
SmokingBloodk :)12:01
cua0nixnooo : there was a command that listed all the devices and their pci id's but i don't remember what it is nwo12:01
nixnooocua0 did u upgrade from edgy? or is it fresh install?12:01
cua0er now12:01
SmokingBloodthanks anyway ;)12:01
=== misfitpierce is away: Busy atm.... Prob out drifting, need me PM me.
cua0nixnooo : fresh install, fiesty.12:01
nixnooocua0 lspci12:01
jrib!away > misfitpierce (see the private message from ubotu)12:01
madman91hey guys.. is it possible to force apt-get or aptitude to install a 32bit package even though i am using 64bit ubuntu?12:01
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BossManiaFlannel you know vsftpd ?12:01
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nixnooomadman91 yes google it12:02
Slartmadman91: I don't you can.. but you can download the package and run dpkg --force-architecture -i packagename.deb12:02
madman91nixnooo: i tried.. but i guess ill try again12:02
FlannelBossMania: Know of.  What about it?12:02
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jamie_I have a router already. Emm I have a eth Conected to the inet and and other connected to clients Right. Now if one client uses p2p it slow down the other internet. any ideas to share bandwidth?12:02
madman91Slart: i know.. but can i use aptitude apt-get to get all deps and stuff?12:02
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SmokingBloodPelo: cna i try the seperate channel for laptops?12:02
cua0nixnooo : lspci should list pci-e as well right?12:02
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Slartmadman91: I don't think so.. but check the man-pages.. man apt or man apt-get12:02
nixnooocua0 i believe so12:02
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BossManiaFlannel i want you try a ftp with me please12:03
cua0okay so aparently my tv tuner is listing as a video card as well. haha frick!12:03
jamie_will nat work as users are on a different ip range?12:03
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madman91Slart: ok.. thanks12:03
PeloSmokingBlood,  I don'T know of such a channel,  if you can find one you are weilcome to ask there12:03
JammasterJayHelp, im just going in circles installing flash....("flash is already installed") i open youtube....(flash is not installed), what gives?12:03
nixnooocua0 i think tahts normal12:03
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Mookiejamie_: Ah, no. No way to fix that. But, the router is not the bottleneck here. It's almost certainly the outgoing pipe. If one users hogs the bandwidth, the other is slow.12:03
HenriqueNetoalgum sabe me dizer qual o driver da nvidia eu tenho que baixar? Eu uso um Core 2 Duo com uma GeForce 650012:03
jrib!br | HenriqueNeto12:04
ubotuHenriqueNeto: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.12:04
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nixnooojamie_ there are programs which restrict bandwidth by process.12:04
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wehttamb_when i try and connect to a wireless network it says trying to connect to wireless network but will not connect. what is wrong12:04
BossManiaFlannel ?12:04
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nixnooojamie_ you could simple set a limit for that particular process.12:04
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FlannelBossMania: what problem do you have with the umask options?12:05
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jamie_what i need it a prog to say bandwith is 237kb 10 users 237/1012:05
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BossManiawhen i have a new files the user can't see the new file12:05
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nixnooojamie_ i dont think thats possible afaik12:05
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jamie_thanks any way!12:06
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jamie_AHHH stuck now12:06
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nonewmsgswhat do i have to do in order to upgrade my moniter.  can i set it so it will automatically detect it or am i going to have to ask wizards for help12:06
aarcaneHi, I want to install Ubuntu on a Dell machine, replacing windows XP, but I do NOT want it to touch the partition table at all.  I just want it to use the existing windows XP partition as is so I can restore it back to the defaults when I'm done.  is this possible ?  I'm okay with always having to boot from CD or something similar.12:07
nixnooojamie_ but you are saying taht one user's p2p prog is hoggin the bw, why not just resitrict that program12:07
Flannelaarcane: Er... what?  Do you have a windows CD?12:07
aroaarcane, you can just boot from the live cd over and over, though you'll have no persistance12:07
jerejammasterjay http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-flash-player-9-in-ubuntu.html12:07
FlannelBossMania: what umasks have you set?12:07
aarcaneFlannel, it's got a custom dell MBR which I don't want to break.12:08
aroaarcane, you can't install ubuntu to an ntfs partition if that's what you're suggesting12:08
Flannelaarcane: so, you don't want to touch the MBR? Or the partition table?12:08
jamie_running a cybercafe people can easy change the setting.12:08
nixnooohe doesnt want to overwrite the mbr, he needs the alternate cd12:08
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aarcanearo, I am shredding the NTFS partition now, but I don't want to change the flags on it or anything.  I just want to use the partition with the wrong type on it and boot using either grub in that partition, or a live CD to boot.12:08
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nixnooohe can write the bootloader to the root partition12:09
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nixnoooaarcane you can use the alternate cd and write grub to the root partition.12:09
aarcanenixnooo, will a windows type bootloader (dell proprietary) still be able to boot the boot loader if the partition is set active (it is by default)12:09
BossManiaFlannel look http://pastebin.ca/48516912:09
aarcanenixnooo, which alternate cd ?12:09
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nixnoooaarcane im not sure ive never tried that before12:10
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HKirigamiI'm trying to run Ubuntu, but I'm getting this error...12:10
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HKirigami"I/O error: Error reading boot CD.".12:10
HKirigamiHow do I fix this?12:11
aarcanethe main point is I want to maintain the dell diagnostic utilities and the recovery partition so I can restore it to defaults when I'm done with it since it's only on loan :)12:11
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nixnoooaarcane feisty and edgy both have "alternate" cds for custom installs that dont use the "live" method, they are text based installers and dont load the OS12:11
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idefixis a keyboard sniffer standard on todays laptops?12:11
nixnoooaarcane i dont think you should be worried grub will recognize the recovery partition and give it an entry12:11
aarcanenixnooo, is that an option from the menu, or is that something different I need to install ?12:12
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jp834618How can I remove the slave drive icon from the desktop12:12
jrib!icons > jp834618 (see the private message from ubotu)12:12
idefixto use a keyboard sniffer is below low right? it's a devious thing, you cannot just get away wit it right? only evil people do it?12:12
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pk4ipanybody else having problems with network manager coming out of suspend?12:13
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HKirigamiSo, um...12:13
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HKirigamiCan anyone help me?12:13
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mikiwe are win in EUROVISION LOL12:13
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jul1609hello (again)12:14
aarcaneidefixactually it's pretty common.  go ahead and install one if you want.12:14
aroHKirigami, have you tested the CD for defects12:14
idefixare you from Serbia, miki?12:14
jereHKirigami: I<m not sure but yr disk is probably scratched or something!^12:14
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BossManiaFlannel ?12:14
HKirigamiAro, whenever I get to the Ubuntu menu, my keyboard doesn't respond.12:14
MookieRhythmbox question: I imported a bunch of *.flac files and the meta data isn't getting retrieved. How does Rhythmbox know what song it is so I can get it to retrieve the Album and Artist names?12:14
HKirigamiJere, the disk is perfectly fine. ^^;;12:14
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jere<HKirigami: sorry don<t know then12:15
aroHKirigami, usb or ps/2 keyboard?12:15
aarcaneHKirigami, you should make sure USB legacy is enabled.12:15
aroHKirigami, do you have usb keyboard/mouse turned on in bios? I had a problem where I couldn't use the keyboard in the ubuntu boot menu because of that.12:16
arothat, too12:16
HKirigamiUm, I'm sorry if I sound stupid, but what's a USB legacy?12:16
HKirigamiI'm still kinda new to this stuff...12:16
aroHKirigami, bios option12:16
aarcaneUSB Legacy is what most bios's call the feature to let a USB keyboard and mouse work instead of a PS/2 one.12:16
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aarcaneHKirigami, those options don't matter once your operating system is running, but to edit your BIOS, or menu on a boot loader, they're very important.12:17
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HKirigamiWhere's a BIOS?12:17
BossManiaFlannel ?12:17
HKirigamiMy friend told me, but I forgot...12:17
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q-tDo you HAVE to have a swap partition when installing xubuntu?12:18
aroHKirigami, press delete as the computer is turning on12:18
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crimsunq-t: no.12:18
aarcaneHKirigami, when you first turn on your machine, you need to hit a certain key or key combo.12:18
d2dchatcan anyone hear me?12:18
crimsund2dchat: no.12:18
jul1609hello, I have here an IBM intellistation M pro, with a sound card Intel 81802 ICH4. I run Ubuntu Feisty, my install is exactly 3 minutes old. I just did a fresh install because I've spent a bloody day on this particular slight problem: there is no bloody sound at all! Neither at start up, nor during use nor during log out. No bad sound, just no sound. I know there is a solution very simple to get it to work because I already came to12:18
d2dchatcrimsun: that's a bad sign12:18
aarcaned2dchat, nope.12:18
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cua0i hate xwindows12:18
crimsunjul1609: your rely is cut off.  Pastebin the output from ``amixer'', then tell me the URL.12:18
cua0i really do12:18
crimsunjul1609: your  /reply/  , rather12:18
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d2dchathaha well fine, can anyone help me figure out why my resolution is stuck in 800x600?12:18
mrdudestrange thing, im trying to install feisty on a computer, and every disk itry shows up to it as a scsi /dev/sda12:18
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mrdudeis that normal?12:19
crimsun!paste >jul160912:19
jul1609crimsun: I'm a 4 months user :s12:19
arod2dchat, what video card do you have12:19
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aarcaned2dchat, you need to edit your xorg.conf12:19
cua0d2dchat: try modifying your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to include higher resolutions?12:19
mobutuwhy does suicidegirls list the real bday of models?12:19
SmokingBloodcrimsun: have the same sndcard except its ich712:19
d2dchataro: it's on the motherboard, VIA chipset i believe12:19
crimsunSmokingBlood: that's not at all the same card.12:19
aarcanecua0, it's not xwindowS, it's the X Window System.  no S on Window.12:19
HKirigamiSo, I need to go to this BIOS thing and enable...12:19
SmokingBloodsame typenumber12:19
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cua0aarcane : well until it works properly i'm not going to honor it with its true name.12:20
arod2dchat, I don't know on those obscure onboard cards, you might have to google it and edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf accordingly12:20
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HKirigamiUSB Legacy?12:20
cheeseboyhow do i empty trash?12:20
aarcaneHKirigami, yes.  and you'll need a PS/2 keyboard to do it.12:20
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aroHKirigami, in my bios it's listed as "USB Keyboard/Mouse support"12:20
HKirigamiPS/2 keyboard?12:20
jribcheeseboy: file -> empty trash   in nautilus12:20
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HKirigamiHmmm. Unsure if Dad has one.12:20
crimsunSmokingBlood: that means absolutely nothing.12:20
einwortalguien habla espaol, necesito ayuda12:20
spasticteapotCould anyone help me get my soundcard to work? It's an M-audio Audiophile USB soundcard - I think with the Envy chipset.12:20
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cheeseboyjrib ?12:20
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:20
aarcaneHKirigami, you can get one at goodwill or deseret for a buck.12:21
idefixwhat is a prc file?12:21
crimsunspasticteapot: see #ubuntustudio12:21
jribcheeseboy: to empty trash12:21
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jerearo+aarcane: but the USB is enabled with the livecd install, no^12:21
d2dchatbut in the xorg config file it lists more than 800x600 in the dimensions for depth 24 which it is using12:21
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arojere, he can't use his keyboard at boot menu12:21
aarcanejere, yes, but not until the kernel is loaded, which comes after the aforementioned menu.12:21
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scotv453Quick question. What is the command to use to display information about my system specs12:21
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InquisitionUm, hi. I'm getting this error message when I try to start up: RecoveryManager (Warning) nm_hal_deinit...12:21
cheeseboyjrib its grayed out12:21
aarcanescotv453, cat12:21
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HoocH_LAPFor some reason my sound stop working, I get the log on sound in ubuntu, but I do not get any kind of sound out when playing a sound file :(12:22
skinnypuppy1334I found an interesting way to fix resolution problems, boot with the live CD... copy the contents of its xorg.conf to the xorg.conf of the hdd install.  In my case the boot cd would get me to 1600 1200 , but the reconfigure xserver-xorg just didn't do it12:22
jribcheeseboy: is your trash already empty?12:22
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HKirigamiI told my Dad about what you guys said and he said he'll check it out.12:22
cheeseboyjrib no i just deleted some files12:23
aarcaneHKirigami, good luck :)12:23
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mrdudeby the live cd you mean install cd or is there a seperate thing?12:23
=== HKirigami does not want to mess with anything on her computer that's advanced. She's not that...Um...Experienced.
cheeseboyb/c its saying my hds full12:23
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aarcaneHKirigami, it's easy.12:23
HKirigamiThanks, Aarcane. ^^12:23
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lucahi everyone12:23
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aarcaneHKirigami, where in the world are you, maybe one of us could help you out.12:23
mrdudeHKirigami get a mac12:23
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jribcheeseboy: ls ~/.Trash     does it list anything?12:23
skinnypuppy1334Yeah the ubuntu install cd, that also boot to live ubuntu demo like knoppix12:23
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jul1609crimsun: been trying to send you the output of amixer, but gaim crashes12:24
HKirigamiI can't give out personal info.12:24
aarcaneHKirigami, if you've got two computers and a webcam/digi-cam, I could help you that way.12:24
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jul1609what am I supposed to look for?12:24
JammasterJayInstalling flash...im using Ubuntu 6.06 LTS...however my flash install is asking for a kabuntu disk, why is that?12:24
HKirigamiWell, Dad said he'll look.12:24
lucadoes anyone know how to embed, say, evince into firefox as a plugin (such as acrobat for mozilla or kpdf for konqueror)?12:24
hreiser!find autocad12:24
cheeseboyjrib i actually want to empty another users trash12:24
SmokingBloodjul1609: the output is uploaded to website?12:24
ubotuPackage/file autocad does not exist in feisty12:24
=== EurkY is away: partie ailleurrrrrrrssssssssss!!!!!
aarcaneHKirigami, okay.  stop by when you get it working then to let us know :)12:24
aroaarcane, that just sounds creepy12:24
jul1609to which website?12:24
HKirigamiAlright, I will! ^o^12:24
khinhi, im trying to install some libraries for the first time on linux. the installation instructions say there needs to be a file called ld.so.conf. its not in the /etc directory. do i need to create it?12:24
jribcheeseboy: so empty ~thatuser/.Trash12:24
mrdudecheeseboy should be in /home/usr/.Trash12:24
HKirigamiAnyways, my parents are going out somewhere and I've gotta go with them.12:25
aarcanearo, I've done alot of tech support over webcam.  it works well, point it at the monitor and tell someone what to push :P12:25
iMacThere4iAmhey, ubuntu freezes at the login screen for me every time, anyone help?12:25
stefg!away| EurkY12:25
ubotuEurkY: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines and !nickspam12:25
crimsunjul1609: use http://pastebin.ca12:25
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HKirigamiI'll be back!12:25
mrdudeer /home/usernamehere/.Trash12:25
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cheeseboywas empty commnd?12:25
SmokingBloodjul1609: try these 2 scritps12:25
aarcaneHKirigami, bye arnold12:25
jul1609ok hold on12:25
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mrdudejust delete the files in there12:25
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jerejammaster: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-flash-player-9-in-ubuntu.html12:25
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jribcheeseboy: rm -rf   do not make a typo since it's not reversible12:25
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BossManiaFlannel ?12:25
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aarcanedamn shred is slow when running from a live CD :(12:26
SmokingBloodjul1609: you only need alsa-info and amixer-info12:26
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ducktap1Question: I've installed Pidgin (compiled it from the source); now I want to make a menu-item; where on my system can I find the icon?12:26
khinld.so is apparently the gnu linker, right? does this come automatically with gcc etc?12:26
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FlannelBossMania: What isn't working properly?  Where are the people "not seeing" the files?12:26
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jul1609scuse guys if I sound on edge, I've been on it for 24h, it's driving me nuts :s12:26
johnficcahas anyone installed the new aptana web m8 on ubuntu 64 bit?12:26
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aarcanekhin, I don't think your system would boot without it.12:26
SmokingBloodhave no sound since edgy couple of months ago :p12:26
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jul1609pastebin: done12:27
khinoh. well why when i do a search for it, it does not show up12:27
BossManiaFlannel it's a virtual user12:27
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jribkhin: what are you trying to do?12:27
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jul1609edgy didn't like my card either12:27
SmokingBloodi suggest you make a new thread in the uvntu forums12:27
crimsunSmokingBlood: did you pastebin your alsa-info.sh URL, too?12:27
BossManiaFlannel the user can't see the files12:27
FlannelBossMania: so, he uploads a file, and then doesn't see it?12:27
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SmokingBloodmade a new thread12:27
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jul1609Ihad found hope last month when I just twinkled my card last month and everything was cool...12:27
BossManiaFlannel yes !!!12:27
SmokingBloodcrimsun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44158712:28
BossManiait's my probleme Flannel12:28
jul1609that's for amixer12:28
crimsunSmokingBlood: no, I need the URL.  I don't read the forums.12:28
khinwell, what im trying to do is edit a file called ld.so.conf which should be in my /etc directory, except it isn't.12:28
FlannelBossMania: and if you go look at the file, what are the permissions/ownership of that file?12:28
pyropshow do i get "direct rendering" to "yes"  (glxinfo | grep direct)12:28
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afiefmy sound driver stops working randomly. any idea what i can do about it?12:28
SmokingBloodcrimsun: alsa-info http://pastebin.ca/45126612:28
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q-tis there a way to not use my ATI card, but to just use a lower graphic setting? if so, how? Because it seems to me it just wont go....12:28
jul1609SmokingBlood: do you need need anything else?12:28
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Belgarath_pyrops!   do you use ATI ???12:28
SmokingBloodcrimsun: amixer-info http://pastebin.ca/48517212:29
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BossManiaflannel i set chmod 777 -R12:29
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aarcanepyrops, it doesn't work with beryl/compiz.  any other way, you need to configure your ATI or NVIDIA drivers properly.12:29
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crimsunjul1609: try this command /exactly/ in a Terminal:  amixer set 'External Amplifier' mute12:29
FlannelBossMania: don't.  That's stupid.12:29
FylkHey guys, can I have some help building the new version of Pidgin?12:29
strabesomg, i have to celebrate. i finally got my printer working after a year of it sitting in the basement because i thought it was broken.12:29
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FlannelBossMania: but, what permission and owner does the file get when uploaded?12:29
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strabesand it was as simple as browsing to localhost:631 and adding it. omg.12:29
q-tpyrops: having trouble with an ATI card?12:29
pyropsso you have any idea how i can make in beryl my window manager12:29
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vorboteFylk: best way is to grab the sources from debian and port them.12:30
SmokingBloodjul1609: no12:30
SmokingBloodjul1609: no12:30
pyropsq-t yes12:30
crimsunSmokingBlood: that's only amixer.  I need alsa-info.sh12:30
BossManiaFlannel i don't know ...12:30
aarcanepyrops, never used it.  read a manual somewhere.12:30
SmokingBloodjul1609: sry :)12:30
Belgarath_apt-get beryl12:30
jul1609SmokingBlood, no?12:30
Belgarath_apt-get install beryl12:30
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BossManiaFlannel you see the .conf ?12:30
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SmokingBloodjul1609: let them look at the scripts :p12:30
FylkVorbote: How do I do that?12:30
crimsunjul1609: aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav12:30
pyropsBelgarath_:  i have beryl12:30
SmokingBloodcrimsun: posted both12:30
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FlannelBossMania: the pastebin has gone away, you'll need to repaste.  But, really, you need to know what permissions the file gets when uploaded, and things of that sort.12:30
jul1609what about the last command, amixer set 'External Amplifier' mute12:30
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=== Peter [i=peter@about/uk/about/fish/pdpc.student.Peter] has joined #ubuntu
Flannel!prevu | Fylk12:31
vorboteFylk: You use pbuilder for starters.12:31
q-tpyrops: me too:P What kind of card do you have? I have an ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600....on a laptop HP Compaq nc600012:31
ubotuFylk: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details12:31
SmokingBloodcrimsun: alsa-info http://pastebin.ca/45126612:31
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ttjlhi all12:31
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Peterim installing wacom-kernel-source, i get the error:12:31
BossManiaok Flannel i test12:31
jul1609crimsun: nada12:31
ttjlcould someone tell me where the theme folder is?12:31
PeterError: kernel headers not found in '/usr/src/linux/'12:31
pyropsi have x1600 mobility radeon, for toshiba satellite12:31
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FylkIs there any reason not to build it myself?12:31
Peter:/ any ideas?12:31
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khindoes anyone know what ld.so.conf is12:31
stefg! bery |l Belgarath_: ummm. this channel is not your terminal, see12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:31
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stefg!beryl |l Belgarath_: ummm. this channel is not your terminal, see12:31
ubotul Belgarath_: ummm. this channel is not your terminal, see: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:31
iMacThere4iAmhey, ubuntu freezes at the login screen for me every time, can anyone help me find what's wrong?12:32
khinand why it isn't in my /etc directory12:32
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crimsunjul1609: mute jack sense12:32
jribkhin: have you installed build-essential?12:32
ttjlWhere is the THEME folder for BERYL12:32
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Belgarath_pyrops try this url:: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_beryl_ati_radeon12:32
jul1609crimsun: ?12:32
stefg!beryl | ttjl12:32
ubotuttjl: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:32
BossManiacan i give you a login in this ftp Flannel ? i want you test please12:32
q-tthe Xorg 7.0 Release Notes says that my card can only do 2D....12:32
vorboteFylk: the tips (I did the backporting by hand) is to change the dependency from libnss3-dev to libnss-dev, remove the avahi-compat-howl-dev dependency and add --with-nss-includes=/usr/include/firefox/nss and --with-nspr-include=/usr/include/firefox/nspr12:32
crimsunSmokingBlood: you need these:  http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/test-azx-stac92xx-fixes/12:32
cua0Belgarath_ : thats the tutorial i was following and bricked my X12:33
q-tis this a big problem ?12:33
crimsunjul1609: amixer set 'Jack Detect' mute12:33
cua0now i can't get it to boot X at all12:33
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jul1609crimsun: right and done12:33
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void^khin: ld.so.conf isn't required. the default path is explained in 'man ldconfig'12:33
=== Pepper GetRight [-------------------] ubuntu-6.10-server-i386.iso (451.73MB) 4% Speed: 57.2K/sec Time left: 2:08:21 http://ftp.citylink.co.../ubuntu-6.10-server-i386.iso
chrisbudden14how can i get nmap to output the mac address of the ip being scanned?12:33
FlannelBossMania: fine12:33
afiefmy sound driver stops working randomly. any idea what i can do about it?12:33
ttjlok so umm where is the beryl folder?12:33
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jul1609Crimsun: PROBLEM SOLVED: YOU ROCK!12:33
SmokingBloodcrimsun: wher do i put these12:33
MarkeHlo folks12:33
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stefgttjl: please ask in #ubuntu-effects12:34
SmokingBloodcrimsun: or is it some kind of path12:34
SmokingBloodcrimsun: patch12:34
jul1609crimsun: Now, how can I make sure that when I'll reboot, it'll still be ok?12:34
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MarkeHMy problem is here... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=441608 - Anybody have a clue? Its driving me nuts :(12:34
LordGreyhoundttjl: I suggest you perform a quick search for it :)12:34
kalifornia909can someone help me with an usb hub problem12:34
ttjlhmm that didnt work12:34
crimsunjul1609: sudo alsactl store12:34
BossManiaFlannel look your query12:34
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jul1609crimsun: done12:35
ttjlok found it12:35
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crimsunjul1609: you're good to go.12:35
jul1609now, I reboot, I'll still have sound?12:35
jul1609(sorry, I can't believe it, wow!)12:35
crimsunjul1609: yes, you will.12:35
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crimsunSmokingBlood: replace your existing ones.12:35
iMacThere4iAmhey, ubuntu freezes at the login screen for me every time, can anyone help me find what's wrong?12:35
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jul1609thank you so much dude, and SmokingBlood too, thx a lot12:35
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jul1609see you next time guys12:36
crimsunSmokingBlood: see `modinfo snd-hda-intel|grep ^filename|awk '{print $2}'`12:36
SmokingBloodjul1609: yw12:36
kalifornia909i have a usb hub that isnt getting recognized by ubuntu12:36
mike_iMacThere4iAm:  Installed all updates?12:36
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iMacThere4iAmmike_: it's a brand new install12:36
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iMacThere4iAmmike_: i can't login to it at all12:37
JammasterJayHas anyone successful installed the flash plugin to there system?12:37
khiniMacThere4iAm, you sure you burned the ISO correctly12:37
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iMacThere4iAmkhin: i'll check, brb12:37
SmokingBloodcrimsun: i just replace them?12:37
shatratJammasterJay, it should be as simple as installing flash-plugin-nonfree I believe12:37
mike_iMacThere4iAm:  oh i see catch 2212:37
crimsunSmokingBlood: yes.12:37
jereyo jam master jay. i<ve posted and answer three times. i got mine working12:37
iMacThere4iAmmike_: exactly12:37
erUSULJammasterJay: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'12:37
JammasterJayYep, i did everything in the post12:38
erUSUL!flash > JammasterJay12:38
ttjlWhy when i try to extract does it say I dont have permission-I am the only user12:38
rollerskatejammsAnybody know how I might run a game that requires a 2.2.x kernel?12:38
pyropsso what if now my card is "unsupported"12:38
pyropsisnt there anychance?12:38
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isthatallanyone familiar with "open type fonts" and ubuntu? I have a great font, and it displays correctly in the fonts:// in nautilus, but it won't apply anywhere...does ubuntu not support "open type fonts"? it has a .otf extension12:38
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Belgarath_what card do you have?12:38
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pushpop`How do I enable a folder I shared via samba to have  write access from my windows machine?12:38
stp2007Hi, I just managed to set up and connect with my wireless card. However I am experiencing some results which lead me to think things might not be perfect. Basically I can connect to reddit.com (which is very simple pretty much text only - so small as well). However when I try to connect to Mozilla Thunderbird site or CNN the pageload fails half way through. Finally, I can connect to cnn or thunderbird sites with my XP computer at the same time so I don't12:38
stp2007 think those pages/sites are down. Any thoughts?12:38
ttjldont have permission to extract wtf>12:39
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maikolis the livecd install better than the iso install or is one just prettier?12:39
khinif i installed build essential, should there be an ld.so.conf file in my /etc directory12:39
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khincause there isn't12:39
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MrKeunerhi, sometimes gnome windows that has been maximized cannot be unmaximized. does anybody else has that problem? it is very annoying, you click on unmaximize and instead of going back to the previous dimension before maximized, it just unmaximizes just a very little bit that you can hardly catch the windows form its edges and shrink it dragging it with the mouse. Why does that happen?12:40
Flannelkhin: no.12:40
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erUSULrollerskatejamms: if it worked in a 2.2 kernel it should work in a 2.6 kernel afaics12:40
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SmokingBloodcrimsun: ill just try a reboot and hopes it works ;)12:40
lukeallenCan someone help me get my optical-out sound working in Feisty?12:40
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LordGreyhoundis there anywhere I can go on the ubuntu live cd to see if it recognizes my bluetooth device ? and also be able to use it12:40
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khinwell, what is this file cause some installation i am trying to do makes reference to editing it12:40
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defconwhy when I switch workspaces in gnome, the desk switcher at the bottom does not stay12:41
iMacThere4iAmkhin: I think the disc might have errors12:41
Flannelkhin: That file only exists in mindi, which is doubtfully what you're looking for.  Which installation is this?12:41
iMacThere4iAmkhin: i'll burn a new one12:41
SmokingBloodcrimsun: thanks for helping me out :)12:41
LordGreyhoundis there anywhere I can go on the ubuntu live cd to see if it recognizes my bluetooth device ? and also be able to use it12:41
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kalifornia909can anyone here help me with a usb hub not taking an address12:42
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MarkeHIm having problems with WINE/Steam on 7.04(64bit) Details are here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=441608 Can anybody help me? :(12:42
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barbarella_meLordGreyhound:depends if it is supported12:42
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FlannelMarkeH: try #winehq12:42
stp2007bHi, I just managed to set up and connect with my wireless card. However I am experiencing some results which lead me to think things might not be perfect. Basically I can connect to reddit.com (which is very simple pretty much text only - so small as well). However when I try to connect to Mozilla Thunderbird site or CNN the pageload fails half way through. Finally, I can connect to cnn or thunderbird sites with my XP computer at the same time so I don'12:42
pushpop`How do I enable a folder I shared via samba to have  write access from my windows machine?12:42
stp2007bt think those pages/sites are down. Any thoughts?12:42
a5teR1xi'm having trouble resetting my Gnome 'applications' menu12:42
a5teR1xI would like to know where it is stored so that I can reset the menu! Any help would be greatly appreciated!12:43
MarkeHThanks Flannel12:43
defconwhy when I switch workspaces in gnome, the desk switcher at the bottom does not stay in other desktops12:43
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gordonjcpstp2007b: when you say the page load fails, what *exactly* happens?12:43
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barbarella_mestp2007b:thunderbird, or firefox?12:43
LordGreyhoundbarbarella_me: and where can I see if it's supported ?12:43
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LordGreyhoundit recognizes it in the device manager12:43
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barbarella_meLordGreyhound:just by booting the live cd12:44
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xImortal(#ubuntu) tem 1278 users.12:44
aztracker1can someone in here do me a favor and pull up http://artrazo.com/  see if it comes up okay?  the site use javascript and flash...12:44
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LordGreyhoundin kubuntu I was able to use if from the get-go12:44
aztracker1was having issues, rebooted my firewall.12:44
LordGreyhoundI didn't have to install a thing12:44
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JammasterJayStill no go on the flash install, installing alien isnt successful (missing plugins), downloading from adobe unsuccessful (can't convert rpm file), installing flash-non free is successful however after restarting my browser several times, youtube tells me (i either dont have javascript enabled or no flash), any other suggestions?12:45
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kalifornia909!usb hub12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb hub - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
khinalright how about something else. what is the ldconfig command?12:45
a5teR1xaztracker1: your site hell a lot of time to load!12:45
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jerejammaster: http://mattdunlap.smartlegacy.com/2007/05/02/installing-flash-on-an-amd64-machine-with-ubuntu-feisty/12:45
khinbecause that too talks about ld.so.conf, my nonexistent file12:46
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stp2007bgordonjcp, barbarella_me, I'm using firefox. I was attempting to download thunderbird and noticed the page load problem. What is happening is that when I try to access the thunderbird website (or cnn) the status bar just says "looking up www.mozilla.com" for a LONG LONG time.12:46
aztracker1a5teR1x, yeah, it's about 200k on the main load, most of that gets cached though.12:46
khinin its man page12:46
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gordonjcpstp2007b: hm12:46
gordonjcpsignal strength ok?12:46
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JammasterJayjere: ok...i have drapper, but theres a change this will work?12:47
barbarella_mestp2007b:are you a long way from your wireless router?12:47
stp2007bgordonjcp, me? wrt signal strength? I'll see if I can figure that out?12:47
stp2007bbarbarella_me, no it is 6 feet away. My WinXP wireless right next to me has no issues with the same wireless router.12:47
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kalifornia909are there any commands to mount a usb hub12:48
compengifor pidgin 2.0 which is better to install it from compiling a source? or getting it from http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=817 ?12:48
gordonjcpstp2007b: actually, you said it worked in XP12:48
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gordonjcpstp2007b: is that with the same card on the same machine in the same place?12:48
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shark-1can anyone help me install ubuntu on my HP Pavillion Notebook12:48
gordonjcpstp2007b: oh, of course, you should try using a wired connection, just to make sure it *is* the wireless link that's the problem12:49
Flannelcompengi: package management is always better than from source.12:49
khincould somebody help me install ubuntu on my toaster12:49
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thugInternal error failed to initialize HAL!  thats what i get when i start my fresh installed ubuntu box any idea ?12:49
zubov_in Feisty is there a way to make the cpu scaling scale ondemand with the AC plugged to the laptop instead of being full speed. Full speed generates to much heat for no reason in my lap12:49
gordonjcpnn all12:49
JammasterJayJere: Trying to access your link turns up: you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:12:49
iMacThere4iAmkhin: can you tell me how to check if my cd is burned ok?12:49
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musya3dwhats a command to search for files in command line?12:49
jerezubov: i had the same problem, dust in the fan!!!12:49
JammasterJayI think reason #1 is that its just not my day12:49
compengiFlannel, but isn't the same since it's not an official deb source from feisty12:49
=== swj [n=steven@c-68-63-225-166.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
defconwhy when I switch workspaces in gnome, the desk switcher at the bottom does not stay in other desktops12:49
barbarella_mestp2007b:try to type your isp dns in /etc/resolv.conf, and not the router.12:50
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defconit dissapears12:50
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khinim not sure. when i installed ubuntu i just made sure i did exactly what the instructions said, and it worked12:50
stp2007bgordonjcp, yes it worked with my XP computer. The card is not the same. My XP has a built in wireless "card". My Ubuntu installed laptop has an external wireless card. Finally when I hook up the Ubuntu physically to the net (wired connection) there isn't an issue.12:50
zubov_jere,  it works fine the way It should when on battery. I want the same behavior with the AC12:50
=== Hazar [n=dillon@71-222-214-106.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelcompengi: what?  "from source" isn't easily reversible.  package management is removable cleanly.  If oyu'd like, you could backport it from debian unstable (since it's not in Gutsy yet) using something like prevu12:50
jp834618how can i delete the slave HDD icon on my desktop12:50
musya3danybody know?12:51
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barbarella_memusya3d>:locate, or find12:51
gordonjcpstp2007b: assuming you're fairly close to the wireless AP, you can probably rule out signal strength ;-)12:51
Flannelmusya3d: locate is one, find is another12:51
=== gunia [n=gunia@dyv242.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
gordonjcpstp2007b: what kind of card?12:51
JammasterJayIs there a program that keeps track of all the junk programs i install, and a method of undoing the files?12:51
jerezubov: you can under-clock your cpu when it starts getting too hot with an aplet in the toolbar12:51
FlannelJammasterJay: How are you installing said junk programs?12:51
musya3dFlannel: just find filename?12:52
barbarella_meJammasterJay: man apt12:52
=== testing [i=99@cpe-72-179-128-236.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
stp2007bgordonjcp, Yes I don't think it is signal strength. Wireless Assistant gives link quality 6 gold stars.12:52
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JammasterJayFlannel: some synapic some by terminal some by add/remove12:52
barbarella_meJammasterJay: for removing it is12:52
kalifornia909Can anyone help mount a usb hub please12:52
ionstormwhy when I switch workspaces in gnome, the desk switcher at the bottom does not stay in other desktops??12:52
ionstormit just vanishes12:52
FlannelJammasterJay: but, all from the repository?  Then you can remove them all by any package manager: apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, adept, etc12:52
JammasterJayman apt...i see12:52
thugInternal error failed to initialize HAL!  thats what i get when i start my fresh installed ubuntu box any idea ?12:52
gordonjcpstp2007b: I don't know, could be a problem with the card - some aren't well supported12:52
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zubov_jere, yeah, I have already done that... :) I just would like it work like it did in Dapper... :) Appreciate your suggestion.12:53
gordonjcpstp2007b: could be something daft like a bad DNS12:53
testingJust connected using gaim. Didn't know you could do that12:53
stp2007bgordonjcp, its a common chipset, I figured that out a while back, just trying to find my notes.12:53
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rollerskatejammsAnybody know how I might run a game that requires a 2.2.x kernel?12:53
barbarella_mekalifornia909:mount a usb hub?12:53
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NrbelexUbuntuHow does one change the permission options on multiple files using thunar? I can't even do it as root.12:53
Hooked-On-GLkalifornia909:  USB hubs tend not to have filesystems, so I don't see how you could mount one12:53
rollerskatejammsHooked-On-GL, You obviously don't have a magical usb hub.12:54
JammasterJayFlannel: Didn't quite understand that...but i'll research your google to find out what your tellin me12:54
Flannelrollerskatejamms: which game? You might want to get a newer version12:54
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Hooked-On-GLnot yet, anyway12:54
Belgarath_<NrbelexUbuntu> thats why you got a Terminal12:54
JammasterJaywith google12:54
stp2007bgordonjcp, its a RalinkRT2500 chipset. I've been using the following (among others) as reference during the setup:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT250012:54
peterkarollerskatejamms: What games.Loki games?It will work12:54
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rollerskatejammsFlannel, There is no newer version. Its the old Loki Games port of Soldier of Fortune12:54
rollerskatejammsIts not working.12:54
stp2007bgordonjcp, would bad DNS screw up my wireless but not wired connection?12:54
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NrbelexUbuntuBelgarath, is their a guide I can follow to do it through the terminal?12:54
FlannelJammasterJay: You can remove them through any package manager.  Synaptic is one, apt-get is one, etc.  It doesn't matter how you instlaled each one (as long as theyre all package management), you can remove them through any manager12:54
=== majnoon [n=majnoon@c-76-104-104-86.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SafroleAnyone know of a package in the ubuntu repository for playing real player files?12:55
jp834618can i use 35 bit applications in 64 bit ubuntu?12:55
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kalifornia909Hookd-On-GL any idea how to get it working. im getting a device not accepting address 38, error -7112:55
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JammasterJayFlannel: Ah ok...great, thanks...i'll do that12:55
Flannel!chroot | jp83461812:55
ubotujp834618: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box12:55
barbarella_mestp2007b:could be for name lookups12:55
MrKeunerhi, sometimes gnome windows that has been maximized cannot be unmaximized. does anybody else has that problem? it is very annoying, you click on unmaximize and instead of going back to the previous dimension before maximized, it just unmaximizes just a very little bit that you can hardly catch the windows form its edges and shrink it dragging it with the mouse. Is it a bug? If yes, it has been there since i knew myself.12:55
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Belgarath_<Safrole> You need to download and install that app manually12:55
Flannel!real | Safrole12:56
padeehi all. is there a way how to fix, lock and restore the desktop? any desktop-specialists available?12:56
ubotuSafrole: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:56
stp2007bbarbarella_me, ok I'm not up to speed on that. Any suggestions on where to look to see if that is the problem?12:56
emoryhey all, i was wondering if anybody else has trouble with resolution choices after installation of the nvidia restricted driver?12:56
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moDumassmorning all, i restarted because everything was crashing, and now when i try to log in i get this message "GDM could not write to your authorization file. This could mean that you are out of disk space ...... Please contact your system administrator12:56
SafroleThank you12:56
moDumassi have about 100 gigs free12:56
peterkarollerskatejamms: I have Sof and it work. Sof have two instalers12:56
moDumassany idea why this would happen?12:56
VSpikeprevu is really neat12:56
barbarella_mestp2007b:try it, if it doesn't work, you can have a driver issue.12:56
VSpikeemory: yes12:56
=== Amadeo [n=amadeo@c-68-50-168-95.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammspeterka, It works on 7.04? How?12:56
yagami_can someone tell me why i am getting this error msg when trying to install openoffice writer?12:56
VSpikeemory: use nvidia-settings instead of the gnome/kde tools12:57
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stp2007bbarbarella_me, try what? Did I miss something?12:57
yagami_i can install openoffice-base/calc and others. but not writer.12:57
rollerskatejammspeterka, Where's the other installer?12:57
barbarella_mestp2007b:try to type your isp dns in /etc/resolv.conf, and not the router.12:57
yagami_something about short read_in buffer copy.12:57
emoryVSpike: when using nvidia-settings, it tells me that the only resolution choice i have is "Auto"12:57
ApeezeeI messed with my mouse settings and now my scrollwheel's axis is mess up, Is that most likely an issue with the "zaxismapping" function of xorg.conf?12:57
peterkarollerskatejamms: text installer12:57
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stp2007bbarbarella_me, ah, ok, sec.12:57
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ionstormim having problems with gnome taskswitcher12:57
JammasterJayFlannel: One last question, if I instal with synaptic for example...but the install goes to 99% then konks out for whatever reason...are 0 files installed or am i left with fragmented files?12:57
Amadeo7.04 won't install for me for some reason...hangs on the initial loading screen and gives me a device i/o error12:57
rollerskatejammspeterka, The text installer doesn't work.12:57
ionstormanyone know anything about gnome12:57
VSpikeemory: oh.. really? wierd.  I didn't have *that* problem :)12:57
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ionstormwhen I switch workspaces the taskbar at the bottom doesnt stay12:58
kalifornia909anyone know why i would get an error of  device not accepting address 38, error -7112:58
emoryVSpike: think you could point me in the right direction to fixing this problem? i have checked the basics, but...no dice so far.12:58
=== tedubuntu [n=teddy@dyn-83-156-206-98.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
padeehi all. is there a way how to fix, lock and restore the desktop? any desktop-specialists available?12:58
yagami_kalifornia909: a hard disk?12:58
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rollerskatejammspeterka, bash: ./setup.sh: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied12:59
kalifornia909yagami_, usb hub12:59
emoryanyone know why nvidia-settings wouldnt be able to set my resolution for my restricted drivers? my only choice is "Auto"01:00
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VSpikeemory: sorry ... I'm out of my depth there01:00
=== d2dchat [n=lance@c-68-40-195-141.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULkalifornia909: it is, afaics a kernel driver bug...01:00
emoryVSpike: no problem, thanks for trying :-)01:00
peterkarollerskatejamms: sh ./setup.sh01:00
erUSUL|bugs | kalifornia90901:00
rollerskatejammspeterka, tried that too01:00
erUSUL!bugs | kalifornia90901:00
ubotukalifornia909: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:00
d2dchatcan anyone help me get out of 800x600 mode?? I01:00
rollerskatejammspeterka, sh setup.sh01:01
rollerskatejammssetup.sh: 9: function: not found01:01
erUSUL!fixres > d2dchat01:01
d2dchatI'm looking at xorg.conf and it's not helping because it loosk right01:01
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emoryd2dchat: do you use nvidia restricted drivers?01:01
=== ruif13 [n=infernal@a83-132-58-26.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
ruif13hi :(01:01
tamnot sure if this is a vista or an ubuntu thing so here goes: i am connecting to my vista box via ubuntu via RDP and it will only show 16 bit colours, does anyone know how i can configure iether ubuntu or vista to display 24 bit?01:01
d2dchatI have VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8378 [S3 UniChrome]  Integrated Video (rev 01)01:01
d2dchatemory: ^01:01
EcoBlueWelcome. Welcome to City 17. You have chosen, or have been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by out benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through to parts unknown, welcome to City 17. It's safer here.01:01
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ruif13i have problem i can't do shutdown because apears only halt01:01
barbarella_mepeterka:sudo sh setup.sh01:02
d2dchatemory: any ideas?01:02
padeehi all. is there a way how to fix, lock and restore the desktop? any desktop-specialists available?01:02
peterkarollerskatejamms: try sudo sh setup.sh01:03
rollerskatejammspeterka, I'm already root01:03
ruif13please :(01:03
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rollerskatejammsSame function not found error peterka01:03
ruif13when i shutdown apears only halt and i need to press powerbutton01:03
ruif13any ideias?01:03
emorycan anyone help me out with my restricted nvidia drivers? i cant change resolutions, even with nvidia-settings...?01:03
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barbarella_meruif13:it is an acpi problem. What hardware you have?01:04
jereruif13> terminal> sudo halt01:04
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d2dchatcan anyone help me with my xorg.conf? I'm stuck in 800x600.. a pastebin of my xorg file is here:01:04
=== matte [n=matte@c-69-140-1-112.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
testingHere's a question -- The time on my ubuntu machines at school is always 6 hours behind. Even after setting the clock, rebooting the machine kicks it back 6 hours again. Any concept of where I can look to get a handle on the clock?01:05
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iMacThere4iAmemory: tried https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/91292 or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto ?01:05
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emoryiMacThere4iAm: tried what?01:05
iMacThere4iAmemory: looking at those two links01:05
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d2dchatanyone? http://pastebin.ca/48524901:06
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d2dchati'm stuck in 800x60001:06
kalifornia909does ubuntu detect usb printers01:06
rollerskatejammstesting, Sounds like your CMOS battery is out.01:06
nelsonuwpok, tryin to stream a movie off of tv-links, its divix, not working and I installed the media connectivity plugin for firefox and i have vlc installed01:06
rollerskatejammstesting, If a cmos battery is dead the time will constantly reset.01:06
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nelsonuwpbig red x01:06
Prospero2008Nope, my CMOS is fine. It happens on like 10 machines. I have a computer lab01:06
thughow do i start the services config tool from command line01:06
rollerskatejammsnelsonuwp, It !worksforme, try installing ALL the gstreamer packages except fluendo01:07
emoryiMacThere4iAm: thanks I will try that. appreciate the help :-)01:07
arokalifornia909, yes01:07
=== jp834618 [n=jp@c-75-70-86-230.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cretep50hello. qparted worked but made a list of avail operating systems that included ubuntu 2 or three times.01:07
stefgtesting: probably set to a wrong timezone (UTC) . adjust it with sudo tzconfig01:07
Prospero2008ty, I'll try it01:07
=== pyrops [n=nicke@host86-129-108-7.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cretep50then i upgraded to Eft and there are now Six copies of ubuntu on the bootup list. weird.01:07
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nelsonuwprollerskatejamms, is there an easy way to do that or do I have to install each one indiviually?01:08
Cretep50other os is xp and the machine is a thinkpad r50e01:08
pyropsmy wireless network went away after i rebooted01:08
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rollerskatejammsnelsonuwp, just use synaptic. There aren't that many.01:08
pyropshow can i get it back?01:08
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DefianI need help getting the sound to work in quake3, I get "cannot mmap /dev/dsp"01:08
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EnverexDoes anyone know if there is a fglrx version 8.28.8 .deb package for Ubuntu anywhere?01:08
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Prospero2008Local time is now:      Sat May 12 12:05:36 CDT 2007.01:09
Prospero2008Universal Time is now:  Sat May 12 17:05:36 UTC 2007.01:09
Prospero2008Universal time is correct01:09
Prospero2008Local is still behind01:09
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museist'a correct01:09
Prospero2008My question: What should Universal time be -- GMT ?01:09
stp2007bbarbarella_me, thanks for your help. I'll be trying that dns into my resolv.conf later. The senators buffalo game is starting and that takes preference. :)01:10
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treblesixis something wrong with the time on Ubuntu? My time keeps going an hour behind ?01:10
stp2007bgordonjcp, thx for  your help hearlier01:10
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stefgProspero2008: Universal coordinated Time ... gmt without daylight savings01:10
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rollerskatejammspeterka, I'm attempting to edit the script. Its failing when trying to detect an x86 system, but the system is definitely x86 not x86_64, so rather then let the function set status=1 im forcing it to status=101:10
NrbelexUbuntuHow does one change the permissions of multiple files through the terminal?01:11
barbarella_mestp2007b: ;-)01:11
AnswerI broke my wireless card - it doesn't work anymore.  can I repair from livecd ?01:11
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phal_lol you broke it? :D01:11
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aroNrbelexUbuntu, chmod01:11
Prospero2008ok, so how do I set UTC -- is there a text file?01:11
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Belgarath_<NrbelexUbuntu>  for example:  "chmod 755 *.mp3"01:11
khinoh btw, that reminds me, my timer periodically gets set like 4 hours behind or something01:11
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khinwhats up01:12
Belgarath_<NrbelexUbuntu>  or:  "chown  user_name  *.mp3"01:12
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NrbelexUbuntubelgrath, aro, but how do I list the contents of an entire folder?01:12
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stefgProspero2008: get your timezone set right, then sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com01:12
Belgarath_<NrbelexUbuntu> :: ls or ls -l01:12
Peterare there any hand writing recognition utilties for linux?01:12
peterpHello all, I still am having problems with 3d acceleration using the nvidia driver for my geforce 6600gt on a flatron 774 monitor. Anybody feel like helping??01:12
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orsonorkall files with info (size, permissions) ls -la01:12
orsonorkdoes ubuntu server feisty fawn includes sshd?01:13
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barbarella_meProspero2008: you can use ntp client to sync your time01:13
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Prospero2008ok, here's the deal. I'm behind a proxy. ntpdate won't proxy -- I don't think01:13
felipe__Holas, me acabo de comprar un laptop y necesito asistencia para la instalacion. El laptop tiene 2 discos duros y una particion para restaurar el sistema original en caso de que algo se dae, y no quiero daar esa particion01:13
jp834618can I install pigden on feisty?01:13
Answerorsonork: not by default,  apt-get install ssh01:13
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Cretep50does anyone know why setup would create multiple "copies" of ubuntu in the os boot choice list?01:13
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misfitpierceYes you can install pidgin on feisty01:13
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orsonorkAnswer: thanks.01:14
misfitpierceyoull need to build from source or find a pre-configured deb pack01:14
jp834618misfitpierce: how?01:14
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Answeri broke madwifi - can i reinstall from livecd?01:14
khinhi, i sometimes notice that the clock on my system changes randomly by four or five hours01:15
khinwhats up with this01:15
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ruif13Broadcast message from ruif13@drako01:15
ruif13(/dev/pts/0) at 0:15 ...01:15
ruif13The system is going down for halt NOW!01:15
ruif13Broadcast message from ruif13@drako01:15
ruif13(/dev/pts/0) at 0:15 ...01:15
ruif13The system is going down for halt NOW!01:15
NrbelexUbuntuBelgarth, so if I'm in the folder above the folder I want to change the permission of, say, music, I would do "chmod 644 music"?01:15
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robzbobhi all, I need help with a network problem. I already RTFM & I still need help. The Problem: I have an external HD formatted ext2 connected to my Ubuntu box which is wired to the router. My P.O.S. Vista laptop can't see the Ubuntu network at all and therefore can't see the external HD. I checked the Firewall & I can ping the Ubuntu box so it must be that I don't have some networking protocol set up correctly.....can someone either walk me thro01:15
misfitpierceJP sent PM01:15
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misfitpiercemay help01:15
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ziggy23hi everyone -- Can someone please explain the difference -- in plain English and not *too* much geekspeak, the difference between gksu and gksudo?01:16
joebonnii have a problem with ubuntu01:16
Belgarath_<NrbelexUbuntu>  yes if the files in the folder have the name music....  You have to add * "music*" for all the files01:16
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joebonnii cant seem to get past the boot screen01:16
ziggy23or su and sudo for that matter.01:16
musya3dfind is not working for me01:16
stefg!samba | robzbob01:16
uboturobzbob: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:16
musya3di do find . filname01:16
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musya3dand it doesnt find it, though i iknow where its at01:17
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robzbobthanks stefg & ubotu, I'll give it a try01:17
joebonnii need some help here01:17
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Belgarath_<NrbelexUbuntu> :: If it is a folder and you want to change the permission i all the subfolder you write:  chmod -R 664 music01:17
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stefgrobzbob: sudo apt-get install samba as a start01:18
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pirothezerojoebonni any errors?01:18
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glimmungkubuntu 7.04 is not seeing my alternate cd rw drive, it has a folder for it in storage media, but it never recognizes when anything is put in, can anyone help me with this?01:18
pirothezerodoes it kick you out into console?01:18
joebonniyes a volume error01:19
pirothezerovolume id error?01:19
marcelo_fontenelhello anyone could help me teach how add a sata hd in a folder like /home/me/new_hd01:19
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joebonniyes volume id error01:19
pirothezero!pastebin joebonni01:19
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:19
joebonniwhats that pastebin01:19
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stefgglimmung: how is your cdrom callerd in /etc/fstab ?01:20
pirothezerogo there and copy in you /etc/fstab01:20
ziggy23what is the difference between gksu and gksudo?01:20
nelsonuwprollerskatejamms, still big red x01:20
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glimmunglet me check01:20
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pirothezeroor if you can't because of no lynx or anything like that then we can work something out maybe01:20
Flannelziggy23: In modern releases, there is none.  There used to be.01:20
JammasterJayHow to i change the permissions of a file in my root?01:20
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FlannelJammasterJay: which file do you want to change?01:20
nelsonuwprollerskatejamms, is there anything i need to do afer i installthem or are they automatically updated or whatever01:20
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JammasterJayflannel: Sources.list01:21
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joebonniwell the problem i cant even install right now i am on fedora 601:21
rollerskatejammsnelsonuwp, idk should be automatic01:21
glimmungit seems to be called /dev/hdd01:21
barbarella_meProspero2008: are you bind to this proxy?01:21
glimmungbut shouldnt it still read and load when I put stuff in?01:21
ziggy23when would I use gksudo or gksu versus su and sudo??01:21
FlannelJammasterJay: no, you don't want to do that.  Just use sudo (or gksu) to open your editor.01:21
travlermanwell is there a link to the reposatory cause im on a modem connection i planing to install ubuntu but the modem those not work with ubuntu and i cant connect to the net to download app01:21
Flannelziggy23: gksu and gksudo are the same thing.  Use either.  They aren't the same as sudo vs su.01:21
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nelsonuwprollerskatejamms, you ever use tv-links?01:22
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stefgglimmung: cange tah to /dev/scd001:22
joebonniso i dont know what to do01:22
stefgglimmung: change that to /dev/scd001:22
peterkarollerskatejamms:  /bin/bash ./setup.sh01:22
rollerskatejammsnelsonuwp, the site? Yeah. Works great. All I did was use the gstreamer stuff01:22
JammasterJayFlannel: I found this suggestion: Go into your /etc/apt/ directory and edit your sources.list file.01:22
JammasterJayIn there, it tells apt-get where to look for updates. Comment out all the "deb cdrom:" lines. apt-get should not look for files in your cdrom anymore01:22
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rollerskatejammspeterka, ok ill try that01:23
EnverexDoes anyone know if Envy takes into consideration if your card needs an older version of drivers?01:23
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JammasterJayEverytime i try to install now, it asks for my such and such on cdrom01:23
FlannelJammasterJay: right.  Edit it with `gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list` or `sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list`01:23
rollerskatejammspeterka, NICE!01:23
rollerskatejammspeterka, it worked01:23
JammasterJayflannel: ok01:23
rollerskatejammspeterka thanks so much!01:23
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nelsonuwprollerskatejamms, i tried watching the prestige and it worked great and then i tried reloading it and it gave me a big red x01:24
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pirothezerojoebonni, so you are saying you boot that computer that has fedora and you have ubuntu seperately on that drivE?01:24
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rollerskatejammsnelsonuwp, Yeah that makes no sense. I wish I could help more but I know nothing about this. I just know thats what I did and it worked for me01:24
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rollerskatejammsnelsonuwp, Make sure the gstreamer mozilla plugin is installed i guess01:24
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barbarella_mepeterka:fast leaner!01:24
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barbarella_mepeterka:fast learner!01:24
bobonthenetmy bittornado prefs wont save any suggestions?01:25
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rollerskatejammsbobonthenet, yes. wine utorrent.exe01:25
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SmokingBloodcrimsun: still there?01:25
bobonthenetrollerskatejamms:  I don't have wine installed.01:26
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Sacrowhats the difference between the cd and dvd release?01:26
EnverexYour graphic card has been detected as a ATI Mobility / Radeon 9000 ---- Your graphic card is supported by the legacy Driver ---- ENVY ERROR: ATI's legacy driver does not support your operative system01:26
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peterkarollerskatejamms: Gog lock and kill Sadam slowly:P01:26
FlannelSacro: Depending on which CD you get, the DVD either has more packages in the repository, or a repository at all.01:26
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SacroFlannel: was just gonna grab the desktop cd01:27
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EnverexAny ideas in regard to that issue?01:27
rollerskatejammspeterka, Hehe, Yeah I have the game and I've beaten it, but I only have the winblows version01:27
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Endlessguitarhello people can some1 help me with beryl settings manager?01:27
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Endlessguitarall works but I dont know how to set up the cube01:27
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scales11Endlessguitar: go t #ubuntu-effects01:28
FlannelSacro: then the DVD will have a repository on it of a bunch of stuff you can install sans interblags.  Of course, if you have the internet, its a bit moot (since you'll need updated versions anyway).  Also, the DVD has both a liveCD and textmode installer, if I remember correctly.  However, you could download both Desktop and Alternate CDs and still be a quarter of the size of the DVD01:28
EndlessguitarIm in thanx:=)01:28
SacroFlannel: if i wanted something for a lower end system, Ubuntu wouldn't be my first choice01:28
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scales11my wireless works, but signals seem weaker than what i get in windows, any suggestions?01:28
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Sacroi just wanted a live cd for showing off linux01:28
ncd_Hrm... why isnt this outstanding little line of games not including in ubuntu (apart from mahjong)01:28
bobonthenetCan anyone help me "in gump terms" figure out why my prefs in bittornado won't save?01:29
Sacroand checking systems, something that isn't as huge as knoppix01:29
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rbdis there any way (with the prebuilt kernels) to reset the ramdisk size without requiring changing the bootloader configuration...I see that it can be done with reloading the 'rd' module, but it seems that the ubuntu kernel compies rd in (vs. having it as a loadable module)01:29
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TeleSkierI need to modify a .conf file on a machine that has presently no X working.  I never used vim before.  Can anyone tell me how do I perform a "save and exit" when I'm finished?01:29
defconwhat is the best Firewall for ubuntu01:29
FlannelSacro: what?  What are we talking about low end systems for?01:29
SacroTeleSkier: :we01:29
defcon!info firewall01:29
ubotuPackage firewall does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas01:29
FlannelTeleSkier: use nano insead.01:29
SacroTeleSkier: :wq01:29
Flannel!firwall | defcon01:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firwall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:29
Sacroor i think :xx does it too01:29
georgy_TeleSkier, : use nano it's easy01:29
Flannel!firewall | defcon01:29
ubotudefcon: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:29
TeleSkieri will check if nano is installed. I hope so01:30
jp834618Why is there an icon on my desktop for my slave drive after install.. how do i get rid of it?01:30
FlannelTeleSkier: it is.01:30
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TeleSkierok, thanks01:30
rollerskatejammspeterka, ok now it wont run :-(01:30
D2DChatif anyone could please help me get my resolution out of 800x600, that owuld be great hehe01:30
barbarella_meSacro:take a look at http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page01:30
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rollerskatejammspeterka, zach@zubuntu:/usr/bin$ sof01:30
rollerskatejammsdirname: missing operand01:30
rollerskatejammsTry `dirname --help' for more information.01:30
rollerskatejammsCouldn't run Soldier of Fortune (sof-bin). Is SOF_DATA_PATH set?01:30
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stefg!fixres | D2DChat01:30
godd4242Hey everyone01:30
ubotuD2DChat: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:30
Sacrobarbarella_me: cheers, i tend to use RIP01:31
jimoupashi godd424201:31
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godd4242jimoupas: I was wondering if anyone could tell me why none of my archives are extracting?01:31
ruif13problem with my shutdown acpi error stay in halt01:31
bobonthenetCan anyone help me "in gump terms" figure out why my prefs in bittornado won't save?01:31
peterkarollerskatejamms: run from /usr/local/games/sof/sof01:31
ruif13anyone helps?01:31
ncd_it would be so cool if the install remove included with ubuntu included just 1 of those title01:31
ncd_americas amry01:31
peterkarollerskatejamms: or something like this01:31
rollerskatejammspeterka, yeah thats it! now to find a cd key . . .01:32
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dogshedhttp://www.pastebin.ca/485294 alsamixer allowed me to adjust the level of microphone input coming into my headphones but how do I adjust the record level going into my recording program (audacity).01:32
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Enverexrollerskatejamms, You mean your CDKey?01:32
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barbarella_meruif13:do you have an AT pc or ATX?01:33
rollerskatejammsEnverex, Yeah, I have a copy of the game lying around somewhere. I just have to find it.01:33
rollerskatejammsThat was actually a slip, I'm not a pirate.01:33
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Neil-hey all01:33
Neil-where is dot in ubuntu?01:33
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peterkarollerskatejamms: ben6-muc8-bez6-buj6-376401:33
Neil-ntop is looking /usr/local/bin/dot , but not finding it01:33
rollerskatejammspeterka, haha dont post that!01:33
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wolfeonfunny if ubuntu started asking for a key01:34
navetscan someone tell me what this command means01:34
navetssudo cp /home/naaman/installers/alsa/* .01:34
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navetsi know its copying something01:34
HoocH_LAPI really hate my soundcard :( it works 2min max after login.. ;(01:34
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navetsbut what is the * and . for01:34
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octoberdanWhen I try to debootstrap a directory nothing happens. I am mkdiring /feisty32 and then running "sudo debootstrap arch i386 feisty /feisty32 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu". No error messages, no log files, /feisty32 stays empty. Why?01:35
polmHow can I play x.264 video in Gstreamer?01:35
Neil-where is dot in ubuntu? ntop is looking in /usr/local/bin/dot and failing01:35
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bobonthenetdoes noone know how to save the prefs in bittornado or did I miss it?01:35
FlannelNeil-: /usr/bin/dot, but you'll need the graphviz package01:35
godd4242Alright why do the files I've extracted show up in Archive manager, but not in File Browser?01:35
godd4242Anyone know?01:35
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peterkarollerskatejamms: call me:P01:35
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barbarella_menavets: copy all to where you are01:35
soundraynavets: * is for all files, . is for the current directory (same as $PWD)01:35
godd4242Anyone at all?01:35
rollerskatejammspeterka, haha01:35
ruif13(barbarella_me) ruif13:do you have an AT pc or ATX? pentium 3 55001:35
m0u5eHow do I configure a 5 button mouse (don't respond, its for the bot :) )01:35
octoberdangodd4242: If you don't get help here, try ubuntuforums.org01:35
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wolfeonbobstro: edit the source? :)01:36
Neil-Flannel: thanks :)01:36
Shadow_Xanyone know why Ubuntu Studio's site is screwed?01:36
octoberdangodd4242: Perhaps they aren't extracting to the place where you are browsing01:36
carpeveritasWhy does gaim crash all the time?01:36
godd4242octoberdan: nahh they are.01:36
crimsunShadow_X: because it got spammed to digg.01:36
Neil-Shadow_X: Dont think it could take the traffic01:36
godd4242octoberdan: shows up in the archive manager as that directory01:36
Shadow_Xis there anyway to obtain it?01:36
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peterkarollerskatejamms: did you try deus ex game?01:36
octoberdangodd4242: I think I misunderstood what you were asking01:36
crimsunShadow_X: why don't you ask in #ubuntustudio ?01:36
wolfeoncarpeveritas: gaim runs fine here01:36
godd4242Shadow_X there are mirros all over the place01:36
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Shadow_Xdidnt know there was a sepearte channel01:37
crimsunShadow_X: make sure you read the topic of that channel  /first/01:37
rollerskatejammsrollerskatejamms, The port? No.01:37
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m0u5ehmm weird01:37
rollerskatejammspeterka, message me01:37
FlannelShadow_X, crimsun, #ubuntu-studio, with hyphen01:37
carpeveritasMine crashes ALL the time for no reason01:37
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godd4242octoberdan: The problem is, i've downloaded avant tarball and tried to extract so I can run config and make etc etc etc etc01:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pidgen - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:37
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HoocH_LAPAD198x Digital Sound Card <- this is my sound card.. Do anyone know how I can fix it so my sound will work 100% ?01:37
defconwhere can I grab pidgen for ubuntu01:37
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Flannel!pidgin | defcon01:37
ubotudefcon: pidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept - At the time of feisty's final freeze, Pidgin has not been released, so Pidgin will not be going into feisty.  Expect Pidgin in feisty+1!  See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info01:37
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rollerskatejammsdefcon, detdebs.org01:37
godd4242octoberdan: but when I hit extract, it looks like nothing happens but instead the files are extracted, just not to any place where I can see them01:37
rollerskatejammsor something like that01:37
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godd4242octoberdan: only through archive manager, which doesn't do me much good01:38
defconServer not found01:38
godd4242im gonna reboot and try though, reboot is usually a good cureall01:38
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rollerskatejammsdefcon, sorry getdeb.net01:38
m0u5eHow do you configure a 5 button M$ intellimouse in ubuntu?01:38
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defconnice site01:39
Flannel!mouse | m0u5e01:39
m0u5eim at xorg.conf and i dont remember what i have to put in...01:39
ubotum0u5e: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto01:39
=== _SpitFIRE_ is now known as _SpitFIRE
m0u5ethere we go01:39
m0u5envm thx :)01:39
barbarella_megodd4242:is it a tar or tar.gz or tgz?01:39
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=== Shadow_X assumes the fetal position
josh__how do i setup my printer for a microsoft machine to connect to01:39
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moDumasshas anyone gotten this msg on startup before "GDM could not write to yout authorization file..."01:39
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DefianI need help getting the sound to work in quake3, I get "cannot mmap /dev/dsp"01:39
moDumassif so please help me, because im essentially locked out01:39
FlannelmoDumass: delete .Xauhority and .ICEauthority  And dont use sudo with graphical programs anymore01:39
navetscan someone help me, im fix my sound card but i dont understand some of these commands01:39
ncd_wow its gaming hour or something world wide01:40
moDumassflannel, it was the update manager that crashed01:40
Flanneler, ~/.Xauthority and ~/.ICEauthority01:40
oscarsomebody can help me?.. I am  to one step to delette my Ubuntu.. I am really tired and sad. What can I do with my Nautilus?. This work very slowly in my computer.. Some time ago this was very fast.. Now Nautilus is slowly and use a lot of the MEM (66,5%)01:40
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josh__i just set up my printer how do i set it so windows can see it on the network01:40
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defconhey quick ? what is the best mp3 player for ubuntu, like winamp, and not xmm..01:40
arrow_I prefer xmm01:41
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DefianI just totem movie player01:41
Defianit works fine for me01:41
soundrayjosh__: there is a forum thread about this01:41
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soundrayjosh__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1354601:41
arrow_what is off topic room?01:41
JammasterJay(trying to install flash) Successfully installed alien, convert download file to "deb" format, install it...results show "same flash-plugin" already installed...I open firefox, youtube.com....no flash - suggestions?01:41
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stefg!offtopic | arrow01:42
ubotuarrow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:42
DefianIs it an unwritten rule that all sound related things in linux be a complete pain?01:42
soundrayJammasterJay: any reason why you're not installing the ubuntu package?01:42
_SpitFIREhas anyone used f4l???01:42
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peterkarollerskatejamms: How to register nick?I use opera to chat01:42
soundrayJammasterJay: 'sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'01:42
scales11defcon: why not rhythmbox?01:42
_SpitFIREI tried to install f4l and most of the options are not working01:42
TheHollowis there a channel for 64 bit Ubuntu?01:42
stefg!offtopic | _SpitFIRE01:42
jribTheHollow: this one01:42
ubotu_SpitFIRE: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:42
defconim asking what is good for ubuntu so therefore it is related hehe01:42
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TheHollowwas hoping for a less busy one01:43
JammasterJaySoundray: flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.01:43
JammasterJay0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.01:43
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moDumassflannel is there a solution where i dont need to delete files? or will those files be replaced when i log in?01:43
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FlannelmoDumass: those files will be replaced, don't worry about them01:43
godd4242octoberdan: haha reboot did the trick01:43
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defcongrr I just installed pidgen.deb and cant find it01:43
soundrayJammasterJay: do you get any results from a 'locate libflashplayer.so'?01:44
rollerskatejammspeterka, /msg nickserv register password01:44
defconi have automatrix2 deb menu and its not anywhere01:44
Flanneldefcon: its pidgin.  not pidgen, thats probably why.01:44
defconanyone know01:44
Flannel!automatix | defcon01:44
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ubotudefcon: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:44
moDumassFlannel, er, from command line how would i go about this, i still suck at well most things01:44
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rollerskatejamms!automatix | defcon01:44
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godd4242haha autoamtix01:44
JammasterJaySoundray: Thats a no, no results01:44
godd4242good times good times01:44
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FlannelmoDumass: sudo rm ~/.ICEauthority && sudo rm ~/.Xauthority01:45
moDumassim tryingt o log in to safe mode01:45
soundrayJammasterJay: see if you can trigger a re-download with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree'01:45
m0u5eanyone know why gsynaptics won't initialize properly? It says something about editing something in xorg.conf01:45
arroI bought a Dell lap top (that I plan to install ubuntu on) and it doesn't have a batt. is this normal?01:45
unikonaro whered you buy it at01:45
_SpitFIREarro: I wouldn't think so01:46
m0u5eim pretty sure dell ships a battery standard...01:46
arroI bought it refurbished off a person I found on price grabber01:46
arounikon, what?01:46
m0u5ejust call them/bring it in, show them, and they should give you a new battery...01:46
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m0u5eoh... well nevermind then :X01:46
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soundraym0u5e: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=975421 discusses the changes needed in /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:46
m0u5eask the guy "where's my battery"01:46
octoberdangodd4242: great01:46
=== embrace [n=embrace@ip-11-31.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
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arromOu5e: so, I shouldn't have to look for "comes with batt." when shopping for a laptop?01:47
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barbarella_mearro:if you can pay your electric bill, i can't see any problem ;-)01:47
_SpitFIREarro: in general the laptop refurbished or not should come with a battery!01:48
daleHi everybody01:48
moDumassFlannel, rm: cannot remove `/root/.ICEauthority' : No such file or directory01:48
robzbobi can't connect to SWAT at http://localhost:90101:48
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embracehi all! can anyone help me with a bandwidth limitation in ubuntu server? i'm trying to limitate apache2 upload using trickle...01:48
arrothx _SpitFIRE, thats what I was looking for01:48
daletry installing webmin, it's a lot better than SWAT for controlling samba01:48
_SpitFIREarro: be careful next time01:48
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FlannelmoDumass: eh?  Shouldn't be /root/.ICEauthority, should be ~/.ICEauthority (your homedir), /home/username/.ICEauthoirty01:49
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robzbobwebmin doesn't show up in synaptic01:49
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daleyou'll need to download the webmin deb file from webmin.com as it isn't in Synaptic as far as I know01:49
robzbobk, ty01:49
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barbarella_merobzbob:have you got a firewall installed?01:49
Flannel!webmid | robzbob01:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webmid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:49
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Flannel!webmin | robzbob01:49
uboturobzbob: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.01:49
dalegood catch, check if 901 is closed.01:49
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godd4242package hunt ;_;01:49
fsckitanyone have a nokia 6102 phone here?01:50
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dalewhy isn't webmin supported? and why wouldn't I use it?01:50
_SpitFIREafter installing Ubuntu, I was wondering if there would be a problem creating a new partition say before that of / as I have some unpartitioned space there01:50
khaije1heard about the ubuntu mobile project?01:50
vladuz976anybody know how to do sorting with bash?01:50
khaije1is there any more info besides this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-May/000289.html ?01:51
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barbarella_me!vdradmin |Flannel01:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vdradmin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:51
crimsunkhaije1: I presume #ubuntu-mobile will become more active.01:51
mcphailvladuz976: man sort01:51
crimsunkhaije1: there should be more information after the summit in the next few months.01:51
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barbarella_meapt-cache search vdradmin01:52
barbarella_mevdradmin - Web-based administration tool for vdr01:52
moDumasshopefully all is good01:52
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vladuz976mcphail, i need to figure out how many times a range of numbers occurs in my data http://rafb.net/p/W2Flre28.html01:52
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khaije1crimsun: gotcha, busy time for ubuntu especially after the dell announcement01:52
vladuz976mcphail, you know if i can use bash for that?01:52
emoryin my Xorg log, it says "No valid modes for '1024x768'; removing". anyidea what this means, anyone?01:52
godd4242how do i reinstall GLIB?01:52
_SpitFIREvladuz976: IMHO, you can01:52
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crimsungodd4242: what do you want?01:52
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godd4242crimsun: hey man longtime no see01:53
=== Sazar [n=sazar99@cpe-72-177-114-162.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mcphailvladuz976: you would be better to use R01:53
Sazarhello :)01:53
=== azteech is away: Currently away
moDumassdarn same still01:53
godd4242crimsun: i'm trying to install avant but it gives me the following error01:53
vladuz976mcphail what that?01:53
mcphailvladuz976: stats program01:53
godd4242No package 'glib-2.0' found01:53
_SpitFIREvladuz976: R - statistical package01:53
=== majnoon [n=majnoon@c-76-104-104-86.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Sazar just installed ubuntu for the first time
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gordboywell Sazar, out with it01:53
Sazartrying to set a custom resolution :)01:53
lufisSazar: you like? :)01:53
crimsungodd4242: is that not what agsync does?01:53
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=== azteech is away: [building new 2800+ 64-bit system]
jorge1where can I download iso ubuntu 7.04 64 bits?01:53
Sazarwell, I love vista ultimate :) but I want to try this01:54
godd4242crimsun: What's agsync?01:54
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crimsungodd4242: in any case, install libglib2.0-dev01:54
crimsungodd4242: apt-cache show agsync01:54
godd4242crimsun: you got it chief01:54
SazarI have the 64 bit version working and wanted to know how to get 1680x1050 resolution going01:54
iMacThere4iAmcan anyone help me find why ubuntu is freezing on the login screen?01:54
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crimsunSazar: what graphics chipset?01:54
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moDumassflannel : rm cannot remove '/home/modumass/.ICEauthority' : No such file or directory01:54
vladuz976is R the name of the stats package?01:54
Sazar1950 xt ATI01:54
rtfm_4Hello ubuntu community. I am new and I can't stress that fact enough. I'm trying to get a complete ubuntu installation on an external harddrive and the install wizard tells me it can't format the ext3 partition. Anyone got any thoughts on that?01:54
crimsunSazar: nevermind then.01:54
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-165-172-67.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
_SpitFIREvladuz976: yes01:54
soundrayjorge1: http://releases.ubuntu.com01:55
vladuz976i don't see it?01:55
soundrayvladuz976: r-cran* in ubuntu01:55
godd4242thanks crimsun you're a lifesaver as always01:55
crimsunSazar: I haven't the foggiest about ATI.  I use integrated Intel graphics.01:55
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moDumassflannel : but when i try loging in i still get that error01:55
arrortfm_4, what exactly does it say?01:55
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Sazaris there a way to add a custom resolution in the resolution options??01:55
emoryanyone know anything about nvidia chipsets in ubuntu?01:55
jorge1soundray: thank you.01:56
lufis!resolution | Sazar01:56
ubotuSazar: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:56
=== pushpop` [n=marc@pool-72-68-224-91.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
SlartAm I the only one having big problems with pulseaudio using feisty fawn on adm64 ?01:56
rtfm_4arro: could not format partition at dev/sdb (not exact)01:56
D1S4ST3Ris there a way to move the /home to the / ?01:56
dogshedemory: you will probably be using an unsupported driver.01:56
SlartD1S4ST3R: where is it now?01:56
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SlartD1S4ST3R: and even before you answer that.. yes there probably is01:56
D1S4ST3Ron hdb701:56
crimsunrtfm_4: /dev/sdb is a block device, not a partition.01:56
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emorydogshed: yeah i am using the restricted driver, and it is not working. i am a competent user, and i have tried a LOT, but i can never change my resolution no matter what i try01:56
barbarella_meD1S4ST3R:can you pastebin a df -h01:56
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SlartD1S4ST3R: just copy it to the new place, change the path in fstab and reboot01:57
mcphailvladuz976: anyway, a simple way would be "sort numberfile | uniq -c"01:57
_SpitFIREvladuz976: you can try for r-base01:57
arrosrry, never got that problem rtfm_401:57
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soundrayD1S4ST3R: what are you trying to do? Sounds like you're setting yourself up for trouble...01:57
rtfm_4Is there any way to prep the external drive so that the installer doesn't boink out on it ?01:57
godd4242crimsun: same thing applies for the half dozen other things it tells me I need?01:58
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crimsungodd4242: what are you trying to do?01:58
crimsungodd4242: sync your palm with avantgo?01:58
vladuz976mcphail: i wanna sort for ranges of numbers, like how many times from 30-40 how many times from 50-6001:58
mcphailvladuz976: then look at R01:58
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arrodid you search through the ubuntu page for external hd installation rtfm_4?01:58
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emorycan anyone tell me what this means in my logfile?: "NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1024x768"; removing."01:58
D1S4ST3RMy /home is on /dev/hdb8 and i want to move it to / (my root partition) on /dev/hdb701:59
embracehi all! can anyone help me with a bandwidth limitation in ubuntu server? i'm trying to limitate apache2 upload using trickle...01:59
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dogshedslart: I could try pulseaudio. What is the issue?01:59
hilts50need help with 7.04 on a macbook 2.16 core duo  anyone have experience with this?01:59
vladuz976mcphail: i am on my macbook now and fink doesn't find it, sucks01:59
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rtfm_4arro: thanks, I will start there..01:59
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soundrayvladuz976: R has histogram functions for that. But you can do it simpler with a frequency function in a spreadsheet.01:59
unikonanyone know how to install pidgin 2.0 NOT pidgin beta01:59
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iMacThere4iAmcan anyone help me find why ubuntu is freezing on the login screen?01:59
arrortfm_4, no prob01:59
_SpitFIREvladuz976: can you throw more light on your rquirement?02:00
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soundrayiMacThere4iAm: is that before or after you log in?02:00
mcphailvladuz976: http://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/02:00
vladuz976soundray: whould you know how? it would really help. i have openoffice.org02:00
godd4242crimsun: No i'm just trying to instal avant window manager02:00
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: before02:00
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godd4242crimsun: because I love my useless eye candy02:00
Slartdogshed: well.. it's not working =).. pulseadudio process hogs the mic and hangs.. can't use aoss until I kill it (9).. 2 of the config utils don't work because of some pa_new returning sometihng strange02:00
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D1S4ST3RMy /home is on /dev/hdb8 and i want to move it to / (my root partition) on /dev/hdb7 .... how can i do this?02:00
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Slartdogshed: it's just a mess02:00
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iMacThere4iAmsoundray: it freezes about a second after loading the screen02:00
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scales11how can i check the version of my wireless driver?02:01
lufisiMacThere4iAm: what happens exactly?02:01
vladuz976_SpitFIRE: http://rafb.net/p/W2Flre28.html is the some of the file.02:01
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_SpitFIREvladuz976: and you want to sort the data?02:01
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soundrayiMacThere4iAm: can you still switch to a console?02:01
crimsungodd4242: oh, sorry.  Don't bother, completely different package.02:01
dogshedslart: I'm sorry I thought you were talking about a recording program like audacity.02:01
_SpitFIREvladuz976: what is the exact output you are looking for?02:02
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iMacThere4iAmlufis: the login screen appears as normal, then freezes about a second later, usually as i'm typing the userrname02:02
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iMacThere4iAmsoundray: i don't know how to do that02:02
vladuz976_SpitFIRE: those are counts from a Geiger counter. background cosmic radiation. i need to know how many times i had a count in the range of let's say 30-40 how many times 40-50 then fit a gaussian to it02:02
crimsungodd4242: you likely need libgnome2-dev.02:02
dogshedis there an ubuntu sound channel?02:02
lufisiMacThere4iAm: hit ctrl alt f1 and log in from there?02:02
godd4242crimsun: sounds like a plan02:02
crimsundogshed: no.  What's the issue?02:02
robzbobi can't connect to https://myhost:901/ with an open port 901, any thoughts?02:02
lufisiMacThere4iAm: it might work02:02
vladuz976_SpitFIRE: did you see the paste?02:02
iMacThere4iAmlufis: okay, i'll try that02:02
_SpitFIREvladuz976: sorry for the questions; but lastly, where do you get the classes??? I mean 10 -20 etc?02:03
_SpitFIREvladuz976: I see it!02:03
soundrayvladuz976: the help on the frequency function is quite good. You need to know how to enter an array function: mark the area, enter the function parameters and hit Ctrl-Shift-Enter02:03
lufisiMacThere4iAm: it will be command line, but you can start x from there02:03
moDumassi have mashed my computer02:03
soundrayiMacThere4iAm: Ctrl-Alt-F1 (Alt-F7 to switch back to graphical)02:03
DefianI need help getting the sound to work in quake3, I get "cannot mmap /dev/dsp"02:03
crimsunDefian: your sound chipset sucks.02:03
lufisiMacThere4iAm: you might also try   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade    to update any buggy software02:03
iMacThere4iAmlufis, soundray: before i go, i'd better ask how to start x!02:04
lufisiMacThere4iAm: good idea ;) just type and run "startx"02:04
Defiancrimsun, thanks. Any work arounds?02:04
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iMacThere4iAmlufis: cheers02:04
crimsunDefian: sure, but it may not work for your chipset.02:04
_SpitFIREvladuz976:is there a max nd min limit? and are the classes simply in 10 increments?02:04
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crimsunDefian: a friendly web search will turn it up02:04
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vladuz976_SpitFIRE: you see how for instance there are many occurances of 0.3? i need to know how many 0.3's are in that file or better how many counts in the range from 0.28-0.3202:04
Slartdogshed: ah.. sorry about that.. nope.. it's the soundserver02:04
soundrayD1S4ST3R: 'sudo cp /home /home-tmp', then remove the /home line from fstab. Reboot in recovery mode, mv /home-tmp to /home and reboot in normal mode.02:04
jp834618good links/software for beginners?02:04
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Defiancrimsun, well, it's an onboard.. so I know it isn't all that great.. but it sounds fine in windows..02:05
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vladuz976_SpitFIRE: 0-0.6002:05
D1S4ST3Rand this will work ?02:05
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soundrayD1S4ST3R: why not?02:05
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robzbobi can't connect to SWAT, firestarter has the port open.  any thoughts on how to make this work?02:05
D1S4ST3Rok :P02:05
vladuz976_SpitFIRE: ranges should be 0.0502:05
moDumassGDM could not write to your authorization file.... and i cant delete ICEauthority, it well, it just wont let me02:05
_SpitFIREvladuz976: gimme a min02:05
barbarella_meD1S4ST3R:umount /dev/hda8;mkdir /mnt/hda8;mount /dev/hda8 /mnt/hda8;cd /mnt/hda8;cp -R /mnt/hda8/* /home02:05
D1S4ST3Rhow do i boot in savemode02:05
vladuz976_SpitFIRE: thanks02:06
rtfm_4arro: will this page get me the results i'm looking for ? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:06
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soundrayD1S4ST3R: backup your /etc/fstab, so you can turn back if you change your mind02:06
Slartrobzbob: swat has some settings for connections.. I think it's basically a webserver.. take a look at it..  might be sometihng you have to set up there02:06
AnswerHi I broke something trying to upgrade madwifi and now ath0 does not appear as a device.  I tried reinstalling linux-restricted but it is just not there.  the device is shown in lspci but not ifconfig02:06
soundrayD1S4ST3R: slight modification:02:06
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soundrayD1S4ST3R: 'sudo cp -a /home /home-tmp', then remove the /home line from fstab. Reboot in recovery mode, mv /home-tmp to /home and reboot in normal mode.02:06
godd4242crimsun: just 3 more packages to go :302:06
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jp834618After installation an icon for my slave drive showed up on the desktop.. how can I get rid of it?02:06
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barbarella_mesoundray:you don't have to02:07
Answerjp834618: right click, unmount.  but you might not want that02:07
arrortfm_4, I don't think so02:07
soundrayD1S4ST3R: actually, barbarella_me's suggestion is good02:07
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godd4242crimsun: know where I can find me some delicious gdk-2.0?02:07
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godd4242synaptic just denied me02:07
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soundrayD1S4ST3R: but you should do it after logging out of gnome, logging into a console and from a root shell (sudo -i)02:07
arrortfm_4, maybe you should just google it02:07
HoocH_LAPhm, seems like my sound is working now02:08
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D1S4ST3Rok...what do i have to do?02:08
HoocH_LAPfor how long only time will tell :P02:08
AnswerIs there some way I can repair my installation from the livecd without deleting the partition?02:08
moDumassso how do i delete ICEauthority, nothing seems to work02:08
moDumasscant find file02:08
arrortfm_4, or you could pull the hard drive in your computer out and put the one in that you want to install ubuntu on and then make it a external drive later02:08
crimsungodd4242: it's in libgtk2.0-dev02:08
Oriezwho can you donate money to ubuntu?02:08
Slartok, this must be a faq.. I have 2 soundcards, default is the audigy and yet the BEEP gets played using the other soundcard.. which is connected to my big speakers.. how can I change what soundcard does the BEEPing (BEEP is the sound when you, for example, open a terminal and try to backspace past the start of the line)02:08
barbarella_mesoundray:you don't have to reboot, you can just umount hda8. You only have to remove the hda8 line in fstab02:09
crimsungodd4242: you already have it if you've pulled libgnome2-dev02:09
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vladuz976_SpitFIRE: the file is a lot longer that's just a snapshot, i had the counter run all night in 120sec intervals. and always got counts ranging from 0-60 , now devide those counts by 120sec i get the frequencies. i have to figure out which one was the most common frequeny02:09
rtfm_4arro, i'm on a notebook :/02:09
godd4242alright maybe time for another reboot then02:09
D1S4ST3Rsoundray what do i have to do than?02:09
soundrayD1S4ST3R: log out of gnome, log into a console, get a root shell with sudo -i. Once you have that, umount /dev/hda8 ; mkdir /mnt/hda8 ; mount /dev/hda8 /mnt/hda8 ; cd /mnt/hda8 ; cp -a /mnt/hda8/* /home/02:09
lufisSlart: you can disable the other soundcard in your bios02:09
_SpitFIREvladuz976: hmmm...02:09
_SpitFIREvladuz976: ok02:09
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lufisSlart: otherwise you should be able to select which one does sytem beeps in the sound mixer02:09
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lufisSlart: or some sound-related prefs in gnome02:10
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Slartlufis: yes.. and I can shut down the computer too.. duh =).. I want the other soundcard for playing music and such.. I just dont want the default beep thingy to go there02:10
lufisSlart: ;) sorry02:10
arrortfm_4, I'm trying to install onto a dell (internal hd) right now and am getting a "Failed to create enough space for installation" error, driving me nuts02:10
soundrayD1S4ST3R: then edit /etc/fstab and put a # in the beginning of the line that contains /home02:10
b52someone knows how i can extract a setup.exe ?02:10
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lufisb52: extract or run?02:10
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Slartlufis: nope.. all defaults go to the audigy.. and yet the beep goes to the nvidia soundcard..02:10
b52lufis: extract02:10
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lufisb52: cabextract, maybe?02:11
arrortfm_4, I believe that there is an alternative cd you can dl and install from a command line, it has less problems02:11
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lufisSlart: weird, i don't know02:11
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RoscarI'm running dapper drake right now and I was thinking of moving to fiesty fawn. Is there a straight forward way to go about this?02:11
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Slartlufis: I don't even have system beep enabled.. and still it does the beep thing02:11
User2323hello, does anyone know a real time voice changer program that can be used with skype or ekiga for example?02:11
godd4242crimsun: No package 'gtk+-2.0' found02:11
godd4242No package 'gdk-2.0' found02:11
godd4242No package 'libwnck-1.0' found02:11
adamhi all, can anyone tell me where is numlock key on this toshiba a75-s206 laptop? http://ask.net.pl/ziarek/allegro/a75/11.JPG02:11
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arroRoscar, I believe sudo upgrade02:11
lufisSlart: yeah, that's strange02:11
soundrayvladuz976: what's the format of that file?02:11
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b52lufis: i guess cabextract is only for cab files02:12
vladuz976soundray: i can send it to yo02:12
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Roscararro: can you elaborate?02:12
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CyberAngelI think fn f11 does numlock on Toshibas02:12
Xenos767can someone tell me how I can get multiple commands to run through terminal just by clicking on a file?02:12
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georgy_adam : fn+f10 ?02:12
User2323Xenos767: put the commands in a text file and run it as a shell script02:12
soundrayvladuz976: how big is it?02:12
arrogoto the command line and type "sudo apt-get install upgrade"02:12
Xenos767User: ok ill try that02:13
HoocH_LAPwith pure I found a page telling me how to fix my sound probs :P yey :P02:13
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HoocH_LAPpure luck02:13
vladuz976soundray: 8k02:13
vmhow do i open the gconftool editor to change my desktop effects settings02:13
b52someone knows how to get the files out of a setup.exe installer?02:13
vladuz976Sonderblade: -rwxrwxrwx   1 su  su      8K May 12 15:10 b.csv02:13
soundrayvladuz976: email?02:13
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vladuz976soundray: maybe pm me with your email02:13
Xenos767User: will this work in the .sh file? cd ..02:14
Xenos767cd tom/.wine/drive_c/Notepad++02:14
Xenos767wine Notepad++02:14
arroI'm trying to install Ubuntu onto a Dell Lattitude and when I go to format the drive i get a "Failed to create enough space for installation" error, any advice anyone?02:14
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b52someone knows how to get the files out of a setup.exe installer?02:14
_SpitFIREvladuz976: pm me your email id, and I shall send you a small script that I think will do the job!02:14
cgeDoes anyone know if there is a way to coerce a 7.04 server installation to use a kernel without HIGHMEM64G enabled without having to download the alternate CD?02:14
peterkaXenos767: in properties of file type command1;command2;comman302:14
Xenos767b52 run the install the latest version of wine02:14
rtfm_4arro: a google search landed me at http://www.ubuntuswitch.com/2006/08/01/installing-ubuntu-on-an-external-usb-hard-drive/   <-- that sounds like the problem to me..02:14
User2323Xenos767: if you run it from the right directory that should work02:15
Xenos767peterka, so add ";" after each line?02:15
barbarella_meb52:it depends on the packaging02:15
moDumasshey how do i log into ubuntu as root?02:15
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_SpitFIREvladuz976: thanks02:15
User2323Xenos767: are you just trying to launch Notepad++ though? you could just use a launcher for that02:15
godd4242moDumass: sudo02:15
Slartb52: or ask some windows people... some installers have options for just unpacking the files... try setup.exe -help or /help or /?  -?02:15
godd4242moDumass: just type sudo into a terminal02:15
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Slart!sudo | moDumass02:15
pushpop`by default when i run apt-get install vmware-server it downloads and installs an older verison, how do I make sure it downloads the most recent?02:15
vmhow do i open the gconftool editor to change my desktop effects settings??02:15
ubotumoDumass: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:15
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peterkaXenos767: but if comman1 fail rest will not work02:15
Slart!root | moDumass02:15
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lufisvm: gfont-editor02:15
arrortfm_4, looks like you've found what you need02:15
cgemoDumass: sudo passwd, set the password for root, and then log in as root.  But you aren't *supposed* to do that.02:15
Xenos767User2323: I cant seem to find the .wine directory when I physically look for it. If you could help me set up the launcher that would be great.02:16
lufisvm: gconf-editor :P02:16
vmty lufis :P02:16
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akkAnyone know where feisty is putting PalmOS devices for hotsync?02:16
lufisXenos767: .wine is hidden, hit ctrl h in nautilus02:16
cgeDoes anyone know if there is a boot command to disable HIGHMEM64G?02:16
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akkIt used to be /dev/ttyUSB0,102:16
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User2323Xenos767: what lufis said....any folder that starts with a period is hidden by default02:17
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akkbut that doesn't exist ... the udev rule says  SYMLINK+="pilot" but there's nothing in /dev matching *pilot*02:17
peterkaXenos767: also you can add '&&' as 'and' and '||' (two pipes) as 'or'02:17
Xenos767lufis: AH HA! thanks.02:17
soundrayakk: sometimes it's that, at other times it ends up as /dev/ttyUSB2,302:17
edlindoes anyone want to exchange some make up tips?02:17
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akksoundray: There's no /dev/ttyUSB*02:17
User2323thanks edlin, I needed a laugh02:17
lufisXenos767: you could have also used the raw path bar and typed in .wine02:17
godd4242alright rebooting now I'll be back02:17
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akksoundray: Nothing with ttyUSB, nothing with pilot02:17
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soundrayakk: don't know then, sry02:18
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akkand dmesg doesn't say anything about the device chosen, just " configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice"02:18
akk(whatever that means)02:18
maikolis setting up my ubuntu desktop as a print server to windows through samba easy or will i have to mess around with the samba config files like usual.02:18
osxdudetype it in then. don't choose anything from any list.02:18
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vmwhen it talks about "super" button, which key is that exactly02:18
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jribvm: windows02:19
osxdudevm: that is the Win key, in most cases.02:19
moDumasscge, yeh i probably wont, im trying to jsut log in but i cant delete ICEauthority02:19
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moDumassjust cant find it02:19
cgemoDumass: oh yes, that problem02:19
barbarella_memaikol:first you have to setup cups, the rest wouldn't be a problem02:19
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vladuz976soundray: did you get it?02:19
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cgeDoes anyone know why HIGHMEM64G is enabled at all in -server when it is known to cause an instant panic on a wide variety of systems?02:20
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moDumasscge, no idea how to fix it, im guessing deleting ICEauthority would fix it, but whenever i try i get "file not found or does not exist" type return02:20
maikolbarbarella_me ok thanks02:20
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cgemoDumass: It's ~/.ICEauthority or something like that.02:20
CyberAngelhello folks02:20
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cgemoDumass: Let me check if there is a copy on my other server02:21
moDumassyeh looked there, would i be able to boot into a live cd of the same distro and log in via the cd?02:21
tecnicodelcomputciao a tutti. hello to anyone form italy02:21
iMacThere4iAmwho was i talking to just now?02:21
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cgemoDumass: yes02:21
moDumasscge thanks02:21
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cgemoDumass: But ~/.ICEauthority isn't there?02:21
soundrayvladuz976: www.soundray.org/b.ods02:21
cgemoDumass: Are you logged in as root?02:22
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soundrayakk: what kind of palm device do you have?02:22
moDumassno im loggin in as my usename02:22
maikolis the livecd install better than the iso install or is one just prettier?02:22
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moDumasscg : no im loggin in as my usename02:22
iMacThere4iAmfirenx: was it you i was talking to just now?02:22
godd4242ugh. Nothing I do will fix this frigging problem02:22
bruenigmaikol, you will get the same system in the end02:22
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maikolbruenig ok thanks02:23
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Endlessguitarhow do I restore beryl to the default mode with the normal effexts on?02:23
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b52someone knows how to get the files out of a setup.exe installer?02:23
sysadminhi, network question: i have 2 eth interfaces, how can i route traffic on the 192.168.1.x segment to the 192.168.0.x segment?02:23
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akkAh, found it, bug 108512, visor module isn't autoloaded like it used to be02:23
godd4242Endlessguitar: nomral effects = what?02:23
vmmaikol: live cd nicer :P gui partition editors rock ma jocks02:23
lufisrock your jocks? oh gees...02:24
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Endlessguitaryou know I have changed some settings and I dunno have to fix it back to the old style02:24
barbarella_meb52:it depends on the packaging02:24
Endlessguitarhow do I change it back lol02:24
bruenigthe ncurses partition editor is actually very easy02:24
=== kestrel quietly sneeks back.
b52barbarella_me and how do i get the type of packaging?02:24
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godd4242Endlessguitar: I dunno what you mean by default effects02:24
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iMacThere4iAmlufis: i'm still havind trouble02:24
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EndlessguitarI mean02:25
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lufisiMacThere4iAm: have you tried updating software?02:25
moDumasscg : and when i type sudo rm /home/modumass/.ICEauthority && sudo rm /home/modumass/.Xauthority i get a "ICEauthority not found02:25
barbarella_meb52:you can try unrar02:25
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godd4242Endlessguitar: if you really wanna do it all back to basics, reinstall it perhaps02:25
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godd4242Endlessguitar: but lemme take a look, hold oon02:25
iMacThere4iAmlufis: i can't get a console yet02:25
Endlessguitaryou understand what I mean?02:25
soundrayiMacThere4iAm: what happens when you hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 ?02:25
sysadminhi, simple02:25
sysadminnetwork question: i have 2 eth interfaces, how can i route traffic on the 192.168.1.x segment to the 192.168.0.x segment?02:25
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: nothing at all02:25
vladuz976soundray: thanks a lot, i see how you did that, i guess i can take over from here, thanks a lot again02:26
godd4242Endlessguitar: open manager, go to gen options, try making a new profile02:26
soundrayvladuz976: pleasure02:26
lufisiMacThere4iAm: Ok... ctrl+alt+F1 will take you to a console. Hit ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to the gui. At the f1 console login and run startx02:26
baghyayhi some one can help me to find an way make adsl faster02:26
godd4242Endlessguitar: see if that starts off at your usual thing02:26
Endlessguitarwhich manager? :S02:26
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lufisiMacThere4iAm: or try "killall xorg" and then "startx"02:26
iMacThere4iAmlufis: ctrl+alt+f1 does nothing...02:26
soundrayiMacThere4iAm: in that case, you will have to reboot in recovery mode and examine the logs from there.02:26
lufisiMacThere4iAm: it's totally stuck?02:26
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iMacThere4iAmlufis: yes02:26
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EndlessguitarI guess02:27
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: i am running off the livecd now, can i do it from here?02:27
EndlessguitarI have changed on the default profile :S02:27
lufisiMacThere4iAm: you can disable gui logging in, although it requires you to manually startx every time you reboot. not much of a hassle but it is if you like gui goodness02:27
hilts50feisty can't find monitors on my macbook pro. anyone have the line of code to fix this issue?02:27
barbarella_mebaghyay:maybe if you upgrade your line!!!02:27
b52barbarella_me well i .exe is not a .rar , and the unrar utilluty says that too02:27
EndlessguitarYeah :S02:27
Prospero2008Anyone familiar with the process of getting machine A to connect to Machine B running ntpd02:27
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soundrayiMacThere4iAm: probably. Mount the root directory to /mnt and look at /mnt/var/log/Xorg.0.log02:27
iMacThere4iAmlufis: i'll try what soundray said first02:28
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iMacThere4iAmsoundray: thx02:28
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godd4242Endlessguitar: yes?02:28
Endlessguitarhow I remove the beryl?02:28
baghyaywithout upgrade line  !! ); because that's expensive02:28
lufisiMacThere4iAm: ok02:28
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EndlessguitarI need to and restall it02:28
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soundrayiMacThere4iAm: also /mnt/var/log/syslog -- but if it froze, they may well not contain any hints02:28
godd4242sudo aptitude rm beryl02:28
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godd4242I think02:29
godd4242someone correct me if im wrong02:29
jeduanEndlessguitar, you can uninstall it on synaptic02:29
barbarella_meb52:that's why i asked that it depends on the packaging. so you can't02:29
jeduanalthough you could try to just delete the preferences file02:29
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godd4242o come on02:29
godd4242thats bs02:29
tecnicodelcomputhello but amarok is also in italian language?02:29
jerehello, i broke my gnome-network-manager. how can i get it back02:29
godd4242i have to install fricking abiword to get avant to work02:30
godd4242what the hell02:30
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lufis!language | godd424202:30
ubotugodd4242: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:30
vox754!enter | godd424202:30
ubotugodd4242: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:30
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vladuz976soundray: how did you do the frequency function? i typed in the same thing and it doesn't do anyting02:31
tecnicodelcomputthis is my first time here02:31
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godd4242thanks vox75402:31
lufistecnicodelcomput: we're gentle :)02:31
godd4242I really needed that02:31
baghyaycan i install kde from  cd's kubuntu 7.0402:31
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b52someone actually runs windows with winrar and can extract an installer for me?02:31
soundrayvladuz976: you have to select the array, then type in the function, then hit Ctrl-Shift-Return02:31
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: there's some junk about my wacom tablet on the last lines, maybe that's interfering...02:31
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moDumassman being a nooob blows, how do i delete ICEauthority its gone, i cant find it02:31
hilts50I've searched through the wiki and haven't found any help.  Anyone have experience or a link I can follow to get ubuntu to recognize my screen on my macbook pro core duo?02:31
moDumassbut i cant log in either02:31
=== D1S4ST3R [n=alexande@manz-590cde2a.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
Endlessguitarwhat  need I to write in terminal to download beryl?02:31
Endlessguitaris it sudo apt-get install beryl?02:32
barbarella_metecnicodelcomput:but watch your language !02:32
D1S4ST3Rwho helped me with the /home?02:32
vladuz976soundray: thanks02:32
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soundrayiMacThere4iAm: unlikely, but you might try unplugging it02:32
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jerei broke my gnome-network-manager by trying out wi-fi radar.now how can i get it back?02:32
barbarella_meD1S4ST3R:we all did02:32
deusquestion, i got a problem, libstdc ask for GCC_4.2.0 but '02:32
soundrayD1S4ST3R: yes?02:32
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: actually, that's not the last line02:32
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deussomehow it gets the wrong version02:32
soundrayD1S4ST3R: it worked, then?02:32
knoekidoes ubuntu support .ttf font files?02:32
xtknightdeus, what are you trying to do overall?02:32
xtknightknoeki, i believe so02:33
FakeOutdoorsmanEndlessguitar: sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
Oriezhow can you donate money to ubuntu?02:33
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:33
soundrayD1S4ST3R: glad to hear. All credits to barbarella_me please.02:33
xtknightwell anyway there's a pkg named msttcorefonts that has truetype ones, and ubuntu can use those02:33
deusi found a way to locte the problem02:33
deusldd /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.602:33
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: the last line is actually about true-type fonts. I'll pastebin it02:33
D1S4ST3Rhow do i give credits? xD :P02:33
XexyzI just installed ubuntu and my secondary HDD is read only....why is that/02:33
xtknightD1S4ST3R, you dont.  we're glad to help ;)02:33
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xtknight(imagine that002:33
vladuz976soundray: what about the classes?02:33
deusshyowed me the libs libstdc++ needs02:33
soundrayD1S4ST3R: just type '/me hugs barbarella_me' ;)02:34
=== NemesisD [n=michael@c-71-227-210-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
barbarella_meD1S4ST3R:we did when you typed THX FOR THE HLP @ ALL02:34
deusand i was adviced to hide this one02:34
Endlessguitardosent work02:34
crimsungodd4242: did you install libgtk2.0-dev?02:34
XexyzI just installed ubuntu and my secondary hdd s read only....why is that?02:34
barbarella_meD1S4ST3R:you i mean02:34
deusas such " sudo mv /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1 /usr/lib/libgcc_s.so.1.old"02:34
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soundrayvladuz976: that's the second argument.02:34
NemesisDis there a good way of doing a text find and replace on multiple files at once? gedit doesn't seem to be able to do it.02:34
xtknightOriez, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/donations02:34
hilts50display help on a intel mac... anyone able to help?02:34
Endlessguitaror it works02:34
FakeOutdoorsmanEndlessguitar: you need multiverse repositories enabled02:34
soundrayvladuz976: look up array formulas in the help. It takes getting used to.02:34
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deushowever everytime i update my system, its replaced02:35
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godd4242crimsun: yah I installed abiwrod and suddenly everything works. Go figure. But the thing is now I dont know how to start avant02:35
barbarella_meNemesisD:man sed02:35
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deussorry, i think im gonna try something first, sorry to bother you02:35
baghyaycan i install kde - desktop from an cd ( kubuntu 7.04  ????02:35
vladuz976soundray: i put this"=FREQUENCY(B3:B640; E13:E24)" but get 002:35
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Xexyz I just installed ubuntu and my secondary hdd s read only....why is that?02:36
wastrelXexyz:  ntfs ?   linux can't write ntfs natively02:36
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godd4242baghyay: KDE would come built into that, seeing as its ubuntu02:36
soundrayvladuz976: so you put your classes boundaries in E13:E24 ?02:36
tecnicodelcomputXexyz use NTFS configuration tool with add/remove programs  probably your HDD is formatted in NTFS (by default read only).02:36
Xexyz(how do I chnage it?02:36
AnswerHi I broke something trying to upgrade madwifi and now ath0 does not appear as a device.  I tried reinstalling linux-restricted but it is just not there.  the device is shown in lspci but not ifconfig02:36
vladuz976soundray: i did02:37
Xexyzwill this wipe out my files?02:37
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vox754Answer, configure with "iwconfig"02:37
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Answervox754: the atho device is nonexistant now.02:37
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JammasterJayDoes anyone know how to use "aircracker" ?02:37
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: http://pastebin.ca/48539102:37
Zjoskeis there a way to read .docx files (M$ office 2007) in ubuntu?02:37
Answer!openoffice | Zjoske02:37
ubotuZjoske: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org02:37
Zjoskeopenoffice doesn't read it..02:38
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soundrayvladuz976: okay. Select F13:F25 (one more than your classes) and type "=frequency(B3:B640; E13:E24)", then hit Ctrl-Shift-Return.02:38
xtknightnot sure if openoffice will or not.  although you could save MS office 2007 files in .doc 2003 probably02:38
=== Warren2312 [n=Warren@modemcable080.222-59-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Xexyzif i use NTFS configuration tool will it wipe my existing files?02:38
baghyayi am now in ubuntu (gnome ) ansd i have a cd of kubuntu  if i ll install kde from net that's need more time02:38
tecnicodelcomputno absolutely02:38
Warren2312Hi all02:38
Zjoskeyeah i could do that... if i had another M$ windows...02:38
barbarella_meJammasterJay:you naughty boy02:38
Warren2312i've a problem02:38
baghyayi want just add kde02:38
xtknight!ask | Warren231202:39
ubotuWarren2312: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:39
Warren2312My mp3 isn't reconized by feisty fawn02:39
JammasterJaybarbarella_me: just saw it on the synotic list02:39
soundrayiMacThere4iAm: there's nothing that explains a total freeze02:39
tecnicodelcomputit activates writing on ntfs trough the ntfs-3g driver that improves writing & reading access to NTFS.02:39
Warren2312he says only "MSCN Sigmatel mp3 device"02:39
ZjoskeWarren2312: is it recognized on the liveCD?02:39
javes_Can anyone help me with a xorg.conf question?02:39
Xexyzif i use NTFS configuration tool will it wipe my existing files?02:39
Warren2312and i can't read into the device02:39
barbarella_meJammasterJay:first you have to use is airsnort02:39
=== joemama [n=lotto@pool-71-252-205-18.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zjoskeoh ok02:40
Zjoskei got same problem, but it is recognized on liveCD02:40
joemamais this the channel for ubuntu server edition newbs?02:40
vox754baghyay, you could try searching the kubuntu cd for the specific kde deb packages and install those. Otherwise seems safer to install through the internet.02:40
Warren2312It's strange cause my Packard Bell Pulse is reconisez02:40
vladuz976soundray: i did exactly what you said, and i get 002:40
tecnicodelcomputi'm searching a way to activate Beryl on Ubuntu 7.04 Festy.02:40
Zjoskewhat is beryl?02:40
Warren2312But if i want to add a music to my mp3, i'll be obliged to go to the livecd ?02:40
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:40
Zjoskeoh ;)02:41
xtknighttecnicodelcomput, you can try the desktop effects menu item or enable the latest official beryl manually02:41
tecnicodelcomputBeryl is a window manager02:41
javes_Should i use kernal framebuffer device interface? in an nvidia geforceGO setup?02:41
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: no, that's what i thought really02:41
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tecnicodelcomputchange your ambient in a 3d ambient open gl managed.02:41
vladuz976soundray: can you help me out one more time?02:41
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: i have a reply on the forum saying i have to get a console and kill a certain process02:41
FakeOutdoorsmantecnicodelcomput: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BerylOnFeisty02:41
Warren2312Zjoske: You was obliged to reinstall ubuntu ?02:42
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: i'm researching now02:42
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ApeezeeAnyone have experience setting up GCALDaemon?02:42
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XexyzI installed a game using wine how do I remove this game now?02:42
KiloHertzAnyone here know about modifying the startx?02:42
tecnicodelcomputok i take a look..... thank you02:42
soundrayvladuz976: what are the classes boundaries that you entered?02:42
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ZjoskeWarren2312: i did a reinstall of ubuntu, but it didn't make any changes02:42
Zjosketecnicodelcomput: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_nVidia02:42
KiloHertzAnyone here messed with OPENBOX before?02:42
SlartXexyz: use the original uninstaller02:42
Warren2312Zjoske: and now what are you doing with your mp302:42
=== skinnypuppy1334 [n=user@66-168-106-100.dhcp.mdvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: i use openbox02:43
javes_Should I enable the kernel framebuffer device interface on a geforceFX Go card?02:43
ablablai hate digital cameras02:43
Warren2312Zjoske: it is in the trash ? ^^02:43
soundrayiMacThere4iAm: that advice doesn't make sense. You cannot get a console if the machine is frozen...02:43
KiloHertzfakeoutdoorsman could you help me with something then.02:43
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joemamaSomeone who wants to help a newb please private me02:43
NemesisDbarbarella_me, why does sed 's/oldpassword/new-password/g' *.php not work and instead just give me a long reading of source code02:43
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: i'll try.02:43
Xexyzwhere might that be located?02:43
KiloHertzOkay come to this channel fakeoutdoorsman ##openbox02:43
Slartsoundray: if you have another computer you could ssh to get a remote shell02:43
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vox754!anyone | joemama02:43
ubotujoemama: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:43
ZjoskeWarren2312:  whel, i booted up the LiveCD which recognizes the mp3 and i upload my files via that way...02:43
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Slartsoundray: it usually works even if x, gnome and the rest of the bling bling is dead02:44
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Warren2312Zjoske: I must see why the mp3 works on the livecd and not when the os is installed02:44
aidanhow do I remove bittorrent in favour of ktorrent?02:44
ZjoskeWarren2312: it isn't a good solution, but it works...02:44
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: true02:44
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Warren2312Zjoske: Ok, what is your mp3 mark ?02:45
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ZjoskeWarren2312: i too want to know why it works on livecd and not on the installed os... if i know that, it would be a pitty to make it work02:45
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ZjoskeWarren2312: ipod ^02:45
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Warren2312Zjoske: Ah ! An ipod doesn't work on ubuntu ???02:45
moDumassaidan : uninstall bittorrent through synapsis, afterwards install ktorrent02:45
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Zjoskeit worked before.. but now with feisty it doesn't, only from liveCD02:46
soundraySlart: please help iMacThere4iAm02:46
aroAnyone know why I still can't write to an NTFS partition even after successfully using ntfs-config to enable write support to internal device and remounting?02:46
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Warren2312Zjoske: Me, that's a DJIX, simple mp3 who uses Sigmatel MSCN Firmware02:46
Zjoske(but i don't care, i don't use it anymore...)02:46
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vox754moDumass, synapsis?02:46
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acu01_what is the best linux friendly portable video player which plays also .rm and wmv ?02:46
Zjoskehe means synaptic i guess02:46
Slartsoundray: huh?02:46
moDumasssorry synaptic02:46
Warren2312Zjoske: And the mp3 was working with 6.10 and 6.0602:47
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moDumassits the installer02:47
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iMacThere4iAmsoundray: you are right, the advice i was given is nonsense. that was referring to a differetn problem02:47
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Zjoskeyes and even on the fifth version of ubuntu02:47
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aroAnyone know why I still can't write to an NTFS partition even after successfully using ntfs-config to enable write support to internal device and remounting?02:47
m0u5esynaptic and imwheel are the most annoying things ever02:47
moDumasshas anybody sucessfully deleted ICEauthoriy?02:47
vox754!who | Zjoske02:47
ubotuZjoske: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:47
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scales11hey guys, i got an atheros based card and when i use ubuntu, signals are weaker than shown in windows.  i am using whatever default restricted driver and was curious if using ndiswrapper and the windows driver would be better02:47
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moDumassbecause thats the next step in my "fix what i broke" but i cant do it02:48
vox754!repeat | aro02:48
ubotuaro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:48
tunedouthey everyone. I have a gforce 2 chipset and an onboard video card. 640 x 480  @50hz is all I can view anyone know how I can change the res ?02:48
Zjoskesorry vox75402:48
Warren2312Zjoske: Yes02:48
Prospero2008Anyone know how to get an NTP server to listen and accept queries from the local network?02:48
javes_Hey, I'm setting up my xorg.conf and it's asking which port my house uses, and i'm using a touchpad, and ideas?02:48
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vmWhat is the best IM client for MSN network?02:48
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soundraySlart: I'm not the one who has the problem. I was trying to help iMacThere4iAm, but I'm out of ideas.02:48
Warren2312Zjoske: and others distributions02:48
aroSorry I meant to paste that in another channel02:48
iMacThere4iAmsoundray: thanks for trying02:48
javes_Hey, I'm setting up my xorg.conf and it's asking which port my house uses, and i'm using a touchpad, and ideas?02:48
ZjoskeWarren2312: it works fine on gentoo etc..02:48
Zjoskeredhat too02:48
_SpitFIREaro: mind sharing the fstab entry corresponding to your NTFS partition?02:48
dogshedcrimsun: I run audacity and it won't record. If I run alsamixer I can hear the microphone in my headphones. In windows there is a separate mixer for sound input.02:48
Warren2312Zjoske: Yes i had seen02:48
tecnicodelcomputhow can i test if i have Beryl activated?02:49
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Slartsoundray: ah..sorry.. I was just adding a remark about finding a console on a machine that's not responding.. but what's the original problem?02:49
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aro_SpitFIRE, yes one second02:49
Zjoskei dunno tecnicodelcomput02:49
tunedoutAnyone know ?02:49
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vox754scales11, usually ndiswrapper gives better results, but native kernel modules are preferred because they are open source02:49
Warren2312Zjoske: The problem, is i don't want to reinstall something on my laptop02:49
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soundraySlart: freeze at login window02:49
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Zjosketecnicodelcomput:  Executing Beryl  Beryl may be started by running the following command (restarting X11 [Ctrl + Alt + Backspace]  is recommended prior to doing so upon installation): beryl-manager Generally, however, beryl-manager is used in such a manner that Beryl is executed upon loading the desktop environment.02:49
iMacThere4iAmSlart: my machine freezes right after the login screen loads. i can't seem to get a console on it02:49
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: ubuntu 7.04? 32bit?02:50
javes_Which mouse port is the correct one for a touchpad on a laptop? /dev/input/mice?02:50
tecnicodelcomput!anyone knows a command to check if there is beryl activated.02:50
aro_SpitFIRE, UUID=7834FCD734FC98F8 /media/sda1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 102:50
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tunedouthey everyone. I have a gforce 2 chipset and an onboard video card. 640 x 480  @50hz is all I can view anyone know how I can change the res ?02:50
barbarella_meNemesisD: sed -e 's/oldpassword/new-password/g' *.php02:50
moDumasshey i cant log in, gdm cant access my autorization file. so essentially i am locked out02:50
scales11vox754: suggestions or links that will walk me through the driver switch?02:50
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moDumassany ideas on how to fix this02:50
klickHey guys, I run WPA on my network, and Im using ubuntu 7.4 and when i go into my network settings, i only get the option to do WEP encryption, how can i make it WPA?02:50
javes_Which mouse port is the correct one for a touchpad on a laptop? /dev/input/mice?02:50
R3linquish3rCan anyone help me with some serious apt problems? install -f and dpkg --configure -a aren't working,02:50
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tunedoutGforce 4 actually02:50
soundrayjaves_: it can be that, or /dev/psaux02:51
iMacThere4iAmSlart: ubuntu 7.04 PPC6402:51
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Prospero2008modify /var/lib/dpkg/status02:51
javes_soundray: which should i use?02:51
m0u5ehas anyone used wif-radar?02:51
javes_or whats the difference?02:51
meniskklick, use the network manager in  the system tray, you have to connect at every boot, not auto.02:51
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R3linquish3rProspero2008, Yes?02:51
soundrayjaves_: /dev/psaux if your laptop is more than 3 or 4 years old.02:51
Zjoskeyes javes_that port is ok (dev/input/mice)02:51
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vox754scales11, well, searching for your exact model on the forums is a good way to start, all info should be there. Otherwise follow the general ndiswrapper guides for Ubuntu or even in the ndiswrapper project page02:51
SlartiMacThere4iAm: oh..ppc.. of course.. I should have guessed =) so you see the login screen and then it freezes?02:51
tecnicodelcomputanyone is using beryl?02:52
_SpitFIREaro: mind adding 'rw' after defaults; dont know if this is the issue!02:52
scales11vox754:  ok thanks02:52
iMacThere4iAmSlart: yes, exactly. i am getting a bit fed up with my ppc02:52
Zjosketecnicodelcomput:  Executing Beryl  Beryl may be started by running the following command (restarting X11 [Ctrl + Alt + Backspace]  is recommended prior to doing so upon installation): beryl-manager Generally, however, beryl-manager is used in such a manner that Beryl is executed upon loading the desktop environment.02:52
m0u5ewhen should i use wifi-dar02:52
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klickmenisk, i dont see that icon in my system tray, i was running 6.10 then upgraded,  how do i do it02:52
xp_prgI want to write an iso image of ubuntu to a cdrom, is there anything special I have to tell the CD/DVD creator that it is an iso for it to work right?02:52
SlartiMacThere4iAm: have you tried booting into recovery mode?02:52
m0u5eshould i be using it with the bundled ubuntu 7.04 wireless built in?02:52
Zjosketecnicodelcomput:  i guess if you run that command, you will be able to see if it works? ^o)02:52
iMacThere4iAmSlart: no, how do i do that?02:52
R3linquish3rxp_prg, Just burn as a bootable iso :)02:52
xp_prgR3linquish3r:  I don't see that option02:53
SlartiMacThere4iAm: when you do a cold boot you get a boot menu, right?02:53
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xp_prgcan you help me to find it?02:53
SlartiMacThere4iAm: grub02:53
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R3linquish3rxp_prg, try looking for "burn image"02:53
tecnicodelcomputthis is my error: **************************************************************02:53
tecnicodelcomput* Beryl system compatiblity check                            *02:53
tecnicodelcomputDetected xserver                                : AIGLX02:53
tecnicodelcomputChecking Display :0.0 ...02:53
tecnicodelcomputChecking for XComposite extension               : failed02:53
tecnicodelcomputNo composite extension02:53
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:53
tecnicodelcomputberyl: No composite extension02:53
_SpitFIREaro: remount after the change and let me know if it works02:53
meniskI have installed the latest ati binary drivers (8.36.5) manually because the repos have old ones, but it is still using mesa for my openGL, I have specified fglrx as the driver to use in xorg.conf. Any one know what I'm doing wrong?02:53
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LjL!paste > tecnicodelcomput    (tecnicodelcomput, see the private message from Ubotu)02:53
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naliothtecnicodelcomput: pasting is rude in channels02:54
tecnicodelcomputi must activate Composite Extension to activate Beryl02:54
darnellhow do i change that brown theme on load up? I set a splash screen but the background is still brown02:54
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NoorulIslaamwhere's the creator of alacarte?02:54
emorycan anyone tell me what is wrong with this X log?  http://paste.stgraber.org/850 I'm having troubles with resolutions using Nvidia Restricted Driver02:54
meniskklick, go to synaptics and make sure you have the avahi-autoipd and avahi-daemon packages installed.02:54
tunedoutWhats my root password if I just installd ubuntu ?02:54
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Slart!root | tunedout02:54
ubotutunedout: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:54
R3linquish3rCan anyone help me fix apt when install -f and dpkg --configure -a both fail?02:55
aro_SpitFIRE, that worked, thank you.02:55
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: That'd be me02:55
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Flanneltunedout: there is none.  Ubuntu doesn't use the root account, use sudo instead.02:55
Slarttunedout: you don't have to use root02:55
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: File a bug if you have a problem with it :)02:55
_SpitFIREaro: :)02:55
tecnicodelcomputi have an ATI with Restricted Driver enabled, the opengl works, beryl-manager is working at startup.02:55
NoorulIslaamAmaranth, where do i download it from?02:55
iMacThere4iAmSlart: i use yaboot rather than grub, but yes02:55
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: it's included in ubuntu by default02:55
tecnicodelcomputbut how can i use beryl?02:55
Amaranthsince dapper02:55
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Slarttunedout: "sudo command" runs the command as if root would have done it.. it asks for a password.. that's your USER password.. not the root password02:55
NoorulIslaamAmaranth, oh btw... since its you.. perhaps you could help me with a problem02:55
=== Ubulindy [n=Ubulindy@cpe-72-184-198-114.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
klickmenisk, they are both installed02:56
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: maybe02:56
emorycan anyone tell me what is wrong with this X log?  http://paste.stgraber.org/850 I'm having troubles with resolutions using Nvidia Restricted Driver02:56
zigicowho can help me how to "su root" i have one user ??02:56
NoorulIslaamAmaranth, i'm making a program that needs to add/remove application entries from the menu at runtime, on a per-user basis02:56
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: good enough I guess =).. but you get at least 2 choices, right? normal boot with kernel bla bla bla and recovery mode.. right?02:56
vmhrm, i just installed "Slab" from automatix how to I enable it, anyone know?02:56
Flannelzigico: You don't.  Use sudo, not su.02:56
scales11vox754:  do you know if madwifi is the driver used by default?  or how i could check02:56
jrib!sudo > zigico (see the private message from ubotu)02:56
Flannel!automatix | vm02:56
ubotuvm: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:56
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: xdg-utils02:56
iMacThere4iAmSlart: the options there are 'Linux' and 'old'02:56
zigicoFlannel: I have not password for root02:56
meniskklick, hmm02:56
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NoorulIslaamAmaranth, according to the specs, per-user goes in ~/.local/share/applications/*.desktop, but entries there aren't being picked up02:57
Ubulindycan someone tell me how to recover my password for this IRC, cant find pswrd help in nickserv?02:57
SlartiMacThere4iAm: ok.. can you edit the "Linux" boot in some way?02:57
Flannelzigico: exactly.  Don't use su, use sudo.  You use your userpassword, not the root password when it asks02:57
NoorulIslaamAmaranth, hmm02:57
vox754scales11, try "lsmod" it lists the modules loaded, maybe "lsmod | grep madwifi"02:57
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: xdg-utils :)02:57
R3linquish3rCan anyone help me fix apt when install -f and dpkg --configure -a both fail?02:57
SlartiMacThere4iAm: add switches, chose what kernel to boot from etc?02:57
vmFlannel...i know that, i have been using it for a few days, i just installed Slab, (from inside automatix) was wondering it anyone knows how to enable it02:57
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klickmenisk, i figured out how to add the network monitor to the sys try, but not sure how to tell it to connect to a WPA network02:57
=== NoorulIslaam checks it out
zigicoFlannel: ok tnx02:57
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iMacThere4iAmSlart: i think i can type a custom one at the prompt as well as selecting one of the two02:57
Flannelvm: Automatix is not supported here02:57
moDumasshey all, how would i check to see if maby i did jsut run out of disk space02:57
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scales11vox754: it is using ath_hal02:58
emorycan anyone tell me what is wrong with this X log?  http://paste.stgraber.org/850 I'm having troubles with resolutions using Nvidia Restricted Driver02:58
moDumassim not sure what kind of disk space my install took02:58
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: ok.. if you chose that custom one, what do you get? a blank line? something already filled in?02:58
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iMacThere4iAmSlart: a blank line02:58
tecnicodelcomputok i restart the Xorg with Composite Extension enabled02:58
barbarella_meR3linquish3r:can you pastebin your error output from the command apt-get install <package>02:58
moDumassalso how would i regain some space, like emptying my trash form command line02:58
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R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, stand by ill send u a message02:58
FlannelmoDumass: sudo apt-get clean02:58
SlartiMacThere4iAm: ok.. I'll see what my grub boot says.. perhaps we can work something out... hang on02:58
meniskklick, left click, connect to other wireless network. Choose WPA personal. put in your password, choose tkip or AES, depending on which you use and that should be it.02:58
iMacThere4iAmSlart:  thanks02:59
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HollidayStill no luck with nvidia drivers.02:59
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scales11vox754: grep madwifi didnt return anything02:59
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NoorulIslaamAmaranth, should i execute the scripts from my app, or put the relevant code into the app itself?03:00
moDumassoh my gosh i think i jsut ran out of hdd space03:00
zigicohowto install speedtouch 330 usb modem ??03:00
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: either way you want03:00
emorycan anyone tell me what is wrong with this X log?  http://paste.stgraber.org/850 I'm having troubles with resolutions using Nvidia Restricted Driver03:00
disinterestedis there any command where i could get gaim's out put?03:00
tunedouthow do I exit X ?03:00
moDumasswhich hmmm, so how do i give myself more hdd on the linux partition?03:00
NoorulIslaamAmaranth, its compatible with the major distros right? or is it just an ubuntu thing?03:00
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vox754scales11, well, you know your system better than I do, so you need to know the module name in order to blacklist it and use ndiswrapper, check the forums, probably someone has done it before03:01
AmaranthNoorulIslaam: it's compatible with KDE and GNOME on every distro03:01
NoorulIslaamAmaranth, ok thanks03:01
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scales11i know the module name, i will check the forums03:01
tunedouthow do I exit X03:01
fiveironok so if the system just says that a full speed USB device is detected and is "using ohci_hcd and address 4", but its not mounted anywhere and isn't detected as a /dev node, is there a way to mount the device?03:01
barbarella_meR3linquish3r:whooow, you can better pasbin it03:01
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Hollidaytunedout, I've been told sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop03:01
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto03:02
HollidayI've done it, but I don't get a command line03:02
Jordan_Utunedout, ctrl+alt+F103:02
arrocan I put the ubuntu image onto a dvd?03:02
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HollidayThere we go, thanks03:02
bruenigarro, yes03:02
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moDumassflannel I typed in that command you just pasted and i could log in, and im using "disk Usage Analyzer and i have 99.9 gigs available, what would have caused the hdd full error?03:02
iMacThere4iAmSlart: i have here the yaboot.conf file03:02
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R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, i dont know what you mean...03:02
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arrobruenig, everything works exact same?03:02
Jordan_Uarro, Yes, there is also a larger version made for DVD's if you want03:02
Slartok, iMacThere4iAm: do you know the devicename of the boot drive03:02
bruenigarro, yes03:02
SlartiMacThere4iAm: ahh. that would be sweet.. can you pastebin it?03:03
barbarella_me!pastebin |R3linquish3r03:03
ubotuR3linquish3r: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:03
Slart!pastebin | iMacThere4iAm:03:03
ubotuiMacThere4iAm:: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:03
arrothx Jordan_U and bruenig03:03
R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, alright lemme do that real quick and ill send you the url03:03
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fiveironcan somebody tell me what I would need to do to utilize this USB device:  http://pastebin.ca/48542203:03
iMacThere4iAmSlart: http://pastebin.ca/48542603:04
barbarella_meR3linquish3r:ok, but in the channel03:04
expert_pcif i run beryl on terminal it says No composite extension: Why?03:04
xtknightfiveiron, pastebin "lsusb"03:04
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xtknightthat info apparently says the USB device is connected and the hub is powered, but nothing more03:04
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: can you change it? or this is just a readable copy?03:04
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iMacThere4iAmSlart: i can change it03:04
moDumassok, this is really confusing me03:04
SlartiMacThere4iAm: even sweeter =)03:05
R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20559/03:05
fiveironxtknight: the device info is detected at least:  http://pastebin.ca/48542903:05
iMacThere4iAmSlart: that is why i love this livecd03:05
expert_pcif i run beryl on terminal it says No composite extension: Why?03:05
NoorulIslaamurgh the xdg-utils website is down for maintenance :((03:05
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bruenigexpert_pc, #ubuntu-effects03:05
Jordan_Uexpert_pc, Are you using fglrx?03:05
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R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, it seems the root of the problem is capplets-data. ive tried removing it itself and also installing from a deb and i get that same error message from it03:06
expert_pcbruenig yes i use fglrx03:06
moDumassi have 2 hdds, 1 is a 200gig hdd ntfs, and the other is a 160 gig hdd that has winxp and ubuntu sintalled on it, now im looking at disk usage analyser and it says03:06
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R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, line 13 in the pastebin03:06
bruenigexpert_pc, that was Jordan_U03:06
moDumassfirst tab 100%03:06
expert_pchow can i solve?03:06
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moDumassthen media 71%03:06
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barbarella_meR3linquish3r:have you tried dpkg --purge capplets-data03:07
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d2dchatwhere is my path variable ?03:07
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Jordan_Uexpert_pc, You need to either use the open source ATi drivers instead, or set up XGL. But XGL is a hack :(03:07
R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, nope never found that command in my forum travels. will try it now stand by03:07
vox754d2dchat, "echo $PATH"03:07
xtknightfiveiron, which device is it?03:07
d2dchatvox754: how do i add to it?03:07
arrobruenig, what program do you use to write cd (I found a cd)?03:07
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Jordan_Uexpert_pc, Did you get 3D acceleration before installing fglrx?03:08
bruenigarro, are you on linux?03:08
fiveironxtknight: the "Pixart Imaging, Inc" ... its a USB keychain picture displayer that my mom bought... wanting to put some pics on it for her03:08
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R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, same error as line 13 in the pastebin03:08
vox754d2dchat, "PATH=/new/path:$PATH"    permanent changes can go in the file ~/.bashrc03:08
SlartiMacThere4iAm: ok.. here's your new config file http://pastebin.ca/48543803:08
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: I've just added a recovery section03:08
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arrobruenig ubuntu03:08
R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, i also got a segmentation fault with that command03:08
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expert_pcJordan_U -> Yes i get 3d acceleration03:08
bruenigarro, you can use cdrecord: cdrecord dev=/dev/whatever /path/to/iso03:08
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iMacThere4iAmSlart: i see. i'll try that now and report03:08
Xenos767how can I run valve's Steam through Ubuntu (I have wine installed)?03:09
NemesisDbarbarella_me, you still there?03:09
arrobruenig, in the command line?03:09
SlartiMacThere4iAm: do that... I'll be  here03:09
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Jordan_Uexpert_pc, Then disable fglrx in the restricted driver manager and beryl / compiz should work03:09
bruenigarro, yeah, and make sure you replace the whatever and path03:09
xtknightfiveiron, ah, okay.  type "sudo lshw" and pastebin that please also03:09
arrobruenig, THankyou03:09
xtknightfiveiron, it does detect the device's name, though that doesn't necessarily mean it has a driver.  with pasting lshw we can check that03:09
moDumassok, it looks like its fixed, im just going to restart to see that its all good03:09
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Xenos767Does anyone know how I can get Steam.msi working?03:10
NemesisDcan someone tell me why sed 's/oldpassword/new-password/g' *.php not work and instead just gives me a long reading of source code03:10
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expert_pcok i disable restricted driver manager & i reboot03:10
usserXenos767: whats a steam.msi what are trying to do?03:11
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moDumassflannel : thanks that last command did something and it is all ready to rumble03:11
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jscinozhey everyone03:11
moDumassnow on to google to see what i did03:11
shawn34Xenos767, you in the wrong room03:11
barbarella_meR3linquish3r:and apt-get auto-remove03:11
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Xenos767shawn34: should I go to the steam irc?03:11
fiveironxtknight: http://pastebin.ca/48544803:11
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FlannelXenos767: #winehq is what you're looking for03:11
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Xenos767Flannel: I have wine installed already03:12
shawn34Xenos767, your trying to get steam on wine right?03:12
jscinozHas anyone managed to get the input driver evdev to work? it crashes X11 for me with prefix returned null or something to that effect.03:12
barbarella_meNemesisD: did you try sed -e 's/oldpassword/new-password/g' *.php03:12
Xenos767shawn34: yes03:12
shawn34Xenos767, joine #winehq03:12
santhoshhi there everybody03:12
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Xenos767ok thanks03:12
disinterestedno matter what i do every time i try to start gaim my cpu goes to 100% and gaim doesnt start any help?03:12
NemesisDbarbarella_me, no lemme try that03:12
R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, tells me to use install -f03:12
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xtknightfiveiron, sadly, ubuntu did not find a driver for it03:13
xtknightfiveiron, under configuration: there would be  a driver=.  somebody may have created a driver for it online, though03:13
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=== Ubulindy [n=Ubulindy@cpe-72-184-198-114.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["X-Chat2"]
xtknightsearch for pixart driver, perhaps03:13
barbarella_meR3linquish3r:that's all it said03:13
NemesisDbarbarella_me, i did that then I did cat *.php|grep 'new-password' and got nothing03:13
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R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, also says the following packages have unmet dependencies which after that is blank03:14
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fiveironxtknight: would there be any way to, erm, force it to use a certain driver, i.e. "usb-storage"?03:14
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barbarella_meR3linquish3r:can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?03:15
R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, sure stand by03:15
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ZjoskeWhat is the best graphic editor, except GIMP?03:15
Jordan_UZjoske, For vector graphics, inkscape or xara03:16
NemesisDZjoske, photoshop ;)03:16
beugZjoske, photoshop :(03:16
NemesisDoh dang03:16
R3linquish3rbarbarella_me, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20561/03:16
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barbarella_meNemesisD:I can't tell you what could be wrong03:16
d2dchatok, i opened the ~/,bashrc file and i don't see PATH anywhere03:16
Zjoskephotoshop i want it on ubuntu, but photoshop cs, cs2, cs3 won't work in wine...03:16
m0u5einscape is pretty good03:16
MrKeunerhi, sometimes gnome windows that has been maximized cannot be unmaximized. does anybody else has that problem? it is very annoying, you click on unmaximize and instead of going back to the previous dimension before maximized, it just unmaximizes just a very little bit that you can hardly catch the windows form its edges and shrink it dragging it with the mouse. Is it a bug? If yes, it has been there since i knew myself.03:16
m0u5ei played around in it03:16
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m0u5ehavent heard of xara yet though, ill check it out03:16
R3linquish3rZjoske, photoshop 8 works03:16
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NemesisDbarbarella_me, sorry to hear that03:17
xtknightfiveiron, not really03:17
=== MajorBadBoy [n=majorbad@cpe-065-184-016-041.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Zjoskedoes it work with all features R3linquish3r?03:17
xtknightfiveiron, unless you are certain usb-storage can provide the necessary facilities, that is very dangerous03:17
m0u5ei wish someone would just go ahead and create an opensource driver for mice03:17
m0u5ethis imwheel xfree nonsense is quite annoying03:17
R3linquish3rZjoske, havent messed with it in about a year but from what i remember yes03:17
khaije1anyone know how i can uninstall SMART drive monitoring on my HDD?03:17
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Jordan_UR3linquish3r, What happens when you run: sudo apt-get -f install03:17
ZjoskeR3linquish3r: (any link to photoshop 8 download?) would be very helpful..03:18
expert_pchi, i disable restricted manager & i when i run beryl on terminal i have Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"03:18
R3linquish3rZjoske, sorry no. dont want to get kicked out of the channel for pirating :)03:18
NemesisDare there any text editors that can fine and replace text in multiple files then, since sed isn't working?03:18
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R3linquish3rJordan_U, stand by ill re-pastebin it03:18
Zjoskeme neither..03:18
Squirrely_WrathGot a Newbie question.  I installed ubuntu on my computer about a week ago.  It is on its own partition.  I also have windows xp on a seperate NTFS partition.  the Ubuntu OS is starting first by default when I want to be able to choose which OS. Is htere any relatively easy way to remedy this issue?  By the way, I am using Feisty Fawn.03:18
expert_pc& my windows now are without title bar.03:18
tunedoutI exited X and tried installing the driver but it still said X is still running anyone know how to install GeForce 4  drivers ?03:18
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jexlpexpert, probably because you need those restricted drivers.03:18
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R3linquish3rJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20562/03:19
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expert_pcbut i'm trying to use beryl03:19
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Jordan_Uexpert_pc, What is the output of "glxinfo" ?03:19
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Jordan_Uexpert_pc, ( pastebin )03:19
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jexlpRight, and beryl requires 3d acceleration, so you need to have proper drivers installed. Are you using nvidia or ATI?03:19
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and comment out "hiddenmenu" (add a # to the front of the line)03:19
expert_pcXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:19
expert_pcXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:19
expert_pc0x21 24 tc  1  0  0 c  .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None03:19
expert_pcXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:19
expert_pcXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:19
expert_pc0x22 24 dc  1  0  0 c  .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None03:19
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vmDoes anyone have "Slab" installed, gives a start menu......if so how do you enable it03:19
expert_pcXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:19
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok03:19
expert_pcXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".03:19
expert_pc0x3b 32 tc  1  0  0 c  .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None03:19
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tunedoutI exited X and tried installing the driver but it still said X is still running anyone know how to install GeForce 4  drivers ?03:20
jribexpert_pc: don't paste here, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:20
m0u5eis there specific driver support for the inspiron 115003:20
lfredhave got two problems< firstly in order to run google in gaim what do you use, jabber or? the other is that files contaning this line: video/x-ms-asf cant be played in totem but if i play it in vlc, i get sound but no picture. Can some one help please03:20
vox754Jordan_U, it's your fault, mention the pastebin before everything else!03:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@adsl-ull-214-186.42-151.net24.it] by nalioth
nalioth!paste > expert_pc03:20
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naliothexpert_pc: look at your PMs, please.  Pasting in a channels is rude03:21
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xtknightvox754, he did, actually03:21
R3linquish3rJordan_U, did u get a chance to look at my paste?03:21
vmDoes anyone have "Slab" installed, gives a start menu......if so how do you enable it??03:21
iMacThere4iAmSlart: well, i'm in03:21
Jordan_UR3linquish3r, Yes03:21
SmSpillazvm : Its a panel widget03:21
SmSpillazright click on the panel and hit add03:22
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: it worked? you're at a command prompt?03:22
SmSpillazthen hit Gnome-Main-Menu03:22
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: also, if you want it to wait for you to choose one (instead of having a timeout) set the timeout to -1 I believe, and it'll wait forever03:22
R3linquish3rJordan_U, any ideas of how to fix it? ive tried everything i know (which isnt much) and tried a couple different things in the forums but nothings worked03:22
vox754xtknight, no, he didn't do it! bad Jordan_U !03:22
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iMacThere4iAmSlart: i'm in gain in x right now :P03:22
iMacThere4iAmSlart: *gaim03:22
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: oh.. the login screen worked?03:22
NoorulIslaamPIDGIN NOT GAIM03:23
ariks_when i did an upgrade to feisty i had this feature when i typed a command for an app that wasn't installed it would suggest one for me. when i did a clean feisty install, this feature wasn't there.03:23
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Jordan_UR3linquish3r, Can you pastebin the output of: sudo dpkg --configure capplets-data03:23
ariks_how do i get it back?03:23
tunedoutI exited X and tried installing the driver but it still said X is still running anyone know how to install GeForce 4  drivers ?03:23
iMacThere4iAmSlart: no, but from the console i just typed startx, and it all seems ok03:23
R3linquish3rJordan_U, sure stand by03:23
SlartiMacThere4iAm: ok.. take a look in the file /var/log/syslog and see if you can find the time of the last login crash03:24
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expert_pcok sorry i just learned: http://paste.unbuntu-nl.org/2056403:24
vmsmSpillaz ty03:24
R3linquish3rJordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20565/03:24
Squirrely_WrathWhat is the standard timeout length?03:24
jribariks_: is "command-not-found" installed?03:24
skelterhey yall - upgrades to feisty fawn, and i got the error with x not starting properly on boot. tried to run envy but it didn't like the OS version...any tips? :s03:24
Squirrely_Wrath3 secs???03:24
hajikihey guys do you know why Firefox gets modified when i change a Theme, like just any other window. I have Opera too and it doesnt change like Firefox does...03:24
lfredcan some one help  me out with the quiery i send you earlier about  the gaim please03:24
liriano76como estan aqui03:24
ariks_jrib: yeah, i see it on a dpkg -l03:24
NoorulIslaamhajiki, perhaps opera does not use a themed window03:24
Flannel!es | liriano7603:25
ubotuliriano76: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:25
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jribariks_: does your /etc/bash.bashrc say anything about "command-not-found"?03:25
Squirrely_WrathDamn!  I had the same problem skelter.  I wish I could remember how I fixed it.  All I can say is bounce around gOOgle, that's what I did.03:25
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Squirrely_WrathMy apologies if I can't say that word by the way03:25
Xexyzdoes anyone know anything about using the ntfs config tool?03:25
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hajikiNoorulIslaam: ahh ok, but can i stop Firefox from changing03:25
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skelterSquirrely_Wrath: did you use envy to fix it, at least?03:25
liriano76cual es la dirrecion03:25
NoorulIslaamhajiki, i dont think so03:25
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chileanyone able to help with beryl?03:26
Zjoskeanyone know how to install xara (GFX editor)??03:26
iMacThere4iAmSlart: i can't find anything about a crash... do you know what i should be looking for?03:26
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hajikidamn... thanks anyway NoorulIslaam03:26
tunedoutI'm getting this error, "tmp/.X0-lock' exists and appears to contain the process ID '4909'03:26
tunedout   of a runnning X server." How do I completly shut down the X Server03:26
expert_pcrunning glxinfo i receive this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2056403:26
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Squirrely_Wrathno, never heard of envy,  I may have had a slightly different problem.  Mine was an issue with Xserver not starting with an ATI radeon card03:26
ariks_jrib, yep.03:26
Xenos767well, I have tried getting wine support over in #winehq but all they could tell me is that  I need to get another distro. Can someone help me install wine 0.9.37 on ubuntu?03:26
eAianyone know why firefox thinks its already running when I started it, even after I've just restarted? It runs fine if I run it through sudo...03:26
NoorulIslaamhajiki, ask around though, i'm no expert03:26
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voltagex_Xenos767: it's on the download page03:27
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barbarella_meNemesisD: did you try sed -i 's/oldpassword/new-password/g' *.php03:27
NoorulIslaameAi, permissions problem on the lock file?03:27
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Squirrely_Wrathflannel: do you know the standard timeout for my bootup chouce?03:27
Xexyzdoes anyone know anything about using the ntfs config tool?03:27
voltagex_Xenos767: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb03:27
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lfreddoes any one know what to use in gaim if you are with google, in gaim03:27
SlartiMacThere4iAm: it wont write "CRASH HERE".. there might be things like.. this or that process killed, core dumped..errors etc.. you can also just delete that file and do a normal reboot03:27
eAiwheres the lock file?03:27
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: that way it's easier to find what's wrong03:27
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:27
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Xenos767voltagex: Do I need to un-install my previous version of wine to do that? Because I have already followed those instructions and it doesnt give me an updated version.03:27
iMacThere4iAmSlart: good idea03:28
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: what?  it's however many seconds you want it to wait.  -1 is forever03:28
ariks_jrib: bah, sorry nevermind. i was sshed into another machine in the terminal window i was testing it with.03:28
=== ariks_ smacks himself
jribariks_: ah :)03:28
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expert_pchow can i solve my problem using glxinfo? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2056403:28
eAiXenos: the latest version of wine is 3603:28
vmanyone know a program that can record desktop??03:28
eAi(the latest built one)03:28
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liriano76alguna persona que sepa espa;ol03:28
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vox754!repeat | expert_pc03:28
ubotuexpert_pc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:28
NemesisDbarbarella_me, no i didnt, i just loaded up dreamweaver in wine and did a find and replace there03:28
Squirrely_Wrathflannel: okay.  just checking.  was curious to what the default was.03:28
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vox754!es > liriano7603:28
voltagex_!anyone | vm03:28
ubotuvm: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:28
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: believe it's either 3 or 503:28
Xexyzanything about using the ntfs config tool?03:28
liriano76::si vox75403:29
barbarella_meNemesisD:sed -i 's/oldpassword/new-password/g' *.php works03:29
voltagex_!anyone | Xexyz03:29
ubotuXexyz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:29
lfredhow do you set up gaim if you are have a google account for chats03:29
=== voltagex_ sighs
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vmis there a program that i can record my desktop with so i can convert and upload to utube?03:29
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NemesisDbarbarella_me, ok cool, ill try it out if i need to make any more replacements03:29
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NoorulIslaamvoltagex_, you guys actually have a bot to tell that to people? awesome :P03:30
Jordan_Uexpert_pc, You will need to enable fglrx again and install XGL03:30
voltagex_vm: learn to use google, I found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=294605 straight away03:30
Yggdrasilhow can i see what dependencies a pkg needs ?03:30
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unikonvm  try istanbul desktop session recorder03:30
lfredhow do you get vlc to show the pictures if you have a file containing tghis: video/x-ms-asf03:30
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voltagex_unikon: is that free?03:31
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XexyzI need help accessing my secondary Hdd ....says it's read only03:31
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Jordan_UYggdrasil, It in the info given by apt-cache show <package>03:31
eAivm: Look at "recordmydesktop" in the package manager03:31
Squirrely_WrathK.  Gunna try a reboot.  If I am back within 5 minns then it didn't work right cuz it put me back in ubuntu.  if I am not back within 20 minutes tho then my comp pooped out or something.  Thanks for the help.03:31
expert_pcJordan_U -> ah so i must re-activate Restricted Driver Manager to enable fxlrx & install XGL?03:31
unikonits in th03:31
unikonits in synaptic03:31
Yggdrasilusing apt03:31
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rtfm_4could anyone assist me with installing ubuntu with a command line, my partitions are already created..03:31
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defconi dl'd frostwire and started it, it hung, how do I kill it03:31
Jordan_Uexpert_pc, It looks like it, are you sure that what you put in the pastebin was all of the output from glxinfo though, it seemed short and missing parts03:32
vmvaltagex.....i asked in IRC because i get responses and opinions on which people think is best srsly, no need to be a kb warrior man03:32
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eAidefcon: "kill"03:32
bluefox83ok, for some reason i can't access the contents of one of my hard drives, even though i can play music from it and everything shows that it's there03:32
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defconI did ps -al and it didnt list03:32
unikonvm did you see my reply to your ?03:32
defconhow do I kill a proc I cant find03:32
bluefox83nautlis wont show the contents and ls wont either03:32
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eAivm: I answered your question03:33
Jordan_UYggdrasil, You can just run apt-get install and choose not to actually install the packages when it lists what you need03:33
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tunedouthow do I get automatix03:33
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vmyesyes guys, ty both, just voltagex being an arse =)03:33
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Jordan_U!automatix | tunedout03:33
ubotutunedout: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:33
eAidefcon: try ps -fu username03:34
ChetwinHi all03:34
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NemesisDbarbarella_me, would i comment single quotes like sed -i 's/\'foo\'/\'replacement\'/g' *.php ?03:34
eAidefcon: (where username is your username)03:34
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jribNemesisD: use double quotes outside so you don't need to escape the single quotes03:34
NemesisDjrib, okie dokie03:35
Squirrely_WrathOkay, tried the last trick you tole me flannel.  all it did was give me the grub boot menu which gave me a buncha different choices for linux kernels.  Any other suggestions?03:35
miyakohas anyone here had problems with window decorations not showing up with compiz or beryl in feisty? and does anyone have any idea of how to fix it?03:35
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jribNemesisD: (I think) :)03:35
Chetwin/ #programmers03:35
AdvantIs there a guide for debugging wireless problems, mine was working, then just stopped?03:35
Yggdrasilhow can i see what dependencies a pkg needs ?using apt03:35
NemesisDjrib, didn't work heh03:35
tunedout   of a runnning X server." How do I completly shut down the X Server03:35
jribYggdrasil: apt-cache depends PACKAGE03:35
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: that's what you want.  Except, there should be one for Windows on there too (or, if there wasnt already, you'll need to add it).  But, that's the menu you want03:35
jribNemesisD: paste your command03:35
tunedoutI exited X and tried installing the driver but it still said X is still running anyone know how to install GeForce 4  drivers ?03:36
Xenos767Anyone running ubuntu and has wine: do you have a version of wine that is above 0.9.9?03:36
jrib!nvidia > tunedout (see the private message from ubotu)03:36
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miyakoXenos767: 0.9.33 here03:36
Squirrely_WrathFlannel:There wasn't one for Windows, how would I add it.03:36
NemesisDjrib, i forgot to close quote :|03:36
eAiXENOS: I answered before03:36
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eAiI downloaded 9,36  just 30 minutes ago03:36
Jordan_USquirrely_Wrath, Can you post your /boot/grub/menu.lst ?03:36
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FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: You'll need to reedit that file, scroll down the verybottom (after ## end debian automagic kernels) and add one for it.  Where (which harddrive/partition is windows?)03:37
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Jordan_USquirrely_Wrath, Use pastebin though, sorry !03:37
Squirrely_WrathSure, is that all I need to type to bring it up?03:37
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ozevening, I'm installing from the live CD atm the feisty 7.04 i386 one, did manual partitioning, and every time it goes to format the chosen partition as ext3 it fails, but if I choose ext2 it works... plz help03:37
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SpoonyBardwhich software do I need to install to open .rar files?03:37
eAiXenos, just follow the instructions on the wine site, it worked fine here03:37
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: same thing you just did, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (and just keep it open, since you'll be editing it)03:37
vox754Jordan_U, I'm watching you! Mention the pastebin. grrr03:37
Xenos767eAi: Ok, Now I know that its just my version of ubuntu. Thanks and sorry for being annoying.03:37
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eAiXenos, don't worry :)03:38
noiesmo!rar | SpoonyBard03:38
ubotuSpoonyBard: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:38
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liriano76como yo actualizo el sourceslist03:38
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jrib!es | liriano7603:38
ubotuliriano76: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:38
SpoonyBardno kidding. but what do I need to install with synaptic?03:38
liriano76si alquien me puede ayudar03:38
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jribSpoonyBard: read the link, it tells you03:38
ozcan anyone help me with my above stated problem?03:38
SpoonyBardok, thanks03:38
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jrib!please > oz (see the private message from ubotu)03:39
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Jordan_USquirrely_Wrath, Type: gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and copy and paste it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:39
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Squirrely_WrathWhat is the particular command for bringing up my boot/grub/menu.lst?03:39
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Squirrely_Wrathoh, I see03:39
jribSquirrely_Wrath: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:39
ozok then....03:39
expert_pcnow i have installed restricted driver manager & this is my error running beryl (XGL seems ok). Please help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20567/03:39
vox754liriano76, you need to go #ubuntu-es  click it, click it or type /j #ubuntu-es    please understand03:39
jribSquirrely_Wrath: oh, no need for the gksudo unless you want to edit03:39
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Gravelingwhats the go with usb->serial devices? I have one I need to install for serial telescope control. any guesses how I might install it? It was hard enough to install with xp03:40
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ozevening, I'm installing from the live CD atm the feisty 7.04 i386 one, did manual partitioning, and every time it goes to format the chosen partition as ext3 it fails, but if I choose ext2 it works, can anyone tell me why its doing this, it does it on both my SATA and EIDE drives.03:40
CroctilloI need help.03:40
CroctilloWhen I start GParted it says there is no disklabel and the partition is gone.03:40
jriboz: ok, but wait more than 3 minutes to repeat03:40
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CroctilloBut Ubuntu still works.03:40
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jriboz: does it give you a more descriptive error message than that?  Do past versions of ubuntu work?03:41
zengkholguys, i have aspire 5050 with hda_ati sound, before i upgraded to feisty the sound is normal. But now everytime i boot up the sound is gone. I have to manually increase the surround to get the sound working. Any idea what's happening to my feisty ?03:41
rtfm_4Linux doesn't like me03:41
Squirrely_Wrathwow...well I found the list and whatnot,  now if I knew how to tell whwat the info is. lol03:41
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vox754oz, I suggest creating the partitions before installing, you can use the same Live CD or try Knoppix or GParted ones, then after you've created and formated the partitions you may install on them03:42
PupenoAnyone tried home-encrypted on Ubuntu using Luks, like what it is described on http://pupeno.com/2006/12/17/encrypted-home-in-ubuntu-or-kubuntu-or-debian/ with Ubuntu 7.04?03:42
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iMacThere4iAmSlart: for some reason it's booting to a console every time now :S03:42
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ozI've been trying to get Ubuntu working for a week, the first time around it corrupted all my fat32/ntfs partitions, I lost 13,000 mp3's and over 600 GB of anime :( I jusr want to get it working03:42
CroctilloCan someone please help?03:42
miyakohas anyone experienced a problem in fiesty with desktop effects (either compiz that is installed by default, or beryl from the multiverse repos) not showing window decorations?  Could anyone offer some thoughts on how to fix the problem?03:42
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expert_pchttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20567/ why beryl fails?03:42
bruenigmiyako, #ubuntu-effects03:43
miyakobruenig: thanks03:43
jrib!please > Croctillo (see the private message from ubotu)03:43
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sldkfjoz, ouch, I'm sorry to hear that.03:43
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vox754oz, haha at you.... no, but seriously, backup anyone?   That is a shame.03:43
bruenigexpert_pc,, #ubuntu-effects03:43
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CroctilloBut every time I come in here no one helps... with anything.03:43
Rictoohow would I change the horizontal and vertical freq of my monitor in xorg.conf? Where is the option?03:43
ozvox754: got a link to instructions on how to use the gparted on?03:43
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sldkfjcroctillo, yep, I know the feeling.03:44
jribCroctillo: it's not on purpose I'm sure, it's probably because no one knows how to fix the issues you are having03:44
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vox754oz, it is quite straight graphical interface, no problems with it. I would prefer using the QTParted version included in Knoppix CD but it is up to you.03:44
jribCroctillo: try the forums or mailing list when that happens03:44
=== theguyonthecouch [n=dave@c-24-61-202-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CroctilloBut anyways, I am running Ubuntu Feisty Fawn 7.04 on a Toshiba laptop. When I start the GParted program my disklabel is gone and my partition has been deleted.03:44
Jordan_URictoo, It is probably easiest to use the debian configuring tool for xorg.conf with: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:44
Squirrely_Wrathhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20568/   There is my boot grub menu list03:44
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ozis there not one on this live cd?03:45
=== rollerskatejamms [n=rollersk@pool-71-249-99-9.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rictoook, thanks Jordan_U03:45
theguyonthecouchtrying to share my internet connection between two ubuntu pc's , cant figure out what im doing wrong03:45
Squirrely_WrathIf you can tell me what I should change and where that would be greatly appreciated.03:45
oztheguyonthecouch: no router?03:45
=== azamo [n=azamo@c-71-193-92-124.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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theguyonthecouchim using my first computer as the router03:45
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ozthey are cheap nowadays03:45
theguyonthecouchwell, trying to03:45
theguyonthecouchso am i03:45
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ozlinksys + dmz ftw03:46
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vox754oz, yes GParted is included in the Ubuntu CD, so you can use it right now. But use it before running the installer.03:46
CptFuzzylinksys + WRT-DD :)03:47
vmis there like a task manager in linux?03:47
=== DarkED [n=darked@016-048-581.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu
theguyonthecouchif anyone can take a look and see where i went wrong i'd appreciate it, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20569/03:47
ozI found a 8 port gigabit wireless router/switch @ the first saturday sale last month for 20 bucks03:47
jribvm: system > administration > system monitor03:47
=== arc_ [n=arc@82-37-33-4.cable.ubr01.brom.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
wastreltheguyonthecouch:  it's dead simple with firestarter03:47
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=== IrishDave [n=david@i-83-67-59-141.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
CptFuzzytheguyonthecouch: what are you have trouble with (i'm try to catch up?) is your boot not working?03:48
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barbarella_meoz:whow, that is cheap.03:48
disinterestedcan somebody help me fix gaim?03:48
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theguyonthecouchwell im trying to get a second computer on the internet, using the first as a router03:48
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: hmm.. that's odd03:48
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: even if you pick the first option?03:49
ic3Hello, my ubuntu doesn't boot, i always got a error..03:49
theguyonthecoucheth0 is my cable modem, and eth2 is going out to the second computer03:49
theguyonthecouchbut i cant seem to find it on the second computer03:49
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=== Squirrely_Wrath prays that someone is checking out the boot list to help me out while I teach my mother in law how to use a ipod shuffle. lol
theguyonthecouchinet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
=== azamo [n=azamo@c-71-193-92-124.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bluefox83theguyonthecouch, it'll be eth0 on the second machine03:49
=== Talaman [i=kris@66-215-57-61.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
aidanthe default print drivers for my printer sucks. I notice my printer has Mac OSX drivers, can I somehow port them to ubuntu?03:49
theguyonthecouchwhich of these is the ip / subnet/gate way ?03:50
Gravelingno bites on the usb-> serial device issue?03:50
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: where is your windows partition?03:50
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wastrelaidan:  find the ppd that's being used on osx and you may be able to use it on linux03:50
Squirrely_Wrathum....is there an easy wau to figure that out.  by loading qtparte or something?03:50
SeveredCrossCan any of you leet Bash hackers help me figure out how to make find move a whole crapton of jpg's  into one folder?03:50
ozVox: will is there any partitioning tools for windows, that will do ext303:50
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SeveredCrossI know the command to find them all, find /path/ -type f -name "*.jpg" will do it, but I can't figure out how to move them.03:51
ic3I ALWAYS got this error: hdc: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit (2x); plus Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 35756403:51
jp834618how do i enable universe, multiverse and restricted repositories?03:51
SeveredCrossoz: Partition Magic will do it.03:51
iMacThere4iAmSlart: oddly enough, the recovery option you gave me isn't even in the list...03:51
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: wow, first, remove some of those old kernels.  Use a package manager and just emove the linux-image-[version] -(generic|386)  All but two is usually a safe method03:51
SeveredCrossSo will Acronis Disk Editor I think03:51
Flannel!universe | jp83461803:51
ubotujp834618: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:51
CptFuzzyfind -type f -iname '*.jpg' -exec mv -vf {} /new/folder/ \;03:51
=== Beowulf_Lives [n=aimbrock@c-76-104-184-46.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveredCrossThank you CptFuzzy :)03:51
=== medyk [n=medyk@CMPC012-020.CNet2.Gawex.PL] has joined #ubuntu
aroAre there advantages to using a non-generic kernel?03:51
ozok brb time to visit piratebay03:51
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CptFuzzyfind /source/folder -type f -iname '*.jpg' -exec mv -vf {} /new/folder/ \;03:51
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vmdoes anyone know how to open the "Istanbul recorder" preferences?03:51
bluefox83SeveredCross, if you are moving all of the jpegs in one folder it's simply mv *.jpg /new/folder03:51
vox754oz, you don't need windows to handle partitioning, you can partition using a live cd like Knoppix or GParted cd. Remember that you can only partition drives that are not mounted or in use.03:51
SlartiMacThere4iAm: could the software have a backup somewhere? so it just rewrites the config file? that doesn't even make sense03:51
Squirrely_WrathFlannel: lol, remember.  I am a nOOb when it comes to linus.  don't have the slightest idea how to do that but I will give it a look see03:51
wastrelCptFuzzy, SeveredCross that'll overwrite files that have the same filename in the desitnation directory03:51
CptFuzzythis is recursive too03:52
=== BZWingZero [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
barbarella_metheguyonthecouch:can you pastebin your ifconfig?03:52
ozthat requires downloading a cd03:52
CptFuzzyman mv for backup options03:52
ozdowsn't it?03:52
aidanwastrel: ppd?03:52
Beowulf_Livescould somebody tell me how to save installation log files for 7.04 over network during installation?03:52
bluefox83anyone here know how to do NFS ?03:52
jribSquirrely_Wrath: that will overwrite jpg's with the same name but in different directories03:52
SeveredCrosswastrel: There are no duplicate filenames. :)03:52
ic3Noone can help me? My ubuntu never boots, neither with CD... Always the same error, already md5 checked the entire CD...03:52
jriberm too late03:52
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: open up synaptic (System > Admin > Synapic Package Manager) then search for "linux-image", it'll return a bunch, remove the lower numbered ones. (keep two versions)03:52
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:52
NemesisDguys, im trying to make an htaccess and htpassword file but doesn't the password need to be encrypted, and if so, how do i do it?03:52
Squirrely_Wrathlolk, will give that a shot03:52
=== expert_pc [n=tecnico@adsl-ull-214-186.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
vox754oz, you are certainly doing something strange or you have strange hardware if you cannot partition using the Ubuntu CD03:53
=== Capn_Refsmmat [n=alex@cpe-67-11-142-134.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
iMacThere4iAmSlart: i suspect it might. the way yaboot works is it reads the .conf file and uses it to compile a binary03:53
ozic3: check your bios, make sure boot from cd is enabled03:53
iMacThere4iAmso i can't decompile the binary to find out what it's doing lol03:53
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: oh.. but you can boot into recovery mode now, at least? =)03:53
ozvox when you say "a live cd like Knoppix or GParted cd." do you mean a separate cd?03:54
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: also, you probably don't want the 386 kernels, Just the -generic ones.  So, remove linux-386 linux-image-386 linux-restricted-modules-386 and actually, all of the 386 kernels03:54
=== icebreeze [n=paul@ool-435160f6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ozfrom this ubuntu live cd?03:54
wastrelaidan:  ppd is sortof like the driver file for cups. osx uses cups and so does ubuntu, so you may be able to use the osx ppd file on the ubuntu side.  check /etc/cups/ppd on osx maybe03:54
iMacThere4iAmSlart: yes :) i'm going resetting it to the default as generated by the installer and see wha happens03:54
felixhummelwhere can I tweak/disable fsck at boot time?03:54
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: since you don't want to use the 386 ones, just the generic ones03:54
ic3oz, yes, I got to the menu with "livecd/install" things, then i press enter, some time pass, and i get this:03:54
icebreezehey is there an aac plugin for gstreamer 10?  i can't seem to find it03:54
ic3I ALWAYS got this error: hdc: ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit (2x); plus Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 35756403:54
expert_pcnow this is my beryl message after installing XGL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20570/03:54
SeveredCrossThanks CptFuzzy, that did the trick. :)03:54
vox754oz, yes, those are separate CDs. If you don't mind getting them, they may come handy.03:54
BZWingZeroAnyone have a second, I tried setting my system to use the proprietary ATi drivers and now X will not start. I have a root prompt. Can you help me revert it?03:55
=== SeveredCross had a ton of backgrounds in subfolders scattered and needed to move them all to one place.
=== eAi [n=ed@85-211-194-40.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
aidanwastrel: ah, okay I can get the CUPS driver03:55
SlartiMacThere4iAm: well.. about the freezing.. all this mucking around in boot menues was just so you could read the logs..  there might be sometihng in /var/log/syslog.. it might be in /var/log/kern.log ... look at the timestamps and try to find out what software is dying on you.. then you can start thinking about why it's dying03:55
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expert_pcsomeone can help me solve beryl error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20570/03:55
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aidanokay, how do I extract the .dmg :P03:56
Squirrely_WrathRemoved all the ones I felt safe removing, I think there are still 4 at the moment.  want me to re-post boot list in astebin?03:56
Squirrely_Wrathfriggin "p" key03:56
ozI'm still new to linux, I've trouble shot a few things, like the blank screen boot,  vga=771 thing and some other stuff, but the console is a bit daunting atm03:56
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: the only thing I changed in that config file was the "append" option.. "instead of the normal stuff there I just put "single" .. that's what my ubuntu install has as the "recovery option"03:56
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SlartiMacThere4iAm: I have to get to bed.. it's getting late here03:56
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FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: nah, you don't need to03:57
iMacThere4iAmSlart: same here03:57
iMacThere4iAmSlart: thanks for your help03:57
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: you just need to know which partition/harddrive windows is on03:57
Slartgood night and good luck03:57
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eAiI've added a line: "/dev/sda1 /media/disk vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077 0 0" to my fstab file, coped from mtab and if its there, I can no longer mount the disk - anyone know why?03:57
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Squirrely_WrathFlannel: how do I find that out?03:57
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pyropshow do i get ATI driver working to run beryl03:57
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:58
BZWingZeroAnyone have a second, I tried setting my system to use the proprietary ATi drivers and now X will not start. I have a root prompt. Can you help me revert it?03:58
expert_pcpyrops i have the same problem using ATI with beryl03:58
=== borschty [n=sebastia@p54BB6D4A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: `sudo fdisk -l`  (that's an L)03:58
pyropswhat card do u havE?03:58
jp834618How do i add a repository to my sources.list file?03:58
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vox754!sources | jp83461803:59
ubotujp834618: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:59
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Squirrely_Wrathlol.  isn't fdisk also an old DOS command too?03:59
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Squirrely_Wrathsorry, I never used dos much due to my age.03:59
Gerroyeah its a common term03:59
josh__how do i mount a drive through the network on another pc03:59
eAidoesn't do the same thing exactly03:59
Gerrojosh__: nfs03:59
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eAijosh, Places menu -> Connect ?03:59
josh__not smbfs04:00
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Gerrojosh__: that too if its windows04:00
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pyropswhats the difference between .x368 or Generic (in start up)04:00
=== defjux_ [n=del@S01060050bfa2ff46.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:00
defjux_can anyone recommend GOOD UBUNTU GAMES?????04:00
schrolliniWhen I insert a Compact Flash card, I get a messge "Disabling IRQ #3".  How do I make it mount anyway?04:00
josh__there was a walkthrough but not sure where04:00
=== pcollins [n=pcollins@cpe-76-167-192-163.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_SpitFIREdefjux_: wormux04:00
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_SpitFIREdefjux_: supertux04:01
Flannel!games | defjux_04:01
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ubotudefjux_: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org04:01
Prospero2008Ok, I'm trying to get my local lan to sync with on local ntp server that syncs with outside servers. However, I can't seem to configure the local server to listen so that when queried, it provides the correct time. Anyone have experience here with NTP04:01
=== vulcan40 [n=thomas@cpe-24-166-119-4.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eAidoes anyone know how I can easily make a partition mount itself when the computer starts?04:01
bruenig!info frozen-bubble04:01
ubotufrozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 150 kB, installed size 712 kB04:01
borschtyi installed a rpm-file with alien a few months ago and removed it later,  but after purging and deleting the rpm files, synaptic and aptitude still list that package, where is the information about that package stored?04:01
bruenigeAi, put it in the fstab04:01
josh__!info smbfs04:01
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Squirrely_Wrathokay, sda3            6375       14409    64541137+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA),  and sda5            6375       14409    64541106    7  HPFS/NTFS04:01
ubotusmbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.24-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 416 kB, installed size 972 kB04:01
eAibruenig, I've tried that04:01
Squirrely_Wrathsorry, shoulda edited that so only what was needed was in there.04:02
josh__blah where is the site04:02
bruenigeAi, you must not have done so correctly, pastebin your fstab04:02
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bruenig!pastebin | eAi04:02
ubotueAi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:02
=== greg_ [n=greg@LNeuilly-152-22-96-178.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigborschty, bad idea to install rpms04:02
eAibruenig: I mounted it, then copied the line from mtab to fstab, unmounted it then saved fstab then tried to remount and it gives an error04:02
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: alright04:02
borschtybruenig: i know04:02
bruenig!pastebin | eAi04:02
FlannelProspero2008: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/NTP.html04:02
BZWingZeroAnyone have a second, I tried setting my system to use the proprietary ATi drivers and now X will not start. I have a root prompt. Can you help me revert it to the default? I'm currently running Kubuntu 7.04.04:02
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aidanHow can I extract a DMG file on ubuntu?04:03
ubotueAi: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:03
ttjlhi im having problems with FLIGHTGEAR any ideas?04:03
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Squirrely_WrathSo I know 3 and 5 are both XP and in the same partition.  how would I set that up?04:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:03
ttjlitdoesnt find the autosave file04:03
CptFuzzyProspero2008: aptitude install ntp-server04:03
pcollinsanybody having trouble running open office on feisty? i'm getting "WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal early exit ..." on *both* by laptop and desktop -- both clean installs. no success googling.04:03
defjux_hehe im looking for something more involved like an RPG with decent graphics maybe04:03
eAibruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20572/04:03
defjux_anyway i got the thinks04:03
=== jaevel [n=jaevel1@user-0vvdf78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
variantSquirrely_Wrath: just remember that grub counts from 0 whereas linux starts at 104:04
pyropsBZWingZero:  sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx  then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg .. the flgrx driver04:04
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jaeveli broke my system again, can anyone help??????04:04
vulcan40aidan I know what you have just fixed it myself you have to run this sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:04
ElectricMonkwhat would u reccomend for sharing files selectively from my local pc to a select user?04:04
eAijaevel, turn it off and turn it on again04:04
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20573/  You'll see he stuff at the bottom04:04
jaeveleAi: been there done that.. ;)04:04
expert_pci run beryl & my error is listed here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20570/04:04
ElectricMonkam thinking installing an ftp server and switching it on and off when needed04:04
Squirrely_WrathOkie dokie.  will check it out.04:04
XexyzI have a 2nd hdd that is read only can anyone help?04:05
hilts50still need help with my macbook and intel display problems04:05
vox754!anyone | jaevel04:05
ubotujaevel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:05
eAijaevel, we might need more info before we can help04:05
arroI was running Gnomebaker and cancelled a cd while it was burning, now my cd drive won't open, any way to do it with out restarting x?04:05
ttjlPYROPS: could you explain how to run flight gear04:05
ElectricMonkand letting the other person browse the folder via firefox04:05
eAiarro, brute force or a paper clip?04:05
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: The only things you might need to change is hd0,4;  the 4 might need to change to a 2, depending on which partition has the OS.  Also, the "root" (on that same line) might need to become "rootnoverify"04:05
vox754arro, type "eject"04:05
=== ethereality_ [n=daniel@c-67-187-107-186.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jaevelok... i keep getting an error "su returned an error"...04:05
eAibruenig: any idea?04:06
arroeAi, I is what vox754 said what you meant by brute force?04:06
variantjaevel: use sudo -i to become root. not su04:06
XexyzI have a 2nd hdd that is read only can anyone help?...it won't let me remove files04:06
variantXexyz: file system?04:06
eAior anyone know why this fstab doesn't work (last drive refuses to mount)? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20572/04:06
bulmerXexyz: is it mounted read only?04:06
CptFuzzywhat fs ?04:06
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eAifile system?04:06
=== Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@pool-71-104-139-64.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754arro, no brute force is actually using the hands and all, you know muscles04:07
jaevelvariant: says im not in the sudoers files04:07
ElectricMonki had a r/o prob with ntfs04:07
ttjli get an error with failiure at  /home/tom/.fgfs/autosave.xml04:07
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Squirrely_WrathOkay, sda 3 had win 95 extended, and sda 5 had ntfs, so which should I put and would I make that hd0,3 or hd0,5 for windows to show?04:07
ttjldoes anyone know how to resolve that04:07
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arrooh, I don't think my computer would appreciate that04:07
variantjaevel: as the adminstrative user add your self to the admin group to use sudo with ubuntu04:07
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CptFuzzyXexyz, ElectricMonk: install ntfs-3g04:07
variantXexyz: you need to enable fuse/ntfs write support to be able to write04:07
variant!ntfs-3g | Xexyz04:07
ubotuXexyz: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions04:07
jaevelvariant: im am in the administrator group04:08
ElectricMonkyeah, i already maneged to convert to fat3204:08
eAiarro, once you pull the drive out a few millimetres they normally open as normal04:08
variantjaevel: in that case you made some changes that have borked it04:08
jaevelvariant: im sure i did, anyway to fix it?04:08
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vulcan40anyone running Desktop Effects without problems??04:08
variantjaevel: fix whatever you broke :/04:09
ElectricMonkcan I safely convert fat32 to jfs3 without losing any data ?04:09
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FlannelElectricMonk: most likely not04:09
jaevelvariant: well, i need to get into User Management to do so.. ?04:09
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Flanneljaevel: correct.  Use the user that is an administrator on that machine04:09
variantjaevel: live cd time or single user mode04:09
vulcan40so exactly what file system does ubuntu use?04:10
eAiext3 normally I think?04:10
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CptFuzzywhatever you tell it to at install time04:10
Flannelvulcan40: almost anyone you want.  ext3 is default though04:10
variantElectricMonk: if you make a copy of your files, format the fat partition as jfs then copy your files back then yes#04:10
CptFuzzyext3 is default04:10
jaevelvariant: im am the admin, thats my problem ;)04:10
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Squirrely_WrathOkay, quick question.  if I make the changes and I messed up on the drive info, all I gotta do is reboot and choose to boot into ubuntu so I can come back here for help, correct?04:10
variantjaevel: if you can't become root your not the admin04:10
vulcan40no wonder I was confused lol04:10
Flanneljaevel: Did this install finish normally?  Since, this sounds like an install that didnt complete04:10
variantjaevel: reboot to single user mode or chroot from a live cd04:10
bulmerthere are several FS used in ubuntu04:10
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ElectricMonkyeah that would be an option if I had a temporary place to put them04:10
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shawn34trying to add action to nautilus with the nautilus gui, but not showing up when i test it04:11
ElectricMonkno matter, its a backup drive04:11
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ElectricMonkthanks anyway04:11
BZWingZeroPyrops: I did that, and rebooted. came back up to a prompt and I tried sudo startx and it came back with "Fatal server error: no screens found"04:11
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jaevelFlannel: this was a completly working system fresh install, till i made a mistake...04:11
griswaldhello, can wise people tell me if it is good to upgrade from dapper>edgy>feisty?04:11
griswaldor should i stay with dapper04:11
CptFuzzyfeisty is nice04:12
Flanneljaevel: ah.  Made a mistake.  Ok, well, reboot, at grub, choose "recovery console" then add your user to the admin group, with usermod04:12
jaevelvariant: how do i get into "single user" mode?04:12
vox754Squirrely_Wrath, yes04:12
PijiuMy monitor only has 640x480 Screen Resolution available, how do I correct this so it runs 1360x76804:12
jaevelvariant: just load live dc?04:12
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OscarMgood night04:12
Squirrely_WrathHere goes nothing!  * holds breath *  and thanks again for the help y'all.04:12
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: you can also edit those things at the grub menu, with 'e' (while highlighting them) to sort of shotgun debug your correct partition04:12
griswaldCptFuzzy: i have a bcm4306 wireless built in will it still be supported in fiesty04:13
gatengriswald: i just installed feisty on another partition seperate from dapper, im liking feisty04:13
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griswaldgaten: hmm ok04:13
Squirrely_Wrathokay.  will make a note of that flannel.  thanks.04:13
Sleepy_CoderOkay, I like Blackbox.  :)04:13
griswaldgaten: i shall install fiesty then, thank you for your input people04:13
Sleepy_CoderIt's so simple and fast...04:13
OscarMsomebody that can i help about de debian's repository04:13
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jp834618when i use apt-get update i get a permission denied error.  do I need to log in as root to install cinelerra?04:14
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gatengriswald: np, getting my feisty desktop to the point that my dapper was at only took like 2 hours of installing, feisty makes so many things easy04:14
OscarMi have installed Debian04:14
Flanneljp834618: sudo apt-get update04:14
griswaldis it true, i heard i can get and install beryl from fiesty's universe repository?04:14
jaevelFlannel: ok one minute...04:14
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PijiuMy monitor only has 640x480 Screen Resolution available, how do I correct this so it runs 1360x76804:14
Flanneljp834618: compiz is in main, beryl is in universe04:14
gatengriswald: i believe so. im using compiz, which works great04:14
griswaldiam upgrading to fiesty just for that ><04:15
gatengriswald: but make sure you install gnome-compiz-manager to make your life easier04:15
shawn34Making an action for nautilus to mount iso images, but need to use sudo, what can i put in the command line to bring up a gui sudo login box?04:15
griswaldonly iam scared of not being able to use wireless04:15
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rollerskatejammsHaha there is a "#" channel.04:15
gatengriswald: wireless didn't work at all on my wife's laptop w/ feisty, so i can give you much help there04:15
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fsckranyone in here familiar with a cobalt qube?04:15
OscarMbut just in text mode, i want to install KDE , i have to do ????'04:15
bobesponja oops, wrong channel sorry04:15
FlannelOscarM: install kubuntu-desktop04:15
ussershawn34: gksu04:15
gatenshawn34: gksudo command04:15
vulcan40Pijiu are you running restricted drivers?04:16
shawn34which one04:16
OscarMbut i hace Debian 4.004:16
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PijiuNo idea I'm new to this04:16
griswaldgaten: well, wireless works on this computer under dapper, but when i go to fiesty it wont work with ndiiswrapper?04:16
OscarMbut i have Debian 4.004:16
bluefox83ok, i need nfs help, does anyone know where i can get help fixing it?04:16
FlannelOscarM: Oh.  Debian help is in #debian04:16
gatenshawn34: i would say sudo, as it mimics the sudo command04:16
griswaldgaten: iam using ndiswrapper atm04:16
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gatengriswald: i would assume it will, i just couldnt get the latop to work. doesnt mean you wont be able to04:17
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griswaldgaten: you sound knowledgable about linux, may i ask you a part about a tutorial04:17
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pushpop`anyone here run vmware server?04:17
gatengriswald: have at it04:17
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gatenpushpop`: yes04:17
OscarMthat succed is while i put on apt-get install x-windows-system kde-base04:17
griswaldgaten: is it possible to go to another room, the screen is filling up so fast on this screen04:17
pushpop`gaten: are you running the latest version?04:18
ezquimomew chpeu  muita gente :X04:18
borschtywhere does synaptic get the information about files converted by alien?04:18
gatenpushpop`: im using 1.0.304:18
gatengriswald: yes pm me04:18
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OscarMmessage: warning in line 204:18
griswaldhow do i do that ?04:18
outRideri logged on and got the error "I've detected a panel already running and will now quit" multiple times (one for each panel?), now whenever i log on i get no panels at all, just a wallpaper, icons, and right click menu04:18
=== Bruce29 [n=jonathan@bas2-quebec14-1128667705.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
pushpop`gaten: I cant get 1.0.3 install on feisty04:18
gatenpushpop`: you need a patch04:18
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Rictoowhat is the 'whiptail' process?04:19
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dsmith_Vista = Useless   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20575/04:19
OscarMmaybe i have bad the file /sources.lst04:19
gatenpushpop`: hold on ill find it for u04:19
jp834618when i use sudo apt-get update it asks for password but wont let me type.04:19
pushpop`gaten: Thanks man!04:19
pushpop`gaten: i have been going nuts over here04:19
crimsunRictoo: apt-cache show whiptail04:19
gatengriswald: respond the the message i just sent you04:19
Flanneljp834618: it does. It just doesn't echo it, that's a security feature04:19
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PijiuMy monitor only has 640x480 Screen Resolution available, how do I correct this so it runs 1360x768, I use intel onboard graphics04:19
FlannelOscarM: Ubuntu support is here.  Debian support is in #debian04:19
dsmith_ Q: anyone been able to get SD cards working in ubuntu?04:19
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Xexyzok it worked...THANKS04:20
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gatenpushpop`: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_feisty_fawn_vmware_server_howto there ya go04:20
Flannel!fixres | Pijiu04:20
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ubotuPijiu: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:20
jp834618thank you04:20
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pushpop`gaten: thanks04:20
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mischkoHow to launch a program each time you log into ubuntu?04:20
Flannel!vmware | pushpop`04:20
ubotupushpop`: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:20
OscarMsee you .thanks for helpme04:20
gatenpushpop`: sure thing, that drove me nuts for like an hour ;)04:20
Flannel!startup | mischko04:20
ubotumischko: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup04:20
Rictoothanks crimsun04:20
jaevelFlannel: ok, im there.. how to i use usermode to add myself?04:20
anandanbuwhats the best audio player that i can use in the Ubuntu 7.0404:20
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OscarMgood night04:21
Flanneljaevel: usermod -G admin -a username04:21
mischkoFlannel, Thanks!04:21
outRiderdoes anybody know about this panel problem? any suggestion on where i should start? im sure gnome keeps startup logs, how do i look at them?04:21
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OscarMsomebody help me  about the Debian`s repository04:21
wastreloutRider:  did you try "killall gnome-panel" /04:22
bluefox83how do i get nfs to allow write permission to the client?04:22
EADGanandanbu: xmms - light wieght, amorak - like itunes, but better.04:22
jaevelFlannel: ok, nothing happened, should it have said ok or somehting if it worked?04:22
anandanbubut i have problem with xmms in that the fonts in the menu are not showing properly04:22
Flanneljaevel: nope.  You can check to make sure it was added, "groups username" and that'll echo the groups you're in04:23
Squirrely_WrathOkay, I think this part is easy to fix.  Tried to start the windows partition and got " makeactive *next line* chainloader +1 *new line* error 13: invalid or unsupported format04:23
FlannelOscarM: Go to #debian04:23
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jp834618when i use sudo apt-get install cinelerra it says it couldn't find the package.04:23
outRiderwastrel, how can i get access to a terminal? are there any hotkeys to start one? i use the panels for everything really04:23
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wastreloutRider:  alt-f2 will open a run dialog04:23
Beowulf_Lives could somebody tell me how to save installation log files for 7.04 over network during installation?04:23
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EADGanandanbu: Give Amorak a spin, it fetches lyrics, album covers, band wiki's, etc.04:23
anandanbuthanks EADG i'll try it04:24
gatenjp834618: make sure you have the name right. try searching for it w/ apt-cache search cinelerra or in synaptic04:24
jaevelFlannel: ok, now reboot and try?04:24
Flanneljaevel: Yeah04:24
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Xexyzhow do I install DIVX?04:25
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anandanbudoes anyone know how can i get a driver for Ubuntu 7.04 for my monitor which is samsung SyncMaster 798MB plus04:25
pushpop`gaten: thanks again it worked = )04:26
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gatenpushpop`: np04:26
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XexyzDivx won't install.....anyone help?04:27
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jribXexyz: that is not how you install divx04:27
jrib!restricted > Xexyz (see the private message from ubotu)04:27
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Panzorcan someone help me remove vmware-player04:27
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exsdoes anyone know how to set my  microphone up in ubuntu ?04:28
XexyzI have file divx611-20060201-gcc4.0.1.tar.gz how do I install?04:28
Panzorsudo aptitude -fr remove vmware-player returns an error, breaks the package, and doesn't get rid of vmware player04:28
anandanbucan someone help me to install the NTFS 3g in my ubuntu 7.04 system04:28
jp834618I don't get any returns when i search for cinelerra with apt-cache search or in synaptic04:28
outRiderwastrel, alt-f2 doesnt do anything04:29
PijiuWhen I try to set a resolution; 915resolution 5c 1360x768 it doesn't work... any ideas?04:29
jaevelFlannel: F'ing awesome... it works again... Thank you very much!!04:29
Panzorcan someone help me remove vmware-player04:29
Xexyz I have file divx611-20060201-gcc4.0.1.tar.gz how do I install?04:29
EADGXexyz: You need to decompress that file first.04:29
Xexyzdid that04:29
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wastreloutRider:  ok, try dropping to a console,  ctrl-alt-f1 (ctrl-alt-f7 to return)04:30
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EADGXexyz: tar -xvf path/to/divx611...04:30
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gatenjp834618: sounds like it doesnt exists in the repositories04:30
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EADGXexyz: is there an install file?04:31
PijiuWhen I try to set a resolution; 915resolution 5c 1360x768 it doesn't work... any ideas?04:31
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EADGXexyz: sh install04:31
maxwhat is the gnome equivalent to kdesu?04:31
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gatenPijiu: for resolution issues, make sure your graphics drivers are correctly installed and your vsync and hsync are correct in /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:31
rtfm_4I'm running off the live cd, trying to install ubuntu onto a usb external harddrive. I don't want to install a bootmanager onto my internal drive. i have the advanced dialog box open on the last part of the install screen where I type in where I want to install grub. Can I just leave it blank to not install the boot manager ?04:31
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Xexyzit says install.sh04:32
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EADGXexyz: in a term type sh install.sh04:32
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outRiderwastrel, i dont see gnome panel running at all, the error only happened once, its just that every time i log on now the panels arent started04:33
=== Punkunity [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== NoorulIslaam has had that problem before
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Xexyzx@PC:~$ sh install.sh04:34
Xexyzsh: Can't open install.sh04:34
outRidersh ./install.sh maybe04:34
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EADGXexyz: lets try that with 'sudo sh install.sh'04:34
KiloHertzHi all.04:34
Flannelno.  Its the former.  ./install.sd04:34
Punkunityi need help getting my DVDRW to play DVDs, it already can play CDs and Burn CDs, but I cant play DVDs04:35
vox754rtfm_4, I think for that you really need the alternate installation disk04:35
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Punkunityive used almost every player there is04:35
GreyKingDoes anyone know of any software to copy a cd onto an ISO?04:35
Xexyz./install.sh" as root....how do install as root?04:36
PijiuIntel 800/900 Series VBIOS Hack : version 0.5.204:36
PijiuUnable to obtain the proper IO permissions: Operation not permitted04:36
vox754rtfm_4, But why wouldn't you install the boot loader in the external USB?04:36
wastreloutRider:  i dunno, i'm not familiar with how gnome manages its startup stuff.04:36
rtfm_4vox754, can i specify the usb hd in that field, and will that work. I don't care that it installs it there, i just have to leave the laptop as is because its owned by my company04:36
EADGXexyz: sudo ./install.sh04:36
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jp834618why would cinelerra not be found in repositories?04:36
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Xexyzasks for password04:37
shawn34Xexyz, thats your password04:37
KiloHertzyour password you use to login at the beginning. That password xexys04:37
vmso how do i get different gnome themes, besides in the default gnome theme manager04:37
Xexyzsudo: ./install.sh: command not found04:38
shawn34vm, gnome-look.org04:38
vox754rtfm_4, it may work, but it is not guaranteed. It also depends on whether your BIOS can boot the USB instead of internal hard disk. Search the forums for success stories04:38
=== teer [n=m@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Punkunityeveryones too busy then i guess?04:39
EADGXexyz: you need to be in the directory where the install.sh file was decompressed to.04:39
Xexyzits on my desktop04:39
teerAnyone installed from a livecd on a computer using a RAID card?04:39
jribXexyz: that's not the correct way to install divx support04:39
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luisgmarineanyone here got Cedega running on Ubuntu 64-bit?04:40
rtfm_4vox, yes the bios supports it, and i tried to specify that the last time I installed it but got a fatal error but I believe my syntax was wrong, do I specify the block or the partition, and using /dev/... before it or just (sdb)  ?04:40
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jribXexyz: if you read the link I sent you, you'll see it's very easy to get support for divx and other media files04:40
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Xexyzcould you send it again04:41
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jrib!restricted > Xexyz (see the private message from ubotu)04:41
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QRZPunkunity: Did you install libdvdcss?  It's required for playback of encrypted DVDs.04:42
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vox754rtfm_4, well that is very specific, and since I'm not running the installer I can't tell. But I think it is how it appears in the installer.04:42
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luisgmarineAnyone here using Ubuntu 64-bit?04:42
austin_does anyone have a driver or somethign that will allow ubuntu decoder that will allow windows videos04:42
jrib!anyone | luisgmarine04:42
ubotuluisgmarine: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:43
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jrib!restricted > austin_ (see the private message from ubotu)04:43
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schrolliniWhen I insert a Compact Flash card, I get a messge "Disabling IRQ #3".  How do I make it mount anyway?04:43
vox754luisgmarine, no. You of course know that 64 bit distributions are mostly troublesome for normal desktop users04:43
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jaevel1Flannel: still there, i have 1 more question if thats alright?04:43
rtfm_4vox754, thank you for assisting as you could. I will try again as i'm a persistent S.O.B.04:43
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flowingfireLOL Hi... I just typed "sudo aptitude install libfreetype6 libcairo2 libxft2" in KDE and the apt-get appears to have REMOVED Gnome in its entirety... Ummm help,. Why did it do this?04:44
oxy-cottonWhy is my network spinlocking?04:44
vox754rtfm_4, nice nickname04:44
jribflowingfire: it wouldn't do that without asking you first04:44
oxy-cottonvox754: Why?04:44
austin_I am looking for a decoder for Totem04:44
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flowingfirejrib: Hmm.... I think it did ask me something... Let me look back and make sure I didn't approve this...04:45
jribaustin_: did you read the link ubotu sent you?04:45
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austin_I never recieved it04:45
vox754oxy-cotton, pardon?  I wasn't talking to you.04:45
jribaustin_: you should have a private message from ubotu04:45
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oxy-cottonvox754: I know04:46
rtfm_4vox754, I make a good example out of myself.. hehe04:46
jaevel1can anyone tell me how to, from a user account install flashplayer-installer? i have tried "sudo flashplayer-installer" it asks for my password then says wrong password?04:46
oxy-cottonrtfm_4: What does you nick mean?04:46
flowingfirejrib: No, I never specifically said I would allow it to remove gnome... It just did it.  What I DID approve was a warning in the terminal that said,04:46
flowingfireUntrusted packages could compromise your system's security.04:46
flowingfireYou should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that04:46
flowingfirethis is what you want to do.04:46
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KiloHertzjaeveli your going to have to reset your root password somehow.04:47
oxy-cottonWhy is my network spinlocking?04:47
Pelojaevel,   capslocks ?04:47
jribflowingfire: pastebin the entire output04:47
jaevel1KiloHertz: ive never had a root password?04:47
meclizineis there an "more normal" way to get my version info then "cat /etc/issue"04:47
flowingfirejrib- Ok...04:47
rtfm_4oxy-cotton, rtfm = read the flippin' manual (replace flippin' with more vulgar term if you like)04:47
jscinozIs the evdev input driver broken currently? it won't let X start if it is enabled04:48
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jribjaevel1: you want to install flash player?04:48
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jaevel1jrib: yes04:48
jribjscinoz: you need xserver-xorg-input-evdev04:48
jrib!flash > jaevel1 (see the private message from ubotu)04:48
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jscinozthats what i have jrib04:48
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PijiuI'm trying to use my HDTV as a monitor, It's connected to my laptop Via a VGA but It doesn't detect the model and won't let me go above 640x480 resolution... I've tried editing the 915resolution but It still doesn't work. Please help04:48
vox754meclizine, "lsb_release -a"04:48
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jscinozit still wont allow X to start04:49
jribjscinoz: it works fine here, check your xorg.conf04:49
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flowingfireOhhhh crap.... I think I just found the culprit...04:49
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jscinozwhat should i be looking at in it.04:49
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GreyKingdoes anyone know of any cd to iso software?04:49
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oxy-cottonWhy is my network spinlocking?04:49
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jribjscinoz: the evdev setup.  /var/log/Xorg.0.log probably tells you why X failed to start, so it should give you some hitns04:49
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Pelooxy-cotton,  try asking the forum04:50
Toma-GreyKing: mkisofs04:50
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oxy-cottonI would rather ask here04:50
oxy-cottonI don't want to have to reg04:50
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oxy-cottonand wait04:50
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meclizineubuntu doesnt use /etc/issue does it?04:50
Pelooxy-cotton, search the forum04:50
hitmanWillymeclizine: yes it does04:50
jribmeclizine: it does04:50
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jscinozI no longer have that log as i had to comment out evdev in my xorg.conf to be able to get into X11, but i believe it said something like "prefix returned null" which resulted in it being unable to set up the mouse, which resulted in not having all core devices04:51
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benji____I was trying to figure out how to uprade 6.04 to the current distro.  I read I need to change my repositories?04:52
jribjscinoz: then check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old  or revert to the broken evdev setup, start X again, and save the log04:52
benji____does anyone know in what way I need to change them?04:52
Flannel!upgrade | benji____04:52
ubotubenji____: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:52
svakshaHi, Has anyone tried loading Ubuntu 7.04 on a Compaq V6320 ? I have the same problem mentioned here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=252075504:52
tininhello? wich program should i use to create a vcd from a divx movie?04:52
Flannelbenji____: you don't need to change anything, its all automated04:52
benji____thank you04:52
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outRiderwastrel, fixed it, i just deleted ~/.gnome2/session04:53
jscinozalright once a compliation of something finishes i'll revert to the broken thing and get you the log04:53
benji____thanks Flannel.  I'll read that page04:53
Squirrely_WrathFlannel:  Okay, this will be my last try for today since it is getting late.  I tried what you said, and I even changed it from hd0,1 all the way through hd0,5 and everytime I got an error 12, unsupported device requested or something like that04:53
flowingfireOkay... Obviously I should be more careful with what I do in an apt-get, as I can now see that I approved it to remove Gnome... But would somebody please look at it and tell me why it did it to begin with so I can prevent it from happening again... Contrary to what the computer thought, I actually do use gnome.... Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20576/04:53
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Jordan_Uflowingfire, I am guessing that you removed ubuntu-desktop correct?04:55
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PijiuI'm trying to use my HDTV as a monitor, It's connected to my laptop Via a VGA but It doesn't detect the model and won't let me go above 640x480 resolution... I've tried editing the 915resolution but It still doesn't work. Please help04:55
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Xexyzok so I downloaded the Ubuntu restricted extras now what do I do?04:55
rtfm_4once in the live cd is there anyway to initiate an internet install ?04:55
outRiderPijiu, nvidia on your laptop?04:55
Pijiuintel onboard graphics04:56
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Xexyzif I go to a site with divx it says I am missing plugin04:56
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XiXaQrtfm_4, internet install? You can install from the cd you're booting from.04:56
Jordan_Uflowingfire, Because ubuntu-desktop brings in gnome, apt was just telling you that since you removed ubuntu-desktop you might also want to remove it's dependencies, one of which is gnome04:56
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outRideri get that sometimes, detects some displays as only being 640x480, but i have nvidia04:56
svakshaHas anyone tried loading Ubuntu 7.04 on a Compaq V6320 ? I have the same problem mentioned here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2520755 , any idea how to solve this?04:56
XiXaQXexyz, what is it you want to do?04:56
rtfm_4XiXaQ it must have some bad files, because it errors out trying to read some files04:56
Mosbyhey guys04:56
Mosbycan u help me?04:57
flowingfireJordan_U Ahhh ok....04:57
PijiuoutRider: I've tried setting higher resolutions but It won't go higher than 640x48004:57
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Squirrely_WrathFlannel: any ideas before htey do some server maintenance?04:57
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sldkfjahhh, we're flying Freenode and I didn't get my pack of peanuts yet.04:58
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Xexyz if I go to a site with divx it says I am missing plugin04:58
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=== flowingfire is the king of doing brainless, stupid things on Ubuntu and then screwing things up... LOL
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fsckitcan someone tell me how to configure my drives all at once like when you install at first? my fstab got messed up04:58
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: do you have IDE drives as well as SATA drives?04:58
Squirrely_WrathFlannel: just an SATA drive as far as I know04:58
=== flowingfire realizes you can't just say "yes," "y," "yes" as in Windows without consequences in Ubuntu.. lol
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Squirrely_WrathFlannel: I do know for a fact there is only one drive04:59
rtfm_4XiXaQ, is there even such a thing as an internet install ?04:59
oriezhow can i install babylon on ubuntu05:00
Jordan_Urtfm_4, Yes05:00
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sldkfj"Most of what I post offends someone, I figure that will offend someone also."05:00
FlannelSquirrely_Wrath: odd.  did you change root to rootnoverify?05:01
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Squirrely_WrathFlannel: yes.  should I try it with just root?05:01
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Xexyzok so I downloaded the Ubuntu restricted extras now what do I do?05:02
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Jordan_UXexyz, What are you trying to do ?05:02
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Squirrely_Wrathwell...guess that wouldn't make any sense since it is saying it's an unsupported device.05:02
jribXexyz: how did you download them?  You're supposed to use a package manager like synaptic or add/remove to install the package05:02
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d2dchatwhat is a dependency package?05:06
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d2dchatis it a dummy package that points to the latest version?05:06
hydrozenhi, is there an easy way to kee ubuntu from reseting the motd on every reboot??05:06
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Flanneld2dchat: that's a metapackage.  Or, one use of a metapackage05:07
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d2dchatFlannel: what is a metapackage?05:07
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con-mandamn netsplit05:07
con-manthe bot left too05:07
Sleepy_CoderThat was a ahahaha05:07
con-man!netspilt wont work05:07
Flannelcon-man: He just came back.05:07
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:08
Flannel!metapackage | d2dchat05:08
ubotud2dchat: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.05:08
Prospero2008Holy Jesus No!05:08
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d2dchatFlannel: awesome so i should prob install those too05:08
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Prospero2008The sky is falling!05:08
Flanneld2dchat: which ones?05:08
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crdlbSmSpillaz: leave ubotu alone05:09
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:09
d2dchatFlannel: the metapackages for libc6-dev and a bunch of others05:09
bl4cktoneHello all05:09
bl4cktoneI've got ubuntu 6.06 can I use the 7.04 CD to update my OS05:09
Flanneld2dchat: ah, yeah.  Those are good packages, build-essential is another useful metapackage05:09
Sleepy_CoderI feel special somehow.  I didn't quit. :p05:10
crdlbbl4cktone: no, the desktop cd can only be used for a clean install05:10
Sleepy_CoderAlso:  http://rafb.net/p/JbLc5c34.html05:10
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hitmanWillybl4cktone: you need the alternate cd05:10
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:10
crdlbbl4cktone: and even with the alterate cd, you have to upgrade through edgy05:10
Flannelbl4cktone: You need to go through 6.10 as well05:10
crdlbso you go dapper>edgy>feisty05:10
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:11
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d2dchatFlannel: I installed all of the packages latest stable versions, but i think i should bring down the metapackages too05:11
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rtfm_4can anyone point me to internet install information ?05:11
sotec_prodIs this the official Feisty channel now?05:11
Flannelsotec_prod: it is05:11
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teerI'm working through an install on a RAID0 (striped) disks.  (They show up as two disks, not one as they should.)  I found this link that identifies this as an issue with the Ubuntu installer.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto05:11
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d2dchatFlannel: what is weird though is the version for irb is like 1.8.2 and the best version is 1.8.505:11
Flannel!install | rtfm_405:11
uboturtfm_4: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:11
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teerWhat is a suggested workaround?05:12
teerSoftRAID ?05:12
crdlbdon't use it :)05:12
sotec_prodAnything useful or just cool that's third party that anyone can recommend?05:12
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bluefox83why is there really no help for NFS in ubuntu?05:13
sotec_prodevening crdlb05:13
Flannel!nfs | bluefox8305:13
ubotubluefox83: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.05:13
bluefox83yeah that is about as helpful as a hole in the head05:13
yimmmywhen i use azurus in ubuntu and try to open a torrent to download it it says not a file check to see it there is enogh temp file space avalible05:13
d2dchatFlannel: does that matteR?05:13
yimmmyi have 33 gigs left on my spare drive05:13
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yimmmywhat the hell05:14
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tonyyarussoillusion_: Do you have a question?05:14
TashKavarishdid i join at a bad time? lol05:14
tonyyarussoTashKavarish: kinda - just server maintenance05:14
yimmmywhen i use azurus in ubuntu and try to open a torrent to download it it says not a file check to see it there is enogh temp file space avalible05:15
yimmmyi have 33 gigs left on my spare drive05:15
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Gneabluefox83: btw, that's a really good NFS tutorial, you obviously haven't read it nor tried it.05:15
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TashKavarishdunno if theres an easy answer but: anyone know where I could find info how to build a ubuntu install that runs off a usb thumbdrive and loads entirely to ram with delayed writes so itll keep settings after a reboot?05:15
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alien8edI am having problems playing mp3 in amarok.  Any suggestions?05:16
bluefox83Gnea, not only have i both read it AND tried it, but it does nothing to fix my problem of not being able to write to the shared directory05:16
TashKavarish(aka what I need to build a hdd less machine)05:16
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Flannel!persistence | TashKavarish05:16
ubotuTashKavarish: To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence05:16
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Gneabluefox83: oh, well i had no idea what the real problem was. try changing the permissions so that they match up05:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:16
bluefox83Gnea, i did05:16
TashKavarishFlannel:  how do I put a livecd onto a thumbdrive tho?05:17
bluefox83Gnea, i actually posted to the forum, if you'd like to see it05:17
Gneabluefox83: please05:17
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ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.5 for Edgy and packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok05:17
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Flannel!install | TashKavarish05:17
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ubotuTashKavarish: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate05:17
Prospero2008What type of server does rdate look for?05:17
=== knoeki is Away, Reason: ( sleepin' ) | Since: ( Sunday, May 13, 2007. 03:48:04 ) Xlack v2.1
GneaProspero2008: time05:18
Flannel!away > knoeki05:18
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bluefox83Gnea, did i post enough info?05:18
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tonyyarusso!away > knoeki05:19
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Prospero2008what server should I install to get the 'time' service running?05:19
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sourcedriverHi all, I am having trouble installing from a USB disk. I am using this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick and everything goes well until i have to mount the usb drive as cdrom. Anyone have the time and insight to help me out with this?05:19
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TashKavarishty Flannel LiveCDPersistence seems to be exactly what i need05:20
Gneabluefox83: no, you didn't. there is nothing indicating that you've checked *all05:20
Gneafucking enter05:20
tonyyarusso!ohmy | Gnea05:20
ubotuGnea: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:20
alien8edim having problems playing mp3s in amarok05:20
bluefox83Gnea, say what?05:20
david_i just installed beryl and when I start it... looks like the actual window manager isn't working.  When I start apps, the app shows up with no window management (no max, resize close buttons, no frame for me to grap and move the window)  how to fix this?05:21
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hitmanWillydavid_: are you running an nvidia card?05:21
darwinDoes anyone know what the VMware irc channel is?05:21
alien8edcan anyone help me?05:21
vmIs there a program/setting in ubuntu, that allows it to automatcially cycle through specific wallpapers?05:22
david_hitmanWilly: yes05:22
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jscinozdavid_, put this in your xorg.conf  under the screen section "    Option         "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"05:22
Gneabluefox83: no, you didn't. there is nothing indicating that you've checked *all* permissions. IOW, there are options there that are denying certain services from accessing the system, such as nsfd and statd.  also, there is nothing indicating that permissions on / or /d2 are aligned with /d2/Shared05:22
chrisjs169|brbdarwin: #vmware ?05:22
david_jscinoz: I'll try it05:22
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hitmanWillydavid_: in a terminal run sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals05:22
MindOfChaosI can't get my speakers to all work05:23
hitmanWillydavid_: then restart x05:23
jscinozdavid_ i'll PM you some other lines, may as well add them aswell05:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:23
MindOfChaosUbuntu only seems to play accross one of the speakers in my 5.1 set up05:23
MindOfChaosAnd misses the other 405:23
crdlbdavid_: just run: sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2405:23
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crdlbthat does everything05:23
david_jscinoz: this option appears to already be there.  I did do the command that hitmanWilly suggested some time ago05:23
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jscinozdavid_ add the other ones i PM'd you05:24
DShepherddavid_: how are you starting beryl?05:24
MindOfChaosPlus Gnome-ALDS mixer gives a error and trys to use the Onboard sound card for some fuked reason05:24
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david_jscinoz: thanks.. I'll try it05:24
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jscinozand make sure that "window decoration" is enabled under beryl visual effects in beryl-settings-manager05:24
aidanwastrel: yay .. extracted it on a mac, copied the .pkg file back, used pax -r < Archive.pax to get all the files out ... I see a folder ppds05:24
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jscinozbrb, need to restart X05:25
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aidanwastrel: found the PPD for my printer!05:25
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MindOfChaosSome one else must also have this problem as well05:25
wastrelyay!  now use that nice gui thing in feisty to import it05:25
MindOfChaosHow do you make it play the music over all speakers05:25
twistedQuestion... if I want to install Ubuntu on my machine.. will it be okay if my internet connection is wireless?05:25
MindOfChaosinstead of just 105:25
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david_jscinoz: should all those go in the screen section?05:26
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aidanwastrel: do I rename the CUPS file to .ppd?05:26
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wastrelwhich cups file ?05:27
Gneatonyyarusso: so 'fuked' is ok?05:27
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oxy-cottonWhy is my computer spinlocking?05:27
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aidanthere's no .ppd file, there's only a "my printer CUPS" text file05:27
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tonyyarussoGnea: No, I just don't notice it as quickly.05:27
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aidanrenaming it seemed to work05:28
vmIs there a program/setting in ubuntu, that allows it to automatcially cycle through specific wallpapers?05:28
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Flannelvm: wallpaper-tray05:29
ste-foybye bye05:29
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darwinHow can I access files on the physical ext3 partition inside a Windows 2000 Guest OS running under VMware player?05:29
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vmflannel, where do i get it from?05:30
Flannelvm: universe05:30
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mobutudarwin: share it on the unix side with samba, mount in inside of windows05:30
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imperfectusAnyone here using Wine to play WoW?05:31
defconwhere do most applications install to05:31
defconim trying to get firefox to open ktorrent05:31
defconwell after dl of a .torrent05:31
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usserwhat would be the /dev name for a external usb dvd ?05:31
darwinmobutu, I'm not that familiar with networking or using Samba. Is there a guide I can use to get started?05:31
vmFlannel: ty05:31
oxy-cottonWhy is my computer spinlocking?05:32
xtknightspinlocking?  what's that?05:32
MaxRideAEI have a little question....When I try to boot from the CD for the first time, it stops booting at 'SquashFS'. It's not frozen but the boot process stops....CD verification says it's okay, but the memory test pulls a ton of errors...what do you think?05:32
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usserdarwin: heres a pretty good page on samba http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/samba.htm05:32
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oxy-cottonxtknight: When your computers CPU goes to 100%05:32
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MaxRideAEAlso, It's happening on two seperate machines, but the other one runs Win2k just fine....05:33
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defconhow do I find an application I installed05:34
defconthe binary files05:34
gordboya spinlock is a mechanism in the kernel to prevent concurrent access to volatile address/io spaces05:34
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usserdefcon: which <appname>05:34
xtknightyeah and when he says his computer is spinlocking, that doesnt make much sense now does it05:34
xtknightas that's the only spnlock i know of also05:34
defconor any app05:34
defconso I dont have to keep asking05:34
crdlbdefcon: why do you need to know?05:35
crdlbit's in your PATH05:35
aidanah dear05:35
crdlbso you can just run it05:35
aidanthis is going to be harder than I thought.05:35
kevin__usser nice i never knew the which command05:35
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defconno im looking for it so firefox opens it05:35
usserkevin__: theres also whereis05:35
crdlbjust put "ktorrent"05:35
Assassin`how is everyone :)05:35
defconok thnx but for my information, in linux where are binary files stored like ktorrent05:36
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defconor whats a command line command to search05:36
gordboy"my computer is going out of control. i think it must be the cfq scheduler. how do i change that ?"05:36
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usserdefcon: u dont generally need the exact location of binary files05:36
xtknightuse no op scheduler05:36
Jesterdefcon: /usr/bin for user bins and /bin for system bins usually05:36
|chiz|defcon: binary files are stored the in bin folders05:36
Assassin`i have a question :)05:36
darwinHow do I know if I'm running a DHCP server?05:36
usserdefcon: but if u do most of the time they are in /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin05:37
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gordboydefcon: which ktorrent05:37
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Jesterdefcon: type "which ktorrent" to find out05:37
alien8edcan anyone help me with mp3 playback problems?05:37
defconok chillin05:37
defconu guys rule05:37
bluefox83Gnea, can you offer any help for NFS not allowing writing access? i'm not sure what all i need to check and or change05:37
Assassin`just started ubuntu today and i need to know how to update my video driver :)05:37
gordboyalien8ed: shoot05:37
defcondefcon@desktop:~$ which ktorrent05:37
vmhrm okay, so I installed wallpaper-tray, and have it set up, and to start it i type wallpaper-tray into terminal......then do i have to leave the terminal window up for it to run?05:38
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michaelpois there a shortcut to arrange open windows by cascade or tile? what is it? how?05:38
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michaelpoin gnome05:38
alien8edgordboy: i know mp3s will play on my computer because they work fine in rhythmbox.  but when i try to play them in amarok, it says mp3 not supported05:38
defconi wish I could bind alt ctrl del to system monitor05:39
defconany way?05:39
MaxRideAEI have a little question....When I try to boot from the CD for the first time, it stops booting at 'SquashFS'. It's not frozen but the boot process stops....CD Verificaiton is fine, and I just put in a good new RAM chip...Anybody have any suggestions?05:39
xtknightdefcon, /usr/local/bin sometimes05:39
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xtknightthat was in a popular ubuntu tip thread05:39
xtknightcant remember05:39
bluefox83alien8ed, amarok needs some gstreamer stuff, i would google amarok mp3 support05:39
defconwhich forum05:39
defconi'll do a google site: search05:39
mjbrooksMaxRideAE, laptop?05:39
gordboyalien8ed: in synaptic package manager, turn on the "dodgy" repos, and search for mp305:40
MaxRideAETwo fo them, different brands.05:40
alien8edi have tried installing some gstreamer things, but will look again05:40
jp834618how can i auto start applications after boot?05:40
alien8edgordboy: will try that05:40
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Assassin`can someone answer my question :)05:40
gordboyalien8ed: just use audacious05:40
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mjbrooksMaxRideAE, try pressing F6 and typing noacpi at the beginning of the line that shows up05:40
jscinozhey everyone05:40
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gordboyAssassin`: how do you know ?05:41
Assassin`know what?05:41
MaxRideAEAh, I was getting some ACPI errors so I had to do that, before it got hung on the 'Blinking cursor' of doom.05:41
alien8edgordboy: does audacious integrate ipods05:41
gordboyAssassin`: how do you know that you need to update your driver ?05:41
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mjbrooksMaxRideAE, hmmm05:41
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Assassin`because i tried to run a program and it didn't work as well as it did05:41
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=== geoffb says something to test the irc client
gordboyalien8ed: not as far as i know. but some bugger has probably written a plugin by now ...05:42
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kevin__Assassin`,  nvidia card?05:42
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Assassin`no sir ati05:42
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mjbrooksMaxRideAE, there are a few other options besides that which cause laptops problems as well, can't think of them off the top of my head though :(05:42
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Assassin`oops ati xpress 20005:42
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Assassin`but i had it where it was flying in windows xp05:42
alien8edgordboy:  ill tinker a bit with amarok because i know it does work as i had to reinstall ubuntu and it worked fine before05:43
MaxRideAEMJ: =(  Yea, I think I need to start looking at the HCL for Ubuntu and verify hardware at this point...  x.x;05:43
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jscinozi'm writing this from console IRC, evdev broke X again startup error is "PreInit returned NULL for Mouse0" any ideas what causes this?05:43
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Assassin`then i kicked bill gates in the nuts and saw the light05:43
crabgrassso i'm using .tar.gz's on a seperate disk for backup, and i was wondering if there was any way to append them, rather than deleting and remaking or adding files in?05:43
kevin__Assassin`, i have a nvidia card And i used the driver and their instructins from their website05:43
=== geoffb test - please ignore
damwhere do i go for questions about crossover office and world of warcraft?05:43
mjbrooksMaxRideAE, try searching google for your laptop model + ubuntu05:43
crabgrassbetter yet, anyone know of a proper backup app?05:43
mjbrooksMaxRideAE, I'm sure you aren't the first ;)05:43
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Crazytomis there a way to tell what all packages you have installed other than the default ones?  and then reinstall them when you do a reinstall?05:43
kevin__Assassin`,  im not much help for an ati card , you might check the ubuntu forums though05:43
gordboyalien8ed: righty ho05:43
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crabgrassAssassin`: google for "milone envy"05:44
Assassin`might i add that this is my first day on here and thanks for helping the n00b05:44
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michaelpois there a way to arrange open windows in gnome by cascade or tile or vertical or horizontal?05:44
kevin__Assassin`, or do a google search for <model of card> + ubuntu05:44
=== geoffb ignore
jscinozi'm writing this from console IRC, evdev broke X again startup error is "PreInit returned NULL for Mouse0" any ideas what causes this?05:44
crabgrassAssassin`: it's an app called envy, and it's worked wonders for my nvidia card, and ive heard nothing but good about his ati support.05:44
mjbrooksmichaelpo, right click on desktop?  works in Kubuntu05:45
MaxRideAEMJ: Allright, I'm going to step out while I google up this information...although, it just did something new....I'm at a blank white screen now...so....while I leave it to sit and think...05:45
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michaelpomjbrooks: nope... not in ubuntu...05:45
michaelpoany ubuntu users here know this secret?05:46
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mjbrooksmichaelpo, how about middle clicking?05:46
Assassin`well now i have so little knowledge of linux its not funny05:46
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payalhi all05:46
caezaetelehi everyone, someone from chile?05:46
payalwhere do I download ubuntu DVD05:46
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michaelpomjbrooks: nothing happened when i middle click on the ubuntu desktop05:47
gluttonysorry, i missed what the answer was05:47
Assassin`hey could i do sudo aptitude install envy??05:47
cbsANyone having problesm running CS under WINE?05:47
cbsI think I found a solution05:47
DShepherdAssassin`: i dont think so05:47
crabgrasscbs: go05:47
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crabgrassAssassin`: he has a .deb on his site, that's easier05:47
cbsWell, I completely reinstalled ubuntu, installed WINE, then NVIDIA binary driver05:48
payalgordboy: but it downloads CD not DVD05:48
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sourcedriverdoes anyone know how to mount a usb drive as cdrom?.... I need to do this to finish installing. I've been at it two days and I'm going crazy. Please help!!!05:48
mjbrookscbs, CS?05:48
cbsthis is the part where people sya get "Tahoma" ttf and inst it in windows05:48
cbscounter-strike source05:48
crabgrasscbs: =/ yeah, me too, and it's still not working'05:48
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payalany ideas05:48
Assassin`i just see one for nvidia05:48
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crabgrasscbs: well, it is, but in dx7. i have a 7900gtx and i dont want to waste it05:48
cbscrabgrass: it wouldnt work for me eoither...but instead of just importing Tahoma.ttf, I copied my entire windows XP fonts folder to WINE05:48
cbsand now EVERYTHING runs05:48
zerokill88Hellooo.Is there anything out there.um..something as a registry cleaner for windows.I want something to check through my file systems and just make sure everything is in place.05:49
crabgrassAssassin`: choose 'manually install driver'05:49
cbsbefore, I was getting crashes in CS every 5 mins05:49
payalI want DVD download and not CD05:49
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cbsnow I can play for hourse, no crashes05:49
DShepherdAssassin`: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html05:49
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crabgrasscbs: did the same here, but brought it from a win2kpro install05:49
mjbrookspayal, it comes as a CD not a DVD05:49
cbsall the mem errs in CS point ot font probsa05:49
gordboypayal: burn the image onto a dvd then05:49
payalmjbrooks: why?05:49
hikenbootgreetings all just installed ubuntu 7.04 getting cant access tty job control turned off on first boot after install...any ideas..I see hundres of posts for this issue with no solutions05:49
mjbrookspayal, because it fits05:49
cbswant my font folder?05:49
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Skrot-Hi, when I try "Xephyr :1; export DISPLAY=:1; xterm" I get the error "xterm Xt error: Can't open display: :1" after I close the session, and xterm won't start.. any ideas?05:50
crabgrasshikenboot: unplug anything usb, then boot.05:50
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payalI have 6.06 DVD and it contains everything I need05:50
jscinozis there  a way tos croll up in the console?05:50
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payalwhy doesn05:50
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crabgrassjscinoz: pageup/pagedown05:50
payal7.04 have DVD then05:50
zerokill88i have 6.10 dvd.came with Linux Magazine :)05:50
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Assassin`I'm still trying to get the hang of this05:51
crabgrassAssassin`: in due time05:51
jscinozdoesnt work for me crab05:51
gordboypayal: there are 3rd party (paying for) dvds. none for free download tho. as far as i know anyways05:51
Assassin`you guys must be patient :)05:51
crabgrassjscinoz: then i'm out of ideas, sorry.05:51
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jscinoz:P dw05:51
crabgrassjscinoz: what term are you using?05:51
jscinozconsole (ctrl alt f1) i cant get x going05:51
mjbrookspayal, http://mirror.utdlug.org/linux/distributions/ubuntu/release/dvd/current/05:51
jscinozim using ssh to a remote server and using their IRC to talk05:51
crabgrassjscinoz: damn, that's intense.05:52
XLV_feistygordboy, there's dvd for 7.04 for download05:52
crabgrassjscinoz: what's the x error?05:52
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payalgordboy: oh! is there a chance that free DVD will be released officially05:52
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jscinozone sec05:52
KinkxNo sound for me I guess since I have a Creative X-Fi sound-card? :(05:52
jscinoz"PreInit Returned NULL for Mouse0"05:52
jscinozi'm trying to get Evdev to work05:52
Assassin`wow that seems simple enought05:53
crabgrassjscinoz: hum. again, can't help ya.05:53
gordboyXLV_feisty: perhaps you'd be kind enough to paste a url for payal then05:53
crabgrassjscinoz: sorry, mate05:53
cbsOH< another VERY important step to getting this to work, is installing mozilla, then the mozilla activex control into wine05:53
Assassin`so this automatically finds whats right for you computer05:53
payalcan I install winzip using wine on ubuntu05:53
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hikenbootcrabgrass, all usb devices disconnected same problem05:53
crabgrasspayal: you don't need to05:53
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gluttonywhere is this option >>> Analog/Digital output05:53
XLV_feistygordboy, trying to find the url05:53
bruenigpayal, why would you want to05:53
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mjbrooksI wish I could get kwallet to stop prompting me for knetworkmanager    sigh05:53
cbscrabgrass: check pm's when you have a min05:53
crabgrasshikenboot: bummer. well, that's what worked for me05:53
damanyone playing WOW in ubuntu?05:53
cbsim going to play some CS :)05:53
jscinozCan anyone help me get EvDev working, currently it prevents X from starting with "Preinit returned NULL for Mouse0"05:53
ussercbs: i think wine has that already05:53
Toma-Kinkx: last i saw there was no support for the X-FI line :S do you have an integrated sound chip?05:53
Gekko-StateAnyone know if NwN2 is stable under wine in ubuntu?05:54
Assassin`ok what about games05:54
mjbrookspayal, you don't need winzip05:54
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ussercbs starting 0.9.33 u dont have to install mozilla activex05:54
jscinozdam, go to winehq.org then appdb then find wow (its near the top of the gold list) theres a link in there to a ubuntu guide05:54
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Assassin`you can only play games that are opengl based right?05:54
crabgrassusser: is there a nightly for that? 'cause that's something i want.05:54
payalcrabgrass: that was an example - I want to try wine05:54
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cbsusser: ok, i know...it says that....but it wouldnt work for me on latest wine even...05:54
crabgrassAssassin`: or ones that translate easily into opengl, like WoW05:54
cbstrust me, I have reinstalled ubuntu 8 times this lpast week alone05:54
bruenigpayal, in general, to use wine you just do "wine whatever.exe"05:55
ussercbs: thats weird05:55
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jscinozAssassin, not entirely true, some DX games work but most dont work or have such bad performance their unplayable05:55
KinkxToma-, I do.. guess I should go enable it in BIOS, but kinda feels like a waste to have a X-Fi right now :)05:55
payalcrabgrass: but while installation it is asking for path of istall - c:\program file etc05:55
cbsusser: tell me about it...but I REALLLY wanted to play CSS :P05:55
ussercrabgrass: come again nightly for what?05:55
bruenigpayal, but make sure that whatever app you are installing isn't available on linux, that is why winzip seemed so odd05:55
payalhow can that path be valid in Linux05:55
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crabgrassusser: nightly build for wine05:55
imperfectusI'd really like to use wine w/ World of Warcraft05:55
defconyo this is a little off topic but, when I run frostwire, for some reason the screen is blank05:55
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|chiz|Assassin, you can get wolfenstien enemy territory for linux05:55
defconis that a java issue05:55
cbscopying winxp fonts folder and inst mozilla activex has be playing lagless05:55
defconor wut05:55
crabgrasspayal: yeah, wine will point to a fake c:/ drive05:55
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bruenigpayal, it uses the fake drive c05:55
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jscinozimperfectus, go to the appdb entry for WoW on winehq.org it has all the information you need05:55
ussercrabgrass: i wouldnt know never used csv, development builds in my life =)05:55
XLVpayal, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/05:55
Toma-Kinkx: they were ment to be the beginnings of the DRM hardware, iirc05:55
crabgrasspayal: if you're interested, it's /home/username/.wine/drive_c05:55
crabgrassusser: =P05:56
gordboywine. joysticks. gamers. god help us05:56
payalbruenig: but once I install where do I run winzip from - where is it installed05:56
imperfectusjscinoz: well, I wasn't happy with cedega... I'm just wondering if I'll get any better results using regular wine05:56
payalcrabgrass: oh05:56
crabgrassgordboy: sadly, linux isn't for gamers, yet.05:56
usserimperfectus: nope05:56
bruenigpayal, what is the deal with winzip05:56
payalXLV: cecking it05:56
mjbrookswhy won't kwalletmanager let me add knetworkmanager as a no password needed application? grrrr05:56
crabgrasspayal: wait, have you run winecfg yet?05:56
usserimperfectus: if anything u'll get worse05:56
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gordboycrabgrass: hopefully, it never will be05:56
payalcrabgrass: no05:56
matmanhello fellow ubuntians!  I just bought a macbook, and i was wondering if anyone has any advice for me on installing ubuntu and getting everything to work.05:56
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hitmanWillyimperfectus: usually cedega is better for games05:56
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crabgrasspayal: kill the installer and do that first.05:56
bruenigpayal, you would need to find the executable, it will probably be in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/05:57
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crabgrassgordboy: aww, why do you say that?05:57
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jp834618i love ubuntu05:57
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crabgrassgordboy: i really don't want to have to waste hdd space on a windows install just to play two or three games05:57
KinkxI really have the wrong kind of hardware for Linux I think, ATI XT1900 and X-Fi.. guess I'll go back to XP :[05:57
mjbrookspayal, you DON'T NEED winzip05:57
bruenigpayal, seriously, I am curious, why are you installing winzip?05:57
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gordboycrabgrass: you play games on a game console. you fix xorg.conf in a linux console :)05:57
bryliematman, have you downloaded Ubuntu for your architecture?05:57
hikenbootanyone else have a clue why ubuntu 7.04 doesnt like to boot?05:57
defconhow do I update my java05:57
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EADGwww.happypenguin.org for a start on Linux games.05:58
=== cotton [n=cotton@pool-71-183-226-118.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
crabgrassgordboy: <-- born and raised on pc games, console games are (for the most part) horrible to me.05:58
MenaDoes Ubuntu/Kubuntu Recognize Vista and add it to the grub ?05:58
crabgrassgordboy: nice pun, though =D05:58
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michaelpohow do you guys autoarrange your open application windows?05:58
matmanbrylie, well, it should be the same ach. right? it's a macbook, so it's running the new intel core 2 duo05:58
jscinoz>_< i fixed evdev... and it was the most retarded fix i could think of...05:58
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py_geekhey all05:59
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bruenighere comes offtopic05:59
py_geekALL:: who in here uses wine?05:59
crabgrasspy_geek: howdy05:59
josh__do you know about a good program to download music05:59
Toma-Kinkx: ATI will be releasing open source drivers soon, so theyll quickly become awesome. as for X-Fi, well, you can thank all those turkeys at SoundBlaster for not releasing spec sheets for it to the alsa dudes05:59
bruenig!anyone | py_geek05:59
taliseinWhere is sun-java6-jdk installed to in feisty? I'm trying to set my java_home correctly05:59
ubotupy_geek: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:59
MenaDoes Ubuntu/Kubuntu Recognize Vista and add it to the grub ?05:59
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bruenigtalisein, do dpkg -L sun-java-sdk (I assume you mean sdk)05:59
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bruenigtalisein, do dpkg -L sun-java6-sdk (I assume you mean sdk)05:59
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:00
=== Madpilot [n=brian@S0106001150603f7d.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
py_geekALL:: okay... has anyone ever had any reallly wierd graphics problems with wine?06:00
alberthello O.O06:00
bryliematman, did you put the cd in and boot into ubuntu?06:00
crabgrasspy_geek: all the time, what game and what problem?06:00
bruenig!anyone | py_geek06:00
ubotupy_geek: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:00
=== broedje [n=hellvis@p54B10280.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
DefianOk, so if my sound quality in games just plain sucks, distorted and pops.. would getting say.. an audigy 2 SB fix that?06:00
py_geekwarcraft 3 demo06:00
taliseinbruenig: thanks06:00
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defconroot@desktop:~# apt-get upgrade sun-java06:01
defcon <----- how do I upgrade my java06:01
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KinkxToma-: Well that's cool at least, think I read that there will be some X-Fi drivers released later this year as well from Creative, so guess I'll just have to wait a bit :)06:01
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kevin__py_geek,  i dont think wine uses directx906:01
crabgrasspy_geek: how are you starting it, wc3demo.exe -opengl06:01
Toma-Kinkx: thats the spirit :)06:01
crabgrasspy_geek: remember to switch it to opengl06:01
=== jscinoz [n=jscinoz@c220-239-14-96.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
gordboyDefian: audigy sux. get a proper envy24 card06:01
taime1mena: yes06:01
usserpy_geek: just wanted to say that06:01
usserpy_geek: war3.exe -opengl06:01
jscinozgod damn, that really makes me want to bash my head in..06:01
Menataime1, ok06:02
=== teer [n=m@c-68-52-118-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
matmanbrylie, oh, i'm sorry, i forgot to mention that i'm the silly kind of person who likes to plan things out in advance.  I'm just having conversations and setting pre-installation help06:02
=== rich_ [n=rich@c-68-45-227-124.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
payalthanks guys06:02
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bluefox83defcon, you can't, just do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:02
taime1Mena: http://www.pro-networks.org/forum/about78184.html06:02
Menataime1, ok06:02
kevin__i wish world wind worked with wine06:02
Defiangordboy: i've never heard of anvy before. I'm assuming it would fare better in linux than an audigy would? hell anything would be better than onboard..06:02
rich_hi any know whot o find out if i use ppp0 or etho or???? for conky setup06:02
=== fintler is stuck in the airport at PHX...on free internet :D
bluefox83defcon, that will upgrade everything as best it can06:02
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kevin__or maybe someone could port it for me06:02
defconBluefox, where do I uninstall .deb packages06:02
Toma-kevin__: excellent use of alliteration :D06:02
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teerso - I figured out that GParted doesn't support SATA raid configurations.  kind of surprised me.06:02
crabgrassfintler: where you headed?06:02
bluefox83defcon, synaptic06:02
py_geekon warcraft 3, i open it using link from desktop that the program created, and my screen res dips down to between 640x... and 1024x... and all the graphics are just gradiented lines/squares... i am using feisty... hmm06:03
crabgrassteer: really?06:03
fintlerPHL to ABQ with a drive to Santa Fe06:03
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defconwhere is synaptic06:03
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@cpe-65-185-163-101.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fintlerlayover in PHX06:03
py_geekon the game06:03
crabgrasspy_geek: don't use the link, use term or make your own shortcut06:03
Flanneldefcon: System > Administration > synaptic package manager06:03
mjbrooksdefcon, you can uninstall through synaptic or the command line06:03
=== fintler is doing linux consulting work :)
kevin__that was alot of w's06:03
matmanbrylie, sorry, that seemed a bit rude after i read it.  didn't mean for it too06:03
crabgrassfintler: santa fe... never been, always wanted to06:03
bluefox83defcon, System->Administration->Synaptic package manager06:03
cottonhow can I check my cpu temp?06:03
defconim there06:03
taime1cotton: gkrellm06:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about k8temp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:04
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fintlerI have an appt there with a hot tub....paid for by the company... work == pleasure :006:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lm-sensors - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:04
cottontaime1: What is it?06:04
=== pyrops [n=nicke@host86-129-108-7.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
crabgrassfintler: paid for, nice06:05
gordboyDefian: m-audio audiophile 2496 with the ice1712 chipset is way cool. but it only does stereo, unless you add more cards (up to 4, all told). but the sound quality is Premier Division06:05
albertanyone has any experience installing Qemu O.O?06:05
taime1cotton: app that can show you temperature as long as you have temperature sensors06:05
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fintleralbert: a very long time ago...on slackware 706:05
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imrazor_Defian: M-Audio Revolution 7.1 sounds great too. ice1724 instead of 171206:05
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kevin__does wine support managed direct x?06:05
imrazor_Defian: There's also a Chaintech clone.06:06
gluttonydoes anyone know of a decent, not too expensive sound card that would work with ubuntu?06:06
Gneafintler: at least you're stuck there now and not during the day :)06:06
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gordboyimrazor_: yeah06:06
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XLVcotton, install lm-sensors. hddtemp and gnome applet06:06
crabgrassgluttony: i got a pos 2.1 channel card from a yard sale, works fine06:06
fintlerGnea: ha...seriously....it's 100 degress F now06:06
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Gneafintler: yeah it was... not as bad as yesterday tho: 10806:06
gluttonywell, i need to be able to go to a store to get it. i dont luck out like that at garage sales06:06
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crabgrassGnea: lol, and everyone here (SNA) went crazy when it got to 8506:07
=== IowaDave [n=builder@12-205-187-248.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
eternalswdcan anyone give me a hand setting up feisty as a gateway for my xp machine?  Here's my setup, I have my Ubuntu box connected via a wireless router ip of with the wireless ip for my box being and I have a crossover connection between the ubuntu box and my xp box with ubuntu ip and xp ip  I just set net.ipv4.ip_forward to 1 via sysctl and put in as the gateway address on xp06:07
gordboy100 degrees F is cool. 100C is when you start worrying06:07
eternalswd.  I'm not sure where to go from there06:07
Gneacrabgrass: bwahaha06:07
fintlerjeez...on thursday I was hiking on the appalachian trail in northern new jersey...it was 40 degrees F06:07
crabgrassgluttony: try a frys06:07
josh__does anyone know about a good program for downloading music06:07
kevin__I will pay 100 dollars to someone of they port worldwind to linux06:07
Defianehhh.. well.. i'm not looking for anything high end.. just something that doesn't sound like utter crap.. just want the popping to stop in ut0406:07
Defiananything for sub $30?06:07
=== yarddog [n=yarddog@c-69-241-172-55.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gordboyjosh__: limewire06:08
=== chull [i=vir@c-71-56-76-189.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crabgrassDefian: try turning the game's output volume down to 40~50%06:08
gluttony<crabgrass> i dont know which are supported though. is there a supported sound card list?06:08
Gneaworldwind? only $100?06:08
josh__gordboy: i try to install limewire but i cant06:08
crabgrassgluttony: not that i know of... do you have onboard audio on your mobo?06:08
Defiancrabgrass: it doesn't matter where I put it, it pops regardless06:08
gordboyjosh__: why not06:08
crabgrassDefian: hmm. tried switching between alsa and oss?06:08
Gneakevin__: the NASA project?06:09
josh__i have it install but it does not run06:09
fintlerworldwind doesn't work? ....looks like it's java ...did you just try to run the jar?06:09
imrazor_Defian: I believe that Chaintech clone is under $30.06:09
Menataime1, Thanks :)06:09
Defiancrabgrass: I don't see a way of doing that. when I tried to force it with aoss, it didn't get any sound. and ingame only has openAL06:09
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kevin__gnea, yep06:09
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taime1no prob06:09
gluttony<crabgrass> yeah, i do06:09
Defianimrazor: you think that card will work good?06:09
crabgrassDefian: hmm.06:09
IowaDaveeternalswd: you are thinking that the ubuntu machine will simply share internet connection with the windows box? or are you thinking you need to have the ubuntu serve as a firewall?06:09
crabgrassgluttony: tried using that?06:09
gordboyimrazor_: but does it have gold rca connectors ?06:09
gluttonyyeah, its the reason why i need a new one06:10
imrazor_Defian: I've *heard* that it sounds great, but I don't have personal experience.06:10
=== cjae [n=cjae@142-165-37-205.estv.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
TwilurkAnyone able to help me figure out why I cannot increase my resolution in Ubuntu?06:10
imrazor_gordboy: no idea06:10
tooolneed help been able to write to a partition can read only, and when i try changing it, it says i don't have permission06:10
Gneakevin__: oooh, $100 wouldn't come close... it'd take more than that to port .NET ;)06:10
eternalswdIowaDave, I simply want it to share the net connection with the windows box06:10
Defianimrazor_ well, i've used a cheap $20 one from wal-mart in my old PC. It sounded a lot better in than onboard.. but that was windows xp.06:10
fintlerTwilurk:did you fuddle (technical term) with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?06:10
crabgrassTwilurk: you need to add them in xorg.conf06:10
gordboyimrazor_: it's bound to be crappy 1/8" minijack. for that price06:10
Twilurkyea, I did. No real luck06:10
kevin__Gnea i think if someone could do it , there would be more money offered06:10
TwilurkSeems to be stuck at 1024 x 76806:11
gluttony<crabgrass> yeah, its why i need a new card06:11
Twilurkcan go down, but not up06:11
imrazor_gordboy: revo has minijack too - rca digital though.06:11
kevin__Gnea, there are alot of people that want it06:11
fintlerTwilurk: try searching for your video card on the forums...see if there's a special hack for it06:11
Gneakevin__: i supposed it depends how badly someone wants to go up against a patent :)06:11
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IowaDaveeternalswd: understood. it's something that Macs and Windows XP machines can be configured to do, so why not Ubuntu, right? i'll flip through a book and see what I can find. anybody else, feel free to chime in.06:11
Twilurk... that does not fill me with confidence06:11
crabgrassgluttony: oh/06:11
kevin__Gnea,  you can download the source06:11
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rob_peternalswd: Google for, "ubuntu-firewall" or, "firestarter", either of which will do what you are asking.06:11
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tooolneed help been able to write to a partition can read only, and when i try changing it, it says i don't have permission, any help please06:12
=== Weble [n=Weble@hbrn-590f7177.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
lethugluttony, http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/ for a supported sound card list06:12
Gneakevin__: the source of what?06:12
bryliematman we can chat WHILE you install it06:12
kevin__gnea the souce code for worldwind06:12
bunglehey does ubuntu support ralink rt2500 wifi cards06:12
bryliematman the Ubuntu installer is a LiveCD06:12
TwilurkToool, try changing it as root06:12
imrazor_Defian: ALSA sounds great on many onboard chipsets too. Via VT8237 sounds very good, though not up to the Revo 7.1.06:12
Gneakevin__: worldwind? i know that much... but is there a .NET runtime for linux?06:12
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gordboyrob_p: roger that. firestarter makes ics easy06:12
kevin__gnea that i dont know06:12
gluttony<lethu> thanks06:12
toooltwilurk     how do i do it as root06:12
lethugluttony, yw06:12
Gneakevin__: that's gonna be the key06:12
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fintlerwtf...the place I'm working for has an sql injection problem and a remote code execution on their main site ....this is a pagerank 7 site....bleh06:13
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rob_pgordboy: Yes.  As does Ubuntu-firewall.  :-)06:13
crabgrassfintler: whoa...06:13
Defianimrazor_: I have realtek06:13
gluttony<crabgrass> my built in has this think layer of static that comes out over any sound that should come out of the speakers06:13
fintlercrabgrass: I just found em both in the search feature06:13
kevin__gnea is there anything like .net for linux?06:13
imrazor_Defian: I have no experience there. Do you have audio problems with it?06:13
Clinton__what is the 3d desktop manager in ubuntu?  beryl?06:13
zcat[1] kevin__: mono ?06:13
Defianimrazor_: I can listen to music or watch videos perfectly, it sounds fine.. just games that are the issue.06:13
fintlerClinton__ beryl or compiz06:13
Twilurktoool: To run as root, you go to command line.06:14
MindOfChaoskevin__ mono is the closest06:14
Twilurksudo root, I believe06:14
Twilurkand the password06:14
toooltwilurk     how do i do it as root06:14
MindOfChaosFor C#06:14
fintlerClinton__ : try running desktop-effects06:14
imrazor_Defian: Native games, cedega or wine?06:14
Defianimrazor_: Quake3 and IOquake3 can't play sound at all, UT2004 has popping sounds, and games on wine typically pop too06:14
crabgrassgluttony: is your mobo grounded properly?06:14
Defianimrazor_: both06:14
kevin__gnea could the source code be altered to use mono then?06:14
crabgrassfintler: awesome06:14
IowaDaveeternalswd: found this --- http://www.debuntu.org/iptables-how-to-share-your-internet-connection06:14
Clinton__fintler: what is the default?  (see desktop-effects)06:14
TwilurkHoneslty, I'm not the person to ask.06:14
Defianimrazor_ as in, both native and wine games06:14
toooltwilurk   what do i type06:14
tooolnewbie here06:14
Gneakevin__: maybe06:14
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gluttonyi dont know, honestly. im pretty sure thats not the reason. it doesnt happen in windows06:15
fintleroisho: my flight leaves in about 5 mins....if you're on later I'll help you with it06:15
imrazor_Defian: Do you play the games on high volume?06:15
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fintlerI spent a summer with the numerical recipes runga-kutta06:15
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Defianimrazor_ no. Typically 40% or so06:15
IowaDaveeternalswd: not a trivial task, but not impossible, to share your connection. look at it this way: after you get it going, you'll be the new expert on the subject :-P06:15
fintlerit wasn't fun ;P06:15
gordboyfintler: numerical recipes is a good read, but crappy code :)06:15
Clinton__When I enable desktop-effects, which is running, beryl or compiz?  Or is it something else?06:15
=== timmi1 [n=timmi3@blfd-4db516a2.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
tooolhow do you become the root06:16
DShepherdClinton__: compiz06:16
imrazor_Defian: Any idea how it sounds under Windows?06:16
Clinton__DShepherd: OK thanks06:16
eternalswdthanks IowaDave and rob_p, I should be able to get it from there06:16
DShepherdClinton__: no prob06:16
zcat[1] IowaDave: bah, why don't you have him compile the kernel too.... try firestarter, it makes connection sharing easier than on windows..06:16
=== _Smash_temp [n=smash@pD95FD6A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
dancingmonkeuyI fucking hate Ubuntu... But it's so nice :/06:16
fintlergordboy: horrible code....it was ported from BASIC to like 6 different languages06:16
Flannel!language | dancingmonkeuy06:16
ubotudancingmonkeuy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:16
rob_peternalswd: welcome06:16
Defianimrazor_: yeah, I have an XP and ubuntu dual boot. Everything sounds great in windows, no issues period.06:16
crabgrass!ubotu > ubotu06:16
dancingmonkeuyI golly gee gosh darn hate Ubuntu... But it's so nice :/06:16
Clinton__DShepherd: which application can I run to further customize it beyond the options in desktop-effects ?06:16
Defianimrazor_: which is what bothers me... I don't wee why linux has problems where windows doesn't06:17
NickGarveyDefian: you write a driver, then complain06:17
IowaDavezcat: sounds like you know more than I do. thanks for the suggestion, anyhow. :)06:17
DShepherdClinton__: gnome-compiz-preferences i think.. install it if it is not installed yet06:17
DefianNickGarvey: Hahaha, point taken. sorry06:17
gordboytoool: you can do sudo su. while you're root you can do passwd to set a root password. but this is frowned apon in the ubuntu world. just do sudo <command> <parameters>06:17
tooolubuntu looks good but would be better if i could solve my probs06:17
imrazor_Defian: With wine, can you specify alsa or oss?06:17
crabgrassDefian: linux does exactly what you tell it do. if you give it bad instructions, it won't do what you expect06:17
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Defianimrazor_: yeah, but I always use alsa.. oss doesn't work or is even worse06:17
zcat[1] IowaDave: I don't like to scare the newb's .. there's an easy GUI way to do just about everything in ubuntu.06:18
imrazor_Defian: What version of Ubuntu are you running?06:18
gordboyexcept fix a bad xorg.conf file ....06:18
dancingmonkeuyNow I need to reinstall base, reconfigure grub, reboot, validate my cd, which is a HDD, wait for it to fail so it runs debconf........06:18
Gneakevin__: hrm, i don't have my ubuntu up and running right now... i'm in debian sid, actually... gonna see if i can get it working06:18
Defianimrazor_: 7.04 Feisty06:18
Clinton__DShepherd: great! thanks again06:18
gluttony<crabgrass>i dont know, honestly. im pretty sure thats not the reason. it doesnt happen in windows06:18
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Gneakevin__: i'm gonna hold you to that $100 if i can make it work ;)06:18
DShepherdClinton__: no problem06:18
crabgrassDefian: i believe the saying goes something like "linux breaks if you type something in wrong, windows breaks if you type something in"06:18
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crabgrassgluttony: hmm. well, that worked for me. sorry, mate06:19
imrazor_Defian: Is it AC97 or hi-def?06:19
kevin__gnea, I will pay for sure:)06:19
Defiancrabgrass: lol perhaps06:19
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tooolok how do i change the partition to read write  not just read06:19
Defianimrazor_: AC9706:19
gluttony<crabgrass> its no problem freund06:19
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Defianeven though everything isn't peachy.. i've found it hard to bring myself to reboot back into XP06:19
zcat[1] a lot of onboard chipsets are poorly documented and hard to do drivers for, I think... that's the usual excuse anyhow :)06:19
ama-deus13hello everyone06:19
imrazor_Defian: do you know the exact chipset? Try lspci to find out.06:19
Defiangetting reeaaaaaaaally used to using gnome and the terminal06:20
dancingmonkeuytoool: naybe fstab, see if you see "ro". remove that06:20
Defianimrazor_: Ok one moment06:20
IowaDaveeternalswd, zcat: firestarter is available in Synaptic (not sure which repository). more information is available online, just google firestarter. looks simple enough, he said, without having tried it.06:20
NickGarveythe power of the cli is what keeps me on linux :)06:20
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dancingmonkeuyBut I doubt it.06:20
imrazor_Defian: Actually alsamixer will tell you too.06:20
DShepherdClinton__: srry its actually called gnome-compiz-manager06:20
zcat[1] My onboard sound sucks in linux too; I chucked in a pci card. and of problem :)06:20
NickGarveyI'll use windows, want to move some files and do some commands on them, and then cry a little when I realize I need to do it for each one06:20
zcat[1] !find firestarter06:20
ubotuFound: firestarter06:20
Defianimrazor_: 00:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller (rev a2)06:20
=== AmyRose_p2 [n=djb@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] hmmm..06:20
toooldancing monkey   typed in fstab    says no command found06:20
Angelushi everyone, was wondering, is it possible to read newsgroups through evolution. I've got a newsgroup server from my internet provider and I want to use that newsgroup to read messages06:21
zcat[1] !info firestarter06:21
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 396 kB, installed size 1920 kB06:21
crabgrasslol @ ubotu06:21
=== jam [n=jam@user-0c6t4aj.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
imrazor_Defian: I've got one of those in my other box, and had no problem.06:21
toooldancingmonkey   typed in fstab    says no command found06:21
Defianimrazor_: Perhaps i've got different drivers installed?06:21
NickGarveytoool: /etc/fstab is a file06:21
gordboyIowaDave, eternalswd, zcat - firestarter is very good. very easy and very nice06:21
Gneakevin__: well, it looks like someone actually *did* get it working with mono. about 2 years ago.06:21
imrazor_Defian: Is it using the snd_intel_i8x0 module?06:21
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DShepherdClinton__: got that ^?06:21
Defianimrazor_: sorry, but how would I check that?06:21
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IowaDavezcat, thanks. eternalswd, you'll need to turn on the universe repository so that synaptic can install firestarter for you.06:21
jamOkay, guys. How do I install macromedia flash on Ubuntu?06:21
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tooolnickgarvey  says permission denied06:22
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imrazor_Defian: Do "lsmod | grep -e snd"06:22
dancingmonkeuytoool: I ought not tell you have to edit it then since you will surely break it :)06:22
NickGarveytoool: sudoooooooo06:22
zcat[1] !flash | jam06:22
ubotujam: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:22
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zcat[1] hehe.. I love ubotu06:22
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kevin__Gnea does it work?06:22
dancingmonkeuyBreaking fstab is like breaking your nose, dose no real damage but hurts to reset.06:22
DShepherd!info gnome-compiz-manager > Clinton__06:22
IowaDavezcat: tell it06:22
gordboyjam: enable all the repos in synaptic. then search for flash06:22
Flannel!flash | jam06:23
ubotujam: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:23
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imrazor_Defian: see if says anything about intel or 8x006:23
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jamokay. Thank you guys06:23
orbinAngelus: afaik, no06:23
toooli'm lost06:23
eternalswdIowaDave, I'm familiar with firestarter, but I'd actually prefer doing it without gui first in any case, especially since I'll likely be setting up a dedicated server sometime in the near future06:23
Defianimrazor_: snd_intelx8006:23
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Defianimrazor_: erm, snd_intel8x006:23
zcat[1] eternalswd: masochist, huh? :)06:24
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tooolsomething so simple shouldn't be this difficult,06:24
dhtechswill gutsy have xorg 7.2???06:24
IowaDaveeternalswd: ok, that puts you back onto iptables, and the link I sent you the first time. good luck!06:24
imrazor_Defian: Sorry I can't help any more than to say it worked fine with that module when I had 6.04 installed.06:24
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Flanneldhtechs: When is it released?06:24
ama-deus13running ubuntu 7.04. got problems with sound. have sb audigy and a whole bunch of various speakers and headphones. now using tannoy reveal active. the problem is that my speakers are producing some noise all the time, which seems somehow related to the harddrive activity (guess, it's because of cable). but that's not the main problem. the main problem is that every time a sound playback begins or ends i hear some nasty click. sounds familiar to anyone?06:24
imrazor_Defian: on that box...06:24
orbinAngelus: actually, just checked - it does06:24
Defianimrazor_: weird... hm...06:24
dhtechsnext month I think06:24
imrazor_Defian: what does alsamixer say when you run it?06:24
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Angelusorbin...ahh cool but what do I need to set it up?06:25
dhtechsFlannel: next month I think06:25
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Paddy_EIREcould anyone tell me why my wifi would have just vanished??06:25
eternalswdIowaDave, zcat[1]  actually rob_p pointed me to ubuntu-firewall which I think will work nicely06:25
orbinAngelus: just go to edit > prefs, create a new mail account and select usenet as server type06:25
jp834618linux is the best thing ever06:25
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Flanneldhtechs: then most likely06:25
eternalswdwhy make things more complicated than they need to be ;)06:25
Defianimrazor_: Card: NVidia CK804, chip: ALC850 rev 006:25
IowaDaveeternalswd: remember if all else fails, buy a cheap wireless card for that Windows machine. it's cheaper than tearing out your hair. :-/06:26
hikenbootgreetings all just installed ubuntu 7.04 getting cant access tty job control turned off on first boot after install...any ideas..I see hundres of posts for this issue with no solutions06:26
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jamgordboy: how do you enable all repositories?06:26
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imrazor_Defian: Best suggestion I can make is google "ALC850 alsa popping"06:26
Paddy_EIREIt worked perfectly default install feisty, its an atheros chipset06:26
Paddy_EIREI know about madwifi06:26
zcat[1] Bah, I'm only running ubuntu while I wait for freebsd to download :)06:26
ama-deus13please, help :'(06:26
Defianimrazor_: Thanks for what help you could give. Now I know some more commands :P06:26
suave4hate to sound like a newb, but how do you edit a plain text file from the console?06:26
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imrazor_Defian: Sure :)06:26
rob_peternalswd: Yes, it is quite nice!  Many dedicated linux gateways are using it with great success!06:27
Flannelsuave4: nano06:27
zcat[1] suave4: nano06:27
Angelusorbin, I've tried to give it a go but it just loads nothing06:27
eternalswdIowaDave, yes, but that doesn't look as good on a resume :p06:27
zcat[1] damn, too slow !06:27
kevin__gnea im trying to install it via wine, I installed internet explorer 6, now im trying to install .net2.0 and im getting C++ runtime errors06:27
crabgrasssuave4: nano filename06:27
=== Chili [n=chili@pool-70-106-143-217.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] suave4: vi !!!06:27
Flannelcua0: pico doesn't exist in Ubuntu06:27
gordboy"i typed fstab, and nothing happened" fscking classic !06:27
zcat[1] vi is installed on every *nix!06:27
DShepherd!repos | jam06:27
ubotujam: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:27
IowaDaverob_p: where is that app, ubuntu-firewall? i looked in synaptic, no joy.06:28
ChiliHmm, can anyone help me get my sound working?06:28
=== kbrosnan [n=kbrosnan@ip68-9-230-88.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gneakevin__: hrm, try this: http://ww2d.org/home.php06:28
Paddy_EIREIowaDave, firestarter06:28
suave4I'll try nano06:28
ama-deus13rob_p: firestarter06:28
crimsunChili: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.06:28
orbinAngelus: http://www.ensode.net/evolution_newsgroups.html see the bottom paragraphs06:28
kevin__gnea, yeah ww2d sucks really06:28
=== Apex` [n=kvirc@pool-141-150-243-141.delv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rob_pIowaDave: Ubuntu-firewall is not in the repos.  Just google it.06:28
gordboywith two furlongs to go, it's firestarter by three lengths ...06:28
Gneakevin__: yeah well, that's what there is06:28
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rob_pama-deus13: No.  Ubuntu-firewall.06:29
kevin__Gnea, google earth is better06:29
=== Punkunity [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
IowaDaverob_p: ok, i'm on it.06:29
Gneakevin__: and i wouldn't call something that works as 'sucking'06:29
ama-deus13rob_p: why?06:29
=== SixtyOver [n=trey@cpe-24-174-53-102.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gneakevin__: but it's windows only, and so therefore it sucks06:29
SixtyOverive got a networking question06:29
wastrelgoogle earth works on lunix06:29
SixtyOverif anybody cares to help me out06:29
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kevin__gnea :)06:29
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:29
GneaSixtyOver: just say what the problem is06:29
gordboySixtyOver: shoot06:29
zcat[1] wastrel: there's a repo for it too..06:30
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SixtyOverhow do i set my wirless nic to promiscous mode06:30
rob_pama-deus13: Perhaps we are, 'out of sync' on our conversation... I thought you were asking me what ICS app I was referring to.06:30
IowaDaverob_p: any relation?06:30
Gneaifconfig wlan0 promisc06:30
rob_pIowaDave: ...maybe  :-)06:30
SixtyOveris that a command06:30
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zcat[1] wastrel: deb http://ubuntu.cafuego.net feisty-cafuego all  <- repo for google earth, second life, etc..06:30
Clinton__With desktop-effects enabled, when I do an Alt-Tab, the desktop gets zoomed out a little bit.  I find this extremely annoying and cannot find the option to disable this in gnome-compiz-preferences, does anyone have any suggestions on how I can alter this behavior?06:30
GneaSixtyOver: try it and see06:30
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Punkunitydoes anyone know why I cant play me DVDs on feisty??06:31
IowaDaverob_p: swell. it's a privilege to meet a contributor.06:31
ama-deus13rob_p: now i got ya. me stupid :)06:31
crabgrassPunkunity: 'cause the fcc doesn't want you to06:31
rob_pama-deus13: No sweat!  :-)06:31
zcat[1] !restricted | Punkunity06:31
ubotuPunkunity: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:31
Flannel!dvd | Punkunity06:31
ubotuPunkunity: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:31
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zcat[1] 'backing up' dvd's ;)06:32
Defianimrazor_: is there anyway I could check which modules are compatable with my chipset?06:32
ama-deus13so, still no one to help me with my sound problem?06:32
Defianimrazor_: not to mention how to change modules if need be06:32
rob_pIowaDave: Well, it's a privilege to contribute to a great community!06:32
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zcat[1] I use dvdrip .. it's awesome06:32
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SixtyOveryou threw me off06:32
SixtyOverbut thanks06:32
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imrazor_Defian: The only one I know of is snd_intel_8x0. You could try blacklisting snd_intel_8x0 and see if anything else loads on boot.06:32
gordboyra0 sometimes too06:32
Gneait was relative, no problem06:32
=== mon^rch [n=greg@S0106000fea33f1bb.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ixian_hi, can someone recommend me a good player for .asf video files? totem plays them but the framerate seems to be very low06:33
zcat[1] ixian_: mplayer06:33
NickGarveymplayer is where its at06:33
Gneawifi0 isn't always what it's called.06:33
crabgrassvlc ftw06:33
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zcat[1] vlc or mplayer .. mplayer seems to handle stuf better a lot of the time06:33
=== beach_ [n=beach@24-197-154-83.dhcp.gsvl.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
mon^rchhey all, what's the dpkg --reconfigure xserver command again plz :)06:33
IowaDaveama-deus13: I had bad sound on a recent homebuild with via chipset, until I installed the via drivers. after that it went ok.  so it could be a driver issue. if that is the case, there is probably an answer in the forums.06:33
NickGarveymon^rch: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:33
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`m0you know what is cool about ubuntu while installing:) We can browse online and ubuntu while ubuntu gets installed06:33
PunkunityFlannel, i dont want to copy anything...yet....but I want to play my dvds on my computer like i used to be able to in windows06:34
`m0That is pretty cool06:34
mon^rchNickGarvey: tyvm06:34
NickGarveymon^rch: :)06:34
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ixian_thanks ill try mplayer06:34
zcat[1] `m0: or at least play same-gnome if you're not online06:34
FlannelPunkunity: right, read the first part of that factoid06:34
ama-deus13lowaDave: thank you. i'll check that06:34
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Punkunityok ty Flannel06:34
beach_Hello all06:35
zcat[1] Punkunity: just install libdvdcss2 and libdvdread, they're essential for playing DVD's .. being able to copy them is just a bonus feature06:35
=== CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp255-133.lns2.bne4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
gordboyixian_: i've only got one .asf but it's a classic 8 minute schoolgirl adventure :)06:35
beach_Is XChat-Gnome the best IRC client to use?06:35
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ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.06:35
Punkunityty zcat[1] 06:35
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-78-125.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chilicrimsun: I can't get the script to run.06:35
beach_For Ubuntu that is...06:35
`m0beach_: I kinda prefer irssi :)06:35
gordboybeach_: just plain xchat06:35
NickGarveycrdlb: ooo thank you for using that, I'll need to remember that one :)06:35
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zerokill88can someone help with this error i get when trying to play a movie. "Error oepning/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device"?06:36
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nibsa1242bHow do make my printers show up in The GIMP? They show up in all my other programs.06:36
crabgrassbeach_: i'm using pidgin. i can see text and converse with people, that's really all i need06:36
IowaDavebeach: gaim does a nice job. i'm using it now. i like the interface better than irssi, but have used both.06:36
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gordboyzerokill88: you have another prog using the xv output ?06:36
crdlbzerokill88: go into mplayer's options, and set the video output to xv06:36
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:37
beach_Thanks, does GAIM have spell check built in?06:37
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zerokill88thanks guys.will try that06:37
Chilicrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/48567706:37
kevin__gnea, I am actually getting somewhere with wine, i downloaded mono for windows and installed it through wine, not the worldwind installer makes it all the way to the point of installing the managed directx files06:37
griswalddoes anyone in here know computers well and have installed fiesty ?06:37
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Gneakevin__: hrmmm06:37
crabgrassbeach_: gaim does, but... either they dropped that in pidgin, or i turned it off somehow06:37
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zcat[1] griswald: no. nobody like that here.. :)06:37
=== SixtyOver [n=trey@cpe-24-174-53-102.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Chilicrimsun: did ya get that?06:37
SixtyOverok back again06:37
griswaldzcat maybe you are it :)06:37
crimsunChili: are you trying to use your emu10k1x or your onboard intel?06:37
IowaDavegriswald: we're feisty, though06:37
griswaldi get this promot called configureing mddam06:38
SixtyOverhow do i bridge a wireless and and a wired connection06:38
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Chilicrimsun: I was using my onboard intel on my last install, so probably that again.06:38
`m0zcat[1] : woot I got 1911 hehe06:38
nibsa1242bHow do make my printers show up in The GIMP? They show up in all my other programs.06:38
zerokill88crdlb how do i do that?06:38
griswaldmd arrays needed for the root file system06:38
griswaldwhat do i put in there06:38
Gneakevin__: are you installing google earth or ww2d?06:38
crdlbzerokill88: do you have the options window open?06:38
kevin__worldwind 3d06:38
crdlbit may be called settings or preferences06:38
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griswalddoes anyone have a clue ><06:38
zerokill88crdlb the prefrences06:38
kevin__gnea worldwind 1.406:38
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crimsunChili: amixer set 'External Amplifier' mute06:39
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crdlbzerokill88: on the video tab, select the xv line06:39
Angelusorbin, thanks that page was great, I got it going sort of but it's good enough for now until I play with it! :)06:39
IowaDavegriswald: i have to pass on that one. can you tell the group what you were doing when the prompt showed up?06:39
`m0Hi, I want to use ubuntu for my personal desktop computer06:39
Gneakevin__: there's a googleearth linux binary now06:39
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orbinAngelus: yw.  i personally prefer pan06:39
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zerokill88crdlb ha easy thanks :)06:39
Gneakevin__: downloading it right now :)06:39
zcat[1] griswald: if you have to ask, you should probably just use guided partitioning and let the installer decide what's best :)06:39
griswaldlowaDave: i am trying to install ifesty06:39
`m0But what I need is the following: I need to run at least 2 windows application, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Adobe Photoshop, and maybe Adobe Flex06:40
griswaldit didnt give me a chance to put guided partionoing06:40
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Chilicrimsun: I don't see external amp06:40
kevin__gnea for wine you will need IE6 and mono for windows06:40
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zcat[1] griswald: you trying to set up software raid or something?06:40
griswaldi used gksu "update-manager -c -d:06:40
griswaldzcat[1] :  iam trying to set up fiesty06:40
Gneakevin__: i have windows in qemu if i need it06:40
griswaldfrom edgy06:40
nibsa1242bzcat[1]  griswald I don't think guided does a separate /home which most people recommend06:40
Bradf0rdHey, is anyone here running Beryl w/ an Intel 945 chipset?06:40
nibsa1242bHow do make my printers show up in The GIMP? They show up in all my other programs.06:40
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griswaldnibsa1242b: so what should i do :(06:41
imrazor_Bradf0rd: I was. I don't recommend it.06:41
zcat[1] griswald: hmmm.. ok. That's kinda weird.06:41
Chilicrimsun: found it, nevermind.06:41
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Bradf0rdimrazor_, why not?06:41
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imrazor_Bradf0rd: Very slow, sucked up a lot of RAM.06:41
Chilicrimsun: Still no sound.06:41
IowaDavegriswald: do you have the option to back up your data files and do a clean install of feisty? from what i hear, clean installs have worked out better going all the way back to warty06:42
imrazor_Bradf0rd: Impaired system responsiveness, used lots of CPU cycles.06:42
PunkunityFlannel, and zcat[1]  i went to the site, and i went on synaptic, and i got everything that had to do with libdvd , but i cnat get the libdvdcss2 file anywhere, i typed the command i found on that website06:42
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Punkunitythat Flannel sent me to06:42
crimsunChili: well, which sound card are you speakers/headphones plugged into?06:42
Punkunityand ti read this06:42
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nibsa1242bgriswald- depends on the size of your hard drive/ amount of harddrive you are using for Ubuntu and anything anyone says to you is pretty much just a suggestion based upon personal experience as no one really knows how you'll use your computer and partitions06:42
Punkunitybryan@bryan-desktop:~$ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh06:42
Punkunitysudo: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh: command not found06:42
Bradf0rdimrazor_, I'm asking b/c last time I installed it it worked fine until reboot... after that I couldn't even get into Ubuntu before I got BSOD, would you know why that is?06:42
teeranyone have experience with the package multipath-tools-initramfs ?06:42
crimsunPunkunity: use medibuntu.06:42
Punkunitycrimsun, what is medibuntu?06:43
IowaDavenibsa1242b: true that.06:43
crimsunChili: your speakers/headphones, even.06:43
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zcat[1] Punkunity: you turned on universe and multiverse in synaptic?06:43
Gneakevin__: mmm google earth.. aaah in linux...06:43
imrazor_Bradf0rd: Does X even start loading?06:43
Punkunityi thik i have all that on, ill check again06:43
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zcat[1] .. and reload too :)06:43
griswaldthisis a clean isntall06:43
crimsunPunkunity: I'm sure you can deduce what it is with a quick web search.  :-)06:43
Chilicrimsun: they're plugged into the ones I usually use...I believe the onboard.06:43
SixtyOvercan anyone tell me how to bridge connections06:43
Bradf0rdimrazor_, It seemed to work fine and all, before the reboot. I've got a Core Duo 1.6Ghz w/ 1gb ram... and yes, I think that was my problem06:43
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griswaldthis is a clean install06:43
kevin__gnea, have you ever used worldwind 3d?06:43
crdlbimrazor_: you were on an i945?06:43
GneaSixtyOver: for what purpose?06:43
Gneakevin__: nope06:44
Bradf0rdimrazor_, it would say something about X... and that's all I could make out06:44
Punkunityok crimsun06:44
crimsunChili: you "believe" is not sufficient.  Investigate, please.06:44
imrazor_crdlb: Intel 865GV06:44
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nibsa1242bWhy does setting up printing in The GIMP have to be so difficult (and require a separate process from setting up printing on everything else)? Can someone help me set up my printer so I can print from THE Gimp.06:44
zcat[1] is there a package for worldwind anywhere?06:44
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crdlbimrazor_: that's very different06:44
kevin__gnea i think its way better then google earth, thats why im so interested in getting it wo work06:44
SixtyOverto get my modded abox back connected to the interweb06:44
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crdlbthe 945 is a thousand times better06:44
nibsa1242bgriswald: how large is the amount of hard drive space that you are allocating to Ubuntu? and is anything else on it?06:44
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zcat[1] isn't worldwind a java app?06:44
imrazor_Bradf0rd: Need more details. Do you see the ubuntu splash screen?06:44
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IowaDavegriswald: ok, understood you are doing a clean install over edgy and not an update from edgy. any ideas anyone?06:45
kevin__zcat[1] , ww2d is06:45
vmhrm okay, so I installed wallpaper-tray, and have it set up, and to start it i type wallpaper-tray into terminal......then do i have to leave the terminal window up for it to run?06:45
griswaldi have 40 gb hd06:45
griswaldi dont care if i lose my old stuff06:45
SixtyOveryuo get that gnea06:45
crdlb!autostart | vm06:45
kevin__zcat[1] , ww2d is the only thing that runs on linux atm, worldwind 3d is awesome06:45
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dr_willisvm,  use 'command & '   then 'exit' if ya want to.06:45
Chilicrimsun: Yes, its plugged into the onboard.06:45
skinnypuppy1334where can I get some info on the systems dell is planning on selling with ubuntu?06:45
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ubotuvm: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup06:45
zcat[1] I'll take a look if it's in a repo. I don't feel like installing stuff by hand unless it's something I really need.06:45
dr_willisskinnypuppy1334,  i saw some links to info on slashdot the other day i think. dident follow them06:46
Bradf0rdimrazor_, nope, it would show GRUB, I'd select Ubuntu and it would start loading up, and all the sudden BSOD06:46
Eno_does anyone know why ubuntu does not index say, my xchat logs? i'm on feisty and just have the default setup06:46
Eno_why beagle06:46
Eno_not ubuntu06:46
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crdlbEno_: I don't think it looks in hidden directories06:46
imrazor_Bradf0rd: BSOD? As in Windows??06:46
imrazor_Bradf0rd: Or is it some kind of X error?06:46
SixtyOverhow do i bridge connections?06:47
nibsa1242bIowaDave: griswald: 40gb, I'd say at least 15-25 gb for /home, I tend to prefer 50-100mb /boot, (amount of ram in mb * 2) /swap, and then the rest in / I think is good for a basic setup... anyone else care to input?06:47
crimsunChili: which onboard?  Does  `amixer -c1 set 'Analog/Digital Output Jack' unmute`  help?06:47
griswaldim not partiionaing here06:47
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Bradf0rdimrazor_, Well, it was a blue screen, that said something about X, and it would keep showing random characters all over the screen... which was blue... and I couldn't do anything, so it was of death06:47
nibsa1242bgriswald: sorry... then what kind of advice do you want?06:47
griswaldMD arrays needed for the root file system06:47
griswaldiam sorry nibsa i know you are helping me06:48
griswaldi mjust very lost06:48
griswaldim trying to install fiesty over edgy06:48
defconfluxbox or KDE on ubuntu? how do I install?06:48
imrazor_Bradf0rd: You should be able to select OK with your keyboard and continue to a console.06:48
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imrazor_Bradf0rd: Enter might do the trick.06:48
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nibsa1242bgriswald: its ok, I think I came in like half-way into someone else helping you so I might not have the full story of exactly what kind of help you need :)06:48
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Chilicrimsun: the Intel, and that didn't help.06:48
Prospero2008Is this the Windows Vista irc channel?06:48
zcat[1] griswald: sounds like a clean install might be the easier option..06:48
griswalddo you have any idea what i should do ?06:48
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griswaldzcat[1] : this is a clean install06:49
Bradf0rdimrazor_,  I Pressed everything, b/c I figured it was just telling me something was up...06:49
crimsunChili: but both your intel and your emu10k1x are "onboard".06:49
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griswaldfirst i cleanly installed dapper and cleanly installed edgy from there and now trying fiesty06:49
imrazor_Bradf0rd: Try TAB then Enter.06:49
defconProspero2008, www.ubuntu.com06:49
crimsunChili: is this a dist-upgrade from edgy?06:49
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defconbetter than vista06:49
nibsa1242bgriswald: you are doing a clean install right? are you using the regular install or alternate?06:49
skinnypuppy1334I had probs installing fiesty over edgy  until I deleted the partitions and tried again06:49
defconget it06:49
SixtyOverhow do i bridge network connections?06:49
griswaldiam using regular install ?06:49
IowaDavegriswald: i'd like to ask some questions that you probably have already considered. it's just to help us help you. did you check the install disk for errors? assuming you did, then did you select the "erase entire disk" option when the installation began? (assuming that is really, truly what you want to do?)06:49
zcat[1] griswald: sounds like you have the alternative or server disk...06:49
Bradf0rdprospero2008, this is the Ubuntu... IRC, how could you f that up?06:49
Chilicrimsun: dist-upgrade...do you mean am I fully updated?06:49
griswaldim not installing from disk06:49
Punkunitycrimsum zcat[1]  and Flannel send people to this link if they have this problem agagin   sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 w32codecs06:50
zcat[1] scratch that.. sounds like you have the server install disk06:50
crimsunChili: no.  I mean did you first install edgy, then upgrade to feisty?06:50
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griswaldi typed in gksu "update-manager -c -d"06:50
defconfluxbox or KDE on ubuntu? how do I install?06:50
griswaldin terminal06:50
Chilino, no, I started with a clean feisty install06:50
nibsa1242bgriswald: ok... you are doing a clean feisty install and you don't care if you loose data or not; you aren't installing from disk so I'm guessing a network install?06:50
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imrazor_Bradf0rd: Installing beryl shouldn't cause X to die. Beryl is actually started by beryl-manager, which loads *after* X.06:50
Punkunityflannel zcat[1]  crimsun http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/04/libdvdcss2-and-w32codecs-for-ubuntu/   that site works perfectly for instructions...06:50
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Bradf0rdimrazor_, no no, I've since reintalled Ubuntu... but I'd like to get Beryl again... for the window tweeks and so on06:50
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griswaldnibsa1242b: i typed in gksu "update-manager -c -d" from terminal06:50
zcat[1] Punkunity: thanks, will take a look.06:50
griswaldand then a screen popped up saying i can upgrade to 7.0406:51
griswaldso i click that06:51
FrogzooSixtyOver: bridge-utils06:51
Chilicrimsun: No, this was a fresh feisty install.06:51
griswaldi did the same from dapper to edgy ..now trying edgy to fiesty06:51
nibsa1242bright, that would be a normal (not clean) upgrade I believe06:51
SixtyOveri can get it from the repos right06:51
imrazor_Bradf0rd: I'd discourage it. But installing it shouldn't trash X until you load beryl with beryl-manager.06:51
skinnypuppy1334how well does beryl work under 6.06 dapper? I've only used it in 7.406:51
Bradf0rdimrazor_, I just don't want it to die again, so I was wondering if everyone else had that problem w/ this chipset06:51
SixtyOverim sorry im just a nooby on this06:51
griswaldim sorry i didnt know06:51
defconhow do i install kde on ubuntu06:51
crimsunChili: can you ensure with `speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:0` that sound is inaudible?06:51
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zcat[1] griswald: the upgrade option only works with the alternative cd, afaik... you have to boot from the desktop cd and do a fresh install.06:51
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SixtyOverthanks though06:51
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.6 for Feisty and Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.06:52
FrogzooSixtyOver: sudo apt-get install bridge-utils06:52
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nibsa1242bgriswald: its ok, we are here to help we are just trying to figure out what is going on so we can help you, that is all06:52
Punkunityzcat[1] , im not sure if im done after that tho, i guess i have to try playiong a dvd then??? i installed all the ;ackages possible on synaptic wehen i searched for libdvd06:52
griswald..so i cant update to fiesty this way ?06:52
imrazor_Bradf0rd: I suspect something else happened besides just installing beryl. Did you change xorg.conf after installing beryl?06:52
Bradf0rdimrazor_, Hmm, well then do you know of a way to tweek the windows to where, say, I could set the close/minimize/max to the left side?06:52
Chilicrimsun: Yeah, no sound.06:52
defjux_Bradf0rd: why would you want to do that?06:52
Bradf0rdimrazor_. yes... as something instructed06:52
zcat[1] Punkunity: as long as one of the packages was libdvdcss2 you should be all set..06:53
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Rictoo           Depends: libxml2 (>= 2.6.28) but 2.6.27.dfsg-1ubuntu3 is installed06:53
Bradf0rddefjux, I'm a mac user06:53
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Rictooam I safe to get .28?06:53
crimsunChili: and with `speaker-test -c2 -Dplughw:1` ?06:53
Punkunityok cool thanks alot zcat[1] 06:53
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Chilicrimsun: No sound.06:53
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Comrade-Sergeiis there a good atomic clock for ubuntu06:53
Bradf0rdimrazor_, aslo, Is there a way to which out the Alt for Ctrl?06:53
crimsunComrade-Sergei: there's one installed and used by default.06:53
rollerskatejammsWassup yal.06:53
RictooSergei, are you russian?06:53
Bradf0rdimrazor_, switch*06:53
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ubotufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox06:53
Comrade-SergeiRictoo why06:53
RictooComrade-Sergei: are you russian?06:54
FrogzooComrade-Sergei: ntp is the best you'll do06:54
Comrade-Sergeicrimsun oh yea nm06:54
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RictooI wanted to see if you're Orthodox :D06:54
imrazor_Bradf0rd: Try System>Preferences>Themes and see if there's something in there that suits you.06:54
Comrade-SergeiRictoo agnostic06:54
crimsunChili: ls -l /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc*06:54
Punkunitygxine cant read the disk...failed to start zcat[1] 06:54
zcat[1] apt-get install ntpd (it's not installed by default afaik, ubuntu just does an ntpdate on boot)06:54
defconroot@desktop:/# apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:54
defconE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:54
defconE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:54
greencultls -l06:54
rollerskatejammsTomorrow, my mom is getting Ubuntu, although she doesn't know it yet.06:54
Comrade-SergeiFrogzoo isnt ntp the protocol?06:54
Punkunityoh zcat[1]  i guess the terminal is still getting sudo apt-get update06:55
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IowaDavegriswald: i think that getting fiesty desktop edition onto a cd and installing from there will go smoothest for you.06:55
FrogzooComrade-Sergei: right click on clock (in gnome) - preferences - pick a couple/several local ntp servers06:55
Bradf0rdimrazor_, I have... there's nothing to do that in Feisty... I actually found something like that in xubuntu, but I don't run it anymore06:55
zcat[1] Punkunity: oh. Ummmm libdvdread ?06:55
Punkunitythanks again zcat[1]   ill leave you alone lol06:55
nibsa1242bCan anyone help me set up my printer so that is can print from GIMP?06:55
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Punkunityi got libdvdread06:55
Comrade-SergeiFrogzoo cool thanks06:55
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imrazor_Bradf0rd: If it's that important to you, you could do "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"06:55
cheeseboycouldn't load file "/usr/local/lib/tcl8.3/mysqltcl/libmysqltcl.so.2": /usr/local/lib/tcl8.3/mysqltcl/libmysqltcl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:55
zcat[1] Punkunity: Not sure what I missed then :)06:55
IowaDavenibsa1242b: wish i knew the answer. you can print to it from other apps but not gimp?06:55
imrazor_Bradf0rd: That'll switch you back to xubuntu.06:55
cheeseboyhow do i fix that?06:56
Bradf0rdimrazor_, I don' use it anymore b/c I disliked it.06:56
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Bradf0rdimrazor_, owell, thx 4 the help. I'll go hunt something down.06:56
Punkunityzcat[1] , apt-get update is still installing some stuff, or maybe the cswin32 codec ort something.....we'll wait and see...lol06:56
imrazor_Bradf0rd: I'd try looking for some alternate GNOME themes that have the buttons where you want them.06:56
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bullgard4modinfo prints a line titled 'depends'. What depends on what there?06:56
Defianimrazor_: For testing reasons, I borrowed my friend's SB Live!.. didn't make a difference at all.. what was that command to check which module is being used again?06:57
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zcat[1] Punkunity: not sure if you need w32codecs to play dvd's, but might as well install them too, they're good for lost of other media!06:57
imrazor_Defian: "lsmod | grep -e snd"06:57
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zcat[1] *lots06:57
IowaDavenibsa1242b: i've got a gimp book somewhere around here. going to get it, brb.06:57
crabgrassconky question: how the hell do i use xfontsel?06:57
imrazor_Defian: You'll probably see something like emu10k.06:57
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bullgard4modinfo gibt eine Zeile aus, die mit 'depends' beginnt. Was hngt da wovon ab?06:57
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Defianimrazor_ yeah,  snd_emu10k1x06:58
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imrazor_Defian: Also, did you disable the onboard sound when you put in the SB Live!06:58
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nibsa1242bIowaDave: yeah, I can print from every other app I've tried to print from except GIMP. GIMP has this big complicated add printer thing that I don't exactly understand how to use properly. I'm confused as to why it doesn't just work like everything else. I have a png I need to convert into a pdf and my current solution would be to "print" it with cups pdf. Maybe I can find another way, but its always bothered me that I can't print from GIM06:58
Defianimrazor_ yes, in the bios.06:58
rollerskatejammsHey has anybody gotten Steam Source games working under Linux?06:58
Micchow do I use my gmail account with gaim?06:58
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zcat[1] anyhow, I need to go bum some cat5e ..06:58
IowaDavenibsa1242b: i found the book. gimme a min.06:58
rollerskatejammsMicc the google talk site has a great tutorial06:58
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rollerskatejammsMicc just click help06:58
crabgrassdid he mean personify?06:58
nibsa1242bIowaDave: ok thanks so much06:58
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mon^rchwhen I enable compiz or berly my window border dissappears... help please?06:59
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usserrollerskatejamms: i had06:59
ChiliCrimsun: still nothing06:59
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:59
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ubotuSteam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/06:59
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imrazor_Defian: what motherboard are you using?06:59
rollerskatejammsusser, how?06:59
usserrollerskatejamms: dunno as usual06:59
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Defianimrazor_ MSI K8N Neo4-F nForce 4 chipset06:59
usserrollerskatejamms: wine06:59
rollerskatejammsusser, Half Life Games work for me but not source games.06:59
luxhola a todos06:59
crimsunChili: err, that last command was for debugging, and you were supposed to paste its output onto http://pastebin.ca06:59
rollerskatejammsusser, Yeah I've tried both wine and cedega06:59
ixian_rollerskatejamms, yes, source games work quite well in wine06:59
crimsunChili: and then tell me the URL06:59
usserrollerskatejamms: hang on i'll check06:59
rollerskatejammsixian_, Really I'll try again07:00
rollerskatejammsixian_, any tweaks required?07:00
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ixian_rollerskatejamms, there is a good guide here that i followed - http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Steam07:00
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rollerskatejammsixian_, I have steam working though07:00
IowaDavenibsa1242b: i'll bring 'em to you in the order i find 'em in the book. first, do you have gimp-print installed?07:00
kevin__Gnea, I get a runtime error while trying to install managed direct x on mono07:00
skinnypuppy1334has anyone built a virtual machine with dapper on feisty? I can't get it to install after the iso boots in the VM07:00
nibsa1242blet me check07:00
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IowaDavenibsa1242b: gimp-print is a separate app from gimp07:00
imrazor_Defian: Latest BIOS rev?07:00
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nibsa1242bIowaDave: I understand... one sec07:01
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vmskinnypuppy1334: lol why would you want to do that?07:01
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Defianimrazor_: now that is not latest. I don't have a floppy drive so I couldn't really do that.. also i'm a little bit too skeptical07:01
farm3rHi all07:01
IowaDavenibsa1242b: gimp-print is aka gutenprint, sez this book.07:01
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nibsa1242bIowaDave: yes, gimp-print is installed07:01
nom_Hello, I installed 'WINE (windows emulator)' through add/remove applications. Could someone tell me how to make the windows programs open with WINE, thanks.07:02
skinnypuppy1334EMC is supported on 6.04... to keep other compatibility to a minumum since it is used to control CNC equipment07:02
Chilicrimsun: Eh, nothing is coming up when I put in that command.07:02
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IowaDavenibsa1242b: ok. now the book says setting up the printer is, get this, "VERY IMPORTANT".  (as if...) lemme see...07:02
skinnypuppy1334comp issues I mean07:02
Falstiusnom_: in the command line "wine some_winprog.exe"07:02
gordboywine is windows emulator ? wow07:02
Falstiusis not ...07:02
=== maryen [n=lufthanz@pool-71-244-52-192.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ussergordboy: actually wine=wine is not windows emulator lol07:03
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jp834618is qtparted the same as gparted?07:03
Defianit's a "API compatibility layer" or something07:03
griswaldi figured it out !07:03
maryencould I get a bit of help?07:03
Falstiusnom_: actually, you should run wine_config first.07:03
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skinnypuppy1334So I need a VM of dapper... it will boot in the vm to the dapper desktop but becomes unresponsive after clicking install07:03
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griswaldhow do i determine if iam using raid or not ?07:03
maryenI need to have a program start on boot07:03
gordboywhat becomes of the broken parted ?07:03
nibsa1242bIowaDave: I also have cupsys-driver-gutenprint installed which I kinda imagine is what I need to set up properly...07:03
maryenhow would I go about doing that?07:03
farm3rHi I have a problem with internet connectvity and 7.0407:03
crimsunChili: nothing?  You should at least get an error...07:04
skinnypuppy1334I've built windows vm's before on vmserver so I know server is working07:04
IowaDavenibsa1242b: seems that setting the type of printer is something a lot of people miss. it may be showing you your brand of printer, but look again. what does the next line down say your type printer is? postscript? that apparently causes problems, and may need to change to something more suitable.07:04
Falstiusmaryen: on boot or when you log in?07:04
skinnypuppy1334any ideas?07:04
farm3rit is very weird but I can only connect to google07:04
maryenFalstius: On boot07:04
farm3rnothing else07:04
Chilicrimsun: no, it gives me ">" on the next line07:04
crimsunChili: then you made a typo07:04
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IowaDavenibsa1242b: printer model, not type, i meant to say.07:04
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maryenFalstius: it's a script to control fanspped according to temperature07:04
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skinnypuppy1334farm3r try pinging something else to see if you have a dns problem07:04
nibsa1242bIowaDave: ok I'll look [I wonder if I need foomatic-db-gutenprint] .07:04
skinnypuppy1334ping cnn.com etc07:04
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Chilicrimsun: copied and pasted what you had, lemme re check it.07:05
Defianbeh arrr beh07:05
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ben_jb157Im trying to create a bridge between my wireless card and a wired nic. My xbox is connected to the wired nic. I want to use the wireless card to connect to my wireless router. Whenever i create the bridge I cannot access the internet. How can I have the bridge obtain an ip from the wireless router? Should i configure my xbox to recieve an ip or set a static one?07:05
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Falstiusmaryen: doesn't cpuspeed already have options for that?  Anyway, just put a link to it in the /etc/rcS.d directory (to make it nice, add in the correct arguements, look at another script that for an example)07:05
farm3rskinnypuppy1334: it is not a dns problem i did ping and it resolves the IP but i get "packet filtered" down the line...07:05
IowaDavenibsa1242b: these are settings in the printer settings dialog that gimp opens foryou.07:05
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voltagex_is it possible to get keyboard support on Intel Mac in Ubuntu - in the bootloader, the keyboard doesn't seem to work so I can't specify any options07:05
skinnypuppy1334eesh fun07:05
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nibsa1242bIowaDave: ok I think I found them... I'm trying to select the correct printer model right now.07:06
skinnypuppy1334tracert yet ?07:06
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maryenFalstius: have no idea what cpuspeed is07:06
IowaDavenibsa1242b: if the printer model is not yours, or if the fields are empty, then the Setup Printer... or New Printer... buttons may need pushing07:06
Rictooerr, I'm still kind of fuzzy on linux, but I know that if i compile something from source, it's pretty hard (usually) to uninstall it. Is there any way to compile something from source and then make a package out of it, so it can be uninstalled later rather easily?07:06
ChiliCrimsun: Nope, still doesn't do it.07:06
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farm3rskinnypuppy1334: but there is anothe machine (that I am using now) that connects fine07:06
mrgxrHow can I associate the irc protocol with xchat in firefox?07:06
bullgard4All modinfo commands print a line beginning with 'depends:'. What depends on what there?07:06
skinnypuppy1334gotta love those situations...07:07
imrazor_Defian: I'd suggest trying the #alsa channel and see if someone there can help.07:07
IowaDavenibsa1242b: if your exact model's driver doesn't appear when you get to the driver selection list, try one for a slightly older model. printer hardware/firmware often maintains a decent amount of backwards driver compatibility07:07
farm3rIt is very weird... I have looked around in the forums and found another guy with the same problem (unresolved)07:07
crimsunChili: pastebin the command and the output.07:08
nibsa1242bIowaDave: yep... I'm picking a slightly older one hopefully it'll work correctly [y can't it just print through cups lol] 07:08
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farm3rMy connection uses dhcp and i wander if dhcp is problematic in 7.04?07:08
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linuxbombwhy does ubuntu force me to type sudo an average of 100 times a day?07:08
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nibsa1242bIowaDave: I have no idea what to type under the standard command/ custom command/ or file options07:08
blackgrazlinuxbomb, cuz you dont type in sudo su07:09
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IowaDavenibsa1242b: my printer is a brother laser model. i gave up on proprietary drivers when i found out the printer also speaks pcl6. i selected the pcl6 driver from the hp driver list and voila!07:09
t3hfr3akanybody wanna help me install grpahics drivers for my NVidia GeForce 7600 GS?07:09
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IowaDavenibsa1242b: i just saw your post. neither do i. sorry07:10
voltagex_is it possible to get keyboard support on Intel Mac in Ubuntu - in the bootloader, the keyboard doesn't seem to work so I can't specify any options07:10
usserIowaDave: what model is your printer???07:10
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nom_iS Visual Basic Runtime a windows program?07:10
cheeseboy couldn't load file "/usr/local/lib/tcl8.3/mysqltcl/libmysqltcl.so.2": /usr/local/lib/tcl8.3/mysqltcl/libmysqltcl.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:10
mrgxrDoes anyone know what the command is to associate xchat with the irc protocol in firefox so that when you click on an irc channel it automatically opens up xchat.07:10
cheeseboywhere do i get that file?07:10
farm3rAnyone with good networking knowledge? Your help will be rewarded! (In this life or the next :-) )07:10
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IowaDaveusser: brother MFC-7820N07:11
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kbrosnanmrgxr, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Register_protocol07:11
usserIowaDave: awww missed damn, i have dcp100007:11
voltagex_farm3r: what's the issue?07:11
nibsa1242bIowaDave: I have an hp officejet 5610, it works fine with the hp drivers [in fact I bought it b/c of the generally good support hp has for Linux. Scanning (even in GIMP) works fine for me with it, but printing is difficult (only in GIMP)..07:11
IowaDavenibsa1242b: I'm going to run through the gimp print setup on my own machine and see if I get any ideas that way.07:12
usserIowaDave: i had it working with suse with brother drivers but just cant install it on ubuntu07:12
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IowaDaveusser: hang on. i ran into that and found a way around. brb07:12
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farm3rI have just installed 7.04 and can only see google. DNS resolves the IP address put i cannot connect to it. Ping says "packet filtered". Another box (OSX)  on the same network works fine. Both are configured with dhcp.07:12
blackgrazim so bored im gonna get drunk and passout07:13
usserIowaDave: that'd be awesome :)07:13
nibsa1242bIowaDave: well I'm going to try and see if it works in a min maybe I don't need to type anything in the box. Now I just need to find a png to pdf/ps converter (since I don't really see how I set up my cups-pdf printer in GIMP).07:13
linuxbombnibsa1242b, do you use gnome or kde?07:13
xtknightcan anyone reproduce this?  please try. Launchpad bug 109804 in firefox "Firefox can't save image from interfacelift.com" [Medium,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10980407:13
nibsa1242blinuxbomb gnome about 90% of the time07:13
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linuxbombbecause I use kprinter and just print to kprinter07:14
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nibsa1242blinuxbomb: from GIMP?07:14
sfaheyHi, new to Ubuntu. I have a Gateway 9550, 512MB RAM, P3 1.26GHz... I had a working 6.06, and I decided to upgrade to 7.04... now my machine won't boot into Ubuntu anymore. There is a brief message about "unable to allocate memory" and then the Ubuntu splash screen comes up, and goes about 3 places on the progress bar and then the laptop shuts off.07:14
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IowaDavenibsa1242b: sorry, it stumped me too. books don't know everything :'(07:16
kbrosnanxtknight, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Unable_to_save_or_download_files07:16
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linuxbombnibsa1242b, I save it as ps and print that via kprinter07:16
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nibsa1242bIowaDave: its ok I'll survive07:16
kevin__Gnea, Im stumped cant firure out how to get managed direct x working with mono07:16
usserIowaDave: wow i see there was some work done on brother linux driver page07:16
usserIowaDave: gonna try it again07:17
=== Feldegast [n=feldegas@C-59-101-119-213.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
imrazor_sfahey: You're supposed to upgrade to 6.10 first, then migrate to 7.04.07:18
t3hfr3akwould this be the fricer i use for my GeForce 7600 GS? NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver07:18
xtknightkbrosnan, thanks although it seems like a deeper bug to me (it has occurred on every single firefox profile ive tried)07:18
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xtknightcould be my adblock i guess07:19
nibsa1242blinuxbomb: sounds like a good idea to me... I'll do that and print it with evince. Hey that worked. *dances for joy*07:19
kbrosnanxtknight, works for me on several computers07:19
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newb-buntui have 100 questions for you guys07:20
PhenaxI'm trying to set up my ATI Card in Restricted Manager but it says "Enabled" but "Not in Use" -- How do I get it "In use"07:20
IowaDaveusser: right. but some of the brother drivers for linux don't format the printed page quite right. when i got to the point of selecting a driver in ubuntu's add printer dialog, i went to the hp list instead and selected Laserjet Series PCL 6 CUPS. Works like a charm.07:20
gordboyi'll take question 3407:20
xtknightkbrosnan, interesting.  well thanks for testing.07:20
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Pepperyi'm setting up my ubuntu server and I need hostname. help me choose. options: bear OR fox. ;D07:20
wirwzdquestion 42 has already been answered07:20
blackgrazPeppery, buttsex07:20
linuxbombeverything should print to kprinter07:20
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gordboyall 100 have already been answered :)07:21
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wirwzdno doubt07:21
Angelushi there :) Anyone know of a program that converts a DVD to a WMV for a pocket PC?07:21
Prospero2008I just migrated from Windows. When the computer told me I had to 'mount' the cd drive, I thought it meant in a sexual way. I think there are capacitors in there or something. Ouch!07:21
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linuxbombAngelus, mencoder07:21
gordboyis there a Hot 100 bot option ?07:21
Defianimrazor_: Bios updated, no change. This really baffles me.07:22
tonyyarussogordboy: What do you mean?07:22
linuxbombAngelus, dvdrip might help also07:22
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imrazor_Defian: I am too. I'm starting to suspect a PCI timing or busmastering issue.07:22
danny3793can someone help me with a resolution problem i am having?07:23
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IowaDavenibsa1242b: about gimp, it is very good for what it is for. i don't want to start a flame war here on the channel, so i'll begin by saying that i use gimp frequently to prepare photos for other applications, i.e. openoffice or the web. when i need to make a picture for printing, even on an inkjet, i do still head over to photoshop. :(07:23
imrazor_Defian: Do you know if your hard drive is in DMA mode?07:23
imrazor_Defian: Or are you using SATA?07:23
Defianimrazor_ No, I don't.07:23
shirishhow do I install the TCL interpretor, does anbody know?07:23
Defianimrazor_ well I know it's IDE ATA10007:23
=== SixtyOver [n=trey@cpe-24-174-53-102.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gordboytonyyarusso: it was a running gag. it wasn't funny enough to warrant repeating either07:23
SixtyOverok yall are gonna love this one07:23
linuxbombIowaDave, dont be like that07:24
bullgard4What stands 'EC' for in 'i2c_ec = ACPI EC SMBus driver'?07:24
imrazor_Defian: try "sudo hdparm -i /dev/hda" look for an asterisk.07:24
SixtyOveri accidently deleted my etc/network/interfaces file07:24
IowaDavesorry, bomb. true confession is good for the soul.07:24
linuxbombIowaDave, why cant you print?07:24
SixtyOverso a how do i get it back07:24
imrazor_Defian: If all else fails try the #alsa channel.07:24
cdubyaheh tonyyarusso.....07:24
cdubyalong time07:24
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Defianimrazor_ UDMA5 has a * next to it..07:25
danny3793why is it my computer will only go to 1280x768 max?07:25
nibsa1242bIowaDave: I've only ever used Paint Shop Pro (long time ago), and GIMP I've been quite happy with what GIMP does for me, however, my image editing needs are somewhat modest. [photo here or there, simple web graphics, and the like] 07:25
gordboy"i accidently deleted my etc/network/interfaces file". beautiful. succinct and full of imagery. 9/1007:25
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-250-53.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
tonyyarussocdubya: ya07:25
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imrazor_Defian: Then I don't know. Try the #alsa channel and see if they can help.07:25
Defianimrazor_: well alright, thanks.07:25
IowaDavelinuxbomb: i was trying to help another guy get gimp to print for him. gimp never even heard of my printer (a brother, which is a company that really supports linux.) otherwise no problems printing from ubuntu. all is well.07:26
tonyyarussoSixtyOver: Any chance there's a hidden backup?  For instance, /etc/network/interfaces~07:26
acu01_does anyone know where is the Linux "aproved" periferal list - I want to buy a portable video (.rm and .wav ) and mp3 player if possible with a voice recorder - however I am confused which one is Linux (Ubuntu or Debian) compatible and recomended - any other hint besides the hyperlink to the list is appreciated07:26
SixtyOveri dont think so but ill look07:26
SixtyOveri didnt back it up07:26
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cdubyatonyyarusso, how are you doing?07:27
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NygHi All,  how do I enable the telnet service on ubuntu server edition?07:27
tonyyarussocdubya: #ubuntu-offtopic has answers like that ;)07:27
cdubyaman, you guys don't have any fun07:27
tonyyarussoWe do - we just hide it07:27
linuxbombNyg, use ssh instead07:27
SixtyOvernope no hidden07:27
danny3793anyone wanna help with the resolution issue?07:27
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SixtyOveranyway i can reconfigure one07:28
cdubyatonyyarusso, you running Feisty now?07:28
tonyyarussoSixtyOver: I'm guessing a package reconfigure might work - but I'm pondering which package.   Possibly "netbase".07:28
danny3793i just got 7.04 Ubuntu installed yesterday, and got my nvidia chipset working today07:28
tonyyarussocdubya: yes - have been since November07:28
NygI want to use putty from my windows box to access my ubuntu server, will that work?07:28
RawSewagehow do you hide Quits and Joins in XCHat07:28
SixtyOverill try it07:28
IowaDavenibsa1242b: i'm with you on the qualities of gimp as an image editor. it beats photoshop elements on features, hands down, and beats full photoshop on price-to-value. but you and i have encountered one of gimp's few limitations: printing.07:28
cdubyaam working out mine right now07:28
RawSewageI found it07:28
linuxbombdanny3793, if your screen looks flickery try xvidtune if its dark or not syncing do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:28
voltagex_gimps limitations: usability07:29
danny3793its not flickering or anything07:29
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danny3793linuxbomb: i just want to have more resolution options07:29
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RawSewagedanny3793, did you have Nvidia07:30
nibsa1242bIowaDave: the funny thing is that when I used to use GIMP from windows I never had a problem printing. I think I could figure it out if I spent an hour or two but frankly I'm not going to play with it, I'll just save things as a .ps and print the ps with something else.07:30
doujikaihow to use the .cue and .bin file?07:30
danny3793linuxbomb: my current max is 1024x768, im wanting 1280x102407:30
linuxbombdanny3793, look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf and add more resolutions but be careful07:30
gordboydoujikai: is it a film ? if so, vlc07:30
RawSewagedanny3793, do you have Nvidia07:30
danny3793RawSewage: yes i have an nVidia GeForce 6100 nForce 405 chipset07:30
RawSewageok, I can help07:30
IowaDavenibsa1242b: sounds sensible. hey, thanks for your help with griswald. hope he gets that installation done. i'm calling it a night.07:30
RawSewagedid you install the Nvidia drivers thing from the Restircted Drivers Manager07:31
nibsa1242bIowaDave: np, have a good night07:31
tonyyarussoRawSewage: In irssi it's /ignore #channelname -joins -parts, might be similar syntax in XChat07:31
doujikaithey are virtual drive?but I don't know how to use it?07:31
SixtyOverithink this might work07:31
danny3793RawSewage: yep, i had to update a few things to get it to install the restricted drivers, but finally got it working07:31
RawSewagetonyyarusso, I just rightclick the channel tab07:31
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tonyyarussoRawSewage: ah, handy07:31
RawSewagedanny3793, ok  Alt+F2 and run  nvidia-settings07:31
Eno_does anyone know why i might be getting squares where some math symbols should be in openoffice?07:31
RawSewagedanny3793, XServerDisplay Config07:32
Eno_in a word document07:32
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SixtyOverdonwload a charcter package of some sort07:32
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Nygis there any yum equivalent in ubuntu?07:32
danny3793RawSewage: thank you SO much dude, you are a life saver :D07:32
RawSewagedanny3793, ok it worked then. good07:32
DBOanyone got an ideas on how to capture kernel panic info if the only way you can get it to panic is in X?07:32
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gordboyNyg: apt-get07:33
nibsa1242bNyg: synaptic is probably the closest thing07:33
danny3793RawSewage: that was the only noticable problem i was having with Ubuntu was the resolution was WAY to big for my taste, but now its perfect :D, now i gotta get some proggies installed :P, thanks again man07:33
ovnicraftplay mp4 feisty fawn07:33
nibsa1242bNyg: wait synaptic is like yumex07:33
kevin__is there any way to get dx9 to run on wine?07:33
nibsa1242bNyg: or what ever yumex is called now... apt-get is like yum07:33
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Nyghow about a 'service' command?07:34
SixtyOverhow do i open the trash can when logged in as root07:34
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SixtyOversounds stupid but i dont have a button07:34
RawSewagewhats the official Klipper app for Ubuntu07:35
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kalpikkevin__, wine already has dx907:35
Eno_i don't think gnome has a klipper thing07:35
gordboyNyg: yes. i put one in. but i forget the package. sysvutils maybe. i'm back over in fedora just now, so i can't check the exact name07:35
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kevin__kalpik, ok any way to get managed directx to install on wine?07:36
RawSewageEno_, ok, I guess Glipper then07:36
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linuxbombgnome doesn't have a lot of things07:36
Nyg:-), I just switched from Fedora07:36
kalpikkevin__, no..07:36
kevin__kalpik, chitty07:36
jb1anybody else been screwed by today's hal updates?07:36
Eno_RAW-mEAT: but kde is part of ubuntu too :)07:36
Eno_RawSewage: (07:36
RawSewageEno_, Glipper looks good07:36
Eno_is there such a thing?07:36
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nibsa1242bNyg: briefly what do you think? I switched from Fedora Core 5 to Ubuntu and overall I've been happy.07:37
usserwhere do ppd files in cups go??07:37
kevin__if you install a program in wine, where is the program files folder?07:37
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gordboyNyg: i do fedora/osx/debian/gentoo/ubuntu. sometimes i forget where i am. i typed rpm -qf in ubuntu earlier on :)07:37
RawSewage.wine in Home07:37
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RawSewageC Drive07:37
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cdubyawhat's the command to check the CD drive setting for choppiness in video playback?07:38
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xtknightcdubya, maybe dma?07:38
xtknightsudo hdparm -d /dev/drive07:38
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xtknightor maybe not -d07:39
cdubyayep, that's it. thanks07:39
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Nyggordboy: the thing I am finding frustrating at the moment is I can't ssh to my computer using putty.  it says connection refused.  results in lots of flicking around with kvm switch07:39
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FlannelNyg: have you installed openssh-server?07:40
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gordboyNyg, service command is in sysvconfig. apt-get install sysvconfig07:41
NygFlannel:Just stock server at the moment.  if I apt-get openssh-server will that do the trick?07:41
FlannelNyg: yeah.  Ubuntu has nothing listening by default07:42
Nygthanks gordboy!07:42
_AhtiHello, can someone tell me how to download from links like: "http://www.example.com/download.php?" with wget? I really need this :)07:43
gordboyNyg, you can just do /etc/init.d/whatever start/stop/restart/status etc also07:43
Flannel!bum | Nyg07:44
ubotuNyg: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto07:44
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jmghey all07:44
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jmgdoes anyone know how i can change the mask of a usb disk so it is read/write for all users?07:44
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SlicerDicer-anybody here familar with raid and installing ubuntu? software raid that  is07:45
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vmhrm okay, so I installed wallpaper-tray, and have it set up, and to start it i type wallpaper-tray into terminal......then do i have to leave the terminal window up for it to run?07:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmraid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:45
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SlicerDicer-I am just curious about software raid. I am migrating over to ubuntu from gentoo I have all my arrays layed out.. I want to replace all that is on my raid1 with ubuntu instead of gentoo... however there be no wiki for raid and ubuntu07:46
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SlicerDicer-I am wanting to know if I can use ubquity to install or if I have to use some other method or what I need to do07:46
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SlicerDicer-imrazor_: btw I am using mdadm :)07:46
gordboyjmg, mask=000007:46
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gordboyer umask07:47
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jmggordboy: i want it to be set to that by default when the disk is mounted07:47
jmgseems to be no way to set the perms udev uses07:47
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linuxbombjmg wrong07:47
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imrazor_SlicerDicer-: I've not used this myself, but it might help. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FakeRaidEdgy?highlight=%28fakeraid%2907:48
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jmgand mount -o remount,umask=000 doesnt affect the mask07:48
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SlicerDicer-imrazor_: nah no already found that07:48
jmglinuxbomb: please prove me wrong07:48
gordboylinuxbomb, care to elaborate ?07:48
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: I figured I would ask while my raid5 is rebuilding07:48
dwaiwass it?07:48
jmgI hope he is furiously googling07:48
linuxbombI've set udev permissions before with my ipod07:49
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SlicerDicer-imrazor_: ubuntu went mental on installing mdadm on the livecd so I could use raid and horked my raid5 partially lol... it obliterated my raid507:49
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SlicerDicer-or my parity drive on raid507:49
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Nyggordboy: that worked a treat thanks.  off to do some playing now07:49
NygI mean work07:49
leStat666help! i am trying to install and eggdrop07:49
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SlicerDicer-imrazor_: its late :) not thinking at full capacity07:50
leStat666and need to know how to install tcl07:50
imrazor_SlicerDicer-: Ouch. I won't be much help I'm afraid. Totally unfamiliar with LVM.07:50
naruto_how do i check how much hard drive space i have left?07:50
mobutuleStat666: so install tcl07:50
mobutunaruto_: df -H07:50
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SlicerDicer-imrazor_: I am not using LVM :)07:50
mobutuleStat666: aptitude install tcl07:50
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: mdadm is software raid stuffs07:50
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naruto_thank you mobutu07:50
jmglinuxbomb: i cant use the permissions app to change it either07:50
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mobutuleStat666: actually i mean sudo aptitude install tcl07:50
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gordboywhat is aptitude install ? i thought it was apt-get install. oh well ....07:51
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: utility rather for software raid :)07:51
mobutuaptitude is a front end to apt-get07:51
jmggordboy: aptitude is apt-get with some other features, like minesweeper07:52
maynards-girlwhat do i need to restart after making a change to xorg.conf07:52
strabesminesweeper? hot dog!!07:52
jmgit can replace both apt-get and dselect07:52
imrazor_SlicerDicer-: Interesting. Unfortunately most onboard controllers won't support RAID 5.07:52
strabesmaynards-girl: hit ctrl+alt+backspace07:52
gordboyso what is the point of having a front end for a command line with a single parameter ?07:52
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SlicerDicer-imrazor_: I am not using onboard controllers07:52
leStat666now i get this07:52
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leStat666./eggdrop: error while loading shared libraries: libtcl8.4.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:52
naruto_aight fellas, imma go to sleep..gnite to you all07:52
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chief__is there anyway i can make gdesklets start at login ??07:53
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imrazor_SlicerDicer-: I know. It's just unfortunate they won't do RAID 5. At least not usually.07:53
maynards-girlstrabes, thanks! beats restarting the computer each time07:53
jmgso is there any way to change the default mask for an external disk??07:53
mobutuchief__: System->Preferences->Sessions07:53
gordboyjmg, i know what dpkg*, apt*, aptitude, synaptic etc are. thanks :)07:53
chief__ok TY07:53
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: why worry about it? my software raid5 hauls :)07:53
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: I am getting around 108mb/sec transfer rates or somewhere in there with my raid507:54
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strabesmaynards-girl: indeed. you could also use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"07:54
SlicerDicer-that spans across pata and sata drives07:54
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imrazor_SlicerDicer-: Wow. Are you using 15k drives?07:54
leStat666tcl: /usr/lib/tcl8.4 /usr/local/lib/tcl8.407:54
leStat666 <-- is where tcl is but the .so file is not there?!?!?07:54
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: no07:55
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maynards-girlstrabes thank you07:55
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: raid0 + raid5 ftw :)07:55
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hype_hi there07:55
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SlicerDicer-imrazor_: I have raid0's making up my raid5 LOL07:56
gordboyjmg, in /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules07:56
hype_anyone knows how to change the menu names : "Applications Places System" ?07:56
imrazor_SlicerDicer-: So that's what 6 drives??07:56
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SlicerDicer-well partially should I say :) its not totally so its a mishmosh07:56
SlicerDicer-its a mess man07:56
SlicerDicer-but its fast lol07:56
SlicerDicer-I want to fix it so its normal but I am using drives of all sizes and shapes so I had to07:57
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SlicerDicer-I got 5 disks total doing raid0 raid1 and raid5 imrazor_ so if I lose some disks I lose some parts of stuff like hdb is part raid1 part raid007:57
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kevin__microsoft sucks07:58
jesranany opinions on laptop hp ze2000?07:58
gordboyjmg, another option is to create a usbthings group and put all your users in it, and make that the default group on creation07:58
SlicerDicer-indeed they do kevin__ but this is not the channel to flame them :)07:58
jmggordboy: how do i make it the default group?07:58
SlicerDicer-imrazor_: well I am heading to sleep I will try to fix this in the morning when my raid is rebuilt heh07:59
jmggordboy: i think the mount permissions are set by hal not udev07:59
jmggordboy: but i dont know how to edit the .fdi file07:59
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gordboyjmg, or go the other way. what group does it mount as ?07:59
linuxbombkevin__, microsoft isn't that bad07:59
jmgthe desktop user07:59
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gordboyjmg, well put all your users in the desktop group08:00
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=== kevin__ glares at Linuxbomb
jmgit mountss as user:user08:00
jmgnot user:somegroup08:00
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jmgso groups wont work08:00
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warlockIs there a possibility to see the uptime of a process by a command or such?08:00
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jmgi think i need to edit the hal policy file08:00
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Flannelwarlock: Not-so-scientifically: ps will show when it started08:01
linuxbombomg hal hotplug coldplug udev ..........toooo much08:01
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linuxbomband fstab08:02
blackgrazirc is DEAD tonight08:02
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warlockIs there a possibility to see the uptime of a process?08:02
Flannelwarlock: Not-so-scientifically: ps will show when it started08:02
cottonblackgraz: It's 2:02 in the morning08:02
gordboyjmg, line 63 of my /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules has SUBSYSTEM=="usb_device",    MODE="0664". maybe you could change that to MODE="0666"08:02
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warlockwill take a look08:02
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warlockFlannel, didn't work.08:03
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jmgsilly gordboy, that changes permissions of the device node when it is created08:04
Flannelwarlock: It does.  What are you looking for?08:04
riczhoStrange... I cannot access ubuntu.com from two locations...08:04
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jmgnot the permissions of the disk once it is mounted08:04
warlockTo see how long a process has been running for (how many days)08:04
ubuntuHey guys, I'm a newb and messed up my MBR. anyway I googled how to reinstall GRUB and found this page..08:04
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ubuntuSo i'm following that guide, since ubuntu is booted from disk right now and I got to this point..08:04
ubuntuWhat do I do from here? How do I make sure the drives are selected? only clickable thing I see is the Format...which I don't want to do.08:04
Flannelwarlock: Right, which process?  You probably want `ps aux`08:04
Flannel!grub | ubuntu, first link08:04
ubotuubuntu, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:04
gordboyjmg, well you know best08:04
warlockFlannel, my bnc server - sBNC.08:04
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warlock./sbnc <-08:05
Flannelwarlock: `ps aux | grep sbnc`08:05
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linuxbombjmg whats the perms on /media/whatever?08:05
jmglinuxbomb: tom:tom +rwx08:05
warlockgave me "warlock, command not fun"08:05
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bullgard4How can I establish if my notebook computer has an Embedded Controller? (Ubuntu 7.04 installed the module i2c_ec automatically.)08:05
linuxbombjmg thats your problem08:05
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jmglinuxbomb: no shit08:05
Flannelwarlock: just the bit in the quotes08:05
linuxbombjmg chmod it then08:05
jmglinuxbomb: doesnt work, cant chmod a mounted device08:06
danny3793linuxbomb: is there any way to install AIM 5.9??08:06
jmgdanny3793: gaim08:06
linuxbombjmg whats the perms before you mount it?08:06
jmglinuxbomb: there arent any08:06
jmgsince it is mounted by hal.08:06
danny3793jmg: GAIM is different than actual AIM, i might aswell just try Trillian08:06
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jmgdanny3793: trillian or aim5.9 dont run on linux08:07
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linuxbombthats gay08:07
kevin__i use gaim08:07
kevin__whats wrong with gaim08:07
kevin__i think everyone should use gaim08:07
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danny3793i dont mind GAIM, but i use direct connect alot with my friends, and GAIM does not support this08:07
Jester1- it's called pidgin now 2- kopete is better08:07
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cablesdanny3793, I'm almost certain it does.08:07
cablesdanny3793, maybe I'm just making that up...08:08
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danny3793im on GAIM and see no DC button :P08:08
neilthereildeilhey all08:08
neilthereildeilplease help me upgrade from 6.1 to 708:08
cablesdanny3793, I got a request to DC, and accepted it, and it worked08:08
cables!upgrade | neilthereildeil08:08
ubotuneilthereildeil: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:08
cablesdanny3793, file transfer doesn't work though...08:08
Flannelneilthereildeil: 6.10 to 7.04, and that link will get you all setup08:08
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skinnypuppy1334Anyone know why a dapper virtual machine would run like 10 times slower than an xp virtual machine?08:08
cablesmaybe Trillian works in Wine... I haven't tried08:08
danny3793i use file transfer alot :(08:09
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jmgtonyyarusso: why did you part linuxbomb? for calling something gay?08:09
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tonyyarussojmg: yes08:09
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cablesdanny3793, I just use skype for file transfer08:09
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jmgdanny3793: you should stay away from aim08:10
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jmgdidnt you see "To Catch A Predator" ;)08:10
gordboyjmg, when you say mounted by hal, do you actually mean gnome-volume-manager or something ? i don't have any non-empty hal fdi files08:10
strabesyeah, here we use "ghey"08:10
jmgstrabes: lol08:10
kevin__thats like sayin flunny08:10
tonyyarussostrabes: Don't use that offensively either.08:10
jmggordboy: yes08:10
mobutudanny3793: i think you can just drag a file in to the dialogue box08:10
strabestonyyarusso: I don't ever say either of those.08:10
jmgtonyyarusso: please provide a list of usable expletives for this channel08:11
Flannel!away > fideas|away08:11
mobutuor pidgen, whatever y ou want to call it08:11
strabes"usable expletives" lol08:11
kevin__tonyyarusso,  your flunny08:11
tonyyarussojmg: "oh dear" :P08:11
jmggaim is "oh dear"08:11
strabesOH SNAP08:11
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neilthereildeilthe page isnt loading08:11
strabeswhat's wrong with gaim?08:11
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neilthereildeilthats the instructions08:11
DanaGNo subnet declaration for tap0 (
DanaGhow do I fix that?08:11
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jmgtonyyarusso: what is the usable stand in for "g(he/a)y"08:12
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DanaGI'm trying to serve dhcp to my tap0 interface.08:12
strabesanyone know how i can discover the ips of other computers on my home network?08:12
cablesIt doesn't support file transfer, or voice and video anything. actually, I think it sort of supports file transfer, but it can't be behind a NAT.08:12
neilthereildeilcn some please help me upgrade?08:12
jmgstrabes: nmap08:12
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robbieI can't get proper resolution. I've followed the walk through and tried what !resolution says to do, but I still cannot get 1280*1024. It's listed explicitly in my xorg.conf, I know my card is capable of it, everything else works properly, but for some reason I'm locked into 1280*960 which makes everything look all fuzzy and slightly disproportionate08:12
mobutustrabes: arp -a08:12
cables!ask | neilthereildeil08:12
ubotuneilthereildeil: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:12
neilthereildeilfrom 6.10 to 7.4?08:12
Flannel!upgrade | neilthereildeil08:12
ubotuneilthereildeil: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:12
mobutustrabes: might be a good start08:12
tonyyarussojmg: Whatever you actually mean.08:12
jmg!resolution | robbie08:12
uboturobbie: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:12
neilthereildeili went to synaptic08:12
mobutuwhat would nmap do?08:12
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neilthereildeiland told it to upgrade08:12
mobutuyou'd have to know the ip address of an existing machine wouldnt you08:12
neilthereildeiland it gave me security errors08:12
hype_any idea how to modify the name of the menus : " Applications Places System" ?08:12
mobutuoh nevermind you could scan an entire subnet08:12
robbiejmg,  I already did that, as I said in my thing.08:13
jmgrobbie: ask in #xorg08:13
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elvisjoin #xbins08:13
jmggordboy: so08:13
neilthereildeilplease help08:13
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cablesneilthereildeil, ask your question, and we can help.08:13
cablesneilthereildeil, what do you need to know?08:13
DanaGany idea why dhcp3-server fails like that?08:13
mobutuneilthereildeil: THE UBUNTU IS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE08:14
neilthereildeilhow can i fix the errors it gives me when i tell synaptic to upgrade?08:14
gordboyjmg, i'm still trawling /etc/udev/rules.d08:14
neilthereildeili get security errors08:14
jmggordboy: hehe08:14
GrooveStixhey dudes, my swap file died, it's 008:14
GrooveStixhow can I increase it?08:14
kevin__trade it in08:14
GrooveStixand why did it randomly dissapear?08:14
danny3793how do i install Mono?08:14
peepsalotneilthereildeil, pastebin the errors, what package are you trying to install08:14
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DanaGUseage is zero, or size is zero?08:14
hype_neilthereildeil , you probably need to add gpg keys corresponding to the repo you added to your sources.list08:14
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danny3793i have downloaded the BIN file, but it wont open up08:14
windows_@seek Autocad08:15
jmgmkswap /dev/blah, swapon /dev/blah08:15
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neilthereildeili just clicked upgrade in synaptic08:15
jmgnano /etc/fstab08:15
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cablesneilthereildeil, that's really not the right way to upgrade.08:15
xonecasHey can someone help me get my broadcom 4311 wifi card going with ndiswrapper ?08:15
jmgim sure there are bots sent here to ask stupid questions08:15
GrooveStixusage is zero08:15
windows_@seek tombraider nude08:15
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GrooveStixand Ubuntu is terribly slow08:15
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cables!broadcom | xonecas08:15
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seescapesany one ever installed ubuntu with wubi?08:15
ubotuxonecas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:15
villr[] yehello.08:15
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GrooveStix(although it wasn't like this before)08:16
villr[] yeis the ubuntu site down?08:16
Flannelvillr[] ye: appears to be, yes08:16
windows_@seek denise richards nude08:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multibutton - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:16
Cosmo__ well I gave Kubuntu 2 months before deciding on my prefered OS...... and I have to say Kubuntu wins by a long way, just wish I could get roseta stone and dragon naturally speaking working in it then I would never have to use winblows for anything again I am glad I tried linux08:16
peepsalotvillr[] ye, looks like it08:16
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danny3793how do i download Mono for 7.04 Ubuntu?08:16
Flannel!mouse | robbie08:16
cables!mouse | robbie08:16
uboturobbie: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto08:16
jmgCosmo__: rosetta runs under wine and instead of dragon use sphinx08:16
villr[] yeFlannel: ah. good to see i'm not going insane08:16
robbiethanks guys!08:16
peepsalotwindows_, what are you doing08:16
kevin__villr[] ye, same conclusion here08:16
=== cables loses
jmgnp robbie08:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:17
windows_@seek paris hilton08:17
peepsalot!ohmy windows_08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy windows_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
jmg!ops windows_08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops windows_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
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jmg!ops < windows_08:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops < windows_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:17
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villr[] yeup again.08:17
peepsalot!ops | windows_08:17
ubotuwindows_: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok08:17
tonyyarussojmg: You're looking for |08:17
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crabgrasshey all, what command can i use to print out uptime?08:17
DanaGWTF?  Address range to not on net!08:17
Flannelcrabgrass: 'uptime'08:17
jmgDanaG: wrong netmask08:17
crabgrassFlannel: rofl... thanks08:17
DanaGI set it to do -- there's no left ANYWHERE.08:17
DanaGin the config files, I mean.08:18
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jmgDanaG: netmask should be
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villr[] yeor maybe help.ubuntu.com is onanother server08:18
Cosmo__jmg: I looked at sphinx but was having trouble figuring it out, mainly just need the voice recognition for dictating, I will try rosetta under wine08:18
DanaGah, thanks.08:18
jmg /etc/init.d/networking restart08:18
jmg!networking | danag08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:18
Flannelvillr[] ye: it is08:18
l0rdbalthazarWhat package for apt-get will remove every part of X, GNOME, and KDE? I thought it was xserver-common.08:18
gordboyjmg, i think you might be right about having to create a bespoke hal fdi file. but i'm far from sure :)08:18
DanaGI don't have a set anywhere.08:18
crabgrassFlannel: know if theres any formatting i can do to it, or get it to display just the uptime as one numeric string?08:18
MadeyeMorning, I bought new laptop, erased Vista and installed Feisty but sound card aint working, any idea?08:18
jmggordboy: pretty braindead huh08:18
GrooveStixlemme clear up here... This is the info about the Used Swap: 0 bytes of 0 bytes08:18
_AhtiHow can i download from links like "www.example.com/download.php?" with wget 0_0?08:18
GrooveStixhow can I increase it?08:19
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l0rdbalthazar_Ahti: I use lyxn for things like that.08:19
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l0rdbalthazarlynx rather08:19
drofdarbHey fellas, is the ubuntu server down?08:19
Flanneldrofdarb: yes08:19
LaNCeloT_RWhi dudes.. my system is returning some erros... when i do the command ./configure... it says I dont have c++, gcc, g++, and etc... but I have them... just reinstalled g++ for a test... and it still returns errors.. like "checking for g++... no"08:19
LaNCeloT_RWwhat should it be?08:19
Flannelcrabgrass: Not that Im aware of, you'd just have to parse it yourself.08:19
l0rdbalthazarLaNCeloT_RW: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:19
DanaGOh, I see, there are two conflicting config files!08:19
drofdarbFlannel: any idea when it'll be up? (they just installing something or other?)08:19
seishii used envy to install my graphic card nvidia geforce4 mx 440 64mb... the driver works fine in 800x600@50, but when i used "nv" driver the screen resolution was 1024x768@60... the interesting part is that sometimes when i do 'startx' the resolution 1024x768@50, but it is rare.. i dunno what to do to keep 1024x768. i tried to put 'Modules' line in the monitor section of xorg.conf, but nothing... :(08:19
crabgrassFlannel: and with conky, that's looking harder and harder08:20
crabgrassFlannel: well, thanks chum!08:20
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Flanneldrofdarb: no idea08:20
gordboyjmg, if you get desperate, there's always the gnome-volume-manager source, gdb, strace and a 48 hour coffee session08:20
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LaNCeloT_RWl0rdbalthazar, i'm doing it right now.. but i had all these stuff installed here... I don't know why my Ubuntu is like this08:21
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jmggordboy: ill just wait for the movie to finish downloading then unmount and remount it tonight08:21
jmggordboy: and ill file a bug08:21
NygHi, I have followed the instructions to get samba swat running but with no effect.  That last set in the instructions is to restart inetd, but ubuntu seems to think there is no such thing.  Any suggestions?08:21
neilthereildeilhow can i find out what version of ubuntu im running?08:21
Flannelneilthereildeil: lsb_release -a08:22
DanaGCan't bind to dhcp address: Address already in use08:22
l0rdbalthazarLaNCeloT_RW: It's debian.08:22
l0rdbalthazarLaNCeloT_RW: You can't compile without build-essential08:22
neilthereildeilim using 6.1008:22
DanaGOh, is it possible to increase the gnome-vfs timeout?08:22
neilthereildeilhow can i upgrade?08:22
neilthereildeilwhats the command?08:22
DanaGMy school's SSH server takes over 30 seconds to respond, so gnome-vfs times out.08:23
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l0rdbalthazarneilthereildeil: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade08:23
LaNCeloT_RWl0rdbalthazar, I know man... but yesterday I compiled a lot of programs here... and today, I received these errors... i just want to now why.. it seems the system lost his mind LOL08:23
drake4will ubuntu fully support that new Intel Centrino chipset?08:23
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l0rdbalthazarLaNCeloT_RW: Ah. Did you remove anything?08:23
l0rdbalthazarWhat package for apt-get will remove every part of X, GNOME, and KDE? I thought it was xserver-common.08:23
LaNCeloT_RWl0rdbalthazar, no, nothing since yesterday...08:24
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neilthereildeilit says nothing is needed08:24
neilthereildeilno packages will be installed, upgraded or removed08:24
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neilthereildeill0rdbalthazar: it says everything is up to date08:25
neilthereildeilbut lsb_release -a says im running 6.1008:25
l0rdbalthazarneilthereildeil: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:25
GrooveStixokay guys, I'll try uno more. My swap file has dropped to 0. How can I increase it?08:25
gordboy"open the ipod bay door, hal"08:26
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neilthereildeilthat page isnt loading08:26
DanaGI fixed the config right there, but there's a new error: Can't bind to dhcp address: Address already in use08:27
neilthereildeiltry going there08:27
neilthereildeilit doesnt work08:27
DanaGSometimes lsb_release doesn't update, for some reason.08:28
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l0rdbalthazarneilthereildeil: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/upgrade-ubuntu-610-edgy-eft-to-ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn-2.html08:28
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Nygis www.ubuntu.com down?08:29
LaNCeloT_RWl0rdbalthazar, that's weird, isn't it man?08:29
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l0rdbalthazarLaNCeloT_RW: yeah, it is.08:30
bruenigI am able to ping it08:30
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LaNCeloT_RWl0rdbalthazar, but, that's ok again now.. :-) thanks !08:30
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l0rdbalthazarbruenig: the webserver is down. Not the server itself.08:30
NygI can't figure out how to restart inetd.  It isn't in the init.d directory.08:30
bruenigyes I assumed08:31
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l0rdbalthazarnyg: pkill -HUP inetd08:31
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jmghow do you unblock a contact from gaim?08:33
RawSewageis there an official Ubuntu torrent client08:33
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martalli|cliDoes anyone know how to burn an iso from the command line?08:34
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l0rdbalthazarWhat package for apt-get will remove every part of X, GNOME, and KDE? I thought it was xserver-common.08:35
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milaksHi. I've installed Vista just to look what it looks like, on disk where I have Ubuntu and Windows XP, and normally after Vista's installation grub is gone, so I've booted from live CD, mounted root parition, chrooted to that partition in order to call `/usr/sbin/grub-install /dev/hda` but ther's no device(s) in /dev (!!!??). Can someone please tell me how to mount/make those devices in /dev?08:35
clevermilaks: you need to mount --bind /dev /YOURNEWROOT/dev/ before you chroot08:36
cleveror mount the full proper devfs08:37
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cleveri think mount udev /YOURNEWROOT/dev/tmpfs and you also probly need to restart udev08:37
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milaksclever: can you please tell me what exactly should I type, is it `mount --bind /dev /MY_MOUNTET_ROOT/dev` before chrooting?08:38
cleveryou can probly do it in a second term window which isnt chrooted08:38
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cleverand it should affect the allready chrooted window08:38
l0rdbalthazarWhat package for apt-get will remove every part of X, GNOME, and KDE? I thought it was xserver-common.08:38
forkedwhat does this mean when dealing with the /proc/net  directory   cp: cannot create regular file `/proc/net/start': No such file or directory08:38
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milaksclever:but that is the command line rigt?08:38
milaksclever:Thank you I'll go to try that right now.08:39
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cleverive played with a full pivot_root before and that takes more work but changes the root of everything08:39
DanaGany idea about the dhcp3 server?08:39
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cleverharder to fix mistakes since it can get itself stuck in a corner08:40
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forkedwhen i try to save a file to /proc/net after using vi i get an error08:40
robbieI can't start rhythmbox, it froze and so I force quit it, and now I've got this: $ ps ax |grep rhy08:40
robbie 5936 ?        Dl     1:25 rhythmbox08:40
robbiehow can I kill that process when kill 5936 doesn't do anything08:40
schighschaghCan someone help me get my Xserver/GDM running correctly again?08:41
cleverrobbie: kill -9 it08:41
cleverkill -9 593608:41
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underwatercowHow can I burn a DVD with menus in Ubuntu? Is there default software that will allow me to do this?08:42
robbieclever, thanks08:42
schighschaghCan someone help me get my Xserver/GDM running correctly again?08:42
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schighschaghCan someone help me get my xserver/gdm running again?08:43
robbieclever, failing that?08:44
Z0DIAKI'm trying to backup my CD audio collection with the flac format, can anyone recommend a good flac encoder?08:44
cleverrobbie: ?08:44
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robbiekill -9 5936 did not kill the process08:45
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schighschaghCan anyone hear me??08:46
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schighschaghSorry, I wasn't sure if this was working right.08:46
Possumouch ircii?08:47
HiddenHaxthats a very common problem u have08:47
Possumaptitude install irssi08:47
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Possumor xchat if you prefer08:48
Possumyou might as well be using telnet or netcat if you're using ircii XD08:48
schighschaghWouldn't I need working x for xchat???08:48
schighschaghMy problem is that x isn't working right.08:49
Possumyea, so install irssi for now08:49
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=== Possum prefers irssi over any graphical client, but that's preference
Possumirssi + screen = <308:49
Possumeh... need sleep08:50
Possumschighschagh, good luck with getting X working!08:50
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Z0DIAKwhat's the problem with X?08:50
Z0DIAKdoes not work out of box?08:50
defconhow do i install kde on ubuntu08:50
schighschaghWell, I think X is working right, but GDM isn't.08:51
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schighschaghI accidentally removed some packages the other day.08:51
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Z0DIAKand a reinstall is out of the q?08:51
schighschaghI re-installed them, but the config files seem to not be working properly.08:51
schighschaghHere's what happens:08:51
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schighschaghI get to the login screen, I type user and pass, then nothing happens.08:52
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schighschaghI just have the orange background and cursor.08:52
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Z0DIAK(I'm a n00b), did the distro and version ever work at some pojnt?08:53
robbiehow do I kill a zombie process?08:53
Z0DIAKwhat video chipset/video card you got?08:53
schighschaghIt was working just fine before I removed some stuff.08:53
robbiekill -9 pid doesn't kill it08:53
schighschagh7600 GT08:53
cleverrobbie: the parrent process is the only one that can get rid of the zombie08:54
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cleverbut if you kill the parrent init will inherit the program and clean it up automaticaly08:54
robbieclever, how do I find out who the parent is?08:54
cleverps -eH x|less08:54
cleverthat will show a tree view of all processes08:54
cleverfind the zombie and follow the tree up to its dady and kill the dady:P08:55
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RodietzeI have 2 sata drivers /dev/sd* and 2 regular HDDs08:56
Rodietzebut I install Ubuntu on 3rd partition of hdb and it just doesn't not load!08:56
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robbie:( I can't tell, it looks like it's the start of the tree08:56
Rodietzewhere and how do I install Grub to work in such a bizarre environment? please I'm tired of googling already and could not find the answer08:57
robbielog off and log back on I guess08:57
cleverrobbie: the parrent pid is also on ps aux08:57
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clever5th column08:57
cleverwait no thats mem usage08:57
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cdiddlydogCan someone help me with an Open Office issue?08:58
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Rodietzehey please anybody help me,08:58
robbieclever, I think log off and log on is probably easiest08:58
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cleverrobbie: try running gnome-system-monitor08:58
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Flannel!grub | Rodietze08:58
ubotuRodietze: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:58
cleveryou can see a graphic list of all processes08:58
NoorulIslaamAmaranth, you there?08:58
FlannelRodietze: first link there08:58
cleverrobbie: you should also be able to turn on the ppid column and clearly see it08:58
RodietzeFlannel: thank you08:59
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cleverrobbie: you can even right click it and kill it right in there too probly08:59
robbieclever, yeah, rhythmbox is listed as itself, not under anything else. And it says it's uninteruptable08:59
defcondoes ubuntu screw up permissions in vista when I modify files in its volume08:59
defconor anything?08:59
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cleverin the settings you can enable the ppid column(parrent pid)08:59
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cleverthen you can lookup that in the list08:59
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defconswiftfox better than firefox?09:00
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aidanwhy does mysql-server-5.0 try to install postfix?09:00
crimsunaidan: because postfix fulfills a virtual dependency.09:00
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aidancrimsun: tell me more09:00
NoorulIslaamand i thought virtual functions were bad...09:01
robbieclever, I have three uninteruptable processes and one zombie09:01
oscarSomebody know about some software like nautilus... I can't work now with nautilus because this is very slowly .. and my computer is stopped thanks to nautilus... ??09:01
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cleverrobbie: what program is the parrent of the zombie?09:01
crimsunaidan: the server generates log messages that need to be sent to the system administrator (via a mail-transport-agent.  Postfix is an MTA).09:01
robbieI think at this point logging on and off is the best option09:01
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realityherei have a question09:02
NoorulIslaamkill -9 pid doesnt work on those processes?09:02
cleverrobbie: yeah that probly also works09:02
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cleverNoorulIslaam: its a zombie09:02
aidancrimsun: ah09:02
Z0DIAKschighschagh: have you tried doing sudo apt-get -f install in the terminal to repair your install?09:02
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NoorulIslaamclever, hm what does zombie mean anyways?09:02
cdiddlydogcan someone help me really quick?09:02
cleverthe program exited09:02
cleverthe pid and exit code are the only thing realy in place09:02
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DBOcdiddlydog, just ask your question09:03
NoorulIslaambecause something else needs it?09:03
cleverthe parrent will fetch the exit code with a wait type syscall and when it does that the zombie goes away09:03
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robbieclever,  it was firefox, but closing firefox ended the zombie, now the other three are still unresponsive09:03
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NoorulIslaamclever, oh..09:03
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cdiddlydogOpen Office converts one of my files to all random characters, what can i do?09:03
clevernormaly the parrent should be coded to clean up after its kids automaticaly09:03
schighschaghNo, I haven't.09:03
schighschaghWhat was the command again?09:03
realityhere /dev/hdc: media is not recognized as recordable DVD: 0  ok this is from gnomebaker even though it has a brand new disk in it09:03
schighschaghI barely saw it before it scrolled off screen.09:03
cleverbut if you kill tha parrent init(1) will addopt them and clean them up automaticaly09:03
Z0DIAKsudo apt-get -f install09:04
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NoorulIslaamaw processes adopting orphaned processes. how cuuuteeee09:05
schighschaghWhat exactly is that supposed to do?09:05
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cleverNoorulIslaam: lol:P09:05
Z0DIAKrepair origina install packages09:05
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schighschaghIt didn't seem to do much.09:05
defconanyone know where to get good xchat scripts09:05
defconbeen googling everywhere09:05
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NoorulIslaamat your local xchat shop09:06
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ubuntunewbiehi, looking for a bit of help with the nvidia drivers and x.org on feisty :(09:06
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=== defcon searches google maps haha
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ubuntunewbieAnyone have a few minutes to spare? :o09:07
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Flannel!ask | ubuntunewbie09:07
ubotuubuntunewbie: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:07
realityhereubo i've got one when they're done09:07
schighschaghIt's late.09:08
ryancranyone know about bios beeps?? ;)  I just shut down my computer, moved it, the started it back up and now all i get is beeeep  over and over again09:08
crdlbubuntunewbie: did you use the restricted manager?09:08
schighschaghMaybe the solution to my troubles will come to me in a dream.09:08
ubuntunewbieI tried install the nvidia drivers through the enable desktop effects thingy... no luck. Tried automatix, no luck. Both methods crashed X on startup. Then I finally got it working using the install script from nvidia.09:08
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cdiddlydogOpen Office converts one of my documents to all random characters, what can i do?09:08
Z0DIAKI'm kind of a n00b =\09:08
realityhereryan try shutting it off and restarting09:08
ryancrrealityhere: done that many times now09:08
schighschaghExcept im a tired n00b.09:09
ubuntunewbienow my nvidia driver is installed and enabled, but I can't increase the resolution without disabling the nvidia drivers.09:09
realityherei'll get this for you what kind of computer ?09:09
schighschaghAnd hungry.09:09
Z0DIAKI started with redhat from 7th grade till highschool, the  dropped09:09
Z0DIAKjust getting back in09:09
ryancreven took out the ram removed any dust etc then put them back in09:09
crdlbubuntunewbie: try: nvidia-settings09:09
ubuntunewbieI did, the resolution settings there only have an option for Auto09:09
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twisted_Hi all... question.. I just installed ubuntu and also tried to install beryl as well... I installed beryl manager but the problem is that when I run beryl manager everything goes ot a white screen.... it acts like its still working as far as tabbing between processes and all that but I cant see anything... I've tabbed out to terminal... help?09:10
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realityhereit goes by bios09:11
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realityherethat's the codes for ami and pheonix09:11
ryancrrealityhere: heh was already there too... they dont seem to list a long beep - long beep - long beep09:11
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cdiddlydogOpen Office converts one of my documents to all random characters, what can i do?09:11
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realityherehang on i'll look in my tech book09:11
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ryancrits a pheonix bios09:11
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twisted_cdiddlydog what is the document originally written in?09:12
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DraconicusAt 3AM, my hard drive just suddenly started seeking like crazy. It stopped ten minutes later, exactly. Any idea as to what it was?09:12
twisted_Errr.. I thought openoffice already have a microsoft office translater...09:12
ubuntunewbiewhat's weird is that my xorg.conf file is configured to allow res of upto 1280x1024... but the screen res only shows 800x600 still09:12
gttwhy didn't ya check your processes.09:13
cdiddlydogits really weird asks me to select from an ASCII filter menu09:13
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theINCAnyone know of an FTP server in Australia with Ubuntu on it that's not iinet?09:13
abhinayHi ALL09:14
twisted_cdiddlydog that just means it doesnt know how to open the microsoft office file by default... I'm guessing you can find a plugin for it on the openoffice website09:14
cdiddlydogok ill check it out09:14
twisted_gluck bud... I'm new to ubuntu as well :D hope I helped09:15
cenuijDraconicus: maybe it was updatedb *shrug*09:15
abhinayis there no fonts.cache-1 file in the Ubuntu Feisty Fawn ?09:15
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cenuijcheck yer crontabs to see if anything is meant to fire at 3am09:15
SixtyOveri need some help09:15
abhinayfc-cache command doesn't generate it  !!09:15
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SixtyOveri deleted my etc/network/imterfaces file09:16
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twisted_Hi all... question.. I just installed ubuntu and also tried to install beryl as well... I installed beryl manager but the problem is that when I run beryl manager everything goes ot a white screen.... it acts like its still working as far as tabbing between processes and all that but I cant see anything... I've tabbed out to terminal... help?09:16
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twisted_SixtyOver thank god you deleted the imterfaces and not the interfaces file huh?09:16
SixtyOverhow do i reconfigure a new interfaces file09:16
ryancrrealityhere: ok its a 1sec beep with about a 3sec pause over and over again09:17
ryancrif that helps09:17
SixtyOveri wish it were like that09:17
SixtyOveri booted up with the cd and copyed every thing out of the cd's interfaces file09:17
SixtyOvermanually typed up a new one after logging in as root09:18
reubsI'm having trouble getting my META key to work under gnome-terminal, can someone help?09:18
SixtyOverand im able to connect to the internet using wifi radar09:18
twisted_So what's the problem then?09:18
SixtyOveri need to get my other nic working09:18
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SixtyOverand id like to be able to get online without haveing to start wifi radar09:19
twisted_ifconfig wont help?09:19
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Eno_have you tried using the gnome network config gui thing?09:19
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SixtyOveryeh it wont open09:19
theINCanyone know any Australian FTP servers with Ubuntu 7.04 Desktop x86 on them?09:19
erichello every one09:19
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realityhereok question how many times in a row does it beep?09:19
ktkWhere the shudown scripts are located in Ubuntu ?09:20
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twisted_So your eth doesnt work.. and your wireless does... wierd.09:20
ryancrwell i let it run for like 10 times then turned it off09:20
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ryancri can let it run longer if you like09:20
eric      09:20
twisted_Isnt it just eth0 ?09:20
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realityherethat's a apci driver09:20
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reubstheINC: i believe netspace has it on it09:20
SixtyOverwell the wireless doesnt work if i dont open wifi radar and manually slect my network and leave it running09:21
reubstheINC: ftp.netspace.net.au09:21
peterkatheINC: http://ubuntu-releases.optus.net/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso09:21
Danaman5hi, I can't get desktop effects to work on ubuntu, it just says "desktop effects could not be enabled"09:21
rob_pSixtyOver: Rebuild your /etc/network/interfaces file.  Make sure it has appropriate entries for all of the interfaces you want loaded.  Do, "man interfaces" for detailed info on it.09:22
Danaman5the odd thing is that they worked at first, but not now09:22
ryancrrealityhere: apci? is that answer for me?09:22
realityheremy book says that "indicates an error during the initlization phase of the apci driver and usually means the driver cannot read one or more of the apci tables09:22
SixtyOverive rebuilt it as best i know how just very basic09:22
SixtyOverbut ill give it a wirl09:22
realityherethat's what this book says try disabling it in the bios if you can09:22
rob_pSixtyOver: If you like, I can give you an example interfaces file that should help you get things up and running for both wired and wireless.09:23
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ryancrrealityhere: hmm I would try that, but i don't even get anything on the screen09:23
SixtyOveryeh id appreciate that09:23
peterkatheINC: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and choose location "Oceania/Australia"09:23
realityherei've got the scott muelle book that's what it says09:23
rob_pSixtyOver: Ok.  Standby a min...09:23
`m0hello, how do people add widgets like the clock and sticky note to their desktop?09:24
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theINCreubs: netspace is showing connection errors09:24
ericoh r u Australia ?09:24
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realityherei had to disable my pci09:24
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theINCpeterka: on there, there's only one FTP server, I'd prefer FTP because firefox is crashing atm09:24
`m0Like the following: http://www.belutz.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/screenshot-desktop.png09:24
antonym55eric: You can join #ubuntu-cn09:24
twisted_Anyone any ideas on the beryl thing?09:25
reubstheINC: i just logged in then try ftp://ftp.netspace.net.au/pub/ubuntu09:25
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realityhereother than it's highly unstable sorry i don't09:25
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twisted_ty anyways :D09:26
wolvie`m0, try gDesklets09:26
realityhereis the ultimate a dvd ?09:26
gif89prohey all, i just started an install of feisty, and i did a "verify cd"... it got about 15% done and now the caps lock and scroll lock lights are blinking... that can't be good, can it?09:26
rollerskatejammsI am oh-so-sneakily installing Ubuntu on my parents' PC right now.09:26
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`m0wolvie: aha will do09:27
ryancrrealityhere: thanks for your help....but since nothing even comes up on the screen...i am thinking toasted motherboard or something09:27
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reubstheINC: did that work?09:27
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realityhereanytime maybe not leave it off awhile then try it see if you can get in09:27
theINCreubs: works in Firefox but not my FTP client (Finder/cyberduck)09:27
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`m0wolvie: thank you:D09:28
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peterkatheINC: I found http://ftp.iinet.net.au/linux/ubuntu-cd-images/7.04/09:28
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ericr there any Chinese??09:28
ericr there any Chinese???09:28
ericr there any Chinese????09:28
defconyo im using firestarter for a firewall anything better09:28
defconno repeat plz09:28
reubscan it resolve it? is it a IPv6 thing?09:28
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ryancryeah i am going to have to do something like that...cuz I can 't seem to do anything else ;)09:29
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theINCreubs: probably just need a different FTP client09:29
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Badm4ni want to create shell command .sh but i want to create with yes/no question, what should i put on my .sh ?09:29
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theINCeh, I'll try it on the windoze PC09:30
rob_pSixtyOver: Ok, ya still with me?09:30
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reubstheINC: you could use the default ftpclient from the terminal if that would help. just open an terminal and type: ftp ftp.netspace.net.au/pub/ubuntu09:30
TwistedIs edgy the same as a testing distro?09:30
theINCmight try that.09:30
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peterkatheINC: you can try download by ftp client e.g. gftp09:31
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rob_pSixtyOver: Here's an example /etc/network/interfaces file which contains static and dynamic statements for both wired and wireless configurations.  http://rob.pectol.com/filebin/data/interfaces.txt09:31
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realityheretwisted no i think not it's fiesty in the testing i believe edgy is 6.10 an older distro09:31
theINCit's funny because I can get to iinet in Finder's FTP but it keeps saying when I get to the ISO, it says there's a broken alias.09:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:32
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Twistedrealityhere:  thank you :D09:32
SixtyOverthank you09:32
theINCreubs: tried it in FTP and got an error 'no address associated with nodename'09:32
rob_pSixtyOver: In order to use it, you need to know what each interface is referred to by your box (ie: eth0, eth1, ath0, ra0, etc.)09:33
SixtyOveri know wich two are used09:33
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SixtyOverwlan0 and eth009:33
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theINC*terminal FTP09:33
rob_pSixtyOver: Then, simply make the appropriate mods and comment-out/uncomment the applicable parts.09:34
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SchalkenWhy isn't real player in Canonical's commercial repository any more?09:34
SixtyOveryeh this file you sent me i got from the boot cd09:34
SixtyOversudo vi /etc/network/interfaces it says i can recover here09:34
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landothe scripts located in /etc/init.d.. if i dont want it to run on restart i can chmod -x randomscript ... is that correct?09:35
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DoctorOwlI still can't find a list of governments, schools, or large corporations that run ubuntu.  Anyone know of one?09:35
SixtyOvernm im sorry the one you sent me was diffrent09:35
defconhow do I make screenshots in ubuntu quick and easy09:35
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SixtyOveriv got like 3 open right now sorry09:36
landodefcon: press print screen09:36
theINCand Windows Explorer says the server name cannot be resolved.09:36
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defconwhere does the file get saved09:36
reubstheINC: try 'ftp' and login as anonymous09:36
DoctorOwlIt's almost as if there ARE none.09:36
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defcono hot thnx09:36
TwistedSo how do you upgrade to a testing distrobution? change the synaptic source file to testing or feisty?09:36
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reubstheINC: your using xp at the currently?09:38
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theINCreubs: I have both a Mac and a Vista PC09:38
SchalkenTwisted: there is a command for update manager for it to check for upgrades to even unreleased releases09:39
Schalkencant remember it though :P09:39
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jscinozWhats the command to remove all temporary files created by apt?09:40
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reubstheINC: you could still download it using firefox? or is that a problem, or do you need to download it in chunks?09:41
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sjoerdjscinoz: apt-get clean09:41
theINCreubs: Firefox is breaking on me ATM09:41
boomhi, am tryin to install kunbuntu..when cd boots its taking me to dos prompt [dos] a:\ prompt.I thought it should bring me the installer?09:41
theINCI've got onto the server via the IP you gave me09:41
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oscarI forget my password to log in my computer.-. And now I can log just with another account and I can't be an administrator (master).. what can i do?09:42
theINCwhat's the command to list directories within a directory?09:42
theINC(files and directories, anyway)09:42
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reubstheINC: can you use your mac now? it's terminal is more like ubuntu, I haven't used vista so i'm not sure of its finer points :)09:42
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theINCI'm on the terminal.09:43
theINCWhat is the command to list files within a directory?09:43
theINCi'm trying to navigate my way through to the ISO ;)09:43
theINCon the Mac terminal, that is09:43
reubstheINC: ls09:43
cbscan someone point me to an article on mounting an iso as a cd drive in WINE?09:43
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cbsor can someone remind me of syntax to mount *.iso in ubuntu?09:44
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jscinozHow can I use the evdev input driver without it stopping X from starting?09:44
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ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:44
cbsis it mount -o loop /iso path/ /mountpoint/ ?09:44
reubstheINC: and if you want to download a file . nav to the dir and then use 'get %FILENAME'09:44
theINCoaky, thanks, i'm in the directory, so i'll do that09:45
cablesWhat package do I need in order to open 7zip files with Archive Manager? Is there a good GUI 7zip frontend that, unlike Archive Manager, will allow me to use all 7zip features?09:45
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jscinozhang on i'm checking what package it was09:45
jscinozthat lets you read 7z in archive manager09:45
reubstheINC: it will download it to the directory you started ftp from. which would most prob be your home directory09:45
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theINCreubs: we got a download going =D09:46
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jscinozcables, give me a sec, synaptic crashed09:46
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cablesjscinoz, that's ok :)09:46
vigneshcan anyone suggest a simple mp3 player.. that doesn`t require any deps09:46
reubstheINC: you can change the download directory with 'lcd' which is local change dir :)09:46
vigneshwith playlist support09:47
jscinozVignesh, songbird =P09:47
vigneshI`ll try that09:47
sercikis not a simple question09:47
cablesvignesh, you mean a song organizer, or just a player?09:47
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cablesvignesh, rhythmbox is built into Ubuntu09:47
jscinozi think you can automatically install it through automatix09:47
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sercikbut becase dependencies are problematic for you?09:47
vigneshan mp3 player should do09:47
theINCdownloaidng at a great 50KB/s as well (which is fast for our stupid australian internet ;))09:47
taime1How can I adjust my touchpad manually so that its faster? I have adjusted both the mouse and the touchpad using the GUIs.  however, the touchpad remains at the same speed.09:47
=== MindOfChaos [n=moc@125-238-186-79.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
vigneshsomething like songbird.. that I can just extract and start using..09:48
jscinozTheINC, who are you with?09:48
Portalise50KB :O why so slow09:48
jscinoziiNet ftw.09:48
theINCjscinoz: Chariot netconnect, infamous for being infamous09:48
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jscinoznever heard of them09:48
cablesvignesh, there's something built in to Ubuntu that will play mp3s. It's in Applications>Sound and Video>Rhythmbox Music Player09:48
jscinozin sydney.09:48
jscinozcables, hang on a fwe minutes, synaptic hates me09:48
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theINCjscinoz: don't try to hear them them ;)09:48
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jscinozthat bad huh?09:49
vigneshcables: I`ll try that too09:49
reubstheINC: yeah it feels a bit backwards with our speeds out here. who are you connected with?09:49
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theINCChariot netconnect 512kbps09:49
vigneshcables: I am just seeing what other alternatives are there09:49
cablesvignesh, you'll need to install the codec first... just double-click an mp3 file to get that done.09:49
theINCThat's why I'm voting Labor ;)09:49
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vigneshcables: I got that done :) thanks anyway09:49
theINCthey're trying to give us a world-class broadband network (ie, speed up Telstra's work on enabling ADSL2+ on their DSLAMs)09:49
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jscinozcables, i  cant find it in synaptic, but if you install automatix, you can find it under Utilities called "Archiving Tools"09:50
cables!automatix | jscinoz09:51
ubotujscinoz: Automatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:51
jscinozTheinc, why do you stick with them.09:51
theINCwhat use is that? my sister's laptop (windows) has the windows key in the top-right corner, and where it would be in the bottom left is the Fn key.   stupid!09:51
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theINCjscinoz: because i'm living with my parents (and yes, i'm under 18)09:51
cbsimnot getting it...im pretty sure im typing the command right, but it wont mount09:51
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reubsmy father is in NZ, but the prices over there are amazing. if you want to shock yourself have a look at http://slingshot.co.nz/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabindex=999&tabid=11&subnav=3#09:51
jscinozSame =P 16 in july09:51
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:51
jscinozbut my parents take my advice on interweb stuff =P09:52
C22H28N2OMy internet can be very slow sometimes, and sometimes it just stops completely, anyone know any solution?09:52
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reubsjust adsl1 but 8meg ultra cheep09:52
cbscan someone help me with mount?09:52
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Portaliseare u using a modem or router?09:52
FunnyLookinHatC22H28N2O, sounds like a problem with your ISP.  Call your internet company09:52
serciki can help you with mount09:53
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C22H28N2OWhen I do dmesg I get many "wlan0: tx error 0x20, but 11"09:53
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C22H28N2OFunnyLookinHat, no, it's not my ISP, our other computers who go with Windows do fine :/09:53
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realityhereis the ultimate 1.3 a dvd?09:53
theINCnow I just need to wait these 4 hours out, then burn the disc image to a CD, and then boot this LiveCD, see how I like it compared to Vista09:54
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taime1no comparison09:54
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taime1ubuntu doesnt even make it fair09:55
nir_ai_hello, I am having trouble sharing a folder as SMB. When I try to connect from windows I am asked for username/password. Where do I set these on linux? please help...09:55
richaoji haven't tried vista, but i don't have much of an incentive to . . .09:55
=== taime1 sheds a tear for the humiliation vista suffers
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theINCwell, I've gotten used to not hving the flashy features of Windows Live Messenger on my Mac (Adium), so Gaim will be okay09:56
C22H28N2OCan that help you solve the problem in any way? :/09:56
realityherehow do i move a file from one drive to another ?09:56
jscinozUbuntu > OSX > XP > DOS > zombies > Vista09:56
jscinozvista is the devil!09:56
theINCIs there an Expose/Flip 3D/way-of-seeing-all-your-windows-at-once on Ubuntu?09:56
jscinozif you use beryl09:56
realityhereit tells me i can't write to the drive09:56
jscinozwhich i assume you will09:56
C22H28N2OI have an D-Link DWL-G520+, if that can help you even more :)09:56
jscinozyou can have your desktop on a cube =P09:56
theINClemme write these names down so I can get them when Ubuntu's dne.09:56
reubsgaim is good not as nice looking as adium. but it does everything and connects to all the networks09:56
theINCjscinoz: I saw that on YouTube, looked pretty damn cool to me.09:57
jscinozor if you move your mouse to the top right corner, it shrinks all the windows to display on screen at once, then you click the one you want09:57
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jscinozhas some stability problems though09:57
theINCI accidentally typed Berly into the search engine lol09:57
jscinozbut compiz-beryl are merging again soon and you can expect fixes to come faster then09:57
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theINCthat sounds a lot cooler09:57
richaoja few . . but the best thing about beryl is that it doesn't have high system requirements09:57
richaojruns fine on my three year old machine with crappy intel graphics09:58
theINCwell, there's certainly no problems in the system requirements department - a 7900GS and 2GB of RAM ;)09:58
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jscinozgrah, this EvDev driver is annoying but i want my MX Revolution to work properly...09:58
theINCplus a Core 2 Duo :D09:58
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serciki have installed compiz but when i start it i obtain a blask screen!! someone could help me?09:58
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jscinozi get 70+fps on the cube on a Go5200 =P09:58
jscinozand a centrino 1.709:58
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theINCjscinoz: hell, i'll be getting 999999 ;)09:58
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jscinozits a bug in nvidia drivers09:58
jscinozno fix coming anytime soon according to nvidia devs09:59
jscinozit happens when you run out of GPU ram09:59
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sercikjscinoz so all nvidia people have this problem?09:59
jscinozi know a temporary fix that fixes it at the  cost of FPS09:59
sercikbut you are able to run compiz09:59
Flying_Phoenixthats why u buy ATI!09:59
jscinozbut it only works on beryl09:59
theINCokay, next thing i'll need is a tutorial on how to dual-boot between Ubuntu/Linux and Vista with Vista already installed.09:59
nir_ai_help. SMB folder sharing does not work on Feisty. Windows asks for username/password...09:59
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nathanHey ppl09:59
theINCFlying_Phoenix: I'm an Intel/Nivida man.  Swear by 'em.10:00
richaojtheINC, it is easy10:00
jscinozNvidia > ATI10:00
taime1hey person10:00
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jscinozintel > AMD10:00
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tiverhello , I have a problem with adding a network card which is not automatically recognized https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWiredNetworkCards3Com10:00
sercikjscinoz you are right10:00
theINCnvidia and intel should partner10:00
richaojthe installer will ask if you want to shrink your windoze partition, and then it will have a seperate partition for ubuntu10:00
theINCInvidia ;)10:00
jscinoztheinc, its simple, once you install ubuntu on its own partition you just edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst and add an entry for Vista10:00
sercikamd then nvidia have better linux drivers10:00
richaojwhen you boot, it will give you an option10:00
sercikjscinoz coule you tell me more?10:00
=== MindOfChaos [n=moc@125-238-186-79.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammsWell here goes, like it or not, my parents are getting Ubuntu.10:00
tiverhow to do this:10:01
tiverAdd 3c509 to /etc/modules & edit /etc/network/interfaces.10:01
jscinozif you want to keep cool 3d stuff and not have black windows, switch to beryl then under advanced options...10:01
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theINCrollerskatejamms: that's the only way you're gonna get them on it ;)10:01
taime1um, i didnt realize that was a nick..10:01
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theINCit's much like Macs (which I also swear by), they won't realise how good it is till they use it, forcedly or not ;)10:01
rollerskatejammstheINC: I'm sick of having to reinstall XP every 2 months because it "got slow"10:01
clevertaime1: happens all the time:P10:01
=== bayziders [n=c@h-68-164-34-27.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathanActually nVidia and AMD have been partnering for the longest time ever.... where have you guys been.  With the resent merger of ATI and AMD though who knows where that will go.  Intel has the nano process down for the count right now but we'll have to wait and see how the ATI-AMD dual core do.10:01
theINCtell me about it.  disk defragmentation FTL10:01
bayzidersHow do you install a gdm theme?10:01
jscinozset rendering path texture from pixmap, rendering platform force AIGLX, binding XGL10:01
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jscinozand leave the rest at auto10:02
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DoctorOwlGuys I've wasted all day searching the net for large companies and governments running Ubuntu and come up with nothing.  Can anyone assist?10:02
=== magic_ninja [n=asdfsdf@ip68-103-23-222.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
keithzcan somebody help me10:02
GerroHow can I get ubuntu to do /sbin/ipw3945d as root on bootup?10:02
zirodaydoes anyone know of a program that will turn speech into text (like dragon speech in windows)10:02
theINCDoctorOwl: Michael Dell uses Ubuntu, and they're gonna start preinstalling it on low-level PCs10:02
tivercould somebody help me with adding a component manually?10:02
zcat[1] DoctorOwl: google use ubuntu on the desktop afaik..10:02
jscinozthey use a custom ubuntu10:02
jscinozthey call it goobuntu10:02
rollerskatejammsDoctorOwl: Not really. I was just there.10:02
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theINCit's easy to make new words out of ubuntu.10:03
Flying_PhoenixDoctorOwl : They already have started selling it in the USA on pc, the U.K will be able to have it preinstalled soon10:03
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sercikbut if nvidia doesn't work with compiz how it is possible that on internet thare are many guides nvidia + compiz +ubuntu??10:03
Gerroziroday: ksayit?10:03
theINClike kubuntu and edubuntu10:03
taime1!anyone | keithz10:03
rollerskatejammsDoctorOwl: SOME of them use it. But by no means is it required.10:03
ubotukeithz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:03
cbsi bet dell will still manage to make crappy pc's that have just as many probs in ubuntu as their users have in windows :P10:03
nathanI think it would be sweet if Dell sold there low level Ubuntu machines with Beryl preinstalled.10:03
jscinozit does work10:03
jscinozthey just have the black window bug10:03
jscinozand its not compiz or beryls fault but nvidia's10:03
rollerskatejammsnathan: Yes, and risk it crashing and having tons of support calls. Great idea110:03
cbswhat ex is beryl?10:03
zirodayGerro: no thats text to speech i want speech to text10:03
clevertheINC: i took part in that dell surveiw about linux being pre installed on dell pc's:D10:03
jscinozswitch to beryl and use those tweaks i told you10:03
tivercan somebody tell me how to Add 3c509 to /etc/modules & edit /etc/network/interfaces.10:03
theINCclever: good job!10:03
rollerskatejammscbs: Magical graphics and stuff for windows10:03
jscinozyou'll have just as much if not more cool effects and you can fix the bug10:03
sercikso if i use old nvidia drivers.. i solved the problem10:03
zcat[1] beryl is flashy but not really ready to inflict on regular users yet10:03
cleverlinux is free winblows aint10:03
cbsoh the crazy video i must have seen was that then10:03
jscinozi dont think so10:03
tiverubotu: it does not work either10:04
theINCwell, what about the 7900GS? any driver problems with that ATM?10:04
cleverjust putting a free os on the pc will reduce the price probly10:04
jscinozi think it applies to all nvidia drivers10:04
cleveryou wont be buying a copy of winblows everytime you get a new dell10:04
jscinozjust use beryl and those tweaks10:04
rollerskatejammstiver: I don't think uboto understands.10:04
nathanrolloerskatejamms:  And windows doesn't have enought crashing probles as it is anyway? :P10:04
cbstiver: ubotu is a bot :P10:04
sercikso you use beryl and not compiz right?10:04
jscinozits much better10:04
rollerskatejammsCompiz is more stable.10:04
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cbscan I do apt-get beryl?10:04
jscinozeverything in compiz + more and better customisation10:04
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sercikjscinoz i don't want to chat about beryl vs compiz10:04
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jscinozonce you add its repos10:04
tivercbs: either way no one responded to my question :(10:04
theINCclever: yeah. i was comparing the cost of me getting a new Dell as opposed to building my own, and it's something in the order of 500-1000 dollars cheaper, merely because all the pro computers have overkill processors, but integrated graphics.10:04
crdlbyou don't need repos for beryl10:04
rollerskatejammsAlso compiz and beryl are merging anyway.10:04
nathanThe Beryl and Compiz guys are getting together anyway10:04
zirodayrollerskatejamms: not really i had way more problems with compiz compared to beryl10:05
jscinozwe know10:05
sercikbut i don't understand if compiz doesn't work that guide on internet10:05
nathanIt will all around be a good thing.10:05
Gerroziroday: ohhh doesn't it do both?10:05
rollerskatejammsziroday: I've had, and read, the oppsosite.10:05
theINCoh, and Windows ;)10:05
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zirodayGerro: i wish10:05
cbstiver: no one responded to mine eaither10:05
jscinozSercik, if you search around you should be able to find a way to apply those tweaks to compiz10:05
jscinozSercick, otherwise beryl all the way =P10:05
tivercbs: I'd help you but I've no idea10:05
=== torx [n=torx@ip70-190-199-93.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayrollerskatejamms: its not gonna really matter anyway when they merge10:05
Gerroziroday: I was looking into that sort of stuff before, would go great with my webcam10:05
rollerskatejammsHere's a tweak: for a stable computer, apt-get remove beryl compiz10:05
rollerskatejammsor whatever the packages are.10:05
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bayzidersHow do you install a gdm theme?10:05
nathanBeryl is pretty freaking solid for me.  Just not with UT2004.10:05
jscinozrawr =P10:05
bullgard4What is a 'kernel OOPS' in the following sentence: "I have a kernel OOPS when I remove the button module."?10:06
nathanBut works great when running WoW in Wine for some reason. LOL10:06
cbsis beryl easy to install/uninstall if I dont like it?10:06
jscinozWhen is the merge scheduled for anyways?10:06
crdlbthat means the kernel crashes10:06
crdlbjscinoz: it's done10:06
jscinozits easy to install and uninstall10:06
jscinozjust use synaptic10:06
rollerskatejammsnathan: the WINE guys really have done a top-notch job supporting WoW10:06
Gerronathan: because wine isolates the environment it plays in usually10:06
jscinozwhats the new thing called?10:06
reubsI'm having trouble getting my META key to work under gnome-terminal, can someone help?10:06
cbssynaptic, no add/remove programs?10:06
theINCrollerskatejamms: someone told me that WINE gaming was crap10:06
crdlbjscinoz: the working, temporary name is "compcomm"10:06
rollerskatejammstheINC: It is mostly.10:06
orbinbayziders: sys > admin > login10:06
zirodaybayziders: go to System > Preferences > Themes and just drag the theme into the theme manager window10:06
theINCI was better off using Cedega...10:06
crdlbbut that's not the final name10:07
jscinozsynaptic is the linux equivalent of add/remove programs10:07
=== Zjoske [n=zjoske@d51A5CA3A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammstheINC: But it runs WoW and CS great.10:07
rollerskatejammstheINC: No way cedega blows10:07
cleveri had turned on some special desktop effects on awhile ago and it made all the windows flexible and some of them transparent10:07
theINCrollerskatejamms: CS source?10:07
crdlbcedega is terrible10:07
rollerskatejammstheINC: I have  Cedega.10:07
torxfriend of mine plays cs:S on wine 100 fps10:07
cleverbut it only worked on 1 pc10:07
cleveri forgot what it was10:07
rollerskatejammstheINC: Yup you can run source  games.10:07
jscinozCedega is fail.. GPL violation much?10:07
theINCtorx: what's his system stats?10:07
zcat[1] clever: that's compiz10:07
bayzidersZiroday it says file format invalid, it is gdm not gtk10:07
jscinozand unlike Crossover they don't give the Wine people improvements10:07
rollerskatejammstheINC: I can play Half Life 2 in wine. I can't even get it to run under cedega.10:07
cleveri was moving the harddrive between pc's10:07
torxinc I'm not sure but it's nothing too powerful10:07
nathanWell yeah, I mean in Comparison running a 3D app in Beryl.  UT2004 I have to fall back to metacity but yet Wine in Beryl is perfectly fine.  Just odd how that is.10:07
tiverhow do I Add 3c509 to /etc/modules & edit /etc/network/interfaces?10:07
zirodaytorx: how? i cant get above 30fps10:07
cleverand when i put it in the older pc it failed to startup and i was left with a blank screen10:07
zcat[1] clever: only works if you have a 3d capable video card and the correct drivers set up for it10:07
rollerskatejammstheINC:  I think that may be due to me having an ATI card. If you have nvidia by all means try cedega.10:07
ryancrrealityhere: well i gutted it and clean everything and put it back together..and it seems to be working now10:08
cleverzcat[1] : ahhh:S i have a rage 128 on the older pc10:08
theINCrollerskatejamms: I'll probably just continue to dual-boot.10:08
clever01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02)10:08
=== gradin [n=gradin@c-71-231-122-221.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryancranyone here running 1680x1050?10:08
torxi wish10:08
taime1i am i believe10:08
rollerskatejammstheINC: Yeah. i was doing that for a while. but I decide I didn't care that much, so long as WoW and CS 1.6 run. So I deleted windows.10:08
taime1lemme double check10:08
zcat[1] clever: if you have an intel 810 it works right from a fresh install, no need to download anything else10:08
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nathanI like what Cedega is doing but for the money I think they should be doing a better job.10:08
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rollerskatejammsIf you have ANY intel hardware it works great in linux (mostly)10:09
cleverzcat[1] : is that a type of video board?10:09
theINCthe worst of vista is UAC, I wanted to try and keep my Vista PCs security up with my Mac, so I had UAC on, but it wouldn't even let me run my temp-monitoring program at start-up.  Turned it off and haven't turned back ;)10:09
ryancri just got a new monitor and it seems the screen wants to sit about 1/4" below the bottom10:09
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gradinanyone know anything about setting up a mail server?10:09
=== t3hfr3ak [n=t3hfr3ak@d150-219-159.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammstheINC: You can turn off UAC. UAC is so lame.10:09
richaojthat's because intel has (mostly) open-source drivers10:09
zcat[1] yeah, Doesn't work on my 7something card though10:09
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bayzidersI need to get a new monitor I dont like my crt =/10:09
ryancrso i have a 1/4" black bar at the top...can't seem to fix it10:09
gradinick vista...10:09
=== forbidden [n=forbidde@pc223124.is.airbites.ro] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammstheINC: I had vista for a while then ditched it for 100% ubuntu.10:09
theINCand if I only game on the Vista, then there's nearly no chance of me getting spyware anyway.10:09
=== gradin vomits
jscinozOnce you install ubuntu and get everything goign you'll use your vista disks as frisbees10:09
t3hfr3akok i REALLY need help with the nvidia driver i keep getting the following error:10:09
cleverrollerskatejamms: the intel wifi card in my dads laptop worked instantly in ubuntu when i shoved my harddrive in:)10:09
=== blc [n=blc@client-82-14-78-168.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammsclever: Yup.10:09
jscinozhardest part of ubuntu is driver setup10:09
bayzidersThis room is insaly acctive...10:09
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t3hfr3ak(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration.10:09
jscinozsome of them are annoying but most work10:09
theINCmy main concern is at LANs, where i might look a bit strange with Ubuntu on my screen ;)10:09
cleverrollerskatejamms: ive even made a special script which can detect which pc its on10:09
=== cbs [n=cbs@c-24-9-59-2.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammsclever: I popped ubuntu into my gf's laptop and the wifi worked instantly due to having intel. I wanted to kill her.10:10
cleverand will startup the proper wifi card10:10
clevereth1 or wlan010:10
zcat[1] UAC is a lame attempt at sudo, poorly implemented10:10
rollerskatejammsclever: I have to use ndiswrapper10:10
orbinryancr: if you did a straight swap, you may need to tweak xorg to recognise the new monitor specs10:10
t3hfr3akand have to sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:10
zirodayt3hfr3ak: how did you install the drivers10:10
nathanAlthough truthfully, to get the eye of the casual gamerz, we need a system/3D mark for Linux and Windows to compare the performance of the exact same stress test to show that Gaming in Linux allows faster gameplay.10:10
rollerskatejammszcat[1] : The patent on UAC reads like a patent on sudo.10:10
cleveri have a proper kernel module for both my linux wifi cards10:10
rollerskatejammstiver: ##linux :-P10:10
zirodaytiver: here10:10
cbshow do I make those fireworks like effects in beryl?10:10
zcat[1] exactly.. except they didn't even get it right.10:10
theINCspeaking of that, are there any Proc temperature-monitor progs for Ubuntu/Linux?10:10
ryancrorbin: yeah i have done that.. reconfigure xorg-server etc10:10
tiverso how do do this: Add 3c509 to /etc/modules & edit /etc/network/interfaces.10:10
zirodaycbs: go to #beryl or #ubuntu-effects10:11
cleverrollerskatejamms: atm my scrippt uses lspci to detect which laptop its in10:11
tiverhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWiredNetworkCards3Com add the first network card10:11
torxno leetmode in ubuntu?10:11
rollerskatejammsclever: Nice!10:11
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rollerskatejammsclever: Can I see that script?10:11
cleverand then it will startup the proper wifi card and scan for my house and if found automaticaly set the wep key and connect10:11
t3hfr3akziroday: through package manager synaptic thing... tried nvidia-glx, nividia-glx-new, and i tried the ones on nvidia website10:11
rollerskatejammsclever: On pastebin or something10:11
cleveri'll paste a copy without my wep key10:11
rollerskatejammsclever: That's one thing I miss from windows. Hardware profiles.10:11
nathanSpeaking off effects, anyone have the know-how on doing an animated Wallpaper?10:11
zirodayt3hfr3ak: can you post your xorg to pastebin pls?10:11
sander__some here know a good clock to put on desktop? some with i can download and install from the apt-get?????? :D10:11
rollerskatejammsclever: hehe thats fine. But clearly label where the WEP key goes :-D10:11
t3hfr3akziroday: my back up one?10:12
cleverrollerskatejamms: you can easily swap out your whole /etc using a mount --bind10:12
t3hfr3akziroday: like the one that didnt work10:12
zirodaysander__: g desklets10:12
nathanI'll paste a link to show what I mean10:12
cleverand then simulate hardware profiles10:12
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-78-125.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejammsclever: what's that do?10:12
sander__ziroday: i search only for a clock man10:12
cleverit will replace 90% of the conf files on the system10:12
zirodayt3hfr3ak: yeah10:12
cleverso you could copy /etc/ to /etc.otherpc/10:12
tiverdamn you are egoists10:12
bayzidersHow is the ubuntu studio theme??10:12
cleverand then mount --bind /etc.otherpc/ /etc/10:12
rollerskatejammsor I could just maintain tars.10:12
sander__ziroday: a good clock, gdesklets have other things  too, i want a soft clock10:12
zcat[1] t3hfr3ak: there's two steps to getting 3d supprot in x. 1) install the driver. 2) configure X to actually use the driver..10:12
cleverthe mount will instantly hide all the old(default) conf files with the other one10:13
sander__some here know? a good atraent clock to put on desktop???10:13
cleverwithout overwriting them10:13
nathanLook at this to see what I'm asking a about... doing an animated wallpaper....  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI10:13
rollerskatejammsthats cool. ill check it out10:13
=== fardan_ [n=fardan@theflyingspaghettimonster.cs.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu
t3hfr3akziroday: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20605/10:13
rollerskatejammsnow about that script :-D10:13
zirodayt3hfr3ak: thx10:13
t3hfr3akzcat[1] : thats not what im having problems with10:13
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zcat[1] t3hfr3ak: sorry, I missed the original question..10:14
cleverrollerskatejamms: pastebining...10:14
sander__fardan_: do you know some atraent good clock to put on desk ???10:14
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sander__im using enlightenment10:14
sander__i need a clock :)10:14
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rollerskatejammsman xchat-gnome is lame. its basically just saying: YOU ARE AN IDIOT! NO OPTIONS FOR YOU!10:14
zcat[1] t3hfr3ak: if you've used the nvidia binary installer, it replaces a whole bunch of stuff with a version linked to the nvidia driver. It can be a pain to recover from :(10:14
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=== paozinho [n=paozinho@201-43-54-2.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
ep|khai all..10:15
=== topalfredo [n=topalfre@1.Red-81-45-212.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayt3hfr3ak: wat error again?10:15
t3hfr3akzcat; i already sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-zorg from that10:15
paozinhoHi...someone know XVIDCAP ??????10:15
sander__paozinho: ae, conhece algum relogio legal pra por no desktop amigo?10:15
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topalfredohola a todos10:15
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zirodayzcat[1] : have a look at his xorg its nearly empty10:15
paozinhosander__, oq vc ta fazendo num irc em ingles ??10:15
cleverrollerskatejamms: http://pastebin.ca/48584010:15
sander__paozinho: conhece?10:16
nathant3hfr3ak, You runnning 7.04 ?10:16
=== emss [i=emss@d118-75-128-15.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
ep|kany of u know how to rec my own desktop like using handy cam?10:16
paozinhosander__, como assmi ??10:16
cleverrollerskatejamms: the tput's at the end make it beep twice once done booting10:16
t3hfr3aknathan: yes10:16
=== Koba [n=koba@S01060004e2d67427.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
paozinhoep|k, i know10:16
zirodayep|k: instabul10:16
=== billy [n=billy@c-68-59-122-166.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
emssep|k: xvidcap10:16
cleverrollerskatejamms: i was using the laptop for a while without any display10:16
billygreetings earth_creatures.10:16
sander__paozinho: um clock, um relogio pra por no desktop, tipo aquele do gdesklets ta ligado10:16
nathanTrouble with resolution?10:16
=== TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-115-190.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lazywalkerhi, is there a module for Thinkpad's HD Protection?10:16
zcat[1] ep|k: xrecordmydesktop or istanbul will both do it10:16
paozinhoep|k, on synaptic..have "recordmydesktop" or "istambul" ..but the better is xvidcap10:16
rollerskatejammsclever: external display?10:16
clevernone at all10:16
paozinhosander__, conhece o SCRENLETS ??10:16
zcat[1] err xrecordmydesktop I think it was called..10:16
zirodaynathan: bad config10:16
cleverfully blind:P10:16
lazywalkerin ubuntu7.0410:16
topalfredoalguien q hable espaol??10:16
sander__paozinho: nao, ele  s relogio ou vem com mais coisas?10:17
paozinhoHi...someone know XVIDCAP ?????? im with a problem with the RESOLUTION on it10:17
cleverrollerskatejamms: used the whole system in console mode without any screen at all10:17
paozinhotopalfredo, eu falo PORTUGUS10:17
nathancause I had some weird issues with 7.04 and resolutions thqat were not fixed by the usual methods10:17
cleverrollerskatejamms: mainly as a oversized mp3 player10:17
=== ^Steve^ [n=Steve@host209-39-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
theINCany chance that this software would work on Ubuntu, even if it's not on a lappy? http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Monitoring/Laptop-Temperature-Monitor-4445.shtml10:17
zirodayt3hfr3ak: so does your gfx work now after you reconfigured your xserver10:17
paozinhotopalfredo, eu consigo entender espanhol10:17
cleverrollerskatejamms: the script i made so it would link to the wifi on its own so i can ssh in without having to load wifi blind10:17
sander__paozinho: queria por um relogio digital ou analogico aqui s pra ver a hora rs10:17
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paozinhosander__, vem mais coisa10:17
t3hfr3akziroday: yea with vesa10:17
paozinhosander__, mto mais coisa...mto xique10:17
cleverrollerskatejamms: i ran it from rc.local10:17
paozinhosander__, procure... screenlets...no google ...se vai curtir10:17
t3hfr3akziroday: i have a GeForce 7600 GS10:17
paozinhosander__, sohq tem q ter o beryl..vc tem ?10:18
sander__paozinho: sei, mas s relogio mesmo vc no conhece no?10:18
clever/root/bin/startup 2>&1 >> /root/startuplog 2>&110:18
paozinhosander__, soh o relogio nao10:18
cleverrollerskatejamms: added that line to log the stuff it echoed for errors10:18
zirodayt3hfr3ak: gimme your current xorg an ill change it to the nvidia drivers 4 u10:18
ep|kthanks guys10:18
cleverrollerskatejamms: and so it would run on bootup10:18
sander__paozinho: isso ai seria pra mais tarde, acho interessante, mas agora queria s um relogio mesmo, porque aqui  56k, demora a baixar esses programas10:18
nathanIt was the damnedest thing.  with nv I had 1280x1024 (where it should be) but anytime I installed the nVidia driver it went to 800x600 and would not get out of it no matter what I did.  when I uninstalled the driver back to nv I got my full resolution again.  very strange.10:18
=== igcek [n=igcek@84-255-241-173.static.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu
cleverrollerskatejamms: the starthomewifi script is simply a diff version of the wep and ip commands further down10:18
paozinhosander__, saquei....tipo...agora mudando de assunto...oq vc ta fazendo no irc em ingls ??? : P10:18
t3hfr3akziroday: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20606/10:18
zirodaynathan: did you put the resolutions you wanted in your xorg?10:19
sander__paozinho: eu falo ingles tbm :P10:19
lazywalkerhi, Is there a module for Thinkpad's HD Protection? HDP is not function in ubuntu710:19
sander__paozinho: vi teu nick dai falei em br mesmo, meu ingles  meio fraco10:19
rollerskatejammsclever: cool i know nothing about bash scripting but hopefully this will gimmie some learning material10:19
nathanziroday... ofcourse, duh. :P  I'm not that noobish10:19
paozinhosander__, hahaha eu sei..XD como sabia q eu era BR ?10:19
paozinhosander__, a ta..viu pelo nick ^^10:19
nathanas well as reconfigured as well as nvidia-settings.10:19
=== [PR] linux [n=qredator@gw.polustrovo.net] has joined #ubuntu
cleverrollerskatejamms: its depending on uniq bus id's in lspci but you can have it depend on uniq cards also10:19
=== gba [n=gba@p5084B03D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
sander__some here knows about a good clock to put in my desktop? ONLY A CLOCK :)10:19
cleverfor example you know video board xyz is only in 1 of your pc's10:20
theINChttp://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Monitoring/Laptop-Temperature-Monitor-4445.shtml will that program work on a desktop?10:20
=== gba [n=gba@p5084B03D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
paozinhoIm with a problem with xvidcap...can anyone help ??10:20
sander__paozinho: huhuauahua10:20
cleverso a grep looking for that will confirm your on that pc10:20
=== billy is now known as dawn
zcat[1] sander__: xclock? :)10:20
nathanI fixed it now... I just wish I remembered and worte down how I did it to help others with the same issue10:20
sander__paozinho: eu sempre entro aqui, o povao ajuda bem at,e s q hoje no to colaborando com o bendito clock huhauehuhue10:20
cleveraslong as you dont shyffle hardware much10:20
=== dawn is now known as dawn_chorus
zirodayt3hfr3ak: go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20607/ for your new xorg10:20
paozinhosander__, zcat[1]  o cara ai falou do xclock..tenta ai10:20
theINCsander__: go to the shop, buy a real clock, put it atop your desk.  you have a clock on your dekstop10:20
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sander__zcat[1] : heheh, xclock is very ugly man, don't accept any skins10:20
zirodaynathan: what card and how did you install the drivers?10:21
sander__theINC: argrgrgrgg10:21
igcekhello, ive got problem. ive put beryl on my ati 9700 and beryl works pretty god, the problem are video files(.avi - it does not play them) and visuolation when i listen music through totem...)10:21
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zirodaytheINC: niec10:21
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-141-179-252.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sander__paozinho: cara, o xclock  muito feio huaehuahuhaua10:21
paozinhosander__, zcat[1]  xclock its like xeyes ?? oO!  (xclock eh tipo um xeyes ?)10:21
zcat[1] sander__: add/remove programs, search for 'clock' and try anything that lookslikely10:21
The_Soundophiliaigcek: run gstreamer-properties and change video output to no xv10:21
sander__theINC: i have a rolex =P10:21
sander__paozinho: xclock sux10:21
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zirodaysander__: paozinho this is a english only channel10:22
t3hfr3akziroday: ill be right back and notify you on if it worked :)10:22
paozinhosander__, soh o nome jah da pra ver q o xclock nao vai xD10:22
zirodayt3hfr3ak: gd luck10:22
paozinhoziroday, and ?10:22
sander__zcat[1] : ok, i'll find, thanx10:22
paozinhoziroday, sorry if i know a lots of langue ^^ 10:22
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zirodaypaozinho: lol10:22
=== ysse [n=ysse@81-235-138-143-no63.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu []
nathanziroday, MSI 7600GS.  I tried three different drivers configuring different wayts to sunday..  I do know the nVidia driver I'm using now I let automatix install for me.10:22
paozinhoziroday, =)10:22
sander__paozinho: xclock j deve ter aqui, geralmente vem com o servidor X10:22
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zcat[1] !en10:22
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:22
paozinhosander__, os gringo to expulsando a gente...falando q aqui eh soh ingles10:23
zirodaynathan: ever try envy?10:23
sander__paozinho: its good to speak english if don't you want to get a CHUTE dos ops rsrsrs10:23
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t3hfr3akziro; didnt work10:23
sander__paozinho: huahuahuhuahua10:23
t3hfr3akziroday: didnt work10:23
paozinhosander__, 10:23
zirodayt3hfr3ak: damn10:23
sander__paozinho: have msn friend?10:23
theINCthis channel is english only.10:23
sander__paozinho: hahahahahaha10:23
paozinhosander__, agora eu pedi para apanhar10:23
zirodayt3hfr3ak: what error?10:23
paozinhosander__, hahahaha10:23
sander__paozinho: agora sim hahuahuahuhu10:24
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paozinhosander__, sabe oq eu falei ? : P10:24
sander__paozinho: o q? huahuahuahua10:24
t3hfr3akziroday: same as the one before Screen(s) found but no usable10:24
nathanThey should make an IRC client with built in translator.  Wouldn't that be cool.10:24
sander__paozinho: comdia10:24
paozinhosander__, watashiwa nihongo gakusei desu. anatawa wakatta desuka ?10:24
sander__sander__: hhahahahahahha aff10:24
paozinhosander__, hahahahaha10:24
zcat[1] nathan: there's a plugin I believe, which feeds irc through bablefish for you10:24
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sander__paozinho: tem msn mano?10:24
paozinhosander__, tenho10:24
=== Janzuka [n=janne@dsl-olubrasgw1-ff25c100-26.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
paozinhosander__, vou mandar por mensagem privada para vc ok ?10:25
igcekThe_Soundophilia, thank you10:25
nathanI think the only other 3D app I use that has a kind of funky issue with Beryl is SecondLife.10:25
zirodayt3hfr3ak: hmm odd10:25
sander__paozinho: passae se puder huahuauha10:25
zirodayt3hfr3ak: try use beryl10:25
sander__paozinho: blz10:25
zirodayt3hfr3ak: sorry i meant envy10:25
sander__paozinho: vai logo antes q os cara chutem agente daqui uhaehahueuhaua10:25
t3hfr3akziroday: how do i get that?10:25
zirodayt3hfr3ak: gimme a min10:25
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[PR] linuxwow10:26
paozinhosander__, 10:26
[PR] linuxfuck10:26
[PR] linuxlag10:26
zcat[1] seriously guys.. engligh please. it's getting annoying10:26
[PR] linux+30 s10:26
sander__paozinho: veio tudo em japa huahuahua10:26
paozinhosander__, 10:26
Heroinpaozinho please join your language channel10:26
[PR] linuxO_O10:26
Heroin!ubota language10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubota language - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
sander__[PR] linux: from parana?10:26
paozinhoHeroin, i speak japanese...german...portugues...and english : )10:26
[PR] linuxno10:26
[PR] linuxrussia10:26
Heroin!uboto language10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uboto language - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
=== e_drumlin [n=cobrien@ppp-69-231-8-84.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nathanAlthough get theis.  The SecondLife developers claim it's because the video drivers for linux are not...hmmm.. as robust as the windows drivers.... funny I was just playing UT2004 about 10 minutes agao and I can play WoW, a Win32 game, in Wine perfectly.... they don't know what the hell they are talking about.10:26
`m0That is indian I? think10:26
=== thunder71 [n=thunder7@host14-23-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
[PR] linux=)10:27
sander__[PR] linux: heheh ok10:27
paozinhoHeroin, sorry but my langue chanel ...its empty 10:27
=== gordboy [n=gordboy@host86-141-16-197.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Heroinpaozinho super i speak german french spanish dutch latin greek english, do i also get a medal? now join the jp channel to talk jpish10:27
=== Kinks_ [i=Kinks@wnklmb01dc1-218-185.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] nathan: funny thing is I tried SL in windows and it crashed just as often as the linux version, if not more often.. I don't think it's the linux video drivers :)10:27
zirodaypaozinho: thats why theres english10:27
paozinhoHeroin, ziroday i will speak english...10:27
=== Wise-Guy [n=K@bas3-toronto63-1128670829.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
paozinhoHeroin, ziroday promisse =D10:27
Heroinpaozinho good :)10:28
=== Talva [n=remi@bur64-1-82-243-190-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
paozinhoHeroin, ziroday (gomem)10:28
zirodaypaozinho: hai shi wo shou hau wen10:28
[PR] linuxO_o10:28
paozinhoHeroin, ziroday (translate: sorry)10:28
[PR] linuxhmm10:28
Heroin[PR] linux do not fear!10:28
nathanzcat[1] , yeah.  Personally I think they need to redo there graphics engine from scratch.  Leave the inbehind things alone and scripts, but man they should have not made there own 3D engione at all.10:28
Heroinpaozinho-san BAKA10:28
sander__paozinho: teu msn no veio amigo, toma o meu ae bboy_cat@hotmail.com10:28
paozinhoHeroin, hahaha :P10:28
=== Talva [n=remi@bur64-1-82-243-190-240.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
paozinhosander__, vc eh loko de por seu MSN aqui ?10:29
paozinhosander__, se todo mundo inventar de add vc...se vai ter 1000 adds10:29
sander__paozinho: ixe mandei sem ser no pvt huahuehaua10:29
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-250-53.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
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paozinhosander__, 10:29
=== Zic [n=Zic@Final-Fantasy.FF-IRC.net] has joined #ubuntu
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sander__paozinho: esquecei como manda msg no pvt, qual q  o comando msm ?10:29
zirodayt3hfr3ak: here http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html10:29
paozinhosander__, lets speak english...or the people of world trade center will ban us oO10:29
zcat[1] there's a couple of OSS projects like SL underway.. be interesting to see how they develop.10:29
t3hfr3akziroday: and what do i do here?10:30
nathanzcat[1] , although if they were really smart, they would do what nvidia does and make their program compile on the machine it is being installed on. :)10:30
zcat[1] actually SL is OSS now too :)10:30
SmokingBlood /msg NickServ10:30
paozinhosander__, eh "/query"10:30
=== Talva [n=remi@bur64-1-82-243-190-240.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
sander__paozinho: huaehuuaha10:30
sander__what is BAK ?10:30
sander__its a thing similar to BABACA? hua10:30
zirodayt3hfr3ak: download install, then run the program10:30
=== gif89apro [n=chatzill@cpe-066-057-116-105.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
paozinhosander__, BAKA is "idiot" in japanese10:30
[PR] linux=-)10:30
=== Shoaibi__ [i=Shoaibi@] has joined #ubuntu
nathanSony is making an OSS for the PS3.  looks good... and more stable than SL. :D10:30
paozinhosander__,  << baka << idiot : )10:30
=== Tido [n=todd@c-24-30-19-33.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== gawen_ [n=gawen@138.51-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
RawSewagewe need a Ponies version of Ubuntu10:31
Heroinpaozinho and sander__ please join #ubuntu-chat10:31
=== F-nkyMNK [n=f-nkymnk@ppp128-43.lns11.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] OMG!! Ponies!!?10:31
[PR] linux=)10:31
gif89aproHow do I add higher resolution to my monitor?  I just installed ubuntu with 2 GeForce 6600 SLI mobo10:31
Heroinand anyone else who wisses to spamz0r :)10:31
[PR] linuxwtfg is it ?10:31
RawSewagegif89apro, do this10:31
gif89aprohighest res I can get is 1024.76810:31
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t3hfr3akziroday: how do i run it?10:31
[PR] linuxwhat mean ponies ?10:31
feonixgif89apro, did you install the nvidia driver?10:31
Heroinponies are small horses10:31
=== emile [n=emile@cp665411-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayt3hfr3ak: have you downloaded it?10:31
zcat[1] April1 slashdot theme.10:31
[PR] linux=))10:31
RawSewagegif89apro, alt+f2   nvidia-settings10:31
paozinhosander__, hey...are you there ?10:31
gif89aprofeonix: not yet... someone said they mess things up earlier10:32
=== bagrupe [n=bastiang@p5B03B071.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
t3hfr3akziroday: cant Internal Server Error10:32
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RawSewageXServer Display Config10:32
[PR] linuxand what the differense between original ubuntu10:32
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[PR] linuxand "ponies"10:32
[PR] linux?10:32
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Heroinponies are more then 1 small horses10:32
=== emss` [i=emss@d118-75-128-15.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayt3hfr3ak: ahh10:32
paozinho# /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)10:32
paozinho# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using10:32
paozinho# values from the debconf database.10:32
paozinho# Edit this file with caution, and see the xorg.conf(5) manual page.10:32
zcat[1] Cairo has (or had, might have changed it) some neopet pony wallpaper.. very cute10:32
paozinho# (Type "man xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)10:32
zirodayt3hfr3ak: thats not gd10:32
paozinho# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*10:33
paozinho# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg10:33
paozinho# package.10:33
HeroinDONT SPAM10:33
paozinho# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated10:33
feonixgif89apro, I dunno what things it messes up cause it hasn't messed anything up for me.. do what Raw said and install the nvidia drivers then run nvidia-settings10:33
paozinho# again, run the following command:10:33
paozinho#   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg10:33
paozinhoSection "Files"10:33
gif89aproRawSweage: nvidia-settings doesn't work... says "could not open location"10:33
zirodaycan an op kick him already10:33
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zcat[1] !pastebin | paozinho10:33
ubotupaozinho: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:33
[PR] linuxfuck thaat10:33
[PR] linux=(10:33
paozinho# path to defoma fonts10:33
=== KurtKraut [n=ktk@unaffiliated/kurtkraut] has joined #ubuntu
gif89aprook, so install drivers first, then run nvidia-settings?10:33
zcat[1] !ops paozinho10:33
paozinhoSection "Module"10:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops paozinho - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
[PR] linuxmaby u ask that in privat room ?10:33
zirodayis he kicked yet?10:33
feonixgif89apro, yes10:33
=== EcceVery [n=ecce@c-dc16e353.014-13-6a6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] !ops10:33
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:33
=== Nyg [n=Administ@c211-28-200-159.eburwd8.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu []
[PR] linuxFYCKU10:33
sander__paozinho: this is not a good idea10:34
paozinhoSection "InputDevice"10:34
t3hfr3akziroday: any other link?10:34
[PR] linux=\10:34
nathanI got to ask.  How is it that true gamers running windows know how to get drivers from nVidia website, but in Linux are clueless to do the same exact thing?10:34
paozinhoIdentifier"Generic Keyboard"10:34
gif89aprofeonix, rawsewage: ok, will try... bbiab10:34
[PR] linuxmaan10:34
sander__paozinho: use pastebin service10:34
paozinhoSection "InputDevice"10:34
zirodayt3hfr3ak: lemme have a look10:34
[PR] linuxwhatta fug10:34
paozinhoIdentifier"Configured Mouse"10:34
paozinhoOption"ZAxisMapping""4 5"10:34
RawSewagehe's not pasting anymore10:34
[PR] linuxholly shit10:34
Heroinhe is pasting his entire x conf >.>10:34
paozinhoSection "InputDevice"10:34
[PR] linuxCHILL OUT MAN !10:34
[PR] linuxCHILL OUT MAN !10:34
zcat[1] nathan: getting them from nvidia is a bad idea.. then ubuntu doesn't know to reinstall them when there's a new kernel10:34
[PR] linuxCHILL OUT MAN !10:34
paozinhoIdentifier"Synaptics Touchpad"10:34
RawSewageit just spreads it out after you paste10:34
sander__paozinho: man, you are flooding the channel10:34
RawSewagehe cant stop it10:34
=== afflux [i=fnord@pentabarf.de] has left #ubuntu []
zcat[1] !ops10:34
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok10:34
[PR] linuxKICK HIM !10:34
paozinhoSection "InputDevice"10:34
=== SmokingBlood [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] c'mon. where are the ops?!!10:35
paozinhoOption"ForceDevice""ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY10:35
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Heroin[PR] linux i suggest u ignore him10:35
paozinhoSection "InputDevice"10:35
paozinhoops =X10:35
paozinhoHeroin, its an acident10:35
paozinho!portuguese | paozinho10:35
Heroinzcat[1]  i suggest u ignore him10:35
Heroinsander__ i suggest u ignore him10:35
nathanzcat[1] , true and I agree with you, but still.  Those drivers do work though... most of the time.10:35
paozinhosander__, me add logo10:35
paozinhosander__, eu vou soletrar de modo q ngm entenda ok ?10:35
paozinhosander__, para seu fdp xD10:35
=== HKirigami [n=hana-kir@adsl-69-225-41-31.dsl.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nichlaswhat are nautilus emblems useful for?10:35
paozinhozcat[1] , my pocket10:35
paozinhosander__, vc ta ai karamba ?10:35
`m0* Added paozinho!*@* to ignore list10:35
sander__paozinho: to sim10:35
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zcat[1] ignoed..10:35
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feonixpaozinho, deine mutter ist sehr heisslich und gross aber ich knalst sie gut10:36
paozinhosander__, o meu mensageiro10:36
sander__paozinho: tao te ignorando ae hahahaa, tu feiz flood huahuahua10:36
zcat[1] damn annoying10:36
gif89aprouh, am I missing something?  what is the default root password?  i just did fresh install... never asked me to set a root password..10:36
sander__paozinho: perae vo entra aqui10:36
paozinhofeonix, Ich Liebe Dich =D10:36
nathanLOL, nVidia's driver in 7.04 didn't do me much good though.  800x600 only is a pain.10:36
zcat[1] wtf, he's still coming through10:36
ziroday!root | gif8910:36
ubotugif89: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:36
HKirigamiHey, I was here earlier and someone wanted me to tell him how things were doing.10:36
KurtKrautgif89apro, root as no password as default. You should'nt care about it.10:36
`m0Hi, I am wondering, my counter strike 1.6 server needs many arguments to run10:36
HKirigamiAs soon Dad helped me with some stuff.10:36
zcat[1] bah, let me know when the idiots have gone..10:36
Heroingif89apro so by placing SUDO before a command u run it as root10:36
`m0How do I make an icon that represents that many arguments?10:36
Heroin'M0 can i PM you?10:36
HKirigamiIs that person still here, or is he offline?10:37
`m0Should  I make a bash file nad run it from there?10:37
sander__paozinho: tao te chamando de idiota hahahaha os gringo ae10:37
gif89aproKurtKraut: no password did not work10:37
SmokingBloodgif89apro: you cna give the root user a password10:37
feonixgif89apro, the root password is the same password as your account10:37
sander__paozinho: to online no msn, add ae10:37
HKirigamiBut anyways, a little help here.10:37
gif89aprofeonix: tried that, didn't work10:37
Heroingif89apro feonix is correct10:37
paozinhosander__, eh pao at linux10:37
`m0Heroin: ok10:37
sander__paozinho: vc tem meu msn10:37
paozinhosander__, pao at linux tudo junto10:37
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Heroinsander__ dont relay his spam10:37
sander__paozinho: msn ou hotmail?10:37
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paozinhosander__, ...vai logo antes q me chutem da sala10:37
EcceVerywhats the deal with the fuzzy UUID stuff instead of device files in 7.04? grub conf looks all wierd...10:37
nichlasgif89apro: you have to set a root password, you can do that with 'sudo passwd' or something like that.. maybe sudo passwd root10:37
gif89aproand i'd like to su as root sometimes, and not have to sudo everything...10:37
premier_hello, I have a freind who changed the permisions of all the files in his /home/ folder, so he can no longer boot gnome (ubuntu).  What command will revert his permisions so he can boot?  He has no other WM so he can only use the CLI10:37
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paozinhosander__, yahoo10:37
KurtKrautgif89apro, you don't understand10:37
paozinhosander__, com br10:38
HKirigamiWhen I talked to Dad about the keyboard not working at the Ubuntu menu, he said something about Ubuntu probably making my keyboard unable to work somehow...10:38
HKirigamiIs this possible?10:38
SmokingBloodgif89apro: indeed some commands cant be run with sudo :)10:38
KurtKrautgif89apro, a blank password is a password :D By default, the root account in Ubuntu has NO password.10:38
emileis there a way to import internet explorers favorites (.url files) into ubuntu/firefox. The .url files come out of favorites folder of a broken xp install10:38
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sander__paozinho: alread done10:38
Heroinpremier_ i dont know how to revert but chmod 775 /home/NAME/* might work?10:38
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paozinhosander__, opk10:38
EcceVerygif89apro: sudo passwd10:38
paozinhosander__, ok10:38
[PR] linux1177 uzerz10:38
[PR] linuxOMG !!!10:38
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[PR] linuxunreal10:39
[PR] linux=0)10:39
nichlascan anyone explain emblems?10:39
gif89apronichlas: sudo passwd root worked perfectly, thanks10:39
Heroin`m0 your running a CS 1.6 serv w. a gui?10:39
HKirigamiBut anyways, can someone help me?10:39
HKirigamiPlease? ^^;;10:39
HeroinHKirigami sorry let me scroll up10:39
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nathanzcat[1] , yeah I know.  That's when I want to get my famous "I will search Google before asking dumb questions" shirt on.10:39
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KurtKrautgif89apro, setting a root password wasn't needed.10:39
t3hfr3akziroday: i got it10:39
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nichlasKurtKraut: how else would he be able to log in as root?10:39
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`m0Heroin: console based10:40
HeroinHKirigami who are u looking for10:40
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KurtKrautnichlas, with sudo -s and then typing the onliest password asked on install10:40
nathanAnyone look at the video clip I pasted earlier?10:40
HKirigamiI forgot his name, but it started with an A.10:40
Heroin`m0 where is a howto for that i really want to run a cs server from a linux box via CLI.. i have 1.6 client working via wine though :)10:40
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KurtKrautnichlas, this is the 'correct ubuntu way'10:40
Heroinnathan no i didnty10:40
`m0Heroin: lol10:41
nathanLook at this to see what I'm asking a about... doing an animated wallpaper....  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYgV2GlsufI10:41
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs10:41
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nathan(got to love the up arrow)10:41
Heroin`m0 yah i could never find a good howto for a cs server on linux10:41
nichlasKurtKraut: this sudo vs. root discussion is never going to end, he were asking how to do like he's always done10:41
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EcceVeryAnyone with experience installing a new kernel care to help me???10:41
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`m0Heroin, I followed this perfectly and worked okay :) http://www.cstrike.ro/tutorial_cs16_nosteam_linux.php10:41
gif89aprosorry, i like being root... sometimes you just gotta have it10:41
HKirigamiSo, anyways, to my other question...10:41
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Heroin`m0 im pretty sure u dont have to enter many arguments when you put them in the config10:41
HKirigamiIs it possible for Ubuntu to cause my keyboard to not work properly?10:42
Heroingif89apro root does make u feel sexy doesnt it :P10:42
`m0<- noob10:42
KurtKrautnichlas, this is not a discussion. A decision was already made: ubuntu does not ask for a root password during instalation, so, it is supposed to keep like this: root without a password.10:42
premier_Heroin: that didn't work10:42
nichlasKurtKraut: yeah, i know, but ubuntu is about enabling people, isn't it ;)10:42
gif89aprokurtkraut: that seems pretty insecure...10:42
Heroinpremier_ u sure all files are set to 775?10:42
`m0Heroin: ./hlds_run -game cstrike +sv_lan 1 -nomaster +maxplayers 18 +map de_dust210:42
KurtKrautgif89apro, it is exactly the oposite: it is more secure like this10:43
premier_Heroin: not sure.  Not sure if thats the problem10:43
Gerronichlas set one if you like10:43
Heroin`m0 u can enter those in the config10:43
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Heroin`m0 lets talk in PM and not spam here10:43
joe7d6ubuntu feisty, sessions startup options tool is not editable at all, or not 'saved' after i close it. help10:43
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gif89aprokurtkraut: i dunno... i was just able to change the password pretty easily... the first person to execute 'sudo passwd root' can control the box10:43
KurtKrautnichlas, sure... enabling people understanding that no root password and not hanging around logged as root is a good security measure.10:43
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nichlasGerro: exactly, and that was what gif89apro wanted.. not lifestyle advice ^_^10:43
KurtKrautgif89apro, no. The onliest person able to do the 'sudo passwd' was the one who installed the system, who has the onliest password set during the installation, what on other distros is exactly the root.10:44
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gif89aprokurtkraut: oh ok... this is the first time installing ubuntu for me.. just taking security measures i'm used to taking for all other flavors10:45
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nichlasKurtKraut: well.. i use sudo myself, but after working in a remote shell withouth tab-completion for a couple of hours i understand why some people would want away with the sudo command..10:45
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EcceVerynew kernel won't boot propely! someone help please!10:46
KurtKrautgif89apro, it is just a different paradigm that once you get used to, you'll realise that it is safer. In general, what ubuntu tries to force you is to NOT log as root, what is widely known as insecure10:46
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sander__lets gone be there10:46
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feonixCan someone name an open source tool that encrypts hard drives in real time?10:46
Gartralgif89apro: take note: there is no "root" user in uubuntu10:46
KurtKrautnichlas, hmmm the tab-completion should work always10:46
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nichlasKurtKraut: depends highly on the shell10:46
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gif89aprogartral: i can log in and su as root.... seems to exist to me10:46
Heroingif89apro u can enter sudo su to enable root i think.. just google enable root + ubuntu10:47
Heroin!google root + enable + ubuntu10:47
rollerskatejammsI'm having a really strange issue. When I try to do sudo ifdown eth0 i get the error ifdown: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"10:47
KurtKrautnichlas, the standard bashrc is well configured to that. No need of being root around10:47
rollerskatejammsrollerskatejamms, But its set to be readable to all10:47
Gartralim just saying... dont try to use root at login10:47
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gif89aprogartral: well right, i agree10:47
nichlasGartral: he just enabled it, so it works perfectly10:47
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Gartraloh lol10:48
Gartralubuntu rules10:48
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gif89aproanyway, back to installing nvidia drivers... says i need to kill x-server to install... what runlevel should i be at to kill x-server?  like 3 or 4?10:48
nathanI gotta say it.  It looks like Audicious really is the best WinAmp equivalent music player for linux (sorry, I always hated xmms) but would still like to see the Winamp Linux alpha work on Ubuntu.  I like my AVS.10:48
sander__up to the linux!10:49
cybeI installed xchat-gnome a while ago, but removed it again as I like the normal xchat better. But in firefox everytime i try to enter a irc:// link it want to open xchat-gnome, how can i change this to the right application?10:49
sander__up to the linus torvalds!10:49
sander__he is the man! ;)10:49
SmokingBloodgif89apro: are you using the driver from nvdia site? or apt-get install?10:49
gif89aproumm, from nvidia site.... should i use apt-get instead?10:49
nichlasuse the new restricted driver manager10:50
nichlasthat is far the easiest10:50
SmokingBloodgif89apro: apt-get10:50
gif89aproapt-get <what?>10:50
Gartrali need help with a web cam10:50
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SmokingBloodapt-get install nvidia-kernel-common10:50
nichlasgif89apro: have you tried system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager?10:51
gif89apronichlas: not yet... will try now10:51
gif89aprosmokingblood: thanks10:51
sander__SmokingBlood: do you know how to install ati 3d drivers for the Radeon 9200SE ?10:51
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rollerskatejammsAnybody have any ideas?10:51
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Gartrali need help with a webcam10:52
SmokingBloodsander__: dont have a ati10:52
sander__SmokingBlood: k10:52
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SmokingBloodsander__: you tried google?10:52
Heroinsander__ i have the same card :P10:52
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gif89apronichlas: wow, you were right, that was painless10:52
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nichlasyeah :)10:52
sander__Heroin: you got to work ??10:52
gif89aproneed to restart tho10:52
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Heroinsander__ nope its in my windoz box10:52
gif89aprobrb, hopefully10:52
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nichlasgood luck10:52
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SmokingBloodgif89apro: if you want those desktop effects enabled apt-install nvidia-glx10:53
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Heroingif89pro and u wanne get beryl10:53
sander__Heroin: i have installed all fglrx drivers, when o run xmame, the screen turns black and only with ctrl, shift + backspace to back to normal :(10:53
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nichlasHeroin: he's rebooting10:53
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Heroinsander__ why do u wanne have a mame emulator?10:53
cindyI have a problem with my monitor10:53
denndaHi, what do I have to do to get SSL-encryption for ubuntu-irc servers working with X-Chat? I recently tried it and my connection was just refused.10:54
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cindyIt's a syncmaster 971p, and if I use the resolution it's rated for, the screen is too high and right, I can't see the top of the screen10:54
nichlasdennda: you sure the server supports it?10:54
SmokingBloodsander__: wich model do you have ?10:54
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cindyand it auto-adjusts (usually).10:54
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Heroindennda i think u should join #xchat or google it10:54
cindyHow can I fix this?10:54
sander__Heroin: i got to run xmame-x when im using ati driver, but, when fglrx are setted in the xorg.conf, the screen turns, black, i don't know whats happen :(10:55
Heroincindy did u try to manually adjust the monitor settings10:55
Gartralthe front of that monitor has a settings access button, press it10:55
sander__SmokingBlood: Radeon 9200SE10:55
Heroinsander__ check the error logs?10:55
nichlascindy: the resolution is propably not set right. I have a 1440x900, and the xorg.conf was set to 1440x1440, had to correct it10:55
cybeI installed xchat-gnome a while ago, but removed it again as I like the normal xchat better. But in firefox everytime i try to enter a irc:// link it want to open xchat-gnome, how can i change this to the right application?10:55
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Heroincybe in the >.> i know this let me think10:55
denndanichlas, would be nice. :) Heroin, yeah, maybe i will do so. Hoped that someone faced the same issue in the past.10:56
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sander__SmokingBlood: i got to run quake 3 arena using ati proprietary drivers, but its very strangers, when i run xmame, the screen stay black and only restarting X-Server to back to normal10:56
theINCWoohoo, 192MB of Ubuntu done.10:56
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cybeHeroin, okay ^^ sounds great10:56
Heroinsander__ mame projects in general suck10:56
sander__Heroin: yes, i hard tried very things with unsuccesfully results :(10:56
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nichlascindy: in terminal, write "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and look near the bottom of the file, see if the resolutions look correct (and remove/change the bad ones)10:56
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Heroinsander__ i know mame will work ok for windows.. perhaps try another mame emulator?10:57
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sander__Heroin: xmame runs perfect here when im using ati drivers of ubuntu, but suport of glx in this driver not exists10:57
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cindyI cant manually adjust it10:57
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Heroin>.> glx + ati do not mix10:57
Heroincindy there are not monitor buttons/10:57
Gerroati+computer do not mix10:57
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sander__Heroin: witch other arcade emulator? mame is the one that i know10:57
cindynot a one10:57
melonhey guys.. a while back i changed something in my settings to stop removable drives from showing up on the desktop when mounted.. now.. i kinda want that back but don't know what i did to remove them.. where should i be looking?10:57
cindyits a widescreeen monitor, if that helps10:57
cindyalso, I have NO idea what to do with what popped up in the terminal10:58
cindyi'm very new to Linux10:58
Heroinsander__ there are many ports and rewrites of MAME.. google it10:58
Heroinsander__ or ask on irc.underground-gamer.com #chat10:58
nichlascindy: would you paste the contents on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org?10:58
sander__Heroin: the problem is not mame man, the problem is within fglrx drivers that i was installed from the repositories and the proprietary drivers, this is very stranger, many bugs10:59
Heroincindy i think its the fact that your MONITOR is beting a bit screwy u might have to move the displayed screen up and down a bit..10:59
cindywhat syntax10:59
nichlascindy: the command should open the gnome editor with the config file in it10:59
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Heroinsander__ >.> dont screw with xgl then10:59
Gerrocindy: having resolution problems? might want to try xrandr -s 800x600 or your own resolution settings10:59
cindythe command worked fine I just dont know what to do with it10:59
gif89aprohmm, highest res is 1280x800... anyway to get up to 1280x1024?10:59
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nichlasif the terminal gives you gibberish, something is wrong10:59
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premier_My friend can't boot gnome because of permisions... all the permisions in his /home folder were accidentally set to root.root drwx--------- .  He tried variations on chmod -R 777 /home/him/* but the permisions stay the same according to ls -al and gnome will not boot.  Neither of us are good in the CLI.  what do you guys think?10:59
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Gerrogif89apro: everything would looked squished if you did, try 1440x90011:00
cindythe screen SHOULD be at 1280x102411:00
cindybut that resolution is the screwyest one11:00
cindyand the ones that work look fuzzy11:00
Heroinpremier_ man chmod11:00
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Gerrocindy: what card is it?11:00
cindyI posted on the site you told me11:00
nichlascindy: if your screen supports 1280x800, it shouldn't be able to show 1280x1024 properly11:00
cindyIts under text only11:00
leperkhanzJust got my disks in the mail.  THANKS GUYS!11:00
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nichlascindy: did you get a link to the paste?11:01
gif89apro1280x1024 is what i had working before in xp... didn't look squished11:01
joe7d6i answer my own question for the session manager problem: somehow .config/autostart was not set for the right user permission. so i did sudo chown -R user:group autostart and the problem is gone. ciao11:01
=== Heroin gueeses that CINDY just has to move the image around w. the monitor buttons
matt__premier_: chown -R user:user /home/user/*11:01
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cindyI HAVE no buttons11:01
cindythere is not one single button save the on/off button11:01
nichlascindy: try changing the all the '1280x1024' to 1280x80011:01
Gerrogif89apro: do xrandr -s 1280x1024 and if it looks okay switch xorg from 1280x800 to 1280x102411:02
Gerrogif89apro: /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:02
cindyGerro- what?11:02
nichlascindy: or add 1440x900 if your screen supports that (most 19" do)11:02
sander__Heroin: i saved that channel, tanxs11:02
=== Gerro presses cindy's button
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Gerronichlas: what I've been saying from start =P11:02
cindyright now i'm using 1280x80011:03
sander__my mamus never worked using fglrx driver11:03
cindyand it displays correctly with the edges and whatnot11:03
gif89aprogerro: Size 1280x1024 not found in available modes11:03
Gerrocindy: what graphics card you using?11:03
=== Elischa [n=rassihu@M3732P008.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
nichlascindy: and that is what looks squished?11:03
catullusi'm running ubuntu 7.something server, and it doesn't like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (package not found).  help?11:03
Gerrogif89apro: then it doesn't work11:03
cindybut its fuzzy compared to 1280x1024 which looks great but isnt centered11:03
Gerrogif89apro: what driver you using?11:03
cindyhow o I check my gfx card?11:03
sander__Heroin: my xmame never worked when i'm using fglrx driver, but quake3arena at same time, work perfect, better than windows, i don't understand this man11:03
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linuxorHi, I've ATI radeon 7500 installed but can not enable desktop effects, it says : The composite extension is not available,???11:04
=== bilo [n=bilo@dyn-91-163-181-209.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
gif89aprodefinitely looks squished at 1280x80011:04
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sander__Heroin: im my slackware distro, all works perfectly :(11:04
premier_matt__: no change.  No change at all11:04
Gerrocindy: do lspci tell me if it lists something sounds like one11:04
gif89aprogerro: nvidia-glx11:04
cindygeforce 7300 le11:04
Heroinsander__ well.. get the slackware drivers?11:04
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Gerrogif89apro: and it wouldn't allow 1440x900?11:05
sander__Heroin: are the same11:05
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gif89aprogerro: no :(11:05
nichlas1280x800 isn't even in the file.. are you sure that's the resolution you're using?11:05
nichlasre: cindy11:05
sander__Heroin: but the kernel are 2.4.xx11:05
cbswhats the best way to burn a video cd in ubuntu?11:05
catullushello, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop yields package not found... help?11:05
gif89aproi'm trying to change resolution using nvidia-settings... should i be doing somehting else?11:05
Heroinsander__ cant u help man11:05
cindyGerro- whats lspci?11:06
nichlasgif89apro:  in terminal, write "gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and add the resolution you need near the bottom11:06
Gerrocindy: gif89apro: you both got latest nvidia driver from here right? http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html otherwise its old and outdated11:06
sander__Heroin: yes, i leaved this, theres nothing to do :(11:06
cindybut i HAVE the resolution I want11:06
cindyit just displays about an inch high and right11:06
gif89aprogerro: haha, i was just told to get drivers other than from nvidia.com...11:06
Gerrocindy: if you do lspci it shows you short description of all your hardware11:06
matt__premier_: administration  > users and groups11:06
Gerrocindy: you type it into terminal11:06
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zirodaycindy: have you tried just changing that on your monitor11:07
premier_matt__: He can't get a desktop environment loaded... permission errors11:07
Gerrogif89apro: trust me the other ones are ancient, restricted modules kill my graphics every time :(11:07
t3hfr3akziroday: didnt work... are you still there?11:07
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gif89aprogerro: well in that case i need to kill the x-server to install the nvidia.com drivers... what runlevel do i need to change to?11:07
zirodayt3hfr3ak: yep11:07
nichlasgif89apro: im' pretty sure that the dirver in the restricted manager are the same ones as from the nvidia page11:08
t3hfr3akziroday: envy didnt work11:08
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zirodayt3hfr3ak: not sure sorry11:08
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gif89aprogrrrr, make up your minds :-P11:08
zirodayt3hfr3ak: strange dunno sorry11:08
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cindyYes, I have tried to change the settings11:08
matt__premier_: hmm. can't really help, sorry. Tried Google / Ubuntuforums?11:08
cindyI am using one that works- 1280x800 but it is fuzzy11:08
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cindyalso, I just updated everything, so I should have the latest everything11:09
cindyor does that not come with system updates?11:09
i\nsomniahi, i'm trying to get a second ip on eth0. my /etc/network/interfaces files has this:11:09
Gerrogif89apro: after you download the driver do shift alt f2 to go to text mode and do sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential gcc gcc-3.4 xserver-xorg-dev sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel-common rm /etc/init.d/nvidia-*  /etc/init.d/gdm stop sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9629-pkg1.run as root11:09
t3hfr3akziroday: should i disconnect my SVIDEO cable then try?11:09
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Gerrogif89apro: and advise someone to ubot that technique I stole it from a beryl site and never had trouble with video drivers :)11:09
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DoctorOwlWho was here during the ubuntu release party 7.04?11:10
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cindyso no one has an idea how to force an autoi adjust on it?11:10
gif89aprogerro: holy cow...11:10
zirodayt3hfr3ak: dunno shouldnt matte11:10
nichlascindy: are you sure the syncmaster 971p is widescreen?11:10
DoctorOwlDo you remember how many users we hit?  Was it 1000?  1500?11:10
DoctorOwlThere were 666 in #ubuntu-release-party11:10
Gerrogif89apro: guaranteed to work and kill any other remaining nvidia drigvers11:10
DoctorOwlBut how about this channel?11:10
nichlaslooks like the max res IS 1280 x 102411:10
=== flowingfire [n=Flowing@74-33-31-226.dsl1.mnd.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gerrogif89apro: don't forget shutdown -h 0 too11:10
gif89apronichlas: that's exactly what i want11:10
i\nsomniahi, i'm trying to get a second ip on eth0. my /etc/network/interfaces files has this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20612/, but when i restart networking i get SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address11:11
nichlasgif89apro: did you look in the xorg.conf?11:11
gif89aprogerro: at the very end?11:11
Gerrogif89apro yeah11:11
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gif89apronichlas: yes... where exactly should i have added it?  in the "display" section?11:11
cindynah i'm not so sure11:11
flowingfire:) Does anybody know how to compress files into .zip format within linux?  I guess I've never done it and am not sure what program to use or where to find it.11:11
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cindybut the resolution im trying to get looks crisp11:11
cindyno other one does11:11
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nichlasgif89apro: yes, ad it among all the other resolutions11:11
kleinwebyhello, i have an problem with the buildin isight in a macbook. Under edgy they works perfeckly with an pachted uvcvideo. sicne feisty, they dont work. Dmesg says [ 3503.352000]  uvcvideo: No valid video chain found. Has anyone an idea? :)11:12
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t3hfr3akziroday: NV driver is working11:12
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i\nsomniahi, i'm trying to get a second ip on eth0. my /etc/network/interfaces files has this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20612/, but when i restart networking i get SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address11:12
ctfordhi, if firefox core dumps, where does it dump core to?11:13
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nichlascindy: are you sure your screen doesn't have adjustment buttons underneath it, at the bottom?11:13
nichlasoh well11:13
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flowingfirelooks like she left11:13
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t3hfr3akanybody... PLEASE help me getting my NVidia 7600 GS PCI-E card to output to my TV11:14
Free_Thinkerhello ppl11:14
Free_Thinkercan any1 help me plz?11:14
=== fdubru [n=fred@221.Red-80-33-98.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
rollerskatejamms When I install Kubuntu desktop on top of the regular Ubuntu distro, it asks me if I want to use GDM or KDM as the default destkop manager. Is that just asking if the default session should be gnome or kde?11:14
nichlasrollerskatejamms: yup11:14
flowingfiret3hfr3ak: You have nvidia-glx-new installed right?11:14
nichlasGDM: Gnome Dekstop Manager11:15
t3hfr3akflowingfire: it wasnt working11:15
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Free_Thinkeri have ubuntu on my ibm t42 laptop. i have a problem that it won't do hybernate. it starts the process but then istead of turning off it comes back to login screen... :(11:15
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t3hfr3akflowingfire: i could try again11:15
nichlasrollerskatejamms: you can change it at login-time at will, if you have installed both11:15
Gerrot3hfr3ak: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html11:15
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flowingfiret3hfr3ak: I'm sorta a newbie and it took me a week to get my Nvidia card working correctly lol11:15
rollerskatejammsnichlas, Nope actually, its asking about the login manager11:15
t3hfr3akGerro: been there :) didnt work :( tried envy to no avail either11:15
catulluspoetahow do i know what server(s) to put in my /etc/apt/sources.list?11:15
gif89apronichlas: ok, once i edit the xorg.conf... where should i see the new res show up?11:15
t3hfr3akflowingfire: which card do you have?11:15
rollerskatejammsnichlas, KDE login screen vs Gnome one11:15
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sambiasehi...im runnign vmware....Ubuntu is my guest OS....i added a folder in order to share between my Host and my Guest...how do i find that folder in Ubuntu?11:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:16
flowingfiret3hfr3ak: but it's possible... GeForce 6150 LE...11:16
nichlasrollerskatejamms: okay, then it's probably just whatever you prefer :)11:16
t3hfr3akxukun: that didnt help me either11:16
rollerskatejammsnichlas, yah11:16
=== Lakrits [n=thatsmy@1-1-2-47a.bot.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
nichlasgif89apro: when X reads the config file again ^_^ (restart X)11:16
xukunt3hfr3ak, what did then?11:16
fdubruHello. I installed Ubunbtu 7.04. and I am playing with it. I can't find a kind of disk manager like in Windows. Can someone tell me where to find it?11:16
gif89apronichlas: how to do that?11:16
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nichlasgif89apro: ctrl+alt+backspace i think (which also logs you out)11:17
t3hfr3akxukun: nothing. I tried Envy, Nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-new, binary... it wont work and i want to see on my TV11:17
nichlasor maybe ctrl+shift+backspace11:17
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nichlascan't try it right now :)11:17
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flowingfireGawd.  I love linux so much more than Windows... and I have Vista on my machine... but does anybody know how to make .zip files?  probably easy in the terminal- I just don't know how11:17
nichlasi guess it worked for him :)11:17
Free_Thinkeri have ubuntu on my ibm t42 laptop. i have a problem that it won't do hybernate. it starts the process but then istead of turning off it comes back to login screen... :(11:17
=== esteban [n=esteban@93.Red-83-35-71.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
marcoscHi, I'm just about to install Ubuntu and I was wondering if anyone can help me out? I have windows installed and don't want to blow it away. I have partitioned my drives to give Ubuntu 40GB, but don't know what are good sizes to give each of the required partitions or what sizes to set them to. Can anyone help me?11:18
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rollerskatejammsmarcosc, Swap 1.5x ram11:18
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rollerskatejammsmarcosc, You can either give the rest to / or some to / and some to /home11:18
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t3hfr3akt3hfr3ak@uTHE-BEAST:~$ sudo nvtv11:18
t3hfr3akFatal: No supported video card found.11:18
rollerskatejammsmarcosc, I mean you can do what you want actually, but those are normal desktop options11:18
NoorulIslaamt3hfr3ak, i know your password now11:19
=== Op3r [n=Op3r@] has joined #ubuntu
LakritsHi! I installed ubuntu 7.04 yesterday. I have two problems. First, I get no sound. I have a Creative X-Fi ExtremeMusic. My other problem is minor, I can't get any higher resolution than 1024x768, with or without the propretary drivers (have an ati x850xt)11:19
rollerskatejammsmarcosc, Give however much personal space you think you'll need to /home and give the rest to /11:19
=== gif89apro [n=chatzill@cpe-066-057-116-105.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
marcoscrollerskatejamms, ok, so, 1.5GB swap.11:19
gif89apronichlas: definitely logged me off... but no new res in options :(11:19
leperkhanzLakrits: The X-fi is not currently supported.  This is not Ubuntu's fault, but Creative's.  They apparently are total jack-butts over there.11:20
Lakritsleperkhanz: No workaround then?11:20
nichlasgif89apro: maybe it takes more than that.. care to try a reboot?11:20
flowingfireremove the creative hardware lol11:20
leperkhanzLakrits: The video problem is probably solvable via an xorg.conf edit or something.11:20
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Lakritsleperkhanz: Ah, ok. I'll have a look into that then.11:21
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cbshow do i adjust video color and brightness?11:21
leperkhanzLakrits: Just use your onboard sound card.  That's what I'm doing.  The X-fi will have drivers out before long.11:21
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zirodayLakrits: some ati card drivers cant get above 1240*76811:21
leperkhanzSupposedly later this year.11:21
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leperkhanzATI is not Linux friendly either, atm, but supposedly they are changing their ways ASAP, because they are losing so much business.11:22
Lakritsleperkhanz: I have that disabled because it causes some games to crash in win. don't really fancy to run both.11:22
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ZnowAnyone here?11:22
ZnowSlap_me or someone?11:22
ciaronanyone know why ubuntu won't put my monitor into 1280x960, windows manages it fine11:22
leperkhanzLakrits: Once you are on Ubuntu for a while, you probably won't fancy switching back and forth anymore.11:22
zirodayciaron: what gfx card11:22
matt__I think AMD are open sourcing the ATI drivers11:22
zaggynlAnyone knows if there are any video's of ubuntustudio?11:22
leperkhanzI can't even look at windows now without laughing.11:22
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ciaronziroday: radeon 9600, using fglrx drivers11:23
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leperkhanzI just converted last month. :D11:23
zirodaymatt__: the have said that for the last 2 yrs11:23
Lakritsleperkhanz: We'll se. I've played around a lot with Debian before, both on my pc's and on my A4k. But I suppose it won't work any better there so, we'll see.11:23
marcoscrollerskatejamms: I'm just looking at the Create Partition screen, would the partition type for "swap" be primary or logical?11:23
leperkhanzzaggynl: Did you look on youtube?11:23
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zaggynlleperkhanz, yeah, nothing came up :(11:23
leperkhanzUbuntu is >>> Debian for most end users.11:23
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Znowguys I got a big problem, where is slap_me?11:23
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zaggynlubuntu is more towards desktop, while debians is (more) towards servers11:24
nichlasZnow: none of the 1187 other users can help?11:24
theINCwhat about Ubuntu Server? ;)11:24
zirodayciaron: well i have the same card and ive never go it above11:24
zirodayciaron: 1024*768 unfortunatly11:24
joe7d6hi folks. i was a long time suse user. just switched to ubuntu. three words about ubuntu: fast, fast, fast :)11:24
zaggynltheINC, 'more towards' :P I know of ubuntu server11:24
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nichlastheINC: another way of installing ubuntu11:24
leperkhanzbut help is on the way as ATI is considering open sourcing their drivers.11:24
Znownichlas, it will take atleast 5 mins for me to write my whole episode about "ubuntu and the probs that came up 5 times and crashed my computer"11:24
nichlasZnow: okay, mail him then :)11:25
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Znowno thanks11:25
ZnowI want directly support you know11:25
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nichlasZnow: hehe, don't we all :)11:25
LakritsAnyways. Thanks for the input. I'll see what I'll do. I won't use ubuntu to much then until there are drivers for the soundcard, but after that.. who knows.11:25
ZnowIf the chan could be clear for some sec I could write my question?11:25
leperkhanzLakrits: Give Urban Terror and Beryl (not at the same time though) and the rest of Ubuntu a week.  You won't go back to windows.11:25
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Znowand my problem11:25
=== barak [n=barak@85-250-42-165.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
leperkhanzIt was worth it for me to ditch the x-fi.11:25
marcoscAnyone, I'm just looking at the Create Partition screen, would the partition type for "swap" be primary or logical?11:25
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gif89aprook, so i've heard everyone talk about beryl... what is it and how do i use it?11:26
leperkhanz(after a day or two of mental strain... lol)11:26
ZnowIf the chan could be clear for some sec I could write my question?11:26
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Znowand my problem11:26
ziroday!beryl | gif89apro11:26
ubotugif89apro: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:26
Lakritsleperkhanz: I would if it weren't for my fav game. And that doesn't work to well in linux either.11:26
leperkhanzgif89apro: go #beryl11:26
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leperkhanzwhat game?11:26
nichlasmarcosc: primary11:26
GerroZnow: which is?11:26
joe7d6ati and creative sxck period...11:26
marcoscthanks nichlas11:26
nichlasgif89apro: how about now?11:26
zirodaygif89apro: go to youtube and search beryl pick any of the videos that will show you11:27
gif89aproomg, apt-get is dl'ing at 1kbps.... ::cry::11:27
GerroLakrits: wine is uber :)11:27
leperkhanzjoe7d6: true, but supposedly ati is gonna change their ways.11:27
zirodayjoe7d6: amen11:27
leperkhanzLakrits: what game?11:27
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LakritsGerro: I don't know anyone that has really gotten WWIIOnline to work in wine either.11:27
zirodayleperkhanz: ive heard that for the last 2 yrs11:27
joe7d6i really doubt it after all these years... anyway one can only hope11:27
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Gerroleperkhanz: even if they change their ways their install scripts still suck11:27
nichlasgif89apro: you could try the system -> preferences -> desktop effects11:27
zcat[1] Znow: just dump your problem in here and we'll do what we can. You want one on one support canonical can provide it, but it's not cheap :)11:27
catulluspoetawhat repository is ubuntu-desktop in?11:27
Lakritsleperkhanz: WWIIOnline11:28
nichlasgif89apro: beryl is just more of the same, with greater control11:28
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crdlbcatulluspoeta: ubuntu's main component11:28
gif89apronichlas: cool, thx.. i'll check it out11:28
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crdlb!info ubuntu-desktop11:28
ubotuubuntu-desktop: The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.43 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 44 kB11:28
anahatahello :)11:28
leperkhanzDunno that one.  Give Urban Terror a shot.  It's free and I like it better than any other FPS.11:28
GerroLakrits: show me where I can DL a copy I'll see what I can do11:28
anahatai'm a complete newbie and i'mjust trying the ubuntu livecd11:28
leperkhanzDid you guys read the last /. article on ATI/Linux?  Sounds hopeful.11:28
anahataand i can't find my desktop files in the Terminal11:28
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zcat[1] anahata: cd Desktop11:28
leperkhanzNow as for creative, they can blow me.11:28
=== simmerz [n=simmerz@modem-714.cougar.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
anahatai do "ls" and i get 3 things - 2 files and Desktop11:29
joe7d6gif89apro: try to change your repos locale. it would sure help the speed.11:29
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LakritsGerro: http://www.wwiionline.com/scripts/wwiionline/downloads.jsp11:29
anahatait didn't work11:29
anahata*tries it*11:29
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melona while back i changed something in my settings to stop removable drives from showing up on the desktop when mounted.. now.. i kinda want that back but don't know what i did to remove them.. where should i be looking?11:29
gif89aprojoe7d6: how to do that?11:29
=== burnerx [n=aric@59-124-18-158.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbanahata: linux is case-sensitive btw11:29
zcat[1] anahata: Desktop is a directory (capital D by the way)11:29
anahatano such file11:29
crdlbcd Desktop11:29
anahatacase ok11:29
crdlbor: cd ~/Desktop11:29
GerroLakrits: according to application database that game has silver rating, meaning it should install perfectly11:29
=== anahata feels silly
anahatathank you11:30
Znowok ill start --- @friday I try to install Ubuntu 64bit(cause I have 64bit amd turion) wont work, so it chrasesh my computer... well I can still use windows... @friday night - I try to install the normal 32-bit textmode alternative installer as a guy said cause it could be my gfx that didnt work(ati radeon mobility x700)... I try that, and for god sake... some files are corrupt, so I could toss the cd out... I burn a new cd with the n11:30
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leperkhanzGerro: The appdb has been known to lie.11:30
catulluspoetafor some reason my /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't have the universe/multiverse repositories11:30
=== anahata will leave this open until she gets flash installed
zcat[1] anahata: it's a common mistake, windows doesn't care.. linux does.11:30
LakritsGerro: I know quite a few that has tried but hasn't quite gotten it to work.11:30
catulluspoetafor some reason my /etc/apt/sources.list doesn't have the universe/multiverse repositories, how can i add them?11:30
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burnerxhow can i load my iptables script before loading the network ?11:30
leperkhanzI try to fix the lies and I get harrassed by wine fanbois.11:30
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Gerroleperkhanz: well it says just recently with the april 2007 release11:30
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leperkhanzmeh, worth a shot?11:30
skylightwhats a business policy actually do for a business11:30
Znowwhat the heck do I do? Ive reinstalled windows 4 times now11:30
LakritsGerro: I might try myself when I get sound to work and higher res.11:30
ZnowI just want windows and ubuntu to work together so I can switch11:31
Znownothing else11:31
ZnowI just want a clean cd with ubuntu that can install the friggin thing on my laptop11:31
leperkhanzZnow: I run a windows VM.  But my fave games work on Linux, so....11:31
crdlbcatulluspoeta: system>administration>software sources11:31
crdlbcheck a few boxes and you're done11:31
GerroLakrits: hmm it says something about earlier version having trouble with mouse showing, you might want to try the henry patch from conquer online guide11:31
gif89aprouh oh, anyone know how to install Flash on x64?11:31
catulluspoetacrdlb: problem is i don't have a gui11:31
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catulluspoetacrdlb: i want to apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:31
burnerxhow can i load my iptables script before loading the network ?11:31
ZnowWell, I like to play games on windows11:31
Znowguys please answer my question above11:31
crdlbcatulluspoeta: ubuntu-desktop is in main11:31
joe7d6gif89apro: system > admin > software resources > 'download from'11:32
zcat[1] Znow: ok, first up stick with the i386 cd, it's easier.. check the md5 sum when you download it just to be sure, and burn it at 4x or 8x, makes it more reliable..11:32
catulluspoetacrdlb: how do i add the main repository?11:32
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crdlbcatulluspoeta: it's default11:32
nichlasZnow: you should always verify when burning.. that said, we can't really do anything to help you with coaster cd's.. only specific software problems..11:32
LakritsGerro: I'll have a look later on then. I still do want to get my x-fi to work, cost me to much to not use it! :P11:32
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ZnowNichlas, I did11:32
ElectricMonkif u plan on dual booting with windows and linux, install windows FIRST, it overwrites the MBR, linux adds to it, leaving the original intact11:32
Znowwith the standard installer11:32
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catulluspoetacrdlb: ubuntu-desktop isn't showing up as a package11:32
ZnowI checked with md5 sum11:32
=== Alanius [i=mendocin@d51A47386.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
anahatawoohoo flash is installing!11:32
Znowand it says that they were good11:32
crdlbcatulluspoeta: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?11:32
=== anahata can watch youtube videos soon
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catulluspoetacrdlb: yeah package not found11:33
burnerxisn't it gnome-desktop ???11:33
crdlbcatulluspoeta: sudo apt-get update11:33
anahatathe only thing holding me back from moving to linux atm is my windows files backup11:33
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nichlasZnow: then theres a  whole other charade of problems: defecting cd-drives after being used for a while, RAM corruption problems..11:33
crdlbcatulluspoeta: then try it again11:33
DoctorOwlWhat's the current ubuntu called?  edgy eft11:33
DoctorOwlfiesty fawn?11:33
DoctorOwlI get confused11:33
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents11:33
LakritsI wonder though. How big difference is it between the i386 and the amd64 version? I installed the amd64 version of ubuntu since I have an athlon 64 x2.  But, is it like the windows 64-bit version, a lot of things doesn't work then?11:33
nichlasZnow: did you run the RAM tester?11:33
burnerxhow can i load my iptables script before loading the network ?11:33
DoctorOwlOk cheers11:33
gif89aprojoe7d6: thx11:33
anahatafeisty fawn11:33
Znowhuh? Oo11:33
catulluspoetacrdlb: i did sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:33
Znowdont know what that is11:33
eckLakrits: basically11:33
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catulluspoetacrdlb: and it says "unable to locate package ubuntu-desktop"11:33
anahataoh and the next will be gg11:33
anahatai get it11:33
eckLakrits: at least java and flash will be broken11:34
nichlasZnow: i think its an option in the CD's boot menu11:34
crdlbcatulluspoeta: then you really are missing the main component11:34
ZnowI just need a danish dude to guide me through phone or something ^^11:34
anahatahow do i talk my friend into using openoffice11:34
crdlbyou're sources.list is seriously messed up11:34
Lakritseck: So it might be a good idea to reinstall with the basic version?11:34
catulluspoetacrdlb: yeah11:34
anahatainstead of using pirated microsoft office11:34
cybeHeroin, I found something about configuring the IRC handler in about:config, but it doesn't work :( it still wants to run xchat-gnome11:34
Gerrohow come when I choose to rename something then copy its name I can exit the rename window and paste it yet if I try to copy something from firefox then close it I can't paste it to xchat?11:34
Znowbut nichlas11:34
catulluspoetacrdlb: where can i get a new one? =)11:34
Znowshould I use the textmode installer than?11:34
Znowinstead of the standard11:34
ElectricMonki used a pirated m$ office too....until I switched11:34
eckLakrits: i guess so -- i don't have a 64 bit cpu, but I've seen a lot of people in this channel just recommend to people who come in here with problems to use the 32 bit version11:34
zcat[1] Lakrits: the gcc compiler doesn't optimise much for 64bit I've been told, so there's very little advantage. and of course none of the 32 bit stuff works with a 64bit install, so all the nonfree drivers and flash and codecs won't work without special wrappers...11:34
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Gerromight be xubuntu only thing but I noticed same of kde11:35
Znowcause off my ati software11:35
ElectricMonkOO is lighter on resources11:35
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anahatawoww i just used the terminal to install stuff, i'm so proud of myself11:35
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tswanahata: just send them openoffice files all the time and tell them that with openoffice one can open both microsoft office and openoffice files :)11:35
anahataoh, o kmonk11:35
ElectricMonkand has everything most peeps want11:35
crdlbcatulluspoeta: you can use http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ to generate one11:35
anahataisn't it slower, electricmonk?11:35
nichlasZnow: that depends on the reasons for the crash.. i don't know if one exists, but maybe there's a network install somewhere11:35
crdlbcatulluspoeta: then fix your sources.list to match it11:35
ElectricMonkm$ is11:35
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anahatatsw lol11:35
Lakritszcat[1] : Ok, thanks. I'll get the other version then and reainstall.11:35
eckElectricMonk: i'm not sure that oo.o is lighter on resources...11:35
ElectricMonki found it wanted to load up all sorts of stuff along with it11:35
crdlbcatulluspoeta: you can edit it with: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:35
DoctorOwlWhen was Feisty released?11:35
leperkhanzOO is def > MSO now.11:35
leperkhanzI agree with that, fully.11:35
ZnowAnyone know if theres a danish dude in here that knows as much as you do nichlas?11:35
anahatatsw: oh ok11:35
jintxohey guys does the new ubuntu install CD have a "old-style" way fo installing (boot from CD and into debian-installer-sort-of-thing and install away) ordo you HAVE to boot into LiveCD and use the "install" icon? cheers :-)11:35
crdlbDoctorOwl: yes11:36
catulluspoetacrdlb: thanks i'll give that a try11:36
anahatatsw: did that come out in red?11:36
crdlbapril 1911:36
ElectricMonkif it just loaded the basics it'd be about the same11:36
tswanahata: red?11:36
marcoscI'm about to create the "/" partition. Would the partition type for "ext3"? and would it be primary or logical?11:36
ZnowAnyone know if theres a danish dude in here that knows as much as you do nichlas?11:36
TLEZnow: there a lot af dansih dudes at #ubuntu-dk11:36
crdlbjintxo: that's the alternate cd11:36
burnerxhow can i load my iptables script before loading the network ?11:36
Znowok thanks TLE11:36
nichlasZnow: no, it's not exactly a social channel, so i don't know anyone's background ^_^11:36
crdlbthe desktop cd is livecd only11:36
eckmarcosc: ext3 is fine, and it doesn't matter if it's primary or logical11:36
anahatatsw: yeah did the post come out in red?11:36
zcat[1] Znow: your problem sounds like 'unfriendly hardware' and might be best dealt with by tracking down a local LUG and getting someone to take a look, if you can..11:36
jintxocrdlb, ah thanks. I thought it was kind of odd that you couldn't do that :-)11:36
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=== anahata is not great at irc either
LakritsWell, thanks a lot people. I have a few things to fiddle with then!11:37
tswanahata: nope, colors depend on how you set your client11:37
anahatahow do i address individual people in here11:37
nichlaszcat[1] , Znow: i think so too.. might not be enough to get help by phone11:37
zcat[1] anahata: by putting their name in fron like this <-11:37
anahatayou have to type it out manually?11:37
eckanahata: also, you should be able to tab-complete nicks11:37
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zcat[1] usually the first few letters and press tab, depends on what client you use..11:37
jintxocrdlb, do you happen to know if the installation via "dektop" cd can be accomplished with no swap?11:37
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=== anahata needs to read some manuals she thinks
anahatazcat[1] ,  cool11:38
crdlbjintxo: it doesn't touch your HDD11:38
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Steovhey, ive got a T42 thinkpad with 256mb ram, im wondering why its taking me more than 15 minutes to load the live desktop?11:38
crdlbjintxo: when in live mode, it only uses your RAM11:38
jintxocrdlb, well it better touch my HD if I' installing, lol11:38
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crdlbSteov: use the alternate cd11:38
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anahataah well11:38
crdlbSteov: or get more ram :)11:38
SlartSteov: because you have a T42 with 256MB ram?11:39
Steovis this a specific laptop problem?11:39
zcat[1] Steov: sounds like the cd drive might be having trouble reading the disk?11:39
crdlbthe livecd uses a lot more ram than the actual install11:39
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nichlasjintxo: it boots up the live-cd, and then there's an icon on the desktop where you can install11:39
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crdlbSteov: no, livecd's just use more ram11:39
Steovi tried this on my sisters computer which has 1gb ram11:39
anahatai got it now!11:39
Steovand shes got a partition11:39
Steovi read the manual11:39
anahataSteov: test11:39
zcat[1] Steov: or perhaps it's 256M minus some video ram and it's just not quite enough?11:39
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Steovand says the live cd uses partition if available11:39
anahatathat was just a test11:39
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ElectricMonkmaybe I/m misunderstanding, but I have a p4 with 256mb ram, and installed from the live desktop mode11:39
feonixanahata, you can also type /msg anahata Hello.. to private message people, replacing anahata with their name11:39
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jintxonichlas, yes I know this, my question was if this "installer" allows you to install with no swap (it doesn't seem the liveCD has support for BSD slices which is where my swap is). I'll add swap later on. :-)11:39
anahatafeonix: oh ok ty11:40
SlartSteov: I don't think the actual system will be this slow when you install ubuntu properly.. but a livecd does eat a lot of RAM.. and it doesn't use the partition.. even if it's there11:40
nichlasjinzo: you can chose to controll the partitioning youself, during installation11:40
Steovi left the lappie tunning 30 minutes11:40
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anahatai have a p3 with 512mb ram and i thought ubuntu is too much for this machine, so i'm testing livecd for the heck of it, and will research a tinier distro11:40
Steovjust to get into the desktop11:40
burnerxhow can i load my iptables script before loading the network ?11:40
eckjintxo: you don't need swap to do the installation11:40
zcat[1] the live cd and installer uses only ram afaik, it won't touch anything on the disk until you start moving partitions around and installing stuff..11:41
anahataunless i figure out how to just pare this down? maybe swap out gnome for xfce?11:41
Steovthe minimum is said to be 128mb ram anyways11:41
Steovthats whats puzzling me11:41
anahatagood thing i have a lot of ram11:41
Steovyou need a 1gb monster?11:41
=== fastlikeacat [n=fastlike@24-205-47-252.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Steovhow do people with crappy computers install this then11:41
crdlbanahata: the livecd just uses more ram11:41
marcosccan my "/" and my /home be the same partition?11:41
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eckanahata: i think that is a fine hardware configuration, my comptuer is pentium-m (which is basically the same as p3), also with 512 mb of ram11:41
crdlbSteov: the alternate cd11:41
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Steovwhen i installed suse it went straight into the instal11:41
jintxogreat, thanks eck, nichlas and crdlb . me goes to format a partition and run the installer.11:41
anahataSteov: you don't, do you?11:41
zcat[1] I don't think you can install with much less than 256M ram.. I generally use the alternate cd anyhow 'cos it's faster11:41
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anahatadon't ask me... but i assumed i couldnt use this11:41
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ElectricMonki set it to wipe the whole hd, and decide its partitions itself, only because I'm new to a working linux and don't know what each partition is used for11:42
anahataeck: oh ok11:42
nico_I hope to explain me clear. Sorry for my english but i've a question to do11:42
Steovthis alrenate cd...its text based...so for a newbie for me11:42
Steovis it a good idea11:42
anahatanico_: what language do you speak?11:42
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crdlbSteov: it's not difficult11:42
eckanahata: gnome is fine, there are a couple of applications that can suck up a lot of ram (e.g. firefox, evince), but other than that gnome is pretty light11:42
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anahataeck: oh ok, how bout opera then?11:42
Steovwhat if i create a partition...?11:42
zaggynlHow would I get my current hdd capacity total on the commandline?11:42
nico_what's the command in shell for copy all contente include folder and subfolder?11:42
ElectricMonki'd guess if u have installed operating systems in the past, then ur gonna recognise the questions it asks11:43
anahatanico_: oh ok11:43
feonixzaggynl, df11:43
zcat[1] the 'desktop' cd is tect based too.. the text just happens to be in prettier boxes :)11:43
eckanahata: not sure, i don't use it, but I have heard it is a lot more memory-friendly11:43
crdlb512 MB is plenty for ubuntu11:43
=== anahata does not speak italian
anahatacontente kind of gave it away though11:43
zaggynlfeonix, thanks11:43
=== finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ecknico_: cp -R11:43
ecknico_: e.g. cp -R src dest11:43
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anahataeck: i see11:43
nichlasSteov: the "alternate" install goes right to install, with a text installer. it's not very much harder than the graphical one11:43
anahatawhat is evince?11:43
nico_thanks very much eck11:43
molschecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables               What is this?11:44
crdlbanahata: pdf reader11:44
Steovok will try it then11:44
Steovthanks lads11:44
crdlbmols: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:44
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eckevince is ok, but i think it has some memory leaks, if you reload the same file a lot the memory usage keeps going up11:44
zcat[1] at least it's not like installing slackware :)11:44
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eckand if you load big pdfs or try to zoom in them the memory usage goes crazy11:44
zirodayhas anyone ever got urban terror working?11:44
ElectricMonkthe advantage of the desktop live / install cd is that u can at least test it in live mode, to see what hardware conflicts ur gonna have to deal with11:44
nichlasmols: you probably have to run it with sudo11:44
zcat[1] ElectricMonk: true.. good point11:45
anahatacrdlb: i see11:45
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ElectricMonkits also already detected a lot of ur hardware cos it's running them11:45
nichlasmols: unless you're in your home-dir11:45
anahatayou guys, wheni installed flash it told me to delete something... in firefox... i don't remember what it said11:45
ElectricMonkwhich cuts down the options at instal time11:45
anahatasomething starting with x11:45
ElectricMonkless room for error11:45
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anahata4 letters and then "." something11:45
=== blackest [n=john@cpc1-linc8-0-0-cust536.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ElectricMonkit installs fine from the live mode....thats what I did11:45
anahataeck: yeah pdf's make my windows crash anyway11:46
zirodayleperkhanz: are you here still11:46
zcat[1] anahata: that sounds odd...11:46
anahata i'll reinstall to try to reproduce the msg11:46
ElectricMonkand it's much quicker when installed too, cos its no longer running from memory11:46
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eckanahata: when you installed the flashplugin-nonfree package with apt?11:46
zirodayleperkhanz: how did you get urban terror to work11:46
feonixanahata, xorg.conf?11:46
anahatafeonix: NO11:46
marcoscWhen I create "/" partition of 20GB of type ext3 the installer says that the rest of the my free space is unusable?11:46
anahataoops sorry11:46
nichlaseck: probably used the in-browser install11:47
feonixOk, was just guressing :)11:47
leperkhanzRight click the .i386 and properties.  check "allow to execute as program"11:47
anahataeck: i used the terminal11:47
TonnerreI have a problem with network-manager-openvpn11:47
leperkhanzplus, you need both files off the website.11:47
zirodayleperkhanz: thanks11:47
anahatafeonix: yeah the caps was a mistake11:47
=== zcat[1] hasn't tried the inbrowser install.. does it just install under ~/.firefox/ somewhere?
eckmarcosc: you can only have four primary partitions11:47
feonixanahata, eck is saying.. you should type this in the terminal.. apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree11:47
=== KakaRoT-| [n=hoyoyo@host118-197-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
TonnerreWhen I start my OpenVPN connection using the network manager, it connects but then disconnects with no apparent reason11:47
anahatafeonix: ohh11:47
marcosceck, ok, got it11:47
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feonixThat is like the idiot-proof way of doing it11:48
zcat[1] anahata: sudu apt-get installflashplugin-nonfree  actually :)11:48
feonixOh yeah =P11:48
zcat[1] sudo rather11:48
eckmarcosc: you can arbitrarily subdivide the extended partition into logical partitions, though11:48
TonnerreBut if I execute the _same_ command line it executes, as the same user, OpenVPN establishes a connection I can use11:48
nichlaszcat[1] : it lands in .macromedia/11:48
tapioAfter I've been idle for a while, my monitors turn off, and when I get back only one monitor turns on again after touching the mouse. I have disabled screensaver. How can I disable the feature that turns my monitors off ?11:48
molscrdlb: thanks,  it is work!11:48
=== georgy_ [n=georgy@217-117-42-7.teledisnet.be] has joined #ubuntu
anahataxpti.dat from the browser11:48
zcat[1] why there? I thought it would be in .firefox/plugins/ or something11:48
zirodayleperkhanz: im trying to get the ioUrbanterror file to install now but i always get the error that it couldnt load default.cfg11:49
anahatafrom the componenets directory11:49
=== anahata reads up
leperkhanzziroday: You need both files, and you need to read the install guide on the download page.11:49
TonnerreWhen runnning OpenVPN from the network manager, I get:11:49
anahatayou guys your commands confuse me11:49
zcat[1] anahata: the package is easier..11:49
nichlastapio: power manager11:49
TonnerreMay 13 11:40:13 silence nm-openvpn[22492] : TCP connection established with
zirodayleperkhanz: okay11:49
ecktapio: the feature is called ddc or something like that, check your xorg.conf11:49
anahatazcat[1] : ohh11:49
Tonnerreas the last line before it disconnects11:49
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TonnerreUnfortunately there seems to be no way of making it more verbose?11:49
nichlaszcat[1] : dunno :) it's probably macromedia binary or somethinf11:50
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ecktapio: oh, it's dpms11:50
anahatawhere is the components directory in firefox?11:50
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nico_Excuse me eck. If i've other files in the main folder and in this main folder there are subfolder the command maybe is cp -r *.* /media/disk?11:50
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zcat[1] anahata: OK, open a ternimal and type " sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree " and then answer Y to any questions it asks..11:50
tapioeck: Thanks :)11:50
TonnerreIs anybody even reading what I say?11:50
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anahatai guess i just was wanting to fix the way it said to do it11:51
TonnerreThis channel scrolls heavily11:51
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ecknico_: uh, you should just use * and not *.*11:51
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ecknico_: unless you don't want to copy files without a .11:51
leperkhanzTonnerre: Ubuntu is experiencing MASSIVE growth right now.11:51
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zcat[1] anahata: I'm kinda worried that it's telling you to fix up things manually like that.. seems a bit odd.11:51
anahatazcat[1] : ohh11:52
Tonnerreleperkhanz, that may well b e11:52
MikeReinerleperkhanz: how much do you think it grows by the day?11:52
hyljeTonnerre: be persistant and someone will pick up your lines11:52
anahatazcat[1] : so can i still reinstall this flash over the previous one?11:52
TonnerreFamous last words?11:52
zcat[1] anahata: Ummmm.. I think so. try it and see what happens :)11:52
nichlasTonnerre: or maybe find an OpenVPN specific channel :)11:52
nico_eck my target is copy all above in that folder in other location11:53
eckTonnerre: i actually had a similar problem with vpnc11:53
Tonnerrenichlas, I doubt it's an OpenVPN problem11:53
Tonnerrenichlas, because it works if I execute the OpenVPN command line myself11:53
=== TommySpa [n=tommyspa@dsl-trebrasgw1-fe51fa00-242.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
TonnerreThe _very_ _same_ command line11:53
eckTonnerre: i think it's just because NM has lots and lots of bugs11:53
TonnerreSo all I could imagine is that netmanager kills the OpenVPN process11:53
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TonnerreAlso because I don't see anything from it anymore11:53
ecknico_: that will work11:54
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anahataeck: says it couldnt' find package11:54
anahata"couldn't find package flashplugin-nonfree"11:54
eckanahata: you need to enable multiverse11:54
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:54
=== Novato [n=pablo@2.Red-88-7-157.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
anahataoh great11:54
zcat[1] anahata: ahh, you probably need universe/multiverse repos..11:54
anahatamultiverse or not multiverse?11:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about multiverse? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
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zcat[1] !info flashplugin-nonfree11:55
eck! is to send commands to ubotu11:55
anahataoh that's help11:55
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB (Only available for i386)11:55
=== digital_k [n=digital_@CPE-76-177-230-228.natsoe.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:55
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zcat[1] see, it's in multiverse :)11:55
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catulluspoeta!info info11:55
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ubotuinfo: Standalone GNU Info documentation browser. In component main, is standard. Version 4.8.dfsg.1-4build1 (feisty), package size 160 kB, installed size 328 kB11:55
nico_sorry eck, can you repeat me that command with exsample please?11:55
zcat[1] !botabuse11:55
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...11:55
anahataubotu cute11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cute - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
anahataoh it really is feisty fawn lol11:55
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zcat[1] !botsnack11:56
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:56
=== ader40k [n=ader40k@8.Red-83-59-245.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ecknico_: if i wanted to copy everything in the current directory to be under directory "dest" i would issue: cp -R * /path/to/dest11:56
premier_hello, a freind of mine screwed (like really messed up) his permissions.  according to ls -al, /home/him/.gnome2/ has full rwx permissions, but whenever he tries to boot gnome, he gets an error saying that something needs to edit .gnome2 and cannot get permissions.11:56
anahataso i need to read all this stuff to install flash11:56
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eckhaha, i just got that11:56
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nico_eck thanks :) now is all clear11:56
digital_kinstalling flash is not difficult at all11:56
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MikeReinerflash as in the ability to play flash files and watch youtube etc?11:57
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anahatai'm just tired11:57
anahatait's 5am11:57
anahatai should go to bed11:57
GastenMikelevel: Yes.11:57
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anahataand boot into windows and watch my videos11:57
GastenMikelevel: sorry11:57
zcat[1] anahata: you probably should...11:57
digital_kyes its better to tackle that kind of stuff with a fresh mind11:57
GastenMikeReiner: Yes.11:57
anahataMikeReiner: yeah11:57
nichlasanahata: alternatively, you could visit a page that needs flash, and then firefox asks if you want to install it..11:57
digital_kwhen one is tired, mistakes will be made.11:57
zcat[1] but no, not windows!!11:57
digital_kexactly nichlas11:57
digital_kits very simple11:57
=== anahata is on a livecd anyhow so in a few minutes the coach turns into a pumpkin
zcat[1] nichlas: anahata did that and it says to delete some config file afterwards.. is that normal?11:58
MikeReinerGasten: hm, well... all I did was go to a site with flash, clicked the install missing plugins button, agreed to the terms, and that was about it. all works for me11:58
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ecknichlas: but then it is not under package management, correct?11:58
nichlaszcat[1] : i was never asked to do anything but restart firefox11:58
anahataMikeReiner: didn't work for me11:58
GastenMikeReiner: good for you.11:58
nichlaseck: probably not11:58
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=== anahata tries youtube again
MikeReinerGasten: what web browser are you using?11:58
digital_kit should be listed as flash-nonfree or similar in package management11:58
zcat[1] and also yes it's not managed and it's only for the current user.. and..11:58
MikeReineranahata: firefox?11:59
nico_Goodbye guys. I must to leave. Thanks for all11:59
zcat[1] anahata: did you say you're on the live cd, not an installed desktop?11:59
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Tonnerreanahata, for youtube, try yougrabber and mplayer11:59
GastenMikeReiner: Firefox. why are you asking? Idon't haveany problem with flash. Not more than I want/can solve.11:59
anahataMikeReiner: yeah11:59
MikeReinerGasten: I meant to ask anahata11:59
anahatazcat[1] :  yes11:59
anahataTonnerre: hm ok12:00
zcat[1] ummmmm..12:00
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Spee_DerGood morning everyone.12:00
=== t0h [n=tommi@dsl-kvlmmlgw1-feb7fa00-204.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
digital_khello spee_der12:00
MikeReineranahata: are you using a live cd?12:00
anahatawell flash works12:00
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zcat[1] rofl...12:00
MikeReinerah well thats nice heh12:00
anahatather's just supposedly an extra file in the components directory of firefox :|12:00
anahatawhich i need to delete12:00
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zcat[1] anahata: I wouldn't bother, it all goes away the next time you reboot anyhow :)12:01
Spee_DerHey digi. Hope all is well with you. I'm working my 2nd cup of coffee trying to wake up ! :>12:01
digital_kdoes anyone have any experience with using innotek virtualbox? its available via automatix2 and I am considering installing it.12:01
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anahatazcat[1] : oh ok12:01
anahataMikeReiner: yes a livecd12:01
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zcat[1] I didn't even know you could isntall plugins and have them work on the live cd.. I guess that makes sense though12:01
zirodayhas anyone installed urban terror?12:02
nichlaszcat[1] : if they install in the homedrive on a ram-disk, that would work12:02
anahatayou know what12:02
digital_kurban terror? what is that12:02
anahatanow i'm too tired to watch the videos lol12:02
catulluspoeta!info urban\ terror12:02
ubotuPackage urban does not exist in feisty12:02
=== anahata is just gonna go to bed
nichlasanyone: how does the whole "live cd settings saved on a flash disk" work in ubuntu?12:02
anahatabut hey i know how to use xchat and gaim and i installed a program12:02
zcat[1] g'night12:02
=== Andross [n=andrew@ool-44c5fa44.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
sp1d3r_hi, I'm installing a photogallery on Ubuntu and it requires that php module for mysql is already installed. Does anyone know which is this module?12:02
anahatanight room thank you!12:03
=== Lamego [n=lamego@a83-132-143-56.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu
MikeReinerI hope the next version of ubuntu later this year makes xorg a little bit less of a hassle to setup12:03
Matrikziroday> I have12:03
sp1d3r_I tried with php5-mysql and php5-sqlite which does not work ...12:03
digital_ki didnt have any issues with it mikereiner12:03
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zcat[1] MikeReiner: it's a hassle? I just want an orca that works properly..12:04
catulluspoetawhen it comes to xorg, i would say this version of ubuntu is quite feisty!12:04
zirodayMatrik: what dependancy's did you have to install?12:04
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digital_ki have 7.04 installed on a laptop with integrated ati graphics and it works flawlessly12:04
MikeReinerdigital_k: Everytime I try to get it to run 85Hz it sends me back to a command prompt.. good thing I know how to get out of that mess :P12:04
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a89-182-8-244.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] catulluspoeta: the next one should be positively gutsy in comparison!12:04
digital_kno issues whatsoever12:04
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Matrikziroday> hmm I think some sdl libraries, I don't remember12:04
zirodaydigital_k: with a an ati!12:04
zirodayMatrik: thanks the installer is being a pain12:05
digital_kthe 6.06 version had issues tho when i installed it some time ago12:05
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crdlbdigital_k: ati what?12:05
catulluspoetazcat: i'm not sure how i feel about my OS being too gutsy12:05
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digital_kits an ati 340M chipset12:05
sp1d3r_Does anyone know which is the php module for mysql ???12:05
Matrikziroday> I installed ioUbanTerror without any problems12:05
digital_ki believe the model is RS200012:05
digital_klong abandoned12:05
digital_ktypical ati12:05
zirodayMatrik: i wish i was the same12:06
MikeReinerdigital_k: would you mind checking out this thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2645502#post264550212:06
zirodayMatrik: damn i hate dependancies12:06
zirodayMatrik: is urban terror good?12:06
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zirodaydigital_k: you must be the luckiest person in the world if your ati worked out the box np12:07
Matrikziroday> well It was very good a couple years ago when I played it, I installed it last month to check the new version12:07
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MikeReinerziroday: haha I can't believe how bad ATi can be on linux12:07
digital_kMike have you tried reconfiguring xorg to use the vesa driver instead?12:07
zcat[1] my ati worked ot of the box.. no 3d though of course..12:07
Matrikziroday: It's still enjoyable12:07
crdlbactually old ati cards are supported extremely well12:07
zirodayMikeReiner: its unbelievable only one worst is creative12:07
crdlbas in full 3d12:07
crdlbjust not new ones :|12:08
zcat[1] ati rage mobility in my lappy.. never had a problem with it.12:08
MikeReinerdigital_k: No, I haven't. Is there a section in there that I can set it to vesa with?12:08
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digital_kcrdlb that is true somewhat, but the igp 340m is an oddball chipset12:08
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digital_keven in the windows world...lol12:08
Matrikziroday: but I prefer the True Combat Elite mod for enemy terrirtory12:08
zirodaycrdlb: yeah but i have resolution issues that are unbelivable12:08
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zirodayMatrik: thanks12:08
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=== ziroday scurries off to google true elite
theINCyou know what Ubuntu needs: Get Ubuntu ads, like the Mac posse have12:08
digital_kwell you can open terminal and run the reconfigure command from there12:08
zirodaytheINC: they also need money12:09
=== cressy [n=cressy@c-293be555.020-73-736b651.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] theINC: Novell's doing a few12:09
MikeReinerwell i have xorg.confg open right now in gedit as root12:09
catulluspoetaremember the firefox new york times ad?12:09
drissif i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and i choose the screen resolutions i want to have enabled and later restart the x-server or run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again, the screen resolutions i chose are not available anymore.12:09
zcat[1] I have mixed feelings about novell though12:09
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zirodayzcat[1] : same12:09
drisscould this be because the graphic card doesn't support it?12:09
drissor is it a bug?12:09
digital_ki think novell is hurting open source, thats just an opinion.12:09
cressyHow do i give all users access to my usb harddisk? (i run the latest version of ubuntu)12:09
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theINCHmm, I saw a Get a Mac ad on Engadget (Flash), and it's not on the apple site.12:10
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zcat[1] they're also fighting SCO.. I don't know what side they're on!!12:10
digital_kthey are on the side that their pocket book is on...lol..sadly12:10
digital_kits all about money12:10
ich_seid ihr alle enhhlich12:10
MikeReinerdigital_k: is there a command that will let me run the xorg setup or something?12:10
zirodaywell i cant tell if novell is a M$ lap dog, out to make a quick buck, or just plain retarded12:11
theINCzcat[1] : but those were gay. "Are you running Linux?" No..." "comeon, there's no shame"12:11
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theINCsee, those ads don't actually explain WHY Linux is better than PC/Linux.12:11
drissMikeReiner: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:11
georgy_MikeReiner, : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:11
zcat[1] theINC: no, the latest is an i'm a mac, I'm a PC parody.. cute girl comes in and she's Linux..12:11
digital_kyes : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in terminal12:11
MikeReinerthanks you two heh12:11
MikeReineror three12:11
digital_kthats a graphical walk thru12:11
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MikeReinerk brb12:11
digital_kthe only thing you need to change is when it first opens12:12
digital_kscroll down and select the vesa driver12:12
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catulluspoetazcat: what should i search for on youtube to find that?12:12
digital_kjust click yes on the rest or change what you need in the other screens12:12
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theINCzcat[1] : most linux distribs ('cept for Ubuntu of course) actually look like 'a cute girl' compared to OS X ;)12:12
zcat[1] "novell linux" I guess...12:12
catulluspoetafound it12:12
drissdigital_k: do you have an idea about my question, too?12:12
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digital_ki dont like the arrogant attitude of mac users towards ubuntu12:13
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digital_kthey highly underestimate it12:13
El_Burrothey will learn :)12:13
theINCdigital_k: stop glaring your virtual eyes at me ;) I'm downloading the ISO of Ubuntu on my Mac ATM12:13
theINCand I plan to dual-boot my Windoze PC.12:13
theINCI use all 3.12:13
catulluspoetabah it's not funny12:13
georgy_We have bought a Macbook, and it work faster and better with feisty than MacOSx, ;)12:13
digital_kmac is ok for what it does, but apple takes alot from open source12:13
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digital_kand they do not readily give back12:14
zcat[1] haha that was a guess, but the ad I'm talking about is first hit for "novell linux" in a google video search12:14
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zcat[1] also third and fourth...12:14
theINCand incidentally Google Video searches YouTube12:14
theINCas well as Google's own repository.12:14
zcat[1] gootube?12:14
digital_kyes theINC12:14
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digital_kit does now12:15
joe7d6the MS novell deal was simply business strategy, a bad/stupid one though. i think it will hurt novell in the long run. when i heard dell is in for the ms-novell deal providing suse linux enterprise server for their linux customers. i just sick of it...  (a ex suse user)12:15
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snowblindHi. does anyone here use xscreem (web dev IDE)12:15
ncddell should piss off12:15
cressyHow do i give all users access to my usb harddisk? (i run the latest version of ubuntu)12:15
=== Ryck [i=HcSc@dsl51B63539.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
digital_kthe thing that gets me is that ms keeps saying that linux uses their innovations only they never said what exactly....12:15
zcat[1] I don't think the novell deal is going to hurn linux as much as it will hurt novell..12:15
HenckeI still prefer openSUSE over novell suse12:15
ncdm$ know they are disgraced12:15
=== Toumaz [i=Toumaz@c-b7b5e455.76-2021-74657210.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
snowblindcressy - console sudo nautilus12:15
theINChaha, it's funny because she says that open-source software (a jacket) will probably work on Mac but Windows will be wearing his leather (Vista) jacket for another 6 years or so12:16
snowblindthen navigate to /media/usbdrivename12:16
cressysnowblind, thanks ill give it a try12:16
snowblindright click and go permissions, its pretty simple from there12:16
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=== Cyran [n=Cyran@manz-590d3fe1.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
ncdNovel wanted to play corperate chargy chargey now they see that open source is better they want to play that instead12:17
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theINC okay, one ad suggests that the Mac guy designed a t-shirt on ilife = impossible12:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about renew - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:17
ncdcompanys like them should of been locked in the opensource legalies12:17
catulluspoetahaha i like the jacket ad12:17
ncdlocked out*12:17
=== hyapadi [n=hyapadi@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe #ubuntu-trivia channel is a place for testing your brain power and having fun! We schedule themed quizzes, every Friday, to test your knowledge of your favourite operating system (Ubuntu, of course!) and keep you exercising those cranial muscles.12:18
=== stork [n=sh2-136@storkey.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] I like the #1 ad.. "how long have you been standing there?" "a long time.."12:18
theINCubotu: I so have to steal that Idea for #macosx12:18
joe7d6novell has quite some cool stuff going on (at brainshare). but some of those is not exactly open source. ie suse linux real time. wheres the code? ...12:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about random - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:19
u-fokaHy! Anyone can tell me something about ext2 / ext3 compression?12:19
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digital_kfile system comression?12:19
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=Paddy_EI@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org12:19
theINC'There are an estimated 30 million Linux users out there" - not much.12:19
u-fokalike ntfs12:19
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digital_kwhy would one need to compress the file system?12:20
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zaggynlDoes ubuntu hold statistics on how much it's used?12:20
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents12:20
zaggynlor at least installed12:20
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u-fokai have a small 10 gb external drive for my backup12:20
digital_kwell i saw a recent video zaggynl and they claimed 6 million users12:20
=== ChaoticGood [n=ChaoticG@] has joined #ubuntu
joe7d6who use opera instead of firefox here? here12:20
digital_kim sure its more12:20
=== combinio [n=combinio@xdsl-21965.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
digital_ki use epiphany instead of firefox12:21
=== mythos_ [n=mythos@85-124-124-129.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
=== Tonnerre wrote a mail to Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>
zaggynlwould be cool if they had any online statistics, users per country, rate going up/down12:21
=== ghatak [n=ghatak@82-38-203-125.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] the thing is, I download one iso and burn off a dozen CD's from it, so nobody really knows...12:21
crimsunTonnerre: about...?12:21
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ghatakHello guys, how do i easily convert .avi (divx) to SVCD or DVD12:21
zcat[1] and each of those CD's might end up installing on multiple machines12:21
digital_kwell zcat i am sure its on many noninternet connected machines as well12:21
digital_kso really no way of knowing12:21
zcat[1] ghatak: devede12:22
=== Lunar_Lamp [i=lunar@jpaweb02.planetarion.com] has joined #ubuntu
ncdlocked out dell, novell and m$  etc, from using it in anyway shape or form .... eg: they would be restricted from benifiting them selfs buy distrubution12:22
zcat[1] !info devede12:22
ubotudevede: Video DVD creator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.9-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 449 kB, installed size 1060 kB12:22
Tonnerrecrimsun, the network-manager-openvpn problem12:22
ghatakok thanks12:22
u-fokaso no ideas? (compression)12:22
joe7d6ncd: isnt dell about to sell ubuntu :p12:22
ncdWHAT!!! fucking filthy Slags :(12:22
okamizaggynl, try http://counter.li.org/12:22
snowblindHi question:Does anyone know how to make a link to a folder (i.e. shortcut) on a gnome panel? if i drag a short cut it screws up12:22
digital_kno its going to offer ubuntu12:22
zcat[1] u-foka: last I knew there was no inbuilt compression in ext3.. there are flags for it and stuff, but no code..12:22
digital_kthere is a difference12:22
digital_kyou can drag and drop snowblind12:23
=== Ramosa [n=id@0x503e573e.vgnxx8.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #Ubuntu
u-fokaok I heard something like this, but a haven't found any howto-s :S12:23
=== cbs [n=cbs@c-24-9-59-2.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
digital_koh i didnt read the last part snowblind12:24
digital_kwhat folder are you trying to add?12:24
snowblinddigital k: drag and drop = Error Could not launch application - Not a launchable item12:24
zcat[1] hmm, I just dropped a shortcut to a folder on my toolbar.... no issues12:24
zcat[1] !worksforme12:24
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:24
ompaulncd, please mind your lanaguage this is a family friendly channel thanks12:24
zaggynlokami, thanks12:24
cbshow do I mount a CD *.ISO file from command line?12:24
zcat[1] hehe12:24
=== Defian [n=Defian@71-219-13-27.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Defianand now my eyes are gonna bleed12:24
=== David__ [n=chatzill@125-238-112-67.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
theINChmm, apparently VLC can convert video to moving ascii art12:24
theINCi'm so gonna try that.12:24
David__hey guys can u help with seting up wireless12:24
ncdtell the freenode to install a bleep macine in the irc_privmsg()12:24
zcat[1] cbs: sudo mount -o loop whatever.iso /mount/cdrom12:24
David__im so lost now12:24
joe7d6digital_k: no, in dell's business sense they think they're about to 'sell' ubuntu. lol12:24
=== Der_Horst [n=Horst@e176115151.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
snowblindOk got it working. seems it wont work if there is a space in the name of the shortcut. cheers guys12:25
=== alef0 [n=alef0@M2375P019.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
digital_kno problem snowblind12:25
David__im so lost now?12:25
Defiandigital_k: well i followed it.. yet not it SAYS it's using 85hz.. but it's actually 60Hz now... *twitches*12:25
zcat[1] joe7d6: nobody says you can't 'sell' free software. But the competition is a bit harsh..12:25
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=== shuan_ [n=shuan@82-44-45-246.cable.ubr03.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
digital_khmmm what is your machine using graphics card wise?12:25
digital_kand monitor also?12:25
ncdyeah well dell are about 0.65nm from the same level of disgrace as m$12:25
zirodaywho can help me with dependancy problems installing urban terror12:25
David__my connection is kinda woking, i can ping google but i cant visit it when i go with firefox12:26
=== BossMania [n=NetAdmin@ALamentin-104-1-9-44.w81-248.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
zirodayncd: not i they sell linux boxes12:26
ncdrecently months shown me there hardware is  not that impressive12:26
Defiandigital_k: GPU is a GeForce 7600GT and a 19" AOC CRT12:26
=== Psoulocybe [n=Psoulocy@c-71-227-46-178.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
digital_kthere is a wonderful seller called system7612:26
ncdthey are out to rape the consumer12:26
David__ive had this problem on two difernt computers so its not just the compter12:26
digital_kthey have nice machines with ubuntu installed12:26
zcat[1] I sell ubuntu cd's at $5 a pop.. people buy them cos they don't want to wait six weeks for a free one. no problem.12:26
cbszcat[1] : when I try that: mount point /mount/cdrom/ does not exist12:26
ncddont ask me to like dell just because they jump on the ubuntu/LINUX bandwagon12:26
=== Der_Horst [n=Horst@e176120023.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
David__anyonr going to help?12:26
digital_kdefian have you tried the restricted drivers manager?12:26
zcat[1] cbs: make an empty directory first (sudo mkdir /mount/cdrom) and try again12:27
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Defiandigital_k: Yeah, i'm using those drivers right now.12:27
=== matason [n=matason@82-70-148-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ncdi was gona say ubuntus website needs to point out the fact that LINUX is driving it .. and what linux is a bit more indepth12:27
=== joe7d6 wonder if other oem will follow dell... hp lenovo :p
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-41-238.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
David__help guys12:27
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=== David__ says hellllloooo
cbsOH DUH...not /mount.../media12:27
shuan_whats wrong with dell?12:27
zcat[1] ncd: people are afraid of linux. Linux is hard and unfamiliar12:27
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digital_ki believe the xorg configuration can be manually edited to add refresh rates, but I have never done that.12:27
digital_kand I dont want to give you wrong info.12:27
ncdlike you know the readme file in the kernel .. .the one that patronises the living shit out of windows with out even mentioning windows once12:27
=== Dylza [n=chatzill@C-59-101-237-129.bur.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] cbs: ahh yeah, that too12:28
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Defiandigital_k: At the worst case scenario, I know how to use the command prompt to restore my backed up xorg.conf.. i'm 'less' of a linux noob than I was yesterday :P12:28
zirodaywho can help me with dependancy problems installing urban terror12:28
shuan_is there any way i can restore a file that i have sent to the trash can12:28
=== allblacks [n=allblack@bv-4.062.bluecom.ro] has joined #ubuntu
digital_kdefian...lol ;)12:28
=== peterka [n=piotr_ka@host-62-141-251-216.tomaszow.mm.pl] has joined #ubuntu
DefianDavid__: I don't know jack about wireless.12:28
crimsunTonnerre: ok, I just moderated that one through.12:28
David__does anyone12:28
kust0mDavid__: What's the issue?12:28
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Tonnerrecrimsun, ah, thanks12:29
shuan_is there any way i can restore a file that i have sent to the trash can12:29
zirodayshuan_: in nautilius address bar type Trash: then just copy the file out12:29
Yanchohi i just installed pgadminIII but it is not appearing in the menu .. how can i know where it auto installed pls ?12:29
okamiDavid_: can you ping
kami__polish plis12:29
digital_kyes open trash can and drag it back to the desktop12:29
David__ok hold12:29
digital_kthats not hard12:29
peterkahow install seamonkey i can't find it in apt-cache search?12:29
Defiandigital_k: ok ya know what.. i'ma restore it right now... 60hz on a crt is just plain BAD... uhhahhhhg brb12:29
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kami__i then stein12:29
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BossManiahello... after i try  "/etc/init.d/xinetd restart " i have a message when i want to connect in my ftp ( ftp localhost 21 ) " ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service "12:29
=== nagon [n=hakan@h21n2fls34o1000.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
kami__nie to nie bez aski12:29
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David__i get a reply12:30
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allblackshi i have a question : i have a TV tuner card from Kworld PVR 878 how can i make it work on UBUNTU , or better asked is how can i make my tv tuner run under ubuntu12:30
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BossManiahello... after i try  "/etc/init.d/xinetd restart " i have a message when i want to connect to my ftp ( ftp localhost 21 ) " ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service "12:30
okamiDavid__: The problem is your system can't resolve host names in to ip addresses12:30
kust0mallblacks: install tvtime12:30
=== David__ is now known as NNForcer
okamiDavid__: What does your /etc/resolv.conf say?12:30
zcat[1] allblacks: install tvtime and see if it got detected already?12:30
MistaEDallblacks, is it analog or digital first12:30
NNForceri can ping google.com12:30
NNForcerok hold on let me chack12:31
zcat[1] MistaED: bt878 means analog I think..12:31
kust0mallblacks: bt878 based..it's analog12:31
joe7d6im new to debian based distro. whats the difference between apt-get and aptitude? (it's still better than suse's 200mb memory hogging yast and smart ;)12:31
okamiNNForcer, You mean ping www.google.com works12:31
kust0myeah, what he said.12:31
MistaEDzcat[1] , mine is a digital and it's a brooktree 87812:31
=== MikeReiner [n=MikeRein@71-219-13-27.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
kust0mMistaED: can you plug normal tv cable into it?12:31
zcat[1] hmm, ok :)12:31
NNForcermy resolv.conf dsyd12:31
MikeReinerdigital_k: I can see again without my eyes bleeding, Weeeee12:31
MistaEDkust0m, it's terrestrial digital, uses the dvb-bt8xx module12:32
=== ribatejo [n=mestre@c-76-106-37-106.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
allblacksok so i will use apt get tvtime??12:32
kust0mMistaED: random. didn't know that.12:32
MistaEDallblacks, yep12:32
peterkahow install seamonkey in 7.04?12:32
MikeReinerwell apt-get actually12:32
MikeReinerand probably as sudo :P12:32
=== abaddon [n=abaddon@c-24-15-61-6.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
digital_kapt-get and aptitude are essentially the same12:32
MikeReineror root if you want proper terminology12:32
zcat[1] allblacks: cool, sudo apt-get install tvtime   in a terminal should do it..12:32
digital_kyay mikereiner! it worked?12:32
okamiNNForcer, Do you have a local DNS server at ?12:32
NNForceru mean a router?12:33
digital_ki personally use apt-get12:33
=== flapster [n=chris@cpc2-oldh6-0-0-cust827.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
digital_kall the time12:33
=== TheUnknownOne [n=cj@cust3125.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
NNForcerive got a router that i believe is
MikeReinerdigital_k: well it's back to square 1 actually. See, i'm running 85Hz.. but UT04 thinks it's 50Hz.. thus fps is capped at 50... which is just not cool.12:33
kust0mMistaED: I have a DVB-S card. I might have to bust that out and see if I can get it to work.12:33
zcat[1] or aptitude, or synaptic, or the add/remove programsthing..12:33
=== t-mow [n=t-mow@e177070115.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
TheUnknownOneI think I broke my xfce session.12:33
=== ashton [n=ashton@203-214-107-83.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
digital_k50 fps can cause a seizure....geez12:33
=== zcat[1] guesses allblacks is from NZ...
allblacksalso i would like to thank to the ubuntu comunity you help me quit on WIn12:33
okamiNNForcer, Ok.. try this..12:33
digital_kthats alot of flashing isnt it12:33
ncddigital_k, really?12:34
MikeReinerit hurts my eyes after a few minutes12:34
digital_kwell depending on the person, id say yes12:34
=== jintxo [n=jintxo@171.Red-88-16-204.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] no, .ro? wtf?12:34
okamiNNForcer, edit "sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf and add the line "nameserver" to the beginning12:34
=== ghatak [n=ghatak@82-38-203-125.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu
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MikeReinerwell it's like, when you run a game that is sorta demanding.. the fps can go all over the place.. but it's just plain locked at 50.. where the refresh rate is 85... so it's ALWAYS showing the same frames a few times before updating12:34
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ncdwow when something packs up on your gpu drops you down to 50fps and you wake up in ICU.. you know who too sue12:35
TheUnknownOneDoes anyone know what to do about a screwed-over XFCE session?12:35
NNForcerthen do what12:35
zcat[1] TheUnknownOne: ctrl-alt-backspace perhaps?12:35
NNForcertry a site?12:35
ghatakHi, i use ubuntu with no GUI, I have dual core system. how i check if both of my cpu cores are being used, and if they are how much each of them..... ?12:35
digital_kwhats happened the unkownone?12:35
allblacksquestion : in Romania we use Pal-BG format and Tvtime has only PAL PAL nc PAl M Pal N PAL 60 option what should i chose12:35
=== kikka [n=kikka@dyndsl-085-016-160-200.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu
okamiNNForcer, So the first line in your /etc/resolv.conf reads: nameserver
okamiNNForcer, Correct?12:35
=== mad_goldfish [n=can@cpc1-broo1-0-0-cust856.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
TheUnknownOneI log in using XFCE session, it's a blank but ubuntu-default screen, and nothing happens.12:35
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NNForcer(new keyboard still getting used to it12:36
okamiNNForcer, Ok, try firefox again12:36
TheUnknownOneI can press the power button and log out back into GNOME, but it's annoying me\.12:36
digital_ksounds like your xorg was improperly configured12:36
digital_kand you are getting terminal12:36
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zcat[1] allblacks: pick one at random, if the colour doesn't look right pick another..12:36
TheUnknownOneI'm not getting terminal, it's a brown colour.12:36
=== ghatak [n=ghatak@82-38-203-125.cable.ubr05.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
digital_kdo you get the login window at all?12:36
NNForcerWOO HOO12:36
digital_ktry changing the session12:36
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Yanchohi i just installed pgadminIII but it is not appearing in the menu .. how can i know where it auto installed pls ?12:37
ompaulTheUnknownOne, ctrl alt f1 and then - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - then try your custom settings after that12:37
joe7d6ghatak: maybe cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/ or cat /proc/cpuinfo12:37
okamiNNForcer, :-) .. now check out www.opendns.com (that's where I got that number from)12:37
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NNForcerso what is actualy happening?12:38
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digital_ki use opendns as well okami12:38
digital_kit is really fast12:38
kust0mNNForcer: DNS resolves an IP address to a domain name. Yours wasn't working.12:38
NNForceram i using that dns as a server or sumthing (im s programmer so not a noob but im new to networking)12:38
MikeReineruhg.. linux is so frustrating sometimes12:38
=== soundray [n=rolf@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
MikeReinerI apparently broke my ut2004.. somehow.12:38
Yanchoanyone knows where is the file pg_ctl in ubuntu pls ?12:38
NNForcerwould this be rith12:38
zcat[1] how does opendnd work, and is it reasonably safe from poisoning?12:38
NNForcersudo apt-get wine12:39
=== TheUnknownOne [n=cj@cust3125.vic01.dataco.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
digital_ki think so zcat12:39
=== n4th4n [n=nathan@220-245-214-16-act.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
kust0mNNForcer: yep.12:39
digital_kive never had an issue with it12:39
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digital_kand i like the auto domain correction it uses12:39
okamiNNForcer, You system was asking the system at to resolve (change) the host name into an ip address but since the system at doesn't know how... you weren't able to surf12:39
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ncdMikeReiner, when your saying that about distros you have progressed to level 1.512:39
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digital_ksay, you type google.comm or something it corrects it and sends you to the right place12:39
joe7d6opendns works fine for me :)12:39
soundrayDo you guys know of any firefox extensions that let one attach notes to web pages?12:39
zcat[1] I might make a note of it, could be handy next time I need a dns server on some oddball network..12:39
TheUnknownOnedigital_k: when I select xfce as my session, and log in, all I get is a blank brown screen, and no panel or icons.12:40
digital_ki have my router configured to use opendns as a nameserver as well12:40
Yanchoyancho@Ubuntu:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/post* restart worked :)12:40
MikeReinerncd: yeah well, to someone with little experience.. the first month is frustrating as hell.12:40
NNForcerthanx guys12:40
NNForceru help me after ages12:40
NNForcerof waiting*12:40
digital_kTheUnknownOne: are you running ubuntu with xfce installed ?12:40
nonZeroHi There!  anybody knows if it's possible to tame application windows to be closed with double click on the window menu (upper left corner)?12:40
digital_kyou shouldnt get a brown screen in xubuntu12:41
digital_kim thinking12:41
TheUnknownOnedigital_k: Yes. And kubuntu, and xubuntu.12:41
allblacksi have installed TV time and i have scanned the channels and i have a beautiful blue screen ( not WIN type) but no channels. does it require to have " a driver" for my tvtuner\?12:41
digital_kahh i see12:41
=== ncd nods.. i duno i found my first few months frustrating but extremely exciting
MikeReinerwell.. i DO like this12:41
MikeReinerbut I just hate it when things that are completely unexplainable happen12:41
zcat[1] allblacks: no, but possibly it's got the card type wrong..12:41
kust0mallblacks: I believe it's included. bt878 is rather common. Can you change the input?12:41
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MikeReinerfor the past hour i've been playing around with xorg.. I made a backup before I did anything.. and just now I put my backed up one back in place so everything is back to how it was.. yet ut04 all of a sudden doesn't start anymore12:42
ncdthere was no ubuntu channels when me and pals got intoo linux12:42
MikeReinerI had been playing for like 2 hours before that12:42
ncdjust allot of grumpy bastards sceaming rtfm12:42
ncdhah :)12:42
kust0mncd: sounds like when i started with slackware.12:42
TheUnknownOnedigital_k: I've tried getting rid of the xfce config files. Didn't work.12:42
allblacksyes i can change the input , but into what?12:42
MikeReinerhaha fedora was my first linux experience, then slackware12:42
digital_kive used Ubuntu for 3 years, and the only problems I have had came from tweaking when I shouldnt have...lol12:42
digital_kit works well out of the box12:42
=== defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
eternaljoyCan any rootkits, spyware, trojans or virus etc install onto Feisty Ubuntu if I visit bad websites using Opera?12:42
kust0mallblacks: tuner? dono.12:43
digital_keternal, i think not.12:43
feonixeternaljoy, are you asking if they can or if it's likely they will?12:43
zcat[1] allblacks: set the input to 'tuner', if that's not the problem look through the output of dmesg and see if it identified the card correctly...12:43
kust0meternaljoy: i doubt most websites are going to target linux.12:43
=== HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
feonixCause if you're asking if they CAN...12:43
=== Andria coucou essai
feonixThen yes12:43
=== alta [n=i@host86-131-65-104.range86-131.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
feonixIf you're asking if it's likely... No12:43
MikeReinermost people use windows still, so making a virus for linux is sorta rare12:43
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allblacksi have only the options television composite 1 ,3 and S-video12:43
eternaljoyfeonix: so how would I know if Ubunt is infected with any rootkits, spyware, trojans or virus etc?12:44
digital_kmaking a virus for linux would be alot of work, and i think no one is willing to do it.12:44
=== Cupido_Fleshas [n=aitor@179.Red-81-35-85.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
BossManiahello... after i try  "/etc/init.d/xinetd restart " i have a message when i want to connect to my ftp ( ftp localhost 21 ) " ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service "12:44
kust0mallblacks: television12:44
feonixbeats me I'm a newb to linux12:44
=== Andria [n=ReVeNaNt@4cb54-1-87-88-243-139.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
feonixAt least when it comes to checking for virii or whatnot12:44
=== glick [n=glickity@cpe-75-84-238-0.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zcat[1] MikeReiner: also if most users are in the habit of installing new software from repos then a virus or spyware is not going to get far12:44
eternaljoyhow would I know if Ubunt is infected with any rootkits, spyware, trojans or virus etc?12:44
=== Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@cpe-76-81-80-38.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
digital_krootkits? thats not possible with linux , is it?12:44
=== HymnToLife` [n=fkraiem@LNeuilly-152-23-88-99.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kust0meternaljoy: they have AV for linux, such as ClamAV. there's also tools to check for rootkits, although not foolproof.12:45
MikeReinerzcat[1] : yeah, and bogus repos can only be added if done intentionally by the user12:45
glickhey in some programs that you need to be root to run like wireshark for example ubuntu will ask you your username before it launches the program12:45
kust0mdigital_k: why not?12:45
eternaljoywhats a good AV for Ubuntu?12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about av - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
n4th4nhi, need wifi help - dlink dwl-520 (atheros 5212/madwifi) worked fine under edgy amd64, but after clean install of feisty amd64, wifi not working. ping to AP drops 50-90% of packets. iwconfig shows freq switching constantly. help!12:45
zcat[1] digital_k: I can assure you it IS.. had to reinstall a webserver more than once :(12:45
peterkaeternaljoy: If you willtry install win on vmware or qemu:)12:45
glickhow can i do that with my own programs that require the user to be root?12:45
marcoschas anyone installed the ATI drivers from AMD?12:45
ncdthere are virus guards for linux12:45
eternaljoypeterka: why?12:45
eternaljoyncd: like what?12:45
feonixpeterka, is qemu better than vmware?12:45
crdlbmarcosc: fglrx?12:45
digital_kwell in linux, you can really get your system owned if you allow it. it kinda happens on its own with windows. ;)12:45
digital_kthats what i was getting at12:46
flapstereternaljoy, You only really need one if you intend to connect to windows pcs or run say a email server12:46
tarzeaufeonix: yes12:46
eternaljoyhow can I check my ubuntu for rootkits, spyware, trojans or virus etc?  What programs do I need?12:46
kust0meternaljoy: get clamav.12:46
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=== Cupido_Fleshas [n=aitor@179.Red-81-35-85.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlb!info chkrootkit12:46
ubotuchkrootkit: Checks for signs of rootkits on the local system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.47-1build1 (feisty), package size 263 kB, installed size 740 kB12:46
eternaljoyflapster: but some ppl just told I may be infected12:46
zcat[1] If you're not running a sshd, or an ftp server, or apache with some php script, the chanes of getting 0wned is just about zero..12:46
kust0m!info clamav12:46
ubotuclamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 849 kB, installed size 1280 kB12:46
ncdfor the life of me i cant rember any names now12:46
marcosccrdlb, http://ati.de/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html12:46
n4th4neternaljoy: ps ax12:46
=== MikeReiner smacks his head
soundraydigital_k: that's right. You can't normally install a rootkit on Linux, unless there is a privilege escalation vulnerability. But those do exist, and so do rootkits.12:46
ncdbut I know they are out there12:46
theINCcould anyone find a tutorial about how to install Ubuntu, after Vista's been installed, to allow a dual-boot?12:46
peterkafeonix: that was joke12:46
eternaljoykust0m: does clamav update virus data files?12:46
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MikeReinerncd: I found out why ut04 isn't working12:47
eternaljoyn4th4n: ps ax ?12:47
TheUnknownOnemarcosc: Yes I have, but it screwed over my login-logout commands.12:47
glickdoes anyone have any idea how to do that?12:47
digital_kgood to know soundray, thanks12:47
crdlbmarcosc: that's fglrx12:47
feonixI know I've just never heard of qemu before12:47
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crdlbwhich is in ubuntu's repos12:47
kust0meternaljoy: they release new defs daily.12:47
TheUnknownOnemarcosc: Gave me damn decent 3d though...12:47
crdlbmarcosc: what ati card do you have?12:47
glickhow can i make ubuntu ask for the root program before it launches my program?12:47
tawoohattempting to install java 6, anyone know how to do this easily??12:47
n4th4neternaljoy: yep. type at command prompt12:47
MikeReinerncd: I was playing around for a moment, and set the res to 1600x1200 in ut04.. because I had added that res in the xorg... but then I changed it back.. so ut04 is like "WTF man.. there is no option for 1600x1200.."12:47
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F0957.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
marcosccrdlb, X160012:47
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eternaljoyn4th4n: why?12:47
marcosccrdlb, mobility12:47
kust0mglick: are you using a shell script or something?12:47
crdlbmarcosc: did you enable the restricted driver?12:47
=== ben_underscore [n=ben@ppp92-231.lns10.adl6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbglick: gksu12:48
marcosccrdlb, it failed?12:48
MikeReinerI feel like a nub12:48
glickkust0m, no its a custom program im writting12:48
marcosccrdlb, and I cant seem to get it back up?12:48
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crdlbmarcosc: that's the same driver12:48
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kust0mglick: gksu is a graphical version of 'su' i believe.12:48
crdlbglick: gksu is a graphical version of sudo12:48
crdlbno gksu = gksudo12:48
n4th4neternaljoy: it will tell you all processes running, for all users, regardless of controlling tty. the trick is to spot what shouldn't be running ;)12:48
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marcosccrdlb, oh ok... do you know how I can get that screen up again to re-enable it.. or how to do it from the command line?12:48
TeleSkierHow do I add a Feisty CD to my repository list?12:49
eternaljoyn4th4n: i dont have the experience to know what shouldnt be running12:49
allblacksok i have change the input on PAL table frequency to europe and then scan channels and nothing12:49
crdlbmarcosc: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg12:49
crdlband choose vesa12:49
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n4th4neternaljoy: fair enough.12:49
crdlbthat will get you X12:49
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eternaljoyn4th4n: do you?12:49
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zcat[1] eternaljoy: seriously, if you're just doing ordinary desktop stuff and install software from the official repositories, there is basically zero chance of getting any viruses or spyware in ubuntu.12:49
Swetcurseee89irc.sevgimnet.com  http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
eternaljoyzcat[1] : I visit many websites.12:50
=== brotherJohn1234 [n=brotherJ@p5483ff8c.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
n4th4neternaljoy: not really, but i could compare it with mine...12:50
=== engineerx11 [n=mafungia@host38-103.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
eternaljoyzcat[1] : can I get something using Opera?12:50
feonixn4th4n, couldn't someone change ps to exclude listing their rootkit? :)12:50
eternaljoyn4th4n: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20626/12:50
=== IanL [n=ian@p1056-ipbf608marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbeternaljoy: you really can't get spyware from websites12:50
crdlbon linux12:50
kust0meternaljoy: don't run it as root, and it's not likely.12:50
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
ghatakHi use Fedora without GUI, I have a dual core CPU, how do i check if each core is being used and how much of each core ?12:50
glickdamn i wish my games all worked with ubuntu12:50
n4th4nfeonix: if they can do that, the deserve to pwn me :D12:50
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-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
glickid delete vista12:50
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-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
=== Yancho is now known as YanchoAWY
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
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-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
nonZeroHi There!  anybody knows if it's possible to tame application windows to be closed with double click on the window menu (upper left corner)?12:50
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
ncdkickban Swetcurseee8912:50
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-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:50
kust0mghatak: I think you're in the wrong channel hoss.12:50
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
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-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
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kust0m-Swetcurseee89: DIAF!12:51
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:51
-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
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-Swetcurseee89:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
zcat[1] !ops12:51
marcosccrdlb, vesa is already selected. Can I get it to use the ATI Driver or is that the ATI Driver (ie. using 3d acceleration)12:51
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:51
ncddamn SCAG head12:51
tom88hi there, is anyone able to help me with setting up a terratec aureon PCI card?12:51
eternaljoykunwon1: I was told to start it by typing "sudo opera"12:51
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flapsterHe got kicked for flood :)12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
crdlbmarcosc: vesa is the generic driver which should pretty much always work12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
zcat[1] ahh, that's ok then12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
tawoohi got error: dependency is not satisfiable:sun-java5-jre|sun-java6-jre|sun-java5-jdk|sunjava6-jdk, how can i fix this??12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
kust0meternaljoy: that's running as root. and not good.12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
eternaljoyanyone else getting flooded by -eMeeLcee/#ubuntu- ?12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:51
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-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
digital_kits annoying12:52
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok12:52
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
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-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
eternaljoy!ban -eMeeLcee/#ubuntu-12:52
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zcat[1] where are the ops tonight?!!12:52
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o crimsun] by ChanServ
zer0x41ban him12:52
digital_kcan someone get rid of it12:52
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-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
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-eMeeLcee:#ubuntu- irc.sevgimnet.com http://www.sevgimnet.com12:52
Endlessguitarcan some1 help me with one easy thing I guess12:52
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by crimsun
=== Desmaano [n=Admin@ip240-24-212-87.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Toumaznice one12:52
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zcat[1] hello crimsun !!12:52
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feonixeternaljoy, if you do "sudo opera" it means you ran opera as the superuser.. meaning if someone can exploit your browser they'll have root on your system12:52
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eternaljoyi typed: sudo apt-get install clamav   But how I now run it?12:53
feonixThat is why you don't run things as root12:53
eternaljoyfeonix: ok12:53
kust0meternaljoy: run it without the 'sudo'12:53
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kust0meternaljoy: it runs as a daemon i think.12:53
eternaljoykust0m: ok12:53
ubuntuEdgyno one can exploit opera12:53
ben_underscoreEndlessguitar: what's your issue?12:53
defrysketeran, clamscan /path/to/folder/12:53
=== Sonderblade [n=fsldfj@h-235-183.A189.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu
tom88damn flood....is anyone good with ALSA, specifically on Terratec cards?12:53
marcosccrdlb, I want to have 3d acceleration. What should I do?12:53
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun
Endlessguitarwhat  mean with issue sorry about my english?12:53
eternaljoydefrysk: ty :)  and how do I update it?12:53
digital_ki do not care for opera at all, but thats OT12:53
MikeReinerdude, I really don't think there is such thing as software that can't be hacked12:53
Desmaanocan anyone tell me what 'cycle redundancy error' means ??12:53
crdlbmarcosc: the only way to get it is with fglrx12:53
n4th4nhi, need wifi help - dlink dwl-520 (atheros 5212/madwifi) worked fine under edgy amd64, but after clean install of feisty amd64, wifi not working. ping to AP drops 50-90% of packets. iwconfig shows freq switching constantly. help!12:54
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crdlbmarcosc: which the restricted manager should have installed if you ran it12:54
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kust0mDesmaano: it's some kind of read error..you got this ona  cd?12:54
crdlbif not: follow12:54
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:54
Endlessguitarwhen I activated my desktop effects been all windows maximed so I cant move em anything how do I change it ?12:54
zcat[1] eternaljoy: there's a thing called 'freshclam' which updates it in the background..12:54
defrysketernaljoy, thats all I know, i never use it12:54
eternaljoyok cheers12:54
theINCquestion: if I'm installing Ubuntu, it comes with Gnome Partition Editor, so I'll be able to assign, say 40GB or so to it, and that'll let me dual-boot?12:54
tom_ghi all, can anyone that runs ut2004 on intel gfx please give me a hand with something, im getting strange white flashes every so often in the game, anyone got a clue?12:54
kust0mzcat[1] : I'm going to install that right now. :)12:54
eternaljoyi also was told to use rkhunter. any good?12:54
Desmaanokust0m: No i get it when i move files to my ubuntu fileserver from a windows client12:54
feonixn4th4n, can you do something like iwconfig ath0 channel 11?12:54
kust0mDesmaano: goooood luck.12:55
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crdlbEndlessguitar: you mean you have no titlebars?12:55
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Desmaanoso why should ubuntu reject some of my files ?12:55
ncdyeah that is one major credit to ubuntu's installer12:55
digital_kso getting back to my original question, does anyone have any usage experience with innotek virtualbox?12:55
digital_kis it good?12:55
Endlessguitarwell I guess its it12:55
crdlbEndlessguitar: nvidia?12:55
n4th4nfeonix: yep, it does it without erroring, but doesn't change anything12:55
EndlessguitarI got the diver too12:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rkhunter - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:55
Endlessguitarinstalled it yesterday12:55
crdlbEndlessguitar: did you use ther restricted manager to do it?12:56
ncdthe fact that gparted is there and seems to work perfectly assuming the underlying is all good12:56
ashtondigital_k: I tried an older version of virtualbox. it was fast, but at the time not very stable12:56
kust0mDesmaano: that's probably going to be hard to track down.12:56
crdlbsystem>administration>restricted manager12:56
tom_gplease someone, this is my fav game i cant live without it!12:56
Endlessguitarno ;P12:56
sp1d3r_Does anyone know which is the right module of "php for mysql"?12:56
marcosccrdlb, I told the system to enable it, but how can I confirm that the driver is installed and active?12:56
digital_ki want to install it just to play around with it, maybe install windows 2000 or something12:56
crdlbEndlessguitar: that was your mistake12:56
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eternaljoyrkhunter says: eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[5483] )  Any ideas?12:56
feonixn4th4n, iwconfig ath0 freq can set the frequency12:56
Endlessguitarwill I restall linux?12:56
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crdlbmarcosc: run: fglrxinfo12:56
crdlbEndlessguitar: it's easy to fix12:56
Seveaseternaljoy, that's a false positive12:56
marcosccrdlb, you rock!12:57
crdlbEndlessguitar: sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2412:57
Desmaanokust0m: it are some .iso and .rar files, strange it rejects my files i think12:57
crdlbEndlessguitar: then restart X12:57
ncdthats also a great way to learn the ropes with regard to fs-tool manipulation12:57
eternaljoySeveas: ok, pheew12:57
n4th4nfeonix: i know - it doesn't. it's as if it's being ignored. i thought possibly some unknown app is scanning12:57
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Desmaanois it because of incompatibility between NTFS and ext3?12:57
ashtondigital_k: so long as they have fixed the one or two problems I had, which is likely, installing and running win2000 should be a breeze12:57
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Endlessguitarwhat you mean with restart x server?12:57
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digital_kwhat problems did you encounter ashton?12:57
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ashtondigital_k: random crashes :)12:57
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crdlbEndlessguitar: log out and press ctrl+alt+bksp from the login screen12:58
eternaljoySeveas: i use Opera a lot to browse many different websites.  Can websites install any virus,rootkit,spyware etc on my feisty?12:58
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digital_keternaljoy, as was said, it may be possible, but i will say no.12:58
crdlbeternaljoy: there are no known examples of that in the wild12:58
kust0meternaljoy: that's been answered. can they, yes. but it's not likely.12:58
LasoL_someone has a vaio fe? i am trying use the fn keys but dont work12:58
eternaljoycrdlb: ok ty12:58
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ashtondigital_k: i'm using vmware player for all my vm needs at the moment, but I'm about to install ubuntu into a virtualbox vm in a few minutes, to find a fix for a problem a friend has12:59
Dj-skovsneglhallo i need some help with ogle, ive installed it from synaptic and the gui for it, i can open the program but it crashes when i load a dvd disk. i seem to remeber ive used it fine before why isent it working?12:59
eternaljoykust0m: I know, but I wanted to ask Seveas too for his opinion.  thanks12:59
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digital_kvmware player will only run a preconfigured virtual machine tho right?12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about crc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:00
ncdeternaljoy, if you run it as root i would say there is a small chance.. but as ever the browser will ask you if you want to inflict serious injuries via a extention or in m$ spiel "addins"01:00
ncdits up to you if you say yes01:00
eternaljoyncd: I run it from the menu01:00
catulluspoetahow do i make bash my default shell?01:01
=== Cheese [n=Cheese@p508E0ADF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ncdyou havnt got much to worry about as a normal user01:01
Dj-skovsneglanyone have expirience with ogle?01:01
digital_kis ogle a player or ripper?01:01
marcosccrdlb, it was not installed... when I try to install it tells me I need to be root. When I try to "su", it rejects my password? might have bigger problems than I thought?01:01
JJ|Laptopmarcosc: check capslock and case01:02
zcat[1] eternaljoy: basically there is no reason you'd ever run the browser as root. And there are no remove-code exploits I know of.. I can't even remember the last one I read about.. basically the whole thing is just a total non-issue in linux. It doesn't happen.01:02
marcoscJJ|Laptop, checked01:02
digital_kyes, could be the caps is engaged01:02
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digital_kpasswords are case sensitive01:02
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crdlbmarcosc: running what?01:02
JJ|Laptopmight also wanna try to logout and then directly into root01:02
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eternaljoyzcat[1] : ok cheers01:02
crdlbmarcosc: you need to use the restricted manager to install the driver01:03
ashtondigital_k: yep, sort of. you can use qemu-img to create empty images, and various web apps will let you generate vmware image config files, and you can get vmware tools from vmware server for the os you use, if needed01:03
marcosccrdlb, fglrxinfo told me that the driver was not installed01:03
SoulChildHey Guys, can i copy the content of my "/boot"-Partition to the root dir and then format the Boot-artition without getting Problems on boot ?01:03
ashtondigital_k: but virtualbox on the whole is easier01:03
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crdlbmarcosc: use the restricted manager to install it01:03
zcat[1] eternaljoy: however you will still run into annoying popup ads. I use firefox and adblock+ to deal with those...01:03
ncdwith Grsecurity stack protection or something like it I think i would say no chance.. but the only problem with that is its so secure legit things can stop working with it01:03
=== teaster [n=user@0x535ebdce.hsnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
digital_ki dabbled with vmware server on windows when a certain os from a fruit company became available for x86 ;)01:03
marcosccrdlb, how do I launch the restricted manager?01:04
crdlbmarcosc: are you on ubuntu feisty?01:04
Dj-skovsneglcan anyone fix my crash problem? whats wrong?01:04
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marcosccrdlb, sorry, just found it!01:04
stefgSoulChild: you've got to adapt /etc/fstab accordingly (delete the /boot entry so that no separate partition is assumed)01:04
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digital_kDj have you tried uninstalling it?01:04
sambiasehi..does anyone here run ubuntu as guest in vmware?01:04
digital_kand reinstall01:04
SoulChildstefg ok thanks01:04
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rob_pDesmaano: How are your PCs connected?  Wireless or wired?01:05
zcat[1] Just for the record I regularly visit some of the most malware prone sites on the web, places like serials.ws and I've never had a problem...01:05
eternaljoyzcat[1] : good idea01:05
sambiasei need to install... gcc, binutils, make, kernel sources....how do i do that in ubuntu?01:05
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teastersambiase: sudo apt-get install binutils01:05
zcat[1] .. those sites will basically kill a windows box dead if you even take a peen using MSIE..01:05
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marcosccrdlb, when I check the box for ATI accelerated drivers it asks me to confirm but then just unchecks the box :(01:06
zcat[1] *peek01:06
digital_klol zcat01:06
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digital_kand any site that ends in .ru pretty much01:06
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Endlessguitarlook at this picture01:06
crdlbmarcosc: then do it manually01:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:06
Endlessguitarlook :P01:06
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=== crdlb doesn't see a picture
zcat[1] not sure about .ru sites, but serials.ws is where I send windows users when they tell me they've never had a problem with spyware..01:06
EndlessguitarI send you one file01:06
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crdlbEndlessguitar: imageshack.us01:07
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zcat[1] even firefox in windows isn't totally safe there01:07
digital_ki was owned on a russian serial site once, i stupidly went there with IE, av loaded with firewall. i was owned in seconds.01:07
sambiasei got the error Couldnt find package binutils01:07
Chilling_SilenceIm getting an error with Feisty, in Gaim, on multiple workstations (i386 laptop & amd64 Desktop): Message could not be sent because the user is offline. Only thing is I know the users are all online...01:07
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Chilling_SilenceOnly seems to happen for Msn01:07
digital_kit probably would be with the noscript extension , zcat01:07
digital_kthats a handy extension01:08
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abaddoncan you guys help me with compiling?01:08
sambiasewhat is the package name for the kernel sources?01:08
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crdlbabaddon: compiling what?01:08
sladensambiase: linux-source01:08
abaddonim trying to install lineage 201:08
rob_pDesmaano: ?01:08
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zcat[1] perhaps.. they do some truly evil stuff though... There's probably a flash exploit or two on it.01:08
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abaddonand the instructions say compile as you always do, which doesnt help me in the least01:08
sambiaseand bintuils?01:08
sladenskylight: yes, Renderman runs on Linux (big time)01:09
Dj-skovsneglno i havent digital01:09
digital_knoscript will block anything from happening unless you allow the site, i use it  even in Ubuntu01:09
sladenskylight: all the hollywood studios use the setup01:09
Dj-skovsneglill try01:09
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Chilling_SilenceAnybody with ideas on MSN errors in Gaim?01:09
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stefgI'm having trouble configuring my fonts. If i set autohinting on (by having a .font.config in my ~ ) the desktop looks nice and the DejaVu sans condensed is actually condendensed :-) .. But the rendered pages in Firefox look horribly (not the UI, the content). without autohinting FFs rendering is alright, but the desktop looks crap :-( any deskmodder knows a solution to this?01:09
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zcat[1] I probably should too, I've had the odd site crash firefox with idiotic scripting01:09
crdlbabaddon: you're trying to run it in wine right?01:09
sladenChilling_Silence: try the main upstream GAIM website, they may have a FAQ, as sometimes MS change the protocol01:09
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crdlbabaddon: then what compiling are you talking about?01:10
crdlbcompiling wine?01:10
Chilling_Silencesladen: no problems prior to Ubuntu, was running Gaim2.0Beta6 this morning in XP fine01:10
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sacaterhello! need a bit of help, my new(2nd hand old) laptop has pcmia support, when I put a pcmia card in, nothing happens, how do I mount, Xubuntu 7.0401:10
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abaddonhere ill post the link01:10
Endlessguitarcrdlb --> http://img522.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdy2.png01:10
zcat[1] allblacks: how's the tv card going?01:10
allblackshi still problems with TV tuner i have looked in the device database01:10
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Desmaanorob_p: sorry im back now :P01:11
=== joe7d6 wishes final cut runs on linux :p
rob_pDesmaano: Ok.01:11
Desmaanorob_p: wireless, does it make any difference?01:11
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pawitpAnyone know a reason why 64bit apps keep crashing?01:11
allblacksand it says at the cipset is BT 878 brooktree corp vendor01:11
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crdlbEndlessguitar: #ubuntu-effects01:11
Chilling_Silencepawitp: what kinda 64-bit apps? they're fine here01:11
rob_pDesmaano: Yes.  Mainly because a crapy wireless connection can cause that sort of trouble.01:11
zcat[1] allblacks: probably have to pass CARD=?? in the module config.. I could takea look at mine, I have two bt878 cards here.01:11
Endlessguitaraha will I join?01:11
Chilling_Silenceallblacks: thats fine, its supported :)01:11
Desmaanorob_p: so if i copy my files with a cable it might work ?01:12
pawitpChilling_Silence: Alot, including konqueror01:12
sladenChilling_Silence: when MS change the protocol, it affects everyone, regardlessly01:12
pawitpand X seems to be acting funny as well01:12
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driverzHi room... Someone kindly gave me a link the other day (which I've misplaced)  to a page that explained the changes between dev & UUID ayone know where that explanation can be found01:12
allblacksit is scanning but nothing if somebody from here lives in Romania and had the same problem like me01:12
rob_pDesmaano: Cyclic Redundancy Check (crc) errors often happen on intermittant networks where packets get lost, etc.01:12
Dj-skovsneglstill crashes01:12
Chilling_Silencesladen: I just re-signed in on another 3rd PC, using the same Gaim version, its fine01:12
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Chilling_Silencesladen: Its not Microsoft, its something specific...01:12
sladenChilling_Silence: can you reproduce the error on the first PC?01:12
rob_pDesmaano: I'd be willing to bet it would.01:12
sladenChilling_Silence: if you can reproduce it, you should file a bug report01:13
Desmaanorob_p: ok that would be awesome, I'll try this afternoon, thanks :)01:13
Chilling_Silencepawitp: when did it start?01:13
pawitpChiling_Silence: KDE crashes and the wallpaper goes on an off01:13
rob_pDesmaano: ...but I've lost a few bets in my day too!  :-)01:13
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crdlbabaddon: it's possible it will work with normal wine01:13
crdlbso you don't need to compile your own version of wine01:13
Chilling_Silencepawitp: you're not trying kde4 are you?01:13
pawitpChlling_Silence: It's stable KDE and I just installed it today01:13
pawitpKDE 3.5.601:14
abaddonok so simply try it and see if it works01:14
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zcat[1] allblacks: there should be a CARDLIST file somewhere, findthe exact card you have and pass it's number in /etc/modutils/something  (I'd have to look it up)01:14
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Chilling_Silencepawitp: run it from a konsole and see if it gives you any info as it crashes01:14
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premier_hello, I'm trying to play a media file with strange, ultra new windows codecs called h264... how do I install them?01:15
Chilling_Silencepremier_: works in any of the media players01:15
stefg!ping | stefg01:15
pawitpChilling_Silence: I can't reproduce it just right now01:15
rob_pDesmaano: Perhaps you can improve the performance of your wireless network by adjusting the location(s) of your wireless clients and access point for better signal strength?01:15
MikeReinerpremier_: they work for me in VLC01:15
premier_Chilling_Silence: not for me01:15
Chilling_Silencepremier_: you'll be prompted to install codecs01:15
ncdwhat is the equivlent of winamp?01:15
Chilling_Silencepremier_: what player? mplayer works? totem (gstreamer) needs plugins downloaded though01:15
zirodayncd: xmms01:15
ubotuaudacious is included in !Feisty. A !repository also exists for !Edgy: see http://audacious-media-player.org/Downloads01:15
ncdxmms support themes yet?01:15
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Chilling_SilenceAudacious, not xmms01:15
crdlbxmms is dead01:16
ncdi should of put a little exclude on xmms ;)01:16
crdlband has been for a long time01:16
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MikeReineri need help getting the sound to work in quake3.. it's just not the same without the grunting and gun fire effects :P01:16
premier_Chilling_Silence: vlc, mplayer, kplayer, kaffine, xine01:16
zaggynlAnyone knows what's new on the Sennheiser pc151 compared with pc150? except the 0->1 :{01:16
ncdxmms was ahead of its time though01:16
PowerDemonhey guys is there much advantage in useing the 64 bit version of ubuntu or should i stick with the 32bit one?01:16
Desmaanorob_p: it could be improved, but the file has to be transfered only once (or maybe twice when i copy it back) so plugging a cable isnt a big deal01:16
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Chilling_Silencepremier_: if you've got mplayer from apt, it'll have support01:16
crdlbMikeReiner: you need to close all other apps using sound01:16
crdlbthen it will work01:16
Chilling_Silencepremier_: you sure its h.24?01:16
allblackscan i find somewhere a counter strike for linux to play on?01:16
MikeReinercrblb: nope. tried that long ago01:17
crdlbPowerDemon: it's not worth it01:17
ncdwhile shite amp was chewing up cpu's world wide ... xmms's devs were fast asleep dreaming about their next projects01:17
Chilling_SilencePowerDemon: Speed in x64 is nice :)01:17
flapsterallblacks, Counter strike runs well through Wine, www.winehq.org or #winehq01:17
MikeReinercrdlb: doesn't work, i tried that already01:17
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ncdejoying there 0.00% cpu usage01:17
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premier_Chilling_Silence: apparently its a new version (version 2?)01:17
Chilling_SilencePowerDemon: Encoding videos seems to be faster for me01:17
sercikhow can i exclude autoupdate of a package?01:17
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Chilling_Silencepremier_: whats a new version? version of the codec? mplayer isnt at 2.X....01:17
MikeReinerflapster: really? cs 1.6 ran terrible for me on wine.. the fps would go from 20-100 randomly.. so sporadic01:17
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tawoohokay, trying to install limewire, i get an error about not being able to find java, but i have the newest java installed... haelp??01:17
zcat[1] ncd: and I was playing mp3's on my 486 using mpg123 :)01:17
PowerDemonis it much better than the 32 bit version tho?01:17
premier_Chilling_Silence: codecs01:17
crdlb!pinning | sercik01:18
ubotusercik: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto01:18
PowerDemoni have both versions but not sure which one to instal01:18
feonixallblacks, just put tahoma.tff font file into /home/user/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts and then run the steaminstaller in wine.. and that's it, can play as normal01:18
zcat[1] Yeah... 48601:18
MindOfChaosyou can still get those?01:18
crdlbPowerDemon: use the 32bit version01:18
Chilling_SilencePowerDemon: it doesnt support flash plugins, only x86 does01:18
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MindOfChaosI have not seen one in years01:18
Endlessguitarcrdlb hmm?01:18
zirodaytawooh: how are you installing frostwire01:18
cbsomg I love ubuntu01:18
Chilling_Silencepremier_: nah mate....01:18
sercikcrdlb i need that a particculary will not be automatically updated01:18
Endlessguitarwhat do you think  I need 2 do?01:18
MindOfChaosTo the point im pulling 1 GHz computers out of bins01:18
flapsterMikeReiner, I never looked at 1.6 only Source :)01:18
PowerDemonah ok, so will that change in future tho?01:18
MindOfChaosnot 486s01:18
teastertawood: use frostwire instead its lot better.01:18
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crdlbsercik: read the guide01:18
MikeReinerflapster: well it's the same thing with source too01:18
Chilling_Silencepremier_: play it from terminal with mplayer, see what it says, /msg me01:18
ncdheheh zcat01:18
tawoohrunning the linux based installer off the limewire website...01:18
MikeReinerflapster: it runs just as sporadic01:19
ttjlhey does anyone know how i get widescreen res?01:19
zcat[1] back when mp3's first came out and you needed a pentium to run winamp or xmms..01:19
flapsterMikeReiner, Oh  my source runs perfectly, stays around 40 fps01:19
MindOfChaos I had a cyrix01:19
MindOfChaosback then01:19
zcat[1] and I didn'[t have a pentium back then!01:19
flapsterMikeReiner, Quite crap compared to the 100 in windows but oh well :)01:19
MikeReinerflapster: ehh.. i can't live with that personally01:19
MindOfChaosCyrix 15001:19
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MindOfChaosWith 120MHz01:19
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MikeReinerflapster: I only play games on wine that run at full speed01:19
teastertawood: sudo apt-get install frostwire <---- More features and only a free version.01:19
allblacksis there also a notepad on ubuntu or something close to that01:19
premier_ERROR: Could not open required DirectShow codec wmv9dmod.dll.01:19
premier_You need to upgrade/install the binary codecs package.01:19
flapsterMikeReiner, I found opensuse to be the best to run CS:S when I had it, around 70fps01:20
zcat[1] I had a 486DX4-100 :(01:20
nichlasallblacks: gedit01:20
zirodayallblacks: geit01:20
Chilling_Silencepremier_: thats not h.26401:20
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ttjlhow do i install i915 resolution01:20
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:20
rob_pDesmaano: I see.  Well, a wired connection will probably be the ticket for ya then.  Good luck with it.01:20
zirodayallblacks: *gedit in Apps > Accesories > Text Editor01:20
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Chilling_Silencepremier_: you need win32codecs for mplayer or the bad-plugins for gstreamer01:20
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zcat[1] !i91501:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i915 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
MikeReinerflapster: bah, i wish that game would just get ported to linux01:20
zcat[1] wtf..01:20
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.01:20
zcat[1] !i81001:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i810 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:20
MikeReinerflapster: more than likely it will never happen though01:20
zcat[1] damn bot..01:20
flapsterMikeReiner, Nope, very few companies are willing to spend the money too01:21
daathhello people! :)01:21
crdlb!info 915resolution01:21
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)01:21
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ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)01:21
arnonhey guys and gals. I'm looking for help using wlan with a dlink usb dongle (on 7.04)01:21
Tonnerre915resolution is practically obsoleted by the intel driver01:21
arnonanyone up for it?01:21
ncdubotu i would shame you with my knowelege of intel driver crapness01:21
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Tonnerrexserver-xorg-video-intel - X.Org X server -- Intel i8xx, i9xx display driver01:21
ttjlfine but i cant get widescreen on my vaio and im a moron01:21
crdlbbut the new intel driver is only in universe01:21
TonnerreThat one doesn't need to get the modes from the VBIOS01:21
crdlband has some problems with compiz/beryl01:21
daathI am pretty rusty in using linux, I just installed feisty ubuntu on my new htpc - remind me how I force a specific graphics mode - i.e. resolution and refresh in linux? I edit xorg.conf and set a "modeline" somewhere?01:22
Tonnerrecrdlb, works well here01:22
crdlbTonnerre: some problems :)01:22
crdlbnot for everybody01:22
ttjlHow do i edit xorg.conf?01:22
EndlessguitarI checked my resoution01:22
MindOfChaosdaath stuff if I know01:22
EndlessguitarIts just 50 hz01:22
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Endlessguitarin windows when  I look is it 60 hz01:22
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Endlessguitarhow do I exchange it?01:22
zcat[1] 50Hz? Owwww...01:22
crdlbEndlessguitar: that's nvidia being stupid01:22
crdlbit's an lcd right?01:22
Endlessguitarlcd widescreen 17 "01:23
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zcat[1] ahh, that's ok then..01:23
MindOfChaosttjl /etc/X1101:23
rob_pttjl: What Vaio model?01:23
MindOfChaossudo gedit xorg.conf01:23
ttjlumm pcg 791m01:23
daathIn the "Monitor" section in xorg.conf it says "DPMS" - do I just put the modelines there?01:23
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Chilling_Silencepremier_: that work?01:24
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Endlessguitarits one empy01:24
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ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use  gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using  sudo <GUI-application> 01:24
=== MindOfChaos rolls around on the floor
Endlessguitarwhat need I to do?01:24
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ttjlso XORG.CONF is empty? whats to edit?01:25
ncdI was reading last night that DirectX 8 implemented some vertex shading via software and the api was crufted to beable switch .. some guy was like well why cant we do it with pixel shader.. and the response he got was well damning you would need at a absolute minimum a TOP speed dual core processor and some super fast bus's .. then its perfectly possible :D .. the loading as he explained it is quite exponential01:25
MindOfChaosno caps01:25
daathwow this interlaced graphics mode sucks when you move windows around :|01:25
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MindOfChaosNo caps lock ttjl01:25
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MindOfChaosremeber its case sensitive01:25
nichlasttjl: no caps, there's a difference between XORG.CONF and xorg.conf01:25
ttjloh sorry i didnt use caps in the terminal01:26
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EndlessguitarI restall linux??01:26
Endlessguitarand then01:26
crdlbwhat would that do?01:26
Endlessguitarcan you help me to isntall my graphic drivers?01:26
tondarhow much do you guys consider frostwire??01:26
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crdlbthey're already installed01:26
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Endlessguitarbut its fucked up :S?01:26
crdlb!language | Endlessguitar01:26
ubotuEndlessguitar: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:26
joe7d6ncd: what was the about? care to elaborate? :p01:26
MindOfChaosapt-get install frostwire*01:26
MindOfChaosReading package lists... Done01:26
MindOfChaosBuilding dependency tree01:26
MindOfChaosReading state information... Done01:26
MindOfChaosE: Couldn't find package frostwire01:26
crdlbEndlessguitar: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:27
crdlbpastebin it01:27
MindOfChaostondar doesn't work for me01:27
MikeReinerflapster: how do you go about getting counter-strike source to run? do you use wine or cedega?01:27
Endlessguitarand then?01:27
ttjlyup xorg.conf is just empty01:27
joe7d6Endlessguitar: whats your problem?01:27
tondarMindOfChaos: what do you mean ?01:27
ncdtrying to impliment hardware function pixel & vertex shading in software01:27
crdlbEndlessguitar: then I'll look at it01:27
MindOfChaosapt-get doesn't find it01:27
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ivxcan anyone recommend a graphics card that has 2 dvi outs and will run 2 monitors good?01:27
MindOfChaosnot that i have try that hard01:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:27
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flapsterMikeReiner, Wine,01:28
MikeReinerflapster: version?01:28
flapsterMikeReiner, Following the guide on there appdb01:28
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joe7d6ivx: nvidia 8xxx something?01:28
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zcat[1] ttjl: /etc/X11/xorg.conf (with a capital X on X11) is empty??01:28
flapsterMikeReiner, Laest I guess, there hasnt seemed to be any regressions in it01:28
feonixCounter-Strike is the easiest game to get working in Linux I swear01:28
Endlessguitarmy problem is when I active dekstop effects get all windows maximized and I cant see the toolbar over01:28
EndlessguitarI got01:28
maraishi :) anyone can help me? my external hard drive has become "just  read" and cannot change the permises01:28
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Endlessguitarnvidia 760001:28
flapsterfeonix, Yeah, One of01:28
ivxjoe7d6 would any 8xxx be supported?01:28
crdlbEndlessguitar: are you going to do it?01:28
Endlessguitarwhat? :S01:28
MindOfChaos7600GS nvidia cards are nice01:28
ttjlzcat[1]  it is /home/tom01:29
flapsterMikeReiner, If you get stuck ask Enverex inside #winehq , he knows a damn lot!01:29
EndlessguitarI opened the fle and?01:29
MindOfChaosand 7600GT cards are even better01:29
crdlb!pastebin | Endlessguitar01:29
ubotuEndlessguitar: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:29
MindOfChaosnice for linux01:29
joe7d6i dont have any nvidia card but i think so :p im quite sure :p01:29
MikeReinerflapster: thanks01:29
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soundraymarais: have you got a backup of the data on it?01:29
crdlbivx: only the 8800 by feisty's driver01:29
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crdlbif that's what you're asking01:29
Endlessguitarwhats that?01:29
flapsterMikeReiner, Want a link to the appdb page?01:29
maraisno soundray :( it's too big01:29
MikeReinerflapster: sure01:29
flapsterMikeReiner, One mo01:29
ncdsending millions of istructions to the cpu which should of ended up at the gpu in real time isnt going to work out too well for the singal core coyote01:30
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Endlessguitarwhat for syntax will I take?01:30
maraisI think it's a question of format of the unit01:30
crdlbEndlessguitar: doesn't matter01:30
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ivxcrdlb, 829 buck though :(01:30
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crdlbivx: get a 7xxx01:30
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MindOfChaosIntel Core 2 Duo01:30
zcat[1] hmmm .. I need sleep01:30
maraisI think it's a question of format of the unit soundray01:30
MindOfChaosKicks ass01:30
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iggyboyhiya... I'm new to ubuntu irc here, quick intro... i'm from malaysia and start to ubuntu since dapper drake LTS:)01:30
flapsterMikeReiner, If you first follow the HOWTO on this http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=1554 to get Steam, then click on the Source link and follow that too01:31
soundraymarais: when a drive suddenly becomes read-only, there are several possible reasons. The worst case is that the filesystem has somehow become inconsistent, in which case your data is in danger.01:31
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MindOfChaosHey iggyboy01:31
MindOfChaosPM me a question01:31
ivxcrdlb, would all 7xxx be supported?01:31
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TonnerreHow does one get a list of all available cpufreq governors?01:31
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maraissoundray: I think the problem is that it got suddenly unplugged01:31
MikeReinerflapster: alright, I saved that link. i'll have to do it later.. 5:30 am.. keke see ya01:31
crdlbivx: yes, be sure to install nvidia-glx-new though01:31
iggyboyi got a quick question here... do CLI accept file name with spaces? i think i got problem here with file names that consist of space :(01:32
soundraymarais: what filesystem is on the drive?01:32
crdlbiggyboy: quote it01:32
ttjlOK got xorg.conf up now what bit do i change ;)01:32
ivxcrdlb, aight thanks01:32
iggyboyHi... :)01:32
crdlbiggyboy: or escape it01:32
flapster!welcome | iggyboy01:32
hacked_kernelWhen compiling a program written in c++ and gtk using glade, i get this err   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20632/plain/01:32
MindOfChaosiggyboy cd /home/my\ name\ has\ spaces01:32
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:32
maraisfat32 soundray01:32
joe7d6Tonnerre: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors ?01:32
ubotuiggyboy: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.01:32
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MindOfChaosus\ to\ mark\ out\ the\ spaces01:33
soundraymarais: I would try running dosfsck on it, but there's a risk of losing data.01:33
Tonnerrejoe7d6, ah, thanks01:33
crdlbEndlessguitar: looks ok, try a full reboot01:33
maraisthanks a lot soundray :) i'll try anyway01:33
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zlxIs there a way to change the amount of lines the mouse wheel scrolls?01:33
soundraymarais: unmount it first, and have a look at 'man dosfsck' before you go ahead01:34
sacaterhello! need a bit of help, my new(2nd hand old) laptop has pcmia support, when I put a pcmia card in, nothing happens, how do I mount, Xubuntu 7.0401:34
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iggyboymore or less I am a bit familiar with CLI and can do some basic settings using it, but sometime the file names with space get trancated.01:34
hacked_kernelWhen compiling a program written in c++ and gtk using glade, i get this err   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20632/plain/  does any one knows what does that mean?01:34
abaddonhow do i configure gdesklets to have an image sitting somewhere on my screen thats not the stupid dirty dancing picture01:34
maraisthanks a lot soundray:) I'll do it like that01:34
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iggyboyis it NOT adviseble to have file name with spaces?01:34
feonixiggyboy, you can put the whole file name in quotes01:34
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obsethrylis anyone into raid6 / raid60 in here please? thank you very much01:34
soundraymarais: dosfsck is in the dosfstools package (which should be installed already, so I'm saying it just in case).01:34
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obsethryli am implementing such an array right now and i would like to exchange some information regarding that01:35
crdlbiggyboy: it's generally better to avoid them, but if you put everything in quotes, you should be ok01:35
iggyboyic... quota is the trick :)01:35
feonixiggyboy, if you don't use quotes it takes each space as a new parameter.. putting it in quotes will make it use it as one01:35
iggyboyi got it.01:35
cbslol, has anyone ever noticed on indiana jones and the temple of doom, in the beginning, when indy and the girl are in front of the club, the name of the club in blue letters is : CLUB OBI WAN01:35
maraisahh oki soundray I'll look for it01:35
flapstercbs, Little random! XD01:35
abaddonhow do i use gdesklets or another such program to display an image on my desktop01:35
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cbssorry just happend to have put it on a min ago :O01:35
ealxciao a tutti01:35
ncdyou know what would be sort of cool.. if a board maker would slap a little IC on the pcb that serves pixel & vertex shading .. many grunty and largy redundant gfx cards could be resurected to there former glory sporting the latest effects01:36
flapster!it | ealx01:36
soundraycrdlb: have you noticed that quoting doesn't seem to help when you're using scp?01:36
ubotuealx: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:36
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omriI have this old indiana jones game, it runs perfectly on dosbox :)01:36
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cbsooh omri, which one?01:36
omrithis one :)01:36
omriyes :)01:37
crdlbsoundray: haven't tried that, I usually tab-complete everything which just escapes spaces with \01:37
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omriruns perfectly on dosbox :)01:37
cbsomg haven't played in years and years01:37
soundraycrdlb: also fails when you're scp'ing01:37
omrihaha, what a great game it was, wasn't it? :)01:37
iggyboyi got one kubuntu system problem with xorg.conf file, I just can't open the file "xorg.conf safe backup 20070512@1531"01:37
=== crdlb tries
abaddonhow do i use gdesklets or another such program to display an image on my desktop01:37
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omricbs, want the game?01:38
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premier_Chilling_Silence: you still there?  I installed something called avifile-win32-plugin from the repos, that didn't work01:39
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MinoHi I need a little help with my wireless on feisty fawn. I have a broadcom bcm4318, I managed to install the drivers with both ndiswrapper and bcm43xx-fwcutter. iwconfig does show my wireless correct (as far as I know). Yet iwlist eth1 scan does not result in any networks...01:39
Tyrsomeone know how to program on openobex?01:39
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cbsomri: pm?01:39
feonixiggyboy, did you try using tab completion?01:39
ttjlxconf lists res as 1280X800 but the screen resolution setting from system only gives me option of  1240x76801:40
omricbs, go ahead :P01:40
iggyboythankX's guys :) wonderful to know you guys are here to help newbies like me.... please allows me to sign-off... gotta fix a broken kubuntu system :)01:40
=== Endlessguitar2 [n=daniel@h167n2fls33o283.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Tyrsorry for my english01:40
cbsomri: did you get my pm?01:40
abaddondoes anyone know how i can put a picture in the corner of my desktop01:40
cbsomri: odd....try send to me01:40
abaddonnot the wallpaper01:40
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soundrayziroday: Chinese?01:40
iggyboynope... actually the system fail to start KDE, so i am usng the nano to fix the X11 settings01:40
Tyralgun espaol????01:40
omricbs, did you get mine?01:41
soundray!cn | ziroday01:41
ubotuziroday: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk01:41
cbsomri: did my replies go thru?01:41
=== Enverex [i=Ragnarok@host-84-9-189-109.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
omriyou're not registered...01:41
ttjlne how ma01:41
cbsone sec01:41
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omriyou have to register01:41
omri/msg nickserv help register01:41
ziroday UBUNTU_CN01:41
EnverexCan anyone help with an Unreal Tournament 2004 error? When I try and start UT2004 I just get "Assertion failed: sizeof(*this)==GetClass()->GetPropertiesSize() [File:UnGame.cpp]  [Line: 149] "01:42
b52has someone ever build a ralink kernel module?01:42
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iggyboythank you again, see you later :) bye01:42
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snowblindHi - does anyone know how to make a ftp virtual folder?01:42
soundrayziroday: /join #ubuntu-cn01:42
soundrayb52: yes, I have01:42
ttjlCan anyone tell me what I edit in xorg to get screen res. to 1280x800?01:42
premier_I'm trynig to read a wmv3 file (video codec) and I can't get it to work.  Does anyone know what I need to install?01:42
MenZa!resolution | ttjl01:42
ubotuttjl: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:42
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crdlbttjl: what video card?01:43
ttjlnvidia not sure which01:43
Endlessguitar2geforce 760001:43
MinoHi I need a little help with my wireless on feisty fawn. I have a broadcom bcm4318, I managed to install the drivers with both ndiswrapper and bcm43xx-fwcutter. iwconfig does show my wireless correct (as far as I know). Yet iwlist eth1 scan does not result in any networks...01:43
feonixttjl, do you have the nvidia driver installed?01:43
crdlbEndlessguitar2: still not working?01:43
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Endlessguitar2no well01:43
Endlessguitar2I havent done yet01:43
ttjlyes i have the driver installed I just checked01:43
Endlessguitar2did you send any link or something?01:43
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bsmhey, anyone using vmware server with feisty? my version is unconfigured after every reboot....01:44
crdlbEndlessguitar2: link for what?01:44
feonixttjl, type "sudo nvidia-settings" in console01:44
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ttjlfeonix: ok one sec01:44
Endlessguitar2I sended you the text link01:44
Endlessguitar2did you done something with this?01:44
feonixttjl, then it's the second line down.. XDisplay01:44
ncdMino, this laptop has a bcm43xx and I never needed to use ndiswrapper01:44
crdlbEndlessguitar2: the pastebin?01:44
AccessExcesshello, i need the output of 'id' from a regular user account on feisty01:44
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Endlessguitar2I sended you one link to that01:44
crdlbEndlessguitar2: it was fine, then I told you to reboot01:44
Endlessguitar2oke I be back01:44
AccessExcesscan anyone help please?01:45
Minowell I understood you needed to install drivers anyway because it was legally not possible to include broadcom drivers in ubuntu01:45
rakeeromri: did you get my pm?01:45
ncdah that was under backtrack2..01:45
Minobut it worked for you right out of the box?01:45
rob_pttjl: I thought your graphics adapter was Intel!  Now you are trying to install nvidia drivers for it?01:45
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feonixAccessExcess, just use id01:45
omrisec, I know what do to01:46
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soundrayAccessExcess: what are you trying to do?01:46
omrithat's it. you can PM me01:46
feonixDid it work ttjl?01:46
svuhow would I set two ip addresses (automatically assigned at startup - dhcp and static ones) to one ethernet adapter?01:46
b52has someone ever build a ralink kernel module?01:46
AccessExcessfeonix: i forgot to use -a with usermod when i added my default user to a new group01:46
ncdunder backtrackk2 yes.. i turned the thing off but it seemed to be working ok..01:46
feonixWhat happened/01:46
LjLsnowblind: if i get what you mean by "virtual folder"... i suppose symlinks are the most obvious route in unix01:46
ncdbut bt2 does not like the fcc/law very much :)01:46
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AccessExcessnow i don't have access to sound, and prolly some other stuff01:46
omrirakeer, you can PM me now01:46
ttjlfeonix: umm it said error unable to determine number of...01:46
feonixAccessExcess, dunno.. that is beyond me, sorry :\01:47
AccessExcessfeonix: i just need the output of 'id' so i know to what groups i need to add my user to01:47
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rob_pttjl: If it is Intel (which I know Vaios commonly use), then you want to look into the 915resolution utility as previously suggested.01:47
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:47
feonixAccessExcess, what happens when you try to do id?01:47
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AccessExcessuid=1000(axe) gid=1000(axe) groups=1000(axe),1002(vboxusers)01:48
camhAccessExcess: groups you'll probably need for a desktop: cdrom floppy audio video plugdev01:48
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ttjlrob_p I think you must be right. How do I use the 915 resolution utility01:48
soundrayAccessExcess: typical supplemental groups are adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin fuse birgit ixi01:48
EndlessguitarIT works :D:D:D01:48
jscinozHi everyone, I'm having some major problems with the Nvidia drivers (the ones installed through apt). I had the ones installed from nvidia's site before but  uninstalled them as i wanted to install them through synaptic, however now neither work, both install correctly but i cannot start X, it says "failed to load NVIDIA"01:48
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Endlessguitarthanx crdlb01:48
feonixOh I see what you're asking for01:48
soundrayAccessExcess: oops, forget about the last two01:48
AccessExcesssoundray: thanks, heh :)01:48
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rob_pttjl: Well, I understand that it's available in the repos now.  However, back when I installed it, I had to write an init script for it.01:49
Endlessguitarall beryl01:49
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soundrayAccessExcess: I recommend 'adduser username newgroup' instead of usermod -a01:49
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LjLjscinoz: there might be "remains" of the old drivers i suppose, but if that's the case i'm not sure what you should try... for starters though, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and let me make sure there aren't any mismatched repositories01:49
ttjlrob_p: I know this is massively ignorant but what do you mean by available in the repos01:49
LjLsvu: hm? a single interface can't have two addresses...01:50
LjLsvu: or you mean "try DHCP, and if it fails, use static"?01:50
ncdis that ubuntustudio website working yet?01:50
rob_pttjl: That means you can use apt-get, synaptic, etc to install it.01:50
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zirodaycan someone tell me how to contact the nickserv in gaim01:50
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ttjlso it would be apt-get 915resolution01:50
soundray!software > ttjl, ubotu sends you a private message about repositories and adding software from them.01:50
b52has someone ever build a ralink rt25 kernel module?01:50
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rob_pttjl: However, it was also mentioned that the latest Intel drivers are now supporting the chipsets that require the vbios hack.01:51
ttjlsoundray: thanks01:51
soundrayb52: you are repeating yourself. What's the issue?01:51
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jscinozLjL, alright one sec01:51
b52soundray http://nopaste.php-q.net/29437501:51
ttjlrob_p: so what does that mean for me?>01:52
rob_pttjl: If you cannot get it from the repos using one of the package managers, I could dig up the one I made for my Vaio.01:52
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ttjlrob_p: im going to try and get it now. just trying to work out how to use the package managers01:52
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jscinozLjL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20635/01:53
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soundrayb52: hmm, version I haven't tried myself. It looks like it depends on a newer kernel.01:53
rob_pttjl: Well, I can only give you my experience with the 915resolution utility.  I don't know about the latest Intel drivers.01:53
jobezoneHi guys, I have a laptop which I have upgraded to Feisty Fawn. After the reboot, it hangs with the infamous "Begin: Waiting for root file system ....". The problem is, the CD-reader of the laptop is broken, plus I can't boot it with a usb, so my only chance now to get to my system is using the busybox shell that it drops into. Any busybox knowledgable people here? Especially how to use it to mount partitions?01:53
ncdwhat the fudge01:53
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zirodaycan i test pming with someone?01:54
svuLjL, no. Two IP addresses. It is possible, I know for sure. I just do not know how01:54
svuusing syntax eth0 and eth0:001:54
ttjlrob_P: what would i put in terminal to get 915resolution (i really am a moron)01:54
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LjLjscinoz, i strongly suggest that you disable feisty-proposed, it may create problems at best, and break your system at worst. also, automatix is a very good way to break a system.01:55
ttjlWOW got it on my own01:55
zlxhow can I get rid of the shortcuts to my HDD's from my desktop?01:55
ttjlI rule01:55
LjLjscinoz: that aside, though, which kernel are you running? (try uname -r)01:55
jrib!icons > zlx (see the private message from ubotu)01:55
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zlxthankx :)01:55
MindOfChaoscool ttjl01:55
MindOfChaosyou fixed your own problem01:56
b52someone else ever tried to build ralink under kernel 2.6.20-15 ?01:56
MindOfChaoson your way to becoming a linux techie01:56
snowblindln -s ftp://username:password@site.com/  symlinkname - Doesnt work. how do you make a ftp symlink??01:56
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soundrayb52: do the stock drivers not work at all?01:56
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jscinozLjL, 2.6.20-15-386 (suspend2 2.29)01:56
jscinozgot it from trevino's repo01:57
rob_pttjl: apt-get install 915resolution01:57
LjLjscinoz, i'd try using the -generic kernel. you should be able to keep both installed, anyway01:57
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b52soundray which  stock drivers?01:57
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soundrayb52: the ones that come with the ubuntu kernel01:57
LjLjscinoz: also, what's the output of "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx"? i'm just interested in the Installed and Candidate lines01:57
jscinozunfortunately i cant01:57
b52well my device is listed under iwconfig01:58
jscinoz  Installed: 1:1.0.9631+
jscinoz  Candidate: 1:1.0.9631+
jscinoz  Version table:01:58
jscinoz *** 1:1.0.9631+ 001:58
jscinoz        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/restricted Packages01:58
jscinoz        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status01:58
b52but i cant create a connect with wpasupplicant with this device01:58
soundrayb52: I see. Does claim WPA support?01:58
rob_pttjl: If you cannot get it, I found the package I made a couple of years ago.  You can grab it here:  http://rob.pectol.com/i800_900_resolution.tgz01:58
ttjlumm maybe not. So I've managed to call up the list of resolutions-what do i do now :)01:58
b52soundray sure01:58
jscinozshould i boot up into the generic kernel and see if it works better?01:58
LjLjscinoz, when i said i was only interested in those lines, i also meant it isn't a good idea to flood the channel...01:59
joe7d6i'm curious if mac pro runs linux fine...01:59
tawoohany suggestions for newsreader software/freeware??01:59
LjLjscinoz: yeah, i think you should try that indeed01:59
jscinozsorry ;P01:59
soundrayb52: what's your device ID (from lsusb)?01:59
jribtawooh: liferea is in the repositories01:59
jscinozalright i'll reboot into generic when i finish printing something01:59
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jribtawooh: or pan, depending on what kind of news you mean01:59
b52i thinks its this: Infrastructure and Ad-hoc mode with open or shared or wpapsk or wpa2psk authentication method.01:59
b52WEP-40 and WEP-104 or tkip or aes encryption.01:59
b52aeh sorry01:59
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b52this: Bus 003 Device 002: ID 114b:011001:59
premier_I'm trynig to read a wmv3 file (video codec) and I can't get it to work.  Does anyone know what I need to install?02:00
SurfnKidhi guys whats the mount command to mount an .iso ?02:00
jrib!iso > SurfnKid (see the private message from ubotu)02:00
kust0mpremier_: there's a set of win32 codecs. i think they're part of medibuntu.02:00
jscinozmount -o /pathtoiso /mountpoint02:00
jscinozi think02:00
jscinozsudo that.02:00
jribpremier_: are you on feisty?02:00
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jscinoz!iso > jscinoz02:01
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rob_pttjl: Since I do not know what is contained in the one from the repos, I could only guess.  But I would imagine it puts an init script in your system that will run on boot-up.02:01
omrimount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/iso /path/to/mountpoint02:01
jribpremier_: hmm, double clicking on it in nautilus doesn't prompt you to install some packages?02:01
premier_jrib: I'm on kde02:01
premier_kust0m: how do I install medibuntu?02:02
c1|freakyis there allready some information about the next release of kubuntu?02:02
rob_pttjl: As long as your xorg.conf has a valid resolution mode listed, and the 915resolution utility gets run before gdm loads, it should come up fine.02:02
tawoohthank you, pan was the one...02:02
SurfnKidjrib, thx02:02
jrib!gutsy > c1|freaky (see the private message from ubotu)02:02
EnverexCan anyone help with an Unreal Tournament 2004 error? When I try and start UT2004 I just get "Assertion failed: sizeof(*this)==GetClass()->GetPropertiesSize() [File:UnGame.cpp]  [Line: 149] "02:02
sysadmincan someone enlighten me as to why hosts on my eth1 segment can't forward to hosts outside my eth0 net?02:02
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jribpremier_: hmm, what does kde use as the default player?02:03
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Enverexjrib, Probably Kaffiene if nothing else is installed02:03
premier_jrib: well, theres several, kaffine is the default, theres also vlc, mplayer, kmplayer, etc02:03
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wysiwyghow do i move windows without showing its content?02:04
jscinozyou dont02:04
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premier_wysiwyg: why, are you on a super slow computer?02:04
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soundrayb52: there aren't any reports for that device that I can find. Have you checked the serialmonkey project whether they have a WPA-capable driver for your device?02:04
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wysiwygyeap pr02:04
wysiwygpremier_, yeap02:04
jscinozor maybe he doesn't want onlookers to see his prons >_<02:04
jribwysiwyg: you can try /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources in gconf-editor02:04
jribpremier_: ok, try w32codecs I guess but I thought vlc and mplayer played those now without codecs02:05
wysiwygthere was an option in 6.1002:05
jrib!medibuntu > premier_ (see the private message from ubotu)02:05
soundrayb52: the open-source driver project that Ralink Tech supports02:05
wysiwygbut i cant find it in feisty02:05
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jscinozDoes anyone know how to change the default media player under Gnome? I've changed the file associations but i want my multimedia keys still control rhytmbox rather than my new media player02:05
jscinoz!medibuntu > jscinoz02:06
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ncdyeah I wanted to try that02:06
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blahblahxdo you guys know linux mint?02:06
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ncdthe mediacenter for ubuntu but when i goto the website it doesnt seem to mention 7.0402:06
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blahblahxdo you guys think linux mint is a real distro or just a remastered ubuntu with codecs?02:07
Mitchmani need some help with my ubuntu box02:07
larson9999yay! the hal upgrade fixed my thumbdrive not mounting!02:07
jribjscinoz: last time I bothered to look into it, it was hard-coded.  It's easier to just create custom commands and bind your keys to those.  Use /apps/metactiy/keybind_commands to create commands and then bind them in /apps/metacity/global_keybindings in gconf-editor02:07
soundrayblahblahx: please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic02:07
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NessieLiberationhello - metacity doesnt always start up when i load gnome02:07
fluxynice, means i should get it myself then ;)02:07
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premier_jrib: how do I install w32codecs?  I can't find a package with apt-cache02:08
jrib!ask | Mitchman02:08
ubotuMitchman: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:08
NessieLiberation"doesn't always" = rarely or never02:08
jscinozgah.. it works by default in KDE, but i prefer gnome02:08
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b52soundray i dont see a usb version of the serialmonkey drivers02:08
jribpremier_: you need a repository like medibuntu02:08
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soundrayb52: they do support USB, though02:08
premier_jrib: nevermind02:08
larson9999when my wife asks me if she can ask a question, i'm in trouble.02:08
soundrayNessieLiberation: any errors in $HOME/.xsession-errors?02:08
Mitchmani 've got an wifi adapter with adhoc running and a good connection. but the connection02:08
wysiwygjrib, didnt worked as i expected, isnt another way? thx =02:08
jribwysiwyg: that's the only way I know02:09
wysiwygok thx02:09
premier_jrib: once I get w32, which players should be able to play?02:09
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jribpremier_: *mplayer at least02:09
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premier_aw, crub... its going to take 16 minutes to download... 14MB at 13kb/s02:10
NessieLiberationsoundray, yeah, seems so02:10
Mitchmanbut the connection to the internet doesnt work02:10
NessieLiberationcant see too many metacity related ones though02:10
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Mitchmanand i cant get an adress from the dhcp server which is located in my modem/router02:10
jribpremier_: but it is strange you can't play them already.  I'm on amd64 which doesn't have w32codecs and can play WMV3 on vlc, mplayer, and totem-gstreamer02:10
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NessieLiberationsoundray, make that none, cat $HOME/.xsession-errors | grep -i metacity = blank02:11
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Mitchmani need to create the "bridge" from the wlan0 to the eth0.02:11
Mitchmancan someone help me with that?02:11
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premier_jrib, my computer has been feeling a little sluggish, and a freind told me it was pretty slow for linux, but my cpu is not not being used (5-10%) and I have a very powerful computer... is there anyway I can look to see whats up?02:11
soundrayNessieLiberation: I remember fixing a configuration issue where metacity complained about a key with a "blank" value.02:11
jscinozO_o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Studio why wasn't i told about this...02:11
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NessieLiberationsoundray, like:02:12
norbiahi all02:12
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soundrayNessieLiberation: don't paste please02:12
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jribNessieLiberation: try renaming ~/.gnome2/session  that seems to randomly fix metacity issues sometimes02:12
ncdnow that looks crazy02:12
NessieLiberationsoundray, i was going to paste the single line02:12
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premier_jrib: you use 64 bit?  whats it like?  I heard you have to jump through some hoops... I want to get a 64bit computer this summer, so I want all the details02:12
norbiaanybody help02:12
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premier_norbia: whats up?02:12
ttjlSorry everyone02:13
jscinozDoes anyone know where i can get the theme used in ubuntustudio02:13
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norbiacan u tell me wht s beryl?02:13
soundrayNessieLiberation: go on then, I hope you don't get kicked ;)02:13
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects02:13
ttjli was following a tutorial and set up another terminal then didnt know how to exitg02:13
NessieLiberationsoundray, nevermind... it's not there02:13
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IdleOnewhat do I do with a .sh file?02:13
premier_norbia: basically, cool, but useless, 3d effects for your desktop02:13
NessieLiberationIdleOne, run it ?02:13
Mitchmani need help to02:13
IdleOneNessieLiberation, how?02:13
NessieLiberationjrib, rename that to what?02:13
NessieLiberationIdleOne, .sh is a shell script02:13
norbiawht all things it need?02:13
premier_norbia: what kind of video card do you have02:14
NessieLiberationIdleOne, meaning it runs itself in a terminal, if you trust it, you can run it with, for example, bash02:14
norbiaa re done02:14
premier_norbia: which model?02:14
norbiai think so02:14
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rob_pttjl: So, where are you at in your quest for proper resolution?  I'm assuming you installed 915resolution from the repos, correct?02:15
norbiait doesnt support DX902:15
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soundrayNessieLiberation: I remembered. In gconf-editor, look at /apps/metacity/window_keybindings and ensure that toggle_shaded is set to disabled (rather than an empty string).02:15
jribpremier_: it takes a few extra steps to do some things.  It's not really worth it though if you just use your computer as a desktop machine.  wine has a repository now so that's easy.  flash, you need to setup nspluginwrapper which is not packaged.  And the only thing that is a pain is the java plugin.  But I ended up just using blackdown's java plugin and that's been working fine.  Anything that's open source shouldn't be a big deal on 64bit, it's usually c02:15
=== Sunn [n=nospam@cEE28BF51.dhcp.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu
premier_norbia: you might be sol... some of the newer radeon cards are only compatible with a mediocre grahpics driver called fglrx... you have to jump through some hoops to get it working and they arent as good02:15
lucahi everyone02:15
ttjlrob_p: yes I did, I'm using a tutorial at: http://users.skynet.be/thomasvst/linux-on-laptop/#wide02:15
NessieLiberationsoundray, i'll have a look, thanks02:15
soundrayIdleOne: what's that .sh file you have?02:15
lucadoes someone here use amsn? 'cause it's gettig me nuts, it won't function because it does not have tcl02:15
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norbiai m not sure of radeon02:16
ttjlunfortunately I didnt know how to get out of the terminal i opened02:16
jribNessieLiberation: mv ~/.gnome2/session{,.backup}02:16
IdleOnesoundray, new version of Boinc02:16
norbiai told u a red one02:16
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rob_pttjl: Going there to check it out...02:16
Mitchmanluca: try mercury or kopete02:16
Otacon22 is ekiga compatible with usb voip phones?02:16
Mitchmanamsn is quite slow building the userslist02:16
lucaMitchman: the point is that it functioned before today02:16
norbiaarr u there02:16
NessieLiberationsoundray, i set toggle shading to alt+f11 deliberately02:16
premier_jrib: is it worth it to buy an amd64 and run a 32 bit OS on it, maybe dual boot a 64 bit?02:16
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lucanow, all of a sudden, bum! does not function any more02:17
norbiatell me wht all libraries it needs?02:17
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premier_norbia: can you type into a terminal "lspci | grep ati"02:17
Mitchmani don't know amsn, don't like it02:17
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soundrayNessieLiberation: that's fine then, it just mustn't be empty. That wasn't your problem, then.02:17
shuananyone have any problems with ubuntu02:17
=== jscinoz looks H-K suite on gnome-look... jscinoz needs new pants...
NessieLiberationsoundray, i do have plenty of <no value>s though02:17
norbiai mean wht all things beryl needs02:17
Mitchmani need some help, please02:18
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premier_norbia: you have feisty?02:18
norbiaand unfortunately i m no in linb02:18
norbiaknoppix 5.1.102:18
Mitchmani 've got an wifi adapter with adhoc running and a good connection02:18
Mitchmanbut the connection to the internet doesnt work02:18
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Mitchmanand i cant get an adress from the dhcp server which is located in my modem/router02:18
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jribpremier_: well all the processors are 64-bit now aren't they?02:18
soundrayNessieLiberation: well, maybe it would help to set those. Or go with jrib's suggestion (do it in a failsafe session, though).02:18
rob_pttjl: Ok, so have you successfully followed the steps on the tutorial?02:18
premier_norbia: oh... funny you are in the ubuntu forums, but anyway, I think I can still help... can you type "glxinfo | grep direct" into a terminal?02:19
jrib!enter > Mitchman (see the private message from ubotu)02:19
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premier_norbia: it should then say, "direct rendering: Yes"02:19
ttjlrob_p: no I launched the terminal but imagined it would open in a small window, so I couldnt see the instructions and didnt know how to kill the terminal and return to my normal view02:19
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norbiai told u i m not in linux now02:19
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norbiai m using another OS02:19
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soundrayNessieLiberation: no_values don't seem to cause a problem here. Only empty strings do.02:20
shuani'm have problems when i click on the menu and highlight an option, sometimes it doesnt high light02:20
premier_norbia: windows?  well, I think you need to do this in linux02:20
jscinozDoes anyone know where i can get the theme used in ubuntustudio?02:20
NessieLiberationsoundray, jrib, thanks i'll have a play later02:20
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pawitp64Bit konqueror crash: KCrash: Application 'konqueror' crashing...02:20
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shuani'm have problems when i click on the menu and highlight an option, sometimes it doesnt high light02:20
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rob_pttjl: How did you launch the terminal?  Because windows can be (re)sized so as to view both...02:21
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NNForcerhow the hell do u use compiz02:21
premier_norbia: if it says, direct redndering: yes, then you should be able to just "sudo apt-get install beryl" and then log out and log back in... (i think... I actually am not the best person to ask here)02:21
ttjlrob_p: ctrl alt f102:21
jrib!compiz > NNForcer (see the private message from ubotu)02:21
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soundray!language | NNForcer02:21
rob_pttjl: ...unless you actually went to one of the ttys (ctrl-alt-F1-F5)02:21
ubotuNNForcer: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:21
=== b52 [n=nightmar@i577A5805.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
ttjlrob_p: thanks for all the help by the way02:21
rob_pttjl: Oh.  That explains it!02:22
b52soundray http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/wiki/index.php?title=Downloads i dont see there a rt2500 usb?02:22
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NNForcerlol ok02:22
ttjlrob_p: so how else would i launch it02:22
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premier_jrib: well, I want to get an AMD processor... intel processors aren't 64 bit (mostly) yet02:22
rob_pttjl: You can get back to your graphical environment by doing ctrl-alt-F7 afterwards.02:22
premier_jrib: but I really want my 64 bit OS to go with my 64 bit PC02:22
NessieLiberationpremier_, i thought all barring celeron were 64bit now?02:22
NessieLiberationisnt pentium D ?02:22
soundrayb52: rt2570 is the one you want (unless you have one of the later rt73 devices)02:22
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=== Griver [n=Griver@81-237-244-131-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
b52soundray i dont realy know02:23
ttjlrob_p: ok going to try now02:23
b52how can i check it?02:23
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premier_NessieLiberation: I don't think the stock intels that ship with desktops are 64 bit *yet* although some can be, if you ask for it02:23
premier_NessieLiberation: besides, as I understand intel64 just isn't as good02:23
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jribpremier_: well your idea of having two partitions, one with 32bit and one with 64bit would be a nice way for you to evaluate it02:24
B4cportscanning me?02:24
bagrupeall core 2s and newer pentium 4/d have 64bit02:24
B4ci m norbia02:24
NessieLiberationpremier_, intel64 is the same architecture of amd6402:24
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soundrayb52: judging by your USB ID, rt2570 is the right one.02:24
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rob_pttjl: Might I suggest just grabbing my version and running the installer script that is included with it?  It would make your life much easier, I think.02:25
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norbia_are u there?02:25
premier_jrib: I'm thinking I'll have vista/XP, kubuntu and debian... not sure which will be 64 and which 32...02:25
premier_norbia_: hi02:25
norbia_u did that fuck?02:25
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:25
premier_norbia: ?02:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:25
ttjlrob_p ok will try02:26
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3B61D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
norbia_somebody portscanned me02:26
premier_norbia_: whats up?02:26
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norbia_ and i lost conxn02:26
rob_pttjl: once you have it downloaded, tell me and I will walk you through it.02:26
premier_norbia_: whats portscanning?02:26
norbia_come on02:26
ttjlrob_p: could you post the link again02:27
NessieLiberationpremier_, brute forcing all ports to see if they're open02:27
norbia_there s a shitstorm of portscans02:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portscanning - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about portscan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
premier_!ohmy > norbia02:27
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norbia_if u r tht much interested in scanning my port, u can do tht02:27
rob_pttjl: http://rob.pectol.com/i800_900_resolution.tgz02:27
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soundraynorbia_: portscans happen all the time. Doesn't justify swearing on the channel. In fact, it's offtopic here.02:27
Memorieshello everyone02:27
arroI'm trying to connect my computer to the internet, and when i type lshw I get 2 things that say network, one has a driver loaded and one says latency=0 do I need to find a driver for the second one?02:27
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Memoriesmy cable guy just installed a new connection02:27
Memoriesam using EDGY02:27
b52soundray, make and install worked fine, but i dont see it on my iwconfig02:27
norbia_but don't restart me and my conxn02:28
Memoriesits a point to point connection02:28
ttjlrob_p: got it where should i extract to?02:28
b52only the one which doesnt work02:28
Memoriesand i cant seem to figure out how to configure FIRESTARTER firewall02:28
soundrayb52: have you removed the old driver with rmmod?02:28
rob_pttjl: open a graphical terminal02:28
soundrayb52: installing is not enough.02:29
ttjlrob_p: graphical terminal? : /02:29
rob_pttjl: Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joystick - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:29
Memorieswhich should i choose for the firewall to monitor! the ppp0 or the eth1 ?02:29
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b52which driver i have to remove?02:29
IdleOnesoundray, who do I talk to about packaging the latest version of boinc for ubuntu?02:29
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IdleOnesoundray, requesting rather02:29
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soundray!motu | IdleOne02:30
ubotuIdleOne: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU02:30
premier_wow, fullmetal alchemist looks fantastic with wmv3 compression, and at only 200MB/30minutes... thanks guys!02:30
NessieLiberationMemories, eth1 is likely to be an ethernet RJ45 connection02:30
soundrayIdleOne: or file a wishlist bug on launchpad02:30
rob_pttjl: Ok, change to the directory that contains the tgz archive you just downloaded.02:30
b52soundray when i do lsmod | grep rt there is only listed the one i installed02:30
soundrayb52: what's the name of the module?02:30
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Memoriesnessieliberation, well my cable is plugged into the ethernet card.. though wht im askign is which one should i choose for the firewall to monitor!02:30
IdleOnesoundray, thank you02:30
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Memoriesnessieliberation , should it b the ppp0 or eth1 !02:31
rob_pttjl: If you downloaded it to your desktop, do something along the lines of, "cd ~/Desktop"02:31
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NessieLiberationMemories, load a system monitor, and see which one moves02:31
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NessieLiberationchances are it might be both02:31
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b52soundray http://nopaste.info/2755d6a311.html02:31
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ttjlrob_p: yup02:31
NNForcercompiz wont install cuz theres loads of requirements02:31
soundrayb52: what do you get from a "modinfo rt2570 | grep description"02:31
Memoriesnessieliberation , yup its loadded allready and ur right! both of them are moving02:32
b52soundray rausb1 was already there before i installed the new driver02:32
=== tuskernini [n=tuskerni@84-75-63-3.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
NNForcercan i just download them all at once02:32
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b52soundray modinfo rt2570 | grep description02:32
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NessieLiberationMemories, then a guess would suggest that both would be the safest option02:32
soundrayb52: that kind of proves that you're using the old driver still02:32
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NessieLiberationalthough just ppp0 might work02:32
b52soundray description:    Ralink RT2570 usb 802.11g WLAN driver 1.0.0 - BETA2 2006/06/1802:32
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Memoriesnessieliberation i ran the wizard and it only lets me choose one!02:32
XMR2F77is there a player in gnome the can handle DVB-T  PCI cards02:32
rob_pttjl: ok.  Now do, "tar -zxvf ./i800_900_resolution.tgz"02:32
Airforce5555has the feisty problems been fixed yet? is it safe to upgrade?02:32
soundrayb52: that's ancient.02:32
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aidanIf I wiped my MBR by installing windows (sorry... I just had to, I tried so hard to be pure :/) how do I rewrite grub to it so I can dual boot?02:33
NessieLiberationMemories, try ppp0 and then see if it works02:33
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Airforce5555has the feisty problems been fixed yet? is it safe to upgrade?02:33
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soundray!repeat | Airforce555502:33
ubotuAirforce5555: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:33
larson9999i'm not good enough to handle all those wizbang wobbly windows and four sides.  heck, i can't find stuff on the one desktop i use now.02:33
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arroI'm trying to connect my computer to the internet, and when i type lshw I get 2 things that say network, one has a driver loaded and one says latency=0 do I need to find a driver for the second one?02:33
tuskerniniAirforce5555: i had feisty form the launch... was fixed then02:33
=== BrianHH [n=bhartman@c-69-142-250-28.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
b52soundray $ modprobe -r rt257002:33
b52FATAL: Module rt2570 is in use.02:33
b52how can i unload it?02:34
ttjlrob_p: ok so it listed a bunch of ./1800_900 resolution02:34
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Memoriesnessieliberation , thts wht i did! the firewall is active now monitoring ppp0 though in "network" both ethernet and ppp0 has activity02:34
rob_pttjl: Now enter the new i800_900_resolution directory (cd ./i800_900_resolution)02:34
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NessieLiberationMemories, so check to see if your connection is firewalled02:34
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rob_pttjl: You will see an install file called, "install.sh" in it.02:34
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soundrayb52: you probably have to 'sudo invoke-rc.d networking stop' before you can remove it. You may also have to stop NetworkManager02:34
Memoriesnessieliberation , am obviously a newbie with linux could u show me how tht is done!02:34
ttjlrob_p: yuop[02:34
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kust0mb52: rmmod also unloads modules i think02:35
ttjlrob_p: or maybe02:35
NessieLiberationMemories, i dont know these things very well either, but what settings have you set on the firewall?02:35
loiic_i am studying the possibility of doing an office network 100% linux where all the user account would be centralized on a NFS server (so that user can use any computer as if it were their), but i am wondering how i could deal with the laptops, would anyone have some recommendation ?02:35
rob_pttjl: Do, "sudo ./install.sh" at the command prompt and it will walk you through it.02:35
b52kustOm rmmod says the same, i tried before02:35
NessieLiberationMemories, to be honest, you'd expect it to be pretty secure even without a firewall... but still02:35
Memoriesnessieliberation , everything's set automatialy not to leave any port open02:35
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thezenmastercan't NTFS external hard drives be unmounted/ejected? mine keeps remounting after I choose eject02:35
kust0mloiic_: ldap?02:35
Memoriesnessieliberation , EXACTLY... "but still"02:35
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NessieLiberationMemories, yeah, i know02:36
NessieLiberationturn it off, check a port02:36
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rob_pttjl: If it doesn't run, you might need to make sure it is set executable (chmod 755 ./install.sh).02:36
NessieLiberationturn it on, check a port02:36
BrianHHHi, Everyone.  I've got an ATI X1300 graphics card.  To configure it, I used the instructions here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414194  When I follow those instructions, though, all I get is a blank screen when I boot up.  Can anyone  help me configure the system for 3d acceleration?  Thanks!02:36
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NessieLiberationthere are websites you can use to check ports02:36
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loiic_kust0m: ldap would solve the authentication problem, i am more concerned about how to set up a sort of synchonization mecanism02:36
ttjlrob_p: ok it told me to edit some configuration doc. going to do that now02:36
Memoriesnessieliberation , how can i scan my ports!02:36
rob_pttjl: Ok, good.  Yes, do that.02:36
UHTHi, I was hoping to get some help here. Whenever I open a video file with totem (gstreamer or xine) it just displays the busy icon indefinietely.02:37
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AmirBhey guys02:37
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NessieLiberationMemories, "there are websites which can do it" just use google and look for a port scanner02:37
soundrayb52: did you try that?02:37
Memoriesum ok thank you :)02:37
b52soundray, still say the same02:37
boomGreetings, am trying to install kubuntu.I get the folowing error while tryin to boot cd - Invalid compressed format.kernal -panic -not syncing vfs:unable to mount toot fs on unknows.02:37
loiic_like, when linked on the network working on the NFS, when going away having the data copied to the local HD, and having the changes sync back when the laptop comes back onto the network02:37
balbir97I installed a package using apt-get install <package name>, how to find out in which folder it got installed (like /usr, /usr/share, /bin, /etc02:37
boomcan someone help me please? thanks02:37
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ttjlrob_p: umm so how do i edit it?02:37
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b52oh well02:37
fr0nkcan someone please help me getting my mobile phone connecting via bluetooth to my pc?02:38
kust0mbalbir97: which package?02:38
AmirBevery time I turn on my computer, I have to type in "sudo dhclient eth" to get the internet to work (eth1 is the interface ndiswrapper assigns the card to).02:38
soundrayb52: in that case, you'll have to reboot. Make sure the install replaced the correct rt2570.ko though:02:38
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fr0nkit worked about one week ago and now the mobile phone says it can't estabilish a connection02:38
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AmirBthis isn't a problem per say, but I would like to have it work out of the box02:38
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AmirBanyone know anything about this?02:38
balbir97kust0m: I installed libphp-jpgraph using apt-get02:38
fr0nkbluetooth-applet is running and configured to accept connections02:38
b52i just made make install02:38
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b52i didnt replace anything02:38
balbir97I am new to apt-get02:39
rob_pttjl: You can do, "sudo gedit /etc/init.d/i800_900_res_patch.sh"02:39
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soundrayb52: do a 'locate rt2570.ko | grep $(uname -r)' and ensure that the file that is returned is the same as in the directory where you compiled the module.02:39
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NessieLiberationbalbir97, apt-get install [package]  to install02:39
kust0mbalbir97: well, that probably doesn't have something you can runfrom the consol. maybe "sudo find / -name '*jpgraph*'02:39
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NessieLiberationapt-get remove [package]  to remove02:39
NessieLiberationthose are the 2 main ones02:39
arkanabarrob_p:  isn't that gksu gedit?02:39
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soundrayb52: am I making sense?02:40
thezenmaster can't NTFS external hard drives be unmounted/ejected? mine keeps remounting after I choose eject (maxtor one touch)02:40
b52he only returns /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00-legacy/rt2570/rt2570.ko02:40
rob_parkanabar: Yeah, that'll work too.  :-)02:40
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rob_parkanabar: Probably better too!  Thanks.02:40
soundrayb52: what's the pathname of the directory where you compiled it?02:40
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b52and the file is the same02:40
ttjlrob_p: one last ignorant question...how many bits do i want02:40
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rob_pttjl: probably 3202:41
ttjlWindows really is damaging to your mental health02:41
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balbir97kust0m: actually i need something equivalent to "rpm -l |grep <packagename>02:41
ep|kneed help02:41
ttjli used to be a fully functioning tax payer, then i installed xp02:41
arkanabarrob_p:  you're welcome.  I know I'm new to sudo, but I learned just last night to use gksu for gui stuff and sudo for term stuff.02:41
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kust0mbalbir97: lemme look.02:41
AmirBevery time I turn on my computer, I have to type in "sudo dhclient eth" to get the internet to work (eth1 is the interface ndiswrapper assigns the card to). How do I get it to automatically assign the card to eth1 instead of having to enter "sudo dhclient eth1" every time I want to use the internet?!02:41
soundrayb52: 'diff  /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00-legacy/rt2570/rt2570.ko /home/nightmare/rt2570-1.1.0-b2/Module/rt2570.ko'02:41
ep|khow to solve this problem? apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName02:41
hedonistic-heathI was playing around yesterday and tried installing a driver for my ATI card via envy, when I rebooted later in the day I was able to login but as soon as gnome is loading my desktop I'm immediately logged out - I abondoned windows completely on my desktop, so I would really appreciate it if someone would look over the details I've posted here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=441713 - and provide any suggestions, Thanks.02:41
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ep|ki setup my pc as web server02:42
ttjlrob_p: so now I just restart02:42
ncdany one play sauerbraten much?02:42
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Flannelep|k: you need to, in your virtualhost or in your general apache config, add a ServerName directve02:42
b52he says the files arent the same02:42
rob_pttjl: Yes.  Well, that and cross fingers!  :-)02:42
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soundrayb52: I suspected that.02:42
ttjlrob_p: ok will let you know how it goes02:42
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rob_pttjl: But that should do it, yes.  I'll wait around for your return.02:43
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ep|kFlannel: at apache2.conf?02:43
soundrayb52: 'sudo cp /home/nightmare/rt2570-1.1.0-b2/Module/rt2570.ko /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/ubuntu/wireless/rt2x00-legacy/rt2570/rt2570.ko' -- then reboot02:43
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compositorebeos!!!! ... fantastico!02:44
ep|kFlannel: where to add server name?02:44
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Flannelep|k: or in /sites-available  Anywhere02:44
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kust0meh.. which package was that again? php-jpgraph?02:45
b52soundray where is the interface file located?02:45
peterkaAmirB:ADSL modem?02:45
b52ive to purge something02:45
larson9999linux rocks02:45
arkanabarHow do I change DNS IP?02:45
soundrayb52: not sure what you mean02:45
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b52the file where i can configure my interface02:45
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soundrayb52: /etc/network/interfaces02:45
ep|kFlannel: below virtual host configuration?02:45
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rambo3!info php-pear02:46
ubotuphp-pear: PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.1-0ubuntu1.1 (feisty), package size 300 kB, installed size 2192 kB02:46
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peterkaAmirB: What network card you have?02:46
b52ok brb02:46
rob_parkanabar: modify your /etc/resolv.conf file02:46
arkanabarrob_p: thanks.02:46
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rob_parkanabar: welcome02:46
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AmirBpeterka: I have a dell truemobile 1350 card. it worked fin on edgy but when I upgraded to feisty it started needing the "sudo dhclient eth1" treatment :)02:47
AmirBpeterka: * :(02:47
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arkanabarrob_p:  different DNS would explain why FF spends 10-20s looking up hosts under linux, and <2 under Win2k, yes?02:48
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ep|kFlannel: ok..and then?02:48
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rob_parkanabar: perhaps, yes.02:48
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strancein #ubuntu-cn02:48
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arkanabarrob_p:  well, I'm off to try it.02:48
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rob_parkanabar: Make sure they are correct for your network.02:49
peterkaAmirB: I google this brb02:49
hedonistic-heathWhen I login my desktop begins to load and then I'm taken back to the login screen.  I've posted output from cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep EE here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=441713.  Any suggestions would be helpful.02:49
AmirBpeterka: thanks a lot!02:49
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fghhi........i am nice girl............chat??????????????????????02:49
fghhi........i am nice girl............chat??????????????????????02:49
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brotherJohn1234no - you are a bot.02:50
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bart__hello everyone02:50
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Girl___22hi bart?02:50
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bart__hi girl02:51
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jrib!offtopic | Girl___2202:51
ubotuGirl___22: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:51
soundray!ops | botspam from Girl___22?02:51
bart__I'm 3102:51
ubotubotspam from Girl___22?: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok02:51
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ttjlrob_p: sadly no luck02:51
daathI am going out of my skin here :) How do I edit xorg.conf properly so I can use the modeline that I found?02:51
peterkaArmiB:Do you have set dhcp i network settings02:51
ziroda1i dont think ops are here02:51
ttjlrob_p: are you on the ubuntu forums?02:52
bart__anyone here familiar with configuring audio-cards?02:52
soundrayziroda1: you've just missed some decisive op action :)02:52
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ziroda1soundray: oh youre rite my bad02:53
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compwiz18does anyone have a microsoft laser mouse with the horizontal scroll wheel working?02:53
rob_pttjl: Ok, what happens when you run, "sudo /etc/init.d/i800_900_res_patch.sh start"02:53
arroI'm trying to hook my laptop to the internet, I've looked through the wirelesstroubleshooting guide and can't seem to find any help, can someone help me?02:53
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peterkaAmirB: Do you have set dhcp i network settings02:54
ttjlrob_p: one second02:54
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AmirBpeterka: what is that?02:54
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b52soundray kernel panic uhu :/02:54
rob_pttjl: If you get, "Desired mode found!" then you're good.02:54
b52ubuntu doesmnt start anymore02:54
ttjlrob_p: by good what do you mean?02:54
soundrayb52: did you get the beta or CVS version?02:54
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peterkaAmirB: System->Adminiatration->Network Setting something like this i have no english version02:55
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adaptrthat's it, yes02:55
adaptrNetworking, I think02:55
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rob_pttjl: It means that the utility is finding your correct resolution.  In that case, you probably just need to adjust your xorg.conf file.02:55
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camuflagehey all02:56
b52soundray the latest beta02:56
AmirBpeterka: I opened it, what do I look for there?02:56
soundrayb52: how have you booted now?02:56
ttjlrob_p: ok so could you remind me how i call up the xorg.conf file?02:56
obiwan_can anyone help me on isight video-device for macbook/feisty, please ???02:56
kust0mhmm. who was looking for a way to see the files that a specific package installed?02:56
camuflagei've installed compiz, but the title bar disapears when i activate the effects :/02:56
rob_pttjl: Did you get, "Desired mode found!" when you ran that command?02:56
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peterkaAmirB: e.g. your connection name02:56
ziroda1camuflage: same use beryl02:56
ttjlrob_p: yeah i did02:56
soundrayb52: have you got ext2fsd for Windows?02:56
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b52soundray i have a lvm with xfs :/02:57
camuflageziroda1, why should i use beryl if i want compiz? lol02:57
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jribkust0m: balbir97 was02:57
soundrayb52: would you be able to mount that from a live CD?02:57
rob_pttjl: Ok.  First, try using the Screen Resolution Utility to find the mode you want.02:57
b52no idea02:57
peterkaAmirB: and press button on the right02:58
b52but ive a system rescue cd02:58
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ttjlrob_p: still no luck with screen res utility02:58
soundrayb52: one that came with your computer? No use.02:58
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rob_pttjl: System --> Preferences --> Screen Resolution.02:58
AmirBpeterka: ah, no. I enabled it to do roaming mode and if I either try to set the name or try to logon to one of the predetermined names, the internet stops working02:58
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ttjlrob_p: yeah it only gives me one option02:58
rob_pttjl: Is the mode you want, listed in the utility?02:58
ttjlrob_p: nope02:59
AmirBpeterka: so the network manager doesn't know that it's connected but it is02:59
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menglefhello ubuntu peoples, i am looking for advice on pwerpc [ibookg4]  partition issues, is there a powerpc channel?02:59
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soundrayb52: that might work. Anyway, to make your system bootable again:02:59
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rob_pttjl: Ok then.  You need to adjust your xorg.conf file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf)02:59
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delcoyotehi all is nubuntu offtopic in this channel?03:00
jribbalbir97: dpkg -L PACKAGE    will list where a package installed its files03:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:00
rob_pttjl: Before you mess with it, make a backup copy.  (sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_orig)03:00
soundrayb52: create a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rt2570 containing one line that says 'blacklist rt2570'. Also, make sure rt2570 is not listed in /etc/modules.03:00
NessieLiberationdelcoyote, probably, unless it's generic support you want03:00
ttjlrob_p: ok03:00
jrib!apt > balbir97 (see the private message from ubotu)03:00
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jribzigico: please ask your questions in the channel03:01
rob_pttjl: I am out of time.  Get help from someone in the room here.  You're 95 percent there!  Good luck.  :-)03:01
zigicohow to03:01
zigicoinstall the bootscript in /etc/init.d03:01
zigicomake a symbolic link pointing at it from /etc/rc2.d so that it gets run during the boot process03:01
zigicofix /etc/resolv.conf to sort out domain nameserver lookups03:01
delcoyotewell casper in ubuntu is the livecd isnt it? and i am trying to install to the hard drive following nubuntu website but it doesnt seem to work properly03:01
zigicoinstalling speedtouch modem03:01
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ttjlrob_p: just what do i change xorg.conf to?03:01
zlxanyone know a tutorial to install trueglass themes?03:02
ttjlrob_p: Thanks by the way03:02
ep|kmy pc already setup .. but in LAN i cant view my web03:02
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rob_pttjl: All you need is for someone to help you get your xorg.conf file squared away and you'll be set.  I just don't have the time or I would stick around.03:02
ttjlrob_p: ok CHEERS03:02
ep|kproblem with iptables or what?03:02
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ep|ki just newbie03:02
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rob_pttjl: But the, "hard part" is already done.  Ok cheers!03:03
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ttjlCan anyone help me edit my xorg.conf file?03:03
youngehey all :), I'v download a beryle theme and to be honest i ent got a clue what to do next, anyone used beryl themes before?03:03
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jribzigico: http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-customizing.en.html#s-custombootscripts also see the man page for 'update-rc.d'03:03
zigicotnx jrib03:03
soundrayb52: making sense?03:04
delcoyoteExecute sudo apt-get install ubiquity. Let all the packages install, doesnt work and i get a message to use sudo apt-get update or --fix-missing command03:04
peterkaAmirB: maby you will try add command to autostart03:04
b52soundray ive no idea how to mount my lvm03:04
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arrois a pci card one that sticks out the side of a laptop?03:04
AmirBpeterka: I've tried that...it didn't work :( (maybe because it's a sudo command?)03:04
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feonixarro,  no.. pci is inside a computer.. pcmcia is the one you're thinking of03:05
=== bart__ [n=bart@ip-83-134-132-148.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayb52: try with that rescue CD of yours, or with an Ubuntu Desktop CD. There's also an lvm factoid...03:05
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soundray!lvm | b5203:05
ubotub52: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO03:05
zePh7ris it safe to use gparted to resize a fat32 partion?03:05
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arrofeonix: thx03:05
Knoekiisn't there some sort of force quit? like Command+option+esc on the mac?03:05
b52hmm fuck03:05
youngehow do i extract a gzip archive03:05
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soundrayb52: that kind of language is not welcome here.03:05
YggdrasilGentlemen and ladies, i bid ye fair morrow03:06
feonixyounge, gunzip03:06
matt____what packages do i install to get "chess" working in 3d? it mentions "opengl python bindings and gtkglext python"03:06
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ttjlAnyone know how to edit xorg.conf03:06
jribttjl: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:06
youngefeonix: where do i find this gunzip03:06
feonixyounge, open a terminal03:06
soundrayzePh7r: as safe as any partition manipulation. Remember: Data you haven't backed up is data you don't want.03:07
ttjljrib: by any chance do you know what I ought to change it to to get 1200X800 res03:07
youngedone feonix03:07
feonixAnd type..03:07
feonixgunzip -h03:07
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jrib!fixres > ttjl (see the private message from ubotu)03:07
jribttjl: not offhand03:07
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youngedone feonix, now?03:08
ttjljrib: TY03:08
zePh7rsoundray, needing to back it up cracks the whole point of resizing a partition.. If I want to resize that's probably because I have no way to back it up first...03:08
feonixyounge, that's it..03:08
peterkaAmirB: try install dhcpd03:08
feonixyounge, that is the command03:08
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peterkaAmirB: sudo apt-get install dhcpd03:08
soundrayzePh7r: are you looking for help or looking to teach me?03:08
feonixyounge, like.. gunzip myfile.gzip03:08
delcoyoteNessieLiberation, i think my problem with nubuntu is due to network, it uses flux and not used to it, need to configure the eth003:08
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zePh7rsoundray, nvm03:08
LjL!modeline | ttjl03:08
ubotuttjl: A Modeline is a config line in the X server configuration file that gives info about a connected display and how to drive it at a specified display resolution. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFree86_Modeline for more details. Here are 2 links to generate modelines which fit your monitor: http://bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ and http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl03:08
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LjLttjl: but i think 1200x800 is a standard resolution, so no need for a modeline... not entirely sure though03:09
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adaptrit's not standard VESA, I know that03:09
EnverexIs there a command to tell aptitude to just do something, regardless of what breakages it thinks will happen?03:09
adaptrits' 3x203:09
peterkaAmirB: or wait03:10
adaptrEnverex --force03:10
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peterkaAmirB: do you use ndiswrapper?03:10
Enverexadaptr, aptitude: unrecognised option `--force'03:10
adaptryes, use apt-get03:10
AmirBpeterka: ya. I said taht in the question03:10
youngeyounge@younge-desktop:~$ gunzip -d Community.emerald.gzip03:10
youngegunzip: Community.emerald.gzip.gz: No such file or directory03:10
youngewhat am i doing wrong03:10
Enverexadaptr, E: Command line option --force is not understood03:11
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LjLyounge: you're not in the right directory or the filename's wrong.03:11
adaptrdo I need to man the man for you ?>03:11
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AmirBpeterka: what does dhcpd do?03:11
peterkaAmirB: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-52916.html03:11
jhasseWhen i  click on the NetworkManager-Applet, my wlan card isn't listed. But in the manual configuration i can see it (it's in roaming mode). How can i activate it for the NetworkManager?03:11
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youngeLjL: the file is based on my desktop03:11
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ProN00bcan anyone tell me whats supposed to be so cool about this f-spot thing03:11
jribmatt__: it's not packages (or at least wasn't a few weeks ago).  There should be a bug on launchpad somewhere03:11
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LjLyounge: you're not in your desktop, you're in your home directory. type  cd Desktop  to get there.03:11
LjL!cli > younge    (younge, see the private message from Ubotu)03:11
ncdman on man03:11
peterkaAmirB: this is daemon of dhcp client workin in backgroud03:12
Enverexadaptr, The machine is hosed, I'm looking for direct answers, not hoops to jump through03:12
ziroda1ProN00b: digikam's better03:12
AmirBpeterka: I have no idea what that means? will it help?03:12
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peterkaAmirB: try install and we see03:12
soundrayProN00b: nobody made such a claim.03:12
peterkaAmirB: sudo apt-get install dhcpd03:12
digital_khello again all03:12
AmirBpeterka: ok, I did. it returned and said Starting DHCP server: "dhcpd failed to start - check syslog for diagnostics."03:12
daathHello! I am trying to force a specific mode in xorg.conf, I only have one mode in there now, which I call "1080p" but the screen starts in another mode 1770xsomething, and /var/log/xorg.0.log say that it detects lots of modes, but not the one I wrote! What am I doing wrong?03:13
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AmirBpeterka: it also says it needs to be configured03:13
adaptrEnverex if the machine is hosed, then reinstall03:13
ProN00bwell, its here lying on my default install and i just don't see its purpose, nautilus can give me preview pics too03:13
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jribmatt__: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games/+bug/7159303:13
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ziroda1ProN00b: if you dont like it uninstall it simple #ubuntu-offtopic is for rants03:13
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LjLdaath: try removing any other modes from the list.03:13
digital_kis anyone familiar with the wacom section of the xorg configuration? i was reading a blog and it says you can disable it. Do I uncomment it out or delete it altogether?03:14
soundrayEnverex: no. If you need to force things, use dpkg. man dpkg to find out about the various force options.03:14
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LjLdigital_k: commenting out something is the same as deleting it, for what the system cares.03:14
reubsI'm having a problem with suspend on my desktop computer. It suspends but then instantly turns back on.... any ideas?03:14
ncdFor Free F-spot is highly cool03:14
ncdits common sense03:14
daathLjL, I only have the one mode in xorg.conf :) It's like it autodetects modes, and ignores me totally ;)03:14
digital_kwell i suppose, but i would rather know how to properly do it instead of just willy nilly deleting things you know?03:14
LjLdaath: pastebin the xorg.conf03:14
youngeLjL:  younge@younge-desktop:~/Desktop$  gunzip -d Community.gzip, not working :S03:15
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soundrayreubs: it's probably poorly supported by your hardware.03:15
AmirBpeterka: I can't send you private messages, I'm not registered03:15
LjL!baddevice > daath    (daath, see the private message from Ubotu)03:15
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LjLdaath: sorry, that wasn't for you03:15
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LjL!baddevice > digital_k    (digital_k, see the private message from Ubotu)03:15
EnverexI get this error whenever trying to install ANY package "failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `hicolor-icon-theme': Input/output error" when using apt-get or aptitude (not on my machine, trying to fix it for someone but they appear to have hosed their machine)03:16
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LjLyounge: same error as before?03:16
daathljl, hehe ok, pastebin has a mysql error, know anotherone off the top of your head?03:16
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youngeLjL:  yes03:16
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LjLdaath: try refreshing, it's working for me now03:16
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Enverexadaptr, That's a last resort. I would have thought that Debian systems could recover from a package screw-up03:16
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LjLdaath: paste.ubuntu-nl.org that is03:16
arkanabarrob_p:  thanks for /etc/resolv.conf -- changed DNS from local IP to one favored, and Firefox is going MUCH faster now!03:16
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digital_kty :LjL03:17
youngeLjL: all i want to do is install a stupid theme from beryl03:17
LjLyounge: but then the filename you used before was different from the one you've used now03:17
soundrayEnverex: this doesn't sound like a package screw-up. Rather like a hardware problem.03:17
AmirBpeterka: btw, about the forum you sent me, that is not my problem. when I run dhclient eth1 it works fine and I get an internet connection, it's just that i have to do that every time I turn on the pc!03:17
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daathljl, Thanks, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20644/03:17
reubssoundray: is there a away to narrow down which bit it is?03:17
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LjLyounge: well, getting the filenames right may be a start ;)03:17
youngeLjL:  indeed i have two theme i wish to install, ether would be great,03:17
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Enverexsoundray, I thought that but I've deleted and re-downloaded the packages and the drives have enough space, I think pakages critical to installing other packages have been removed03:17
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youngeLjL:  one named: Community.emerald the other, Community03:18
LjLyounge: you know that you can type just the first letters of a filename, and then hit TAB, to auto-complete the filename, right? that is handy.  anyway, pastebin the output of  ls -l  please03:18
imon9hi, recently i screw up my kernel compilation and synaptic is constantly giving me some annoying error, i would like to fresh reinstall my fiesty but hate to configure everything from scratch...i want to know if there is anyway to specify i want the same 1312 pakages installed as i having now?03:18
soundrayreubs: you could reverse-compile your DSDT with iasl and check for compile errors.03:18
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youngetotal 10803:19
younge-rw-r--r-- 1 younge younge 51115 2007-05-13 12:47 Community03:19
younge-rw-r--r-- 1 younge younge 43993 2007-05-13 12:30 Community.emerald03:19
younge-rw-r--r-- 1 younge younge  6032 2007-03-29 23:42 gaim.desktop03:19
iwcdplease can someone tell me how to make my ntfs sata drive read AND write03:19
LjL!paste > younge    (younge, see the private message from Ubotu)03:19
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soundrayEnverex: failed in buffer_read(fd) -- is it trying to read from a floppy disk?03:19
iwcdi am a newbie to this03:19
sivajikonqueror does not supports web page that contain applet03:19
LjLyounge: well, you can see that the filenames are wrong, as there is no ".gzip" extension at all there. are you even sure they're gzip files?03:19
youngesorry, remember that for next time :),03:19
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LjLyounge: output of  file Community.emerald  please03:20
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youngeLjL:  when i go to properties it says a "gzip" file type03:20
jrib!ntfs-3g > iwcd (see the private message from ubotu)03:20
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Enverexsoundray, ... doubt it. I've told him to just format and install Feisty anyway. "aptitude install -f" showed half the system broken anyway with a score of, get this, nearly -300003:20
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arkanabar!ntfs-3g > arkanabar03:20
digital_kimon i do know you can back up your file list with a : dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files03:20
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digital_kthis will output a file to your home directory which you can save , then import again after reinstall I believe03:21
soundrayEnverex: sounds like a wise decision03:21
youngeLjL:  sorry i am a noob at this, output of file? hwo =)03:21
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LjLyounge, type  file Community.emerald  and paste the output03:21
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daathLjL, I don't get any "bad device" or the like...03:22
iwcdjrib installed that through automatix and restarted - still read only though - even if i type sudo nautilus03:22
jribiwcd: don't use automatix03:22
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digital_kthat saves the file, you should use google to learn how to imprt the file tho after you reinstall03:22
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jribiwcd: pastebin this file please:  /etc/fstab03:23
digital_kmake sure to back the file up on a thumb drive or something03:23
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jrib!pastebin > iwcd (see the private message from ubotu)03:23
youngeLjL: Community.emerald: gzip compressed data, was "Zbfrsc.tar", from Unix, last modified: Sat Feb 17 00:17:39 200703:23
b52newok here i am03:23
LjLdaath: might this be relevant? http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2007-March/022431.html03:23
soundray!clone | imon903:23
ubotuimon9: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate03:23
b52newi got it with the recovery mode of ubuntu03:23
peterkaAmirB: sudo vim /etc/dhcpd.conf03:23
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:23
soundrayb52new: have you got it to boot again?03:23
imon9what is !automate?03:24
Op3rdoes anyone know how to adjust the brightness of a sony vaio pcg-frv37 laptop? the power meter is not working :(03:24
soundray!bot | imon903:24
ubotuimon9: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:24
LjLyounge: type "mv Community.emerald Community.emerald.tar.gz" and then "mv Community Community.tar.gz", then use "tar xf Community.emerald.tar.gz" and "tar xf Community.tar.gz"03:24
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type  dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages , move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type  sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade  - See also !automate03:24
=== nagon [n=hakan@h21n2fls34o1000.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
b52newsoundray, yep, im in ubuntu right now03:24
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:24
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digital_koh sorry03:24
daathLjL, I'll try to fiddle around with it some more, using the link - Thanks - I hope I won't be back ;)03:24
digital_ki didnt realize03:24
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soundrayb52new: consider retrying with the CVS version of the driver. Find out what "make install" does and adapt it to your system - it clearly hasn't worked before.03:25
bobonthenetfor some reason my preferences won't save with bittornado, anyone have any idea how to do this?03:25
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Mishaalcan the hackers spy on linux ???03:25
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LjLdaath: if i read that right, you should possibly try convincing X that you're not using a DFP monitor (i see you've got one option commented out, but there's another uncommented)03:26
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KoJgood afternoon03:26
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imon9thanks digital_k03:26
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youngeyounge@younge-desktop:~/Desktop$ tar xf Community.emerald.tar.gz,  gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored, tar: Child returned status 2,    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors,   younge@younge-desktop:~/Desktop$03:26
digital_kyw :)03:26
youngeLjL: ^^03:26
KoJhaving some trouble booting from the 7.04 live CD, select run and install ubuntu then it just freezez. Can someone help?03:26
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daathLjL, But it is a DFP? :) It's my flatpanel TV :)03:26
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iwcdjrib done03:27
ompaulMishaal, your question lacks context, it is more secure by default at some levels03:27
digital_kKoj i have seen reports of that elsewhere also.03:27
Op3rdoes any know any utility for adjusting the brightness of the lcd of a sony vaio? the thing on the power management button is not working :(03:27
LjLyounge: i think those files are corrupted. what are the URLs for them?03:27
imon9hmm..btw, i am actually using gutsy repositories at the moment, so something is broken somehow03:27
youngeit extracted03:27
digital_kare you getting a blacks screen during the process?03:27
digital_kat all?03:27
youngethank you LjL03:27
ubuntu__can I get these bouncing window things in both ubuntu and kubuntu?03:27
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bobonthenetfor some reason my preferences won't save with bittornado, anyone have any idea how to do this?03:27
digital_kbouncing windows? lol03:27
KoJyeah, there's a little text at the bottom of the screen and a blinking cursor at the top03:27
Neil-found a bug - can someone confirm- Run top -d1 in terminal, then shrink terminal vertically03:27
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digital_kyou mean desktop effects?03:27
imon9so if i backup my pakages now, but resort back to feisty repositores, i'm sure some pakages wont match03:27
Neil-top crashes with a core dump03:27
barbarawhat package do i install on kubuntu to get edubuntu, as well?03:27
LjLdaath: yeah but as you can read there, it seems with DFP whatever the driver "thinks" is the right resolution is used, totally ignoring custom modelines03:27
Neil-anyone else get this issue?03:27
ompaulMishaal, I point you at www.securityfocus.com for a basis intro to security03:27
daathLjL, Ah I understand - Because I wrote its a DFP. it will ignore modelines! :D03:27
jribiwcd: give us the url03:28
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digital_kimon you may want to make a backup of your repos as well03:28
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:28
digital_kand save those also03:28
LjLdaath: then maybe if you tell it it's *not* a DFP, it just won't work anyway... but03:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:28
kmLhi, I did something with the ati drivers ... with the xorg.conf file I mean and when I rebooted it started out as text mode in terminal... how do I fix that ? it says something about that it cant load x server..03:28
soundrayNeil-: can't confirm - no crash here03:28
ubuntu__digital_k: I saw videos on youtube and it looks really cool but I dont know how to get them03:28
iwcdjrib http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20646/03:28
Op3r!sony vaio03:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sony vaio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:28
Neil-really, odd03:28
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reya276does anyone know if there is gui app for compiz 0.503:28
daathLjL, Thanks man, I will try to muck around03:28
Neil-as you get it small enough, the core is dumped03:29
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youngeLjL:  i am still a lost puppy though hehe i have the files now, but when i go to theme and add, it says theme.ini is not a vaild format :O:O03:29
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digital_kubuntu_ I have only used what comes with feisty thus far, so I have no knowledge really.03:29
youngehow hard is it to install a new blooody theme :(03:29
jribiwcd: follow the instructions on the wiki.  It seems automatix didn't do anything03:29
KoJdigital_k, yeah, there's a little text at the bottom of the screen and a blinking cursor at the top03:29
LjLyounge: i'm not on GNOME, i know little of GNOME themes...03:29
digital_kthe included effects in feisty are compiz, very basic03:29
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kmLholy cracker ... so many users to acctive03:29
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CoAXhello everyone03:29
youngeok thanks for your help anyway LjL03:29
digital_khi CoAX03:29
iwcdjrib ty03:29
CoAXI am trying to install Ubuntu on an Inspirion 265003:29
CoAXthe 7.0403:29
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CoAXstep 4 of 703:30
ubuntu__I am using kubuntu live cd 6.10 now but can I get the bouncy windows thing then?03:30
georgy_Op3r, : http://www.linux.it/~malattia/wiki/index.php/Sony_drivers03:30
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b52newsoundray http://nopaste.info/8edd248689.html03:30
digital_ki dont believe that is in the 6.10 version03:30
Tonnerreubuntu__, install and start beryl03:30
CoAXPrepare disk space. I selected new partition size, confirmed and now the computer is frozen03:30
imon9digital_k, is there i jsut did the pakages backup thing u told... but i got a list of my installed pakages... when i reimport them, does it also help me uninstall those pakages that i not need?03:30
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CoAXnot sure what to do and kind of freaking out03:30
Op3rgeorgy_, thanks I almost rebooted to go back to windows03:30
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ompaulCoAX, so had you anything on the machine?03:30
soundrayb52new: see, it installs it in the headers directory. It's no use there...03:31
digital_kimon9 it should install what you had and fix the rest I am guessing.03:31
imon9digital_k, or is it better if i go it by installing ubuntu server version?03:31
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reya276so yeah I updated to the new version of compiz 0.5 anf now I can't access GL Desltop03:31
ubuntu__thank you all, I will try to install beryl, but it does it work better/worse in kubuntu/ubuntu?03:31
digital_kwell do you need the server version?03:31
b52newwhere should i copy it instead?03:31
digital_kare you going to run a server?03:31
soundrayb52new: you'll have to sudo cp it again like before.03:31
dazebaowho speak italian_03:31
Lopiczy tworzenie aliasow ip do usug np alias ip do korzystania z firefoxa pozwoli mi wejsc na czat pod innym adresem ip jesli mnie zbanuja na obecnym?03:31
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:31
digital_kthe desktop version should be ok unless you want a server setup03:31
soundrayb52new: get the copy target with 'locate rt2570.ko | grep $(uname -r)'03:32
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KoJhaving some trouble booting from the 7.04 live CD, select run and install ubuntu then it just freezez. Can someone help?03:32
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digital_kKoj did you make the cd yourself?03:32
imon9no no...i just reckon that ubuntu server edition did not install all the application that coes with desktop version03:32
KoJsorry for c&p03:32
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digital_kyou may want to check the cd for defects03:32
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KoJno, it's a mail order free CD03:32
b52newsoundray, done03:32
imon9so i dont have to remove those application manually later03:32
digital_kOk so you have an 'official' dvd03:32
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KoJtried to check it but had the same freeze problem D:03:33
wimdowswhat's the easiest way to use ubuntu to serve video/audio over a LAN?03:33
digital_kwhat are the specs of your machine if i may ask , Koj?03:33
CoAXno progress bar no nothing03:33
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Neil-Can someone run top -d1 in terminal, and shrink it vertically. It should crash out and dump core.. Someone else running konsole has confirmed it does the same03:33
Neil-If it does, what should i file it under on a bug repoirt?03:33
georgy_wimdows : vlc03:33
soundrayb52new: now you can do a 'sudo depmod -a'. Then you should be able to 'sudo modprobe rt2570' and hope it works this time.03:33
digital_khello jah1303:33
KoJerm, 512mb RAM, 2.80ghz CPU, 160gb HDD, nVidia video card03:33
jah13Can i get help with ndiswrapper installation here?03:34
imon9digital_k. isnt ubuntu server edition is more like a barebone edition of ubuntu dektop wihout all the apps? or is there any barebone ubuntu that i can download?03:34
KoJdon't know video specs03:34
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digital_kIntel cpu, Koj?03:34
KoJyes, i38603:34
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wimdowsgeorgy_ - isn't that overkill? as that re-encodes etc on the fly, where all I want to do is have multiple clients play video/audio from a server location03:34
DoctorOwlDoes anyone remember how many people attended the open week sessions?03:34
b52newsoundray but its still on the blacklist03:34
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digital_ktry it in safe graphics mode when the cd boots03:34
KoJsame problem, i've tried about everything03:34
arrowhen I type "sudo pccardctl ident" I get no product info available, what should I do?03:34
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digital_kSo you have tried the safe graphics mode , and it still freezes?03:35
digital_kthats odd.03:35
soundrayb52new: I think an explicit modprobe forces it past the blacklist -- but try it out03:35
b52newsoundray it worked fine, no errors03:35
NessieLiberationBhaal, are you swedish?03:35
KoJthats what I thought03:35
void^imon9: yes, it's just barebone (and installs a different kernel by default).03:35
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dazebaowho speak italian03:35
georgy_wimdows : you right, i read you question to fast, sorry03:35
digital_kcould be the cd you have might be defected, its very possible03:35
void^!it | dazebao03:35
ubotudazebao: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:35
NessieLiberationdazebao, not really...03:35
BhaalNessieLiberation: Coz I come and go alot?03:35
JR_Does anybody know how to format a hard disk to HFS (mac filesystem) in ubuntu?03:36
imon9void^: what is the different kernel?03:36
NessieLiberationBhaal, because i know a swede with the nick bhaal ;)03:36
KoJshould I try downloading a CD, instead of using the mail order one?03:36
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jah13Can someone give me a quick walkthrough on how to install ndiswrapper?03:36
imon9isn;t both using kernel 2.6.20-15 now?03:36
digital_kYou can Koj, just to be sure.03:36
arroKoj, yes, mailorder takes a long time03:36
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void^imon9: the -server kernel instead of -generic03:36
CoAXcan someone help me with the install freeze problem?03:36
BhaalNessieLiberation: Ahhh, no, Im not swedish, Im Australian, and the only 'Bhaal' here...  for 9yrs now...03:36
KoJkk, thanks for your help :D03:36
NessieLiberationKoJ, if you can it'll be quicker and more fun03:36
wimdowsgeorgy_ : ok, so what is the best way of doing it? Setting up NFS? It looks like playing it over a Samba share doesn't work03:36
imon9i am actually having problem with that kernel (2.6.20-15) coz my scanner not working with it03:36
NessieLiberationBhaal, ah ok, the other guy probably only uses quakenet anyway03:36
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wimdowsAnd I don't want to have to install NFS client tools on windows machines03:37
BhaalNessieLiberation: Fairymuff03:37
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KoJYou read it wrong, I already ahve the mail order disk, it just gets a black screen with a flashing curser and some numbers and text at the bottom03:37
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Gerrosynaptic keeps whining about not being able to authenticate what I'm installing, why is that?03:37
KoJNo idea whats up with it tbh ;(03:37
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georgy_wimdows : Yes, it's possible to work03:37
arrocan someone walk me through connecting my laptop to my network wirelessly?03:37
NessieLiberationBhaal, never seen that, only hairy or enough03:37
JR_Does anybody know how to format a hard disk to HFS (mac filesystem) in ubuntu?03:37
vega-_can i run ubuntu 32 bit on amd 64 cpu03:37
digital_kKoj, as I said, I have seen alot of people complain about that lately on a different site.03:37
icebreezehey where do i go to enable bci for freetype?  I can't seem to find anything on the forums that really specify.03:37
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digital_kthere is no reason why its happening tho03:37
BhaalNessieLiberation: Ah, well now you have, been using that for years aswell :)03:37
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wimdowsdoes anyone here use ubuntu to serve up video/audio to Windows as well as other Ubuntu machines?03:38
BleSShow disable the virtual terminal in Ubuntu? I know that /etc/inittab has been replaced by /etc/init.d/*. Do I have to delete the /etc/init.d/tty{3-6}?03:38
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imon9and yes, one very important question! if i were to reinstall my feisty/gutsy...but i still want to use my /home or user configuration (i wont delete them since they are on a different partition) so how do i tell the new installation to use the user?03:38
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vega-_can i run ubuntu 32 bit on amd 64 cpu03:38
Gerroimon9: create a new user however you like03:38
mikihow can I install python-imaging in fiesty03:38
void^BleSS: you mean /etc/event.d/03:38
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Gerrovega-_: yes you can but why would you want to?03:39
NessieLiberationvega-, yes03:39
soundray!chroot > vega-_, please read ubotu's private message03:39
NessieLiberationGerro, there are a few reasons to want to03:39
imon9Gerro: i want to use the same user which i have now03:39
BleSSvoid^: yes03:39
Gerronot really03:39
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GerroNessieLiberation: name one?03:39
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NessieLiberationGerro, flash03:39
Gerroyou can use a 32 bit browser03:39
NessieLiberationi know03:39
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Gerroand modify the browsers x11 exporting of it03:40
Gerroor use wine to run windows flash03:40
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Gerroeven more stable03:40
vega-_Gerro: because of flash incompatibility03:40
NessieLiberationbut it's seriously less hassle for someone who doesnt understand these things to simply run 32-bit03:40
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KoJThanks for your help digital_K. Going to nip down to the computer shop and pick up some CD-RW =D03:40
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soundrayGerro: closed-source wifi drivers are a killer03:40
Gerrovega-_:my brother has 64 bit laptop and flash runs fine on his either you install 32 bit firefox and use linux flash, or you use gnash with firefox 64 bit, or run firefox under wine with windows flash03:41
digital_knp Koj, good luck . :)03:41
Gerrosoundray: which ones?03:41
soundrayGerro: bcm43xx03:41
Gerrosoundray: ndiswrapper covers most them but I think one in ubuntu repository is older03:41
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vega-_Gerro: im using flash with 64 but most of the firefox addons to download videos from youtube are not working03:42
wimdowsguys - what's the most efficient way to serve video files over the LAN to Windows clients?03:42
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Gerrosoundray: remember to get the windows wireless driver that is either 32 bit or 64 bit whatever your system is03:42
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Gerrovega-_: you tried gnash yet?03:43
neo_Hey guys, quick question.03:43
neo_I'm upgrading to Feisty right now.03:43
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vega-_Gerro: what is that03:43
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neo_And I need to interrupt it.03:43
Gerrovega-_: I mostly use flash for videos too, if you use gnash you won't get annoying flash ads with screeching volume03:43
neo_Will that totally screw the whole thing up?03:43
Gerrovega-_: open source flash03:43
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LjLneo_: if it's just downloading packages, interrupt it. if it's installing, don't.03:43
neo_It's fetching and installing the upgrads03:43
neo_904 out of 98903:44
vega-_Gerro: ok ill give it a try thanks03:44
Gerrovega-_: no prob03:44
arkanabarneo_ : fetching is downloading.03:44
LjLneo_, it fetches first, installs later03:44
LjLyou need to know which it is doing03:44
neo_Will it have to start from the beginning again?03:44
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Mikelevelfirefox64+nspluginwrapper+flash works fine03:44
LjLneo_: no03:44
neo_When I start again, I mean.03:44
neo_Great, thanks.03:44
stuart_I'm trying to install my hp scan jet 4670.  The scanjet is recognized.  But when I type in "stuart@stuart-desktop:~$ cat /proc/bus/usb/drivers" I get "cat: /proc/bus/usb/drivers: No such file or directory".  Can anyone point me in the right direction???? TIA03:44
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LjLneo_: make *very* sure it's just downloading though. if it *is* installing, you'll mess up horribly (most likely) by interru03:44
flamiHi Im looking for a software to play DVDs , what do you suggest ?03:45
soundrayGerro: I like 64bit, but for most people who come here and ask which to install, i386 is the better choice.03:45
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:45
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JR_Does anybody know how to format a hard disk to HFS (mac filesystem) in ubuntu?03:45
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flamiTHnak you03:45
rch__JR_ get bootcamp03:46
Gerrosoundray: nonsense the best quality about linux is that it installs on anything03:46
flamidamn,  thank you ^^03:46
rch__np :)03:46
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LjLJR_:  sudo apt-get install hfsutils  -  man hformat 03:46
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EnverexGerro, Flash is a nightmare to get working, Java has issues and then there are a handful of other apps with issues03:47
LjLJR_: unless you mean HFS+, in which case get "hfsplus" instead03:47
soundrayGerro: not nonsense. These people come back and ask how to do this and that on 64bit, and they're finding it a pain to deal with.03:47
Gerroenverex: java works fine on 64 bit, I never noticed any problems with it. Any bugs in particular?03:47
georgy_Stuart : Have a look here : http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html#Z-HEWLETT-PACKARD You scanner seem unsupported03:47
Gerrosoundray: name an example?03:47
EnverexGerro, Some things still need 32bit Java and it's screwy03:47
soundrayGerro: it's just not the best choice for everyone, even if the hardware support is there.03:47
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larson9999the best quality of linux is it's license.03:48
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soundrayGerro: the ones already discussed. No, it is not straightforward to install firefox32 on amd64.03:48
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soundrayGerro: and flash and codecs and drivers and wine...03:48
DidiusHi, is the UDSF offline? or is it just my connection?03:48
Gerrosoundray: was for me03:49
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Gerrocodecs have to install for either one and wine has 64 bit instructions takes 2 steps03:49
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soundrayGerro: you're probably a genius. The average person asking for help here isn't.03:49
Gerrooh wow I have to install a .deb for 32bit libraries big deal03:49
Gerrosoundray: vega no noob, we kool03:49
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Gerrovega_: ain't that right :)03:50
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Do``could someone help me figure out a problem?03:50
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:50
Do``i already searched and made a forum post about it03:50
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void^as long as nspluginwrapper can't be installed via one (1) gui-button 64bit isn't good for average joe ;)03:50
Do``so i'll just link that03:50
=== Pieter_ [n=pieter@cp96401-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Gerrosoundray: I think your just a rather old user of ubuntu, the latest model is a bit different03:50
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Pieter_guys, how do i install opera on feisty?03:51
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LjL!opera > Pieter_    (Pieter_, see the private message from Ubotu)03:51
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Gerrosoundray: no offense but don't have to worry about 32 bit installs screwing up apt anymore03:51
LjLPieter_: just get the .deb package from opera.com i guess03:51
Esmo2000Hey all03:51
Gerrosoundray: chrooting and all that annoyed heck out of me before03:51
Grummusalso there are many wifi cards out there without 64 bit windows driver, so ndiswrapper does not help you on x86_6403:51
Do``LjL: so?03:51
snikkerhow can i reconfigure date, language, and so on in my own country language? i've tried "dpkg-reconfigure locales", but nothing to do... can you help me?03:51
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vega-_anybody know firefox proxy client i think its tourk?03:52
GerroGrummus: so install the 32 bit one with ndiswrapper?03:52
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GrummusGerro, does not work03:52
Gerrogrummus: or 64 bit w/e03:52
LjLDo``, so, what? i don't necessarily have an answer. actually i don't, i don't even use GNOME.03:52
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GerroGrummus: well I got ndiswrapper going on 64 bit so I know least broadcom ones do03:52
Do``eh :/03:52
LjL!locales > snikker    (snikker, see the private message from Ubotu)03:52
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soundrayGerro: not at all. I run three feisty machines at home, two of them 64bit. Also have a 64bit edgy still. *I* can deal with those problems fine.03:52
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Do``i've been trying to find any solution for the better part of the last 2 weeks03:52
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Do``and nothing.03:52
Pieter_another question, how important is anti-virus software on linux?03:52
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tarzeauPieter_: not at all03:53
LjLPieter_: not very, is the consensus03:53
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Esmo2000Hey, i was wondering if anyone could help me setup twinview?  Ive been trying for a day but with no luck03:53
LjL!virus > Pieter_    (Pieter_, see the private message from Ubotu)03:53
soundrayGerro: but making people install amd64 if they don't need it causes unnecessary traffic on this channel.03:53
rch__|-| this important03:53
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snikkerLjL: thanx. i look it :)03:53
andy_linuxanybody know the dirve mapper software for linux03:53
Esmo2000I've got the monitor to recognize03:53
Esmo2000I can't get it to display anything03:53
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vega-_anybody know firefox proxy client i think its tourk?03:53
Gerrosoundray: only unnecessary traffic I've seen is making people install those old busted restricted modules. Seriously easy to do 64 bit stuff..03:53
rch__Gerro: the 64bit version is evidently better with FF?03:53
Gerrorch: FF?03:54
Gerrorch__: yeah03:54
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=== LjL invites Gerro and soundray to #ubuntu-offtopic :-)
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Esmo2000Can anybody help?03:54
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EnverexDoes anyone know why UT2004 would fail to start with the error "Assertion failed: sizeof(*this)==GetClass()->GetPropertiesSize() [File:UnGame.cpp]  [Line: 149] "?03:55
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GerroEsmo2000: perhaps....03:55
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Esmo2000Gerro, thanks, it would really really be appreciated03:55
Esmo2000Gerro,  I've been hacking at this forever03:55
=== Gerro helps himself to a sandwich
vega-_anybody know firefox proxy client i think its tourk?03:55
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Esmo2000Gerro, so, basically i have the monitor recognized03:56
Esmo2000Gerro, but no dice03:56
Gerrovega-_: never heard of it, what's it for?03:56
TheAberrantHey all, trying to figure out a crash with WoW via Wine - only crashes through the shortcut created by the tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft (using Feisty Fawn)03:56
GerroEsmo2000: dice? hmm is it multiple monitor problem?03:56
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GerroTheAberrant: try #winehq03:56
Esmo2000Gerro, yeah, the second monitor won't display anything03:56
Esmo2000Gerro, Its a dvi output03:56
vega-_Gerro: its a poxy or vpn client for firefox03:56
Esmo2000Gerro, I'm running FF03:56
GerroEsmo2000: damn had same problem few days ago in xubuntu channel03:56
Esmo2000Gerro, :(03:57
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TheAberrantGerro: Okay, tho it's working properly through the CLI.  just crashes with the shortcut03:57
Esmo2000Gerro, so, any suggestions?  what solved it the other day?03:57
magnetronTheAberrant: change the shortcut so it will execute the same command as in CLI03:58
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GerroEsmo2000: hmm think they turned down resolution and used some sort of splitting program03:58
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GerroEsmo2000: the guy was really into trading business had some pics of his desktop showing to people03:58
Yanchois there anyway to retreive the password of a username? wanna search the pass i set for username postgres03:58
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magnetronTheAberrant: http://www.wowwiki.com/Linux/Wine03:59
GerroEsmo2000: I wish I could be of more help, I wanted to dual monitor too :(03:59
erUSULmagnetron: john the ripper03:59
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Esmo2000Gerro, oh, you tried and it didn't work?03:59
soundrayYancho: no, but you can reset it with 'sudo passwd postgres'03:59
LjLYancho, are you sure there is a password at all? if you  cat /etc/passwd | grep postgres , do you see a hash or a "!" in the second field?03:59
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LjLYancho: err i meant /etc/shadow03:59
GerroEsmo2000: nah my other monitor is busted so I use it with my windows box03:59
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boomgreetings, can  someone tell me command to configure internet connection in ubuntu? am using version 4.10.thanks!03:59
Esmo2000yeah, this works with my windows box03:59
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shirishguys isn't there a ubuntu multimedia fork distribution somewhere?04:00
erUSULboom: 6.10? what type of connection? cable, xdsl? wifi? wired?04:00
GerroEsmo2000: hey can you use xgl with compiz on multi screen?04:00
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:00
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balbir97jrib: thanks, I got message from ubotu :)04:00
Esmo2000Umm, i don't know?04:00
erUSULboom: modem or router?04:00
shirish!ubuntu multimedia04:01
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Esmo2000Gerro, would it make a difference?  My monitor sees nothing04:01
boomerUSUL: dsl modem. am sorry shld have told u that04:01
GerroEsmo2000: probably best not too, too much overhead04:01
Esmo2000Gerro, My computer sees the monitor04:01
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications04:01
magnetronboom: ubuntu 4.10 is not supported anymore. did you mean to say 6.10?04:01
infidelis there a way to schedule thuderbird to do an automated send with attachment daily?04:01
GerroEsmo2000: did you fix your xorg.conf to show there are more than one monitors?04:01
gordboyYancho, yeah, there is a file with everyone's password in it. and it is readable by everyone. just for those occasions when you "forget" admin passwords. happens all the time ...04:01
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d2812shirish: Do you mean the medibuntu repo's?04:01
Esmo2000Gerro, Yes, my computer is acting as if the monitor is there04:01
shirishd2812: ah yes, medibuntu04:01
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE04:01
Esmo2000Gerro, But it doesn't drive a signal04:02
LjLgordboy, the file with the password hashes (hashes, not passwords) isn't readable by everyone, but only by root.04:02
erUSUL!dsl > boom04:02
d2812shirish: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com04:02
shirishd2812: any idea where I can find more info. about that?04:02
boomerUSUL:thanks mate04:02
erUSULboom: read the priv msg from ubotu04:02
boomyeh thanks04:02
erUSULboom: no problem?04:02
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GerroEsmo2000: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=34100304:02
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gordboyLjL, really ? well i never. gee is that what those illegible characters are ?04:02
d2812shirish: check your PM's04:02
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LjLgordboy, did i miss a <sarcasm> tag?04:03
shirishd2812: where in ubuntuforums or where?04:03
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variantgordboy: it's not supposed to be human readable04:03
Yanchogordboy can i login as root? su is not wallowing me04:03
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LjL!root > Yancho    (Yancho, see the private message from Ubotu)04:03
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LjLYancho: use  sudo command  or, if you for some reason need to stay logged in as root for a while, use  sudo -i 04:04
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Esmo2000Gerro, Yeah, this isn't too useful to me04:04
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Yanchooki ill do -i for the time being thanks04:04
sumigamerhey guys i wanted to know if i download feisty from torrent, what will be the amount i will be uploading, if i am downloading 700Mb???04:04
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GerroEsmo2000: yeah but turns out can't do a 3d desktop with multiple monitors :(04:04
LjLsumigamer: you should at least upload the same amount of data you download, i'd say.04:04
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sumigamerLjl, this means i will have to upload 700MB???04:05
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LjLsumigamer: it doesn't mean you *have* to.04:05
shirishsumigamer: its upto you, but yes it would help other people04:05
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=== azteech is away: [Happy Mother's Day - to all Moms]
magnetronsumigamer: it is voluntarily, but ut will make your download faster04:06
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LjL!away > azteech    (azteech, see the private message from Ubotu)04:06
shijirouhi guys wanted to ask how to use bluetooth stuff on ubuntu04:06
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Gerrosummigamer: best to use torrent when something is first released, very fast then04:06
cdiddlydog'E:Type 'deb' is not known on line 45 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.'04:06
Horscht!bluetooth > shijirou04:06
magnetronshijirou: ask04:06
cdiddlydogcan anyone help me out with what that means04:06
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Gerro!bluetooth > shijirou04:06
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LjLcdiddlydog: pastebin your sources.list (hint: if you select the "SourcesList" datatype in the pastebin, you'll probably find out where the error is yourself)04:06
Gerro!bluetooth > Gerro04:06
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shijirouim running the bluetooth obex thing... im trying to send an image from my cellphone to my pc04:06
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup04:07
sumigamerguys i am short on bandwidth. the monthly bandwidth allocated to me is 1gb. I have to pay one buck per mb more than that.04:07
shijirouthabks for the trigger04:07
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Horscht1gb monthly limit04:07
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LjLsumigamer: then upload less, we aren't going to kill you.04:07
magnetronsumigamer: you could just download it through http if that is the case04:07
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Gerrosumigamer: wow that blows seriously04:07
boomhi, can someone please tell me the command to update all packaeges( including kernel)?04:07
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sumigamerLjl, how do i know how much am i uploading?? And how do i stop it??04:08
LjLboom: "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"04:08
Gerrosumigamer: I can down 1gb in under an hour04:08
stmooncan you install beryl in ubuntu with ATI 9200?04:08
magnetronboom: use the update manager, it will do that for you04:08
LjLsumigamer: that depends on the torrent client you use. there probably are settable limits in the settings.04:08
Gerrostmoon: yeah but its difficult04:08
boomaight thanks guys !04:08
=== AlbertoP [n=AlbertoP@host195-144.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
stmoonhow do you do?04:08
Horschtsumigamer, better download from http04:08
stefgboom: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:08
stmoonplease help me Gerro04:08
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EnverexLjL, I doubt many people will do that, I surely wouldn't. I'd take a direct download over a torrent any-day because I don't particularly like having my network crippled for extended periods...04:08
LjL!beryl > stmoon    (stmoon, see the private message from Ubotu)04:08
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Horschtdon't use torrents on such a quota04:08
sumigameri heard that torrents are faster.....04:08
stmoonGerro: please help me..04:08
LjLEnverex, he asked about downloading from torrent, i didn't tell him to.04:09
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mumpereri've tried installing Fiesty (7.04) from the supplied dvds - I can't promote this, it just doesn't seem ready, leads me (twice) to "bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" - eh?04:09
variantsumigamer: if it's a good torrent they can be04:09
stmooncan you install beryl in ubuntu with ATI 9200?04:09
Gerrostmoon: me!? hell no I'm a noob when it comes to that sort of stuff..04:09
LjLstmoon, beryl help in #ubuntu-effects thanks04:09
stmoonGerro:  yes..04:09
snikkerLjl: i've reconfigure localeconf, but my php script show the month name in english instead of my country language.. (the script work fine on another linux box)04:09
Horscht!beryl > stmoon04:09
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variantmumperer: you can't promote it eh?04:10
Gerrostmoon: besides you tried xgl or compiz perhaps enlightenment, very nice stufff04:10
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod04:10
=== Gerro runs off and hides from stmoon
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mumperervariant: I was hoping to visit and install/demo at an institutional user but ...04:11
sumigameralso, does anynone know what will be the amount of downloaded data if i upgrade to feisty from dapper??04:11
LjLsnikker, unsure04:11
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uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!04:11
variantmumperer: whats ... mean?04:11
allblackshow can i see the list of users from this channel i am using xchat?04:11
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stmooncan you install beryl in ubuntu with ATI 9200?04:11
jlawhi, i am trying to set up ubuntu feisty on my nvidia stripe (nforce 4) following this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto apt-get install dmraid fails in my chrooted system. now i am stuck, i can even remove it "invoke-rc.d: initscript dmraid, action "start" failed.". any ideas?04:11
magnetronIf anyone wants to ask ubotu for something, consider to do so with a /msg04:11
LjLsumigamer: you can't upgrade directly, you have to go through edgy, so it'll be quite a bit. likely more than a gb, if you have several packages installed.04:11
shawn34sumigamer, you can't you need to goto Edgy first then Feisty04:11
stefgsumigamer: uhoh... you'll have to go through edgy first.... 1GB won't be enough oa the end of the day04:11
stmoonthere is not anyone in ubutnu-effects04:11
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sumigameri do have edgy...04:12
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LjLstmoon: i see 108 people there.04:12
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shawn34sumigamer, you said dapper04:12
CheshireVikingallblacks, there should be a slider on the right hand side  the xchat screen that you can move to the left by clicking & holding using the mouse04:12
variantmumperer: if you want to complain do it in #ubuntu-offtopic, this is the support channel and is only for support issues. better than complaining why don't you A. find out what caused the error and B. submit a bug report and optionally C. fix it04:12
stefgsumigamer: expect around 500 to 700 MB then04:12
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sumigamerlooks like i will have to order from shipit...04:13
Enverexsumigamer, You can just set your upload speed to really slow04:13
stmoonLjL:  however there is no anyone who answer for me04:13
Enverexsumigamer, Set it to 1KB/s or something04:13
LjLstmoon: perhaps you could try asking a real question. like, "i've tried to X but it failed when doing Y, with error Z"04:13
sumigamerEnverex, if I dont upload much, wont other guys get angry at me???04:13
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LjLsumigamer: shipit doesn't ship Feisty04:13
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Enverexsumigamer, No04:13
LjL(at least i don't think)04:13
ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Feisty (7.04) CDs04:13
stmoonok Thanks.. LjL04:13
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LjLoh it will. nevermind04:14
Horschtunless they invented a netstab device, no04:14
variantstmoon: the short answer is, yes you can04:14
sumigamerguys i live in India....04:14
magnetronsumigamer: no, there is alot of ppl seeding that torrent anyway04:14
jlawhi, i am trying to set up ubuntu feisty on my nvidia stripe (nforce 4) following this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto apt-get install dmraid fails in my chrooted system. now i am stuck, i can even remove it "invoke-rc.d: initscript dmraid, action "start" failed.". any ideas?04:14
mumpererAh well - I was hoping for a clue - so i'll remain clueless.04:14
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:14
jah13Can someone help me succesfully compile ndiswrapper?04:14
stmoonvariant:  yes. i can do. but it need more time..04:14
arkanabarWhat are some good desktop publishing / page layout packages?04:15
jah13Im not on my ubuntu laptop now, but maybe a quick walktrough would be nice...04:15
variantmumperer: you havn't asked a question04:15
sumigamerI live in India, which is why i pay very dearly for bandwidth.....04:15
LjLarkanabar: i think Scribus is decent, or just use TeX04:15
magnetron!info scribus > arkanabar04:15
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ncdhow do i get the uids for grubs root= stuf?04:16
arkanabarMy sister uses TeX, and it's way more TeXnical than I want to be.  Thanks for Scribus.04:16
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sumigameranyone here from India who can send me feisty, then04:16
variant!UUID | ncd04:16
ubotuncd: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:16
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allblackswhat is the name of that package for GRUB that it has an interface so i could change the boot order in grub?04:17
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stefgjlaw: see dpkg --force-help to force deinstallation of the dmraid-package04:17
magnetronsumigamer: contact shipit, they will help you. maybe there is a LoCo team that can help you? i don't know04:17
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LjLarkanabar, there are a couple of graphical interfaces to TeX, though, such as LyX. they generally don't make TeX totally like a wysiwyg-style editor, but let you work without knowing the actual TeX syntax04:17
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sumigamerwhats LoCO???04:17
variantsumigamer: they will post it to you for free..04:17
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jah13Can someone help me with wireless networking?04:18
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Mo0oSaHif i use rockbox, will ipod work the same way on amarok?04:18
xjkxUbuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu LOGOS are free to put anywhere, right? Please don't answer if you ain't sure04:18
sumigamerbut shipit takes 6-10 weeks, right??? By that time gutsy will be out!!!!!04:18
magnetronsumigamer: LoCo is an Ubuntu Local Community team04:18
arkanabarLjL, I know, I once tried either LyX or LaTeX way back in .... 98, 99?  Anyway, I don't think any of the TeX based DTP/PLO packages can rotate type.04:18
variantmagnetron: why are you asking in here?04:18
jlawstefg, i already did dpkg --force-all -r dmraid gives the same error04:18
variant!offtopic | magnetron04:18
ubotumagnetron: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:18
variantmagnetron: sorry, was ment for Mo0oSaH04:18
variantMo0oSaH: /join #ubuntu-offtopic04:19
mjunxhey all04:19
mjunxis there any way to find out why my computer may have rebooted on its own?04:19
mjunxbecause it appears that one of my computers rebooted about 2 hours ago for some reason, and I didn't get any mail from anything or anything like that04:19
Mo0oSaHvariant: was wondering someone might know04:19
jah13maybe it updated itself04:19
arkanabarmjunx -- X server restarts can look like that.04:19
mjunxarkanabar, uptime says it's been up for 2:17 now04:19
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variantMo0oSaH: yes, this is an ubuntu support channel. anythin else is offtopic, so ask in #ubuntu-offtopic not here04:19
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arkanabarmjunx, you probably know a lot more about it than I do.04:20
mjunxand no good info in dmesg or syslog or anything, and I'm not very familiar with much mroe logs in /var/log/ than that04:20
jah13can someone please help me getting online with my wireless card??04:20
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variantMo0oSaH: you wouldn't go to a formula 1 race to ask about horses04:20
mjunxah, well, thanks for the concern, arkanabar :)04:20
xjkxI am about to use all the buntu's logos on a java software but I am afraid its not free as firefox's logo ;o04:20
stefgjlaw: what's the error you got while installing dmraid? might it help to download the package manually, install it with dpkg -i and remove it then?04:20
LjL!info xaralx > arkanabar - there is also this04:20
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jlawstefg, almost same error when installing04:21
allblacksis there a graphical mode to edit the grub menu04:21
cornellVNC server isn't "standard" on feisty... And I've found conflicting information about implementing it, none of which works for me.  Is there a preferred way to "remote GUI" into a feisty machine (from dapper)?04:21
jah13please help me get online, im desperate...04:21
variantxjkx: there probably a policy on that on the ubuntu page04:21
Enverexjah13, ... you are online04:21
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mjunxoh man, maybe I got hax'd...04:22
jah13on my friends comp04:22
xjkxvariant: i couldnt find04:22
stefgjlaw: so what error? complaints it cant start dmraid?04:22
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georgy_jah13 : tell us what a card to have and what is the realy problem04:22
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variantxjkx: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy04:22
variantxjkx: google ffs04:22
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jlawstefg, wait a second04:22
variantxjkx: you didn't look04:22
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Enverexjah13, Well what exactly is the problem?04:22
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griswalddoes anyone in here use feisty ubuntu?04:23
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arkanabarLjL:  <blink blink> wow.... all I wanted was to do character sheets and GM screens for "Earthdawn".04:23
Enverexgriswald, A lot, why?04:23
jah13he's letting me use it cuz i cant get online with my ubuntu laptop with a broadcom wireless adapter.  I tried installing the gui ndiswrapper tool from synaptic with an ethernet connection, got the drivers, installed the .inf file, but no luck...please help...04:23
Enverexjah13, What adapter is it?04:23
jlawstefg, flood or pm?04:23
jah13a broadcon 802.11a/b/g04:24
xjkxvariant: my english sucks for english google tags, thanks very much04:24
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jah13on an hp lappy04:24
stefg!paste | jlaw04:24
ubotujlaw: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:24
Enverexjah13, That doesn't help at all04:24
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Enverexjah13, Need exact name04:24
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jah13oo, how do i get that name?04:24
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magnetronjah13: use the lspci command04:24
georgy_jah13 : lspci in a console04:24
griswaldEnverex: i upgraded to feisty from dapper >edgy , but when i go to sources.list they are still in dapper what do i do ?04:24
jlawstefg, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20649/04:24
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stefgk, sec04:25
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Enverexgriswald, Are you sure you're on Edgy then?04:25
jah13actually, i did try using that command like 2 hours ago, but for some reason, it did not recognize the command...04:25
griswaldiam on feisty now04:25
mjunxanyone here know anything about iptables? I'd like to know how to block certain IP addresses04:25
griswaldim pretty sure im on feisty04:25
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magnetron!firestarter > mjunx04:26
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LjLarkanabar: err... meaning that xaralx/scribus look good, or don't? :P04:26
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mjunxmainly because I've either found some zombies looking for vulnerable ssh servers, or some specific people trying to scriptkiddie them some root04:26
griswaldEnverex: im pretty sure04:26
Dj-skovsneglhow do i set costum background in pidgin?04:26
Dj-skovsneglbackground color that is04:26
mjunxmagnetron, I know about guarddog, but I'm looking for some advanced functionality of iptables that it doesn't deal with04:26
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Enverexgriswald, What does "System > About Ubuntu" say?04:26
arkanabarLjL: :D meaning xaralx looks like a supercharged V8 for a moped.04:26
mjunxI've done it before, but I don't remember what it was that I did (used someone else's line)04:27
BleSShow disable the virtual terminals in Ubuntu? I know that /etc/inittab has been replaced by files in /etc/env.d/. Do I have to delete the /etc/env.d/tty{3-6}?04:27
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magnetronmjunx: i heard about a package in the repositories that will block bruteforcing ssh clients via iptables04:27
mjunxhrm, sounds interesting04:27
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stefgjlaw: try to sudo dpkg --configure --pending04:27
georgy_magnetron : this package is fail2ban04:27
mjunxI've already got password-based login disabled (only have key-based ones)04:27
padeehi everyone. any workspace and desktop specialists around?04:27
LjLarkanabar: well i'm far from a DTP guy but at least the interface looks quite intuitive to me...04:27
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griswaldEnverex: The Ubuntu version numbering scheme is based on the04:28
griswald                        date we release a version of the distribution. The04:28
griswald                        version number comes from the year and month of the04:28
griswald                        release rather than reflecting the actual version of the04:28
griswald                        software. Our first release (Warty Warthog) was in04:28
griswald                        October 2004 so its version was 4.10. This version (Feisty Fawn) was04:28
griswald                        released in April 2007 so its version number is 7.04.04:28
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griswaldiam using feisty04:28
mjunxouch dude, put that in one line next time (or just link to it)04:28
cornellOk... that's bizarre...  System/Administration/Remote Desktop is VNC ;-)  I thought is was "Remote Desktop"  like windows Remote desktop.04:28
griswaldim sorry04:28
Amon-sanno need to paste multiple lines tho04:28
jlawstefg, nothing, no messages of succes nor failures04:28
LjL!paste > griswald    (griswald, see the private message from Ubotu)04:28
magnetronmjunx: you saw georgy_'s tip about fail2ban? it will probably solve your problem04:28
Enverexgriswald, You're not using Edgy, you're using Feisty.04:28
mjunxcornell, VNC and RDP are slightly different heh04:28
mjunxmagnetron, didn't know the name of it though, thanks, I'll take a look04:29
griswaldEnverex: i told you that04:29
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griswaldEnverex: but my sources list are in dapper04:29
cornellI know, that's why I didn't look into RDP first, mjunx04:29
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georgy_yes it'works great and if you have a config problem the mailing list will help you04:29
arkanabarLjL: I may try it.  I liked XPress, once upon a time when I had somebody else's Mac to use, but clanked along with Serif PagePlus for years cuz it was free with my printer.04:29
griswaldEnverex: like they are blahblahblah dapper main04:29
Dj-skovsneglhow can i define the bg color in pidgin?04:29
stefgjlaw: so try what error  sudo /etc/init.d/dmraid start  throws04:29
Enverexgriswald, Run Admin > Software Sources and then just reset them all04:29
mjunxcornell, oh, wouldn't have been a problem in kde since krdc does both vnc and rdp ;)04:29
cornellmjunx: I still have a problem, I can see the background, but no icons, systray, nada04:29
mjunxcornell, what version of windows are you trying to log in to?04:30
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LjLarkanabar, well, it's available in Multiverse and it's wasn't too huge a fetch on my system (12 megs...), probably worth giving a try. you could also try some other even less-DTP-ish and more-vector-graphics-like programs, Inkscape for instance04:30
jlawstefg, no error; but ls -l /dev/mapper gives me 004:30
griswaldEnverex: how do i reset them ?04:30
Enverexgriswald, Disable them all, Apply it then enable them all04:31
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cornellDapper's trying to connect to feisty.  I've turned on system/admin/remote allow others to share on the feisty.04:31
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jlawstefg, the weird is that it works in the system booted from cd. everything is partitioned etc. but i can not apt-get install dmraid in the chrooted system04:31
cornellmjunx:  Dapper's trying to connect to feisty.  I've turned on system/admin/remote allow others to share on the feisty.04:31
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mjunxoh sweet, I found the iptables thing I was looking for04:31
cornellCool, mjunx04:32
mjunxiptables -I INPUT -s "$x" -p tcp -j DROP04:32
tininwhats better to play in a dvd-player vcd or svcd ??04:32
mjunxcornell, oh, so are you trying to vnc or rdp?04:32
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Rio79how do i unpack a rar file?04:32
mjunxhonestly, I'm not too familiar with the specific programs in gnome/ubuntu, but far more familiar with kde/kubuntu04:32
CheshireViking!rar | Rio7904:32
ubotuRio79: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:32
ussertinin: dvd =) but seriously svcd is better quality04:32
Rio79thanks CheshireViking04:33
mjunxI like to use rar from rarlabs myself, Rio79, but that cost like $20 or something04:33
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stefgjlaw: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=113144404:33
cornellmjunx: When I turned on system/admin/remote, it said to use vncviewer computername:0, so I guess that it's actually a vnc04:33
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mjunxcornell, ok, so good so far04:34
tininusser thanx a lot, i'm trying to use deved and mpgtx tools to give my father a movie04:34
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cornellmjunx:  But, I'd left on ask for confirm, so I went back to change it and noticed that the preferences window popped on the other machine04:34
Gerrojust installed beryl and I have no window bars....04:34
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stefgjlaw: you need /proc and /sys mounted in the chroot04:35
mjunxcornell, instead of a confirmation window? that's odd04:35
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burnerxhow do i start my firewall before the network ?04:35
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cornellmjunx: And closer inspection shows the bar at the bottom.  But I can't seem to get the scroll bars to work.  I'm at the lower right corner and can't move04:35
jlawstefg /proc and /sys are mounted :(04:35
griswaldEnverex: can you do me a favor and give me a copy of your sources.list?04:35
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mjunxcornell, so you're using vncviewer to connect? I'd recommend trying something else then04:35
Dj-skovsneglmy background color in either gaim nor pidgin will change04:35
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Dj-skovsneglwill not change*04:36
Enverexgrimboy, Just replace the distro names in there with feisty04:36
stefgjlaw: hmmm... so maybe the thread i linked you to can help you fixing it. I'm running out of ideas04:36
jlawstefg, i'll have a look on it, thanx so far04:36
cornellmjunx: I was already remoted in, when I opened the preferences on the target machine, it displayed the box on this machine, which led me learn about the info I've just typed.04:36
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cornellmjunx: preferences says to use vncviwer, what would be better?  What do others use?04:37
mjunxcornell, ok, I came in late, so what exactly is your problem again?04:37
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mjunxcornell, I've used both krdc (kde program) and vncviewer (xvncviewer version 4), and they're both good04:37
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mjunxcornell, so maybe I misunderstand the problem, so nevermind what I said about trying something different because I can't think of any other clients04:38
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Me2reshhow i can search through a mounted windows shared folder04:38
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mjunxthere are like a million vnc servers, though04:38
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mjunxMe2resh, like via beagle?04:38
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Me2reshwhat is beagle ?04:38
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drgebWhen running Xvnc I keep getting: could not open default font 'fixed', how can I fix this /04:38
ncdsome of the games out this year look great04:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beagle - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:39
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Me2reshmjunx, : what is beagle ?04:39
mjunxMe2resh, a search program similar to spotlight04:39
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ncdhellgate: london looks deeeep !04:39
Grummus!info beagle04:39
mjunxit indexes your home folder by default, and you search from it04:39
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 883 kB, installed size 3892 kB04:39
cornellmjunx: on dapper machine, trying to remote to a feisty, with GUI, ssh works.  On feisty,found system/admin/remote and turned on share, it said to use vncviewer.  On the dapper, I ran vncviewer as instructed, I get the window but only the bottom right corner, can't seem to work scroll bars.04:39
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jlawstefg, haha i got it :D must have forgotten one mount -.-04:39
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DanglyBitsis there a way to install kde 4 beta in gnome feisty ubuntu?04:39
stefgjlaw: PEBKAC :-)04:39
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jlawstefg, thanx might04:39
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jlaw*mate -.-04:40
mjunxcornell, alright, I don't know much about troubleshooting vnc problems, sorry04:40
ik1pls anyone how to configure a webcam for ubuntu?04:40
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wastrelcornell:  ssh -X should work (?)04:40
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mjunxcornell, but it could be a bug with an older version of vncviewer or something04:40
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grimboyEnverex, What?04:40
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mjunxcornell, like wastrel is saying, you could just use ssh -X and be able to run GUI programs over ssh04:40
sacatercheck please...04:40
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Enverexgrimboy, What I said...04:40
ncdstalker looks goood too04:40
etherealityHey, I got a quick question ...04:41
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Me2reshmjunx, : what is spotlight /04:41
grimboyUm, okay. I think you meant griswald04:41
cornellmjunx; K.  I do have the update icon on on dapper.  I'll try that.  And I'll research ssh -X04:41
cornellThanks, wastrel04:41
mjunxMe2resh, spotlight is the search thing on mac os x 10.4 tiger04:41
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ik1pls i need help with my webcam04:41
etherealityCan there be multiple packages of the same name in different repositories?04:41
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konamcan someone tell me wich codec in linux is divx5. I want to play some videos in my dvd/divx compatible04:41
etherealityor is this ntfs-3g package the right one because it's the only one?04:42
anticlockwise_does anyone know how to stop kftpgrabber crashing when logging onto some ftps?04:42
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konami mean, divx5 compatible04:42
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mjunxethereality, yeah, but that could break things if they're not the same actual package (and not just different versions of it)04:42
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mjunxkonam, anything that supports mpeg404:42
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mjunxkonam, so that includes, let me find it, hold up04:42
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ik1can anyone help configure my webcam?04:42
drgebFreeFontPath: FPE "/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/" refcount is 2, should be 1; fixing. ??04:43
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schighschaghCan anyone help me get my X/gdm running properly again?04:43
mjunxkonam, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg04:43
DanglyBitsis there a way to install kde 4 beta in gnome feisty ubuntu?04:43
mjunxDanglyBits, of course04:43
konammjunx can you tell me wich is better, gstreamer or some other codec?04:43
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konamlike libxvid...04:43
etherealitywell, the documentation told me to enable the universe repository and install the ntfs-3g package. I wasn't sure how to enable the repository, and thought it might be enabled by default. so i went to Synaptic Package Manager, scrolled down, and there's the ntfs-3g package right there. i'm trying to ascertain that it's the right one.04:44
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Me2reshmjunx, : how can i install beagle in linux :)04:44
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cornellmjunx: oops... the menu was system/preferences/remote desktop, not system/admin04:44
burnerxhow do i start my firewall before the network ?04:44
mjunxkonam, libxvid is for encoding mpeg4 video into Xvid04:44
DanglyBitsjunx: how?  can u point me to a howto for that?04:44
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mjunxkonam, and ffmpeg is probably THE best codec package in the world04:44
stefg!iptables | burnerx04:45
ubotuburnerx: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:45
arkanabarethereality: ntfs-3g is in main for Feisty, I think04:45
mjunxDanglyBits, just follow the same directions as for kubuntu04:45
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Me2reshmjunx, : how can i install beagle in ubuntu :)04:45
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mjunxarkanabar, it is04:45
stefg!info ntfs-3g04:45
ubotuntfs-3g: read-write NTFS driver for FUSE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.328-1 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 88 kB04:45
burnerxi know about iptables04:45
KoJhi guyz, it's me again04:45
burnerxi want to know how to start it before my network does when i boot04:45
mjunxMe2resh, the same way you would any other software, but it's called beagle04:45
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mjunxntfs-3g is in universe by the way04:46
ik1guys, i need to use my webcam but i cant get it configured04:46
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mjunxik1, what program?04:46
etherealityTime for church! I'll be back in two hours. :P see ya04:46
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stefgburnerx: read the hoto to understand why this is a very stupid question :-)04:46
mjunxby, ethereal|away04:46
boomhi whats the command to install kde? sudo apt-get install kde-desktop?04:46
LjL!away > ethereal|away    (ethereal|away, see the private message from Ubotu)04:46
LjL!kde > boom    (boom, see the private message from Ubotu)04:46
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cornellmjunx: both machines were at 1280x1024.  Changed feisty to 1024xwhatever, and restart vncviewer on dapper.  I'm seeing the whole page now.04:46
Me2reshmjunx, : i have it installed, but how i can make it index windows shared folder ?04:46
KoJi'm still having a problem booting from the 7.04 live cd, no matter what i select, it just goes black and freezes with a few characters at the bottom and a cursos in the top left corner, wtf is going on?!04:46
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konammjunx i have a question. in the codecs of avidemux i dont know wich is compatible with mi dvd (that is divx compatible). wich of this is better: mpeg4, xvid4, h263?04:47
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boomthanks LjL04:47
sctwHello, i am using Ubuntu 7.04. My monitor can go up to 1280x1024, afte rmy install it was set to 1024x768. When I go to System-> Resolution, to change it, my options can only go up to 1024x768. Is there any other way I can increase my resolution?>04:47
mjunxcornell, you might want to try using fullscreen mode in vncviewer04:47
KoJi have pictures04:47
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DanglyBitsjunx: so sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop will install kde 4 beta stuff ?04:47
mjunxcornell, press f8 I believe to access the vncviewer menu04:47
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mjunxDanglyBits, no, kde4 isn't in there I think04:47
etherealityThanks for your help, again ...04:47
GerroJust setup beryl and used beryl manager to switch to compiz got a big white screen and everytime I start computer after logging in there is a big white screen...04:47
arkanabarsctw, what video adapter are you using?04:47
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mjunxDanglyBits, but the way for installing the alpha is the same for both kubuntu and ubuntu04:47
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sctwATI Radeon 955004:47
stefg!effects | Gerro04:47
ubotuGerro: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.04:47
mjunxkonam, mpeg4 would be divx compatible04:48
Gerrothx stefg04:48
cornellThanks, mjunx, but it doesnt look like anything that  would help04:48
DanglyBitsjunx: sorry how do i install that?04:48
mjunxMe2resh, you add the folders that your windows drive is in04:48
quaalwhat command does gnome issue when i right click an ipod in computer:/// and click eject ?04:48
sctwarkanbar: no sorry, it is an intel on board video  controller04:48
quaalits the only way it successfully unmounts04:48
mjunxcornell, if you use fullscreen, you can see the whole screen. I think I know what your problem is now!04:48
ik1anyone know something on web camera installations04:48
mjunxDanglyBits,  gimme a sec04:48
sctwarkanbar: I have been able to go to 1280x1024 on previous verisons of ubunto (5) and on other linux distros04:49
mjunxik1, I know that a lot of them work in kopete04:49
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cornellAnd not see anything else ;-) mjunx, for now I'll stick with the lower resolution, thanks04:49
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mjunxalrighty then04:49
burnerxstefg, i get an error04:49
burnerxbash: /etc/iptables.up.rules: Permission denied04:49
mjunxDanglyBits, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-alpha1.php04:49
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arkanabarsctw, you've gotten beyond my depth, which is only about 2.2 cm ;)04:50
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DanglyBitsjunx: thnx04:50
burnerxi can't save my settings under etc04:50
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ik1mjunx, how do i use it04:50
Me2reshmjunx, : i did that for folders in the same PC, but this is a folder over a network04:50
sctwoops, closed iwnodw my accident04:50
mjunxik1, in kopete, you'd just go to settings -> configure kopete, and then it's in the webcam section04:50
sctwanyone know how i can insreas emy resolution, assuming i cant using system-> resolution?04:50
ashtonsctw: try install and use 915resolution04:50
mjunxMe2resh, folders over the network, when mounted, appear as local folders on your computer04:50
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stefg!fixres | sctw04:51
ubotusctw: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:51
denndasctw, xrandr might help, too04:51
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mjunxactually, ik1, it's settings -> configure... -> devices04:51
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Me2reshmjunx, : i mounted it as connect to server. not a mounted folder04:51
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Me2reshmjunx, : how i mount it as a local folder04:51
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BogaurdI just upgraded from edgy to fiesty - using the server upgrade04:51
mjunxMe2resh, smbfs should work for that04:51
Bogaurdnow I have apache2 running on my box, even though I had lighttpd installed before04:52
Bogaurdthey're both on there04:52
konammjunx thanx04:52
Bogaurdand apt-get doesnt think apache2 is installed :S04:52
mjunxBogaurd, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop04:52
cox377does anyone know of a command to view workgroup computers via command line:?04:52
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Bogaurdyeah, i stopped it mjunx :)04:52
Me2reshmjunx, : how to do it ?04:52
Bogaurdbut why is it there?04:52
mjunxBogaurd, then you probably don't have apache2 installed, but you do have other dependencies of it04:52
Bogaurdand how can I tell apt to remove it?04:52
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KoJi'm still having a problem booting from the 7.04 live cd, no matter what i select, it just goes black and freezes with a few characters at the bottom and a cursos in the top left corner.04:52
KoJHere is a picture http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a72/zangetsu747/IMAG0173.jpg04:53
Bogaurdmjunx: hrmm. if i start it, then it serves up pages.04:53
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stefgKoJ: tell about your hardware04:53
mjunxso, find anything from apache2 that you have installed (aptitude search apache2 | grep '^i')04:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:54
KoJstefg, 512mb RAM, 160gb HDD, 2.60ghz Intel CPU, nVidea video card (don't know the model)04:54
Bogaurdmjunx: thanks04:54
mjunxMe2resh, install smbfs for one04:54
EnverexIs anyone here able to run UT2004 on an x86-64 system?04:54
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EnverexL4YE_R, Did you have to do anything special?04:54
stefgKoJ: know what chipset/Motherboard you have?04:54
Karol84PLHello, a "uname -r" command shows: 2.6.17-11-generic. Can I safely remove linux-headers-2.6.17-10, linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic, linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic, with config. files?04:55
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KoJno, i'll try to find out, gimme a sec04:55
EnverexL4YE_R, I get a script assertion error when I try and run it04:55
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Me2reshmjunx, : installed04:55
Bogaurdmjunx: I had one other question. the upgrade died when it tried to upgrade slapd... do you think the upgrade will have ended prematurely?04:55
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LjLKarol84PL: it should be safe, yes. although keeping one backup kernel is something i generally find a good idea - you never know04:55
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L4YE_Rjust install normal, then update, and change the ut2004-bin04:55
mjunxBogaurd, if it did, you can run "sudo dpkg --configure --pending" to make sure everything is finished04:56
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aaronI just have one question, what program can I run that will tell me if my webcam is working?04:56
Karol84PLLjL: thanks04:56
L4YE_Ri want a good irc app. somebody knows one?04:56
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mjunxMe2resh, then check "man smbfs" to see how to use it, because I don't remember ;p04:56
denndaaaron, camorama or ekiga04:56
LjL!webcam > aaron    (aaron, see the private message from Ubotu)04:56
EnverexL4YE_R, er, change it to what?04:56
L4YE_Rwait, I search link04:56
L4YE_Raaron, camorama or ekiga are irc ppps?04:56
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zlxis there any xbox 360 media center connect for ubuntu? (lets you stream music, movies etc from pc HDD)04:57
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aarondennda, is that available through synaptic04:57
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KoJstefg, i'm not sure of the mainboard type, all I know is that it supports an Intel pentium 4, and is from Compaq (horrible OEM computers)04:57
arkanabarL4YE_R, there's GAIM, Konversation, Xchat...04:57
LjLL4YE_R: uh? no, he was talking to someone else who had asked about webcams...04:57
dondonghey,ompaul,did i tell you that im gonna start my postgraduate study this summer?04:57
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LjL!irc | L4YE_R04:57
ubotuL4YE_R: irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines04:57
dorothy_hi all I need a little help... I need a Feisty Fawn install .iso as the Live CD thrashes to much to install from it04:57
denndaaaron, yes it should be04:57
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DoctorOwlDoes anyone still think Launchpad should be free and open source?04:57
denndaaaron, sudo apt-get install camorama04:57
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LjLL4YE_R: see the last link, there are more apps listed04:58
EnverexDoctorOwl, Why wouldn't it be?04:58
stefgKoJ: i assume the kernel just doesn't like the chipset. have you tried parameters like noacpi , fixirq and so on ?04:58
DoctorOwlEnverex: It isn't.04:58
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Duesentriebhi all.04:58
KoJerm no, would I configure that in F6 = Options on the boot screen?04:58
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mjunxDoctorOwl, of course, I think that all software should be freed (not necessarily free as in beer, but free as in speech)04:59
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DoctorOwlEnverex: Mark said to make it open-source would encourage people to set up their own Launchpad servers and go against the idea of a unified bug tracking system it was designed to be.04:59
arkanabarstefg, KoJ is using liveCD.04:59
Duesentriebtrying to upgrade to feisty using the distribution upgrade tool, i am getting this error: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)04:59
Duesentriebthe upgrade tool generates that entry in source.list itself, and insists on it being there it seems.04:59
drgebwhat tool  configures the font list ?04:59
mjunxDoctorOwl, if it can be modified to work like bzr and be distributed, it should work as a unified tracker as well...04:59
stefgKoj: right04:59
Duesentriebalso, i can fetch the url fine with wget, and i get a valid bzip compressed file04:59
kxI just messed up my file system !! :( ! was trying to resize my root partition !!04:59
cornellWell... thanks for all your help... gotta move on04:59
Duesentrieb(which is empty)04:59
EnverexDoctorOwl, heh, that's a good point, but there are already a lot of other bug tracks. Ubuntu is the only thing I've ever used that uses Launchpad to be honest05:00
L4YE_RXChat - Gnome IRC chat don't listen all users -_- (at the start it was at the right)... how can I change that?^^05:00
Duesentriebany idea what's wrong, or how to solve it?05:00
Me2reshmjunx, : sudo smbmount // -o username=administrator,password=12345678905:00
Me2resh ---------- not working05:00
dorothy_hi all I need a little help... I need a Feisty Fawn install .iso as the Live CD thrashes to much to install from it05:00
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mjunxMe2resh, probably don't need sudo05:00
mjunxMe2resh, and you probably need to specify where to mount it at05:00
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stefgKoJ: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions for an overview05:00
Me2reshmjunx, : how to specify05:01
void^no mountpoint specified, no share specified..05:01
kxwhat 's the best way of resizing ext3 root partition ?? i messed it bad with paragon partiiton crap ///05:01
mjunxMe2resh, add it to the command at the end05:01
KoJthank you05:01
arkanabardrgeb, I used sudo fc-cache -f -v to update my fontlist after adding 500 or so...05:01
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wimdows*** whilst on the topic of Samba shares - I can't seem to play video files properly over a samba share using WinXP...it's very choppy...05:01
linxehis there any garden designing software for ubuntu ?05:01
L4YE_Rdamned Xchat is buggy05:01
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feonixGarden designing? rofl05:02
linxehwimdows: what kind of network do you have? its fine here (ubuntu server, ubuntu, xp and osx desktops)05:02
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RagingBullL4YE_R: I had it crash on my with the old version...this version works well though05:02
linxehfeonix: and this is funny because ?05:02
smohown can i get the id of my nvidia card ???05:02
feonixWhat do you need a computer program to design a garden for?05:02
smoFournisseur : nVIDIA (0x10de) Identifiant du priphrique : 0x0110 Identifiant05:02
smoresults like this05:02
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L4YE_Rwere there new updates for ubuntu today? i was 1 week away, and no new updates?05:02
RagingBullL4YE_R: Xchat-Gnone .016 X86_6405:02
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Me2reshmjunx, : smbmount // -o username=administrator,password=123456789 /homa/ahmed/Desktop/CHA05:02
Me2resh ---  didnt work too05:02
linxehfeonix: so that I can see what things might look like if I do particular things. landscaping is a lot of hard work05:02
smoned the 0x0110 for exemple05:02
RagingBullL4YE_R: I got one for wine 64bit05:02
wimdowslinxeh - a normal network ;-) Ubuntu Feisty (not server) and XP client05:02
feonixSorry, I just run a CSA farm so the idea of someone planning out a garden is funny to me05:02
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linxehwimdows: "normal" ?05:03
L4YE_RXChat-GNOME 0.1605:03
coz_any of you know of a standalone gif aimation viewer other than firefox?05:03
feonixI forget normal people just do it for looks.. they're not growing food05:03
RagingBullL4YE_R: 32bit?05:03
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RagingBullL4YE_R: wierd05:03
L4YE_Rw4it a second05:03
RagingBullL4YE_R: well I haven't used it all that much yet maybe I'll run into a few05:03
mjunxMe2resh, that's odd, hmm, does the man page specify how to put the destination point?05:03
RagingBullL4YE_R: I usually use BitchX05:03
wersamba is broken in feisty I think of downgrading to dapper05:03
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L4YE_RXChat and Gnome-Xchat aren't the same right?05:03
vox754!info xchat05:04
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB05:04
vox754!info xchat-gnome05:04
ubotuxchat-gnome: a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.16-0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 305 kB, installed size 784 kB05:04
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RagingBullnot sure05:04
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Me2reshmjunx,  : i added it - but i got this error : cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it.05:04
Me2resh7565: protocol negotiation failed05:04
Me2reshSMB connection failed05:04
mjunxMe2resh, you could try smbmount -o options... // mountpoint05:04
stefgKoJ: ah, and BTW... sort out that the CD is burned correctly, Drive and CD are clean, and genrally your CD-Drive isn't broken05:04
wimdowslinxeh - not sure what you want me to quantify: netgear modem/router, and another hub/switch with a cross-over configured as a client into the netgear, 100MBit LAN - wired05:04
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mjunxMe2resh, hrmm, that's not good05:04
linxehfeonix: I wouldnt be able to grow food here, certainly not enough to make it worthwhile, and the soil is awful (well, its not soil, its clay and hardcore). I just want somewhere to go and relax...05:04
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RagingBullwell It's a lil diff b/c xchat-gnone *looks* slightly diff05:04
L4YE_R_So, GNome-XChat and X-Chat aren't the same05:04
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linxehwimdows: and all machines are running at 100mbit full duplex ?05:04
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RagingBullI dont think so....basically the same though05:04
wimdowslinxeh - yep05:05
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mjunxMe2resh, you could try using fusesmb05:05
Duesentriebany idea why apt is unhappy with http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 ?05:05
RagingBullsame program ultimately05:05
RagingBulldiff download05:05
Duesentriebwhen i download it, bgip sais it's ok (though empty905:05
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Duesentriebhm... maybe because it's served with a bad mime type?05:05
werhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/95460 about samba05:05
Duesentriebcan someone confirm/deny the problem?05:05
wimdowslinxeh - surely I won't need to setup something like VLC just to play video and audio over the network?05:05
wimdows(meaning the VLC server)05:06
Duesentriebhm, the server sends it as text/plain for some reason.05:06
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linxehwimdows: I've done exactly the same as you with various ubuntu servers for over a year (and longer with other linux distros) without problem05:06
bucketfan99hey what's the package that adds "open terminal" to your right click menu05:06
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zoursHi all. I have quite a specific problem: I'm trying to mount /var as a separate partition. But, since very early in the boot sequence, before the fstab is read, there is a script that mounts some tmpfs in /var subfolders, it always results in various problems. Is there a known workaround?05:06
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wimdowslinxeh - and you can play them perfectly from your Samba share on a WinXP client?05:06
tondarhi all05:07
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boomhi, when i try to do sudo apt-get install kubintu-desktop :: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:07
boomE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:07
tondaris there something like getright for ubuntu ?05:07
dorothy_hi all I need a little help... I need a Feisty Fawn install .iso as the Live CD thrashes to much to install from it05:07
wimdowslinxeh - what client player software do you use on XP?05:07
boomcan someone help me?05:07
linxehwimdows: yeah, normally divx though I did stream a DVD once05:07
linxehwimdows: mediaplayer classic generally05:07
HymnToLifetondar, for a download manager in Gnome, you might want to try gwget05:07
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RagingBulldorothy_: you need a new iso for burn to cd?05:07
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linxehwimdows: what transfer speeds do you get if you copy say a 600MB file?05:08
RagingBulldorothy_: go to www.ubuntu.com05:08
wimdowslinxeh - but VLC player should work too, right?05:08
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wimdowslinxeh - dunno - will have to try that05:08
dorothy_no RagingBull ...05:08
linxehwimdows: yeah it should do - might be worth getting Mediaplayer classic to try it though (its tiny)05:08
wimdowshow can I do that easily?05:08
dorothy_I have the new .iso05:08
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dorothy_burned and all05:08
magnetronbucketfan99: nautilus-open-terminal you should use synaptic to search for packages05:08
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RagingBulldorothy_: what are you trying to accomplish05:09
jlunewbie question: when i connect to a samba share using Places -> Connect To Server, is does the drive gets mounted somewhere? or how do i access the network drive via command line or tree?05:09
dorothy_problem is to install it you have to boot it in Live CD05:09
wimdowslinxeh - aye, will give media player classic a try - does it support a wide array of vid/audio codecs?05:09
RagingBulldorothy_: right05:09
tondarHymnToLife: does it support segmentation too? like getright gets segments from different mirrors05:09
dorothy_live cd trashes too much to install05:09
RagingBulldorothy_: AMD?05:09
bucketfan99thanks magnetron05:09
bucketfan99and i'lld ot hat next time :)05:09
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dorothy_I need a direct install disk like we used to have under 605:09
RagingBullRagingBull: what is your system specs05:09
magnetrondorothy_:  the alternate cd is that disk05:09
linxehwimdows: pretty much everything, assuming you have the codecs installed. you can get the nimo or klite codec packs to get everything you'll ever need05:09
dorothy_PIII 1GHz Thinkpad T2305:09
Duesentriebanyone using feisty yet? if yes, i'd like to have y look at your /etc/apt/source.list05:10
RagingBulldorothy_: whatt kind of processor05:10
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RagingBulldorothy_: that's intel right05:10
dorothy_anyone know the command for direct install to bypass live CD05:10
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digital_kusing feisty yet? lol of course people are using it!05:10
dorothy_RagingBull: yes05:10
magnetrondorothy_:  the alternate cd is that disk05:10
HymnToLifetondar, don't know about that, sorry05:10
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Me2reshmjunx, : ok i did it, but i have a problem, the share name on the windows network has a space inside, how i can write it in the comand /05:10
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dorothy_magnetron: what?05:11
HymnToLifetondar, there's also aria, which is a more avanced download manager and should support it05:11
mjunxMe2resh, put quotes around the "//192.168..." part05:11
RagingBulldorothy_: I had the same issue with AMD...I has to pass noapic to kernel before booting to get it to work05:11
Endlessguitarcan some1 help me to how to install geforce 7600 ? in restricted manager?05:11
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RagingBulldorothy_: does the cd crash after checking network interfaces05:11
wimdowslinxeh - cheers, will let you know how that goes ;-)05:11
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magnetrondorothy_:  you asked about a direct install disk. the alternate cd is that disk05:11
dorothy_RagingBull: it boots fine05:11
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RagingBulldorothy_: or freeze right around that point05:11
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BossManiahello... after i try  "/etc/init.d/xinetd restart " i have a message when i want to connect to my ftp ( ftp localhost 21 ) " ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service "  why ? :s05:11
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dorothy_but trashes when you click on the install icon05:11
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RagingBulldorothy_: aha05:11
Me2reshmjunx,  : you rock man :)05:11
mjunxso it's working then?05:12
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RagingBulldorothy_: sorry I thought you couldn't boot05:12
Me2reshmjunx, : i used fcis instead of smbfs05:12
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dorothy_magnetron: If I understand you there is no stand alone install disk? I HAVE to use the Live cd?05:12
arkanabardorothy_:  on the download page, there's a checkbox, "Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer."05:12
mjunxMe2resh, ok, great05:12
RagingBulldorothy_: I dunno dorothy_I too looked for an alt install but I dont think there is one for fiesty fawn05:12
L4YE_R_hi @ all05:12
arkanabarit's right below the big download icon.05:12
RagingBulldorothy_: I could be wrong but not one that I found05:12
dorothy_akanabar nice05:12
HymnToLife!hi | L4YE_R_05:12
ubotuL4YE_R_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:13
tondarHymnToLife: any link for it ? aria05:13
magnetrondorothy_:  no, you misunderstand me completely. DOWNLOAD THE ALTERNATE CD05:13
HymnToLife!info aria feisty05:13
ubotuaria: Tool to download files from the Internet via HTTP or FTP. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-14ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 721 kB, installed size 2096 kB05:13
zaggynlAnyone knows how to change the gnome resolution from the desktop?05:13
HymnToLifetondar, it's in the repos, just apt-get install aria05:13
RagingBullmagnetron: I didn't see a fiesty alt cd05:13
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RagingBullmagnetron: least not for 64bit05:13
zaggynlnvm got it: 'xrandr -s 0'05:13
wimdowslinxeh - thanks for that - Media PLayer Classic works great!05:13
tondarHymnToLife: yeah but want to read about it first05:13
wimdowsWhat a neat little player05:13
magnetronRagingBull:  check the box for "alternate" in the ubuntu.com page05:14
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digital_kdorothy when you say it trashes the install, what exactly do you mean?05:14
linxehwimdows: yeah it's great - maybe VLC does something odd with direct file access05:14
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L4YE_R_!info firefox feisty05:14
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 9011 kB, installed size 28600 kB05:14
dorothy_magnetron akan05:14
HymnToLifetondar, http://aria2.sf.net05:14
L4YE_R_!info hack feisty05:14
ubotuPackage hack does not exist in feisty05:14
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dorothy_bye all05:15
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wimdowslinxeh - hmm yeah could be, it did seem to stutter quite a bit - ah well, I'm happy it's not a server issue ;-)05:15
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tondarHymnToLife: thanks05:15
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RagingBullmagnetron: ah I see it.....missed that last time...I don't need up but thanks for the info.05:15
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digital_kthanks for the aria information, I am gonna install that and see how it works out.05:15
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naruto_how can i watch streaming video from nba.com?05:15
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digital_ki tried installing the downthemall extension for Fx, but it doent work right for some odd reason.05:16
d2812Duesentrieb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20652/05:16
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SlicerDicer-anybody know how I get ubiquity to see my /dev/md* raids? I run a 100mb /boot and then / will be my raid1 anybody able to help?05:16
xtknighti dont think the desktop installer will do raid05:16
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal05:16
SlicerDicer-alrighty yay05:16
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SlicerDicer-am I able to use the alternate after booting into gui?05:17
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xtknightSlicerDicer-, sorry you're going to have to grab the iso and reboot into that05:17
soothsaySomething has got hold of my sound output (ALSA) and is preventing me from playing anything. I get 'Device or resource busy'. Is there a way to restart ALSA or to check which program is locking it?05:17
SlicerDicer-xtknight: I am running feisty btw05:17
icebreezefor some reason when i have a font.conf file X won't start.  Anyone hear of this before ?05:17
xtknightSlicerDicer-, i tihnk i'm misunderstanding you05:17
xtknightSlicerDicer-, ubiquity?05:17
xtknightdo you mean nautilus?05:17
xtknightubiquity is ubuntu's setup installer05:17
digital_kicebreeze did you create the file?05:18
SlicerDicer-xtknight: ubiquity is the graphical installer that is used for installing05:18
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Duesentriebd2812: thanks... could you do an apt-get update and tell me if you get any warnings/errors? http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu restricted doesn't work for me05:18
xtknightSlicerDicer-, ah ok youre on the feisty livecd, then05:18
jlui have to access a file from my windows server using bluefish, but i cant find how to get there. i'm connected to the server and can browse the files from the desktop.05:18
SlicerDicer-xtknight: of course05:18
xtknightif ubiquity doesn't just automatically see them then i dont know05:18
SlicerDicer-xtknight: I may just do the install manually myself :)05:18
icebreezedigital_k: well yes.  then i went back and used the old one and that still doesn't work05:18
xtknightSlicerDicer-,  alternate install is the easiest, by far, for raid05:18
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SlicerDicer-xtknight: all ubquity does is copy the squashfs image to the hdd then clean it up removing the installer files05:19
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icebreezedigital_k: i'm trying to enable bci by the way05:19
ttjl_Is there a command i can use to find out what graphics card etc i have05:19
SlicerDicer-xtknight: AFAIK anyway05:19
xtknightttjl_, lspci05:19
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Endlessguitarhow how do I install  geforce 7600 in linux?05:19
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:19
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d2812Duesentrieb: No issues here. Under software sources, I am set to use UK servers though, if that make any difference.05:19
SlicerDicer-xtknight: its not really a option for me to reboot that would be craptacular... I spent about 3 hours last night getting my raid online due to ubuntu deciding it knows how my raid is setup and breaking my parity drives on raid5 etc05:20
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Duesentriebd2812: hm, might. trying your config now.05:20
ttjl_how do i make sure i have the latest intel graphics card drivers05:20
xtknightSlicerDicer-, and you are trying to install on a  /dev/md device ?05:20
SlicerDicer-thats what I want to do xtknight05:20
xtknightSlicerDicer-, i assume you already had the /dev/md* device created before sticking the livecd in you rdrive?05:21
xtknightand then you did modprobe mdadm or whatever the module is05:21
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KohvihoorHow to share Internet connection with Feisty?05:21
SlicerDicer-yep xtknight05:21
premierKohvihoor, use firestarter05:21
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d2812Duesentrieb: It may not like the mediabuntu repo as may not have the key.05:21
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SlicerDicer-my current raid setup has gentoo installed on /dev/md1 however I want to nuke that and install ubuntu on that05:21
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Kohvihoorpremier: it didn't work.05:21
xtknightSlicerDicer-, you'd probably have to resort to editing ubiquity's python script to install to the raid05:21
milaksHi. How can I quickly create deb package without having to read a ton of dpkg documentation? For example, I got libstdc++ man pages which are nested in directory /man/man3/* I would like to just copy those man pages in /usr/share/man/man3 but install it "regulary" as deb package.05:21
KohvihoorIt didn't share for some reason. : (05:21
xtknighteven then it may be skethcy05:21
SlicerDicer-xtknight: joy05:22
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xtknightwhat's wrong with the alternate cd?05:22
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jluis there any way i can access files from windows shares?05:22
Duesentriebd2812: yea, commented it out. what's it for?05:22
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soothsaymilaks: checkinstall05:22
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Duesentriebd2812: went fine now though. hm... i guess now i can't use the distribution upgrade too to get fo feisty, but have to do it by hand...05:22
d2812Duesentrieb: I used it to get the MP3 playback, w32codecs, and DVD CSS Decoding so I can watch my DVD's.05:23
xtknightSlicerDicer-,  what's wrong with the alternate cd?05:23
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goofypdhi guys can some1 plz help me05:23
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milakssoothsay: Yes, I thought about that, but there is no Makefile. Can I use checkinstall without Makefile?05:23
SlicerDicer-xtknight: due to it taking so long and it would break my raid again05:23
SlicerDicer-xtknight: litterally man it breaks my raid setup05:23
SlicerDicer-it kills my raid5 parity drive when I boot up with livecd05:23
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soothsaymilaks: You could create a makefile. I would think a plain script would work also.05:24
Duesentriebd2812: ah, ok. can i tell me how to import the key? i forget.05:24
goofypdSome one plz help i accidently deleted my panel in ubuntu how do i get it back?05:24
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SlicerDicer-      586067072 blocks level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [3/2]  [_UU] 05:24
SlicerDicer-      [====>................]   recovery = 22.3% (65426460/293033536) finish=60.5min speed=62622K/sec05:24
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tondarHymnToLife: any documentation for it?05:24
SlicerDicer-thats what I had to deal with last night lol05:24
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tondarHymnToLife: how to pause a download?05:24
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premierKohvihoor, you set firestarter to share inet connection, used static ips on all pcs, then on other pcs that you want to share inet connection of ubuntu pc, you set default gateway the ip of the ubuntu pc?05:24
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tondaranyone know how to pause an aria2 download?05:25
milakssoothsay: something like which would contain only `cp man/man3/* /usr/share/man/man3` save it, mark it as executable and call `checkinstall ./that_script`?05:25
xtknightSlicerDicer-, oh...well i really dont know05:25
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SlicerDicer-xtknight: yeah its just stupidity on the part of the computer05:25
tondarHymnToLife: also where does it save to?05:25
SlicerDicer-xtknight: so it makes me take far to much time to rebuild my raid05:25
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soothsaymilaks: Yes. (Although I haven't done it myself, I would expect that to work)05:25
ttjl_how do i ensure my intel graphics card drivers are up to date please?05:26
d2812Duesentrieb: Leave my one commented out and use the following commands05:26
d2812Duesentrieb: wget -q http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -05:26
d2812Duesentrieb: sudo wget http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list05:26
d2812Duesentrieb: sudo apt-get update05:26
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milakssoothsay: thanks. Btw, just for the case, do you know of any other simple method of creating deb packages?05:26
fluxyhello. how to apt-get a specific version of an app? (i have newer version listed in repos)05:26
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jsantossoothsay: Try checkinstall05:27
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soothsaymilaks: I don't know of any simpler way05:27
soothsayjsantos: ?05:27
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stefg!pinning | fluxy05:27
ubotufluxy: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:27
borfasthi everyone05:27
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milakssoothsay: not simpler, but simple enough to not have to read a lot of documentation to make that deb package05:28
fluxythx. i'll check that05:28
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soothsayfluxy: If it is just one package it is a lot easier to just specify the version to apt-get05:28
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fluxysoothsay: how?05:29
jlunah, this sucks. can't even open my network files without spending hours editing conf-files. "ready for the desktop"? yeah, right...  it's back to windows. :(05:29
goofypdSome one plz help i accidently deleted my panel in ubuntu how do i get it back?05:29
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fluxyyou cant get it back i think05:29
xtknightgoofypd, which panel>05:30
fluxyyou have to create a new one05:30
goofypdso what do i do?05:30
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fluxy(and add the things back manually)05:30
soothsayfluxy: I think the syntax is 'apt-get install packagename "=versionnumber"'05:30
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ttjl_How do I get 915resolution05:30
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boomwhat app is the best for music in linux? xmms?05:30
chamunksIs there an easy way to dual boot 32 bit and 64 bit feisty  I wish to run wine on a 32 bit install yet still retain my 64 bit install05:30
soothsayfluxy: Or maybe 'apt-get install "packagename=versionnumber"'05:30
xtknightttjl_, it's in the repositories05:30
boomwhich app is the best for music in linux? xmms?05:30
xtknightboom, i like audacious05:30
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ttjl_xtknight: I know but im an idiot, what do i type to get it05:30
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Toma-boom, rhythmbox is pretty nice05:31
fluxygoofypd: right click somewhere on the panel and do add new panel05:31
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xtknightttjl_, sudo apt-get install audacious05:31
Moniker42hey, how do i enable write permissions for my external hdd, which is connected via firewire?05:31
tarzeauman so many dragons, anyone join? #bub-n-bros bub-n-bros.sf.net05:31
L4YE_RI want to have a clock on my desktop, and a mac osx like panel... how do I get that? plz help (my girlfriend want it XD)05:31
boomxtknight, Toma : thanks guys.05:31
fluxyboom: i like xmms but bmp is better, it integrates well in gtk environment05:31
Moniker42L4YE_R, buy her a mac05:31
xtknightttjl_, sorry05:31
boomlol nice.. will lookinto that too05:31
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xtknightttjl_, 'sudo apt-get install 915resolution'05:31
boomthanks fluxy:)05:31
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L4YE_RI want a OSX dock too... how can i get that?05:32
soothsaymilaks: Sorry, I can't think of anything that doesn't require reading documentation (besides checkinstall)05:32
ttjl_xtlknight: lol i got the message05:32
xtknightaudacious is like the gtk version of xmms05:32
wimdowsjlu - I take it you have installed samba client tools?05:32
Moniker42L4YE_R, try #ubuntu-effects05:32
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ttjl_xtlknight: do you know what i need to do ensure i have up to date drivers for an intel graphics card05:32
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Moniker42how do i enable write permissions for my external hdd, which is connected via firewire?05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
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fluxyxtknight: audacious? never heard of it, bmp i know is xmms with gtk05:32
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xtknightttjl_, i think the latest are already included with feisty05:32
xtknightah give audacious a shot05:32
xtknightit's in feisty05:32
ttjl_TY knight05:33
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milakssoothsay: never mind, I think this will work fine, for now. Thank you.05:33
L4YE_RXMMS has 1000 times a better sound quality than Amarok05:33
L4YE_R(kp why)05:33
xtknightdoes feisty support a TI84 plus?05:33
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soothsaymilaks: Okay05:33
xtknightor can i do anything with it05:33
L4YE_Rare there some problems with the WLAN on a Sony Vaio notebook?05:33
ferronicahow to open .rar file????05:33
L4YE_Rinstall "unrar"05:33
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:33
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wysiwyghi peeps05:34
zion_daafter enabling nvidia tv-out in twin mode by using this guide:05:34
zion_dai got a menu delay of 2 seconds but only when beryl is enabled.05:34
zion_daalso tried to make a gtkrc file with menudelay=0 but it only effects when beryl is disabled,05:34
zion_dai think it has to do with the xorg file , so i upload it here :05:34
Moniker42how do i enable write permissions for my external hdd, which is connected via firewire?05:34
wysiwygany1 knows an app to copy from dvd to dvd?05:34
zion_daany ideas?05:34
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:34
L4YE_RDo anybody knows a OSX Like Docklet for ubuntu?05:34
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L4YE_Ran app. chooser05:34
soothsayxtknight: Try tilp05:34
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stefg!beryl | zion_da05:34
ubotuzion_da: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:34
wysiwygany1 knows an app to copy from dvd to dvd?05:34
fluxywysiwyg: disk copy? lots > try brasero, it rocks05:34
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wysiwygthx fluxy05:35
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fluxywysiwyg: there's also k3b (the great) but it is in qt05:35
xtknightsoothsay, cool, thanks trying it now05:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about osx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
soundraywysiwyg: for backing up video DVDs, k9copy05:35
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zigicoWho using speedtouch 330 usb modem ?05:35
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wysiwygok soundray ill check it out thx :D05:37
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L4YE_RI think, all win users will use ubuntu .. and ubuntu gets trojans usw. XD then we all go to windows back or something05:38
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rick28139:)alrite i'm in hello room05:39
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L4YE_Rwere there new updates this week at ubuntu feisty?05:39
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soothsayL4YE_R: I got some updates from feisty-backports if you have that enabled.05:39
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rick28139all i got was 7.005:39
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rick28139is there newer?05:40
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piglithello there i have got a question: i am edditing a munu.lst on a ubuntu machine there is something not quit clear to me in the menu.lst you have got to choose the hd and partition like so:"root (hd0,1)" so here you choose sda the first hd and then the second partition. But what if you want to use LVM then what must be the partition number? must i take the number from fdisk -l ?? or must i take the number from lvscan ???05:40
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soothsayL4YE_R: ... which caused my suspend to stop working BTW05:40
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L4YE_Rwhat is feisty-backports? are there updates that dont tested?05:40
chamunksanyone have any thoughts on running a chrooted 32 bit environment in a 64 bit host??05:41
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Bogaurdi'm trying to install apache2.2common and apache2-utils, with a couple of other apche2 packages. looks like they got installed with phpldapadmin... when i try to remove it though, it tires to remove phpldapadmin too05:41
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void^!chroot > chamunks05:41
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Moniker42how do i enable write permissions for my external hdd, which is connected via firewire?05:41
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rick28139you may hold the answer to my question05:41
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rollerskatejammsThe first words I heard from my mother this morning: Zach! What the hell is Ubuntu!?05:41
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Bogaurdi have lighttpd installed, which should mean apache2 doesnt need to be installed05:41
wysiwygrollerskatejamms, xD05:41
soothsayL4YE_R: They are some updates ('backported') from ubuntu+1 (gutsy). They are not tested as extensively as regular updates. In particular I don't think they receive audits from the security team05:41
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lorenzhi guys! how do I open a file in terminal to modify it?05:42
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ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging05:42
rick28139maybee some one can help me please05:42
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rollerskatejammslorenz, Edit it via gui? Right click on it.05:42
soundraylorenz: nano05:42
rick28139i have a biostar tforce 550 mbo05:42
chamunksrick28139, well that was neat how did that work05:42
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soundraylorenz: sudo nano if it's a system file05:42
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lorenzgreat, that was what I needed :)05:42
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rick28139chamunks: maybe this is also my problem brb05:43
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moonuniti have a problem with running my monitor in 1600x1200, which ive done before, i reinstalled linux, and its giving me fits05:43
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chamunksrick28139, what are you trying to do?05:43
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fluxywhat's the difference between audacious and bmp, apart the name?05:44
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crdlbfluxy: they're two different gtk2 xmms clones05:45
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fluxynot really05:45
Kohvihoorpremier, so, here eth0 gets the internet (dhcp), eth1 is connected to my laptop. so, eth1 is set to like, right, and laptops ip i set to and it's gateway to
fluxybmp forked from xmms05:45
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fluxythen audacious forked from bmp (why?)05:45
moonuniti went into dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to try to get the display to run in 1600x1200 but i had no luck, anyone have any idea?05:45
^IcE-bOy^are there any problem in ubuntu + ipw2100 + WPA ???05:45
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^IcE-bOy^i can't enter in WPA or WPA2 networks05:45
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andy_linuxanybody can teach me how to install gparted05:45
^IcE-bOy^(i'm using networkmanager)05:45
moonunitandy_linux: in a terminal05:46
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moonunitsudo apt-get install gpared05:46
moonunitgparted that is05:46
fluxyandy_linux: apt-get install gparted05:46
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BigToeHow do I print to a printer from the terminal? it's set up properly, I just need an echo "xyz" > (something_here) command05:46
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Horschtdoes someone know where I could get the Adaptive Multi Rate NarrowBand (AMR-NB) codec for feisty?05:46
Kohvihoorfluxy: because bmp stopped it's developement, and became a different player.05:46
premieranyone knows if theres an option for gnome sensors applet to show all temps in a table, much like old ksensors application?05:46
andy_linuxi have downloaded the file and what next05:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fixresolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
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EnverexDoes anyone here happen to have a Dell Inspiron 6400?05:47
arky! fixres05:47
lorenzhow can I save a file I edited using sudo nano?05:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:47
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fluxyhmmm in that case i should probably switch. does audacious support minimize to tray?05:47
premierKohvihoor, what you use to connect to inet? a usb dsl/cable modem?05:47
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|ericsson|thnx arky05:47
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows05:47
soundraylorenz: look at the help bar at the bottom05:47
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arky|ericsson| just something I saw somebody else do earlier today05:47
lorenzI don't get what ^E means, soundray - that should be exit05:47
Kohvihoorpremier: it should be adsl modem, connected to router.05:47
soundraylorenz: ^O means Ctrl-O05:47
lorenzthanks :)05:47
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Kohvihoorrouter shares internet to 4 other flats.05:47
Kohvihoorand router is not located here. :05:48
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moonunit|ericsson|: were you aiming at me05:48
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ubuntuMy computer wont boot normally anymore, grub doesnt seem to start, but gives no error message. I followed the "recover grub manually" instructions but grub still doesnt show up. How can I fix grub?05:48
premierKohvihoor, and you get ip from that router using dhcp?05:48
ubuntuI can boot from the livecd05:48
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zlx:s my kopete keeps closing for no reason ;/05:48
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fluxyi've got a dvd that plays well in vlc (windows) but not in totem(i got gstreamer-ugly) or vlc (linux). Any ideas?05:49
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|ericsson|moonunit: ehh, probably not :)05:49
chamunkswhat should i expect when i have chrooted a 32 bit feisty  I truthfully have no idea what this is but it sounds like what im looking to do05:49
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d2812fluxy: see your PM05:49
Letharionfluxy: Is it just that dvd that doesnt work in windows?05:49
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andy_linuxi still cant install gparted05:49
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premierKohvihoor, ok, so then, yeah, eth0 should be set to dhcp, eth1 should get a static ip eg, all other pcs in your place should get ips in the same range eg , 3 etc, and you should on all other pcs set as gateway the ip of the ubuntu pc05:50
andy_linuxi cant load my windows due to drive mapper problem05:50
RagingBullandy_linux:  I recommend getting of their website and burning to disk....as you can't partition mounted volumes05:50
premierKohvihoor, er not but etc05:50
LetharionI have /dev/sdb3 in fstab as /home/letharion. If I reinstall ubuntu, will I loose whats on the partition?05:50
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RagingBullandy_linux: that's what I did anyhow05:50
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fluxyandy_linux: what did you try and what error msg you got?05:50
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KohvihoorOkay, I'll try.05:50
premierKohvihoor, subnet max should be
|ericsson|So, if these are the values from ddcprobe, would they be 'safe' to add in xorg.conf?  monitorrange: 30-95, 50-16005:51
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=== |ericsson| slaps haxx0r who just left whining..
fluxywell that's the only dvd i tried/have05:51
RagingBullandy_linux: try this http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:51
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^IcE-bOy^are there any problem in ubuntu + ipw2100 + WPA ???05:52
Letharionfluxy: could you give another one a try? just to be safe its not a problem with the disc05:52
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andy_linuxunable to lock unit directory05:52
RagingBull^IcE-bOy^: 7.04 supports wpa05:52
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premierKohvihoor, but i think your best option is to just buy a router, so you dont have to leave pc with ubuntu on... there are cheap now, with wireless etc05:52
fluxyandy_linux: or use the feisty live cd, it got gparted05:52
moonuniti need to get this monitor working in 1600x120005:52
dv_hi, how can I tell apt to ignore some package updates?05:52
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andy_linuxi am still new to this linux..05:53
premierKohvihoor, starting at 30-40$ is a nicer solution05:53
dv_I have a patched ubuntu nvidia driver, because the stock one is buggy05:53
chamunksmoonunit, i want to figure out how to add screen resolutions too!!05:53
andy_linuxi dont even know how to install05:53
dv_but now apt always thinks it needs to update nvidia-glx05:53
zigicoheeeelllllpppp speedtouch  330 how to step by step please05:53
Kohvihoorpremier: yea, out of money right now. but i'm planning it. about that gateway, should it be eth1 ip or eth0?05:53
RagingBullandy_linux: it's always nice to have a gparted live cd around ..btw if you have vista you can resize your partitions through it05:53
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crdlb!pinning | dv_05:53
D1S4ST3Rwhat do i need to access a windows computer05:53
ubotudv_: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:53
^IcE-bOy^RagingBull, i have feisty but ... doesn't works with WPA or WPA2 networks05:53
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Mitchmanhello, i need some help, got an adhoc connection between my pda and my ubuntu box, but my pda doesnt get an adress from the dhcp server which is located inside my modem/router,  looks like i need to set some sort of bridge between the wlan0 and the eth005:53
moonunitchamunks: normally you would just enter into a terminal 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and follow the steps05:53
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moonunitbut i cant seem to get that to work.05:54
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andy_linuxragingbull... i have download the package, then what next..05:54
fluxyandy_linux: use the add/remove tool in your ubuntu menu05:54
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premierKohvihoor, for ubuntu pc, gateway should be eth0, for all other pcs, they are going to have ony one eth connection, and the gateway should be the ip of the ubuntu pc05:54
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RagingBullandy_linux: open it and burn the iso to cd or dvd05:54
cbsuh, lol...what is the package 'suck' in SPM?05:54
BaalialDoes anyone here know how to properly setup a dual-boot with 2 hard drives, with XP on one and Ubuntu on the other?05:54
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RagingBullthen just boot from it05:54
soundrayMitchman: it may work if you set up internet connection sharing with firestarter05:54
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premierchamunks, where are you stuck changing res?05:54
RagingBulllike the ubuntu live cd05:54
fluxyandy_linux: from category "System Tools" check Gnome Partition Editor and install. Voila05:54
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RagingBullandy_linux: what are you trying to partition05:55
L4YE_Rmuhahah windows released a xp live cd XD05:55
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
Fufypeople help me05:55
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Fufyhow to repair Grub  17 Loading error05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 8ball - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
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moonuniti need help getting my monitor to run in 1600x120005:55
Fufyfrom Ubuntu 7.05 live cd05:55
RagingBullandy_linux: cause like I said if it's the hard drive you are on now you can't resize it while it's mounted that's why I say burn that live cd (gparted) iso05:55
chamunkspremier, well the gui for screen resolutions doesent go past 1024x768  wich totally upsets my 22inch hd lcd05:55
andy_linuxthe application is unavailable...05:55
EnverexFufy, That means you broke Grub and deleted the partition it used05:55
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arky!fixres > moonunit see message from ubotu05:56
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schighschaghCan anyone help me get gdm running?05:56
zoursI have quite a specific problem: I'm trying to mount /var as a separate partition. But, since very early in the boot sequence, before the fstab is read, there is a script that mounts some tmpfs in /var subfolders, it always results in various problems. Is there a known workaround?05:56
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FufyEnverex I install Ubuntu and after he crash and from windows i format Linux partition ..05:56
L4YE_Rmy sony vaio has got a hidden partition. when i delete it, can i recover this? (it's windows on there, i want to install ubuntu, but when it fails, i want my sony vaio programms back)05:56
premierchamunks, ok, what card you have? nvidia or ati? have you checked these?05:56
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premier!nvidia > chamunks05:56
andy_linuxi have install ubuntu yesterday..anyhow i dont know how my windows can load after i have done something with partition magic05:56
Fufyand now I have GRub Loading Error 1705:56
RagingBullL4YE_R: lol that's probally your M$ recovery partition05:56
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imon9hi, can someone tell me what is the pakage that makes thunar/nautilus/ synaptic search/goto certain words as we type?05:57
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chamunkspremier, nvidia geforce 6600 sli05:57
FufyEnverex you can help me plz ? :(05:57
chamunkspremier, but not sli'd05:57
RagingBullL4YE_R: unless you have the disk recovery disk which you have to call and pay for now don't delete that partition05:57
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EnverexFufy, That's because you've half removed Grub, you need to reinstall the Windows bootloader now, you need to go ask some Windows people05:57
schighschaghCan anyone help me get gdm running?05:57
LetharionL4YE_R: Short answer, you can't recover it, but most of the time, if you start up windows you will be given the option to burn a disc copy of that partition, and after that the partition isn't needed anymore.05:57
KubuntuWhat linux distro can run on a 166ghz cpu with 78mb ram?05:57
premierchamunks, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia have you installed nvidia driver?05:57
user01i cant get koules to work it crashes :(05:57
FufyEnverex and from live cd I cant ?05:58
Fufyfix grub loader ?05:58
zerokill88Kubuntu damn small linux05:58
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chamunkspremier, im pretty sure but ill run that tutorial and get back to you in 5 ok thanks05:58
L4YE_RLOL. Try. List view in Nautilus, in a folder with ~30 files. Now you want to make a new directory. Right click goes not (It opens the file specific dialog).... How can i make a new direcotry when no white part is there? (I hope you understand me)05:58
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arkykubuntu , 166 is like 80x faster than what I have05:58
Kubuntudo you have a name?05:58
EnverexFufy, No, you've broken Windows, you need to use Windows to fix it05:58
flowhfile->new dir, L4YE_R05:58
Fufybut i cant boot in windows :(05:58
zerokill88Kubuntu, google for DamnSmallLinux.that is the name05:59
Fufyokey thanks :(05:59
schighschaghAfter I try to log in at the gdm login prompt, I get an orange background, cursor, and nothing happens.05:59
flowhor create dir, L4YE_R05:59
KubuntuDoes it has a visual interface?05:59
schighschaghCan someone help me?05:59
zerokill88Kubuntu http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/05:59
arkyl4ye_r, try ctrl-shift-N05:59
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zerokill88Kubuntu yes.05:59
gordboyL4YE_R, menu -> file -> create folder05:59
L4YE_Rhm. i changed the desktop volumes away. they were in "orte" (in german..) I hope you know where.. and now there are in "Wechseldatentrger", and not in the list05:59
zerokill88Kubuntu its only 50 mb05:59
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chamunkspremier, actually the restricted drivers page says in its list   NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver [enabled]  and In Use06:00
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realityherehi all06:00
premierchamunks, ok, then you need to reboot, after you have installed them, if you havent done that already06:00
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premierchamunks, cause in my own system i have noticed an X logout want enough to set nvidia drivers to actually run06:01
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imon9hi, did anyone knows what is the package to install to make the "typing search" things works again? i upgraded some of my packages and it is not workinganymore (typing search = in thunar/nautilus/synaptic, where u click on a list of files and start typing to searc> anyone plz?06:01
chamunkspremier, i've been running that driver for weeks and i still have no larger screen res's than the 1024x76806:01
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wimdowsI've created a RAID array using mdadm and have successfully mounted it - however, how do I get rid of the individual 4 mounted disks on the desktop?06:01
user01X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)06:01
user01  Major opcode of failed request:  144 (MIT-SHM)06:01
user01what does that mean?06:02
premierchamunks, ok, then read this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:02
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chamunkspremier, i've been told that editing an xorg conf file somewhere would help but i couldent figure out where exactly to add lines for resolutions or whether or not i had to add the resolutions in between06:02
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premierchamunks, the file is in /etc/X11/ and yes it needs editing, i guess you have the monitor connected to card installed in pci-e 16x primary slot06:03
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HoagIs it possible to disable keys? One of my keyboard buttons doesn't work most of the time, but will occasionally stick and type about a million letters06:03
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chamunkspremier, yep :)06:03
HoagIs there a way to disable the key until I can get a new keyboard?06:03
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Barrucaduhello, is anyone willing to help me fix my netgear dongle? ubuntu crashes when I plug it in, and ubuntuforums.org seems a little slow at answering.06:03
premierchamunks, read that guide.. if you get stuck at some point, ask me06:04
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user01what is MIT-SHM?06:04
marcelaI just have readen that Michael Dell from Dell Inc. is using Automatix.... I thought this was not advised to use :)06:04
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soundraymarcela: it wouldn't be his first mistake.06:04
junminHoag, maybe you can change the keyborad layout to get the key not working...06:04
chamunkspremier, going through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  atm06:04
imon9h, did anyone knows what is the package to install to make the "typing search" things works again? i upgraded some of my packages and it is not workinganymore (typing search = in thunar/nautilus/synaptic, where u click on a list of files and start typing to searc> anyone plz?06:04
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mjruser01, an X extension for reducing need for data transfer between an X client and server residing on the same host06:05
Hoagjunmin: is there a program I can use to do this or do  have to do it manually?06:05
imon9i had to know coz now that it is gone, it is really hard to search a files fast06:05
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Kohvihoorpremier: it still doesn't work. : (06:05
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premierchamunks, yeah, at some point it will prompt for X server resolutions to use. make sure you add the res you want. if it doesnt appear there, you need to edit xorg.conf06:05
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LjLno, not fun06:06
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Barrucadu*continues randomly clicking* yup, ubuntu has completely crashed...06:06
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok06:06
andy_linuxanybody can assist me step by step installation for gparted...06:06
AmaranthEnverex: ?06:06
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chamunkspremier, ok, im at Video card's bus ident   and it has the entry field with PCI:5:0:0   (is that auto detected?)06:06
LjLEnverex: ?06:06
EnverexLjl Amallya, Scroll up a little06:06
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LjLEnverex: err, yeah, i've kicked it before you called !ops06:06
user01mjr: oh ok so i guess there is a bug then with that program using it06:07
EnverexDoh >.<06:07
EnverexLjL, I am ashamed. I shall resign myself to the corner.06:07
RagingBullwhy should someone be advised against automatix? I'm not familiar with it nor have I used it but it's seems like it could serve a good purpose06:07
junminHoag, yes. well, i am using gnome, if you are using this too, so you can go to system->preference->keyboard .. and if you dont know about the layout of keyboard, see here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout06:07
EnverexLjL, The "forced quit" thing throws me off. I expect to see a red highlighted kick, heh.06:07
premierchamunks, ok, then find the manual of the 22" lcd monitor, and find out what the horizontal and vertical refresh ranges are. or use the dccprobe option06:07
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chamunkspremier, ok nvm it was autodetected i ran "lspci"  and figured it out06:07
zigicohelp me about speedtouch 33006:07
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junminandy_linux, just apt-get install06:08
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Nergarhello, how can i use ubuntu live cd to scan Windows for viruses?06:08
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premierchamunks, cause you have two cards, they are differentiated by pci:x.x.x values... trying to find out what the primary card values should be like in my system06:08
LjLRagingBull: 1) stuff breaks when you try to upgrade to a newer Ubuntu version, more often than not, with automatix  2) stuff sometimes breaks anyway  3) when stuff does break, it's very hard to troubleshoot given the obscure nature of this script  4) it's not understood what automatix can do that cannot just be done by learning a couple of things about repositories (which you have to learn, anyway) and using the standard APT mechanism06:08
flapsterNergar, Didnt even know that was possible06:08
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RagingBullLjL: ah thank you06:08
andy_linuxcould not open lock file06:08
FurryNemesisNergar, your best bet is to load something like clamav onto a USB stick and launch from there06:08
chamunkspremier, i have the ability to have two cards i havent even experimented with the sli just yet lol06:08
premierchamunks, yes, pci:5.0.0 is the value for my card. 6600gt single06:09
andy_linuxjunmin still cant06:09
Barrucaduhas anyone here managed to get a netgear wg111t dongle working with feisty?06:09
chamunkspremier, thats still a bit to bold of a move for me :P just yet06:09
junminflapster, in live cd can apt-get install clamav????06:09
FurryNemesisNergar, I don't think ubuntu liveCD has a virus scanner built in06:09
RagingBullandy_linux: what type of file was that you downloaded of the gparted site? zip I think extract it and there should be an iso file06:09
Hoagjunmin: I've looked at that.. I can't see where to edit the layout, I can just change it to others >>06:09
FurryNemesisNergar, you could try the ultimate boot cd too www.ubcd.com06:09
she_baghello:  I just installed the Desktop 7.04 CD successfully, but would like to upgrade to the Server edition..are instructions on this in Documentation anywhere?  I didnt see any specific to this task...thankyou06:09
Nergarok thnx FurryNemesis06:09
m1rusb siemens gigaset 54 wlan not working06:10
RagingBulljunmin: I dont know why he didn't just make the damn disk (andy-linux)06:10
m1rany tips ?06:10
chamunkspremier, should i enable the kernel framebuffer device interface?06:10
loca|hostthe sound volume is down since i upgraded from ubuntu edgy to feisty, i have to put the volume to the max value so i can hear a verry litte sound ... how can i fix it ?06:10
junminHoag, yes just can change it to others ....06:11
RagingBulljunmin: I gave him the link to the iso06:11
FurryNemesisloca|host, are your PCM levels too low?06:11
RagingBulljunmin: heh06:11
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premierchamunks, just press enter all the time to install default options in dpkg-reconfigure06:11
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RagingBulljunmin: if you cant burn an iso linux is probally not for you06:11
loca|hostFurryNemesis, on alsamixer, PCM is 100/10006:11
InfamousFernhi, someone speak portuguese?06:11
premierchamunks, with tab you can go to OK and press enter to advance into it06:11
LjL!pt > InfamousFern    (InfamousFern, see the private message from Ubotu)06:12
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chamunkspremier, yep yep i've just never seen this conf before so im just exploring rly06:12
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junminRagingBull, mmm.... dont know what you talking about :P06:12
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FurryNemesisloca|host, ah, just wondering, I suppose the other sound levels like master etc are 100% too?06:13
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premierchamunks, just beware if you want to have multiple keyboard layouts like eg us and de etc. there you might want to add them both. i dont know how thats done, i edited xorg.conf for that06:13
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RagingBulljunmin: aah I had given andy-linux the link to download the gparted live cd told him to burn the iso to disk and he still wants to know how06:13
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loca|hostFurryNemesis, yes06:13
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chamunkspremier, naw i just wish i could figure out how to enable all the nice toys in my g15 keyboard :S06:13
Kubuntuwhat is the name of the cd burning program??06:14
junminRagingBull, got it....:P06:14
premierchamunks, in all other cases, apart where you change res, just press enter to advance06:14
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RagingBulljunmin: ;)06:14
nikolai469498fuck all06:14
chamunkspremier, i havent been able to do that since windows but thats not enough to get me to switch back to windows06:14
flapsterchamunks, Google it, im sure someone has got them working06:14
LjL!language | nikolai46949806:14
ubotunikolai469498: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:14
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junminRagingBull, maybe he doesnt know how to burn an iso in Linux?06:14
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chamunksflapster, yep i just havent really found the time i've been more hoping for a simple solution to fall on me for that since its not that high up in my prioritys as my res is :S06:15
premierchamunks, dont worry, theres a way i am sure. i once had an ms office kb and i have managed to add lots of its extra keys to good use, and in past time, where it was more difficult to setup06:15
FurryNemesisloca|host, sorry, can't help you. last resort try swapping between ALSA and OSS, see if that  does anything. It's in the sound menu06:15
pilibeenhi...i'm struggling here trying to connect to an unsecured wireless network. I can see it in iwlist, and i enter the ESSID under network, leave the WEP blank...but still can't connect. Any ideas?06:15
chamunkspremier, well i say gooday :)06:15
Barrucaduhas anyone here managed to get a netgear wg111t dongle working with feisty? I could get it working in dapper, but in feisty it just crashes ubuntu.06:15
chamunkspremier, linux is too much fun to learn once you have the basics down i tells ya06:15
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RagingBulljunmin: my bad....thought he was using m$06:16
RagingBulljunmin: never said what he was using06:16
flapsterchamunks, Whats up with your res?06:16
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creadorcreativopilibeen: you need up the interface of wireless, ex: sudo ifup eth0,ra0,eth1, etc06:16
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RagingBulljunmin: poor guy is probally formating his hd now06:16
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RagingBulljunmin: eh <.<06:16
moonunitis there a way to automaticly regenerate the fstab file?06:16
chamunksflapster, just workin it out with premier on how to fix it but i seem to max my res out at 1024x768 which is a bother on my 22inch hd lcd06:17
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flapsterchamunks, Did you try the good old adding them to xorg.conf?06:17
premierchamunks, google is your friend. there isnt much you want to do thats not been done before and described06:17
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junminRagingBull, :D ...06:17
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pilibeencreadorcreativo, i get a message which says it's already configured06:17
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chamunkspremier, nodds though sometimes google can be a bit unforgiving to someone who has no idea where to start so i come bug ppl here till i know a bit more than i go a googelin :D06:17
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chamunksflapster, that will be my next step06:17
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MUTUHi, what do I do if my distribution upgrade stops at half way during installation?06:18
moonuniti just reformatted a harddrive in the 7.0 release, and i cant get ahold of the oh so familiar disks-admin06:18
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flapsterchamunks, That should be your first step when it comes to res fixing06:18
chamunksflapster, well im flipping through "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"06:18
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cbswhat channel is for beryl?06:18
creadorcreativopilibeen: so, try this: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 (replace the eth0, for the corresponding)06:18
flapsterchamunks, Have you tried adding them? Theres no point in reconfigging it, you should just try adding them, I had to do it06:19
flapstercbs, #beryl06:19
flapstercbs, #ubuntu-effects06:19
chamunksflapster, im not entirely sure where to add them just yet06:19
cbsweird i tried to join beryl and it said it didnt exist06:19
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer06:19
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SlicerDicer-anybody have problems with 7.04 alternate cd not verify the md5 and refuse to burn?06:19
MUTUhelp pls! what do I do if my distribution upgrade stops at half way during installation? it stopped on "Removing libgmime2.2-cil from Mono"06:19
flapsterchamunks, Okay, in terminal type 'gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'06:19
KubuntuHow can I make my computer boot from cd? (12years old)?06:19
premierflapster, dpkg-reconfigure works also. it did in my case, on two installations i have done since yesterday06:19
she_baghello:  I just installed the Desktop 7.04 CD successfully, but would like to upgrade to the Server edition..are instructions on this in Documentation anywhere?  I didnt see any specific to this task...thankyou06:20
junminhey, somebody knows a app/applet to get the temperature of the hard disk?? i just change a bigger hd, looks like very hot ...06:20
flapsterpremier, Dont see much of a point in going through all the config when you could try adding them first06:20
pilibeencreadorcreativo: ok, ifdown gave me some more info...what's the important stuff? or was that just supposed to kill the process?06:20
bionoidjunmin: hddtemp06:20
chamunksflapster, let me finish what im doin and ill ping you when im done it wont take more than 4 mins or so06:20
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SlicerDicer-Kubuntu: you just wanting to install?06:20
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flapsterchamunks, Honestly pal, why bother reconfigging, just add them so much easier06:21
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premierflapster, true. though he's new to this, editing xorg.conf might seem a bit too much...06:21
MUTUsomeone help me pls! what do I do if my distribution upgrade stops at half way during installation? it stopped on "Removing libgmime2.2-cil from Mono"06:21
SlicerDicer-Kubuntu: you could always chuck the drive in another computer that does and install it there then swap it back  :) maybe that would work I have no idea?06:21
flapsterpremier, You have to learn sometime though, you cant just avoid them06:21
SlicerDicer-Kubuntu: unless that old computator has a setting in the bios I think your SOL on that one06:21
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junminbionoid, hddtemp is better or sensor-applet for gnome???06:22
flapster!welcome | LIna06:22
ubotuLIna: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.06:22
chamunksflapster, ok im rdy06:22
LInacan some1 help me?06:22
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premierjunmin, hddtemp is needed for sensors applet to show hdd temps06:22
flapster!ask | LIna06:22
ubotuLIna: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:22
LInaFirst time I use linux06:22
chamunksflapster, i just had a few other settings i had changed aswell outside of just the monitor stuff that i wanted to finish with06:22
premierjunmin, and you got to run hddtemp in daemon mode06:22
bionoidjunmin: Never tried sensor-applet. Wouldn't know06:22
bUzz-iNnot able to get, " xmms - or amarok " working ???06:22
bUzz-iNany one06:22
junminpremier, oh, oh ..thx06:22
flapsterchamunks, Okay, in terminal type: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:22
SlicerDicer-Kubuntu: sh*t out of luck :)06:22
LInaI need to install my graphic card nvidia  7600 drivers how I do that?06:23
premierjunmin, beware that theres some problems in feisty and sata hdds . in my case it didnt work, though in another installation with ide hdds it worked06:23
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:23
EE-mikej #ssh06:23
MUTUhelp pls! what do I do if my distribution upgrade (6.10 -> 7.04) stops at half way during installation? it stopped on "Removing libgmime2.2-cil from Mono"06:23
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chamunksflapster, rdy06:23
flapsterchamunks, If you scroll right to the bottom, you'll see a whole section with resolutions like "1204x768", simmply add your resolution at the start of them, usually on the 24 one06:23
bUzz-iNno drivers for, 8800 cards yett ?06:23
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junminpremier, i am running feisty in my "old" notebook .. so ..dont worry :P06:24
premierchamunks, sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange run this command06:24
rellikis there an ubuntu live CD with beryl ?06:24
SlicerDicer-bUzz-iN: yes there is but I think you have to use nvidia's installer06:24
LInacan some1 help me?06:24
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flapsterrellik, The only livecd i know with beryl is sabayon06:24
bUzz-iNhmmmm tryed that06:24
arkyLIna see also https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/graphics-cards.html -- change 6.10 to 7.04 if you're in Fiesty06:24
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premierchamunks, just read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto in undetected monitor range part06:24
SlartNvidia | LIna06:24
chamunkspremier, ddcprobe not found06:24
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MUTUdoes noone know the answer to my question? :(06:24
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usserflapster: theres berry linux also06:24
Slart!Nvidia | LIna06:24
ubotuLIna: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:24
moonunitis there a replacement for disks admin in 7.006:24
PijiuHow do I get my SD Card to be detected06:25
chamunkspremier, k ill check into it in a min06:25
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premierchamunks, sudo apt-get install xresprobe06:25
rellikflapster, is sayayon any good?06:25
Moniker42how do i mount an NTFS external hdd?06:25
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:25
premier!ntfs-3g > Moniker4206:25
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bUzz-iNI'm running 7.04 & can't get , XMMS or Amarok working ?06:25
chamunkspremier, it just went back to ~$ after i ran that cmd06:25
MUTUsomeone help me pls :(06:26
Felarinyou can't get amarok working?06:26
Slartmoonunit: don't think there is06:26
MUTUhelp pls! what do I do if my distribution upgrade stops at half way during installation? it stopped on "Removing libgmime2.2-cil from Mono"06:26
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Felarini'm running 7.04 with Amarok 1.4.506:26
premierchamunks, sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange run this command now06:26
chamunksflapster, is there anything else i should also change before i go down for restart06:26
LInaI should nee help to be remoted06:26
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SlicerDicer-Moniker42: plug in the drive and stab it with a pencil! no really its quite simple just plug it in and it should mount :) at least mine do06:26
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realityheremount then the drive /dev/hdb1 example06:26
LInaor something S:06:26
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moonunitSlart: you may still be able to help me06:26
rohananyone had luck running http://www.linuxpowertop.org/ on feisty ? or does it work only for 2.6.21 kernels ?06:26
borfastguys, I need to get a USB wireless adapter for my dad's laptop. he already has an Asus WL-167g but it doesn't work with WPA. can anyone tell me a good USB wireless card that works out of the box with Network Manager and WPA, please?06:26
Slartmoonunit: sure.. what's the problem?06:26
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moonuniti reformatted a hard disk and now i cant get to it06:26
chamunkspremier, it just went back to ~$ after i ran "sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange"06:26
rohanbecause i get an error saying CONFIG_TIMER_STATS is not available06:26
moonuniti jacked a disc from an older computer around my house06:27
moonunitand threw it in here06:27
Felarinborfast : is it a G++ router that you're using?06:27
ttjlI managed to get widescreen working but turns off every time i restart06:27
Slartmoonunit: eh... ok.. you can't mount it? or can't find it at all?06:27
ttjlany ideas06:27
moonunitit decteded fine06:27
realityherehow do i get rid of a pxe error on boot?06:27
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moonuniti fired up gparted and changed it over to ext306:27
moonunitnow i cant find it06:27
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Pijiuhow do I get SD Cards to detect06:27
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moonunitand im detecting 4 cd rom's instead of 206:27
premierchamunks, ok, the output of this command paste it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and state the url here06:27
ussermoonunit: is it an IDE drive?06:27
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bionoidrealityhere: Go to your BIOS setup and disable PXE06:27
Slartmoonunit: what do you mean, "can't find it"... where are you looking?06:28
ussermoonunit: try ls /dev/hd*06:28
MUTUHello, can anyone help me please? What do I do with a frozen distribution upgrade window?06:28
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pihusHow to remove ^M marks with vi?06:28
pihusI can't remember the command :/06:28
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|ericsson|which is best to run, compiz or beryl, or is there even a big difference?06:28
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ussermoonunit: it'dbe  hdb, hdc depending on how many hdds u had before06:28
SlicerDicer-the ^H key ;-)06:28
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chamunkspremier, there was no output :S  but it stopped giving me the error for ddcprobe06:28
borfastFelarin, G++ router? not really... he connects mostly to two routers, an Asus WL500G Deluxe and a Linksys WRT54GL with DD-WRT in it but he needs to connect to other routers. still, I don't think the router is the problem, only the fact that the RT2500 driver doesn't work with WPA out of the box and I just can't make it work - I tried both wpa_supplicant and ndiswrapper without success06:29
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pihus^H doesn't work06:29
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realityhereberyl is unstable06:29
junminmy notebook, the temperature of CPU is 67 C and hd is 55 C. is it too much?? right??!!!!06:29
SlicerDicer-pihus: it was a joke :)06:29
MUTUhello?!? is anyone reading my lines at all or are you all ignoring me? :(06:29
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moonunitusser, i have 2 hdd's and 2 cd drives06:29
|ericsson|realityhere: so compiz would be a safer bet?06:29
BossManiaanyone for help about glftpd ?06:29
usserjunmin: yea its quite high06:29
SlartMUTU: we see you.. we might not have a good answer for you06:29
pihus:D lol06:29
Barrucaducan anyone help? feisty crashes whenever I plug in my netgear dongle.06:29
SlartMUTU: at least I don't06:29
realityherei'm paying attentiln now mutu06:30
Pijiujunmin: It's high but not unusual, what make is it06:30
pihusGoogle is a bit stupid, it doesn't support searching "^M"06:30
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ussermoonunit: do ls /dev/hd*06:30
bionoid|ericsson|: I prefer beryl, but dont use any of them because of unstability..06:30
realityherewhat is the question?06:30
rambo3:P my laptop is 70 - 90 C06:30
borfastMUTU, you have to have patience, sometimes people aren't looking at this all the time. a frozen upgrade window may not be bad if it hadn't reached the instalation part yet.06:30
MUTUrealityhere: what do I do if my distribution upgrade stops halfway through?06:30
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premierchamunks, in my case it outputs monitorrange: 30-98, 50-16006:30
borfastMUTU, was it already installing the new packages?06:30
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|ericsson|bionoid: thank's, I usually don't like eyecandy but atleast I need to try some of it before dismissing it ;)06:30
MUTUborfast: it had started installing06:30
SlicerDicer-pihus: kinda like when I search for foo.foobar config files it goes crazy06:30
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ussermoonunit: the hd* without terminating numbers would be your cd's and the rest are partitions on your hdds06:31
MUTUUnpacking replacement libgmime-2.0-2 ...06:31
MUTUPreparing to replace libgmime2.2-cil 2.2.3-1ubuntu1 (using .../libgmime2.2-cil_2.2.3-3ubuntu1_all.deb) ...06:31
MUTURemoving libgmime2.2-cil from Mono06:31
premierchamunks, dont you get such a line?06:31
MUTUand it stopped there06:31
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BoratHey, does anyone know how i can get GTK icons in fluxbox?06:31
PijiuI can't get ubuntu to detect my SD Cards06:31
borfasthmm... not good, then... but may not be all bad either. anyway, if the upgrade process has frozen, you have no other option other than killing it06:31
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benihow to remove duplicate entries from a textfile06:31
junminPijiu, mark??06:31
ash__Ummm.. if the logout button is missing... is there some way to logout?06:31
borfastyou'll probably get APT to complain about a bunch of broken dependencies06:31
moonunitusser: #moonunit less traffic06:31
MUTUborfast: how do I kill it pls?06:31
chamunkspremier, nope just goes back to my initial blank line06:31
Pijiumark? im a noob06:31
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realityheremutu reboot and try again if that don't work look for missing dependencies06:32
bionoidbenplaut_: cat file.txt|uniq06:32
MUTUwell ok thanks06:32
chamunkspremier, its rather strange06:32
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moonunitusser: ?06:32
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moonunitusser: #moonunit if your out there06:32
premierchamunks, the output is one line above the new cursor line06:32
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chamunkspremier, does this screen range have a huge impact on what happens after i reboot kus i added the resolutions but06:32
junminPijiu, i think it's because i am passing file to my hd from  external hd..06:32
chamunkspremier, right i know that but its not outputting anything06:33
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junminPijiu, now . cpu is 72 :(06:33
benihow to remove duplicate lines from a textfile?06:33
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borfastrealityhere, I'm not sure if rebooting would be a good idea in MUTU's case, because he/she doesn't know which packages were already upgraded and the system may not reboot06:33
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bUzz-iNhow do you make, X-chat transparent ???? anyone,06:33
bionoidbeni: cat file.txt | uniq06:33
chamunkspremier, not even the error saying that ddcprobe command not found06:33
borfastbut he/she is gone now, so it's a bit late for that :P06:33
ttjlCan anyone help me make my Vaio widescreen permanent06:33
premierchamunks, its a huge impact because if the x server doesnt recognize the full range of your monitor, it will fall back to lower res06:33
benibionoid: nope that just shows the uniqe entries...06:33
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ttjlHi need help with 915resolution06:33
chamunkspremier, ok as long as i can still get my gui lol06:33
premierchamunks, anyhow, then you need to edit xorg.conf06:34
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chamunkspremier, ok ill open it up06:34
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bionoidbeni: add cat file.txt | uniq > newfile.txt06:34
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bionoider, -add ;p06:34
bUzz-iNhow do you make, X-chat transparent ???? anyone,06:34
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premierchamunks, find the manual of the monitor in the specifications section it should have the horizontal and vertical ranges06:34
ttjlManaged to make Vaio display widescreen why does it forget changes on reboot?06:34
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borfastttjl, there's a page about it on the Wiki, if I recall correctly06:34
bionoidbUzz-iN: Using beryl/compiz, hold alt and scroll-wheel down06:34
benibionoid: thats bullshit^^06:34
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Fragger56can anyone help me? I just tried to install ubuntu to my laptop, on an external HDD and now every time i boot, GRUB fails to register the external drive and wont let me boot windows06:34
chamunkspremier, kk 2 mins06:35
bionoidbeni: no,. no it's not06:35
benibionoid: that doenst remove the dupe lines..06:35
ttjlborfast: could I ask you a quick question06:35
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linux__alienlot of people use Ubuntu but not many Kubuntu when compared to Ubuntu any reason for that?06:35
benibionoid:  try it yourself06:35
borfastttjl, shoot06:35
bionoidbeni: Yes, it does.06:35
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borfastlinux__alien, probably because Ubuntu is the "default" distro, the one that started it and thus, more people know of it. but I'm just speculating.06:36
bUzz-iNwhats wrong with, Kubuntu ?06:36
ttjlborfast: Ok i followed the following tutorial http://users.skynet.be/thomasvst/linux-on-laptop/#wide all the way to the point at which I have to edit bootmisc.sh06:36
benihow to remove duplicate lines from a textfile?06:36
ash__Ummm... I am able to use sudo to run commands as root but for some reason I cant login to my root account.. ? wtf?06:36
magnetron!best | bUzz-iN06:36
ubotubUzz-iN: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.06:36
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PijiuHow do I get my SD cards to be detected06:36
magnetron!root | ash__06:36
RagingBullbeni: use vim editor or nano06:36
ubotuash__: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:36
ttjlborfast: but when I run sudo vi etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh I cant find or edit the line it refers to, any ideas?06:36
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bionoidbeni: ah, sorry, you want uniq -u06:37
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magnetronash__: the root account is disabled by default06:37
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borfastttjl, let me check that page06:37
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ttjlborfast: sure06:37
bUzz-iNstill can;t get xmms working, ************06:37
bUzz-iNso frustrating06:38
rick28139i can't get ubuntu to load , only loads 64 bit edition06:38
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rick28139any one know why?06:38
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:38
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Goldlinehey guys when i setup my own irc server and someone joins then for some reason timeout with the reason: dosconnected connection reset by peer, what does this mean? is this client/serverside prob?06:38
linux__alienbUzz-iN, you having the right click problem in xmms?06:38
chamunkspremier, after a bit of googleing Horizontal: 30-82 kHz Vertical: 50-85 Hz06:38
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Jul1609before anything I want to thank again all of you who helped me handle the sound card, but apparently, there is yet another problem :s06:39
borfastttjl, are you sure you followed every step correctly until that point? have you tried to repeat them?06:39
rick28139please im me if ya can help i will wait06:39
bUzz-iNcan't even get it to play a cd06:39
|ericsson|chamunks: run ddcprobe otherwise, if your monitor supports it ;)06:39
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xonecashey, can someone help me with a networking issue06:39
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borfastttjl, sorry man, wrong page, I was reading another stuff06:39
noobOk, this confirms Linux hates me. I have yet to be able to use Linux for 1 whole hour at a go without something going so terribly wrong that I'd need to reformat.06:39
ash__magnetron:  thanks... I just read that... thats kinda.. lame.. but I guess it makes sense06:39
vox754!please | rick2813906:39
|ericsson|!ask > xonecas06:39
uboturick28139: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience06:39
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ttjlborfast: yeah they all work fine. I have widescreen right now but if i restart i lose it and need to start over06:39
chamunks|ericsson|, ddcprobe doesent want to reply with anything06:40
ttjlborfast: oh ok06:40
Super_Cat_Frog_hi - ive got 2gb ram in this box and there's 54m free - how can i view what is hogging (top is no good - its not listed there)06:40
Goldlinehey guys when i setup my own irc server and someone joins then for some reason timeout with the reason: dosconnected connection reset by peer, what does this mean? is this client/serverside prob?06:40
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xonecasafter installing ndiswrapper, when I run modprobe ndiswrapper system hangs06:40
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xonecasgives me a bug: error code06:40
SlartSuper_Cat_Frog_: it's probably being used for caching stuff06:40
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog, linux follovs "unused ram is wasted ram"06:40
imon9heloo, can anyone tell me what is the package responsible for the "type=ahead find" feature in thunar/synaptic/nautilus please?06:40
ash__noob dont sweat it dude... linux sometimes can be a pain to run.. but it's worth the trouble in my opinion :D06:40
SlartSuper_Cat_Frog_: linux does that... it will return the memory if you need it06:40
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Super_Cat_Frog_Slart, jinzo : is there anyway i can verify this?06:40
Traethe new 7.04 Ubuntu ISO is small right?  (file size) cause it's not the standard 500M+ that they normally are.06:40
|ericsson|Super_Cat_Frog_: try free -m06:40
premierchamunks, whats the monitor? those ranges are pretty low.. eg in my case on this system its a 19" crt monitor running at 1600x1200@65 and horizontal range is 30-9806:40
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Jul1609I just changed my graphic card for one that is supposedly faster (from an Nvidia Quad to a Radeon 9200), but now, with exactly the same distro, the same packages, my computer runs much slower (can't watch videos on youtube for instance). Can anyone point me in a direction to bring it back to at least what it was?06:41
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog, so that's not that bad... top should show you i think06:41
SlartSuper_Cat_Frog_: I think you can run "free" with some parameter to see free memory with or without cache06:41
chamunkspremier, ViewSonic VX2235wm  22" HD Wide Multimedia LCD06:41
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maynards-girlhow do i create a shortcut on the desktop to a certian directory06:41
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog, and there's a gnome utility, called "system monitor" ( or something like that )06:41
premierchamunks, and i guess its native res is 1680x1050?06:41
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Super_Cat_Frog_ah: $ cat /proc/meminfo  | grep Cached06:42
Super_Cat_Frog_Cached:        1469796 kB06:42
Super_Cat_Frog_thanks all06:42
sivajiwhen i use windows i cant see linux partition is there any way to access linux partition through windows06:42
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rick28139After reading some of the other problems, mine seems stupid06:42
LjL!ext3 > sivaji    (sivaji, see the private message from Ubotu)06:42
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ttjlborfast: any idea?06:42
jinzosivaji, the linux partitions are ext3 ?06:42
Tom47!ati | jul160906:42
ubotujul1609: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:42
chamunkspremier, i would suppose06:42
jinzoext3 is defoul on ubuntu ?06:42
chamunkspremier, that sounds like what i was running in xp06:42
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noobash__: Well, I do sweat it. Considering that in my whole life, I spent at least 200 hours trying to fix linux problems and possibly 4 hours actually using it06:43
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Jul1609Tom 47 & ubotu: I thought about the ATI driver stuff, but beryl still runs...would it run if I hadn't the proper driver?06:43
jinzonoob, that's the beutiy of linux :) you're never bored :D06:43
Super_Cat_Frog_jinzo: im bored - my feisty box runs perfectly06:43
Super_Cat_Frog_(just alarmed by what top was telling me)06:43
chamunkspremier, after further inspection of the box the screen came in yeah thats the res it likes best06:43
rick28139noob I thank people who keep linux going (thanks)06:43
borfastttjl, you basically need to get that command executed during the boot. it's stupid but after 7 years using Linux almost exclusively, I still don't know how to do that without using Google to find out...06:44
noobit's frustrating. i bet you're all lying and you can't get your linux to work :P06:44
strabesSuper_Cat_Frog_: then go on ubuntuforums and find something to break your system and then fix it06:44
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premierchamunks, anyhow, i have never used lcd monitors, maybe because they use low vertical ranges they dont need high horizontal ranges. add the ranges in xorg.conf https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:44
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strabesthat's what happens to me all the t ime06:44
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog_, then set up a server that must be secure and there's ppl that need to acces it thru ssh/ftp etc.. :P06:44
Barrucadunoob, I agree (at least with feisty)06:44
ttjlborfast, ok will see if i can find out06:44
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog, and set up a mail server or something like that :P06:44
premierchamunks, in section Undetected Monitor Specs06:44
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vox754noob, you better start asking for support, otherwise all that whining is gonna get you kicked06:44
chamunkspremier, ok ill ping you back if i get confused06:45
Super_Cat_Frog_jinzo: im setting up a freebsd box to do that - my desktop does everything i want. we run debian at work with some server stuff, never breaks06:45
bUzz-iNi can't get xmms working to simply play a cd.06:45
Jul1609ubotu & tom: besides, it's an ATI 9200 (with PCI, a museum stuff :s), so it's below 950006:45
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog, then you have good sysadmins :)06:45
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Super_Cat_Frog_jinzo: im the sysadmin :)06:45
ash__Anyone know the keyboard extension to logout or to pull up the shutdown/logout screen?06:45
premierchamunks, from "The second way is to simply add those values to our /etc/X11/xorg.conf ..." and downwards06:45
borfastttjl, I'd say you have to create a shell script to execute that command and put it in /etc/init.d to be run like any other boot script06:45
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog_, then you're doing a good work06:45
noobvox754: I don't think I can get support now, Ubuntu crashed during the upgrade to feisty and now it won't boot. I basically have files on my hard disk that I'm going to have to lose when i do a format06:45
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SlicerDicer-well this obviously sucks06:45
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Super_Cat_Frog_jinzo: not really - debian / freebsd / ubuntu are great - they dont break unless you do something stupid06:46
Jul1609ubotu: Is Ubuntu even compatible with a Radeon 9200?06:46
ttjlborfast, to be honest im new to all this and dont really know what that means. But the boot point has got google to give me some more resources06:46
chamunkspremier, im actually currently in /etc/X11/xorg.conf   i figure that would be way easier06:46
=== SlicerDicer- throws a chair at the Alternate CD MD5
jinzoSuper_Cat_Frog_, dunno, I had some fun configuring and runing a mailserver with mysql etc...06:46
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KnowledgEngineerwhen try to open a video using mplayer: the system show me a windows whit this message:06:46
KnowledgEngineerError opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device06:46
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borfastttjl, it's a bit complicated but not that hard06:46
vox754!bot | Jul160906:47
ubotuJul1609: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:47
borfastttjl, let's switch to a private chat and I'll walk you through it06:47
chamunkspremier, skipping all the other stuff but the one configuration thing we did earlier added all the resolutions i wanted to add but this hsync and vsync is the confusing bit to me06:47
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Super_Cat_Frog_jinzo: ah - we dont run our own mail servers -  too much work to do, we just use servage (servage.net)06:47
premierchamunks, its all in the section of the guide i directed you to06:47
Super_Cat_Frog_we only run apache/php/mysql/red5/ffmpeg on our servers06:47
ttjlborfast, think you tried to set up a chat but i messed up06:47
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borfastttjl, no, I canceled it06:47
rick28139I am going to install ubuntu ,but all I can get to work is the 64 bit edition.If I try to boot with other it says: 8254 timer not connected :try noapic option.06:48
=== Spa [n=karr-idd@121.202.101-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
chamunkspremier, i seem to have lost the page in my mess of firefox tabs can you relink me pls pls06:48
gordboyKnowledgEngineer, select xv output in mplayer preferences. and turn that damn compiz/beryl nonsense off :)06:48
zoursI have quite a specific problem: I'm trying to mount /var as a separate partition. But, since very early in the boot sequence, before the fstab is read, there is a script that mounts some tmpfs in /var subfolders, it always results in various problems. Is there a known workaround?06:48
Jul1609hem...I get a lot of characters, but nothing humanly intelligible :s06:48
obiwan_how can i disable wireless-network by default under feisty ?06:48
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chamunkspremier, ok nevermind i found it06:48
Super_Cat_Frog_obiwan_: edit /etc/network/intefaces06:49
KnowledgEngineerif i run: mplayer -vo x11 file.avi06:49
Jul1609ok, just tell, me do you guys think I did right to upgrade from an Nvidia Quad to an ATI Radeon 9200?06:49
KnowledgEngineeri can see it !06:49
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PijiuHow do I get it to detect my SD media card reader, I've search the forums but not having luck06:49
Jul1609or even to switch from NVidia to ATI (I though about it too...)06:49
noobI installed the fs-driver for viewing ext3 filesystems on Windows, but Windows tells me it's not formatted. If i do a quick format in NTFS, would I lose all my data?06:49
Super_Cat_Frog_Jul1609: probably not - nvidia's linux drivers are much better than ati's, although apparntly amd intend to release os drivers for ati card06:49
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borfastttjl, check the private chat06:49
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gordboynoob, yes you would06:50
Barrucaduargh, my netgear dongle is no longer crashing ubuntu. it just makes ndiswrapper -l (I havent tried any other commands yes) hang06:50
ttjlborfast, not sure you can see what im writing06:50
Jul1609Super_cat_Frog: So do you think I should put the Quad card where it was?06:50
borfastttjl, on the private chat? no. only here.06:50
noobgordboy: how can I get the files off my linux hdd to my windows pls? i had ubuntu there until i tried to upgrade and it crashed, never able to boot again06:50
gordboynoob, i use ext2fsd read only06:51
ttjlttjl, think perhaps i need to install something or get an account someplace for this to work06:51
Super_Cat_Frog_Jul1609: dont know - ive never bought ati - i have just heard from lots of people that ati's drivers are poo - im happy with nvidia drivers06:51
chamunkspremier, soo thats all done06:51
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arkynoob: google Ext2 IFS06:51
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jrib!ext3 > noob (see the private message from ubotu)06:51
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Jul1609ok, well, let me confirm: so far, ATI sucks06:51
zerokill88anyone know the evolution startup command so i can add it to my startup programs06:51
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ttjlborfast, i can read what your typing in private chat dont think you can see what i am typing though06:52
DVS01whats a good sound editor i can use? something like soundforge for windows06:52
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premierchamunks, added the "1680x1050" res in display section of xorg.conf in all bitdepths?06:52
gordboyJul1609, ati radeon 9200se rocks06:52
bionoidzerokill88: evolution --component=mail06:52
jribDVS01: there's audacity06:52
gordboyDVS01, audacity06:52
zerokill88bionoid thanks06:52
noobarky, gordboy: I already have ext2 ifs and ext2fsd. neither are working. to be honest they used to work before, until suddenly they stopped.06:52
HLMnoob: sounds like you need Windows 1.0 and a copy of Microsoft Bob...........8-)06:52
obiwan_<Super_Cat_Frog_>: is it ok just to disable "auto wlan0" with an # ?06:52
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Jul1609gordboy, that's what I have, but it's slow I can't watch videos on that piece of sh** I call my com06:53
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jribnoob: boot a live cd and backup your files that way then06:53
kneekiAnyone know a good TV tuner program that integrates well into Ubuntu?06:53
BossManiaanyone for help about glftpd ?06:53
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gordboyJul1609, i use the xorg radeon driver. and it really works well06:53
chamunkspremier, this is what my xorg.conf file currently looks like is this good??  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20667/06:53
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ttjlhow do i get permission to edit something06:53
variantttjl: sudo06:53
jribttjl: to edit what exactly?06:53
Jul1609I have 1.5 gig ram, 2.8 gz pentium 4, that's good, isn't it?06:53
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:53
variantJul1609: sounds pretty decent to me06:54
gordboyJul1609, more than adequate06:54
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Jul1609gordboy: xorg radeon driver? where do you get that?06:54
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Kohvihoorpremier: I finally found my problem, firestarter now shares internets just fine. ^^06:54
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DameAnybody tried to reinstall vmware and having problems finding vmware-uninstall.pl because its missing??06:54
premierchamunks, seems ok. ctrl+alt+backspase to reload X server. if that doesnt work, reboot. if even that fails, come back here to check it ;-)06:54
ttjljrib, /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh are you always on here?06:54
variantDame: sudo updatedb && sudo slocate vmware-uninstall.pl06:54
d3m0Hi everyone, can someone help me?  I have installed ubuntu server on my pc and have added three drives via a ide controller card.  how I can tell what ubuntu assigned these drives (i.e. /dev/hd*) so I can mount them06:54
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vox754d3m0, "sudo fdisk -l"06:55
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jribttjl: gksudo gedit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh   I usually idle when I'm on the computer and check in once in a while for a break from other stuff06:55
gordboyJul1609, it's installed automatically. just change/create your /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:55
KnowledgEngineerxv is terrible for mplayer, vo is good06:56
chamunkspremier, ok beautiful :D thanks a tonne this is about my 4th visit to #ubuntu to find someone who could link me / talk me thru this process06:56
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Jul1609gordboy: I've already seen that one, alright. But I don't know that file, what should I change and for what?06:56
premierd3m0, fdisk them, create fs on them eg if you use ext3 mkfs.ext3, then add them to fstab06:56
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PijiuHow do I get my SD Card reader to detect?06:56
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chamunkspremier, if you see me back in here in a few mins we did a good job lol if not im stuck in a terminal somewhere and am scrambeling for my laptop lol06:57
d3m0thanks vox754, premier06:57
Jul1609gordboy: do you know any website where I can learn about all these system files on Ubuntu? see, having a solution is cool, but I would love to understand these solution ;)06:57
KnowledgEngineermplayer --> preferences --> video ----> x11 X11 (XImage/shm)06:57
LjL!info zapper | kneeki, then there are others specifically for digital TV06:57
Damevariant, nothing popped06:57
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ubotukneeki, then there are others specifically for digital tv: Package zapper does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas06:58
LjL!info zapping > kneeki sorry06:58
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borfastguys, I need to get a USB wireless adapter for my dad's laptop. he already has an Asus WL-167g but it doesn't work with WPA. can anyone tell me a good USB wireless card that works out of the box with Network Manager and WPA, please?06:58
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LjLkneeki: yes, not zapper06:58
gordboyJul1609, my xorg.conf, edit to taste - http://rafb.net/p/GyMt9n98.html06:58
LjLkneeki: but if it's a digital TV card that you have, other programs are probably more appropriate06:58
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kneekiLjl, thanks, I'll look for it =)06:58
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Jul1609gordboy: thak you, I'll study that, brb06:59
kneekiLjl, 'sudo apt-get install zapper' ?06:59
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LjLkneeki: sudo apt-get install zapping06:59
PijiuHow do I get my SD Card reader to detect? and How do I get my CD drive to detect VCD's?06:59
LjLkneeki: with Universe enabled06:59
kneekiLjl, lol. woops =)06:59
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KennyGiblerrrMan, oh man.07:00
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chamunkspremier, ok well my resolution is where it should be.... but... umm... my window decorator isn't loading properly :S07:00
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KennyGiblerrrUbuntu doesn't like me very mich. :(07:00
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premierchamunks, window decorator?07:00
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chamunkspremier, beryl/emerald isnt loading my gnome skins properly :S07:01
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tondarhi all07:01
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tondarplease help me out07:01
KennyGiblerrrHow do I figure out which version of Ubuntu i'm using. I'm pretty sure it's 7.04, but idk I might got the wrong one..07:01
tondarhaving problems with samba07:01
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LjL!version > KennyGiblerrr    (KennyGiblerrr, see the private message from Ubotu)07:01
premierchamunks, about beryl i dont know much, havent used it yet07:01
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tondarit was working but then I changed the host name and problems started07:01
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chamunkspremier, lol thats ok but i have no close / minimize / maximize buttons :'( its ok ill figure that out in time lol07:02
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BossManiaanyone for help about glftpd ?07:02
tondarbut I changed it back to what it was and still not working :(07:02
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premier!beryl > chamunks07:02
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:02
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premierchamunks, maybe you want to try in #ubuntu-effects07:02
rick28139To whome do i address my problems to in here?07:03
jjid1Hi all, I used ubuntu-7.04-alternate.iso but not sure it installed. How can I check?07:03
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KennyGiblerrrBack to the point. I installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu and got my surround working by http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_setup_the_surround_speakers_.285.1_and_others.29_with_ALSA using that and it doesnt work when I restart ubuntu..07:03
RagingBullrick28139: state the problem to the channel07:03
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bd1308anybody having video issues with the 8600 GeForce cards? I cant seem to get any video on it at all, unless i fanagle with the CD video modes or through booting the rescue option in grub07:03
RagingBullrick28139: maybe someone has a solution to your problem07:03
chamunkspremier, i dont mind just disabling beryl alltogether its just fancy i just like showing off my linux skills to my windows friends lol07:03
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obiwan_how can i disable wireless-network in /etc/init/interfaces by default? - just to remark with '#' doesn't work for me ...07:03
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:04
PijiuHow do I get my SD Card reader to detect? and How do I get my CD drive to detect VCD's?07:04
chamunkspremier, you wouldent happen to know how i would go by launching a command via a hotkey binding would you?07:04
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vox754obiwan_, "sudo /etc/init.d/networking stop" I think07:04
rick28139CHANNEL: I cannot get 32bit ubuntu to boot, only 64 bit edition, when i try error is timer not connected, try noapic option07:04
usserchamunks: i think its ALT+F207:04
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bd1308anybody having video issues with the 8600 GeForce cards? I cant seem to get any video on it at all, unless i fanagle with the CD video modes or through booting the rescue option in grub07:05
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premierchamunks, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Troubleshooting_nVidia#My_windows_don.27t_have_any_decorations_.28title_bar.2C_resize_handles.2C_minimize.2Fmaximize.2Fclose_buttons.2907:05
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chamunksusser, alt f2 does what?07:05
flapsterrick28139, Boot with the noapic and nolapic then07:05
KennyGiblerrrDoes Ubuntu delete something on restart or what for my surround sound?07:05
usserchamunks: run a command dialog07:05
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flapsterrick28139, Press f6 at the first screen you see, then type noapic nolapic07:06
rick28139flapster I am noob, how do I do that?07:06
flapsterrick28139, The first screen after you boot, with all the otions on07:06
nox-HandMy ubuntu 7.04 CD wont boot X07:06
obiwan_<vox754>:  but this will stop imo all network ifaces - i want just to disable the wireless by default ...07:06
nox-HandGives me some odd X error07:06
=== Jul1609 [n=europa@bas4-montreal02-1096703895.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nox-HandIs there a text-installer included on the full CD?07:06
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chamunksusser thats awesome,   well allthough that will take care of most of my issues i want to keybind gnome-launch-box to like <super> or something like that07:06
arrowI just got a lap top and a wireless card that is supported, I'm trying to connect to my home network but cant figure out how, can some one point me in the right direction07:06
nox-HandThe one you get with the post07:06
rick28139the one that says install or boot live?07:06
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nox-HandThen Id like to use that :D07:06
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usserchamunks: hm i dunno how to change a binding in gnome07:07
vox754obiwan_, oh, then something like "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down"   maybe in a script07:07
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flapsterrick28139, Just in the first screen you see, where it has like the option t boot,07:07
strabesi'm trying to set up firestarter. Why can I not use eth0 twice on the wizard? It says Please review07:07
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flapsterrick28139, press f6 and to the end of whats in there add noapic nolapic07:07
kneekiLjl, Hmm... I'm getting nothing but static on Zapping. Any suggestions for another tuner app?07:07
strabesyour choices, the local area and the internet connected devices cannot be the same07:07
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Jul1609gordboy: I edited the /etc/X11/xorg.conf to copy paste the section "device", but then when I rebooted, X crashed. Guess that's what backups are all about :p07:07
chamunksusser, that ok that would just be a luxury (it searches my firefox bookmarks aswell as programs n such)07:08
kenthomsonI wish to buy a iball Tablet, will it work in Ubuntu?07:08
rick28139ok I will go tryt that FLAPSTER thank you07:08
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kenthomsonLjL: Good lord, howdy ;-)07:08
premierchamunks, system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts probably07:08
flapsterrick28139, Ease on the caps dude :)07:08
tondarplease help me07:08
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kenthomsontondar: whadup?07:08
Jul1609Gordboy, so I put back the backup to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, but nothing's changed07:08
tondarmy samba used to work but now not :(07:08
Jul1609it's still as slow07:08
tondarkenthomson: thank you07:08
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brusselgeneral question, I'm using delicious to save my book marks but it's so slow it seems to take 10 seconds to navigate to a new page. Is there another product similar to delicious that's responsive?07:08
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kenthomsontondar: nothing to say about samba07:09
rick28139<<is afk trying reboot07:09
tondarkenthomson: no please07:09
tondarkenthomson: I only changed the host name and revert07:09
Jul1609gordboy: should I paste my xorg.conf file somewhere you can see, maybe somethings wrong?07:09
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tondarkenthomson: that's all07:09
kenthomsontondar: I told you i am as clueless about samba as anyone out there07:09
Tom47jul1609 just for interest you may find this howto worth looking at at some stage07:09
obiwan_<vox754> hmm - doesn't work - to remark it with '#' should work, but didin't ...07:09
chamunkspremier, thanks for everything07:09
ussertondar: how long ago was that?07:09
chamunksusser, thanks07:10
kenthomsontondar: though i guess google is a better place to hunt for your answers or help.ubuntu.com, if nobody here responds07:10
tondarusser: last night07:10
kLownI'm having an issue with my wireless card, its sitting a foot away from my wireless modem, and I'm showing 50-60% signal strength, and ideas?07:10
Jul1609Tom47: thank you, lookin at it right now07:10
ussertondar: and whats the error07:10
tondarusser: changed last night and today all missed up07:10
nox-Hand/usr/X11R6/bin/X: /usr/X11R6/bin/X: no version information available (required by /usr/X11R6/bin/X)07:10
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nox-HandI get that on the liveCD07:10
nox-HandAny ideas?07:10
ussertondar: can u see ubuntu comp in the network?07:10
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vox754obiwan_, yeah... it works for me, I can disable wireless and wired with ifconfig no problems07:10
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luisgmarinehello how do I update my nvidia drivers?  I'm trying to install cedega but I keep on getting errors that my 3d acceleration is broken07:11
tondarusser: on windows machine it says: \\Hadi-desktop is not accisible. you might not have permissions07:11
ussertondar: how big is your network?07:11
tondarusser: 207:11
magnetronkLown: the NIC is 108 Mbps and the AP is 54 Mbps?07:11
tondarusser: one pc and the other laptop07:11
ussertondar: did u restart the win comp since u did that?07:11
kenthomsonTABLET ON UBUNTU?07:11
tondarusser: pc == ubuntu and laptop == win07:11
tondarusser: yes07:11
kLownmagnetron:  no, they are both 5407:12
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BossManiaanyone for help about glftpd please ?07:12
ussertondar: pastebin your /etc/samba/smb.conf07:12
tondarusser: k07:12
magnetronkLown: they are on top of each other?07:12
obiwan_<vox754>: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device07:12
magnetronkLown: the antennas, that is07:12
nox-HandI cant get the liveCD to boot X since it gives me this X error:07:12
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nox-Hand/usr/X11R6/bin/X: /usr/X11R6/bin/X: no version information available (required by /usr/X11R6/bin/X)07:12
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kLownmagnetron:  sitting right next to eachother.07:12
nox-HandI need help... anyone willing to give me some? :D07:12
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premiernox-Hand, tried safe graphics option?07:13
magnetronkLown: the coax is damaged?07:13
nox-Handpremier: nope07:13
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nox-Handpremier: give it a go? ;)07:13
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jarlathHi folks, quick question. Is it okay to uninstall ubunut-desktop? I think I remember reading that it was used for installation to pull in other packages and can be removed. Compiz won't uninstall without taking it with it.07:13
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=== ahumane [n=oem@ool-43557e7c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
vox754obiwan_, well you obviously need to set up the correct name for the device, mine is wlan0, but it could be eth0, eth1, ath0, ath1, and so on, use "iwconfig" to list the wireless interfaces07:13
kLownmagnetron:  I'm using my lappy right now, which is further away, and I'm getting 100%07:13
tondarusser: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20672/07:13
b00gzAnyone know what pastebin application Ubuntu is using on their website?07:13
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flapsterjarlath, Thats basically everything,07:13
kenthomsonDo TOUCHSCREENS/TABLETS work on Ubuntu????07:13
=== Andeh [n=andy@ip51cd5a98.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Enverexkenthomson, Yes07:14
gordboyJul1609, sure paste it07:14
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flapsterjarlath, Why do you want to remove compiz?07:14
Jul1609Gordboy: What does this mean: Option          "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps"?07:14
ussertondar: workgroup name on win comp is mshome right?07:14
tondarusser: I followed a guide on ubuntuvideos07:14
kenthomsonEnverex: Which one do you use?07:14
Enverexkenthomson, And try not to be obnoxious by using all caps and lots of question marks07:14
magnetronkLown: try to move the antennas away from eachother. is the coax possibly damaged?07:14
Enverexkenthomson, I don't07:14
tondarusser: yes07:14
Jul1609gordboy: I don't have it in my xorg.conf07:14
kenthomsonEnverex: Where should i go out to find out whether a particular model would work?07:14
kLownmagnetron:  no, its a brand new card.07:14
gordboyJul1609, that's for nvidia cards07:14
jjid1Hi all, I upgraded from Edgy using the alternate image, but I think it failed. How can I check?07:14
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Jul1609so should I put it?07:15
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kenthomsonJul1609: I don't know what it means but most probably if you don't have it and if you switch on Desktop Effects, you won't have window borders/decorations07:15
AndehHello, i am running the WindowsXP installer in VirtualBox and it's taking 11 hours. This never happened before, when i ran Virtualbox on Windows. Does anyone know what's wrong?07:15
Enverexkenthomson, Google07:15
crdlbJul1609: you shouldn't need that option in feisty07:15
=== zerokill88 [n=zerokill@adsl-69-108-81-136.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonEnverex: Oh my! You saved my life! You should be Crowned the King! Stupid.07:15
AndehI mean literally 11 hours.07:15
=== |-David-| [n=dumstot@CPE-65-30-150-155.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zerokill88What is UbuntuStudio?07:15
kenthomsoncrdlb: I need it07:15
obiwan_ah! "ath0" works for me - just too stupid - thank you :-)07:15
Jul1609kenthomson: I use Beryl instead of the default desktop effect :s07:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntusutdio - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:15
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Sonic_13_can someone help me set up a samba file server?07:15
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crdlbkenthomson: beryl or compiz?07:15
ussertondar: hm config seems fine07:16
Jul1609crdlb: okay07:16
kenthomsoncrdlb: default fesity desktop effects (i.e. compiz)07:16
=== johnc4510 [n=johnc@ip68-231-136-42.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
|-David-|Hi, I have a question about wireless adapters available for linux07:16
ubotuubuntustudio is a site for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best parts of Audio/Graphical/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories, and extra! Available at http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit #ubuntustudio.07:16
ussertondar: apart from the name of that last share07:16
=== pyrops [n=nicke@host86-129-108-7.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbkenthomson: what video card?07:16
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kenthomsoncrdlb: nvidia fx 520007:16
Enverexkenthomson, If you're going to be an ass then no-one is going to help you, especially when you're not willing to even try and help yourself07:16
ussertondar: path = /home/hadi/ubuntu share07:16
kenthomsoncrdlb: nvidia-glx-new07:16
Jul1609crdlb, gorboy, do I copy it anyway or no neef?07:16
AndehI have a problem with virtualbox, can anyone help?07:16
jjid1Hi all, I upgraded from Edgy using the alternate image, but I think it failed. How can I check?07:16
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-179-217-215.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
tondarusser: yes07:16
kenthomsonEnverex: Be off with you07:16
crdlbJul1609: what video card?07:16
ussertondar: change it to /home/hadi/ubuntu\ share07:16
|-David-|Does anyone know which ones are out there that are compatible with ubuntu, and where I can get them?07:17
=== pureDesi [n=rishi@pool-70-110-22-247.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
tondarusser: k07:17
Jul1609crdlb: Ati Radeon 9200 pro07:17
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kenthomsonAndeh: Do you know if you Tablets/Touch-screens work on Ubuntu?07:17
crdlbJul1609: you don't need it then07:17
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jjid1Hello, where can I see the installed Ubuntu version?07:17
crdlbunless you see problems07:17
kLownmagnetron:  I moved it, and my signal dropped further.07:17
Jul1609crdlb: ok07:17
tondarusser: changed, save it?07:17
d2812zerokill88: The UbuntuStudio site is currently down, but there is some info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio07:17
britthow do i check the kernel verson of my nvidia driver?07:17
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flapster|-David-|, It seems most of the Atheros/Braodcom/Intel ones to me07:17
=== BluePeep23 [n=djs@cpe-72-134-36-163.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Andehkenthomson: Well my tablet worked but it was horrible and as if it was configured wrong. They do work but i think it's a bit messed up.07:17
magnetronAndeh: i have had problem with installing the virtualbox kernel module in ubuntu. you probably have that problem too, it will give no acceleration at all. i use qemu instead, see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo07:17
crdlbbritt: linux-restricted-modules includes 3 different versions07:17
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Jul1609crdlb: those two I don't have either: HorizSync       28-72         VertRefresh     43-6007:17
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kenthomsonAndeh: what make?07:18
Jul1609in Screen section07:18
ussertondar: yes also try connecting to your comp by typing on win machine in explorer //yourcompname/hadi07:18
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kenthomsonAndeh: where do i find more info?07:18
crdlbJul1609: they're autodetected if not present07:18
Andehkenthomson: Wacom. I dont know where.07:18
|-David-|Where can I get a wireless card that is compatible with linux? Cuz I called best buy and they had nothing...07:18
tondarusser: computername of my 'buntu box right?07:18
Jul1609crdlb: ok. Thank you, for explaining :p07:18
kenthomsonAndeh: Did it work worse than it worked on windows? If yes, tell me the %, like say it worked 100% in windows than on ubunu it worked like 80%? Was it less responsive? Problems with sensitivity, refresh rate? What?07:18
=== SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
jjid1Is this Edgy or Fiery:07:19
kenthomsonAndeh: Do you have any resource where i could go to find out whether my tablet would work?07:19
=== Kirovski [n=davidlit@c-24-9-230-252.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jjid1[17179569.184000]  Linux version 2.6.17-10-generic (root@vernadsky) (gcc version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)) #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 (Ubuntu 2.6.17-10.33-generic)07:19
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kenthomsonAndeh: how did you get yours working?07:19
tondarusser: but hadi is not the shared folder!07:19
Andehkenthomson: Well in ubuntu it didnt work on the whole screen, and it was kind of crappy. I just plugged it in.07:19
pureDesihey, I'm using Scite editor and I've always had to use sudo scite in the terminal to open it07:19
gecko_hey can someone tell me what packages i need to install to run KDE apps in GNOME?07:19
Jul1609crdlb: ok, that's weird: In Screen, I have 6 subsection "display"07:19
AndehProbably needs drivers07:19
ussertondar: \\ubuntuname\hadi07:19
crdlbjjid1: edgy07:19
|-David-|Where can I get a wireless card that is compatible with linux? Cuz I called best buy and they had nothing...07:19
ussertondar: sorry it is07:19
kenthomsonAndeh: my other questions?07:19
tondarusser: shouldnt it be //compname/hadi/share folder07:19
jarlathkenthomson, I was on youtube the last day looking for feisty and Beryl videos and I saw  a guy with a great touch screen setup.07:19
pureDesiis there any way to make that a shortcut in the main menu?07:19
=== JazzeD [n=Djy@mtngprs4.mtn.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
flapster|-David-|, It seems most of the Atheros/Braodcom/Intel ones to me07:19
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|-David-|BUT WHERE?07:19
ussertondar: since u have enable home shares in samba config07:19
jjid1crdlb: Thanks, I expected it :507:20
Andehkenthomson: I already said i dont know, i never use it just wanted to try07:20
|-David-|Cuz I can't find them07:20
Andehkenthomson sorry07:20
kenthomsonjarlath: I can't find someone who would tell me whether the tablet i am going to buy would work07:20
tondarusser: so it should work?07:20
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crdlbJul1609: that's fine, one for each colordepth07:20
kenthomsonAndeh: no probs07:20
flapster|-David-|, Got my intel one of ebay07:20
beniis there a way to spoof the host in xchat?07:20
=== johnc4510 [n=johnc@ip68-231-136-42.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jul1609crdlb: ok, got it07:20
Andehkenthomson: All tablets should work, you want to know if they need drivers07:20
tondarusser: entered in win07:20
kenthomsonjarlath: and i am seriously at a loss of <everything>07:20
=== TeKnoW [n=techno@ool-457bdb95.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
TeKnoWAttention:  private conflicts with christel lead to netwide bans. And complaints are to be taken to the PDPC lawyer. That is how your donations are used.07:20
tondarusser: //hadi-desktop/hadi07:20
nj786hey i am having trouble with my unbuntu07:20
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kenthomsonAndeh: I want to know even if with the drivers they perform their optimum07:20
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tondarusser: no LUCK07:20
flapster!ask | nj78607:20
ussertondar: no07:20
pureDesihey, I'm using Scite editor and I've always had to use sudo scite in the terminal to open it, is there any way to create a shortcut for it in the main menu? I've added a new item and put "sudo scite" as the command, but nothing happens when I click it.07:20
ubotunj786: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:20
nj786can anyone help me07:20
|-David-|What did you search for?07:20
tondarusser: ?!07:21
magnetronbeni: it is a IRC server issue. see the freenode page about cloak and nick registration07:21
ussertondar: \\ slashes07:21
=== ep2011 [n=eric@adsl-065-006-176-175.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
tondarusser: yeah ok07:21
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Andehkenthomson: I dont expect so, mine didnt come with linux drivers and open source ones are never perfect (or exactly the same as windows ones).07:21
kenthomsonpureDesi: you sure you put sudo scite in the command and not the name?07:21
nj786theres a little gap on my screen07:21
Jul1609Crdlb: I don't have neither the section DRI nor the section "extensions"07:21
nj786on the left07:21
tondarusser: trying now07:21
pureDesiI'll check again07:21
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kenthomsonAndeh: correct and thats why it sucks!07:21
=== jere [n=kovrt@i209-195-89-65.cia.com] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbJul1609: are you trying to get desktop effects working?07:21
pureDesikenthomson: It's in the command07:21
ussertondar: right also theres another bugger in smb.conf07:21
flapster|-David-|, Intel Wireless,07:21
pureDesi"sudo scite"07:21
=== aubade [n=aubade@oh-67-76-243-197.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Andehkenthomson: All the non open source people suck at open source, it doesnt need to be stated.07:22
gecko_hey can someone tell me what packages i need to install to run KDE apps in GNOME?07:22
ussertondar: find where it says [homes] 07:22
mjbrookspureDesi, you want to use kdesu if it's a gui07:22
=== Paul_Youlten [n=chatzill@107.Red-80-59-134.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
nj786i mean like i downloaded all my apps and stuff07:22
kenthomsoncrdlb: I too wanted to ask, Do we need the section DRI and the section Composite in our xorg.conf (nvidia-compiz)?07:22
tondarusser: k07:22
jjid1Is this the software update process: gksu?07:22
pureDesiok, thanks07:22
Jul1609crdlb: no I use Beryl and Emerald, it works alright, but very vcery slow07:22
kenthomsonAndeh: let me state that again07:22
flapstergecko_, If you install them, it should grab all the deps for you anyhows07:22
nj786but theres liek atiny gap on the side so i can see some of the menus on the top07:22
coolgeekwhy doesnt ctrl C and V work from within a terminal?07:22
crdlbJul1609: come to #ubuntu-effects07:22
nj786its covering it07:22
kenthomsonAndeh: It god-damn sucks! ;-(07:22
Jul1609crdlb: slower than it should07:22
ussertondar: and delete all the ";"07:22
tondarusser: ok found07:22
jarlathkenthomson, at the moment, my net connection has slowed to a crawl so I can't go look but it's the only linux touchscreen on youtube. You could contact that member for hardware details.07:22
Jul1609crdlb: ok07:22
premiergecko_, just try to install the app. it will install also kdebase and kdelibs and whatever else is needed07:22
Andehkenthomson: Its cause when they started their companies nobody in their audience used linux, and now they dont want to waste time developing linux ones, and they dont want to release the source.07:22
kenthomsonjarlath: nice idea thanks! ;-)07:22
crdlbkenthomson: dri section: I don't think so, composite section, no because it's enabled by default07:22
BluePeep23Q: Does Ubuntu's mplayer package not support dvb:// ? I have a HD3000 and would like to watch channels in my channels.conf. Thx.07:22
ussertondar: starting from [home]  and ending with directory mask =07:22
pureDesiI get "Failed to execute child process kdesu, no such file or command"07:23
jjid1May 13 13:10:43 mimi kernel: [100940.220136]  Out of Memory: Kill process 11734 (07:23
jjid1gksu) score 20437 and children.07:23
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Andehkenthomson: and they dont want to make hardware that just works either07:23
magnetroncoolgeek: ctrl+shift+c, etc07:23
coolgeekwhy doesnt ctrl C and V work from within a terminal?07:23
=== SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
tondarusser: delete all ; under homes section ?07:23
Andehkenthomson: :D07:23
gecko_yea.. i jus needed the kdebase and kdelibs.... cuz i wanted to use... the kde widgets instead of gdesklets07:23
=== Zjoske [n=zjoske@d51A5CA3A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsoncrdlb: thank you, and what about my tablet? Any idea where i should go?07:23
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
jjid1coolgeek: check the shortcut in the menu07:23
ussertondar: yep ";" only07:23
tondarusser: [home]  or [homes] 07:23
kenthomsonAndeh: that's not as simple as 1-2-307:23
Chil1Can anyone help me get my sound up and running?07:23
coolgeekmagnetron: can i change that?07:23
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coolgeekjjid1: where?07:23
=== salsero [n=salsero@ip8.237.reserved.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
Andehkenthomson: What is?07:23
Zjoskewhat is the best graphic editor? (use for webdesign)07:23
magnetroncoolgeek: ask the channel!07:23
Andehmagnetron: I mean VirtualBox not quemu.07:23
mjbrookspureDesi, sorry, my bad that's for kde  lol ummm  what's the name for the gnome version....07:23
|-David-|I don't wanna buy something that doesn't work07:23
magnetronAndeh: i know.07:23
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ussertondar: [homes] 07:24
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ep2011Zjoske, "best" is a personal opinion. I'd say Gimp is my preference, but you should play around with a few and choose what you like.07:24
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Andehmagnetron: Does virtualbox have a kernel thing that i need? Where do i get it and is there a guide on how to install it?07:24
defconhow to update ubuntu kernel?07:24
pureDesiThat's ok07:24
magnetron|-David-|: there is a hardware compatibility list in the ubuntu homepage07:24
Zjoskeep2011: any examples? top rated...07:24
=== Ranma` [n=salvator@ip-62-235-206-24.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
jjid1coolgeek: the Edit menu of your terminal (is it a terminal window?)07:24
defconubuntu kernel latest?07:24
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tondarusser: how about the line that says: ; comment = blah blah the first line07:24
=== Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== hac [n=1337h@host171-43.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
ep2011Zjoske, Gimp, Inkscape, Pixel (Not free) are some popular ones07:25
hacanyone has installed ut2004?07:25
kenthomsonAndeh: spare me the effort, good-night07:25
tondarusser: should I delete the ;on that line too07:25
jjid1Is this why the update failed: May 13 13:10:43 mimi kernel: [100940.220136]  Out of Memory: Kill process 11734 (gksu) score 20437 and children?07:25
Andehkenthomson: Um... yeah... bye.07:25
ep2011Zjoske, The only ones I have installed are Gimp and Inkscape07:25
=== BBHoss [n=hoss@] has joined #ubuntu
kenthomsonHAPPY UBUNTU-ing.07:25
magnetronAndeh: the virtualbox kernel module should install automatically, but doesn't in my case. that's why I did the switch to qemu07:25
maynards-girlhow do i create a shortcut on the desktop to a directory?07:25
=== trumpeter2003 [n=trumpete@c-68-57-251-73.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
pureDesimjbrooks: it's gksu07:25
Andehmagnetron: How do i check if it did?07:25
pureDesibut thanks07:25
|-David-|ok, thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it07:25
ussertondar: yea and the one above it07:25
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=== GWillakers [n=dale@netblock-68-183-7-7.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
Paul_Yhello ubunu - i have a very jerky and slow mouse. I have changes mouse settings in admin and there is a slight improvement - but it is making it impossible to use ubuntu07:26
Zjoskeep2011: is inkscape layerbased???07:26
jjid1pureDesi: what is gksu for?07:26
tondarusser: btw the reslut of \\hadi-desktop\hadi was a failure07:26
magnetronAndeh: try to install Windows XP. if it takes more than 11 hours, then it isn't installed =)07:26
ussertondar: and below it07:26
pureDesiruns the program as root07:26
=== pichu0102_ [n=pichu010@ppp-70-227-40-188.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
tondarusser: changed all07:26
ussertondar: right ok its no biggie07:26
tondarusser: saved07:26
coolgeekjjid1: oh yeah107:26
coolgeekperfect! :D07:26
=== fargiolas [n=pippo@host126-151-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
tondarusser: now what ?07:26
Andehmagnetron: No, i think that's cause i told it the OS is Vista, because i wanted to install vista but i dont have enough RAM.07:26
|-David-|I'd gonna look for Intel wireless cards at a local computer parts shop07:26
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ussertondar: now do sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart07:26
ttjlborfast, nope didnt work07:27
AndehSo when it tries to optimise for vista and i run XP, it sucks07:27
magnetronAndeh: how much ram do you have?07:27
Zjoskeep2011:  i hate gimp because of the loose windows.. (don't know how to explain in other word)07:27
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Andehmagnetron: 512. I need to go07:27
tondarusser: k07:27
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ttjlborfast, had to go for a quick walk so as not to throw my computer out the window07:27
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ussertondar: did it restart ok?07:27
jjid1pureDesi: I don't understand, sudo is to run the program as root.07:27
Firealhello all, trying to mount a .cue (and .img file) in Feisty, did it in Edgy with cdemu but I cannot get it to work in 7.04....any suggestions??07:27
hacAnyone has installed ut2004?07:27
jere<Zjoske> expand yr window!!07:27
wimdowsI cannot access my printer from Windows XP which i've shared over samba07:27
tondarusser: [O.K] 07:27
ussertondar: try \\ubuntuname\hadi again07:27
tondarusser: k07:27
ep2011Zjoske, I know what you mean, thats something you'd need to get used to. You can try Gimpshop if your used to photoshop (google it), but Inkscape is a vector program, so your better of with gimp.07:28
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wimdowsI edited the smb config file to set printers to public and browsable07:28
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mjbrookspureDesi, I knew there was a k in there  loll07:28
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britti am trying to install the beta drivers of nvidia for my 8600 GTS, i install it and it works fine, until I reboot...then i get the dreaded 'version mismatch error' i already disabled the nv* modules that boot via /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules listing that usually takes care of the problem. fresh install too.07:28
Zjoskethanks for the info ep2011 i will inkscape (need vector program too ;))07:28
pureDesiI tried sudo, but it wasn't working as a shortcut in the main menu07:29
tondarusser: no luck, the network path was not found.07:29
nox-HandMy PC must be cursed... first I  boot the LiveCD and it gives me this error with X:  /usr/X11R6/bin/X: /usr/X11R6/bin/X: no version information available (required by /usr/X11R6/bin/X)  - then I boot the LiveCD in safe graphics option and after a while of the bar loading up slowly it changes to 19 lines of this with different numbers at the start: .: 14: Can't open /lib/lsb/init-functions  - now it's just stuck at that. What is up with my PC? I a07:29
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pureDesihowever gksu was fine07:29
jjid1Do you use gksu to run a GUI program as root?07:29
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ep2011Zjoske, No Problem. :) Glad to help07:29
pureDesijjid1: yeah07:29
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JS_zioizAndeh, try VMware workstation beta 6 and see if you get better performance07:29
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Zjoskeanyways thanks ;)07:29
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rob_pttjl: You still around?07:29
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oxy-cottonI need hrlp07:30
brittme too07:30
jerezjoske: install inkscape thru synaptic07:30
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tondarusser: no luck, network path not found07:30
Zjoskei''m new to the linux society.. i installed it before but i removed it after a week, but now with the new version of ubuntu, i pretty love it.. ;)07:30
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:30
oxy-cottonI can't beat the computer in four-in-a-row in ubuntu! I have been playing for hours!07:30
jjid1Is this why the upgrade failed? May 13 13:10:43 mimi kernel: [100940.220165]  Out of memory: Killed process 11737 (feisty).07:30
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SlicerDicer-ok so ubuntu alternate install cd is there anyway to use SSH on it? friggin busy box is a pain in the ass....07:30
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Zjoskejere i am installing it ;)07:30
ussertondar: whats your hostname now07:30
premiernox-Hand, tried the option to check cd for defects in livecd bootup? also check the md5sum  of the cd image you downloaded07:30
britti am trying to install the beta drivers of nvidia for my 8600 GTS, i install it and it works fine, until I reboot...then i get the dreaded 'version mismatch error' i already disabled the nv* modules that boot via /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules listing that usually takes care of the problem. fresh install too.07:30
tondarI use to go to places> network> windows network07:30
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ttjlhi how do i make 915resolution boot properly07:31
tondarusser: ubuntu is Hadi-desktop07:31
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brittjjid1: how much ram do you have?07:31
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jjid1britt: 196MB07:31
kemikHi, isit possible to 'lvm' 2 partitions that got data on them ?07:31
tondarusser: I dont see MSHOME in places>network> windows network ??07:31
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rob_pttjl: It should already run on boot.07:31
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=== kemik slaps FredricR__ around a bit with a large trout
=== HaSH strangles kemik with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 208
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oxy-cottonI can't beat the computer in four-in-a-row in ubuntu! I have been playing for hours!07:31
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ussertondar: it usually takes some time for windows comp to get new settings07:31
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oxy-cottonSomeone please help07:32
jjid1britt: Do you think I can install from X (as opposed to Gnome)07:32
tondarusser: what should I do ?07:32
ussertondar: or u can restart your windows comp07:32
maohow can i make it so that a user only has permision to instal packages but nothing else and have gnome know it as if it where done by selecting "adminster computer" from the users-admin program07:32
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tondarusser: k07:32
ttjlrob_p, hi again-so the fix we tried didnt work. I have now got as far as getting widescreen to come on07:32
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mjbrooks!offtopic | oxy-cotton07:32
ubotuoxy-cotton: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:32
tondarusser: restarting07:32
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magnetronoxy-cotton: that is not a computer failure07:32
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ttjlrob_p, but everytime I restart it goes back to narrow mode07:32
crdlbmao: giving the user permission to install packages opens up the whole system07:32
ussertondar: also do cat /etc/hosts | grep Hadi-desktop07:32
b00gzAnyone know what pastebin application Ubuntu is using on their website?07:32
ussertondar: and tell me what u see07:33
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rob_pttjl: Ok.07:33
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tondarusser: k07:33
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tondarusser: Hadi-desktop07:33
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ttjlrob_p, the tutorial I'm using says i need to edit bootmisc.sh but i cant find which bit to edit07:33
brittjjid1: i would suggest running the alternative CD, as i believe 196MB is required. Obviously the out of memory message either suggests you're truly out of memory or that you have some bad ram, which feisty is ignoring, subsequently bringing the total ram to below 19607:33
britti am trying to install the beta drivers of nvidia for my 8600 GTS, i install it and it works fine, until I reboot...then i get the dreaded 'version mismatch error' i already disabled the nv* modules that boot via /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules listing that usually takes care of the problem. fresh install too.07:33
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PijiuHow come when I manually mount a disc in my cd drive it tells me there is no media detected?07:33
ussertondar: right07:33
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tondarusser: good07:34
rob_pttjl: No.  The version from my site has it's own init script.07:34
jjid1britt: that IS the alternate CD07:34
Mr_Bunny_I made a startup script that changes directory to run something, and it broke many other startup scripts... Is there another way to run something from its own directory without damaging all other startup scripts?07:34
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ussertondar: everything appears to be fine07:34
tondarusser: logging windows07:34
tondarusser: appears but ...07:34
brittjjid1: run the memtest86+07:34
rob_pttjl: We just need to make sure it's running on boot-up.07:34
maocrdlb: in a way, but i just dont want the user to mess anything up on accident system-wise. would adding an entry into the sudoers file for the user allowing only synaptic do what i want?07:34
jerehas anyone got a SiS graphic card working properly under feisty 6407:34
tondarusser: we will see07:34
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ttjlrob_p, that didnt quite work for me and when I ran xorg.conf following someone elses advice everything went fto pot so i had to reinstall ubuntu07:34
brittjjid1: available under.....Memory Test i believe in the main menu07:34
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Paul_Yi have a very jerky and slow mouse. can anyone help?07:35
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tondarusser: waiting for WINDOWS to come up07:35
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Barrucaduhas anyone managed to get a netgear wg111t working on feisty? Whenever I plug it in, ubuntu crashes (can't even move the mouse)07:35
tondarusser: why did I have to delete all the ;07:35
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tondarusser: it used to work ?07:35
nox-Handpremier: Note I said it was the one I got with the post.07:35
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tondarusser: fine the other day07:35
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rob_pttjl: Oh... much water under the bridge since we last spoke...  :-|07:35
SlicerDicer-anybody here familar with the alternate cd?07:35
=== nixternal is
junminPijiu, hwo do you mount it? ubuntu should mount it automaticly07:36
nixternalwhat's up SlicerDicer-07:36
SlicerDicer-nixternal: ok here is the boggle07:36
premiernox-Hand, still, try the option of checking the cd for defects07:36
jerehas anyone got a SiS graphic card working properly under feisty 64. help!07:36
tondarusser: u there?07:36
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ussertondar: well the share definition was incomplete it didnt have [homes]  header but did have options set so it may screw things up07:36
ttjlrob_p, yeah unfortunately, i think i am almost there now, but stuck on the last step at: http://users.skynet.be/thomasvst/linux-on-laptop/#wide07:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sis - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:36
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ussertondar: yea07:36
rob_pttjl: ...although I can't imagine why you'd have to resort to reloading Ubuntu for a simple xorg.conf problem... hmmm!07:36
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Mr_Bunny_How can I get a script to run in a startup script without using cd?07:36
tondarusser: fewww good07:36
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borfastcan anyone tell me a good USB wireless card that works out of the box with Network Manager and WPA, please?07:36
ussertondar: so?07:36
Pijiujunmin: The drive detects DVD's and other types but the disc I am trying to run is a VCD, It worked on XP but not ubuntu... It just says no media detected07:36
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Gurpartaphow do you "replace" gaim by pidgin? when apt-get remove gaim is done, it uninstalls ubuntu-desktop too!07:37
tondarusser: going to test gain with window s07:37
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pureDesiMr_Bunny_: System > Preferences > Sessions07:37
SlicerDicer-nixternal: I dont want to remove my 46 inch tv to get behind it to get to the computer... thats part 1 lol... part2 I cant get ssh going on it due to busybox either that or I am having a PEBKAC... so being behind the tv I have overscan I cannot read what I am typing and I dont want to typo while messing with my raid arrays and not notice07:37
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pureDesithen bash "file/name.sh"07:37
nox-Handpremier: wait a weird second.. I moved my THREE harddisks to another motherboard, completely changed the order of the HDDS ( I tink) changed out half my hardware and STILL my old Ubuntu boots?!07:37
SlicerDicer-nixternal: so the question is how in sam hell do I get ssh on the alternate cd :)07:37
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nox-HandI had never thought thatd happen07:37
ttjlrob_p, they had me run some xconf thing that stopped ubuntu properly detecting any of my graphics card or monitor info properly07:37
Mr_Bunny_pureDesi: I'm running my ubuntu box as a server though. I have no gui and admin it over ssh.07:37
Gearmanhow do i change my log in password07:37
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soundrayBarrucadu: to gather some more information about the crash, you could run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' in a terminal (F11 for fullscreen). Then plug the device in. Is it really WG111T or was that a typo?07:37
pureDesiMr_Bunny_: Sorry then, I don't know :S07:37
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junminPijiu, so if you mount it manually???07:37
Mr_Bunny_Gearman: sudo passwd07:37
Doctor_NickIs it safe to install packages from the gutsy depository?07:37
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soundrayDoctor_Nick: no07:38
=== Phnix [n=phnix@ALille-152-1-101-91.w90-34.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Tom47Gurpartap ubuntu-desktop removal is not a big deal as its simply a meta package bringing together otherwise unlinked debs07:38
tondarusser: taking long... dont like that07:38
nixternalSlicerDicer-: haha, you just went way beyond anything I could offer. I haven't gotten that funky witht he alternate CDs just yet...sorry07:38
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Pijiujunmin: The disc spins but it still doesn't detect media07:38
nixternalhahaha, 46" ubuntu!!!07:38
tondarusser: damn07:38
Gearmanthanks my bunny07:38
rob_pttjl: Be careful with the advice you get, I guess...07:38
SlicerDicer-nixternal: hehe nobody has I guess :/07:38
tondarusser: no luck gain, same error07:38
=== burgermann_ [n=burgerma@port86.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ussertondar: ehm allright take a look at my smb.conf07:38
nixternalI didn't even know you could ssh from the CD07:38
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tondarusser: k07:38
GurpartapTom47, i'm not sure about ubuntu-desktop .. thought it's all what the gnome part is ?07:38
ttjlrob_p, the problem i have now is that I can't find any line in my bootmisc.sh that comes close to [ -f /etc/default/rcS ]  && . /etc/default/rcS  as the tutorial suggests07:38
SlicerDicer-nixternal: this is why I keep using gentoo for this computer cause nobody knows drake about how to do the install...07:38
=== Capn_Refsmmat [n=alex@cpe-67-11-142-134.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ussertondar: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20676/07:39
ttjlrob_p, and I dont want to just stick a new line in at random07:39
jerehas anyone got a SiS graphic card working properly under feisty 64. Can i use other drivers to drive it??07:39
=== pp_ [n=pp@85-211-110-201.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
premiernox-Hand, if by chance you set the old bootup hdd in same boot order it would boot to prompt. and if you just set the one with the grub in mbr in proper boot order it will boot until it tries to find root partition, then it will kernel panic07:39
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pp_Anyone know why video playing doesn't work when using a second user, in feisty?07:39
tondarusser: why browseable no ?07:39
ussertondar: also do u recall doing something like sudo smbpasswd -a youruser ??07:39
junminPijiu, sorry .. no idea07:39
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rob_pttjl: Ok, so since you are following the other method, let's see what we can do.07:39
pp_Anything that tries to play a video (or maybe jsut get sound access) hangs forever07:39
tondarusser: yes07:39
Tom47Gurpartap no .... it is simply a list of otherwise independant packages listed to be installed together ... if you decide you want to remove any one of them then ubuntu-desktop gets removed too but it has no effect07:39
ussertondar: oh ok07:40
ttjlrob_p, cheers it really seems like I am almost there, i am currently looking at widescreen07:40
=== trumpeter2003 [n=trumpete@c-68-57-251-73.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ussertondar: which share u talking about?07:40
tondarusser: something got to do with permission man07:40
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tondarusser: on your conf file line 4007:40
ussertondar: well i dunno07:40
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AndehJS_zioiz: No, i like VirtualBox better, and i know why it's slow. My mistake.07:40
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brittis there any way to view the current nvidia kernel module, its not loading after reboot07:40
ussertondar: oh thats samba's built in share definition07:40
ubotuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.07:40
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ussertondar: it allows you to access your home folder07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alternatecdssh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
Gurpartapthanks Tom4707:41
=== chytraeus [n=donald@c-67-163-71-221.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
danlock2wow, i hate bind.07:41
tondarusser: so your's is set to no07:41
pp_Anyone know why sound would be broken for a second user?07:41
jjid1britt: did not find memtest86+07:41
=== ben_ [n=ben@vau75-10-88-164-20-81.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
rob_pttjl: Ok, so you cannot find the place they are referring to in bootmisc.sh?07:41
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ttjlrob_p, yeah thats right07:41
Barrucadusoundray: I ran "tail -f /var/log/syslog" and plugged the dongle in, the last thing it outputted was "usb 1-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 407:41
brittjjid1: when you boot the CD, in the menu there is no Memory Test option?07:41
Gearmanmy extoral monitor so not work would upgrading to 7.04 from 6.06 would it help me07:42
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rob_pttjl: In mine, it's approx line 15.07:42
ussertondar: thats how it was to start with07:42
RawSewageHow do you make the Evolution mail notifier be in the tray07:42
tondarusser: so you need to change that?07:42
jeregearman: you wan't dual-monitor??07:42
tondarusser: I will pastebin my conf gain ?07:42
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soundrayBarrucadu: no kernel oops or anything? That'll be hard to track down...07:42
annimaris it normal that newly installed applications, like banshee, don't display their proper icon in gnome-main-menu?07:42
tondarusser: k?07:42
Fooncould someone please tell me why my LAMP server didn't autostart samba and ssh when I rebooted? I did put them in init.d07:43
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soundrayBarrucadu: do you know the chipset that's built into your device?07:43
jjid1britt: I cannot boot a CD on my computer07:43
Foonor rather, they are there07:43
variant!rc | Foon07:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:43
Tom47annimar its annoying but it does sometimes happen07:43
Gearmanjere: yes07:43
gordboyFoon, you still need the symlinks in /etc/rc2.d07:43
El_Burrois there a channel just for server issues?07:43
ttjlrob_p, how do i open it to edit, is it something like gksudo?07:43
ussertondar: try backing up your config and putting mine instead07:43
Fooninstalling them didn't do that?07:43
Barrucadusoundray: I'm pretty sure its a driver problem, it only started happening after I installed the driver, as per a tutorial on help.ubuntu.com, with ndiswrapper07:43
premieranyone has seen any hardware temp/voltages gnome applet that mimics the appearance of old ksensors view of values in a table? having the upper dock cluttered with 10 values, isnt the best07:43
ussertondar: changing workgroup to mshome07:43
jeregearman: just a second07:43
FoonI'm pretty sure they're already there07:43
annimarTom47: what's the reason for it? Can I avoid it somehow?07:43
SlicerDicer-anybody here know alternate cd using things like crazy software raidsetup and allowing ssh on the alternate cd and stabbing busybox in the neck with a pencil? Thanks :)07:44
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soundrayBarrucadu: I see. What do you want to do now?07:44
Foonin my rc2.d I have both S20samba and S20ssh07:44
Foonshouldn't that be enough?07:44
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bulmerenuff for what?07:44
jeregearman: try this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117407:44
Tom47annimar it can be caused a few different things .... you can usually corect it by right clicking on the meny entry and adjusting the icon button07:44
gordboyFoon, ok then. and yes it should be enough07:44
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tondarusser: hmm, k , link to paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20678/07:44
Foonyet I had to plug the keyboard into the linux machine and start them locally so that I could then ssh into it ... :S07:44
RawSewagehow do I edit my panel.  theres no empty space to right-click it07:44
Tom47annimar menu*07:44
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Barrucadusoundray: hopefully figure out why its doing that and fix it, I like having the internet07:44
annimarTom47: Ah, stupid me! ;-)07:45
rob_pttjl: "gksu gedit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh" should do it.07:45
Gearmanjere: my computer is laptop with intel video. i will look ubuntu thanks07:45
elijhello everyone07:45
soundrayBarrucadu: what's the name of the driver you loaded with ndiswrapper?07:45
FoonI have to do that every time I restart the linux machine gordboy, am I missing something?07:45
jeregearman: i got mine working with this. it should be no problem.07:45
bulmerjust because you have Sxx is it enabled on the correct init level?07:45
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Gurpartapanyone know of a  stable working pidgin 2.0.0 deb for ubuntu?07:46
Barrucadusoundray: athfmwdl.inf (http://kbserver.netgear.com/release_notes/d102626.asp)07:46
borfastttjl, did you get widescreen working at boot?07:46
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hendsonhello people!07:46
|ericsson|How can I get back the default settings in the Beryl Settings Manager?07:46
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Fooneh bulmer?07:46
rob_pttjl: However, I'd make a backup of that file in case you accidentally bork it up.07:46
TheAberrantHey all, what's the SysRq key (as in Alt+SysRq+1, Alt+SysRq+t, etc)07:46
gordboyFoon, yes clearly you are. not sure what tho, at this stage07:46
bulmerFoon: just because you have Sxx is it enabled on the correct init level?07:46
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annimarAnother problem with gnome-main-menu I experience is, that apps are not permanently added to my favorites list. After logging out and in again, they are gone. Any experience with that problem?07:46
kalpikTheAberrant, the printscreen key07:46
Foonbulmer: no idea, how would I check?07:46
tondarusser: where is the workgroup? gimme the line num07:46
Gurpartapfound at http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=pidgin07:46
ussertondar: oops its not there =)07:47
ussertondar: add it07:47
RawSewagehow do I edit my panel.  theres no empty space to right-click it07:47
tondarusser: under?07:47
Foongordboy: thanks for trying :)07:47
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TheAberrantkalpik: Thanks, just found it (that blue text on laptops can be hard to see)07:47
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bulmerFoon: see if ubuntu uses chkconfig07:47
kalpikhehe.. true07:47
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Foonno man entry and command not found07:47
ussertondar: in the beggining of the file add workgroup = MSHOME07:47
WinandI got my CPU fan very quiet now, but the PSU fan must be very loud07:48
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ussertondar: under global settings07:48
tondarusser: k, done07:48
Winandis there a way I can lower the speed of the PSU fan07:48
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PijiuDo I need to install anything to get my cd drive to detect VCD's?07:48
tondarusser: now what? restart?07:48
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annimarWhat do you think should be the standard music player in Ubuntu. I tend to like Banshee more than Rythmbox. What do you think?07:48
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ttjlrob_p, ok backed up-could you see the line the tutorial refers to I cant find it anywhere?07:49
tondarusser: reset samba ?07:49
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ussertondar: yea07:49
jereWinand: remove the dust from yr fan!?07:49
tondarusser: k07:49
borfastttjl, didn't my instructions work?07:49
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ttjlborfast, no i dont know why07:49
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RawSewageHow do I set it so theres an Evolution new mail notifier in the tray07:49
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Crazytomhow do i tell what architecture i have installed?  my system seems to think it's not i38607:49
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tondarusser: * Stopping Samba daemons...                                             [ OK ]  * Starting Samba daemons...                                             [fail] 07:49
borfastttjl, sorry man :\07:49
soundrayBarrucadu: other people have clearly had trouble with the device too. Buying another isn't an option I take it?07:50
kalpikCrazytom, uname -a07:50
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ttjlborfast, no worries. you got any other ideas?07:50
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ussertondar: hm wow07:50
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Foonbulmer: both samba and ssh are in my etc/init.d07:50
tondarusser: wow?07:50
Winandjere it's hard to get inside the PSU fan07:50
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Barrucadusoundray: probably not. if need be i'll go back to edgy, it worked fine in that07:50
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bulmerFoon google for equivalent of chkconfig07:51
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RawSewageHow do I set it so theres an Evolution new mail notifier in the tray07:51
bulmermost likely it would be update-xxx07:51
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soundrayBarrucadu: with ndiswrapper?07:51
gordboyCrazytom, hardware arch, or software arch ? dmidecode or cat /proc/cpuinfo to get hardware info. cat /etc/*release* or uname -a to get software info07:51
tondarusser: you didnt set any share folders?07:51
Barrucadusoundray: yep07:51
tondarusser: what is wrong ?07:51
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ussertondar: hang on07:51
rob_pttjl: A basic rule of thumb is to make a backup of any system file before you mess with it.07:52
tondarusser: k, sure07:52
soundrayBarrucadu: in that case you might consider reporting a bug.07:52
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ussertondar: delete [data]  share from the config file07:52
tondarusser: k07:52
ussertondar: u're using my file right?07:52
jjid1I see May 13 15:13:54 mimi kernel: [17179569.184000]  0MB HIGHMEM available.07:52
jjid1May 13 15:13:54 mimi kernel: [17179569.184000]  191MB LOWMEM available.07:52
tondarusser: yes, lol07:52
ttjlrob_p, i learnt that the hard way a couple of hours ago, I've made the back up now07:52
gordboyrob_p, and to document the changes somewhere :)07:52
Barrucadusoundray: ok, and i'll keep experimenting with it07:52
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tondarusser: all the section?07:52
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Doctor_NickI want to upgrade to monodevelop .13.1, but the only one in the repositories for feisty is 12.107:52
rob_pgordboy: Yes, that's helpful too.07:52
soundrayBarrucadu: good luck.07:52
Doctor_Nickwhat do i do? :(07:52
jjid1Also Memory: 185004k/196544k available07:53
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Crazytomi was pretty sure i installed regular fiesty over the 64 bit install i tried last night07:53
ussertondar: yea07:53
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jjid1this one seems to confirm 196MB07:53
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tondarusser: k, done07:53
tondarusser: saved07:53
RawSewageHow do I set it so theres an Evolution new mail notifier in the tray07:53
tondarusser: what now?07:54
ttjlrob_p, # Update motd07:54
ttjluname -snrvm > /var/run/motd07:54
ttjl[ -f /etc/motd.tail ]  && cat /etc/motd.tail >> /var/run/motd07:54
ttjl does this look like the right bit?07:54
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ussertondar: restart samba07:54
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tondarusser: k07:54
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KRomeleoNwhy has ubuntu abandoned ppc?07:54
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Foonbulmer: found something called sysv-rc-conf..07:54
tondarusser: same error07:54
soundrayDoctor_Nick: one way is to try and build the new version with apt-build. There are a few apt-build tutorials on the web.07:54
tondarusser: [failed] 07:55
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hacanyone has installed ut2004??07:55
bulmerFoon how about in the line of update-xxx?07:55
KRomeleoN my question is, my sister is going to college and we just bought her a laptop. i was gonna put ubuntu on but was thinking edubuntu instead sinche she is a teaching major....is edubuntu different from ubuntu atall besides the included extra appps for education?07:55
tondarusser: there are some stuff in there that shouldnt be07:55
jjid1I will try under X, see you later07:55
ussertondar: like what?07:55
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imon9hi, did anyone manage to make totem-mozilla to play .mov at apple trialer with sound? mine can play with video but no sound (totem-gstreamer)07:55
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tondarusser: just guessing07:55
ttjlWhat does under X mean?07:56
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ussertondar: hm, works just fine here =)07:56
ompaulKRomeleoN, so it is more polished towards education you can use either good to take a look at both desktops and then you make the choice07:56
tondarusser: donno07:56
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tondarusser: same here last night07:56
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KRomeleoNcan edubuntu use beryl and everything the same?07:56
rob_pttjl: sorry... busy for a moment!  I'll get back in a few minutes.07:56
Zjoskeis there a Zend Development Environment alternative for ubuntu(linux)07:56
tondarusser: what do we do now?07:56
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kalpikKRomeleoN, yea07:57
ttjlrob_p, ok going to restart and try something will be back presently07:57
ussertondar: wait07:57
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jjid1ttjl:X11 windowing system = X07:57
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kayefhow come i can open and view http://spbo.com/live.htm with IE but i cant load it in firefox....pls help07:57
tondarusser: k07:57
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soundrayKRomeleoN: beryl is experimental. You don't want to put it on a computer that's needed for serious work, especially if you may not be around to fix it if something goes wrong.07:57
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KRomeleoNahhhh ok07:57
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Foonbulmer: geoff@tuxserver:/etc/init.d$ update-rc.d -n ssh defaults07:57
Foonbulmer: System startup links for /etc/init.d/ssh already exist.07:57
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KRomeleoNis edubuntu geared to wards teachers and college students or just k-1207:58
Foonyet it doesn't start on reboot07:58
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Foonsame result for samba07:58
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ussertondar: i dunno try using this config07:58
imon9hi, did anyone manage to make totem-mozilla to play .mov at apple trialer with sound? mine can play with video but no sound (totem-gstreamer)..anyone please?07:58
ussertondar: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20691/07:58
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KRomeleoNim just hoping putting ubuntu on her laptop instead of vista isnt gonna be a headache 4 me07:59
FIXXXis  ATI Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver 8.36.5   valid for Ubuntu?07:59
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ussertondar: it should let u do \\ubuntuname\username07:59
lontraimon9: i think if you want full functionality ... i'd install mozilla-mplayer or use the xine engine07:59
ussertondar: access your home dir07:59
shuananyone heard of a program called CrossOver?07:59
Zjoskeis there a Zend Development Environment alternative for ubuntu(linux)???07:59
lontrashuan: yup ...07:59
Zjoske(php editor)07:59
tondarusser: k, lemme try07:59
soundrayKRomeleoN: it's mainly geared towards the needs of schools of any description.07:59
Nightmare-Hey, can someone help me install beryl, I have followed a tutorial but when I try to run it I just get a blank screen and I can't do anything, this means I have to restart X (ctrl - alt - backspace)07:59
imon9i can get mozzila-mplayr to work..but that plug-in wont work with .divx stream :(07:59
beaniehey, i installed xubuntu from alternateinstall (textmode),  installation from normal cd failed because i only saw a black screen. i i want to start xubuntu i still see a black screen (recovry mode works) i dont see a usplash or something, an xorg.log is also missing (videocard i815 old laptop) what can i do07:59
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shuanLontra: does it require windows in dual boot?08:00
imon9about xine....it wont load the stream at all..not even the video08:00
bulmerFoon just make sure it is started08:00
soundrayKRomeleoN: I would install regular ubuntu on a machine for personal use. You can always add on edubuntu-desktop later.08:00
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premiertondar, you want to access home dir in ubuntu from some other windows pc?08:00
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tondarpremier: yes08:00
KRomeleoNi wish ubuntu didnt stop ppc releases. i wanted to get 7.04 for our ppc mac mini08:00
Foonbulmer: both are now yeah, but why don't they start on boot-up?08:00
lontrashuan: no ... it runs windows programs through linux ... it uses wine08:00
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Foonthey're both configured to08:00
bagbiterhey. i have a question about Firestarter / iptables.08:00
tondarpremier: actually any shared folder on ubuntu08:00
soundrayKRomeleoN: it's still there in ports08:00
shuanLontra: would you recommend it?08:00
tondarusser: that was all in the conf?08:00
lontraimon9: try mozilla-mplayer or the vlc plugin ...08:00
Nightmare-Hey, can someone help me install beryl, I have followed a tutorial but when I try to run it I just get a blank screen and I can't do anything, this means I have to restart X (ctrl - alt - backspace)08:00
tondarusser: so little08:00
ussertondar: yes08:00
tondarusser: k08:01
lontrashuan: well it depends on what you need ... why do you want it?08:01
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ussertondar: that is all needed for share to work08:01
tondarusser: yeah08:01
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bulmerFoon perhaps your way of putting it on is not correct?08:01
baxter_kylieHi. I have a computer with two NIC's (eth0/1). I created an alias on eth1 (eth1:1) but I've noticed traffic from eth1:1 is routing over eth0's ip instead of eth1. How can I fix this?08:01
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bulmerFoon man the command again and see if you can try them08:01
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=== usser heh my ftp server is dictionary attacked
shuanlontra: ITunes, Steam, Quicktime08:01
bagbiterIs it correct that ports are closed by default, and i have to open them by using Firestarter (or iptables)?08:01
premiertondar, then you should run sudo smbpasswd -a, there you should add the same password as in windows, and ofcourse ubuntu and windows should have same username/password08:01
imon9lontra: i already tried mozilla-mplayer, it play fine, but it cant load stage6 .dixv file :( so i tried totem-mozzila instead..but this one wont play quicktime with sound...08:01
=== Psoulocybe [n=Psoulocy@c-71-227-46-178.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lontraimon9: try the vlc plugin?  i don't know ... sometimes it happens :/08:02
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imon9lontra: actually i was kindda hope that both pluin can co-exist, but apparently, they cant08:02
KoJHey guys. I finally got Ubuntu to work. But it seems ive lsot the power cable for my router. Im using a ADSL modem to connect to the internet ( It's USB ) its a speedtouch 330 modem. Is there anyway I can get this to work with ubuntu?08:02
ttjlrob_p, at the moment it goes back to small screen everytime i log in then i have to ctrl alt f1 killall gdm then relaunch gdm and i get widescreen08:02
premiertondar, then check smb.conf to allow homes dir to be accessed08:02
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tondarpremier: ok I did add a user and a pass08:02
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KRomeleoNis there anyway to use a dell wifi card without ndiswrapper ?08:02
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lontrashuan: well it should work then ... but there are good opensource equilvalents.  but if those are the programs you want crossoffice is your best bet08:02
Foonbulmer: I just ran sysv-rc-config, it's pretty cool, a graphical interface over ssh :) ...for ssh, it's enabled for 2345 but not 106S08:02
imon9lontra: does vlc have mozilla plug-in too?08:02
premiertondar, you got same user and pass in windows?08:02
tondarpremier: but didnt need it to be same ?!!08:02
Doctor_Nicksoundray: ok, i installed apt-build, now what08:02
lontraimon9: yeah08:03
tondarpremier: was fine b408:03
soundrayKRomeleoN: depends on the chipset used.08:03
Foonshould any of the ones it's not enabled for, be enabled?08:03
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tondarpremier: no08:03
=== johnc4510 [n=johnc@ip68-231-136-42.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
lontraimon9: mozilla-plugin-vlc - multimedia plugin for web browsers based on VLC08:03
beaniehey, i installed xubuntu from alternateinstall (textmode),  installation from normal cd failed because i only saw a black screen. i i want to start xubuntu i still see a black screen (recovry mode works) i dont see a usplash or something, an xorg.log is also missing (videocard i815 old laptop) what can i do08:03
soundrayDoctor_Nick: look up apt-build tutorials on the web and pick one that takes your fancy.08:03
=== SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
KRomeleoNoh i wanted to ask, does 64-bit ubuntu require 64-bit drivers? will ndiswrapper need a 64 bit driver?08:03
tondarpremier: do I need to add again ?08:03
Foonbulmer: same for samba08:03
=== cartesian1984 [n=cartesia@cpe-76-180-120-161.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
imon9lontra: i mean vlc-mozzila plugin will have the media biuld-in the webpage rite? coz i kindda hope it does require me to load the vlc player everytime some media is embedded08:03
lontrabeanie: does the kernel boot?  when does it stall?  right before X starts?08:03
premiertondar, if you want to access a home dir of a user i think it needs to be same. or else you must chmod the home dir of the user in ubuntu to be readable and writeable from group users08:04
usserpremier: it is not neccessary to have the same user pass in windows08:04
lontraimon9: *i believe* it's embedded08:04
soundrayKRomeleoN: haven't tried, but I think the answer is yes08:04
shuanlontra: someone gave me CrossOver full version so i may aswell use it08:04
imon9cool..i go try now :)08:04
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KRomeleoNone more q, what is in the dvd rels that isnt in the cd rel?08:04
imon9thanks for the good news..08:04
lontraimon9: good luck08:04
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tondarpremier: im trying to access to a share folder from windows on ubuntu08:04
=== Fieldy [i=hduAIWGX@gentoo/contributor/Fieldy] has joined #ubuntu
tondarpremier: so the other pc is a win machine08:04
beanielontra: i see short message that grub is booting and after that is black, rescuemode runs -> kernel must be ok08:04
KRomeleoNim leeching the dvd iso but i dont know i need to08:04
bulmerFoon it works now right?08:05
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tondarpremier: tried last night with a diff user and pass and it worked fine08:05
NessieLiberationtondar, samba works better on linux than it does on windows ;)08:05
beanielontra: before X, there are no xorg.log08:05
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Foonbulmer: I haven't rebooted the machine, but I doubt it would08:05
lontrabeanie: edit grub and remove the splash part of that line08:05
soundrayKRomeleoN: are you getting 64bit for your sister?08:05
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=== deep_ [n=dimas@200-221-255-115.brt.dialuol.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
KRomeleoNyeah i was gonna, i got her a 64bit proc08:05
tondarNessieLiberation: I know, thats y i got it installed on ubuntu08:05
beanielontra: but is gdm and gnome working if the usplash doenst work?08:05
=== Nemesis23 [n=nemesis2@p54A5512D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
premiertondar, when you try to browse the windows network from ubuntu, does it prompt with a username/workgrgoup/password window?08:05
Foonbulmer: it's only supposed to be enabled for 2345? should it be enabled for any of the others?08:05
tondarusser|away: u there?08:05
KRomeleoNits a amd tl-50 x208:05
bulmerFoon the way you showed your command to enable didnt seem correct..man update-rc08:06
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lontrabeanie: gnome and gdm have nothing to do with usplash08:06
tondarpremier: nope08:06
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-250-53.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
beanielontra: Ok i try08:06
RawSewageWhats the official torrent client for Ubuntu08:06
tondarpremier: i dont see any workgroups on ubuntu08:06
=== Smygis [n=smygis@e611.cust.vannas.net] has joined #ubuntu
simo1raw that is bittorrent08:06
KRomeleoNsoundray: shouyld i not give her 64?08:06
tondarpremier: used to see MSHOME08:06
simo1ok here's my issue08:06
RawSewagelontra, simo1 , plain bit torrent?08:06
soundrayKRomeleoN: I would have recommended i386, because things like Adobe Reader and firefox plugins are more difficult to install on amd64.08:07
lontraRawSewage: yup08:07
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lontraRawSewage: but with a gnome frontend08:07
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=== mrmonday [n=mrmonday@] has joined #ubuntu
KRomeleoNoh it runs 64 bit ff?08:07
NessieLiberationktorrent is quite good08:07
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mrmondaywhy does firefox ask me what I want to do eg save it, when i open a .php page?08:07
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=== Nemesis23 [n=nemesis2@p54A5512D.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
KRomeleoNi thought 64 bit ubuntuy would have 32 bit ff08:07
=== gif89pro [n=chatzill@cpe-066-057-116-105.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cartesian1984RawSewage: it's called gnome-btdownload like lontra said. It's not that great, last time I looked at it. ktorrent is good, I think I like azureus better.08:07
RawSewageIve used ktorrent, but Im trying to stick with all gtk08:07
tondarpremier: there is some kinda permission issuses on the windows machine08:07
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usser_tondar: so did it work?08:07
Enverexmrmonday, Because that site is broken08:07
simo1I want to upgrade my firefox to from how to do this ?08:07
=== Nemesis23 [n=nemesis2@p54A5512D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
NessieLiberationgnome-bttorrent is barely more capable than a browser download engine08:07
tondarusser_: trying it out08:07
=== richard [n=richard@c-68-51-96-248.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
simo1I have download the firefox08:07
RawSewageAzureus is a resource monster08:07
NessieLiberationktorrent is actually a proper torrenting program08:07
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Flannelsimo1: You're on Dapper?08:07
simo1how to upgrade to
Foonbulmer: I know -n was only to test what it would do without doing it, it said it already exists, I tried sysv-rc-config which has a nice GUI telling me exactly what runlevels it's enabled for, but I need to know if it's enabled for all the right ones, and if it's not missing any?08:08
=== SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrmondayEnverex, but it is every php page...08:08
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RawSewageYes , I like KTorrent, but Im trying not to use any K programs on this Ubuntu installation08:08
tondarusser_: I get this error on win machine08:08
RawSewageI want all GTK08:08
EnverexRawSewage, Use Deluge08:08
=== Mavidae [n=dawid@arw192.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayKRomeleoN: it's got 64bit firefox by default08:08
NessieLiberationRawSewage, deluge?08:08
simo1dapper drake08:08
imon9lontra: no good, vlc does launh build in :(08:08
RawSewageOh yeah08:08
RawSewageI heard about Deluge08:08
KRomeleoNcan i dl 32bit for it?08:08
RawSewageI'll give it a try08:08
Doctor_Nicksoundray: I'm not finding any useful ones08:08
premiertondar, have you changed anything like adding a firewall, permissions on windows shared folder etc?08:08
Flannelsimo1: You should think about upgrading to 6.10, it has FF2.0, and probably a lot of other stuff you'd enjoy new versions of08:08
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imon9maybe it can work if i make it play wilth firefox mediaplayer conectivity08:08
usser_tondar: do u use this tiny conf08:08
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Doctor_Nicki found one that shows me how to build source from the repository, but thats it08:09
tondarusser_, premier: you might not have permission to use this network resource08:09
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tondarusser_: yeah08:09
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soundrayKRomeleoN: yes, you can. It just takes detours.08:09
tondarpremier: not since last night08:09
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usser_tondar: did u restart samba?08:09
=== TheGateKeeper [n=TheGateK@82-36-115-190.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tondarpremier: im telling you it used to work just fine08:09
simo1flanel : -- Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - the Dapper Drake - released in June 2006.08:09
tondarusser_: yes08:10
=== salsero [n=salsero@ip8.237.reserved.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
KRomeleoNdoes the ubuntu dvd iso have 32 and 64?08:10
tondarusser_: [OK] 08:10
simo1can i upgrade the firefox to new version08:10
xtknightKRomeleoN, the dvd is mono-arch, only a 32bit dvd and a 64bit dvd08:10
simo1any one ?08:10
tondarusser_: gave the error08:10
usser_tondar: and its not letting u do \\hostname\habi08:10
xtknight32bit and 64bit are not contained on one DVD08:10
NessieLiberationKRomeleoN, there isnt a dvd for each08:10
simo1and how08:10
=== Gearman [n=drizzt@S0106001839e2ffb8.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
tondarusser_: no08:10
KRomeleoNwhat is on the dvd that isnr on the cd?>'08:10
xtknightmore packages08:10
simo1where is the guide08:10
usser_tondar: try doing \\localhost\habi from ubuntu itself08:10
RawSewageweird.  Deluge isnt in the repos08:10
mrmondaysimo1, which version of ubuntu are you using?08:10
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simo1Ubuntu 6.06 LTS - the Dapper Drake - released in June 2006.08:10
xtknightRawSewage, nope but there are debs for it online08:10
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tondarusser_: k, and that's hadi ;)08:10
=== Ranirahn [n=Ranirahn@212-49-30-215.vihvi.webs.ee] has joined #ubuntu
kalpikRawSewage, get it from getdeb.net08:11
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usser_tondar: yea hadi =)08:11
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soundray!info ia32-libs | KRomeleoN, you will need this08:11
ubotukromeleon, you will need this: Package ia32-libs does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:11
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Foonbulmer: whoa, even apache didn't start08:11
=== cheesepie [n=tyler@dynamic-acs-24-154-239-228.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrmondaysimo1, are you already using version 2 or not?08:11
soundrayoops, strange08:11
=== makeda [n=javier@120.Red-80-59-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
FoonI should have realized something is wrong, they don't show up in the boot sequence on screen08:11
cheesepiemp3 > cheesepie08:11
LordOfHeathi there guys, I have a problem with breezy, my rm, chmod, mv... they are all corrupt08:11
simo1old version really old08:11
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LordOfHeatwhat to do?08:12
Mosby_!info anjuta208:12
tondarusser_: where do I input that08:12
cheesepie!mp3 cheesepie08:12
mrmondaysimo1, the easiest way is probably to use automatix08:12
NessieLiberation!mp3 > cheesepie08:12
ubotuPackage anjuta2 does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas08:12
tondarusser_: in terminal08:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3 cheesepie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:12
simo1how to automatix ?08:12
ubotuAutomatix2 is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:12
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NessieLiberationsimo1, not recommended08:12
Mosby_how to install anjuta2 into ubuntu?08:12
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Gearmanhow do i get dual monitor to work on laptop08:12
NessieLiberationat all08:12
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tondarusser_: in a terminal ?08:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-build - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:12
usser_tondar: in nautilus08:12
bulmerFoon you have to commands wrong? from man page its different from what you showed08:12
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tondarusser_: ooops, stupid me08:12
soundrayKRomeleoN: ubotu doesn't know about the ia32-libs package for amd64, but it does exist and it will come in handy if you're setting up common non-free apps on amd6408:12
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premiertondar, system>administration>keyring manager is where ubuntu stores samba passwords if you check the options to be stored and used always08:12
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bulmerFoon you have the* commands wrong? from man page its different from what you showed08:13
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=== Riot777 [n=riot777@aars13.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
simo1I am using old version of firefox 1.5.0308:13
simo1how to upgrade to
Flannelsimo1: upgrade Ubuntu to 6.1008:13
Foonbrb phone08:13
simo1i do not have the cd08:13
beanielontra: i works, is there a possibility to get usplash up?08:13
KRomeleoNim just gonna leech the 32 bit dvd08:13
simo1I only have this 6.0.608:13
soundray!ff > simo1, see ubotu's private messages08:13
ttjlanyone know how to make 915res boot before X08:13
Riot777which user group in ubuntu is for usb devices ?08:13
soundray!upgrade > simo108:13
linxeh!ff > linxeh08:13
=== Prognatus_ [n=bjorn@2.80-203-143.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
LordOfHeatI have a problem with breezy, my rm, chmod, mv... they are all corrupt08:13
simo1does 7.0.4 comes with firefox
LordOfHeatwhat to do08:14
ttjlubotu, 915resolution08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 915resolution - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
tondarpremier: nothing in there08:14
Flannelsimo1: it does08:14
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kalpiksimo1, yes08:14
simo1i have to wait for the cd08:14
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simo1how long still do not know08:14
FlannelLordOfHeat: Breezy isn't supported anymore.  You might want to think about upgrading (that'll probably fix your issues too)08:14
NessieLiberationsimo1, you could do a network install08:14
NessieLiberationsimo1, i got mine last week in the post08:14
Seveas!info firefox | simo108:14
Mosby_anyone knows how to install anjuta2 into feisty?08:14
ubotusimo1: firefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 9011 kB, installed size 28600 kB08:14
NessieLiberationwednesday i think08:14
simo1how to upgrade from the 6.0.6 to 7.0.408:14
tondarusser_: nautilus gave error08:14
Mosby_!info anjuta08:14
ubotuanjuta: A GNOME development IDE for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.2.4a-5build1 (feisty), package size 913 kB, installed size 2144 kB08:14
Seveas!upgrade | simo108:15
ubotusimo1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:15
NessieLiberationfirefox, lightweight??08:15
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simo1should i use the 6.0.6 and update all the security ?08:15
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NessieLiberationlighter than mozilla suite certainly... but i dont know08:15
SeveasNessieLiberation, blame the packager who thinks that :)08:15
usser_tondar: what did it say?08:15
NessieLiberationSeveas, that's not you is it ? :P08:15
usser_tondar: i dunno im lost08:15
Enverexsimo1, It's 6.06 and 7.0408:15
SeveasNessieLiberation, it's most crtainly not me08:15
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usser_tondar: that was bound to work08:15
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kalpikSeveas, LOL08:15
simo1so must upgrade from 6.0.608:15
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nj786can anybody help me08:16
NessieLiberationSeveas, seemed as if it was ironically said08:16
nj7861 on 108:16
nj786with linux08:16
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tondarusser_: inputed \\localhost\hadi08:16
simo1suppose to be like that ?08:16
tondarusser_: and this was the result08:16
simo1how much more08:16
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FlannelNessieLiberation: lightweight in that it isn't a suite, I imagine08:16
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premiertondar, system>administration>shared folders>general properties is the workgroup name same as windows pc?08:16
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elijhey guys hows it going?08:16
simo1 can08:16
nj786hey can anybody help me08:16
nj786with linux?08:16
Foonshould I be in runlevel 2 or runlevel 3?08:16
tondarpremier: ofcourse: mshome08:16
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Seveas!anybody | nj78608:16
ubotunj786: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:16
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simo16.0.6 go up to 7.0.408:16
Seveas!enter | nj78608:16
ubotunj786: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:17
=== Pitel_laptop [n=pitel@ip-89-102-30-100.karneval.cz] has joined #ubuntu
simo1can ubuntu 6.0.6 upgrade to 7.0.408:17
soundraysimo1: no. You have to go via 6.10 or do a fresh install08:17
Riot777which user group in ubuntu is for usb devices ? (I need a name)08:17
Seveas!upgrade | simo108:17
ubotusimo1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:17
simo1i do not have 6.1008:17
lxusersomebody kown how to play monkey ape files in ubuntu ?08:17
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usser_tondar: u'd better join #samba08:17
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simo1anyone out the can send a copy of 6.10 ?08:17
kalpiksimo1, you can upgrade to 6.10 first08:17
flyingyellowpigHi there all08:17
albertobuenas a todos08:17
tondarusser_: hmm08:17
simo1i need 6.1008:17
soundraysimo1: you can upgrade over the net08:17
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simo1how soundray08:18
simo1how to online upgrade08:18
soundraysimo1: see the message that ubotu sent you08:18
kalpik!upgrade > simo108:18
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somerville32Can anyone help me with this error? gaim: Depends: gaim-data (= 1:2.0.0+beta6-1ubuntu4) but 2:2.0.0beta3.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed08:18
simo1is it tru the add08:18
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simo1ubuto how ?08:18
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premiertondar, places>connect to server>select windows share>enter there a valid windows username/password08:18
tondarpremier:any idea?08:18
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simo1how to upgrade to 6.10 ?08:19
Enverexsimo1, That page tells you, READ IT08:19
simo1from the internet /08:19
simo1what if I do not have the cd ?08:19
soundraysimo1: do not repeat the question again, please. You have been told the link. It has all the information.08:19
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tondarpremier: how about server:08:19
KoJHey guys. I finally got Ubuntu to work. But it seems ive lsot the power cable for my router. Im using a ADSL modem to connect to the internet ( It's USB ) its a speedtouch 330 modem. Is there anyway I can get this to work with ubuntu?08:20
premiertondar, the name the windows pc is shown in windows network08:20
simo1I am still running the last upgrade from the manager08:20
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stefgI cat seem to find info on how to write a ~/.fontconfig that enables autohinting /only for a couple/ of fonts (like the DejaVu Condensed). In general native hinting looks better here, but some fonts look better with autohinting. Is that at all possible, and where can i find docu about that?08:20
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simo1ok room Thank for all the help08:21
simo1good bye08:21
simo1and thanks again08:21
tondarpremier: no result on ubuntu machine08:21
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tondarhey PriceChild08:21
tondarPriceChild: having troubles with samba08:21
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tondarpremier: what now?08:21
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kalpiktondar, what's the problem?08:22
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tondarkalpik: windows wont lemme connect to share on ubuntu08:22
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tondarpremier: The folder contents could not be displayed.08:22
kalpiktondar, have you added a samba user?08:23
tondarkalpik: yes08:23
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tondarkalpik: how would I double check?08:23
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tondarpremier: how would I double check for a samba user ?08:24
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tondarusser_: : how would I double check for a samba user ?08:24
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kalpiktondar, follow this: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#How_to_install_Samba_Server_for_files.2Ffolders_sharing_service08:24
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_wolandis there a list of package versions for feisty?08:24
SlicerDicer-kalpik: you would not happen to be familar with the alternate cd would you?08:25
premiertondar, anyhow dont know whats up with your connection.. i will tell you what i do. i change mshome and give some other name, esp if you use some wireless connection, having default name if someone by mistake or hacking connects, its better to have different name. then i create a low-priviledges user in windows. when i share a folder in windows, i change its permissions so that user can read and write to it. then i use that username/password to connect t08:25
premiero that windows share, be it from other windows pc or linux08:25
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bruenigpackage versions? for all 18,000+ thousand pieces of software?08:25
Niklas_EIs there any google sync for thunderbird calendar for ubuntu?08:25
kalpikSlicerDicer-, i can try ;)08:25
_wolandbruenig, not at the same time08:25
Portalise /join #ubuntu-offtopic08:25
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bruenig_woland, doesn't synaptic tell you the package version08:25
tondarpremier: no wireless here08:25
bruenig_woland, if not, you can always do apt-cache show package | grep Version08:25
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SlicerDicer-kalpik: I am trying to use the alternate installer to do software raid stuff08:26
_wolandbruenig, i'm sure it does. I don't have access to an ubuntu box at the moment08:26
Flannel_woland: packages.ubuntu.com08:26
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_wolandthanks Flannel08:26
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flyingyellowpigI am having to play dvd's.It is giving me a ERROR READING NAV PACKET08:26
kalpikSlicerDicer-, i dont know much about RAID, worked with LVM though.. anyhow, what's the si08:26
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fenrighow do i configure my joystick to be a mouse08:26
premiertondar, let me get this straight, you want from a windows pc to connect to a shared folder in ubuntu08:26
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flyingyellowpighave anyone had this problem?08:27
SlicerDicer-well my problem is doubleedged... one I either cannot or do not know how to use sshd to be able to remote it with busybox, raid autodetect screws up my array's I cannot get it to work right due to the screwed array's and its on a TV with overscan so even if I did want to use busybox to do what I needed I cannot due to the lack of being able to see what I am writing08:27
SlicerDicer-kalpik: thats my problem08:27
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tondarpremier:I have followed a giude on ubuntuvideos.org08:27
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tondarpremier:it was fine last night08:27
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kalpikSlicerDicer-, aah.. im sorry but im not the right person to guide you on that :)08:28
tondarpremier: but then I changed the host name to something else08:28
flyingyellowpigok i will try that08:28
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tondarpremier: but reverted right away08:28
SlicerDicer-kalpik: hehe its like pulling teeth finding somebody :)08:28
tondarpremier:and now this08:28
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premiertondar, ok, chmod the folder in ubuntu to be writable by all users ... chmod u+w08:29
kalpiktondar, are you using the hostname or the IP address to access the machine?08:29
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premiertondar, create a user in ubuntu with same username and password as in windows08:29
tondarkalpik: hot name08:29
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lontrahow can i do echo as a root?08:29
kalpiktondar, try with IP address once08:29
tondarpremier: k08:29
premiertondar, smbpasswd -a and enter the same password08:29
tondarpremier: a samba user?08:30
flyingyellowpigis there any lib or codec to play dvd's ?08:30
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BradfordHey, does anyone know if Linux can read/write to Mac's file system?08:30
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asabilhi all08:30
SlicerDicer-kalpik: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/112444 thats my problem with graphical installer08:30
soundraylontra: " sudo sh -c 'echo something > somewhere' "08:30
asabila friend of mine have trouble activating her wireless08:30
premiertondar, i create a user also.. maybe you can do it with a samba user only, but i dont know about that08:30
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Crazytomwhere's can i get a copy of libdvdcss2 for 64 bit?  thanks in advance08:30
asabilshe has a dell inspiron 600m08:30
asabilwith an ipw220008:30
tondarpremier:samba only will do08:30
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lontrasoundray: proc/sys/kernel/shmmax: Permission denied08:30
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asabilanyone please ?08:31
soundraylontra: the destination is not writable then08:31
james_Why is the 'saved password' in gaim/pidgin stored unencrypted?08:31
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kalpikSlicerDicer-, hmm..08:31
lontrasoundray: nevermind i figured it out :D08:31
Crazytomflyingyellowpig, yes it's called libdvdcss2.  are you using a 64 bit system?08:31
BradfordDOES anyone here know if Linux can read/write Mac OS Extended (Journaled)???08:31
soundraylontra: what did you do?08:31
flyingyellowpigmaybe you just need to run terminal  sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 Crazytom08:31
_wolandjames_, ask the pidgen devs08:31
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lontrasoundray: i forgot the ' '08:31
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soundraylontra: ah. Every detail counts :)08:32
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Crazytomflyingyellowpig, nope that isn't going to work.  already tried it and yes all my repos are enabled08:32
SlicerDicer-it kinda bites kalpik08:32
Crazytomflyingyellowpig, are you using a 64 bit system?08:33
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kalpikSlicerDicer-, i know.. why dont you post it at the forums.. forums are better for detailed help..08:33
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kalpikCrazytom, http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/08:33
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premiertondar, and make sure the shared folder in ubuntu has permissions for the samba user to read/write and browse dirs08:33
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bluefox83how do you install ttf files?08:34
tarzeaubluefox83: put into /usr/share/fonts ?08:34
premiertondar, check the smb.conf with sudo testparm08:34
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Flannel!fonts | bluefox8308:34
ubotubluefox83: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:34
lontrabluefox83: or put them in /home/user/.fonts08:34
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SlicerDicer-kalpik: I may I dont know I am still considering if its worth it to transition the box off of gentoo or not I mean it works fine with gentoo I just wanted to make it easier08:35
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tondarpremier:should I delete the last user?08:35
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SamWise_TheGreatcan somebody help me install a bootsplash screen?#08:35
tondarpremier: then add a new08:35
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premiertondar, what user? normal or smb user?08:35
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tondarpremier: samba08:35
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kalpikSlicerDicer-, gentoo is a great distro.. but yeah i also see no point in making it difficult and time consuming :|08:36
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lontraanyone know if thunderbird 2.0 will be backported?08:36
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alberthey guys, have anyone been able to do a sucessful windows installation with qemu?08:37
Crazytomkalpik, thanks that site is good08:37
premiertondar, the user must be included in samba password list.. be it a normal user added to it by smbpasswd -a or a samba only user08:37
SlicerDicer-kalpik: well truth be told ubuntu friggin sucks in the raid department... I mean badly however it was quite simple with gentoo I was hoping I could do something but its been nonstop headbashing for the past 9 hours lol08:37
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NikNameHereHello. I have a question regarding Postfix Email Server - I can receive mail via webmin however it is sending mail to /var/mail/{user} rather than Maildir.  Any thoughts?  I have google'd and searched for a couple of days :(08:37
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kalpikSlicerDicer-, yes.. Feisty alternate CD is having problems with LVM too! takes about 3 mins per partition to activate a volume group08:38
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kalpikCrazytom, just add the repos mentioned there, and you shall have libdvdcss08:38
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Crazytomkalpik, already done08:38
asabilanyone ?08:38
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tondarpremier:can't ping the win machine!!!!08:39
SlicerDicer-kalpik: I dont get it at all... why such shitty support for raid and such? its enough to make my head spin.... Is Ubuntu really wanting to run off anybody who does anything halfway sane like redundency? it truly boggles my mind08:39
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ncdthis board looks tasty http://www.asus.com/news_show.aspx?id=361908:40
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kalpikSlicerDicer-, i dunno! the daily CDs were fine! they just messed up the final ISOs :P08:40
ncdnote how the copied ePox's lcd diagnostic08:40
CheckkaAfter upgrading to fiesty, is there a log file that tells me where which files were replaced08:40
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SlicerDicer-kalpik: raid has always been a issue LVM is easy08:40
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Checkkalike blacklist08:40
KiloHertzAnyone here know Openbox?08:41
kalpikSlicerDicer-, aah.. i have no idea about RAID.. so cant really say :)08:41
KiloHertzAnyone here use Openbox?08:41
FakeOutdoorsmanuuh....i do08:41
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Foonwhat's the default runlevel I should be running under?08:41
KiloHertzHey Fake  :)08:41
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KiloHertzThx for the help again yesterday08:41
premiertondar, if you cant ping it, then some firewall is running to it, rejecting icmp08:41
KiloHertzI am trying to find a dockapp. So I can have some icons to click and start.08:41
CheckkaI just upgarded to fiesty, is there a log file that tels me which config files were replaced?08:42
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FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: i've seen a few dock or dockish type things, but I can't remember the names right now.  let me look08:42
kalpikCheckka, check /var/log08:42
SlicerDicer-kalpik: well thanks for listening to me vent :) I love ubuntu but I hate some of the "complacent" shit about it more worried about nvidia drivers than redundency blah! on that note I am going to go put my head through a wall ;-)08:43
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ncdthe question is, is that board going to be 100% penguin happy08:43
kalpikSlicerDicer-, hehe not a problem :) we all need to vent sometimes! take care! :)08:43
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SlicerDicer-kalpik: you too08:44
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Fooncould someone please tell me what the default runlevel is that I should be running under?08:46
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Neil-Foon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel08:47
kalpikFoon, i think its 2 or 3 for ubuntu08:47
Neil-3 is standard08:47
BossManiaanyone for help about glftpd please ?08:47
FoonNeil-: checked, didn't help for that, thanks though08:47
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Neil-Debian and Ubuntu dont distinguish between 2-5 at all08:47
pureDesiCan someone suggest a good text editor that has FTP functions as well (auto-upload)08:47
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Foonkalpik: yeah, I'm running under level 2 right now, but none of the important services I need,  like samba, ssh or apache start when I boot up the machine08:47
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Fooneven though they're all in the rc folders properly08:48
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kalpikFoon, check system ->administration->services08:48
Foonsysv-rc-config and so forth all say they're properly set up08:48
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FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: your best bet is probably AWN or Kiba Dock.  i've never used them before, so I can't tell you how well it would work w/ openbox.08:48
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RawSewageWhats the GNOME equivalent of        dcop kdesktop KBackgroundIface setWallpaper08:48
Foonkalpik: running LAMP without a GUI08:48
tinindoes anyone know how to unistall vmware?08:48
oxy-cottonIs their a itunes for ubuntu? With a store and all08:48
FoonI'm ssh'd in08:48
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tininoxy-cotton Amarok08:48
kalpikFoon, ok..08:48
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Enverexoxy-cotton, No store, no08:49
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oxy-cottontinin: Does that have a store?08:49
Enverexoxy-cotton, If you want iTunes for Linux (god forbid) ask Apple to port it08:49
tininEnverex yes there's store08:49
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KiloHertzhey fakeoutdoorsman08:49
oxy-cottonEnverex: Just, ask the,?08:49
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mistonemangatune is cool :D08:49
Enverextinin, Oh yeah I was about to say that, heh08:49
levonanyone know a good stream ripper for linux08:50
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budluvaanyone here play starcraft in ubuntu?08:50
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: hey.08:50
flyingyellowpighi there again.I am not able to play dvd's on my laptop.Is it there any codec or lib that i have to install?08:50
kxstream tuner ?08:50
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tininHas anyone tried to unistall vmware?08:50
levonbudluva yes08:50
KiloHertzWhat was the terminal you told me about yesterday?08:50
bjameshi all - I've had problems installing Ubuntu.  I had to upgrade my BIOS to enable large disk support (which works great), but now the mobo wont boot from either of the hard drives - so...   I've plugged in an old IDE Flash card as hdc and want to copy the MBR to that so the motherboard can find it and boot without me having to use the CD (boot from first hard drive) option - can anyone help???08:50
kalpikflyingyellowpig, libdvdcss08:50
levonkx thank you08:50
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FoonI'm running under runlevel 2, should I switch to runlevel 3? is that what's preventing the daemons from starting? how do I change the default runlevel?08:50
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budluvalevon, you ever played it in a 640x480 window? or 800x600 window?08:50
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Foonwhen I type runlevel, it gives me "N 2".08:51
budluvalevon, i can't seem to play in anything except fullscreen, and its ugly as hell08:51
KiloHertzFakeoutdoorsman: What was the terminal you told me about yesterday?08:51
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bjamesflyingyellowpig: I just install vlc and never look back (most codecs installed with it as standard)08:51
flyingyellowpigi have try already from Terminal08:51
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levonbudluva adjust your wine settings :P ive played in both08:51
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rbs-titoDoes anyone find Soundjuicer behaves oddly in Feisty?08:51
mon^rchhow do I take ownerhip of a directory and all its subdirectories and files with read write access?08:51
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: mrxvt-mini.  did you get my message about those docks?08:51
budluvalevon, i go to winecfg, and then graphics, but virtual desktop or whatever is greyed out08:51
kxvlc gives yu compromised videos !! codecs are not the best ones08:51
KiloHertzUmm... no fakeoutdoorsman08:51
kalpikmon^rch, man chown08:51
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levonaww do you have the latest wine?08:52
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rbs-titoI'm trying to get Sound Juicer to switch to the MP3 profile, it is set as active but it can't be selected08:52
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: your best bet is probably AWN or Kiba Dock.  i've never used them before, so I can't tell you how well it would work w/ openbox.08:52
Foonkalpik: ?08:52
flyingyellowpigi have vlc too,but i don't know if i need any extra codec's  BJAMES08:52
|-David-|why does my ubuntu freeze when I have all the reqs?08:52
ttjlrob_p, Got widescreen working! Do you know anything about wifi?08:52
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FoonI'm running under runlevel 2, should I switch to runlevel 3? is that what's preventing the daemons from starting? how do I change the default runlevel?, when I type runlevel it returns "N 2"08:52
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flyingyellowpighave you tried to play dvd's ?BJAMES08:52
kxextra codecs for playing what ?08:52
ttjlHi Can anyone help with Vaio wireless access?08:52
budluvalevon, i have 0.9.3308:52
bjamesflyingyellowpig: check out the vlc main page08:52
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kalpikFoon, dont have much idea about that.. try entering runlevel 308:52
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: how about that time?  there is also cairo dock/gnome dock, but i don't know how much gnome you have isntalled.08:52
flyingyellowpigok i will08:52
|-David-|why does my ubuntu freeze when I have all the reqs?08:52
bjames hi all - I've had problems installing Ubuntu.  I had to upgrade my BIOS to enable large disk support (which works great), but now the mobo wont boot from either of the hard drives - so...   I've plugged in an old IDE Flash card as hdc and want to copy the MBR to that so the motherboard can find it and boot without me having to use the CD (boot from first hard drive) option - can anyone help???08:53
bjames(sorry for the cut and paste)08:53
Foonkalpik:  how do I do that? and also, how do I change the default runlevel?08:53
ttjlDoes anyone know about vaio wireless problems on ubuntu?08:53
KiloHertzfakeoutdoorsman: AWN can't get it to run right. Cario dock doens't like me. Kiba dock is to weird. I want something simplier then them.08:53
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kalpikFoon, init 3 to make it boot runlevel 308:53
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|-David-|why does my ubuntu freeze when I have all the reqs? Anyone?08:53
budluvalevon ok i have it figured, now for the first time emulate virtual desktop is not greyed out, ok but now i can't start campaigns, you ever had that problem? i have starcraft 1.14 and i can't play terran, zerg or protoss campains, just skirmishes08:53
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kalpikand to make it permanent, i think you need to edit grub.conf08:54
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Foonhow do I set the default runlevel?08:54
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FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: I don't know of any others.  except the enlightment one http://www.enlightenment.org/Applications/Engage/08:54
concept10Foon, /etc/inittbbbbbbbbbbbbbb08:54
kalpikFoon, i THINK you need to edit grub.conf for that08:54
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kalpikok, well i was wrong :P08:54
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concept10Foon, /etc/inittab08:55
|-David-|why does my ubuntu freeze when I have all the reqs? Anyone?08:55
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: why won't AWN install?08:55
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=== concept10 b key has coffee on it making it stick
kxfreeze like ??08:55
FoonI have no inittab08:55
jujimufuI just downloaded cube2, the game (aka sauerbraten). The manual of the game says to run the executable script, but when I run it I get this error:08:55
KiloHertzit installed, but when I start it i get a seg fault error08:55
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jujimufu"./bin_unix/linux_client: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"08:55
flyingyellowpigI have had the same problem,so i have install first Xubuntu ,then i have installed Ubuntu,because Xubuntu install requires less from the pc.BJAMES08:55
kalpikconcept10 Foon , neither do i :P08:55
mistoneis there a program that will help me edit gtk themes?08:55
LtL|-David-| - odds are you have a graphics driver problem.08:55
|-David-|It just freezes onscreen08:55
tapioHow can I completely reinstall, and delete all current mysql databases from my system?08:56
kxxorg.conf .. try to rebuild it ?08:56
stefgFoon: that means you have upstart. Congrats :-) !08:56
Foonwhere's grub.conf?08:56
concept10Foon, try looking with sudo08:56
|-David-|And how am I supposed to fix this?08:56
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mistone|-David-|: do you use beryl or compiz ?08:56
Foonstefg: ah..okay, how does that affect me?08:56
abaddonWhat is the main direcetory for ububtu? My friend left before telling me, and im trying to install winrar using wine08:56
KiloHertzBeryl works faster.08:56
kxsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:56
flyingyellowpighave anyone tried helix-player or real player on Ubuntu?08:56
rbs-titoDoes the soundjuicer preferences tool work OK for everyone else in Feisty? It is no good on a number of my machines08:56
concept10Foon, yeah, actually it's a little different with upstart.. check the upstart docs on your system08:56
LtL|-David-| - sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:56
FakeOutdoorsmanKiloHertz: I see that AWN is requires a compositor like beryl or compiz.08:56
kxtry doing this and hope yu know ur driver08:56
jujimufuabaddon: firstly: there is a package for winrar so you can open rar files with ark or another program08:56
kalpikconcept10, still aint there (with sudo)08:57
|-David-|I dunno, I just got the disc from the company =P08:57
KiloHertzYeah I don't run them :)08:57
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stefgFoon: not at all if everything is working, and having a nice init-replacement doesn't hurt08:57
jujimufuabaddon: secondly, the root directory (to which I think you are referring to) is simply /08:57
Foonno manual entry for upstart08:57
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KiloHertzFakeOutdoorsman: Yeah I don't run them :)08:57
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abaddonjust in the add/remove section?08:57
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:57
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Foonstefg: that's the problem, it's not working08:57
flyingyellowpigI have been trying to install it but with no luck08:57
concept10Foon, well, goto /etc/event.d/08:57
mon^rchkalpik: so I read the man for chown for anyy additional information as I was "chown -R <user> <path to dir>" already... but it didn't give me read write access to sub-dir's :/08:57
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FoonI have to start apache, samba, and ssh manually, locally on the machine, because they don't start automatically despite being set properly in the rc directories and in init.d08:58
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d3m0what's the buil-in ftp server for ubuntu-server?08:58
mon^rchhow do I take ownerhip of a directory and all its subdirectories and files with read write access?08:58
Foonor something08:58
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abaddonwhat is the winrar package called?08:58
KiloHertzd3m0: i think it is proftpd08:58
kalpikmon^rch, you need to do chown <uname>:<uname> /path -R08:58
zeroflagis there any way to auto-mount newly connected USB data storage devices and put a link on the current (gnome user's) desktop?08:58
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concept10Foon, well, in that case, use sysv-rc-conf (install it) and configure your runlevels as you desire08:59
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kalpikabaddon, rar, unrar08:59
d3m0KiloHertz: thanks08:59
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Foonconcept10: did, all the daemons are set up properly08:59
KiloHertzd3m0: np08:59
concept10Foon, or use update-rc.d08:59
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Foonbut they don't start anyway08:59
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Foonsame with update-rc.d08:59
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abaddonim looking for it in add/remove but it is not there, do i have to use automatix?08:59
concept10Foon, what runlevel do you want to use these services?09:00
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kalpikabaddon, make sure all repositories are enabled..09:00
Foonconcept10: any that'll get my system functional :S09:00
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FoonI'm a newbie to linux09:00
mon^rchkalpik: that didnt work either :/09:00
kalpikand you can just type sudo apt-get install rar unrar09:00
Fooncurrently, my runlevel is 209:00
abaddonsorry guys i just got on ubuntu last night so i have no idea what im doing09:00
zerIs there a vector graphics program that can import jpg or png or something like this?09:00
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NessieLiberationzer, inkscape can09:00
FoonI read somewhere that runlevel 2 doesn't start daemons automatically09:00
concept10Foon, I mean, do you run these services on in full-multiuser gui mode?09:01
Foonwhich is why I'm trying to figure out how to change the default runlevel.09:01
zerNessieLiberation: thank you very much, i will try09:01
kalpikmon^rch, which directory exactly are you trying that on?09:01
chris__just installed for the first time wheres the best place to learn about it09:01
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LtLFoon - you need to use runlevel 3 or 5 for X09:01
NessieLiberationinkscape is definitely the best anyway09:01
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abaddonwhere do i enable repositories09:01
hacAnyone Has installed UT2004?09:01
concept10Foon, sysv-rc-conf didnt change/modify your system the way you wanted?  did you use sudo?09:01
FoonLtL I figured, now how do I change the default runlevel so I can test it ><09:01
zerNessieLiberation: okay, good to hear that :)09:01
kalpikchris__, http://www.ubunuguide.org09:01
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mon^rchkalpik: /home/greg ;)09:01
LtLFoon - with no /etc/inittab in this distro, i dunno09:02
kalpikabaddon, http://www.ubuntuguide.org09:02
NessieLiberationadd a t in there kap09:02
Foonconcept10: right, and yes, otherwise it gives an "no rw access" error without entering the GUI09:02
LtLFoon - it used to be simmple.09:02
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FoonLtL: heh, I know.09:02
kalpikmon^rch, you should already have read/write permissions for that if that's your home folder09:02
nadsdoes anyone here use LogMeIn from ubuntu?09:02
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concept10Foon, /etc/event.d/rc-default09:02
=== Foon remembers toying with Inittab at one point (on a previous set up)
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zeroflagis there any way to auto-mount newly connected USB data storage devices and put a link on the current (gnome user's) desktop?09:02
Foonconcept10: that'll change my default runlevel?09:03
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wimdowshow do I get my RAID5 array back after a reboot?09:03
tondarusser_, premier, kalpik:  it was due to bad cable connection, I couldnt even ping win machine09:03
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concept10Foon, and you will see that it reads inittab or specify runlevel 2 in the script09:03
wimdowsfschk fails....09:03
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edgyHi, man w: w - Show who is logged on and what they are doing. However, when I do it, I always get /bin/sh /usr/bin/startkde under the WHAT column, so what WHAT means here?09:03
kalpiktondar, hehe.. glad its sorted out :)09:03
tondarusser_: going to test samba again09:03
tondarkalpik: samba still fishy09:03
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mon^rchkalpik: I want to change the permissions of subdirs and files... backed up from a major overhaul09:03
kalpiktondar, what now?09:03
zerNessieLiberation: what i meant was to import a pixmap and make a vector graphic out of it in order to scale it in any direction without loss09:03
walrusi need a guitar tuner for ubuntu? ... does anyone know one ??09:04
concept10Foon, but it doesnt matter what run level is default if the proper links are not in the init.d rc directories09:04
tondarkalpik: going to test again09:04
flyingyellowpigjoin #kubuntu09:04
NessieLiberationzer oh, you can try "trace bitmap" on the menus09:04
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flyingyellowpighow i join other room?09:04
Neil-anyone know any good linux DJ Software? Bit like traktor, with dials / crossfader / maybe effects?09:04
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kalpikmon^rch, try sudo chmod 0777 /home/greg -R09:04
void^edgy: it means _what_ their logging process is running09:04
wimdowswho can help me with getting my RAID 5 (using mdadm) array back after a reboot?09:04
NessieLiberation /j #kubuntu09:04
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tapioAll ports are open by default on ubuntu, or what?09:04
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NessieLiberationtapio, what09:04
void^edgy: err, s/logging/login09:04
concept10Neil-, terminatorx09:04
Foonconcept10: that's (one of) the problems :( they're all good to go! :|09:04
flyingyellowpigsorry i mean how can i do to join other room?09:04
NessieLiberationwalrus, audacity can do it09:05
tapioNessieLiberation: Theire not ?09:05
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NessieLiberationflyingyellowpig, /j #channel09:05
Neil-concept10: thanks, free?09:05
FoonI don't know what to do with event.d09:05
NessieLiberationtapio, why no09:05
edgyvoid^: can you give me a command to run that would let w display anything beside startkde, please?09:05
Foonor rather, rc-default09:05
concept10Neil-, just search and see09:05
NessieLiberationwould be silly if they were09:05
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walrusNessieLiberation: thx :)09:05
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hacAnyone Has installed UT2004?09:05
NessieLiberationwalrus, create noise, sine wave, choose note09:05
bjamesok, I'll start with a simpler quiestion - how do I format hdc to FAT32 from the command line?09:05
kxlet us knw wen yu do :)09:05
NessieLiberationwalrus, it's the only way i know09:05
void^edgy: no. you probably want 'ps aux | grep username'09:06
Neil-concept: Got it ta09:06
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walrusNessieLiberation: i heard about gstring but only comes in source code ....09:06
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concept10Foon, like i said earlier, read the docs, they will help alot.. they are in /usr/share/doc/upstart09:06
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NessieLiberationwalrus, you could try compiling it09:06
mon^rchkalpik: that did it TYVM09:06
kalpikmon^rch, its ok :)09:07
KiloHertzSo does anyone know of a dockapp that I can sudo apt-get install?09:07
wusel_hi *g*09:07
walrusNessieLiberation: i'll try ... but it uses some weird libraries :P like fftw309:07
NessieLiberationwalrus, sudo apt-get build-dep gstring09:07
edgyvoid^: Umm! but that tip is not the impression you get from the man page. It says for WHAT: "the command line of their current process." do you think this phrase is correct?09:07
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Foonall I have in usr/share/doc/upstart are AUTHORS changelog.gz NEWS.gz changelog.Debian.gz copyright and README.Debian.gz09:08
FurryNemesisKiloHertz, kdocker09:08
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FurryNemesisor possibly kiba-dock09:08
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walrusNessieLiberation: thx, i didnt know about that ... :)09:08
concept10Foon, its all you need.  Read the README.Debi...09:08
edgyvoid^: also according to your explanation the JCPU  and PCPU would be useless, no?09:08
joebob777as7hey can someone help me with finding a good fax gui for ubuntu?09:08
concept10joebob777as7, what printer?09:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
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NessieLiberationjoebob777as7, internet search might get you more luck i would guess09:09
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joebob777as7concept10, i'm trying to connect to my cell phone via bluetooth and faxing through it09:09
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concept10joebob777as7, if you have HP printer/all-in-one/fax, theres an excellent app for it09:09
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Foonconcept10: ah...ok..09:10
cheesepiewhat was the sudo apt-get install for blackbox?09:10
concept10joebob777as7, well, thats entirely different09:10
void^edgy: it might be less confusing if it clearly stated the command of the login process. jcpu/pcpu do make sense, as jcpu includes cpu time by all processes forked off the login process09:10
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KiloHertzFurryNemesis: Not KDocker. I just want something simple that just sits there. I am running in Openbox if that helps.09:10
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drwxr-xr-xHow do i enable transparent gnome-terminals in compiz ?09:10
zerNessieLiberation: wow, that worked great! that is a really good application. thanks again :)09:10
NessieLiberationzer, no probs - you mean audacity?09:10
crdlbdrwxr-xr-x: just turn on transparency09:10
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gejrdrwxr-xr-x: can't you just set them to be transparent in the gnome-terminal preferences?09:11
joebob777as7i'm also looking for  a gui that helps me connect to my cell phone via bluetooth09:11
crdlbin gnome-terminal's preferences09:11
zerNessieLiberation: no no. Inkscape :-)09:11
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concept10does upstart actially run as process 1 on newer ubuntu systems?09:11
NessieLiberationzer, oh that... yeah, amazing09:11
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NessieLiberationzer, the trace isnt perfect, but it'll do09:11
FurryNemesissorry KiloHertz it's standard gnome for me. How about looking at http://icculus.org/openbox/2/docker/09:11
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Borathey, does anyone know how to get GTK gnome icons in fluxbox?09:11
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Boratlike folers and ect?09:11
zerNessieLiberation: yeah i can't complain09:11
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bjamescan anyone here help me format a drive?09:12
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NessieLiberationBorat, try #fluxbox if you get nothing here09:12
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lucky_anyone got vncviewer to work with beryl?09:12
edgyvoid^: and the only way to view those forked process is via ps, right?09:12
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concept10Borat, do you have gnome libraries insttalled on your system also?09:12
kalpiklucky_, no, and it wont work09:12
edgybjames: mkfs09:13
bjamesedgy: cheers I'll have a look at that09:13
Neil-concept10: any idea how I run it? It made no shortcuts, and i cant find any obvious binaries09:13
Neil-I added it via synaptic09:13
|-David-|=/ ya, my desktop just freezes after like 2 minutes of working...It loads up alright and everything...so do I need a new gfx card or what?09:13
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zaggynlhmm updatedb doesn't seem to do ntfs partitions09:13
archaios7Does anyone know how to fix gstreamer playing mp3's to fast?09:13
cheesepiecan someone teach me about xdmcp?09:14
concept10Neil-, it should have made menu entry for you09:14
lucky_kalpik, i can connect in just fine but it wont display anything. it changes on my desktop but not on the remote computer09:14
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lucky_kalpik, only way to kill beryl and then connect then?09:14
edgyzaggynl: have you removed the entry to exclude /media or /mnt?09:14
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Neil-concept: It didnt, but my bad- its terminatorX in console, X not x09:14
zaggynledgy, not that I know09:14
zaggynlwhere should I check?09:14
|-David-|=/ ya, my desktop just freezes after like 2 minutes of working...It loads up alright and everything...so do I need a new gfx card or what?09:14
kalpiklucky_, because 3d aint supported by the vnc protocol, yeah.. kill beryl, then connect09:14
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lucky_kalpik, bugga. thanks09:15
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void^edgy: there's a lot of programs out there that give you a somewhat more structured overview on running processes than ps/pstree. w/who is just supposed to give you a quick overview on what users are currently logged in.09:15
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d3m0what's the best gui for ubuntu-server?09:15
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edgyzaggynl: /etc/updatedb.conf09:15
Neil-concept10: hm: Error starting engine: failed to access audiodevice.09:15
Neil-any ideas?09:15
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lokkenAlright, real quick question.09:16
|-David-|also, my screen whites out when I try and turn on desktop effects09:16
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zaggynledgy, okay thanks09:16
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concept10Neil-, make sure you have all of the dependencies, goto the site and check, i cant check for you right now09:16
alaKIf you would have offered 2 cd/dvd's, one containing ubuntu, one debian..you would take ... ?09:17
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|-David-|Anyone have any idea on what I should do?09:17
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DShepherd|-David-|: that happened to me because i didnt have the right drivers installed. What card do you have?09:17
Neil-concept10: OK thanks, imagine i do as synaptic handles that.. will look09:17
gejralaK: I'd take the ubuntu cd if i wanted a workstation, and the debian cd if i wanted a server:)09:17
gejrbut it doesn't really matter09:18
|-David-|Um...I don't remember09:18
alaKgood response, i'd probably too the same.09:18
|-David-|hang on09:18
|-David-|let me check09:18
alaKHaven't really used ubuntu as a server ( i am running 2 sarge boxes ).09:18
DShepherdlspci -v | grep -i vga #use this to check.. |-David-|09:18
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__mikemanyone have any suggestions on converting a .rpm to a .deb?09:19
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matt__mikem: alien09:19
gejralaK: I like to run ubuntu bleeding edge...debian is just heavy, stable and neat.09:19
soundray__mikem: it should be avoided. If you have to, use alien09:19
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alaKthere's a program called alien09:19
bjamesdoes nobody have a few moments to help me formnat a drive and copy an MBR to it?09:19
edgyvoid^: thx for the help09:19
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advhow do i configure my wireless interface to use dhcp?09:19
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gejradv: put "auto ath0 inet dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces09:20
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gejrwhere ath0 is your device09:20
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ttjlhow do i comment something out!09:20
advgejr: does it need restart?09:20
concept10Neil-, do you have libaudiofile?09:20
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gejradv: error09:21
wimdowswhy does my RAID 5 array disappear after reboot?09:21
soundrayttjl: put a # at the beginning of the line09:21
|-David-|Damn...I tried to get to it and froze up again09:21
ttjlsoundray, thanks lol09:21
advgejr: eh?09:21
pianoboy3333If I'm on the live cd, how can I add my self to the fuse group? I want to try out gmailfs in feisty.09:21
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gejradv: the syntax should be "iface ath0 inet dhcp"09:21
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alaKDebian really did it this time. It fucked my box. Because i used "stable", which is now etch.09:21
gejradv: and you need an "auto ath0" first09:21
DShepherd|-David-|: do you run the command I gave you?09:21
alaKSo basicly i had etch packages on sarge box for a while09:21
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alaKHad to make a clean Reinstall09:22
TTT_TravisI have an LVM install, I am almost out of space and would like to add another disk to expand my overall storage, how do I go about formatting the new disk?09:22
cjae I think WD is serving out bad .iso images from their site the diag504cCD.iso and the .zip fail in both drives on my Sony box when I burn them to a maxell cdr09:22
|-David-|Nope, where am I supposed to go to run it? lawl, sry, I'm a noob at linux09:22
gejradv: you don't need to restart..just run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart09:22
pianoboy3333goti t09:22
Neil-concept10: yep..09:22
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Neil-BEEP uses Alsa fine, but terminatorX cant start it09:22
wimdowswhat does this mean:09:22
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wimdows EXT3-fs error (device md0): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 880 not in group (block 0)!09:22
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DShepherd|-David-|: open a terminal .. go to the applications menu, accessories, terminla..09:23
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|-David-|ok, and the command was what again?09:23
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DShepherdlspci -v | grep -i vga  <-- that's it |-David-|09:23
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KiloHertzanyone here using DOCKER?09:24
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lontrawhat's the applet that lets you dock any application?09:24
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gejrlontra: alltray09:24
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|-David-|Alright, I'll go try that09:24
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KiloHertzanyone here using DOCKER?09:24
Foonaw man, fuck09:24
Foonthe fan stops in the computer :O09:24
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SidToneri have hopefully an easy question... i need a program that will let me create a compressed archive and split it up into dvd sized chunks for easy backup09:25
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:25
wimdowsthis sucks - how do I ensure my RAID 5 array doesn't get corrupted when I reboot?09:25
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BensinI have trouble typing brackets and other signs typed when using the "Alt-Gr"-key.09:25
SidTonerany reccomendations?09:25
soundray!language | wimdows09:25
Foonsigh, so now I have to dust or replace it too09:25
ubotuwimdows: please see above09:25
gejrBensin: you're using some non-english keyboard layout?09:25
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience09:25
=== ompaul looks at soundray
Foonas for my previous problems: I rebooted and they're still present, they don't boot up ><09:25
wimdowssoundray ??? what did I say? read the messages09:25
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.09:25
Foonrather, the daemons I need don't start up ><09:25
Enverexgejr, Alt-GR is on English keyboards09:25
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ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti or mneptok09:26
gejrEnverex: it works on other keyboard layouts too09:26
naliothKiloHertz: take it easy on the bot, eh?09:26
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gejrEnverex: but the combinations are different09:26
con-man!botabuse ubotu09:26
Bensingejr: Yes, Swedish. Ant the language-specifik signs ,  and  works perfectly.09:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botabuse ubotu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:26
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:26
con-man!botabuse | ubotu09:26
ubotuubotu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:26
f0rtunecan i burn the xubuntu CDimage to a dvd and boot it that way, cuz my laptop doesnt have a cd rom drive, only a dvd rom drive09:26
soundraywimdows: hey, just ask yourself before you write: Am I using professional language? If you are unsure, don't post it.09:26
gejrBensin: then it's weird..i was going to ask you that09:26
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=== Enverex points PriceChild to con-man
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alaK!help sources.list09:27
SidToneri have hopefully an easy question... i need a program that will let me create a compressed archive and split it up into dvd sized chunks for easy backup any reccomendations?09:27
KiloHertzfortune yes you can.09:27
alaK!help apt09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help apt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
gejrBensin: maybe a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg can do the trick09:27
wimdowssoundray - I didn't use the f word... Foon did09:27
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kalpik!apt > alaK09:27
ompaulalaK, that is not how the bot works - do this /msg ubotu keyword09:27
wimdowsread up the chat log09:27
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Foonoh, yeah *shrug*09:27
soundraywimdows: I know what Foon said, and I know what *you* said.09:27
KiloHertz!repeat > SidToner09:27
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DShepherd|-David-|: how you doing there?09:27
=== Uzuul [n=arno@vig38-2-81-56-113-154.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
SidToner!smack KiloHertz09:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smack kilohertz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
wimdowssoundray - so what was wrong with what I said? seriously?09:28
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:28
f0rtunecan i burn the xubuntu CDimage to a dvd and boot it that way, cuz my laptop doesnt have a cd rom drive, only a dvd rom drive09:28
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Bensingejr: How do I do that? Start something from the terminal?09:28
wimdowsI said: "this sucks - how do I ensure my RAID 5 array doesn't get corrupted when I reboot?"09:28
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PriceChildwimdows, soundray lets move on please09:28
|-David-|Got it09:28
premierSidToner, use tar09:28
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kalpikf0rtune, yeah, you can do that09:28
KiloHertzSidTone. Please stop repeating yourslef.09:28
DShepherdf0rtune: most dvd rom drives can read cds. are you sure it cant read cds..?09:29
SidTonerplease spell my name right09:29
wimdowsPriceChild - good plan, maybe you can help me out with my RAID 5 problem09:29
habeebHey there. I just turned the Mac of my father into Ubuntu, but I forgot a minor detail. He was using a mail client to access his emails. His email is like: <name>@<company>.com where company is the company in which my father works. I browsed the site of the company and couldn't find a web mail... I don't know how to access his emails, and he is kinda enraged :P09:29
gejrBensin: yes... type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in the terminal09:29
kalpikthough all dvd drives read CDs too09:29
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PriceChildwimdows, Not a clue myself sorry.09:29
habeebAny help?09:29
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:29
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madduckany idea how to tell my sony z1 laptop with a radeon mobility to use the external vga port?09:29
madduckradeontool dac on09:29
ncdmouse pad gone mad :(09:29
madduckdoes not work09:29
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wimdowsSeems like most people on here just prefer playing the policeman09:29
madduckand neither does Fn-F709:29
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines09:29
KiloHertz!attitude > SidToner09:29
=== RachelLane [n=aurelie@sfo69-1-82-235-155-103.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
SidTonerway to prove him wrong09:29
PriceChildwimdows, I'm sorry. I have never used RAID. Have you checked the wiki docs?09:29
|-David-|DSheperd: It says: SiS 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter09:29
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SidTonerKiloHertz, do i know you?09:30
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Seveasmadduck, have you tried the non-free driver?09:30
madduckSeveas: the card is not supported by the non-free drivere09:30
NessieLiberationwimdows, it's impossible in a channel with 1333 people without people following guidelines... which dont really matter elsewhere09:30
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madduck01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M6 LY09:30
wimdowsPriceChild - yep - I have but my setup is different from 'normal' software raid in as much as I actually use a RocketRaid 454 -which in itself is nothing more than a glorified IDE controller09:30
DShepherd|-David-|: ah... i don't think desktop-effects can run on your card.. sorry.. you need a card that supports 3d acceleration09:30
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premierSidToner, if someone points to you that your attitude is somewhat abusive to the channel, you'd better listen and comply, than adding more attitude problems09:31
|-David-|What about the freezing?09:31
ompaulKiloHertz, please message the bot thanks09:31
stousetI just installed Gusty, and my fonts just became enormous. Anyone know what could be causing this?09:31
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PriceChildwimdows, Well then I'm sorry I really haven't a clue what else to suggest sorry.09:31
Gladiatorselam arkadalar !!!09:31
ncdyou gfx needs to be tier 209:31
KiloHertzokay ompaul09:31
SidTonerpremier, it just looked like a bot talking to a bot09:31
ompaulstouset, head to #ubuntu+1 they do the beta software09:31
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kalpikstouset, you SHOULD NOT be using gutsy as of now09:31
stousetompaul: Thanks.09:31
stousetkalpik: Noone should be?09:31
madduckKiloHertz: i don't want xinerama, just to turn it on...09:31
DShepherd|-David-|: not sure why its freezing..09:31
Gladiatorturkiyeden balanan varm ???09:31
dakirahi.. is it possible the pbuilder part was removed from the official help?09:31
premierSidToner, ubotu  is a bot .. and users can redirect messages from it to you09:32
soundray!tr | Gladiator09:32
Seveasmadduck, ah :( I never could get the free driver to drive the external port either09:32
ubotuGladiator: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.09:32
|-David-|Might that be a gfx card issue, also?09:32
stousetkalpik: Or just me?09:32
ompaulSidToner, please stop, the topic is ubuntu support  #ubuntu-offtopic is for chatter09:32
kalpikstouset, only the devs i guess.. too early for normal people to use it :)09:32
SidToneri am trying trying to get help09:32
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stousetkalpik: Who said I was normal people? :)09:32
Gladiatorubotu: nasl balanacam oraya karde09:32
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SeveasGladiator, english only in here09:32
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PriceChildstouset, #ubutnu+1 please09:33
ompaulSidToner, then stick to the  issue thanks09:33
kalpikstouset, heh.. okay then! head to #ubuntu+109:33
stousetPriceChild: Already there. Thanks for the pointer.09:33
soundraySidToner: man split09:33
dakirausually when I went to System->Help there was a guide explaining how to do ubuntu packaging.. it is gone now ;(09:33
Gladiatorah bi ingilizce bilsem :))09:33
SidTonerthank you soundray09:33
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madduckSeveas: i definitely had it working before.09:33
SidToneror can i say that?09:33
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@!#ubuntu-tr] by Seveas
Bensingejr: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work. I have tried both pc102 (since I have 102 keys) and pc10509:33
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rasimuHi, does anyone knows any screen video capturing software for ubuntu?09:33
|-David-|I actually might have another Graphics card09:33
wgw1Please ignore: just a test....09:33
KiloHertzBesides Fakeoutdoorsman, does anyone in here use openbox?09:33
Seveasdakira, you can still find it on help.ubuntu.com09:33
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sampbarmoo all09:34
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@!#ubuntu-tr] by Seveas
KoJHey guys is there anyway I can get Speedtouch 330 modem to work on ubuntu? y/n? ^_^09:34
advwhat are the steps required to set up beryl in feisty?09:34
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sampbardoes anybody know where i can get a .deb for anjuta 2.1.3?09:34
Seveas!beryl | adv09:34
ubotuadv: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:34
dakiraSeveas: nice.. thx!09:34
ChavaoHello family09:34
ttjlhi what do I do if I dont have permission to save to a location?09:34
KoJNo one can help me? :(09:34
=== egypcio [n=egypcio@asterisk.tradein.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Dekkardkoj isnt that a dsl modem?09:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:35
soundrayttjl: save to your home directory instead.09:35
jp834618how come when I start to download a torrent, firestarter rejects many connections that are way out of the 6881-6889 range?09:35
PriceChildttjl, what are you trying to do?09:35
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Seveasttjl, reconsider whether you actually ned to save there09:35
kalpikttjl, dont save it there ;-)09:35
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by ChanServ
KiloHertzadv: http://tinyurl.com/2bzevx09:35
advthanks KiloHertz09:35
ttjlLOL I'm trying to save to /etc/default and yes i do need to save there09:35
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KoJDekkard: Im not sure, perhaps09:35
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Seveasttjl, then opn the file you need to write as root or use sudo09:35
KoJIts USB supported. and ive got a CD with all the required drivers on it.09:35
kalpikttjl, use sudo09:36
LtLrasimu - try the 'print screen' button.09:36
DShepherddakira: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html -- does this link help?09:36
ttjlkalpik, how do i use sudo to do this09:36
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spoxakanetwork manager keeps asking WPA password - is it possible to somehow make it remember it?09:36
dakiraSeveas: any reason why it has been removed? too advanced?09:36
DekkardKoJ:  you don't know.. ok.. what kind of internet service do you have ? cable, dsl or dial up?09:36
=== tclow [n=tclow@CPE-69-23-75-14.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasdakira, don't know09:36
kalpikttjl, sudo cp /path/to/original/file /etc/default09:36
tclow#nick change09:36
dakiraDShepherd: yep.. thx alot!09:36
KoJDekkard: Id imagine its DSL.09:37
DShepherddakira: your welcome09:37
Seveasdakira, tick the 'save password in keyring' checkbox when you enter the password09:37
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rasimuLtL: i need a video capturing tool not just a screen shot09:37
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DShepherdSeveas: you mean spoxaka ?09:37
cheesepiecould i get some help with terminal server client?09:37
KiloHertzQuestion how hard is it to get a pci and agp card to work like dual monitors in Ubuntu Feisty?09:37
soundrayrasimu: have a look at istanbul09:37
SeveasDShepherd, good call09:37
Seveasspoxaka, tick the 'save password in keyring' checkbox when you enter the password09:37
LtLrasimu - ah, VLC then09:37
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KoJDekkard: ITs definetly DSL.09:38
spoxakaSeveas: I don't have such a check box :(09:38
ompaulCheese, launch it and point it at the ip username and password happy days (if that kind of thing makes you happy ;-))09:38
DekkardkoJ you should ask your internet provider.. the easiest ways to access your modem, if it has a web interface is by opening the browser of your choice and entering the address http://
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factorxsorry for off-topic but is someone here owner of a sony-ericsson w810i and can tell me if this round, silver button is a "joystick" or a simple button?09:38
PriceChildKiloHertz, I'm pretty sure it'll involve hand editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf which isn't always fun09:38
spoxakaSeveas: it have only "show password" checkbox09:38
KiloHertzokay pricechild thx09:38
cheesepieompaul: i could use something a bit more descriptive09:38
rasimuLtL: never knew VLC also captures09:38
flapsterfactorx, I think they do call it a joystick09:38
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rasimuI will try it09:38
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PriceChildKiloHertz, its the way you learn though ;)09:39
gejrfactorx: it's a 4 buttons09:39
gejrfactorx: i have that phone09:39
KiloHertzokay thx :)09:39
Seveasspoxaka, did you manually install n-m or did you remov the keyring packages?09:39
KoJDekkard: Thats for routers, iirc, not ADSL modems09:39
sampbarshall i take that as a no?09:39
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ompaulcheesepie, you start it and it asks for stuff that is the ip of the machine or wins name for the box and then you connect and give it a username and password09:39
factorxgejr: just buttons, no joystick like k700i?09:39
gejrfactorx: its a button in the middle, and 4 buttons up, down, left, right around it.09:39
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DekkardKoJ:  i believe the speadtouch is also a One point router..09:39
factorxgejr: okay, thank you :)09:39
gejrfactorx: exactly..the joystick on k700i always broke :S09:39
spoxakaSeveas: nope I'm running vanilla feisty with ndiswrapper09:39
Dekkardyou need to access it with the browser09:39
cheesepieompaul: the computer im trying to remote connect to, is sitting right next to me09:40
ncdwho ever it was that was trying sauerbraten09:40
cheesepieon a local network09:40
ncdill have it in 5 minutes09:40
factorxgejr: yea, that's why i'm looking for a new mobile without a joystick :)09:40
DekkardKoJ:  if not.. call your provider09:40
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spoxakaSeveas: I'm using n-m which is shipped with the feisty09:40
madduckSeveas: i got it working. has to be connected when it boots. and it really does help to actually plug in the vga cable. :)09:40
brainiac8008Hi. I have Dapper and I am going to do a clean install of feisty.  When I get to the part of the installation process about partitioning, should I leave the swap partition and not make a new one and feisty will use that swap partition?  If so, will I have to format the swap partition?  If not, should I get rid of the old swap and create a new one?09:40
KenSentMeI've synced the contacts from my Sony Ericsson W800 to Ubuntu with Multisync. All contacts are stored in seperate text files and evolution can only import one file at a time. Does anyone know a program that can import all files at once or a way for evolution to do it?09:40
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=== Zyg [n=stefan@xdsl-12071.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
ncdwhich gpu where you trying on ... im trying for miracles here on my evil intel gpu09:40
Seveasmadduck, rofl :)09:40
=== SportChick looks in
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madduckSeveas: i almost rof as i l'd09:41
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ompaulcheesepie,  I fail to see the issue, at what point does that fail, if you tell me I may be able to give you more info, you are not telling me what you don't know etc09:41
Seveasmadduck, sucks that it needs to b connected during boot though, but that xplains my failure to get it working09:41
Seveasurgh.. stupid e ky...09:41
cheesepieompaul: #moonunit09:41
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE09:41
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mattikWhen I log out from Feisty I get only black screen and I have to switch off computer. Is this bug or do I have some errors with settings?09:42
soundrayKoJ: have you searched the web?09:42
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dakiraSeveas: which password are you talking about?09:42
soundrayKoJ: I've got http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/ubuntu/index.html among the first hits09:42
Seveasmattik, do you see the progrssbar that goes black?09:42
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Seveasdakira, that was meant for someone else, sorry09:42
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dakiraSeveas: ah.. i figured ;)09:42
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mattikSeveas: I got only black screen. And same error will be come when screen saver is activated. I think is this fault the cause of beryl?09:44
|-David-|So, what drivers would I have to dl for this gfx card? it gives me choice between Linux x86 and x6409:44
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Seveasmattik, could be09:44
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Seveas|-David-|, unless you have a 64bit CPU, use x8609:44
soundraybrainiac8008: just go through the install process. Choose manual partitioning. ubiquity will find your swap partition and offer you ways of using it.09:44
|-David-|ok, ty09:45
Caramba_Hi folks. Any particular software you'd recommend to subscribe to podcasts with Ubuntu *in console mode*?09:45
stefg|-David-|: in case you look at nvidia drivers at nvidias site right now... leave them alone.09:45
brainiac8008soundray, okay, ty.09:45
mattikSeveas: Can I fix it by some easy way?09:45
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Seveasmattik, try removing beryl09:45
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spoxakaSeveas: maybe I should install some other version of n-m?09:45
|-David-|Why is that?09:45
hanasakianyone know of anything that reads mspublisher?09:45
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ncdBeryl has got some memory leaks09:46
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ncdwhen i first run it, it run sort of acceptable09:46
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ChavaoChavao teste09:46
gejrhanasaki: what file extension is that?09:46
ncdafter about 4-5 hours even the xchat input box is lagging09:46
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|-David-|How am I supposed to get this video card working without the driver?09:46
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hanasakigejr:  .pub09:46
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rummikncd: iirc the official beryl channel is #beryl09:47
mattikSeveas: is it done if I remove beryl and emerald from startup programs?09:47
gejrhanasaki: http://steve-parker.org/articles/ms_publisher/09:47
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Seveasmattik, that'd probably disable it good enough09:47
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hanasakithanks gejr checking09:47
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mattikSeveas: Thank you very much :)09:47
stefghanasaki: there is no app for linux, but you can save it with publisher as .ps and use that in linux09:47
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gejrhanasaki: that's all i could find on the subject. Seems to be difficult to open those files on linux yet.09:48
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kaktuskattaHi! I'm looking for a system monitor for Ubuntu, which may look like some form of desklet09:48
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Seveasspoxaka, can you run gnome-keyring-manager09:48
gejrkaktuskatta: seen conky ?09:48
tom_ghi, any1 run ut2k4 on intel gma 950?09:48
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kaktuskattagejr: No, I found something called torsmo. Have you heard of it?09:49
gejrkaktuskatta: nope09:49
kaktuskattagejr: Do you use conky?09:49
gejrkaktuskatta: i don't use any system monitor except gnome panel applets to watch some system temperatures09:49
gejrbut i've used conky in the past09:49
mattikI try now log out09:49
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Dark_TUXhello, i have a little problem with mount: mount -t cifs -o username=darktux //computer/share /media/share . I haven't error message and my directory /media/share contain no files or directories.09:50
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SeveasDark_TUX, is it mounted according to mount?09:50
gejrkaktuskatta: apparently torsmo isn't maintained anymore...conky is the new torsmo..kinda.09:50
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advsomeone tell me what xgl is and what it has to do with beryl09:50
`m0is there anyway to take the "on mouse hover label" from the window list on the panel?09:50
spoxakaSeveas: yep when it is opened it is pretty empty09:50
Dark_TUXSeveas, : yes09:50
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brainiac8008i have a friend that wants to use linux but is skeptical of not having to use anti-spyware and/or anti-virus programs.  He thinks that anything can be attacked by this sort of thing and that people don't use spyware/virus protection because no one would want to attack linux due to the number of people that use linux relative to windows.  I've read that it is also because linux is built very well and even if linux09:51
wimdowswho has an example of a RAID 5 mdadm.conf file?09:51
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ncdtom_g, those gma 900 didnt receive perticularly warm reviews.. they have the tools but are so laggy its no fun :/09:51
kaktuskattagejr: ok09:51
Seveasspoxaka, does it ask for a password?09:51
`m0When I try to maximize a window from the panel from the Window List widget, it shows me the name of that window, but I have a live preview as well which they both overlap09:51
stefg!beryl | adv09:51
ubotuadv: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:51
kaktuskattagejr: Is it possible to fetch it to the desktop, so it would be like "eye-candy" ? :)09:51
madduckSeveas: now i only need to get overlay to work on the external display. both xine and screensaver are just black09:51
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PriceChildbrainiac8008, There are vulnerabilities in linux... but they're quite quickly fixed most of the time.09:51
spoxakaSeveas: nope09:51
NNForcerkubunto or ubuntu?09:51
gejrkaktuskatta: i don't understand what you mean.09:51
advstefg: is xgl an opengl accelerated x env?09:51
PriceChildbrainiac8008, also tell him although you can't catch windows viruses, you can spread them09:51
Caramba_Hi folks. Any particular software you'd recommend to subscribe to podcasts with Ubuntu *in console mode*?09:51
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bbrazilbrainiac8008: is there a question in there? It seems to have been cut off09:52
stefgadv: exactly09:52
PriceChildbrainiac8008, so always handy to keep a scanner to hand if you're on a mixed network09:52
berto01In quale canale posso chiedere info su kubuntu?09:52
bbrazil!it | berto0109:52
ubotuberto01: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:52
kaktuskattagejr: Live statistics about the system temp etc directly as graphs on the Desktop in X09:52
Seveasspoxaka, in the keyring manager, hit F9. Do you hav both a default and a session keyring in the left pane?09:52
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RawSewagewhats the standard graphical crontab tool for Ubuntu09:52
gejrkaktuskatta: well..that sounds like conky. :)09:52
brainiac8008bbrazil, yes, it's "Is this true and if so, why?"09:52
ncddont worry tom_g one day some scum bag will create a proper mobile gpu that lasts longer then 20 seconds of game development09:53
gejrkaktuskatta: http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:fObcjqLr2xDakM:http://hacks-galore.org/jao/journal/images/conky.png09:53
advstefg: does xgl replace X11?09:53
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gejrkaktuskatta: isn't that eyecandy enough?09:53
zion_hey guys, a little question09:53
berto01ubotu: come posso raggiungerlo?09:53
zion_i have nvidia fx5200 enabled09:53
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spoxakaSeveas: only session one09:53
TuoDrablehello, I have quite a problem with DRI, can someone help me?09:53
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zion_and twinmode09:53
bbrazilbrainiac8008: he's mostly correct. Just using a different OS doesn't make you immune, but you're a lot safer on Ubuntu than you would be on Windows09:53
frederificwhenever I try to open my home folder, nautilus crashes, any idea why?09:53
stefgadv, no... read the forum and  ask in #ubuntu-effects, it's the dedicated channel09:53
zion_and i can't enable desktop effects09:53
zion_any ideas?09:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mdadm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
ubotuFor help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.09:54
kaktuskattagejr: kinda tiny pic on that link :P09:54
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kaktuskattagejr: anyhow, I think this is good enough :)09:54
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gejrkaktuskatta: oh..sorry..must've been wrong link09:54
BensinI have trouble typing brackets and other signs typed when using the "Alt-Gr"-key. I use Swedish layout and the language-specifik signs ,  and  works perfectly. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work. I have tried both pc102 (since I have 102 keys) and pc105.09:54
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brainiac8008bbrazil, is that extra safety with ubuntu because of the relatively small number of people who use ubuntu?09:54
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bbrazilwimdows: software raid question I can help you with?09:54
gejrkaktuskatta: check that out: http://hacks-galore.org/jao/journal/images/conky.png :)09:55
bbrazilbrainiac8008: partly, but also the software tends to be better09:55
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RawSewageLinux system files are password protected and we dont have that lame registry09:56
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Caramba_Does anybody here subscribe to podcasts?09:56
stefg!keyboard | Bensin09:56
ubotuBensin: To find out how to switch your keyboard layout, See https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts09:56
spoxakaSeveas: there's only session keyring there09:56
bbrazilRawSewage: not quite, but let's not get into that :)09:56
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RawSewagewhats the standard graphical crontab tool for Ubuntu09:56
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kaktuskattaGeniack: that's what I had in mind09:57
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kaktuskattaGeniack: sprry09:57
kaktuskattagejr: That's what I had in mind09:57
mister_robotoRawSewage: if you're using kde, you have kcron09:57
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bbrazilRawSewage: I don't use one, but I think KDE has a Kcron. I prefer 'crontab -e' myself09:57
mister_robotoRawSewage: but the cron format is so easy it's pretty simple to just use crontab -e09:58
RawSewagemister_roboto, Im trying to stick with GTK on this Ubuntu installation09:58
RawSewagecron format is confusing09:58
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klx_i wonder if anyone can help - i am using Banshee and would like to add a folder from another machine on my windows network - possible?09:58
mister_robotoRawSewage: the man page has very clear examples09:58
n2diyCan anybody explain why my Fedora Core 1 system has a newer version of Gedit then my Dapper machine?09:58
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bbrazilRawSewage: 'man 5 crontab' explains it. Only wart is that day and day of week and 'or'ed09:58
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gejrklx_: sure, just mount the windows share first09:58
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gejrklx_: and/or put it in /etc/fstab so it's always mounted.09:59
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klx_gejr - how? lol09:59
Slartn2diy: because dapper isn't supposed to be the newest, shiniest out there.. it's the long term support option.. if you want the newest, go with feisty09:59
klx_<-- noob09:59
RawSewageIm pretty familiar with crontab, and it still confuses me09:59
stefgklx_:IMHO that's easiest with fusesmb09:59
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mister_robotoRawSewage: i don't understand how you can be pretty familiar with it and still confused by it :)09:59
gejrklx_: sudo mount -t smbfs //ip.to.windows.box/sharename/ /mn09:59
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boomklx_ : add windows drive to /etc/fstab   vi /etc/fstab09:59
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gejrklx_: sudo mount -t smbfs //ip.to.windows.box/sharename/ /mnt/windowsbox10:00
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n2diySlart: FC1 is four years old!?10:00
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cdubyaanyone know of any webcam apps for ubuntu that would work?10:00
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gejrklx_: just make sure you have created /mnt/windowsbox and that smbfs is installed. (apt-get install smbfs)10:00
RawSewagemister_roboto, because after that, you have to specify paths to languages, etc10:00
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cdubyaI'm looking for one to use for a stream....10:00
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RawSewagemister_roboto, lots of shell script commands10:00
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:00
Slartn2diy: well.. perhaps the newest version of gedit depends on something they didn't want to include in dapper.. or some other reason..10:00
mister_robotoRawSewage: just paths to commands to run, not languages10:00
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mister_robotoRawSewage: you just put the command and whatever arguments10:01
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Slartn2diy: it might even be just a mistake10:01
RawSewagemister_roboto, ok, I'll give it another try10:01
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mister_robotoRawSewage: and use the full path to the command because it won't be run with your regular login shell environment10:01
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KiloHertzhey PriceChild. Do you know which part of these xorg.conf file I need? like the monitor section screen section and so on to get the dual monitors working?10:02
spoxakahow do I create default keyring?10:02
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bbrazilspoxaka: what are you trying to do? Use GPG?10:02
PriceChildKiloHertz, i've never done it myself sorry...10:02
christian_hi, bin neu hier.wnsch nen schnen abend10:03
gejrcdubya: can you read German? I can't. But this looks promising: http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/50195/?start=010:03
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pysio_90hi All10:03
bbrazil!de | christian_10:03
ubotuchristian_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:03
Bensinstefg: I have "sv" as option for both XkbLayout and XkbVariant...10:03
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pysio_90jest polak??10:03
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:03
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ArexI downloaded .NET from the microsoft site, and when I try to use WINE with it its not working10:04
Arexany support10:04
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mister_robotoArex: maybe try mono?10:04
Gladiatorarkadalar trkiyeden balanan varm acabaa ???10:04
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FlannelArex: Try #winehq10:04
spoxakabbrazil: I'm trying to save WPA password in network manager - it keeps asking it all the time10:04
cjaehow do I get the application menu from the kb again10:04
ubotuTurk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.10:04
gejr!tr > Gladiator10:04
mister_robotoArex: .NET port to linux10:04
bbrazilspoxaka: ah, can't help you there.10:04
DShepherdcjae: alt+f110:04
ArexHow to get that?10:04
mister_robotoArex: google it10:04
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Gladiatorgejr: efendimmm10:04
cpk1Arex: mono is in the repos10:04
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Gladiatorubotu: ubuntu-tr ye girdim ama kimse yokk10:05
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ArexI wanted to use the program PAINT[DOT] NET10:05
Arexwhich asks for .NET frameworks10:05
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cjaeDShepherd, so if it just launches help m alt button is right10:05
gejrGladiator: ubotu is a bot..he doesn't speak turkish :)10:05
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mister_robotoArex: it might run ok on mono. i don't know. i'm not a .NET expert or anything10:05
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cjaeDShepherd,  meaning I have wrong kb map right10:06
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DShepherdcjae: huh? oh.. i guess so10:06
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alekaHello, I am trying to set-up a pdf-printer, Have installed cups-pdf from the repos but my "System>Adminstration" menu does not have "Printing", how can I get to the printers setup?10:06
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Gladiatorofff yaa bu ingilizce bilmemekte bama dert oldu walla10:06
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gejraleka: does gnome-cups-manager exist ?10:06
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abaddonhas anyone here gotten lineage 2 to work?10:06
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alekagejr: how do I check that sir?10:07
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alekain dpkg?10:07
gejraleka: in terminal run "sudo gnome-cups-manager"10:07
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gejror.."gksudo gnome-cups-manager" preferrably10:07
dakiraDid anyone here succeed in installing the latest nvidia beta drivers in feisty? the resulting kernel module just doesn't load here ;( amd my card is only supported by the latest beta..10:07
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Gladiatorgejr: heee yeni anladm daha yaa peki yokmu trkiyeden balanan :)10:07
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runjunI need to burn an iso file but it won't recognize my cd burner unless I use graveman and it didn't burn it as an iso10:07
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runjunany help10:08
DShepherdgejr: is there a difference between those 2 commands? if so what?10:08
gejrGladiator: I NO SPEAK THE TURKEY! :)10:08
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alekaok.. it brought up the screen... For future refrence, How do I manage the menu entries under system>adminstration?10:08
kalpikDShepherd, gksu is for gui apps10:08
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bbrazilrunjun: bit 'old-fashioned' but try: 'cdrecord -v /path/to/iso'10:08
gejrDShepherd: gksudo will give you the password dialogue gtk style ;)10:08
stefgdakira: what error do you get ?10:08
smohi anyone here have a fgrlx < 8.35 running ??? need the aticonfig10:08
gejrapart from that, no differences that I'm aware of.10:08
DShepherdgejr: that's it?10:08
pysio_90Mamy tu polaka ???10:08
DShepherdgejr: ok kool10:08
smo8.36 fail10:08
Gladiatorgejr: neyse saol ben bamn aresine bakaym bari10:08
runjunalright I'll give it a try10:08
kalpikgejr, DShepherd some gui apps dont work with sudo.. they need gksu10:09
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Flannel!pl | pysio_9010:09
ubotupysio_90: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:09
gejrWhat's up with this gladiator-guy? Why does he think I speak turkish?:)10:09
DShepherdkalpik: interesting.. know one off your head now?10:09
stefg!english | pysio_90, Gladiator10:09
ubotupysio_90, Gladiator: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:09
gejrkalpik: ok. I have yet to see one of those programs then.. :)10:09
dakirastefg: modprobe gives me this: FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia10:09
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abaddonhas anyone gotten lineage 2 to run?10:09
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stefgdakira: sudo depmod -ae ?10:10
kalpikgejr, DShepherd dont remember any off of my head right now :)10:10
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dakirastefg: yep.. did that.. and modprobe -l does show it10:10
DShepherdkalpik: well if you do.. please share :-)10:10
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kalpikDShepherd, lemme search :)10:10
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stefgdakira: soething like api-mismatch ?10:10
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marciojoin #ubuntu10:11
smoagp loaded dakira??10:11
RawSewagemister_roboto, # 5 0 0 0 0 0 /home/rawsewage/Scripts/MyScript.sh      shouldnt that run the script every 5 minutes10:11
pysio_90dick my suck10:11
gejronly thing i generally use gksudo for is when i'm upgrading ubuntu with "gksudo gnome-update-manager -c -d"10:11
dakirastefg: nope.. that only happens if you leave nvidia-kernel-common installed.. i removed that (including restricted drivers)10:11
treblesixhi, i have posted 2 tings i need help with on the forum, and no reply for either. I am very miffed with this, considering  Ubuntu has got the stigma of being for the people. I am from an Amiga background, and get more response from AmigaWorld.net, about Ubuntu, than i do from a specific Ubuntu forum! Community my arse!10:11
dmhouseHey, is there any way to force Rhythmbox to fetch the album cover for an album? It seems to do it rather sporadically.10:11
bbrazilRawSewage: the # means that line is a comment10:11
dakirasmo: its a pcie adapter10:11
RawSewagebbrazil, thats what I thought.  When it was uncommented, it said there were errors10:12
marciojoin #kubuntu10:12
bbrazilRawSewage: yeah, you've got a field too many I think10:12
RawSewagebbrazil, ok ty10:12
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smowhy do i have agpgart used by fglrx so with pci-e too???10:12
bbrazilRawSewage: remove one of the 0s (assuming this is crontab -e output)10:12
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Traeanyone notice problems with LCD's and 7.04?10:12
Flanneltreblesix: this channel isn't affiliated with the forums.  You're welcome to ask your question here.  However, no one is guaranteed to know the answer, which is likely the reason no one replied in the forums.  Would you rather have a bunch of people replying and saying "I don't know?"  neither do we.10:12
dakirastefg: but indeed I did have the api mismatch error when i left the old kernel module installed and just blacklisted it10:12
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gejrtreblesix: how about posting your question here?10:12
stefgdakira: the nvidia-installer leaves a build-log ... any clues in there?10:12
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smobig bug with xorg 7.2 and vesa ati and casper too fail on 7.04 live cd10:13
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RawSewagebbrazil, still doesnt like it10:13
treblesix@ Flannel , at least u have answered.10:13
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bbrazilRawSewage: what's the exact error?10:13
kalpikDShepherd, gejr gksu "update-manager -c" <- that doesnt work with sudo :)10:13
bene_hey can anyone give me a tip on how to create lists from ooo calc tables... the list should look like this "column 1, row 1", "column 1, row 2", "column 2 , row 1" etc...10:13
bene_do you know what i mean=10:13
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dakirastefg: haven't checked.. I should maybe have a look ;) but the installer and module-linking went through smoothly (no errors)10:13
RawSewagebbrazil, oh,  bad day of month10:13
RawSewageI guess it needs 2 010:14
Flanneltreblesix: You haven't asked a question though.  So really, your comment is offtopic.  Do you have a support question?10:14
RawSewagebbrazil, actually, I'll eliminate that one too10:14
abaddonAnyone know how to get a private server of lineage running on ubuntu?10:14
DShepherdkalpik: are you sure?10:14
bbrazilRawSewage: makes sense. You only want to run this once a year?10:14
RawSewagebbrazil, no, every 5 minutes10:14
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RawSewagebbrazil, so all I need is 1 number then?10:14
kalpikDShepherd, well it aint working here with sudo ;-)10:14
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bbrazilRawSewage: */5 * * * * /path/to/script10:14
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drwxr-xr-xhow do i make it so my windows WOOOOSH out like in Mac Expose, in gnome ?10:14
drwxr-xr-xi have compiz running10:15
RawSewagebbrazil, ok thanks10:15
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Flanneldrwxr-xr-x: #ubuntu-effects for eyecandy support, thanks10:15
treblesixwhen i used the Live CD of Feisty, it saw my DVD writer + DVD rom, but when i installed it , it no longer sees my writer. It doesnt see my camera when i plug it into my fire wire card either. The other thing , my setting for time are fine in the preferences, yet on the panel, they are an hour behind10:15
drwxr-xr-xwhere is the controls for it?  i remember some way of setting what happens when your mouse goes into a corner10:15
dakirastefg: err.. any idea where die nvidia installer leaves its logfile?10:15
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RawSewagebbrazil, / means every ?10:15
DShepherddrwxr-xr-x: try f9 key or f8..10:15
Caramba_Does anybody here subscribe to podcasts?10:15
stefgdakira:/var/log is always a popular place10:15
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bbrazilRawSewage: yes (but only on newer crons)10:16
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Flanneltreblesix: best to ask one at a time.  An hour behind?  What is your TZ offset?  Perhaps daylight savings time?  Is your hardware clock set correctly?10:16
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sldkfjcould someone give me a clue, what does a person turn off to keep the screensaver from going into blank mode.10:16
bbrazilCaramba_: try asking your actual question10:16
RustyJugglerI have a computer with two harddrives, one 160 GB and one 80 GB how do I best partition this for ubuntu?10:16
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RustyJugglerI want at least a /home, / and swap partition10:16
Caramba_bbrazil: Sure thing! Any particular software you'd recommend to subscribe to podcasts with Ubuntu *in console mode*?10:16
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kalpiksldkfj, system->preferences->screensaver10:17
The_Alexanderwhat codec is used to play flv video in MPlayer?10:17
magnetronCaramba_: i do, with rhytmbox10:17
DShepherdkalpik: gejr : it works just the same if you remove the quotes. gksu doesnt work without the quotes..10:17
The_AlexanderI can hear only sound, but I cant see anything from flvs10:17
bbrazilCaramba_: don't ask me, I don't use the things :) text-only could be fun10:17
KuruOujouCan anyone here help out with installing mythweather-revamp? I tried the myth-users channel and no one responded.10:17
Caramba_magnetron: Happy with it? Does it work in console mode?10:17
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treblesixFlannel: im in Wales, UK, BST gues that must be it. odd though.10:17
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dakirastefg: hmm.. I'll check it out later.. the current log there is the log from the last uninstall process which of course doesn't give me any clues.. and since i'm running X now i can't run the installer ;) thx anyway for pointing me to the logfile!10:18
bbrazilRawSewage: home system?10:18
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The_Alexanderwhat codec is used to play flv video in MPlayer? I can hear only sound, but I cant see anything from flvs10:18
bbrazilRustyJuggler: home system?10:18
kalpikDShepherd, well, do you see all those errors while using sudo?10:18
RawSewagebbrazil, yes10:18
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bbrazilRawSewage: misdirected question :)10:18
RustyJugglerbbrazil: Yes10:18
Caramba_bbrazil: Aye, my multimedia server runs in console mode, but i'd love to be able to subscribe to podcasts with it as well10:18
Flanneltreblesix: well, it should be able to take into effect dayligh savings time.  So, your timezone is what? UTC or -1 maybe?10:18
runjun<bbrazil> that worked thanks man10:18
magnetronCaramba_: I'm very content with this solution, but i do it in gnome. i don't know of any CLI equivalents10:18
DShepherdkalpik: without the quotes.. no it works fine..10:18
The_Alexanderwhat codec is used to play flv video in MPlayer? I can hear only sound, but I cant see anything from flvs10:19
bbrazilRustyJuggler: I'd go for 40GB /, 2xRAM for swap and the rest of the 160GB for /home. Then put the 80GB as /srv (or something)10:19
kalpikDShepherd, it gives some errors in the terminal.. (sudo)10:19
Caramba_magnetron: OK, I'll have a peek at rhythmbo at least.10:19
DShepherdkalpik: without the quotes?10:19
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f0rtunewhere would i lookt os ee what wireless cards work on ubuntu boxes?10:19
sldkfjkalpik, I can't find a checkbox or such to keep the screensaver from doing the screen blank.  (a Gnome user)10:19
kalpikDShepherd, yes10:19
boomhi, can someone tell me how to add root in ubuntu? do i have to do sudo for every command as a user?10:19
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stefgdakira: i'd uninstall the whole kaboodle... all packages from the repos. search through the installer-archive for the source and then see if module-assistant  does a better job10:19
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bbrazilCaramba_: ah, a headless server (no keyboard/mouse)? You can still run X apps off it if you have a Ubuntu desktop somewhere10:19
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MattJboom, you can use sudo -i to get to a root terminal10:19
Flannelboom: you don't want to enable your root account.  If you want a root console, use `sudo -i`10:19
bbrazilRustyJuggler: swap 80GB/160GB roles as appropriate10:19
Slartboom: only the dangerous ones =)10:19
DShepherdkalpik: not here.. it just gives a dbus warning.. just like gksudo with the quotes..10:20
treblesixflannel; the setting are find when u look at them, but the default panel time shows an hour behind. Btw i love Ubuntu, just wanna sort these probs so i can ditch windows. Its like when i first had an Amiga, fallen in love with it. just need to put her into check ;)10:20
f0rtunewhere would i look to see what wireless cards work on ubuntu boxes?10:20
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boomaight thanks guys.10:20
RustyJuggler<bbrazil>: thanks10:20
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mister_robotoRawSewage: sorry, was gone.   you have too many asterisks in there. only 5 time fields10:20
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kalpikDShepherd, aah.. yes.. my bad :P10:20
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DShepherdkalpik: no prob10:20
Caramba_bbrazil: Yeah, i know, and it would kinda solve my problem. But what I'd really like to do is to simple have it download my fav podcasts on a regular basis, and then I play them through the web interface10:20
kalpikDShepherd, well im not able to prove it, but im sure there's some difference :P10:20
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dakirastefg: i've done the uninstalling part already ;) i guess with the installer archive you mean the .sh file, right?10:21
DShepherdkalpik: i guess there is..10:21
marciocan someone help me  configure my mic in Feisty Fawn?10:21
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stefgdakira: right10:21
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navetshey my headphones dont work when plugged into my laptop but regular sound does10:21
RawSewagemister_roboto, it's working now.  what if I want something to run every 10 minutes, starting at 5 minutes past the hour.  so  5, 15, 25, etc10:21
navetscan anyone help10:21
rlabuenas noches10:21
RustyJuggler<bbrazil>: would the /srv be just like a normal mount point as /home?10:21
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bbrazilCaramba_: I'm sure plenty of people have done that before. Have you tried searching on google? 'media center podcast' would probably do it10:21
dakirastefg: okay.. good point.. I will do that, too if the logfile leaves no clues.. thx for your help10:21
stefgdakira: iirc it has an --unpack option10:21
bbrazilRustyJuggler: yes10:21
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RawSewage5/10  maybe10:21
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dakirastefg: ah.. good to know..10:22
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mister_robotoRawSewage: then you have to put all the minutes in the minute field, separated by ','10:22
Flanneltreblesix: Ah.  You dualboot windows?  Does this happen after you've gone into windows?  Linux (and most OSs) use UTC for the hardware time, with a user level offset.  Windows however, can't do this, and it'll change your hardware time when it needs to change the clock (including DST).  So, make sure Linux knows you're using local time for hardware clock (there's an option, I believe).  And that ought to fix this.  Or, I think it should.10:22
RawSewagemister_roboto, oh, ok ty10:22
MattJI'm having problems with wifi. I just got a new laptop, and I'm trying to create an ad-hoc network with a PDA, but the PDA doesn't see any created network (it sees other networks fine). Any ideas?10:22
Caramba_bbrazil: My web browser is hot on google while i'm chatting here :) But console mode stuff *is* hard to find when you're talking multimedia - your average user wants a GUI10:22
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leetwankeri'm trying to get x11vnc working, but it won't stay running. i have it to where it will display my gdm login, but once i login to gnome, the vnc window closes and i have to restart x11vnc10:22
bbrazilCaramba_: there's bound to be web interface stuff too10:23
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__mikemcan soemone help me with cvs, when I enter the correct cvs password it prompts me for the password again. I know I am entering the right password because the number of allowed attempts remains at 3 every time10:23
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mister_robotoRawSewage: and a '5' in the first entry doesn't mean every 5 minutes. it means when the minute on the clock is '5' , so 5 after the hour10:23
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f0rtunewhere would i look to see what wireless cards work on ubuntu boxes?10:23
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Caramba_bbrazil. true, i'm using jinzora with mpd - a nice combo for playing music. but it's podcast handling is very buggy :(10:23
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meushi__mikem: touch ~/.cvspass10:23
RawSewagemister_roboto, we were using  */510:23
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__mikemmeushi nvm it let me through this time10:24
meushi__mikem: or something simple like that :)10:24
mister_robotoRawSewage: ok, ok.  yes, 5 min intervals10:24
Caramba_bbrazil: but it's probably not the only one, i just have to find a good solution. which is why i'm here ;)10:24
treblesixFlannel : I;ve only gone into windoze to write CDs/DVD's as I can't get Ubuntu to see my drive. But i usually boot straight into Ubuntu.10:24
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bbrazilCaramba_: you might have better luck posting on the forums10:24
RawSewagemister_roboto,  but if I wanted it to start at 2 minutes past the hour, so  2 7 12 17  etc,  could I do  2/510:24
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MattJ__mikem, consider SVN if you can, I always had those intermittent problems with CVS :)10:25
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Caramba_bbrazil: True - but i'm an impatient soul, and usually come here first. The company is nice, as well!10:25
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mister_robotoRawSewage: i think it's rather, 2-60/510:25
treblesixFlannel: I set it to synchronise to a server time wise, but doesn't  even matter if i change it manually10:25
RawSewagemister_roboto, ok10:25
KuruOujou Can anyone here help out with installing mythweather-revamp? I tried the myth-users channel and no one responded.10:25
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bbrazilCaramba_: this place is crazy though, I don't think you're going to find an answer anytime soon10:25
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whomeewhen im trying to install ubuntu with the option "install/start ubuntu" from the livecd the X server fails to start cause of bad configurated screens .. someone know how i can solve it? using a ATI X180010:25
__mikemMattJ I am trying to compile Cedega from source, and now I am having a problem where the script that I am using is not working10:25
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mister_robotoRawSewage: a single number for the minute value is just that, only a single minute value.10:25
Assassin`hey how would i get utorrent for ubuntu10:25
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wxq2378i have a problem with feisty and resume after suspend to disk: network manager applet shows wrong state, usb memory stick does no longer automatically mount on plugging in, and sometimes "suspend" is hiden in the logout menu (it still works fine in the login screen)10:26
RawSewagemister_roboto, ok10:26
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mister_robotoRawSewage: the 'step' value after the '/' needs to apply to a range to be meaningful10:26
Assassin`or anything that might be better10:26
stefg!p2p Assassin`10:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about p2p assassin` - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:26
stefg!p2p | Assassin`10:26
ubotuAssassin`: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.10:26
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RawSewagemister_roboto, ok. I'll try it10:26
Assassin`ty ty10:26
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Caramba_bbrazil: the discussion is somewhat unfocused, yeah, but the people are helpful and i have gotten help with quite tough questions here! none of the snobbery i find, say, in debian channels10:27
cheeseboyis there a linux alterintive to ms publisher?10:27
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stefg!info scribus10:27
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ubotuscribus: Open Source Desktop Publishing. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.5.dfsg-5ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 5365 kB, installed size 16000 kB10:27
Assassin`is there anything to sudo apt-get10:28
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whomee!info ati10:28
ubotuPackage ati does not exist in feisty, feisty-seveas10:28
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KuruOujou!info mythweather10:28
ubotumythweather: Weather add-on module for MythTV. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.20-svn20070122-0.0ubuntu3 (feisty), package size 954 kB, installed size 2088 kB10:28
stefgAssassin`: only a broken azureus package :-\10:28
bbrazilCaramba_: actually, have you tried asking the mythbox people?10:28
stefgAssassin`: google for deluge torrent10:28
Assassin`hmm what is recomended10:29
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ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information10:29
=== Hc\\ [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mluserAnyone know if its possible to install ubuntu on a 2 gig flash drive?10:30
KuruOujou Can anyone here help out with installing mythweather-revamp? I tried the myth-users channel and no one responded.10:30
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KuruOujoumluser: I believe so, but I am not sure how10:30
stefgmluser: no 2 gigs is not enough... xubuntu would work, tho10:30
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sldkfjWhat does a person do when the screensaver manager doesn't provide a checkbox or such to keep the screensaver from going into screen blanking.  (as in Gnome)10:31
vohxfceDoes this channel allow me to say I'm glad I invested some time in Xubuntu and loving it so far? :)10:31
mluserstefg: thanks.. can I do it from withing the installer.. or are there special tricks I need to get it in there?10:31
RawSewagemister_roboto, that worked   2-60/5  thx10:31
Assassin`how do i get deluge to run :)10:31
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DShepherdvohxfce: no :-D10:31
stefgmluser: specila tricks required.... use the alternate install and see !install10:31
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vohxfceDShepherd: Then I won't :D10:32
mluserstefg: Thanks again10:32
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate10:32
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DShepherdvohxfce: ok :)10:32
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vohxfcebut seriously, ubuntu + xfce = best linux combo I've seen so far :)10:33
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects10:33
s0nixEmm...... i got some problem with samba on feisty10:33
stefgmluser: make sure to use tmpfs for /tmp and /var/tmp once it's set up... you will ruin the stick too fast otherwise... and avoid a swap-partition on the stick, too10:33
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:33
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__mikemHas Anyone here tried compiling cedega from source?10:33
MattJmluser, http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar10:33
tarzeau__mikem: yes10:34
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isidorofcsk says my fs has 1.2% of non contiguos... is bad??10:34
tarzeauisidoro: no, is fine10:34
mluserstefg: thanks.. I wasnt planning on using a swap partition on that flash drive.. but I didnt think about the /tmp directories10:34
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isidorotarzeau: but linux diden't soffer as M$ fs10:34
__mikemtarzeau, I followed the instructions on Linux-gamers.net and now their script is complaining that it can't find the configure file10:34
bbrazilisidoro: don't worry about it10:35
ash_Anyone know of a good way to record what is going on the screen? Like... screenshot expect a video... just installed beryl and got it working after 4 hours... wana make my vista friends jealous10:35
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__mikemI looked where it was looking and there indeed wasn't a config file there10:35
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sldkfjWhen the xorg.conf has the serverflag entry Option "Blanking" "0" but still blanks out, what does a person do? (a Gnome user)10:35
stefgmluser: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-fs3.html10:35
__mikemBut the script is supposed to get the configure file, and I unbelievably pissed off right now10:35
tarzeau__mikem: dunno, it built fine for me, but wine from debian was better10:35
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__mikemtarzeau, what profile did you use?10:35
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isidorobbrazil: it sound me so much as windows!10:36
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sputnik66sldkfj, xset dpms 0 0 010:36
sputnik66sldkfj, xset s off10:36
tarzeau__mikem: profile?10:36
DShepherdash_: try http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/10:36
ash_DShepherd:  thanks10:36
__mikemtarzeau http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Cedega+CVS&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine10:36
sldkfjsputnik66, I'll give it a try, thanks10:36
bbrazilisidoro: fragmanentation is normal for most filesystems10:36
DShepherdash_: try the FAQ..10:37
drwxr-xr-xis there going to be a new kernel release soon that will magically fix my hibernation sound and resolution problems ?10:37
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__mikemplease, Its hard enough to keep calm without having to deal with 20 questions10:37
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isidorobbrazil: i know windows soffer much about it but linux??10:37
sdfhi i downloaded actioncube game and i tri to install it i unzip the file and from console wrote ./configure and i had no file or directory as aruselt what do i do?10:38
bbrazilisidoro: ext2 has features that tend to reduce fragmentation, but it really isn't an issue unless you're doing massive amounts of serial reads10:38
DShepherdash_: i think there's a wiki page about this.. let me do some digging.10:38
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tarzeau__mikem: no idea i just did a cvs checkout and built it, i don't remember the details10:38
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sdfthe file with extension   .tar.bz210:38
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MattJash_, I used recordmydesktop10:39
isidorobbrazil: well I am just converting my vhs to divx and once done I move the file to a external usb disk10:39
tarzeau__mikem: and i prefer native games....10:39
DShepherdash_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts?highlight=%28screencast%29 -- now which one is best.. i am not sure.. the ball is in your court10:39
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ash_Theres a lot of em :D10:39
Drk_guyHy guys10:39
ash_thanks guys10:39
bbrazilisidoro: the slowdown will not be noticable. When I say massive, I mean really really massive10:39
Drk_guyNeed a way to install shiockwave on Firefox10:40
ash_Be back in a bit10:40
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isidorobbrazil: ok :-)10:40
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Drk_guyFirefox doesn't play any .swf file on the web, it asks for the plugin10:40
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Qaldunedrk_guy search for flash 9 linux plugin in google10:41
Drk_guyHy Guys10:41
wulaxDrk_guy: i don't think there is such a thing for linux10:41
roddo you know how to get TV-Out support for Radeon Mobility 9000 with feisty???10:42
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pureDesiwhat's the channel for ubuntu dev?10:42
eternal_pdrk_guy: check out ubuntu install guide, it tells you how to get flash 9 installed10:42
pureDesijust kidding10:42
JowiDrk_guy, shockwave does not exist for linux. only flash 910:42
johanbrHi. Is anyone running a 64-bit kernel here? If so, if you could take a minute or two to help me verify a bug, I'd be grateful.10:42
Zjoskemy webhost is using mysql 4.1 ... i set up my debug webserver here, but now i got a question, when i go to synaptic it says i should install mysql 5.0 too :s is this possible?10:42
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:42
ompaulpureDesi, what kind of dev do you need there are lots of versions10:42
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DShepherdpureDesi: #ubuntu-devel10:42
Drk_guyThank you, i wll try your methods guys10:42
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tarzeaujohanbr: which software?10:42
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johanbrtarzeau: Tracker10:43
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tarzeaujohanbr: zsh: command not found: Tracker10:44
rodAnyone have TV-Out working for RADEON MOBILITY 9000 on feisty ?!?!?!?!10:44
Paddy_EIREhey guys what is the best ubuntu/linux app for dealing with sfv files10:44
JowiDrk_guy, http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash10:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sfv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:44
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tarzeaujohanbr: polly wants a cracker...10:44
nambisi restored images of xp and ubuntu to partitions that are different size than the original images (but the relative locations of all partitions are the same).  what can i do to prevent ubuntu from freaking out and not booting (like it did last time i did this)  thanks :)10:44
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Caramba_bbrazil: Check this out if your interested: http://linc.homeunix.org:8080/scripts/bashpodder/ Serious goofling led me there :)10:44
eemohwsomeone have a ATI X1800 and got feisty working? :D10:44
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bbrazilCaramba_: looks like my kind of program10:45
zerDoes anyone know a free calligraphic font?10:45
Caramba_bbrazil: I like it already, and I haven't even installed it ;)10:45
bbrazilnambis: bigger partitions I hope. You'll need to make sure grub is installed in the boot sector, you can do this from a livecd10:46
cool_guyWhich should I install first, ubuntu 7.04, or windows xp if I want to dual boot10:46
habeebNot related to Ubuntu. BUt I have an email, is there a way to find the SMTP server?10:46
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bbrazilcool_guy: windows10:46
wulaxzer: check out www.dafont.com10:46
bbrazilhabeeb: what are you trying to do?10:46
Jowizer, there are plenty here http://www.1001freefonts.com/10:46
zerwulax: oh thank you for this url10:46
cool_guyOk thanks10:46
zerJowi: thx :-)10:46
johanbrtarzeau: It's in the tracker-utils package, if you'd consider installing that (assuming you're running Feisty).10:46
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habeebbbrazil: fill the nessecary information to setup KMail for an email.10:47
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DShepherdanyone here dual booting vista and ubuntu ? does it matter which is installed first?10:47
bbrazilhabeeb: ah, you on a corporate network, or at home?10:47
napnipinstall vista first, then ubuntu10:47
Paddy_EIREanyone know how the SFV format is dealt with in linux10:47
bbrazilDShepherd: windows first10:47
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KiloHertzanyone in here ever done xinerma  with a agp card and a pci card?10:47
nambisbbrazil: umm, i can't remember if they are bigger ( i could check).  but the original partitoins were not full, so all of the data still fits in the new partitinos10:47
DShepherdbbrazil: k10:47
KiloHertzAnyone in here ever done xinerma  with a agp card and a pci card?10:48
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Caramba_bbrazil: A happy user, running bashpodder on Ubuntu (or whataver with cron) http://robbiethegeek.blogspot.com/10:48
bbrazilnambis: if they're not bigger you're going to run into problems. Just because they were'nt full doesn't mean there wan't data at the end. Also all the internal data structures of the filesystems will assume the full size10:48
habeebbbrazil: if i got your question right, i'm at home. but the email is using a company's server. The company's website gives no info about the SMTP etc. servers to setup KMail.10:48
ompaul!repeat | KiloHertz10:48
ubotuKiloHertz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:48
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nambisbbrazil: yea, grub isn't the problem, last time i did repartitioing and restoring images, ubuntu freaked out during it's boot (not grub), i think cause it's mapping was all messed up..... does drive size matter too?  or just assignments10:49
PossumOkay, I'm running 64-bit feisty, using 32-bit Fx ... printing doesn't work from 32-bit Fx but it works fine from 64-bit Fx... any ideas on how to make printing work on 32-bit Fx?10:49
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tarzeaujohanbr: ok, i'm not currently on 64bit, but then i don't even want to try these tracker-utils ... sorry10:49
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johanbrtarzeau: Okay. Thanks anyway.10:49
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bbrazilhabeeb: I'm going to guess that you should use your ISP's smtp server10:49
cor1CAn someone tell me a program that can download music peer to peer10:49
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rik_HI I just installed AVG , anyone know how to get it running with root permission so i can update it ?10:49
bbrazil!p2p | cor110:49
ubotucor1: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.10:49
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Caramba_cor1: Try nicotine10:49
ianm_just how leet is ubuntu?  upgrading (6.06 to 6.10) and it has exactly "1337" packages to download.  haha10:49
sldkfjzer, an interesting one called Music Hall Regular.....   http://www.webpagepublicity.com/free-fonts/m/Music%20Hall%20Regular.ttf10:50
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Possumcor1, try giFT!10:50
ZjoskeSynaptic installs both mySQL 4 and 5, i only want to use 4 how do i have to work with that version only???10:50
cor1Caramba: Thanks10:50
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zersldkfj: thx, that looks really interesting :-)10:50
Possumcor1, giFT searches all the major networks... oh, but ubuntu reminds you to always download legally *cough*10:50
=== zero [n=zero@e176122094.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
nambisbbrazil: i created and restored the images using acronis, they area completely defragged before hand (i'm anal).. i'm not concerned about the images or restoration, just about how ubuntu is going to respond to it's 'new environment."  it obviously doen'st take well to lots of chnages in drive assignments, etc (,y prior expereince)10:50
habeebbbrazil: dammit, I could use my ISP's smtp server to login to my company's mail?10:50
=== zero is now known as kernel288
kernel288excuse me , guys. what was the command of isntalling something ?10:51
kernel288for the terminal u kno10:51
x1nnI'm having big trouble, major crashes every 10-15 min. on default install. I need help finding out where to look to solve this?10:51
Possumkernel288, aptitude install?10:51
ompaulkernel288, sudo apt-get install PackageName10:51
bbrazilhabeeb: no, use your isp's smtp server to send mail10:51
kernel288ah yes10:51
kernel288apt-get install10:51
=== jul1609 [n=europa@bas4-montreal02-1096703895.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
bbrazilhabeeb: for how to talk to your company's mail servers, ask their help desk10:52
justinnnI've got a laptop with an ATI 9100IGP card. xdriinfo is reporting the r200 driver as being loaded but in glxinfo i still get "direct rendering: no" anyone know what this might be?10:52
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strabesIs it possible to make konqueror remember folder-specific view modes? e.g. icon for folders with images, detailed list for text, etc.10:52
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habeebbbrazil: yes, I'm planning to do this tomorrow, but it's quite painfull for some reasons, so I thought if I could skip it.10:52
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bbrazilnambis: you might need to tweak /etc/fstab. You will need to run 'grub --install' iirc10:52
kevorIS there a list of keyboard shortcuts and combo's to use with XGL?10:52
bbrazilhabeeb: it's pointless if you don't know the server details10:52
stefgstrabes: better aske in #kubuntu10:53
strabeskevor: the keyboard shortcuts are set through beryl, not xgl.10:53
bbrazilhabeeb: and it probably won't work from home anyway10:53
=== daltocli [n=daltocli@5ac3b241.bb.sky.com] has joined #ubuntu
strabesstefg: already did =\ nobody is ever in tehre10:53
kevorstrabes: where can i find them?10:53
s0nixSamba bug ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2072010:53
kevorwhat happened to compiz? :D10:53
strabeskevor: in beryl-manager ?10:53
=== stefg wonders about the popularity of KDE
bbrazils0nix: looks like it. Please file it at http://launchpad.net10:53
=== chris__ [n=chris@pool-71-108-122-125.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
habeebbbrazil: it works from home, I've been checking these emails for some time using Outlook (which was pre-configured for that email (forgot to copy the info, lame)), but now that I switched my laptop to Ubuntu...10:54
chris__how can i force my system 2 crash?10:54
bbrazilhabeeb: then copy the imap/pop3 settings over10:54
=== FelipE_ [n=rodrigo@127-226-90.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
jul1609Some of you might have seen me (too much) on this room. I've just redone an install of Feisty and solved each and every of my problems, including sound issues, videocard, beryl... But I know someday I would have to reinstall it all and I don't want to lose the work I've done (thnks in big part to your most valuable help), and the only to do that that I can think of is by building an ISO then burning a bootable DVD. Do any of you kno10:54
cor1why would you wamnt to10:54
strabeschris__: sudo rm -rf /10:54
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DShepherdchris__: lol10:54
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ompaulchris__, you can't unless you do something stupid or unplug it10:54
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chris__im on a laptop so unplugging does nothing :D10:54
ompaulthe latter is not just stupid it is very stupid10:54
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bbrazilstrabes: please don't mention that command in this channel10:54
ompaulchris__, drop the battery and risk the hardware10:55
bbrazilstrabes: also, that it not likely to cause the system to crash :)10:55
DShepherdchris__: it depends on what type of crash you want..10:55
chris__strabes, i don't wanna delete it......, i just wanna crash it :D10:55
wimdows_bbrazil - sorry for the late reply - was AFK, I'm using mdadm as described here: http://bfish.xaedalus.net/?p=18810:55
strabesbbrazil: he did ask how to crash his system, did he not?10:55
chris__i just want 2 crash, i don't care what kind XD10:55
=== VincentMX [n=Vincent@c53750220.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
cor1i am running liinux on the crapiest computer you could find from like 98 and it still runs great10:55
stefg!backup | jul160910:55
ubotujul1609: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:55
ompaulstrabes, ever mention it again and you are banned further disucssion about it same result others kick you for it10:55
=== Marverick [n=M@201-40-57-97.cbace700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
wulaxx1nn: what happens when it crashes?10:55
jul1609stefg: ty10:55
strabesok geez10:56
x1nnwulax unresponsive10:56
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nambisbbrazil... yea, ok thanks!  i have'nt ever touched fstab before buit have read about it... had some trouble earlier this morn with pqparted (can't unmount drives dangit) and couldn't find that file... can you suggest a guide or something taht coudl walk me throught hte process?10:56
ZjoskeSynaptic installs both mySQL 4 and 5, i only want to use 4 how do i have to work with that version only???10:56
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Possumchris__, you can try an endless loop of forks ("forkbomb")... don't ask me for details on that though10:56
habeebbbrazil: as I said, I forgot to copy them, and I formatted.10:56
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kernel288got a question guys. i want to install gedit-2.18.0.tar.gz. I write  sudo apt-get install gedit-2.18.0.tar.gz but it says it cant find it. so whats wrong?10:56
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bbrazilhabeeb: wait til the morning then10:56
chris__strabes, i asked how 2 crash, not how 2 full a newb into deleting his whole hd.......10:56
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bbrazilnambis: depends. does the fstab contain lines like UUID=435435ab45?10:57
chris__know where i can get a "forkbomb"10:57
wulaxx1nn: next time it crashes, try booting with the dektop CD, mount the hard disk and read+post /var/log/messages and similar10:57
nambisdoh, just saw the bot gave some links, i'll heck those10:57
nambisumm..hol;d on10:57
strabeschris__: i was kidding. probably should have said something after to that effect...10:57
Zjoskekernel288: tried sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get install gedit?10:57
stefg!software | kernel28810:57
kernel288no i didnt10:57
ubotukernel288: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:57
Possumchris__, `rm -rf /` won't delete you're whole harddrive... wants it removes itself it will stop :P10:57
kernel288but i try now10:57
strabeschris__: I would never actually tell somebody to do that10:57
SeveasPossum, nope, since it's in memory it can continue10:57
chris__Possum, how much of the hd would be gone though?10:57
chris__would it still boot LMAO10:58
=== isthatall [n=isthatal@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nambisbbrazil, yea it does, e.g.: # /dev/sda810:58
nambisUUID=30bb4ca4-5798-4c1c-b1d2-95525906cc11 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       110:58
bbrazilPossum: no actually. It'll stay cached in memory. I'd suggest a good read of how inodes work10:58
SeveasPossum, it'll leave a few things in /proc and /sys10:58
Seveasnothing useful though10:58
strabeschris__: it would be messy.10:58
bbrazilnambis: should Just Work (tm) then10:58
ompaulchris__, you are not going to be in this channel we help people make not break thanks10:58
PossumSeveas, really? I've talked to people who have done it... it doesn't destroy the system completely10:58
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SeveasPossum, I tried it in january. Thrashed the lot :)10:58
x1nnwulax: thanks I'll start there10:58
strabeslook at this hullaballoo that I've created10:58
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strabesi'm sorry10:59
johanbrchris__: Why do you want to crash you\r system?10:59
chris__ompaul, but i am working for my computer degrees, if i am fix a screwed up system that keeps crashing then i know how if i ever run into that again10:59
wimdows_hi guys - would be glad if you can help me with fixing my RAID 5 array; it disappears after a reboot10:59
Possumchris__, you should ask some C or C++ programmers about writing a forkbomb loop... I don't actually know how to do it :P10:59
bbrazilSeveas: hmm. rm needs a -x option :)10:59
jul1609stefg: will it only backup my documents and data or also the work I've done? I've worked a lot on my /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:59
ompaulchris__, not how the world works10:59
nambisreally??? ok well ima try it then... if it works i'll be right back10:59
PossumSeveas, Wow, how bout that :)10:59
wulaxx1nn: or if you have another computer you could SSH into the crashed one10:59
wulaxx1nn: perhaps anyway10:59
Seveasbbrazil, I wrote a -x for killall5, won't write one for rm :p10:59
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strabeschris__: If you want to crash your system why don't you just boot into windows and browse around some warez sites on IE6 for about 1 minute10:59
chris__i want to crash my system because i am wondering how my system would act if it had crashed on linux..., i know about the windows blue screen of death :), does linux have one?10:59
ompaulchris__, read how file systems work it will keep you out of trouble for a few hours11:00
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Possumchris__, but it would be something along the lines of "while (1) { fork(); };"11:00
stefgjul1609: so back it up... it's not that large...11:00
x1nnwulax: my laptop with ubuntu only is my only machine right now :(11:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:00
kernel288ok, i tried first updating think, second apt-get install gedit. It says its already up to date. Didnt work. So what exactly do i have to write when i want to isntall it ? Im new to ubuntu so it a exact explenation would be nice. thanks.11:00
SeveasPossum, skip the final ';'11:00
starzare we missing the bot?11:00
starzah just laggy eh11:00
bbrazilwimdows_: disappears?11:00
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PossumSeveas, heh, I don't write C ;)11:00
jul1609stefg: right on. Thx11:00
kevorstrabes: there's no beryl installed on my system, are you sure beryl is doing the grafic thingies?11:00
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starzo: its Seveas !!!11:00
bbrazilwimdows_: do you mean it isn't mounted on boot?11:00
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strabeskevor: do you have a composite desktop manager or not?11:01
ompaulchris__, when a linux system crashes it may not be possible - it has a lot of protection in journaling and the like so please read the pm I am bout to use11:01
=== greg__ [n=greg@LNeuilly-152-22-96-178.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
`m0Hello, how do we change computer name ?11:01
starzanything interesting planned Seveas ?11:01
jrib!hostname > `m0 (see the private message from ubotu)11:01
wimdows_bbrazil - yep - it does an fsck and moans about the filesystem, even when I try to remount, I run into problems11:01
Seveas`m0, edit /etc/hostname11:01
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents11:01
Seveasstarz, lots :)11:01
starzalso i was wondering do you know how much bw the medubuntu repo uses? i was thinking of providing one :)11:01
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starzSeveas, how much is lots?11:01
starz / month11:01
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bbrazilwimdows_: hmm. What does the fsck complain about?11:01
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denndaHi all. I tried to encrypt my system using cryptsetup. After i had completed the installation my systam hangs on boot. Last message. "Time: acpi_pm clocksource has been installed" Any ideas?11:01
starzlow/avg/peak ??11:01
x1nnwulax: weird, it seems that the os is unresponsive now but xchat is running okay11:01
`m0Thanks :)11:01
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Seveasstarz, don't know about medibuntu but ubuntu-seveas uses 90G/month per mirror11:02
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wimdows_bbrazil: specifically this error - EXT3-fs error (device md0): ext3_check_descriptors: Block bitmap for group 880 not in group (block 0)11:02
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=== Zjoske migrates back to windows... sorry guys... i'm a fool i know, but a lot of things don't work here that always have worked on windows... see you later
jribSeveas: is sudo setup to no longer care about the hostname in /etc/hosts?11:02
starzyou got em on gbit or what lol11:02
starzb/c thats almost a full 100mbits right there.. lol11:02
bbrazilwimdows_: any mdadm erros for that md?11:02
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Seveasjrib, -ECLUE, a reboot after editing /etc/hostname may be required11:02
starz90 gigs?11:02
bbrazilwimdows_: also, any disk problems in dmesg?11:03
starznot 90 TB ?11:03
=== wimdows [n=wim@host81-159-150-171.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Sergohello, why when i want to install an program the aptitude want to insert the festy in cd-rom11:03
strabestell steve we said hi11:03
Sergoi want to avoid this if is possible!11:03
Seveasstarz, fortunately not :)11:03
kevorCan anyone tell me where the compiz shortcuts can be found/11:03
starzthen um11:03
wulaxx1nn: strange... if you can open a terminal type "dmesg | tail" and check if there are any errors11:03
wimdows_bbrazil - not really, mdadm --detail --scan gives me: ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid5 num-devices=4 UUID=fd0f3d7b:78a37851:2e29483d:f114274d11:03
strabesSergo: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and delete lines mentioning the CD11:03
starzhow permenant do mirrors need to be?11:03
DShepherdSergo: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list. and comment out the lines that refer to your cd11:03
starzis a 1 year lease good enough?11:03
Sergothanks a lot11:03
starzperhaps buy the domain seperate....11:03
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starzi'll hit u up about this again in a few weeks... unless you wanna show me one time how to set something up to mirror stuff.. also does it need to not be in usa11:04
Aar0n444What's the fastest way of setting up a LAMP with phpMyAdmin?11:04
Aar0n444No GUI needed11:04
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MunksgaardCan anyone tell me why i can't seem to find FileZilla in Synaptic?11:04
`m0hi is there a way to copy the *Exact theme of username1 to username2?11:04
bbrazilwimdows_: how about mdadm -D --scan -v11:04
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SergoMunksgaard, maybe you need to sudo aptitude update !11:05
cute_bettongdoes anyone know where streamtunner stores it's files that you record?11:05
wimdows_bbrazil - dmesg displays the following: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20723/11:05
jrib`m0: what do you mean by "theme"?  the actual theme for the windows or something else?11:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filezilla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:05
`m0jrib, windows / icons / beryl / etc11:05
Slart!info filezilla11:05
ubotufilezilla: Port of the famous Win32 graphical FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0~beta7-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 763 kB, installed size 1980 kB11:05
kernel288Excuse me. I write  sudo apt-get install gedit-2.18.0.tar.gz but it always says  E: Couldn't find package11:05
wimdows_bbrazil: mdadm -D etc., gives me: ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid5 num-devices=4 UUID=fd0f3d7b:78a37851:2e29483d:f114274d11:05
wimdows_   devices=/dev/hde,/dev/hdg,/dev/hdi,/dev/hdk11:05
SlartMunksgaard: have you enabled universe in software sources?11:06
wimdows_which is correct11:06
DShepherdAar0n444: not sure if this will help ... but check out this link http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_debian_lamp_server11:06
CodenameKTkernel288: sudo apt-get install gedit11:06
kernel288it says same11:06
Aar0n444Thanks DSheperrd11:06
DShepherdAar0n444: your welcome11:06
kevorstrabes: missed your question, i've just clicked "Enable desktop effects" from the menu. Thought that was compiz.. but dno all the shortcuts.11:06
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wimdows_bbrazil, is it worth pastebinning my mdadm.conf?11:06
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kernel288if gedit or gedit-2.18.0 , its even E couldnt find11:06
jrib`m0: well theme stuff is in ~/.themes/ and icon stuff is ~/.icons/ .  beryl themes I'm not sure but I imagine a '.' directory with "beryl" or "emerald".  The place where the theme is chosen is stored as some gconf key11:06
bbrazilwimdows_: no, but I want the output with -v11:06
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cute_bettongjoin #streamtuner11:06
wimdows_bbrazil, that is the output with -v11:06
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=== randomwalker [n=me@cpe-70-112-189-176.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
`m0jrib: thanks, I will take a look att those11:07
Gladiator-TRpardon yaa yanl olduu :))11:07
bbrazilwimdows_: odd, I get a lot more output.11:07
randomwalkeri can't change the keyboard shortcut for anything to Windows-key+something11:07
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randomwalkeras soon as i press the windows key it detects it as "super-l"11:07
CodenameKTkernel288: it should be there either check ur /etc/apt/sources.list or do an apt-get update11:07
wimdows_bbrazil - that's all I get when issuing: ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid5 num-devices=4 UUID=fd0f3d7b:78a37851:2e29483d:f114274d11:07
wimdows_   devices=/dev/hde,/dev/hdg,/dev/hdi,/dev/hdk11:07
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randomwalkerand i can't press another key in combination with it11:08
bbrazilwimdows_: I'm going to assume you're just got a bad filesystem. You can either reformat it, or try to get fsck to fix it11:08
randomwalkercan someone help me with this?11:08
jribrandomwalker: you can edit it manually using gconf-editor and set it to <super>k   (for windows key + letter k)11:08
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kernel288already did the update, a mod told me before. im going to check the other thing u told me11:08
CodenameKTkernel288: be careful11:08
wimdows_bbrazil, does it matter that these drives are connected to a HighPoint RocketRaid 454 card?11:08
kernel288well.. im a noob with ubuntu. With what shall i be careful?11:09
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CodenameKTkernel288: do not remove any lines just comment (#) or uncomment lines11:09
felizhelp with apache2 pls!11:09
kernel288i c11:09
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bruenigfelipe, #apache11:09
randomwalkerjrib: that worked, thanks!11:09
bruenigfeliz, #apache11:09
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bbrazilwimdows_: probably not11:09
randomwalkerjrib: do you know if there's a way to do it from the normal ui, though?11:10
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wimdows_bbrazil - I went through this tutorial here: http://bfish.xaedalus.net/?p=188 - and it worked fine, but after 1 reboot, it all went to pieces11:10
bbrazilwimdows_: if memory serves, that's a fakeraid11:10
wimdows_bbrazil - correct11:10
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=== felipe waves to bruenig
bbrazilwimdows_: the tutorial looks grand11:10
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ffhanyone have some guidance for feisty fawn when you see your wireless networks.. see the signal strength but just cant connect to one even if its open without encryption and have follow the tutorials?11:10
CodenameKTI am having problems with my usb sata drive being detected. Is there a package specific for this?11:10
wimdows_bbrazil - yep tutorial is great11:10
felipemissed tab completions are a great way to get to know new people. :))11:10
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kernel288God damn. It anything wont work for me. Do you have any noob guid in which is everything told in simple steps??11:10
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strabeskevor: ask in #ubuntu-effects11:11
wimdows_bbrazil - so can I simply run fsck on it now?11:11
bbrazilwimdows_: probably11:11
wimdows_how do I do that without mounting?11:11
jsizzlegreets, anyone using a linux ipaq with fiesty?11:11
jribrandomwalker: I don't know of a way11:11
KiloHertzOkay question how do I find the BUSID. of my graphic cards?11:11
bbrazilwimdows_: you rarely run fsck while mouted. fsck /dev/md011:11
randomwalkerjrib: ok, no prob thanks11:11
kevingcrimsondoes anybody know how to install beryl with an onboard video card11:11
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jsizzleKiloHertz: lspci11:11
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wimdowsbbrazil - ah ok , will try that11:12
bbrazilwimdows_: you may want to do some burnin tests against md0 to verufy that it's working correctly11:12
The_PHP_Jedihey guys. Has anyone used clonezilla or knows how to use clonezilla?11:12
jsizzle!beryl | kevingcrimson11:12
Killuxhow can I remove madwifi that ubuntu includes11:12
ubotukevingcrimson: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:12
CodenameKTkevingcrimson: I believe the only onboard it works with besides nvidia or ati is an intel chip11:12
Caramba_bbrazil: bashpodder works like a charm. Just what I was looking for!11:12
KiloHertzokay question. In the lspci. It shows on of my cards as 01:00.0 in my xorg.conf sould i put the busid as 1:00.0 ?11:12
kevingcrimsonok, thankU11:12
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MikeReinerno sleeeeeep11:13
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=== The_PHP_Jedi gives MikeReiner some more caffeine
wimdowsbbrazil - "Group descriptors look bad ...trying backup blocks..." Resize inode not valid. Recreate? <y>11:13
KiloHertzokay question. In the lspci. It shows on of my cards as 01:00.0 in my xorg.conf should i put the BUSID for that card as 1:00.0 ?11:13
Aar0n444Can someone please help me with my laptop's WiFi card? With Ubuntu 6.06 I used this small mod to make it work, but it any newer version the mod doesn't work. The mod was http://preview.tinyurl.com/2xve5811:13
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=== MikeReiner 's head explodes from caffine overdose
jsizzleKiloHertz: ever heard of occam's razor?11:14
kernel288Any mod of you told me to  /etc/apt/sources.lis     but it says the permisson is denied for me altough i am the root.11:14
eAican anyone tell me how to set up dual monitors to work in ubuntu?11:14
The_PHP_JediHas anyone used clonezilla before?11:14
KiloHertzjsizzle no11:14
CodenameKTkernel288: u hafta use sudo11:14
KiloHertzeAi I am trying to get mine working right now to11:14
kernel288i already worte sudo su and became root11:14
The_PHP_JediI want three monitors, hehe11:14
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bbrazilwimdows: y generally11:14
eAiI'd like it to work like windows does - extended dekstop11:14
jsizzleKiloHertz: it states the simplest solution to a problem is more than likely to be the solution in any situation11:14
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bbrazilwimdows: unless you know a hell of a lot about ext211:14
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The_PHP_Jediberyl + three monitors = heaven11:15
jsizzleKiloHertz: would have been funnier if I didn't have to explain it11:15
CodenameKTI have a 46" hdtv with hdmi to dvi and a 15" setup right now11:15
wimdowsbbrazil - ok - Y it was! ;-) output of fsck here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20724/11:15
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ianm_The_PHP_Jedi: sounds cool.  maybe youtube it ? :)11:15
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bbrazilwimdows: keep on running fsck until there are no errors11:15
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kevingcrimsongreetings from Argentina, see you soon. Thanks.11:15
bbrazilwimdows: did you shutdown uncleanly?11:15
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The_PHP_Jediianm: I'm dreaming..11:16
aboyousifhello guys did anyone build a deb for latest libfribidi on fiesty ?11:16
CodenameKTcan u beryl three monitors?\11:16
The_PHP_JediI wish I had 3 monitors11:16
wimdowsbbrazil - nope shutdown cleanly, straightforward reboot11:16
bbrazilwimdows: hmm, that's not good11:16
The_PHP_JediI suppose CodenameKT, you can use beryl w/ 2 monitors, so why not11:16
CodenameKTI can't even beryl my tv cause of the custom modeline11:16
Niklas_Ecan you install thunderbird 2 i ubuntu 7.0.4 (maybe with apt-get or something?)11:16
wimdowsbbrazil - can now mount successfully tho11:16
bbrazilwimdows: reboot, see if it happens again11:16
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eAiNiklas_E: yes11:17
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wimdowsbbrazil - ok, I'm just worried the HighPoint RocketRaid BIOS thing does something to it that screws it up...11:17
bbrazilwimdows: if it does, you'll probably want to turn off write-caching at the raid card level11:17
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wimdowsbbrazil - ah ok, cool11:17
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bbrazilwimdows: also check what the raid card thinks of the drives11:18
CodenameKTeAi: what kinda setup u got is it a dual vga output card or two cards on same size monitors or what?11:18
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bbrazilwimdows: backups are also good11:18
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wimdowsbbrazil I configured them before in RAID 5 on Windows 200311:18
eAidual vga output laptop CodenameKT, different sizes (1280x1024 and 1280x800)11:18
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wimdowsso it still thinks they're RAID 5....11:18
f0rtuneare there any packages i need to burn to a dvd-r?11:18
MikeReinerDun dun dun.....~11:18
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mcscrufflo all, i installed a kde app, but when i do file-open it says "cannot talk to klauncher" how can i fix this11:18
bbrazilwimdows: aaaah11:19
wimdowsbbrazil - maybe I should configure it as JBOD?11:19
CodenameKTeAi: what kind of card?11:19
bbrazilwimdows: no, don't do that11:19
KiloHertzi type lspci and it gives me 1:00.0. But in my xorg.conf I put the busid as that and X won't start. am I doing something wrong "BusID   "1:00.1"11:19
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eAiCodenameKT: X60011:19
bbrazilwimdows: configure them as seperate disks11:19
Chris_SwiftAnyone here knows how to get Cedega to work?11:19
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wimdowsbbrazil - ah, so disable the RAID 5 array on the card?11:19
bbrazilwimdows: jbod is raid0 without striping, not good11:19
eAiChris, I installed wine the other day and it was easy11:20
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f0rtuneare there any packages i need to burn to a dvd-r?11:20
eAiisn't Cedega?11:20
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The_PHP_Jedino f0rtune11:20
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The_PHP_Jedijust use GnomeBaker11:20
Chris_SwifteAi: Cedega has d3d support whereas Wine doesn't11:20
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The_PHP_Jedior a similar app11:20
x1nnI'm logging in after crash, i've got /var/log/messages file, I'd love some help making sense of it....11:20
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eAiChris_Swift, I've had no issues with Wine's 3d support - its got considerably better over the last month or two - I ran quite a few games under it11:20
eAiChris_Swift, so my answer is no, but maybe try wine :)11:21
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MikeReinerHey, could I use the package manager to download KDE and then switch between gnome and KDE whenver I want through the login screen?11:21
Chris_Swiftok, but how would I get Xfire to work properly on Wine?11:21
jribMikeReiner: yes11:21
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jrib!kde > MikeReiner (see the private message from ubotu)11:21
jsizzleKiloHertz:         BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"11:21
MikeReinerjrib: w00t11:21
eAiChris_Swift, acording to the wine site it works fine "Gold"11:21
MikeReinerjrib: already downloading it through the synaptic package manager, sa'll good11:22
bbrazilnon|inear: ask your questions in here11:22
eAiChris_Swift, I think you just need to copy a font from windows to get it to work11:22
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KiloHertzi type lspci and it gives me 1:00.0. But in my xorg.conf I put the busid as that and X won't start. am I doing something wrong "BusID   "1:00.1"11:22
jsizzledoes anyone have an ipaq running linux connected to an ubuntu box? I used to be able to network my ipaq in edgy but no go in feisty11:22
Killuxhow can I remove madwifi that ubuntu includes11:22
wulaxx1nn: copy&paste to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11:22
jsizzleKiloHertz: I gave you the answer11:23
wulaxx1nn: and post the resulting link here11:23
KiloHertzYou did where?11:23
Chris_SwifteAi, well the website can't be running the same machine as I. It signs in with the correct fonts but it just crashes...11:23
jsizzleKiloHertz:         BusID           "PCI:1:0:1"11:23
Aar0n444How can I get this kernal mod working in any version of Ubuntu >6.06 http://guillermoesteves.com/blog/2006/06/08/how-to-get-a-d-link-dwl-g650-wi-fi-adapter-to-work-in-ubuntu-linux-6-0611:23
KiloHertzoh okay thx11:23
jsizzleKiloHertz: there it is again11:23
x1nnwulax: kk11:23
jsizzleKiloHertz: np11:23
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eAiChris_Swift: I'll have a test, what font did you need?11:23
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KiloHertzbut why "PCI:1:0:1"11:24
KiloHertzit shows up as "1.00.0"11:24
jsizzleKiloHertz: then use PCI:1:0:011:24
KiloHertzlet me try that11:24
KiloHertzhopefully it won't break it again11:24
jsizzleknock yourself out11:24
Chris_SwifteAi, I have the correct fonts. I can't sign in though11:25
Chris_Swiftwhen I click on it the system "beeps"11:25
Chris_SwiftXfire that is11:25
jsizzleKillux: add bcm43xx to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:25
peterpHello all, I just got this error message off the nvidia-bug-report tool. can anyone make head or tail of it? (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)11:25
jsizzleKillux: then reboot to take effect11:25
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Killuxjsizzle: what will that do?11:25
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eAiChris_Swift: I assume you have the latest Wine? 37?11:26
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sambiasesorry..im new to linux...what is the command to remove a dir that is not empty?11:26
The_PHP_Jedirmdir ?11:26
eAirm -r I think11:26
jsizzleKillux: blacklisted modules are prevented from loading. you wanted to get rid of the broadcom driver ubuntu ships with, thats it11:26
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Killuxim trying to get rid of madwifi11:26
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Killuxnot the broadcom driver11:26
sambiasethanksssssssss...it was rm -r11:26
misnixsambiase, rm -rf11:26
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peterpCan anyone help with this error message please?? (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)11:28
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eAiChris_Swift, I just installed XFire and it worked fine11:28
leetwankeris there a way to keep a process running? ie. automatically restart it if it dies?11:28
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eAiChris_Swift: Logged me in etc11:28
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Chris_SwifteAi, hmm, okay, I just tried to run Cedega and then my X server crashed11:28
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Killuxjsizzle: ^^11:28
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jsizzleKillux: sudo dpkg --remove linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic11:28
eAiChris_Swift: do you have the latest .37 version of wine?11:29
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Chris_Swiftlatest version, yes11:29
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lucky_could not connect to /dev/video0. my webcam isn't showing up. anyone got a hunch why?11:29
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eAiChris_Swift, sure its the latest? The version on the ubuntu system is not the latest (unless you've manually added a repository)11:29
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drone4fourdo I have an alternative filemanager app so i don't have to use Nautilus?11:29
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Killuxjsizzle: wont that remove some modules i might need?11:30
wimdowsbbrazil - right, same problem after reboot, it starts a recovery bash shell, however when exiting the shell, I am now back into Gnome, and the device is mounted and usable11:30
Chris_SwifteAi, I used the Ubuntu default resp.11:30
jsizzleKillux: the safer way is to find all the madwifi modules and blacklist them11:30
eAiChris_Swift: what version does winecfg say it is?11:30
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:30
magnetronlucky_: with that short description, no11:30
rdvonthis has to be the best release of ubuntu i've seen.11:30
eAidrone4four, tried Add/Remove programs in the Applications menu?11:30
Killuxjsizzle: yes but then when i install from source they will still be blocked11:30
Chris_SwifteAi, Can't find wine cfg.11:30
Killuxill have 2 of the same modules11:30
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Killuxwhich will it load11:31
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drone4foureAi, yes11:31
yell0whey folks, how can i change the number of last documents in gedit ?11:31
eAiChris_Swift: typed "winecfg" at the command line?11:31
jsizzleKillux: when you install the madwifi source it deletes existing madwifi modules if you want it to11:31
lucky_magnetron, well i didn't want to post a page of data on here.11:31
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Killuxok then i just install from source again11:31
Killuxwell not again11:31
rdvonim trying the restricted driver ati card right now, then im going to get xgl up and running.11:31
jsizzleKillux: yep11:31
magnetronlucky_: we all like pastebin11:31
Rab22hello everyone11:31
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rdvonis there anything i should do befroe hand?11:32
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lucky_magnetron, the spca5xx driver is installed and its just not showing up11:32
Chris_SwifteAi, Wine 0.9.3311:32
jsizzlerdvon: pray11:32
eAiyeah thats old then11:32
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magnetronlucky_: don't ask me, please direct your question to the channel11:32
rdvonreally? i got it working on suse 10.2.... than.... it  er...11:32
Chris_Swiftcurrent wine resp?11:32
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eAione sec11:32
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Chris_Swiftok thanks11:33
rdvonbut i want xgl :'(11:33
yell0whey folks, how can i change the number of last documents in gedit ?11:33
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rdvonwhat do you mean?11:33
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eAiChris_Swift: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -11:33
Chris_SwiftTerminal command right?11:33
eAiChris_Swift: then11:33
eAisudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/feisty.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list11:33
rdvonis the ati card really that that bad?11:33
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usser_rdvon: yep11:34
usser_rdvon: horrible11:34
rdvondarn it....11:34
eAiChris_Swift: then just run the system update and it should work I think11:34
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rdvonwats the worst the ati driver could do?11:34
Chris_SwifteAi, ok thanks11:34
cute_bettongok anyone know where streamripper puts it files...you know for the musica you record?11:34
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eAiChris_Swift: its explained in http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb11:34
rdvonhas anyone really tried it?11:34
eAiChris_Swift: XFire certainly worked fine here, just downloaded it straight from their site and ran the installer and it worked perfectly11:35
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usser_rdvon: with beryl and xgl mine crashes average of three times per 10 minutes, plus theres apparently some memory leaks in xgl so its memory footprint grows to be 500 megs over a couple of hours so there11:35
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rdvonthats bad.11:35
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f0rtuneIm trying to burn the DVD image of ubuntu but i keep getting this error-There was an error writing to the disc:11:35
f0rtuneUnhandled error, aborting, anyone know why?11:35
rdvonhow do i restart the xserver again?11:35
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usser_rdvon: ctrl+alt+bakcspace11:35
rdvonyaya that11:35
Yggdrasilgentlmen and ladies , u may now bask in my glory!11:36
rdvonum... seeya :D11:36
usser_Yggdrasil: and who are u?11:36
Robert98374Hello Everyone11:36
eAiGod, I assume11:36
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Yggdrasili am tggdrasil11:36
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eAihello Robert11:36
Robert98374who here runs XFCE?11:36
usser_eAi: damn =)11:36
Rab22hello Robert9837411:36
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Yggdrasilehm yggdrasil11:36
usser_Yggdrasil: no u re not11:37
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usser_Yggdrasil: awww i was to late11:37
eAithis channel is really too big, someone should split it up11:37
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riddleboxdoes anyone have a problem with beryl no showing the titlebar in firefox?11:37
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[D] ersop:o my lord11:37
[D] ersopxD11:37
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eAiriddlebox: no, but I've seen that mentioned elsewhere11:37
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f0rtuneIm trying to burn the DVD image of ubuntu but i keep getting this error-There was an error writing to the disc: anyone know why?11:37
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imrazorriddlebox: Just firefox, or everything?11:38
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riddleboximrazor, just firefox11:38
f0rtuneIm trying to burn the DVD image of ubuntu but i keep getting this error-There was an error writing to the disc: There was an error writing to the disc:11:38
f0rtuneUnhandled error, aborting, anyone know why***?11:38
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imrazorriddlebox: No sorry...if it were all titlebars I know a fix, but not just firefox.11:38
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rdvonhey guys, can i tell you something really quickly?11:38
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usser_rdvon: shoot11:38
jsizzlef0rtune: md5sum the iso11:38
rdvonubuntu rules.11:38
stefgf0rtune: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/8643111:38
c01100011is the starting up . . . screen generated by grub or windows ?11:39
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Rab22rdvon: agreed11:39
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eAiubuntu I'd assume11:39
usser_rdvon: so beryl works huh?11:39
eAigrub is just the bootloader11:39
rdvonnah. havent tried it yet11:39
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rdvonbut im sick of windows ;D11:39
eAiit only does up to showing you a choice of OSes11:39
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jsizzlelinux != beryl11:39
c01100011eAi, but the same text is displayed when booting into ubuntu11:39
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Nozz1Hey everybody... i got a small problem... read a very very big problem11:40
c01100011only momenterally as X cuts in11:40
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jimmy_hey i'm trying to uninstall gaim to install pidgin, but it says i have to remove ubuntu-desktop? is that safe?11:40
rdvonoh and the drivers are actually working without the need for a complete reinstall (which always happened in dapper drake)11:40
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wulaxjimmy_: yes11:40
magnetronjimmy_: it is11:40
DShepherdjimmy_: you dont need to unistall gaim..11:40
inkleinI'm trying to make my install as small as possible-- is it safe to remove /usr/share/doc?11:40
jsizzle!ubuntu-desktop | jimmy_11:40
ubotujimmy_: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.11:40
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CodenameKTi got a problem with my usb sata drive being spotted is there a package i need to get?11:41
DShepherdjimmy_: gaim and pidgin can co-exist safely..11:41
Nozz1I cannot restore my windows xp MBR and install a new copy of windows on my machine11:41
rdvonso i just install beryl from synaptic and it tells me what else i need right?11:41
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usser_Nozz1: boot up win cd recovery console, and type in fixmbr11:41
rdvonso no need to install xgl?11:41
Nozz1usser_: i have already tried that11:41
usser_rdvon: u still need xgl11:42
Nozz1doesnt work11:42
rdvonwell... it installs with it.11:42
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rdvoni need inkscape too.11:42
audioguydeutsche user hier?11:42
jimmy_DShepherd, but i can't update pidgin without removing game through synaptic it give me an error11:42
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void^!de > audioguy11:42
FaintofheartsI'm trying to install Wine on my laptop that is running 7.04, but I can't find the package using apt-get and libwine won't install using Synaptic. Anyone think they can help me?11:42
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audioguysorry void?11:43
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riddleboximrazor, whats the fix for no title bars at all11:43
usser_Faintofhearts: u want wine?11:43
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FaintofheartsI want Wine11:43
Yahoaodamdoes anyone know a good irc channel to get linux scripting help ?11:43
imrazorriddlebox: are you using nvidia?11:43
usser_Faintofhearts: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb11:43
DShepherdjimmy_: www.getdeb.net has a deb there...11:43
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imrazorimrazor: doesn't apply to you then.11:43
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gilshow can i prevent Gnomebaker from adding hidden folders by default?11:43
rdvonanyone know of any really good gfx programs besides gimp blender and inkscape?11:43
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jpjacobsYahoaodam, i would guess #bash11:44
usser_rdvon: i strongly suggest u stop, its not worth it11:44
jimmy_DShepherd, yeah thatsthe one i downloaded, but now synapitic says theres an update11:44
imrazorriddlebox: doesn't apply to you then.11:44
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rdvonusser_: what?11:44
rdvonoh getting beryl11:44
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usser_rdvon: beryl with ati11:44
Yahoaodamjpjacobs - thx11:44
Nozz1usser_: I have written you in private if it\s ok11:44
jpjacobsrdvon, imagemagick (great when used in scripts, and from CLI)11:44
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rdvonim sry changes applied11:44
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gilsanyone? help with gnomebaker11:44
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DShepherdrdvon: xara?11:44
usser_Nozz1: i wouldnt know much about your issue11:45
x1nnokay I posted the log file @ paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20726/11:45
DShepherdjimmy_: whatever you do.. make sure you reinstall ubuntu-desktop....11:45
Paddy_EIREhow do I share files between 2 laptops connected to a wireless router which is connected to my broadband router11:45
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gilsgnomebaker anyone?11:45
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:46
rdvonanyone know the repos for ubuntu studio?11:46
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ttjlEasy question-where is best for my music folder?11:46
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JowiPaddy_EIRE, you have plenty of options. ftp, ssh, samba or nfs11:46
usser_ttjl: on a separate harddrive11:46
dmhousettjl: ~/music?11:46
TheAberrantttjl: For me I made a separate partition called /data for my music/movies11:46
jpjacobsgils, i guess not having those folders there11:46
Paddy_EIREJowi, errrr, not sure which to use both laptops are running feisty11:46
gilsi have asked already, nobody answered. i want to know how to prevent gnomebaker from adding hidden files by default11:46
ttjlUntil i set up a new partition should it just be in Home folder?11:46
dmhouseHow easy is it to put /home on a seperate partition?11:47
cjaeyou know how xchat for ubuntu goes straight to #ubuntu how do I make do that for #whatever11:47
dmhouseIt's something I should really do.11:47
usser_ttjl: thats the only place to put it actually =)11:47
gilsjpjacobs: what kind of an answer is that?11:47
ttjlok thanks!11:47
silokohi I just installed Conky, which is cool, but it doesn't detect my CPU temp, any ideas how I can sort this?11:47
jpjacobsgils, what are you trying anyway? burn a whole folder to a CD?11:47
rdvon*turns on beryl11:47
JowiPaddy_EIRE, depends. it is pretty simple to set up an ftp server.11:47
jpjacobsgils, the just copy all visible files to a folder, and burn that one11:47
rdvonoooh the beryl menu11:48
rdvonwobbly windows desktop cube transparent desktop!11:48
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rdvonyes yes yesssssss!11:48
Paddy_EIREJowi, do I need to be running a server11:48
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=== usser_ *nods* tsk tsk
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TheAberrantdmhouse: I saw a tutorial on that on the forums - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome11:48
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dmhouseTheAberrant: great! Just the sort of thing I was looking for.11:48
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jpjacobsgils, just for the record, i've never seen the program, so i don't really know wheter there is an option or not...11:48
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silokoany other conky users out there?11:48
rdvoni just dont get why ppl hate wobbly windows :311:48
stefg!effects | rdvon11:49
uboturdvon: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.11:49
frank_bwhere can I get an ubuntu realplayer package?11:49
JowiPaddy_EIRE, yes.11:49
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gilsjpjacobs: great, thats what you should have said from the begining11:49
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:49
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arocjae, go to File->Network List11:49
jpjacobssiloko, i guess you have to adjust ~/.conkyrc11:49
gilsjpjacobs: selecting individual folders is completely nonsense11:49
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rdvonstefg: sry.11:49
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jpjacobsgils, no problem.11:49
py_geekhey all11:49
Paddy_EIREJowi, I have a tower pc connected via ethernet to the wireless router running windows xp and opensuse11:50
cjaearo,  not rying to ingnore have a prob brb11:50
arocjae, OK11:50
rdvonforgot to get xgl11:50
TheAberrantfrank_b: I think that's an option in Automatix...but I'm not a fan of realplayer at all11:50
wimdowshi - everytime I reboot, I get a recovery bash shell after an fsck on my RAID 5 array, please see: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/20728/11:50
gilsso does anyone have a real suggestion on how to prevent gnomebaker from adding hidden folders11:50
usser_rdvon: its not that easy11:50
arocjae, when you get back go to File->Network List->choose network you want to edit->Edit->then fill in the "Channels to join" box11:50
rdvonusser_:i just went to synaptic11:50
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silokojpjacobs: well the rc file is just reading acpitemp, which I supppose must just be zero . . .11:50
matejmy monitor go to sleep after 1 min..but i havent set this! Why is this happening ?11:51
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rdvondoes everything turn off?11:51
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frank_bstefg, thank you. I only knew the restricted formats link11:51
rdvonthat happened to me matej. but everything like the keyboard and mouse would.11:51
silokojpjacobs: any ideas what I caould change it too . . . I'm on a toshiba laptop11:51
Paddy_EIREJowi, you fancy helping me in my pm chan for a little while11:51
rdvongah! where is my xgl!11:52
rdvongive it to me!11:52
MikeReinerI AM A MEDIEVAL MAN.11:52
jpjacobssiloko, does acpi -t return something sensible?11:52
matejrdvon: hm? I dont get it11:52
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rdvonmatej: nvm it must not be the problem than11:52
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TheAberrantHow can I tell if my ATI driver is working properly?  (crashing when running WoW in Wine, and want to try to get some useful info)11:52
DShepherdmatej: system-preferences-power management and see if something is set there..11:52
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magnetron!effects | rdvon11:52
uboturdvon: For help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.11:52
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silokojpjacobs: no support for device type: thermal, but gives me tha battery charge11:52
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rdvonok ok! ill go to ubuntu effects geez.11:52
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silokojpjacobs: i suppose that's my problem . . .11:53
Paddy_EIREanyone fancy helping me setup a small home network??11:53
jpjacobssiloko, is that an old laptop? that maybe does not yet support thermal?11:53
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stefgfrank_b: there used to be a cmmercial repo from canonical with a realplayer-.deb . but that's for dapper. Personally i'd get w32codecs and use vlc or mplayer11:53
matejDShepherd: in 11! minutes11:53
kyuubiI am install ubuntu but install stop in complety removed packages az-base i get error in console [17181585.464000]   <c02dbce0> do_page_fault+0x0/0x6f0  <c010420f> error_code+0x4f/0x6011:53
aroPaddy_EIRE, pure linux? or linux and windows machines?11:53
kyuubiwhat I do?11:53
silokojpjacobs:  only a year old . . . i'm sure i can get temp in windows, but i can't remeber so long since i booted that partition ;)11:53
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jpjacobskyuubi, did you verify the integrity of your CD?11:54
frank_bstefg, yes, but I want to open a streaming ram file and totem wont do that11:54
cjaearo, what was it now11:54
Paddy_EIREaro, I have a tower pc which could be the server its running dual boot windows xp and opensuse  and I want to access files on the other 2 laptops11:54
rdvoni have a problem. whenever i start my pc it says cannot enable port # maybe usb cable is bad. than my mouse wont start until 20 sec. after my desktop has started. its quite annoying.11:54
jpjacobssiloko, maybe some needed module does not get modprobed by default..11:54
arocjae, when you get back go to File->Network List->choose network you want to edit->Edit->then fill in the "Channels to join" box11:54
Paddy_EIREaro, both laptops are feisty11:54
aroPaddy_EIRE, if you're going to be networking Linux and Windows computers together, you need to use Samba11:54
rdvonno one says anything in the ubuntu-effects page!11:54
aroPaddy_EIRE, otherwise you can use NFS11:54
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aro!nfs > Paddy_EIRE11:55
aro!samba > Paddy_EIRE11:55
arocheck pms11:55
cjaeit is a channel on the ubuntu server aro11:55
silokojpjacobs: I added the two modules lmsensors suggests after running sensor-detect . . . but no luck with them either . . .11:55
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arocjae, select the server that you're connecting to and press the "EDIT" button, then fill in the channels to join11:55
cjaeso do I edit the already existing11:55
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arocjae, in this case it's Freenode11:55
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rdvonyour right usser. xgl/beryl is a mistake11:55
jpjacobssiloko, try sudo modprobe thermal (it's a module i see is loaded here)11:55
usser_rdvon: hows it going11:55
rdvoni just quit11:56
usser_rdvon: did it work?11:56
usser_rdvon: dont11:56
rdvonnah. im too lazy to get it too11:56
usser_rdvon: oh well11:56
rdvonand it already screwed up suse.11:56
usser_its no biggie really11:56
rdvonso i dont want this screwed up.11:56
rdvonnow ill get blender :D11:56
usser_rdvon: it wont i promise11:56
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rdvonblender wont work?11:56
usser_just do sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl11:57
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cjaearo do I separate them with commas11:57
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=== bobstro_ [n=bob@68-116-165-70.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
rdvoni already did that.11:57
arocjae, yes but no spaces11:57
shade8im lost11:57
arrenlexWill hpijs work for HP laser printers as well?11:57
=== MrKeuner [n=kudo@unaffiliated/mrkeuner] has joined #ubuntu
silokojpjacobs: just exits without comment11:57
arocjae, for example: "#ubuntu,#kubuntu,#xubuntu"11:57
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usser_rdvon: and then create a script in /usr/bin11:57
usser_rdvon: beryl-xgl11:57
usser_rdvon: with the following11:57
rdvonyes yes i did that11:57
jpjacobssiloko, and now try the acpistuff (it's normal it doesn't return anything)11:57
usser_rdvon: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa beryl --replace settings11:57
rdvondidnt do that thanks11:58
usser_rdvon: so no luck?11:58
shade8any one here im lost11:58
silokojpjacobs: same deal11:58
shade8dont know where to go to chat11:58
silokojpjacobs: i think thermal was already loaded, i seem to remeber it in a probe listing from earlier11:58
jpjacobssiloko, then i don't really know what's going on, sorry11:58
rdvonusser_: do you want me to screw up my pc ^.^11:58
=== cjae_ [n=cjae@142-165-37-205.estv.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
usser_rdvon: but u still have to run xgl11:58
silokojpjacobs:  ok no worries, thx for trying :)11:58
magnetronshade8: Feel welcome to ask your question11:58
usser_rdvon: it doesnt do anything11:58
=== moDumass [n=chatzill@203-214-74-70.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
rdvonso i write LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa beryl --replace settings in the terminal11:59
usser_rdvon: well u can11:59
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usser_rdvon: but start xgl first11:59
shade8where do i go to chat11:59
rdvoni started beryl first :011:59
=== Lr5_ [n=lr5@dsl-hkigw4-fe35de00-44.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
silokoshade8: mmm here's a good place :)11:59
cjaearo, guess I would have seen that I stopped my mouse over it11:59
cjaearo, thanks11:59
arocjae, get it to work?11:59
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:59
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frank_bTheAberrant, thanks11:59
rdvondoes democracy player work with fiesty fawn yet?12:00
moDumassmorning all, same prob as yesterday, im working away, firefox stops responding, i give it a few mins then xkill it, it wont reopen, im like, 'man' so i restart, then i get to login, immediately after login "GDM could not write to your authorization file"12:00
shade8 is anyone here12:00
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moDumasshelp please12:00
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magnetronrdvon: did you try searching for it in add/remove appliications12:00
shade8help please12:00
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cjaearo,  yep thanks sorry having kb issues and such12:00
magnetron!ask | shade8 moDumass12:00
ubotushade8 moDumass: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:00
rdvonusser_:there is no xcomposite extension...12:00
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rdvonuhh... how do i start xgl again?12:01
shade8where do i go to chat with people12:01
arocjae, np glad it works12:01

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