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pochu | So it seems gentoo isn't registered as distro | 12:58 |
pochu | Is it possible to register it so I can link to a gentoo bug report? | 12:58 |
pochu | I don't think I'm the best person to do it, maybe a LP admin :) | 12:58 |
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pochu | SteveA: ^ | 01:13 |
gnomefreak | is there an issue with LP mail? | 01:15 |
gnomefreak | ive gotten maybe 100 (first time checked in 2 days) they say "This is the Postfix program at host baal.visi.com." | 01:18 |
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gnomefreak | it seems to be the user as i look into it more | 01:19 |
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bluefoxicy | quick question, launchpad ever actually going open source? | 02:53 |
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DarkMageZ | hi, there's an issue with bug #74252. some mail server keeps on replying to it saying message is undeliverable. causing a loop. (luckily launchpad isn't fast @ sending the new "comment" back) | 03:59 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 74252 in firefox "[EDGY] firefox crashed [@gtk_style_realize] [@IA__gtk_style_attach] (dup-of: 72018)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74252 - Assigned to Mozilla Bugs (mozilla-bugs) | 03:59 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 - Assigned to Alexander Sack (asac) | 03:59 |
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thumper | bluefoxicy: some day | 05:31 |
bluefoxicy | thumper: within my lifetime? | 05:31 |
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DarkMageZ | can someone please check out the spam on bug #74252 | 07:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 74252 in firefox "[EDGY] firefox crashed [@gtk_style_realize] [@IA__gtk_style_attach] (dup-of: 72018)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74252 - Assigned to Mozilla Bugs (mozilla-bugs) | 07:23 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 - Assigned to Alexander Sack (asac) | 07:23 |
crimsun | DarkMageZ: it's the weekend. Please be patient. | 07:31 |
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thumper | bluefoxicy: depends, how close to death are you? | 08:05 |
bluefoxicy | thumper: i'm 21 years away from birth; I don't know how close to death I am, from a quantum physics point of view it hasn't been proven that I can actually die. | 08:13 |
DarkMageZ | it's a small matter of being sent 140+ emails to each subscriber and the number is getting higher... | 08:25 |
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=== Fujitsu prods an LP admin to either disable the email address on `nomorespam' or unsubscribe said user from bug #72018 to stop the spam. | ||
ubotu | Launchpad bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 - Assigned to Alexander Sack (asac) | 09:04 |
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ssam | Bug #74252 has gone mad, endless auto replies | 09:50 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 74252 in firefox "[EDGY] firefox crashed [@gtk_style_realize] [@IA__gtk_style_attach] (dup-of: 72018)" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74252 - Assigned to Mozilla Bugs (mozilla-bugs) | 09:50 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 72018 in firefox "MASTER Firefox Crash [@gtk_style_realize] [@nsFilePicker::Show] " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72018 - Assigned to Alexander Sack (asac) | 09:50 |
DarkMageZ | yeah, isn't it great? | 09:51 |
ssam | is there noone around with magical launchpad powers? | 09:52 |
DarkMageZ | thumper, can you stop the crap which is happening with bug 74252? i'm counting 185+ spam emails to each subscriber of it's master bug. | 09:53 |
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sits | Help! My inbox is being crushed by launchpad bug mail... | 10:12 |
Webspot | same | 10:12 |
sits | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/74252 | 10:12 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 74252 in firefox "[EDGY] firefox crashed [@gtk_style_realize] [@IA__gtk_style_attach] " [Undecided,Needs info] - Assigned to Mozilla Bugs (mozilla-bugs) | 10:12 |
Webspot | I was about to say | 10:12 |
sits | I've unduped the bug to try and reduce to collateral damage | 10:12 |
Webspot | good | 10:12 |
sits | I can't find the username of email address that has disappeared | 10:13 |
sits | I'm also about to file a bug on this problem too | 10:13 |
sits | https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/114384 | 10:17 |
ubotu | Launchpad bug 114384 in malone "Dead email accounts cause launchpad to mailbomb and crush subscriber inboxes" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 10:17 |
elmo | I've redirected mail to that bug temporarily, which should solve the immediately problem | 10:20 |
elmo | unfortunately I have to get on a plane now, so I can't do anything more | 10:20 |
sits | elmo: thank you | 10:20 |
DarkMageZ | if launchpad was quicker at sending emails out then this would be a much more crippling issue. over the last 12 hours it has only managed to cause 190+ trash emails to all subscribers of 72018. | 10:21 |
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ubotu | New bug: #114384 in malone "Dead email accounts cause launchpad to mailbomb and crush subscriber inboxes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114384 | 10:26 |
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sits | DarkMageZ: thanks for the confirm | 10:27 |
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DarkMageZ | sits, no problem. i've been trying to bring the issue to their attention for over 3 hours | 10:34 |
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sits | why did you resubscribe it to 72018? | 10:36 |
DarkMageZ | reduplicate it to? because once this is all over. it's likely that people will forget to redupe it | 10:37 |
sits | ok | 10:38 |
=== sits tries to wrap up a launchpad essay | ||
sits | it's overlong, unfinished and unfocused at the moment but it might be useful as an "outsider" view | 10:44 |
DarkMageZ | i can just imagine how shitty all those subscribers are going to be | 10:45 |
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sits | DarkMageZ: I'm trying not to think about it | 10:50 |
sits | DarkMageZ: 72018 was a firestorm of "why am I getting the email" grief as it was | 10:51 |
Fujitsu | It's not really LP's fault, but stuff could have been done to prevent it. | 10:51 |
sits | s/the/this | 10:51 |
DarkMageZ | launchpad did what it was coded to do | 10:51 |
sits | Fujitsu: Hindsight is a wonderful thing | 10:53 |
Fujitsu | sits: This isn't the first time it has happened. | 10:53 |
sits | Fujitsu: now that I didn't know | 10:53 |
Fujitsu | Probably the worst instance of it, though. | 10:53 |
sits | I think if bugs are getting over 20 subscribers they need special handling to reduce the fallout of "accidents" | 10:54 |
DarkMageZ | there are 2 proper ways on handling this. first would be to implement abnormality detection. so if something other than the norm is happening, then an email is sent to the admins to sort. | 10:55 |
DarkMageZ | second would to be to set some sort of limiting on the comments from an individual | 10:55 |
sits | what's abnormal though | 10:55 |
sits | ? | 10:55 |
Fujitsu | Having more people than just admins being able to unsubscribe people might be useful. Or having an admin around all the time. | 10:55 |
sits | Fujitsu: by the time an admin knows it might be too late | 10:56 |
DarkMageZ | the abnormal part of this was the amount of comments by one user, one after the other :P | 10:56 |
sits | I'm only here because someone was complaining within the bug itself | 10:56 |
Fujitsu | Hm....... Shouldn't the NDR be coming from postmaster@somedomain, so not from a registered address? | 10:57 |
DarkMageZ | i tried to alert the people in #ubuntu-bugs about 6 hours ago. | 10:57 |
Fujitsu | DarkMageZ: They can't do anything. | 10:57 |
DarkMageZ | i forgot about this channel | 10:57 |
sits | I wouldn't have known where to go | 10:57 |
DarkMageZ | they can't do anything, but they know where to point & poke | 10:57 |
Fujitsu | Only the LP admins can control this. | 10:58 |
Fujitsu | Well, possibly. | 10:58 |
sits | about the best I would have done was unduping that bug and then a new malone bug would have been filed | 10:58 |
Fujitsu | Everybody is leaving UDS at the moment, so it's a particularly bad time. | 10:58 |
sits | UDS? | 10:58 |
DarkMageZ | ubuntu developers summit | 10:58 |
sits | ok | 10:58 |
DarkMageZ | the problem with the internet is stuff can go bad at any time. so like you said before. there should always be someone around to sort stuff out. | 10:59 |
Fujitsu | Giving drivers of a project that ability to unsubscribe someone might be nice. | 11:00 |
sits | hmm | 11:00 |
sits | anyone can subscribe anyone else | 11:00 |
sits | but unsubscribing is not so liberal | 11:00 |
Fujitsu | But those NDRs should never have got to the bug, unless the mailserver is really badly configured. | 11:00 |
Fujitsu | postmaster@somedomain shouldn't be associated with a LP account, so Malone shouldn't accept the email. | 11:01 |
sits | well I thought bounces were distinct from regular mail | 11:01 |
sits | Fujitsu: I see what you mean | 11:01 |
Fujitsu | They are normal messages. | 11:02 |
sits | what about the holiday mail bounces though? | 11:02 |
Fujitsu | Those are always going to happen, because they are indistinguishable from normal emails. | 11:02 |
sits | the question is - can you stop a loop from happening due to poorly configured servers? | 11:03 |
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ubotu | New bug: #114394 in launchpad "the "Show all teams" link opens "all projects" instead of all the teams" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114394 | 11:45 |
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ubotu | New bug: #114414 in launchpad "The latest questions asked shoud only show questions in preferred languages" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114414 | 02:35 |
ubotu | New bug: #114420 in launchpad "Unable to find bug report even when the path is given" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114420 | 03:26 |
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DoctorOwl | Does anyone still think Launchpad should be free and open source? | 04:58 |
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DoctorOwl | Does anyone here help create Launchpad? | 05:18 |
DoctorOwl | Ok let me try another tack, are any big-name projects hosted on Launchpad besides Ubuntu? | 05:24 |
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wingo-pb | hi all. | 06:03 |
wingo-pb | anyone know how often launchpad does mirroring of off-site bzr branches? | 06:03 |
wingo-pb | i have a project that had changes three days ago and the launchpad mirror hasn't updated | 06:04 |
=== wingo-pb investigates "ask a question" | ||
ubotu | New bug: #114453 in malone "Typo on "Add affected source package to bug" page" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114453 | 06:20 |
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Odd_Bloke | Guys, I'm getting a lot of "bzr: ERROR: paramiko.SSHException: Server connection dropped:" due to a connection reset by peer. | 07:45 |
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Odd_Bloke | Is this something at the Launchpad end or something at my end? | 07:52 |
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ubotu | New bug: #114474 in launchpad "Bad Link from crash of artsd on feisty fawn" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/114474 | 08:15 |
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GatoLoko | hi | 09:06 |
ondrej | hi, is there a way to block certain user to add comments (or I should rather say flames) to bug? We have certain user who was dismissed from l10n team recently and he is constantly adding non-constructive comments to all kinds of bug reports and unfortunately it's spamming all members of czech translation team. | 09:07 |
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=== mdke [n=matt@80-43-78-225.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
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=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ubuntu/member/gwaihir] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== jelmer [n=jelmer@a62-251-123-16.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== mwh [n=mwh@sw1v.org] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== tokj [n=tk@] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== jml [n=jml@125-236-193-95.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #launchpad | ||
thumper | morning | 11:35 |
=== Spads [n=spacehob@unaffiliated/spads] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== mpt [n=mpt@canonical/launchpad/mpt] has joined #launchpad | ||
mpt | Gooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 11:48 |
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