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highvoltage | yay, only 3 more hours to go and then I'll be home | 11:50 |
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andrea | hello | 04:13 |
andrea | I install an ltsp server in edubuntu server 7.10; I create few user with the same name of the hostname of the client. I need to autologin them, can somebody help me? Please | 04:13 |
andrea | 7.4 sorry | 04:16 |
cliebow_ | andrea, eeveryone is travelling today i think | 04:21 |
andrea | i leave my email; any help is appreciated | 04:27 |
andrea | onbug@interfree.it | 04:27 |
andrea | thank you | 04:27 |
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Novus | What is the appeal of having yet another Ubuntu derivative, which is yet another derivative of Debian, which is yet another Linux distribution? | 06:43 |
Novus | What purpose, other than further splitting up scare developer resources? | 06:44 |
Amaranth | edubuntu uses the same packages as ubuntu | 06:46 |
Amaranth | any improvements in ubuntu show up in edubuntu and vice versa | 06:46 |
Amaranth | it's just a different set of packages in the default install for education purposes | 06:47 |
Novus | ... | 06:49 |
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KRomeleoN | howdy | 07:49 |
KRomeleoN | my question is, my sister is going to college and we just bought her a laptop. i was gonna put ubuntu on but was thinking edubuntu instead sinche she is a teaching major....is edubuntu different from ubuntu atall besides the included extra appps for education? | 07:50 |
KRomeleoN | its gnome? | 07:50 |
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stgraber | KRomeleoN: there is no difference beside the artwork and the extra educational packages | 08:09 |
stgraber | KRomeleoN: yes, it uses gnome | 08:09 |
KRomeleoN | is it made more for k-12? | 08:09 |
KRomeleoN | or would a college studfent get use fromit/ | 08:09 |
KRomeleoN | ? | 08:09 |
stgraber | KRomeleoN: I didn't really checked what is installed with Feisty, Edgy was more for k-12 but things may have changed (it was planned for Feisty) | 08:12 |
KRomeleoN | i cant decide if i should get 64 bit or now | 08:12 |
stgraber | 64bit is a source of problem when you are talking about browser plugin (flash especially) or any binary compiled software. If you use a clean install of Ubuntu and aren't going to use Flash (I mean the flash from Adobe, not the free one) or wine or any binary-compiled software, you can get the 64bit version. | 08:15 |
KRomeleoN | i wa shocked to see 64 bit linux uses 64 bit ff | 08:15 |
stgraber | Otherwise I'd install the 32bit one, even on a 64bit capable computer (what I'm doing just now on a Core2Duo) | 08:15 |
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KRomeleoN | the laptop is coming with vista preload and is said to get 5.5 hours on a 9 cell battery, will that be increased with edubuntu? | 08:16 |
frustratedwithed | When I restart my edubuntu server I do not have any internet connection. If I sudo ifdown eth1 and then sudo ifup eth1, then it works. Anyy idease how to make it permanent? | 08:17 |
stgraber | If the battery can really manage to give that with Vista while doing something else than looking at a blank screen, yes it should be better with Edubuntu | 08:17 |
=== frustratedwithed is now known as happywithed | ||
stgraber | happywithed: Is that Dapper, Edgy or Feisty ? | 08:19 |
happywithed | Feisty | 08:19 |
happywithed | Brand new install | 08:19 |
stgraber | ok, did you change anything in the network config (like setting a static IP) ? | 08:19 |
happywithed | I changed the interfaces, so that I could get my clients to start on PXE. | 08:20 |
happywithed | I have eth0 on and eth1 on | 08:20 |
happywithed | broadcast on 192.168.x.255 and netmask on | 08:21 |
stgraber | ok, so the networkmanager show something like "manual setting" and doesn't do anything, right ? | 08:21 |
happywithed | right | 08:21 |
stgraber | ok, so you may want to have a look at the /etc/network/interfaces file | 08:22 |
stgraber | you should have something like : | 08:22 |
stgraber | auto ethX | 08:22 |
stgraber | iface ethX inet static .... | 08:22 |
stgraber | your problem may be that you don't have the auto line | 08:22 |
cliebow | stgraber:that file is Always wonked out every time you make a change huh | 08:23 |
cliebow | i just now fixed mine...again | 08:23 |
happywithed | I have auto for eth1, eth0 and lo | 08:23 |
happywithed | Is there a specific order they have to be at? | 08:24 |
happywithed | My auto eth0 is the last line | 08:24 |
stgraber | not that I know | 08:25 |
stgraber | it usually is : | 08:25 |
cliebow | it "shouldnt" matter.. | 08:25 |
stgraber | auto ethX | 08:25 |
stgraber | and then the config | 08:25 |
stgraber | then auto ethX+ | 08:25 |
stgraber | and the other config | 08:25 |
stgraber | but like cliebow said, that "shouldn't" matter :) | 08:25 |
cliebow | 8~) | 08:26 |
happywithed | Weird, that file seems to be fine, but when I boot I dont have any internet unless I ifdown and ifup my eth1 | 08:26 |
happywithed | any other ideas? | 08:27 |
cliebow | can you watch the logs on server and see if a request is made? | 08:28 |
happywithed | hold on | 08:28 |
cliebow | or do you have one of those evil empire dhcp servers 8~) | 08:28 |
cliebow | just wondering when dhcpcd runs.. | 08:29 |
happywithed | I don't have a Windows DHCP, if that's what you mean. I just have a Lynksys router with DHCP, though. | 08:29 |
happywithed | Where is the syslog file? it is past 3am in Japan, and I can't think straight... | 08:30 |
cliebow | isnt it /var/log/syslog...or messages.. | 08:31 |
cliebow | but i dont think yu will see boot that way...errr maybe.. | 08:32 |
cliebow | wireshark with a hub? | 08:33 |
happywithed | I don't see any relevant errors in syslog | 08:35 |
happywithed | I guess, I'll leave it along for now. I need to get some sleep before the students come to class in a few hours... | 08:36 |
happywithed | thanks for the help anyway... | 08:36 |
cliebow | good luck..sleep tight.. | 08:36 |
happywithed | signing out... | 08:36 |
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pygi | hi folks | 11:55 |
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pygi | highvoltage! | 11:57 |
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