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ph1zzlehey all12:32
ph1zzleI hope this is a quick question, I need to install php4 on server 7.04 but I am getting a error from apt-get saying that php4 is unavailable but refered to by another source, is there a way to install php4 on ubuntu server 7.04?12:33
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ph1zzleno one knows how I can install php4 on server 7.04 aside from source?01:33
fujinDoes Feisty have Webmin in apt? I can't seem to find it02:06
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ph1zzlefujin, no, I don't think it does, I just did a search on packages.ubuntu.com and could not find it03:12
mralphabetit's not a recommended package03:14
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blmartin777is ubuntu server any different from a debian server?05:36
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blmartin777Is anyone here?02:56
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slackwarelifeHi, I want to know if you are be able to change the ldap password and local passwrd using the gnome-about-me tool. If yes you can post your /etc/pmd/passowrd-common06:05
slackwarelife/etc/pam.d/common-passowrd file, this is the file I need. Thanks06:06
slackwarelifeThe problem is that my enterprise want to change the security policy. For this moment only the local password was changed, but now it had decided to implement a same windows structure (end of passwrd every 30 days, the password must be secure using pam_cracklib and all password must be change - LDAP + Local and othe application).06:11
slackwarelifeFor me the problem is the last request, the ldap + local sincro change, I'm not be able to this at the moment. Any Idea ??? Thanks06:13
Burgundaviahmm, never been able to get it working myself06:13
slackwarelifeI search a lot on net, I found some information. But... When I try only one of the two passwds where change06:14
slackwarelifewhere --> were06:14
slackwarelifeMy enterprise ask to me to not use the shell, only a gui. The users have not the possibility to use the command06:15
slackwarelifeI know, I must insert "pam_password exop" option in the /etc/pam_ldap.conf file. This will be able to syncro the request of passowrd change. It does not seem to happen null 06:21
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slackwarelifeHi, I have now another problem. Why the remember option in password pam_unix.so modules does not work ??? 06:44
slackwarelifethe file /etc/security/opasswd does not change.06:45
slackwarelifeany idea ???06:47
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slackwarelifeI think ubuntu has some problem about setting a good clients, what do you think ??? Thanks06:54
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hansin321My ubuntu server is escaping spaces "\ ".  Is there a way to set it so it does not do this?  I may not have been paying attention, but in the past on some distros I think it may not have done this.08:25
hansin321Or if it always does this, is there a theory as to why it is necessary?  Just curious.  I know Windows does the same thing.  BTW, it only does this from the command prompt when you tab complete, not if you do an ls listing.08:27
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mralphabetit has always escaped spaces for me08:39
hansin321mralphabet: I might not have been paying attention in the past...  Oh well, I'm paying more attention now so I guess that is good.08:41
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fooHm, it'd be cool if ubuntu 6.06 could offer newer php packages, like, 5.2.1 or something (instead of 5.1.2)09:32
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lionelfoo: ask for a backport ?09:53
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foolionel: Hmm, aha, ok. I need to play around with that - thanks10:03
lionelfoo: I have no idea if it is feasable or not. It have to be tested (but by opening a task, some people who are involved in backport will test it)10:05
fooI see10:06
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lucasvoI am wrong or is it impossible to install apache2 & php5 only with supported packages?11:10
lucasvothere's libapache2-php4 but I can't find php511:10
lucasvooh my bad. there is php511:13
lucasvosorry for the trouble11:13
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