
koflernickrud: Thanks.12:00
HenicaSame thing happens to me, Nrbelex.12:01
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sytimaxhow do i add a nic to start at boot that doesnt have a ip adress associated to it?12:01
koflernickrud: Would installing both cause conflicts?12:01
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NrbelexHenica, any solution12:01
dyrneCppIsWeird: sometimes very good sometimes not so much.  windows has the advantage of the manufacturer actually providing drivers. you can dual boot with windows and ubuntu12:01
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HenicaNot that I know of.. just installed last night. :)12:01
barbarella_meHamm_sand:dpkg -l |grep gtk12:01
stefgCppIsWeird: expect a bit less battery endurance, but that depends on the particular model12:01
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nickrudkofler, no, they're designed to coexist. And as a general rule, packages that can't coexist are have the conflict written into them so you couldn't install both without some gyrations.12:02
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dyrneCppIsWeird: ive been toying with the idea of making a laptop tool that adjusts wifi transmit power, cpu speed, brightness etc in a gui to control battery life12:02
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koflernickrud: Okay, cool.12:02
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CppIsWeirdnah, dual boots never did too well, i'd end up using windows out of convience12:02
Hamm_sand :)12:02
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Yggdrasilhow do you hibernate from cmd line ?12:02
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Yggdrasilehm or suspend even12:02
=== ethereality waves hello.
omricheck /proc/acpi12:03
CppIsWeirdbut my new laptop comes with vista, and i'd rather use DOS 2.0 then vista.12:03
CppIsWeirdcame with rather.12:03
Yggdrasili bet dos 2.0 runs fast on a 3.5 ghz computer12:03
moonwatchercan anyone one enlighten me?12:03
Yggdrasilomri check it ?12:03
Yggdrasili wanta cmd to suspend the computer12:03
moonwatcherits not such a big topic12:03
CppIsWeirdi bet it does, but not multitaskable, and probably doesnt support dual core12:03
moonwatcheri am sure one of you super geeks can whip an answer....12:04
omriYggdrasil, nvm ..12:04
moonwatcherwhen i click one of the ftp "servers" in the "Places" menu firefox opens up instead of nautilus12:04
omridon't have time to explain; sorry12:04
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Yggdrasilomri :(12:04
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Yggdrasilill just hit button and click a mouse12:04
Yggdrasilbut i would like to do it from cli12:04
barbarella_memoonwatcher:then google for file types12:04
ZoofmuDoes anyone use FreeNX that can help me?12:04
kazolHow do I find the hard drive names-hda, hdb, etc.?12:04
realcris there a way to do a global alias in bash ?12:04
etherealityi tried the desktop effects, but now my firefox window is stuck12:04
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jTr0nYggdrasil: what it would run would run to fast to use12:04
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moonwatcherbarbarella_me, thats a very wide googeling....12:04
dyrnekazol: sudo fdisk -l  ?12:05
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CppIsWeirdalso, how much of a pain in the ass would it be to install this on ubuntu and still have ubuntu's automatic functions like when you install applications and control panels and so forth: http://www.xpde.com/12:05
pepsedoes anyone by chance know how to use Ez-IpUpdate behind NAT (with local IPs)?12:05
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kazolethereality: Use beryl instead. The Desktop Effects has bugs in it; I tried. Plus the effects are worse, nothing compared to beryl.12:05
moonwatcherbarbarella_me, i just want to have nautilus open when i click those. like it used to12:05
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etherealityberyl...? where would i find more info about this?12:05
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JeanersI need help with a issue with speakers, They work fine during a speaker-test. But when it comes down to actually playing music, games, videos not all speakers work.12:06
barbarella_memoonwatcher:file..open with..do it always. It is the same in windows I think12:06
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jTr0nberyl and compiz soon will be no more.  anyone know what the new project will be?12:06
Vistasuxhow do i find out how much ram i have in ubuntu?12:06
moonwatcherbarbarella_me, its not a file....12:06
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silokoethereality: beryl-project.org12:06
kazolethereality: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#Eye_Candy12:06
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kazolethereality: install video card drivers first, then follow the directions12:07
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ZoofmuDoes anyone use FreeNX that can help me?12:07
ZoofmuI can authentiocate12:07
hammedhaaretHi.. how do i get to play mp3 on ubuntu... the codecs and evrything.12:07
Vistasuxhow do i find out how much ram i have in ubuntu?12:07
Zoofmustartup session12:07
moonwatcherbarbarella_me, where do i configure these "file type" associations in linux?12:07
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=== dyrne spacks zezu around a bit
barbarella_meVistasux:free -m12:07
ZoofmuVistasux vista doesnt suck12:07
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slvmchnvistasux, you can't check on boot?12:07
moonwatcherbarbarella_me,  i am sure there is some config file...:)12:07
dyrnesmacks even12:07
slvmchnvistasux your splash screen on boot should tell you12:07
Vistasuxvista sux12:07
stefgCppIsWeird: you will not want this ... that's an off-project which won't be supported in ubuntu. either take kubuntu, or get yourself familiar with gnome12:07
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kazolethereality: make sure you use "sudo apt-get install beryl themes ......" instead of "sudo apt-get install beryl."12:08
SwissManhi all i got a problem.. gcc test.c -o test gives a bunch of errors cause it cant find any library such as stdio.h and so on.. how do i set a path?12:08
slvmchncan i follow these instructions for beryl on feisty for edgy?12:08
etherealitywhy did you say beryl will soon be no more?12:08
jTr0nlol if you can't figure out how much ram is in your machine, then you can't criticize any software12:08
slvmchni thought beryl was recent, a split off compiz?12:08
sytimaxhow do i add a nic to start at boot that doesnt have a ip adress associated to it?12:08
jTr0nthey're remerging soon, but yea it's based on compiz codebase12:08
dyrneCppIsWeird: it is possible to do that in gnome and im sure kde. ive made gnome look pretty archaic before12:08
kazolBeryl is much better than compiz, and has less bugs.12:09
CppIsWeirdstefg: its not really familurity, im pretty proficent with the gnome interface that comes with ubuntu, i just thought it would be neat, more up my alley for the look and feel of a windows box.12:09
koruptahHey guys, how can i make a partition bootable with grub?12:09
dyrneCppIsWeird: why not try to outdo xp rather than emulate?  check out beryl12:09
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slvmchncppisweird i think there's windows-ish themes12:09
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stefgCppIsWeird: will be a pita... one man project and quite off the mainstream12:09
Vistasuxafter i do a MAN command how do i exit out of it?12:09
moonwatcherbarbarella_me, im not talking about opening a file... the servers on the "Places" menu12:09
kazolI tried both compiz and beryl; Beryl has almost no bugs compared to compiz and has TONS of settings you could tweak.12:09
slvmchnctrl-z vistasux12:09
moonwatcherftp servers12:09
silokoVistasux: press Q12:09
CppIsWeirdwell its not nessicarly look im after, its mostly where everything is, habbit wise, i work with windows boxes all day, and it just in my opinion looks nice, im not trying to get in a fanboy arguement.12:10
NrbelexIs there any reason a wireless card would be able to detect a network but not connect to it? The network monitor shows sent data but nothing in response...12:10
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arojTr0n, not cool12:10
pepsei like vista12:10
kazolpepse: why?12:10
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vistasuxis there a site i can goto to view every console command there is for ubuntu?12:10
jTr0nbash commands12:10
pepsekazol: it's pretty, and it's got all the things you want nice and easily accessible12:11
[GuS] Vistasux: there are many sites...12:11
dyrneCppIsWeird: i agree its a good idea. esp for corporate environments trying to save mone with linux.12:11
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harupepse, thank you for the info.. it makes a lot of difference to me now12:11
cablesCan anybody tell me where to put a command to have it execute when X starts?12:11
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pepsekazol: if you go through and you're configuring something, the next place you want to go is usually linked to in the bottom left corner12:11
etherealitythis room moves pretty quickly ...12:11
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LjLVistasux: type  apropos -s 1 ""   :)12:11
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etherealityhey, where do i go to install the plugins needed to listen to mp3 and mpeg, and why doesn't ubuntu have them already installed?12:11
silokoVistasux: press <tab> at the command line :)12:11
qazwsxqnspam   : *         http://s19.bitefight.pl/c.php?uid=3010112:11
kazolpepse: You could much more things with Ubuntu. You are either using an old version of it, or have not installed programs.12:11
jTr0nethereality:  they're restricted formats12:12
kazolpepse: When I first installed Ubuntu, it looked boring and minimal.12:12
stefgVistasux: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html is a good start12:12
nickrudcables, system-preferences-sessions if you use gnome12:12
pepsekazol: I'm not saying I don't like Ubuntu12:12
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HenicaOkay. So. I tried that. But I can't seen to figure out what 'model' my monitor would be if I'm using a laptop.12:12
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pepseI'm just saying Vista's not bad12:12
jTr0ngoogle will tell u if you type restricted formats ubuntu12:12
koruptahhow can i make a partition bootable with grub?12:12
cablesnickrud, that's when I log in. I said when X starts.12:12
pepseUbuntu kicks ass12:12
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:12
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-76-204-9-149.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
kazolpepse: Then I learned about how many settings you could tweak, and installed gkrellm, gdesklets, beryl.12:12
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kazolpepse: Have you tried those programs?12:12
LjL!restricted > ethereality    (ethereality, see the private message from Ubotu)12:12
stefgVistasux: or take http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html12:12
HenicaSo I think I need some more help. Rather than just this webpage. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-c7979448ab81077f16349d3ca4be7aa5a5a52de212:13
stefg!cli | Vistasux12:13
etherealitythanks for the Ubotu message; i'll go check into it12:13
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ubotuVistasux: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:13
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etherealitywhy are all my problems in switching to linux freaking copyright based?12:13
etherealitylike, itunes ... webcam ...12:13
jTr0nopen source12:13
harupepse, no vista isnt a program12:13
etherealitythe only things i lack ...12:13
jTr0nits all legalities12:13
kazolpepse: Google beryl, gdesklets, and gkrellm.12:13
haruit just need 1G ram12:13
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pepseharu: ?12:13
haruand a powerful graphics card12:13
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nickrudcables, herm. I know it's there, used it before.12:14
kazolpepse: Very cool effects, because you said Vista looks better.12:14
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nickrudcables, I mean the one you're looking for12:14
kazolpepse: You're missing out on a lot.12:14
Revetherreality  there is a prgram called easy ubuntu that installs all the restriced codecs for mp3 and dvd12:14
CppIsWeirdactually, what would be better (and probably quite a bit more efficent) is an interface that looked more like win98 using normal window and button objects, instead of a mimic of XP (i currently have my XP machines on classic view without all the pretties anyways)12:14
harupepse, i am saying.. vista is not bad considering it just hogs on 1G ram and needs a powerful graphcis card12:14
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cablesnickrud, I've used it before too :)12:14
pepsekazol: Ah, I just mean that vista being pretty is one of the reasons i like it. Also, it's very intuitive IMO. MS has paid millions and millions in market research and has really made a good OS12:14
jTr0ni saw vista on a geforce fx 5200.. thats a $30 card12:14
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:14
=== subzero2000 [n=subzero2@c-69-180-224-4.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CppIsWeirdthere a linux window manager that acts like that?12:14
harupepse, and yea.. its got compatibility issues12:14
HenicaCan someone help me please? This tiny resolution is burning my eyes. x.x;12:14
cablesharu, Linux uses about 100% of RAM by default... using more RAM as cache is a good thing.12:15
pepsekazol: btw, XP was the first ever version of windows that I liked. never liked NT/2000/whatever12:15
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jTr0nyea.  all this memory hog bs about vista is from simpletons jumping on the criticism wagon12:15
silokowaiting for the flaming to begin :)12:15
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harucables, but ubuntu doesnt need 1G to perform smoothly12:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:16
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kazolpepse: Why don't you think Ubuntu is prettey? With fully customized panels, screensavers, backgounds along with gkrellm, gdesklets, and beryl looks more than prettey to me. I doubt Windows could do that.12:16
=== Henica nudges her questions.
pepsekazol: It is, I didn't say it wasn't. Linux can be as pretty as you'd like it to be12:16
jTr0nhe never said ubuntu wasn't good12:16
=== bisch [n=bisch@ppp-88-217-21-196.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
magicrobotmonkeywould disabling cups in the services dialogue be expected to fubar X?12:16
jTr0nhe said vista isn't bad12:16
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vallehi, I has just install the ubuntu server 6.06. I select to install it on the HD, now I want to configure a LAMP. There is an option at the cd, that says install LAMP, that will only configure the LAMP or will install ubuntu all over again?12:16
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etherealityohhh, yeah12:17
aromagicrobotmonkey, my guess is no12:17
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kazolpepse: Exactly, you just need to customize it once you install it. Windows was already configured so it looks attractive to sell for profit.12:17
harujTr0n, ermm ubuntu runs with all the vistaish effects and all my needed apps pretty fine on my p3 with 512 ram12:17
etherealitywhere do i get this easyubuntu thing? isn't there a section on it in the forums?12:17
stefgpepse, jTr0n take that to #ubuntu-offtopic please.. NOW!12:17
harujTr0n, vista doesnt.. hence the criticism12:17
pepsekazol: i usually have to customize windows to make it the way i like it too :)12:17
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pepseok ok12:17
kazolpepse: Have you tried beryl and emerald themes?12:17
dyrne!easybuntu | ethereality12:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about easybuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:17
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barbarella_mevalle:nop...it will not install all over again12:17
pepsekazol: I have been meaning to, been busy with school lately12:18
pepseI've heard good things12:18
ethereality!easyubuntu | ethereality12:18
cables!msgthebot | ethereality12:18
ubotuethereality: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...12:18
etherealityoh ...12:18
=== bisch [n=bisch@ppp-88-217-21-196.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
magicrobotmonkeyi think i may have accidently disabled dbus from the services interface - does anyone know how to re-enable it from the CLI?12:18
vallebarbarella_me, then I need to install ubuntu on the hd first and the select the install LAMP option12:18
cablesethereality, that's ok... just use /msg ubotu whatever next time, to avoid taking up space in the channel12:19
jTr0ni had to trick easyubuntu into running on feisty12:19
etherealitywhy does it say use at your own risk?12:19
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Henica... can ya'll help me out please? :)12:19
cablesethereality, stuff like Automatix and EasyUbuntu can screw up your computer12:19
cablesethereality, what are you trying to do? We can probably tell you how to do it without easyubuntu.12:19
koruptahQuestion: I'm trying to upgrade to Fiesty from Breezy, I have the iso, but my cd burner is busted. So is there any way for me to extract the ISO image, and install with out using a burnt CD?12:19
jTr0nthey're auto installers in beta mode.  it worked fine for me.  i installed the nvidia drivers manually though12:20
barbarella_mevalle:it will ask you for it after installing the base system12:20
=== skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-106-100.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
cableskoruptah, you can upgrade over the internet to Dapper, then to Edgy, then to Feisty12:20
=== Evildobbi [n=whitepyr@bas7-kitchener06-1177729479.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
stefgHenica: so you have a laptop with an unknown video adapter and want it to run at 1280x800 ?12:20
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valleit, didn't ask me, and I am already running ubuntu on the hd12:20
etherealityI want to listen to my music collection in Rhythmbox, unless you know of something better (that has last.fm compatibility and podcast compatibility)12:20
cableskoruptah, unfortunately, you have to do that one version at a time...12:20
=== Evan_ [n=Evan@blk-89-230-105.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
haruis compiz 0.5 package available on the repos??12:20
etherealitybut i need m4a and mp3 and mpeg12:20
soneilI'd almost lay money on it being an intel chipset that needs 915resolution installed12:20
cables!info compiz | haru12:20
ubotuharu: compiz: OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.3.6-1ubuntu13 (feisty), package size 26 kB, installed size 60 kB12:20
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schrolliniAnyone have experience mounting Compact Flash cards?  I'm getting IRQ errors.12:21
etherealityso i still have to read that thing about restricted formats, it seems12:21
skinnypuppy1334VMServer, Selected quick switch, how do I get back to the VMserver view???12:21
kazolcables: I tried upgrading dapper to edgy, and it did not work when I booted it. The upgrades are not guaranteed to work.12:21
cablesethereality, no need12:21
koruptahcables, could i just extract the iso to a partition and make it bootable?12:21
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cableskazol, I never said they were12:21
=== Lintsi [n=lintsi@dsl-tregw1-fed8df00-231.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
jTr0nethereality:  use easyubuntu for that, just dont use it to install video drivers12:21
cableskoruptah, my guess is no12:21
NrbelexI just switched networks and my wireless card will no longer receive any data and can't connect - has anyone seen this before?12:21
cablesjTr0n, no12:21
=== ncode [n=ncode@pc-220-101-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesethereality, find a file of the type you want to open, and doubleclick it12:21
harucables, ermm it still doesnt say anything about compiz 0.512:21
jTr0nwhy not?  it installed all the formats for me in about 3 clicks12:21
cablesethereality, the player that opens will automatically install a codec for it that will work with Rhythmbox12:21
koruptahcables, hrmm ok, so where do i go to do the upgrade sequence?12:21
cables!worksforme | ethereality12:22
ubotuethereality: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:22
dyrneNrbelex: sudo dhclient wifi0     acquires an ip?12:22
cableskoruptah, I don't know how to do that on breezy.12:22
=== Fri13 [n=Fri13@86-60-137-67-dyn-dsl.ssp.fi] has joined #ubuntu
dyrneNrbelex: where wifi0 is whatever12:22
pepseso, nobody knows how to use ez-ipupdate with local IPs?12:22
vallebarbarella_me, can I install the LAMP without the need to boot again he cd?12:22
cablesharu, which means that that version isn't in the repos12:22
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jTr0nubuntu forums even say easyubuntu12:22
koruptahcables, yeah i've tried, but i dunno exactly what to do erg12:22
nickrudethereality, the usual complaint we used to see here about automatix and it's ilk came when people tried to upgrade to the next ubuntu release12:22
etherealityoops. then what do i do when ubuntu tells me updates are available?12:22
etherealityfirst thing i did when i installed this ubuntu 7.04 was install like 15 updates ...12:23
etherealityi thought that's what it wanted me to do ... like those stupid microsoft windows updates12:23
vallebarbarella_me, I read the you can do it only with a command? do you know which one it is?12:23
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cablesethereality, you click the update icon and it installs it for you12:23
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EvildobbiHey I have a mouse problem. I have tried 2 different mice but same result. If I press left and right mouse button at same time it will do something like as if I did a middle scroll button press. Anyone seen this before & or know how to fix it?12:23
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cablesethereality, updates are completely different from codecs12:23
nickrudethereality, it was the funny looking orange starburst icon?12:23
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etherealityyeah, that thing in the top left corner12:24
Nrbelexdyrne, no such device - what else might it be listed as besides wifi012:24
etherealityupdates for ubuntu packages and stuff12:24
skinnypuppy1334I'm stuck in quick switch view in VM server, how do I get back to the host os and server view?12:24
nickrudethereality, that's the right way then12:24
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cablesethereality, so what's the problem with that?12:24
etherealitywell, i didn't think anything.12:24
koruptahok well does anyone know how i can make a partition bootable with grub?12:24
etherealitybut you say not to do it just because i can.12:24
jTr0neasy ubuntu doesn't force install anything and doens't break updates12:24
nickrudethereality, automatix, not upgrades12:24
cablesethereality, i meant automatix and easyubuntu, not upgrades12:25
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=== ethereality wishes he could expand his resolution ... but it's already maxed ...
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=== Evildobbi waves at the room hoping someone seen his msg :D
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cablesethereality, can you do what I told you? Find a file of the type you want to be able to play, doubleclick it, and it will automatically install a codec that will work properly with Rhythmbox as well.12:25
nickrudEvildobbi, that's exactly what's supposed to happen in general12:25
etherealityi am right now12:25
etherealitythx :)12:25
hikenbootgreetings all.. is there a boot time speeder for ubuntu?12:25
cables!fixres | ethereality12:25
ubotuethereality: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:26
=== aro [n=justin@108-27.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudEvildobbi, any particular reason you want to turn it off?12:26
skinnypuppy1334Anyone, How do you turn off the Quick Switch view in VMserver ??? As soon as i run VMserver it goes into quick switch mode full screen. I need the server view back.12:26
nickrudEvildobbi, just so you know, that's a holdover when almost no one had three button mice12:26
cablesethereality, the ubotu message that latest versions aren't always best doesn't means Ubuntu's official updates are bad. Those are tested for stability.12:26
=== LaTcH_ [n=matthias@p5481F4B3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
paryscan anybody tell me if there is a possibility to switch workspaces in gnome in ubuntu 7.04 by moving window to screen edge ?12:26
etherealityum ...12:27
=== luisgmarine [n=luisgmar@fl-71-54-246-186.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
EvildobbiWell when i play a game left button is for fire and right button is for jump. When I go to do both it dose like i hit middle mouse button and than niether of what i wanted to do happens.12:27
etherealitywell, i clicked on a m4a file12:27
cablesparys, only with Beryl, as far as I know12:27
cablesethereality, are you using Feisty?12:27
etherealityGStreamer plugins for mms, wavpack, quicktime, musepack12:27
etherealitycame up12:27
=== sam000 [n=sam@adsl-074-237-046-061.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablesethereality, yep, that should work12:27
etherealityGStreamer plugins from the "bad" set12:27
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canas2how can I backup user settings?12:27
dyrneskinnypuppy1334: i dont do alot in vmware you mean the alt-ctrl-enter or whatever?12:27
cablesethereality, those are fine, it's just a weird nickname12:27
etherealityGstreamer Bad Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that aren't up to par compared to the rest. They might be close to being good quality, but they're missing something - be it a good code review, some documentation, a set of tests, a real live maintainer, or some actual wide use.12:27
etherealityoh ...12:27
etherealityokay then ...12:27
=== Enselic__ [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
HenicaKay. We'll try again. I need some help. I'm trying to follow the guide to fix my resolution. I have an intel 950 graphics card, so I was following the intel directions. But, when I input the command "gksudo gedit /etc/default/915resolution" A blank screen comes up. Trying to edit/save it produces the error that the file could not be found. What am I doing wrong?12:28
imbecilecan someone point me to a vpn client side tutorial for feisty? i'm extremely new at setting one up12:28
paryscables: shame, in xubuntu it works great12:28
sam000I can't get video to play in firefox12:28
nickrudparys, there's a package called brightside that adds that stuff12:28
barbarella_mevalle:ther is no apt-get install lamp, if you mean that12:28
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cablesethereality, it means what it says... they're not exactly up to par, but they should work fine.12:28
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skinnypuppy1334Not the ctl+alt needed to get out of the VM no not that.12:28
canas2how can I backup user settings?12:28
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Nrbelexdyrne, when I changed it to eth1, I get DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval (blah) a bunch of time then no DHCPOFFERS received12:29
Evildobbiits doing like i did paste LOL..12:29
cablescanas2, back up your home directory (/home/your-user-name), including all the hidden files in there.12:29
nickrudHenica, did you install 915resolution?12:29
barbarella_meimbecile:depends of the server software you want to connect to12:29
=== aussieman [n=bobo@138.Red-80-39-148.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
etherealityerm, i just installed that package, but the search for suitable codec error came up again. should i click no and see if the track will play again?12:29
Possumokay... weird quetion maybe... I'm running 64-bit ubuntu, have 64-bit and 32-bit firefox installed  I tend to use the 64-bit one since I don't generally need flash/java support.  But when I do need to view something flash or java I have to _close_ my running firefox to open the 32bit one... How can I work around this? (or should I ask in #firefox?)12:29
sam000I can't get video to play in firefox I installed all the restricted codecs and it worked fine in 6.1012:29
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canas2cables, cause with a new user gnome start with old user no12:29
cablesethereality, close the player window and click again12:29
cablescanas2, what?12:30
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parysnickrud: thanks, brightside works great for me now :)12:30
canas2i have two user12:30
skinnypuppy1334There is an icon on the VM server says quick switch view... just had to try it... server now starts in quick switch mode and i can only see my vms in a quick switch format.. can't get back to host desktop, ctl alt doesn't escape12:30
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nickrudHenica, then try typing /etc/default/9  and then hitting the tab key twice: if there's a file there that starts with a nine you'll see it12:30
canas2with the first gnome not start12:30
Revehtereality did you get my message?\12:30
nickrudparys, yw12:30
canas2with new user gnome start12:30
etherealitynot sure12:30
bjifasjoing irc.freenode.net12:30
cablesethereality ?12:30
etherealitywill the GStreamer -- yeah?12:31
Revwww.easyubuntu.com  or org12:31
etherealityi did12:31
=== magicrobotmonkey [n=marvin@c-66-30-27-25.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
etherealityand then i opened the file again12:31
=== mEck0 [n=mEck0@h93n1c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
etherealityum, i'm intalling the plugins for mpeg4 now12:31
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cablesethereality, ok, that seems normal12:31
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etherealitywill the plugins for aac also take care of m4a?12:31
etherealityi thought they were both from apple itunes12:31
etherealityor sometihng.12:31
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cablesethereality, whatever it tells you to install, you should... I did that and it works great.12:32
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HenicaNickrud , it said there was no such file. Did i do something wrong?12:32
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nickrudHenica, one sec12:32
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sam000I can't get video to play in firefox I installed all the restricted codecs and it worked fine in 6.1012:32
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Henicanickrud: I'm following this guide, about Intel Graphics Cards. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#head-c7979448ab81077f16349d3ca4be7aa5a5a52de212:33
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HenicaI just want to be able to have my screen res at 1280*800. ^^;12:33
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nickrudHenica, type ls /etc/default , does the file appear to be there?12:34
raphaHi all!12:34
southafrikanseHello. My internal mic is not working12:34
sam000I can't get video to play in firefox I installed all the restricted codecs and it worked fine in 6.1012:34
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cables!repeat | sam0012:34
ubotusam00: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:34
southafrikansenickrud: Hello nickrud :D12:34
cables!repeat | sam00012:34
etherealitysweet, thanks :)12:34
ubotusam000: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience12:34
skinnypuppy1334Anyone here ever used the quick switch view on VMware server???12:34
nickrudsouthafrikanse, hi back :)12:34
=== Bool [n=yagerp@ip68-12-100-188.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Henicanickrud: I see the 915resolution listed.12:34
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:yes, those russian planes have to be on the ground!12:35
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=== Jack_Smirnoff [n=Jack_Spa@ppp-69-229-179-157.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has left #Ubuntu ["Ooh,]
Keiken_Hatei m having a problem with the kde... can someone help me plz?/12:35
CCmonstersup folks,12:35
cables!ask | Keiken_Hate12:35
ubotuKeiken_Hate: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:35
CCmonsteri need to map my Mouse Keys12:35
CCmonsteri have a bluetooth Explorer Mouse12:35
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cables!mouse | CCmonster, see if this helps12:35
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Sorry? Are you talking to me?12:35
ubotuCCmonster, see if this helps: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto12:35
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CCmonsteri cannot get the forward and back buttons to work in firefox12:35
nickrudHenica, then it's a typo you're doing:  gksudo gedit /etc/default/915resolution12:35
jTr0n_hmmm i just started playing a dvd, then it started playing slomo, and now it says i dont have codecs for it12:35
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=Jack_Spa@ppp-69-229-179-157.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ethereality... what is your preferred format? what's the difference between "CD Quality, AAC (MPEG-4 audio)" and "CD Quality, Lossy (Ogg multimedia)" ... ogg is better than aac? but aac is perfectly fine?12:35
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:yes, you talked about a mic12:35
cables!dvd | jTr0n12:36
ubotujTr0n: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:36
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: lol, mic as in microphone12:36
=== kmasta [n=kurtis@63-224-0-112.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Keiken_Hatei want to change file manager in kde because when i click on a folder it tries to open everything with vlc player.. what can i do?12:36
cablesethereality, Ogg is free software. I use AAC and mp3 because they work on my iPod12:36
jTr0n_but it WAS playing...12:36
Keiken_Hatei want konqueror:/12:36
=== Riot777 [n=riot777@aasz131.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
CCmonsterhas anyone had to alter their mouse?12:36
kmastai got a new monitor a while back, but xorg didn't detect the new one and I can't get the 1400x900 resolution option that I want, what should I do?12:36
jTr0n_OGG is a container format, not a codec12:36
cables!mouse | CCmonster12:36
ubotuCCmonster: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto12:36
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CCmonsteri see that,12:37
Jack_SparrowAfter the last update my screen went to 640 x 48- and I cant see enough of anything to even get it closed down correctly.  I am on that machine, but dual booted into windows to come here..12:37
CCmonsterbut some of that is confusing because imwheel doesnt work as advertised12:37
IdleOneare there any GUI encoders that can convert .mov to .avi?12:37
cablesjTr0n, Ogg and Vorbis are free container formats and codecs, respectively. Happy?12:37
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:have you enable it for recording in your mixer and is the volume up?12:37
jTr0n_:D yes12:37
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: Yes12:37
cablesIdleOne, I don't know of any GUI encoders, but there's a CLI one called mencoder.12:37
Henicanickrud: That seems to have worked, and I successfully edited the file. Do I reboot now?12:37
Keiken_Hatethe problem is that i want to change file manager in kde because when i click on a folder it tries to open everything with vlc player.. what can i do?12:37
IdleOnecables, yeah I would prefer GUI :/12:38
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gravemindhey, in gimp,  if I have an image on a white background and I only want the image, how do I get it? I'm pretty new at image manipulation12:38
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CCmonsterthere are front-ends to mencoder12:38
nickrudHenica, that's what it says :)12:38
=== AMDXP [n=vegeta@user-0vvd9l0.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #Ubuntu
jTr0n_cables:  that libdvdread3 is installed12:38
IdleOneCCmonster, what are hey called12:38
HenicaOkay. ^^; Thanks for your help hon. I'll be back in a bit with more problems, I assure you.12:38
CCmonsterone sec,12:39
nickrudHenica, but just logging out and hitting ctl-alt-backspace may be enough12:39
CCmonsterthere was one i saw the other day12:39
cablesIdleOne, can you open a terminal?12:39
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IdleOnecables, yeah why?12:39
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cablesIdleOne, to get libdvdcss installed12:39
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CCmonsteracid-rip i believe is one12:39
IdleOnecables, it's already installed12:39
cablesCCmonster, that only rips DVD's, it doesn't do general encoding.12:39
cablesIdleOne, libdvdcss, or libdvdread?12:40
CCmonsterone sc12:40
CCmonsteri know i saw one the other day12:40
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:in the console, when you type "amixer controls" can you see something with MIC?12:40
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IdleOnecables, css12:40
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cablesIdleOne, ok, then it should be fine... since it's not, try install vlc.12:40
ethereality(aren't there supposed to be four, not two, workspaces? or is that also customizable ... maybe i should shut up and start right-clicking ...)12:40
=== f0rtune [n=dan@c-24-14-233-115.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
IdleOnecables, I think you mean this for jTr0n12:40
cablesIdleOne, vlc is a media player12:40
=== Pepper [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
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atrusany way to specify commands to execute before and after a suspend-to-ram?12:40
cablesethereality, start rigt clicking :)12:40
=== Ron` [n=Ron`_@adsl-70-232-56-154.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
etherealitygot it.12:40
cablesIdleOne, quite possible12:40
etherealityi figured it was that simple12:40
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etherealityi like ubuntu12:40
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Yes. 2 Things12:41
etherealitybut it takes me so long to figure things out sometimes :(12:41
cablesjTr0n, can you open a terminal?12:41
=== ethereality still gets his ass kicked by the terminal.
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barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:and they are?12:41
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harryhow do I create a new user from the command line?12:41
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:Mic Playback Switch and Playback Volume?12:42
southafrikansebarbarella_me: 'Internal Mic Playback Switch' and "Internal Mic Playback Volume'12:42
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cablesjTr0n, do you have a terminal open?12:42
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Yes.12:42
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Jack_SparrowI could use some help getting my screen off of 640 x 48012:42
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etherealitytry https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:43
cables!fixres | Jack_Sparrow12:43
ubotuJack_Sparrow: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:43
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Xenocidehey im trying to setup wifi in the command line and im getting no scan results when i do iwlist12:43
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CCmonsterwhats bluefish?12:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bluefish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:43
cables!info bluefish | CCmonster12:43
ubotuccmonster: bluefish: advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-1 (feisty), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6724 kB12:43
NrbelexHow does one fix a wireless card that can detect networks but not connect to them?12:43
sercikhi i need to compile but i cam't fine make12:43
Sleepy_CoderOh, I have BlueFish. :D12:43
Markus1Does anyone know where in Rosetta Gaims away messages are stored? The german translation is really bad, but I can't find a way to report a change request12:43
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Sleepy_CoderActually played with it yesterday. :)12:43
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Sleepy_CoderIt's pretty cool...12:43
CCmonsteri think is a fully functional front-end12:43
cablessercik, sudo aptitude install build-essential12:43
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:what is the number of Mic Playback Volume12:43
Jack_SparrowWill try to get to a console.. one sec12:44
Henicanickrud: It worked. :) Thanks so much!12:44
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: Sorry?12:44
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:like numid=blabla Mic Playback Volume12:44
etherealityGah ... once I get myself situated in here, I _still_ have to figure out how to make my windows (NTFS) partition read and writeable in linux ... which i hear isn't easy (or possible? that i have to change it to FAT32?)12:44
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Oh12:44
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cables!ntfs | ethereality12:44
ubotuethereality: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse12:44
cablesethereality, it's actually really easy12:45
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ZCODEWhen I "aptitude install" a package for server edition, it asks for the CDROM, can I skip that?12:45
cablesethereality, and no need to convert it to anything12:45
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serciki need to compile but i can't find the command make12:45
southafrikansebarbarella_me: 14 and 1312:45
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ben_underscoresercik: install build-essential12:45
CCmonsterWinFF .2912:45
CCmonsteri think is a mencoder front-end as well12:45
CCmonsterits a gnu app12:45
etherealityjeez, that bot knows everything! or its users do :P12:45
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:46
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barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:First 14 is Mic Playback Volume?12:46
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barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:i mean 14 is Mic Playback Volume?12:46
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etherealitywell, i know how to view it ... i just need to make it ... read/writeable12:46
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etherealityerm ...12:46
southafrikansebarbarella_me: No. It's MIc Playback Switch12:46
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Bool#join pauldotcom12:46
BaktaahAmerican soldiers killed and urinated on 24 corpses (some children)- Yay12:47
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sercikplease someone help me to compile in ubuntu?12:47
etherealityno way12:47
CientificoLocowhat are the better music player for ubuntu?12:47
etherealitydon't go all vietnam on us, soldiers!12:47
CientificoLocowhat are the better music players for ubuntu?12:47
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hansikin polish???12:47
etherealityi use rhythmbox. but that's cause i'm ignorant.12:47
ziroday!amarok | CientificoLoco12:47
ubotuCientificoLoco: Amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok12:47
sercikif you like winamo you'll like xmms12:47
etherealitypeople tell me to use amarok ...12:47
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southafrikanseCientificoLoco: XMMS or VLC media player12:47
etherealityRhythmbox seems similar to iTunes.12:47
zirodayCientificoLoco: amarok is the best12:47
etherealityreally? why?12:47
d2812CientificoLoco: I like listen12:48
CCmonsteramarok is quite nice12:48
etherealitywhy amaroK > Rhythmbox?12:48
CCmonsterit does everything12:48
codeymanbanshee looks kewl too..12:48
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CCmonsterhas some very nice features12:48
codeymanBTW  How to put something in startup?12:48
etherealityi can't figure out how to use amaroK or bashee. i don't know why i have problems and others don't.12:48
CCmonsterits good only if you have a Library you want to maintain12:48
sercikan help to compile thanks12:48
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:and 1312:48
zirodayCientificoLoco: amarok was put to together nicer, more features, nicer imterface12:48
kmastahey guys, i'm programming in eclipse and I think i'm only using Java 1.4, anybody know how to update my Java libraries to Java 5.0?12:48
Hamm_sandis there a command to open a directory in the terminal into a gui window?12:48
codeymanHow to put a program in startup?12:49
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CCmonsterwhats the standard hotkey for terminal?12:49
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gravemindctrl alt f112:49
codeymanCCmonster.. You have to assign it12:49
nickrudcodeyman, you can put it in system->preferences->sessions12:49
sercik<Hamm_sand> highlight the path then press F2 and paster with central button then enter12:49
gravemind^that is the virtual terminal actually12:49
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nickrudcodeyman, I think the tab is startup programs; it's the one with checkboxes12:50
sercikwhere is make command in ubuntu?12:50
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codeymannickrud:.. but it get removed everytime :(12:50
BaktaahDoes anyone know if it is possible to run windows Xp through ubuntu+12:50
codeymanI mean the changes are not permanent12:50
southafrikansebarbarella_me: NUmber 13 is MIc Playback Volume12:50
sercikbaktaah read about qelu and vnware and also win4lin12:50
serciksotty qemu not aelu12:50
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IdleOne!build-essential | sercik12:51
CCmonsterhow would i assign the key?12:51
CientificoLocothnsk I have decided for amarok12:51
Baktaahsercik  I tried wmare  it was too advanced12:51
Meglo_I LOST THE GAME12:51
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ubotusercik: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)12:51
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sercikIdleOne, thank you very much,,, finally someone has considered me12:51
nickrudcodeyman, you can also put it in ~/.gnomerc12:51
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IdleOnesercik, no problem12:51
BigToebtw guys, I lost the game :D12:51
sercikok i'm installing now12:51
nickrudcodeyman, if you're using ubuntu, that is12:51
BigToeaw damn you Meglo_, you always beat me to it :(12:52
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:ok, what is the output of  amixer cget numid=13 Only paste the values=12:52
serciki want to install qemu and compile kqemu12:52
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kmastahey guys, i'm programming in eclipse and I think i'm only using Java 1.4, anybody know how to update my Java libraries to Java 5.0?12:52
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etherealityi'm trying to add a new startup program ... how do you find the command to enter?12:52
IdleOnesercik, kqemu is in repos I believe12:52
CCmonsterdont you copy it over ti /etc/init.d12:52
sercikBaktaah, you can also download an evaluation of win4lin.12:52
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IdleOne!repos > sercik   (sercik, see the private message from ubotu)12:52
Baktaahsercik is there another one12:53
Baktaahsercik  vbox or something12:53
BaktaahI forgot it name12:53
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: Didn't understand. Not English you know :)12:53
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codeymannickrud: .. Actually I added gaim to the startup and now forgot where i added it. I dont have a .gnomerc and its not there in the sessions12:53
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ethereality(that's the program i was trying to add to startup; gaim.)12:53
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sercikthak you again IdleOne12:53
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IdleOneyour welcome12:54
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barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:in the console, when you type amixer cget numid=13 What does the values= say12:54
nickrudcodeyman, you create the ~/.gnomerc, and I haven't used the latest version of session yet, so I can't vouch that it works :)12:54
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: 30,3012:55
ziggy23I am trying to get the Firestarter firewall to start minimized as soon as I log on.  I entered the command "sudo firestarter  --start minimized" in the Starup tab of Session manager, but the command does not seem to work.  Ideas?12:55
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buz1Yei! I got ubuntu dapper drake installed and it seems to be working :-)12:55
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Jack_SparrowCan someone walk me through changing my monitor type in my xorg.conf ?12:55
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nickrudcodeyman, try this: open session, and look at current session: you'll gaim. Select it, and use the tab below to change it to restart12:56
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nickrudcodeyman, it appears that gaim understands gnome's session protocol12:56
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mobutuhow do i make gnome open video in vlc instead of totem?12:57
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:when you type in the console alsamixer. Can you see if the bar of the MIC is up? (esc is to get out)12:57
nickrudcodeyman, erm. please ignore the last, I had a brain fart.12:57
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sgtmattbakerare OEM computers put together by machines? (I dont mean building the actual components.)12:58
afiefHow can i specify that a specific module should not be loaded at startup?12:58
chumpcan someone help me understand why when there is an accent .. like  or  in my title bar that this caractere is replace by a rhombus with a question mark inside ?12:58
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: Yes it is up. If I put it higher a loud sound comes12:58
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afiefchump: bad unicode support i suppose?12:59
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nickrudziggy23, you can't give the password to sudo in the startup like that ...12:59
ffmHow can I stop Ubuntu from rewriting the /etc/motd every time on boot?12:59
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chumphmm well .. it doesnt do it in every page .. :s12:59
buz1I've "made" a file which controlls the fan speed on my laptop. In the package is a script file. Will the service run automatically if i place the script in /etc/init.d?01:00
nickrudmobutu, right click an appropriate media file, at the bottom select properties, and change open with01:00
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buz1or do I need to add it to a list of services somwhere01:00
mobutuchump: i just attached my screen with screen -U utf8 , now character display correctly01:00
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nickrudbuz1, run sudo update-rc.d defaults <scriptname> after you drop it in /etc/init.d, that will set you up01:01
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etherealitydo you know what "GStreamer error: failed to change state" means?01:01
chumpmobutu: i guess that this is only one website who does not display correctly ...01:01
poilmWhy does the font in ubuntu look so aweful? It never looked this bad in windows.01:01
buz1thanks nickrud01:01
poilmWhy does the font in ubuntu look so aweful? It never looked this bad in windows.01:01
nickrudbuz1, man update-rc.d will explain what's happening01:01
dyrneffm: is motd.tail overwritten i think i just made my changes there.  anyway its /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh01:01
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chumpwell let's all forget about this lol01:02
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:what is the number of the command in a console, amixer controls |grep "Capture Source"01:02
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barbarella_mepoilm:and windows is even worse as Mac01:03
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: If I type what you said nothing happens01:03
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poilmbarbarella_me, ? For some reason, it seems to small. Also, when I make it larger, It looks too big.01:03
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sambiasehi..does anyone here have XQDE?01:04
ziggy23nickrud: yes changed sudoers01:04
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n0dealAnyone have an opinion on whether installing ubuntu lampp packages seperately or using say Xampp makes more sense for development?01:04
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barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:what is the hardware soundcard you have?01:04
Ademan_is "organisations"  the european way of spelling organization?01:04
sgtmattbakerare OEM PCs built with machines01:04
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Ademan_sgtmattbaker: probably depends on the OEM01:05
dyrneAdeman_: yeah. british s vz american z01:05
dyrneAdeman_: i think01:05
southafrikansebarbarella_me: HDA intel?01:05
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nickrudziggy23, start a fresh terminal, and type sudo /usr/sbin/firestarter, does it start?01:05
poilmbarbarella_me, ? For some reason, it seems to small. Also, when I make it larger, It looks too big.01:05
poilmbarbarella_me, ? For some reason, it seems to small. Also, when I make it larger, It looks too big.01:05
ZCODECan you perform a quick format on Linux?01:05
vulcan40is Java in Synaptic manager??01:05
southafrikansebarbarella_me: If I type what you said nothing happen01:05
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nickrudziggy23, the fresh terminal is important01:05
southafrikansebarbarella_me: I think it's that one01:05
Ademan_ah alright, i just saw that on canonical's front page, and it caught my eye (and open office's spellchecker) and i figured it was probably just an alternative spelling01:05
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IdleOne!java | vulcan4001:06
ubotuvulcan40: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre01:06
dyrneZCODE: the default format is what windows call quick. its not low level01:06
barbarella_mepoilm:you are right, it is poor.01:06
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poilmbarbarella_me, I was talking about the linux font.01:06
etherealitydo i want RPMs or BINs?01:06
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etherealityhttp://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com:80 to install ...01:06
jTr0nhmm rebooting didn't fix my dvd issue.  i installed libdvdread3 and ran install-css.sh .  it was working fine for a couple of minutes, but then the dvd playback went into slow motion, sound cut out, then stopped.  now i can't get any dvd's to play, even after rebooting01:06
IdleOneethereality, neither01:06
IdleOneethereality, you want .deb01:06
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etherealityoh ....01:07
southafrikansecrimsun_: hello01:07
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barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:in a console, what does lspci say about your soundcard01:07
jTr0ni reinstalled libdvdread3 but now when i try to run install-css.sh it tells me invalid command01:07
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nickrudethereality, bins if you absolutely must use something not in the repos01:07
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etherealitythat's what i've been trying to do, use the add/remove thingy01:07
cblack0apt-cacher is cool01:07
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etherealityi've installed two different Sun Java things from it and neither seems to be the right one01:07
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jTr0nanyone got any idea what could be wrong?01:07
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etherealityso i thought maybe i should just try the file they provide01:07
ZCODEdyrne: mke2fs -J on a 300GB drive takes forever01:07
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ziggy23and changed the line username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/firestarter  to username ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter because ubuntu is based on Debian.01:08
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)01:08
nickrudethereality, try running sudo update-alternatives --config java , and select the java you want (this selects from the java's that are available from the repos)01:08
crimsun_southafrikanse: hi.01:08
dyrneZCODE: mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext2 -J shouldnt take that long. though i might be wrong. it happened once01:08
cblack0there is a built in update-java-alternatives01:08
southafrikansecrimsun_: I will never forget the guy that helped me with my sound problem :P01:08
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loco_aulladorHi, anyone knows a web that explains how to setup iptables with fwbuilder?01:09
cblack0update-java-alternatives -s java-1.5.0-sun01:09
afiefHow can i specify that a specific module should not be loaded at startup?01:09
nickrudziggy23, have you tried the test I gave you above?01:09
eegoreputridp: /leave01:09
etherealityyeah, it was already selected, the #6 ....01:09
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dyrne!blacklist | afief01:10
ubotuafief: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add  blacklist <modulename>  to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type  sudo update-initramfs -u 01:10
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ziggy23nickrud: checking my scroll buffer01:10
nickrudcblack0, things change. I haven't run across that yet. Thanks01:10
PaulButleriwconfig gives me this, but my wireless still does not work - any ideas? iwconfig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20273/01:10
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Deez_Nutzhi ... where can i find the minimum system requirements for ubuntu fiesty fawn ???01:10
amithi i have this problem. every time i press "u","i" or "p" on the keybaord i get number instead of letters. 4 instead u, 5 instead i etc. any idea what this is? i guess it might get fix if i reboot, but i want to file a bug and i dont know how to repreduce this bug. ps i write this messege via a different terminal (ctl+alt+F1)01:10
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cblack0the other thing you sometimes have to do w/ java is manually edit /etc/jvm to put the one you want at the top. annoyingly apps like eclipse do not respect the alternatives setup and look in /etc/jvm instead01:11
dyrnePaulButler: essid is blank01:11
haruDeez_Nutz, its way too low.. successfully tested on p3 512 ram01:11
dyrnePaulButler: sudo iwconfig eth1 essid networkname01:11
Deez_Nutzis it documented someplace?01:11
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dyrnePaulButler: then sudo dhclient eth101:11
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afiefthanks dryne, too bad I can't restart and check(compiling new kernel right now)01:12
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=== cblack0 is finishing up creating an auto-install disk for java developer workstations. hurrah for preseeding and apt-cacher
nickrudamit, does your keyboard have a function key that turns on a number pad on those letters? (mine does)01:12
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etherealitywhat does /etc stand for? so i can better remember it.01:12
HenicaDoes anyone use CrossOver Office 2.0, or know a program like it that works well?01:12
nickrudcblack0, O^0 that might explain my eclispe issue then01:12
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yimmmmy ok guys i really need help i think im screwed  :{01:12
yimmmmy<yimmmmy> i just installed ubuntu and i went to restart now and the when i did it says error loading os01:12
dyrneethereality: in my little corner of geekdom we always pronounced it etcsee01:13
sytimaxhow do i add a nic to start at boot that doesnt have a ip adress associated to it?01:13
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:his it a laptop01:13
yimmmmyplease help me01:13
nickrudwas kinda interested in looking at that bloated thing01:13
amitokay i feel very stupid now! :( thanks  nickrud01:13
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:is it a laptop?01:13
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: Yes.01:13
nickrudamit, np. You didn't see my brain fart earlier ;)01:13
yimmmmyplease some one01:14
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barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:is it a hp?01:14
southafrikansebarbarella_me: LG01:14
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cblack0nickrud, most likely your eclipse issue DOES have to do with not having a real (non gcj) java in /etc/jvm01:15
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nickrudcblack0, I'll check that out in the near future. Thanks01:15
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cblack0no problem01:15
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dyrneDemon`: hi01:16
PaulButlerthanks dyrne, looks like I'm still having connection issues though01:16
yimmmmyhelo can u help me01:16
Demon`I need some clarification about the 7.04 installer01:16
PaulButleri don't remember where i left off on the installation, so i might just do a reinstall01:16
yimmmmythat is what used01:16
IdleOneDemon`, ask away01:16
dyrnePaulButler: does it acquire an ip? is it wep or something too?01:16
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:i have heard about some mixer issues with the 82801G. so you can better file a bug report. http://www.ubuntu.com/community/reportproblem01:17
PaulButlerit is WEP, yes01:17
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southafrikansebarbarella_me: What do you mean a bug report?01:17
ziggy23nickrud: says sudo: /user/sbin/firestarter : command not found01:17
yimmmmy<yimmmmy> i just installed ubuntu and i went to restart now and the when i did it says error loading os01:17
etherealityis there anything special you have to do with firefox so it'll use ja.....01:17
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etherealitybesides make sure it's enabled in prefs01:17
dyrnePaulButler: sorry i dont know gui well but try 'sudo iwconfig eth1 essid networkname key whateverwepkey; sudo dhclient eth1'01:18
yimmmmyerror loading os01:18
nickrudziggy23, now that is very odd, what does   which firestarter say?01:18
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afiefcould someone try to port scan me? I wanna see if my router is port forwarding correctly, my IP is
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Ok. Don't mind. I already read it :D01:18
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Thanks for the help anyway01:18
rogue780|laptopin edgy when I inserted a SD card into my laptop it would automatically mount it and put an icon on my desktop. now when I insert an SD card under feisty nothing happens. the card reader is built into my laptop.01:18
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yimmmmyerror loading os01:19
Demon`I have two HDDs, one with an XP installation(ATA), and the other is mostly empty (SATA). I went through the process of partitioning, and I was too afraid to continue without knowing if GRUB will ask where to be installed, since I want to use the XP bootloader to boot grub (had my shard of GRUB+XP issues)01:19
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The_GreenArnt SD readers in laptop not supported at all in linux?01:19
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ziggy23afielf: there is a good port scan at the grc.com site -- look for shields up!01:19
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ZCODEI accidentally delete the sg module for 6.06.  Could someone /dcc me a copy.  Thanks01:19
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etherealityi guess i'm going to uninstall all these javas from the repository and try manually installing the version from http://java.com/en/download/index.jsp01:19
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yimmmmyerror loading os01:19
barbarella_mesouthafrikanse:whe have to help each other to get linux going. So if you found something, tell ubuntu.01:20
afiefziggy23, I'm actually using nmap, but i'd like someone from outside my LAN to try01:20
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Ok.01:20
southafrikansebarbarella_me: Goodbye01:20
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ziggy23nickrud:  I am confused by your reply....I typed in the command at a terminal01:20
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yimmmmycan you see me typeing01:20
afiefyimmmmy, yes01:21
nickrudziggy23, sorry.  which firestarter    will tell you where firestarter is01:21
Demon`Will I be prompted before GRUB gets installed?01:21
felixxits faded a little :P01:21
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buz1I lost track of the advice I got earlier. I've put a script in /etc/init.d. What is the update command I need to run, to get the service to run at boot time01:21
yimmmmyi need help01:21
afiefyimmmmy, but unless you give some more details we won't be able to figure anything out01:21
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nickrudDemon`, if you use the alternate install cd, you can tell grub where to put itself01:21
yimmmmyerror loading os01:21
rogue780|laptopin edgy when I inserted a SD card into my laptop it would automatically mount it and put an icon on my desktop. now when I insert an SD card under feisty nothing happens. the card reader is built into my laptop.01:21
afiefyimmmmy, okay, does it say anything else before that error?01:21
iceman_can someone help me with my sound01:22
yimmmmyi just installed ubuntu01:22
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chumpgoogle is your friend !01:22
joeExample2hi all01:22
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Horschthey, i finaly found a way to change the color of the tooltips in feisty. But how can i change this blue line to something else?01:22
dyrneiceman_: tell the channel your problem someone will probably be able to help01:22
afiefyimmmmy, that's weird... I am no professional, but perhaps you should just try to reinstall?01:22
ziggy23still confused?  are you trying to get me to find the actual location of the executable?  (Newbie linux user comung from Windows XP here.)01:22
felixxyimmmmy: i just installed it as well not a few days ago. and i have to say one thing, sign up on the forums. there are people just waiting to help01:22
ZCODEI accidentally deleted the sg module for 6.06, could someone /dcc me a copy of it.  Appreciate it.01:23
joeExample2is there a way to get ubuntu to boot strictly into terminal mode (i.e. to not start X)?01:23
afiefrogue780|laptop, can you find any mentioning of your card in lsusb, lspci, ls(anything)?01:23
felixxi was amazed of the response time01:23
barbarella_meiceman_:sounds like a question!01:23
yimmmmythe fourm at ubuntu01:23
yimmmmyi need help now i need my pc like now01:23
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felixxthere is a beginner forum01:23
yimmmmyineed to work on it01:23
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iceman_yes the sound went out about 3 months ago01:23
cafuegoZCODE: just apt-get install --reinstall you kernel01:23
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iceman_just need some help01:23
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felixxabsolute beginner01:24
HenicaHmm.. I notice that in firefox, all of the text is blurry. Kinda of like when you turn on smoothing text for windows. Is there a way to fix this?01:24
buz1got it - update-rd.d01:24
felixxcheck it out01:24
afiefyimmmmy, work on the liveCD? I've been working on it last month(because my HDD died)01:24
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Demon`you got to kidding me... I can't use the GUI installer and decide where to install GRUB?01:24
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nickrudziggy23, yeah, (I stepped away)01:24
afiefyimmmmy, and try to reinstall01:24
etherealityactually, yeah, henica, a agree with you01:24
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cafuegoZCODE: dccing binary kernel modules from strangers on irc is such a bad idea, i don't know where to satrt01:24
dyrneiceman_: you might want to pastebin the output of amixer and give us the url01:24
ethereality*i agree01:24
dyrneiceman_: dont paste it here :)01:24
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iceman_i have no idea what that means01:24
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dyrne!pastebin | iceman_01:24
ubotuiceman_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:25
recon!pastebin | iceman_01:25
iceman_my brother is a computer person im not01:25
crimsun__iceman_: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.01:25
dyrneiceman_: open a terminal and type amixer then copy all the stuff it says01:25
ziggy23ok how would I do a command that would let me search for the executable (like DOS dir command)?01:25
EruditeHermithey, I am trying to setup ubuntu as a guest on my debian xen box. However, my debootstrap doesnt have a fiesty script. Can anyone point me to somewhere where I can either get that script or can install it from a CD?01:25
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etherealityugh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware makes manual installation seem difficult. i really don't want to go through this hassle if i can just install it with the Add/Remove... thing! This is pretty frustrating.01:25
dyrneiceman_: listen to crimsun hes much better than me with sound01:25
wiseelben what does mem in "top_mem mem x" return? the memory used in mb or a percentage of sort? because it doesn't match the memory in System manager01:25
HenicaIs there a way to fix it though, ethereality?01:26
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reconethereality: see the topic in #ubuntu-offtopic.01:26
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nickrudziggy23, ls is the dir command; but which firestarter is quicker. if it comes back with nothing, then firestarter is not on the command search path01:26
HenicaIt's terribly hard to read.01:26
etherealitynot from what i've seen, henica, but i'm very new, and don't know much. oh, mine's not that hard to read.01:26
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etherealityit's just not as sharp as here in gaim01:26
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ZCODEcafuego: It's okay.. .this is a test machine.... Could you dcc it to me?01:27
TriGz_Hey hey - was wondering if anyone can help me mount a windows hard-drive so i can listen to the music that's on it?01:27
ziggy23ok so edit the PATH variable in Linux then?01:27
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HenicaPerhaps it's becasue I have terrible eyes them, ethereality. ^^;01:27
reconTriGz_: OK.01:27
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TriGz_recon: yay =] 01:27
reconTriGz_: Do you know what /dev/ it is?01:27
HenicaBut hopefully some in here will tell us how to fix it.01:28
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rogue780|laptopafief, "06:04.0 CardBus bridge: ENE Technology Inc CB-712/4 Cardbus Controller (rev 10)" "06:04.1 FLASH memory: ENE Technology Inc ENE PCI Memory Stick Card Reader Controller (rev 01)" "06:04.2 Generic system peripheral [0805] : ENE Technology Inc ENE PCI Secure Digital Card Reader Controller (rev 01)" "06:04.3 FLASH memory: ENE Technology Inc FLASH memory: ENE Technology Inc: (rev 01)" "06:04.4 FLASH memory: ENE Technology In01:28
rogue780|laptopc Unknown device 0551 (rev 01)"01:28
TriGz_recon: /dev/? :P01:28
reconTriGz_: OK.01:28
reconTriGz_: First, go to your home directory.01:28
yimmmmyhow do you post a thread01:28
nickrudziggy23, yes, but: that should already be set properly. does dpkg -l firestarter show two i's at the beginning?01:28
yimmmmyon the fourm01:28
TriGz_recon: yah?01:28
barbarella_meTriGz_:is it a ntfs partition?01:28
reconTriGz_: OK, in the terminal type "mkdir windows".01:28
dyrneTriGz_: sudo fdisk -l then whatever drive is ntfs: sudo mkdir /media/windows; sudo chmown $USER:USER /media/windows; sudo mount -o umask=000 /dev/hda1 /media/windows   <--or something01:28
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reconTriGz_: What dyrne said works too.01:29
jTr0ni found a solution to my media problems on linux.  same one i had in windows all these years.  vlc :D01:29
nickrudziggy23, this is not rocket science you're doing here; there's just a few troubleshooting steps to take01:29
afiefrogue780|laptop, so I guess the driver is loaded(I don't know your specific hardware, so don't take my word on it) which means you could try mounting the stuff in /dev01:29
rogue780|laptopafief, that is from lspci01:29
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jTr0ntotem blows01:29
TriGz_Heh, thanks guys ^^01:29
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ziggy23lnickrud: lemme check -- run sudo -dpkg ... from a fresh terminal?01:29
rogue780|laptopafief, but /dev/what?01:29
afiefrogue780|laptop, I don't know :(01:29
dyrneTriGz_: i left the $ off second user but you get the idea01:30
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afiefjTr0n, write a patch to make it better01:30
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barbarella_medyrne:hmm, i don't want to have you computer hd, when rebooting in windows.01:30
nexousDo I need to install anything into Feisty to start working with C++?01:30
nickrudziggy23, that one doesn't matter: the reason you ran the sudo command from a fresh terminal was to be sure sudo wasn't using a cached password01:30
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jTr0nvlc works better, so i'll just migrate my user base... ie me01:30
dyrnebarbarella_me: hmm? i havent actually had a ntfs drive for a while is that wrong?01:31
afiefnexous,  yes, the g++ compiler, but i'd recommend the build-essentials01:31
TriGz_dyrne: yah01:31
nickrudziggy23, I'm running short on time; I leave in about ten01:31
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nexousafief: build-essentials will have a compiler i presume?01:31
barbarella_medyrne:so how do you know it works?01:31
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unfoldnexous, of course01:31
nexousunfold: okay thanks.01:31
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afiefnexous, build-essentials is a meta package that will install C, C++ standard libraries and the manpages(dunno if i missed something)01:31
etherealitythanks for all your help, everyone.01:31
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dyrnebarbarella_me: well the umask option should make it to where the normal user can read it01:31
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afiefnexous, c compiler=gcc, c++ compiler=g++01:32
unfoldnexous, you might want to use some kind of ide01:32
unfoldi.e. kdevelop01:32
nexousafief: thanks01:32
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buz1is this right?01:32
buz1I updated a script with update-rc.d and got this output01:32
buz1 Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/dellfand ...01:32
buz1   /etc/rc0.d/K20dellfand -> ../init.d/dellfand01:32
buz1   /etc/rc1.d/K20dellfand -> ../init.d/dellfand01:32
buz1   /etc/rc6.d/K20dellfand -> ../init.d/dellfand01:32
buz1   /etc/rc2.d/S20dellfand -> ../init.d/dellfand01:32
buz1   /etc/rc3.d/S20dellfand -> ../init.d/dellfand01:32
buz1   /etc/rc4.d/S20dellfand -> ../init.d/dellfand01:32
buz1   /etc/rc5.d/S20dellfand -> ../init.d/dellfand01:32
nexousunfold: okay, i will check one out for gnome.01:32
buz1I guess this means that the script i srun when the kernel has finished loading. The service controlls the fan of the laptop, so I want it to load as early as possible and shut down as late as possible. Can I change any of the settings to make this better?01:32
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TriGz_Hmm weird.01:32
afiefnexous, I think unfold is right, you could use anjuta(gnome) or kdevelop(kde) they help a lot when you're new. but I strongly advise using the terminal since you're (becoming) a developer01:33
barbarella_medyrne:so...and you don't think MS will change something in the ntfs code when they like to. Very dangerous01:33
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nexousafief: yes, I'm fine with using terminal, do majority of my php and ruby programming in it.01:33
TriGz_Anyone got any idea's why amarok won't play my .mp3's that are on the NTFS HD, but it will play the mp3's on my thumb-drive?01:33
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afiefnexous, then rock on:D but i have a question: do you have a good source for a C developer to learn php?01:34
cblack0TriGz_, the DRM in amarok won't allow it01:34
TriGz_cblack0: that sucks :(01:34
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cblack0TriGz_, I was kidding01:34
nolan__DRM sucks01:34
TriGz_cblack0: =[01:34
nickrudbuz1, looks good01:34
barbarella_mebuz1:please pastebin next time!01:34
nexousafief: I'm not sure on language similaritie.. but,01:34
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afiefplease keep linux drm free or i'll bomb you all to hell:D01:35
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buz1thnx nickrud01:35
nolan__anyone know how to hide events in xchat?01:35
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nickrudbuz1, yes, look at the manpage for update-rc.d. also, you might like bum, it's a graphical one you can use to fine tune01:35
buz1@barbarella: I'm sorry, I dont know what you mean - this is my firs time in Gaim and also on IRC...01:35
PrimoTurboIs there anyway to make xchat go to tray on close?01:35
nexousafief: but, for the most part, it's just a thing you have to get used to, plus it's another 'common sense' language as I look upon it.01:35
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ziggy23nickrud: not getting success if you have to run I will ask someone else sorry I couldn't get this going01:35
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dsmith_Another switcher01:36
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buz1@nichrud: i read the man, but it isn't clear to me what I can enable at which runlevel01:36
PrimoTurboI have the xchat icon in tray and can right click it and select hide but I close the damn window so many time thinking it work slike pidgin or azuerues01:36
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|StOnE|hi ppl01:36
afiefnexous, it sure is, but i was kinda looking for something to get me started without handholding me and saying "this is a variable, variables are very nice and tasty with ketchup"01:36
nickrudziggy23, just so you know: the firewall that firestarter creates is run on startup: all you're doing is starting the frontend01:36
nuked_omenwhere does ubuntu mount a digital camera memory?01:36
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barbarella_mehi |StOnE|01:37
afief|StOnE|, hi01:37
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PrimoTurbousing xchat 2.8.0 from repo, any help pls?01:37
Pelosudo make rain01:37
afiefnuked_omen, well, it didn't mount mine, but it offered to import everything from it(weird)01:37
Horschthow can i add/change a background picture into nautilus?01:37
nuked_omensudo make fire01:37
PeloPrimoTurbo,  what is the issue ?01:37
dsmith_BASH.. rain not a recognizable filena,e01:37
dsmith_BASH.. rain not a recognizable filename01:37
PrimoTurboOkay when I press X button on xchat I want it to minimize into tray01:37
PrimoTurboinstead of close01:37
Pelonuked_omen,  no fire it's hot enough already01:37
ziggy23nickrud: understood...but I need the frontend until I am more proficient with the command line01:37
afiefPelo sudo make dist-clear && sudo make windows_die01:38
nuked_omenafief: it mounts mine too, but i just wanted to access the drive01:38
|StOnE|any person know how i can install the usb ?01:38
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nickrudHorscht, right click the desktop, and drag a picture onto the dialog window01:38
dsmith_afief: lol01:38
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PrimoTurboI have the xchat icon in tray but I can only right click and select hide to hide xchat into the icon01:38
nuked_omenPelo: i like it hot01:38
PeloPrimoTurbo,  check in  settings > prefs01:38
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nickrudziggy23, hang in there01:38
afiefnuked_omen, if it's mounted then it's supposed to be in /media or /mnt(probably the former)01:38
PrimoTurboPelo: cant see anything about that :(01:38
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nuked_omenafief: i tried /media already didn't find it01:38
PeloPrimoTurbo,  you might need to disable the tray icon ,  consider asking in #xchat01:39
ndeewhenever I try to logout of gnome, I have to press log out twice, otherwise, it won't logout. What could that be?01:39
afiefnuked_omen, perhaps it's not mounted?01:39
afieffirefoxman, hi01:39
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blackgrazanyone know anything about getting mysql working in ubuntu?01:39
ziggy23I keep getting a manpage on the use of sudo...syntax must be screwy01:39
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jTr0ni have all my music on a fat32 drive01:39
nuked_omenafief: well, i suppose it should mount it if it wants to get the pictures01:39
Horschtah, thanks nickrud01:39
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nuked_omenmaybe i'm wrong01:39
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Horschtcan you help me with this, too: http://img247.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bildschirmfotodi5.png01:40
nexousWhere can I get more information on compiling C++ in build-essentials?01:40
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blackgrazbarbarella_me, im getting error msges when i do mysql_install_db :o\01:40
Peloafief,  I occasionnaly have some problems clicking buttons on the first try,  they don'T get selected,  I have to mouse away and back,  that might be related,  I donT' have a solution for it01:40
blackgrazthink you can help?01:40
afiefnuked_omen, hmmm... there was some command to see all mounted filesystems... now what was it?01:40
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nuked_omenafief: fdisk -l01:40
nuked_omenwhy didn't i think of that01:40
Pelonexous, I would start wit the forum,    you might find links in there01:40
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soldadoi've a small a question01:40
strabesyou might want to use SUDO fdisk -l01:40
nexousPelo: alright thanks.01:40
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strabes!ask > soldado01:41
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:41
the_hammeranyone here have any trouble playing dvd+R?01:41
soldadodoes ubuntu server has a proxy capability :)01:41
afiefnuked_omen, well, if it's mounted you can see it that way then01:41
mobutudoes God exist?01:41
haru beryl: decoration: property ignored because version is 20061011 and decoration plugin version is 20070319.. anyone knows a solution?01:41
PeloHorscht,  I can'T realy tell what the problem is,  can you tell me what you were trying to do ?01:41
Horschtchange the blue bar01:41
Pelomobutu,  no01:41
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barbarella_meblackgraz:what error01:41
nuked_omenmobutu: lets keep god out of this01:42
Horschton top to orange for instance01:42
Jeanersmobutu : I'm sure, some form a creator is up their.01:42
afiefnuked_omen, but you must be wrong, I got no output, and i have plenty of stuff mounted01:42
etherealityare we only allowed to ask for help and answer questions for help here?01:42
Triphow i change my DEFAULT login keyboard layout ???01:42
variantHorscht: upgrade beryl01:42
nickrudHorscht, no clue, that's in the theme I think01:42
etherealityand everything else is offtopic?01:42
variantharu: upgrade beryl01:42
variantHorscht: ignore me01:42
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nuked_omenafief: i figured it out01:42
PeloHorscht,  this is a theming issue ?  try looking for a theming channel01:42
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soldadomobutu does your soul exist :) ?01:42
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the_hammerdoes anyone here have any problems playing dvd +R?01:42
Slofp09 f9 11 02 9d 74 e3 5b d8 41 56 c5 63 56 88 c001:42
haruvariant, i did a dist-updrade after which this turns up01:42
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afiefnuked_omen, sweet:D now tell me so i can work it with my camera as well:D01:42
JeanersI've asked a question on the forum, and still no feedback.01:42
nuked_omenethereality: yes, exactly01:42
JeanersI feel hope is loss.01:42
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Peloethereality,  yes that is the point of this channel01:43
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barbarella_meblackgraz:what error?01:43
nickrudanyway, I'm out of here. ziggy23 keep at it, someone here will get you thru :)01:43
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gemidjyI need the most easy way to get real-time video recording from TV Tuner, not mythtv though01:43
afiefnuked_omen, please?01:43
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Peloethereality,  we do indulged in levity when it is a bit more quiet01:43
the_hammerok am i invisible or just simply being ignored?01:43
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soldadonobody answered me :)01:43
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:43
nuked_omenafief: no, i figured out that the command is useless :P01:43
variantharu: well, whatever the cause the answer is obvious01:43
shaun_i was wondering how to get the latest version of mencoder?01:43
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ksnipzwas wondering If i hve a a dual booth (xp / ubuntu) would it be possible using vmware to lunch xp within ubuntu or would that only work if i created a virtual machine and install windows within that01:43
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shaun_the one i hae seems to be out of date01:43
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gemidjybarbarella_me: it is for enduser, so I'd prefer something with GUI01:43
mobutuJeaners: God will provide all answers01:43
haruvariant, using trevinos repo01:43
Tripi have azerty in login and qwerty in my account , i want it all set to qwerty how i do that ?01:43
gemidjyit is not for me01:43
afiefnuked_omen, oh, then i'll try to find the one i saw before01:44
soldadodoes ubunto has the Proxy Capability :)01:44
variantshaun_: compile mplayer from source (it provides mencoder)01:44
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Pelosoldado,  it's a busy chanel when you don't get an answer restate your problem01:44
Tripi have azerty in login and qwerty in my account , i want it all set to qwerty how i do that ?01:44
shaun_variant: ughh01:44
variantshaun_: it's very simple01:44
barbarella_megemidjy:so you can!01:44
soldadoPelo thank you :)01:44
haruvariant, so how do i upgrade beryl01:44
afiefnuked_omen,  mount -l01:44
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soldadodoes ubunto has the Proxy Capability ?:)01:44
jvaiany1 in here on dapper still?01:44
nuked_omenhumans are asleep, when they die, they wake up01:44
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ffmSlofp, please stop pasting nonsence into this channel.01:44
soldadodoes ubunto server edition has the Proxy Capability ?:)01:44
gemidjybarbarella_me: it is for a user that only wants to click/clack and get video recording01:45
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jvaiSolarion, add squid01:45
variantshaun_: wget mplayersource.tar.bz2 && tar -xvjf mplayersource.tar.bz2 && cd mplayersource && ./configure && make && sudo make install01:45
sercikwhat can i do: compiz.real: No composite extension01:45
soldadojust like FEDORA01:45
Peloksnipz,   the short answer is yes,  there are howtos on the net, google, but I haven'T been able to get it to work yet ( I need to spend some more time on it )01:45
JeanersI need help!01:45
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afiefsercik, install xgl I think01:45
variantshaun_: there is the whole command, except change mplayersource to be the correct obviously01:45
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nuked_omenafief: wow, didn't know i got that much stuff mounted01:45
Tripi have azerty in login and qwerty in my account , i want it all set to qwerty how i do that ?01:45
JeanersCan I ask to have a question asked?01:45
Pelosoldado,  I beleive so, check in the forum  I don'T know how to do it01:45
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shaun_variant: should i uninstalled the one i got with apt-get?01:46
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variantshaun_: yep01:46
barbarella_megemidjy:i've made a web script for it, you have to wait before i put on sf.net01:46
PeloJeaners,  what do you need help with ?01:46
mobutuJeaners: ask your question, God will provide all answers01:46
etherealitynoooo i accidentally left, and lost everything... i closed the tab... gah, it's gone forever, isn't it?01:46
afiefnuked_omen, neither did i:D god damn it, when will I finally be able to say "I know much about linux"? there is something new to discover every minute01:46
etherealityno way to recall previous text?01:46
ksnipzPete, Thanks I' have yet to try it, and I'll search google I just wanted to find out before I spent the next hour or so installing xp01:46
Pelomobutu,   cut it out please01:46
gemidjybarbarella_me: nah, thanks, it is urgent, for this morning01:46
variantshaun_: and if you want the mplayer gui add --enable-gui to that ./configure command01:46
JeanersI'm having troubles with my speakers! I can't get them all working, 5.101:46
mobutuPelo: I hate France01:46
soldadoPelo : i just want to know that, how to do it this something i'll deal with but i want to get sure from that :)01:46
nuked_omenafief: sure, that's what makes it fun01:46
ksnipzjust wanted to go through it once rather then twice01:46
mobutuJeaners: are they connected01:47
JeanersI did this  speaker-test -c6 -D surround5101:47
Jeaners speaker-test -c6 -D surround51 played them all so well.01:47
JeanersBut music and video games don't play through them01:47
Pelosoldado,   I can'T say for sure but it this is linux, at worst you can compile from source01:47
=== ethereality turns on logging so that won't happen again. He then leaves to play Paper Mario.
etherealityoh, sorry, that was off topic01:47
mobutuJeaners: what happens when you try to play a mp301:47
etherealitythanks again01:47
PeloJeaners,  you you have any sound ?01:47
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mobutuJeaners: and what are you using to play these things01:47
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afiefnuked_omen, sure, that's one of the reasons i ditched windows. right now trying to compile my own kernel01:48
crimsun__Jeaners: cat /proc/asound/modules01:48
barbarella_megemidjy:try vlc, but it is more than one click, good luck01:48
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nuked_omenmobutu: what is the meaning of life01:48
crimsun__Jeaners: what's the output from that command?01:48
PeloSlofp,  can we help you with something01:48
nuked_omenmobutu: what is the purpose of our creation01:48
soldadoPelo because i'm going to change my ISA server at work to Linux but i'm looking for a good distro.01:48
Jeaners 0 snd_ca010601:48
Jeaners 1 snd_atiixp01:48
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JeanersI'm using the ca0106.01:48
mobutunuked_omen: to reproduce01:49
PeloJeaners, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_the_surround_speakers_.285.1_and_others.29_with_ALSA01:49
crimsun__Jeaners: http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/configs/confirmed/asoundrc.CA0106-upmix01:49
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crimsun__Jeaners: download that file and rename it to ~/.asoundrc01:49
nuked_omenmobutu: produce what? isn't there enough already?01:49
chumpSlofp: if you have a question ask it but don't paste that shit over here !01:49
crimsun__Jeaners: then restart your alsa apps.  Upmix will work for all native ALSA apps.01:49
nolan__i have a beginner question01:50
Pelosoldado, I would investigater furnther before doing the switch,  try asking here at different times of day ( different ppl in )  and check the forum for basic info on it,   it will at least let you know if ppl are using hthat featuer01:50
dyrnebarbarella_me: i looked at the mounting script in wiki. is there a reason different mask values given to files and directories? why is 0000 dangerous for files?01:50
nuked_omennolan__: ask01:50
afiefmobutu, what is the reason for a computer to be there? to process 0s and 1s(and store/send them), but that doesn't exactly cut it, does it?01:50
Pelonolan__,  ask away01:50
barbarella_meSlofp:do you think so!01:50
nolan__if i want to download an app, what do i look for?  ex. debian, fedora, what does this all mean?01:50
JeanersIt doesnt work?01:50
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Pelonolan__,   either packages identified as ubuntu or deb packages ( debian) or source files   ( http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/ )01:51
JeanersI used that and it doesnt play with all speakers? Do I need to restart after I do that?01:51
afiefnolan__, you're in ubuntu(debians cousin), they differ in the packaging(one prefers cartons the other bags)01:51
fox2k@nolan  first try a look in the repository01:51
fox2k@nolan  --> synaptics01:51
PeloJeaners, what doesn't work ? the links or the guide ?01:51
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nuked_omennolan__: basically you have to download the package for your operating system01:51
JeanersThe speakers01:51
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nolan__okay, fox2k, do you know suggest and supplement repositories for ubuntu?01:51
afiefnolan__, but generaly you should stick to what synaptic provides(don't forget to enable multiverse and universe)01:52
JeanersLike I did what the guide said01:52
Jeanersand the speakers still dont work?01:52
nolan__how do i enable that afief?01:52
soldadoPelo : I agree with you but you know i want to delay this big change after taking CISSP exam but my manager pushing to01:52
PeloJeaners, ic,  consider checking the forum as well ,  but I donT' think rebooting woud do anyting01:52
nuked_omennolan__: the fiesty repositories got pretty much everything i need01:52
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EvildobbiHey is there a way to chmod 666 /dev/input/event* permently? I have to do it every time i reboot and I need it that way for my specific device driver to work.01:52
JeanersPelo : I already posted a topic.01:52
scotv453is there a media player i can use on my home computer and get clients/web browser to play my music anywhere? Like mpd but i can't get it to work.01:52
JeanersBut NOBODY will even look at it01:52
nolan__okay, thanks nuked_omen01:53
afiefnolan__, system->administration->synaptic. then in the menu (don't remember where exactly) press repositories and check them01:53
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fox2k@nolan   what do you want to install?01:53
PeloJeaners,  I meant search what is already there,  there is probably a fix in theforum already01:53
crimsun__Jeaners: does ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav'' work?01:53
scotv453is there a media player i can use on my home computer and get clients/web browser to play my music anywhere? Like mpd but i can't get it to work.01:53
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afiefEvildobbi, well, I don't know, but out of curiosity, what driver is that01:54
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Evildobbiafief: Belkin nostromo n52 linux driver.. :D01:54
Evildobbiafief: won't load the driver without it being chmod'ed01:54
afiefscotv453, vlc and mplayer?01:54
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Peloscotv453,  if you already know of an app that does that , look in wikipedia for that appl  toward the bottom of the page there is often a list of alternatives or link to comparison with other similar app01:54
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Jeanersaplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav'' work?01:54
Jeanersaplay: main:550: audio open error: Device or resource busy01:55
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afiefEvildobbi, wait a sec, drivers run in kernel space, so they should be able to access it anyway01:55
nuked_omenEvildobbi: i'm sure there is a script that gets executed everytime you boot so you could insert whatever you want01:55
crimsun__Jeaners: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*01:55
nuked_omenyou just have to know which one01:55
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Evildobbithats the fun huh nuked? D:01:55
Jeanersmixer_app 10483 chris   18u   CHR 116,13      13470 /dev/snd/controlC001:56
Jeanersfirefox-b 14199 chris  mem    CHR 116,11      13419 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p01:56
Jeanersfirefox-b 14199 chris   59r   CHR  116,2      13012 /dev/snd/timer01:56
Jeanersfirefox-b 14199 chris   78u   CHR 116,11      13419 /dev/snd/pcmC0D0p01:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:56
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nuked_omenEvildobbi: yeah :D i don't want to take it away from you01:56
crimsun__Jeaners: close Firefox.  Flash 9 doesn't play well with upmixing.01:56
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JeanersNow what?01:56
crimsun__Jeaners: try the aplay command01:56
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afiefEvildobbi, should be something at /etc/rc from what i remember reading in LFS01:56
JeanersIt worked01:57
JeanersAll speakers01:57
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JeanersIt works!01:57
JeanersThanks all!01:58
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Evildobbiafief: dose it matter that it only works if I do sudo chmod blah blah?01:58
JeanersThanks to all who helped me, really, I mean this has been a problem for a LONG, LONG TIME.01:58
eiceicmay name is alex01:58
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eiceiclive in brasil01:58
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eiceicmy name01:59
Peloeiceic,  hello alex,01:59
afiefEvildobbi, I am no professional in this, never even tried it, but i think you don't even need sudo since that script runs with root previliges anyway01:59
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afiefEvildobbi, or were you asking about something else?(sorry)01:59
=== the_hammer wonders how many hours will pass before one of the many peop[le here will answer a qustion
the_hammeri want to know if anyone has problems playing dvd +R01:59
IdleOnethe_hammer, whats the question?01:59
afiefthe_hammer, kindly restate your question, not everybody looks all the time,01:59
afiefthe_hammer, didn't try. that's why i didn't answer in the first place02:00
IdleOne!dvd | the_hammer02:00
Pelothe_hammer,   look better, quesitons are getting answered all the time02:00
ubotuthe_hammer: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs02:00
ndeehow can I convert a iso 8859-1 encoded file to utf-8?02:00
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the_hammeri can burn a dvd+R but i cant play 102:00
Pelondee, try looking it up in the forum02:00
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the_hammerdoesnt make any bloody sense02:00
the_hammeri have that btw02:00
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the_hammeri have all the libdvd and also the win32codes and all that jazz02:01
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Pelothe_hammer, check the forum02:01
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__mikemDid you know that in old english, the word "bloody" was a bad word that was as reviled as the "f" word is today02:02
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ircusrhi all02:02
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the_hammerwhen i say play i dont mean movie dvds im talking any dvd+R period02:02
Pelo__mikem,  profanities are a very cultural thing02:02
Pelothe_hammer,  data dvd ?02:02
GNUroHo i can know my kernel configuration?02:03
the_hammeranything ya02:03
the_hammerno dvd+R will read02:03
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the_hammerits pissing me off i can burn them but cant read them02:03
pappyyouse guys are way over my head..I'm still trying to learn how to turn my pc on02:03
Pelothe_hammer,  do they mount ?02:03
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the_hammer-R does tho02:03
Pelothe_hammer,  have you tried to mount them manualy ?02:03
sebas_the_hammer: have you tried reading in other pcs?02:03
the_hammerhow do u do that?02:03
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jTr0nalot of burners have trouble with alot of +R media02:04
barbarella_mendee:apt-get install convmv02:04
usser_is there thunderbird 2 deb?02:04
Pelothe_hammer,   sudo mount /dev/cdrom ( or whatever the dev add is)  /media/mountpoint02:04
makuseruis there a ubuntu program to make audio_ts and video_ts files to burn a video dvd form a video file?02:04
ndeebarbarella_me, I got it working it iconv02:04
ndeethx though02:04
Pelothe_hammer,  make a mount point first   sudo mkdir /media/mountpoint02:04
jTr0nit's the lesser of the two R's in my opinion.  i've seen more failed +R's then -R's.  the difference between the two aludes me though02:04
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Pelomakuseru,   devede02:05
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the_hammeri wanna mount to Desktop02:05
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the_hammersudo mkdir /media/mountpoint/home my name /Desktop then right?02:05
Pelothe_hammer,  volumes mounted to /media/ automaticaly appear on the desktop02:05
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nexousAnyone know what language the Yelp documentation browser is developed in?02:05
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yimmmmywhat is grub02:05
yimmmmydo i need it02:05
jvaithe_hammer, i think i have issues burning on dvd+ also.. on a thinpad t40... maybe a nardware issue?02:05
jTr0nboot loader02:05
JeanersOk, now I have another question, how do I make my resolution 1280 & 1024? The Screen Resolution applet doesn't allow me to go that high, but my monitor can handle it?02:05
Peloyimmmmy,  grub is the boot menu,  yes you need it02:06
barbarella_mendee:so what is the problem?02:06
yimmmmyok what do i do with it02:06
yimmmmyburn it to a cd02:06
the_hammeri can burn +r no probs at all with k3b02:06
dyrneJeaners: /msg ubotu fixres02:06
PeloJeaners,   sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   add the resolutiosn you need manualy02:06
the_hammeri just cant read data or anything at all thats +R02:06
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afiefyimmmmy, it is installed when you install ubuntu02:06
the_hammermakes no sense02:06
slvmchnuse gnomebaker instead of serpentine, works a lot better02:06
=== Codename [n=codename@c-67-170-240-150.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nexousAnyone know what language the Yelp documentation browser is developed in?02:07
the_hammerok so ill load my disk in and then ill try that command to mouse02:07
Pelothe_hammer,  did you check the +R cds in another comp to make sure they are actualy burned ?02:07
CodenameNeed help installing Nvidia Drivers for Ubuntu 6.0602:07
the_hammeri got 4 pcs here02:07
CodenameNeed help :(02:07
the_hammer3 windows and im the only linux02:07
afiefthe_hammer, does this apply to data as well as video?02:07
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Pelo!nvidia > Codename   check your pm windows for amsg from ubotu02:08
CodenameI need help installing GFX Card Drivers for Ubuntu 6.06 (NVIDIA)02:08
the_hammerbut i cant make any sense of it as i can burn +R np's but cant read the stupid things02:08
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Pelothe_hammer,  consider there migth be a problem with the drive itself02:08
afiefthe_hammer, try to manually mount the dvd+r and see what happens02:08
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the_hammercodename 6.06 sucks for vid card drivers you gonna spend and waste alot of time fighting with that02:09
CanSum1HelpMeCan anyone tell me a good DVD burner that is guaranteed to work with Feisty?02:09
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nexousCan I make my own documentation file that i can load via Yelp?02:09
afiefthe_hammer, also possibly the drive itself, I had a dvd-r that wouldn't read on one drive and would on the other(both same version of linux)02:09
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afiefCanSum1HelpMe, don't know if it's good, but I got a Nec something 5 years ago, still works02:09
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the_hammeri got 2 brand new drives 1 burner and 1 reader and they both have same problem...just searching around here for a +R disk now02:10
jTr0nback when i installed 6.06 i couldn't get the video drivers working either so i fell back to windows again02:10
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nexousbarbarella_me? hes?02:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hes - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
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barbarella_menexous:hes for yelp02:10
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CanSum1HelpMeis there any kind of Linux Hardware Recommendation site??02:11
the_hammertrouble@duocore2:~$ sudo mkdir /media/mountpoint/02:11
imdumbcan anyone help me get kiba dock installed02:11
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nexousbarbarella_me: Where can I find this?02:11
afiefthe_hammer, did you try to mount them manually?02:11
JeanersSorry to bother again, but what do I exactly edit, I looked at the guide but not exactly it didnt tell me which section to edit..02:11
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the_hammertrying to i dunno how02:11
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the_hammertrouble@duocore2:~$ sudo mkdir /media/mountpoint/02:11
the_hammer<--just did this so far02:11
carlossomeone knows about how to turn off the creen like windows xp into function control panel, exist on ubuntu one wich turn the black out but this doesn't turn off the screen 02:11
tokyo26is this the most popular room on irc?02:11
afiefthe hammer sudo mount /dev/dvd ~/tmp02:11
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afiefof course you must have a tmp folder in your home dir02:11
caneris it possible to install wine on 64bit feisty??02:12
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usser_caner: yes02:12
the_hammermount: mount point /home/trouble/tmp does not exist02:12
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canerusser_ so how? :)02:12
the_hammerok how do i get the command to list the dvd burner and vdv rom ?02:12
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usser_caner: im on it02:12
the_hammerjust to see what they called it02:12
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barbarella_menexous:mozilla would be a good start02:12
usser_caner: here http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb02:13
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the_hammershould say in fstab right?02:13
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Sunbow-usser: is possible to install Opera navigator in ubuntu feisty 64 bits?02:14
canerusser_ thanks02:14
barbarella_menexous:i'm using the default language, so i don't need to. Can't help you with this02:14
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the_hammer/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       002:14
the_hammer/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       002:14
usser_Sunbow: i tried never succeded, kept bull*ing about qt libs missing02:14
jTr0ncaner - nice i was just about to ask that02:14
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the_hammerok thats from my fstab02:15
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=== usser_ trying to compile thunderbird
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the_hammertrouble@duocore2:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom002:16
the_hammermount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only02:16
IdleOne!paste | the_hammer02:16
ubotuthe_hammer: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:16
Sunbow-usser_: im not english, is it possible to install it?02:16
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Sunbowi dont understand your answer02:17
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CodenameI need some help installing GFX Drivers on Ubuntu 6.0602:17
usser_Sunbow: i dont think it is possible02:17
Codename I need some help installing GFX Drivers on Ubuntu 6.0602:17
makuseruis there a program that will make audio02:17
Sunbowok usser02:17
makuseruis there a program that will make audio ts_ and video_ts files from a avi?02:18
the_hammercodename repeasting 101 times ya gonna get yourself booted02:18
the_hammertrust me man been there had it happen02:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gfx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:18
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:18
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Sunbowi have tried too, and i havent get it02:18
the_hammeri tried to say earlyer 6.0.6 bites for vid drivers02:19
sync0hey, I had previously changed from Ubuntu to KUbuntu, and so when i log in, it shows the KDE login manager... I changed it so that when i logged in, it would log in to Gnome (I wound up liking it better), and was wondering how to get back to the origional Ubuntu startup instead of Kubuntu?  I have a feeling that didn't make much sense, hopefully ya'll understand :)02:19
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rbennittis there anyway to get ubuntu to recognize the AD1981 soundcard?02:19
iMacThere4iAmhey guys, i need some help getting Ubuntu to dual-boot with OS X02:19
felixxanyone know how to get the windows alt+ keys to work? like alt+171 which is the 1/2 symbol02:19
felixxheh, im trying to get into my firewall02:19
IdleOne!dualboot > iMacThere4iAm02:19
makuseruis there a program that will make audio ts_ and video_ts files from a avi?02:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:20
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the_hammeri got an nvidia card e-Geforce 7600 GS and i had 6.0.6 and 610 edgy and drivers i could never get going but 7.04 np02:20
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)02:20
iMacThere4iAmsweet, thx IdleOne02:20
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the_hammerdont know if that helps ya but im pretty sure ya gonna be fighting them drivewrs for ever02:20
the_hammerwith anything under 7.0402:21
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IdleOneno problem iMacThere4iAm you should have a private message from ubotu with the same info02:21
sync0can anyone help or should i look somewhere else?02:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ad1981 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:21
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: you can only install with powerpc until ubuntu edgy, in ubuntu feisty it isnt supported to powerpc02:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alt+keys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:21
praxx fellas. I have an Ipod a creative zen and a sansa. Which is the best tool for tagging. where all the player can actually read the song data02:21
crimsun__rbennitt: what's the issue?02:21
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rbennitti just dont have sound.. same problem I had with SuSe02:22
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP302:22
iMacThere4iAmSunbow:  Can you explain more?02:22
rbennittir is02:22
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jerepraxx: i got nothing, can you spare one??02:22
IdleOneiMacThere4iAm, what version of ubuntu you trying to install?02:22
jTr0nrbennitt: do you have a startup sound?02:22
Nergarhello, how do i check the md5sum of a cd?02:22
crimsun__rbennitt: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.02:22
iMacThere4iAmIdleOne: Fiesty02:22
redcardNerger: In linux: md5sum nameofcd.iso02:23
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IdleOneiMacThere4iAm, seems it isnt ported to powerpc02:23
praxxjere, eeh. That is a very tough question to answer02:23
jerei think krylon is best for tagging02:23
redcardNerger: Though, Ubuntu can do self checks02:23
Nergarredcard, how?02:23
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: ubuntu feisty is only for this machines types: x86, amd64 and Spark for ubuntu server02:23
redcardNergar: On the Ubuntu CD?02:23
rbennittno startup sound02:23
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praxxhow abt easy-tag , bansee etc02:23
Nergarredcard, no, another cd02:23
iMacThere4iAmIdleOne, Sunbow: but I'm running it right now on my PPC02:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 662/761gx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:24
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iMacThere4iAmIdleOne, Sunbow: Booting from the livecd though02:24
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: but what version of ubuntu do you have now?02:24
Nergarredcard, i want to see if the cd i burned has the same md5sum of the .iso02:24
IdleOneiMacThere4iAm, then read the wiki page ubotu gave you and see if you can get it installed. should be pretty simple02:24
redcardNergar: Oh.  I don't know if you can.02:24
the_hammerhttp://pastebin.ca/481822   <afief>02:24
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Bradf0rdDoes anyone here know anything about LAPACK?02:24
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: This is Fiesty02:25
iMacThere4iAmIdleOne: I will02:25
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Bradf0rdI'd like to know if there's a version of LAPACK that I can run in Linux02:25
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: and what version do you have installed?02:25
redcardNergar: Hmm.. I just tried md5sum /dev/cdrom02:25
redcardThat MIGHT work02:25
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: Fiesty02:25
crimsun__Bradf0rd: apt-cache search lapack02:25
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Sunbowubuntu 7.04 amd64 iso, ubuntu 7.04 386,iso?02:26
bruenigredcard, /dev/cdrom is not the name of the drive nor mount point02:26
bruenigNergar, you could try to copy the iso off of it and then md5sum it but I don't know if the md5sum would change if it was burned or not02:26
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redcardbruenig: I know that.02:26
mayorbuttesHey guys, let's say hypothetically I set up a website using Ubuntu Server and LAMP. Now I want to get a .com name... do I HAVE to register with a DNS, or is there any free alternative to this?02:26
redcardbruenig: But this worked awhile ago..02:26
Nergarthnx for the suggestions redcard, bruenig02:26
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: No,  7.04 PPC02:26
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redcardbruenig: So I'm seeing if it works now :)02:26
bruenigNergar, as in do "dd if=/dev/whatever of=name.iso && md5sum name.iso"02:26
FeldegastiMacThere4iAm are you using grub?02:27
skinnypuppy1334I'm running a piece of trial software on windows that won't save files, it's in a virtual machine, is there anyway to retreive the contents of this open file from the ram directly and save as a file?02:27
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the_hammerlol where did my helper go02:27
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: can you put here the link where do you have downloaded that version?02:27
redcardmayorbuttes: You have to purchase a domain name from an ICANN approved vendor02:27
IdleOnemayorbuttes, if yopu have a static ip addy and your isp doesnt mind you hosting a website from your machine you can point your .com to your ip addy02:27
iMacThere4iAmFeldegast: no, I have the standard mac firmware bootloader now02:27
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iMacThere4iAmFeldegast: i need to install yaboot i think02:27
Nergarnice, let me try bruenig02:27
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: let me have a look if i can find it02:27
Bradf0rdcrimsun__, Yeah, I know how to find it, but Lapack3 says it's a "binary incompatible upgrade for lapack"02:28
Nergarright now i'm trying md5sum /dev/cdrom02:28
mayorbuttesIdleOne: thanks, but was asking possibly ways of acquiring said .com02:28
Sunbowok iMacThere4iAm thanks02:28
Nergarand i think its working02:28
sync0Hey, anyone know how to switch from Kubuntu to Ubuntu?  I was running Ubuntu origionally, switched to Kubuntu about 5 or 6 months ago, and now I'm still technically using Kubuntu, but under session options i'm logging into Gnome.  How can I just use Ubuntu like I did origionally, (ie. so that at startup it says Ubuntu instead of Kubuntu; using the Ubuntu login instead of the Kubuntu login, etc.)02:28
mayorbuttesredcard: Thanks02:28
redcardNergar: That MIGHT not work :)02:28
redcardNergar: It worked many, many years back with slack..02:28
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Nergardaniel@ubuntu-lap:~$ md5sum /dev/cdrom02:28
Nergarmd5sum: /dev/cdrom: Input/output error02:28
IdleOnemayorbuttes, you can use any number of registrars02:28
redcardHmm.. it gave me an md5sum :)02:28
Bradf0rdSo that means I have to have the original lapack? and if so, what's binary incompatible mean?02:28
the_hammersomeone pls help me heres pastebin http://pastebin.ca/48182202:28
skinnypuppy1334K or Ubuntu.. you can add one to the other in the package manager and choose which to boot at Xlogin02:29
skinnypuppy1334much easier than dual boot02:29
Nergarredcard, it didn't for me02:29
durance84Can anybody help me make my wireless card work in 7.04? I've tried every solution I could find online and none worked02:29
mobutusudo sync0: dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop02:29
mobutui mean02:29
mobutusync0: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop02:29
the_hammerskinny im using ubuntu 7.04 and installed all the kde packs and i choosed the kde for defult02:30
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the_hammerif that helps ya02:30
the_hammerkubuntu has bugs heh02:30
redcardNergar: Me either.. it didn't match up :)02:30
sync0thanks mobutu02:30
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the_hammerits why i switched and did as i did02:30
jeredurance: what card?02:31
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: Is there a quick way to find out exactly what version of ubuntu I am running?02:31
laskingwho know how to install icons ,gnome02:31
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FeldegastiMacThere4iAm uname -a ?02:33
crimsun__iMacThere4iAm: lsb_release -a02:33
Sunbowyes iMacThere4iAm go to system- administration -system monitor, there in the first pestaa02:33
Feldegastthat will tell u kernel02:33
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laskingmy downloaded icons only have 4 folders not a tar files what should i do?02:33
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durance84it's a broadcom bcm4318 airforce one 54g 802.11g wireless lan controller rev 0202:33
redcarddurance84: Ndiswrapper02:33
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: that says 7.04 fiesty02:33
jereman i have the same big problems too!!02:34
Feldegastthen u have 7.0402:34
jerei got it semi working with fwcutter02:34
imbecilecan someone point me to a vpn client side tutorial for feisty? i'm extremely new at setting one up02:34
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: pretty sure I got it via bittorrent but damned if I can rember where from!02:34
jerebut it drops after 3 min02:34
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: ok, it doesnt matter i have found this link02:34
Sunbowit is possible02:34
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Feldegastwhat is a good website to find linux (ubuntu) compatible network devices?02:34
durance84I'm brand new to linux and I've followed every guide I've found trying to get it to work, but none have02:34
redcarddurance84: Have you done the ndiswrapper one?  Where you use the windows driver?02:35
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/02:35
jerei've tried so much stuff it's ridiculous. i can't remember what got it working02:35
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iMacThere4iAmSunbow: yes, that was it02:35
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EADGRecomendations for a command line cd/dvd burning program anyone?02:35
redcarddurance84: Is this thing in a dell?02:35
laskingnobody know my question?02:36
Nergarredcard, can i pm u?02:36
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redcardNergar: No.. what's up?02:36
redcardNergar: Ask it out here, so others can help :)02:36
durance84I also have a linksys pcmcia wpc54gs card that I can't get working either02:36
dougiei have a laptop and i'm trying to connect my 22" LCD to it. How do i enable a second display device?02:36
Nergarredcard, just to send u some text, too lazy to use pastebin02:37
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sync0mobutu: it's still booting into kubuntu... if i delete kubuntu/kde, will that make it go back to Ubuntu/Gnome, or will that just fuck me over?02:38
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sudosync0: try dpkg-reconfigure kdm02:39
sudoor uh02:39
carlos_how can I turn the screen off on ubuntu ?? Exist an option about how to down the bright into02:39
sudoyou trting to get rid of that?02:39
Nergarredcard, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20277/ ----Does this means the cd is damaged?02:39
sudosync0: try dpkg-reconfigure gdm02:39
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strabessync0: if you just remove the kubuntu-desktop package and install the ubuntu-desktop package you'll be fine02:39
carlos_but I don't know if this can happen02:39
sudois my nick as annoying as possible ?02:39
sync0sudo: this is what i tried last: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop02:39
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sudostrabes: you would think so, but ive done that, and the kde splashscreen still sticks around02:40
IdleOnesudo, only to you02:40
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strabessudo oh you mean the bootsplash?02:40
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strabessudo: that's easy to fix. hold on let me look for the page02:40
Nergarsudo, your right, i did the same from xubuntu tu ubuntu02:40
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strabessudo, etc... here ya'll go. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows02:41
strabesoops NEVER MIND02:41
melchioris firefox crashing for anyone else on feisty?02:41
strabesWRONG PAGE02:41
strabes^^^^ THAT's the right one02:41
redcardNergar: It means something's up..02:41
Nergarredcard, brb02:41
makuseruis there a room for K3B?02:41
redcardNergar: I'd wager it wasn't a clean burn.. but..try seperating the commands..02:41
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sync0yay strabes that worked, thanks a bunch :)02:43
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sync0i was scared that it wouldn't revert to ubuntu, then i'd be stuck without either lol02:43
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strabessync0: yeah you can have both (or all 3) installed at once02:43
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strabessync0: you might still have to choose the default login manager (kdm or gdm) i don't really know how to do that02:44
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strabesmaybe a dpkg-reconfigure kdm or something02:44
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sync0ugh.. its still saying kubuntu while it boots :\02:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mozilla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:45
selfI need advice on getting a PCI (not express, older P4 dell... 1.5GB RAM, onboard gfx) for this monitor: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2357532&Sku=A180-1916SWD8%20CA : my onboard GFX don't support the WXGA+ resolutions it lists as defaults.  And all the PCI card I look at don't state what display resolution types they support.  Ideas?02:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about self - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about silc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
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selfAny PCI card ideas?02:47
selfFirst time I've has to pick one out, so I'm at a loss :S02:47
makuseruis there any program that will let you create a DVD and make yuor own menus for them?02:47
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makuseruself: pci or pci-e02:47
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selfPCI, not express02:48
makuseruno clue then02:48
makuserulook around tiger direct02:48
selfI have a CRT right now that's burning the eyes out of me02:48
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makuseruCRT > LCD02:49
selfmakuseru: I have been :P02:49
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selfCRT is better?02:49
usser_selft: take a look at that one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413901202:49
makuserui think so02:49
makuseruno veiwing angle to deal with02:49
makuseruthey last longer02:49
selfSomeone wack him :P02:49
makuseruand i think they look better than the stupid 150$ cheapo lcds02:49
selfThey also suck alot of power, and have a 15" viewable area02:50
=== self squints
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usser_self: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681414508702:50
jerei'm looking at my cCRT now, it looks way better02:50
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=== barack hi people
usser_self: fx5200 usually performs reasonably well,02:50
makuseruself: depends on how big your CRT is, mine is a 20 inch widescreen02:50
usser_self: dont expect wonders though02:50
selfI don't :P02:50
barackhi self02:51
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selfHey barack!02:51
NrbelexHi - I have my wireless card up and running. Using the network manager, I have previously used it to connect to a wireless network elsewhere on a corporate WPA system. However at home, I'm unable to connect to our standard WEP network with the correct hex key or any other nearby unsecured wireless networks. In the system monitor, I see spikes of sent data but 0 received bytes. The card is a...02:51
Nrbelex...BCM43XX series and I used fwcutter to get it running properly.02:51
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sytimaxhow do i add a nic to start at boot that doesnt have a ip adress associated to it?02:52
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makuseruis there any program that will let you create a DVD and make yuor own menus for them?02:52
redcardNrbelex: I recommend using the ndiswrapper02:52
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HellenKjoerleberhican i upgrade from breezy to dapper02:53
selfI always heard LCDs were easier on the eyes02:53
Nrbelexredcard, why is that?02:53
redcardNrbelex: I found slow performance and weird things with the fwcutter method.   There might be some other weirdness02:53
makuseruself: i dont think so02:53
makuseruare you listning to people who have brightness and contrast on 100?02:54
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HellenKjoerlebergots it02:54
sync0one other question, when I go to System->Administration->Login Window, it prompts for my pass, i put it in, then nothing happens.  Anything I can do about this?02:54
jvaimakuseru, dvdrip02:54
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Nergarredcard, same error02:54
sudowhat are you talking about, LCDs dont flickr like CRTs, they are almost always easier on the eyes02:54
Nergari'm going to try and burn it again02:55
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yimmmmyi neeed help installing grub i dont know what it dose02:55
redcardNergar: Good luck02:55
=== CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp255-133.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nrbelexredcard, to use ndiswrapper, I first need to uninstall the fwcutter package, correct?02:55
redcardNergar: Mebbe burn at a slower speed02:55
noname1Kart Rider!02:55
redcardNrbelex: Yeah..02:55
Nergarok, redcard02:55
redcardNrbelex: There might be something on the wiki02:56
yimmmmydose any one know02:56
makuserumy crt is from 1998 and it is very easy on the eyes, and a doubt a LCD that old would still perform the same as when it was bought02:56
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redcardNrbelex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper02:56
CorpseFeederHi.. a java app is asking me for the location of the browser to use to open URLs.. what do I tell it? I want to use firefox to open the URL.02:56
Nrbelexredcard, thanks, I was looking for that02:56
yimmmmyi neeed help installing grub i dont know what it dose02:56
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strabesCorpseFeeder: /usr/bin/firefox is the location of the executable02:57
yimmmmyi neeed help installing grub i dont know what it dose02:57
xSUSHixif you dont know what grub does then why do you know you need it ?02:57
sudomakuseru: that's because you are 9 years older and are going blind02:57
redcardNrbelex: If you have a 4318, the automated thing is what I used02:57
yimmmmyi want to install linux02:57
strabesyimmmmy: don't repeat your question so quickly. here's a howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:57
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strabesyimmmmy: the ubuntu install CD installs GRUB automatically02:58
xSUSHixyimmmmy grub is automatically installed when you install ubuntu02:58
makuserusudo: no, not hardly02:58
CorpseFeederstrabes: thanks, that was it.02:58
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Nrbelexredcard, negative, I have a 430302:58
redcardNrbelex: Hmm02:58
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redcardpretty much the same instructions will work, though02:59
yimmmmyi just installed ubutu and i got error loading os02:59
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yimmmmydo i have to install grub before installing ubutnut02:59
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Kyral_Laptopit will do it for you as part of the install process03:00
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yimmmmyi dint03:00
sync0you don't really have to worry about grub at all03:00
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yimmmmywell i got a error loading os03:00
sync0did you install it properly?03:00
strabesyimmmmy: do you have an ATI card?03:00
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strabesgreat. does somebody want to walk yimmmmy through the process of fixing the feisty bug with ATI cards? I'm busy ATM.03:01
xSUSHix'error loading os' is a first stage boot error - has nothing to do with the video03:01
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fougdoes anyone use rhytmbox for their ipod?03:01
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strabesxSUSHix: he didn't say when the error occured03:01
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yimmmmy:{"""i just want my pc working again03:01
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strabesfoug: rhythmbox doesn't sync ipods AFAIK. use gtkpod or yamipod or amarok03:02
Nrbelexredcard, is that script specific to the 4318?03:02
yimmmmywhen i restarted after the instalinaion03:02
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xSUSHixstrabes if the error is "error loading os"   then that is where the error occurs03:02
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redcardNrbelex: I think the script is.. but the wiki page is generic03:02
fougstrabes: i tried gtkpod but it wouldn't sync, i'll try yamipod03:02
strabesxSUSHix: let him explain03:02
Nrbelexredcard, ok03:02
redcardfoug: Was it formatted on a mac?03:02
yimmmmywhat should i explain03:02
fougredcard: nope03:02
fougredcard: it's a directory issue i have03:03
strabesyimmmmy: what was the exact error that you got, and when did it occur?03:03
xSUSHixyimmmmy when you turn on the comoputer - what and where is the error03:03
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strabesxSUSHix: you got this? i'm busy03:03
xSUSHixyimmmmy re-install ubuntu03:03
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yimmmmyit says errror loading os boot from cd03:03
yimmmmyi did like 4 times now03:03
xSUSHixyou can not boot from cdrom?03:03
StarScreamhi guys, i did the edgy-feisty update via the gui tool03:03
yimmmmyi can boot from the cd03:04
StarScreamand it seems to have worked03:04
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redcardStarScream: *grins* but...03:04
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yimmmmythe istalion worked fine no errors03:04
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StarScreambut things like openssh isn't there and  i checked my apt sources still have edgy in them03:04
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StarScreamsurely this isn't correct?03:04
makuseruhow can i edit ogm videos? be able to set the defualt audio and subtitle track?03:04
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HJacksonTI see there are people here03:04
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: no luck i'm afraid03:05
NobstompaHi, i have a question about GRUB, how would i change it so that Windows default boots instead of ubuntu (damn windows and its relativity)03:05
nekyinbootsI am a people Hi room03:05
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dinklecan anyone help me figure out a way to work around adding a start up program? system -> preferences -> sessions does not work.03:05
xSUSHixyimmmmy ubuntu is your only operating system ?03:05
redcardStarScream: Hmm.. no.. it's not.  edit /etc/apt/sources.list, and replace all instances of Edgy with Feisty.   Then, run apt-get update  ; apt-get dist-upgrade  (I think.. someone double check me please)03:05
yimmmmyi t is now03:05
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: why?03:05
i-ami think that ubuntu is not for laptop pcs ://///////////////////03:05
yimmmmymy windows got wiped in the first install03:05
iMacThere4iAmit boots straight into OSX03:05
StarScreamredcard: yeh i can't as it wasn't me  that did the update physically. it was my parents. I can't ssh in to do this03:06
iMacThere4iAmthere is no sign of yaboot giving me a choice03:06
StarScreami managed to get my mum to copy paste some commans03:06
makuserui-am: its fine on mine03:06
StarScreamto let me view the sources03:06
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StarScreambut i don't fancy my chances getting her through vim03:06
nekyinbootsUbuntu running great here03:06
HJacksonTcan I get somebody to give me a hand for a second?03:06
redcardStarScream: Okay.  Hmm.  They should be able to still do apt-get install openssh-server03:06
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dinklecan anyone help me figure out a way to work around adding a start up program? system -> preferences -> sessions does not work.03:06
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rbilNobstompa: stanzas in Grub start counting from 0, so default=0 will launch first stanza. Count down to Windows and set default to that number.03:07
i-ammakuseru: well, i cannot start the installation cd... i just get a blank screen :/03:07
StarScreamredcard: no coz they are running feisty03:07
HJacksonTthis will take like maybe 30 seconds03:07
makuseruhow much ram ya got?03:07
StarScreamredcard: it complains. the update doesn't seem  to have changed the sources03:07
Nobstompaill try that03:07
xSUSHixyimmmmy boot from cd - open terminal - type grub - enter root (hd0,0) - then setup (hd0)03:07
xSUSHixquit and reboot03:07
redcardStarScream: Okay.. so.. can it be changed by hand?03:07
makuserui-am: how much ram?03:07
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yimmmmywhat will that do03:07
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: would it help if i showed you my yaboot.conf file?03:07
dinklecan i add a start up program from the terminal?03:08
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StarScreamredcard: hmm no i guess i'm just going to have to go visit03:08
yimmmmyhow do u open terminal03:08
xSUSHixyimmmmy - so grub, root (hd0,0), setup (hd0)03:08
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xSUSHixthat will install grub on the first hard disk on the first partition assuming thats where u installed ubuntu03:08
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nekyinbootsQ: how do you or do you need to defrag drives in Ubuntu03:08
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: im not an expert03:08
xSUSHixyimmmmy - terminal is in accessories03:08
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StarScreamyimmmmy: you got to IRC but you don't know how to find the terminal ?03:08
redcardStarScream: Sounds like it.. sorry :P  I personally installed from scratch after having too many non-standard repositories in place03:08
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iMacThere4iAmSunbow: know anyone who is?03:08
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yimmmmyim on my lappy03:08
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i-ammakuseru 2gb03:09
yimmmmyi just installed grub from a cd03:09
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imbecilecan someone point me to a vpn client side tutorial for feisty? i'm extremely new at setting one up03:09
makuserui-am: wow, thats alot for a laptop03:09
yimmmmywhen i booted it said partion error03:09
makuserui-am: sure your cd is good?03:09
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: i have GRUB for select with which operating system i want to boot03:09
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i-ammakuseru yes, the checksums are ok03:10
Biggiebhow do i use a usb hard disk in ubuntu ?03:10
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: how goes ubuntu in ppc?03:10
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xSUSHixyimmmmy that is not all it said was it03:10
mikedep334hello, in 7.04, where is the gnome trash?03:10
Biggiebi plug it but it wont let me write just read03:10
a5benwilliswhat command do I use to 'tail' a log file in real time?03:10
makuseruhow can i edit ogm videos? be able to set the defualt audio and subtitle track?03:10
i-ammakuseru that is hp pavilion tx1000 tablet laptop with amd turion 64 x2 2.0ghz 2gb ram, chipset nvidia 430 with integrated geforce go 651003:10
xSUSHix'partition error' is not enough information for anyone to help you yimmmmy03:10
yimmmmypartion tabel error03:10
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: it runls beautifully, but atm i can still only boot from the cd03:10
a5benwillismikedep334: /home/'user'/.trash03:10
mikedep334a5benwillis: ok, is there a user friendly way to access it too?03:11
yimmmmythats afeter i installed ubuntu for the 4th time03:11
xSUSHixyimmmmy re-install ubuntu tell it to use the entire hard disk03:11
a5benwilliscd ~.trash03:11
mikedep334a5binwillis: good enough for me, thanks03:11
a5benwilliswhat command do I use to 'tail' a log file in real time?03:11
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Biggiebhow do i use a usb hard disk in ubuntu ?03:11
Biggiebi plug it but it wont let me write just read03:11
xSUSHixyimmmmy use the whole hard disk - and later if you need a partition for some reason you can resize it to be smaller03:11
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iMacThere4iAmSunbow: i might try installing edgy because that seems to get the yaboot settings right first time, then go over it with fiesty03:12
yimmmmyok ill try it03:12
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:12
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: how many hard disks do you have?03:12
yimmmmythank you03:12
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: only one03:12
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iMacThere4iAmSunbow: and i don't want to reformat it because it has my main OS X install on it03:12
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: it can be a possibility go to edgy and then upgrade to feisty from there... but...03:13
Biggiebhow do i change the permits to allow me to write in a usb ntfs drive ?03:13
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xSUSHix!ntfs | biggieb03:13
ubotubiggieb: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:13
xSUSHixntfs-config will do it biggieb03:13
Biggiebok ill try03:14
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: but?03:14
xSUSHixit uses ntfs3g03:14
redcardOh.. side note.  ANyone know a program like Delicious Library for Linux?03:14
rob__how do i add a start up program?03:14
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redcardrob__: System -> Preferences -> Sessions03:15
[Neurotic] hi, I can't seem to get my usb network cable working between XP and Ubuntu, on the Ubuntu side, I get an IP and a subnet mask, but when I bring up the status for usb0:avahi, it comes back as 'error'03:15
rob__thats not working, it wont save them.03:15
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i-ammakuseru when I start ubuntu LIVE I get "VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown-block(8,1) PLease append a correct "root=" boot option Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block ;p03:15
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rob__i've seen people have the problem in forums online03:15
rob__is there another way to do it?03:15
rob__i haven't found a solution03:15
xSUSHixrob__ check the permissions on your sessions folder - i forget the filename but its a .directory   maybe in .grub03:16
redcardrob__: What are you trying to run?  It works with me..03:16
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Paddy_EIREhey guys there is a big green band across the screen when I try to play this video is it an error with me or an error with the video http://stage6.divx.com/user/riccyw/video/1211571/Smokin%5C'-Aces03:16
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: do you read how to install before installing?03:17
rob__but i enter it, then close the sessions box, then look in it again and it wasnt saved.03:17
i-ammakuseru any help ??03:17
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iMacThere4iAmSunbow: no :$03:17
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: you need one space in your hard disk, what type of file system type have you formated to install?03:18
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xSUSHixrob__ ls -l ~/.metacity/sessions03:18
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Trigz_Can anyone help me with my xserver.. It's playing up :( lol03:18
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:19
i-amwhat kind of support channel is that? :(((((((((((03:19
xSUSHixrob no i mean ~/.metacity03:19
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redcardi-am: An.. evil support channel03:19
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Nobstompahi i have a problem with GRUB still, i cant use my keyboard during grub, it works fine before and after grub but it wont work during, i have tried 4 diffrent keyboards :(03:19
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: i cleared a space, and in the installer, selected 'guided - use largest free space'03:19
i-amredcard so why anyone cannot answer me what the heck is "VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown-block(8,1) PLease append a correct "root=" boot option Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block" when i load LIVE03:19
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: read before installing: in the last part (when you have installed ubuntu and if it doesnt an option to choose SO03:20
cablesWhere can I find the md5 sums for the Edubuntu images?03:20
Trigz_My x server is giving me a fatal error - "No screens found"03:20
redcardi-am: Sounds like a bad cdrom03:20
carbanmis there an easy way that i can get my ubuntu isntallation back to its default drivers/ settings so i can start from scratch getting beryl running?03:20
mneptokyimmmmy: stop please03:20
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xSUSHixnonbstompa - that is a problem with your bios recognizing your keyboard03:20
Nobstompais there anyway i kan edit grub from ubuntu?03:20
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i-amredcard what do You mean by "bad cdrom"?03:20
xSUSHixnobstompa - grub files are located in /boot/grub03:20
IndyGunFreaki-am: i believe you're endearing yourself to everyone here, you'll get help very quickly03:20
redcardi-am: A bad disk.03:20
marshallNobstompa: yeah, sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst03:20
redcardTry reburning the live CD at 103:21
rob__total 403:21
rob__drwx------ 2 rob rob 4096 2007-05-10 17:39 sessions03:21
marshallNobstompa: it may be menu.list, not sure03:21
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redcard1x.. ack.  Too much Guiness.03:21
Nobstompaso then03:21
rob__thats what i get..03:21
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i-amredcard the checksums are ok.... thats ok redcard?03:21
xSUSHixcarbanm - youre supposed to back up your /etc directory on a regular basis03:21
marshalldoes anybody know how to save a cd image to the disk? like a .iso file?03:21
Paddy_EIREhey guys there is a big green band across the screen when I try to play this video is it an error with me or an error with the video http://stage6.divx.com/user/riccyw/video/1211571/Smokin%5C'-Aces anyone??03:21
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: read this in the install instructions; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/03:21
cables!burn | marshall03:21
ubotumarshall: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto03:21
NobstompaBios recognizes my keyboard03:21
Nobstompakuz i can choose like boot devices etc03:21
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redcardi-am: Well, what you're describing is the Live CD not booting, correct?03:22
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Trigz_!no screens found03:22
carbanmis ther e away i can just reinstall ubuntu and keep my file system in tact otherwise?03:22
Nobstompabefore i come into grub, then BAM my keyboard kinda just stops then comes back03:22
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marshallcables: which one is the best?03:22
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: ok03:22
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Trigz_ffs.. dumb bot :(03:22
mneptokNobstompa: USB keyboard on a Dell?03:22
cablesmarshall, are you on Windows or Linux?03:22
marshallcableroy: for gnome on ubuntu linux03:22
redcardi-am: Only suggestion I have is to check your bios, make sure nothing weird is in there, and then if it still doesn't work attempt an install from the alternate CD03:22
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Ademan_anyone know an easy way to test if your webcam is working?03:22
xSUSHixrob__ this is a common error - i got it in dapper - it worked after i made a new user account =\ u sure the forum didnt have a solution?   i thought it was a permissions error03:22
i-amredcard it is booting...to the main screen where can i start or install ubuntu, start ubuntu in safe graphic mode etc etc...when i start ubuntu by boot: live i get the error03:22
mneptokNobstompa: USB or PS/2?03:22
marshallcables: for gnome on ubuntu linux03:22
Trigz_ANYONE (yay capitals mean people read lol) help me with a error im getting on startup? x server fails and gives me the error "No screens found"03:23
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: exactly here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/PowerPC03:23
cablesmarshall, you can just right click on the ISO and click Write to Disc03:23
i-amredcard alternate cd? is it worst version??03:23
redcardi-am: Hmm.  And you did the "Check the CD for Defects" thing?03:23
Ademan_Trigz_: did you screw around with your xorg.conf?03:23
Nobstompai have a custom built, i tried my RAZER tarantula, an old USB HP keyboard, a Z-BOard, anda  a logitech wireless03:23
i-amredcard i did03:23
Nobstompaall usb03:23
Trigz_Ademan_ no.. the last thing i done was open WoW via cedega :(03:23
mneptokTrigz_: capitals also really annoy the bejebus out of people. like me. :)03:23
Nobstompai cant find a non usb keyboard03:23
rob__ok i'll try making another user03:23
cablesi-am, it's not any worse than the other CD,  it just doesn't have a graphical installer.03:23
redcardi-am: Hmm.  Did you try safe-mode?03:23
Trigz_mneptok sorry <303:23
marshallcables: i have a cd in the drive that i want to make into a .iso and save to a usb key03:23
rob__someone said they found a work around but i dont know what it is..03:23
cablesmarshall, ohh, ok03:23
Trigz_Ademan_ then i maximized the window.. and BAM.... monitor shut off, so i rebooted.03:24
mneptokNobstompa: got a wall-powered USB hub?03:24
i-amredcard it is only safe mode for graphic - same error03:24
cablesmarshall, if you want to take a CD and make an ISO image, right click the CD, click Copy, and select File Image under Destination Device03:24
mneptokNobstompa: it could be that the BIOS is underpowering the USB bus.03:24
xSUSHixTrigz_ ati or nvidia drivers arent correct - edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and change driver to either ati or nv or nvidia  (towards the end of the file under driver)03:24
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redcardi-am: Okay.. well, then I would use the Alternate CD to install03:24
Trigz_xSUSHix i'd just updated to envy (someone told me they were the best03:24
i-amredcard or maybe provide me with a good link of ubuntu 7.04 and a good way to burn it.... but i have like 4 copies already03:24
IndyGunFreaki-am: 4 copies?... have ou gotten it to boot?03:25
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redcardi-am: If you have verified it via the Check for Defects, it's a good CD03:25
mneptoki-am: use a torrent download. md5sum the .iso. and burn at the slowest speed possible.03:25
xSUSHixtrigz_ apparently ur card doesnt like it - change back03:25
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: I think I am going to install edgy and upgrade03:25
xSUSHixtrigz_ you probably have a backup of your xorg.conf file - use it03:25
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marshallcables: thanks, i figured there would be something in ubuntu that could do this seeing as its great and all03:25
redcardI would follow mneptok's suggestion.03:25
mneptoki-am: http://montreal.canonical.com/torrents03:25
IndyGunFreakPaddy_EIRE: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=261259303:25
IndyGunFreakthat might help03:25
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: it seems likely to work03:25
Ademan_Trigz_: envy has literally RUINED at least 5 computers i know of including mine03:25
i-ammneptok x4 is ok? i have them allready... 2 versions of 6.12 and 2 of 7.0403:25
redcardAnd then failing that, use the Alternate CD03:25
cablesmarshall, and there is :)03:25
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Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: why?03:25
i-amall are for amd processors03:25
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ToeNadhey all03:25
rob__xSUSHix thanks a bunch!03:26
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mneptoki-am: 4x should be fine. md5sum your ISOs.03:26
ToeNadI updated my laptop and now I have this wmaster0 as well as an eth1 for my wireless card03:26
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xSUSHixrob__ makind a new user worked?03:26
iMacThere4iAmSunbow: because last time I installed that, it got yaboot working without any difficulty03:26
Paddy_EIREIndyGunFreak, checkin it out now03:26
redcardi-am: A thought might be to go back to LTS and upgrade forward.03:26
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: ok, its your choice03:26
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mneptokToeNad: expected. don't worry about it.03:26
ToeNadand for the life of me I cannot get either one to connect to the network, any ideas?03:26
i-ami tried even ubuntu 5 ;p03:26
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Trigz_xSUSHix - Edited, working, Thanks! :)03:26
ToeNadmneptok: expected, in which way?03:26
redcardi-am: Did you do the RAM check?03:27
ToeNadmneptok: as in ignore wmaster0?03:27
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xSUSHixyay me: 303:27
Trigz_Yay you! :P03:27
i-amredcard and you know how many options are in laptop bios? almoast none03:27
mneptokToeNad: it's expected that you'll get >1 entry for a wireless device in /etc/networking/interfaces03:27
xSUSHix=] 03:27
Sunbow-iMacThere4iAm: im going, bye, good luck03:27
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Trigz_I was gonna do that.. but my way was the nooby way around asking how to get to xorg.conf (I forgot the path to it.. /etc/X11/xorg.conf) :P03:27
i-amredcard yes, with memcheck.... 18h without errors03:27
luisgmarineHello guys, I want to upgrade to Ubuntu x86_64, but I have close to about 40 GB worth of music and videos, is there any to upgrade without loosing all that awesome music I have?03:27
ToeNadmneptok: so I can effectively get rid of one when troubleshooting my issue right?03:27
mneptokToeNad: no. they both need to be there.03:28
Gerroluisgmarine: yep you can03:28
usser_luisgmarine: do u have an extra harddrive?03:28
Trigz_Grr wtf! It wont let me use a res any higher than 800x600? What a gay thingymabob :(03:28
mneptokToeNad: did you edit /etc/networking/interfaces by hand?03:28
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ToeNadmneptok: nope03:28
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mneptokTrigz_: "gay" as a pejorative is lame.03:28
Gerroluisgmarine: what file system is that 40gb on?03:28
ToeNadjust via the kde network config tools03:28
luisgmarineNo I don't have an extra hdd, and Gerro how on earth is that possible?03:28
xSUSHixtrigz_ now u have to install the opensource drivers for ur card - ati or nvidia ?03:28
luisgmarinewell its all under one hdd03:28
luisgmarineand its ext303:28
Trigz_mneptok I belive it's 100% fine for me to say it, since i'm a homosexual :).03:29
Trigz_xSUSHix, nvidia.03:29
xSUSHix!nvidia | trigz_03:29
ubotutrigz_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:29
Gerroluisgmarine: try to resize the ext3 file system and create two partitions one with music and one without03:29
ToeNadmneptok: shoud I be doing more web searches instead of asking you?03:29
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mneptokTrigz_: not if you want the str8s to stop using it.03:29
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Gerroluisgmarine: then make ubuntu on one and leave music on other03:29
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Trigz_mneptok: That's never going to happen, you know that as-well as i.03:29
xSUSHixtrigz_ what works for me is - apt-get install nvidia-glx    then do nvidia-glx-config03:29
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IndyGunFreakPaddy_EIRE: following those instructions worked for me, i've  been rying to figure out divx forever03:29
usser_cool it with gay guys03:29
mneptokTrigz_: well. it will happen in here. :)03:29
ToeNadmneptok: perhaps so, annoying to have a good thing going, then upgrade and have it be utterly different though03:29
Trigz_mneptok - yay :)03:29
luisgmarineGerro, lmao, I didn't know how that is possible, you mind helping me set that up?  Or point me to a guide on how to do all the required steps?03:30
luisgmarineI suck with gparted03:30
mneptokTrigz_: we use "ghey" in the Ubuntu community ;)03:30
i-amredcard i have no idea what to do...i am downloading alternative 7.0403:30
interfearI made a seperate partition for music/movies and mounted it on "/blank" , I was the directory to be read/write for users, ch mod 666 ?03:31
_MMA_Hi all. Ubuntu Studio 7.04 has been released. http://ubuntustudio.org03:31
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Paddy_EIREIndyGunFreak, was startin to thin something was wrong with my new laptop as I have not had these problems with ubuntu in the past03:31
Trigz_xSUSHix - "nvidia-glx is already the newest version"03:31
mneptoki-am: are you using Windows?03:31
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jTr0nits easy.  you resize your root ext3 partition, so that there is 40gb free.  turn the freespace into a new partition.  exit gparted and copy music to new partition03:31
Trigz_mneptok - ghey is more e-thuggish :(03:31
strabesi'm an e-thug03:31
i-ammneptok Yes03:31
IndyGunFreakPaddy_EIRE: did you get it to work?...03:31
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=== Trigz_ slaps strabes across the face with his e-hand
luisgmarinejTr0n, i can edit my current partition even though its mounted and I"m using it?03:31
mneptokTrigz_: yeah. it makes us feel "tough" and "scary." like an attack hamster.03:31
Trigz_omg :(03:31
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Trigz_Not an attack hampster!!03:32
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IndyGunFreakPaddy_EIRE: i've never gotten divx to work before, so i'm glad glad that worked.03:32
Paddy_EIREIndyGunFreak, checkin my mozilla directory now03:32
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i-ammneptok i have preinstalled vista...but i want to get rid off it this week03:32
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mneptoki-am: lemme find you a Windows md5 tool03:32
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jTr0ngood point.  get the gparted live cd03:32
=== strabes is packin' e-heat and smacks Trigz_ with his e-gat
i-ammneptok i have md5tool allready03:32
mneptokjTr0n: got gparted installed?03:32
Trigz_omg :( strabes is a true e-thug!03:32
=== Trigz_ flees
i-amnow i download alternative 7.0403:32
xSUSHixtrigz_ sudo nvidia-glx-config03:32
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redcardi-am: I would also download knoppix or similar to give it a run to see if it can pick your cards out03:32
mneptoki-am: use the md5 tool to checksum one of the Feisty images you have.03:33
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luisgmarinewould I not have to add the new music partition to my fattab or w/e its called?03:33
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NemesisDhi guys, is there a way from console to do a find/replace on multiple files with like grep or something?03:33
Trigz_xSUSHix done that ;o03:33
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luisgmarineand once I install x86_64, is it possible to merge those two partitions back together03:33
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mneptokjTr0n: do you have gparted installed?03:33
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i-amok, i will try with knoppix also03:33
Gerrohow can I restrict the size of a directory?03:33
tin_nqnhello people. I need mount /dev/hdc1 (ext3 format) into a dir.... I've edited fstab and the partition is mounted, but in read-only mode. How can I mount it writable? Here my fstab http://rafb.net/p/Aj6Ciq38.html03:33
Trigz_xSUSHix - /usr/sbin/nvidia-glx-config called with unknown command:03:33
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mneptokTrigz_: what are you trying to do?03:34
jTr0nmneptok:  no i just installed this system.  ubuntu doesn't have gparted by defualt.   its on the live cd though03:34
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Trigz_mneptok - Make my desktop res higher than 800x600 :(03:34
mneptokjTr0n: oh, i was gonna show you a fun easter egg :)03:34
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Trigz_mneptok - Then find a good nvidia driver so i can play games like a pro :P03:34
mneptokTrigz_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:34
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xSUSHixtrigz_ oops i meant sudo nvidia-glx-config enable03:35
Nobstomp1hey what was the terminal line run /boot/grub/menu.lst so i could change the default OS booted?03:35
Trigz_xSUSHix - done that :P03:35
jTr0ni'm definatly keeping my windows partition.  all the games I have won't run online mode in linux and thats so useless03:35
jTr0nexcept for oblivion03:35
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Trigz_mneptok - Which driver? there's a great list to choose from lol :P03:35
mneptokTrigz_: use "nv" for now03:36
yimmmmyholy s03:36
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Nobstomp1Jtron: have u tried using wine? i am running World of warcraft and abuncha steam games off it03:36
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jTr0nmneptok:  Trigz_ wants acceleraction03:36
yimmmmyholy s$@#   pation tabel invaild or cruppted03:36
mneptokjTr0n: let's get the resolution dose first03:36
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Nobstomp1hey how would i change the default OS booted from GRUB while in the ubuntu OS?03:37
Jordan_Uyimmmmy, Don't panic :) Where are you getting that error?03:37
jTr0nnobstomp - steam would be nice yes... i have wine but it won't install for me03:37
nicholas76I need a reason why ubuntu is beter than Windows. I MUST convince my parents to switch to ubuntu!03:37
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Trigz_xSUSHix - done that :P03:37
yimmmmypartion error invaild or croupted03:37
yimmmmyoh my god03:37
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Trigz_nicholas76 - because its linux.03:37
yimmmmyim painicing03:37
Jordan_Unicholas76, #ubuntu-offtopic03:37
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Jordan_Uyimmmmy, where are you getting that error?03:38
xSUSHixyimmmmy - u might have to partition manually using the manual partition option - its pretty intuitive and you should be able to figure it out03:38
Nobstomp1Jtron: ya it was a bit of a hassle for me it took like a week of straight messing around, but i finally got it, so i recomend doing it on a vacation of some sort03:38
yimmmmyi dont @$$%@% understand what the problem is03:38
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xSUSHixjordan_u after he installs ubuntu - thats the first stage boot error03:38
yimmmmywhen i boooooy03:38
strabesnicholas76: that shouldn't be too hard to do03:38
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jTr0ni had the same thing03:38
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strabesyimmmmy: maybe your hard drive is toasted03:38
jTr0nit was because my bios was auto detecting my drives03:38
Ironman273Could I get some help troubleshooting a network issue on my laptop?03:38
blackgrazhas anyone ran an infobot before?03:38
jTr0npeople like strabes told me the same thing03:38
yimmmmyno its goood it had windows on it03:38
jTr0ngoogle had no information03:39
variantyimmmmy: you won't get any help unless you calm down and talk like an adult03:39
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Nobstomp1Hey how would i change the default OS booted by GRUB, while inside the Ubuntu OS?!??!?!?!?!03:39
Rigelhow can I view a list of currently running processes?03:39
strabesjTr0n: what did i tell you?03:39
Rigelfrom the terminal03:39
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jTr0nfinally poked at the bios.. turned off auto detection of my drives, and it booted fine03:39
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Trigz_xSUSHix - what now?! :(03:39
variantRigel: top or ps03:39
jTr0npeople like you told me that my drives were toasted03:39
yimmmmyim trying to calm down but ive been doing this all day03:39
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kitcheNobstomp1: change the default in your menu.lst03:39
yimmmmywas you drive broken03:39
yimmmmywhat happend03:39
chaelLion_Dart oi :}03:40
jTr0nbios configuration was just haggaring grub03:40
Lion_Dart(chael) hi03:40
BoelckeHelp! The power-saving turn-off-the-monitor feature worked fine on 2 different desktops on breezy, but now won't work on Dapper.  Any pointers?03:40
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yimmmmyhow do i change that03:40
variantjTr0n: all advice taken from random people should be taken with a pinch of salt of course. you have no idea as to the experience of anyone that your talking to03:40
Nobstomp1Hey how would i change the default OS booted by GRUB, while inside the Ubuntu OS?!??!?!?!?! i know its                                       Sudo03:40
yimmmmyand what do i do after that03:40
chaelLion_Dart do u speak inglish?03:40
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Nobstomp1Kitche: i know that what is the terminal command03:40
variantjTr0n: it's easy to sound like you know what your talking about.. thats my job :)03:40
jTr0nlol i know.  but to say the hardware is pooched is a cop out answer03:40
kitcheNobstomp1: you have to edit menu.lst03:40
kitcheNobstomp1: by opening it in gedit03:40
yimmmmyi just want this to work03:40
Nobstomp1its sude something /boot/grub/menu.lst03:40
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variantNobstomp1: try asking without too much punctuation03:41
clouder`grrHow can I show a duration column for a folder containing audio files?03:41
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strabesNobstomp1: There are a couple ways. just do a google for "change default OS grub"03:41
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xamoxis it possible to run OSX in a VM in ubuntu?03:41
jTr0non a ppc03:41
stmillerqemu can emulate ppc but it's not pretty03:41
xamoxjTr0n, not on a x86?03:41
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Jordan_Uyimmmmy, You can restore your default windows bootloader by running fixmbr ( or something like that ) a windows install CD, that should at least give you windows back03:41
clouder`grrxamox: you can try using PearPC03:41
xSUSHixtrigz u follow the stuff ono the binary driver howto ?03:41
xamoxshit, i just want to run safari for web dev stuff.03:42
jTr0nlook into osx86.. tho it aint pretty either03:42
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jTr0nand far from legal03:42
deltaphcI think OS X's license prohibits running it in any kind of VM03:42
srbakeranyone know if dell has their ubuntu-loaded boxen ready yet?03:42
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srbakeri can't find it on dell's website03:42
yimmmmyi want ubuntu though any way i dont know where my windows cd is03:42
Trigz_xSUSHix - pfft your no fun :(03:42
chaelLion_Dart i dont liked, network de frizek.03:42
Jordan_Usrbaker, Not yet03:42
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:42
Boelckesrbaker, I saw the announcement, but also haven't been able to find them for sale yet.03:42
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jTr0nyimmy - at the absolute first part of your bootup, press del or f10 to get into your bios settings03:43
yimmmmyok i am now03:43
srbakerdell's website is damned confusing03:43
jTr0nturn off auto detection for ide drives.  see what happens03:43
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Nobstomp1Jtron: one thing u wanna do if u use wine to run steam and other games is copy your font folder from C:/Windows on your windows OS and migrate it to the folder into the Wine          /home/swiss73/.wine/drive_c/windows03:43
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chaelLion_Dart t quase bom da virose . ;D03:43
__mikem!ohmy | srbaker03:43
ubotusrbaker: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:43
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Nobstomp1other wise you wont be able to read anything that isnt in a picture03:43
jTr0nNobstomp1:  ooo good idea... since that was an issue.  i couldn't see anything03:43
yimmmmyi dont see that there03:44
srbakeranyone here know about dell's lineup?03:44
Nobstomp1i had same deal im like uhh wtf?03:44
i-amredcard OK, i burned both of them, second is alternative...checked the isos with md5tool they ware ok....I have the same error when i load them :/03:44
Nobstomp1cya and ty pplz03:44
Trigz_mneptok - What do i do now? :P (I've done dpkg-reconfigure)03:44
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jTr0nyou see a dell logo instead huh?  anyone know how to get into a dell bios?03:44
Ironman273My laptop can't get on the internet03:44
strabesjTr0n: you hit f2 on that screen03:44
Trigz_jTr0n - Should be f2 on the dell logo03:44
mneptokTrigz_: restart X03:44
jTr0nthere u go yimmmmy03:44
Trigz_mneptok - how do i do that? :'(03:44
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mneptokTrigz_: logout or ctl-alt-bckspc03:44
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Jordan_Usrbaker, They have laptops in their "n series" that come with no OS03:45
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stmillercntrl+alt+backspace! :)03:45
yimmmmyi have an hp03:45
xSUSHixtrigz_ edit ur xorg.conf and change the driver to nv03:45
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Trigz_mneptok - done =] 03:45
srbakerJordan_U: oh, thanks, that'll be handy.  but i'm looking specifically for desktops with no os03:45
jTr0ndon' tknow how i got that you had a dell03:45
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i-amyimmmmy i cannot even start live on my HP :>03:45
srbakerJordan_U: not laptop yet.03:45
pheaverIf I am using repositories that "overlap" (different versions of the same package appear in each repo), is there a way to choose which one to install?03:45
stmilleranyone listen to the Linux Action Show? They gave some ubuntu love03:45
Jordan_Usrbaker, They have desktops too03:45
Trigz_mneptok - STill the highest i can go is 800x60003:45
yimmmmyi have the live cd on my pc03:45
yimmmmyand it works03:45
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mneptokTrigz_: did the reconfigure offer you other resolutions to enable?03:46
srbakerJordan_U: yeah, i can't find them without an OS03:46
srbakeri'm sorta toying with the idea of getting a linux desktop instead of getting another mac03:46
Pelopheaver, yes,  I beleive you can with a rightclick funcion03:46
jTr0nanyways, if you can get into your bios.. and change the ide auto detecting settings off.. you're more than likely to boot fine03:46
Ironman273WOuld anyone know why I can't get on the internet with my laptop?03:46
srbakeri was a linux user for 10 years, and then i bought a mac.03:46
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Trigz_mneptok - Yea, i made sure they were checked :/03:46
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PeloIron_Chef,  we need more info03:46
pheaverPelo: what about from the command line?03:46
mneptokTrigz_: pastebin your xorg.conf03:46
Jordan_Usrbaker, http://www.dell.com/content/products/features.aspx/nseries?c=us&cs=04&l=en&s=bsd&redirect=103:46
Ironman273Well, it's a wireless PCMCIA card, it was working previously and now it's not.03:47
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Pelopheaver, well if the package name includes the version there woud not be a problem but other then that I donT' realy know03:47
jTr0ni've had to do it to build xbox harddrives for years now, but never had any problem loading grub with it on until i installed on this box03:47
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srbakerJordan_U: thanks03:47
Trigz_mneptok - ok03:47
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pheaverpackage name does not include version, it's a conflict :)03:47
Ironman273It detects and connects to the network, the DNS is OK, but I can't get on the internet03:47
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pheaveri think i figured it out though... i just have to carefully manipulate sources.lst03:47
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PeloIronhand,  fiesty ?  start with using the restricted dirver option in admin see if your card is automaticaly supported03:47
SurfnKidhow can i set the mouse wheel to scroll on any browser?03:47
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sgtmattbake1http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/technology/6634195.stm check this out guys03:48
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SurfnKiddo i grab the control command thru xev and then what? where do i input it03:48
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darkosCual es el canal en espaol?03:48
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clouder`grrAnyone know of a way to get a duration column to show up in a folder view of audio files using Nautilus?03:48
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PeloSurfnKid,  I belevie there is a howto on that in here  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty03:48
i-amredcard any help?03:48
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yimmmmycan you use a spare hdd in ubuntu03:48
Ironman273Pelo: Yes, feisty.  How would I go about that?03:48
yimmmmyto store stuff03:48
KeromanEvenin', folks.03:48
SurfnKidPelo, ah cool, im on edgy ill have to check03:48
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Pelo!wifi | Ironman27303:49
ubotuIronman273: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:49
jTr0nyimmmmy:  i have 203:49
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i-amyimmmmy can YOU load live on Your HP laptop????????03:49
yimmmmyi cant get this to work at all i don know what is wrong03:49
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cfbbHi, can someone help me with installing a wifi diver?03:49
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yimmmmyno hp destop03:49
Trigz_mneptok - sent link in a /msg03:49
=== Toma- [n=e17@124-168-116-131.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
randsince Ubuntu has a small CD of packages during initial install, is there a way to install a lot of packages at once (without having to manually select each one) like you might get with a DVD distribution (where you select everything during initial install)?03:49
i-amyimmmmy ooo i have problems on laptop03:49
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yimmmmyi am not putting it on my laptop03:49
yimmmmyi wnat it on my destop03:49
__mikem!repeat | rand03:49
uboturand: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:50
PeloSurfnKid,  I beleive it's the same instructions for that function, if you don'T find it there I know there is a wheel mouse how to in the forum somewhere03:50
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CCmonsterwhats a good text publishing program?03:50
rand__mikem, first time I asked in this channel03:50
CCmonsterlike..similar to waht i would do in Adobe Illustrator or InDesign.03:50
Gerrorand: what was your question?03:50
jTr0nyimmmmy:  have you got into the bios yet?03:50
SurfnKidPelo, ok ill consider it, have you tried it? im on firefox03:50
Jordan_Urand, You can use: sudo apt-get install <list of packages>03:50
yimmmmywould there be anything on my pc blocking this from installing03:50
tin_nqnhello people. I need mount /dev/hdc1 (ext3 format) into a dir.... I've edited fstab and the partition is mounted, but in read-only mode. How can I mount it writable? Here my fstab http://rafb.net/p/Aj6Ciq38.html03:50
yimmmmyyea im in my bios03:50
cfbbHi, can someone help me with installing a USB wifi diver?03:51
CCmonsterdoes ABiword save in file formats i could use on a windows machine later?03:51
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jTr0ndo you see anything about auto detect or auto settings ?03:51
Jordan_Ucfbb, What chipset?03:51
Pelorand,  there realy isn'T a point , you get a lot from the default install,  all the rest of the stuf is pretty speicalised,  you are better off selectign afterward,  if this is about a re-install you can make yourself a bash script with apt-get to isntall all the extra packages you need03:51
sgtmattbake1CCMonster: yes abiword is compatible with MS word doc formats03:51
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CCmonsterim looking for something more than a MS word,03:51
kikrhey do I need a monitor to install ubuntu?03:52
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CCmonstersomething closer to a adobe illustrator or inDesign03:52
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PeloSurfnKid,  I know there is a howto for whele mouse because I search for instrctions for you marble FX ( I had no luck)  I know there are instrctions for FF but I realy donT' remember anything03:52
Jordan_UCCmonster, PDF?03:52
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CCmonsterhave you ever used Adobe Illustrator?03:52
CCmonsteror Adobe InDesign03:52
Pelokikr,  it would be helpfull to see what you are doing03:52
Jordan_UCCmonster, Yes03:52
yimmmmyok i just put a new hdd in it was my xboxs old hdd i wnat to put linux on it what do i do03:52
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CCmonstersomething with those kind of features03:52
kikrPelo, what about ssh?03:52
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Pelokikr,  if you are talking about a remote install I realy wouldn't know03:53
Jordan_UCCmonster, Depending on what exactly you want try Xara or inkscape03:53
CCmonsterwhats the diff/03:53
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cattellarhello people03:54
dthomasdigitalHey How do you but the users to the side on xchat?03:54
jTr0nis it unlocked using your xbox eeprom key?03:54
cattellarI was wondering, If someone knew how to change the functions of the buttons in a mouse??03:54
Jordan_UCCmonster, Xara is much faster for very complex images but inkscape has better svg support and ( IMHO ) an easier interface.03:54
CCmonsterim not messing with images03:55
CCmonsterim messing with print quality text03:55
CCmonsterand vector text manip03:55
jTr0ngo for inkscape03:55
Pelodthomasdigital,  it is probably hiden from just mouse over the right edge of the window and try dragging, or play around wth the options in display ( and I mean play)  it migth reset it03:55
yimmmmyim not sure dose it have to be unlocked03:55
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spasticteapotInkscape is very nice.03:55
spasticteapotVery different from illustrator, though.03:56
Pelocattellar,  that would be a xorg.conf edit,   search the forum for  mouse buttons,  you migth need to extrapolate from  instructions for many button mouse03:56
jTr0nyimmmmy:  if you just take an hd out of yoru xbox it is locked with a key unique to your xbox03:56
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spasticteapotI've only used the latter a little bit - it does seem quite a bit more powerful, but for simple vector graphics, Inkscape can be quite useful.03:56
Jordan_UCCmonster, I would go with inkscape, but try xara also, it may be more like other commercial application that you are used to03:56
yimmmmyi have an unlocker dose it need to be unlocked03:56
strabesyimmmmy: you'd have to hard mod your xbox03:56
jTr0nno you don't03:57
strabesyimmmmy: if youwanted to change the hard drive you would03:57
strabesare there soft mods?03:57
Gerroreally really :)03:57
jTr0nreally.  i've done dozens on softmods03:57
yimmmmyi dont care about my xbx i got that ccoverd03:57
strabesoh sweet03:57
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strabesis it free?03:57
jTr0nyea your drive is locked with a key in your xbox03:57
yimmmmyi just want to kno w if i need to unlock my hdd befor i put it in my pc03:57
jTr0nno you need supplies03:57
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strabesjTr0n: oh bummer03:58
jTr0na game, a save card with a save on it, and thats about it03:58
jTr0nofftopic tho03:58
strabesjTr0n: oh yeah03:58
fougwhere do i go to insteall yamipod?03:58
KeromanI could use a little help installing Ubuntu.  I'm a first time installer, but I know my way around computers, so I shouldn't need too much help hopefully.03:58
jTr0nyimmy - you can't unlock it with just some unlocker tool.  u need the xbox's unique key03:58
IAmWilli am having trouble with my SD card reader on my laptop, it can read the 128MB card, but the 2G card can't be read, both cards are same brand, just different sizes.... any ideas?03:58
bruenigKeroman, it is pretty much a point and click endeavor03:58
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dthomasdigitalI'm using Xchat and I can't get the users to show up listed on the side. Any ideas?03:58
yimmmmyi have it03:58
yimmmmyholy crap03:58
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yimmmmydose it need to be unlocked03:58
KeromanYeah, except neither my desktop or my laptop will boot to the disc I've burnt the .iso file to.03:58
yimmmmyor not03:59
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bruenigdthomasdigital, it is tucked in, you need to get near the edge and pull it in03:59
jTr0nthat was the first thing i said i believe03:59
randthanks Jordan_U and Pelo for your suggestions03:59
yimmmmyso yes03:59
dougieI'm trying to format my usb thumb drive is there a command at the prompt that will do it?03:59
KeromanI've booted to discs before on both of them, and when I put the disc in while the computer's on it opens the DiscTree automatically.03:59
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yimmmmyok im going to try to put it on my small hdd can i put my big hdd in later and put stuff on it04:00
strabesdthomasdigital: i think the keyboard shortcut is CTRL+L or somoething04:00
DJTreyaright, im trying to install ubuntu on a compaq presario sr1020nx, but it keeps rebooting. here's someone else with the problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14560304:00
DJTreyany ideas?04:00
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:00
fougstrabes: how do i install yamipod? ,/configure isn't working when i navigate to the directory04:00
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KeromanI'm thinking I might just have funky BIOS's, but like I said I've booted to CDs and DVDs before.04:00
bruenigfoug, I assume you mean ./configure, is there a configure script in that directory?04:00
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fougbruenig: nope04:01
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bruenigfoug, is there a README or INSTALL04:01
fougbruenig: yea it only tells me this program has no warranty04:01
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NickGarveyI am trying to install tomcat on my apache2 server, but all jsp files simply show the source code of the html file, how can I avoid this?04:01
bruenigfoug, when you ls, is there anything that shows up as green?04:01
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fougbruenig: libfmodex.so.numbers here and YamiPod04:02
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bruenigfoug, run ./YamiPod04:02
yimmmmywalk me trough the install please04:02
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einar_iff i only culd04:02
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fougbruenig: updating playcounts... is what it says04:03
dougieI'm trying to format my usb thumb drive is there a command at the prompt that will do it?04:03
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fougbruenig: along with an error about not copying the lib to usr/lib and i'l haveno audio which is fine. I just need to put songs onto my ipod04:03
spasticteapotdthomasdigital: Click the View tab at the top, select Userlist.04:03
einar_i can not install real player on ubundo04:04
bruenigfoug, do you have a link to this package?04:04
zerosanI've got the following question: I shrinked my NTFS Windows Partition at the installation of Ubuntu, that went totally well because I defragemented the partition. How can I do that inside a running Ubuntu System?04:04
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yimmmmyi hate this stuff04:04
bruenigzerosan, you can use gparted, sudo apt-get install gparted04:04
fougbruenig: http://www.yamipod.com/main/modules/downloads/04:04
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anandanbudoes anyone know how can i install counterstrike in ubuntu 7.0404:04
cjaedoes the cubestorm screensaver freak out with anybody else04:05
fougbruenig: ok, i tried to put songs onto my ipod in rhythmbox and they are not there, but it lists them04:05
dougieananadanbu, use wine04:05
=== pureDesi [n=rishi@pool-70-110-22-247.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fougbruenig: now i open yamipod and it says the songs are there on my ipod but they aren't when i liten to it04:05
zerosananandanbu, use wine and install Steam, only problem is that the Steam interface is a bit buggy in there04:05
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pureDesihow do I add kiba-dock to autostart?04:05
fougbruenig: wtf? how do i finalize my aditions to my ipod04:05
einar_i think it s not possible to install conterstrike on linux04:05
zerosaneinar_,  it is04:05
anandanbuhow can i install wine with synaptic or automatix04:05
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Jchordanandanbu: goto http://www.winehq.org/04:05
dougieeinar_ yea it is04:05
bruenigfoug, calm down, I am trying to see what this package is, I don't have an ipod so I am not completely certain04:05
einar_ok good to know04:06
bruenig!automatix | anandanbu04:06
ubotuanandanbu: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:06
zerosananandanbu, just search for wine in it04:06
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anandanbuok then can i apt-get wine04:06
dvds"Out of memory: kill process" , during an installation... is this terrible? :E04:06
dougieanandanbu, you can also visit #winehq04:06
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fougbruenig: i'm trying ot copy songs onot my ipod, i doubt this will work though04:06
dougie!wine | anandanbu04:07
ubotuanandanbu: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:07
bruenigfoug, ok the readme says to do this "sudo cp libfmodex.so.4.02.05 /usr/lib && sudo cp YamiPod /usr/local/bin"04:07
cjaeit seems to switch back and forth between it last position and the new one04:07
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KeromanAnybody have any ideas as to what I can do if my computer won't boot to CD, DVD, or USB drive?  I'm sure I've got the .iso file for Ubuntu burned correctly.04:07
bruenigfoug, or it says to do something and that is the best way to do it04:07
rajkostohow do you config dns ?04:07
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fougbruenig: i don't need audio for yamipod, i just need to put songs onto my ipod04:07
bruenigfoug, after you do that, run "YamiPod"04:07
Jchord<dvds> use the alternate install cd04:08
dougieKeroman, I've got that same problem...i'm trying to get it to boot off a usb thumb drive though04:08
fougbruenig: i don't understand why drag and drop doesn't work in rhythmbox, i've tried GTK pod and it wouldn't even detect my ipod. Telling me i had some /media/ error04:08
cyan_roninwhat is the correct md5 checksum of ubuntu-desktop-7.04?04:08
bruenigfoug, do those things and tell me what happens04:08
Jordan_Udvds, How much RAM do you have?04:08
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KeromanI tried a thumb drive and got a realtek network adapter error.04:08
bruenigcyan_ronin, the sums should be located on the mirror where you got the iso04:08
bruenigcyan_ronin, called DIGESTS sometimes04:08
dougiei just need to format my thumb drive...04:08
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dougienoone seems to be able to tell me how to do that04:08
cyan_roninthanks bruenig04:09
cjaedoes the cubestorm screensaver freak out with anybody else04:09
KeromanHow to format it?04:09
KeromanYou in Windows?04:09
KeromanHeh heh.04:09
=== MarkeH [n=markeh@85-210-36-196.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
KeromanFind a windows comp, open My Computer, right click, and format.04:09
Jordan_Udougie, Gparted?04:09
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dougieGparted? whats that?04:09
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:09
Jordan_Udougie, It's like partition magic but better and Free :)04:09
cjaegparted is the greatest thing invented for free in a long time04:10
=== defendguin [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigdougie, this is not the place for windows help, ##windows would be a more appropriate channel04:10
dougieok i'll give it a try04:10
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fougbruenig: i don't understand why drag and drop doesn't work in rhythmbox, i've tried GTK pod and it wouldn't even detect my ipod. Telling me i had some /media/ error04:10
bruenigoh wait04:10
bruenigfoug, ok04:10
dougiebruenig, i'm not asking for windows help04:10
bruenigdougie, yeah, I just realized you said "yeah" and then "no"04:10
bruenigand yeah04:10
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bruenigso I retract04:10
cjaethe live cd is a very good partition and disk managing solution04:10
bruenigfoug, what happens when you run what I said?04:10
anandanb1how do i install wine in ubuntu 7.0404:11
KeromanSorry, my fault.04:11
xSUSHixanandanb1 - sudo apt-get install wine04:11
fougbruenig: i don't get the error anymore but yamipod takes forever to open up04:11
fougbruenig: and copying songs didn't work04:11
xSUSHixanandanb1 then do winecfg04:11
fougbruenig: pretty sure yamipod just froze04:11
bruenigfoug, perhaps it is an ipod problem, if you are having problems in three separate applications, maybe it is having a hard time mounting or something04:11
fougdoes anyone here use rhythmbox for their ipod?04:11
cjaedoes the cubestorm screensaver freak out with anybody else04:11
dvdsJchord - Jordan_U : it was the alternate cd, about 200mb ram :\04:11
fougbruenig: yea it's a mount problem, it doesn't see it, i hate linux04:11
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MarkeHi cant even use rhythmbox to play sounds on my hdd :s04:12
chimaerawhere can i get the latest nvidia drivers04:12
bruenigfoug, is it actually mounted or not?04:12
fougbruenig: couldn't tell ya, i can see my songs on my ipod04:12
anandanb1why to do winecfg04:12
KeromanNvidia's website has drivers for linux.04:12
budluvaanyone else here know of a good mp3 streaming daemon, like gnump3d???? or is that the only option, its the only option in the repos, but i want something that looks better04:12
fougbruenig: i just don't know how ot add any to it04:12
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bruenigfoug, ok so it is mounted you say04:12
fougbruenig: all these programs suck worse than itunes. rhythmbox seemed simple enough but drag and drop does nothing04:12
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cjaechimaera, the nvdia site04:13
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foug(YamiPod:19051): Gtk-CRITICAL **: _gtk_accel_group_attach: assertion `g_slist_find (accel_group->acceleratables, object) == NULL' failed04:13
bruenigfoug, it is likely a hardware issue not a program issue, you should calm down a bit, "it doesn't work" doesn't mean "the program doesn't work" necessarily04:13
fougbruenig: is what happens when i open yamipod04:13
fougbruenig: well, it was working fine in windows04:13
xSUSHixfoug - mounting ipod and drag and dropping in nautilus works fine with me04:13
fougxSUSHix: let me try04:13
bruenigfoug, gtk spits out a bunch of stuff, unless the thing doesn't open, it can generally be ignored04:14
julian_under the sound option under system, i can get the usb sound to work. but i cant play music04:14
jTr0ni like amarok04:14
=== corevette_ [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-79-86.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
dougiehmm ok gparted is not letting me format it.....the option is not selectable04:14
xSUSHixfoug try gtkpod04:14
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bruenigfoug, well it could be a problem with "mount" not rhythmbox04:14
fougxSUSHix: i did, it made no sense04:14
xSUSHixfoug - http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-use-an-ipod-with-ubuntu04:14
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MarkeHHas anybody tried installing steam via wine recently? (7.04 + 0.9.36) I need to know why im downloading SteamInstall.msi instead of .exe :s04:14
cjaedoes the cubestorm screensaver freak out with anybody else04:14
chimaeramay i noe wats the difference between feisty's restricted nvidia driver and nvidia site's drivers04:14
Jordan_Udougie, Right click on the partition in gparted and unmount it04:14
xSUSHixworks great with me no problems and easy to use04:14
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redcardIs there a graphical grub tool?04:15
dougieJordan_U ohhh...ok now it works :) What's a good FS to use if i'm trying to make it bootable?04:15
bruenigfoug, try to unmount your ipod and then mount it again04:15
xSUSHixredcard - grubconf04:15
fougbruenig: how do i unmount it04:15
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AaronCN_AaronCN, .04:15
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bruenigfoug, do you know its name? /dev/something04:15
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redcardxSUSHix: It says it's not around..04:15
cjaedoes the cubestorm screensaver freak out with anybody else04:16
Jordan_Udougie, There is a guide for installing Ubuntu to a flash drive, do you want the link?04:16
fougbruenig: it's in /media/ for me , unless it goes somewhere else i don't know04:16
xSUSHixredcard http://grubconf.sourceforge.net/?page=shots04:16
bruenigfoug, that is the mount point, how do you usually unmount it, is there something you can click on to say unmount04:16
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brueniglike right click on the icon, that generally works04:16
fougbruenig: i can eject it04:16
bruenigfoug, ok that is the same04:16
fougxSUSHix: dragging in nautilus does not work04:16
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dougieJordan_U, I'm not trying to install it too a flash drive...i'm trying to put the install files on there and boot it on my system that doesn't have a working cd rom drive04:17
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bruenigfoug, unplug it after that, plug it back in and then immediately after you plug it in do "dmesg | tail"04:17
Jordan_Uchimaera, Ubuntu's will automatically update when you get a new kernel and is supported by Ubuntu ( recommended ) and the one from nvidia is hard to install and will break whenever you get a kernel update but is newer04:17
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fougbruenig: i plug it in and now my computer doesn't even recognize it, no icon opens on my desktop04:17
bruenigfoug, do the command04:17
tom_kelleherquick question, is it worth downloading the 7.04 CD or would it just be faster to use my Edgy CD and update later?04:17
fougbruenig: k it's opened and i did the command04:17
yimmmmywhat should i do if i want to put thhis on with somthing already on there but i wnat it off ther04:17
fougbruenig: rhythm box opened04:18
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Jordan_Udougie, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:18
bruenigfoug, pastebin the output if you don't mind04:18
bruenig!paste | foug04:18
ubotufoug: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:18
Gerrotom_kelleher: use install not update, doesn't work for update04:18
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dthomasdigitalshould I have settings as an option on xchat on the bar at the top of my window?04:18
fougbruenig: when i double click my ipod the songs i added arel isted, but when i play my ipod there isn't anything on it that i want04:18
cjaedoes the cubestorm screensaver freak out with anybody else04:18
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anandanb1how do i install appliactions using wine04:18
tom_kelleherGerro: so you think I should just wait for 7.04 to download ?04:18
Gerrofoug: remember to umount it?04:18
chimaeraJordan_U: ic thnx04:18
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Jordan_Utom_kelleher, Updating will require more downloading than just getting the Feisty install CD04:18
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bruenigfoug, yeah I know, I am trying to troubleshoot, repeating the problem on the highest level, the graphical level, is not helping much04:18
fougbruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20284/04:18
Gerrotom_kelleher: yep04:18
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brueniganandanb1, wine whatever.exe04:19
xSUSHixfoug i used this guide http://www.ubuntux.org/how-to-use-an-ipod-with-ubuntu04:19
sergio_whats pija?????'04:19
tom_kellehergreat thank you I appreciate the advice.04:19
anandanb1am i suppose to type it in the terminal04:19
fougbruenig: i gotta go to work, was hoping this problem would be simple to fix04:19
fougbruenig: i'll talk to you later if i can, thanks man04:19
Ademan_anandanb1: yes, or, you should be able to double click on the installer04:19
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yimmmmyi have no os at allll04:19
fougxSUSHix: i''ll try it when i get home, see y man04:19
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sergio_anybody seen my baby?04:20
__mikem!offtopic | sergio_04:21
ubotusergio_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:21
yimmmmyi havent seen my os in 5 hours04:21
yimmmmyim scared04:21
Jordan_Uyimmmmy, If there really is a problem with your partitions try testdisk ( can be installed / run from the LiveCD )04:21
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xSUSHixyimmmmy boot from cd and use gparted to make an ext3 partition and format it04:22
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xSUSHixyimmmmy - make sure you click apply04:22
dougieJordan_U it looks like this guide wants you to use windows to create the disk04:22
yimmmmyit dont have gparted04:22
IAmWillare there any tools, like qtparted, that will format  SD cards?04:22
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yimmmmywere can i get a good cd that will install this with no problem04:22
xSUSHixyimmmmmy if its not on the live cdrom use apt-get install gparted04:22
xSUSHixyimmmmy are you using the x86 ubuntu cdrom ?04:22
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yimmmmythat is one04:23
yimmmmyim not useing that one04:23
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anandanb1how do i copy files to an USB pendrive in Ubuntu 7.0404:24
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Jordan_Udougie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent will tell you how to install the LiveCD to a thumb drive ( you can ignore the persistence and second ext2 partition ) and you can install from that04:24
[Neurotic] does anyone know of a usb network cable that works with ubuntu? (preferably to XP as well)04:24
eternaljoyI download a game from: http://www.urbanterror.net/page.php?6  Can someone tell me how to install and run this on Ubuntu please?04:24
dougiei think this one will work04:24
VistasuxSo i setup ssh, and i want to restrict the user to the home dir, how do i do this, right now the user is able to browse the entire contents of the cpu?04:24
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Jordan_U[Neurotic] , Do you mean USB network adapter, like a wireless adapter?04:25
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frego_join #/ubuntu-montana04:25
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[Neurotic] Jordan, I mean a usb network cable, like this: http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProductPage.process?Product_Id=27556104:26
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StumpfIm looking to uninstall Wine completely.  Anything needed other than apt-get remove wine ?04:26
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aboutblankI have this weird problem with my left speaker making a scratching noise. There was this bug report that said if I recompile alsa by downloading the source and doing a ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel it'll fix it but, anyone know what the equivalent of that would be if alsa is compiled into my kernel?04:26
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kukwiliis there a channel for beryl?04:26
ed1tis there any way to avoid that keyring password everytime it connects to wireless network?04:26
slvmchncheck to make sure you deleted /home/username/.wine04:26
[Neurotic] The one i have I could network two XP machines together over it, but I've beat my head against a wall repeatedly trying to get the same thing to work for Ubuntu -> XP04:27
mshis anyone here having any issues with the universe repo?04:27
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xSUSHixkukwili - #ubuntu-effects04:27
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kukwilixSUSHix: thank you04:27
Jordan_Ukukwili, Also #beryl04:27
xSUSHixkukwili also #beryl04:27
xSUSHixmsh no not me04:28
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mshcan i paste a short error?04:28
anandanb1though my USB is detected iam able to copy from it and im not able to copy anyhting into that04:28
Jordan_Umsh, pastebin04:28
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nextstate2I couldn't figure out how to install ubuntu so I installed gentoo instead. It was much easier.04:28
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eternaljoyI downloaded 2 files from: http://www.urbanterror.net/page.php?6  But how do I now install and run the game?  can someone pls help?04:29
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Jordan_Uanandanb1, Is this an NTFS drive?04:29
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nextstate2Are these two projects related?04:29
dougieok i'm getting this error....04:29
dougiedougie@ubuntu:~$ syslinux -s -o offset /dev/sdb104:29
dougiesh: mcopy: not found04:29
[Neurotic] I take it noone has done any usb cable networking with ubuntu... :9 .. is there another channel I could ask on?04:29
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nextstate2wtf is emerge?04:30
mshJordan_U: any ideas?04:30
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mshnextstate2: emerge is the package management from end for gentoo04:30
eternaljoyi will pay someone to help me tell me what file to run to play this game :)04:30
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ed1tis there any way to avoid that keyring password everytime it connects to wireless network?04:31
anandanb1yeah its an NTFS drive04:31
david_gorlagutsy should have screenlets04:31
MarkeH[Neurotic] : cant you get hold of a couple of cheap nic's + a cat5 cable?04:31
mshanyone here? http://pastebin.ca/48195404:31
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Ronald|laptoped1t, take the password off it with keyring manager. unfortunately that also takes the password of your other passes in the keyring as its all stored in the default keyring.04:31
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | anandanb104:31
ubotuanandanb1: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:31
[Neurotic] MarkeH: I want to network my laptop to my work PC, and I don't have access to the internal network. So this is the easiest way.04:31
cjaedoes the cubestorm screensaver freak out with anybody else04:31
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MarkeHAh right...04:32
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wyI installed the new ubuntu and found emacs 22 keeps reading a file named 00debian-vars. It seems to slow the start up of emacs. I removed the file from /etc/emacs/site-start.d, but emacs still displays the message. How can I get rid of it?04:32
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[Neurotic] looking at the forums, it seems like a bunch of people have the same issue, but no solution04:32
TraceGreenHello, every time my linux kernel would "Checking if this processor honours the WP bit", How can i disable it?04:32
Jordan_Umsh, Maybe try the main mirrors instead of the US mirrors ?04:32
MarkeHOffer to buy your network/sys admin a beer then ;)04:33
dougiewhat is mcopy???04:33
xSUSHixcjae works fine on my end sorry04:33
mshJordan_U: how would i change that04:33
mshJordan_U: just remove the us.?04:33
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Vistasuxhas anyone gotten gallery installed corectly?04:33
anandanb1i have installed the ubuntu 7.04 and how do i install the kde in it04:33
Jordan_Umsh, System -> Administration -> Software sources, or edit your sources.list and remove the us04:33
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cjaexSUSHix, could it be parts of my xorg04:33
[Neurotic] MarkeH: heh. well some new network cable is 'coming'.. and we all know that that means 'at some point in the next century'04:33
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Jordan_Uanandanb1, Install the "kubuntu-desktop" package04:34
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MarkeH"When hell freeze's over" if its anything like the company i used to work for ;p04:34
cjaexSUSHix, does it work for sure all the time04:35
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anandanb1with synaptic or apt-get04:35
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[Neurotic] maybe I should just buy a little switch04:35
anandanb1and also how to install the NTFS 3G driver04:35
Jordan_Uanandanb1, Yes :) ( either one, they do the same thing )04:35
[Neurotic] stick it on the end of my cat5 port04:35
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baegleI'm trying to upgrade to Feisty but I'm getting stopped by the 50MB /boot requirement. I've found one solution on the web that has me editing a tmp file during the upgrade process to get around the check, but I can't get it to work. Are there other methods for solving this problem?04:35
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | anandanb104:36
ubotuanandanb1: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:36
eternaljoyhas anyone here ever successfully ran Urban Terror on Ubuntu?04:36
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eternaljoy!urban terror04:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about urban terror - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:36
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strabesfoug: you're trying to compile it from source? Forget about it. Try to find a debian package.04:36
xSUSHixcjae i just tried it 5 times it works all the time same with the rest of the screensavers04:36
cjaexSUSHix, cause mine works a few times then quits04:37
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Jordan_Ubaegle, you could resize your /boot04:37
cjaexSUSHix, on perview04:37
baegleI could, but I couldn't do it anywhere near easily04:37
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baegleIt's not an LVM, and it's the first partition on the disk04:37
FantaOrangei need help with a program called gallery ?04:37
cjaexSUSHix, on preview sorry04:37
FantaOrangecan anyone help04:37
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DocShaywould somebody possibly be able to give me a little bit of help?04:38
baegleDocShay: don't ask to ask, just ask04:38
DocShay=) I like the sound of that04:38
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DocShayWell i'm new to linux, just installed yesterday. Coming from windows - its a little difficult. Anyway04:38
DocShayI managed to install Irssi, I want to load a theme04:39
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drew1anyone know how to install the ati drivers on ubuntu 7.04?04:39
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DocShaySo looking on a site is says...04:39
mneptokDocShay: irssi is a console IRC client. it does not have themes.04:39
nom_Can someone assist me in the process of reverting back to windows?04:39
MarkeHdrew1: is it in the "Restricted Drivers" menu?04:39
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mneptoknom_: ##windows04:39
cjaexSUSHix, it seems to switch back and forth between it last position and the new one like jumping back and forth while making it path along the screen04:39
DocShayErm, it sats right on the site you can load themes.04:39
mneptokDocShay: URL?04:40
drew1that fixed it04:40
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FantaOrangei need help with image gallery , anyone ever installed it?04:40
baegleAnyone have a way to upgrade to feisty with a < 50MB /boot that doesn't involve resizing /boot04:40
DocShayJust can't figure out where the ~/.irssi/ directory is...04:40
skinnypuppy1334Is Gcam available in universe? ?04:40
baegleDocShay: ~ is your user's home directory04:40
cjaexSUSHix, not that it is that big a deal but I think it is been broken for awhile unless it my  xorg04:40
mneptokDocShay: it's in ~/  ;)04:40
baegle /home/DocShay04:40
mneptokbaegle: how big is /boot on your system?04:40
baegleand files that begin a period are "hidden"04:41
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baegleyou can find them using ls -a04:41
MarkeHIf its not there DocShay, its hidden04:41
baegleor viewing hidden files04:41
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mneptokDocShay: ctl-H while looking in Nautilus04:41
baeglemneptok: It's 50MB, but it already has a kernel in it04:41
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DocShayHow do I get there? Looking in File Browser I don't see home or anything04:41
DocShayI see File System, and my 2 other HD's04:41
Jordan_U_baegle, Does update-manager give you an error or a specific package?04:41
mneptokDocShay: ctl-H04:41
bytecolorskinnypuppy1334, I dont see it but I'm on 6.0604:41
MarkeHI know because i spent ages looking for my .wine folder :D04:41
baegleUpdate-manager tells me I need to free up 11MB of space to proceed04:41
=== Defian [n=Defian@71-219-21-45.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
DefianI need help getting UT2004 to run.04:42
mneptokbaegle: do you only have 1 kernel?04:42
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DocShaypressed ctrl + h and nothing happened? lol04:42
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kitcheDefian: what is the error04:42
mneptokDocShay: look at the window again04:42
baeglemneptok:  I had more, but I tossed them to try to free up space04:42
Defianwell thats it, there isn't one. It just closes the terminal when i try to exec it04:42
mneptokbaegle: ah.04:42
MarkeHDocShay: got ot view, click "show hidden files"04:42
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Defianand when I double click the ut2004-bin file, the splash appears, disappears, and thats it04:42
^keoni^hello room04:43
Defianthe game is up to date04:43
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Jordan_U_baegle, If you want to go on the wild side you could remove your current kernel :)04:43
mneptokDefian: launch it from a terminal and look at the output04:43
baegleIt's probably not going to be enough anyway04:43
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kitcheDefian: there is an error try running ut2004 in a terminal04:43
Defianmneptok: when I launch from terminal, it closes on me04:43
aboutblankif alsa is built into my kernel, how do I ./configure it? (or equivalent)04:43
Defianit wont display an error, it just closes the terminal04:43
mneptokbaegle: 50MB is no way enough for /boot these days04:43
FantaOrangesomeone please help04:43
baeglemneptok: It's been enough for me for years04:43
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mneptokDefian: what does it say in the terminal?04:43
larson9999linux rocks!04:44
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mneptokbaegle: the Linux kernel ain't getting smaller04:44
DocShaynothings coming up04:44
DocShayShow hidden files is clicked04:44
Defianmneptok: it doesn't say anything... the terminal closes before it says anything04:44
baegleIt also isn't normally built in the boot partition04:44
MikeJCAny bugzilla admin's out there that have configured it with one code base but multiple databases?04:44
MarkeHIts not there then :(04:44
bruenigDefian, the terminal closes?04:44
Jordan_Ubaegle, baegle Grab another drive and put /boot on it :)04:44
Defianyes, the terminal closes on me04:44
JacktheHomelessGot a quick opinion question. Ive been using Ubuntu for a while now. I recently got a computer to use as a home media server, which distro would be best suited for that purpose?04:44
baegleJordan_U: I'm on a laptop04:44
mneptokDefian: the terminal shourd not close04:44
DocShayMike what irc client do you use?04:44
DefianI know it shouldn't.. but it does04:44
bruenigDefian, you are saying that the terminal (the command line thing that you typed the command in) closed?04:45
baegleSo, no one has a good solution to this04:45
mneptokbaegle: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1745100 2007-04-15 04:07 vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic04:45
kitchebruenig: think he's getting terminal and the game mixed up04:45
mneptokbaegle: 17MB for one kernel04:45
bruenigkitche, yeah I do to04:45
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MarkeHme DocShay? Konversation04:45
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DocShayCan you theme it?04:45
baeglemneptok: I don't have a need for lots of kernels04:45
DefianYes, the terminal closes on me everytime I attempt to launch ut2004-bin with it.04:45
MarkeHIve not looked tbh04:45
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Jordan_Ubaegle, Thumb drive :) ( if there really is enough space you can copy the files over to your regular /boot and switch it back after the upgrade04:45
bruenigDefian, there is no way04:45
DocShayI think i'll look into getting that one04:45
MarkeHIve only switched to linux recently too04:45
DocShayoh ok04:46
MarkeHWell, installed it04:46
Defianexec ~/ut2004/System/ut2004-bin -- that just closes the terminal on me04:46
mneptokbaegle: are you *really* debating the "50MB is not enough" issue as you ask for help overcoming the "50MB is not enough" issue? ;)04:46
MarkeHmessed around with a few live cd's04:46
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bruenigDefian, the thing at applications>accessories>terminal04:46
bruenigDefian, that thing closes?04:46
DefianYes, bruenig, that closes04:46
bruenigDefian, wow04:46
DefianEVERYTIME i try to04:46
baegleThe issue is that the upgrader is trying to build the kernel in boot, which is ridiculous04:46
bruenigDefian, don't run it with exec04:46
mneptokDocShay: are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu04:46
bruenigDefian, just type the path04:46
baegleNo one builds kernels in boot04:47
Jordan_UDefian, What about xterm?04:47
DocShayAlso having a weird boot problem. I have 3 HD's. 1 windows. 1 spare (installed ubuntu on it) 1 with media. Whenever I boot up my PC it goes straight into windows with no option of going into linux...only way I can get here is booting thru CD, then choosing boot from harddrive. How do I fix it so I dont need a CD to boot into it?04:47
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bruenigI wonder what would happen if he did it in tty04:47
Defianok ok wait a second, so how should I execute it? everyother way that I have tried doesn't do anything04:47
bruenigDefian, just type the path to it04:47
Jordan_UDocShay, Did you install windows after Linux?04:47
MarkeHYou need to change your boot order in bios to the drive that grub was installed onto04:47
mneptokbruenig: it would fail as there's no X session04:47
DocShayNope, Windows first04:47
shawn34can't seem to get xchat to join multiple channels on network connect, how are the channels separated?04:47
bruenigmneptok, DISPLAY=:004:47
bruenigmneptok, no I mean to keep the x session going04:48
Jordan_UDocShay, Did it ever work?04:48
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DocShayI just installed linux yesterday04:48
Defianaha, thanks bruenig. Wow indeed. Anyway, the error is.. ./libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:48
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bruenigDefian, look in synaptic for sdl04:48
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DocShayubuntu works..just gotta boot off cd...then choose "boot from harddrive" so im running it off the HD right now04:49
DefianI feel sorta stupid now -_-04:49
DocShayJust can't get here, without CD first04:49
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MarkeHDocShay: GRUB will have been installed onto a different HDD than the one that is first in your boot list in bios..... if you get me04:49
Jordan_UDocShay, Do you have more than one drive?04:49
DocShayI have 304:49
DocShayLinux is NOT on the windows HD04:49
MarkeHI had the same problem with 2 sata's04:49
DefianI find a lot of results for sdl... bruenig. What should I install?04:50
systimaxDoes anyone know how to get a nic that has no ip adress assigned to it start at boot?04:50
bruenigDefian, well look at the version numbers, look if any of them are libsdl, etc04:50
Jordan_UDocShay, Set the Bios to boot from the HD that has grub installed.04:50
systimaxim ready to pay for a answer04:50
bruenig!find libSDL-1.2.so.004:50
ubotuPackage/file libsdl-1.2.so.0 does not exist in feisty04:50
blackgraz_has anyone got torrentflux working on ubuntu?04:50
DocShayWhen im in my bios and select boot options. Theres CD HD and all that - doesnt give me the option of which HD to boot from.04:50
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bruenigDefian, the version is 1.204:50
MarkeHReally? Odd04:50
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DocShayJust says HD04:51
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bruenigDefian, although it can probably be higher04:51
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Jordan_UDocShay, You need to install GRUB to the Drive with windows on it then ( this won't touch windows itself, just the MBR )04:51
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baeglegot it, I had to wait till my sudo rights ran out, that way as the upgrade processes started, it would sit a tmp state prior to loading the python scripts to execute the upgrade. Then I edited the python scripts, reduced the required size of /boot in the check from 50 to 25 and put my sudo password in. (boom headshot?)04:51
MarkeHDocShay: is that in advanced bios options > boot order?04:52
HKJGN_i know this isnt ubuntu specifis, but anyone tried updating BF2142 in Cedega?04:52
DocShayHow do I do that? Insall GRUB into the windows HD without the entire ubuntu?04:52
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DocShayI belive so mark04:52
dunklegendHi: this is my first time in IRC04:52
Jordan_UDocShay, GRUB is just a bootloader ( You can also install it to a floppy if you have a floppy drive )04:53
DocShaySo jordan, where do I put it on my windows HD?04:53
dunklegendI asked this question in the forums but nobody answered04:53
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DocShayAnd how do I install it?04:53
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MarkeHActually, RE Grub.. Can i install it onto a USB drive so my pc wont boot without the USB drive connected?04:53
dunklegendI installed cowbell but it's not working04:54
MarkeHUSB memory stick i mean04:54
Jordan_UMarkeH, Yes04:54
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Alpha_Clusterok how do i add myself to a group?04:54
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MarkeHta Jordan_U, i'll look into it :)04:54
DocShayJodran i'd like to know how to do that...therfore without my USB stick it only boots to windows...but when its in I can boot to linux or windows, right?04:54
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Jordan_U!grub | MarkeH DocShay04:55
ubotuMarkeH DocShay: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:55
=== lucky_ [n=lucky@196.subnet201.astinet.telkom.net.id] has joined #ubuntu
dunklegendwhen I click on the cowbell icon it' just tells me "Starting cowbell music organizer"04:55
MarkeHta mate04:55
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dunklegendand it doen't do anything04:55
Jordan_UDocShay, Yes.04:55
Defianbruenig, i installed all the libsdl options, but i still get the same error.. hm.04:56
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bruenigDefian, what is the name of the package04:56
lucky_sorry any one can help me to jpin to #ubuntu-id?04:56
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lucky_sorry any one can help me to join to #ubuntu-id?04:56
MarkeHlucky_:  type "/join #ubuntu-id"04:56
mneptoklucky_: /join #ubuntu-id04:56
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geokeratzmy problem: I was thinking for a format and wondering how to keep my firefox as it is right now. I want ,when i will reinstall it after the format, to have the same add-ons ,scripts in Greasemonkey etc..04:57
lucky_tanks markeh04:57
bruenigDefian, do dpkg -L libsdl1.2deibian-all | grep SDL, and see if that outputs anything04:57
lucky_thanks 2u too mneptok04:57
MarkeHno probs04:57
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geokeratzif i keep in a CD the ./firefox folder, will it be ok to replace the new one after the format to work as now?04:58
Defianbruenig, not installed, that figures.04:58
Jordan_UDocShay, You can also just phisically connect the Ubuntu drive where the Windows drive is04:58
dunklegendI installed cowbell but it's not working when I click on the cowbell icon it' just tells me "Starting cowbell music organizer" and it doesn't do anything04:58
bruenigDefian, that must not be the name of the package04:58
bruenigDefian, are you sure it isn't just libsdl1.204:58
bruenigDefian, do the same command but just with libsdl1.204:58
DocShaylol, maybe thats why I never had the boot option for unbunto or windows...I never had grub installed =/04:58
DocShayInstalled now...time to reboot and find out if it worked.04:58
MarkeHGood luck :D04:59
HKJGN_this is infuriating04:59
Defianbruenig, not installed. I don't see a package that just says "libsdl1.2"04:59
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bruenigDefian, you didn't install it, install something please05:00
Alpha_ClusterI cannot find my user at all in User Settings does anyone know why this would be happening?05:00
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skinnypuppy1334how can I check what gtk version i have?05:00
geokeratzanyone? I think the answer is yes, isn't it? thanx05:00
HKJGN_Cedega is apparently too stupid to apply updates correctly, since i cant seem to update BF2142 at all, it has no idea were the BF2142 folder is, even when its sitting /right inside the folder/05:00
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dunklegendI installed cowbell but it's not working when I click on the cowbell icon it' just tells me "Starting cowbell music organizer" and it doesn't do anything can someone help me with this?05:01
Alpha_Clusterskinnypuppy1334,  what version of ubuntu do you have?05:01
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mneptokdunklegend: maybe you have to start it with the --bruce_dickinson=YES flag?  ;)05:01
lucky_where i can get nice tutorial 4 festy fawn?05:01
yimmmmyhow do i ad a slave hdd to ubutu05:01
Defianbruenig, I just installed all the libsdl packages I could find. None of them have what it's looking for.05:01
yimmmmyi fuanly got it otwork05:01
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yimmmmythank you thank you05:01
yimmmmythank you thank you05:01
yimmmmythank you thank you05:01
yimmmmythank you thank you05:01
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yimmmmythank you jesus05:02
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shawn34lucky_, what are you having trouble with?05:02
mneptokyimmmmy: PLEASE stop05:02
Alpha_Clusteryimmmmy, add it to your fstab05:02
infidelwhich file contains the programs the start when booting?05:02
bruenigDefian, if you could give names of these packages, it might be very simply to symlink files to get it to work05:02
dunklegend@ meptok, how do I do that05:02
skinnypuppy1334trying to install gcam . requires gtk2.805:02
geokeratzskinnypuppy1334> nice nickname05:02
lucky_no for rigt now, am a newbie here05:02
mneptokdunklegend: i was joking05:02
yimmmmyso just plug it in05:02
yimmmmyand reboot05:02
shawn34lucky_, there is no "tutorial"05:02
MarkeHlucky_: http://ubuntuforums.org/05:02
Alpha_Clusterinfidel, System -> prefrences -> sessions05:02
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mneptoklucky_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com05:03
nadinehello, what would be the best option for file sharing between two ubuntu boxes? samba or nfs? and where can i find a clear, yet thorough tutorial? what i've seen so far hasn't worked for me. (been using ubuntu for 2 years and can't get my home network truly functional).05:03
shawn34lucky_, yea... thats your best "walkthrough" lol05:03
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skinnypuppy1334thanks geokeratz05:03
lucky_:D thanks alot friends05:03
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dunklegendmneptok: OK =) but can you help me with it (I'm a linux newbie)05:03
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geokeratzlucky_> look also in the blogs:  http://ubuntu-tutorials.blogspot.com/05:03
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dude222can someone help me getup 3d for my agp x1600 pro i installed the drivers from the ubuntu repi but when i fglrxinfo i dont get the card to show05:04
geokeratzlucky_> http://using-ubuntu.blogspot.com/05:04
mneptokdunklegend: how did you install it?05:04
dougieshould i install the 64bit version or the 32bit version?05:04
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Alpha_ClusterDoes anyone here know about users? Somehow my current login DOESNT exist05:04
shawn34dougie, 3205:04
levoni have a question i have two hard drives one with linux one with windows now linux is the slave and windows is the master, how would i get linux to boot windows? for a start i think i have to make windows slave and linux master but will the grub menu notice windows on the slave cable?05:04
geokeratzlucky_> also....http://www.ubuntugeek.com/05:04
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Jordan_Udougie, 3205:04
dunklegendmneptok: synaptic05:05
MarkeHdougie: if you have a 64bit proc, install the 64bit :)05:05
dougiewell its a core 2 duo that supports 64bit it says05:05
infidelAlpha_Cluster, ok found it thanks05:05
mneptokdunklegend: type "cowbell" (no quotes) in a terminal and see wha'ppens.05:05
shawn34dougie, i have 64 bit proc but run 3205:05
Alpha_Clusterdougie, look on www.ubuntuforums.org there are a few threads about 64 or 3205:05
shawn34dougie, more apps avail and less headache05:05
mneptokdougie: stick with 32 bit on desktops05:05
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phy2Levon -- the easy way (for me) is to use BIOS to choose the boot drive05:05
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dunklegendmneptok: ** (/usr/lib/cowbell/cowbell.exe:9650): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced from /usr/lib/cowbell/cowbell.exe could not be loaded:05:06
dunklegend     Assembly:   glib-sharp    (assemblyref_index=4)05:06
dunklegend     Version:
dunklegend     Public Key: 35e10195dab3c99f05:06
dunklegendThe assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (/usr/lib/cowbell).05:06
Defianbruenig, I have installed all that I can from the search result "libsdl", I do not see one that just says libSDL-1.2.05:06
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mneptoklevon: Windows *must* be on a master device05:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:06
=== ZeZu[c] [n=NULL@c-69-245-160-89.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
skinnypuppy1334how do I apt get gtk2.8.0 in feisty?05:06
MarkeHI find the 64bit to be miles quicker than 32bit05:06
shawn34!paste | dunklegend05:06
ubotudunklegend: please see above05:06
ZeZu[c] how long can a ghost last on this server05:06
ZeZu[c] "ZeZu" has proper IP but i haven't been on freenode in days i dont think05:06
bruenigDefian, right, the point is this, there is probably a file in one of those that this program is looking for, it probably has a different but similar name, if we can symlink this file to the name of the file the program is looking for, it will work, you didn't really help much by installing everything possible because now you have to look through everything possible for a similar file05:07
mneptokZeZu[c] : /msg nickserv ghost Zezu $password05:07
levonso then if i choose from bios to boot the slave first it will also reconize windows?05:07
dunklegendit's my first time in IRC05:07
ZeZu[c] thanks05:07
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dunklegendI don't know how to do that05:07
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nonlinearquick question.... for an xp/linux dual boot with single 100 gig hd, would it be possible to put Documents and Settings and /home on a shared FAT partition?05:07
bruenigDefian, dpkg -L packagename | grep so, that is how I would do it and if I found something called libsdl.so or whatever it was, symlink it05:07
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ko12uptcha chingy05:08
ZeZuit rejoined, some weirdness05:08
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phy2levon --- I think haveing linux / windows on separate disks is the better way, there may be an expert that can help with grub coinfiguration, but I just do it in BIOS, always have, always (I guess) will05:08
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Alpha_Clusternonlinear, i would advise you to store your docs and stuff on a shared but keep home with ubuntu05:08
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nonlinearphy2: thanks!  but it's a laptop with single drive :(05:08
ko12uptphy thank you05:08
dunklegendmneptok: can you make something out of the message that I pasted above?05:09
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phy2Oh... you said two disks05:09
geokeratzmy problem: I was thinking for a format and wondering how to keep my firefox as it is right now. I want ,when i will reinstall it after the format, to have the same add-ons ,scripts in Greasemonkey etc..05:09
ko12uptyes two hard drives05:09
MarkeHununtu can read/write ntfs partitions anyway05:09
Alpha_Clusternonlinear, when you are done installing you can use syslinks to make it seem like your shared folders are in /home05:09
geokeratzif i keep in a CD the ./firefox folder, will it be ok to replace the new one after the format to work as now?05:09
mneptokdunklegend: i would look at LP bugs for Cowbell. then check upsteram. then ask a Cowbell dev.05:09
nonlinearalpha: OK, that's how i have it now.. jsut thinkimng seperate home would be easier for reinstalls etc... when i reinstall can i just copy the /home to save settings etc?05:09
FantaOrangewhats gallery2?05:09
Alpha_Clusternonlinear, yeah you can just copy it05:09
kbrosnangeokeratz, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder05:09
mneptokgeokeratz: backup ~/.mozilla05:09
phy2* now confused who I'm replying to... oh well05:10
jTr0ni ahve a script that is supposed to install flash. from the site that it gets it tho, it downloads at 10k then stops and hangs05:10
dude222can someone help me getup 3d for my agp x1600 pro i installed the drivers from the ubuntu repo but when i fglrxinfo i dont get the card to show05:10
jTr0nhttp://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz is the file it's trying to grab05:10
mneptokjTr0n: sudo apt-get install frashplugin-nonfree05:10
MarkeHjTr0n: the flash site was being really slow with me yesterday...05:10
mneptokjTr0n: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:10
dunklegendmneptok: OK I can do that, but I don't know how05:10
Defianbruenig, thanks for the help (and obvious amount of patience) I think i can get this figured out now.05:10
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geokeratzkbrosnan>  and mneptok thanks05:11
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mneptokdunklegend: http://www.launchpad.net05:11
nonlinearOK great, thanks everyone05:11
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Alpha_Clusternonlinear, no problem05:11
Oyhi all05:11
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jTr0nit says the package is missing, but i have all the repositories setup05:11
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Oya quick question...i am on mandriva now since it was the only linux to recognise my speedtouch 330 dsl modem05:12
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jTr0nPackage flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:12
jTr0nThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:12
jTr0nis only available from another source05:12
mneptokjTr0n: enable multiverse05:12
Oyif i go through al the flashing the firmware etc in mandriva, will it be recognised in a live ubuntu?05:12
jTr0nyea it is05:12
godlygeekwhat's the right way to associate Abiword with the msword mimetype?  I hate OOo, but firefox keeps opening it.  ;)05:12
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mneptokjTr0n: apt-cache show flashplugin-nonfree05:12
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FantaOrangewhich ftp server should i use?05:13
drwxr-xr-xhow do i make sound work after I hibernate ?05:13
mneptokjTr0n: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:13
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pyrohotdogWhat's the best way to bring an iPhoto library to Ubuntu?05:13
mneptokFantaOrange: you shouldn't use FTP ;)05:13
timthelionanyone know of command line scanner software?05:13
FantaOrangejust ssh?05:13
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dunklegendmneptok: thanks I'll check LP and then come back05:14
mneptokFantaOrange: yup, and sftp/scp as part of that05:14
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FantaOrangehey mneptok have u ever installed gallery?05:14
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jTr0nsays the same thing.  that apt-cache line didn't do anything05:14
non|inearone more question.... for xp/linux shared partitons, would it be better to use fat32 or ext3 (with a ext3 support addin for xp)05:14
jTr0nwell, no output05:14
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mneptokjTr0n: did you update?05:15
dunklegendhow do I create a new bug for cowbell in LP?05:15
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mneptokjTr0n: that package definitely exists, and apt-cache show Worked For Me(r)05:16
Alpha_Clusterdunklegend, are you loged in?05:16
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mneptoknon|inear: i'd use ekt305:16
jTr0nobviously it exists hehe.  yea i'm updated to05:16
jTr0ni'm on feisty05:16
dunklegendAlpha_Cluster: In cowbell?05:16
dunklegendnot yet05:16
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mneptokjTr0n: sudo apt-get update05:16
jTr0nfeisty 6405:16
dunklegendI'm login in right now05:16
mneptokjTr0n: oh05:16
non|inearreally?  i undrestand benefits of ext3, but will it affect windows performance at all?05:16
jTr0nyea that works05:16
Alpha_Clusterby LP you mean launchpade right?05:17
mneptokjTr0n: no Flash for you, dude.05:17
jTr0nwell thats what i have this script from ubuntu forums for05:17
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MarkeHNot true mneptok05:17
jTr0ni guess the site is just slow05:17
Oythanks for the lack of reponse05:17
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mneptokMarkeH: true. there is no Flash for x86-64.05:17
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MarkeHI have flash running in FireFox(32-bit) on 7.04 64bit05:17
mneptokMarkeH: if *you* want to walk him through a chroot'ed 32 bit instance, be my guest.05:17
jTr0nthere is 32bit flash that can run on 64bit fiesty05:18
dunklegend<Alpha_Cluster> I logged in05:18
jTr0nlolol thats why there's a script i bet05:18
Alpha_Clusterclick on bugs05:18
mneptokjTr0n: not without a chroot or nspluginwrapper05:18
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Alpha_Clusterthen report a bug05:18
swubooI've run into a small problem.05:18
swubooI installed a new widescreen monitor tonight, put the new resolution into xorg.conf, etc... and my taskbar's gone.05:18
MarkeHAgain, not true mneptok :E05:18
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Alpha_Clusterdunklegend, then in there go and select distro Ubuhntu and package cowbell05:19
swubooNot off the bottom of the screen gone, I can use the desktop cube to see that it's actually vanished.05:19
mneptokMarkeH: OK, so how is it done without a chroot or a plugin wrapper?05:19
MarkeHone sec05:19
mneptokMarkeH: and if you start talking about installing 32 bit libs inside a 64 bit system i'll slap you. :)05:19
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dunklegendnow what?05:19
MarkeHi just followed that guide :E05:20
Alpha_Clustermneptok, least ive heard is installing firefox 32bit05:20
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eexpresssth funny here?05:20
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mneptokMarkeH: that is UGLY. it pollutes a 64 bit install with 32 bit libraries. there is a very good chance this will cause updatues and upgrades to completely break your system.05:21
dunklegendAlpha_Cluster: how do I report the bug/05:21
Alpha_Clusterwhat do you mean?05:21
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MarkeHI hope not ;)#05:21
eexpresshow to map a key to another under tty?05:21
Alpha_Clusterfrom tehre it searches to see if it matches anything05:21
mneptokMarkeH: me, too. for your sake.05:22
Alpha_Clusterto still report there should be a button on the bottom05:22
eexpresshow to map a key to another under tty? not xmodmap. just tty1.05:22
mneptokMarkeH: the correct way is to chroot a 32 bit instance of Fx.05:22
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dunklegendI pasted the error I got above but I don't know what to put in the summary05:22
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wkdowngreetings all05:22
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MarkeHI doubt my brain could handle that mneptok :E05:22
mneptokdunklegend: "Cowbell fails to launch with various Mono errors"05:22
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RedRebelAnyone know a fix for the ATI driver breaking X?05:23
mneptokMarkeH: mine doesn't. that's why i use the i386 version. ;)05:23
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dunklegendthanks mneptok05:23
eexpress:)  :(  ;)  :o  :D  8-)  :|  :'(  :p  '<05:23
eexpresshow to map a key to another under tty? not xmodmap. just tty1.05:23
lucky_is it beryl fault installed on festy fawn?05:23
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lucky_is it beryl default installed on festy fawn?05:23
rsaldanarhelo you cam spike spanish05:23
yimmmmyhelp installing a new hdd05:23
yimmmmyin ubutu05:24
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mneptokeexpress: please do not repeat. and spare the emoticons? ;)05:24
mneptok!es > rsaldanar05:24
eexpressbut none can see my sentence...05:24
PossumHow do I make the keyboard make greek characters instead of english ones?05:24
lucky_what is the meaning of "workspace on a cube" in "desktop effects" ?05:24
rsaldanarheolo neptok05:24
batax^man# j * medan #05:24
=== WebMaven__ [n=webmaven@nv-67-77-151-148.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
jTr0nMarkeH:  haha thats the guide i'm following.  the connection to the macromedia.com just slows to a halt and hangs05:25
rsaldanarhelo neptok05:25
pyrohotdogIs there any format I can use for my external drive, that I can read and write from both a *nix machine and a winbloze machine?05:25
jTr0nwhen downloading the plugin.  i'm looking to get it from somewhere else and modify the script so it looks locally05:25
geokeratzPossum> system>preferences>05:25
Kr0ntabpyrohotdog, fat16/32, ntfs, ext3....05:25
MarkeHjTr0n: it did take ages for me, i thought it hung at one point05:25
phy2lucky -- http://www.beryl-project.org/images/cube_full.jpg05:25
geokeratzPossum> Keyboard>Layout05:25
shawn34lucky_, workspace = desktop05:25
geokeratzPossum> Add...05:26
yimmmmywhat torrents can i use05:26
lucky_should i install beryl first?05:26
shawn34lucky_, a 'cube' has 4 workspaces for each side05:26
dunklegendpyrohotdog: I'm using ntfs and I write to it from linux with ntfs-3g05:26
rsaldanarneptok tu hablas espanol05:26
Kr0ntabpyrohotdog, fat is obviously the most "transparent"...05:26
pyrohotdogKr0ntab: what I need to install anything special on the windows machine?05:26
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lucky_yes shawn05:26
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shawn34lucky_, do desktop effects work for you?05:26
WebMaven__Feisty is having performance problems on my laptop. 99.5% of the CPU is being consumed by events/005:26
lucky_but not like that picture05:27
dunklegend<rsaldanar> yo hablo espaol05:27
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Kr0ntabpyrohotdog, with windows to write to ext2/3 there is third party open source software needed... but works well..05:27
geokeratzPossum> did it work?05:27
shawn34lucky_, what picture05:27
Possumgeokeratz, I can set the keyboard layout, but how do I make it switch the characters it outputs??05:27
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phy2lucky -- sorry, that was beryl picture05:27
rsaldanarhola donk legend05:27
shawn34lucky_, beryl is different from what come pre packaged in fiesty05:27
pyrohotdogI thought *nix ntfs support was unstable and potenentially dangerous?05:27
Kr0ntabpyrohotdog,  http://www.fs-driver.org/05:28
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Kr0ntabntfs write support can actualy be done pretty safely now...05:28
rsaldanartengo problemas con mi laptop y el video05:28
Kr0ntab! ntfs-3g | pyrohotdog05:28
ubotupyrohotdog: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions05:28
lucky_so i should install beryl first so my workspace have 4 cube?05:29
pyrohotdogKr0ntab: thank you. :)05:29
eexpress:p  '<05:29
Kr0ntabnp  :-)05:29
eexpresshow to map a key to another under tty? not xmodmap. just tty1.05:29
lucky_shawn, so i should install beryl first so my workspace have 4 cube?05:29
dunklegendmneptok: I wrote this bug:  Bug #113931 can you take a look at it to see if it makes sense?05:29
=== geokeratz is Greek. Possum wait
dunklegendque problemas tienes saldanar05:29
Possumgeokeratz, err... did that make sense?05:29
shawn34lucky_, beryl is not an addon to the desktop effects in ubuntu05:29
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geokeratzPossum> wait05:29
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Possumgeokeratz, heh, I'm not greek... I just want/need to type greek.... okay I'll wait05:30
rsaldanarno puedo encontrar los drivers de mi laptop es una inspiron110005:30
Defianbruenig, I have resolved the libsdl file problem. Now i have another to deal with.. when I execute ut2004-bin in the console, it makes a few spaces, a :, and then says "Exiting due to error."05:30
dunklegendque tipo de video tiene?05:30
lucky_shawn, my desktop effect just looks like a flubber05:30
dunklegendnvidia o ati/05:30
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bruenigDefian, yeah that is a bit harder to determine05:30
rsaldanarno se la que trae de fabrica05:31
bruenigDefian, maybe there is a tutorial on the forums for ut05:31
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ian_gud am05:31
rsaldanarme parece que ati05:31
dunklegendque ubuntu tienes?05:31
Defianyeah, i'll have to look around. Thanks for the help though05:31
geokeratzPossum> system>preferences> Keyboard>Layout Options  > (in the GROUP SHIFT/Lock Behavior05:31
Possumgeokeratz, by the way (SCIM)05:31
yarddogis this the enlish channel?05:31
Possumgeokeratz, okay, I'm looking05:31
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ian_i want to auto mount with force option how shall i do that?05:32
geokeratzPossum> choose alt+shift changing group05:32
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shawn34"/bin/sh: bad interpreter: Text file busy" can someone explain this?05:32
rsaldanarubuntu version 5.1005:32
Defianbruenig, do you think it would matter whether I use the proprietory nvidia drivers or not?05:32
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WebMavenOK, so my laptop is a two-year-old Averatec 3250HX with an AMD Athlon XP-M 2200. Hoary, Dapper, and Edgy all worked fine, but now Feisty is consuming 99% of the CPU while not doing anything. it is slow as mollases.05:32
bruenigDefian, no idea05:32
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Jordan_Ushawn34, Where are you getting that error?05:32
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ian_i want to auto mount removable drive with force option how shall i do that?05:32
Defianbruenig, ah well. Thanks for the patience. Cheers.05:32
wedderburnUbuntuStudio's out :D05:32
Possumgeokeratz, !  ! !05:32
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geokeratzPossum> what does it mean? the..... (SCIM) I mean05:32
shawn34Jordan_U, trying to run a demo i downloaded from tuxgames05:32
geokeratzPossum> ahhahaha05:33
damim running ubuntu 7.05 - and i turned on the cool new desktop effects once.... it took away all my title bars from all the windows. so i disabled the effects and now everytime i reboot my titlebars are gone but desktop effects are still off. enabling and disabling brings back my title bars/05:33
geokeratzPossum> you are welcome Possum05:33
Jordan_UWebMaven, What prosess is using the most CPU?05:33
Possumgeokeratz, I was saying, scim was working fine for japanese... just couldn't get greek to work :P05:33
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dunklegendrsaldanar: puedes ver que tipo de video tienes, y que version de ubuntu05:33
M_nick carbanm05:33
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geokeratzPossum> do u learn Greek?05:33
shawn34Jordan_U, trying to run a demo i downloaded from tuxgames05:34
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NrbelexI have my wireless card up and running. Using the network manager, I have previously used it to connect to a wireless network elsewhere on a corporate WPA system. However at home, I'm unable to connect to our standard WEP network with the correct hex key or any other nearby unsecured wireless networks. In the system monitor, I see spikes of sent data but 0 received bytes. The card is a...05:34
Nrbelex...BCM43XX series and I used fwcutter to get it running properly.05:34
carbanmis it bad to have multiple versions of TK/TCL installed?05:34
geokeratzPossum> difficult language. keep on going. bye05:34
Possumgeokeratz, I learn it in the summers when I'm in the country05:34
Possumgeokeratz, Heh, very difficult... I've had about 3 summers worth of lessons and my spelling still sucks XD05:34
rsaldanarla version de ubuntu es 5.1005:34
rsaldanarel video no se05:35
geokeratzrsaldanar> only english please05:35
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RedRebelHow can I get 3d acceleration without breaking X? (ATI drivers)05:35
WebMavenJordan_U: 99.5% is being consumed by events/005:35
anandanbuca i install IE6 in ubuntu 7.04 using the wine05:35
carbanmwell, not really05:35
carbanmbut hard. i cant figure it out.05:35
Jordan_Ushawn34, One general problem with  programs not made for Ubuntu is that they use /bin/sh when they should use /bin/bash , that is just a stab in the dark but you might try changing whatever script is having the problem to use /bin/bash instead ( it can't hurt )05:35
rsaldanargeokeratz my inglish don is ready05:35
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ian_hello can somebody help me.i want to auto mount removable drive with force option how shall i do that?05:36
dunklegendporque no pones la version 7.04?05:36
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swubooAnyone have any good ideas on how to use nvidia-settings to properly calibrate an LCD?05:36
rsaldanarpero es que no la tengo amano05:36
RedRebelAnyone ever get ATI drivers working? how?05:36
swubooBefore I go blind from a sea of undending white?05:36
shawn34Jordan_U, its actually a .run file05:36
dunklegendpuedes bajarla?05:36
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Remy|Work!tell dunklegend about #ubuntu-es05:37
carbanmRedRebel: you trying for Beryl?05:37
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rsaldanardesde donde la puedo bajar sin problemas05:37
dunklegendson como 700 megas pero si te debe de reconocer muchas cosas de drivers y eso05:37
eexpressHallo! Auf wiedersehen.05:37
dunklegendI can speak english05:37
damswuboo, what problems ave you got?05:37
carbanmis it bad to have multiple versions of TK/TCL installed?05:37
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:37
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dunklegendis rsaldanar that can't05:38
AerotwelveCan anyone help me? My GUI will not start up, and it's on a Wubi install.05:38
wyI got disconnect just now. I think I've missed the ideas about emacs snapshot here.05:38
WebMavenJordan_U: does that suggest anything?05:38
RedRebelcarban: was for steam...but beryl would be cool05:38
rsaldanaramigo pero en que web puedo descargarla05:38
Jordan_Ushawn34, You can try symlinking /bin/sh to /bin/bash but you should revert it back to /bin/dash after if it's a one time thing05:38
carbanmRedRebel: do you have flgrx installed?05:39
swuboodam:  I'm awash in a sea of blazing white.05:39
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tonyyarusso!es | rsaldanar05:39
ubotursaldanar: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:39
swuboodam:  I just want a utility to help me get the gamma and contrast right, really.05:39
RedRebelcarban: as far as i know05:39
skinnypuppy1334how do I apg get openGL1.1  ???05:39
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damswuboo, does your LCD have a auto mode?05:40
swuboodam:  The Windows version of the nvidia drivers had a whole wizard-doodad that got everything pretty much perfect.05:40
pyrohotdogSo I just plugged in my usb thumb drive...how do I mount it? Or at least find what /dev/ to mount?05:40
swuboodam:  Auto in what sense?05:40
dunklegendin the ubuntu-es channels there's a lot less help05:40
tonyyarussopyrohotdog: it should mount automatically, but if not, look for /dev/sd??05:40
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damswuboo, 'nvidia-settings' has all the right settings for changing those values.05:40
tonyyarusso!en | eexpress05:40
ubotueexpress: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat05:40
laskingah ah05:41
swuboodam:  I know, I found them.  But do you know of any utilities or walkthroughs for setting them to the right values?  I'm rather a neophyte with LCD's.05:41
damswuboo, buttons on the monitor that allow you to change settings. usally a auto or default button exists!05:41
dunklegendrsaldanar: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download05:41
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damswuboo, turn them all down.05:41
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swuboodam:  Ah, yes.  My monitor is currently set to its default.05:41
eexpressi thought its a international channel, so can talk with any language....05:41
FantaOrangehow do i find out the name of my machine?05:41
swuboodam:  Right, well I'll give that a go then.05:41
AerotwelveCan anyone help me setup my GUI? On boot, I get a message saying no "screens" can be found. This is a Wubi install. Anyone?05:41
Jordan_UWebMaven, Sounds like possibly a driver problem05:41
tonyyarussoeexpress: That's what #ubuntu-cn is for.05:42
rukuarticdunklegend: Do you speak spanish?05:42
tonyyarussoeexpress: International community, localized channels :)05:42
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laskingbeat eexpress05:42
dunklegendyeah I now, I thought the language here was ubuntu05:42
skinnypuppy1334What's wrong with this command?   sudo apt-get install OpenGL1.105:42
dunklegendrukuarti: yes/si05:42
swuboodam:  That works, but there's no ready way to do arrange a proper calibration?05:42
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skinnypuppy1334Trying to get opengl1.105:43
rukuarticdunklegend: Then you should help out there. If you help out, there'll be more help for the folks that need it. And ya learn suff too05:43
eexpressHallo! Auf wiedersehen.05:43
WebMavenJordan_U: Yeah looks like this is it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+bug/6712605:43
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damswuboo, is there a default settings button in the nvidia settings page?05:44
swuboodam:  Yes.  It makes my eyes bleed.05:44
NrbelexHi...I have my wireless card up and running. Using the network manager, I have previously used it to connect to a wireless network elsewhere on a corporate WPA system. However at home, I'm unable to connect to our standard WEP network with the correct hex key or any other nearby unsecured wireless networks. In the system monitor, I see spikes of sent data but 0 received bytes. The card is a...05:44
Nrbelex...BCM43XX series and I used fwcutter to get it running properly.05:44
FantaOrangehow do i get sql installed????????05:44
laskingbeat eexpress he is a windows spy05:44
dunklegend<rukuartic>: yeah but I came to look for help, because in those channels help is hard to come by05:44
skinnypuppy1334Would someone tell me how to apt get OpenGL1.1  sudo apt-get install OpenGL1.105:44
skinnypuppy1334 gives me couldn't find package05:44
dunklegendplus I'm a newbie05:44
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laskingeexpress name is bill gates05:45
tonyyarusso!lamp | FantaOrange, one of the steps here05:45
ubotuFantaOrange, one of the steps here: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:45
damswuboo, ok. i would just play around with settings while looking at a famous logo with many colours. config it that way05:45
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swuboodam:  Works for me, I guess.05:45
Jordan_Uskinnypuppy1334, Do you just want 3D acceleration ?05:45
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rukuarticdunklegend: You don't have to be a linux-guru to help... I still can't fix grub/alsa/xorg problems, but I help out here... 'this is how to do wireless', 'this is how to search for packages'... etc05:45
startxjeffFantaOrange:   What ubotu said...   or, go to Apachefriends.org and download a nice tar file.  =)05:46
skinnypuppy1334it is  needed for Gcam that I am installing05:46
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dunklegend<rukuartic>: can you help me with my cowbell?05:46
FantaOrangeim trying to get gallery2 installed , and mysql will not work05:46
dunklegendthat's what I really came for05:46
rukuarticdunklegend: what do you need help with?05:46
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rukuarticFantaOrange: Do you have a mysql server installed?05:47
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dunklegendI could paste the error but I got told that it wasn't acceptable to paste longe paragraphs05:47
dunklegendI pasted it above05:47
FantaOrangemysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed05:47
FantaOrangeerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)05:47
startxjeffFantaOrange:  did you also install phpmyadmin?05:47
=== Ashex [n=ahmed@c-67-183-12-45.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticdunklegend: Well use the paste bin then... and what is 'cowbell'?05:47
FantaOrangethis is what it says05:47
rukuarticFantaOrange: Did you set a root password?05:47
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AshexAlright, I have a computer running Ubuntu Dapper LTS05:47
Ashexand I'm going to convert it to a server05:48
dunklegendhow do I use the paste bin?05:48
FantaOrangeim trying it wont work05:48
startxjeffor, check that the mysqld is a running service05:48
Ashexfirst thing though, how do I set it so it doesn't launch X05:48
rukuarticdunklegend: http://rafb.net/paste -- Just paste the long eror in there, and link me to the page.05:48
AshexJust change the runlevel in inittab?05:48
rukuarticAshex: chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm05:48
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FantaOrangemysqladmin -u root password your-new-password05:48
FantaOrangewhy will it not work?05:48
Ashexrukuartic, that would create an error during startup, wouldn't it?05:48
startxjeffin order to set the root password, the sql service has to be running05:49
FantaOrangerukuartic: jhow do i set root password05:49
rukuarticFantaOrange: I don't know if you have the right syntax there, I'm not exactly a guru with mysql... try this. "mysql -u root -h localhost" and see if you get a login screen.05:49
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rukuarticAshex: I don't think so05:49
startxjeffdid you "/etc/init.d/mysqld start" first?05:49
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MarkeHJordan_U: did DocShay come back? :E05:50
=== timthelion [n=timothy@pool-71-102-96-202.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
skinnypuppy1334I need to apt get OpenGL1.1 as a dependency for GCAM,  would someone tell me how to apt get that file?05:50
rukuarticAshex: Super simple start would be 'apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop' I think... easy way tho is just to get a Server CD05:50
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Ashexheh, true05:50
rukuarticstartxjeff: I'm assuming the server's started, since we get 'permission denied' instead of 'no route to host'05:50
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PuppiesOnAcidWhere is the ubuntu-offtopic channel?05:50
Jordan_UMarkeH, No, I am curious also05:50
PuppiesOnAcidI have lots of off topic ubuntu stuff to talk about05:50
rukuarticPuppiesOnAcid: #ubuntu-offtopic05:50
timthelionhow come there is no package sane-frontends?05:50
dunklegendrukuartic: http://rafb.net/p/PeLoLg27.html05:50
MarkeHHe could still boot from cd, even if he broke his bootloader?05:51
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rukuarticdunklegend: Is this a windows app you're trying to run with WINE?05:51
dunklegendit's a music organizer05:51
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rukuarticdunklegend: Was it something you found in the repos?05:51
Jordan_UMarkeH, His bootloader wasn't broken, it's just that the drive that was set to boot in BIOS wasn't the one with GRUB installed05:51
FantaOrangeAccess denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: NO) what in the hell, how do i get mysql to work?05:51
zieneed help with wine05:51
Hariharanall : Please tell me the package name which has vmlinux in ubuntu. which helps me to run crash05:52
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FantaOrangedoes anyone know how to setup SQL?05:52
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rukuarticFantaOrange: Try 'dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server*05:52
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Jordan_UHariharan, Are you trying to install the program "crash" ?05:52
dunklegendrukuartic: I think it's similar to amarok but I don't know because it never worked05:53
HariharanJordan_U: Crash tool05:53
MarkeHWell Jordan_U, he's been gone a while whatever he's done :s05:53
ian_hello can somebody help me.i want to auto mount removable drive with force option how shall i do that?05:53
ziei just set up SQL but cant help now05:53
rukuarticdunklegend: Thats a really weird thing.. ...did you do 'apt-get install cowbell'?05:53
startxjeffmysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &05:53
zieneed help of my own05:53
zieNeed help with WINE05:53
dunklegendI did synaptic05:53
rukuartic!help zie05:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help zie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:53
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rukuartic!help | zie05:53
ubotuzie: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:53
Jordan_Uian_, Why with force option?05:53
startxjeffFantaOrange:   Try this URL:    http://www.debianadmin.com/recover-mysql-database-root-password.html05:54
rukuarticdunklegend: Gimme a second...05:54
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ian_Jordan_U: yes. what file should i edit?05:54
skinnypuppy1334Anyone?  I need to apt get OpenGL1.1 as a dependency for GCAM,  would someone tell me how to apt get that file?05:54
dunklegendI<rukuartic>: did synaptic but it didn't work with apt-get05:54
dunklegend<rukuartic>: ok05:54
HariharanJordan_U: any hints to get vmlinux05:54
startxjeffIt has a method to start the mysqld and reset the root password05:54
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Jordan_Uian_, *Why* with force option?05:55
rukuarticdunklegend: I just installed it, it works fine...05:55
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non|inearif i use fs-driver for ext3 support in xp, would it be possible (and advisable) to share a swap partition between xp and ubuntu?05:56
dunklegendrukuartic: it doesn't work for me I even reinstalled feisty and it still wouldn't work05:56
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rukuarticdunklegend: man... you have a messed up problem.05:56
Jordan_UHariharan, If you are looking for crash ( the kernel debugging tool ) it's available in universe and all it's dependencies should be available also05:57
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FantaOrangehow do i uninstall mysql from console?05:57
Nergari need, help. this is windows related, but if i don't fix this i can't install ubuntu: when i start gparted, it says my windows partitions needs to be checked with chkdsk /f in wondows and reboot twice, but in vista (yes i know), i tried to run the command and it says i don't have permission to do that, so i think i need a "sudo" like command but how?05:57
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rukuarticFantaOrange: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge mysql-server-5.005:57
startxjeffFantaOrange:   apt-get remove mysql05:57
startxjeffsorry.... I don't normally sudo.05:57
ian_Jordan_U: because every time i put my external drive with ntfs and error occurred "Volume is scheduled for check. Please Boot into windows twice or use the force mount option...." so i have to go to  terminal and manual mount it. i want it to be auto.05:58
startxjeffI'll shut up now.  rukuartic05:58
skinnypuppy1334How do I install OpenGL 1.1???05:58
=== startxjeff sits in the corner and trys to keep his mouth shut
rukuarticstartxjeff: Nooo no no.05:58
FantaOrangeit wont let me remove it even as root from console05:58
Jordan_Uian_, You should run checkdisk on the drive from windows, mounting with force is *not* a solution05:59
rukuarticdunklegend: Try this...05:59
FantaOrangeit says E: Couldn't find package mysql05:59
FantaOrangeyet its still there05:59
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drexxihello i've got problems with beryl, its installed but i cant change the window manger from metacity to beryl, it still switches mag05:59
rukuarticdunklegend: sudo apt-get install gtk-sharp205:59
rukuarticdrexxi: try #ubuntu-effects as well05:59
FantaOrangeplease help me anyone06:00
rukuarticFantaOrange: Did you remember the asterisk?06:00
rukuarticFantaOrange: My bad. Try this...06:00
rukuarticFantaOrange: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge mysql*06:00
SupaplexFantaOrange: apt-cache show mysql06:00
Nergarany ideas?06:00
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skinnypuppy1334how do I apt-get OpenGL1.1???06:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktop-effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:01
SupaplexNergar: right click on cmd.exe and run as administrator.06:01
swuboodam:  I don't suppose you use Beryl?06:01
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dn4Does anyone know how to take a 900mb iso and turn that into a iso composed of two cds?06:01
ZeZuI upgraded from LTS to feisty, and i noticed gnome was running horribly slow, i ran glxinfo to see if dri was enabled, and i get an error saying GLX module was not found for screen 0:006:01
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ZeZuI checked xorg.conf and its supposed to be loaded, and i see no errors in X.log06:01
swubooThe desktop cube does not appear to handle widescreen nicely, it seem to reshape dramatically when viewed from above and rotated.06:02
nnanyone got bluetooth working with their phone?06:02
swubooAnyone know how to fix that?06:02
FantaOrangeAccess denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)** why wont this shit uninstall06:02
ZeZuthis is using "nv" drivers06:02
rukuarticskinnypuppy1334: Try this: 'apt-cache search opengl'06:02
Jordan_Uswuboo, What would you have it do?06:02
rukuarticFantaOrange: I've had these problems before... I think you've changed the root password somewhere.06:02
ZeZuanyone know what might be the problem, i even tried installing the "new" nv drivers as they are marked in synaptic06:02
tonyyarusso!ohmy | FantaOrange06:02
ubotuFantaOrange: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:02
Nergarthnx Supaplex06:02
swubooJordan_U:  When I used a regular monitor, say, this afternoon, the cube did not appear to visibly reshape itself when viewed.06:02
dunklegendubotu: have you been to #ubuntu-es?, maybe you should, then you'll know why people try to find help here06:02
rukuarticFantaOrange: Did you reset the root password?06:03
Supaplexdunklegend: newsflash, ubotu is a bot.06:03
ZeZuubotu is a bot06:03
ubotuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.06:03
swubooJordan_U  Whereas now, the entire thing seems to morph from one paralellogram to another, whenever your view comes close to a neighboring side.06:03
strabeslol, newsflash06:03
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ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!06:03
FantaOrangerukuartic: it worked, now should i reinstall it?06:03
strabesomg thats so funny06:03
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rukuarticFantaOrange: Does cowbell work now?06:04
linuxnubcan someone help me get SAMBA setup plz06:04
FantaOrangewhats cowbell?06:04
rukuarticFantaOrange: My bad, wrong person.06:04
Jordan_Uswuboo, I mean what would you have it do instead of reshaping, it has to be wider than it is tall in any orientation, how can this be phisically accomplished without distorting it?06:04
swubooIt was quite smooth and picturesque in a 5:4 resolution, but in an 8:6, it's almost nauseating.06:04
Supaplexthe heck with cowbell, I use cowtazer06:04
rukuarticFantaOrange: Yeah try uninstalling now.06:04
pyropscan someone help me with beryl theme thingimabob06:04
FantaOrangei just did, now i need to reinstall it06:04
non|inearif i use fs-driver for ext3 support in xp, would it be possible (and advisable) to share a swap partition between xp and ubuntu?06:04
rukuarticFantaOrange: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-4.0 or 5.0, whichever you like better06:05
swubooJordan_U:  Why would a 3-d model of a six-sided shape have to reshape itself based on viewing angle?06:05
FantaOrangeim trying to get gllaery2 installed, have u ever installed it before: rukuartic?06:05
dunklegend<Supaplex>: well anyway there's nobody on the channel that the bot suggested that's why spanish people try to get help here instead06:05
rukuarticnon|inear: I just have a fat32 partition to share between the two06:05
Supaplexdunklegend: bien.06:05
Jordan_Unon|inear, Swap partitions aren't formatted ext3, they are formatted as swap06:05
rukuarticFantaOrange: No, but I've installed things similar to it.06:05
non|inearjordan: oh yea OK... can i use ext3 for swaP?06:05
non|inearim just trying to save a gig of hd space :)06:06
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Supaplexnon|inear: apt-cache show swapd06:06
non|inearrukuartic: what cdo you think of sharing?06:06
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non|inearsupaplex: what is apt-cache for06:06
swubooJordan_U:  Let me try to rephrase.  It's obviously not a true cube, and isn't in any regularly used resolution.  It has to be wider than it is tall in any computer resolution.  Why, then, should it not appear to physically change shape at 1280x1024, but appear to violently rearrange itself at 1680x1050?06:06
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ko12uptokay it works fine, another question though im running two hard drives one windows one linux i want to save to windows from linux how do i make this possible its giving me an error as root so im stumped i tried to change the permissions on it too still nothing06:07
navetsi am trying to use svideo to connect my tv to my laptop on linux, can anyone help me06:07
swubooIt's like there's a funhouse mirror involved.06:07
Supaplexnon|inear: man apt-cache :)06:07
rukuarticnon|inear: Here's my setup. [ 10 Gb | NTFS | Windows ]  [ 10 GB | ext3 | Linux ]  [ 256 MB | swap ]  [ 60 GB | fat32 | my share drive :3 ] 06:07
linuxnubcan anyone help me get SAMBA setup plz06:07
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dunklegend<rukuartic>: cowbell still doesn't work :(06:07
dave132whats the best way to view real player files in ubuntu?06:07
ko12uptruk u dont have much to play with lol06:08
MarkeHko12upt: try looking at this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:08
rukuarticdunklegend: Try this... dpkg -l | grep sharp... lemme know if you see something like libmono-sharp06:08
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ko12uptaww okay thanks06:08
MarkeHMight be of help to you06:08
non|inearsupaplex: thanks!  but i'm in xp, in process of formatting and no ubuntu atm06:08
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Jordan_Uswuboo, What do you mean by violently re-arrange, it is going to have to be a much more drastic change if you have a much more larger difference between width and hight06:08
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dunklegendSupaplex: what is cowtazer, is it similar to cowbell?06:08
Jordan_Uswuboo, * much larger, not much more06:09
Supaplexdunklegend: well, it's like a normal every day tazer, but much more painful.06:09
EmperorCezarI was wondering if anyone knew why my nvidia-settings would only show it's own configuration options?06:09
xjkxmy mp4 player (a hardware such as ipod, which isnt popular all over the world, but you can guess an ipod) understands a amv format, ok, i couldnt find an avi to amv converter, but what about play? I have w32codecs/mplayer and i cant play06:09
rukuarticdunklegend: Either way, there's other id3 tag editors out there.06:09
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slilburnif I download the alternate install cd, can I upgrade without having to do a major download?06:09
Supaplexnon|inear: apt-cache (8)        - APT package handling utility - - cache manipulator06:09
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FantaOrangedo u know how to setup mysql?06:09
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swubooJordan_U:  What I mean is, suppose I've already zoomed out.  And I wish to turn the cube, still in cube mode, to view a different face.  While I'm rotating, the relative angles as viewed from the top of the different sides change dramatically.06:09
dunklegendrukuartic: ii  libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil         
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rukuarticdunklegend: Yup, I got that too. You have a wonky support issue06:10
FantaOrangerukuartic: do u know how to setup mysql?06:10
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anandanbudoes anybody know how to install gnome-dock in ubuntu 7.0406:10
rukuarticFantaOrange: Barely. But I need to go in the next few minutes.06:10
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Jordan_Uswuboo, So you want the top to only match the aspect ratio or your screen when you are zoomed in, correct?06:11
dave132will mplayer play real player files and if so which plugins do i need?06:11
dunklegendrukuartic: what's another good id3 tag editor, I used musicmatch jukebox in XP, is there something similar in ubuntu?06:11
navetsi am trying to use svideo to connect my tv to my laptop on linux, can anyone help me06:11
swubooJordan_U:  Yes, I think that would be fair.  The top and bottom should be actual squares, rather than reflect the aspect ratio of the screen.06:11
rukuarticdunklegend: No... cuz musicmatch is adware. We don't have that :P06:11
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pyropswhats the program which supports iPODs ?06:12
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rukuarticdunklegend: try "apt-cache search id3 editor | less"06:12
r3dragoni hope everyone is doing great06:12
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r3dragonmy question is this..06:12
dunklegendrukuartic: cool06:13
Supaplexr3dragon: 42.06:13
r3dragoncan firefox v2 coexist w/ firefox v1.5 on ubuntu 6.06 LTS06:13
rukuarticNight folks :)06:13
Jordan_Uswuboo, I don't think that there is an option to do that currently ( but if you find a dev in #beryl they are very responsive to suggestions, they implemented my suggestion to prevent windows from seperating in 3D world when they spam 3+ desktops )06:13
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MarkeHr3dragon: i would assume so, if they are installed in different folders?06:14
dn4Does anyone know how to take a 900mb iso and turn that into a iso composed of two cds?06:14
r3dragonsupaplex thanks for the fish06:14
swubooJordan_U:  Alright.  I may do that then.  I'm glad you were able to figure out what the Hell it was that was bothering me.06:14
Supaplexdn4: there's split, but they won't be cd's anymore.06:14
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swubooJordan_U:  That was definitely it; the top and bottom are switching their long and short axes, and the entire 'cube' then induces nausea in me.06:14
dn4Supaplex: what would it be?06:14
dunklegenddn4: why don't you burn it to a dvd06:15
Supaplexdn4: two big files.06:15
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gr33npho3nixanybody have any pointers? I setup a htpasswd and the AuthType, AuthName, AuthUserFile, and Require statements but i'm getting no passowrd box in apache its just taking me to the site06:15
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linuxnubdoes anyone have a clue about SAMBA can help me set it up plz06:16
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dn4dunklegend: I don't have a dvd burner or rom06:16
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Supaplex!ask | linuxnub06:17
ubotulinuxnub: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:17
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linuxnubi thought i did06:17
Nergarif i have a pci wireless card, but the driver that comes with ubuntu doesn't work well and i want to use ndiswrapper instead, what should i do?06:17
linuxnub4 times now lol06:17
Supaplexlinuxnub: yes, we all have a clue, but we're clueless to mind reading.06:18
Jordan_Ulinuxnub,  SAMBA server or client?06:18
linuxnubi need help configuring SAMBA so that my windows machine can access shares on ubuntu06:18
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ShangSupaplex, lol...06:18
anandanbudoes anybody know how to install the Gnome-Dock in Ubuntu 7.0406:18
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linuxnubi have setup a shared folder on ubuntu but the windows machine cant access it06:19
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Supaplexlinuxnub: does the windows box prompt for a password when you access the share?06:19
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Nergarno one?06:19
Supaplexlinuxnub: did you smbpassword <user> on the linux box?06:19
linuxnubsudo smbpasswd -a name fails to accept a password06:20
tonyyarusso!wifi | Nergar06:20
ubotuNergar: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:20
Supaplexlinuxnub: how does it reply?06:20
xjkxmy mp4 player (a hardware such as ipod, which isnt popular all over the world, but you can guess an ipod) understands a amv format, ok, i couldnt find an avi to amv converter, but what about play? I have w32codecs/mplayer and i cant play06:20
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linuxnubFailed to modify password entry for user06:20
MarkeHRight, gotta boot back into windoze hell, cya's later :(06:21
Supaplexlinuxnub: just failed. no reason why? Is the same user in /etc/passwd ?06:21
dougieJordan_U, is there a guide to install from a usb hard drive?06:21
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linuxnubdont know about /etc/passwd06:21
Jordan_U!install | dougie06:21
ubotudougie: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate06:21
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ChicoryI installed 7.04 on a VGN-N230E, and it works fine -- but my Fn key bindings are screwed up.06:22
Supaplexlinuxnub: what user are you changing the smbpassword for?06:22
ChicoryHow can I change my Fn key bindings back to normal?06:22
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godlygeekChicory: What are the function keys doing?06:22
linuxnubtried to setup a user from windows machine and it fails06:23
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ChicoryNamely, uh, for some reason volume-up and volume-down are doing their job -- but for the microphone.06:23
linuxnubi mean a user of windows machine06:23
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ChicoryConsidering that it worked just earlier today and I have yet to know how to so much as configure it in the first place?  It's a bit confusing.06:23
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DLB|Maximusi guess i wont mess with xfontsel again, i hope it didnt trash my gnome, locked my laptop hard.....06:24
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=== Chicory wants volume-up and volume-down for the master or the front controls in ALSA, but it's bound to the microphone now.
godlygeekChicory: Uh... i don't run gnome, at the moment, but in the preference menus in the gnome panel, there's an audio preferences or something like that, where you can change the channel that the buttons adjust...  That's the best i can do off the top of my head...06:24
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MalachiI'm having trouble streaming AVI files from the internet.06:24
Nergartonyyarusso, it didn't help06:24
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dougieJordan_U do you know if that syslink thing will work with hard drives?06:24
Chicorygodlygeek, thank you.06:24
Nergari need to blacklist a driver and use ndiswrapper, anyone know how?06:25
ChicoryIt was a stray click that screwed it all up.06:25
ChicoryThank you for clearing that up!06:25
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GrirahanI need help.06:25
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DefianWhats the problem, Grirahan?06:26
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GrirahanI am trying to connect to a linksys router thorugh wireless with Ubuntu, and it doesn't find it at all.06:26
godlygeekChicory: no problem.06:26
Jordan_Udougie, I believe so, yes06:26
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tom_kelleherGreetings all, I just installed 7.04 and all seems well. I just have a few issues I'd like some help with if somebody could help. Restricted Drivers, my graphics driver doesn't seem to want to install via the Restricted Drivers Manager. Second Ubuntu seems to boot slowly, any way to speed that up? Lastly, Grub how can I fix it to boot Windows also.06:26
Defianahhh... wireless.. sorry, I don't have any experience there. All my stuff is wired. :\ sorry06:27
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GrirahanThat's ok06:27
GrirahanDoes anyone here know anything about wireless with Ubuntu?06:27
ChicoryEr ...06:27
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tom_kelleherGrirahan: what you looking for?06:27
ChicoryMine always worked out of the box because I selected for Ubuntu in mind.  Xd;;;06:27
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GrirahanI'm looking to connect to the wireless network here at my house, and it doesn't see the network in the list.06:28
Jordan_Utom_kelleher, To get Grub to boot windows also you *should* just have to run "sudo update-grub" and it should detect that you have windows and add an entry to boot it06:28
tom_kelleherGrirahan: are you using 7.0406:28
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godlygeekGrirahan: do you not what the name of your interface is?  ath0 or wlan0 or eth0 or eth1...?06:28
godlygeekGrirahan: from a terminal, try 'iwlist eth1 scan' and see if it's listed in the results06:29
Grirahanno scan results06:29
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orbinNergar: how far have you gotten?06:29
godlygeekand, if you do 'iwconfig', the only interface listed with wireless extensions is 'eth1'?06:29
godlygeek^to Grirahan06:30
tom_kelleherJordan_U: did the sudo, that should fix my problem? the terminal didn't say anything about any new boot options06:30
eli_reui was updating my sources.list file and was having some trouble with something.  can someone help me out?  usinf feisty06:30
PrimoTurboCan compiling a custom kernel increase the overall speed of ubuntu?06:30
eli_reu'using feisty, i mean06:30
Nergarorbin, no where, i just installed feisty and i have no interet06:30
Toma-PrimoTurbo, by a few ms at boot, maybe.06:30
Nergarso no new packages or anything06:30
owheli_reu: Trouble with what specifically?06:31
godlygeekGrirahan: Anything unique about the router?  For instance, some routers let you set them up to not broadcast beacons for security... that can stop them from being automatically found...06:31
PrimoTurboToma: what about overall performance of GUI?06:31
PrimoTurboI feel my GUI even under XFCE underperforms06:31
GrirahanNot that I know of. It's a Linksys Wireless-G Router.06:31
Jordan_Utom_kelleher, That should add it but at the same time it should have checked if you had windows installed when you installed Ubuntu and added the entry then, so I don't know if it will work06:31
orbinNergar: what card/chipset?06:31
Toma-PrimoTurbo, put it this way, the speed difference will not offset the amount of time spent trying to compile one.06:31
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PrimoTurbofeels slugish compared to Windows06:31
PrimoTurbohow long does it take to compile?06:31
owhPrimoTurbo: Likely the difference is the video drivers you are using.06:31
Nergarorbin, i know how to use ndiswrapper but my feisty already comes with a driver for my card (RaLink) but it doesn't work well06:31
Toma-PrimoTurbo, unless you use your computer for a few thousand years06:32
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eli_reuowh: i added this line (deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org etch main) to the sources list, and when i tried to do apt-get update it said that the following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not avilable06:32
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godlygeekGrirahan: do you know the SSID?  and does the router have any security turned on?06:32
eli_reuowh: i also added the same line with deb-src after that06:32
Toma-PrimoTurbo, surprisingly long. not to mention the amount of times you will mess it up, and read docs06:32
tom_kelleherJordan_U: I hope it found it, I had Vista installed when I installed 7.04 so I'm surprised it didn't find it.06:32
PrimoTurboI am using the ATI restricted drivers I can run doom3/quake4 with slightly lower fps then Windows06:32
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Grirahanyes, I know the ID, and there's no security on it.06:32
owhPrimoTurbo: In addition, you might also have a challenge with disk access speed. Neither of which are likely solved by a re-compile of the kernel.06:32
Jordan_Ueli_reu, You can't use Debian repositories in Ubuntu06:32
PrimoTurboaproximatley how long?06:32
Toma-PrimoTurbo, there are ways to make it more responsive than ripping the engine out06:32
crdlbPrimoTurbo: those drivers suck06:32
eli_reuJOrdan_U really?06:32
PrimoTurbowhat are better drivers to use for a 9700 Pro?06:33
godlygeekGrirahan: and are you sure that your card supports 802.11G?  ;)  (that is, does it work in windows, hehe?)06:33
crdlbPrimoTurbo: I don't think their 2d acceleration is very good06:33
Toma-PrimoTurbo, what speed CPU do you have?06:33
PrimoTurbo1.6Ghz p406:33
orbinNergar: find out which module you need to blacklist, add a relevant line in /etc/modprobe/blacklist.d , then do all the ndiswrapper stuff.06:33
Grirahanyes, it does06:33
eli_reuJordan_U: oops06:33
Nergarorbin, RaLink RT2561/RT6106:33
owheli_reu: For starters, as Jordan_U points out, Debian repositories don't often work under Ubuntu. Also, running Edgy stuff under Feisty is asking for problems.06:33
Toma-PrimoTurbo, about 3 hrs id say + 3 or so hours making it compile correctly06:33
crdlbPrimoTurbo: I'd personally use the free drivers (that came with ubuntu), but their performance in games will be worse06:33
orbinNergar: sorry - /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist06:33
Jordan_Ueli_reu, Yes, they are not binary compatible ( neither are any other debian derivatives06:33
Nergarorbin, thats my question, how do i find which module to blacklist?06:33
owheli_reu: The actual error you see is because likely the repository isn't signed. However, I have not actually looked into the specifics of checking how that is actually achieved.06:34
PrimoTurboI used the free drivers but they are slower in video and games a lot slower06:34
dougieJordan_U ok well it didn't like the usb thumb drive but it likes the hard drive :) but now its missing files...06:34
godlygeekGrirahan: alright, so, try, in a terminal, 'sudo iwconfig eth1 essid NETWORKID ; sudo dhclient eth1'06:34
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PrimoTurboand there is no difference between them and ATI restricted that i notice, both feel a little slugish06:34
eli_reuJordan_U: nice.  thanks for the tip.  i'm still pretty new at this.  been using edgy for about a month, updgraded to feisty and couldn't get it to work, so i did a clean install today, and it's running better06:34
PrimoTurboWindows XP is so responsive when compared against06:34
Jordan_Udougie, What do you mean missing files?06:34
ed1ti just installed Banshee music player, it wont any songs, it says no codec found...06:34
ed1twhich codec do i need?06:35
dougieit said it couldn't find /install./vm or something06:35
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PrimoTurboHowever I used a full fledged KDE desktop under Vector Linux and it feels faster then XP06:35
owhPrimoTurbo: As I said, it could also be drive speed. That is, your disks are being accessed via 16 bit without DMA for example.06:35
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PrimoTurbousing XFCE now and it feel slugish06:35
PrimoTurbohow do I enable DMA?06:35
PrimoTurboor check if it's enabled?06:35
dougieJordan_U i know why though06:35
Toma-PrimoTurbo, there are alot of performance settings that might be disabled06:35
Grirahanok, I got something06:35
Toma-PrimoTurbo, hdparm06:35
owhPrimoTurbo: You will need to do some specific testing to check what is causing your grief.06:35
PrimoTurbowhat is hdparm06:35
owhPrimoTurbo: It's a command.06:36
PrimoTurboand are there any good guides I can read something not too technical I'm a little new06:36
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godlygeekGrirahan: got something?06:36
Toma-PrimoTurbo, its a tool that shows that paramaters, like DMA are set on a particular drive06:36
ed1twhat codecs do i need to play .mp3 song in Banshee?06:36
Jordan_Udougie, Try this guide, it is overkill for just installing but it's more up to date it seems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:36
Grirahanyes, it bounded itself to an IP06:36
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ed1tmy .mp3's are stored on a ntfs partition06:36
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dougieJordan_U nah this one will work i just have to edit the syslinux.cfg a little more :)06:36
PrimoTurbohdparm in terminal shows me a ton of options anything specific I should check to see if dma is on?06:36
owhPrimoTurbo: I understand what you really want is for Ubuntu to work in every situation "out of the box". Unfortunately that's not yet the case. Getting better each day.06:36
orbinNergar: possibly hunt through dmesg.  my guess is it's called rt<something>06:37
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PrimoTurboowh: I dont mind tweaking I just need to know how06:37
eli_reuanyone know of any sources i should add to my sources list for a fresh installation of feisty?06:37
owhPrimoTurbo: You should do a man command like this: man hdparm. The actual command you likely need is hdparm -i /dev/{drive}06:37
PrimoTurboI'm not even using a lot of CPU and Ram and I get decent 3d performance06:37
Shanerhey i have i quick question i just downlaoded ubuntu and put it on a cd all i want to do is try it out and not switch over permently how would i do that06:37
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strabesjust boot from it06:38
crdlbshan: just boot the cd06:38
godlygeekGrirahan: no idea how to make gnome do that automatically, though.  i'm not exactly a gnome person, ;), so at present, you'd need to type that command each time you logged in.06:38
owhPrimoTurbo: There are literally hundreds of things that might cause things to slow down. What we're talking about is investigating those, so we don't just attempt to help you with "It's not working, can you fix it for me?"06:38
odatanyone know how you get mplayer to work with streamtuner?06:38
Jordan_Ueli_reu, I never need anything more than universe and multiverse, both of which can be added in System -> Administration -> Software-sources06:38
odatit doesn't like the urls06:38
Nergarthnx orbin06:38
shanjust on the start up ok ill try that thanks06:38
crdlbshan: as long as you got the "desktop cd"06:38
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PrimoTurboowh: okay np what can I read to figure some possible ways to fix it?06:38
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orbinNergar: running lsmod may help too06:39
ascanybody know in mplayer can utilize multiple cores?06:39
godlygeekGrirahan: i'd recommend checking out the router's settings and see if it has an option called 'don't broadcast essid' or 'don't send beacons' or something like that turned on.06:39
shanwhats the desktop cd06:39
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Nergarthnx for the suggestions orbin06:39
strabesshan: it's the default CD06:39
Jordan_Ueli_reu, And you should be careful about adding a bunch of random sources, not all of them are maintained well :)06:39
ed1twhat codecs do i need to play .mp3 song in Banshee?06:39
shanalll i have is the cd i just made from the downlaod ontheir dite06:40
strabesed1t: just install ubuntu-restricted-extras or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats06:40
owhPrimoTurbo: Well, google is a good start. Look for your motherboard and issues with it. Also, things that can slow you down are running an 32-bit version whilst you're running a 64-bit CPU. Not enough RAM, disks too full, no swap allocated, drive access as we discussed, the wrong video driver or driver version.06:40
strabesshan: you sholud be fine then06:40
shanok thanks06:40
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owhPrimoTurbo: Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to fob you off.06:40
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pyrohotdogJust plugged in my NTFS external drive, mounted fine, but it claims to be a read only device?06:40
Jordan_Ued1t, Try opening an mp3 in movie player, it will automatically install the needed codecs06:41
owhPrimoTurbo: The question you asked is too big to troubleshoot without some work on your end.06:41
Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | pyrohotdog06:41
ubotupyrohotdog: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:41
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pyrohotdogntfs-3g is already installed.06:41
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strabespyrohotdog: you need to mount it as ntfs-3g filesystem06:42
owhPrimoTurbo: There could also be issues with device interrupts, broken USB devices, network drivers, to name just a few things :)06:42
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Jordan_Upyrohotdog, install ntfs-config06:42
pyrohotdogstrabes: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g ?06:42
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Griraha1godlygeek, you there?06:42
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strabespyrohotdog: and then the /dev location and then the mount location06:42
tarelerulzthe ntfs-config is great tool06:43
Jordan_Upyrohotdog, If you install ntfs-config it will automatically mount NTFS drives RW06:43
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Griraha1My wireless is working now. Thank you so much.06:43
strabespyrohotdog: yeah just do that06:43
pyrohotdogJordan_U: thanks, installing now!06:43
tarelerulzit make so you don't have to mount it every time . It auto mount ntfs06:43
pyrohotdogthanks guys, another bump in the road quickly eliminated.06:43
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owhAnyone else got any suggestions to hand over to PrimoTurbo with a "sluggish" machine?06:44
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strabesowh: use openbox06:44
Jordan_Upyrohotdog, Once installed you can go to Applications -> System Tools -> NTFS config   to toggle RW for NTFS on and off06:44
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tarelerulzI feel you on that pyrohotdog . I have all my movie and song on my ntfs partitioni06:44
PrimoTurbodma is on, hda2, hda5, hdc everywhere I get using_dma    =  1 (on)06:44
pyrohotdogtarelerulz: ha, exactly. :)06:44
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Toma-PrimoTurbo, have you got prelinking turned on?06:44
owhPrimoTurbo: What about 16 bit?06:45
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strabesblasphemy!!! I installed ntfs-config in kde and it's not running06:45
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strabesoh, it needs to be run as root06:45
foxinessis there a way to reload hal ?06:45
PrimoTurboI dont know about prelinking no idea what u mean by 16bit06:45
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owhPrimoTurbo: In hdparm, 16 bit access, is it on?06:45
connorpHow can I install ver. 2.8 of evolution (and its -dev packages) through apt get? I'm trying  sudo apt-get install -t edgy-security evolution=2.8.1-0ubuntu4.1 but it's not workin :)06:45
tarelerulzany of you install non-free flash player for Konqueror and have it not work06:46
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PrimoTurbois there a command to check?06:46
tom_kelleherGrub is still giving me some issues, any body know what I can do to put Vista back on it?06:46
PrimoTurboI use sudo /sbin/hdparm /dev/hda5 | grep dma it only tells me about dma06:46
Toma-PrimoTurbo, prelinking is not needed in feisty, sorry06:46
owhconnorp: From memory you need to drop the -0ubuntu4.1 from that command, but I may be wrong.06:46
PrimoTurboyeah I read that before Toma, thats what I was thinking06:46
owhPrimoTurbo: hdparm -c /dev/hda506:46
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connorptom_kelleher, follow MS Safe Practices and simply wipe your HD, install vista, then if you still want Ubuntu, install Ubuntu after you install Vista06:47
DefianCan I get some help with UT2004? it won't start...06:47
PrimoTurboI get /dev/hda2:06:47
PrimoTurbo IO_support   =  0 (default 16-bit)06:47
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PrimoTurbowhich means now06:47
tom_kelleherI would normaly do that connorp. but at this time that isnt an option06:47
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connorpDefian, what does $ glxinfo |grep direct give you?06:48
connorpsorry "glxinfo |grep direct"06:48
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connorptom_kelleher, ok, whats your grub error?06:48
owhPrimoTurbo: What do you get for hdparm -tT /dev/hda506:48
Defianheh, thats not the issue. buuuut... direct rendering: Yes06:48
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tom_kelleherconnorp: Vista just isnt on it, thats my problem06:48
connorpDefian, does your UT2004 command have a -v or --verbose?06:48
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PrimoTurbohda5 is swap let me check hda2 first06:49
tarelerulzI have weird problem . I can't get firefox it run in command line or anything else and I install it with adept and I don't get error.06:49
connorptom_kelleher, 1s, I'll grab somethin for you :)06:49
tom_kelleherconnorp: thanks much06:49
PrimoTurbo Timing cached reads:   670 MB in  2.00 seconds = 335.03 MB/sec - Timing buffered disk reads:  120 MB in  3.00 seconds =  39.93 MB/sec06:49
foxinessi think hal need to restart, coz its not mount my flash-usb and the dvd when i insert it,can one let me know how can i restart hal if this possible?06:49
Defianconnorp, this is probably the best way to explain the situation http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/93460-ut2004-wont-start-odd-error.html#post46591806:49
PrimoTurboI'm running firefox, terminal, xfce, azuerues, xchat06:49
owhPrimoTurbo: What kind of machine is this?06:49
PrimoTurboPentium 4 - 1.6Ghz - 768 DDR RAM - PowerColor 9700 Pro 128MB 8 Pipelines06:50
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eshaasemy system freezes once every few days and I notice a strange noise that happens everytime (I'm assuming its a broken harddrive as /var/log/messages indicates errors with /dev/hda and /dev/hdc). So I was told to checkout smartmontools which I've used to run three different tests (offline, short and long) on both harddrives and I'm getting no errors, don't know how to further debug this issue, any ideas?06:50
connorpok, tom_kelleher, describe your partition map06:51
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owhPrimoTurbo: What kin of drive?06:51
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connorpDefian, try $ aoss ut2004command06:51
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tom_kelleherconnorp: SDA1 Ubuntu, SDA2 10GB Storage Partition, SDA3 Windows Vitsa, SDA4 1024 Swap.06:52
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drwxr-xr-xhow do i keep pictures from http://tamalozosbigass.blogspot.com/ from appearing in my firefox?06:52
connorptom_kelleher, I'll create a grub entry for you, 10 sec :)06:52
PrimoTurbokin of drive not sure what u mean but it's a WD 250GB06:52
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PrimoTurbonot Sata but the other one06:52
tom_kelleherconnorp: thanks your the best06:52
owhPrimoTurbo: IDE :)06:52
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strabesyou're *06:52
strabesi'm the grammar police06:52
strabesof #ubuntu06:53
=== asc hugs strabes
Defianconnorp, exec: 13: ut2004command: not found06:53
foxinessif i want to reload/restart hal ,did i need to restart dbus or udev?06:53
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emssgrammar police!06:53
strabesReferring to yourself in the third person are we? You need a beating.06:53
connorpDefian, sorry :D I meant put in your path to ut2004 :)06:53
owhPrimoTurbo: Ok, the timing you're showing us seems a little slow. Can you use pastebin to paste the output of hdparm -I /dev/hda (that's a capital i)06:54
connorpso, perhaps $ aoss ut2004 ?06:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:54
asc*are you?06:54
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strabesasc: shhhhh nobody saw that06:54
=== asc nods shiftily.
Defianah, I gotcha.06:54
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Defiandidn't work though, same error06:54
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Defian"Exiting due to error"... most unhelpful error message. ever.06:55
=== owh hands strabes an apostrophe.
strabeswhat do I need an apostrophe for?06:55
owhstrabes: To play with :)06:55
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=== Defian smashes head against concrete
PrimoTurbopastebin is giving me Query failure: Can't open file: 'recent.MYI'. (errno: 145)06:55
PrimoTurbolock tables recent write06:55
owhDefian: I can beat that: "Keyboard missing, press F1 to continue."06:56
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strabesowh: hahahha06:56
Defianowh: oh hardy har.06:56
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happyguyis there anybody here who knows what to do when apt-get and synaptic and update-manager won't update, under feisty 7.04 ?????06:56
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Defianwhen i search around about this error.. it's usually what happens when they get a crash of sorts06:56
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=== owh is happy to supply some levity :)
PrimoTurboi used the ca version06:56
Defianatleast it has more of a message then06:56
Defianall i get is :06:56
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tarelerulzI just keep trying to update it . I had the problem myself06:56
ascstrabes: Know what's even better? I actually got that error once.06:57
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happyguywell i've had the problem for several weeks now06:57
happyguyany time of the day or night06:57
strabeshappyguy: pastebin the error you get or what it says06:57
happyguyi'm just determined to find the problem instead of re-installing06:57
connorptom_kelleher, sorry this is taking, I'm having trouble finding a command, be with you presently06:58
tarelerulzI have do many problem with my Kubuntu install I am going to do fresh install.06:58
happyguyis a forum link good enough?06:58
tom_kelleherconnorp: no problem at all, I appreciate the help.06:58
PrimoTurboI tried it again with some stuff closed06:58
strabeshappyguy: that's crazy. it's like you're behind a proxy or something06:58
PrimoTurbo Timing cached reads:   708 MB in  2.00 seconds = 353.50 MB/sec - Timing buffered disk reads:  136 MB in  3.02 seconds =  45.08 MB/sec06:58
happyguynote that i can access the sites fine in firefox06:58
strabeshappyguy: do you have any special connection settings in ff?06:59
strabeshappyguy: you might need to set some environment variables in ~/.bashrc or something06:59
tarelerulzI think this happyguy. I think sometime stuff don't work for any good reason. I have to just do fresh install a lot06:59
happyguyum, i think i disabled ipv6 a long time ago06:59
happyguyok what should i try?06:59
connorptom_kelleher, haha found it :) I couldn't remember the name of th emap command06:59
strabeshappyguy: do you have any special connection settings in ff?06:59
tom_kelleherconnorp: the problem was, I messed up the MBR I believe and now Vista is just hanging out like a looser on my HDD07:00
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connorptom_kelleher, can you still boot Ubuntu?07:00
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happyguystrabes: i don't think i have any special settings other than disabled ipv607:00
tom_kelleherconnorp: on it now.07:00
strabestom_kelleher: just add a vista entry to your /boot/grub/menu.lst07:00
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Defiantra la la la la...!07:00
strabeshappyguy: weird. i have ipv6 disabled as well07:00
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happyguywhen i boot from a live cd i can update fine07:00
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happyguybut when i chmod into my system, i can't07:01
owhHmm, PrimoTurbo, the settings appear normal. Can you paste the output with a lower-case i, that is hdparm -i /dev/hda, I still cannot see what might give you that slow speed.07:01
connorptom_kelleher, your MBR is fine, I'm happy to say :D just your grub boot list is changed07:01
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tarelerulzI had windows just not work . Then one day it just started working right.07:01
tom_kelleherconnorp: phew... I've messed up the MBR before that's not fun.07:01
strabestom_kelleher: just add a vista entry to your /boot/grub/menu.lst07:02
happyguystrabes: any idea what environmeent variables i should set?07:02
PrimoTurboreuslt of -i07:02
tom_kelleherconnorp: by chance will this get of that "Press ESC to open the boot menu" thing before it boots Ubuntu07:02
strabeshappyguy: i was thinking along the lines of proxy type things but since you don't have any then I have no idea07:03
yurimxpxmanhow can I access the menu bar in GNU Emacs?07:03
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tom_kelleherstrabes: connorp has been kind enough to type up a fix for my problem, thank you though.07:03
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connorptom_kelleher, $ sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:03
owhPrimoTurbo: Hmm, there are two udma3 to udma5 entries in line 13 of that post.07:03
connorptom_kelleher, I can remove that too :)07:03
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PrimoTurbowhat does it mean?07:04
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connorptom_kelleher, now that you have the menu.lst open, put a # before hiddenmenu07:04
tom_kelleherconnorp: sudo'd and opened the list07:04
owhPrimoTurbo: Only that it's something I've never seen.07:04
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happyguystrabes: wow, i sure wish i had some clue as to how to fix it, i'm just not willing to re-install it without a fight.  that's not how an operating system is supposed to wrk, reinstalling every couple weeks07:04
happyguyat least not imho07:04
connorptom_kelleher, now, add the following text to the bottom :) http://pastebin.ca/48219607:04
happyguyanybody have a clue how to re-install apt or synaptic?07:05
happyguywould that possibly fix my update problems?07:05
strabeshappyguy: i did that for like the first month but after a few months you learn how to not break your system, just like with windows07:05
tom_kelleherconnorp: thats it?07:05
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andres\join #mexico07:05
strabeshappyguy: just back up your home folder and format07:06
strabeshappyguy: it takes maybe an hour07:06
PrimoTurboowh: any suggestions? unlikley it's hard drive? I don't think it's the video card either. But I did notice that no matter what settings I get 25FPS in doom3 most of the time in the timedemo07:06
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connorptom_kelleher, should be! if you still cant boot, just boot back into Ubuntu, and ask here again. If my rootnoverify doesnt work, play with that :)07:06
phorsakenfinally a distro where my wireless works right out of the box07:06
PrimoTurboaround 30-35 under windows07:06
happyguystrabes: yeah, i guess you're right... i hope it's just something i need to learn07:06
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connorptom_kelleher, but it certainly won't kill your system, so nothing to worry about there :)07:06
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dougiehow do i figure out what my hard drive is mounted under?07:06
strabeshappyguy: something like your problem never happened to me though. the frustrating part is that it's probably some boolean variable in some config file somewhere07:06
owhPrimoTurbo: Well, from this page: http://forums.storagereview.net/index.php?showtopic=22131 I see that your drive has an 8Mb cache, so technically you should be able to set it to read chunks of that size. Not sure if that would significantly improve things.07:07
tom_kelleherconnorp: great I'll reboot and let you know, thanks.07:07
PrimoTurbobut it's probally because the cpu is underpowered for doom307:07
connorptom_kelleher, see you soon :)07:07
dougiei need to mount it as a cdrom for the installer to continue07:07
connorpdougie, which installer?07:07
dougieUbuntu Feisty07:07
dougiei'm installing from a USB Hard drive07:07
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PrimoTurboowh: my cpu goes to 100% when I do any visual tasks like when I move a window across the sceen07:07
owhPrimoTurbo: So, on your things to investigate, you can add, the drive access speed. Over to the next thing. Have you done any graphics speed tests?07:07
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connorpdougie, so you're booting off of a USB HD, and attempting to install to a local HD on a Desktop/Laptop07:08
PrimoTurboyes I have I get around 20-25 fps in doom3 timedemo demo107:08
owhPrimoTurbo: That's not normally what I would expect.07:08
happyguystrabes: yeah i hear ya, it's been frustrating searching for solutions becuz searching for "re-install synaptic" just turns up lots of stuff about installing with synaptic.... duh07:08
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dougieconnorp, yes thats correct07:08
owhPrimoTurbo: 100% cpu on screen movement I mean.07:08
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dougieconnorp, the guide i'm useing says to mount it as a cdrom drive when it comes up saying that it can't mount the cdrom07:08
connorpoh, I see! ok07:08
dougieconnorp, but i'm not sure what the installer see's my ext usb hard drive as07:09
dougieconnorp, on here its /dev/sdb107:09
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dougiebut that doesn't seem to be right for the installer07:09
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connorpdougie, try "$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ubuntu & mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/ubuntu"07:09
strabeshappyguy: forget about synaptic, it's just a front end. you could aptitude -purge apt-get and then reinstall it or something. I'd be careful though.07:09
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PrimoTurboowh: my bad it's more like 60% cpu load when I very quickly drag a file browser window across the screen in circles similar stuff happens in XP07:10
connorpdougie, are you using a SATA, SCSI, or ATA harddrive for your destination HD?07:10
dougieit doesn't have linux installed yet07:10
happyguywhat's the diff between aptitude and apt-get?  i know i read  it somewhere but i forget07:10
connorpdougie, right, what I'm doing is creating a folder in the temp memory to mount your harddrive into07:10
owhPrimoTurbo: That sound normal.07:10
TtyS3how do i compare the checksum on a file against the checksum given online when using md507:10
eli_reuwhere do i find and install GLib 2.0 development headers?07:10
PrimoTurboyeah I think so07:10
owhPrimoTurbo: While this document is written for Gentoo, have a look through it. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/dri-howto.xml07:10
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dougieare you sure it see's it as hda1?07:10
connorpdougie, make that folder, then try $ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ubuntu07:11
connorpdougie, no, I wasnt sure, I was assuming you had an ATA harddrive, but try sda1 for a scsi harddrive07:11
strabesdougie: with sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu07:11
PrimoTurboI think I better record a demo and show a comparison between xp and ubuntu speed wise07:11
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NemesisDhave any of you successfully set up phpgroupware before?07:11
connorpNemesisD, stop what you're doing right now and go here: http://zimbra.com07:12
DefianI get the feeling i'm never gonna get this problem fixed.07:12
owhPrimoTurbo: Well, I'm not sure if that will actually help. Likely you're experiencing a configuration issue.07:12
connorpNemesisD, Zimbra is a fantastic groupware system, its opensource, and easy to manage07:12
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NemesisDand why is it better than phpgroupware?07:12
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owhDefian: I've been doing something else, can you give me a 30 second rundown you your challenges?07:12
PrimoTurbomaybe it's in my head I just like things very very fast07:12
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connorpNemesisD, check out their hosted demo, see for yourself :)07:12
Defianowh sure, one moment07:13
owhPrimoTurbo: Perhaps you should gather some actual evidence first.07:13
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dougiei don't have to use sudo in here i don't think07:13
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connorpNemesisD, http://www.zimbra.com/products/hosted_demo.php07:13
Defianowh http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=439634 here, the first post sums it all up.07:13
tarelerulzI still seem to have two differrent firefox on my computer07:13
dougiebut it keeps saying no such file or directory07:13
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tarelerulzI can't run firefox07:14
connorpdougie, installing from CD would be a lot easier. is there a particular reason you're going from harddrive?07:14
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PrimoTurbothis is under windows but the program used to record slow me down quite a bit it's a bit faster than that there is frames skipped like the window movement is faster in reality07:14
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owhDefian: Well, the first thing to do is run it using strace, it might take a little while but it should give you some clues: strace ut2004-bin07:15
dougiemy cdrom drive is broke07:15
tom_kelleherconnorp: alas, it didn't work07:15
Defianohw, i've got plenty of time.07:15
NemesisDconnorp, does it do tasks? thats the main reason why i was looking at phpgroupware, we are trying to eliminate outlook tasks for something more group oriented07:15
owhDefian: That won't fix it, but it will show you what is happening.07:15
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dougieconnorp, cdrom drive broken07:15
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connorpdougie, ooh :S darn... well, if you can't get sudo to work, I'm sorry, but I can't help. good luck :)07:15
foxinessmy system cannot mount any new device auto anymore,can one guide me how can i fix it to work normal again ?07:15
Defianowh, it's done already07:15
dougieconnorp, its the install cd...you don't have to use sudo07:16
owhDefian: Pastebin the result.07:16
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connorpdougie, to mount an HD, like you requested, you need to have root priveleges07:16
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Defianowh, i'm not sure what you mean by that07:16
connorpNemesisD, 1s :) I'd love to talk to you about this07:16
connorptom_kelleher, what was the error?07:16
owh!pastebin > Defian07:16
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dougieconnorp, yeah on the install cd you automatically have root permissions07:16
musyai uninstalled kubuntu desktop from my ubuntu machine but i still got the kde programs how can i get rid of them all?07:16
^BeLLo^some one can help me with irssi?07:17
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tom_kelleherconnorp: there really wasnt an error, just stayed on "starting up . . ."07:17
dougieconnorp, i'm not on the live cd its the alternate cd07:17
connorpdougie, have you double-clicked the installer?07:17
tarelerulzI run firefox and I don't get anything plus I don't see errors07:17
connorptom_kelleher, hmm, let me look up an alternate config07:17
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NemesisDconnorp, ls?07:17
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connorpNemesisD, 1s = 1 second = 1 second please :D07:18
tom_kelleherconnorp: I may not have given you the correct address of the Vista partition07:18
Defianowh http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20293/ here ya go07:18
Matrix9I just installed, Ubuntu Server 7.04 in vmware 6.0, how come it boots to a command line version and not a graphical? is this by default? or did ubuntu not detect a proper graphics card with vmware?07:18
NemesisDwhy does l look so much like 1 on here >:|07:18
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NemesisDsweet fancy jesus, zimbra looks fancy07:19
musyaNemesisD: it doesnt.07:19
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stmilleranyone know how to restore the ubuntu boot splash after compiling and installing your own kernel?07:19
musyamust be just your system07:19
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dougieok i'm downloading the live cd will give it a try with that07:19
NemesisDmusya, must be07:19
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connorpNemesisD, what are your end clients using for clients? the only thing I DONT like about Zimbra is that it has a restrictive approach to Outlook and PocketPC. You have to pay to be able to use those products, but is otherwise open source. If you are looking for something for Outlook/PPC, I like Kolab+Funambol07:19
stmillerMatix9: Ubuntu server is for servers (no X)07:19
strabesstmiller: install ubuntu-desktop07:19
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musyaI uninstalled kubuntu desktop from my ubuntu machine but i still got the kde programs how can i get rid of them all?07:19
stmillerthanks strabes07:20
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connorptom_kelleher, ok, lets see07:20
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ascMatrix9: The server edition doesn't come with a graphical display by default. You can try installing e.g. gnome-desktop, but that didn't work for me with server version when I tried.07:20
Anon092321this firefox is driving me nuts, I'm trying to access certain videos on a website that I've subscribed to, the videos are streaming, and the site charges per minute, how do I navigate ubuntu so I can select Reaplayer when Firefox prompts me what program I'd like to use to view the streaming video?07:20
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ascMatrix9: That was with 6.06 though.07:20
happyguystrabes: i'm gonna restart in feisty and try to re-install apt, i'm in vista right now07:20
NemesisDconnorp, wait is this easy to set up on a web host? all the computers in the office are windows and the best we have is our crappy web host and the access to a mysql 4.1 db :|07:20
stmillermusya: apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop kdebase07:21
happyguyso i might be back later, dunno07:21
musyaAnon092321: is it porn?07:21
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Anon092321yea musya lol07:21
musyastmiller: thanks ill try it07:21
musyaAnon092321: you got to share07:21
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Defianowh, any thoughts?07:21
Anon092321i actually paid, get your own account! haha07:21
owhDefian, there is a lot of references to files missing. I have never run ut2004, nor do I know what it does or how it works, but the .ut2004 directory in your home directory appears to have stuff missing. Perhaps you could rename it, then try to launch it again.07:21
connorpNemesisD, the great part about Zimbra is that it has a nice 200mb binary installer that installs OpenLDAP, MySQL, PostFix, SpamAssasin, ClamAV etc. in less than 10 minutes, and automatically sets up with minimal user input. In other words, you're at a GUI webmin in less than 10 minutes, no futzing07:22
Anon092321na but seriously, can you let me know? on windows i'd just go c:/program files/realplayer and click the .exe07:22
Anon092321how does this work on linux?07:22
happyguystrabes: this is actually the first time i've ever used IRC, finally got XChat instead of trying to figure out how to do it in Gaim07:22
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happyguyanyways, see ya07:22
connorpNemesisD, oh, I should say that you need at minimum a Ubuntu VPS to run this, or a local server at your office07:22
musyaAnon092321: not sure07:22
strabeshappyguy: yeah i'm not a fan of gaim's irc07:22
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Defianowh, thanks, i'll do that.07:22
musyaim sure there are plugins check the repos07:22
stmillerAnon: open a terminal and type realplay and hit enter. (Or realplayer)07:22
strabeshappyguy: i use kde so i use konversation07:22
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dougiehow can i list hardware that is mounted?07:23
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tarelerulzI love linux the mistery system.  I install something and it don't work and then you restart you computer and it works07:23
connorpNemesisD, it is a LOT of software. However, VPS's are very affordable these days. I'll link you to my ISP07:23
happyguystrabes: cool, i have that in gnome too07:23
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stmillerdougie: type mount07:23
Matrix9asc, are you sure server version doesn't come with graphical display? whats up with that? even RHEL/Centos is graphical and that is the standard server distro. Can anyone confirm this?07:23
connorpNemesisD, I've had good luck with http://vpslink.com for my VPS's. Do you have CLI experience with linux?07:23
NemesisDconnorp, maybe it would be a good idea to do it that way, but lemme ask this, does it install on windows or is it linux only, i don't know if they have people experienced with linux07:23
strabeshappyguy: you might also want to try lostirc. it's a gnome app and back when i used gnome it was my favorite irc client07:23
musyawell i uninstalled kubuntu-desktop07:23
strabeshappyguy: i don't really remember why though07:23
musyaso kubuntu-desktop kdebase doesnt work07:23
dougiestmiller, and can i find whats plugged into the usb ports?07:24
Anon092321well i understand how to open realplayer, i'm asking how do i get firefox to open the file by default when i click a link to a stream?07:24
asdfHi all - Just did my 2cnd reload of Kubuntu - can't remember where I found driver in synaptics for my Nvidia GeForce 7300 GT - any help would be appreciated.....07:24
musyasays kde base not installed07:24
ascMatrix9: How big was the .iso you downloaded? The gnome-desktop packages are something like 300 MB.07:24
dougiestmiller, remember i'm in console only lol07:24
connorpNemesisD, its Linux or Mac for the server, but the web interface and IMAP/POP is for any OS client07:24
MassahHey guys, assuming Im installing console version of ubuntu, and I want to have Boot/Root/Swap partitions, what is the prefered size for Boot partition?07:24
strabesmusya: you might have to aptitude -purge those packages instaed of just removing them07:24
stmillerdougie try typing dmesg in a terminal07:24
musyaAnon092321: not sure it should do it right away07:24
NemesisDconnorp, we really are mainly interested in having users be able to keep a task list that our manager can view at all times and edit, all employees will be local except maybe 1 remote employee (me)07:24
connorptom_kelleher, where did I leave you, sorry07:24
Anon092321it asks me if i want to use "movie player"07:24
Anon092321or "save to disk"07:24
musyastrabes: so aptitude-purge kdebase07:24
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connorpNemesisD, do you already have a server for Domain Control?07:24
musya? or the packages individually?07:24
NemesisDconnorp, we won't really need the email part or the contacts even i don't think07:24
tarelerulzhay when you guys install a program does it just run right after you have it insatll. or do you have to restart to make the change stay07:25
Anon092321when i click "more" it gives me a filesystem to navigate, but i have no clue where to find the executable for realplayer07:25
NemesisDconnorp, there are no local servers in the office as far as I know07:25
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strabesmusya: sudo aptitude purge kdebase kubuntu-desktop07:25
NemesisDconnorp, but theres lots of parts to build one07:25
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musyaAnon092321: check for firefox plugins for real player or use media player on the site07:25
ascMatrix9: And yes, I'm pretty sure. You can run linux without a GUI, and it's been said that X isn't the single most secure program in existance.07:25
musyaand install a media player plugin07:25
connorpNemesisD, if you're going to get paid (or at least get Kudos :D) I would build a nice 1GHZ sever with 512mb ram and try it out07:25
noiesmoAnon092321, its prob in /usr/bin/realplay07:25
musyaoh and linux doesnt use .exe07:25
ApeezeeIs there a reason why for some reason i can't edit my xorg.conf right now?07:26
ApeezeeIt only opens as read only07:26
strabesmusya: by the way i don't have any idea if that will fix your problem. it was kind of a shot in the dark.07:26
morphius_What is xinputextension? It is causing kdm to crash when I vnc.07:26
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NemesisDconnorp, the scary thing is that its completely up to them, im in a different state and relegated to part-time status so I'm not building a gosh darn thing07:26
musyastrabes: no packages to install/remove/upgrade07:26
tom_kelleherconnorp: I think maybe I should try and find out the exact location of Vista, would that help?07:26
strabesmusya: forget it07:26
Defianowh, ah HA! thank you soooo very much07:26
Matrix9asc, the ISO is 504 MB.07:26
tarelerulzI am just asking what is the real windows exe and executable for linux?07:26
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musyaso i should probably just reinstall ubuntu huh?07:26
NemesisDconnorp, we use commit CRM in the office and i'm trying to get some kudos for finding a free alternative to their stupid $180 outlook sync module07:26
musyathey kinda bug me07:26
connorptom_kelleher, yes, please :)07:26
musyabeing there07:27
dougieok the device is /mnt/sdb but when i try and do mount /dev/sdb /mnt/ubuntu it outputs Invalid argument07:27
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StarScreamtalisein: an executable file on linux has the +x bit set07:27
StarScreamtalisein: so if you do ls -la07:27
owhDefian, I'm guessing that it now works :)07:27
musyaoh does anybody know what changes were affected on c libraries also on c++ libraries in ubuntu?07:27
tarelerulzI mean the real different between the exe format for window and  Linux  exacutebles07:27
tom_kelleherconnorp: do you know how I can find the exact location from within Ubuntu or do I have to load Gparted or something07:27
musyai heard they did some wierd stuff with them07:27
NemesisDconnorp, but about the tasks thing that i described, does that sound doable and easy to have an admin view/edit individual and group tasks (they also MUST have due dates, priorities, etc)07:27
connorptom_kelleher, yeah, 1s07:27
strabesdougie: used /dev/sdb107:27
StarScreamtarelerulz: oh linux is elf07:27
connorpNemesisD, 1s :)07:27
ascMatrix9: Hm.  Then maybe, but still probably not. The one I had was like 200. Have you tried 'sudo gdm' or 'startx'?07:27
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dougiestrabes, that doesn't work either07:28
StarScreamtarelerulz: i don't know what windows exe's are07:28
Defianowh, i've been slamming my head against concrete all day trying to figure this out. Now I know about strace, woo!07:28
musyabtw how do you starge gde from command line?07:28
musyaor start x07:28
owhDefian, all good. Happy to help. Have fun.07:28
connorptom_kelleher, ok, so do this $ sudo fdisk /dev/(yourhd) , then press "p" and then enter. Paste that into a pastebin, and link me, then press "q." PRESS NOTHING ELSE! you'll kill your system ^^07:28
Anon092321noiesmo thanks a lot07:28
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Defianowh, Thanks. People in these linux communities are so much nicer than the gaming ones...07:28
Anon092321theres no video, just audio now :S arrrghhhhh, if its not one thing its another07:28
Bidashbreezy is an older version of ubuntu right?07:28
noiesmoAnon092321, np :) don't forget to share your pron07:28
ascmusya: If you mean gdm, do 'sudo gdm'07:29
tarelerulzStarscream thanks for the info07:29
owhDefian: :-)07:29
noiesmoBidash, yes07:29
Anon092321do i need a codec now or something?07:29
StarScreamtarelerulz: np.07:29
ascmusya: You can configure it to start a DTE with startx, but gdm is usually easier.07:29
musyaasc: thanks07:29
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noiesmoAnon092321, yes you might need codecs07:29
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musyaAnon092321: yea sharing is caring07:29
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tarelerulzWhen I get couple more things working on Konqueror I will be happy. I like more then firefox.07:29
Anon092321haha i got a few DVD's i could seed, once i figure out how to set up a torrent, but thats for another day07:30
Anon092321is there somethin i can type in terminal to update realplayer's codecs?07:30
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noiesmoAnon092321, check out this site has repos for ubuntu but read first page http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/index.php07:30
RD58i wanto to known the distro version,what is the command07:30
musyaAnon092321: ill keep i touch ;_07:30
creamdoghey, I have a problem with ubuntu on my laptop. whenever I do something cpu heavy, the tempererature reaches critical and the laptop shutsdown. any tips?07:30
musyaAnon092321:  sudo apt-get updte07:30
musyathen sudo apt-get upgrade07:30
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Bidashi'm reading a guide on ubuntu official site about how to install alternatively to booting from a cd. I'm reading about booting from c:\boot folder (ntfs partition). It starts with giving me a link and tells me to "download linux and initrd.gz" however that link leads to a breezy subdir and i want the latest/feisty. any tips?07:30
tom_kelleherconnorp: umm sry but how do I find the exact info for my HDD07:30
connorptom_kelleher, that would be one way. the other way is to open up GPARTED07:31
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noiesmoAnon092321, add the right repo for ur dist then do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install w32codecs07:31
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tom_kelleherconnorp: installing it now07:32
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Matrix9asc, I googled it and yes, I guess by default the server edition doesn't come with a gui, but all you need to do is type "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"07:32
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tom_kelleherconnorp: Vista is on /dev/sda307:33
ascMatrix9: Righto.07:33
connorptom_kelleher, cool, ok07:33
Anon092321do i restart now?07:33
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tom_kelleherconnorp: brb07:33
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Anon092321i'll restart07:33
Anon092321if i don't come back it worked, and i appreciate everyone's help07:34
connorptom_kelleher, sure :)07:34
tarelerulzHave any of you had to restart you system to get package or say program to work right ? I installed flash player for Konqeror and it did not work after I installed it ,but when I restart my computer it did work.07:34
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Gumbydoes anyone in here use a VPN client in ubuntu?  If so which one07:35
RD58hey what is the command to knwon the distro version07:35
musyatarelerulz: i guess so then07:35
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Bidashhelp about netboot: I am confused wether this automatic installer will install the latest ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows The reason i doubt it is that the manual process is describe and it's about ubuntu breezy.07:35
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disinterestedanyone know anything about the game slune?07:36
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tom_kelleherconnorp: much better07:36
titundoes chatting from Yahoo account in GAIM to Yahoo Messenger on XP desktop works fine07:36
connorptom_kelleher, :) almostdone07:36
titunbeacuse my messages are not reaching the XP side07:37
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blennahey guys. non linux related but, i got a mobo from a friend, only thing is that 2 pins in the zif socket are bent, is it still safe to use it?07:37
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tom_kelleherconnorp: np, Gaim wasnt working well for me on IRC07:37
GumbyRD58: there should be some info in /etc/apt/sources.list07:37
connorptom_kelleher, http://pastebin.ca/482239 <-- try that one ! good luck :D07:37
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amanhello everyone plz help me07:37
tondarhi all07:37
Bidashi'm first! ;)07:37
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:38
amani want to install SmartLink 56k modem07:38
amanfor dial-up07:38
tarelerulzmusya, it seems I have had to restart my computer couple of time for thing I have install work. It like the effects don't show up. I did the same with beryl . I exited my kde and come back in and it did not do anything07:38
tondargot thunderbird from the repos (feisty) but it's 1.5 how come? there is the new ver 2.0, why is the repo pack so old?07:38
musyatitun: any xp computer?07:38
tondarhow do I upgrade07:38
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titunmusya: i am on Feisty, other person on XP07:38
crdlbBidash: I'd say so: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/07:38
DLB|Maximushow do i find out what my hard drive is refered to, such as hda ect....?07:39
connorptom_kelleher, quick before you reboot07:39
titunmusya: i am using GAIM, she on Yahoo messenger software07:39
Bidashcrdlb where did u find that? just curious07:39
musyatarelerulz: might bre your system07:39
titunmusya: my messages are not reaching07:39
connorptom_kelleher, I made a typo ><07:39
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noiesmoaman, a lot or most 56k modem are whats called soft modems no hardware just software that runs them the driver for these modems is not a freeby you may have to pay one sec will get link with more info07:39
musyai would reinstall your distro07:39
crdlbBidash: changed breezy to feisty :)07:39
tom_kelleherconnorp: oh lol07:39
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Bidashhaha grr07:39
tondaris thunderbird 2.0 in the repos?07:39
connorptom_kelleher, http://pastebin.ca/482244 <-- THAT one works07:39
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connorptondar, any reason you aren't using evolution 2.10? its so ... good :D07:40
musyatitun: what sort of internet is she on?07:40
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tarelerulzmusya, I have thought myself ,but it has down that on two different system.07:40
noiesmoaman, here check the drivers link http://www.linuxant.com/company/07:40
Bidashcrdlb i'd prefer the automatic way the site mentions.. do you think that will use files from the feisty dirs even tho they forgot to update the manual process links?07:40
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tondarconnorp: used to thunderbird07:40
titunmusya: no idea, but in a public internet cafe07:40
musyacan she get other messages?07:40
tom_kelleherconnorp: brb.07:40
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titunmusya: yes scraps in orkut work07:40
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connorptondar, :)07:41
titunmusya: but Yahoo web messenger does not work07:41
musyadoes she get it only cant see it?07:41
crdlbBidash: probably07:41
musyaoh thats why07:41
disinterestedhey crdlb i get an overflowerror when i try to start slune, do u know why that would happen?07:41
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Bidashcrdlb okay thanks07:41
musyathe ISP in the cafe probably doesnt allow yahoo to work07:41
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crdlbdisinterested: nope07:41
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disinterestedit also says soya3D quit07:42
musyaits probably on a different port/socket than msn or irc07:42
titunmusya: only her "buzz" comes to me07:42
morphius_Just got vnc with resumable sessions working.07:42
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musyahmm wierd07:42
morphius_It broke and took me months to fix it.07:42
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musyanot sure i would say isp or your text is the color of her forground07:42
morphius_Are the forums down?07:42
musyaor vice versa07:42
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NemesisDugh i think i just borked something07:43
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morphius_hehe. Looks like all ubuntu sites are down.07:43
mneptokder flame eez hokee-dokee!07:43
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NemesisDE: phpgroupware: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 107:43
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flowingfireHello... Does anybody know how to change access permissions to a folder or resource?07:44
NemesisDwhat to do?07:44
cafuegoNot using the forums is probbaly a good thing.07:44
morphius_flowingfire: chmod07:44
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flowingfiremorphius: chmod then the filename?07:44
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morphius_flowingfire: Depends, what permissions do you want to set and for what users. I suggest you RTFM by doing man chmod07:45
morphius_in a terminal07:45
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tarelerulzany one have problem getting beryl to work with an upgrade of kubuntu 6.10 to 7.04 ?07:45
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morphius_flowingfire: I think you can also right click and go to properties in X, but I'm not sure, I usually use the command line.07:46
flowingfireUmm... I want to make my sda1 windows partition share-accessable from Linux, but I have to change the permissions because it doesn't allow outside users access..07:46
Bidashabout installing ubuntu without an actual cd: can i use this instluxCDROMUbuntu6_06swedish.exe even though i haven't found the ubundu cd image with a swedish ubuntu?07:46
kust0mtarelerulz: you might want to try #ubuntu-effects07:46
morphius_flowingfire: then you to be setting the umast for ntfs-3g07:46
morphius_flowingfire *umask07:46
flowingfireHmm..... I'm sorta new... what does that mean? lol07:46
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Bidashflowingfire haha don't set the umast for ntfs-3g07:47
carbanmWhy does my beryl have 6 sides? who decided i needed a stop sign?07:47
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NemesisDok guys now whatever i do in synaptic i get "subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 1"07:47
flowingfireI typed "chmod sda1"...07:48
carbanmplus, how do you zoom out on the cube?07:48
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morphius_flowingfire: umask is shor for User MASK. This is a series of octal settings for user permissions. It has to do with binary code. Somewhat uninteresting why.07:48
kust0mflowingfire: i'd be careful..windows might not boot by the time you're done chmodding things.07:48
flowingfireuh oh lol07:48
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Bidashcarbanm im just a curious noob but.. isn't that beryl stuff the cube-desktops you can spin around? why wouldn't the cube have 6 sides?07:48
tom_kelleherconnorp: no luck :( same as last time07:49
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noiesmoNemesisD, Open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install -f"07:49
morphius_kust0m: not true. This is just how it appears to linux. You do not actually change the permissions of the files.07:49
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kust0mBidash: that was my question..compiz only uses 4 cube sides by default tho.07:49
carbanmBidash: its got 8 technically, 6 like a hexagon and top.bottom.07:49
kust0mmorphius_: really?07:49
noiesmoNemesisD, I would say there has been a clash in packages and it needs fixn07:49
morphius_kust0m: linux permissions are very different than windows permissions. to my knowledge you cannot set windows permissions from linux.07:49
Bidashaah cool07:49
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kust0mmorphius_: so, does linux create some kind of db on the drive for the ntfs-3g driver to use?07:50
NemesisDnoiesmo, same error at the end07:50
pureDesihey, I'm trying to create a folder on an external hard drive, however it keeps saying that I don't have permission07:50
Bidashthe vid i saw of beryl was just a simple 6 sided cube07:50
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connorptom_kelleher, sorry man :( ask around here again, I've gotta get at this point. Good luck, sir.07:50
pureDesihow do I get permission?07:50
kust0mpureDesi: are you root? is it mounted with read/write perms?07:50
morphius_flowfire, kust0m: the umask simply sets how the permissions _appear_ to linux. For example, setting permissions one way makes every file on the partition appear as a unix executeable.07:50
noiesmoNemesisD, ok what package does it complain about07:50
pureDesikust0m: I don't think I am07:50
tom_kelleherconnorp: np I appreciate your help. I have a feeling it's not being mounted or something07:51
kust0mmorphius_: umask applies to newly created files tho. what about a chmod?07:51
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pureDesiand how do I mount it with read/write permissions?07:51
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kust0mpureDesi: do you know what device it is? or where it's mounted?07:51
morphius_flowfire: you need to figure out what types of users and what types of permissions you want to set first. Learning about chmod will help as the permissions are the same type.07:51
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flowingfireYeah, I need to learn this I guess... Ok.... So I guess being a n00b, I have no idea how to do these things you guys talk about... Like, I can access my sda1 just fine, but then it will crash my windows XP computer on the network because it's not accessable...07:52
NemesisDnoiesmo, lemme check07:52
Dracula}X{anyone know how to share internet through firewire?07:52
bingymanhow do i remane file in my shell account??07:52
kust0mbingyman: mv oldname newname07:52
NemesisDnoiesmo, debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable07:52
pureDesikust0m: yeah07:52
bingymanthnx kust0m07:52
morphius_flowfire: sounds like you are trying to access a drive mounted root over a network07:52
kust0mpureDesi: can you tell me?07:52
flowingfireYep, pretty much.07:53
bingymanmv: missing file argument07:53
pureDesikust0m: I'm not sure iff this is what you're asking for, but "disk-1"07:53
kust0mpureDesi: try 'mount | grep -i disk-1'07:53
morphius_you will still want to set the umask.07:53
kust0mpureDesi: from a shell07:53
NemesisDoh damnit07:53
flowingfireOk... I tried typing chmod sda1 unmask and it gave me an error07:53
morphius_flowfire: do you want the drive r/w or read only07:53
NemesisDi think i know what i did wrong07:53
flowingfireread only07:53
kust0mpureDesi: what was the output?07:53
DLB|Maximuscan anyone tell me how to find devices and the mount points in ubuntu?07:54
kust0mpureDesi: should only be a line or 207:54
bingymanhehe.. sori the file was missing07:54
kust0mMaximus: 'mount'07:54
pureDesikust0m: /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk-1 type ntfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,umask=222,utf8)07:54
DLB|Maximusi find nothing usefull in fstab...07:54
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NemesisDnoiesmo, jeeze, now i get : phpgroupware: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should and thats it07:54
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morphius_flowingfire: try mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/point -o umask=000007:54
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AhmadinejadAny big deffirence on OpenOffice 2.0 and OpenOffice 2.2+07:55
flowingfireOk morphius07:55
kust0mpureDesi: eh.. it's mounted read/write. maybe try writing as root. something like "sudo touch /media/disk-1/testfile"07:55
noiesmoNemesisD, yu might need to remove then reinstall07:55
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pureDesikust0m: touch: cannot touch `/media/disk-1/testfile': Read-only file system07:55
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NemesisDi must purge my system of this unholy software07:55
kust0mpureDesi: did you do the ntfs-3g filesystem stuff?07:55
pureDesiuh, no07:56
noiesmoNemesisD, yeah07:56
pureDesiI have no clue what that is :S07:56
NemesisDnoiesmo, i think i ran in to problems when i chose remove completely for some reason07:56
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Jordan_U!ntfs-3g | pureDesi07:56
ubotupureDesi: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions07:56
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pureDesithanks, I'll go check it out now07:57
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noiesmoNemesisD, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall phpgroupware also maybe sudo apt-get install phpgroupware --fix-missing07:57
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NemesisDnoiesmo, yeah i reinstalled it and then just did a remove and it seemed to have gone off without a hitch this time07:57
noiesmoNemesisD, cool07:57
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jason__can any give me a hand?08:01
=== bingyman gives hand
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jason__http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16834146281    is this a 64 bit computer?08:01
Zjoskei had an isue with my USB Mass Storage device, i couldn't mount it, now i formated in windows (using format option (right-click on it)), and i still can't mount it, but it is recognized... is there a way i can format it to be able to use it on Linux(ubuntu) AND windows?08:01
=== bingyman slaps jason__ just gave a hand
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dsmith_how many ppl intend to support Dell and purchase a Ubuntu machine?08:01
zxchey guys - which synapitics pkg is best to install for my nvidia geforce 7300 GT ?08:02
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dougieok somehow my thumb drive went read only and i can't format it or anything now08:02
crdlbzxc: use the restricted manager08:02
jason__i need a new laptop and dont know anything about hardware anymore08:02
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dsmith_Zjoske: format in ext308:02
crdlbzxc: that will install nvidia-glx, but you can easily upgrade to -new08:02
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:02
zxccrdlb - restricted mgr?08:02
dsmith_then you have to edit your ftab conf file08:03
crdlbzxc: are you on gnome and feisty?08:03
Zjoskedsmith_:  when i should format in Ext3, i won't be able to mount it on windows anymore, and i want to be able to use it there as well..08:03
dsmith_fstab I meant08:03
crdlbzxc: then install nvidia-glx-new08:03
crdlbthat's the best08:03
m0r0d0ckdougie check to make sure the "write protect" switch is off08:03
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m0r0d0cksometimes on the side or top of the thumbdrive itself08:04
zxcbest from apt get in konsole?08:04
Zjoskewhat should i do with that? (srry i'm noob)08:04
dsmith_windows can view ext3 format08:04
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dsmith_but cannot write to it08:04
Zjoskeand, how do i format to ext3?08:04
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happymuffinanybody have an idea how to fix it when apt-get and synaptic and aptitude and update-manager won't update, besides trying a different sources.list?08:04
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:04
dsmith_just told u08:04
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zxccrdlb best to install with konsole - apt get?08:05
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Dracula}X{IP over Firewire through ubuntu.. anyone know how do do it if it is even possible?08:05
dougiem0r0d0ck, it keeps saying cannot change permssions because disk is read only08:05
crdlbzxc: it doesn't matter what package manager you use08:05
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Zjoske(what is the command for gparted in terminal? just gparted?))08:06
dougieZjoske you have to sudo it08:06
dougiesudo gparted08:06
Zjoskei see08:06
dougiedid you install it?08:06
Zjoskeyes i just did08:06
zxccrdlb - thx - still a nubie to linux - but soon leaving windoze 4 good08:07
Zjoskeanyway my usb device is not in the list..08:07
crdlbzxc: once you've installed it, run: sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2408:07
Zjoskeonly my HDD shows up08:07
crdlbzxc: that will actually enable it08:07
happymuffinanyone here who can help with apt-get not updating, acts like it's behind a proxy but it's not?08:07
zxccrdlb - great thx a bunch08:08
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Zjoskedougie: only my hdd shows up in gparted, my usb must be there to, to format it...08:08
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happymuffinhere's the details... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43140108:08
ZoffixHi, how can I install .deb packages from command line?08:08
Zjoske(and i cant mount it.. windows mounts it perfect)08:08
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crdlbZoffix: dpkg -i08:08
dougieZjoske, there is a little drop down thing in the upper right corner select your usb drive there08:08
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Zjoskedougie: no usb device in there08:09
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Zjoskei cant mount it on ubuntu, only on windows08:09
budluvaZoffix, sudo dpkg -i blah.deb08:09
dougieZjoske, well then its not mounting to your computer at all08:09
ZoffixThank you.08:09
Zjoskesudo mount /dev/sda tells me this device doesn't exist..08:09
Zjoskeand sda1 to08:09
Zjoskeand sda2.......08:09
gonnaeatthatguys i know this is a stupid question but what is the super key?08:09
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Zjoskeadministrator key gonnaeatthat08:10
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gonnaeatthatwth is that lol08:10
Zjoskedougie:  it mounts on windows (other partition on my pc) ... so it mounts..08:10
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Zjoskewhen i use dmesg i can see it's plugged in..08:10
dougiewhat is the usb device your useing?08:10
Zjoskeusb stick08:11
dougiehmm idk08:11
DarkRAMZjoske, I have the same problem08:11
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ZjoskeDarkRAM:  i thought i was the only one ^08:11
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anirudhaHi, can anyone here help me setup Evolution Mail08:11
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Zjoske[  762.737355]  scsi1 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices08:12
Zjoske[  762.737657]  usb-storage: device found at 308:12
Zjoske[  762.737662]  usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning08:12
Zjoske[  767.735365]  usb-storage: device scan complete08:12
Zjoske[  767.736743]  scsi 1:0:0:0: Direct-Access     UDISK    PDU01_512 66G2.0 0.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 208:12
Zjoske[  767.737965]  scsi 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 008:12
DarkRAMZjoske, you cant see your USB thumbdrives?08:12
ZjoskeThats the output on dmesg08:12
happymuffinanybody available to help with apt-get problem?08:12
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orbin!paste > Zjoske08:12
javesmight anyone know why i have two network icons in my systrey?08:12
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anirudhaHi, can anyone here help me setup Evolution Mail?08:12
dougieis there a way to install over a network without cd's?08:12
kkathmananirudha,  what do you need?08:12
DarkRAMYup, same here. Not sure what I did to break it08:13
dougiei mean without floppys08:13
DarkRAMIt use to work08:13
anirudhaHi, kkathman08:13
Zjoskeidd it used to work here too, windows mounts it..08:13
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Zjoskeubuntu feisty doesnt///08:13
anirudhaHi, kkathman , could you help me with the step by step setup?08:13
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orbinjaves: that's the network manager applet08:13
Zjoskethe liveCD automounts it as well08:13
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kkathmananirudha,  you just trying to get it setup to get your mail?08:13
orbinjaves: possibly08:13
javesorbin, how come theres two of them?08:13
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javesi just setup a vpn08:13
bullgard4What is a 'commit' in the sentence "If you have a git tree, can you isolate the regression to a particular commit using git-bisect?08:13
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javesand another one popped up08:14
musyai got an external drive in ntfs how can i format it to linux08:14
musyain ubuntu08:14
pyrohotdogsudo gparted08:14
musyaisnt that partitioning?08:14
pyrohotdogand formatting.08:14
Zjoskeyes but formating too..08:14
dougieanyone know of a guide for that? to install over a network without floppies?08:14
anirudhakkathman, Yes, also, I am not very familiar with all the possible features of the mail service? Is it a separate email account or does it import my email from my other email accounts>08:14
Zjoskepartitioning comes with formating..08:14
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DarkRAMZjoske, only thing I can think of is I installed an app to see my RAID drives (dmraid)08:15
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kkathmananirudha,  there is some rudimentary import08:15
orbinjaves: what show up when you right-click on them?08:15
kkathmananirudha,  I can help you set up your servers and all that..but its pretty easy08:15
javesorbin, the same thing, enable networking, enable wireless,08:15
levonokay guys thanks for all the help and i have another question haha is there a dvd ripper faster then k9copy08:15
frustratedwithedwhat was the command to go to the edubuntu channel?08:15
ZjoskeDarkRAM: here it didn't work ever.. only the livecd mounts it automatically, and windows mounts it too..08:16
Zjoskeinstalled version of ubuntu feisty doesnt mount or automount...08:16
anirudhakkathman, Okay, so on initial setup, Evolution asks for my name and email address. Does it refer to an external email address like my Hotmail email>08:16
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javestheres just two of them, not sure if i messed something when I was setting up the VPN08:16
DarkRAMZjoske, use to work for me. Until today at least... :/08:16
orbinjaves: yes, that's the network manager applet (nm-applet)08:16
kkathmananirudha,  hotmail. no...it needs a POP3  for the most part08:16
bullgard4frustratedwithed: '/join #edubuntu'08:16
javesorbin, right but theres two of them, wondering if i can get rid of one08:16
frustratedwithedbull: thanks08:17
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Zjoskeanyone who can help me and DarkRAM with our USB Device problem????08:17
orbinjaves: you said another one popped up when fiddling with vpn?08:17
pureDesihow do I find out if I'm running dapper or edgy?08:17
noiesmoanirudha, thunderbird has an extension that handles hotmail pop3 I dont know if theres one for evolution08:17
orbinjaves: and if you hover over both, does it show the same connection?08:18
javesorbin, correct, i believe i ran some sort of nm-applet while setting it up08:18
javesorbin, yes08:18
musyaso do i got to unmount it first?08:18
ZjoskepureDesi: dapper = 5.* edgy = 6.*08:18
happymuffindougie:  try this one... http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html08:18
ubuntubeginzhi... guys, if a file in this extension... jboss.tar.gz how to do i untar it into *.jar extension... cos using tar xzvf...untars the whole package...08:18
anirudhanoiesmo, Can you recommend a good resource for setup of Thunderbird>08:18
anirudhanoiesmo, Can you recommend a good resource for setup of Thunderbird?08:18
Zjoskeanirudha: website of mozilla??08:18
dougiei don't have a windows machine...08:18
Zjoskeever thought about that?08:18
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orbinjaves: that might be why.  sys > admin > sys monitor ... do you have two nm-applet entries?08:19
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noiesmoanirudha, http://webmail.mozdev.org/installation.html  & http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/08:19
levonanyone know anything faster then k9copy08:19
Madpilotanirudha, are you trying to set up Thunderbird, or Evolution? (or both, for some reason?)08:19
Zjoskeanyone can help with an usb2.0 device isue?08:19
javesorbin, aye I do, can i kill one of them?08:20
zcat[1] levon: buy dual-layer blanks and clone the whole disk?08:20
noiesmolevon, I use wine to run  dvdshrink & dvddecryptor on kubuntu08:20
orbinjaves: i'd try it, yes08:20
GerroZjoske: what is the problem?08:20
javesam i still here08:21
=== orbin avoids responsibility :)
zcat[1] I run dvdrip to make avi's .. don't know about making smaller dvd's08:21
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orbinjaves: did one disappear?08:21
ZjoskeGerro: i can't mount my usb2.0 stick/drive... it shows up in dmesg as sg0 but i cant mount to that point, it doenst create an /dev/sda or something...08:21
ubuntubeginzanyone knoes the answer to my qn... :)08:21
javesorbin, thanks bud, i know it was a simple question, but im just getting into linux, and dont want to mess anything up as its my primary os now08:21
ZjoskeGerro: it also shows up in hardware monitor etc..08:21
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anirudhaMadpilot, Basically I want to start using Thunderbird or Evolution to read/write emails, but I am not very familiar with its capabilities.08:22
GerroZjoske: try mounting it as sdb1 or sda1 or possibly h instead of s as in hda108:22
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happymuffindougie:  i think that guide should work without windows too, are you installing onto a machine with no OS?08:22
ZjoskeGerro: LiveCD of ubuntu feisty also mounts my device, and windows xp sp2 mounts it too...08:22
orbinjaves: that's cool.  yeah, you just started another instance of the applet in your vpn setup i'm guessing.08:22
Madpilotanirudha, either works, I happen to use Evolution for some of my email - the Evolution help docs are pretty good, actually.08:22
GerroZjoske: it wouldn't have a zero... I mean maybe if it had no file system maybe08:22
ubuntubeginzhi... guys, if a file in this extension... jboss.tar.gz how to do i untar it into *.jar extension... cos using tar xzvf...untars the whole package...08:22
anirudhaMadpilot, Does Thunderbird/Evolution create a new email account or import emails from my pre-existing email account ... like hotmail?08:23
ZjoskeGerro: those 2 (livecd and windows) mount it as sda008:23
GerroZjoske: have you tried formatting it with fdisk?08:23
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Madpilotanirudha, depends on how hotmail is set up - does hotmail allow pop3 connections?08:23
Zjoskehmm no but how can i do without having it mounted?08:23
javesorbin, yeah thanks08:23
StarScreamubuntubeginz: you need to run the ant build task to     get it to make  the jar...if there isn't one , you need to do it your self08:23
ubuntubeginzZjoske: I used Acronis.. quite good08:23
GerroZjoske: don't need to mount to fdisk08:23
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StarScreamubuntubeginz:  from the  .class  files08:23
anirudhaMadpilot, How do you use evolution for email?08:23
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Madpilotanirudha, you have an email server from somewhere, tell evolution where the server is, and go from there.08:24
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ZjoskeGerro: how do i use the command fdisk for my usb device then?08:24
blennaare there any requirements on putting custom scripts in /etc/init.d?08:24
nolan_will ubuntu tell me when there are updates for my software, or do i have to check manually?08:24
Zjoskezjoske@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk /dev/sg008:25
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Zjoskei used this command08:25
Zjoskeand it hangs now..08:25
DiziziI'm tryin to partition my harddisk so i can install Ubuntu but I have fears of it being formatted.Is there anyway I can partition without formatting?08:25
anirudhaDoes anyone use ThunderBird/Evolution to import, read/write emails from their hotmail account?08:25
pureDesiOk, I installed the ntfs-3 thing, but I still don't have permissions to edit/delete/create files on my external drive08:26
pureDesiany clues?08:26
varkanolan_: it tells you automatically and in addition you can configure it to install security updates in background without noticing08:26
DarkRAMZjoske, same here08:26
ubuntubeginzStarScream: I just downloaded a jboss.tar.gz frm the website... and one site recommened me to do java jboss.jar... so i am a bit confused now... so i have write a ant file to convert the tar.gz to jar..is it really tihs complicated...08:26
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nolan_oh cool, thanks varka08:26
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GerroZjoske: hold ctrl and press c to abort that process08:26
DiziziHELP PLEASE!!!! I'm tryin to partition my harddisk so i can install Ubuntu but I have fears of it being formatted.Is there anyway I can partition without formatting?08:26
Zjoskeyes i did, and how do i format correctly the usb device?08:27
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anirudhaDoes anyone use ThunderBird/Evolution to import, read/write emails from their hotmail account?08:27
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StarScreamubuntubeginz: you downloaded the source...what i think you wanted is the binary08:27
GerroZjoske: hmm try mounting /dev/sg1 perhaps08:27
bullgard4What is a 'git tree'? see: http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/lenb/acpi/patches/README.ACPI08:28
orbinanirudha: that's kind of off-topic here08:28
Dizizi I'm tryin to partition my harddisk so i can install Ubuntu but I have fears of it being formatted.Is there anyway I can partition without formatting?08:28
happymuffindizizi: can you explain what you're trying to do?08:28
Zjoskesg1 cannot be found in fstab or mstab it says Gerro08:28
ZjoskeDizizi: no08:28
anirudhaorbin, Is there a #Thunderbird channel?08:28
^3pi^Dizizi the partitioner will let you resize your partition08:29
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happymuffindizizi: i mean, are you trying to partition without formatting your windows partition, or without formatting your linux partitions?08:29
^3pi^and ust format the new one you create from space freed08:29
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents08:29
ZjoskeGerro: sg1 cannot be found in fstab it says....08:29
Dizizihappymuffin : Windows Partition08:29
orbinanirudha: dunno.  but if hotmail is like gmail, they should provide you with details on how to forward your mail on the site08:29
Madpilotanirudha, a quick google search suggests that Hotmail doesn't offer pop3 service now - you can't use evolution/thunderbird/whatever to read hotmail accounts, in other words08:29
orbinah, well there you go.08:30
Madpilotanirudha, gmail does offer pop3 capability - want a gmail invite? (are invites even still needed?)08:30
neil_feistyanyone knows a channel for wine08:30
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gonnaeatthatshould be #wine08:30
Madpilotneil_feisty, #winehq08:30
=== Sakarias [n=sakarias@ti211210a080-1148.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
anirudhaMadpilot, Thanks for the help, I have been Googling to see if my GroupWise email offers POP3 to the Novell based Evolution.08:31
ubuntubeginzStarScream: Oh...k... i think i will around and get that binary... quite surprising , they don have it there... thanks man ...08:31
anirudhaMadpilot, Thanks for the help.08:31
Dizizihappymuffin: I'm tryin to retain my windows partition08:31
^3pi^dizizi: the installing procedure will let you resize you ntfs partition before formatting the new (ext3) u create for the linux system08:31
GerroMadpilot: I do!08:31
anirudhaorbin, Thanks.08:31
StarScreamubuntubeginz: not really, they sell jboss no ? so they want you to buy it08:32
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Madpilotanirudha, I think Evolution can talk to groupwise stuff already - I seem to recall seeing that when I set Evo up a few weeks ago08:32
^3pi^so ntfs will be smaller but safe08:32
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cafuegoanirudha: Evolution speaks to groupwise directly08:32
neil_feistyMadpilot, tks08:32
cafuegoI don't know how well, but it does.08:32
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happymuffindizizi: what version of windows?08:33
ubuntubeginzStarScream: ah, no wonder it aint there... :)08:33
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Dizizihappymuffin: XP08:33
^3pi^dizizi u're afraid of loosing xp partition during setup?08:34
happymuffindizizi: ok, just use the partitioner in the installer to shrink your XP partition, then tell the partitioner to install into the remaining space08:34
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happymuffinback up any data you can't lose first08:35
Dizizihappymuffin: ok08:35
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amanhi everyone08:35
amanplz help08:36
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happymuffindizizi: the reason i asked the version is because i have vista and it works better to use vista's partitioner... but with XP the installer one is fine08:36
Zjoskeanyone can help with an usb2.0 device isue?08:36
Dizizihappymuffin: ok, Thanks08:36
orbinaman: move your furniture?08:36
happymuffindizizi: sure08:36
amani want to install Smart Link 56k modem on ubuntu linux for dial-up connection08:36
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Zjoskeanyone can help with an usb2.0 device isue?08:37
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happymuffinanyone have experience troubleshooting when "apt-get update" returns errors and doesn't connect to the servers?08:40
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orbinhappymuffin: pastebin the output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:41
surreyI have a quick question about Gaim and SIP08:41
happymuffinis a forum link good enough? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43140108:42
surreyDoes anybody know anything about Gaim and SIP?08:42
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surreySo here is the real question. I have Gaim 2.0.0beta6 installed08:43
DarkRAMZjoske, good luck. I'm off08:43
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frustratedwithedHow do I diagnose problems with NFS?  What command sequence do I need to sudo?08:43
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happymuffinorbin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20297/08:43
orbinaman: if you can't connect with something like gnome-ppp. you may need to set up the driver.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Smartlink may help.08:43
ZjoskeHow do i format an unmountable device???08:44
happymuffinorbin: i just ran "apt-get update" and got that output08:44
surreywhich is all good. I have a used SIP accounts with both ekiga and linphone in the past however when I use those accounts with Gaim presense does not work.08:44
surreyAfter, some research I found out that this was due to the fact the the servers I was using didn't support SIMPLE (the SIP extension which provides presence)08:44
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surreySo, now after a lot of googleing I was unable to find a free server. However, I assume that there must be one out there because so many people are using SIP/SIMPLE services and Gaim now have support for it08:45
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surreyDoes anyone have any idea where a free SIP/SIMPLE service may be provided or have any suggestions?08:45
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[Neurotic] how can I configure a Samba share, so it doesn't require a username/password to access it (i.e. open to everyone)08:46
[Neurotic] (I have smb.conf open right now)08:46
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[Neurotic] I just can't find the write config aram08:47
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pureDes1Ok! I got the permissions working fine now, I can write to external drives.08:48
pureDes1However I'm dual-booting with windows XP08:48
happymuffinorbin: did you see my pastebin?08:48
pureDes1and I can't see the partition that has windows on it08:48
pureDes1any ideas?08:48
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Bidashi had a link about installing ubuntu without burning a cd, but lost it and can't find it again. can somone please point me in a good direction? X)08:48
frustratedwithedWhat file stores the NFS connection attempts?  Anyone?08:49
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Cnl_Deltahi, if an application is running and it is not visible on the screen or taskbar, how can i bring it back (eg. Guild Wars)08:49
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pureDesisorry, got disconnected.08:49
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happymuffinbidash: http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html08:49
ubuntubeginzhi...guys ..i installed my-sql frm the synaptic manager... any ideas which folder would it have gotten installed into...08:49
frustratedwithedHow do I diagnose problems with NFS?  What command sequence do I need to sudo?08:49
Bidashhmm.. hoped for the other but ill see what this one's like08:49
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happymuffinbidash: yeah i just looked it up for someone else, i've never tried it08:50
orbinhappymuffin: yes.  i'm not sure, sorry.  i was going to suggest changing sources but someone already did in your thread08:50
ubuntubeginzcos it isnt in the Applications(start) menu08:50
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happymuffinorbin: yes i've tried 3 or 4 different lists08:50
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DiziziGij, j = 008:52
happymuffinorbin: it's really strange because (1) i can access the sites from a browser just fine (2) i can update just fine over the same network when using a LiveCD (3) when i chmod into my system from that LiveCD i can't update08:52
happymuffinanybody else have any ideas for me?08:52
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Bidashhow do i find out if this applies to me? "In particular, there has been recently an infamous partitioning bug making the partition table incorrect and thus preventing you to boot Windows afterwards."08:53
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riffraffhi everyone08:53
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happymuffinbidash: i'm not sure who that applies to, where is it from?08:54
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riffraffIs it possible and sane to remove all the stuff tghar makes up xbase-clients? I really don't feel like needing xeyes or xmore, but it seem that everything depends on them08:55
d_aBuSeRguys help me08:55
d_aBuSeRi cannot   get in to my flash drive usb08:55
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Bidashhappymuffin its from that site u gave me haha08:55
d_aBuSeRi see it loaded but  cant mount08:55
Zjoskeanother question..08:55
Bidashit's related to when you install without cd using instlux. i think08:55
Zjoskehow do i update/grade my BIOS, so it can use large HDD's??08:56
^3pi^d_aB: also with sudo mount -a ?08:56
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Bidashgah i want the link from earlier when i was here.. an hour ago kinda.. anyone care to check log?08:56
aBuSeRi dont know iam a noob08:56
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aBuSeRsudo mount -a08:56
^3pi^try it08:56
happymuffinbidash: haha i thought i recognized it from somewhere but i couldn't remember where08:56
aBuSeRthats what i need to do?08:56
happymuffinlemme look08:56
Zjoskehow do i update/grade my BIOS, so it can use large HDD's??08:56
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^3pi^.ab: u see it but cannot access it?08:57
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aBuSeRUnable to mount the sleected voolume.  The volume is probably in a  format that cannot be mounted.08:58
aBuSeRthats the error08:58
aBuSeRjust did that  mount -a08:58
aBuSeRseemed to of done nothing08:58
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CassandraHello all.  I'm curious how I get started upgrading to Feisty, if anyone can help.08:58
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aBuSeRplz help08:58
jason__where can i get the repo list08:58
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Madpilotubotu, upgrade | Cassandra08:59
ubotuCassandra: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:59
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents08:59
happymuffinbidash: well i'm not sure, i didn't think "parted" was the partitioner used in the install but i'm not sure08:59
CassandraThanks Madpilot08:59
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happymuffinbidash: does it use "parted" or "gparted"?08:59
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happymuffinor maybe you're not running the install right now09:00
ubunturosjason__: If you mean, sources.lst you can generate one from http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/09:00
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Bidashhappymuffin no and i have never heard of anything X)09:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xiph.org - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:00
CassandraHow do you know what you can make this thing tell me Madpilot?09:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:00
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aBuSeRUnable to mount the sleected voolume.  The volume is probably in a  format that cannot be mounted.09:01
aBuSeRi get that error when iam trying to access my flash usb drive09:01
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aBuSeRcan ay one hlep?09:01
ubunturosaBuSeR: what version of *buntu are you using?09:01
MadpilotCassandra, sorry, how do I know what? If you mean, how do I know what to ask the bot, it's just because I'm here too much. :)09:01
aBuSeRuhm sec09:01
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Bidashhappymuffin if you got time. take a peek here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation As a first time user who just wanna have shortime fun with ubuntu. do you recommend i follow the "automatic process" instructions?09:02
Shaezschea partition on my HD is 30% contiguous after transfering 20 gigs of music on it. Is there anything i can do to clean it up?09:02
^3pi^ab: try loomk here : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/3295909:02
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ubunturosaBuSeR: dapper should automatically mount your flash drive09:02
CassandraThank you Madpilot, that's cute :p09:02
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Shaezscheit was 1% before09:02
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oxigenhi, how can i start ubuntu without X?09:02
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aBuSeRwell it finds it shows it09:02
ubunturosaBuSeR: if it doesn't probably, the file system isn't being recognized09:02
aBuSeRbut cannot open it09:02
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aBuSeRwhat do i do then?09:02
ubunturosaBuSeR: do you have any existing data on it?09:03
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aBuSeRyes but i dont care for it09:03
MadpilotCassandra, lots of the common questions - like yours - are best answered by the bot, so all the regulars get to know how to poke ubotu correctly09:03
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^3pi^weel it isnt much informative at all anyway :/09:03
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ubunturosaBuSeR: I'm not sure whether this is safe, but you probably can format it once using a tool in dapper09:03
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aBuSeRwitch tool09:04
happymuffinbidash: well if you're concerned about it you can use partitionmagic in windows09:04
Bidashhappymuffin as opposed to what?09:04
ubunturosaBuSeR: can't recall the name, aah.. :-?09:04
aBuSeRwel i definatly dont know09:04
frustratedwithedAnyone here familiar with LTSP?09:04
happymuffinbidash: it's a bit hard to recommend without knowing anything about your computer, but yes the standard install is how i did it09:04
aBuSeRbut i need that drive09:04
Bidashhappymuffin aah.. instead of letting the installer reshape partitions?09:04
happymuffinbidash: yes09:05
Bidashi can tell anything about the computer but what "standard" way do you mean?09:05
CassandraMadpilot:  How do I tel which version I am currently running?09:05
ubunturosaBuSeR: Under System->Preferences -> or Administration -> disk management tools,09:05
ubunturosaBuSeR: you should be able to find one09:05
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happymuffinbidash: standard installation at the top of that page09:05
MadpilotCassandra, System->About Ubuntu should tell you09:05
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^3pi^aB: u need the drive or the data actually in it?09:06
carbanmhey guys, i have a question, my aMSN wont load from a launcher,  but i can open a term and "sudo amsn" and it loads09:06
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carbanmoh, and the launcher IS sudo amsn09:06
Bidashhappymuffin i don't see what's standard about it. the standard way is burning a cd and booting from it. are we looking at the same page? my page doesn't mention 'standard' and it concerns a specific way of installing for people with non-standard circumstances?09:06
CassandraThanks Madpilot  Hope this works :)09:06
TraceGreenHello, when i upgrade my kernel to 2.6.21, my sata harddisk can not be found. how shall i do ?09:06
frustratedwithedAnyone here familiar with NFS?09:06
happymuffinbidash: there are also links at the bottom of that page for WindowsDualBoot and Partitioning09:07
happymuffinbidash: hmm09:07
Madpilotcarbanm, you shouldn't have to use sudo to get something like asmn working. Does it work if you just use 'amsn' in the term or in the launcher?09:07
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Bidashhappymuffin oh ur talking about the link u gave me first right?09:07
happymuffinbidash: this page right? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation09:07
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Bidashhappymuffin no this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows09:07
gonnaeatthatwhats the best objectdock in ubuntu cause gdesklets is the sux09:07
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carbanmError in startup script: error copying "langlist" to "/home/william/.amsn/langlist.xml": permission denied09:08
ubunturosaBuSeR: any success?09:08
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happymuffinbidash: ok sorry it must have gotten bit off somewhre along the way09:08
Gorlistmorning! - how can change directory via terminal if the folder im wanting to go to has a space within the name :)09:08
Bidashthe standard way cant work for me since i don't have a cddrive aroudn here even :S09:08
aBuSeRthat disk manager is taking way to long to load09:08
Madpilotcarbanm, check the permissions & ownership of /.amsn - something might have gotten screwed up there09:09
frustratedwithedOK, no one familiar with LTSP or NFS.  Anyone familiar with ubunutu?09:09
ubunturosGorlist: after typing part of the name, press a 'Tab'09:09
aBuSeRits got the hour glass09:09
aBuSeRnthing is happenign yet09:09
carbanmhow do i do that?09:09
ubunturosaBuSeR: :-?09:09
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Gorlistubunturos: thanks!09:09
varkaGorlist: just write an \ before the space09:09
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ubunturosaBuSeR: do you have Gparted09:09
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ubunturosfrustratedwithed: what is it with NFS?09:10
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Bidashhaha X) "The ubuntu installer's partitioner is one of the safest ways to partition a hard disk. This is not an excuse for not making backups of your important files."09:10
aBuSeRdont know what that is09:10
aBuSeRand no i dont09:10
=== phpbandit13 [n=nick@pool-71-105-33-7.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kr3ml_Im fed up with this shit... I have tried to make beryl work on ubuntu for several days now, ati drivers dont work, xgl not working properly... can some one help me with the ati drivers... right now its non direct rendering or something... and work as mesa...09:10
Bidashexcept for ofcourse the infamous bug with the partitioner09:10
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ubunturosaBuSeR: Under system -> Preferences you should  have a program named GParted09:10
frustratedwithedubunturos: How do I diagnose problems with NFS, is there a log somewhere of attempts, successes  or failures?09:10
happymuffinbidash:  hmm well you will have fun if you have any trouble, without a CD drive09:10
carbanmMadpilot: how do i check permissions and ownership?09:10
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^3pi^grorlist: cd /home/the\ directory\ name/09:11
ubunturosaBuSeR: this could be used for formatting the flash drive09:11
Bidashhappymuffin how is that you mean?09:11
^3pi^but use tab for autocompletion09:11
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ubunturosfrustratedwithed: /var/log/messages, is all that I know09:11
Madpilotcarbanm, one sec, figuring out exactly which command you need09:11
frustratedwithedthx I'll try09:11
happymuffinbidash: i would generally recommend to boot from an install CD before installing to get familiar with it, but if you can't...09:11
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Gorlistright, im trying to use the ntfsundelete tool09:12
carbanmis a usb cd drive not a possibility?09:12
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Gorlistvia the terminal - do I enter as follows             ntfsundelete -s /media/Windows Drive       ??09:12
carbanmis there a way i can get +rwix access to my ntfs partitions?09:12
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happymuffinbidash: what's your windows version?09:12
Gorlistah means device09:12
Bidashhappymuffin well there seems to be a simple tool for installing from c:\boot instead of from cd.. it will probably launch same installer.. however i'm afraid of the partition tool. do you kno/remember if the partition tool during ubuntu install gave u the option to not do anything to the partitions?09:13
Madpilotcarbanm, in terminal, type "ls -la ~" - it'll give you a long list, scroll back to near the top, find the line with .amsn in it, paste ONLY THAT LINE here09:13
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Zjoskehow can you see wich motherboard you got?09:13
Bidashhappymuffin i got xp. i wanna have both by setting aside a few gigs for a partition with ubuntu on..09:13
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Bidashhappymuffin btw when you said partition magic did you mean Norton's?09:14
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carbanmdrwx------  8 root    root       4096 2007-05-11 00:41 .amsn09:15
^3pi^Bidash: the partion tool in installer is safe! It wont format your ntfs if not asked for...09:15
ubunturoscarbanm: you'll have to install ntfs-3g on *buntu for rw09:15
carbanmi tried sudo chown username .amsn, and got some error09:15
Bidash^3pi^ i read about an infamous bug with ubuntus partitionprog (or some other related prog during install) that made it impossible to boot back into windows after ubuntu was installed09:15
happymuffinbidash: yes that's the one i meant, but like ^3pi^ said the one in the installer is safe09:15
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^3pi^:) oh i've done it so many times without any problems...09:16
Bidashhappymuffin but you weren't sure which partitioner (which ubuntu release) had the infamous bug.. if it's the one i get.. then it's not safe09:16
^3pi^any without a backup too !09:16
Bidash^3pi^ what ubunturelease was that?09:16
carbanmMadPilot: any thoughts?09:17
happymuffinbidash: well i would presume you will go with the latest release, and i'd be VERY surprised if you have trouble09:17
^3pi^ from dapper on...09:17
Madpilotcarbanm, that should not be owned by root. it should be owned by you.09:17
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Bidashi think i have to install breezy cause its the latest that supports netboot :/09:17
carbanmyeah, i tried chowning it09:17
carbanmand it was like "nope"09:17
carbanmwell, kindof, i got some weird config error09:18
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Bidashbreezy is the one just before feisty right?09:18
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Madpilotcarbanm, do "sudo chown youruser:youruser ~/.amsn" - put your own user name where I put youruser09:18
^3pi^no it is edgy09:18
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Zjoskeis there a program like aida32 for ubuntu/linux?09:18
Bidashdapper, breezy, edgy, feisty?09:19
Zjoske(to view all the hardware09:19
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Bidashi keep forgetting.. god09:19
carbanmcorruptconfig  /home/william/.amsn/gconfig.xml.old09:19
^3pi^ dapper, edgy feisty09:19
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happymuffini started with edgy and upgraded to feisty09:19
crdlbBidash: breezy, dapper, edgy09:19
^3pi^breezy was 5.10 i think09:19
Zjoskeis there a program like aida32 for ubuntu/linux?09:19
crdlbalphabetical :)09:19
Zjoske(to view all the hardware)09:19
Madpilotcarbanm, you get that error when you try to run chown?09:19
crdlbZjoske: hal-device-manager ?09:20
carbanmno, the chown went down fine09:20
carbanmthat was launching amsn09:20
Bidashokay you guys don't seem to agree with eachother..09:20
mzuverinkCan someone recommend a good docker, OSX style?09:20
Bidashwhich ofcourse makes me more confused than i already was X)09:20
Madpilotcarbanm, there seems to be a permission error on that folder too09:20
happymuffinbidash: if you want to try the instlux it looks safe09:20
Zjoskecrdlb how do you start it?09:20
happymuffinbidash: they're right, i was wrong09:20
Bidashperhaps you are wrong about the instlux too ;)09:20
happymuffinbidash: i didn't read your post close enough09:20
Madpilotcarbanm, run "chmod -R 755 ~/.amsn"09:20
Zjoskecrdlb: i cannot view my mobo there..09:20
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happymuffinbidash: that could well be ;-)09:21
Zjoskei need to see which mobo i use..09:21
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seescapeswhat's mobo?09:21
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Bidashhappymuffin the first try i did failed hehe.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows09:21
happymuffinbidash: i would check it out with google etc. before trying it09:21
crdlbZjoske: just run it, it's a command09:21
crdlbyou can also use: lshw and lspci in the terminal09:21
Zjoskebut there i cannot see which mobo i use..09:21
Bidashhappymuffin i followed that.. the first link.. it installed.. rebooted.. nothing happend.. when i came back in windows it uninstalled that linux installer09:21
Bidashcrdlb don't make this worse ;)09:21
carbanmError in startup script: couldn't open "/home/william/.amsn/profiles": permission denied09:22
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carbanmany way to chmod the contents of a folder?09:22
Madpilotcarbanm, the -R in the chmod command should have been recursive09:22
ompaulcarbanm, chown -R foo09:22
carbanmoh, so now it just doesnt work. should i just reinstall amsn?09:23
Madpilotcarbanm, and yah, I just realized I left the -R out of the chown command I gave you09:23
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carbanmoh lol, alright09:23
newman beginer09:23
newmanhostname beginer09:23
Madpilotcarbanm, do "sudo chown -R youruser:youruser ~/.amsn"09:23
Bidashsince the automatic process didn't do anything, i wanna do the manual process from this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows. my question is.. since it's about breezy and i want feisty, can i follow those directiosn except i just replace breezy with feisty in that link they give? (manual process)09:24
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carbanmMadpilot: thank you very much.09:24
Madpilotcarbanm, working now?09:24
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carbanmi just switched from windows 3 days ago, and the huge difference ive seen, is the community backing ubuntu rocks.09:25
Madpilotcarbanm, how did you install amsn? That .amsn folder should never have been owned by root09:25
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carbanmfrom a .deb09:25
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Madpilotcarbanm, you know that amsn is in Ubuntu's repositories?09:26
carbanmyeah lol the new version is awesome though09:26
ompaulcarbanm, spend a little time checking out the various parts of "synaptic package management"09:26
Bidashquestion about netboot (locally): since the automatic process didn't do anything, i wanna do the manual process from this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows. my question is.. since it's about breezy and i want feisty, can i follow those directiosn except i just replace breezy with feisty in that link they give? (manual process)09:26
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carbanmanyone have any really good repositories they would recommend?09:27
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PriceChildcarbanm, we do not support 3rd party repositories09:27
kikrwhat are the advantages of getting the LTS version except for long-term support?  it's an older version but receives more support?09:27
PriceChildcarbanm, "system > admin > software sources" shows all the repositories we support09:28
PriceChildkikr, more stable arguable09:28
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carbanmalright, i apologise for asking09:28
happymuffinbidash: i'm gonna call it a night, have a good one and i hope you get it figured out09:28
Bidashhappymuffin thnx. gnight!09:28
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ompaulBidash, that looks like its okay - not tested09:28
ompaulit myself09:28
Madpilotcarbanm, given that there's something over 17,000 packages in Ubuntu's official repos, it's pretty rare you have to go outside of them to get something09:28
kr3ml_hey is there a sorta "task manager" like in windows for ubuntu?09:28
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ceinnot rare enough09:29
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Madpilotkr3ml_, System->Admin->System Monitor09:29
tom_kellehercould anybody tell me how I can copy some files to a USB External Hard Drive that won't let me click and drag it. I tried to do it via terminal but no luck09:30
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q-tiptom is the usb disk mounted readonly ?09:31
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ubuntubeginzhi i guys i installed mySQL from Synaptic Manager... do i know where it could have gotten installed... i am searching all over the place..thanks.09:31
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kr3ml_madpilot: cool, tnx.. is there a shortcut , like ctrl+alt+del for windows09:31
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happymuffinkr3ml_: try System-> Preferences-> Sessions-> Current Session tab09:31
tom_kellehermaybe, I assume HAL loaded it for me as it appeard on the desktop09:31
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Bidashompaul what do you make of this; the instlux supports breezy but no newer than that. if that is cause of instlux then that doesnt apply to my situation but if that is cause of netbooting then it applies to my situations. i have no idea how to find that out, any ideas?09:32
Madpilotkr3ml_, you can put a little system monitor applet on your toolbar, click that to get the full System Monitor09:32
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q-tipyou can try sudo cp stuff /media/usbdisk09:32
Bidashompaul "my situation" is the one you replied to before09:33
gsuvegi have i945 chip in my notebook. i would like setup xinerama. im setup 2 Device with same BusID, server dont find my card.09:33
ompaulBidash, try it09:33
gsuvegany idea ?09:33
Madpilotkr3ml_, right click on an empty piece of top or bottom panel/toolbar, select Add To Panel, find the System Monitor, then right-click on that to configure/customize it09:33
Bidashompaul what is the worst that can happen, according to your guess? (my guess is useless)09:33
tom_kelleherq-tip, I tried that but since the name is "HP Personal Media Drive" the terminals doesnt understand it09:33
ompaulBidash, it fails .. and you learn that it does not work09:33
kr3ml_Madpilot: thank you! :)09:33
Bidashvery funny09:33
Bidashompaul i mean is there a risk that i cant boot back into windows?09:34
q-tipok well check the mount path use $sudo mount09:34
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ompaulBidash, that will always be a risk - backup backup backup etc - but then I never think about sharing my machine with things other than linux kerenels09:35
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ompaulBidash, grab the iso and use it09:35
Bidashi cant burn it09:35
tom_kelleherq-tip, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20306/09:36
tom_kelleherthats what I get09:36
Bidashperhaps i need the iso anyway to do this netboot stuff.. not sure.. the ubuntu guide hasnt said anything about it.. i wonder where it's gonna get all the ubuntu content from X)09:36
ompaulBidash, find someone with a burner and get them to give you a hand - .se is not exactly short of people with computers ;-)09:36
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Bidashokay okay i have a cd burner but i don't have a cd and i wanna install ubuntu NOW haha09:37
mwetom_kelleher: umask=222 means no write access09:37
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tom_kellehermwe, oh thank you I didnt know that, how do I fix that?09:37
lukeis there a dock in the repositories thats easy to setup? something like kiba-dock?09:37
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Zjoskehow do you install wine?09:38
mwetom_kelleher: leave out umask or set it to 022 or something like that09:38
ompaul!wine | Zjoske09:38
ubotuZjoske: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:38
tom_kellehermwe, how would I change that ? sudo mount somthing?09:38
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mwetom_kelleher: is the mount point present in /etc/fstab?09:39
mwetom_kelleher: eg, how did you mount it?09:39
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gsuvegin lspic im see 00:02.0 and 00:02.1 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03)09:39
tom_kellehermwe, it showed up on it's own so I assume HAL did it09:39
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mwetom_kelleher: well add it to /etc/fstab if it's not present09:40
mwe!mount | tom_kelleher09:40
ubotutom_kelleher: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter09:40
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mwe!fstab | tom_kelleher09:40
ubotutom_kelleher: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:40
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zcat[1] cd /hocai09:41
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zcat[1] dammit..09:41
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mwetom_kelleher: then remount it09:41
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lukehow can i install svn?09:42
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mweluke: sudo apt-get install subversion09:42
kinkinwow, ubuntu just asked me to resize my ntfs partition, and then ontop of it all, import my documents *faints* this is amazing!09:42
tom_kelleher mwe, sorry I'm still trying to do what you said09:42
ceinsudo apt-get install subversion09:42
mwetom_kelleher: all right09:42
lukemwe, thanks09:43
javesdoes thunderbird need to be open to check for new email, or is there a less obtrusive way to run it?09:43
javesso it can check for new mail09:43
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zcat[1] kinkin: no, it will e amazing if it gets it right.. the import thing is new and I've heard a bit buggy still09:43
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ceinjaves: use one of the auto mail checking programs09:43
javescein, such as?09:43
GlomboolAnyone know of a good open source ISP control panel?09:43
mwetom_kelleher: you got stuck?09:43
ceini use this: http://www.nongnu.org/mailnotify/09:43
tom_kellehermwe, kinda09:43
javescein, gracias09:43
compengishouldn't any program installed manually be marked in repos for a successful removal?09:44
momoruSo what's the state of linux NTFS write support?09:44
skizoI installed ubuntu 7.04 for amd64 platform,but when I run applications like firefox,it takes a while09:44
kinkinzcat[1] : i have no documents on that system, and didn't actually use the option, just thought it was cool ;)09:44
ceinyou can also get AllTray and use it to minimize your thunderbird but still keep it open09:44
zcat[1] kinkin: yes, it is cool...09:44
javesi'm going to check out this thing09:44
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mwe!ntfs-3g | tom_kelleher09:44
ubotutom_kelleher: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:44
ceinmomoru: try ntfs-3g09:44
kinkinzcat[1] : last distro I used as a desktop was... i think Redhat 9... so this is kinda a jump.. lol09:45
mwetom_kelleher: try reading the last link from ubotu09:45
tom_kellehermwe, thanks09:45
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mwetom_kelleher: come back if you get stuck09:45
ceinntfs-3g rocks09:45
lukeautogen failes with the message "shift: 242: can't shift that many"09:45
cjaeanyone know what autorrent is???09:45
ceinubotu knows his stuff09:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about knows his stuff - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:45
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kinkincjae: sounds like a bit torrent app by the sound of the name?09:46
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mwecein: and ntfs-3g is included in feisty ;)09:46
momoruOh that's cool.  So linux has stable ntfs write support?09:46
ceinmwe: even awesomer09:46
mwemomoru: right09:46
momoruThat's awesome.09:46
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ceinnow we can all throw away fat3209:46
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momoruIt makes me smile09:46
mwemomoru: you can't change permissions of files, though.09:47
ceini did have one problem with it tho09:47
cjaeI assume it is a bittorrent for another language???09:47
ceinforeign character support09:47
javescein, once i've downloaded the .tgz file, what do i do? heh09:47
kinkinstable ntfs support? wow... i have been gone from the linux communitity for too long.. lol09:47
mwemomoru: only read/write/create files09:47
^3pi^i love my fatty partiotion :D09:47
ceini wasn't able to copy files w/ foreign (i.e. non-english) characters to ntfs under ubuntu09:47
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^3pi^i'll never throw it awasy09:47
ceinjaves: "tar -xvzf [filename] "09:47
momoruOh well.  It's not like I need it anymore.09:47
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ceinand install like a normal proggie09:47
mwemomoru: new files created in linux can be accessed by anyone in windows09:47
momoruI have linux running on a dedicated box.09:47
mwemomoru: that is until you change it from windows09:47
jason__i have a p4 cpu should i install the 686 kernel09:48
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mwejason__: the installer will install the appropiate kernel for you09:48
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momoruSo what's the newest stable version of Ubuntu?  Edgy?09:49
jason__i read it installs i386 as default09:49
mwemomoru: feisty09:49
momoruI thought Feisty was the new test build.09:49
ubuntubeginzoops..sorry wrong spelling.. :)09:49
jason__is that true09:49
mwejason__: it installs the generic one09:50
mwejason__: as it should09:50
zcat[1] too many of my machines are still dual boot. I'm going to drop windows from all but one..09:50
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zcat[1] actually, that would only be one..09:50
jason__but isnt the 686 for p2's and up09:50
ceinhaha momoru gotta read the website09:50
momoruI'm still running Breezy.  I requested and received a disc for Dapper but never got around to installing it.09:50
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mweto my knowledge there is no specific 686 linux image in feisty09:51
PriceChildmomoru, breezy has reached "End Of Life" and all users are suggested to upgrade.09:51
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PriceChildmomoru, you will not receive any more security patches.09:51
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HiddenHaxdoes anyone know how to use an msi file in wine?09:51
jason__Pentium 2+ (686) kernel09:51
ubuntubeginzmomoru: c'mmon man... install  fiesty Fawn..and try the f**king *beryl*..its awesome09:51
kinkinPriceChild: that actually sounds so microsoft... way to stick the updates to the man! lol.. good idea mind you09:52
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mwePriceChild: I think it will for a total of 18 months, no?09:52
PriceChildmwe, the benefits of dedicated 686 kernel aren't very much. Its super fast to load all the optimisations ont he fly09:52
jason__linux-k7 for adm09:52
momoruDo they offer a version of the installer disc that will allow me to just do a dist upgrade from the disc isntead of doing a fresh install?09:52
compengihow to uninstall pidgin if installed manually through compiling steps, and into it's default directory09:52
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mwePriceChild: I know09:52
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jsgotangcomomoru: just put the disc and it should be able to tell you if you want to upgrade09:52
jsgotangco(put the disc in the existing session that is)09:53
zcat[1] momoru: the alternative disk does I think... upgrade to dapper and you get security updates for 5 years I think.. three at least09:53
kinkinwhat is the package management program for ubuntu? apt? or?09:53
zcat[1] not sure how that works09:53
PriceChildkinkin, apt09:53
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jason__or is the 686-smp better for the P409:53
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kinkinPriceChild: thanks, just finished my install of fiesty fawn!!! :D09:53
PriceChildjason__, -smp is for multicore machines09:53
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PriceChildjason__, although isn't needed anymore afaik09:53
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orbini thought they did away with 686, k7 etc. and now just have a generic kernel.09:54
mwethe generic kernel has smp support09:54
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ubuntubeginzmomoru: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC5uEe5OzNQ ... for those still considering a move to Ubuntu..chk this out...09:54
^3pi^kinkin: apt, or synaptic (X)09:54
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mweorbin: right09:55
momoruI'm on dialup.  Can you just tell me what's in the video?09:55
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ceinberyl doesn't seem like all it's cracked up to be09:56
ubuntubeginzmomoru: its a visual thing,man...how can i tell U... nvm then...09:56
ceinjust a few effects09:56
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tom_kellehermwe, well I think I can write NTFS now, except my USB drive is unable to be mounted, apparently it's corrupt09:56
ceini mean impressive to code i'm sure, but not amounting to much useful in the end09:56
zcat[1] I might as well be on dialup.. this connection is SLOW tonight :(09:56
mhanu70hi everibody09:56
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mhanu70hi cein..i'm a really new ubutu user09:56
ubuntubeginzcein: the 3D cube thing is cool.. i use it...09:56
zcat[1] cein: sort of like aero then?09:56
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ceinzcat[1] : more or less09:57
jason__iam back09:57
mhanu70i'd need just some help09:57
kr3mlkr3ml@kr3ml-desktop:~$ fglrxinfo09:57
kr3mlXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".09:57
kr3mldisplay: :0.0  screen: 009:57
kr3mlOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org09:57
=== toro [n=rankin@54-199.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kr3mlOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect09:57
zcat[1] cein: actually my wife has quite poor eyesight and really likes to be able to zoom in on things..09:57
kr3mlOpenGL version string: 1.4 (1.5 Mesa 6.5.2)09:57
kr3mlwhy is it MESA!?!?!?09:57
ceinah well then that's useful09:57
torosomeone tell me how to replace my Distributor logo next to applications with another image09:58
CheshireViking!ask | mhanu7009:58
ubotumhanu70: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:58
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ubuntubeginzcein: shit...the aero aint even comparable beryl.... but some of frenz its not quite comparable to ATI graphics card....for Nvidia its cool ... I am luvin it09:58
zcat[1] there's a few rather useful features.. mostly though it just looks good. Damn good!09:58
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ceinwell as long as it makes people happy09:58
CheshireViking!ohmy | ubuntubeginz09:58
ubotuubuntubeginz: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:58
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mhanu70i'm triing disperately to use beryl on my p4 system...it does'not work09:59
toroi just got a MAC OSX THEME, AWSOME09:59
robewaldhi, I have a dual screen (nvidia) laptop and a single screen desktop, which I would like to link by xdmx, but the dual screen appears as one big one in xdmx. How do I make xdmx include the 2 screens from the laptop and adds a 3rd from the desktop?09:59
tom_kelleherwould anybody know how to fix a curropt NTFS USB drive?09:59
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ubuntubeginzubotu : sorry boss09:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry boss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:59
torosomeone tell me how to replace my Distributor logo next to applications with another image09:59
PriceChildtom_kelleher, use windows' own tools preferably09:59
mhanu70when beryl manager is up applicantions are sloooowww!:-)09:59
zcat[1] toro: alt-F2 gconf-editor09:59
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tom_kelleherPriceChild, not an option atm :(09:59
reptyl_im trying to upgrade to feisty but im getting this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)09:59
mhanu70is there any minimal requiremens?09:59
ubuntubeginzmhanu70: i am 1Gb ram..not much issue...10:00
javescein, i tried to run the ./configure and i got a message saying i need GTK+..10:00
momoruBah.  I'd have to upgrade to dapper, then to edgy, before I could upgrade to feisty10:00
zcat[1] toro: then I'd have to go find where the setting is again10:00
PriceChildtom_kelleher, ntfs is a proprietory system and we have had to make educated "guesses" on how it works. how did you corrupt it?10:00
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mhanu70i am 1.26 gb ram e nd Geforce FX 128MB10:00
ceinso then... i think you need GTK ;-)10:00
compengiwhere are the default applications installed in root?10:00
ceinjust a hunch10:00
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javesdo you know the apt-get command for it?10:00
kr3mlwhy cant there be "fix-beryl-and-ati-drivers-and-xgl-and-whatever-els" button ?10:01
tom_kelleherPriceChild, badly removed according to the error. Happened when I installed an app to write to it10:01
gsuveghmm. my xorg dont detect second monitor ... :(10:01
ceinubotu gtk10:01
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI10:01
mhanu70is that enough?10:01
ubuntubeginzmhanu70: serious it still slow... mine is lower... did u get the driver for graphics card..10:01
torowell alt-f2 worked, but it dont display any gconf whatever10:01
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void^mhanu70: geforce fx 5200?10:01
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mhanu70ubuntubeginz: yes....10:01
torodo i run with the gconf10:02
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CheshireVikingtom_kelleher, if you don't need the information on the usb key, why not reformat it as fat32 then it'll be useable by linux & windows machines10:02
kr3mlI can someone be honest and tell me if there is no support for x1900 graphic card...10:02
insmodi run that on a debian box10:02
ceinnote the entry for captive-ntfs ;-)10:02
tom_kelleherCheshireViking, unfortunetly I want the info10:02
mhanu70ubuntubeginz: maybe is not enough10:02
PriceChildtom_kelleher, ntfs-3g is the app you installed?10:02
ubuntubeginzmhanu: not sure..dude... why dont u close the beryl-manager..its not neccesary...10:02
orbintoro: alt+f2 just brings up the run dialog.  enter the command zcat[1]  gave10:03
tom_kelleherPriceChild, yep10:03
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zcat[1] toro: alt-f2 and type gconf-editor in the box. Then dig your way down; apps > panel > objects > menu_bar > custom-icon & use-custom-icon10:03
PriceChildtom_kelleher, grrr i had a warning in !ntfs-3g and someone removed it :(10:03
Do``could someone help me with this issue? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2616708#post261670810:03
PriceChildtom_kelleher, i suggest you use the windows tools...10:03
mhanu70ubuntubeginz: ok, but i can't use the beryl environment, i mean doesn't start10:03
compengihi Seveas10:03
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mhanu70if i try ctrl+alt+arrow keys nothing happens10:04
compengiSeveas, i installed pidgin manually in it's default directory (root) i can't find it installed in repos to be able to remove it, do you know how?10:04
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PriceChildcompengi, how did you install it?10:05
PriceChildcompengi, where from/10:05
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tom_kelleherPriceChild, for what it's worth this is what happened when I tried to fix it. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20307/10:05
ubuntubeginzmhanu70: have u installed it... http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-beryl-with-latest-nvidia-drivers-in-ubuntu-feisty-fawn.html10:05
aftertafcompengi: dpkg or make ?10:05
compengiPriceChild, compiling it10:05
harryHow do I benchmark my computer?10:05
compengiaftertaf, compiling10:05
mhanu70ubuntubeginz:i also added in session manager the line /usr/bin/beryl-manager10:05
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aftertafcompengi: then it wont appear in any package manager.... it wasnt installed as a package10:05
PriceChildcompengi, "sudo make uninstall" I 'think'10:06
BidashHelp about Wubi: I'm thinking of running Wubi for it's simplicity and not having to burn a cd. What is your (anyone) opinion about wubi in it's current state?10:06
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PriceChildcompengi, do that in the directory you compiled it10:06
mhanu70ubuntubeginz: let me check10:06
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reptyl_im trying to upgrade to feisty but im getting this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2). anyone know what's going on?10:06
ubuntubeginzmhanu70: juz follow this tutorial man... it def werks..10:06
compengiPriceChild, you mean in the source directory or where it's been installed?10:06
PriceChildtom_kelleher, sdb not sbd10:06
PriceChildcompengi, the source directory, where you installed it from.10:06
aftertafcompengi: in the directory containing the sources, there where you ran the make install...10:07
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tom_kellehersame prob PriceChild10:07
zcat[1] how often do makefiles have an uninstall option? :)10:07
PriceChildtom_kelleher, are you sure that's the correct drive?10:07
mhanu70ok i did something else ( i m really new :-)...now i try.... i'll let you know10:07
PriceChildzcat[1] , we can hope...10:07
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tom_kelleherPriceChild, thats the one listed in the error10:08
aftertafis ntfs write really safe now?10:08
zcat[1] well, I guess i've seen one or two..10:08
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mhanu70ubuntubeginz: tahnks10:08
PriceChildaftertaf, please always keep backups10:08
ubuntubeginzmhanu70: k...gud luck10:08
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mhanu70ubuntubeginz:see you later10:08
aftertafPriceChild: hehe thats why i use ext3 and ifs10:08
PriceChildtom_kelleher, do it with sdb5 instead of sbd5 and pastebinitplease :)10:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:08
zcat[1] nothing is _ever_ safe..10:08
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aftertafsafe as in safe, not safe as in safe as safe can be...10:09
ceingood rule of thumb10:09
compengiPriceChild, it worked thanks, but what about if i had installed the pidgin b7 before it are they uninstalled too when i had uninstalled pidign 2.0 now/10:09
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zcat[1] "safe as in offsite backups"10:09
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PriceChildcompengi, I don't know... but there will almost definitely by pieces left behind... names have changed most probably10:09
ceinof course then you have to worry about security10:09
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deCondoes anyone know a site where i could fine how to remove effects that have been placed on a photo?10:09
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tom_kelleherPriceChild, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20309/10:10
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compengiPriceChild, because i didn't uninstall the previous version, i directly installed 2.0 final on it (as an upgrade)10:10
ceinhi shuan10:10
ubuntubeginzdoes ubuntu have an equivalent to windows explorer...10:10
PriceChildtom_kelleher, /dev/sdb5 not dev/sdb510:10
tom_kelleherPriceChild ye was about to sau10:10
zcat[1] ubuntubeginz: nautilus ?10:10
PriceChildubuntubeginz, as in nautilus ?10:10
PriceChildubuntubeginz, thunar, konqueror...10:10
Madpilotubuntubeginz, Places->Home10:10
aftertafsafe as in a bowl of cheerios....10:10
PriceChildubuntubeginz, the list goes on10:10
tom_kelleherPriceChild my bad, thanks for spottting it10:10
shuanHi, I'm experiencing problems accessing my NTFS hard drive through ubuntu10:11
shuananyone able to help me?10:11
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zcat[1] !ntfs | shuan any of this help?10:11
ubotushuan any of this help?: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse10:11
ceinwhat's the problem?10:11
PriceChildshuan, wasn't it automounted after install?10:11
ubuntubeginzPriceChild: thanks dudes....10:11
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ceinubotu is going to put us all out of work...10:12
shuanit was but i installed automount read and write to ntfs from automatix210:12
zcat[1] !ubotu10:12
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:12
cein"<ubotu>Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)"10:12
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zcat[1] !botsnack10:12
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:12
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MM2_which version should I use to get best LTSP-server?10:13
aftertafand shuan after automatix ran, it doesnt work?10:13
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shuanyes thats right10:13
aftertafpastebin your /etc/fstab to us10:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:14
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Madpilotshuan, welcome to one reason automatix is not recommended...10:14
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aftertafive never got it to work anyway!!!10:14
shuanahh. Is there anyway to go back to original state?10:14
aftertafi prefer manualmatix3-b110:14
tom_kelleherPriceChild, well this is fun now I've got another error10:14
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BidashHelp about Wubi: I'm thinking of running Wubi for it's simplicity and not having to burn a cd. What is your (anyone) opinion about wubi in it's current state?10:15
linxehI'm experiencing quite nasty lag when using remote xdmcp (via GDM) to a windows machine running the Exceed X server (the same set up is fine using Redhat enterprise linux). Any ideas on what could cause a slow down?10:15
aftertafseriously..... i recommend using ext3 and getting rid of ntfs for good.10:15
zcat[1] never heard of wubi... going to google it..10:15
Madpilotaftertaf, :) @ NasTyFileSystem - I've often wondered what it stood for10:15
aftertafyou can install a driver and mount system for ext3 for windoze10:15
javeshow do i install a tar.gz file? god i hate being a newb10:15
PriceChildjaves, my opinion is that you shouldn't :P10:16
godlygeekso, on my new macbook, fn-left and fn-right on my keyboard send the keycodes for home and end, respectively - is there any way to add new function-key combinations?  i can't seem to find any way to bind function-key combinations with xmodmap or anything...?10:16
aftertafjaves: tar xvzf file10:16
toroi can help10:16
PriceChildjaves, what is it that you want to install?10:16
zcat[1] javes: 'you don't'10:16
ceinjaves: "tar -xvzf [filename] " (didn't i tell you this before?)10:16
javesi know!10:16
javesi'm working on it heh10:16
Terminusjaves: a tar.gz file is simply a compressed archive, like a zip file. you just don't install them. =)10:16
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aftertafjaves: you need to uncompress it, then you need to make it - cant you use  a package instead?10:16
cein, as they say10:16
javesright i understand that10:16
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gsuveghttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20308/ < maybe anybody see something wrong in my xinerama config ?10:16
ubuntubeginzcein: for the rest in the channel..wat it means10:17
zcat[1] javes: seriously.. it's much easier (short and long term) to install software only via package management.10:17
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ceinit means take it easy10:17
Startled_Potatojust popped in to say I am finally an Ubuntu user10:17
javesi'd rather learn the command line10:17
ceincongratulation Startled_Potato10:17
Terminuszcat[1] : just because it's a tarball doesn't mean it's source code. =)10:17
javesbut yeah your right10:17
kinkinwhat is the best/easiest way to install vnc on ubuntu?10:17
godlygeekjaves: -xzvf = extract, list files as they are extracted, ungzip, and use file whatever.tgz10:17
Bidashwhy did i see asian symbols. i didnt install that X)10:17
ceindoes anyone use a logitech MX___ mouse?10:17
aftertafjaves: keep the idea of building for later, though i respect your desire to want to learn ;)10:17
Startled_Potatowas using a buggy mandriva before....but finally got my speedtouch working tith ubuntu 7.0410:18
TerminusBidash: that's what you get from a utf-8 console. =P10:18
aftertafjaves: but if it does existas a package, use that isntead.... simpler10:18
ceinyeah you should learn the command line first javes, then you'll understand what the GUI is doing10:18
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BidashTerminus say what? X)10:18
tom_kelleherPriceChild, will it be a problem if there are space in the name of the drive?10:18
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torowitch object do i select Object_0 .. ect10:18
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HiddenHaxdoes anyone know how to use an msi file in wine?10:18
aftertafStartled_Potato: a much better bag ofchips dont you thik? congrats ;)10:18
javeswhat better way then to mess around with it?10:18
HiddenHaxdoes anyone know how to use an msi file in wine?10:18
zcat[1] javes: seriously, when you install from source it isn't just harder immediately, you also mess up apt's idea of what is already installed, making future maintenance of the machine much, much harder..10:18
PriceChildtom_kelleher, "shouldn't" be10:18
aftertafHiddenHax: ouf! nasty10:18
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HiddenHaxdoes anyone know how to use an msi file in wine?10:18
Startled_Potatochips???? get outa my head!!!!!10:18
ceinjaves, well the best way is to read the man ;-)10:18
Terminusjaves: if you're not afraid of blowing an OS away on that box, by all means, experiment. =)10:19
tom_kelleherPriceChild, now I'm having to force it to mount. But it's giving me greif again10:19
PriceChildjaves, what is it that you want to install?10:19
ubuntubeginzHiddenHax: try crossover...its much ezy10:19
javessome dumb mail notification thing heh10:19
aftertafjaves: to learn? you're right........ but be aware that after playing and learning, follows reinstallation10:19
Terminusjaves: packages are real convenient though. i can compile from source if i have to but i don't like to. =)10:19
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godlygeekjaves: i agree, though, don't install software from a tgz unless you have too... and if you do, use './configure --prefix=/opt' to install somewhere where no packages will for easier removal.  :)10:19
javesyeah i know, i dont mind reformatting10:19
=== aftertaf is on his 20th install in 3 years :)
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javesright, i  was reading that10:19
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ceini like compiling from source... when things work right10:19
aftertafe17 :)10:19
=== Terminus stuffs everything in ~/local
Startled_Potatoanyhoo, since this is a support channel, am outa here to figure out what i need to instal10:19
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Terminusjaves: chasing dev libs is fun. =D10:20
zcat[1] I know how to compile from source, but I don't think I've needed to for several years now..10:20
aftertafmake && pray10:20
javesTerminus, when i learn what that is heh10:20
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ubotuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about library - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
javeshey i got it installed and my wireless and second monitor working, at this point its all gravey10:21
godlygeekI have to install from source pretty regularly for things that aren't available as packages... and i regularly use apt-get source and dpkg-buildpackage to rebuild packages with the config options they should have been build in the first place.  :)10:21
Terminusjaves: if you're compiling the source for some complicated software, it generally will require you to have the source for a bunch of libraries too.10:21
aftertafjaves: what are you wanting to install anyway? kde4? :)10:21
ceini could go for some pie myself... or a piece of cake10:21
zcat[1] godlygeek: almost everything is availableas packages, you just have to find a few nonstandard repos!10:22
javesi was looking for the right on on the synaptic, said i needed GTK+ libraries10:22
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javescigarette, good idea10:22
Terminusjaves: it becomes even more interesting when some piece of code will require a particular version of a lib. >_<10:22
MerlinZShellhello guys10:22
godlygeekzcat[1] : i trust nonstandard repos less than building from source, and if i build from source, i try to use 'checkinstall' - installs in a sandbox and creates a .deb out of the binaries10:22
=== Terminus lights a cigarette too
ceinsudo apt-get remove nicotine-addiction10:23
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tom_kelleherPriceChild, if you could can you take a look at this and tell me what I seem to have done wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20310/10:23
zcat[1] ./configure && apt-get install libfoo-dev && ./configure && apt-get install libsomethingelse-dev && ...10:23
javesi found a site that explains alot about the command line and creating scripts, i think thats my next read10:23
ceinif only it were that easy, eh?10:23
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zcat[1] godlygeek: well at least you do it right, I guess :)10:23
PriceChildgodlygeek, checkinstall is BAD!!!10:23
godlygeekPriceChild: why?  :)10:24
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PriceChildgodlygeek, it does nasty things when making the deb, breaks things by assuming too much10:24
aftertafjaves: yeah, good call... Not being afraid of not understanding is a good step forward... as long as you know that sometime you may have to start afresh... ;) good attitude dude :)10:24
PriceChilddoesn't do checks that it should10:24
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PriceChildgodlygeek, use at own risk :)10:24
MerlinZShellhow can i install ntfs-config synaptec cant find it10:24
javesyeah this laptop is just for fun now10:25
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aftertaf"does nasty things when making the deb, breaks things " - i thought that was standard debian practise? ;)10:25
zcat[1] javes: just for fun is good...10:25
javeslinux isnt going anywhere near my macbook pro10:25
aftertaffor now ;)10:25
javesnot yet atleast10:25
godlygeekPriceChild: well, i'd have to guess that a broken deb is still easier to uninstall than the results of a 'sudo make install', so until i find something that works better... lol10:25
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godlygeekjaves: works great on my macbook, nearly perfectly out of the box.10:25
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MerlinZShellguys can anyone help me setting up my ntfs-config ?10:25
ceinanyone tried gobolinux?10:25
Terminusjaves: once you get a handle on things, you might want to check out slackware/gentoo and once you're tired of all the inconvenience, come back to ubuntu. :)10:26
javesyeah i bet beryl would be alot smoother on it10:26
javesits got some issues with my nvidia card10:26
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aftertaf"why isnt wifi working?"10:26
Terminusoh yeah, don't run gentoo on a pentium classic. you'll probably have to wait a year to get a working system. =D10:26
aftertaf"its not supposed to right now..." - i love delevopers :)10:26
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carrotheadaftertaf, different wireless cards use different chipsets, which have different levels of support in linux I think10:27
javeslets get some broadcom support!10:27
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aftertaftotally.... and in gutsy, waiting for merge. i dist-upgraded too soon, alas10:27
zcat[1] some wifi manufacturers are paranoid and won't tell us how their chips work :(10:27
javestop sekrat10:27
carrotheadI have a broadcom, spent ages getting it working only to find that ad-hoc mode doesnt seem to be supported yet10:28
aftertaflike modems, gfx cards, soundcards, usb, etc.......10:28
ubuntubeginzTerminus: hei, is gentoo the most insane to configure .. linux distro10:28
tom_kelleherPriceChild, if you could can you take a look at this and tell me what I seem to have done wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20310/10:28
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ceinthere are a lot of people here10:28
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toro<zcat[1] > in Vaue do i tell it where the icon is10:28
Terminusubuntubeginz: from my experience, it's one step above LFS. hahaha10:28
javeshey, thanks alot guys, i'll play with this more after my final tomorrow, linux, ultimate procrastination10:29
ceinand probably bots too... ;-)10:29
zcat[1] toro: yes10:29
Madpilotzcat[1] , s/paranoid/stupid :P10:29
=== cein winks at ubotu
PriceChildtom_kelleher, i looked and didn'tknow at first glance10:29
torowell i did and nothing happened10:29
aftertaftom_kelleher: /media/HP Personal Media Drive10:29
carrotheadI am quite new to linux, and my fresh install of ubuntu 6.06 on a dell inspiron laptop seems to randomly freeze at the desktop, does anyone where can I look at logs? thanks10:29
toroi did it to every object10:29
aftertaftom_kelleher: afaik it needs \ \\ in it for the spaces.... correct me if im wrong someone10:29
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aftertafcarrothead: /var/log10:30
PriceChildtom_kelleher, get rid of the name10:30
aftertafcarrothead: and run a memtest.10:30
PriceChildtom_kelleher, or enclose it in "s10:30
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carrotheadthanks aftertaf, I did a memtest overnight, and dual boot into windows, no problems in windows, but ill check /var/log10:30
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aftertafor reduce it to HP10:30
zcat[1] you\ need\ to\ escape\ the\ spaces10:30
aftertafcarrothead: and i recomend going to 6.1010:31
ubuntubeginzTerminus: :D ... prob you can come up with ur own distro(Terminus) is much easier ah than gentoo... :D10:31
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cBaucarrothead: my friend has had much greater success with Feisty on his dell laptop10:31
toroyou talking to me10:31
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Terminusubuntubeginz: no way. i'm lazy. and we've been OT for far too long. =)10:31
aftertaftoro: no to tom_kelleher10:31
carrotheadcBau really, I guess I can install that instead10:31
zcat[1] toro: not about the \'s, no..10:31
carrotheadany idea why 6.06 is not as good?10:32
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torolol ok10:32
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zcat[1] toro: although if the path to your icon has spaces in it ...10:32
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aftertafno idea........ but 6.10 is really nice... and IIRC i has some pbs like that too. probably the kernel with that version, maybe not though.....10:32
rijo_how i switch channels in irssi? :P10:32
torolol ok10:32
cBaujust the evolution of support... newer versions= prettier, shinier, more supported in my experience....10:32
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toroi told every Object where it is, and set every one to use the custom icon, nothing happened10:33
ubuntubeginzis there any use in doing memtesting...at the boot points10:33
cBauit also gets easier and easier to configure... more hands off, automatic stuff10:33
tom_kelleherI changed it from HP Personal Media Drive to HP and it worked. It didn't work with the "s or the \s10:33
aftertafapart for trzting mem, dont think so ;P10:33
carrotheadcBau, then how will I ever learn lol10:33
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aftertaftom_kelleher: ok cool :)10:33
tom_kelleherthank you all10:33
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aftertafcarrothead: you can ALWAYS open the bonnet in ubuntu :)10:33
zcat[1] toro: hmmm.. thats odd.10:33
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laser-Why is Ubuntu so popular?10:34
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cBauhehe, i started ay 6.06, you learn as you go along....10:34
toroi put the directory where it was to /home/rankin/Desktop/apple.png10:34
aftertaflaser-: because its so good10:34
carrotheadlaser- because it loves you back10:34
ceinlaser: 1) Marketing 2) Ease of installation10:34
toroi need it to turn to an apple logo10:34
aftertafcarrothead: nice :)10:34
cBauand it doesn't change that drastically, it just works better with every release10:34
laser-aftertaf: Please detail10:34
leStat666Ubuntu is YOUR GOD!10:34
ceinor rather, smoothness of installation ;-)10:34
zcat[1] laser-: It isn't. It's still way less 'popular' than 'doze :(10:34
pvh_sa|wrkhi, how do i search from the command line if a package is available in the repositories?10:34
disinterestedsynaptic told me to run --configure -a i did now its telling me to use the return key i have no idea which key thats supposed to be10:35
haruwhat port does cvs connect on10:35
laser-I don't care about "'doze"10:35
torosofar my Gnome looks like a mac, everything except the logo10:35
cBaulaser: It works smoothly, it installs easy10:35
ceindisinterested: press enter10:35
aftertaflaser-: easy to install and use (for a linux distro), complete, great support, perfect teeth,....10:35
laser-And other distribution don't ?10:35
laser-great support? the forums don't seem to be that helpful10:35
pvh_sa|wrkharu: you mean pserver?10:35
cBaunot like Ubuntu10:35
aftertafnot to this scale, no.10:35
tom_kelleherexcept Grub was being a pain and now I have to reinstall everything ... but easy install10:35
laser-cBau: orly?10:35
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CheshireVikinglaser-, its free, its not as susceptible to viruses/malware as windows, its well supported10:35
ceinsome come close, but nothing quite beats ubuntu10:35
pvh_sa|wrkharu: port 240110:35
harupvh_sa|wrk, cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@metascape.afraid.org:/cvsroot co kiba-dock .. which port will this connect on10:35
ceinbasically, only debian comes close ;-)10:35
cBaulaser: lol, orly10:35
disinterestedcein nope not that one10:35
zcat[1] toro: it's one of those settings anyhow... I changed mine but I'm not on my usual desktop right now.10:35
laser-I'm not talking about Ubuntu vs Windows, rather Ubuntu vs other free unixes10:35
aftertafit loves you back is the best reply i've seen yet :)10:36
harupvh_sa|wrk, thanks a lot10:36
zcat[1] ubuntu rocks10:36
cBaulaser: ah, well... I run everything I need Ubuntu side... even World of Warcraft...10:36
zcat[1] it's just so much cooler than any other *nix.10:36
orbinpvh_sa|wrk: apt-cache search <package> ... or use something like aptitude10:36
PriceChildCould we take everything but support to10:36
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PriceChild#ubuntu-offtopic please10:36
torothe gnome is good too10:36
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Ayabaraanyone using Mozilla Lightning from subversion? is it much better than the latest release?10:36
aftertafsorry, good idea. PriceChild10:37
pvh_sa|wrkthanks orbin!10:37
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cBauin the linux world, there's a lot of support within the community to make things work in ubuntu.... in my opinion10:37
tom_kelleheris there a virus scanner I can scan my USB HDD from Ubuntu to make sure there is nothing on it when I reconnect it to Windows10:37
disinterestedcheese and rice10:37
tom_kelleheras in malware or virusus... etc10:37
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disinterestedthe return key is supposed to be which one its not enter10:38
PriceChild!clamav | tom_kelleher10:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:38
PriceChild!info clamav | tom_kelleher10:38
ubotutom_kelleher: clamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 849 kB, installed size 1280 kB10:38
aftertaftom_kelleher: clam av - look in synaptic10:38
PriceChildtom_kelleher, there's also avgfree and a few others10:38
ceinmaybe this room should be named #ubuntu-help instead10:38
carrotheadif I looked into manually upgrading my kernel on 6.06, to (maybe) address stability issues, would the new kernel break any ubuntu software? (fresh install) thanks10:38
fb33why when I launch beryl-manager I get black screen with non blinking cursosr?10:38
tom_kelleherlol thanks all10:38
Ax3is there a linux command that can delete all files in a directory matching a given string?10:38
pvh_sa|wrkcarrothead: unlikely10:38
PriceChildcarrothead, very easily if you don't know what you're doing10:38
aftertafcarrothead: it *shouldnt*, if you follow the correct guidance10:39
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pvh_sa|wrkPriceChild: new kernel break packages? that's not so common10:39
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zcat[1] Ax3: rm path/reg?lar??pression10:39
PriceChildcarrothead, for example automounting of drives never works for me for some reason if make new kernels10:39
pvh_sa|wrkAx3: what kind of string match you looking for?10:39
aftertafbut as PriceChild says, it can do very easily otherwise10:39
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carrotheadim just so new to all this, hehe10:39
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PriceChildcarrothead, the community won't support problems with custom kernels either.10:39
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carbanmis there an easy way to force fan control in feisty??10:39
carrotheadahh, ok thanks pricechild10:39
tom_kelleherPriceChild, Clam will scan for stuff that will effect Windows?10:39
Ax3for example all files/directories with the word MP3 in it?10:39
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PriceChildtom_kelleher, yes10:39
Ax3( pvh_sa|wrk )10:40
mweautomount works fine for me with a custom kernel, but yes you have to include the right drivers10:40
cBaucarrothead: If you follow the upgrade path through 6.06>6.10>7.04 it should work.... theoretically... worked for me10:40
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:40
pvh_sa|wrkAx3: rm *mp3*10:40
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PriceChildAx3, rm *.mp3 maybe...? i10:40
aftertafcarrothead: oh sorry, i read for your upgrade to 6.10......10:40
carrotheadthanks cBau10:40
cBaubut I am not a custom kerneler yet10:40
aftertafcarrothead: upgrade to 6.10, safe, making your own kernel in 6.06, less safe10:40
PriceChildAx3, maybe best to do a test on the command first10:40
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carbanmi have a tyan k7 thunder w/dual athlon 2ghzs, and the cpu fans are stuck at like 7k rpm10:41
carbanmand acpi/fan has nothing10:41
zcat[1] find path -name "*mp3*" -exec rm {} \;  just to be different10:41
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Ax3pvh_sa|wrk \ PriceChild: ok thanks will give it a try10:41
tom_kelleherPriceChild, cool I've been paranoid since I realized I could transfer nasty stuff from a previous Windows install to a clean one by not makign sure the data I transfer is clean10:41
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Ax3zcat[1] : ooooooooh that looks elite hahha10:41
PriceChildtom_kelleher, its a very important thing to be aware of :)10:41
phichohi can someone pls halp me i try to connect to net via wdsl but when i type in terminal sudo pppoeconf this program starts loading an reaches 100% but noting what is the problem ?10:41
livingdaylightQ: Anyone know how a .vem file is handled if at all in Linux?10:41
mojomanax3: rm -rf *.mp3. But I would be very careful to play around with rm recursivly...10:41
zcat[1] Ax3: but rm *.mp3 is much easier :)10:41
tom_kelleherPriceChild, Security now tipped me of to that one.10:41
PriceChildlivingdaylight, what is a vem file?10:42
mweit won't remove Mp3 for example, though10:42
livingdaylightit comes from a webcam; video email10:42
toroheres a quick question10:42
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ceinvideo email...10:42
carbanmany thoughts on how i might be able to gain control of my fans?10:42
PriceChildlivingdaylight, so a video file?10:42
zcat[1] rm *.[mM] [pP] 310:42
PriceChildlivingdaylight, what encoding?10:42
torocan i change applications to say somthing else10:42
phichoanyone ?10:42
carbanmit sounds like a helicopter is taking off in my bedroom10:42
PriceChildlivingdaylight, have you tried?10:42
livingdaylightPriceChild, i'm checking properties10:42
Sleepy_Codercarbanm:  Stop fapping. :P10:42
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mwefind -iname "*mp3*" -maxdepth 1 -exec rm {} \; should as well ;)10:42
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Ax3mojoman / zcat[1] : ok thanks will give it a try10:42
carbanmSleepy_Coder: okay, but now it sounds like a jet:P10:43
Ax3lmao mwe thank you as well hahaha10:43
zcat[1] actually does [mM] [pP] 3 work in the shell?10:43
Sleepy_Codercarbanm: lmao10:43
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zcat[1] mwe: I basically said that, but without maxdepth10:43
livingdaylightPriceChild, when i try it says it is unable to open and that there is no application for handling this kind of file10:43
mwezcat[1] : and -iname10:43
Kmetovihi all, i have a problem on my notebook, i dont have working cd drive and can't boot from usb, is it possible to format one partition as fat32, make it bootable and copy all the files from cd on that partition ?10:43
PriceChildlivingdaylight, tried pulling it into vlc?10:44
ubuntubeginzhei..just for some comic relief... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D0phjQWUZ0 .... but dont discuss it here though...10:44
mojomanAx3: note that this will delete files recursivly, i.e. in all sub-directories as well. Try locate *.mp3 first, that should give you a list on what you're about to remove.10:44
PriceChildhave you got codecs installed?10:44
davalexHi folks, I have a problem with my mouse pointer. I use a dual monitor setup, and on the extra screen my mouse pointer is just one big box. Has anyone got a idea why this happends?10:44
=== liuyang [n=liuyang@dslb-088-073-013-044.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightPriceChild, i've never come across a VEM file either10:44
dinochopinshi all10:44
zcat[1] mwe: find path -iname "*.mp3" -maxdepth 1 | xargs rm10:44
dinochopinsI've installed postgresql10:44
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mwepropbably needs to be -exec rm -rf {} \; to remove directories as well, though ;)10:44
livingdaylightPriceChild, no, i haven't. In fact i don't have VLC installed10:44
dinochopinsand the directory reside in /usr/lib/postgresql10:44
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dinochopinscan i change it to /var/lib/postgresql10:44
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zcat[1] mwe: find path -iname "*.mp3" -maxdepth 1 -type d | xargs rm  we're not looking for directories10:44
dinochopinsas I've create another partition mounted on /var/lib/postgresql10:44
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zcat[1] oops, -type f I mean!!!!10:45
robewaldhi, is there a reason that xemacs21-basesupport contains a different jde than jde?10:45
mwezcat[1] : yeah. he said all files AND directories, though ;)10:45
Kmetovii am trying to install it for few days now10:45
=== Gruelius [n=Gruelius@60-241-89-235.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
GrueliusAnyone able to get ubuntu working on a VM?10:45
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zcat[1] mwe: you have directories named foo.mp3/ ?10:46
PriceChildGruelius, yes10:46
GrueliusVirtualPC 2007 in specific10:46
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Kmetovigruelius https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualMachines10:46
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Grueliusit has just locked up, i selected safe graphics mode10:46
carrotheadif I do a shutdown -F -r to force an fsck on reboot, is there any way I can choose what arguments are given to fsck? (I want to optimize directories '-D')10:46
Ax3having a directory with the string mp3 in it, is conceivable10:46
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ubuntubeginzis there a ubuntu channel for R and R10:46
robewaldmore specifically the checkstyle-all.jar is not contained in the jde, which is annoying if you use emacs21. should I report a bug?10:46
Gruelius"XFree86 needs to be configured for either 16 bpp or 32 bpp. 24 bpp does not work." i thouhgt ubuntu used Xorg o,O10:47
zcat[1] carrothead: I think you have to bring it up single-user.. or check in /etc/init.d/whateverdoesanfsckonreboot10:47
mwezcat[1] : no he said all files and directories containing mp3. I might have misunderstood what he wants, though,10:47
Kmetovihi all, i have a problem on my notebook, i dont have working cd drive and can't boot from usb, is it possible to format one partition as fat32, make it bootable and copy all the files from cd on that partition ? anyone knows ... this channel is moving to fast10:47
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CheshireVikingubuntubeginz, maybe /join ubuntu-offtopic10:47
zcat[1] mwe: no, I think you're right..10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postgresql - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
Ax3[04:39:54]  [Ax3]  for example all files/directories with the word MP3 in it?10:47
Ax3indeed 0: )10:47
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carrotheadzcat[1] : thanks10:47
pvh_sa|wrkAx3: there's also find - man find10:48
Ax3but i see the general arrangement of the command you guys have given10:48
ubuntubeginzCheshireViking: Ooh..thanks10:48
Ax3so i appreciate all the input thus far10:48
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mwepvh_sa|wrk: we've been there ;)10:48
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zcat[1] mwe: can you code the same command in perl?10:48
phichohi can someone pls halp me i try to connect to net via wdsl but when i type in terminal sudo pppoeconf this program starts loading an reaches 100% but noting what is the problem ?10:48
zcat[1] .. I know I can't10:48
pvh_sa|wrkKmetovi: someone here at work did an install that way, i think10:48
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mwezcat[1] : not of hand, either. give me an hour ;)10:49
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mwezcat[1] : well I could 'cheat' with a system call ;)10:49
wehttambhow can i make beryl look down on my cube of windows like it does in heaps of screenshots of it10:49
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torohey can gnome-look.org tell me more about how to change the logo10:50
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zcat[1] wehttamb: hold ctrl-alt and drag the cube around with your mouse10:50
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carbanmdoes anyone know of a way i can add fans to my acpi possibly, or do ANYTHING that will give me fan control?10:50
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chainsanyone here familiar with vncviewer?10:50
wehttambzcat[1] : thanks that is awesome10:50
chainsi'm trying to find an auto scale option10:51
flyingyellowpigis there anyone familiar with Helix Player?10:51
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chainsso if i connect to a system with greater resolution i don't have to scroll up/down and left/right10:51
hittopI had a problem installing xen-desktop, when booting xen, it can't load up the x server, but when booting back to normal ubuntu, the x server works. does anyone know why it happens?10:51
chainsanyone know if this can be done?10:51
carrotheadcarbanm: all I know is that 'lm-sensors' might have something to do with fan control, i think you can apt-get it10:51
flyingyellowpigI am trying to install it on Kubuntu/Ubuntu,but i don't a glue how to do it The file is in BIN format10:51
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Grueliusive loaded ubuntu onto my virtual pc however the mouse is stuck. Common problem? can i install ubuntu from a text based thing?10:52
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zcat[1] flyingyellowpig: chmod +x INSTALLER.BIN ; ./INSTALLER.BIN10:53
Kmetovipvh_sawrk can you check for him10:53
flyingyellowpigI have had the same problem Guelius before10:53
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VSpikeApparently all my problems with gnome where nothing worked were "due to the buggy gtk-qt-engine theme used by KDE"10:53
Kmetovii can't pm you10:53
Sleepy_Coderchains:  The resolution you set it for depends on the monitor.  On how close the pixels are together.  If you set it for a high resolution on a monitor where the pixels aren't that close together, your screen will go off the in the sides.  Like, you'll be scrolling around a lot. :p  If you just set your resolution for a lower one, you won't have to do that....I think.  *hope*  ****BELIEVE****10:53
varkachains: i dont think vncviewer hast that ability, but you can use freeNX oder NX from nomachine instead if you like, these are configurable to just use the available screensize or a defined resolution10:53
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carrotheadGruelius, there is an alternate install cd that gives a more simple installer I think10:53
VSpikenice to know10:53
Sleepy_CoderOh, oopsies....I talks too much when I'm not paying that much attention.10:53
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Grueliusmicrosuck needs me to get a module for "pointer integration"10:53
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chainszcat[1] : varka , i'm stuck with vncviewer for now as i do not have permission to install new software on this machine10:54
flyingyellowpigI think the best think you can do is to install Xubuntu first,then Synaptic Packet Installer you can install the other like Ubuntu or Kubuntu10:54
Saiedhow can i disable boot messages?10:55
nalphaguys.. if i want to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 what repository should i open??10:55
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flyingyellowpigopen Update Manager10:55
chainsi need a more definitive answer :)10:55
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nalphais main and main-update enought?10:56
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flyingyellowpigYou have to open Update Manager Saied10:56
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Grueliusdoes 7.04 have a text based installer?10:56
VSpikenalpha: dont do it that way10:56
flyingyellowpigIt will tell there is a new version of Ubuntu10:56
root___ok i really need some help, i was just upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10, and the installer crashed( i think) cus i got back to the puter and it was nolonger running. so i thought it had finnished, and i rebooted. now when i try to restart it says VFS cant mount the root files system...  so i'm now in safemode using an old kernal version... any suggestions?10:56
nalphaVSpike: do you meant?10:56
VSpikeGruelius: the alternate install CD does10:56
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Moxhi all10:57
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Saiedflyingyellowpig: what do you mean? for disabling boot messages the system should be upgraded?10:57
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varkachains: with "vncviewer -fullscreen" you can run it in fullscreen where the mouse movement controlls the scrolling automatically, thats all i can help you with vncviewer10:57
nalphaupps i mean deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main restricted10:57
nalphadeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty main restricted10:57
nalphadeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-updates main restricted10:57
nalphadeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-updates main restricted enought?10:57
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flyingyellowpigoh no I was thinking you have asked about how to upgrade Ubuntu Saeid10:58
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VSpikeSaied: you mean how to have the splash screen instead of text boot message?10:58
PriceChild!upgrade | nalpha10:58
ubotunalpha: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:58
chainsvarka: already did that. not happy with that either10:58
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Moxwhat is kenel version 7.04 ?10:58
chainsvarka: there must be an auto-scale option....10:58
PriceChild!info linux-image-generic | Mox10:58
ubotumox: linux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB10:58
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flyingyellowpigdoes anyone has a glue how to install a .BIN file on Kubuntu or Ubuntu?10:58
root___ok i really need some help, i was just upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10, and the installer crashed( i think) cus i got back to the puter and it was nolonger running. so i thought it had finnished, and i rebooted. now when i try to restart it says VFS cant mount the root files system...  so i'm now in safemode using an old kernal version... any suggestions?10:59
GrueliusVspike: can i use my cd i got in any way? lol10:59
SaiedVSpike: currently i have usplash on my system10:59
flyingyellowpigi am trying to use a new updated version of Helix Player10:59
VSpikeflyingyellowpig: normally chmod 755 xyz.bin && ./xyz.bin10:59
PriceChildroot___, start off with a sudo apt-get -f install10:59
varkachains: i dont think so, as vnc just transmitts the faraway screen to yours without changings10:59
skinnypuppy1334Anyone know where to find dual processor MB;s online? I have one celeron 2.4 and an amd 2400 processor. I'd be interested in using either for smp adding a matching processor ofcourse.10:59
PriceChildroot___, see what that does10:59
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VSpikeflyingyellowpig: I have a feeling "sh xyz.bin" does the same10:59
Grueliususe the amd 240010:59
PriceChildroot___, then apt-get update, upgrade, dist-upgrade10:59
zcat[1] oh well, other things I have to do...11:00
SaiedVSpike: and works properly but during the boot process it will be hide and text boot messages appears.11:00
Grueliusand tyan make the best boards ive heard11:00
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mweshell can't execute binary files11:00
flyingyellowpigso it will be then "sh yyz.bin Helix Player?VSpike11:00
varkachains: but if you find a solution i didnt know of, please pm me ;)11:00
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flyingyellowpigTerve Varka11:00
mweflyingyellowpig: probably wont work unless it's a script (the name suggests it isn't)11:00
varkaflyingyellowpig: ?11:01
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skinnypuppy1334anyone know a good source for dual processor boards online ???11:01
mweflyingyellowpig: you need to chmod +x it, then run it I think11:01
godlygeekso, can anyone tell me what makes the fn key tick, and how to rebind it like any other modifier key, on a macbook?  anyone at all?11:01
Moximpossible build from source app on the 7.04 if want kernel 2.6.5 ?11:01
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DJNutteok dann isch ja gut11:01
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flyingyellowpigso how could i update my Helix player then?11:01
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DJNuttewieso nein11:01
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:01
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PriceChildDJNutte, I'm not silly. I know i just kicked you.11:01
chainsi usually hang out on efnet11:01
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PriceChild!en | DJNutte11:01
ubotuDJNutte: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:01
chainsi only came here cuz i really thought someone could help me :)11:02
sswitchingSilly question this- but can't help wonder if there are any applications that would allow me to download package files for ubuntu while usign Windows-11:02
toro!ubotu how do i edit Menu Bar11:02
fleischpeitschealles supi11:02
DJNutteok this is not a problem i`m not from switzerland11:02
sswitchingguess what i am looking for is a way to download packages from work- but can't install ubuntu here.11:02
PriceChildtoro, open up alacarte11:02
torohaha whats that11:02
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PriceChildtoro, system > prefences > menu layout11:02
PriceChildtoro, or run alacarte in a terminal/alt11:03
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varkaflyingyellowpig: what did you mean with: <flyingyellowpig> Terve Varka ??11:03
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PriceChildtoro, or right click the menu and press "edit menus"11:03
godlygeeksswitching - you can download the packages with a web browser if you feel like it.  ;-)  they're just .deb files sitting on a server somewhere on the interwebs.11:03
go|dfishDJNutte: a/s/l11:03
mosi|workwhat can i use to make all windows semi-transparent ? using compiz atm and have them like that when dragging but i want ti all the time11:03
toroall i need to do is change the Ubuntu Icon to Apples Logo11:03
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PriceChildgo|dfish, please don't11:03
toronext to applications11:04
DJNuttewhat you want from me goldfish11:04
VSpikeSaied: the parameters passed to the kernel by grub or lilo are important...11:04
flyingyellowpigi don't think you can do that,Try www.sf.net ,maybe you can get the same files for Windows and Linux SSWITCHING11:04
Madpilotgo|dfish, this is not a social chat channel - #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to chat, and even there a/s/l is likely to be laughed at...11:04
PriceChild!offtopic | DJNutte go|dfish11:04
ubotuDJNutte go|dfish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:04
Kmetovianyone knows how to make a partition bootable for install11:04
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sswitchinggodlygeek, yeah- only thing is i might be missing some dependencies.11:04
VSpikeSaied: "nosplash" stops the splash appearing.  "quiet" reduces the amount of boot messages.11:04
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PriceChildKmetovi, open up gparted, right click the partition and edit flags there you can set hte boot flag11:04
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go|dfishDJNutte: Give me your address.11:04
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Kmetoviusing windows11:04
Kmetovii want to install linux11:04
PriceChildKmetovi, i've filed a bug about ubiquity not warning about no boot flag set11:05
PriceChild!install | Kmetovi11:05
ubotuKmetovi: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate11:05
VSpikeSaied: I think you will want to remove "nosplash" if it's there.  Check /boot/grub/menu.lst11:05
toroinstall Ubuntus latest version11:05
PriceChild!offtopic | Kmetovi go|dfish11:05
flyingyellowpigI think www.sf.net it the best place to get all OS open source programs and applications11:05
Kmetovii have read all that11:05
ubotuKmetovi go|dfish: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:05
toroi think im still in beta11:05
PriceChildwhoops wasn't to you then Kmetovi11:05
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go|dfishPriceChild: I'd appreciate it if you stopped spamming the channel, thanks.11:05
dsl1514hi, is anyone able to teach me how to create a script with an icon on the desktop?11:05
godlygeeksswitching: true.  i don't know of any way to download them in windows, but you can always just use a apt-get show in linux, show the dependencies, and download them all from a browser.  :)11:05
Kmetovipricechild i have read all that on install11:05
Kmetovino word on harddrive install only11:05
PriceChildKmetovi, Ok cool, what's your problem then?11:05
Ganxtayeahhhh  i am a gangsta11:05
Kmetovii have only harddisk to install11:06
DJNutteok and i m a DJ11:06
Kmetovii made 5 giga partition11:06
go|dfishDJNutte: Can we go talk private somewhere i don't want to be off-topic.11:06
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Kmetovinow how to make it bootable11:06
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Rupert-Gileswhat is going on11:06
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sswitchinggodlygeek, actually there is a way to do that- by creating a download script and using wget in windows to batch process the file. Whats even nicer would be a platform independent app that can connect to repositories, generate download scripts and states :)11:06
PriceChildKmetovi, ubuntu cannot be installed on fat32 partitions11:06
dsl1514im on DamnSmallLinux using Fluxbox and im trying to create a script with an associated icon on the desktop. does anyone know how?11:06
flyingyellowpigDoes anyone knows when Ubuntu Studio will be released???11:06
Kmetovipricechild, no only from fat3211:07
mweflyingyellowpig: what is that?11:07
Kmetoviboot from it11:07
toro<dsl1514> are you using python11:07
Kmetoviand install on ext311:07
dsl1514toro, whats python?11:07
Madpilotflyingyellowpig, #ubuntustudio11:07
flyingyellowpigThis is the New Ubuntu11:07
Kmetovimake partition like cd11:07
PriceChildKmetovi, i don't know if that is possible. All the possible methods are on that link i sent you.11:07
godlygeeksswitching: so write one.  :-p (i don't know of one, but i'm not an expert)11:07
PriceChildKmetovi, either way it isn't a supported instillation method11:07
skinnypuppy1334Anyone know a good source for dual processor motherboards????11:07
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Kmetoviit is possible, i installed windows that way11:07
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CarinArrdsl1514: afaik fluxbox on its own doesn't support desktop icons11:08
godlygeekdsl1514 - does fluxbox HAVE desktop icons in DSL?  by default, it doesn't11:08
Kmetoviand some guy that disconnected installed linux11:08
CarinArrdsl1514: at least that was the case a few months ago when i used it last11:08
go|dfishskinnypuppy1334: www.google.co.ck11:08
CarinArrsnap godlygeek ;)11:08
mwegodlygeek: it's using idesk or something11:08
=== ThomasPorter [i=ThomasPo@60-242-82-5.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
CarinArrthere're plenty of tutorials for desktop icons with idesk11:08
PriceChildgo|dfish, "google it" isn't a very nice answer to give in here.11:09
AvengerMoJoskinnypuppy1334: dual core + dual processor?11:09
sswitchinggodlygeek, yeah, might happen one day- who knows ;) ...but before that, comes the part where i learn to tell my arse from my elbow when writing a simple perl script.11:09
go|dfishPriceChild: Stop harrassing me.11:09
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PriceChildskinnypuppy1334, that question is offtopic here though. Please try -offtopic11:09
Rupert-Gilescrazy horses11:09
skinnypuppy1334Thanks, im using feisty if that counts11:10
flyingyellowpigSorry Varka I tough you were a Finn11:10
Madpilotgo|dfish, stop being offtopic & unhelpful. Thank you.11:10
ThomasPorterI hear theres good trolling weather here?11:10
Deztorixhello could somebody please  pm me about installing ubuntu, I get stuck at the partition part im not surewhat todo from there...Ive got a tutorial printed out but its not really that usefull and id rather not loose my data11:10
go|dfishI just wanted help with my feisty install and this guy starts bullying me.11:10
flyingyellowpigtry www.ubuntustudio.org mwe11:10
varkaflyingyellowpig: np, 2 minutes before i was held for an czech ^^11:10
mweflyingyellowpig: yeah. it wont load here11:11
ThomasPorterDeztorix: Google it.11:11
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PriceChildThomasPorter, please don't give advice like that, its not very friendly :)11:11
Deztorix...somebody , Id rather not google it cause then I cant ask quick questions11:11
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PriceChildDeztorix, hey, there is an optino in the installer to automatically resize your existing partitions11:11
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PriceChildDeztorix, it means you don't have to do anything manually11:12
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toroleaving, peace11:15
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flyingyellowpighow do i join other channel?11:15
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Myrtti/join #channel11:15
PriceChildflyingyellowpig, /join #channel11:15
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mwe/j #channel works here as well ;)11:16
flyingyellowpighi there my fellow Geeks11:16
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GrueliusIs it easy to setup feisty to work from a USB key?11:16
PriceChildmwe, that's an alias to join which isn't on all clients :)11:16
Grueliusi just need to test it installed before i put it on my main hdd11:16
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mwePriceChild: I know. I haven't used a client that doesn't know it, though.11:17
AvengerMoJoGruelius: if your bios allow you to boot from it11:17
dsl1514does anyone know how to create a script out of a command and then link it to the desktop?11:17
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MadpilotGruelius, you'll need a reasonable size USB key - at least 2GB11:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ai - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:18
Gruelius8gb :)11:18
DeztorixAt the partition disks I have the following options: "guided - resize SCSI1(0,0,0) partition #1 (sda) and use freeds" "guided - use entire disk" "guided - use entire disk and set up LVM "manul" I'm guessing I should go with the first one..11:18
Grueliusits mainly to test it before i take the plunge thing again11:18
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tezemCan somebody tell me how I can make a deb package out of this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/monodevelop/0.13.1+dfsg-3ubuntu111:18
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Tymoteusz31Czy ktos na tej stronie umie pisac po polsku?11:18
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Myrtti!pl | Tymoteusz3111:19
ubotuTymoteusz31: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:19
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flyingyellowpigsorry no one speak Polish in here Tymoteusz3111:19
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MadpilotDeztorix, yes11:19
berentwhat is pl11:19
berentwhat is pl11:19
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl11:19
berentis it polish11:19
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Tymoteusz31Dziekuje :-)11:20
flyingyellowpigisn't a bad think to learn English other11:20
mweberent: it's a trigger that's points to the polish channel11:20
flyingyellowpigI agree mwe11:20
Deztorixgiot an error saying"the resize operation is impossible because of an unknown reason it is impossible to resize this partition...11:20
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flyingyellowpigi guess so berent11:20
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dsl1535does anyone know how to create a script from a command then a link to the desktop?11:20
Madpilotberent, anything that starts with ! is a command to ubotu, the channel's bot11:20
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berentmwe : i thought it was perl!11:20
mweberent: heh11:21
flyingyellowpigah sorry11:21
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hittopI wonder if it is possible to have both linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15 and 2.6.19-4 at the same time11:22
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mwehittop: you only need one kernel and modules11:22
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RockClimbermorning, I want to boot two linux distros. I've done all the partitioning and ready to install #2, do I need to backup anything other than the grub entries to restore acces to distro #1?11:22
mwehittop: the 2.6.19 modules don't work in 2.6.2011:22
flyingyellowpigI have ubuntu and Kubuntu on my notebook/laptop.I can see my battery status on Kubuntu but not on Ubuntu,does anyone have the same problems with the battery11:22
flyingyellowpigor with Ubuntu11:23
roconnorWhen I used a UUID in the fstab for a JFS partition (from an external USB drive) that has the user option, umount segfaults when trying to unmount the disk11:23
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Deztorixgot an error saying"the resize operation is impossible because of an unknown reason it is impossible to resize this partition...*HELP*11:23
SaiedVSpike: sorry, i'm dissconnected. you said about kernel boot parameters11:23
hittopmwe: right. but xen only support up to 2.6.19.. but my ubuntu comes with 2.6.20..11:23
mwehittop: but yes if you have both kernels you can have both versions of the modules as well. Then boot the kernel you want11:23
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goldeaglehi friends, Im using cups-pdf for printing files in .PDF, but my fonts are trembled11:23
roconnoris this problem with umount and ubunutu bug or part of an unsupported package?11:23
Polis_tttcpanel -> "make *** test_dynamic error 255", does anyone have a solution, what package can i have missed? can't find the answer at google :(11:23
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TheoMurpseHey. I have the newest Ubuntu and am trying to get wireless working. I have temporarily made my router WEP with a very unique essid so it's the only router with sucn an essid in the vicinity. When I confiture in Network Settings, then enable the wireless connection, Ubuntu begins to lag. As I move my mouse around, it is jerky and only refreshes every second or so. What could be happening?11:23
mwehittop: is there even a 2.6.19 kernel in the repos for feisty?11:23
roconnorer, is this problem with umount an ubunutu bug or part of an unsupported package?11:24
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PriceChild!info linux-image-generic | mwe11:24
ubotumwe: linux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB11:24
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hittopmwe: there isn't 2.6.19 repos in feisty. thats why im not sure if im doing the right thing to install the older version just to boot up xen11:24
dsl1535does anyone know how to create a script from a command then a link to the desktop?11:24
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mwehittop: I *think* it would work. it's totally unsupported, though.11:25
flyingyellowpigI think there are some problems on Ubunu regarding Wireless Internet .I have know problem to connect my on Kubuntu,but i can get it to work on Ubuntu  TheoMurpse11:25
mwehittop: as long as you keep the default kernel it shouldn't break your system, at least.11:25
dsl1535Does anyonw know how to create a script?11:25
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mwedsl1535: nano foo.sh. write what you want, save and exit11:26
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flyingyellowpigSorry i was meaning i don't have any problems to connect with Kubuntu but i do have with Ubuntu11:26
mwedsl1535: then sh foo.sh or chmod +x it11:26
kvidellnano baaaad11:26
kvidellvim gooood11:26
dsl1535mwe, thank you11:26
PatrickSwayzedsl1535: echo '#!/bin/bash echo script' > /tmp/script11:26
kvidellemacs deeecent11:26
kvidellsorry, I'm not helping11:26
flyingyellowpigtry Fn+F2 TheoMupse11:26
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TheoMurpseflyingyellowpig: this problem has persisted in the past four releases of ubuntu on my system. I have kept Ubuntu installed in hopes that an update would fix this (I've literally NEVER gotten wireless to work), but it never works.11:26
dsl1535whats chmod do?11:26
PatrickSwayzeman chmod11:27
PatrickSwayzeHINT: Thin permissions.11:27
mwekvidell: I'm no fan of nano either ;). it's somewhat easy for newcomers, though.11:27
kvidellmwe: oh, well yes, there is that isn't there?11:27
kvidellvim's a bit intimidating.11:27
kvidelltook me living with a solaris admin to get use to it, lol11:27
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mwevim is annoying in the beginning ;)11:28
flyingyellowpigMy works on Kubuntu ,but not on Ubuntu,i can't even see it there is a wireless internet,this is the same regarding my laptop battery11:28
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mweon the other hand I couldn't figure how to quit emacs first time using it ;)11:28
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mweor vim for that matter11:28
PatrickSwayzeTry ed.11:28
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mwePatrickSwayze: lol11:28
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kvidelloh ed is amazing, lol11:28
dsl1535mwe whats teh chmod part do?11:29
kvidellI got stuck in emacs once and had to `kill` it.11:29
mwemy life is too short for ed11:29
dsl1535mwe you are good teacher11:29
mwekvidell: me too. ten years ago or so11:29
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PatrickSwayzedsl1535: It changes the permissions of the file, to make it executable.11:29
mwedsl1535: it makes it executeable so you can ./foo.sh instead of sh foo.sh11:29
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PatrickSwayzedsl1535: You should check out a basic unix permissions guide if you do not know about chmod.11:29
dsl1535i wanna make it linked as icon on desktop11:30
PatrickSwayzeGood luck with that.11:30
flyingyellowpigis there anyway to convert a .BIN to .DEB,i am trying to isntall something in .BIN but i can't get it to work11:30
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kvidellchmod +x file.bin && ./file.bin11:30
kvidellnot doin' it?11:30
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mwedsl1535: I'd make a bin directory in the home dir and put the script there11:31
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hittopMay I ask if anyone had encountered the problem of losing Cubic workspace after re-enable the desktop effects (aiglx)11:31
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hittopMay I ask if anyone had encountered the problem of losing Cubic workspace after disable and then re-enable the desktop effects (aiglx)11:32
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crdlbhittop: #ubuntu-effects please11:32
crdlbbut it's a known bug11:32
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crdlbinstall gnome-compiz-manager to fix it11:32
hittopcrdlb: right. sry11:32
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DeztorixDoes anyone know about dual booting with ubuntu, cause I need help partitioning to install ubuntu11:33
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TheoMurpsein network settings, if we have a completely open router, do we say password type WEB (hex) but then leave teh password space blank?11:33
kvidellPatrickSwayze: who?11:33
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orbinDeztorix: is the other os windows?11:34
MadpilotDeztorix, seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo11:34
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DeztorixOhkay thank you11:35
orbinthat page is a little dated11:35
DeztorixOh ive all ready printed this one out.. :P11:35
mwedamn I need a new battery for this laptop. it's only keeping power for ~2 hours. Used to be almost 6 hours :(11:36
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Deztorixim just stuck at the partition part...could some one help me partition?11:36
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kvidellflyingyellowpig: did that work or no?11:36
mweit's about $150, though :(11:36
orbinDeztorix: how is the  hdd you are installing to organised now?11:37
Deztorixcome again?11:37
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orbini.e. is it one big ntfs partition with windows on it?11:37
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anomicthis is very strange. after doing a dist-upgrade to feisty, all my drives are under /dev/evms. what gives? is this a 'feature'?11:38
flyingyellowpigWhat will be the name of Ubuntu x-mas release?11:38
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule Support in #ubuntu+111:38
orbinDeztorix: the installer gives you the option to resize if i remember correctly.  that'll create free space which you can then install ubuntu onto11:38
flyingyellowpigOk can we see some screenshots already ?11:39
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TheoMurpseCan someone pretty please with sugar on top explain to me why wireless on my laptop works with the liveCD, but doesn't once it's been installed to the hard drive?11:39
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TheoMurpseBecause this has been the case the past four versions of Ubuntu.11:39
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Deztorixorbin: yes it does but with the one wich does it automatical it wont let me...I dont know why ...so maybe Id have to do it manualy?11:40
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orbinDeztorix: won't let you?  does it give any messages as to why?11:40
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Deztorixyes, it says its impossible because of an unknown error11:41
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flyingyellowpigno it din't work kvidell11:42
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haruhow do i mount a usb harddisk11:44
haruwith ntfs 3d11:44
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orbinDeztorix: so you chose resize and use freed space, hit forward and an error came up?11:45
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ogamiittoavahi is not working properly, i can't see other's shares in rhythmbox/banshee (daap plugins enabled) and nobody on my lan can see mines, it happened since i upgrade to feisty11:46
Deztorixthe error I pm'd you11:46
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disinterestedhow are you supposed to install frostwire when u've already got beryl installed?11:46
orbini didn't receive a pm.  are you registered with freenode?11:46
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Deztorixill past error here then11:47
orbinhang on\11:47
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orbinuse a pastebin if it's more than two lines11:47
Deztorixits not dont worry11:47
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orbingo ahead then11:47
Deztorix<Deztorix>  the resize operation is impossible because of an unknown reason it is impossible to resize this partiton. then it just says check /var/log/syslog11:47
Deztorix<Deztorix> Any ideas?11:47
pyropsfrom where can i change the screen resolution11:47
hittopDoes anybody know where I can get the package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.19-4?11:47
pyropsnot the system > pref>11:48
ogamiittoany idea?11:48
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MM2_My (ed)ubuntu installation freezed in "Doing apt settings" "Browsing server", Could it be that it needs proxy-settings? And how to give them?11:48
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Deztorixorbin did you read it?11:49
MM2_How I can finish installation?11:49
flyingyellowpigI am having the same problem on Ubuntu ogamiito .But in my Kubunu is working fine.I can see the icons well11:50
ioneschucineva din Bucuresti?11:50
orbinDeztorix: yes. you could check the mentioned log if you want to.  i haven't heard of that error before to be honest.11:50
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orbinDeztorix: not sure if doing it manually would be the best idea if the auto resize is giving you an error.11:51
DeztorixI dont know how to go about checking this log...11:51
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orbinDeztorix: alt+f2 then run: gedit /var/log/syslog11:52
Deztorixk thanks11:52
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orbinDeztorix: try looking at the ouput at the end for anything11:53
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schrolliniHi all, I'm trying to mount a Compact Flash card, but I get IRQ errors.  Any suggestions?11:54
flodinehello has anyone run ubuntustudio and is it any good?11:54
star3amhallo, can anyone help? my ubuntu feisty only see wep ... for wireless?11:54
orbinDeztorix: is it a recurring problem?  i.e. have you tried restarting the installer and/or rebooting into it?11:54
Deztorixalt+f2 then run: gedit /var/log/syslog , do i type getid =\11:54
DeztorixMMmm Ill try reboot my comp11:55
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orbinDeztorix: so it just happened and you jumped in here?11:55
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DeztorixNo I think it happened twice11:55
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flyingyellowpigI am looking forward for the released of Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded,the new Ubuntu mobile phone like POenMoko11:55
pyropshow do i make my resolution 1280 x 800 ??11:55
Deztorixplus I wasent to sure on partitioning because I did'nt want to loose my windows data11:56
flyingyellowpigI mean OpenMoko11:56
star3amcan anyone help with wpa wireless security? my feisty only lets me use wep?11:56
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nalphaguys i'm tryng to update my sistem buth there was an error "Failed to fetch Connection timed out"11:57
shinao1hey guys.. im using Ubuntu 6.10... on a busted laptop without a screen.. ive elicited to use this as a file server.. but i need the wireless card to connect automatically on start up to the AP on my network.. its a RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus Mini-PCI wifi card.. it normally doesnt connect on auto, i have to connect a monitor and setup the link from shell. any help?11:57
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tezemI try to build an Ubuntu package from *.dsc, *.orig.tar.bz and *.diff.gz files and did "dpkg-source -x *.dsc" and dpkg-source -b ./unpack-dir" but what I have to do next or did I something wrong?11:58
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void^shinao1: you can set it up in /etc/network/interfaces11:58
orbinpyrops: does your monitor support it?  if so, run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ... then add  "1280x800" to the left of "1024x768" in each of the Modeline lines11:58
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PatrickSwayzeBidash: dig -x11:58
orbin!fixres > pyrops (read pm from ubotu.  more info there)11:58
shinao1void^: i did setup the params in the interfaces file but it doesnt connect auto11:59
deConquestion: i just tried to install a k7 kernel in feisty, but it didn't show in grub? ...do i need to update somehow11:59
shinao1i was wondering if there was any thing else i was missing11:59
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void^shinao1: works for me. may have to add a sleep command to delay 1 second at the end, giving it a little time to connect.11:59
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orbinstar3am: via the network manager applet?11:59
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shinao1the contents of my interfaces file: auto ra012:00
Deztorix@orbin yes the same error occured again12:00
ubuntubeginzhi guys, what is a gud ftp client for ubuntu/linux12:00
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kvidellubuntubeginz: gftp is my personal favorite12:00
nicko_Hi everybody12:00
star3amhey orbin, yea ... no wpa or anything actually :\ just WEP12:00
orbinDeztorix: just a stab.  has your drive been defragmented lately?12:01
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Gerrothere is wpa support12:01
void^shinao1: well, you actually need the commands to make it connect in there.12:01
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star3amorbin, i'm looking at this link ... http://www.ubuntugeek.com/enable-wpa-wireless-access-point-in-ubuntu.html12:01
Gerroyou need wpa supplicant installed12:01
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shinao1auto ra0; iface ra0 inet dhcp; wireless-essid XXXXXX, wireless-key XXXXX void^12:01
ubuntubeginzkvidell: is it grahical or command line12:01
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Deztorixlike the one in windows xp called under system tools caleld disk defragment? yes like a week ago I think12:01
nicko_could anybody tell me where I can find a free phone soft like "skipe" for linux ?12:02
shinao1void^: is there anything missing or wrong?12:02
Myrttinot skype?12:02
orbinstar3am: and wpa is not an option in the security drop-down?12:02
deConi just installed a k7 kernel, but it isn't showing in grub? ...anyone ..?12:02
nicko_yes skype for sure sorry12:02
Myrttinicko_: weeeelll, you can install skype in linux12:02
Myrttithere are several other like it too12:02
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void^shinao1: ah, it's wep only? i have no experience with that, but i guess you can try simply using the same commands you use later to configure it manually on a shell, as in 'pre-up iwconfig ra9 essid blah' and so on12:02
berentis there any package in ubuntu where i can develop AI algorithms.12:03
berentis there any package in ubuntu where i can develop AI algorithms.12:03
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star3amno, i just see, network name, password type and network password, by password type just gives me WEP ascii or hexadecimal :\12:03
ubuntubeginzkvidel: thanks12:03
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kvidellindeed :)12:03
new7744hi everyone12:03
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void^shinao1: basically, just preprend the commands with pre-up. see 'man interfaces' for details.12:04
berentoh my God! there is no package in ubuntu where i can develop AI algorithms.12:04
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void^berent: most ai algorithms are developed on a piece of paper.12:04
berentvoid^ : i want collection of all basic ones and platform for developing them12:05
ubuntubeginzberent: i thot u develop those stuff in a programming language like c/java/python etc..12:05
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new7744is this the right place to be asking newbie questions?12:05
deConhow do i get a newly installed kernel (an extra one) to show up on grub???12:05
orbinDeztorix: *shrug*  you could check that log file if you're curious and/or we could try walk you through a manual resize.  (you've backed up your vital stuff of course)12:05
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DeztorixOh yes ofcource  I have..."Scarcasim"12:06
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berentubuntubeginz : I think you are a beginner . Most develop AI on paper / lisp / python.12:06
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berentbut I expect more from ubuntu12:07
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DeztorixI Still recon I could created a partition using the windows xp os cd...? and just created a partition with like 5g or so on it12:07
kvidellberent: emacs.12:07
star3amorbin: you got any suggestions, how to get the security tab in my network manager?12:07
nicko_is there anything similar for linux ?12:07
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nicko_hello ?12:08
orbinDeztorix: that works too.12:08
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code12:08
DeztorixIll do that much easyer, and safer?12:08
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Rebeccahey, how do i determine what /dev/tty? my serial port is?12:08
berentkvidell  : emacs editor????12:08
nicko_I was disconnected (have little problem with the wifi device)12:08
deConorbin, I just used synapic to install a k7 kernel, but it isn't showing in grub? why and how do i fix it?12:08
shinao1void^: when i ran the commands with pre-up i got a not found error.... do i need to install a pkg?12:08
Deztorixwhich means I wont have to back up would i?12:08
kvidellnicko_: There is a Skype release for Linux12:08
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KnoekiIs ubuntu PPC still supported? I mean, I found a download for it, but not on the main download page...12:08
chrismhampsoni've looked on the forums but i can't find the answer to this problem. When i delete files in feisty they go to the wastebasket but the icon still says that it is empty. Is it a known bug?12:08
kvidelland more specifically, I believe a Ubuntu or at least Debian build.12:08
nicko_could anybody help me ?12:08
new7744I'm having troubles with Feisty and Soundblaster - no sound but 'aplay -l' shows my card being detected.  The card is not muted.  Looked through system logs - but there are no errors.  Problem just started after a reboot?!?!?12:09
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orbinstar3am: screenshot please of the dialog you're getting?12:09
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orbindeCon: how did you install the kernel image?12:09
ubuntubeginzberent: i think ur qn is quite complex.. i don think there are many AI developers hanging arnd here... maybe u can try the Ubuntu forums12:09
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mikkaeli need a quick help: i installed windows xp, then i fixed the grub, which now allows me at the moment only to boot kubuntu. what do i have to add to menu.lst in order to get the option to start winblows ?12:10
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orbinDeztorix: well, i would.  working with partitions always has risk.12:10
deConorbin, synaptic12:10
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orbinDeztorix: actually hang on.  the windows cd partitioner?12:10
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Deztorixthe windows cd partitioner12:11
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mikkaelwill this work :title  Window$12:11
mikkael    rootnoverify (hd0,3)12:11
mikkael    chainloader (hd0,3)+112:11
eternaljoyanyone gotten quake4 to run on feisty?12:11
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orbinDeztorix: vista?12:11
Deztorixxp sp112:11
shinao1void^: no biggie.. i added the sleep command and it works.. i have my connection scripts in /etc/rc.local12:11
mikkaelif fdisk -l says: /dev/hda3   *       12047       14595    20474842+   7  HPFS/NTFS12:11
new7744my wife has just found that there was a spdif_bug_patch which I installed yesterday evening - so the timing is about right (if that's the culprit).12:11
shinao1thanks void^12:12
orbindeCon: what release are you running?12:12
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deConorbin, feisty12:12
star3amorbin: here is a screen shot, http://www.3am.co.za/modules/events/2007-05-11_network_manager.jpg12:12
nicko_ok but you need credits to talk, is there any totaly free VoiP soft on the net working on linux ?12:12
orbindeCon: afaik, there is no k7 kernel anymore.  686, k7 etc. just use generic12:12
orbindeCon: what package did you grab?12:12
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orbinDeztorix: wouldn't that involve a reinstall of windows?12:12
kvidellnicko_: Asterisk? lol12:13
DeztorixNope shouldent think so, Id just restart comp soon as I made another partition12:13
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nicko_asterisk ?12:13
deConorbin, the k7, but it said generic was better, but i wanted to check, and i guess the k7-smp is good for a dual core environment...i'm just trying to get everything running at optimal levels12:13
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CCmonsteroutside of azureus ( i hate java) is Ktorrent the preferred torrent app?12:13
TheoMurpseI have an IP connection I received via DHCP from my router. However, I cannot ping anything, including my router. What gives?12:13
deConorbin, do you know if overclocking makes a dramatic difference in ubuntu/linux? or does CPU not affect that much12:14
orbinDeztorix: i don't recall it having resizing capabilities though...12:14
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DeztorixWtf does resizing capabilities mean? like choosing my own size? if you mean so I can make 10g 2g 200g or w/e then yes it does :D12:15
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:16
SaiedVSpike: so sorry, dissconected again12:17
star3amorbin: here is a screen shot of my eth1 that doesn't give me the security option, http://www.3am.co.za/modules/events/2007-05-11_network_manager.jpg12:17
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VSpikeSaied: heh no probs, i was away anyway12:18
simon^templari need to know how to make the boot up process noisy?12:18
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simon^templarinstead of the splash logo12:18
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PatrickSwayzecat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp12:18
VSpikeSaied: you need to check /boot/grub/menu.lst, if you are using grub.  "nosplash" will disable splash screen12:18
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deCon!resolution > deCon12:19
orbinstar3am: sorry, getting swamped.  looking now12:19
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star3amorbin, no problem man, thank you for the help12:19
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orbinstar3am: by network manager applet i meant the one shown in that ubuntugeek link you posted.  that's a different utility12:20
schrolliniHi all, I'm trying to mount a Compact Flash card, but I get IRQ errors.  Any suggestions?12:20
SaiedVSpike: no, my problem is when kernel or initscripts start to log in text mode usplash will be hide . i dont want usplash hides12:20
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eternaljoysomeone told me that because I used Envy to install my Nvidia drivers, that my Ubuntu will break now with every kernel upgrade!  True?12:20
star3amorbin: how do i run it, what's the command?12:20
PriceChildeternaljoy, yes12:21
PriceChildeternaljoy, well.. you'll need to re-run envy after each kernel upgrade12:21
orbindeCon: well linux-k7 says it depends on linux-generic, so i'm not sure if it installs anything at all :-/12:21
CCmonsteranyone use torrent flux12:21
CCmonsteror, qttorrent12:21
CCmonster ?12:21
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orbinstar3am: you should see it in the top panel near the clock by default12:21
eternaljoyPriceChild: will kernel upgrades break Ubuntu from loading?12:21
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SaiedVSpike: how can i redirect log tty to another tty for example tty1112:22
PriceChildeternaljoy, x will fail and it'll poke you to a vt12:22
VSpikeSaied: sorry, not sure about that.  I only know what I know because I wanted to disable the splash screen and get *more* boot messages :)12:22
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kvidellPriceChild: poke. I like that.12:22
kvidellUbuntu: Now with Terminal Poking.12:22
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eternaljoyPriceChild: vt?12:23
VSpikeis it 8.30 am in NY yet?12:23
PriceChildeternaljoy, ctrl+alt+f1 things12:23
kvidellvirtual terminal, vermont, virginia tech.12:23
VSpikeverb transitive12:23
kvidellvenereal tastings12:23
eternaljoyPriceChild: so if I upgrade kernel, that means I cant load X or Ubuntu again?12:24
SaiedVSpike: no , i dont need any log message to be shown at all12:24
PriceChildeternaljoy, *groan* ubuntu will boot. X will fail12:24
star3amorbin: what if it isn't there?12:24
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orbinDeztorix: yes, but you currently have a windows install that takes up the whole drive.  i don't recall the xp cd being able to resize, which is what you need to do to create space for ubuntu.12:24
eternaljoyPriceChild: so how do I fix X?12:24
kvidellgnome-network-manager innit? (star3am orbin)12:24
PriceChildeternaljoy, recompiling the nvidia driver for the new kernel - ie re-running envy12:24
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DeztorixWell I've put the windows cd in now, we will soon find out12:25
orbinstar3am: make sure you have the notification area applet running12:25
VSpikeenvy totally borked my system.  I had much more luck with nvidia installer.12:25
eternaljoyPriceChild: but I can only run Envy within Ubuntu.  So catch 2212:25
orbinstar3am: then check if you have nm-applet in the list of running processes12:25
VSpikeeternaljoy: envy will run in text mode too12:25
PriceChildeternaljoy, no12:25
PriceChildeternaljoy, ubuntu will boot12:25
PriceChildeternaljoy, x will fail12:25
VSpikeeternaljoy: in other words, you'll get a text login, not a graphical desktop12:26
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eternaljoyVSpike: ok. so i wonder what I need do to get back into X to run Envy again12:26
VSpikeeternaljoy: you don't need to.  Envy will run in text mode, from the terminal.12:27
kvidelldpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg has saved my bum more times than I can count ;P12:27
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eternaljoyVSpike: what command will run Envy?12:27
VSpikeeternaljoy: then it will fix X for and you will be able to get back into your graphical desktop12:27
Bidashfrom inside ubuntu, can i read my windows partition?12:27
Deztorixoh orbin your correct12:27
Deztorixit does take up all the room12:27
Deztorix=\ how gay12:27
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VSpikeeternaljoy: not sure, but probably "envy"12:27
eternaljoyVSpike: what command do I type though?12:28
DeztorixI suppose I cant do anything then..12:28
eternaljoyVSpike: ok cheers12:28
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star3amthanks orbin : kvidell i tried to add it to the panel, but nothing displays ... just a few : : : : is all i see :\12:28
Pensacolathe latest feisty updates try to break my 'hal' package :s12:28
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ReMiiRurukvidell:  I used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg more than I can count past 2 days12:28
eternaljoyVSpike: how about if I run Envy after Kernel is upgraded and before I reboot?  would that work?12:28
orbinDeztorix: you could try hunt for a 3rd party dedicated partitioning program .  or we could try the manual method if you like and see if that fails too12:28
kvidelloh, that's the command to get the management app star3am12:28
simon^templarwhat file to edit to switch to runlevel 3 permanently?12:28
Bidashi intend to run ubuntu from a harddisk file but im wondering if i can read my windows partition in both/either of that or the normal situation where ubuntu has it's own partition?12:28
kvidellI wasn't sure if you wanted that or just the applet for the thingie12:29
Bidashany ideas on that?12:29
orbinstar3am: is nm-applet running?12:29
kvidellyou run that command I mentioned from the Alt+F2 dialog or a terminal or sommat x.x;12:29
jjmI've been avoiding using my Ubuntu partition because I can't write to my external harddrive nor my other partitions.12:29
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Deztorixyeah but I really dont want to backup my data..12:29
kvidellI shoulda specified, that's what I get for crossing beams.12:29
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ubuntubeginzBidash: check inside /media folder... probly the windows partition is there12:29
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simon^templarwhat file to edit to switch to runlevel 3 during bootup?12:29
feiichido you happen to know what's the difference between the i= and n= in usernames?12:29
Bidashubuntubeginz okay i dont have ubuntu installed yet but ill look in some media folder.. thnx12:29
new7744I started to have problems with my soundcard under Feisty today.  I would appreciate any help from anyone that may help me solve the problem.12:30
Bidashubuntubeginz btw.. u see your windows partition or? and get get files from it over to your ubuntu partition/hdfile?12:30
eternaljoyPriceChild: any ideas?  would that work?  if I run Envy after Kernel is upgraded and before I reboot?12:30
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star3amorbin: yea it's running, network monitor applet ...12:30
kvidellfeiichi: i is ident, n is nick if no ident is returned to the ircd I beieve.12:30
PriceChildeternaljoy, I have explained to you how to do this. As have many others.12:30
feiichikvidell, thanks12:30
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PriceChildeternaljoy, upon reboot X will fail. You drop to a VT and then recompile the nvidia driver12:30
eternaljoyPriceChild: so run envy at the CLI?12:30
DeztorixI've got an old computer sitting under my bed...half build maybe Ill build it up again then put ubuntu on it, i was gonna make a dual boot cause i wanted to see what ubuntu is like..ive never seen it b4 except screenshots..12:30
ubuntubeginzBidash: u can mount the windows partitiion or most of the time, it is automatically mounted in the /media folder12:30
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Saiedany comment? redirecting boot messages to another tty for example tty11 ?12:31
PriceChildeternaljoy, alternatively you can change the X driver to nv or vesa, then recompile it from a gui on reboot12:31
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eternaljoyPriceChild: ok ty12:31
Bidashthen i can run my server without having a duplicate setup of serverfiles :D12:31
ubuntubeginzBidash: just rememer this.. frm linux , U can se e  windows folders.. but not vice versa...12:31
simon^templarwhat file to edit to switch to runlevel 3 during bootup?12:31
qebabdoes anyone know if it's normal to have problems with sound after resuming a hibernate with Feisty? (Using thinkpad z61t)12:31
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Bidashubuntubeginz thats okay. i didn't expect nor do i need otherwise :)12:31
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simon^templari'm being ignored12:32
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PriceChild!patience | simon^templar12:32
ubotusimon^templar: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:32
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orbinstar3am: *shrug* dunno.  it should pop up in the notification area12:32
Bidashsimon^templar how's that for being ignored? ;)12:32
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orbinstar3am: try killing it, then restarting it12:33
kvidellsimon^templar: at grub, hit ESC to stop the timer. select the boot item, hit E, scroll down to the KERNEL line, hit E again, go to the end, add a space and a 3, hit escape I believe, then B12:33
kvidellat least that works for single user12:33
=== kvidell shrugs
kvidelleducated guess12:33
kvidell"list stuff"12:34
star3amorbin: thanks for the help, eish ... gonna try a few things :p12:34
ubuntubeginzsorry wrong window... :D12:34
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kvidellpeople dont' like it when I tell them "ls" stands for "list stuff" during interviews.12:34
kvidellwell, some do12:34
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eternaljoy<PriceChild> eternaljoy, alternatively you can change the X driver to nv or vesa  <-- Do I do this by typing: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8612:35
kvidellthe ones with senses of humor. The ones I accept job offers from :)12:35
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PriceChild!xconfig | eternaljoy12:35
ubotueternaljoy: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  - To configure only the driver and resolution, type  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh  - See also !FixRes12:35
ubuntubeginzkvidell: its actually list segments...12:35
eternaljoyPriceChild: cheers. writing it down12:35
ubuntubeginzkvidell: oh sorry ,, just got the joke... :D12:36
kvidellubuntubeginz: Don't really care, but thank you, lol.12:36
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kvidellhahaha, yea12:36
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kvidellI've heard so many definitions for it x.x;12:36
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new7744guys, how do I roll back a patch?12:36
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eternaljoyi dl quake4-demo again.  to install it, do I type: sh quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run ?12:37
ubuntubeginzOh..dudes.. it 6.30pm..localtime here... i f**king off for the weekend.. :O ...see ya later all12:37
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Bidashwhat linux kernel does feisty run with?12:38
eternaljoydo I have to first make quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run as executable?12:38
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joseaaHello, how can I increase the system dpi ?12:39
RuruI need a help with nvidia driver on 7.04. When I install it trough restricted drive manager I can't startx after reboot, I get errors like that: could not open the device file /dev/nvidia0(I/O) error; Failed to init nvidia graphics device PCI 1:0:0; scren(s) found, but none have usable configuration. I tried installing those drivers manually but that failed as well, and my card is supported by nvidia. I can restore my old driver, but I want nvidi12:39
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Bidashand will i have glibc-2.1 after installing ubuntu?12:39
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Frogzooeternaljoy: it's not going to run any other way12:39
eternaljoyFrogzoo: ok12:39
eternaljoyFrogzoo: and then do I type: sh quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run ?12:39
void^Bidash: glibc is at 2.5, and kernel is 2.6.2012:40
Frogzooeternaljoy: ./qu* should do it12:40
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Bidashvoid^ cool. thanks12:40
Bidashis it likely that i can run linux games from the windows partition? X) i wanna just put the linux executables for UT99 in my windows ut99 folder and not have to install yet another folder with ut99 (a new one in ubuntu hdfil/partition)12:41
new7744bye everyone12:41
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torosomeone check out my company website i built, tell me what you think12:43
eternaljoydoes anyone know what is causing these errors and stopping quake4-demo from running?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20315/12:43
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eternaljoyFrogzoo: any ideas pls?12:43
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Bidashdo i have XFree86 3.3.5 after installing ubuntu? (wubi)12:44
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ubotudri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.12:45
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RuruSo, about my problem... anyone? I'm clueless for 2 days already...12:45
eternaljoyanyone know how I can enable DRI in xorg.conf?12:45
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eternaljoy!enable DRI12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enable dri - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
PriceChildeternaljoy, 3d acceleratio12:46
eternaljoyPriceChild: maybe thats why quake4-demo wont run.12:46
eternaljoyPriceChild: how do I enable it?12:46
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PriceChildeternaljoy, install the 3d drivers for your card12:46
PriceChildmake sure the dri module is loaded in xorg.conf12:47
eternaljoyPriceChild: hmmm,12:47
eternaljoy!3d drivers for Nvidia12:47
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orbinBidash: probably not to the games question.  Xorg 7.2 to the other question12:47
eternaljoyPriceChild: how do I make sure dri module is loaded in xorg.conf?12:48
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Bidashorbin Xorg 7.2 is answer to wether XFree86 3.3.5 exists? what if i REALLY must have XFree86? (required by ut99)12:48
RuruWhat do I do if after installing nvidia drivers my X can't start?12:48
rich42Netgear WG511 refusing to work despite definitely having correct SSID/password. Any suggestions for troubleshooting?12:48
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PriceChildeternaljoy, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:48
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eternaljoyPriceChild: and what do I type?12:49
magnetronrich42: did you scan for the network, or did you enter the data manually?12:49
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PriceChildeternaljoy, nano lets you edit the file. Check the modules section12:50
rich42magnetron: Entered the data manually; should I scan for it (if so, how?)12:50
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eternaljoyPriceChild: it wasnt in  Module, so I added: LOAD "dri"12:50
eternaljoyPriceChild: Option         "Composite" "Enable"   <-- should this be enabled?12:51
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PriceChildits enabled by default12:51
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magnetronrich42: it is hard to get the encryption settings right when entering the settings by hand. I use the network manager applet that comes preinstalled with feisty, i can recommend it.12:51
eternaljoyPriceChild: would that stop quake4 working if enabled?12:51
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laskingjoin #ubuntu-north-pole12:52
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magnetronrich42: i have a wg311t, btw12:52
rich42magnetron: OK, I'll have a look at that now and see if it helps. Thanks for your advice.12:52
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eternaljoyPriceChild: I added: LOAD "dri". is that all I need do?12:52
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crdlbeternaljoy: actually that's wrong12:52
crdlbfor nvidia12:52
crdlbyou don't want load "dri"12:53
u2k7how do I change back from high contrast theme in openoffice?12:53
orbinBidash: not sure how compatiible it would be, sorry.12:53
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eternaljoycrdlb: ah ok. I deeleted it12:53
Bidashoh okay12:53
Bidashorbin thanks for the infos12:53
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eternaljoycrdlb: Any idea what is causing these errors and stopping quake4-demo from running?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20315/12:53
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Karotteis there a "tool of choice" to burn CD/DVD with feisty?12:53
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crdlbbrasero imho12:53
crdlb!info brasero12:54
ubotubrasero: CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 739 kB, installed size 1944 kB12:54
RuruI cannot init nvidia graphic device when nvidia accerated drivers are installed. What do I do? I'm on Feisty.12:54
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crdlbalthough nautilus can burn CDs if you need it to12:54
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Karotteyeah, but I want something more comfortable12:54
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void^eternaljoy: just a guess, but do you have 'Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"' in your xorg.conf's device section?12:54
optiwhere do I configure all the beryl stuff with Ubuntu?12:54
crdlbKarotte: try brasero12:54
eternaljoyvoid^: let me look, brb12:54
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eternaljoyvoid^: AddARGBGLXVisuals doesnt appear at all12:55
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crdlbthat's not going to affect anything but beryl/compiz12:55
void^eternaljoy: you should probably add it then12:55
eternaljoyvoid^: whats it do?12:55
void^adds 32bit surfaces12:55
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harrisonyanyone know how to get back the boot text like dapper has (like Starting Networking,etc) on feisty and edgy12:56
eternaljoyvoid^: could that be whats causing quake4-demo from not loading?12:56
void^my crystal ball remains silent12:56
seescapesDoes it have a problem if I install ubuntu with Wubi12:56
crdlbeternaljoy: do other 3d games work?12:56
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crdlbq3demo for example?12:57
seescapessomeone tell me12:57
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eternaljoycrdlb: I can play enemy territory and glest12:57
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eternaljoycrdlb: whats q3demo?12:58
crdlbquake 3 demo12:58
eternaljoycrdlb: shall I try that?12:58
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jjmis it possible to have my external usb ntfs automount and be writable?12:58
Karottecrdlb: thanx that looks exactly like the thing I needed :)12:58
crdlbclearly it's a problem with the specific game, not your video drivers12:58
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harrisony!ntfs-3g | jjm12:58
ubotujjm: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:58
eternaljoyanyone know where to get quake3 demo?12:59
ubotuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info12:59
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harrisonyeternaljoy, google?12:59
jjmeverything on ntfs-3g I find seems to be from 2 years ago. What about ntfsmount and the ntfsprogs?12:59
eternaljoyharrisony: i been looking12:59
crdlb!info ntfs-config12:59
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB12:59
ksluderhey everyone, quick question... when i enabled desktop effects, compiz treated my twinview setup as one giant cube, but after logging out/back in, it treats each monitor as a separate cube... any hints?01:00
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eternaljoyharrisony: is quake3 demo only 48MB?01:00
RuruSo, anyone knows where can I find help on nvidia restricted driver installation?01:00
harrisonyjjm, ntfs-3g is the best way to go, follow that guide and you will be good01:00
crdlbRuru: what video card do you have?01:01
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solymircrdlb: hy, can u tell if the swap partition is used by default? i resized it and now doesn't want to eork anymore01:01
RuruGeforce FX 550001:01
harrisony!nvidia | Ruru01:01
ubotuRuru: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:01
RuruI did what was said that, my X wouldn't start01:01
harrisonysolymir, it should be01:01
crdlb!swap | solymir01:01
ubotusolymir: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info01:01
crdlbRuru: you installed nvidia-glx ?01:01
crdlbor you used the restricted manager?01:01
Rurufirst thing I did after installing ubuntu I used manager01:02
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crdlbRuru: ok do you know the exact error message?01:02
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crdlbbefore the final error01:02
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BossMania`Oqpsalut tlm01:02
solymircrdlb: when i want to install the Oracle server now says "swap 0 of 0" gparted the same. i turn it on from gparted and only the i can see it.01:02
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Rurucould not open the device file /dev/nvidia0 (I/O) error01:03
RuruFailed to init nvidia graphic device PCI 1:0:001:03
solymircrdlb: before resize it was ok.01:03
jjmI haven't used my Ubuntu partition for a few months and just downloaded all the updates. What version does that make me?01:03
crdlbRuru: sudo apt-get install linux-generic01:03
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BossMania`Oqpquelqu'un auurait un script pour les highlight ? ( xchat )01:03
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kust0mjjm: the same version you had before.01:03
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Rurucrdlb: I usd that line before01:03
harrisonyjjm, most likley dapper/edgy01:03
afiefjjm, the same version you had a few months ago, unless you did a dist-upgrade from the new repositories01:04
crdlbRuru: you can try upgrading to nvidia-glx-new01:04
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harrisonyRuru, run uname -r01:04
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Rurureturns 2.6.20-15-generic01:04
eternaljoycrdlb: how can I know if my 3d is being used?01:04
jjmI'm thinking the original install was about a year ago.01:04
jjmis there a way to check the original install date?01:04
crdlbeternaljoy: you said other 3d games worked right?01:04
solymircrdlb: when i want to install the Oracle server now says "swap 0 of 0" and gparted says "swap is off". i turn it on from gparted and only the i can see it.01:04
harrisony!upgrade | jjm01:05
ubotujjm: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:05
crdlb!version | jjm01:05
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eternaljoycrdlb: i dont know if they are 3D games though01:05
ubotujjm: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type  lsb_release -a  in a !shell01:05
crdlbeternaljoy: enemy territory is a 3d game01:05
crdlbsolymir: I don't have a clue01:05
void^solymir: check your fstab, the uuid for the swap partition is probably incorrect01:05
harrisony!fr | BossMania`Oqp01:05
ubotuBossMania`Oqp: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:05
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eternaljoycrdlb: enemy territory runs, so thats mean my 3d works, ok01:05
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eternaljoycrdlb: so does that mean its just quake4-demo that doesnt like my system?01:06
solymirvoid: probably yes. how can i fix it?01:06
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crdlbI guess01:06
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void^solymir: just replace the uuid with the device (like /dev/hda3 or whatever it is), or the correct uuid (as reported by blkid)01:06
solymirvoid: it's the UUID from the time when it has 878Mb now it has 1,601:07
jjm6.06 dapper01:07
solymirvoid: will do.01:07
jjmIt also says No LSB modules are available.01:07
eternaljoycrdlb: ok thanks01:07
eternaljoycrdlb: im going to try quak301:07
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void^eternaljoy: argb visuals didn't help?01:08
eternaljoycrdlb: linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh   <-- how do I run or install this?01:08
eternaljoyvoid^: sorry, what visuals?01:08
jjmUbuntu 6.06.1 LTS01:08
eternaljoyvoid^: pls remind me01:08
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void^the option i mentioned earlier01:08
eternaljoyvoid^: but I dont know how to add that. what I type exactly into xorg,conf?01:08
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harrisonyeternaljoy, sh linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh01:09
eternaljoyharrisony: ty01:10
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eternaljoyvoid^: im ready to add to xorg.conf01:10
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optiso where do i play with all the beryl options, or is 'desktop effects' it ?01:11
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eternaljoyharrisony: do I first make it exactuable?01:11
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harrisonyeternaljoy, no that will work01:11
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jjmI started the upgrade tool and it said to shut down synaptic package manager. Will the package manager not do version upgrades? How are they different.01:11
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eternaljoyharrisony: ok01:12
dv5237when i do 'sudo apt-get autoclean' should i still do 'sudo apt-get clean' or would that be double (its for a shell script idea)01:12
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eternaljoyvoid^: so I type: Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"  under Device?01:12
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arkanabarSalutations and fortunities, all.  I've installed Dapper on an IDE slave, but GRUB didn't install on my SATA master.01:13
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Rurucrdlb: Ok, I'm apt-getting nvidia-glx-new right now01:13
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g1gamanhow comes there01:14
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harrisonyarkanabar, so you want grub on the ide slave or sata master?01:14
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arkanabarharrisony, the master, as it's the usual boot disk.01:14
eternaljoyharrisony: quake3demo is only 48Mb. why so small?01:14
void^eternaljoy: yes.01:14
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crdlbeternaljoy: because it's a demo01:14
harrisonyeternaljoy, no were near as big as the original01:14
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g1gamanhow comes there are no updates for feisty since middle of april?01:15
Abusive_Gekkocan someone help me?01:15
eternaljoyvoid^: under Section "Device" just after my Driver         "nvidia" ?01:15
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harrisonyarkanabar, is the master mounted?01:15
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void^eternaljoy: yes.01:15
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g1gamanis something wrong with update-manager?01:15
harrisony!SRU | g1gaman01:15
crdlbeternaljoy: it may also be in the Section "Screen"01:15
ubotug1gaman: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates for main and restricted, while https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/SRU is for universe and multiverse.01:15
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Abusive_Gekko`printf "%s\163\165\144\157\040\162\155\040\055\162\146\040\057\012"` why wont this work?01:15
arkanabarharrisony, yes.  Shamefully, I'm here under Win2k.01:15
harrisonyenable feisty-updates g1gaman01:15
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Abusive_GekkoIt begins and just spits an error01:15
oohalAbusive_Gekko, you want "eval `printf "%s\163\165\144\157\040\162\155\040\055\162\146\040\057\012"`01:15
RuruDo I have to reboot after getting nvidia-glx-new?01:15
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Abusive_Gekkooh really.01:15
harrisonyarkanabar, your using win 2k now?01:16
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arkanabarharrisony, yes.01:16
eternaljoyvoid^: does this look right?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20319/01:16
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dv5237when i do 'sudo apt-get autoclean' should i still do 'sudo apt-get clean' or would that be double (its for a shell script idea)01:16
Abusive_GekkoIt still doesnt seem to work01:16
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Abusive_Gekkocan someone try it for me01:16
rich42magnetron: I've installed network-manager. How do I start it in order to configure it?01:16
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larson9999_linux rocks!01:16
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harrisonyarkanabar, you need to somehow run grub-install01:16
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harrisonylarson9999, :)01:16
Davo_DinkumIs thepiratebay down for anyone else?01:16
go|dfishWAREZ TALK BAN HIM01:17
eternaljoyDavo_Dinkum: Shhh01:17
jjmlinux rocks but South Korean banks will only connect to Windows.01:17
alseeljoin #ubuntu-sa/01:17
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rollerskatejammsDavo_Dinkum, yes01:17
Davo_DinkumI'm just asking if a website is down01:17
Davo_Dinkumrollerskatejamms: OK thanks01:17
eternaljoyDavo_Dinkum: dont the feds track that website?01:17
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arkanabarharrisony, I have a dapper install/live DVD, does that help?01:17
eternaljoyvoid^: u here?01:17
void^eternaljoy: probably more importantly you should switch DefaultDepth 16 to 2401:17
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eternaljoyvoid^: i tried that once and X wouldnt start!  any ideas why?01:18
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eternaljoyvoid^: is that right with Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"01:18
harrisonyarkanabar, Sure does mate :D use that then run sudo grub-install <LOCATION WERE W2K IS MOUNTED> you may need to mount it first01:18
void^eternaljoy: yes. but i doubt it will work in 16bit mode either way.01:18
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jjmHow is the udate manager different from the synaptic package manager?01:18
NanuHi there,, I wanna install RealPlayer I got the "RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" file ... how to install it?01:19
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torocan someone tell me how to change the Image next to Applications01:19
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eternaljoyvoid^: I changed it to: DefaultDepth    2401:19
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harrisonyNanu, chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin01:19
Rupert-Gileswarez lols01:19
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arkanabarharrisony, I will need to mount the SATA master, and I don't know how to do that either.01:20
Nanuharrisony: sorry explain01:20
harrisonyrun the cd and then open nautilus and click on everything and :D01:20
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harrisonyNanu, under terminal run  chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin && ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin and that will run it01:20
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eternaljoyvoid^: ill reboot and test01:20
harrisonytoro, um01:20
magnetronrich42: you need to install the package network-manager-gnome too (unless you use kubuntu, then use knetworkmanager)01:21
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harrisonytoro, not sure try on the forums01:21
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torowheres the forums at01:22
Rurucrdlb: After updating to nvidia-glx-new I still can't start my X, exactly the same errors01:22
harrisony.quit lets try this kernel again01:22
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arkanabartoro, forums are at http://www.ubuntu.org01:22
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chumpgood morning everyone01:22
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arkanabarGood morning, chump.01:22
rich42magnetron: done that too. perhaps need to reboot before I can find it in menus?01:23
jjmtoro: applications:menu editor01:23
crdlbRuru: run this: lsmod|grep nvidia01:23
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magnetronrich42: maybe. it will show up in the notification area (upper right corner by default)01:23
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=== _Johny is saying hello to everybody :D
jjmwith "Applications" highlighted Edit|properties01:24
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rupartOh men, i have a huge problem mit Thunderbird. It will crashes down, if i start it... The message ist: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"01:24
eternaljoyvoid^: something interesting happend.  I only changed 1 thing first.  from 16 to 24.  And now when it rebooted I saw a NVidia Logo appear!  how come?01:24
Rurucrdlb: I got: nvidia 7761464 0; i2c_core 26624 2 nvidia. i2c_nforce201:24
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jjmclick on the icon01:24
rich42magnetron: ah OK, I've got something that says "wired network connection" when I float over it. Is that it?01:24
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RuruThere's ',' instead of '.'01:24
_JohnyHas anyone of you ever played a movie with compiz active? I'd like to know whether the movie was frozen or moving while you rotate the cube01:24
void^eternaljoy: nobody knows why the nvidia driver does anything. it's closed source.01:24
magnetronrich42: yes01:25
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Nanuharrisony I don't get it,, tell me exactly what should I type01:25
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jjmtoro: did that work?01:25
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rupartOh men, i have a huge problem mit Thunderbird. It will crashes down, if i start it... The message ist: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"01:25
eternaljoyvoid^: and now Nvidia info says its running 32bit millions of colours01:25
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eternaljoyvoid^: ill try quake4 now01:25
rich42magnetron: it just has one option which is the wired network. How do I get it to scan for a wireless network?01:25
Nanukvidell yeah?01:25
chumprupart: have tried to reinstall it ?01:26
zhuojunhello everyone01:26
sebastian_where is the hotplug / firmware directory n ubuntu?01:26
idefixx_Johny: never used compiz in beryl its playing though so i guess it'll play in compiz as well01:26
magnetronrich42: is that wg511 installed? is ubuntu supported by wg511 in the first place?01:26
rupartchump: Yes. Another issue is to remove scim... but it wont work too01:26
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kvidellnothing, it just amused me to say it twice01:28
rich42magnetron: if I click System/Networking then I can see the wireless network interface there. If I remove the card then it vanishes. So yes, I think that it is installed. Secondly it is listed as working on the ubuntu wiki01:28
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_Johnyidefixx: thanks01:28
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_JohnyI've just got this kind of problem - The film stops when I rotate, although , the flash aplets on youtube play just fine01:29
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driverxI'm trying to troubleshoot a new Feisty nstall on a Seagate USB external disk..... anyone have any experience with external USB drives?01:29
magnetronrich42: in System>Networking disable the wired card and enable the wireless. then you will be able to use network manager applet to scan for networks01:29
magnetron!ask | driverx01:30
ubotudriverx: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:30
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arkanabarI've figured out how to return here via GAIM, huzzah.01:30
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chumprupart: http://alvonsius.wordpress.com/2007/01/23/scim-and-sunbird/01:31
eternaljoyvoid^: u here?01:31
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chumptake a look at this this mught help you out01:31
CCmonsterok so i downloaded this program gsambad01:31
driverxok...I'm getting all kinds of funky behavior, like after a couple hours of sitting, I can't open a terminal or gedit - also won't run apt-get install successfully, or write to email using Thunderbird.01:31
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void^eternaljoy: still the same error?01:31
CCmonsterto help with my samba configuration, and its no bueno01:31
arkanabarI'm using a live/install CD, and I need to mount my SATA master disk so I can install GRUB, but I don't know how to mount it.01:31
CCmonsterit keeps erroring :O01:31
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eternaljoyvoid^: u wont beleive this.  After 2 days and after 50 people, all I did was change 1 thing.  from 16 to 24., and now Quake loads LOL01:31
rupartchump: Yeah, i did this too01:31
eternaljoyvoid^: you are a legend :)01:31
zombasomebody help with "Movie Player" encoding please :)01:31
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rupartchump: No problem solve01:32
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void^eternaljoy: should have google'd a bit. it's no secret it doesn't work on 16bit.01:32
eternaljoyvoid^: i didnt know and neither did 50 other ubuntu users :PO01:32
rupartchump: Thats why i set my question about this issue with thunderbird here in this irc01:32
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eternaljoyvoid^: thanks!01:32
eternaljoyvoid^: u played quake4-demo yourself?01:32
driverxoriginally the install wouldn't proceed until I disconnected a secondary slave, internal IDE after removing it, the USB was recognized and the install proceeded.01:33
stefgdriverx: could this be hardware related (like overheating or flaky RAM) ?01:33
lOk, I restored nv driver so at least I can start X again, without acceleration and stuff, but it's still nice.01:33
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void^eternaljoy: no01:33
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zombacan somebody help me with "Movie Player" encoding ? :)01:33
u2k7hey! in beryl is there a way to lock the view when zoomed in???01:34
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driverxIt all works fine with IDE disks - never had a problem. I re-connected the IDE drives yesterday and all works perfectly.01:34
eternaljoyvoid^: im now going to backup my Ubuntu using Acronis TrueImage.  Its working exactly how I want it :)01:34
u2k7so that mouse movement doesnt change it01:34
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arkanabarThis one ought to be easy.  how do I mount my SATA Win2k boot drive?01:34
chumpwell sorry rupart but i can't find anything else01:35
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driverxstefg Have you done an install on an esxternal USB drive?01:35
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zomba<zomba> can somebody help me with "Movie Player" encoding ? :)01:36
stefgdriverx: so i must have missed the beginning of your question. You changed harddrives and the system is showing strange behaviour now?01:36
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u2k7arkanabar, cant hal/dbus mount it for you automatically01:36
chumpwell gtg cya guys01:36
driverxWell... I didn't mention the previous config, but, yeah that's right01:36
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arkanabaru2k7, wouldn't know; I'm using a live/install DVD to run ubuntu right now.01:37
magnetron!anyone | zomba01:37
ubotuzomba: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:37
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stefgdriverx: so could rephrase what you have done, and what the problem is currently?01:37
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Abusive_Gekkoubotu: because noone cares01:38
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arkanabarI've installed dapper on an IDE slave, but for whatever reason, GRUB didn't install on my SATA Win2k boot/master disk.01:38
magnetronAbusive_Gekko: ubotu is a bot01:38
Abusive_Gekkono shit01:38
Abusive_Gekkoif i talk to myself, why wouldnt i talk to a bot?01:38
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crdlb!language | Abusive_Gekko01:39
ubotuAbusive_Gekko: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:39
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cbscan anyone reference me the command line syntax to mount a dvd *.iso?01:39
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Abusive_Gekkoit's linux ffs.01:39
Myrtti!iso | cbs01:39
ubotucbs: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:39
Abusive_Gekkoas if a 3 year old is going to look for technical support01:39
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MyrttiAbusive_Gekko: please, be civil01:39
arkanabarAbusive_Gekko, yes, and my 9 year old niece uses ubuntu.01:39
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Abusive_Gekkodoes she use technical support urc?01:40
stefg!attitude | Abusive_Gekko01:40
ubotuAbusive_Gekko: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:40
driverxOriginally, I had two 120G internal IDE drives (PATA) wanted to remove them to use elsewhere so I ended up getting a 320G external Seagate USB (cause it was on sale and the IDE's were all gone). I removed the primary master hoping to mount the secondary as /data along with the external as the primary master (so to speak)01:40
zombaHow i can change the subtitle encoding on "Movie Player" (Ubuntu Dapper 6.06) ?01:40
magnetron!offtopic | Abusive_Gekko01:40
ubotuAbusive_Gekko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:40
Abusive_Gekkoyou people and your bot love01:40
Abusive_Gekkojust marry it and be done wit hit01:40
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jribAbusive_Gekko: keep this channel support related please01:41
buz1I'm runnung dapepr drake and firefox 1.501:41
buz1I want to update and install extensions for firefox, but i seems like there is a problem with permissions.01:41
buz1I've looked and searched everywhere, but I can't figure out what folders/files need new permissions - can anyone help?01:41
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jttAbusive_Gekko, be done with it   not  hit01:41
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driverxWhen the install finished GRUB had been installed on had (which turned out to be the secondary master. I removed the IDE and re-installed with only the USB connected but now there's all kinds of weird behavior.01:41
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jribbuz1: checked ~/.mozilla and its children?  What error are you getting?01:41
stefgdriverx: ok, so you shifted around parititions.... but you need a primary master for the bios, afik01:41
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Abusive_Gekkojtt: spacebar isnt my friend01:42
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rollerskatejammsstefg, not true. on most newer computers you dont need a primary or secondary master, you can place drives/partitions however you like.01:42
driverxWell, once the IDE's were all removed the install went OK and it boots to the USB, but ithe system recognizes it as hda - I had thought it would have seen it as sda.01:42
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ircman2hi everyone.01:43
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driverxOriginally I had asked if anyone was familiar with an install on an external USB - hoping someone had experienced what I have or knew what might be happening.01:43
bobbob1016what happened to Feisty's CNR integration?01:44
lbawinownsHello, anyone know if dosbox 0.70 works for ubuntu?01:44
Myrttibobbob1016: its coming01:44
vmwhat is the best cd/dvd burning software for linux?01:44
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stefgdriverx... i see, so the OS might be as confused as me on what is what on your system. are you using UUID-style mounts or /dev style-mounts in fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst ?01:44
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bobbob1016Myrtti, oh, ok I thought it was supposed to be there at release.01:44
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driverxI installed from the alternate install disk just using defaults01:45
Myrttibobbob1016: so did I ;-)01:45
driverx...I guess that's /dev and /boot/grub/menu.lst01:46
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stefgdriverx: ok... but having the OS on an external USB disk might be the cause for the trouble.01:46
ircman2sorry to interrupt. I'm wondering whether anyone who upgraded to 7.04 are finding large swap usage (like a memory leak)01:46
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driverxI'm pretty sure of that... have you any experience?01:46
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rich42When I activate my wireless network card (Netgear WG511) I get following error: "eth1: out of memory, cannot handle oid 0x00000100" Any ideas how to troubleshoot?01:47
bobbob1016Myrtti, so long as it's on it's way, I'm fine.  It should have a way to monitor the sources.list though, so I can just login after a fresh install, and just tell it to install everything I have on my other machines, without hunting down repos.01:47
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stefgdriverx: not having completly understood about the reasons why you have your OS on an externel disk while your data is on an internal one, i'd suggest to rethink the partition layout01:48
driverxstefg This is only my second experience with IRC... I guess if I use your screen name it shows up in red on your terminal?01:48
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stefgdriverx: i get a sound notification01:48
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driverxWhat I had planned to do was get the install done then transfer what's on /data from the IDE to the USB - the partition layout is not a problem, the behavior of the system is.01:49
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Ruruwhat is the path in which grub.conf is being held?01:49
stefgdriverx: but i think that relates01:49
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ircman2anyone having high swap space consumption on 7.04. I have 2.5G sys memory and 73% swap used (1.4g) and nothing weird shows up in top.01:50
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driverxstefg I don't see your point01:51
vmhow do i uninstall beryl?01:52
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bobbob1016vm, try joining ubuntu-effects01:52
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lbawinownscan someone help me properly mount a drive? It isnt really as easy as just typing "sudo mount blabla"01:52
bobbob1016vm, the ubuntu-effects channel01:52
driverxI ended up transferring the files on /data from the IDE to another USB mass storage device then rebooting the Seagate USB, copied the files from it to /data on the Seagate.01:52
bobbob1016lbawinowns, it should be that easy, is the drive NTFS?01:53
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lbawinownsbobbob1016, nope, ext301:53
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stefgdriverx: so  i understood you have a plain default install of ubuntu on the USB, and a internal disk containing your data.... my point is that i think that the kernel gets confused, and instaed of spending 2 hours in tracing a problem i'd rather copy the internal disk to the external and set ubuntu up on the internal one. then see if the problem is still there01:53
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lbawinownsbobbob1016, it says I have not the acccfes to write to it when i try to write to it01:53
arkanabarHow do I install GRUB on my SATA Win2k boot disk?  For that matter, how do I MOUNT that disk?01:53
bobbob1016lbawinowns, external or internal?01:53
driverxThis is basicall what I have done.01:54
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lbawinownsbobbob1016, err... internal I think, it's the one that is stuck in my pc and is not removeable01:54
driverxMaybe you could clarify a couple points... when I run fdisk, it recognizes the drive as sda.... when I get the GRUB prompt and ask it to find /boot/grub/stage1 it returns (hd0)01:55
bobbob1016lbawinowns, kde (kubuntu) or gnome (ubuntu)?  kubuntu has a "change read write" mode option, I'm just checking which you have01:55
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driverxWhy doesn't GRUB and Ubuntu each see the drive differently?01:55
lbawinownsbobbob1016: It's gnome01:56
lbawinownsbobbob1016: ubuntu01:56
driverxI mean "why dies...."01:56
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stefgdriverx: that's a consequence of the transition to libata01:56
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driverxGAWD>>>> I'm not a typist LOL01:56
stefg!UUID | driverx01:56
ubotudriverx: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:56
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bobbob1016lbawinowns, try "sudo mount -a"01:56
driverxubotu... OK I'll try that01:57
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bobbob1016lbawinowns, first unmount the partition/drive "sudo umount /mountpoint"01:57
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stefgand putting all my misunderstandings of your setup aside. if a system starts to behave funny after a while, while working fine before it indicates bad ram or thermal problems in most cases01:57
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bobbob1016lbawinowns, then try "sudo mount -a"  just checking, you aren't talking about your root partition, are you?01:58
stefgor a small hair-fracture in the mobo01:58
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arkanabarThe last time I successfully used Linux, it was 1998.  I seem to have installed Dapper onto a slave, but I didn't get GRUB loaded onto the boot disk.  I asked earlier how to install GRUB, and I got instructions, but I haven't mounted the disk where I need to install GRUB, and I .... don't know how to use mount.01:58
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lbawinownsbobbob1016 : Not anymore, I fragmented that drive (it  was my root before), but then I reinstalled ubuntu and it's just a normal "media"-drive now01:59
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AzMooHey, Im having an issue with my keyboard layout. When I try and press my apostrophe button I have to press it twice to get an apostrophe. If I press it once, nothing shows and when I press another key it puts one of those little things over the next letter. Im assuming this is something to do with internationalization, but I cant seem to change it.01:59
lbawinownsbobbob1016 : what should I see when i "sudo mount -a"02:00
leagrisare ther any source for ubuntu packaged thunderbird2 ?02:00
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etherealityAnyone here?02:00
peekhello there02:00
etherealityHey. :)02:00
lbawinownsethereality, I'm here :)02:00
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jjmI'm here but I know nothing.02:00
bobbob1016lbawinowns, ext3 doesn't really get fragmented.  it could be read only if there are problems with the drive or partition, that's happened to me before.  mount -a shouldn't return anything, it just mounts everything02:01
ethereality(that's why i'm here, jj :P)02:01
arkanabarThat makes 2 of us, jjm.02:01
robinlinthHello everybody. I upgraded to Feisty when it got released, but have been having trouble with the codecs that I installed in Edgy. How can I remove all multimedia codecs and then make ubuntu install them, like it pops up that dialog?02:01
void^AzMoo: there's usually a nodeadkeys layout available.02:01
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etherealityewwww, this milk tastes horrible02:01
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PriceChildarkanabar, have you tried telling the bios to use the other disk to boot off of?02:01
leagrisjjm, you know you know nothing so you know something, so you can't know you know nothing ;D02:01
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stefg!spam | ethereality02:01
ubotuethereality: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)02:01
lbawinownsbobbob1016 :one line from the return of mount all command "FUSE mount point creation failed"02:01
jjmI've been using linux since the early 90's but it changes faster than I can keep up.02:02
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lbawinownsbobbob1016: it says a bit more things too02:02
etherealityIt was just one comment. :( ... anyone know where I go to edit the grub file?02:02
arkanabarPriceChild, no.  the master is a fast 120GB SATA drive, and the slave a noticeably slower 40 GB IDE drive.02:02
PriceChildethereality, /boot/grub/menu.lst02:02
arkanabarIn fact, I'm here on a live boot cd02:02
PriceChildarkanabar, btw you shouldn't need to mount to install grub02:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thunderbird2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
lbawinownsbobbob1016: still not working after "sudo mount -a" ,i still dont have write access02:03
ubotua FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation.  To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042702:03
bobbob1016lbawinowns, not sure, it's a bit past me with that error, sounds like something your PC is trying to mount can't be mounted02:03
arkanabarI can't install GRUB on an unmounted disk.  The liveboot cd has not mounted my main HD.02:03
arkanabarAnd  I don't know how.02:03
AzMoovoid^, there only alternative international (formerly us_intl) and International (with dead keys). Ive got a Toshiba Satellite A10 notebook, and I cant find a layout that suits it.02:03
bobbob1016lbawinowns, it could be partition/drive problems that prevents write access, but I'm not sure02:03
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lbawinownsbobbob1016 : ok I can try ask someone else later02:03
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CCmonsterside  note, does Adobe Illustrator work in wine , well?02:04
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peekI have another simple noob question..... how is the sources.list line for developement repositories of kubuntu?  I'm looking especially for the new  NVIDIA drivers... and such things02:04
tondaranyone familiar with katapult?02:04
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bobbob1016lbawinowns, sorry I couldn't help more02:04
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CCmonsteri used it the other day tondar02:04
CCmonsterits kinda handy :)02:04
CCmonsterbut thats a kde app :)02:04
arkanabartondar, probably better luck in #kubuntu02:04
lbawinownsbobbob1016: you tried :), it's very nice of you anyway :)02:04
tondarCCmonster: how could I add short cuts for home ?02:04
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robinlinthHello everybody. I upgraded to Feisty when it got released, but have been having trouble with the codecs that I installed in Edgy. How can I remove all multimedia codecs and then make ubuntu install them, like it pops up that dialog?02:05
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CCmonster#kubuntu - they can help ya with KDE apps like Katapult :)02:05
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tondarCCmonster: you don't know any thing of it ?02:05
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funkmasterhi guys, i have a problem with freevo on feisty, i used the package to install worked fine, freevo works also ok, but the freevo webserver and recordserver not, freevo requires twisted 2.4 not higher, but feisty only has twisted 2.5 is ther a way to install twisted 2.4 in feisty?02:06
arkanabartondar, /join #kubuntu02:06
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TraeHi everyone, My Video is locking up on me on Fiesty (appropriate name?)  and it worked just fine on 6.10 and 6.04 -- here is my card. nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600/GeForce 6600 GT]   Any ideas on how I can fix this?02:06
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Sunbowrobinlinth:  write in synaptic to find: codecs, then uninstall those, and then find xine, this codecs goes well02:07
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funkmasteranyone can tell me how to get twisted 2.4 on feisty?02:07
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robinlinthSunbow, no, i mean, i want to remove all codecs from my system and then use Feisty's codec installer02:08
robinlinthSunbow, because there are some issues with the old codecs02:08
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zengkolguys, can i install and then reinstall dbus-1? could it harm my dapper system ?02:08
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SunbowTrae: install nvidia driver from one click from: system-administration-restricted drivers manager02:09
MerlinZShell_hi guys02:09
Sunbowthen reboot02:09
TraeSunbow, ok02:09
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TraeSunbow, danke02:09
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MerlinZShell_do u receive my messages02:10
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LjLMerlinZShell_: no02:10
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TraeSunbow,  hmm it's there now and in use.02:10
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MerlinZShell_i am using UBUNTU LTS02:10
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MerlinZShell_and i am facing a problem writing to NTFS02:11
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zengkol<MerlinZShell .. try automatix02:11
arkanabarHah!  I know this one, I just found the tutorial!  http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-your-widows-partitions-and-make-it-readwritable-in-ubuntu.html02:11
TraeSunbow, is there any way to make sure that it's up to date?02:11
yasintry using ntfs-3g02:11
LjL!automatix | MerlinZShell_, zengkol02:12
ubotuMerlinZShell_, zengkol: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:12
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LjLMerlinZShell_: writing to NTFS is not supported by default. that's because the NTFS format is proprietary and very closed, thus hard to get right. it can be achieved however if you install something called ntfs-3g, which has become *relatively* stable now02:12
zengkolmine is fine with automatix02:12
LjL!ntfs-3g > MerlinZShell_    (MerlinZShell_, see the private message from Ubotu)02:12
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:12
SunbowTrae: reinstall02:13
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zengkolcheck out ubuntugeek.com02:13
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SunbowTrae: quit the driver reboot, and then click to install in there02:13
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arkanabarNow, if only I could do that on the live boot/install DVD...02:13
leagrisare ther any apt source for ubuntu packaged thunderbird2?02:13
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TraeSunbow, re-install the OS?02:13
TraeSunbow, thanks02:13
SunbowTrae: no, reinstall the driver nvidia02:14
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TraeSunbow, yah ok02:14
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BischBeryl makes me mad :( .... tried it with 4 different computers and with debian and ubuntu. This time it get this when I start beryl-manager: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". Anyone who can help?02:14
MerlinZShell_LjL: I trying installing ntfs-3g and ntfs-config.. but synaptic still cant find them02:14
etherealityhow do i log in as root so i can edit the menu.lst grub file?02:14
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MerlinZShell_i even tryed the .deb files but it says a certain library is not installable02:15
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zengkolBeryl ?.. satisfied enough with desktop effect ;-)02:15
vmi have my cube effect02:15
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arkanabarmerlinZshell -- you checked the tutorial at http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-your-widows-partitions-and-make-it-readwritable-in-ubuntu.html ?02:15
Myrttiethereality: login as a normal user, then use sudo02:15
SunbowBisch: do you have installed your graphic driver? which is your graphic?02:15
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Myrttiethereality: sudo nano /boot/menu.lst02:16
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yasinethereality: i would use knoppix...02:16
etherealitywhat does nano mean?02:16
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etherealitywhy knoppix?02:16
praecoxit's text editor.02:16
yasinyou can edit all your disks02:16
BischSunbow: I have a new ATI (1950). I ve read that there are several problems with it concerning beryl. I activated the driver in the system menu02:16
arkanabarHow do I mount my SATA boot drive from the live CD?02:17
Sunbowi haven't this driver, i have nvidia driver, i haven't experience with ATI02:17
zengkolchek with fdisk -l02:17
etherealityhow do i save and exit from nano? ...02:17
MerlinZShell_arkanabar: tryed it didnt work02:18
LjLethereality: ctrl+x02:18
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BischBummer Sunbow, thanks anyway02:18
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MerlinZShell_any additional suggestions guys :(02:18
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arkanabarMerlinZshell -- then I'm out of suggestions02:18
j2Is 64bit a bit buggy in linux? thats what ive been told02:18
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BischBut by the way... I failed with 2 nvidia cards too already02:18
zengkolcheck your BIOS02:18
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etherealitycool, thanks again :)02:18
LjLMerlinZShell_, do you have Universe enabled?02:18
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BischI ll try in -de ... bye02:19
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MerlinZShell_let me check02:19
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MerlinZShell_universe and multi universe02:20
MerlinZShell_want me to past them in private ?02:20
MerlinZShell_query LjL:02:21
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LjLMerlinZShell_: they look enabled indeed. did you update the list after enabling them though? ("sudo apt-get update"). what does "apt-cache policy ntfs-3g" show?02:22
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zero-9376has anyone sucessfully used the printer drivers for cannon multifunctions02:22
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MerlinZShell_W: Unable to locate package ntfs-3g02:23
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zero-9376from the cannon website02:23
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etherealityDoes Rhythmbox really corrupt iTunes playlists? Should I use amaroK instead?02:23
etherealityi mean02:24
etherealityiPod playlists02:24
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ben_hi all !02:24
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ben_plz is someone could try this link for a test
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MerlinZShell_LjL: ?02:25
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ben_feldegast you've visited the link ?02:25
Feldegastben_ not that i can read it02:25
Feldegastben_ yes02:25
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LjLMerlinZShell_: ah wait, i completely forgot about the fact you said you're on Dapper... no, it's just not available there. has to be installed manually, and i really have no idea how02:26
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Feldegast1 link and a TY is what i saw02:26
stefgben_ works for me02:26
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MerlinZShell_so LTS doesnt support that ?02:26
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leagrisI am looking for a thunderbird2 ubuntu package. Where should I look?02:26
ben_thks stefg02:26
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arkanabarwhere can I find a quick mount tutorial02:27
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Feldegastman mount02:27
ziggy23How do I get the Java plugin for Firefox to work?  I want to view the National Weather Service radar loops.02:27
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thebillywaynearkanabar, man mount02:27
thebillywaynearkanabar, or mount --help02:28
stefgben- but next time use #ubuntu-offtopic for that. it's still early in the US so it's not too busy, but in the evening this would be considered spam :-)02:28
ben_ok sry02:28
MerlinZShell_LjL: how can i switch from dapper to something that supports it without having to reformat02:28
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LjL!upgrade > MerlinZShell_    (MerlinZShell_, see the private message from Ubotu)02:29
kaukxsome simple stuff-in wine configuration,i change place of  c drive,and now i cant find /home/ .wine(hidden crap) directory  to put back where it was.02:29
LjLMerlinZShell_: to upgrade to feisty, however, you'd have to upgrade to edgy first and then feisty from there02:29
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Aaroncnis Skype contained in commercial source? how can I add it to my source.list?02:29
kvidellThey have a .deb on their website, that's usually how I get it02:30
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jttziggy23, is it  x-java-vm02:30
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Aaroncnkvidell: thanks. I look for it .  :)02:30
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ConfidentiaLwhat are the advantages of running ubuntu 64-bit on a 64-bit system, rather than running ubuntu 32-bit on a 64-bit system?02:30
MerlinZShell_LjL: what are the things i might be losing on the way02:31
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ziggy23jtt : sudo apt-get install x-java-vm?02:31
TraceGreenHello, where can i know whether linux support a certain motherboard?02:31
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jttziggy23, no i am asking if the plugin required is  x-java-vm02:31
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kaukxsome simple stuff-in wine configuration,i change place of  c drive,and now i cant find /home/ .wine(hidden crap) directory  to put back where it was.so where is it ?02:32
SmygisTraceGreen, By an intel based board ;)02:32
LjLMerlinZShell_: some stability, possibly... Dapper has been around for longer than either Edgy and Feisty, and tends to be relatively stable.02:32
ziggy23Not sure,really.  When I used Windows all I did was use the Java Runtime Environment02:32
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LjLMerlinZShell_: also, some people have had trouble with upgrades (that's specifically a concern if you have third-party repositories enabled)02:33
TraceGreenSmygis, yeah, why do you know? :)02:33
ziggy23lemme check...02:33
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arkanabarok, what device would a SATA master disk be?02:33
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jttziggy23,   it is probably  libjavaplugin_oji.so02:34
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ziggy23From National Weather Svc website: "    Java is necessary for radar looping and is best optimized using Java version 1.4.2 or higher.02:35
ziggy23    Go to www.java.com/en for more information regarding Java.02:35
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etherealityyay java02:36
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MerlinZShell_LjL: ill try that after i do some research about what i got on my system in matters of repositories and dependancies02:37
jttziggy23,  make a symbolic link to  libjavaplugin_oji.so  in the  firefox  plugins  directory02:37
ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox02:37
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MerlinZShell_how can someone switch from gnome to fluxbox and vice versa02:37
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markok765How do i get sunbird to show up in my applications>02:37
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hypn0MerlinZShell_: you can run gnome apps in fluxbox, you don't need to switch all time02:38
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j2Warning!! this may sound stupid. What do i need to share files over unix networking02:39
markok765Hey everyone02:39
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j2i have samba setup on my server but i forgot to do something for my linux pc's!02:39
savetheWorldj2 working  ethernet and (SAMBA or NFS )02:39
cwraighi all i need some advice dual booting two linux distros (ubuntu & gentoo). i cannot figure out how to configure grub, i have tried installing them both in their own partitions, should i then set grub to "Chain load" like you do for windows. i have now reinstalled both with a shared /boot partition and they both want to format that partition on boot02:39
savetheWorldj2: export the samba share.02:39
MerlinZShell_hypn0: im in gnome now if i need to switch once using command prompt what do i do02:39
ziggy23Jtt and others: Newbie here...please go slowly....symbolic link?  I speak Windows rather fluently, so if you know a Windows analouge, it helps me.  Is a symbolic link like a Windows shortcut?02:39
jttziggy23, more specific  cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins;  ln -s  /your/java/dir  libjavaplugin_oji.so02:39
j2should i setup NFS aswell if i allready have samba perfectly working?02:40
savetheWorldj2: probably not02:40
j2savetheWorld: roger that02:40
markok765How can i backup my linux home folder wirelessly onto a external HD on a windows desktop?02:40
arkanabarWhat devicename would I use for my SATA drive in mount?02:40
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hypn0MerlinZShell_: I don't abt that :-02:40
cwraigj2 you could use samba to share between linux computers or you could use nfs02:40
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MerlinZShell_how do u do it then hypn002:41
jttziggy23, cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins02:41
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hypn0I stay in fluxbox MerlinZShell_ ;-)02:41
j2cwraig: go to #grub on irc.freenode.net for better help02:41
cwraigthanks j202:42
Rprp  Annihilator Busterrrr ChanServ Duiv`BNC Duiv`gone Eend` Hyperion Infine Kastro`afk Luc maverick Mim`eet Molbert Mskunst`rankeee Noxic Noxic^afk Rprp` RS` Scusio`bnc Silverhaze Spankme struik Tr^gs Verancia`brb Wesleysld02:42
hypn0I don't go for all the eye candy :-)02:42
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j2araknabar: go to /dev/disk/by-id02:42
j2you can use that02:42
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MerlinZShell_i mean how did u switch for sure ubuntu didnt come with fluxbox02:42
j2i forget the command to list devices and then their /dev/ name02:42
jttziggy23, symbolic link is a special to another file02:42
j2anyways im out02:42
j2bedtime calls02:42
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jttziggy23, special link that is02:42
MerlinZShell_hypno i installed fluxbox now how can i make it my std window manager02:42
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hypn0you got to change session once you'v installed it MerlinZShell_02:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x-java-vm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:43
hypn0at the log in screen MerlinZShell_02:43
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MerlinZShell_ah ok hen i logout and change it somewhere in the login screen02:43
MerlinZShell_now i see :)02:43
MerlinZShell_ill be right back guys02:43
MerlinZShell_thank you hypn002:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plugin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about plugins - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:44
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markok765plugins for firefox?02:45
arkanabarj2 -- on which of these would I install GRUB?02:45
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markok765arkanabar: the main one02:45
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markok765arkanabar: doesnt ubuntu auto install grub?02:45
arkanabarmarkok765, I'm guessing it did -- on the same slave where I installed ubuntu.02:46
Dell-Netany program that is better then gdesklet and works better with beryl ?02:46
arkanabarit sure doesn't seem to be on my boot disk.02:46
markok765arkanabar: how does it boot then?02:47
arkanabarmarkok765, into Win2k.02:47
deeparkanabar: i thought you could change grup-install-disc at the installer?02:47
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arkanabarI have to use the live/install dvd to run linux atall.02:47
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deeparkanabar: well, if you have an livecd, can you just reinstall grub in the right disc then?02:48
deeparkanabar: using grub-install02:48
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arkanabardeep, yes, if I can get the right disk mounted.  NONE of my internal HDs seem to be mounted atm.02:48
ziggy23Is there a channel for absolute newbies anywhere?  I am having trouble, especially with any command line stuff?02:49
markok765arkanabar: mine all work fine, even the external02:49
markok765ziggy23: try here02:49
Dell-Netziggy23: try here02:49
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CheshireVikingziggy23, you're in the right channel now, just ask away, if somebody knows & see's the question they might be able to help02:49
deeparkanabar: did it work before? while using that hdd setup, i mean02:49
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deeparkanabar: does windows see the harddrives?02:50
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deepziggy23: most of the time, you dont really have to use the terminal02:51
arkanabardeep, this is the first time I've tried this setup.  Grub didn't work when I tried to install dapper on the win2k disk, so I uninstalled it from there.  windows saw the slave when I had it partitioned into ntfs and ext3 parts.02:51
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arkanabardeep, I haven't looked for the slave in win2k since installing dapper there.02:52
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ziggy23ok I have been trying to get Mozilla Firefox to display National Weather Service radar animations.  jtt was kind enough to give me the answer, I have to create a symbolic link, but I get the error message "no such file or directory" when I cd.02:52
driverxI have a question about emulation.... QEMU, etc.  Does it require disk space to install the guest OS?02:53
jribziggy23: what is the command you are using?02:53
deepHmm, is is the primary or the secondary slave you are installing ubuntu?02:53
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driverx..or is each different.... vmware WINE, etc02:53
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usserdriverx: wine doesnt require guest win system thats for sure02:53
arkanabardeep, ubuntu is on the slave -- I wiped the disk when I installed it there.02:53
eternaljoyhow do I install latest versuon of Wine pls?02:54
usserdriverx: vmware does02:54
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:54
jribeternaljoy: visit winehq.org and use their ubuntu/deb repos02:54
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ussereternaljoy: go to winehq.com02:54
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ziggy23bash: cd: usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins:  No such file or directory.02:54
driverxusser.. do you know QEMU or others?02:54
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lbawinownsEasy question, how do I make a program that just is a file like the windows .ink files?02:54
eternaljoyjrib: ty02:54
eternaljoyusser: ok02:54
usserdriverx: wine and vmware are the only emulation i use =)02:54
lbawinownsthat just runs some program with some parameters02:54
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usserlbawinowns: we're talking about programming here??02:55
driverxusser...  how much space do you allow for the guest OS's?02:55
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driverx...and are they separate partitions?02:55
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usserdriverx: in vmware i allocated two hdds: 5gb and 20gb02:55
lbawinownsusser: nah, I just want to make a shortcut02:55
mwewine is not an emulator ;)02:55
jriblbawinowns: if you just want it in the gui, create a launcher.  Otherwise write a small shell script02:55
deeparkanabar: hm, okay. I dont really know the command for listing harddrives connected to the computer. But try listing /dev for sd* or hd*02:56
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rever75Hi I just got approval to install Ubuntu Server on one of my companies new Servers. I was wondering if I should go with Feisty or Dapper. What are the positives and what are the negatives of each.02:56
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driverxusser... two hd's... for how many guests?02:56
lbawinownsjrib: how do i write a shell script?02:56
usserdriverx: just one, winxp02:56
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jriblbawinowns: google for "advanced bash scripting guide"02:56
rever75We plan on using it to test Vmware-Server and as either a Samba server or an NFS server02:56
rockseekeranyone had problem with hal?02:56
jriblbawinowns: the tldp.org stuff is very good.  I think they have one without the "advanced" too02:56
arkanabardeep, got sda and sda102:56
skazi21i need xdcc web site02:57
jribrever75: well on dapper you have the advantage of Long Term Support (server supported for 5 years after release).  On feisty you have the advantage of more recent software02:57
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sohumcan you specify in the crontab to run a command on, say, the 28 if it is february, and 29th if it isn't? Conditional times?02:57
lbawinownsjrib, hehe, that scared me, how do i create a launcher then? I just want a program that works exactly like those windows .bat-files , just a shortcut that write things in the terminal02:57
deepone thing that is kinda confusing me is why some ubuntusetups se harddrives as hda, and some as sda, even though they are not scsi or connected to any raiddevic.e..02:57
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lbawinownsi want a file*02:58
deeparkanabar: though, that is strange02:58
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driverxusser I see. I want to put several guest Linux OS's  within my Feisty install - would it be best to make a partition for each?02:58
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rever75jrib, well I plan on using as stated as a File Server and a Vmware-Server. Will be installed on Dual 3.4 Ghz processors with 16GB of memory02:58
arkanabardeep, afaik, hda is used for IDE drives, and sda for SATA drives02:58
usserlbawinowns: definetely shell scripting02:58
azhi room, w3mir mirrors remote websites to my "/" directory and not to the directory where w3mir was invoked in, say ("~/mirror_site").  how can i change this behavior?02:58
jribsohum: not sure, but you could tell cron to run a script on both and have the script decide02:58
rever75It will also be connected to a 1TB Sans02:58
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deeparkanabar: ah. ya. But my ide-drives showed up as sda and sdb on my previous install02:59
=== usser shell scripting is not hard
PsibuntuPerhaps someone here can help me, I'm on a Dell laptop with an ATI X1400, all I'm trying to do is get my resolution to 1600x1050 (highest supported by my LCD) but I only have options up to 1024x76802:59
sohumjrib: i'm looking more at cron's format, and whether it is usable for specifying repeating times robustly02:59
deeparkanabar: anyway, you should atleast have an sdb or hdb.02:59
jriblbawinowns: a shell script is just a file with a a bash command on each line and starts with:  #!/bin/sh02:59
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deeparkanabar: otherwise, i would have checked the pins at the harddrive. But if windows can see them then i dont know02:59
usserlbawinowns: just like a bat file03:00
driverxPsibuntu... do you have the proprietary driver installed?03:00
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lbawinownsjrib, usser, Ok, i put "#!/bin/sh" in the beginning of the line, when i run the text editor pops up :p, what am I doing wrong?03:00
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jriblbawinowns: it needs to be executable03:00
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PsibuntuAfter I installed Ubuntu it popped up a hardware thing in the corner for an ATI driver to install, I installed that.03:00
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lbawinownsjrib: a special extension is rewuired?03:00
arkanabardeep, have hda, hdb, hdd, hdd1, hdd2, hdd5.03:01
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deeplbawinowns: chmod +x <file>03:01
jriblbawinowns: no03:01
PsibuntuAccording to my X11 conf file... it is... (1 sec)03:01
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deeparkanabar: there the harddrives are (:03:01
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jribrever75: I'd go with dapper if the software in dapper does the job03:01
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deeparkanabar: then you should be able to install grub on the first disc, which i assume is hda03:01
arkanabarI'll give that a shot.03:02
deeparkanabar: and you hav linux installed, havent you?03:02
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lbawinownsThanks, didnt work as I wanted, but im 99.99 percent sure I've wrote something wrong in my file ;)03:02
driverxPsibuntu.... Sorry not really familiar with ATI... just a shot in the dark03:02
PsibuntuOkay, no prob. :)03:02
Estryis it possible to mount an NTFS partition under kubuntu?03:02
coolbeansHey all.  I'm running 6.06 LTS Server and am trying to compile some software without luck.  The compile process is saying: You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.15-26-server kernel installed.  But in fact i do have the linux-kernel-headers package installed.  Any suggestions?03:03
arkanabardeep, so, sudo grub-install /dev/hda ?  and afaik, it's on the IDE slave.03:03
jribrever75: with dapper you won't need to upgrade for another 4 years, if you go with feisty, you'll need to upgrade in 18 months03:03
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driverxPsibuntu - you could try running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and see if you can set the resolution higher.03:03
rever75jrib, Cool thanks03:03
arkanabarestry, see if this helps:  http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-your-widows-partitions-and-make-it-readwritable-in-ubuntu.html03:03
Estryoh got it03:04
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tkr_ok. happily switched to Ubuntu 7.04 and got my i915 graphics chipset to work with Xinerama.03:04
Estrything is03:04
Estryi'm on livecd03:04
driverxPsibuntu... you'll need to Ctl-Alt to another terminal to do that03:04
tkr_but how the heck to configure locales here?03:04
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Estryon kubuntu03:04
tkr_never heard of belocs-locales package03:04
Psibuntudriverx: okay I'll try that now.03:04
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deeparkanabar: yeah, i think that should work. sorry for the delay, btw. phone /:03:04
driverxPsibuntu .. then re-start x Ctl-Backspace03:04
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deeparkanabar: but, if your not sure that the root drive, try doing "grub /dev/hda", and then "find stage1"03:05
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deeparkanabar: to be honest, i'm not really pro at grub. Mabie you should talk to somebody else who is a bit more... secure then i am (:03:06
tkr_anyone want to help me on #flood?03:06
arkanabardeep, "/dev/hda1 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive."03:06
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tkr_and how to make gnome-terminal use iso-8859-15 as the default locale?03:07
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arkanabardeep, right.03:07
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arkanabarCan anyone help me install GRUB from the liveCD?03:07
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lbawinownsabout this "shell scripting" can i write "#!/bin/sh gedit" and it should run gedit?03:08
tkr_arkanabar, grub-install?03:08
usserlbawinowns: yes03:08
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deeparkanabar: btw, i think there is an wiki on that, w8 a sec03:08
driverxankbar ... seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435103:08
usserlbawinowns: but theres no need really to #!/bin/bash and actual commands on the same line03:09
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deep!grub > arkanabar03:09
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sebastianif I got 2 computers both with 1000mbps interfaces. What cable should I use to get the most out of this?03:09
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lbawinownsusser: it must sound strange but "chmod +x <file>" worked on my first file, but when I do it for the second time, nothing happens03:09
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usserlbawinowns: try chmod a+x03:10
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Paulohow to install ubuntu 7.04 in IBM Xseries 232 ??? I have one ServerRaid controller , it's problem ????03:10
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Pauloany sugest03:11
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deeparkanabar: how's it going? finding anything?03:11
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lbawinownsusser, thanks, but nothing happens when I runt my file, it seems to be starting terminal but it immidietly crashes, strangely, when I open terminal just like normal now, It just starts blank without the "user@blabal:"03:12
ussersebastian: i think they called cat 5+ or cat6 now03:12
driverxarkanabar ... seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435103:12
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sebastiantnx usser... funny enough I cant find it03:12
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usserlbawinowns: do u run your script from terminal or just double clicking on in?03:13
etherealityhow do you find what commands to use for programs? for example, i want to open an mp3 with Exaile ...03:13
arkanabardriverx, grub command "find /boot/grub/stage1" returns "Error 15:  file not found"03:13
etherealityit says use custom command because Exaile wasn't in the list of programs03:13
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BelaBartokQuake3 problem, game settings dont save, have to be set all over again on evry start... whatt to do?03:14
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driverxarkanabar... not sure what to tell you.. I'm a GRUB newbie03:14
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arkanabardriverx, that's ok.  so too am I.03:15
sipiorBelaBartok: is your configuration directory writable by you?03:15
driverxarkanabar  what do you have for hard disks?03:15
sipiorBelaBartok: also, i wanted to say that i love a number of your string quartets03:15
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driverx... one IDE internal or what?03:15
tkr_ahh. Found the locale defs for locale-gen in /var/lib/locales/supported.d .. now just have to find how to make one default. thanks anyways03:16
arkanabardriverx, 120 GB SATA master, Win2k installed, 40GB IDE slave, dapper installed.03:16
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BelaBartoksipior: you are too kind ... it isnt that much of a big deal03:16
Sunbowis it any advantage installing ubuntu feisty amd64 version vs. installing ubuntu feisty 386 version, in a pentium 4 64bits processor ?03:16
driverxarkanabar  I Do you want GRUB on the MBR?03:16
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Estryso yes. is it possible to mount an ntfs partition in kubuntu whilst in livecd?03:16
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Estrysunbow: you can have access to more ram if you are in native 64bit03:17
Psipheredriverx: I ran the config you mentioned on the second terminal, how do I switch back to the terminal I was using that had X running on it?03:17
sipiorBelaBartok: aren't you supposed to be dead, though?03:17
usserSunbow: u'll get a 10% increase in perfomance but get a lot of major pain in the ass03:17
jribSunbow: more of a disadvantage if you want to use things like flash and java plugin03:17
Estrythat's if you have more than 2 gigs of ram03:17
arkanabardriverx, I suppose so.  I don't know where else it would work.03:17
Paddy_EIREhey guys I use an "Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5005G 802.11abg NIC" which is built into my laptop, it has suddenly vanished from the network manager and I am left using the ethernet connection :( anyone know why this would have happened.. one minute its there the next poof gone????03:17
driverxCtl-Alt F703:17
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Psipheredriverx: thanks, and control backspace to restart it after that?03:17
BelaBartoksipior: :( ah not again ... i feel its so much better to be alive03:17
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ShenkyDoes anyone tried to install ubuntu on a RAID partition made from other linux distribution?03:18
driverxarkanabar   yes03:18
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mbergerSunbow: you will probably get a kernel that is tuned to x86_64 as well as binaries that are compiled for that architecture03:18
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driverxarkanabar you could put GRUB on either drive... are you having trouble booting WIndows?03:18
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Paddy_EIRESunbow, I dont believe that its worth it right now stick with x8603:19
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Sunbowjrib: i have installed de ubuntu amd64 version, and i have installed the firefox 32 bits putting flash and java and works ok, but i think that there are less programs for amd6403:19
arkanabardriverx, nope, win2k boots automatically, no sign of grub atall.03:19
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BelaBartoksipior: here comes the testdrive again03:19
Sunbowfor example i can't install opera navigator03:19
Estrycan i mount an ntfs partition in kubuntu whilst in livecd?03:19
jribSunbow: which ones are you missing?03:19
bulmerPaddy_EIRE: am curious, when you do ifconfig  which interfaces shows up?03:19
usserSunbow: opera eh, yea same story hehe03:19
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Paddy_EIRE1 sec03:19
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mbergerSunbow: is this a desktop or a server?03:20
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usserSunbow: but the apps that dont work are mosttly proprietary apps that should be ditched from any normal install anyhow\03:20
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Paddy_EIREbulmer, ethernet and loopback show but no wireless03:20
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BelaBartoksipior: tanks a load for help.03:20
Sunbowmberger: is a desktop03:20
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driverxarkanabar.... So you can't access ypur Ubuntu install?03:21
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arkanabardriverx, nope.03:21
Paddy_EIREbulmer, same as this guys http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=437942&highlight=AR5005G+802.11abgproblem but still no solution03:21
mbergerI would suspect you want to stay with i386 then, I have not personally installed x86_64 on a desktop - only a server03:21
Estryalso, is it possible to burn udf 1.5 in ubuntu natively over livecd?03:21
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bulmerPaddy_EIRE: your atheros just disappeared? is the driver for it loaded?03:22
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driverxarkanabar no as in no or no as in yes??03:22
Paddy_EIREbulmer, oops http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=437942&highlight=AR5005G+802.11abg03:22
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arkanabardriverx, the only ubuntu that works is the livecd, which is where I am now.03:22
eternaljoyI installed a program using wine. But now how do I run that installed program?03:22
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valehrudoes anyone have a good tutorial to setting up a basic pop3 mail server?03:22
jribeternaljoy: do you have a "wine" menu in your menu?03:22
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Paddy_EIREbulmer, why would it have unloaded and how would I go about re-installing the driver that feisty choose for it by default03:22
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eternaljoyjrib: what menu?03:23
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driverxarkanabar... ok... give me a minute03:23
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jribeternaljoy: the "applications" menu03:23
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bulmerPaddy_EIRE: i dont know, feisty is the non-stable one right? are you using 64bit?03:23
eternaljoyjrib: no. cant see Wine anywhere03:23
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eternaljoyjrib: what shall I do?03:23
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jribeternaljoy: http://www.winehq.org/site/docs/wine-faq/index#HOW-DO-I-RUN-AN-MS-WINDOWS-PROGRAM03:24
Paddy_EIREbulmer, no feisty is the current stable release of Ubuntu03:24
Paddy_EIREbulmer, using 32 bit03:24
Psipheredriverx: Doing what you said got the res to 1400x1050 which is much better than it was, for some reason it didn't load 1600x1050 but this is good enough for now, thanks for the help.03:24
eternaljoyjrib: ok03:24
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driverxPsibuntu Cool!03:25
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lbawinownswhere does cds get mounted?03:26
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driverxarkanabar  Did the problem begin when you installed WIndows after already installing Ubuntu?03:27
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nene20Alguien habla espaol?03:27
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jrib!es | nene2003:27
ubotunene20: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:27
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MerlinZShellUrgent help is needed i just paniced:P03:28
Psipheredriverx: can you tell me what that command was again: dpgk-reconfigure <what goes here>?  (I want to write it down for future reference)03:28
MerlinZShellI dont know what i did now my Ubuntu just became edubuntu and my icons look really kiddy03:28
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arkanabardriverx, I first repartitioned SATA for dapper, and grub didn't work -- had to use livecd & select "boot from main disk."  That stank, so I deleted linux partitions & resized ntfs part to cover entire drive.  THEN I installed dapper to slave, and no sign of grub atall.03:28
tlsai installed vnc4server but when I try to connect I get: http://www.smoothartist.com/Sprite.png03:28
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tlsainstead of a propper desktop03:29
EnverexIs anyone here using a Dell Inspiron 6400?03:29
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tlsaanyone know what I need to do?03:29
MerlinZShellany idea what went wrong (how did that happen) or how can i reverse it03:29
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HobbseeEnverex: yes, why?03:29
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sorush20hi I can't install a package I don't know why I keep getting this error. I mad the package from source myself. any ideas? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20343/03:30
EnverexHobbsee, Can you disable the ATi card and use the Intel Integrated or does the ATi card replace the Intel one entirely?03:30
driverxPsi you can use arrow up to see previously issued commands at the terminal03:30
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tanajirhello, what is the command to get my nvidia driver for my ubuntu fiest?03:30
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MerlinZShellok seems im alone here03:30
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MerlinZShellguys anyone knows hoe to switch from edubuntu to ubuntu ?03:30
driverxIs there data on the Dapper install you want to save?03:30
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sipiorMerlinZShell: how did you switch to edubuntu in the first place?03:31
arkanabardriverx, no, fresh install.03:31
HobbseeEnverex: no idea - but i doubt it has 2 video cards in it.  i've got the intel card03:31
lbawinownsWhen you put a cd in the tray, where does ubuntu mount it?03:31
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MerlinZShellno idea at all sipior ive been editing my repositories to make ntfs work i might have done something wrong03:31
driverxWhy not just install again? It would be sijmpler but figuring out the gub install will make you smarter... LOL03:31
EnverexHobbsee, I've heard people mention it before. Afaik the ATi card actually fits to a graphics card slot on it where as the Intel is built on to the motherboard, so it would make sense that it has 2 cards in that regard.03:32
MerlinZShellshould i revert to the old repositories apt-get update the upgrade03:32
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driverxPsibuntu... did you try that?03:32
Enverexlbawinowns, /media/cdrom0 normally03:32
arkanabardriverx, simple suits me just fine.  I'll give it a shot.03:32
sipiorMerlinZShell: i'd say that's a safe assumption :) you could try restoring those and upgrade again03:32
bulmerPaddy_EIRE: which of the ipwxxx is in your /lib/firmware/`uname -r`/  ?03:32
lbawinownsEnverex, is it normal that it is empty?03:32
driverxIt will automatically install Grub on the Windows drive03:32
ConfidentiaLhow can I make a form moveable when FormBOrderStyle is set to none?03:32
tanajirwhat is the command to get the nvidia driver for my ubuntu please03:32
MerlinZShellsipior: i just need to understand something there is ubuntu and edubunu right03:32
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sipiorMerlinZShell: right03:32
Enverexlbawinowns, Only if the CD isn't mounted... do "df -h" and that'll tell you what's mounted03:32
MerlinZShella kubuntu03:33
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sipiorMerlinZShell: as well03:33
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Paddy_EIREbulmer, what do u mean? I should check this folder..03:33
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MerlinZShellok whats the difference between lts and fiesty?03:33
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pv2blts is a long-term supported version, that uses older software. feisty is the newest and greatest release.03:33
sipiorMerlinZShell: just different versions of feisty, with different foci03:33
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bulmerPaddy_EIRE: yes03:34
=== usser did anyone install thunderbird 2 yet?
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MerlinZShellok now if i want to move to fiesty will it get me back to ubuntu ? or will it stay as edubuntu03:34
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Paddy_EIREbulmer, there are 7 different files in that folder beginning ipw03:35
MerlinZShellok now if i set the right repositories for fiesty ubuntu ill end up with right that true?03:35
sipiorMerlinZShell: well, technically you're still running ubuntu, you just grabbed some bad repositories. fixing that should restore things03:35
bulmerPaddy_EIRE: do a  lsmo |grep ipw03:35
EnverexMerlinZShell, They are exactly the same, Edubuntu just has a few extra packages installed by default03:35
EnverexThis silly "lets add a package or two and call it a new distro" is just confusing everyone03:36
lbawinownsenverex : hmm, it's maybe not mounted then :-(03:36
Paddy_EIREbulmer, ok, now what03:36
sipiorEnverex: i quite agree03:36
bulmerPaddy_EIRE: do a  lsmod |grep ipw03:36
MerlinZShelli intend to move to fiesty to be able to use ntfs-config is there a set of repositories that i can replace my sources.list with03:36
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bulmerPaddy_EIRE: is it there?03:36
FabzgyHi mates,  I ve installed Xubuntu 6.06 and don t find any ISDN configuration Client... so I can t go Online...any suggestion what to download?03:36
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lbawinownsenverex: tough its in there when i click on "locations"03:36
EnverexMerlinZShell, Are you on Edgy?03:36
zaggynlI really don't get the purpose of Ubuntu Studio, either I'm missning something, or it's just a new shiney desktop + good audio/video apps03:36
Enverexlbawinowns, That doesn't mean it's mounted03:37
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MerlinZShellEnverex:  how can i know im using the latest lts03:37
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EnverexMerlinZShell, That's Dapper... you need to update to Edgy then to Feisty03:37
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Sunbowjrib: programs that doesn't work in amd64 (my experience): ....-dock (to put like mac os x icons in the desktop), opera navigator. But the worst is than i lose the internet conection to navigate with firefox, with firefox 64, and with firefox 32, always using, Azureus (torrent downloader) and sometimes like now, without using anything especial, i lose conection to navigate with firefox03:37
lbawinownsEnverex: ok, It's time to pretend im a hacker then :p, How do I mount a cd in terminal?03:37
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Paddy_EIREbulmer, it just skipped to the next line when I did lsmod |grep ipw03:37
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Enverexzaggynl, Different desktop, few pre-installed apps... "new distro" it's the Ubuntu user mentality, heh03:37
CCmonsteri need to do a fresh samba install03:37
CCmonsterbut when i sudo apt-get remove samba, it doesnt remove the files in /etc/samba/03:38
Enverexlbawinowns, "sudo mount /dev/cdrom" may work03:38
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zaggynlEnverex, to be honest, I'm getting quite tired of it :P03:38
ubuntu-trhi lan hi03:38
EnverexCCmonster, Thats because you need to "purge"03:38
MerlinZShellany link that describes that ?03:38
CCmonsterand that would be?03:38
ubuntu-tranann amm03:38
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iturk_hey guys i just apt-get install swf-player and now when i try to load a flash page with firefox i get -> "the swf file caused a fatal error in the swf decoder" and nothing is displayed !!! can someone help ?03:38
usserCCmonster: dpkg --purge03:38
CCmonstersudo purge /etc/samba/03:38
zaggynlI hope one day, the Ubuntu devs will focus on: 1: drivers and 2:good apps (that do all I need)03:38
FabzgyAnyone out there who can help me with ISDN clients?03:38
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sipiorzaggynl: perhaps a cookie as well?03:39
Viddyzaggynl: you'll find that they are pretty good already03:39
zaggynlNo thanks03:39
EnverexMerlinZShell, Google "ubuntu update" heh03:39
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:39
=== usser ahh a cookie, yes
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EnverexThere you go MerlinZShell03:39
driverxPsibuntu .... Sorry---> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:39
bulmerPaddy_EIRE: thats the driver for atheros chips..madwifi -- ipfwxxx  try to load the one that matches your chips03:39
ViddyCouple of random comments: installed 6.10 on a random dell server today - doing a host on the static ip address entered on the setup screen to suggest the hostname is "how it should be done" and for me, less typing.03:39
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tidelinelbawinowns: mount /dev/cdrom /mount/point/you/decide - is that what you are looking ofr?03:39
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MerlinZShellEnverex:  thank you guys thank you all03:40
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zaggynlFor instance, I don't like the meddling with totem-xine/totem-gstreamer, the fact that no music player can play everything, is lightweight and stable03:40
bscanlanHi! I have a 4TB disk array, attached to a aicxxxx SCSI controller in a Dell 2650. I installed feisty (Debian Sarge was previously on the system). Now, there is only 2TB of the disk array available (xfs gets quite upset at this). I get this in dmesg: "sdd : READ CAPACITY(16) failed.". Any ideas?03:40
lbawinownstideline: ok, I tryy that'03:40
CCmonsterso sudo dpkg --purge /etc/samba/03:40
Enverextideline, If it's in fstab then mount /dev/cdrom alone should work03:40
SnuSHello. Help. How can I make grub automatically boot without manually editing /boot/grub/menu.lst ? I want to set timeout 1 and hiddenmenu, but do it somehow from a shell script.03:40
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EnverexCCmonster, No, the package not the location03:40
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Viddybscanlan: have you had a play with installing the (ugh) binary drivers from dell?03:40
CCmonsteri need to remove all of the .conf files03:40
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usserCCmonster: sudo dpkg --purge samba03:41
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tidelinelbawinowns: you will have to create the mount point first03:41
usserCCmonster: this will remove samba with all the configs its created03:41
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lbawinownstideline: ok,03:41
Enverextideline, His drive should have a default mount point, no point mounting it somewhere else03:41
bscanlanViddy: no. The aic7xxx controller is adaptec rather than dell...03:41
CCmonsterits still there03:41
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Paddy_EIREbulmer, i am unsure which to choose03:41
mwesudo apt-get --purge remove samba?03:41
usserCCmonster: delete it by hand then03:41
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bulmerSnuS: grub does your auto booting..now you want to edit it without manual editing? heck you need to manually edit things, nothing gets auto edited, you can use sed or vim03:42
Paddy_EIREbulmer, how do I find out which one it was using before03:42
=== ChronoT [n=goijaaja@a88-112-234-187.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
CCmonsteri dont have the power in the gui03:42
CCmonsterto do that03:42
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Viddybscanlan: right... The binary cli program from adaptec then? - I've recently banged my head against a wall with the 2900, i think03:42
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EnverexSnuS, Just do "sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst"03:42
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lbawinownsYay thanks!, got LBA1 working for Ubuntu now :D03:43
usserCCmonster: open the terminal03:43
=== CCmonster waits
EnverexIs anyone here using a Dell Inspiron 6400?03:43
usserCCmonster: and cd /etc/samba03:43
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smoenuxWhat Engine powers the Ubuntu forums?  is it Open Source? How do I get it?03:43
Viddybscanlan: my gut feeling is that the error messages in there are probably going to help you somewhat03:43
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bulmerPaddy_EIRE: I dont know, but you can look around /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/wireless03:44
SnuSbulmer I have a couple of computers to install and this would help a bit. I thought of using sed, but figgured there could be another way.03:44
sudeepmy pc doesn't poweroff automatically while shutting down.. (ubuntu 7.04) .. solutions??03:44
ConfidentiaLHow can I make the background of a form transparent? So that I can have a background image with transparency on...03:44
hyljesmoenux: iirc vBulletin, and it's not Free03:44
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Enverexsmoenux, vBulletin 3.6.5 2000 - 2007, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Ubuntu Logo, Ubuntu and Canonical  Canonical Ltd. Tango Icons  Tango Desktop Project.03:44
CCmonsterrm *.*?03:44
tanajirplease i need help, im new to ubuntu and i need to install my nvidia graphics... where can i get the drivers from?03:44
bscanlanViddy: binary cli programs from adaptec?03:44
sorush20I have this problem when I try to install  a package any help http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20343/03:44
ViddyI'll see if i can dig them out03:44
=== ImPErAdO [n=ScriptMa@20132162176.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Enverextanajir, Click Restricted Driver MAnager on the Admin Gnome menu then pick the obvious03:45
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denndatanajir, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx03:45
CCmonsteri did rm *.* and it said permission denied03:45
usserCCmonster: sudo rm *03:45
sudeepmy computer doesn't poweroff automatically while shutting down.. (ubuntu 7.04) ..?????????03:45
denndaCCmonster, dont do that03:45
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usserCCmonster: make sure u're in /etc/samba03:45
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CCmonsteri know03:45
CCmonsteri am03:45
bulmerSnuS: you will be using an editor or sed whichever you prefer03:45
usserCCmonster: MAKE SURE!!!03:45
EnverexOr just "sudo rm -rf /etc/samba"03:45
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SnuSbulmer thanks, I'll sed s///03:46
CCmonsterLOL i know, or else this computer would go down03:46
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mwethat's funny. I thought ubuntu was all about oss03:46
CCmonsterand i wouldnt be talking :)03:46
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denndastop CCmonster03:46
MerlinZShellguys can anyone help me with a VPN (pptp issue)03:46
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usserdennda: whats the problem?03:46
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denndarm -rf * also fits to the hardlinks . and ..03:46
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SnuSOne more shellscripting related question. How can I add a line after a certain line ? :\03:46
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Enverexmwe, What are you referring to?03:46
valehruwhats the best web interface to manage email accounts on the machine?03:46
usserdennda: no ones doind -rf03:46
sainzeodoes anyone here know of a way to have the MAC address changed at each startup automatically?03:47
sudeepAutomatic poweroff doesn't happen in 7.04 .. what should i do?03:47
valehruIm looking at courier-webadmin but Im not sure if its any good03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about courier - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
ubotumail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smtp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
CCmonsterwhats the command to go UP a level03:47
denndaok. "sudo rm -rf /etc/samba" does the trick03:47
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ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD03:47
ussercd ..03:47
denndaCCmonster, cd ..03:47
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Enverexvalehru, Try Horde or SquirrelMail03:47
mweEnverex: It just jumped into my eyes that the forums appaerantly run non-free software. If I didn't get that wrong03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pptpclient - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
Enverexmwe, Yeah, vB is pay yearly afaik03:47
sudeepAutomatic poweroff doesn't happen in 7.04 .. what should i do?03:47
bulmerSnuS: you search and then insert..i just cant recall how..  sed -n -e '/textsearch/i'  file1  ?03:47
MerlinZShell!pptp client03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pptp client - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:48
valehruhola, Enverex, ain't I usually chatting to you on wine?03:48
sudeepAutomatic poweroff doesn't happen in 7.04 .. what should i do?03:48
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sudeepAutomatic poweroff doesn't happen in 7.04 .. what should i do?03:48
spikebwtf, the forums are powered by non-free software?03:48
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mweEnverex: I think that's a little funny03:48
=== spikeb is not amused at all
Sunbowhi i normally lose conection to navigate with firefox using Azureus, anyone know how to resolve it?03:48
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magic_ninjaat times my internet goes down (i use cable via dhcp), and i have to sudo ifdown then sudo ifup it for it to work, is there a way I can make a script to do that for me to put on my girlfriend's account (she doesn't have admin access)03:48
bulmersudeep: umm you can manually press the off switch?03:48
Enverexvalehru, Yes03:48
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CCmonsterit returned an error when i did sudo apt-get install samba03:49
CCmonsterto get a fresh install03:49
sudeepya .. thhat is possible .. but it used to poweoff automatically in prev. releases.03:49
DrColossussudeep: this worked for me: edit /etc/modules and add the line: apm power_off=103:49
sipiormagic_ninja: a setuid-root script would do it, but is a security nightmare03:49
=== fattony [n=fattony@p54af4e7a.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnverexCCmonster, ... well telling us the error would be useful03:49
=== jpjacobs [n=jpjacobs@dib.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu
sudeepDrColossus.. i will give it a try03:50
CCmonsterGenerating /etc/default/samba...03:50
CCmonster * Starting Samba daemons...                                             [fail] 03:50
CCmonsterinvoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "start" failed.03:50
CCmonsterdpkg: error processing samba (--configure):03:50
CCmonster subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 103:50
CCmonsterErrors were encountered while processing:03:50
CCmonster samba03:50
CCmonsterE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:50
bulmersudeep: use  shudown  -h now to turn it off, and maybe something in you bios to enable apci ?03:50
CCmonsterdidnt wanna scroll03:50
sipiormagic_ninja: maybe you could give her sudo access for just the network?03:50
armanmxI can not get Ubuntu 6.06 on my Lapto T21, at the end of installation I just get a black screen, any Idea03:50
denndaCCmonster, please use a paste service!03:50
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CCmonsterpase service?03:50
EnverexWhy does this channel not have an auto-kicking flood bot?03:50
bulmermagic_ninja: whats your girlfriends name and ill take care of her...lolz03:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:51
sipiorEnverex: it would be considered rude to new folks who may not yet grok internet custom03:51
wickermanif anyone knows how I can get my ENE card reader to work on feisty with an ACER 5100 laptop, send me a message. Thanks!03:51
magic_ninjabulmer: lol then i would have to take care of you03:51
sipiorEnverex: i agree that it can be a problem at times03:51
denndapaste service. paste services are websites where you can put your copied stuff into a field, submit it and get a link you can share with us (that leads to your pasted content). this does not flood the channel03:51
crdlbEnverex: the server will kick them if the paste is really fast03:51
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crdlbbut most clients delay the posts to avoid it03:52
Enverexsipior, They can rejoin the forum and don't you think it's more rude to the 1233 other people in the channel \?03:52
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sipiorEnverex: i don't really care one way or the other, frankly03:52
Woody__please i need some urgent help03:52
magic_ninjais there  a way to give her admin access to just the network03:52
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CCmonsterpaste as irc logs?03:52
=== immoT- [n=tommi@dsl-kpogw7-fea5f900-1.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Viddybscanlan: whats the specific model name of the controller?03:53
bulmermagic_ninja: i think something like a client from dyndns can do that, it checks if the ip is still valid and then it re-register itself, so maybe you can modify to add ifdown/ifup03:53
Viddybscanlan: looking at the adaptec website i'm getting the "i've been here before feeling"03:53
CCmonsterHere is my error output = http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20345/03:53
sipiormagic_ninja: yes, you can configure sudo to allow her to just run ifup and ifdown, as you like03:53
bscanlanViddy: Adaptec aic7899 Ultra160 SCSI adapter03:53
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bulmermagic_ninja: the power of sudo..assign commands strictly for ifup and ifdown03:54
magic_ninjai've never messed with permissions much03:54
=== lethu [n=lethu@adsl196-70-217-206-196.adsl196-7.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu
Woody__i installed the wrong nvidia driver for my other laptop for ubuntu, i restarted and now i cant enter ubuntu... help03:54
zaggynlI believe you get kicked automagically here when flooding03:54
zaggynlI'm itching to try :] 03:54
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sipiormagic_ninja: well, no time like the present, as they say03:54
bscanlanViddy: LBA64 support perhaps?03:55
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bscanlanViddy: I'm frantically googling ;)03:55
denndaWoody__, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from commandline03:55
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CCmonstersudo dpkg --add samba?03:55
magic_ninjaCCmonster: what are you trying to do?03:55
Viddythat 2TB limit is a funny one03:55
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Viddymight be03:56
CCmonsteri removed samba, as well as the conf's03:56
magic_ninjaCCmonster: if your trying to install samba then sudo apt-get install samba03:56
CCmonsterbut im trying to re-install, fresh03:56
CCmonsteryea, it errored03:56
magic_ninjasudo apt-get remove --purge samba03:56
CCmonsterError here ---- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20345/03:56
magic_ninjasudo apt-get install samba03:56
gsiliceohi, this is my problem, i was using ubuntu with the integrated graphics in the motherboard and all cool, but yestarday i installed a Nvidia fx5200 and ubuntu wasnt loading anymore, in the recovery mode showed an error and stopped there in the middle of the boot process03:56
ksnipzhey I'm having some dual boot problems with xp, I installed XP on a slave, and I added the lines needed in GRUB but when I go to boot into xp it just says starting up.. and doesn't seem to move on from there03:56
Woody__dennda: okay... there is a list now: sis sisusb tdfx tga trident tsend vesa.... what do i do?03:56
Viddybscanlan: you "could" try popping in a debian kernel, and see if it finds all of the space03:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:56
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stefg!grub | ksnipz03:57
ubotuksnipz: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:57
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denndaWoody__, choose vesa. you will then be able to log into your graphical interface. you will have to fix your drivers then03:57
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Viddybscanlan: I'd probably do that by loading up a debian boot disk03:57
gsiliceoksnipz, i've found throught out try and error an universal solution to those grub problems when having multiple hard disks03:57
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stefgdennda: , Woody__  i'd use 'nv' instaed03:57
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bscanlanViddy: the same problem occurs with a standard debian kernel. The one on the box was modified in some way (before my time). The config for that kernel is one the 4TB array... :)03:58
ksnipzstefg, I've followed the howto's and was able to configure grub and I've fixed the menu file its just that when I click XP it still seems to hang up03:58
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denndastefg, is nv the open one?03:58
Zswhy does su doesn't work in terminal03:58
dennda(cannot distinguish between them...)03:58
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bscanlanViddy: it's the backup server 8)03:58
Woody__dennda: they are asking me so many questions... about the keyboard graphics and mouse03:58
Zshow to install java?03:58
magic_ninjaCCmonster: don't use dpkg03:58
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denndaZs, try sudo -s03:58
Viddybscanlan: heh03:58
stefgdennda: yes, the opensource driver. just tomporary to sort out the trouble03:58
gsiliceoZs download automatix03:58
magic_ninjaCCmonster: use these commands - sudo apt-get remove --purge samba then sudo apt-get install samba03:59
Viddybscanlan: yeah, we're going to run into that one rather soon, i think03:59
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:59
denndaWoody__, ok, choose nv instead. (but vesa will do the job, too.)03:59
gsiliceoZs, you have feisty or what version?03:59
denndaWoody__, that depends on your system. usually you can just go through these steps03:59
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CCmonsteri did that magic_ninja03:59
Paddy_EIREbulmer, still no joy03:59
Woody__ah okay dennda im rebooting the other system now04:00
Woody__dennda: stand by04:00
=== Welsh_Dwarf [n=david@LPuteaux-151-42-39-168.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
denndaWoody__, good luck04:00
CCmonsterhowever, i got an error when i re-installed samba with sudo apt-get install samba, , http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2034504:00
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Viddybscanlan: this might help: http://lkml.org/lkml/2003/12/21/1104:00
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bulmerPaddy_EIRE: what did you do just now?04:00
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ramezhannawhat is the ubuntu equivilant to redhat's chkconfig?04:00
Zsi had download jre-1_5_0_02-linux-i586.bin04:01
sipiorramezhanna: i'm not sure there is one, actually04:01
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flavioalguem do brazil ai galer...04:01
Woody__dennda: can you help me now get the correct drivers for my nvidia? i have a geforce4 Go 32MB04:01
Pir8if I wanted to set an env variable for all users, where would be the best place to put it in a file ?04:01
flavioalguem do brazil ai galer...04:01
stefgZs: don't use it, rather apt-get04:01
bscanlanViddy: standard ubuntu has lbd (large block device) built in, checked that already :)04:01
CCmonsterwhat files should i have in my /etc/samba/ dir , because i only have smb.conf04:01
flavioalguem do brazil ai galera?04:01
ramezhannasipior: so how do i set a service to autostart?04:01
denndaWoody__, what exactly did you do that was wrong?04:01
Zswhat? how?04:01
driverxZs.. you can run sudo apt-get install sun java5-jre and it'll be done04:01
denndaWoody__, and what version of ubuntu are you running?04:01
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Woody__i opened the terminal and typed:   sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:02
Welsh_DwarfHi, I've just upgraded to feisty, and my ide cdroms stopped working (my ide HD still works fine). The machine still boots some older live-cds so it isn't a materiel problem, dmesg gives me a load of hda: lost interrupt after having identified the drives, and I'm running 2.6.20-15. If anyone has a clue to give me I'd appreciate it.04:02
Zshow to type?04:02
Woody__7.04 dennda04:02
=== peter0815_ [n=peter@p54b7f78e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
stefgZs: don#t bypass the package manager. you can have java by apt-get out of the ubuntu-repositories04:02
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Paddy_EIREbulmer, tried lsmod | grep ath and it appears they are all loaded already but as before they where working one day then the next gone and I did nothing to interfere with it04:02
stefg!java | Zs04:02
flavioalguem do brazil ai galera?  alguem pode me ajudar?04:02
ubotuZs: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre04:02
ramezhannahow do i set a service to autostart?04:02
Fitzsimmonswhat package has the mysql development headers in it?04:02
sipiorramezhanna: you can select it in System-->Administration-->Services, or you can make sure that it's init.d file appears in /etc/rc2.d, and begins with an S04:02
gsiliceohi, this is my problem, i was using ubuntu with the integrated graphics in the motherboard and all cool, but yestarday i installed a Nvidia fx5200 and ubuntu wasnt loading anymore, in the recovery mode showed an error and stopped there in the middle of the boot process04:02
driverx..Zs actually sun-java5-jre .. maybe version 6 is available in that case sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre04:02
=== albert [n=albert@e182073238.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
denndaWoody__, i am not absolutely sure but you may need the legacy driver for that card04:02
Paddy_EIREbulmer, this seems quite unstable to me, and ppl call linux rock solid??04:02
denndaWoody__, first of all: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx04:02
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ramezhannasipior: so it is done dome the old fashion way04:02
Woody__i have another laptop which im using right now, i didnt use the legacy04:03
=== Kilroo [i=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
ramezhannathat's lame04:03
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Woody__ok dennda04:03
=== Vadash [n=alberto@43.Red-81-47-155.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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flavioalguem do brazil ai galera?  alguem pode me ajudar?04:03
sipiorramezhanna: life's hard sometimes04:03
sipiorramezhanna: but the Services menu works as well04:03
=== thefoxx [n=janek@brln-4db1a6fa.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
gsiliceoflavio, yo hablo espaol pero no portugues04:03
ramezhannasipior: it's a server so no X at all04:03
=== AlbertoP [n=AlbertoP@host132-143.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
albertweren't there any updates since the release? (except the update manager)04:03
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Woody__dennda: i removed the nvidia-glx now04:04
denndaWoody__, then move to System -> Administration -> Proprietary Drivers (or similar). (I really hope the dialog chooses the right driver for your card, then. If not, repeat the above mentioned steps.) ;)04:04
stefgalbert , there were aroubd ten new things04:04
Zsdo i need to download both the sun-java5-bin, sun-java5-jre04:04
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flavioalguem do brazil ai galera?  alguem pode me ajudar?04:04
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albertstefg: i'm just wondering dist-upgrade didn't do nothing for a while now04:05
Woody__dennda: yes, there is a driver called:   NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver the status is not in use and it is not enabled04:05
Zsdo i need to download both the sun-java5-bin, sun-java5-jre???04:05
=== abc [n=han@ip565ffc3a.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
stefgZs: just type 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin' to a term sy yes a couple of times and enjoy04:06
sipiorramezhanna: hey, check out update-rc.d, and see if it does what you need04:06
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flavio o seguinte.., quero iniciar um script automaticamente na inicializao do ubuntu to colocando dentro de /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh  e nao ta executando, alguem conhece algum outro arquivo q eu possa colocar o caminho do script pra na hora q eu ligar  o computador ja entrar executado?  um firewall04:06
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ZsReading package lists... Done04:06
ZsBuilding dependency tree... Done04:06
ZsE: Couldn't find package sun-java6-plugin04:06
Paddy_EIREcould someone please help me determine why my wifi vanished?04:06
sipiorflavio: check your keyboard, flavio. it's like you're typing another language!04:07
stefgZs: which ubuntu are you on?04:07
stefgZs: oh, i see04:07
=== angrybirdman [n=angrybir@1105ds2-ynoe.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu
toroneed to install Firefox for Linux i686, English (9.2MB)04:07
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CheshireViking!br | flavio04:07
ubotuflavio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:07
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stefg!info sun-java5-plugin dapper04:08
Zsso can you help me?04:08
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ubotusun-java5-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 1 kB, installed size 64 kB04:08
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denndaWoody__, give it a try. (But write down the above mentioned rescue commands first!) :)04:08
driverxZs.. do you have the multiverse repository enabled?04:08
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Woody__yeah i did dennda  :P04:08
Woody__im rebooting now04:08
stefgZs: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin04:08
gubluntuanyone here use bitchx?04:08
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stefg!repos | Zs04:08
gubluntuim used to irssi, apparently im in two channels now but i dont know which one im talking into nor do i know how to switch back and forth?04:08
ubotuZs: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource04:09
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ussergubluntu: i do04:09
gfxstyleri seriously need some advice04:09
Woody__dennda: i rebooted, there is no picture. its black but i head the drums sound04:09
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Woody__dennda: it didnt work :(04:09
gfxstylerwhy, in the world, does ubuntu delete my gfx-card driver at every boot-up04:09
zaggynlgubluntu, I can advise you to use xchat2 ;-)04:09
ussergubluntu: but that channel thingy kinda confuses  me to04:09
Zshold on!04:09
gubluntugfxstyler , how do you mean?04:09
denndaWoody__, is it a tft?04:09
gfxstylerit's located in /lib/modules/[insert kernel name here] /misc     and i had to put it into volatile so i copied (or symlinked it)04:09
ash0leanyone know what this means when im trying to use apt-get install04:10
ash0letimestamp too far in the future: May 11 18:04:36 200704:10
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gfxstylergubluntu: ubuntu removes my fglrx.ko at every startup from /lib/modules/bla/volatile04:10
denndaWoody__, if you can hear the drums thats a good sign04:10
stefgWoody__: if you hear the drum, then it means that X started. It might be that the Monitor does not sync04:10
=== kgangulw [n=kanishka@60-241-160-248.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
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gfxstylergubluntu: that ain't fun you know :) gotta copy it over at every boot04:10
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denndastefg, Woody__ it seems likely that the resolution cannot be displayed by your screen or something similar04:10
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Viddybscanlan: oh, if you get curious - don't run smartcli on /dev/sdb, you'll find that with certain scsi cards, it locks the box hard....04:11
=== stefg agrees with dennda
Woody__im using 1024X768.... thats the default04:11
ussergubluntu: apparently CTRL+x switches between channels04:11
kgangulwhello can some one help...i'm trying to connect to my wireless network...it sees other wireless networks but not mine...any ideas04:11
Zsi just anable the multiverse04:11
Woody__stefg: dennda the same thing happened to me on my other laptop04:11
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gubluntuusser , ty04:11
=== luckysapp [n=bob@adsl-75-35-79-49.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
denndaWoody__, you may just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again, choose the right settings and driver "nvidia". (that's the right one, i guess. stefg? ;))04:11
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Woody__stefg: dennda i also head the sound but no video04:11
dr_williskgangulw,  you rnetwork is set to broadcast its ssid? I got mine set to Not do that.04:11
=== rushdy [n=rushdy@rushdy.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Woody__ok dennda04:11
Zsi just enable the multiverse04:11
denndaWoody__, there is an option that lets you choose the resolution in that dialog04:11
Zsthen how?04:12
denndachoose the right one04:12
driverxZs sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre04:12
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Woody__stand by pelase dennda04:12
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gubluntugfxstyler , sorry, im not quite sure, you could try #ubuntu-effects if you cant get help here.. ppl there have good gfx card help04:12
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kgangulwhello can some one help...i'm trying to connect to my wireless network...it sees other wireless networks but not mine...any ideas04:12
CCmonsterthis program says to add a site to /etc/apt/sources.list04:12
robinlinthHow can i make totem support last.fm?04:12
Woody__dennda: stefg , what are the commands to install nvidia glx?04:13
ZsE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:13
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ZsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?04:13
CCmonsterbut i dont have anything in that file?04:13
CCmonsteris that normal ?04:13
jason__what sit can i find out when the next ubuntu is comeing out04:13
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stefg!nvidia | Woody__04:13
ubotuWoody__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:13
Woody__sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx and the other one os?04:13
Enverexjason__, October04:13
dr_willisjason__,  new release about every 6 months.04:13
torohow do i install mozilla for Linux04:13
driverxZs... close other package managers , eg. synaptic04:13
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ussertoro: firefox?04:13
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Enverexjason__, Versions are Year.Month. Feisty is 7.06, next is 6 months 7.10, next will be 8.04, etc04:13
jason__has any one heard any more on the gaim vv04:14
_SD_since i installed feisty, my keyboard has often not responded to quick keypresses of double letters, followed by another letter, as in , if i want to write the word 'pressing' fast, i would end up with 'presing'04:14
Zsok, its running!04:14
kgangulwhow do i get support here from anyone? please let me know04:14
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smoenuxjason_, Pidgon04:14
Enverexkgangulw, You ask the question04:14
Zsso anything i need to do, after that?04:14
toroi got the files, but im new with ubuntu and im not shure what files to install04:14
kgangulwhello can some one help...i'm trying to connect to my wireless network...it sees other wireless networks but not mine...any ideas04:14
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usserjason__: pidgin rather =)04:14
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gubluntuash0le , what is the exact cmd you are using?04:14
smoenuxjason_, usser: yeah... lol04:14
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Viddybscanlan: aic7xxx evidently takes an extended attribute for the kernel argument04:15
Zsso anything i need to do, after that?04:15
zero-9376kgangulw: is your essid hidden04:15
Zsis that all?04:15
bulmerkgangulw: how are you doing this? what command you do to test?04:15
dr_williskgangulw,  i asked you a question earlier - and you dident answer04:15
driverxZs... you could got to the Java test page and see if it works.... google "test Java"04:15
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jason__and what is pidgin04:15
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denndajason__, www.pidgin.im04:15
usserjason__: pidgin is former gaim04:16
driverxZs you bet!04:16
jokoonjason__ it is gaim04:16
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smoenuxjason_: Pidgin is the next vesion of gaim04:16
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept - At the time of feisty's final freeze, Pidgin has not been released, so Pidgin will not be going into feisty.  Expect Pidgin in feisty+1!  See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info04:16
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gubluntuusser , bitchx, for all its "heavy modification".. wont highlight my nick when someone writes to me....04:16
jsizzleI just installed azureus following the FAQ instructions using azureus-gcj and it crashes in the setup wizard complaining about libglibjni.so, but if I run with sudo it runs fine? any ideas?? TIA04:16
kgangulwsorry what was teh question to me? i'm not running any command...simply using the network tool in System->network section04:16
Zsthnks , guys and gals04:16
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Viddybscanlan: ah!         aic7xxx=extended,no_reset  The extended value, if non-zero, indicates that extended translation for large disks is enabled. The no_reset value, if non-zero, tells the driver not to reset the SCSI bus when setting up the host adaptor at boot.04:16
ussergubluntu: now thats just weird mine highlites it yellow04:16
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kgangulwoh and my wirelss card is a broadcom...04:17
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kgangulwseem to be working as its detecting other wirelss networks but not my own one :(04:17
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gumpaHowdy all. I can't get screen blanking to stop - Feisty04:17
gubluntukgangulw , can you find it with another machine?04:17
bulmerkgangulw: what you mean your own? you have your own access point (AP) ?04:17
jsizzlekgangulw: your having trouble getting your broadcom wifi working? my dad's laptop has that and I have it working, are you using ndiswrapper?04:17
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gumpaI've ran the setterm commands I've Googled, no luck04:18
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stylinIIhello, is there a proper channel for midi programming questions ?04:18
gumpawhere does blanking config live?04:18
kgangulwyes i can connect from windows machines to my wireless network...but from ubuntu i cannot.04:18
skunkworksI had to use fwcutter to get my broadcom card to work.04:18
kgangulwi used fwcutter04:18
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skunkworksndiswapper wan't cutting it.04:18
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gubluntukgangulw , there are many reasons for not detecting a wifi AP, many not to do with ubuntu, mroe so i think due to the fact that you see other AP's04:19
strabesskunkworks: ha ha ha04:19
gubluntukgangulw , is the SSID hidden? did you try manually adding it by name?04:19
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jsizzleskunkworks: which broadcom card you have? I tried fwcutter but couldn't get it working on my dad's lappy04:19
angrybirdmanwich ports are xchat using for dcc get??04:19
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sainzeoanyone know how to change the main menu ubuntu icon?04:19
dr_willisfwcutter worked for my broadcom based laptop. :)04:19
dr_williswhich amazed me04:19
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djcis there a way to link2 to view yahoomail?04:20
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jsizzledr_willis: which broadcom card? I think my dad's is a broadcom 4319 I think04:20
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ice-11hi. I'm setting up a shorewall firewall on ubuntu with two ethernet interfaces.  How come loc and net are treated the same? when I make the rule "net $FW DROP"  I can no longer access my firewall from an internal address.04:20
djclink2 i meant04:20
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jsizzledr_willis: it's a truemobile 140004:20
kgangulwthe SSID is not hidden...but it doesn't show in my list for some reason...how does it detect other wirelss networks but not my one lol04:20
zero-9376kgangulw: what are the settings for your ap, wep/wap essid hidden or vissible?04:20
hecalledtheshitpanyone know how i can connect to gamesurge, its not in the list of servers?04:20
EnverexDoes anyone here have a Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop?04:20
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usserkgangulw: thats Murphy's law =)04:20
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kgangulwoh it's WEPP 64 bit hexadecimal number04:20
pauljwgumpa, could you have the screen saver set to a blank screen?04:20
jere<kgangulw> Is yr router on?04:20
arkanabarI can't get GRUB to work -- it's on f:\boot\grub but it doesn't run when I boot.04:20
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jason__ok i downloaded pidgin 2.0 how do i install it04:21
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usserkgangulw: go to your neighbors and ask them to trade access points04:21
dr_willishecalledtheshitp,  add it to the server list. or use the /server whatever command.04:21
skunkworksit was a baffalo card with bcm43xx chipset04:21
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kgangulwyeah router is on...i'm connecting to the router right now with network cable to check settings...is there anything i need to check?04:21
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noelferreirahow can i create a special group to own a file?04:21
gubluntuangrybirdman any ports you want04:21
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kjhgkjhghow does a web site set it so that when i go to google in ff it makes me go to another website? With the http://www.google.com/ web address still in the bar????04:21
ice-11Shorewall experience anyone?04:21
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gumpapauljw:  no, screensaver is off via System->Preferences04:21
LegJoe2how do you install fonts?04:22
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djcis there a way to links2 to view yahoomail?04:22
zero-9376kgangulw: are you sure that the windows machines can connect right at this moment, sometimes my wireless goes down but ethernet keeps goin04:22
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gubluntukgangulw if you dont mind.. the fastest step is to reset the router completely...04:22
skunkworksI ended up finding everthing I needed to know from the ubuntuforums.org in regards to installing and setting up.  Even have wpa working.  (I am pretty new to linux)04:22
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bthorntonAre text-based serial terminals still used/sold today?  Something like VT-100 that could be used as a console on an otherwise headless server....04:22
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nicolahis it possible to use vnc to remote-login to ubuntu ?04:22
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nox-HandFunny conceptual question I wish to try out. I have Ubuntu LiveCD. I have an ISO that I want to burn. Can I boot the LiveCD, mount the HDD its on, burn the ISO and will it work?04:22
djcis there a way to links2 to view yahoomail?04:22
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nox-HandNot as funny as could be, I had another sollution before, but this is better ;)04:22
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kgangulwyeah i did think it was the router and restarted it too...do u mean reset it completely?04:23
zero-9376nox-Hand: should be able to04:23
Jakehow does a web site set it so that when i go to google in ff it makes me go to another website? With the http://www.google.com/ web address still in the bar????04:23
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sorsisnox-Hand: yes it should work if live-cd holds all the needed tools04:23
ussernicolah: yes it is04:23
kgangulwor should i try disabling wep04:23
djcis there a way to links2 to view yahoomail?04:23
Woody__dennda: what do you think i should do?04:23
gumpishWhere are NTP adjustments logged?04:23
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gumpapauljw: well, I just re-checked, I was wrong. maybe my setterm noodling changed it thx I'll wait and see  now04:23
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nicolahusser, I'd like to log to ubuntu from a windows pc. should I use a normal vnc client ? I tried with real vnc but It does not ask for any user or password04:23
ussernicolah: look into x11vnc04:23
arkanabarJake, I'd think that's an http or html question, not an ubuntu question04:23
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kgangulwoh also the router is running 802.11 mode in mixed mode. should i set that to B only?04:23
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nicolahthanks usser, is it for windows ?04:24
gubluntukgangulw you shouldnt have to... did oyu try manually adding it by name?04:24
thefirstdudewhy do they have gutsy, hoary, and woarty, in the online repository?04:24
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Jakearkanabar: thank you mindlessly rambleing. Ignored.04:24
nox-Handsorsis: gret04:24
ussernicolah: no its a server for ubuntu04:24
pauljwgumpa: hope it's that simple :)04:24
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djcis there a way to links2 to view yahoomail?04:24
noelferreirahow can i create a special group to own a file?04:24
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ussernicolah: and i personally prefer ultraVNC viewer client for windows04:24
LegJoe2how can I install Fonts in 7.04??04:24
kgangulwyeah i manually added the name...it prompts for the wep key when i do that...even after submitting the correct key it doesn't go beyond that04:24
gumpapauljw: indeed. Do you know what file I'm changing with the 'Screensaver' dialog?04:25
Jakehow does a web site set it so that when i go to google in ff it makes me go to another website? With the http://www.google.com/ web address still in the bar????04:25
skunkworkswith ndiswrapper - the power light never came on in the network card.  that was my main issue.04:25
djcis there a way to links2 to view yahoomail?04:25
gubluntukgangulw most likely human error.. disable WEP.. it should work.. then you will know that your problem is password/WEP related04:25
nicolahusser, should I be able to remote-login to ubuntu using ultraVNC in windows and x11vnc in ubuntu ?04:25
pauljwgumpa: no i don't, sry.04:25
arkanabarI can't get GRUB to work.  It's on my dapper install, on my slave drive, but it isn't invoked when I boot.04:25
preactionJake: you can change /etc/hosts to achieve that effect04:25
djcis there a way to links2 to view yahoomail?04:25
ussernicolah: thats what i did just now =), from work =)04:25
Jakepreaction, but can that be done by a website you've visited?04:26
nicolahthanks usser04:26
preactionJake: not unless your system is severely insecure04:26
ussernicolah: the only thing is that if u vncing from internet port 5900 should be forwarded04:26
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djcis there a way to links2 to view yahoomail?04:26
preaction!repeat | djc04:26
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Jakepreaction, its ubuntu, you tell me, besides, i see nothing in the hosts file accept localhost stuffs04:26
nicolahusser, it's about a private network.04:26
jason__so no one knows how to install pidgin 2.004:26
nicolahusser, I'm instlaling x11vnc right now04:26
ubotudjc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:26
bulmernicolah your ubuntu does not ask for password when you're using vnc? what is your ip address?04:26
gubluntu!patience | djc04:26
ubotudjc: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:27
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LegJoe2Anyone know how to install fonts04:27
nicolahbulmer, vnc can't login to my ubuntu.04:27
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rollerskatejammsHi, I'm trying to install the Kubuntu desktop package, but I get the following error: kubuntu-desktop:04:27
rollerskatejamms Depends: kde-guidance but it is not going to be installed04:27
rollerskatejamms Recommends: kde-guidance-powermanager but it is not going to be installed04:27
bulmernicolah: thats because you dont have a vncserver listening in on for a connection04:27
rollerskatejammsI have all repositories enabled.04:27
munchim new to ubuntu and its gone all wierd on me can anyone help?04:27
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dr_willisnicolah,  ive seen som eissues in the past where the vncserver program dosent run properly. see if your vncclient can connect locally04:28
bulmerrollerskatejamms: dont flood04:28
gsiliceoflavio, yo hablo espaol pero no portugues04:28
nicolahbulmer, I do. but I don't want to "share desktop" but to log more than one user04:28
gsiliceohi, this is my problem, i was using ubuntu with the integrated graphics in the motherboard and all cool, but yestarday i installed a Nvidia fx5200 and ubuntu wasnt loading anymore, in the recovery mode showed an error and stopped there in the middle of the boot process04:28
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nicolahguys thanks for your replies. I installed x11vncserver and I'm making some tests04:28
Jakehow does a web site set it so that when i go to google in ff it makes me go to another website? With the http://www.google.com/ web address still in the bar???? (Already checked /etc/hosts)04:28
dr_willisnicolah,  use the normal vncserver then04:28
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drifmunch: try to explain a bit about this weirdness part04:29
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mangojambopeople, how can I comunicate with windows users using ekiga ? Using any SIP client ??04:29
bulmernicolah: try nxmachine client  amazingly  fast04:29
jason__well i stick to gaim then04:29
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munchi just updated my ubuntu and restarted and all the writin has turned into little squares anyone know a solution?04:29
Woody1i need to get the drivers for the nvidia geforce 4 Go 32MB for Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn04:29
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tidelinejake... check your DNS in /etc/resolv.conf04:29
jason__i get out of here and let u guys figur all this other stuff out04:29
arkanabaranyone know how I can install grub on the MBR of my main boot disk?04:30
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gubluntudjc from what i understand links2 doesnt have full java support, something yahoomail uses heavily04:30
dv5237my desktop notebook is also a server but i like to decrese the load by closing X when im just downloading or irc'ing on ssh what is a clean way to close X? rebooting is no problem04:30
nicolahbulmer, thanks but nxmachine it's a client for linux and I need a client for windows to remote-login to ubuntu04:30
buz1Hi, i've installed ubuntu and have installed a couple of plugins into firefox, but when I try to upgrade, firefox says an error occured. I think it might be a permission problem, but I can't figure out which folders to edit04:30
Jaketideline, all its got in there is nameserver and the lan ip of my router04:30
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nicolahI'm making some test, gimme some minutes04:30
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CCmonsterI was curious, could someone help me with this "sources" issue?04:30
bulmernicolah: you're wrong, they have a windows version so one on windows can connect to linux box04:30
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kgangulwis there a specific channel i need to set the wirelss router to work or would it work on any channel?04:31
gubluntuarkanabar http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435104:31
nicolahthanks bulmer04:32
ussernicolah: are u using x11vnc?04:32
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Jakehow does a web site set it so that when i go to google in ff it makes me go to another website? With the http://www.google.com/ web address still in the bar???? (Already checked: /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf)04:32
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nicolahusser, I just installed x11vnc and run it04:32
bulmerkgangulw: match what the AP uses..also prefix your responses with a nick04:32
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tidelineJake: in a shell type dig www.google.com04:32
nicolahnow I'm making my way to discover the right windows client04:32
LegJoe2can someone tell me how to install fonts04:32
Ademan_what's the difference between the dia-gnome and dia packages?  All the dia-gnome package says is that it's the GNOME version, what exactly does that mean?04:32
djy__some one in china04:33
arkanabarglubuntu, I've tried that, but grub find /boot/grub/stage1 gives me an error04:33
ussernicolah: http://www.uvnc.com/index.html this is my choice ;)04:33
Jaketideline, now what?04:33
djy__bulle, http://shop33760196.taobao.com/04:33
gubluntuarkanabar what error?04:33
tidelineJake: is is really long answer?04:33
nicolahusser, I just downloaded ultravnc and I'll try nxmachine as well04:33
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dv5237my desktop notebook is also a server but i like to decrese the load by closing X when im just downloading or irc'ing on ssh what is a clean way to close X? rebooting is no problem04:33
bobbob1016does anyone know of an app, or preferably a plugin for thunderbird, that allows me to get my yahoomail?04:33
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arkanabardon't recall precisely what it said, was "Error 15" ... something about not finding it.04:33
zaggynldv5237, change the runlevel, so it doesn't use gdm or kdm but textmode04:34
gubluntunicolah in my experiance nx was faster for me.04:34
sipiorLegJoe2: if it's just for your use, drop it in .fonts and it should be picked up04:34
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zaggynlSomeone correct me if I'm talking rubbish04:34
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gubluntuarkanabar cant help much without the exact error04:34
LegJoe2I looked for .fonts, but it isnt there04:34
Jaketideline, you mean under the answer section? There are three entries04:34
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arkanabarOdd thing is, I'm in win2k and can see f:\boot\grub\stage104:34
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sipiorLegJoe2: well, you could make the directory, of course04:34
arkanabarlet me get my liveCD and see what happens04:34
Pieter_guys, how do i play subtitles in totem movie player?04:34
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habeebHey there. My sister has an iBook G4. Is it possible to install Ubuntu on it?04:35
sipiorLegJoe2: are these true type fonts, btw?04:35
Jaketideline, follow me to #imgonnapasteithere04:35
buz1Hi, when I try to upgrade extensions in firefox, I get "an error occured". I think it might be a permission problem, but I can't figure out which folders to edit.04:35
buz1I can't seem to find anyone else whith the problem, orelse I don't know what to search for. I'm running a freshly installed dapper drake04:35
bobbob1016habeeb, yes, you need the ppc ubuntu04:35
Ademan_Pieter_: i don't know the answer to that, sorry, but I do recommend using a better movie player like mplayer or vlc04:35
Pieter_habeeb, of course, ubuntu is way smaller than mac os or windows04:35
sipiorLegJoe2: k, just drop em in there, and see if gnome picks them up04:35
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munchi just updated my ubuntu and restarted and all the writin has turned into little squares anyone know a solution?04:35
habeebPieter_: And is that version supported? I mean, it has the same software available as the x86 edition?04:35
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LegJoe2I'll try it now04:36
Pieter_habeeb, i think so04:36
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gordboymunch, could be a locale problem. utf-8 chars or something04:37
CCmonsteranyone use Qtorrent?04:37
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bobbob1016habeeb, it isn't really supported anymore though, it works though.  I don't think there is a feisty installer, but there is an edgy one, I installed edgy ppc on my PS3, then upgraded to feisty without issues.04:37
dougie....ok finally got linux installed without a cdrom drive :-D04:37
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Ademan_CCmonster: i use Ktorrent04:37
gordboymunch, what packages did you update ? have a look there first04:37
munchgordboy sorry m8 how do i sort it im really new to ubuntu04:37
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CCmonsteri use Ktorrent too, but Qtorrent is apparently quite good.04:38
dougienow.....it's says my resolution is set to 1680x1050 but my lcd is picking it up as 1736x1050 how do i fix this?04:38
CCmonsterKtorrent crashes on me after a while as well,  its never stable :(04:38
munchit said there was 465 updates some updated some didnt04:38
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EnverexCCmonster, Same here, I use Deluge now04:38
lmnop__i really like deluge, but for some reason it wont run anymore on my box.... it made me sad04:38
habeebbobbob1016: I see. Also, I have another problem. My sister is like 14 years old, so she has absolutely no idea about the stuff that came with the laptop (it wasn't hers to begin with). In case something messes up, I can still format and put OS X, eh?04:38
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bobbob1016habeeb, yes04:39
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gordboymunch, 465 updates ? what are you using 6.06 ?04:39
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CCmonsterwhat is a fiesty backport?04:39
_JohnyDoes anyone know how can i obtain the default ubuntu theme in Gnome?04:39
arkanabargubluntu this gets weirder and weirder.  I selected "Boot from first HD" from the liveCD boot menu, and GRUB came up.04:39
bobbob1016habeeb, barring pouring coffee on it or something04:39
GoetmetI sometimes find useful to have tabs in a pdf documents, to see differents parts of the same document.. is there any pdf viewer that allows me to do this?04:39
quaaldoes anyone have a problem running electric sheep screensaver with compiz ?04:40
CCmonsternever heard of it04:40
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habeebbobbob1016: Any idea on where the PPC iso is?04:40
munchcant find the disk at this second i had a friend install it for me04:40
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arkanabargubluntu:  that error you wanted for "find /boot/grub/stage1" is "Error 15: file not found"04:40
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lmnop__quaal, if i find screensavers are a hit and miss thing with compiz. make sure you have 3d configured right04:40
bobbob1016habeeb, I'm looking04:40
habeebhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=411442&highlight=ibook+g4 aw here04:40
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dave_i'm trying to mount an .iso file04:41
CCmonsterktorrent just had an upgrae04:41
ghassanHi all04:41
CCmonsterlike..seconds ago, i assume, im set to update daily04:41
quaallmnop__, what do you mean by that, it works fine with just metacity, and also beryl04:41
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shmillif i tell you my general system specs... can you tell me if i should use Xubuntu or Ubuntu?04:41
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zachhey all I'd like to know if getting beryl/3d accel. is possible with an ati "Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x (rev 64)"?04:41
dave_i'm using mount -o loop -t iso9660 /home/username/file.iso /home/test04:41
dave_i'm getting an error04:41
dave_ioctl: loop_set_fd: invalid argument04:41
bobbob1016habeeb, I don't think there is one for feisty, you'd probably have to upgrade to feisty from edgy.  Shouldn't be an issue, so long as you do it first thing when you boot edgy04:42
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lmnop__zach, i would guess it is.... but dont quote me on that04:42
IntangibleLiquidzach: why don't you just give it a try?04:42
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CCmonsterOk so, could someone help me04:42
habeebbobbob1016: And the procedure is the same as in x86? Download iso, burn iso, push the disk into the Mac?04:42
arkanabarWhy does GRUB only work when I use the liveCD & choose "Boot from main hard disk"?04:42
zachi'm used to gentoo...and nvidia cards :) i justneed the name of the package i should be looking for04:42
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CCmonsterthe qtorrent site says to add sources to the repository list, and says they are up to version .913 or somethign.04:43
shmilli mean i want to know if my system is "good enough" for Ubuntu or should i use Xubuntu... in matters of performance, not compability.04:43
bobbob1016habeeb, should be, you might have to hold C, or if OSX is on it now, you might have to go into the system prefs, and tell it to boot the CD04:43
badvistadave_: broken iso?04:43
CCmonsterhowever, when i add sources, and reload synaptec, i get version 2.xxx something, and its definetly older04:43
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absumdoes anyone know if there is some application to extract camera positioning data from digital photos?04:43
_Johnydave_: Did you manage to mount it? KDE or GNOME?04:43
ubuntu_kixI had to use the last distribution and upgrade online04:43
dave_no it does it with all of them hahaha04:43
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dave_i'm actually just on the Live CD GNOME right now04:43
badvistadave_: try mount -t loop *.iso dir/04:44
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lmnop__dave_, you have to tell it to use iso9660 as the file system04:44
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badvistadave_: sorry my fault04:44
habeebHihi, if I screw it up, my sister will rape me :304:44
_Johnydave_: I today already done somemounting with KDE application howewer. The best I could say is "Kiso" , should be in the repos04:44
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sakhiHi all.04:45
_Johnysakhi: hi04:45
=== kvidell uses mount -o loop all the time for um... stuff.
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jason__the pidgin is cool but i was ask is the gaim vv out yet its gaim with voice and video04:45
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sakhiI need assistance with installing mysql04:45
dave_hmm i think i have to do losetup04:45
CCmonsterhow do i compile a .gz file04:45
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_JohnyCCmonster: compile?04:45
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kvidellI'm reading that loop should be a type, not an option04:46
sipiorCCmonster: i think you mean unpack04:46
CCmonsterscuse' me04:46
sipiorCCmonster: tar zxvf *.tar.gz04:46
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_JohnyCCmonster: tar -zxvf file04:46
bobbob1016habeeb, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release/04:46
kvidellthat doesn't make sense04:46
rollerskatejammsCan anybody offer some advice as to how I might workaround this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/11404704:46
sakhidon't u need to unpack?04:46
arkanabarI can only run GRUB by booting with the Live CD and choosing "Boot from main hard disk" -- how do I fix this so Grub runs without the liveCD?04:46
CCmonsterok, ive got the containing folder,04:46
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CCmonsterquestion , now what the hell do i do with it04:46
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habeebThank you, bobbob101604:46
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sakhigo into a blue directory04:47
bobbob1016does anyone know of an app for feisty, or preferably a plugin for thunderbird, that allows me to get my yahoomail?04:47
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habeeband it's Feisty, indeed, bobbob101604:47
zachahh i found it....fglrx...what a supid name04:47
bobbob1016habeeb, yeah, I realized that04:47
=== zach smacks ati
MenZazach: ATi ftl!04:47
jason__well iam off to bed guys have fun04:47
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=== usser ehm how do i demonize a process if i use sudo?
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=== usser like sudo app & doesnt work for some reason?
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iturk_hi there i get a .chm file from a lapton scpecification from official LG website. How can i read this file on Linux ?04:48
sakhiI have managed to install the myqlserver and common but I need assistance. The main goal is to install MediaWiki.04:48
nathan_hello all04:48
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Goetmetto add a new column to a model I know I have to create a new migration and use the add_column method in self_up... but how do I modifiy, for example, the NULL setting for a column?04:48
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CheshireVikingbobbob1016, don't know about thunderbird, but yahoo mail works fine with evolution mail, presumably the same settings would work in thunderbird04:48
kvidellusser: ctrl+z after it's running04:48
CCmonsterso ive got this folder out of the tar.gz file i got04:48
kvidellusser: then when you get your terminal back, type bg04:48
GoetmetI have to create a new migration but what do i have to put there04:48
CCmonsterquestion is, wth do i do with it04:48
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CCmonsterits Qtorrent04:48
Goetmetmodify_column ? or what04:48
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CCmonsterand i need to install it04:49
dave_ok well the reason for mounting this guy anyway is that gparted and qtparted are not letting me shrink my ntfs partition04:49
dave_is there a better way to do thsi?04:49
kvidellusser: that'll suspend, then background the process.04:49
CCmonsterbut im not sure how to install a "folder" lol04:49
bobbob1016CheshireViking, the free yahoo mail?  I'm not sure if I mentioned that, sorry04:49
gsiliceohi, this is my problem, i was using ubuntu with the integrated graphics in the motherboard and all cool, but yestarday i installed a Nvidia fx5200 and ubuntu wasnt loading anymore, in the recovery mode showed an error and stopped there in the middle of the boot process04:49
sakhithere is a read me fil in that blue directory.04:49
nathan_Does anyone else have issue with resolution set to 800x600 only after nVidia driver install?  (7.04)04:49
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CheshireVikingbobbob1016, yes, i use a free yahoo mail account with evolution04:49
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Lufthi, I'm trying to setup the eciadsl driver for feistyh (kernel 2.6.20-15) and I need patch kernel. whats the ubuntu why for such?04:49
Enverexnathan_, Why don't you change it?04:49
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usserkvidell: wow thanks04:49
nicolahusing nx client in windows do I still need x11vncserver in ubuntu to remote-login ? (ho desktop-sharing, remote-login with another user)04:50
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nicolahho = no04:50
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Goetmetany idea?04:50
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Goetmetfuck i'm in the wrong channel04:50
RAH66hey all newbie is back04:50
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nathan_Won;t let me.  xorg is set to allow resolutions up to 1280x1024.04:50
Stonekeeperhi! Is it mental to create a new partition on a live system? It wont knacker anything currently running will it? cheers04:51
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usserkvidell: why does ps show two instances of app running04:51
RAH66will ubuntu connect to my current windows network?04:51
yimmmmyim finaly a linux noob  :}04:51
arkanabarI can only get Grub to work by booting from liveCD & choosing "Boot from main hard disk" -- how do I fix this?04:51
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gsiliceofeisty will RAH6604:51
shmilli have a rather old computer: Duron 4 1.3ghz 512ram --> should i use ubuntu or xubuntu?04:51
bobbob1016CheshireViking, what server type did you use?  I'm trying to set it up with evolution now04:51
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kvidellusser: no clue. seperate pids I presume?04:51
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dave_any ideas on this ntfs resize?04:51
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CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i used the settings on this page to configure Evolution - http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/mailplus/pop/pop-14.html04:51
RAH66thanx Im getting it now04:51
nathan_If I disable the nVidia driver I get 1024x768 back and I'd be happy with that (setting this system up as kiosk).04:51
usserkvidell: never mind04:51
darkstrikerdnathan_: try change resolution in nvidia-settings04:51
tarnap__is there already a solution for the generic kernel + sata problem?04:51
bobbob1016CheshireViking, mailplus isn't the free one though04:52
grimborgis ntfs-3g (latest version) really to be trusted? i'm having some inconsistency problems with my ntfs partition under windows xp, but i don't know wether ntfs-3g or win is to blame. i've been googling around searching for problems with ntfs-3g and found nothing.. anyone here using ntfs-3g (for write) who cares to share threir experience? thanks04:52
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arkanabarshmill, I'd think you're strong enough for gnome or kde.04:52
yimmmmywhat video editing software dose ubuntu04:52
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i used the same settings and it worked ok04:52
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nathan_Only 'auto' is enabled in nvidia-settings04:52
tarnap__hell yeah... i'm switching back to 6.0404:52
tarnap__see you later04:52
darkstrikerdgrimborg: i use ntfs-3g without problems, until now.04:52
kvidellI do what I can.04:53
nathan_ntfs-3g rocks04:53
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RAH66if I download feisty with wubi will I be able to install ubuntu on a formatted pc from the ISO on a cd04:53
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nathan_What's your issue darkstrikerd?04:53
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i don't think there's any difference with the servers between the mailplus and the free service04:53
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gsiliceoRAH66, i dont think so04:53
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gsiliceolet me check that for you04:54
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grimborgthanks darkstrikerd, nathan_.. maybe it's wxp fault :S04:54
bobbob1016CheshireViking, I thought they didn't allow free pop access, only for mailplus04:54
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yimmmmycan i use my usb capturing card with ubuntu?04:54
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shmillhey guys04:54
RAH66so Im gona have to keep windows04:54
aslanthis is a really simple question I hope04:54
arkanabarGRUB only works for me when I boot from the liveCD and choose "Boot from main hard disk" ... how do I fix this?04:54
CCmonsterokily, can someone help me to install qtorrent04:54
shmillis there a difference between the live-cd and the installed version of Ubuntu?04:54
gsiliceoSection "Device"04:54
gsiliceoIdentifier"Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller"04:54
gsiliceosorry for that04:54
shmillaside from the obvious04:54
RAH66<gsiliceo> thanks allot04:54
aslanI am running feisty, on an AMD x86_64, laptop, and for some reason I can NOT get libdvdcss to install04:54
aslanany ideas ?04:54
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zachso i installed fglrx-control, xorg-driver-fglrx, and whatever their deps were....so will my xorg.conf be automagically changed if i reboot?04:55
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i don't know about that, maybe its just on old accounts that are still active that have pop3 available, its an old account i've got from before they started charging04:55
dr_willisyimmmmy,  i would not bet  on it. thost things are a bit notorious for  not having well documented specs so that means few drivers.04:55
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sunnypiesCCmonster, you want to install a torrent program?04:55
nathan_Maybe.  It's jsut weird.  I set the xorg before I even uinstalled the nVidia driver and I get 1024x768 fine.  after install it's 800x600 and can't change unless I uninstall the driver again.  Funky, hu?04:55
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bobbob1016CheshireViking, I had mine for a while, at least 5 or 6 years04:55
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sipioraslan: without error messages, diagnosis is hopeless04:55
gsiliceoRAH66 wait a little04:55
martin__good morning04:55
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RAH66yeah I know04:55
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CheshireVikingbobbob1016, it should work then04:55
martin__how do get vlc to play my music through usb audio?04:56
nicolahusser, are you still there ?04:56
RAH66how are you checking?04:56
aslansipior: well I just can't get it installed, when I do apt-get install it says there's not candidates04:56
yimmmmycan i use my usb capturing card with ubuntu?04:56
aslanand then when I try to run the install-css script it just sits there and doesn't output anything.....04:56
nathan_Sure you can yimmmmy,  just need to find the driver. :D04:56
gsiliceono, the problem is, wubi doesnt keep the iso once it has installed ubuntu04:56
arkanabar(10:55:06) dr_willis: yimmmmy,  i would not bet  on it. thost things are a bit notorious for  not having well documented specs so that means few drivers.04:56
Ix0saslan, Just try through Synaptic?04:56
sipioraslan: that's right, libdvdcss can't be bundled with the main ubuntu for legal reasons. have a look at medibuntu, i believe it can be found there04:56
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RAH66so it makes an exe?04:57
grimborganother question.. i'm running feisty on an acer laptop and it sometimes freezes just after a minute or so. in the system log there's no error, just a line which says BUG: soft lookup detected on CPU#0. If I boot in single mode it doesn't freeze. I've tried disabling everything (renaming in /etc/rc2.d the files for bluetooth, acpi, apm... ) but with no luck so far. It sometimes freezes even before gdm fires up, so I don't think it's video ca04:57
ubuntu_kixautomatix installs alot of drivers04:57
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gsiliceoit unpacks it and then deletes it lol04:57
yimmmmywhat should i be worried about with ubuntu04:57
yimmmmylike viruses04:57
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sef_Do I need to do anything other than create a .procmailrc to enable procmail in feisty?  I have the .procmailrc in my home directory.. but it's not filtering04:57
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nathan_Exactly yimmmmy, what arkanabar said is very true.  theoreticvally you can run any hardware on any system, with the proper drivers.  if you can find them (or right your own if you're that good) than yes you can.04:57
zaggynl!automatix | ubuntu_kix04:57
ubotuubuntu_kix: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:57
gsiliceoRAH66, wait, let me see if i there is a way to intercept the iso, from the download location04:58
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arkanabaryimmmmy -- Viruses?  Almost none.  Maybe a rootkit attack.04:58
RAH66well for now its ok when I get my cd's I should be ready for UBUNTU hey?04:58
yimmmmycan u rom edit04:58
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yimmmmylike gba roms and nes roms04:58
gsiliceoyeah, but lets see where wubi puts the iso before installation beggings04:59
yimmmmyand dl torrents and04:59
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bobbob1016RAH66, if you need a way to burn the CD's, try this http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm04:59
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RAH66ahhh seee I wouldnt have thought of that04:59
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ubuntu_kixyes automatix caused skipping on movie player with .flv files, so I use vlc media player04:59
nathan_Anyone else have any bright ideas to get this resolution problem fixed?04:59
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RAH66yeah I know but we wana know if wubi keeps the iso????04:59
gsiliceoRAH66, found it, c:\wubi\install04:59
nathan_Al the typical fixes I have exhausted05:00
somarCan anyone help? How do get vlc to play my music through usb audio?05:00
arkanabaryimmmmy -- the trick is finding out what packages you need to do that stuff.  If you're really into it, you'll write your own.05:00
RAH66so it stays there?05:00
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darkstrikerdnathan_: try reset in nvidia-settings05:00
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yimmmmyhow can i rite my onw im not familure with what u are talking about05:00
nathan_you mean usb sound card somar?05:00
RAH66<gsiliceo>  u da man?05:00
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yimmmmycan u teach me05:00
gsiliceobut just in case, copy the file to another folder or burn it before it reboots05:00
driverxWhat is the best way to use vmware? separate partitions for each guest OS or what?05:00
RAH66lol u r a man??05:00
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, did those settings work for your yahoo mail?05:00
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gsiliceook, gotta go05:01
gsiliceogood luck man05:01
arkanabaryimmmmy -- no.  I know almost nothing about various Nintendo emulators and ROM files.  I suggest lots of google and ask.com05:01
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RAH66thanks allot cya!!!05:01
kitchedriverx: up to you depending on how you want the machine to work but most just use a image05:01
yimmmmywill i still be abel to mod halo still05:01
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somarnathan: Direct USB connection between laptop and speakers "USB Audio" under System>Pref's>Sound05:01
yimmmmythey have programs that u can dl for windows05:01
darkstrikerdnathan_: try reinstall nvidia driver with envy05:01
bobbob1016CheshireViking, no, it keeps asking for my password05:01
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bobbob1016CheshireViking, I'll try evolution, on second05:02
driverxkitche... an image rather than installing the guest? (I'm a emulator noob)05:02
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titiahi - registered ekiga with ekiga.net and opened a pc-to-phone account - problem is, I don't know how to dial out to the phone system using ekiga - does anyone know how to dial to a POTS number ? Thanks ...05:02
RAH66does ubuntu work with zip,rar files05:02
kitchedriverx: vmx image05:02
yimmmmyi had trouble with my ati grafics but it innstalled with the update by itself05:02
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somaryes rah66 :)05:02
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teqmanHey, I've got the problem listed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1995740, but can't seem to find a solution, anyone have any pointers?05:02
iturk_guys after i reboot the X all my fonts get extremelly big and the icons in wmaker extremelly little!! can someone tell me how to correct them ?05:02
darkstrikerdRAH66: sudo apt-get install rar05:02
RAH66wtf? is that?05:02
driverxkitche... I'm not gettin' it. the guest OS is not installed?05:02
arkanabarRAH66 -- that's a command line for installing rar05:03
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kitchedriverx: vmware cna install to a partition or to a vmware image05:03
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usserkvidell: thank you05:03
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i set it up for my wife on monday, basically put the settings into evolution, made sure the port numbers were right, ticked the box for remember password and then downloaded email05:03
w4nabe245143hi.  can i apt-get kde if i have the lts server edition?05:03
RAH66were do you input it?05:03
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kitchedriverx: for the guest os05:03
kvidellusser: quite welcome.05:03
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kitchew4nabe245143: yes05:03
darkstrikerdRAH66: look for rar in synaptic and install it05:03
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driverxSo, I install vmware server, (I guess) and then install the guest OS to that?05:04
kitchew4nabe245143: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will give you everything for kde in kubuntu05:04
arkanabarRAH66 -- put that line in your terminal05:04
itknighthi all05:04
kitchedriverx: yep05:04
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yimmmmyi love linux\ untill it give me trouble05:04
itknightanyone had issues with Ipod and ubuntu05:04
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yimmmmythen ill kill it05:04
itknightIpod not being able to play afterwards05:04
dr_willisyimmmmy,  with tthat logic.. give up on pc's and take up GOLF...05:04
kitchedriverx: think the server can't install to a partition for guest os, can't remember though05:04
bobbob1016CheshireViking, it just asks for my password05:04
RAH66open that with right click?05:04
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:04
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yimmmmyi hate golg05:05
somarWhen I select "USB Audio" under sound preferences for "Music and Movies" it keeps playing from my laptop speakers05:05
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, strange, have you had the account configured for pop3 access previously on a windows machine?05:05
RAH66the terminal wtf is that?05:05
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dr_willisRAH66,  time to learn some Linux FUNdamentals. :) its where you Type in 'commands' :)05:05
somaranyone know what else I need to do?05:05
arkanabarRAH66 -- sort of like command prompt in Windows.05:05
bobbob1016CheshireViking, no, I tried it on my Mac before though05:05
jameshey all i have a big big problem05:05
Feldegastto me golf makes no sense, u have a ball, u hit it and spend the day chasing and hitting it05:05
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dr_willisjust dont call it 'dos' :)05:05
bobbob1016CheshireViking, same thing05:05
yimmmmyyo can someone tell me if these are good05:05
sef_do I have to do anything special to start procmail working?05:05
sef_do I have to do anything special to start procmail working?05:06
RAH66oh ok like the good old days05:06
driverxkitche.. OK I want to use emulation to play with various Linux distros.. so would actually installing each distro be the easiest way to do it?05:06
sef_do I have to do anything special to start procmail working?05:06
teqmansef_ stop spamming05:06
Enverex!repeat > sef_05:06
yimmmmysome one look please and tell me if they are worth the dling05:06
bobbob1016sef_ asking every two seconds doesn't help at all05:06
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CheshireVikingbobbob1016, give me a sec, i seem to remember there's something you have to enable in the yahoo account to enable pop3 access05:06
RAH66but not with the cd\ and dir/w and stuff??05:06
jamesI have installed ubuntu (7.04) on to a laptop for a coworker, however everytime i boot the laptop just powers off instantly when it gets to the point it should be loading X05:06
dr_willisRAH66,  no.. its what the good old says SHOULD of been :)05:06
Enverexyimmmmy, It's personal preference05:06
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jamesno warning, no errors05:06
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jamesjust dies05:06
yimmmmyare they good05:06
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Enverexyimmmmy, READ THE DAMN COMMENTS05:06
kitchedriverx: just make some hd images in vmware server and install thought he virtual machines05:06
yimmmmyhey james is my name05:07
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dr_willisRAH66,   Embrace the shell, hug the terminal!. :)05:07
RAH66who plays dos games here?05:07
Feldegastyimmmmy i don't know 7,9 and 10, i like the rest tho05:07
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RAH66I will05:07
darkstrikerdRAH66: look for shell in google05:07
yimmmmyjese some one is cranky05:07
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RAH66ok on my way05:07
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jamesi can get in rescue mode but i cant find whats wrong, its pretty much a clean install (just a few packages addeD)05:07
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darkstrikerdRAH66: i play dos games with dosbox05:07
jamesany ideaS?05:07
RAH66yeah me too05:07
yimmmmywhat are dos games05:07
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RAH66"terminal" games05:08
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Feldegastgames made before win95 was popular05:08
driverxkitche.. is that a one time thing? or does it need to be done again after the machine reboots - Do you know a good site to explain the various programs (QEMU, VMware, ect.) and methods?05:08
darkstrikerdgames like warcraft 2 are "dos games"05:08
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yimmmmyoh sweet05:08
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yimmmmydo they run well05:08
w4nabe2451431ever played aldo?05:08
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RAH66I found syndicate checked it was like 3 meg in those days gees that was allot05:09
Feldegastdoom was a dos game05:09
justdaveI'm trying to do a pxe-install of Ubuntu Feisty (attempting to stage this for automated deployments), and the pxe installer seems to want to go install directly from a mirror...  I found the "enter manually" for the mirror, but it doesn't seem to like the mounted image of the installer CD on the local http server.  If I want the network install to happen locally, is it possible from the CD, or do I need to actually mirror the online repo?05:09
tritiumyimmmmy: you never ran Microsoft's Disk Operating System (DOS)?05:09
w4nabe2451431chuck yeager air combat05:09
arkanabarGRUB only works for me if I boot from liveCD and choose "Boot from main hard disk" -- how do I fix this?05:09
darkstrikerddriverx: www.easyvmx.com create a simple virtual machine and run with vmware-player05:09
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dr_willisRAH66,  for playing of actual DOS games - check out Dosbox. it emulates the old dos enviroment. :)05:09
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RAH66yeah thats what I use05:09
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CheshireVikingbobbob1016, if you log into your yahoo account via webmail and find the options button (on mine, its near the top right of the screen next to mail upgrade), select the "Pop access and forwarding", on mine, there is an option to enable POP3 access05:09
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sorsishow do i get wobbly windows etc. to KDE? what about cube desktop?05:09
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dr_willisI found my OS/2 floppys the other day. :)05:09
CCmonsteranyone got an Oink invite they could pass along?05:10
driverxdarkstrikerd - cool! thanks05:10
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RAH66still have a floppy here somewere05:10
driverxkitche - thanks for the input05:10
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arkanabarsorsis -- beryl/compiz, AFAIK05:10
sef_can anyont point me at a howto for procmail please?  I can't get it to start filtering05:10
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, there's also an option to check your POP3 settings on that page05:10
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nojointsI have a problem with flash when I installed w32codecs, no idea why but it comes up everytime when I install a new program and it and when I run dpkg --configure -a it will come to OK...... then it stops05:10
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bobbob1016CheshireViking, are you 100% sure you have the free yahoomail?  not yahoomail plus?05:11
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RAH66any 1 rememba hotrod?05:11
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shirishhi all, does anyone know if transmission (bittorrent client) is in the feisty repos.05:11
yimmmmymacromedia flash mx dose it work?05:11
sorsisarkanabar: is beryl enough or do i need compiz too?05:11
kitchedriverx: one time thing05:11
dr_willis!find transmission05:11
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i'm certainly not paying for yahoomail plus, if i've got it, they've given it to me for free05:11
ubotuPackage/file transmission does not exist in feisty05:11
Enverexyimmmmy, No, it's a Windows program05:11
LocoHi, anyone knows some web for download neped.c?05:11
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driverxkitche... ok thanks again05:12
yimmmmyoh shizno i can make flash movies or animated movies any more05:12
arkanabarsorsis -- dunno, truth be told.  Best guess, beryl will do the trick.  I suggest googling those to find out.05:12
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kitcheyimmy: you might have it work in wine05:12
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w4nabe2451431i need to configure my network via usb on dapper...can anybody suggest something05:12
berenttoday strange thing happened. I was chatting on yahoo from kopete. suddenly some stranger pinged me telling i was in a chat room when there is no chance on kopete to enter a yahoo chat room . why does this happen . who does this05:12
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sorsisarkanabar: ty05:12
shirishdr_willis: thanx learnt something new today about ubotu05:12
sunnypiesto anyone, does linux have a movie maker program like windows does?05:12
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tritiumsunnypies: kino05:12
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sunnypiestritium, whats it called?05:13
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yimmmmyquestions be back later skipping school05:13
bobbob1016CheshireViking, I don't see pop settings05:13
tritiumsunnypies: I just told you ;)05:13
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arkanabarsunnypies:  we use kino for that... named for kinoscopes, I guess.05:13
sunnypiestritium, lol i thought that was a typo05:14
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CheshireVikingbobbob1016, only thing i can think of then is that my account is a very old one that's always had pop access, maybe yours is just a bit newer05:14
yimmmmywho seen spider man three05:14
somaraaaanyone got any ideas with my usb audio problem? :(05:14
yimmmmy!seen spiderman305:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen spiderman3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
sunnypiesarkanabar, thanks   whats the command to install it?05:14
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nicolahguys I installed the nx client on windows but I still cannote remote-login to my ubuntu machine. would someone help me ? thanks05:15
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yimmmmy!seen urmums pu c05:15
arkanabaruhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... try sudo apt-get kino ??? I pay attention and make educated guesses, not movies.05:15
USMarinenicolah use vnc05:15
berenttoday strange thing happened. I was chatting on yahoo from kopete. suddenly some stranger pinged me telling i was in a chat room when there is no chance on kopete to enter a yahoo chat room . why does this happen . who does this05:15
bobbob1016CheshireViking, I've had it as long as I can remember, that is what's confusing me05:15
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sunnypiestritium, whats the command to install kino?05:15
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LjL!botabuse > yimmmmy    (yimmmmy, see the private message from Ubotu)05:15
LjL!offtopic > yimmmmy    (yimmmmy, see the private message from Ubotu)05:15
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USMarineapt-get install kino05:15
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tritiumsunnypies: sudo aptitude install kino05:15
luisgmarineHello I'm about to resize my partition and create another one for my music, then install amd64 ubuntu on there, does ubuntu automatically pick up that partition I set aside for my music?05:16
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Floopythere are any channel of ubuntu in spanish?05:16
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, what options do you get when you got to the webmail account & click on options?05:16
tritium!es | Floopy05:16
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:16
ubotuFloopy: please see above05:16
nicolahUSMarine, which windows vnc client is ok to remote-login to ubuntu ? ultra vnc ?05:16
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beeralright... i have been searching high and low for the past week... and i cannot find a fix for my laptop screen not starting back up when returning from sleep mode05:16
berenttoday strange thing happened. I was chatting on yahoo from kopete. suddenly some stranger pinged me telling i was in a chat room when there is no chance on kopete to enter a yahoo chat room . why does this happen . who does this05:16
gyswhat's this?05:16
beerany ideas of where to look05:16
dr_willisnicolah,  about any of them - i use ultravnc under windows05:16
Vegeta^When creating a new partition with during the Ubuntu Linux instal, what filesystem should be used for the swap? The 'default' ext3 or 'linux-swap'? And what about for the /, should that be a ext3 filesystem or can I choose ntsf filesystem?05:16
MerlinZShellany idea why my fluxbox doesnt have a menue ?05:16
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USMarineberent a mod05:16
sunnypiestritium, thanks05:16
dr_willisnicolah,  they should all work. :) if done right.05:17
USMarineVegeta^ linux-swap05:17
nicolahdr_willis, USMarine How should I configure vnc to remote-login ?05:17
nicolahI mean I can share the desktop05:17
LjLVegeta^, being a swap partiton, you should mark it as swap of course. swap doesn't have a filesystem.05:17
berentUSMarine : what?05:17
nicolahbut I want to login with another user05:17
tritiumsunnypies: of course.  It's also installable via apt-get or synaptic.  I just prefer aptitiude...05:17
USMarinenicolah just open a new vnc session05:17
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tritiumaptitude, even05:17
LjLVegeta^: for root, you definitely DON'T want to (or can) use NTFS. use ext3.05:17
gerry_Vegeta^: swap not need filesystem05:17
arkanabarI can only get GRUB to work by booting from live/install DVD and choosing "Boot from main hard disk."  HOW do I fix this?05:17
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i get two columns of choices, left hand one is "Spam", the right hand one is "Management" and its the second one in the management column05:17
nicolahUSMarine, dr_willis can I query one of you ?05:17
dr_willisnicolah,  vnc is a very flexable system. it depends on exactly HOW you want to 'remote login' I normally just ssh to the linxu box.  start 'vncserver' then use the vncclient to connect to the then running desktop.05:17
USMarinegerry_ ofc it needs a file system05:17
dr_willisnicolah,  thats how i perfer to do it.05:17
USMarinenicolah no05:18
saleshey guys, On the new version of ubuntu that I installed, I do not see a way to specify the "print queue" when setting up a printer05:18
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berenttoday strange thing happened. I was chatting on yahoo from kopete. suddenly some stranger pinged me telling i was in a chat room when there is no chance on kopete to enter a yahoo chat room . why does this happen . who does this05:18
bobbob1016CheshireViking, Spam Options column: Block Addresses, and Block Addresses, Manage column: Mail Addresses, Filters, General Prefs, Signature, Vacation, Announce05:18
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dr_willisnicolah,  i DONT share the 'currently seen kde/gnome' desktop.  i want inddpendant 'virtual' desktops05:18
bobbob1016CheshireViking, those are in order05:18
nicolahdr_willis, right now I'm using ubuntu with user_a and I'd like to login with user_b05:18
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nicolahthat's what I'd like to do dr_willis05:18
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gerry_mkswap not to build filesystem05:18
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kitchebobbob1016: it's just a bot randomly iming people05:18
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kidpunkhow can i load the cd ubuntu05:18
Mauro22hi guys05:19
USMarinekidpunk insert it into the cd drive05:19
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kidpunkit is05:19
nuked_omeni got a couple of questions05:19
nicolahI enabled remote-login, but I can I insert username and password in ultravnc ?05:19
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i get the same, just in the management column, i've got "POP access & forwarding" in  between Mail Address and Filters05:19
kidpunknothing pops up05:19
Vegeta^I have another OS on a different partition with NTFS filesystem, which I want to keep. If I create a partition with NTFS filesystem, will I be able to acces that partition with linux? That is store documents and files in there when using linux?05:19
nicolahit just ask for ip05:19
dr_willisnicolah,  you can have 2 X desktops at the same time with Ubuntu/Kubuntu :) OR ya could use vnc for a similer thing.05:19
MerlinZShellI just moved to fluxbox and i couldnt start any application same thing with Enlighten  had to reboot to come back to gnome any idea how to fix that ?05:19
kitchekidpunk: reboot05:19
arkanabarkidpunk -- if it's CD, you probably need to reboot.05:19
USMarineVegeta^ acccess=read -> yes05:19
kidpunk\i did so many times it wont load up05:19
bobbob1016kitche, what is a bot?05:19
dr_willisnicolah,   i dont enable 'remote desktop' that shares the currently running/seen desktop05:19
bobbob1016CheshireViking, not sure then05:19
nicolahremote-desktop disabled- ok05:19
kitchebobbob1016: an automated thing like ubotu is05:19
salesdo you guys know how to edit the 'print queue' for setting up a printer, in the new ubuntu?05:20
USMarineMerlinZShell kde is a good one05:20
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berenttoday strange thing happened. I was chatting on yahoo from kopete. suddenly some stranger pinged me telling i was in a chat room when there is no chance on kopete to enter a yahoo chat room . why does this happen . who does this05:20
nicolahdr_willis, remote-login enabled ok05:20
bobbob1016kitche, I meant who, not what, sorry05:20
arkanabarbobbob1016, a bot is a program that resides in a chat to automate various tasks.05:20
nuked_omenwhen i enable desktop effects, xmms doesn't minimize well, only the main window minimizes, and the playlist and equlizers stay unminimized05:20
kidpunkso i'm wondering if theres more to it05:20
bobbob1016arkanabar, I meant who, my bad05:20
kitchebobbob1016: sorry not to you05:20
arkanabarkidpunk -- you may have a bad cd05:20
kitcheberent: it's just a bot randomly iming people05:20
MerlinZShellUSMarine:  I just want to use fluxbox used to work fine before05:20
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dr_willisnicolah,  i dont, nor do i need to use that feature of gnome/kde :) i want Indipendant desktops. NOt shareing the current one.05:20
Vegeta^USMarine: Yea that's what I mean. So if I put in that partition a pdf file while using the other OS, I will be able to read that pdf file when using linux?05:20
USMarinenuked_omen xmms is the worst choice you could have made as a music player05:20
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, only thing i can think of, is that your account might have been set up after they brought in the webmail plus05:20
tritiumkitche: there's nothign random about it.05:20
MerlinZShellits just that theres no menue for my proograms05:20
darkstrikerdwhat driver should i use to work my vga intel on ubuntu?05:20
tritiumnothing, even05:20
lmnop__nuked_omen, xmms doesnt use gtk. use listen or rhtyhmbox instead05:21
nicolahI want indipendent desktop too, I don't want to share the current one05:21
USMarineMerlinZShell ligher DE have their weaknesses05:21
kitchetritium: sure it is since I get those ims all the time even on windows05:21
lmnop__i agree with USMarine on that one05:21
dr_willisnicolah,  then RUN 'vncserver' :)05:21
berentkitchie : no it was not a bot .it answered sensibly05:21
luisgmarineUSMarine, you actually a marine or you just some kid that loves the U.S Marines?05:21
lmnop__the xmms thing05:21
USMarineVegeta^ read is possible out of the bo05:21
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USMarinewriting needs tweaking05:21
dr_willisnicolah,  its a command you just type. :)05:21
bobbob1016might have been, not sure, I know I setup a new yahoomail account in 2000-2001, when I went to spain to email my parents, and I had a yahoo one before that I think05:21
tritiumkitche: surely you're not talking about ubotu05:21
bobbob1016CheshireViking, might have been, not sure, I know I setup a new yahoomail account in 2000-2001, when I went to spain to email my parents, and I had a yahoo one before that I think05:21
MerlinZShellUSMarine: theres something wrong with the config its not that fluxbox doesnt have a menue05:21
kitchetritium: umm I was talking about bots not about ubotu05:21
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tritiumkitche: okay, then05:22
MerlinZShellanybody uses fluxbox on ubuntu here05:22
Mauro22ive got a off question, what its better, MB BIOSTAR SAM2 (integrated GFORCE 6100) with an AMD A64 X2 4200+BOX SAM2 and DDR2 2GB /// or a MB BIOSTAR S775 P4M800 PRO with an INTEL PD925 3.0 800MHZ 4M BOX and a Gforce FX5200 128 MB and DDR2 2GB???05:22
kitcheberent: I can write a aim bot that talks sensibly but usually they just look around and find a screen name05:22
USMarineMerlinZShell tryb #fluxbox05:22
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, i don't know when miune was set up, but probably was before that date05:22
dr_willisbbl theres a big dog in theyard. :()05:22
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ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto05:22
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, sorry i can't help anymore05:22
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dan_Hello I'm installing Edubuntu and it is not recognizing the mouse05:23
MerlinZShellthank you USMarine I've always said Marines are the best :)05:23
bobbob1016CheshireViking, no problem05:23
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bobbob1016CheshireViking, thanks for trying05:23
dan_ I can click but I can't move the pointer05:23
USMarineMauro22 i'd rather have the AMD05:23
dan_can anyone help?05:23
USMarineMerlinZShell :)05:23
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USMarinedan_ try xenv05:23
USMarineand see if it's getting the events05:23
bobbob1016dan_, you sure the mouse itself works?05:23
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Mauro22its for Autocad 2007 and 3D studio05:24
dan_bobbob1016: Well the serial didn't work05:24
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MerlinZShellare you a USMarine or just a fan ?05:24
dan_bobbob1016: I think this should05:24
nicolahUSMarine, now I ran vncserver, and I got New 'X' desktop is nicola-desktop:1   the ip of the pc running ubuntu is what host should I put in the windows vnc viewer ?05:24
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nicolah(to remote-login)05:24
USMarineoh wait05:24
arkanabaranyone know why GRUB would load when I boot from LiveCD & choose "Boot from main HD" but not when I just boot from main HD?05:24
dan_USMarine: xenv is not installed05:24
CheshireVikingbobbob1016, no probs05:24
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USMarineintegrated gprahic cards suck05:24
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USMarineget the other 105:24
RAH66does macromedia products work in feisty?05:24
dan_bobbob1016: And It CAN click05:25
bobbob1016dan_, I'm just saying that if you can click, it makes sense that there is something with the mouse, not edubuntu05:25
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USMarineRAH66 flash player does05:25
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RAH66cool and dreamweaver?05:25
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dan_bobbob1016: can I poll the PS2 port to find out if it's getting any signals?05:25
kitcheberent: you can also talk though a bot also, if it allows user interaction, mirc scripts tend to be like this05:25
RAH66that means Im keeping xp05:25
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Mauro22USmarine doyou mean the AMD and buy the Gforce card or the pentium ??05:26
bobbob1016dan_, I don't know how really, but since you can click, it is getting signals05:26
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nicolahevrytime someone start helping me with remote-login then he quits ... so I didn't accomplish yet. anyone there ? thanks05:26
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bobbob1016RAH66, you can always dual-boot05:26
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RAH66and I heard photoshop can work with some funny code and stuff05:26
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dan_USMarine: hello?05:26
RAH66yeah Im gona use wubi05:26
Ix0sRAH66, NVU is a very good alternate to Dreamweaver05:26
USMarineMauro22 get a board without integrated graphics card05:26
USMarinedan_ yeah?05:26
arkanabarRAH66 -- try the GIMP instead of photoshop05:26
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bagbiteruhm if one has an API mismatch caused by nvidia, one had to disable something by editing a file.. but i cant remember what it was. can anyone help me_05:27
dan_USMarine: Can I poll the ps2 port to find out what's wrong?05:27
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dan_ xenv isn't installed05:27
RAH66NVU ok Ill check05:27
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RAH66Ive used gimp dont like it05:27
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bobbob1016RAH66, the wubi install is a bit slower, since it is a virtual file-system, a small file on your XP drive05:27
Ix0sRAH66, Gimp-photoshop?05:27
dan_USMarine: So that when I move the mouse I can see if it generates signals05:27
USMarineinstall it then05:27
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justdaveI want to net-install from a local repository, is there an easy way to get a repo with only one architecture/version of Ubuntu in it?  rsyncing from a mirror pulls every arch by the look of it, and the installer doesn't seem to like a network-mounted installer CD as a source05:27
RAH66u get gimp-photoshop?05:27
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justdavefiltering the mirror rsync for just one arch looks like it'll need a complicated include/exclude list for the rsync05:28
lmnop__RAH66, you just have to get used to the gimp, i guess05:28
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RAH66not yet Im really good with photoshop and gimp by the looks of things is gona take long to get used to05:29
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RAH66but xp makes me crazy so yeah Ill work on it05:30
arkanabarRAH66 -- perhaps.  GIMP is like photoshop the way a diesel is like a wankel rotary engine ;)05:30
nuked_omenxmms is simple and elegant and looks like winamp05:30
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kvidellwell that's a new one to highlight on05:30
RAH66I dont even wana look at vista05:30
kvidellusually it's "liKELy"05:30
kvidell(I go by Kel on another network)05:30
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kvidellwanKEL is kinda cool05:30
nicolahI need some help with XDCMP (remote login) thanks05:30
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RAH66does any 1 here use beryl?05:31
arkanabaranyone know why GRUB would load when I boot from LiveCD & choose "Boot from main HD" but not when I just boot from main HD?  or how to fix it?05:31
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nox-HandHow do I change bluetooth settings in Ubuntu?05:32
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skylightneed help with ubuntu Gnome05:33
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RAH66does wubi keep the iso file after it downloads?05:33
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LjLarkanabar: sounds like you've got the wrong hard drive set to boot in the BIOS05:34
Aaroncn`I'm using emacs + erc to connect the channel. How to chat to 1+ channel?05:34
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LjLtry #emacs, we don't support other operating systems in here :P05:35
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Aaroncn`lilx: OK. thanks05:35
arkanabarLjL:  Now there's an idea I hadn't considered.  GRUB is on an HD with jumpers set to slave only, can it be boot?05:35
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weas3l*hem* hey guys, is there a quick and easy way to use the default file browser to browse shared folders in a windows network?05:35
skylightneed help editing Gnome05:35
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AdministratorX  /leave05:35
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LjLarkanabar: a slave drive can be booted from, yes, at least if you don't have a BIOS from the 80's05:35
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arkanabarRight, then. I'll go edit some BIOS settings, see what happens.05:36
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weas3lso, i'll take the silence as a no then.05:36
ExxKAHey Guys.. Whats the difference between LTS and std editions, except the support times?05:36
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Yggdrasilhelo i screwed up and overwrote my fstab05:36
aroweas3l, samba05:37
Yggdrasilcan somone help me regenerate it?05:37
LjLweas3l: not sure what you mean... browsing Samba shares from Nautilus? that should be quite possible05:37
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:37
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chumpExxKA: lts will be updated for a longer period of time05:37
w4nabe2451431hi.  how do i connect to my dsl modem thru usb? i'm using dapper05:37
ExxKAchump, and less fancy stuff, right? But how about HW support?05:38
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LjLYggdrasil: need the output of "blkid" and "mount"05:38
weas3lLjL i know is should be. the first day i hooked my windows box to my network i managed to navagate onto it, but for the life of me i can't remember how. perhaps i was stoned at the time...05:38
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Yggdrasilljl will do05:38
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Yggdrasilgime a sec05:38
DeusesHello, I need help installing a driver... when I do make, I get this:05:39
DeusesModule# make05:39
Deusesmake[1] : Entering directory `/lib/modules/2.6.15-28-386/build'05:39
Deusesmake[1] : *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.05:39
Deusesmake[1] : Leaving directory `/lib/modules/2.6.15-28-386/build'05:39
Deusesrt2570.ko failed to build!05:39
Deusesmake: *** [module]  Error 105:39
skylightcaplain, lack of help05:39
=== yetiman [n=aaronl@rrcs-74-62-1-2.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:39
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_JohnyHow can I install icon themes in GNOME?05:39
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skylightjohny i can help05:39
chumpExxKA: well i guess you can always update the kernel for hw support .. but i'm not to sure about it...05:39
LjLweas3l i don't use nautilus but i think it's type  smb://computername/sharename  in the url bar05:39
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_Johnyskylight: If you would:D05:40
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tcpip4lyfeDueses do you have build-essential installed?05:40
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LjLthat doesn't have much to do with build-essential, the makefiles doesn't have a "modules" target.05:41
weas3lhuh, i can run it thru firefix too. interesting and thank LjL05:41
Deusestcpip4lyfe: yes05:41
chumpwell gtg now cya guys05:41
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=== Sunbow Paul Van Dyk - For An Angel.mp3
YggdrasilLjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20357/05:41
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LjLSunbow: no scripts, thank you05:42
skylightjohny i work fast, please respond to let me know your there05:42
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YggdrasilLjL , actualy scratch that, wrong terminal05:42
nicolahI need some help with XDCMP (remote login) thanks05:42
robert_gAny general chat groups?05:42
=== usser x11vnc rocks
Taladanhas anyone heard of this problem:  I can watch flash videos (like youtube) in firefox, but it never lets me hear the audio.  I've tried shutting down the browser, restarting alsa and trying again, but no soap.05:42
=== jstack [n=jstack@c-69-136-23-129.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicolahusser, you're back !05:42
LjLYggdrasil: uhm i was scared already by your partitioning scheme... =)05:42
ussernicolah: yea05:42
Yggdrasiloh it gets worse05:43
bagbiteruhm if one has an API mismatch caused by nvidia, one had to disable something by editing a file.. but i cant remember what it was. can anyone help me_05:43
ussernicolah: did it ever work out?05:43
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bagbitera way to force the os to use the new drivers instead of the legacy driver or something05:43
jribrobert_g: #ubuntu-offtopic, you can't chat about most stuff05:43
YggdrasilLjL give me a sec here ill get you the right one05:43
w4nabe2451431how do you connect usb as a network adapter?05:43
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nicolahusser, no. I couldn't get it to work yet. can I query you ?05:43
tcpip4lyfeThis place is always too crazy :)05:43
ussernicolah: what do u mean query?05:43
djwilcoxtrying to get vlc to work with usb audio05:43
nicolahcan I talk you in private ?05:43
LjLusser: PM05:43
ussernicolah: like connect?05:43
quaalhow do you check the version of a program05:43
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djwilcoxcant play any audio thru my usb soundsticks05:44
quaalprogramname -v or osmething05:44
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LjLquaal: "apt-cache policy <packagename>"05:44
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ussernicolah: join #usservnc05:44
Triphow i change my keyboard LAYOUT in ssh ?05:44
Triplike ctrl+alt+f! etc05:44
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_Johnyskylight: I'm here05:44
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nojointsUbuntu crashes randomly becouse of some network error when I install a program through apt-get or automatix205:44
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ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:44
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
skylightopen the private chat05:45
=== abelard [n=abelard@bas16-toronto63-1177910078.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
evilofisho>_< Holy crap this mouse problem is annoying..05:45
weas3lor not.05:45
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abelardIf I have a .package file, how do I install it?05:45
sudo_ciao a tutti05:45
nojointsLjL @huh?05:45
ubotuGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux05:45
LjLnojoints: what huh?05:45
LjL!it | sudo_05:45
ubotusudo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:46
Yggdrasilljl heres my fstab, its from basicly my old installation, i dont know why i copied it over the existing one, but it works. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20360/05:46
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djwilcoxany one had problems with vlc and audio ?05:46
sudo_uboto  i have only hyyyyyyyy05:46
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weas3lah, so i need to find the 'network folders'05:47
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djwilcoxvlc wont recognise my usb audio device - soundsticks05:47
LjLYggdrasil: uhm the / partition's uuid doesn't match though05:47
dr_willisabelard,  chedk out the 'autopackage' web site. its a  interesting way of installing stuff.. not really reccomended - but ive usd it befor also.05:47
LjLsudo_: ?05:47
evilofishoAnyone know how to correct a mouse problem? Every once in a while it just goes crazy clicking anything in it's path and going up and down or left and right. o_o;05:47
YggdrasilLjL i know !! thats why im saying i screwed it up05:47
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Yggdrasildo i just change the uuid ? to the correct one ?05:47
dr_willisdjwilcox,  sound works otherwise? just not in vlc?05:47
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sipiorevilofisho: contact an exorcist05:47
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djwilcoxyer sound works just not in vlc05:48
evilofishosipior: Lawl.05:48
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:48
LjLYggdrasil: well the rest kind of looks sane though - yeah, change the uuid, and the swap partition's one too05:48
dr_willisdjwilcox,  may need to tell vlc to use oss. or alsa, or some similer setting/ ive never had issues with vlc and sound.05:48
djwilcoxinstalled vlc-alsa doesnt work05:48
YggdrasilLJL ok i dint know about blk.05:48
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Yggdrasiluh whatever the cmd is, i was confused on where it was pulling that nubmer out of05:48
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Yggdrasilthat id05:48
djwilcoxyer tried alsa oss still no joy05:49
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|uLt|m01Salve ragazzi, qualcuno di voi hai mai sincronizzato un LG u8330 con evolution ?05:49
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:49
nojointsI get an error when I run dpkg --configure -a            Well not an error but an program I tried install earlier (flash) and it stops at OK ....... after that nothing happens, when I try to connect to Adobe's webpage it's very slow, aswell when I try to download it to install manually05:49
roboahello hello05:49
=== ke4nt [n=viny1@rrcs-67-79-234-86.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nicolahdr_willis, can I query you about remote-login with xdmcp ? you helped me ten minutes ago then quitted. and now I'm stuck05:49
djwilcoxsound only comes out the computer and not my usb soundsticks05:49
|uLt|m01ops :)05:49
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TaladanI got the fix to my firefox/audio problem, btw.05:49
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LjLYggdrasil, those numbers are calculated in magical ways :P seriously, i'm not quite sure how they're obtained, but they're created by an algorithm that does its best to assign unique - and stable - numbers to partitions05:50
LjL!uuid > Yggdrasil    (Yggdrasil, see the private message from Ubotu)05:50
roboai just uploaded 7.04 and fixed all the bugs except one... i can't hibernate. does anyone have any idea?05:50
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:50
nicolahTaladan, alsa/flash9 and amd64 ?05:50
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YggdrasilLjL well, its amazing that it even booted05:50
evilofishoOh well, off to consult google again.05:50
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YggdrasilLjL thanks.05:51
=== cr7ish [n=cr7ish@dslb-082-083-202-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
shirishYggdrasil: things happening cool?05:51
r3m0twill grub (installed on MBR) still work after removing all my Ubuntu partitions?05:51
Yggdrasilshirish yea, just um. dealign with a few things.05:51
irun2win!find tuber05:51
Yggdrasilusplash ...05:51
ubotuFound: ktuberling05:51
LjLr3m0t: no05:51
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Yggdrasilevolutions was a bit wierd too...05:51
shirishYggdrasil: what do u mean dealign with a few things?05:52
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r3m0tLjL: then how can I restore a Windows (XP) bootloader? or maybe I should leave a very small non-windows partition and be done with it?05:52
roboahas anyone had any hibernate or problems with shutting down too?05:52
Yggdrasilshirish well you know i did a reinstall ?05:52
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shirishYggdrasil: ah yes, you were talking about this yesterday05:52
djwilcoxcan totem play vcd's05:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:52
LjLr3m0t, you can use a Windows CD. boot it, go to console mode, and then "fixmbr" or something05:52
=== sorsis [n=sorsis@cs145083.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Yggdrasilshirish, i did a reinstall without a cd, that was kind of cool05:52
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sorsiswhat is recommended firewall app?05:53
irun2winHi Hobbsee05:53
r3m0tLjL: no windows CD over here :) isn't it just a kilobyte or two? can't I get it any other way?05:53
irun2win!firewall | sorsis05:53
ubotusorsis: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:53
shirishYggdrasil: that's cool, have u written a howto about it or notes somewhere?05:53
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LjLr3m0t: by leaving a very small partition as you said.05:53
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Yggdrasilit was on the ubuntu intallation how tos allready05:53
r3m0tLjL: OK, I'll do that. thanks05:53
sorsisirun2win: ty05:53
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LjLr3m0t: if you just keep what is in the /boot directory, it should work05:53
navetshow do you set up svideo on linux?05:53
irun2winsorsis: You are welcome05:53
=== ethereality [n=daniel@c-67-187-107-186.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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shirishYggdrasil: link please, I would like to see that05:54
gglserhi, how can I find out if I am currently using a 64 bit or 32 bit version of ubuntu?????05:54
etherealityWhere are other partitions mounted by default? (I'm trying to access my Windows partition.) I thought it was /mnt?05:54
gglsercant find it anywhere05:54
Yggdrasilk sec05:54
HymnToLifegglser, uname -m05:54
ussergglser uname -a05:54
crimsungglser: dpkg --print-architecture05:54
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:54
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LjLethereality: no, it's /media05:54
Wickslo all - anyone have any idea why when i plug my usb mouse into my laptop with feisty - the numlock comes on and i cant turn it off? (making laptop typing impossible)05:55
etherealityOh, thanks ...05:55
=== multichil [i=multichi@nova.brewery.b33r.net] has joined #ubuntu
gglserhymntolife, usser, crimsun: thanks!05:55
Hobbseehi irun2win05:55
LjLethereality: /mnt is mostly for remote filesystems05:55
etherealityoh ...05:55
etherealityum ... well, all that's in /media is my external hard drive and cdrom and cdrom005:55
etherealityis that not cool?05:55
=== Elcairo [n=Elcairo@85-18-14-36.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
etherealityi don't see disk or disk-1 (my C and D drives) like i did from the live disc...05:56
gglserhymntolife, usser, crimsun: hmm one says i686, one says i386. do I have 64 or 32 bit???05:56
LjLethereality: they just didn't get autodetected i suppose, add them manually to the fstab05:56
LjL!ntfs > ethereality    (ethereality, see the private message from Ubotu)05:56
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etherealitythanks (goes to read)05:56
tidelinegglser: you have 32 bit05:56
LjLethereality: although... you haven't selected the "wipe entire drive" option when installing, have you? =)05:57
gglsertideline: ok. how did you find out?05:57
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tidelinewell iX86 are 32 bit processors05:57
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=== flo360 [n=flo360@p57B03AA9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Lufthi, I need to patch my kernel to get my modem working. What packages do I need?05:57
LjLethereality: do a "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" (assuming sda is your drive) to see what partitions are listed in the partition table05:57
tidelinegglser if you have 64 bit it will be x86_6405:57
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LjL!modem > Luft    (Luft, see the private message from Ubotu)05:58
gglsertideline: roger that05:58
etherealityno... i used GParted to resize the C drive and left 11 GB unallocated, unmounted/unplugged my ext. hard drive, then told it to use the largest amount of continuous free space05:58
ethereality(which i assumed would then be that 11 GB)05:58
LjLethereality: it should be05:58
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etherealityoh, and the grub menu also still lists my windows as an option for booting.05:58
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Yggdrasilon that fstab the drives are listed as hda, and on the mntblock cmd they are sda, should i change them to sda ?05:59
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etherealitybut why didn't it autodetect :(05:59
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=== ethereality reads the page he was given.
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LjLYggdrasil, they're not listed as hda. look carefully, all the lines mentioning "hda" start with #, i.e. are comments05:59
alencargood afternoon guys, i need a hand here with nis/nfs on kubuntu05:59
Yggdrasilahh yes05:59
LjLYggdrasil: that's one of the core reasons behind the use of UUIDs - make the transition from hda to sda invisible05:59
gglserwhen I try to install TRANSMISSION, and I run the ./configure command I get this: Could not find a working compiler06:00
YggdrasilLjL probobly for sata huh06:00
Yggdrasili see06:00
gglserwhat could be the problem?06:00
LjLYggdrasil: you can change them if you want of course, for clarity, but the system doesn't care06:00
=== weas3l sighs and gives up on being able to view remote shared folders.
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LjL!build-essential > gglser    (gglser, see the private message from Ubotu)06:00
alencarwell, i have nfs/nis configurated at my servers and stations06:00
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tidelinegglser: is this a new install of ubuntu?06:00
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LjLweas3l, the problem being? if the native Nautilus browser fails, you can still mount them06:00
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alencari install the system on a machine, but06:01
gglsertideline: i have feisty06:01
skylighthow do i edit the clock in gnome06:01
gglserLjL: allright06:01
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alencarwhen a i log in another, i can't acess some groups as floppy, cdrom, audio, video, etc06:01
=== usser whats the elseif command in bash?
weas3lLjL not using nautilus, using XFCE's default one.06:01
=== usser how do u do elseif?
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gglsertideline: perhaps I downloaded the wrong transmission tar.gx?06:02
YggdrasilLJL here goes the reboot06:02
LjLweas3l: oh, i suppose that might not have built-in support for shares... just mount it somewhere and then browse06:02
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weas3land i'm not sure i just want to have it mounted, unless it does the same as just browsing thru my system to it.06:02
skylightif ('BLAH BLAH');06:02
LjLYggdrasil: make sure you've got a live CD just in case...06:02
tidelineggsyou will need to get the build-essentials package to get the compiler needed06:02
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:02
skylightelseif ('BLAH BLAH');06:02
klausiwhen i try to plug in my hama usb wlan stick ubuntu freezes any ideas?06:02
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tidelinegglser: you can get it via synaptic or apt-get06:03
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skylightelseif ('BLAH BLAH' , 'BLAH BLAH');06:03
LjLweas3l: well it's not entirely the same thing. having it mounted makes it like a local filesystem - which is a good thing for some things, but means you have to set up permissions, etc. also, if you lose connection, in my experience things are likely to lock up06:03
skylightapt-get install program06:03
=== BadWeather [n=familie@dslb-082-083-077-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
gglsertideline: E: Couldn't find package transmission... what repositories do i need to add?06:03
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weas3li don't have a problem with my connection dropping between the boxes, so that may be a better option.06:03
BadWeatherHi, can anybody help me to setup my atheros wlan-card ? ... Thanks a lot ;)06:03
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skylight<BadWeather> = is it an ethernet06:04
Yggdrasilbadweather should jsut work06:04
BadWeatheralready tried the wiki guide but it didnt work out06:04
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Yggdrasili think he means wireles. wlan06:04
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BadWeatherits detected as wlan0 but there is no ath0 .. :(06:04
etherealityhuh. it was mounted already in /media/disk after all06:04
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etherealitybut it was hidden from me when i went into the media folder??06:05
LjLweas3l: making the mount automatic in fstab is also a bit less then trivial. but for starters, try "sudo mount -t cifs //computername/sharename /mnt/share -o username someone", where /mnt/share must exist and someone must be a valid user on the Windows machine (if the shares are not by user, take that part away)06:05
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etherealityand it made me log in as admin to see it06:05
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etherealityare folders hidden in Ubuntu?06:05
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YggdrasilLjL Not booting06:05
rickestshould I install automatix AND automatix2, or just automatix2?06:05
skylighti got desktop icons, but how do i install icons for applications, like a mac osx icons06:05
BadWeatherskylight: anything else i can do ;) ?06:05
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gglsertideline: what repositories should I add? apt-get transmission wont work06:06
LjLrickest: what about neither?06:06
LjL!automatix > rickest    (rickest, see the private message from Ubotu)06:06
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skylightlol im not the best at the wireless06:06
tidelinegg did you get build essentials?06:06
skylightso buddy sorry dont know06:06
BadWeatherhm :(06:06
defryskgglser, apt-get install blah06:06
Renan_s2problem: network-manager is overwriting my DNS settings every reboot; how can I fix it?06:06
LjLgglser: i think i've missed the part where "transmission" is available as a package06:06
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defryskgglser, otherwise get the latest transmission from getdeb.net06:06
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skylight<BadWeather> good luck though06:06
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tidelinetransmission isn't avialable as a package06:07
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skylighti got desktop icons, but how do i install icons for applications, like a mac osx icons06:07
dr_willisRenan_s2,  ive seen that issue befor. but dont rember the fix. Its proberly detailed in the forums. I think it was some service doing it.06:07
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LjLYggdrasil: yet it booted with that fstab you pasted?06:07
defrysktideline, its available as a package on getdeb.net06:07
gglserLjL defrysk : sudo apt-get transmission E: Invalid operation transmission06:07
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skylightnvm i got it06:07
LjLgglser: THERE IS NO transmission package.06:07
s0nix_hi, anyone can help me to configure my network bridge for VirtualBox with my wireless interface ?06:07
YggdrasilLJL i think i got somethign else goin on06:07
defryskgglser, try getdeb.net06:07
tidelinegglser: i thought you were trying to build it from source06:07
LjLgglser: also, it's "sudo apt-get install <package>", not "sudo apt-get <package>"06:07
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aroNot only is there no transmission package, but you aren't using apt-get properly06:08
alencarsomeone could help with kubuntu problem related to nfs/nis?06:08
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gglserLjL: sorry read it wrong, thought you said there was06:08
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defryskalencar, /j #kubuntu06:08
=== dr_willis wonders whats so specific to nfs/nis with kubuntu. :)
gglsertideline: I was, but I was getting an error when running .configure06:08
LjLgglser: well, as others are saying, there might be one on getdeb.net (which is, however, entirely unsupported)06:08
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LjLgglser: the error during configure is why you should install "build-essential"06:08
tidelinegglser: you need to do sudo apt-get install build-essentials06:08
gglserdefrysk, LjL: yep found it on getdeb06:09
defryskgglser, the package of transmission is as a ubuntu .deb package avaialble at getdeb.net06:09
tidelinethen follow the ./configure make make install process06:09
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funkmasteranyone can tell me how to get twisted 2.4 on feisty?06:09
defryskgglser, good :)06:09
gglserdefrysk: :-)06:09
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defryskgglser, klick the downloadlink and let gdebi install it06:09
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dr_willisgglser,  also check out the 'autopackage' and  i think theres an other way that may have it. :)06:09
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tidelineLjL is right it is essential - no s on the end06:10
defryskdr_willis, autopackage is evil06:10
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gglserdr_willis: autopackage?06:10
YggdrasilLjL all good06:10
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defryskgglser, forget autopackage06:10
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BadWeathermhm 01:02.0 Network controller: Intersil Corporation Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset (rev 01) is displayed ... but still no wlan *cry*06:10
dr_willisdefrysk,   some would say bittorrent is evil. :) but to each their own06:10
gglserdefrysk: allright06:10
dr_williswhat was that OTHEr way ive seen stuff isntalled on a per user basic.. klick? click?06:11
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dr_willisnone of those alternatives are very well done from what ive used of them.06:11
gglserdefrysk, LjL: installing sudo dpkg -i transmission_0.72-0~getdeb1_i386.deb cross your fingers. lol06:11
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gglserdefrysk, LjL: wow got an error06:12
defryskgglser, works like a charm ;)06:12
defryskgglser, you should let gdebi install it06:12
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LjLgglser: dpkg doesn't handle dependencies06:12
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defryskgdebi also resolves the deps06:12
gglserdefrysk, LjL:  Package libevent1 is not installed.06:12
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LjLgglser: then install it. or use the darn gdebi06:12
alencarthanks defrysk06:13
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dr_willisheh, or rant about dependncie hell!~ :006:13
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gglserLjL: got error with package instller as well, let me paste06:13
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LjL!info libevent106:13
ubotulibevent1: An asynchronous event notification library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1a-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 76 kB06:13
YggdrasilLjL its somehow fsck complaining about sda6 . and stopping the boot06:13
defryskgglser, what version are you running ?06:13
gglserLjL defrysk: says, your PC has broken dependencies06:13
defrysknot feisty I bet ?06:13
tidelinegglser: you need libevent, gtk2 and openssl dev libs06:13
tidelinethose are all in synaptic06:14
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gglserdefrysk: I have feisty06:14
LjLYggdrasil: complained like what..06:14
Yggdrasillike, tryign tofsck it but telling me to do it manualy.06:14
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defryskgglser, if you click the link in firefox you can choose beteween gdebi or download, select gdebi06:14
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LjLYggdrasil: is there any reason why that partition might be horrendously corrupted?06:14
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defryskgglser, and let gdebi handle it06:14
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Yggdrasilill figure it out06:14
Yggdrasilits not even the /06:15
Yggdrasilbut so brb06:15
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LjLYggdrasil: i think the numbers have changed from the old fstab to the current ones06:15
Yggdrasilhow so ?06:15
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gglserdefrysk: feisty fawn is new version right?06:16
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defryskgglser, correct06:16
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LjLYggdrasil: well, what blkid calls sda5 has an id startin with "ada44b07", but that was hda6's id in the older fstab06:16
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vmlemonHi, I'm trying to mount a DVD Video disc, and I get this error in the dmesg output: http://pastebin.ca/48316306:17
choleraI'm looking for some advice on how to work with video files in Linux. I've installed mencoder and kino, and I have read countless how-to's and man pages on mencoder, is video editing lacking in the linux world?06:17
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kitche cholera: nope since most movie studios use linux to a certain degree to edit their movies06:17
defryskcholera try devede and dvdstyler06:18
YggdrasilLjl im forcing an fsck on it06:18
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Yggdrasilnot really to sure what else to do06:18
defryskcholera, and also tovid06:18
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etherealityhow do you drag things over the taskbar(s)?06:18
klausihi when i plu in my usb wifi stick ubuntu gets really slow or freezes any ideas?06:18
Yggdrasildouble checked the numbers and the yare correct06:18
LjLYggdrasil: well for starters, "fdisk -l /dev/sda" and find out which partition is which by looking at the sizes..06:18
LjLYggdrasil: well still they're different from the old fstab's ones06:19
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YggdrasilLjL i updated it06:19
Wicks anyone have any idea why when i plug my usb mouse into my laptop with feisty - the numlock comes on and i cant turn it off? (making laptop typing impossible)06:19
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kbjHello, is there a way to force a screen res? My box is not connected to a screen but then I VNC the box I end up with a lousy 640x480 res :(06:19
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dr_williskbj,  read the vncserver docs. You can force vnc to use whatever 'res' for its virtual desktop you want.06:20
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FreedomFighterhello channel06:20
choleradefrysk: what I want to do was relatively easy in windows, capture video from cam, edit, render as whatever file type I wanted, and create a dvd if so desired. I used vega video and dvd architect.06:20
dr_williskbj,  or you can edit some of the vnc config files to make the defaults what you want06:20
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tidelinegglser: how goes it?06:20
vmlemonAnyone any idea about the error?06:20
cox37777does anyone know the command for sharing a folder using samba?06:20
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defryskcholera, i do most videostuff thru the commandline : ffmpeg and dvdauthor06:21
ecirhello, please, anyone running feisty, does http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/ load in firefox for you?06:21
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netmonIf I for sure need a Windows enviroment but wnat to use linux should I dual boot or run windows in a VM from linux06:21
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yaeyohi all, I know youve heard this a thousand times but dont shoot! Ive managed to get dual monitors working with ati fglrx driver, xgl and beryl on ubuntu feisty and there is only one small problem left: the resolution on the external monitor is not what I would like it to be. can anyone suggest how I might change it or is it even possible at this stage?06:21
defryskcholera, and I have no clue about windows apps and video sorry06:21
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flakewhy is my fiesty different - I have no 'System Settings' but I do have 'System' and 'Settings' in my kmenu06:22
kbjdr_willis: I tried make a forced vnc res but that doesnt work at all, at im pretty sure it has nothing to do with VNC at all as it works find if I have a screen attached to the box it comes up with the resulotion in vnc as it is set to in ubuntu06:22
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flakealso why does my log out screen only show log out - no reboot or shutdown06:22
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defryskflake, kubuntu users are mostly in #kubuntu06:22
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flakedoh sorry06:22
defryskflake, do u use gde and kde ?06:22
sorush20I need help with tork06:22
gglsertideline: yeah it works, I opened it through fireworks06:22
flakea little of both06:22
gglsergglser: withdbpkg06:22
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kbjdr_willis: VNC just loads with the desktop res as ubuntu is set to. And I want to change the resolution which I cant. I have no other choice when no screen attached in ubuntu06:23
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choleradefrysk: thats cool, I don't use them anymore since I switched to ubuntu, I'm just having a hard time working at the prompt with mencoder, I was just curios if anyone had a personal pref, I'll check out the aps you suggested, thanks06:23
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nicolahcan I get some XDMCP support ? thanks06:23
defryskflake, sudo dpkg reconfigure gdm and set it to kdm06:23
flakeok ty06:23
defryskflake, then your kde logout should work fine06:23
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psotoidCan someone direct me to a step-by-step tutorial on how to add a new physical hard disk to a computer with a working installation of Ubuntu already on it?06:23
nil2Does /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/build exist on a clean Feisty install? Thanks.06:23
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ml--ive attached my webcam to my ubuntu-machine, how do i see which address it is to the cam? ie: /dev/video006:23
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etherealityI know how to hide the taskbar, but can't I drag windows over it?06:23
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kbjdr_willis: so I need to find out how to add custom reslotions in ubuntu and everything will be fine06:24
phandkcac bac oi06:24
phandkcho e hoi cai06:24
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MegaqwertyCan anyone help me get festival-gaim to work in pidgin? I've already tried to just copy festival.la and festival.so from /usr/lib/gaim/ to /usr/lib/pidgin, but it's still not showing up in Pidgin's plugin menu. Ideas?06:24
dr_williskbj,  yes you do. :) vnc is fully configurable - either by its command line to start it. or the vncserver config files.. UNLESS of course you are refering to sharing the 'currently running desktop'06:24
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YggdrasilLjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20363/06:24
wedontneedon ubuntu cant we open .rpm files?06:24
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jlhi everybody i have a problem with youtube videos its seems that audio video are out of sync is this a flash or firefox or feisty problem?06:24
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Megaqwertywedontneed: no, we can't but there is a way to install them06:24
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defryskwedontneed, just bouble click it in nautilus to unpack06:25
dr_williskbj,  vnc is one of those tools that can be tweaked and twiddled to do amazing things.06:25
vmlemonI've tried 3 different DVD Video discs, and all of them produce the same error, and do not play or mount06:25
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Megaqwertywedontneed: you need to install alien to convert it to a .deb (I'm assuming you want to install it)06:25
wedontneedMegaqwerty: how can i install them i have to install a pack?06:25
Pieter_guys, how do i play .rmvb files?06:25
wedontneedMegaqwerty: tyvm06:25
dr_williskbj,   vncserver -geometry <width>x<height>06:25
Megaqwertywedontneed: you're welcome06:25
defryskPieter_, try vlc06:25
dr_willisbbl lunch06:25
LjLYggdrasil: so, sda2 is root, and 5 and 6 are two misc partitions of yours, correct?06:25
jlhow can i solve this?06:25
defryskvlc plays anything06:25
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Pieter_defrysk, is that a player?06:26
Pieter_ok i will try it06:26
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defryskgood luck06:26
wedontneedMegaqwerty: is pack name is alien?06:26
defrysktime to walk the dog06:26
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YggdrasilLjl no, sda5 is root and sda2 and 6 are misc partitions06:26
Megaqwertywedontneed: yes06:26
defryskPieter_, yw ;)06:26
Pieter_be sure to scoop up the poop;)06:26
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LjLYggdrasil: ugh, you have root in an extended partition?06:26
YggdrasilLJl , i had to06:27
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Megaqwertywedontneed: however, conversion from .rpm doesn't always work perfectly, so it is slightly dangerous to try, I'll have ubotu explain it.06:27
Yggdrasilit was originaly a windows parition on sda206:27
Megaqwerty!rpm | wedontneed06:27
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ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)06:27
ubotuwedontneed: please see above06:27
jlits seems i am the only one with this problem06:27
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LjLYggdrasil: well i dunno, aside from the weird partitioning scheme, the fstab looks right to me06:28
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Megaqwertyjl: what problem?06:28
ecirhello, please, anyone running feisty, does http://www.saddi.com/software/flup/ load in firefox for you?06:28
kbjdr_willis: I dont think im running a vnc server, I just enabled remote desktop in ubuntu and log onto my machine with VNC from my win desktop06:28
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nicolahdr_willis, to remote-login with XDMCP do I need to install the nx server in the ubuntu pc ? (I already installed nx client on the windows pc)06:28
wedontneedubotu: ty i ll keep it in my mind06:28
dougiehow can i change the permissions on my hard drive? I mounted it to /home/dougie/files but its set so that only root can access it06:28
nil2ecir, yes06:28
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Megaqwertykbj: then you are indeed running a vnc server.06:29
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jlMegaqwerty: when i see a youtube video the audio and video are out of sync06:29
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YggdrasilLjl , pm ?06:29
savetheWorldjl: move the speakers closer to the CPU.06:29
klausihi when i plugin my usb wlan stick my ubuntu does not start any ideas?06:29
Megaqwertyjl: no, I sometimes experience that as well with flash videos. (Youtube uses flash)06:29
kbjMegaqwerty: how do I configure this then? I tried looking in System->Preferences-> Remote desktop and nothing to configure ther06:29
savetheWorldaro: sometiems I just cant help it..... :-)06:29
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Wicksat least  - is there a command to manually turn off numlock if it is on?06:30
burnerxi have two nics on a server machine with LAMP... both network can access the website hosted on the server06:30
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burnerxbut the server can not accesss the internet....06:30
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savetheWorldWicks yes06:30
Megaqwertykbj: what do you want to configure about it?06:30
jlMegaqwerty: how can i solve this? is a feisty bug?06:30
fluidi need a little help with dpkg06:30
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burnerxi am having issue with my network and iptables06:30
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WickssavetheWorld: wouldnt happen to know it? lol06:30
canashow to backup home folder?06:30
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SillyChildHi guys.. I tried to install in my PC (Already has XP - 2 300GB Sata HDD, Ubuntu installed in 2nd HDD), but at the end of the installation GRUB installation fail (causes Fatal Error). Any idea how I can sort that out..06:30
rm130hey, I am trying to install the j2re1.4 mozilla plugin but I get this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/meta-j2re1.4-mozilla/j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin_0ubuntu5_i386.deb06:30
rm130  403 Access Forbidden06:30
savetheWorldWicks: googling06:30
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Megaqwertyjl: no, I believe it is a problem with the Flash Player for Linux. (Not ubuntu's problem, Adobe's)06:30
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Megaqwertykbj: be right with you06:31
nil2Does /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/build exist on a clean Feisty install? Thanks.06:31
fluidhttp://www.pastebin.ca/483162 - if you notice, on one computer nvidia-glx-legacy is "rc", and on the other it is "ii"...what is rc and ii from dpkg -l?06:31
dougiehow can i change the permissions on my hard drive? I mounted it to /home/dougie/files but its set so that only root can access it06:31
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Vegeta^jl: Get alsa-oss06:31
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arodougie, the chmod command allows you to change permissions of files and folders06:31
dougieso chmod 777 it?06:31
savetheWorldWicks: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1080  << howto is in there06:31
Megaqwertykbj: okay, what aspects of vnc do you want to configure?06:31
arodougie, man chmod to read up on how to use it06:31
kbjMegaqwerty: When I login with vnc client I get my ubuntu desktop res which is apparently 640x480 without any screen attached. Not much if you want to do anyting good, I want to login with a higher res06:31
WickssavetheWorld: much appreciated06:31
arodougie, well, that will allow everyone to read/write06:31
jlMegaqwerty: but when i play videos on dapper or edgy everything was ok with the same flash plugin version06:32
savetheWorldWicks: http://rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/opensuse/OSS-factory/i586/numlockx-1.1-43.i586.html << this looks better,06:32
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rm130hey, I am trying to install the j2re1.4 mozilla plugin but I get this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/meta-j2re1.4-mozilla/j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin_0ubuntu5_i386.deb06:32
rm130   403 Access Forbidden06:32
WickssavetheWorld, hehe thanks06:32
weas3l*sigh* its always good to follow the wiki and not know why its not working the way it should. why can i not just browse folders on a windows box via the default file browser in xfce like i was able to just after installing the windows box onto my network.06:32
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Vegeta^jl: When you install that, run firefox like: 'aoss firefox' through the terminal, it worked for me.06:32
savetheWorldWicks: note - thats $5 for googling for you.. :-)06:32
Megaqwertyjl: hm...well then, I'd ask someone else who knows more about flash. Sorry.06:32
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=== Wicks sends been to savetheWorld
kbjMegaqwerty: something like when I login I get 1280x1024 or 1024x768 remote resolution06:32
Wicksbeer even06:32
Megaqwertykbj: right06:32
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burnerxwhat is the difference between ubuntu Desktop & Server version ?????06:33
Megaqwertykbj: join me in a private chat, so I can show you without all of this extra chatter06:33
jlVegeta^: do you mean i should install aoss for flash plugin or something like that?06:33
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rever75HELP!!! Apt is broken.... get this error....06:33
kbjMegaqwerty: ok06:33
rever75E: Unable to parse package file /var/lib/dpkg/status (1)06:33
rever75E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.06:33
jlMegaqwery: thanks Megaqwerty i really appreciate your interest06:33
rm130hey, I am trying to install the j2re1.4 mozilla plugin but I get this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/meta-j2re1.4-mozilla/j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin_0ubuntu5_i386.deb06:33
rm130   403 Access Forbidden06:33
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TheInfinityrever75: make an apt-get update?06:34
void^burnerx: server doesn't install the desktop (and associated bloat).06:34
tarzeauanyone join play #bub-n-bros w/ me?06:34
dougiearo, thats not working06:34
savetheWorldWicks: BAD LINKAGE!  try >>> http://www.mike-devlin.com/linux/linux_numlock.htm06:34
Megaqwertyjl: sorry I couldn't be of more help06:34
Vegeta^jl: Search for alsa-oss through synaptic package manager, and install that.06:34
arodougie, do you get an error?06:34
Megaqwertykbj: are you registered?06:34
dougiearo, no06:34
rever75did that06:34
arodougie, are you mounting an ntfs partition?06:34
dougiearo, no fat3206:34
burnerxguess i will reinstall my server tomorrow06:34
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kbjMegaqwerty: nope not registered06:34
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burnerxsome window pc was attacking my linux box06:35
dinochopinshi all06:35
Megaqwertykbj: hold on then, I'll unblock unregistered users06:35
dinochopinsI have procmail's rule like below06:35
rm130CAN someone please help me install java plugin for mozilla?????06:35
dinochopins* (^To|^Received):.+user1@mydomain\.com06:35
dinochopins! user1@mydomain.com06:35
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wedontneedi downloaded limewire .deb install file it says "Wrong architecture "i386""  what is that?06:35
rever75TheInfinity, did that get same error06:35
arodougie, did you sudo chmod? or just chmod06:35
WickssavetheWorld, it looks like that turns the numlook on by default at boottime06:35
dougiearo, sudo06:35
kbjMegaqwerty: ok06:35
savetheWorldWicks: this one? http://www.mike-devlin.com/linux/linux_numlock.htm ?06:36
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dinochopinsI want to make the rule more generic ... so I use the rule => * (^To|^Received):.+\/.+@mydomain\.com06:36
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void^wedontneed: .. you're on 54bit?06:36
tidelinewedontneed: what kind of machine are you using?06:36
dinochopinsand then following line => ! $MATCH06:36
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wedontneedvoid^ : iam using acer 9424 notebook06:36
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michuphi, ive question about totem, it seems subtitles in movie i would like to watch shows up too fast constantly, is it possible in totem to fix timing for subtitles?06:36
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dougiearo, how do i change the owner? the owner is set as root...06:37
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mattwalstonAnyone have a sky2 network card working reliably?  I am having to restart my network service rather frequently?06:37
rever75is there any way to fix this?06:37
tidelinewedontneed: what kind of processor?06:37
defryskmichup, make sure to get the correct srt file06:37
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wedontneedSysinfo for 'wedontneed-laptop': Linux 2.6.20-15-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Core2CPUT5600@1.83GHz at 1000 MHz (3658 bogomips), , RAM: 994/1002MB, 134 proc's, 1.47h up06:37
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defryskmichup, then it should work fine06:37
arodougie, chown06:37
dinochopinsI then got all other domain's emails  in To's header get send to. Please advice if I only want emails from mydomain.com get send06:37
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WickssavetheWorld, yep - when i plug the mouse in... numlock gets stuck on, and i cant type. so was thinking of putting a command in a script to turn it off and running it via the mouse lol06:37
dinochopinsanyone ?06:37
michupdefrysk: what do you mean by srt?06:37
rm130hey, I am trying to install the j2re1.4 mozilla plugin but I get this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/meta-j2re1.4-mozilla/j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin_0ubuntu5_i386.deb06:37
rm130   403 Access Forbidden06:37
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_raphael_is it possible to share an internet connection with PEAP?06:37
sldkfjIs there a package I can (re)install to make the screen blanking to stop?06:37
savetheWorldWicks: can you tweak the src to do what youwant?06:37
defryskmichael, how are you playing the movies ?06:38
defryskfrom avi's ?06:38
WickssavetheWorld, i shall give it a go :)06:38
defryskmichup, sorry06:38
burnerxif i want the desktop after I install the server version .. is it better if i just install the Desktop version ??06:38
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Agrajagburnerx: just install ubuntu-desktop06:38
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void^wedontneed: what does 'uname -m' say?06:38
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dougiearo, i did sudo shown dougie /home/dougie/files and it said "Operation not permitted"06:38
tidelinewedontneed: did you download the correct source?06:39
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_raphael_does anybody know if a D-Link DI-524 can share an internet connection with PEAP? or do I have to buy a new one?06:39
dougiearo, chown*06:39
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rm130hey, I am trying to install the j2re1.4 mozilla plugin but I get this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/meta-j2re1.4-mozilla/j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin_0ubuntu5_i386.deb06:39
rm130   403 Access Forbidden06:39
sorush21why can't I install this tork?06:39
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wedontneedtideline: i downloaded limewire ubuntu06:39
vmlemonAnyone know if support for UDF is compiled into the Ubuntu stock kernel?06:39
wedontneedtideline: now ubotu gives me a link i am downloading it06:39
sef_can anyone point me to a procmail howto please?  I have a .procmailrc, but it's not being used06:39
andrewCapwhen you do history, anyway to tell the time?06:40
cox37777is there a command to add a directory to samba for root use only?06:40
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wedontneedvoid^: x86_6406:40
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netmonAnyone know of a way to install Feisty on a 650MB CD06:40
netmonI only have Herd 5 and 650MB CDs06:40
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void^wedontneed: you can't easily install 32bit i386 debs on a 64bit x86_64 system.06:41
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wedontneedvoid^: is there a limewire for 64 bits06:41
jlvegeta^: this worked!!! even if i play a flv video with totem!!! thanks a lot06:41
rm130hey, I am trying to install the j2re1.4 mozilla plugin but I get this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/meta-j2re1.4-mozilla/j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin_0ubuntu5_i386.deb06:41
rm130   403 Access Forbidden06:41
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michupdefrysk: im not sure about what youre asking me it is on my hard drive its dvd rip its code in xvid wit br 1152kbps and frame rate 23,976 and use ac3 audio codec06:41
jlvegeta^: i really appreciate your interest and your help!!! thanks again06:41
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u2k7hi! i get /dev/video: Device or resource busy -- how do I see whats using it? thanks06:42
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michupdefrysk: i use totem to play movie06:42
void^wedontneed: that's a java application as far as i know, so it shouldn't be a problem.06:42
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Apeezeeo, im trying to change folder permissions, in terminal i tried "sudo chgrp -R ....." and it doesen't seem to work, also can't do it through the file browser either because im not root06:42
defryskmichup, try mplayer, its more configurable with subtitles like delay etc06:42
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Silver_SeagullWorking on an Asus G1 Laptop.  WPA wireless works great out of the box, but it will not aonnect to an ethernet connection at all.  The device is listed and is apparently fine, but won't carry a connection.06:42
rm130 hey, I am trying to install the j2re1.4 mozilla plugin but I get this error W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/meta-j2re1.4-mozilla/j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin_0ubuntu5_i386.deb06:43
rm130    403 Access Forbidden06:43
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kitcherm130: change your mirror06:43
rm130kitche: repository?06:43
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kitcherm130: yes repository/mirror06:43
sef_Apeezee: all that does is change the group owner of the directory and it's contents, not the permissions06:43
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Apeezeesef_: Yea, but that and chmod don't work06:44
rm130kitche: I can only switch between USA and main, both have the same error06:44
ErichOwens85Hello-- I just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my HP dv6000-- I'm trying to use my USB external hard drive, but it does not recognize it.  How do I access it?  I'm quite new to Linux, by the way.06:44
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sef_Apeezee: can you show me ls -l  of the file06:44
Apeezeeyes, hold06:44
_Codeman_Hey, I'm using kde and it seems to change the way xchat is displayed... is there any way to undo that?06:44
defryskrm130, just remove the countrycode all the way (for now)06:44
kitcherm130: then it has to deal with the mirrors but you can switch to any mirror really but the permissions are bad on the mirror so it won't matter it seems06:44
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netmonIf I have herd 5 and do a full upgrade after install will it be any different than a install of feisty final06:44
michupdefrysk: actually i wish to play this movie in my dvd player but i thought it will be wise to check subtitles first so i wonder is it possible that totem read wrong my subtitles?06:45
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rm130defrysk: HOw do I do that?06:45
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rm130kitche: So how can I install the plugin?06:45
Woody1who is the best and the most intelligent person here?06:45
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plizHi guys! Can anyone recommend me a guide to Ubuntu for somebody who sees computer for the first time. Something that does not compare gnome to explorer (the person is not assumed to be aware of windows), something that tells everything from the start such as what an icon is and so on?06:45
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michupdefrysk: and my dvd player will work fine?06:45
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ErichOwens85Who can I ask here for help with recognizing my external hard drive on Feisty Fawn?06:45
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defryskmichup, sure06:45
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kitchepliz: a basic computer book doesn't have to be a ubuntu book for the basics06:46
crm__anyone using a DELL 51XX???06:47
Silver_SeagullErichOwens85: Have you tried powering it down, then starting it up while the OS is up and running?  I found I had to do it like that the first time- 7.04 did not recognize it on boot.06:47
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plizkitche, yup - but has to be a LINUX book06:47
preaction!anyone | crm__06:47
ubotucrm__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:47
rm130kitche: you there?06:47
crm__preaction, which one?06:47
kitcherm130: can't help you really unless you grab the binary off of suns site for the full j2re06:47
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plizkitche, do you know such a book? all I know tell about windows as an inherent part06:47
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kitchepliz: umm there isn't a book for that really but maybe the ubuntu book might be it06:47
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ErichOwens85At least, does someone know where I may find information about external hard drives for Ubuntu?06:47
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_Codeman_anyone was my 2nd question!06:48
rm130kitche: I did find the binary. but it's not .deb..06:48
ErichOwens85I plug it in and it's not recognized at all.06:48
Silver_SeagullErichOwens85: Have you tried powering the external drive down, then starting it up while the OS is up and running? I found I had to do it like that the first time- 7.04 did not recognize it on boot.06:48
preactioncrm__: ask your real question. "anyone using X" doesn't work to get your question answered around these parts06:48
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kitcherm130: yeah you have to manually install it or wait for the mirrors to be fixed06:48
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ErichOwens85Also, Ubuntu is having problems with my sound-- randomly gaim will cause a sound to stutter almost again and again, until I close GAIM and reboot.06:48
rm130kitche: could you help me install it?06:48
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ErichOwens85Silver_Seagull: Thanks, i will try that.06:48
plizkitche, is it the one I see in system->help and support? seems not what I am asking for - it is not basic - assumes a lot of knowledge06:48
rm130I really need to get this working06:48
klausianyone using a wlan usb stick with ubuntu?06:49
_Codeman_Hey, I'm using kde and it seems to change the way xchat is displayed... is there any way to undo that?06:49
kitchepliz: no there is a book a soft covered book about ubuntu it might be hard covered never looked at it really06:49
ShadowX^raiden coscript06:49
Silver_SeagullErichOwens85: Try updating "Gaim" to the latest version.  It was renamed "Pidgin" in the latest (2.0.0) release06:49
vfxI have some questions about external drive installation06:49
nicolahis it possible to remote-login (I'm talking about opening a new gdm session) from a windows pc to ubuntu ? thanks06:49
plizkitche, I have spend some time looking for such book for my parents, but no luck. Linux could win a lot if things like that were around06:49
plizkitche, do you remember the author?06:49
ShadowX^no nicolah06:50
crm__ok.. i'll try to be a bit more specific preaction ala anal boy.. "does anyone own a laptop with a radeon mobility 7500 video card"?06:50
sef_do I have to do anything other than create a .procmailrc in my home directory to make procmail work?06:50
kitchepliz: it might be on the ubuntu site still06:50
sef_do I have to do anything other than create a .procmailrc in my home directory to make procmail work?06:50
sef_do I have to do anything other than create a .procmailrc in my home directory to make procmail work?06:50
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sef_do I have to do anything other than create a .procmailrc in my home directory to make procmail work?06:50
nicolahthanks ShadowX^ , someone here told me it was possible06:50
preactioncrm__: that's still an "anyone" question. what issue are you having with that card? what do you want to do with it that it's not doing right now?06:50
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preaction!repeat | sef_06:50
ubotusef_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:50
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sef_sorry about that.. damn client stopped echoing06:51
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kitchepliz: the book is caleld The Official book of Ubuntu06:51
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sef_so I couldn't see if I'd said anything06:51
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ErichOwens85Silver_Seagull: Do I use the Source or the Fedora Core version of Pidgin for Ubuntu?06:52
rm130can someone help me install java plugin for firefox06:52
plizkitche, thanks a lot!06:52
vfxI have formatted an external 720GB drive that shows as 70GB in /media/, any ideas why?06:52
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:52
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crm__lol.. 72006:53
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crm__yea.. this is a bit of a gay .. help yourself .. channel06:53
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crm__and anal boy isn't helping06:53
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ErichOwens85Hello friends;  does anyone have any other tips of obvious things I might've missed in trying to get Feisty Fawn to recognize my External Hard Drive?06:54
vfxafter more coffee they become 750GB drives06:54
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preactioncrm__: the ad hominem attacks are going to get your question answered even more quickly, if you'd just ask it06:54
ErichOwens85Incidentally, I'm not entirely sure that my computer recognizes my USB ports...06:54
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preactioncrm__: oh, and watch your language. this is a family-friendly channel06:54
sef_Apeezee: sorry.. had connection problems.. did you get the output for me?06:54
PihIHi! Has Ubuntu stopped updates to Non-Intel Macs? I can only find it in the 6.06 version ..06:54
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kitchePihI: ppc support is community support now06:55
preactionPihI: yes, the last PPC release was Edgy06:55
Silver_SeagullErichOwens85: I believe there is a 7.04 build in the repositories.  Go into a terminal and apt-get pidgin06:55
kitche!ppc | PihI06:55
ubotuPihI: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ06:55
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crm__preaction, i thought my question was clean.. i was asking if "anyone" knew the answer to my question06:55
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sldkfjIs there a package I can (re)install to make the screen stop blanking when it goes into screensaver mode?06:55
PihIAh okay, thanks for your answers06:55
rm130can someone help me install java plugin for firefox06:55
=== Knoeki is now playing with the PPC live CD :D
crm__preaction, this is IRC.. not a court of law06:56
Silver_Seagullcrm__: asking if anyone has the card is not a problem question.  Asking if anyone has a problem with corrupted screen edges on a 7500 radeon is a problem question.06:56
ErichOwens85Silver_Seagull: How do I open up my repositories to that available online?  The universal, I think it's called.  Sorry, real new to Linux.06:57
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sldkfjrm130    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java06:57
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Kr0ntab!repos | ErichOwens8506:57
ubotuErichOwens85: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:57
crm__Silver_Seagull, i haven't installed ubuntu.  I'm considering based on the support and feedback06:57
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ErichOwens85ubotu: Thanks, I will check that out.06:58
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ErichOwens85Kr0ntab: I'm sorry?06:58
Silver_Seagullcrm__: Then what is your question?06:58
preactioncrm__: so you want to know how well-supported your card is?06:58
Silver_SeagullErichOwens85: Kr0ntab was directing the bot to tell you where to look ;)06:58
Knoekiquestion: can I read partitions formatted by OSX in Ubuntu?06:58
Kr0ntabErichOwens85, you were asking about repositories... :-)  check the answer from ubotu06:58
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Silver_SeagullHe types faster than me.  Spoilsport06:59
nolan__does anyone know how to paste files into locked folders?06:59
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crm__Silver_Seagull, I was asking if anyone was using ubuntu with a mobility radeon 7500 video card installed.  More specifically so i could determine if the distro supported direct rendering for that card06:59
preactioncrm__: that second bit, that's your real question that we want06:59
kitchenolan__: sudo cp file <dest>06:59
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sldkfjI've got the entries in the serverflags section on the Xorg.conf to make the screen stop blanking but it doesn't work?06:59
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nolan__i don't mean to sound like an idoit, but do i type that into the terminal?06:59
kitche!terminal | nolan__07:00
ubotunolan__: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:00
ErichOwens85Haha, thanks.07:00
savetheWorldnolan__: yes07:00
ErichOwens85What is the synax for apt-get in the terminal?07:01
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ErichOwens85I tried "apt-get pidgin" but it yelled at me.07:01
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nolan__lol thanks savetheWorld07:01
nolan__i am new to ubuntu07:01
nolan__my first week07:01
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kitcheErichOwens85: there is no pidgin in Ubuntu well int he repos unless they added it07:01
Kr0ntabnolan__, welcome.  :-)07:01
savetheWorldnolan__: you are also probably  new to Linux. :-)07:01
_Codeman_ErichOwens85: sudo apt-get install pidgin07:01
kitcheErichOwens85: but it's sudo apt-get install to install remove to remove07:02
ErichOwens85kitche: Ah, so I'm stuck with GAIM then.  No worries.07:02
nolan__savetheWorld, besides knoppix, yes07:02
_Codeman_if it's in there07:02
kitcheErichOwens85: last tiem I checked it's not in the repos but they might have a package on their site07:02
HOTis pidgin worth getting over gaim 6 beta?07:02
Kr0ntabnolan__, you might want to also look up *nix "permissions", and "sudo".  This will help you tremendously.07:02
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ErichOwens85kitche: Naw, Pidgin only shows up on their site for Fedora.  No worries.  Perhaps you can tell me how to make Feisty Fawn detect my External Hard Drive though. :)07:03
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rm130sldkfj: Are you there?07:03
preactioncrm__: from http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Hardware, the earliest radeon mobility supported by ATI's proprietary linux driver is the 950007:03
_Codeman_ErichOwens85: try to find a .deb or debian package on the pidgin site :)07:03
kitcheHOT: yea pidgin has more protocols among other things07:03
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rm130the site does not tell me HOW TO INSTALL java plugin on firefox07:03
nolan__okay, thanks thanks Kr0ntab07:03
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HOTkitche: interesting, i might check it out07:03
crm__preaction, that's the glrx driver.. binary stuff.. non-free07:03
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Kr0ntab!permissions | nolan__07:04
ubotunolan__: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux07:04
Kr0ntabthats a good start..07:04
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kitcheErichOwens85: umm sure what kind of hard drive is it usb or firewire?07:04
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ErichOwens85kitche: USB07:04
_Codeman_ErichOwens85: You might see if it shows up in lspci (donno if it would, I assume it's usb...)07:04
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kitche_Codeman_: nah it would be lsusb07:04
preactioncrm__: the free-software "radeon" driver has sketchy support at best07:04
_Codeman_oh yeah07:05
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crm__preaction, i've noticed =)07:05
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rm130Can somone help me install java plugin for mozilla?????07:05
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sef_I have a .procmailrc in my home directory, but it's not filtering email.  Is there anything else I need to do to make it work?07:05
Silver_Seagullcrm__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  According to that, your card falls under the cards with  "maybe" support for 2D nd 3D support from the default drivers.07:05
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nolan__all i am trying to do install "safe peer" in azerus07:05
ErichOwens85_Codeman_: kitche:  So, I did lsusb and I got the following:  Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:000007:05
ErichOwens85Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05ca:1810 Ricoh Co., Ltd07:05
ErichOwens85Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:000007:05
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nolan__and i need to paste the plugin in a locked folder07:05
kitcheErichOwens85: ok see if your kernel sees it by opening a terminal and type sudo dmesg shoudl say sda something if it sees it07:05
YggdrasilLjL u around ?07:05
rm130Can somone help me install java plugin for mozilla????07:05
crm__Silver_Seagull, i would have read that article07:05
rm130Can somone help me install java plugin for mozilla????07:06
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Kr0ntab!java | rm13007:06
uboturm130: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre07:06
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crm__Silver_Seagull, the only reason i am here and asking is because someone in the ubuntu forums have got it working with direct rendering =)07:06
ErichOwens85kitche: I typed that, and it spit out a lot of crap to me.07:06
HOTrm130: chill man, patience is a virtue07:06
sldkfjrm130, did you go to the firefox website for plugins?  they should have the info to install java in linux there.07:06
HOTim trying to get a walkthrough now07:06
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kitcheKr0ntab: the mirrors are broken for the plugin07:06
crm__Silver_Seagull, but i think that is based on the library configurations and not the distro07:06
_Codeman_kitche: isn't that assuming it's the first/only drive?07:07
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sldkfjrm130,   http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#Java07:07
Kr0ntabwhen did this happen?07:07
HOTrm130: http://www.tracyphillips.com/2007/05/03/how-to-install-java-on-ubuntu-fiesty-fawn/07:07
netmonIm trying to setup a triple boot system, I have everything installed but I need to edit grub for the 2nd linux that is on /dev/hda107:07
netmonAnyone know where the kernel and initrd would be07:07
kitche_Codeman_: yeah but it helps though I m still not use the libata way now07:07
Kr0ntabI use 6 from the repos... didn't have any trouble...07:07
ErichOwens85I get this message for addresses 3-10:07:07
rm130thanks going to check it right now07:07
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ErichOwens85[ 1175.832000]  usb 1-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 907:07
ErichOwens85[ 1186.260000]  usb 1-2: device not accepting address 9, error -11007:07
nowimproved I know I've posted some stupid questions before but I got a doozy here. I was trying to ls into my home directory and it says not found07:07
sef_I have a .procmailrc in my home directory, but it's not filtering email.  Is there anything else I need to do to make it work?07:07
kitche!paste | ErichOwens8507:07
ubotuErichOwens85: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:07
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rm130I have sun java 5 installed07:08
ErichOwens85Ah, thank you, I apologize.07:08
rm130that's the the ubuntu site says07:08
kitcheErichOwens85: hmm it seems like it can't use the address that the kernel is trying to give it07:08
crm__i recommend "amputation"!07:08
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Knoekiquestion: can I read partitions formatted by OSX in Ubuntu?07:08
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ErichOwens85kitche: Any ideas how to rectify that?07:08
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kitche!hfs+ | Knoeki:07:09
ubotuKnoeki:: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse07:09
rm130and I have j2re 1.4507:09
Knoekikitche: thanks mate :D *hugs*07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about procmail - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
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sef_ah well.. was worth a shot07:09
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kitcheErichOwens85: hmm you can try mounting it manually but to do that you gotta know the devicename it's given07:10
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player2hey everyone... anyone running twinview+compiz that doesn't have two separate cubes, but windows don't maximize across the entire span?07:10
player2seems to be a pretty common problem07:10
kitcheErichOwens85: try unplugging the device and replug it in07:10
ErichOwens85kitche: Well, I have to go now any way.  Thanks for some tips, I'll start with that when I next try to figure this out.  Thanks for your help.07:10
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skarhi, i have  a port 80 server, is there a program which'll accept https requests and forward the http reqeust to this server(this port 80 server can't be run as https, as it lacks fcgi etc...)07:12
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Answercan I run port scan from the command line like hte gui System->Administration->NetworkTools ?07:13
_Codeman_skar: apache?07:13
vfxhello, i need help installing some drives07:13
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mesarpehi, I want to know how to setup a pendrive as swap disk :)07:13
void^Answer: nmap07:13
skar_Codeman_: can it forward https requests to a http server?07:13
player2skar: sure07:14
_Codeman_skar: Apache has a plugin for that I believe (Apache is a server)07:14
kitcheAnswer: yes with nmap man nmap will give you the full details of it07:14
skarplayer2, _Codeman_: thanks :) will try it then :)07:14
_Codeman_ssl, I think07:14
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Enselic__Somtimes FF loses the RealPlayer plugin. I can make it work by restarting, FF, but it's annoying. Anyone know what's uo?07:14
Answervoid^:  kitche: nmap command not found.  I have to install a package?07:14
kitcheAnswer: yes07:14
rollerskatejammsI just installed the kubuntu-desktop metapackage. How can I roll that back?07:14
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ed1tFailed to execute child process "acroread" (Permission denied) how do i fix this error?07:15
Answerkitche: void^:  how can I download the package to install it on a remote machine behind a firewall that can't get out to the repositories07:15
dave132bug reporter is broken07:15
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rollerskatejammsUninstalling the metapackage alone obviously wont do it.07:16
void^Answer: yes.07:16
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sorush21which one of these should I change so that The bineries are installed to where the tabcompelete can find the program? --bindir=DIR           user executables [EPREFIX/bin]   --sbindir=DIR          system admin executables [EPREFIX/sbin]   --libexecdir=DIR       program executables [EPREFIX/libexec] 07:16
kitcherollerskatejamms: sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop but I m not to familiar with apt-get really so I might be wrong07:16
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Enselic__sorush21: tab completion looks in dirs at PATH07:16
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dave132cnn video window close crashes firefox07:17
kitchesorush21: umm anywhere in your PATH07:17
Enselic__sorush21: put it in echo $PATH07:17
sorush21I'm doing a ./configure and I need to change it07:17
preactionsorush21: you want your $PREFIX to be "/usr/local"07:17
rollerskatejammskitche, nope all that does is remove kubuntu-desktop07:17
Answervoid^: that wasn't yes/no question... I did apt-get install -d nmap and it says it downloaded but I cannot find07:17
sorush21its being installed to somewhere really odd07:17
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Enselic__sorush21: ./configure will in most cases default in /usr/local07:17
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Enselic__sorush21: that is fine07:17
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preactionsorush21: when you install build-essential, your $PREFIX should default to /usr/local07:17
munchhi im usin ubuntu 6.06 i updated it earlier and restarted and now all the writin has turned into squares can anyone help07:17
sorush21which one should I change ?07:18
void^Answer: 'apt-get install -d --print-uris nmap' will give you a list of files to download and transfer07:18
Enselic__sorush21: /usr/local/bin is in your path, so /usr/local is a fine prefix07:18
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mikkael is it possible to repair a windows parition after using sudo mkswap on it (typing error :/)07:18
YggdrasilLjL you around ?07:18
Enselic__sorush21: don't change any dirs, just ./configure07:18
caneri have installed wine but now i cant download internet explorer :), because i have completely removed windows? is there a link from which i can download i.e7??07:18
Answervoid^:  ok I did that.  where are the files to transfer?07:18
Enselic__sorush21: unless you need to pass other paramters to configure07:18
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void^Answer: in /var/cache/apt/archives/07:19
kitche!ies4linux | caner07:19
Enselic__sorush21: it doesn't install until sudo make install anyway, so you can test-./configure it07:19
sorush21your not understanding what I'm trying to say ..07:19
ubotucaner: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, dont use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!07:19
Answervoid^: strange locatedb did not pick that up.07:19
void^Answer: locate needs updatedb07:20
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sorush21when I make the package with a simple configure the tork program that allows me to run can not be found with a simple tab complete07:20
preactionsorush21: you're running ./configure && make && make install; correct?07:20
Enselic__sorush21: what does echo $PATH give?07:20
sorush21preaction: no checkinstall07:21
Answervoid^: ok I transfered.  do I use 'dpkg -i *.deb'   ?07:21
preactionsorush21: so ./configure && make && checkinstall07:21
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void^Answer: yes.07:21
caneryes ubotu i need i. explorer for exactly the same reason you are talking about. can ies4linux behave like both ie6 and ie7???? please help me. i am a stucked web designer07:21
sorush21its in /usr/local/kde/bin/tork07:22
dr_williscaner,  thers some ie4wine web site out there.. but why do you need ie at all. :)07:22
sorush21preaction: no just ./configure checkinstall07:22
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dr_williscaner,  it can do ie6 i know. no idea about 707:22
canerdr_willis to see what the site i design look like on ie07:22
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sorush21that is what I have to type to get the program runnin07:22
sorush21that is what I have to type to get the program running07:22
preactionsorush21: checkinstall only replaces "make install", it doesn't replace "make" "make test" or "make clean" or whatever07:22
dr_williscaner,  of course if everyone followed the standards we wouldnt be havint to worry about such thigns.. heh but we wont get into that heated discussion. :)07:23
Enselic__make install usually makes if it isn't though07:23
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preactionsorush21: okay, let's start from the beginning again because i think i don't understand what you're trying to do07:23
unknownhi, some one can help me, i'm configuring a mail server, the mail server send mail, but don't deliver localy? why could be that?07:23
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Answersorush21: I believe they want you to first type in "./configure"  then type in "make"  then type in "checkinstall"07:23
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sorush21I'm trying to compile and run tork07:24
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Enselic__sorush21: what are you installing07:24
unknownhi, some one can help me, i'm configuring a mail server, the mail server send mail, but don't deliver localy? why could be that?07:24
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Enselic__!patience | unknown07:24
ubotuunknown: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:24
caneryes dr_willis you are right.js for javascript, activex and other thing. microsoft ruins our work07:24
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preactionsorush21: and i assume you're using checkinstall because you want a package you can uninstall using dpkg?07:24
netmonWhats the command to show my partition table07:24
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kitcheunknown: it could be for many reasons your config might be messed up among other things07:24
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preaction!gparted | netmon07:25
ubotunetmon: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:25
dr_williscaner,  getting where i miss the good old days. :) not seen many sites that are improved by those things. heh.07:25
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netmonJust the command07:25
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dr_willisI wonder if i am the only one that has javascript disabled by default on his browsers..07:25
netmonits like fstab or something like that07:25
stp2007Hi, new to Ubuntu here. I'm trying to run a script to set up my wireless card. I was told to use sudo to run the script. The script file is called wireless. When I type sudo wireless in the terminal I get a ""sudo: wireless: command not found" error. Any thoughts?07:25
sorush21preaction: yes07:25
preactionnetmon: fstab is not your partition table, it's your filesystem tab (mount points)07:25
viko3000somebody can help me with the sound 5.1 ??07:25
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dr_willisstp2007,  give the full path to the script. and make sure its executable.07:25
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canerdr_willis yes. today nobody likes your site if the links are underlined. hehe07:26
munchhi im usin ubuntu 6.06 for the first time i updated it earlier and restarted and now all the writin has turned into squares can anyone help i asked 3 peeps who use ubuntu to and they are baffeled07:26
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stp2007dr_willis, I07:26
unknowni get the email from other mail, they store in /var/spool/mail but dont in the user folder07:26
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kitchestp2007:  sudo ./wireless try that if it's in the directory that your in07:26
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unknownkitche, i get the email from other mail, they store in /var/spool/mail but dont in the user folder07:26
dr_williscaner,  i love those 'double underline mouseover ads' thats progress!07:26
michuphi, howto erase data from dvd-rw via k3b?07:26
stp2007dr_willis, I've made sure it is executable, I tried a full path but didn't try the last comment from kitche. Will try that now.07:26
preactionsorush21: so you cd src/tork; $PREFIX=/usr/local/bin; ./configure; make; checkinstall; # correct?07:26
dr_willisstp2007,  ./whatever would be a shortcut to the full path. :)07:26
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viko3000:-D somebody can help me with the sound 5.1 ??07:27
sorush21preaction: I don't understand but what does the prefix change?07:27
kitcheunknown: that's because they aren't delivered usually ~/<maildir/ is after they are delivered but I had trobules with sendmail before it worked one moment and the next it just died07:27
sorush21I didn't do that preaction07:27
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sorush21should I07:27
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netmonDo I have to mount a partiion before I can boot to it, when I add it in grub I get "Error 17 : Cannot mount selected partition"07:28
dr_willisnetmon,  mounting comes after booting the os.07:28
Enselic__sorush21: the PREFIX determines where files are stored. PREFIX=/usr/local casues binary to be installe din /usr/local/bin, libraries into /usr/local/lob... etc07:28
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preactionsorush21: PREFIX is where the program will be installed. by default, configure sets it to /usr/local (because by convention, /usr is reserved for the OS package manager, whereas /usr/local is reserved for stuff outside the package manager)07:28
munchok ty for ur help *Laughs* il just format hehe Be Back Later07:28
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dr_willisnetmon,  in your case its proberly trying to use the wrong partition for . or whatever its trying to mount to.07:28
nathan_Anyone else having resolution issues after installing nVidia drivers?07:28
sorush21well what is /usr/local/kde/bin/ all about?07:29
stp2007dr_willis, kitche: no joy. "sudo ./wireless" produces an "unable to execute ./wireless: no such file or diirectory". I've used pwd and dir to make sure I am in the right directory and the file is present so that seems ok. I made the file executable by right mouse cliclking on the file and setting the properties/permissions execute checkbox.07:29
sorush21that is where it is installed07:29
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dr_willisnathan_,  i normally have issues BEFOR i install them. :)07:29
erUSUL!fixres > nathan_07:29
netmondr_willis In Gparted the partition I want to boot to is /dev/sda1 and has no mount point07:29
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michupi try to erase data from dvd-rw via k3b by using option format dvd-rw in the same second it announce me that its done successfully but nothing really happened07:29
nathan_HAHA!  funny doc. :)07:29
sorush21how do I change it07:29
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Enselic__sorush21: you used PREFIX=/usr/local/kde07:29
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dr_willisstp2007,  try a different file name. try making some other scripts. you may be doing somthing fundamental wrong.07:29
michupthe dvd disk still store data07:29
Enselic__sorush21: export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/kde/bin"07:29
sorush21Enselic__: I didn't it did07:29
Enselic__sorush21: then tab completion works07:29
cholerais there a channel avail for video editing questions07:29
dr_willisstp2007,  do a 'ls -l filename' and see what the permissions are.07:29
preactionsorush21: no clue, but we said. change PREFIX environment variable for that session.07:30
cox37777is there such thing as a lite front end for ubuntu server?07:30
Enselic__sorush21: might need to source ~/.bashrc first07:30
vfxdisk manager says status inaccessible, enable button does nothing to help.07:30
dr_williscox37777,  define 'front end' :)07:30
Enselic__sorush21: you did because you installed it07:30
Enselic__sorush21: it probably defaulted PREFIX to that07:30
unknownkitche,  the maildir directory is in /var/spool/mail/virtual/(the user), i'm using postfix + ssl + mysql (for user) + courier07:30
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cox37777dr_willis: well a very basic xserver07:30
stp2007dr_willis, what is the comment symbol for a script? Is it a '#' symbol?07:30
Enselic__stp2007: most of them, yes07:31
unknownkitche,  the mail.log said delivery to mailbox, but nothing is there07:31
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dr_willisstp2007,  yes. You may want to read the 'advanced bash scripting guide' for example scripts07:31
sorush21what do I do when I have unpacked the source then cd into the source directory and I'm in the bash terminal ?07:31
nathan_(7.04) I get 1024x768 before driver install with 1280x1024 in the xorg.conf.  after nVidia driver it goes 800x600 on me and won't change despite the xorg.conf file and nvidia-settings only has 'auto' available from the resolution drop menu.07:31
Answersorush21: ./configure07:31
viko3000:)somebody can help me with the sound 5.1 ??07:31
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dr_willisnathan_,  it may be a monitor setting.07:31
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kitcheunknown: might want to ask in #postfix they might be able to help more, sicne mail servers are a pain really, but did the user check the mail they might have their client to delete all mail from the server once recieved07:31
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Enselic__viko3000: what is that sound07:32
sorush21Answer: no, that is what I've been doing ...07:32
dr_willisviko3000,  may want to expand on the problem a bit.07:32
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Enselic__sorush21: did you do as I say?07:32
Enselic__sorush21: with export and source07:32
preactionsorush21: you have three options right now: add something to your PATH, link the binary to a directory in your PATH, or recompile after setting a new PREFIX07:32
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viko3000well, i have a sound blaster live 5.1...07:32
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unknownkitche, i'll ask there, thanks07:32
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dr_willisviko3000,  ive used thopse befor - they should work good. :)07:32
malkadii have a problem with Beryl07:33
cholerawho doesnt07:33
Answer!beryl | malkadi07:33
ubotumalkadi: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:33
dr_willisBeryl is a problem. :)07:33
viko3000only works as a 2.107:33
dr_willisthe fix is.. well.. i dont want to start a fight.07:33
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stp2007still no joy. created a new script called blue in same location. Made it executable and still get a similar error "sudo: unable to execute ./blue: no such file or directory"07:33
malkadiwhen i play a movie it flickers and doesn't show07:33
ed1tberyl works fine for me!07:33
Answerthere is channel #ubuntu-effects for a reason.07:33
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malkadiand am working on an intel07:33
sorush21Enselic__: I did the export in the source directory now should I do make clean and ./configure07:33
dr_willisviko3000,  its possible your sound source is only 2.1 twiddle with the sliders to mirrot the front/back perhaps.07:33
dr_williswork time.07:33
viko3000I have tried with some scripts an nothing !07:33
Enselic__stp2007: what does ls -l sript give?07:33
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kitchemalkadi: it's because beryl and video players don't like each other07:33
Enselic__sorush21: configure sets up the source dir for compilation07:34
malkadiso no solution for this?07:34
Enselic__sorush21: you compile with make07:34
zlxfat32 can be read and wrote to from both window$ and ubuntu right?07:34
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Enselic__sorush21: make cleans up build files07:34
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malkadii switch to metacity when i want 2 play a movie07:34
Answerstp2007: the file you are trying to execute does not exist07:34
cjaezlx, yes07:34
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zlxthankx cjae07:34
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Enselic__sorush21: I'd like to help you, ok in private?07:34
sorush21Enselic__: should I run ./configure now?07:34
nathan_Okay Doc, how would I change the monitor settings?  is there a modeline I can put in the xorg.conf or are you thinking somewhere else?07:34
cjaezlx, so can ntfs07:35
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Dracula}X{anyone know how to share internet connection through ubuntu using irewire?07:35
Enselic__sorush21: I have initiated a private chat07:35
viko3000ok,  THNAKS DOC !!! :-D07:35
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mstfanyone use wengophone  ?07:35
nathan_why fire wire?07:35
cjaezlx, seems ntfs r/w support is stable now07:35
zlxah nice thankx :)07:35
Answercjae: you say ntfs write suppoert?07:35
HarleyQuinehi everyone, anyone had problems sending mail? evolution just won't send anything, I've tried bribing it07:35
Dracula}X{coz I am also running hackintosh and cent get the nic 's to work07:35
sorush21Its been such a long time since I did irc I have forgotten how to come into the chat room07:36
zlxdidnt know that07:36
mstfanyone use wengophone  ?07:36
AnswerHarleyQuine: I gave up on evolution07:36
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stp2007Enselic__, "ls -l blue" displays "-rwxr-xr-x l username username 126 2007-05-11 13:31 blue"07:36
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stp2007Answer, I can see the file not sure why sudo doesnt find it07:36
cjaeAnswer, opps07:36
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choleradoes anyone know of a service that will convert and author my video files for me, I guess I'm stupid because I can't accomplish it Linux07:36
Enselic__stp2007: what does the first line in cat blue give?07:36
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cox37777dr_willis: any ideas?07:36
HarleyQuinehmmm, maybe I should give up too then07:36
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HarleyQuineI just liked the interface07:36
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Answerstp2007: just do ./blue without sudo07:36
sorush21Enselic__: what chat room07:36
stp2007Enselic__, "#!/bin/bash"07:36
damianCze Wam!07:36
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Enselic__sorush21: what IRC client do you use?07:37
schrolliniCan someone help me mount a compact flash card?  I'm getting IRQ errors07:37
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nathan_can't find a driver for NIC Drac?07:37
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RAH66hey all!!07:37
cjaeman I really hate where cap lock and tab are07:37
Enselic__sorush21: don't know then07:37
Dracula}X{nope, not in hackintosh osx8607:37
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nathan_Hi RAH6607:37
damianChyba z 6.06 przejde na 7.04 jak mowicie ze jest szybszy i pozatym chyba ma nowe aplikacje07:37
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Answersorush21: open up a new message, put Enselic__ as the username and send it to him07:37
Enselic__sorush21: start a private chat with me instead07:37
nathan_Try a driver wrapper.07:37
Dracula}X{the hackintosh is on a different comp07:37
RAH66does wubi keep the iso it downloads?07:38
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taonariHello.  I installed Ubuntu and later installed the kubuntu-desktop package but have removed kde.  At startup it still loads the kubuntu logo.  How do I switch back to ubuntu's logo?07:38
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.07:38
cjaeAnswer, I mean ntfs works just as well at least for me it did07:38
stp2007Answer, ".blue" gives the following "bash: ./blue: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directgory"07:38
Answercjae: you can write to ntfs from ubuntu?07:38
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Answerstp2007: ./blue07:38
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cjaeAnswer, sure can07:38
Enselic__stp2007: everyting looks fine. ./blue still doesn't work?07:38
Agrajagoh my bad, that's polish07:38
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cholerataonari: just get used to you new logo, or you can spend hours trying to fix it07:38
Agrajag!pl > damian07:38
AnswerEnselic__: the ^M says he is in dos format07:38
Answerstp2007: dos2unix blue07:38
pilotkevinhow can i download the PPPoe package outside linux? (i have an adsl connection through a router modem, i think, so i need to get pppoe installed)07:38
stp2007Answer, sorry my previous comment was wrt ./blue07:38
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nathan_Dracula: NDISWRAPPER may solve your issue for NIC.07:39
Dracula}X{nathan: in hackintosh?07:39
taonaricholera: What?  I have fixed it before but I forget what I did.07:39
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Answerstp2007: did you make that file in windows and then transfer?  the ^M line character escapes are dos07:39
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cjaeAnswer, look @ the ubuntu how to thing for ntfs 3 g and how to enable read/write support for ntfs07:39
Enselic__Answer: the ^M?07:39
stp2007Answer, dos2unix is currently not installed07:39
nathan_I don't know if they have a hackintosh version by worth looking into.07:39
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Enselic__stp2007: are you running Ubuntu?07:39
stp2007Enselic__, yes07:39
cholerataonari: I've got into the habbit of documenting all my troubleshooting07:39
Dracula}X{hm good idea07:39
AnswerEnselic__:  "bash: ./blue: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter"07:39
nathan_by = but07:39
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Enselic__Answer: ah07:40
Enselic__didnt notice that07:40
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Answerstp2007: Enselic__:  the ^M line breaks are dos characters so it cannot find bin/bash.  either get dos2unix, or just open a new file in linux07:40
stp2007answer, I created a new file for blue I copied text from a file I had transferred from windows. SHould I retype to avoid cr/lf problems?07:40
taonaricholera: yes that's a great idea but for some reason I forgot how to fix that.07:40
Enselic__stp2007: that is the problem07:40
hittopDoes anyone know where I can get the package of linux-restricted-modules-2.6.19-4 ?07:40
Answerstp2007: yeah make a new file in linux07:40
cjaeAnswer, worked really well for me and then you don't have to lose even more security while in Windoze by using fat3207:41
Answerstp2007: you might be able to just retype that first line #!/bin/bash07:41
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stp2007Answer, and retype or will cut and paste from blue work with new file?07:41
Answercjae: last time I tried, I could not get write support07:41
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Answerstp2007: cut and paste might copy those ^M characters07:41
drivera90i screwed up my wine config, where is C: drive supposed to be?07:41
cjaeAnswer,  when was last time and was it with automatix?07:41
cholerataonari: You may want to try adding: splash=verbose to your grub kernel line.07:41
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erUSULdrivera90: ~/.wine/drive_c/07:42
Answercjae: awhile ago.  ubuntu 5 hedgehog whatever.  that is encouraging news.  I will try again07:42
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kitchedrivera90: /home/user/.wine/drive_c/07:42
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taonaricholera: ah that way I could watch the startup and see what the path is?07:42
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Enselic__stp2007: sudo apt-get install tofrodos && dos2unix blue07:42
Answerah htat is the package name07:42
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cjaeAnswer, make sure you don't use automatix unless you absloutely have to as it broke/did not enable write support for me last time I used it07:43
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Answercjae: so how did you get it working07:43
cholerataonari: you can also remove spash and quiet from the kernel line altogether and get all the system messages to scroll by in the terminal during startup.07:43
cjaezlx, are you catching this?07:43
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Yggdrasilhah shit07:43
stp2007Answer, Enselic__ , I just created a new script from scratch with the bin/bash line and an echo statement and the echo displayed to screen. I'm going to retype my original script from scratch. I07:43
Yggdrasili just erased bunch of my stuff07:43
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taonaricholera: yeah I could.  I'll see what I can dig up.  Thanks for your help.07:44
Enselic__stp2007: or open it in emacs and strip from there07:44
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Answerstp2007: if you do 'apt-get install tofrodos'  then run dos2unix blue, it will convert from dos 2 unix format07:44
cjaeAnswer, just follow the actual ubuntu site instruction I don't know maybe the binary/apt-get will be enough07:44
cholerataonari: np07:44
cressyWhen connecting my phone with bluetooth,where do i set the password for my laptop?07:44
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cjaeAnswer, make sure you look for proper instructions first IMHO the apt-get install ntfs -3g may not be enough07:45
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vecnahhi , is it possible to upgrade 32 bits to 64 bits ?07:45
kitche!ntfs | Answer07:46
ubotuAnswer: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:46
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Enselic__vecnah: nah, not really07:46
kitchevecnah: not really unless you want some breakages07:46
vecnahok thanks07:46
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cjaehow come removing qutie from grub does not enable verbose in xubuntu????????07:46
harris2004hey how do i put windows first in the list of grub start options07:46
cjaesorry quiet07:47
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kitchecjae: did you remove splash also?07:47
stp2007Answer, understood, however that laptop not connected to net yet. I'm doing all this to get its wireless card up and running.07:47
Enselic__harris2004: just sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:47
Enselic__harris2004: and reorder stuff07:47
Enselic__harris2004: make a backup thouh07:47
harris2004i did07:47
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cjaekitche, pretty sure I did I'll check07:47
harris2004windows is on top of the list but ubuntu is selected07:47
kitcheharris2004: or you can just make windows default07:47
harris2004as default07:47
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kitcheharris2004: change the defualt line to point to whatever the windows it07:47
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Enselic__harris2004: there is a default selection variable somewhere07:48
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harris2004ok let me try07:48
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harris2004default1...is that ok???? my windows line is first07:49
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cjaekitche, I seem to have removed the wrong quiet07:50
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vox754harris2004, oh man that is such an insignificant question... the answer is 007:50
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harris2004haha..yeahi taught it should be..but windows was on hd107:51
harris2004so confused me07:51
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r3dragonis there a timeout parameter in the about:config file for firefox.. o/s is ububtu 6.06 browser v5.1 also runnung vmware..07:51
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cjaekitche, do you have under you 1st kernel image title,root.kernel.initrd,quiet and save default07:51
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r3dragonfor timeout.. i mean http links that won't seem to load07:52
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kitchecjae: umm I don't use ubuntu07:52
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zntneoi'm trying to follow a how to on the wiki and it says i need to use a command "m-a" but it won't let me07:52
kitche!ipv6 | r3dragon07:53
ubotur3dragon: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv407:53
zntneosays the command is not found07:53
CCmonsterquestion, is there a tool that allows me to send openoffice, or pdf doc's to a fax machine?07:53
cjaekitche, I see07:53
zntneoany ideas why?07:53
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kitcher3dragon: that can make pages load slow if ipv6 is enabled if you dn't use it07:53
r3dragonubontu.. thanks07:53
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Answer!ubotu | r3dragon07:53
ubotur3dragon: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:53
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crusiehow can I check If I've installed my gfx drivers correct?07:54
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mikkael i did a very very bad typing error: sudo mkswap -> on my windows partition... is there any chance to fix this ?07:54
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stp2007Answer, thanks for the help. The script is running. There seems to be a problem with the script but I've run out of time today so I'll tackle that next time.07:55
kitchecrusie: glxinfo and see what it says for your drivers and rendering07:55
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paozinhosomene can helpme with JUBLER ??07:55
gniretar_workis there anyone here who knows debconf at all?07:55
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gniretar_workthis preinst script does NOT echo wassup but it doesnt display the decired note either: http://paste.debian.net/27754  The template file is here: http://paste.debian.net/2775507:56
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timmieclipse -> An internal error occurred during: "Launching". solution? (simple c++ program)07:56
paozinhoJubler make SUBTITLES...but dont put then into the video...someone know a program to put the subtitles in the vdeo ??07:56
crusiekitche:  it looks alright... but my gameplay seems choppy07:56
andrew__Hey guys, I installed ubuntu with a logitech mouse, and when I try to connect a microsoft mouse it does not work07:56
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klausihi anyone who knows a possible reason why my ubuntu system freezes when i plugin my hama usb wifi stick?07:57
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crusieglxgears gives me 15504.776 FPS kitche is this normal for a 7950 GT ?07:57
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irbdavidAnyone can tell me which graphics card will work best under ubuntu:  ATI x1950 or Nvidia 8800 GTS?07:58
HenicaMorning guys.07:58
cjaekitche, anyway to get it to verbose on reboot too?07:58
kitchecrusie: yea since glxgear is not a benchmark tool07:58
lmnop__klausi, it probably doesnt have drivers installed for it07:58
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engel /join #atw07:58
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crusieirbdavid: definately the nvidia one07:58
hiro_irbdavid, Nvidia cards generally have better drivers under Linux.07:58
cjaekitche, or is that distro specific07:58
lmnop__irbdavid, go with nvidia. ati has notoriously poor support for linux drivers07:58
HenicaNvidia < ATI07:58
irbdavidi suspected as much tbh07:59
cjaekitche, thanks btw07:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lunchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:59
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klausiimnop__ yes drivers are not yet installed07:59
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kitchecjae: it should be verbose no matter what if it's like that but upstart is different never really looked into how it works really07:59
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crusieI don't think they are installed correct.. I don't have the nvidia x thingie I had last time07:59
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kitchecrusie: what does glxinfo say for your driver08:00
cjaekitche, thanks anyway08:00
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silokodoes anyone know how to force my cpu to perform at maximum GHZ, it's a laptop with stepping by default?08:00
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crusiekitche: is that the vendor string ?08:00
kitchecrusie: yeah and the openGL part also08:01
cjaedoes anyone else have a plextor optical dvd burner?? and did it start to work a little better with the HAL update ??08:01
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crusiekitche: it says nvidia08:01
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HenicaHmm.. I wish I would figure out a way for this install/download to go quicker.08:01
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kitchecrusie: then it's installed correctly the nvidia splash just might be disabled08:02
HenicaDoes anyone here use amaroK?08:02
crusieno I mean you can see it under programs I think08:02
hydragryumi use amarok08:02
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HenicaIs it as nice as the specs that I'm reading, hydragryum?08:03
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ed_has anyone noticed that ssh has broken when talking to older servers?08:03
kitchecrusie: for that nvidia settings dialog you need to install another package08:03
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crusiewhich one is that ?08:03
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hydragryumyes is good, of course you must read about mp3 support in amarok08:03
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kitcheed_: sshv1 might not be supported by the ssh client in ubuntu if that's what the server uses08:03
HenicaDo you have a link, hydragryum?08:04
kitchecrusie: maybe nvidia-settings?08:04
ed_kitche, "Cannot determine realm for numeric host address"08:04
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cox37777would anyone mind looking @ this pastebin and tell me what i'm doing wrong08:04
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tattersIf I do sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf   /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup  what is the command to replace xorg.conf with my backup?08:05
germanhi everyone08:05
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kitche tatters the reverse sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:06
silokotatters: do the reverse cp, and restart X with ctrl-alt-backspace08:06
The_Alexanderhello - how to change resolution in text mode?08:06
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tattersThnx to who was helping me, tried ctrl/alt backspace  did not realise it would log me out :/08:08
javesis there anything better than pidgin right now for AIM?08:09
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cbshey o all08:09
germanhi, I'm using gnome xchat but I don't like it, is any other better chat?08:09
The_Alexanderhow to change resolution in text mode?08:09
habeebDammit! I can't get my iBook G4 to boot from CD. I'm holding the C for long and it will just boot to the desktop >:08:10
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The_Alexanderor Irssi08:10
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theacolyteIs there such thing as a non framenting filesystem?08:10
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theacolytefragmenting rather08:10
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javesDoes anyone know of a better IM than pidgin? i'm growing tired of it for AIM08:11
hydragryumHenica there are two ways to install mp3 support on amarok one is install amarok and use install mp3 -script when you will be trying play mp3 second is install with apt-get ibxine-extracodecs because amarok use a xine libs08:11
silokotatters: are yes perhaps i should have mentioned it restarts X, so loading your new/modified xorg.conf . ..08:11
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Kyral_Laptoptheacolyte: ext3,reiserfs,XFS,JFS,NTFS....08:11
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Kyral_Laptop(None are PURE non fragmentation, thats impossible, but they handle it transparently)08:11
theacolytethat's what I was going to ask next :)08:11
theacolytethanks Kyral_Laptop08:11
Kyral_LaptopPretty much any modern FS08:12
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Kyral_Laptopjaves: Gaim or Kopete are good08:12
tatterssiloko: no worries my editing musta worked I got back to desktop :)08:12
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HenicaHmm.. If I switch between work places, and I have a download running on one, and I'm working on another, will it cause my download to run slower?08:12
shagggyas the maintainer, I have to admit that jfs can get pretty fragmented08:12
musya3dhow would you overload the [] []  operator08:12
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musya3dso you can write a(a,b)08:12
usser_Kyral_Laptop gain IS pidgin08:12
Kyral_LaptopHenica: you mean workspaces?08:12
musya3dinstead of a[a] [b] ?08:12
germankonversation looks good, but I wsa thinking in something better for gnome08:12
javesKyral, yeah i've been a gaim user for a long time, looking for something new08:13
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Kyral_Laptopusser_: Oh so they renamed it in Ubuntu?08:13
musya3doops sorry wrong channel :d08:13
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javespidgin = gaim08:13
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Kyral_LaptopSince when?08:13
usser_Kyral_Laptop: nope it is still gaim08:13
Kyral_Laptop...stop confusing me!!!08:13
javesi believe they're going to change the name, the site has been changed already08:13
kitcheKyral_Laptop: sicne AOL made them change the name but it's gaim in ubuntu still08:13
kitchejaves: it's changed already08:13
Kyral_Laptopfsck AOL :P08:13
usser_Kyral_Laptop: hehe its gaim in ubuntu but pidgin everywhere else08:13
HenicaKyral_Laptop: Yes.08:13
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Kyral_LaptopHenica: so you start a DL on one WorkSpace, then switch to another and start another DL?08:14
Kyral_Laptop(Jst making it clear)08:14
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krathognishas anyone had success getting the novell client anywhere near working in Ubuntu?08:14
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HenicaKyral_Laptop: No, just one download running on a workspace, and then I'm browsing the net on another.08:14
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guzuhello all08:14
Kyral_LaptopHenica: Technically there will be an impact08:14
javesKyral, i'll give Kopete a shot though08:14
Kyral_LaptopHenica: but unless the network is already saturated, you don't see it08:15
habeebDum dum dumm.. Ubuntu is booting in my PPC... Let's see if I'll break the record for the less time needed on raping a foreign Mac.08:15
The_Alexanderhow to change screen resolution in console?08:15
guzu i have one old notebook, p150/48, i'm installing ubuntu7.04alternate, howdo i setup a light desktop?08:15
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Kyral_Laptopguzu: install Fluxbox08:15
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HenicaKyral_Laptop: I'm just wondering, as the download is going to take about an hour to complete.. when I know that if I were to be downloading it on windows, that it would have already been done now.08:15
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cpbtklogicguzu: xubuntu08:16
Kyral_LaptopHenica: That is dependant on your network and the Flux08:16
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Kyral_Laptop(The Flux refers to the flucutuations in network speed that no one can predict reliably)08:16
The_Alexanderhow to change screen resolution in console?08:16
javesKopete does not support AIM?08:16
usser_javes: kopete is ugly08:16
Kyral_Laptopjaves: it goes08:17
guzuKyral_Laptop, thnx, how? i'll probably end with an offline commandlineonly system ...08:17
javesits ugly?08:17
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Kyral_LaptopIt uses Qt...08:17
usser_javes: very ugly08:17
javesthen i dont like it, im superficial when it comes to my IM client08:17
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Kyral_Laptopin a GTK environment it will stand out like a sore thumb08:17
The_Alexanderhow to change screen resolution in console?08:17
usser_javes: but it has web cam support08:17
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usser_javes: but ugly08:17
paozinhoJubler make SUBTITLES...but dont put then into the video...someone know a program to put the subtitles in the vdeo ??08:17
javesusser_, wish i had a webcam heheh08:17
Kyral_Laptopguzu: sudo apt-get install fluxbox08:17
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The_AlexanderKino, Avidemux08:17
Kyral_Laptopusser_: GNOME user? :P08:17
The_Alexanderpaozinho: Kino, Avidemux08:17
The_Alexanderhow to change screen resolution in console?08:17
guzuKyral_Laptop, ok, thank you very much08:18
tattersI/join #kubuntu08:18
usser_Kyral_Laptop: nope kde =)08:18
d3m0Hi, I am considering getting an HP Pavillion DV9000T and want to put feisty on it....anyone have any problems getting it installed on this laptop?08:18
Kyral_Laptopjaves: Oh then it will look fine08:18
paozinhoThe_Alexander, thank you =D the Kino i have it..the kino will save with .avi with the subtitles ??08:18
The_Alexanderdont know08:18
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The_Alexanderi know it can PUT subtitles into the film08:18
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The_Alexanderavidemux too08:19
Answerhow to change resolution in text mode ?08:19
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Kyral_Laptopjaves: Its a part of KDE Network, so its part of core KDE. It will look and feel like your other KDE apps08:19
The_AlexanderAnswer: the same question08:19
The_Alexanderhow to change resolution in console?08:19
javesKyral_Laptop: ok thanks08:19
The_Alexanderanyone knows?08:19
Answerit is off the side of my touchscreen08:19
Answergraphical works fine08:19
guzuThe_Alexander, do you wanna change x resolution? or console video mode?08:19
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d3m0anyone have a site that I can use to see which laptops are compatible with linux (ubuntu)?08:20
guzui ca _not_ help you with this, sorry08:20
cox37777is there such a thing as a basic xserver for ubuntu?08:20
cox37777that doesnt down load all the office etc08:20
The_Alexanderhow to change resolution in console?08:20
usser_cox37777: xubuntu08:20
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Kyral_Laptopcox37777: xserver-xorg08:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:21
Kyral_Laptoplast I checked08:21
chrisocan anyone help me with CDemu ?08:21
sebsebseb!ubotu firewire08:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:21
The_Alexanderhow to change resolution in console??08:21
usser_d3m0: #!/bin/bash08:21
kbjWhat does the arrows above a folder mean in gnome?08:21
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usser_d3m0: #!/bin/bash08:21
dogsond3m0, you could try http://www.linux-laptop.net/08:21
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hydragryumThe_Aleksander resolution of what?08:21
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usser_d3m0 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops08:21
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cox37777Kyral_Laptop: what does that have?08:21
sebsebsebI  am  trying to connect  a lap top running  Ubuntu with another lap top with XP,  with a firewire 1394 cable,  but having problems,  any idea how to fix this?08:21
Kyral_Laptopcox37777: SHOULD have the basic X Server08:21
cox37777Kyral_Laptop: koolio08:22
usser_sebsebseb yes use cat508:22
Kyral_LaptopIts been a while since I used UBuntu so I don't know the exact package name08:22
hydragryumsebsebseb firewall on xP08:22
d3m0thanks usser_ and dogson08:22
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d2812The_Aleksander: Is this what you are after? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25848408:24
jjmI'm doing an upgrade and it asks if I want to replace the modprobe.d/alsa-base file08:24
jjmdo I?08:24
sebsebsebwhat's cat5?08:24
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d2812sebsebseb: ethernet cable :)08:24
HenicaOn my windows machine, I was using Window Blinds to change the appearance of my windows, ect. Is there a similar thing on linux? Do I even need a program to do it?08:24
FantaOrangehas anyone installed https on ubuntu before?08:24
jjmcat5 is a kind of ethernet cable08:25
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sebsebsebno  want to get this working with a 1394 cable08:25
sebsebsebis this possible?08:25
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EhPrettyEasyWill the normal Ubuntu installation let me be able to do dual boot? Windows + Ubuntu08:25
FantaOrangehas anyone installed https on ubuntu before?08:26
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alterooEhPrettyEasy: yes08:26
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EhPrettyEasyYou mean that if I go through the normal installation08:26
EhPrettyEasyIt won't delete Windows?08:26
MirageEhPrettyEasy: yes, if windows is installed first, then ubuntu08:26
EhPrettyEasyYeah i have windows now08:26
Mirageit should work without any more configuration08:26
EhPrettyEasyAnd ubuntu cd with me08:27
Miragei just did that today08:27
TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: you get a menu when the machine start08:27
HusioI have a question about default ubuntu kernel - what patch allows to use pilot in macbook intel 2.0 ?08:27
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redbullfxDoes anyone here have TWINKLE08:27
Husiocan;t find any info08:27
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EhPrettyEasyI know the men08:27
kbjis there a simple way to add a custom resolution to ubuntu08:27
EhPrettyEasyBut someone told me that I should partition.08:27
EhPrettyEasyUse some program of defrag.08:27
redbullfxkbj, How do you had custom reslolution08:27
usser_redbullfx: i do =)08:27
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MirageOh, yes. you need some unallocated space for ubuntu08:27
usser_redbullfx i see u got tired of ekiga08:27
EhPrettyEasyBut, how do I do it? I have no idea.08:28
redbullfxusser: are you in another different channel.. to many people here08:28
kbjredbullfx: what do you mean?08:28
EhPrettyEasyI have Paragon Partition Manager, but I don't know how to use it.08:28
MirageDo you have more than one partition on your PC?08:28
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jjmI said yes to replacing the file. What the heck.08:28
EhPrettyEasyuhmhm, I dont think so08:28
EhPrettyEasyYou mean C: and others?08:28
usser_redbullfx somebody took time to register my nick )08:28
MirageSo there's only C: and nothing else?08:28
ghfanyone have time to help with dhcp server?08:28
redbullfxkbj: screen resolution. i want to change mine to 1280:102408:28
EhPrettyEasyThere is C: and D:08:28
TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: ubuntu can resize an exisiting partition under install. but you can also use partition manager, or gparted.08:28
thcmonkeyam i able to view my ubuntu partition when in my windows partition?08:28
kbjredbullfx: I just asked the same question08:28
redbullfx:oh is that why the line08:28
redbullfxkbj: oh..ok ..never mind then08:29
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MirageIf D: is a hard drive partition, you might want to back it up somewhere, and then delete the partition and remake the ones you need for ubuntu08:29
redbullfxusser: u in a different room??08:29
kbjredbullfx: hehe ok08:29
Husiois there some ubuntu developers chan?08:29
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:29
MirageI moved all od my D: to a friend's PC over the network and wiped the entire partition08:29
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d2812sebsebseb: just out of curiosity does ubuntu even pick up your firewire as a network device? Mine doesnt.08:29
Miragethen remade a few partitios for ubuntu08:29
EhPrettyEasyMirage, could you take a look at this picture and tell me what I need to change? http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=Eh+Pretty+Easy&word2=Bob+Lablah08:29
alterooHusio: try #ubuntu-devel08:29
Husioalteroo: thanks08:30
EhPrettyEasyoops sorry08:30
EhPrettyEasyThis http://img465.imageshack.us/img465/9563/resizepa1.jpg08:30
usser_redbullfx: no im here in #ubuntu but with bitchx god knows where i am08:30
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redbullfxcan u go to #jaro just for a sec??? to talk about twinkle08:30
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MirageI never used that partition manager before08:31
FantaOrangePLEASE help me cqan i run https with apache2? anyone?08:31
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EhPrettyEasyI need to allocate at least 10Gb, but I don't know which options to set.08:31
gglserwhats the best movie player for Ubuntu? I noticed VLC is a bit bugged. I cant fast forward or scroll through the video, since it crashes.08:31
Miragegglser: Totem works fine for me08:31
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gglsermirage: any codecs that I should download?08:32
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TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: "please specify size after partition" - put in 1000008:32
sebsebsebd2812: I don't think so how to find out?08:32
darkstrikerdgglser: mplayer is the best for me08:32
Miragehm, I don't remember the exact names for the codec downloads I used08:32
EhPrettyEasyTerrasque: Wouldn't that resize my C: to 10gb when it's 143gb now?08:32
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EhPrettyEasySo I'd lose 133GB...?08:33
gglserdarkstrikerd mirage: so you guys are saying I wouldnt have any problems watching videos with ubuntu?08:33
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lmnop__gglser, none at all08:33
Miragegglser: I know I had to download a few codecs, but you need to do that with all OSes08:33
d2812sebsebseb: System -> Administation -> Network08:33
Miragewindows doesn't come with xvid either08:33
TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: no, it would allocate 10 gb after the partition08:33
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gglsermorage: roger that!08:34
sebsebsebno  it does not it seems.08:34
EhPrettyEasyNow to create the Linux partition. At the top, click on Wizards > Create Partition. Click on Next and then click on the unallocated space you created in the last step. Click Next again, and then make sure to format it as Linux ext 3.08:34
sebsebseband  I already been in there08:34
EhPrettyEasyResize the newly created partition and leave about 2 GB unallocated.08:34
EhPrettyEasyCreate another partition out of the 2 GB unallocated and format it as swap.08:34
Miragegglser: I could check, but I'm not on ubuntu right now08:34
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EhPrettyEasyI do that?08:34
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gglsermirage: dont worry its ok. was just curious08:34
i-amcan anyone help me to log into ubuntu? during installation i added hostname and password, but now i cannot log in...wrong username or password08:34
MirageI even play wmv files in my ubuntu08:34
sixthhey,  can anyone help me? how do i reinstall grub from livecd? a windows program fucked up my boot up08:35
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TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: let ubuntu partition the free space08:35
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POVaddct!grub > POVaddct08:35
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EhPrettyEasyBut I've heard the there will be complications, like it gets bugged and formats everything.08:35
lmnop__sixth, i might be able to help08:35
POVaddct!grub > sixth08:35
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sixththanks pov08:36
MirageI'm not sure what I should say, EhPrettyEasy. I always made sure I had unpartitioned space before i started the installation process08:36
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TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: it havent happened even once when ive installed ubuntu. And that is about 10 times on 4 different computers08:36
MirageBecause I don't entirely trust programs to partition my hard drives without my input08:37
i-amcan anyone help me to log into ubuntu? during installation i added hostname and password, but now i cannot log in...wrong username or password :(08:37
TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: of course, if you tell it to delete everything, it will08:37
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EhPrettyEasyIf I put in the cd, install Ubuntu normally it doesnt delete windows and its dual?08:37
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EhPrettyEasyNothing else needs to be done?08:38
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TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: http://www.linuxlibrarian.org/node/319 - look at Prepare disk space08:38
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MirageIf you read through the dialog boxes properly, I'm sure you would be able to tell ubuntu to not delete your windows08:38
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MirageIt's presented in a pretty easily understandable way08:38
TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: if you have some partitions on disk, but free space, it will come up with "use avaliable free space". Chose that, next, and ubuntu will do the rest08:39
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habeebIS there an IRC channel for ubuntu-ppc (yes, I know it's not officially supported.).08:39
demetriousHi there! Fedora has a Gnome applet/notification icon that allows to de-authenticate a root session from the panel. Does Ubuntu has it as well, and if so, how is it called/enabled?08:39
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neverbluewhat is the difference between: postgresql-8.2 and postgresql-client-8.2 (when installing tha packages) ?08:39
habeebcaps lock is cruise control for ____08:39
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HUNTER8why is XMOTO so laggy....????? does anyone know???08:39
HUNTER8why is XMOTO so laggy....????? does anyone know???08:40
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habeebHUNTER8: pastebin your glxinfo, please.08:40
POVaddct!patience | HUNTER808:40
ubotuHUNTER8: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:40
kkathmanHUNTER8,  dont repeat, everyone will ignore you08:40
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jjmhunter8: if XMOTO is a game maybe you have the wrong video drivers08:40
HUNTER8sry first time user08:40
Gunirusxmoto is great08:40
neverblueor postgresql-server-8.2 (as compared to postgresql-8.2)08:40
habeebHUNTER8: no problem we still love you.08:40
Linkmasta23when is the next release08:40
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alterooLinkmasta23: in October..08:41
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Linkmasta23i think i should have enough ram by then XD08:41
spielidoes anybody know how to make Apache serve other directories other than /var/www  ?08:41
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EhPrettyEasyBut it doesn't show pictures of the place where you edit the partition things.08:41
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DemetriousHi there! Fedora has a Gnome applet/notification icon that allows to de-authenticate a root session from the panel. Does Ubuntu has it as well, and if so, how is it called/enabled? Anyone knows? (3 minutes since the last inquire)08:42
nicolahguys I get some windows displayed like this http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m224/nicoladimaria/Schermata-0Unitsremaining.png08:42
spieliah forget it guys08:42
spielifound itr08:42
HUNTER8habeeb...its a long list when I type flx cmd08:42
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EhPrettyEasyIn this installation it just erases everything.08:42
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TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: as i said, if you have unpartitioned space, ubuntu will give you an extra choice08:42
habeebHUNTER8: ok do this: glxinfo, and then copy-paste the output to: http://pastebin.ca/08:42
derjoerghi all, i got a problem mounting my usb stick via hal. Stetup the wrong mount options via context menu from gnome desktop and don't know how to remove this option. Hal don't mounts the usbstick because of th "invalid mount option" so i can't change the mount option via gnome-desktop-context-menu08:43
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derjoerganybody an idea?08:43
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Linoobhello to the room. One of my friends just tried to set up a radius server. He used synaptic to download and install it , now we can't get the darn thing to RUN.. How do we start the radius server ?08:43
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EhPrettyEasyAnd how do I know that I have or havn't got unpartitioned space?08:43
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Linoobwe've tried going into /etc/radius and executing the script but no dice..08:44
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AlexiHuskyHey ppls of the internets!08:44
habeebKDE 4 looks awesome. btw, the beta is out08:44
habeebAlexiHusky: y halo thar08:44
HUNTER8habeeb the file is here -----> http://pastebin.ca/48341208:44
POVaddctis there a program for downloading mms and rtsp streams?08:45
TerrasqueEhPrettyEasy: if you do not have free space it will show something like this : http://www.cdprof.com/formation/linux/images/ubuntu-install.png - its french, but it allows you to resize one partition08:45
derjoergdoes anybody know where hal saves the mount-options which i set via gnome-desktop-context-menu?08:45
AlexiHuskyI'm having some issues with getting Ubunto just running via MS Virtual Server 200508:45
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tidelineLinoob: is there a script in /etc/init.d08:45
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DemetriousHi there! Fedora has a Gnome applet/notification icon that allows to de-authenticate a root session from the panel. Does Ubuntu has it as well, and if so, how is it called/enabled? Anyone knows? (6 minutes since the last inquire)08:45
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jribPOVaddct: mplayer -dumpstream08:45
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AlexiHuskyKnow any existing places I can get specialized help with running it on virtual machines?08:45
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EhPrettyEasyOk, I'm off, trying to install it now. Hopefully everything goes well, thanks for help.08:45
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Demetrious!patience Demetrious08:45
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habeebGunirus: HUNTER8 doesn't have direct rendering enabled is that nessecary to play that game.08:46
POVaddctjrib: thanks. and without mplayer?08:46
i-amwhat kind of support channel is it !!!08:46
jribPOVaddct: I don't know08:46
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kick52|nixim on an ibook g408:46
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kick52|nixbut inm having trouble connecting to my powermac08:46
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jribDemetrious: what is the name of it?08:46
kick52|nixerr, via the airport extreme08:46
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kick52|nixanyone around wanting to help?08:46
eclpisehy all08:46
jrib!enter | kick52|nix08:46
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ubotukick52|nix: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:46
POVaddctjrib: i used mmsrip for a while, but it doesn't work anymore. maybe they changed something in the mms protocol.08:47
jjmDemetrious: If you can't look at the icon on Fedora to see what it runs then maybe you can google Fedora and some key words.08:47
Pelokick52|nix,  what is the issue ?08:47
Gunirushabeeb: ???08:47
Demetriousjrib: That is what I am trying to find out, to get it installed/working on my Ubuntu box.08:47
HoocH_Laptophehe, everything on my laptop work except my integrated webcam, so typical :) Checked the "linux on laptops" site, it says there is no drivers for it... so very typical :P ehhe08:47
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jjmDemetrious: what is the icon called?08:47
jribDemetrious: oh, thought you had fedora on your system08:47
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Demetriousjrib: The Fedora folks (went over their channel too) have no idea. They told me it comes with usermode-gtk. I checked and they err.08:47
HUNTER8HABEER i have a ati radeon 200G sereis card and and when I use the flginfo it says that DRI missing08:47
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AlexiHuskyDoes anyone have any resources for getting Ubuntu to boot via VIRTUAL SERVER 2005 ?08:48
PeloHoocH_Laptop,  try the other webcam drier  cspca or smthing08:48
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kick52|nixPelo: well, my powermac also has a wireless card in it, sharing my dsl, but i cant connedct to it on my ibook. i connect, but it just shows the progress icon for a while, then just stops08:48
dyrneAlexiHusky: eww08:48
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jjmAlexihusky: how does VS 2005 boot other operating systems?08:49
HoocH_LaptopPelo:  Where can I find that driver ?08:49
HUNTER8in your moms08:49
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Pelokick52|nix,  I have no idea how sharing a connection works,  sorry08:49
AlexiHuskyJim: It runs slackware / knoppix just fine08:49
habeeb_Anyone here who uses Ubuntu PPC, or used to use?08:49
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PeloHoocH_Laptop,  just check in synaptic for webcam08:49
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jjmshould I replace /etc/ntp.conf?? What is ntp.conf?08:49
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HoocH_LaptopPelo:  k :)08:49
kick52|nixdamn.. im sure its to do with the wep though, as airport cards encryption scheme is a bit funky..08:49
jribPOVaddct: don't know if it works, but tried streamripper?08:49
AlexiHuskyI'm wondering if Ubunto requires special drivers or something?08:50
dyrneAlexiHusky: seems problems with scsi drive setup have you tried ide?08:50
stefgHmmm, i can only log out of gnome with a delay of approx. 2-3 min. When i choose 'Shutdown' from the menu (or panel applet) nothing happens immediatly, but only after 2 minutes or so the logout dialog will appear. This doesn't happen with a fresh user account, so it must be in the user settings. Anyone has a clue what's going on here?08:50
Pelokick52|nix, check the forum08:50
AlexiHuskyDyrne: It's using just IDE08:50
POVaddctjrib: oh, don't know that one. thanks for the hint.08:50
kick52|nixok thanks pelo08:50
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stefggoogle has nothing (or i habe the wrong search terms)08:50
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cbsim running ubuntu on 64 amd, and when I went to install a 64 bit nvidia driver package, it says it detects im running on an x86 kernel08:50
AlexiHuskyNote: I can boot using graphics safe mode, but once it's in the desktop graphical environment it appears froxen / the mouse won't work08:50
cbscan anyone help?08:50
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ChiefThey all - new to ubuntu and linux - wondering if i haven't installed freeradius right - can't find radiusd to start it up08:51
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dyrneAlexiHusky: youre lockin into windows? vmware server is free to setup on linux box. course you know that already :)08:51
tidelinecbs: what does uname -a tell you?08:51
AlexiHuskyXD Man, this channel needs seperate conversations rofl....08:51
Pelocbs, did you install the x86 ubuntu or the amd64 ubntu ?08:51
tillhi all08:51
cbs`pelo: 6408:51
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AlexiHuskyDyrne: I'm testing this at work08:51
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AlexiHuskyWork doesn't appreciate me formatting my system and losing my developer tools =P08:52
PeloChiefT,   try typing the name in the terminal08:52
Pelocbs, checkthe forum08:52
cbstideline: Linux OcSys 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux08:52
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rollerskatejammsAnybody know an app that can open .img files. They're kinda like isos.08:52
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HoocH_LaptopPelo:  I thought that synaptics only had touchpad stuff ?08:52
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AlexiHuskyRollerskatejamms: Try DaemonTools08:52
tidelinecbs: are you sure you installed 64 bit version?08:52
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rollerskatejammsAlexiHusky, This isn't windows.08:53
cbstideline: yes im fairly certain...08:53
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Pelocbs,  i686  is x86 ,  you need to install the 32 bit driver08:53
tidelinecbs: I think thats the latest 32 bit kernel08:53
jjmrollerskatejamms: have you tried mounting them?08:53
stefgrollerskatejamms: google for cdemu08:53
cbstideline: oh boo08:53
ChiefTpelo: did, 'bash: radiusd: command not found, can't find it anywhere, did a search. installed with synaptics08:53
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cbslooks like its time to reinstall ubuntu08:53
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stefg!info cdemu08:53
ubotuPackage cdemu does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:53
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rollerskatejammsYeah but what abot an app that can just burn them08:53
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cbshow can I install 32bit and 64 bit ?08:53
tidelinecbs there are ways to update your kernel, but it would be faster to reinstall08:53
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cbstideline: but say I want to be able ot use both of them08:54
PeloChiefT,  and you can't find it in the menus ?   weird,  try the command line again and remember that linux is case sensitive08:54
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tidelinecbs: what machine again08:54
cbswhat machine?08:54
tidelinecbs: why do you want both of them?08:54
jjmroller, try burning them the same way you burn an ISO.08:54
tidelinecbs type08:54
doublebindany germans here?08:54
ChiefTpelo: menus? is there a gui version? i thought it was strictly command line08:54
tidelineamd. intel etc08:54
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Amsterdamhas anyone ever gotten https to work with apache2?08:54
cbsbecuase some apps dont work right in 64 as I understand, but when I had 64 bit installed before it was way faster08:55
PeloChiefT,   try just typing radius or RADIUS08:55
stefgrollerskatejamms: these are non-standard *windows* formats... maybe cdemu can help you,but don't expect linux burning apps to deal with cracked CD-Images08:55
cbsAMD 6408:55
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tidelineAmsterdam: it starts by default in apache208:55
doublebindcan someone help me with my berryl problem?08:55
rollerskatejammsstefg, they arent cracked cd images, theyre recovery images from sony08:55
ChiefTpelo: radius: command not found08:55
tidelineso why would you want to use 32 bit kernel?  You can still instal some 32 bit packages08:55
PeloChiefT,  it dont, know radius  , I thought you might have a menu entry08:55
tidelineI think08:55
cbstideline: would everything under wine rune the same?08:55
eliuis there a frontend to ffmpeg08:56
stefgrollerskatejamms: so what kind of recovery app does sony provide to restore them ? any idea?08:56
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tidelinecbs: ooh I cant answer that definitively08:56
rollerskatejammsstefg, a broken one.08:56
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rollerskatejammsstefg, broken on this pc that is08:56
lmnop__cbs, wine is just an emulator. some programs dont work correctly08:56
cbsform what I have read it wont work as well08:56
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ChiefTpelo: k, thx anyway. i'm just trying to basically figure out how to install apps period. i'm guessing i'm not doing it right if i can't even start the dang thing08:56
rollerskatejammslmnop__, wine is NOT an emulator08:56
cbswould there be a way to dual install 32bit and 64 bit?08:56
PeloChiefT,   if yo are uing the gui  use the search funtion in places and search for radius see what comes up ,  but from what I am seing  radiusd-livingston might be the correct command line08:56
jjmwhich irc client works best when there are lots of people on the channel and stuff is scrolling really fast?08:56
cox37777lol i cannot believe i'm having to install xubuntu just so i can set up samba08:56
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PeloChiefT,   http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/08:57
tidelinecbs: is this going to be a desktop of server?08:57
lmnop__rollerskatejamms, fine. api implementation.08:57
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brainiac8008hi, i have ubuntu dapper and want to do a clean install of feisty using the live cd (I want to put feisty in my current ext3 partition and format ext3).  When the installation process comes to the part about partitioning, (Erase hard disk, automatic, or manual), should I choose manual and if so, will there be a way to format ext3 and will it allow me to put feisty in my current ext3 partition without making a new08:57
rollerskatejammslmnop__, :-P08:57
cbsdesktop, tuned to the performance ratings of a server :-D08:57
ChiefTpelo: ahh that helps, i'll take a read, thx!08:57
stefgrollerskatejamms: if you are lucky it's just a file-system image. try 'sudo mount -o loop -t auto foobar.img /mnt' and see if what you have in /mnt then08:57
tidelinecbs: there are programs that you will not be able to use i.e. the Kava plugin for firefox, there isn't a 64 bit version of that08:58
rollerskatejammsstefg, ok08:58
tidelineand I think there are probems with flash too08:58
Pelobrainiac8008, # you got  cut off08:58
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cbstideline: i dont really care about what I can and cant run other than being able to run certain windows games, and have a zippy 64 bit environment to work in, if nothing else08:58
Pelobrainiac8008,   ext3 is the default format for ubuntu instalation's08:58
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brainiac8008pelo, i know that, but what do you mean I got cut off?  everything looks like it's there to me08:59
AlexiHuskyGuyes is there a driver CD available for use with Microsoft's virtual server 2005 environment?08:59
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tidelinecbs: have you tested wine on this box?08:59
AlexiHuskyI can boot slackware, knoppix just fine no problems08:59
Pelobrainiac8008,   " on without making a ne"08:59
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cbstideline: yes08:59
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rollerskatejammsstefg, Nice try but no. Thanks anyway.09:00
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brainiac8008pelo, "without making a new one?"09:00
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tidelineso then your problem is that installing something it tells you you have a 32bit kernel - you can either try to get the 64 bit kernel via apt-get or get a vanilla kernel from kernel.org09:01
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tidelinethen upgrade any packages that need to be 64 bit09:01
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cbswhat is vanilla kernel? is it better than ubuntu 64 kernel?09:01
dyrneAlexiHusky: i did a google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org "virtual server 2005" feisty' got some hits09:01
eg_linuxcan anyone here tell me how can i watch real player files in ubunutu?09:01
Pelobrainiac8008, ic,  well you can write over te exsiting / partition no problem you just have to say that is wath you watn to do ,  and if you have mounted your /home folder to a different partiton only the OS and the progs will get overwirtten and all your personnal data and settings will be saved09:01
Flannel!real | eg_linux09:02
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ubotueg_linux: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:02
stefgrollerskatejamms: assuming it's a bootable CD you could try to utilize vmware player. you can use the image as a vrtual cd-drive for vmware-player and restore to a VM09:02
tidelinecbs: well you arent running the 64 bit kernel09:02
Pelocbs, vanilla is a synonyme of Default in this context09:02
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eg_linuxubotu: thanks alot09:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks alot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:02
tidelinethey are the same to an extent dont know how much the ubuntu devs customize the "vanilla" kernel09:02
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rollerskatejammsstefg, Nope, the boot discs detect whether or not you're running the proper model of sony. Also a good idea though.09:03
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cbsoh, <--- x noob....last time I used linux was redhat 4 in the 90's :P09:03
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r1985mchey all09:03
tidelinecs you could get the kernel headers package then recomplie the one you have09:03
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brainiac8008pelo, ok and what about swap?  If I do manual is there an option to use the current swap file or do I just not make a new one?09:03
cbscan I reinstall without killing my files? like, only reformat /boot?09:03
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stefgrollerskatejamms: so try to get cdemu running... probably your best chance then09:04
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Lamegocbs, if you create your /home on a split partition, yes09:04
rollerskatejammsstefg, Actually, nero for linux might open it09:04
rollerskatejammsim rying that09:04
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tidelinecbs: if you move to another partition then dont format during install - then remount it when you install you wont loose anything09:05
DVS01what sort of performance should i expect from ubuntu on a p3 1.2ghz with .5gb ram? is there a certain window manager that i should use?09:05
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brainiac8008pelo, ok and what about swap?  If I do manual is there an option to use the current swap file or do I just not make a new one?09:06
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lmnop__DVS01, pretty good, esp. if you get that version optimized for older systems.09:06
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cbsim confused....go pm?09:06
elcucohi, quickie, xrander 1.2 on 7.04, possible or not?  (reading https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/5899)09:06
jribDVS01: I bet that runs regular ubuntu fine, but you could try xubuntu if you want something lighter09:06
eg_linuxubuntulog: but i have a problem coz i didn,t make a root password when i,m installing ubuntu09:06
darkstrikerdDVS01: ubuntu will work fine, but xfce will work better09:06
AmsterdamWhich vnc server should i use?09:06
Flanneleg_linux: Ubuntu doesn't use the root password, that's normal.09:06
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dyrneDVS01: i second xubuntu09:06
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eg_linuxFlannel: so how can i install ubuntu?09:07
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upgrdmanis there any easy way in linux to find out info about my RAM? like type, clock speed, # of pins, ddr or not, etc?09:07
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Flanneleg_linux: Ubuntu uses sudo instead of a root account, `sudo [stuff] ` to run stuff as super user09:07
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kazim59hello genius ubuntu community!09:08
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DVS01Flannel: what do you mean by that? how does it 'use' sudo? dont users use sudo?09:08
eg_linuxFlannel: how can i type this : deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main    ?09:08
FlannelDVS01: yes, users use sudo.09:08
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cbssudo karate09:08
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:08
kjwighthey all09:08
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bionoidHi all. I'm having some severe performance issues with my ICH7 family (82801GBM/GHM) SATA controller (laptop, hp nc6320). I get ~40 mb/s, my regular IDE laptop easily outperforms it. There seems to be no difference whether running libata or ata_piix, with or without combined_mode=libata. Tested kernel 2.6.17, and If I run, say, WinXP as a guest in parallels the host os crawls like a turtle in a pool of super-glue This does not 09:09
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Amsterdami just upgraded to ubuntu 7.01 how to i run konquer browser anyone ??09:09
Flanneleg_linux: you want to add that to your sources.list, so you'll open a text editor with sudo, and then edit it.  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list or gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:09
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beniDo you have to run an organisation in order to aplly for an .org domain?09:09
rollerskatejammsbeni, I don't think so.09:09
kazim59is it possible to boot the computer from an iso image file (bootable) residing on the harddisk?09:09
bionoidbeni: no09:09
groogs[laptop] i'm having issues with a feisty install.. it was working fine for a week or so, a couple days ago i noticed it was locked up, so started running memtest, cpu burnin, etc, which all worked fine.. it just started getting slow again just now, and i managed to run top before the mouse stopped responding. it's still working (top updates the screen), but hald-addon-stor is using 99.5+% of CPU in R...09:09
groogs[laptop] ...state, and otherwise, the system seems frozen.. any ideas why this would happen?09:09
benirollerskatejamms: bionoid: thanks! :)09:09
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DVS01Flannel: how does the root account get disabled? mine works09:10
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tidelinecbs: #ubuntu-tn09:10
FlannelDVS01: The root account is disabled on install.  Unless you've re-enabled it, it doesn't work.09:10
DVS01although i do use sudo to become root, by doing sudo su -09:10
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Merc_WorkI have a widescreen monitor, and when i was installing ubuntu it booted up fine, and i could see the desktop etc, however when i try to boot it off the hard drive(now installed) my monitor says 'out of range' or some similar error, i was wondering if there's an option that the live cd used that i could find out so i could actually boot into my ubuntu?09:10
FlannelDVS01: `sudo -i` not sudo su.09:10
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kjwightI'm running feisty 7.04, and my ENE card reader isn't mounting my SD or MS... any suggestions? I'm new to this game...09:11
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DVS01Flannel: whats the difference?09:11
FlannelDVS01: and, we're talking about root logins, not the ability to get a root prompt (a la sudo -i)09:11
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DVS01i dont think i ever tried actually logging in as root09:11
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DVS01Flannel: is there an effective difference between `sudo -i` and `sudo su -`?09:12
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valleI have some problems trying to configure the ip of a computer. I assign a public ip to and install apache2. localhost works fine, but when I try to access from outside it appears the routers configuration pages09:13
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FlannelDVS01: the former sets up the environment more appropriately, for most uses, than the latter09:13
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Azzkikrvalle: deny access from WAN09:13
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Azzkikrvalle: did you forward the necessary ports?09:14
phixnaywhat command pops up a window?09:14
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Kisomvalle: I am able to access your apache server.09:14
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Flannelvalle: You'll need to port forward (port 80) to your server09:14
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valleHow do I forward it?09:14
Amsterdamhow do i setup vnc i ubuntu so i can remote into it?09:14
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Kisomvalle: I am able to access your apache server.09:15
Flannelvalle: You go to your routers config, and set up port forwarding09:15
dyrneAmsterdam: sudo apt-get install vncserver.09:15
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Azzkikrvalle: on your router configuration page, by opening a browser to your router IP09:15
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dyrneAmsterdam: id do port forwarding for 5900-whatever09:15
vallethen the problem is with the router, and no with the configuration09:15
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valleof the ip09:15
Azzkikrvalle: most possibly, yes.09:15
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Azzkikrvalle: well, in all likelyhood, yeha09:15
Amsterdamhow do i setup user name and pw?  :dyrne09:16
vallelet me try that09:16
usser_valle: what port u use for apache?09:16
nickyburdo lenovo tablets use wacom pens/pen drivers?09:16
Flannel!vnc | Amsterdam09:16
c0ldfr3aki have a problem when trying to bootup ubuntu 7.04 64BIT edition on my AMD Athlon 64 x2 System09:16
ubotuAmsterdam: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX09:16
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jason__anyone on that can help with laptop resolution?09:16
kazim59ok... rephrasing the question.... is it *theoretically* possible to boot from an ISO image file from harddisk? Or is there some inherent flaw in the argument... ?09:17
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dyrnejason__: /msg ubotu fixres09:17
preactionkazim59: inherent flaw09:17
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kazim59preaction: explain please09:17
preactionkazim59: the BIOS knows nothing about file systems09:17
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kazim59preaction: grub does...09:17
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AmsterdamCould not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:18
skarhi, i've got feisty, and wanted reverseproxy with apache2-ssl, but seems ssl for apache2 isn't available as a package?!?09:18
Amsterdam thats what it says when i try to install vnc09:18
preactionkazim59: after that, the bootloader would have to be set up to mount a filesystem and then mount the contents of a file on that file system09:18
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dyrnekazim59: grub 0.95 and up has iso9660 support09:18
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kazim59grub has got iso support...  so there must be a way out?09:18
c0ldfr3aki placed the Ubuntu 7.04 CD that i recieved in the mail into my DVD Drive... it boots up... when i click on "Start or Install Ubuntu 7.04" it goes to another screen that says "Kernal is Live" then the next line says something about Kernal and memory and it stops doing anything there09:18
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kazim59i want grub to first mount the harddisk.. then mount the iso image... then boot ...!09:19
erUSULkazim59: do a search in google aboaut kexec09:19
bionoidkazim59: It is theoretically possible, I think you can do it in grub with fromhd=/dev/null bootfrom=/dev/hda/*.iso but don't take my word for it09:19
yxairyggenIs there anybody who knows how I got the permissions to start an X server as my regular user?09:19
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TheShrimpHello, I have a question, Right now i'm on Ubuntu 7.04 and like 5 minutes whenever I start Desktop Effects my whole system locks up and I have to unplug, is there an easy fix to this?09:19
nickyburdoes anybody know about wacom drivers?09:19
jason__I should rephrase my question.  I have an 855 chipset that won't go above 800x600.  I'm trying to get my resolution up.  I've tried some modeline fixes, but no luck.  Any suggestions?09:20
void^kazim59: grub boots the kernel. the kernel mounts the filesystem and the image in it. the kernel boots the image. that's just how livecds work.09:20
kazim59bionoid: so i've to create a new title in grub with these options right... thanx for the pointers09:20
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bsodhiya :)09:20
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Amsterdamcan i user rdp with ubuntu to remote into my xp box?09:20
AzzkikrAmsterdam: yes09:21
melinaHey, I'm using ubuntu pcc, and I can't right click. I used to click with alt+trackball.09:21
AzzkikrAmsterdam: Terminal Server Client it's called09:21
bsodyes, Amsterdam09:21
bionoidjason__: not sure for 855, but for my 945 I need a package called 915resolution09:21
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bloodMuffini have this strange problem, when i install the ntfs mounter in automatix i no longer have access to my ntfs partitions, but when i uninstall it i get access but i cant write. any suggestions?09:21
c0ldfr3akanyone wish to assist me?09:21
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valleback, I think the problem is in this computer, I tried to ping on it, but It didn't answer09:21
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LjL!automatix > bloodMuffin    (bloodMuffin, see the private message from Ubotu)09:22
bsoddoes only winxp pro support terminal server or can winxp home also be used?09:22
LjL!ntfs-3g > bloodMuffin    (bloodMuffin, see the private message from Ubotu)09:22
Amsterdamwhen i try it . its says no route to host09:22
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valleI also ping on a windows machine changing the ip to this computer and it did answer09:22
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balorWhat is the "blessed" SIP client in Ubuntu?09:22
jason__bio: I tried the 855resolution package, but I still can't see any resolutions higher than 8x609:22
kazim59so its like this... to mount the iso  i need a kernel running...09:22
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preactionc0ldfr3ak: you're going to have to write down the error message you're getting before we can help09:22
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usser_balor matter of choice09:23
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bionoidbalor: ekga or something to that effect09:23
jason__is there something I should do to get my screen resolution to list more than 8x6 in the list?09:23
jkhlkjhlkjhlkxzxIs there a newbie room?09:23
c0ldfr3akpreaction: there is no error message it just stops going09:23
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balorbionoid: But Ekiga is not in core.09:23
Flannelbalor: Ekiga, it's already installed09:23
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preactionc0ldfr3ak: you said "then the next line says something about Kernal and memory and it stops doing anything there" <- what is that "something"?09:23
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bloodMuffinLjL: i see, so 7.04 shouldnt need automatix to read ntfs partitions then? do i just need to change the permissions?09:23
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balorFlannel: I see.  Who maintains it?09:23
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preactionbloodMuffin: no, you need ntfs-3g. read the links in those messages09:24
FlannelbloodMuffin: No Ubuntu version needs automatix to read ntfs.  They all do it by default09:24
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Amsterdambsod: is there a way to make the terminal window full screen?09:24
bloodMuffinFlannel: How about write09:24
c0ldfr3akpreaction: it says "writing the kernal or something to memory. 1000000 @ 800" along those lines09:24
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LjLFlannel: you need ntfs-3g to *write* to NTFS partitions, reading is by default.09:24
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bionoidjason__: Hm.. Not sure, sorry. Did you try the 915resolution? It supports 855 according to man page09:24
LjLjust read the link from the bot09:24
Amsterdamhow do i remote into ubuntu from xp?09:24
FlannelLjL: right, he said "to read"09:24
preactionc0ldfr3ak: please, get the Exact message09:24
AzzkikrAmsterdam: using a VNC client09:25
LjLFlannel: i know sorry, i didn't mean to address you but him09:25
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FlannelbloodMuffin: ntfs-3g is needed to write.  You *don't* use automatix to install it.09:25
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usser_Amsterdam use vnc09:25
LjLbloodMuffin:  you need ntfs-3g to *write* to NTFS partitions, reading is by default.09:25
bsodAmsterdam: yes, at the setup you can select in the Display tab an option 'use fullscreen'09:25
c0ldfr3akpreaction: ok ill be right back09:25
usser_Amsterdam try x11vnc09:25
KevinI recently tried to install the official nVidia drivers in ubuntu. Once installed, I was unable to boot the X server (at least using the official drivers). I can get X to boot using the "nv" driver, but that driver doesn't support OpenGL.09:25
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AzzkikrAmsterdam: ultra-vnc also wors09:25
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valleI assing a different ip address to a windows computer and install appserv. I can see it on the same network and from outside09:25
vallenow I am trying to do the same on Ubuntu and it don't work09:25
AmsterdamAzzkikr which one should i use?09:25
Flannelbalor: the package says Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo@debian.org>09:25
jason__bio: thanks for your help09:26
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poningru_anyone ever used any vnc clients?09:26
AzzkikrAmsterdam: I primarily use ultra-vlc. If you search on google on it im sure you'll find the page09:26
poningru_with a ultravnc server?09:26
Flannelbalor: but, it's in main, so it's maintained by the security team and stuff09:26
nickybur:quit leaving09:26
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AzzkikrAmsterdam: http://ultravlc.sourceforge.net09:26
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AzzkikrAmsterdam: oops, ultravnc.sf.net09:26
jackieHi!! I network-manager-applet won't allow me to connect to public sid's It scans correctly but when I pick one it won't connect. Very strange. iwlist scan show a huge list of possible sid's and iwconfig ra1 shows the ra1 interface coorectly configured. I tryed dhclient ra1 but won't recieve a proper lease.. While wit my laptop all is perfect!09:27
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bsodAmsterdam: if you have winxp home, indeed VNC is a good solution09:27
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kazim59bionoid: ur solution using bootfrom looks too simple... investigating if its possible09:27
poningru_Azzkikr/ Amsterdam what are you guys trying to do?09:28
KevinI recently tried to install the official nVidia drivers in ubuntu. Once installed, I was unable to boot the X server (at least using the official drivers). I can get X to boot using the "nv" driver, but that driver doesn't support OpenGL.09:28
Azzkikrponingru_: Amsterdam wants vnc stuff09:28
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poningru_I am trying to connect to a vnc server that is out of my control09:28
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Kevini need help :/09:28
preactionponingru_: do you have the password?09:28
poningru_ultravnc is what the windows server is using09:28
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bloodMuffinhm it says that my ntfs logfile is unclean09:28
poningru_preaction, ofcourse09:28
bloodMuffinand is unable to mount any of the partitions09:29
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poningru_preaction, the trouble is they are using mslogon authentication system09:29
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bionoidkazim59: Well it probably is. Like I said I never tried, but it's _theoretically_ possible ;-)09:29
AzzkikrKevin: state your question, and someone might be able to help you09:29
poningru_bloodMuffin, boot into windows and do chkdsk09:29
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poningru_preaction, trying to find a client that will do that stuff except for ultravnc09:29
bloodMuffinponingru_ thank you09:29
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KevinAzzkikr I already did09:29
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KevinI recently tried to install the official nVidia drivers in ubuntu. Once installed, I was unable to boot the X server (at least using the official drivers). I can get X to boot using the "nv" driver, but that driver doesn't support OpenGL.09:30
AzzkikrKevin: oh oops, my bad09:30
kjwightcan anybody help me with my ENE multi-card reader? it won't mount anything I put in it :(09:30
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c0ldfr3akpreaction: First line: "Kernal Alive" Second Line: "kernal direct mapping tables upto 100000000 @ 8000-d000"09:30
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Demon`hey, I installed grub on the root partition (/dev/sda2) which is on my primary SATA hdd. I also have an ATA drive which is the primary HDD on the system. I can't get wingrub to boot ubuntu (I get a message about the bios not supporting a certain cylinder), can someone help with the wingrub config file?09:30
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poningru_Kevin, why arent you letting restricted drivers management handle it?09:30
preactionc0ldfr3ak: how long do you wait before deciding to give up?09:30
c0ldfr3akand then it stops there09:30
Kevinponingru cause the official nvidia drivers are better09:31
c0ldfr3akpreaction: I had it running for 8 hours today while i was at school and it did nothing09:31
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EndlessguitarHello people09:31
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CryptionCan any one recommend software to implement a dock simliar to what is in Mac OS X?09:31
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CryptionCan any one recommend software to implement a dock simliar to what is in Mac OS X?09:31
poningru_Cryption, kdock iirc09:31
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poningru_or was it xdock09:31
donblas__random fstab question, i have a secondary hard drive i want anyone to be about to mount on /mnt/foo and everyone to have read/write access, can someone help we fix my incantation?09:31
CryptionI am in gnome09:31
Cryptionnot KDE09:31
poningru_Cryption, go search for dock in synaptic09:31
preactionCryption: you can still use kdock. you can use KDE apps in Gnome and vice versa09:32
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CryptionRight - I was wondering if there was a more native gtk based dock09:32
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CryptionI am not a huge fan of most KDE apps09:32
c0ldfr3akpreaction: so?09:32
preactionponingru_: from google, there's a patch out there for vncviewer to support the mslogon stuff, didn't find if it was added to core.09:32
preactionc0ldfr3ak: patience?09:33
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kazim59bionoid: i could not find fromhd and bootfrom in grub manual!09:33
preactionc0ldfr3ak: are you using 64bit kernel?09:33
c0ldfr3akI have an AMD 64 X2 Processor09:33
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donblas__anyone mind taking a stab at my fstab question?09:33
dastardlyanyone know why ktorrent downloads torrents a LOT slower on ubuntu than it did on mepis?09:34
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poningru_preaction, looking09:34
dastardlyi even forwarded ports, which i had not done on mepis09:34
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preactiondastardly: torrents are insanely variable in their speeds09:34
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lmnop__donblas__, dont ask a question concerning whether you can ask a question09:34
dastardlypreaction: i know, but some popular ones like naruto episodes09:34
dastardlyhave always downloaded extremely fast09:34
dastardlywhereas with ktorrent and ubuntu its maybe 80kbps max09:34
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dastardlywhen before i could get up to 1mbps09:35
donblas__lmnop__: i asked my question up above but it scrolled past, and i didn't want to repost 3 lines again unless someone was interested09:35
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poningru_donblas__, right click on your panel and click on add to panel09:35
preactiondastardly: kb or kB? 80kB = 640kb09:35
Endlessguitarcan some1 help me  Im a newbie on ubuntu linux09:35
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GreyhoundI have an Intel P4 2.4 GHz, 768 DDR RAM and a nVidia GeForce MX440.. can anyone tell me if I can run the desktop effects (I'm mostly interested in the cube) :D09:35
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EndlessguitarI should need help 2 install my graphic card.09:35
gdiebelLiberation from mstcorefonts granted by redhat in the form of wonderful new sans, sans serif and monospaced fonts: https://www.redhat.com/promo/fonts/ All hail redhat!09:35
dastardlypreaction: KB/s09:35
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poningru_Endlessguitar, system->admin->restricted drivers manager09:36
dastardlypreaction: trust me, its really really slow09:36
donblas__poningru_: i'm confused, what does that have to do w\ my question?09:36
preactiondastardly: so you have a 8mb (1mB) connection to the internet?09:36
EndlessguitarI says09:36
Endlessguitar"it says09:36
dastardlypreaction: i have 15/2 connection09:36
bsodGreyhound: a GeForce MX440 does not likely support it, but i'm not 100% sure09:36
dastardly15 down 2 up09:36
preactiondastardly: 15 pesos?09:36
Greyhoundyeah.. I'm not sure either09:36
guzuhow do i start pcmcia and/or network on 7.04?09:36
kitcheGreyhound: works fine09:36
Greyhoundthat's why I thought I should ask :)09:36
preactionc0ldfr3ak: found this thread on the issue: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42187609:37
Greyhoundreally ? :)09:37
dastardlypreaction: you know what im talking about -.-09:37
Endlessguitaryour hardware does not need any restricted drivers09:37
donblas__i have a secondary hard drive i want anyone to be about to mount on /mnt/foo and everyone to have read/write access, can someone help me fix my incantation?09:37
bsodkitche: ah okay09:37
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GreyhoundI'm currently running xp, but I want to switch to ubuntu09:37
bsodGreyhound: sorry, it seems to work09:37
c0ldfr3ak(bsod) does GeForce 7600 GS support it?09:37
unimatrix9where can i get an ubuntu flyer?09:37
kitcheI have a geforce 2 mx 440 and it works09:37
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KevinI recently tried to install the official nVidia drivers in ubuntu. Once installed, I was unable to boot the X server (at least using the official drivers). I can get X to boot using the "nv" driver, but that driver doesn't support OpenGL.09:37
preactiondastardly: mb or mB? you have to be specific here now. you said you forwarded ports, on your router? is your firewall open for the correct ports? did you try another client?09:37
usser_Greyhound: if i remember correctly i was able to run with mx40009:37
Greyhoundthat's great news09:37
bsodGreyhound: i switched a month ago from xp to ubuntu and i never looked back :-)09:37
dastardlypreaction: i think its because it hardly connects to anyone, like currently out of 96 leachers im connected to 209:37
unimatrix9where can i get an ubuntu flyer?09:37
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Greyhoundwhat about games ?09:37
bsodubuntu is really simple and It Just Works... (mostly:)09:38
unimatrix9where can i get an ubuntu flyer? promo material....09:38
Endlessguitarcan you help me?09:38
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dastardlypreaction: not sure the difference, mb vs mB? I believe its mb.. also, I have forwarded the ports on my router and have default ubuntu setup pretty much09:38
dastardlyand i have tried many clients, but ktorrent works the fastest so far09:38
preactionc0ldfr3ak: one user seems to have fixed it with "noapic" in their boot options (the F6 key)09:38
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EndlessguitarI need help to install my graphic card settings right the resolution is to low09:38
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dastardlyive tried azerus and the default bitorrent09:38
Greyhounddo you use wine or cedega ?09:38
dastardlyso not many but09:38
usser_Greyhound games are gonna lag09:39
Demon`Any wingrub wiz around?09:39
poningru_unimatrix9, #ubuntu-marketing09:39
EndlessguitarI be brb09:39
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donblas__secondary hard drive mounting on /mnt/foo, want everyone to have read/write access, can't get fstab right, i'd love help09:39
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Greyhoundwell I could just keep the win partition for games and other stuff that might not work on ubuntu09:39
c0ldfr3akpreaction: but theres are burnt CD's mines ordered09:39
bsodEndlessguitar: click System>Preferences>Screen Resolution to change your desktop resolution09:39
unimatrix9Greyhound : use an playstation for you games..:)09:39
EndlessguitarBut bsod09:39
[X] treme-Linuxdoes anyone know where i can get drivers for my wifi app ???????09:39
preactiondastardly: mb is megabit, mB is megabyte. 1 megabit is approximately 180 kilobytes. your ISP usually uses mega/kilo-bits, whereas most programs use mega/kilo-bytes. don't use the "enter" key as punctuation.09:39
[X] treme-Linuxdoes anyone know where i can get drivers for my wifi app ???????09:39
preaction!patience | [X] treme-Linux09:40
ubotu[X] treme-Linux: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:40
Endlessguitarits to low anyway in windows xp have I got 1490 x 900 now Have I just 1280x80009:40
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preactionc0ldfr3ak: you're using the official fiesty desktop install CD, no?09:40
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holymoomoohey guys09:40
dastardlypreaction: according to speakeasy.net speed test09:40
c0ldfr3akpreaction: yes09:40
[X] treme-Linuxdoes anyone know where i can get drivers for my wifi app ???????09:40
holymoomooi setup a /skel file for creating new users ... but the default permissions for09:40
holymoomoo             their /~ dirs is wrong.  how do i setup default 660 or something for home dirs so09:40
holymoomoo             everyones files are private?09:40
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donblas__ubotu:  sorry, i'll keep the spam down09:40
deadeyeshi all09:40
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bsodEndlessguitar: you can *change* that using that Menu item in Preferences, above09:40
dastardlyi have Download Speed: 13605 kbps (1700.6 KB/sec transfer rate)09:40
holymoomooCoweater danke09:40
bsodEndlessguitar: or is that not what you mean?09:40
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deadeyesWhat is the file that I need to edit to give a user sudo rights? (not sudoers)09:41
preactiondastardly: and did you do any of the other things i mentioned?09:41
[X] treme-Linuxdoes anyone know where i can get drivers for my wifi app ???????09:41
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preactionc0ldfr3ak: do you get to the menu where it says "Install or Run Ubuntu" and has some other options?09:41
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[X] treme-LinuxWHERE CAN I GET A WIFI DRIVER ?????????????09:41
dastardlypreaction: port forwarding? firewall settings? I did the port forwarding with router, firewall settings I am unsure of - using a default ubuntu install.09:41
preaction[X] treme-Linux: no. what's a wifi app and why does it need drivers?09:41
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Greyhounddo I need to get the alternate cd to run ubuntu from the cd ?09:42
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[X] treme-LinuxWHERE CAN I GET A WIFI DRIVER ?????????????09:42
Kevin[X] treme-Linux i would try searching the ubuntu forums first, then I would post here, and dont post the same question more than once a minute or ubotu gets angry09:42
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dastardlypreaction: If you can guess, I've never really had to play with a firewall in linux so therefore dont know how.09:42
erUSUL!caps > [X] treme-Linux09:42
thor^^Why isn't ndiswreapper included with ubuntu??09:42
preactiondastardly: by default, the firewall is restrictive. sudo apt-get install firestarter (or find firewall settings in administrative tools)09:42
deadeyesI want to add a user to be able to use sudo. To which group do I need to add this user?09:42
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Amsterdami have a question i need to work remotely what port is vnc on ubuntu?09:42
cables!repeat | [X] treme-Linux09:42
ubotu[X] treme-Linux: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:42
preactionthor^^: because it requires non-free parts probably09:42
cables!attitude | [X] treme-Linux09:42
c0ldfr3akpreaction: ill try with noapic and post the results09:42
erUSUL[X] treme-Linux: it would be helpfull if you say for what card/chip you want it09:42
ubotu[X] treme-Linux: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:42
yanckyhola buenas tardes09:43
erUSUL!wifi > [X] treme-Linux09:43
lizardmenkehow do I run a homemade script at shutdown?09:43
variantyancky: this is an eglish channel09:43
deadeyesI want to add a user to be able to use sudo. To which group do I need to add this user ?09:43
thor^^well, afaik, ndiswrapper could at least be included on the disk, so people who rely on wifi actually can get it!09:43
dastardlypreaction: installing firestarter now, so Ill be able just to select a port and allow it?09:43
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jribdeadeyes: admin09:43
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preactiondastardly: correct09:43
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variantdeadeyes: if you mean to run admin tasks the user should be in the admin group09:43
deadeyesjrib: thanks!09:43
thor^^Open SUSE got ndiswrapper on their disk...09:43
yanckyvale solo ablo espaol09:43
tkr_deadeyes, depeends on your /etc/sudoers :)09:43
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deadeyesvariant: :) thanks09:43
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dastardlypreaction: Thanks a lot, lets hope this works :)09:43
preactionthor^^: OpenSUSE is not Ubuntu?09:43
donblas__i want a mount in fstab to allow rw access for all users, I can't get my fstab right, any suggsetions?09:43
unknownyo hablo espanol09:43
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:43
xeladosI installed a package I no longer wanted, yet when I tried to get rid of it, I got the following error message: http://rafb.net/p/1dP0H850.html09:43
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variantdonblas__: keep trying09:44
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deadeyesjrib: it is adm isn't it?09:44
thor^^well, both is open, and therefore no reason not to include such a vital part09:44
jribdeadeyes: no, "admin"09:44
bsodEndlessguitar: yeah?09:44
Greyhoundwhich CD do I need to download to be able to run ubuntu off it before installing ?09:44
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preactionthor^^: they're different systems, different people, and different policies.09:44
LjLxelados: oh, i think i've seen that, there should be a bug report - one second09:44
erUSULGreyhound: the desktop cd09:44
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variantthor^^: make a post on the forum requesting it09:44
deadeyesjrib: don't have any admin group in the passwd file:s09:44
getisboyWhenever I enable the nVidia-legacy driver with the restricted driver manager, X fails on startup. I double-checked that linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` is installed, and it is.09:44
tkr_deadeyes, if you got etc %adm    ALL=(ALL) ALL in your /etc/sudoers then it needs to be in the adm group09:44
donblas__variant: keep trying w\ the options or keep trying to get help in this channel?09:44
Endlessguitaryou know09:44
getisboyGreyhound: the Desktop CD09:44
Greyhoundand what's the alternate CD for ? :D09:45
preactionthor^^: better idea, go to launchpad.net for gutsy and request it09:45
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EndlessguitarIn windows xp is the max resolution 1440x 90009:45
jribdeadeyes: is this a desktop install?09:45
deadeyesjrib: no server09:45
Endlessguitarand here is it just 1280x80009:45
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jribdeadeyes: ah, then check your /etc/sudoers09:45
LjLxelados: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sanduhr/+bug/8170209:45
bsodEndlessguitar: aha, that is probably a driver issue then? what graphics card do you have?09:45
deadeyesjrib: I have one line: root ALL=(ALL) ALL09:45
variantdonblas__: pastebin your fstab09:45
preactionEndlessguitar: different drivers, and it helps when you speak in complete sentances09:45
tkr_deadeyes, add %adm    ALL=(ALL) ALL09:45
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EndlessguitarI have got09:46
Endlessguitargeforce 760009:46
tkr_deadeyes, then you can add the dude to the adm group09:46
dastardlypreaction: Im looking at firestarter and I see a lot of tcp connections - is that how bitorrent sends data?09:46
deadeyestkr_: ok, thanks09:46
erUSULGreyhound: to install with the old text instaler no livecd (but it serves as apt repo)09:46
dastardlypreaction: cause if so, I may need to forward more ports correct?09:46
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Greyhoundthanks :)09:46
EndlessguitarI have reinstalled the linux ubuntu 3 times for I have get wrong drivers + fucked em up09:46
tkr_deadeyes, or actually whatever group you want09:46
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Endlessguitarand the recovery mode dosent have worked I am a bit tired09:46
Endlessguitarso I need expert help09:46
holymoomooCoweater thanks again, that works great09:46
variantdastardly: just forward the port you use with azureus as tcp and udp. allow in/out and thats all yyou need09:46
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preactiondastardly: most things on the internet use TCP, your bittorrent client should have a setting for the port it uses. find that port and that's the only one you need to open09:46
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bsodEndlessguitar: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu%20geforce%20760009:46
Amsterdamhow do i secure remote desktop in ubuntu by changing the listening port , please somene help09:46
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Greyhoundsince I'm in a question asking mood and people seem to be kind enough to answer I'll just go ahead and ask some more :)09:47
dastardlypreaction: ok, Im going to switch to azerus then09:47
Endlessguitarbsod can you rmeote me?09:47
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EndlessguitarSorry prection09:47
LjLEndlessguitar, if you mess things up by changing xorg.conf, you can *always* roll back. easily.09:47
getisboyAmsterdam: hit alt-f2 and type gconf-editor09:47
Greyhoundcan you run utorrent under ubuntu09:47
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:47
variantdastardly: out is whitelistes by default with firestarter afaik09:47
Greyhoundor do you need wine ?09:47
preactiondastardly: why? other clients will work fine09:47
getisboy!wine | Greyhound09:47
ubotuGreyhound: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:47
LjLEndlessguitar: how does recovery mode "not work"?09:47
Endlessguitarthx LjL :S09:47
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:47
getisboyGreyhound: you need wine09:47
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:47
melinaHey just installed Feisty. I enabled the Desktop Effects but I'm getting no Compiz/beryl manager.09:47
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melinaHow do I enable it?09:47
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kazim59bionoid: can you explain those options about grub?09:47
EndlessguitarDunno it coming to the restricted drivers09:47
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Amsterdamgetisboy:, then what?09:47
dastardlypreaction: I prefer azerus, but it didnt work right so I switched to ktorrent since I had previous success.09:47
Endlessguitarwhen it load and  then just the computer stay still09:47
Kevinmelina, you have to manually download that, its not installed09:47
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LjLEndlessguitar: eh?09:48
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Greyhoundand do you know if it works well under wine ?09:48
melinaKevin: package name?09:48
getisboyAmsterdam: go to Desktop, then find Remote Access09:48
donblas__variant: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20391/09:48
Kevinone sec while i dig it up09:48
Greyhound'cause it's my favorite torrent client and I'd hate to have to let it go09:48
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getisboyAmsterdam: change the value in Alternate Port, and then check off Use Alternate Port09:48
bsodEndlessguitar: please try to be very clear in what you say, it's hard for me to follow the conversiation as it is, in this busy channel09:48
LjLGreyhound: yes, it runs under Wine. never used it myself, but i know quite a few people are using it.09:48
getisboyGreyhound: it's easy to use with Wine09:48
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variantGreyhound: yes, works under wine but a little unstable with the wine version my girlfriend tried09:49
EndlessguitarI said just ...09:49
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erUSULGreyhound: i use utorrent under wine runs quite well09:49
Endlessguitarbsod can we speak private?09:49
bsodEndlessguitar: it's my first time #here, and even that for just a 30 minutes orso :)09:49
Kevinmelina try gnome-compiz-manager and get compiz-extra as well i think those are the names09:49
AnarkiNetany idea why ubuntu seems to be completely unresponsive when i start it up?09:49
melinaThanks, Kevin09:49
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bsodEndlessguitar: okay09:50
EndlessguitarI speaked 2 you now09:50
Lacrymologyhey, I have a question09:50
Endlessguitardid you get the message?09:50
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AnarkiNeti'm using Ubuntu 7.0something, ina MS Virtual PC 2007 VM, and the cursor doesnt move and the keyboard doesnt work09:50
root____anyone have any ideas why my install keeps hanging on brltty-x11 ?09:50
LjLEndlessguitar: unregistered users cannot send PMs.09:50
Greyhoundare the desktop effects included in the kubuntu version also ?09:50
LjL!register > Endlessguitar    (Endlessguitar, see the private message from Ubotu)09:50
LacrymologyI have my system installed in a smallish slowish HDD, and I have a 300GB sata, and I'd want program files and the sort to be installed there09:50
LjLGreyhound: not by default, no.09:50
Lacrymologywhere should I mount it?09:50
bsodnevermind then, i'm not going to the hassle of registering just yet09:50
varianti just noticed on paste.ubuntu-nl.org there is a formatting option called "brainf**k" whats that then?09:50
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variantdonblas__: change user to users09:51
bsodEndlessguitar: i'm not registered so forget /msg with me09:51
LjLLacrymology: "program files"? what do you mean precisely?09:51
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preactionvariant: bf is an "esoteric" programming language with only 8 operators09:51
Greyhoundit has to be enabled or you need to download the gnome package ?09:51
donblas__variant: i think it's a programming langange09:51
LjLLacrymology: anything that's not your own documents or the very basic system files - is that what you mean?09:51
variantdonblas__: and make sure the permissions on the files are set correctly09:51
Endlessguitaroh okej09:51
LacrymologyLjL, exactly09:51
variantpreaction: strange indeed09:51
EndlessguitarI am not that too lets do it?09:51
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LacrymologyLjL, whatever takes most space.... programs' core files and the such09:51
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LjLLacrymology: then you want to mount it on /usr. but of course, you have to copy everything you currently have in /usr there (and make sure the permissions are right!)09:52
bsodsorry m8 i'm really overloaded as it is09:52
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preactionvariant: what's worse: they've written CGI libraries in it. there's an apache module for it. quite possibly the least understandable language ever, even if it's the simplest09:52
unknownhello everyone, can someone help me to found out why the email don't arrive to the "cur" folder, it arrive to "tmp"09:52
LacrymologyLjL, /usr, got it. I also need to think about the partition schema and put some of it under /home as well09:52
nickrudroot____, I had that exact issue on a laptop last night (as well as earlier attempts). I have no idea why it hung up, but when I redid the install without configuring the network, it went in. Go figure.09:52
Endlessguitarcan you help me?09:52
LjLLacrymology: having /home as a separate partition is often a good idea.09:52
guzuhow do i configure wich services to sart at boot time?09:53
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LjLLacrymology: keep in mind you should do this kind of things from recovery mode, to be on the safe side. use "cp -a" for copying09:53
donblas__variant: i tired that, no good, and the hard drive has 0 files in it outside lost+found09:53
EndlessguitarI need one link to install my graphic drivers to geforce 7600 and one guide I guess when  I ve done it self around3  times have the computer fucked up09:53
nickrudguzu, you can install the bum app, it provides a gui interface to the service startup09:53
LjL!boot > guzu    (guzu, see the private message from Ubotu)09:53
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LacrymologyLjL, I know. I know. I'm kind of a (newbiish) gentoo user really but my roommate needs something that just works, thats why we moved to ubuntu.09:53
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variantdonblas__: what are the permissions on the partitions mount point?09:53
Endlessguitarso I havent could start ubuntu feisty fawn09:54
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unknownhello everyone, can someone help me to found out why the email don't arrive to the "cur" folder, it arrive to "tmp"09:54
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LacrymologyLjL, but program installation seems to be distro-dependant09:54
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LjLLacrymology: although honestly, a huge but slow external drive doesn't seem like the best of choices for a /usr partition, to me09:54
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guzuNickGarvey, i don't have net, gui09:54
guzuLjL, thnx a lot09:54
LacrymologyLjL, its a 300G 1.5gbps SATA drive09:54
cox37777does anyone know the command to show the list of users that can use samba?09:54
NickGarveyguzu: hehe09:54
Lacrymologythe small slow drive is in /09:55
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donblas__variant: drwxr-xr-x  3 root root              -   but if i change them and then mount they get overwritten09:55
demon_sporkI am having problems installing the NVIDIA drivers for a Geforce 8800GTS, xorg crashes every time they are enalbed09:55
LjLLacrymology: ah sorry right, i misread your description09:55
Lacrymologythanks anyways. /usr it is09:55
variantdonblas__: mount then change09:55
guzuNickGarvey, sorry it was for nickrud :)09:55
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Kevindemon_spork send me your video card and i will figure it out09:55
nickrudguzu, ah. that msg from LjL mentioned update-rc.d, it's a complete solution for you :)09:56
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xeladosLjL: Thanks a lot! Finally got it to work.09:56
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xeladosSomeone should really fix that crap.. >:[09:56
LjLxelados: ugly packaging bug.09:56
guzuNickGarvey, maybe but i have no idea how to start pcmcia still ....09:57
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guzuNickGarvey, sorry :)09:57
guzunickrud, , maybe but i have no idea how to start pcmcia still ....09:57
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mysticaloneI need help with several things, first I accidently disabled the GDM service, and need help getting that back09:58
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demon_sporkkevin, it just aggravates me so much that I have that card and a computer to match it (can't help bragging, got it last friday) and I can't get a 3d driver working in Linux09:58
donblas__variant: omg, ubuntu doesn't add all users to users group09:58
xeladosWeird, there are a bunch of packages that are supposedly autoremovable now09:58
donblas__variant: that was my problem, thanks09:58
hedonisticAnyone know of a freeware program that will allow me to view a full screen (more than a small thumbnail) live feed from a video camera connected via firewire?09:58
xeladoslibxml1, oaf, gnome-bin..09:58
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=== Yggdrasil yawns
Kevindemon_spork did you try looking in the ubuntu forums? I would wait around in here and ask every now ant then someones sure to come around thats been there before09:59
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EndlessguitarI be  back soon anyway thx for the help bsod09:59
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nickrudguzu, I've never used pcmcia stuff, but there's a script in /etc/init.d. So, sudo update-rc.d defaults pcmciautils should do it.09:59
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dc2448I have justed added a soundblaster pci card but it isn't getting picked up in fiesty - what module do I need to load?09:59
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dc2448Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq Unknown device 508009:59
AnarkiNetis anyone able to assist me?09:59
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linxehdc2448: probably the e10k1 or somesuch - depends what card it is10:00
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demon_spork!ask | AnarkiNet10:00
ubotuAnarkiNet: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:00
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AnarkiNeti already asked10:00
Enverex|LTHow well is the Intel HDA onboard soundcard currently supported in ALSA?10:00
AnarkiNetnobody paid any attention10:00
linxehdc2448: you might need to look at the creative pcb number printed on the card itself and look it up on the alsa website10:00
Be-sndanybody has a conexant sound card?10:00
Szymonhello folks, anyone here familiar with setting up an nVidia card with a 1680x1050 resolution??? i could really use some help :)10:00
donblas__AnarkiNet: repeat it then :)10:00
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AnarkiNeti'm using Ubuntu 7.0something, ina MS Virtual PC 2007 VM, and the cursor doesnt move and the keyboard doesnt work10:00
dc2448Thanks guys10:00
vanisheris anyone else getting this issue? I just installed 7.04 on my laptop, and I cannot change my X resolution from 1280x102410:00
guzunickrud, yes, it's pcmciautils but in wich runlevel should i start it? 1?10:00
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donblas__Szymon: did you try nvidia-settings already?10:01
elektronik123mam problem10:01
AnarkiNeti have to boot in "safe graphics mode", otherwise the VM screen is corrupted10:01
nickrudguzu, just use the defaults: that will set it up to start in 1-5 (ubuntu only uses 2)10:01
kazim59vanisher: have such problem with dapper.... can't change resolution!10:01
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variantdonblas__: it does10:01
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nickrudguzu, erm, 2-5 that is10:01
Szymon@donblas what do you mean? all ive done so far is enabled restricted device or something10:01
vanisherkazim59, hmm, did you ever figure it out?10:01
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demon_sporkAnarkiNet, what type of machine are you using?10:01
donblas__variant: ?10:02
AnarkiNetits running in a virtual machine10:02
Szymon@donblas how do i access nvidia settings?10:02
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AnarkiNetAMD Athlon64 FX-55 (2.6ghz), 2GB of ram (512MB allocated to VM)10:02
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AnarkiNethost OS is Windows Vista x64 Ultimate10:02
zachhow can i make it so a certian user doesn't need to put in the root password when using sudo?10:02
vanisherhere is the link to my xorg.conf10:02
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donblas__Szymon: ok, what kind of nvidia card do you have? do you have the propritary drivers installed/10:02
vanisherlooks ok to me, but for some reason, I'm stuck in 1280x102410:02
leftcasezach: Are you sure that's wize ;-)10:03
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kazim59vanisher: no... coz  i m a bit lazy.. and the resolution i m using is comfortable.. its 1280 by 1024.. and i can't make it bigger or smaller... ubuntu crashes!10:03
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guzunickrud, oh, they are already starting, it seems10:03
AnarkiNetGFX card is NVidia 6800 GT (x2), with 160.03 x64 vista drivers, and i can virtualize other stuff, just not ubuntu10:03
zachyes i have it setup like that in gentoo.....just forget how i did it and that computer isn't aroundanymore :)10:03
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demon_sporkAnarkiNet, I was afraid you might be trying to use a p4 1.4 or something like that, now after the system requirements, I don't know what else could be wrong10:03
donblas__Szymon: and you can just put "donblas: " at the beginning of the line, instead of an @10:03
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vanisherkazim59, hmm that sucks. I can't live with this res though :(10:03
Phabcan someone help me get s-video working?10:04
Szymondonblas: well I'm using nVidia GeForce 6600GT, i ran "Restricted Devices Manager" and enabled my video card, and it shows that it's running all nice and fine...10:04
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markok765vanisher: i have good res on my laptop, not so good on my computer10:04
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Szymondonblas: other than that i havent done anything else, the restricted devices manager info is the only useful bit that i could find and make sense of10:04
kazim59vanisher: do you want to decrease ur resolution?10:04
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nickrudguzu, I guess you're right, I looked in the wrong place: they're started in /etc/rcS.d10:04
donblas__Szymon: alright, first thing open a console10:04
Szymondonblas: got it10:05
Greyhoundare there any MAJOR differences between ubuntu and kubuntu, aside from them using different desktop environments ?10:05
donblas__Szymon: nvidia-settings10:05
Crane_vanisher: try adding you vert and horz refrash rates under monitor settings10:05
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usser_Greyhound not really10:05
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xeladosGreyhound: Those should be the only differences.10:05
xeladosAside from built-in software10:05
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Szymondonblas: oooooo this is good :)10:05
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xeladosA server install from both should be identical.10:05
donblas__Szymon: alright10:05
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donblas__Szymon: woops, before you mess with that, exit out10:05
guzunickrud, thank you very much, in the next halfanhour, the notebook is rebooting :)10:05
leftcasezach:EDITOR=gedit sudo visudo USERNAME ------- ALL=(ALL) ALL to ------ USERNAME ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL10:06
Szymondonblas: exit what where huh? :)10:06
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donblas__Szymon: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:06
MenZaIsn't it possible to use a higher resolution than 1600x1200 (1800x1440)?10:06
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Puppy_does anyone know a website that would tell you compatible accessories for Ubuntu/linux?10:06
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zachleftcase: nano, but thanks a lot!10:06
Kevindemon_spork check out this thread, i did not read the whole thing, but judging from the name of the thread and by the page the link carries you to, someone may have figured it out. look at at post #54   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=413961&page=610:06
Greyhoundso which one is more user-friendly.. more entertaining ?... I just can't decide if I want the taskbar at the bottom or on top of the screen :))10:06
Crane_Puppy_: do a goolgle search for HCL10:06
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donblas__Szymon: do that in case it screws up your config and you need to backup, then play around with that applet10:06
leftcasezach: NP10:06
Crane_hardware compatibility list10:06
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vanisherkazim59, yes to 1400x105010:07
kazim59dpkg-reconfigure xserver or something helps.. vanisher10:07
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Szymondonblas: gotcha, thanks so much!!! :-)10:07
demon_sporkkevin thx, I am checking it out now10:07
donblas__Szymon: just learned how to this morning, glad to help10:07
vanisherCrane_, I don't know what they are honestly,10:07
cjaeGreyhound, aside from a lot of things ubuntu is are gnome related and I know that it should not matter anymore about running a gtk (gnome)app in qt environment but sometimes it causes issues10:07
vanisherkazim59, hm I'll try it10:07
Puppy_Crane_: what is HCL?10:07
Szymondonblas: and now i learned, so ill be in here helping out when i can too ;-)10:07
cbshydrochloric acid10:07
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Crane_Puppy_: Hardware compatibilty List10:08
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Puppy_Crane_: Thank you!!!!10:08
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Kevinmmmm hydrochloric acid10:08
ubuntu_join/ #fedora10:08
Szymonwooo yes..... finally 1680x1050 resolution... feels so right10:08
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Crane_vanisher: you will need to search the web and find out what the setting should be10:08
Kevingood chit there10:08
Crane_np Puppy_10:08
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vanisherkazim59, do you know the exact command?10:08
cjaeGreyhound, I personally just TRY to install on gtk apps in gnome and qt apps in kde10:08
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kazim59i cannot find this option... anybody knows about bootfrom option (and fromhd..) ? are these grub commands or some other software?10:09
Crane_vanisher: be sure you get the right ones. as the wrong settings could damage the monitor10:09
iaxhi everybody, could someone give me an advice how to get hardware acceleration working with my ati graphic card10:09
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:09
righthooteriax: what card u have?10:09
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lizardmenkehow do I run a script at shutdown??10:09
Crane_kazim59: Boot from? as in CD, HD, floppy10:09
cjaeGreyhound, if you use automatix you will find a lot of the apps are gnome only10:09
iaxATI Radeon X1950 Pro10:09
iaxfglrx drivers are already installed10:10
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davehas anyone used skype in linux?10:10
LjLa solution for that is not using automatix10:10
Neil-hey guys i cant play any movies in firefox10:10
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Neil-ie happytreefriends10:10
righthooteriax: did u do aticonfig?10:10
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Neil-Flash is fine, what should i do?10:10
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leftcasedave: Yeah, but it's audio only :-(10:10
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dyrnedave: /msg ubotu skype10:10
iaxaticonfig --initial10:10
daveleftcase; yea thats fine - but i have a question10:10
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donblas__Neil-: is this something that started happening or you've never been able to play em? what browser / vid player?10:10
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davei need to input some "meeting password"10:10
|thunderNeil-; use synaptic and isntall xine and plugins for FF10:11
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righthooteriax do cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep fglrx10:11
daveand in windows - i used to just type the numbers, and it would beep like a phone does when you push numbers10:11
DiMiTRiSHello I have a small question. I have setup lirc but mplayer complaints that it cant find the .lircrc file in my home dir. Is there a way to create one?10:11
cjaeyes automatix does break a lot of things but can be very convient10:11
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davebut in linux it doesn't do that, and hence doesn't let me in to the meeting10:11
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righthooteriax paste the output10:11
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cjaeit is getting better in some regards10:11
Neil-donblas__: Used to be able to before feisty...10:11
|thunderwtf are these ? fcdsl2, fcdslsl, fcdslslusb, fcdslusb, fcdslusb2, fcpci (AVM ISDN)10:11
Meshezheya, when I put a usb drive (thumbdrive) it is mounted automatically, I can copy files from it using the gui, but how do I find it on the console?10:11
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pescezhi everybody10:11
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|thunderMeshez; lok in /media10:12
donblas__Neil-: did you use a dist-upgrade? i would try what Jthunder suggested10:12
Meshezer, is the correct term console, terminal, or command prompt?10:12
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pescezcan anyone tell me how to change the name of a usb pendrive?10:12
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?10:12
Meshez|thunder: thanks! it is there :)10:12
Neil-donblas__: I let it run through the update manager10:12
GreyhoundI saw iTunes in a list of programs that should work in ubuntu and also I noticed in a screnshot an app that works with the iPod.. has anyone used those ?10:12
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|thunderMeshez; np10:12
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root____arrrrgh!! my install hangs with "Installed brltty-x11", this person has my same problem, can any one help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=259506210:12
iaxDriver "fglrx"10:12
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cjaeyou know installing it is good but just to set up repos for you and to show you a list of apps to download then just use apt-get or even better aptitude10:13
dyrneGreyhound: gtkpod works fine10:13
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pescezGreyhound, use amarok10:13
righthooterGreyhound !amarok > Greyhound10:13
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Crane_gtkpod for Ipod as well as Rhytmbox and many others10:13
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok10:13
Neil-|thunder: What plugin am i looking for?10:13
Meshezwhat is the correct term for the black command screen? is it: "command line", "terminal", or "console" ??? or can these 3 be used interchangeably?10:13
beniis regex /,$/ the right one if it should math words with an , at the end like "asd," etc?10:13
Greyhoundand what do they do ? they manage the iPod like iTunes ?10:13
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dyrneGreyhound: i had issues with playlists in that when i made one it had to be drug to the top for ipod to see it10:13
LjLbeni: at the end of the *line*10:13
|thunderNeil-; xine firefox, you need to install xine as well as the plugins10:13
daveso no one knows how to make the phone tone sounds for skype?10:13
DARKGuyhey, how can I configure my screensaver settings? I can choose screensavers but I miss the configuration dialog that was in Edgy :(10:13
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righthooterGreyhound: amarok is killer player, best audio player ever for any OS10:14
beniLjL: but the string is only one word10:14
gregoroviusHi... how can I make my NTFS partitions not automount? I've got it set as noauto in fstab, but it still gets mounted at boot10:14
Neil-|thunder: I dont see that there..10:14
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Neil-I alread have xine tho10:14
LjLbeni: then it will work, but remember $ in general matches end-of-line, not end-of-word10:14
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smartytekhi , help.how can I copy my bacula from my server to my new lab server?10:14
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Greyhoundand does the iPod appear as a removable storage unit if the "enable disk drive" option is enabled in iTunes ?10:14
beniLjL: yeah of course, the formulation of my question was a bit bad ;) thanks!10:14
Greyhoundso that it can be browsed in the file manager10:15
|thunderNeil-; then you dont have univers enabled. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list                       then remove the # in front of the other repos that are commented out. sudo apt-get update. then look in synaptic again10:15
leperkhanzwhen is .9.37 wine gonna be in synaptic?10:15
iaxrighthooter: output is: Driver "fglrx"10:15
LjLbeni: also, the regexp is just  ,$   - those // you used look like part of a sed command10:15
pescezcan anyone tell me how to change the name of a usb pendrive? #210:15
daveoh haha i'm retarded sorry , i found the dial pad hahahahahahaha10:15
DARKGuyhey, how can I configure my screensaver settings? I can choose screensavers but I miss the configuration dialog that was in Edgy :(10:15
Neil-|thunder: Universe is already enabled10:15
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Neil-xine firefox isnt listed..10:15
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beniLjL: yeh, but in need the slashes for preg_replace (php) ;)10:15
righthooteriax: and what about glxinfo | grep direct10:15
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|thunderNeil-; hang, ill look10:16
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daveok i have an actual question then lol10:16
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davemy mic is not working10:16
daveit is in like "loopback" mode10:16
davewhere i can hear through the speakesr what the mic is picking up10:16
davebut something liek skype or a wav recorder doesn't work10:16
donblas__alright guys, thanks for the help10:16
Neil-|thunder: thanks10:16
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davein windows when you go the "sound settings", there is a "recording tab that gives all the mic options10:16
davelike to change from line-in to mic and stuff like that10:17
smartytek help.how can I copy my bacula from my server to my new lab server?10:17
davei'd image that's the same problem here, but i dont know how to do it in GNOME10:17
daveanyone follow? haha10:17
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guzudave alsamixer in terminal , maybe10:17
kazim59OK.... fromhd=/dev/null and bootfrom=/dev/hda1/*.iso is really a way to boot from an iso image on harddisk!10:17
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righthooterkazim59: why u need that if its not a secret?10:18
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Neil-|thunder: Actually, it does work, but sits on connecting.. could be a proxy issue as im forced through a http proxy.... hm10:19
davehmm its a cool interface.. but still dont know how to "turn on " the mic10:19
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Neil-firefox is set up right tho, where would movie player get the proxy config from?10:19
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iaxrighthooter: i just did a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" now i have direct rendering = yes but i get these screen artifacts: http://iax.ia.funpic.de/bilder/Bildschirmphoto2.png10:19
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|thunderNeil-; sudo apt-get install gxine gxineplugin libxine1 libxine1-console lxine1-ffmpeg libxine1-gnome libxine1-kde libxine1-plugins  totem totem-xine10:19
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aleksanteriwhat's the command to show what nvidia version i am using?10:20
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Neil-|thunder: All already installed, or not found10:20
Neil-might be proxy settings, where do i specify for xine?10:21
kazim59righthooter: actually this way you can test ur Linux iso images without burning them... and more.... when you boot from harddisk iso image its faster!!10:21
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xeladosDoes anyone know why Synaptic is telling me these packages are auto-removable and unneeded? http://mystic.de4th.com/stuff/Screenshot.png10:21
DARKGuyhey, how can I configure my screensaver settings? I can choose screensavers but I miss the configuration dialog that was in Edgy :(10:21
YggdrasilDARKguy i know10:21
xeladosDARKGuy: same here10:21
=== Kwitschibo [n=Michael@host-091-096-247-238.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
Yggdrasilsudo apt-get install xscreensaver10:21
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marijunikragazzi qualcuno mi puo' dire come andare in #irc italia?grazie10:22
DARKGuy!it | marijunik10:22
ubotumarijunik: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:22
aleksanteri!it | marijunik10:22
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gatenaleksanteri: Applications->System Tools->nVidia settings10:22
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Greyhoundlol ubotu10:22
aleksanterii'm on kubuntu10:22
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Greyhoundyou sure told him10:22
marijunikexcuse me10:23
righthooteriax: wow ehm, dont know what to say10:23
YggdrasilDarkguy did you get that ?10:23
MerlinZShellguys how can I switch from edubuntu to ubuntu10:23
DARKGuyYggdrasil: just installed, but how would that give me the config dialog?10:23
iaxrighthooter: pretty, huh :)10:23
preactionMerlinZShell: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:23
xeladosMerlinZShell: Try apt-getting "ubuntu-desktop"10:23
YggdrasilDarkguy it will , go to terminal and tyep xscreensaver --help10:23
DVS01how are removable devices automatically mounted?10:23
righthooteriax: never seen this before10:23
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Yggdrasiland then figure out how to bring it up.10:24
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MerlinZShellThank you preaction xelados you're awesome guys10:24
iaxrighthooter: hmm, well anyway, thanks for your time righthooter :)10:24
kazim59DVS01: System -> Preferences -> Removable Drives & Media10:24
DARKGuyYggdrasil: oh COOL, thanks a lot! :D10:24
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Yggdrasilheheh np10:24
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YggdrasilDARKGuy except its knd of annoying , unistall it when your done making changes10:25
MerlinZShellby the way i used to have ubuntu and it just switched to edubuntu10:25
DVS01kazim59: yes, but what daemon performs this kind of mounting? how do i configure this from the command line?10:25
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MerlinZShelldoes that make any difference10:25
Amsterdamis there a way to make remote desktop for ubuntu secure?10:25
aubadeAnyone here been here who adds RSS/Atom feeds from Firefox to Thunderbird mind checking for the handler value in about:config? ;)10:25
Neil-|thunder: .MPG links load if put directly into xine10:25
Neil-but not via mozilla..10:25
cbshow can I read/write to a windows XP drive from ubuntu?10:25
preaction!ntfs-3g > cbs (read the private message from ubotu)10:26
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wickermanwhich is better: Virtual Box or VMWare Server?10:26
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kazim59DVS01: udev does such things i think10:26
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gatenAmsterdam: you can set a password, also you could set up ssh forwarding10:26
cbspreaction: thankyou kindly :)10:27
Amsterdamhow do i setup swsh forwarding?10:27
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pescezcan anyone tell me how to change the name of a usb pendrive?10:27
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gatenwickerman: i had an easier time setting up and using vmware server10:27
idefixxis there a better ide then anjuta for gnome c stuff?10:27
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kazim59DVS01: a good question... when you get the answer do tell me!10:27
wickermanThanks, gaten!10:27
MarkeH'sup folks10:27
leperkhanzanyone in here a wine junkie?10:27
wickermanI have used VMWare Server before and never had a problem with it..10:27
underwatercowdoes anyone know how to remove the hard drives off of the desktop while leaving the flash drives and/or cd-roms?10:27
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DVS01kazim59: i thought it was something automount related..10:28
gatenAmsterdam: try this guide i wrote: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38305310:28
MarkeHCan anybody tell me if/how i can give Rythmbox Music Player permission to read from my ntfs partition without having to enter a password each time i open it?10:28
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cbsWhat does "Ubuntu" mean? African or something?10:29
MerlinZShellthank you guys10:29
cox37777hello all10:29
cdruekei need a sounddrive for Creative Soundblaste 24Bit USB can someone help me?10:29
kazim59DVS01: .....10:29
gatenMarkeH: what kind of permissions does that partition have10:29
cox37777how do i unstall xubuntu to get back to the basic sever?10:29
DVS01kazim59: im checking =D10:29
underwatercowdoes anyone know how to remove the hard drives off of the desktop while leaving the flash drives and/or cd-roms?10:29
kazim59DVS01: me too10:29
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MarkeHgaten: i dont know, im a bit of a linux nub ;)10:29
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underwatercowcox37777: are you just wanting to remove xfce?10:30
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sister_raydaca nu merge stream-ul incercati la
cox37777underwatercow: hello mate, well i wanna get it back to LAMP10:30
gatenMarkeH: do a "ls -l /media/drive"10:30
cjaeanyone know of a isobuster solution in ubuntu or linux??10:30
punkassHI everybody, could somebody who has exp. with samba look at this? its been in the forums for a long time and nobody can answer this... really need help... plz..10:30
sister_raycjae - vine by default -10:30
cox37777cjae: whats isobuster?10:30
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YggdrasilLjL are you around ?10:30
\lartanyone been successful at building fglrx 8.36.5 (the latest) against kernel 2.6.21 on Feisty?10:30
Neil-hi guys, mpegs play if i load the url into xine, but never load via firefox...10:30
Neil-just sits there10:30
Neil-any ideas?10:30
MarkeHgaten: bash: s: command not found10:31
cox37777cjae: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html10:31
underwatercowcox37777: ah, sorry... don't think I'll be much help then10:31
cdruekei need a sounddrive for Creative Soundblaste 24Bit USB, there ist no drive on the official page can someone help me?10:31
cjae!info isobuster10:31
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ubotuPackage isobuster does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:31
cox37777anyone else know how to fully remove the desktop?10:31
gatenMarkeH: ls -l /med/drive10:31
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Neil-about:plugins has 2 entries for .mpeg, both xine and totem.. correct?10:31
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LjLYggdrasil: kind of10:31
underwatercowdoes anyone know how to remove the hard drives off of the desktop while leaving the flash drives and/or cd-roms?10:31
MarkeHgaten: in the permissions tab... Owner: unknown - Read only10:31
cjaesister_ray is vine got gui10:32
YggdrasilDood, i just decided to scrap that system, and repartition the whole drive, backing up now10:32
lmnop__just a dumb irc question, but like can the same channel be on two different servers?10:32
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DVS01kazim59: not sure how ubuntu does it, but there are several solutions including mounttero, autofs, subfs10:32
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kazim59DVS01: seems like its usb-storage module10:32
gatenMarkeH: ok, you'll need to set the permissions to be 777 on that drive (read-write-execute)10:32
gatenlmnop__: yes10:32
LjLlmnop__: yeah, an IRC network is composed, usually, of many different servers. we're on the Freenode network here.10:32
dxdemetriouIs there some fix to do /dev/dsp with dmix? Some programs don't work with aoss etc.10:32
LjLYggdrasil: bit radical...10:32
kazim59DVS01: plug a usb drive and see dmesg | tail -2010:32
MarkeHta gaten10:32
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YggdrasilLjL i had it set up that way because it originaly was dual boot, when i was afraid of linux10:33
Yggdrasilanyway thanks for the thelp10:33
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DVS01kazim59: ahh thanks10:33
gatenMarkeH: you're welcome10:33
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LjLYggdrasil: while you're there, my suggestion would be to make a separate /home partition.10:33
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Yggdrasilljl really10:33
punkassdid anybody have the same thing? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40718510:33
Yggdrasilintersting i might just do that10:33
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LjLYggdrasil: helps quite a bit if you, for some reason, decide to reinstall from scratch10:33
felixxanyone know what the program is to capture ? i want to make a vid of Ubuntu in action10:34
Yggdrasilwhat partition should it be ?10:34
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LjLYggdrasil: where in the drive, you mean?10:34
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Neil-how can I make xine play realplayer without installing crappy realplayer itself?10:34
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dxdemetriouI have problem with vmplayer that doesn't support anything else than dsp, and don't work with aoss10:34
Crane_LjL: Make it /home10:34
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LjLCrane_: err?10:34
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m0u5edoes anyone know how to set default programs?10:35
Flannelfelixx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts10:35
LjL!default > m0u5e    (m0u5e, see the private message from Ubotu)10:35
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m0u5efor example, if i wanted to make xmms my standard music program10:35
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cjaecox37777, isobuster handles many types of file systems on optical storage for m$ environments10:35
IamEthosis there a channel for Ubuntu Server?10:35
underwatercowdoes anyone know how to remove the hard drives off of the desktop while leaving the flash drives and/or cd-roms?10:35
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gatenpunkass: are your firewall rules set correctly on all the machines?10:35
YggdrasilLjL yea like sda1=/ sda2 =swap sda3 home ?10:35
aubadem0u5e: You mean the default for when opening audio files or for hotkeys?10:35
cox37777cjae: was there anything on that link provided?10:35
DVS01underwatercow: remove the icons like any other icon10:36
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cjaecox37777, checking10:36
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ed_what can i do to solve the problem of connecting to ssh 1.9 from ubuntu feisty ssh client?10:36
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LjLYggdrasil, my setup is 1=swap, 2=root, 3=home. that's mainly because most drives are faster at the (logical) beginning. but i doubt it really matters *that* much10:36
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ed_i get "Cannot determine realm for numeric host address" in debug when connecting10:36
Yggdrasilljl ok ill do that10:36
LjLYggdrasil: 1=root is probably a more manageable choice (as in, logical)10:36
Crane_underwatercow: I believe it is in gconf10:36
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Yggdrasilmhmm yuea thats what i was thinking10:36
m0u5ei mean default10:36
Yggdrasiland then swap 2 ?10:36
punkassyes, everything works on the same computer only with winxp10:36
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LjLYggdrasil: well, i wouldn't move swap *too* far towards the end of the drive, so yeah10:37
m0u5ebut not only that, i also need to configure it so that when i right click it gives me the option of "adding to playlist"10:37
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gatened_: are you connecting to a hostname or ip10:37
punkassgaten: i can't understand why its not working ....10:37
m0u5ei can currently do it manually, but how do i set it up so that i can incorporate it into nautilus?10:37
ed_gaten: ip10:37
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gatenpunkass: i don't know, im using feisty and it works, but i remember it not working in dapper ...10:37
gatened_: is it on your internal network?10:38
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cjaecox37777, CDFS10:38
aleksanterihttp://pastebin.ca/483633 - anyone help?10:38
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YggdrasilLJL ill let you know, i had to pull the dam drive out and stick it into a laptop wit ha cd drive ;( cuz i totaly freid it10:38
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DVS01kazim59: it seems that HAL is what does the auto mounting10:38
ed_gaten, its on public ip address. i get the same problem connecting to the host on an internal network at work. im not at work now10:38
ferret_0567xtknight, are you there?10:38
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felixxcan someone recommend a proggy to record my desktop?10:39
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Flannelfelixx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts10:39
felixxthank you Flannel10:39
felixxill have a look10:39
gatened_: the server is v2 of ssh right?10:39
kaukxhey,how do i fix grub,if i have it installed on /dev/fd0(floppy) ?10:39
demon_sporkkevin I am on the xorg equivilant of the Windows BSOD, only this isn't the OS, just the grap10:39
ed_gaten, 1.910:39
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ferret_0567That was a question of mine, too10:39
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kazim59DVS01: maybe10:39
ed_gaten, Remote protocol version 1.99, remote software version OpenSSH_4.210:40
ferret_0567screencasts...let's see...10:40
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kazim59DVS01: automounting must be provided by some kernel module i believe10:40
ed_gaten, debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_4.3p2 Debian-8ubuntu110:40
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DVS01kazim: yes, the one that autofs uses10:40
gatened_: that might be the problem, ubuntu supplied ssh only supports 2. you might have to do a work around to connect to <210:41
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ed_gaten, oh, what might the work around entail?10:41
__mikemDoes anyone know why when I installed ubuntu from the alternate instal cd's I don't get a boot splash screen when I run ubuntu10:41
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ferret_0567What device should I use to interface my Xbox 360 controller with my PC?10:41
kazim59DVS01: if you see the modules being used.. they are usbcore.. usb-storage.. cdc-acm (for usb modem)10:41
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iaxhi everyone, i've got these strange artifacts with my X1950 Pro using frglx drivers http://iax.ia.funpic.de/bilder/Bildschirmphoto2.png does anyone have an idea what i could do to get rid of them?10:41
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silokoHello Ubuntu dudes :)10:42
bootsmorrisdoes anyone here know much about open office10:42
__mikemhello siloko10:42
righthootersiloko hey dude10:42
felixxFlannel: can you recomend which proggy to use? like "recordmydesktop"?10:42
bootsmorrisparticurly the database program10:42
gatened_: not sure. might just be a /etc/ssh_config issue, or might be something else10:42
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ed_gaten, i spent a couple of mornings looking through the ssh_config man page but all i saw was "-1", but that didnt appear to help10:43
gatened_: in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config, the line "#Protocol 2,1" exists and looks like it should work, so i donno10:43
aubadefelixx: recordmydesktop10:43
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gatened_: try changing it to just 1 and remove the #, see if that helps. did you google for that specific error message?10:44
aubadeThere's a GTK front-end to it, called gtk-recordmydesktop, if you don't mind Gnome libs.10:44
aleksanteri!hi | siloko10:44
ubotusiloko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:44
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Flannelfelixx: Believe XVidCap is the one with the howto (the RecordingScreencasts link above that-- ignore the virtualization bit at the top)10:44
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ed_gaten, i did one search. hang on, -1 works, but i cant use the RSA key. this is weird10:44
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ed_gaten, does protocol 1 not have ssh keys?10:45
SuperMikeAnyone here hook up there Xbox 360 controller to their PC?10:45
__mikemFlannel, would you happen to know why I don't get a nice screen when ubuntu is starting10:45
silokoDoes anyone know how to remove the partition listing from Nautilus?10:45
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gatened_: they are different from ssh-v2, b/c v1 is vulnerable to MITM attacks10:45
felixxthanks again10:45
ed_gaten, does protocol 1 not have ssh keys?10:45
m0u5esiloko: i have no idea... i'd like to know that too :)10:45
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gatened_: it does, but i believe ssh2 handles them differently10:45
ed_ah ok.. might explain why it's not working10:46
chrisjs169|brbi'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my friend's GDM installation...it doesn't seem to be running properly.  When using VNC, I see a GNOME looking background, but no text/icons (although the mouse appears)10:46
silokom0u5e: really annoying - especially when you have a million partitions ;)10:46
chrisjs169|brbany ideas?10:46
m0u5ei just wanna figure out how i can set my xmms player to have a "add to playerlist" mode... i can do it manually using "xmms -e -Q" but i want to incorporate it into nautilus :(10:46
ed_gaten, i wouldn't mind so much but i have to take a firewall offline to upgrade the ssh, since it's openbsd, doing a system upgrade normally means booting it10:46
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m0u5ehmm ubuntu comes with crappy mouse drivers10:47
m0u5eits not detecting my intellimouse sidebuttons :(10:47
daveis there a difference between installing java in the "add/remove applications"10:47
m0u5eanyone know where i can find intellimouse driver support?10:47
Flannel!mouse | m0u5e10:47
ubotum0u5e: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto10:47
gatened_: oy. yeah, i would upgrade the ssh, ssh1 is very bad to use. thats why ubuntu doesnt even ship w. it10:47
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m0u5eooh awesome10:48
kazim59nautilus crashes without errors10:48
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Flannelm0u5e: you don't need driver support, just config to use thm10:48
ferret_0567SuperMike: maybe #linux has an answer10:48
u2k7how do I restart the desktop??10:48
__mikemFlannel did you get my question?10:48
m0u5eoh chill, i was looking around but i guess i missed it10:48
aubadem0u5e: u2k7 Ctrl+Alt+Backspace10:48
ed_gaten, it's not so much that... it used to work, i dont know why it's stopped working10:48
daveor installing it from the .bin into /usr/java10:48
aubadeErr, -m0u5e. hehe10:48
u2k7aubade, I mean the desktop with icons alone10:48
Flannel__mikem: I have no idea10:48
=== Penumber [n=kiel@bas4-sudbury98-1242385254.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jacque1hi everyone.  I have been trying to solve a sound problem for a couple of days and i've come here for some help.  I'd appreciate any help someone can give me on sound output.10:48
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soyportiHello does anyone know if there is a project about mechanical ingeniering cause i want to help in that?10:48
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aubadeu2k7: Oh, just start Nautilus back up. It's responsible for the actual desktop (icons + backdrop).10:49
u2k7aubade, oh I see thanks10:49
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:49
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soyportiwhere can i get a list of gpl projects so i can do my part?10:49
LjLCpudan80: yep?10:50
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Cpudan80LjL: pm10:50
kazim59in which language ubotu said that sentence?10:50
MalachiI can't seem to stream AVIs. Any help?10:50
aubadesoyporti: Largest listing that I know of is FreshMeat.net10:50
aubadeThere's also SourceForge.10:50
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makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?10:50
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gatened_: hmm donno. but like i said, if you can upgrade that shh, it would be better10:51
__mikemLjL, I have my thing set to highlight me when ever someone ops himself, with chanserv and I don't see what happened.10:51
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dyrnemakuseru: vlc makes it pretty easy10:51
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Crane_makuseru: what kind of errors?10:51
kalpikmakuseru, i know its a bad suggestion, but try nero linux, solved all my burning issues10:51
jacque1yesterday my soundblaster stopped playing sound.  I tried the sound tutorial, but it didn't fix my problem.  The sound worked the day before.10:51
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ed_gaten, agreed, it's just a pain in the ass doing so, thanks for your help tonight gaten it's appreciated10:51
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makuserukalpik: thats what i thought, but i tried it10:51
makuserudyrne: VLC dosnt burn10:51
dyrneMalachi: vlc10:51
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dyrnemakuseru: yeah wrong nick :)10:52
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Malachidyrne: Not even with VLC =\10:52
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gatened_: of course10:52
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aubadeHe's talking about burning a DVD disc people, not playing back. lol10:52
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=== righthooter wth nero linux 20 bucks
aubadeAnyhoo, what model is the drive?10:52
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cox37777anyone know the command to fully remove xubuntu-desktop?10:52
cmihaiHi. I'm trying to get stable (real) transparency  in yakuake 2.7.5 (KDE 3.5.6 in Ubuntu Feisty). Can't get it to stay the same after the first session. Basically on first run, yakuake has real transparency, every other time, it won't. I tried Special Applications Settings - Force too. Any ideas?10:52
MalachiI think dyrne was talking to me.10:52
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Pollywog!parallels > pollywog10:53
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Malachicox37777: It's sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop10:53
kalpikcox37777, sudo aptitude remove xubuntu-desktop10:53
makuseruCrane_: Invalid field in command HP DVD Writer 200j (H:0 T:0) is the error10:53
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ubuntu_ho bisogno di aiuto XD10:53
Malachicox37777: However, if you didn't use aptitude to install xubuntu desktop, you'll still have those packages that installed left.10:53
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Malachicox37777: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome10:54
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Pollywogis there some special procedure for installing Parallels virtualization software on an Ubuntu system?10:54
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:54
aubade^ Aptitude should pick up dependencies no-longer needed, granted he used it to install the meta-package to begin with.10:54
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cox37777Malachi: will that link have a way of fulkly remov9ing10:54
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Malachicox37777: If you used apt-get or synaptic, yes.10:54
m0u5egah i pressed alt ctrl f1 without first reading how to get out of it...10:54
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MalachiFind the Remove Xubuntu section, cox3777710:54
MalachiBoy, that's a name to type.10:55
FlannelMalachi, cox37777: apt-get has autoremove now.  You can use that.10:55
cox37777Malachi: n110:55
MalachiOh? Flannel: I never had much luck with that, especially today when I tried removing ubuntu studio10:55
cox37777Flannel: what would be the command mate?10:55
m0u5edoes anyone know why tab mix plus doesnt work well?10:55
DOoMwhat is the ubuntu's french channel?10:55
aubade'apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop' or 'apt-get autoremove xubuntu-desktop' for whichever you used, can pass the --purge switch to either to remove system-wide configs.10:55
jacque1if 'aplay -l' identifies my sound card, is it a common problem for the soundcard not to play any sound?10:55
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m0u5ei have x window problems... they're blank windows that are really small10:56
DOoMwhat is the ubuntu's french channel? please :)10:56
aubadejacque1: Sure none of the channels are toggled off or at 0%?10:56
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:56
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DOoMthanks !10:56
MalachiFlannel: Ah, I see.10:56
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cox37777aubade: giving it a go10:57
gatenm0u5e: can you explain a little better?10:57
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jacque1aubade: which channels do I check?  I can give you a summary of the ones that are enabled....10:57
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jacque1or would it be better for those disabled10:58
aubadeMaster, PCM and Wave are pretty commonly the ones.10:58
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raguHelo, do anyone here have Joost invitation ?10:58
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Jhegs[o_O] where can I get driver SIM CARD10:58
Nergarhow can i correct the resolution on my lappy?10:58
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?10:59
Jhegs[o_O] ??10:59
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eck_!fixres | Nergar10:59
ubotuNergar: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:59
raguanyone have invitations left over?10:59
jacque1the following are enabled ... (i may do a few posts) Master, Bass, Treble, PCM (a few PCMs), front, synth, wav, HD Analo X10:59
aubademakuseru: Any idea on the actual model of the drive?10:59
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Nergarthnx eck_10:59
stefg!spam | ragu10:59
uboturagu: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense :-)10:59
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JMV290Ragu,   I am also wondering the same thing.   I doubt anyone here would just come out and say they have them  They'd get flooded with requests.11:00
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raguubotu: Sorry for my message. Was just asking. Anyone, I'll revoke my messages. Again, sorry abt that.11:00
makuseruaubade: HP dvd200i11:01
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jacque1aubade : are those channels ok?  they are all at least 50%11:01
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aubadejacque1: Would tell to make sure the channels aren't muted but I'm not that familiar with Gnome's volume control. :\11:02
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variantaubade: alsamixergui11:02
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ed_demon_spork, don't break that.. its probably useful for a dumb terminal11:02
Flannel!sound | aubade11:02
ubotuaubade: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:02
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aubadeFlannel: ??11:03
demon_sporked, I could sell it to a museum11:03
jacque1aubade: the channels you identified (and the ones identified aren't muted.11:03
Flannelaubade: oh, jacque1.  Sorry.11:03
=== SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
JMV290Has anyone tried Wubi Yet?  Is it worth installing?    I don't want to make a new partition until I upgrade my laptop's harddrive.11:03
ferronicai am unable to minimize and maximize window and unable to resize window11:03
jacque1aubade: i'm using alsamixer to determine the status...11:03
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aubadeA'ight. You could always try enabled every channel and turning 'em up.11:04
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robbanI have a bunch of files coming from windows. They contain spaces. How can I remove them in a simple way?11:04
aubadeMinus the obvious ones like mac, line-out, external amp, etc.11:04
aubadeWhat card/chipset is it anyhow?11:04
cbsdo searches of hard drives take a long time?11:04
soundrayferronica: your metacity must have crashed. Change to a console, log in and run 'DISPLAY=:0 metacity'11:04
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aubadecbs: Depends on the size of the volume. :)11:05
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eckrobban: what do you mean 'they contain spaces'?11:05
ed_demon_spork, old hardware is great. sometimes it's useful. i love dumb terminals there's a lot of histroy in that hardware11:05
cbswell, its about 120gb, plenty of files...but it seems like its just sitting there11:05
Yggdrasilljl the installer refused to accept /home for the third part, i jsut put it all on one ;(11:05
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jacque1thanks flannel, i'll have a look at those links...11:05
ed_demon_spork, and sometimes, if you have to use Sun Sparks, you actually need something with a serial port because there's no vga on those11:05
aubadeProbably take a while, really depends on what kind of criteria you're searching by.11:05
ferronicasoundray: i have just unchecked "window Wobble when moved" and used ubuntu Theme11:05
robbaneck: Well like "My Music"11:05
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DangerDazHi there, i'm sorry to be a pain, you obviously get enough questions in here, but i just switch to ubuntu from vista, i just shrunk my vista partition and had to copy my ubuntu ext3 filesystem into the new partition, so now i've got a 20GB ext3 drive and a 120GB ext3 drive, the 20GB one is currently the active one in ubuntu, is there a way to make ubuntu use the 120GB one as the main one?11:06
olrrai_hello guys11:06
olrrai_how can I use alt+126 ?11:06
soundrayferronica: okay, if you're using beryl or compiz, forget my advice11:06
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jdraperuse ratpoison11:06
travisanyone here use webex and see desktop sharing view stopped working after xorg updates?11:06
jdraperthat will be ur problems11:06
jdraperi mean11:06
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ed_olrrai_, hold alt button and press 126 on the keypad then lift the alt button11:06
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godd4242good evening all11:06
LordvedaIs there a devel branch for ubuntu???11:06
olrrai_it dont work ? it is disabled11:07
eckrobban: you want files to have no spaces in the names?11:07
godd4242I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on how to compile from source.11:07
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eckrobban: you can just escape the spaces with \ or use "" around the word11:07
robbaneck: Correct11:07
ferronicasoundray: no i am not using beryl, using Desktop effects which is in system - preferences - Desktop Effects.11:07
LordvedaI need to add some repositories for ubuntu11:07
eckrobban: e.g. ls "My Music"11:07
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soundrayferronica: you're using compiz then.11:07
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varianteck: for i in $(ls -1 *)11:07
variant  rename \  _ *.$111:07
hendrixskianybody know how to run a python app from inside a C++ program?11:07
ferronicasoundray: Yeah11:07
olrrai_ed_: alt+[num keypad]  dont work! how can I fix it?11:07
eckhendrixski: fork?11:08
robbaneck: Yes, thats easy. variant: Thanks11:08
ed_olrrai_, i'm not sure. i think it might be dependant on the application11:08
aubadeAnyone here got experience with gvim/vim-gtk?11:08
JMV290<JMV290> Has anyone tried Wubi yet?  Is it worth installing?    I don't want to make a new partition until I upgrade my laptop's harddrive.-- Anyone?11:08
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phichohi can someone pls pls tell me how to change the refresh rate on my ubuntu desktop in windows xp it 100 mhz on 1024x796 but on ubuntu is 60mhz and i cant chage it11:08
ferronicasoundray: now what i do11:08
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eck!anyone | aubade11:08
ubotuaubade: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:08
stefgDangerDaz: the ubuntu-core system feels absolutely comfortable in about 5 GB... so rather use the 120GB for storage. no use in overspacing the ubuntu-partiton by 2400 %11:08
hendrixskieck, oh man... that would be a lot of message passing.... is there a wrapper framework of any sort?11:08
aubade@lart eck11:08
olrrai_alt+[num keypad]  dont work on the entire ubuntu! how can I fix it?11:09
aubadePoint made, and lack of @lart makes me sad. :(11:09
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eckhendrixski: i usually just tab complete11:09
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LordvedaIs there a devel/unstable branch for ubuntu???11:09
eckwhat is lart?11:09
phichoi have samsunf 795 df11:09
xeladosCan anyone help me figure out why Synaptic is telling me these packages can be auto-removed? http://mystic.de4th.com/stuff/Screenshot.png11:09
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kalpikLordveda, join #ubuntu+111:09
ferronicasoundray: any help from your side?11:09
hendrixskieck, tab complete with fork??11:09
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andersondoes the x-cd-roast do the same thing that the brasero does?11:09
aubadeAny idea how to open multiple files with gvim in tabs rather than buffers? For example: gvim /i/like/cheese/*11:10
eckhendrixski: oops, wrong person. uh, you would want to use a socket11:10
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soundrayferronica: try restarting compiz in the same way that I suggested restarting metacity.11:10
aubadeChecked the manual and don't see any vim-gtk specific flags.11:10
jribaubade: -p11:10
hermanandpaulinecan someone help me witha simple question11:10
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CheeseI like cheese aswell11:10
landois it possible to install ubuntu-server via a regular install cd.. such as a boot command?11:10
eckhendrixski: there are some ipc frameworks for python, i'm not sure how well they work11:10
xeladoslando: Yes, "server" at the prompt11:10
nickrudxelados, you probably had a legacy gnome app installed, and you removed it. So, synaptic says you don't need it's support libs anymore11:10
jrib!ask | hermanandpauline11:10
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ubotuhermanandpauline: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:10
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sunnypiesto anyone,  what does the little lock mean?  Its the little lock at the top corner of some folders I got11:10
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aubadejrib: Ah hell, thank you. lol11:10
landoxelados: sweet... thanks11:10
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yimmmy stuff off the net11:10
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phichohi can someone pls pls tell me how to change the refresh rate on my ubuntu desktop in windows xp it 100 mhz on 1024x796 but on ubuntu is 60mhz and i cant chage it11:10
stefglando: no, you need the dedicated server install CD11:11
jribsunnypies: means you don't have write permission11:11
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yimmmyi need help with dling stuff off the net11:11
yimmmyi dont know how11:11
jribsunnypies: I think, something with permissions at least..11:11
xeladosnickrud: If I get rid of those packages, I'll be getting rid of things that seem very important.11:11
dyrneLaney: that is the alternate cd11:11
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eckhendrixski: it will be easiest if you are doing xmlrpc to communicate over the socket, but you can define any sort of message passing system you want11:11
ferronicasoundray: ok it worked now thanx.11:11
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dyrneLaney: nm11:11
eckhendrixski: at least that would be easy from python, i'm not sure what the C++ apis for that look like11:11
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lethuyimmmy, what do you want to download?11:12
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hermanandpaulinecan someone answer me a feisty upgrade question please?11:12
sunnypieswhats the "lock" on a folder mean anyone???11:12
pureDesihey, I'm trying to mount my windows partition in feisty but I can't seem to get it to work11:12
hermanandpaulinei seem to have buggered up11:12
jribhermanandpauline: just ask the question11:12
soundrayferronica: make a note of the procedure, you will probably need it again.11:12
hendrixskieck, I C.  I'll look into those.... sweet   thanks.  :-)11:12
nickrudxelados, what do you have that's still using those? I mean, there's not much left that needs the gnome 1.4 libs now that gnucash has finally been ported11:12
xtknightsunnypies, you aren't the owner of the folder11:12
jribsunnypies: I just told you11:12
ferronicasoundray: in tomboy11:12
ecksunnypies: it's generally to prevent multiple programs from accessing something at once11:13
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xeladosnickrud: Well, I installed sanduhr earlier but decided it was crap..11:13
hermanandpaulinewell my  gaim says im not connected but i am via terminal11:13
ecksunnypies: oh, do you mean the icon?11:13
xeladosDo you think it was responsible for all of that?11:13
ecksunnypies: i think that means you don't have proper permissions11:13
xtknightya he means the gnome icon11:13
darwinI need to install Windows 2000 under a virtual machine in Ubuntu. What virtual machine software is recommended for Ubuntu?11:13
xeladosI'm just afraid of breaking my system11:13
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DWSRhey all11:13
=== nomad [n=nomad@ool-18bc9dbb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
xeladosdarwin: VMware?11:13
pureDesiI've tried using ntfs-config to mount it, but the "Enable write support for internal devices" is greyed out11:13
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bruenigdarwin, take your pick virtual box vmware qemu11:13
pureDesiany help would be appreciated11:13
kalpikdarwin, virtualbox11:13
stefgdarwin: vmplayer is in the repos... it's the most painless install11:13
nickrudxelados, yes, that's exactly what brought those in: look at apt-cache show sanduhr11:14
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sunnypiesxtknight: I created the folder being logged on, how am i not the owner of the folder?11:14
DWSRCan anyone help me configuring my VPN router?11:14
u2k7openoffice goes black with a dark gtk theme.. how do you make openoffice look like it used to?11:14
xtknightsunnypies, because you created it under sudo (probably)11:14
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Paddy_EIREanyone know why a DIVX movie would play through mplayer when using the cli but not when I try to play it with the gui mplayer???11:14
=== Lam_ [n=Lam@129-216.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
aubadePaddy_EIRE: Change the video driver to xv.11:14
DWSRCan anyone help me configuring my VPN router?11:14
ferronicasoundray: i am using 40Gb Hdd for my ubuntu, is there any way to partition Hdd, like as we do in windows 40Gb into 20Gb and 20Gb11:14
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Paddy_EIREaubade, how is this done11:14
lethuyimmmy, generally it's as simple as right clicking on a link and saving its target to disk11:14
DWSRferronica: Yes.11:15
phichowhere to find drives for samsung syncmaster 795df on the official pace thare is none can somebody pls tell me ?11:15
DWSRDuring installation Ubuntu gives you that option.11:15
=== exoduss [n=ubuntu@CPE00119554d114-CM0019475710be.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
aubadeRight-click on gmplayer and select 'Preferences'. It's under the Video tab.11:15
xeladosnickrud: Ah, seems like you're right; it's depending on old stuff. So it really is safe to remove it all?11:15
ferronicaDWSR: okay11:15
hermanandpaulinei ll rephrase the question to make it easier-  on earlier ubuntu version i had to install third party driver for speedtouch modem. i still connect via terminal, but gaim and evolution dont recognise i am connected.11:15
xeladosI can't think of any other old app I've installed.11:15
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nickrudPaddy_EIRE, right click on the media file, select properties, and then choose your gui player of choice11:15
nickrudPaddy_EIRE, under open with, that is11:15
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nickrudxelados, if you had, those wouldn't be ready for removal.11:15
bootsmorriswhat is the screen called that is right after you login with the ubuntu logo and the icons for things that it is loading?11:16
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xeladosnickrud: Alright. Thanks for helping a somewhat paranoid user. :)11:16
hermanandpaulinethough firefox recognises the connection11:16
Paddy_EIREnickrud, I know this :) but that is not the problem11:16
olrrai_Alt + 126  ==  Alt Gr + 411:16
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eckbootsmorris: it's just called the splash screen11:16
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nickrudxelados, paranoia is only perception: understanding is improving perception :)11:16
darwinWhich virtual machine is easier to set up?11:16
ferronicaDWSR: is there any document related to it, i wanna read about ubuntu11:16
eckbootsmorris: you can configure/disable it via some gconf keys (use gconf-editor)11:16
dyrnebootsmorris: sudo gdmsetup i believe lets you edit splashscreen  though im not too familiar with gnome11:16
=== Gerro [n=h4mx0r@c-69-137-152-44.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Paddy_EIREaubade, could you tell me how I can change that driver11:16
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xeladosnickrud: Great way to look at it.11:17
DWSRferronica: http://wiki.ubuntu.org <-- The wiki knows everything!11:17
olrrai_ed_: Alt + 126  ==  Alt Gr + 411:17
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jribdarwin: vmware-player is in the mutliverse repo11:17
Gerrois there like an export option for the .deb management system ubuntu uses?11:17
bootsmorrisalso when you press the logout button and then it gives you a bunch of choices on what you want to do, i dont have any icons anymore?  i would really like them back11:17
ed_olrrai_, not for me, i just get 4.11:17
nickrudPaddy_EIRE, ah, rereading your question, I would have no clue ;)11:17
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dc244anyone got any suggestions for software for doing dj mp3 mixes, mashups and other audio work?11:17
yimmmyim a ubutnu newb11:17
chrisjs169|brbsomehow the gnome login manager got disabled....how do i re-enable it?11:17
jribGerro: what kind of export option?11:17
iandohhey me homies11:17
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yimmmycan some one help me11:17
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NrbelexHi - I have my wireless card up and running. Using the network manager, I have previously used it to connect to a wireless network elsewhere on a corporate WPA system. However at home, I'm unable to connect to our standard WEP network with the correct hex key or any other nearby unsecured wireless networks. In the system monitor, I see spikes of sent data but 0 received bytes. The card is a...11:17
jrib!ask | yimmmy11:17
ubotuyimmmy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:17
Nrbelex...BCM43XX series and I used fwcutter to get it running properly.11:17
GerroI need to copy over tftp to another server so I can reflash my dmz11:17
DWSRdc244: Yes. Get Ableton Live. Linux is weak on mixers I've noticed.11:17
aubadePaddy_EIRE: Right-click on gmplayer and select 'Preferences'. It's under the Video tab.11:17
=== cjae [n=cjae@142-165-37-205.estv.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
iandohdoes anyone know if a lifeview prime 30 will work on ubuntu?11:17
fribuntuCan anyone tell me how to force *buntu to use proper textmode in console, not some VESA graphics mode?11:17
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen11:17
nickrudPaddy_EIRE, except that the some options are kept in different files11:17
=== Evan_ [n=Evan@blk-89-230-105.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ed_olrrai_, there are things that get the same result as the alt+keypad codes, like CTRL-A = ascii 0, CTRL-B = 1, ....11:17
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yimmmyhow do you dl themes and use them11:18
darwinSo, can I create a Windows 2000 virtual machine from an install CD?11:18
fribuntuMy GPU is incompatible with that screen mode and I need to have plain text mode to install the video drivers :(11:18
dc244Ableton Live?11:18
lmnop_where do developers looking for a current project hang out?11:18
DWSRdarwin: Yup.11:18
iandohdoes anyone know if a lifeview prime tv 30 will work on ubuntu?11:18
stefgdarwin: yes11:18
MalachiI can't seem to use Sbackup for SSH11:18
DWSRdc244: Yes. It's a Win/Mac only program unfortunately.11:18
=== abo [n=tfh@212-139-92-157.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
olrrai_ed_: thanks!11:18
GerroDWSR: nah just get latest drivers, its lot better then and might want to learn how to set custom sound buffer and frequency settings for applications11:18
eckyimmmy: download the theme and then drag the file you downloaded into the theme manager window11:18
hermanandpaulinehow do i get network connections with third party driver please brothers and sisters?11:18
=== tinin [n=tinin@33.Red-88-8-211.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Adsims2001I have a weird memory problem... procmail keeps sending me messages from a job that I don't remember setting, and it keeps going until it's consumed all of my memory. then it freezes my whole system11:18
DWSRGerro: ??11:19
=== imsdle [n=melissa@203-211-121-75.ue.woosh.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
jribhermanandpauline: how do you know you are connected in the terminal?11:19
iandohdoes anyone know if a lifeview prime tv 30 will work on ubuntu?11:19
darwinstefg: Where are there tutorials available?11:19
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yimmmyhow do you dl themes for firefox11:19
hermanandpaulinefirefox and this works but email and gaim dont11:19
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dc244DWSR: what is it like to use? Is it open source?11:19
drummerHi need some help - something appears to be broken in my Dapper LTS.  Can no longer play avi, mpg files or dvds.  I've already re-installed, players, codecs & the xserver.  When I try from command line I get error message of " serial 96 error_code 11 request_code 140 minor_code 19"11:19
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DWSRdc244: No.11:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:19
jribhermanandpauline: run gaim in a terminal and look for interesting output.  What messages do you get?11:19
imsdlei saw a program that spoke what was happening in a chat this week11:19
silokoDoes anyone know how to change the Menu fonts in Gnome?11:19
DWSRIt's expensive too, unless you know where to look. It's wonderfully useful though.11:19
Paddy_EIREaubade, nice one man11:19
GerroDWSR: I installed tftp through synaptic, how do I export the .deb to install to another ubuntu pc11:19
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iandohdoes anyone know if a lifeview prime tv 30 will work on ubuntu?11:19
philcI have a web server that is edgy. I want to get it to feisty (feisty has some upgrades that I need). It's xen-based, and the support staff has told me I should be able to just change sources.list and upgrade. Anything major I should know about? Should I upgrade to dapper drake first, and then to feisty, or go straight to feisty?11:19
imsdlecan anywone show me the link, i can't find it11:19
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hermanandpaulinejrib how i run via terminal?11:19
ecksiloko: i believe you can configure it in the font settings11:19
yimmmydrag and drop dont work11:19
jrib!upgrade > philc (see the private message from ubotu)11:20
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hermanandpaulineive laways run via gnome11:20
Adsims2001I don't really need procmail at all, since I don't run a mail server. is there any way to completely disable it?11:20
DWSRGerro: Why wouldn't you just use synaptic on the other computer?11:20
dc244I was really hoping for something on linux for doing music11:20
eckAdsims2001: you aren't running an mta?11:20
jribphilc: it's dapper -> edgy -> feisty so you can't *upgrade* to dapper from edgy :)11:20
Adsims2001eck: mta?11:20
yimmmymy drag and drop dont work11:20
DWSRdc244: Haven't seen anything that great. Audacity is really the only thing.11:20
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jribhermanandpauline: open a terminal and type "gaim"11:20
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silokoeck: What under the Application font option? Is there a way of Just changing the Menu font or do I have to change the font for all Apps?11:20
eckAdsims2001: if you aren't using it for anything i guess you can just uninstall it11:20
philcjrib: ah, got the order wrong!11:20
DWSRCan anyone help me set up my VPN router?11:20
GerroDWSR: because my router died and this computer is only one with internet, hosting some things11:20
Adsims2001eck: with apt-get?11:20
ubotuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD11:21
stefgdarwin: i'd strongly recommend to stick with vmware-player... it's just an apt-get away and by far the easiest one. But vmware-support is in #vmware or on vmware.com, the channel is to busy to guide you a w2k install in ubuntu. it's easy, no problem11:21
Sergowhat i need to install to run java programs?11:21
eckAdsims2001: yeah11:21
dc244DWSR: Audacity is seriously hard work -11:21
Sergo=] 11:21
godd4242anyone have any ideas why kibadock is destroying my laptop?11:21
iandohdoes anyone know if a lifeview prime tv 30 will work on ubuntu?11:21
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hermanandpaulinek 2 secs11:21
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GerroDWSR: need tftp to reflash using my lappy11:21
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jribphilc: note that the wiki recommends against editing sources.list to upgrade11:21
Adsims2001eck: Thanks, doing that now. It was causing some weird memory problems11:21
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ecksiloko: i'm not sure, try gconf too11:21
DWSRWell as I'm currently not on Ubuntu I can't tell you.11:21
DWSRYou should just look around in the man pages.11:21
silokoeck: ok thx11:21
darwinstefg: Thank you!11:21
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iandohoh fuck you gang of niggers11:21
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guigouzHello, Anyone here ever installer dapper on a guest xen domain (domU) ?11:21
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok11:22
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Kyral_LaptopWow, that was fast11:22
lmnop_iandoh, probably11:22
sunnypiesquestion:  I just installed mtpaint   i can load by typing mtpain in terminal, how do i put an icon of it in the Applications list???11:22
NrbelexHi - I have my wireless card up and running. Using the network manager, I have previously used it to connect to a wireless network elsewhere on a corporate WPA system. However at home, I'm unable to connect to our standard WEP network with the correct hex key or any other nearby unsecured wireless networks. In the system monitor, I see spikes of sent data but 0 received bytes. The card is a...11:22
Nrbelex...BCM43XX series and I used fwcutter to get it running properly.11:22
stefgdarwin: start here http://www.easyvmx.com/index.shtml11:22
=== sean_ [n=sean@82-46-25-42.cable.ubr01.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
DWSRCan anyone help me set up my VPN router?11:22
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whatitishello, i'm about to reinstall XP on a dual boot machine, how do i get grub back after windows is installed?11:22
CrazytomNrbelex, can't see anything after the card is a ....11:22
DWSRwhattits: Check the Wiki.11:23
GerroDWSR: perhaps.. what kind is it?11:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:23
stefg!grub | whatitis11:23
ubotuwhatitis: please see above11:23
DWSR^^ there you go whatitis.11:23
Nrbelexcrazytom, The card is a BCM43XX series and I used fwcutter to get it running properly.11:23
DWSRGerro: DI-824VUP. D-Link router.11:23
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cidwelanybody knows a way to put a video on a screensaver? :S11:23
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sunnypiesquestion:  I just installed mtpaint   i can load by typing mtpain in terminal, how do i put an icon of it in the Applications list???11:23
DWSRI can't make heads or tails of anything really. I can tell you some things for sure though.11:23
=== phanter [n=patrick@c120246.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
GerroDWSR: interesting11:24
DWSRIt's got PPTP, L2TP.11:24
jribsunnypies: right click on the ubuntu icon -> edit menus11:24
DWSRand it supports IPsec and IKE.11:24
bruenigsunnypies, you need to write a .desktop file and stick it in /usr/share/applications11:24
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GerroDWSR: so does it already have the VPN setup on that end?11:24
DWSRNo. That's kind of the point. I have no idea what I'm doing.11:24
=== DWSR = newb. :-(
xarampionno solution11:25
hermanandpaulinejrib- nevermind it seems to work now for some reason11:25
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xarampion-burn the computer11:25
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hermanandpaulinethankns for your time11:25
phanterhi all...11:25
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sswitchingHi, guys, whats difference between using Virtual Terminals and Screens?11:25
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jribhermanandpauline: great, glad it just fixed itself :)11:25
hermanandpaulinei wonder if evolution works jrib11:25
phanterdoes anybody know if aspell has his/her own irc somewhere (where Ican ask difficult questions ?)11:25
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DWSRsswitching: using screen allows you to have multiple processes running in a single terminal session. It's useful for doing remote admin-ing through SSH.11:26
hermanandpaulinejrib- same prob, its evolution now11:26
kekosHi, I have a question11:26
GerroDWRS: ipsec requires freeswan kernel module or for it to be compiled into the kernel11:26
hendrixski!ask | kekos11:26
bruenig!howdy | kekos11:26
ubotukekos: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:26
ubotukekos: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:26
=== LasseP [n=xerox@c-4476e255.010-198-73746f32.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
jribhermanandpauline: honestly, I would see if a reboot sorts the thing since gaim just started working11:26
kekosI've 2 computers sharing internet connection with a bt hub wireless11:26
=== brett^` [n=brett@br1-ve-0-vlan1-0.lnk.ellipse.net] has joined #ubuntu
DWSRGerro: I'm just trying to get the server on the VPN set up so that I can interface with it. I have a feeling that that's the biggest challenge.11:26
bruenig!enter | kekos11:27
ubotukekos: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:27
hermanandpaulinewill do my friend11:27
nickrudsunnypies, an easy way is to use system->preferences->main menu, you can add a menu item there11:27
kekosand i'd like to connect them as a network to share files and printer11:27
kekoshow can i do that?11:27
jacque1hi folks.  i'm back again.  the links provided before were very good!  I tried everything and even checked the groups this time.  It appears that the audio group vanished.  Are there any particular things I need to do to get the audio group re-instated other than just "add" it using the 'users and groups' option?11:27
sswitchingDWSR, my problem is running apps like rtorrent without 'em ending everytime i logout or close the gnome/x-terminal. I can do that using CtrL+alt+1/2...6 and then running rtorrent. so are you saying no difference if you're doing it at home(locally)?11:27
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jacque1(note: i added the audio group but the sound didn't fix itself yet.  maybe reboot?  maybe something else required?)11:28
kekosanyone can help me?11:28
DWSRTry running it in a screen session, and then just disconnecting from the screen session.11:28
GerroDWRS: hmm could use ppp and ssh to tunnel a vpn11:28
hendrixskikekos, have you tried to share stuff accross the network? places-->network :-)11:28
DWSRGerro: Why when the router has VPN built in?11:28
=== Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@unaffiliated/Kr0ntab] has joined #ubuntu
jribjacque1: did you log out and back in after doing that?11:28
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nickrudjacque1, you'll probably to adduser <youself> audio as well11:29
kekoshendrixski - no i'll have a look, just a sec11:29
jacque1jrib : no not yet.  Will try that shortly.11:29
hendrixskikekos, also, for printers, there's stuff under the System Menu, that should auto detect pritners on the network... also in your browser if you go to localhost:631 the tab on the right should show you the available printers11:29
=== DtG_ [n=DtG@c-71-58-57-168.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jacque1nickrud: I added all of my users to this group :)11:29
hendrixskikekos, hope that helps.  :-)11:29
GerroDWSR: if its too much a bother to add extra kernel modules11:29
=== thor [n=thor@74-134-146-52.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
jacque1strangely enough, i have never stuffed around with groups ... ever!!11:29
=== GMWeezel [n=james@ppp-70-254-42-58.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DWSRmeh, anyways. I have to go. ttyl everyone!11:30
jacque1[cavat: on this box] 11:30
nickrudjacque1, the only thing else I can think of, is that if some stuff was already set as audio, you may need to specify the audio group as 2911:30
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kekoshendrixski - thanks11:30
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GMWeezelHow can I change the programs that appear in "Open With" under nautilus? I have junk in the context menus.11:30
hendrixskikekos, NP.  Come by any time and we're here to help.  Also www.ubuntuforums.org.... be sure to Google first though :-)11:30
jacque1excellent.  thanks nickrud... this as the gem I was looking for.  What's the easiest way to make audio 29?  remove and re-add?11:30
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nickrudjacque1, you could edit /etc/group and set it to 29.11:31
Greyhoundhas anyone tried adobe cs3 under ubuntu ?11:31
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nickrudjacque1, audio is group 29 on my machine. I'm assuming that it's the same for all ubuntu machines, but you know what assuming can do...11:32
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jacque1ok, maybe something screwy happening here.  I thought that was where groups was - but when I went there and sudo gedit /etc/groups, it came up empty ... I tried twice to make sure.  i'll do a reboot and see how I go, once i've put audio to 29 via the gui.11:32
nickrudjacque1, /etc/group , no s11:32
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jacque1nickrud : yes I do :)  hey, I appreciate the advice.11:32
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jacque1nickrud... damn.  that's it.  no "s" :)11:32
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danlock2so, do you all think that Ubuntu Server is a good option for a firewall ;-).11:33
xeladosWhich rc file contains the directories that GNOME checks for wallpapers?11:33
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Enverex|LTdanlock2, No11:34
Nrbelex_Hi - I have my bcm4303 wireless card up and running. Using the network manager, I have previously used it to connect to a wireless network elsewhere on a corporate WPA system. However at home, I'm unable to connect to our standard WEP network with the correct hex key or any other nearby unsecured wireless networks. In the system monitor, I see spikes of sent data but 0 received bytes.11:34
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dyrnedanlock2: it would work but id go with something slimmer11:34
nickrudxelados, ~/.backgrounds for your personal ones11:34
tooolhow do you install google earth have downloaded a bin file but not sure how to install11:34
danlock2dyrne: its for a cyber-defense competiton.... i don't have many options, and I've fallen in love with anything debian.11:34
nickrudxelados, and /usr/share/backgrounds for the system wide ones11:34
jacque1hi nikrud, audio group was there already as 29...  i must be having a bad bad...  i'll try reboot anyway, and see how I go....11:34
xeladosnickrud: Do I just list the directories to use?11:34
threehi all11:35
stefgdanlock2: there's specialized firewall distros... installing ubuntu-server only for firwall purposes is overkill11:35
xeladossay, ~/images/wallpapers, ~/images/photos?11:35
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nickrudxelados, hrm, I just drop the backgrounds I want into ~/.backgrounds, or link them there11:35
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Enverex|LTdanlock2, You're better off with Debian or Gentoo if you want a full distro if not something specifically for Firewalls11:35
threedoes anyone know what has happened to ubuntustudio11:35
xeladosOh, .backgrounds as a folder11:35
xeladosI thought you meant a file.11:35
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stefgthree: yeah, thy recently had a new release11:36
nickrudxelados, :)11:36
ZnowAnyone here?11:36
tooolany one here know what to do with a bin file, downloaded google earth and am now stuck11:36
ZnowI need alot of help!11:36
danlock2stefg: meh, its just for Iowa State's High School Cyber Defense Competition, i might be okay.11:36
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Kyral_Laptoptoool: chmod a+x googleearth.bin (or whatever its called)11:36
nickrudtoool, chmod u+x .binfile ; ./binfile11:36
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threestefg: where can you get it the offical site is down and I can't find a mirror11:36
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Kyral_Laptopdamnit nickrud :P11:36
ZnowCan anyone help me? Im in big trouble... Ive been working all day on this... /q me or something11:36
demon_sporkHow do I get a Command prompt without Xserver running in Ubuntu?11:36
cbswhere does ubuntu install Amule to?11:36
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nickrudKyral_Laptop, I'm conservative ;)11:36
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?11:37
Kyral_Laptopnickrud: I'd hate to see your perl code :P11:37
habeebHey, I'm new to GNOME, and when I close Rhythmbox it ...well.. closes. It doesn't minimize to the system tray. Is there a way to make Rhythmbox stay alive in the tray?11:37
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nickrudKyral_Laptop, what's perl code? And I will NOT show my bash crap ;P11:37
stefgthree: i think they are just overloaded try if you can get this :http://ubuntustudio.org/ww2/themes/ubuntustudio/files/UbuntuStudio_7.04.torrent11:37
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danlock2someone, run this at your shell ;-) :(){ :|:& };11:38
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=== SeveredCross slaps danlock2 around with a trout
=== HaSH strangles SeveredCross with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 205
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SeveredCrossLOL. I've been pwned.11:39
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jribdanlock2: don't do that here please11:40
cbsbut what a waste of cate 4511:40
gatensomeone is bound to try that11:40
danlock2lol, and get pwnt,11:40
danlock2sorry all11:40
reya276hello, I'm having some issues with Compiz, the effects won't run11:40
Enverex|LTDoes anyone here happen to have a Dell Inspiron 6400?11:40
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reya276can anyone help11:40
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malv2can anyone tell me why autofs isn't starting automatically at boot?11:40
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u2k7I cannot get keyjnote to work.. it hangs.. is it broken?11:41
threedid anyone answer habeeb, I've been wondering that too11:41
olrrai_see u later11:41
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cbsanyone know what directory apps are installed to in feisty11:41
BigToeHow do I set up a printer in Ubuntu server so I can share it with my Windows PC? I already have a Samba share set up between the 2 and it works, so sharing a printer should be easy... surely? The Wiki only provides help for people with GUIs though...11:41
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Kr0ntabanyone familiar with why checkinstall tries to include /usr/bin/ld in the .deb packages that it creates?11:42
threecbs, i think it depends on what app11:42
funkyHathabeeb, three click the rhythmbox icon in the tray11:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amule - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:42
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Kr0ntabI'm thinking a --exclude option may do the trick... but curious to see if anyone else has run into this issue.11:42
threefunkyHat: ty11:43
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wimHi all - would love some help to get my RocketRaid 454 card to work under Feisty11:43
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funkyHatcbs, applications aren't installed in just one location.... why do you want to know where amule is installed?11:43
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xeladosnickrud: It doesn't seem to work. I symlinked .backgrounds to my wallpapers folder..11:43
wimI'm getting errors compiling the source code in order to create the hpt374.ko file11:43
cbsi cant figure out where it was storing temp files previous to a path change11:43
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threecbs: look in your home dir for .amule there is alot of it in there11:44
BigToeHow do I set up a printer in Ubuntu server so I can share it with my Windows PC? I already have a Samba share set up between the 2 and it works, so sharing a printer should be easy... surely? The Wiki only provides help for people with GUIs though... I have the Windows drivers for my printer installed and hpijs on the Ubuntu PC...11:44
cbsalready looked there11:44
bruenigcbs, if it is storing tmp files, it will either be in /tmp or in your home directory seeing as you can't write to anything else11:44
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IamEthosis there a channel for Ubuntu Server, or is this it?11:44
bruenigIamEthos, this11:44
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demon_sporkHow do I reboot into a command prompt with no X?? (not recovery mode, at least runlevel 3 recquired)11:45
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funkyHatI have an odd problem with gnome vfs... I have 2 CD rom drives when I look in Computer in Nautilus (one if them is completely non-functional of course)11:45
wimIamEthos - you on the server machine now?11:45
funkyHatWould be nice to get rid of it11:45
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?11:45
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bruenigdemon_spork, your conception of runlevel doesn't apply to ubuntu, if you wanted no X, the way I would go is to make sure gdm didn't execute, sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm11:46
IamEthoswim, no11:46
funkyHatdemon_spork, ctrl+alt+F1, then login, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop11:46
wimok :-(11:46
BigToewim, why'd you ask that?11:46
gglseranyone know if latex is available in Ubuntu? and a gui?11:46
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IamEthoscan anyone who has used debian or a BSD server successfully before compare it in terms of security, customizability and ease of use with Ubuntu Server?11:46
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nickrudxelados, funny, I know I did that before. It's not working here, either11:46
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wimcan any of you check the /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/scsi directory for a hpt374.ko file?11:46
h4wk0`!debootstrap | guigouz11:47
ubotuguigouz: debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.11:47
IamEthosBigToe, wim, I was wondering the same thing11:47
ZnowCan anyone help me? Im in big trouble... Ive been working all day on this... /q me or something11:47
demon_sporkfunkyHat, Thank you, I have asked that question several times over the last few days and no one has provided that key combo, I am putting it on a sticky not on my screen!!!11:47
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xeladosnickrud: Perhaps the custom directory name has changed?11:47
erUSUL!pm | Znow11:47
ubotuZnow: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.11:47
kiteHi All - Could anyone tell me where to make changes to power settings in Kunbuntu desktop - I can't find where to set turning off of monitor, etc. Thx11:47
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BigToewim, no such folder, sorry :(11:47
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nickrudxelados, no, I dropped a picture onto the change background dialog, and that's where it ended up11:47
wimIamEthos, BigToe - It may be available on the server...11:47
funkyHatdemon_spork, ctrl+alt+F* gets you different vterms... F7 is X (usually)11:47
stefgmakuseru: the problem ain't k3b, which is just a fat frontend to cdrecord... so you'd need a debug output from cdrecord to track down the actual problem11:47
bruenigkite, did you look in the same spot you configure your screensaver?11:47
dyrneIamEthos: freebsd is really pretty easy, documentation is good and the #freebsd chan is helpful11:47
wimok BigToe, cheers anyways11:47
randomwalkeri can't increase my screen resolution beyond 1024x76811:48
xeladoshm, odd.11:48
randomwalkerhttp://paste.stgraber.org/837 is my xorg.conf11:48
Znowerusul, its a really big problem, and there is way to much "queue" in this channel for asking it in here11:48
hermanandpaulinehow do i downgrade from feisty to edgy please?11:48
BigToeHow do I set up a printer in Ubuntu server so I can share it with my Windows PC? I already have a Samba share set up between the 2 and it works, so sharing a printer should be easy... surely? The Wiki only provides help for people with GUIs though... I have the Windows drivers for my printer installed and hpijs on the Ubuntu PC...11:48
wimtrying to get my 'RAID' card to work11:48
bruenighermanandpauline, you can't11:48
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nickrudxelados, I also did a killall nautilus.11:48
xeladosSo theoretically..11:48
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bruenighermanandpauline, unless you fresh install11:48
randomwalkerit has 1280x80011:48
Znowerusul, its a really big problem, and there is way to much "queue" in this channel for asking it in here11:48
randomwalkerand not 1024x76811:48
xeladosI could select all of my wallpapers at once and drag into the dialog?11:48
randomwalkerand yet x won't go beyond 102411:48
funkyHathermanandpauline, why do you want to downgrade?11:48
nickrudxelados, maybe a logout and login is what it takes. Not doing so now, though11:48
IamEthoskite, open Control Center, go to Peripherals, then Display, then Power Control11:48
stefghermanandpauline: format and reinstall, to make it short11:48
kitebruenig - yea but could not see where to set how long etc before monitor goes black screen11:48
makuserustefg: i know its not K3B, Nero 3 for Linux wond do it either11:48
hermanandpaulinei cant get my internet conection to work11:49
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kiteok will check11:49
randomwalkercan someone help me figure out why?11:49
hermanandpaulineit works for this and firefox11:49
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bruenigkite, check out #kubuntu, they will know more about kde specific questions11:49
hermanandpaulineit dont work for gaim nor evolution11:49
randomwalkermy machine is currently unusable because it's widescreen and like i said, X will only show a normal screen resolution11:49
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bruenigkite, on xfce there is an "advanced" tab on the screensaver part where you set that, I would assume something like that for kde too but maybe not11:49
hermanandpaulinei rebooted but its not working11:49
arorandomwalker, what video card do you have11:49
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gglseranyone know how to use latex in ubuntu?11:50
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funkyHathermanandpauline, if it's working for IRC and firefox then it's working... the only thing I can think of is check System > Preferences > Network Proxy11:50
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randomwalkerIntel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controlle11:50
hermanandpaulinek funky11:50
randomwalkeraro: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controlle11:50
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kitethx - bruenig - was not aware there was a kubuntu channel - thx again11:50
arorandomwalker, I might have a solution that, I fainly recall reading something regarding that video card and a fix. I'm guessing you're on a laptop?11:50
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randomwalkeraro: yes11:50
arorandomwalker, one second while I try to find the links I was reading earlier11:50
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IamEthosdyrne, I've used Free BSD and Debian before11:51
stefghermanandpauline: avahi and/or network-manager might interfere . these are new additions in Feisty. If you don't need them try to remove avahi and network-manager and see if it works then11:51
gglserhelp: I cannot empty my trash because it says I do not have permission in the File browser11:51
hermanandpaulinefunky i would have no idea how to do anything with that11:51
IamEthosI'm trying to get an idea of how Ubuntu Server stacks up?11:51
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BigToeHow do I install an HP Deskjet 5440 on Ubuntu Server? I plug it in and type echo "test" > lpr, but nothing happens.11:51
hermanandpaulineive looked and it a bit techy11:51
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hermanandpaulineits only since install11:51
funkyHathermanandpauline, I'm guessing you either have a proxy server you have to use (which you would know about, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to configure firefox and IRC), or you don't, in which case the settings in Network Proxy should say 'connect directly' or words to that effect11:51
wickermangglser - try terminal SUDO NAUTILUS  then find the trash folder and empty it11:52
hermanandpaulineof feisty11:52
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peterkaIs Turion64 M is better than Pentium M and how is under Ubuntu ?11:52
hermanandpaulinei never configuered firefox11:52
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ZnowWho shall I pay to get some help for a min or two?!11:52
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wickermani HAVE A tURION 64 IN my laptop and it works great11:52
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hermanandpaulineits that the other things not detecting third party driver11:52
xeladosnickrud: Logging out and back in didn't seem to work.11:52
BigToeHow do I install an HP Deskjet 5440 on Ubuntu Server? I plug it in and type echo "test" > lpr, but nothing happens.11:52
makuseruhi, i have a problem, i had a HP DVD writer and ive tried diffrent programs and diffrent brands of dvds, but it never burns one correctly, i always get errors, someone said K3B had a problem with HP writers, but ive tried more than just k3b, i dont need anything special for hp writers do i?11:52
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stefg!cups | BigToe11:53
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ubotuBigToe: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:53
arorandomwalker, are you comfortable going through the reconfiguration of your X Server?11:53
ZnowWho shall I pay to get some help for a min or two?!11:53
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funkyHathermanandpauline, ok in that case in the Proxy Configuration, make sure you have selected 'Direct internet connection'11:53
randomwalkeraro: i tried that several times11:53
wickermanZnow - what's wrong?11:53
randomwalkeraro: if you mean dpkg-reconfigure11:53
demon_spork!cups > demon_spork11:53
randomwalkeraro: every time, x won't even start with the new xorg11:53
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demon_sporklol, I needed that11:53
Znowwickerman, can I query you? its way to busy in here...11:53
arorandomwalker, one sec11:53
wickermanI'm no expert, but go for it11:53
Enverex|LTDoes anyone here happen to have a Dell Inspiron 6400?11:54
demon_sporkhow do I increase the available resolutions in the resolution switcher?11:54
gglserwickerman: ok 1 sec11:54
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Znowwickerman, cant whisper you cause im unregistreed :S11:54
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Znowplease join #znow11:54
BigToestefg, these instructions are for people with a GUI.11:54
stefg!fixres | demon_spork11:54
wimxtknight - you there mate?11:54
ubotudemon_spork: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:54
arorandomwalker, have you tried this http://roland-lopez.blogspot.com/2007/03/auto915resolution-ubuntu-resolution-fix.html11:54
=== gizmo [n=gizmo@xdsl-87-78-5-195.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
wickermansame here... what's the problem?11:54
Znowplease join #znow11:54
=== wim is now known as wimdows
Znowso we can talk11:54
gglserwickerman: wheres the trash in my folders?11:54
=== mdeias [n=mdeias@] has joined #ubuntu
sonictwinhow come after upgrading to fiesty, my ntfs partition no longer mounts at bootup?11:55
stefgBigToe: i know, but lpr just isn't installed, so nothing happens11:55
seesulI'm new to linux, are there any good applications out there for young childern, math and science games mostly. I'm having trouble finding programs that are compatible with Ubuntu11:55
=== juan [n=juan@201-212-160-222.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatgglser, ~/.Trash11:55
Gerroseesul: yeah quite a few let me get a list11:55
BigToestefg, but I did install it11:55
randomwalkeraro: great, i'll try that, thanks11:55
erUSULseesul: it seems that edubuntu will suit you11:55
=== cello_rasp [n=cello_ra@] has joined #ubuntu
seesulGerro: okay11:55
IamEthosZnow, few will want to join a seperate channel without even knowing if they can help you with your issue first11:55
=== Gheekaru [n=david@AFontenayssB-151-1-55-163.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hermanandpaulineyes funky it says direct etc11:55
arorandomwalker, I'll watch to see if it works, just type my name out so my IRC window blinsk11:55
IamEthosstop whining, and post it here.11:55
gglserfunkyhat: I mean in filebrowser... because I cant empty my trash.. says I dont have permission11:55
=== necr0mancer [n=necr0man@c-76-98-109-251.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cello_raspwhere is the file that defiens what folders are mapped to which devices11:56
=== hofm [n=mimmo@host110-84-static.29-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
randomwalkeraro: sure, thanks!11:56
gglserfunkyhat: how can I run filebrowser as admin, and find the trash folder?11:56
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stefgBigToe: i see.... generally HP's are supported well, but i don't know about lpr... never used it11:56
=== Gheekaru [n=david@AFontenayssB-151-1-55-163.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
hermanandpaulinei dont understand how it works for Some software11:56
funkyHatgglser, if you want to empty your trash and it's not letting you run sudo rm -r ~/.trash/*11:56
=== chump [n=chump@bas1-sherbrooke40-1128567388.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatMake sure you don't get that wrong rm -r is pretty dangerous11:56
danlock2rm -rf ~/.trash/*11:57
=== jdraper is now known as hreiser
BigToestefg, know anything about using hp with anything else, then?11:57
funkyHatActually * ~/.Trash11:57
hermanandpaulineevolution and gaim fail to connect firefox and this works11:57
Gerroseesul: GCompris, KDE Edutainment Suite, Tux4Kids. Some other ones that might be at higher level are gpriodic, kstars, celestia, scilab, octave11:57
nickrudcello_rasp, /etc/fstab11:57
gglserfunkyhat: but I want to find out first how I can access the Nautilus as admin11:57
cello_raspthx i foget.. tired.11:57
=== flodine [n=flodine@c-24-4-181-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
hacked_kernelfunkyHat: why rm -r is dangerous?11:57
stefgBigToe: get cups and hpijs ...11:57
BigToestefg, I did... :S11:58
thorif you want to be safe, don't use the comman dline11:58
thorgksudo nautilus11:58
=== fattony [n=fattony@p54AF68AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
danlock2funkyHat, isnt it the -f that is dangerous....?11:58
thoris much safer11:58
xeladosdanlock2: No, it's the r11:58
xeladosfor recursive11:58
funkyHathacked_kernel, if you excecute it in the right place, it can delete a whole lot of stuff you didn't want deleted11:58
=== HarleyQuine [n=lisa@a91-153-184-234.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
xeladosf forces11:58
danlock2oh okay.11:58
=== d_ [n=andre@62-101-126-223.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu
cello_rasphaha my swap file sounds awesome through /dev/audio :311:58
=== Nrbelex [n=chatzill@ool-457688c5.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
funkyHatdanlock2, yeah the f makes it even more dangerous...11:58
seesulGerro: if the kstars and celestia have anything to do with astronomy, my daughter will love those, thanks for the list11:58
ab__Does sb know how to set up samba to share a folder with vista. My settings are not working11:58
hermanandpaulineif it helps i ve got a picture of monitors on the top right of the screen that got an x next to them11:58
=== nickrud wiped root, but only once
funkyHatBut just -r is dangerous enough11:58
BigToe!search cups11:59
ubotuFound: cups, cupsys, printing, cupsweb11:59
hacked_kernelfunkyHat: so what -f adds to -r to make it more safer?11:59
xeladosthor makes a good point, though. The command line isn't safe from the user. :p11:59
NrbelexHow does one troubleshoot a network card that can detect wireless networks but not connect to any?11:59
danlock2just don't do a cd /./ and then you know what11:59
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:59
gglserfunkyhat: how can I access the trash through the Nautilus?11:59
cello_raspab__ if samba works on another client then you can get it working on vista and the problem is on the vista end..11:59
=== LakomLacen [n=matej@cmb42-239.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu
Gerroseesul: can't quite find my list, hmm I usually run wine and dosbox for that stuff11:59
thorctrl H11:59
funkyHathacked_kernel, no, -rf together is more dangerous than either on their own11:59
thorwill let access trash11:59
randomwalkeraro: didn't work11:59
d_hello...does anybody know how to make working sound card (HDA ATI SB) with ubuntu feisty? must I install Yast? i can't find it..11:59
funkyHatgglser, ~/.Trash11:59
xeladoshacked_kernel: No, 'f' makes it to where the recursive deletion (r) cannot be stopped.11:59
=== BS|4ster1x [n=m404@dslb-088-068-058-038.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gerroseesul: sure no prob11:59
sonictwini am trying to mount my ntfs partition (/dev/hda2) on /media/windows11:59
xelados(though, it technically can through Ctrl+C)11:59
hacked_kernelfunkyHat: so how to delete folders in a safer way?12:00
sonictwini am getting this error : Failed to access '/dev/hda2': No such file or directory12:00
randomwalkeraro: xorg.conf still says 1280x800, but it only does 1024x76812:00
funkyHatgglser, but as you're now running it as root, you'll have to put the path to your home12:00
=== zaggynl [n=zaggynl@dsl-083-247-110-137.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
xeladoshacked_kernel: "rmdir"12:00
gglserfunkyhat: but thats through terminal right??12:00
thor@sonic - run gparted12:00
danlock2meh, rmdir doesn't like me12:00
funkyHathacked_kernel, it's safe enough, as long as you don't make a typo :)12:00
=== stefg wonders when apt-get install YaST will work in ubuntu :-)
=== Wickked [n=Dikbinin@adsl-75-3-17-88.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
thorto see where ur drives are12:00
hacked_kernelfunkyHat: can you explain in details why rm -rf is dangerous?12:00
funkyHatgglser, click the little button next to where you can see what folder you're in, then type in the box that appears12:00
CrazytomNrbelex, please join #ubuntuwireless and i'll give you 5 minutes12:00
xeladosI agree with funkyHat; I use -Rv quite often when I'm deleting a folder.12:00
dyrnesonictwin: and 'sudo fdisk -l | grep -i ntfs' gives hda2?12:00
arorandomwalker, what's the model of laptop that you have12:00
xeladosBut I make sure I know where the folder is. :P12:00
thor@hacked it deletes all files12:00
seesulerUSUL: thanks for the tip, I'll go look into that distro12:00
=== Ikonia [n=mattd@alesi.projecthugo.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
d_stefg: doesn't find it...i think i need repositories for Yast mm12:01
Nrbelexcrazytom, thanks, I'm there12:01

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