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coz_wow this is the least number of individuals I have seen logged on here!01:55
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troy_sdarkmatter: Ping06:32
troy_sdarkmatter: Any progress?06:34
darkmatterlol.. barely.. been running errands for every tom, dick, and harry since yesterday. but am going to try a quick finish of the basics now... not much left as far as a beta goes.. just the sliders and lisview and check/radio and a few smallish tweaks06:36
troy_sdarkmatter: Beta is good.06:45
troy_sdarkmatter: Beta is very good.06:45
troy_sdarkmatter: Seeing as how I intend to make a few minor tweaks, are you cool with that?06:45
troy_s(and by minor i mean the pills in the scrollbars and something akin to that for the progressbars.)06:46
darkmatterI'll probably go a little more pill like with some of the widgets in a later build06:52
darkmatterfor now I'm just slapping stuff together06:52
darkmatterthere's some evil bugs with the gtkrc. but I'm not bothering on fixing them, as I'm working on a new rc anyway06:53
troy_sdarkmatter: Great.  It's getting close to a packaging push so that's why I am curious.06:53
darkmatterright now I'm just fixing the radius on the text shadows and crap, and adjusting the colors. a lot of the old widgets are being reused, just tweaked, which is nice06:55
darkmattersaves me the trouble of having to completely redo everything06:55
troy_sthat's the point, get it out the door.06:57
darkmattergoing to 'attempt' slightly rounded tooltips with a nice gradient. round is kinda easy to pull off if you use compiz or beryl. the shadows create the illusion of rounded corners when used in conjunction with the pixmap06:57
darkmatterdunno if it'll work as well with straight metashitty though06:58
troy_sthey is square07:01
troy_sthe best 'cheat' i have seen is that slightly inset (1 pixel from edge) ring around them07:02
troy_s(again i htink it is spherecrystal that doe sthat)07:02
darkmatteryeah.. I do a 2 pix curve, and color the tooltip bg (not the pixmap overlay) to match as close to the shadow closest to tooltip07:04
darkmatterit works well enough. but until gtk supports proper transparency for the bg its as good as one can get07:05
troy_sdarkmatter: Don't konw if you are interested, but LogoLounge released their 2007 summary07:06
darkmatterhttp://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=471795155&size=o <--- finally. a decent theme for qt. still a bit to snapple with the grads n stuff07:12
darkmatterbut better than the usual glossy web2.0 plastik crap07:12
troy_s"Gloss for glosses sake!07:33
=== wedderburn [n=andrew@ppp194-10.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
darkmatterhey, troy_s are you any good with firefox css?08:01
darkmatterone I get a basic beta done, I need someone who actually is *good* at making form widgets to build me a matching set ;)08:02
darkmattertroy_s, ping09:44
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troy_sdarkmatter: Negative.04:31
troy_sdarkmatter: Or are you talking about strictly theming firefox.04:32
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