me a few minutes.  i'll figure this out..02:55
tobepheaver: I think just sudo apt-get update02:56
pheaverso in the release schedule for ubuntu, what does "version freeze" mean?02:56
Dragnslcrpheaver- once the package is updated in the repositories, you can update it with apt/Adept/etc.02:56
pheavercause it just sounds like all package versions freeze until the next ubuntu release02:56
pheaverbut then, i see packages being updated all the time02:56
Dragnslcrpheaver- it just means that they won't update packages between the freeze date and the release date02:56
pheaverso the package i want is gmpc... version 0.12 is in Feisty, but 0.14 is in Gutsy02:57
DragnslcrI haven't noticed any updates for Feisty yet. It might take a month or so02:57
pheaverah ok02:57
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pheaverok, i guess because i saw 0.14 in gutsy i assumed it would be *only* in Gutsy and not Feisty02:57
DragnslcrYou should see an icon in the systray if updates are available02:58
pheaverright i know02:58
pheaverhow to use apt-get :)02:58
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DragnslcrI honestly don't know if they'll update it in Feisty or not02:58
pheaveri'm just not familiar with how often ubuntu updates packages02:58
dogatemycomputertobe: I would suspect you need to reinstall kbase02:58
pheaverI come from Gentoo, and it's odd because some packages in gentoo are more up-to-date than ubuntu, whereas others are less02:59
DragnslcrI'm surprised there's even a preview of Ubuntu 7.10 available02:59
Admiral_Chicagopheaver: we sync from debian unstable.02:59
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tobekbase ?03:00
tobedogatemycomputer: sudo apt-get reinstall kbase ?03:00
pheaverah ok03:00
Admiral_ChicagoDragnslcr: its not a preview, its really a development enviroment + toochain. but this is off topic03:00
pheaverdoes it make since to use a debian repository in your sources.lst ?03:00
Dragnslcrpheaver- looks to me like the current version of gmpc in the repository is 0.1303:00
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pheaveroh sorry, i mean 0.13 not 0.1203:01
Dragnslcrpheaver- not really, I wouldn't think03:01
tobedogatemycomputer: I was thinking of reinstalling kicker03:01
pheaverwhat about using Gutsy repositories?03:01
pheaverand choosing which packages to use from Gutsy and which to use from Feisty?03:01
DragnslcrI'd imagine the delay time between the Debian and Ubuntu repositories is pretty small03:01
dogatemycomputertobe: try sudo apt-get reinstall kdebase-bin03:01
pheaverah, got it03:01
dogatemycomputertobe: isn't the bar at the bottom of the screen?03:02
dogatemycomputertobe: honesty.. heck.. does it matter?  reinstall it..03:02
dogatemycomputertobe: couldn't hurt anything..03:02
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pheaverif i want to use gutsy repos do i just change "feisty" to "gutsy" in sources.lst?03:02
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DragnslcrI dunno if that would work too well03:03
tobeok :D03:03
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DragnslcrMight have some dependency issues and/or conflicts03:03
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pheaverplus it'd also want to update all my packages to the Gutsy version, which i don't want03:03
dogatemycomputerDragnslcr: if he's missing the entire menu system then i'm not sure how much more damage he could do..03:03
DragnslcrProbably be just as well off downloading the .deb from the program's site and just installing that03:03
tobedogatemycomputer: E: Invalid operation reinstall03:04
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pheaverbut i can at least use Gutsy repos INSTEAD of Feisty, right?  (if i want to contribute bugs and whatnot)03:04
makuseruhow can i edit ogm videos? be able to set the defualt audio and subtitle track?03:04
DragnslcrYou can certainly try, but I honestly don't know how well that would work03:04
dogatemycomputertobe: sorry..03:05
pheaverwell, then how should i go about using Gutsy?03:05
DragnslcrVery carefully?03:05
dogatemycomputertobe: sudo apt-get install --reinstall kdebase-bin03:05
pheaveri mean, the repos are there so people can experiment with them03:05
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tobedogatemycomputer:  ok03:06
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DragnslcrMight want to check on a dev mailing list or channel. I doubt Gutsy is all that stable right now03:06
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pheaverwell, yeah, that's why i would only update the one package and it's dependencies03:06
pheaversure would be nice if there were a way to "mask" the other packages, as in gentoo03:07
dogatemycomputertobe: are you going to try it now and let me know?03:07
dogatemycomputertobe: i'm done for the night so i'm just waiting to find out if it works before I go home..03:07
DragnslcrIf it's just for one package, you'd probably be better off getting the .deb yourself03:07
tobedogatemycomputer: I trying it03:07
tobedogatemycomputer: my internet is just slow :(03:07
dogatemycomputertobe: how much does it say it needs to download?03:08
tobeokay done installing03:08
pheaverhow do i find out from which repo a package was installed?03:08
tobedogatemycomputer: result: did nothing :(03:08
tobestill no K-menu in the Add Applet list03:08
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pheaverso guess what I did, Dragnslcr03:09
dogatemycomputertobe: did you restart kde?03:09
tobedogatemycomputer: forget it, go home and take a rest03:09
dogatemycomputertobe: CTRL-ALT-BKSPCE03:09
pheaverI switched to gutsy repos, updated gmpc, then switched back lol03:09
tobedogatemycomputer ok03:09
dogatemycomputertobe: I think you'd need to restart kde..03:10
pheaverand aptitude doesn't seem to complain :)03:10
makuseruhow can i edit ogm videos? be able to set the defualt audio and subtitle track?03:10
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tobenow the whole panel is gone03:11
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dogatemycomputertobe: okay.. well.. i'm really really sorry dude..  i did a look around and there isn't anything to indicate this panel ever just disappears or instructions on how to make it reappear..03:12
tobedogatemycomputer: ok np03:13
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Jucatotobe: press Alt+F2, type "kcontrol" go to Desktop -> Panels and try changing the position and the Hiding settings of the panel03:13
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dogatemycomputertobe: have you thought about simply deleting the .kde directory and seeing if it will recreate a default desktop for you?03:14
tobeJucato: I clicked "Panel" in kcontrol but nothing poped up03:14
dogatemycomputertobe: Jucato has a good point..03:15
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Jucatotobe: hm... ok try this. Alt+F2, "kicker"03:15
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Jucatodogatemycomputer: *do not* delete ~/.kde03:15
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dogatemycomputertobe: if not then booting with the live CD and *moving* the .kde to kde_backup and letting it try recreating your settings..03:15
ubuntuhi guys, how can i reinstall grub03:15
ubuntunow im in the live cd03:16
tobeit works now03:16
Jucato!grub | ubuntu03:16
ubotuubuntu: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:16
dogatemycomputerJucato: what happens if you do that?  (hence my suggestion to back it up :) )03:16
tobeK-menu appeared03:16
tobepanel showed03:16
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ubuntuplz help, im in the live cd...03:16
tobeJucato and dogatemycomputer thanx alot :)03:16
dogatemycomputertobe: how did you fix it??03:16
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Jucatodogatemycomputer: you delete 1) your configurations and, more importantly, 2) your application data (mail, feeds, bookmarks, etc)03:16
tobereinstalled kicker :)03:16
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pheaverwhat's the difference between "deb" and "deb-src" in sources.lst?03:16
dogatemycomputerJucato: thanks for the info dude!  I learned something new :)03:16
dogatemycomputeroff to home..03:16
Jucatodogatemycomputer: also 3) it's not an assurance that it fixes what was broken03:16
joecoolHi All03:16
Jucatopheaver: the deb-src is the repository for the source code of binary packages found in the deb repositories03:17
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pheaverJucato: well huh...03:17
pheaveri'm confused as to why i have these two entries:03:17
pheaverdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted03:18
pheaverdeb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy restricted main multiverse universe03:18
Jucatowhy are you on gutsy!?!?03:18
pheaverand why the first doesn't have "multiverse universe" at the end03:18
pheaverfor fun :)03:18
pheaverpretend that's feisty ok?03:18
Admiral_ChicagoJucato: are you at UDS? I thought i saw you in one of the videos03:18
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: lol no way :)03:18
pheavermy question is why when i put "multiverse universe" at the end of the first line, it says it's a duplicate entry03:18
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pheaverand how come gmpc is supposedly in "universe" and yet it installs just fine even though i don't have "universe" selected03:19
Jucatopheaver: maybe because there is already a "deb" entry for multiverse and universe somewhere down the sources.list file03:19
pheaveryeah, but not for gutsy03:19
pheaverthese two lines are the only ones i modified to be gutsy instead of feisty03:19
Jucatoyeah, which is bad, because you are mixing repositories03:19
pheaverand yet packages that i know are in universe are getting updates03:19
pheaveryeah yeah yeah, i know03:19
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pheaveri am only doing it to update a single package03:19
pheaverand play around with it03:20
pheaveri mean, aside from unstable packages, i don't see the problem03:20
pheaverlike, with dependencies, i mean03:20
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Jucatothe problem is that gutsy was just opened a few weeks ago. it is in super pre-alpha stage03:21
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Jucatobut since you said you know, so I'm presuming you know03:21
pheaveri mean with mixing repositories03:21
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pheaveri don't care about this "pre-alpha" business :)03:21
pheaveras i won't update any packages unless i want to03:21
Jucatoand how will you prevent that from happening?03:21
pheaveri mean, it's not like i'm gonna get an unstable system just because i update a few programs that aren't system utilities03:22
tobeI want to make a shortcut of HDDs to Desktop, I managed to do it by dragging the icon from /media to desktop but these new icons showed as Folder .. not HDD icon03:22
tobeso is there a way to make them change to HDD icon ?03:22
pheaverlol, i just won't update them....?03:22
pheaverwhy, does ubuntu update packages behind your back?  no03:22
Jucatoonce you add a repository that has  more updated packages, it will automatically notify you that updates are available03:22
pheaveronly if i have that silly adept thinigie running03:22
pheaverit's not like i have to obey it lol03:22
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pheaverwhat i'll do is have both feisty and gutsy enabled03:24
pheaverand when updates come out, only update feisty packages03:24
pheaverit's not like updates come out everyday, so it won't be too much work03:24
pheaverwhat?  seriously03:24
Jucatowait till they finish with UDS and updates *will* be coming more than once a day03:24
pheaveri'm not going to update my system every day03:24
pheaveryeah and that'll be what, a month from now?03:25
JucatoUDS is finishing today03:25
pheaveroh haha03:25
Jucatohave fun!03:25
pheaverwell, either way, i see nothing wrong with what i am doing03:25
pheaverif i want to do a full update of all feisty packages, i just disable gutsy03:25
Jucatogood luck. that's all I can say.03:25
=== Jucato goes of to study
pheaveri've already done it03:26
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: sebas said it's nearly over03:26
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pheaverUbuntu users are so afraid to try anything03:26
Jucatoor rather tomorrow03:26
dsmith_which is better google picasa or gwenview?03:27
Jucatopheaver: about your sources.list problem. try reviewing the whole thing, line by line and check if there are other duplicates. I can't guess because I can't see the file03:28
Jucatodsmith_: hm.. not a close comparison. more like picasa vs. digikam03:28
pheavermeh, it's fine03:28
dsmith_ok so which is better?03:28
pheaverlike i said, there can't be any duplicates, as those are the only lines with "gutsy" in them...03:28
henrik__hi, i got a problem03:29
henrik__BUG: soft  lockup detected on CPU#0!03:29
henrik__do someone know what it means ?03:29
Jucatodsmith_: can't say. haven't used picasa... but I'd imagine digikam would be better in some ways because it sits in nicely with KDE03:29
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dsmith_jucato: ok thanks, I am evaluating both at the moment03:30
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Jucatoon a moral/legal basis, digikam is probably better since it's FOSS...03:30
marcelolHello...switcher to KDE here...03:30
Jucato(not sure what license picasa uses actually)03:30
marcelolAnyone know how to make KNetworkManager support LEAP ?03:31
marcelolor how to switch to wpa_supplicant/kwlan (I'm using Ndiswrapper on an BCM4306 wifi card )03:32
marcelolany pointers would be greatly appreciated03:32
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:32
Jucatosorry, not familiar with anything wireless (except my brain)03:32
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marcelolubotu...looked at that....it's not....terribly clear documentation..that and Kubuntu doesn't automatically install any doc for itself03:34
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Jucatoand ubotu is a bot :)03:36
Jucatohm... kubuntu installs a doc03:36
marcelolthanks jucato...I...just realized that about ubotu ( uBOTu...duh ...Marcelo )03:36
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marcelolkubuntu has docs...but KNetworkManager only directs me to "online help"03:37
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.03:37
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pheaverif there is more than one version of a package available (multipl repositories), is there a way to force a particular version to install?03:44
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pheaverAnd yeah, I know I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing, just wondering though03:44
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flaccidpheaver: easiest way is to remove the conflicing repos, update, then install then add back the other repos after03:47
pheaveryup, that's what i did :)03:47
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Jucatosudo apt-get install <package>=<exact_version_number>03:48
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pheaverreally?  sweet03:48
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pheaveris there a way to list all available versions?03:48
pheaveradept just lists the most recent version number03:48
dthackerIs there a way to supress all the joining and leaving messages using Kvirc?03:48
Jucatoapt-cache madison <package>03:48
pheavernice, thank you03:48
pheaveri'm new to debian-based command line utilities03:48
Jucatoor is it apt-cache policy <package>03:48
=== Jucato doesn't know how to use kvirc... knows only how to do that in konvi
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pheaverJucato: both worked03:49
Jucatoyeah, both works. I just forgot the diff between the two03:49
pheaverah ok03:49
pheaverhmm... so i could definitely write a script that always chooses the feisty version of a package03:50
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LinkCanabicoHi all how do i install the firmware for the ipw2200 wireless card?04:03
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:11
flaccidLinkCanabico: ^^04:11
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LinkCanabicoflaccid thancks il check04:11
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IAmWilli am having trouble with my SD card reader on my laptop, it can read the 128MB card, but the 2G card can't be read, both cards are same brand, just different sizes.... any ideas?04:12
flaccidgoogle has lots http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=ipw2200+ubuntu&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-804:12
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Ashexanyone know where I can find information on cpu temperature?04:37
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RXVL`anyone have tips for getting AIM on Feisty?04:41
hakaisoutwouse kopete instead?04:41
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RXVL`does it support AIM? (sorry im a kubuntu noob lol)04:42
hakaisouhold on a second04:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kopete - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
RXVL`I have it04:42
RXVL`thanks =] , I probably would of never found it either lol04:42
hakaisoueveryone does, i'm trying to get a list of supported protocols04:42
AshexKopete supports all the major ones04:43
Ashexone sec I'll give you a list04:43
RXVL`its fine04:43
RXVL`all I need is AIM04:44
hakaisougood good04:44
AshexAim, Gadu-Gadu, GroupWise, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MeanWhile, MSN, testbed, WinPopup, Yahoo04:44
hakaisouyou ever used linux before?04:44
hakaisouthat's good04:44
RXVL`old school Red Hat xD04:44
hakaisouah, i tried that once a few years ago04:44
hitmanWillyold slack user here04:44
hakaisoufedora core though, very similar04:44
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hakaisouthat was back when I was a major gamer, and before Wine supported many of the games I played04:45
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hakaisoufor that matter, I didn't even know of wine then04:45
killownkubuntu rox04:45
hakaisouyep :D04:45
hakaisouit's shiney04:46
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Ashexanyone have recommendations on an id3 tag editor?04:46
killownwhile I am instaling system I can to use internet04:46
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MinatakuI prefer Gentoo, but then I'm a power user04:46
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hakaisouThis is my first distro that I've actually set myself to learn how to use04:46
killowngentoo for newbies  .. who like lose time?04:46
MinatakuLinux Piyoko 2.6.20-Pyocola-i686 #1 PREEMPT Wed Feb 14 22:42:51 EST 2007 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux04:46
tarelerulzI want to use flash player with konqueror and I seem to have the plug so it can use flash player .04:46
MinatakuAll custom :304:46
arunHey, where can I get pictures of the Kubuntu Feisty CD to put up on my blog?04:46
killownI was using freebsd but I install kubuntu again04:47
tarelerulzIt does not work how every when I go to some site like you you tube04:47
Minatakutarelerulz: Is it Flash Player 9?04:47
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hakaisouI used Windows forever (again, I was a gamer), but it crapped out on me about a month ago, so I decided to give Kubuntu another try, and once I got it set up, it wasn't nearly as scary04:47
tarelerulzI just got the flash player off ubuntu repository04:48
MinatakuIf it's not then sites that need <8 (For the VP6F video decoding, like YouTube) won't work04:48
tarelerulzI really don't know why it will not work04:48
Minataku!search flash04:48
ubotuFound: flash 9, gnash, flash64, fffc, flash, flash-also*, flash64bit, flash9, flashplayer, font04:48
tarelerulzI guess I could manully install it04:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:48
=== Minataku kicks ubotu
hakaisoui think you mean04:48
Ashextarelerulz, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:48
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:49
tarelerulzI found the flash plugin -non-free04:49
hakaisoui wish there were a 64 bit version ;_;04:49
MinatakuRight, I was just trying to get it to give me the version04:49
MinatakuBut it seems to not want to tell me that04:49
Ashex!info flashplugin-nonfree04:49
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)04:49
MinatakuThere we go04:49
MinatakuThanks, Ashex04:49
Ashexheh, no problem04:49
hakaisouonly flash I got is from Wine, and half the time wine doesn't output sound right04:49
MinatakuIt's 9, so I don't see why it would fail04:49
tarelerulzI installed  the none-free flash player04:50
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tarelerulzIt just don't use it for ever ever reason04:50
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Minatakutarelerulz: Suggest Firefox, perhaps04:50
neoalexhi guys... I just installed kubuntu 7.4 on my desktop and it won't boot04:50
MinatakuIt might be called "Iceweasel" in *buntu, though04:50
hakaisouneoalex, 7.4?04:50
neoalexfirst of all I couldn't even boot the disk without apm=off and acpi=off04:50
tarelerulzI thought of that ,but I can't get firefox to work on here.04:50
Ashexkonquerer itself is fairly broken when  web-browsing04:50
neoalexhakaisou: yes04:50
underdog5004hakaisou, 7.0404:51
AshexIt's still called Firefox in Ubuntu last I checked04:51
AshexIt's just the Debian folks who are being anal04:51
hakaisouaha  ok then04:51
neoalexoh... yeah... my bad... sorry04:51
hakaisouit's cool04:51
hakaisouwhat's happening when you try to boot?04:51
neoalexok... now I tried in grub passing acpi=off and apm=off but still no go04:51
neoalexin recovery mode04:51
neoalexit freezes when trying to start forcedeth04:51
neoalexeven though it was working fine when booting from the disk04:52
=== hakaisou watches the chat go over his head
tarelerulzDo any  of you just not have an app work and apept said it installed it and with out error04:52
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neoalexah one more thing... even though I passed it in grub acpi=off I still get an acpi exception when trying to boot as well04:53
hakaisoumy ksysguard never worked....  still doesn't though04:53
BluesKajyes , usually from "unofficial" sites , tarelerulz04:53
dthackertarelerulz: yes, rarely.  That's when I start checking error logs.  What is the app in question?04:53
tarelerulzfirefox don't work at all04:53
neoalexthe exception says no processor device found (which is weird, cause I'm pretty sure there's one under this huge cooler)04:54
tarelerulzKonqeror don't seem to get flash playering04:54
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tarelerulzI get it from ubuntu repository and it don't work04:54
tarelerulzI have laptop and I think I might not have had good installer cd04:54
tarelerulzI upgraded to 7.04 from Kubuntu 6.1004:55
dthackertarelerulz: if you search for it in adept, what status does it have?  installed? broken? not installed?04:55
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tarelerulzdthacker , I will do that04:56
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arunHey, where can I get sufficiently large pictures of the Kubuntu Feisty CD to put up on my blog?04:57
tarelerulzDthacker it just says installed and nothing else04:58
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dthackertarelerulz: ok so kubuntu thinks that firefox is installed properly.  next we will attempt to run it from the command line.04:58
dthackertarelerulz: open a terminal window and type "which firefox"04:59
tarelerulzdthacker, I run it from command line and no thing. It does not come up nor do it print any erorrs04:59
dthackertarelerulz: hmmmm.05:00
tarelerulz/usr/bin/firefox , that is where it says the program is05:00
=== dthacker ponders
dthackertarelerulz: if you type /usr/bin/firefox, do you come back to a prompt., or hang forever?05:01
=== dthacker goes to get his laptop out of his car. brb
tarelerulzdthacker , I run the  it and come back to a prompt05:02
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nbcbwhat kind of raid services does kubuntu have05:03
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ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO05:04
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dthackertarelerulz: I'm booting and I'll work along with you.  I have 7.04 as well.05:05
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levoni have a question i have two hard drives one with linux one with windows the windows hard drive is master and linux is slave how do i get grub to boot windows? for a start i think i have to make linux the master and windows the slave but will grub boot windows after i do that05:06
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tarelerulzI really think it is just the version of ubuntu I got is missed up in some way.05:06
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wolferinewhats a good app for putting mp3s on my ipod?05:08
dthackertarelerulz: open up a second terminal window, so you can watch both at once05:09
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Jucatowolferine: amarok, I've heard05:09
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tarelerulzdthacker, I will do that05:09
Admiral_Chicagowolferine: amarok works very well for that05:09
dthackertarelerulz: in the second window type :sudo tail -f /var/log/messages05:10
wolferinehope it mounts nfs05:10
wolferinecause Rhythmbox has alot to not desire05:11
hakaisouI love the software repository system05:11
=== hakaisou hugs apt-get
adapi've got a adaptec controller which suddenly fall into degrade mode in linux.. and then after 2-3 days it automatically go back to optimal mode.what's happening? im using h/w raid.05:12
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NightBirdyeah, apt-get and adept are pretty freaking sweet05:12
tarelerulzdthacker, waht should that do ?05:12
BluesKajnever tried Rhythmbox, but i've heard ppl praise it in here.05:12
dthackertarelerulz: it let's you watch the log for error messages while you try to launch firefox.05:12
hakaisouthere is teaching software for C++ in here!05:12
tarelerulzdthacker, it just printed text on the screen and did not go back to prompt05:13
dthackerhakaisou: and a burger time game too.05:13
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dthackerhakaisou: burger-space05:14
BluesKajamarok is well designed and it works very well in my experience05:14
dthackertarelerulz: do you know how to use pastebin?05:14
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Jucatohakaisou: teaching software?05:14
tarelerulzI am going to log out of linux. I have friend here05:15
naught101anyone know what package the kubuntu volume OSD is provided by?05:15
adapI NEED HELP on configuring my raid controller adaptec05:15
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tarelerulzso I want to be a good host05:15
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dthackertarelerulz: ok, good luck05:15
Jucatonaught101: kmilo05:15
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Jucatonaught101: and it's not a program that you run normally. it can be started/stopped only in System Settings -> Advanced -> Service Manager05:16
naught101Jucato: ARGH! I was hoping you wouldn't say that.. I just purged it and reinstalled it, and the OSD still doesn't appear05:16
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Jucatonaught101: did you try checking if it's actually running?05:16
dthackerasap: please don't shout.  If no one has answered, then you may want to post to the forums05:16
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dthackeradap: ^^^^^05:16
naught101Jucato: it's running05:16
Jucatonaught101: in Service Manager?05:17
naught101yep. maybe I need to restart?05:17
hakaisouhi jucato05:17
Jucatonot really sure... but maybe just restart KDE05:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about osd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
ScottLijhow do you reclaim the MBR for grub if you've installed window's XP after installing Kubuntu?05:17
Jucatohi hakaisou! what do you mean by "teaching software for c++"?05:17
ScottLijI have a Knoppix live CD if that helps05:17
Jucato!grub | ScottLij05:18
ubotuScottLij: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:18
Jucatodthacker: OSD: On Screen Display05:18
Jucatoseveral apps have OSD's05:18
naught101Jucato: what program runs kde services?05:18
hakaisoui misread the entry, it's a textbook that some guy put into the repository for his advanced C++ class he does every year in greenwich05:18
dthackerJucato: like a monitoring program?05:18
Jucatodthacker: no05:19
Jucatodthacker: do you use amarok?05:19
Jucatoor k3b?05:19
naught101dthacker: no, like a simple display for some variable05:19
dthackerJucato: yes, both05:19
hakaisouI'm still installing it, cause I wanna learn C++05:19
hakaisoubut I probably won't be able to use it anytime soon though05:19
Jucatoyou know those simple small display/rectangles that display when you're burning in k3b or when switching tracks in amarok?05:19
dthackerah, yes05:19
Jucatohakaisou: what's the package name?05:20
wolferinenow here is a tough question, what can I use to record my streaming audio (Essential Mix, Realplayer)05:20
Jucatoyeah it's not a program. it's a book :)05:20
Jucatoactually I think an old famous book05:20
Admiral_Chicagocan i grab the source...05:20
FisherPrice_anyone have an nvidia GEFORCE 5200 128M card working with Feisty Fawn in 3D05:20
hakaisouinstalled anyway!05:20
Admiral_ChicagoFisherPrice_: i do05:20
=== crackhead_25 [n=crackhea@ip68-0-212-162.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== hitmanWilly is sticking to bash and python for the time being
Admiral_Chicagowait, i got 25605:20
=== dthacker hugs perl
FisherPrice_Admiral_Chicago: anything special u had to do?05:21
Jucatohakaisou: http://www.icce.rug.nl/documents/cplusplus/05:21
Jucatothough I'm not sure for what level it is05:21
Admiral_ChicagoFisherPrice_: use the restricted driver, feisty didn't like my card05:21
FisherPrice_256, 128 i cant imagine any difference05:21
Admiral_Chicagoerr, no actually X didn't like my monitor05:21
crackhead_25question: anyone know how to get a digital camera to properly "claim"/"connect" to digikam or kubuntu so that i can import the photos? i made a slight change in libgphoto rules .. "usb*" to usb system * or whatever as suggested in the forums, but it still doesnt connect.. gives an error..05:21
FisherPrice_Admiral_Chicago: the legacy, or normal driver?05:22
Admiral_ChicagoFisherPrice_: iirc legacy05:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:22
Admiral_Chicagoyou try that?05:22
Jucatolegacy for 5200??05:23
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FisherPrice_? just asking05:23
hakaisoujucato, would you know anything about where I could learn C++?05:23
wolferinewhat can I use to record my streaming audio (Essential Mix, Realplayer)05:23
BluesKajAdmiral_Chicago, I reverted back to edgy , now everything works again ...for me feisty isn't handling the hardware very well05:23
Jucatohakaisou: um.. from a book? I'm learning it as well :)05:23
wolferinehakaisou, google?05:23
Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj: thats odd, did you try a fresh install?05:24
hitmanWillyoh, wow! i got slashdot mod points:)05:24
naught101well that didn't work05:24
hakaisousorry, i assumed you had some experience with it.05:24
BluesKaj3 times Admiral_Chicago05:24
JucatoFisherPrice_: GeForce FX 5200?05:24
hakaisoui'll see if there is a college course that I can take for it05:24
FisherPrice_Jucato: yeah05:24
Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj: tough05:24
crackhead_25admiral_chicago: do you havea ny ideas?05:24
FisherPrice_ive had problem in dapper and edgy05:24
JucatoFisherPrice_: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html lists it as supported by the latest driver05:24
crackhead_25getting a digital camera to connect so that photos can be imported05:24
JucatoFisherPrice_: try the nvidia-glx-new driver05:25
Jucatohakaisou: good for you :)05:25
Admiral_Chicagobe back later. school work05:25
FisherPrice_Jucato: ty05:25
=== andre [n=andre@RN-2PARK-1800-01.pipenetworks.com] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatohakaisou: I can give you some links from my bookmark repository05:25
BluesKajno  not tough at all, actaully i see little diff ...it's nice when everything works :)05:25
=== andre is now known as Hoondie
Jucatobye Admiral_Chicago! good luck with school05:25
dthackerwolferine: my searches are coming up with something called streamripper05:25
wolferinewonder if it records RAM05:26
=== OutoLumo_ [n=tuomas@ARouen-151-1-7-4.w90-22.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
Admiral_Chicagothanks Jucato :)05:26
BluesKajstreamtuner is the radio streamer , streamripper is the recording utility05:27
BluesKajgotta have both05:27
Jucatohakaisou: http://del.icio.us/jucato/"C++"05:28
BluesKajbut amarok has both in one pkg05:28
wolferineBluesKaj, do record .ram?05:28
crackhead_25can anyone help with connecting/importing photos from a digital camera? ?05:28
wolferinecrackhead_25, turn it on :)05:28
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BluesKajerr ram ?05:29
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Jucatoreal media05:31
crackhead_25i turned it on05:31
crackhead_25it says "could not claim camera" or some such error05:31
BluesKajreal audio05:31
wolferinethe "some such error" might tell you something about it05:31
wolferinestop smoking crack05:32
BluesKajdunno , i don't believe in real audio ...avoided it in windows and linux too05:32
wolferinedoesnt matter if you beleive in it05:32
wolferinei want to record it....05:32
BluesKajdoes to me05:32
=== dartmolx [n=dartmolx@tequilla.exist.com] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajwel then get real audio for linux05:32
wolferineyour not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?05:33
=== TheCreationist [n=elyon@c-71-205-65-72.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
TheCreationistIf my sound and cd drives work right now, is there any reason to think they may not when upgrading to Feisty (I'm using Edgy)?  I know that they didn't work with a clean install of Feisty.05:33
BluesKajeeeuuuww.. insulting now are we ... musta hit a nerve05:33
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wolferineyour stupidity hit a nerve05:34
wolferinethats about it05:34
=== kai [n=kai@ip24-251-18-169.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
BluesKajTheCreationist, the alsa mixer is by default totally muted after a clean install ...it's one of the sound probs to check05:36
=== jim_ [n=jim@pool-71-125-44-185.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
kaiIm tryin to rip one my DvDs and it doens't mount movie DVDs but it will mount software dvd why would it do that05:36
TheCreationistBluesKaj: Seems to me that I remember checking that, though.  I had come in here and asked about it.05:36
=== mantan [n=mantan@207-47-234-198.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #kubuntu
TheCreationistBluesKaj: But the sound aside, Feisty didn't recognize either of my cd drives...05:36
mantanI have no sound05:36
Jucato!patience | wolferine05:36
ubotuwolferine: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:36
wolferine!buzz off | Jucato05:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about buzz off - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:37
Jucatowolferine: please be civil or leave05:37
TheCreationistwolferine: Well, you've pretty much secured your place in here of NOT receiving any assistance.  So you buzz off.05:37
wolferinei help here all the time05:37
Aloneathis is odd. my laptop came with a controller and I had tried using it before with kaffiene, but it never worked. I was playing with it in my hand while reading a pdf and if I push the fast forward button it puts konqueror in full screen mode. So that means something is seeing my controller. Would it be possible to get it to do more?05:38
Jucatowolferine: then you should know by now how to behave in here05:38
wolferinemaybe you should stop being so judgemental05:38
TheCreationistwolferine: BluesKaj and Jucato are here almost every day offering their help for free.  Don't expect to be able to come in here acting like a 12 year old jackass and still get help - you won't.05:38
wolferineJucato, then so should you05:38
wolferineTheCreationist, I do my part as well05:38
wolferineso lay off05:38
TheCreationistwolferine: Yeah, I see that.  Do it elsewhere.05:38
hitmanWillyAlonea: i get that a lot, the buttons are just mapped to different actions than kaffeine's defaults05:38
wolferineTheCreationist, no05:39
=== TheCreationist sighs.
Jucatowolferine: I am asking you to behave properly. calling people stupid isn't proper. specially someone who at least tried to help you05:39
=== mog [n=mog@71-36-17-36.bois.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
mantanwolferine & krew: take your fight somewhere else maybe?05:39
wolferinethey were not trying to help05:39
BluesKajwow , that's actually unusual, TheCreationist...my experience with feity wasn't satisfactory so i reinstalled edgy . not that i recommend doing what i did , cuz my pc is filled with ati stuff05:39
TheCreationistlol just can't win a debate with the unintelligent.  Moving on.05:39
TheCreationistBluesKaj: I have nvidia.  But yeah, I did a clean install of Feisty and things just didn't work anymore, so I went back and reinstalled Edgy.  But now, for some reason, I can't get most video files to play, and DVDs won't play anymore either.  I lack the linux skill to fix it myself ;)05:40
=== Coldwar55 [n=kvirc@pool-70-105-167-108.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
JucatoTheCreationist: let's stop with the name calling. doesn't really help the situation ;)05:40
AloneahitmanWilly: can I map the buttons somehow with kaffeine and other programs?05:40
TheCreationistJucato: 1,000 apologies, sir :)05:40
Coldwar55I see a lot of people with their system stats on their desktop05:41
mantanI have no sound, I'm running with fiesty on a toshiba satellite laptop.05:41
BluesKajTheCreationist, the libdvdcss2 files are prolly one of the codec pkges you need for starters05:41
mantanI didn't have it when I used dapper wither05:41
Coldwar55What is the app called?05:41
hitmanWillyAlonea: there's a way to do it through kcontrol, it basically assigns the buttons to directly interface with the prog05:41
AloneahitmanWilly: would be awesome if I pressed the power button that it would go to the log out screen.05:41
Jucato!superkaramba | Coldwar5505:42
ubotuColdwar55: superkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org05:42
BluesKajffmpeg, win32codecs to name some more05:42
Coldwar55Thanks :p05:42
=== WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-68-228.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
AloneahitmanWilly: ok. I will see what I can get figured out. Is kcontrol already installed?05:42
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TheCreationistBluesKaj: Well, I've installed all the codecs necessary, but for example, VLC will open the file, but not play it.  Kaffeine says there is no data on the DVD ... and browsing the DVD with Konq shows it as empty as well.05:42
hitmanWillyAlonea: yes, but you have to alt-f2 it if you have feisty05:42
AloneahitmanWilly: okies05:43
mantanI have no sound, I'm running with fiesty on a toshiba satellite laptop. I didn't have sound when I was using dapper either.05:43
BluesKajstrange TheCreationist, but it sounds like you need drivers for your drives..scuse the pun :)05:43
Jucatomantan: tried the sound troubleshooting wiki page?05:43
Jucato!sound | mantan05:44
ubotumantan: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:44
TheCreationistBluesKaj: Really?  They always worked flawlessly before lol05:44
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crimsunmantan: which model? A1xx?05:44
AloneahitmanWilly: would it be an OBEX device? irda?05:44
hitmanWillyTheCreationist: have you tried editing fstab to use the actual device names vice uuid's?05:44
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BluesKajwell, that's the limit of my limited knowledge , TheCreationist ...maybe one of the more experienced guys can help , hitmanWilly or Jucato05:45
Jucatomantan: oh you're in luck! crimsun is here! :D05:45
hitmanWillyAlonea: im not really sure, i did it once a couple years back with a multimedia keyboard05:45
TheCreationisthitmanWilly: Never needed to before.  But I'm going ahead witht he Feisty upgrade right now... we'll see if that works.  If not I'll just do another clean install of Edgy (thank God for a separate /home partition) :)05:45
mantanI have no idea what model it is. It's got a 17" screen, dual core, a nvidia graphics card and I bought it in december05:45
crimsunmantan: it uh, doesn't say on the bottom of the laptop?05:45
=== hodgejj [n=hodgejj@c-67-177-68-16.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== hitmanWilly has to remember to move his...
mantangood point, I am definately a tool :P. It's a Satellite p10005:46
crimsunmantan: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.05:46
AloneahitmanWilly: ah, ok. well, IRD would be the little receiver thing for controllers in general right? infared device and I guess a might be application or something05:46
=== WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-68-228.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu []
BluesKajsmart idea TheCreationist, altho separate partitions din't work for me after X got totally corrupted and unretrieveable05:47
Coldwar55Kubuntu is so nice on the resources :p05:47
TheCreationistBluesKaj: Well, it's been amazing for me so far, especially since I've had to reinstall Kubuntu about 20 times (no exaggeration).05:48
TheCreationistBluesKaj: Of course, it took me about 5 installs before I made that separate partition... but now it saves a LOT of time backing things up05:48
AloneahitmanWilly: ok, for when you set the buttons for your media keys on your keyboard, how did you do that? Not seeing really any place to set buttons05:48
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hitmanWillyAlonea, try under input actions under regional/accessibility, it basically sets up macros05:49
BluesKaji've done it about 6 times , but i'm old so i tired easy :)05:49
Ashexhow does one stop X from starting up?05:49
Ashexor more specifically, how does one change the runlevel in init?05:49
AloneahitmanWilly: there we go. didn't know what section to go to05:49
AshexUbuntu doesn't have an inittab :(05:49
hitmanWillyAlonea: if its recoignizing the remote, it should recoignize input from it05:49
TheCreationistBluesKaj: Well, I just lack the knowledge to fix all the problems I've had.  Reinstalling takes care of it, just takes a LOT of work with having to reinstall all the codecs/drivers and such.  That's why I was excited about Feisty - but without sound, what good does MP3 support do? ;)05:50
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hitmanWillyAlonea: also, its been a while since i did this, so i don't know how much help i can be :P05:50
AloneahitmanWilly: well, at least you try.05:50
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=== FisherPrice_ is now known as FisherPrice
=== jmartinez [n=jmartine@72-28-134-167-dhcp.mia.fl.atlanticbb.net] has joined #kubuntu
jmartinezhi, how do I turn off the annoying sound, for tab completion?05:52
Jucatojmartinez: what do you mean?05:52
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=== IceMON is now known as IceMANG
jmartinezwell, whenever i press tab on konsole i get some alarm for incorrect tab completions05:53
hitmanWillyAshex: thanks to upstart, rc.local is kinda similar05:54
IceMANGCan someone help me set up CPU temp monitoring on an MSI K8T-Neo2 under Kubuntu 6.10?05:54
BluesKajagreed TheCreationist...I fought for a week trying to find out how to turn on the spdif/pcm audio output , to feed my home theater receiver in the tv room...turns out the iec958 designated has to be unmuted altho there's vol ctrl associated with it and the iec958p feed has to be set to analog05:54
Jucatojmartinez: Settings -> Bell05:54
jmartinezyeah got it thx :)05:54
AshexI'll take a look at rc.local05:55
purpleposeidonhow can I get a taskbar icon for the battery levels on a laptop?05:55
BluesKajsacktime gents and gentilles ... talk to ya tomorrow,God wiling , ..nite all05:57
=== The_Un-Named [n=niall@88-107-134-173.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
Coldwar55I'd have to say that Kubuntu/Ubuntu is the best Linux distro I have used yet05:59
crimsunmantan: http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/test-azx-stac92xx-fixes/05:59
crimsunmantan: replace your existing modules with the ones that I provide there06:00
hitmanWillyColdwar55: ok, go on #gentoo and repeat that, it'll be fun :)06:00
mantanhow do I go about doing that?06:00
crimsunmantan: well, first download both files.06:00
Coldwar55lol hitman06:00
Coldwar55I've used Gentoo before but the live-CD is a pain06:00
Coldwar55and I hated the manual installation way back when06:00
Coldwar55Although I did learn a lot06:00
IceMANGis there a way for k/ubuntu to manage CPU temperature and throttling?06:01
mantancrimsun:done, what next06:02
crimsunmantan: where are they located now?06:02
mantanin my main folder06:02
crimsunand where is that?06:02
mantan /home/mantan06:03
=== felipe_ [n=felipe@pc-122-146-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunnow, sudo install -m644 snd-hda-codec.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound/pci/hda/06:04
crimsunthen, sudo install -m644 snd-hda-intel.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound/pci/hda/06:04
kaiis there any way around the encryption on dvds to rip?06:04
=== kubuntu [n=kubuntu@75-25-140-253.lightspeed.okldca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunkai: for starters, you need libdvdcss2 installed.06:04
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kaiI just relized my dvd player will not play I guess encrypteded dvd06:05
kaisome it will play other it wont06:05
mantancrimsun: should anything other than a new input line be below it after I input it06:05
navetscan someone help me with using my tv as a monitor... I can do it on windows but i dont know how to do it in kubuntu06:05
crimsunmantan: no.06:05
navetsi am using svideo06:06
crimsunmantan: in the UNIX tradition, install will only display errors if the command fails.06:06
kubuntui need help06:06
kubuntui am tryin to install 3d desktop06:06
kubuntuand when i go to install06:07
mantancrimsun: what do I do now?06:07
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crimsunmantan: sudo depmod -e06:07
crimsunmantan: then, rebooot06:07
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kubuntuwhen i go to install glibc-libidn-2.5 i gives me permisson denied06:07
=== AmyRose [n=djb@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
Admiral_Chicagokubuntu: you super user?06:08
Admiral_Chicagokai: thats the problem with DRM06:08
mantanso is there any particular reason that you HAVE to use sudo? I often just go into root session if it's a tag I know or whatever, is it generally a bad Idea to root shell?06:09
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Admiral_Chicagomantan: its safer, you can enabled a root account though06:09
kubuntucan you help im not to much of a "Super User"06:09
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Admiral_Chicagokubuntu: hov are you trying to install things?06:09
=== navets [n=navets@d39-87-168.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
kaiAdmiral_Chicago: Oh, so there nothign I can do eh?06:10
Admiral_Chicagonot really, rip the dvd and burn the iso maybe06:10
kaiIm tryin to make a torrent of some my Anime but I guess I cna't do 'ninja scroll'06:10
kubuntuyes in order to install 3d desktop you need libc of course and imlib2 and xfree8606:11
kaiAdmiral_Chicago: adcidrip wont' recognize the dvd06:11
kubuntuive tried adept to do it in the past but cant get it to run06:11
navetsi am trying to use svideo to connect my tv to my laptop on linux, can anyone help me06:11
kubuntui only know how to do it on a desktop06:12
hitmanWillykai: there's ways around that06:12
hitmanWilly!dvd | kai06:12
ubotukai: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:12
navetskubuntu: how?06:12
kaiSo you foun the way around, Im checking out the articles right now06:13
kubuntuk3b might be better than acid ri[p for that?06:13
=== Maxdamantus [n=Maxdam@203-97-238-106.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #kubuntu
kaiI think I had a problem using that, somethin about my MP3 but I think it was having the same prob as with acid rip06:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:14
=== tarelerulz [n=tareleru@] has joined #kubuntu
Coldwar55Where would Karamba themes be located?06:17
tarelerulzWell, I installed Kubuntu 7.04 via adept and it can't seem to install firefox right and kongueror don't not use none-free flash player I installed.06:17
=== bele___ [n=saleh@a83-245-173-173.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
kubuntui am tryin to install 3d desktop and need help if anyone can :)06:19
tarelerulzhave any you run firefox from command line and have it do nothing ?06:19
kubuntukde -look06:19
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kubuntuihave tarelerulz06:20
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu
tarelerulzkubunut , What did you do ?06:20
kubuntuyou can use run command thou06:20
tarelerulzkubuntu , What do you mean?06:21
kubuntuapplications menu run command06:21
ubotuRaid and LVM --> very easy guide for alternate CD : http://users.piuha.net/martti/comp/ubuntu/raid.html Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO06:21
adapwhat's LVM06:21
kubuntuit aint what you the same but close06:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipw2200 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:21
tarelerulzWell, I did the run menu option and no thing come up06:22
adaphelp............. if i'm doing hardware raid, is there any util to control it in linux? i'm using adaptec06:22
kubuntuit aint the same you want but close06:22
=== ebbu [n=ebbu@134-121.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
tarelerulzI can't run it from its menu entire nor can I run it form command line and I don't get any error messagers either06:23
=== pichon [n=pichon@OL140-68.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu
kubuntuthat sucks06:24
tarelerulzThe fact I don't get an error really vexes me .06:24
underdog5004adap, you have something to say?06:24
kubuntuok i would try dpkg -r firefox06:24
Coldwar55How come when I exited Superkaramba, and went back in my themes weren't there and when I tried to readd them I can't06:25
kubuntuand then apt-get install firefox to see if it changes06:25
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underdog5004adap, LVM is Large Volume Management. I don't know much about it...try asking ubotu.06:25
kubuntuit does that to me to06:26
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tarelerulzThat first command did not work . It said it could not remove it because of "2re1.4-mozilla-plugin depends on firefox".06:27
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kubuntuyoiu cant get it to open period or just thru the command line because i took it as normal06:29
kubuntuwhen it happen to me06:29
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tarelerulzkbuuntu, I am really lost . In fact  some program just stop working out of the blue. ark stopped working one day that was fun.06:29
tarelerulzI can't run fire fox.  command line nor can I run it with run menu program and its menu entire.06:30
kubuntuwell you can get around ark06:30
kubuntunot working06:30
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tarelerulzI know I did that06:31
kubuntutar xvf "name of package" this does the same06:31
kubuntuas ark06:31
tarelerulzI would just get Konqeror to work better ,but it does not use the non-free flash player I installed for it use adept06:31
adaphelp............. if i'm doing hardware raid, is there any util to control it in linux? i'm using adaptec06:33
kubuntui am tryin to install 3d desktop and need help to get it to run06:34
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tarelerulzIt seem like couple of program have never worked right on  my install of Kubuntu on my  Dell iinspiron 5100 .06:34
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ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2107:00
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yurimxpxmanhow can I access the menu bar in GNU Emacs?07:03
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:06
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:11
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ubotuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad07:13
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:14
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:15
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matt__hi - does anyone know of a good guide on how to move the /home setting to something like /media/sda4/home ?07:17
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pingvenoI'm having some trouble getting aiff audio files to play on Amarok07:29
pingvenoIt just says that the media type isn't supported07:29
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firecrotchhi bluescreen07:31
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|bluescreen|im looking for help with xgl and beryl07:34
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LinkCanabicobluescreen hi07:34
crdlb|bluescreen|: #ubuntu-effects07:34
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rizomawhat is autogen.sh?07:35
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mantancrimson: ru there?07:37
ebaadI have installed xawtv, but tv is not working07:38
ebaadcan somebody help please07:38
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LinkCanabicoebaad what is the problem? try using modprobe to configure the card and tuner07:40
ebaadhow can I use modprobe07:40
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ebaadis it a command that i can run from cli07:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
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ebaadoh ok07:41
ebaadbut thanks for lead07:41
aroYea that's odd that the bot has no modprobe information07:41
Jucatothe bot is not a man page bot :)07:42
hitmanWillyebaad: its a way to manually load kernel modules07:42
aroJucato, I hardly expected a full man page, but at least a little tidbit (as it supplies for tons of other stuff) would suffice07:42
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Jucatoaro: with the hundreds of possible commands or info, we couldn't possibly put them all in :)07:43
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Jucatobesides, man:/modprobe is much better to look at :D07:43
LinkCanabicoebaad im no expert but in my case i modified /etc/modprobe.conf ading this 2 lines  "alias char-major-81-0 bttv"07:43
LinkCanabico"options bttv card=78 tuner=2 " try this and change the numbers07:43
ebaadi ran modprobe but it is asking for parameters07:43
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ebaadand modulename07:44
hitmanWillyebaad: try modprobe bttv07:44
Jucatomodprobe <modulename>07:44
Jucatoyou have to tell it what module you want to add ;)07:44
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LinkCanabico"modprobe bttv card=XX  tuner=XX" to select your card were XX is a number to finde out the number google for "v4l card list"07:46
ebaadthis xawtv used to run in the previous version07:46
ebaadbut so far has not worked in 7.007:46
LinkCanabico ebaad did you update v4l?07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about v4l - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:47
ebaadno not sure how to07:47
pingvenoI'm having trouble getting aiff files working with amarok/xine07:48
pingvenoIt says something about there being no demux plugin07:48
hitmanWillyive been fighting with mine all night...07:49
pingveno"no suitable demux plugin"07:49
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hitmanWillypingveno: is this for streaming audio?07:50
LinkCanabicoebaad can you try tvtime07:50
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pingvenoNo, just local audio07:51
ebaadok i will try the tvtime and see what happens07:51
hitmanWillyhmm, usually i get that error when it errors out connecting to a radio station07:51
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LinkCanabicoebaad and start it from a terminal this sometimes helps to find the problem07:52
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amanhi everyone07:52
amanplz help me07:52
LinkCanabicoebaad il be back in 15 min sorry boss calls07:52
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pag!ask | aman07:54
ubotuaman: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:54
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mantancrimsun: ru there?07:55
amancan anybody plz help me out07:56
amancan u plz tell me how to install SmartLink 56K modem on ubuntu linux for dial-up connection07:56
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oemGuten Morgen!07:57
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto07:58
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mantanI used sudo install -m644 snd-hda-codec.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound/pci/hda/ and sudo depmod -e...... to fix a sound problem (I have no sound) and do not know what to do after this07:58
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dsmith_how many ppl intend to support Dell and purchase a Ubuntu machine?08:01
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mantanI used sudo install -m644 snd-hda-codec.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound/pci/hda/ and sudo depmod -e...... to fix a sound problem (I have no sound) and do not know what to do after this08:03
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MaxdamantusHow do I install GRUB while using a LiveCD, with no access to floppy disks that aren't corrupted?08:04
MaxdamantusWell, I can install it, but it doesn't know where to look for /boot.08:04
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:05
MaxdamantusYou showed me that.08:05
MaxdamantusThat's for installing from the system you're currently running on, or to a floppy.08:06
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pagMaxdamantus, you should chroot to your current system, and install it from there08:06
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MaxdamantusAnd can't boot into the correct system with no bootloader, and havn't got any non-corrupted floppies.08:06
MaxdamantusHmm.. I'll try.08:07
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dodijshi, anybody from slovak or czech rep?08:09
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.08:09
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MaxdamantusHmm.. So how exactly do I install it while chrooted, which has no drives in /dev?08:11
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MaxdamantusAh. Think I got it.08:16
MaxdamantusGoogle :)08:16
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levonanyone know of anything faster then k9copy08:19
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wolferineneed a hand with a new mysql install08:30
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wolferinei updated it in Synaptic, but I am getting a weird (old) error in it08:30
wolferineits referenced in that URL08:31
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gsuvegdual head config dont works with feisty right? anybody use dual head with different resolution?08:33
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ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash08:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hasenfroch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:51
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ubotuFor help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.08:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iscsi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:55
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about copy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:04
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pweaverWhen I try to "safely remove" a usbdrive I get this error message09:07
LinkCanabicoi would like to know wat is beter gaim or kopete09:07
pweaverok, here's the error message i get when i click on "safely remove" : http://rafb.net/p/7e5Uxp88.html09:08
pag!best | LinkCanabico09:08
ubotuLinkCanabico: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:08
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pweaverLinkCanabico: that said, don't run gnome09:08
pweaveri mean, choices are great!09:08
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LinkCanabicopweaver ok thanks09:09
kalorin`ok so here's a question09:09
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kalorin`if I kick this thing off and tell it to upgrade to 7.04 from 6.10 via apt-get or adept09:10
kalorin`and I have the ati closed drivers installed09:10
kalorin`am I going to hate life when I wake up in the morning?09:10
adapwhy can'[t firefox access gmail , only konqueror can09:10
kalorin`cause it'll have no video?09:10
pweaveradap: describe "can't access"09:10
adapwhy my kopete keep saying error connecting, but i'm conencted and it just keep promping09:10
adapcannota ccess normail mode.. can only access basic mode.. normal mode it is stuck at loading page and then tellms me to load in basic mode09:11
adapwasn't like that in the past09:11
kalorin`ah I'll wait a week and and then I guess I'll upgrade09:11
kalorin`when I don't have school next week :)09:11
kalorin`just in case09:11
LinkCanabicokalorin qood choise i hope you can wait a week. usualy i can weit just a few days09:12
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pweaveradap: i don't really know what you mean, sorry09:12
adapcan't access gmail normal mode09:12
kalorin`link: I've waited this long09:12
adapThis seems to be taking longer than usual.09:13
adapIf you are using a slow Internet connection, you can wait a bit longer for this page to finish loading, or just use basic HTML view for now.09:13
kalorin`knowing I didn't want to take a chance and blow it up09:13
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pweaveradap: interesting... running any firefox extensions?  what version of firefox?  try backing up your .mozilla directory and starting firefox with an empty .mozilla directory?09:13
intelikeymonkey C monkey doo09:13
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premier_hello, I'm considering a new computer and I wanted to ask a few things about hard drives.  I'm planning to use twin 10000rpm 37GB hard drives in raid 1 (mirroring) for my OSes plus a 500GB for datas09:13
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pweaverpremier_ ok09:14
premier_can grub boot a OS (like windows) if it is not on my *primary* hard drive?09:14
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adapversion other funny stuffs09:14
pheaveradap: strange09:14
adapwasn't like that09:14
adapis it because java>?09:14
pheaverpremier_: I believe so09:14
LinkCanabicopremier grub can but i dont know if windows can boot09:15
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intelikeygrub can boot what bios can.  nothing more09:15
pheaverpremier_: windows will boot fine, as long as your hard drives are arranged the same when you install windows as they are when you install grub09:15
premier_do you guys know how the speed of raid 1 compares to raid 0, raid 5, and esp. no raid?09:15
pheaverpremier_: reads are faster, writes are same speed, i think09:16
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premier_someone told me raid 1 was slowest, but I don't think thats true09:16
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pheaverpremier_: well, it doesn't make sense to compare raid 1 and raid 0 performance, cause they're entirely different... you shouldn't choose one based on performance09:16
pheaverpremier_: I would compare raid 1 to raid 509:16
pheaverpremier_: but you're going to need 3 hard drives for raid 509:17
pheaverpremier_: raid 5 is more efficient in terms of amount of storage (you get 2/3 instead of 1/2)09:17
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premier_pheaver: I understand that... I want my compy to be as fast as possible, but I also don't like the idea of a hard drive crash09:17
pheaverpremier_: then i guess raid 1 is for you09:17
pheaverpremier_: i use raid 5 and am very happy09:17
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premier_pheaver: I don't think I can afford that09:18
pheaverpremier_: well then why are you considering raid?09:18
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premier_pheaver: two is fine, but three is a little much09:18
pheaverpremier_: you said you were getting two identical drives anyway, right?09:18
pheaverpremier_: oh, i thought you said raid 1 would be too expensive heh... nevermind09:19
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kalorin`anyone know what apt-index-watch is?09:19
kalorin`I keep seeing it pop  up in the process list using a non-trivial amount of resources09:19
premier_kalorin`: a program that causes computer to slow down09:19
kalorin`I can think of what I would image it to do09:19
intelikey!info apt-index-watch09:19
premier_it was taken out with fiesty09:19
ubotuPackage apt-index-watch does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas09:19
kalorin`premier_: good09:19
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kalorin`so I could remove it?09:20
kalorin`under 6.1009:20
premier_kalorin`: there is a patch to fix it. look it up on google.  I had the same problem09:20
intelikey!info apt-index-watch edgy09:20
ubotuPackage apt-index-watch does not exist in edgy09:20
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intelikey!info apt-index-watch dapper09:21
ubotuPackage apt-index-watch does not exist in dapper09:21
intelikeywhere did you get apt-index-watch09:21
premier_pheaver: with about 37GB, I should be able to hold 2-3 distros with generous swap and plenty of program space, no problems, right?09:21
premier_intelikey: I don't know what ubotu is on about.  I'm sure it was in edgy.  I mean, do they ever take stuff like that out long after the distro was released?09:23
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pheaverpremier_: mmm... i guess09:23
intelikeyas far as i know they never remove packages from a repo09:23
pheaverpremier_: yeah that sounds about right09:24
premier_pheaver: now, I can have two distros coexsit, and read the same /home partitions?09:24
pheaverpremier_: well, yes and no09:25
LinkCanabicopremier yes but no09:25
pheaverpremier_: i find that sometimes certain applications don't behave well when their settings are shared between distros09:25
intelikeyas long as you have the same $UID on both09:25
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pheaverpremier_: KDE seems to freak out when i switch distros and I have to remove the .kde directory09:25
pheaverpremier_: but others may have different experience09:26
premier_what if the partitions weren't /home/ partitions per se but were primary document folders09:26
intelikeypheaver same $UID ?09:26
pheaverintellikey: well of course09:26
premier_the two distros are ubuntu and debian... they're pretty similar anyway, right?09:26
pheaverintelikey: no permission problems, just settings that work on one distro but not another09:26
pheaverintelikey: for example, application A might be watched for gentoo differently than for ubuntu09:27
intelikeyversion mismatch09:27
pheaverintelikey: right09:27
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pheaverintelikey: kcontrol is different in ubuntu than gentoo, i think09:27
intelikeysimple answer run kde one version gnome another *box another....09:28
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pheaverhaha, yeah but who would want to do that?09:28
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premier_intelikey: I wanna use my kde!09:28
pheaveryou can always find a way around it, like by having your kde settings in different directories09:28
dadchickenAny mailing list folks about?09:28
LinkCanabicoI would09:28
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intelikeywhy you want more than one distro if you are just gonna make tweenkies out of them ?09:29
LinkCanabicointelikey becus managing it is great experience09:30
intelikeyLinkCanabico fair enough.09:30
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premier_what does intelikey mean when he says tweenkies?09:30
kalorin`ah sweet sweet saved cycles09:31
intelikeysame = same09:31
kalorin`no more apt-index-watcher09:31
kalorin`that thing was seriously messing with my machine for some damn reason09:31
kalorin`kept hearing some fan in there spinning up and down over and over09:31
kalorin`hopefully this'll keep ti quiet09:31
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kalorin`ok nighty all09:31
kalorin`frigging 3:30am09:31
kalorin`this is killin' me09:31
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premier_btw, should save sessions in kde take forever to load?  like for-e-ver?09:32
pweaverhmm... i got disconnected09:32
LinkCanabico2:30 here good night i stil have ! hour09:32
kalorin`never bothered with any09:32
LinkCanabicopremier i think not09:32
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premier_mine seem to load about as slowly as a windows computer (nearly a minute maybe) so I ended turning them off... is there a way to determine if there is something wrong?09:33
intelikeyyeah takes about 12 or 14 seconds on this old slow p109:33
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intelikeypremier_ log files ?09:34
premier_intelikey: which ones, specifically?09:34
intelikeyxorg's ?09:34
premier_where is that?09:35
intelikeykdm possably...09:35
intelikeypremier_ may be one in your home dir too09:35
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aftertafpremier_: no error message about .ICEAuthority file?   - sometimes deleting this file in your home can help things work.09:36
eXistenzHello, is it recommended to upgrade to feisty?09:36
intelikeybut that dom't mean you wont have any trubble09:36
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eXistenzintelikey: to upgrade using that wizard09:37
intelikeydo i recommend it?   no.09:37
intelikeyis it reccomended?  yes.09:37
LinkCanabicointelikey stop typing faster then I LOL09:37
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kalorin`intelikey: what have you seen as issues with it?09:38
intelikeybut i don't know how fast you LOL LinkCanabico09:38
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premier_learn dvorak, you can lol faster09:38
kalorin`not as good as this little gem that popped up today09:39
kalorin`<3 VIM09:39
intelikeykalorin` the normal new release things.   vidio  sound  networking   and the omenous "failed upgrade that broke my system."   that someone always comes up with.09:39
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kalorin`my buddy at work is running 7.04 after an apt-get upgrade09:40
kalorin`seems to be working pretty well for him09:40
kalorin`my issue is that I just know it'll blow up my video that took forever to get set up anyway with the ATI drivers09:40
intelikeyyeah.  does for a majority i suppose.   but we always see the minority in here.09:40
kalorin`due tot he kernel module09:40
kalorin`I should unload it first and then do the upgrade and then pop it back in place I would imagine09:41
premier_I got feisty, the only difference i notice is the flashy new folder animations09:41
kalorin`well rebuild and pop it into place09:41
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kalorin`ok really, gotta sleep no09:41
intelikey"ok really, gotta sleep no"   :)09:41
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LinkCanabicogood night09:42
kalorin`going on 4am, you're lucky you get the n and o09:42
kalorin`in that order even09:42
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!09:42
alex_ ?09:43
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intelikeyukrain ?09:43
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alex_    ;)09:44
LinkCanabiconya nyez niayu kawaritz paruski09:44
premier_LinkCanabico: what langauge is that?09:44
ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:44
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:45
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ubotu #ubuntu-jp  #kubuntu-jp 09:45
aftertafhowever, happy to see unicode is functioning correctly :)09:45
LinkCanabicopremier_ russian but i dont know the right speling "i dont speak russian09:45
premier_damn it, spelled it wrong09:46
LinkCanabicook everybody WTF09:46
gans20|malchikhello there09:46
gans20|malchikvsem privet :)09:46
LinkCanabicogans20 ???09:46
gans20|malchikLink ?09:47
gans20|malchikpremier_, looks exciting :)09:47
LinkCanabicodo we swich to oftopic so we dont piss someone off09:47
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gans20|malchikcan't find midnight commander in kubuntu 7.04 ... is it there?09:48
intelikey!info mc09:49
ubotumc: midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-7ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2057 kB, installed size 5944 kB09:49
insmodgans20|malchik: ya just install it09:49
insmodgans20|malchik: apt-get install mc09:49
gans20|malchikinsmod, thanks ... I thought I tried that :)09:50
insmodgans20|malchik: run  apt-get update first09:50
gans20|malchikinsmod, I did its okay now09:50
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intelikeyapt-get install gentoo09:54
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flaccidanybody use any programs to rip streaming real video or wmv ?09:59
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intelikeynever played with a streem.....10:00
flaccidthere is programs to rip/capture the streams on linux but i don' tknow what they are called10:01
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gsuveganybody use dualhead ?10:01
gsuvegxorg dont detect my 2nd monitor10:01
intelikeyme either flaccid .     kstreamripper - kde frontend for streamripper10:01
intelikeystreamripper - download online streams into mp3 files10:01
intelikeynot what you want i guess10:02
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama10:02
intelikeygsuveg ^10:02
gsuvegintelikey: thank you10:02
flaccidi'll check it out thanks10:03
intelikeyflaccid i don't thank thats what you want.  but idk.10:03
flaccidi guess it just need to do video10:04
intelikeyvstream - bttv video capture utility aimed at making MPEGs10:04
gsuvegintelikey: but anyway, i dont understud that...10:04
intelikeyi'm just thumbing throught the packages...10:04
intelikeygsuveg hmmm10:04
gsuvegintelikey: it is an i91510:04
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gsuvegwhy dont see it the 2nd screeen?10:05
gsuvegintelikey: xorg > pastebin help you ?10:05
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intelikeygsuveg on that page,  did you even visit the   "using multiple monitors" link ?10:09
intelikeyso did you want type 1 2 or 3 multi-head configuration ?10:10
gsuvegi dont know...10:10
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gsuvegusing external tft with my laptop10:10
gsuvegtype 310:12
gsuvegone big screen10:12
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LinkCanabicohi anyone knows good QT forum tutorial?10:13
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gsuvegintelikey: you look something wrong in my config ?10:14
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intelikeygsuveg monitor identifiers   maybe10:17
intelikeyreferance         Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, LFP"10:17
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gsuvegintelikey: thats in Devive in right line ?10:19
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gsuvegintelikey: or maybe the monitor part ?10:22
intelikeygsuveg monitor part.10:22
gsuvegSection "Monitor"10:22
gsuveg  Identifier  "internal"10:22
gsuveg  Option    "DPMS"10:22
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intelikeythe line doesn't match the identifiesr10:22
gsuvegintelikey: im write internal nit the 'ltalnos..'10:23
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intelikeygsuveg teach me.    should it not be more like  identifier 'CRT'      and  identifier 'LFP'     to match the line   Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, LFP"   ????     man i still bash coding and haven't noticed the differance ?10:24
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gsuveg  Option "MonitorLayout" "CRT, LFP"10:25
gsuvegon all 2 device10:25
gsuveghmmm. test.10:26
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adapare there bugs in kopete? funny.. my name lists keep moving left right left right and keeps showing Error connecting to MSN server but i'm online and can chat10:29
adapnowadays when it load up, it keep asking me to add an account when i already have one10:31
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gsuvegintelikey: doesnt works...10:40
fb33can someone help me with beryl-manager after Iaunch it I get a black screen with non blinking cursor10:40
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intelikeygsuveg no.  that's not what i meant.      the monitor identifiers are not "CRT and LFP"    but that's what the option line is calling for.    thus change the identifiers or the option line in the vidio card blocks.    unless i'm all wet and xorg knows what CRT  and LFP  are without you telling it   then that's probably where the trubble is.    i'm not an xorg x-eologist x-pert10:41
intelikeygsuveg   http://pastebin.us/34313   example10:41
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intelikeyso don't x-pect to much out of me.10:42
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intelikeythe last two times this computer booted it hasn't seen a gui...       one might conclude that the gui is not my forte'10:44
=== intelikey tends to hang out over round the west forty....
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intelikeyarmin you comming or going ?10:45
gsuvegintelikey: thanks, now i need work, im test it later.10:45
intelikeygsuveg good luck with it.10:46
gsuvegintelikey: thank you.10:46
arminhaving some problems with my connection...10:46
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intelikeygsuveg "if that fixes it"   what you had done was the same as naming your dog 'joe'   then calling 'bob' to come to you...     "here bob, come here bob.     why doesn't joe come?"  :)10:50
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intelikeymaybe not a good example; in reality most dogs could not care less what you call them.  they simply come when they hear your voice....     maybe a better example would be dialing sam's phone number and wondering why jill doesn't answer...10:52
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intelikeyso when we see if that fixes your problem or not; we'll also know whether to call xorg joe or jill in the future10:55
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markcanyone know of a newbie friendly piccie orientated review of kubuntu anywhere /10:57
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faginHi. I have a shell/kde question. I need to find where konversation has its scripts. It's supposed to be in: $KDEDIR/share/apps/konversation/scripts, but I don't seem to have that variable in my environment.10:58
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faginHow can I find out the path to the script dir?10:59
llutzfagin: $KDEDIR = /usr10:59
faginIt is? That simple? Cool, thanks10:59
intelikeyfagin dpkg -L konversation | less      will show you everything that the package installed.11:00
faginThanks. That's good to know11:00
markcis there something like this available for kubuntu ? -> http://www.mepis.org/files/MEPIS User Guide.pdf11:01
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)11:01
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intelikey!user guide11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about user guide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about guide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
markcthought so, not much available11:02
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intelikey!ubuntu guide11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu guide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntuguide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
markcthat's why I am asking here, in case anyone has come across anything for windows weenies11:03
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intelikeywell there is an infonode  i just can't find it.11:03
markcthat mepis pdf might have to do, at least it's kind of close11:03
markcwish I had the time do do up something myself11:04
phisrowhttp://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/index.html is one guide, it is slightly out of date; but things shouldn't have changed too much at the user level.11:04
intelikey.pdf    yuch11:04
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markcpdf is easy for ex-windows users and complete novices to read11:04
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intelikeypdf is a file format.   has nothing to do with "ease of reading"11:05
markcthat kquickguide is not too bad, still a bit too long though11:05
markca pdf can EASILY sit on a desktop and opened with a single click11:06
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intelikeyso can a .txt11:06
llutzor .html11:07
intelikeyso can a .ps11:07
markcwith piccies ?11:07
markcuhm, at least most ppl I know have heard of and used a pdf before11:07
phisrowNo pictures in that one, I think.11:07
druntarok how can i set up beryl and kiba dock to load at startup?11:08
markcyep, there are some piccies in that kquickguide11:08
phisrowAh, ok.11:08
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intelikeypiccies are for people that can't read ?11:08
markcphisrow: thanks for that kquickquide link, it is better than the mepis pdf11:09
markcintelikey: and windows users11:09
phisrowNo problem, markc, hope it helps.11:09
intelikeyok that was ot.      Admiral_Chicago do your job and kick me out of here.11:09
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intelikeyor just op me and i'll do it.  :)11:10
CarinArrwhat's wrong with pdf?11:10
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markcphisrow: it will... one user is 74yo and managed to install ubuntu before he contacted me... a desperate win98 user who can't afford to "upgrade" to winxp, and his isp will no longer support win98, or linux for that matter... so he found me via google11:10
llutzCarinArr: odf isn't free11:10
s330d3rdiasuko_ido:   you here?11:10
llutzpdf sry11:10
CarinArrllutz: uhm.. what the format?11:11
phisrowMarkc, your user impresses me. That is a lot of pluck for somebody of that age dealing with a computer.11:11
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llutzCarinArr: pdf is a proprietary file-format owned by adobe.11:12
pvandewyngaerdei downloaded a lot of music that is licensed under a creative commons, but its all mp3, how can i convert them to ogg ?11:12
ubotufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing11:12
markcphisrow: absolutely, and I would like to point him to the easiest docs I can fins, until I can make some screencasts and send them to him, and others, on dvd11:12
CarinArri have to admit i still don't quite get that.. i can get free vs non-free software11:13
CarinArrbut there are free applications to produce pdf files, and free applications to read it11:13
llutzCarinArr: and most of us prefer free formats. they exist and you should use/spread them.11:13
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intelikeyCarinArr free as in free beer.  but not free as in free speach11:13
CarinArrllutz: i'm not arguing.. i'm interested, how is it not a free format if you can produce/read them for free?11:13
phisrowIt sounds like you are doing excellent work with him, markc, I wish you(and him) the best. People like him are the sort that can benefit greatly from Free software, if they can get the information they need.11:14
intelikeyCarinArr read any  M$ EULA   and read the GNU-GPL11:15
CarinArr.ps isn't really an option for me normally as people look at me blankly when i send them a .ps file11:15
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CarinArrhtml really doesn't do the job11:15
markcphisrow: yes. I think the upcoming DELL sales will also bring in folks that would not otherwise bother to install linux themselves... they should be shown, gently, what free software is all about11:16
Psychossjust one easy question :p11:16
intelikeyyeah i know web pages that don't have pdf's or flash just arent worth looking at are they  :)11:16
phisrowI agree, I'm looking forward to the start of the Dell sales.11:16
llutzCarinArr: afaik only a small part of pdf-specs is available and used by "free" software.11:16
CarinArrintelikey: that's not what i'm saying.. html doesn't really allow typesetting.. html is for webpages, pdf is for documents11:16
druntarcan someone tell me how to get my cdrom drive off my desktop?11:17
Psychosswhat's the debugging symbols for kdenetwork?11:17
phisrowCarinArr and llutz: While PDF is Adobe's spec, it is an open standard and licenced under decent conditions. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pdf11:17
intelikey"html is for webpages, pdf is for documents"   classic...11:17
CarinArrintelikey: you're trying to compare two things meant for completely different purposes11:17
phisrowI'm not much impressed by some of the newer and flashier bits; but core functions are stable, open and quite standardized.11:18
intelikeydruntar right click the desktop configure (or proprities)   and    show divice icons ...11:18
markcand pdf remains the best cross-platform way to print docs, to/from any platform11:18
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CarinArri don't use adobe for anything, i use the tetex utils to convert ps to pdf, and view them using free software, so to me that has to be enough11:19
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Psychossi ask again my question more preciously what does it mean the word symbols for the debugging kdenetwork is it the command line?11:19
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intelikeyhey use what you like.     i just said    pdf  yuch.    and that's still how i feel about it.11:19
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intelikeysymbols ?11:20
CarinArrif you compare html to pdf you probably wouldn't see the benefits11:20
phisrowPsychoss, the debugging symbols are not included in the standard package, they are for development purposes.11:20
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s330d3rI am new to kubuntu, I have 7.04 installed on a laptop with an Intel 855 video chipset... the resolution is stuck at a max of 1024x768 when it should be 1290x768....  help11:20
phisrowYou can install them in a sepate package, let me check and see which one.11:20
Psychossok for developpers i 'll be use later so :)thx11:20
llutzs330d3r: "sudo aptitude install 915resolution"11:21
naught101what's a good EXIF data viewer for kubuntu?11:21
markcs330d3r: apt-get install 815resolution (or maybe it's on board /etc/init.d/815resolution start)11:21
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Psychossnice os kubuntu11:21
markcah, 915 resolution then11:21
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llutzmarkc: it was 855resolution before ;)11:22
phisrowPsychoss: if you do want the debugging symbols, the package kdenetwork-dbg has them, just install that if you ever need/want the symbols.11:22
Psychossbut the symbols means the graphical picture?11:23
markcllutz: right, 815 modulo 855 now = 91511:23
intelikeyPsychoss no.11:24
phisrowPsychoss: No, they are for debugging crashes of the application.11:24
s330d3rllutz: do I have to restart x now?11:24
phisrowUnless you need to file a bug report, or diagnose a crash, you probably won't need them.11:24
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Psychossok i was an error only in konsole but it was a bug of writing11:25
s330d3rmarkc: do I have to restart x no?11:25
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markcs330d3r: yes11:25
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Psychossi let us work :)11:26
intelikeys330d3r for changes in xorg.conf to affect anything you will need to start X11:26
intelikeystart  restart kickstart jumpstart.....11:26
CalZingI'm about to build a pc and I want to have a sound card that is good and works ootb in ubunt. Does anyone have recommendations?11:26
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markcs330d3r: check /etc/default/915resolution, you might want to add XRES0 and YRES011:27
intelikeyanything that doesn't say "made for...(that other os)"11:27
intelikeyor system requirements (that os)11:28
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CalZingok, but is there any sound card out there known for it's good linux support?11:28
markcs330d3r: did you get the right res ?11:28
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Psychossarf another advice i need a basic graphic card for kubuntu but i don't know what i need to buy have you an idea ?11:29
intelikeyCalZing there was a supported hardware page on the wiki   i think.11:29
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markcCalZing: low end it's hard to beat a sblive anything, except x-fi11:29
crdlbPsychoss: old ati cards are a good choice on feisty11:29
intelikeyPsychoss intel is pretty well supported11:29
phisrowCalZing:I've heard good things about the Emu10K sound driver, it supports a variety of Creative labs sound cards.11:29
markcCalZing: higher end the m-audio cards are good to go11:30
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Psychossok thx i'll saw it11:30
phisrowThe X-Fi is said to be a brick under Linux at the moment, so don't bother with that one.11:30
Psychossbye bye11:30
intelikeyPsychoss ! ati      nvidia maybe  but   ati is one of the most trubblesum11:30
Psychossok i feel it11:31
crdlbati is fine as long as it's old ati11:31
markcphisrow: creative are meant to be releasing their x-fi driver soon, maybe this month11:31
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intelikeycrdlb hard to buy a new  "old ati card"  though11:31
phisrowMarkC: That is good news. Hopefully that'll bring the X-Fi up to full peformance under Linux.11:31
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crdlbintelikey: ebay11:32
s330d3rmarkc: can I resart x without logging out?11:32
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crdlbthere's lots of parts resellers too11:32
markcs330d3r: I don't think so .. did you get the right res?11:32
intelikeys330d3r not likely11:32
Psychossyou want know i need a recent card so in ati or nvidia11:32
phisrowATI cards up to, and including the 9200(IIRC) are very well supported by the free ATI drivers.11:32
phisrowIf you have to go with proprietary drivers, though, Nvidia is said to be better than ATI.11:33
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CalZingok, but i don't want things like 48 khz resampling, because i will produce some music with rosegarden/muse using this cards11:33
intelikeyand intel has drivers11:33
markcCalZing: the cheapest sblive will do that, they are 48khtz native11:33
markcmy cheap intel Dell lappie has 24bit/96khtz sound11:34
phisrowCalZing: m-audio might be a better idea for music production, though they are likely to be more expensive.11:34
intelikeyd-board if you can find one...11:35
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Psychossyes it's a good question using reason for exemple on kubuntu is it possible?11:35
markcalso, I've got a tascam us-122 that works okay with linux, 24bit/48khtz, phantom power11:36
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markcPsychoss: maybe under vmware perhaps11:36
Psychossah a virtual server i think11:36
phisrowIf you want the full details on audio under linux, you might want to hunt up some users of one of the audio specialized distros.11:37
markcPsychoss: yes, if you have a gb+ of ram then it's a reasonable option11:37
phisrowLet me see if I can get you some links.11:37
intelikeyvm virtual machine11:37
s330d3rmarkc: seems to be good now, thanks!11:37
Psychossyes it's on my other workstation11:37
markcubuntustudio is probably worth waiting for11:38
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Psychossgb more oh oh my keyboard is not the same11:38
markcthe feisty lowlat kernel is pretty good, only problem for me is that asound2-plugins is missing pcm_jack11:39
Psychossthow did you tape >+<11:39
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Psychossok it's good11:39
Psychosscya and thx for your help11:40
markcthat ubuntu user was lucky to get onto freenode... the sayayon folks setup an irc nick of sabayon-$RANDOM with an icon on their liveCD desktop... great idea11:42
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intelikeyoo-boo-nauts  tux'n through cyber space11:44
intelikeyvesta'd my first vesta today.    it's just as windowish as it's pred-xpessors11:46
intelikeywhy do people buy that crap ?11:46
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MaxdamantusHas anyone managed to get vmplayer working with arts?12:03
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markcah, the wait for ubuntustudio.org is no more12:19
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intelikeyi can wait12:20
chrismhampsonmarkc: just downloaded the ubuntustudio theme for feisty and it is very nice to look at!12:22
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dariohi all12:24
darioi need help for a stupid thing12:24
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markcintelikey: you obviously haven't been12:25
chrismhampsondario: go on12:25
dariocan someone tell me how can i start a game that i have just downloaded from internet12:25
darioi downloaded the linux version12:25
chrismhampsondario: which game?12:25
markcchrismhampson: what't the actual package... as I might try to upscale my kbuntu rather than install studio from scratch12:26
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darioi windows i use exe files12:26
Maxdamantusdario, it's a tar.gz, which probably means it's the source.12:26
dariobut in linux i really don't know12:26
MaxdamantusTry (in the terminal) cd /path/to/file12:26
dariothe what should i do12:27
chrismhampsonmarkc: i searched on ubuntu forums and found instructions (add a repo etc) and then i had to go to gnome-look or something to install the icon set12:27
MaxdamantusThen "gzip -d Frets* && tar -xf Frets*"12:27
MaxdamantusThen, "cd Frets*"12:27
MaxdamantusMost packages have an INSTALL file, which is a text document.12:28
chrismhampsonmarkc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=439624&page=212:28
MaxdamantusTelling you what exactly to do.12:28
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chrismhampsonmarkc: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/UbuntuStudio+Icons?content=5805012:29
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markcchrismhampson: spot on, thanks12:29
chrismhampsonmarkc: i don't know why but you need to customize an existing theme and change all the options to ubuntustudio12:30
MaxdamantusWhat is UbuntuStudio?... The site seems EXTREMELY slow.12:30
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darionow what should i do max12:30
Admiral_ChicagoMaxdamantus: its got very very heavy traffic12:30
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chrismhampsonMaxdamantus: feisty with audio/video apps12:30
MaxdamantusYea, I guessed that.12:30
Admiral_ChicagoMaxdamantus: ask in #ubuntustudio12:30
Admiral_ChicagoMaxdamantus: http://www.imbrandon.com/misc/bandwidth/current.jpg12:30
MaxdamantusTry going to where the file was in a file browser.12:31
darioi did it12:31
darioand now12:31
markcMaxdamantus: a a/v optimized version of ubuntu, it's slow because a poopload of people have been waiting for this for months... it's possibly going to become the premiere audio/visual distro for linux12:31
MaxdamantusShould've created a directory called "FretsOnFirexx.xx.xx" or something.12:31
Admiral_ChicagoMaxdamantus: its a highly revised version of Ubuntu that is built optimized for multimedia development.12:31
MaxdamantusGo into that, and read INSTALL.12:31
dariothere isn't an install file12:32
MaxdamantusWhat files are there?12:32
Admiral_Chicagoit currently works on x86 only.12:32
markcMaxdamantus: the bottom line should be a realtime kernel with a viable and stable jack enable audio tool chain12:32
MaxdamantusOr is it pre-compiled?12:32
Maxdamantusdario, is there some file called something like "fretsonfire"?12:32
darioin this folder there are a lot of files .so12:33
MaxdamantusIt'll be precompiled then.12:33
dariothen there is a file called fretsonfire.bin12:33
MaxdamantusGo into the terminal.12:33
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darioand a shell application called fretsonfire12:33
MaxdamantusThen cd to the directory, and "./fretsonfire.bin"12:33
Maxdamantus(No quotes)12:34
CCmonsteranyone here used torrentflux?12:34
darioho it worked12:34
MaxdamantusDo you want to make a shortcut?12:35
MaxdamantusOr run it from the terminal every time?12:35
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MaxdamantusYucky theme in those UbuntuStudio screenshots.12:36
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MaxdamantusThough pretty good for GNOME.12:36
Admiral_Chicagoi think the theme looks great12:36
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Admiral_Chicagobut I'm not here to argue, i'm here to do a paper.12:36
MaxdamantusI don't like it.12:36
intelikeygrag-n-grop link here12:37
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Admiral_ChicagoMaxdamantus: http://fluxbuntu.org/UbuntuStudio_7.04.torrent if you are interested12:37
intelikeyO T12:37
intelikey               :)12:38
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dcorbinCan kubuntu install the nvidia driver, or only the "nv" driver?12:38
MaxdamantusNot really much use for me. Only thing I create to do with Multimedia is images.12:38
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:38
intelikey!nv | dcorbin12:39
ubotudcorbin: please see above12:39
Admiral_Chicagodcorbin: that link12:39
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r3hello ... when i rotate the cube in beryl.. it wont switch to appropriate desktop12:39
r3can anyone help pls ?12:39
Maxdamantus#beryl might be more help. :S12:40
r3ou.. thnx :)12:40
Maxdamantus#kubuntu is pretty useless really.12:41
r3i am also interested in bootsplash and grub splash12:42
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r3i guess i rather not use boot splash ment for other distro12:42
r3right ?12:42
MaxdamantusGoogle it. :P12:42
MaxdamantusI havn't bothered putting one on yet. As I usually reboot about once a week.12:42
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ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork12:43
MaxdamantusTry http://kde-look.org/12:43
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MaxdamantusThey have fairly good ones.12:43
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MaxdamantusGRUB too.12:43
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r3kde-look has no search12:43
The_Alexanderhello. I have a problem with NVidia drivers12:44
MaxdamantusIt has a "highest rated" order though.12:44
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The_AlexanderAfter installing they can tun XGL, but when I restart my computer - it wony12:44
The_Alexanderit says that kernel doesnt support it12:44
MaxdamantusIt does have search.12:44
crdlbThe_Alexander: first off, you don't need Xgl with nvidia12:45
crdlbsecondly what is the exact error?12:45
The_AlexanderI want to run beryl :)12:45
crdlbyou still don't need Xgl12:45
The_AlexanderI dont know if I use good terms12:46
The_Alexanderbut Nvidia is needed for 3D acceleration12:46
crdlbok so how did you install the nvidia driver?12:46
The_Alexanderfirstly I from .run from Nvidia site12:46
The_Alexanderit worked to first reboot12:46
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r3hello alexander12:46
r3please type "fglrxinfo"12:46
The_Alexanderlater, I "updated" with nvidia-installer to stable version12:47
crdlbyou did it all wrong12:47
crdlb!info nvidia-glx12:47
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:1.0.9631+ (feisty), package size 4386 kB, installed size 13352 kB12:47
crdlb!info nvidia-glx-new12:47
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.9755+ (feisty), package size 4719 kB, installed size 14400 kB12:47
The_Alexanderso Ill have to install it with adept?12:47
crdlbyes but you have to undo the damage first12:48
The_Alexanderhow to do it?12:48
crdlbI don't know12:48
crdlbdo you still have the installer?12:48
crdlbthen you can't12:48
The_Alexanderbut I can download again12:48
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crdlbyou have to run it in uninstall mode12:48
crdlbif you're going to use the manual installer you have to do it right12:49
r3uoooooou .... konqueror just stoped showing content of /media/hd* .... shoot12:49
r3i guess i reboot to find out if thats permenent12:49
r3ubotu ... thnx for da link12:49
MaxdamantusHe's a bot/12:50
MaxdamantusYou can feed him though.12:50
crdlbThe_Alexander: see: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_nvidia_feisty12:50
crdlbmethod 212:50
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crdlbgetting back to the proper packages would be difficult and error-prone without a fresh reinstall12:50
The_Alexanderso brb and thanks12:50
r3is he really a bot ?12:50
crdlbso just do it right following the guide12:51
intelikeyr3 yes12:51
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:51
r3hm.. got my thing right away ... smart one :D12:51
r3okay... let me reboot if my prob. with konqeror persits12:51
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:54
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Pukepouet ! ;)12:54
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Maxdamantus!botsnack Yuck.. No, yum.. Wait, actually yuck.. Uhh12:57
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Maxdamantus!botsnack | Yuck.. No, yum.. Wait, actually yuck.. Uhh12:57
ubotuYuck.. No, yum.. Wait, actually yuck.. Uhh: Yum! Err, I mean, APT!12:57
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wilmancan someone tell me where the xine config files are?12:58
r3everything is just fine12:58
Pukeupdatedb and locate xine? ? :p12:58
Yorokobiwilman, ~/.xine/config is one place12:58
wilmanok thx;)12:58
dac_jisao, Iwant to unsubscribe LBo12:59
Jisaojust a sec12:59
r3hm.. i might have one more question01:00
r3the page that describes grub modification says "To proceed, you'll need to know the framebuffer code for your desired resolution:"01:00
Jisaothe option to unsubscribe is at the bottom of the page, dac_01:00
dac_jisao, thanks01:00
r3yet i dont know what resolution my grub runs01:01
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Maxdamantusr3, most monitors are able to tell you.01:01
dac_thank you, have a nice day01:01
r3maxdamantus - my linux works 1024*768 ... does it also mean that grub will work fine under this resolution?01:02
MaxdamantusIt will work fine.01:02
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r3it just looks like 640*480 ...01:02
r3okay.. i'll try01:02
MaxdamantusAnything will run fine on 1024*768, limited to the software.01:02
MaxdamantusBut I'm fairly sure GRUB can run at 1024x768.01:02
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bagsteri have an api mismatch error, rc  nvidia-glx 1.0.9631+
bagsterii  nvidia-glx-new 1.0.9755+
bagsterhow to remove the 9631?01:07
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crdlbbagster: it said it was using the 9631 kernel module?01:09
bagsterif i remember correctly :-S01:09
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crdlbbagster: here's how to fix that problem:01:09
gans20|malchikis it possible to install Maven2 with apt ?01:09
crdlbedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common01:09
crdlband set DISABLED_MODULES="nvidia_legacy nvidia"01:10
crdlbthat will force it to use nvidia_new01:10
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dac_forgot password, have to do later01:11
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bagsterok reboot01:13
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kim_Hello hello! i need help!01:18
flaccidi do too01:18
flaccidin fact the human race needs lots of help01:18
flaccidmore than you can imagine01:18
kim_The bank closes at 3, and i have a bank number i have to put money to today!!!01:18
Yorokobiyou're on your own there kim_01:19
kim_Kopete has a rememberd conversation01:19
kim_where is that file??01:19
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bagsterthanks mate01:19
kim_ive reinstalled kopete yeasterday but i saved the kopete map and the kopete-history01:19
flaccidkim_: use the log feature in kopete to view the log01:19
flaccidkim_: if you saved it then look at it01:20
MaxdamantusI'd say it would be defined by Kopete.01:20
bagsteraye :)01:20
MaxdamantusProbably ~/.kopete or something.01:20
wilmaneveytime i change something in xine config it resets after restart what to do about it?01:20
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flaccidtry ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/logs01:20
flaccid^^ kim_01:21
kim_Yesterday, i took the kde/apps/koptete map and saved it to the desktop and then reinstalled01:21
MaxdamantusGrr.. I don't like a few things about the kernel in this. :(01:21
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flaccidkim_: look at the logs in a text editor like kate01:21
bagsterdpkg-query -l | grep nvidia still gives me 9631 on the rc nvidia-glx01:22
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flaccidkim_: its a good idea to look at what you backup when you need the data back :)01:22
bagsteris this ok?01:22
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bagsteror should it also be 9755?01:23
flaccidbah? yes i'd like a beer please01:23
kim_All i can find in my trashcan is: kopete/logs/botmetro... and thats only one contact of 100 ive spoke too01:23
Maxdamantuskim_, why is it in the trashcan?01:24
flaccidthe logs directory is based on your user account , not the person you speak with01:24
MaxdamantusMost programs leave the logs, and other data there.01:24
crdlbbagster: don't worry about the residual configuration01:24
crdlbit's not really a big deal01:24
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crdlbyou actually have 9755 installed01:24
crdlbwhich is what matters01:24
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bagsterthanks again.. i have another more complex issue, if you've got the time01:25
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crdlbif it involves kde, I won't be on any use :)01:27
wilmaneveytime i change something in xine config it resets after restart what to do about it?01:27
bagsteri'll give it a shot01:27
kim_Everybody!! i found the code!!01:27
flaccidwilman: no need to repeat ;)01:27
bagsterthe kubuntu came with a networkmanager, but after having alot of troubles with it, i decided to look for an alternative, and i found "wireless assistant 0.5.5" this was great, so i removed the existing networkmanager, but i don't know if i removed the whole thing01:28
Yorokobiwilman, run 'ls -ld ~/.xine' does root own that dir?01:28
flaccidwilman: i've found that to be normal of xine heh01:28
bagstersomething in the background seems to still control some of the network settings01:28
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kim_I delited the kopete map and reinstalled couse i had a secret conversation.. But i never emptyd my trashcan01:29
wilmanso this means i own xine dir now?01:29
flaccidkim_: ok thats different to your original story. ah well. cool.01:29
kim_well bla bla, ive gotta get the money in there before i die01:29
kim_flaccid: i dont know what i told you01:30
flaccidkim_: life is tough :)01:30
wilmanYorokobi: drwxr-xr-x 3 wilman wilman 4096 2007-05-11 13:18 /home/wilman/.xine01:30
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kim_flaccid: zomg... Drugs suck, bye01:30
flaccidmust have a mind of a goldfish01:30
Yorokobiwilman, you own it, not root. So its probably not a permissions problem.01:30
flacciddrugs are awesome actually. don't know what drug kim_ was on01:30
Yorokobithe wrong kind for her01:31
flaccidcould of been a guy i guess01:31
wilmanYorokobi: ok, maybe he reloads the whole config from another file01:31
flaccidi've found that xine doesn't exactly save your last settings on clean close01:31
flaccidi just put up with it01:31
Yorokobiwilman, check out the documentation01:31
flaccideg. volume full up or full down or whatever01:31
wilmanYorokobi: ok01:32
Yorokobiyeah, xine for me pretty much does what it wants. It works, so I don't mind.01:32
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wilmanYorokobi: maybe thats why they did it01:36
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r3ouu shoot... how do i kill apt-get downloading ?01:46
r3i chosen a very bad and very big file01:46
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r3i closed the window01:47
r3how to come back ?01:47
flaccidwhat window?01:47
flaccidthe bathroom or kitchen01:47
flaccidyou can't get back to the same prompt01:48
flaccidyou can only login again under separate process01:48
r3so ? how to kill apt ?01:48
r3it keeps downloading01:48
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flaccidyou used a frontend?01:48
MaxdamantusGrr.. Bad Mario.01:48
flaccidps aux | grep apt01:48
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flaccidthen kill -9 PID01:48
flaccidok i guess you don't have to do it if you don't want to01:49
r3i did01:49
r3its still downloadin01:49
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Yorokobir3, 'sudo kill -9 PID' then01:50
r3i diiiiid01:50
flaccidkill -9 PID will work if you designate the right PID...01:50
r3ERROR: garbage process ID "PID".01:50
Yorokobir3, 'pgrep apt' then use the number as the PID in kill01:51
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flaccidmaybe try ksysguard01:51
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r3the id that contains apt are 5005 and 416601:52
r3but none of this works01:52
r3ERROR: unknown signal name "4166".01:53
r3sudo ksysguard01:53
flaccidwhich command is that from exactly?01:53
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r3sudo kill -4166 PID01:53
Yorokobisudo kill -9 416601:53
r3and i also tried 500501:53
flaccidyeah like Yorokobi said01:53
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YorokobiPID is a psuedonym for the actual process ID (PID) of the process you want to kill01:54
flaccidyou didn't follow syntax from beginning :)01:54
r3now it stopped01:54
YorokobiI guess abbreviation is more correct than psuedonym01:54
r3how to remove thingz allready downloaded01:54
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flaccidkill -9 will always generally kill parent and childs01:54
r3thnx a lot guyz... reaally01:54
Yorokobir3, sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb01:55
Yorokobithat'll delete anything downloaded by apt01:55
r3i would never guess that apt-get update grub would take 530 MB01:55
flaccidhe might need some of those01:55
flaccidr3 that cant be right01:55
r3i just wanna make sure it wont continue downloading next time i use apt01:55
Yorokobiflaccid, I never have needed a package that I couldn't download at any time01:55
r3im running 180kbps :D lol... would take 4ever01:56
r3its mobile connection01:56
flaccidyou != everyone01:56
Yorokobimeh, the practise started with dselect and stuck01:57
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flaccidi don't know what they are hehe01:57
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r3ok guyz, i have to kill session.. thnx a lot one more time01:57
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tondarhey all02:05
tondaranyone used katapult?02:05
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peekhello there ;)02:05
peek I have another simple noob question..... how is the sources.list line for developement repositories of kubuntu?  I'm looking especially for the new  NVIDIA drivers... and such things02:05
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tondarkatapult anyone?02:06
flaccidi use it sometimes02:06
tondarflaccid: how do I add short for home?02:07
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flacciddon't know02:07
dettoaltrimenti_question- I know how to see what dependencies a package has in aptitude, but is there any way to see which installed packages depend on an installed package?02:07
flaccidnever configured it02:07
tondarflaccid: could I add custom short for apps at all?02:07
Yorokobitondar, Alt+Space 'konque ...' until it shows Konqueror02:07
tondarYorokobi: i know that02:08
flaccidtondar: no idea sorry, but im' thinking not02:08
tondarhow about custom shorts?02:08
tondarYorokobi: ?02:08
tondarYorokobi: how could I get home dir with it?02:08
YorokobiUse konqueror02:08
flaccidyou type home02:08
Yorokobiclick on the Home link02:08
flaccidalt+space, type home, press enter02:09
YorokobiI don't have katapult installed anymore, can't test it out02:09
tondaryeah but it wont recognoze when I do alt+space then home02:09
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n8k99dettoaltrimenti_: that may be something that can be done with graphviz - which is a development tool02:11
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dettoaltrimenti_thanks n8k9902:12
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LjLdettoaltrimenti_, i don't get your question. if a package is installed, an "apt-cache show <package>" will show its dependencies; and since the package is installed, the dependencies are also installed *by definition*02:16
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dettoaltrimenti_LjL- yeah, that shows the dependencies, but I want to see 'depent-on' packages: for example, which of my installed programs are dependent on 'libc6'02:18
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ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.02:19
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LjLdettoaltrimenti_, ah i see... a quick way would be to do "sudo apt-get --simulate remove libc6" and see what would get removed02:20
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LjLdettoaltrimenti_: although, that would not only give you the packages that *directly* depend on libc6, but also those that depend on packages that depend on libc6, etc02:20
LjL(so basically everything, in the case of libc6 ;)02:20
dettoaltrimenti_this better be a simulation!02:20
LjLdettoaltrimenti_: well that's what the --simulate switch does ;-) but even if you forget it, you're still given a chance to not press Yes02:21
LjLdettoaltrimenti_: or, try "apt-cache rdepends libc6", that's very useful too02:21
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LjLdettoaltrimenti_: but it will give you *all* packages that depend on libc6, not just the ones you have installed02:21
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LjLso i still think the apt-get simulation is closest to your request02:21
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dettoaltrimenti_LjL the rdepends is what I was looking for, definately- thanks02:22
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dettoaltrimenti_is there a picture somewhere online, some kind of graphical representation of which packages are dependent on one another in ubuntu?02:22
LjLdettoaltrimenti_: probably not, but i know there is a package that does that02:22
LjLi was searching for it a minute ago, but can't find it right now02:22
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LjLdettoaltrimenti_: but again, remember that rdepends does *not* show installed packages, but everything in the repos02:23
LjLdettoaltrimenti_: ah wait, there's a switch i didn't know about02:23
LjLdettoaltrimenti_: try  apt-cache --installed rdepends libc6"02:23
LjLdettoaltrimenti_: there's also  apt-get --recurse rdepends <package>" to show not only direct dependencies but indirect ones as well (that easily gets huge, of course)02:24
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AlextremoHello )))))))))))))))02:37
AlextremoWhat's up ?02:37
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lusumit is possible to have ffmpeg with mp3 support without recompiling?02:37
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compilerwriterI have a pgp issue folks.  I did a fresh reinstall of my system. I have downloaded my public key with kgpg now how do I copy the thing into the trusted keys for ssh?02:39
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_4strOAlextremo: not sure i really understand02:42
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_4strOAlextremo: think you have just to sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libxine1-ffmpeg02:42
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_4strOlusum:  think you have just to sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libxine1-ffmpeg02:44
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_4strOcompilerwriter: think you have tu put your key file in ~/.ssh02:46
compilerwriterYes I know that, 4str0,  I just wondered how to seperate the keyfile off the keyring to copy it over to .ssh?02:48
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lusum_4strO: i will try02:49
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compilerwriter4str0 I think I have found my singular backup of the public key file though.  it has the same name as the key and ends in .asc02:49
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compilerwriter4stro If worse comes to worse I will simply create a new key pair.02:50
compilerwriter4str0 can a public key be recreated from the private key?02:50
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_4strOcompilerwriter: sorry my knowledge about key is very limited :p02:54
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rav_lublinelo witam wszystkich :)02:58
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rav_lublin#lublin join03:00
aleale2hi, I have always the invalid access point with my kubuntu 7.04, I've followed all instructions, but same results, i have read about a bug, can be the cause?03:00
compilerwriter_4str0 thanks for the help thus far.03:00
rav_lublinjoin #lublin03:00
r3$sudo ln -s splashimages/debsplash.xpm.gz splash.xpm.gz - gives me permision denied03:01
r3any idea ?03:01
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Astro-Freshmexhi i need some help with the livecd03:02
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_4strO!ask | Estry03:04
ubotuEstry: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:04
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Werzi2001nutzt hier jemand kooldock?03:08
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compilerwriter!de Werzi200103:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about de werzi2001 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:08
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Werzi2001oh sorry03:08
compilerwriter!de | werzo200103:08
ubotuwerzo2001: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:08
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Estrydo you know how i can mount an ntfs partition under the live cd?03:09
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aleale2hi, I have always the invalid access point with my kubuntu 7.04, I've followed all instructions, but same results, i have read about a bug, can be the cause?03:10
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Estryso yes. is it possible to mount an ntfs partition in kubuntu whilst in livecd?03:16
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:16
justin_can yall help with running autocad 2002 in wine?03:16
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Estryno idea about it03:18
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bonbonthejonok, anyone try the feisty upgrades this morning?03:19
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hans_Estry: you should be able to ,ount ntfs03:19
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hans_mount even03:20
justin_it is missing some .dlls but i dont know where to put them!!03:20
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hans_Estry: mkdir /media/whatever && mount -t ntfs /mount/hda1 /media/whatever03:21
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Estrythis is in livecd?03:22
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rav_lublinjak sie przelaczyc na inny kanal ??03:23
rav_lublinjoined #lublin03:23
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bonbonthejonanyone else having problems with HAL and power source after feisty upgrades this morning03:24
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Estrycool works a charm03:25
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Estrylet's see if i can burn though03:25
eTangenThey there guys, I'm trying to install Feisty with the live/install CD, but when the install gets to step 4 (partitioning), it scans the disks, but then nothing shows up in the dialog, and I can't do anything else but cancel.03:25
Estryhans, ic ant enter the folder03:26
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bonbonthejoneTangenT: open konsole and run "sudo fdisk -l03:26
Estryoh dw :)03:27
neptunobuenos dias03:27
eTangenTDisk /dev/sda: 40.0 GB, 40007761920 bytes03:27
eTangenT255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4864 cylinders03:27
eTangenTUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes03:27
eTangenTthat's the disk it should install on03:27
bonbonthejon!es | neptuno03:28
ubotuneptuno: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:28
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eTangenTbut before, it never registered as /dev/sda, it should be /dev/hda, I think03:28
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bonbonthejoneTangenT: in feisty all drives are sd_03:29
eTangenTbonbonthejon: Ah. Makes sense.03:29
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eTangenTNow, I have Windows on that partition right now03:30
eTangenTthe HD is NTFS, at the moment03:30
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bonbonthejoneTangenT: ok, do you want to keep the NTFS or can you wipe it03:31
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eTangenTwipe it.03:31
bonbonthejoneTangenT: ok, the installer should allow you to erase the disk03:32
eTangenTk, I'm at "How do you want to partition the disks?"03:32
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eTangenTbut it gives me no options03:32
eTangenTthe rest of the dialog is blank except for buttons03:33
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eTangenTNext and Back are greyed, only Cancel is clickable03:33
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Estryk3b needs more space03:34
bonbonthejoneTangenT: my suggestion is to download the alternative install CD, I've never had a problem with it, the live CD some times does03:34
danny500hey guy's03:34
bonbonthejonhi danny50003:34
danny500um I have got yet again another little prob lol03:34
danny500refresh rate probs03:34
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Estryi had them too03:35
Estryexperiment with the numbers03:35
Estryand find the one you want03:35
Estrytheir numbers are just stuffed03:35
danny500everytime I play a game it puts the refresh rate up to 85KHz which makes my screen start flickering like crazy. It also does this everytime I'm on my login window03:36
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rav_lublin#ubuntu polska03:36
rav_lublin#ubuntu poland03:36
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danny500no, wrong one sorry03:36
bonbonthejonrav_lublin: you need to do "/join #ubuntu-poland"03:37
danny500again, wrong03:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:37
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl03:37
danny500!ubuntu poland03:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu poland - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poland - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:37
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HymnToLife!botabuse | danny50003:37
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:37
danny500i didn't swear03:37
danny500you got it03:38
rav_lublinjoin #ubuntu-pl03:38
ubotudanny500: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:38
danny500!ubotu \ stop your whining, I was helping him lol03:39
danny500how do I keep my refresh rate at 70KHz all the time?03:39
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Estrywhat game is it03:41
bonbonthejondanny500: it should be in your xorg.conf03:41
danny500how do I open that again?03:41
bonbonthejondanny500: hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a console, then login, then "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:42
eTangenToh what on earth03:42
eTangenTbonbonthejon: NOW it's working.03:42
eTangenTI've had the window open this whole time, and it just popped up.03:43
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bonbonthejoneTangenT: must have been trying to read the disk, or something03:43
dfeserhey all!03:44
danny500ok now how do I open xorg.conf in a text editor?03:44
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dfeseri have problems sending mails out of kmail under feisty...03:44
dfesersending stays at status 0%03:44
bonbonthejondanny500: that should open it in nano03:44
danny500it opened it in the terminal03:44
danny500I hate that03:45
danny500can't copy and paste to good03:45
dfeserbut no kmail reports no error03:45
dfeserhelp please :-)03:45
BluesKajstrange... I guess i didn't tell xserver to write to xorg cuz x11/xorg.conf is empty..does that make sense ?03:45
danny500never mind, found the file manually03:45
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)03:46
r3is there a way to change login screen ?03:46
dogalifeyes kdm03:46
danny500you mean the looks of it?03:46
dfesernoone here who can help me with kmail?03:46
dogalifedownload a theme from kde-look.org03:47
bonbonthejondfeser: what does it say03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-look.org - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
dogalifethen do follow the how to install03:47
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dfeserbonbonthejon no error...it just keeps sending...03:48
dfeserbonbonthejon i try to send a mail with just some words in it03:48
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bonbonthejondfeser: there should be a little arrow next to the progress bar, that should open up a window with the status03:49
dogalifewhat problem about your kmail03:49
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dfeserbonbonthejon it says "messages being sent 0%"03:49
bonbonthejondfeser: open a console and try to ping the server03:50
dfeserbonbonthejon if i dont interrupt the sending it keeps sending03:50
dfeserbonbonthejon using telnet I can send an email03:50
danny500ok back to the refresh rate problem03:50
BluesKajr3 . system settings/splash screen03:50
dfeserbonbonthejon im no noob...its sure no comm problem with the server03:50
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bonbonthejondfeser: I dont know, ask in #kde or #kmail03:51
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drknsi need help about gimp03:52
danny500what about gimp?03:53
drknsi compiled gimp but it didnt put an entry in to the menu03:53
drknshow can i locate and put an entry of gimp?03:53
drknsit can be on desktop or menu under graphics03:54
danny500find the folder with the gimp loader file, and use your menu editor03:54
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drknswhat is the laderfile extension?03:54
danny500probably .sh03:55
drknsthx alot03:55
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danny500no prob03:55
wolferinehow do you eject your ipod in amarok?03:58
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danny500wolferine: pull the plug lol04:00
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wolferineah, you dont have one then04:00
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danny500what do you mean?04:01
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danny500I don't have an IPOD, I have a Creative Vision M 60GB and to undock it from Amarok I just disconnect it from it's docking station and It's all good04:02
drknsdanny apparently there is no .sh related to gimp04:02
danny500hold on04:02
drknsi have located 3 folders thats gimp04:02
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drknswith bunch of files in em04:03
bonbonthejondrkns: just a question, why not install the gimp from the repos04:03
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drknsi compiled the latest version04:03
ksnipzwas hoping someone could help me fix a dual boot problem, I've fixed my grub boot menu but when I choose my XP partition, it just hangs at "starting up", I've looked through the wiki's and forums but havn't been able to find anything that solves my problem.04:04
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drknsrepos have stable version i dont want that04:04
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:04
danny500no 2.2 is stable04:04
ForgeAusbut that doesn't fix XP you have to fix NTLDR first04:04
danny500it's 2.3 that isn't04:04
drknsyep i have the latest version04:04
ForgeAusget it going THEN add grub04:04
danny500 so you have 2.2 then04:04
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restless_rbknsipz: Do you have rootnoverify option in grub?04:04
drknsi have 2.3.1604:05
ksnipzno i just have it as root04:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:07
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ksnipzrestless_rb, -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20347/ thats my menu.lst04:08
drknsdanny nope there is no gimp 2.3 under bin04:08
ksnipzI'm thinking I got a recursive map thing going, where I map from one to another then back04:09
restless_rbksnipz : the map thing seems weird to me. Do you really need this?04:10
drknsthx i found it04:10
drknsthanks fellas04:10
BluesKajanyone here have any luck with the TV Wonder Pro card and TVtime on kubuntu edgy ?04:10
drknsmy next problem is ndiswrapper and my wireless card04:10
ksnipzrestless_rb wihtout it, I grub will spit an error saying unsupported executable04:11
drknsi installed ndiswrapper and my cards driver successfully04:11
drknshowever i need to modprobe ndiswrapper to get the lights going on the card and cannot register to AP eventhough i can scann and see my ssid04:11
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restless_rbksnipz: did you install windows xp on your second harddrive?04:12
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ksnipzyea, windows is on my second04:12
dr_willisI got lucky with my wireless card under Fiesty. installed fwcutter, and it did all the work. :)04:12
drknsisnt it true that fwcutter limits the speed to 11mbts?04:13
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drknsmy card is 54g and i want it that way04:13
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restless_rbksnipz: can you try to remove the map thing and add rootnoverify  instead?04:14
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BluesKajksnipz, download and burn Super Grub to a cd ...it will help you reinstall the windows mbr on your 2nd drive '04:15
sl00Hi. I have some trouble mounting a ftp-server using CurlFTPfs. I created a directory using 'sudo mkdir myftp' then 'sudo curlftpfs ftp://myftpinfo' but I cannot enter the directory after that. If I 'ls -l' without sudo I get only get questionsmarks (?) instead of mod, time, size etc. What am I missing here?04:15
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dr_willisIm not sure you need to do all that as root. as for the ??? stuff its possible the ftpfs stuff cant get that file info so it gives ??'s04:16
dr_willisif the dir is owned by root a normal user may not be able to access it fully04:17
ksnipzsl00 could be a privilidges thing04:17
ksnipzdid you try navigating it as root?04:17
sl00dr_willis: I used sudo because it said I had no permission. I will try again without sudo.04:17
dave_how do i make programs start on gnome login?04:18
sl00ksnipz: Yes. If I 'sudo ls -l' then there are no questionmarks. But I cannot 'sudo cd'04:18
dr_willisyou proberly needed to use sudo to make that dir WHERE you were trying to make it. :)04:18
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Jucatodave_: um.. ask in #ubuntu ?04:18
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dr_willisdave_,  normally you start them. and when you exit gnome it should rember.. but then again - this is #kubuntu  - i dont use gnome. :)04:18
Jucato!startup | dave_04:18
ubotudave_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup04:18
dave_ah i didn't realize04:19
dave_so Kubuntu is ubuntu with kde?04:19
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sl00dr_willis: Without sudo I get 'fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied'04:20
dave_what exactly is difference between kde and gnome?04:20
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ksnipzsl00, when I do curlftp i just use curlftpfs ftpaddress localdir -o user=ftpuser:ftppass04:20
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Jucatodave_: hm.. that question has caused many a war :)04:20
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ksnipzand the local folder I make using the normal user04:20
dave_haha i dont want a war, just a simple, sweet answer haha04:20
eTangenTwooohoooo! Kubuntu is installed and running smoothly.04:20
Jucatodave_: that's the problem. there is no "simple, sweet answer" :D04:20
ksnipzsl00, I think maybe its your fuse app, you need to grant your user privlidges04:20
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dave_ok - well then how do i install kde so i can see the difference ?04:21
thefirstdudejucato, let's war until the looser dies04:21
sl00ksnipz: Hmm Ok. Just the fusermount ?04:21
Jucato!kde | dave_04:21
ubotudave_: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.6 for Feisty and Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.04:21
dr_willisdave_,  thats a Kubuntu Faq. :)  install 'kubuntu-desktop'04:21
dave_very good04:21
dave_can i switch back and forth between them?04:21
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rollerskatejammsHi, I'm using regular Ubuntu, and trying to install the kubuntu-desktop package.04:22
rollerskatejammsI get the following message:04:22
rollerskatejamms Depends: kde-guidance but it is not going to be installed04:22
rollerskatejamms Recommends: kde-guidance-powermanager but it is not going to be installed04:22
rollerskatejammsBut I definitely have all repositories enabled. I used source-o-matic.04:22
ksnipzsl00 I would think so, mind you I had a similar problem but it was ages ago and once I got passed it thanks to google, I never came across it again04:22
roadfishHow do I use my camera as a mass storage device. when Kubuntu auto-detects my camera, konqueror brings up a window with "camera://USB PTP...etc". But how can I use "ls", "find", "grep"?04:22
drknsbye all solved some problems today you were awesome04:22
dr_willisrollerskatejamms,  you may of enabled too many repos. :)04:22
rollerskatejammsdr_willis, huh?04:22
Jucatodave_: yes. you can switch between them in the login screen04:22
rollerskatejammsdr_willis, How can a dependency be unresolvable due to too many repos?04:23
dr_willisrollerskatejamms,   you dident need to enable any extra ones. comment out the extras and try a update/install again04:23
sl00ksnipz: Heh Ok. I will try a chmod.04:23
dr_willisrollerskatejamms,  if one repo does somthing stupid.. it can happen04:23
rollerskatejammsdr_willis, But I like the universe/multiverse repos.04:23
Jucatodave_: here's the most basic, unbiased answer. the difference between GNOME and KDE is GNOME uses GTK+ and KDE uses Qt as their widget toolkits04:23
dr_willisrollerskatejamms,  REENABLE them afterwards04:23
rollerskatejammsdr_willis, Yes I realized that.04:23
rollerskatejammsOk lets see what happens.04:23
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dave_so its totally just a "look and feel" kind of difference?04:23
dr_willisfirt thing i do on a ubuntu isntall is install kubuntu-desktop04:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bind - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:23
dr_willisfirst thing i do on a kubuntu intall is install Ubuntu-desktop :)04:24
=== dr_willis is weird
rollerskatejammsdr_willis, It didn't help.04:25
patrick__I installed Java from the repo,  but it won't let me accept  the lisense agreement, any idea why this is?04:25
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rollerskatejammsdr_willis, Can I get a copy of your sources.list file perhaps?04:25
dr_willisrollerskatejamms,  im using the defaults. and you DID do a 'apt-get update' after changing the sources.list?04:26
rollerskatejammsdr_willis, of course I did.04:26
dr_willisrollerskatejamms,  you would not be supprised at the # of times people forget that :)04:26
dr_williscounting myself. :)04:26
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dr_willis!info  kde-guidance04:27
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ubotukde-guidance: collection of KDE system administration tools for GNU/Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.0-0ubuntu5 (feisty), package size 956 kB, installed size 3884 kB04:27
dr_willisHmm.. thats optional.. odd...04:28
rollerskatejammsdr_willis, That's strange, when I do an apt-cache search for kde-guidance it DOES show up. And thats the depedancy its complaining about.04:28
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rollerskatejammsi followed the missing dependancies04:30
rollerskatejammstrying to install each one, and seeing which pkg it complains about04:30
rollerskatejammsfinally, it gets to python2.5-dev:04:30
rollerskatejamms  Depends: python2.5 (=2.5.1~rc1-0ubuntu3) but 2.5.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed04:30
rollerskatejammsSo kubuntu-desktop depends on an RC package? that sounds like a repo bug to me.04:31
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dr_willisyou havent installed/used automatix2 have you?04:31
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rollerskatejammsno, ive had people !automatix me enough times04:31
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crazy_busI've got a pdf that basical freezes my computer (but using all the memory and cpu) when I try and load it in kpdf.  The same pdf loads in adobe acrobat on windows.  Does this sound like a bug?04:31
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rollerskatejammsI'll just remove python. I bet I installed a newer version from some non-mainline repo.04:32
dave_i'm gona try K04:32
dave_thanks guys04:32
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rollerskatejammsOh, I can't remove python. too much stuff depends on it. Oh well no biggie.04:32
rollerskatejammsI'm filing a bug.04:33
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dr_willisi recall some issue with python 2.5 and 2.4  but not sure thats the issue in this case04:33
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dr_willisit looks likt ie may be some version issue.04:34
dr_willis (=2.5.1~rc1-0ubuntu3) but 2.5.1-0ubuntu104:34
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dr_willistry it again later perhaps. or be brave and use theforce option (bad idea) :)04:34
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sl00Bleh. I chmod +x fusermount but now I get 'fusermount: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied'04:35
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dave_hmm so i logged out and it didn't give me an option for kde>?04:37
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Jucatodave_: you have installed kubuntu-desktop already?04:38
ForgeAushey jucato :)04:39
dave_yes just did that04:39
Jucatohi ForgeAus04:39
Jucatodave_: then in the login screen, the Session menu should give you an entry for GNOME and KDE04:39
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dave_ah must have just missed it04:40
zachhey all I'd like to know if getting beryl/3d accel. is possible with an ati "Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64)"?04:40
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ubunturosssh server can be installed using what package name?04:42
ubunturoseeks, ah - reframing - sudo apt-get install ssh-server ??04:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ssh-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:45
Jucato!find ssh04:45
ubotuFound: openssh-client, openssh-server, ssh, ssh-askpass-gnome, aolserver4-nssha1 (and 21 others)04:45
Jucatojust "ssh"04:45
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ubunturosJucato: thanks04:45
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ubunturosJucato: openssh-server - Secure shell server, an rshd replacement - will work with a usual ssh client?04:46
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Jucatoum.. not really sure :)04:46
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rollerskatejammsffCan anybody offer some advice as to how I might workaround this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/11404704:46
FahuadaiHello guys.04:47
sl00What is the root password set to?04:49
Jucatosl00: nothing. you use "sudo"04:50
Jucato!sudo | sl0004:50
ubotusl00: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:50
Fahuadaiwhere can i find out more about contributing programming skills to (k)ubuntu? ithe info https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu on there is a little... sparse....04:50
sl00Jucato: I know about sudo but I want to login as root.04:50
ubotuIn KDE, use  kdesu  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use  sudo <GUI application> ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo04:50
Jucatosl00: command line or GUI? and why?04:50
sl00Jucato: Command line04:50
jhutchinsFahuadai: Best thing to do is to fix bugs.04:50
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Jucatosl00: "sudo -i" (if you read the wiki page).04:51
=== Jucato wonders what for, though
Fahuadaii'm cool with that and figured that's whats needed. where to start?04:51
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pagFahuadai, join #kubuntu-devel I think they know better ;)04:52
sl00Jucato: Ok. I will try.04:52
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dave_can anyone recommend how to shrink an ntfs partition if qtparted and gparted wont do it?04:54
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dr_willisdave_,  mondo/mindi perhaps.. or figure out why they wont do it.04:55
dr_willisyou did scandisk/defrag befor trying to resize?04:55
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dave_yes i did both04:55
dave_it doesn't give any actual error message04:55
zachdave,is the drive unmounted when you try to resize?04:56
dave_just something liek "cannot complete the operation"04:56
dr_willistry that gparted livecd perhaps.04:56
dave_yes its unmounted04:56
dr_willisit may have a newer version of the tools.04:56
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dr_willisplus its darn handy to have in your PC tool box. :)04:56
chopinwhat should i download to get DVD playback working in Kaffeine?04:56
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:56
dave_what is mondo/mindi?04:56
dr_willis!info mondo04:57
ubotumondo: powerful disaster recovery suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.20-1.1 (feisty), package size 402 kB, installed size 1132 kB04:57
dr_willis!info mindo04:57
ubotuPackage mindo does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas04:57
dr_willis!info mindi04:57
ubotumindi: creates boot/root disks based on your system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.20-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 152 kB, installed size 728 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 ia64)04:57
dr_willisits a backup/restore set of tools for making partition images/and so forth04:57
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dr_willisive used it befor to backup to DVD then restore to differnt sized (or different hd's)04:58
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dr_willishmm.. wow.. using xming on windows pc's to get a kde desktop from my server. Is.. DARN handy! :)05:03
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DarthFrogGood morning.05:06
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linija2Hi. Anyone know how to fix Win32::GUI:: -style depreciated05:08
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dave_ok so if not "why is KDE better?"05:12
dave_then "why do YOU use kde instead of GNOME?"05:12
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DarthFrogI likes it, precious. :-)05:12
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etrangehep here05:13
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DarthFrogOther than I can't figure out how to get Kmail to forward an HTML email.05:13
etrangeI have a problem with my kdesu05:13
etrangemy kdeinit don't find the kdesu05:13
etrangeand I have forget the command to have the configurator05:14
etrangewhere i can choose the databases05:14
DarthFrogetrange: either "systemsettings" or "kcontrol".05:14
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dr_willisif i was going to teach a class of secetries how to use openoffice. id let them use gnome. since it would suit their minimal needs. :) for  more flexable ussage - id teach them how to use kde05:15
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etrangethey are ok05:16
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etrangebut my ksysV are dead05:16
etrangeif U start it05:16
etrangemaybe you will have the configurator I search05:16
etrangedon't close it05:16
etrangelook the command to lanch it05:17
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dave_so KDE has more options? and GNOME is "simpler"?05:17
DarthFrogdave_: Simpler and more confining.05:17
etrangeDarthFrog can you see pliiz ?05:18
DarthFrogdave_: KDE is more for a power user.05:18
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dave_can you give an example or two?05:18
DarthFrogetrange: Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying.05:18
etrangesteuplais DarthFrog05:18
etrangetu preffere en francais ?05:18
dr_willisgo look at the file manager for each.05:18
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DarthFrogetrange: Je ne parle pas le francais.05:19
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Jucatodave_: um.. actually GNOME also has lots of options. but they tend to either hide it or suddenly completely remove some in their next release...05:19
etrangeDarthFrog really or as a joke ?05:19
DarthFrogGnome is like HAL in 2001: "Sorry, Dave, I can't allow you to do that."05:19
Jucatodave_: KDE on the other hand has lots of options exposed, but sort of has a terrible sense of organization :)05:19
etrangeso you have say that in corect french05:19
DarthFrogetrange: you are not making much sense, sorry.05:19
etrangewhen I lanch my katapult05:20
etrangeI right ksys05:20
etrangeit lanch me ksysV05:20
etrangekde say to me kdeinit do not find kdesu05:20
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pagetrange, if you want help in Frensh, you might want to join #kubuntu-fr05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adobe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:21
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, evince and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)05:21
DarthFrogetrange: Hmm, interesting.  I don't use Katapult myself so I don't really know what's happening with you.05:21
etrangethey don't know05:21
etrangeok my catapult is ok05:22
korobasehow to install the adobe reader bye apt-get?05:22
ForgeAusyou don't need adobe reader05:22
DarthFrogkorobase: apt-get update && apt-get install acroread05:22
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ForgeAuskpdf (or evince genreally do it05:22
ForgeAusadobe is bloatware05:22
etrangebut my ksysV do not work cauz kdeinit don't find kdesu05:22
nixternalacroread is gone from Feisty btw05:22
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nixternal!info acroread05:23
ubotuPackage acroread does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:23
nixternal!info acroread edgy05:23
ubotuacroread: Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Format file viewer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.9-0.0.ubuntu0.6.10 (edgy), package size 22375 kB, installed size 54700 kB (Only available for i386)05:23
korobaseE: Couldn't find package acroread05:23
DarthFrogetrange: Does /usr/bin/kdesu exist?05:23
DarthFrogkorobase: Have you installed automatix?05:24
dave_how do i add a program to the "auto start" list in KE?05:24
DarthFrog!info automatix05:24
ubotuPackage automatix does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas05:24
korobaseyou mean I must install the automatix first,yes?05:24
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:24
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DarthFrogkorobase: automatix will allow you to install a lot of stuff that Kubuntu doesn't support.05:25
arkanabaranyone know why GRUB would load when I boot from LiveCD & choose "Boot from main HD" but not when I just boot from main HD?05:25
LjLand which can easily be installed without using automatix. and even without breaking your system like automatix does if you know what you're doing just a little bit.05:25
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:26
korobaseDarthFrog:Do I need add any other source to the source.list?05:26
etrangeyes DarthFrog05:26
TimmmmHi I'm trying to install kubuntu on an iBook. I downloaded kubuntu-7.04-desktop-powerpc.iso and write it to a disc. However I can't get it to boot from the disc! It always just goes into mac os. I've tried resetting the NVRAM and holding option-C down on startup but it doesn't do anything. Any ideas?05:26
etrangeit exist05:26
DarthFrogWell, automatix WorksForMe. :-)05:26
LjLstill, please don't recommend it in here.05:26
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nixternalLjL: we need to change the automatix bang to something else, like "DO NOT USE UNLESS YOU WANT BORKAGE"05:27
korobaseTimmmm:May be you can't use the ppc edition.05:27
DarthFrogetrange: Curious. I have no idea, though, sorry.05:27
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nixternalplus I am still highly pissed they had a huge header on all the pages on their website blaming Kubuntu/Ubuntu for not supporting them...I have no love for them05:28
etrangeDarthFrog can U lanch ksysV ?05:28
Timmmmkorobase: What do you mean? I'm pretty sure it is ppc (it is older than when they announced the intel macs)05:28
etrangemaybe U will have the litle configurator I need05:28
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DarthFrogetrange: How do I do that?  I don't use Katapult.05:28
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bagbiteruhm if one has an API mismatch caused by nvidia, one had to disable something by editing a file.. but i cant remember what it was. can anyone help me_05:29
etrangeok I have find the configurator window05:29
korobaseTimmmm:I don't know your computer is whether a ppc or not.05:29
etrangebut ...05:29
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etrangeDarthFrog type ksysv05:29
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etrangewhat I use ?05:29
etrangelinux ?05:30
bagbitera way to force the os to use the new drivers instead of the legacy driver or something05:30
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mikkaeli get this weird error when i need su permissons: sudo: timestamp too far in the future: May 11 19:18:03 200705:30
DarthFrogetrange: Kubuntu is linux, yes.05:30
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etrangelol I know05:30
HymnToLifemikkael, take a DeLorean ;)05:30
etrangebut kde ask me that05:30
mikkaelback top the future05:30
HymnToLifemikkael, seroiusly, sudo -k will reset the timestamp05:30
etrangeDarthFrog type ksysv in a terminal05:30
Timmmmkorobase: k, it's an old ibook. Must be powerpc I assume...05:31
etrangenothing strange ?05:31
DarthFrogetrange: It didn't ask me for my password.05:31
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korobaseTimmmm: Oh.05:31
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bagbiterdoes anyone know what im talking about_05:31
arkanabaranyone know why GRUB would load when I boot from LiveCD & choose "Boot from main HD" but not when I just boot from main HD?  or how to fix it?05:31
etrangea kdeinit aske me if I use linux ... and wich one cauz he need to find kdesu05:32
LjLhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/76639 <- sudo timestampt05:32
etrangeU cant run ksysvin user ...05:32
DarthFrogetrange: Yes, I got both those boxes.  I said linux and Debian.05:32
mikkaelok now to my real problem: how do i add /dev/hda3 as my swap ?05:32
etrangeI say that too05:33
mikkaelat the moment i got no swap05:33
etrangebut it do not work I think05:33
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mikkaeli got fstab opened in kdesu kate05:33
etrangenow lanch again ksysv05:33
DarthFrogmikkael:  in /etc/fstab you need a line "/dev/hda3 swap swap". You need to run "mkswap /dev/hda3" and "swapon -a".05:34
etrangeif U lanch ksysv with katapult a popup error will say you kdesu is forbiden in kdeinit05:34
korobasearkanabar:Maybe you need to write the grub to MBR.05:34
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DarthFrogetrange: I ran ksysv in a terminal and it now went straight to the editing screen.  How do I use Katapult?05:35
etrangewhen I lanch ksysv in a terminal I have the configurator windows05:36
DarthFrog etrange: Yes, you're right.  I got the kdesu conversation error.   File a bug on it.05:36
etrangebut in catapul alt + space he say to me kdeinit don't find kdesu05:36
etrangeI think this is a kde bug05:37
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DarthFrogHmm, Katapult looks like it might be handy.  Command-line completion in the GUI.  :-)05:37
etrangebut I think the coice can fixe it05:37
Timmmmkorobase: Ooo gentoo to the rescue! You have to hold option-command-o-f at boot and then type boot cd:,\\yaboot    Don't know how I missed it! :P05:37
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mikkaelDarthFrog: seems to work, how can i check if things went right ?05:39
icecruncherhow can I purge something and ignore broken dependancies?05:39
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DarthFrogmikkael: run "top" and see if you have any swap.05:40
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bagbitersomeone in here gave me the answer earlier, but unfortunately i forgot..!05:40
DarthFrogbagbiter: Google is your friend.05:40
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bagbiteryes i know05:40
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bagbiterbut im not sure what exactly to search05:40
DarthFrogbagbiter: Well, I'd start with "nvidia linux troubleshoot" and go from there.05:41
etrangeetc/rcd do not exist05:42
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bagbiteri know what to do, but i just dont remember where, and i cant find it05:44
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bagbiterI am going to install nvida-glx-new, i know how to do that, but i know that when i boot afterwards, im gonna get an api mismatch, so im looking for a way to NOT get that.05:48
mikkaeldatten, wie kann ich sehen ob das funktioniert hat ?05:49
mikkaelwhoops wrong channel05:49
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navetshow do i get svideo to work on linux05:53
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eeandigg it :) http://digg.com/linux_unix/KDE_4_0_alpha1_Released_Knut05:57
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DarthFrogeean: Has it been released for Kubuntu? :-)05:58
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eeanread the article dude06:00
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buzyeah but the repository url is wrong06:03
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aroWhat's being done with Konqueror if they have a new file browser?06:04
aroCan you still use Konqueror06:04
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DarthFrogaro: Yes.  Konq will be the browser.  Dolphin will be the file manager.06:04
DarthFrogI think you can still use Konq as a file manager, though.06:04
pagDarthFrog, yes you can, it's just not default06:05
buzRiddell: the repository url in the announcement doesnt work, deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.90.1/ feisty main seems more like it06:05
=== Jucato confirms what DarthFrog said
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buzThe following packages will be REMOVED:06:06
buz  apport-qt hwdb-client-kde kubuntu-desktop language-selector-qt libqt4-core libqt4-gui06:06
buz  libqt4-qt3support libqt4-sql python-qt4 software-properties-kde speedcrunch06:06
buzthat seems kinda broken to me06:06
Skrot-That might be a side effect of it removing the old qt4-packages06:07
buzbut i dont think this happened for pre alphas06:07
Skrot-No, but I don't think the tech previews needed a newer Qt version06:07
Skrot-As in Qt 4.306:07
buzshould hurt much06:08
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Jucatobuz: you'd have to ask in #kubuntu-devel but I suggest waiting for a while...06:08
Skrot-Hopefully Riddell has some input on this06:08
Jucatosome of the devs are in UDS06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
Jucato(last day)06:08
buzah well i'll lurk in devel06:08
MidMarkknown the last hal breakage?06:08
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DarthFrogDoes anyone know how to configure kmail so that it will forward HTML email properly?  Right now, forwarding an HTML email sends a blank message.  If I forward it as an attachment, it doesn't strip out the orginating email addresses.06:11
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DarthFrogI'm thinking of giving up on kmail and using thunderbird instead.06:11
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alencargood morning guys06:13
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alencarsomeone could help me with a nis/nfs problem on kubuntu?06:13
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dr_willisalencar,  and the problem is?06:15
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=== dr_willis is trying to rember this "other" way of installing software , there was autopackage, and somthing else called klick? click? kick?
icecruncherX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16906:15
icecruncher  Major opcode:  14506:15
icecruncher  Minor opcode:  306:15
icecruncher  Resource id:  0x006:15
icecruncherFailed to open device06:15
icecruncherwhatdoes that mean?06:15
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dr_willisicecruncher,  those are just warnings.. about a touchpad06:16
dr_willisneeded for a lot of laptops.06:16
buzi've come to expect those on notebooks ;)06:16
icecruncherah, nothing important?06:16
dr_willisicecruncher,  trivial. I edit them out on my desktop box's06:16
icecruncherdr_willis: how to06:16
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dr_willis#1 backup your xorg.conf06:17
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dr_willis#2 - check the forums :)  i know enough about what to edit in the xorg.conf file  so i dont have to.06:17
dr_willis#3 edit  the xorg.conf file. deleting the proper lines06:17
ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors06:17
dr_willis#4 if it dont work.. restore from your backuup :)06:17
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icecruncherJucato, dr_willis: thnks06:18
dr_willisi alwys got to tweak my desktops and laptops on every install heh.06:18
Jucatoand of course the easiest way is to ignore them :)06:18
Jucatothe 2nd easiest way is not to launch GUI apps from the terminal unless necessary :)06:19
dr_willisthey get a bit annoying when they show up over and over and over.06:19
dr_willisBlasphmy! :)06:19
=== dr_willis hugs his terminal
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tork - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:22
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sorush20I need help with tork06:23
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sorush20I have made a package and here is the error that I get when I try to install the program06:23
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jink_hey hi06:24
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jink_is anybody using stellerium06:24
sorush20any ideas06:24
tackatjink: what's wrong with it?06:24
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jink_its loadin everything but after that is disappers06:24
jink_as in closes06:24
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tackatdo you have openGL ?06:25
jink_i dont know06:25
jink_may be not06:25
jink_how do i install it06:25
tackatthat's probably the reason06:25
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tackatit needs opengl drivers06:25
tackatwhat graphics card do you have?06:25
jink_tackat; can u help me from where will i get that06:25
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jink_i am using intels onboard graphic card of 128Mbs06:26
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tackathm, I have an intel onboard here as well (945 IIRC)and it works without problems06:26
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jink_i guess im using the same06:27
Bonaldo2000Does konqueror do something fundamentally different than firefox? Eg. opening LOTS of more connections, because if I try to use it my net dies and I have to reconnect...06:27
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jink_im using laptop06:27
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Skrot-jink_: What does "glxinfo | grep -i direct" in konsole tell you?06:27
tackatjink_: does celestia work for you?06:27
Bonaldo2000This ONLY happens if I use konqueror...06:27
jink_it downst06:27
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jink_no ideaa what it means06:28
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tackatjink_: tell us what glxinfo says :)06:28
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jaevelanyone know of a way to find crash problems with wine->wow? running 7.04?06:28
jink_ok wait06:28
tackatjink_: see Skrot-'s command06:28
flakeif i turn off the fan control in my bios, would that be dangerous to my cpu06:28
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Skrot-flake: probably yes06:29
Stromberghi. on my thinkpad t20 kubuntu stops when loading up kdm. i just have a blank screen and can do nothing anymore (reboot or CTRL+ALT+F1). can i somehow prevent kubuntu from starting kdm so that i can modify my xorg.conf?06:29
Skrot-flake: There's a reason why they put fans in computers ;)06:29
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jink_hey it shows yes06:29
flakelol just wondering06:29
jink_skort and tackat it shows yes06:29
Skrot-jink_: Then you've got direct rendering, and OpenGL enabled. Start "glxgears" to see it in action06:30
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jink_running smooth06:30
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buzflake: generally, turning off fancontrol means your fan will spin fullspeed all the time06:30
flakeah ty06:30
jink_so wat do i do now06:31
buzi still wonder if manually controlling the fan on my thinkpad could hurt it06:31
tackatjink_: strange then06:31
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jink_SKORT:any idea06:31
buzi would think 60 is save06:31
jink_hey pal i gotta go06:31
jink_can i have ur email id06:31
jink_if any06:31
tackatjink_: usually it terminates when there's no openGL06:31
tackatjink_: so I have no idea anymore06:31
jink_bye thanks06:32
jink_a lot06:32
tackatjink_: did you try06:32
tackatkstars? :)06:32
tackatjink: stellarium is beautiful of course but kstars has lots of advantages as well ...06:32
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flakei did an apt-install of kde, it's setting up alot of stuff - thought I already had kde06:33
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tackatwell, you never can't have enough KDE ;)06:34
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roadfishI accidently requested that my camera be opened in in a new window when, actually, I wanted it to be opened in digikam. how do I correct this mistake?06:35
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roadfishbasically, I don't get that selection popup anymore for my camera.06:35
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Strombergcan i stop kubuntu from launching kdm automatically ?06:36
Strombergi need to change my xorg.conf but as soon as kdm gets loaded my whole system freezes06:37
ForgeAusyou can switch to gdm I think06:37
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Strombergi cant even get a console atm06:37
ForgeAusyou can temporarily use a console instead06:37
ForgeAususe a recovery mode from grub06:37
ForgeAusor a live CD if you have one06:37
Strombergim gonna try that recovery thing thx06:38
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ForgeAusits console -based tho06:38
ForgeAusie no gui06:38
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Strombergi got no recovery mode06:38
Strombergtheres just one entry06:38
Strombergi can edit the line within grub though06:39
ForgeAusgenerally grub has around 3 or 4 entries06:39
korobaseHi all. Why my vim don't support the highlight fo python or c  program?06:39
ForgeAusubuntu (which is actually kubuntu)06:39
Strombergit has only one here :/06:39
ForgeAusubuntu (recovery mode)06:39
Strombergcan you by chance tell me the kernel line from recovery mode?06:39
ForgeAusand if you have windowsXP installed a windows option06:39
Strombergso which option to add06:39
ForgeAusor two06:39
korobaseHelp me please!!!06:39
ForgeAusum stromberg I don't know it offhand06:40
cox37777is there a command to add a directory to samba for root use only?06:40
ForgeAusbut I might be able to find out, probably just take a while06:40
ForgeAusor ask someone here to check their menu.lst from boot/grub06:40
korobaseHow to make the vim support the highlight for programming language?06:40
ForgeAus(I'm using XP right now)06:40
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Strombergokie i think i found it. seems one just have to add "single" after the line06:41
ForgeAuskoro I don't know, I didn't even know vim had syntax higlighting in vim06:41
roadfishkorobase: join #vim channel ... they will probably be able to help you better than #kubuntu06:41
Strombergfucking Thinkpad T20 hardware glitch here06:41
ForgeAusprobably a nogui option or something06:41
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Stromberg"about 4% of all savage users are affected"06:41
Stromberglucky me :/06:41
ForgeAusactually if you boot and kdm doesn't load can you use control + alt + F keys to switch to TTY mode?06:42
Strombergit totally freezes my machine06:42
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ForgeAusok so you already tried that06:42
roadfishwhen new media is inserted, you have that "always do same thing" option. I used that option but now I want the auto-start to do something else. How can I undo the "always do same thing" option?06:43
Strombergyay im on console mode :D06:43
Strombergthe "single" did it. thx for pointing me to it ForgeAus06:43
sorush21hi can anyone here download http://ubuntu.alborz.uk.com/tork_0.15-1_i386.deb, and install it I keep getting a silly error06:43
ForgeAusno problem Strom glad to be of help06:43
ForgeAushehe cute name tork06:43
sorush21I made the package myself and wanted to know if it works06:44
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sorush21on other computers.06:44
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tolHallo, I'm using feisty and whenever i try to shutdown from within kde the system hangs. On edgy it used to work by first doing a logout to kdm and then shutdown from within kde. This does not work anymore because a logout results in a black screen although i can switch to console (i can not do that if i try to shutdown). Anyone has an idea how I could track down the reason for the bug?06:45
tolbtw. direct shutdown from kde didn't work with edgy, too.06:45
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kim_I need help06:46
kim_With ark06:46
sorush21I guess no one managed to install that06:46
kim_The unility unrar is not in your PATH... i dont remember to fix that06:47
tolIt's somehow related to the ati driver, since it looks like its working with the fglrx driver. But I would like to avoid using the closed source driver.06:47
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kim_Anyone know06:47
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tolkim_ "sudo apt-get install unrar"?06:48
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kim_tol: your tell me06:48
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kim_tol: My first week with kubuntu06:48
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tolah okay.06:48
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kim_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:49
kim_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:49
tollooks like you don't have the application "unrar" installed06:49
kim_tol: ?06:49
tolso you need to install unrar06:49
kim_tol: thats what i did06:49
tolyou can do that with the adept package manager06:49
kim_tol: ah06:49
sorush21the response I'm gettting is amazing06:49
tolor with a command line tool called "apt-get" (that would be the command i posted above)06:50
kim_tol: ty, i found unrar-free in adept06:50
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tolokay, let me check a thing kim_06:50
kim_tol: Still says not in my path06:50
kim_now apt-get unrar works O_o06:51
kim_after instlling with adept06:51
rollerskatejammsLooks like using aptitude resolved my kubuntu-desktop issues.06:51
tolunrar-free and unrar is not the same application06:51
rollerskatejammsapt-get couldn't resolve the dependencies but synaptic is properly downgrading the right packages.06:51
kim_i dont know how06:51
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kim_but its okey06:52
rollerskatejammsYou want unrar not unrar-free06:52
rollerskatejammsunrar-free can only unrar old .rar files06:52
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tolyou installed unrar which is not the same as unrar-free06:52
ForgeAussorush I would but I'm running XP right now instead06:52
kim_the other unrar was nonfree ffs06:52
rollerskatejammsForgeAus, eww.06:52
ForgeAusJames, better than vista06:52
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rollerskatejammsForgeAus, Actually I like vista.06:52
rollerskatejammsForgeAus, But I only run Ubuntu.06:52
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mikkaelis it possible to repair a windows parition after using sudo mkswap on it (typing error :/)06:53
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ForgeAuswhat can I say I'm an equal opportunity OS enthusiast06:53
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rollerskatejammsmikkael, yes, download the tool BootitNG and use it to convert the swap partition to ntfs06:53
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kim_I have another problem06:53
kim_Anyone used recordmydesktop?06:53
tolwhich is?06:53
rollerskatejammsmikkael, Might work might not but its your best shot.06:53
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rollerskatejammskim_, don't use that06:53
mikkaelrollerskatejamms:  thanks iill give it a try06:53
rollerskatejammskim_,  use gtk-recordmydesktop06:54
kim_rollerskatejamms: i do06:54
tolmikkael, i hope you didn't use it as a swap partition yet :D06:54
mikkaelis this one in  the repositories ?06:54
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kim_rollerskatejamms: but i cant get the sound working06:54
mikkaeltoll: no idea, really ;)06:54
rollerskatejammskim_, Ah ok. Well in answer to your question yes, I do. And I also can't get the sound working. But since I don't use sound, I just make pretty compiz videos, that doesn't hurt me.06:54
kim_rollerskatejamms: and when i record fullscreen, everything laggs, when viewing the encoded movie06:54
rollerskatejammsYup, same here.06:54
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rollerskatejammsThere's probably some better app out there. But I've never cared enough to look.06:55
kim_rollerskatejamms: okey06:55
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kim_rollerskatejamms: Hmm... I wanna capture my very nice beryl configuration :D06:55
rollerskatejammsHey, does Kubuntu have a built in network manager like gnomes, with the built in WPA support that it now has?06:55
rollerskatejammsI'm installing kubuntu-desktop on top of Ubuntu right now06:55
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DarthFrogrollerskatejamms: knetworkmanager rocks!06:56
kim_rollerskatejamms: Used kino?06:56
rollerskatejammsBut which one is built in to kubuntu06:56
rollerskatejammsi.e. no apt-get06:56
rollerskatejammsI'm just curious06:56
kim_rollerskatejamms: I have kino, but i cant get it working eather..06:56
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rollerskatejammsI like kubuntu, but on a laptop, in 6.10, it was a lot easier to use Ubuntu for some reason.06:56
rollerskatejammsHaven't tried Kubuntu Feisty yet.06:57
kim_its gr806:57
kim_love it06:57
rollerskatejammsKDE users sometimes tell me that Kubuntu turns a lot of KDE features off.06:57
rollerskatejammsidk how true that is.06:57
rollerskatejammsI wouldn't be surprised though06:57
rollerskatejammsI mean look at Xubuntu06:57
rollerskatejammsit looks nothing like XFCE06:58
rollerskatejammsit looks like old gnome06:58
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kim_spiderman2 and 3 extrakted! thx guys!06:58
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rollerskatejammsNothing like a non-customized XFCE anyway06:58
bentob0xhow can I know if the kernel source is installed?06:58
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kim_No, its not working -.-06:58
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stefanhello ..07:03
kim_whats the nontopic chat called?07:03
Jucato#kubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-offtopic07:03
Jucatoactually it's in the /topic :D07:03
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stefanany1 has an ideea on how to uninstall ati proprietary drivers ?07:04
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dr_willisapt-get remove that-package-name07:05
stefanyeah ...07:05
Jucatostefan: remove the package you installed for it, then run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and choose the open source ati driver07:05
stefanthanks jucato07:05
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dr_willisKubuntu default kde setup does turn off some kde features/defaults07:05
Jucatoactually you can probably use the Monitor & Display in System Settings07:06
Jucatoinstead of reconfigure xserver-xorg07:06
Jucatodr_willis: referring to which features? :)07:06
TheCreationistAnyone know of a website or utility that will help me set the optimal brightness/contrast settings on my monitor?07:06
Jucato(there are quite a few)07:06
stefanhmmm ... that will rewrite xorg.conf ?!?07:06
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JucatoTheCreationist: nothing in System Settings -> Monitor & Display07:06
Jucatostefan: it will modify xorg.conf, yes07:07
dr_willisJucato,  that kde-first-time-wizard is not there by default, and several of the panel applets, and some of the profiles for the file manager...07:07
TheCreationistJucato: I know there's nothign in there, I checked ;)07:07
dr_willislets see what else have i noticed..07:07
Jucatodr_willis: let me give some others? :D07:07
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dr_willisdo a clean install then search for 'kde' in the package manager and see.07:07
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Jucatokonqueror menus, ark integration, kate as the default text editor, kate launched with --use07:07
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Jucatomedia:/ to /media07:07
sorush21where do the user bineries go?07:07
Jucatosorush21: what do you mean?07:08
TheCreationistsorush21: /usr/bin maybe? ;)07:08
rollerskatejammsHmm ok I'm logged into Kubuntu Feisty for the first time now.07:08
sorush21where are all the bineries go for the apt source repository packages?07:08
rollerskatejammsIts pretty nice, but the network manager doesn't have WPA support built in like Ubuntu's does :-(07:08
Jucatodr_willis: unfortunately, some of the changes Kubuntu has made are hard coded...07:08
dr_willisJucato,  yea - id love to see a 'use default vanilla kde' setup option07:09
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stefansorry ..07:11
stefani have no ideea on how to remove the drivers07:11
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stefan:)) ... nevermind ... i fount out ....07:13
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lesselciao a tutti07:16
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cox37777would it be poss for someone to give me a hand with samba?07:18
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rollerskatejammsAnybody know how to remove everything a metapackage installed?07:19
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mikkaelrollerskatejamms: i cant find a linux version of bootitng07:20
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rickysarrafDoes anyone know of a glassy theme for KDE  ?07:22
rickysarrafSomething like http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GNOME+Linsta+?content=5773007:22
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rollerskatejammsmikkael, Its not an application you use that way. you burn a boot disc with it07:24
rollerskatejammsand you edit partitions from that boot disc07:25
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mikkaeli see thanks07:25
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dr_willisfortune | cowsay07:27
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Sanneapt-get moo07:28
phoenixbyrdfortune | cowsay07:29
phoenixbyrdThe program 'cowsay' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:07:29
phoenixbyrdsudo apt-get install cowsay07:29
phoenixbyrdMake sure you have the 'universe' component enabled07:29
phoenixbyrdbash: cowsay: command not found07:29
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cox37777is there anyway of editing server files over sftp without having to use command like ssh?07:29
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hyper_chcox37777: Konqueror has it integrated07:30
hyper_chcox37777: use:   fish://user@domain.com07:30
dr_willisfish: or sftp: cant ya?07:30
cox37777hyper_ch: i've logged it doing that but i cant edit smb.conf07:31
hyper_chcox37777: did you login as root?07:31
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Jucatocox37777: in Kate's Open File dialog, just type in the sftp:/ address there07:31
cox37777hyper_ch: yup07:32
cox37777Jucato: ok mate let me look07:32
HarleyQuinehi everyone. Am having a problem with evolution, it just wont send my messages, tis weird07:32
phoenixbyrduse gmail07:32
Jucatohi HarleyQuine. try asking in #ubuntu or #gnome or #evolution07:32
hyper_chcox37777: hmm, strange that fish:/ doesn't do it07:32
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HarleyQuineI do use gmail, but I wanna play with this proggie cos it looks good..07:33
stefanJucato: i applyed the system settings-> display & monitor thing with no changes ... and indeed it did rewrite xorg.conf ... but then the X did not start07:33
cox37777samba is treating me like a real ass tonigh07:33
HarleyQuinethanks will ask in #evolution.. didn't know such a channel existed :)07:33
Jucatostefan: you can go the command line route07:33
phoenixbyrdgmail looks better07:33
JucatoHarleyQuine: might make sense to ask in #ubuntu first though07:33
hyper_chphoenixbyrd: looks aren't everything07:33
phoenixbyrdyes they are, my wife told me so07:34
stefanwell i found a xorg.cong.original file .. and i replaced xorg.conf and now it works ...07:34
cox37777Jucato: i entered that addres into kate, however when i go save it said permission denied07:34
hyper_chphoenixbyrd: ^^07:34
Jucatophoenixbyrd: using evolution doesn't mean you can't use gmail :)07:34
Jucatocox37777: hm.. strange07:34
cox37777Jucato: ive install ubuntu lamp on a machine07:35
cox37777Jucato: i'm trying to make a folder available on the network07:35
cox37777what a nightmare haha07:35
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ntslabSysinfo for 'nts61': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)XeonCPU1.70GHz at 1680 MHz (3361 bogomips), , RAM: 997/1010MB, 124 proc's, 3.38h up07:39
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sercikhi to all people07:40
Ace2016or you could say hi all07:40
stefanJucato: what was the command to reconvigure xorg ?07:40
sercikand to that guy (i don't remember name) that have help me07:40
stefanplease ;;)07:40
sercikstefan: yes07:41
Ace2016sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:41
Jucatosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:41
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sercikcould you tell me that command of last time print command = lpr -...........................07:41
sercikdo you remember the problem.. i need to print with a printer connected but unsopported in linux07:42
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cox37777can someone give me some advice please07:42
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phoenixbyrdstay in school, don't get married, and never ever have kids07:44
Timsenlol phoenixbyrd07:44
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k0m0d0hello. I want to install the latest KDE4 alpha107:48
cox37777Jucato: would u mind having a look @ this pastebin please mate07:48
cox37777or anyone lol07:48
k0m0d0but when I try to update apt-get07:49
k0m0d0I get this07:49
k0m0d0Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.90.1/./Packages.gz  404 Not F                                                                           ound07:49
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CCmonsteris there any internet based fax programs for linux?07:58
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harmentalhi everydoby...08:05
harmentalsince my upgrade to feisty i've lost automatic internet connection (wifi) at startup....08:05
harmentali have to do it manually each time.....08:05
harmentalhas anyone experienced similar problems???08:05
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Chris_Swiftharmental: No, I am not sure if you need to add the wifi to the startup menu08:06
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harmentalhow do i do that?08:07
Chris_SwiftGNOME or KDE?08:07
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USMarinegnome in channel kubuntu?08:07
harmentalChris_Swift: KDE08:07
Chris_SwiftI am not sure with KDE but with GNOME you go to System > Preferences > Sessions08:08
Chris_SwiftMaybe it is similar08:08
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USMarineopen knetworkmanager08:09
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gsuveglol. me wear today guadec shirt... :)08:09
USMarinei think there's a startup checkbox there08:09
harmentalUSMarine: done that already......08:09
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TheCreationistIs there a way to preserve my users and passwords when I do a clean install?08:11
Chris_SwiftTheCreationist: I believe there is an import function but I don't know how to sorry08:12
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USMarineTheCreationist dont format /home08:12
TheCreationistUSMarine: No, I do preserve that, but when I do a clean install, I still need to manually setup the users and give them passwords.08:13
USMarineif in the current instalation it's placed in a different partition than /08:13
USMarinethat's not needed08:13
USMarineat least with me08:13
USMarineeverything works the way it did b efore08:13
TheCreationistUSMarine: Then that's my question, because when I do a clean install, I am still the only user on the system.08:14
Chris_SwiftAnyone know of a good music client for Ubuntu?08:14
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TheCreationistChris_Swift: If you're looking for a good music player, install Amarok - nothing beats it in features and function.08:14
USMarineChris_Swift amarok08:14
Chris_SwiftOk thanks08:14
GrahamHey, can I resize an NTFS partition from Linux?08:14
TheCreationistGraham: Yes.  Use GParted.08:14
ninHeror hasefroch media08:14
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USMarineTheCreationist if you do a clean install and you using the same system username08:15
TheCreationist!gparted | Graham08:15
USMarineit should work properly08:15
ubotuGraham: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:15
TheCreationistUSMarine: Yes, it works for me, but I have 3 other users on my system.08:15
USMarine!qtparted | graham08:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:15
GrahamI know what gparted is...08:15
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USMarineit will work for them as well08:15
Grahamqtparted doesn't let me.08:15
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USMarineinstall ntfs-3g08:16
GrahamI have that.08:16
TheCreationistGraham: You need to unmount the NTFS partition before you can resize it.08:16
GrahamThat'll be why.08:16
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TheCreationistGraham: Until you do that, all partition editing options will be greyed out for that partition.08:16
Chris_SwiftIs there a MSN client that'll display song info in the Status bar for Ubuntu?08:17
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TheCreationistChris_Swift: You can download a plugin for Kopete that will do that... I'm sure Gaim has a similar plugin as well.08:17
Chris_SwiftI use aMSN though...08:17
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TheCreationistChris_Swift: I would recommend using Kopete... you can still connect to the MSN network with it, but also connect to AIM, Yahoo, Jabber, etc.08:18
GrahamStill not letting me08:18
TheCreationistChris_Swift: But if you just want to use aMSN, I'd do a search for a similar plugin for that.08:18
tatterss there any reason why changing Desktop resolution in Gnome works without logging out, Yet Kubuntu Desktop resolution changes only if I log out and back in again.08:18
GrahamIt IS unmounted.08:18
USMarineChris_Swift amarok does that withj kopete08:18
Chris_SwiftOkay, I did like it when I used the KDE thanks08:18
Chris_Swiftnot sure ask the pro08:18
Chris_Swiftoh he's left08:18
harmentalUSMarine and Chris_Swift more ideas?08:19
Chris_SwiftFor the wi-fi?08:19
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Chris_SwiftThere seems to be a little disruption in music playback in "Movie Player" when I am installing stuff, is that normal?08:21
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USMarineChris_Swift that's normal in sucky players08:22
Chris_SwiftHaha ok then08:22
harmentalChris_Swift: yeap08:22
Chris_SwiftYou guys use XChat for IRC or Kopete?08:23
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USMarinebut don't use what others use08:24
USMarineuse what fits you better08:24
Chris_SwiftXchat - GNOME version... :p08:24
USMarinewell, i use custom scripts08:24
Skrot-So do I :)08:24
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Chris_Swiftnnscript for mIRC is nice when I'm on XP08:24
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Skrot-Isn't nn kind of bloated?08:25
Chris_SwiftIt's quite nice08:25
USMarinennscript pwns08:25
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Skrot-I used it years ago08:25
Chris_Swiftlol yeah!08:25
USMarinei have to try it under wine08:25
Skrot-But I just dont need that much functionality from a IRC client..08:25
Chris_SwiftSome people live for IRC though....08:25
USMarinesome people live in iRC08:26
Chris_Swiftnot me..08:26
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DinoflyChris_Swift: Konversation08:26
Chris_Swiftok, cool, I can't remember that one08:27
Chris_SwiftI think I liked it08:27
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Lynourefor living on irc irssi is very handy =)08:28
Chris_Swiftirssi? :S08:28
manu_i installed timidity and kmid, when i start the timidity server he receives data on 128:0 in console i see kmid sends on 20:0 i cant play any midi files, someone can help?08:28
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:33
JuJuBeeHi all.  I have a Feisty server using NIS/NFS in my classroom.  My workstations were 6.10. Since I updated one workstation to Feisty, students trying to log into that workstation (only) take a very long time to log in (>10 min).08:33
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JuJuBeeLog in on the old workstations is fine.08:34
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stanleyguys...i'm trying to get kbfx themes used on my fiesty os08:34
stanleybut nothing changes when i apply the themes08:34
stanleywhat do i do??08:34
JuJuBeeCould the older configs be causing problems?08:36
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manu_someone who has expierence with kmid? :(08:38
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Chris_SwiftAnyone know for a how to to change from GNOME to KDE?08:41
neverbluewhat is the difference between: postgresql-8.2 and postgresql-client-8.2 (when installing tha packages) ?08:41
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USMarineneverblue one is the server?08:42
neverblueyes, thats a bit obvious08:42
USMarinewhy did you ask then?08:42
neverbluethe -server-8.208:42
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neverbluecause i dont know what postgreql-8.2 is08:42
USMarineis a server database08:43
USMarinei mean08:43
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USMarinea database engine08:43
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neverblueso -server-8.2 == postgresql-8.2 ?08:43
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Chris_SwiftAnyone know for a how to to change from GNOME to KDE?08:43
Tidohow do I create a user that has no password08:43
USMarineChris_Swift logout and change session08:44
neverblueTido, check the ubuntu guide (google it)08:44
Chris_Swiftok will do, first download KDE :D08:44
USMarinetido useradd tidoBeta208:44
neverblueUSMarine, is that correct?08:44
rbrunhuberChris_Swift: You may need to install kubuntu desktop though08:44
Black_CatTido: Login Manager - "allow passwordless login". means they have password, but they don't have to use it08:44
USMarineChris_Swift aptitude install kubuntu-desktop08:44
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neverblueis postgresql-8.2 the same as either  postgresql-client-8.2 or  postgresql-server-8.2?08:45
USMarineread the package details08:45
USMarineit's written there08:45
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neverblueah, I see it now08:46
USMarineat last..08:46
neverblueis there an admin app like phpmyadmin for it?08:47
Chris_SwiftAnyone know of a good C++ IDE for GNOME or KDE?08:47
neverblueor i guess ill just use phpmyadmin :(08:47
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USMarineChris_Swift eclipse08:47
Chris_SwiftThanks, yet agin08:47
Black_Catneverblue, i've heard of pgadmin, try sf.net08:47
rbrunhuberChris_Swift : kdevelop or eclipse + cdt08:47
rbrunhuberBlack_Cat : pdadmin is in the repos08:48
Black_Catpgadmin not pdadmin08:48
rbrunhuberBlack_Cat: pgadmin3 is the package name08:48
rbrunhuberBlack_Cat:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=pgadmin&searchon=names&subword=1&version=feisty&release=all08:49
Black_Cat10x. though i'll never need it ;)08:49
neverbluenm, I think I got what i need08:49
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_Shade_when i install an inkscape package it's in english. There is a support for my native localized version though. Why?08:54
lettuceI went to limewire's site and downloaded the ubuntu version and it didn'y work. Is there any other way to install limewire?08:54
crimsuntry frostwire?08:54
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shinrabonsoir all08:56
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Chris_SwiftBonsoir? :s08:57
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_Shade_hey why do i get inkscape package in english when i install it from the repo? There is a localized version but apt-get installs an english one08:58
Black_Catshinra, #kubuntu-fr :p08:59
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Chris_Swift!french | shinra08:59
ubotushinra: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:59
Chris_Swiftyou meant?08:59
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jhutchins_Shade_: This is probably an inkscape question, not kubuntu, but I would guess that either you need to add the localized files manually, or you need to configure which language it uses.08:59
RawSewage_Anyone trying out the new KDE 4 Alpha08:59
shinra@chris swift: i'm living in belgium08:59
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jhutchins_Shade_: They might be able to help you in #inkscape .09:00
ForgeAusRaw is it good?09:00
_Shade_jhutchins: ok i will try, thanks09:00
mahjongCan somebody of you help me, where i can find the "...driver" under system->administration, cant find it under kubuntu09:00
RawSewageForgeAus, installing it now09:00
_Shade_jhutchins: i'm affraid not :)09:00
Chris_Swiftshinra: okay then do you speak French or Dutch/Flemish natively?09:00
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OutoLumo_Any advice, how do I make a bacport of a package, starting from source?09:00
ForgeAus... driver?09:00
mahjongsorry i dont know how the application is called in german09:00
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mahjongits for binary drivers09:00
_Shade_jhutchins: there are some developing hot talks out there at the moment :)09:00
mahjong*called in english09:01
mahjongi'm from germany09:01
ForgeAustry google translate or go to #kubuntu-de ???09:01
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EyeVisionsavond alle, good evening09:08
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VSpikeis there any way I can start a kde screensaver from the terminal? Some of the GL screensavers won't start and I'm wondering why09:09
KDEfanboyanyonne get the 3.90.1 packages of kde4 released today? the apt update still only seems to show the 3.8 version for me (feisty)09:09
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EyeVisionsstill at 3.5.609:10
EyeVisionssame problem here VSpike09:10
KDEfanboyya i mean kde4 alpha1 from the special repo09:10
EyeVisionsbut here they start manualy oke09:10
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manu_i installed timidity and kmid, when i start the timidity server he receives data on 128:0 in console i see kmid sends on 20:0 i cant play any midi files, someone can help?09:10
EyeVisionsonly automatic gives prblems09:11
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VSpikeEyeVisions: how do you start them manuall?09:12
EyeVisionswhere you can pick a screensaver out of the list there you kan tested them also09:13
EyeVisionsthere 'sa button for it there09:13
VSpikeEyeVisions: ah OK I wondered if that was what you meant.  Well, they won't start from there either, for me09:13
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EyeVisionsyou have 3d accelaration ?09:14
VSpikeI had screensaver problems in kubuntu once before and solved them by using xscreensaver09:14
VSpikeEyeVisions: yep09:14
VSpikeEyeVisions: the odd thing is, some work and some dont.09:14
EyeVisionshere it work for a while and then it stops09:15
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EyeVisionsa have no idea also VSpike09:15
VSpikeEyeVisions: the ones in the "Open GL Screensavers" sub-tree work, but the top level (GL) ones don't09:15
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Arwenheh, I don't use screensavers :-\ they don't run with Xgl on09:16
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EyeVisionsoke Arwen09:16
EyeVisionsi like the clock09:16
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dthackerslightly ot:  How can I tell whether an Intel P4 is 64 bit or not?09:17
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EyeVisionsthen you have no 64 bit a think :)09:17
OutoLumo_I have similar problem... I don't have XGL on (AFAIK) but none of the screensavers run. there's just black blanc  screen. I wonder if it has to de with me using a laptop.09:17
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EyeVisionsOutoLumo_:  i removed the laptop software before that mine screensavers worked automatic09:18
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OutoLumo_Eyevisions, what laptop software?09:19
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EyeVisionsbatterij enz09:19
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VSpikeOutoLumo_: Do you have an ATI card?09:20
OutoLumo_VSpike, yes, Radeon XPress 1100.09:20
VSpikeOutoLumo_: using fglrx ?09:20
OutoLumo_VSpike, no, ati.09:20
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VSpikeOutoLumo_: oh, ok.  I just couldn't get kde screensaver to work with fglrx09:21
VSpikeOutoLumo_: if you're really stuck, try http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/faq.html#kde09:22
bricohhow can i get my ATI Radeon XPress 200M to funktion 100% ? (with 3D effekts)09:22
OutoLumo_(Or at least that's what xorg.conf says...)09:22
VSpikeOutoLumo_: downside is, you lose the neat kde integration... upside is, it works09:22
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killownmy system kubuntu tilt everytime09:22
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Chris_SwiftFor Amorak, what decoders do I need for mp3 and wma playback?09:24
bricohwho can help me with ATI radeon card?09:24
happytigerI installed a new ubuntu server (feisty) but trying to get mysql support in perl everthing fails...How to clean up the cpan folder and get cleaned put09:24
VSpikedude got an axe to grind for sure09:24
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winmutt anyone know how to turn on js debug for konquerer?09:26
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EyeVisionsciao all09:26
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donblas__hello, i've got a stupid fstab question, can anypoint point me to the correct room to ask it in?09:27
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tarelerulzI can't get my radia card to work right with beryle myself09:35
Chris_Swift For Amorak, what decoders do I need for mp3 and wma playback?09:35
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:36
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LynoureRecently most of the podcasts I'm subscribed with with amarok started showing dublicate entries. What could be the cause?09:37
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Admiral_Chicagoyou can ask your fstab question in here09:38
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makiwhere can i find the repos wich i need to put09:38
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matuszin edgy there was an image of dragon in logout/shutdown dialog, which is missing in feisty - how can I get it to show again?09:41
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Fahuadaiyeah, i miss the old logout dragon :(09:42
Fahuadaiiax: hey09:42
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iaxcould i ask for some help to get my ati graphic card to work with kubuntu?09:43
manu_i installed timidity and kmid, when i start the timidity server he receives data on 128:0 in console i see kmid sends on 20:0 i cant play any midi files, someone can help?09:44
Fahuadaiit is better to ask than to ask to ask....09:44
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levi_Complete newb question here..09:44
iaxwell, yes you are right09:44
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levi_any takers09:44
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StormriderHello guys. Can someone help me with monitor power saving mode?09:44
Fahuadaifire away... although i'm kinda new still too.09:45
levi_I need a walthrough on compiling things, like ndiswrapper.09:45
iaxi have installed the fglrx drivers but i can't get the hardware acceleration to work09:45
levi_is there one?09:45
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Admiral_Chicagolevi_: whats up09:51
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Fahuadainot the blasted broadcom bcm43** i hope.....09:52
Fahuadaii offically hate broadcom. :@09:52
FahuadaiStormrider: what you need? normal power saving mode can be accessed from the system settings -> monitor -> power saving.  (don't think you need admin mode for it either)09:53
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alex336Hello :D09:56
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alex336Someone here ?09:57
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alex336I have an question09:58
alex336Its possible to chmod an drive ?09:58
crimsunit really makes no sense to chmod a drive.09:59
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alex336I have crashed my Windows09:59
alex336i have 2 drive09:59
Fahuadaihard drives ?09:59
Fahuadaintfs i assume?09:59
alex336On one i got all of my games and the next other i got my Windows/ Linux Installed10:00
Fahuadai(the windows drive)10:00
alex336But i want to transfert some thing on my another drive10:00
alex336but i cant10:00
Fahuadaiwindows is dead and you want linux access to the ntfs drive?10:00
alex336I have access but only in read mode10:00
dettohey- how do I restart hal?10:00
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Fahuadaitry searching adept for ntfs. think there's a program which enables write access iirc10:01
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alex336Or if someone can help me with my problem in Windows but i think is not the place :D10:01
Stormrideralex336, what You want to do?10:02
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iaxdoes somebody have an idea, what could cause these screenartifacts?  http://iax.ia.funpic.de/bilder/Bildschirmphoto2.png10:02
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alex336With XP i have partitioned my hard drive with Norton Partition Magic 8.0 and for an radom reason i got 2 error : ymnt2002 and autochk is missing and the PC restart ...10:03
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alex336No one can help me heh ? ...10:05
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LjL!ntfs-3g | alex33610:05
ubotualex336: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:05
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alex336Think :)10:05
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LjLi try10:05
Fahuadaiah-ha. thought there was a package!10:05
alex336and apt-get its magic ? :D10:06
LjLand fiddle some with mount options, i guess10:06
Fahuadaiapt-get ftw :)10:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:06
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Fahuadaihehehe... #10:06
LjLkeep in mind alex336 that if the NTFS filesystem is corrupted, you won't be able to write to it *or* to repair it10:06
LjLyou need Windows for that10:06
alex336I know10:07
alex336I want just to back10:07
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SlicerDicer-can anybody paste /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop to http://rafb.net/paste I destroyed mine by mistake by overwriting it :/10:08
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matuszsome applets, like kweather and kmoon don't always show tooltips, is there any way to correct this, (I mean make them show always, when I hover mouse cursor over them)?10:08
alex336what is the name of packtage of ntfs-config ?10:08
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logixoulhi. in feisty, how do I make desktop-switching work like window-switching? as in, make it show a list of desktops? like in vanilla kde?10:10
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Fahuadaictrl f110:10
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Fahuadaiwhere f1 is the first desktop, f2 the second etc10:10
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logixoulnot what I asked for, but good enough. thx. :)10:11
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Fahuadaialex336: ntfs-3g was the core?10:11
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?10:12
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Skrot-Is KMilo configurable?10:13
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jonnyromakuseru: no idea, what errors are you getting?10:14
wolfgyonehi there10:14
jonnyrowolfgyone: hello10:14
wolfgyonewhere are you from ? I am from luxembourg10:14
wolfgyoneI am new here10:15
wolfgyoneis this IRC the same commands than any IRC channel ?10:15
SlicerDicer-would any of you mind pasting a configuration for me to http://rafb.net/paste ?10:15
jonnyrono idea10:15
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wolfgyone<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>10:17
wolfgyone<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"10:17
wolfgyone  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">10:17
wolfgyone<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">10:17
wolfgyone<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/nopaste.css" />10:17
FahuadaiSlicerDicer: what you need?10:17
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jonnyrohow odd10:17
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wolfgyonewhy ?10:18
SlicerDicer-Fahuadai: I need /usr/share/xsessions/kde.desktop10:18
SlicerDicer-I deleted mine like a idiot :)10:18
Fahuadaione sec then10:18
SlicerDicer-wolfgyone: whats up?10:18
wolfgyoneI want to help you10:18
wolfgyonetherefore I cut and paste the url you have given10:19
wolfgyonewhat is your problem exactly10:19
wolfgyonewhat do you need10:19
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jonnyrowolfgyone: you will want to use the pastebin10:19
jonnyroto drop stuff like that10:19
wolfgyonejonnyro ok sorry10:19
SlicerDicer-http://rafb.net/paste works10:19
jonnyrono worries10:19
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wolfgyoneI only realize what I did when I see the lines on the chat10:19
FahuadaiSlicerDicer: http://rafb.net/p/GewLEp99.html10:20
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SlicerDicer-thanks Fahuadai10:20
Fahuadaino worries10:21
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SlicerDicer-hopefully this works :)10:21
wolfgyoneis anybody knows SCORM standard .10:21
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jonnyroSorrry, i have no idea what SCORM is10:22
makuseruInvalid field in command10:22
makuseruHP DVD Writer 200j (H:0 T:0)10:22
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jonnyromakuseru: so it never actually gets to burning the disc10:23
wolfgyoneSCORM is a standard that is made by adl10:23
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jonnyromakuseru: it terminates before trying to write anything10:23
makuserui guess10:23
makuserui dont really know whats going on with it10:23
aleksanteriwhat's the command to show the nvidia version?10:23
wolfgyoneSCORM is in elearning the standard that dfines the interoperability of SCO's Shareable Component Object10:23
SlicerDicer-Fahuadai: worked thanks :)10:23
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jonnyromakuseru: if you want me to takea look i can, but i would need to get onto your system.  It's completely understandable if you dont want that10:24
FahuadaiSlicerDicer: coolio. happy to help.10:24
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makuserudesktop sharing?10:24
jonnyromakuseru: is HP DVD Writer 200 The model on the box?10:24
jonnyroor is that what linux is reporting10:24
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makuseruit is the model10:25
msrive got a problem10:25
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jonnyrowhat is the top line from cdrecord -scanbus10:25
msrmy system start is very very long10:25
jonnyroMine is as follows:  1,0,0   100) 'TEAC    ' 'DVD+RW DV-W58E  ' 'D.0C' Removable CD-ROM10:25
msrbecause ata4 takes very long to time out10:25
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msrhow can i fix it???10:25
makuserujonnyro: wodim: No such file or directory.10:26
jonnyromakuseru: what version of ubuntu/kubuntu are you using?10:26
jonnyrofeisty, dapper, edgy?10:26
Jacko2007how do I change the permissions of my root folder to write for all in feisty10:26
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jonnyromakuseru: what is wodim10:26
makuseruno clue10:26
alex336Small question i can pass dapper to Feisty with an upgrade ?10:26
jonnyrois that your shell?10:26
makuseruyou said first line10:26
jonnyroi mean, first line of the listing10:27
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msrpls help me with ata410:27
Jacko2007how do I change the permissions of my root folder to write for all in feisty10:27
jonnyromsr: i would post up in the ubuntu forums10:27
jonnyromsr: definately search for the terms ata4 timeout10:27
iaxhi everyone, I get these screen artifacts with my Radeon X1950 Pro, http://iax.ia.funpic.de/bilder/Bildschirmphoto2.png has anyone got an idea what I could do to get rid of them?10:27
makuserujonnyro: oops, should have done it as root, first line is "1,0,0   100) 'ATA     ' 'WDC WD1600JS-00N' '10.0' Disk"10:27
jonnyromsr: if you dont find a resolution via search, post a question with as much detail as you can.  It's unlikely that via a random sampling of irc users, that someone on here would have the same exact problem.  But the forums have a much larger pool10:28
jonnyromakuseru: what user account do you use? mine is jonnyro10:28
jonnyromakuseru: I want you to run: getent group | grep username10:28
jonnyroso you would grep max10:28
msrjonnyro: ok thx very much10:28
jonnyropost the results on the pastebin10:28
jonnyromsr: best of luck in your efforts.10:28
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CugelGuys, what does the 'd' in init.d stand for?10:29
makuserujonnyro: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20397/10:29
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jonnyromakuseru: try ls -l /dev/cdrw10:30
jonnyrothat will output something else, like /dev/cdrw -> scd010:30
jonnyrothen do ls -l /dev/scd010:31
jonnyroor whatever the link is10:31
jonnyroYou are in the cdrom group, which is important, so that's not the problem10:31
jonnyroi just want to ensure that your devices are properly named10:31
makuseruUsage: command-not-found [options]  <command-name>10:31
jonnyrols -l /dev/cdrw10:31
jonnyrols -l /dev/cdrom10:31
jonnyro(that's a l as in lamb)10:32
makuserui just coppied it10:32
jonnyroi dont think you would, but dont insert the word try10:32
jonnyroin front10:32
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jonnyrorun exactly this: "ls -l /dev/cdrw" without the quotes10:32
makuserubash: -l: command not found10:32
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jonnyrothis is ODD10:32
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jonnyrowhat happens when you run ls10:33
jonnyroby itself10:33
jonnyrothat at least works right?10:33
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makican someboy give me a link from the official repos10:34
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cox37777does anyone know how to get from desktop version down to server?10:35
makijust install all the tool you need10:36
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really_stupidI just did something really dumn10:38
makime to10:38
really_stupidwith apt manager I requested to remove gcc410:38
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makii get solaris free shiping10:38
really_stupidremoved lots of packages10:38
makiand i install it10:38
disasmhey everyone, have a weird issue, and I'm not familiar with KDE to resolve it. One of the users on the network here uses kde, and on startup, it launches a bunch of nautilus processes. I logged into KDE using my account, and it didn't do that, where should I look to resolve this? He has dozens of customizations he's made, so he's not very keen on deleting the config files in his homedir, and would much rather fix it without wiping the o10:38
makiand i deleted /10:38
really_stupidanyway to undo automaticaly_10:38
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Fahuadaireally_stupid: you commited the changes?10:40
really_stupidI saw that it was removing the packages10:40
really_stupidso I rebooted10:41
really_stupidto interrupt it10:41
really_stupidquite stupid huh?10:41
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Reallystupidsimply I was trying to compile a program that had problems being compiled with gcc4 so I thought about removing it with apt manager . I requested to remove it than saw apt removing all my packages10:44
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[X] treme-Linuxhi10:45
Reallystupiddidn t know it would take all the programs that depended on it out10:45
[X] treme-Linuxi have installed kde10:45
[X] treme-Linuxbut10:45
[X] treme-Linuxwhen i boot up10:45
[X] treme-Linuxit says kubuntu10:45
[X] treme-Linuxthen loads ubuntu10:45
[X] treme-Linuxhow do i fix10:45
bonbonthejon[X] treme-Linux: from the menu, select kubuntu10:46
[X] treme-Linuxwhich menu ?10:46
Reallystupidcan you help?10:46
Fahuadainot sure. never done this myself10:46
bonbonthejon[X] treme-Linux: there should be a menu at the login screen10:46
[X] treme-Linuxok10:46
[X] treme-Linuxill have a look10:46
Reallystupidis there some file that remembers what u have removed10:46
Reallystupidin order to undo?10:47
Fahuadaithere is probably a log of all the changes made somewhere10:47
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bonbonthejonReallystupid: did you use adept or apt-get10:47
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OptimusRexHi all. Does anyone know where the log file for these chats is stored?10:47
ReallystupidI can only access by terminal know10:48
Reallystupiddon t get into kde10:48
ReallystupidI used adept10:48
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bonbonthejonReallystupid: well, why not install kubuntu-desktop to get it working again, then install whatever else was removed10:49
Reallystupidbut adept removed asept10:49
cmihaiHi. I'm trying to get stable (real) transparency  in yakuake 2.7.5 (KDE 3.5.6 in Ubuntu Feisty). Can't get it to stay the same after the first session. Basically on first run, yakuake has real transparency, every other time, it won't. I tried Special Applications Settings - Force too. Any ideas?10:49
FahuadaiOptimusRex: u using konversation?10:49
bonbonthejonReallystupid: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"10:49
ReallystupidTook me a while to be happy with my current installation10:49
Reallystupiddon t want to re install if I don t have to10:49
bonbonthejonReallystupid: not reinstall everything, just kubuntu-desktop10:50
Reallystupidbut then10:50
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bonbonthejonReallystupid: then you can get in adept and see if it kept a log10:50
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?10:50
tuxare there problems with the kubuntu feisty repository for kde4 alpha?10:50
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Bonaldo2000anyone know if it is possible to run photoshop cs or cs2 with wine?10:50
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OptimusRexyes. Using konversation10:51
bonbonthejonBonaldo2000: http://blog.publicidadpixelada.com/how-to-adobe-photoshop-cs2-on-ubuntu-10-steps/10:51
FahuadaiOptimusRex: right click10:51
Fahuadaion this window10:51
tuxare there problems with the kubuntu feisty repository for kde4 alpha? broken dependencies?10:51
Fahuadaithen open the logfile for this channel10:52
cox37777anyone know the command to fully remove xubuntu-desktop?v10:52
bonbonthejoncox37777: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde10:52
Daisuke_Idotux: as the kde4 snapshots are for developments only, expect things to be broken10:53
bonbonthejontux: its alpha so it will likely have problems10:53
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tuxI don't have problems10:53
Bonaldo2000bonbonthejon: I've looked at bit at it. Might give it a try, I wonder if its stable...10:53
cox37777bonbonthejon: thing is,it was a lamp serer, i installed xubuntu because i didnt know how to do somehing command like now i wanna go back to server10:53
Reallystupidbonbonthejon  I just took a look from the adept on my live cd and don t see anything that would make me think I would be able to access a logfile10:53
tuxit's just they don't install10:53
Daisuke_Idoyes, broken.10:53
tuxwhile the previous pre-alpha worked10:53
OptimusRex<Fahuadai>the right click gives me the logfile but I would like to go to where it's stored on the machine as I think there are earlier files I would like to access10:53
Daisuke_Idothat happens10:53
bonbonthejonReallystupid: live cd won't have an adept log10:53
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tuxthey uploaded the packages but didn't check the conflicts imo10:54
bonbonthejoncox37777: then try "sudo apt-get --purge remove xubuntu-desktop"10:54
tuxI'm not the only one with this issue ;)10:54
Daisuke_Idoit's not a magic process where every release works magically better than the last, sometimes in alpha, things DON'T WORK.10:54
tuxmaybe you didn't understand10:54
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Daisuke_Idoi do, you don't10:54
cox37777bonbonthejon: let me give it a whirle10:54
tuxthe problem is with the repository, not with kde alpha10:54
Reallystupid<bonbonthejon>  Can u check on your Adept if there is one?10:54
tuxwell I see very helpful people here10:55
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bonbonthejonReallystupid: the adept for the OS that was installed10:55
Reallystupidyes I understand10:55
Reallystupid<bonbonthejon> can u check if adept keeps a logfile10:55
Reallystupidfor me10:55
tuxcheck the ubuntu forums and look how many people can't install it, why not admit they made some mistakes with the repository?10:56
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ivani first connection with IRC10:56
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ivani am italian10:56
Fahuadaiivan: congrats. all your free time r belong to IRC now....10:57
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bonbonthejonReallystupid: adept only keeps track of stuff you've done while its open10:57
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Daisuke_Idookay, so they made a mistake with the repo10:58
logixoulhi. can the "Disk & Filesystems" module in feisty be used to resize partitions?10:58
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Daisuke_Idothis isn't a channel full of admins that can go in and fix the repo, there's almost nothing we can do at all about the repo problem10:58
Reallystupid<bonbonthejon> A warning would have been nice10:58
Daisuke_Idono, wait, i take that back, there's EXACTLY nothing we can do about the repo problem10:59
tuxI emailed jriddell10:59
Daisuke_Idothere you go10:59
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?10:59
FahuadaiReallystupid: my fault for assuming there would be sorry10:59
Reallystupid<bonbonthejon> Something like look you re about to diinstall 100 s of packages type yes to contine10:59
ivani going sleep11:00
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Reallystupidlast desperate try : anyone know how I can undo the removeal of pakages with ADEPT or find a logfile teling me the packages I removed?11:01
=== Reallyreallystup [n=ubuntu@p57AEE959.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
_buzi suggest you reinstall kubuntu-desktop11:03
_buzthat should install everything you need for kubuntu to run11:03
ReallyreallystupI ll try that11:04
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Reallyreallystupwell wish me luck... thanks to all11:05
_buzReallyreallystup: can you still start adept?11:05
_buzif not use sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on the console11:05
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ReallyreallystupJust terminal after the rebbot11:05
_buzyeah the above will work in terminal11:06
Reallyreallystupthe desktop doesn t start up11:06
Sleepy_Codersudo reboot11:06
Reallyreallystupso I ll try11:06
Sleepy_Coderbai bai. :D11:06
=== Sleepy_Coder wonders if there is an equivalent shutdown command for Windows 2000. :<
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Sleepy_CoderWas thinking either "halt", "poweroff", "powerdown", "reboot" or something like that..11:07
Sleepy_CoderBut I can't find one. :<11:07
Sleepy_CoderI hate Windoze.. :<11:07
Sleepy_CoderNothing makes sense.11:07
_buzthere is11:08
_buzbut i cant remember11:08
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fribuntuHi all11:08
logixoulhow do I easily resize a partition in feisty?11:08
Sleepy_Coderlogixoul:  Use the app, "gparted".11:09
fribuntuI have a problem installing the new NVIDIA beta driver to support my GForce 8500GT card.11:09
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fribuntuWhenever I switch to console mode to install, all I get is a blank screen.11:09
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fribuntuKubuntu does some font magic that seems to be incompatible with plain text mode of the 850011:09
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logixoulSleepy_Coder: ok, since QTParted didn't work for me, I guess I'll try the gnome equivalent. thanks.11:10
fribuntuany hints how to keep the font to the standard built in ones are welcome.11:10
Sleepy_Coderlogixoul: Hope that works. :)  Good luck.11:10
supert0nesWhy doe the ati drivers work so much better when installing kubuntu on top of ubuntu instead of just kubuntu... Once they dont work on my mobility 9700 nothing gets rid of that damn mesa 3d problem i know this problem must get worked over wayy too much here but i need the best guide you guys know of to fix my problems11:10
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=== Sleepy_Coder scores bonus points for being relatively helpful. :p
Sleepy_CoderLast time I only got a restraining order... :<11:11
fribuntuI already tried commenting out all font settings in the /etc/console-tools/config file.11:11
Sleepy_CoderThat sounds dangerous...11:11
logixoulSleepy_Coder: the best way to resize the current root partition is to boot live into the kubuntu CD and use gparted from there, right?11:13
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Sleepy_CoderYes. :)11:14
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t3hfr3aki sudo apt-get beryl... now how do i enable it?11:14
soopanyone know how I can edit that menu?11:14
Sleepy_CoderIt lets your hard drive be mount'ed/umount'ed if you're using the disk. :)11:14
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Sleepy_Codert3hfr3ak: Try beryl or beryl-manager from the terminal. :)11:15
t3hfr3aksleepy_Coder: As soon as im done getting aMSN i will :)11:15
Sleepy_CoderMight also want to sudo apt-get install beryl-manager/emerald/emerald-themes11:15
Sleepy_CoderOkey dokie. :)11:15
t3hfr3akah it worked :)11:15
=== Sleepy_Coder hides from the applause
Sleepy_Coder*kidding* :)11:15
t3hfr3akwill it automatically run when ubuntu starts?11:16
supert0nesati drivers are hopeless for me and my 9700 on kubuntu then?11:16
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Sleepy_CoderUmm, try going to.....either the System Menu>Preferences>Sessions and add in the command to the startup applications.11:16
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Sleepy_CoderIt's in the System Menu...I know that.11:16
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Sleepy_CoderEww....Konversation. :<11:17
t3hfr3akit put the windows title bars in direct top lol11:17
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Sleepy_Codert3hfr3ak: You want to add in "beryl-manager" as a startup command in the startup applications.  You do that in "Sessions" if I remember correctly.11:18
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Sleepy_CoderThat should start it up at login.11:18
t3hfr3akok i have another problem... when i closed terminal... beryl stopped working and i lost title bars and ability to type11:18
Sleepy_CoderYes, that's because you terminated beryl. :)11:18
Sleepy_CoderIt wasn't running as a background process.11:18
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t3hfr3akhow do i have it running backgrounf?11:18
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Sleepy_CoderPut it in the startup apps. :)11:19
Sleepy_CoderIn Sessions.11:19
Sleepy_CoderIt will makes it startup at login and it will stay running.11:19
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premier_I updated to fiesty when it came out a few weeks ago.  I haven't seen the update manager telling me to update since then.  Should I worry?11:20
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starhawkHi i have set up amule on kubuntu I have downloaded several movies i cant seem to veiw them any help with this I am new to using amule11:21
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Sleepy_Coderpremier_:  you could try running the update manager or sudo apt-get update11:21
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Sleepy_Coderahhaa, I just realized why so many people are using Konversation. :)11:22
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Sleepy_CoderI'm kind of slow at recognizing channel names. :)11:22
etrange /msg NickServ IDENTIFY tatapine11:22
t3hfr3akok what do I add to sessions?11:23
etrange /msg NickServ IDENTIFY tatapine11:23
t3hfr3aketrange; like go of control before pressing enter11:23
sunnypiesquestion:  I just installed mtpaint   i can load by typing mtpain in terminal, how do i put an icon of it in the Applications list???11:23
Sleepy_CoderYou might want to change your password, etrange.11:23
etrangesome one want to play :)11:23
t3hfr3aklet go of*11:23
etrangewe will play :D11:23
logixoultatapine? heh11:23
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premier_I ran adept, and it said "there was an error downloading updates"11:24
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Sleepy_Coderetrange:  /ns set password <PUT_SOMETHING_NEW_HERE>11:24
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Sleepy_CoderAnd do it in the status window so we don't see it, okay?11:24
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=== Chris_Swift [n=chris@client-86-26-47-103.swan.adsl.ntlworld.com] has joined #kubuntu
premier_apt-get says "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)"  how do I figure out whats blocking it?  I closed adept11:26
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=== Sleepy_Coder runs his "Hide Join/Quit/Part Messages" script.
etrange /msg NickServ set password tataloulou11:27
Sleepy_Coderetrange. :<11:27
Sleepy_CoderDo it in a window or channel with no people, and try a different pass. :<11:28
etrangean idiot have scrap my script11:28
etrange:) I hate that11:28
Sleepy_CoderYour passwords are funny. :)11:28
etrangesure lol11:28
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etrangethey have to if I want to remember them11:29
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Sleepy_CoderShould change your nick to estranged. :p11:29
etrange /msg NickServ identify tataloulou11:29
SlicerDicer-OMG etrange11:29
SlicerDicer-thats funny11:29
SlicerDicer-ghost him out BWA HA HA ;-)11:29
SlicerDicer-seriously etrange that was funny :)11:30
Sleepy_CoderAt least you're in a channel where the users respect you.  If we were on another one you would have been killed in seconds. :)11:30
=== weasel0`` [n=user@chello062178240212.3.14.tuwien.teleweb.at] has joined #kubuntu
etrangeghost your string11:30
Sleepy_CoderGood job, etrange. :)11:31
SlicerDicer-thats why I manually enter the nickserv all the time I never let any scriptoid do it :)11:31
Sleepy_CoderYou got your pass changed. :)11:31
etrangenot yes ;)11:31
etrangebut soon :D11:31
etrangestupid language11:31
Sleepy_CoderDo you usually speak Swahili?11:32
=== reya276 [n=reya276@h-67-100-141-158.miatflad.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
etrangeswawhat ?11:32
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Sleepy_CoderI think it's an African language. :)11:32
etrangeyes it is11:32
Sleepy_CoderSounds really funkeh too.11:32
etrangeIm fr11:33
premier_what happens if you kill apt-get?  I have an apt-get process running, preventing me from installing updates, and I can't figure out what its doing11:33
SlicerDicer-premier_: errr...11:33
Sleepy_Coderpremier_:  How do you know one is running?11:33
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Sleepy_CoderIt could be synaptic or the update manager. :)11:33
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Sleepy_CoderIf it gives you some error like..."Cannot lock directory so-and-so, perhaps another process is using it?"11:34
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Sleepy_CoderI can't remember the correct error message. :<11:34
etrangepremier bush11:34
nabzhey, im having a little trouble with Beryl, when i start it, it goes white and i cannot do anything which forces me to reboot :( (new to linux) lol11:34
Sleepy_CoderI hate not hitting any problems. :<  Nothing to play with.11:34
premier_Sleepy_Coder: its on my processes table11:35
SlicerDicer-Sleepy_Coder: your not trying hard enough11:35
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Sleepy_CoderSlicerDicer-: I'll try putting my hard drive in the microwave. :p11:35
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SlicerDicer-Sleepy_Coder: honestly I do not run into many problems running alpha stuff11:35
Sleepy_Coderpremier_:  You could try rebooting. :)  Or just killing the process...11:35
premier_nabz: white screen of death.  You have to do "beryl --use-copy"11:35
SlicerDicer-so its understandable11:35
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nabzin the termanal?11:35
Sleepy_CoderSlicerDicer-: I run into problems running Windows. :)11:36
Sleepy_CoderBut I do not run Windows very often so...11:36
SlicerDicer-well of course thats not even alpha thats like umm shat11:36
premier_nabz: yeah11:36
premier_pre alpha?11:36
Sleepy_Coderpremier_:  Just try killing it. :)11:36
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?11:37
premier_insufficient premisions... (when ever I ran it I geuss i ran it in root)11:37
Sleepy_Codersudo killall apt-get  ?11:37
Sleepy_Codersudo kill -9 <pid>11:37
SlicerDicer-makuseru: bogus information I run HP DVD Writer without issue and can even use lightscribe11:37
etrangewho can give me a ipmask ?11:38
Sleepy_CoderAck, I have to go. :<11:38
Sleepy_CoderLater all...11:38
=== elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-82-81-164-233.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu
Sleepy_CoderGood luck with your problem, premier_. :)11:38
makuseruSlicerDicer-: i dont care what you can do, I need help so I CAN burn a dvd11:38
nabzi cant see a thing now :Z not even what im writyping. berly messed up :S11:38
SlicerDicer-makuseru: it might be that your burner is not getting the power it needs... or you have a metric ton of bad disks "unlikely" or just a bad burner11:38
SlicerDicer-there is a load of problems11:38
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SlicerDicer-check dmesg output see if there is any I/O errors11:38
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dogatemycomputerSlicerDicer-: what is the model information of your writer?11:39
t3hfr3akwell i got beryl working11:39
makuseruSlicerDicer-: i can burn CDs fine, but not DVDs11:39
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t3hfr3akis there any better MSN rip offs for linux11:40
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nabz_Wow, beryl messed up, when really weird and i couldnt seee anything, any ideas?11:41
dogatemycomputermakuseru: sorry.. what is the model information of your writer?  Did you check the event log to see if there was a problem detecting the drive?11:41
logixoult3hfr3ak: kopete11:41
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wheatiet3hfr3ak, try amsn or kopete11:41
urmashi yall11:41
t3hfr3akweatie: im using aMSN now lol11:41
t3hfr3akit sucks lol11:41
dogatemycomputert3hfr3ak: kopete is pretty good..11:41
reya276hello, I'm having some issues with Compiz, the effects won't run11:41
NabZAny ideas about beryl going weird?11:42
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:42
makuserudogatemycomputer: its a HP dvd200i and the error it says is "Invalid field in command HP DVD Writer 200j (H:0 T:0)"11:42
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nicon-Hi all11:42
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urmashow R You ?11:42
nicon-I got little problem :/11:42
nicon-urmas: badly ;/11:42
makuseru!language | urmas11:43
ubotuurmas: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:43
urmaswhat kind a prob?11:43
=== Fri13 [n=Fri13@86-60-137-67-dyn-dsl.ssp.fi] has joined #kubuntu
nicon-My kwrite + gedir don't work ;/11:43
nicon-My error:11:43
nicon-root@nicon-ubuntu:/home/nicon/irclogs/lubin# gedit11:43
nicon-Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server11:43
nicon-Xlib: No protocol specified11:43
nicon-cannot open display:11:43
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nicon-Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.11:43
nicon-Any idea?11:43
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urmassorry, i cant help you, its my first day to use any kind of linux:)11:44
nicon-urmas: hehe, ok, thx11:44
nicon-any pr0 here? xD11:44
urmassorry, dude11:44
nicon-urmas: np11:44
=== CyberSix [n=r501@c-76-110-155-101.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dinoflynicon-: xhost +11:45
nicon-Dinofly: same :/11:45
SlicerDicer-dogatemycomputer: hpdvd 74011:45
nicon-Dinofly: same error ;/11:46
Dinoflydid you type "xhost +" and then retype "gedit" ?11:46
dogatemycomputermakuseru: sorry.. i was interupted..11:46
nicon-I'm getting mad, it's problematic to edit all files by kate ;/11:46
makuseruno prob11:46
dogatemycomputermakuseru: i'm reading.. let me look around..11:46
bonbonthejonnicon-: whats the problem11:46
SlicerDicer-makuseru: I did have a burner that could burn cd's but not dvd's it burned coasters repeatedly then died flatout just a warning.. you could always run growisofs manually and create a dvd and see what happens11:47
urmasi got this stupid question, like, how can I chance this menu bar, whats below everything? windows op calls it start menu bar or smth...11:47
SlicerDicer-makuseru: usually running growisofs gives you a bit more of a error message11:47
urmasi hope you understood11:47
nicon-bonbonthejon: when i'm trying use kwrite/gedit i c error like that:11:47
nicon-root@nicon-ubuntu:/home/nicon/irclogs/lubin# gedit11:47
nicon-Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server11:47
nicon-Xlib: No protocol specified11:47
nicon-cannot open display:11:47
nicon-Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.11:47
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bonbonthejonurmas: right click on the k11:47
makuserunicon- use pastebin11:47
nicon-Any idea to repair it?11:47
SlicerDicer-dogatemycomputer: why you ask what model I have?11:48
nicon-makuseru: pastebin? <:11:48
nicon-I'm newbie, sry11:48
Dinoflyyou should not login as root nicon-11:48
bonbonthejonnicon-: you should use sudo instead of logging in as root11:48
nicon-Dinofly: it's the same as normal use11:48
makuseru!pastebin | nicon-11:48
ubotunicon-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)11:48
dogatemycomputerSlicerDicer-: sorry.. the question was actually directed at makuseru11:48
SlicerDicer-bonbonthejon: sudo -s ftw :)11:48
nicon-bonbonthejon: i got the same in sudo :/11:48
SlicerDicer-ahh ok dogatemycomputer11:48
bonbonthejonnicon-: that is a bad idea, to use root as your normal user11:48
nicon-bonbonthejon: it's not my normal user11:49
nicon-I mean, that i got the same problem as root, and normal user11:49
makuserudogatemycomputer: how do i use growisofs11:49
bonbonthejonnicon-: how about hitting alt-f2, then run it that way11:49
bonbonthejonnicon-: what have you changed recently11:50
nicon-bonbonthejon: in that way it's working11:50
nicon-But in windows, i want in shell11:50
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nicon-bonbonthejon: it's like that from time of install ubuntu 7.0411:50
urmassorry, i cant help it to ask, but where You guys from ?11:50
nicon-To this time11:50
nicon-So much programs compiled11:51
Dinoflynicon-, when typing "xhost +" it should answer "access control disabled, clients can connect from any host"11:51
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nosrednaekimhello everyone. I have a problem with beryl and And Nvidia geforce4 . Yes, I am using the correct drivers. what happens is that periodically, some windows come up black (ussualy "open file" dialogs) In addition, the burn rain and snow effects do not work.11:51
nicon-Dinofly: when i type xhost + i c same error like in gedit/kwrite :/11:51
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makuserunosrednaekim: try to ask in #beryl they can help11:52
nosrednaekimok.. thanks11:52
dogatemycomputermakuseru: no idea..  that's next on my list of things to lookup..11:52
LamingtonHello to all11:52
dogatemycomputermakuseru: i'm a newbie myself.. so I look for problems and spend alot of time reading..11:52
dogatemycomputermakuseru: maybe i'll get lucky and find a solution for you :)11:52
nicon-any idea? ;/11:52
nicon-It's really anoying to edit all files by kate ;/11:52
nicon-I need it in ssh11:52
nicon-So pls 4 help11:53
urmas#lamington hi11:53
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LamingtonI'm getting an error which pops up at various times, including when I update with Adept... Wondering if someone can help me understand it and perhaps do something about it11:53
LamingtonIt doesnt seem to be affecting my system11:53
Dinoflynicon- you are using ssh ? okayyyy!11:53
nicon-Dinofly: <:11:53
nicon-Yes, i'm using ssh11:53
Dinoflythen better type "ssh -X yourhost" to connect to your server11:53
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nicon-What it is this -X atribut?11:54
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Dinoflyit makes the X applications open on your own X server11:54
drknshello fellas11:54
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LamingtonX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16911:54
Lamington  Major opcode:  14711:54
Lamington  Minor opcode:  311:54
Lamington  Resource id:  0x011:54
Lamingtonhello drkns11:54
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?11:55
dogatemycomputermakuseru: the problem your describing is documented and has an impotance of "medium".   The only solution so far is to swap out the drive.11:55
drknsi managed to get my wireless card working however my rate is around 18mbit/sec even though my AP and my card is 54g11:55
dogatemycomputermakuseru: or wait for a solution..11:55
nicon-Dinofly: but have U any idea to repair that gedit?11:55
nicon-Or kwrite?11:55
drknshow can i make it work at full speed11:55
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drknsor nano11:56
scanmantrk var m11:56
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drknsscanman ben turkum11:56
Dinoflyit is not something you can "repair", it is not a bug! you are using a graphical application with a command line ssh, without this "-X" it can not work11:56
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scanmanok iyi valla sorum olacak kde-look sitesinden tema indirdim ama kuramyorum11:56
nicon-Dinofly: i don't mean that i use it only in shell11:57
drknstemanin cok cesidi var nedir ismi bende bir bakayim11:57
HarleyQuineI've tried everything I can and my ubuntu just can't seem to send email11:57
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nicon-When i type -x it don't work 2 ):11:57
BluesKajmakuseru, I have an HP dvd burner and it runs with no issues... just to let you know that it may be the burning software not the hardware11:57
Dinoflynicon-: running "kate" in command line on your local machine should not be a problem, is it ?11:57
scanmanbunu kurmak istiyorum11:57
LamingtonHarleyQuine:  ubuntu or kubuntu ?11:58
nicon-Dinofly: but it's anoying to run kate ;/11:58
makuseruBluesKaj: ive tried sevral programs11:58
BluesKajno Dinofly11:58
HarleyQuineI guess ubuntu.. wrong channel again huh?11:58
nicon-Dinofly: kate in terminal don't work too xD11:58
LamingtonHarleyQuine: yea :P11:58
nicon-It works only at windows >:11:58
HarleyQuinesorry.. konversation opens this one automatically11:58
BluesKajmakuseru, what kind of media files are you trying to burn?11:58
Dinoflynicon-: what are you calling "windows" ?11:58
drknshocam simdi bana soyle nasil yuklemeye calisiyorsun bu temayi?11:59
nicon-windows, not in txt, but at windows11:59
nicon-not in terminal11:59
LamingtonHarleyQuine: I can help with Kmail (Kontact) but I dont use anything else11:59
makuseruBluesKaj: video dvd11:59
nicon-Not windows OS, lol11:59
Dinoflynicon-: let's call it "graphical mode" ;)11:59
drknsnicon try nano it works on terminal when kate fails11:59
BluesKajcopying from dvd ?11:59
nicon-Dinofly: k11:59
makuseruBluesKaj: no11:59
scanmanvalla bir a yol denedim kcontrol merkezinde denedim ve karamba diye bir program ile denedim11:59
nicon-drkns: right, nano's working, thx (:11:59
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.12:00
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:00
nicon-Mhm q;12:00
Dinoflynicon-: correct me if i'm wrong: you can launch kate without problems using the KDE menu and the alt-f2 prompt, but not using Konsole12:00
Lamingtonyou can launch kate from konsole12:01
nicon-Dinofly: right, kate works at graphical mode, but not in console12:01
Chris_SwiftHello all, I have recently made a little Hello World in gedit or kate in KDE and compiled it using g++ but how do I run the "a.out" app?12:01
nicon-Lamington: no, i cant12:01
LamingtonI just did12:01
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drknsscanman bakiyorum hocam biraz zaman12:01
nicon-Lamington: it's possible, but when i try i got error :/12:01
Dinoflynicon-: are you running the "konsole" program or are you using the "real" text mode with ctrl-alt-f1 ?12:01
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LamingtonI get an error also, but kate still launches12:02
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nicon-Dinofly: konsole12:02
scanmanok sram beklerim12:02
Lamingtonsame error I get when I update12:02
Chris_SwiftHello all, I have recently made a little Hello World in gedit or kate in KDE and compiled it using g++ but how do I run the "a.out" app? And yes, I have double-clicked it lol12:02
LamingtonX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16912:02
Lamington  Major opcode:  14712:02
Lamington  Minor opcode:  312:02
Lamington  Resource id:  0x012:02
BluesKajok, this may be obvious makuseru, but I have to ask ..have you install the media codecs like libdvdcss2, ffmpeg etc?12:02
Daisuke_IdoLamington: ignore those12:03
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Daisuke_Idothose are device error codes relating to wacom hardware enabled by default in X12:03
LamingtonDaisuke_Ido: Can I "turn it off" somehow so I dont get that error ?12:03
BluesKajer installed12:03
drknsscanman sende beryl yuklumu ve bunun emerald temasi menejeri var bununda yuklu olmasi gerekiyor12:03
Lamingtonoh ok12:03
Daisuke_IdoLamington: you can12:03
DinoflyLamington: it is not important, i think it is due to the wacom X drivers12:03
LamingtonSo what if I just # it in my xconf12:03
Chris_Swift!english | drkns12:03
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ubotudrkns: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:03
Daisuke_Idoyou can comment that out, let me look at something12:04
scanmanberyl ykl deil emerald temas menejerida yok galiba12:04
scanmanikisinide mecbur ykleyecekmiyim beryl ok kasyor diyorlarda12:04
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makuseruBluesKaj: i believe so, i know i have ffmpeg. i dunno about libdvdcss2, i can play dvds12:04
drknsapologies ubotu12:04
Chris_SwiftHello all, I have recently made a little Hello World in gedit or kate in KDE and compiled it using g++ but how do I run the "a.out" app? And yes, I have double-clicked it! Lol can anyone help? If necessary you can view the source.12:05
drknsscanman oyle gorunuyor12:05
DinoflyChris_Swift: ./a.out12:05
Dinofly(just guessing)12:05
Chris_SwiftDinofly: Thanks I thought it was Ubuntu being an annoyance again12:06
BluesKajmakuseru, k3b won't burn copyrighted files , BTW ...the best burning programs are devede and tovid IMO for those filetypes12:06
scanmantema ii kar galiba bakalm iinden kabilecekmiyim12:06
=== nicon- [i=admin@fdn29.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_IdoLamington: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors12:06
nicon-sry, little problem with my computer12:06
LamingtonThanks Daisuke_Ido12:06
nicon-So, like i said, i run it from konsole12:07
drknsscanman google yap eminim bilgi bulursun12:07
makuseruBluesKaj: its just some AVI's i made video and audio_ts files for them12:07
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:07
scanmanzaten dnden beri okuyorum biryerleri ok bir aratraym yine12:07
makuseruBluesKaj: and i cant burn ISOs either12:07
BluesKajK3b still does the burning but devede and tovid recode the files (strippring out the protection) and makes therm burnable for k3b12:07
Daisuke_Idoscanman: read above.12:07
=== andre_ [n=andre@82-40-179-204.cable.ubr05.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Dinoflynicon-: so you launch your konsole, the you type "xhost +", then "kate" and it doesn't work ?12:08
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BluesKajmakuseru, downloads and install Acetoneiso for .iso files12:08
nicon-Dinofly: yes, now it works in graphical mode12:08
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Dinoflyah, what did you change ?12:09
nicon-Dinofly: where? <:12:09
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drknsdaisuke he cant speak english i guess12:09
drknsapologies again12:09
drknsyep i am still waiting help for my problem12:09
Dinoflywhat did you change to make it work12:09
makuseruBluesKaj: no, K3B and Nero 3 do CD iso's fine, i just CANT burn dvds at all12:09
nicon-Dinofly: i dunno O_o12:09
drknsmy wireless card is working with reduced speed why? what did i do wrong?12:10
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nicon-But i need it not in graphical mode, but in konsole12:10
Daisuke_Idomakuseru: what version of k3b?12:10
=== dsmith_ [n=dsmith@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idoand it's probably not that, it's probably growisofs12:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about growisofs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
makuseruDaisuke_Ido: 1.012:10
dsmith_Interesting   http://rjdohnert.wordpress.com/2007/04/01/dell-linux-first-look/12:10
BluesKajwell makuseru , I recommend devede and tovid for dvd12:10
LamingtonI discovered Automatix the other day... cool stuff 8)12:10
Dinoflynicon-: can you tell me why you need it in konsole ?12:11
dsmith_automatix2 is sweet12:11
nicon-Dinofly: it's faster for me - first, second: i can need it in ssh when i'll be not in home12:11
drknsnicon start over please what are you trying to do with kate in console?12:11
=== octoberd1n [n=daniel@pool-151-204-239-144.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:12
BluesKaj!automatix   :)12:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automatix   :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:12
Lamingtondsmith_: ah yeah its Automatix212:12
nicon-drkns: i need gedit/kwrite working in konsole...12:12
nicon-But it don't work12:12
=== u0633614 [n=u0633614@] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:12
Dinoflynicon-: i already explained to you that if you want to run graphical applications from a distant machine, you have to use ssh -X, VNC or krdc12:12
Daisuke_Idoand dsmith_: that article is dated 4/0112:12
drknsnicon try sudo kate edit12:12
Daisuke_Idotake it with a grain of salt12:13
dsmith_I just noticd that12:13
=== tmbg_ [i=tmbg@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x3DA923CF] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idono, don't use sudo for graphical apps.  try kdesu12:13
nicon-now everything runs in graphical mode12:13
nicon-k, brb12:13

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