
=== mhb [n=martin@ubuntu/member/mhb] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoHobbsee: added an item to the agenda, at mhb's request :)03:15
HobbseeJucato: :)03:15
JucatoHobbsee: there's something I'd like to bring up/ask, but I don't know whether it's KubuntuMeeting material. thought I'd ask in here first03:17
Hobbseethe kmilo?03:17
Jucatoer no. something else :)03:17
jjessehello Hobbsee03:18
Hobbseehiya jjesse03:18
JucatoI was just wondering, because for this release, a lot of users seem to be a bit disappointed that Kubuntu sort of lags behind Ubuntu in terms of new features, namely: restricted manager and the 3d effects thingy03:18
ScottKOTOH, some users (me) are pleased about it.03:19
Jucatowell, I don't mind not having the 3d effects thingy personally :)03:19
jjesseyou mean there is stuff in ubuntu that i'm missing by having kubuntu?03:20
Jucatowell, specifically the restricted manager03:20
crimsunwell, since 7.10 will likely be the last to feature KDE 3.x, I'll definitely have a PyKDE frontend for the ALSA tool03:20
Hobbseecrimsun: heh03:20
HobbseeJucato: this is true, yes.03:21
ScottKjjesse: You're missing not have to worry about deciding all the settings you can make the way you want in KDE, but not Gnome.03:21
JucatoI don't know what went behind that restricted manager app. Were Kubuntu devs left out? were there no plans to have a KDE counterpart?03:22
HobbseeJucato: basically requires someone to do the work - but i havent started poking people into doing it03:22
Jucatoah so manpower problem?03:22
jjessewhat does restricted manager do?03:23
Hobbseeof course03:23
Jucatojjesse: like automatix :)03:23
HobbseeJucato: also, the fact that beryl and co sucks on ubuntu03:23
Jucatobut at least it's official :)03:23
Hobbseeer, kubuntu03:23
Jucatoyeah, but do users ever believe us? :)03:23
Hobbseedepends.  are they forums users, or other users?03:24
Jucatowell, anyway, it seems to be a sort of common sentiment lately that Kubuntu is lagging behind Ubuntu in some areas.03:24
Jucatohehe #kubuntu users :003:24
Hobbseeforums users, particularly, seem to have the idea that there are infinite devs, etc.03:24
Hobbseejust waiting to be pushed into doing something.03:25
jjesseyou mean there aren't infinite debs?03:25
Jucatoheh I was under the same impression when I started. I mean the being pushed to do something03:25
=== Hobbsee splats jjesse
HobbseeJucato: it's kind of expected that people will push the devs into doing something, yes.  i'm no tsur ewhy03:26
Hobbseei guess in propriatory software and whatnot, they are - by a boss03:26
Jucatoyeah. the general impression is that there's "The Man" who tells devs what they should work on03:27
Hobbseei believe "it's the woman" and that's me :P03:27
Hobbseebut yeah03:27
Jucatohehe :P03:27
=== Hobbsee checks for where she wrote lots of this at UDS
Jucatoheheeh :)03:28
Jucatobtw, I thought that a sort of restricted manager would have been easier to do on Kubuntu because of adept_batch.03:28
jjessei think a lot of people think there are a ton of devs doing ubuntu work and not that many people doing kubuntu work03:28
Hobbseeah yes, i found it03:29
Jucatoyes, that's another impression03:29
Hobbseejjesse: that's true, and i think it's semi-accurate03:29
jjesseis that fixable?03:29
Jucatodidn't sabdfl once said that he was planning on getting/hiring more KDE devs?03:29
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jjessehmm the "ubuntu desktop qa engineer" should work with the other gnome developers :(03:31
Hobbseejjesse: sure.  with people doing the work :P03:34
=== Hobbsee cant talk for mark, etc.
=== Jucato feels so helpless...
ScottKJucato: Don't feel helpless.  Do what you can do and let others worry the rest until you can do more.03:36
Jucatoheh unfortunately the most I can do is think and poke :P03:37
HobbseeJucato: i wonder if you'd have the skills to port the restricted manager to qt403:37
JucatoI don't even have qt skills yet :/03:37
Jucatothis is the disadvantage of self-study... no fixed time-table03:37
Hobbseemay be a good project to learn on.  *shrug*03:37
=== Hobbsee should stop being jetlagged, and actually do something
Jucatoheh I'm also quite undecided whether I should study Qt3/KDE3 first or Qt4/KDE4 :/03:39
crimsundepends.  Qt3 & KDE3 aren't going to disappear.03:40
HobbseeJucato: i'm going with teh latter03:40
Hobbseebecause all the *3 stuff will need porting03:40
Jucatoyeah. and there are more docs for Qt3/KDE3, while KDE4 is still a moving target03:40
JucatoHobbsee: hm.. won't that requrie knowing *3 stuff as well? :D03:41
Hobbseewlel, yeah03:41
crimsunI would keep in mind that there will be 4 Kubuntu releases shipping with KDE3 by the time 7.10 has been out a couple weeks.03:41
crimsun[unless of course 7.10 will ditch KDE3 utterly] 03:42
Jucatothat would probably be impossible...03:42
JucatoI dont' think we'll be able to ship with KDE 4 by default until 8.1003:43
crimsunI don't anticipate it occurring, either, but I'm obviously not a Kubuntu dev.03:43
Jucatothat is, if 8.04 will be an LTS03:43
Hobbseei cant see how we'd *not* ship kde4 by default in 8.04, even with a lts, especially if 4.1 was out, due to bugfixing not going into kde 3.5*03:43
crimsunit will be.03:43
Hobbsee8.04 is the lts03:43
Hobbseehowever, i believe you can run qt3 stuff in qt403:44
JucatoHobbsee: iirc Riddell mentioned that he didn't want KDE 4 on an LTS release03:44
Hobbseethis is true03:44
Hobbseebut i dont think that obsoleting oneself is terribly smart either03:45
crimsunit'll be nice to finally settle back and use KDE instead of having to fix stuff.03:45
Hobbseei think we'd have to wait and see just how buggy, etc, it is03:45
JucatoI thought we would be releasing separate packages/CD's for KDE4?03:45
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ScottKJucato: So while you learn also work on bug triaging and other stuff you can do.  That's still a very useful contribution.04:01
JucatoScottK: I try to do user support in between studying C++ :)04:02
ScottKThat's also good.  More power to you.  I couldn't take it.04:02
jjesseor you can just pretend to do cdocumentation04:02
Jucatojjesse: oh I pretended already :)04:02
Jucatohehe I got my name in KDE's user guide lol04:03
jjessethat's better then i do04:03
jjessei just have my name on a little book04:03
Jucatonah. that's the only place where I got my name in :)04:03
jjesseand some kubuntu docs :()04:03
Jucatowell, I indirectly got into the Kubuntu docs as well... through a link :)04:03
jjessewell you could get directly into the kubuntu docs by helping write them :)04:05
Jucatoyeah well... I tried... (CustomizeKubuntu)04:05
Jucatomaybe writing isn't really my forte... or maybe it is and I'm just lazy :P04:05
jjesseits not an easy thing to do04:06
Jucatono kidding :)04:06
Jucato1) you really need to know the app. 2) you need to know how to explain things correctly. 3) you need to know the doc style/guidelines :)04:07
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jjesseits even worse when you are learning the doc whil you are documenting it04:13
JucatoI was lucky someone from KDE was kind enough to markup my plain text doc for me :)04:14
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yuriyoh, so there isn't anybody yet planning on working on the restricted manager? :-\04:40
yuriymaybe i should give that a shot instead of the ltsp manager?04:41
=== yuriy hasn't gotten around to trying edubuntu yet
=== jonathan_ [n=jonathan@adsl-75-37-101-105.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:nixternal] : Adios Espania! | Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge! | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
nixternaljjesse: nice to see that Chicago domain name there :)05:45
nixternaltomorrow when I get off of the train, I will come right up the steps onto Adams, so you can wait right there05:45
jjessenixternal: hopefully i'll be back again then :)05:45
nixternalif you go into Union, you will go nuts, that place is crazy05:46
jjessenext week it will be an ann arbor domain and then it will be omaha, followed by ohio05:46
jjesseyeah any crazier then termini roma05:47
jjessethat's the main terminal for rome05:47
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Hobbseehi all09:33
=== Jucato waves
Jucatoquite amusing that I can still chat and wave even with a fever09:33
Hobbseetrue that09:34
Hobbseeuseful, though09:34
Jucatoheh! imagine when I get my laptop's wireless card fixed and when I buy a router... I'll be chatting even in bed :P09:35
Jucatomy laptop being a frying pan doesn't help, though...09:35
Hobbseeas long as it doesnt burn you, yes...09:36
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_StefanS_Riddell: ping?11:25
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hey ;)11:33
_StefanS_Tonio_: the man I needed :)11:33
_StefanS_Tonio_: I hacked the knm gui to have LEAP in there, however what about n-m 0.6.5 which is required?11:34
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_StefanS_Tonio_: backend won't really run until it is upgraded :)11:35
Jucatohi Tonio_, _StefanS_! :)11:38
Riddellhi _StefanS_11:38
Jucatomoin Riddell!! :)11:39
=== Riddell on holiday this week
Jucatoyay for vacations! :)11:41
=== Lure [n=lure@external-1.hermes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_Riddell: hi, sorry for bothering you, but it was about the network-manager and bump to 0.6.5, but now Tonio_ came in, so I will just take it with him.11:42
_StefanS_Riddell: It was about the LEAP support in knm11:43
Riddellwhat's LEAP?11:43
_StefanS_Riddell: cisco's peap implementation11:43
_StefanS_Riddell: just simpler11:44
_StefanS_Riddell: than PEAP11:44
Tonio__StefanS_: we need to package last NM11:46
_StefanS_Tonio_: yep, I found a post where most is already done : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235655&page=911:47
Tonio__StefanS_: I'll have time to work on the nm part next week.... not this week11:47
_StefanS_Tonio_: Maybe I should just take that as a start perhaps11:47
Tonio__StefanS_: we'll have to package knm from svn also11:47
_StefanS_Tonio_: well thats 0.7, do we want that in feisty ?11:47
_StefanS_Tonio_: But I guess it doesn't matter, as the only thing I need is the LEAP which is available from 0.6.5 onwards11:48
Lure_StefanS_: I think LEAP went into 0.6.5, just knm (GUI part) is probably missing11:50
_StefanS_Lure: yes, thats why I just added the LEAP in the knm gui ;)11:50
_StefanS_Lure: but need the backend to support NM_LEAP for it to compile correctly11:50
Lure_StefanS_: there is discussion on knm ML about 0.2 release (soon), maybe you should check SVN and report back if it is included11:50
Lure_StefanS_: great - will you commit in KDE SVN?11:51
_StefanS_Lure: on anonsvn.kde.org it hadn't been updated for a long time11:51
_StefanS_Lure: not sure I can commit to KDE svn, but probably Riddell can help out ;)11:51
Lure_StefanS_: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-networkmanager/2007-May/000094.html11:52
_StefanS_I was just going to ask11:52
Lure_StefanS_: best is to send patch to this thread and propose it for 0.2 inclusion11:52
_StefanS_uhm right11:53
Lure_StefanS_: if it is OK by them, I can commit to SVN11:53
_StefanS_Lure: ok, I will make my changes and get back11:54
=== meduxa [n=agustin@84.Red-217-127-164.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_Lure: I guess kde.org's svn on knetworkmanager is the one to look at. It seems like there's no such thing as LEAP there, so at least we're not doing redundant work11:59
Lure_StefanS_: yep that is it11:59
Lure_StefanS_: no changes for some time....11:59
_StefanS_Lure: kinda wierd they havent added it ?? the gnome-applet has had it for a while it seems11:59
_StefanS_Lure: maybe no one has asked about it yet... (searching the archives)12:00
_StefanS_wow thats one inactive mailinglist :)12:00
Lure_StefanS_: gnome applet gets it immediately as it is base, knm is always a bit behind12:01
_StefanS_Lure: uhm right, I see your point12:01
Lure_StefanS_: the guy who did LEAP patch did the change for applet to (afair from ML discussion)12:01
_StefanS_ah :) makes sense. I will write the mailinglist about my intentions12:03
_StefanS_Lure: I wrote the mailinglist now, so maybe there will be a reply within a few days12:09
_StefanS_Lure: continuing my quest in the meantime... :)12:09
Lure_StefanS_: good12:09
_StefanS_Lure: Basically I just said its up to them if they will accept the patches, If they dont, it may inspire them to do it their own fashion12:10
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gnomefreakanyone happen to have the link to NEW query?12:17
Luregnomefreak: queue? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+queue12:32
gnomefreakLure: ty12:33
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Tonio__Riddell: pig ?04:05
Tonio__s/pig/ping :)04:05
Tonio__Riddell: what is the apt daemon/process that runs the apt-get update daily ?04:05
Tonio__or any other person in fact :) not only Riddell is allowed to respond ;)04:08
Jucato /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/15adept-periodic-update ?04:08
Tonio__Jucato: yes but which process reads this and perform the tasks ?04:09
Tonio__Jucato: I need the info for a doc04:09
Tonio__Jucato: I can't see any cron thing....04:09
Tonio__no init.d daemon....04:09
Tonio__Jucato: any idea ?04:10
Jucatosorry... that's as far as my limited knowledge goes :(04:10
_StefanS_Tonio__: I think they use the perl modules api for apt04:20
nixternalRiddell: I added Italian support information to support.php in my Kubuntu website branch04:20
Jucato_StefanS_: what was patched in the new logout dialog? ksmserver?04:21
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=== timmay [n=tima@rrcs-72-43-53-171.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
timmayHey Guys.. Is there something for kubuntu that shows like a 'my computer' with all the drives and the drive space available for each?04:35
timmayI think I found one.. sorry04:37
timmayIs there anyone here working with the Lexmark driver dev kit? I would like to help on getting the X6100 series working.04:38
ScottKtimmay: Unless there is something KDE specific about it, this is probably not the best place to ask that question.  I'd suggest subscribing to ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com and ask there.04:42
timmayScottK: k, thanks04:46
ScottKNo problem.04:46
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Tonio___StefanS_: cron.daily........... was so simple :-)04:56
=== mhb [n=mhb@64.73.broadband3.iol.cz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbgood afternoon to all you great kubuntu developers and maintainers05:00
=== _neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db443cf.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessegood morning mhb05:08
Tm_Tjjesse: I usually "work" in IRC or with people05:10
jjesseTm_T: ??05:11
Tm_Tyou asked how I work some days ago05:19
Tm_T(with cutty network that is)05:19
jjesseoh yeah05:20
jjessesorry haven't finished my coffee for the day :005:20
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manchickenTonio__: I have conquered the mad bacon disease!05:36
=== mhb [n=mhb@64.73.broadband3.iol.cz] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__manchicken: hey ;)05:38
=== marseillai_ [n=mars@AMarseille-156-1-172-42.w90-37.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
manchickenTonio__: How's your internet service?05:40
manchickenI'm in my cafe.  It's a wi-fi rollercoaster baby!05:40
Tonio__manchicken: still down05:41
manchickenCa pu.05:42
Tonio__manchicken: looks like they have hard time finding the cause05:42
Tonio__manchicken: ca pu du cul05:42
manchickenWow.  That's pretty smelly.05:42
manchickenI feel so much better.05:43
manchickenMy foot still hurts though.05:43
manchickenThe Gnash guy is trying to get me to do the Gnash KDE frontend.05:43
Tonio__manchicken: go go go !05:49
Tonio__manchicken: but do adept before :)05:49
manchickenUnless the Gnash folks want to give me a full-time job for it, I'm afraid I'm not interested.05:49
manchickenI'm a kubuntuer.05:50
fdovingTonio__: hi. did you test the safely-remove thing?06:23
Tonio__fdoving: just perfect06:24
Tonio__fdoving: just missing builddeps on your package !06:24
Tonio__fdoving: you don't use pbuilder06:25
=== marseillai_ is now known as marseillai
fdovingTonio__: of course i don't. it's alpha software and package.06:26
fdovingyou're probably the first user, if you don't count me.06:26
fdovingi'll add add some build-deps then :)06:28
fdovingif it works and you're happy with it and all :)06:28
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Tonio__fdoving: but to what I've seen, it is just perfect :)06:34
Tonio__fdoving: can't wait to have that in gutsy06:34
fdovingTonio__: good, thanks for those compliments :)06:34
Tonio__fdoving: you deserve them06:34
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_StefanS_Tonio__: hey, is that patch I submitted for ksmserver going to be out soon ?07:22
_StefanS_Tonio__: or rather, is there any update ?07:23
Hobbseehi _StefanS_07:31
_StefanS_hey hobbs07:31
Tonio___StefanS_: as I told you, I'm not available to commit anything this week07:42
Tonio__that'll be different next week07:42
_StefanS_Tonio__: sorry I missed that07:42
Tonio___StefanS_: and so is Riddell :)07:42
Tonio___StefanS_: no pb07:42
_StefanS_Tonio__: Just kinda eager to have that patch submitted.07:42
_StefanS_Tonio__: I'll just wait, and since no one it complaining I guess it is ok :)07:43
=== Hobbsee complains at _StefanS_
mhb_StefanS_: what's that patch about?07:46
mhbHobbsee: don't forget that it's nixternal's fault07:46
=== Hobbsee blames nixternal, then.
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_StefanS_mhb: the localization and various other stuff in the logout07:47
_StefanS_mhb: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/21314/07:50
nixternalit is always my fault!07:57
nixternalwhat am I getting blamed for?07:58
nixternalactually, let me rephrase that07:59
nixternalwhat aren't I getting blamed for :)07:59
nixternaljjesse: I guess I will bring my hacktop as well07:59
jjessenixternal: you don't have to, i will be comming from class where i have mine08:20
nixternalok, sounds good to me08:23
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nixternaljjesse: is your hotel on 111 w. adams?08:25
jjesseyes it is08:26
jjesse111 w. adams is the address08:26
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jjessethe address for training is 230 west monroe08:27
nixternalOK, if you get out of class at 4:30, you should have time to drop it off and then head tot he station. If I don't see you when I come up out of the station, I will start walking towards your hotel08:31
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nixternalthe train doesn't pull in until about 4:50pm anyways, and by the time I get up top, it will be about 5pm08:32
manchickenOoh, Club Quarters!08:37
manchickenThat's a nice hotel, eh?08:37
jjesseyeah it is a nice hotel08:38
manchickenIt's very simple, not over-styled.08:38
jjessemanchicken: are you from the chicago area?08:39
manchickenYeah, but I live downstate now.08:39
manchickenI stay at Club Quarters on business sometimes.08:39
nixternalhehe, I can get some of the Ubuntu Chicago city people to meet us down there08:39
=== Hobbsee__ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jjessei'm not picky :)08:41
jjessethe club quarters is fine, but parking my car is what is killing me08:41
manchickenYou don't have to let them.08:43
manchickenOr you could insist on riding with them ;)08:43
manchickenWhat I hate about that is that there's always someone who think he's entitled to a tip just because he was dumb enough to accept a job parking cars for less than minumum wage.08:43
manchickenI had some door-to-door saleslady come by the other day trying to sell me a vacuum.08:44
manchickenShe gave me this story about her boss and her quota and all this other stuff.08:44
jjessei'm paying like $36/night08:45
Hobbseeanyone remember what the package was that had the qt breakage?08:45
Hobbseemanchicken: got a bug for you to fix...08:45
manchickenjjesse: My employer pays all of that stuff.08:45
manchickenHobbsee: I don't "fix" bugs... I "create" bugs :)08:46
Hobbseemanchicken: system settings dies in gutsy08:46
jjessei expense report all that stuff08:46
manchickenHobbsee: Assign that feller to me.08:46
Hobbseemanchicken: i'll have to file it first08:46
Hobbseemmm...expenses. should do that08:46
Hobbsee(for UDS)08:46
Hobbseeoh fricking....08:47
Hobbsee6% [1 qt-x11-free-dbg 6291238/32.8MB 19%]                        87.8kB/s 16m21s08:47
Hobbseewas showing 21 misn a few seconds ago08:47
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manchickenYeah, do you have the link to the form?08:51
Hobbseeit was emailed08:52
manchickenNevermind, I've got it.08:52
jjessenixternal: i think we are working late today so i might just join you at 508:55
manchickenThere was only supper provided on the 11th, correct?08:59
manchickenMy mind is mush.08:59
Hobbseeanyone else looking into polyester?09:01
Hobbseehope not09:07
tomai'm not09:08
manchickenI wish they would have sent this form out in oocalc format.09:08
Hobbseeapparently they didnt, because they're sending it to banks afterwrads09:09
manchickenAh, but that can't be why.09:19
manchickenBecause we have to sign them.09:19
Hobbseei'm wondering how though09:19
Hobbseeunless we have to fax, or wahtever09:19
=== Hobbsee doesnt know.
manchickenWe're going to have to scan them again and email or fax.09:20
=== Hobbsee would check with claire, etc, on that.
_StefanS_Hobbsee: would you know about that audiocd umount bug?09:22
nixternaljjesse: works for me :)09:22
Hobbsee_StefanS_: depends which one09:22
=== manchicken emails Claire.
Hobbseemanchicken: please CC me09:22
_StefanS_Hobbsee: well T0nio asked me if I could fix it09:22
_StefanS_Hobbsee: but never got a bug number or anything09:23
Hobbsee_StefanS_: ahh.  i'm suspecting there's more than one, and right nwo dont know which you're talking about09:23
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-049-235.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_found it: I noticed that with the latest patch for clean umount dialog by frode (kdebase / kubuntu_95_safely-remove_umount_dialog.diff), there is no way to unmount an audiocd09:24
_StefanS_(continued) the reason is that an audiocd icon on the desktop isn't using the true path, but the audiocd:/ protocol09:25
_StefanS_guess I found it myself09:25
_StefanS_I will have a look at it later on09:25
_StefanS_It wasn't fixed yet, right?09:26
Hobbseeno idea.  i guess i could test, though09:26
_StefanS_RIght just write me your results, I will be back to check it later09:27
=== _StefanS_ is watching TV
fdoving_StefanS_: that patch is to be removed.09:27
fdoving_StefanS_: and it should only add an progressdialog, i do not modify the umount process iirc.09:28
nixternaljjesse: Admiral_Chicago (Freddy) is going to be joining us for some food as well. He is going to meet me at Union. And we will walk towards your hotel if you aren't there (Union) yet09:29
nixternalhe knows the city which is good09:29
jjessenixternal: awesome09:30
fdoving_StefanS_: do you even mount audiocds, ever?09:33
=== fdoving grabs an audiocd.
nixternaljjesse: have you had any Chicago style pizza since you been here? Freddy says Giordanos right next to the Sears tower is good09:37
jjessenixternal: i haven't this trip but i've been to ginos in the past09:37
nixternalmmm ginos09:38
nixternalgiordanos is good too, just a thought09:38
jjessegiordanos is fine09:38
nixternalwe can make a decision once we are there09:38
Hobbseemanchicken: no idea how to get a decent BT from system settings falling over.09:43
Hobbseei may have the wrong debug packages, of course09:43
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manchickenThat's cool.09:45
manchickenTry compiling it manually with --enable-debug=full and then see if you can get anything from it itself.09:45
Hobbseeseeing as my gdb-foo is crap, and kcrashhandler isnt being helpful09:46
Hobbseethere's a thought09:46
Hobbseei'll deal with polyester first, i think09:46
manchickenThat's cool.09:46
manchickenWith traces, some is better than nothing.09:46
fdoving_StefanS_: it's not because of my patch, the media:/ one works. problem is that kio_media_mounthelper doesn't understand how to handle audiocd:/ urls without more information. audiocd:/?device=/dev/scd0 works. and media:/scd0 works too. need to patch kdesktop to give more information.09:46
Hobbsee[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] 09:47
Hobbsee[New Thread -1232213792 (LWP 5166)] 09:47
Hobbsee[KCrash handler] 09:47
Hobbsee#6  0x0805bd7d in ?? ()09:47
Hobbsee#7  0x08115088 in ?? ()09:47
Hobbsee#8  0x00000000 in ?? ()09:47
Hobbseemanchicken: ^ not that, though09:47
manchickenNope.  That's a lot of nothing :)09:47
manchickenQuite pretty and nicely formatted nothing, but nothing none-the-less.09:47
_StefanS_fdoving: so youre going to fix it yourself?09:50
_StefanS_fdoving: I mean that might be easier09:50
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=== rbrunhuber_ [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-000-004.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdoving_StefanS_: feel free to do it. i can try to help you if you want me to. i10:02
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@mar92-13-88-165-255-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-056-164.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_fdoving: so I'm back from watching tv :)10:45
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db444f3.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
_StefanS_fdoving: I'm hooking up my usb cdrom to check out that thing10:46
=== neversfelde [n=neversfe@nrbg-4db444f3.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mhbevening folks10:55
Hobbseehiya mhb10:56
_StefanS_fdoving: ping?10:56
_StefanS_Hobbsee: do you know if the kio_media_mounthelper was backported  from kde4 svn ?10:56
Hobbsee_StefanS_: absolutely no idea10:57
fdoving_StefanS_: ack. sorry about the delay. kid woke up and all.10:57
mhbhave you read E.A.Robinsons Top 10 Ubuntu Forum Feature Requests ?10:57
_StefanS_uhm no, it doesn't seem like it10:57
fdovingmhb: no, can you point me to it?10:57
mhbfdoving: it is on planet10:57
_StefanS_fdoving: thats ok ;) - my girl just had another tooth in the upper jaw, so its kinda noisy10:58
mhbI just wanted to say that I personally believe in asking users what they want, so I wondered if there is someone who knows about what Kubuntu folks want10:58
_StefanS_fdoving: now that we both have kids asleep; i looked at kdesktop source, and I'm not really sure where we should get the device from10:58
Hobbseemhb: got a URL?  oh, planet... /me looks10:58
fdoving_StefanS_: kdesktop/kdiconview.cc is my guess.10:59
_StefanS_fdoving: thats right.10:59
_StefanS_fdoving: I meant: I see the audiocd thing, but not sure where we could get the device name from (e.g./dev/scd0)11:00
fdoving_StefanS_: remember to apply all patches before browsing it. the errors appear in the patches.11:00
_StefanS_fdoving: uhm, ok I think they're already applied11:00
fdovingok. if you apt-get source <pkg>, they are not.11:01
fdovingso i work in a 'cdbs-edit-patch 999_hacking' env.11:01
_StefanS_fdoving: I have the source and did make -f debian/rules apply-patches11:02
fdovingok. should be good then.11:02
mhbHobbsee: the thing is, I would like to see a list for Kubuntu like that11:03
_StefanS_fdoving: btw, did you notice the KDE Daemon window not resizing height properly when inserting a cd ?11:03
fdoving_StefanS_: no, i did not. this is my first test: http://rafb.net/p/4L5Y8U76.html11:04
mhbpeople often submit bugs on LP when they feel it is critical or troublesome, but when it is a feature request they only talk about it on the forums and such11:04
_StefanS_fdoving: uhm ok, so you're sort doing trial and error on it... we should look into the code that works when the cd is inserted, it appends ?dev=/dev/scd0... there11:06
=== garcia [n=garcia@10.Red-88-0-68.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdoving_StefanS_: exactly. but the url is reset by kdesktop, which i think is what breaks eject.11:07
=== mhb pokes manchicken
=== garcia [n=garcia@10.Red-88-0-68.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Saliendo"]
_StefanS_fdoving: uhm, so it strips it out after being called.... hmmm11:08
fdoving_StefanS_: looks like that to me.11:08
=== manchicken gets a bandaid.
manchickenmhb: What's up?11:09
mhbmanchicken: just wanted to ask a little about adept11:10
mhbmanchicken: I have read the GutsyPlan which contains no UI changes11:10
mhbmanchicken: is mornfall planning to do them?11:10
manchickenThat's an excellent question.  I doubt it.11:11
mhbmanchicken: or will adept stay the same? It sure is ugly as hell nowadays :o)11:11
manchickenmhb: It's art.  You're just unappreciative ;)11:11
jjessemanchicken: are you going to be doin adept work?  i'm trying to get a doc done for gusty so we can ship one finally11:11
manchickenI'm going to be doing the version locking stuff I think.11:12
manchickenIf somebody wanted to do some UI work I could definitely mentor.11:12
mhbmanchicken: I wonder how a Picasso UI would look like11:12
manchickenBut my bandwidth is reduced even more now that my wife is pregnant.11:12
manchickenmhb: Wonder no longer.  Adept!11:12
mhbmanchicken: I would like to participate in the visual improvements of Adept, but my timetable is pretty pregnant, too11:13
mhbmanchicken: having children with Google Summer of Code is pretty time-consuming11:14
jjessemhb: are you mentoiring SoC people?11:14
mhbjjesse: nah, being one of them11:14
manchickenjjesse: Don't know what SoC is.11:14
manchickenAh, summer of code11:14
mhbjjesse: students11:14
manchickenmhb: Fun.  Good luck with that :)11:15
_StefanS_fdoving: well I found that bug about the resize while looking for device name... resize(400,400) ..11:15
fdoving_StefanS_: good. :)11:15
fdoving_StefanS_: i'm downloading build-deps..11:16
_StefanS_fdoving: uhm for pbuilder?11:16
fdovingfor debuild.11:16
fdovingbeen a while since i compiled kdebase.11:16
mhbmanchicken: there have been Adept UI reviews in the past, havent they?11:17
fdovingmhb: i belive there is even a plan on how to do the next one.. i've seen something about it somewhere.11:18
mhbjust found it11:18
manchickenI believe so.11:18
manchickenYeah, that's the fella.11:18
mhbbut that was suggested for Edgy, IIRC11:18
yuriythere's the spec, and mornfall has supposedly been slowly working on adept 3.0...11:20
ScottKIMO the #1 UI usability improvment Adept could do with is speed...11:20
yuriyit would be awesome if somebody else were to work on it for gutsy though11:20
mhbyuriy: wonder how far he is11:20
jjesseis mornfall still developing?11:21
jjesseadept that is?11:21
yuriyif only i were better at c++ :-[11:21
fdovingyuriy: only one way to improve those skills. :)11:21
yuriynot sure, but he was at some point a few months ago, but not much11:21
manchickenyuriy: Nobody's _good_ at C++11:21
yuriyfdoving: i don't think adept is that way11:21
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fdovingyuriy: why not? it's QT, qt is nice.11:22
yuriyyeah but there are certainly simpler qt applications11:22
manchickenadept isn't using as much Qt as it should be.11:22
manchickenIt's using a lot of STL.11:22
yuriywhat's stl again?11:23
mhbyuriy: or python ones :o) sorry, just having fun11:23
mhbyuriy: I always wonder how easy python-qt is11:23
yuriybut i don't think having adept be in python would help the speed complaints much :P11:24
manchickenStandard Template Library.11:24
manchickenAdept is damned fast for as much data as it handles.11:24
manchickenIt could be better, but GUI applications don't usually handle that much data that well.11:25
mhbwell, I think synaptic is a bit faster11:25
manchickenmhb: Try searching.11:25
fdovingthe auto-filter-as-you-type in the search field eats some resources.11:25
mhbI know, but if somehow feels "smoother"11:25
mhbwhich is important as well11:25
fdovingshould be a timer, like some ms after last input in the search field, execute filtering.11:26
manchickenSynaptic isn't in Python either though.11:26
Hobbseeblerg.  i keep being told to go for core dev.11:26
yuriybut synaptic doesn't have a filter, does it?11:26
yuriythat's what annoyed me about it back when i tried it11:26
jjesseHobbsee: you shoud.... who else is a core dev for kubuntu?11:26
yuriyyou have to open up a search and stuff11:26
manchickenNo filter.11:27
Hobbseejjesse: Ridd*ell, imbrand*on, tonio11:27
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:27
mhbHobbsee: of course you should go for it!11:28
manchickenWow, we have several features that Synaptic doesn't :)11:29
mhbHobbsee: we need people like you, masters in the black magic of packaging11:29
manchickenOne of them I implemented :)11:29
Hobbseemhb: heh11:29
Hobbseemanchicken: woo!11:29
mhbmanchicken: of course we do ... we are the superior ubuntu, you know11:29
manchickenmhb: Duh!11:29
manchickenThat's why there were Ubuntu T-shirts in my size, but no Kubuntu T-shirts in my size ;)11:30
=== Hobbsee didnt even go looking for one
mhbmanchicken: are you in contact with mornfall?11:31
_StefanS_fdoving: mediamanager/linuxcdpolling.cpp:585 is where the correct url comes from11:31
mhbmanchicken: hmm, so you know if there will be adept 3.0 in the near future?11:31
manchickenI tried to build it and run it during UDS.11:32
mhbmanchicken: with UI improvements?11:32
mhbmanchicken: is it on SVN?11:32
manchickenI got it to build, but it segfaults at runtime.11:32
=== mhb will try the same later
manchickenWith or without commit bit?11:32
manchickenerr, that made no sense.11:33
manchickenDo you have a KDE svn account?11:33
mhbmanchicken: yup11:33
mhbone minute, have to switch computers11:34
manchickenI hate computers.11:36
manchickenI'm gonna go be a monk.11:37
manchickenQt's addition of qobject_cast<T>(T) is nice, but annoying.11:40
ScottKmanchicken: No, too late for that.  Don't worry.  Father's of newborns don't have time to interact much with computers.11:40
manchickenIt's like, you *USED* to be able to pass compatible pointers around.11:40
manchickenNow everything's freaking explicit.11:40
manchickenScottK: Yeah, but that's not until 2008.11:40
ScottKmanchicken: Pregnant wives can be labor intensive too.11:41
ScottKmanchicken: Remember, sleep is for the weak.11:41
manchickenI prefer explicit casting, too, but this program just has so many different spots where you just need to stick a fscking cast around an argument in order to get the explicit keyword to stfu.11:41
manchickenScottK: I said that a few nights ago :)11:42
ScottKThat used to be our mantra when I was in the Navy.11:42
manchickenYeah.  Then you get sleep deprived, dehydrated, and you pass out on a marble floor.11:42
HobbseeScottK: arent all women?11:43
ScottKThere is that.11:43
=== ScottK meant in a relative sense.
ScottKmanchicken: That just means not enough coffee and water.11:43
fdoving_StefanS_: getting anywhere?11:45
_StefanS_fdoving: well yes, we need medium->deviceNode(); added to the where it creates the desktop file for the audiocd, just looking where it may be11:46
mhbmanchicken: got it11:47
mhbmanchicken: oh, how I hate configure.in.in11:47
mhbI never understood the whole automake concept11:48
manchickenNot sure if it was a concept.11:48
fdoving_StefanS_: my guess would be kdiconview.cc:44311:48
mhbmanchicken: that's why I'm coding. No trouble with packaging at all.11:48
yuriymhb: port it to KDE4 and no more automake :P11:48
mhbyuriy: adept cannot be ported at this time, AFAIK11:49
mhbor can it?11:49
mhbI'm not sure11:49
yuriyi think that depends on what your definition of can is11:49
mhbbut I'm not doing it anyway :o)11:49
mhbmanchicken: what's the correct "open sesame" for making "configure.in.in" into "configure.in" ?11:50
manchickenIsn't there a CMakeList.txt?11:50
_StefanS_fdoving: sure looks like it :)11:50
mhboh, that is there too, thank god11:50
yuriyis adept all qt?11:51
manchickenI forgot how differently KActions work in KDE4.11:52
manchickenAnd of course there's no compatibility.11:52
fdovingit's so much better now.11:53
fdovingsubclassing qaction was a smart move with everything good that brings.11:54
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mhbmanchicken: is adept still qt3/kde3?11:56
manchickenadept2.1 looks like it may be a crack at a kde4 port.11:56
manchickenWhich is good.11:56
_StefanS_fdoving: its compiling now, lets hope it does it11:58
fdoving_StefanS_: what did you add?11:59
_StefanS_fdoving: http://rafb.net/p/u33vwP74.html12:00
_StefanS_fdoving: hope it works :)12:01
_StefanS_manchicken: do you know anything about the qt4/python port of restricted drivers manager?12:01
_StefanS_manchicken: I mean, is anyone working on it ?12:02
manchickenI know we had a meeting on it.12:02
_StefanS_right.... I know that too :)12:02
manchickenI think someone did leave saying they would do it, but I don't know who.12:02
_StefanS_just wondering12:02
_StefanS_uhm ok12:02
manchickenRidd*ell would know.12:02
mhbI might know, too12:02
manchickenmhb: Showoff.12:02
mhbwho's that?12:03
_StefanS_mhb: just hitting random keys on the keyboard  :) - what do you know ?12:03
manchickenI'm not sure whether or not I like how we have to create KActionCollection actions now adays...12:03
mhbfrom what I know, I am likely to be the one coding it12:03
=== _StefanS_ really likes that konsole in kde4 actually scrolls as fast as xterm
manchicken_StefanS_: Did they sacrifice buffer length for that?12:04
yuriyi still can't install kde4.. get a 404 on the repo. must be something stupid12:04
mhb_StefanS_: is there something I can help you with then?12:05
_StefanS_manchicken: uhm dont know really, I was just paying attention to the (much wanted) scrolling speed12:05
_StefanS_mhb: well I was just wondering how far it is, and if you need any help with it?12:05
_StefanS_fdoving: seems like it got past my changes, gotta test within 5-10 minutes12:05
mhb_StefanS_: it should be a part of my SoC project12:06
_StefanS_mhb: ah nice12:06
mhb_StefanS_: and since it hasn't begun yet, I haven't started either :o)12:06
_StefanS_mhb: I see ;)12:06
_StefanS_mhb: when is SOC?12:06
mhb_StefanS_: I'm starting with gdebi-kde12:06
manchickenOkay, I'm gonna go chill w/wiffy.12:06
manchickenLater folks.12:06
mhb_StefanS_: then I'll be doing the restricted manager12:07
mhb_StefanS_: in a week or so12:07
_StefanS_mhb: ok, cant wait to see it :)12:07
_StefanS_I think Hopping Hippo... eh Busty Gibbons, ehm Gutsy Gibbon is going to be really nice with all those changes ahead12:08
mhb_StefanS_: it's gonna rock, no doubt about it12:09
=== _StefanS_ wonders when the open radeon driver is going to support firegl v5200 :(

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