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nixternalStevenK: did you check out krename merge the othernight? bug 11252812:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112528 in krename "[Gutsy Merge]  krename_3.0.14-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11252812:55
nixternalgetting that merged will close 2 bugs for krename12:55
AcksysI'd like to get set up with a mentor.12:57
AcksysWhat's the best way?12:57
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etankwhat is the process of getting teamed with a mentor?01:51
gnomefreaketank: talk to the person offering the mentoring maybe. i guess it depends on what you want mentoring in and who is willing to help in that01:54
etankgnomefreak: ok. 01:55
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wolfeonoh damn it :/02:20
wolfeonkeep forgetting to submit my patches :)02:20
wolfeon"send patches or stfu" :D02:20
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TheMusoHey MOTUs and MOTU hopefuls.02:48
Simon80hi Dr. Nick!02:48
RAOFHey TheMuso 02:48
Simon80I'm just being random02:49
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paranis feisty-backport not opened yet?03:02
nxvli want to help, and be part of the MOTU03:03
nxvli have read the web03:03
RAOFnxvl: Excellent!  How do you want to help?03:03
nxvland write to sistpoty but i don't have any answer yet03:03
=== RAOF thinks that reading the interweb must have taken some time :)
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paranIf I look in launchpad it seems like ktorrent have been backported to feisty, but there is nothing in the archives.03:04
nxvlRAOF: i will like to help with ruby, wich is the lenguage with i feel more comfortable03:04
j-dizzleparan: it's open... I'm on break while exam season's here....03:04
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j-dizzleparan: and infinity said he'd fix the backports build problem for ktorrent.....03:04
j-dizzle"this morning"03:04
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j-dizzlewhere this morning was 3 days ago03:04
nxvlRAOF: and as i read it seems to need lot of help03:04
j-dizzleso umm.... yeah.....03:04
=== j-dizzle walks over to -devel....
RAOFnxvl: And you want to help by... fixing bugs in ruby packages?  Packaging new ruby programs?03:05
paranj-dizzle: lol03:05
nxvlRAOF: yes, packaging, reporting bugs, maybe fixing03:05
nxvlim not a ruby expert03:05
nxvlbut i will learn03:05
j-dizzleparan: all the devs are at their conference thing, so it's been an odd week :)03:06
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFRight, so reporting bugs you can do right now, to launchpad.net :)03:06
j-dizzlenot to mention I'm supposed to be learning how curl and stokes theorem works....03:06
nxvlRAOF: that i know ;)03:06
bddebianHeya gang03:06
paranj-dizzle: there is no rush for me, I have backported it myself with some extra patches from SVN. was only wondering why it wasn't in archives03:07
RAOFhey bddebian 03:07
bddebianHello RAOF03:07
nxvlRAOF: but i want to make packages, and try to fix bugs03:07
j-dizzleparan: ok; "mystery buildd magic" I guess is the official explanation.03:07
j-dizzleparan: I have some personal conspiracy theories... but I'd rather not share them :D03:07
RAOFnxvl: Ok.  Have you read the packaging guide?  That's how I learnt to build debian/ubuntu packages.03:07
harrisonynxvl,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Teams/Ruby sounds good for you :)03:08
paranj-dizzle: exam periods is a rather good excuse for you not working03:08
paranj-dizzle: although I seem to spend _more_ time on things unrelated to studies when I have those.. :)03:08
j-dizzleparan: I'm trying to prevent the same from ahppening here :D03:08
j-dizzleI'm pretty sure I bombed my calc test this morning :)03:09
j-dizzleI'm awaiting the "you've failed, you miserable piece of garbage" e-mail... :D03:09
parancalc as in calculus?03:09
nxvlRAOF: im reading03:09
j-dizzle18.02, multivariable calc03:09
nxvlharrisony: thnx03:09
harrisonynxvl, can i have a link to your launchpad profile? 03:10
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nxvlharrisony: https://launchpad.net/~nvalcarcel03:11
nxvlharrisony: i haven't use it very much03:12
harrisonynxvl, have you been told about REVU?03:12
paranj-dizzle: ah, I know that feeling. I also have a failed multivar course that I will pass any year now03:12
nxvlharrisony: nop03:13
j-dizzlewell... 2 weeks left to go03:13
j-dizzlethen my first term at the suicide mansion will come to an end :)03:13
harrisony!revu > nxvl 03:13
harrisonythe bot will pm you03:13
nxvlim reading03:16
nxvlwell, first i need to know how to make packages03:16
harrisonyyep also check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek have a look at the package sessions and MOTU related sessions logs as they are quite good 03:20
minghua!packagingguide > nxvl03:21
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_MMA_Hi all. Ubuntu Studio 7.04 has been released. http://ubuntustudio.org Thanx to everyone. :)03:30
bddebianIs it just me or do we have people coming out of the woodwork lately? :)03:31
AcksysWhat is the best way to get hooked up with a mentor?03:32
bddebianAcksys: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentors03:34
AcksysDo I need to pick one that reflects the area in which I'd like to contribute? Because I'm not sure about that yet.03:35
bddebianNope.  In fact you don't "have" to have one.  You are welcome to ask questions here.03:35
=== RAOF hasn't had one.
AcksysWell, I have some programming experience, but no experience in a real development environment.03:36
bddebianRAOF: And it shows. ;-P03:36
AcksysSo I'm at somewhat of a loss about where to begin.03:36
minghuaubuntustudio has a nice looking website03:36
bddebianRAOF: j/k03:36
RAOFbddebian: :P03:36
bddebianAcksys: Do you have any specific areas of interest?03:36
RAOFbddebian: Only in stupid things like assigning bugs to u-u-s & u-m-s03:36
_MMA_minghua: Thanx03:37
AcksysMy major is graphic communications.. that's a print management major, so I'm interested in graphics03:37
Acksysand music as well03:37
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bddebianAcksys: Look for some bugs in music or graphics packages and fix them. :-)03:38
Acksysbddebian: You make it sound easy.03:39
AcksysI'll give it a shot.03:39
RAOFhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize is a list of bugs marked as "bitesized" ie: should be quick/easy to fix.03:40
Acksysah, ok03:40
RAOFIt might be good to start there, since most of the work involved in fixing those (should) be in the learning of the various processes :)03:41
AcksysRAOF: That looks like a good place to start, thanks for the info.03:42
nxvli have send mi first patch03:43
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chillywillyum, so the only way to do a desktop install via the desktop feisty iso is to boot into a full desktop?03:58
chillywillyand double click on the "install" icon03:58
minghuachillywilly: check out alternative install CD03:58
chillywillyit's just kinda weird if you ask me03:58
bddebianchillywilly: Oh hush up and go back to your rbuild or whatever the fsck it's called. ;-P03:59
chillywillyI hadn't downloaded and burnt that one03:59
chillywillyanaconda is a nice installer and customizable via python :)04:00
persiachillywilly: If you *really* want, you can manually partition and debootstrap using the pool directory on the regular CD, but it won't be very friendly.04:00
harrisonyanaconda is used by fedora04:00
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chillywillybut no I am building a distro using rPath linux appliance platform for the record ;P04:00
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=== chillywilly slaps bddebian w/ a large Halibut
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_MMA_chillywilly: Why aren't you on: #rpath #rpath-support #foresight or #conary. Those are the places you should ask.04:16
chillywillyI am on #conary04:17
chillywillyask what?04:17
chillywillyI didn't ask anything here :)\04:18
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persiaCould someone please advise me as to how to automatically generate -dbgsym packages with sbuild?05:13
minghuapersia: the dh_strip(1) man page (assuming you have a debhelper >= 5)05:14
persiaminghua: Thanks.  Now to complicate things, I need to override for CDBS :)05:15
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persiaminghua: Thanks a lot.  You've pointed me in the right direction.  I just need to install pkg-create-dbgsym in the chroot.05:17
freeflyingminghua: will you merge scim into gutsy?05:19
minghuafreeflying: not now, don't have time05:20
minghuapersia: Hmm, I didn't know about pkg-create-dbgsym.  Is that a package name?05:20
freeflyingminghua: ok, I've done05:20
minghuafreeflying: sure, thanks05:21
RAOFIt's what the buildds use to automatically create the foo-dbgsym packages for everything, right?05:21
RAOF(The package, I mean)05:21
persiaminghua: Yep.  It diverts dh_strip to always generate -dbgsym packages.  Handy for local testing.05:21
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freeflyingimbrandon: ping05:22
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minghuapersia: I see.  I also found out it's an Ubuntu-only package.  No wonder I haven't heard of it before.05:32
persiaminghua: I think it's fairly new too (perhaps six months old, or so?)05:33
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minghuapersia: launchpad says it has existed since edgy05:35
minghua2006-07-04 first upload, acutally05:35
minghuaso yes, fairly new05:35
persiaminghua: Ah - almost a year old.  My apologies for misremembering.05:36
dabaRpersia: did you get a response on where to file a bug on the ubuntu web site?05:37
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persiadabaR: For the ubuntu website, I have an answer, but I haven't really followed up on where to file a bug about the behaviour of patches.ubuntu.com (which might be Soyuz?  I'm not sure).05:38
dabaRpersia: I would personally file it against the ubuntu web site, but you're right, that may be wrong.05:39
persiadabaR: Just yesterday I had what I thought was a Malone bug turn out to be a duplicate of a Soyuz bug, so I want to avoid causing more extra work for the triagers.  It's only wishlist anyway (preserve last three ubuntu patches, for convenience of packages.qa.debian.org, instead of only the lastest patch; alternately, provide a symlink "latest" in each directory for link convenience).05:42
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dabaRsharms: Do you know that both the  Archive and the About links on your blog are broken?05:57
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StevenKnixternal: Hrm? What about krename?06:57
nixternaljust wondering if you had looked at it for the merge previously? I think last time talking about getting it into Debian threw it off06:58
nixternalI still haven't received contact back from the maintainer06:58
StevenKHow long has it been?06:58
=== nixternal checks
StevenKHrm. I'd give it a little longer.06:59
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cerosi'm trying to upload my packages again08:09
cerosdput -f isn't working for me08:09
RAOFYou've changed ~/dput.conf so that revu is the default server?08:10
RAOFAnd you've added yourself to the revu team, and the revu keyring has been sync'd?08:12
persiaStevenK: Thank you.08:12
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cerosi don't know if the keyring has been synced08:13
RAOFHow long ago did you add yourself to the team?08:14
persiaceros: As far as I know, last sync was about 18 hours ago.08:14
cerosabout 2 or 3 days ago08:14
bluefoxicywhen something has a Replaces: foo08:16
RAOFAnd what exactly isn't working/what errors are given?08:16
bluefoxicyand I try to install a .deb and it goes "Cannot satisfy dependency:  foo"08:16
bluefoxicywhat does that mean?08:16
cerosError '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of sauerbraten_0.0.20070413-0ubuntu1.dsc08:16
bluefoxicyassuming I have the first thing installed already.08:17
bluefoxicyDoes it mean the dependency checking code is horribly broken?08:17
cerosi'm trying to upload again since my last attempt errored out08:17
ceroswhen it was about to upload the changes file08:17
RAOFceros: It's possible that you've got some files from your previous attempt blocking the new files.08:17
cerosi can't force it to upload again?08:18
RAOFNo, you need to prod a REVU admin.08:18
RAOFWho can look at incoming, and delete stuff or whatever08:18
persiabluefoxicy: Replaces: means that the package is allowed to share filenames with the replaced package.  It should generally only be used where multiple binaries are built from the same source, and some files moved,  or there is a transition (in which case it should Conflicts: as well).  For either case, it may well depend on some version of the replaced pacakge to ensure the user is never without the affected file.08:20
RAOFI forget who the actual admins are, though.  crimsun is, I think.08:21
minghuabluefoxicy: do you have a versioned Replaces?08:22
RAOFceros: Bah, silly me.  wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU08:22
RAOFceros: that page says admins are siretart, sistpoty, ajmitch, raphink.08:24
bluefoxicyminghua:  no, it just seems gdebi doesn't like libusplash-dev instead of usplash-dev08:24
harrisonyRAOF, you live in australia?08:24
RAOFharrisony: Yup, Sydney.08:24
bluefoxicyminghua: but libusplash-dev Replaces usplash-dev08:24
bluefoxicyit won't satisfy dependencies though.08:24
harrisonyRAOF, how come i dont see you in #ubuntu-au , what suburb in sydney?08:25
persiabluefoxicy: If they were the same, libusplash-dev would need to Provides: usplash-dev.  Wait a while, and it will become more stable.08:25
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RAOFharrisony: Because if I joined every relevant IRC channel, I wouldn't get even what little work I do get done done :)08:26
minghuabluefoxicy: that's correct behavior08:29
minghuabluefoxicy: Replaces has nothing to do with satisfying dependency, it's Provides' job.08:29
bluefoxicythen the other package is broken08:31
minghuaokay, next time I should read all conversations before repeating what persia said...08:32
persiaminghua: No, your phrasing is easier to understand :)08:32
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=== persia resolves to avoid scim & CJK bugs whilst minghua is actively triaging
minghuapersia: :-)08:47
minghuanot exactly all CJK bugs08:47
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minghuaI'm just subscribed to bugmail of all scim related packages, and triage them on a best-of-effort basis08:47
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persiaminghua: No, but I'll at least concentrate on fixes, rather than grabbing easy "gutsy isn't ready yet" bugs :)08:48
minghuapersia: yeah, sounds a good idea08:48
minghuapersia: you can spend you time working on the code, and let me do the commenting work :-)08:49
persiaminghua: :)08:49
minghuapersia: as I don't have a gutsy system right now, doing really packaging is a little problematic08:49
persiaminghua: vm?  chroot?08:49
minghuachroot is not exactly convenient for testing input method stuff08:50
minghuait usually requires a working X08:50
minghuaas for VM, I've never played with one08:51
RAOFI've recently set up a gusty VM with KVM, that was pretty easy.08:51
minghuaI suppose I can update my feisty pbuilder chroot and do some test building stuff08:51
minghuabut I only want to upload stuff I'm very confident of this way if that's all my testing08:52
persiaminghua: For chroot, run the X server on a different vterm.  Of course, when gutsy crashes, feisty might :).  For VM, try vmware-player and http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/vm/ubuntu.html.  There's an ubuntu.org link too, but I can't find it right now.08:53
minghuamy problem is, trying to keep an up-to-date development system with both GNOME and KDE installed is a bit taxing to my DSL line08:53
Treenaksminghua: get a better internet connection :)08:54
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minghuapersia: my main system is sid, not feisty :-)08:54
persiaminghua: In that case, you'd do better to wait until later.08:54
minghuayeah I know how to set a chroot with X08:54
persiaminghua: sid?  My sid VM is less stable than my gutsy VM, but perhaps that's just me.08:54
minghuabut things are always a bit iffy and I don't want to mess with my good sid system08:55
minghuaI think it depends on what "stable" means08:55
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Treenaksit's our Burger King! :)08:56
minghuaI am quite confident on the kernel and basic stuff in sid08:56
minghuaalthough I've been experiencing an OO.o bug and a video driver bug recently08:56
persiaminghua: Stability is king.  That's why I like using VMs, but I don't know that vmware-player works on sid.  In reference to "stable": I am currently les surprised by changes to gutsy than to sid.  I expect this to change next week, after UDS.08:56
Treenakspersia: kvm should work on sid08:56
Treenaks kvm08:57
minghuapersia: yeah, sid is rather turbulent right now08:57
persiaTreenaks: Doesn't kvm have processor requirements?08:57
=== minghua needs to find time to play with VM stuff
Treenakspersia: oh... yeah..08:57
=== RAOF needs to chase down why kvm doesn't boot properly all the time
Treenakspersia: it needs intel vt or amd-v08:57
RAOFSurely everyone has a <1 yr old Intel or AMD chip :P08:57
TreenaksRAOF: ;)08:58
minghuaTreenaks: apparently not a choice for my AMD K6 CPU then :-)08:58
persiaRAOF: No.  My main computers are XScale 624 and Athlon X2 4400+.08:58
RAOFOld school!08:58
RAOFpersia: The X2 supports kvm, doesn't it?08:58
Treenaksminghua: xen?08:58
persiaRAOF: Not the first batch off the ship.  A newer one might.08:58
minghuamaybe vserver, I think08:58
minghuaor vmware stuff08:59
minghuaalthough my priority is taking care of my Debian package now08:59
minghuaso sid system is good enough :-P09:00
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gesermorning ajmitch09:16
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sorsis/lastlog sorsis09:22
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BugMaNhi all09:58
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persiaIf I upload a foo-1.2-0ubuntu1 revision, and Debian later publishes a foo1.2-1 version, is a sync possible so long as the same orig.tar.gz is in use?10:20
persiacrimsun: Thanks.10:21
crimsuncf. galago-python, galago-gtk-python recently (this devel cycle).10:22
crimsunerr, was that versioning you used intentional?10:22
crimsun(I presumed you meant foo_1.2-0ubuntu1 and foo_1.2-1)10:23
persiacrimsun: No, there was a typo - it should have been as you typed.  I somehow managed to commit my comment whilst still composing :)10:23
crimsunah, I've been a victim of that, too.10:24
minghuapersia: did you really mean foo-1.2 and foo1.2?10:26
minghuapersia: i.e., the difference of a hyphen in the package name?10:26
persiaminghua: Not at all.  I really meant foo_1.2-0ubuntu1 and foo_1.2-110:26
freeflyingcrimsun: arounds10:28
crimsunfreeflying: hi10:28
freeflyingcrimsun: would you likde sponsor uplad10:28
crimsunfreeflying: sure, url?10:29
freeflyingcrimsun: a momnet plz10:29
freeflyingcrimsun: or I mail u10:31
crimsunfreeflying: I'm on a very slow connection now, so a URL is probably best10:31
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freeflyingcrimsun: can you access to it10:35
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crimsunfreeflying: testing10:47
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crimsunfreeflying: yes10:47
freeflyingcrimsun: all others package has build-dep on it need rebuild against it, or they can not work10:48
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crimsunfreeflying: ok, can you link me to the diff.gz?10:49
crimsunfreeflying: did you work with minghua on this merge?10:50
freeflyingcrimsun: minghua said he hasn't time now for merge, so I did10:51
crimsunfreeflying: ok.  And you've tested it?10:51
minghuacrimsun: yeah, he asked earlier today, I told him to go ahead10:51
freeflyingcrimsun: sure, I'm using it now10:51
crimsunminghua: ok.10:51
crimsunfreeflying: thanks.10:51
crimsunall right, grabbing orig.tar.gz10:52
freeflyingdebian's powerpc builld dosen't work now, I can not close the bug of skim now10:52
crimsunerr, the previous Ubuntu changelog entries are missing from debian/changelog10:56
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TheMusoevening folks.10:58
crimsunfreeflying: would you readd the missing previous Ubuntu changelog entries, please?10:58
crimsunhi TheMuso 10:58
freeflyingcrimsun: ok10:59
persiagood evening TheMuso.11:01
=== elkbuntu pokes ajmitch
elkbuntuoi you. who keeps signing me up for stuff11:05
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crimsunI hear a certain Melissa would like to join the ubuntu-audio LP team...11:06
=== elkbuntu thwacks crimsun
crimsunjmg: Launchpad11:06
jmgnotice there is a melissa at google11:06
=== jmg had an ex melissa
jmgall the same :)11:07
crimsunI was referring to "elkbuntu" Melissa11:07
jmgelkbuntu: greetings11:07
elkbuntuhi jmg11:08
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elkbuntucrimsun, i'm thinking it's mr mitchell11:08
elkbuntucrimsun, i somehow was signed up to a motu session the first day11:09
elkbuntucrimsun, now this11:09
elkbuntuand goodness knows how many else i havent noticed through the week11:10
freeflyingcrimsun: done11:10
crimsunfreeflying: new URLs?11:11
freeflyingcrimsun: same as above11:11
persiaIs it a Debian bug is a Build-Depends is not specified that causes a build failure for Ubuntu (where the Debian package built successfully)?11:13
StevenKpersia: Curious. Which package, and which package is missing?11:13
persiaStevenK: aqsis and libtiff (or, probably, really libtiffxx0).11:14
ajmitchelkbuntu: yes?11:14
StevenKPerhaps one of the Build-Depends in Debian pulls in the tiff libraries?11:15
StevenKAnd doesn't on Ubuntu.11:15
ajmitchelkbuntu: I told you I don't subscribe you to specs11:15
=== persia goes to investigate again - perhaps more is needed
StevenKpersia: I saw your removal bug, and dealt with it.11:15
elkbuntuajmitch, then wtf is happening? you and hobbsee were plotting evil things before we came here :11:15
ajmitchI'm evil, not mean11:15
elkbuntuajmitch, ah, so it must be hobbsee then11:16
elkbuntuis she in the same session as you at the moment?11:16
persiaStevenK: For wstools?  Thanks.  Only 5 packages to go :)11:16
crimsunfreeflying: uploaded.11:16
freeflyingcrimsun: thanks11:16
elkbuntuhmm, i wonder where she is then11:17
ajmitchwell I'm in a mdadm/lvm/evms session11:17
ajmitchwhich I doubt she's interested in11:17
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minghuapersia: according to aqsis's debian build log (http://buildd.debian.org/pkg.cgi?pkg=aqsis), Debian uses libtiffxx0c211:19
TheMusoI see no schedule for today11:20
StevenKTheMuso: It's there, just not linked to.11:20
persiaminghua: Ubuntu does as well - I just saw "TIFF C++ bindings" when first commenting.11:20
StevenKTheMuso: You have no idea how much self-control that took. :-P11:20
minghuapersia: okay.  in Debian libtiffxx0c2 is pulled in by libtiff4-dev11:22
TheMusoearly finish today11:22
StevenKThere's a big dinner on, isn't there?11:22
ajmitchStevenK: yep, around 7:30 tonight11:23
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StevenKminghua: In Ubuntu as well.11:26
crimsunaka the big ole dinner in which everyone eats way too much and gets drunk11:26
ajmitchand then the later evening when people get even drunker11:26
ajmitchexcept that many have a flight at about 6:30 AM11:27
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StevenKajmitch: Like yourself?11:28
persiaminghua: Interestingly enough, yellow pulled all of libtiff4, libtiff4-dev, and libtiffxx0c2 before trying to compile.  I'm suspicious of scons for this one.11:28
ajmitchnah, my flight is after lunch11:28
minghuapersia: ah, scons11:28
minghuapersia: I met a mysterious FTBFS related to scons in Debian as well a few days ago11:29
persiaminghua: rumor has it that scons packages build correctly until uploaded to production :)11:30
StevenKpersia: Sounds about right.11:30
StevenKpersia: scons ought to be avoided.11:30
minghuathe only thing I know about scons is its colorful output :-)11:31
persiaStevenK: I agree, but Upstream does as Upstream wills.  I'm not sure I want to maintain a backport to autoconf ;)11:31
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StevenKpersia: Actually, I'd find it amusing if a package Build-Depends on scons and Build-Conflicts on scons because it's so horrid.11:31
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persiaStevenK: Amusing yes, but surely a sufficient bug not to be tolerated (although I am tempted)11:32
crimsunhah, I really misinterpreted that.  I thought you were saying that autoconf build-depends on scons.11:33
crimsunthat would be quite tragic/humourous.11:34
persiacrimsun: That would be a feature :)11:34
Treenaksthat would make little baby bunnies cry11:34
Treenaksa lot of them11:34
Treenaksat the same time11:34
gnomefreakhow do i sign into revu to reply to a comment?11:35
persiagnomefreak: "recover" the password you were probably never sent of the email address on the registered key.11:35
elkbuntuannouncement: amaranth just got kicked out of the hotel room by the maid11:35
gnomefreakpersia: i tried that but it gave me None and it doesnt work11:35
elkbuntuthat is all. i must now go rofl11:35
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crimsunelkbuntu: just what  /was/  he doing in that hotel room...11:36
Treenakselkbuntu: so.. he's sitting on the floor, naked?11:36
Treenakselkbuntu: just outside the room11:36
elkbuntuhe's walking around now, ask him11:36
Treenakselkbuntu: *BAD MENTAL IMAGE*11:36
persiagnomefreak: Sorry, that's what I did.  Perhaps someone with more REVU experience could help?11:37
Hobbseegnomefreak: on the main page11:37
gnomefreakwhen i click recover it gives me a couple of lines11:37
gnomefreakto decrypt ..... than > gpg command   than now paste the lines below ... no lines are there11:38
elkbuntuTreenaks, do you think i'm IRCing from above a porcelain bowl or something?11:38
persiagnomefreak: You need an admin.11:39
Treenakselkbuntu: maybe11:40
gnomefreakalso why would a build fail in pbuilder and not with dpkg-buildpackage  (patch failing in pbuilder)11:40
persiagnomefreak: That can happen if your source tree was dirty before dpkg-buildpackage, or if your Build-Depends are insufficiently satisfied (for your patch system), or lastly, if you are patching after the autoconf fun, and need to patch configure.ac or configure.in (or similar for other build systems).11:42
crimsunmagic patch?11:42
crimsungnomefreak: have you uploaded a package to revu?11:42
gnomefreakit builds fine here without pbuilder ;)11:43
=== ajmitch blames gpg on tiber
=== Hobbsee blames everything on ajmitch
ajmitchI'm used to that, thanks for your helpful input11:45
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persiaDoes anyone know whether Soyuz uses chroot or schroot for the sbuild processes?11:51
pochupersia: I would ask that in #launchpad ;)11:52
persiapochu: Oh well.  Thanks.11:53
=== persia waits until after UDS for #launchpad bothering
joejaxxGood Morning Everyone11:55
pochuhi joejaxx 11:55
joejaxxhello pochu :)11:56
=== joejaxx finally has time for motu-hopeful work :D
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gnomefreakbrb something is off here12:05
TheMusopersia: schroot and sbuild are rather tied together, so I'd say schroot.12:05
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persiaTheMuso: The man page for sbuild-setup makes lots of references to buildd.chroot, which makes me unsure.  I wouldn't be surprised if dchroot was the mechanism of preference.12:07
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TheMusoHeya imbrandon.12:09
HobbseeStevenK: do you remember how to use requestsync for gutsy, when running feisty?12:09
gnomefreakcrimsun: this is due to something that was updated in gutsy because before today (for me) it built fine.12:10
shawarmaHobbsee: eh? You specify the distro on the command line?12:10
gnomefreakand if you go through and # out in 00list you will end up with no patches12:10
gnomefreaki tried in 2 gutsy chroots and a gutsy main sys.12:11
Hobbseeshawarma: says i dont have gutsy in apt-cache madison12:11
Hobbseealthough i do have the source version12:11
pochumr_pouit: around? I'm packaging scribes for Debian (since the packager i revu doesn't intend to do it), and I saw you said the .svgs have a CC license. Where have you read it? :)12:12
shawarmaHobbsee: Oh, really? Ah, yes, that makes sense.12:12
shawarmaHobbsee: You can just specify the base version?12:12
shawarmaHobbsee: As the last argument.12:12
shawarmaHobbsee: forget it.12:13
shawarmaHobbsee: I'm on crack.12:13
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persiaHobbsee: change your sources, update (don't upgrade), requestsync, fix your source, update?   (sed --in-place s/feisty/gusty/ & reverse)12:14
minghuasounds painful12:14
minghuamaybe add gutsy and pin it down is a better idea12:15
shawarmaHobbsee: apt-cache madison actually lists it, but requestsync fails to get it?12:15
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Hobbseeshawarma: it lists the feisty version12:19
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~/Desktop$ madison fillets-ng12:19
Hobbseefillets-ng |    0.7.3-3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages12:19
Hobbseefillets-ng |    0.7.3-3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Sources12:19
Hobbseeshawarma: ^ is what i get12:19
Hobbseeshawarma: yes, i can, but that doesnt list the changes between the base version, and the latest, as the latest is in experimental...12:21
gnomefreakis there a way to find out what was upgraded in last 24 hours?12:23
geseron your system?12:23
gnomefreakor chroot12:23
gnomefreaki remember binutils12:24
=== minghua wonders how could bugs like bug 113870 happen
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113870 in octave2.1-forge "feisty, package octave-forge2.1: missing sparse.oct" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11387012:26
StevenKHobbsee: That looks fine.12:27
StevenKIn fact, I get the same output.12:27
imbrandonwow one little digg and you can satuate a 100MB/s connection heheh http://www.imbrandon.com/misc/bandwidth/current.jpg12:31
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Hobbseeoh wiat, it worked.12:31
minghuaimbrandon: how did you end up on digg?12:32
imbrandonubuntustudio release ( i have a mirror )12:33
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mr_pouitpochu: I can't remember exactly, but I think I made 'grep -Ri copyright *' or 'grep -Ri license *', and there were some occurrences in the .svg ^^12:37
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pochumr_pouit:             <cc:license12:42
pochu               rdf:resource="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/" />12:42
pochumr_pouit: thanks! :)12:42
mr_pouitnp ;)12:42
gnomefreakwho is a revu admin?12:52
Hobbseegnomefreak: what's up?12:52
gnomefreakHobbsee: i cant get my password to comment12:53
Hobbseeah.   no idea12:53
gnomefreakwhen i use recover it never gives me a sig. to decrypt12:53
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thpIf I have packaged a piece of software for Debian, and it is in Debian unstable already, what needs to be done to get the same package into Ubuntu (and maybe always update the package in Ubuntu when it's updated in Debian)?12:55
StevenKAt this point, nothing.12:55
StevenKWe're early in the release cycle for Gutsy, so it will get pulled in automatically.12:55
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thpwhen does these updates happen and where can I see what packages have been pulled?12:56
StevenKFor packages that are in Debian but not in Ubuntu, they happen on the whim of the ubuntu-archive team.12:57
TheMusojoejaxx: When troy_s is around tomorrow my time, I'll see about getting access to his. What needs building12:57
TheMusooops wrong channel12:57
StevenKAs for seeing what packages have been pulled, you could search in Launchpad.12:57
thpso, if i want to package for Debian and have the package in Ubuntu, I don't have to do anything but just wait until it gets synchronized? so no motu upload is necessary or such?12:58
gnomefreakStevenK: wouldnt someone need to tell the archive team what package it is since not all debian packages come over to ubuntu?12:58
minghuagnomefreak: I believe not12:59
=== gnomefreak would have thought he would have to build it for ubuntu but i guess it would depend on package
StevenKgnomefreak: No, they just get pulled over.12:59
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gnomefreakhmmm it seems it still builds on feisty :(01:01
geserthp: this is only true till the automatic import stops. after that a sync request (acked by a MOTU) is needed01:02
thpgeser: the package i'm talking about is http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gpodder.html -- does it qualify for automatic importing from Debian to Ubuntu or do I have to beg a MOTU to have a look?01:03
thpor is it only synced from Debian testing?01:04
StevenKIt will be synced from unstable.01:04
StevenKthp: Exercise patience, it will find it's way over here.01:05
TheMusoMost people are only running gutsy in a chroot at this point anyway.01:06
thpok, thanks. just wanted to know if there is anything i have to do or if it will do that automatically =)01:08
geserthp: you have time to get it included till mid August01:08
thpand if gutsy is shortly before release, it will be frozen and after the gutsy release ubuntu will pull again the latest package version from debian unstable, right?01:09
thpso when working on Debian, i'm indirectly contributing to ubuntu :) that's cool.. thanks for your time and the answers.. see ya01:09
=== TheMuso is workin on ivman
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Lutinhey DktrKranz 01:14
DktrKranzhi Lutin 01:14
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gnomefreakok this is getting really odd01:53
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gnomefreakdoes dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa not apply patches?01:57
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persiagnomefreak: If debian/rules specifies patching, it should.01:59
gnomefreakpersia: it fails when testing the build with fakeroot ./debian/rules binary  "OR"  dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -nc  but doesnt fail using the -S -sa02:00
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minghuawell, dpkg-buildpackage -S only builds the _source_ package02:01
persiagnomefreak: Try `dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot` without the -nc.  You need to clean before you patch.02:02
gnomefreaki get dpkg-source: warning: executable mode 0755 of `debian/patches/80_app_name.dpatch' will not be represented in diff on all patches but should still be fine i would have thought02:02
gnomefreakpersia: these patches have been here. ive been building this package for 2+ months02:02
gnomefreaktrying it without the -nc and maybe the patches need to be updated for gutys :(02:03
persiagnomefreak: That's probably the issue.  Copy the files you changes somewhere else, grab the original sources, and patch back to what you think it should be.  Likely you ran debuild (or the quivalent) twice in a row at some point in the past (or at least, that's what usually happens to me).02:03
gnomefreaki use fakeroot ./debian/rules clean before each build just habit :( i know dpkg-buildpackage will clean for me but habit02:04
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gnomefreakxxxxx1: morning02:06
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TheMusogeser: I'm happy to sponsor bluekuja for apt-move, as I am working with him on other merges.02:12
TheMusogeser: Unless you would rather do it.02:12
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geserTheMuso: he asked me already about merging apt-move and it's ok if he does it02:21
TheMusogeser: I know.02:23
TheMusoI suggested he do so.02:23
TheMusoJust letting you know I'm willing to sponsor.02:24
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AmaranthHobbsee: So how do I make pbuilder give me a shell when a build fails?02:29
ajmitchput in a hook02:30
siretartAmaranth: look in /usr/share/doc/pbuilder for example hooks02:30
siretartAmaranth: there is a hook for that there02:30
AmaranthPretend I have no idea what you're talking about :)02:30
TheMusoShell on build failure is damn handy.02:30
Amaranthsiretart: alright, cool02:30
StevenKI find it is irritating sometimes, but most times it is a big help.02:31
Amaranthso i have to use --hookdir all the time or can i add this to a config file somewhere?02:31
Hobbseewhat they said02:31
StevenK% cat .pbuilderrc 02:31
Hobbseein .pbuilderrc02:31
TheMusoThe only time its a pain is if you need to generate a log file.02:31
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StevenKTheMuso: I don't find that, since I tend to only generate a logfile if the build was sucessful.02:32
TheMusoStevenK: Ah.02:32
TheMusoI find logfiles useful sometimes if a build fails, and I can't get enough info from whats shoing on the console when I'm in a shell inside the chroot.02:33
=== StevenK wonders if he has the guts to upload xbitmaps
HobbseeStevenK: i dont think mithrandir will come and kill you if you get it wrong - too far away02:33
Amaranthcompiz doesn't have make dist or distcheck02:33
StevenKHobbsee: :-P02:33
StevenKI don't think I've gotten it wrong.02:34
Amaranthand dpkg-buildpackage -S will put this file in the .tar.gz (doing a native package for now) but in the pbuilder it's missing02:34
TreenaksHobbsee: you on the other hand... :)02:34
StevenKMind you, I don't think I'll bother, since it seems to be about as pointless as my clanlib merge.02:34
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HobbseeTreenaks: true02:35
Amaranthso, need some build system help02:36
Amaranthi have this file that doesn't get copied into obj-i486-linux-gnu so the build fails02:36
Amaranthit's in extra_DIST02:37
StevenKHrm. Then again, it reduces the debdiff to 1.5K as opposed to 48K.02:37
persiaAmaranth: You can force it in configure: if you really want.02:37
shawarmaAmaranth: Not EXTRA_DIST?02:37
AmaranthEXTRA_DIST, right02:37
Amaranthi don't want to force it, the build system upstream is broken02:38
shawarmaAmaranth: Ah, good. It's case-sensitive, so..02:38
Amaranthbut when i'm not making a package in pbuilder i can hack around it :)02:38
gnomefreakis anyone else having issues building packages with dpatch error?02:39
Hobbseegnomefreak: dpatch error?  dpatch has many errors...02:40
Hobbseewell, can have02:40
gnomefreaktest -d debian/patched || install -d debian/patched02:40
gnomefreakdpatch  apply-all  02:40
gnomefreakapplying patch 10_components_no_exec to ./ ... failed.02:40
gnomefreakmake: *** [patch-stamp]  Error 102:40
Treenakswow, nice descriptive error02:40
gnomefreakyeah no kidding02:40
shawarmagnomefreak: It means it didn't work. Easy.02:41
gnomefreaki started with fresh everything and same error02:41
gnomefreakshawarma: got that much ;)02:41
shawarmagnomefreak: Right, ok. Just trying to be helpful.02:41
StevenKgnomefreak: The patch output is in debian/patched/<patch>02:41
gnomefreakcan't find file to patch at input line 1102:42
gnomefreakPerhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?02:42
gnomefreakThe text leading up to this was:02:42
StevenKgnomefreak: The file mentioned in the patch was no found in .02:42
gnomefreaklooking for it now02:42
StevenKgnomefreak: Any luck?02:45
gnomefreakStevenK: let you know in a few02:46
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affluxTheMuso: you rejected bug 112867 because it already got merged, but the package is still mentioned on DaD and I can't find 8.2a-1 or newer in the archives03:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 112867 in conquest "Please merge conquest 8.2a-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/11286703:31
TheMusoafflux: I'll have another look in a bit.03:31
affluxno need to hurry03:32
Lutinseems that it hasn't been meged actually03:37
TheMusoLutin: Yeah I know.03:37
TheMusoI'll take care of it.03:37
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LutinTheMuso: ok :)03:37
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Treenaks http://www.cafepress.com/cp/prod.aspx?p=foodfight.13217164803:39
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joejaxxTreenaks: :P03:40
TheMusoafflux: Ok, I updated the bug.03:45
affluxTheMuso: thank you. I'll update the diff because I did not include the previous ubuntu changelog entrys.03:46
TheMusoWhich I noted in the bug.03:46
affluxoh, just read it :)03:46
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freeflying_looking for sponsor upload to main
xxxxx1StevenK: ping?03:53
StevenKxxxxx1: Pong.03:53
xxxxx1steven, i have a question for you03:53
xxxxx1should I post my package with ubuntu-motu as maintainer and me as xsbc-original.. ?03:53
xxxxx1or stay only with maintainer and after he's approval became with these model03:54
Hobbseethe former03:54
xxxxx1Hobbsee: only maintainer?03:55
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Hobbseeas in, maintainer being motu, and xsbc as you03:55
xxxxx1lintian asks NMU03:56
xxxxx1W: ecryptfs-utils source: changelog-should-mention-nmu03:56
xxxxx1W: ecryptfs-utils source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 15-0ubuntu103:56
xxxxx1i should create a lintian-override for source or just ignore them?03:56
persiaxxxxx1: Ignore that warning.  Every Ubuntu upload is an NMU.03:57
xxxxx1ok. thx guys :)03:57
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TheMusoargh. Whats the most reliable way to use a variable in a for loop within debian/rules?04:01
TheMusoI've seen examples that use $$, but that doesn't seem to be working for me.04:01
StevenK$$var should work04:01
persiaTheMuso: Take a look at docbook - it has a good example04:01
StevenKfor i in in foo ; do echo $$i ; done04:02
TheMusopersia: Thanks.04:02
TheMusohmmm ok.04:02
persiaTheMuso: StevenK is also right.04:02
sharmsdabaR: thanks for the info04:10
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persiaTheMuso: When you have a bit of time, would you mind testing to see if a new candidate version of audacity works with JACK on powerpc?04:16
TheMusopersia: Unfortunately that box is headless.04:16
persiaTheMuso: Ah.  No worries then.04:16
TheMusoAnd its only a G3 300.04:16
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nixternalalright StevenK, I am getting the ball rolling here. Signed up for everything on Alioth, attempting to join the Qt/KDE Packaging team, getting my key signed with in the next week or so...outlook looks good!04:17
nixternalwaiting for Ana to approve/deny04:17
StevenKWhich means krename will be handled by the team as well?04:18
nixternalIt would be nice04:19
nixternalthe KDE Extras team at least should have it anyways imho04:19
nixternalif they had it, I don't think there would be this lapse in updates04:19
TheMusoafflux: Working on the merge now.04:19
=== TheMuso is doing his final merge before heading to bed.
affluxthank you04:20
TheMusoafflux: Apologies about that. I got mixed up with version numbers, assuming there was a greater version number there, without actually checking. :)04:20
affluxYes, I guess this "a" in the version is confusing04:22
ajmitchbye :)04:26
nixternalheh, they pulled the plug huh04:28
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Ademan_what's the difference between the dia-gnome and dia packages?  All the dia-gnome package says is that it's the GNOME version, what exactly does that mean?  I mean they both use Gtk+...04:34
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geserwithout checking I'd guess dia-gnome is linked against the Gnome libs and dia isn't04:37
Ademan_but for what purpose i guess is my question04:38
persiaDoes anyone have any suggestions about how I might debug http://pastebin.ca/482976?  LImited exploration with gdb and valgrind hasn't pointed me at anything particular yet.04:38
Ademan_sorta seems like you're out of memory, but that shouldn't happen lol04:40
Ademan_definitely seems like g_malloc() is failing04:40
Ademan_or returning NULL maybe04:41
Ademan_which generally indicates out of memory04:41
Ademan_http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/1999-November/msg00151.html    ah apparently g_malloc() won't return null, it aborts your program04:41
Ademan_so i suppose that could be the problem you're describing04:42
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persiaAdeman_: Nope.  Plenty of memory available,  Just allocations are odd.  I'm guessing that I'm not checking the memory bounds correctly, but I'm not sure where.04:42
Ademan_this is your own app?04:42
persiaAdeman_: No.  Just one I'm working on.04:44
Ademan_hrm well i honestly don't know, it just seems as though every error is a failed memory allocation04:46
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pochuAdeman_: regarding dia, dia-gnome includes the files in /usr/share/applications/, while dia doesn't04:47
Ademan_pochu: *.desktop files?04:48
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pochuAdeman_: yes04:50
Ademan_ah cool, thanks04:51
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ceroshello, are any revu admins here?05:26
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cerosi'm trying to reupload a package05:28
cerosit has the same name so i was wondering if it can be deleted from the incoming folder05:28
xxxxx1no, just overwrite05:28
cerosit's not working for me05:29
xxxxx1revu maintain the versions05:29
cerosisn't it dput -f05:29
xxxxx1-f is necessary only if you already have .upload file05:29
xxxxx1just upload again05:30
cerosjust tried05:30
ceroserror 533 could not create file05:30
xxxxx1what's your package?05:30
xxxxx1can you paste link?05:30
xxxxx1the http link05:31
cerosyou mean this one? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=420405:32
cerosthere was an error trying to upload the first time05:33
cerosit errored while trying to upload my changes file05:33
cerosnow i can't upload at all05:33
xxxxx1you have created the source properly? sign the package too?05:34
xxxxx1paste the error05:35
affluxceros: do you know that debian is already working on sauerbraten?05:35
cerosError '553 Could not create file.' during ftp transfer of sauerbraten_0.0.20070413-0ubuntu1.dsc05:35
cerosNote: This problem might be caused by files already existent on the server.05:35
ceros      For the official Debian upload queues, the dcut(1) utility can be used05:35
ceros      to remove stale files from unsuccessful uploads.05:35
cerosafflux: which version?05:36
affluxdebian has 200612something in the repos and is working on 2007041305:36
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cerosi didn't know they were working on 2007041305:38
cerosi checked http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/05:39
cerosdidn't see it05:39
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affluxceros: check http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/05:43
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cerosalright thanks afflux05:50
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leonelScottK: ping05:57
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jussi01Good afternoon motu's!!06:20
jussi01Has anyone got somthing that needs doing... Im in between projects at the moment. Id like something specific if possible... :D06:21
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DarkSun88Hi all06:24
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bddebianHeya gang06:42
pochuhi bddebian 06:44
bddebianHello pochu06:45
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geserHi bddebian06:46
bddebianHeya geser06:47
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xxxxx1bddebian: <o/07:01
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bddebianHello xxxxx107:02
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geserFTBFS for me07:39
gesercp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/lib/security/pam_ecryptfs.so': No such file or directory07:40
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geserxxxxx1: the file is not there and can't be copied into the deb07:51
xxxxx1i had tested many times.07:52
geserin a pbuilder?07:52
xxxxx1directly in my gutsy jail07:52
xxxxx1probably you need the libpam dev files.07:53
xxxxx1pbuilder don't install depends07:53
xxxxx1build deps.07:53
xxxxx1try to check.07:53
xxxxx1Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), autotools-dev, libkeyutils-dev, libgcrypt11-dev07:53
xxxxx1, libpam0g-dev, libssl-dev07:53
gesersure does pbuilder install build-depends07:53
xxxxx1if the file is not in the place, is not compiled.07:54
geserif it doesn't build in a pbuilder it will sure fail also on the buildds07:54
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xxxxx1can you check these dep?07:55
xxxxx1in your pbuilder root07:55
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geserpbuilder installs B-D as specified in the control file07:57
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gnomefreakbddebian: thank you for comment on revu you found major bug 08:57
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pochuit seems that debian doesn't have a dh_iconcache09:25
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man-dipochu: no, it hasnt09:27
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jayteeukHi all.10:01
jayteeukCould someone offer me some guidance on bug #93413 please.10:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 93413 in vpnc "vpnc dead peer detection disconnects immediately" [Medium,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9341310:01
jayteeukSevere regression from Edgy (version 0.3.3 I think) to Feisty (version 0.4.0).10:02
jayteeukThe introduction of dead peer detection in 06_stolen_from_head.dpatch basically renders vpnc useless for a number of users.10:04
crimsunjayteeuk: have you created a debdiff?10:05
jayteeukI created a patch (09_config_disable_dpd.dpatch attached to the ticket) which adds an extra config option to disable dead peer detection.10:06
crimsunerr, that's ~1000 lines to revert10:06
crimsunfairly significant in size and definitely not "eyeballable"10:06
jayteeukPlease bear in mind this is the first time I've tried to submit a patch, so I'm a total n00b. :)10:06
jayteeukUpstream, vpnc HEAD contains a patch which adds an option to set the DPD timeout, where a value of 0 disables DPD.  I think this is a cleaner fix than mine.10:08
crimsunhttp://lists.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/pipermail/vpnc-devel/2007-April/001498.html  would be more sane than reverting 06.10:08
crimsunnow.  Have you  /tested/  that patch?10:08
jayteeukNot the one suggested there, no.  I've tested mine and use it on a daily basis.10:09
crimsunok, so what you should do is roll r170 from svn trunk into a new source package and test it [not your fix] .10:09
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crimsunI can walk you through it if you have ~15m10:11
crimsunfirst, create a scratch dir and cwd into ti10:11
crimsuninto it$10:11
jayteeuk1 mo while I arrange my windows. :)10:12
geseras I'm also affected from this bug, I could do a SRU for it10:12
jayteeukOK, I'm ready. :)10:13
crimsunjayteeuk: apt-get source vpnc10:13
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jayteeukSo now I have a vpnc-0.4.0 directory with the debian package management stuff but none of the patches applied.10:16
crimsunjayteeuk: ok, now in the scratch dir (not in the root of the extracted Debian source package) extract the r170 diff10:16
jayteeukThe r170 diff?  Is that the one from the URL above?10:17
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jayteeukOK, so just save that in the scratch dir?10:18
jayteeukBaby steps, I'll learn. :)10:18
crimsunwell, you don't want the HTMLized10:19
jayteeukActually it's probably HTML formatted so I'll copy/paste it.10:19
jayteeukYeah. :)10:19
crimsunthe other way of doing it is probably a bit more painstaking10:20
jayteeukI'll go with whichever way you think will result in me not having to come back and ask how to do it again.10:21
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jayteeukUnfortunately I'm completely at the mercy of you and what I read of the transcript of one of the Ubuntu Week sessions.10:21
crimsunok.  Have you saved the copied-n'-pasted diff?10:22
jayteeukI now have an r170.diff in the scratch dir.10:22
crimsunwe'll attempt to use dpatch-edit-patch(1)10:23
crimsuncwd into the extracted source dir10:23
jayteeukOK, I've read about that in the aforementioned transcript, but not gone through the process yet.  Here goes!10:24
crimsundpatch-edit-patch patch 09_dpd_timer_disable 08_auth_failed_return_code10:25
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jayteeuk"Now launching an interactive shell..."10:26
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crimsunpatch -p1 --dry-run </tmp/diff10:26
xxxxx1http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=5105 : ecryptfs-utils10:26
crimsunyou'll get one reject10:26
jayteeukShould I replace /tmp/diff with the r170.diff?10:27
crimsun(/tmp/diff is what I used)10:27
jayteeukYes, I've got one rejection in config.h10:28
StevenHarperUK_Hi : I have just registered my lauchpad project https://launchpad.net/usb-adsl-modem-manager  I have a working application but I could really do with Mentoring : can anyon epoint me in the right direction please10:28
crimsunjayteeuk: ok, now remove the --dry-run and actually apply the diff10:29
crimsunjayteeuk: you'll need to fix up config.h by hand10:29
jayteeukOK, I'll have a look at what failed...10:30
crimsunit's a one-liner that failed due to additional members that were added10:31
jayteeukYep.  I think I'm OK to add that line where it is in the r170 diff, after CONFIG_UDP_ENCAP_PORT10:32
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ivoksStevenHarperUK_: does it support ethernet modems?10:33
crimsunjayteeuk: after you save it, you need to remove *.orig and *.rej10:33
ivoksoh, only pppoa?10:33
StevenHarperUK_ivoks:Ethernet Modems?10:33
crimsunjayteeuk: (along the lines of find -name '*.orig'|xargs rm && find -name '*.rej'|xargs rm)10:34
jayteeukrm *.{orig,rej}10:34
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: yes, modems that are connected to ethernet card (better solutions than usb adsl modem)10:34
bddebianbashism! eeks :)10:34
jayteeukOK, that's done.10:34
crimsunjayteeuk: exit 010:34
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jayteeuk"Creating new patch..."10:35
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StevenHarperUK_ivoks: if you ead my Wiki the reason I want to add USB modem support is for all the modems already out there and the old PC's that people put Ubuntu on for relatives etc10:35
crimsunjayteeuk: then, echo 09_dpd_timer_disable|tee -a debian/patches/00list10:35
StevenHarperUK_ivioks:  ** ready my wiki10:35
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crimsunjayteeuk: next, ensure that you have the devscripts package installed.10:36
ivoksyeah, usb modems are weak link and it would be great it they could work10:36
StevenHarperUK_I have them working10:36
StevenHarperUK_I work for a Major ISP in the UK10:37
StevenHarperUK_I have acess to all teh USB modem version they have sent out10:37
jayteeukApparently not, but that's being rectified....10:37
StevenHarperUK_they all work with my app10:37
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: great10:37
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: so, what help do you need?10:37
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StevenHarperUK_I have written the app: I need help with the proccess to get it packaged n noticed n used10:37
StevenHarperUK_& testing10:38
StevenHarperUK_I have no access to a DSL line that needs PPPoe Auth10:38
ivokswell, i can't help you with testing (in croatia we don't have speadtouch usb modems)10:38
ivoksspeed even :)10:38
jayteeukcrimsun: OK, now I've got devscripts installed.10:38
crimsunjayteeuk: then, dch -v0.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 -Dfeisty-proposed10:38
StevenHarperUK_In the UK every ISP sent them out10:38
ivoksbut i could help you with packaging10:39
StevenHarperUK_I have a SVN project10:39
ivoksi noticed, yes10:39
StevenHarperUK_Branch 0.3 is best10:39
jayteeukOK, I've understood everything up to that. :)10:39
StevenHarperUK_Basically you have to run the App with > python USBAdslModemManager10:40
crimsunjayteeuk: dch is a helper utility; -v accepts a version string; -D accepts a distribution10:40
jayteeukAh, I'm creating a changelog entry?10:40
crimsunjayteeuk: yes.10:40
StevenHarperUK_I will need all teh Menu shortcuts n stuff - I am going to add auto start on login / computer startup10:40
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: oh, it's a gui app?10:40
StevenHarperUK_I know how to do them bits10:40
StevenHarperUK_You can try it10:40
StevenHarperUK_it wont break anything10:40
jayteeukSo -v specifies the new version of the package, and -D specifies which distribution the package will go to?10:40
ivoksheh i will, but not at 11PM :)10:41
ivokstomorrow ;)10:41
StevenHarperUK_Theres no setup10:41
StevenHarperUK_just SVN it out n run the python10:41
ivoksi know10:41
crimsunjayteeuk: yes.10:41
ivoksi'll take a look at it tomorrow10:41
StevenHarperUK_The app extracts the firmware - and then sets up the PPP and secrets10:41
StevenHarperUK_then dials up and the tray icon shows the status10:42
ivoksfor autostart, menu entry - don't worry, that's easy to set up10:42
StevenHarperUK_Can  you drop me an Email ?10:42
ivoksextracts firmware from?10:42
StevenHarperUK_Well it uses firmware binary to get the correct one from teh modem10:42
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: ivoks AT name_of_the_best_distribution_out_there DOT com10:42
jayteeukRight.  So what would be appropriate in this case?  Should I just say I merged the r170 patch from svn?10:43
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: so, firmware is not free?10:43
jayteeukPossibly explain what it does -- add an extra config option to specify DPD timeout?10:43
StevenHarperUK_Im not sure10:43
StevenHarperUK_ther is supposeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to be a fre eone10:43
StevenHarperUK_sorry jammed key10:43
crimsunjayteeuk: yes10:43
StevenHarperUK_and it should work like the one I have10:43
crimsunjayteeuk: e.g., http://pastebin.ca/48364210:43
jayteeukAh, thanks. :)10:44
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: i don't doubt it will work10:44
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: but the license is important10:44
StevenHarperUK_I have tested it for days10:44
StevenHarperUK_Yes I know10:44
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StevenHarperUK_Ill check that nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnow10:44
nixternalARGH! how come reportbug sent my bug to Ubuntu and not Debian10:44
StevenHarperUK_sorry Jammed Key again10:44
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: great, send me a mail with results10:44
crimsunnixternal: anti-Vista user measures.10:45
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: we have to have clear view on those firmwares in firmware/10:45
nixternalhardy har har10:45
jayteeukOf course, mention the LP ID too.  I've just taken that verbatim if you don't mind.10:45
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: i guess everything else is GPL? :)10:45
StevenHarperUK_Oh yes10:45
StevenHarperUK_Im going to go find out about the firmware now10:46
crimsunjayteeuk: you likely want to mention the config option, too.10:46
jayteeukA couple of things -- I think the patch defaults the timeout to 300 seconds, in which case the disconnection problem will still manifest itself.  Should I change the default to 0 instead to disable the problematic feature by default?  And should I update the man page etc.?10:47
crimsunyes, though if you do that, make sure you go back and use dpatch-edit-patch in the "edit patch" mode10:48
ivoksStevenHarperUK_: ok, send results on email; i'm of to bed now :/10:48
StevenHarperUK_I sent you a quick email already10:48
crimsungeser: are you available to help jayteeuk with the remainder of the SRU for #93413?  I need to run to a meeting.10:48
StevenHarperUK_ill send another10:48
ivoksok, 'night10:48
jayteeukOK, thanks so much for your help crimsun, very much appreciated.10:49
leonelcrimsun: do you know what's next with  this :  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squirrelmail/+bug/113725  ??10:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 113725 in squirrelmail "Cross site scripting in HTML filter" [High,Confirmed]  10:49
jayteeukWith a n00b like me 15 minutes quickly becomes an hour. :)10:50
gesercrimsun: sure10:50
crimsungeser: / jayteeuk: thanks10:50
geserwhere have you stopped?10:50
jayteeukNo, thank *you*!10:50
jayteeukgeser: I'm editing the changelog at the moment.10:50
crimsungeser: he needs to rerun dpatch-edit-patch in "edit patch" mode to change the man page to reflect an additional change he will make10:51
jayteeukLast command was dch -v0.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 -Dfeisty-proposed10:51
crimsunleonel: I have about three minutes; let me look.10:51
leonelcrimsun: it's not urgent  I'd like to know if there's anything I can do   10:52
geserjayteeuk: are you done with editing the changelog?10:53
jayteeukgeser: I think so, yes.10:53
crimsunleonel: because the original source package does not use a patch management system, it is in our best interest to not add one (like dpatch).  In this context, please apply the patch directly to the source instead of using dpatch.  The diff will appear in the diff.gz anyhow.10:54
leonelso start over ?10:55
leonelcrimsun: ?10:55
crimsunleonel: reroll the debdiff with the patch applied directly, yes.10:55
leonelcrimsun: and all the info just  add it to the  bug info in launchpad ?10:56
crimsunleonel: (i.e., don't modify debian/{control,rules} to add dpatch)10:56
leoneland send the debdiff ?10:56
jayteeukgeser: OK, so just write that out and exit the editor?10:57
crimsunleonel: just create a new debdiff, and attach it to the bug report.  The new debdiff should have the dpatch applied directly, and the source should not modify debian/control or debian/rules to add dpatch.10:57
xxxxx1night! bye all10:57
crimsunxxxxx1: bye10:57
leonelcrimsun: OK  will do it  later    thank  you10:57
geserjayteeuk: as crimsun said you need to add the new option to the manpage10:57
crimsunleonel: sorry, but I'm nearly late for a meeting.10:57
leonelrun crimsun  run  :)10:58
jayteeukOK, so I'll be editing the 09 patch that I've just created.10:58
jayteeukUsing dpatch-edit-patch ?10:58
geseryes, dpatch-edit-patch patch 09_dpd_timer_disable will create you a working copy10:58
geserso you can simply edit files10:59
geserand at the edit collect your changes and update the patch10:59
geser*at the end collect*10:59
jayteeukOh, actually the man page doesn't list the options, it seems to leave that to vpnc --long-help11:01
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jayteeukWhich I'm slightly glad about because I'd forgotten how strange the man page format is!11:01
geserthan you don't need to change it11:01
jayteeukNo, just the default value for the option.11:02
geserit the new option included in --long-help?11:02
jayteeukI won't know until I've built the package.11:02
geserthan that's the next step (if I didn't forget something)11:03
jayteeukBut I've made the edit for the default value, so just exit 0 from the subshell to update the patch?11:03
jayteeukOK, the patch is updated.11:03
geserI assume you don't have a pbuilder setup?11:04
jayteeukI don't recognise the term, so I assume not too.11:04
geserpbuilder is a scipt which helps to build package in a clean chroot and cleans up after build11:04
jayteeukI will most definitely be saving a transcript of this conversation. :)11:04
jayteeukOK, I see.11:05
geserso you need to build the package in your normal environment11:05
jayteeukShould I set one up, and if so how?11:05
geseror setup a pbuilder11:05
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jayteeukOK, that's how I built the package with my previous patch, just in my normal environment.11:06
jayteeukSo should I just go ahead and "debian/rules binary" in my normal environment?11:07
geserso you have already the necessary packages installed installed11:08
jayteeukbuildessential et al?11:08
geserno, use dpkg-buildpackage or debuild11:08
geserapt-get build-dep vpnc will install all the needed packages11:08
jayteeukAh, that's useful to know, thanks.11:08
geserbtw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto11:09
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jayteeukBrilliant, I'll have a read of that over the weekend!11:09
jayteeukOK, all build dependencies are already installed.11:09
geserdo you have fakeroot installed?11:09
geserthan should "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" build the source and binary package11:11
geserif you had a pbuilder you would build only a source package (-S) and do pbuilder build the binary packages11:11
jayteeukOK, I think that was successful.  Some warnings but I didn't notice any errors.11:12
jayteeukIt asked me for my GPG key passphrase twice, is that normal?11:13
=== jayteeuk makes a note about gpg-agent.
geseryes, but you can ignore/abort it for now11:13
geserthis is only needed if you want to upload the package11:14
jayteeukWhich I guess I can't anyway?11:14
jayteeukThat's a whole other conversation. :)11:14
geserif you are in the ubuntu-contributors team you can upload to revu (to let others check your package)11:15
geserfor upload to the archive you need to be a MOTU or core-dev11:15
jayteeukI'll look into both options.11:16
jayteeukIs joining ubuntu-contributors as simple as joining the team on LP?11:16
geser!revu > jayteeuk11:16
jayteeukExcellent, thanks.11:17
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jayteeukI'm learning a lot tonight.11:17
geserif everything went fine you should have a deb (which you can test)11:17
geserand a new .dsc/.diff.gz (the new source package)11:17
jayteeukIndeed I do.11:18
jayteeukAnd also a .changes11:18
geserthat is needed for upload11:19
jayteeukI thought as much, having checked the contents.11:19
jayteeukOK, so I can just go ahead and install the new .deb and test it?11:19
geser(you sign the .changes file and the .dsc before uploading, therefore the question about your gpg passphrase)11:19
jayteeukOK, it's installed... let's first check if the new option is listed in --long-help11:20
jayteeukYes it is.  That's good.11:21
highvoltage9/win 1211:21
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jayteeukWell so far so good.11:23
jayteeukAt least with the default timeout set to zero.11:24
jayteeukSo now I'm testing it with the timeout set to 300, as was the hard-coded default before the patch.11:26
jayteeukAnd it seems to have reverted to the old behaviour, as expected.11:26
gesergood or bad, depends how one sees it :)11:27
jayteeukWell, yes. :)11:28
geserthe next step is to create a debdiff (a diff of all changes between two packages)11:28
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geserdebdiff unmodified.dsc new.dsc11:29
geseryou might want to redirect the output to a file as you need to attach it to the LP bug11:29
jayteeukShould I do this from the scratch dir or does it matter?11:29
geserit doesn't matter11:29
geserdebdiff takes the path to the old .dsc file and the new .dsc file11:30
geserit's like diff but for debian (source) packages11:30
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jayteeukOK, that's done.11:31
jayteeukEek, the 09_whatever patch file doesn't have my correct e-mail address but my username and hostname of my laptop.  Is that OK or should I change it?11:32
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geserlike you want11:34
jayteeukAnd if it should contain my correct e-mail address, is there somewhere I can set that rather than it taking what it has as the default?11:34
geserdpatch-edit-patch takes it from DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL environment variables (also used by other tools)11:35
jayteeukFantastic set of scripts. :)11:36
geserin this case you don't need to redo everything, simply edit the debdiff 11:37
geserbut don't introduce new linebreaks11:37
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jayteeukOK, well I made the change in the patch file and re-built, re-installed, re-debdiffed. :)11:38
jayteeukMaybe the long way around, but never mind.11:38
jayteeukSo now I have my .diff -- is there a convention for naming debdiffs?11:39
jayteeukOK that's fine then.11:39
geserthat's the normal way (which works always), what I mentioned was a shortcut11:40
geserI do it sometimes when I spot a spelling error (or something like that) when I look at my own debdiffs before submitting11:41
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jayteeukI have some reading to do. :)11:42
jayteeukSo how do we proceed?11:43
geserwhen you are happy with the debdiff attach it to the bug11:44
jayteeukOK, that's easy enough.11:44
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geserAs ubuntu-universe-sponsors is already subscribed to the bug nothing needs to be done.11:49
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jayteeukYes, I subscribed them earlier in the process after I'd attached a patch.11:50
jayteeukSo now the patch will be reviewed and, in a perfect world, accepted?  Or what?11:52
geseryes, I gave it a quick look and it looks good11:52
bmmHi everybody. I've got a program I'd love to be entered into ubuntu. It's a simple configure;make;makeinstall program and I've written it myself. It has no open bugs and probably will stay that way for a long time.11:52
jayteeukPhew.  I'm positively buzzing with excitement. :)11:53
bmmWould it be faster to package it an put it in Revu or ask somebody else to package it?11:53
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ScottKbmm: Unless you know someone who knows how to package and is willing to do it, almost certainly faster if you put it on REVU.11:55
ScottKjayteeuk: Congratulations. 11:56
jayteeukThanks. :)11:56
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bmmScottK: I don't know anybody, so then REVU is probably the best solution... well I'll be off packaging then.11:56
jayteeukI'm not quite sure how I'm going to sleep now... but it's time for bed.11:57
geserjayteeuk: there is some unrelated change to vpnc-script in the dpatch11:57
jayteeukgeser: Ah, thanks for pointing that out.11:58
geserI try to understand why it does and talk to crimsun if it can stay or should be cut out (proably the later)11:58
jayteeukOK, I'll take another look at that on Monday.11:58
geserand upload it then11:58
geserjayteeuk: thanks for creating the debdiff11:59
jayteeukgeser: No problem.  Thanks for all your help and patience. :)12:00
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jayteeukDarn, Gnome Terminal is sorely missing a "select all" option. :)12:01
jayteeukOK, thanks all.12:02
jayteeukAnd goodnight!12:03
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