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mphill | the update today seems to have broken my X11. I re-ran the nvidia installer but i keep getting the error failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist). I have the nv module in the restricted like as well. any ideas? | 12:48 |
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fignew | mphill: what version of ubuntu? | 01:31 |
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gnomefreak | fignew: hes running gutsy if he got X updates | 01:50 |
fignew | that's what I figured... just wanted to make sure :/ | 01:55 |
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DanaG | Argh, with Gutsy, all my virtual consoles are blank. | 04:48 |
DanaG | Where should I look first for a cause? | 04:49 |
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Hobbsee | DanaG: no idea, but i cant reproduce that | 04:52 |
DanaG | hmm, I have vga=792; perhaps I should try 791 instead. | 04:52 |
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DanaG | Does Splashy work, and is it worth bothering with? | 04:59 |
Hobbsee | no idea, sorry | 05:01 |
DanaG | Also, even in Feisty, my suspend recently stopped working. I think it was a BIOS update that did it -- from 72.11 to 72.14 -- look at http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/gateway_pa6_bios_7214.txt | 05:01 |
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-47-15.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
fignew | DanaG: What exactly happens when you try to suspend/resume? | 05:07 |
fignew | does it have trouble during the suspending part or the resuming part? | 05:07 |
=== bcstv [n=franklin@dpc6714288019.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | Resuming. | 05:08 |
DanaG | It shows some hard drive activity, but then freezes. | 05:09 |
fignew | does the screen ever turn back on? | 05:09 |
DanaG | For a few seconds, I'll be able to toggle my Wireless LED (it's BIOS-controlled), but soon after, it freezes. | 05:09 |
fignew | try turning on/off the LCD with the FN button on the kbd | 05:10 |
fignew | also try switching outputs | 05:10 |
DanaG | It's a super-lock -- the BIOS seems to have crashed at that point. | 05:10 |
fignew | hmm | 05:10 |
DanaG | Also, even Windows XP has issues -- I'll put the laptop into suspend-to-ram and put it in my bag, and later I'll find that it's randomly woken up on its own and frozen at the same sort of black screen. | 05:10 |
fignew | have you tried suspending it from ubuntu & suspending it with the kbd button? | 05:11 |
fignew | gah, sounds like one heck of a crappy BIOS :( | 05:11 |
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DanaG | Vista works fine. I guess Gateway broke XP to get Vista to work. | 05:12 |
DanaG | Time to try the old BIOS. I linked to the changelog earlier. | 05:12 |
DanaG | "Disable all about "in_standy" function." | 05:13 |
fignew | yea :( | 05:13 |
DanaG | Hold on, I'll have to boot Windows to flash the BIOS. | 05:14 |
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DanaG | Okay, downgrading BIOS didn't fix it, but I haven't tried without uswsusp. | 06:31 |
DanaG | Also, booting my older custom kernel with no builtin framebuffer drivers gives me all consoles. | 06:31 |
fignew_ | software suspend should be unnecessary | 06:31 |
DanaG | What I had found to work best was Suspend2. | 06:36 |
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tritium | anybody found a way to correct for overscan with nvidia drivers? | 06:48 |
=== tritium wonders how important it is for /var/lib/mythtv to be xfs... | ||
fignew | tritium: not necessary | 06:53 |
fignew | tritium: though, XFS does kick some major butt | 06:53 |
tritium | fignew: ext3 is sufficient? | 06:53 |
fignew | yes | 06:54 |
tritium | xfs is good for large files? | 06:54 |
fignew | not as fast though | 06:54 |
fignew | tritium: exactly | 06:54 |
tritium | I'm too lazy to partition | 06:54 |
tritium | fignew: thanks :) | 06:54 |
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fignew | lol, you could set XFS as / | 06:55 |
fignew | be cool like me ;) | 06:55 |
fignew | wouldn't do it on a computer without a UPS though | 06:55 |
tritium | Ah, interesting... | 06:55 |
tritium | Do you notice a big performance difference? | 06:56 |
tritium | I currently have ext3 / and /var/lib/mythtv as xfs, but I'm reinstalling. | 06:56 |
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fignew | tritium: hmmm | 06:58 |
fignew | hard to tell | 06:58 |
fignew | but benchmarks are pretty impressive :) | 06:58 |
fignew | lol | 06:58 |
tritium | Yeah, maybe I'll research a bit before I decide :) | 06:58 |
tritium | Thanks, buddy. | 06:58 |
fignew | ext3 is fine though :) | 06:59 |
tritium | I wonder what mythbuntu will be doing by default. | 06:59 |
fignew | the biggest difference if I remember correctly is delete speed | 06:59 |
fignew | not that XFS is fast at deleting stuff, ext3 is slow ;) | 06:59 |
tritium | Oh, that's no big deal to me... | 06:59 |
tritium | Well, take care. I'm shutting down... | 07:01 |
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-176-166-197.dhcp.gvrb.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | Odd, I tried to modprobe -r dock, and the kernel froze. | 07:07 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, and my iAudio6 shows up as a USB Mass Storage device even when it's in MTP mode. Why is that? | 07:07 |
DanaG | I usually use UMS mode, but I wanted to try MTP just for the heck of it. | 07:08 |
DanaG | Is there a nice easy-to-find list of new (not just updated/upgraded) packages since Feisty? | 07:10 |
RAOF | Hm, interesting question. Not that I know of. | 07:25 |
stdin | maybe on packages.ubuntu.com? | 07:28 |
DanaG | knetworkmanager: error while loading shared libraries: libnetworkstatus.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 07:29 |
RAOF | Hey, that one's *old*. You mean it hasn't been fixed yet? | 07:30 |
DanaG | Let me try force-purging and reinstalling the networkstatus package. | 07:31 |
DanaG | Nope, still missing. | 07:33 |
RAOF | It's quite possible that it *hasn't* been fixed yet :) | 07:35 |
DanaG | Oh, and what are the "linux-ubuntu-modules" and "linux-backports-modules" packages? | 07:37 |
RAOF | Well, I believe the "backport" modules are exactly what they claim to be: backports of newer drivers onto the current kernel. Obviously, they'll be empty for Gutsy, but they may start to accumulate stuff in Feisty. | 07:38 |
RAOF | No idea what the _ubuntu_ modules are, though. | 07:38 |
=== RAOF wills archive.ubuntu.com to provide more than 100Kb/sec | ||
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=== DanaG points you to http://san1.csc.calpoly.edu | ||
DanaG | if you're in USA somewhere. | 07:41 |
=== RAOF is not. | ||
DanaG | dang. | 07:41 |
crdlb | RAOF: you can't use a local mirror? | 07:41 |
RAOF | And that's an actuall mirror of archive.ubuntu.com? Because _au_.archive.ubuntu.com is perpetually out of date. | 07:41 |
DanaG | Still, any mirrors on the Internet2 thingy may be helpful. | 07:41 |
DanaG | san1 is sometimes out of date, however. I put local mirrors above officials in sources.list, so locals take priority if not out of date. | 07:42 |
RAOF | Yeah, that's where au.archive.ubuntu.com is. It's just that it's out of date :( | 07:42 |
DanaG | Right now aptitude is getting stuff from the official mirror. | 07:42 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: wont be fixed until next week. | 07:42 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: i fixed the qt gtk engine, though | 07:42 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: ^ | 07:43 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: downgrade to the feisty versoin | 07:43 |
=== DanaG points at the old "make a QT theme of Human" spec. | ||
Hobbsee | unless i decide to be brave, and look at it myself | 07:43 |
RAOF | Hobbsee: Heh. I *knew* someone kared about KDE :P | 07:43 |
Hobbsee | bah. qtcurve works. if you really want to introduce gtk to kde | 07:43 |
DanaG | me wishes he could always use the non-composite volume thingy. | 07:43 |
DanaG | I like Human-Ubuntulooks. | 07:43 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: it was a bad merge - riddell did it. it involves kdepim, which is being upgraded to 3.5.7 anyway. | 07:44 |
DanaG | Amarok is almost the only KDE app I use. | 07:44 |
Hobbsee | RAOF: so it's more complicated than at first look | 07:44 |
RAOF | Ah, fair enough. | 07:44 |
=== Hobbsee --> back in a min | ||
=== crdlb doesn't even have qt installed | ||
Hobbsee | i've fixed a few other bits of kde though, so that's a start. | 07:44 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: just downgrade networkstatus to the feisty version, and you'll have no problem | 07:45 |
DanaG | I use knetworkmanager in Gnome, because it gives useful status info that nm-applet lacks. | 07:45 |
=== RAOF 's dist-upgrade pulls in all of texlive... | ||
RAOF | DanaG: Really? Cool. Such as? | 07:46 |
DanaG | IP address, AP MAC address, signal strength. | 07:46 |
crdlb | isn't there a dialog box with that? | 07:46 |
RAOF | Um... | 07:46 |
crdlb | in nm-applet | 07:46 |
RAOF | "Connection Information" | 07:46 |
RAOF | Lists all those things. Well, except for the signal strength, because that's the tooltip of NM :) | 07:47 |
RAOF | Oh, no. Not *AP* MAC address. | 07:47 |
DanaG | Find me the path of networkstatus under here, please......: http://san1.csc.calpoly.edu/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/ | 07:48 |
DanaG | Connection info seems to be new--ish. | 07:48 |
DanaG | dang, the SAN IS out of date. http://san1.csc.calpoly.edu/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/ | 07:50 |
RAOF | But archive's sped up :) | 07:52 |
DanaG | I can't find networkstatus. | 07:53 |
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asdfj | after upgrading to the latest ATI (AMD) fglrx driver, my X server won't start, anyone know anything about it? | 08:04 |
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Hobbsee | wait for a fix? | 08:05 |
Hobbsee | it's the middle of an x transition, alst i knew | 08:05 |
asdfj | i see, anyone else have a problem or just me? | 08:05 |
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Hobbsee | unlikely just you | 08:06 |
asdfj | alright, vesa driver works ok for now...no 3d goodness for a while | 08:07 |
=== DanaG wishes NVIDIA would release an accelerated FRAMEBUFFER driver. | ||
DanaG | Mmm, /me sets fb resolution to 80x50. | 08:07 |
DanaG | Pixels. | 08:07 |
asdfj | or ATI would release the open source driver they have been talking for a while ... | 08:08 |
DanaG | That's a quarter of 160x100, which is a quarter of 320x200, which is a quarter of 640x400, which is a quarter of 1280x800. | 08:08 |
asdfj | 80x50 - pixels or rows and columns? | 08:09 |
DanaG | Pixels. | 08:09 |
DanaG | It's fun to set it to ridiculously low resolution, and see how it scales. | 08:09 |
asdfj | and you can see it from far away as well I guess... | 08:10 |
DanaG | That requires nvidiafb, which for me only works with the nvidiafb i2c option disabled in my custom kernel. | 08:10 |
DanaG | I should take a picture of it. | 08:10 |
asdfj | how many characters can it fit per line? | 08:10 |
DanaG | Perhaps about three. | 08:11 |
DanaG | Or four. | 08:11 |
asdfj | that should be enough ;-) | 08:11 |
DanaG | I wonder why my iAudio6 shows up as USB Mass Storage even when it's in MTP mode. | 08:12 |
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DanaG | Oh, and when I was upgrading to Gutsy, I accidentally put "gusty" in my sources.list. | 08:18 |
=== DanaG predicts that will be a common issue. | ||
Hobbsee | DanaG: we had the same trouble with feisty and changelogs | 08:22 |
=== RAOF [n=chris@60-242-199-65.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
Hobbsee | DanaG: until they updated devscripts, iirc :P | 08:22 |
DanaG | heh, gusty. It inspires childish jokes. | 08:22 |
DanaG | Also, it reminds me of Breezy. | 08:23 |
=== RAOF reminds himself not to play *too* much with compiz while dist-upgrading | ||
Hobbsee | RAOF: democracyplayer is on hte merge list. do make sure you enjoy it. | 08:24 |
=== DanaG uses Beryl because the "Desktop Effects" panel is USELESS. | ||
RAOF | Learn how to use gconf-editor :P | 08:24 |
crdlb | gnome-compiz-manager is much better | 08:24 |
RAOF | And I'm not using *feisty's* compiz :P | 08:25 |
DanaG | Are you using the re-merged one? | 08:25 |
RAOF | Yup. | 08:25 |
DanaG | Beryl / Compiz have sort of gone out-of-sight, out-of-mind to me. | 08:25 |
RAOF | And actually writing some patches for it at the moment... | 08:25 |
RAOF | Hence, not a good idea to play with it *too* hard while dpkg is working :) | 08:26 |
DanaG | I still use 1.99999.whatever, because 2.0 breaks lamp + trans cube. | 08:26 |
DanaG | Deliberately. | 08:26 |
RAOF | Really? I never got in to Beryl. Except in a "why are they depleting *my* compiz development community, damnit!" | 08:26 |
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=== RAOF should really finish sentences. | ||
=== DanaG often hits enter instead of apostrophe. It | ||
DanaG | s damn annoying. | 08:28 |
crdlb | I do that all the time | 08:28 |
RAOF | Ah, awesome. Aptitude hadn't finished downloading packages when I had to kill X. | 08:28 |
=== DanaG suggests running aptitude under screen. | ||
RAOF | That'd be an excellent idea. | 08:29 |
RAOF | Hm, I seem to have broken pulseaudio somewhere. | 08:31 |
=== DanaG wishes PulseAudio had a "let go of this device so I can modprobe -r its module" option. | ||
=== RAOF uses "killall pulseaudio" as exactly that option. | ||
=== Zdra [n=zdra@138.230-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
DanaG | But then apps using it, such as Amarok, die. | 08:34 |
RAOF | Yeah. Banshee doesn't like it very much when my remote pulseaudio server disappears either. | 08:34 |
DanaG | It also needs to show streams longer -- it's pretty durn hard to move Gaim and X11-bell when they pop up for fractions of a second. | 08:35 |
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RAOF | It'd be nice if once a stream was played, it hung around indefiniately. | 08:37 |
DanaG | Oh, and if Amarok dies from PulseAudio dying, it won't start again for the rest of the session, it seems. | 08:38 |
DanaG | I oughtta file a bug on that. | 08:38 |
DanaG | Amarok: [Loader] Amarok is taking a long time to load! Perhaps something has gone wrong? | 08:39 |
DanaG | And now anything that tries to touch PulseAudio dies. | 08:42 |
RAOF | Wow, texlive takes a long time to install. | 08:46 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: does amarok even *do* pulse audio? | 08:47 |
DanaG | Xine does. | 08:47 |
Hobbsee | ah right | 08:48 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: i'd be careful what bugs you file for amarok - they're not looking at kde3 anymore | 08:48 |
Hobbsee | DanaG: and lots of stuff has already changed for kde4 | 08:48 |
DanaG | aah. | 08:49 |
DanaG | Remember the old "eft-theme.so" from the usplash-dev package? | 08:49 |
DanaG | I wish there were another nice theme like that one. | 08:49 |
DanaG | But I'm no artist. | 08:49 |
DanaG | module-alsa-source.c: *** ALSA-XRUN (capture) *** | 08:53 |
DanaG | Oh yay, I just got spammed by about 20 Gaim -- er, Pidgin, sounds. | 08:55 |
DanaG | Apparently they all accumulated in PulseAudio for over a minute. | 08:55 |
DanaG | I found a fun way of confusing PulseAudio: | 08:57 |
DanaG | Enable RTP receiver; enable sender with separate device and "loopback to local speakers" | 08:57 |
DanaG | then point an app to the RTSP sink and point the stream back into the sink. | 08:57 |
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RAOF | Would you believe it? Evolution isn't very happy running a in a hybrid 2.10/2.11 setup! | 09:25 |
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DanaG | Apparently my confusing PulseAudio really DID break it. | 09:34 |
DanaG | The way to fix it: disable the stream receiver. | 09:34 |
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Figaro | hi | 01:06 |
Figaro | need some advie on mac os x | 01:07 |
Figaro | advice | 01:07 |
Figaro | how do i do to install ubuntu on my mac | 01:07 |
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magic_ninja | !ipod | 03:52 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod | 03:52 |
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magic_ninja | !banshee | 03:54 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 03:54 |
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masquerade | I'm trying to get a package not available in any gutsy repositories but available in one for feisty to install. Is there any simple way to have apt consider feisty packages for installation? | 05:15 |
borschty | add the feisty repos | 05:16 |
masquerade | borschty, they are added | 05:17 |
masquerade | via /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if that makes any difference | 05:17 |
borschty | then install the package | 05:18 |
masquerade | if it would install, I wouldn't be here asking for help | 05:18 |
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soundray | masquerade: still here? | 05:19 |
masquerade | soundray, yes | 05:19 |
soundray | Haven't got gutsy, but I'll try to help. | 05:20 |
borschty | did you apt-get update? | 05:20 |
masquerade | I did, but I can try again to be certain | 05:20 |
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soundray | oh, I must have missed a part... | 05:21 |
masquerade | borschty, aha, lessed the apt-get update output this time and its spitting back errors on the repository. | 05:21 |
borschty | maybe a typo? | 05:22 |
masquerade | DNS isn't resolving. Bleh. | 05:22 |
borschty | host archive.ubuntu.com | 05:23 |
borschty | archive.ubuntu.com has address | 05:23 |
masquerade | I've got it, thanks though. Seems to be working now | 05:24 |
masquerade | Switched back to OpenDNS, Comcast is really upsetting me again lately | 05:24 |
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ToHellWithGA | i dunno what happend crimsun but my card is working with dmix | 11:18 |
ToHellWithGA | that m-audio card that i was fighting forever is now working flawlessly | 11:18 |
ToHellWithGA | i reinstalled feisty from the live CD that shipped to me after cleaning out all of the configuration files in my home directory and keeping just my documents | 11:18 |
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ToHellWithGA | i appreciate all your help trying to troubleshoot it back in the day, man. something yall did right in feisty (and now gutsy) has it working quite nicely | 11:19 |
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You do not have channel operator access to [#ubuntu-boot] | 11:29 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support) | 11:29 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here" | 11:30 | |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu+1: Ubuntu 7.10 will be nicknamed the "Gutsy Gibbon" | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | Do not use development versions of Ubuntu on production systems | For support for Dapper, Edgy, Feisty please join #ubuntu. | Go Ape! | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu+1): set by gnomefreak at Thu May 10 20:28:34 2007 | ||
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu+1] Please read the topic. Especially if things are broken! | 11:30 | |
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ondra | hi, I am a maintainer of a package in Debian, and I would like to write some info how to install it on ubuntu - it is in gutsy now - what is the intended way for ubuntu users to install a package from gutsy in feisty? (just adding the gutsy repository and apt-get -t gutsy install something ?) | 11:39 |
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ToHellWithGA | ondra: i don't think there is an intended way | 11:41 |
ToHellWithGA | the closest thing would be a backport | 11:41 |
ToHellWithGA | a build using the feisty toolkit on a gutsy package with proper code modifications | 11:41 |
ToHellWithGA | does that make sense at all? | 11:42 |
ondra | I thought so - yes it does make sense | 11:42 |
ondra | but it's quite a lot of work, so I'll probably wait till the release of gutsy | 11:42 |
ondra | and just tell the users to wget the deb package and wajig install. | 11:42 |
ondra | because the apt-get -t gutsy could trigger a lot of packages to upgrade | 11:43 |
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Hobbsee | ondra: they could do that, but it could break dependancies | 11:48 |
Hobbsee | ondra: assuming hte package works fine in feisty, without changes, you can just request a backport | 11:48 |
ToHellWithGA | Hobbsee: how would one do that? just build it with the feisty toolchain? | 11:49 |
Hobbsee | ToHellWithGA: to check it works, then file a backport bug | 11:49 |
Hobbsee | !backport | 11:49 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 11:49 |
ToHellWithGA | cheers | 11:50 |
ondra | I see - I think the backports is the intended way | 11:51 |
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=== cyphase [n=cyphase@c-76-102-74-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1 | ||
=== RedGlow [i=mat@jericho.eliot.acaro.org] has joined #ubuntu+1 |
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